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mehlmadrona | check out my new year ' s article from time square new york . | 0 | 1,325,376,039 | t3_ny23p | 1 | psychology | t5_2qhcz | c3ctzyu |
poli_ticks | i don ' t think ideology is really the problem . it ' s more structural , the realities and necessities of power . ideology serves only as rationale , justification , rhetorical cover as people who seek power , or seek to hold on to it , implement policies that are of benefit to the rich , influential , the powerful - those who can help the attain power or hold on to it - but that achieve results that are exactly the opposite of what their purported ideology aimed for . liberals and progressives hate libertarianism because republicans specialize in using it as rhetorical cover , while implementing corporatist bs . yet the problem isn ' t with libertarianism per se - the same can be done with socialism . see e . g . ussr and maoist china . this is the lesson of animal farm . those who are convinced capitalism / free market ideology are the problem should do well to understand , socialism too is prone to being hijacked and coopted , and used to do great evil . so maybe the thing to do is not fight at the ideology level , but try to improve people ' s understanding of the political system . it flabbergasts me that so many otherwise intelligent progressives are absolutely convinced that if they cast a vote for ron paul , they ' ll magically morph into heartless greedy libertarians , or the american ruling class will somehow turn more libertarian in economic ideology , or something . they remind me of christian fundie nutters who are convinced that if we stop mass - murdering arabs , or funding israel , next thing you know we ' ll be under occupation by islamic caliphate troops who will impose sharia on us . system runs on hate and loathing - liberals and progressives need to be made to understand that this shit works just as well on them , as it does on redstate rural redneck cons . | 0 | 1,325,376,039 | t3_nxile | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctzyv |
toxicomano | & gt ; i ' d live in northern california once but leave before it made me soft . as someone from the east coast who currently lives in northern california i laughed . i ' ve heard this before , and it ' s true . very true . i ' m due to move back to new england sometime in the next few years . | 0 | 1,325,376,040 | t3_nxjfn | 1 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3ctzyw |
spottedzebra | i wish i could have gone my whole life without knowing this . but now that i know i will make sure i inform as many of my friends as possible . | 0 | 1,325,376,040 | t3_nxm9j | -2 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3ctzyx |
libertasmens | it ' s mindblowing . in the same vein , consider the theory that there are an infinite number of universes ; this means that if you were to imagine any sequence of events happening that are physically possible , no matter how long or complex , there is a universe where that has happened . like the joke , * there is a universe where you dated megan fox , dumped her to marry emma watson , and then had a threesome with [ insert hottest woman here ] . " * | 0 | 1,325,376,040 | t3_nxu52 | 1 | askscience | t5_2qm4e | c3ctzyy |
BassMasta | tell your law - breaking friends ! | 0 | 1,325,376,040 | t3_nxunn | 14 | skyrim | t5_2s837 | c3ctzyz |
MonsterDNA | there is a great show tonight at the blue lamp . 3 bands and burlesque in between . pine box boys are headlining . look them up . | 0 | 1,325,376,041 | t3_nxxka | 1 | Sacramento | t5_2qi09 | c3ctzz0 |
WeShouldFuck | 1 . move out of my parents house 2 . go to vacations in several other countries 3 . play in some major poker tournaments 4 . talk to a shrink 5 . buy a mighty fine music equipment and buy all my music | 0 | 1,325,376,041 | t3_nxsbm | 2 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3ctzz1 |
isthereanecho | can i ask you what program you use to stream ? and if you do anything extra to make bf3 stream ? i can ' t seem to get it to work , the streaming works fine , but when i go to bf3 , all you can see on the stream is black . | 0 | 1,325,376,041 | t3_ny0om | 1 | battlefield3 | t5_2rlua | c3ctzz2 |
[deleted] | fuck me the world is bigger than it seemed yesterday | 0 | 1,325,376,041 | t3_nxvgl | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3ctzz3 |
Assaultman67 | it may be internet censorship . . . but the reasoning * is * pretty solid : p doesn ' t the united arab emirates block all sorts of sites ? i didn ' t see people crying in r / atheism about it then ? just wanted to point out that you ' re pissed about them blocking this subreddit rather than internet censorship . " internet censorship " is just a hot phrase being used as a segway in this case . tl ; dr : atheists can be just as petty as theists . where is the " who the fuck cares ? get off my main page ! " religion ? | 0 | 1,325,376,041 | t3_nxmz8 | 0 | atheism | t5_2qh2p | c3ctzz5 |
Lunchbox5000 | [ relevant ] ( http : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = b5 - ds8skx7a ) | 0 | 1,325,376,041 | t3_nxil0 | 1 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3ctzz6 |
maimonides | well , eggs aren ' t vegan . so no , you wouldn ' t be a vegan , but it ' s a convenient shorthand for when you ' re in restaurants . your chickens are probably not near the top of my list of things to be extraordinarily worried about , but i ' m not going to say it ' s okay either . ( i don ' t think the eggs or the chickens belong to you , but " vegan " and " humane " aren ' t necessarily the same goal ) | 0 | 1,325,376,042 | t3_nxc1e | 2 | vegan | t5_2qhpm | c3ctzz7 |
pat_trick | holy cow . i found out how to win the steam contest . * just buy every single person ' s wishlist down to 9 so that they have & lt ; 10 games come jan 2nd . * it can ' t be more than the value of the grand prize . & gt ; _ & gt ; | 0 | 1,325,376,042 | t3_nxtov | 116 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c3ctzz8 |
Sweet_Throwaways | i guess i ' m too nervous to do the asking . fear of rejection and all . . . haha | 0 | 1,325,376,042 | t3_nxw7l | 1 | Rateme | t5_2re84 | c3ctzz9 |
[deleted] | windex doesn ' t do anything that hot water wont do . ammonia will react with anionic salts to produce ammonium chlorides . nh4cl is highly soluble in water so the use of windex may increase solubility but it is not necessary . i use hoppes 9 . | 0 | 1,325,376,042 | t3_ny154 | 3 | guns | t5_2qhc8 | c3ctzza |
bugdog | these are my husband ' s food groups , sweet and salty . his cholesterol is bad , but not the way you ' d think . because he ' s got crohn ' s disease and is missing half his large and a third of his small intestine food goes through him like shit through a goose , so to speak . he takes handfuls of colestid pills to slow down his gut . this further reduces his cholesterol . last time he had it checked his total cholesterol was 17 . if i ate his diet , i ' d be dead in a year . | 0 | 1,325,376,042 | t3_nxpt9 | 2 | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu | t5_2qqlo | c3ctzzb |
[deleted] | it ' s not as easy as that . if someone opened the " star wars cafe " , clearly catering to star wars fans , that would be blatant trademark infringement despite being a different industry . | 0 | 1,325,376,042 | t3_nxia2 | 2 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c3ctzzc |
rosefox | this is totally normal . think of it like mood swings , except they ' re orientation swings . go with it and enjoy all your attractions as they happen . | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_nxsrh | 3 | lgbt | t5_2qhh7 | c3ctzzd |
exoskeletal | bill ' s place is a good wednesday spot . they do 1 / 4lb cheeseburgers for $ 1 . 75 all day , and after 9pm all liquor is half price ! | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_nsyj0 | 3 | Yakima | t5_2r8m7 | c3ctzze |
BottmCmmentConfessor | when i have chest congestion , that thick , mucusy stuff that you cough up , i like to play with and chew on it in my mouth for a while before swallowing it . | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_nxi7j | 2 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3ctzzf |
Krackor | so if i enjoy haggis , does that make me a scotsman , even though i have never even been to scotland ? | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_nq3xh | 1 | Objectivism | t5_2qjr6 | c3ctzzg |
[deleted] | i ' ll talk to my dad when he gets home and see what we can do . if anything , i ' d like to have a partner to go on walks with : ) ninjaedit : if we can take him in i can comp you the price + his stuff . | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_nxx79 | 6 | sandiego | t5_2qq2q | c3ctzzh |
Spike__Spiegel | mmohut . i was getting burned out on dota , but wanted something similar . got a beta invite from an old dota buddy . | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_nxyfj | 1 | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | c3ctzzi |
cowbey | because when they fuck with our internets they fuck with our meat and fuck that . | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_ny0vc | 2 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctzzj |
randomprofanity | it ' s cool , they have fmg9s to play with now . | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_nxh7t | 2 | mw3 | t5_2rp9s | c3ctzzk |
bankerbouncer | pm me , i ' m going out tonight | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_nv6yh | 1 | nashville | t5_2qimh | c3ctzzl |
xxstealyourface | i ' m actually in the same boat right now . | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_nvaok | 2 | newjersey | t5_2qhsu | c3ctzzm |
matts2 | & gt ; so he ' s lying now or the nytimes is . yeah , lying . it is not possible to have different views of what happened . btw , why is obama public about his reservations and why did he do the signing statements ? | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_nwu3g | 1 | progressive | t5_2qlqk | c3ctzzo |
lalib | even though i am an atheist , [ / r / atheism ] ( / r / atheism ) is perhaps one of the shittiest subreddits around . the only reason i ' m still subbed is because it on occasion has something decent as the top post . | 0 | 1,325,376,043 | t3_nxupy | 9 | islam | t5_2qhbp | c3ctzzp |
kuo2002 | " people you may know " will become " people who may have done your girl " | 0 | 1,325,376,044 | t3_nxmv0 | 6 | WTF | t5_2qh61 | c3ctzzq |
SlimeyBooger | i ' ve been pleased with my [ sp10 ] ( http : / / www . amazon . com / bayou - classic - sp10 - high - pressure - outdoor / dp / b000291gbq / ref = sr _ 1 _ 1 ? ie = utf8 & amp ; qid = 1325376021 & amp ; sr = 8 - 1 ) . | 0 | 1,325,376,044 | t3_nx5fy | 1 | Homebrewing | t5_2qj8u | c3ctzzr |
LordRusty | . . . * nahhhh ! * | 0 | 1,325,376,044 | t3_nxswj | 29 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3ctzzs |
Tennisinnet | he admits he has * * serious reservations * * and * still signs it * . what a push - over . | 0 | 1,325,376,044 | t3_nxu96 | 2 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctzzt |
eddybonus | . . . . . . . . . [ 8 . 5 ] | 0 | 1,325,376,044 | t3_nxphr | 3 | trees | t5_2r9vp | c3ctzzu |
TheTallestGnome | this would be my problem then | 0 | 1,325,376,045 | t3_nxymp | 1 | hockey | t5_2qiel | c3ctzzv |
Hulkster99 | no reelection vote for obama , this is a game breaker . | 0 | 1,325,376,045 | t3_nxw0x | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctzzw |
[deleted] | so . brave . | 0 | 1,325,376,045 | t3_ny1lt | 1 | circlejerk | t5_2qpol | c3ctzzx |
LibertariansLOL | it ' s okay friend . yahoo mail ' s ui is vastly superior to gmail atm . christ i was saying this to someone and he was like " oh did you try out the new gmail yet " and i thought maybe google improved it somehow yet when i chose to use the newer version , they managed to make it look even worse . | 0 | 1,325,376,045 | t3_nxsel | -3 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3ctzzy |
not_worth_your_time | it doesn ' t matter what he thinks ; this is a judicial matter not an executive one . if you are voting for a president soley on the content of their character then ron paul still trumps everyone else regardless of this seemingly backward libertarian view . sexual harrasment is a form of discrimination and is protected against under title vii of the civil rights act . ron paul can ' t do a darn thing about this . also this was written 30 years ago ; lets ask him if he and his views haven ' t evolved since then . i question how politically informed he was at the time he wrote this . & lt ; / end apologizing . not every speck of dirt is a mountain & gt ; | 0 | 1,325,376,045 | t3_nxz16 | -18 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctzzz |
velvetabyss | that ' s the message of the story of abraham and isaac , among many others . | 0 | 1,325,376,045 | t3_nx8li | 0 | atheism | t5_2qh2p | c3cu000 |
Fallenzzz | okay guys this is a buy out : tomb raider : underworld terraria cs : s cs grid kommander keen complete pack i ' m talking with someone atm , if you can top this the trade is urs | 0 | 1,325,376,045 | t3_nxzvv | 1 | SteamTrade | t5_2sq77 | c3cu001 |
Bukkitz | they heal for too little as his nuke is a lot of damage instantly . auto - attack harass wont be your problem ( in most cases , for this , tangos are great ) . a salve will do wonders as you can take 2 - 3 nukes before popping them and get to full hp , this keeps you alive ' til you have your lifetube . | 0 | 1,325,376,045 | t3_nx8ix | 0 | HeroesofNewerth | t5_2r497 | c3cu002 |
NotAJewFro | my last math teach was the biggest ass when it came to this . if you used any other method besides his , even if it was faster of more exact , he wouldn ' t just mark it wrong , he ' d give you negative points . so a 3 point question would take 6 points off of your total grade . | 0 | 1,325,376,045 | t3_nxrlm | 1 | AdviceAnimals | t5_2s7tt | c3cu003 |
Gibson19 | drunken idiots and drug abusers in their own home should have no problems with cops . they won ' t be bothered there . it ' s when you do those things in public and disrupt other people . it ' s easy to not appreciate cops when they give you a speeding ticket , or you hear about one abusing his power . but when i see a cop standing in the rain at an intersection directing traffic , i feel differently . getting sloshed at home isn ' t illegal . do it in public and you ' ve got a problem , not that i agree it should be a problem . i understand the nature or policing people . i ' m huge about minding your own business . but policemen are just doing a job , trying to provide for their families . if you don ' t like what they are enforcing as a whole , take it up with the government . they are the ones who create laws . | 0 | 1,325,376,046 | t3_nxmcu | 6 | videos | t5_2qh1e | c3cu004 |
feit | [ this nyt article ] ( http : / / loyalopposition . blogs . nytimes . com / 2011 / 12 / 16 / beyond - eeny - meeny - miny - moe - sorting - out - the - g - o - p - field / ? hp ) helped me a lot : * * michele bachmann * * is the obvious choice for a true tea party believer , who wants a candidate to carry the banner of far right contempt for and alienation from washington . other candidates try on the tea party tri - corn , but it doesn’t fit . ms . bachmann is the real deal – and for that reason , i think she has no chance of winning . * * rick santorum * * is the candidate for a republican who places a high premium on strongly conservative social positions sincerely held . mr . santorum doesn’t just talk about these issues , he’s voted on them repeatedly . he is inflexibly opposed to a woman’s right to make decisions about her reproductive life . he is clearly religious but doesn’t exploit it like like gov . rick perry , who wears his christianity on his sleeve and across his shirts , like a nike swoosh . and if you really care about abortion , as in banning it , mr . santorum is your guy . * * rick perry * * is an alternative for voters who are driven by their christian faith , and don’t mind that he’s going to embarrass them by using their common religion in a comic - opera way . people who miss george w . bush and want to make that mistake all over again could do a lot worse than mr . perry . that also goes for death penalty advocates . mr . perry is not reliably rightwing on immigration , but i can’t imagine that he would actually pursue his beliefs on the subject if he got into office . kind of like mr . bush . * * jon huntsman * * is the obvious choice for more moderate republicans who like a candidate who can articulate his positions , has experience in international affairs ( remember when republicans actually cared about that ? ) , has governing experience ( as governor of utah ) and knows his way around the executive branch . you just have to get over the fact that he seems certain to lose , big . * * ron paul * * is a no - brainer if you want the candidate who has the most clearly held views and is not afraid to break with orthodoxy ( like admitting he’s to the left of president obama on iran ) . you have to be a libertarian , which to me is a really eccentric idea for a governing philosophy . i get what happens on day 1 : you bring the federal government down to somali proportions . what do you do on day 2 ? step over the homeless and the hungry on your way to a cato institute meeting ? * * newt gingrich * * is the front runner if you believe the polls . personally , i can’t believe even the fringe republicans who dominate the iowa caucuses would nominate him . but if you want a bomb - throwing neo - conservative who hates the very idea of a government that helps those who need help , then mr . gingrich is the right choice . he is anti - abortion , anti - gay , anti - gun control , anti - judge , anti - almost anything you can name . the catch is that he may well be unelectable beyond the narrow confines of the republican primary system . his positions , starting with his utter contempt for an independent judiciary , are far too radical . ( by the way , his take on jefferson and the courts last night was not quite historically accurate . ) it’s hard to imagine a broad range of americans tolerating his buffoonish posing as a historian statesman , when really he’s a history influence peddler , or his tendency to compare himself to reagan , jefferson , jackson , lincoln and theodore roosevelt . but , if you’re a true science - fiction fanatic who wouldn’t mind a government shutdown or a few constitutional crises , vote for mr . gingrich . * * mitt romney * * . it’s hard to characterize the kind of republican voter who should choose mr . romney , because we have no clue what he actually believes . if you’re opposed to health care reform , and are troubled by the fact that he was a pioneer in that area , you can be comforted by the fact that whatever he believes , he will probably govern from the quasi - conservative positions he’s been taking lately . he seems like the most electable of the group right now , mostly because he’s the least terrifying to people who are not committed right - wingers . he could , theoretically , pose the greatest threat to mr . obama . | 0 | 1,325,376,046 | t3_nxqlf | 16 | explainlikeimfive | t5_2sokd | c3cu005 |
JLuv420 | amazing ! ! ! we need to see more : ) | 0 | 1,325,376,046 | t3_nxtfi | 1 | gonewild | t5_2qq5c | c3cu007 |
let_my_pickles_go | i ' m sorry to tell you this , but chair doesn ' t love you . chair loves lamp . | 0 | 1,325,376,047 | t3_ny0iv | 91 | pics | t5_2qh0u | c3cu008 |
kealoha | amen . good to remember this in very good times as well as very bad ones . | 0 | 1,325,376,047 | t3_ny1yn | 2 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu009 |
Wakata | no , it ' ll turn into chaos with hundreds of splintered ops and suggestions that wither and die under neglect . | 0 | 1,325,376,047 | t3_nxw77 | 1 | antiSOPA | t5_2tabz | c3cu00a |
kragmoor | op is always a candy - ass | 0 | 1,325,376,047 | t3_nxoxo | -2 | 4chan | t5_2qh4w | c3cu00b |
2AXP21 | i will be glad to explain or address any questions you may have : ) | 0 | 1,325,376,048 | t3_ny235 | 1 | misc | t5_2qjbr | c3cu00c |
nowxisxforever | you ' d be surprised . we have grocery outlets here , i don ' t think they ' re usually expired but a lot of the expiry dates on " non - perishables " ( canned goods , etc . ) are way earlier than when the food actually goes bad . there ' s a lot of good stuff there that ' s perfectly fine , i ' ve never bought anything that was ' bad ' . but then , i don ' t buy there exclusively either because in some cases it ' s more expensive than going to our local grocery store because you can ' t really get what you need , just a bunch of wildcard items . it ' s great for personal care products , too . i go there on a whim sometimes . : d | 0 | 1,325,376,048 | t3_nv0t9 | 2 | Frugal | t5_2qhbe | c3cu00d |
sacredblasphemies | i ' m fine with the way it is now . children can pray in public school , if it ' s done silently and not teacher - led . that ' s the way it should be , in my opinion . it ' s the only fair way to do it in a secular nation full of people of different religions as well as atheists . if you ' re ok with teacher - led prayer in public schools , is that only because you assume it ' s going to be christian ? or would you be bothered if it was a teacher - led muslim prayer ? or hindu prayer ? or wiccan ? granted , in private schools , children can pray out loud and have it be teacher - led . so , if you want your kid to be able to experience teacher - led prayer , send them to private school . . . as it stands now , no one is barring kids from praying silently in class , to themselves . i think that ' s the way it should be . | 0 | 1,325,376,048 | t3_ny1ow | 4 | Christianity | t5_2qh6c | c3cu00e |
ivebeenhereallsummer | . . . in ocean on an organic spaceship flying through the universe with all the other talking monkeys . | 0 | 1,325,376,048 | t3_nxvgl | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu00f |
daylie | koreans still butthurt about not getting a free ride ? | 0 | 1,325,376,048 | t3_ny18l | -7 | starcraft | t5_2qpp6 | c3cu00g |
giraffetroll | don ' t you mean oh g - d why ? | 0 | 1,325,376,048 | t3_nxttp | 12 | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu | t5_2qqlo | c3cu00h |
IllustriousApricot | having " tactics and teamwork " occur on a 128 - player server is completely different from having a 32v32 competitive match . i played a ton of pr , i loved it , but it is an entirely different ball game . 64v64 pr is like doing military re - enactments . 8v8 bf3 is like playing a football game . | 0 | 1,325,376,048 | t3_nxrho | 9 | battlefield3 | t5_2rlua | c3cu00i |
FightForYourMind | [ james blake - " i never learnt to share " ] ( http : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = dsvb _ jgwq7s ) | 0 | 1,325,376,048 | t3_nxrw7 | 4 | Music | t5_2qh1u | c3cu00j |
Cbracher | i believe there is one . r / howithappened or something like that . | 0 | 1,325,376,048 | t3_nxlve | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu00k |
giziti | the post is wrong and misleading , however . it is not applicable to virtually everybody on the site . aaa is only doing this in a handful of states in the usa , most of those states are sparsely populated . they are by no means a majority of the population of the us . further , usian readers are not the entirety of reddit . | 0 | 1,325,376,049 | t3_nxrrt | 8 | TheoryOfReddit | t5_2rtff | c3cu00l |
Catmand0 | this is madness . | 0 | 1,325,376,049 | t3_nxom0 | 2 | circlejerk | t5_2qpol | c3cu00m |
aveldina | 2nd this . 40 gallon is a wonderful size . | 0 | 1,325,376,049 | t3_nxrx1 | 2 | Pets | t5_2qh6o | c3cu00n |
badisbeautiful | good ! that ' s been my discovery ; usually i don ' t have any regrets about dropping people who make me feel bad about myself . | 0 | 1,325,376,049 | t3_njn5o | 1 | Drugs | t5_2qh7l | c3cu00o |
MinecraftMosquito | also i managed to recreate your obsidian generator and i ' m having trouble duplicating the lava ? how ' d you do it ? just threw the switch as fast as you can or slowly . . ? | 0 | 1,325,376,049 | t3_nx61s | 2 | Terraria | t5_2sg5b | c3cu00p |
Reapinghavoc | well , batmoisés , i keep trying to think of a question that hasn ' t already been posed , and i keep drawing a blank . except , perhaps , to ask you whether there ' s somewhere i can sign up to be kept in the loop ? have a happy new year , and good luck with decontaminating ( and subsequently improving upon ) the mess left behind by ocean marketting / stratagy . : ) and remember : wwebsite as on the internet ! | 0 | 1,325,376,049 | t3_nw1vm | 1 | IAmA | t5_2qzb6 | c3cu00q |
pickymeek | more stuff to do there ? haven ' t been that way yet . | 0 | 1,325,376,049 | t3_nxwmx | 2 | mississippi | t5_2qhht | c3cu00r |
Iwishiwasgettingpaid | i had some of those last night , the dark chocolate ones are disgusting . | 0 | 1,325,376,050 | t3_nxnwb | 1 | pics | t5_2qh0u | c3cu00s |
Its_aTrap | so this is located . . . in b4 . * in before blah blah blah ? * | 0 | 1,325,376,050 | t3_ny1uh | -3 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu00t |
DownvoteALot | meanwhile , geoception is at 100 + . go figure . . . | 0 | 1,325,376,050 | t3_nxvgl | 8 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu00u |
Mauve_Cubedweller | i ' m not saying he is . i ' m simply trying to point out that even if he hated this thing in its entirety , he was still powerless to stop it . i personally believe him when he said he was opposed to large swaths of this bill . the cynic in me thinks this because he knows that even if he wins in 2012 , the dems are likely to lose in 2016 and then there ' ll be a republican of unknown character sitting on the power he was just given . | 0 | 1,325,376,050 | t3_nxu96 | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu00v |
night_wing | i don ' t have la noire sorry | 0 | 1,325,376,051 | t3_ny1xb | 1 | SteamTrade | t5_2sq77 | c3cu00w |
1337syntaX | i think it ' s better that it was deleted lol so funny , the possibilities are endless | 0 | 1,325,376,051 | t3_nxngu | 2 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu00x |
WKorsakow | yes ; and your only salvation is * * the only * * the dr : ron paul ! ! ! | 0 | 1,325,376,051 | t3_ny20b | 6 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu00y |
volcomador64 | i know that . here ' s an analogy say you are trying to boil some water but you keep adding ice or more water to it your going to need more heat to be able rise that water to its boiling point of 212 °f . so i guess what i should have said that my body needs to increases its energy output to maintain my temperature . | 0 | 1,325,376,052 | t3_nxt5p | 0 | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu | t5_2qqlo | c3cu00z |
trex88 | only if you beat him after doing a good amount of stuff first . for example my first play through i was lvl 16 when i fought him the last time and he was definitely the hardest dragon i had fought so far . second play through i was like lvl 34 when i fought him and killed him with like 4 arrow . | 0 | 1,325,376,052 | t3_nxsse | 2 | skyrim | t5_2s837 | c3cu010 |
lokiusmc | i disagree . i never inform an officer of anything unless i am legally required to or it would put my safety or his in danger . | 0 | 1,325,376,052 | t3_nxwpa | 11 | guns | t5_2qhc8 | c3cu011 |
thristhart | [ / r / circlejerk ] ( / r / circlejerk ) exists for a reason . can ' t things like this go there instead ? | 0 | 1,325,376,052 | t3_nxqzd | 2 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu013 |
JackRawlinson | downvoted . stop telling us what to like . | 0 | 1,325,376,052 | t3_ny1rk | 7 | atheism | t5_2qh2p | c3cu014 |
[deleted] | one of the very few perks of the job i ' m afraid | 0 | 1,325,376,052 | t3_nxngu | 8 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu015 |
kayveryn | if you can ' t beat em , confuse em . . . = ] | 0 | 1,325,376,053 | t3_nx5tz | 1 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu016 |
[deleted] | korea is not a direct threat to israel . | 0 | 1,325,376,053 | t3_nxszt | -5 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu017 |
[deleted] | not me but this guy at my old church in my youth group was caught by my youth pastor having sex with a random non church going girl behind the church one day . the youth pastor talked to him about it and the dude had the balls to keep coming back to church and all other meetings like bible study and act like nothing ever happened and then ask out my little sister . oh * * hell no * * . few people knew about it despite it being a small church . this was back when my parents dragged me to church , which obviously was a great experience . ( * sarcasm * ) | 0 | 1,325,376,053 | t3_nxr9y | 0 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu018 |
Mattmaximus | calgarians we have turned into lemmings whats going on ! | 0 | 1,325,376,054 | t3_nuimy | 1 | Calgary | t5_2qn40 | c3cu019 |
master_of_friendship | stupid . stop posting forever . | 0 | 1,325,376,054 | t3_ny1rh | 76 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu01a |
macandcheese12 | hot teacher sits on desk and wild fantasy about teacher begins just like in porn videos | 0 | 1,325,376,054 | t3_nwxuj | 1 | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu | t5_2qqlo | c3cu01b |
TwoLeftHands | fixed : can ' t | 0 | 1,325,376,054 | t3_ny21h | 1 | AdviceAnimals | t5_2s7tt | c3cu01c |
[deleted] | you ' re not alone , brother . http : / / imgur . com / za00r | 0 | 1,325,376,054 | t3_nxpmh | 1 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c3cu01d |
ApeWithACellphone | please encourage other foreign redditors to petition your public figures to speak . remember our government does not represent us and we need help . | 0 | 1,325,376,054 | t3_nxu96 | 4 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu01e |
SenorSpicyBeans | and if we had bynum in for either of those games , odom would have been a nonfactor . doesn ' t matter though , because bynum came back now and odom ain ' t never . | 0 | 1,325,376,054 | t3_nve1c | 1 | nba | t5_2qo4s | c3cu01f |
[deleted] | theres like 20 different " elo hell " threads each with completely different advice and everyone saying how that particular advice worked so well for them . the best advice is to just fucking play ranked instead of asking ambiguous crap on reddit . you will inevitably rise assuming you are as good as you think you are . | 0 | 1,325,376,054 | t3_nxoi3 | 11 | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | c3cu01g |
pussyluvr | aww yeah : d | 0 | 1,325,376,054 | t3_nxfif | 1 | gonewild | t5_2qq5c | c3cu01h |
Aspel | & gt ; that ' s about the same as when people think of someone who is gay , they think of an effeminate , limp - wristed , lisping waif who is obsessed with fashion , decorating , and has aids . to be fair , richard dawkins , [ christopher hitchens , bill maher , and penn jillette ] ( http : / / i . crackedcdn . com / phpimages / article / 9 / 1 / 0 / 107910 . jpg ? v = 1 ) actually do exist , and * do * shout from the heavens their antitheism , while the limp wristed flamboyant gay guy doesn ' t exist , * or * go around shouting he ' s gay . and you mistake me . i ' m not saying all know - it - all cockbags are atheists , or that all atheists are know - it - all cockbags . i ' m saying that the * most vocal * atheists are know - it - all cockbags , and that ' s why people don ' t like atheists . it has little to do with their disbelief , and more to do with their expression of it . or am i wrong in assuming the top comment on [ / r / atheism ] ( / r / atheism ) is a meme bashing [ christianity ] ( http : / / i . imgur . com / gppnw . jpg ) ? | 0 | 1,325,376,055 | t3_nxjp0 | -7 | lgbt | t5_2qhh7 | c3cu01i |
epm011 | you stopped ? | 0 | 1,325,376,055 | t3_nxngu | 6 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu01j |
HenryJones1882 | will check that out thanks ! | 0 | 1,325,376,055 | t3_nx5ui | 1 | Fitness | t5_2qhx4 | c3cu01k |
Phirazo | & gt ; moreover , i want to clarify that my administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of american citizens . indeed , i believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a nation . | 0 | 1,325,376,055 | t3_nxu96 | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu01l |
poubelle | yeah i didn ' t dismiss anybody so i ' m not sure where that came from but i guess we ' re cool | 0 | 1,325,376,056 | t3_nxpnf | 8 | ShitRedditSays | t5_2s4m9 | c3cu01m |
harr1s | sleeves are really long . if you ' re okay with a coat fitting like a blazer ( nothing wrong with this ) get sleeves shortened , should be shorter than body length . ideally showing a little shirt cuff when moving . bottoms are its own thing . don ' t pair together . | 0 | 1,325,376,056 | t3_nxlu8 | 2 | malefashionadvice | t5_2r65t | c3cu01n |
Wafflesorbust | not useful if they need to read most than the most recent ten chapters . | 0 | 1,325,376,056 | t3_nxc9b | 2 | bleach | t5_2rk7q | c3cu01o |
Rottendog | i want to attend or at the very least watch the video cause this looks to be a party to remember forever ! | 0 | 1,325,376,056 | t3_ny1xc | 2 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu01p |