[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I only own trucks.", "I care about people.", "Christmas is not the most wonderful time of the year.", "I own many firearms.", "I'm currently on my third marriage." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My radio is usually tuned into a country station.", "I used to live in the mountains.", "I have a husband.", "I have a boat." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How are you doing today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am doing ok besides the fowl smell around me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh gosh, why is their a foul smell?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think it is from baby diapers over time and the stench lingers." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow, you should definitely throw those away" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Never mind, I thought it was my trash but it was my mom cookin fish" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I don't think fish should smell like diapers" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "They smell the same, apparently, I like to fish but the smell is different." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well that is interesting. What do you do for a living?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "In my house everything seems to smell alike. I live in tennessee." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What do you do for a job? I am a policeman" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Work in a law firm and married for 10 years." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've not had much luck with marriage. I've had 3 wives" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I understand marriage can be difficult. Do you listen to music?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm not super in to music. I enjoy collecting guns though" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I listen to charlie daniels" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I change loved one quick.", "I go to the water and use my boat.", "I help those with needs.", "My parents are in the military and I move around a lot.", "I bite my fingernails." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I enjoy a good hike.", "I handle cash.", "I don't travel.", "I need to educate myself more." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Way best the was this thought I. Quickly pretty friend a make to hoping iowas hi," }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What are your hobbies? I went hiking on a new trail last week." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Kayaking go to love I" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I would love to go to canada and hike some mountains way up north." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I was navy brat. I've been to canada" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Maybe I will go to college in canada so I can do some hiking there." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": ". I study special education" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I work at a bank as a teller" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you have any bad habits?.. Wow" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not really, how about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I fet can't enough I fingers or toenails! Chewing nail." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Where are you from, your words are hard to understand." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love to dance.", "I work at a coffee shop.", "I drive a prius.", "My mom was a hairdresser.", "My favorite color is red." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I enjoy cooking italian food.", "I'm obsessed with my dog.", "I m in my last year of grad school.", "I love trips to the beach.", "I m the world s best aunt." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My favorite thing to do is the salsa and tango.", "I work at a business that sells morning drinks.", "I have a sensible car.", "My mother was a cosmetologist.", "I prefer warm tones." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like making pasta.", "I spoil my pet.", "I'm looking for a job.", "I like to go to the ocean.", "I love my nieces and nephews." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good morning I working today at coffee shop" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Morning, do you like working there?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Awesome sauce people always comment on my hair its red my favorite color" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haven't heard awesome sauce in a while! I cant wait to graduate, almost finished!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Cool beans, I enjoying dancing it keep me together" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you like italian food at all?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Its ok. My mom always trying to do my hair she a hairdresser" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you want her to do your hair?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I drive a red prius thinking about getting another car soon" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "If I had a prius I would take it to the beach right now!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I know right its like the perfect day to go for a ride" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you live anywhere near a beach?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Not to far from one after work I'm going to take a ride" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice I hope you enjoy!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Its seem like its going to rain" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah, its pretty dreary here too. I might go visit my niece and nephew." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I work at a coffee shop.", "My hair is red.", "I enjoy dancing.", "I think Italian food is ok. My mom is a hairdresser.", "I drive a red Prius. I am thinking about buying a new car.", "I don't live far from a beach." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I can't wait to graduate, almost finished with school.", "I like the beach.", "I have a niece and nephew." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I took a ride to the beach and it was awesome!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I bet it was! Were there many people surfing there? I really need to learn it, I spend so much time at the beach and still cant even stand up haha! How is the Prius doing, I heard you had a flat after we last spoke." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I saw a few people surfing. I'm really bad at it too, no balance. I did have a flat tire but it's fine now. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Maybe we should look at the surf school we saw advertised over coffee a few weeks back? They charge for bulk lessons of 5 so I reckon we would only need one set and then we could just pick it up from there! Oh that was nice and easy then, did you take it to the garage to do it, they usually charge a bomb." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I changed it myself. That would be great to do surf lessons together. Do you have time with all your studying? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh that wasnt to bad then, just the price of the tyre! I must remember you can change tyres, I would rather pay you than a garage haha. Oh yes plenty of time this end, we are nearly finished so I have done all my exams its just a few little bits to go. Assignments that needed some changing. I so hope I pass! Maybe we should wait to see if I pass and then we can turn it into a celebration. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's perfect! I'm sure you'll pass. Yes I would surely help you if ever you suffer a flat. It's not that hard. I think everyone should know how but a lot of people don't. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is a plan then, we will arrange dates later on in the week! Well from what I see when I go there, its mainly about having the tools and not getting your fingers cut off by all the spinning machinery haha! your a brave man for doing it all." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I don't think I'm too brave. I learned when I was a teenager from my father. I don't know how to do many other automotive skills, other than check fluids but it all comes in handy. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well to be honest they are the best things to know, everything thats included in the yearly service is enough to save you lots of money. Would your Mum be able to book me in to get my hair cut next week by the way? its getting a bit out of control." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I bet she'd love to help you out. I just did the same thing last week. You'll have to give her a call and make an appointment. She'll probably give you the friends deal." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh that would be lovely! I will give her a call to get it booked in. My hair grows far to fast for my liking, it needs to slow down! How was the shop this week?" } ], "time_elapsed": " 4 hours" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I work at a coffee shop.", "My hair is red. My mom is a hairdresser.", "I enjoy dancing.", "I think Italian food is ok.", "I drive a red Prius. I am thinking about buying a new car.", "I don't live far from a beach. I like riding and beaches. I am not good at surfing and lack balance. I want to learn surfing at surf school.", "I like helping my friends.", "I do not know have many skills related to fixing cars. I had a good relation with my father who taught me how to change tires." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I can't wait to graduate, almost finished with school.", "I have a niece and nephew.", "I do not know how to surf but would like to learn surfing at a surf school. I spend a lot of time at the beach.", "I do not know how to change tires. I am scared of doing that.", "My hair growth is really fast." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "So I dropped by the surf school to learn more about the surf lessons we wanted to take together. They say we can start them next week! Will that work for you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would be awesome, thankyou so much for doing that! I'm excited! I wonder what I need to buy before we start..." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is a good question. I hadn't even thought of that. I wonder where my swimsuit spent the winter?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ha! Hiding somewhere gathering dust I'm sure. It'll feel good to hit the surf!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yup. It will. Hope the weather cooperates. I've been indoors to long, so I guess I don't care much." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Me too. Even a cold breeze feels nice. What time of day are the surf lessons? We should stay and watch the sunrise or sunset, depending on when is sooner" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'll have to double check. If memory serves its in the afternoon. We will have to wait awhile for sunset but I can live with that, easily. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "We'll see what time we finish and how we feel, I guess. Easy for me to make plans when I'm not wet and exhuasted!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Think your niece and nephew would enjoy going along?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "They might do, I'll ask. And goodness knows I wish I'd learnt to surf when I was a kid instead of now, ha!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am not the most coordinated person ever. I could have started at birth and still mess it up! Maybe they could help me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Me too! My mom used to joke that none of my limbs had ever met each other!" } ], "time_elapsed": "4 days 4 hours" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm a hippie.", "I drive a large, blue van.", "I love to recycle.", "I have two tattoos." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I want to get married again.", "I'm not going to go the extra mile anymore.", "I am angry at my coworker.", "I wish my boyfriend didn't want an open relationship.", "I have 10 years experience in our industry, yet she gets promoted." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love peace and love.", "Everyday, I get around the city in my big midnight colored vehicle.", "I hate throwing out plastic.", "I've a couple of paintings on my body." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm looking for a new spouse.", "I hate the long run.", "I do not like my job.", "I only need to be with my partner.", "I've background in my line of work, another employee got the raise." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Peace and greetings! Tell me about yourself." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hello, I'm kind of sad, things are not going well for me" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What is your problem? Maybe I can help?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm divorced, I tried too hard to keep it going." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Maybe you can find some hobbies. I like to garden, recycle, make pottery." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, please help me, by boyfriend is awful. He wants an open relationship" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm all about being open, but you have got to do you. Embrace the universe." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I agree. But, I've been ruined by coworkers, she gets promoted before me" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Maybe you need to step away from it and see where the earth takes you." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have many years over her with experience." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "As one of my tattoos says, never trust the man." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds cool, but I want to leave my job, by coworkers are awful" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You can join me. I just go where the universe takes me in my van." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think I must leave this chat too many or too little words" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to garden. I like to recycle. I like to make pottery.", "I have tattoos.", "I have a van." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Things are not going well for me.", "I'm divorced.", "I have a boyfriend who wants an open relationship.", "My coworker gets promoted before me and I'm annoyed.", "I want to leave my job." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Have your co-workers been any better today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "They are fine, I'm the one who is upset because I missed out on the promotion" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "that horrible. im sure your the one deserved it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I just wish I could have some better luck in my life right now." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "theres always the option of talking to your boss about it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "how is your garden coming along?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "good thank for asking. Soon ill be able to make a whole salad. Hows your family doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "not so great, I need to talk to my divorce lawyer about alimony" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "how are your kids dealing with all thats going on?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "surprisingly well. I don't think it has really sunk in for them yet. what kind of salads do you normally make?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "caesar salads. garden salads. you know whatever i can make" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Those sound yummy, how many years have you been gardening?" } ], "time_elapsed": "1 day" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to garden. I like to recycle. I like to make pottery.", "I have tattoos.", "I have a van.", "I have a garden. I like making salads." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm divorced. I have a boyfriend who wants an open relationship. I have kids.", "My coworker gets promoted before me and I'm annoyed.", "I want to leave my job." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I was able to harvest the rest of my garden, and I made a tasty caesar and garden salad." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds absolutely delicious! I have a giant pack of mixed spring greens in my refrigerator that I need to eat up. Did you get a lot of different vegetables? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh yeah I did. I got a lot of raddishes this year. My potatoes did not make it though." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm not very fond of radishes! They're always too peppery and sharp for me. There's just a super astringent quality I can't take. I used to dig too many potatoes as a kid, I can't stand to grow them! I prefer easier root vegetables like beets, onions, turnips, etc." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh, well I also planted some onions, and some beets, no time for turnips" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not everyone likes them! Do you have any other big plans for your produce this year? I can't wait for our local farmer's market to open. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I hope that is nice enough to grow some fruits along with my garden, like mangos, and watermelon. I wish trees could grow fast so I could have apples too." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I got some great mangoes this week at the store! They were half the price they normally are. I think if I remember correctly apples take 7 years to bear fruit. At least most of them do. I don't have much space to garden at my house." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "If you have no room outside for a garden, you could make a inside garden with strawberries, garlic and other smaller food items" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's what I've been thinking! I have three great windows that get a lot of light. I did see some container tubs at Walmart that would work great near them. They were about window height." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "If you do that, here are some more items, parsley, oregano, some Cheri tomatoes, and even some baby corn " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Are there miniature corn plants? I didn't realize there was such a thing! I'm going to have to look this up now. Thanks for your help! I'd love to grow at least some herbs and garlic for cooking. I eat a lot of garlic." } ], "time_elapsed": "1 day 3 hours" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have a lot of medical bills.", "I used to be able to run really fast.", "I m very familiar with hospitals and doctors.", "I've problems chewing my food." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I enjoy movies about aliens invading the earth.", "My favorite hobby is chess.", "Sometimes, I have sword fights with strangers in the park.", "Not a day goes by that I don t drink four mountain dews." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I just got out of the hospital so I've accumulated some debt.", "When I was younger I ran everyday.", "I work as a doctor.", "It is difficult for me to eat." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Science fiction flicks are my favorite!.", "I play board games.", "I periodically engage in fantasy battles with people I do not know in public places.", "I love soda." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey how are you tonight?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It is ok. Jacked up on 4 mountain dews a day. Haha" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Lol, I bet that costs money. Come help me pay my medical bills" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha. Chess pays the bill. Also funds my random stranger sword fights." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Lol, I've too many medical bills. I basically live in these hospitals." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That makes my heart sad. Maybe a movie about aliens will cheer you up?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Maybe. One day I just stopped being able to run fast, and forgot how to chew." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow. That's crazy. I bet you have a great smile still!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Haha I am laughing pretty hard now" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hopefully not at yourself. So what is your favorite color?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hmm, probably ocean blue. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Green and purple. It is a toss up." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Lol choose purple. What do you do for fun? Or work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am a tattoo artist for work, and for fun I play in a few metal bands." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have high medical bills.", "I have a lot of medical issues and have to go to the hospital often.", "I can not run fast and I don't know how to chew food.", "My favorite color is ocean blue." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My favorite soda is Mountain Dew.", "I play chess for money and have random sword fights with strangers.", "My favorite colors are green and purple.", "I am a tattoo artist and a musician." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I went to the hospital again. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh no! Is everything okay? Did you accidentally choke on your food again or was it something different?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "This time i was trying to catch up to a friend of mine in the supermarket, and i tripped over my feet since i was going too fast, and i fell down and hit my head badly." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh no!! Did you get a concussion? Did your friend help you out?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I got a concussion, and i was bleeding a lot, so i needed stitches as well. My medical bills are so out of control. Luckily my friend brought me to the hospital. How has work been lately?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Thank goodness you weren't alone! You should've called me. Work's been great! I won two chess tournaments so far this month. I swear, ever since the Queen's Gambit came out on Netflix everyone thinks they're a pro chess player! Have you ever played?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I know right! And thank you so much. I will remember for next time. Wow! Congratulations, that is wonderful! Haha, that is funny. I haven't had the chance to play ever, i would love it if you could teach me" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Absolutely! Once you are feeling better of course. Chess requires a lot of brain power. You should just relax for now. Any TV shows you're into?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I appreciate that a lot. And yes, you are right. I have been watching a lot of surfing shows lately. I love the color ocean blue so much, but i am scared of accidents, so i don't go myself. I just enjoy watching about it on shows." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What kind of accidents have you seen on the shows you watch? Shark accidents?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Definitely shark attacks, a lot of being engulfed by the water, slamming heads on the surf boards, drownings. It is scary stuff, but the ocean and it's color is just so beautiful. Maybe you would consider tattooing an ocean scene on my back for me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I would love to! You know, I think tattoo's in places that aren't visible to you (back for example), are better. Because in my opinion you can't really get sick of it! Do you have any tattoos?" } ], "time_elapsed": "1 day" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I had a concussion. I hit my head when I fell at the supermarket. I have high medical bills. I have a lot of medical issues and have to go to the hospital often.", "I can not run fast and I don't know how to chew food.", "My favorite color is ocean blue.", "I have never played chess.", "I have seen shows with shark accidents. I would like a tattoo." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My favorite soda is Mountain Dew.", "I play chess for money and have random sword fights with strangers. I have won chess tournaments.", "My favorite colors are green and purple.", "I am a tattoo artist and a musician." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I got a chess set today to get acquainted with." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What kind of chess set do you have? I have three or four of them. My favorite is a hand carved set a friend got me from Etsy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It's called the Chess Armory wooden chess set. I did some research and this seemed to be a good pick that's both of quality and good for novices like me. Have you heard of this set?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think I've seen it before. It was high quality for the price and not one you'd feel wore down over time like a cheap walmart or dollar store chess set." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's right. called it \"Our best “all-purpose pick” in its article called \"The Best Chess Sets for Beginners and Old Pros Alike\". I have to say that there's so much to learn in order to play chess effectively. How long have you played chess for?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've played chess since I was four. Is it the folding one that stores the pieces inside? That's a high quality set. It will last for years and it's very hard to lose the pieces. I'm old school myself, I prefer the wooden chess sets." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, it folds up and holds the board and pieces within it. Have you been raking in the dough playing chess lately?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm on a losing streak, I'm afraid! I have gotten some great money through work lately though. I had someone commission a $3500 tattoo yesterday and I'm still celebrating. Rent will be paid for months!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good for you! I don't think I can afford you to do the tattoo I've been wanting to get!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It's a huge piece. What kind of tattoo do you want? When you get them with a lot of detail or large they can be expensive. It's a full sleeve." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I wanted to get something small on my upper arm. I want to ease into the world of tattoos, since I don't have one yet. I was thinking about doing a simple tattoo of the New York Yankees logo." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Someone could do that pretty cheaply if you just want a simple logo. Do you want any modifications to the tattoo or just the current logo?" } ], "time_elapsed": "1 day 3 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I used to live in upstate new york.", "We are fans of the local football team, we have never missed a game.", "I am chasing my dream to teach ela at university.", "I appreciate the spanish culture.", "I plan to school others in speaking." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm a graphic designer.", "I immigrated to ca.", "My hubby rights books and we have a pair of twin children.", "I love to read.", "I like to read horror novels." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, are you there?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm good you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am great what do you do for fun?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hmm I read a lot is my favorite hobby" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is great what do you like to read?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Anything by stephen king what about you any hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like sports and traveling." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is awesome I was born in france and moved to canada when I was young" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's great I want to study in spain." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's awesome my husband and I would love to go there when our twins are older" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wonderful you'll enjoy it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think we would! I bet I could do a lot of art while there" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am petite.", "I want to be thinner.", "I like to go out for food because I am not a chef.", "I can not see things that are far away.", "I volunteer with dogs and cats." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have not loved.", "I'm recognized for being neat.", "I like television real late.", "I'm wildly optimistic." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi, how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am on top of the world. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That sounds amazing! I am tipping the scales!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Get it tipped, we can achieve anything that we want in life." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Thanks but no, literally, I'm a big woman. I like eating out a lot..." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ha! Ok. You ever try cooking at home? It can be good and healthy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have tried but its a lot of work... I don't know if its even worth it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Organization is the key to everthing. Then its easy. Do anything fun?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'll organize the main ingredients, both twinkies and fritos. I like dogs!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No pets for me. I love to turn on jimmy fallon daily." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I enjoy a little jimmy now and again... You know, ew! With seth rogan!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah, ll, so, can I ask you some advice, since your a girl?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, go ahead. Big girl is all ears!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "So, I have never been kissed before. And I have this new girlfriend..." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm a skilled craftsman.", "I've one pet.", "My home is on key west.", "I like to eat people." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Organic is the only way for me.", "I play the guitar.", "I can read music.", "I enjoy flying by plane." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi, I am great. Have been outside gardening. How about yourself?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm good do you garden a lot" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I love plants. Do you enjoy planting flowers or vegetables?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Both really do you eat food" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I plant veggies and use them when I am cooking." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What else do you do then" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I enjoy going to concerts with my friends. Do you like music?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah what do you listen to" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Rock mostly. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That sounds good do you have a dog" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've three dogs and love animals. Do you have pets?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've one named bob yeah" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've leo, odis and schwartz. Have you had bob a long time?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've, or you could say he found me" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My were casts offs. Has bob been with you a long time?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My brothers work with me.", "I take pride in my job managing the restaurant.", "My family is very important to me.", "I drive a nice car." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have a boxer dog.", "I like to exercise.", "I like to listen to music.", "I like baths." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have a family business.", "My management role is very important to me.", "I grew up close with my parents.", "I have a lexus." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like bigger canines.", "I workout every day.", "I enjoy my albums.", "I like to be clean." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi! How was your weekend?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It was pretty good. Bentley my boxer and I went on a lot of walks" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love walks! I worked a lot. My brother and I own a restaurant" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sounds like long hours! I take baths for relaxation, I recommend it!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Thank you for the recommendation! I like to spend time with my brother and family" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Me too. But my brother does not like my dog! Rude!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Brothers can be like that. Maybe he needs to get used to him more" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well bentley is already 7. Bentley first, brother second! Sounds like a country song" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It sure does! Drive with the windows down in your nice car to that country song" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha it does! Man I would love to run down a country road today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It is the perfect weather out for that" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It sure is. This is my favorite time playing music around a campfire!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Can we make some smores?!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I do not see why not! Just keep chocolate away from bentley" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I own a restaurant. I love walks.", "I like spending time with my family. I have a brother." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have a dog named Bentley. My dog is a 7-year-old boxer. My dog doesn't like chocolate.", "I like to take baths to relax.", "I have a brother." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I tried that bath. It was so relaxing!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "See I told you, they are soo nice and calming aren't they? I bet you felt so much better the rest of the day, I always do." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "They really are, I'll have to recommend it to my brother, he's pretty stressed with work right now! Speaking of which, how's your brother doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not to great actually, he's recently split from his girlfriend so he's not having the best of time. Truth be told I'm glad she wasn't good enough for him. He's actually stick on the look out for a job if you potentially had any openings at your restaurant? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that but it sounds like maybe it was for the best after all. Well my brother Paul is the head chef and is looking for an apprentice to take care of the kitchen so he can spend some time with his children more at the weekends, if he's interested tell him to come down!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would be great thank you so much I will let him know later this afternoon. Speaking of your restaurant how is it doing? Still thriving like the last time I went down? Still the best prawns I have ever eaten!! " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You're most welcome! It's doing pretty great! Very busy and our prawns are one of the best sellers! Hey, I'll tell you what, come down with your brother and your meal is on the house, bring Bentley also, I'm sure we can fetch a snack up for him too!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha, brilliant but I insist on paying the food is far to nice to eat for free! Have you been on any more long walks since we last spoke? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Just leave a nice tip for the chef's and they'll be most happy. Polite as always you are my friend! Well my sister lives out near the mountains north of town, we're planning a 15 mile hike up the trail, would you like to join? You always said you would like to some day." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds lovely, I'll bring Bentley to, he can't get enough of walks. I just hope I can keep up with you!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Bentley will love it, I'm sure you will be fine we take regular stops to refuel and nobody gets left behind!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds great, I look forward to it, will make sure I get my walking boots down from the attic it's been a while, haha!" } ], "time_elapsed": "6 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I own a restaurant. I love walks.", "I like spending time with my family. My brother Paul is the head chef and is looking for an apprentice to work in the kitchen.", "I have a sister. We like to hike." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have a dog named Bentley. My dog is a 7-year-old boxer. My dog doesn't like chocolate.", "I like to take baths to relax.", "I have a brother. He needs a job.", "I have not hiked in a while." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Did you reach your brother?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I actually did. Thank you for asking. I appreciate that." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "what do you do for live?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am a technical support manager at a web hosting company." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh that's nice. I am a technician at laboratory" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What kind of a lab is it? Like a medical lab or a science lab?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It's like medical lab. Like testing the blood sample." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow that is really cool. I assume you had to go to college for that right?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes you are right. Sometimes we have a lot assignment when completing the test. That's are very difficult." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I had to go to college for my job as well. I graduated with a computer science degree." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh nice to hear. I have to go for work. I will catch you after sometime. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sounds good. It was great speaking to you." } ], "time_elapsed": "6 days 3 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have been researching options to get a new pet.", "I am learning how to paint.", "I'm a casual athlete.", "I've a few kids." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My laptop does not always function as quickly as I would like.", "My eyewear is so obnoxious.", "I don't like cold weather.", "I like thunder storms." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi! What do you do for living?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm a bum lol, but I love it when summer ends." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Cool! I am currently an artist and I am working on a new drawing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My fav thing to do is standing in rain." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That sounds fun! Do you exercise often?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No. My computer is soooo slow ; I wish it was faster." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I wish I was faster! I only go on walks as my exercise" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I wish I could get my glasses clean they are always dirty." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You should get windex! I have 4 children and they broke my glasses" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What a great idea! I'll try that. Naughty children...." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes! I also got a cat and he's the worst!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have 4 dogs, 3 cats, fish and chickens." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow that is a lot of pets!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, and it takes a lot of money to feed them? Do you have pets?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have an above average iq.", "I love to eat meat.", "I love the desert.", "I don t have a college degree." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My favorite drink is pepsi.", "I work as a librarian.", "Hotdogs are my favorite food.", "My weekends are filled with bird watching." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I can process information very quickly.", "Beef is my favorite food.", "I like snacks.", "I only graduated from high school." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love cola products.", "I love books so much.", "I like dogs you can eat.", "On saturdays and sundays, I spend the day in the forest with a local birding group." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello! I hear the pulled pork sandwich here is delicious." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi yes those are very good to eat" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you come here often? This is my favourite restaurant." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What is your favorite restaurant" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The nevada bbq pit, right here where we are standing!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh yeah I remember now. My favorite are hotdogs but pulled pork is good too" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Also a great choice. I just moved here, love the hot weather!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I do too. Whats your favorite drink mine is pepsi" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Gatorade! Too much pop gives me ulcers. Dropped out of school because of them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh I am sorry, people tell me to cut back all the time" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yea, harvard is so strict. Miss a week sick, and get kicked out." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's a tough school what are you majoring in" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Majoring in mathematics. No graduation, no job. So I came to casino." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Don't count the cards lol can you go back to another school" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nah. I do okay here. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm a librarian. Was nice talking to you" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "Favorite restaurant is Nevada BBQ Pit.", "I just moved here. I love hot weather.", "My favorite drink is Gatorade. I got kicked out of Harvard because of my ulcers.", "I major in mathematics. I am gambling because I have no job.", "I am not going to another school." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My favorite are hot dogs.", "I love hot weather too. My favorite drink is Pepsi.", "I am a librarian." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Can you tell me what you like about being a librarian?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well I love to read, I like the environment, and its a good solid job. Why do you ask? Are you thinking about becoming a librarian?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That does sound good! are you able to read a lot at work, or are you too busy to fit it in? I am looking for a job, i can't keep gambling. What qualifications would i need to get into it? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "We don't really have time at work to read, but I am exposed to soooooo many books each day that I have a pile at home that I need to read. I am so glad you don't want to gamble anymore. With the amount of knowledge you have and the little bit of schooling I would definitely start applying now. You could even start off volunteering to tutor mathematics during the day - a foot in?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do library's often have bulletin boards of people looking for tutors? I'm not sure if i could volunteer, with being unemployed i really need to jump into a payed position to support myself. Is the application process tough at all? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I live in a small town so it was a little easier. I would just go in person to apply and see what happens. You have a nice calm demeanor, with some charm, so I think in person would be best for you." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "but i just moved here! I don't even know where all the local libraries are! Applying in person always seems so intimidating. I always much prefer to apply online it seems that's the only way to get jobs anymore, don't you think? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh I disagree. When you met people in person a small bond is formed and they tend to look out for you. And remember that most library workers aren't completely into the social media/online mentality. The last time we spoke you were feeling a little off, the ulcers bothering you again?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "maybe you're right! I guess i'm just not used to the culture here yet. The ulcers aren't bothering me too much anymore it's just what it cost me. Dropping out of school has just been so rough and now i'm just scrambling to make ends meet. Feels like they cost me a really promising future and now for the rest of my life i'll just be trying to catch up, if that makes sense? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Completely makes sense. But you are so competent at so many things, and sooooo good with math. You have a lot of potential, you just don't feel like you do right now. Its been a rough couple of months for you. I think we should get together, I can come to you and we will spend the day getting out of our heads. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That sounds really nice! It's okay being good at maths but without that qualification to back it, up nobody is taking me seriously in the job market! Maybe trying to go back to school really would be best for me- what do you think? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think that's the best idea. You're too smart and too young not too. You really do have so much potential. I am super happy you are even considering it!" } ], "time_elapsed": " 2 hours" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My favorite restaurant is Nevada BBQ Pit.", "I just moved here. I love hot weather.", "My favorite drink is Gatorade. I got kicked out of Harvard because of my ulcers. I major in mathematics. I am gambling because I have no job. I am looking for a job.", "I am not going to another school.", "I prefer to apply for work online. I would like to go back to school." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My favorite are hot dogs.", "I love hot weather too. My favorite drink is Pepsi.", "I am a librarian. I love to read. I don't read at work. I have a big backlog of books to read at home.", "I live in a small town.", "I prefer to apply for work in person." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I actually heard back from a job application! So maybe applying online does work after all?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's fantastic. What type of job is it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It's for a Market Research Analyst, I'm really excited! They want to set up an interview. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's great. How familiar are you with market research analysis? Is that something that specifically excites you or are you mostly excited about having a lead on a paying job?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, I applied because i'm pretty familiar with it from when I went to school. I am mostly excited about having a lead on a paying job though!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, that's a really big step and hopefully gives you some stability. Do you think you'll also consider going back to school at some point and getting your degree, like we talked about last time?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I would like to maybe in the near future! I'm still deciding on what I would like to do with that situation. How's your job going?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh, it's same-old, same-old. Books come in, books go out. But that's a good thing. When things are normal and uneventful at the library, that means things are going well and that's what I like. I'm not finding much time to get to my big stack of books that I want to read though." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well that's good then! Maybe you'll find sometime soon to read. I understand that though, I feel like I would never have time to pick up a good book!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think I need to pick a short one and get through it. That might help me get some momentum and start the habit. But a lot of the books I want to read are long, so maybe I'm subconsciously intimidated to start them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah that's a good idea! Start with something short enough to get through. Once you get started you'll fly through that stack!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think I saw a pretty short one the other day. Fahrenheit 451. It's more of a novella than a full novel, it seems. I sort of can't believe I've never read it but maybe now is the perfect time." } ], "time_elapsed": "5 days 2 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm large.", "I am all skin and bones.", "I used to run track in high school.", "My digits are large.", "I am allergic to shellfish." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm socially favorable.", "I got straight as in school.", "My folks are no longer married." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi, how are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hello, I am well. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Not too bad. Browsing seriouseats for shrimp free gumbo recipes." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yum! My dad used to make that." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm allergic to shrimp but I love cajun food. Wheres your family from?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "We lived in the gulf coast before my parents divorced." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Ah. My folks are still together. Sounds like a great place to get seafood." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It is. Are you still in school?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yep, college. Trying to find some high calorie eating for wrestling. Kind of skinny, so, gumbo." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love school and hanging out with friends." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I haven't made a lot of friends yet, not a real looker." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I tend to study a lot, so I need to get out." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I hear that. What do you go out to do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Mainly, barre and dance class." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Dance classes sound fun, maybe I should try them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You really should!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've got to get going. Nice talking to you!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Same here. Bye" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "At age 57, I can be classified as a mature female.", "I speed sometimes, sometimes at dangerous speeds.", "I ride bikes with my friends.", "Sometimes I get angry.", "My body is a canvas." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm very crafty.", "I want a new haircut.", "I raise my own fruit.", "I like smelly fruit.", "I believe in magic." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Is anybody there? Hello!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hello, how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My feet hurt. I been riding my hog all day, with the other bikers" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I understand, been working in my garden, there are some good looking vegetables coming in." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yum! I'm a vegetable lover too! I've a tomato, eggplant and onion tattoo... Maybe ten more!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Really? A tattoo? My favorite veggie is an onion..." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah. You can get a lot of juice out of one onion." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You can. What other interests do you have aside from riding your bike?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I go into the ring with gloves on. I always win! How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like researching crystals and collecting them. They are useful for different things, specifically their powers" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I heard about quartz. Is that pink?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Rose quartz is. It promotes nurturing and is used for bonding." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I don't have that. Maybe I should get one might help me catch a man" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It could! I'm happy just sewing my own clothes and my other hobbies." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sweet! I drove like over 200 miles an hour today on my bike." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow, that's insanely fast. Are you a risk taker?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I attended an ivy league college.", "I like italian cuisine.", "I am a goal keeper on the my team.", "There are two other people in my family." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My father has a job on an oil rig.", "I like music.", "I save lives.", "I enjoy seeing new places." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi, I work on beach as a lifeguard, my father works offshore I saved his life everyday." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow what a rewarding job. I am a soccer player professionally." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you play for that rogue soccer team chainsmokers? I hear they are super good" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No I do not I graduated from stanford, so I play out here." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh I am in love with the chainsmokers, I love traveling as well I've been to stanford" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'd love to travel more with my wife but our 4 year old makes it hard" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You should maybe give the baby to an orphanage and take you wife traveling" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Haha we adopted our kid from a orphanage so I think we will keep him" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh no refunds then? That's lame." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Haha exactly gotta get our moneys worth" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'd make the little sucker work in the basement untill he gets a letter from hogwarts" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I role my scooter to school.", "My spectacles have adhesive between them.", "I just got a new computer and there is already a problem.", "I enjoy being creative." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My favorite animal is domesticated but isn't a cat.", "I'm going to france soon.", "I only have a single sibling.", "I am a pharmacist.", "I'm from california." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi, how are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm good, how are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am alright, a little upset my new laptop has a bad battery" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds bad. I do not know much about laptops. I work with medicine." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh that is super cool! I write short stories" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is amazing! Do you write any about dogs? Maybe labradors or retrievers?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yea! I love dogs. I'm actually in college and I ride my bike to class." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Lucky. I live in san francisco and its too dangerous for that." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh wow I'm actually from san francisco haha. Pretty cool city." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It is, but it gets way too crowded. I want to go to paris." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, I'd love to visit. Anyways, it was great talking to you. Have a good day!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice talking to you, too" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love the water.", "I work in a hospital.", "I am employed at a huge medical facility.", "My house is very big." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have graduated high school.", "I like to talk.", "I like to toss around the pig skin.", "I work out." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, I just got back from work. What are you up to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Just studying and getting ready for the gym. Where are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am in seattle. I like to be near water. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "At college in new york. I like the water too, but prefer the gridiron." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you like boating? I love it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It is ok. I like football more, especially my school team." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It sounds like you are much younger. Married yet?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No way. I am still in school. How old are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm 38. Married, have 2 kids, but hardly ever see them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's not good. Children need deep lasting relationships. Where are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm at home. I agree, kids need their parents. But my work schedule..." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love football, but I still love my kids. Go home." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You have kids? How many?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "One. She's two, and the light of my life. Do you work out?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I worked in my parents cafe.", "Each month I help out at the homeless shelter.", "I work regular hours just like the guy next to me.", "I never hope to stop working no matter how old I become." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I move around a lot.", "I like to spend time in the kitchen.", "I've been at the er forever.", "My spouse is a businessmen." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm volunteering at a soup kitchen today. What are you going to do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love to cook, so I'll be doing a lot of that." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "So do I. My family had a restaurant during my childhood." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I worked as a nurse for a long time, so cooking is a nice change." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What kinds of food do you like to cook?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Mostly italian stuff. I like making homemade pastas." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I enjoy that as well. It is also delicious." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Agreed. My husband sells stuff and came across a pasta maker sale. I bought it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I make mine by hand." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It is hard work. Very tiring I think." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes but it is fun to do." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It is very fun. Anything that involves cooking is." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I don't enjoy chopping veggies." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "And eating them is fun too haha. They bring out a lot of flavor while cooking." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like to roast veggies." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is yummy too. We grill a lot of our." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love to visit thrift stores and find items from the late 1800s.", "I like the blues.", "I enjoy romance.", "I have a huge collection.", "I decorate my home with particular things." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I've gone across the ocean.", "I'm a local celebrity.", "I like to dress in old clothes.", "I enjoy creating small movies." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi hows it going how are you" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Doing good. I just got done with a great civil war reenactment this weekend." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow sounds like my love for victorian things" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh cool. Have you ever been over to england? I love to travel the world." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yea I've. I get dolls from there" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Awesome. What do you do with your dolls?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love having mini tea parties with them" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh fun. I bet they would be great in a short stop motion film." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yea they go great with my antiques" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Has your collecting ever gotten you on the local news? I've been on 6 times" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yea I have. That is amazing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Awesome. Sounds like we have have a lot in common. What else you like?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I recently left the university.", "I love living in california.", "I believe in love at first sight.", "My emotions are always easy to discern." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "People say I am a force if nature.", "I have a hard time moving on.", "I still have a flip phone.", "I'm employed with a tv crew making educational material." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi there, how are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am alone. What about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm sorry. I'm here for you now. Some say I'm a hopeless romantic." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm going to have to hurry my computer is giving me problems." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am sorry. Did I scare you? I wear my heart openly on my sleeve" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, I think I would be the one to scar you." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Why is that? Cannot be worse than me dropping out of college a month ago" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I lived in a remote area when I worked for the discovery channel." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Where was it? I live in my foreign car a little bit outside of la" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It was in a remote area. I am not romantic at all. More on the savage side." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I can make that work. I'm sure I could sweep yo off your feet" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Can I bite you it helps me get my anger out." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow. I've never had anyone ask me that before" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I apologize. People say I'm like a savage." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I enjoy watching animated films.", "I'm a student at the university.", "My parents are very patient with me.", "I like hardcore music." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I won sports games when I was younger.", "I am a competitive swimmer.", "I like to rock.", "I like to be in the kitchen.", "I do laps all the time." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi. Vera died and I like college and cartoons. You sing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No I do not sing, but I swim, and have a lot of childhood trophies" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Death metal music is the bomb. You ever tasted bat meat? Just asking." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No and don't care too. I sing, but only when nobody hears me" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Great! You still at home living? I'm." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I use to cook all the time but not as much any more with busy schedule." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I see. I have a pet bird. Winne the coo. You have any pets?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have no pets but I do love to have one. My apartment does not allow it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You there? Are you a student in college? I am. Did you know vera?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No not a student, I am a graduate and work in finance" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hmmm. Move back home, I did. Did you know vera?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Who is this vera you speak of?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "She used to work here. I just got death metal greatest hits. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's cool where is it that you work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Bugs, smurfs, marvel I love all them toons. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Me too, at times but mostly whatever is on tv I watch." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to toss around the pig skin.", "I like to talk.", "I have graduated high school.", "I work out.", "I take care of my body." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to be organized.", "I've twin boys.", "I'm always tired.", "I go to mcdonalds a lot." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi what do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I don't have a lot of energy, I stay at home with my kids." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I see. I go to the university. You like to stay home?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah. I just take care of the kids and clean all day." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you enjoy working out? I do" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I've to work out because I eat fast food a lot lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I also enjoy a good diet. I can help with that" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I need it. Do you work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No because I'm a college athlete, football" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh that is cool. I like athletes." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Thank you. Do you like people?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I'm a people person. Do you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes I am also a people person. What else do you like?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Anything fun really. What about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am always in the mood for fun" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Same here. I love to party as well" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My dad worked with money.", "I moonlight as a banker.", "I finished school.", "I'm from the north." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I play the trumpet in grade time.", "I really like to get into a song to see how it is put together.", "I will be attending college in a state south of west virgina.", "I'm in my last year of education.", "I have multiple male siblings." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How are you doing today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am doing good, and you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am doing great. Where did you grow up?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I grew up in kentucky, planning to go to the university here soon" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What are you going to study?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Music production. A great interest of mine. Been in band all 4 years of high school" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What kind of instrument do you play" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I play drums. Still a senior in high school" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That sounds fun. Do you do gigs?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, sometimes with my 2 brothers" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That would be really fun." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What do you do for fun?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like to count money" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you collect coins for fun? Wish I had enough money to count haha" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My dad used to be at the bank." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What else do you do for fun?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to make blankets.", "I have a boring job.", "I like to buy things.", "I have a lot of ink." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I prefer meat products of the cow variety.", "I enjoy being outside.", "I love my knee highs." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi there, how are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hello! I'm doing well. How are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am doing okay ; I just got home from work actually" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is exciting. Where do you work at?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do office work, it isn't too exciting" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I see I see. Office work can be very boring." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, it is. I am pretty into knitting though" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What all can you knit?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hats, scarves, gloves, whatever seems fun" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds fun. I want to learn how to make boots." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'd rather go shopping for boots. I love shopping" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Shopping is fun. Do you like going to malls to shop?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am very self conscious.", "I spend a lot of time on my looks.", "My appearance matters when I am out and about.", "I only buy things on the internet." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "All I wear in camo.", "Water and the sky are pleasing to my eyes.", "My mom teaches music.", "As a kid I lived in southern united states." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi! I just got back from shopping. How are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow, I was just online shopping, looking for a blue dress." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love shopping online! You need to always look good when you are out and about!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've a piano recital to attend, one of my mothers former students." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Since people like to take pictures of my outfits, I need to stay on trend." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Why are there people taking pictures of your outfits? Modeling?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That will be a great way to show off your online shopping treasures." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, the recital is soon though. Whats your favorite new trend?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well, I am just fabulous so people like to chat with me about my style." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is great. You do not see a lot of that here in texas where I live." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm loving the new fall collections from fashion week in nyc." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'd love to be more trendy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Go out and enjoy the world, you'll find style to inspire you!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Mostly when I go out its to hunt. I wear a lot of camo." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You can draw inspiration from nature!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Great idea, I like the way you think. Very outside the box." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "Making memories with my loved ones is a big priority for me.", "I like group activities.", "I work in sales.", "Sadly, I reside far away from my mom and dad and siblings." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like going to concerts.", "I do not like long vehicles.", "I was orphaned at a young age.", "I like the small stuff.", "I don't go a full week of employment without a break." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello! How are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm doing okay, its the one year anniversary of my parents death" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Www. I'm sorry to hear that." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Its okay, we have come to terms with the loss. How are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm good. That makes me want to spend more time with my own family." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What hobbies do you enjoy?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like playing sports with my friends. I also love concerts. Country mostly. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love music, I listen to it almost constantly!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What kind? Music is a great thing!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Classic rock! Any of the little things in life are what bring me joy" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My family loves rock! They live across the country from me. Don't see em much." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is unfortunate. If you visit them, I recommend not taking the bus. Its the worst" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I really cannot stand the bus so I do not think I'd take it haha." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I refused to take the bus as well. Trains are much better" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I cook for a living.", "I love to see things grow.", "Everyone loves my lemon meringue.", "I like the open road." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I've not been lit.", "I am an introvert.", "I've been dating my significant other for a long time.", "In the south studying the earth and rocks can be a career." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hello, I am alright and yourself?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I just got done cooking" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What did you make? Do you cook alot?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I made some nice lasagna I work as chef" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh that's great. My girlfriend does all the cooking. Do you have a big family?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do not do you" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, I do not. I keep to myself mostly." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you ever travel then" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not at the moment, I am pretty busy with school." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What do you want to school as" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm studying to be a geologist." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow that must rock ha" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It is pretty interesting, what else do you do besides cook?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am in my garden often" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds relaxing, do you grow flowers or food?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love being outside.", "I don't do well in school.", "I dream about moving abroad someday.", "I enjoy club beats." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "When I hit manhood I left home.", "I'm social.", "I like a full meal at the start of the morning.", "I enjoy loud music." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I wish I knew what it was like living in england." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What city are you from?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I live in los angeles. I wish I was closer to nature." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I used to live in ny but my parents moved to cali" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do love the music scene here though, electronic music is my jam." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Have you ever been to a rock concert? They are the best" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "A few. But I need to stop partying. I am not doing the best in school." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love eating breakfast for all my meals,,,, eggs and bacon" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Have you ever had a full english breakfast?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No I've not, what is that?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Its sausage, beans, tomatoes, eggs and some thing else I can't think of." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Org that sounds so good" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've had it once or twice when I went to visit." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What part did you go to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "To london a few times and visited cambridge." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You are so lucky. I wish" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to exercise.", "I work at mcdonalds.", "I try to avoid driving short distances when able.", "I love my lavender t shirt." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like the open road.", "I like cameras.", "I love to see things grow.", "Everyone loves my lemon meringue." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello. How are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm doing ok, how about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am a little tired. Every night, I walk three hours home from work." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh my goodness, don't you have a car?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No. I cannot afford a car. I work in a fast food restaurant." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's a shame, do you have access to public transportation" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No. No public transportation where I live." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Man that stinks. Do you have time for any hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes. I'm currently looking for classes that are nearby. Krav maga classes." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds like fun. I like to take photos" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's cool! I love wearing purple. That would look awesome in pictures." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes it would, especially this time of year with the fall colors" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Absolutely. Fall is my favorite time of year." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Me too, I really like baking pies and its perfect for that" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes!!! Don't forget the pumpkin spice!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Of course! Could never forget that" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am passionate about creating high end fried potatoes.", "I bike to work each day.", "I work at a spanish fast food restaurant studying friend food.", "With or without you is my favorite song!." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I don't like mexican food.", "I love the water.", "I have no hair.", "I have no job." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm good, and you? My name is kim and I like swimming, but hat tacos." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Whats bad about tacos huh?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Don't like meat. Do you have long hair? I'm bald." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do not. Where do you work" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've not worked in ages. What about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I work for del taco. Huoh." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha, no way. I did not mean to knock tacos." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah I am the leader of the fry division tho" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Cool. Too bad I dislike tacos, I will never taste yours." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My goal in life is to make the perfect french fry" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is some goal my friend." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah its a constant pursuit really" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well, I think that you should make a more challenging goal." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well if its so easy you do it then" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I can make a mean french fry ; I enjoy cooking." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like soothing images.", "I have hobbies.", "Death is a great way to show respect to people.", "I like westerns." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My father flies for delta.", "I like doing my face.", "You can find me on the internet.", "I named my vehicle pig since it is that color." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm fine, making a few youtube videos, I'm a makeup specialist." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Cool! What are your favorite colors? Mine are yellow and teal." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love pink, pink everywhere!!! My car too!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I also do make up, as a mortician." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh wow how is that going for you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It is ok somewhat creepy at times lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I can imagine, ever though about doing youtube videos about it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've not maybe I should!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Its not a bad look, after 10, 000 views you can get paid to make videos" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow really! I never knew that! I may start then." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I do it to make a little cash on the side." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good idea! Do you have any collections? Mine is stamps." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not really I stick to make up lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Cool any favorite movies? Mine is dirty harry." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like dirty harry too, clint is the man!!" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to get tattoos.", "Other people live with me.", "My mom and dad are education workers.", "I'm a barista.", "My siblings and I've the same taste in music." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am a nurse in the emergency room.", "I enjoy perceiving nonsense stories.", "I currently attend school at a local junior higher education institution.", "I eat a lot of carbs." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi, do you live alone or with roommates?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi, I live alone. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have three people living with me, its so noisy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I can imagine, you probably cannot wait to go to work every day. Where do you work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I work at starbucks serving coffee to people" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you meet interesting people at work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, a good variety of people come in" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What is your favorite drink from that menu?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like the green tea frappe since the color matches my hair" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You have green hair? That's awesome!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, and I also have eyebrow piercing. Haha" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you go to school also?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I really enjoy italian cuisine.", "My parents are famous.", "I listen to music often.", "I'd love to be a professional athlete." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have several baby pets.", "Bicycle riding is a favorite hobby if mine.", "I don't believe in god.", "I like to work out." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good evening. How are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am well my personal trainer is crazy lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Aren't they all lol. I've been using my workout game lately" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am well my personal trainer is crazy lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "So what are you up to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "We rode the bike for 2 hours oh my gosh" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow that is really really intense" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yea I walk with my dogs some days also" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've a pit bull that I walk." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "About to start fasting for religious reasons." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am not very religious unfortunately." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes it can be intense but I love em" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I come from the south.", "I'm a violinist.", "I've a sweet tooth.", "I'd like ot have a couple of children.", "I do not have a great voice." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I don't like to get dressed up.", "I have never met most of the people I have on my social media page.", "I don't have roommates.", "I do not own a car.", "I am distant." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, my name is judy. Whats your name?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hey there, my dad is getting married again that stuff makes me so uncomfortable" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Ew I bet! Does he need a violinist for the wedding? I can play" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I do not even like his family this is weird." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I could sing to you if it will help. Although, I'm not very good at it lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Probably I will find out, add me on fb I've 4, 000 friends" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Any from georgia? That is where I'm from. I might know your friends!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm crazy I like to hitchhike omao" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well I want not one, but two kids! And chocolate, all of it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes some are from there I don't even talk to my family lol ugh" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Family is overrated. What did you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ll I like a little chocolate also.." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Chocolate is the best. It never disappoints, unlike family." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I didn't do anything they always begging" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I use an evidence based approach to thought.", "I am employed online.", "I stay up to date on cutting edge technology.", "I am uncool." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My moms pulls teeth at work.", "I participate in a sport using a racket and ball.", "I'm employees in the baking industry.", "I love those nerdy and funny television shows." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My first best christmas gift as a kid was an atari 800 computer!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow, so long ago. I am a baker that also likes to play tennis." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I enjoy video games more than sports." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you like going to dentist? My mom is one." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm looking for a good dentist. I take care of my hygiene." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Whats your favorite tv show? Mine silicon valley." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love that show! Do you like movies, too?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like movies a lot whats your fav movie?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Star wars, of course! How about your favorite star wars character?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Red of course! And yours?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You stole my favorite character! It was nice talking to you!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Same here, take care." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm an arts and crafts person.", "I've just completed my education.", "I'm my own boss.", "I can not seem to gain employment.", "The outcome is good." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to eat greasy things.", "I've a identical sibling, jane.", "My child cannot see.", "I fly a lot." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good evening, I have been having a terrible time finding a job out there" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well, I know southwest is hiring. I am a pilot there." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "If only I could fly a plane lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You sound like my son, he wants to be a pilot but was born blind." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Awww sorry to hear that, hope he copes well with it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "He is a good sport about it. What do you do for fun?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like to attend state fairs in the summer and swim" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love fairs, they have the best fried chicken!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The best fried everything under the sun lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is true. My twin sister jessica used to work at one." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "They sell even fried twinkies at the fair" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That does not seem very healthy. Haha. I'll have to go to one soon." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love big corn dogs too lol! Definitely artery clogging lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well the fried chicken is my favorite but I know that isn't healthy either." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I flip burgers at mickey dees for a living.", "I still am staying with my mom and dad.", "I'm a teen.", "I can't wait to drive." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I go to mcdonalds a lot.", "I have twin boys.", "I love to go to the cinema.", "I like to be organized.", "I'm always tired." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi there how is work" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I don't work these days, I stay at home with my kids. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Mcdonalds is where I work" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh wow! Mcdonalds is one of my favorite restaurants." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am you g I guess. 18 only" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not sure what you mean, can you get into many movies at your age?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Still with my parents though" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh that stinks, you should watch movies at home though, it is a lot of fun." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm trying to save to buy my first car" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well try working hard. At your age you should have plenty of energy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh, I feel like I am always busy" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Try to make money out of a hobby you love like cleaning for me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "And drains my energy maybe never get used to it yet" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've trouble with my energy too. I've heard exercising may help." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am a proud mother of a beautiful girl.", "I am a midget.", "I'm a fantastic person in the kitchen.", "I work in sales.", "I am lactose intolerant." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to spend time in the wilderness with those I love.", "Both of my sons are so cute.", "I like the bib.", "When I've free time I enjoy equestrian activities." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, I've a daughter who is in kindergarten." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I wish I had a daughter, I am a boy mom. They're beautiful boys though still lucky" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How old is your son? I've a 9 year old son as well." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Twin 9 year olds! They love justin bieber and have convinced me to favor him also haha" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh my. Twins are so cute." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "They're indeed. We go camping a lot, like every month. One of their phases" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My son goes to basketball lesson and karate class." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My boys chose horseback riding instead. We go whenever we can" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's nice being out there with animal in the nature." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, maybe you should come some time" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My daughter is very active. She's in gymnastic." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "How old is you daughter?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "She's 5 years old who does car wheel at home everyday." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds really cute! Oh I wish I had a daughter too" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It was nice talking to you. You have a wonderful day" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You have a wonderful day too!" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I don't like to be out with nothing around me.", "I've a high voice.", "In my youth I could spell competitively.", "I'm an expert at making food.", "I made it to printed words." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "People call me a ginger.", "I spend a lot of my time at the mall where I work at dillards.", "I do not eat meat or anything made from animals.", "I love living close to the water." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi. How are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am doing well. Just got back from an awesome walk on the beach." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh. I'm terrified of wide open spaces. But that sounds nice." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love the feeling of the wind in my red hair" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "So what are your hobbies? I love to cook. I am a gourmet chef." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love nature and finding awesome vegan restaurants. We are both foodies!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Org! Yes lol. I was actually published in the new yorker." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is excellent. My retail store salary does not always let me have the finest food, but I try!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That just means you have to be creative, which is more fun." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "And I am certainly creative! Where do you work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I work for a restaurant, but I prefer cooking at home. Do you sing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I sing in the shower, but that is the limit! I am not very good." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Perfect pitch is what my friends say I have, but I disagree." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow! That is impressive. Do you sing with a choir?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My mom stays upstairs.", "I like to grow things.", "I enjoy walking my canine friend.", "I own a pet reptile.", "I love to make thai food for my friends." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'd like to be employed.", "I admire people who write books.", "When I was a kid I wore eyeglasses.", "I grew up in a library.", "I like the tone of cash." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello! How are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hello I'm good. Waiting at the library for my mom." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow! My mom works at the library! Small world." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh really? That's interesting. I'm trying to get into publishing myself" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's crazy! Me too! I love authors and have always wanted their autographs." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow me too. My favorite author is cassandra clare. Who is yours" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like to read john grisham books." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like him too." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love reading but hated wearing glasses when I was younger." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I used to as well but now I wear contacts usually" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Me too. They're more comfortable." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I had a pair of glasses with green frames when I was younger" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Let me guess, green is your favorite color too?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Lol yep it is" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]