i don't want to share a ride with you , more .
you let children defeat us again !
barbara !
there you are .
there you are .
what took you so long ?
what took you so long ?
for peter pan 's sake , i was worried sick .
for peter pan 's sake , i was worried sick .
your third period forensics teacher told me you missed class .
your third period forensics teacher told me you missed class .
dad , you 're my third period forensics teacher .
dad , you 're my third period forensics teacher .
you knew i had an off-campus pass from principal waller .
you knew i had an off-campus pass from principal waller .
well , i approved that before the hullabaloo with that supervillain attacking students .
well , i approved that before the hullabaloo with that supervillain attacking students .
a supervillain ?
a supervillain ?
what happened ?
what happened ?
big barda found hawkgirl unconscious .
big barda found hawkgirl unconscious .
apparently , someone came out of the amethyst and stole her nth metal belt .
apparently , someone came out of the amethyst and stole her nth metal belt .
what ?
oh , no !
the emergency meeting of the junior detective society is now starting .
the emergency meeting of the junior detective society is now starting .
so , someone came out of the amethyst and stole hawkgirl 's belt .
so , someone came out of the amethyst and stole hawkgirl 's belt .
plus something stole wonder woman 's ruby .
plus something stole wonder woman 's ruby .
that makes two cases of grand larceny .
that makes two cases of grand larceny .
hawkgirl !
hawkgirl !
principal waller said you were resting in the nurse 's office .
principal waller said you were resting in the nurse 's office .
heroes never rest .
heroes never rest .
write that down , that 's important .
write that down , that 's important .
you got it , mama .
you got it , mama .
don't call me , mama .
don't call me , mama .
write that down .
write that down .
you got it , not-mama .
you got it , not-mama .
whatchu doing , beast boy ?
whatchu doing , beast boy ?
hero of the year rule 10.1.234 .
hero of the year rule 10.1.234 .
nominees may receive hero of the year points for helping other heroes succeed .
nominees may receive hero of the year points for helping other heroes succeed .
i 'm training him to be a proper rule abiding hero like me .
i 'm training him to be a proper rule abiding hero like me .
whatever you say , teach .
beautiful darkness .
give me the scepter .
give me the scepter .
you promised we 'd share .
what 's the point ?
they 'll find us .
they 'll find us .
my magic is weakened in this forest .
my magic is weakened in this forest .
we can't fight them .
we can't fight them .
they have us surrounded .
they have us surrounded .
we 're going to be banished .
we 're going to be banished .
hide .
hide .
eclipso , dark opal , by order of the princess , show yourselves !
eclipso , dark opal , by order of the princess , show yourselves !
everything is ruined .
everything is ruined .
we 'll never rule gemworld .
we 'll never rule gemworld .
it 's over .
it 's not over .
there has to be another way .
there has to be another way .
no , nothing .
no , nothing .
not unless we ...
not unless we ...
oh , no .
oh , no .
that will never work .
that will never work .
what ?
tell me .
there 's a gem more powerful than anything in gemworld .
there 's a gem more powerful than anything in gemworld .
the prophecy says ,
i saw the alert .
what 's the status ?
what 's the status ?
breaking news , something 's going on with the amethyst .
breaking news , something 's going on with the amethyst .
thank you , lois .
thank you , lois .
but we have top secret matters to discuss .
but we have top secret matters to discuss .
i 'm here for the top secret meeting .
i 'm here for the top secret meeting .
how did you know ?
how did you know ?
lois ' report .
lois ' report .
i 've never seen the amethyst do this before .
i 've never seen the amethyst do this before .
it could be natural .
it could be natural .
a gem fungus or parasite .
a gem fungus or parasite .
but until we know what 's going on , we 'll post a guard around the clock .
but until we know what 's going on , we 'll post a guard around the clock .
i call dibs on the first shifts .
i call dibs on the first shifts .
excellent , hawkgirl .
excellent , hawkgirl .
wonder woman , coordinate the guard schedule .
wonder woman , coordinate the guard schedule .
you got it , principal waller .
you got it , principal waller .
we don't know what 's behind this change with the amethyst , but we need to be extra vigilant .
we don't know what 's behind this change with the amethyst , but we need to be extra vigilant .
okay .
okay .
i guess my invite to the party got lost in the mail ?
i guess my invite to the party got lost in the mail ?
big barda !
big barda !
lead warrior in the female furies and active in the attempt to conquer super hero high .
lead warrior in the female furies and active in the attempt to conquer super hero high .
stand down , lady shiva .
stand down , lady shiva .
big barda is a student here now .
big barda is a student here now .
where 's the hidden camera ?
where 's the hidden camera ?
huh ?
huh ?
is this another prank , harley ?
is this another prank , harley ?
i wish .
i wish .
that would have been a doozy !
that would have been a doozy !
seriously ?
seriously ?
principal waller let her in ?
principal waller let her in ?
mmm-hmm .
now , i will be ruler of all .
you mean we .
you mean we .
partners in darkness ?
partners in darkness ?
co-rulers ?
co-rulers ?
remember ?
remember ?
for my first act as queen of everything ,
for my first act as queen of everything ,
i will make that fiddling princess pay for banishing me .
i will make that fiddling princess pay for banishing me .
i will destroy the detestable land of gemworld .
i will destroy the detestable land of gemworld .
whoa , whoa , whoa , hey now .
whoa , whoa , whoa , hey now .
gemworld wasn't all bad .
gemworld wasn't all bad .
the citizens of gemworld mocked me .
the citizens of gemworld mocked me .
in their insolence , they dare banish me .
in their insolence , they dare banish me .
and you , you let me take the fall .
who else wants to play ?
we were just getting started .
we were just getting started .
and you should have a front row seat .
and you should have a front row seat .
hey !
oh , yeah .
we won .
i gotta get that diamond .
excellent .
excellent .
you 'll be coming with us .
you 'll be coming with us .
our first minions .
our first minions .
welcome to the eclipso family .