2 values
11 values
13 values
Current Experience
breakup with partner
My partner and I decided to part ways due to cheating and I have completely lost trust in any MEN out there now. I feel super helpless and need some advice and support.
{ "seeker": { "empathy": "5", "final_emotion_intensity": "2", "initial_emotion_intensity": "4", "relevance": "4" }, "supporter": { "relevance": "5" } }
[ { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "Hello, how are you?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Can somebody help cheer me up? I'm super sad I just can't believe something like this would happen during the holiday season" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "I can most certianly help! What has happened?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "A week ago, my boyfriends friend told me that she had saw him with another girl and I freaked out so I reached out to him and he said that it wasn't true and he had lied about it" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Restatement or Paraphrasing", "text": "Oh honey I am so sorry to hear that! Hearing that he was with another girl can be very painful." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "so, my boyfriends friend sent me a picture as proof to show me and he was touching her booty and kissing her I just can't believe he would do something like that to me" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "You deserve so much better than someone who is willing to lie to you & go behind your back." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I know but I just can't get it out of my head that my boyfriend has been unfaithful have you had this experience before?" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "You are a strong, beautiful, intelligent woman dont let his unfaithfulness be a reflection of you. This indescrestion only shows his shallow personality to which you deserve better!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "how should I move forward with life?" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Self-disclosure", "text": "Yes i have had the misfortune of experiencing a cheating boyfriend. I left him and to my surprise i met my amazing husband soon after dumping my cheating ex." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Maybe the next one will be better? Maybe I will be able to meet the ONE? I just don't know anymore..." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Reflection of feelings", "text": "Move forward with your head held high & be grateful for the bullet you dodged. Imagine had you not found out and you married him and the found him having an affair! He did you a favor & now you can truly thrive as the wonderful person you are!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "That's a good way to look at it, it would be more messy if I had never found out I feel a little better now, thanks for your help" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Providing Suggestions", "text": "Very good, Now you wipe your tears girl and get back out there like he never exsited. Move on like you never he knew who he was & you will find how much life has to offer!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I do hope I will find that person one day I will stay positive and optimistic" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "You will my dear, just keep an open mind and an open heart add in the positive vibes and the right man will find you. You've got a beautiful outlook and good things are bound to come your way! Great job!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Thanks for all of your positive vibes and help on here, I feel much better than 20 minutes ago. Didn't know where to go or how to turn to. Thanks again! Have a happy holiday with your friends and family and stay safe! You are a great friend to talk to." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "You are very welcome & I am so happy that I was able to help you! You got this girl! You as well!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I believe this ends out conversation and I will click finish and Quit I meant to say ends our*" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "Sounds Great!" } ]
Nope, I liked it all
The other person seems to take a very long time to respond back
I loved it
allow free responses
Current Experience
ongoing depression
My husband and I constantly argue about discipline of our kids.
{ "seeker": { "empathy": "5", "final_emotion_intensity": "3", "initial_emotion_intensity": "4", "relevance": "5" }, "supporter": { "relevance": "5" } }
[ { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "Hi there, how are you doing today?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I am feeling really down." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Restatement or Paraphrasing", "text": "I'm sorry to hear you're feeling that way, what has you feeling this way?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "My husband and I have 4 kids. One of those children is a child from his previous marriage. We constantly argue about how he favors that child over our other 3." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "Oh no, that's not good. Do the other kids see it as well?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "2 of the children are younger so they do not realize it but the other child is older and definitely notices." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "Does your husband realize that the other child notices it and how it hurts them?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I have told him but he is in denial of the whole situation." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Reflection of feelings", "text": "Why do you think he favors that child? Is that child only with you part-time that he feels he needs to make the most of that time?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "The child is with us every other week and maybe that is why he treats him differently but my husband knows that it is causing problems in our relationship and refuses to change those behaviors. I just do not know what to do anymore." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Providing Suggestions", "text": "Is there someone that's close to both of you that you could talk to, that way they can help him see that it's very apparent that he's treating him different?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I suppose I could talk to his mother. But, I have reservations because I feel like she will side with him since it his her son." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Self-disclosure", "text": "Very true, and it would likely be better with someone no quite so close to the situation. But you also don't have to attack him to her, just lay out the facts. I understand the frustration, it's hard to see your kids hurting or feeling like they're not enough. Is this the biggest issue you guys are dealing with in your marriage? Or is it just another thing you're not getting along on?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "That is very true. This is our main issue. I suppose I need to find someone who is close to us both but not necessarily a family member." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "Someone who has seen you interacting as a family and maybe has noticed it as well." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Yes, that is a good idea. Thank you for all of your help. It makes me feel a little better just telling someone about the issue." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "Sometimes just getting it off of your chest is all you need to reset. I'm glad that helped and I wish you luck in finding a solution." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Very true. Thank you, have a wonderful day!" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "You too, stay safe!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Thank you" } ]
I thought this was a very enjoyable task and actually felt some sort of relief after it ended.
None, I think everything went well.
How easy it was to talk through things
Current Experience
breakup with partner
i just broke up with my girlfriend last week. I found her cheating
{ "seeker": { "empathy": "3", "final_emotion_intensity": "3", "initial_emotion_intensity": "4", "relevance": "4" }, "supporter": { "relevance": "5" } }
[ { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Hello" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "Hello" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "How are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "I am pretty good. How are you?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I'm pretty miserable. It's been a rough week" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "What is going on?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I ended things with my girlfriend last week." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "I am sorry to hear that, what caused you to wan to end things?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Things have been pretty rough for the last few years. I found out she was hanging out with her ex and she lied about it The kicker is that we live together and her family is planning on coming to stay with us for xmas. they already have their flights booked and now are trying to cancel" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Restatement or Paraphrasing", "text": "So from what I am hearing, you ended things with your girlfriend because she was talking to her ex and lying to you about it and you are feeling upset about it." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "yeah, plus our relationship has been rocky for the past year. I think we are just loosing interest in eachother" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Self-disclosure", "text": "I understand your situation completely. I had a recent ex that I lived with who also was talking to her ex and hanging out with him and lying to me about it." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "what did you do about it?" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Providing Suggestions", "text": "The first thing I did was had a conversation to try and see why she was talking to her ex and lying to me about it. Trying to get closure is very helpful." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "yes, i could see that. We have discussed and decided to end things. Like I said, her family was planning on staying with us for xmas, so now it feels like we ruined xmas for everyone" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "I know this is definitely a rough situation, but I am sure you can make it through it!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Yes it's just been a crummy year. I'm looking forward to being done with it" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "I can understand that! I think it has been a rough year for everyone!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "i agree, i just hope her family doesn't come out. She still needs to move out but I'm hoping her family doesn't come out to help her move. Or at least gives me a heads up so i can stay in a hotel while she moves out" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Reflection of feelings", "text": "I can understand your anxiety over that." } ]
Seeker was great
Great website, great task
Current Experience
problems with friends
I messed up, my girl friend got pregnant two months to my wedding with my fianc茅e wedding
{ "seeker": { "empathy": "5", "final_emotion_intensity": "4", "initial_emotion_intensity": "5", "relevance": "5" }, "supporter": { "relevance": "4" } }
[ { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "hello" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "hi" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Restatement or Paraphrasing", "text": "how are you today" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I'm in a big mess" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Restatement or Paraphrasing", "text": "ok tell me about it" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I am not fine , I tried to persuade the girl to abort the pregnancy but she refused" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Restatement or Paraphrasing", "text": "that is a hard position to be in." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "my wedding should be first week of JANUARY , I just said I should fuck this girl and release her as I am about to settle down. I dont know that it will turn to pregnancy" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "are you saying that the woman you are marrying is not the woman who is pregnant?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "now she informed my parent about the pregnancy and my fiancee is still keep on preparing for the wedding, never know that someone has got pregnant for husband to be yes just a friend my parent said I should inform my wife by myself , it is a big shame, she will never agree to go to the altar with again" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "Do you think you should tell your fianc茅?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "ah , it is painful very difficult to open my mouth and tell her such" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "What do you think you will do. Tell your finance or not tell your fiance. she will be your wife. this is important for her to know?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I wish to tell her, but I am scared oooooo that girl is a bitch" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Self-disclosure", "text": "Every man would be scared in your situation. This is a fact. But some with tell and some will not." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "So, what should I do, I am ashamed of myself, that is the fact. I will not want my marriage to scatter neither fucking loose her for that fucking bitch" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "I cannot tell you what to do. I can tell you that you will make vows to your wife, to be honest and faithful. You have to decide if you want to lie or tell the truth neither is wrong or right" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "mmmh I will have to tell her thanks .....I AM DOWN ...CRYING MOOD BYE" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Reflection of feelings", "text": "I think you are making a good step towards a healthy marriage good luck" } ]
Current Experience
ongoing depression
My depression is getting worse and worse due to this pandemic. I feel like things will turn for the worse in my life.
{ "seeker": { "empathy": "5", "final_emotion_intensity": "2", "initial_emotion_intensity": "5", "relevance": "5" }, "supporter": { "relevance": "5" } }
[ { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Hi, how are you doing today?" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "Are you there?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Yes I am. How are you?" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "I am okay and yourself?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Not so good these days." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Self-disclosure", "text": "I have had a lot of bad days in the past talking it out with friends helped me get through it." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "That's good to hear, though I don't have any friends. Now I feel even more depressed." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "How long has this been going on?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "My depression? 3 years unfortunately." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "That is really upsetting to hear. But I think that you can get better." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I doubt it." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Self-disclosure", "text": "After I had my daughter I had severe depression and thought that there was no way out, I went to the hospital and they referred me to a psychiatrist so I could get help." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Good to hear that you're doing good. I am taking medication for my depression currently." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Self-disclosure", "text": "I can say that it didn't get better over night, it took years of medication adjustments and a great therapist to get me through since I also did not have friends at the time and an unsupportive family." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Thanks for the positive vibes. I am trying to do activities to past the time. Like reading." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "Reading is a great coping skill. What are some of your favorite things to read about?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Mainly self improvement books. Any genre suggestions?" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Providing Suggestions", "text": "I recently read a study that suggested that reading fiction may lead to inceased empathy and this increased empathy help the reader basically pay it forward by being more willing to do good deads." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Good to know. I will definitely check it out. Any title recommendation?" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Providing Suggestions", "text": "The study suggests that the story be upbeat and be very discriptive of positive messages. I would avoid sad stories." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Thanks for everything." } ]
Partner was positive.
I liked that the seeker played along and stayed on topic.
The site worked well. I like how it shows when the other party is writing.
Current Experience
problems with friends
My friends are segregating me because of deciding to be a born again Christian
{ "seeker": { "empathy": "4", "final_emotion_intensity": "1", "initial_emotion_intensity": "4", "relevance": "5" }, "supporter": { "relevance": "5" } }
[ { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "hello" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "Hello, and how are you feeling today?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "so am having a hard time with my friends excluding me in everything because of my religious stance" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Self-disclosure", "text": "I have had a similar situation not long ago. It was hard, but once I told my friend it was bothering me, he changed his behavior. Hve you tried talking with your friend?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "i did tell them but mostly say that they feel uncomfortable cause i dont drink and do all those things" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "It's good that you stood your ground. For that you should be proud." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "i hardly have friends and the two friends i have are treating me like am no longer one of them" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "Have you considered, being more active in your religious community? It could be a great place to make friends." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "i am as active as i can be. they are friendly and supportive but right now they only ever socialize on church events or church. not really a friend i can confide in when facing hardship" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Providing Suggestions", "text": "It definitely takes time developing new friendships. Have your tired inviting someone from church to hang out, outside of church event?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "no not really. I am trying to take time to at least get used to some in church first before anything I wouldn't want an awkward silence when we are together." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "Well that's great that you're taking those first steps. I believe that in due time those friendships will blossom. Patience is key." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "but does it make me a bad person giving up on my childhood friendships should i try harder to make them see what am doing" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Providing Suggestions", "text": "It also sounds to me like maybe you're over worrying. Have you considered seeing a movie where you wouldn't have to worry about awkward silence? Sometimes people just move on from one another. I personally wouldn't try to make these friends see what you are doing. I think you should focus on you, and look to the future." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "yes, movies like war room and break through or a case for Christ but will they like them, what if they don't and they just come so they can be nice its hard but i guess its also true. i usually have a hard time leaving things behind but somethings just happen. Thank you for your insights" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Providing Suggestions", "text": "It doesn't hurt to ask what movie they would be interested in seeing. Maybe you can come to a mutual agreement! You're very welcome. If you need anything else just ask." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "of course your right. I worry too much about details . Thank you this has been helpful Thank you I kind of feel a bit relieved. someone telling me its okay to let go" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "I would suggest letting things happen as naturally as possible! And yes, it's okay to move on and live a life that makes YOU happy!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Thank you so much and stay blessed." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "You too!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "you have a blessed afternoon" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "Same to you!" } ]
i liked how easy it is to do the work
I enjoyed this. I consider myself a good listener, and always try to help others in my own life.
The training was a bit long and the base pay is low. I would hope that after doing the training once, you wouldn't have to repeat it each time.
Current Experience
ongoing depression
covid no work
{ "seeker": { "empathy": "5", "final_emotion_intensity": "2", "initial_emotion_intensity": "3", "relevance": "5" }, "supporter": { "relevance": "5" } }
[ { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "hello" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "Hi how are you doing today?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "stressed out, anxious , this covid life is so tough cant find any work and just struggling with money and emotionally" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "I hear you- I can definitely relate. I'm sorry to hear you are unable to find work. What type of work are you looking for?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "anything really atm and sorry to hear that its tough everywhere alot of people having a hard time def" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "Have you looked into government assistance due to covid complications? Yes, we are all in this weird boat together." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "yea they give me like 170 a week cant even cover rent and bills and to eat so on so its tough yea definitly weird times i live in a small town in vermont so only so much around, trying to get job at ski resort but no call back yet" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "well I applaud your efforts to seek out employment! Keep up the faith!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "yea im trying but its been awhile im also just so stir crazy cant watch anymore tv do the mturk here and there but hasnt been greay" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Information", "text": "you have probably seen this resource but in case you havent: benefits.gov/help/faq/Coronavirus-resources" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "ill check it out" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "Yes I understand, I live in Iowa- a bigger town but the struggles are still very real" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "thanks ah word i hear ya i was in des moises once zombie burher lol burger" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "Sounds like you are onto something with the ski resorts- sure hope something pans out oh yes! classic:)" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "thanks yea i hope they open and stay open i guess we will see sooo goood" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "anything else I can help with? truth!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "not sure haha just figured try this out" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "me too!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "so we both get paid for this right ? haha" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Reflection of feelings", "text": "hopefully:)" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "haha i hope so" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "honestly good luck with everything!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "thanks you too! eat some zombie burger for me" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Reflection of feelings", "text": "appreciate that! Take care! LOL i will:)" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "no problem and haha wish i could come back remember had one with cheese curds so goood" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Information", "text": "drive on down and over" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "haha if i had the money id love too was a nice state" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Self-disclosure", "text": "hiring might be better here than in vermont I get it- bummer" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "says i need to talk back and forth ten times for reward lol oh yea? more open there?" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "Yes, I think we met the quota!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "oh nice" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Information", "text": "Yes, the iowa governor is super right wing so she is adament about keeping business open etc" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "ah gotcha and no high cases?" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Information", "text": "So even with numbers spiking, some schools are open still, lots of restaurants and businesses still open" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "ah true , they closed down alot here to stop spread" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Information", "text": "no we still have an increase, but she won't do a lockdown or anything extreme-" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "gotvha interesting" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Information", "text": "So naturally that has helped employers stay hiring...so?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "yea makes sense but if everyone gets sick then what hha" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "very true" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "yea its wild i just wish was over" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "I understand that feeling! well hopefully we get paid;) keep your head up:) Good luck to you!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "enjoy your evening same to you" } ]
cool idea
I really had a positive experience- we both connected over our stresses with covid- very good interaction
This was a super positive experience- kudos!
Current Experience
breakup with partner
My partner broke up with me. He cheated on me.
{ "seeker": { "empathy": "4", "final_emotion_intensity": "3", "initial_emotion_intensity": "5", "relevance": "5" }, "supporter": { "relevance": "5" } }
[ { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I'm so sad My partner left me for another woman!" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Restatement or Paraphrasing", "text": "Hi, so from what I understand you are feeling sadness at this moment due to your partner leaving you for someone else." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Yes! I can't believe he did this to me" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Reflection of feelings", "text": "Just from the few messages you sent, I can tell this is really hurting you a lot." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I feel so sad. I just want to crawl into a hole and die." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Self-disclosure", "text": "I had a similar situation where my fianc茅 left me after cheating on me and getting pregnant by another man, so I understand completely what you are feeling." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "We were so in love! How could he do this to me?" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Affirmation and Reassurance", "text": "This is a really hard situation to get through, but I know that you can do this!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "How? Please tell me how? I don't feel like I could ever be happy again" }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Providing Suggestions", "text": "Whenever I am feeling upset about the situation I look at all the good things I have going for me, like my job, and my family, and my health." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I lost my job a few months ago. I do have kids though." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Reflection of feelings", "text": "From what we have talked about so far, I can see how losing your job would also make you much more anxious. I would definitely focus on making sure to spend time with your kids though! They are extremely important and they need you to be as much yourself as you can!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Yes! i have been struggling so much with losing my job! And now this. How am I going to get through this? I do need to be strong for my kids. They are so little. They don't understand what is going on." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Providing Suggestions", "text": "Yes, your kids definitely need you and they will help. I would make sure to play with them and get together and maybe watch some holiday movies or videos since it is so close to Christmas." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I will try, but it will be hard. Christmas just won't be the same this year." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Question", "text": "What are some of your favorite things to do during Christmas time?" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "I like to make ornaments with my kids, and shop for family, and wrap presents." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Providing Suggestions", "text": "I would spend time making ornaments with your kids to help get through this time!" }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "Yes. That is a great idea! Thank you." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "You are very welcome! I am glad you chatted with me today." }, { "speaker": "usr", "strategy": null, "text": "You have been so helpful. I am glad I could find someone to talk to." }, { "speaker": "sys", "strategy": "Others", "text": "I'm so happy I was able to help." } ]
My partner couldn't see me.
More personable
I liked how easy the interface was to use and my partner was very resposive.