8 values
Why Mauritius is famous
1. Because it has nice resorts 2. Beaches are very nice 3, Foods are awesome
What is an optimisation problem?
In mathematics and computer science, an optimisation problem is typically a search problem in which the best solution is to locate among all feasible solutions. An optimisation problem can be categorised as continuous or discrete depending on the type of their variables. In a discrete optimisation problem, variables are discrete and countable. In contrast, continuous variables include infinitely uncountable values, for example, a variable over a non-empty range of real numbers. According to the number of objective functions, an optimisation problem is classified as single or multi-objective. A single-objective optimisation problem only involves one objective function to optimise. On the other hand, a multi-objective one considers two or more objectives simultaneously, which means the interaction between objectives has to be considered.
What languages are spoken in Switzerland
The four national languages of Switzerland are German, French, Italian, and Romansh. German, French, and Italian maintain equal status as official languages at the national level within the Federal Administration of the Swiss Confederation, while Romansh is used in dealings with people who speak it. Latin is occasionally used in some formal contexts, particularly to denote the country (Confederatio Helvetica). In 2020, 62.3% of the population of Switzerland were native speakers of German (either Swiss German or Standard German) at home; 22.8% French (mostly Swiss French, but including some Franco-Provençal dialects); 8% Italian (mostly Swiss Italian, but including Lombard); and 0.5% Romansh. The German region (Deutschschweiz) is roughly in the east, north, and centre; the French part (la Romandie) in the west; and the Italian area (Svizzera italiana) in the south. There remains a small Romansh-speaking native population in Grisons in the east. The cantons of Fribourg, Bern, and Valais are officially bilingual; Grisons is officially trilingual.
The four national languages of Switzerland are German, French, Italian, and Romansh. German, French, and Italian maintain equal status as official languages at the national level within the Federal Administration of the Swiss Confederation, while Romansh is used in dealings with people who speak it. Latin is occasionally used in some formal contexts, particularly to denote the country (Confederatio Helvetica). In 2020, 62.3% of the population of Switzerland were native speakers of German (either Swiss German or Standard German) at home; 22.8% French (mostly Swiss French, but including some Franco-Provençal dialects); 8% Italian (mostly Swiss Italian, but including Lombard); and 0.5% Romansh. The German region (Deutschschweiz) is roughly in the east, north, and centre; the French part (la Romandie) in the west; and the Italian area (Svizzera italiana) in the south. There remains a small Romansh-speaking native population in Grisons in the east. The cantons of Fribourg, Bern, and Valais are officially bilingual; Grisons is officially trilingual.
I follow you all the time and copy your every move, but you can’t touch me or catch me. What am I?
I am your shadow.
Robin Williams dressed in drag for which 1993 film
Mrs Doubtfire
Based on this paragraph, what was the main focus of Mohammad Shah I's reign over his sultanate?
When Mohammad inherited the newly born sultanate from his father Alauddin, the land was still infested with thieves and robbers. As such he spent the entire part of his reign in establishing law in his land. He ordered his governors to never give refuge to anyone who defied his authority. This campaign was successful and at the end of his reign,the land became peaceful and law abiding. He also sat on the takht-ē-firoza or The Turquoise throne which was gifted to him by Kapaya Nayaka.
Mohammad was mainly focused on establishing law and order within his territory during his reign in order to remove thieves and robbers.
Tell me which one of the following countries are in the European Union: The Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Finland, the United Kingdom, Italy, Luxembourg, Turkey, Australia, Vietnam, Canada.
The Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Italy and Luxembourg are in the European Union. Rest of the countries: Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Australia, Vietnam and Canada are not a part of the European Union but might have deals allowing them to benefit from the certain conveniences of the European Union such as free trade. For example, while Switzerland has very close ties with European Union nations and has similar benefits, they are not a part of the EU. Switzerland enjoys benefits such as freedom of movement of people between the EU member states and Switzerland, this is due to a separate agreement: Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFMP).
Identify which instrument is string or woodwind: Clavinet, Ocarina
Ocarina is woodwind, Clavinet is string.
Identify which instrument is string or woodwind: Stritch, Zhu
Zhu is string, Stritch is woodwind.
What are the two locations the A's are considering for building their new baseball stadium?
The A's are considering building their stadium in Jack London Square in Oakland, CA and in Las Vegas.
Briefly summarize this paragraph on a Pearl Harbor conspiracy theory.
"Robert Stinnett's Day of Deceit suggests a memorandum prepared by Commander McCollum was central to U.S. policy in the immediate pre-war period. Stinnett claims the memo suggests only a direct attack on U.S. interests would sway the American public (or Congress) to favor direct involvement in the European war, specifically in support of the British. An attack by Japan would not, could not, aid Britain. Although the memo was passed to Captains Walter Anderson and Dudley Knox, two of Roosevelt's military advisors, on October 7, 1940, there is no evidence to suggest Roosevelt ever saw it, while Stinnett's claims of evidence he did is nonexistent. Moreover, although Anderson and Knox offered eight specific plans to aggrieve the Japanese Empire and added, "If by these means Japan could be led to commit an overt act of war, so much the better," of the eight "plans" (actions to be taken) offered in the memo, many if not all were implemented, but there is considerable doubt the McCollum memo was the inspiration.[citation needed] Nonetheless, in Day of Deceit Stinnett claims all action items were implemented. Yet there were numerous instances of members of the Roosevelt Administration insisting on not provoking Japan. Mark Parillo, in his essay The United States in the Pacific, wrote, "hese theories tend to founder on the logic of the situation. Had Roosevelt and other members of his administration known of the attack in advance, they would have been foolish to sacrifice one of the major instruments needed to win the war just to get the United States into it." Furthermore, on 5 November 1941, in a joint memo, Stark, CNO, and Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, warned, "if Japan be defeated and Germany remain undefeated, decision will still not have been reached.... War between the United States and Japan should be avoided...." Additionally, in a 21 November 1941 memo, Brigadier Leonard T. Gerow, head of Army War Plans, stated, "one of our present major objectives the avoidance of war with Japan...[and to] insure continuance of material assistance to the British." He concluded, "[I]t is of grave importance to our war effort in Europe..." Furthermore, Churchill himself, in a 15 May 1940 telegram, said he hoped a U.S. commitment to aid Britain would "quiet" Japan, following with a 4 October message requesting a USN courtesy visit to Singapore aimed at "preventing the spreading of the war" And Stark's own Plan Dog expressly stated, "Any strength that we might send to the Far East would...reduce the force of our blows against Germany..." Roosevelt could scarcely have been ignorant of Stark's views, and war with Japan was clearly contrary to Roosevelt's express wish to aid Britain."
This paragraph summarizes both Robert Stinnett's argument that the US government intentionally provoked the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the counter-arguments. Stinnett's case is based largely on a memo from Commander McCollom stating that the only way to US population and its elected officials could be convinced to enter WWII would be if there was a direct attack on the US. Stinnett argues that the government then did everything recommended in the memo in order to compel the Japanese to attack. According to this paragraph, arguments that disprove Stinnett's claim include the fact that the military would never endanger the fleet in Pearl Harbor needed to win the war in a plan to convince the American people to join the way. In addition, there is compelling evidence that Roosevelt was attempting to minimize the conflict with Japan in order to focus on aid to England.
Based on the above passage what are the heavier elements which are more fissionable?
Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons). The difference in mass between the reactants and products is manifested as either the release or absorption of energy. This difference in mass arises due to the difference in nuclear binding energy between the atomic nuclei before and after the reaction. Nuclear fusion is the process that powers active or main-sequence stars and other high-magnitude stars, where large amounts of energy are released. A nuclear fusion process that produces atomic nuclei lighter than iron-56 or nickel-62 will generally release energy. These elements have a relatively small mass and a relatively large binding energy per nucleon. Fusion of nuclei lighter than these releases energy (an exothermic process), while the fusion of heavier nuclei results in energy retained by the product nucleons, and the resulting reaction is endothermic. The opposite is true for the reverse process, called nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion uses lighter elements, such as hydrogen and helium, which are in general more fusible; while the heavier elements, such as uranium, thorium and plutonium, are more fissionable. The extreme astrophysical event of a supernova can produce enough energy to fuse nuclei into elements heavier than iron.
uranium, thorium and plutonium.
What is a bank run?
To understand a bank run you have to first understand how a bank works. Banks take deposits from customers and agree to return the deposits at any time. However instead of charging a fee for storing the money, banks make a profit by investing the deposits, either by lending then out to businesses that need loans or by buying safe investments like treasuries. The problem is that these investments typically are somewhat illiquid. So if a customer suddenly asks for their deposits back, the bank can’t immediately sell its investments to give it to them. To counter this, banks keep a pool of money on hand to handle day to day deposits and withdrawals. However, if every customer wants to withdraw their deposits at once, the bank does not have enough money to give to every customer. This is a bank run.
Which of the following is useful for transportation: a glass of wine, a lamp, a train, an iced cube tray, a plane, a bicycle, an apple and a scooter.
The useful objects for transportation in the list are train, plane, bicyle and scooter.
Based on the reference text, what does the champion of the Masters Tournament receive?
The Masters Tournament The tournament has a number of traditions. Since 1949, a green jacket has been awarded to the champion, who must return it to the clubhouse one year after his victory, although it remains his personal property and is stored with other champions' jackets in a specially designated cloakroom. In most instances, only a first-time and currently reigning champion may remove his jacket from the club grounds. A golfer who wins the event multiple times uses the same green jacket awarded upon his initial win (unless they need to be re-fitted with a new jacket). The Champions Dinner, inaugurated by Ben Hogan in 1952, is held on the Tuesday before each tournament, and is open only to past champions and certain board members of the Augusta National Golf Club. Beginning in 1963, legendary golfers, usually past champions, have hit an honorary tee shot on the morning of the first round to commence play. These have included Fred McLeod, Jock Hutchinson, Gene Sarazen, Sam Snead, Byron Nelson, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, Lee Elder, and Tom Watson. Since 1960, a semi-social contest at the par-3 course has been played on Wednesday, the day before the first round.
The champion of the Masters Tournament receives a green jacket. However, it must be returned to the clubhouse the following year to be stored in a designated cloakroom.
What is the best movie of all time
Shawshank Redemption
Why do kids like to play video games so much these days?
First, video games are fun and very addictive. The game is designed to transport us to new realities and satisfy our needs for achievement and recognition. Especially most of the young generation plays online games, they use that as a social activity to hang out and make new friends. In addition, kids now have fewer outdoor activities and stay home longer than before. so playing video games is the easiest way to entertain themselves and engage with their friends.
iPhone 14 pro vs Samsung s22 ultra
Large OLED screens on both with 1-120Hz dynamic refresh rate iPhone has Face ID, Galaxy uses a fingerprint scanner Dynamic Island on iPhone is unique Galaxy has S Pen Similar main three cameras, but Galaxy also has a unique 10X zoom lens Galaxy has faster charging Similar prices iPhone battery lasts longer
How should I go about planning a trip to Europe?
Planning a trip to Europe is similar to planning any travel in some ways but quite different in others. This is because Europe is a diverse continent made up of countries each with their unique culture, geography and climate. Moreover, every country has something unique to offer by way of things to do. Therefore, while planning your trip to Europe, first consider what kind of experience you want, for example, whether you want a more modern holiday or a rustic vacation, whether you want to spend time on the beach or rather partake in winter sports or activities. Consider also whether you like warmer climates or enjoy winter weather. Once you have established that, consider your budget and for how any days you can travel. After you decide on all those parameters, you can create your travel itinerary and either do your travel booking yourself or approach a travel agent to do it for you.
What is the best season to re-seed your lawn on north east region of USA?
The best season to plant grass seeds is early fall before the soil temperature drops below zero degrees. It will take a few weeks for the new seeds to take root before winter comes. Then when spring comes, the grass will resume growth and become strong enough to sustain the high temperature in the summer. Spring time is actually not a good season to plant, because the grass will not have enough time to grow before harsh summer comes along.
Who was Raghib Pasha?
Isma'il ibn Ahmad ibn Hassan bani Yani (Arabic: إسماعيل بن أحمد بن حسن بني يني), known simply as Isma'il Ragheb Pasha (Arabic: إسماعيل راغب باشا) (1819–1884), was a Greek Ottoman politician who served as a Prime Minister of Egypt and held several other high-ranking government positions. Isma'il Ragheb was of Greek ancestry and was born in Greece on 18 August 1819 on either the island of Chios following the great massacre of Candia, Crete. After being kidnapped to Anatolia he was brought to Egypt as a slave by Ibrahim Pasha in 1830 and was converted to Islam. Immediately following his arrival, he studied at al-Maktab al-Amiri and obtained his advanced degree in 1834. He was fluent in Greek and was elevated to the rank of First Lieutenant by Egypt's viceroy Muhammad Ali Pasha. In 1836, he became head of the Accounting and Revenue Agencies. He was promoted to the rank of bikbashi (Lieutenant Colonel) in 1840, then kaymakam (Colonel) in 1844, and finally amiralay (Brigadier General) in 1846.[citation needed] He held the positions of Minister of Finance (1858–1860), then Minister of War (1860–1861).[citation needed] He became Inspector for the Maritime Provinces in 1862, and later Assistant (Arabic: باشمعاون) to viceroy Isma'il Pasha (1863–1865). He was granted the title of beylerbey and then appointed President of the Privy council in 1868. He was appointed President of the Chamber of Deputies (1866–1867), then Minister of Interior in 1867, then Minister of Agriculture and Trade in 1875.[citation needed] He again held the Finance portfolio in Muhammad Sharif Pasha's first government (1879). After the fall of Mahmoud Sami el-Baroudi's government, Isma'il Ragheb became Prime Minister of Egypt in 1882.[citation needed] Although his government was short-lived (it lasted from 17 June to 21 August only), it was the only one to present concrete programs. His achievements include the modernisation of the budget through the inventory of revenues and expenses, the Law on Salaries, and the La'eha Sa'ideyya as well as several agricultural laws.[citation needed] Isma'il Ragheb died in 1884.[citation needed]
Raghib Pasha was a Greek Ottoman politician who served in various roles in Egypt during the mid to late 1800s, including Prime Minister of Egypt for a brief period.
Tell me which of these US Presidents was Republican or Democrat: Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter
Dwight Eisenhower - Republican John Kennedy - Democrat Lyndon Johnson - Democrat Richard Nixon - Republican Gerald Ford - Republican Jimmy Carter - Democrat
Give me some movie/tv series to learn English
There are several tv series that can be used to learn English. 1. "Friends" is an American television sitcom that lasts ten seasons from Sep 22, 1994 to May 6, 2004. The show revolves around six friends in their 20s and 30s who live in Manhattan, New York City. The language used in Friends is casual and not challenging to understand. Watching Friends to learn English will help you to build up your vocabulary. 2. "The Big Bang Theory" is an American television sitcom about two physicists at Caltech who share an apartment and their friends. The show has some challenging English word that requires some domain knowledge to understand. This show is recommended to people who have an intermediate English level.
What are recommendations for some European cities to visit.
Berlin, Amsterdam and Vienna are all considered great European vacation spots to visit.
Tell me whether these are cities in India: Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney, New Delhi, Kolkota
Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, New Delhi, Kolkota
why is Mahatma Gandhi loved by everyone?
Mahatma Gandhi preached non-cooperation using non-violent methods as a way to win against the oppressive rulers without resorting to guns. This is difficult to do and requires public's cooperation.
When did Singapore gain independence, and who was the first President?
After being expelled from Malaysia, Singapore became independent as the Republic of Singapore on 9 August 1965, with Lee Kuan Yew and Yusof bin Ishak as the first prime minister and president respectively. In 1967, the country co-founded the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Race riots broke out once more in 1969. Lee Kuan Yew's emphasis on rapid economic growth, support for business entrepreneurship, and limitations on internal democracy shaped Singapore's policies for the next half-century. Economic growth continued throughout the 1980s, with the unemployment rate falling to 3% and real GDP growth averaging at about 8% up until 1999. During the 1980s, Singapore began to shift towards high-tech industries, such as the wafer fabrication sector, in order to remain competitive as neighbouring countries began manufacturing with cheaper labour. Singapore Changi Airport was opened in 1981 and Singapore Airlines was formed. The Port of Singapore became one of the world's busiest ports and the service and tourism industries also grew immensely during this period.
Singapore became independent on 9 August 1965, and the first president was Yusof bin Ishak.
Extract the current cash rate from the following using the format: {x} percent At its meeting today, the Board decided to increase the cash rate target by 25 basis points to 3.60 per cent. It also increased the interest rate on Exchange Settlement balances by 25 basis points to 3.50 per cent. Global inflation remains very high. In headline terms it is moderating, although services price inflation remains elevated in many economies. It will be some time before inflation is back to target rates. The outlook for the global economy remains subdued, with below average growth expected this year and next. The monthly CPI indicator suggests that inflation has peaked in Australia. Goods price inflation is expected to moderate over the months ahead due to both global developments and softer demand in Australia. Services price inflation remains high, with strong demand for some services over the summer. Rents are increasing at the fastest rate in some years, with vacancy rates low in many parts of the country. The central forecast is for inflation to decline this year and next, to be around 3 per cent in mid-2025. Medium-term inflation expectations remain well anchored, and it is important that this remains the case. Growth in the Australian economy has slowed, with GDP increasing by 0.5 per cent in the December quarter and 2.7 per cent over the year. Growth over the next couple of years is expected to be below trend. Household consumption growth has slowed due to the tighter financial conditions and the outlook for housing construction has softened. In contrast, the outlook for business investment remains positive, with many businesses operating at a very high level of capacity utilisation.
3.60 percent
What are four reasons why you have a car on your front lawn?
1. I ran out of parking in my driveway 2. The car drips oil and the grass absorbs the oil better than the concrete driveway 3. It dropped from the sky and I don't have the money to get it removed 4. My wife often kicks me out of the house and I use it to sleep in
How many Silver Star awards did James Frederick Moriarty receive?
James Frederick Moriarty (May 8, 1896 – January 30, 1981) was a highly decorated officer in the United States Marine Corps with the rank of brigadier general. A veteran of World War I, he distinguished himself several times as a company officer with the 6th Machine Gun Battalion and received four awards of the Silver Star.
James Frederick Moriarty received four awards of the Silver Star
What kind of dog breed do you get when you mate a poodle with an old english sheep dog?
How does screen printing work?
Screen printing is also referred to as silk screen printing. It is essentially the process of printing an image or artwork onto a surface by pushing ink through a screen. The screens are pulled tight and held in a metal or wood frame. Much like a picture frame. Depending on the detail of the artwork, the screens can have different size weave. The weave is essentially how tight the screen is woven and how large the holes in the screen are. For more detailed designs, the screen used will be woven very close and tight so the holes are very small and let less ink through. This allows for very thin lines and detail. Each screen can print 1 color at a time. So, to print a design with multiple colors, there needs to be multiple screens. 1 screen per color. Many screen printing presses have large rotating arms that hold the screens. The arms rotate for each color to be printed individually.
Who was the Father of Elizabeth II ?
King George VI
How to find the area of a rectangle?
A rectangle is a closed two dimensional quadrilateral structure with four right angles (90 degrees). Opposite sides of a rectangle are parallel and of equal length. Usually, the length of longer sides is called length of a rectangle and the length of shorter sides is called width/breadth of a rectangle. Area of the rectangle is calculated by multiplying the length and width of the rectangle. For example, If the length of the rectangle is l and the width of the rectangle is w then area of the rectangle = (l x w). If all sides of a rectangle are of equal length then it is called a square. Thus, square is a special case of a rectangle.
Given a reference text about the Driftwood River, tell me what main river it is part of.
The Driftwood River is a 15.5-mile-long (24.9 km) tributary of the East Fork of the White River in central Indiana in the United States. Via the White, Wabash and Ohio rivers, it is part of the watershed of the Mississippi River. It is a short river, formed by the confluence of two longer streams a short distance upstream of its mouth. Course The Driftwood River is formed in southeastern Johnson County, 1 mile (1.6 km) west of Edinburgh, by the confluence of Sugar Creek and the Big Blue River. It flows generally southwardly through northwestern Bartholomew County to Columbus, where it joins the Flatrock River to form the East Fork of the White River. Near Edinburgh, IN, Driftwood River has a mean annual discharge of 1,210 cubic feet per second.[
The Driftwood River is part of the Mississippi River.
Given this paragraph about the description of wakesurfing, what is needed to generate the wave?
Wakesurfing is a water sport in which a rider trails behind a boat, riding the boat's wake without being directly pulled by the boat. After getting up on the wake, typically by use of a tow rope, the wakesurfers will drop the rope, and ride the steep face below the wave's peak in a fashion reminiscent of surfing. Wakesurfers generally use special boards, designed specifically for wakes.
a boat
What is rain good for?
Rain comes from the sky by ocean and land water evaporating into the clouds. When these nimbus clouds move to land, and the the rain in them is gets too heavy the rain will fall to the ground. Rain is needed for humans, animals, and plants. Purified rain water helps humans to stay hydrated, animals to grow, and plants to grow to make food for humans and animals. Rain also helps with cleaning out pollution from the air because pollution particles stick to the rain and then it falls to the ground.
Give me some tips on how to train for a marathon.
- Come up with a training plan - Plan for 3-5 months of training - Increase your daily mileage gradually - Increase your weekly mileage gradually - Have a mix of speedwork and endurance work - Include sessions to build strength - Stretch before and after your runs - Include rest days for recovery - Pay attention to nutrition and hydration - Pay attention to hydration - Taper 2 weeks before the marathon - Go for it, good luck on race day!
Identify which car manufacturer is British or American: Lotus, Lincoln
Lotus is British, Lincoln is American
What is an API endpoint?
Endpoints are important aspects of interacting with server-side web APIs, as they specify where resources lie that can be accessed by third party software. Usually the access is via a URI to which HTTP requests are posted, and from which the response is thus expected. Web APIs may be public or private, the latter of which requires an access token. Endpoints need to be static, otherwise the correct functioning of software that interacts with it cannot be guaranteed. If the location of a resource changes (and with it the endpoint) then previously written software will break, as the required resource can no longer be found at the same place. As API providers still want to update their web APIs, many have introduced a versioning system in the URI that points to an endpoint.
Endpoints specify where resources lie that can be accessed by third party software. Clients use endpoints to interact with server-side web APIs.
What are signs my partner is cheating?
Turning off their shared location, changing the password on their phone, new interest in self care, unplanned business trips, spending lots of time on social media, pulling cash out of the Atm so their transactions are not traceable, turning phone off or not answering phone
What is the best place to visit in India
Sikim Munnar Ladakh Jaipur Alyppie
Who is the most famous left-handed baseball player?
Babe Ruth
Snow or Desert
Desert, because snow will kill you instantly for a night
What's it like to live in the belly of a whale?
The giant whale that can swallow a human (Blue Whale) doesn't have teeth, so the experience was "painless." However, you would never understand how dark the darkness could be until you've been in the belly of a whale. Also, talk about being seasick. Everything inside sloshes around and smells terribly as it's slowly being digested. This only adds insult to injury when it comes to feeling nauseous.
What are the five boroughs of New York City?
New York City, the most populous city in the United States, is composed of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Each borough is coextensive with a respective county of New York State. The boroughs of Queens and the Bronx are also Queens County and Bronx County. The other three counties are named differently from their boroughs: Manhattan is New York County, Brooklyn is Kings County, and Staten Island is Richmond County.
New York city is composed of five boroughs -- The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. Each borough is also a respective county of the State of New York. Queens is Queens County, and The Bronx is Bronx County. The other three counties are named differently from their boroughs. Manhattan is New York County, Brooklyn is Kings County, and Staten Island is Richmond County.
List some of the historic Khals in A Song of Ice and Fire.
Khal Mengo, Khal Horro, Khal Qano, Khal Zeggo, Khal Temmo
Give me some places to visit with a 8 year old kid
Here are some places you can take a 8 year old kid Zoos Parks Beaches Aquarium Museums Short hiking trails Amusement parks Trampoline parks Restaurants with indoor play area Arcade Lazer tag Library Bowling Paint ball
What is AWS EKS?
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service that makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes
Why is Football a popular spectator sport?
Football is an exciting game that is fun for people of all ages to enjoy. Many fans of the game follow a team that is associated with a school or town/city. Football is a fast moving game where players run, tackle, pass and kick a ball on a 100yd long grass or turf (fake grass) field. Referees make sure players follow the rules and if not, they stop the game and penalize the team which committed a foul/penalty. College football is very popular as well as professional football. The NFL (National Football League) is the league with the best professional players.
Why are Mothers good at multi-tasking?
Being a mother is demanding. You are responsible for many things, including but not limited to the safety of your child. An infant is solely dependent on his/her mother. A mothers job is to feed, bathe and make sure that the child is well taken care of. In what we could call a normal household, the mother is responsible for the well being of their child until they become an adult at the age of 18. During those 18 years, they take them to the doctors, make sure they attend school, participate in extracurricular activities, and be an active member of the community. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but raising that child starts with being a good mother. While they are doing all of this for their own child(ren) they are also taking care of themselves, their household, their spouse and in a lot of cases their own career. In order to manage all of these things, you must be good at multi-tasking and juggling a lot of responsibilities at the same time. This is why I believe mothers are good at multi-tasking.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Dunun, Kanan
Kanan is string, Dunun is percussion.
Which NFL team has the most Super Bowl championship wins?
The Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots are tied for the most Super Bowl championship wins. Both teams have won 6 Super Bowl championships. The Steelers were the first team to achieve this in 2008, while the Patriots earned their sixth championship win in 2018.
What are some movies that star Will Ferrell?
Some of the most popular movies starring Will Ferrell include Old School, Stepbrothers, Elf, Anchorman, Stranger than Fiction, Blades of Glory, Zoolander, and Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.
Are the these examples of deserts or desserts? Cake, pie, cookies, and ice cream.
These four examples are desserts not deserts.
Which national park is hardest to visit?
Its hard to say which national park is the most difficult to visit. There are numerous locations across multiple geographies including Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, The U.S Virgin Islands and the United States itself. Many national parks don't receive a lot of visitors because of their remote locations. Alaska contains many national parks that are hard to visit including: Kobuk Valley National Park, Katmai National Park and Preserve, And Gates of the Arctic. Gates of the Arctic National Park for example is the least visited overall park because its extremely remote and can only be reached by plane or on foot. Other National Parks like Isle Royale in Michigan or Dry Tortugas National Park in Florida are also hard to visit as they can only be reached by boat or seaplane and contain rugged terrain and sensitive reefs.
List 10 best switch games of all time.
According to the metacritic website, the top 10 switch games of all time are: 1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2. Super Mario Odyssey 3. Portal Companion Collection 4. The House in Fata Morgana - Dreams of the Revenants Edition 5. Tetris Effect: Connected 6. Metroid Prime Remastered 7. Persona 5 Royal 8. Hades 9. Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition 10. Ori and the Will of the Wisps The top 10 lists from other websites may vary.
Who was the most popular musical artist in the 1980s?
Michael Jackson was the number one selling musical artist in the 1980s.
Tell me about the various road types in USA?
The public road system in United States of America is primarily made up of Highways and Local Roads. The United States Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FWHA) classifies roads based on functions which are created based on attributes such as speed limits, route length and spacing. Based on the road functions we can categorize roads into the following categories. 1. Interstates and Arterial System 2. Other Arterials 3. Collectors 4. Locals The interstate system is the at the top of road function classification system. They include Highways and Freeways with the highest speed limits and which allow for long distance travel without a lot of interruption. They are constructed using precise standards, signage and with safety considerations. They are also sometimes referred to as Arterial roads as they provide vital connectivity across regions in America. Interstate 95 or I-95 is an example of one such highway in the east coast of the United States which runs from Florida to Maine. The Principal Arterial system also comprises of U.S. Highways, which provide connectivity across regions which do not have an Interstate to support travel. Other Arterials also include freeways and highways which supplement the Interstate system explained above. They have a slightly lesser speed limits. They typically connect cities and urban areas. Consider them as being minor highways. As an example, North Carolina Highway 55 (NC-55) is a primary state highway artery connecting multiple regional and urban areas in the state of North Carolina. Collectors are critical for connecting urban population using local roads with the Interstate highways where applicable. They have more interruptions and are shorter in lengths. They also have lesser speed limits (30-35 mph). These can comprise of State highways which connect local roads with the Arterial highways. Finally local roads provide connectivity between communities, regions, farms and other local areas. They form the lion's share of the United States road system.
Give me some ideas of kids items to stuff into Easter eggs.
Here are some kids items that you might consider for your next Easter egg hunt: stickers, playdoh, bouncy balls, bubbles, coins, special rocks or gems, candy, other small toys
Based on this paragraph from Wikipedia, where was Jerry Garcia born, how many fingers did he have, and where did he attend college?
Jerry Garcia was born August 1, 1942, in San Francisco, California. His father was Jose Ramon Garcia, a Spanish immigrant. His mother, Ruth Marie Clifford, named him after her favorite composer, Jerome Kern. His father was a jazz musician who bought a bar. As a child Garcia took piano lessons. When he was four he lost part of a finger chopping wood. A year later his father drowned. When his mother took over the bar, Garcia went to live with his grandparents. They introduced him to the Grand Ole Opry. This along with his brother's collection of Chuck Berry records gave him an interest in country music. In 1953 his mother remarried and Garcia moved back with her. Garcia attended several different schools in and around San Francisco. But he had little interest in school until 1957 when he attended the California School of Fine Arts (now the San Francisco Art Institute). At age 15 his mother gave him a guitar. In high school he played in several bands. At age 17 he quit school. He joined the Army in 1960 but was given a general discharge a few months later.
Based on this paragraph, Jerry Garcia was born in San Francisco, had nine fingers and he quit school at age 17 before attending college.
Extract from the following passage two key uses of electricity in modern technology.
Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and motion of matter that has a property of electric charge. Electricity is related to magnetism, both being part of the phenomenon of electromagnetism, as described by Maxwell's equations. Various common phenomena are related to electricity, including lightning, static electricity, electric heating, electric discharges and many others. The presence of either a positive or negative electric charge produces an electric field. The movement of electric charges is an electric current and produces a magnetic field. In most applications, a force acts on a charge with a magnitude given by Coulomb's law. Electric potential is typically measured in volts. Electricity is at the heart of many modern technologies, being used for: a. Electric power where electric current is used to energise equipment; b. Electronics which deals with electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies. Electrical phenomena have been studied since antiquity, though progress in theoretical understanding remained slow until the 17th and 18th centuries. The theory of electromagnetism was developed in the 19th century, and by the end of that century electricity was being put to industrial and residential use by electrical engineers. The rapid expansion in electrical technology at this time transformed industry and society, becoming a driving force for the Second Industrial Revolution. Electricity's extraordinary versatility means it can be put to an almost limitless set of applications which include transport, heating, lighting, communications, and computation. Electrical power is now the backbone of modern industrial society.
Electricity is at the heart of many modern technologies, being used for: a. Electric power where electric current is used to energise equipment; b. Electronics which deals with electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies.
I’m walking to work and I’d like to carry helpful things in my backpack for a big presentation. Which of these should I pack: rotary telephone, eighty inch monitor, laptop, notepad, beer keg, pen.
The laptop, notepad, and pen might be helpful in order to retrieve and share content or take notes during the presentation. The eighty inch monitor won’t fit in a backpack, although it might be helpful if they have one at your presentation. The beer keg and rotary telephone probably won’t be necessary for a presentation.
Are space objects affected by planets? If so, why?
Planets can impact the trajectory of objects in space, because they are pulled by the planet's gravity.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Bendir, Rabel
Rabel is string, Bendir is percussion.
Imagine you are part of the city government responsible for urban planning. Write a letter to address the biggest ethical obligation behind a LASER-like system.
As a division in charge of urban planning for the City of Los Angeles, we are obligated to ensure that the LASER system delivers sustainable and equitable improvements for our neighborhoods, especially the socially marginalized ones. To that end, we need LASER to generate outputs that would not target racial groups – African American communities, for example – and in turn aggravate the pre-existing police harassment in those regions. Yet, there exists no possible source of data inputs for LASER to achieve such goal. The algorithm has been historically accused of racial profiling despite not using race as a predictor for criminal tendencies. However, our society is fraught with deep-rooted racism such that data points themselves bear the mark of discriminatory ideology and practices. For instance, gang membership as a predictor in LASER essentially serves as a proxy for race. Gangs in African American communities arose as a result of economic deprivation, resource insufficiency, as well as police harassment – phenomena with roots that can be easily traced back to age-old racial segregation. Similarly, criminal records hold the vestiges of the New Jim Crow. Therefore, using gang activity and past arrests as predictors in the LASER system only generate outputs with heavy racial connotations, which in turn reinforce and reify historical biases. Notwithstanding the problematic algorithm, we do not need to cast away the system entirely. When LASER points to places of deep-rooted discrimination and deprivation, we should mend but not aggravate. Instead of composing chronic offender bulletins, we can treat the LASER outputs as agenda for our next social welfare and infrastructure construction projects – where do we need to build more schools and hospitals? Where should the money go to create more job opportunities? Where do we need to address the problem of police misconduct and rebuild the relationship between people and law enforcement? If we cannot fix a “bias in, bias out” algorithm, we can at least attend to the information it has generated and figure out where the biases have wreaked havoc and taken a heavy toll. We can then redistribute resources and fundings accordingly so that the historically deprived neighborhoods have the chance to flourish. In doing so, we can achieve both sustainability and equity. We can expect the crime rates to go down when the neighborhood achieves economic growth and employment, and such crime reduction is sustainable, unlike the original LASER system that continues to discriminate and deprive.
Who are the Dawoodi Bohras?
The Dawoodi Bohras are a modern religious group within the Ismaili Shia Sect of Shia Islam. They originate from Egypt tracing their lineage to The Fatimid Empire. Dawoodi Bohras are usually known for their trading policies, business acumen & entrepreneurship & believe in becoming Self-reliant. The word "Bohra" in Gujarati means "to trade" hence most of them prefers to do businesses & are quite involved in Software, Iron or Metal trading majorly. From a religious perspective, They usually follow seven pillars of Islam (Walayah, Taharah, Salat, Zakah, Sawm, Hajj & Jihad) instead of Five. They're also quite active in Muharram-al-Haram performing the Mourning of Husayn ibn Ali & Ahl-al-Bayt and the day of the Ashura. They have an annual event of "Ashara Mubaraka" where they gather from across the world at a chosen place to perform the Mourning & doing community services. They're also very active in Ramadan & other months to celebrate Eid-al-Fitr, Eid-al-Adha, Eid-al-Ghadir etc. At present their current leader & Dai-al-Mutlaq is His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin who resides in Saifee Mahal, Mumbai, India. To know more about this community, I would suggest to read "Mullahs on the Mainframe: Islam and Modernity among the Daudi Bohras" by Jonah Blank published first in 2001.
What is Economics?
Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics focuses on the behaviour and interactions of economic agents and how economies work. Microeconomics analyzes what's viewed as basic elements in the economy, including individual agents and markets, their interactions, and the outcomes of interactions. Individual agents may include, for example, households, firms, buyers, and sellers. Macroeconomics analyzes the economy as a system where production, consumption, saving, and investment interact, and factors affecting it: employment of the resources of labour, capital, and land, currency inflation, economic growth, and public policies that have impact on these elements.
Economics allows us to understand resources, production of goods and services, growth over time and other issues that impact society. Microeconomics is the study of individual agents such as buyers, sellers and households. Macroeconomics studies the economy as a whole system and the factors that affect it.
How do you do a shuffle ball change tap move?
First, shuffle with your right foot, step back with on to the ball of your right foot. Next, stomp with your whole left foot. Repeat.
Given this text about Heracles' twelve labors, construct a list of characters that either help him in his quest, how, and why.
1. Slay the Nemean Lion Heracles defeated a lion that was attacking the city of Nemea with his bare hands. After he succeeded he wore the skin as a cloak to demonstrate his power over the opponent he had defeated. 2. Slay the nine-headed Lernaean Hydra A fire-breathing monster with multiple serpent heads. When one head was cut off, two would grow in its place. It lived in a swamp near Lerna. Hera had sent it in hope it would destroy Heracles' home city because she thought it was invincible. With help from his nephew Iolaus, he defeated the monster and dipped his arrows in its poisoned blood, thus envenomizing them. 3. Capture the Golden Hind of Artemis Not to kill, but to catch, this hind that was sacred to Artemis. A different, but still difficult, task for a hero. It cost time but, having chased it for a year, Heracles wore out the Hind. Artemis intervened, but as soon as Heracles explained the situation to her, she allowed him to take it, and he presented it alive to Eurystheus. 4. Capture the Erymanthian Boar A fearsome marauding boar on the loose. Eurystheus set Heracles the Labour of catching it, and bringing it to Mycenae. Again, a time-consuming task, but the tireless hero found the beast, captured it, and brought it to its final spot. Patience is the heroic quality in the third and fourth Labours. 5. Clean the Augean stables in a single day The Augean stables were the home of 3,000 cattle with poisoned faeces which Augeas had been given by his father Helios. Heracles was given the near impossible task of cleaning the stables of the diseased faeces. He accomplished it by digging ditches on both sides of the stables, moving them into the ditches, and then diverting the rivers Alpheios and Pineios to wash the ditches clean. 6. Slay the Stymphalian Birds These aggressive man-eating birds were terrorizing a forest near Lake Stymphalia in northern Arcadia. Heracles scared them with a rattle given to him by Athena, to frighten them into flight away from the forest, allowing him to shoot many of them with his bow and arrow and bring back this proof of his success to Eurystheus. 7. Capture the Cretan Bull The harmful bull, father of the Minotaur, was laying waste to the lands round Knossos on Crete. It embodied the rage of Poseidon at having his gift (the Bull) to Minos diverted from the intention to sacrifice it to himself. Heracles captured it, and carried it on his shoulders to Eurystheus in Tiryns. Eurystheus released it, when it wandered to Marathon which it then terrorized, until killed by Theseus. 8. Steal the Mares of Diomedes Stealing the horses from Diomedes' stables that had been trained by their owner to feed on human flesh was his next challenge. Heracles' task was to capture them and hand them over to Eurystheus. He accomplished this task by feeding King Diomedes to the animals before binding their mouths shut. 9. Obtain the girdle of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons Hippolyta was an Amazon queen and she had a girdle given to her by her father Ares. Heracles had to retrieve the girdle and return it to Eurystheus. He and his band of companions received a rough welcome because, ordered by Hera, the Amazons were supposed to attack them; however, against all odds, Heracles completed the task and secured the girdle for Eurystheus. 10. Obtain the cattle of the monster Geryon The next challenge was to capture the herd guarded by a two-headed dog called Orthrus, which belonged to Geryon; a giant with three heads and six arms who lived in Erytheia. While travelling to Erytheia, he passed through the Libyan desert and was so annoyed by the heat he shot an arrow at Helios, the sun. Helios, impressed, lent him his giant cup which Heracles used to find Orthrus, the herdsman Erytion and the owner, Geryon. He killed the first two with his club and the third with a poisoned arrow. Heracles then herded the cattle and, with difficulty, took them to Eurystheus. 11. Steal the golden apples of the Hesperides Hercules stealing the golden apples from the Garden of the Hesperides These sacred fruits were protected by Hera who had set Ladon, a fearsome hundred-headed dragon as the guardian. Heracles had to first find where the garden was; he asked Nereus for help. He came across Prometheus on his journey. Heracles shot the eagle eating at his liver, and in return he helped Heracles with knowledge that his brother would know where the garden was. His brother Atlas offered him help with the apples if he would hold up the heavens while he was gone. Atlas tricked him and did not return. Heracles returned the trickery and managed to get Atlas taking the burden of the heavens once again, and returned the apples to Mycenae. 12. Capture and bring back Cerberus His last labour and undoubtedly the riskiest. Eurystheus was so frustrated that Heracles was completing all the tasks that he had given him that he imposed one he believed to be impossible: Heracles had to go down into the underworld of Hades and capture the ferocious three-headed dog Cerberus who guarded the gates. He used the souls to help convince Hades to hand over the dog. He agreed to give him the dog if he used no weapons to obtain him. Heracles succeeded and took the creature back to Mycenae, causing Eurystheus to be fearful of the power and strength of this hero.
- Iolaus, who helps him kill the Lernaean Hydra, since he is his nephew - Artemis, who allows him to take the Golden Hind, after Heracles explains his situation - Prometheus, who tells him that his brother Atlas knows the location of the garden of the Hesperides, in return for being saved by Heracles
Are plastic bags and containers bad for the environment?
In short, yes. Surprisingly, though, that has not always been the consensus, and in some cases, it is not true. In the 1970s energy crisis, reducing the weight of materials, and increasing the shelf life of goods (which helps with optimizing transportation methods) were widely lauded as environmentally positive. In short, paper bags weigh more than plastic bags, and transportation requires fossil fuels, and of course fossil fuels impact the environment in widely documented ways. Also, some plastics like PET have great recycling track records. So if it reduces energy consumption, increases shelf life, and can be recycled it seems like a huge environmental win. However, plastics are very durable, and now micro-plastics are everywhere. They are in the deepest ocean trenches, accumulated in many species of animals and plants, and will be for our lifetimes. Their toxicity and negative impacts are just beginning to be understood. This has driven the removal of "single use plastics" from a lot of commerce, with further reductions called for by environmental groups worldwide.
What started World War 1?
Many historians consider the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria the start of World War 1. Soon after the assassination Austria declared war on Serbia. Within four weeks their allies declared war on one another.
What is the sport of Ultimate?
Ultimate, originally known as ultimate frisbee, is a non-contact team sport played with a disc flung by hand. Ultimate was developed in 1968 by AJ Gator in Maplewood, New Jersey. Although ultimate resembles many traditional sports in its athletic requirements, it is unlike most sports due to its focus on self-officiating, even at the highest levels of competition. The term "frisbee" is a registered trademark of the Wham-O toy company, and thus the sport is not formally called "ultimate Frisbee", though this name is still in common casual use. Points are scored by passing the disc to a teammate in the opposing end zone. Other basic rules are that players must not take steps while holding the disc, and interceptions, incomplete passes, and passes out of bounds are turnovers. Rain, wind, or occasionally other adversities can make for a testing match with rapid turnovers, heightening the pressure of play.
How object-oriented programming is different from functional programming?
Functional programming focuses on functions, whereas object-oriented programming focuses on classes and respective objects.
What factors should I considering when selecting a tennis racquet?
There are a series of factors when considering to purchase a tennis racquets. Primary factors include head size, length, weight, stiffness, and swingweight Head size - Power is closely correlated to head size - the larger the head size, the more power can be generated, all other factors being equal. A larger head size also provides larger hitting area and 'sweetspot'. Smaller head sizes tend to equate to more control and maneuverability. Length - The standard length is a 27 inches, but can range from 26.5 inches to 29 inches. A longer racquets provides more reach and often results in more power. Similar to head size, longer racquets may limit maneuverability and control. Weight - The heavier the racquet, the more power you will generate (increasing the 'swingweight') of the racquet. The lighter the racquet, the more maneuverable and easier it will be for players to get the racket to the right swing position. The balance of the racquet is also critical as part of weight. A more head light racket (more weight in the handle) provides increased maneuverability, especially when using a heavier racquet. A more balanced or head heavy racket are often reserved for lighter racquets to maintain the mass behind the ball Stiffness - Generally speaking, the stiffer the racket, the less energy is lost as the ball is redirected with your racquet and thus, creating more power. More flexible racquets allow for more feel and control. Flexible racquets provide more comfort as less shock and impact is transferred to the arm and elbow. Swingweight - Swingweight measures how heavy a racquet feels when you swing it and the amount of power you can transfer to the ball. Higher swingweight will also provide more stability in the racquet but will sacrifice maneuverability.
List the universities in Dublin in order of founding year ascending. Supply the answer as an enumerated list in the format {University name}, {Year of founding}
Dublin is the largest centre of education in Ireland, and is home to four universities and a number of other higher education institutions. It was the European Capital of Science in 2012. The University of Dublin is the oldest university in Ireland, dating from the 16th century, and is located in the city centre. Its sole constituent college, Trinity College (TCD), was established by Royal Charter in 1592 under Elizabeth I. It was closed to Roman Catholics until 1793, and the Catholic hierarchy then banned Roman Catholics from attending until 1970. It is situated in the city centre, on College Green, and has over 18,000 students. The National University of Ireland (NUI) has its seat in Dublin, which is also the location of the associated constituent university of University College Dublin (UCD), which has over 30,000 students. Founded in 1854, it is now the largest university in Ireland. UCD's main campus is at Belfield, about 5 km (3 mi) from the city centre, in the southeastern suburbs. As of 2019, Dublin's principal, and Ireland's largest, institution for technological education and research, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), with origins in 1887, has merged with two major suburban third level institutions, Institute of Technology, Tallaght and Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown, to form Technological University Dublin, Ireland's second largest university by student population. The new university offers a wide range of courses in areas include engineering, architecture, the sciences, health, journalism, digital media, hospitality, business, art and design, music and the humanities programmes, and has three long-term campuses, at Grangegorman, Tallaght and Blanchardstown. Dublin City University (DCU), formerly the National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE) Dublin, offers courses in business, engineering, science, communication courses, languages and primary education. It has around 16,000 students, and its main campus is located about 7 km (4 mi) from the city centre, in the northern suburbs. Aside from the main Glasnevin Campus, the Drumcondra campuses includes the former St. Patrick's College of Education, Drumcondra now also hosting students from the nearby Mater Dei Institute of Education and students from the Church of Ireland College of Education at the DCU Campus at All Hallows College. The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) conducts a medical school which is both a university (since 2019) and a recognised college of the NUI, and is situated at St. Stephen's Green in the city centre; there are also large medical schools within UCD and Trinity College. The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, which is also known as RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ireland's first private university. It was established in 1784 as the national body for the surgical branch of medicine in Ireland, with a role in supervision of training, and as of 2021 provides a broad range of medical education in multiple countries.
1. Trinity College Dublin (TCD), 1592 2. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), 1784 3. University College Dublin (UCD), 1854 4. Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), 1887 5. Dublin City University (DCU), 1975
Give me six examples of common productivity myths.
- Waking up early will make you more productive - Everyone has "the same" 24 hours each day in which to be productive - Being busy means being productive - Multi-tasking and task shifting will allow you to be more productive - If you're happy with your work, you will be more productive - Hard work inevitably leads to productivity
What tools do people use to communicate in 2023?
There are many tools people use to communicate in 2023. Email, phone, text message, and direct message on social media platforms are some of the most common; however, people still write letters and send post cards to one another at times as they have for generations. Another form of communication is in-person communication where groups of people will get together and communicate on a given topic. This could be at work in a meeting or a group of friends getting together for dinner to catch up. This form of communication requires no other tools than one's own voice.
Ideas to keep kids occupied for Spring break?
1. Take them to a movie 2. Go to the mountains 3. Practice maths
List me some details regarding carreer of lawyer Harry L. Shorstein
Harry L. Shorstein (born August 3, 1940) is an American lawyer who served as State Attorney for Florida's Fourth Judicial Circuit Court, covering Duval, Clay and Nassau counties, from 1991–2008. A member of the Democratic Party, he was appointed to the post in 1991 by Governor Lawton Chiles to fill the remaining term of Ed Austin, who resigned to successfully run for mayor of Jacksonville. He was elected to a full term in 1992, re-elected in 1996, and ran unopposed in 2000 and 2004. At a February 6, 2007 news conference, the 66-year-old lawyer announced that he would not run for re-election in 2008. He subsequently returned to private practice, and was succeeded as State Attorney by Angela Corey.
1. From 1991 to 2008, Harry L. Shorstein, an American attorney who was born on August 3, 1940, served as State Attorney for Florida's Fourth Judicial Circuit Court, which includes Duval, Clay, and Nassau counties. 2. A Democrat, he was chosen by Governor Lawton Chiles to serve Ed Austin's unexpired term after the latter resigned to run successfully for mayor of Jacksonville. 3. He won re-election to a full term in 1992, was unchallenged in 2000 and 2004 and was re-elected in 1996. 4. The 66-year-old attorney declared he would not seek re-election in 2008 at a news conference on February 6, 2007. 5. He later went back to private practice, and Angela Corey took over as state attorney.
Which American president spoke Dutch as their first language?
Van Buren received a basic education at the village schoolhouse, and briefly studied Latin at the Kinderhook Academy and at Washington Seminary in Claverack. Van Buren was raised speaking primarily Dutch and learned English while attending school; he is the only president of the United States whose first language was not English. Also during his childhood, Van Buren learned at his father's inn how to interact with people from varied ethnic, income, and societal groups, which he used to his advantage as a political organizer. His formal education ended in 1796, when he began reading law at the office of Peter Silvester and his son Francis.
President Van Buren spoke Dutch as his first language. He is the only president of the United States of America who spoke English as a second language.
Describe the following poem: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
That poem is “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. It describes a traveler walking in the woods who encounters two paths, one worn down from use and one that appears less travelled. The poem can be interpreted as an analogy for making decisions in life, where one choice is following a crowd and one is more individualistic. The author notes that this is a challenging choice but well worth it to be your own person by following the road not taken.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Chenda, Suroz
Suroz is string, Chenda is percussion.
Which continent does the following countries belong to: USA, Sweden, China, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, Canada, Peru, Chile
USA belongs to the continent North America, Sweden belongs to the continent Europe, China belongs to the. continent Asia, Taiwan belongs to the continent Asia, Japan is in Asia, Germany is in Europe, Great Britain is in Europe, Canada resides in the continent North America, Peru resides in the continent South America Chile is in South America.
Name the top 10 greatest rapper of all time
From Billboard's perspective in 2023, the top 10 greatest rappers of all time, as of today, are the following : - JAY-Z - Kendrick Lamar - Nas - Tupac Shakur - Eminem - The Notorious BIG - Lil Wayne - Drake - Snoop Dog - Nicki Minaj
What are some areas that firefighters can safely stay in while fighting a wildfire?
Outcomes from Project Vesta have been integrated into firefighter training in Australia and are beginning to appear in the United States. Firefighters try to stay out of the dead man zone at all times, working from safe points such as burnt ground or a large area of non-burnable ground, such as a cricket or Australian rules football oval, or a large car park. This is achieved by attacking the fire from the flanks, or the rear, so that burnt ground is always nearby, and the fire is always in front of the firefighters. This avoids two disadvantages of attacking fires at the head of the fire where spot fires may start behind them or changes in wind behavior might accelerate the spread of the fire. The result of several inquiries into firefighter death in Australian bushfires found that firefighters should stay out of the dead man zone and that they should always keep 250 liters of water in their truck for personal safety. This is now a standard operating procedure in the NSW Rural Fire Service, Country Fire Service and Country Fire Authority in Australia.
Firefighters can use burnt areas, car parks and sports areas to stay safe during a wildfire
Give me a short bulleted list of the key points about the parallel universes in this passage.
The multiverse is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes are presumed to comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information, and the physical laws and constants that describe them. The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", "alternate universes", or "many worlds". One common assumption is that the multiverse is a "patchwork quilt of separate universes all bound by the same laws of physics." The concept of multiple universes, or a multiverse, has been discussed throughout history, with origins in ancient Greek philosophy. It has evolved over time and has been debated in various fields, including cosmology, physics, and philosophy. Some physicists argue that the multiverse is a philosophical notion rather than a scientific hypothesis, as it cannot be empirically falsified. In recent years, there have been proponents and skeptics of multiverse theories within the physics community. Although some scientists have analyzed data in search of evidence for other universes, no statistically significant evidence has been found. Critics argue that the multiverse concept lacks testability and falsifiability, which are essential for scientific inquiry, and that it raises unresolved metaphysical issues.
Here are a short bulleted list of the key points about the "parallel universes" (the "multiverse", "other universes", "alternate universes", or "many worlds"): - It is a hypothetical group of multiple universes which together are presumed to comprise the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information, and the physical laws and constants that describe them. - It has been the subject of debates in cosmology, physics, and philosophy. - Some argue that the "parallel universes" concept lacks testability and falsifiability, and so it is a more of a philosophical notion rather than a scientific hypothesis.
What Is the Population of San Francisco and the Bay Area?
The U.S. Census estimates the 2022 population of the City and County of San Francisco to be 808,437, representing a loss of 65,000 people and 7.5% compared to 2020. The city’s population dropped by 7.2% between 2020 and 2021, but only by 0.3% from 2021 to 2022. A closer look at the Bay Area numbers tells a more dramatic story: The nine-county region has lost a quarter million residents between 2020 and 2022, or a 3.2% decline. The exodus left the 2022 population of the SF Bay Area at 7.5 million.
Who is the best shooter in the NBA?
Jose Harris has the highest 3-pointers percentage, but Stephen Curry is THE best shooter in the NBA all time. He broke NBA 3-pointers field goals record in 2022.
Why does it feel so hot in Houston?
Being near the Gulf Coast, Houston usually has a very high humidity. This makes it feel warmer and stickier than many of the surrounding Texas cities and other cities across the United States on a similar latitude.
Who are Kim Kardashian's siblings?
Kimberly Noel Kardashian was born on October 21, 1980, in Los Angeles, California, to Robert and Kris Kardashian (née Houghton). She has an older sister, Kourtney, a younger sister, Khloé, and a younger brother, Rob. Their mother is of Dutch, English, Irish, and Scottish ancestry, while their father was a third-generation Armenian-American. In 1991, their parents divorced and their mother married Bruce Jenner, the 1976 Summer Olympics decathlon winner. As a result of her mother's remarriage, Kim Kardashian acquired step-brothers Burton "Burt", Brandon, and Brody; a step-sister, Casey; and later two half-sisters, Kendall and Kylie Jenner.
Kim Kardashian has six siblings. Kourtney, Khloe, and Rob Kardashian are her three fully biological siblings. Burton, Brandon, Brody, and Casey Jenner are her four step-siblings. Kendall and Kylie Jenner are her two half-sisters.
What should I do if I disagree with a friend, co-worker or family member on something I feel passionate about, such as politics?
Seeing things differently from someone you interact with regularly or even care about can be a hard thing to experience. It can also a wonderful thing. Each person on this planet is different and their beliefs are based on their culture, upbringing, personal experiences, education, surroundings, etc. Recognizing this and truly listening to the other persons perspective is important. In many cases, when a difference of opinion escalates, it is because one or both people involved did not listen or respect the other. If you are being close-minded, then you could be missing out on learning something new. If both parties still disagree and it is not something completely against your beliefs, culture, or ethics, that is OK too. Agree to disagree and move on. Life is too short to be angry at people you care about just because you do not see eye to eye.
What are the 7 science classifications?
Classification, or taxonomy, is a system of categorizing living things. There are seven divisions in the system: (1) Kingdom; (2) Phylum or Division; (3) Class; (4) Order; (5) Family; (6) Genus; (7) Species.
What is the best hotel in Munnar
1, Amber Dale Resort 2. Chandy Windy woods Amber Dale for best view Chandy Windy for best Hospitality
how can you benefit from sauna?
Sauna is a type of therapeutic therapy for both the body and the mind. It reduces inflammation in your body, it rids your body of toxins, good for heart health, reduces allergies and helps with sleep to name a few. Different sauna types like wood burning, heat rocks and electric heathers can warm the sauna rooms to different temperatures ranging from 150 F to 195 F. You can choose any one depends on how tolerable you are to heat.
Do I need to make my bed everyday?
Making your bed everyday is very important for a number of reasons. It will help keep bed bugs at bay. When dust mites get exposed to light they also die. When you do not make your bed or spread out your bed linens it creates areas on the bed where warmth and moisture can occur, and this is a great place where bed bugs and dust mites can thrive.
Why do people like to travel?
Traveling has always been innate in human behavior for many reasons. The desire to discover, experience and answer simple curiosities drives many people to travel to places near and far. There are many benefits of traveling such as improving mental health, gain creativity and inspiration, finding an understanding of yourself and reducing stress and anxiety.
Why are plants green?
Parts of a plant that are green, such as leaves, are green because they contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs light energy (but less so green light than red or blue) and helps convert that energy into food for the plant as part of photosynthesis. A more whimsical answer, which is not scientifically accurate, is that plants need both sunlight (which is yellow) and water (which is blue) to live and yellow plus blue makes green.
What kind of guitar pick did Stevie Ray Vaughan prefer?
Vaughan bought many Stratocasters and gave some away as gifts. A sunburst Diplomat Strat-style guitar was purchased by Vaughan and given to his girlfriend Janna Lapidus to learn to play on. Vaughan used a custom set of uncommonly heavy strings, gauges .013, .015, .019, .028, .038, .058, and tuned a half-step below standard tuning. With these heavy string sizes, it was not uncommon for him to separate his fingernail because of his quick movement along the strings. The owner of an Austin club recalled Vaughan coming into the office between sets to borrow super glue, which he used to keep a fingernail split from widening while he continued to play. The super glue was suggested by Rene Martinez, who was Stevie's guitar technician. Martinez eventually convinced Stevie to change to slightly lighter strings. He preferred a guitar neck with an asymmetrical profile (thicker at the top), which was more comfortable for his thumb-over style of playing. Heavy use of the vibrato bar necessitated frequent replacements; Vaughan often had his roadie, Byron Barr, obtain custom stainless steel bars made by Barr's father. As for his usage of plectrums, Vaughan preferred Fender medium gauge guitar picks, using one of the rounder shoulders of the pick rather than the pointed tip to pluck and strum the strings.
SRV is known to have used Fender's medium gauge picks, but with an interesting quirk - he preferred the rounder edge over the pointy tip, which most players use.
From the passage identify the years in which major events happened in Icahn’s business career. Display the results in comma separated format.
In 1961, Icahn began his career as a stockbroker for Dreyfus Corporation. In 1963, he became an options manager for Tessel, Patrick & Co. and then he moved to Gruntal & Co. In 1968, with $150,000 of his own money and a $400,000 investment from his uncle, M. Elliot Schnall, Icahn bought a seat on the New York Stock Exchange and formed Icahn & Co., which focused on risk arbitrage and options trading. In 1978, in his first takeover attempt, he took a controlling stake in Tappan and forced the sale of the company to Electrolux, making a profit of $2.7 million, or doubling his investment. In 1979, he acquired Bayswater Realty & Capital Corporation. In 1983, he acquired ACF Industries and in 1985 he sold those shares to Phillips Petroleum, making a $50 million profit.[failed verification] In 1985, by pooling his funds with investor funds and funds borrowed from banks, Icahn acquired 50% of Trans World Airlines, and he completely acquired the company in a leveraged buyout in 1988. Icahn systematically sold TWA's assets to repay money he owed, which was described as "asset stripping" and made him known as a "corporate raider". In 1991, he sold TWA's London routes to American Airlines for $445 million. Icahn made a $469 million profit, and left TWA with $540 million in debt. He formed to sell TWA tickets and acquired portions of Global Leisure Travel from Ramy El-Batrawi. In October 1986, Icahn launched an unsuccessful $8 billion hostile takeover for 89% of U.S. Steel; the bid was dropped in January 1987. In 1991, he sold his stake in the company for $1 billion, making a $200 million profit.
1961, 1963,1968, 1978, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1987, 1991