<len> 18 <text> “We’re the Lakers!” Buss said, seeming almost to fight back tears.
<len> 23 <text> Part way through the six-day 233 kilometre event a sandstorm caused Mauro Prosperi and his cousin James Duchkin to lose his way.
<len> 17 <text> "If you are an adult, you are part of the Safe Passage system."
<len> 21 <text> The Droid X is scheduled for July 15 release, and will cost $200 with a new two-year contract.
<len> 8 <text> I would stay in touch with him.
<len> 23 <text> In healthy individuals, blood plasma levels of vitamin C do rise when taking aspirin and supplemental vitamin C. Everything appears normal.
<len> 9 <text> “I like this way a little better.
<len> 11 <text> For more neighborhood news, listen to DNAinfo Radio here:
<len> 43 <text> Derek Carr averaged 40 passing attempts a game, and regardless of how good you think Matt McGloin (or, for a compelling idea, Connor Cook) is, he won’t win games throwing the ball that much.
<len> 29 <text> “I would like to [be fully funded] in May, order the stuff so that I can have it by October,” he says.
<len> 14 <text> But Blake does hope someone in Edmonton may have seen their cherished items.
<len> 36 <text> We can expect Russian clandestine harassment to continue—that’s Putin’s go-to solution for any foreign policy problem—but there’s little Moscow can do now to block Montenegro from officially joining NATO.
<len> 11 <text> (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post) Indeed, quite rude.
<len> 14 <text> Veteran and the Beauty will also star Wang, along with Gary Tsao.
<len> 44 <text> Signup to receive a daily roundup of the top LGBT+ news stories from around the world A gay teenager in Italy who wrote an impassioned letter published in a newspaper has been invited to parliament by the President of the Chamber of Deputies.
<len> 28 <text> He told MailOnline: 'It's positive discrimination – and I thought that discrimination on the grounds of race, sexuality, or gender was illegal.'
<len> 40 <text> Basil expresses his fury at the boy’s complaint (in this case, that his chips are the wrong shape) in particularly elaborate style – “Oh, dear...What shape do you usually have?
<len> 68 <text> Later there will be some suggestions and pleas for change (allowing for the fact that a cultural shift is a long-term goal), but here’s the real reason I’ve spent so many hours thinking about and writing this: Chucking Boulders In Our Glass Cybersecurity House This series of posts signals the end to a period of writer’s block.
<len> 14 <text> It's pretty sweet because my old one was way smaller, haha.
<len> 2 <text> Inspiring.
<len> 34 <text> Program leaders have set a larger goal of being in 38 US cities by 2023, reaching 900,000 students in 1,000 urban schools that account for two-thirds of America’s urban dropouts.
<len> 23 <text> Mistake #1: Investing in Gear, not Yourself Three sports, each with its own complement of whizzbang expensive gear.
<len> 22 <text> He played 15:07 minutes in the game producing no points, one shot on goal, and took a hooking penalty.
<len> 24 <text> Borland said it's a coincidence he decided to leave the States at the exact moment our fevered obsession with football begins anew.
<len> 19 <text> You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services.
<len> 29 <text> "I'll pick her up, take her to the hospital, baby her while she heals, and then help her back on the board."
<len> 31 <text> From there he progressed through the academy side, to the under-20s and on to the reserves, doing enough to convince Pardew to promote him to the senior squad.
<len> 17 <text> I wasn’t close friends with any of the men we lost on that mission.
<len> 24 <text> Unlike the other girls, she uses a white hat and a white cape with a bow when she is not in classes.
<len> 30 <text> No data have been published on the environmental risks of Golden Rice, including the likelihood of its GM genes getting into other cultivated rice varieties or wild relatives.
<len> 55 <text> Following the 2008 removal of trade restrictions, Indian companies led by Reliance Power (RPower), NPCIL, and Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) said that they planned to invest over US$ 50 billion in the next five years to expand their manufacturing base in the nuclear energy sector.
<len> 10 <text> Dispatch Reporter Kathy Lynn Gray contributed to this story.
<len> 10 <text> Videogames require the same actions over and over again.
<len> 9 <text> And yes, that pun was definitely intended.
<len> 18 <text> I've included a short history, photos & images of each important site feature at HNBL.
<len> 48 <text> The report does not discount the advantages of joining the Euro: “The structure of the Euro gives richer, exporting countries a significant subsidy,” it says, but warns against the loss of control over interest rates, and tax and spending policies.
<len> 15 <text> We’ll never know.” “We could stop,” Ashton said.
<len> 12 <text> [4] Mikaelsen attended Concordia College and Bemidji State University.
<len> 29 <text> Between 1883 and 1908, Monet traveled to the Mediterranean, where he painted landmarks, landscapes, and seascapes, including a series of paintings in Venice.
<len> 21 <text> BURGUM: The forces of both economics and technology are unstoppable, yet institutions don’t fully grasp that.
<len> 6 <text> But that ain't all.
<len> 34 <text> Named the Tweeter Laureate by the Texas House in 2015, Willett signed up for Twitter in 2009, but didn't post prolifically until 2012, when he was up for re-election.
<len> 16 <text> "We're looking into two other scenarios that may allow us to continue anyway.
<len> 10 <text> So having an SSL option is great, right?
<len> 8 <text> But he held firm to his argument.
<len> 23 <text> [1] Underwood was the only sitting Republican governor defeated for re-election in 2000, narrowly losing to Democrat Bob Wise.
<len> 14 <text> Read on: In the world of security Read on: Fixes and Flaws
<len> 37 <text> Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., last month sent a letter (click for PDF) to companies including Google, Yahoo, EarthLink, Verizon and T-Mobile asking them if they cooperated with the NSA.
<len> 21 <text> They urged Iraqis to avoid sectarian grievances and said individuals with no official state function were banned from carrying weapons.
<len> 12 <text> Most fans didn't realize their progress was being monitored nonstop.
<len> 2 <text> Excellent.
<len> 86 <text> Some of the basic features of Japanese and Korean are also found in other Asian languages such as Mandarin: lack of plural marker (usually), lack of relative clauses (all subclauses are backed up behind the word they modify), lack of “gender” or other verb classification, few “endings” or inflections generally, simple tense systems and (to the frustration of the translator) a tendency to omit words if they can be assumed.
<len> 37 <text> "In terms of Ian Paisley's political contribution, I think there are many people who look at his early days in the context of the more stable and peaceful society that we have today.
<len> 7 <text> Now is its time to shine!
<len> 70 <text> [31] See also [ edit ] References [ edit ] ^ The Brigade, Blum p16 / 27 ^ Blum p26 ^ M. Beckham The Jewish Brigade p27 ^ Blum p.26 ^ Blum p.26 ^ Blum p27 / 28 ^ Blum p27 / 28 / 29 ^ Soshuk Levi Momentous Century p122 ^ Blum p27 / 28 / 34 / 39 ^ Blum p. 28 ^ Blum.
<len> 13 <text> 29 people were injured in the attacks 7 are in critical condition.
<len> 5 <text> I hope it helps.
<len> 6 <text> Follow @AmeliaPakHarvey on Twitter.
<len> 35 <text> That data includes infomation about programming (channel listing, video-on-demand lineup), entitlements (how that content can be used, like recording), and delivery (the actual content).
<len> 37 <text> “If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs will ever do the right thing,” Geftman-Gold wrote on Facebook, ostensibly referring to Sandy Hook.
<len> 16 <text> A long night of meditation follows; after that night Siddharta is no longer Siddharta.
<len> 34 <text> “What it does bring is, if you’re a bump-and-run team, what the tall guys do is they create a bigger obstacle for the wide receivers to get around.
<len> 23 <text> You should never have to scroll around randomly in a buffer to find "that place you were just looking at".
<len> 34 <text> Malachy presented a description of each pope, culminating with the “final pope,” “Peter the Roman,” whose reign would end with the destruction of Rome and judgment.
<len> 41 <text> ‘They leave the army with fewer skills, often at a lower rank than those who have served for longer, and are not receiving the support they need to help them make the transition back into civilian life.
<len> 26 <text> “I’ve concluded after years of research that there are really no facts when you discuss this issue,” she stated coldly.
<len> 19 <text> Pierre Deligne and R. de Man, The exceptional series of Lie groups II, C. R. Acad.
<len> 14 <text> The rubber bands and duct tape are breaking apart in the property market.
<len> 24 <text> Creatures smash into each other every game of Faeria, so we asked the communities card design hopefuls to spice up that moment .
<len> 36 <text> The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said on Tuesday that it had a confirmed sighting of an Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) in the Tetbury area of Gloucestershire.
<len> 43 <text> That’s when everyone ran over to check to see if he was okay.” “The entire time, Secretary Clinton was shouting that he dropped the ball and kept gesturing the ‘safe’ signal,” he added.
<len> 26 <text> We talked endlessly about ethics, spirituality and the excruciating realization that we were actually considering buying another woman’s eggs, commodifying her.
<len> 14 <text> His whole post is a must-read for those of you who are interested.
<len> 15 <text> All Firefox OS apps are built on these technologies, including core platform apps.
<len> 10 <text> To comment to us by e-mail, click here.
<len> 13 <text> Authorities have sifted through more than 1,000 tips related to the case.
<len> 14 <text> Stop the killings Gemma said Maximo had nothing to do with illegal drugs.
<len> 4 <text> Who was it?
<len> 30 <text> I was able to bait out a Counterflux and play around a potential Mizzium Mortars that represented one of only two possible outs for my opponent in Game 1.
<len> 7 <text> This logic relies on two premises.
<len> 27 <text> In this way you will play into the natural strengths of the human brain, which wants to look for connections on higher and higher levels.
<len> 17 <text> Because of privacy laws, we are not able to discuss specifics of patients' care.
<len> 12 <text> Ayo Dosunmu has an official visit scheduled to Wake on 9/29.
<len> 15 <text> I think both those guys are ready and can start practicing this week."
<len> 15 <text> The first guy to get sacrificed is the big nose tackle for 3-4 teams.
<len> 21 <text> As the water level drops, so does the amount of oxygen in the pond, which suffocates the fish.
<len> 23 <text> But stop pretending they've done something new -- or that they've done it for anything but cynical, poll-tested reasons.
<len> 8 <text> She didn't know I was there.
<len> 21 <text> The river had become a raging transport corridor with everything from snakes to entire houses tearing downstream towards Moreton Bay.
<len> 13 <text> Florence E. Smith STEM School's video was "Catapults in Space.
<len> 19 <text> It's warm and comforting yet there is a bite of something...a nip of cold air?
<len> 11 <text> I hustle and I hustle hard,” I laugh.
<len> 45 <text> In the U.S., AAS are currently listed as Schedule III controlled substances under the Controlled Substances Act, which makes simple possession of such substances without a prescription a federal crime punishable by up to one year in prison for the first offense.
<len> 69 <text> Rebirth of Nefast – Tabernaculum Tabernaculum by Rebirth of Nefast “Tabernaculum” is the long-awaited debut album from Rebirth of Nefast, the primary artistic project of Irish musician Stephen Lockhart, perhaps best-known for his work as a producer at his recording studio Studio Emisary in Reykjavík, Iceland, where he’s recorded and produced pretty much every Icelandic metal band worth listening to.
<len> 24 <text> So it seems the old hypothesis — that the big ideas of classical liberalism created Western economic growth — is worth another look!
<len> 20 <text> The lights work in 3 settings – OFF, Continuous ON, or triggered by the built-in sound detector.
<len> 36 <text> This too in a time when the lim­its of the tech­nol­o­gy meant that it was in­cred­i­bly dif­fi­cult to tell a com­plex or nu­anced sto­ry, and the most suc­cess­ful games were dri­ven by the game­play.
<len> 17 <text> What stood out from your letter is that you are impressed with the religion of Islam.
<len> 12 <text> It’s because it’s the way they live.
<len> 15 <text> We don't expect that minor surgery would affect Roethlisberger entering the 2015 season.