[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "What signal should you give when you're going straight ahead at a roundabout?\n(A) Signal left before leaving the roundabout\n(B) Don't signal at any time\n(C) Signal right when you're approaching the roundabout\n(D) Signal left when you're approaching the roundabout\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: When going straight ahead at a roundabout, don’t signal as you approach it. Signal left just after passing the exit before the one you wish to take. The correct answer is (A).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "You arrive at the scene of a crash where someone is bleeding heavily from a wound in their arm. Nothing is embedded in the wound. What could you do to help?\n(A) Walk them around and keep them talking\n(B) Dab the wound\n(C) Get them a drink\n(D) Apply pressure over the wound\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: If possible, lay the casualty down. Protect yourself from exposure to blood and, when you're sure there's nothing in the wound, apply firm pressure using clean material. The correct answer is (D).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/datasets/DrivingTheory/data/final_datasets/english/images/SafeDriving_457.jpg" } ]
[ { "content": "Where will you see these red and white markers?\n(A) Approaching the end of a motorway\n(B) Approaching a concealed level crossing\n(C) Approaching a concealed speed-limit sign\n(D) Approaching the end of a dual carriageway\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: If there's a bend just before a level crossing, you may not be able to see the level-crossing barriers or waiting traffic. These signs give you an early warning that you may find these hazards just around the bend. The correct answer is (B).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "An adult casualty isn't breathing. To maintain circulation, CPR should be given. What's the correct depth to press down on their chest?\n(A) 1 to 2 centimetres\n(B) 5 to 6 centimetres\n(C) 10 to 15 centimetres\n(D) 15 to 20 centimetres\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: An adult casualty isn't breathing normally. To maintain circulation, place two hands on the centre of the chest. Then press down hard and fast – around 5–6 centimetres and about twice a second. The correct answer is (B).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "You want to turn right from a main road into a side road. What should you do just before turning?\n(A) Cancel your right-turn signal\n(B) Select first gear\n(C) Check for traffic overtaking on your right\n(D) Stop and set the parking brake\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: In some circumstances, your indicators may be difficult to see and another road user may not realise you're about to turn. A final check in your mirror and blind spot can help you to see an overtaking vehicle, so that you can avoid turning across their path. The correct answer is (C).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "You're being overtaken by a long, heavily laden lorry. What should you do if it's taking a long time for it to overtake?\n(A) Speed up\n(B) Slow down\n(C) Hold your speed\n(D) Change direction\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: A long lorry with a heavy load will need more time to pass you than a car, especially on an uphill stretch of road. Slow down and allow the lorry to pass. The correct answer is (B).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "A police car is following you. What should you do if the police officer flashes the headlights and points to the left?\n(A) Turn left at the next junction\n(B) Pull up on the left\n(C) Stop immediately\n(D) Move over to the left\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: You must pull up on the left as soon as it’s safe to do so and switch off your engine. The correct answer is (B).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "What should you do if the left-hand pavement is closed due to street repairs?\n(A) Watch out for pedestrians walking in the road\n(B) Use your right-hand mirror more often\n(C) Speed up to get past the roadworks more quickly\n(D) Position close to the left-hand kerb\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: Where street repairs have closed off pavements, proceed carefully and slowly, as pedestrians might have to walk in the road. The correct answer is (A).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/datasets/DrivingTheory/data/final_datasets/english/images/SafeDriving_532.jpg" } ]
[ { "content": "What's the meaning of this traffic sign?\n(A) End of two-way road\n(B) Give priority to vehicles coming towards you\n(C) You have priority over vehicles coming towards you\n(D) Bus lane ahead\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: Don't force your way through. Show courtesy and consideration to other road users. Although you have priority, make sure oncoming traffic is going to give way before you continue. The correct answer is (C).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "How can you plan your route before starting a long journey?\n(A) Check your vehicle handbook\n(B) Ask your local garage\n(C) Use a route planner on the internet\n(D) Consult a travel agent\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: Various route planners are available on the internet. Most of them give you several options, allowing you to choose between the most direct route and quieter roads. They may also identify rest and fuel stops. Print off the directions and take them with you. The correct answer is (C).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "What should you do immediately after joining a motorway?\n(A) Try to overtake\n(B) Re-adjust your mirrors\n(C) Position your vehicle in the centre lane\n(D) Stay in the left-hand lane\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: When you've just joined a motorway, stay in the left-hand lane long enough to get used to the higher speeds of motorway traffic before considering overtaking. The correct answer is (D).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "What will help you to keep your car secure?\n(A) Being a member of a vehicle breakdown organisation\n(B) Registering with a Vehicle Watch scheme\n(C) Passing an advanced driving test\n(D) Taking car maintenance classes\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: The Vehicle Watch scheme helps to reduce the risk of your car being stolen. By displaying high-visibility Vehicle Watch stickers in your car, you're inviting the police to stop your vehicle if it's seen in use between midnight and 5 am. The correct answer is (B).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "You're joining a motorway from a slip road. How should you deal with traffic already on the motorway?\n(A) Carry on along the hard shoulder until you see a safe gap\n(B) Stop at the end of the slip road and look for a safe gap\n(C) Use the slip road to accelerate until you're moving much faster than the motorway traffic\n(D) Match your speed to traffic in the left-hand lane and filter into a safe gap\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: You should give way to traffic already on the motorway. Where possible, traffic may move over to let you in, but don’t force your way into the traffic stream. Traffic could be travelling at high speed, so try to match your speed to filter in without affecting the traffic flow. The correct answer is (D).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "You're going to turn left from a main road into a minor road. What should you do as you approach the junction?\n(A) Keep just left of the middle of the road\n(B) Keep in the middle of the road\n(C) Swing out to the right just before turning\n(D) Keep well to the left of the road\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: Your road position can help other road users to anticipate your actions. Keep to the left as you approach a left turn and don't swing out into the centre of the road in order to make the turn easier. This could endanger oncoming traffic and may cause other road users to misunderstand your intentions. The correct answer is (D).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/datasets/DrivingTheory/data/final_datasets/english/images/SafeDriving_589.jpg" } ]
[ { "content": "What does this sign mean?\n(A) End of restricted speed area\n(B) End of restricted parking area\n(C) End of clearway\n(D) End of cycle route\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: Even though you've left the restricted area, make sure that you park where you won't endanger other road users or cause an obstruction. The correct answer is (B).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/datasets/DrivingTheory/data/final_datasets/english/images/SafeDriving_528.jpg" } ]
[ { "content": "Why does this junction have a 'stop' sign and a stop line on the road?\n(A) Speed on the major road is derestricted\n(B) It's a busy junction\n(C) Visibility along the major road is restricted\n(D) The junction is on a downhill gradient\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: Where emerging traffic has a very restricted view of the main road, you may find a 'stop' sign and a solid white stop line. You must stop at the line and then check carefully before you emerge. The correct answer is (C).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/datasets/DrivingTheory/data/final_datasets/english/images/SafeDriving_536.jpg" } ]
[ { "content": "What must you do when you see this sign?\n(A) Stop only if traffic is approaching\n(B) Stop even if the road is clear\n(C) Stop only if children are waiting to cross\n(D) Stop only if a red light is showing\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: 'Stop' signs are situated at junctions where visibility is restricted or where there's heavy traffic. They must be obeyed: you must stop. Look carefully before moving off. The correct answer is (B).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/datasets/DrivingTheory/data/final_datasets/english/images/SafeDriving_167.jpg" } ]
[ { "content": "You've just been overtaken by this motorcyclist. What should you do if the rider cuts in sharply?\n(A) Sound the horn\n(B) Brake firmly\n(C) Keep a safe gap\n(D) Flash your lights\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: If another vehicle cuts in sharply, ease off the accelerator and drop back to allow a safe separation distance. Try not to overreact by braking sharply or swerving, as you could lose control. If vehicles behind you are too close or unprepared, it could lead to a crash. The correct answer is (C).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "You're about to start a journey in freezing weather. What part of your vehicle should you clear of ice and snow?\n(A) The aerial\n(B) The windows\n(C) The bumper\n(D) The boot\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: Driving in bad weather increases your risk of having a collision. If you absolutely have to travel, clear your lights, mirrors, number plates and windows of any snow or ice, so that you can see and be seen. The correct answer is (B).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "You're reversing into a side road. When would your vehicle be the greatest hazard to passing traffic?\n(A) After you’ve completed the manoeuvre\n(B) Just before you begin to manoeuvre\n(C) After you’ve entered the side road\n(D) When the front of your vehicle swings out\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: Always check in all directions before reversing. Keep a good lookout throughout the manoeuvre and remember that the front will swing out as you reverse into the side road. Act on what you see and wait if necessary. The correct answer is (D).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "It's very windy. What should you do if you're behind a motorcyclist who's overtaking a high-sided vehicle?\n(A) Overtake the motorcyclist immediately\n(B) Keep well back\n(C) Stay level with the motorcyclist\n(D) Keep close to the motorcyclist\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: Windy weather affects motorcyclists more than other vehicles. In windy conditions, high-sided vehicles cause air turbulence. You should keep well back, as the motorcyclist could be blown off course. The correct answer is (B).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "You're looking for somewhere to park at night. When may you park on the right-hand side of the road?\n(A) When you're in a one-way street\n(B) When you have your sidelights on\n(C) When you're more than 10 metres (32 feet) from a junction\n(D) When you're under a lamppost\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: Red rear reflectors show up when headlights shine on them. These are useful when you're parked at night, but they'll only reflect if you park in the same direction as the traffic flow. Normally you should park on the left, but in a one-way street you may also park on the right-hand side of the road. The correct answer is (A).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "Why is it dangerous to travel too close to the vehicle ahead?\n(A) Your engine will overheat\n(B) Your mirrors will need adjusting\n(C) Your view of the road ahead will be restricted\n(D) Your sat nav will be confused\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: 'Tailgating' is the term used when a driver or rider follows the vehicle in front too closely. It's dangerous because it restricts your view of the road ahead and leaves no safety margin if the vehicle in front needs to slow down or stop suddenly. Tailgating is often the underlying cause of rear-end collisions or multiple pile-ups. The correct answer is (C).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "How can you avoid wasting fuel?\n(A) By having your vehicle serviced regularly\n(B) By revving the engine in the lower gears\n(C) By keeping an empty roof rack on your vehicle\n(D) By driving at higher speeds where possible\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: If you don't have your vehicle serviced regularly, the engine will gradually become less efficient. This will cause increased fuel consumption and, in turn, an increase in the amount of harmful emissions it produces. The correct answer is (A).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "Why is it important to make full use of the slip road as you join a motorway?\n(A) Because there's space available to turn round if you need to\n(B) To allow you direct access to the overtaking lanes\n(C) To allow you to fit safely into the traffic flow in the left-hand lane\n(D) Because you can continue on the hard shoulder\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: Try to join the motorway without affecting the progress of the traffic in the left-hand lane and always give way to traffic already on the motorway. At busy times, you may have to slow down to merge into slow-moving traffic. The correct answer is (C).", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "bytes": null, "path": "/mnt/vita-vldriving/scratch/users/pettenon/DrivingTheory-master-thesis/images/empty-image.png" } ]
[ { "content": "When should you use the left-hand lane of a motorway?\n(A) When your vehicle breaks down\n(B) When you're overtaking slower traffic in the other lanes\n(C) When you're making a phone call\n(D) When the road ahead is clear\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The explanation is: You should drive in the left-hand lane whenever possible. Only use the other lanes for overtaking or when directed to do so by signals. Using other lanes when the left-hand lane is empty can frustrate drivers behind you. The correct answer is (D).", "role": "assistant" } ]