188 values
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "set-defaults/ Sets default initial values. set-fmg-initialization/ Enters the set full-multigrid for initialization menu."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Initial values for each variable can be set within this menu. set-hyb-initialization/ Enters the hybrid initialization menu. general-settings Enters the general settings menu. turbulence-settings Enters the turbulence settings menu. species-settings Enters the species-settings menu. show-iterations-sampled Displays the number of iterations covered by the data sampled for steady statistics."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "355 Release 2019 R3 - © ANSYS, Inc."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "All rights reserved."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "- Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. show-time-sampled Displays the amount of simulated time covered by the data sampled for unsteady statistics."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "vof-patch-smooth-options/ Enters the vof patch/smooth options menu. execute-smoothing Performs volumetric smoothing for volume fraction."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "set-options Sets options for patching and smoothing volume fraction."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "iterate Performs a specified number of iterations."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Note This option is still available during transient simulations, since it can be used to add more iterations to the same time step after interrupting iterations within a time step."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "mesh-motion Performs mesh motion."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "monitors/ Sets solution monitors."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "residual/ Enters the residual monitors menu. check-convergence? Chooses which currently monitored residuals should be checked for convergence."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "convergence-criteria Sets convergence criteria for residuals that are currently being both monitored and checked."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "criterion-type Sets convergence criterion type. monitor? Chooses which residuals to monitor as printed and/or plotted output."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "n-display Sets the number of most recent residuals to display in plots."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "n-maximize-norms Sets the number of iterations through which normalization factors will be maximized."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "normalization-factors Sets normalization factors for currently monitored residuals (if normalize?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "is set to yes)."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "normalize?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Chooses whether to normalize residuals in printed and plotted output."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Release 2019 R3 - © ANSYS, Inc."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "All rights reserved."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "- Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "356 solve/ n-save Sets number of residuals to be saved with data."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "History is automatically compacted when buffer becomes full. plot?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Chooses whether residuals will be plotted during iteration. print? Chooses whether residuals will be printed during iteration."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "relative-conv-criteria Sets relative convergence criteria for residuals that are currently being both monitored and checked."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "re-normalize Re-normalize residuals by maximum values. reset? Chooses whether to delete the residual history and reset iteration counter to 1."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "scale-by-coefficient? Chooses whether to scale residuals by coefficient sum in printed and plotted output."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "window Specifies window in which residuals will be plotted during iteration."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "patch Patches a value for a flow variable in the domain."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "report-definitions/ Enters the report definitions menu. add Creates a report definition."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "copy Creates a copy of a report definition."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "delete Deletes a report definition."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "edit Edits a report definition."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "list Lists all defined report definitions. list-properties Lists the properties of a report definition."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "rename Renames a report definition."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "report-files/ Enters the report files menu. 357 Release 2019 R3 - © ANSYS, Inc."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "All rights reserved."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "- Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "add Creates a report file."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "clear-data Clears the data associated with a report file."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "delete Deletes a report file."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "edit Edits a report file."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "list Lists all defined report files. list-properties Lists the properties of a report file."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "report-plots/ Enters the report plots menu. add Creates a report plot. axes Defines the axes for a report plot."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "clear-data Clears the data associated with a report plot."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "curves Defines the curves for a report plot."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "delete Deletes a report plot."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "edit Edits a report plot."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "list Lists all defined report plots. list-properties Lists the properties of a report plot."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "plot Plots the specified report plot."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "rombuilder/ Enters the rombuilder menu. enable?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Enables/disables the reduced order model."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Release 2019 R3 - © ANSYS, Inc."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "All rights reserved."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "- Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 358 solve/ evaluate Allows you to enter values between the allowed ranges for the existing variables and zones that are part of the loaded ROM and have the results computed (when a ROMZ file is loaded into Fluent in Workbench)."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "select-variables-and-zones Select the variables and locations that you want included in the reduced order model."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "set/ Enters the set solution parameters menu."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "accelerated-non-iterative-time-marching Enables a modified NITA scheme and other setting changes that can speed up the simulation."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "This option is only available with the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) turbulence model, and is intended for unreacting flow simulations that use a constant-density fluid."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "acoustics-wave-equation-controls/ Enters the menu to specify parameters of the acoustics wave equation solver. expert/ Enters the menu to specify the expert parameters. explicit-relaxation-factor Specifies the explicit relaxation factor."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Should be used only with bad meshes, when iterations do not converge."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "under-relaxation-factor Specifies the implicit under-relaxation factor."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Should be used only with bad meshes, when the AMG linear solver does not converge. max-iterations-per-timestep Specifies the maximum number if iterations, which will be performed by the acoustics wave equation solver in one timestep."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "relative-convergence-criterion Specifies the iterations convergence criterion in terms of the residual norm drop."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "amg-options/ Enters the AMG options menu aggressive-amg-coarsening? Enables / disables the use of a version of the AMG solver that is optimized for high coarsening rates."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "This option is recommended if the AMG solver diverges with the default settings."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "amg-gpgpu-options/"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Enters the AMG GPGPU options menu, which contains commands to enable / disable GPGPU ac- celeration and set solver type and options for individual coupled and scalar equations."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "conservative-amg-coarsening? Enables / disables the use of conservative coarsening techniques for scalar and/or coupled equations that can improve parallel performance and/or convergence for some difficult cases. laplace-coarsening?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Enables / disables Laplace coarsening for scalar and/or coupled equations."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "359 Release 2019 R3 - © ANSYS, Inc."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "All rights reserved."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "- Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "bc-pressure-extrapolations Sets pressure extrapolations schemes on boundaries."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "If you are using the density-based solver, you will be asked the following questions: extrapolate total quantities on pressure-outlet boundaries?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "The default is [no]."
If you enter yes, and the flow leaving the pressure outlet is subsonic, then the total pressure and total temperature from the domain’s interior are extrapolated to the boundary and used with the imposed static pressure to determine the full thermodynamic state at the boundary. John is trying to figure out the full thermodynamic state at the boundary. To do this, he needs to know the total pressure and total temperature from the domain’s interior. If he enters yes, and the flow leaving the pressure outlet is subsonic, then what?
he can extrapolate the total pressure and total temperature from the domain’s interior
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "extrapolate pressure on pressure-inlet boundary?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "The default is [no]."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "If you enter yes, then for cases with very low Mach number flow in the single- precision density-based solver, you can improve convergence by using pressure extrapolation in- stead of the default velocity extrapolation scheme. pressure on pressure-outlet b.c. is obtained via an advection splitting method?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "The default is [yes]."
If you choose the default, this means that the pressure-outlet boundary condition implementation in the density-based solver has an absorption behavior, as described in Calculation Procedure at Pressure Outlet Boundaries of the User’s Guide. Question: What is the pressure-outlet boundary condition implementation? === The answer to the above question is
not enough information
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "To revert to pre-ANSYS Fluent 6.3 boundary condition implementations, where the pressure on the faces of a pressure- outlet boundary is fixed to the specified value while the flow is subsonic, enter no."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Important The absorption behavior of the pressure-outlet boundary condition should not be confused with rigorous non-reflecting boundary condition implementation, described in Boundary Acoustic Wave Models of the User’s Guide."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "If you are using the pressure-based solver, you will be asked the following questions: extrapolate pressure on flow inlets?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "The default is [yes]."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "extrapolate pressure on all boundaries?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "The default is [no]."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "extrapolate velocity on out-flow boundaries?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "The default is [no]. cfl-based-time-stepping Allows you to specify that an adaptive time stepping method is used in which the time step gets modified by ANSYS Fluent as the calculation proceeds such that the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) condition is satisfied, using the specified Courant number."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "convergence-acceleration-for-stretched-meshes/ Enables convergence acceleration for stretched meshes to improve the convergence of the implicit density based solver on meshes with high cell stretching."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "correction-tolerance/ Enters the correction tolerance menu."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Release 2019 R3 - © ANSYS, Inc."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "All rights reserved."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "- Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 360 solve/ coupled-vof-expert Sets coupled vof expert controls."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "You will be prompted with the following questions: Use linearized buoyancy force?"
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Provides the implicit linearization of buoyancy force."
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Use blended treatment for buoyancy force? Will turn off buoyancy linearization in certain unstable conditions."