supergirl won't give you her crystal .
argh !
argh !
alchemist .
alchemist .
bring me the scepter .
oracle shows the intruder is close .
he must be hiding .
he must be hiding .
i 'll look in the classrooms .
i 'll look in the classrooms .
and i 'll check the lockers .
and i 'll check the lockers .
ugh !
ugh !
any sign of the criminal , bumblebee ?
any sign of the criminal , bumblebee ?
no .
intruder located in sector d .
thanks , oracle .
thanks , oracle .
come on , girls .
come on , girls .
it 's hero time .
it 's hero time .
huh ?
huh ?
where 's the snooze button on this thing ?
where 's the snooze button on this thing ?
mmm .
mmm .
s ... supergirls , up !
s ... supergirls , up !
up and away !
up and away !
time to save the day .
time to save the day .
or night .
or night .
drones , swarm .
oh , yeah .
uh , the research .
uh , the research .
get this , our amethyst is an old portal to gemworld .
get this , our amethyst is an old portal to gemworld .
it 's been inactive for decades .
it 's been inactive for decades .
but that changed this morning .
but that changed this morning .
that 's our fugitive .
that 's our fugitive .
dark opal .
dark opal .
dark opal ?
dark opal ?
sounds more like a jewelry store than a villain .
sounds more like a jewelry store than a villain .
yo , dark opal 's a legit wickedy-wack wicked dude .
yo , dark opal 's a legit wickedy-wack wicked dude .
he has some mean magic stored in that gem on his chest .
he has some mean magic stored in that gem on his chest .
gemworld ?
gemworld ?
gems ?
gems ?
supergirl 's crystal .
supergirl 's crystal .
maybe that has something to do with all this .
maybe that has something to do with all this .
and this is capes cowls cafe .
and this is capes cowls cafe .
home to all your favorite superfoods from awesome acai bowls to ...
home to all your favorite superfoods from awesome acai bowls to ...
large double spinach , sardine , and pickleberry smoothie .
large double spinach , sardine , and pickleberry smoothie .
ugh .
ugh .
yucko , bucko .
oh !
you are malleable like the gum of the bubble .
hey , alphabet souple !
we 's doing the overs and unders on the big award .
we 's doing the overs and unders on the big award .
you in ?
you in ?
no thanks , harley .
no thanks , harley .
i 'm supposed to take over for katana .
i 'm supposed to take over for katana .
have you seen her ?
have you seen her ?
i think she 's guarding the park .
i think she 's guarding the park .
thank you .
thank you .
katana !
i can't deactivate it .
i 'll get you out of there .
i 'll get you out of there .
hippolyta !
hippolyta !
i got ya .
i got ya .
we have to save them !
we have to save them !
how can we get past it ?
how can we get past it ?
i 'm on it .
i 'm on it .
bumblebee .
bumblebee .
if the diamond can create it , it can break it .
if the diamond can create it , it can break it .
bumblebee sting .
yes , of course !
whatever she wants .
but when i 'm this size , there 's no battery small enough to fit in my pack .
yet powerful enough to make me big .
yet powerful enough to make me big .
it 's impossible !
it 's impossible !
i 'm gonna be small forever !
give me the crystal .
no !
oh !
for the love of goose grass !
you let her into super hero high ?
but this is a school for superheroes , not supervillains .
but this is a school for superheroes , not supervillains .
maybe big barda erased your memory when she helped brainwash everyone .
maybe big barda erased your memory when she helped brainwash everyone .
i trust big barda has reformed just like vice principal graw did .
i trust big barda has reformed just like vice principal graw did .
so , please , make her feel at home .
so , please , make her feel at home .
at my home , this would call for an olive branch , but ...
dad , call in the special crimes unit .
i got one up here for ya .
i got one up here for ya .
careful , babs !
careful , babs !
you could pull a muscle !
you could pull a muscle !
dad !
dad !
i mean , that is some mighty fine police work .
anyone seen wonder woman , batgirl , supergirl or bumblebee ?
nope .
nope .
did you check the garden ?
did you check the garden ?
i have not seen the girls you are looking for .
i have not seen the girls you are looking for .
last i saw , they were still looking for dark opal .
last i saw , they were still looking for dark opal .
thank you , hawkgirl .
thank you , hawkgirl .
we can't start the ceremony without two of our nominees .
we can't start the ceremony without two of our nominees .
lois , you have to stall .
lois , you have to stall .
a mission from principal waller .
a mission from principal waller .
yes !
yes !
miss martian !
miss martian !
i 've been wanting to get a few words from you , but i can never find you .
i 've been wanting to get a few words from you , but i can never find you .
um ... um ... eek !
um ... um ... eek !
i got a few words for ya .
i got a few words for ya .
harley quinn .
harley quinn .
superstar .
superstar .
i told ya .
sorry .
but whatever you need now , i 'm up for it .
but whatever you need now , i 'm up for it .
thanks , barda .
thanks , barda .
you can relieve hawkgirl after her shift guarding the amethyst .
you can relieve hawkgirl after her shift guarding the amethyst .
cool .
cool .
really ?
really ?
she wants to help , and we need help .
a piece of supergirl 's crystal .
she 's going to want this .
she 's going to want this .
let me out of this lasso .
let me out of this lasso .
i 'm scared of going to prison .
i 'm scared of going to prison .
those fluorescent lights so bright !
those fluorescent lights so bright !
i hate bright .