Source code for langchain.utilities.max_compute from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, List, Optional from langchain.utils import get_from_env if TYPE_CHECKING: from odps import ODPS [docs]class MaxComputeAPIWrapper: """Interface for querying Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute tables.""" def __init__(self, client: ODPS): """Initialize MaxCompute document loader. Args: client: odps.ODPS MaxCompute client object. """ self.client = client [docs] @classmethod def from_params( cls, endpoint: str, project: str, *, access_id: Optional[str] = None, secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> MaxComputeAPIWrapper: """Convenience constructor that builds the odsp.ODPS MaxCompute client from given parameters. Args: endpoint: MaxCompute endpoint. project: A project is a basic organizational unit of MaxCompute, which is similar to a database. access_id: MaxCompute access ID. Should be passed in directly or set as the environment variable `MAX_COMPUTE_ACCESS_ID`. secret_access_key: MaxCompute secret access key. Should be passed in directly or set as the environment variable `MAX_COMPUTE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`. """ try: from odps import ODPS except ImportError as ex: raise ImportError( "Could not import pyodps python package. " "Please install it with `pip install pyodps` or refer to " "" ) from ex
"" ) from ex access_id = access_id or get_from_env("access_id", "MAX_COMPUTE_ACCESS_ID") secret_access_key = secret_access_key or get_from_env( "secret_access_key", "MAX_COMPUTE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" ) client = ODPS( access_id=access_id, secret_access_key=secret_access_key, project=project, endpoint=endpoint, ) if not client.exist_project(project): raise ValueError(f'The project "{project}" does not exist.') return cls(client) [docs] def lazy_query(self, query: str) -> Iterator[dict]: # Execute SQL query. with self.client.execute_sql(query).open_reader() as reader: if reader.count == 0: raise ValueError("Table contains no data.") for record in reader: yield {k: v for k, v in record} [docs] def query(self, query: str) -> List[dict]: return list(self.lazy_query(query))
Source code for langchain.utilities.google_search """Util that calls Google Search.""" from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, root_validator from langchain.utils import get_from_dict_or_env [docs]class GoogleSearchAPIWrapper(BaseModel): """Wrapper for Google Search API. Adapted from: Instructions adapted from 37083058/ programmatically-searching-google-in-python-using-custom-search TODO: DOCS for using it 1. Install google-api-python-client - If you don't already have a Google account, sign up. - If you have never created a Google APIs Console project, read the Managing Projects page and create a project in the Google API Console. - Install the library using pip install google-api-python-client The current version of the library is 2.70.0 at this time 2. To create an API key: - Navigate to the APIs & Services→Credentials panel in Cloud Console. - Select Create credentials, then select API key from the drop-down menu. - The API key created dialog box displays your newly created key. - You now have an API_KEY 3. Setup Custom Search Engine so you can search the entire web - Create a custom search engine in this link. - In Sites to search, add any valid URL (i.e. - That’s all you have to fill up, the rest doesn’t matter. In the left-side menu, click Edit search engine → {your search engine name} → Setup Set Search the entire web to ON. Remove the URL you added from the list of Sites to search. - Under Search engine ID you’ll find the search-engine-ID.
- Under Search engine ID you’ll find the search-engine-ID. 4. Enable the Custom Search API - Navigate to the APIs & Services→Dashboard panel in Cloud Console. - Click Enable APIs and Services. - Search for Custom Search API and click on it. - Click Enable. URL for it: .com """ search_engine: Any #: :meta private: google_api_key: Optional[str] = None google_cse_id: Optional[str] = None k: int = 10 siterestrict: bool = False class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid def _google_search_results(self, search_term: str, **kwargs: Any) -> List[dict]: cse = self.search_engine.cse() if self.siterestrict: cse = cse.siterestrict() res = cse.list(q=search_term, cx=self.google_cse_id, **kwargs).execute() return res.get("items", []) @root_validator() def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate that api key and python package exists in environment.""" google_api_key = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "google_api_key", "GOOGLE_API_KEY" ) values["google_api_key"] = google_api_key google_cse_id = get_from_dict_or_env(values, "google_cse_id", "GOOGLE_CSE_ID") values["google_cse_id"] = google_cse_id try: from googleapiclient.discovery import build except ImportError: raise ImportError(
except ImportError: raise ImportError( "google-api-python-client is not installed. " "Please install it with `pip install google-api-python-client`" ) service = build("customsearch", "v1", developerKey=google_api_key) values["search_engine"] = service return values [docs] def run(self, query: str) -> str: """Run query through GoogleSearch and parse result.""" snippets = [] results = self._google_search_results(query, num=self.k) if len(results) == 0: return "No good Google Search Result was found" for result in results: if "snippet" in result: snippets.append(result["snippet"]) return " ".join(snippets) [docs] def results(self, query: str, num_results: int) -> List[Dict]: """Run query through GoogleSearch and return metadata. Args: query: The query to search for. num_results: The number of results to return. Returns: A list of dictionaries with the following keys: snippet - The description of the result. title - The title of the result. link - The link to the result. """ metadata_results = [] results = self._google_search_results(query, num=num_results) if len(results) == 0: return [{"Result": "No good Google Search Result was found"}] for result in results: metadata_result = { "title": result["title"], "link": result["link"], } if "snippet" in result: metadata_result["snippet"] = result["snippet"] metadata_results.append(metadata_result)
metadata_result["snippet"] = result["snippet"] metadata_results.append(metadata_result) return metadata_results
Source code for langchain.utilities.arxiv """Util that calls Arxiv.""" import logging import os from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, root_validator from langchain.schema import Document logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) [docs]class ArxivAPIWrapper(BaseModel): """Wrapper around ArxivAPI. To use, you should have the ``arxiv`` python package installed. This wrapper will use the Arxiv API to conduct searches and fetch document summaries. By default, it will return the document summaries of the top-k results. It limits the Document content by doc_content_chars_max. Set doc_content_chars_max=None if you don't want to limit the content size. Parameters: top_k_results: number of the top-scored document used for the arxiv tool ARXIV_MAX_QUERY_LENGTH: the cut limit on the query used for the arxiv tool. load_max_docs: a limit to the number of loaded documents load_all_available_meta: if True: the `metadata` of the loaded Documents gets all available meta info (see, if False: the `metadata` gets only the most informative fields. """ arxiv_search: Any #: :meta private: arxiv_exceptions: Any # :meta private: top_k_results: int = 3 ARXIV_MAX_QUERY_LENGTH = 300 load_max_docs: int = 100 load_all_available_meta: bool = False doc_content_chars_max: Optional[int] = 4000 class Config:
doc_content_chars_max: Optional[int] = 4000 class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid @root_validator() def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate that the python package exists in environment.""" try: import arxiv values["arxiv_search"] = arxiv.Search values["arxiv_exceptions"] = ( arxiv.ArxivError, arxiv.UnexpectedEmptyPageError, arxiv.HTTPError, ) values["arxiv_result"] = arxiv.Result except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import arxiv python package. " "Please install it with `pip install arxiv`." ) return values [docs] def run(self, query: str) -> str: """ Run Arxiv search and get the article meta information. See See It uses only the most informative fields of article meta information. """ try: results = self.arxiv_search( # type: ignore query[: self.ARXIV_MAX_QUERY_LENGTH], max_results=self.top_k_results ).results() except self.arxiv_exceptions as ex: return f"Arxiv exception: {ex}" docs = [ f"Published: {}\nTitle: {result.title}\n" f"Authors: {', '.join( for a in result.authors)}\n" f"Summary: {result.summary}" for result in results ]
f"Summary: {result.summary}" for result in results ] if docs: return "\n\n".join(docs)[: self.doc_content_chars_max] else: return "No good Arxiv Result was found" [docs] def load(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: """ Run Arxiv search and get the article texts plus the article meta information. See Returns: a list of documents with the document.page_content in text format """ try: import fitz except ImportError: raise ImportError( "PyMuPDF package not found, please install it with " "`pip install pymupdf`" ) try: results = self.arxiv_search( # type: ignore query[: self.ARXIV_MAX_QUERY_LENGTH], max_results=self.load_max_docs ).results() except self.arxiv_exceptions as ex: logger.debug("Error on arxiv: %s", ex) return [] docs: List[Document] = [] for result in results: try: doc_file_name: str = result.download_pdf() with as doc_file: text: str = "".join(page.get_text() for page in doc_file) except FileNotFoundError as f_ex: logger.debug(f_ex) continue if self.load_all_available_meta: extra_metadata = { "entry_id": result.entry_id, "published_first_time": str(, "comment": result.comment, "journal_ref": result.journal_ref, "doi": result.doi,
"journal_ref": result.journal_ref, "doi": result.doi, "primary_category": result.primary_category, "categories": result.categories, "links": [link.href for link in result.links], } else: extra_metadata = {} metadata = { "Published": str(, "Title": result.title, "Authors": ", ".join( for a in result.authors), "Summary": result.summary, **extra_metadata, } doc = Document( page_content=text[: self.doc_content_chars_max], metadata=metadata ) docs.append(doc) os.remove(doc_file_name) return docs
Source code for langchain.utilities.wolfram_alpha """Util that calls WolframAlpha.""" from typing import Any, Dict, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, root_validator from langchain.utils import get_from_dict_or_env [docs]class WolframAlphaAPIWrapper(BaseModel): """Wrapper for Wolfram Alpha. Docs for using: 1. Go to wolfram alpha and sign up for a developer account 2. Create an app and get your APP ID 3. Save your APP ID into WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APPID env variable 4. pip install wolframalpha """ wolfram_client: Any #: :meta private: wolfram_alpha_appid: Optional[str] = None class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid @root_validator() def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate that api key and python package exists in environment.""" wolfram_alpha_appid = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "wolfram_alpha_appid", "WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APPID" ) values["wolfram_alpha_appid"] = wolfram_alpha_appid try: import wolframalpha except ImportError: raise ImportError( "wolframalpha is not installed. " "Please install it with `pip install wolframalpha`" ) client = wolframalpha.Client(wolfram_alpha_appid) values["wolfram_client"] = client return values [docs] def run(self, query: str) -> str: """Run query through WolframAlpha and parse result.""" res = self.wolfram_client.query(query)
res = self.wolfram_client.query(query) try: assumption = next(res.pods).text answer = next(res.results).text except StopIteration: return "Wolfram Alpha wasn't able to answer it" if answer is None or answer == "": # We don't want to return the assumption alone if answer is empty return "No good Wolfram Alpha Result was found" else: return f"Assumption: {assumption} \nAnswer: {answer}"
Source code for langchain.utilities.graphql import json from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, root_validator [docs]class GraphQLAPIWrapper(BaseModel): """Wrapper around GraphQL API. To use, you should have the ``gql`` python package installed. This wrapper will use the GraphQL API to conduct queries. """ custom_headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None graphql_endpoint: str gql_client: Any #: :meta private: gql_function: Callable[[str], Any] #: :meta private: class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate that the python package exists in the environment.""" try: from gql import Client, gql from gql.transport.requests import RequestsHTTPTransport except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Could not import gql python package. " f"Try installing it with `pip install gql`. Received error: {e}" ) headers = values.get("custom_headers") transport = RequestsHTTPTransport( url=values["graphql_endpoint"], headers=headers, ) client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True) values["gql_client"] = client values["gql_function"] = gql return values [docs] def run(self, query: str) -> str: """Run a GraphQL query and get the results.""" result = self._execute_query(query) return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2) def _execute_query(self, query: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Execute a GraphQL query and return the results.""" document_node = self.gql_function(query) result = self.gql_client.execute(document_node) return result
Source code for langchain.utilities.openapi """Utility functions for parsing an OpenAPI spec.""" import copy import json import logging import re from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union import requests import yaml from openapi_schema_pydantic import ( Components, OpenAPI, Operation, Parameter, PathItem, Paths, Reference, RequestBody, Schema, ) from pydantic import ValidationError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HTTPVerb(str, Enum): """HTTP verbs.""" GET = "get" PUT = "put" POST = "post" DELETE = "delete" OPTIONS = "options" HEAD = "head" PATCH = "patch" TRACE = "trace" @classmethod def from_str(cls, verb: str) -> "HTTPVerb": """Parse an HTTP verb.""" try: return cls(verb) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid HTTP verb. Valid values are {cls.__members__}") [docs]class OpenAPISpec(OpenAPI): """OpenAPI Model that removes misformatted parts of the spec.""" @property def _paths_strict(self) -> Paths: if not self.paths: raise ValueError("No paths found in spec") return self.paths def _get_path_strict(self, path: str) -> PathItem: path_item = self._paths_strict.get(path) if not path_item: raise ValueError(f"No path found for {path}") return path_item @property def _components_strict(self) -> Components:
@property def _components_strict(self) -> Components: """Get components or err.""" if self.components is None: raise ValueError("No components found in spec. ") return self.components @property def _parameters_strict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[Parameter, Reference]]: """Get parameters or err.""" parameters = self._components_strict.parameters if parameters is None: raise ValueError("No parameters found in spec. ") return parameters @property def _schemas_strict(self) -> Dict[str, Schema]: """Get the dictionary of schemas or err.""" schemas = self._components_strict.schemas if schemas is None: raise ValueError("No schemas found in spec. ") return schemas @property def _request_bodies_strict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[RequestBody, Reference]]: """Get the request body or err.""" request_bodies = self._components_strict.requestBodies if request_bodies is None: raise ValueError("No request body found in spec. ") return request_bodies def _get_referenced_parameter(self, ref: Reference) -> Union[Parameter, Reference]: """Get a parameter (or nested reference) or err.""" ref_name = ref.ref.split("/")[-1] parameters = self._parameters_strict if ref_name not in parameters: raise ValueError(f"No parameter found for {ref_name}") return parameters[ref_name] def _get_root_referenced_parameter(self, ref: Reference) -> Parameter: """Get the root reference or err.""" parameter = self._get_referenced_parameter(ref) while isinstance(parameter, Reference):
parameter = self._get_referenced_parameter(ref) while isinstance(parameter, Reference): parameter = self._get_referenced_parameter(parameter) return parameter [docs] def get_referenced_schema(self, ref: Reference) -> Schema: """Get a schema (or nested reference) or err.""" ref_name = ref.ref.split("/")[-1] schemas = self._schemas_strict if ref_name not in schemas: raise ValueError(f"No schema found for {ref_name}") return schemas[ref_name] [docs] def get_schema(self, schema: Union[Reference, Schema]) -> Schema: if isinstance(schema, Reference): return self.get_referenced_schema(schema) return schema def _get_root_referenced_schema(self, ref: Reference) -> Schema: """Get the root reference or err.""" schema = self.get_referenced_schema(ref) while isinstance(schema, Reference): schema = self.get_referenced_schema(schema) return schema def _get_referenced_request_body( self, ref: Reference ) -> Optional[Union[Reference, RequestBody]]: """Get a request body (or nested reference) or err.""" ref_name = ref.ref.split("/")[-1] request_bodies = self._request_bodies_strict if ref_name not in request_bodies: raise ValueError(f"No request body found for {ref_name}") return request_bodies[ref_name] def _get_root_referenced_request_body( self, ref: Reference ) -> Optional[RequestBody]: """Get the root request Body or err.""" request_body = self._get_referenced_request_body(ref) while isinstance(request_body, Reference):
while isinstance(request_body, Reference): request_body = self._get_referenced_request_body(request_body) return request_body @staticmethod def _alert_unsupported_spec(obj: dict) -> None: """Alert if the spec is not supported.""" warning_message = ( " This may result in degraded performance." + " Convert your OpenAPI spec to 3.1.* spec" + " for better support." ) swagger_version = obj.get("swagger") openapi_version = obj.get("openapi") if isinstance(openapi_version, str): if openapi_version != "3.1.0": logger.warning( f"Attempting to load an OpenAPI {openapi_version}" f" spec. {warning_message}" ) else: pass elif isinstance(swagger_version, str): logger.warning( f"Attempting to load a Swagger {swagger_version}" f" spec. {warning_message}" ) else: raise ValueError( "Attempting to load an unsupported spec:" f"\n\n{obj}\n{warning_message}" ) [docs] @classmethod def parse_obj(cls, obj: dict) -> "OpenAPISpec": try: cls._alert_unsupported_spec(obj) return super().parse_obj(obj) except ValidationError as e: # We are handling possibly misconfigured specs and want to do a best-effort # job to get a reasonable interface out of it. new_obj = copy.deepcopy(obj) for error in e.errors(): keys = error["loc"] item = new_obj for key in keys[:-1]: item = item[key]
for key in keys[:-1]: item = item[key] item.pop(keys[-1], None) return cls.parse_obj(new_obj) [docs] @classmethod def from_spec_dict(cls, spec_dict: dict) -> "OpenAPISpec": """Get an OpenAPI spec from a dict.""" return cls.parse_obj(spec_dict) [docs] @classmethod def from_text(cls, text: str) -> "OpenAPISpec": """Get an OpenAPI spec from a text.""" try: spec_dict = json.loads(text) except json.JSONDecodeError: spec_dict = yaml.safe_load(text) return cls.from_spec_dict(spec_dict) [docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, path: Union[str, Path]) -> "OpenAPISpec": """Get an OpenAPI spec from a file path.""" path_ = path if isinstance(path, Path) else Path(path) if not path_.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{path} does not exist") with"r") as f: return cls.from_text( [docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url: str) -> "OpenAPISpec": """Get an OpenAPI spec from a URL.""" response = requests.get(url) return cls.from_text(response.text) @property def base_url(self) -> str: """Get the base url.""" return self.servers[0].url [docs] def get_methods_for_path(self, path: str) -> List[str]: """Return a list of valid methods for the specified path.""" path_item = self._get_path_strict(path) results = []
path_item = self._get_path_strict(path) results = [] for method in HTTPVerb: operation = getattr(path_item, method.value, None) if isinstance(operation, Operation): results.append(method.value) return results [docs] def get_parameters_for_path(self, path: str) -> List[Parameter]: path_item = self._get_path_strict(path) parameters = [] if not path_item.parameters: return [] for parameter in path_item.parameters: if isinstance(parameter, Reference): parameter = self._get_root_referenced_parameter(parameter) parameters.append(parameter) return parameters [docs] def get_operation(self, path: str, method: str) -> Operation: """Get the operation object for a given path and HTTP method.""" path_item = self._get_path_strict(path) operation_obj = getattr(path_item, method, None) if not isinstance(operation_obj, Operation): raise ValueError(f"No {method} method found for {path}") return operation_obj [docs] def get_parameters_for_operation(self, operation: Operation) -> List[Parameter]: """Get the components for a given operation.""" parameters = [] if operation.parameters: for parameter in operation.parameters: if isinstance(parameter, Reference): parameter = self._get_root_referenced_parameter(parameter) parameters.append(parameter) return parameters [docs] def get_request_body_for_operation( self, operation: Operation ) -> Optional[RequestBody]: """Get the request body for a given operation.""" request_body = operation.requestBody if isinstance(request_body, Reference): request_body = self._get_root_referenced_request_body(request_body) return request_body
return request_body [docs] @staticmethod def get_cleaned_operation_id(operation: Operation, path: str, method: str) -> str: """Get a cleaned operation id from an operation id.""" operation_id = operation.operationId if operation_id is None: # Replace all punctuation of any kind with underscore path = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_", path.lstrip("/")) operation_id = f"{path}_{method}" return operation_id.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_").replace("/", "_")
Source code for langchain.utilities.apify from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, root_validator from langchain.document_loaders import ApifyDatasetLoader from langchain.document_loaders.base import Document from langchain.utils import get_from_dict_or_env [docs]class ApifyWrapper(BaseModel): """Wrapper around Apify. To use, you should have the ``apify-client`` python package installed, and the environment variable ``APIFY_API_TOKEN`` set with your API key, or pass `apify_api_token` as a named parameter to the constructor. """ apify_client: Any apify_client_async: Any @root_validator() def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate environment. Validate that an Apify API token is set and the apify-client Python package exists in the current environment. """ apify_api_token = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "apify_api_token", "APIFY_API_TOKEN" ) try: from apify_client import ApifyClient, ApifyClientAsync values["apify_client"] = ApifyClient(apify_api_token) values["apify_client_async"] = ApifyClientAsync(apify_api_token) except ImportError: raise ValueError( "Could not import apify-client Python package. " "Please install it with `pip install apify-client`." ) return values [docs] def call_actor( self, actor_id: str, run_input: Dict, dataset_mapping_function: Callable[[Dict], Document], *, build: Optional[str] = None,
*, build: Optional[str] = None, memory_mbytes: Optional[int] = None, timeout_secs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ApifyDatasetLoader: """Run an Actor on the Apify platform and wait for results to be ready. Args: actor_id (str): The ID or name of the Actor on the Apify platform. run_input (Dict): The input object of the Actor that you're trying to run. dataset_mapping_function (Callable): A function that takes a single dictionary (an Apify dataset item) and converts it to an instance of the Document class. build (str, optional): Optionally specifies the actor build to run. It can be either a build tag or build number. memory_mbytes (int, optional): Optional memory limit for the run, in megabytes. timeout_secs (int, optional): Optional timeout for the run, in seconds. Returns: ApifyDatasetLoader: A loader that will fetch the records from the Actor run's default dataset. """ actor_call = run_input=run_input, build=build, memory_mbytes=memory_mbytes, timeout_secs=timeout_secs, ) return ApifyDatasetLoader( dataset_id=actor_call["defaultDatasetId"], dataset_mapping_function=dataset_mapping_function, ) [docs] async def acall_actor( self, actor_id: str, run_input: Dict, dataset_mapping_function: Callable[[Dict], Document], *, build: Optional[str] = None, memory_mbytes: Optional[int] = None,
memory_mbytes: Optional[int] = None, timeout_secs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ApifyDatasetLoader: """Run an Actor on the Apify platform and wait for results to be ready. Args: actor_id (str): The ID or name of the Actor on the Apify platform. run_input (Dict): The input object of the Actor that you're trying to run. dataset_mapping_function (Callable): A function that takes a single dictionary (an Apify dataset item) and converts it to an instance of the Document class. build (str, optional): Optionally specifies the actor build to run. It can be either a build tag or build number. memory_mbytes (int, optional): Optional memory limit for the run, in megabytes. timeout_secs (int, optional): Optional timeout for the run, in seconds. Returns: ApifyDatasetLoader: A loader that will fetch the records from the Actor run's default dataset. """ actor_call = await run_input=run_input, build=build, memory_mbytes=memory_mbytes, timeout_secs=timeout_secs, ) return ApifyDatasetLoader( dataset_id=actor_call["defaultDatasetId"], dataset_mapping_function=dataset_mapping_function, ) [docs] def call_actor_task( self, task_id: str, task_input: Dict, dataset_mapping_function: Callable[[Dict], Document], *, build: Optional[str] = None, memory_mbytes: Optional[int] = None, timeout_secs: Optional[int] = None,
timeout_secs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ApifyDatasetLoader: """Run a saved Actor task on Apify and wait for results to be ready. Args: task_id (str): The ID or name of the task on the Apify platform. task_input (Dict): The input object of the task that you're trying to run. Overrides the task's saved input. dataset_mapping_function (Callable): A function that takes a single dictionary (an Apify dataset item) and converts it to an instance of the Document class. build (str, optional): Optionally specifies the actor build to run. It can be either a build tag or build number. memory_mbytes (int, optional): Optional memory limit for the run, in megabytes. timeout_secs (int, optional): Optional timeout for the run, in seconds. Returns: ApifyDatasetLoader: A loader that will fetch the records from the task run's default dataset. """ task_call = self.apify_client.task(task_id).call( task_input=task_input, build=build, memory_mbytes=memory_mbytes, timeout_secs=timeout_secs, ) return ApifyDatasetLoader( dataset_id=task_call["defaultDatasetId"], dataset_mapping_function=dataset_mapping_function, ) [docs] async def acall_actor_task( self, task_id: str, task_input: Dict, dataset_mapping_function: Callable[[Dict], Document], *, build: Optional[str] = None, memory_mbytes: Optional[int] = None, timeout_secs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ApifyDatasetLoader:
timeout_secs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ApifyDatasetLoader: """Run a saved Actor task on Apify and wait for results to be ready. Args: task_id (str): The ID or name of the task on the Apify platform. task_input (Dict): The input object of the task that you're trying to run. Overrides the task's saved input. dataset_mapping_function (Callable): A function that takes a single dictionary (an Apify dataset item) and converts it to an instance of the Document class. build (str, optional): Optionally specifies the actor build to run. It can be either a build tag or build number. memory_mbytes (int, optional): Optional memory limit for the run, in megabytes. timeout_secs (int, optional): Optional timeout for the run, in seconds. Returns: ApifyDatasetLoader: A loader that will fetch the records from the task run's default dataset. """ task_call = await self.apify_client_async.task(task_id).call( task_input=task_input, build=build, memory_mbytes=memory_mbytes, timeout_secs=timeout_secs, ) return ApifyDatasetLoader( dataset_id=task_call["defaultDatasetId"], dataset_mapping_function=dataset_mapping_function, )
Source code for langchain.utilities.jira """Util that calls Jira.""" from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, root_validator from import ( JIRA_CATCH_ALL_PROMPT, JIRA_CONFLUENCE_PAGE_CREATE_PROMPT, JIRA_GET_ALL_PROJECTS_PROMPT, JIRA_ISSUE_CREATE_PROMPT, JIRA_JQL_PROMPT, ) from langchain.utils import get_from_dict_or_env # TODO: think about error handling, more specific api specs, and jql/project limits [docs]class JiraAPIWrapper(BaseModel): """Wrapper for Jira API.""" jira: Any #: :meta private: confluence: Any jira_username: Optional[str] = None jira_api_token: Optional[str] = None jira_instance_url: Optional[str] = None operations: List[Dict] = [ { "mode": "jql", "name": "JQL Query", "description": JIRA_JQL_PROMPT, }, { "mode": "get_projects", "name": "Get Projects", "description": JIRA_GET_ALL_PROJECTS_PROMPT, }, { "mode": "create_issue", "name": "Create Issue", "description": JIRA_ISSUE_CREATE_PROMPT, }, { "mode": "other", "name": "Catch all Jira API call", "description": JIRA_CATCH_ALL_PROMPT, }, { "mode": "create_page", "name": "Create confluence page",
"mode": "create_page", "name": "Create confluence page", "description": JIRA_CONFLUENCE_PAGE_CREATE_PROMPT, }, ] class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid [docs] def list(self) -> List[Dict]: return self.operations @root_validator() def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate that api key and python package exists in environment.""" jira_username = get_from_dict_or_env(values, "jira_username", "JIRA_USERNAME") values["jira_username"] = jira_username jira_api_token = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "jira_api_token", "JIRA_API_TOKEN" ) values["jira_api_token"] = jira_api_token jira_instance_url = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "jira_instance_url", "JIRA_INSTANCE_URL" ) values["jira_instance_url"] = jira_instance_url try: from atlassian import Confluence, Jira except ImportError: raise ImportError( "atlassian-python-api is not installed. " "Please install it with `pip install atlassian-python-api`" ) jira = Jira( url=jira_instance_url, username=jira_username, password=jira_api_token, cloud=True, ) confluence = Confluence( url=jira_instance_url, username=jira_username, password=jira_api_token, cloud=True, ) values["jira"] = jira values["confluence"] = confluence
values["jira"] = jira values["confluence"] = confluence return values [docs] def parse_issues(self, issues: Dict) -> List[dict]: parsed = [] for issue in issues["issues"]: key = issue["key"] summary = issue["fields"]["summary"] created = issue["fields"]["created"][0:10] priority = issue["fields"]["priority"]["name"] status = issue["fields"]["status"]["name"] try: assignee = issue["fields"]["assignee"]["displayName"] except Exception: assignee = "None" rel_issues = {} for related_issue in issue["fields"]["issuelinks"]: if "inwardIssue" in related_issue.keys(): rel_type = related_issue["type"]["inward"] rel_key = related_issue["inwardIssue"]["key"] rel_summary = related_issue["inwardIssue"]["fields"]["summary"] if "outwardIssue" in related_issue.keys(): rel_type = related_issue["type"]["outward"] rel_key = related_issue["outwardIssue"]["key"] rel_summary = related_issue["outwardIssue"]["fields"]["summary"] rel_issues = {"type": rel_type, "key": rel_key, "summary": rel_summary} parsed.append( { "key": key, "summary": summary, "created": created, "assignee": assignee, "priority": priority, "status": status, "related_issues": rel_issues, } ) return parsed [docs] def parse_projects(self, projects: List[dict]) -> List[dict]: parsed = []
parsed = [] for project in projects: id = project["id"] key = project["key"] name = project["name"] type = project["projectTypeKey"] style = project["style"] parsed.append( {"id": id, "key": key, "name": name, "type": type, "style": style} ) return parsed [docs] def search(self, query: str) -> str: issues = self.jira.jql(query) parsed_issues = self.parse_issues(issues) parsed_issues_str = ( "Found " + str(len(parsed_issues)) + " issues:\n" + str(parsed_issues) ) return parsed_issues_str [docs] def project(self) -> str: projects = self.jira.projects() parsed_projects = self.parse_projects(projects) parsed_projects_str = ( "Found " + str(len(parsed_projects)) + " projects:\n" + str(parsed_projects) ) return parsed_projects_str [docs] def issue_create(self, query: str) -> str: try: import json except ImportError: raise ImportError( "json is not installed. Please install it with `pip install json`" ) params = json.loads(query) return self.jira.issue_create(fields=dict(params)) [docs] def page_create(self, query: str) -> str: try: import json except ImportError: raise ImportError( "json is not installed. Please install it with `pip install json`" ) params = json.loads(query) return self.confluence.create_page(**dict(params))
params = json.loads(query) return self.confluence.create_page(**dict(params)) [docs] def other(self, query: str) -> str: context = {"self": self} exec(f"result = {query}", context) result = context["result"] return str(result) [docs] def run(self, mode: str, query: str) -> str: if mode == "jql": return elif mode == "get_projects": return self.project() elif mode == "create_issue": return self.issue_create(query) elif mode == "other": return self.other(query) elif mode == "create_page": return self.page_create(query) else: raise ValueError(f"Got unexpected mode {mode}")
Source code for langchain.utilities.awslambda """Util that calls Lambda.""" import json from typing import Any, Dict, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, root_validator [docs]class LambdaWrapper(BaseModel): """Wrapper for AWS Lambda SDK. Docs for using: 1. pip install boto3 2. Create a lambda function using the AWS Console or CLI 3. Run `aws configure` and enter your AWS credentials """ lambda_client: Any #: :meta private: function_name: Optional[str] = None awslambda_tool_name: Optional[str] = None awslambda_tool_description: Optional[str] = None class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid @root_validator() def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate that python package exists in environment.""" try: import boto3 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "boto3 is not installed. Please install it with `pip install boto3`" ) values["lambda_client"] = boto3.client("lambda") values["function_name"] = values["function_name"] return values [docs] def run(self, query: str) -> str: """Invoke Lambda function and parse result.""" res = self.lambda_client.invoke( FunctionName=self.function_name, InvocationType="RequestResponse", Payload=json.dumps({"body": query}), ) try: payload_stream = res["Payload"] payload_string ="utf-8") answer = json.loads(payload_string)["body"] except StopIteration:
answer = json.loads(payload_string)["body"] except StopIteration: return "Failed to parse response from Lambda" if answer is None or answer == "": # We don't want to return the assumption alone if answer is empty return "Request failed." else: return f"Result: {answer}"
Source code for langchain.utilities.bing_search """Util that calls Bing Search. In order to set this up, follow instructions at: """ from typing import Dict, List import requests from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, root_validator from langchain.utils import get_from_dict_or_env [docs]class BingSearchAPIWrapper(BaseModel): """Wrapper for Bing Search API. In order to set this up, follow instructions at: """ bing_subscription_key: str bing_search_url: str k: int = 10 class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid def _bing_search_results(self, search_term: str, count: int) -> List[dict]: headers = {"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": self.bing_subscription_key} params = { "q": search_term, "count": count, "textDecorations": True, "textFormat": "HTML", } response = requests.get( self.bing_search_url, headers=headers, params=params # type: ignore ) response.raise_for_status() search_results = response.json() return search_results["webPages"]["value"] @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate that api key and endpoint exists in environment.""" bing_subscription_key = get_from_dict_or_env(
bing_subscription_key = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "bing_subscription_key", "BING_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY" ) values["bing_subscription_key"] = bing_subscription_key bing_search_url = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "bing_search_url", "BING_SEARCH_URL", # default="", ) values["bing_search_url"] = bing_search_url return values [docs] def run(self, query: str) -> str: """Run query through BingSearch and parse result.""" snippets = [] results = self._bing_search_results(query, count=self.k) if len(results) == 0: return "No good Bing Search Result was found" for result in results: snippets.append(result["snippet"]) return " ".join(snippets) [docs] def results(self, query: str, num_results: int) -> List[Dict]: """Run query through BingSearch and return metadata. Args: query: The query to search for. num_results: The number of results to return. Returns: A list of dictionaries with the following keys: snippet - The description of the result. title - The title of the result. link - The link to the result. """ metadata_results = [] results = self._bing_search_results(query, count=num_results) if len(results) == 0: return [{"Result": "No good Bing Search Result was found"}] for result in results: metadata_result = { "snippet": result["snippet"], "title": result["name"],
"snippet": result["snippet"], "title": result["name"], "link": result["url"], } metadata_results.append(metadata_result) return metadata_results