<len> 26 <text> Dozens of reports link depression with low folic acid, according to Harvard professors Jonathan E. Alpert, M.D., and Maurizio Fava, M.D.
<len> 17 <text> At first, loyalist protesters, fewer in numbers, turned their backs on the children.
<len> 27 <text> House Republicans believe there are “years” worth of material on Clinton to investigate and several other Republicans have already floated the possibility of impeachment.
<len> 17 <text> Last month, the US Department of State added Santoso to its list of global terrorists.
<len> 34 <text> Syria’s old-guard nationalist leadership was turned out by a military coup in 1949; two more coups followed that year, with another in 1952, and yet another in 1954.
<len> 71 <text> “Those who set the rules for those industries put themselves at a competitive advantage and in this instance it’s quite clearly the United States.” With a new federal government now in charge, Balisllie’s assessment comes at a critical time for Canada’s future in the TPP, a wide-ranging pact expected to benefit other Canadian sectors — from agriculture to auto parts.
<len> 67 <text> Despite all of the rigmarole, and because it would just be too simple otherwise, there's this little gem tucked away in Myerson's blog post: "In addition, in partnership with some of our valued OEM partners, we are planning very attractive Windows 10 upgrade offers for their customers running one of their older devices in a Non-Genuine state."
<len> 22 <text> In fact, the pinnae provided six out of the seven bat species studied with a net gain in flight efficiency.
<len> 9 <text> A safe environment provides security for your money.
<len> 13 <text> Jay already owns most of the games that he will be hunting.
<len> 22 <text> An unlockable building – a town hall for instance – could be used to give players access to more detailed information.
<len> 17 <text> A supplier might not respond because your MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) is too small.
<len> 55 <text> An influential conservative group is urging the Republican-led House to postpone its looming leadership vote, potentially offering House Speaker Paul Ryan a chance to get his ‘house’ in order at a time when his detractors are renewing threats to oust him in the aftermath of the “chaotic” 2016 election.
<len> 19 <text> Insects often become entrapped, and it has widely been assumed that these glands have a defensive capability.
<len> 47 <text> Google has updated the Play Store for Android TV to show off the new apps, which include sports, gaming, news, and others, and users can now browse through the new selection via search or by browsing through 20 new curated collections.
<len> 38 <text> It is unforgiving and deep and very, very particular, which makes sense, as Piskunov guided the game's development in large part based on what he wanted and wasn't getting from its contemporaries.
<len> 34 <text> History Edit Lobby for cultural heritage Edit Acting as a European cultural heritage lobby, Europa Nostra seeks to secure adequate support for cultural heritage in various areas of European policy-making and funding.
<len> 20 <text> They didn’t spend a single second in arrears, despite having the hardest draw in the competition.
<len> 6 <text> Patents do not protect ideas.
<len> 27 <text> There is more to the appeals arguments and to the 139-page decision, but that is a summation of some of the major points at issue.
<len> 21 <text> Professor Will Lassek is a public health epidemiologist at the university and talked with the Sunday Times about the study.
<len> 41 <text> There’s not a shred of evidence for anything they’ve alleged, accused Trump of doing, other than being somebody they don’t understand and having a personality type that they don’t like.
<len> 43 <text> “We’ll start with music written solely for the original 12-bell chime, then concerts using the enlarged, 48-bell concert carillon and, finally, ones that use all the bells of our grand carillon,” says Davis.
<len> 23 <text> Heck they’ve even got a coach named Kelly for crying out loud… the writing is on the wall, people!
<len> 28 <text> HT: I find some of your work to be really intricate, particularly the pieces you’ve done with some kind of connection to nature.
<len> 26 <text> The charge is recorded on a document called a chargemaster, which is an exhaustive list of the prices for all hospital procedures and supplies.
<len> 19 <text> Next to all this there are some changes and fixes as usual which you can read all below.
<len> 29 <text> Many activists feel prosecution of casual marijuana users is a wasteful use of law enforcement resources, and an unfair way to stigmatize them with a criminal record.
<len> 26 <text> Among other things, the letter acknowledges that TTB Ventures notified the original management of the nature of the event when the contract was signed.
<len> 47 <text> One reader said, “What’s the big deal, if he wants a church with women ministers there are lots of them–just go join one and stop the hissy fit already.” Another one acutely observed “It’s the Leftist way.
<len> 17 <text> You mentioned earlier that there's a bit of a backlog of songs from that period.
<len> 19 <text> Such attacks would be consistent with Julani’s rejection of any truces in or near the capital.
<len> 44 <text> There certainly has been what appears to be coordinated chatter among pro-Kremlin Twitter accounts, ranging from low-level spammers to Alexey Pushkov, one of Russia’s top foreign policy officials, who has been surprisingly forthright about his admiration for Trump.
<len> 6 <text> It was a big adjustment.
<len> 14 <text> "So a geometrically increased sequence captures the full picture quite well."
<len> 9 <text> “We have the support of our community.
<len> 18 <text> " "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough couldn't stop rhapsodizing about Mr. Santorum's narrative.
<len> 30 <text> 1.3X anamorphics have been popular because they take 16:9 and make it the correct wider aspect ratio, but the anamorphic effect isn't as strong as 2X anamorphics.
<len> 79 <text> Please give our Hockey Department a follow on Twitter – @lastwordBKerr, @RickW10, @TheHockeyMitch, @LastWordBigMick, @crimsonskorpion, @CMS_74_, @TwoTurtleDuffs, @d_rocchi, @dasimonetta, @ddmatthews, @CanuckPuckHead, @NKonarowski2, @LarryScotti, @PurpleRocktober, @jaynichols11, @meaghannn_, @LastWordOnNHL, @LWOSDanRussell, and @darrinharmy and follow the site @lastwordonsport and like our Facebook Page.
<len> 5 <text> Why does it exist?
<len> 16 <text> He's looked at lying, at leadership, at who will recover from trauma.
<len> 18 <text> Really, though, I’m a woman in her thirties, struggling to accept herself.
<len> 15 <text> They are a winning team, unlike similar youth movements in Philadelphia and Utah.
<len> 24 <text> This may be your current state, but don’t let that to lead you to think it’s a promise.
<len> 12 <text> Kieran Kesner for Quartz Yet-Ming Chiang, 24M’s founder.
<len> 20 <text> Snowden tweeted on Tuesday his congratulations to Manning, and his thanks to Mr. Obama for commuting her sentence.
<len> 3 <text> 533).
<len> 34 <text> The population in Europe grew in the early centuries of the open-field system, doubling in Britain between 1086 and 1300, which required increased agricultural production and more intensive cultivation of farmland.
<len> 42 <text> While funding for AI-related startups keeps increasing – in the last 5 years alone, investments in AI have grown tenfold from $94M in 2011 to $1049M in 2016 – we’ve seen few real commercial applications surface.
<len> 56 <text> But maybe to understand the Chapel Hill murders better we need to imagine how it would be playing out if it were the other way around—if some gun-toting Muslim, with a habit of posting hate messages about secular humanists, took it upon himself to execute a defenseless family of them in their home.
<len> 42 <text> Skype was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Luxembourg.” In 2013 campaigners wrote an open letter to Microsoft urging the company to reveal the nature of the information Skype stores and to what extent governments attempt to access it.
<len> 18 <text> Additionally, the close confines of combat on the rivers greatly increased the threat of boarding parties.
<len> 32 <text> Hard work from Andi, Lukas, community volunteer Brian ‘SamusDroid,’ and many others has combined to produce an update that could change the way you play NS2.
<len> 30 <text> Focus will release the film in all international territories except Australia and New Zealand, where it will be handled by See Saw’s longtime partners Transmission Films.
<len> 37 <text> There are undoubtedly Christians here who would like to imprison or kill those of us who criticize their religion, but they are relatively few in number and lack the social structures to bring it about.
<len> 37 <text> – This kind of Destiny 2 Cheat is possible on both Xbox One, PlayStation 4 Consoles and the PC, but most popular on Windows PC, because it is easiest to set up there.
<len> 21 <text> Photo courtesy of Spondylolithesis/iStock A regular award-winner for its romantic merits, lovely Charleston is practically heaving with southern charm.
<len> 20 <text> Joel Williamson, a 26-year-old organizer from Austin, Texas, said he has absolutely no plans to move.
<len> 21 <text> However, if neither A nor B cares about MERR, they can sustain their initial view without lowering confidence.
<len> 19 <text> "We could have been on our heels a little bit," Chicago coach Joel Quenneville said.
<len> 11 <text> There is no good solution when oil enters a marshland.
<len> 26 <text> For all the criticism she’s received, for Sister Beyoncé to put Malcolm X on her album like that was actually quite revolutionary.
<len> 56 <text> The Costume Centre is the latest development at the High House Production Park which is also home to Acme Artists’ Studios, who provide low-rent studio spaces for artists and the Backstage Centre, run by Creative & Cultural Skills, where young people are trained in backstage skills such as lighting and sound.
<len> 18 <text> This would inhibit INA activity[10] and SCPs would drop far below the environmental temperature.
<len> 5 <text> We begin in Chicago.
<len> 15 <text> There followed so many explosions that it was hard to tell what was happening.
<len> 48 <text> U.S. customs regulations dating from 1995 require products made in the West Bank and Gaza to be labeled as such, and prohibits them from being labeled "Made in Israel.” Yet these regulations are not being enforced to require the accurate labeling of settlement products.
<len> 32 <text> Obviously we are looking at very different enterprises here, very different conditions, but I suppose what I want to emphasise is that there are Herculean efforts in both cases.
<len> 17 <text> There hasn't in the past been a connection between country authenticity and maleness, specifically.
<len> 18 <text> With cannabis, the value of detailed information is even greater than it is for most crops.
<len> 31 <text> “It dragged me across the boat and would have pulled me in had my colleague not grabbed my trousers - it was like the whole earth had just moved.
<len> 11 <text> Simon replied, "It's about syllables, Dick.
<len> 34 <text> [49] Ark Royal's captain, Cedric Holland, had been the British naval attaché in Paris, and was sent to negotiate the surrender or scuttling of the French fleet.
<len> 21 <text> As with the transient kick sample, we’re mostly concerned with the attack portion of this hi-hat sample.
<len> 15 <text> He also writes a blog about politics in ECOWAS (West African) countries.
<len> 26 <text> This mitzvah of holiness is followed by a description of how it can be fulfilled: the next 35 verses describe a variety of commandments.
<len> 52 <text> The $6.8 billion cost estimate includes lost worker productivity ($2.9 billion), premature death ($1.9 billion), health care costs ($749 million), criminal justice system costs ($649 million) and motor vehicle crashes ($418 million).
<len> 23 <text> He adds that much of the debate around faith comes from a meditation-centric approach to Buddhism that is popular in the West.
<len> 29 <text> Ole Miss fans have their own memories that'll surface back up in time, but for me, an uninvested neutral, that was the high point.
<len> 34 <text> One cannabis researcher, Dr. Reese Jones of UCSF medical school, tells me that countless studies failed to find any evidence that marijuana works any better as a painkiller than a placebo.
<len> 28 <text> The eight countries and territories are the United States, France, Italy, San Marino, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
<len> 18 <text> Tens of thousands of others on bridging visas are trapped in a dispiriting cycle of hardscrabble survival.
<len> 36 <text> Speaking during a media interview today (Wednesday, December 6), he said: “For me, there really is no need for body cameras, our camera as policemen is God.
<len> 23 <text> These numbers are Tesla's, and the window sticker itself is a mockup - not a legitimate sticker from the EPA.
<len> 67 <text> The Chicago Daily Tribune announced, “Mafia Murders Slain, Eleven Sicilian Butchers Lynched at New Orleans.” The New York Times declared that Hennessy had been avenged: “Eleven of His Assassins Lynched by a Mob.” Clockwise from left: the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and Chicago Daily Tribune, March 15, 1891.
<len> 10 <text> The supposed distinction also operates on an everyday level.
<len> 13 <text> Players There isn’t much there, if you ask me.
<len> 11 <text> On August 31, oil futures added over 8%.
<len> 26 <text> Such actions are part of a concerted drive by the ruling elite to eliminate democratic rights and intimidate all forms of political and social opposition.
<len> 45 <text> “No other information is available at this time.” Last month, Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp claimed Spacey made unwanted sexual advances toward him at a party in New York City in 1986, when Rapp was 14 years old.
<len> 22 <text> Did I miss a part of the last 30 years where classical and jazz artists weren’t condemned to poverty?
<len> 50 <text> Truth is the sun of morality, and like that lesser sun in the heavens, we can walk by its light, live in its warmth and life, even if we see but a small part of it and receive but a microscopic fraction of its rays.
<len> 39 <text> They batter radfem work in public for all women to see and show the result of their verbal and written battering as an example of what will await women if they do, think or say the same.
<len> 13 <text> Parsing the data Interrupt driven programming is not as straightforward as blocking.
<len> 52 <text> So it’s like if someone is trying to give your friend a lobotomy — you’re gonna step in.” Responding to their claims, Adams denied ever giving Hammond heroin and said: “That’s so sad, because Albert and I were friends.
<len> 38 <text> “I think there’s going to be a little bit more of a timeshare on the front end of the season before hopefully Devin seizes that bulk of the playing time,” Price said.
<len> 25 <text> Beyond base compensation, the contract will include academic and athletic performance bonuses, both of which are contingent on reaching academic performance thresholds.
<len> 32 <text> Still, as results like Braverman’s continue to build up, it may be time to consider other ways of tracking weight, and in particular, body fat.
<len> 19 <text> In 1933, Murphy started a correspondence with a German man, about whom she knew very little.
<len> 38 <text> This is ordinarily the point where I’d say “if you turn to x piece of fiction, you’ll see this play out”, but I can’t in this case.