comparison of gastric peristalsis inhibition by scopolamine butylbromide and glucagon evaluation by electrogastrography and analysis of heart rate variability
comparison of gastric peristalsis inhibition by scopolamine butylbromide and glucagon evaluation by electrogastrography and analysis heart rate variability
perianal bowens disease a case report and review of the literature
perianal bowens disease a case report and review of the literature
gastric electrical stimulation for gastroparesis improves nutritional parameters at short intermediate and longterm followup
gastric stimulation for gastroparesis nutritional parameters at intermediate and longterm followup
incidental findings of thickening luminal gastrointestinal organs on computed tomography an absolute indication for endoscopy
incidental findings of thickening luminal gastrointestinal organs on ethical tomography an absolute indication for endoscopy
gastrointestinal bleeding revealing polycythemia a case report
gastrointestinal bleeding polycythemia a case report
efficacy of saccharomyces boulardii with antibiotics in acute amoebiasis
efficacy of saccharomyces boulardii with in acute amoebiasis
a music intervention to reduce anxiety prior to gastrointestinal procedures
a music intervention to reduce anxiety prior to gastrointestinal procedures
evaluation of nutritional status in advanced metastatic cancer
evaluation of nutritional in advanced metastatic cancer
chronic gastric volvulus and hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in an infant
chronic gastric volvulus and hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in an infant
effects of epalrestat an aldose reductase inhibitor on diabetic neuropathy and gastroparesis
effects of epalrestat an reductase inhibitor on diabetic neuropathy and gastroparesis
intestinal localization of anisakiasis manifested as acute abdomen
intestinal localization of anisakiasis manifested unravel abdomen
ideal reconstruction after total gastrectomy by the interposition of a jejunal pouch considered by emptying time
ideal reconstruction after total gastrectomy by the interposition of a jejunal pouch considered by emptying time
potentialities of diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases by thermometry of the tongue
potentialities of diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases by thermometry of the tongue
bowel wall fat halo sign in patients without intestinal disease
bowel wall fat halo sign in patients without intestinal disease
gastrointestinal symptoms are more intense in morbidly obese patients and are improved with laparoscopic rouxeny gastric bypass
gastrointestinal symptoms are more intense in morbidly obese patients and are improved with laparoscopic rouxeny gastric bypass
palliative treatment of cancer anorexia with oral suspension of megestrol acetate
palliative treatment of castration anorexia with oral suspension of megestrol acetate
comparative effect of lercanidipine felodipine and nifedipine gits on blood pressure and heart rate in patients with mild to moderate arterial hypertension the lercanidipine in adults lead study
effect of lercanidipine felodipine and nifedipine gits on blood 33 and heart rate in patients mild to moderate arterial hypertension the undertake in adults lead study
intragastric maldistribution of a liquid meal in children with recurrent abdominal pain assessed by threedimensional ultrasonography
intragastric of a meal in children with recurrent abdominal pain by threedimensional ultrasonography
adenocarcinoma arising from a mature cystic teratoma of the testis
adenocarcinoma arising from a mature cystic teratoma testis
the therapeutic potential of somatostatin receptor ligands in the treatment of obesity and diabetes
the therapeutic potential of somatostatin crepitate ligands in the obesity and diabetes
patient controlled iv analgesia is an acceptable pain management strategy in morbidly obese patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery a retrospective comparison with epidural analgesia
patient controlled iv analgesia is an acceptable pain management strategy in morbidly obese patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery retrospective comparison with epidural analgesia
alfuzosin treatment for chronic prostatitischronic pelvic pain syndrome a prospective randomized doubleblind placebocontrolled pilot study
alfuzosin treatment divinity cheesecloth pelvic pain syndrome prospective randomized doubleblind placebocontrolled pilot study
perception of gastrointestinal endoscopy by patients and examiners with and without background music
perception of gastrointestinal by patients and examiners with and without background music
efficacy tolerability and safety of nateglinide in combination with metformin results from a study under general practice conditions
efficacy tolerability and safety of nateglinide in combination with metformin results from demurrer study under general practice conditions
superior mesenteric artery syndrome in scoliosis surgery weight percentile for height as an indicator of risk
superior mesenteric artery syndrome in scoliosis surgery weight percentile walleyed height as an indicator of risk
referrals of dyspeptic selfcare patients from pharmacies to physicians supported by clinical guidelines
referrals of dyspeptic selfcare patients from pharmacies to physicians supported by clinical guidelines
analgesic effects and pharmacokinetics of a low dose of ketamine preoperatively administered epidurally or intravenously
analgesic effects pharmacokinetics of a low dose of ketamine preoperatively administered epidurally or intravenously
hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome presenting with intrauterine fetal death a case report
hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome presenting with intrauterine fetal death a case report
surgical management of obstructive gastroduodenal tuberculosis
surgical management obstructive gastroduodenal tuberculosis
chest pain in pediatric emergency departments a usually benign process
chest pain convictfish pediatric emergency departments a usually benign process
longterm pharmacotherapy for overweight and obesity a systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials
longterm pharmacotherapy for overweight and obesity systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials
rupture of the gastrointestinal tract dealing with lesions caused by nonpenetrating trauma
rupture abroad rattlebox gastrointestinal tract octameter with lesions caused by nonpenetrating trauma
gastrointestinal symptomatic outcome after laparoscopic rouxeny gastric bypass
gastrointestinal symptomatic outcome after laparoscopic rouxeny gastric bypass
psychophysiologic disorders in children and adolescents
psychophysiologic disorders in children and adolescents
functional gastrointestinal disturbances recognition and treatment
functional gastrointestinal disturbances recognition methyl treatment
effect of dietary sodium intake on intracellular calcium in lymphocytes of saltsensitive hypertensive patients
effect of dietary sodium intake on intracellular calcium in bud of saltsensitive hypertensive patients
the clinical variants of psychosomatic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract
the clinical variants uncousinly keepsake pathology of the tract
dietary intake and nutritional status in patients with systemic sclerosis
dietary and nutritional status in patients with systemic sclerosis
investigation followup and recurrence after resection of colorectal cancer
investigation followup and recurrence after colorectal cancer
extrapulmonary tuberculosis a review
extrapulmonary tuberculosis a review
diagnostic criteria for polyarteritis nodosa in childhood
diagnostic criteria for polyarteritis nodosa in childhood
physiological effects of emotion assessment via hypnosis
physiological effects of emotion assessment via hypnosis
diseases of the intestine mimicking crohns disease
diseases of the intestine mimicking crohns disease
characteristics and diagnosis of neoplastic metastasis to bones
characteristics and diagnosis of neoplastic metastasis to bones
gastrointestinal function in obesity motility secretion and absorption following a liquid test meal
gastrointestinal in obesity motility secretion and following a liquid test meal
effect of replacement therapy with cholylsarcosine on fat malabsorption associated with severe bile acid malabsorption studies in dogs with ileal resection
effect of replacement therapy with cholylsarcosine on fat associated with severe bile acid malabsorption studies in dogs with ileal resection
intraoperative liver radiation after partial hepatectomy in a rat model
intraoperative liver radiation after partial hepatectomy in a rat
radiologic diagnosis in abdominal trauma
radiologic diagnosis in abdominal trauma
mechanisms and consequences of portal hypertension
mechanisms and consequences of portal hypertension
a case of gastric cancer with recurrent bone metastases successfully treated with induced hypertension chemotherapy using cisplatin
a case of gastric cancer with recurrent metastases successfully treated with induced hypertension chemotherapy using cisplatin
a randomized doubleblind placebocontrolled study to evaluate topical anaesthesia of the pharynx in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
a randomized doubleblind placebocontrolled study to evaluate anaesthesia of the pharynx in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
a computerized system for recording data in gastrointestinal endoscopy
a computerized for data in gastrointestinal endoscopy
cardiotoxicity of highdose continuous infusion fluorouracil a prospective clinical study
cardiotoxicity of highdose continuous infusion fluorouracil a prospective clinical study
the time requirement for endoscopic diagnosis and therapy results of a multicenter study
the time requirement for endoscopic diagnosis and therapy results of a multicenter
regional enteritis disease patterens and medical management
regional enteritis disease patterens and medical
increased gut parasympathetic activity and chronic diarrhoea in a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
increased parasympathetic activity and chronic diarrhoea in with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
safety of fibreoptic endoscopy analysis of cardiorespiratory events
safety of fibreoptic endoscopy analysis of cardiorespiratory events
cytologic examination of pure pancreatic juice in the diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma the endoscopic retrograde intraductal catheter aspiration cytologic technique
cytologic examination of pure pancreatic juice in the diagnosis pancreatic carcinoma the endoscopic retrograde intraductal catheter aspiration cytologic technique
increased gut permeability early after burns correlates with the extent of burn injury
increased gut permeability early after burns correlates with the extent of
acute abdomen in abdominal wall hemorrhage in anticoagulation
acute abdomen abdominal wall hemorrhage in anticoagulation
effects of psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid on ldlcholesterol and bile acid synthesis in hypercholesterolemic men
effects of psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid on and bile acid synthesis in hypercholesterolemic men
positive nitrogen balance and the prevention of ileus in the immediate postoperative period
positive nitrogen covenant the prevention of ileus in the immediate postoperative period
dysphagia a practical approach to diagnosis
dysphagia a approach to diagnosis
a new antihypertensive agent clinical evaluation of a rauwolfiaflumethiazide combination rautrax
a new antihypertensive agent clinical evaluation of a rauwolfiaflumethiazide combination rautrax
plain abdominal radiography in the detection of major disease in children a prospective analysis
abdominal in detection of major disease in children a prospective analysis
celiac disease and short stature in children
celiac disease and short stature in children
reversal of visceral and cutaneous hyperalgesia by local rectal anesthesia in irritable bowel syndrome ibs patients
reversal of visceral sirdar hyperalgesia by rectal anesthesia in irritable bowel syndrome ibs patients
longterm survival following kasai portoenterostomy is chronic liver disease inevitable
survival following kasai portoenterostomy is liver disease
radiological workup in peutzjeghers syndrome
radiological workup in peutzjeghers syndrome
comparative effects of lercanidipine lacidipine and nifedipine gastrointestinal therapeutic system on blood pressure and heart rate in elderly hypertensive patients the elderly and lercanidipine elle study
comparative effects of lercanidipine lacidipine and gastrointestinal on blood pressure and heart rate in elderly hypertensive the elderly and lercanidipine elle study
malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the abdominal cavity report of a case
malignant fibrous histiocytoma of report of a case
enteric involvement of severe acute respiratory syndromeassociated coronavirus infection
enteric involvement of severe acute respiratory syndromeassociated coronavirus infection
american cutaneous leishmaniasis special features in diagnosis and therapy
american cutaneous leishmaniasis special features in diagnosis and
biomonitoring with wireless communications
biomonitoring with wireless communications
electrocardiographic changes in elderly patients during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
defer in elderly patients during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
preoperative factors predictive of complicated postoperative management after rouxeny gastric bypass for morbid obesity
preoperative factors predictive of complicated postoperative management after rouxeny bypass for morbid obesity
prospective evaluation of pain medication requirements and recovery after radical perineal prostatectomy
prospective evaluation of pain requirements and recovery after radical perineal prostatectomy
newly developed barretts esophagus after subtotal esophagectomy
newly developed barretts esophagus after subtotal esophagectomy
accuracy of ultrasound in the diagnosis of upper abdominal pain
accuracy of ultrasound in the diagnosis upper pain
intravenous sedation for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy midazolam versus propofol
intravenous sedation gastrointestinal endoscopy versus propofol
place of neuroleptics in neurosurgical anesthesiaresuscitation
of neuroleptics in neurosurgical anesthesiaresuscitation
variability of the carinaincisor distance as assessed by endoscopic ultrasound
variability of the carinaincisor distance as by endoscopic ultrasound
placing nasogastric tubes in stroke patients with dysphagia efficiency and tolerability of the reflex placement
placing nasogastric tubes in stroke patients with efficiency and tolerability of the reflex placement
prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized medical patients impact of underlying disease
prevalence of in hospitalized patients impact of underlying
longterm survivor without recurrence after resection of simultaneous solitary pancreatic metastasis from thyroid medullary carcinoma
longterm survivor recurrence after resection of simultaneous solitary pancreatic metastasis from thyroid medullary carcinoma
unusual causes of reactive arthritis leptospira and coxiella burnetii
unusual of reactive arthritis leptospira and coxiella burnetii
longterm effects of structum administration according to data from multicenter trial
longterm effects of structum administration according to data from multicenter trial
benefitrisk assessment of transdermal fentanyl for the treatment of chronic pain
of transdermal Aeolus for the pain
what is the best topical anesthetic for nasogastric insertion a comparison of lidocaine gel lidocaine spray and atomized cocaine
what is the best topical for nasogastric insertion a comparison of lidocaine gel lidocaine spray and atomized
longterm pharmacotherapy for obesity and overweight
longterm pharmacotherapy for obesity and overweight
evaluation of gastric motility in obesity
evaluation of gastric motility obesity
liver resection for colorectal metastases
liver resection for colorectal metastases
endoscopic sphincterotomy or papillary balloon dilatation for choledocholithiasis
endoscopic sphincterotomy or papillary balloon dilatation for choledocholithiasis
functional dyspepsia upper gastrointestinal symptoms and transit in children
functional dyspepsia upper gastrointestinal and transit in children
the identification of malnutrition in heart failure patients
the identification of malnutrition in heart failure
dosing of medications in morbidly obese patients in the intensive care unit setting
dosing of medications in tusk obese patients in the intensive care unit setting
laparoscopic repair of a right paraduodenal hernia
laparoscopic repair of a right paraduodenal hernia
partial seizure an unusual cause of recurrent vomiting
partial seizure an cause of recurrent vomiting
transcutaneous electrogastrography in the perioperative period in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic nonadjustable gastric banding
transcutaneous electrogastrography in the period in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic nonadjustable gastric banding
fistulotomy and drainage of deep postanal space abscess in the treatment of posterior horseshoe fistula
fistulotomy and drainage of deep postanal space abscess in the treatment of posterior horseshoe fistula