<len> 17 <text> Petrol prices were likely to stabilise as oil price falls began to moderate, she said.
<len> 2 <text> 3.
<len> 20 <text> Jane and Clementine quickly enter another trailer to the side in order to get around to Sarah's trailer.
<len> 4 <text> They need us.
<len> 26 <text> CAPTION Following a Fiesta Bowl loss to LSU, UCF coach Josh Heupel and players Titus Davis and Michael Colubiale reflect on the 2018 season.
<len> 64 <text> When he gets really drunk and tells me he wants to not be here anymore, we feel this complete and utter fear.” But since leaving the show, Margera gave an interview last October about his sobriety to radio station WMMR and even recently launched a Bearly Sober clothing line, though the website appears to be down at this time.
<len> 8 <text> Preferential protection for the poor and vulnerable.
<len> 30 <text> He had a plan in place to sell a $60,000 home to an undocumented woman and her daughter attending college, but the sale was terminated last month.
<len> 6 <text> 1999; Burke et al.
<len> 21 <text> If I can manage that, I truly believe my Mama will make me the single heir to her inheritance.
<len> 37 <text> Brown says he isn't going to back down anytime soon, standing behind his decision to fund the relocation of a Confederate statue in Tampa and stay vocal when it comes to issues concerning minorities.
<len> 20 <text> He was also a founding member of Tang Dynasty, one of the first heavy metal bands in China.
<len> 16 <text> What results is a song that is fluid and fragmented all at the same time.
<len> 26 <text> Stargazer's Potion This potion was originally used by astrologers in my campaign, but it quickly found favor among night watchmen for obvious reasons.
<len> 29 <text> It was probably in the first batch of songs that I had written for the first two EPs and just never fleshed it out to the completion point.
<len> 20 <text> Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement The Democrats are watching their enemy's implosion with great glee.
<len> 10 <text> Get away from the kayak,” Maley yells.
<len> 22 <text> Setting off at about 08:00 BST each morning, Mr Gorilla is expected to finish the marathon on Thursday or Friday.
<len> 31 <text> Without the increases, Mr. Brown warned, California would have to cut $6 billion a year in spending, most of it from its beleaguered public education system.
<len> 29 <text> Mr Buchan, who starred in the BBC’s popular Trawlermen series, said he welcomed any move to keep more of his own produce in Scotland.
<len> 18 <text> A year later she was cruelly outed, but she posed for the magazine again in 1991.
<len> 17 <text> Under the law today, the maximum waiting period a state can impose is 90 days.
<len> 11 <text> Those in the financial services industry are not to blame.
<len> 42 <text> Do we lay out who was responsible?” The issue, he said, was “not resolved yet.” By early 2014, it had become clear that the White House was reluctant to take sides against the C.I.A.
<len> 6 <text> Miracle of the engineering thought!
<len> 26 <text> [11] Relationships with smaller diurnal raptors [ edit ] Other raptors, large and small, are often outright dominated by golden eagles.
<len> 24 <text> "Company That Led Training in Torture Techniques for Mexican Police Is Risks Incorporated of Miami, Florida," wrote Narco News.
<len> 11 <text> Times are changing at the FDA and other federal agencies.
<len> 15 <text> Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event at Trump Doral golf course in Miami.
<len> 28 <text> My goodness, Jet’s Get Born (released in September 2003) moved twice as many units as Room On Fire in the US alone.
<len> 54 <text> The Three Governments [of the Soviet Union, the United States and Great Britain], having considered the question in all its aspects, recognize that the transfer to Germany of German populations, or elements thereof, remaining in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, will have to be undertaken.
<len> 37 <text> I will likely buy the plain lab grade agar next time and try the grain water you recommend but for now I wonder if I can somehow incorporate it into what I already have on hand.
<len> 9 <text> Here's what all the fuss is about:
<len> 14 <text> As part of the overall treatment, Mac received a regular steroid dosage.
<len> 15 <text> "What an honor it is to see such a beautiful airplane fly."
<len> 23 <text> The woman fell ill at around 7:30pm that evening and was rushed to Mid-Western Regional Hospital where she died at around 8pm.
<len> 36 <text> When you’re in The Loop, your tinnitus seems so loud that it’s like a tiger in your room – it seems damn near impossible not to pay attention to it.
<len> 38 <text> Her resignation came as UC officials released the results of an investigation that largely cleared her of the most serious allegations but found she violated some university policies for filing travel expenses and serving on corporate boards.
<len> 35 <text> “Statoil is an impressive international company who I met with recently and they expressed great interest in investing in our region and helping us expand our clean energy economy,” Law said.
<len> 27 <text> Under the initiative, death penalty cases would no longer automatically be appealed to the state supreme court – where they can sit unheard for years.
<len> 11 <text> These displacement effects are a real cost to the economy.
<len> 25 <text> However, the Federal Government has already dismissed the proposal, with Finance Minister Matthias Cormann saying it would be a waste of money.
<len> 30 <text> She told The New Republic that O'Connor would have sided with the minority on Citizens United, Shelby County, as well as the Court's Hobby Lobby ruling.
<len> 10 <text> Did a bricklayer or a landscape gardener cut it?
<len> 12 <text> As far asknows, Pascal never replied to Russo's offer.
<len> 5 <text> Thanks for signing up.
<len> 52 <text> “It doesn’t mean we’re totally out of the woods yet, but it’s a pretty good day so far.” Jim Durham, a representative of the stone fabricator, Quarra Stone Company, had come from Madison, Wisconsin, to be there.
<len> 37 <text> Musharraf briefly met reporters in Dubai before heading to the airport wearing a white shalwar kameez – the traditional loose-fitting outfit in Pakistan – and sandals from the country's Peshawar region near the Afghan border.
<len> 21 <text> "All that is lacking is the political will to fight global warming by using SDRs," he said.
<len> 35 <text> The flower gives Mary a much-needed reprieve from the boredom she has been plagued by, but her journey takes a turn when she finds herself trapped in a magical institution with dwindling powers.
<len> 15 <text> The new mode also removes the game’s mini-map to make things tougher.
<len> 44 <text> The American Federation of Radio and Television Artists, also commenting in this proceeding, notes that if you add Cumulus Media's almost 400 stations to the mix, the duo controls about 74 of the revenue in any given terrestrial market.
<len> 20 <text> Actually, Coolo says something needs to change if we are to do even remotely timely releases at all.
<len> 5 <text> April 6, 1978.
<len> 7 <text> I’m okay with that.
<len> 8 <text> Black plastic is pretty easy to identify.
<len> 17 <text> “From the beginning, we have approached this nomination contest as a battle for delegates.
<len> 10 <text> I know because I was once one of them.
<len> 9 <text> Population based study of fatigue and psychological distress.
<len> 8 <text> Questions like “What am I doing?
<len> 52 <text> “To be honest with you,” Savarese said, “first I have to say that everything that we do we always do it in a way that we feel is going to be the best way and with all of the attentions to do what is the priority.
<len> 26 <text> His Muslim ban idea became “extreme vetting,” and the rest of his plans to fight ISIS looked a lot like current policies.
<len> 28 <text> News coverage over the weekend has focused on the identity of the police officer — Officer Garrett Swasey — who was killed by Dear during the shoot-out.
<len> 15 <text> However you look at it, this is a massive drop in Republican support.
<len> 19 <text> Water recovered from their depths had already revealed such extremophile marvels as the world's first single-organism ecosystem.
<len> 14 <text> Antabuse is sometimes used as a deterrent for alcoholics wishing to stay sober.
<len> 75 <text> It has been a busy weekend at our Marischal Square ice cream parlour – staff training ahead… Posted by Mackie's 19.2 on Sunday, 3 December 2017 The parlour, which cost £200,000 to fit out, has drawn unusual inspiration for its interior decoration – including Australian nightclub themed ceiling with LED baffles designed to mimic the swirls of sauces mixed through their ice cream, and a life size cow sculpture.
<len> 21 <text> The Primary Options There are a TON of options out there for Version Control, and growing all the time.
<len> 14 <text> “All kinds of fraud increase during the holidays,” Krebs said.
<len> 15 <text> Tabata: No, this game doesn't support the multiplayer and additional Miiverse.
<len> 9 <text> “I never really think about being famous.
<len> 23 <text> Follow me, Elias Saba, on Twitter and Instagram to see what I'm working on before it's posted here.
<len> 30 <text> It will wreak havoc on the world; some folk will hide, others will take care of their own and a few will deny that anything is happening.
<len> 40 <text> Several commentators have also noted that internet access is a requirement in some states for food stamp access, to attend some (offline, not internet-only) universities, and even for VoIP over fiber in some communities.
<len> 21 <text> Except, of course, that green coffee is totally worthless as a weight loss supplement in the first place.
<len> 4 <text> Brecht’s Philosophy 26.
<len> 16 <text> With each religion, belief falls into one of two categories, right or wrong.
<len> 22 <text> It was a great learning experience, plus I got a turkish flag, and a teacher bang out of it !
<len> 32 <text> According to Surdin, under the influence of solar tides, rotational speed of the planet is gradually reduced, and the rate of removal of the satellite will gradually decrease.
<len> 25 <text> One development he mentions but does not give a prominent place in his philosophical analysis is the gradual divorce of fundamental science from philosophy.
<len> 31 <text> The problem is that in our current culture, a man who chooses this option may be taking a bigger risk than any other man who gets a woman pregnant.
<len> 24 <text> [6] The initial order of littoral combat ships involved a total of four ships, including two of the Independence-class design.
<len> 20 <text> The third edition of ‘Aalishaan Pakistan exhibition’ was scheduled to be held in October in New Delhi.
<len> 4 <text> Raid their homes.
<len> 3 <text> "Sure.
<len> 31 <text> Ackerman McQueen arranged for the actor Charlton Heston to run for Knox’s position – a hard candidate for macho NRA voters to resist – and Knox was out.
<len> 33 <text> Roy C is one of my favorite artists from the 60s.” “Sweet Thang” by Van Morrison – “The phrasing and the lyrics really stick out in this song.
<len> 15 <text> Yet he had never known another Armenian in his life or met one before.
<len> 21 <text> White broke out in his third year (2007) with 83 receptions, 1,202 yards, and six touchdowns.
<len> 33 <text> We get more wonderful scenes with Jessica Lange and her descent into alcoholism, her horrible betrayal by her fiancé, and her attempted suicide in the restroom of a cheap diner.
<len> 28 <text> On the way to the coach's office, I glanced around the halls, furtively searching for someone who was doing something other than pursuing excellence.
<len> 13 <text> Also, I always thought Oz was the funniest show on TV.
<len> 24 <text> Obviously, when evidence emerges that a debt issuer is under stress, one would expect the price of its bonds to fall.
<len> 20 <text> After not many hours of sleep, the sun came up, and it was time to get moving.
<len> 22 <text> That will cause swapping, thrashing, etc which will cause higher latencies which will cause more instances to be allocated.
<len> 30 <text> The Amix Marine Services barge, about 200 feet long, carries a load of flattened cars stacked more than 10 layers high with other metal debris on top.
<len> 6 <text> NBC's Carl Quintanilla reports.
<len> 31 <text> Barclaycard says that businesses that accept contactless report the number of such sales rising by an average of 30% a day, with uptake increasing fastest among over 60s.
<len> 23 <text> And even when their politicians fail and the Democrats get into power, they feel they can still win even when losing.
<len> 11 <text> But it’s being done in the wrong way.