metadata = { "document_id": self.document_id, "revision_id": metadata_json["data"]["document"]["revision_id"], "title": metadata_json["data"]["document"]["title"], } yield Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata) [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load LarkSuite (FeiShu) document.""" return list(self.lazy_load())
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.url_playwright """Loader that uses Playwright to load a page, then uses unstructured to load the html. """ import logging from typing import List, Optional from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) [docs]class PlaywrightURLLoader(BaseLoader): """Loader that uses Playwright and to load a page and unstructured to load the html. This is useful for loading pages that require javascript to render. Attributes: urls (List[str]): List of URLs to load. continue_on_failure (bool): If True, continue loading other URLs on failure. headless (bool): If True, the browser will run in headless mode. """ def __init__( self, urls: List[str], continue_on_failure: bool = True, headless: bool = True, remove_selectors: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """Load a list of URLs using Playwright and unstructured.""" try: import playwright # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "playwright package not found, please install it with " "`pip install playwright`" ) try: import unstructured # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ValueError( "unstructured package not found, please install it with " "`pip install unstructured`" ) self.urls = urls self.continue_on_failure = continue_on_failure self.headless = headless self.remove_selectors = remove_selectors [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]:
[docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load the specified URLs using Playwright and create Document instances. Returns: List[Document]: A list of Document instances with loaded content. """ from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright from unstructured.partition.html import partition_html docs: List[Document] = list() with sync_playwright() as p: browser = p.chromium.launch(headless=self.headless) for url in self.urls: try: page = browser.new_page() page.goto(url) for selector in self.remove_selectors or []: elements = page.locator(selector).all() for element in elements: if element.is_visible(): element.evaluate("element => element.remove()") page_source = page.content() elements = partition_html(text=page_source) text = "\n\n".join([str(el) for el in elements]) metadata = {"source": url} docs.append(Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)) except Exception as e: if self.continue_on_failure: logger.error( f"Error fetching or processing {url}, exception: {e}" ) else: raise e browser.close() return docs
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.joplin import json import urllib from datetime import datetime from typing import Iterator, List, Optional from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.schema import Document from langchain.utils import get_from_env LINK_NOTE_TEMPLATE = "joplin://x-callback-url/openNote?id={id}" [docs]class JoplinLoader(BaseLoader): """ Loader that fetches notes from Joplin. In order to use this loader, you need to have Joplin running with the Web Clipper enabled (look for "Web Clipper" in the app settings). To get the access token, you need to go to the Web Clipper options and under "Advanced Options" you will find the access token. You can find more information about the Web Clipper service here: """ def __init__( self, access_token: Optional[str] = None, port: int = 41184, host: str = "localhost", ) -> None: access_token = access_token or get_from_env( "access_token", "JOPLIN_ACCESS_TOKEN" ) base_url = f"http://{host}:{port}" self._get_note_url = ( f"{base_url}/notes?token={access_token}" f"&fields=id,parent_id,title,body,created_time,updated_time&page={{page}}" ) self._get_folder_url = ( f"{base_url}/folders/{{id}}?token={access_token}&fields=title" ) self._get_tag_url = (
) self._get_tag_url = ( f"{base_url}/notes/{{id}}/tags?token={access_token}&fields=title" ) def _get_notes(self) -> Iterator[Document]: has_more = True page = 1 while has_more: req_note = urllib.request.Request(self._get_note_url.format(page=page)) with urllib.request.urlopen(req_note) as response: json_data = json.loads( for note in json_data["items"]: metadata = { "source": LINK_NOTE_TEMPLATE.format(id=note["id"]), "folder": self._get_folder(note["parent_id"]), "tags": self._get_tags(note["id"]), "title": note["title"], "created_time": self._convert_date(note["created_time"]), "updated_time": self._convert_date(note["updated_time"]), } yield Document(page_content=note["body"], metadata=metadata) has_more = json_data["has_more"] page += 1 def _get_folder(self, folder_id: str) -> str: req_folder = urllib.request.Request(self._get_folder_url.format(id=folder_id)) with urllib.request.urlopen(req_folder) as response: json_data = json.loads( return json_data["title"] def _get_tags(self, note_id: str) -> List[str]: req_tag = urllib.request.Request(self._get_tag_url.format(id=note_id)) with urllib.request.urlopen(req_tag) as response: json_data = json.loads( return [tag["title"] for tag in json_data["items"]] def _convert_date(self, date: int) -> str:
def _convert_date(self, date: int) -> str: return datetime.fromtimestamp(date / 1000).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") [docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: yield from self._get_notes() [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: return list(self.lazy_load())
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.gcs_directory """Loading logic for loading documents from an GCS directory.""" from typing import List from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.document_loaders.gcs_file import GCSFileLoader [docs]class GCSDirectoryLoader(BaseLoader): """Loading logic for loading documents from GCS.""" def __init__(self, project_name: str, bucket: str, prefix: str = ""): """Initialize with bucket and key name.""" self.project_name = project_name self.bucket = bucket self.prefix = prefix [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load documents.""" try: from import storage except ImportError: raise ValueError( "Could not import google-cloud-storage python package. " "Please install it with `pip install google-cloud-storage`." ) client = storage.Client(project=self.project_name) docs = [] for blob in client.list_blobs(self.bucket, prefix=self.prefix): # we shall just skip directories since GCSFileLoader creates # intermediate directories on the fly if"/"): continue loader = GCSFileLoader(self.project_name, self.bucket, docs.extend(loader.load()) return docs
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.azure_blob_storage_container """Loading logic for loading documents from an Azure Blob Storage container.""" from typing import List from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.azure_blob_storage_file import ( AzureBlobStorageFileLoader, ) from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader [docs]class AzureBlobStorageContainerLoader(BaseLoader): """Loading logic for loading documents from Azure Blob Storage.""" def __init__(self, conn_str: str, container: str, prefix: str = ""): """Initialize with connection string, container and blob prefix.""" self.conn_str = conn_str self.container = container self.prefix = prefix [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load documents.""" try: from import ContainerClient except ImportError as exc: raise ValueError( "Could not import azure storage blob python package. " "Please install it with `pip install azure-storage-blob`." ) from exc container = ContainerClient.from_connection_string( conn_str=self.conn_str, container_name=self.container ) docs = [] blob_list = container.list_blobs(name_starts_with=self.prefix) for blob in blob_list: loader = AzureBlobStorageFileLoader( self.conn_str, self.container, # type: ignore ) docs.extend(loader.load()) return docs
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.url_selenium """Loader that uses Selenium to load a page, then uses unstructured to load the html. """ import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Literal, Optional, Union if TYPE_CHECKING: from selenium.webdriver import Chrome, Firefox from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) [docs]class SeleniumURLLoader(BaseLoader): """Loader that uses Selenium and to load a page and unstructured to load the html. This is useful for loading pages that require javascript to render. Attributes: urls (List[str]): List of URLs to load. continue_on_failure (bool): If True, continue loading other URLs on failure. browser (str): The browser to use, either 'chrome' or 'firefox'. binary_location (Optional[str]): The location of the browser binary. executable_path (Optional[str]): The path to the browser executable. headless (bool): If True, the browser will run in headless mode. arguments [List[str]]: List of arguments to pass to the browser. """ def __init__( self, urls: List[str], continue_on_failure: bool = True, browser: Literal["chrome", "firefox"] = "chrome", binary_location: Optional[str] = None, executable_path: Optional[str] = None, headless: bool = True, arguments: List[str] = [], ): """Load a list of URLs using Selenium and unstructured.""" try: import selenium # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "selenium package not found, please install it with "
raise ImportError( "selenium package not found, please install it with " "`pip install selenium`" ) try: import unstructured # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "unstructured package not found, please install it with " "`pip install unstructured`" ) self.urls = urls self.continue_on_failure = continue_on_failure self.browser = browser self.binary_location = binary_location self.executable_path = executable_path self.headless = headless self.arguments = arguments def _get_driver(self) -> Union["Chrome", "Firefox"]: """Create and return a WebDriver instance based on the specified browser. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid browser is specified. Returns: Union[Chrome, Firefox]: A WebDriver instance for the specified browser. """ if self.browser.lower() == "chrome": from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from import Options as ChromeOptions chrome_options = ChromeOptions() for arg in self.arguments: chrome_options.add_argument(arg) if self.headless: chrome_options.add_argument("--headless") chrome_options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") if self.binary_location is not None: chrome_options.binary_location = self.binary_location if self.executable_path is None: return Chrome(options=chrome_options) return Chrome(executable_path=self.executable_path, options=chrome_options) elif self.browser.lower() == "firefox": from selenium.webdriver import Firefox from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options as FirefoxOptions firefox_options = FirefoxOptions() for arg in self.arguments: firefox_options.add_argument(arg)
for arg in self.arguments: firefox_options.add_argument(arg) if self.headless: firefox_options.add_argument("--headless") if self.binary_location is not None: firefox_options.binary_location = self.binary_location if self.executable_path is None: return Firefox(options=firefox_options) return Firefox( executable_path=self.executable_path, options=firefox_options ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid browser specified. Use 'chrome' or 'firefox'.") [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load the specified URLs using Selenium and create Document instances. Returns: List[Document]: A list of Document instances with loaded content. """ from unstructured.partition.html import partition_html docs: List[Document] = list() driver = self._get_driver() for url in self.urls: try: driver.get(url) page_content = driver.page_source elements = partition_html(text=page_content) text = "\n\n".join([str(el) for el in elements]) metadata = {"source": url} docs.append(Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)) except Exception as e: if self.continue_on_failure: logger.error(f"Error fetching or processing {url}, exception: {e}") else: raise e driver.quit() return docs
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.snowflake_loader from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader [docs]class SnowflakeLoader(BaseLoader): """Loads a query result from Snowflake into a list of documents. Each document represents one row of the result. The `page_content_columns` are written into the `page_content` of the document. The `metadata_columns` are written into the `metadata` of the document. By default, all columns are written into the `page_content` and none into the `metadata`. """ def __init__( self, query: str, user: str, password: str, account: str, warehouse: str, role: str, database: str, schema: str, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, page_content_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, metadata_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """Initialize Snowflake document loader. Args: query: The query to run in Snowflake. user: Snowflake user. password: Snowflake password. account: Snowflake account. warehouse: Snowflake warehouse. role: Snowflake role. database: Snowflake database schema: Snowflake schema page_content_columns: Optional. Columns written to Document `page_content`. metadata_columns: Optional. Columns written to Document `metadata`. """ self.query = query self.user = user self.password = password self.account = account self.warehouse = warehouse
self.password = password self.account = account self.warehouse = warehouse self.role = role self.database = database self.schema = schema self.parameters = parameters self.page_content_columns = ( page_content_columns if page_content_columns is not None else ["*"] ) self.metadata_columns = metadata_columns if metadata_columns is not None else [] def _execute_query(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: try: import snowflake.connector except ImportError as ex: raise ValueError( "Could not import snowflake-connector-python package. " "Please install it with `pip install snowflake-connector-python`." ) from ex conn = snowflake.connector.connect( user=self.user, password=self.password, account=self.account, warehouse=self.warehouse, role=self.role, database=self.database, schema=self.schema, parameters=self.parameters, ) try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("USE DATABASE " + self.database) cur.execute("USE SCHEMA " + self.schema) cur.execute(self.query, self.parameters) query_result = cur.fetchall() column_names = [column[0] for column in cur.description] query_result = [dict(zip(column_names, row)) for row in query_result] except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") query_result = [] finally: cur.close() return query_result def _get_columns( self, query_result: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: page_content_columns = (
) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: page_content_columns = ( self.page_content_columns if self.page_content_columns else [] ) metadata_columns = self.metadata_columns if self.metadata_columns else [] if page_content_columns is None and query_result: page_content_columns = list(query_result[0].keys()) if metadata_columns is None: metadata_columns = [] return page_content_columns or [], metadata_columns [docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: query_result = self._execute_query() if isinstance(query_result, Exception): print(f"An error occurred during the query: {query_result}") return [] page_content_columns, metadata_columns = self._get_columns(query_result) if "*" in page_content_columns: page_content_columns = list(query_result[0].keys()) for row in query_result: page_content = "\n".join( f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in row.items() if k in page_content_columns ) metadata = {k: v for k, v in row.items() if k in metadata_columns} doc = Document(page_content=page_content, metadata=metadata) yield doc [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load data into document objects.""" return list(self.lazy_load())
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.image_captions """ Loader that loads image captions By default, the loader utilizes the pre-trained BLIP image captioning model. """ from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union import requests from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader [docs]class ImageCaptionLoader(BaseLoader): """Loader that loads the captions of an image""" def __init__( self, path_images: Union[str, List[str]], blip_processor: str = "Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base", blip_model: str = "Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base", ): """ Initialize with a list of image paths """ if isinstance(path_images, str): self.image_paths = [path_images] else: self.image_paths = path_images self.blip_processor = blip_processor self.blip_model = blip_model [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """ Load from a list of image files """ try: from transformers import BlipForConditionalGeneration, BlipProcessor except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`transformers` package not found, please install with " "`pip install transformers`." ) processor = BlipProcessor.from_pretrained(self.blip_processor) model = BlipForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(self.blip_model) results = [] for path_image in self.image_paths: caption, metadata = self._get_captions_and_metadata( model=model, processor=processor, path_image=path_image )
model=model, processor=processor, path_image=path_image ) doc = Document(page_content=caption, metadata=metadata) results.append(doc) return results def _get_captions_and_metadata( self, model: Any, processor: Any, path_image: str ) -> Tuple[str, dict]: """ Helper function for getting the captions and metadata of an image """ try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`PIL` package not found, please install with `pip install pillow`" ) try: if path_image.startswith("http://") or path_image.startswith("https://"): image =, stream=True).raw).convert( "RGB" ) else: image ="RGB") except Exception: raise ValueError(f"Could not get image data for {path_image}") inputs = processor(image, "an image of", return_tensors="pt") output = model.generate(**inputs) caption: str = processor.decode(output[0]) metadata: dict = {"image_path": path_image} return caption, metadata
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.wikipedia from typing import List, Optional from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.utilities.wikipedia import WikipediaAPIWrapper [docs]class WikipediaLoader(BaseLoader): """Loads a query result from into a list of Documents. The hard limit on the number of downloaded Documents is 300 for now. Each wiki page represents one Document. """ def __init__( self, query: str, lang: str = "en", load_max_docs: Optional[int] = 100, load_all_available_meta: Optional[bool] = False, doc_content_chars_max: Optional[int] = 4000, ): """ Initializes a new instance of the WikipediaLoader class. Args: query (str): The query string to search on Wikipedia. lang (str, optional): The language code for the Wikipedia language edition. Defaults to "en". load_max_docs (int, optional): The maximum number of documents to load. Defaults to 100. load_all_available_meta (bool, optional): Indicates whether to load all available metadata for each document. Defaults to False. doc_content_chars_max (int, optional): The maximum number of characters for the document content. Defaults to 4000. """ self.query = query self.lang = lang self.load_max_docs = load_max_docs self.load_all_available_meta = load_all_available_meta self.doc_content_chars_max = doc_content_chars_max [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """ Loads the query result from Wikipedia into a list of Documents. Returns:
Loads the query result from Wikipedia into a list of Documents. Returns: List[Document]: A list of Document objects representing the loaded Wikipedia pages. """ client = WikipediaAPIWrapper( lang=self.lang, top_k_results=self.load_max_docs, load_all_available_meta=self.load_all_available_meta, doc_content_chars_max=self.doc_content_chars_max, ) docs = client.load(self.query) return docs
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.ifixit """Loader that loads iFixit data.""" from typing import List, Optional import requests from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.document_loaders.web_base import WebBaseLoader IFIXIT_BASE_URL = "" [docs]class IFixitLoader(BaseLoader): """Load iFixit repair guides, device wikis and answers. iFixit is the largest, open repair community on the web. The site contains nearly 100k repair manuals, 200k Questions & Answers on 42k devices, and all the data is licensed under CC-BY. This loader will allow you to download the text of a repair guide, text of Q&A's and wikis from devices on iFixit using their open APIs and web scraping. """ def __init__(self, web_path: str): """Initialize with web path.""" if not web_path.startswith(""): raise ValueError("web path must start with ''") path = web_path.replace("", "") allowed_paths = ["/Device", "/Guide", "/Answers", "/Teardown"] """ TODO: Add /Wiki """ if not any(path.startswith(allowed_path) for allowed_path in allowed_paths): raise ValueError( "web path must start with /Device, /Guide, /Teardown or /Answers" ) pieces = [x for x in path.split("/") if x] """Teardowns are just guides by a different name"""
"""Teardowns are just guides by a different name""" self.page_type = pieces[0] if pieces[0] != "Teardown" else "Guide" if self.page_type == "Guide" or self.page_type == "Answers": = pieces[2] else: = pieces[1] self.web_path = web_path [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: if self.page_type == "Device": return self.load_device() elif self.page_type == "Guide" or self.page_type == "Teardown": return self.load_guide() elif self.page_type == "Answers": return self.load_questions_and_answers() else: raise ValueError("Unknown page type: " + self.page_type) [docs] @staticmethod def load_suggestions(query: str = "", doc_type: str = "all") -> List[Document]: res = requests.get( IFIXIT_BASE_URL + "/suggest/" + query + "?doctypes=" + doc_type ) if res.status_code != 200: raise ValueError( 'Could not load suggestions for "' + query + '"\n' + res.json() ) data = res.json() results = data["results"] output = [] for result in results: try: loader = IFixitLoader(result["url"]) if loader.page_type == "Device": output += loader.load_device(include_guides=False) else: output += loader.load() except ValueError: continue return output [docs] def load_questions_and_answers( self, url_override: Optional[str] = None
self, url_override: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[Document]: loader = WebBaseLoader(self.web_path if url_override is None else url_override) soup = loader.scrape() output = [] title = soup.find("h1", "post-title").text output.append("# " + title) output.append(soup.select_one(".post-content .post-text").text.strip()) answersHeader = soup.find("div", "post-answers-header") if answersHeader: output.append("\n## " + answersHeader.text.strip()) for answer in".js-answers-list"): if answer.has_attr("itemprop") and "acceptedAnswer" in answer["itemprop"]: output.append("\n### Accepted Answer") elif "post-helpful" in answer["class"]: output.append("\n### Most Helpful Answer") else: output.append("\n### Other Answer") output += [ a.text.strip() for a in".post-content .post-text") ] output.append("\n") text = "\n".join(output).strip() metadata = {"source": self.web_path, "title": title} return [Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)] [docs] def load_device( self, url_override: Optional[str] = None, include_guides: bool = True ) -> List[Document]: documents = [] if url_override is None: url = IFIXIT_BASE_URL + "/wikis/CATEGORY/" + else: url = url_override res = requests.get(url) data = res.json() text = "\n".join( [
data = res.json() text = "\n".join( [ data[key] for key in ["title", "description", "contents_raw"] if key in data ] ).strip() metadata = {"source": self.web_path, "title": data["title"]} documents.append(Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)) if include_guides: """Load and return documents for each guide linked to from the device""" guide_urls = [guide["url"] for guide in data["guides"]] for guide_url in guide_urls: documents.append(IFixitLoader(guide_url).load()[0]) return documents [docs] def load_guide(self, url_override: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Document]: if url_override is None: url = IFIXIT_BASE_URL + "/guides/" + else: url = url_override res = requests.get(url) if res.status_code != 200: raise ValueError( "Could not load guide: " + self.web_path + "\n" + res.json() ) data = res.json() doc_parts = ["# " + data["title"], data["introduction_raw"]] doc_parts.append("\n\n###Tools Required:") if len(data["tools"]) == 0: doc_parts.append("\n - None") else: for tool in data["tools"]: doc_parts.append("\n - " + tool["text"]) doc_parts.append("\n\n###Parts Required:") if len(data["parts"]) == 0: doc_parts.append("\n - None") else: for part in data["parts"]:
else: for part in data["parts"]: doc_parts.append("\n - " + part["text"]) for row in data["steps"]: doc_parts.append( "\n\n## " + ( row["title"] if row["title"] != "" else "Step {}".format(row["orderby"]) ) ) for line in row["lines"]: doc_parts.append(line["text_raw"]) doc_parts.append(data["conclusion_raw"]) text = "\n".join(doc_parts) metadata = {"source": self.web_path, "title": data["title"]} return [Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)]
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.docugami """Loader that loads processed documents from Docugami.""" import io import logging import os import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union import requests from pydantic import BaseModel, root_validator from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader TD_NAME = "{}td" TABLE_NAME = "{}table" XPATH_KEY = "xpath" DOCUMENT_ID_KEY = "id" DOCUMENT_NAME_KEY = "name" STRUCTURE_KEY = "structure" TAG_KEY = "tag" PROJECTS_KEY = "projects" DEFAULT_API_ENDPOINT = "" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) [docs]class DocugamiLoader(BaseLoader, BaseModel): """Loader that loads processed docs from Docugami. To use, you should have the ``lxml`` python package installed. """ api: str = DEFAULT_API_ENDPOINT access_token: Optional[str] = os.environ.get("DOCUGAMI_API_KEY") docset_id: Optional[str] document_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] file_paths: Optional[Sequence[Union[Path, str]]] min_chunk_size: int = 32 # appended to the next chunk to avoid over-chunking @root_validator def validate_local_or_remote(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Validate that either local file paths are given, or remote API docset ID.""" if values.get("file_paths") and values.get("docset_id"):
if values.get("file_paths") and values.get("docset_id"): raise ValueError("Cannot specify both file_paths and remote API docset_id") if not values.get("file_paths") and not values.get("docset_id"): raise ValueError("Must specify either file_paths or remote API docset_id") if values.get("docset_id") and not values.get("access_token"): raise ValueError("Must specify access token if using remote API docset_id") return values def _parse_dgml( self, document: Mapping, content: bytes, doc_metadata: Optional[Mapping] = None ) -> List[Document]: """Parse a single DGML document into a list of Documents.""" try: from lxml import etree except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import lxml python package. " "Please install it with `pip install lxml`." ) # helpers def _xpath_qname_for_chunk(chunk: Any) -> str: """Get the xpath qname for a chunk.""" qname = f"{chunk.prefix}:{chunk.tag.split('}')[-1]}" parent = chunk.getparent() if parent is not None: doppelgangers = [x for x in parent if x.tag == chunk.tag] if len(doppelgangers) > 1: idx_of_self = doppelgangers.index(chunk) qname = f"{qname}[{idx_of_self + 1}]" return qname def _xpath_for_chunk(chunk: Any) -> str: """Get the xpath for a chunk.""" ancestor_chain = chunk.xpath("ancestor-or-self::*")
ancestor_chain = chunk.xpath("ancestor-or-self::*") return "/" + "/".join(_xpath_qname_for_chunk(x) for x in ancestor_chain) def _structure_value(node: Any) -> str: """Get the structure value for a node.""" structure = ( "table" if node.tag == TABLE_NAME else node.attrib["structure"] if "structure" in node.attrib else None ) return structure def _is_structural(node: Any) -> bool: """Check if a node is structural.""" return _structure_value(node) is not None def _is_heading(node: Any) -> bool: """Check if a node is a heading.""" structure = _structure_value(node) return structure is not None and structure.lower().startswith("h") def _get_text(node: Any) -> str: """Get the text of a node.""" return " ".join(node.itertext()).strip() def _has_structural_descendant(node: Any) -> bool: """Check if a node has a structural descendant.""" for child in node: if _is_structural(child) or _has_structural_descendant(child): return True return False def _leaf_structural_nodes(node: Any) -> List: """Get the leaf structural nodes of a node.""" if _is_structural(node) and not _has_structural_descendant(node): return [node] else: leaf_nodes = [] for child in node: leaf_nodes.extend(_leaf_structural_nodes(child)) return leaf_nodes def _create_doc(node: Any, text: str) -> Document: """Create a Document from a node and text."""
"""Create a Document from a node and text.""" metadata = { XPATH_KEY: _xpath_for_chunk(node), DOCUMENT_ID_KEY: document["id"], DOCUMENT_NAME_KEY: document["name"], STRUCTURE_KEY: node.attrib.get("structure", ""), TAG_KEY: re.sub(r"\{.*\}", "", node.tag), } if doc_metadata: metadata.update(doc_metadata) return Document( page_content=text, metadata=metadata, ) # parse the tree and return chunks tree = etree.parse(io.BytesIO(content)) root = tree.getroot() chunks: List[Document] = [] prev_small_chunk_text = None for node in _leaf_structural_nodes(root): text = _get_text(node) if prev_small_chunk_text: text = prev_small_chunk_text + " " + text prev_small_chunk_text = None if _is_heading(node) or len(text) < self.min_chunk_size: # Save headings or other small chunks to be appended to the next chunk prev_small_chunk_text = text else: chunks.append(_create_doc(node, text)) if prev_small_chunk_text and len(chunks) > 0: # small chunk at the end left over, just append to last chunk chunks[-1].page_content += " " + prev_small_chunk_text return chunks def _document_details_for_docset_id(self, docset_id: str) -> List[Dict]: """Gets all document details for the given docset ID""" url = f"{self.api}/docsets/{docset_id}/documents" all_documents = [] while url: response = requests.get( url,
while url: response = requests.get( url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.access_token}"}, ) if response.ok: data = response.json() all_documents.extend(data["documents"]) url = data.get("next", None) else: raise Exception( f"Failed to download {url} (status: {response.status_code})" ) return all_documents def _project_details_for_docset_id(self, docset_id: str) -> List[Dict]: """Gets all project details for the given docset ID""" url = f"{self.api}/projects?{docset_id}" all_projects = [] while url: response = requests.request( "GET", url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.access_token}"}, data={}, ) if response.ok: data = response.json() all_projects.extend(data["projects"]) url = data.get("next", None) else: raise Exception( f"Failed to download {url} (status: {response.status_code})" ) return all_projects def _metadata_for_project(self, project: Dict) -> Dict: """Gets project metadata for all files""" project_id = project.get("id") url = f"{self.api}/projects/{project_id}/artifacts/latest" all_artifacts = [] while url: response = requests.request( "GET", url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.access_token}"}, data={}, ) if response.ok: data = response.json()
data={}, ) if response.ok: data = response.json() all_artifacts.extend(data["artifacts"]) url = data.get("next", None) else: raise Exception( f"Failed to download {url} (status: {response.status_code})" ) per_file_metadata = {} for artifact in all_artifacts: artifact_name = artifact.get("name") artifact_url = artifact.get("url") artifact_doc = artifact.get("document") if artifact_name == "report-values.xml" and artifact_url and artifact_doc: doc_id = artifact_doc["id"] metadata: Dict = {} # the evaluated XML for each document is named after the project response = requests.request( "GET", f"{artifact_url}/content", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.access_token}"}, data={}, ) if response.ok: try: from lxml import etree except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import lxml python package. " "Please install it with `pip install lxml`." ) artifact_tree = etree.parse(io.BytesIO(response.content)) artifact_root = artifact_tree.getroot() ns = artifact_root.nsmap entries = artifact_root.xpath("//pr:Entry", namespaces=ns) for entry in entries: heading = entry.xpath("./pr:Heading", namespaces=ns)[0].text value = " ".join( entry.xpath("./pr:Value", namespaces=ns)[0].itertext() ).strip() metadata[heading] = value per_file_metadata[doc_id] = metadata else: raise Exception(
per_file_metadata[doc_id] = metadata else: raise Exception( f"Failed to download {artifact_url}/content " + "(status: {response.status_code})" ) return per_file_metadata def _load_chunks_for_document( self, docset_id: str, document: Dict, doc_metadata: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> List[Document]: """Load chunks for a document.""" document_id = document["id"] url = f"{self.api}/docsets/{docset_id}/documents/{document_id}/dgml" response = requests.request( "GET", url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.access_token}"}, data={}, ) if response.ok: return self._parse_dgml(document, response.content, doc_metadata) else: raise Exception( f"Failed to download {url} (status: {response.status_code})" ) [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load documents.""" chunks: List[Document] = [] if self.access_token and self.docset_id: # remote mode _document_details = self._document_details_for_docset_id(self.docset_id) if self.document_ids: _document_details = [ d for d in _document_details if d["id"] in self.document_ids ] _project_details = self._project_details_for_docset_id(self.docset_id) combined_project_metadata = {} if _project_details: # if there are any projects for this docset, load project metadata for project in _project_details: metadata = self._metadata_for_project(project)
for project in _project_details: metadata = self._metadata_for_project(project) combined_project_metadata.update(metadata) for doc in _document_details: doc_metadata = combined_project_metadata.get(doc["id"]) chunks += self._load_chunks_for_document( self.docset_id, doc, doc_metadata ) elif self.file_paths: # local mode (for integration testing, or pre-downloaded XML) for path in self.file_paths: path = Path(path) with open(path, "rb") as file: chunks += self._parse_dgml( { DOCUMENT_ID_KEY:, DOCUMENT_NAME_KEY:, },, ) return chunks
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.unstructured """Loader that uses unstructured to load files.""" import collections from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import IO, Any, Dict, List, Sequence, Union from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader def satisfies_min_unstructured_version(min_version: str) -> bool: """Checks to see if the installed unstructured version exceeds the minimum version for the feature in question.""" from unstructured.__version__ import __version__ as __unstructured_version__ min_version_tuple = tuple([int(x) for x in min_version.split(".")]) # NOTE(MthwRobinson) - enables the loader to work when you're using pre-release # versions of unstructured like 0.4.17-dev1 _unstructured_version = __unstructured_version__.split("-")[0] unstructured_version_tuple = tuple( [int(x) for x in _unstructured_version.split(".")] ) return unstructured_version_tuple >= min_version_tuple def validate_unstructured_version(min_unstructured_version: str) -> None: """Raises an error if the unstructured version does not exceed the specified minimum.""" if not satisfies_min_unstructured_version(min_unstructured_version): raise ValueError( f"unstructured>={min_unstructured_version} is required in this loader." ) class UnstructuredBaseLoader(BaseLoader, ABC): """Loader that uses unstructured to load files.""" def __init__(self, mode: str = "single", **unstructured_kwargs: Any): """Initialize with file path.""" try: import unstructured # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ValueError(
import unstructured # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ValueError( "unstructured package not found, please install it with " "`pip install unstructured`" ) _valid_modes = {"single", "elements", "paged"} if mode not in _valid_modes: raise ValueError( f"Got {mode} for `mode`, but should be one of `{_valid_modes}`" ) self.mode = mode if not satisfies_min_unstructured_version("0.5.4"): if "strategy" in unstructured_kwargs: unstructured_kwargs.pop("strategy") self.unstructured_kwargs = unstructured_kwargs @abstractmethod def _get_elements(self) -> List: """Get elements.""" @abstractmethod def _get_metadata(self) -> dict: """Get metadata.""" def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load file.""" elements = self._get_elements() if self.mode == "elements": docs: List[Document] = list() for element in elements: metadata = self._get_metadata() # NOTE(MthwRobinson) - the attribute check is for backward compatibility # with unstructured<0.4.9. The metadata attributed was added in 0.4.9. if hasattr(element, "metadata"): metadata.update(element.metadata.to_dict()) if hasattr(element, "category"): metadata["category"] = element.category docs.append(Document(page_content=str(element), metadata=metadata)) elif self.mode == "paged": text_dict: Dict[int, str] = {} meta_dict: Dict[int, Dict] = {} for idx, element in enumerate(elements):
for idx, element in enumerate(elements): metadata = self._get_metadata() if hasattr(element, "metadata"): metadata.update(element.metadata.to_dict()) page_number = metadata.get("page_number", 1) # Check if this page_number already exists in docs_dict if page_number not in text_dict: # If not, create new entry with initial text and metadata text_dict[page_number] = str(element) + "\n\n" meta_dict[page_number] = metadata else: # If exists, append to text and update the metadata text_dict[page_number] += str(element) + "\n\n" meta_dict[page_number].update(metadata) # Convert the dict to a list of Document objects docs = [ Document(page_content=text_dict[key], metadata=meta_dict[key]) for key in text_dict.keys() ] elif self.mode == "single": metadata = self._get_metadata() text = "\n\n".join([str(el) for el in elements]) docs = [Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)] else: raise ValueError(f"mode of {self.mode} not supported.") return docs [docs]class UnstructuredFileLoader(UnstructuredBaseLoader): """Loader that uses unstructured to load files.""" def __init__( self, file_path: Union[str, List[str]], mode: str = "single", **unstructured_kwargs: Any, ): """Initialize with file path.""" self.file_path = file_path super().__init__(mode=mode, **unstructured_kwargs) def _get_elements(self) -> List: from import partition
def _get_elements(self) -> List: from import partition return partition(filename=self.file_path, **self.unstructured_kwargs) def _get_metadata(self) -> dict: return {"source": self.file_path} def get_elements_from_api( file_path: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, file: Union[IO, Sequence[IO], None] = None, api_url: str = "", api_key: str = "", **unstructured_kwargs: Any, ) -> List: """Retrieves a list of elements from the Unstructured API.""" if isinstance(file, or isinstance(file_path, list): from unstructured.partition.api import partition_multiple_via_api _doc_elements = partition_multiple_via_api( filenames=file_path, files=file, api_key=api_key, api_url=api_url, **unstructured_kwargs, ) elements = [] for _elements in _doc_elements: elements.extend(_elements) return elements else: from unstructured.partition.api import partition_via_api return partition_via_api( filename=file_path, file=file, api_key=api_key, api_url=api_url, **unstructured_kwargs, ) [docs]class UnstructuredAPIFileLoader(UnstructuredFileLoader): """Loader that uses the unstructured web API to load files.""" def __init__( self, file_path: Union[str, List[str]] = "", mode: str = "single", url: str = "",
url: str = "", api_key: str = "", **unstructured_kwargs: Any, ): """Initialize with file path.""" if isinstance(file_path, str): validate_unstructured_version(min_unstructured_version="0.6.2") else: validate_unstructured_version(min_unstructured_version="0.6.3") self.url = url self.api_key = api_key super().__init__(file_path=file_path, mode=mode, **unstructured_kwargs) def _get_metadata(self) -> dict: return {"source": self.file_path} def _get_elements(self) -> List: return get_elements_from_api( file_path=self.file_path, api_key=self.api_key, api_url=self.url, **self.unstructured_kwargs, ) [docs]class UnstructuredFileIOLoader(UnstructuredBaseLoader): """Loader that uses unstructured to load file IO objects.""" def __init__( self, file: Union[IO, Sequence[IO]], mode: str = "single", **unstructured_kwargs: Any, ): """Initialize with file path.""" self.file = file super().__init__(mode=mode, **unstructured_kwargs) def _get_elements(self) -> List: from import partition return partition(file=self.file, **self.unstructured_kwargs) def _get_metadata(self) -> dict: return {} [docs]class UnstructuredAPIFileIOLoader(UnstructuredFileIOLoader): """Loader that uses the unstructured web API to load file IO objects.""" def __init__( self,
def __init__( self, file: Union[IO, Sequence[IO]], mode: str = "single", url: str = "", api_key: str = "", **unstructured_kwargs: Any, ): """Initialize with file path.""" if isinstance(file, validate_unstructured_version(min_unstructured_version="0.6.3") if file: validate_unstructured_version(min_unstructured_version="0.6.2") self.url = url self.api_key = api_key super().__init__(file=file, mode=mode, **unstructured_kwargs) def _get_elements(self) -> List: return get_elements_from_api( file=self.file, api_key=self.api_key, api_url=self.url, **self.unstructured_kwargs, )
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.telegram """Loader that loads Telegram chat json dump.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import json from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Union from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter if TYPE_CHECKING: import pandas as pd from telethon.hints import EntityLike def concatenate_rows(row: dict) -> str: """Combine message information in a readable format ready to be used.""" date = row["date"] sender = row["from"] text = row["text"] return f"{sender} on {date}: {text}\n\n" [docs]class TelegramChatFileLoader(BaseLoader): """Loader that loads Telegram chat json directory dump.""" def __init__(self, path: str): """Initialize with path.""" self.file_path = path [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load documents.""" p = Path(self.file_path) with open(p, encoding="utf8") as f: d = json.load(f) text = "".join( concatenate_rows(message) for message in d["messages"] if message["type"] == "message" and isinstance(message["text"], str) ) metadata = {"source": str(p)} return [Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)] def text_to_docs(text: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Document]: """Converts a string or list of strings to a list of Documents with metadata.""" if isinstance(text, str): # Take a single string as one page
if isinstance(text, str): # Take a single string as one page text = [text] page_docs = [Document(page_content=page) for page in text] # Add page numbers as metadata for i, doc in enumerate(page_docs): doc.metadata["page"] = i + 1 # Split pages into chunks doc_chunks = [] for doc in page_docs: text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=800, separators=["\n\n", "\n", ".", "!", "?", ",", " ", ""], chunk_overlap=20, ) chunks = text_splitter.split_text(doc.page_content) for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): doc = Document( page_content=chunk, metadata={"page": doc.metadata["page"], "chunk": i} ) # Add sources a metadata doc.metadata["source"] = f"{doc.metadata['page']}-{doc.metadata['chunk']}" doc_chunks.append(doc) return doc_chunks [docs]class TelegramChatApiLoader(BaseLoader): """Loader that loads Telegram chat json directory dump.""" def __init__( self, chat_entity: Optional[EntityLike] = None, api_id: Optional[int] = None, api_hash: Optional[str] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, file_path: str = "telegram_data.json", ): """Initialize with API parameters.""" self.chat_entity = chat_entity self.api_id = api_id self.api_hash = api_hash self.username = username self.file_path = file_path [docs] async def fetch_data_from_telegram(self) -> None:
[docs] async def fetch_data_from_telegram(self) -> None: """Fetch data from Telegram API and save it as a JSON file.""" from telethon.sync import TelegramClient data = [] async with TelegramClient(self.username, self.api_id, self.api_hash) as client: async for message in client.iter_messages(self.chat_entity): is_reply = message.reply_to is not None reply_to_id = message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id if is_reply else None data.append( { "sender_id": message.sender_id, "text": message.text, "date":, "":, "is_reply": is_reply, "reply_to_id": reply_to_id, } ) with open(self.file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) def _get_message_threads(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: """Create a dictionary of message threads from the given data. Args: data (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the conversation \ data with columns: - message.sender_id - text - date - - is_reply - reply_to_id Returns: dict: A dictionary where the key is the parent message ID and \ the value is a list of message IDs in ascending order. """ def find_replies(parent_id: int, reply_data: pd.DataFrame) -> List[int]: """ Recursively find all replies to a given parent message ID. Args: parent_id (int): The parent message ID.
Args: parent_id (int): The parent message ID. reply_data (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing reply messages. Returns: list: A list of message IDs that are replies to the parent message ID. """ # Find direct replies to the parent message ID direct_replies = reply_data[reply_data["reply_to_id"] == parent_id][ "" ].tolist() # Recursively find replies to the direct replies all_replies = [] for reply_id in direct_replies: all_replies += [reply_id] + find_replies(reply_id, reply_data) return all_replies # Filter out parent messages parent_messages = data[~data["is_reply"]] # Filter out reply messages and drop rows with NaN in 'reply_to_id' reply_messages = data[data["is_reply"]].dropna(subset=["reply_to_id"]) # Convert 'reply_to_id' to integer reply_messages["reply_to_id"] = reply_messages["reply_to_id"].astype(int) # Create a dictionary of message threads with parent message IDs as keys and \ # lists of reply message IDs as values message_threads = { parent_id: [parent_id] + find_replies(parent_id, reply_messages) for parent_id in parent_messages[""] } return message_threads def _combine_message_texts( self, message_threads: Dict[int, List[int]], data: pd.DataFrame ) -> str: """ Combine the message texts for each parent message ID based \ on the list of message threads. Args: message_threads (dict): A dictionary where the key is the parent message \
message_threads (dict): A dictionary where the key is the parent message \ ID and the value is a list of message IDs in ascending order. data (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the conversation data: - message.sender_id - text - date - - is_reply - reply_to_id Returns: str: A combined string of message texts sorted by date. """ combined_text = "" # Iterate through sorted parent message IDs for parent_id, message_ids in message_threads.items(): # Get the message texts for the message IDs and sort them by date message_texts = ( data[data[""].isin(message_ids)] .sort_values(by="date")["text"] .tolist() ) message_texts = [str(elem) for elem in message_texts] # Combine the message texts combined_text += " ".join(message_texts) + ".\n" return combined_text.strip() [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load documents.""" if self.chat_entity is not None: try: import nest_asyncio nest_asyncio.apply() except ImportError: raise ImportError( """`nest_asyncio` package not found. please install with `pip install nest_asyncio` """ ) p = Path(self.file_path) with open(p, encoding="utf8") as f: d = json.load(f) try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: raise ImportError( """`pandas` package not found. please install with `pip install pandas` """
please install with `pip install pandas` """ ) normalized_messages = pd.json_normalize(d) df = pd.DataFrame(normalized_messages) message_threads = self._get_message_threads(df) combined_texts = self._combine_message_texts(message_threads, df) return text_to_docs(combined_texts)
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.rtf """Loader that loads rich text files.""" from typing import Any, List from langchain.document_loaders.unstructured import ( UnstructuredFileLoader, satisfies_min_unstructured_version, ) [docs]class UnstructuredRTFLoader(UnstructuredFileLoader): """Loader that uses unstructured to load rtf files.""" def __init__( self, file_path: str, mode: str = "single", **unstructured_kwargs: Any ): min_unstructured_version = "0.5.12" if not satisfies_min_unstructured_version(min_unstructured_version): raise ValueError( "Partitioning rtf files is only supported in " f"unstructured>={min_unstructured_version}." ) super().__init__(file_path=file_path, mode=mode, **unstructured_kwargs) def _get_elements(self) -> List: from unstructured.partition.rtf import partition_rtf return partition_rtf(filename=self.file_path, **self.unstructured_kwargs)
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.bibtex import logging import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.utilities.bibtex import BibtexparserWrapper logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) [docs]class BibtexLoader(BaseLoader): """Loads a bibtex file into a list of Documents. Each document represents one entry from the bibtex file. If a PDF file is present in the `file` bibtex field, the original PDF is loaded into the document text. If no such file entry is present, the `abstract` field is used instead. """ def __init__( self, file_path: str, *, parser: Optional[BibtexparserWrapper] = None, max_docs: Optional[int] = None, max_content_chars: Optional[int] = 4_000, load_extra_metadata: bool = False, file_pattern: str = r"[^:]+\.pdf", ): """Initialize the BibtexLoader. Args: file_path: Path to the bibtex file. max_docs: Max number of associated documents to load. Use -1 means no limit. """ self.file_path = file_path self.parser = parser or BibtexparserWrapper() self.max_docs = max_docs self.max_content_chars = max_content_chars self.load_extra_metadata = load_extra_metadata self.file_regex = re.compile(file_pattern) def _load_entry(self, entry: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Optional[Document]: import fitz
import fitz parent_dir = Path(self.file_path).parent # regex is useful for Zotero flavor bibtex files file_names = self.file_regex.findall(entry.get("file", "")) if not file_names: return None texts: List[str] = [] for file_name in file_names: try: with / file_name) as f: texts.extend(page.get_text() for page in f) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.debug(e) content = "\n".join(texts) or entry.get("abstract", "") if self.max_content_chars: content = content[: self.max_content_chars] metadata = self.parser.get_metadata(entry, load_extra=self.load_extra_metadata) return Document( page_content=content, metadata=metadata, ) [docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: """Load bibtex file using bibtexparser and get the article texts plus the article metadata. See Returns: a list of documents with the document.page_content in text format """ try: import fitz # noqa: F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "PyMuPDF package not found, please install it with " "`pip install pymupdf`" ) entries = self.parser.load_bibtex_entries(self.file_path) if self.max_docs: entries = entries[: self.max_docs] for entry in entries: doc = self._load_entry(entry) if doc: yield doc [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]:
yield doc [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load bibtex file documents from the given bibtex file path. See Args: file_path: the path to the bibtex file Returns: a list of documents with the document.page_content in text format """ return list(self.lazy_load())
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.python import tokenize from langchain.document_loaders.text import TextLoader [docs]class PythonLoader(TextLoader): """ Load Python files, respecting any non-default encoding if specified. """ def __init__(self, file_path: str): with open(file_path, "rb") as f: encoding, _ = tokenize.detect_encoding(f.readline) super().__init__(file_path=file_path, encoding=encoding)
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.imsdb """Loader that loads IMSDb.""" from typing import List from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.web_base import WebBaseLoader [docs]class IMSDbLoader(WebBaseLoader): """Loader that loads IMSDb webpages.""" [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load webpage.""" soup = self.scrape() text = soup.select_one("td[class='scrtext']").text metadata = {"source": self.web_path} return [Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)]
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.bigquery from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader if TYPE_CHECKING: from google.auth.credentials import Credentials [docs]class BigQueryLoader(BaseLoader): """Loads a query result from BigQuery into a list of documents. Each document represents one row of the result. The `page_content_columns` are written into the `page_content` of the document. The `metadata_columns` are written into the `metadata` of the document. By default, all columns are written into the `page_content` and none into the `metadata`. """ def __init__( self, query: str, project: Optional[str] = None, page_content_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, metadata_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, credentials: Optional[Credentials] = None, ): """Initialize BigQuery document loader. Args: query: The query to run in BigQuery. project: Optional. The project to run the query in. page_content_columns: Optional. The columns to write into the `page_content` of the document. metadata_columns: Optional. The columns to write into the `metadata` of the document. credentials : google.auth.credentials.Credentials, optional Credentials for accessing Google APIs. Use this parameter to override default credentials, such as to use Compute Engine (`google.auth.compute_engine.Credentials`) or Service Account (`google.oauth2.service_account.Credentials`) credentials directly. """ self.query = query self.project = project self.page_content_columns = page_content_columns
self.project = project self.page_content_columns = page_content_columns self.metadata_columns = metadata_columns self.credentials = credentials [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: try: from import bigquery except ImportError as ex: raise ValueError( "Could not import google-cloud-bigquery python package. " "Please install it with `pip install google-cloud-bigquery`." ) from ex bq_client = bigquery.Client(credentials=self.credentials, project=self.project) query_result = bq_client.query(self.query).result() docs: List[Document] = [] page_content_columns = self.page_content_columns metadata_columns = self.metadata_columns if page_content_columns is None: page_content_columns = [ for column in query_result.schema] if metadata_columns is None: metadata_columns = [] for row in query_result: page_content = "\n".join( f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in row.items() if k in page_content_columns ) metadata = {k: v for k, v in row.items() if k in metadata_columns} doc = Document(page_content=page_content, metadata=metadata) docs.append(doc) return docs
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.tencent_cos_directory """Loading logic for loading documents from Tencent Cloud COS directory.""" from typing import Any, Iterator, List from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.document_loaders.tencent_cos_file import TencentCOSFileLoader [docs]class TencentCOSDirectoryLoader(BaseLoader): """Loading logic for loading documents from Tencent Cloud COS.""" def __init__(self, conf: Any, bucket: str, prefix: str = ""): """Initialize with COS config, bucket and prefix. :param conf(CosConfig): COS config. :param bucket(str): COS bucket. :param prefix(str): prefix. """ self.conf = conf self.bucket = bucket self.prefix = prefix [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: return list(self.lazy_load()) [docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: """Load documents.""" try: from qcloud_cos import CosS3Client except ImportError: raise ValueError( "Could not import cos-python-sdk-v5 python package. " "Please install it with `pip install cos-python-sdk-v5`." ) client = CosS3Client(self.conf) contents = [] marker = "" while True: response = client.list_objects( Bucket=self.bucket, Prefix=self.prefix, Marker=marker, MaxKeys=1000 ) if "Contents" in response: contents.extend(response["Contents"]) if response["IsTruncated"] == "false": break marker = response["NextMarker"] for content in contents: if content["Key"].endswith("/"):
for content in contents: if content["Key"].endswith("/"): continue loader = TencentCOSFileLoader(self.conf, self.bucket, content["Key"]) yield loader.load()[0]
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.tomarkdown """Loader that loads HTML to markdown using 2markdown.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Iterator, List import requests from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader [docs]class ToMarkdownLoader(BaseLoader): """Loader that loads HTML to markdown using 2markdown.""" def __init__(self, url: str, api_key: str): """Initialize with url and api key.""" self.url = url self.api_key = api_key [docs] def lazy_load( self, ) -> Iterator[Document]: """Lazily load the file.""" response = "", headers={"X-Api-Key": self.api_key}, json={"url": self.url}, ) text = response.json()["article"] metadata = {"source": self.url} yield Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata) [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load file.""" return list(self.lazy_load())
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.org_mode """Loader that loads Org-Mode files.""" from typing import Any, List from langchain.document_loaders.unstructured import ( UnstructuredFileLoader, validate_unstructured_version, ) [docs]class UnstructuredOrgModeLoader(UnstructuredFileLoader): """Loader that uses unstructured to load Org-Mode files.""" def __init__( self, file_path: str, mode: str = "single", **unstructured_kwargs: Any ): validate_unstructured_version(min_unstructured_version="0.7.9") super().__init__(file_path=file_path, mode=mode, **unstructured_kwargs) def _get_elements(self) -> List: from import partition_org return partition_org(filename=self.file_path, **self.unstructured_kwargs)
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.embaas import base64 import warnings from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional import requests from pydantic import BaseModel, root_validator, validator from typing_extensions import NotRequired, TypedDict from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseBlobParser, BaseLoader from langchain.document_loaders.blob_loaders import Blob from langchain.text_splitter import TextSplitter from langchain.utils import get_from_dict_or_env EMBAAS_DOC_API_URL = "" class EmbaasDocumentExtractionParameters(TypedDict): """Parameters for the embaas document extraction API.""" mime_type: NotRequired[str] """The mime type of the document.""" file_extension: NotRequired[str] """The file extension of the document.""" file_name: NotRequired[str] """The file name of the document.""" should_chunk: NotRequired[bool] """Whether to chunk the document into pages.""" chunk_size: NotRequired[int] """The maximum size of the text chunks.""" chunk_overlap: NotRequired[int] """The maximum overlap allowed between chunks.""" chunk_splitter: NotRequired[str] """The text splitter class name for creating chunks.""" separators: NotRequired[List[str]] """The separators for chunks.""" should_embed: NotRequired[bool] """Whether to create embeddings for the document in the response.""" model: NotRequired[str] """The model to pass to the Embaas document extraction API.""" instruction: NotRequired[str] """The instruction to pass to the Embaas document extraction API."""
"""The instruction to pass to the Embaas document extraction API.""" class EmbaasDocumentExtractionPayload(EmbaasDocumentExtractionParameters): """Payload for the Embaas document extraction API.""" bytes: str """The base64 encoded bytes of the document to extract text from.""" class BaseEmbaasLoader(BaseModel): embaas_api_key: Optional[str] = None api_url: str = EMBAAS_DOC_API_URL """The URL of the embaas document extraction API.""" params: EmbaasDocumentExtractionParameters = EmbaasDocumentExtractionParameters() """Additional parameters to pass to the embaas document extraction API.""" @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate that api key and python package exists in environment.""" embaas_api_key = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "embaas_api_key", "EMBAAS_API_KEY" ) values["embaas_api_key"] = embaas_api_key return values [docs]class EmbaasBlobLoader(BaseEmbaasLoader, BaseBlobParser): """Wrapper around embaas's document byte loader service. To use, you should have the environment variable ``EMBAAS_API_KEY`` set with your API key, or pass it as a named parameter to the constructor. Example: .. code-block:: python # Default parsing from langchain.document_loaders.embaas import EmbaasBlobLoader loader = EmbaasBlobLoader() blob = Blob.from_path(path="example.mp3") documents = loader.parse(blob=blob) # Custom api parameters (create embeddings automatically)
# Custom api parameters (create embeddings automatically) from langchain.document_loaders.embaas import EmbaasBlobLoader loader = EmbaasBlobLoader( params={ "should_embed": True, "model": "e5-large-v2", "chunk_size": 256, "chunk_splitter": "CharacterTextSplitter" } ) blob = Blob.from_path(path="example.pdf") documents = loader.parse(blob=blob) """ [docs] def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: yield from self._get_documents(blob=blob) @staticmethod def _api_response_to_documents(chunks: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Document]: """Convert the API response to a list of documents.""" docs = [] for chunk in chunks: metadata = chunk["metadata"] if chunk.get("embedding", None) is not None: metadata["embedding"] = chunk["embedding"] doc = Document(page_content=chunk["text"], metadata=metadata) docs.append(doc) return docs def _generate_payload(self, blob: Blob) -> EmbaasDocumentExtractionPayload: """Generates payload for the API request.""" base64_byte_str = base64.b64encode(blob.as_bytes()).decode() payload: EmbaasDocumentExtractionPayload = EmbaasDocumentExtractionPayload( bytes=base64_byte_str, # Workaround for mypy issue: # type: ignore **self.params, ) if blob.mimetype is not None and payload.get("mime_type", None) is None:
payload["mime_type"] = blob.mimetype return payload def _handle_request( self, payload: EmbaasDocumentExtractionPayload ) -> List[Document]: """Sends a request to the embaas API and handles the response.""" headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {self.embaas_api_key}", "Content-Type": "application/json", } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) response.raise_for_status() parsed_response = response.json() return EmbaasBlobLoader._api_response_to_documents( chunks=parsed_response["data"]["chunks"] ) def _get_documents(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: """Get the documents from the blob.""" payload = self._generate_payload(blob=blob) try: documents = self._handle_request(payload=payload) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: if e.response is None or not e.response.text: raise ValueError( f"Error raised by embaas document text extraction API: {e}" ) parsed_response = e.response.json() if "message" in parsed_response: raise ValueError( f"Validation Error raised by embaas document text extraction API:" f" {parsed_response['message']}" ) raise yield from documents [docs]class EmbaasLoader(BaseEmbaasLoader, BaseLoader): """Wrapper around embaas's document loader service. To use, you should have the environment variable ``EMBAAS_API_KEY`` set with your API key, or pass it as a named parameter to the constructor. Example:
it as a named parameter to the constructor. Example: .. code-block:: python # Default parsing from langchain.document_loaders.embaas import EmbaasLoader loader = EmbaasLoader(file_path="example.mp3") documents = loader.load() # Custom api parameters (create embeddings automatically) from langchain.document_loaders.embaas import EmbaasBlobLoader loader = EmbaasBlobLoader( file_path="example.pdf", params={ "should_embed": True, "model": "e5-large-v2", "chunk_size": 256, "chunk_splitter": "CharacterTextSplitter" } ) documents = loader.load() """ file_path: str """The path to the file to load.""" blob_loader: Optional[EmbaasBlobLoader] """The blob loader to use. If not provided, a default one will be created.""" @validator("blob_loader", always=True) def validate_blob_loader( cls, v: EmbaasBlobLoader, values: Dict ) -> EmbaasBlobLoader: return v or EmbaasBlobLoader( embaas_api_key=values["embaas_api_key"], api_url=values["api_url"], params=values["params"], ) [docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: """Load the documents from the file path lazily.""" blob = Blob.from_path(path=self.file_path) assert self.blob_loader is not None # Should never be None, but mypy doesn't know that. yield from self.blob_loader.lazy_parse(blob=blob)
yield from self.blob_loader.lazy_parse(blob=blob) [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: return list(self.lazy_load()) [docs] def load_and_split( self, text_splitter: Optional[TextSplitter] = None ) -> List[Document]: if self.params.get("should_embed", False): warnings.warn( "Embeddings are not supported with load_and_split." " Use the API splitter to properly generate embeddings." " For more information see docs." ) return super().load_and_split(text_splitter=text_splitter)
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.csv_loader import csv from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.document_loaders.unstructured import ( UnstructuredFileLoader, validate_unstructured_version, ) [docs]class CSVLoader(BaseLoader): """Loads a CSV file into a list of documents. Each document represents one row of the CSV file. Every row is converted into a key/value pair and outputted to a new line in the document's page_content. The source for each document loaded from csv is set to the value of the `file_path` argument for all doucments by default. You can override this by setting the `source_column` argument to the name of a column in the CSV file. The source of each document will then be set to the value of the column with the name specified in `source_column`. Output Example: .. code-block:: txt column1: value1 column2: value2 column3: value3 """ def __init__( self, file_path: str, source_column: Optional[str] = None, csv_args: Optional[Dict] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = None, ): self.file_path = file_path self.source_column = source_column self.encoding = encoding self.csv_args = csv_args or {} [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load data into document objects.""" docs = [] with open(self.file_path, newline="", encoding=self.encoding) as csvfile:
with open(self.file_path, newline="", encoding=self.encoding) as csvfile: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, **self.csv_args) # type: ignore for i, row in enumerate(csv_reader): content = "\n".join(f"{k.strip()}: {v.strip()}" for k, v in row.items()) try: source = ( row[self.source_column] if self.source_column is not None else self.file_path ) except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Source column '{self.source_column}' not found in CSV file." ) metadata = {"source": source, "row": i} doc = Document(page_content=content, metadata=metadata) docs.append(doc) return docs [docs]class UnstructuredCSVLoader(UnstructuredFileLoader): """Loader that uses unstructured to load CSV files.""" def __init__( self, file_path: str, mode: str = "single", **unstructured_kwargs: Any ): validate_unstructured_version(min_unstructured_version="0.6.8") super().__init__(file_path=file_path, mode=mode, **unstructured_kwargs) def _get_elements(self) -> List: from unstructured.partition.csv import partition_csv return partition_csv(filename=self.file_path, **self.unstructured_kwargs)
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.evernote """Load documents from Evernote. """ import hashlib import logging from base64 import b64decode from time import strptime from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader [docs]class EverNoteLoader(BaseLoader): """EverNote Loader. Loads an EverNote notebook export file e.g. my_notebook.enex into Documents. Instructions on producing this file can be found at Currently only the plain text in the note is extracted and stored as the contents of the Document, any non content metadata (e.g. 'author', 'created', 'updated' etc. but not 'content-raw' or 'resource') tags on the note will be extracted and stored as metadata on the Document. Args: file_path (str): The path to the notebook export with a .enex extension load_single_document (bool): Whether or not to concatenate the content of all notes into a single long Document. If this is set to True (default) then the only metadata on the document will be the 'source' which contains the file name of the export. """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, file_path: str, load_single_document: bool = True): """Initialize with file path.""" self.file_path = file_path self.load_single_document = load_single_document
self.file_path = file_path self.load_single_document = load_single_document [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load documents from EverNote export file.""" documents = [ Document( page_content=note["content"], metadata={ **{ key: value for key, value in note.items() if key not in ["content", "content-raw", "resource"] }, **{"source": self.file_path}, }, ) for note in self._parse_note_xml(self.file_path) if note.get("content") is not None ] if not self.load_single_document: return documents return [ Document( page_content="".join([document.page_content for document in documents]), metadata={"source": self.file_path}, ) ] @staticmethod def _parse_content(content: str) -> str: try: import html2text return html2text.html2text(content).strip() except ImportError as e: logging.error( "Could not import `html2text`. Although it is not a required package " "to use Langchain, using the EverNote loader requires `html2text`. " "Please install `html2text` via `pip install html2text` and try again." ) raise e @staticmethod def _parse_resource(resource: list) -> dict: rsc_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} for elem in resource: if elem.tag == "data": # Sometimes elem.text is None rsc_dict[elem.tag] = b64decode(elem.text) if elem.text else b""
rsc_dict["hash"] = hashlib.md5(rsc_dict[elem.tag]).hexdigest() else: rsc_dict[elem.tag] = elem.text return rsc_dict @staticmethod def _parse_note(note: List, prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: note_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} resources = [] def add_prefix(element_tag: str) -> str: if prefix is None: return element_tag return f"{prefix}.{element_tag}" for elem in note: if elem.tag == "content": note_dict[elem.tag] = EverNoteLoader._parse_content(elem.text) # A copy of original content note_dict["content-raw"] = elem.text elif elem.tag == "resource": resources.append(EverNoteLoader._parse_resource(elem)) elif elem.tag == "created" or elem.tag == "updated": note_dict[elem.tag] = strptime(elem.text, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ") elif elem.tag == "note-attributes": additional_attributes = EverNoteLoader._parse_note( elem, elem.tag ) # Recursively enter the note-attributes tag note_dict.update(additional_attributes) else: note_dict[elem.tag] = elem.text if len(resources) > 0: note_dict["resource"] = resources return {add_prefix(key): value for key, value in note_dict.items()} @staticmethod def _parse_note_xml(xml_file: str) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Parse Evernote xml.""" # Without huge_tree set to True, parser may complain about huge text node
# Without huge_tree set to True, parser may complain about huge text node # Try to recover, because there may be "&nbsp;", which will cause # "XMLSyntaxError: Entity 'nbsp' not defined" try: from lxml import etree except ImportError as e: logging.error( "Could not import `lxml`. Although it is not a required package to use " "Langchain, using the EverNote loader requires `lxml`. Please install " "`lxml` via `pip install lxml` and try again." ) raise e context = etree.iterparse( xml_file, encoding="utf-8", strip_cdata=False, huge_tree=True, recover=True ) for action, elem in context: if elem.tag == "note": yield EverNoteLoader._parse_note(elem)
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.slack_directory """Loader for documents from a Slack export.""" import json import zipfile from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader [docs]class SlackDirectoryLoader(BaseLoader): """Loader for loading documents from a Slack directory dump.""" def __init__(self, zip_path: str, workspace_url: Optional[str] = None): """Initialize the SlackDirectoryLoader. Args: zip_path (str): The path to the Slack directory dump zip file. workspace_url (Optional[str]): The Slack workspace URL. Including the URL will turn sources into links. Defaults to None. """ self.zip_path = Path(zip_path) self.workspace_url = workspace_url self.channel_id_map = self._get_channel_id_map(self.zip_path) @staticmethod def _get_channel_id_map(zip_path: Path) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get a dictionary mapping channel names to their respective IDs.""" with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as zip_file: try: with"channels.json", "r") as f: channels = json.load(f) return {channel["name"]: channel["id"] for channel in channels} except KeyError: return {} [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load and return documents from the Slack directory dump.""" docs = [] with zipfile.ZipFile(self.zip_path, "r") as zip_file: for channel_path in zip_file.namelist(): channel_name = Path(channel_path) if not channel_name: continue
if not channel_name: continue if channel_path.endswith(".json"): messages = self._read_json(zip_file, channel_path) for message in messages: document = self._convert_message_to_document( message, channel_name ) docs.append(document) return docs def _read_json(self, zip_file: zipfile.ZipFile, file_path: str) -> List[dict]: """Read JSON data from a zip subfile.""" with, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) return data def _convert_message_to_document( self, message: dict, channel_name: str ) -> Document: """ Convert a message to a Document object. Args: message (dict): A message in the form of a dictionary. channel_name (str): The name of the channel the message belongs to. Returns: Document: A Document object representing the message. """ text = message.get("text", "") metadata = self._get_message_metadata(message, channel_name) return Document( page_content=text, metadata=metadata, ) def _get_message_metadata(self, message: dict, channel_name: str) -> dict: """Create and return metadata for a given message and channel.""" timestamp = message.get("ts", "") user = message.get("user", "") source = self._get_message_source(channel_name, user, timestamp) return { "source": source, "channel": channel_name, "timestamp": timestamp, "user": user, }
"timestamp": timestamp, "user": user, } def _get_message_source(self, channel_name: str, user: str, timestamp: str) -> str: """ Get the message source as a string. Args: channel_name (str): The name of the channel the message belongs to. user (str): The user ID who sent the message. timestamp (str): The timestamp of the message. Returns: str: The message source. """ if self.workspace_url: channel_id = self.channel_id_map.get(channel_name, "") return ( f"{self.workspace_url}/archives/{channel_id}" + f"/p{timestamp.replace('.', '')}" ) else: return f"{channel_name} - {user} - {timestamp}"
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.mediawikidump """Load Data from a MediaWiki dump xml.""" from typing import List, Optional from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader [docs]class MWDumpLoader(BaseLoader): """ Load MediaWiki dump from XML file Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain.document_loaders import MWDumpLoader loader = MWDumpLoader( file_path="myWiki.xml", encoding="utf8" ) docs = loader.load() from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=0 ) texts = text_splitter.split_documents(docs) :param file_path: XML local file path :type file_path: str :param encoding: Charset encoding, defaults to "utf8" :type encoding: str, optional """ def __init__(self, file_path: str, encoding: Optional[str] = "utf8"): """Initialize with file path.""" self.file_path = file_path self.encoding = encoding [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load from file path.""" import mwparserfromhell import mwxml dump = mwxml.Dump.from_file(open(self.file_path, encoding=self.encoding)) docs = [] for page in dump.pages: for revision in page: code = mwparserfromhell.parse(revision.text) text = code.strip_code( normalize=True, collapse=True, keep_template_params=False ) metadata = {"source": page.title}
) metadata = {"source": page.title} docs.append(Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)) return docs
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.pyspark_dataframe """Load from a Spark Dataframe object""" import itertools import logging import sys from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) if TYPE_CHECKING: from pyspark.sql import SparkSession [docs]class PySparkDataFrameLoader(BaseLoader): """Load PySpark DataFrames""" def __init__( self, spark_session: Optional["SparkSession"] = None, df: Optional[Any] = None, page_content_column: str = "text", fraction_of_memory: float = 0.1, ): """Initialize with a Spark DataFrame object.""" try: from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, SparkSession except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pyspark is not installed. " "Please install it with `pip install pyspark`" ) self.spark = ( spark_session if spark_session else SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() ) if not isinstance(df, DataFrame): raise ValueError( f"Expected data_frame to be a PySpark DataFrame, got {type(df)}" ) self.df = df self.page_content_column = page_content_column self.fraction_of_memory = fraction_of_memory self.num_rows, self.max_num_rows = self.get_num_rows() self.rdd_df = self.column_names = self.df.columns [docs] def get_num_rows(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Gets the amount of "feasible" rows for the DataFrame""" try:
"""Gets the amount of "feasible" rows for the DataFrame""" try: import psutil except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "psutil not installed. Please install it with `pip install psutil`." ) from e row = self.df.limit(1).collect()[0] estimated_row_size = sys.getsizeof(row) mem_info = psutil.virtual_memory() available_memory = mem_info.available max_num_rows = int( (available_memory / estimated_row_size) * self.fraction_of_memory ) return min(max_num_rows, self.df.count()), max_num_rows [docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: """A lazy loader for document content.""" for row in self.rdd_df.toLocalIterator(): metadata = {self.column_names[i]: row[i] for i in range(len(row))} text = metadata[self.page_content_column] metadata.pop(self.page_content_column) yield Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata) [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load from the dataframe.""" if self.df.count() > self.max_num_rows: logger.warning( f"The number of DataFrame rows is {self.df.count()}, " f"but we will only include the amount " f"of rows that can reasonably fit in memory: {self.num_rows}." ) lazy_load_iterator = self.lazy_load() return list(itertools.islice(lazy_load_iterator, self.num_rows))
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.text import logging from typing import List, Optional from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.document_loaders.helpers import detect_file_encodings logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) [docs]class TextLoader(BaseLoader): """Load text files. Args: file_path: Path to the file to load. encoding: File encoding to use. If `None`, the file will be loaded with the default system encoding. autodetect_encoding: Whether to try to autodetect the file encoding if the specified encoding fails. """ def __init__( self, file_path: str, encoding: Optional[str] = None, autodetect_encoding: bool = False, ): """Initialize with file path.""" self.file_path = file_path self.encoding = encoding self.autodetect_encoding = autodetect_encoding [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load from file path.""" text = "" try: with open(self.file_path, encoding=self.encoding) as f: text = except UnicodeDecodeError as e: if self.autodetect_encoding: detected_encodings = detect_file_encodings(self.file_path) for encoding in detected_encodings: logger.debug("Trying encoding: ", encoding.encoding) try: with open(self.file_path, encoding=encoding.encoding) as f: text = break except UnicodeDecodeError: continue else: raise RuntimeError(f"Error loading {self.file_path}") from e except Exception as e:
except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Error loading {self.file_path}") from e metadata = {"source": self.file_path} return [Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)]
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.rst """Loader that loads RST files.""" from typing import Any, List from langchain.document_loaders.unstructured import ( UnstructuredFileLoader, validate_unstructured_version, ) [docs]class UnstructuredRSTLoader(UnstructuredFileLoader): """Loader that uses unstructured to load RST files.""" def __init__( self, file_path: str, mode: str = "single", **unstructured_kwargs: Any ): validate_unstructured_version(min_unstructured_version="0.7.5") super().__init__(file_path=file_path, mode=mode, **unstructured_kwargs) def _get_elements(self) -> List: from unstructured.partition.rst import partition_rst return partition_rst(filename=self.file_path, **self.unstructured_kwargs)
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.max_compute from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.utilities.max_compute import MaxComputeAPIWrapper [docs]class MaxComputeLoader(BaseLoader): """Loads a query result from Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute table into documents.""" def __init__( self, query: str, api_wrapper: MaxComputeAPIWrapper, *, page_content_columns: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, metadata_columns: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ): """Initialize Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute document loader. Args: query: SQL query to execute. api_wrapper: MaxCompute API wrapper. page_content_columns: The columns to write into the `page_content` of the Document. If unspecified, all columns will be written to `page_content`. metadata_columns: The columns to write into the `metadata` of the Document. If unspecified, all columns not added to `page_content` will be written. """ self.query = query self.api_wrapper = api_wrapper self.page_content_columns = page_content_columns self.metadata_columns = metadata_columns [docs] @classmethod def from_params( cls, query: str, endpoint: str, project: str, *, access_id: Optional[str] = None, secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> MaxComputeLoader: """Convenience constructor that builds the MaxCompute API wrapper from given parameters. Args: query: SQL query to execute.
given parameters. Args: query: SQL query to execute. endpoint: MaxCompute endpoint. project: A project is a basic organizational unit of MaxCompute, which is similar to a database. access_id: MaxCompute access ID. Should be passed in directly or set as the environment variable `MAX_COMPUTE_ACCESS_ID`. secret_access_key: MaxCompute secret access key. Should be passed in directly or set as the environment variable `MAX_COMPUTE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`. """ api_wrapper = MaxComputeAPIWrapper.from_params( endpoint, project, access_id=access_id, secret_access_key=secret_access_key ) return cls(query, api_wrapper, **kwargs) [docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: for row in self.api_wrapper.query(self.query): if self.page_content_columns: page_content_data = { k: v for k, v in row.items() if k in self.page_content_columns } else: page_content_data = row page_content = "\n".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in page_content_data.items()) if self.metadata_columns: metadata = {k: v for k, v in row.items() if k in self.metadata_columns} else: metadata = {k: v for k, v in row.items() if k not in page_content_data} yield Document(page_content=page_content, metadata=metadata) [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: return list(self.lazy_load())
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.sitemap """Loader that fetches a sitemap and loads those URLs.""" import itertools import re from typing import Any, Callable, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional from langchain.document_loaders.web_base import WebBaseLoader from langchain.schema import Document def _default_parsing_function(content: Any) -> str: return str(content.get_text()) def _default_meta_function(meta: dict, _content: Any) -> dict: return {"source": meta["loc"], **meta} def _batch_block(iterable: Iterable, size: int) -> Generator[List[dict], None, None]: it = iter(iterable) while item := list(itertools.islice(it, size)): yield item [docs]class SitemapLoader(WebBaseLoader): """Loader that fetches a sitemap and loads those URLs.""" def __init__( self, web_path: str, filter_urls: Optional[List[str]] = None, parsing_function: Optional[Callable] = None, blocksize: Optional[int] = None, blocknum: int = 0, meta_function: Optional[Callable] = None, is_local: bool = False, ): """Initialize with webpage path and optional filter URLs. Args: web_path: url of the sitemap. can also be a local path filter_urls: list of strings or regexes that will be applied to filter the urls that are parsed and loaded parsing_function: Function to parse bs4.Soup output blocksize: number of sitemap locations per block blocknum: the number of the block that should be loaded - zero indexed meta_function: Function to parse bs4.Soup output for metadata
meta_function: Function to parse bs4.Soup output for metadata remember when setting this method to also copy metadata["loc"] to metadata["source"] if you are using this field is_local: whether the sitemap is a local file """ if blocksize is not None and blocksize < 1: raise ValueError("Sitemap blocksize should be at least 1") if blocknum < 0: raise ValueError("Sitemap blocknum can not be lower then 0") try: import lxml # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "lxml package not found, please install it with " "`pip install lxml`" ) super().__init__(web_path) self.filter_urls = filter_urls self.parsing_function = parsing_function or _default_parsing_function self.meta_function = meta_function or _default_meta_function self.blocksize = blocksize self.blocknum = blocknum self.is_local = is_local [docs] def parse_sitemap(self, soup: Any) -> List[dict]: """Parse sitemap xml and load into a list of dicts.""" els = [] for url in soup.find_all("url"): loc = url.find("loc") if not loc: continue # Strip leading and trailing whitespace and newlines loc_text = loc.text.strip() if self.filter_urls and not any( re.match(r, loc_text) for r in self.filter_urls ): continue els.append( { tag: prop.text for tag in ["loc", "lastmod", "changefreq", "priority"] if (prop := url.find(tag)) } )
if (prop := url.find(tag)) } ) for sitemap in soup.find_all("sitemap"): loc = sitemap.find("loc") if not loc: continue soup_child = self.scrape_all([loc.text], "xml")[0] els.extend(self.parse_sitemap(soup_child)) return els [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load sitemap.""" if self.is_local: try: import bs4 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "beautifulsoup4 package not found, please install it" " with `pip install beautifulsoup4`" ) fp = open(self.web_path) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(fp, "xml") else: soup = self.scrape("xml") els = self.parse_sitemap(soup) if self.blocksize is not None: elblocks = list(_batch_block(els, self.blocksize)) blockcount = len(elblocks) if blockcount - 1 < self.blocknum: raise ValueError( "Selected sitemap does not contain enough blocks for given blocknum" ) else: els = elblocks[self.blocknum] results = self.scrape_all([el["loc"].strip() for el in els if "loc" in el]) return [ Document( page_content=self.parsing_function(results[i]), metadata=self.meta_function(els[i], results[i]), ) for i in range(len(results)) ]
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.open_city_data from typing import Iterator, List from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader [docs]class OpenCityDataLoader(BaseLoader): """Loader that loads Open city data.""" def __init__(self, city_id: str, dataset_id: str, limit: int): """Initialize with dataset_id""" """ Example: """ """ e.g., city_id = """ """ e.g., dataset_id = vw6y-z8j6 """ self.city_id = city_id self.dataset_id = dataset_id self.limit = limit [docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: """Lazy load records.""" from sodapy import Socrata client = Socrata(self.city_id, None) results = client.get(self.dataset_id, limit=self.limit) for record in results: yield Document( page_content=str(record), metadata={ "source": self.city_id + "_" + self.dataset_id, }, ) [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load records.""" return list(self.lazy_load())
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.pdf """Loader that loads PDF files.""" import json import logging import os import tempfile import time from abc import ABC from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional from urllib.parse import urlparse import requests from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.document_loaders.blob_loaders import Blob from langchain.document_loaders.parsers.pdf import ( PDFMinerParser, PDFPlumberParser, PyMuPDFParser, PyPDFium2Parser, PyPDFParser, ) from langchain.document_loaders.unstructured import UnstructuredFileLoader from langchain.utils import get_from_dict_or_env logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) [docs]class UnstructuredPDFLoader(UnstructuredFileLoader): """Loader that uses unstructured to load PDF files.""" def _get_elements(self) -> List: from unstructured.partition.pdf import partition_pdf return partition_pdf(filename=self.file_path, **self.unstructured_kwargs) class BasePDFLoader(BaseLoader, ABC): """Base loader class for PDF files. Defaults to check for local file, but if the file is a web path, it will download it to a temporary file, and use that, then clean up the temporary file after completion """ def __init__(self, file_path: str): """Initialize with file path.""" self.file_path = file_path self.web_path = None if "~" in self.file_path: self.file_path = os.path.expanduser(self.file_path) # If the file is a web path, download it to a temporary file, and use that
if not os.path.isfile(self.file_path) and self._is_valid_url(self.file_path): r = requests.get(self.file_path) if r.status_code != 200: raise ValueError( "Check the url of your file; returned status code %s" % r.status_code ) self.web_path = self.file_path self.temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() temp_pdf = Path( / "tmp.pdf" with open(temp_pdf, mode="wb") as f: f.write(r.content) self.file_path = str(temp_pdf) elif not os.path.isfile(self.file_path): raise ValueError("File path %s is not a valid file or url" % self.file_path) def __del__(self) -> None: if hasattr(self, "temp_dir"): self.temp_dir.cleanup() @staticmethod def _is_valid_url(url: str) -> bool: """Check if the url is valid.""" parsed = urlparse(url) return bool(parsed.netloc) and bool(parsed.scheme) @property def source(self) -> str: return self.web_path if self.web_path is not None else self.file_path [docs]class OnlinePDFLoader(BasePDFLoader): """Loader that loads online PDFs.""" [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load documents.""" loader = UnstructuredPDFLoader(str(self.file_path)) return loader.load() [docs]class PyPDFLoader(BasePDFLoader): """Loads a PDF with pypdf and chunks at character level. Loader also stores page numbers in metadatas. """ def __init__(self, file_path: str) -> None:
""" def __init__(self, file_path: str) -> None: """Initialize with file path.""" try: import pypdf # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pypdf package not found, please install it with " "`pip install pypdf`" ) self.parser = PyPDFParser() super().__init__(file_path) [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load given path as pages.""" return list(self.lazy_load()) [docs] def lazy_load( self, ) -> Iterator[Document]: """Lazy load given path as pages.""" blob = Blob.from_path(self.file_path) yield from self.parser.parse(blob) [docs]class PyPDFium2Loader(BasePDFLoader): """Loads a PDF with pypdfium2 and chunks at character level.""" def __init__(self, file_path: str): """Initialize with file path.""" super().__init__(file_path) self.parser = PyPDFium2Parser() [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load given path as pages.""" return list(self.lazy_load()) [docs] def lazy_load( self, ) -> Iterator[Document]: """Lazy load given path as pages.""" blob = Blob.from_path(self.file_path) yield from self.parser.parse(blob) [docs]class PyPDFDirectoryLoader(BaseLoader): """Loads a directory with PDF files with pypdf and chunks at character level. Loader also stores page numbers in metadatas. """ def __init__( self, path: str,
""" def __init__( self, path: str, glob: str = "**/[!.]*.pdf", silent_errors: bool = False, load_hidden: bool = False, recursive: bool = False, ): self.path = path self.glob = glob self.load_hidden = load_hidden self.recursive = recursive self.silent_errors = silent_errors @staticmethod def _is_visible(path: Path) -> bool: return not any(part.startswith(".") for part in [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: p = Path(self.path) docs = [] items = p.rglob(self.glob) if self.recursive else p.glob(self.glob) for i in items: if i.is_file(): if self._is_visible(i.relative_to(p)) or self.load_hidden: try: loader = PyPDFLoader(str(i)) sub_docs = loader.load() for doc in sub_docs: doc.metadata["source"] = str(i) docs.extend(sub_docs) except Exception as e: if self.silent_errors: logger.warning(e) else: raise e return docs [docs]class PDFMinerLoader(BasePDFLoader): """Loader that uses PDFMiner to load PDF files.""" def __init__(self, file_path: str) -> None: """Initialize with file path.""" try: from pdfminer.high_level import extract_text # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`pdfminer` package not found, please install it with " "`pip install pdfminer.six`" )
"`pip install pdfminer.six`" ) super().__init__(file_path) self.parser = PDFMinerParser() [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Eagerly load the content.""" return list(self.lazy_load()) [docs] def lazy_load( self, ) -> Iterator[Document]: """Lazily lod documents.""" blob = Blob.from_path(self.file_path) yield from self.parser.parse(blob) [docs]class PDFMinerPDFasHTMLLoader(BasePDFLoader): """Loader that uses PDFMiner to load PDF files as HTML content.""" def __init__(self, file_path: str): """Initialize with file path.""" try: from pdfminer.high_level import extract_text_to_fp # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`pdfminer` package not found, please install it with " "`pip install pdfminer.six`" ) super().__init__(file_path) [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load file.""" from pdfminer.high_level import extract_text_to_fp from pdfminer.layout import LAParams from pdfminer.utils import open_filename output_string = StringIO() with open_filename(self.file_path, "rb") as fp: extract_text_to_fp( fp, # type: ignore[arg-type] output_string, codec="", laparams=LAParams(), output_type="html", ) metadata = {"source": self.file_path} return [Document(page_content=output_string.getvalue(), metadata=metadata)] [docs]class PyMuPDFLoader(BasePDFLoader):
[docs]class PyMuPDFLoader(BasePDFLoader): """Loader that uses PyMuPDF to load PDF files.""" def __init__(self, file_path: str) -> None: """Initialize with file path.""" try: import fitz # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`PyMuPDF` package not found, please install it with " "`pip install pymupdf`" ) super().__init__(file_path) [docs] def load(self, **kwargs: Optional[Any]) -> List[Document]: """Load file.""" parser = PyMuPDFParser(text_kwargs=kwargs) blob = Blob.from_path(self.file_path) return parser.parse(blob) # MathpixPDFLoader implementation taken largely from Daniel Gross's: # [docs]class MathpixPDFLoader(BasePDFLoader): def __init__( self, file_path: str, processed_file_format: str = "mmd", max_wait_time_seconds: int = 500, should_clean_pdf: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__(file_path) self.mathpix_api_key = get_from_dict_or_env( kwargs, "mathpix_api_key", "MATHPIX_API_KEY" ) self.mathpix_api_id = get_from_dict_or_env( kwargs, "mathpix_api_id", "MATHPIX_API_ID" ) self.processed_file_format = processed_file_format self.max_wait_time_seconds = max_wait_time_seconds self.should_clean_pdf = should_clean_pdf
self.should_clean_pdf = should_clean_pdf @property def headers(self) -> dict: return {"app_id": self.mathpix_api_id, "app_key": self.mathpix_api_key} @property def url(self) -> str: return "" @property def data(self) -> dict: options = {"conversion_formats": {self.processed_file_format: True}} return {"options_json": json.dumps(options)} [docs] def send_pdf(self) -> str: with open(self.file_path, "rb") as f: files = {"file": f} response = self.url, headers=self.headers, files=files, ) response_data = response.json() if "pdf_id" in response_data: pdf_id = response_data["pdf_id"] return pdf_id else: raise ValueError("Unable to send PDF to Mathpix.") [docs] def wait_for_processing(self, pdf_id: str) -> None: url = self.url + "/" + pdf_id for _ in range(0, self.max_wait_time_seconds, 5): response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers) response_data = response.json() status = response_data.get("status", None) if status == "completed": return elif status == "error": raise ValueError("Unable to retrieve PDF from Mathpix") else: print(f"Status: {status}, waiting for processing to complete") time.sleep(5) raise TimeoutError [docs] def get_processed_pdf(self, pdf_id: str) -> str: self.wait_for_processing(pdf_id)
self.wait_for_processing(pdf_id) url = f"{self.url}/{pdf_id}.{self.processed_file_format}" response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers) return response.content.decode("utf-8") [docs] def clean_pdf(self, contents: str) -> str: contents = "\n".join( [line for line in contents.split("\n") if not line.startswith("![]")] ) # replace \section{Title} with # Title contents = contents.replace("\\section{", "# ").replace("}", "") # replace the "\" slash that Mathpix adds to escape $, %, (, etc. contents = ( contents.replace(r"\$", "$") .replace(r"\%", "%") .replace(r"\(", "(") .replace(r"\)", ")") ) return contents [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: pdf_id = self.send_pdf() contents = self.get_processed_pdf(pdf_id) if self.should_clean_pdf: contents = self.clean_pdf(contents) metadata = {"source": self.source, "file_path": self.source} return [Document(page_content=contents, metadata=metadata)] [docs]class PDFPlumberLoader(BasePDFLoader): """Loader that uses pdfplumber to load PDF files.""" def __init__( self, file_path: str, text_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: """Initialize with file path.""" try: import pdfplumber # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pdfplumber package not found, please install it with " "`pip install pdfplumber`" )
"`pip install pdfplumber`" ) super().__init__(file_path) self.text_kwargs = text_kwargs or {} [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load file.""" parser = PDFPlumberParser(text_kwargs=self.text_kwargs) blob = Blob.from_path(self.file_path) return parser.parse(blob)
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.notion """Loader that loads Notion directory dump.""" from pathlib import Path from typing import List from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader [docs]class NotionDirectoryLoader(BaseLoader): """Loader that loads Notion directory dump.""" def __init__(self, path: str): """Initialize with path.""" self.file_path = path [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Load documents.""" ps = list(Path(self.file_path).glob("**/*.md")) docs = [] for p in ps: with open(p) as f: text = metadata = {"source": str(p)} docs.append(Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)) return docs
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.blockchain import os import re import time from enum import Enum from typing import List, Optional import requests from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader class BlockchainType(Enum): """Enumerator of the supported blockchains.""" ETH_MAINNET = "eth-mainnet" ETH_GOERLI = "eth-goerli" POLYGON_MAINNET = "polygon-mainnet" POLYGON_MUMBAI = "polygon-mumbai" [docs]class BlockchainDocumentLoader(BaseLoader): """Loads elements from a blockchain smart contract into Langchain documents. The supported blockchains are: Ethereum mainnet, Ethereum Goerli testnet, Polygon mainnet, and Polygon Mumbai testnet. If no BlockchainType is specified, the default is Ethereum mainnet. The Loader uses the Alchemy API to interact with the blockchain. ALCHEMY_API_KEY environment variable must be set to use this loader. The API returns 100 NFTs per request and can be paginated using the startToken parameter. If get_all_tokens is set to True, the loader will get all tokens on the contract. Note that for contracts with a large number of tokens, this may take a long time (e.g. 10k tokens is 100 requests). Default value is false for this reason. The max_execution_time (sec) can be set to limit the execution time of the loader. Future versions of this loader can: - Support additional Alchemy APIs (e.g. getTransactions, etc.) - Support additional blockain APIs (e.g. Infura, Opensea, etc.) """ def __init__( self,
""" def __init__( self, contract_address: str, blockchainType: BlockchainType = BlockchainType.ETH_MAINNET, api_key: str = "docs-demo", startToken: str = "", get_all_tokens: bool = False, max_execution_time: Optional[int] = None, ): self.contract_address = contract_address self.blockchainType = blockchainType.value self.api_key = os.environ.get("ALCHEMY_API_KEY") or api_key self.startToken = startToken self.get_all_tokens = get_all_tokens self.max_execution_time = max_execution_time if not self.api_key: raise ValueError("Alchemy API key not provided.") if not re.match(r"^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$", self.contract_address): raise ValueError(f"Invalid contract address {self.contract_address}") [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: result = [] current_start_token = self.startToken start_time = time.time() while True: url = ( f"https://{self.blockchainType}" f"{self.api_key}/getNFTsForCollection?withMetadata=" f"True&contractAddress={self.contract_address}" f"&startToken={current_start_token}" ) response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code != 200: raise ValueError( f"Request failed with status code {response.status_code}" ) items = response.json()["nfts"] if not items: break for item in items: content = str(item) tokenId = item["id"]["tokenId"] metadata = {
tokenId = item["id"]["tokenId"] metadata = { "source": self.contract_address, "blockchain": self.blockchainType, "tokenId": tokenId, } result.append(Document(page_content=content, metadata=metadata)) # exit after the first API call if get_all_tokens is False if not self.get_all_tokens: break # get the start token for the next API call from the last item in array current_start_token = self._get_next_tokenId(result[-1].metadata["tokenId"]) if ( self.max_execution_time is not None and (time.time() - start_time) > self.max_execution_time ): raise RuntimeError("Execution time exceeded the allowed time limit.") if not result: raise ValueError( f"No NFTs found for contract address {self.contract_address}" ) return result # add one to the tokenId, ensuring the correct tokenId format is used def _get_next_tokenId(self, tokenId: str) -> str: value_type = self._detect_value_type(tokenId) if value_type == "hex_0x": value_int = int(tokenId, 16) elif value_type == "hex_0xbf": value_int = int(tokenId[2:], 16) else: value_int = int(tokenId) result = value_int + 1 if value_type == "hex_0x": return "0x" + format(result, "0" + str(len(tokenId) - 2) + "x") elif value_type == "hex_0xbf":
elif value_type == "hex_0xbf": return "0xbf" + format(result, "0" + str(len(tokenId) - 4) + "x") else: return str(result) # A smart contract can use different formats for the tokenId @staticmethod def _detect_value_type(tokenId: str) -> str: if isinstance(tokenId, int): return "int" elif tokenId.startswith("0x"): return "hex_0x" elif tokenId.startswith("0xbf"): return "hex_0xbf" else: return "hex_0xbf"
Source code for langchain.document_loaders.trello """Loader that loads cards from Trello""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader from langchain.utils import get_from_env if TYPE_CHECKING: from trello import Board, Card, TrelloClient [docs]class TrelloLoader(BaseLoader): """Trello loader. Reads all cards from a Trello board.""" def __init__( self, client: TrelloClient, board_name: str, *, include_card_name: bool = True, include_comments: bool = True, include_checklist: bool = True, card_filter: Literal["closed", "open", "all"] = "all", extra_metadata: Tuple[str, ...] = ("due_date", "labels", "list", "closed"), ): """Initialize Trello loader. Args: client: Trello API client. board_name: The name of the Trello board. include_card_name: Whether to include the name of the card in the document. include_comments: Whether to include the comments on the card in the document. include_checklist: Whether to include the checklist on the card in the document. card_filter: Filter on card status. Valid values are "closed", "open", "all". extra_metadata: List of additional metadata fields to include as document metadata.Valid values are "due_date", "labels", "list", "closed". """ self.client = client self.board_name = board_name self.include_card_name = include_card_name
self.board_name = board_name self.include_card_name = include_card_name self.include_comments = include_comments self.include_checklist = include_checklist self.extra_metadata = extra_metadata self.card_filter = card_filter [docs] @classmethod def from_credentials( cls, board_name: str, *, api_key: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> TrelloLoader: """Convenience constructor that builds TrelloClient init param for you. Args: board_name: The name of the Trello board. api_key: Trello API key. Can also be specified as environment variable TRELLO_API_KEY. token: Trello token. Can also be specified as environment variable TRELLO_TOKEN. include_card_name: Whether to include the name of the card in the document. include_comments: Whether to include the comments on the card in the document. include_checklist: Whether to include the checklist on the card in the document. card_filter: Filter on card status. Valid values are "closed", "open", "all". extra_metadata: List of additional metadata fields to include as document metadata.Valid values are "due_date", "labels", "list", "closed". """ try: from trello import TrelloClient # type: ignore except ImportError as ex: raise ImportError( "Could not import trello python package. " "Please install it with `pip install py-trello`." ) from ex api_key = api_key or get_from_env("api_key", "TRELLO_API_KEY")
token = token or get_from_env("token", "TRELLO_TOKEN") client = TrelloClient(api_key=api_key, token=token) return cls(client, board_name, **kwargs) [docs] def load(self) -> List[Document]: """Loads all cards from the specified Trello board. You can filter the cards, metadata and text included by using the optional parameters. Returns: A list of documents, one for each card in the board. """ try: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # noqa: F401 except ImportError as ex: raise ImportError( "`beautifulsoup4` package not found, please run" " `pip install beautifulsoup4`" ) from ex board = self._get_board() # Create a dictionary with the list IDs as keys and the list names as values list_dict = { for list_item in board.list_lists()} # Get Cards on the board cards = board.get_cards(card_filter=self.card_filter) return [self._card_to_doc(card, list_dict) for card in cards] def _get_board(self) -> Board: # Find the first board with a matching name board = next( (b for b in self.client.list_boards() if == self.board_name), None ) if not board: raise ValueError(f"Board `{self.board_name}` not found.") return board def _card_to_doc(self, card: Card, list_dict: dict) -> Document: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # type: ignore text_content = "" if self.include_card_name: text_content = + "\n"