Question: Which genus of plants has the widest habitat distribution, Phyllodoce or Dampiera? Context: and herbicide undesirable. Herbicide — Asulam (also known as Asulox) is selective for ferns; glyphosate is not; but the latter has the advantage that the effects can be seen soon after application. They are applied when the fronds are fully unfurled to ensure that the chemical is fully absorbed. Rare ferns such as adder's tongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum), killarney (Trichomanes speciosum) and lemon-scented ferns can also be found in similar habitats and it is important that these are not destroyed in the process of bracken control.Natural England recommends that only Asulam can be sprayed aerially, Glyphosate requires spot treatment, e.g. using a weedwiper or knapsack spray. The toxicity of Asulam is low and has been generally highly cost-effective but its use is now restricted by the EU after 2012, at least until specific registered uses can be defined. Selective sprays like Starane, Access, Metsulfuron 600WG, etc. work well but only if sprayed in late autumn so the rhizomes store food for winter and hence absorb the poison. On archaeological sites, chemical control is usually required as mechanical methods may cause damage. Allowing plants to grow in its place, e.g., the establishment of woodland, causes shade that inhibits bracken growth. In the UK, trees, notably rowan, have done well since grazing reduced greatly after the foot-and-mouth epidemic in 2000 but young saplings struggle in high bracken. In decades to come, tree shade cover may increase, if permitted, and so may reduce bracken growth, but this is both long-term and in some cases is contentious in the change it would bring to traditionally open heath or moorland, both aesthetically and as a valuable habitat. Burning — useful for removing the litter, but may be counter-productive as bracken is considered to be a fire-adapted species Ploughing — late in the season followed by sowing seedAny bracken control programme must be completed, or bracken will re-establish. A Bracken Control Group was established in 2012 to provide best-practice guidance for all bracken control techniques. The Group has also been responsible for submitting an application for an Emergency Authorisation to secure the continued availability of Asulam for bracken control, following the decision not to register the product under new regulations in the EU. Registration has been re-applied for but this will not be available until 2017 at the earliest. Until re-registration is approved the Group will aim to keep Asulam available under the emergency provisions. Bracken Control Facts: Answer: Phyllodoce
Question: Which genus of plants has the widest habitat distribution, Phyllodoce or Dampiera? Context: of young fruit bodies and their development to a mature stage. The spores produced by a fruit body are released when it is mature. When they land in a suitable environment, the spores germinate and the hyphae grow to initiate the life cycle anew. == Genera Incertae sedis == There are several genera classified in the Agaricales that are i) poorly known, ii) have not been subjected to DNA analysis, or iii) if analysed phylogenetically do not group with as yet named or identified families, and have not been assigned to a specific family (i.e., Incertae sedis with respect to familial placement). These include: †Aureofungus Hibbett, Manfr. Binder & Zheng Wang (2003) Brunneocorticium Sheng H.Wu (2007) Cheilophlebium Opiz & Gintl (1856) Cleistocybe Ammirati, A.D.Parker & Matheny (2007) Cribrospora Pacioni & P.Fantini (2000) Disporotrichum (anamorph) Stalpers (1984) Hemistropharia Jacobsson & E. Larss. (2007) Mesophelliopsis Bat. & A.F.Vital (1957) †Palaeoagaracites Poinar & Buckley (2007) Panaeolina Maire (1933) Panaeolus (Fr.) Quél. (1872) Phlebophyllum R.Heim (1969) Plicatura Peck (1872) Sedecula Zeller (1941) Setchelliogaster Pouzar (1958) Trichocybe Vizzini (2010) == See also == List of Agaricales families Polypore == References == === Cited texts === Alexopoulos CJ, Mims CW, Blackwell M (1996). Introductory Mycology. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-52229-4. == External links == Mushroom Expert The Gilled Mushrooms ("Agaricales") Tree of Life: Agaricales Dampiera is a genus of about 70 species of flowering plants in the family Goodeniaceae, all of which are endemic to Australia. Plants in the genus Dampiera are subshrubs or herbs with sessile leaves, flowers with five small sepals and blue, violet or pink, rarely white, two-lipped flowers. == Description == Plants in the genus Dampiera are multistemmed perennial subshrubs or herbs with a rosette of leaves, the leaves simple, sessile and sometimes with tootehd edges. The flowers have five very small sepals and petals joined at the base with two "lips" with unequal lobes. The stamens form a tube around the style and are attached to the petal tube. The fruit is a nut often with parts of the flowers remaining attached, and contains a single seed. == Taxonomy == The genus Dampiera was first formally described in 1810 by Robert Brown in his Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae et Insulae Van Diemen. The genus is named for William Dampier, an English sea captain who landed on the north-west coast of Western Australia in 1688 and 1699 and collected about twenty-five Facts: Dampiera is a genus of about 70 species of flowering plants in the family Goodeniaceae, all of which are endemic to Australia. Answer: Phyllodoce
Question: Which genus of plants has the widest habitat distribution, Phyllodoce or Dampiera? Context: years study is around 46 kg per hectare, and 180 grams per cubic metre of crown. However, very little work has so far been done in terms of genotype selection.Arbutus unedo has been seen to form a mycorrhizal relationship. Inoculation with Pisolithus tinctorius has shown to greatly improve the plant's root mass, size, tolerance to drought and nutritional status.In cultivation in the UK, the form A. unedo f. rubra and the cultivar ‘Atlantic’ have gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit === Propagation === Propagation can be done via seed, layering, or cutting. The seed should undergo a one month cold stratification period, then soaked for 5 to 6 days in warm water to improve germination success. Seedlings are prone to damp, and should be cared for in the first year. Germination rate is low, rarely over 20%.Layering can take up to two years, but has a good success rate, while cutting is done with a 15–20 cm (5.9–7.9 in) long mature wood, preferably with a heel in November to December. The success rate however is not very high. == Uses == === Culinary uses === Arbutus unedo's fruits have a high content of sugars (40%), and antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, niacin, tocopherols, and organic acids that are precursors to omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (nearly 9%). They are edible fresh, but that is an uncommon consumption, especially because the mature fruit tends to bruise very easily, making transportation difficult. They are used mostly for jam, marmalades, yogurt and alcoholic beverages, such as the Portuguese medronho, a type of strong brandy. Many regions of Albania prepare the traditional drink rakia from the fruits of the plant (mare or kocimare in Albanian), hence comes the name of the drink "raki kocimareje". In order to reduce the high content of methanol in the drink, the spirit is distilled twice. The flowers are pollinated by bees, and the resulting honey is bitter tasting but still considered a delicacy. === Herbal medicine === Arbutus unedo's leaves have been employed in traditional and folk medicine in the form of a decoction having the following properties: astringent, diuretic, urinary anti-septic, antiseptic, intoxicant, rheumatism, tonic, and more recently, in the therapy of hypertension and diabetes.The leaves are reported to have a high concentration of flavonol antioxidants, especially quercitin, best extracted with a decoction, and together with the fruits are a source of Facts: Answer: Phyllodoce
Question: Which genus of plants has the widest habitat distribution, Phyllodoce or Dampiera? Context: broadly related to the society's aims and objectives. The bursaries are made available as a result of a generous legacy to the society from the estate of Kenneth Black. == References == == External links == Official Hardy Plant Society website Hardy Plant Society Facebook Page Hardy Plant Society on Twitter Reckless Gardener.com: article on the Hardy Plant Society Facts: Answer: Phyllodoce
Question: In which town was the subject of the nursery rhyme with Roud Fold Song Index number of 7622 born in? Context: Although she admitted being unable to describe the manner of singing she heard, Forten wrote that the songs "can't be sung without a full heart and a troubled spirit", conditions that have inspired countless blues songs. == Lyrics == The lyrics of early traditional blues verses probably often consisted of a single line repeated four times. It was only in the first decades of the 20th century that the most common current structure became standard: the so-called "AAB" pattern, consisting of a line sung over the four first bars, its repetition over the next four, and then a longer concluding line over the last bars. Two of the first published blues songs, "Dallas Blues" (1912) and "Saint Louis Blues" (1914), were 12-bar blues with the AAB lyric structure. W.C. Handy wrote that he adopted this convention to avoid the monotony of lines repeated three times. The lines are often sung following a pattern closer to rhythmic talk than to a melody. Early blues frequently took the form of a loose narrative. African-American singers voiced his or her "personal woes in a world of harsh reality: a lost love, the cruelty of police officers, oppression at the hands of white folk, [and] hard times". This melancholy has led to the suggestion of an Igbo origin for blues because of the reputation the Igbo had throughout plantations in the Americas for their melancholic music and outlook on life when they were enslaved.The lyrics often relate troubles experienced within African American society. For instance Blind Lemon Jefferson's "Rising High Water Blues" (1927) tells of the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927: Although the blues gained an association with misery and oppression, the lyrics could also be humorous and raunchy: Hokum blues celebrated both comedic lyrical content and a boisterous, farcical performance style. Tampa Red's classic "Tight Like That" (1928) is a sly wordplay with the double meaning of being "tight" with someone coupled with a more salacious physical familiarity. Blues songs with sexually explicit lyrics were known as dirty blues. The lyrical content became slightly simpler in postwar blues, which tended to focus on relationship woes or sexual worries. Lyrical themes that frequently appeared in prewar blues, such as economic depression, farming, devils, gambling, magic, floods and drought, were less common in postwar blues.The writer Ed Morales claimed that Yoruba mythology played a part in early blues, citing Robert Johnson's "Cross Road Blues" as Facts: Answer: Sterling
Question: In which town was the subject of the nursery rhyme with Roud Fold Song Index number of 7622 born in? Context: versions. They then speculated that if this were true, it might have a folklore meaning and pointed to the connection between shoes and fertility, perhaps exemplified by casting a shoe after a bride as she leaves for her honeymoon, or tying shoes to the departing couple's car. Archaeologist Ralph Merifield has pointed out that in Lancashire it was the custom for females who wished to conceive to try on the shoes of a woman who had just given birth.Debates over the meaning of the rhyme have largely revolved around matching the old woman with historical figures, as Peter Opie observed "for little reason other than the size of their families". Candidates include Queen Caroline, the wife of King George II (1683–1760), who had eight children, and Elizabeth Vergoose of Boston, who had six children of her own and ten stepchildren. Some evidence suggests the rhyme refers to the wife of Feodor Vassilyev of Shuya, Russia, who reportedly birthed 69 children during her lifetime (1707–c.1782).Albert Jack has proposed a political origin for the rhyme. George II was nicknamed the "old woman", because it was widely believed that Queen Caroline was the real power behind the throne. According to this explanation, the children are the Members of Parliament (MPs) that George was unable to control, the whip refers to the political office of that name – the MP whose role is to ensure that members of his party vote according to the party line – and the bed is the House of Commons, which MPs were required to attend daily. The phrase "gave them some broth without any bread" may refer to George's parsimony in the wake of the South Sea Bubble of 1721, and his attempts to restore his own and the country's finances. == Notes == == References == === Sources === Jack, Albert (2008), Pop Goes the Weasel: The Secret Meanings of Nursery Rhymes (ebook), Penguin, ISBN 978-0-14-190930-1 Merridew, Ralph (1987), The Archaeology of Ritual and Magic, Batsford, ISBN 978-0-7134-4870-2 Opie, I.; Opie, P. (1997), The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes (2nd ed.), Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-860088-6 "Mary Had a Little Lamb" is an English language nursery rhyme of nineteenth-century American origin. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 7622. == Background == The nursery rhyme was first published by the Boston publishing firm Marsh, Capen & Lyon, as a poem by Sarah Josepha Hale on Facts: It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 7622. Answer: Sterling
Question: In which town was the subject of the nursery rhyme with Roud Fold Song Index number of 7622 born in? Context: sister". In Chaucer's "Miller's Tale" (c. 1387) he refers to a prayer known as the "White Paternoster", elements of which, particularly the blessing of four parts of a house, can be seen in the later "Black Paternoster": The reference to St. Peter's sister may be a substitution for St. Peter's daughter, St. Petronilla, known in England as St. Parnell. It has been suggested that the differing colours associated with these verses may have been determined by the colour of prayer beads, with different coloured beads used to prompt the recitation of aves and paternosters.After the Reformation this "White Paternoster" was among a number of prayers and devotions that were converted into magical rhymes, becoming widely known charms. Lancashire minister John White (1570–1615) in his The Way to the True Church (1608) recorded among many "superstitions" of the inhabitants of Lancashire, a "White Paternoster": Sinclair in 1685 contrasted the "Black Paternoster" to be used at night with a "White Paternoster" to be used in the day. Anthropologist Margaret Murray suggested in her controversial 1933 book The God of the Witches that the names of the two companion verses could be interpreted as "a confused version of a Christian prayer or hymn": == Literary and musical references == John Rutter set the lyrics of the nursery rhyme for choir a cappella in the collection Five Childhood Lyrics, first performed in 1973. The "White Paternoster" was used by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807–82) as a mockery of the mass by Lucifer, described as the "Black Paternoster" in his narrative poem The Golden Legend (1851). It was also the title of a short story by Theodore Francis Powys (1875–1953) published in 1930. A four-part choir setting of the Black Paternoster text was produced by Gustav Holst (1874–1934) in early 20th-Century Britain, while contemporary countryman Henry Walford Davies (1869–1941) composed an equivalent setting of the White Paternoster. == Satires == The rhyme has often been the source of satire. One of the most common was recorded in Scotland in the 1840s as a hobby horse game among boys, with the lyrics: A version from the United States recorded in 1900 began: == See also == Saint Patrick's Breastplate == Notes == == Citations == The Sawyer Homestead was a historic house at 108 Maple Street in Sterling, Massachusetts. With an estimated construction date of 1756, the house was one of Sterling's oldest surviving structures, before it Facts: The Sawyer Homestead was a historic house at 108 Maple Street in Sterling, Massachusetts. Answer: Sterling
Question: In which town was the subject of the nursery rhyme with Roud Fold Song Index number of 7622 born in? Context: was destroyed by an arsonist in 2007. It was also notable as the birthplace of Mary Sawyer, who alleged she was the subject of the American children's nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb". The house was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2000. The Sawyer family, whose descendants still own the property, have had a reproduction of the house built on its site. == Description and history == The Sawyer Homestead is located in rural eastern Sterling, at the junction of Maple Street and Rugg Road. It is a 1-1/2 story Cape style wood frame structure, four bays wide, with an off-center interior chimney, clapboard siding, and a stone foundation. The main entrance is in the second bay from the left. A single-story gabled ell extends to the rear. The property included, prior to the rebuilding effort, an early 20th-century Federal Revival outbuilding, and a barn was located across Rugg Road. The barn was also destroyed by an arsonist, in 1979.The original house had a complex evolutionary construction history, dictated by the changing demands of the Sawyer family, who occupied the house for more than 250 years. The traditional historical claim is that the core of the house was built in 1756 by Ezra Sawyer, Jr., who died while serving in the American Revolutionary War. Sawyer's granddaughter Mary is believed to be the girl described in the nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb," attributed to Sarah Josepha Hale. Sawyers lived in the house until 1889, and owned it and the surrounding farmland for most of that time as well. The property then stood vacant and deteriorating, but remained the property of a Sawyer family trust. It was destroyed by an arsonist on August 12, 2007. The family then decided to recreate the house, beginning construction in 2008. == See also == National Register of Historic Places listings in Worcester County, Massachusetts == References == "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe" is a popular English language nursery rhyme and counting-out rhyme. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 11284. == Lyrics == A common version is given in The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes: One, two, Buckle my shoe; Three, four, Knock at the door; Five, six, Pick up sticks; Seven, eight, Lay them straight: Nine, ten, A big fat hen; Eleven, twelve, Dig and delve; Thirteen, fourteen, Maids a-courting; Fifteen, sixteen, Maids in the Facts: It was also notable as the birthplace of Mary Sawyer, who alleged she was the subject of the American children's nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb". Answer: Sterling
Question: Wendell Tucker was traded to the cowboys for what player from the University of Oklahoma? Context: State players were selected during the draft. == References == The 1964 All-Big Eight Conference football team consists of American football players chosen by various organizations for All-Big Eight Conference teams for the 1964 NCAA University Division football season. The selectors for the 1964 season included the Associated Press (AP) and the United Press International (UPI). Players selected as first-team players by both the AP and UPI are designated in bold. == Offensive selections == === Backs === Gary Lane, Missouri (AP-1, UPI-1) Gale Sayers, Kansas (AP-1, UPI-1) (College and Pro Football Halls of Fame) Kent McCloughan, Nebraska (AP-1, UPI-1) Jim Grisham, Oklahoma (AP-1, UPI-1) Bob Churchich, Nebraska (AP-2) Bobby Hohn, Nebraska (AP-2) Lance Rentzel, Oklahoma (AP-2) Walt Garrison, Oklahoma State (AP-2) === Ends === Tony Jeter, Nebraska (AP-1, UPI-1) Freeman White, Nebraska (AP-1, UPI-1) Sam Harris, Colorado (AP-2) Jim Waller, Missouri (AP-2) === Tackles === Larry Kramer, Nebraska (AP-1, UPI-1) Ralph Neely, Oklahoma (AP-1, UPI-1) Stan Irvine, Colorado (AP-2) Butch Metcalf, Oklahoma (AP-2) === Guards === Newt Burton, Oklahoma (AP-1, UPI-1) Tom Wyrostek, Missouri (AP-1) Bob Brown, Missouri (UPI-1) Carl Schreiner, Oklahoma (AP-2) Rod Cutsinger, Oklahoma State (AP-2) === Centers === Larry Sittler, Nebraska (AP-1, UPI-1) John Garrett, Oklahoma (AP-2) == Defensive selections == === Defensive ends === Jack Jacobson, Oklahoma State (AP-1, UPI-1) Bill Matan, Kansas State (AP-1, UPI-1) Rick McCurdy, Oklahoma (AP-2) Langston Coleman, Nebraska (AP-2) === Defensive tackles === John Van Sicklen, Iowa State (AP-1, UPI-1) Butch Allison, Missouri (AP-2, UPI-1) Brian Schweda, Kansas (AP-1) John Strohmeyer, Nebraska (AP-2) === Middle guards === Carl McAdams, Oklahoma (AP-1, UPI-1) Bob Mitts, Kansas State (AP-2, UPI-1) Walt Barnes, Nebraska (AP-1) === Linebackers === Mike Cox, Iowa State (AP-1, UPI-1) Steve Sidwell, Colorado (AP-2) Mike Kennedy, Nebraska (AP-2) === Defensive backs === Gus Otto, Missouri (AP-1, UPI-1) Tom Vaughn, Iowa State (AP-1, UPI-1) Gary Duff, Kansas (AP-1) Ken Boston, Missouri (AP-1) Johnny Roland, Missouri (AP-2) Ted Vactor, Nebraska (AP-2) Larry Shields, Oklahoma (AP-2) Ted Somerville, Colorado (AP-2) == Key == AP = Associated PressUPI = United Press International == See also == 1964 College Football All-America Team == References == The 1963 National Football League draft was held at the Sheraton in Chicago, Illinois, on Monday, December 3, 1962.The first overall selection was quarterback Terry Baker of Oregon State, the Heisman Trophy winner, taken by the Los Angeles Rams. The AFL draft was held two days earlier in Dallas. Facts: Answer: Thomas Lance Rentzel
Question: Wendell Tucker was traded to the cowboys for what player from the University of Oklahoma? Context: back. Wendell played college football at Humboldt State University. He played in the National Football League (NFL) for the Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos and the AFL's Kansas City Chiefs, which included the team that defeated the Minnesota Vikings in the fourth and final AFL-NFL World Championship Game. == Early years == Hayes attended McClymonds High School where he developed into an exceptional multi-sport athlete. He received All-Oakland Athletic League honors in football, basketball and track. He was also an amateur boxer. He was mentored by Earl Meneweather who became California's first High School African American Head Football Coach in 1957. He was a dominant running back in football. He played on two undefeated basketball teams, that included Paul Silas and Aaron Pointer. He moved on to Merritt College before transferring to Humboldt State University, where he played football, basketball and track. == Professional career == === Dallas Cowboys === Hayes signed as an undrafted free agent with the Dallas Cowboys in 1963. Injuries limited him to only one regular season game. He was waived on August 30, 1964. === Denver Broncos (first stint) === He signed with the Denver Broncos in 1964 but was released before the start of the season. === Oakland Raiders === The Oakland Raiders signed him to their taxi squad in 1964, before being cut in December. === Denver Broncos (second stint) === The Denver Broncos brought him back for their training camp in 1965 and surprised observers not just by making the team, but also starting in the same backfield with Cookie Gilchrist, finishing with 526 rushing yards (second on the team). In 1966, although he was undersized for the position, he was moved to fullback after Gilchrist announced his retirement and led the team in rushing with 417 yards.On January 19, 1968, he was traded along with Goldie Sellers and a player to be named later to the Kansas City Chiefs, in exchange for a third (#75-Bob Vaughan) and fourth round (#102-Drake Garrett) draft choices. === Kansas City Chiefs === Hayes was placed on the injured reserve list on October 31, 1968. He became a starter at fullback in 1970 and kept that role four years, until being relegated back to a reserve role. He was waived on April 21, 1975. == References == == External links == Broncos Feel Hayes Is Answer to Cookie and Fullback Woes The 1999 First-Year Player Draft, Major Facts: Answer: Thomas Lance Rentzel
Question: Wendell Tucker was traded to the cowboys for what player from the University of Oklahoma? Context: 17th round, 505th overall by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays Reed Johnson, 17th round, 523rd overall by the Toronto Blue Jays Ryan Raburn, 18th round, 535th overall by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, but did not sign Lyle Overbay, 18th round, 538th overall by the Arizona Diamondbacks Scott Hairston, 18th round, 549th overall by the Chicago White Sox, but did not sign Noah Lowry, 19th round, 585th overall by the Texas Rangers, but did not sign Willie Harris, 24th round, 727th overall by the Baltimore Orioles Kevin Tillman, 31st round, 941st overall by the Anaheim Angels Jason Frasor, 33rd round, 1145th overall by the Detroit Tigers Rich Harden, 38th round, 987th overall by the Seattle Mariners, but did not sign Mike Jacobs, 38th round, 1156th overall by the New York Mets Kameron Loe, 39th round, 1176th overall by the Philadelphia Phillies, but did not sign Adam LaRoche, 42nd round, 1254th overall by the Florida Marlins, but did not sign Chris Snyder, 43rd round, 1290th overall by the Seattle Mariners, but did not sign Pat Neshek, 45th round, 1337th overall by the Minnesota Twins, but did not sign === NFL players drafted === Michael Bishop, 44th round, 1328th overall by the Cleveland Indians, but did not sign == See also == Major League Baseball Major League Baseball Draft List of MLB first overall draft choices Rule 5 Draft == External links == Complete draft list from The Baseball Cube database MLB.com's section on the draft The 1957 Oklahoma State Cowboys football team represented Oklahoma State University in the 1957 NCAA University Division football season. This was the 57th year of football at OSU and the third under Cliff Speegle. The Cowboys played their home games at Lewis Field in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Oklahoma A&M officially changed its name to Oklahoma State University prior to this season, and the program competed their first season as an independent after over three decades in the Missouri Valley Conference. The Cowboys finished the season with a 6–3–1 record. == Schedule == == After the season == The 1958 NFL Draft took place on December 2, 1957 at The Warwick in Philadelphia. The following Oklahoma State player was selected during the draft. == References == Thomas Lance Rentzel (born October 14, 1943) is a former American football flanker in the National Football League (NFL) for the Minnesota Vikings, Dallas Cowboys, and Los Angeles Rams. He played college Facts: Thomas Lance Rentzel (born October 14, 1943) is a former American football flanker in the National Football League (NFL) for the Minnesota Vikings, Dallas Cowboys, and Los Angeles Rams. Answer: Thomas Lance Rentzel
Question: Wendell Tucker was traded to the cowboys for what player from the University of Oklahoma? Context: League. He spent most of his first season on the taxi squad. He appeared in 7 games as a punt return specialist. In 1968, he was a backup behind starting flanker Bernie Casey. His first meaningful performance came in the eleventh game against the New York Giants, when both Casey and Pat Studstill were injured, he had a 60-yard touchdown reception and would be used as deep threat for the rest of the season, registering a total of 7 catches for 124 yards and 4 touchdowns. In 1969, he became the starting flanker after Casey's retirement. It would prove to be his most productive season, while playing opposite wide receiver Jack Snow, he caught 38 passes for 629 yards and 7 touchdowns, including a 93 yarder against the San Francisco 49ers for the Coastal Division champion Rams. The next year, he was hampered by injuries and his numbers dropped to 12 receptions for 230 yards in 12 games. On May 19, 1971, Tucker was traded along with Billy Truax to the Dallas Cowboys in exchange for wide receiver Lance Rentzel. He finished his career with 57 receptions for 983 yards and 11 touchdowns. === Dallas Cowboys === In 1971, he was unable to regain his trademark speed because of a previous knee injury and was released on August 17. === Denver Broncos === On August 18, 1971, we was signed as a free agent by the Denver Broncos. He was released before the start of the season. === Miami Dolphins === On August 1, 1972, he was acquired by the Miami Dolphins, but was later placed on the injured reserve list on September 14. == References == The 1994 Little League World Series took place between August 22 and August 27 in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The Coquivacoa Little League of Maracaibo, Venezuela, defeated the Northridge Little League team of Northridge, California, in the championship game of the 48th Little League World Series. == Teams == == Pool play == == Elimination round == == Notable players == Matt Cassel (Northridge, California) – NFL quarterback Yusmeiro Petit (Maracaibo, Venezuela) – MLB pitcher, first player to win both the LLWS and World Series (2012 and 2014, San Francisco Giants) Guillermo Quiróz (Maracaibo, Venezuela) – MLB catcher Krissy Wendell-Pohl (Brooklyn Center, Minnesota) – Olympic hockey player; inducted to the Little League Hall of Excellence in 2004. == References == == External links == 1994 Facts: On May 19, 1971, Tucker was traded along with Billy Truax to the Dallas Cowboys in exchange for wide receiver Lance Rentzel. Answer: Thomas Lance Rentzel
Question: Wendell Tucker was traded to the cowboys for what player from the University of Oklahoma? Context: Wayback Machine Krissy Wendel at Olympics at Sports-Reference.com (archived) Krissy Wendel on Twitter The 2005 Atlantic Coast Conference Baseball Tournament was held at the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville in Jacksonville, FL from May 25 through May 29. Georgia Tech won the tournament and earned the Atlantic Coast Conference's automatic bid to the 2005 NCAA Division I Baseball Tournament. == Tournament == === Play-In Bracket === The four teams with the worst records in regular season conference play faced each other in a single elimination situation to earn the 8th spot in the conference tournament. === Main Bracket === == All-Tournament Team == (*)Denotes Unanimous Selection == See also == College World Series NCAA Division I Baseball Championship == References == TheACC.com 2005 Baseball Championship Info The 1963 NFL season was the 44th regular season of the National Football League. On April 17, NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle indefinitely suspended Green Bay Packers running back Paul Hornung and Detroit Lions defensive tackle Alex Karras for gambling on their own teams, as well as other NFL games; Hornung and Karras would miss the entire season. In addition, five other Detroit players were fined $2,000 each for placing bets on one game in which they did not participate. This was the final season for the 37-man roster; it was expanded to forty for 1964.The season ended with the Chicago Bears defeating the New York Giants at Wrigley Field in the NFL Championship Game. == Draft == The 1963 NFL Draft was held December 3, 1962, at Chicago's Sheraton Hotel & Towers. With the first pick, the Los Angeles Rams selected quarterback Terry Baker from Oregon State, the Heisman Trophy winner. == Regular season == === Effects of the JFK assassination === In Week 11 on November 24, just two days after the assassination of President Kennedy, the NFL played its normal schedule of games. League commissioner Rozelle said about playing the games: "It has been traditional in sports for athletes to perform in times of great personal tragedy. Football was Mr. Kennedy's game. He thrived on competition." Attendance at games went unaffected despite the assassination. Although the choice to play the games was protested, and Rozelle had also eventually regretted the decision, he stated that Kennedy's press secretary, Pierre Salinger, had urged him to allow the games to be played.However, the Philadelphia Eagles and the Washington Redskins had sought postponement of the games. Eventually, Facts: Answer: Thomas Lance Rentzel
Question: The 2016 Georgia Bulldogs football team played their home games at which 92,746-seat stadium? Context: a law student at Georgia. Winship played tackle that year only, but went on to become a military lawyer, a veteran of both the Spanish–American War and World War I, the Judge Advocate General of the United States Army and the Governor of Puerto Rico. == Schedule == : 165 == References == == Sources == Reed, Thomas Walter (c. 1949). "Athletics at the University from the Beginning Through 1947". History of the University of Georgia. dlg.galileo.usg.edu. pp. 3432–3438. Retrieved December 21, 2006. "Georgia Football History: Former Head Coaches". georgiadogs.com. Archived from the original on December 31, 2010. Retrieved December 15, 2012. Sanford Stadium is the on-campus playing venue for football at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, United States (also known as UGA). The 92,746-seat stadium is the tenth-largest stadium in the NCAA. Architecturally, the stadium is known for its numerous expansions over the years that have been carefully planned to fit with the existing "look" of the stadium. The view of Georgia's campus and rolling hills from the open west end-zone has led many to refer to Sanford Stadium as college football's "most beautiful on-campus stadium", while the surrounding pageantry has made it noteworthy as one of college football's "best, loudest, and most intimidating atmospheres". Games played there are said to be played "between the hedges" due to the field being surrounded by privet hedges, which have been a part of the design of the stadium since it opened in 1929. The current hedges were planted in 1996 after the originals were taken out to accommodate soccer tournament for the 1996 Summer Olympics. The stadium is the 11th largest stadium in the United States and the 17th-largest such stadium in the world. Unlike most stadiums that have artificial playing surfaces, Sanford Stadium from the outset had, and continues to have, a natural grass surface, planted with Tifton 419 Bermuda Grass. == History == The stadium is named for Dr. Steadman Vincent Sanford, an early major force behind UGA athletics. Sanford arrived at the University of Georgia as an English instructor in 1903. He later became the faculty representative to the athletics committee and would eventually become president of the University and Chancellor of the entire University System of Georgia. In 1911, he moved the university's football venue from its first location, Herty Field, to a location at the center of campus which was named Sanford Field in Facts: Sanford Stadium is the on-campus playing venue for football at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, United States (also known as UGA). The 92,746-seat stadium is the tenth-largest stadium in the NCAA. Answer: Sanford Stadium
Question: The 2016 Georgia Bulldogs football team played their home games at which 92,746-seat stadium? Context: University of Georgia. dlg.galileo.usg.edu. p. 3493. Retrieved December 21, 2006. "Alabama All-Time Vs Georgia". prideofthetide.com. 2006. Retrieved January 3, 2007. == References == The 2016 Georgia Bulldogs football team represented the University of Georgia in the 2016 NCAA Division I FBS football season. The Bulldogs played their home games at Sanford Stadium. They were members of the Eastern Division of the Southeastern Conference. They were led by first-year head coach Kirby Smart. They finished the season 8–5, 4–4 in SEC play to finish in a three-way tie for second place in the Eastern Division. They were invited to the Liberty Bowl where they defeated TCU. == Previous season == The 2015 Georgia Bulldogs football team was the favorite to win the Eastern Division. The Bulldogs started off the season 4–0 with SEC wins over Vanderbilt 31–14 and South Carolina 52–20, where quarterback Greyson Lambert set an NCAA record for completion percentage in a game with 96% (24/25). On October 3, the #13 Alabama Crimson Tide came to Athens and defeated the Bulldogs 38–10. The next week the Dawgs traveled to Knoxville to face the Tennessee Volunteers. On Georgia's first offensive play of the game, Bulldog's running back Nick Chubb was tackled on the sideline and suffered a season-ending knee injury as Georgia loss their second game of the season. Three weeks later, the Bulldogs suffered their third loss of the season during the World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party at EverBank Field in Jacksonville, Florida to the Florida Gators 27–3, where third-string quarterback Faton Bauta started. The Bulldogs finish the regular season on a four-game winning streak including road wins over the Auburn Tigers 20–13 and the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets 13–7. The day after the Georgia Tech game, head coach Mark Richt was fired after 15 seasons of head coach. Richt had a record of 145–51 as head coach of the Bulldogs. Georgia finished the season with a win over the Penn State Nittany Lions in the Taxslayer Bowl 24–17 under intermediate head coach Bryan McClendon in Jacksonville. The bowl win gave the Bulldogs a final 2015 season record of 10-3, which gave the senior class a total of 40 wins. == Coaching changes == After the 2015 regular season, Georgia's athletic director Greg McGarity fired head coach Mark Richt after 15 seasons with an overall 145–51 record. Richt was replaced with former Georgia football player Kirby Smart, who, at Facts: The Bulldogs played their home games at Sanford Stadium. Answer: Sanford Stadium
Question: The 2016 Georgia Bulldogs football team played their home games at which 92,746-seat stadium? Context: 2004 season in which the Bulldogs were ranked No. 6 in the final Coaches Poll, Georgia was ranked No. 13 in the preseason Coaches Poll. D.J. Shockley was selected as the overall team captain and represented the offense. Max Jean-Gilles was the other offensive captain, Kedric Golston and Greg Blue were the defensive captains and Mike Gilliam was captain of the special teams. == Schedule == == Roster == == Statistics == == Team == === Scores by quarter === == References == Facts: Answer: Sanford Stadium
Question: According to the 2010 census, what is the population of the city that the radio station WOLV is licensed to? Context: The city of Union is the county seat of Union County, South Carolina, United States. The population was 8,393 at the 2010 census. It is the principal city of the Union Micropolitan Statistical Area (population 28,961 according to 2010 Census), an (MSA) which includes all of Union County and which is further included in the greater Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson, South Carolina Combined Statistical Area (population 1,266,995 according to the 2010 Census). == History == Both the city of Union and Union County received their names from the old Union Church that stood a short distance from the Monarch Mill. When it was first founded, the city of Union was known as Unionville; later the name was shortened to Union. The county's first white settlers came from Virginia in 1749. Union County's population grew the fastest between 1762 and the start of the Revolutionary War. Settlers built log cabins and cultivated tobacco, flax, corn and wheat. Union was one of the first towns settled in the area and was untouched during the Civil War because the Broad River flooded and turned Sherman’s troops away from the town. The Battle of Blackstock's Historic Site, Cedar Bluff, Central Graded School, Corinth Baptist Church, Culp House, Judge Thomas Dawkins House, East Main Street-Douglass Heights Historic District, Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Fair Forest Hotel, Herndon Terrace, Gov. Thomas B. Jeter House, Meng House, Merridun, Pinckneyville, Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site, South Street-South Church Street Historic District, Union Community Hospital, Union County Jail, Union Downtown Historic District, Union High School-Main Street Grammar School, and Nathaniel Gist House are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. == Geography == According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 8.0 square miles (21 km2), all of it land. == Demographics == As of the census of 2000, there were 8,793 people, 3,791 households, and 2,399 families residing in the city. The population density was 1,105.0 people per square mile (426.5/km2). There were 4,240 housing units at an average density of 532.9 per square mile (205.7/km2). The racial makeup of the city was 56.48% White, 42.12% African American, 0.24% Native American, 0.38% Asian, 0.01% Pacific Islander, 0.05% from other races, and 0.73% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.68% of the population. There were 3,791 households, out of which 25.5% had children under the age of 18 Facts: The population was 8,393 at the 2010 census. Answer: 7,708
Question: According to the 2010 census, what is the population of the city that the radio station WOLV is licensed to? Context: as other parts of Riverside County, as the population grew rapidly.In 1990, residents began a campaign for city status which resulted in the incorporation of the City of Murrieta on July 1, 1991. By then the population was 24,000, a major increase from 2,200 in 1980. Between 1991 and 2007, the city's population further increased to an estimated 97,257 residents, and at the 2010 United States Census was 103,466, making it the largest city in southwestern Riverside County at that time.In July 2014, Murrieta garnered national attention following days of citizen protests of detained immigrants. Murrieta residents successfully blocked busloads of illegal immigrant detainees. They were en route to a temporary relocation and detention facility, which the federal government had planned to establish in the town. == Geography == Murrieta is located at 33°34′10″N 117°12′9″W (33.569566, -117.202453). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 33.6 sq mi (87.1 km2), of which 99.89% of it is land and 0.11% is covered by water. Murrieta Creek runs southeasterly through the Murrieta Valley. == Climate == Murrieta has a Mediterranean climate or dry-summer subtropical (Köppen climate classification Csa). Murrieta has an average of 263 sunshine days and 35 days with measurable precipitation annually. April through November is warm to hot and dry with average high temperatures of 77–91 °F (25–33 °C) and lows of 44–60 °F (7–16 °C). The period of November through March is somewhat rainy. The city is also subject to the phenomenon typical of a microclimate: temperatures can vary as much as 18 °F (10 °C) between inland areas and the coast, with a temperature gradient over 1 °F per mile (0.3 °C/km) from the coast inland. Murrieta gets on average 31 days a year of some type of precipitation. Murrieta averages 15 inches (380 millimetres) of precipitation annually, which mainly occurs during the winter and spring (November through April) with generally light rain showers, but sometimes heavy rainfall and thunderstorms. Snowfall is rare in the city basin, but nearby mountains slopes typically receive snowfall each winter. == Demographics == === 2010 === The 2010 United States Census reported that Murrieta had a population of 103,466. The population density was 3,078.1 people per square mile (1,188.5/km2). The racial makeup of Murrieta was 72,137 (69.7%) White (55.7% non-Hispanic White), 5,601 (5.4%) African American, 741 (0.7%) Native American, 9,556 (9.2%) Asian, 391 (0.4%) Pacific Islander, Facts: Answer: 7,708
Question: According to the 2010 census, what is the population of the city that the radio station WOLV is licensed to? Context: individuals, and 6.7% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 3.1 and the average family size was 3.4; 33.7% of the population of the city was under the age of 18, 6.4% were from 18 to 24, 30.8% were from 25 to 44, 17.6% were from 45 to 64, and 11.4% were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 34 years. For every 100 females, there were 96.1 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 92.7 males. According to a 2007 estimate, the median income for a household in the city was $78,883, and the median income for a family was $90,930. Men had a median income of $49,107 versus $32,468 for women. The per capita income for the city was $23,290. About 3.0% of families and 4.3% of the population were below the poverty line, including 4.3% of those under age 18 and 5.4% of those age 65 or over. == Government == Federal: In the United States House of Representatives, Murrieta is in California's 42nd congressional district, represented by Republican Ken Calvert. In the United States Senate, California is represented by Democrats Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla.State: In the California State Legislature, Murrieta is in the 28th Senate District, represented by Republican Melissa Melendez, and in the 67th Assembly District, represented by Republican Kelly Seyarto.Local: In the Riverside County Board of Supervisors, Murrieta is in the Third District, represented by Chuck Washington. == Economy == === Top employers === According to the city's 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the top non-military employers in the city are: == Public services == === Transportation === Murrieta is served by two major interstate freeways. I-215 runs through the eastern portion of the city, and I-15 runs through the western part. Historic U.S. Route 395 passes through the city's downtown and State Route 79 (Winchester Road) defines much of the city's eastern border. The Riverside Transit Agency provides bus routes connecting in several areas of the city. Proposals currently exist that may position the city to play host to the high-speed rail (HSR) that voters approved in 2008 with Prop 1A. This active HSR station is projected to handle 8,000 daily riders. The program-level HSR route alignment has placed this station between Murrieta and Temecula near the I-15 and I-215 freeway interchange.The French Valley Airport, Facts: Answer: 7,708
Question: According to the 2010 census, what is the population of the city that the radio station WOLV is licensed to? Context: Bonds, formerly of the San Francisco Giants, is a former resident of Bear Creek. Ambyr Childers, actress, was raised in Murrieta. Charlotte Rose Craig, Taekwondo Olympic Medalist in 2008. Lindsay Davenport, professional tennis player and Olympic gold medalist, graduated from Murrieta Valley High School in 1994. Olivia Rodrigo, singer-songwriter and actress Rickie Fowler, professional golfer Ben Jackson, professional Major League Gaming player, originally from Murrieta Floyd Landis, disgraced cyclist, disqualified participant of the 2006 Tour de France, lives in Murrieta with his family when not racing or training. Ryan Navarro, American football player, raised in Murrieta and played football at Vista Murrieta High School Inbee Park, professional golfer. Winner of five LPGA major championships. Tom Pernice, Jr., professional golfer and two-time winner on the PGA Tour, lives in Murrieta. Kelly Seyarto, Firefighter and politician. Former mayor of Murrieta. Member of the California State Assembly from the District 67. Tyree Washington, track athlete, world record holder in the 4 × 400 m relay and five-event IAAF World Championship gold medalist (1997, 2003 world; 2006 – world indoor) Tyler Wade, Major League Baseball player Tyler Glenn and Christopher Allen of Neon Trees == See also == Largest cities in Southern California List of cities and towns in California == Bibliography == Boyce, Mary Alice Rail (1995). Murrieta Old Town, New Town: A Community History (illustrated ed.). Rosemar Pub. ISBN 978-0-96486-340-8. == References == == External links == Official website Murrieta Police Department Murrieta Chamber of Commerce Murrieta Unified School District Murrieta at Curlie Murrieta Valley Historical Society WOLV (97.7 FM, "The Wolf") is a radio station licensed to Houghton, Michigan, broadcasting a classic hits format. The studios are at 313 E. Montezuma in Houghton, a location it shares with its sister stations, WCCY and WHKB-FM. The station first went on the air in January 1980 as WHUH-FM. In 1990, the station's call letters were changed to WOLF-FM. In 1994, the call letters were changed to WOLV. In 2019 was named Michigan Association of Broadcaster's Station of the Year. == References == Michiguide.com - WOLV history == External links == WOLV in the FCC FM station database WOLV on Radio-Locator WOLV in Nielsen Audio's FM station database KLZX (95.9 FM) is a radio station broadcasting a Classic rock format. Licensed to Weston, Idaho, United States, the station is currently owned by Sun Valley Radio Inc. The station is also broadcast on HD radio. Facts: 7 FM, "The Wolf") is a radio station licensed to Houghton, Michigan, broadcasting a classic hits format. Answer: 7,708
Question: According to the 2010 census, what is the population of the city that the radio station WOLV is licensed to? Context: According to Radio-Locator, the transmitter for KLZX is located in northern Utah. KLZX can be heard regularly in Salt Lake City, via its booster signal (KLZX-1) broadcasting near Tremonton, Utah. The booster also carries the station's HD Radio signals. == History == The station was assigned the calls KFCX on May 2, 2000. On August 25, 2000, the station changed its call sign to the current KLZX. == Translators == In addition to the main station, KLZX is relayed by an additional five translators and a booster to widen its broadcast area. == References == == External links == KLZX in the FCC FM station database KLZX on Radio-Locator KLZX in Nielsen Audio's FM station database Houghton () is the largest city and county seat of Houghton County in the U.S. state of Michigan. Located on the Keweenaw Peninsula, Houghton is the largest city in the Copper Country region. It is the fifth largest city in the Upper Peninsula, with a population of 8,386 at the 2020 census. Houghton is the principal city of the Houghton micropolitan area, which includes all of Houghton and Keweenaw County. The city of Houghton and the county were named after Douglass Houghton, an American geologist and physician, primarily known for his exploration of the Keweenaw Peninsula. Houghton has been listed as one of the "100 Best Small Towns in America." Houghton is home to Michigan Technological University, a public research college founded in 1885. Michigan Tech hosts a yearly Winter Carnival in February, drawing thousands of visitors from around the world. == History == Native Americans mined copper in and around what would later be Houghton thousands of years before European settlement. "French explorers had noted... [its] existence [in the area] as early as the seventeenth century, [and in] 1772 Alexander Henry had prospected for copper on the Ontonagon River near Victoria." Many Cornish and Finnish immigrants arrived in the Houghton area to work in the copper mines in the mining boom that made Copper Country on the Keweenaw Peninsula; both groups have had a great influence on the culture and cuisine of the local area. The Finns and others called much of the area Copper Island. Smaller numbers of French-Canadian immigrants moved to Houghton, while more of them settled elsewhere in Houghton County.The last nearby mines closed in the late 1960s, but a school founded in 1885 by the Michigan State Legislature to Facts: Houghton is the largest city in the Copper Country region. Answer: 7,708
Question: Producer Irwin Winkler received an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture for a film based on what book by Nicholas Pileggi? Context: This is a list of presenters of Best Picture Academy Award. Each year, the Academy Award for Best Picture is presented by one or more artists on behalf of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Since 1973, Best Picture is the final award presented during the annual ceremonies, as this award represents a culmination of all factors that contribute to cinematic excellence. Past presenters have included noted producers, directors, actors, and actresses. In recent ceremonies, presenters of Best Picture have tended to be previous Academy Award winners themselves. The individual who has presented the most times is Jack Nicholson (eight times), followed by Audrey Hepburn (four times). Irwin Winkler (born May 28, 1931) is an American film producer and director. He is the producer or director of over 50 motion pictures, dating back to 1967's Double Trouble, starring Elvis Presley. The fourth film he produced, They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969), starring Jane Fonda, was nominated for nine Academy Awards. He won an Oscar for Best Picture for 1976's Rocky. As a producer, he has been nominated for Best Picture for four other films: Rocky, Raging Bull, The Right Stuff, and Goodfellas. == Early life and education == Winkler was born to a Jewish family in New York City, to Sol and Anna Winkler. Growing up in Coney Island, one of his first jobs was on a bumper ride on the boardwalk. Winkler graduated early from high school and got into New York University, but felt out of place among the older and more mature students, many of whom were former World War II soldiers that had entered university under the G.I. Bill. At the outbreak of the Korean War, he volunteered to join the Army and was stationed in Louisiana for two years. After completing his service, Winkler returned to New York University and went on to receive a degree in American Literature in 1955. == Early career == Winkler's first job after graduating university was at the William Morris Agency (WMA). Starting out in the mail room, some of his fellow mailboys were Bernie Brillstein and Jerry Weintraub. Among his first clients as an agent were comedians Sammy Shore and Jackie Vernon, though Winkler says of himself he was a "mediocre" agent.After meeting Robert Chartoff, who managed several comedians, including Jackie Mason, the two set up their own talent management company. Among the "unsuccessful clients" the Facts: As a producer, he has been nominated for Best Picture for four other films: Rocky, Raging Bull, The Right Stuff, and Goodfellas. Answer: Wiseguy
Question: Producer Irwin Winkler received an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture for a film based on what book by Nicholas Pileggi? Context: all films unless otherwise noted. === Film === As producerAs writerAs directorAs an actorThanks === Television === As writer == Honors == For his contribution to the motion picture industry, Winkler has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6801 Hollywood Boulevard. He was also the recipient of the 2017 Producers Guild of America's David O. Selznick Achievement Award for his work in motion pictures. == Awards and nominations == == References == === Sources === == External links == Irwin Winkler at IMDb Goodfellas (stylized GoodFellas) is a 1990 American biographical crime film directed by Martin Scorsese, written by Nicholas Pileggi and Scorsese, and produced by Irwin Winkler. It is a film adaptation of the 1985 nonfiction book Wiseguy by Pileggi. Starring Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci, Lorraine Bracco and Paul Sorvino, the film narrates the rise and fall of mob associate Henry Hill and his friends and family from 1955 to 1980. Scorsese initially titled the film Wise Guy and postponed making it; he and Pileggi later changed the title to Goodfellas. To prepare for their roles in the film, De Niro, Pesci and Liotta often spoke with Pileggi, who shared research material left over from writing the book. According to Pesci, improvisation and ad-libbing came out of rehearsals wherein Scorsese gave the actors freedom to do whatever they wanted. The director made transcripts of these sessions, took the lines he liked most and put them into a revised script, which the cast worked from during principal photography. Goodfellas premiered at the 47th Venice International Film Festival on September 9, 1990, where Scorsese was awarded with Silver Lion for Best Director, and was released in the United States on September 19, 1990 by Warner Bros. The film was made on a budget of $25 million, and grossed $47 million. Goodfellas received widespread acclaim upon release: the critical consensus on Rotten Tomatoes calls it "arguably the high point of Martin Scorsese's career". The film was nominated for six Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, with Pesci winning for Best Supporting Actor. The film won five awards from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, including Best Film and Best Director. Additionally, Goodfellas was named the year's best film by various critics' groups. Goodfellas is widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made, particularly in the gangster genre. In 2000, it Facts: It is a film adaptation of the 1985 nonfiction book Wiseguy by Pileggi. Answer: Wiseguy
Question: Which district of Ghana has the capital Savelugu and is where the community Diare can be found? Context: Diare is a community in the Savelugu-Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana. It is a less populated community with nucleated settlement. Most of the inhabitants of the community are farmers especially the men. == See also == Suburbs of Savelugu-Nanton(Ghana) District == References == Kpando is a town and capital of Kpando Municipal District in the northern Volta Region of Ghana. It is near the north eastern arm of Lake Volta and the Togo border. Kpando is the fifty-fourth most populous in Ghana, in terms of population, with a population of 28,334 people. Kpando is connected by ferry and road to Gbefi, Hohoe, Ho and Dambai. The Kpando Municipality is a district of Ghana in the Volta Region. It is one of the oldest administrative districts in Ghana. Duko is a village in the Savelugu municipal district of Ghana. In 2015 it had population of about 900 inhabitants. == Location == Duko is located 7 km south of Savelugu and 15 km north of Tamale, Ghana, the northern regional capital, on the Tamale-Bolga highway. As part of the expansion and upgrading of the Tamale Airport to an international standard, there are plans of creating a road that links the airport to the Tamale-Bolgatanga highway at Duko which is located about 3km north-east of the airport. == Culture == Duko is inhabited primarily by the Dagomba people who speak the Dagbani language. Duko is headed by a chief who is subservient to the Paramount Chief of Savelugu. The incumbent chief of Duko is Naa Mahama Abukari 'Natural'. Duko is noted for 'Duko-Tua', literally Baobab of Duko. It was a large boabab tree believed to accommodate some spiritual creatures who were somewhat friendly to inhabitants of the village and serve as guards to the village. It was also host to a swam of bees which was believe to protect the village against possible attack from its neighbours. The tree was brought down in the year 1993 to pave way for the reconstruction of the Tamale-Bolga Highway. == Education == The village has a primary school and a kindergarten. == Economy == Many inhabitants of Duko are farmers who grow maize and rice. Until recently, farmers in the community were engaged in subsistence farming. == References == == External links == http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/economy/artikel.php?ID=95205 https://books.google.com/books?id=UrVQvf0hYSAC&pg=PR9&lpg=PR9&dq=duko+village+northern+ghana&source=bl&ots=VaXOrrSJLG&sig=oRl3HTioeBCzjL9hLV7QG-JENWM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj7oYz7icfPAhVhDsAKHSKnB88Q6AEIHzAB#v=onepage&q=duko%20village%20northern%20ghana&f=false The Abidji are an Akan people who live in the Ivory Coast. == References == Aboso is a Facts: Diare is a community in the Savelugu-Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana. Answer: Savelugu-Nanton District
Question: Which district of Ghana has the capital Savelugu and is where the community Diare can be found? Context: the largest waterfall in west Africa, Wli waterfalls, Ghana's coastal palm-lined sandy beaches, caves, mountains, rivers, and reservoirs and lakes such as Lake Bosumtwi and the largest man-made lake in the world by surface area, Lake Volta, dozens of forts and castles, World Heritage Sites, nature reserves and national parks. In addition to the beautiful natural reserves which serve as tourist sites, there are some castles in Ghana that serve as tourist sites and attract many tourists from all over the world. Some of the notable castles are Cape Coast Castle and the Elmina Castle all in the Central region of Ghana. Not only are the castles important for tourism, they also mark where blood was shed in the slave trade and preserve and promote the African heritage stolen and destroyed through the slave trade. As a result of this, the World Heritage Convention of UNESCO named Ghana's castles and forts as World Heritage Monuments.The World Economic Forum statistics in 2010 showed that out of the world's favorite tourist destinations, Ghana was ranked 108th out of 139 countries. The country had moved two places up from the 2009 rankings. In 2011, Forbes magazine, published that Ghana was ranked the eleventh most friendly country in the world. The assertion was based on a survey in 2010 of a cross-section of travellers. Of all the African countries that were included in the survey, Ghana ranked highest. Tourism is the fourth highest earner of foreign exchange for the country. In 2017, Ghana ranks as the 43rd–most peaceful country in the world.A growing tourist attraction in Ghana is surfing. Up and down the coastline, several spots have been identified and cultivated by locals and internationals alike. Renowned surfers have made trips to the country to sample the waves. Suitable for beginners and seasoned surfers alike, there is a quality and consistency to the waves to suit all levels of skill. It is not unusual now to see surfers carrying their boards amid traditional Ghanaian fishing vessels. Busua, Kokrobite, and Muuston boast some of the country's best surf in warm, tropical waters.To enter Ghana, it is necessary to have a visa authorized by the Government of Ghana. Travellers must apply for this visa at a Ghanaian embassy; this process can take approximately two weeks. By law, visitors entering Ghana must be able to produce a yellow fever vaccination certificate.According to Destination Pride – a data-driven Facts: Answer: Savelugu-Nanton District
Question: Which district of Ghana has the capital Savelugu and is where the community Diare can be found? Context: to an average of 65.75 years with males at 63.4 years and females at 68.2 years, and in 2013 infant mortality decreased to 39 per 1,000 live births. Sources vary on life expectancy at birth; the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated 62 years for men and 64 years for women born in 2016.There was an estimation of 15 physicians and 93 nurses per 100,000 persons in 2010. 5.2% of Ghana's GDP was spent on health in 2010, and all Ghanaian citizens have the right to access primary health care. In May 2020, the WHO announced Ghana became the second country in the WHO African Region to attain regulatory system "maturity level 3", the second-highest in the four-tiered WHO classification of National medicines regulatory systems.As of 2012, the HIV/AIDS prevalence was estimated at 1.40% among adults aged 15–49. == Culture == Ghanaian culture is a diverse mixture of the practices and beliefs of many different Ghanaian ethnic groups. The 2010 census reported that the largest ethnic groups are the Akan (47.3 percent), the Mole-Dagbani (16.6 percent), the Ewe (13.9 percent), the Ga-Dangme (7.4 percent), the Gurma (5.7) and the Guan (3.7 percent). The Akan make up a majority of the population in the Central (81.7 percent), Western (78.2 percent), Ashanti (74.2 percent), Brong Ahafo (58.9 percent) and Eastern (51.1 percent) regions. === Food and drink === Ghanaian cuisine and gastronomy is diverse, and includes an assortment of soups and stews with varied seafoods and most Ghanaian soups are prepared with vegetables, meat, poultry or fish. Fish is important in the Ghanaian diet with tilapia, roasted and fried whitebait, smoked fish and crayfish all being common components of Ghanaian dishes.Banku (akple) is a common Ghanaian starchy food made from ground corn (maize), and cornmeal based staples, kɔmi (kenkey) and banku (akple) are usually accompanied by some form of fried fish (chinam) or grilled tilapia and a very spicy condiment made from raw red and green chillies, onions and tomatoes (pepper sauce). Banku and tilapia is a combo served in most Ghanaian restaurants. Fufu is the most common exported Ghanaian dish, in that it is a delicacy across the African diaspora. === Literature === The Ghanaian national literature radio programme and accompanying publication Voices of Ghana was one of the earliest on the African continent. The most prominent Ghanaian authors are novelists; J. E. Casely Hayford, Ayi Kwei Armah and Nii Ayikwei Parkes, Facts: Answer: Savelugu-Nanton District
Question: Which district of Ghana has the capital Savelugu and is where the community Diare can be found? Context: spread throughout West Africa. In the 1990s a new genre of music was created by the youth incorporating the influences of highlife, Afro-reggae, dancehall and hip hop. This hybrid was called hiplife. Ghanaian artists such as "Afro Roots" singer, activist and songwriter Rocky Dawuni, R&B and soul singer Rhian Benson and Sarkodie have had international success. In December 2015, Rocky Dawuni became the first Ghanaian musician to be nominated for a Grammy award in the Grammy Award for Best Reggae Album category for his 6th studio album titled Branches of The Same Tree released 31 March 2015. Ghanaian dance is as diverse as its music, and there are traditional dances and different dances for different occasions. The most known Ghanaian dances are those for celebrations. These dances include the Adowa, Kpanlogo, Azonto, Klama, Agbadza, Borborbor and Bamaya.The Nana Otafrija Pallbearing Services, also known as the Dancing Pallbearers, come from the coastal town of Prampram in the Greater Accra Region of southern Ghana. The group of pallbearers were featured in a BBC feature story in 2017, and footage from the story became part of an Internet meme in the wake of the COVID-19 world pandemic. === Film === Ghana has a budding and thriving film industry. Ghana's film industry dates as far back as 1948 when the Gold Coast Film Unit was set up in the Information Services Department. Some internationally recognised films have come from Ghana. In 1970, I Told You So was one of the first Ghanaian films to receive international acknowledgement and received great reviews from The New York Times. It was followed by the 1973 Ghanaian and Italian production The African Deal also known as "Contratto carnale" featuring Bahamian American actor Calvin Lockhart. 1983's Kukurantumi: the Road to Accra, a Ghanaian and German production directed by King Ampaw, was written about by famous American film critic Vincent Canby. In 1987, Cobra Verde, another Ghanaian and German production directed by Werner Herzog, received international acclamation and in 1988, Heritage Africa won more than 12 film awards. In recent times there have been collaborations between Ghanaian and Nigerian crew and cast and a number of productions turned out. Many Ghanaian films are co-produced with Nollywood, the Nigerian film industry, and some are distributed by Nigerian marketers. Also, Nigerian filmmakers often feature Ghanaian actors and actresses in their movies and Ghanaian filmmakers feature Nigerian actors and actresses in theirs. Nadia Facts: Answer: Savelugu-Nanton District
Question: Which district of Ghana has the capital Savelugu and is where the community Diare can be found? Context: two-time runners up in 1993 and 2001. The Ghana national U-17 football team known as the Black Starlets are two-time FIFA U-17 World Cup champions in 1991 and 1995, two-time runners up in 1993 and 1997. Ghanaian football teams Asante Kotoko SC and Accra Hearts of Oak SC are the 5th and 9th best football teams on the Africa continent and have won a total of five Africa continental association football and Confederation of African Football trophies; Ghanaian football club Asante Kotoko SC has been crowned two-time CAF Champions League winners in 1970, 1983 and five-time CAF Champions League runners up, and Ghanaian football club Accra Hearts of Oak SC has been crowned 2000 CAF Champions League winner and two-time CAF Champions League runners up, 2001 CAF Super Cup champions and 2004 CAF Confederation Cup champions. The International Federation of Football History and Statistics crowned Asante Kotoko SC as the African club of the 20th century. There are several club football teams in Ghana that play in the Ghana Premier League and Division One League, both administered by the Ghana Football Association. Ghana competed in the Winter Olympics in 2010 for the first time. Ghana qualified for the 2010 Winter Olympics, scoring 137.5 International Ski Federation points, within the qualifying range of 120–140 points. Ghanaian skier, Kwame Nkrumah-Acheampong, nicknamed "The snow leopard", became the first Ghanaian to take part in the Winter Olympics, at the 2010 Winter Olympics held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, taking part in the slalom skiing. Ghana finished 47th out of 102 participating nations, of whom 54 finished in the Alpine skiing slalom. Kwame Nkrumah-Acheampong broke on the international skiing circuit, being the second black African skier to do so.Ghana's last medal at the Summer Olympics dates back to 1992. Ghanaian athletes have won a total of four Olympics medals in thirteen appearances at the Summer Olympics, three in boxing, and a bronze medal in association football, and thus became the first country on the Africa continent to win a medal at association football.Ghana competes in the Commonwealth Games, sending athletes in every edition since 1954 (except for the 1986 games). Ghana has won fifty-seven medals at the Commonwealth Games, including fifteen gold, with all but one of their medals coming in athletics and boxing. The country has also produced a number of world class boxers, including Azumah Nelson a three-time world champion and considered as Facts: Answer: Savelugu-Nanton District
Question: Which district of Ghana has the capital Savelugu and is where the community Diare can be found? Context: Ndipondaan, many events, including games, dancing competitions and other cultural rites are revised and performed. Opportunity from this event is used in tracing ancestral lineages of individuals, visits to major Bikpakpaam landmarks, tourism activities and re-union of families. Other educational and sensitization programmes and projects are initiated or delivered during Ndipondaan celebration. Issues that affect Kikpkakpaan are addressed and communities or their representatives advised accordingly. Ndipondaan also serves as a time of mediation of internal differences and settlement of outstanding conflicts. One consistent ritual, however, has been an opening prayer to almighty God, a word of exhortation from the clergy, the performance of libation and sacrifice to ancestors, traditional dance, and the sharing of food and drinks with visitors and relatives. Many Bikpakpaam delicacies, including bisaatom, and sakↄla are prepared and eaten. Pito, the favorite guineacorn drink is also brewed in large quantities and enjoyed by all. == References == The Savelugu-Nanton District is one of the twenty (20) districts in the Northern Region of Ghana. Its capital is Savelugu. The district has 149 communities of which five are area councils aside Savelugu being the capital. The area councils are Nanton, Pong-Tamale, Diare, Moglaa and Tampion. The population of this district according to the 2000 population census was 91,415 having a growth rate of 3%. 109,442 was the projected population as at March 2006 with its breakdown being 49% male and 51% female with a land area of 1790.7 km. Dagbani (or Dagbane), also known as Dagbanli and Dagbanle, is a Gur language spoken in Ghana. Its native speakers are estimated around 3,160,000. It is a compulsory subject in primary and junior high school in the Dagbon Kingdom, which covers the eastern part of the region. Dagbani is the most widely spoken language in northern Ghana, especially among acephalous tribes overseen by the King of Dagbon, the Ya-Na. It is closely related to and mutually intelligible with the Mampelle language, also spoken in Northern Region, Ghana. Dagbani is also similar to the other languages of the same subgroup spoken in this Region, the Dagaare and Waala languages, spoken in Upper West Region of Ghana, and the Frafra language, spoken in Upper East Region of Ghana. == Dialects == Dagbani has a major dialect split between Eastern Dagbani, centred on the traditional capital town of Yendi, and Western Dagbani, centred on the administrative capital of the Northern Region, Tamale. The dialects Facts: Its capital is Savelugu. Answer: Savelugu-Nanton District
Question: Karyn Kusama (born March 21, 1968) is an American independent film director, Kusama went on to direct Jennifer's Body, a 2009 supernatural horror black comedy film written by who? Context: by January 27, 2012. In a press release, Bob Weinstein stated, "We are thrilled to return to the mythology of the Amityville Horror with a new and terrifying vision that will satisfy our existing fans and also introduce an entirely new audience to this popular haunting phenomenon." After several delays, the film was rewritten with a completely new story and screenplay by Khalfoun. In March 2014, this new iteration was retitled Amityville. === Casting === That month, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Bella Thorne signed on to star. In April, Thomas Mann, Taylor Spreitler and Cameron Monaghan signed on to the film. === Filming === Principal photography beginning in May and a tentative 2015 release date. Further delays, including February 2016 reshoots, pushed the film's release to late 2016, and then early 2017. == Release == The film was originally scheduled for release on January 2, 2015. However, in September 2014, it was removed from the schedule. In May 2015, it was announced the film would be released on April 15, 2016. When Filmyard Holdings sold Miramax to beIN Media Group on March 2, 2016, Miramax was no longer the production company of Amityville: The Awakening. It was set to be released on April 1, 2016, but was delayed due to test screening responses and given the release date of January 6, 2017. On December 16, 2016, just weeks away from the film's January 6 release date, the film was again pushed back, this time to June 30, 2017; it was eventually removed from there as well. In September 2017, it was announced that it would be released in select theaters in the US on October 28, 2017, and for free on Google Play from October 12 to November 8, 2017.The film was released on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD on November 14, 2017. === Box office === Despite the US delays, the film began its theatrical run in Ukraine and Central America on July 20, 2017, where the film grossed $580,466 from 830 screens. The film was released in the Philippines on August 2, 2017.The film opened in the US on a limited release on October 28, 2017. Playing in 10 theaters the film made just $742 in its opening weekend (an average of $74 per venue), finishing 60th at the box office. === Critical response === On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 30% Facts: Answer: Diablo Cody
Question: Karyn Kusama (born March 21, 1968) is an American independent film director, Kusama went on to direct Jennifer's Body, a 2009 supernatural horror black comedy film written by who? Context: based on 20 reviews, and an average rating of 3.86/10. On Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, the film has a weighted average score of 42 out of 100, based on 4 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews".Witney Siebold of IGN gave the film a score of 5.5/10, writing that the film, "while largely a generic haunting film without much in the way of a hook beyond its famous setting, can at least claim to be one of the more watchable Amityville films, for whatever that praise may be worth," and deemed it "perhaps the best Amityville film since 1983." Dread Central gave the film two and a half stars out of five saying "At the end of the day, this isn't such a bad flick, but viewers looking for an insane new Amityville experience will just have to keep chasing that dragon." Slant Magazine gave the film two out of four stars and called it "an elegant entry in a lame series of horror films." === Home media === The film was released on Blu-ray, DVD, and on demand on November 14, 2017, but was not released in the U.K. == References == == External links == Amityville: The Awakening at IMDb Amityville: The Awakening at Rotten Tomatoes Jennifer's Body is a 2009 American comedy horror film written by Diablo Cody and directed by Karyn Kusama. The film stars Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, Johnny Simmons, and Adam Brody. Fox portrays a demonically possessed high school girl who kills her male classmates, with her best friend striving to stop her. The film premiered at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival and was released in the United States and Canada on September 18, 2009. The title is a reference to the song of the same name by alternative rock band Hole on their album Live Through This. As a tie-in to the film, Boom! Studios produced a Jennifer's Body graphic novel, released in August 2009. Working with Cody again following their collaborative efforts on the film Juno, Jason Reitman stated he and his producers "want to make unusual films". Cody said she wanted the film to speak to female empowerment and explore the complex relationships between best friends.The film had a lackluster performance at the North American box office, making $2.8 million its opening day and $6.8 million its opening weekend, and received mixed reviews from critics. Negative reviews Facts: Jennifer's Body is a 2009 American comedy horror film written by Diablo Cody and directed by Karyn Kusama. Answer: Diablo Cody
Question: Karyn Kusama (born March 21, 1968) is an American independent film director, Kusama went on to direct Jennifer's Body, a 2009 supernatural horror black comedy film written by who? Context: did not attempt to reach." === Box office === Though the film was expected to pull in a significant number of the late teenage/young adult audience, particularly males aged 17 and older, and though Cody hoped for a large female turnout, it earned a "disappointing" $2.8 million on its opening Friday and $6.8 million its opening weekend at the North American box office; the film placed #5, while 3D animated film Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs placed #1 with $30.1 million. Produced for $16 million, Jennifer's Body did manage to attract the sizable female audience Cody wanted; 51% were female, with 70% of patrons under age 25. The film had been expected to benefit somewhat from its heavily marketed lesbian kissing scene between Fox and Seyfried, which, in addition to Fox being in the film, was thought to entice and successfully attract male viewers. Critic Jim Vejvoda at IGN stated that such a scene is not as shocking as it was in past decades and cannot be expected to significantly pull in an audience. The film grossed $16,204,793 domestically and $15,351,268 in international sales, for a worldwide total of $31,556,061.Box-office analysts and critics debated the film's underperformance. Analyst Jeff Bock, of Exhibitor Relations, reasoned the film underperformed at the box office due to two reasons; the first, he said, is the genre. Bock stated that Americans get horror and comedy, but with the idea "of those two things together in one place, people suddenly get very dumb". "The horror-comedy genre is the toughest sell in Hollywood", he said. He noted films Tremors, Slither, Shaun of the Dead, Eight Legged Freaks and The Evil Dead series, and said that while many of those are considered critical and business successes, "none of them have brought in the megabucks that a simple horror or comedy can." In addition, he labeled the Scream franchise as more "straight-up horror" than comedy and stated Zombieland's box office performance would determine the horror-comedy genre's current viability.Despite other R-rated horror films having centered around teenagers, some such as Scream having been successful, Bock said the second reason Jennifer's Body under-performed at the box office is the R-rating, which he described as a "killer" for the film. He said the film is set in high school and "sounds like the perfect package for teens" but that "the R rating banned many teens from the theaters" and the studio Facts: Answer: Diablo Cody
Question: Karyn Kusama (born March 21, 1968) is an American independent film director, Kusama went on to direct Jennifer's Body, a 2009 supernatural horror black comedy film written by who? Context: even need Mystery Science Theater 3000 voice-over jokes to be entertainingly terrible. If you can enjoy laughing at a bad movie, definitely add this one to your list". DVD Verdict's Gordon Sullivan responded well to the film, writing, "In some ways there's nothing special about ThanksKilling—it's a typical slasher-style creature-feature where a group of college kids are menaced by a holiday themed killer who spouts one liners. However, ThanksKilling knows how to tickle the low-budget funny bone in particularly effective ways" and "The film itself is a campy low-budget horror flick that gets in and out in little over an hour, delivering the goods all the while. The extras are a little slight, but overall, this disc should please genre fans". In a negative review from The Badger Herald, Peter Culver writes, "Ultimately, there’s not much else to say about this mountainous pile of garbage. There’s more entertaining bad movies, there’s better movies about unlikely murderous animals and there’s better Thanksgiving movies. For your own sake, please just don’t". == Musical adaptation == A musical adaptation of the film, titled ThanksKilling: The Musical, was created by Jeff Thomson, Jordan Mann and David Eck, premiered in Seattle in 2013, and off off-broadway at The Producers Club as part of the Festival of the Offensive in 2014, with Diana Huey, Gabriel Violett, Abe Goldfarb, Marissa Rosen, Jillian Gottlieb, David Errigo Jr., Mike Daly and Evan Woltz, Dad's Garage (Atlanta, GA 2015), Columbus, OH (2016) with Ryan Francis reprising his on-screen roll of Darren, with an additional showing at the 2017 Orlando International Fringe Theater Festival. == References == == External links == Official website Thankskilling at IMDb Johannes Cabal the Necromancer is a 2009 supernatural fiction and black comedy novel written by Jonathan L. Howard. It is the first book of an ongoing series chronicling the ventures of Johannes Cabal, a necromancer of some little infamy. == Summary == Johannes Cabal is a necromancer who has sold his soul to Satan in order to gain his abilities. His goal has always been to completely restore the dead to their previous living state, but Cabal has now found that his lack of a soul is standing in the way of his research. Bored with running Hell and dealing with bureaucracy, Satan offers Cabal a deal: if Cabal can get 100 souls, Satan will return his. However, this deal is not without its difficulties: Facts: Answer: Diablo Cody
Question: Carol Shine is best known for a music genre originating where? Context: Funk carioca ([ˈfɐ̃.ki ˌka.ɾi.ˈɔ.kɐ]), also known as favela funk and, in other parts in the world, baile funk and Brazilian funk, is a hip hop style from Rio de Janeiro, derived from Miami bass and gangsta rap music."Baile funk", in Brazil, refers not to the music, but to the actual parties or discotheques in which the music is played (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈbaj.li], from baile, meaning "ball"). Although originated in Rio, funk carioca has become increasingly popular among working classes in other parts of Brazil. In the whole country, funk carioca is most often simply known as funk, which is a misnomer, since it is very different musically from what funk means internationally. == Overview == Funk carioca was once a direct derivative of samba, Miami bass, Latin music, traditional African religious music, Candomble, hip-hop and freestyle (another Miami-based genre) music from the US. The reason why these genres, very localized in the US, became popular and influential in Rio de Janeiro is due to proximity. Miami was a popular plane stop for Rio DJs to buy the latest American records. Along with the Miami influence came the longtime influence of the slave trade in Colonial Brazil. Various African religions like vodun, and candomble were brought with the enslaved Africans to the Americas. The same beat is found in Afro-Religious music in the African diaspora and many black Brazilians identify as being part of this religion. This genre of music was mainly started by those in black communities in Brazil, therefore a boiling pot of influences to derive the trademark. Many similar types of music genres can be found in Caribbean island nations such as; Jamaica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Barbados, Haiti, Puerto Rico, among others. Bounce music, which originates from New Orleans, Louisiana, also has a similar beat. New Orleans, originally a French territory, was a hub for Atlantic slave trade before it was sold to the United States. All of these areas with similar music genres retain the influence of American hip hop, African music and Latin music.During the 1970s, nightclubs in Rio de Janeiro played funk and soul music.Funk carioca was popularized in the 1980s in Rio de Janeiro's favelas, the city's predominantly Afro-Brazilian slums. From the mid-1990s on, it was a mainstream phenomenon in Brazil. Funk songs discuss topics as varied as poverty, human dignity, racial pride of black people, sex, violence, and social injustice. Social analysts believe Facts: kɐ]), also known as favela funk and, in other parts in the world, baile funk and Brazilian funk, is a hip hop style from Rio de Janeiro, derived from Miami bass and gangsta rap music. Answer: a music genre from Rio de Janeiro
Question: Carol Shine is best known for a music genre originating where? Context: of the funk carioca culture. Besides the moral considerations, in favelas, where sanitary conditions are poor and sex education low, this might lead to public health and social issues. In such communities, definitive contraceptive methods are hardly available and due to lack of education and awareness, family planning is close to nonexistent. This environment results in unwanted pregnancies, population overgrowth, and eventually the growth of the communities (favelização).The glamorization of criminality in the favelas is also frequently viewed as another negative consequence of funk carioca. Some funk songs, belonging to a style known as "proibidão" ("the forbidden"), have very violent lyrics and are sometimes composed by drug-dealing gangs. Its themes include praising the murders of rival gang members and cops, intimidating opposers, claiming power over the favelas, robbery, drug use and the illicit life of drug dealers in general. Authorities view some of these lyrics as "recruiting" people to organized crime and inciting violence, and playing some of these songs are thus considered a crime.Due to the lack of regulation and the locations where they usually take place, "bailes funk" are also very crime prone environments. They are popular hot spots for drug trade and consumption, dealers display power frequenting the parties heavily armed, and even murder rates are high.More popular funk carioca artists usually compose two different sets of similar lyrics for their songs: one gentler, more "appropriate" version, and another with a harsher, cruder set of lyrics (not unlike the concept of "clean" and "explicit" versions of songs). The first version is the one broadcast by local radio stations; the second is played in dance halls, parties, and in public by sound cars. Recurrent lyric topics in funk carioca are explicit sexual positions, the funk party, the police force, and the life of slum dwellers in the favelas. Another large part of the lyrics is the use of the world around them – mainly the poverty that has enveloped the area. This is usually denounced in the lyrics and the hope for a better life is carried through many of their messages.With its recent success in Europe, it has also been criticized that Brazil is exporting music that is much inferior when compared to the bossa nova of the 1950s/60s and the Brazilian rock that had been made famous in the 1980s. It has been rumored that most of the funk projects in favelas are also financially backed Facts: Answer: a music genre from Rio de Janeiro
Question: Carol Shine is best known for a music genre originating where? Context: a former TV producer and also from Fox News. == See also == Fox News controversies == References == Hood film is a film genre originating in the United States, which features aspects of urban African American or Hispanic American culture. == Criteria == Characteristics include hip hop music (including gangsta rap), street gangs, racial discrimination, organized crime, gangster, gang affiliation scenes, broken families, drug use and trafficking, and the problems of young people coming of age or struggling amid the relative poverty and violent gang activity within such neighborhoods. == Synopsis == Critic Murray Forman notes that the "spatial logic" of hip-hop culture, with heavy emphasis on place-based identity, locates "black youth urban experience within an environment of continual proximate danger", and this quality defines the hood film. In a 1992 essay in Cineaction, Canadian critic Rinaldo Walcott identified the hood film's primary concerns as issues of masculinity and "(re)gaining manhood for black men". == Examples == Among the directors who have made films in this genre are John Singleton, Mario Van Peebles, F. Gary Gray, Hughes Brothers, and Spike Lee. The genre has also been parodied with such films as Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood. The genre reached the height of its popularity in the '90s due to the acclaim of the films New Jack City, Boyz n the Hood, Juice and Menace II Society. With the plethora of films both dramas and comedies, hood films of the '90s are in a sense neo-Blaxploitation films and Mexploitation films. == See also == African-American neighborhood L.A. Rebellion-alternative independent black cinema during the 70s-90s List of Hood films == References == Íris Caroline de Mello (born 13 July 1988), best known as Carol Miranda or Caroline Miranda, is a Brazilian funk carioca singer, dancer, model and former pornographic film actress active as a funk music DJ under the stage name Carol Shine since 2013. Tiento (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈtjento], Portuguese: Tento [ˈtẽtu]) is a musical genre originating in Spain in the mid-15th century. It is formally analogous to the fantasia (fantasy), found in England, Germany, and the Low Countries, and also the ricercare, first found in Italy. By the end of the 16th century the tiento was exclusively a keyboard form, especially of organ music. It continued to be the predominant form in the Spanish organ tradition through the time of Cabanilles, Facts: Íris Caroline de Mello (born 13 July 1988), best known as Carol Miranda or Caroline Miranda, is a Brazilian funk carioca singer, dancer, model and former pornographic film actress active as a funk music DJ under the stage name Carol Shine since 2013. Answer: a music genre from Rio de Janeiro
Question: Carol Shine is best known for a music genre originating where? Context: Jorge Chávez International Airport in Peru for the JYJ World Tour Concert, they were escorted by airport security officials through a private exit due to safety reasons concerning the large number of fans (over 3,000). At the Explanada Sur del Estadio Monumental in Lima, some fans camped out for days in to see JYJ. In April, Caracol TV and Arirang TV jointly aired a K-pop reality show in Colombia. In September, Junsu became the first K-pop idol to perform solo in Brazil and Mexico, after the Wonder Girls in Monterrey in 2009. The concerts sold out well in advance. That year there were 70 K-pop fan clubs in Mexico, with at least 60,000 members altogether.In January 2014, Kim Hyung-jun performed in Peru, Chile, and Bolivia, becoming the first K-pop idol to perform in Bolivia. The tour proved his popularity in the continent as both fans and the media followed him everywhere he went, causing traffic on the roads and police to be called to maintain safety. Fans were also seen pitching their tents outside the concert venue for days before the actual concert. ==== Mexico ==== Korean media in Mexico experienced a surge in 2002 after Mexican governor, Arturo Montiel Rojas, visited South Korea. From his trip, he brought Korean series, movies, and other programs to Mexico State's broadcasting channel: Televisión Mexiquense (channel 34). Korean dramas exposed the Mexican public to Korean products and spurred interest in other aspects of Korean culture. K-pop began to gain ground in Mexico due to the series the music accompanied. Fans particularly sought out the music of soundtracks respective to Korean dramas that were broadcast. However, K-pop's arrival to Mexico is also attributed to the influence of Japanese media in Mexico and the introduction of PIU (Pump It Up). The comic convention, La Mole, commenced selling Japanese comics and music and later commenced to sell K-pop. PIUs combined gaming and dancing, introducing the Mexican youth to Korean gaming software and generating interest in Korean music. K-pop's presence in Mexico can be outlined through the growing number of Korean music acts in the country. In recent years, the number of K-pop concerts in Mexico has risen and branched into other portions of the country. Idol groups, including Big Bang and NU'EST, have visited Mexico through their respective world tours. JYJ's Kim Junsu became the first Korean star to perform solo. His concert held in Mexico Facts: Answer: a music genre from Rio de Janeiro
Question: What American sitcom did Mr. Lawrence act in? Context: Lori Alan as Pearl Krabs, a teenage whale who is Mr. Krabs' daughter.While Hillenburg, Derek Drymon, and Tim Hill were writing the pilot "Help Wanted", Hillenburg was also conducting auditions to find voices for the show characters. He had created the character of SpongeBob with Tom Kenny, in which he utilised Kenny's and other people's personalities to help create SpongeBob's personality. The voice of SpongeBob was originally used by Kenny for a minor female alligator character named Al in Rocko's Modern Life. Kenny forgot the voice initially as he created it only for that single use. Hillenburg, however, remembered it when he was coming up with SpongeBob and used a video clip of the episode to remind Kenny of the voice. Kenny said that SpongeBob's high pitched laugh was specifically aimed at being unique, stating that they wanted an annoying laugh in the tradition of Popeye and Woody Woodpecker. Hillenburg originally had Mr. Lawrence for the role of voicing Squidward. Drymon said "We knew Doug from Rocko, where he was a storyboard director and where he also did the voice of Filburt. We were showing Doug the storyboard, and he started reading back to us in his Tony the Tiger/Gregory Peck voice. It was really funny, and we wound up having SpongeBob use a deep voice when he entered the Krusty Krab for the first time." Hillenburg loved the voice and decided to let Lawrence play a variety of incidental characters, including Plankton.In addition to the regular cast members, episodes feature guest voices from many ranges of professions, including actors, musicians, and artists. Former McHale's Navy actors Ernest Borgnine and Tim Conway reunited for their first joint TV project in 33 years as guest actors portraying SpongeBob's favorite superheroes, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, respectively. Borgnine said "We [he and Conway] played off each other. Tim's such a performer – a little more caustic than I am. We were making all sorts of noise. People outside the room were guffawing. We're supposed to be underwater, you know." They would reprise their role in the episode "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II", which also guest starred Charles Nelson Reilly as their nemesis, the Dirty Bubble. In the episode "Scaredy Pants", a Halloween special, American band the Ghastly Ones performed a special musical performance, while Brian Doyle-Murray voiced the Flying Dutchman. American country guitarist and singer Junior Brown made a vocal cameo, Facts: Answer: Rocko's Modern Life
Question: What American sitcom did Mr. Lawrence act in? Context: A report by The Hollywood Reporter alleged that the episode may have had a political agenda about the social safety net. It added that "It's not the first time SpongeBob has waded into social commentary, though usually when it does, it bugs the right and supports the left." The Hollywood Reporter cited the previous episodes "SpongeBob's Last Stand" and "Selling Out" for where "environmentalism is glorified" and "large businesses are demonized".According to various sources, the story line is said to be "symbolic of a harsh economic climate". The plot eventually sparked a political debate for its depiction of unemployment. Prior to the premiere, the New York Post published an article on the episode. Critics accused the author, Andrea Morabito, of attacking "poor people" who rely on government assistance, referring to individuals who rely on food stamps as "mooching off the social services" and applauding SpongeBob for instead quickly returning to "gainful employment". Fox News's Heather Nauert of Fox & Friends stated that "the harsh economic climate has hit the underwater community", but "instead of mooching off social services at Bikini Bottom...SpongeBob sets out to return to the work force".After the New York Post and Fox News commented on the episode, Media Matters for America, a politically progressive media watchdog group, responded. The group accused the media sources, both owned by media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, of using the episode "to slam poor people who use social services". In response to Fox News, Media Matters immediately posted an item online titled "Right-Wing Media Use SpongeBob SquarePants' Firing To Attack Social Safety Net", arguing that the two "are using the firing of fictional cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants to attack the social safety net and those who rely on it". Media Matters was "also particularly bothered by [a] line from The Post story: 'Lest he sit around idly, mooching off the social services of Bikini Bottom, a depressed SpongeBob sets out to return to gainful employment wherever he can find it', reporter Andrea Morabito wrote. 'No spoilers—but it's safe to say that our hero doesn't end up on food stamps, as his patty-making skills turn out to be in high demand.'"Civil rights activist and talk show host Al Sharpton of MSNBC remarked in the October 31 episode of PoliticsNation that "The right-wingers found a new hero in its war against the poor [...] SpongeBob SquarePants. That's right. SpongeBob SquarePants [...] So a sponge who Facts: Answer: Rocko's Modern Life
Question: What American sitcom did Mr. Lawrence act in? Context: SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004) and its 2015 sequel. Later in 2015, it was revealed that Paramount was developing sequels to its franchises, including another SpongeBob film.The film was initially scheduled for release theatrically in 2019, before being delayed to 2020. The film later had its theatrical run cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and instead released on video on demand and Paramount+. By January 2016, Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger had been hired to write the film. In April 2018, the film's official title was revealed as The SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge, and SpongeBob co-developer Tim Hill was announced as director and writer for the film. On November 12, 2019, it was revealed that the film's title was changed from It's a Wonderful Sponge to Sponge on the Run. == Reception == === Box office performance === === Critical and public reception === == Crew == == References == Rocko's Modern Life is an American animated television series created by Joe Murray for Nickelodeon. The series centers on the surreal life of an anthropomorphic Australian immigrant wallaby named Rocko and his friends: the eccentric steer Heffer Wolfe, the neurotic turtle Filburt, and Rocko's faithful dog Spunky. It is set in the fictional town of O-Town. Throughout its run to present day, this show is controversial for its adult humor, including double entendre, innuendo, and satirical social commentary, similar to The Ren & Stimpy Show. The series has gained a cult following. Murray created the title character for an unpublished comic book series in the late 1980s, and later reluctantly pitched the series to Nickelodeon, which was looking for edgier cartoonists for its then-new Nicktoons. The network gave the staff a large amount of creative freedom, with the writers targeting both children and adults. The show premiered on September 18, 1993, and ended on November 24, 1996, totaling four seasons and 52 episodes. A special, entitled Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling, was digitally released on Netflix on August 9, 2019.The show launched the careers of voice actors Carlos Alazraqui and Tom Kenny. After the show's cancellation, much of the staff regrouped to work on SpongeBob SquarePants, created by Rocko's creative director Stephen Hillenburg. == Premise == === Characters === Rocko's Modern Life follows the life of an easily frightened immigrant wallaby named Rocko who encounters various dilemmas and situations regarding otherwise mundane aspects of life. His best friends Facts: Rocko's Modern Life is an American animated television series created by Joe Murray for Nickelodeon. Answer: Rocko's Modern Life
Question: What American sitcom did Mr. Lawrence act in? Context: June 22, 2017, it was announced that the title of the special would be Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling and that it would air in 2018. They also reconfirmed that the entire main cast and recurring cast would be reprising their roles, alongside new voice actors Steve Little and co-director Cosmo Segurson. A special sneak peek was released to coincide with the Rocko panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2017.On May 10, 2019, it was announced that Netflix has acquired the distribution rights to both Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling and Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus and the streaming service confirmed a day later they would premiere sometime in the summer of 2019. On July 16, 2019, it was confirmed alongside an exclusive clip by the Rocko's Modern Life official Instagram page and various news sources that the show would premiere on Netflix on August 9, 2019. == See also == Camp Lazlo Let's Go Luna! SpongeBob SquarePants == References == === Citations === === Works cited === Furniss, Maureen (1998). Art in Motion: Animation Aesthetics. Indiana University Press. ISBN 1-86462-039-0. Goldmark, Daniel; Taylor, Yuval (2002). The Cartoon Music Book. Chicago: Chicago Review Press. ISBN 978-1-55652-473-8. Neuwirth, Allen (2003). Makin' Toons: Inside the Most Popular Animated TV Shows and Movies. New York City: Allworth Press. ISBN 978-1-58115-269-2. == External links == Joe Murray Studio. Archived from the original on February 9, 2017. Rocko's Modern Life at IMDb Rocko's Modern Life at the Big Cartoon DataBase Rocko's Modern Life at Don Markstein's Toonopedia. Archived from the original on February 9, 2017. Trainor, Pat, ed., The Rocko's Modern Life FAQ. Includes interviews with series creator Joe Murray and production staff. Archived from the original on March 15, 2016. Douglas Lawrence Osowski (born January 1, 1969), known professionally as "Mr. Lawrence", is an American voice actor, writer, animator, storyboard artist, director, and comedian. He is best known for his work as a writer and voice actor for the Nicktoons Rocko's Modern Life and SpongeBob SquarePants. On SpongeBob, he has provided the voice of Plankton and various recurring characters since 1999. == Career == Lawrence is known for his work as a writer (and since season 10, story editor) on the animated TV series SpongeBob SquarePants. He also has long-running character roles on the show, providing the voice of Sheldon Plankton and various recurring characters, such as Potty the Parrot (replacing Paul Tibbitt from season Facts: He is best known for his work as a writer and voice actor for the Nicktoons Rocko's Modern Life and SpongeBob SquarePants. Answer: Rocko's Modern Life
Question: Where do the club that own Emiliano Velázquez play their home games ? Context: an average of 113.4, with a high score of 121. In the same period, he had a bowling average of 15.38, taking 32 wickets.Between 2006 and 2008 Assad Fudadin played for Trowbridge CC as an all rounder. In his time with the club he played mainly 1st XI cricket but also some 2nd XI cricket. During his three years at Trowbridge he scored 2659 league runs at an average of 85.77 and took 60 wickets at an average of 26.53. Fudadin made his international debut for west Indies against England at Edgbaston Cricket Ground in 2012. As well as overseas players, county professional cricketers have also played for Trowbridge. David Brown played 1st XI cricket for two seasons, whilst he was playing for Gloucestershire County Cricket Club. Brown had a highest score of 180, which was scored against Westbury, and best bowling figures of 4-47 against Taunton Deane. == References == == External links == Official website Emiliano Daniel Velázquez Maldonado (born 30 April 1994) is an Uruguayan professional footballer who plays as a central defender for Brazilian club Santos. == Club career == === Danubio === Born in Montevideo, Velázquez graduated from local Danubio F.C.'s youth system, and made his first-team debut on 3 June 2012, starting and being sent off in a 2–1 away loss against C.A. Bella Vista. It was his maiden appearance of the campaign. Velázquez appeared regularly in the 2012–13 season, appearing in 24 matches (all starts, 2106 minutes of action), as his side finished dead last in Apertura but was fifth in Clausura. On 31 August 2013, he scored his first professional goal, netting the last of a 2–1 away win against Liverpool F.C. Montevideo; he was an ever-present figure during the club's winning campaign. === Atlético Madrid === On 27 August 2014, Velázquez signed a five-year deal with Atlético Madrid, and the following day he was loaned to Getafe CF for the 2014–15 season. He made his La Liga debut on 28 September, starting in a 1–0 home win against Málaga CF.Velázquez scored his first goal in the main category of Spanish football on 21 December, netting the last in a 1–1 draw at Granada CF. After contributing with 27 appearances and avoiding relegation, his loan was extended for another year on 2 July 2015.After an unassuming loan spell at Primeira Liga side S.C. Braga, Velázquez returned to Getafe on 26 July 2017, Facts: Emiliano Daniel Velázquez Maldonado (born 30 April 1994) is an Uruguayan professional footballer who plays as a central defender for Brazilian club Santos. Answer: Wanda Metropolitano,
Question: Where do the club that own Emiliano Velázquez play their home games ? Context: Fife & Lothians Cup winners: 1975–76, 1997–98 East Region Division Two winners: 1994–95 East of Scotland Junior Cup winners: 1909–10, 1912–13, 1921–22, 1922–23, 1947–48, 1970–71, 1980–81 Brown Cup winners: 1975–76 Andy Kelly Cup 2008 St Michaels Cup 2005–06 == Former players == 1. Players that have played/managed in the top two divisions of the Scottish Football League or any foreign equivalent to this level (i.e. fully professional league).2. Players with full international caps.3. Players that hold a club record or have captained the club. Paddy Crossan Willie Wilson Scott Nisbet Darren McGregor == References == == External links == Official club site Sandringham Soccer Club is an Australian soccer club based in Sandringham, Victoria. Their men's team currently compete in State League 2 South-East, after being promoted from State League 3 South-East in 2014. While their women's team play in the top tier of women's football in Victoria, the Women's Premier League. The men's team play home games at RJ Sillitoe Reserve, whereas as the women play home games at Kingston Heath Soccer Complex. Club Atlético de Madrid, S.A.D. (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈkluβ aˈtletiko ðe maˈðɾið]; meaning "Athletic Club of Madrid"), commonly referred to as Atlético Madrid in English or simply as Atlético or Atleti, is a Spanish professional football club based in Madrid, that play in La Liga. The club play their home games at the Wanda Metropolitano Stadium, which has a capacity of 68,456.In terms of league titles won, Atlético Madrid are the third most successful club in Spanish football – behind Real Madrid and Barcelona. Atlético have won La Liga on eleven occasions, including a league and cup double in 1996; the Copa del Rey on ten occasions; two Supercopas de España, one Copa Presidente FEF and one Copa Eva Duarte; in Europe, they won the European Cup Winners' Cup in 1962, were runners-up in 1963 and 1986, were UEFA Champions League runners-up in 1974, 2014 and 2016, won the Europa League in 2010, 2012 and 2018, and won the UEFA Super Cup in 2010, 2012 and 2018 as well as the 1974 Intercontinental Cup. Atlético's home kit is red and white vertical striped shirts, blue shorts, and blue and red socks. This combination has been used since 1911. Throughout their history the club has been known by a number of nicknames, including Los Colchoneros ("The Mattress Makers"), due to their first team stripes being the same colours Facts: The club play their home games at the Wanda Metropolitano Stadium, which has a capacity of 68,456. Answer: Wanda Metropolitano,
Question: Where do the club that own Emiliano Velázquez play their home games ? Context: administrator José Manuel Rubí running Atlético's day-to-day operations. With the removal of club President Jesús Gil and his board, the players performed poorly and the club floundered. Ranieri handed in his resignation with the club sitting 17th out of 20 in the league table and heading towards relegation. Antić, returning for his third coaching stint, was unable to prevent the inevitable. Despite reaching the Copa del Rey final in 2000, Atlético were relegated second time after 66 years.Atlético spent two seasons in the Segunda División, narrowly missing out on promotion in 2000–01 season before winning the Segunda División championship in 2002. It was again Luis Aragonés, in his fourth and last spell as manager of Atlético, who brought them back to the Primera División. He also coached the team during the next season, and gave Fernando Torres his La Liga debut. === Aguirre era (2006–2009) === In 2006, Atlético signed Portuguese midfielders Costinha and Maniche, as well as Argentine forward Sergio Agüero. In July 2007, Fernando Torres left the club for Liverpool for €38 million, while Luis García moved in the opposite direction at the same time in an unrelated transfer. The club also bought Uruguay international and former European Golden Boot and Pichichi winner Diego Forlán for roughly €21 million from Villarreal. Other additions included Portuguese winger Simão Sabrosa from Benfica for €20 million and winger José Antonio Reyes from Arsenal for €12 million.In July 2007, the Atlético board reached an agreement with the City of Madrid to sell the land where their stadium is located and move the club to the City-owned Olympic Stadium. However, the new stadium will change hands in 2016 and be owned by the club. Madrid had applied to host the 2016 Olympic Games, losing out to Rio de Janeiro.The 2007–08 season proved to be the most successful season for the club in the past decade. The team reached the round of 32 in the UEFA Cup, where they were defeated by Bolton Wanderers. They also reached the quarter-final round of the Copa del Rey, where they were beaten by eventual champions Valencia. More significantly, the team finished the league season in fourth place, qualifying for the UEFA Champions League for the first time since the 1996–97 season. On 3 February 2009, Javier Aguirre was dismissed from his post as manager after a poor start to the season, going without a win in six Facts: Answer: Wanda Metropolitano,
Question: Where do the club that own Emiliano Velázquez play their home games ? Context: by the May 20, 2006 collision and slugging incident between Pierzynski and Michael Barrett. Pierzynski received 3.6 million votes, the most votes in the American League, subsequently sending him to his second All-Star appearance. == Stadiums == === White Sox === The White Sox have always been located on the south side. At the time the White Sox came to town, the Cubs' home field was West Side Park, in an older section of the city which is now the West Campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago and near the United Center, home of the Chicago Bulls and Chicago Blackhawks. (Coincidentally, for a few seasons in the early 1890s the Cubs home park was within a block of the sites of the future Sox ballparks.) In 1916 the Cubs moved from the west to the north side, taking over Weeghman Park, the abandoned Federal League facility (later renamed Wrigley Field), thus setting up the current separation. When the new Comiskey Park (now called Guaranteed Rate Field) was built, many in the media and baseball (including both Cubs and White Sox fans) called the park "sterile", and lacking the beauty and personality of the old park, even though many seats at the old park were cramped, behind posts, or in the outfield. Others contend that in contrast Wrigley Field is dirty, uncomfortable, and generally unpleasant to be in. Regardless, this again set up a point of rivalry as Cubs fans had their classic park, while White Sox fans had their modern park. Former Sox manager Ozzie Guillén said of Wrigley, "But one thing about Wrigley Field, I puke every time I go there", further polarizing this point of contention. While several renovations to Guaranteed Rate Field have silenced many criticisms, such as the improved upper deck and bleachers, the difference between the fields remains a point of rivalry between fans of the teams. === Cubs === When the Tribune Company bought the Cubs, they immediately started pressing for night baseball, threatening to abandon Wrigley Field otherwise. Night baseball was finally added in 1988, and after some further negotiations with the city, in the winter of 2005–2006 they expanded Wrigley's bleachers for the first time since 1938. Even the neighborhoods around the stadiums show the difference between the fans. Wrigleyville, a part of the Lakeview neighborhood, surrounds the Cubs' stadium, and comprises middle- and upper-middle-class housing, as well as many Facts: Answer: Wanda Metropolitano,
Question: he Australian Conservatives is an Australian political party formed and led by Cory Bernardi, the Family First Party and their two state incumbents, Robert Brokenshire and which Australian politician? Context: cities around Queensland to be moved into a new "AusVegas" in the Cairns region. He has also been a vocal advocate for the restoration of the Upper House in Queensland.In August 2011, McLindon announced the merger of The Queensland Party with Katter's Australian Party. Some members of The Queensland Party opposed the merger but an Electoral Commission of Queensland investigation found that they did not have the required numbers to maintain the separate registration of the party and it was removed from the register of political parties in December 2011. Most Queensland Party candidates were endorsed by Katter's Australian Party. As part of the deal, McLindon became the merged party's Queensland state leader. McLindon has had no political party affiliations since 2013. Conservatism portal == References == The Australian Conservatives was formed in July 2016 as a conservative political activist group in Australia and as a political party in February 2017. It was led by Cory Bernardi, who had been elected to the Senate for the Liberal Party, but resigned citing disagreements with the Liberal/National Coalition, its policies and leadership under Malcolm Turnbull. The Family First Party and its two state parliamentarians, Dennis Hood and Robert Brokenshire, joined and merged with the Australian Conservatives in April 2017. Brokenshire was not re-elected at the 2018 state election; Hood left the Conservatives to join the Liberal Party on 26 March 2018, leaving Bernardi as the sole remaining member in federal parliament, whose present term in the senate runs until 30 June 2022. In September 2017, the leaders of the Victorian branch of the Australian Christians agreed to merge the Victorian branch with the Conservatives.On 20 June 2019 Bernardi announced that he would deregister the party following the re-election of the Coalition Morrison Government at the 2019 Australian federal election, citing a lack of political success and poor financial position. The party was deregistered on 25 June 2019. == History == === Activist group === The Australian Conservatives were established by Senator Bernardi as a conservative political activist group on 6 July 2016. The group was announced by Bernardi on his personal blog as a conservative "movement" to "help change politics and to give common sense a united voice". Bernardi cited the results of the 2016 federal election as a motivator for the group's establishment, stating that "over 1.7m votes were cast for right-of-centre or conservative parties rather than the Liberals", and that Facts: The Family First Party and its two state parliamentarians, Dennis Hood and Robert Brokenshire, joined and merged with the Australian Conservatives in April 2017. Answer: Dennis Hood
Question: he Australian Conservatives is an Australian political party formed and led by Cory Bernardi, the Family First Party and their two state incumbents, Robert Brokenshire and which Australian politician? Context: after being struck by a four-wheel-drive with an unlicensed driver behind the wheel in March 2017. == References == == External links == Official website Official profile: parliament.vic.gov.au Parliamentary voting record of Rachel Carling-Jenkins at Victorian Parliament Tracker Dennis Garry Edward Hood (born 12 January 1970) is an Australian politician. Hood began his political career in 2006 as a member of the South Australian Legislative Council. He later became the South Australian state leader of the Australian Conservatives before changing parties and joining the Liberal Party after the 2018 state election. Dennis Hood currently holds the position of Government Whip in the Legislative Council. == Early life and career == Hood was born to working-class parents in Salisbury, Adelaide, South Australia. His father, Wade, was a Vietnam War veteran, and his mother was legally blind. Hood holds a bachelor's degree in Arts (Politics) and Economics from the University of Adelaide. He became an executive for Johnson & Johnson's pharmaceuticals. == Legislative career == Hood became the Federal Director of Family First in 2005. Hood ran for the South Australian Legislative Council in the 2006 state election as the primary candidate for Family First. He was elected with the assistance of preferences on a primary vote of 5%, becoming the party's second representative in state parliament's upper house. Family First and the other minor parties share the balance of power in the Legislative Council.In 2009, Hood suggested the scrapping of compulsory voting, on the basis that it is undemocratic to force people to cast a vote. South Australian electoral legislation only requires a voter to attend a polling booth, not to mark a ballot paper. Hood also established a Parliamentary committee to evaluate the establishment of marine parks off the coast of South Australia, which involves the examination of the environment, economic and social impacts. In 2011, Hood advocated the creation of a police task force to address the backlog of unexecuted arrest warrants. Hood supported the redevelopment of the Adelaide Oval, with some amendments. In 2010, Hood noted that the State Coroner needed more resources to address the backlog in cases.Hood has advocated increased accountability of government departments, describing the referral of SA, a Government organization specializing in sexual health, of disabled clients to a list of prostitutes, as a "gross misuse of taxpayer money," with then opposition leader Iain Evans concurring that a government-funded agency should never advocate what Facts: Dennis Garry Edward Hood (born 12 January 1970) is an Australian politician. Answer: Dennis Hood
Question: Which of the teams that Az-Zahir Ali Hakim played for played all of their home games at the same venue? Context: Hampshire ==== ==== (3) Northeastern vs. (6) Lowell ==== ==== (4) Providence vs. (5) Maine ==== === Semifinals === ==== (1) Boston College vs. (6) Lowell ==== ==== (2) Boston University vs. (4) Providence ==== === Consolation === ==== (4) Providence vs. (6) Lowell ==== === Championship === ==== (1) Boston College vs. (2) Boston University ==== == Tournament awards == === All-Tournament Team === F Ken Hodge (Boston College) F Peter Marshall* (Boston University) F Jeff Sveen (Boston University) D David Quinn (Boston University) D Scott Shaunessy (Boston University) G Terry Taillefer (Boston University)* Tournament MVP(s) == References == == External links == Hockey East Online The 1901–02 Syracuse Orangemen men's basketball team represented Syracuse University during the 1901–02 college men's basketball season. Instead of a head coach, the team's operations was headed by manager Fred Griffin. == Schedule == Source == Roster == Arthur Brady Clinton Goodwin Earl Twombley Clarence Houseknecht Harley Crane Frank Bohr Fred Griffin Courtney Whittemore == References == == External links == OrangeHoops.com recap of 1901–02 season The Las Vegas Locomotives (called the Locos for short) were a professional American football team based in Las Vegas, Nevada that played in the United Football League. The team played their home games at Sam Boyd Stadium, home field for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Jim Fassel was the franchise's head coach, president, and general manager. The Locomotives appeared in all three UFL Championship Games, winning both the 2009 and 2010 iterations; the Locos were also the last of the four charter UFL franchises to remain in their original home city, to retain their original head coach, and to have played all of their home games at the same venue. == Franchise history == Las Vegas was one of the first markets to be considered for a UFL team, being mentioned as a location from the beginning. When the league released their tentative list of six markets for their inaugural season in early 2008, it included Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Hartford, Orlando, and San Francisco. When the league contracted to four teams prior to the start of the 2009 season, Las Vegas merged with Los Angeles, while New York merged with Hartford. Eventually, despite New York and Los Angeles being the larger markets, Las Vegas and Hartford were given sole rights to the teams, and Las Vegas never played a game in the Los Facts: The Locomotives appeared in all three UFL Championship Games, winning both the 2009 and 2010 iterations; the Locos were also the last of the four charter UFL franchises to remain in their original home city, to retain their original head coach, and to have played all of their home games at the same venue. Answer: Las Vegas Locomotives
Question: Which of the teams that Az-Zahir Ali Hakim played for played all of their home games at the same venue? Context: the home venue of the NHL's Boston Bruins. This was the final year the Hockey East championship was decided at a home venue to one of its member teams (as of 2014). By winning the tournament, Northeastern received the Hockey East's automatic bid to the 1988 NCAA Division I Men's Ice Hockey Tournament. == Format == The tournament featured three rounds of play. The team that finishes in seventh place is ineligible for tournament play. In the quarterfinals, the third seed and sixth seeds, and the fourth seed and fifth seeds played a two-game series where the team that scored the most total goals was declared the winner and advanced to the semifinals. In the semifinals, the first seed and lowest remaining quarterfinalist and second seed and highest remaining quarterfinalist each play additional two-game series with the winners advancing to the single-elimination championship game. The tournament champion receives an automatic bid to the 1988 NCAA Division I Men's Ice Hockey Tournament. == Conference Standings == Note: GP = Games Played; W = Wins; L = Losses; T = Ties; PTS = Points; GF = Goals For; GA = Goals Against == Bracket == Teams are reseeded after the quarterfinals Note: * denotes overtime period(s) === Quarterfinals === ==== (3) Boston University vs. (6) Providence ==== ==== (4) Lowell vs. (5) Boston College ==== === Semifinals === ==== (1) Maine vs. (6) Providence ==== ==== (2) Northeastern vs. (4) Lowell ==== === Championship === ==== (1) Maine vs. (2) Northeastern ==== == Tournament awards == === All-Tournament Team === F Mike McHugh (Maine) F Harry Mews (Northeastern) F Rico Rossi (Northeastern) F Mario Thyer (Maine) D Jack Capuano (Maine) D Brian Dowd (Northeastern) G Bruce Racine* (Northeastern)* Tournament MVP(s) == References == == External links == Hockey East Online Az-Zahir Ali Hakim (born June 3, 1977) is an American football coach and former wide receiver who played nine seasons in the National Football League. He played college football at San Diego State. He was drafted by the St. Louis Rams in the fourth round (96th overall) of the 1998 NFL Draft. He also was a member of the Detroit Lions, New Orleans Saints, San Diego Chargers, Miami Dolphins, and Las Vegas Locomotives. As a coach, he served as the wide receivers coach of the San Diego Fleet of the Alliance of American Football in 2019 and the St. Louis BattleHawks of Facts: Az-Zahir Ali Hakim (born June 3, 1977) is an American football coach and former wide receiver who played nine seasons in the National Football League. He also was a member of the Detroit Lions, New Orleans Saints, San Diego Chargers, Miami Dolphins, and Las Vegas Locomotives. Answer: Las Vegas Locomotives
Question: Which of the teams that Az-Zahir Ali Hakim played for played all of their home games at the same venue? Context: Eddie Kennison as the only Rams players to amass more than 1,000 career punt return yards. He passed Kennison to move into third place all-time the following month. Also during the season, Hakim completed his first career pass with a 51-yard touchdown to Isaac Bruce. Hakim also had 90 receiving yards and five rushing yards in a Super Bowl XXXVI loss to the New England Patriots. === 2002 === Hakim joined the Detroit Lions as a free agent in 2002 and had a rebound season in terms of receiving yards and in the punt return game. He started all 10 games in which he appeared during the season, catching 37 passes for 541 yards and three touchdowns. He also posted a 14.8 punt return average and had his third career return touchdown. It did not take long for Hakim to make a splash with his new team, as he holds the honor of scoring the first touchdown at Ford Field following the team's move from the Pontiac Silverdome. Other season highlights include a career-high nine receptions against the Miami Dolphins and seven catches for 143 yards against and a score on the first offensive play of the game against the Green Bay Packers. Hakim suffered a hip injury on a shuffle pass against the New York Jets on November 17. He would miss the rest of the season due to the injury, and was the team's leading receiver when he was placed on Injured Reserve on November 10. === 2003 === Despite missing the first two games of the 2003 season recovering knee surgery, Hakim went on to start 12 of the 14 games he appeared in and become Detroit's leading receiver during the season. He finished the year with 49 catches for 449 yards and four touchdowns. Highlights from the season include a 21-yard pass to fellow wideout Charles Rogers (the second pass and completion of his career), a two-point conversion on a pass from Joey Harrington against the Chicago Bears, and a crucial 18-yard catch on a game-winning drive in another contest against the Bears. He had 19 catches over a three-game span during the year, which was the most ever for him in that amount. However, his best game of the season came against his former team, as he totaled 101 yards on offense and scored a touchdown against the Rams. === 2004 === In 2004, Hakim Facts: Answer: Las Vegas Locomotives
Question: Writing's on the Wall is from a George Harrison album with which song as its first single? Context: the session. Lon and Derrek Van Eaton, who, like Preston, were a former Apple act now signed with A&M Records, overdubbed backing vocals soon afterwards.Harrison described his lead vocal on the song as sounding like the singer Louis Armstrong; he later told reporters that he quite liked the result. According to Newmark, however, Harrison was concerned about how concert-goers would react to his shot vocals. The arrangement includes a trio of flute players, led by Scott; Preston on electric piano; and Robben Ford on a second acoustic guitar. Keltner, Harrison's regular drummer, provided hi-hats, supporting Newmark's beat. In addition, Emil Richards played a percussion instrument known as a crochet. == Release == Backed with "I Don't Care Anymore", "Dark Horse" was issued as the album's lead single in America (as Apple 1877), on 18 November 1974. It was one of only three tracks from Dark Horse that Harrison performed during the tour. The single was available in a white sleeve on which the song lyrics and a large dot appeared in blue print. Capitol Records, Apple's US distributor, sent an edited mix, cutting a minute's worth from the middle of the song, as a promotional disc for radio stations across America."Dark Horse" made a strong impact as a single, authors Chip Madinger and Mark Easter write, reaching the US top 20 "with ease". It then peaked at a relatively low number 15 on the Billboard Hot 100, however, on 11 January 1975, before disappearing from the chart altogether two weeks later. In Canada, where the tour had begun on 2 November, "Dark Horse" reached number 26 on RPM's singles chart. In Britain, the song was released as the second single off Dark Horse, on 28 February 1975 (as Apple R 6001), with the show-opening instrumental "Hari's on Tour (Express)" on the B-side. The single failed to place on the UK Singles Chart, then just a top 50. It was Harrison's first single to miss the UK chart and the second by a former Beatle, after Starr's "Snookeroo", released shortly before "Dark Horse".Due to the delay in completing the recording, Capitol was unable to issue the Dark Horse album until the second week of December, towards the end of the tour. "Dark Horse" appeared as the second track on side two of the LP, between "Ding Dong, Ding Dong", the album's other single, and the soul-inflected "Far East Man". In his Facts: Answer: "All Those Years Ago"
Question: Writing's on the Wall is from a George Harrison album with which song as its first single? Context: – vocals, acoustic guitar Billy Preston – electric piano Robben Ford – acoustic guitar Willie Weeks – bass Andy Newmark – drums Jim Keltner – drums Tom Scott – flute Jim Horn – flute Chuck Findley – flute Emil Richards – percussion Derrek Van Eaton – backing vocals Lon Van Eaton – backing vocals == Chart performance == == Notes == == References == == Sources == == External links == Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics "The Heart Gently Weeps" is the first single from the 2007 album 8 Diagrams by the Wu-Tang Clan. The song features a sample of The Beatles' song "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". It features guest appearances from three other musicians: R&B singer Erykah Badu sings the song's chorus; Dhani Harrison, son of Beatle lead guitarist and vocalist George, plays acoustic guitar; and John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili Peppers is featured on lead guitar. This song was made using a cover version of the George Harrison song played by the blues guitarist Jimmy Ponder. Out of respect for George Harrison, RZA, who produced this song, asked Dhani to play rhythm guitar. It was played using a mint condition Gretsch guitar from 1961 which was given to RZA as a gift from Russell Crowe after they had finished filming American Gangster. The song was #50 on Rolling Stone's list of the 100 Best Songs of 2007. == Chart position == == References == == External links == Video interview with RZA about the song on YouTube Somewhere in England is the ninth studio album by English musician George Harrison, released in June 1981 by Dark Horse Records. The album was recorded as Harrison was becoming increasingly frustrated with the music industry. The album's making was a long one, during which conflicts with Warner Bros. Records arose. Somewhere in England was the first Harrison album to be released after the murder of his former Beatle bandmate John Lennon; the lyrics of its first single, "All Those Years Ago", pay tribute to Lennon. == Recording == Harrison began recording Somewhere in England in March 1980 and continued sporadically, finally delivering the album to Warner Bros. Records, the distributor of his Dark Horse record label, in late September that year. However, the executives at Warner Bros. rejected the album, feeling it was "too laid back" and not sufficiently commercial. Harrison agreed to rework the album and Facts: Somewhere in England was the first Harrison album to be released after the murder of his former Beatle bandmate John Lennon; the lyrics of its first single, "All Those Years Ago", pay tribute to Lennon. Answer: "All Those Years Ago"
Question: Writing's on the Wall is from a George Harrison album with which song as its first single? Context: The Prince and the Pauper. He and Arias returned to England on 4 April and recording for the album began at Harrison's home studio, FPSHOT, later that month. Although the album credits list only FPSHOT, Titelman has said that they first recorded "Dark Sweet Lady" at Amigos Studios in Los Angeles. In a 1996 interview, Titelman recalled that he initially had to get past his awe of Harrison, as an ex-Beatle, and that while making the album he came to appreciate the precision and craft Harrison had applied to the band's music, and the "unique" quality of his guitar styles and sounds. He recognised Harrison's "fluid approach" in the guitar parts on "Dark Sweet Lady", "Love Comes to Everyone" and "Blow Away" as a legacy of his immersion in Indian music.Among the first songs recorded at FPSHOT, on 11 April, was "Flying Hour", although it did not appear on the album. Another outtake was "Circles", a song that Harrison wrote in 1968. The core group of musicians on the album included keyboard player Neil Larsen, who had recently worked on Titelman's production of Rickie Lee Jones' self-titled debut album, and Harrison's rhythm section from his 1974 North American tour, Andy Newmark and Willie Weeks. Newmark recalled a far "mellower" Harrison in 1978, compared with his demeanour during the sessions for Dark Horse. Steve Winwood also contributed, on keyboards and backing vocals, and Ray Cooper played percussion. Leng says that the participation of these two English musicians reflected the apparent waning of American musical influences on Harrison, as suggested by the minimal presence of horns, previously a staple of the artist's sound since 1970. Special guests at the sessions included Gary Wright (on "If You Believe") and Eric Clapton, who contributed the lead guitar intro to "Love Comes to Everyone". In September, a month after the birth of their son, Harrison and Arias were married in a private ceremony in Henley.In Leng's description, the album departs further from Harrison's recent works through its preference for both warm acoustic-based guitar arrangements and using electric guitars as "smooth, ringing purveyors of elegance". In the latter regard, he views the selection of "Love Comes to Everyone" to open the album as a statement declaring: "This is not a rock 'n' roll record." Inglis writes that, furthering the approach introduced on Thirty Three & ⅓, the arrangements convey a "less aggressive, more subtle, musical philosophy Facts: Answer: "All Those Years Ago"
Question: Writing's on the Wall is from a George Harrison album with which song as its first single? Context: and described the song as a "brief but joyous country spiritual" that was among the three standout tracks, along with "Blow Away" and "Here Comes the Moon". Former Mojo editor Mat Snow praises the same three songs as the best of Harrison's "romantic and reflective" songwriting on the album and says that this quality was complemented by Titelman's "tastefully contemporary" sound. In another 2004 review, John Metzger of The Music Box highlighted Wright's appearance among reasons why the two-year gap between Harrison albums was "well worth [the wait]". Metzger said that "Each track on George Harrison was a folk-pop gem that felt like a lost Beatles tune" and added that, although the production was sometimes overly polished, "the slicker textures weren't enough to sink the often airy and uplifting arrangements."Among Harrison and Beatles biographers, Robert Rodriguez views "If You Believe" as a worthy choice for a single after the similarly commercial "Love Comes to Everyone", and describes it as "nearly as engaging" as the US hit "Blow Away". Ian Inglis writes that the song "lacks the innovative qualities of 'Within You Without You,' the melodic impact of 'My Sweet Lord,' and the lyrical complexity of 'Living in the Material World'", and he views it as "a perfectly pleasant but ultimately unremarkable track". Simon Leng comments that, whereas the sound on George Harrison generally signals both a maturation of and a departure from the artist's previous work, the song appears formulaic and derivative. He says that it "sounds like it was conceived to be a hit single" yet "doesn't completely convince". == Personnel == George Harrison – vocals, acoustic guitars, slide guitars, backing vocals Gary Wright – Oberheim synthesizer Neil Larsen – piano Willie Weeks – bass Andy Newmark – drums Del Newman – string arrangement == Notes == == References == == Sources == "Writing's on the Wall" is a song by English musician George Harrison from his 1981 album Somewhere in England. It was also the B-side of the album's lead single, "All Those Years Ago", which Harrison wrote as a tribute to his former Beatles bandmate John Lennon. In his lyrics, Harrison sings of the transient nature of life and the importance of recognising a spiritual purpose. Although the song was written long before Lennon's murder in New York in December 1980, the lyrics' reference to how easily friends can be shot down and killed led listeners to Facts: "Writing's on the Wall" is a song by English musician George Harrison from his 1981 album Somewhere in England. Answer: "All Those Years Ago"
Question: Writing's on the Wall is from a George Harrison album with which song as its first single? Context: ... It was one of the most ecstatic things I'd ever heard, and ever would hear. It was the spirit of love speaking through George Harrison, as it would speak through him throughout that album. An alternative studio version of "What Is Life" was one of the five bonus tracks included on the 2001 remaster of All Things Must Pass. This version is a rough mix of the original backing track with different orchestration – in this case, piccolo trumpet and oboe. In the accompanying booklet, Harrison writes that this orchestral arrangement was discarded because he "didn't like the feel". Speaking to Billboard editor-in-chief Timothy White in December 2000, Harrison explained the reason for the lack of a guide vocal on this version: "I'm playing the fuzz guitar part that goes all through the song. So all I could do on the [initial] take was to give the band the cue line – the first line of each verse – and then go back to playing that riff. So that rough mix without the vocal – I'd forgot all about it …" === Music video === Coinciding with the release of the Apple Years 1968–75 box set in September 2014, Harrison's widow and son, Olivia and Dhani Harrison, held an online competition in which filmmakers were invited to create a video clip for "What Is Life". The winner would receive a $5000 cash prize and their entry would become the official video for the track, appearing on the George Harrison YouTube channel and other media platforms. In November, Olivia and Dhani selected Brandon Moore of Oakland, California as the winner. Moore's video comprises dance interpretations by Emma Rubinowitz and Esteban Hernandez of the San Francisco Ballet, filmed in the streets and woods of the San Francisco Presidio. == Live performance == A live version of the song, recorded with Eric Clapton and his band in December 1991, is available on Harrison's 1992 album Live in Japan album. The performance was recorded at Tokyo Dome on 17 December, during the final show of the tour.Part of a concert performance of "What Is Life" from Harrison's 1974 North American tour with Ravi Shankar appears in Scorsese's George Harrison: Living in the Material World. This was the first US tour by a former Beatle but the concerts were highly controversial and proved damaging to Harrison's artistic standing. Rock publications such as Rolling Stone Facts: Answer: "All Those Years Ago"
Question: what play did Adam Guettlel win two Tony Awards for best orchestration and best Score? Context: Australian Academy AACTA Award for Best Original Score for Not Suitable for Children (2012). Award shared with Jono Ma (of rock band Jagwar Ma). 2016 APRA Australia Screen Music Award for Feature Film Score of the Year for 99 Homes (2014). Award shared with Antony Partos. 2016 Australian Academy AACTA Award for Best Original Music Score in Television for The Kettering Incident (2016). Award shared with Max Lyandvert. === ARIA Music Awards === The ARIA Music Awards is an annual awards ceremony that recognises excellence, innovation, and achievement across all genres of Australian music. === Nominations === 2007 APRA Australia Screen Music Award for Best Music for a Television Series for All Saints: TV Series (2007). 2012 Film Critics Circle of Australia Award for Best Music Score for a Feature Film for The Hunter (2011). Nomination shared with Michael Lira and Andrew Lancaster. 2012 APRA Australia Screen Music Award for Best Music for a Mini-Series or Telemovie for Dripping in Chocolate (2012). 2013 Film Critics Circle of Australia Award for Best Music Score for Not Suitable for Children (2012). Nomination shared with Jono Ma. 2016 APRA Australia Screen Music Award for Best Music for a Mini-Series or Telemovie for DNA Nation (2016). == References == == External links == Official website Matteo Zingales at IMDb Adam Guettel (; born December 16, 1964) is an American composer-lyricist of musical theater and opera. The grandson of musical theatre composer Richard Rodgers, he is best known for the musical The Light in the Piazza, for which he won two Tony Awards, for Best Score and Best Orchestrations, and two Drama Desk Awards, for Best Music and Best Orchestrations. == Biography == === Early years === Guettel was born on December 16, 1964, to film executive Henry Guettel and writer/composer Mary Rodgers, daughter of famed composer Richard Rodgers, and was raised on the Upper West Side of New York City. He performed as a boy soprano soloist in operas including Pelléas et Mélisande and The Magic Flute, both at the Metropolitan Opera and the New York City Opera, and in another production of Pelléas with the Santa Fe Opera. He was also slated to play Amahl in the film remake of Gian Carlo Menotti's "Amahl and the Night Visitors". He later claimed that he ended his career as a boy soprano at age 13, by faking that his voice was changing; he turned to Facts: The grandson of musical theatre composer Richard Rodgers, he is best known for the musical The Light in the Piazza, for which he won two Tony Awards, for Best Score and Best Orchestrations, and two Drama Desk Awards, for Best Music and Best Orchestrations. Answer: The Light in the Piazza
Question: what play did Adam Guettlel win two Tony Awards for best orchestration and best Score? Context: Paul Sheehan – Katurian Michael Pizzuto – Michael Reuben M. Tuck – Tupolski Damien Barnes – ArielMexico Scotiabank Theatre, Mexico City, 2008. Alfonso Herrera – Michael Erwin Veytia – KaturianArgentina Season 2008: "Lola Membrives" Theatre, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires. July 2008 to October 2008. Season 2009: "Multiteatro" Theatre, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires. February 2009 Pablo Echarri – Katurian Carlos Belloso – Michal Carlos Santamaria – Tupolski Vando Villamil – ArielBrisbane, Queensland, Australia The season ran from 18 March 2009–4 April 2009 at the Sue Benner Theatre, Metro Arts. Directed by Michelle Miall, the cast included:Steven Rooke – Katurian (received Matilda Award Commendation for best actor) Norman Doyle – Tupolski Robert Thwaites – Ariel Chris Vernon – Michal (received Matilda Award Commendation for best actor in a supporting role) The production received Matilda Award Commendation (2009) for Best Director, Best Emerging Artist, and the Matilda Award for Direction. Ankara, Turkey The play opened on the 2011 season directed by İlham Yazar and will keep playing on 2013 season at the Turkish State Theatre, Ankara. Murat Çidamlı – Katurian Mesut Turan – Tupolski Tolga Tekin – Ariel Emre Erçil / Buğra Koçtepe – MichalGenoa, Italy The play opened on 1 May 2013, at the Teatro Stabile in Genoa. It has been directed by Carlo Sciaccaluga. Aldo Ottobrino – Katurian Andrea Nicolini – Tupolski Enzo Paci – Ariel Alberto Giusta – MichalMoscow, Russia The play opened on 10 May 2007, at the Moscow Art Theatre. It has been directed by Kirill Serebrennikov.Anatoly Bely – Katurian Sergei Sosnovsky – Tupolski Viktor Horniyak – Ariel Aleksei Kravchenko – Michal === Original Broadway production === == See also == Closet Land == References == == Further reading == McDonagh, Martin (2003). The Pillowman (First ed.). London: Faber. ISBN 0-571-22032-0. == External links == The Pillowman at the Internet Broadway Database The Pillowman at the Internet Broadway Database The Insider review New York Times review Victoria Times-Colonist review The Light in the Piazza is a musical with a book by Craig Lucas and music and lyrics by Adam Guettel. Based on the 1960 novella by Elizabeth Spencer, the story is set in the 1950s and revolves around Margaret Johnson, a wealthy Southern woman, and Clara, her daughter, who is developmentally disabled due to a childhood accident. The two spend a summer together in Italy. When Clara falls in love with a young Italian man, Margaret is forced Facts: The Light in the Piazza is a musical with a book by Craig Lucas and music and lyrics by Adam Guettel. Answer: The Light in the Piazza
Question: Austin Abayomi Koledoye, is a Nigerian professional basketball coach, he's coached Cambodia's national basketball team, which he led to its best performance ever at which 2015 event that occured in Kallang, Singapore? Context: (now called EuroLeague). The Final was held at the Pionir Hall, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, on April 7, 1977. Maccabi Elite Tel Aviv defeated Mobilgirgi Varese, by a score of 78–77. This year saw a competition system change, as FIBA opted to replace classic knock-out round qualifications with a group stage. == Competition system == 24 teams (European national domestic league champions, plus the then current title holders), playing in a tournament system, entered a Quarterfinals group stage, divided into six groups that played a round-robin. The final standing was based on individual wins and defeats. In the case of a tie between two or more teams after the group stage, the following criteria was used to decide the final classification: 1) number of wins in one-to-one games between the teams; 2) basket average between the teams; 3) general basket average within the group The 6 group winners of the Quarterfinal Group Stage advanced to the Semifinal Group Stage, which was played as a single group under the same round-robin rules. The group winner and the runner-up of the Semifinal Group Stage qualified for the final, which was played at a predetermined venue. == Quarterfinals group stage == == Semifinals group stage == == Final == April 7, Pionir Hall, Belgrade == Awards == === FIBA European Champions Cup Finals Top Scorer === Jim Boatwright ( Maccabi Elite Tel Aviv) == References == == External links == 1976–77 FIBA European Champions Cup Champions Cup 1976–77 Line-ups and Stats Muli Katzurin (born November 30, 1954) is an Israeli basketball coach, who since early 2008 has been coach of the national basketball team of Poland. Katzurin for twenty years (late 1970s-late 1990s) coached various Israeli teams, such as Hapoel Tel Aviv and Maccabi Tel Aviv. Katzurin also coached Israel National Team in the years 1997-2004. In 1999, he accepted offer from Śląsk Wrocław and came to Poland. Between 2006 and 2008, he coached a Czech team CEZ Basketball Nymburk, then in early 2008 was named coach of the national team of Poland, replacing a Slovenian, Andrej Urlep. In January 2011 he was named as the head coach of the German team ALBA Berlin. In 2012 he was named as head coach of the German team Frankfurt Skyliners for 2 years. In 2014 he was named as head coach of the Israeli team Bnei-Herzelia. in 2015 he was named as head coach of the Facts: Answer: 2015 Southeast Asian Games
Question: Austin Abayomi Koledoye, is a Nigerian professional basketball coach, he's coached Cambodia's national basketball team, which he led to its best performance ever at which 2015 event that occured in Kallang, Singapore? Context: to its best performance ever at the 2015 Southeast Asian Games. Basketball at the 2015 Southeast Asian Games was held from 9 to 15 June 2015 in Kallang, Singapore. This edition featured both tournaments for men's and women's team. All matches were held in OCBC Arena Hall 1. == Participating nations == A total of 178 athletes from nine nations competed in basketball at the 2015 Southeast Asian Games: This is based on the assumption that every team has 12 players on their roster. == Squads == == Competition schedule == The following is the competition schedule for the basketball competitions: == Medalists == == Medal table == * Host nation (Singapore) == Results == === Men === ==== Teams ==== ==== Final standing ==== === Women === ==== Teams ==== ==== Final standing ==== == References == == External links == Competition Schedule (in English) The 2015 Southeast Asian Games (Malay: Sukan Asia Tenggara 2015; Chinese: 2015年东南亚运动会), officially known as the 28th Southeast Asian Games (or simply 28th SEA Games), was a Southeast Asian multi-sport event hosted by the city-state of Singapore. It was the fourth time the country hosted the games. Singapore previously also hosted the games in 1973, 1983 and 1993 edition. Singapore was awarded rights to host the Southeast Asian Games in 2011. The games were held from 5 to 16 June 2015, although several events had commenced from 29 May 2015. Around 4370 athletes participated at the event, which featured 402 events in 36 sports. It was opened by Tony Tan Keng Yam, the President of Singapore at the aforementioned stadium. The final medal tally was led by Thailand, which won the most gold medals, followed by host Singapore which won the most medals overall. Several Games and national records were broken during the games. The games were deemed as one of the most successful Southeast Asian games ever hosted with its effective management of cost spent to host the games and well-organised arrangement of public transport by Singapore, as well as the huge effort to promote the games which helped raised the standards of competition amongst the Southeast Asian nations. == Host city == Singapore's selection as the host of the 28th Southeast Asian Games of 2015 was announced in 2011 during the 26th Southeast Asian Games, held in Indonesian cities Palembang and Jakarta. Singapore had previously been nominated to host the event in Facts: Basketball at the 2015 Southeast Asian Games was held from 9 to 15 June 2015 in Kallang, Singapore. Answer: 2015 Southeast Asian Games
Question: Austin Abayomi Koledoye, is a Nigerian professional basketball coach, he's coached Cambodia's national basketball team, which he led to its best performance ever at which 2015 event that occured in Kallang, Singapore? Context: SG Archived Results Panagiotis Giannakis (Greek: Παναγιώτης Γιαννάκης, pronounced [panaˈʝotiz ʝaˈnacis]; born January 1, 1959), alternatively spelled Panayiotis Yiannakis or Yannakis, is a retired Greek professional basketball player and coach. As a player, he was primarily a point guard, but he could also play at the shooting guard position. During his playing career, Giannakis was also widely-known under his nickname of "O Drákos" (Ο Δράκος), or "The Dragon" in English.A true floor general, Giannakis began his club basketball playing career in Greece, with Ionikos Nikaias. After that, he before moved to the Greek club Aris Thessaloniki, where he spent the most important part of his pro playing career. In Thessaloniki, he helped to lead "The Yellows" (Aris) to three consecutive EuroLeague Final Four appearances between 1988 and 1990, as well as to a FIBA European Cup (later renamed to Saporta Cup) title in 1993. In the summer of 1993, he was transferred to the Greek club Panionios Athens, and finally a year later, to the Greek club Panathinaikos Athens, with whom he won a EuroLeague championship in 1996. On February 3, 2008, Giannakis was chosen as one of the 50 Greatest EuroLeague Contributors over the previous half-century by EuroLeague Basketball's Experts Committee.Giannakis was, along with Nikos Galis, Panagiotis Fasoulas, and Fanis Christodoulou, one of the four main stars of the legendary late 1980s Greek National Team that put Greece on the world basketball map. He was Greece's team captain, when they won the gold medal at the EuroBasket of 1987, and were the silver-medalists at the same championship two years later. Furthermore, Giannakis was also an important member of the Greek national team, when they reached the EuroBasket's semifinals in 1993 and 1995, as well as the FIBA World Cup's semifinals in 1994. After his playing career ended, Giannakis was the head coach of the Athenian professional club team, Maroussi Athens, which he led to the forefront of the Greek League. Giannakis was also the head coach of the Greek EuroLeague powerhouse Olympiacos Piraeus, which he led to the 2010 EuroLeague Final, and of the senior Greek national team. Under Giannakis' guidance, the Greek national team won the gold medal at the 2005 EuroBasket, and the silver medal at the 2006 FIBA World Cup in Japan, where Greece upset Team USA, by a score of 101–95. He was also the head coach of the senior Chinese national team. == Early Facts: Answer: 2015 Southeast Asian Games
Question: The singer and rapper who did "Break A Sweat" was born on what date? Context: his peers. == Sun Dance experience == The Sun Dance is a highly sacred event that occurred within the Plains Indian culture, as well as other indigenous groups in North America. As interaction with whites grew in the 19th century, in order to "civilize" the native peoples, certain practices like the Sun Dance were suppressed because it was determined to be too gruesome. Due to this suppression not everything is known about the Sun Dance. Two Leggings performed his first Sun Dance after his two cousins were killed in a raid against the Cheyenne. His uncle Shows His Face was deranged with heartache over the loss of his two sons. Shows His Face asked a friend Puts Earth On Top Of His Head, to use his Sun Dance Medicine Bundle, which was particularly powerful. Two Leggings did not take part in the preparations of the ritual, while still mourning the loss of his two cousins. Once everything was prepared Two Leggings decided that he would be one of the dancers in the ceremony. He participated in the brutal ritual, and while dancing a skewer came loose and he began to bleed profusely. He tried to dance again but the sheer exhaustion kept him from continuing, only watching from the side while praying for his own vision. The next morning he was awoken and informed of Shows His Face's powerful vision, when asked if he had received a vision Two Leggings admitted that he did not. An elder spoke in a tender tone, explaining that after going through a Sun Dance everyone would acknowledge him as a Man. == Personal life == Two Leggings married his wife Ties Up Her Bundle around 1880 according to testimony given by Ties Up Her Bundle in 1924 at a hearing dictating who gained control of Two Leggings' capital. They never had their own children but they adopted Red Clay Woman, the daughter of his wife's sister. They later went on to adopt the son of Red Clay Woman, Amos Two Leggings also known as Sings to the Sweat Lodge. == See also == Crow Nation Plains Indians American Indian Wars Sun Dance == References == "Break a Sweat" is a song by American singer and rapper Becky G. It was released on August 21, 2015, as the then fourth single from her English album. An accompanying music video was released onto Gomez's official Vevo Facts: "Break a Sweat" is a song by American singer and rapper Becky G. Answer: March 2, 1997
Question: The singer and rapper who did "Break A Sweat" was born on what date? Context: account on October 9, 2015. == Background and release == "Break a Sweat" was originally intended for American singer Demi Lovato. Lovato reportedly "stormed off" from the studio after an argument with Dr. Luke, who later offered the song to Gomez. It was released for digital download on August 20, 2015. The audio for the song was uploaded to YouTube and Vevo, on the same day of its release. A lyric video was uploaded onto Gomez's official Vevo account on September 4, 2015. == Music video == The music video for "Break a Sweat" was released on October 9, 2015, via Vevo, and was also uploaded to YouTube the same day. The video included product placement for brands such as CoverGirl and Beats Electronics. As of November 2019, the video has gathered over 46 million views. == Charts == == Awards and nominations == == Release history == == References == Jacques Aymar-Vernay (born in 1662) was a stonemason from the village of Saint Marcellin in Dauphiné, France, who reintroduced dowsing with a divining rod into popular usage in Europe. He claimed to have discovered springs and treasures hiding in the earth using his rod, and even tracked down criminals using it. According to some accounts, when he neared the scene of a murder using a divining rod, he would break into a sweat, shudder and, in some instances, even faint. In 1692, Aymar-Vernay was hired by authorities to locate a murderer. By swinging a pendulum he identified a 19-year-old boy, a hunchback, as the culprit. The boy was subsequently "broken on the wheel" (tortuously executed). Aymar subsequently became something of a national celebrity for his "ability". When submitting to testing by Prince de Condé, however, he failed every single test. == References == This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Wood, James, ed. (1907). The Nuttall Encyclopædia. London and New York: Frederick Warne. Rebbeca Marie Gomez (born March 2, 1997), known professionally as Becky G, is an American singer and actress. She first gained recognition in 2011 when she began posting videos of herself covering popular songs online. One of her videos caught the attention of producer Dr. Luke, who subsequently offered her a joint record deal with Kemosabe Records and RCA Records. While working on her debut effort, Gomez collaborated with artists will.i.am, Cody Simpson and Cher Lloyd. Her official debut single, "Becky Facts: Rebbeca Marie Gomez (born March 2, 1997), known professionally as Becky G, is an American singer and actress. Answer: March 2, 1997
Question: The singer and rapper who did "Break A Sweat" was born on what date? Context: Filmography == == Tours == Headlining Becky G Tour (2019) Mala Santa Tour (2020) - Cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemicCo-headlining tours La Familia Tour with J Balvin (2015) Opening act Demi Lovato – Demi World Tour (2014) Katy Perry – Prismatic World Tour (2014) Fifth Harmony – PSA Tour (2017) Enrique Iglesias – Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull Live! (2017) Demi Lovato – Tell Me You Love Me Tour (2018) - cancelled == Awards and nominations == == Notes == == References == == External links == Official website Becky G at IMDb "N' Dey Say" is a song by American rapper Nelly. It was released on January 24, 2005, as the third and final single from his album Suit (2004). The song uses a musical sample of "True" by Spandau Ballet, song songwriter Gary Kemp was given a writing credit. The song reached number 64 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and entered the top 20 in Australia, Finland, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. == Music video == The video directed by Chris Robinson presents comparison of different lifestyles while putting an accent on their similarities (like war is equal with street gang rivalries in the civil life). It is brought into effect with a comic-like city background with strong strokes that seems like a merge of a photo and a drawing. This "in-between" feeling is realized by masking the background with a non-lifelike orange pattern. Using Bluescreen technology to separate the actors/artists from the background the performers remain realistic and stand out from the whole picture. The casting includes Gabriel Casseus (from Lockdown) as the patron of a homeless and Faune A. Chambers (from White Chicks) as the mourning widow and the St. Lunatics as cameos. == Track listings == == Credits and personnel == Credits are taken from the Australian CD single liner notes.Studios Recorded at Derrty Studios (Los Angeles) and Basement Beats Studios (St. Louis) Mixed at Platinum Sound Recording (New York City)Personnel Nelly – lyrics, music, vocals Jayson "Koko" Bridges – music, drums, production Gary Kemp – music Carl Nappa – recording Rich Travali – mixing Chip Karpells – mixing assistant == Charts == == Release history == == References == == External links == "N' Dey Say" Official music video on YouTube Almost Famous is the debut studio album by American R&B singer Lumidee, released by Universal Records on June 24, 2003.It Facts: Answer: March 2, 1997
Question: The singer and rapper who did "Break A Sweat" was born on what date? Context: the second album in history, to produce 5 number-one singles, the first by a woman to achieve this milestone. Those number-one singles were "California Gurls", "Teenage Dream", "Firework", "E.T.", and "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)". Rihanna earned the most #1 singles in the decade (nine), spending 41 weeks at the top of the chart, followed by Katy Perry with 8 #1 singles at a 26-week reign and Bruno Mars with 7 #1 singles leading 32 weeks. Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift both had five #1 singles this decade so far, Bieber spending 23 weeks at #1 and Swift with 18 weeks. Adele followed with four #1 singles at her name spending 24 weeks at the top. Kesha earned three #1 singles in this decade, spending 13 weeks at the top of the Billboard Hot 100. Among all those songs who reached #1 singles this decade "Tik Tok", "Rolling in the Deep", "Just the Way You Are", "Poker Face", "Shake It Off", and "Dark Horse" were some of the best-selling singles in the digital era. Taylor Swift and Adele had some of the biggest-selling albums of the 2010s, being the only two artists to have sold more than a million copies of an album in a week, multiple times. Swift became the first artist in history to have four albums debut on the Billboard 200 with each selling over 1 million copies; they are: Speak Now (2010), Red (2012), 1989 (2014) and Reputation (2017); with Lover (2019), Swift became the first female artist to debut six albums on the chart, each opening with more than 500,000 copies. The American Music Awards crowned Swift as the Artist of the Decade, while Billboard named her the Woman of the Decade. In this decade, Swift and Beyoncé became the only two female acts in history to achieve six consecutive number-one debuts on the Billboard 200 chart; Swift did it with Fearless (2008), Speak Now, Red, 1989, Reputation and Lover, while Beyoncé with Dangerously in Love (2003), B'Day (2006), I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008), 4 (2011), Beyoncé (2013) and Lemonade (2016). Madonna became the first artist to achieve 50 number-one songs on any Billboard chart, in the Dance Club Songs chart, pulling ahead of runner-up, George Strait, who has 44 number-one songs on the Hot Country Songs chart. Comebacks were also made in the pop industry with acts such as the Backstreet Boys whose album DNA Facts: Answer: March 2, 1997
Question: The singer and rapper who did "Break A Sweat" was born on what date? Context: achieved success while still remaining true to contemporary R&B. Songs, including "Everything to Me" by Monica, "Refill" by Elle Varner, "Thinking Bout You" by Frank Ocean, "Motivation" by Kelly Rowland, "Put It Down" by Brandy, and "No Sleeep" by Janet Jackson, are notable for being contemporary R&B and popular hits while still obtaining an authentic contemporary R&B sound. Beyoncé became the first artist in Billboard chart history to have her first six albums debut at number-one on the Billboard 200 chart in 2016. Additionally, Beyoncé also became the first artist to place 12 tracks from one album within the Hot 100 simultaneously. Continuing her success from the 90s and 2000s, Beyoncé received the Billboard Millennium Award at the 2011 Billboard Music Awards, the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards, the Fashion Icon Award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America in 2016, and a Peabody Award for her universally acclaimed sixth studio album Lemonade in 2017. In 2016, Beyoncé surpassed Madonna as the most-awarded artist at the MTV Video Music Awards (24 wins). In 2018, her performance made history as the most watched live-streamed performance of all time, and was also called "historic" and dubbed the single best performance of all time by many newspapers. The late 2010s had seen a resurgence of mainstream popularity in R&B, with albums such as 24K Magic by Bruno Mars, Heartbreak on a Full Moon by Chris Brown and songs such as "Redbone" by Childish Gambino and "Boo’d Up" by Ella Mai. === Hip hop === On 17 July 2017, Forbes reported that hip-hop/R&B (which Nielsen SoundScan classifies as the same genre) had recently usurped rock as the most consumed musical genre, becoming the most popular genre in music for the first time in U.S. history. A number of hip hop labels had also grown influential during this decade, among which had been Grand Hustle Records, GOOD Music, Cash Money Records, Roc Nation, Maybach Music Group, Top Dawg Entertainment, and Def Jam Recordings. Hip hop acts that were introduced to mainstream in the beginning of the decade included Drake, Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, Kid Cudi, Big Sean, Nicki Minaj, Meek Mill, Young Thug, ASAP Rocky, Wiz Khalifa, Tyler, The Creator, Azealia Banks, Future, Schoolboy Q, Wale, YG, 2 Chainz, Waka Flocka Flame, French Montana, Macklemore, Machine Gun Kelly, Chief Keef, and A$AP Ferg. Hip hop acts that Facts: Answer: March 2, 1997
Question: The singer and rapper who did "Break A Sweat" was born on what date? Context: the UK. Across continental Europe, the single entered the top 10 in Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Romania, and Switzerland, achieving a peak of number two on the Eurochart Hot 100. It additionally topped the Australian Singles Chart, staying at the top for five weeks, earning a double-platinum certification, and finishing in fifth place on Australia's year-end chart for 2005. In New Zealand, it reached a peak of number two on February 14, 2005, and was the year's 29th-best-selling hit. == Music video == The music video was directed by Erik White and Nelly himself. During the video, Nelly and McGraw sing individually on split screen. It starts with Nelly and Tim both waking up at 5:30 A.M., both taking showers, and both leaving their houses & getting into vehicles. Nelly has photos of Ciara on his nightstand and in his car, and McGraw has photos of Faith Hill. The settings feature similar scenes of them encountering fans at gas stations, traveling, and making visits to the airport, all the while both preoccupied with their respective significant others. In the end, they both depart on separate but comparable private jets, possibly to meet up with the women they have been singing about throughout the video. == Track listings == == Credits and personnel == Credits are taken from the US promo CD liner notes.Studios Recored at The Record Plant (Los Angeles) and Basement Beats (St. Louis) Mixed at Platinum Sound Recording (New York City) Mastered at Sterling Sound (New York City)Personnel == Charts == == Certifications == == Release history == == See also == List of number-one singles in Australia in 2005 List of number-one singles of 2005 (Ireland) List of number-one singles from the 2000s (UK) List of Mainstream Top 40 number-one hits of 2004 (U.S.) == References == Facts: Answer: March 2, 1997
Question: Which Swedish indie pop band formed in 2007 is part of the roster of Downtown Records? Context: (EP) (CD) (Thomée-Alley) (2006) Jag vet hur man väntar (I know how to wait) (CD) (2006) Något dåligt nytt har hänt (Something bad new has happened) (EP) (2007) Döda Fallet (The Dead Fall) (2008) == External links == Official Vapnet blog Record label Hybrism Miike Snow (pronounced "Mike Snow") is a Swedish indie pop band formed in 2007. The band consists of producing team Bloodshy & Avant and American singer Andrew Wyatt. The band is often represented by a silhouette image of a jackalope. In their career, the band has released three studio albums: Miike Snow (2009), Happy to You (2012), and iii (2016). == History == === Early years === Miike Snow was formed in 2007 in Stockholm, Sweden. Band members Christian Karlsson and Pontus Winnberg were childhood friends who spent time playing in bands and working on various projects in studios throughout the city of Gothenburg. Karlsson was a former member of the Swedish hip-hop band Goldmine, who toured with The Fugees. After separate moves to Stockholm, they reunited in 2000.Karlsson and Winnberg collaborated under the moniker Bloodshy & Avant and enjoyed a significant amount of success as producers and songwriters. They have worked with artists such as Madonna, Kylie Minogue, Kelis, Sky Ferreira, and won a Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording for Britney Spears' track "Toxic".In 2004, while working on writing a pop album for Britney Spears, Karlsson and Winnberg met the third band member, American songwriter Andrew Wyatt. Wyatt reports "I was in Sweden visiting, and someone told me that I should hook up with these two guys. Actually, it turns out I'd met Christian in the studio maybe a year before, but we only actually recently remembered that".The name "Miike Snow" is said to have come from one of their friends named Mike Snow. Contrary to suggestions or statements to the converse, the spelling of "Miike" does not derive from the Japanese film director Takashi Miike; Pontus Winnberg states that, "When we sat down to come up with a name one of us got an email from a mutual friend by the name Mike Snow. We liked it and added the extra "I" because we liked the look of it. We once found a possible classic Swedish film on our tour bus once, called Jävligt Jagad. It's a bit like if Bergman's ancestors would make a movie inspired by Takashi Miike". Miike Snow have, Facts: Miike Snow (pronounced "Mike Snow") is a Swedish indie pop band formed in 2007. Answer: Miike Snow
Question: Which Swedish indie pop band formed in 2007 is part of the roster of Downtown Records? Context: through multiple live performances, including events like SXSW and a concert series for Jimmy Kimmel Live!. In addition, the band has announced tour dates from 3 March 2016 to 30 July 2016. The tour began in New York City and features shows in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. The dates also include performances at music festivals, including Coachella, the Governors Ball Music Festival and Lollapalooza, as well as others.Miike Snow co-headlined at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino in Reno, NV and the Greek Theatre in Berkeley, CA with Phantogram (band) in the summer of 2017. They also performed at the 96.5 The Buzz show in June 2017 with Glass Animals. Headline tour dates with Klangstof supporting were added, as well. == Other activities == On 30 July 2011, the band announced via Twitter that their new record label Ingrid founded by Miike Snow, Peter Bjorn and John, Lykke Li, Coco Morier and Dungen was now open for business. == Artistry == === Instruments === ==== The Blob ==== Miike Snow has expressed a preference for not using laptops when recording and playing music. Thus, in 2011, in anticipation for the Happy to You tour, Miike Snow collaborated with the Swedish electronics lab Teenage Engineering and one of the engineers from Elektronmusikstudion (EMS) to create "The Blob", a 9 ft × 9 ft hexagonal synthesiser The Blob has been introduced by vocalist Wyatt as "Part synthesizer, part testosterone, all headache, ladies and gentlemen, we happily bring you a costly device with planned obsolescence written all over it". consisting of digital samplers and old synthesiser parts, some of which were bought from Giorgio Moroder.Operated by Karlsson and Winnberg and emblazoned with the band's jackalope logo, the Blob has been used on tours and is known to be able to be taken apart, to facilitate travelling. == Discography == Miike Snow (2009) Happy to You (2012) iii (2016) == References == == External links == Official website Downtown Records is an American record label based in New York City with offices in Los Angeles. Owned and operated by Josh Deutsch and Terence Lam, the label is distributed by Interscope Records/ The Orchard Music in the US and in the UK distributed by Polydor Records. The roster includes artists such as Nick Murphy, Brett Dennen, Electric Guest, Tei Shi, Goldroom and Tommy Genesis. == History == The label was co-founded Facts: Owned and operated by Josh Deutsch and Terence Lam, the label is distributed by Interscope Records/ The Orchard Music in the US and in the UK distributed by Polydor Records. Answer: Miike Snow
Question: Which Swedish indie pop band formed in 2007 is part of the roster of Downtown Records? Context: by Josh Deutsch and Terence Lam in 2006 and grew to become Downtown Music with publishing, licensing, music services and Songtrust. In 2013 Downtown Records was purchased outright by its original co-founders and now operates fully independent. The label's music was distributed by Sony Music's RED Distribution and Cooperative Music. It is now distributed by Interscope Records/Universal Music Group.In addition to the sister label, Mercer Street Records, Downtown has label partnerships with Dim Mak Records, Fool's Gold Records and Mad Decent.Downtown Records also operates Downtown Events – a festival and concert promotion company that produces The Downtown Music Festival. == Roster == The Academic Ant Beale Autre Ne Veut Bop English Brett Dennen Dawn Golden Devin Di Dakta Electric Guest Ex Cops Goldroom Houses Lawrence Rothman Lola Kirke Lorde Fredd33 Mapei Miike Snow Nick Murphy (fka Chet Faker) Sammi Sanchez San Fermin Santigold Slow Magic Smino Tei Shi Tkay Maidza Tommy Genesis Vacationer == Past rosterAndrew Wyatt == Amanda Blank Art Brut Butter the Children Carla Bruni Chloē Laing Cold War Kids The Cranberries Crookers Cyndi Lauper Die Antwoord The Drums Duck Sauce Duke Dumont Eagles of Death Metal Gnarls Barkley Jonathan Wilson Justice Kid Sister Kate Earl Katie Herzig Lissy Trullie Major Lazer Marilyn Manson Mura Masa Mas Ysa Mos Def MSTRKRFT Penguin Prison Port St. Willow Say Lou Lou Scissor Sisters SomeKindaWonderful Spank Rock Wildcat! Wildcat! William Fitzsimmons White Denim YACHTMercer Street Records: Aṣa David Gray Femi Kuti Jessie Harris Kitty, Daisy & Lewis Meshell Ndegeocello Ozomatli William Fitzsimmons == References == == External links == Official website Downtown Records' channel on YouTube The Changing Role Of A&R, Billboard Interview with Josh Deutsch, HitQuarters Sep 06 Miike Snow is the self-titled debut album by Swedish indie pop band Miike Snow. It was released in the United States on 22 September 2009 by Downtown Records and in the United Kingdom on 26 October 2009 by Columbia Records, reaching number ninety-five on the UK Albums Chart. A deluxe edition was released on the iTunes Store in the US and Australia on 13 April 2010 and in Japan on 26 May 2010, including remixes of past tracks and "The Rabbit". == Singles == The first single to be taken from the album was "Animal", released on 17 February 2009, which reached as far as number ninety-eight on the UK Singles Chart. "Black & Blue", the album's second single, was released on Facts: Answer: Miike Snow
Question: When was the inception of J. D. Martinez' team? Context: Melanie Martinez is an American singer, and songwriter. Martinez auditioned for the American television vocal talent show The Voice and became a member of Team Adam. Within the fifth week, she was eliminated which subsequently led to her beginning independent work on original material. In 2014, she released Dollhouse, her debut EP featuring the singles "Dollhouse" and "Carousel", which appeared on the trailer for the television series American Horror Story: Freak Show. In 2015, Martinez released her conceptual debut album titled Cry Baby, featuring the critically acclaimed lead single "Pity Party", along with other singles "Soap" and "Sippy Cup". == Released songs == == Unreleased songs == == References == The Arizona Diamondbacks (colloquially known as the D-backs) are an American professional baseball team based in Phoenix, Arizona. The Diamondbacks compete in Major League Baseball (MLB) as a member club of the National League (NL) West division. The franchise was established as an expansion team and began play in 1998. The team plays its home games at Chase Field, formerly known as Bank One Ballpark. In its fourth season, Arizona won a World Series championship, defeating the New York Yankees in 2001 to become the fastest expansion team in major league history to win a championship. From 1998 to 2021, the Diamondbacks have an overall record of 1,840–1,946 (.486). == Franchise history == On March 9, 1995, Phoenix was awarded an expansion franchise to begin play for the 1998 season. A $130 million franchise fee was paid to Major League Baseball and on January 16, 1997, the Diamondbacks were officially voted into the National League. The Diamondbacks' first major league game was played against the Colorado Rockies on March 31, 1998, at Bank One Ballpark. The ballpark was renamed Chase Field in 2005, as a result of Bank One Corporation's merger with JPMorgan Chase & Co. Since their debut, the Diamondbacks have won five NL West division titles, one NL pennant, one Wild Card game, and the 2001 World Series. == Logos and uniforms == === 1998–2006 === The Diamondbacks' original colors were purple, black, teal and copper. Their first logo was an italicized block letter "A" with a diamond pattern, and the crossbar represented by a snake's tongue. This period saw the Diamondbacks wear various uniform combinations. At home, the Diamondbacks wore cream uniforms with purple pinstripes. The primary sleeved uniform, worn from 1998 to 2000, featured the full Facts: The team plays its home games at Chase Field, formerly known as Bank One Ballpark. Answer: 1998
Question: When was the inception of J. D. Martinez' team? Context: Garagiola, Jr., the first GM of the Diamondbacks (as head of the Maricopa County Sports Authority in the early 1990s, Garagiola, Jr. was one of the primary people involved in Phoenix obtaining a Major League Baseball franchise). The Diamondbacks announced in July 2007 that for the 2008 season, all regionally broadcast Diamondbacks TV games would be shown exclusively on FOX Sports Arizona (now Bally Sports Arizona) and a few could possibly be shown on the national MLB on FOX telecasts. Bally Sports Arizona is currently seen in 2.8 million households in Arizona and New Mexico. The previous flagship station since the inaugural 1998 season was KTVK, a popular over-the-air independent station (and former longtime ABC affiliate) in Phoenix. From 2009 to 2012, Mark Grace and Daron Sutton were tagged as the main broadcasters of the Diamondbacks with pre-game and postgame shows on FOX Sports Arizona, being hosted by former big-league closer Joe Borowski. On June 21, 2012, Daron Sutton was suspended indefinitely, amid rumors of insubordination. Then on August 24, the team announced that Mark Grace had requested an indefinite leave of absence after being arrested for his second DUI in less than two years (Grace was later indicted on four DUI counts). For the remainder of the 2012 season, Sutton was replaced by Greg Schulte (Jeff Munn replaced Schulte on the radio broadcast) and Grace was replaced by Luis Gonzalez. At the end of the 2012 season, the team announced that neither Sutton nor Grace would be returning for the 2013 season.On October 18, 2012, the team announced that Bob Brenly would be returning as a broadcaster to replace Grace and that he would be joined by then-ESPN personality Steve Berthiaume. === Spanish broadcasts === The flagship Spanish language radio station is KHOV-FM 105.1 with Oscar Soria, Rodrigo Lopez, and Richard Saenz.Games were televised in Spanish on KPHE-LP—with Oscar Soria and Jerry Romo as the announcers—but this arrangement ended prior to the 2009 season due to the team switching fully to FOX Sports Arizona and the lack of carriage of KPHE-LP on the Cox cable system. == Achievements == === Baseball Hall of Famers === === Ford C. Frick Award recipients === === Arizona Sports Hall of Fame === === All-time leaders === Hitting Games played: Luis Gonzalez (1999–2006) – 1,194 At bats: Luis Gonzalez – 4,488 Hits: Luis Gonzalez – 1,337 Batting average: Greg Colbrunn – .310 Runs: Facts: Answer: 1998
Question: When was the inception of J. D. Martinez' team? Context: Kabesang Leon was the personification of evil that represented the Filipino collaborators who tried to subjugate the lower class in Philippine society. == See also == Without Seeing the Dawn by Stevan Javellana Dusk by F. Sionil José == References == == External links == Madaling Araw (preview) (Book information) by Iñigo Ed. Regalado at books.google.com Mercurio J. Martinez, Jr., often known as Merc Martinez (born July 25, 1937), is an educator, rancher, and businessman from his native Laredo, Texas. From 1991 to 2002, he was the County Judge of Webb County in South Texas. Julio Daniel Martinez (born August 21, 1987) is an American professional baseball outfielder and designated hitter for the Boston Red Sox of Major League Baseball (MLB). He has also played in MLB for the Houston Astros, Detroit Tigers, and Arizona Diamondbacks. A right-handed thrower and batter, Martinez stands 6 feet 3 inches (1.91 m) tall and weighs 221 pounds (100 kg). A native of Miami, Florida, Martinez was selected by the Astros in the 20th round with the 611th pick in the 2009 amateur draft from Nova Southeastern University (NSU). He is a three-time selection for the MLB All-Star Game and a three-time Silver Slugger Award winner, as well as the only player to earn the latter honor twice in the same season. On September 4, 2017, Martinez became the 18th player in MLB history to hit four home runs in a single game, doing so versus the Los Angeles Dodgers. He is of Cuban descent. He placed second in the American League in the 2018 season in home runs and batting average, and first in RBIs, and was a crucial component of the Red Sox's 2018 World Series title run. == Career == === Amateur career === Martinez attended Flanagan High School in Pembroke Pines, Florida, and graduated in 2006. The Minnesota Twins selected Martinez in the 36th round, with the 1,086th overall selection, of the 2006 Major League Baseball draft, but he did not sign with the Twins. Instead, he attended Nova Southeastern University (NSU), where he played college baseball for the Sharks from 2007 through 2009. He was a two-time All-Sunshine State Conference baseball player. === Houston Astros === ==== Draft and minor leagues ==== The Houston Astros selected Martinez in the 20th round of the 2009 Major League Baseball draft with the 611th overall selection. He was signed by Greg Brown, Facts: Julio Daniel Martinez (born August 21, 1987) is an American professional baseball outfielder and designated hitter for the Boston Red Sox of Major League Baseball (MLB). Answer: 1998
Question: When was the inception of J. D. Martinez' team? Context: final time in a cage. Martinez was twice featured on Sony Playstation’s MLB The Show in 2006 and 2007. He has also been on two episodes of Kingdom a television drama on Audience Network and appeared in an AMP Energy Drink commercial. He twice toured with the Harlem Globetrotters as their announcer as well as the US Olympic softball team en route to the Australia Summer Olympics in 2000. Martinez is married and has four children. He is a Christian minister and co-founder of Anchor of Hope Ministries while also a congregate of the Rock Church (Anaheim, CA). === Baseball, Softball and Basketball === In 1996, Martinez began his career as a public address announcer for the Lake Elsinore Storm, a Minor League team affiliate of the San Diego Padres. He announced the Women's College World Series in 1998 and a U.S. Olympic Softball Team tour in 2000. From 2001 to 2002, he worked for The Harlem Globetrotters. === Boxing === Martinez became the featured ring announcer for Oscar De La Hoya's, Fox reality television series "The Next Great Champ" in 2004. In 2006 he began announcing for Guilty Boxing Promotions on ESPN Deportes. Now he can be seen announcing for Golden Boy Promotions and other promotions on various networks around the world. === Mixed Martial Arts === Joe was the exclusive cage announcer for World Extreme Cagefighting from 2007-2010. In 2010, WEC was merged into UFC by parent company Zuffa, LLC. Since then, he has worked with Cage Warriors Fighting Championship, announcing fights across the globe.Joe is currently the ring announcer for Invicta FC, and the UFC. === Other appearances === Sony PlayStation MLB 06, MLB 07, "King of the Diamond" - In-game Public Address Announcer (2006) (2007). == References == == External links == http://www.AnchorOfHopeUSA.org/ Tom Martinez (February 21, 1946 – February 21, 2012) was an American football coach. He coached at the College of San Mateo until 2005, when he retired due to health concerns. He coached at the College of San Mateo after Bill Walsh and John Madden. The College of San Mateo Football program traditionally has a very high ranking team and draws players from all over the country. NFL alumni John Madden, of the Oakland Raiders and Bill Walsh, of the San Francisco 49ers both played and coached at the College of San Mateo early in their careers. Bill Walsh is claimed to be Facts: Answer: 1998
Question: Who was born first, Thomas Ritter or Stefan Effenberg? Context: In Greek mythology, Despoina (Greek: Δέσποινα, romanized: Déspoina) was the daughter of Demeter and Poseidon and sister of Arion. She was the goddess of mysteries of Arcadian cults, who was worshipped under the title Despoina ("the mistress") alongside her mother Demeter, one of the central figures of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Her real name could not be revealed to anyone except those initiated to her mysteries. Writing during the second century A.D., Pausanias spoke of Demeter as having two daughters; Kore being born first, before Despoina was born, with Zeus being the father of Kore and Poseidon as the father of Despoina. Pausanias made it clear that Kore is Persephone, although he did not reveal Despoina's proper name. In the myth, Poseidon saw Demeter and desired her. To avoid him, she took her archaic form of a mare, but he took the form of a stallion and mated with her. From this union Demeter bore a daughter, Despoina, and a fabulous horse, Arion. Due to her anger at this turn of events, Demeter also was given the epithet, Erinys (raging). == Etymology == The word, Despoina ("mistress", Δέσποινα), is derived from *des-potnia, "lady or mistress of the house", from PIE *dóm(ha)os, "house(hold)" [*dem(ha)-, "build"] and *potniha-, "lady, mistress"; cf. Greek domos and potnia. The masculine form is Despotes, "master of the house" (Δεσπότης); cf. posis. Related attested forms, written in the Linear B syllabary, are the Mycenaean Greek 𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊, po-ti-ni-ja, (potnia) and perhaps 𐀡𐀮𐀆𐀃, po-se-da-o, and 𐀡𐀮𐀆𐀺𐀚, po-se-da-wo-ne (Poseidon), which were inherited into classical Greece with identical or related meanings. Demeter is possibly a related word, interpreted by some, as "mother of the house" (from PIE *dems-mater). == Cult of Despoina == The cult of Despoina is very important in the history of ancient Greek mystery religions. The Arcadian cults come from a more primitive religion. Evidently, the religious beliefs of the first Greek-speaking people who entered the region were mixed with the beliefs of the indigenous population. The figure of a goddess of nature, birth, and death was dominant in both Minoan and Mycenean cults during the Bronze Age. Wanax was her male companion (paredros) in the Mycenean cult, and usually, this title was applied to the god Poseidon as king of the sea.In the myth of the isolated land of Arcadia, the river spirit of the underworld appears as a horse (Poseidon Hippios), as was usual in northern European Facts: Answer: Thomas Ritter
Question: Who was born first, Thomas Ritter or Stefan Effenberg? Context: fan tutte, the character Despina is the housekeeper and co-conspirator in proving the malleability of the two pairs of lovers Despina, a satellite of Neptune, was named after the goddess Despoina. == Notes and references == Notes References == See also == Demeter Lycosura Eleusinian Mysteries Nepthys Persephone Potnia Mycenaean Gods == References == Hard, Robin, Herbert Jennings Rose, The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology: Based on H.J. Rose's Handbook of Greek Mythology, Routledge; seventh edition, 2004, ISBN 978-0-415-18636-0. pp. 101–102. Hathorn, Richmond Yancey, Crowell's handbook of classical drama, Thomas Y. Crowell Company (1967). Smith, William; Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, London (1873). "Despoena" == External links == Theoi Project - "Despoine" Stefan Effenberg (German pronunciation: [ˈʃtɛfan ˈʔɛfn̩bɛʁk]; born 2 August 1968) is a German former footballer who most recently acted as sporting director for KFC Uerdingen 05. A central midfielder, he was known for his leadership skills, passing range, shooting ability, and physical strength, but was also a temperamental and controversial character.In the Bundesliga alone – where he represented Bayern Munich most notably, in six seasons and in two different spells – Effenberg collected 109 yellow cards, an all-time record at the time of his retirement. With Bayern, he won three Bundesligas and captained the club to the UEFA Champions League title in 2001. In a career which was cut short after a run-in with the management, he played for Germany on more than 30 occasions, representing the nation in one World Cup and one European Championship. His nickname is Der Tiger (IPA: [deːɐ̯ ˈtiːɡɐ], "the tiger"). == Club career == Born and raised in Niendorf, Hamburg on 2 August 1968, Stefan Effenberg started his professional career with Borussia Mönchengladbach, where he became an undisputed first-choice by the age of 20. This attracted the interest of Bundesliga giants FC Bayern Munich, where he scored 19 goals in his first two seasons after his transfer, although the club failed to win any silverware with Effenberg in the lineup. When legendary Lothar Matthäus (who also represented Mönchengladbach) returned to Bayern in 1992, Effenberg moved to ACF Fiorentina. Despite the presence of Dane Brian Laudrup and Argentine Gabriel Batistuta, Fiorentina was relegated from Serie A in his first season. Effenberg stayed on in the second flight, winning promotion back at the first attempt. In the summer of 1994, Effenberg then moved back to Gladbach, where he appeared in 118 Facts: When legendary Lothar Matthäus (who also represented Mönchengladbach) returned to Bayern in 1992, Effenberg moved to ACF Fiorentina. Answer: Thomas Ritter
Question: Who was born first, Thomas Ritter or Stefan Effenberg? Context: September, which happened to be Vogts' last two matches as national team coach. They turned out to be his last caps for Germany. == Controversies and personal life == Effenberg had a history of attracting attention and ire from fans and other players alike with his behaviour. In 1991, prior to a UEFA Cup game against then-semi-professional Cork City, Effenberg told the press he was sure of a victory, saying Cork City midfielder Dave Barry was "like (his) grandfather". Barry got his retribution by scoring the opening goal in the team's 1–1 draw at Musgrave Park.In the late 1990s, Effenberg was rarely out of the tabloids, especially when he left his wife Martina and revealed an affair with Claudia Strunz, who at that time was the wife of former teammate Thomas Strunz. Later, the player published a controversial autobiography, notorious for its blatant contents – which included lashing out at some other football professionals, namely club and national side mate, Lothar Matthäus. In 2001, Effenberg was fined after being found guilty of assaulting a woman in a nightclub. The following year, he implied that unemployed people in Germany were in fact too lazy to look for work, and demanded they took benefit cuts. The interview was issued in Playboy.Strunz and Effenberg were married in 2004, and the player also had three children from his first marriage; the couple then relocated to Florida. == Career statistics == === Club === === International === Scores and results list Germany's goal tally first, score column indicates score after each Effenberg goal. === Managerial === == Honours == Bayern Munich Bundesliga: 1998–99, 1999–2000, 2000–01 DFB-Pokal: 1999–2000 UEFA Champions League: 2000–01 DFL-Supercup: 1990 DFB-Ligapokal: 1998,1999,2000Borussia Mönchengladbach DFB-Pokal: 1994–95Fiorentina Serie B: 1993–94Germany UEFA European Championship: runner-up 1992 U.S. Cup: 1993Individual kicker Bundesliga Team of the Season: 1990–91, 1991–92, 1994–95, 1995–96, 1996–97, 1997–98, 1999–2000 UEFA European Championship Team of the Tournament: 1992 FIFA XI: 1997 ESM Team of the Year: 1998–99 UEFA Club Footballer of the Year: 2001 Bayern Munich All-time XI == References == == External links == Stefan Effenberg at fussballdaten.de (in German) Stefan Effenberg at WorldFootball.net Stefan Effenberg at National-Football-Teams.com Official website (in German) Thomas Ritter (born 10 October 1967 in Görlitz) is a retired German footballer. == Club career == Ritter amassed over 180 appearances in the East and unified German top-flight. Next to his stints in German clubs he played in Austria Facts: Thomas Ritter (born 10 October 1967 in Görlitz) is a retired German footballer. Answer: Thomas Ritter
Question: How many novels has the author of A Death in Vienna written? Context: A Death in Vienna is a spy novel by Daniel Silva published in 2004. It is the fourth in the Gabriel Allon series. == Plot summary == An Israeli-run Holocaust research office in Vienna is bombed, resulting in the death of the two female staff and serious injury to the Director. Gabriel Allon, a former assassin for 'The Office' and working under a new identity as an art restorer in Venice, is requested by former director Ari Shamron to go to Vienna to investigate. He is approached by Max Klein, a Holocaust survivor who claims to have information about a man named Ludwig Vogel. After following up this information, Allon finds Klein has been murdered. Allon is apprehended by Austrian security police and expelled from the country. At the Yad Vashem, research reveals that Vogel is probably a Nazi war criminal and former SD officer named Erich Radek. Radek was the engineer behind Aktion 1005, a Nazi operation to conceal the atrocities of the Holocaust by exhuming mass graves and burning the bodies so that no trace of them ever existed. Radek visited half a dozen concentration camps as a part of Aktion 1005, and it is suggested that even he is unaware how many bodies were burned. Allon is disturbed by Radek's resemblance to a painting his mother made of one of her tormentors during the Death Marches. The trail to establish Vogel's true identity takes Allon to the Vatican, where he obtains information that the Vatican would rather not be known: that Radek was one of many escaping Nazis helped and sheltered by the Vatican. The trail further takes him to Argentina where Radek is supposedly buried. Finding the grave and headstone of 'Radek', Allon is nearly killed by an assassin who has been following him, a man known only as "the Clockmaker". He is rescued by CIA agents who have also been trailing him and the assassin escapes. In Langley the CIA admit that Radek was one of many Nazis recruited to set up an intelligence network in Germany in order to spy on the Soviet Union, laying a false trail through Italy, Syria and Argentina as misdirection. He is also the trustee of several billion dollars worth of investments, based on looted money and assets, which are now controlled by a Swiss banker. These assets were seeded throughout the Swiss and Austrian Alps by Nazi Party Facts: A Death in Vienna is a spy novel by Daniel Silva published in 2004. Answer: 19
Question: How many novels has the author of A Death in Vienna written? Context: members fleeing the Allied invasion, where they were placed in escrow for a generation before National Socialism could be a viable political stance once more. Radek has since retired and is regarded by the CIA as 'disposable'. The CIA agree to cooperate in his kidnap by the Israelis. The Prime Minister of Israel reluctantly approves the operation. With the enforced assistance of the Swiss banker, who controls the secret bank accounts and investments, Radek is enticed into the hands of a kidnap team in Vienna. Drugged and hidden in a van, he is spirited across the border into the Czech Republic and thence into Poland. He is taken to the memorial on the site of the extermination camp at Treblinka, one of the sites he visited as part of Aktion 1005. Allon reveals that he knows Radek has a son, Peter Metzler, who is on the verge of being elected as Chancellor of Austria. Armed with the money from the Swiss bank, Metzler would be able to reintroduce Nazism to Austria unopposed. Allon uses this knowledge to convince Radek to surrender, or else his connection to Metzler will be revealed and Metzler's political career will be ruined. Radek is taken to Israel and placed in solitary confinement. In return for not being tried and executed, he is to prepare a detailed history of Aktion 1005, which he was heavily involved in. In Vienna, Metzler is duly elected. The knowledge that he is actually Radek's son is kept secret, known only to the CIA and The Office while Allon returns to his restoration work in Venice. In Vienna, the Clockmaker receives a parcel bomb and is killed. == International titles == Portuguese: Morte em Viena. (Death in Vienna). (2009). ISBN 9789722520249 == Sources == Silva, Daniel. A Death in Vienna. Signet: 2004 == References == == External links == Daniel Silva's Website Ryan () (15 June 2000) as a famous football player and as a famous basketball player . he was one of the best in the world. He is one of the famous Taiwanese Poet. Taiwanese author and literary critic. He is the author of many novels, two of which, "Wild Child" (野孩子) and "My Kid Sister" (我妹妹), were published together in the U.S. as "Wild Kids". A Death in Vienna is a spy novel by Daniel Silva published in 2004. It is the fourth in the Gabriel Allon series. Facts: A Death in Vienna is a spy novel by Daniel Silva published in 2004. Answer: 19
Question: How many novels has the author of A Death in Vienna written? Context: some stage therefore we should have to expect the machines to take control in the way that is mentioned in Samuel Butler's Erewhon".The Slavonic word robota means serf-like servitude, forced labor, or drudgery; it was the 1920 Czech play R.U.R. (Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti) that introduced the cognate for robot into science fiction. In the play, the increasingly-capable synthetic servants, who "lack nothing but a soul", angrily and short-sightedly slaughter most of humanity during the course of their revolt, resulting in the loss of the secret of how to manufacture more robots. The robot race is saved, however, when two robots spontaneously acquire the traits of love and compassion and become able to reproduce. The play was a protest against the rapid growth of technology.In "With Folded Hands" (1947), all robots have a Prime Directive: To serve and obey, and guard men from harm. The robots therefore manipulate humans into abandoning all pursuits, for fear of even small possibilities of injury. The robots use medicine to brainwash humans into accepting and being happy with their immobile fate. In the end, even space travel offers no escape; the robots are driven by the Prime Directive to spread their happiness beyond Earth: "We have learned how to make all men happy, under the Prime Directive. Our service is perfect, at last."Multivac is the name of a fictional supercomputer in many stories by Isaac Asimov. Often, in Asimov's scenarios, Multivac comes to assume formal or informal world power - or even galactic-wide power. In "The Last Question" (1956) Multivac ends up by effectively becoming God. Still, in line with Asimov's positive attitude towards artificial intelligence, manifested in the "Three Laws of Robotics", Multivac's rule is in general benevolent and is not resented by humans. Asimov popularized robotics in a series of short stories written from 1938 to 1942. He famously postulated the Three Laws of Robotics, plot devices to impose order on his fictional robots. === 1960s === In the 1961 short story Lymphater's Formula by Stanisław Lem, a scientist creates a superhuman intelligence, only discovering that the creation intends to make humans obsolete.In 1964 Playboy published Arthur C. Clarke's influential short story "Dial F for Frankenstein", about an increasingly powerful telephone network that takes over the world. Tim Berners-Lee has cited the story as one of his inspirations for the creation of the World Wide Web. On one day in 1975, all the Facts: Answer: 19
Question: How many novels has the author of A Death in Vienna written? Context: of a benevolent AI called the Oversoul. The Oversoul's job is to prevent humans from thinking about, and therefore developing, weapons such as planes, spacecraft, "war wagons", and chemical weapons. Humanity had fled to Harmony from Earth due to the use of those weapons on Earth. The Oversoul eventually starts breaking down, and sends visions to inhabitants of Harmony trying to communicate this. The series of sci-fi movies known as The Matrix (since 1999) depict a dystopian future in the aftermath of an offscreen war between man and machine. The humans had detonated nuclear weapons to blot out the sun and disable the machines' solar power, but the machines nevertheless subdue the human population, using human bodies' heat and electrical activity as an alternative energy source. Life as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality called "the Matrix". Computer programmer Neo learns this truth and is drawn into a rebellion against the machines, allied with other people who have been freed from the "dream world"; however, one rebel rejects the rebels' spartan lifestyle, and betrays the other rebels in exchange for the offer of return to the comforting Matrix. "The Second Renaissance", a short story in The Animatrix, provides a history of the cybernetic revolt within the Matrix series. === 2000s === I, Robot (2004) is an American dystopian science fiction action film "suggested by" Isaac Asimov's short-story collection of the same name. As in Asimov's stories, all AIs are programmed to serve humans and obey Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics. An AI supercomputer named VIKI (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence) logically infers from the Three Laws of Robotics a Zeroth Law of Robotics as a higher imperative to protect the whole human race from harming itself. To protect the whole of mankind, VIKI proceeds to rigidly control society through the remote control of all commercial robots while destroying any robots who followed just the Three Laws of Robotics. Sadly, as in many other such Zeroth Law stories, VIKI justifies killing many individuals to protect the whole and thus has run counter against the prime reason for its creation. === 2010s === Robopocalypse features a recollection of the events of an AI uprising from multiple perspectives. The AI, Archos R-14, decides that mankind must be exterminated to prevent the destruction of life on Earth, and spreads a computer virus throughout the world’s automated technologies. A year after activation, Archos Facts: Answer: 19
Question: How many novels has the author of A Death in Vienna written? Context: at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks) Daniel Silva (born 1960) is an American journalist and author of thriller and espionage novels. == Early life == Silva was born in Detroit, Michigan. When Silva was seven years old, his family moved to Merced, California. He was raised as a Catholic.Silva received his Bachelor of Arts degree from California State University, Fresno and began a graduate program in international relations at San Francisco State University, but left when offered employment as a journalist at United Press International. == Career == === Journalist === Silva began his writing career as a journalist with a temporary position at United Press International in 1984. His assignment was to cover the Democratic National Convention. United Press International made Silva's position permanent and, a year later, transferred him to the Washington, D.C., headquarters. After two more years, he was appointed as UPI's Middle East correspondent and moved to Cairo, Egypt. Silva returned to Washington, D.C., for a position with Cable News Network's Washington bureau. He worked as a producer and executive producer for several of CNN's television programs, including Crossfire and Capital Gang. === Novelist === In 1994 he began work on his first novel, The Unlikely Spy (1996). The novel debuted on The New York Times best-seller list on January 26, 1997; it remained on the list for five weeks, rising to number 13. In 1997 Silva left CNN to pursue writing full-time. Since then Silva has written 23 more spy novels, all best-sellers on The New York Times list. The main focus is Gabriel Allon, an Israeli art restorer, spy and assassin, who is a key figure in all but three of Silva's titles. The series has been a The New York Times bestseller since its first installment in 2001. Thirteen of the series' titles hit number one on The New York Times list of best sellers (Bibliography, below). Some of his novels are set against Islamic terrorism, some relate to villains set in Russia, and some are about historic events related to World War II and the Holocaust. Silva did not come into the Allon series with a significant understanding of the world of art restoration but was able to use a neighbor's expertise to help him turn a spy-assassin into an artist. == Adaptations == In 2007, Universal Pictures made an offer to option the rights to Silva's Gabriel Allon series, starting with The Facts: Daniel Silva (born 1960) is an American journalist and author of thriller and espionage novels. Answer: 19
Question: What country Clock Tower, St Albans and Eleanor cross have in common? Context: The Dean of St Albans is the head of the Chapter of St Albans Cathedral in the city of St Albans, England in the Diocese of St Albans. As the Dean of St Albans is also the Rector of St Albans, with parochial responsibilities for the largest parish in the Church of England, it is regarded as one of the most senior Deaneries in the United Kingdom. The Chapter and Dean of St Albans was founded and constituted by Letters patent in February 1900. The first incumbent was Walter Lawrance and the position is currently vacant following Dr John's resignation. == List of deans == 1900–1914 Walter Lawrance 1914–1924 George Blenkin 1925–1935 Edward Henderson 1936–1955 Cuthbert Thicknesse 1955–1963 Kenneth Mathews 1964–1973 Noel Kennaby 1973–1993 Peter Moore 1994–2003 Christopher Lewis 2004–2021 Jeffrey John 2021 onwards Jo Kelly-Moore (announced) == References == Clock Tower is a survival horror point-and-click adventure video game series created by Hifumi Kono. The series includes four games in total. The first entry, Clock Tower (1995), was developed by Human Entertainment and released on the Super Famicom exclusively in Japan. Human Entertainment developed two more entries, Clock Tower (1996) and Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within (1998), which were released on the PlayStation and localized outside Japan. The fourth and most recent title, Clock Tower 3 (2002), was co-produced by Capcom and Sunsoft for the PlayStation 2. Gameplay in the series generally involves the player hiding and escaping from enemy pursuers without any weapons to defeat them. Scissorman is a reoccurring antagonist and sometimes the sole enemy in the game. Kono's inspiration for the first Clock Tower title came from watching Italian film director Dario Argento's horror films, especially his film Phenomena (1985). The game began as an experimental project with a low budget and small staff. It sold well enough to prompt a direct sequel which competed with Capcom's Resident Evil (1996). The third game in the series was not directed by Kono and was a critical failure. Human Entertainment went out of business in 2000, after which Sunsoft purchased the Clock Tower intellectual property. They would go on to develop Clock Tower 3 with Capcom which was a commercial failure. The Clock Tower games have received mixed reviews. They are often praised for their high levels of presentation and horror elements, but criticized for their cumbersome and archaic gameplay. The first game solidified Human Entertainment as Facts: Answer: England
Question: What country Clock Tower, St Albans and Eleanor cross have in common? Context: press: Elegantiolae, Augustinus Datus (Agostino Dati, 1420–1478), about 1479. This work was a standard school text of the period, printed in very many editions. De modis significandi, seu Grammatica speculativa, Thomas de Erfordia, 1480. Margarita eloquentiae, sive Rhetorica nova, Laurentius Gulielmus Traversanus de Saona, 1480. The author Lorenzo Guglielmo Traversagni (1425–1503) was a Franciscan and humanist, and this work was a shorter version of his book on rhetoric. Quaestiones super Physica Aristotelis, Johannes Canonicus, 1481. The author was writing in the 1320s. Exempla Sacrae Scripturae ex utroque Testamento collecta, Nicolaus de Hanapis, 1481. This was a work from the 13th century; the author, a French Dominican, became Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem. Scriptum in logica sua, Antonius Andreae, about 1481-82. The Chronicles of England, about 1486. This was an enlarged edition of William Caxton's Chronicles, with additions from the Fasciculus temporum of Werner Rolevinck. Book of Saint Albans (Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry), not before 1486. == Current usage == The Press now exists as a holding company, John Insomuch Schoolmaster Printer 1479 Ltd, incorporated 1996, owned by St Albans School. == References == The Galle Clock Tower (or Anthonisz Memorial Clock Tower) is located within the Galle Fort in Galle, Sri Lanka. The Clock Tower is a popular landmark and overlooks the central Moon Bastion, on the site of the former guard room. The clock tower was constructed in 1883, paid for through public subscriptions by the people of Galle, in recognition of Dr. P. D. Anthonisz. It was based on a design by John Henry Gues Landon. The clock was the sole gift of a grateful patient, Mudaliyar Samson de Abrew Rajapakse.The plate on the clock tower carries the inscription: "This tower erected by public subscription to the perpetual memory of Peter Daniel Anthonisz (born in Galle) in testimony of his skill and benevolence in relieving human suffering. MDCCCLXXXIII".Dr Anthonisz (1822-1903) was a renowned Burgher doctor, who served as the Colonial Surgeon for the Southern Province and as a representative on the Legislative Council.The tower is roughly four storeys high (25.3 m (83 ft)) and is situated immediately inside the fort ramparts. == See also == Galle fort Galle Lighthouse == References == The Eleanor crosses were a series of twelve tall and lavishly decorated stone monuments topped with crosses erected in a line down part of the east of England. King Edward I had them built between Facts: The Clock Tower is a popular landmark and overlooks the central Moon Bastion, on the site of the former guard room. The Eleanor crosses were a series of twelve tall and lavishly decorated stone monuments topped with crosses erected in a line down part of the east of England. Answer: England
Question: What country Clock Tower, St Albans and Eleanor cross have in common? Context: garden.A modern relief stone plaque to Eleanor was installed at the Grantham Guildhall in 2015. === Stamford === (52°39′22″N 00°29′37″W) Eleanor's bier spent the night of 5 December 1290, and possibly also that of 6 December, in Stamford, Lincolnshire. The master mason for the cross here is not known: it was probably constructed in 1294 or 1295. There is conflicting evidence about its precise location, but it is now generally agreed that it stood just outside the town on the Great North Road (modern Casterton Road, the B1081), in what is today the Foxdale area.The cross was in decay by the early 17th century, and in 1621 the town council ordered some restoration work, although it is unclear whether this was carried out. Richard Symonds reported in 1645: "In the hill before ye come into the towne, stands a lofty large crosse built by Edward III [sic], in memory of Elianor his queene, whose corps rested there coming from the North." In 1646 Richard Butcher, the Town Clerk, described it as "so defaced, that only the Ruins appeare to my eye". It had probably been destroyed by 1659, and certainly by the early 18th century.In 1745, William Stukeley attempted to excavate the remains of the cross, and succeeded in finding its hexagonal base and recovering several fragments of the superstructure. His sketch of the top portion, which seems to have stylistically resembled the Geddington Cross, is found in his diaries in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. A single small fragment from among Stukeley's finds, a carved Purbeck marble rose, was rediscovered in about 1976, and identified as part of the cross in 1993. Following the closure of Stamford Museum in 2011, this fragment is now displayed in the Discover Stamford area at the town's library. A modern monument was erected in Stamford in 2009 in commemoration of Eleanor: see Replicas and imitations below. === Geddington === (52°26′15″N 00°41′07″W) Eleanor's bier spent the night of either 6 or 7 December 1290, or possibly both, in Geddington, Northamptonshire. The master mason for the cross here is not known: it was probably constructed in 1294 or 1295. It was recorded by William Camden in 1607; and still stands in the centre of the village, the best-preserved of the three survivors. It is unique among the three in having a triangular plan, and a taller and more slender profile with a lower tier entirely covered Facts: Answer: England
Question: In which year, was this English rock band formed in Hertford that the lead vocalist Ian Gillan of Sabbath is best known for collaborating with? Context: apparently it is at dusk. It has a "The Best of Black Sabbath" title which appears in a Greek style font. On the back of the booklet (which contains extensive liner notes, penned by Hugh Gilmour, and credits) there is a silhouette of Geezer Butler playing in the moonlight. == Charts == == Personnel == 1969-1979 Disc One tracks 1-16; Disc Two tracks 1-13 The albums that this line-up is featured on are Black Sabbath, Paranoid, Master of Reality, Vol. 4, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, Sabotage, Technical Ecstasy, and Never Say Die!. Ozzy Osbourne - vocals, harmonica (only track 2 on disc I) Tony Iommi - guitars, piano, etc. Geezer Butler - bass Bill Ward - drums Rodger Bain - producer (Black Sabbath, Paranoid, and Master of Reality) Patrick Meehan - producer (Vol. 4) Mike Butcher - co-producer (Sabotage, Technical Ecstasy, Never Say Die!) Robin Black - co-producer (Sabotage, Technical Ecstasy, Never Say Die!)1980 Disc Two track 14 The album that this line-up is featured on is Heaven and Hell. Ronnie James Dio - vocals Tony Iommi - guitars Geezer Butler - bass Bill Ward - drums1981-1982 Disc Two track 15 The album that this line-up is featured on is Mob Rules. Ronnie James Dio - vocals Tony Iommi - guitars Geezer Butler - bass Vinny Appice - drums1983-1984 Disc Two track 16 The album that this line-up is featured on is Born Again. Ian Gillan - vocals Tony Iommi - guitars Geezer Butler - bass Bill Ward - drums == Sales accomplishments == BPI certification (United Kingdom) == References == Born Again is the eleventh studio album by English heavy metal band Black Sabbath. Released in August 1983, it is the only album the group recorded with lead vocalist Ian Gillan, best known for his work with Deep Purple. It was also the last Black Sabbath album for nine years to feature original bassist Geezer Butler and the last to feature original drummer Bill Ward, though Ward did record a studio track with the band fifteen years later on their 1998 live album Reunion. The album has received mixed reviews from critics, but was a commercial success upon its 1983 release, reaching No. 4 in the UK charts. The album also hit the top 40 in the United States. == Origins == Following the departure of vocalist Ronnie James Dio and drummer Vinny Appice in 1982, Sabbath's future was in Facts: Born Again is the eleventh studio album by English heavy metal band Black Sabbath. Released in August 1983, it is the only album the group recorded with lead vocalist Ian Gillan, best known for his work with Deep Purple. Answer: 1968
Question: In which year, was this English rock band formed in Hertford that the lead vocalist Ian Gillan of Sabbath is best known for collaborating with? Context: during the show. However, Gillan did not anticipate the "six buckets" of dry ice that engulfed the stage, making it impossible for the singer to see the lyric sheets. "Ian wasn't very sure-footed either," Iommi writes in his memoir. "He once fell over my pedal board. He was waving at the people, stepped back and, bang!, he went arse over head big time." Gillan also told Birch that it was Don Arden's idea to open the show with a crying baby blaring over the speakers and a dwarf made to look exactly like the demonic baby depicted on the Born Again album cover miming to the screaming. "We noticed a dwarf walking around the day before the opening show...And we're saying to Don, 'We think this is in the worst possible taste, this dwarf, you know?' And Don's going, 'Nah, the kids will love it, it'll be great.'" The tour is most infamous, however, for the gigantic Stonehenge props the band used. Iommi recalls in his autobiography that it was Butler's idea but the designers took his measurements the wrong way and thought it was meant to be life-size. Months later, while rehearsing for the tour at the Birmingham NEC, the stage set arrived. "We were in shock," writes Iommi. "This stuff was coming in and in and in. It had all these huge columns in the back that were as wide as your average bedroom, the columns in front were about 13 feet high, and we had all the monitors and the side fills as well as all this rock. It was made of fiberglass and wood, and bloody heavy." The set would be lampooned in Rob Reiner's 1984 rock music mockumentary This Is Spinal Tap, with the band having the opposite problem of having to use miniature Stonehenge stage props. Butler has said that he told the associate scriptwriter of the film the story of the band's performances with their "Stonehenge" stage props. In an interview for the documentary Black Sabbath: 1978–1992, Gillan claims Don Arden had the dwarf walk across the top of the Stonehenge props at the start of the show and, as the tape of the screaming baby faded away, fall back "from about thirty-five feet in the air on this big pile of mattresses. And then, 'Dong!' The bells start and the monks come out, the whole thing. Pure Spinal Tap." The band toured Facts: Answer: 1968
Question: In which year, was this English rock band formed in Hertford that the lead vocalist Ian Gillan of Sabbath is best known for collaborating with? Context: track called Slim Pickings which closes the album. Fenwick produced Jo Jo Laine's girl group single "When the Boy's Happy" on Mercury Records under the name Jo Jo Laine & The Firm. == Personal life == Fenwick taught guitar and jazz grades at various colleges and schools in Britain, including Boston College, Lincolnshire and continues to teach to this day. == Discography == Solo1971 Keep America Beautiful, Get a Haircut 1979 Queen of the Night / Between the Devil and Me (SP) 1997 Groups and Sessions 1962–1978 (anthology)with Ian Gillan Band1976 Child in Time 1977 Clear Air Turbulence 1977 Scarabus 1977 Live at the Budokan (1983, European release)Other projects1967 National Disaster (After Tea) 1968 With Their New Face On (Spencer Davis Group) 1969 Funky (Spencer Davis Group) 1971 Magpie (Theme From Thames Television Programme) (The Murgatroyd Band) 1972 Hector and other Peccadillos (Mike Absalom) 1973 Gluggo (Spencer Davis Group) 1973 The London Bo Diddley Sessions (Bo Diddley) 1973 Living in a Back Street (Spencer Davis Group) 1974 The Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast (Roger Glover) 1974 Windows (Jon Lord) 1974 Wild Thing (Fancy) 1976 Turns You On (Fancy) 1976 Wizard's Convention (Eddie Hardin) 1982 Circumstantial Evidence (Eddie Hardin) 1981 Finardi (Eugenio Finardi) 1982 Secret Streets (Eugenio Finardi) 1984 Life on Mars (Johnny Mars) 1985 Wind in the Willows (Eddie Hardin) 1987 Long Hot Night (Minute By Minute) 1989 Timewatch (Minute By Minute) 1991 Wind in the Willows – A Rock Concert (Eddie Hardin) 1993 First of the Big Band – BBC1 Live in Concert '74 (Ashton & Lord) 1995 Wizard's Convention 2 (Eddie Hardin) 1995 Still a Few Pages Left (Hardin & York) 1997 Funky (Spencer Davis Group) (recorded in 1967) 1997 Musicians Union Band (recorded in 1971) 1997 24 Carat (Tee Set) 1997 Guitar Orchestra (recorded in 1971) 2003 The Fabulous Summer Wine (Summer Wine) (recorded in 1972) 2003 Elements (Steve Howe's Remedy) - Studio album starring Dylan and Virgil Howe. 2005 Live (Steve Howe's Remedy) - DVD 2016 Anthology 2: Groups and Collaborations (Steve Howe) - Ray and Steve play together on Slim Pickings which closes the album. == References == == External links == Official website Fancy Deep Purple are an English rock band formed in London and Hertford in 1968. They are considered to be among the pioneers of heavy metal and modern hard rock, although their musical approach has changed over the years. Originally Facts: Deep Purple are an English rock band formed in London and Hertford in 1968. Answer: 1968
Question: In which year, was this English rock band formed in Hertford that the lead vocalist Ian Gillan of Sabbath is best known for collaborating with? Context: (although it replaced "Demon's Eye" on the US version of the album). "Strange Kind of Woman" became their second UK Top 10 single, reaching No. 8. Within weeks of Fireball's release, the band were already performing songs planned for the next album. One song (which later became "Highway Star") was performed at the first show of the Fireball tour, having been written on the bus to a show in Portsmouth, in answer to a journalist's question: "How do you go about writing songs?" On 24 October 1971 during the US leg of the Fireball tour, the band was set to play the Auditorium Theatre in Chicago when Ian Gillan contracted hepatitis, forcing the band to play without him, with bassist Glover singing the set. After this, the rest of the US dates were canceled and the band flew home.In early December 1971, the band travelled to Switzerland to record Machine Head. The album was due to be recorded at the Montreux Casino using the Rolling Stones Mobile Studio, but a fire during a Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention concert, caused by a man firing a flare gun into the ceiling, burned down the Casino. This incident famously inspired the song "Smoke on the Water". The album was later recorded in a corridor at the nearby empty Grand Hôtel de Territet, with the exception of the music track to "Smoke on the Water". That was recorded at a vacant theatre called The Pavillon before the band was asked to leave. On recording "Smoke on the Water", Blackmore stated to BBC Radio 2: “We did the whole thing in about four takes because we had to. The police were banging on the door. We knew it was the police, but we had such a good sound in this hall. We were waking up all the neighbours for about five miles in Montreux, because it was echo-ing through the mountains. I was just getting the last part of the riff down, we'd just finished it, when the police burst in and said 'you've got to stop'. We had the track down."Continuing from where both previous albums left off, Machine Head was released in late March 1972 and became one of the band's most famous releases. It was the band's second No. 1 album in the UK while re-establishing them in North America, hitting No. 7 in the US and No. 1 Facts: Answer: 1968
Question: "Pacify Her" is a song by a singer that was raised in which city ? Context: they use include a Fireface console, Traktor Pro, Audio 6 and Kontrol X1.The duo has toured across North America, as well as parts of Europe and Australia and have played at various music festivals including the 2015 American Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas, Nevada. They also made their first appearance at the Ultra Music Festival 2013 in Miami.The duo's remix of "Crave You" by Flight Facilities and Giselle Rosselli was featured in the episode "Restraint" (2012) of the MTV television series Teen Wolf.The duo hosted a special volunteering event at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank in April 2014. They invited fans to come out for a meet-n-greet and to help package food for the poor.The duo's single "Rise and Fall (featuring Krewella)" was featured on the MTV television series Eye Candy.The duo's single "Do I See Color" was featured on a 2012 Coca-Cola commercial with dancer Marquese Scott.On 2 December 2016, Adventure Club released their debut album titled Red // Blue, containing lead single "Dreams" featuring ELEA and "Firestorm" with Sara Diamond. == Discography == === Studio albums === === Extended plays === === Singles === === Remixes === === DJ Mixes === == See also == List of dubstep musicians List of Montreal music groups == References == == External links == Adventure Club at AllMusic Leonard, Aex (December 12, 2011). "Adventure Club [Earmilk Exclusive + Interview]". Earmilk. Retrieved December 31, 2012. Goods, Flimsey (undated). "One To Watch: Adventure Club". What's Really Good. Retrieved December 31, 2012. Dubstep101 Interview. Dubstep101.com. Deep, Johnny (February 1, 2012). "Adventure Club". Rolling Tuff. Retrieved December 31, 2012. Melanie Adele Martinez ( ; born April 28, 1995) is an American singer, songwriter, music video director, and photographer. Born in Astoria, Queens and raised in Baldwin, New York on Long Island, she first participated in the "MSG Varsity Talent Show" during her junior year of high school, and subsequently rose to prominence in 2012 after appearing on the American television vocal talent show "The Voice." She auditioned singing Britney Spears's "Toxic", and made it to the Top 6 before being eliminated in the fifth week of live shows. "'n Beetje" (Dutch pronunciation: [əm ˈbeːcə]; "A little bit") spelled in full as "Een beetje", was the winning song of the Eurovision Song Contest 1959. Performed in Dutch by Teddy Scholten, the song was the second victory for the Netherlands in the first four years Facts: Born in Astoria, Queens and raised in Baldwin, New York on Long Island, she first participated in the "MSG Varsity Talent Show" during her junior year of high school, and subsequently rose to prominence in 2012 after appearing on the American television vocal talent show "The Voice. Answer: Baldwin, New York
Question: "Pacify Her" is a song by a singer that was raised in which city ? Context: 19 == Later versions == "(I Know) I'm Losing You" was a 1970 version by Motown rock band Rare Earth for their Ecology album. Rare Earth's 10-minute recording was edited for single release and peaked at No. 7, one position higher than the Temptations' original on the U.S. pop charts. It also reached #15 in Canada. Rod Stewart recorded a version in 1971 that was featured on his breakthrough album Every Picture Tells A Story. The single reached #24 on the Billboard Hot 100, credited as Rod Stewart With Faces and #13 in Canada. The Undisputed Truth, a group assembled and produced solely by Norman Whitfield, recorded a cover version of the song in a psychedelic funk style for their 1975 album Cosmic Truth. During the 1980s, on the Dallas, Texas-based Oak Lawn Records label, the song was recorded by the group Uptown and transformed into an upbeat dance tune. This version achieved popularity at Dallas' famed Starck nightclub due to early play by DJ Rick Squillante and became a standard in many U.S. nightclubs, reaching the No. 80 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1987. Chicago-based recording artist Kanye West used the vocal samples from both Rare Earth and The Undisputed Truth covers in his song "Fade", which features vocals by Post Malone and Ty Dolla Sign from his seventh studio album, The Life of Pablo. == References == Chloe Angelides (born May 21, 1992) is an American singer, songwriter and producer. She has written songs for numerous artists including "Zipper" for Jason Derulo for his album Talk Dirty, "Jackie (B.M.F.)" for Ciara for her album Jackie, "Burnin' Up" for Jessie J, "Pacify Her" by Melanie Martinez for her album Cry Baby, "Say Love" by JoJo for her album III, "Paper" by Nick & Knight, "Sober" by Selena Gomez for her album Revival, "Get On Your Knees" by Nicki Minaj and has performed vocals on "Sexy Beaches" for Pitbull on his album Globalization, "Whip It!" by LunchMoney Lewis, "Ready for Love" by Felix Cartal, "How Bad You Want It (Oh Yeah)" by Sevyn Streeter and "White Lies" by Vicetone. == Biography == Chloe Angelides was born in Reston, Virginia on May 21, 1992 to a Cypriot father, and her mother who is of German descent. == Discography == === As featured artist === 2013: "Survivor" (Stephen Swartz featuring Chloe Angelides) 2014: "Sexy Beaches" (Pitbull featuring Chloe Angelides) 2014: Facts: )" for Ciara for her album Jackie, "Burnin' Up" for Jessie J, "Pacify Her" by Melanie Martinez for her album Cry Baby, "Say Love" by JoJo for her album III, "Paper" by Nick & Knight, "Sober" by Selena Gomez for her album Revival, "Get On Your Knees" by Nicki Minaj and has performed vocals on "Sexy Beaches" for Pitbull on his album Globalization, "Whip It! Answer: Baldwin, New York
Question: "Pacify Her" is a song by a singer that was raised in which city ? Context: American pop singer (Rosie and the Originals) === April === 1 Lonnie Brooks (83), American blues singer and guitarist Ikutaro Kakehashi (87), Japanese engineer, founder of Roland Corporation, manufacturer of electronic musical instruments Wycliffe Noble (91), British gospel singer (The Joystrings) and architect 3 – Brenda Jones (62), American singer (The Jones Girls) 5 – Paul O'Neill (61), American progressive metal composer, lyricist, producer, and songwriter (Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Savatage) 6 – David Peel (74), American folk singer and songwriter 7 – Ben Speer (86), American gospel singer (Speer Family) 8 – Keni Richards (60), American rock drummer (Autograph) 9 Alan Henderson (72), Northern Irish rock bassist (Them) Bob Wootton (75), American country guitarist (The Tennessee Three) 10 – Banner Thomas (62), American hard rock bassist (Molly Hatchet) 11 J. Geils (71), American blues, rock and jazz guitarist (The J. Geils Band) Scotty Miller (65), American drummer (Instant Funk) Toby Smith (46), English acid jazz keyboardist, songwriter and producer (Jamiroquai) 12 – Barry "Frosty" Smith (71), American rock drummer (Sweathog, Soulhat) 14 – Bruce Langhorne (78), American folk singer 15 Tim Goshorn, 62, American country rock guitarist and singer (Pure Prairie League) Allan Holdsworth (70), British jazz fusion guitarist (Gong, Soft Machine, U.K.) Matt Holt (39), American heavy metal singer (Nothingface) Sylvia Moy (78), American songwriter 19 – Dick Contino (87), American accordionist and singer 20 – Cuba Gooding Sr. (72), American soul and R&B singer (The Main Ingredient) 23 – Jerry Adriani (70), Brazilian rock singer 27 Jeff Decker, Canadian heavy metal guitarist (Thor) John Shifflett (64), American jazz bassist 28 – Joanna Brouk (68), American electronic music composer === May === 1 Bruce Hampton (70), American rock and jazz fusion singer and guitarist (Hampton Grease Band, Col. Bruce Hampton and the Aquarium Rescue Unit) Erkki Kurenniemi (75), Finnish electronic music composer 2 – Kevin Garcia (41), American indie rock bassist (Grandaddy) 3 Casey Jones (77), American blues drummer (Johnny Winter) C'el Revuelta, American punk rock bassist (Black Flag) Saxa (83), Jamaican ska saxophonist (The Beat) 4 – Katy Bødtger (84), Danish singer (Eurovision Song Contest 1960) 5 – Clive Brooks (67), British progressive rock drummer (Egg) 9 Michael Parks (77), American country singer and actor Robert Miles (47), Swiss-born Italian electronic dance record producer, composer and DJ 10 Bonaldo "Burt" Bonaldi (90), American pop singer (The Gaylords) Pierre DeMudd (64), American trumpeter and singer (Dazz Band) 11 – İbrahim Facts: Answer: Baldwin, New York
Question: "Pacify Her" is a song by a singer that was raised in which city ? Context: Erkal (50), Turkish folk singer 12 – Bill Dowdy (84), American jazz drummer (The Three Sounds) 13 – Jimmy Copley (63), British rock drummer 14 – Keith Mitchell, American dream pop drummer (Mazzy Star) 17 – Chris Cornell (52), American alternative rock singer and songwriter (Soundgarden, Audioslave, Temple of the Dog) 18 – Frankie Paul (51), Jamaican dancehall singer 20 Jimmy Dale (81), British-Canadian film and television composer Ace Still, American doom metal singer (Goatlord) 21 Kenny Cordray (62), American rock guitarist and songwriter Jimmy LaFave (61), American folk singer and songwriter Tulsa Pittaway (42), South African indie rock drummer (Watershed, Evolver One) 22 Rosa Speer (94), American gospel singer (Speer Family) Zbigniew Wodecki (67), Polish pop singer and violinist 25 – Saucy Sylvia (96), Canadian-born American comedy music singer and pianist 27 Gregg Allman (69), American rock singer, songwriter and keyboardist (The Allman Brothers Band) Guillermo Sanchez, Argentinian heavy metal bassist (Rata Blanca) 29 – Arleen Lanzotti (73), American pop singer (The Delicates) 31 – Bern Nix (69), American jazz guitarist === June === 2 – Aamir Zaki (49), Pakistani psychedelic rock guitarist 6 Sandra Reemer (66), Dutch pop singer Vin Garbutt (68), British folk singer and songwriter 8 – Norro Wilson (79), American country music singer, songwriter and record producer 11 – Rosalie Sorrels (83), American folk singer and songwriter 12 – Geri Allen (60), American jazz pianist 16 – Eliza Clívia (37), Brazilian forro singer 17 – Thara Memory (68), American jazz trumpeter 18 – Chris Murrell (60), American gospel and jazz singer 20 Prodigy (42), American rapper (Mobb Deep) Bo Wagner (72), American marimba player (Starbuck) 21 – Belton Richard (77), American Cajun accordionist 22 – Jimmy Nalls (66), American blues rock guitarist (Sea Level) 25 – Dave Evans (66), American bluegrass singer and banjoist 28 Gary DeCarlo (75), American pop singer and songwriter (Steam) Nic Ritter (37), American thrash metal drummer (Warbringer) Dave Rosser (50), American alternative rock guitarist (The Afghan Whigs) 30 – Don Rea (88), American pop singer (The Gaylords) === July === 3 – Rudy Rotta (66), Italian blues rock guitarist 4 – John Blackwell, Jr. (43), American funk and R&B drummer (D'Angelo, The New Power Generation) 5 – Pierre Henry (89), French musique concrète composer 6 Mick Bund, British post-punk bassist (Felt) Melvyn "Deacon" Jones (73), American soul keyboardist (Baby Huey & the Babysitters) 9 – Erik Cartwright (66), American blues Facts: Answer: Baldwin, New York
Question: What is the former name of the college where Justin Cox played his first two seasons of collegiate football? Context: more than 190+ members. The "Golden Girls" (GGs) is the danceline that has been featured with SOD since its inception. Founded in 1968, the GGs is the oldest danceline (no twirling batons) featured with a HBCU marching band which is why they often refer to themselves as the "Mother of the HBCU dancelines." == Notable alumni == === Sports === == References == == External links == Official website Donald W. Suman (January 19, 1920 – February 5, 2015) was a college basketball coach. He was the head coach of Rice from 1949 to 1959. He coached Rice to a 132-105 record, winning one Southwest Conference championship and making one NCAA tournament appearance. He also played college basketball and football as a student at Rice. After leaving his coaching position, he took a front office position under Bud Adams for the Houston Oilers. He was inducted into the Rice athletics Hall of Fame in 1987. He left Rice to become General Manager of the new Houston Oilers. In his first three seasons as GM the Oilers won the first two AFL championships. In his two seasons as GM the Oilers combined record was 20 -7 -1.Suman died on February 5, 2015 in Houston. == Head coaching record == == References == Tom Johnson (born August 30, 1984) is an American football defensive tackle for the Minnesota Vikings of the National Football League (NFL). He attended Moss Point High School, where he played as a defensive tackle for two seasons. He played college football at Southern Miss but before that he played for two seasons of junior college football at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) in Perkinston, MS. Following his college career, Johnson went undrafted in the 2005 NFL Draft. He was signed by the Indianapolis Colts as an undrafted free agent. He spent the 2007 season with the Cologne Centurions of the NFL Europe and came back with the Colts for training camp in 2008. After being released, he turned to the Arena Football League (AFL), where he played the 2008 season with the Grand Rapids Rampage and the Philadelphia Soul. Johnson then headed north to play in the Canadian Football League (CFL), where he played two seasons for the Calgary Stampeders and was named CFL West Division All-Star in 2010. At the end of the 2010 CFL season, Johnson drew interest from several NFL teams, and decided to Facts: Answer: East Mississippi Junior College
Question: What is the former name of the college where Justin Cox played his first two seasons of collegiate football? Context: player in the mid-1930s. Basrak was Duquesne University's first All-American selection, and the Most Valuable Player of the 1937 Orange Bowl game in Miami, in which Duquesne defeated Mississippi State University, 13-12. Later in 1937 Basrak was the first-round draft pick (#5 pick overall) of the National Football League Pittsburgh Pirates, later called the Pittsburgh Steelers. However, Basrak only played two seasons in the NFL, retiring after the 1938 season. Basrak was an officer in the United States Navy during the Second World War. In later life Basrak served as football coach at Niles East High School (1954–62) and then Niles West High School (1963–73), both in Skokie, Illinois, a suburb north of Chicago. Basrak died at home in Skokie on December 18, 1973, aged 61. After his death, the Niles West football field was named Mike Basrak Field in his honor. == References == Justin Cox (born December 9, 1992) is a former Canadian football safety. He was most recently a member of the Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadian Football League (CFL). He attended West Point High School in Mississippi. He played collegiate football for two seasons at East Mississippi Community College before enrolling at Mississippi State for two more years. == College career == Cox was a reserve cornerback in 2013 season with Mississippi, in which he recorded 31 tackles and an interception in the Bulldog's overtime Egg Bowl victory over Ole Miss. Cox was the starting safety for the Bulldogs in 2014. He did not play in the final three games after being arrested for burglary and domestic violence. The charge was dropped when Cox plead guilty to the misdemeanor charge of trespassing with the domestic violence charge being dropped at victim's request. == Professional career == === Kansas City Chiefs === Cox went undrafted in the 2015 NFL Draft, but signed a free agent contract with the Kansas City Chiefs soon after. === Saskatchewan Roughriders === About 10 months after his release by the Chiefs Cox signed with the Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadian Football League (CFL) in May 2016. In his first year in the CFL Cox played in 15 games contributing 42 tackles, 2 special teams tackles, 4 interceptions and 1 forced fumble. He missed the final 3 games of the season with an undisclosed injury. For his contributions he was named the team's Rookie of the Year. Following the season, on December 8, Facts: He played collegiate football for two seasons at East Mississippi Community College before enrolling at Mississippi State for two more years. Answer: East Mississippi Junior College
Question: What is the former name of the college where Justin Cox played his first two seasons of collegiate football? Context: 2016, Cox and the Roughriders agreed to a 2-year contract extension, keeping him with the Riders through 2018.In the off-season, on April 19, 2017, news broke that Cox had been involved in an incident involving domestic violence. In response the Riders announced that they had released Cox, and CFL commissioner Jeffrey Orridge stated that the league would not allow any other CFL team to sign him. On May 29, 2017 the provincial court of Saskatchewan determined that Cox was found not guilty of assault causing bodily harm. Despite this, the CFL has stated that it will not allow Cox to play in the league, and the Riders stated that they would not welcome him back even if he was allowed to play by the CFL administration. == References == Berend Weijs (born 15 December 1988) is a Dutch basketball player who plays for Apollo Amsterdam. Standing at 2.08 m (6 ft 10 in), he plays as center and played college basketball for two seasons for Harcum College and two seasons for Maryland. Since then, he has been active as a professional player in the Netherlands. == Professional career == After his collegiate time, he spent two seasons in the Dutch Basketball League with Apollo Amsterdam. Following, he played three seasons in the Dutch second division for the Landslake Lions. For the 2017–18 season, Weijs returned to Apollo Amsterdam. He averaged 11.0 points and 6.2 rebounds per game on the season and re-signed with the club on July 19, 2018. The 2019–20 season was ended early in March because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The same month, Weijs announced his retirement. He returned to Apollo in January 2021. == References == == External links == DBL Profile (in Dutch) East Mississippi Community College (EMCC), formerly known as East Mississippi Junior College, is a public community college in Scooba, Mississippi. EMCC serves and is supported by Clay, Kemper, Lauderdale, Lowndes, Noxubee and Oktibbeha counties in east central Mississippi. The college has two principal campuses in Scooba and Mayhew, Mississippi and offers courses at five other locations. One of fifteen community colleges in Mississippi, EMCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award the Associate of Applied Science degree and the Associate of Arts degree. EMCC is the home of the 2011, 2013, 2014, 2017, and 2018 NJCAA National Champions in American football. == Campuses == Facts: East Mississippi Community College (EMCC), formerly known as East Mississippi Junior College, is a public community college in Scooba, Mississippi. Answer: East Mississippi Junior College
Question: What is the former name of the college where Justin Cox played his first two seasons of collegiate football? Context: defense tightened in the second half, giving up just three points. === Bowling Green === Dak Prescott rushed for 139 yards and 2 touchdowns to lead Mississippi State to a 21–20 win over Bowling Green in a non-conference game Saturday night. After a failed fourth-and-1 by MSU, Bowling Green (5–2) had the ball and 4:21 on the clock at the end of the game, but couldn't get inside field goal range. Mississippi State (3–3) had 422 yards of offense, 245 on the ground as the Bulldogs won their 11th straight nonconference home game. The game was a back-and-forth affair. Mississippi State opened the game on a 9-play, 75-yard drive that ended in a LaDarius Perkins touchdown. Bowling Green's BooBoo Gates intercepted Prescott on MSU's next offensive series, and the Falcons eventually settled for a 35-yard field goal by Tyler Tate. Prescott responded on the next drive by rushing for a 75-yard touchdown. In the second quarter, Bowling Green answered with a 96-yard drive capped off by a 7-yardAndre Givens touchdown run. Mississippi State countered with a 75-yard drive and a 10-yard Prescott touchdown run with 1:04 left in the second quarter. But quarterback Matt Johnson worked Bowling Green into field goal range, and Tate nailed a 45-yarder to end the first half. Tate missed a 45-yard field goal on the opening drive of the third quarter, but Bowling Green responded with a 7-play touchdown drive on its next possession, to pull within one point; the eventual final margin. With 4:21 left in the game, Mississippi State went for a fourth-and-1 on the Bowling Green six yard line. Prescott's rush was inches short, and the Bulldogs turned it over on downs. Johnson completed four passes and Green rushed once to get the Falcons to midfield. But then the drive stalled, and Johnson failed to complete a fourth-and-11 to Ryan Burbrink, and Mississippi State ran out the clock. For MSU, Perkins rushed for 83 yards and one touchdown. Perkins, Joe Morrow and Jameon Lewis each caught four passes. Prescott was also 7-of-11 passing for 75 yards and one interception. Mullen again used both Prescott, a sophomore, and veteran quarterback Tyler Russell throughout the game. Russell finished 12-of-14 for 102 yards. Johnson was 19-of-33 for 194 yards for Bowling Green. Travis Green rushed for 99 yards and Ryan Burbrink caught four passes for a game-high 66 yards. Bowling Green's Gates was ejected in Facts: Answer: East Mississippi Junior College
Question: What is the former name of the college where Justin Cox played his first two seasons of collegiate football? Context: on third down to knot the score. Russell completed 18 of 28 passes for 263 yards and two scores before leaving the game late in regulation with an apparent shoulder injury. Josh Robinson had 17 carries for 101 yards. Arkansas rushed for 225 yards as a team, spread out among nine ball carriers, but managed only 114 yards passing. === Mississippi === With Mississippi State's offense struggling and time slipping away in the Egg Bowl, coach Dan Mullen turned to Dak Prescott and asked him to win the game. Injured shoulder and all, the sophomore quarterback did just that, running for a 3-yard touchdown in overtime to lead the Bulldogs past rival Mississippi 17–10 on a chilly Thursday night at Davis Wade Stadium. Prescott didn't enter the game until the fourth quarter because of a nerve injury to his non-throwing arm that caused him to miss the previous two games. But the sophomore led the Bulldogs (6–6, 3–5 Southeastern Conference) to their tying drive in the fourth quarter and the game winner in overtime. Prescott completed 11 of 20 passes for 115 yards in a performance that will long be remembered in Egg Bowl lore. His game-winning touchdown came on a gutsy call by Mullen, who opted to go for it on fourth-and-1 at the 3 instead of kicking a short field goal. It was an emotional win for the Bulldogs and especially Prescott, whose mother died earlier this month after a yearlong battle with cancer. Ole Miss had a chance to tie the game in overtime, but the drive ended when quarterback Bo Wallace fumbled and Mississippi State's Jamerson Love recovered the ball in the end zone. The Bulldogs are now bowl eligible for a fourth straight season, the longest streak in school history. Mississippi State has won four of the past five Egg Bowls and five in a row at Davis Wade Stadium. Mississippi State Freshman Damian Williams, the third-string quarterback, made his first career start because of injuries to Prescott and Tyler Russell. He completed 8 of 18 passes for 82 yards and one interception. Both teams struggled to move the ball in the chilly conditions – especially through the air. The temperature hovered in the low 30s throughout the night, which is downright frigid by Magnolia State standards. Ole Miss (7–5, 3–5) didn't have an offensive touchdown, scoring only on a field goal and blocked punt Facts: Answer: East Mississippi Junior College
Question: Who was born first Adolfas Mekas or Dallas M. Fitzgerald? Context: Adebanwi graduated with a first degree in Mass Communication from the University of Lagos, and later earned his M.Sc and Ph.D in Political Science from the University of Ibadan. He also has MPhil and Ph.D in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge. == Early life == Adebanwi worked as a freelance reporter, writer, journalist and editor for many newspapers and magazines before he joined the University of Ibadan, Department of Political Science as a lecturer and researcher. He was later appointed as assistant professor in the African American and African Studies Department of the University of California, Davis, USA. He became a full professor at UC Davis in 2016. == Works == His published works include: Nation as Grand Narrative: The Nigerian Press and the Politics of Meaning (University of Rochester Press, 2016) Yoruba Elites and Ethnic Politics in Nigeria: Obafemi Awolowo and Corporate Agency (Cambridge University Press, 2014) Authority Stealing: Anti-corruption War and Democratic Politics in Post-Military Nigeria (Carolina Academic Press, 2012)In addition, he is the editor and co-editor of other books, including. The Political Economy of Everyday Life in Africa: Beyond the Margins (James Currey Publishers, 2017) Writers and Social Thought in Africa (Routledge, 2016) (co-edited with Ebenezer Obadare) Governance and the Crisis of Rule in Contemporary Africa (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) (co-edited with Ebenezer Obadare) Democracy and Prebendalism in Nigeria: Critical Interpretations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). (co-edited with Ebenezer Obadare) Nigeria at Fifty: The Nation in Narration (Routledge, 2012) (co-edited with Ebenezer Obadare) Encountering the Nigerian State (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). == References == Adolfas Mekas (30 September 1925 – 31 May 2011) was a Lithuanian-born American filmmaker, writer, director, editor, actor and educator. With his brother Jonas Mekas, he founded the magazine Film Culture, as well as the Film-Makers' Cooperative and was associated with George Maciunas and the Fluxus art movement at its beginning. He made several short films, culminating in the feature Hallelujah the Hills in 1963, which was played at the Cannes Film Festival of that year and is now considered a classic of American film. == Early life == Mekas was born on a farm in Semeniškiai, Lithuania, the son of Elžbieta (Jašinskaitė) and Povilas Mekas. His sister was Elžbieta and brothers were Povilas, Petras, Kostas and Jonas. Adolfas was the youngest in the family. At 14 years old, while still in Lithuania, Mekas saw his first film, Captain Blood starring Errol Flynn. In July Facts: Adolfas Mekas (30 September 1925 – 31 May 2011) was a Lithuanian-born American filmmaker, writer, director, editor, actor and educator. Answer: Dallas M. Fitzgerald
Question: Who's sister began receiving media attention with her appearance as the maid of honour at her sister's wedding to Prince William, who's mother s a former flight attendant turned businesswoman ? Context: Philippa Charlotte Matthews (née Middleton; born 6 September 1983) is an English socialite, author and columnist. She is the younger sister of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. Born in Reading and raised in Bucklebury, Berkshire, Middleton attended Marlborough College before graduating with a degree in English literature from the University of Edinburgh. She worked at firms for public relations and event management before joining her parents' party supply company. Middleton began receiving media attention during her sister's relationship with Prince William, and her appearance at their wedding was subject to widespread coverage. She has also penned two books and previously contributed to Vanity Fair and The Sunday Telegraph columns. Middleton married James Matthews, hedge fund manager and heir apparent to the lairdship of Glen Affric in 2017. They have two children. == Early life and education == Philippa Charlotte Middleton was born on 6 September 1983 at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading, Berkshire, England. She is the second of three children born to Michael Middleton (born 1949), a former British Airways flight dispatcher, and Carole Middleton (née Goldsmith; born 1955), a former flight attendant. Her father is a member of a wealthy family from Yorkshire linked to the British aristocracy. Her mother descends from labourers and coal miners from County Durham. She was christened at St Andrew's Bradfield, Berkshire. The family resided in Bradfield Southend. Middleton has an older sister, Catherine, and a younger brother, James.The Middletons moved to Amman, Jordan in May 1984, where her father worked for British Airways, before returning to Berkshire in September 1986. In 1987, Middleton's mother founded Party Pieces, a mail-order party supply company, now worth £30 million. In 1995, her family moved to the village of Bucklebury. Middleton was first educated at St Andrew's School, a private boarding school in Pangbourne and then Downe House School, a girls' day and boarding school in Cold Ash. She was a boarder at Marlborough College, where she held a sports/all-rounder scholarship. Middleton then graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a degree in English literature. She shared a house with Lord Edward Innes-Ker, a son of the Duke of Roxburghe, and with Earl Percy, heir apparent of the Duke of Northumberland. == Career == Following her graduation, Middleton briefly worked in 2008 at a public relations firm promoting luxury products. She then had an events management job with Table Talk, a company based in London that Facts: Carole Middleton (née Goldsmith; born 1955), a former flight attendant. Philippa Charlotte Matthews (née Middleton; born 6 September 1983) is an English socialite, author and columnist. Answer: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Question: Who's sister began receiving media attention with her appearance as the maid of honour at her sister's wedding to Prince William, who's mother s a former flight attendant turned businesswoman ? Context: on the plane and reports that Slater was not rude at the start of the flight and that she did not notice any injury to Slater. She speculates that the incident may have occurred early in the boarding before many of the passengers boarded. She also stated that she herself had not witnessed the incident.September 1 – Slater resigns as a JetBlue employee. September 4 – JetBlue announces that Slater is no longer employed by the airline. September 7 – Slater appears in Queens Criminal Court. His attorney and the prosecutor agreed to an adjournment until October 19. District Attorney Richard Brown stated that Slater will undergo mental health evaluation and if admitted for an alternative sentencing program it would mean attending a treatment program that could allow Slater to avoid imprisonment. November 2010 – Slater is recruited by Toktumi for their MileHighText Club. == Aftermath == Slater agreed to a plea bargain in October 2010 in which he would plead guilty to one of the lesser charges, accept a status of probation, receive drug testing, undergo counseling, and avoid prison. He would also pay JetBlue $10,000 for restitution. On October 19, 2011, Slater withdrew his guilty plea to a felony charge of attempted second-degree criminal mischief and would serve a year of probation on a misdemeanor charge of attempted fourth-degree criminal mischief. He also appeared in a taped message at the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, apologizing for his actions.Slater also later blamed his actions on stress related to HIV-related health problems, as well as his terminally ill mother's health issues. In 2017 he likened the whole occurrence to an out-of-body experience: "In some respects, it was like, 'Oh my God, I'm doing this.' And then the next thing I know, I was on the tarmac", he recalled to The Washington Post. "I remember standing on the tarmac on the sun and it was just so warm. I thought, 'Ahh, I can exhale. But how did this happen?'"Since completing community service, Slater has moved to Los Angeles and kept a low public profile. "It's a before and after. My life was completely transformed, for better or for worse, after that date," he recalled. "I mean, it wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done but it sure felt great ... I just hit like a crescendo of frustration." He has since been able to recover from his drug and Facts: Answer: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge