<len> 17 <text> The safety board plans to reconstruct a section of the aircraft as part of its investigation.
<len> 33 <text> Today there’s no such required segregation and the idea that anyone would try to separate black and white by law, reprising the bad old days, is fantastical indeed.
<len> 14 <text> VHFS was closed in 1997 and the land was sold off in 1999.
<len> 5 <text> They laugh about it.
<len> 34 <text> And he is doing so with Hendricks, a notoriously anti-union employer, who would donate $10,000 to Walker’s campaign just days after the January 18, 2011, conversation.
<len> 15 <text> This makes it safe for use in ambient conditions, as well as efficient.
<len> 16 <text> We did it for each other, not because The Patriarchy demanded we do so.
<len> 4 <text> It was healthy.
<len> 33 <text> The long shadow of the law: The prosecution of Aaron Swartz, the Web wunderkind who created the technology behind the RSS feed, is the most disturbing and instructive example.
<len> 20 <text> The State of emergency will probably be extended for several months.. It’s not a good news.
<len> 13 <text> You seem only focused on insisting that the government fix the problem.
<len> 54 <text> However, in young age groups with sparse data, and in areas where no matching mortality and incidence data exist (which is the case for most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa), the MI model is based on the combination of trends for older age groups as well as covariate selection.
<len> 26 <text> Whether or not the teen is serious about keeping the peace, right-wing activists have taken up the call to stir up a violence confrontation.
<len> 19 <text> The lawsuit further claims that transactions causing a sustained overdrawn fee are often for $50 or less.
<len> 33 <text> A major player in the textbook market, no one could plausibly call Norton a small press — it had the resources to play with the big boys and occasionally it did.
<len> 9 <text> The options are broad without overwhelming the player.
<len> 12 <text> Thanks again Chris for taking the time to answer my questions!
<len> 21 <text> As the train pulls away, an elderly lady, sitting quietly until now, starts scolding me for intervening.
<len> 26 <text> The method by which NAMALTing or NIGELing get any ground, is that the bar is set very low indeed for ‘Good Men’.
<len> 7 <text> What do you call your game?
<len> 25 <text> Mediabistro has scheduled additional dates for the conference both in the US and internationally, including an event in Hong Kong on June 24-25.
<len> 24 <text> After about ten minutes, the menthol flavor began to subside a little bit, and I began to taste a tobacco flavor.
<len> 13 <text> It's your job to write the best AI on the market.
<len> 32 <text> But the details of the audit policy aren’t always well understood locally — neither by the officials to be investigated, nor by the citizens who stand to benefit.
<len> 21 <text> However, the Ballymoney meeting did show that a significant minority of Protestants in North-East Ulster were opposed to partition.
<len> 13 <text> His numbers had been steadily improving over his time in the NCAA.
<len> 17 <text> Wash: What gives you the right to put her in a dangerous situation like this?
<len> 72 <text> [37][38][39][40][41][42] Demographics [ edit ] yellow-green striped section show the approximate location of the Rohingya in Myanmar Theshow the approximate location of the Rohingya in Myanmar Rohingya people in Rakhine State Those who identify as Rohingyas typically reside in the northernmost townships of Arakan bordering Bangladesh where they form 80–98% of the population.
<len> 15 <text> Steven Caulker was recruited as short-term defensive cover on loan from Queens Park Rangers.
<len> 24 <text> You're a smart and strong kid, and I'm going to need you to be really big for me here okay?
<len> 35 <text> Now, one tireless advocate wants to use the L train shutdown as the impetus to open these new entrances, and his is a plan the L Train Coalition and MTA should adopt.
<len> 34 <text> After showing her that it was finger length, the woman allowed her to continue on into the prom, but unfortunately for Clare, that was just the beginning of her problems.
<len> 12 <text> The lesser-known candidates on Trump’s list are similarly alarming.
<len> 64 <text> However, if we lose Syria, we won’t be able to hold Tehran.” In thus stressing the depth of Iran’s commitment to the Assad regime, Taeb has also offered a roadmap to all those for whom, unlike for John Kerry and Barack Obama, pushback against Iran is no mere pretense but an urgent necessity.
<len> 9 <text> This is why choices had to be made.
<len> 31 <text> The more reproductive health data universities have access to, the better they will be able to conduct targeted research that might someday lead to significant improvements in female health.
<len> 18 <text> I don’t think the moral law obliges us to thump our heads against stone walls.
<len> 29 <text> Yeah, I’m tough… it was just that first day that killed me; I must have still been a little jet-lagged from the last trip.
<len> 12 <text> “We respect everyone’s opinion,” he said.
<len> 43 <text> The research team discovered this hidden sensory system by studying two unique patients who were diagnosed with a previously unknown abnormality by lead author David Bowsher, M.D., Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Liverpool's Pain Research Institute.
<len> 20 <text> When you see it, you’re not fussy about where you find it or who it is.
<len> 31 <text> But these things used not to happen so frequently until Barack Obama told his faithful to start taking guns to knife fights and get in the faces of their neighbors.
<len> 7 <text> But anyway, that was different.
<len> 34 <text> We all knew what you’d done for my mother.” Not enough to keep her alive, Adam thought, but that would be a cruel and pointless thing to say.
<len> 10 <text> [5][7] References [ edit ]
<len> 20 <text> But clearly you feel this applies to the Millennial generation as a whole, our whole attitude towards education.
<len> 13 <text> Frau Junge heard nearly all of the great artists of the century.
<len> 43 <text> We must listen attentively to what a statute “does not say.” In our view, section 6110.2 does not say that a crime takes place when a person possesses a gun whose markings have become illegible due to natural causes.
<len> 1 <text> ...
<len> 12 <text> The liberated market allows for economic, social and environmental justice.
<len> 56 <text> Entering Honduras is a now familiarly chaotic experience — brush off fixers, stand in line, clear customs, hit the photocopy shack, clear immigration, hand out money left and right, stamp stamp stamp, pleasantly discover that all the stuff I left on the bike hasn’t been stolen.
<len> 1 <text> .
<len> 16 <text> The father of two has two previous convictions for dangerous driving and having no insurance.
<len> 20 <text> In addition, the team compared the Florida Keys tree-ring records to the systematic recordings of hurricanes from 1850-2009.
<len> 8 <text> The new code handles cross-signed certificates better.
<len> 38 <text> At a press conference Wednesday afternoon, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) kept to the argument that the Republicans are letting down their new tea party base shortly before the vote proceeded to the House floor.
<len> 8 <text> And thus on to the game itself.
<len> 19 <text> Thus, the change in the illumination may clearly convey the change in the status of computer 110.
<len> 6 <text> [5] Notes 1.
<len> 23 <text> For most people, a Big 12 without the Bears wouldn’t be much different than a Big 12 with them.
<len> 14 <text> Even the lawful immigrant community, thought, ‘Why should we cooperate?
<len> 9 <text> So what should we make of the Bible?
<len> 19 <text> [6][11][33] London 2012 wayfinding signage at Glasgow Central railway station.
<len> 30 <text> The mixed test reveals that though fp64 muls can only be issued every two cycles, Cortex A9 can issue a fp64 add in the otherwise empty pipeline slot.
<len> 16 <text> When I first saw them I thought they went there just to have some fun.
<len> 27 <text> Bernie Sanders' campaign said Sunday that the Vermont senator brought in more than $20 million in January in donations to his 2016 presidential campaign.
<len> 32 <text> Pendlebury, who succeeded Nick Maxwell as captain in 2014, will lead a group of four vice-captains that includes Travis Cloke, Nathan Brown, Steele Sidebottom and Tyson Goldsack.
<len> 38 <text> Few questions related to foreign affairs, other than general discomfort with Trump, including one from a fearful young grade schooler in Winnipeg who asked Trudeau if he would "save Canada" from the businessman-turned-politician.
<len> 38 <text> Jeffrey Good, an assistant professor with the University of Montana and a co-author of the study reveals that small changes in genes may have changed some characteristics of the domesticated rabbits rather than a radical change.
<len> 21 <text> they weren’t trespassing), but we are certain they did not receive any sort of media permission.
<len> 26 <text> In the early evening, I got a text from mom saying she was in line to speak to an Air Canada agent about rebooking.
<len> 29 <text> Even his lawyers concede his defense is unlikely to succeed, and said the main thing for them was to convince the court that Breivik is not insane.
<len> 20 <text> Moreover, this is also an intrinsic element of motor behavior, particularly when learning a new motor skill.
<len> 22 <text> Just a fifth of voters said they trust the government in Washington to do what is right most of the time.
<len> 31 <text> The other certainty is that everyone involved in this movie is working against the predictable imperatives of perhaps the most predictable movie genre of them all: the apocalyptic thriller.
<len> 15 <text> Linda Bournane Engelberth answers: In Norway the press follows the Code of Ethics.
<len> 25 <text> Janie Gardner, a retired licensed vocational nurse who's lived in Berkeley 65 years, said she'd never noticed the sculpture before.
<len> 32 <text> For example, the Red Mage class from the “Final Fantasy” series usually is a very fancy looking man with a rapier, white magic, and black magic.
<len> 23 <text> Hari’s daughter, Ranjita Devi, and his son, Kiran Kumar, were also critically injured in the attack.
<len> 3 <text> In Fig.
<len> 40 <text> And remarkably the combative midfielder - who has had a 12-year senior football career - has not mentioned his ventures to anyone for seven years, including his family, with his parents totally unaware until a year ago.
<len> 18 <text> In fact, it’s easy enough that your grandmother could do it after basic instruction.
<len> 24 <text> Read Rick Wright’s excellent synopsis of the AOU’s supplement at his blog, Birding New Jersey and the World.
<len> 21 <text> Make sure you showcase versatile courses ranging widely by content, style, approach, year of publication, etc.
<len> 15 <text> But when the monster shows up nearby, you're not prepared for it.
<len> 78 <text> Sure, in the hours ahead of the ceremony, there was plenty of reporting, if that’s the word, on how the country Trump aspires to lead is a crime-ridden, drug-addled, angrily divided dystopia whose citizens are constantly lied to by the mainstream media establishment, suffer under the yoke of a thuggish police state, and—in Washington, D.C., at least—threatens at any moment to erupt into brutal violence.
<len> 24 <text> Coralee Reid, an agency spokeswoman, said police had made no arrests by Tuesday afternoon, nor had they recovered the toe.
<len> 46 <text> Besides all of the secret violations of Americans’ constitutional rights from the Obama Administration that the media hid or was late to reporting, there were times where members of the media had the courage to call out Obama for his lack of transparency.
<len> 9 <text> Introverts are people, and people need people.
<len> 57 <text> "How ironic it is, that the immigrant who committed a minor criminal act has to live with a conviction on his record for the rest of his life, while a criminal like Arpaio gets to walk away unscathed for his crimes, which are greater in scale and severity," he added.
<len> 40 <text> Christians who clung to the old belief that every word of the Bible was literally true -- called biblical inerrancy, claim only the belief, they do not follow or live by the rules or teachings of Jesus.
<len> 28 <text> Screengrab via Breitbart Trump took to Twitter late last night to claim victory in the final debate, based on the polls mentioned in the Reddit threads.
<len> 42 <text> Tony Abbott should promise not to tap Indonesian president's phone in future, Julia Gillard says Updated Former Labor prime minister Julia Gillard says Tony Abbott should promise not to tap the phone of the Indonesian president in the future.
<len> 8 <text> NBC 7’s Astrid Solorzano reports.
<len> 11 <text> Rhode Island is an extremely Catholic, extremely religious state.
<len> 50 <text> The last thing we need in Alabama and the U.S. Senate is a Schumer/Pelosi puppet who is WEAK on Crime, WEAK on the Border, Bad for our Military and our great Vets, Bad for our 2nd Amendment, AND WANTS TO RAISES TAXES TO THE SKY.
<len> 31 <text> Self-assured bodybuilders and figure athletes enjoy competing even when they don't win because they know their bodies are phenomenal regardless of the score at the end of the night.
<len> 21 <text> They have also said officials lied about the prospects of a US-German "no-spy deal" before the 2013 election.
<len> 40 <text> It’s labor, and it’s unions good and some bad and lots of people that aren’t in unions, and it’s all over the place and building all over the world.
<len> 19 <text> If the newborn is exposed during birth, conjunctivitis occurs within 2–5 days after birth and is severe.