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name: commission regulation (ec) no 1940/1999 of 10 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities11. 9. 1999 l 241/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 1940/1999 of 10 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, (1) whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multi- lateral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 10 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 11. 9. 1999l 241/2 annex to the commission regulation of 10 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 92,8 060 68,2 999 80,5 0707 00 05 628 119,3 999 119,3 0709 90 70 052 67,1 999 67,1 0805 30 10 052 70,3 388 77,1 524 68,6 528 69,9 999 71,5 0806 10 10 052 82,5 064 44,9 400 233,0 999 120,1 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 388 71,8 400 55,2 404 74,5 508 20,3 512 50,3 528 20,1 800 57,6 804 57,3 999 50,9 0808 20 50 052 79,5 064 63,3 388 71,8 999 71,5 0809 30 10, 0809 30 90 052 104,0 999 104,0 0809 40 05 052 42,5 064 46,6 066 73,6 068 42,0 400 130,3 999 67,0 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1941/1999 of 10 september 1999 on the issue of import licences for high-quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef and veal type: regulation subject matter: tariff policy; foodstuff; animal product; consumption date published: nan en official journal of the european communities11. 9. 1999 l 241/3 commission regulation (ec) no 1941/1999 of 10 september 1999 on the issue of import licences for high-quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef and veal the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 936/97 of 27 may 1997 opening and providing for the administration of tariff quotas for high-quality fresh, chilled and frozen beef and for frozen buffalo meat (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 134/1999 (2), (1) whereas regulation (ec) no 936/97 provides in articles 4 and 5 the conditions for applications and for the issue of import licences for meat referred to in article 2(f); (2) whereas article 2(f) of regulation (ec) no 936/97 fixes the amount of high-quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef and veal originating in and imported from the united states of america and canada which may be imported on special terms for the period 1 july 1999 to 30 june 2000 at 11 500 t; (3) whereas it should be recalled that licences issued pursuant to this regulation will, throughout the period of validity, be open for use only in so far as provisions on health protection in force permit, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. all applications for import licences from 1 to 5 september 1999 for high-quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef and veal as referred to in article 2(f) of regulation (ec) no 936/97 shall be granted in full. 2. applications for licences may be submitted, in accord- ance with article 5 of regulation (ec) no 936/97, during the first five days of october 1999 for 3 336,233 t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 10 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 137, 28.5.1997, p. 10. (2) oj l 17, 22.1.1999, p. 22. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1948/1999 of 13 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities14. 9. 1999 l 242/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 1948/1999 of 13 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, (1) whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multi- lateral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 14 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 13 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 14. 9. 1999l 242/2 annex to the commission regulation of 13 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 58,0 060 68,2 999 63,1 0707 00 05 628 119,3 999 119,3 0709 90 70 052 67,7 999 67,7 0805 30 10 052 70,3 388 67,1 524 77,2 528 54,7 999 67,3 0806 10 10 052 80,3 064 49,3 400 233,9 999 121,2 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 388 62,8 400 52,4 404 74,5 508 20,3 512 61,8 528 45,5 800 57,6 804 57,9 999 54,1 0808 20 50 052 82,4 064 45,4 999 63,9 0809 30 10, 0809 30 90 052 104,0 999 104,0 0809 40 05 052 42,5 064 46,6 066 73,6 068 42,0 400 130,3 624 184,9 999 86,6 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1949/1999 of 13 september 1999 on the supply of common wheat as food aid type: regulation subject matter: distributive trades; asia and oceania; plant product; trade policy; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities14. 9. 1999 l 242/3 commission regulation (ec) no 1949/1999 of 13 september 1999 on the supply of common wheat as food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 of 27 june 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid management and special operations in support of food security (1), and in par- ticular article 24(1)(b) thereof, whereas: (1) the abovementioned regulation lays down the list of countries and organisations eligible for community aid and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage; (2) following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid, the commission has allocated cereals to bangladesh; (3) it is necessary to provide for the carrying out of this measure in accordance with the rules laid down by commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 (2) of 16 december 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of products to be supplied under council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 as community food aid; it is necessary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply to determine the resultant costs, has adopted this regulation: article 1 a tendering procedure is hereby initiated for the award of a contract for the supply of common wheat to bangladesh in accordance with the provisions of regulation (ec) no 2519/97 and with the conditions laid down in annex i hereto. the offer submitted shall be deemed to have been drawn up taking account of the charges and constraints resulting from specific clauses set out in the exchange of letters between the commission and the recipient, published in part in annex ii. in particular, the laydays should be assessed on the basis of an average daily discharge rate of 2 400 tonnes in such a way that dispatch to be paid to the recipient by the european community will be for the account of the supplier. the tenderer is deemed to have noted and accepted all the general and specific conditions applicable. any other condition or reservation included in his tender is deemed unwritten. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 13 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 166, 5.7.1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17.12.1997, p. 23. en official journal of the european communities 14. 9. 1999l 242/4 annex i lots a, b 1. action no: 203/98 (a) and 204/98 (b) 2. beneficiary (2): bangladesh 3. beneficiary's representative: the secretary, ministry of food, bangladesh secretariat, dhaka, bangladesh 4. country of destination: bangladesh 5. product to be mobilized: common wheat 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 50 000 7. number of lots: 2 (a: 25 000 tonnes; b: 25 000 tonnes) 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (5): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (ii.a.(1)(a)) 9. packaging: in bulk 10. labelling or marking: language to be used for the markings: supplementary markings: 11. method of mobilization of the product: the community market 12. specified delivery stage: free at port of landing undischarged (7) the recipient shall unload the wheat as per the conditions laid down in annex ii 13. alternative delivery stage: free at port of shipment fob stowed and trimmed 14. (a) port of shipment: (b) loading address: 15. port of landing: chittagong 16. place of destination: port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage (6) (8): first deadline: a: 21.11.1999; b: from 6 to 19.12.1999 second deadline: a: 5.11.1999; b: from 20.12.1999 to 2.1.2000 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: a: from 11 to 17.10.1999; b: from 25 to 31.10.1999 second deadline: a: from 25 to 31.10.1999; b: from 1 to 7.11.1999 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (at 12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 28.9.1999 second deadline: 12.10.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 5 per tonne 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de l'aide alimentaire, attn. monsieur t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel, t lex: 25670 agrec b; fax: (32-2) 296 70 03/296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund (4): refund applicable on 24.9.1999, fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 1856/1999 (oj l 228, 28.8.1999, p. 8) en official journal of the european communities14. 9. 1999 l 242/5 notes: (1) supplementary information: andr debongnie (tel.: (32-2) 295 14 65), torben vestergaard (tel.: (32-2) 299 30 50). (2) the supplier shall contact the beneficiary or its representative as soon as possible to establish which consignment documents are required. (3) the supplier shall deliver to the beneficiary a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the member state concerned, have not been exceeded. the radioactivity certificate must indicate the caesium-134 and -137 and iodine-131 levels. (4) commission regulation (ec) no 259/98 (oj l 25, 31.1.1998, p. 39) is applicable as regards the export refund. the date referred to in article 2 of the said regulation is that referred to in point 22 of this annex. the supplier's attention is drawn to the last subparagraph of article 4(1) of the above regulation. the photocopy of the export licence shall be sent as soon as the export declaration has been accepted (fax (32-2) 296 20 05). (5) the supplier shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery, the following documents: phytosanitary certificate, fumigation certificate. (6) see annex ii point 4, second paragraph. (7) in addition to the provisions of article 14(3) of regulation (ec) no 2519/97, vessels chartered shall not appear on any of the four most recent quarterly lists of detained vessels as published by the paris memorandum of under- standing on port state control (council directive 95/21/ec (oj l 157, 7.7.1995, p. 1)). (8) the final subparagraph of article 14(14) of commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 (oj l 346, 17.12.1997, p. 23) applies. en official journal of the european communities 14. 9. 1999l 242/6 annex ii 1. type of vessels to be fixed it is envisaged that two vessels (self-trimming bulk carriers) will be fixed. the vessels must have at least five hatches. vessels to be geared and each crane/derrick to serve one or two hatches. the vessels must be capable of entering the chittagong outer anchorage and, after necessary lighterage, be able to shift and berth at chittagong jetties. to this end vessels should have a maximum length of 610 feet. charterers/shipowners must ensure that all certificated officers carry with them on board the original valid certificate of competency and that all vessels are manned strictly according to the stcw convention 1978, failing which any delay to the vessel will be on owner's account. 2. discharging facilities vessels will furnish at the discharge port, free of expenses to the recipient, winches and/or cranes and the power to drive them, gins and falls in good working condition and will also supply sufficient lights for night work, as on board, on deck and in the holds, if required. vessels will provide winchmen at load and discharge ports at their own expense. 3. vessels' eta information master to wireless/cable nominees of the recipient, namely movements chittagong telex 642237 cms c bj (simultaneously informing bengalship chittagong telex 66277 bsc bj and movestore dhaka telex 642230 cms bj) for orders regarding discharge 10 days prior to their arrival at the discharge port, i.e. chittagong, and state eta and draft. orders for discharging will be transmitted to the vessel within five days of the receipt of master's request. master to give the following notice to the recipient's nominees, i.e. movements chittagong, bengalship chittagong and movestore dhaka: (a) upon sailing from load port vessels must state: (i) quantity loaded; (ii) arrival draft; (iii) tpi (tonnes per inch); (b) 10 days beforehand eta chittagong port, five days beforehand eta chittagong port, 72 hours, 48 hours and 24 hours beforehand eta chittagong port. 4. discharging rate and discharging port time counting the cargo is to be discharged by the recipient free of risk and expense to the vessel at the rate of 2 400 tonnes per weather working day of 24 consecutive hours. time from 12 noon on thursday or 5 p.m. on a day preceding a holiday until 9 a.m. on saturday or next working day not to count as laytime even if used. the rate of discharge is based on five or more workable hatches. if, however, the number of workable hatches is less than the specified minimum, the discharging rate will be reduced proportionately. notice of readiness is to be tendered and accepted after vessel arrives at the chittagong outer anchorage and laytime to commence 24 hours after nor tendered during office hours, whether the vessel is in berth or not. however, in case a time period for the supply has been fixed by the commission, laytime shall not commence before the first day of the said period. at discharge port, cost of shifting from anchorage to anchorage, anchorage to berth and berth to berth on owner's/charterer's account and time used for such shifting not to count as laytime. although stevedores appointed by recipients, all discharging operations to be carried out under masters' direction/ approval. all necessary trimming will be at owner's time and expense. at chittagong anchorage, if a lighter vessel is required to cast off from the mother ship, due to heavy swell and/or bad weather, all time lost will not count as laytime. the time will stop counting from the time the lighter vessel casts off and will start counting again from the time the lighter ship is re-tied alongside the mother ship. en official journal of the european communities14. 9. 1999 l 242/7 5. lighterage at discharge port all necessary lighterage at chittagong outer anchorage will be carried out by the recipients at their own cost and time. for vessels unable to enter the chittagong outer anchorage, due to excessive draft, lighterage may be carried out at kutubdia anchorage by the charterers/owners at their expense and such lighterage to be treated as transhipment and lighters engaged to be discharged on identical terms as the mother vessel, and time used for lighterage at kutubdia not to count as laytime. collision damage, if any, during lighterage to be settled directly between the owners of the mother and the lighter vessels (notwithstanding whether engaged by owners/charterers for kutubdia lighterage, or by the recipients for outer anchorage lighterage). in case of unsafe anchorage at chittagong outer anchorage, any lighterage at kutubdia is for recipients account. master of the vessel(s) at all times to extend full cooperation to the recipients and/or their nominees/agents/stevedores/ lighterage contractors in order to expedite discharge. lighter vessels to supply suitable fenders to avoid damage. 6. demurrage/dispatch should the vessel(s) not be discharged at the rate herein stipulated, demurrage shall be paid by the recipient at the rate stipulated in the charter party, subject to a maximum of usd 8 000 per day or part thereof. for working time saved at the port of discharge, dispatch money shall be paid to the recipient at the rate of 50 % of the rate of demurrage stipulated in the charter party, subject to a maximum of usd 4 000 per day saved. demurrage or dispatch at the discharge port, if any, at the amounts specified above, shall be paid, as the case may be, by the recipient to the commission or by the commission to the recipient. afterwards settlement of dispatch/demur- rage, if any, between supplier and the commission will take place. laytime at port of discharge to be non-reversible. 7. miscellaneous overtime expenses, if any, on account of port and customs personnel will be for the account of the party (owner/their agents or receiver/their agents) ordering the same, but if ordered by the port authorities, to be on the receiver's/ owner's account on 50:50 basis. overtime expenses for vessel's crew always to be on the owner's account. at the port of discharge opening/closing of hatches on all occasions to be for owner's account and time not to count as laytime. first opening and last closing of hatches at port of discharge to be done by vessel's crew. whatever the respective destination of the goods found damaged, they must be disposed of/destroyed as per port rules prior to sailing out of the vessels. dock worker management board's levy or any similar levy is for owner's account. in the case where some extra costs requested by the owner/charterer are to be pre-financed by the recipient, they may be directly paid by the commission on the recipient's behalf to the supplier. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1956/1999 of 13 september 1999 prohibiting fishing for herring by vessels flying the flag of sweden type: regulation subject matter: maritime and inland waterway transport; europe; fisheries date published: nan en official journal of the european communities14. 9. 1999 l 242/19 commission regulation (ec) no 1956/1999 of 13 september 1999 prohibiting fishing for herring by vessels flying the flag of sweden the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2847/93 of 12 october 1993 establishing a control system applicable to the common fisheries policy (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2846/98 (2), and in particular article 21(3) thereof, (1) whereas council regulation (ec) no 51/1999 of 18 december 1998 allocating, for 1999, certain catch quotas between member states for vessels fishing in the norwegian exclusive economic zone and the fishing zone around jan mayen (3), as amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1619/1999 (4), lays down quotas for herring for 1999; (2) whereas, in order to ensure compliance with the provi- sions relating to the quantity limits on catches of stocks subject to quotas, the commission must fix the date by which catches made by vessels flying the flag of a member state are deemed to have exhausted the quota allocated; (3) whereas, according to the information received by the commission, catches of herring in the waters of ices division iv (norwegian waters south of 62 n) by vessels flying the flag of sweden or registered in sweden have exhausted the quota allocated for 1999; whereas sweden has prohibited fishing for this stock from 17 august 1999; whereas this date should be adopted in this regu- lation also, has adopted this regulation: article 1 catches of herring in the waters of ices division iv (norwegian waters south of 62 n) by vessels flying the flag of sweden or registered in sweden are hereby deemed to have exhausted the quota allocated to sweden for 1999. fishing for herring in the waters of ices division iv (norwe- gian waters south of 62 n) by vessels flying the flag of sweden or registered in sweden is hereby prohibited, as are the reten- tion on board, transhipment and landing of this stock caught by the above vessels after the date of application of this regula- tion. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply from 17 august 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 13 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 261, 20.10.1993, p. 1. (2) oj l 358, 31.12.1998, p. 5. (3) oj l 13, 18.1.1999, p. 67. (4) oj l 192, 24.7.1999, p. 14. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1958/1999 of 14 september 1999 fixing representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin, and amending regulation (ec) no 1484/95 type: regulation subject matter: animal product; prices; cooperation policy; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities15. 9. 1999 l 243/3 commission regulation (ec) no 1958/1999 of 14 september 1999 fixing representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin, and amending regulation (ec) no 1484/95 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2771/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common organisation of the market in eggs (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1516/96 (2), and in particular article 5(4) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2777/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common organisation of the market in poultrymeat (3), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 2916/95 (4), and in particular article 5(4) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2783/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common system of trade for ovalbumin and lactalbumin (5), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 2916/95, and in particular article 3(4) thereof, (1) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1484/95 (6), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1532/1999 (7), fixes detailed rules for implementing the system of addi- tional import duties and fixes representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin; (2) whereas it results from regular monitoring of the in- formation providing the basis for the verification of the import prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin that the representative prices for imports of certain products should be amended taking into account variations of prices according to origin; whereas, there- fore, representative prices should be published; (3) whereas it is necessary to apply this amendment as soon as possible, given the situation on the market; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for poultrymeat and eggs, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annex i to regulation (ec) no 1484/95 is hereby replaced by the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 15 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 14 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 282, 1.11.1975, p. 49. (2) oj l 189, 30.7.1996, p. 99. (3) oj l 282, 1.11.1975, p. 77. (4) oj l 305, 19.12.1995, p. 49. (5) oj l 282, 1.11.1975, p. 104. (6) oj l 145, 29.6.1995, p. 47. (7) oj l 178, 14.7.1999, p. 17. en official journal of the european communities 15. 9. 1999l 243/4 annex annex i cn code description represen- tative price eur/100 kg security referred to in article 3(3) eur/100 kg origin (1) 0207 14 10 boneless cuts of fowls of the species gallus domesticus, 190,7 35 01 frozen 195,9 32 02 283,2 5 03 283,2 5 04 1602 32 11 preparations uncooked of fowls of the species gallus 206,8 24 01 domesticus 204,2 25 02 (1) origin of imports: 01 brazil 02 thailand 03 chile 04 argentina. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1967/1999 of 15 september 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1760/98 increasing to 2 838 000 tonnes the quantity of barley held by the french intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened type: regulation subject matter: plant product; europe; trade policy; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 16. 9. 1999l 244/20 commission regulation (ec) no 1967/1999 of 15 september 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1760/98 increasing to 2 838 000 tonnes the quantity of barley held by the french intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), and in particular article 5 thereof, (1) whereas commission regulation (eec) no 2131/93 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 39/1999 (4), lays down the procedures and conditions for the disposal of cereals held by the intervention agencies; (2) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1760/98 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1667/1999 (6), opened a standing invitation to tender for the export of 2 538 000 tonnes of barley held by the french interven- tion agency; whereas, france informed the commission of the intention of its intervention agency to increase by 300 000 tonnes the quantity for which a standing invi- tation to tender for export has been opened; whereas the total quantity of barley held by the french intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened should be increased to 2 838 000 tonnes; (3) whereas this increase in the quantity put out to tender makes it necessary to alter the list of regions and quant- ities in store; whereas annex i to regulation (ec) no 1760/98 must therefore be amended; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 1760/98 is hereby amended as follows: 1. article 2 is replaced by the following: article 2 1. the invitation to tender shall cover a maximum of 2 838 000 tonnes of barley to be exported to all third countries with the exception of the united states, canada and mexico. 2. the regions in which the 2 838 000 tonnes of barley are stored are stated in annex i to this regulation. 2. annex i is replaced by the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publica- tion in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 191, 31.7.1993, p. 76. (4) oj l 5, 9.1.1999, p. 64. (5) oj l 221, 8.8.1998, p. 13. (6) oj l 197, 29.7.1999, p. 36. en official journal of the european communities16. 9. 1999 l 244/21 annex annex i (tonnes) place of storage quantity amiens 109 500 ch lons 254 000 dijon 167 000 lille 622 554 nantes 37 000 nancy 89 000 orl ans 551 500 paris 151 500 poitiers 232 000 rouen 622 546 toulouse 1 400 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1974/1999 of 15 september 1999 fixing the time limit for the submission of applications for private storage aid in respect of pigmeat type: regulation subject matter: agricultural structures and production; cooperation policy; animal product; distributive trades date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 9. 1999 l 244/43 commission regulation (ec) no 1974/1999 of 15 september 1999 fixing the time limit for the submission of applications for private storage aid in respect of pigmeat the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2759/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common organization of the market in pigmeat (1), as last amended by the act of accession of austria, finland and sweden and in particular article 4(6) thereof, (1) whereas private storage aid granted pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2042/98 of 25 september 1998 on special conditions for the granting of private storage aid for pigmeat (2), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2619/98 (3), has had a favourable effect on the pigmeat market; whereas an actual stabili- zation of prices is expected; whereas the granting of private storage aid for pigmeat should therefore be suspended; (2) whereas the management committee for pigmeat has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the time limit for the submission of applications for private storage aid for pigmeat shall be 17 september 1999. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 282, 1.11.1975, p. 1. (2) oj l 263, 26.9.1998, p. 12. (3) oj l 329, 5.12.1998, p. 9. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1975/1999 of 15 september 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 16. 9. 1999l 244/44 commission regulation (ec) no 1975/1999 of 15 september 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1253/1999 (2), and in particular article 13(8) thereof, (1) whereas the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals was fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 1935/1999 (3); (2) whereas, on the basis of today's cif prices and cif forward delivery prices, taking foreseeable developments on the market into account, the corrective amount at present applicable to the refund on cereals should be altered; (3) whereas the corrective amount must be fixed according to the same procedure as the refund; whereas it may be altered in the period between fixings, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the corrective amount referred to in article 1(1)(a),(b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 which is applicable to the export refunds fixed in advance in respect of the products referred to, except for malt, is hereby altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 240, 10.9.1999, p. 18. en official journal of the european communities16. 9. 1999 l 244/45 annex to the commission regulation of 15 september 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals (eur/t) product code destination (1) current 9 1st period 10 2nd period 11 3rd period 12 4th period 1 5th period 2 6th period 3 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 01 0 0 1,00 2,50 6,00 1002 00 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 03 0 25,00 25,00 25,00 25,00 02 0 0 0 0 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 01 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 0 0 1,37 4,11 6,85 1101 00 15 9130 01 0 0 1,28 3,84 6,40 1101 00 15 9150 01 0 0 1,18 3,54 5,90 1101 00 15 9170 01 0 0 1,09 3,27 5,45 1101 00 15 9180 01 0 0 1,02 3,06 5,10 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 0 0 0 0 0 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries, 02 other third countries, 03 usa, canada and mexico. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30.7.1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1979/1999 of 16 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 9. 1999 l 245/5 commission regulation (ec) no 1979/1999 of 16 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, (1) whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multi- lateral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 17. 9. 1999l 245/6 annex to the commission regulation of 16 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 77,1 060 49,8 999 63,4 0707 00 05 628 125,1 999 125,1 0709 90 70 052 70,2 999 70,2 0805 30 10 388 68,8 524 77,2 528 68,8 999 71,6 0806 10 10 052 101,5 064 68,5 400 226,9 999 132,3 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 388 59,8 400 48,9 508 20,3 512 47,6 528 43,9 800 180,8 804 72,0 999 67,6 0808 20 50 052 81,4 064 45,4 388 46,9 720 88,4 999 65,5 0809 30 10, 0809 30 90 052 104,0 999 104,0 0809 40 05 052 46,7 064 46,2 066 60,3 624 184,9 999 84,5 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1980/1999 of 16 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; processed agricultural produce date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 9. 1999 l 245/7 commission regulation (ec) no 1980/1999 of 16 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular article 17(3) thereof, (1) whereas article 17 of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that the difference between prices in inter- national trade for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund within the limits resulting from agreements concluded in accordance with article 228 of the treaty; (2) whereas regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that when the refunds on the products listed in article 1 of the abovementioned regulation, exported in the natural state, are being fixed, account must be taken of: the existing situation and the future trend with regard to prices and availabilities of milk and milk products on the community market and prices for milk and milk products in international trade, marketing costs and the most favourable transport charges from community markets to ports or other points of export in the community, as well as costs incurred in placing the goods on the market of the country of destination, the aims of the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products which are to ensure equi- librium and the natural development of prices and trade on this market, the limits resulting from agreements concluded in accordance with article 228 of the treaty, and the need to avoid disturbances on the community market, and the economic aspect of the proposed exports; (3) whereas article 17(5) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that when prices within the community are being determined account should be taken of the ruling prices which are most favourable for exportation, and that when prices in international trade are being deter- mined particular account should be taken of: (a) prices ruling on third country markets; (b) the most favourable prices in third countries of des- tination for third country imports; (c) producer prices recorded in exporting third coun- tries, account being taken, where appropriate, of subsidies granted by those countries; and (d) free-at-community-frontier offer prices; (4) whereas article 17(3) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund on the products listed in article 1 of the abovementioned regulation according to destina- tion; (5) whereas article 17(3) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that the list of products on which export refunds are granted and the amount of such refunds should be fixed at least once every four weeks; whereas the amount of the refund may, however, remain at the same level for more than four weeks; (6) whereas, in accordance with article 16 of commission regulation (ec) no 174/1999 of 26 january 1999 on specific detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 804/68 as regards export licences and export refunds on milk and milk products (3), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1596/1999 (4); the refund granted for milk products containing added sugar is equal to the sum of the two components; whereas one is intended to take account of the quantity of milk products and is calculated by multiplying the basic amount by the milk products content in the product concerned; whereas the other is intended to take account of the quantity of added sucrose and is calculated by multiplying the sucrose content of the entire product by the basic amount of the refund valid on the day of exportation for the products listed in article 1(1)(d) of council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (5), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (6); whereas, however, this second component is applied only if the added sucrose has been produced using sugar beet or cane harvested in the community; (3) oj l 20, 27.1.1999, p. 8. (4) oj l 188, 21.7.1999, p. 39. (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 13. (5) oj l 177, 1.7.1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 206, 16.8.1996, p. 21. (6) oj l 159, 3.6.1998, p. 38. en official journal of the european communities 17. 9. 1999l 245/8 (7) whereas the level of refund for cheeses is calculated for products intended for direct consumption; whereas the cheese rinds and cheese wastes are not products intended for this purpose; whereas, to avoid any confu- sion in interpretation, it should be specified that there will be no refund for cheeses of a free-at-frontier value less than eur 230,00 per 100 kilograms; (8) whereas commission regulation (eec) no 896/84 (1), as last amended by regulation (eec) no 222/88 (2), laid down additional provisions concerning the granting of refunds on the change from one milk year to another; whereas those provisions provide for the possibility of varying refunds according to the date of manufacture of the products; (9) whereas for the calculation of the refund for processed cheese provision must be made where casein or casein- ates are added for that quantity not to be taken into account; (10) whereas it follows from applying the rules set out above to the present situation on the market in milk and in particular to quotations or prices for milk products within the community and on the world market that the refund should be as set out in the annex to this regula- tion; (11) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the export refunds referred to in article 17 of regulation (eec) no 804/68 on products exported in the natural state shall be as set out in the annex. 2. there shall be no refunds for exports to destination no 400 for products falling within cn codes 0401, 0402, 0403, 0404, 0405 and 2309. 3. there shall be no refunds for exports to destinations no 021, 023, 024, 028, 043, 044, 045, 046, 052, 404, 600, 800 and 804 for products falling within cn code 0406. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 91, 1.4.1984, p. 71. (2) oj l 28, 1.2.1988, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities17. 9. 1999 l 245/9 product code destination (*) amountof refundproduct code destination (*) amount of refund annex to the commission regulation of 16 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products (in eur/100 kg net weight unless otherwise indicated) 0401 10 10 9000 970 2,327 * * * 0401 10 90 9000 970 2,327 * * * 0401 20 11 9100 970 2,327 * * * 0401 20 11 9500 970 3,597 * * * 0401 20 19 9100 970 2,327 * * * 0401 20 19 9500 970 3,597 * * * 0401 20 91 9100 970 4,551 * * * 0401 20 91 9500 + 0401 20 99 9100 970 4,551 * * * 0401 20 99 9500 + 0401 30 11 9100 + 0401 30 11 9400 970 10,50 * * * 0401 30 11 9700 970 15,77 * * * 0401 30 19 9100 + 0401 30 19 9400 + 0401 30 19 9700 970 15,77 * * * 0401 30 31 9100 + 38,32 0401 30 31 9400 + 59,85 0401 30 31 9700 + 66,00 0401 30 39 9100 + 38,32 0401 30 39 9400 + 59,85 0401 30 39 9700 + 66,00 0401 30 91 9100 + 75,22 0401 30 91 9400 + 110,55 0401 30 91 9700 + 129,01 0401 30 99 9100 + 75,22 0401 30 99 9400 + 110,55 0401 30 99 9700 + 129,01 0402 10 11 9000 + 90,00 0402 10 19 9000 + 90,00 0402 10 91 9000 + 0,9000 0402 10 99 9000 + 0,9000 0402 21 11 9200 + 90,00 0402 21 11 9300 + 105,89 0402 21 11 9500 + 111,56 0402 21 11 9900 + 120,00 0402 21 17 9000 + 90,00 0402 21 19 9300 + 105,89 0402 21 19 9500 + 111,56 0402 21 19 9900 + 120,00 0402 21 91 9100 + 120,86 0402 21 91 9200 + 121,69 0402 21 91 9300 + 123,20 0402 21 91 9400 + 131,67 0402 21 91 9500 + 134,61 0402 21 91 9600 + 145,88 0402 21 91 9700 + 152,49 0402 21 91 9900 + 159,96 0402 21 99 9100 + 120,86 0402 21 99 9200 + 121,69 0402 21 99 9300 + 123,20 0402 21 99 9400 + 131,67 0402 21 99 9500 + 134,61 0402 21 99 9600 + 145,88 0402 21 99 9700 + 152,49 0402 21 99 9900 + 159,96 0402 29 15 9200 + 0,9000 0402 29 15 9300 + 1,0589 0402 29 15 9500 + 1,1156 0402 29 15 9900 + 1,2002 0402 29 19 9200 + 0,9000 0402 29 19 9300 + 1,0589 0402 29 19 9500 + 1,1156 0402 29 19 9900 + 1,2002 0402 29 91 9100 + 1,2086 0402 29 91 9500 + 1,3167 0402 29 99 9100 + 1,2086 0402 29 99 9500 + 1,3167 0402 91 11 9110 + 0402 91 11 9120 + 0402 91 11 9310 + 11,31 0402 91 11 9350 + 13,85 0402 91 11 9370 + 16,84 0402 91 19 9110 + 0402 91 19 9120 + 0402 91 19 9310 + 11,31 0402 91 19 9350 + 13,85 0402 91 19 9370 + 16,84 0402 91 31 9100 + 0402 91 31 9300 + 19,91 0402 91 39 9100 + 0402 91 39 9300 + 19,91 0402 91 51 9000 + 0402 91 59 9000 + 0402 91 91 9000 + 63,94 0402 91 99 9000 + 63,94 0402 99 11 9110 + 0402 99 11 9130 + 0402 99 11 9150 + 0402 99 11 9310 + 0,2689 0402 99 11 9330 + 0,3228 0402 99 11 9350 + 0,4291 0402 99 19 9110 + 0402 99 19 9130 + 0402 99 19 9150 + 0402 99 19 9310 + 0,2689 0402 99 19 9330 + 0,3228 0402 99 19 9350 + 0,4291 0402 99 31 9110 + 0402 99 31 9150 + 0,4467 0402 99 31 9300 + 0,3832 0402 99 31 9500 + 0,6600 0402 99 39 9110 + 0402 99 39 9150 + 0,4467 0402 99 39 9300 + 0,3832 en official journal of the european communities 17. 9. 1999l 245/10 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0402 99 39 9500 + 0,6600 0402 99 91 9000 + 0,7522 0402 99 99 9000 + 0,7522 0403 10 11 9400 + 0403 10 11 9800 + 0403 10 13 9800 + 0403 10 19 9800 + 0403 10 31 9400 + 0403 10 31 9800 + 0403 10 33 9800 + 0403 10 39 9800 + 0403 90 11 9000 + 88,48 0403 90 13 9200 + 88,48 0403 90 13 9300 + 104,95 0403 90 13 9500 + 110,56 0403 90 13 9900 + 118,93 0403 90 19 9000 + 119,81 0403 90 31 9000 + 0,8848 0403 90 33 9200 + 0,8848 0403 90 33 9300 + 1,0495 0403 90 33 9500 + 1,1056 0403 90 33 9900 + 1,1893 0403 90 39 9000 + 1,1981 0403 90 51 9100 970 2,327 * * * 0403 90 51 9300 + 0403 90 53 9000 + 0403 90 59 9110 + 0403 90 59 9140 + 0403 90 59 9170 970 15,77 * * * 0403 90 59 9310 + 38,32 0403 90 59 9340 + 59,85 0403 90 59 9370 + 64,80 0403 90 59 9510 + 64,80 0403 90 59 9540 + 64,80 0403 90 59 9570 + 64,80 0403 90 61 9100 + 0403 90 61 9300 + 0403 90 63 9000 + 0403 90 69 9000 + 0404 90 21 9100 + 90,00 0404 90 21 9910 + 0404 90 21 9950 + 11,31 0404 90 23 9120 + 90,00 0404 90 23 9130 + 105,89 0404 90 23 9140 + 111,56 0404 90 23 9150 + 120,00 0404 90 23 9911 + 0404 90 23 9913 + 0404 90 23 9915 + 0404 90 23 9917 + 0404 90 23 9919 + 0404 90 23 9931 + 11,31 0404 90 23 9933 + 13,85 0404 90 23 9935 + 16,84 0404 90 23 9937 + 19,91 0404 90 23 9939 + 20,81 0404 90 29 9110 + 120,86 0404 90 29 9115 + 121,69 0404 90 29 9120 + 123,20 0404 90 29 9130 + 131,67 0404 90 29 9135 + 134,61 0404 90 29 9150 + 145,88 0404 90 29 9160 + 152,49 0404 90 29 9180 + 159,96 0404 90 81 9100 + 0,9000 0404 90 81 9910 + 0404 90 81 9950 + 0,2689 0404 90 83 9110 + 0,9000 0404 90 83 9130 + 1,0589 0404 90 83 9150 + 1,1156 0404 90 83 9170 + 1,2002 0404 90 83 9911 + 0404 90 83 9913 + 0404 90 83 9915 + 0404 90 83 9917 + 0404 90 83 9919 + 0404 90 83 9931 + 0,2689 0404 90 83 9933 + 0,3228 0404 90 83 9935 + 0,4291 0404 90 83 9937 + 0,4467 0404 90 89 9130 + 1,2086 0404 90 89 9150 + 1,3167 0404 90 89 9930 + 0,4601 0404 90 89 9950 + 0,6600 0404 90 89 9990 + 0,7522 0405 10 11 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 11 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 19 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 19 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 30 9100 + 165,85 0405 10 30 9300 + 170,00 0405 10 30 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 30 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 50 9100 + 165,85 0405 10 50 9300 + 170,00 0405 10 50 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 50 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 90 9000 + 176,22 0405 20 90 9500 + 155,49 0405 20 90 9700 + 161,71 0405 90 10 9000 + 216,00 0405 90 90 9000 + 170,00 0406 10 20 9100 + 0406 10 20 9230 037 039 097 37,68 098 37,68 400 22,83 * * * 37,68 0406 10 20 9290 037 039 097 35,05 098 35,05 400 15,29 * * * 35,05 0406 10 20 9300 037 039 097 15,39 098 15,39 400 7,834 * * * 15,39 en official journal of the european communities17. 9. 1999 l 245/11 product code destination (*) amountof refundproduct code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 10 20 9610 037 039 097 51,11 098 51,11 400 30,98 * * * 51,11 0406 10 20 9620 037 039 097 51,83 098 51,83 400 31,42 * * * 51,83 0406 10 20 9630 037 039 097 57,86 098 57,86 400 35,06 * * * 57,86 0406 10 20 9640 037 039 097 85,03 098 85,03 400 48,35 * * * 85,03 0406 10 20 9650 037 039 097 70,86 098 70,86 400 25,44 * * * 70,86 0406 10 20 9660 + 0406 10 20 9830 037 039 097 26,28 098 26,28 400 13,38 * * * 26,28 0406 10 20 9850 037 039 097 31,87 098 31,87 400 16,22 * * * 31,87 0406 10 20 9870 + 0406 10 20 9900 + 0406 20 90 9100 + 0406 20 90 9913 037 039 097 58,77 098 58,77 400 31,59 * * * 58,77 0406 20 90 9915 037 039 097 77,56 098 77,56 400 42,12 * * * 77,56 0406 20 90 9917 037 039 097 82,41 098 82,41 400 44,75 * * * 82,41 0406 20 90 9919 037 039 097 92,10 098 92,10 400 50,02 * * * 92,10 0406 20 90 9990 + 0406 30 31 9710 037 039 097 17,88 098 9,536 400 8,346 * * * 17,88 0406 30 31 9730 037 039 097 26,24 098 13,99 400 12,25 * * * 26,24 0406 30 31 9910 037 039 097 17,88 098 9,536 400 8,346 * * * 17,88 0406 30 31 9930 037 039 097 26,24 098 13,99 400 12,25 * * * 26,24 0406 30 31 9950 037 039 097 38,17 098 20,36 400 17,81 * * * 38,17 0406 30 39 9500 037 039 097 26,24 098 13,99 400 12,25 * * * 26,24 0406 30 39 9700 037 039 097 38,17 098 20,36 400 17,81 * * * 38,17 0406 30 39 9930 037 039 097 38,17 098 20,36 400 17,81 * * * 38,17 0406 30 39 9950 037 039 097 43,16 098 23,02 400 21,14 * * * 43,16 0406 30 90 9000 037 039 097 45,28 098 24,15 400 21,14 * * * 45,28 0406 40 50 9000 037 039 097 90,00 098 90,00 400 32,98 * * * 90,00 en official journal of the european communities 17. 9. 1999l 245/12 product code destination (*) amountof refundproduct code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 40 90 9000 037 039 097 92,42 098 92,42 400 32,98 * * * 92,42 0406 90 13 9000 037 039 097 116,37 098 101,62 400 60,16 * * * 116,37 0406 90 15 9100 037 039 097 120,25 098 105,01 400 62,17 * * * 120,25 0406 90 17 9100 037 039 097 120,25 098 105,01 400 62,17 * * * 120,25 0406 90 21 9900 037 039 097 117,54 098 102,90 400 44,53 * * * 117,54 0406 90 23 9900 037 039 097 103,92 098 90,36 400 18,57 * * * 103,92 0406 90 25 9900 037 039 097 102,80 098 89,77 400 21,16 * * * 102,80 0406 90 27 9900 037 039 097 93,10 098 81,30 400 18,57 * * * 93,10 0406 90 31 9119 037 039 097 85,71 098 74,72 400 25,56 * * * 85,71 0406 90 33 9119 037 039 097 85,71 098 74,72 400 25,56 * * * 85,71 0406 90 33 9919 037 039 097 78,60 098 68,29 400 20,33 * * * 78,60 0406 90 33 9951 037 039 097 78,66 098 68,98 400 20,01 * * * 78,66 0406 90 35 9190 037 33,29 039 33,29 097 121,56 098 105,71 400 61,40 * * * 121,56 0406 90 35 9990 037 039 097 121,56 098 105,71 400 40,19 * * * 121,56 0406 90 37 9000 037 039 097 116,37 098 101,62 400 60,16 * * * 116,37 0406 90 61 9000 037 47,01 039 47,01 097 129,64 098 112,00 400 57,27 * * * 129,64 0406 90 63 9100 037 42,83 039 42,83 097 128,55 098 111,41 400 63,89 * * * 128,55 0406 90 63 9900 037 34,22 039 34,22 097 124,18 098 107,11 400 48,93 * * * 124,18 0406 90 69 9100 + 0406 90 69 9910 037 039 097 124,18 098 107,11 400 48,93 * * * 124,18 0406 90 73 9900 037 039 097 106,91 098 93,28 400 52,63 * * * 106,91 0406 90 75 9900 037 039 097 108,07 098 93,90 400 22,27 * * * 108,07 0406 90 76 9300 037 039 097 96,98 098 84,68 400 20,12 * * * 96,98 en official journal of the european communities17. 9. 1999 l 245/13 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 90 76 9400 037 039 097 108,62 098 94,85 400 23,22 * * * 108,62 0406 90 76 9500 037 039 097 102,45 098 90,24 400 23,22 * * * 102,45 0406 90 78 9100 037 039 097 102,26 098 87,50 400 18,14 * * * 102,26 0406 90 78 9300 037 039 097 105,98 098 92,78 400 20,12 * * * 105,98 0406 90 78 9500 037 039 097 104,35 098 91,91 400 23,22 * * * 104,35 0406 90 79 9900 037 039 097 86,27 098 75,02 400 19,23 * * * 86,27 0406 90 81 9900 037 039 097 108,62 098 94,85 400 47,61 * * * 108,62 0406 90 85 9910 037 33,32 039 33,32 097 117,90 098 102,43 400 59,27 * * * 117,90 0406 90 85 9991 037 039 097 117,90 098 102,43 400 40,19 * * * 117,90 0406 90 85 9995 037 039 097 108,07 098 93,90 400 21,16 * * * 108,07 0406 90 85 9999 + 0406 90 86 9100 + 0406 90 86 9200 037 039 097 102,23 098 86,17 400 27,65 * * * 102,23 0406 90 86 9300 037 039 097 103,32 098 87,41 400 30,30 * * * 103,32 0406 90 86 9400 037 039 097 108,62 098 92,87 400 34,28 * * * 108,62 0406 90 86 9900 037 039 097 117,90 098 102,43 400 40,24 * * * 117,90 0406 90 87 9100 + 0406 90 87 9200 037 039 097 85,19 098 71,81 400 24,78 * * * 85,19 0406 90 87 9300 037 039 097 94,89 098 80,27 400 28,02 * * * 94,89 0406 90 87 9400 037 039 097 96,33 098 82,36 400 30,66 * * * 96,33 0406 90 87 9951 037 039 097 106,68 098 93,15 400 42,19 * * * 106,68 0406 90 87 9971 037 039 097 106,68 098 93,15 400 34,41 * * * 106,68 0406 90 87 9972 097 45,63 098 39,68 400 13,67 * * * 45,63 en official journal of the european communities 17. 9. 1999l 245/14 product code destination (*) amountof refundproduct code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 90 87 9973 037 039 097 104,74 098 91,46 400 24,08 * * * 104,74 0406 90 87 9974 037 039 097 113,19 098 99,26 400 24,08 * * * 113,19 0406 90 87 9975 037 039 097 114,45 098 101,25 400 31,87 * * * 114,45 0406 90 87 9979 037 039 097 103,92 098 90,36 400 24,08 * * * 103,92 0406 90 88 9100 + 0406 90 88 9300 037 039 097 83,50 098 70,90 400 30,30 * * * 83,50 2309 10 15 9010 + 2309 10 15 9100 + 2309 10 15 9200 + 2309 10 15 9300 + 2309 10 15 9400 + 2309 10 15 9500 + 2309 10 15 9700 + 2309 10 19 9010 + 2309 10 19 9100 + 2309 10 19 9200 + 2309 10 19 9300 + 2309 10 19 9400 + 2309 10 19 9500 + 2309 10 19 9600 + 2309 10 19 9700 + 2309 10 19 9800 + 2309 10 70 9010 + 2309 10 70 9100 + 13,85 2309 10 70 9200 + 18,47 2309 10 70 9300 + 23,09 2309 10 70 9500 + 27,70 2309 10 70 9600 + 32,32 2309 10 70 9700 + 36,94 2309 10 70 9800 + 40,63 2309 90 35 9010 + 2309 90 35 9100 + 2309 90 35 9200 + 2309 90 35 9300 + 2309 90 35 9400 + 2309 90 35 9500 + 2309 90 35 9700 + 2309 90 39 9010 + 2309 90 39 9100 + 2309 90 39 9200 + 2309 90 39 9300 + 2309 90 39 9400 + 2309 90 39 9500 + 2309 90 39 9600 + 2309 90 39 9700 + 2309 90 39 9800 + 2309 90 70 9010 + 2309 90 70 9100 + 13,85 2309 90 70 9200 + 18,47 2309 90 70 9300 + 23,09 2309 90 70 9500 + 27,70 2309 90 70 9600 + 32,32 2309 90 70 9700 + 36,94 2309 90 70 9800 + 40,63 (*) the code numbers for the destinations are those set out in the annex to commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). however: 097 covers all destination codes from 072 to 083 inclusive, 098 covers all destination codes from 053 to 070 inclusive and from 091 to 096 inclusive, 970 covers the exports referred to in articles 34(1)(a) and (c) and 44(1)(a) and (b) of commission regulation (eec) no 800/1999 (oj l 107, 17.4.1999, p. 11). for destinations other than those indicated for each product code, the amount of the refund applying is indicated by ***. where no destination (+) is indicated, the amount of the refund is applicable for exports to any destination other than those referred to in article 1(2) and (3). nb: the product codes and the footnotes are defined in commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (oj l 366, 24.12.1987, p. 1), as amended. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1984/1999 of 16 september 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of rye issued in regulation (ec) no 1758/1999 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy; trade; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 17. 9. 1999l 245/22 commission regulation (ec) no 1984/1999 of 16 september 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of rye issued in regulation (ec) no 1758/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 7 thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of rye to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1758/1999 (5); (2) whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and on the basis of the tenders notified, to make no award; (3) whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 a maximum refund or minimum tax should not be fixed; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders notified from 10 to 16 september 1999 in response to the invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of rye issued in regulation (ec) no 1758/1999. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 210, 10.8.1999, p. 3. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1986/1999 of 16 september 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on oats in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1897/1999 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; trade; europe; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 17. 9. 1999l 245/24 commission regulation (ec) no 1986/1999 of 16 september 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on oats in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1897/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1897/1999 of 2 september 1999 on a special intervention measure for cereals in finland and sweden (5), and in particular article 8 thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the refund for the export of oats produced in finland and sweden for export from finland or sweden to all third countries was opened pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1897/1999; (2) whereas article 8 of regulation (ec) no 1897/1999 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund; (3) whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 10 to 16 september 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1897/ 1999, the maximum refund on exportation of oats shall be eur 59,98/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 233, 3.9.1999, p. 10. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1989/1999 of 16 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on malt type: regulation subject matter: trade; trade policy; foodstuff date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 9. 1999 l 245/29 commission regulation (ec) no 1989/1999 of 16 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on malt the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), and in particular the third subparagraph of article 13(2) thereof, (1) whereas article 13 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) whereas the refunds must be fixed taking into account the factors referred to in article 1 of commission regu- lation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules under council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 2513/98 (4); (3) whereas the refund applicable in the case of malts must be calculated with amount taken of the quantity of cereals required to manufacture the products in ques- tion; whereas the said quantities are laid down in regu- lation (ec) no 1501/95; (4) whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for certain products according to destination; (5) whereas the refund must be fixed once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; (6) whereas in follows from applying these rules to the present situation on markets in cereals, and in particular to quotations or prices for these products within the community and on the world market, that the refunds should be as set out in the annex hereto; (7) whereas the management committee for cereals has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on malt listed in article 1(c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities 17. 9. 1999l 245/30 annex to the commission regulation of 16 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on malt (eur/t) product code refund 1107 10 19 9000 33,00 1107 10 99 9000 31,50 1107 20 00 9000 37,00 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1991/1999 of 17 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities18. 9. 1999 l 247/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 1991/1999 of 17 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, (1) whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multi- lateral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 18 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 18. 9. 1999l 247/2 annex to the commission regulation of 17 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 77,1 060 49,8 999 63,4 0707 00 05 052 85,5 628 125,1 999 105,3 0709 90 70 052 68,2 999 68,2 0805 30 10 388 67,8 524 77,2 528 77,2 999 72,4 0806 10 10 052 103,9 064 61,7 400 224,7 999 130,1 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 388 64,3 400 47,2 512 46,5 528 43,9 800 180,8 804 73,0 999 76,0 0808 20 50 052 80,0 064 56,3 388 46,9 720 88,4 999 67,9 0809 30 10, 0809 30 90 052 98,6 999 98,6 0809 40 05 052 46,7 064 51,8 066 79,3 624 184,9 999 90,7 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1995/1999 of 17 september 1999 fixing the maximum purchasing price for butter for the 246th invitation to tender carried out under the standing invitation to tender governed by regulation (eec) no 1589/87 type: regulation subject matter: agricultural policy; prices; processed agricultural produce; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities18. 9. 1999 l 247/7 commission regulation (ec) no 1995/1999 of 17 september 1999 fixing the maximum purchasing price for butter for the 246th invitation to tender carried out under the standing invitation to tender governed by regulation (eec) no 1589/87 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular the first subparagraph of article 7a(1) first indent and article 7a(3) thereof, (1) whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 1589/87 of 5 june 1987 on the sale by tender of butter to intervention agencies (3), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 124/1999 (4), provides that, in the light of the tenders received for each invitation to tender, a maximum buying-in price is to be fixed in relation to the intervention price applicable and that it may also be decided not to proceed with the invitation to tender; (2) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 246th invitation to tender issued under regulation (eec) no 1589/87, for which tenders had to be submitted not later than 14 september 1999, the maximum buying-in price is fixed at 295,38 eur/100 kg. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 18 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 13. (2) oj l 206, 16.8.1996, p. 21. (3) oj l 146, 6.6.1987, p. 27. (4) oj l 16, 21.1.1999, p. 19. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1999/1999 of 17 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on beef and veal type: regulation subject matter: animal product; trade policy; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 18. 9. 1999l 247/12 commission regulation (ec) no 1999/1999 of 17 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on beef and veal the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/ 98 (2), and in particular article 13 thereof, (1) whereas article 13 of regulation (eec) no 805/68 provides that the difference between prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of that regu- lation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) whereas regulation (eec) no 32/82 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2326/97 (4), regulation (eec) no 1964/82 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1452/1999 (6), and regulation (eec) no 2388/84 (7), as last amended by regulation (eec) no 3661/92 (8), lay down the conditions for granting special export refunds on certain cuts of beef and veal and certain preserved beef and veal products; (3) whereas it follows from applying those rules and criteria to the foreseeable situation on the market in beef and veal that the refund should be as set out below; (4) whereas, given the current market situation in the community and the possibilities of disposal in certain third countries in particular, export refunds should be granted, on the one hand, on bovine animals intended for slaughter of a live weight greater than 220 kilograms and less than 300 kilograms, and, on the other on adult bovine animals of a live weight of at least 300 kilo- grams; (5) whereas export refunds should be granted for certain destinations on some fresh or chilled meat listed in the annex under cn code 0201, on some frozen meat listed in the annex under cn code 0202, on some meat or offal listed in the annex under cn code 0206 and on some other prepared or preserved meat or offal listed in the annex under cn code 1602 50 10; (6) whereas, in view of the wide differences in products covered by cn codes 0201 20 90 700 and 0202 20 90 100 used for refund purposes, refunds should only be granted on cuts in which the weight of bone does not exceed one third; (7) whereas, in the case of meat of bovine animals, boned or boneless, salted and dried, there are traditional trade flows to switzerland; whereas, to allow this trade to continue, the refund should be set to cover the differ- ence between prices on the swiss market and export prices in the member states; whereas there are possibili- ties for exporting such meat and also salted, smoked and dried meat to certain african, near and middle eastern countries; whereas a refund should accordingly be set; (8) whereas, in the case of certain other cuts and preserves of meat or offal shown in the annex under cn codes 1602 50 31 to 1602 50 80, the community share of international trade may be maintained by granting a refund corresponding to that at present available; (9) whereas, in the case of other beef and veal products, a refund need not be fixed since the community's share of world trade is not significant; (10) whereas commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (9), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1230/1999 (10), establishes the agricultural product nomenclature for the purposes of export refunds; (11) whereas, in order to simplify customs export formalities for operators, the refunds on all frozen cuts should be brought into line with those on fresh or chilled cuts other than those from adult male bovine animals; (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28.7.1998, p. 17. (3) oj l 4, 8.1.1982, p. 11. (4) oj l 323, 26.11.1997, p. 1. (5) oj l 212, 21.7.1982, p. 48. (6) oj l 167, 2.7.1999, p. 17. (7) oj l 221, 18.8.1984, p. 28. (9) oj l 366, 24.12.1987, p. 1. (8) oj l 370, 19.12.1992, p. 16. (10) oj l 149, 16.6.1999, p. 3. en official journal of the european communities18. 9. 1999 l 247/13 (12) whereas experience has shown that in certain cases it is often difficult to determine the relevant quantities of beef, veal and other meat contained in prepared or preserved meat falling within cn code 1602 50; whereas exclusively beef and veal products should accordingly be set apart and as new heading should be created for mixtures of meats or offals; whereas checks on products other than mixtures of meat or offal should be stepped up by making the granting of refunds on these products conditional on manufacture under the arrangements provided for in article 4 of council regu- lation (eec) no 565/80 of 4 march 1980 on the advance payment of export refunds in respect of agricul- tural products (1), as amended by regulation (eec) no 2026/83 (2); (13) whereas refunds on female animals should vary depending on their age in order to prevent abuses in the export of certain pure-bred breeding animals; (14) whereas opportunities exist for the export to certain third countries of heifers other than those intended for slaughter, but to prevent any abuse control criteria should be laid down to ensure that these animals are not more than 36 months old; (15) whereas, notwithstanding the subdivision of the combined nomenclature for prepared and preserved meat, other than uncooked, falling within cn code 1602 50, experience has shown that it is possible to delete from the refund nomenclature several products falling within cn code 1602 50 31 and to amend the list of products falling within cn code 1602 50 80; (16) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for beef and veal, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the list of products on which export refunds as referred to in article 13 of regulation (eec) no 805/68 are granted and the amount thereof shall be as set out in annex i of this regulation. 2. the destinations are identified in annex ii to this regula- tion. article 2 the grant of the refund for product code 0102 90 59 9000 of the nomenclature for export refunds and for exports to the third countries in zone 10 listed in annex ii to this regulation shall be subject to presentation, when the customs formalities for export are completed, of the original and one copy of the veterinary certificate signed by an official veterinarian certifying that these are heifers of an age of not more than 36 months. the original of the certificate shall be returned to the exporter and the copy, certified as being in accordance with the regula- tions by the customs authorities, shall be attached to the application for payment of the refund. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on 21 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 62, 7.3.1980, p. 5. (2) oj l 199, 22.7.1983, p. 12. en official journal of the european communities 18. 9. 1999l 247/14 (eur/100 kg) product code destination refund (7) net weight (eur/100 kg) product code destination refund (7) live weight annex i to the commission regulation of 17 september 1999 fixing export refunds on beef 0102 10 10 9120 01 63,00 0102 10 10 9130 02 24,50 03 16,50 04 8,50 0102 10 30 9120 01 63,00 0102 10 30 9130 02 24,50 03 16,50 04 8,50 0102 10 90 9120 01 63,00 0102 90 41 9100 02 60,50 0102 90 51 9000 02 24,50 03 16,50 04 8,50 0102 90 59 9000 02 24,50 03 16,50 04 8,50 10 60,50 (9) 0102 90 61 9000 02 24,50 03 16,50 04 8,50 0102 90 69 9000 02 24,50 03 16,50 04 8,50 0102 90 71 9000 02 60,50 03 39,50 04 20,00 0102 90 79 9000 02 60,50 03 39,50 04 20,00 net weight 0201 10 00 9110 (1) 02 94,00 03 65,00 04 31,50 0201 10 00 9120 02 36,50 03 26,00 04 13,00 0201 10 00 9130 (1) 02 129,00 03 86,50 04 43,50 0201 10 00 9140 02 51,00 03 35,00 04 18,00 0201 20 20 9110 (1) 02 129,00 03 86,50 04 43,50 0201 20 20 9120 02 51,00 03 35,00 04 18,00 0201 20 30 9110 (1) 02 94,00 03 65,00 04 31,50 0201 20 30 9120 02 36,50 03 26,00 04 13,00 0201 20 50 9110 (1) 02 163,00 03 109,00 04 54,00 0201 20 50 9120 02 65,00 03 44,50 04 22,00 0201 20 50 9130 (1) 02 94,00 03 65,00 04 31,50 0201 20 50 9140 02 36,50 03 26,00 04 13,00 0201 20 90 9700 02 36,50 03 26,00 04 13,00 0201 30 00 9050 05 (4) 53,00 07 (4a) 53,00 0201 30 00 9100 (2) (6) 02 227,50 03 156,00 04 78,50 06 201,00 0201 30 00 9120 (2) (6) 08 125,50 09 116,50 03 86,00 04 43,00 06 110,00 0201 30 00 9150 (6) 08 33,00 09 30,00 03 26,00 04 13,50 06 29,50 0201 30 00 9190 (6) 02 51,00 03 33,50 04 16,00 06 41,00 en official journal of the european communities18. 9. 1999 l 247/15 (eur/100 kg) product code destination refund (7) net weight (eur/100 kg) product code destination refund (7) net weight 0202 10 00 9100 02 36,50 03 26,00 04 13,00 0202 10 00 9900 02 51,00 03 35,00 04 18,00 0202 20 10 9000 02 51,00 03 35,00 04 18,00 0202 20 30 9000 02 36,50 03 26,00 04 13,00 0202 20 50 9100 02 65,00 03 44,50 04 22,00 0202 20 50 9900 02 36,50 03 26,00 04 13,00 0202 20 90 9100 02 36,50 03 26,00 04 13,00 0202 30 90 9100 05 (4) 53,00 07 (4a) 53,00 0202 30 90 9400 (6) 08 33,00 09 30,00 03 26,00 04 13,50 06 29,50 0202 30 90 9500 (6) 02 51,00 03 33,50 04 16,00 06 41,00 0206 10 95 9000 02 51,00 03 33,50 04 16,00 06 41,00 0206 29 91 9000 02 51,00 03 33,50 04 16,00 06 41,00 0210 20 90 9100 02 42,50 04 25,50 0210 20 90 9300 02 53,00 0210 20 90 9500 (3) 02 53,00 1602 50 10 9120 02 59,00 (8) 03 47,00 (8) 04 47,00 (8) 1602 50 10 9140 02 52,50 (8) 03 41,50 (8) 04 41,50 (8) 1602 50 10 9160 02 41,50 (8) 03 33,50 (8) 04 33,50 (8) 1602 50 10 9170 02 28,00 (8) 03 22,00 (8) 04 22,00 (8) 1602 50 10 9190 02 28,00 03 22,00 04 22,00 1602 50 10 9240 02 03 04 1602 50 10 9260 02 03 04 1602 50 10 9280 02 03 04 1602 50 31 9125 01 100,00 (5) 1602 50 31 9135 01 38,00 (8) 1602 50 31 9195 01 18,50 1602 50 31 9325 01 89,00 (5) 1602 50 31 9335 01 33,50 (8) 1602 50 31 9395 01 18,50 1602 50 39 9125 01 100,00 (5) 1602 50 39 9135 01 38,00 (8) 1602 50 39 9195 01 18,50 1602 50 39 9325 01 89,00 (5) 1602 50 39 9335 01 33,50 (8) 1602 50 39 9395 01 18,50 1602 50 39 9425 01 38,00 (5) 1602 50 39 9435 01 22,00 (8) 1602 50 39 9495 01 16,00 1602 50 39 9505 01 16,00 1602 50 39 9525 01 38,00 (5) 1602 50 39 9535 01 22,00 (8) 1602 50 39 9595 01 16,00 en official journal of the european communities 18. 9. 1999l 247/16 (eur/100 kg) product code destination refund (7) net weight (eur/100 kg) product code destination refund (7) net weight 1602 50 39 9615 01 16,00 1602 50 39 9625 01 7,50 1602 50 39 9705 01 1602 50 39 9805 01 1602 50 39 9905 01 1602 50 80 9135 01 33,50 (8) 1602 50 80 9195 01 16,00 1602 50 80 9335 01 30,00 (8) 1602 50 80 9395 01 16,00 1602 50 80 9435 01 22,00 (8) 1602 50 80 9495 01 16,00 1602 50 80 9505 01 16,00 1602 50 80 9515 01 7,50 1602 50 80 9535 01 22,00 (8) 1602 50 80 9595 01 16,00 1602 50 80 9615 01 16,00 1602 50 80 9625 01 7,50 1602 50 80 9705 01 1602 50 80 9805 01 1602 50 80 9905 01 (1) entry under this subheading is subject to the submission of the certificate appearing in the annex to amended commission regulation (eec) no 32/82. (2) the refund is granted subject to compliance with the conditions laid down in amended regulation (eec) no 1964/82. (3) the refund on beef in brine is granted on the net weight of the meat, after deduction of the weight of the brine. (4) carried out in accordance with amended commission regulation (eec) no 2973/79 (oj l 336, 29.12.1979, p. 44). (4a) carried out in accordance with amended commission regulation (eec) no 2051/96 (oj l 274, 26.10.1996, p. 18). (5) oj l 221, 19.8.1984, p. 28. (6) the lean bovine meat content excluding fat is determined in accordance with the procedure described in the annex to commission regulation (eec) no 2429/86 (oj l 210, 1.8.1986, p. 39). the term average content refers to the sample quantity as defined in article 2(1) of regulation (ec) no 2457/97 (oj l 340, 11.12.1997, p. 29). the sample is to be taken from that part of the consignment presenting the highest risk. (7) article 13(10) of amended regulation (eec) no 805/68 provides that no export refunds shall be granted on products imported from third countries and re-exported to third countries. (8) the refund is granted only on products manufactured under the arrangement provided for in article 4 of amended council regulation (eec) no 565/80. (9) the grant of the refund is subject to compliance with the conditions referred to in article 2 of this regulation. nb: the descriptions corresponding to the product codes and the footnotes are set out in commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 as amended. en official journal of the european communities18. 9. 1999 l 247/17 annex ii zone 01: all third countries zone 02: zones 08 and 09 zone 03 022 ceuta and melilla 024 iceland 028 norway 041 faeroes 043 andorra 044 gibraltar 045 vatican city 053 estonia 054 latvia 055 lithuania 060 poland 061 czech republic 063 slovakia 064 hungary 066 romania 068 bulgaria 070 albania 091 slovenia 092 croatia 093 bosnia-herzegovina 094 federal republic of yugoslavia 096 former yugoslav republic of macedonia 109 the communes of livigno and campione d'italia; the island of helgoland 406 greenland 600 cyprus 950 stores and provisions (destinations referred to in article 34 of commission regulation (eec) no 3665/87, as amended) zone 04 039 switzerland zone 05 400 united states of america zone 06 809 new caledonia 822 frenche polynesia zone 07 404 canada zone 08 046 malta 052 turkey 072 ukraine 073 belarus 074 moldova 075 russia 076 georgia 077 armenia 078 azerbaijan 079 kazakhstan 080 turkmenistan 081 uzbekistan 082 tajikistan 083 kirghistan 204 morocco 208 algeria 212 tunisia 216 libya 220 egypt 604 lebanon 608 syria 612 iraq 616 iran 624 israel 625 west bank and the gaza strip 628 jordan 632 saudi arabia 636 kuwait 640 bahrain 644 qatar 647 united arab emirates 649 oman 653 yemen 662 pakistan 669 sri lanka 676 myanmar (burma) 680 thailand 690 vietnam 700 indonesia 708 philippines 720 china 724 north korea 740 hong kong zone 09 224 sudan 228 mauritania 232 mali 236 burkina faso 240 niger 244 chad 247 cape verde 248 senegal 252 gambia 257 guinea-bissau 260 guinea 264 sierra leone 268 liberia 272 c 'te d'ivoire 276 ghana 280 togo 284 benin 288 nigeria 302 cameroon 306 central african republic 310 equatorial guinea 311 sao tom and principe 314 gabon 318 congo (republic) 322 congo (democratic republic) 324 rwanda 328 burundi 329 st helena and dependencies 330 angola 334 ethiopia 336 eritrea 338 djibouti 342 somalia 350 uganda 352 tanzania 355 seychelles and dependencies 357 british indian ocean territory 366 mozambique 373 mauritius 375 comoros 377 mayotte 378 zambia 386 malawi 388 south africa 395 lesotho zone 10 075 russia nb: the countries are those defined by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22.11.1997, p. 19). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2004/1999 of 20 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities21. 9. 1999 l 248/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 2004/1999 of 20 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, (1) whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multi- lateral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 21 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 20 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 21. 9. 1999l 248/2 annex to the commission regulation of 20 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 77,1 060 49,8 999 63,4 0707 00 05 052 85,5 628 125,1 999 105,3 0709 90 70 052 68,2 999 68,2 0805 30 10 388 67,0 524 65,6 528 67,1 999 66,6 0806 10 10 052 104,8 064 71,8 400 228,7 999 135,1 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 388 61,4 400 47,6 512 87,0 528 43,9 800 180,8 804 70,6 999 81,9 0808 20 50 052 80,6 064 64,6 388 46,9 720 88,4 999 70,1 0809 30 10, 0809 30 90 052 106,7 999 106,7 0809 40 05 052 46,7 064 53,5 066 79,3 400 118,5 624 171,2 999 93,8 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2010/1999 of 20 september 1999 opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of common wheat to certain acp states type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product; taxation; economic geography date published: nan en official journal of the european communities21. 9. 1999 l 248/19 commission regulation (ec) no 2010/1999 of 20 september 1999 opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of common wheat to certain acp states the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1253/1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, (1) whereas, with a view to supplying the markets of the acp countries, favoured partners of the community, significant quantities of common wheat are required for the 1999/2000 marketing year; whereas these markets are usually supplied on the basis of regular contracts to ensure stable prices for the acp countries over a certain period; whereas it is therefore necessary to issue a specific invitation to tender to ensure that users in certain acp states have access to common wheat under conditions appropriate to the highly competitive situ- ation on the world market; (2) whereas the detailed procedural rules governing invita- tions to tender are as regards the fixing of the export refund, or export tax in regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas the commitments on the part of the tenderer include an obligation to lodge an application for an export licence; whereas compliance with this obligation may be ensured by requiring tenderers to lodge a tendering security of eur 12 per tonne when they submit their tenders; (3) whereas, in order to ensure the smooth operation of the export tendering procedure it is appropriate to prescribe a minimum quantity to be tendered for and a time limit and form for the communication of tenders submitted to the competent authorities; (4) whereas provision should be made for a security lodge- ment scheme which ensures that the aims are met while avoiding excessive costs for the operators; (5) whereas, in addition to the conditions laid down in article 30 of commission regulation (eec) no 3719/88 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1127/1999 (6), provision should be made for the release for consumption in the acp state(s) laid down in this regulation; (6) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. tenders shall be invited for the export refund and/or export tax concerning common wheat, as provided for in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95. 2. the common wheat must be exported to an acp state or to several states within one of the groups of acp states listed in annex i. 3. the invitation shall remain open until 25 may 2000. during this period weekly awards shall be made, for which the quantities and the time limits for the submission of tenders shall be as prescribed in the notice of invitation to tender. article 2 a tender shall be valid only if it relates to an amount of not less than 1 000 tonnes for the acp states listed in annex i. article 3 the security referred to in article 5(3a) of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 shall be eur 12 per tonne. article 4 1. tenders shall only be admissible if: the tenderer provides written proof from an official body in the acp country of destination or a company having its overseas subsidiary in the said country, that he has concluded for the quantity in question a commercial supply contract for common wheat for export to an acp state or to several states within one of the groups of acp states listed in annex i. that contract may cover only those deliveries to be made during the 1999/2000 marketing year for quantities traditionally supplied; such proof shall be lodged with the competent authorities at least two working days before the date of the partial invitation to tender against which the tender is to be submitted, they are accompanied by an application for an export licence for the destination in question. (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 331, 2.12.1988, p. 1. (6) oj l 135, 29.5.1999, p. 48. en official journal of the european communities 21. 9. 1999l 248/20 the proof provided for in the first indent shall also indicate the quality provided for in the contract, the time limit for delivery and the price terms. the member state shall send the commission a copy of the said proof forthwith, for information. 2. tenders may not exceed the quantity laid down in the commercial contract submitted. the tenderers may not submit simultaneously several bids on the basis of the same contract. when transmitting the tenders submitted, the member states shall inform the commission of the above, mentioning if necessary the names of the tenderers involved. article 5 1. the licence obliges the operator to export to the acp state or states for which the licence application was submitted. however, for acp states and up to a limit of 30 % of the quantity for which the licence was issued, the operator may effect his contract at another destination on condition that it belongs to the same group of countries listed in annex i. 2. the export licences shall be issued as soon as the successful tenderers have been selected. 3. article 9 of regulation (eec) no 3719/88 notwith- standing, the rights deriving from the licence referred to in this article shall not be transferable. article 6 the obligation to export and import into one of the countries of destination listed in annex i shall be covered by a security amounting to eur 20 per tonne, lodged upon issue of the export licence. the amount of eur 20 per tonne must be released within 15 working days of the date on which the successful tenderer supplies proof of entry for consumption into the acp state or states referred to in article 1(2). this proof shall be supplied in accordance with articles 16 and 49 of commission regulation (ec) no 800/1999 (1). article 7 1. notwithstanding article 21(1) of regulation (eec) no 3719/88, export licences issued under article 8(1) of regula- tion (ec) no 1501/95 shall, for the purpose of determining their period of validity, be deemed to have been issued on the day on which the tender was submitted. 2. export licences issued in connection with the invitations to tender pursuant to this regulation shall be valid from their date of issue, as defined in paragraph 1, until the end of the sixth month following that of issue. article 8 1. the commission shall decide, pursuant to the procedures laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92: to fix a maximum export refund, taking account in partic- ular of the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95, or to fix a minimum export tax, taking into account in par- ticular the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95, or to make no award. 2. where a maximum export refund is fixed, the contract shall be awarded to the tenderer or tenderers whose bids are equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to the tenderer or tenderers whose bid relates to an export tax. 3. where a minimum export tax is fixed, a contract shall be awarded to any tenderer whose tender indicates a rate of tax equal to or more than such minimum export tax. article 9 tenders submitted must reach the commission through the intermediary member states, at the latest one and a half hours after expiry of the period for the weekly submission of tenders as specified in the notice of invitation to tender. they must be communicated in the form indicated in annex ii, to the telex or fax numbers in annex iii. if no tenders are received, member states shall inform the commission of this within the time limit indicated in the preceding paragraph. article 10 the time limits fixed for the submission of tenders shall cor- respond to belgian time. article 11 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities.(1) oj l 102, 17.4.1999, p. 11. en official journal of the european communities21. 9. 1999 l 248/21 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 20 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission group i group ii group iii annex i groups of acp states signatories to the lom convention mauritania mali niger senegal gambia guinea-bissau guinea cape verde sierra leone liberia c 'te-d'ivoire ghana togo chad central african republic benin cameroon equatorial guinea s o tom and principe gabon congo democratie republic of congo rwanda burundi burkina faso seychelles comoros madagascar mauritius angola zambia malawi mozambique namibia botswana zimbabwe lesotho swaziland djibouti ethiopia eritrea en official journal of the european communities 21. 9. 1999l 248/22 annex ii weekly tender for the refund or the tax for the export of common wheat to certain acp states (regulation (ec) no 2010/1999) closing date for the submission of tenders (date/time) 1 2 3 a b number of tenderer quantity in tonnes amount of export tax in eur per tonne amount of export refund in eur per tonne 1 2 3 etc. annex iii the only numbers to use to call brussels [dg vi/c/1] are: fax: 295 25 15, 296 49 56. telex: 22037 agrec b, 22070 agrec b (greek characters). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2011/1999 of 20 september 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1707/1999 opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of common wheat to all third countries type: regulation subject matter: taxation; plant product; cooperation policy; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities21. 9. 1999 l 248/23 commission regulation (ec) no 2011/1999 of 20 september 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1707/1999 opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of common wheat to all third countries the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, (1) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2010/ 1999 (5), opens an invitation to tender relating to the export of common wheat to certain acp states; whereas the destinations laid down in commission regulation (ec) no 1707/1999 (6) should therefore be amended; (2) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 800/1999 of 15 april 1999 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of export refunds on agri- cultural products (7) requires that, where refunds vary according to destination, payment of the refund be made conditional inter alia on presentation of proof that the product has been imported in its unaltered state into the third country or into one of the third countries for which the refund applies; whereas that proof is required under the invitation to tender opened by regulation (ec) no 2010/1999 for exports of common wheat to certain acp states; whereas exports to other third countries under the invitation to tender opened by regulation (ec) no 1707/1999 are carried out under less favourable conditions; whereas the risk of fraud is therefore small; whereas, in order to avoid obstructing these exports to other third countries, proof of arrival should not be required; whereas certificates drawn up by the competent authorities of the member states stating that the products have left the territory of the community on board a vessel suitable for sea treansport may be consid- ered to provide a sufficient guarantee; (3) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 1707/1999 is amended as follows: 1. the title is replaced by the following: opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of common wheat to all third countries except certain acp states; 2. article 1(2) is replaced by the following: 2. the invitation to tender shall cover common wheat for export to all third countries except acp states listed in annex iii.; 3. the following article 4a is added after article 4: article 4a notwithstanding article 16 of commission regulation (ec) no 800/1999 (*), proof of completion of customs formali- ties for release for consumption shall not be required for payment of refunds fixed in a contract awarded under this tender, in so far as the operator provides proof that a quantity of at least 1 500 tonnes of cereal product have left the customs territory of the community on board a vessel suitable for sea transport. (*) oj l 102, 17.4.1999, p. 11.; 4. the title of annex i is replaced by the following: weekly tender for the refund or the tax for the export of common wheat to all third countries except certain acp states:; 5. the following annex iii is added: (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) see page 19 of this official journal. (6) oj l 201, 31.7.1999, p. 55. (7) oj l 102, 17.4.1999, p. 11. en official journal of the european communities 21. 9. 1999l 248/24 group i group ii group iii annex iii groups of acp states signatories to the lom convention mauritania mali niger senegal gambia guinea bissau guinea cape verde sierra leone liberia c 'te-d'ivoire ghana togo chad central african republic benin cameroon equatorial guinea s o tom and pr ncipe gabon congo democratic republic of congo rwanda burundi burkina faso seychelles comores madagascar mauritius angola zambia malawi mozambique namibia botswana zimbabwe lesotho swaziland djibouti ethiopia eritrea article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 20 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: r glement (ce) n 2016/1999 de la commission, du 21 septembre 1999, rectifiant le r glement (ce) n 1710/1999 d terminant la mesure dans laquelle les demandes de certificats d'importation introduites en juillet 1999 pour certains produits des secteurs de la viande de volaille et des oeufs dans le cadre du r gime pr vu dans les accords conclus entre la communaut et la r publique de pologne, la r publique de hongrie, la r publique tch que, la slovaquie, la roumanie et la bulgarie peuvent tre accept es type: regulation subject matter: animal product; tariff policy; european construction; europe date published: nan en official journal of the european communities22. 9. 1999 l 249/3 commission regulation (ec) no 2016/1999 of 21 september 1999 rectifying regulation (ec) no 1710/1999 determining the extent to which applications lodged in july 1999 for licences for certain eggs and poultrymeat products under the regime provided for by the interim agreements concluded by the community with the republic of poland, the republic of hungary, the czech republic, slovakia, romania and bulgaria can be accepted the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1899/97 of 29 september 1997 setting rules of application in the poultry- meat and egg sectors for the arrangements covered by council regulation (ec) no 3066/95 and repealing regulations (eec) no 2699/93 and (ec) no 1559/94 (1), as amended by regula- tion (ec) no 2719/98 (2) and in particular article 4(5) thereof, whereas an error has been discovered in annex ii to commis- sion regulation (ec) no 1710/1999 (3); whereas the regulation in question should therefore be corrected, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annex ii to regulation (ec) no 1710/1999 is hereby replaced by the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 22 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 21 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 267, 30.9.1997, p. 67. (2) oj l 342, 17.12.1998, p. 16. (3) oj l 201, 31.7.1999, p. 62. en official journal of the european communities 22. 9. 1999l 249/4 annex annex ii (t) group no total quantity available for the period 1 october to 31 december 1999 1 3 990,00 2 390,00 4 10 026,40 7 2 520,00 8 630,00 9 1 440,00 10 1 165,50 11 270,00 44 330,00 45 696,00 12 1 120,00 14 2 100,00 15 1 470,00 16 420,00 17 900,00 18 180,00 19 360,00 21 1 322,00 23 1 340,00 24 120,00 25 2 774,16 26 180,00 27 1 305,58 28 252,00 30 1 080,00 32 420,00 33 300,00 34 1 500,00 35 120,00 36 600,00 37 150,00 38 285,00 39 960,00 40 330,00 43 600,00 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2021/1999 of 22 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities23. 9. 1999 l 250/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 2021/1999 of 22 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, (1) whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multi- lateral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 23 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 23. 9. 1999l 250/2 annex to the commission regulation of 22 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 69,8 999 69,8 0707 00 05 052 85,5 628 125,1 999 105,3 0709 90 70 052 63,0 999 63,0 0805 30 10 052 51,0 388 60,9 512 61,0 524 60,7 528 60,4 999 58,8 0806 10 10 052 105,8 064 48,3 400 230,4 999 128,2 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 388 67,8 400 51,5 512 87,0 528 43,9 804 70,2 999 64,1 0808 20 50 052 80,2 064 56,9 999 68,5 0809 30 10, 0809 30 90 052 109,4 999 109,4 0809 40 05 052 59,2 060 51,2 064 57,5 066 79,3 400 118,5 624 171,2 999 89,5 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2024/1999 of 22 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state type: regulation subject matter: beverages and sugar; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 23. 9. 1999l 250/6 commission regulation (ec) no 2024/1999 of 22 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 1 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), and in particular point (a) of the first subparagraph of article 19 (4) thereof, (1) whereas article 19 of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 (1) (a) of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) whereas regulation (eec) no 1785/81 provides that when refunds on white and raw sugar, undenatured and exported in its unaltered state, are being fixed account must be taken of the situation on the community and world markets in sugar and in particular of the price and cost factors set out in article 17a of that regulation; whereas the same article provides that the economic aspect of the proposed exports should also be taken into account; (3) whereas the refund on raw sugar must be fixed in respect of the standard quality; whereas the latter is defined in article 1 of council regulation (eec) no 431/68 of 9 april 1968 determining the standard quality for raw sugar and fixing the community frontier crossing point for calculating cif prices for sugar (3), as amended by regulation (ec) no 3290/94 (4); whereas, furthermore, this refund should be fixed in accordance with article 17a (4) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81; whereas candy sugar is defined in commission regula- tion (ec) no 2135/95 of 7 september 1995 laying down detailed rules of application for the grant of export refunds in the sugar sector (5); whereas the refund thus calculated for sugar containing added flavouring or colouring matter must apply to their sucrose content and, accordingly, be fixed per 1 % of the said content; (4) whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for sugar according to destination; (5) whereas, in special cases, the amount of the refund may be fixed by other legal instruments; (6) whereas the refund must be fixed every two weeks; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; (7) whereas it follows from applying the rules set out above to the present situation on the market in sugar and in particular to quotations or prices for sugar within the community and on the world market that the refund should be as set out in the annex hereto; (8) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1 (1) (a) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81, undenatured and exported in the natural state, are hereby fixed to the amounts shown in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 23 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1.7.1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3.6.1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 89, 10.4.1968, p. 3. (4) oj l 349, 31.12.1994, p. 105. (5) oj l 214, 8.9.1995, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities23. 9. 1999 l 250/7 annex to the commission regulation of 22 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state product code amount of refund eur/100 kg 1701 11 90 9100 43,51 (1) 1701 11 90 9910 41,58 (1) 1701 11 90 9950 (2) 1701 12 90 9100 43,51 (1) 1701 12 90 9910 41,58 (1) 1701 12 90 9950 (2) eur/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 91 00 9000 0,4730 eur/100 kg 1701 99 10 9100 47,30 1701 99 10 9910 45,20 1701 99 10 9950 45,20 eur/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 99 90 9100 0,4730 (1) applicable to raw sugar with a yield of 92 %; if the yield is other than 92 %, the refund applicable is calculated in accordance with the provisions of article 17a (4) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81. (2) fixing suspended by commission regulation (eec) no 2689/85 (oj l 255, 26.9.1985, p. 12), as amended by regulation (eec) no 3251/85 (oj l 309, 21.11.1985, p. 14). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2026/1999 of 22 september 1999 on issuing a2 export licences for fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; tariff policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 23. 9. 1999l 250/10 commission regulation (ec) no 2026/1999 of 22 september 1999 on issuing a2 export licences for fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 2190/96 of 14 november 1996 on detailed rules for implementing council regulation (ec) no 2200/96 as regards export refunds on fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1303/1999 (2), and in particular article 3(4) thereof, (1) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1926/1999 (3) sets the indicative refund rates and the indicative quant- ities for a2 export licences, other than those applied for in the context of food aid; (2) whereas, for lemons and apples for destinations in geographical zone f02, in view of the economic situ- ation in the various destination groups indicated in the annex to regulation (ec) no 1926/1999 and taking account of information received by operators via their applications for a2 licences, the definitive refund rates should be set at a different rate from the indicative rates; whereas the percentages for the issuing of licences for the quantities applied for should also be set; whereas the definitive rates may not be more than 50 % more than the indicative rates; (3) whereas, pursuant to article 3(5) of regulation (ec) no 2190/96, applications for rates in excess of the cor- responding definitive rates shall be considered null and void, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. for a2 export licences for which applications have been submitted pursuant to article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1926/ 1999, the actual date of application referred to in the second subparagraph of article 3(1) of regulation (ec) no 2190/96 is hereby set at 23 september 1999. 2. the licences referred to in the first paragraph shall be issued at the definitive refund rates and at the percentages for the quantities applied for as indicated in the annex to this regulation. 3. pursuant to article 3(5) of regulation (ec) no 2190/96, applications referred to in the first paragraph for rates in excess of the corresponding definitive rates set out in the annex shall be considered null and void. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 23 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 292, 15.11.1996, p. 12. (2) oj l 155, 22.6.1999, p. 29. (3) oj l 238, 9.9.1999, p. 20. en official journal of the european communities23. 9. 1999 l 250/11 annex product destination orgroup of destinations (1) definitive refund rates (eur/tonne net) percentages for the issuing of licences tomatoes a01 20 100 % oranges f01, f02, f05 50 88 % lemons a01 40 100 % table grapes a01 25 100 % apples f01 40 91 % f02 30 74 % peaches and nectarines a21 (1) the destination codes are defined as follows: a01: all destinations. a21: all destinations other than switzerland. f01: norway, iceland, greenland, faeroes, poland, hungary, romania, bulgaria, albania, estonia, latvia, lithuania, bosnia-herzegovina, croatia, slovenia, former yugoslav republic of macedonia, federal republic of yugoslavia (serbia and montenegro), malta. f02: armenia, azerbaijan, belarus, georgia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, moldova, russia, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, ukraine, destinations mentioned in article 34 of commission regulation (eec) no 3665/87, as amended. f05: switzerland, czech republic, slovakia. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2030/1999 of 23 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereal-based compound feedingstuffs type: regulation subject matter: agricultural activity; foodstuff; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities24. 9. 1999 l 251/5 commission regulation (ec) no 2030/1999 of 23 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereal-based compound feedingstuffs the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, (1) whereas article 13 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) whereas regulation (ec) no 1517/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down detailed rules for the application of regu- lation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards the arrangements for the export and import of compound feedingstuffs based on cereals and amending regulation (ec) no 1162/95 laying down special detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences for cereals and rice (3) in article 2 lays down general rules for fixing the amount of such refunds; (3) whereas that calculation must also take account of the cereal products content; whereas in the interest of simplification, the refund should be paid in respect of two categories of cereal products, namely for maize, the most commonly used cereal in exported compound feeds and maize products, and for other cereals, these being eligible cereal products excluding maize and maize products; whereas a refund should be granted in respect of the quantity of cereal products present in the compound feedingstuff; (4) whereas furthermore, the amount of the refund must also take into account the possibilities and conditions for the sale of those products on the world market, the need to avoid disturbances on the community market and the economic aspect of the export; (5) whereas, however, in fixing the rate of refund it would seem advisable to base it at this time on the difference in the cost of raw inputs widely used in compound feedingstuffs as the community and world markets, allowing more accurate account to be taken of the commercial conditions under which such products are exported; (6) whereas the refund must be fixed once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; (7) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the compound feedingstuffs covered by regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and subject to regulation (ec) no 1517/95 are hereby fixed as shown in the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 24 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 23 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 51. en official journal of the european communities 24. 9. 1999l 251/6 annex to the commission regulation of 23 september 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereal-based compound feedingstuffs product code benefiting from export refund (1): 2309 10 11 9000, 2309 10 13 9000, 2309 10 31 9000, 2309 10 33 9000, 2309 10 51 9000, 2309 10 53 9000, 2309 90 31 9000, 2309 90 33 9000, 2309 90 41 9000, 2309 90 43 9000, 2309 90 51 9000, 2309 90 53 9000. (eur/t) cereal products (2) amount of refund (2) maize and maize products: cn codes 0709 90 60, 0712 90 19, 1005, 1102 20, 1103 13, 1103 29 40, 1104 19 50, 1104 23, 1904 10 10 56,89 cereal products (2) excluding maize and maize prod- ucts 29,75 (1) the product codes are defined in sector 5 of the annex to commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (oj l 366, 24.12.1987, p. 1), amended. (2) for the purposes of the refund only the starch coming from cereal products is taken into account. cereal products means the products falling within subheadings 0709 90 60 and 0712 90 19, chapter 10, and headings nos 1101, 1102, 1103 and 1104 (unprocessed and not reconstituted excluding subheading 1104 30) and the cereals content of the products falling within subheadings 1904 10 10 and 1904 10 90 of the combined nomenclature. the cereals content in products under subheadings 1904 10 10 and 1904 10 90 of the combined nomenclature is considered to be equal to the weight of this final product. no refund is paid for cereals where the origin of the starch cannot be clearly established by analysis. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2037/1999 of 23 september 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereal and rice-products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 24. 9. 1999l 251/14 commission regulation (ec) no 2037/1999 of 23 september 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereal and rice-products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1253/1999 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (3), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (4), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, (1) whereas article 13(1) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and article 13(1) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provide that the difference between quotations of prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of each of those regulations and the prices within the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1222/94 of 30 may 1994 laying down common implementing rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural prod- ucts exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty, and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds (5), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1702/1999 (6), specifies the products for which a rate of refund should be fixed, to be applied where these products are exported in the form of goods listed in annex b to regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in annex b to regulation (ec) no 3072/95 as appropriate; (3) whereas, in accordance with the first subparagraph of article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94, the rate of the refund per 100 kilograms for each of the basic products in question must be fixed for each month; (4) whereas the commitments entered into with regard to refunds which may be granted for the export of agricul- tural products contained in goods not covered by annex i to the treaty may be jeopardized by the fixing in advance of high refund rates; whereas it is therefore necessary to take precautionary measures in such situa- tions without, however, preventing the conclusion of long-term contracts; whereas the fixing of a specific refund rate for the advance fixing of refunds is a measure which enables these various objectives to be met; (5) whereas, now that a settlement has been reached between the european community and the united states of america on community exports of pasta products to the united states and has been approved by council decision 87/482/eec (7), it is necessary to differentiate the refund on goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 00 and 1902 19 according to their destination; (6) whereas article 4(5)(b) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 provides that, in the absence of the proof referred to in article 4(5)(a) of that regulation, a reduced rate of export refund has to be fixed, taking account of the amount of the production refund applicable, pursuant to commission regulation (eec) no 1722/93 (8), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 87/1999 (9), for the basic product in question, used during the assumed period of manufacture of the goods; (7) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the rates of the refunds applicable to the basic products appearing in annex a to regulation (ec) no 1222/94 and listed either in article 1 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in article 1(1) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95, exported in the form of goods listed in annex b to regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in annex b to amended regulation (ec) no 3072/ 95 respectively, are hereby fixed as shown in the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 24 september 1999.(1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (4) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (7) oj l 275, 29.9.1987, p. 36. (5) oj l 136, 31.5.1994, p. 5. (8) oj l 159, 1.7.1993, p. 112. (6) oj l 201, 31.7.1999, p. 30. (9) oj l 9, 15.1.1999, p. 8. en official journal of the european communities24. 9. 1999 l 251/15 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 23 september 1999. for the commission frits bolkestein member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 24. 9. 1999l 251/16 (eur/100 kg) rate of refund per 100 kg dof basic product cn code description of products (1) in case of advance fixing of refunds other annex to the commission regulation of 23 september 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereals and rice products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty 1001 10 00 durum wheat: on exports of goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 and 1902 19 to the united states of america 0,650 in other cases 1,000 1001 90 99 common wheat and meslin: on exports of goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 and 1902 19 to the united states of america 1,983 in other cases: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 0,818 in other cases 3,050 1002 00 00 rye 4,617 1003 00 90 barley 2,900 1004 00 00 oats 3,950 1005 90 00 maize (corn) used in the form of: starch: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 2,899 in other cases 5,689 glucose, glucose syrup, maltodextrine, maltodextrine syrup of cn codes 1702 30 51, 1702 30 59, 1702 30 91, 1702 30 99, 1702 40 90, 1702 90 50, 1702 90 75, 1702 90 79, 2106 90 55 (3): where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 2,239 in other cases 5,029 other (including unprocessed) 5,689 potato starch of cn code 1108 13 00 similar to a product obtained from processed maize: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 2,899 in other cases 5,689 ex 1006 30 wholly-milled rice: round grain 9,400 medium grain 9,400 long grain 9,400 1006 40 00 broken rice 2,300 1007 00 90 sorghum 2,900 (1) as far as agricultural products obtained from the processing of a basic product or/and assimilated products are concerned, the coefficients shown in annex e f amended commission regulation (ec) no 1222/94 shall be applied (oj l 136, 31.5.1994, p. 5). (2) the goods concerned are listed in annex i of amended regulation (eec) no 1722/93 (oj l 159, 1.7.1993, p. 112). (3) for syrups of cn codes nc 1702 30 99, 1702 40 90 and 1702 60 90, obtained from mixing glucose and fructose syrup, the export refund may be granted only for the glucose syrup. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2043/1999 of 27 september 1999 amending the import duties in the cereals sector type: regulation subject matter: plant product; free movement of capital; america; trade; eu finance date published: nan en official journal of the european communities28. 9. 1999 l 253/7 commission regulation (ec) no 2043/1999 of 27 september 1999 amending the import duties in the cereals sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1249/96 of 28 june 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2519/98 (4), and in particular article 2 (1) thereof, (1) whereas the import duties in the cereals sector are fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 1961/1999 (5); (2) whereas article 2, (1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 provides that if during the period of application, the average import duty calculated differs by eur 5 per tonne from the duty fixed, a corresponding adjustment is to be made; whereas such a difference has arisen; whereas it is therefore necessary to adjust the import duties fixed in regulation (ec) no 1872/1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annexes i and ii to regulation (ec) no 1961/1999 are hereby replaced by annexes i and ii to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 28 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 27 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 161, 29.6.1996, p. 125. (4) oj l 315, 25.11.1998, p. 7. (5) oj l 244, 16.9.1999, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 28. 9. 1999l 253/8 annex i import duties for the products covered by article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 cn code description import duty by land inland waterway or sea from mediterranean, the black sea or baltic sea ports (eur/tonne) import duty by air or by sea from other ports (2) (eur/tonne) 1001 10 00 durum wheat high quality 33,67 23,67 medium quality (1) 43,67 33,67 1001 90 91 common wheat seed 42,04 32,04 1001 90 99 common high quality wheat other than for sowing (3) 42,04 32,04 medium quality 68,65 58,65 low quality 83,08 73,08 1002 00 00 rye 83,10 73,10 1003 00 10 barley, seed 83,10 73,10 1003 00 90 barley, other (3) 83,10 73,10 1005 10 90 maize seed other than hybrid 102,80 98,09 1005 90 00 maize other than seed (3) 102,80 98,09 1007 00 90 grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing 93,95 83,95 (1) in the case of durum wheat not meeting the minimum quality requirements for durum wheat of medium quality, referred to in annex i to regulation (ec) no 1249/96, the duty applicable is that fixed for low-quality common wheat. (2) for goods arriving in the community via the atlantic ocean or via the suez canal (article 2(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96), the importer may benefit from a reduction in the duty of: eur 3 per tonne, where the port of unloading is on the mediterranean sea, or eur 2 per tonne, where the port of unloading is in ireland, the united kingdom, denmark, sweden, finland or the atlantic coasts of the iberian peninsula. (3) the importer may benefit from a flat-rate reduction of eur 14 or 8 per tonne, where the conditions laid down in article 2(5) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 are met. en official journal of the european communities28. 9. 1999 l 253/9 annex ii factors for calculating duties (period from 15 september to 24 september 1999) 1. averages over the two-week period preceding the day of fixing: exchange quotations minneapolis kansas-city chicago chicago minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis product (% proteins at 12 % humidity) hrs2. 14 % hrw2. 11,5 % srw2 yc3 had2 medium quality (*) us barley 2 quotation (eur/t) 119,28 104,93 98,21 80,01 135,27 (**) 125,27 (**) 86,09 (**) gulf premium (eur/t) 7,17 0,53 3,50 great lakes premium (eur/t) 7,88 (*) a discount of eur 10/t (article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96). (**) fob duluth. 2. freight/cost: gulf of mexico rotterdam: 13,98 eur/t; great lakes rotterdam: 25,79 eur/t. 3. subsidy within the meaning of the third paragraph of article 4(2) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96: eur 0,00/t (hrw2) eur 0,00/t (srw2). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2044/1999 of 28 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities29. 9. 1999 l 254/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 2044/1999 of 28 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, (1) whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multi- lateral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 28 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 29. 9. 1999l 254/2 annex to the commission regulation of 28 september 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 52,5 999 52,5 0707 00 05 052 85,5 628 125,1 999 105,3 0709 90 70 052 60,9 999 60,9 0805 30 10 052 65,6 388 68,9 512 61,0 524 56,2 528 70,6 999 64,5 0806 10 10 052 105,9 064 61,7 400 212,4 999 126,7 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 064 36,9 388 60,1 400 42,5 804 57,5 999 49,3 0808 20 50 052 81,7 064 57,7 999 69,7 0809 30 10, 0809 30 90 052 113,7 999 113,7 0809 40 05 052 59,2 060 60,3 064 62,8 400 119,0 624 192,4 999 98,7 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2047/1999 of 28 september 1999 establishing the quantity of certain poultrymeat sector products available for the fourth quarter of 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 2497/96 type: regulation subject matter: animal product; international trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities29. 9. 1999 l 254/7 commission regulation (ec) no 2047/1999 of 28 september 1999 establishing the quantity of certain poultrymeat sector products available for the fourth quarter of 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 2497/96 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 2497/96 of 18 december 1996 laying down rules for the application in the poultrymeat sector of the system provided for by the associa- tion agreement and the interim agreement between the euro- pean community and the state of israel (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1514/97 (2), and in particular article 4 (5) thereof, whereas in order to ensure distribution of the quantities avail- able, the quantities carried forward from the period 1 july to 30 september 1999 should be added to the quantities available for the period 1 october to 31 december 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the quantity available for the period 1 october to 31 december 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 2497/96 is set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 28 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 338, 28.12.1996, p. 48. (2) oj l 204, 31.7.1997, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities 29. 9. 1999l 254/8 annex (t) group no total quantity available for the period 1 october to 31 december 1999 i1 1 400 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2053/1999 of 29 september 1999 fixing the representative prices and the additional import duties for molasses in the sugar sector type: regulation subject matter: trade; eu finance; foodstuff; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities30. 9. 1999 l 255/17 commission regulation (ec) no 2053/1999 of 29 september 1999 fixing the representative prices and the additional import duties for molasses in the sugar sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 of 13 september 1999 on the common organization of the market in sugar (1), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1422/95 of 23 june 1995 laying down detailed rules of application for imports of molasses in the sugar sector and amending regula- tion (eec) no 785/68 (2), and in particular articles 1 (2) and 3 (1) thereof, (1) whereas regulation (ec) no 1422/95 stipulates that the cif import price for molasses, hereinafter referred to as the representative price, should be set in accordance with commission regulation (ec) no 785/68 (3); whereas that price should be fixed for the standard quality defined in article 1 of the above regulation; (2) whereas the representative price for molasses is calcu- lated at the frontier crossing point into the community, in this case amsterdam; whereas that price must be based on the most favourable purchasing opportunities on the world market established on the basis of the quotations or prices on that market adjusted for any deviations from the standard quality; whereas the standard quality for molasses is defined in regulation (ec) no 785/68; (3) whereas, when the most favourable purchasing oppor- tunities on the world market are being established, account must be taken of all available information on offers on the world market, on the prices recorded on important third-country markets and on sales concluded in international trade of which the commission is aware, either directly or through the member states; whereas, under article 7 of regulation (ec) no 785/68, the commission may for this purpose take an average of several prices as a basis, provided that this average is representative of actual market trends; (4) whereas the information must be disregarded if the goods concerned are not of sound and fair marketable quality or if the price quoted in the offer relates only to a small quantity that is not representative of the market; whereas offer prices which can be regarded as not representative of actual market trends must also be disregarded; (5) whereas, if information on molasses of the standard quality is to be comparable, prices must, depending on the quality of the molasses offered, be increased or reduced in the light of the results achieved by applying article 6 of regulation (ec) no 785/68; (6) whereas a representative price may be left unchanged by way of exception for a limited period if the offer price which served as a basis for the previous calculation of the representative price is not available to the commis- sion and if the offer prices which are available and which appear not to be sufficiently representative of actual market trends would entail sudden and consider- able changes in the representative price; (7) whereas where there is a difference between the trigger price for the product in question and the representative price, additional import duties should be fixed under the conditions set out in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95; whereas should the import duties be suspended pursuant to article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95, specific amounts for these duties should be fixed; (8) whereas application of these provisions will have the effect of fixing the representative prices and the addi- tional import duties for the products in question as set out in the annex to this regulation; (9) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the representative prices and the additional duties applying to imports of the products referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95 are fixed in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 30 september 1999. (1) oj l 252, 25.9.1999, p. 1. (2) oj l 141, 24.6.1995, p. 12. (3) oj l 145, 27.6.1968, p. 12. en official journal of the european communities 30. 9. 1999l 255/18 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission 6,16 amount of the representative price in 100 kg net of the product in question 1703 10 00 (1) cn code 0,007,54 amount of the duty to be applied to imports in 100 kg net of the product in question because of suspension as referred to in article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95 (2) (1) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of amended regulation (eec) no 785/68. (2) this amount replaces, in accordance with article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95, the rate of the common customs tariff duty fixed for these products. 1703 90 00 (1) 0,29 amount of the additional duty in 100 kg net of the product in question annex fixing the representative prices and additional import duties applying to imports of molasses in the sugar sector (in eur) |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2078/1999 of 30 september 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 2198/98 increasing to 3 300 006 tonnes the quantity of barley held by the german intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened type: regulation subject matter: plant product; europe; trade policy; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities1. 10. 1999 l 256/37 commission regulation (ec) no 2078/1999 of 30 september 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 2198/98 increasing to 3 300 006 tonnes the quantity of barley held by the german intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), and in particular article 5 thereof, (1) whereas commission regulation (eec) no 2131/93 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 39/1999 (4), lays down the procedures and conditions for the disposal of cereals held by the intervention agencies; (2) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2198/98 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1822/1999 (6), opened a standing invitation to tender for the export of 2 800 093 tonnes of barley held by the german inter- vention agency; whereas, germany informed the commission of the intention of its intervention agency to increase by 499 913 tonnes the quantity for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened; whereas the total quantity of barley held by the german intervention agency for which a standing invita- tion to tender for export has been opened should be increased to 3 300 006 tonnes; (3) whereas this increase in the quantity put out to tender makes it necessary to alter the list of regions and quant- ities in store; whereas annex i to regulation (ec) no 2198/98 must therefore be amended; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 2198/98 is hereby amended as follows: 1. article 2 is replaced by the following: article 2 1. the invitation to tender shall cover a maximum of 3 300 006 tonnes of barley for export to third countries, with the exception of the united states of america, canada and mexico. 2. the regions in which the 3 300 006 tonnes of barley are stored are stated in annex i to this regulation. 2. annex i is replaced by the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publica- tion in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 30 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 191, 31.7.1993, p. 76. (4) oj l 5, 9.1.1999, p. 64. (5) oj l 277, 14.10.1998, p. 9. (6) oj l 221, 21.8.1999, p. 3. en official journal of the european communities 1. 10. 1999l 256/38 annex annex i (tonnes) place of storage quantity schleswig-holstein/hamburg/niedersachsen/ bremen/nordrhein-westfalen 1 128 255 hessen/rheinland-pfalz/baden-w rttemberg/ saarland/bayern 278 485 berlin/brandenburg/mecklenburg-vorpommern 830 708 sachsen/sachsen-anhalt/th ringen 1 062 558 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2089/1999 of 30 september 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1701/1999 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities1. 10. 1999 l 256/63 commission regulation (ec) no 2089/1999 of 30 september 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1701/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1701/1999 (5); (2) whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; (3) whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 24 to 30 september 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1701/ 1999, the maximum refund on exportation of barley shall be eur 29,94/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 30 september 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 201, 31.7.1999, p. 27. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2100/1999 of 1 october 1999 prohibiting fishing for saithe by vessels flying the flag of sweden type: regulation subject matter: europe; maritime and inland waterway transport; fisheries date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 2. 10. 1999l 257/8 commission regulation (ec) no 2100/1999 of 1 october 1999 prohibiting fishing for saithe by vessels flying the flag of sweden the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2847/93 of 12 october 1993 establishing a control system applicable to the common fisheries policy (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2846/98 (2), and in particular article 21(3) thereof, (1) whereas council regulation (ec) no 51/1999 of 18 december 1998 allocating, for 1999, certain catch quotas between member states for vessels fishing in the norwegian exclusive economic zone and the fishing zone around jan mayen (3) amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1619/1999 (4), lays down quotas for saithe for 1999; (2) whereas, in order to ensure compliance with the provi- sions relating to the quantity limits on catches of stocks subject to quotas, the commission must fix the date by which catches made by vessels flying the flag of a member state are deemed to have exhausted the quota allocated; (3) whereas, according to the information received by the commission, catches of saithe in the waters of ices division iv (norwegian waters south of 62 n) by vessels flying the flag of sweden or registered in sweden have exhausted the quota allocated for 1999; whereas sweden has prohibited fishing for this stock from 18 september 1999; whereas this date should be adopted in this regu- lation also, has adopted this regulation: article 1 catches of saithe in the waters of ices division iv (norwegian waters south of 62 n) by vessels flying the flag of sweden or registered in sweden are hereby deemed to have exhausted the quota allocated to sweden for 1999. fishing for saithe in the waters of ices division iv (norwegian waters south of 62 n) by vessels flying the flag of sweden or registered in sweden is hereby prohibited, as are the retention on board, transhipment and landing of this stock caught by the above vessels after the date of application of this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply from 18 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 1 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 261, 20.10.1993, p. 1. (2) oj l 358, 31.12.1998, p. 5. (3) oj l 13, 18.1.1999, p. 67. (4) oj l 192, 24.7.1999, p. 14. |
name: council regulation (ec, ecsc, euratom) no 2120/1999 of 1 october 1999 laying down the weightings applicable from 1 january 1999 to the remuneration of officials of the european communities serving in third countries type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; economic analysis; personnel management and staff remuneration; eu institutions and european civil service date published: nan en official journal of the european communities7. 10. 1999 l 261/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) council regulation (ec, ecsc, euratom) no 2120/1999 of 1 october 1999 laying down the weightings applicable from 1 january 1999 to the remuneration of officials of the european communities serving in third countries the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to the staff regulations of officials of the euro- pean communities and the conditions of employment of other servants of the communities laid down by regulation (eec, euratom, ecsc) no 259/68 (1), as last amended by regulation (ec, ecsc, euratom) no 1238/1999 (2), and in particular the first paragraph of article 13 of annex x thereto, having regard to the proposal from the commission, whereas: (1) account should be taken of changes in the cost of living in countries outside the community and weightings applicable to remuneration payable in the currency of the country of employment to officials serving in third countries should be determined with effect from 1 january 1999; (2) under annex x of the staff regulations, the council sets the weightings every six months; it will accordingly have to set new weightings for the coming half-years; (3) the weightings to apply with effect from 1 january 1999 in respect of which payment has been made on the basis of a previous regulation could lead to retrospective adjustments to remuneration (positive or negative); (4) provision should be made for back-payments in the event of an increase in remuneration as a result of these weightings; (5) provision should be made for the recovery of sums overpaid in the event of a reduction in remuneration as a result of these weightings for the period between 1 january 1999 and the date of the council decision setting the weightings to apply with effect from 1 january 1999; (6) however, in order to mirror the weightings applicable within the european community to remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants of the european communities, provision should be made for any such recovery to apply solely to a period of no more than six months preceding the decision and for its effects to be spread over a period of no more than twelve months following the date of that decision, has adopted this regulation: article 1 with effect from 1 january 1999, the weightings applicable to remuneration payable in the currency of the country of employment shall be as shown in the annex. the exchange rates for the calculation of such remuneration shall be those used for implementation of the general budget of the european union for the month preceding the date referred to in the first paragraph. article 2 in accordance with the first paragraph of article 13 of annex x of the staff regulations, the council shall set weightings every six months. it shall accordingly set new weightings with effect from 1 july 1999. the institutions shall make back-payments in the event of an increase in remuneration as a result of these weightings. (1) oj l 56, 4.3.1968, p. 1. (2) oj l 150, 17.6.1999, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 7. 10. 1999l 261/2 for the period between 1 january 1999 and the date of the council decision setting the weightings applicable with effect from 1 january 1999, the institutions shall make retrospective downward adjust- ments to remuneration in the event of a reduction as a result of these weightings. retrospective adjustments involving the recovery of sums overpaid shall, however, concern only a period of no more than six months preceding the decision and this recovery shall be spread over no more than twelve months from the date of that decision. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 1 october 1999. for the council the president t. halonen en official journal of the european communities7. 10. 1999 l 261/3 place of employment weightings january 1999 place of employment weightings january 1999 annex albania 102,9 algeria (*) 0,0 angola 60,0 antigua and barbuda 110,8 argentina 101,6 australia 68,8 bangladesh 62,7 barbados 110,3 belize 78,4 benin 76,5 bolivia (*) 0,0 bosnia-herzegovina 86,0 botswana 53,7 brazil 92,1 bulgaria 92,5 burkina faso 78,4 burundi (*) 0,0 cameroon 92,9 canada 66,9 central african republic 118,5 chad 94,3 chile 92,0 china 90,3 colombia 65,8 comoros 106,2 congo (*) 0,0 costa rica 76,6 c 'te d'ivoire 101,0 croatia 87,2 cyprus 88,9 czech republic 79,4 democratic republic of congo (*) 0,0 djibouti 113,7 dominican republic 67,5 egypt 72,6 equatorial guinea 91,9 eritrea 59,9 estonia 71,1 ethiopia 62,5 federal republic of yugoslavia 44,7 fiji 60,1 former yugoslav republic of macedonia (*) 0,0 gabon 118,8 gambia 88,5 georgia 84,3 ghana 41,4 guatemala 63,3 guinea 100,2 guinea-bissau 97,7 guyana 64,2 haiti 82,5 hong kong 99,1 hungary 57,9 india 47,9 indonesia 55,8 israel 91,0 jamaica 111,2 japan (naka) 152,1 japan (tokyo) 159,0 jordan 72,8 kazakhstan 108,6 kenya 78,9 latvia 68,3 lebanon 104,5 left bank gaza strip (*) 0,0 lesotho 48,0 liberia (*) 0,0 lithuania 60,6 madagascar 50,6 malawi 19,5 mali 91,5 malta 82,0 mauritania 60,8 mauritius 65,6 mexico 56,6 morocco 73,8 mozambique 83,5 namibia 58,3 netherlands antilles 88,7 new caledonia 115,3 nicaragua 77,6 niger 78,2 nigeria 79,3 norway 119,8 pakistan 60,3 papua new guinea 70,5 peru 81,3 philippines 54,7 poland 65,9 republic of cape verde 82,0 romania 56,3 russia 112,8 rwanda (*) 0,0 samoa 67,4 s o tom and pr ncipe 91,5 senegal 81,7 sierra leone 97,6 slovakia 57,6 slovenia 90,2 solomon islands 82,0 somalia (*) 0,0 south africa (pretoria) 57,2 south africa (the cape) 60,9 south korea 91,2 sri lanka (*) 0,0 sudan 29,8 suriname 48,4 swaziland 47,2 switzerland 118,3 syria 76,9 tanzania 79,5 thailand 59,5 togo 88,8 tonga 72,4 trinidad and tobago 61,3 tunisia 72,4 turkey 76,9 uganda 83,3 ukraine 136,8 united states of america (new york) 95,5 united states of america (san diego) 83,4 united states of america (washington) 86,4 uruguay 93,6 vanuatu 100,9 venezuela 93,2 vietnam 59,1 zambia 51,4 zimbabwe 20,7 (*) not available |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2124/1999 of 6 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; beverages and sugar date published: nan en official journal of the european communities7. 10. 1999 l 261/9 commission regulation (ec) no 2124/1999 of 6 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 of 13 september 1999 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (1), and in particular point (a) of the second subparagraph of article 18(5) thereof, whereas: (1) article 18 of regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1(1)(a) of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 provides that when refunds on white and raw sugar, undenatured and exported in its unaltered state, are being fixed account must be taken of the situation on the community and world markets in sugar and in particular of the price and cost factors set out in article 19 of that regulation; whereas the same article provides that the economic aspect of the proposed exports should also be taken into account; (3) the refund on raw sugar must be fixed in respect of the standard quality; the latter is defined in article 1 of council regulation (ec) no 431/68 of 9 april 1968 determining the standard quality for raw sugar and fixing the community frontier crossing point for calcu- lating cif prices for sugar (2), as amended by regulation (ec) no 3290/94 (3); furthermore, this refund should be fixed in accordance with article 19(4) of regulation (ec) no 2038/1999; candy sugar is defined in commission regulation (ec) no 2135/95 of 7 september 1995 laying down detailed rules of application for the grant of export refunds in the sugar sector (4); the refund thus calculated for sugar containing added flavouring or colouring matter must apply to their sucrose content and, accordingly, be fixed per 1 % of the said content; (4) the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for sugar according to destination; (5) in special cases, the amount of the refund may be fixed by other legal instruments; (6) the refund must be fixed every two weeks; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; (7) it follows from applying the rules set out above to the present situation on the market in sugar and in partic- ular to quotations or prices for sugar within the community and on the world market that the refund should be as set out in the annex hereto; (8) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1(1)(a) of regulation (ec) no 2038/1999, undenatured and exported in the natural state, are hereby fixed to the amounts shown in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 7 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 6 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 252, 25.9.1999, p. 1. (2) oj l 89, 10.4.1968, p. 3. (3) oj l 349, 31.12.1994, p. 105. (4) oj l 214, 8.9.1995, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities 7. 10. 1999l 261/10 annex to the commission regulation of 6 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state product code amount of refund eur/100 kg 1701 11 90 9100 44,77 (1) 1701 11 90 9910 42,91 (1) 1701 11 90 9950 (2) 1701 12 90 9100 44,77 (1) 1701 12 90 9910 42,91 (1) 1701 12 90 9950 (2) eur/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 91 00 9000 0,4867 eur/100 kg 1701 99 10 9100 48,67 1701 99 10 9910 48,98 1701 99 10 9950 48,98 eur/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 99 90 9100 0,4867 (1) applicable to raw sugar with a yield of 92 %; if the yield is other than 92 %, the refund applicable is calculated in accordance with the provisions of article 19 (4) of regulation (ec) no 2038/1999. (2) fixing suspended by commission regulation (eec) no 2689/85 (oj l 255, 26.9.1985, p. 12), as amended by regulation (eec) no 3251/85 (oj l 309, 21.11.1985, p. 14). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2129/1999 of 6 october 1999 on tenders submitted under the invitation to tender for beef put up for sale in regulation (ec) no 2018/1999 type: regulation subject matter: marketing; animal product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities7. 10. 1999 l 261/27 commission regulation (ec) no 2129/1999 of 6 october 1999 on tenders submitted under the invitation to tender for beef put up for sale in regulation (ec) no 2018/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/ 98 (2), and in particular article 7(3) thereof, whereas: (1) quantities of beef fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2018/1999 (3) have been offered for sale by periodic invitation to tender; (2) pursuant to article 9 of commission regulation (eec) no 2173/79 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2417/95 (5), minimum sales prices for the meat offered for tender are to be fixed in the light of the tenders received; whereas, for the invitation to tender referred to in article 2(1)(c) of regulation (ec) no 2018/1999, the tenders received do not allow minimum prices to be fixed; (3) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for beef and veal, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the basis of the tenders submitted under the invitation to tender referred to in article 2(1)(c) of regulation (ec) no 2018/1999. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 7 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 6 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28.7.1998, p. 17. (3) oj l 249, 22.9.1999, p. 9. (4) oj l 251, 5.10.1979, p. 12. (5) oj l 248, 14.10.1995, p. 39. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2141/1999 of 7 october 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1707/1999 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 8. 10. 1999l 262/14 commission regulation (ec) no 2141/1999 of 7 october 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1707/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of common wheat to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regula- tion (ec) no 1707/1999 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2011/1999 (6); (2) whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; (3) whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 1 to 7 october 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1707/1999, the maximum refund on exportation of common wheat shall be eur 30,50/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 8 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 7 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 201, 31.7.1999, p. 27. (6) oj l 248, 21.9.1999, p. 23. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2145/1999 of 7 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereal-based compound feedingstuffs type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; agricultural activity; foodstuff date published: nan en official journal of the european communities8. 10. 1999 l 262/19 commission regulation (ec) no 2145/1999 of 7 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereal-based compound feedingstuffs the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, (1) whereas article 13 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) whereas regulation (ec) no 1517/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down detailed rules for the application of regu- lation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards the arrangements for the export and import of compound feedingstuffs based on cereals and amending regulation (ec) no 1162/95 laying down special detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences for cereals and rice (3) in article 2 lays down general rules for fixing the amount of such refunds; (3) whereas that calculation must also take account of the cereal products content; whereas in the interest of simplification, the refund should be paid in respect of two categories of cereal products, namely for maize, the most commonly used cereal in exported compound feeds and maize products, and for other cereals, these being eligible cereal products excluding maize and maize products; whereas a refund should be granted in respect of the quantity of cereal products present in the compound feedingstuff; (4) whereas furthermore, the amount of the refund must also take into account the possibilities and conditions for the sale of those products on the world market, the need to avoid disturbances on the community market and the economic aspect of the export; (5) whereas, however, in fixing the rate of refund it would seem advisable to base it at this time on the difference in the cost of raw inputs widely used in compound feedingstuffs as the community and world markets, allowing more accurate account to be taken of the commercial conditions under which such products are exported; (6) whereas the refund must be fixed once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; (7) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the compound feedingstuffs covered by regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and subject to regulation (ec) no 1517/95 are hereby fixed as shown in the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 8 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 7 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 51. en official journal of the european communities 8. 10. 1999l 262/20 annex to the commission regulation of 7 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereal-based compound feedingstuffs product code benefiting from export refund (1): 2309 10 11 9000, 2309 10 13 9000, 2309 10 31 9000, 2309 10 33 9000, 2309 10 51 9000, 2309 10 53 9000, 2309 90 31 9000, 2309 90 33 9000, 2309 90 41 9000, 2309 90 43 9000, 2309 90 51 9000, 2309 90 53 9000. (eur/t) cereal products (2) amount of refund (2) maize and maize products: cn codes 0709 90 60, 0712 90 19, 1005, 1102 20, 1103 13, 1103 29 40, 1104 19 50, 1104 23, 1904 10 10 43,62 cereal products (2) excluding maize and maize prod- ucts 31,98 (1) the product codes are defined in sector 5 of the annex to commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (oj l 366, 24.12.1987, p. 1), amended. (2) for the purposes of the refund only the starch coming from cereal products is taken into account. cereal products means the products falling within subheadings 0709 90 60 and 0712 90 19, chapter 10, and headings nos 1101, 1102, 1103 and 1104 (unprocessed and not reconstituted excluding subheading 1104 30) and the cereals content of the products falling within subheadings 1904 10 10 and 1904 10 90 of the combined nomenclature. the cereals content in products under subheadings 1904 10 10 and 1904 10 90 of the combined nomenclature is considered to be equal to the weight of this final product. no refund is paid for cereals where the origin of the starch cannot be clearly established by analysis. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2147/1999 of 7 october 1999 on the application of the import duties fixed in regulation (ec) no 1981/1999 fixing the import duties in the rice sector type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; plant product; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 8. 10. 1999l 262/22 commission regulation (ec) no 2147/1999 of 7 october 1999 on the application of the import duties fixed in regulation (ec) no 1981/1999 fixing the import duties in the rice sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1503/96 of 29 july 1996 on the detailed rules for the application of council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 with regard to import duties on rice (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2831/ 98 (4), and in particular article 4(1) thereof, whereas: (1) article 2 of commission regulation (ec) no 1981/1999 of 16 september 1999 fixing the import duties in the rice sector (5) provides for that regulation's entry into force on 17 september 1999; (2) the abovementioned date of entry into force was the result of an administrative mistake. the necessary meas- ures should accordingly be taken for the duties fixed in the abovementioned regulation to apply, on application by the operators, to imports covered by declarations of release for free circulation accepted on 16 september 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the import duties on rice provided for in article 11(1) and (2) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and fixed in regulation (ec) no 1981/1999 shall apply, on application by the operators concerned, to imports covered by declarations of release for free circulation accepted on 16 september 1999. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 7 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 189, 30.7.1996, p. 71. (4) oj l 351, 29.12.1998, p. 25. (5) oj l 245, 17.9.1999, p. 15. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2154/1999 of 11 october 1999 on the supply of cereals as food aid type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; plant product; asia and oceania date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 12. 10. 1999l 264/14 commission regulation (ec) no 2154/1999 of 11 october 1999 on the supply of cereals as food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 of 27 june 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid management and special operations in support of food security (1), and in par- ticular article 24(1)(b) thereof, whereas: (1) the abovementioned regulation lays down the list of countries and organisations eligible for community aid and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage; (2) following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid, the commission has allocated cereals to certain beneficiaries; (3) it is necessary to make these supplies in accordance with the rules laid down by commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 of 16 december 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of products to be supplied under council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 as community food aid (2); it is necessary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply to determine the resultant costs, has adopted this regulation: article 1 cereals shall be mobilised in the community, as community food aid for supply to the recipient listed in the annex, in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2519/97 and under the conditions set out in the annex. the tenderer is deemed to have noted and accepted all the general and specific conditions applicable. any other condition or reservation included in the tender is deemed unwritten. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 11 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 166, 5.7.1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17.12.1997, p. 23. en official journal of the european communities12. 10. 1999 l 264/15 annex lot a 1. action no: 1/99 2. beneficiary (2): north korea 3. beneficiary's representative: flood damage rehabilitation committee, po box no 44, pyongyang, democratic people's republic of korea. contact: ri si hong, director; tel.: (850-5) 382 70 00, fax: 381 46 60, tlx: 5350kp/ 5351kp 4. country of destination: north korea 5. product to be mobilised common wheat 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 20 000 7. number of lots: 1 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (5): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (ii.a.(1)(a)) 9. packaging (7) (10): see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (1.0 a 1.c, 2.c and b.3) 10. labelling or marking (6) (8): language to be used for the markings: english and korean supplementary markings: for free distribution 11. method of mobilisation of the product: the community market 12. specified delivery stage: free at port of landing landed (9) 13. alternative delivery stage: free at port of shipment fob stowed and trimmed 14. a) port of shipment: b) loading address: 15. port of landing: nampo 16. place of destination: port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: 26.12.1999 second deadline: 9.1.2000 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: 8 to 14.11.1999 second deadline: 22 to 28.11.1999 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (at 12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 26.10.1999 second deadline: 9.11.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 5 per tonne 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de l'aide alimentaire, attn. mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/wetstraat 200, b-1040 brussels; telex: 25670 agrec b; fax: (32-2) 296 70 03/296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund (4): refund applicable on 22.10.1999, fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2070/1999 (oj l 256, 1.10.1999, p. 21) en official journal of the european communities 12. 10. 1999l 264/16 notes: (1) supplementary information: andr debongnie (tel. (32-2) 295 14 65), torben vestergaard (tel. (32-2) 299 30 50). (2) the supplier shall contact the beneficiary or its representative as soon as possible to establish which consignment documents are required. (3) the supplier shall deliver to the beneficiary a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the member state concerned, have not been exceeded. the radioactivity certificate must indicate the caesium-134 and -137 and iodine-131 levels. (4) commission regulation (ec) no 259/98 (oj l 25, 31.1.1998, p. 39) is applicable as regards the export refund. the date referred to in article 2 of the said regulation is that referred to in point 22 of this annex. the supplier's attention is drawn to the last subparagraph of article 4(1) of the above regulation. the photocopy of the export licence shall be sent as soon as the export declaration has been accepted (fax: (32-2) 296 20 05)). (5) the supplier shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery, the following document: phytosanitary certificate. (6) notwithstanding oj c 114, point ii.a (3)(c) is replaced by the following: the words european community . (7) since the goods may be rebagged, the supplier must provide 2 % of empty bags of the same quality as those containing the goods, with the marking followed by a capital r. (8) the marking in korea must be made as follows on the reverse side of the packaging: european community: common wheat: for free distribution: (9) in addition to the provisions of article 14(3) of regulation (ec) no 2519/97, vessels chartered shall not appear on any of the four most recent quarterly lists of detained vessels as published by the paris memorandum of under- standing on port state control (council directive 95/21/ec, (oj l 157, 7.7.1995, p. 1)). (10) bagging must be carried out at the port of landing. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2161/1999 of 12 october 1999 imposing further testing requirements on the importers or manufacturers of a certain priority substance as foreseen under council regulation (eec) no 793/93 on the evaluation and control of the risks of existing substances type: regulation subject matter: civil law; consumption; health; technology and technical regulations; deterioration of the environment date published: nan en official journal of the european communities13. 10. 1999 l 265/11 commission regulation (ec) no 2161/1999 of 12 october 1999 imposing further testing requirements on the importers or manufacturers of a certain priority substance as foreseen under council regulation (eec) no 793/93 on the evaluation and control of the risks of existing substances the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 793/93 of 23 march 1993 on the evaluation and control of the risks of existing substances (1) and in particular article 10(2) thereof, (1) whereas article 10 of regulation (eec) no 793/93 fore- sees that the member state rapporteur for a given substance shall be responsible for evaluating the infor- mation submitted by the manufacturer(s) or importer(s) and for identifying, after consultation of the producers or importers concerned whether for the purposes of the risk evaluation it is necessary to require the above manu- facturers or importers to submit further information or to carry out further testing; (2) whereas the commission has been informed by one member state rapporteur of the need to impose on the importers or manufacturers of a certain priority substance undergoing risk evaluation activities a request for further testing within certain time limits; (3) whereas article 12 of regulation (eec) no 793/93 fore- sees that in the case of a substance produced or imported as such or in a preparation by several manu- facturers/importers, the further testing may be performed by one manufacturer/importer acting on behalf of the other manufacturers/importers concerned who shall make reference to the tests carried out and shall make a fair and equitable contribution to the cost; (4) whereas the provisions of this regulation are in accord- ance with the opinion of the committee established pursuant to article 15 of regulation (eec) no 793/93, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the manufacturer(s) and importer(s), referred to in article 10(1) of regulation (eec) no 793/93, of the substance listed in the annex to the present regulation, shall perform the test there indicated and shall deliver the relevant results to the member state rapporteur. 2. these results shall be delivered within the time limits also indicated in the annex (calculated from the date of entry into force of this regulation). article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 12 october 1999. for the commission margot wallstr m member of the commission (1) oj l 84, 5.4.1993, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 13. 10. 1999l 265/12 einecs no cas no substance name rapporteur testing requirements months annex 1 263-125-1 61790-33-8 amines, tallow alkyl (1) d oecd tg 421 (2) 6 (1) substance listed in the annex to commission regulation (ec) no 2268/95 (oj l 231, 28.9.1995, p. 18) (2) oecd's guideline for the testing of chemicals section 4 health effects tg no 421: reproduction/developmental toxicity screening test (original guideline adopted 27 july 1995) |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2168/1999 of 13 october 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 11th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1489/1999 type: regulation subject matter: beverages and sugar; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 14. 10. 1999l 266/6 commission regulation (ec) no 2168/1999 of 13 october 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 11th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1489/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 of 13 september 1999 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (1), and in particular the second subpara- graph of article 18(5) thereof, whereas: (1) commission regulation (ec) no 1489/1999 of 7 july 1999 on a standing invitation to tender to determine levies and/or refunds on exports of white sugar (2), requires partial invitations to tender to be issued for the export of this sugar; (2) pursuant to article 9(1) of regulation (ec) no 1489/ 1999 a maximum export refund shall be fixed, as the case may be, account being taken in particular of the state and foreseeable development of the community and world markets in sugar, for the partial invitation to tender in question; (3) following an examination of the tenders submitted in response to the 11th partial invitation to tender, the provisions set out in article 1 should be adopted; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 11th partial invitation to tender for white sugar issued pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1489/1999 the maximum amount of the export refund is fixed at eur 52,595/100 kg. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 14 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 13 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 252, 25.9.1999, p. 1. (2) oj l 172, 8.7.1999, p. 27. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2178/1999 of 14 october 1999 opening an invitation to tender for the refund on export of wholly milled medium grain and long grain a rice to certain european third countries type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; plant product; europe; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 15. 10. 1999l 267/10 commission regulation (ec) no 2178/1999 of 14 october 1999 opening an invitation to tender for the refund on export of wholly milled medium grain and long grain a rice to certain european third countries the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, whereas: (1) examination of the balance sheet shows that exportable amounts of rice are currently held by producers. this situation could affect the normal development of producer prices during the 1999/2000 marketing year. (2) in order to remedy this situation, it is appropriate to make use of export refunds to zones which may be supplied by the community. the special situation of the rice market makes it necessary to limit the refunds, and therefore to apply article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 enabling the refund amount to be fixed by tendering procedure. (3) it should be stated that the provisions of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 of 6 march 1975 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of tendering for export refunds on rice (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/95 (4), apply to this invita- tion to tender. (4) in order to avoid disturbances on the markets of the producing countries, the invitation to tender should be limited to certain countries. (5) pursuant to article 14 of commission regulation (ec) no 2808/98 of 22 december 1998 laying down detailed rules for the application of the agrimonetary system for the euro in agriculture (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1410/1999 (6), amounts quoted in tenders submitted in response to invitations to tender organised under an instrument forming part of the common agri- cultural policy must be expressed in euro. article 5(1) of that regulation provides that in such cases the operative event for the agricultural exchange rate is the final day for the submission of tenders. paragraphs 3 and 4 of that article specify the operative events applicable to advances and securities. (6) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. an invitation to tender is hereby opened, for the refund on export of wholly milled medium grain and long grain a rice to cyprus, the czech republic, estonia, hungary, poland and slovenia. 2. the invitation to tender referred to in paragraph 1 shall be open until 29 june 2000. during that period weekly invita- tions to tender shall be issued and the date for submission of tenders shall be determined in the notice of invitation to tender. 3. the invitation to tender shall take place in accordance with the provisions of regulation (eec) no 584/75 and with the following provisions. article 2 a tender shall be admissible only if it covers a quantity for export of at least 50 tonnes but not more than 3 000 tonnes. article 3 the security referred to in article 3 of regulation (eec) no 584/75 shall be eur 30 per tonne. article 4 1. notwithstanding the provisions of article 21(1) of commission regulation (eec) no 3719/88 (7), export licences issued under this invitation to tender shall, for the purposes of determining their period of validity, be considered as having been issued on the day the tender was submitted. 2. the licences shall be valid from their date of issue, within the meaning of paragraph 1, until the end of the fourth month following that date. article 5 tenders submitted must reach the commission through the member states not later than one and a half hours after expiry of the deadline for weekly submission of tenders as laid down in the notice of invitation to tender. they must be transmitted in accordance with the table given in the annex. if no tenders are submitted, the member states shall inform the commission accordingly within the same deadline as that given in the above subparagraph. (1) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 61, 7.3.1975, p. 25. (4) oj l 35, 15.2.1995, p. 8. (5) oj l 349, 24.12.1998, p. 36. (6) oj l 164, 30.6.1999, p. 53. (7) oj l 331, 2.12.1988, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities15. 10. 1999 l 267/11 article 6 the time set for submitting tenders shall be belgian time. article 7 1. on the basis of tenders submitted, the commission shall decide in accordance with the procedure referred to in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95: either to fix a maximum export refund, taking account of the criteria laid down in article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95, or not to take any action on the tenders. 2. where a maximum export refund is fixed, an award shall be made to the tenderer or tenderers whose tenders are at or below the maximum export refund level. article 8 the deadline for submission of tenders for the first partial invitation to tender shall be 10 a.m. on 28 october 1999. the final date for submission of tenders is hereby fixed at 29 june 2000. article 9 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 14 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 15. 10. 1999l 267/12 annex weekly invitation to tender for the refund on export of wholly milled medium grain and long grain a rice to certain european third countries deadline for the submission of tenders (date/time) 1 2 3 serial number of tenderers quantities in tonnes amount of export refund (in euro per tonne) 1 2 3 4 5 etc. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2185/1999 of 14 october 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1407/1999 laying down the reduced agricultural components and additional duties applicable from 1 july to 31 december 1999 to the importation into the community of goods covered by council regulation (ec) no 3448/93 under agreements with estonia, latvia and lithuania type: regulation subject matter: europe; natural environment; agri-foodstuffs; eu finance; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities15. 10. 1999 l 267/27 commission regulation (ec) no 2185/1999 of 14 october 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1407/1999 laying down the reduced agricultural components and additional duties applicable from 1 july to 31 december 1999 to the importation into the community of goods covered by council regulation (ec) no 3448/93 under agreements with estonia, latvia and lithuania the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3448/93 of 6 december 1993 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 2491/98 (2), and in particular article 7 thereof, whereas: (1) protocol 2 on trade in processed agricultural products between the community and estonia was amended by the protocol amending the europe agreement with the republic of estonia following enlargement and the uruguay round (3) which entered into force on 1 september 1999. (2) this amended protocol 2 provides for additional conces- sions to estonia, in respect of certain products falling within cn code 2202 90. it is therefore necessary to amend commission regulation (ec) no 1407/1999 (4), to fix the reduced agricultural components for those products with effect from the date on which that protocol enters into force. (3) commission regulation (ec) no 1460/96 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2495/97 (6), establishes detailed rules for implementing the preferential trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products, as provided for in article 7 of regulation (ec) no 3448/93, has adopted this regulation: article 1 in part 1 of annex i to regulation (ec) no 1407/1999 the following text is hereby added: cn code eur/100 kg 2202 90 91 5,04 2202 90 95 4,77 2202 90 99 6,77 article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publica- tion in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply from 1 september 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 14 october 1999. for the commission erkki liikanen member of the commission (1) oj l 318, 20.12.1993, p. 18. (2) oj l 309, 19.11.1998, p. 28. (3) oj l 29, 3.2.1999, p. 9. (4) oj l 164, 30.6.1999, p. 25. (5) oj l 187, 26.7.1996, p. 18. (6) oj l 343, 13.12.1997, p. 18. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2187/1999 of 14 october 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereal and rice-products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 15. 10. 1999l 267/36 commission regulation (ec) no 2187/1999 of 14 october 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereal and rice-products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1253/1999 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (3), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (4), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, (1) whereas article 13(1) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and article 13(1) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provide that the difference between quotations of prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of each of those regulations and the prices within the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1222/94 of 30 may 1994 laying down common implementing rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural prod- ucts exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty, and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds (5), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1702/1999 (6), specifies the products for which a rate of refund should be fixed, to be applied where these products are exported in the form of goods listed in annex b to regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in annex b to regulation (ec) no 3072/95 as appropriate; (3) whereas, in accordance with the first subparagraph of article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94, the rate of the refund per 100 kilograms for each of the basic products in question must be fixed for each month; (4) whereas the commitments entered into with regard to refunds which may be granted for the export of agricul- tural products contained in goods not covered by annex i to the treaty may be jeopardized by the fixing in advance of high refund rates; whereas it is therefore necessary to take precautionary measures in such situa- tions without, however, preventing the conclusion of long-term contracts; whereas the fixing of a specific refund rate for the advance fixing of refunds is a measure which enables these various objectives to be met; (5) whereas, now that a settlement has been reached between the european community and the united states of america on community exports of pasta products to the united states and has been approved by council decision 87/482/eec (7), it is necessary to differentiate the refund on goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 00 and 1902 19 according to their destination; (6) whereas article 4(5)(b) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 provides that, in the absence of the proof referred to in article 4(5)(a) of that regulation, a reduced rate of export refund has to be fixed, taking account of the amount of the production refund applicable, pursuant to commission regulation (eec) no 1722/93 (8), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 87/1999 (9), for the basic product in question, used during the assumed period of manufacture of the goods; (7) whereas the management committee for cereals has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the rates of the refunds applicable to the basic products appearing in annex a to regulation (ec) no 1222/94 and listed either in article 1 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in article 1(1) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95, exported in the form of goods listed in annex b to regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in annex b to amended regulation (ec) no 3072/ 95 respectively, are hereby fixed as shown in the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 15 october 1999.(1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (4) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (7) oj l 275, 29.9.1987, p. 36. (5) oj l 136, 31.5.1994, p. 5. (8) oj l 159, 1.7.1993, p. 112. (6) oj l 201, 31.7.1999, p. 30. (9) oj l 9, 15.1.1999, p. 8. en official journal of the european communities15. 10. 1999 l 267/37 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 14 october 1999. for the commission erkki liikanen member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 15. 10. 1999l 267/38 (eur/100 kg) rate of refund per 100 kg dof basic product cn code description of products (1) in case of advance fixing of refunds other annex to the commission regulation of 14 october 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereals and rice products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty 1001 10 00 durum wheat: on exports of goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 and 1902 19 to the united states of america 0,650 in other cases 1,000 1001 90 99 common wheat and meslin: on exports of goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 and 1902 19 to the united states of america 2,170 in other cases: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 1,191 in other cases 3,339 1002 00 00 rye 5,842 1003 00 90 barley 3,056 1004 00 00 oats 4,627 1005 90 00 maize (corn) used in the form of: starch: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 2,253 in other cases 4,937 glucose, glucose syrup, maltodextrine, maltodextrine syrup of cn codes 1702 30 51, 1702 30 59, 1702 30 91, 1702 30 99, 1702 40 90, 1702 90 50, 1702 90 75, 1702 90 79, 2106 90 55 (3): where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 1,853 in other cases 4,538 other (including unprocessed) 4,937 potato starch of cn code 1108 13 00 similar to a product obtained from processed maize: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 2,253 in other cases 4,937 ex 1006 30 wholly-milled rice: round grain 10,400 medium grain 10,400 long grain 10,400 1006 40 00 broken rice 2,500 1007 00 90 sorghum 3,056 (1) as far as agricultural products obtained from the processing of a basic product or/and assimilated products are concerned, the coefficients shown in annex e f amended commission regulation (ec) no 1222/94 shall be applied (oj l 136, 31.5.1994, p. 5). (2) the goods concerned are listed in annex i of amended regulation (eec) no 1722/93 (oj l 159, 1.7.1993, p. 112). (3) for syrups of cn codes nc 1702 30 99, 1702 40 90 and 1702 60 90, obtained from mixing glucose and fructose syrup, the export refund may be granted only for the glucose syrup. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2192/1999 of 14 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on products processed from cereals and rice type: regulation subject matter: foodstuff; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities15. 10. 1999 l 267/43 commission regulation (ec) no 2192/1999 of 14 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on products processed from cereals and rice the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1253/1999 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (4), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, (1) whereas article 13 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provide that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of those regulations and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) whereas article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provides that when refunds are being fixed account must be taken of the existing situation and the future trend with regard to prices and availabilities of cereals, rice and broken rice on the community market on the one hand and prices for cereals, rice, broken rice and cereal products on the world market on the other; whereas the same articles provide that it is also important to ensure equilibrium and the natural development of prices and trade on the markets in cereals and rice and, further- more, to take into account the economic aspect of the proposed exports, and the need to avoid disturbances on the community market; (3) whereas article 4 of commission regulation (ec) no 1518/95 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2993/ 95 (6), on the import and export system for products processed from cereals and from rice defines the specific criteria to be taken into account when the refund on these products is being calculated; (4) whereas the refund to be granted in respect of certain processed products should be graduated on the basis of the ash, crude fibre, tegument, protein, fat and starch content of the individual product concerned, this content being a particularly good indicator of the quantity of basic product actually incorporated in the processed product; (5) whereas there is no need at present to fix an export refund for manioc, other tropical roots and tubers or flours obtained therefrom, given the economic aspect of potential exports and in particular the nature and origin of these products; whereas, for certain products processed from cereals, the insignificance of community participation in world trade makes it unnecessary to fix an export refund at the present time; (6) whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for certain products according to destination; (7) whereas the refund must be fixed once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; (8) whereas certain processed maize products may undergo a heat treatment following which a refund might be granted that does not correspond to the quality of the product; whereas it should therefore be specified that on these products, containing pregelatinized starch, no export refund is to be granted; (9) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1(1)(d) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and in article 1(1)(c) of regula- tion (ec) no 3072/95 and subject to regulation (ec) no 1518/95 are hereby fixed as shown in the annex to this regulation. (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (4) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (5) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 55. (6) oj l 312, 23.12.1995, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities 15. 10. 1999l 267/44 article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 15 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 14 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission 8,35 1104 30 90 9000 (eur/tonne) 88,87 1103 13 10 9300 (1) (1) no refund shall be granted on products given a heat treatment resulting in pregelatinization of the starch. (2) refunds are granted in accordance with council regulation (eec) no 2730/75 (oj l 281, 1.11.1975, p. 20), amended. nb: the product codes and the footnotes are defined in commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (oj l 366, 24.12.1987, p. 1), amended. 69,12 1103 13 10 9500 (1) 72,60 33,39 1104 30 10 9000 99,37 1702 90 79 9000 33,39 1104 29 55 9000 72,60 1702 90 75 9000 (eur/tonne) 34,06 1104 29 51 9000 72,60 1702 90 50 9100 product code 69,12 1102 20 10 9400 (1) 94,83 1702 30 99 9000 83,29 1103 12 00 9100 refund 74,06 1104 23 10 9300 0,00 1702 30 51 9000 (2) 38,00 1109 00 00 9100 78,66 1104 23 10 9100 38,00 1108 19 10 9300 78,99 1108 19 10 9200 78,99 1108 13 00 9300 74,03 1104 22 30 9100 66,78 1108 11 00 9300 48,90 1104 22 20 9100 54,40 1108 11 00 9200 59,43 1107 10 91 9000 59,24 1102 20 90 9200 (1) annex to the commission regulation of 14 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on products processed from cereals and rice 1102 20 10 9200 (1) 61,12 1104 21 50 9300 product code 68,97 2106 90 55 9000 92,54 1104 12 90 9300 59,24 1103 13 90 9100 (1) 59,24 1103 19 10 9000 refund 94,83 1702 90 50 9900 72,60 1702 40 90 9000 58,42 1103 19 30 9100 47,37 1103 21 00 9000 45,84 1104 21 50 9100 94,83 1702 30 59 9000 (2) 34,06 1103 29 20 9000 31,17 1104 11 90 9100 78,99 1108 13 00 9200 45,84 1104 21 30 9100 66,78 1108 12 00 9200 31,17 1102 90 30 9100 34,06 1104 19 50 9110 45,84 1104 12 90 9100 83,29 1103 13 10 9100 (1) 59,24 1102 90 10 9100 56,78 1104 29 11 9000 64,18 1104 21 10 9100 45,84 1102 90 10 9900 12,34 1107 10 11 9000 74,03 1104 19 10 9000 72,60 1702 30 91 9000 78,99 1108 12 00 9300 78,99 1104 19 50 9130 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2195/1999 of 14 october 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities15. 10. 1999 l 267/49 commission regulation (ec) no 2195/1999 of 14 october 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), and in particular article 13 (8) thereof, (1) whereas article 13 (8) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the export refund applicable to cereals on the day on which application for an export licence is made must be applied on request to exports to be effected during the period of validity of the export licence; whereas, in this case, a corrective amount may be applied to the refund; (2) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules under council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), allows for the fixing of a corrective amount for the products listed in article 1(1) (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92; whereas that corrective amount must be calculated taking account of the factors referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; (3) whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the corrective amount according to destination; (4) whereas the corrective amount must be fixed at the same time as the refund and according to the same procedure; whereas it may be altered in the period between fixings; (5) whereas it follows from applying the provisions set out above that the corrective amount must be as set out in the annex hereto; (6) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the corrective amount referred to in article 1(1) (a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 which is applicable to export refunds fixed in advance except for malt shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 15 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 14 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities 15. 10. 1999l 267/50 annex to the commission regulation of 14 october 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals (eur/t) product code destination (1) current 10 1st period 11 2nd period 12 3rd period 1 4th period 2 5th period 3 6th period 4 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 04 0 0 0 2,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 02 0 0 0 2,50 3,50 1002 00 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 03 0 25,00 25,00 25,00 25,00 02 0 0 0 0 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 0 0 0 3,43 4,80 1101 00 15 9130 01 0 0 0 3,20 4,48 1101 00 15 9150 01 0 0 0 2,95 4,13 1101 00 15 9170 01 0 0 0 2,73 3,82 1101 00 15 9180 01 0 0 0 2,55 3,57 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 0 0 0 0 0 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries, 02 other third countries, 03 usa, canada and mexico, 04 mauritania, mali, niger, senegal, burkina faso, the gambia, guinea-bissau, guinea, cape verde, sierra leone, liberia, c 'te d'ivoire, ghana, togo, chad, central african republic, benin, cameroon, equatorial guinea, s o tom and principe, gabon, congo, democratic republic of the congo, rwanda, burundi, angola, zambia, malawi, mozambique, namibia, botswana, zimbabwe, lesotho, swaziland, seychelles, the comoros, madagascar, djibouti, ethiopia, eritrea and mauritius. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30.7.1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2198/1999 of 15 october 1999 setting export refunds on products processed from fruit and vegetables other than those granted for added sugar type: regulation subject matter: foodstuff; trade policy; tariff policy; international trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 16. 10. 1999l 268/4 commission regulation (ec) no 2198/1999 of 15 october 1999 setting export refunds on products processed from fruit and vegetables other than those granted for added sugar the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2201/96 of 28 october 1996 on the common organisation of the market in products processed from fruit and vegetables (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2199/97 (2), and in particular article 16(3), (1) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1429/95 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1007/97 (4), sets implementing rules for export refunds on products processed from fruit and vegetables; (2) whereas article 16(1) of regulation (ec) no 2201/96 states that, to the extent necessary to permit exports in economically significant quantities of the products referred to in article 1(1)(a) of that regulation, on the basis of prices for those products in international trade, the difference between those prices and prices in the community may be covered by export refunds; whereas article 18(4) of regulation (ec) no 2201/96 provides that, if the refund on sugar incorporated into the prod- ucts listed in article 1(1) is insufficient to allow export of the products, the refund fixed in accordance with article 17 is to be applicable to those products; (3) whereas article 17(2) of regulation (ec) no 2201/96 states that refunds must be fixed with regard to the existing situation and outlook for prices for products processed from fruit and vegetables on the community market and supply availability, on the one hand, and prices in international trade on the other hand; whereas account must also be taken of the costs indicated at (b) in that paragraph and of the economic aspect of the envisaged exports; (4) whereas refunds are, pursuant to article 16(1) of regu- lation (ec) no 2201/96, to be set with due regard to the limits resulting from agreements concluded in accord- ance with article 300 of the treaty; (5) whereas article 17(3) of regulation (ec) no 2201/96 states that prices on the community market are to be determined taking account of those most favourable from the exportation standpoint; whereas international trade prices are to be determined account taken of the prices indicated in the second subparagraph of that para- graph; (6) whereas the international trade situation or the special requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund on a given product depending on the destination of that product; (7) whereas economically significant exports can be made at the present time of provisionally preserved cherries, peeled tomatoes, preserved cherries, prepared hazelnuts and some orange juices; (8) whereas application of the rules mentioned above to the present and forecast market situation, in particular to prices of products processed from fruit and vegetables in the community and in international trade, leads to the refund rates set in the annex hereto; (9) whereas, pursuant to article 16(2) of regulation (ec) no 2201/96, the most efficient possible use should be made of the resources available without creating discrimination between traders; whereas, therefore, care should be taken not to disturb the trade flows previously induced by the refund arrangements; (10) whereas commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1230/1999 (6), establishes an agricultural product nomenclature for export refunds; (11) whereas commission regulation (eec) no 3719/88 (7), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1127/1999 (8), lays down common detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences and advance fixing certificates for agricultural products; (1) oj l 297, 21.11.1996, p. 29. (5) oj l 366, 24.12.1987, p. 1. (2) oj l 303, 6.11.1997, p. 1. (6) oj l 149, 16.6.1999, p. 3. (3) oj l 141, 24.6.1995, p. 28. (7) oj l 331, 2.12.1988, p. 1. (4) oj l 145, 5.6.1997, p. 16. (8) oj l 135, 29.5.1999, p. 48. en official journal of the european communities16. 10. 1999 l 268/5 (12) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for products processed from fruit and vegetables, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the export refund rates in the processed fruit and vegetables sector shall be those fixed in the annex hereto. 2. quantities for which licences are issued in the context of food aid, as referred to in article 14a of regulation (eec) no 3719/88 shall not count against the eligible quantities referred to in the first paragraph. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 25 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 16. 10. 1999l 268/6 annex licence issuing period november 1999 to february 2000 product (the full definitions of the eligible products are given in the processed fruit and vegetables product code destinationcode (1) period for submission of applications: from 25 october 1999 to 22 february 2000 sector of commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87, as amended) refund rate (eur/t net) quantities provided (in t) provisionally preserved cherries 0812 10 00 9100 f06 55 3 358 peeled tomatoes 2002 10 10 9100 a20 50 50 000 preserved cherries 2006 00 31 9000 2006 00 99 9100 f06 170 345 prepared hazelnuts 2008 19 19 9100 2008 19 99 9100 a00 66 405 orange juice with a sugar content of not less than 10 brix, but less than 22 brix 2009 11 99 9110 2009 19 99 9110 a00 6 353 with a sugar content of not less than 55 brix 2009 11 99 9150 2009 19 99 9150 a00 32 354 (1) the destination codes are defined as follows: a00: all destinations, a20: all destinations except the united states of america, f06: all destinations except the countries of north america. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2203/1999 of 15 october 1999 amending representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector type: regulation subject matter: trade; eu finance; prices; beverages and sugar date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 10. 1999 l 268/17 commission regulation (ec) no 2203/1999 of 15 october 1999 amending representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 of 13 september 1999 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1423/95 of 23 june 1995 laying down detailed implementing rules for the import of products in the sugar sector other than molasses (2), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 624/98 (3), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 1(2), and article 3(1) thereof, (1) whereas the amounts of the representative prices and additional duties applicable to the import of white sugar, raw sugar and certain syrups are fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 1441/1999 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1884/1999 (5); (2) whereas it follows from applying the general and detailed fixing rules contained in regulation (ec) no 1423/95 to the information known to the commission that the representative prices and additional duties at present in force should be altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the representative prices and additional duties on imports of the products referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1423/95 shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 252, 25.9.1999, p. 1. (2) oj l 141, 24.6.1995, p. 16. (3) oj l 85, 20.3.1998, p. 5. (4) oj l 166, 1.7.1999, p. 77. (5) oj l 231, 1.9.1999, p. 30. en official journal of the european communities 16. 10. 1999l 268/18 annex to the commission regulation of 15 october 1999 amending representative prices and the amounts of additional duties applicable to imports of white sugar, raw sugar and products covered by cn code 1702 90 99 (eur) cn code amount of representative prices per 100 kg net of product concerned amount of additional duty per 100 kg net of product concerned 1701 11 10 (1) 15,69 8,66 1701 11 90 (1) 15,69 14,96 1701 12 10 (1) 15,69 8,43 1701 12 90 (1) 15,69 14,45 1701 91 00 (2) 14,91 20,22 1701 99 10 (2) 14,91 14,52 1701 99 90 (2) 14,91 14,52 1702 90 99 (3) 0,15 0,49 (1) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of amended council regulation (eec) no 431/68 (oj l 89, 10.4.1968, p. 3). (2) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of council regulation (eec) no 793/72 (oj l 94, 21.4.1972, p. 1). (3) by 1 % sucrose content. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2207/1999 of 18 october 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies type: regulation subject matter: animal product; trade policy; economic geography; marketing date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 10. 1999 l 269/5 commission regulation (ec) no 2207/1999 of 18 october 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/ 98 (2), and in particular article 7(3) thereof, whereas: (1) the application of intervention measures in respect of beef has created stocks in several member states; whereas, in order to prevent an excessive prolongation of storage, part of these stocks should be sold by tender; (2) the sale should be made subject to the rules laid down by commission regulation (eec) no 2173/79 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2417/95 (4), subject to certain special exceptions which are necessary; (3) with a view to ensuring a regular and uniform tendering procedure, measures should be taken in addition to those laid down in article 8(1) of regulation (eec) no 2173/79; (4) provision should be made for derogations from article 8(2)(b) of regulation (eec) no 2173/79, in view of the administration difficulties which application of this point creates in the member states concerned; (5) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for beef and veal, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the sale shall take place of: approximately 1 000 tonnes of bone-in hindquarters held by the german intervention agency, approximately 900 tonnes of bone-in beef held by the spanish intervention agency, approximately 1 000 tonnes of bone-in hindquarters held by the french intervention agency, approximately 2 390 tonnes of boneless beef held by the united kingdom intervention agency. approximately 1 269 tonnes of boneless beef held by the irish intervention agency. detailed information concerning quantities is given in annex i. 2. subject to the provisions of this regulation the products referred to in paragraph 1 shall be sold in accordance with regulation (eec) no 2173/79, in particular titles ii and iii thereof. article 2 1. notwithstanding articles 6 and 7 of regulation (eec) no 2173/79, the provisions of and annexes to this regulation shall serve as a general notice of invitations to tender. the intervention agencies concerned shall draw up a notice of invitation to tender which shall include the following: (a) the quantities of beef offered for sale; and (b) the deadline and place for submitting tenders. 2. interested parties may obtain the details of the quantities available and the places where the products are stored from the addresses listed in annex ii to this regulation. the intervention agencies shall, in addition, display the notice referred to in paragraph 1 at their head offices and may publish it in other ways. 3. for each product mentioned in annex i the intervention agencies concerned shall sell first the meat which has been stored the longest. 4. only tenders which reach the intervention agencies concerned by 12 noon on 25 october 1999 shall be consid- ered. 5. notwithstanding article 8(1) of regulation (eec) no 2173/79, a tender must be submitted to the intervention agency concerned in a closed envelope, bearing the reference to the regulation concerned. the closed envelope must not be opened by the intervention agency before the expiry of the tender deadline referred to in paragraph 4. 6. notwithstanding article 8(2)(b) of regulation (eec) no 2173/79, tenders shall not indicate in which cold store or stores the products are held. (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28.7.1998, p. 17. (3) oj l 251, 5.10.1979, p. 12. (4) oj l 248, 14.10.1995, p. 39. en official journal of the european communities 19. 10. 1999l 269/6 article 3 1. member states shall provide the commission with infor- mation concerning the tenders received not later than the working day following the deadline set for the submission of tenders. 2. after the tenders received have been examined a minimum selling price shall be set for each product or the sale will not proceed. article 4 the security provided for in article 15(1) of regulation (eec) no 2173/79 shall be eur 120/t. article 5 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities19. 10. 1999 l 269/7 anexo i bilag i anhang i annex i annexe i allegato i b lage i anexo i liite i bilaga i estado miembro medlemsstat mitgliedstaat member state tat membre stato membro lidstaat estado-membro j senvaltio medlemsstat productos (1) produkter (1) erzeugnisse (1) (1) products (1) produits (1) prodotti (1) producten (1) produtos (1) tuotteet (1) produkter (1) cantidad aproximada (toneladas) tiln rmet m ngde (tons) ungef hre mengen (tonnen) ( ) approximate quantity (tonnes) quantit approximative (tonnes) quantit approssimativa (tonnellate) hoeveelheid b benadering (ton) quantidade aproximada (toneladas) arvioitu m r (tonneina) ungef rlig kvantitet (ton) a) carne con hueso k d, ikke udbenet fleisch mit knochen bone-in beef viande avec os carni non disossate vlees met been carne com osso luullinen naudanliha k tt med ben deutschland hinterviertel 1 000 espa a cuartos delanteros 900 france quartiers arri re 1 000 b) carne deshuesada udbenet k d fleisch ohne knochen boneless beef viande d soss e carni senza osso vlees zonder been carne desossada luuton naudanliha benfritt k tt united kingdom intervention fillet (int 15) 10 intervention rump (int 16) 20 intervention flank (int 18) 150 intervention forerib (int 19) 70 intervention shoulder (int 22) 2 000 intervention brisket (int 23) 75 intervention forequarter (int 24) 65 ireland intervention flank (int 18) 1 000 intervention brisket (int 23) 175 intervention topside (int 13) 92 intervention silverside (int 14) 2 en official journal of the european communities 19. 10. 1999l 269/8 (1) v anse los anexos v y vii del reglamento (cee) no 2456/93 de la comisi n (do l 225 de 4.9.1993, p. 4), cuya ltima modificaci n la constituye el reglamento (ce) no 2812/98 (do l 349 de 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) se bilag v og vii til kommissionens forordning (ef) nr. 2456/93 (eft l 225 af 4.9.1993, s. 4), senest ndret ved forordning (ef) nr. 2812/98 (eft l 349 af 24.12.1998, s. 47). (1) vgl. anh nge v und vii der verordnung (ewg) nr. 2456/93 der kommission (abl. l 225 vom 4.9.1993, s. 4), zuletzt ge ndert durch die verordnung (eg) nr. 2812/98 (abl. l 349 vom 24.12.1998, s. 47). (1) v vii ( ) . 2456/93 ( l 225 4.9.1993, . 4), ( ) . 2812/98 ( l 349 24.12.1998, . 47). (1) see annexes v and vii to commission regulation (eec) no 2456/93 (oj l 225, 4.9.1993, p. 4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2812/98 (oj l 349, 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) voir annexes v et vii du r glement (cee) no 2456/93 de la commission (jo l 225 du 4.9.1993, p. 4). r glement modifi en dernier lieu par le r glement (ce) no 2812/98 (jo l 349 du 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) cfr. allegati v e vii del regolamento (cee) n. 2456/93 della commissione (gu l 225 del 4.9.1993, pag. 4), modificato da ultimo dal regolamento (ce) n. 2812/98 (gu l 349 del 24.12.1998, pag. 47). (1) zie de b lagen v en vii b verordening (eeg) nr. 2456/93 van de commissie (pb l 225 van 4.9.1993, blz. 4), laatstel k gew zigd b verordening (eg) nr. 2812/98 (pb l 349 van 24.12.1998, blz. 47). (1) ver anexos v e vii do regulamento (cee) n.o 2456/93 da comiss o (jo l 225 de 4.9.1993, p. 4). regulamento com a ltima redac o que lhe foi dada pelo regulamento (ce) n.o 2812/98 (jo l 349 de 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) katso komission asetuksen (ety) n:o 2456/93 (eyvl l 225, 4.9.1993, s. 4), sellaisena kuin se on viimeksi muutettuna asetuksella (ey) n:o 2812/98 (eyvl l 349, 24.12.1998, s. 47) liitteet v ja vii. (1) se bilagorna v och vii i kommissionens f rordning (eeg) nr 2456/93 (egt l 225, 4.9.1993, s. 4), senast ndrad genom f rordning (eg) nr 2812/98 (egt l 349, 24.12.1998, s. 47). en official journal of the european communities19. 10. 1999 l 269/9 anexo ii bilag ii anhang ii ii annex ii annexe ii allegato ii bijlage ii anexo ii liite ii bilaga ii direcciones de los organismos de intervenci n interventionsorganernes adresser anschriften der interven- tionsstellen addresses of the intervention agencies adresses des organismes d'intervention indirizzi degli organismi d'intervento adressen van de interventiebureaus endere os dos organismos de interven o interventioelinten osoitteet interventionsorganens adresser bundesrepublik deutschland bundesanstalt f r landwirtschaft und ern hrung (ble) postfach 180203, d-60083 frankfurt am main adickesallee 40 d-60322 frankfurt am main tel.: (49) 69 15 64-704/772; telex: 411727; telefax: (49) 69 15 64-790/791 france ofival 80, avenue des terroirs-de-france f-75607 paris cedex 12 t l phone: (33-1) 44 68 50 00; t lex: 215330; t l copieur: (33-1) 44 68 52 33 ireland department of agriculture and food johnstown castle estate county wexford ireland tel. (353-53) 634 00 fax (353-53) 428 12 united kingdom intervention board executive agency kings house 33 kings road reading rg1 3bu berkshire united kingdom tel. (01-189) 58 36 26 fax (01-189) 56 67 50 espa a fega (fondo espa ol de garant a agraria) beneficencia, 8 e-28005 madrid tel fono: (34) 913 47 65 00, 913 47 63 10; t lex: fega 23427 e, fega 41818 e; fax: (34) 915 21 98 32, 915 22 43 87 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2208/1999 of 18 october 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the second invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 2009/1999 type: regulation subject matter: animal product; trade policy; prices; europe date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 19. 10. 1999l 269/10 commission regulation (ec) no 2208/1999 of 18 october 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the second invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 2009/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/ 98 (2), and in particular article 7(3) thereof, whereas: (1) tenders have been invited for certain quantities of beef fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2009/1999 (3); (2) pursuant to article 9 of commission regulation (eec) no 2173/79 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2417/95 (5), the minimum selling prices for meat put up for sale by tender should be fixed, taking into account tenders submitted; (3) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for beef and veal, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the minimum selling prices for beef for the invitation to tender held in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2009/1999 for which the time limit for the submission of tenders was 11 october 1999 are as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28.7.1998, p. 17. (3) oj l 248, 21.9.1999, p. 15. (4) oj l 251, 5.10.1979, p. 12. (5) oj l 248, 14.10.1995, p. 39. en official journal of the european communities19. 10. 1999 l 269/11 anexo bilag anhang annex annexe allegato b lage anexo liite bilaga estado miembro medlemsstat mitgliedstaat member state tat membre stato membro lidstaat estado-membro j senvaltio medlemsstat productos (1) produkter (1) erzeugnisse (1) (1) products (1) produits (1) prodotti (1) producten (1) produtos (1) tuotteet (1) produkter (1) precio m nimo expresado en euros por tonelada mindstepriser i eur/ton mindestpreise ausgedr ckt in eur/tonne minimum prices expressed in eur per tonne prix minimaux exprim s en euros par tonne prezzi minimi espressi in euro per tonnellata minimumprijzen uitgedrukt in euro per ton pre o m nimo expresso em euros por tonelada v himm ishinnat euroina tonnia kohden ilmaistuna minimipriser i euro per ton a) carne con hueso k d, ikke udbenet fleisch mit knochen bone-in beef viande avec os carni non disossate vlees met been carne com osso luullinen naudanliha k tt med ben deutschland vorder- und hinterviertel, compens s 434 vorderviertel 402 hinterviertel 453 france quartiers compens s 440 quartiers avant 401 quartiers arri re 451 (1) v anse los anexos v y vii del reglamento (cee) no 2456/93 de la comisi n (do l 225 de 4.9.1993, p. 4), cuya ltima modificaci n la constituye el reglamento (ce) no 2812/98 (do l 349 de 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) se bilag v og vii til kommissionens forordning (ef) nr. 2456/93 (eft l 225 af 4.9.1993, s. 4), senest ndret ved forordning (ef) nr. 2812/98 (eft l 349 af 24.12.1998, s. 47). (1) vgl. anh nge v und vii der verordnung (ewg) nr. 2456/93 der kommission (abl. l 225 vom 4.9.1993, s. 4), zuletzt ge ndert durch die verordnung (eg) nr. 2812/98 (abl. l 349 vom 24.12.1998, s. 47). (1) v vii ( ) . 2456/93 ( l 225 4.9.1993, . 4), ( ) . 2812/98 ( l 349 24.12.1998, . 47). (1) see annexes v and vii to commission regulation (eec) no 2456/93 (oj l 225, 4.9.1993, p. 4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2812/98 (oj l 349, 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) voir annexes v et vii du r glement (cee) no 2456/93 de la commission (jo l 225 du 4.9.1993, p. 4). r glement modifi en dernier lieu par le r glement (ce) no 2812/98 (jo l 349 du 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) cfr. allegati v e vii del regolamento (cee) n. 2456/93 della commissione (gu l 225 del 4.9.1993, pag. 4), modificato da ultimo dal regolamento (ce) n. 2812/98 (gu l 349 del 24.12.1998, pag. 47). (1) zie de b lagen v en vii b verordening (eeg) nr. 2456/93 van de commissie (pb l 225 van 4.9.1993, blz. 4), laatstel k gew zigd b verordening (eg) nr. 2812/98 (pb l 349 van 24.12.1998, blz. 47). (1) ver anexos v e vii do regulamento (cee) n.o 2456/93 da comiss o (jo l 225 de 4.9.1993, p. 4). regulamento com a ltima redac o que lhe foi dada pelo regulamento (ce) n.o 2812/98 (jo l 349 de 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) katso komission asetuksen (ety) n:o 2456/93 (eyvl l 225, 4.9.1993, s. 4), sellaisena kuin se on viimeksi muutettuna asetuksella (ey) n:o 2812/98 (eyvl l 349, 24.12.1998, s. 47) liitteet v ja vii. (1) se bilagorna v och vii i kommissionens f rordning (eeg) nr 2456/93 (egt l 225, 4.9.1993, s. 4), senast ndrad genom f rordning (eg) nr 2812/98 (egt l 349, 24.12.1998, s. 47). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2213/1999 of 19 october 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for butter and the maximum aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for the 40th individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; processed agricultural produce; cooperation policy; marketing; foodstuff date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 20. 10. 1999l 270/4 commission regulation (ec) no 2213/1999 of 19 october 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for butter and the maximum aid for cream, butter and concen- trated butter for the 40th individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular article 6(3) and (6) and article 12(3) thereof, whereas: (1) the intervention agencies are, pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2571/97 of 15 december 1997 on the sale of butter at reduced prices and the granting of aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for use in the manufacture of pastry products, ice-cream and other foodstuffs (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 494/1999 (4), to sell by invitation to tender certain quantities of butter that they hold and to grant aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter; whereas article 18 of that regulation stipulates that in the light of the tenders received in response to each individual invitation to tender a minimum selling price shall be fixed for butter and maximum aid shall be fixed for cream, butter and concentrated butter; whereas it is further stipulated that the price or aid may vary according to the intended use of the butter, its fat content and the incorporation procedure, and that a decision may also be taken to make no award in response to the tenders submitted; the amount(s) of the processing securities must be fixed accordingly; (2) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum aid and processing securities applying for the 40th individual invitation to tender, under the standing invita- tion to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97, shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 20 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 13. (2) oj l 206, 16.8.1996, p. 21. (3) oj l 350, 20.12.1997, p. 3. (4) oj l 59, 6.3.1999, p. 17. en official journal of the european communities20. 10. 1999 l 270/5 annex to the commission regulation of 19 october 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for butter and the maximum aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for the 40th individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97 (eur/100 kg) formula a b incorporation procedure withtracers without tracers with tracers without tracers minimum butter unaltered selling price 82 % concentrated unaltered processing security concentrated butter 82 % 95 91 91 maximum butter < 82 % 92 88 88 aid concentrated butter 117 113 117 113 cream 40 38 butter 105 processing security concentrated butter 129 129 cream 44 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2216/1999 of 19 october 1999 fixing the minimum selling price for skimmed-milk powder for the 139th individual invitation to tender issued under the standing invitation to tender referred to in regulation (eec) no 3398/91 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; processed agricultural produce; marketing date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 20. 10. 1999l 270/8 commission regulation (ec) no 2216/1999 of 19 october 1999 fixing the minimum selling price for skimmed-milk powder for the 139th individual invitation to tender issued under the standing invitation to tender referred to in regulation (eec) no 3398/91 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular article 7(5) thereof, whereas: (1) pursuant to commission regulation (eec) no 3398/91 of 20 november 1991 on the sale by invitation to tender of skimmed-milk powder for the manufacture of compound feedingstuffs (3), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 124/1999 (4), intervention agencies have put up for sale by standing invitation to tender certain quantities of skimmed-milk powder held by them; (2) according to article 8 of the said regulation, in the light of the tenders received in response to each individual invitation to tender a minimum selling price shall be fixed or a decision shall be taken to make no award; whereas the amount of the processing security shall also be fixed taking account of the difference between the market price of skimmed-milk powder and the minimum price fixed; (3) in the light of the tenders received, the minimum selling price should be fixed at the level specified below and the processing security determined accordingly; (4) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 139th individual invitation to tender pursuant to regu- lation (eec) no 3398/91, in respect of which the time limit for the submission of tenders expired on 12 october 1999, the minimum selling price and the processing security are fixed as follows: minimum selling price: eur 199,50/100 kg, processing security: eur 40,00/100 kg. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 20 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 13. (2) oj l 206, 16.8.1996, p. 21. (3) oj l 320, 22.11.1991, p. 16. (4) oj l 16, 21.1.1999, p. 19. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2222/1999 of 20 october 1999 fixing the representative prices and the additional import duties for molasses in the sugar sector type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; trade; prices; foodstuff date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 21. 10. 1999l 271/4 commission regulation (ec) no 2222/1999 of 20 october 1999 fixing the representative prices and the additional import duties for molasses in the sugar sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 of 13 september 1999 on the common organization of the market in sugar (1), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1422/95 of 23 june 1995 laying down detailed rules of application for imports of molasses in the sugar sector and amending regula- tion (eec) no 785/68 (2), and in particular articles 1(2) and 3(1) thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (ec) no 1422/95 stipulates that the cif import price for molasses, hereinafter referred to as the representative price, should be set in accordance with commission regulation (eec) no 785/68 (3); that price should be fixed for the standard quality defined in article 1 of the above regulation; (2) the representative price for molasses is calculated at the frontier crossing point into the community, in this case amsterdam; that price must be based on the most favourable purchasing opportunities on the world market established on the basis of the quotations or prices on that market adjusted for any deviations from the standard quality; the standard quality for molasses is defined in regulation (eec) no 785/68; (3) when the most favourable purchasing opportunities on the world market are being established, account must be taken of all available information on offers on the world market, on the prices recorded on important third- country markets and on sales concluded in international trade of which the commission is aware, either directly or through the member states; under article 7 of regu- lation (eec) no 785/68, the commission may for this purpose take an average of several prices as a basis, provided that this average is representative of actual market trends; (4) the information must be disregarded if the goods concerned are not of sound and fair marketable quality or if the price quoted in the offer relates only to a small quantity that is not representative of the market; offer prices which can be regarded as not representative of actual market trends must also be disregarded; (5) if information on molasses of the standard quality is to be comparable, prices must, depending on the quality of the molasses offered, be increased or reduced in the light of the results achieved by applying article 6 of regula- tion (eec) no 785/68; (6) a representative price may be left unchanged by way of exception for a limited period if the offer price which served as a basis for the previous calculation of the representative price is not available to the commission and if the offer prices which are available and which appear not to be sufficiently representative of actual market trends would entail sudden and considerable changes in the representative price; (7) where there is a difference between the trigger price for the product in question and the representative price, additional import duties should be fixed under the conditions set out in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95; should the import duties be suspended pursuant to article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95, specific amounts for these duties should be fixed; (8) application of these provisions will have the effect of fixing the representative prices and the additional import duties for the products in question as set out in the annex to this regulation; (9) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the representative prices and the additional duties applying to imports of the products referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95 are fixed in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 21 october 1999. (1) oj l 252, 25.9.1999, p. 1. (2) oj l 141, 24.6.1995, p. 12. (3) oj l 145, 27.6.1968, p. 12. en official journal of the european communities21. 10. 1999 l 271/5 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 20 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission 6,10 amount of the representative price in 100 kg net of the product in question 1703 10 00 (1) cn code 0,146,93 amount of the duty to be applied to imports in 100 kg net of the product in question because of suspension as referred to in article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95 (2) (1) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of amended regulation (eec) no 785/68. (2) this amount replaces, in accordance with article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95, the rate of the common customs tariff duty fixed for these products. 1703 90 00 (1) 0,30 amount of the additional duty in 100 kg net of the product in question annex fixing the representative prices and additional import duties applying to imports of molasses in the sugar sector (in eur) |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2233/1999 of 21 october 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices; agricultural policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities22. 10. 1999 l 272/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 2233/1999 of 21 october 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilateral trade nego- tiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 22 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 21 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 22. 10. 1999l 272/2 annex to the commission regulation of 21 october 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 100,0 204 61,2 999 80,6 0707 00 05 052 76,1 628 119,3 999 97,7 0709 90 70 052 58,8 999 58,8 0805 30 10 052 59,7 388 64,9 524 53,9 528 66,4 999 61,2 0806 10 10 052 108,1 064 102,0 400 231,6 999 147,2 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 060 46,2 400 59,9 804 31,1 999 45,7 0808 20 50 052 98,4 064 62,1 999 80,3 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2236/1999 of 21 october 1999 determining the percentage of quantities which may be allowed in respect of import licence applications lodged in october 1999 under tariff quotas for beef provided for in regulation (ec) no 1279/98 for the republic of poland, the republic of hungary, the czech republic, slovakia, bulgaria and romania type: regulation subject matter: tariff policy; europe; animal product; international trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 22. 10. 1999l 272/6 commission regulation (ec) no 2236/1999 of 21 october 1999 determining the percentage of quantities which may be allowed in respect of import licence applications lodged in october 1999 under tariff quotas for beef provided for in regulation (ec) no 1279/98 for the republic of poland, the republic of hungary, the czech republic, slovakia, bulgaria and romania the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1279/98 of 19 june 1998, laying down rules for the application of the tariff quotas for beef provided for by council regulation (ec) no 3066/95 for the republic of poland, the republic of hungary, the czech republic, the slovak republic, the republic of bulgaria and romania (1), and in particular article 4(4) thereof, (1) whereas articles 1 and 2 of regulation (ec) no 1279/ 98 fix the quantities of fresh, chilled or frozen beef originating in poland, hungary, the czech republic, slovakia, romania and bulgaria, and, in the case of poland, the equivalent of the quantity of meat expressed as weight of processed products which may be imported on special terms in respect of the period 1 october to 31 december 1999; whereas the quantities of fresh, chilled or frozen beef originating the czech republic and romania covered by import licence applications submitted are such that applications may be accepted in full; whereas, however, quantities covered by applica- tions in respect of beef originating in poland and hungary and processed products must be reduced proportionately in accordance with article 4(4) of that regulation; (2) whereas article 2 of regulation (ec) no 1279/98 states that if for the quota period the quantities for which applications for import licences have been submitted for the first, second or third period specified in the preceding subparagraph are less than the quantities available, the remaining quantities are to be added to the quantities in respect of the following period; whereas taking account of the quantities available for the six countries concerned for the second period running from 1 january to 31 march 2000 should accordingly be determined, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the following percentages of quantities covered by import licence applications submitted in respect of the period 1 october to 31 december 1999 under the quotas referred to in regulation (ec) no 1279/98 may be allowed: (a) 81,5412 % of quantities covered by applications in respect of products falling within cn codes 0201 and 0202 origin- ating in hungary; (b) 100 % of quantities covered by applications in respect of products falling within cn codes 0201 and 0202 origin- ating in the czech republic and romania; (c) 0,9706 % of quantities covered by applications in respect of products falling within cn codes 0201, 0202, 1602 50 31 and 1602 50 39 originating in poland. 2. the quantities available for the period referred to in article 2 of regulation (ec) no 1279/98 running from 1 january to 31 march 2000 shall amount to: (a) beef and veal falling within cn codes 0201 and 0202: 2 730 t for meat originating in hungary, 1 621 t for meat originating in the czech republic, 1 260 t for meat originating in slovakia, 180 t for meat originating in bulgaria, 1 304 t for meat originating in romania; (b) 2 880 t for beef falling within cn codes 0201 and 0202 originating in poland, or 1 345,79 t for processed prod- ucts falling within cn codes 1602 50 31 and 1602 50 39 originating in poland. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 22 october 1999.(1) oj l 176, 20.6.1998, p. 12. en official journal of the european communities22. 10. 1999 l 272/7 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 21 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2241/1999 of 21 october 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of oats issued in regulation (ec) no 1897/1999 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product; europe; production date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 22. 10. 1999l 272/14 commission regulation (ec) no 2241/1999 of 21 october 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of oats issued in regulation (ec) no 1897/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1897/1999 of 2 september 1999 on a special intervention measure for cereals in finland and sweden (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2096/1999 (6), and in particular article 8 thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the refund for the export of oats produced in finland and sweden for export from finland or sweden to all third countries was opened pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1897/1999; (2) whereas article 8 of regulation (ec) no 1897/1999 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to make no award; (3) whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 a maximum refund should not be fixed; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders notified from 15 to 21 october 1999 in response to the invitation to tender for the refund for the export of oats issued in regulation (ec) no 1897/1999. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 22 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 21 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 233, 3.9.1999, p. 10. (6) oj l 257, 3.10.1999, p. 4. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2248/1999 of 22 october 1999 on the issue of system b export licences in the fruit and vegetables sector type: regulation subject matter: tariff policy; plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 23. 10. 1999l 273/10 commission regulation (ec) no 2248/1999 of 22 october 1999 on the issue of system b export licences in the fruit and vegetables sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 2190/96 of 14 november 1996 on detailed rules for implementing council regulation (ec) no 2200/96 as regards export refunds on fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1303/1999 (2), and in particular article 5(5) thereof, (1) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1926/ 1999 (3), fixes the indicative quantities for system b export licences other than those sought in the context of food aid; (2) whereas, in the light of the information available to the commission today, there is a risk that the indicative quantities laid down for the current export period for table grapes and apples for destination group f02 will shortly be exceeded; whereas this overrun will prejudice the proper working of the export refund scheme in the fruit and vegetables sector; (3) whereas, to avoid this situation, applications for system b licences for table grapes and apples for destination group f02 exported after 22 october 1999 should be rejected until the end of the current export period, has adopted this regulation: article 1 applications for system b export licences for table grapes and apples for destination group f02 submitted pursuant to article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1926/1999, export declarations for which are accepted after 22 october 1999 and before 16 november 1999, are hereby rejected. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 23 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 292, 15.11.1996, p. 12. (2) oj l 155, 22.6.1999, p. 29. (3) oj l 238, 9.9.1999, p. 20. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2258/1999 of 26 october 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities27. 10. 1999 l 276/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 2258/1999 of 26 october 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilateral trade nego- tiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 27 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 27. 10. 1999l 276/2 annex to the commission regulation of 26 october 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 87,5 204 48,8 999 68,2 0707 00 05 052 76,1 628 130,9 999 103,5 0709 90 70 052 67,1 999 67,1 0805 30 10 052 56,4 388 65,4 528 66,4 600 50,9 999 59,8 0806 10 10 052 108,5 064 102,0 400 263,8 999 158,1 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 400 87,4 404 71,7 800 158,3 804 31,1 999 87,1 0808 20 50 052 93,0 064 64,8 388 171,9 400 70,3 999 100,0 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2259/1999 of 26 october 1999 fixing the production refund for olive oil used in the manufacture of certain preserved foods type: regulation subject matter: agri-foodstuffs; trade policy; processed agricultural produce date published: nan en official journal of the european communities27. 10. 1999 l 276/3 commission regulation (ec) no 2259/1999 of 26 october 1999 fixing the production refund for olive oil used in the manufacture of certain preserved foods the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation no 136/66/eec of 22 september 1966 on the establishment of a common organ- isation of the market in oils and fats (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1638/98 (2), and in particular article 20a thereof, (1) whereas article 20a of regulation no 136/66/eec provides for the granting of a production refund for olive oil used in the preserving industry; whereas under paragraph 6 of that article, and without prejudice to paragraph 3 thereof, the commission shall fix this refund every two months; (2) whereas by virtue of article 20a(2) of the abovemen- tioned regulation, the production refund must be fixed on the basis of the gap between prices on the world market and on the community market, taking account of the import charge applicable to olive oil falling within cn subheading 1509 90 00 and the factors used for fixing the export refunds for those olive oils during the reference period; whereas it is appropriate to take as a reference period the two-month period preceding the beginning of the term of validity of the production refund; (3) whereas the application of the above criteria results in the refund being fixed as shown below, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the months of november and december 1999, the amount of the production refund referred to in article 20a(2) of regu- lation no 136/66/eec shall be eur 44,00/100 kg. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj 172, 30.9.1966, p. 3025/66. (2) oj l 210, 28.7.1998, p. 32. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2262/1999 of 27 october 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: prices; plant product; agricultural policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities28. 10. 1999 l 277/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 2262/1999 of 27 october 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilateral trade nego- tiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 28 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 27 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 28. 10. 1999l 277/2 annex to the commission regulation of 27 october 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 114,5 204 51,4 999 83,0 0707 00 05 052 76,1 628 130,9 999 103,5 0709 90 70 052 67,1 999 67,1 0805 30 10 052 64,6 388 56,4 528 64,7 600 54,3 999 60,0 0806 10 10 052 111,7 064 102,0 400 265,7 999 159,8 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 400 87,4 404 73,7 800 158,3 804 31,1 999 87,6 0808 20 50 052 94,8 064 63,4 388 171,9 400 70,3 999 100,1 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2265/1999 of 27 october 1999 altering the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in the natural state type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; beverages and sugar date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 28. 10. 1999l 277/6 commission regulation (ec) no 2265/1999 of 27 october 1999 altering the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in the natural state the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 of 13 september 1999 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (1), and in particular the third subparagraph of article 18(5) thereof, (1) whereas the refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in the natural state were fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2124/1999 (2), as amended by regu- lation (ec) no 2170/1999 (3); (2) whereas it follows from applying the detailed rules contained in regulation (ec) no 2124/1999 to the information known to the commission that the export refunds at present in force should be altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1(1)(a) of regulation (ec) no 2038/1999, undenatured and exported in the natural state, as fixed in the annex to regulation (ec) no 2124/1999 are hereby altered to the amounts shown in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 28 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 27 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 252, 25.9.1999, p. 1. (2) oj l 261, 7.10.1999, p. 9. (3) oj l 266, 14.10.1999, p. 9. en official journal of the european communities28. 10. 1999 l 277/7 annex to the commission regulation of 27 october 1999 altering the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state product code amount of refund eur/100 kg 1701 11 90 9100 44,77 (1) 1701 11 90 9910 42,40 (1) 1701 11 90 9950 (2) 1701 12 90 9100 44,77 (1) 1701 12 90 9910 42,40 (1) 1701 12 90 9950 (2) eur/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 91 00 9000 0,4867 eur/100 kg 1701 99 10 9100 48,67 1701 99 10 9910 49,19 1701 99 10 9950 49,19 eur/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 99 90 9100 0,4867 (1) applicable to raw sugar with a yield of 92 %; if the yield is other than 92 %, the refund applicable is calculated in accordance with the provisions of article 19 (4) of regulation (ec) no 2038/1999. (2) fixing suspended by commission regulation (eec) no 2689/85 (oj l 255, 26. 9. 1985, p. 12), as amended by regulation (eec) no 3251/85 (oj l 309, 21. 11. 1985, p. 14). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2267/1999 of 27 october 1999 fixing the definitive aid for mandarins, clementines and satsumas for the 1998/99 marketing year type: regulation subject matter: agri-foodstuffs; plant product; agricultural structures and production; economic policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities28. 10. 1999 l 277/9 commission regulation (ec) no 2267/1999 of 27 october 1999 fixing the definitive aid for mandarins, clementines and satsumas for the 1998/99 marketing year the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2202/96 of 28 october 1996 introducing a community aid scheme for producers of certain citrus fruits (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 858/1999 (2), and in particular article 6 thereof, whereas: (1) article 5(1) of regulation (ec) no 2202/96 establishes a processing threshold of 320 000 tonnes for mandarins, clementines and satsumas. article 5(2) of that regula- tion provides that, for each marketing year, any overrun of the processing threshold is to be assessed on the basis of the average quantity processed with benefit of the aid during the last three marketing years, including the current marketing year. article 5(3) of that regulation provides that where an overrun has been established, the aid fixed for the current marketing year in the annex to that regulation is to be reduced by 1 % per 3 200 tonnes of the overrun; (2) in accordance with article 22(1)(b) of commission regulation (ec) no 1169/97 of 26 june 1997 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regu- lation (ec) no 2202/96 introducing a community aid scheme for producers of certain citrus fruits (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1082/1999 (4), the member states have notified the commission of the quantities of mandarins, clementines and satsumas deliv- ered for processing in respect of the 1998/99 marketing year under regulation (ec) no 2202/96. on the basis of those figures and of the quantities processed with aid in the 1996/97 and 1997/98 marketing years, an overrun of the processing threshold 38 173 tonnes has been established. the aid for mandarins, clementines and satsumas laid down in the annex to regulation (ec) no 2202/96 for the 1998/99 marketing year should accord- ingly be reduced by 11 %; (3) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for fruit and vegetables, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 1998/99 marketing year, the aid for mandarins, clem- entines and satsumas laid down in the tables in the annex to regulation (ec) no 2202/96 is reduced by 11 %. when the aid is paid, account shall be taken of advances paid in accordance with article 15 of regulation (ec) no 1169/97. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 27 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 297, 21.11.1996, p. 49. (2) oj l 108, 27.4.1999, p. 8. (3) oj l 169, 27.6.1997, p. 15. (4) oj l 131, 27.5.1999, p. 4. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2269/1999 of 27 october 1999 establishing unit values for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods type: regulation subject matter: tariff policy; plant product; foodstuff date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 28. 10. 1999l 277/12 commission regulation (ec) no 2269/1999 of 27 october 1999 establishing unit values for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2913/92 of 12 october 1992 establishing the community customs code (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 955/1999 of the euro- pean parliament and of the council (2), having regard to commission regulation (eec) no 2454/93 of 2 july 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of council regulation (eec) no 2913/92 establishing the community customs code (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1662/1999 (4), and in particular article 173 (1) thereof, (1) whereas articles 173 to 177 of regulation (eec) no 2454/93 provide that the commission shall periodically establish unit values for the products referred to in the classification in annex 26 to that regulation; (2) whereas the result of applying the rules and criteria laid down in the abovementioned articles to the elements communicated to the commission in accordance with article 173 (2) of regulation (eec) no 2454/93 is that unit values set out in the annex to this regulation should be established in regard to the products in ques- tion, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the unit values provided for in article 173 (1) of regulation (eec) no 2454/93 are hereby established as set out in the table in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 27 october 1999. for the commission erkki liikanen member of the commission (1) oj l 302, 19.10.1992, p. 1. (2) oj l 119, 7.5.1999, p. 1. (3) oj l 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1. (4) oj l 197, 29.7.1999, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities28. 10. 1999 l 277/13 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp annex 1.10 new potatoes a) 9,26 127,42 18,11 68,85 3 055,34 1 540,73 b) 55,06 60,74 7,29 17 929,86 20,41 1 856,460701 90 51 0701 90 59 c) 80,94 373,55 5,95 1.30 onions (other than seed) a) 13,46 185,21 26,33 100,07 4 441,13 2 239,56 b) 80,03 88,29 10,60 26 062,19 29,66 2 698,490703 10 19 c) 117,65 542,98 8,65 1.40 garlic a) 80,73 1 110,87 157,89 600,22 26 636,86 13 432,34 b) 480,00 529,55 63,58 156 315,08 177,91 16 184,910703 20 00 c) 705,62 3 256,64 51,88 1.50 leeks a) 33,08 455,19 64,70 245,95 10 914,75 5 504,05 b) 196,68 216,99 26,05 64 051,81 72,90 6 631,94ex 0703 90 00 c) 289,14 1 334,44 21,26 1.60 cauliflowers a) 55,28 760,67 108,12 411,00 18 239,64 9 197,82 b) 328,68 362,61 43,54 107 037,01 121,82 11 082,640704 10 10 0704 10 05 0704 10 80 c) 483,17 2 229,99 35,52 1.70 brussels sprouts a) 59,69 821,35 116,74 443,79 19 694,72 9 931,58 b) 354,90 391,54 47,01 115 575,96 131,54 11 966,770704 20 00 c) 521,72 2 407,89 38,36 1.80 white cabbages and red cabbages a) 45,06 620,04 88,13 335,02 14 867,55 7 497,35 b) 267,91 295,57 35,49 87 248,33 99,30 9 033,720704 90 10 c) 393,85 1 817,72 28,96 1.90 sprouting broccoli or calabrese (brassica oleracea l. convar. botrytis (l.) alef var. italica plenck) a) 105,95 1 457,90 207,22 787,73 34 958,20 17 628,60 b) 629,95 694,99 83,44 205 147,81 233,48 21 241,07ex 0704 90 90 c) 926,06 4 274,01 68,08 1.100 chinese cabbage a) 60,69 835,11 118,70 451,22 20 024,67 10 097,97 b) 360,85 398,10 47,80 117 512,23 133,74 12 167,25ex 0704 90 90 c) 530,46 2 448,23 39,00 1.110 cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) a) 152,67 2 100,79 298,60 1 135,09 50 373,47 25 402,15 b) 907,73 1 001,45 120,24 295 610,34 336,44 30 607,590705 11 10 0705 11 05 0705 11 80 c) 1 334,41 6 158,69 98,11 1.120 endives a) 21,82 300,25 42,68 162,23 7 199,51 3 630,54 b) 129,74 143,13 17,18 42 249,41 48,08 4 374,52ex 0705 29 00 c) 190,72 880,22 14,02 1.130 carrots a) 37,08 510,23 72,52 275,69 12 234,55 6 169,59 b) 220,47 243,23 29,20 71 796,89 81,71 7 433,87ex 0706 10 00 c) 324,10 1 495,80 23,83 1.140 radishes a) 117,77 1 620,55 230,34 875,61 38 858,21 19 595,28 b) 700,23 772,52 92,75 228 034,52 259,53 23 610,77ex 0706 90 90 c) 1 029,37 4 750,83 75,68 1.160 peas (pisum sativum) a) 282,12 3 882,06 551,78 2 097,53 93 085,49 46 940,82 b) 1 677,41 1 850,59 222,19 546 260,49 621,71 56 559,980708 10 90 0708 10 20 0708 10 95 c) 2 465,87 11 380,69 181,29 en official journal of the european communities 28. 10. 1999l 277/14 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 1.170 beans: 1.170.1 beans (vigna spp., phaseolus ssp.) a) 97,99 1 348,37 191,65 728,55 32 331,80 16 304,16 b) 582,62 642,77 77,17 189 735,10 215,94 19 645,23ex 0708 20 90 ex 0708 20 20 ex 0708 20 95 c) 856,48 3 952,91 62,97 1.170.2 beans (phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. compressus savi) a) 70,72 973,13 138,32 525,80 23 334,06 11 766,82 b) 420,48 463,89 55,70 136 933,01 155,85 14 178,09ex 0708 20 90 ex 0708 20 20 ex 0708 20 95 c) 618,13 2 852,84 45,44 1.180 broad beans a) 157,74 2 170,55 308,51 1 172,78 52 046,31 26 245,73 b) 937,88 1 034,71 124,23 305 427,23 347,61 31 624,03ex 0708 90 00 c) 1 378,73 6 363,22 101,36 1.190 globe artichokes a) b) 0709 10 00 c) 1.200 asparagus: 1.200.1 green a) 378,45 5 207,59 740,18 2 813,74 124 869,58 62 968,78 b) 2 250,16 2 482,47 298,05 732 781,38 833,99 75 872,41ex 0709 20 00 c) 3 307,84 15 266,64 243,19 1.200.2 other a) 300,69 4 137,58 588,10 2 235,60 99 212,67 50 030,61 b) 1 787,82 1 972,40 236,81 582 217,03 662,63 60 282,93ex 0709 20 00 c) 2 628,18 12 129,80 193,22 1.210 aubergines (eggplants) a) 72,78 1 001,47 142,35 541,11 24 013,76 12 109,57 b) 432,73 477,41 57,32 140 921,73 160,39 14 591,080709 30 00 c) 636,13 2 935,94 46,77 1.220 ribbed celery (apium graveolens l., var. dulce (mill.) pers.) a) 66,57 916,02 130,20 494,94 21 964,77 11 076,32 b) 395,81 436,67 52,43 128 897,49 146,70 13 346,09ex 0709 40 00 c) 581,86 2 685,43 42,78 1.230 chantarelles a) 1 025,78 14 115,04 2 006,25 7 626,57 338 456,11 170 675,43 b) 6 099,01 6 728,68 807,87 1 986 187,04 2 260,52 205 650,430709 51 30 c) 8 965,83 41 379,86 659,17 1.240 sweet peppers a) 83,10 1 143,48 162,53 617,84 27 418,84 13 826,68 b) 494,09 545,10 65,45 160 904,04 183,13 16 660,050709 60 10 c) 726,34 3 352,25 53,40 1.250 fennel a) 73,55 1 012,07 143,85 546,84 24 267,82 12 237,69 b) 437,31 482,46 57,93 142 412,66 162,08 14 745,450709 90 50 c) 642,86 2 967,00 47,26 1.270 sweet potatoes, whole, fresh (intended for human consumption) a) 51,27 705,49 100,28 381,19 16 916,54 8 530,61 b) 304,84 336,31 40,38 99 272,56 112,98 10 278,710714 20 10 c) 448,13 2 068,23 32,95 2.10 chestnuts (castanea spp.), fresh a) 176,48 2 428,42 345,16 1 312,11 58 229,58 29 363,80 b) 1 049,30 1 157,63 138,99 341 712,93 388,91 35 381,06ex 0802 40 00 c) 1 542,52 7 119,19 113,41 2.30 pineapples, fresh a) 53,20 732,05 104,05 395,54 17 553,34 8 851,74 b) 316,31 348,97 41,90 103 009,56 117,24 10 665,64ex 0804 30 00 c) 464,99 2 146,08 34,19 en official journal of the european communities28. 10. 1999 l 277/15 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.40 avocados, fresh a) 138,58 1 906,90 271,04 1 030,33 45 724,47 23 057,77 b) 823,96 909,03 109,14 268 328,30 305,39 27 782,80ex 0804 40 90 ex 0804 40 20 ex 0804 40 95 c) 1 211,26 5 590,30 89,05 2.50 guavas and mangoes, fresh a) 103,82 1 428,59 203,05 771,89 34 255,41 17 274,19 b) 617,29 681,01 81,76 201 023,55 228,79 20 814,04ex 0804 50 00 c) 907,44 4 188,09 66,71 2.60 sweet oranges, fresh: 2.60.1 sanguines and semi-sanguines a) b) 0805 10 10 c) 2.60.2 navels, navelines, navelates, salustianas, vernas, valencia lates, maltese, shamoutis, ovalis, trovita and hamlins a) 38,71 532,66 75,71 287,80 12 772,36 6 440,80 b) 230,16 253,92 30,49 74 953,01 85,31 7 760,660805 10 30 c) 338,34 1 561,56 24,88 2.60.3 others a) 44,14 607,38 86,33 328,18 14 563,99 7 344,28 b) 262,44 289,54 34,76 85 466,96 97,27 8 849,280805 10 50 c) 385,81 1 780,60 28,36 2.70 mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas), fresh; clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids, fresh: 2.70.1 clementines a) 76,16 1 047,98 148,96 566,24 25 128,99 12 671,96 b) 452,83 499,58 59,98 147 466,32 167,83 15 268,710805 20 10 c) 665,68 3 072,29 48,94 2.70.2 monreales and satsumas a) 85,82 1 180,91 167,85 638,06 28 316,31 14 279,25 b) 510,26 562,94 67,59 166 170,69 189,12 17 205,370805 20 30 c) 750,11 3 461,97 55,15 2.70.3 mandarines and wilkings a) 85,29 1 173,62 166,81 634,12 28 141,44 14 191,06 b) 507,11 559,47 67,17 165 144,47 187,95 17 099,110805 20 50 c) 745,48 3 440,59 54,81 2.70.4 tangerines and others a) 54,49 749,80 106,57 405,13 17 978,98 9 066,37 b) 323,98 357,43 42,91 105 507,35 120,08 10 924,26ex 0805 20 70 ex 0805 20 90 c) 476,27 2 198,12 35,02 2.85 limes (citrus aurantifolia), fresh a) 138,23 1 902,09 270,35 1 027,73 45 608,99 22 999,54 b) 821,88 906,73 108,86 267 650,60 304,62 27 712,63ex 0805 30 90 c) 1 208,20 5 576,18 88,83 2.90 grapefruit, fresh: 2.90.1 white a) 77,59 1 067,66 151,75 576,87 25 600,82 12 909,89 b) 461,33 508,96 61,11 150 235,19 170,99 15 555,40ex 0805 40 90 ex 0805 40 20 ex 0805 40 95 c) 678,18 3 129,97 49,86 2.90.2 pink a) 68,16 937,90 133,31 506,76 22 489,39 11 340,87 b) 405,26 447,10 53,68 131 976,16 150,20 13 664,85ex 0805 40 90 ex 0805 40 20 ex 0805 40 95 c) 595,75 2 749,57 43,80 2.100 table grapes a) b) ex 0806 10 10 c) en official journal of the european communities 28. 10. 1999l 277/16 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.110 water melons a) 28,43 391,21 55,60 211,37 9 380,48 4 730,35 b) 169,04 186,49 22,39 55 048,16 62,65 5 699,700807 11 00 c) 248,49 1 146,86 18,27 2.120 melons (other than water melons): 2.120.1 amarillo, cuper, honey dew (including cantalene), onteniente, piel de sapo (in- cluding verde liso), rochet, tendral, futuro a) 61,28 843,23 119,85 455,61 20 219,34 10 196,13 b) 364,35 401,97 48,26 118 654,63 135,04 12 285,54ex 0807 19 00 c) 535,62 2 472,03 39,38 2.120.2 other a) 90,26 1 242,00 176,53 671,07 29 781,29 15 018,00 b) 536,66 592,07 71,09 174 767,73 198,91 18 095,51ex 0807 19 00 c) 788,92 3 641,08 58,00 2.140 pears 2.140.1 pears nashi (pyrus pyrifolia) a) b) ex 0808 20 50 c) 2.140.2 other a) b) ex 0808 20 50 c) 2.150 apricots a) b) 0809 10 00 c) 2.160 cherries a) 481,99 6 632,33 942,69 3 583,55 159 032,60 80 196,39 b) 2 865,78 3 161,65 379,60 933 262,78 1 062,17 96 630,320809 20 05 0809 20 95 c) 4 212,83 19 443,43 309,73 2.170 peaches a) 189,53 2 607,99 370,69 1 409,14 62 535,42 31 535,14 b) 1 126,89 1 243,24 149,27 366 981,25 417,67 37 997,350809 30 90 c) 1 656,59 7 645,62 121,79 2.180 nectarines a) 99,60 1 370,53 194,80 740,52 32 863,02 16 572,05 b) 592,19 653,33 78,44 192 852,49 219,49 19 968,01ex 0809 30 10 c) 870,55 4 017,85 64,00 2.190 plums a) 102,38 1 408,78 200,24 761,19 33 780,28 17 034,60 b) 608,72 671,57 80,63 198 235,32 225,62 20 525,350809 40 05 c) 894,85 4 130,00 65,79 2.200 strawberries a) 503,89 6 933,68 985,52 3 746,37 166 258,51 83 840,24 b) 2 995,99 3 305,30 396,85 975 667,09 1 110,43 101 020,870810 10 10 0810 10 05 0810 10 80 c) 4 404,25 20 326,87 323,80 2.205 raspberries a) 355,15 4 886,97 694,61 2 640,50 117 181,74 59 091,99 b) 2 111,63 2 329,63 279,70 687 666,29 782,65 71 201,180810 20 10 c) 3 104,19 14 326,72 228,22 2.210 fruit of the species vaccinium myrtillus a) 981,91 13 511,38 1 920,45 7 300,40 323 981,20 163 376,08 b) 5 838,17 6 440,91 773,32 1 901 242,88 2 163,84 196 855,280810 40 30 c) 8 582,38 39 610,15 630,98 2.220 kiwi fruit (actinidia chinensis planch.) a) 155,25 2 136,29 303,64 1 154,27 51 224,74 25 831,43 b) 923,07 1 018,37 122,27 300 605,92 342,13 31 124,830810 50 10 0810 50 20 0810 50 30 c) 1 356,96 6 262,77 99,76 en official journal of the european communities28. 10. 1999 l 277/17 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.230 pomegranates a) 71,64 985,79 140,12 532,64 23 637,62 11 919,89 b) 425,95 469,93 56,42 138 714,38 157,87 14 362,53ex 0810 90 85 c) 626,17 2 889,95 46,04 2.240 khakis (including sharon fruit) a) 317,58 4 370,00 621,13 2 361,18 104 785,52 52 840,87 b) 1 888,24 2 083,19 250,11 614 920,63 699,85 63 669,07ex 0810 90 85 c) 2 775,81 12 811,15 204,08 2.250 lychees a) 236,92 3 260,09 463,38 1 761,48 78 171,75 39 420,17 b) 1 408,66 1 554,09 186,59 458 741,09 522,10 47 498,20ex 0810 90 30 c) 2 070,80 9 557,33 152,24 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2274/1999 of 27 october 1999 fixing the import duties in the rice sector type: regulation subject matter: trade; plant product; eu finance date published: nan en official journal of the european communities28. 10. 1999 l 277/27 commission regulation (ec) no 2274/1999 of 27 october 1999 fixing the import duties in the rice sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1503/96 of 29 july 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 as regards import duties in the rice sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2831/98 (4), and in particular article 4(1) thereof, (1) whereas article 11 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provides that the rates of duty in the common customs tariff are to be charged on import of the products referred to in article 1 of that regulation; whereas, however, in the case of the products referred to in paragraph 2 of that article, the import duty is to be equal to the intervention price valid for such products on importation and increased by a certain percentage according to whether it is husked or milled rice, minus the cif import price provided that duty does not exceed the rate of the common customs tariff duties; (2) whereas, pursuant to article 12(3) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95, the cif import prices are calculated on the basis of the representative prices for the product in question on the world market or on the community import market for the product; (3) whereas regulation (ec) no 1503/96 lays down detailed rules for the application of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 as regards import duties in the rice sector; (4) whereas the import duties are applicable until new duties are fixed and enter into force; whereas they also remain in force in cases where no quotation is available from the source referred to in article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1503/96 during the two weeks preceding the next periodical fixing; (5) whereas, in order to allow the import duty system to function normally, the market rates recorded during a reference period should be used for calculating the duties; (6) whereas application of regulation (ec) no 1503/96 results in import duties being fixed as set out in the annexes to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the import duties in the rice sector referred to in article 11(1) and (2) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 shall be those fixed in annex i to this regulation on the basis of the information given in annex ii. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 28 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 27 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 189, 30.7.1996, p. 71. (4) oj l 351, 29.12.1998, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities 28. 10. 1999l 277/28 annex i import duties on rice and broken rice (eur/t) duties (5) cn code third countries (except acp and bangladesh) (3) acp (1) (2) (3) bangladesh (4) basmati india and pakistan (6) egypt (8) 1006 10 21 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 23 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 25 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 27 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 92 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 94 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 96 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 98 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 20 11 250,55 83,35 120,94 187,91 1006 20 13 250,55 83,35 120,94 187,91 1006 20 15 250,55 83,35 120,94 187,91 1006 20 17 215,00 70,91 103,16 0,00 161,25 1006 20 92 250,55 83,35 120,94 187,91 1006 20 94 250,55 83,35 120,94 187,91 1006 20 96 250,55 83,35 120,94 187,91 1006 20 98 215,00 70,91 103,16 0,00 161,25 1006 30 21 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 23 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 25 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 27 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 42 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 44 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 46 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 48 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 61 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 63 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 65 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 67 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 92 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 94 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 96 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 98 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 40 00 (7) 45,38 (7) 105,00 (1) the duty on imports of rice originating in the acp states is applicable, under the arrangements laid down in council regulation (ec) no 1706/98 (oj l 215, 1.8.1998, p. 12) and amended commission regulation (ec) no 2603/97 (oj l 351, 23.12.1997, p. 22). (2) in accordance with regulation (ec) no 1706/98, the duties are not applied to products originating in the african, caribbean and pacific states and imported directly into the overseas department of r union. (3) the import levy on rice entering the overseas department of r union is specified in article 11(3) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95. (4) the duty on imports of rice not including broken rice (cn code 1006 40 00), originating in bangladesh is applicable under the arrangements laid down in council regulation (eec) no 3491/90 (oj l 337, 4.12.1990, p. 1) and amended commission regulation (eec) no 862/91 (oj l 88, 9.4.1991, p. 7). (5) no import duty applies to products originating in the oct pursuant to article 101(1) of amended council decision 91/482/eec (oj l 263, 19.9.1991, p. 1). (6) for husked rice of the basmati variety originating in india and pakistan, a reduction of eur/t 250 applies (article 4a of amended regulation (ec) no 1503/96). (7) duties fixed in the common customs tariff. (8) the duty on imports of rice originating in and coming from egypt is applicable under the arrangements laid down in council regulation (ec) no 2184/96 (oj l 292, 15.11.1996, p. 1) and commission regulation (ec) no 196/97 (oj l 31, 1.2.1997, p. 53). en official journal of the european communities28. 10. 1999 l 277/29 annex ii calculation of import duties for rice indica rice japonica rice paddy husked milled husked milled broken rice 1. import duty (eur/tonne) (1) 215,00 455,00 250,55 455,00 (1) 2. elements of calculation: (a) arag cif price (eur/tonne) 322,03 255,84 310,35 287,39 (b) fob price (eur/tonne) 282,14 259,18 (c) sea freight (eur/tonne) 28,21 28,21 (d) source usda usda operators operators (1) duties fixed in the common customs tariff. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2275/1999 of 27 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on olive oil type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; processed agricultural produce date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 28. 10. 1999l 277/30 commission regulation (ec) no 2275/1999 of 27 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on olive oil the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation no 136/66/eec of 22 september 1966 on the establishment of a common organ- ization of the market in oils and fats (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1638/98 (2), and in particular article 3 (3) thereof, (1) whereas article 3 of regulation no 136/66/eec provides that, where prices within the community are higher than world market prices, the difference between these prices may be covered by a refund when olive oil is exported to third countries; (2) whereas the detailed rules for fixing and granting export refunds on olive oil are contained in commission regu- lation (eec) no 616/72 (3), as last amended by regula- tion (eec) no 2962/77 (4); (3) whereas article 3 (3) of regulation no 136/66/eec provides that the refund must be the same for the whole community; (4) whereas, in accordance with article 3 (4) of regulation no 136/66/eec, the refund for olive oil must be fixed in the light of the existing situation and outlook in relation to olive oil prices and availability on the community market and olive oil prices on the world market; whereas, however, where the world market situation is such that the most favourable olive oil prices cannot be determined, account may be taken of the price of the main competing vegetable oils on the world market and the difference recorded between that price and the price of olive oil during a representative period; whereas the amount of the refund may not exceed the difference between the price of olive oil in the community and that on the world market, adjusted, where appropriate, to take account of export costs for the products on the world market; (5) whereas, in accordance with article 3 (3) third indent, point (b) of regulation no 136/66/eec, it may be decided that the refund shall be fixed by tender; whereas the tendering procedure should cover the amount of the refund and may be limited to certain countries of desti- nation, quantities, qualities and presentations; (6) whereas the second indent of article 3 (3) of regulation no 136/66/eec provides that the refund on olive oil may be varied according to destination where the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets make this necessary; (7) whereas the refund must be fixed at least once every month; whereas it may, if necessary, be altered in the intervening period; (8) whereas it follows from applying these detailed rules to the present situation on the market in olive oil and in particular to olive oil prices within the community and on the markets of third countries that the refund should be as set out in the annex hereto; (9) whereas the management committee for oils and fats has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1 (2) (c) of regulation no 136/66/eec shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 28 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 27 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj 172, 30. 9. 1966, p. 3025/66. (2) oj l 210, 28.7.1998, p. 32. (3) oj l 78, 31.3.1972, p. 1. (4) oj l 348, 30.12.1977, p. 53. en official journal of the european communities28. 10. 1999 l 277/31 annex to the commission regulation of 27 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on olive oil (eur/100 kg) product code amount of refund (1) 1509 10 90 9100 0,00 1509 10 90 9900 0,00 1509 90 00 9100 0,00 1509 90 00 9900 0,00 1510 00 90 9100 0,00 1510 00 90 9900 0,00 (1) for destinations mentioned in article 34 of amended commission regulation (eec) no 3665/87 (oj l 351, 14.12.1987, p. 1), as well as for exports to third countries. nb: the product codes and the footnotes are defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2276/1999 of 27 october 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 28. 10. 1999l 277/32 commission regulation (ec) no 2276/1999 of 27 october 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1253/1999 (2), and in particular article 13(8) thereof, (1) whereas the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals was fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2195/1999 (3), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2232/1999 (4); (2) whereas, on the basis of today's cif prices and cif forward delivery prices, taking foreseeable developments on the market into account, the corrective amount at present applicable to the refund on cereals should be altered; (3) whereas the corrective amount must be fixed according to the same procedure as the refund; whereas it may be altered in the period between fixings, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the corrective amount referred to in article 1(1)(a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 which is applicable to the export refunds fixed in advance in respect of the products referred to, except for malt, is hereby altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 28 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 27 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 267, 15.10.1999, p. 49. (4) oj l 271, 21.10.1999, p. 23. en official journal of the european communities28. 10. 1999 l 277/33 annex to the commission regulation of 27 october 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals (eur/t) product code destination (1) current 10 1st period 11 2nd period 12 3rd period 1 4th period 2 5th period 3 6th period 4 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 04 0 0 0 2,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 02 0 0 0 2,50 3,50 1002 00 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 03 0 25,00 25,00 25,00 25,00 02 0 0 0 0 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 0 0 0 3,43 4,80 1101 00 15 9130 01 0 0 0 3,20 4,48 1101 00 15 9150 01 0 0 0 2,95 4,13 1101 00 15 9170 01 0 0 0 2,73 3,82 1101 00 15 9180 01 0 0 0 2,55 3,57 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 0 0 0 0 0 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries, 02 other third countries, 03 usa, canada and mexico, 04 mauritania, mali, niger, senegal, burkina faso, the gambia, guinea-bissau, guinea, cape verde, sierra leone, liberia, c 'te d'ivoire, ghana, togo, chad, central african republic, benin, cameroon, equatorial guinea, s o tom and principe, gabon, congo, democratic republic of the congo, rwanda, burundi, angola, zambia, malawi, mozambique, namibia, botswana, zimbabwe, lesotho, swaziland, seychelles, the comoros, madagascar, djibouti, ethiopia, eritrea and mauritius. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30.7.1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2286/1999 of 28 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereal-based compound feedingstuffs type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; agricultural activity; foodstuff date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 29. 10. 1999l 279/56 commission regulation (ec) no 2286/1999 of 28 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereal-based compound feedingstuffs the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, (1) whereas article 13 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) whereas regulation (ec) no 1517/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down detailed rules for the application of regu- lation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards the arrangements for the export and import of compound feedingstuffs based on cereals and amending regulation (ec) no 1162/95 laying down special detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences for cereals and rice (3) in article 2 lays down general rules for fixing the amount of such refunds; (3) whereas that calculation must also take account of the cereal products content; whereas in the interest of simplification, the refund should be paid in respect of two categories of cereal products, namely for maize, the most commonly used cereal in exported compound feeds and maize products, and for other cereals, these being eligible cereal products excluding maize and maize products; whereas a refund should be granted in respect of the quantity of cereal products present in the compound feedingstuff; (4) whereas furthermore, the amount of the refund must also take into account the possibilities and conditions for the sale of those products on the world market, the need to avoid disturbances on the community market and the economic aspect of the export; (5) whereas, however, in fixing the rate of refund it would seem advisable to base it at this time on the difference in the cost of raw inputs widely used in compound feedingstuffs as the community and world markets, allowing more accurate account to be taken of the commercial conditions under which such products are exported; (6) whereas the refund must be fixed once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; (7) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the compound feedingstuffs covered by regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and subject to regulation (ec) no 1517/95 are hereby fixed as shown in the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 28 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 51. en official journal of the european communities29. 10. 1999 l 279/57 annex to the commission regulation of 28 october 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereal-based compound feedingstuffs product code benefiting from export refund (1): 2309 10 11 9000, 2309 10 13 9000, 2309 10 31 9000, 2309 10 33 9000, 2309 10 51 9000, 2309 10 53 9000, 2309 90 31 9000, 2309 90 33 9000, 2309 90 41 9000, 2309 90 43 9000, 2309 90 51 9000, 2309 90 53 9000. (eur/t) cereal products (2) amount of refund (2) maize and maize products: cn codes 0709 90 60, 0712 90 19, 1005, 1102 20, 1103 13, 1103 29 40, 1104 19 50, 1104 23, 1904 10 10 47,70 cereal products (2) excluding maize and maize products 31,84 (1) the product codes are defined in sector 5 of the annex to commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (oj l 366, 24.12.1987, p. 1), amended. (2) for the purposes of the refund only the starch coming from cereal products is taken into account. cereal products means the products falling within subheadings 0709 90 60 and 0712 90 19, chapter 10, and headings nos 1101, 1102, 1103 and 1104 (unprocessed and not reconstituted excluding subheading 1104 30) and the cereals content of the products falling within subheadings 1904 10 10 and 1904 10 90 of the combined nomenclature. the cereals content in products under subheadings 1904 10 10 and 1904 10 90 of the combined nomenclature is considered to be equal to the weight of this final product. no refund is paid for cereals where the origin of the starch cannot be clearly established by analysis. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2289/1999 of 28 october 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1707/1999 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities29. 10. 1999 l 279/61 commission regulation (ec) no 2289/1999 of 28 october 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1707/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of common wheat to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regula- tion (ec) no 1707/1999 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2011/1999 (6); (2) whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; (3) whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 22 to 28 october 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1707/ 1999, the maximum refund on exportation of common wheat shall be eur 33,49/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 28 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 201, 31.7.1999, p. 55. (6) oj l 248, 21.9.1999, p. 23. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2290/1999 of 28 october 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2010/1999 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 29. 10. 1999l 279/62 commission regulation (ec) no 2290/1999 of 28 october 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2010/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 7 thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of common wheat to certain acp states was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2010/1999 (5); (2) whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; (3) whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 22 to 28 october 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2010/ 1999, the maximum refund on exportation of common wheat shall be eur 37,49/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 28 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 248, 21.9.1999, p. 19. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2299/1999 of 29 october 1999 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector type: regulation subject matter: plant product; america; free movement of capital; eu finance; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 30. 10. 1999l 280/12 commission regulation (ec) no 2299/1999 of 29 october 1999 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1249/96 of 28 june 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2519/98 (4), and in particular article 2 (1) thereof, (1) whereas article 10 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the rates of duty in the common customs tariff are to be charged on import of the products referred to in article 1 of that regulation; whereas, however, in the case of the products referred to in paragraph 2 of that article, the import duty is to be equal to the intervention price valid for such products on importation and increased by 55 %, minus the cif import price applicable to the consignment in question; however, that duty may not exceed the rate of duty in the common customs tariff; (2) whereas, pursuant to article 10 (3) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, the cif import prices are calculated on the basis of the representative prices for the product in question on the world market; (3) whereas regulation (ec) no 1249/96 lays down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector; (4) whereas the import duties are applicable until new duties are fixed and enter into force; whereas they also remain in force in cases where no quotation is available for the reference exchange referred to in annex ii to regulation (ec) no 1249/96 during the two weeks preceding the next periodical fixing; (5) whereas, in order to allow the import duty system to function normally, the representative market rates recorded during a reference period should be used for calculating the duties; (6) whereas application of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 results in import duties being fixed as set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the import duties in the cereals sector referred to in article 10 (2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 shall be those fixed in annex i to this regulation on the basis of the information given in annex ii. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 161, 29.6.1996, p. 125. (4) oj l 315, 25.11.1998, p. 7. en official journal of the european communities30. 10. 1999 l 280/13 annex i import duties for the products covered by article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 cn code description import duty by land inland waterway or sea from mediterranean, the black sea or baltic sea ports (eur/tonne) import duty by air or by sea from other ports (2) (eur/tonne) 1001 10 00 durum wheat high quality 31,79 21,79 medium quality (1) 41,79 31,79 1001 90 91 common wheat seed 43,68 33,68 1001 90 99 common high quality wheat other than for sowing (3) 43,68 33,68 medium quality 79,02 69,02 low quality 89,38 79,38 1002 00 00 rye 78,32 68,32 1003 00 10 barley, seed 78,32 68,32 1003 00 90 barley, other (3) 78,32 68,32 1005 10 90 maize seed other than hybrid 101,67 91,67 1005 90 00 maize other than seed (3) 101,67 91,67 1007 00 90 grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing 78,32 68,32 (1) in the case of durum wheat not meeting the minimum quality requirements for durum wheat of medium quality, referred to in annex i to regulation (ec) no 1249/96, the duty applicable is that fixed for low-quality common wheat. (2) for goods arriving in the community via the atlantic ocean or via the suez canal (article 2(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96), the importer may benefit from a reduction in the duty of: eur 3 per tonne, where the port of unloading is on the mediterranean sea, or eur 2 per tonne, where the port of unloading is in ireland, the united kingdom, denmark, sweden, finland or the atlantic coasts of the iberian peninsula. (3) the importer may benefit from a flat-rate reduction of eur 14 or 8 per tonne, where the conditions laid down in article 2(5) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 are met. en official journal of the european communities 30. 10. 1999l 280/14 annex ii factors for calculating duties (period from 15 october to 28 october 1999) 1. averages over the two-week period preceding the day of fixing: exchange quotations minneapolis kansas-city chicago chicago minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis product (% proteins at 12 % humidity) hrs2. 14 % hrw2. 11,5 % srw2 yc3 had2 medium quality (*) us barley 2 quotation (eur/t) 112,35 95,53 88,54 73,62 138,17 (**) 128,17 (**) 91,64 (**) gulf premium (eur/t) 7,52 4,16 6,78 great lakes premium (eur/t) 13,92 (*) a discount of eur 10/t (article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96). (**) fob duluth. 2. freight/cost: gulf of mexico rotterdam: 14,22 eur/t; great lakes rotterdam: 26,33 eur/t. 3. subsidy within the meaning of the third paragraph of article 4(2) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96: eur 0,00/t (hrw2) eur 0,00/t (srw2). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2313/1999 of 29 october 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain milk products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; processed agricultural produce date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 30. 10. 1999l 280/36 commission regulation (ec) no 2313/1999 of 29 october 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain milk products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular article 17 (3) thereof, whereas: (1) article 17 (1) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that the difference between prices in international trade for the products listed in article 1 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (g) of that regulation and prices within the community may be covered by an export refund. whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1222/94 of 30 may 1994 laying down common implementing rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural prod- ucts exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty, and criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1702/1999 (4), specifies the products for which a rate of refund should be fixed, to be applied where these products are exported in the form of goods listed in the annex to regulation (eec) no 804/68. (2) in accordance with the first subparagraph of article 4 (1) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94, the rate of the refund per 100 kilograms for each of the basic products in question must be fixed for each month. (3) article 4 (3) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 provides that, when the rate of the refund is being fixed, account should be taken, where necessary, of production refunds, aids or other measures having equivalent effect applic- able in all member states in accordance with the regula- tion on the common organisation of the market in the product in question to the basic products listed in annex a to that regulation or to assimilated products. (4) article 11 (1) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides for the payment of aid for community-produced skimmed milk processed into casein if such milk and the casein manufactured from it fulfil certain conditions set out in article 1 of council regulation (eec) no 987/68 of 15 july 1968 laying down general rules for granting aid for skimmed milk processed into casein or casein- ates (5), as last amended by regulation (eec) no 1435/ 90 (6). (5) commission regulation (ec) no 2571/97 of 15 december 1997 on the sale of butter at reduced prices and the granting of aid for cream, butter and concen- trated butter for use in the manufacture of pastry prod- ucts, ice-cream and other foodstuffs (7), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 494/1999 (8), lays down that butter and cream at reduced prices should be made available to industries which manufacture certain goods. (6) it is necessary to ensure continuity of strict management taking account of expenditure forecasts and funds avail- able in the budget. (7) whereas the management committee for milk and milk products has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the rates of the refunds applicable to the basic products appearing in annex a to regulation (ec) no 1222/94 and listed in article 1 of regulation (eec) no 804/68, exported in the form of goods listed in the annex to regulation (eec) no 804/68, are hereby fixed as shown in the annex to this regula- tion. 2. no rates of refund are fixed for any of the products referred to in the preceding paragraph which are not listed in the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 november 1999. (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 13. (5) oj l 169, 18.7.1968, p. 6. (2) oj l 206, 16.8.1996, p. 21. (6) oj l 138, 31.5.1990, p. 8. (3) oj l 136, 31.5.1994, p. 5. (7) oj l 350, 20.12.1997, p. 3. (4) oj l 201, 31.7.1999, p. 30. (8) oj l 59, 6.3.1999, p. 17. en official journal of the european communities30. 10. 1999 l 280/37 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 october 1999. for the commission erkki liikanen member of the commission powdered milk, in granules or other solid forms, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, with a fat content of 26 % by weight (pg 3): 162,35 (b) on exportation of other goods 81,65 (c) on exportation of other goods ex 0402 21 19 description (b) on exportation of goods of cn code 2106 90 98 containing 40 % or more by weight of milk fat 169,60 (a) where goods containing reduced-price butter or cream which have been manufactured in accordance with the conditions provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97 are exported 67,35 (a) on exportation of goods of cn code 3501 cn code annex to the commission regulation of 29 october 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain milk products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex i to the treaty (eur/100 kg) ex 0402 10 19 (b) on exportation of other goods 111,45 rate of refund (a) where goods incorporating, in the form of products assimilated to pg 3, reduced-price butter or cream obtained pursuant to regulation (ec) no 2571/97 are exported 81,78 ex 0405 10 butter, with a fat content by weight of 82 % (pg 6): powdered milk, in granules or other solid forms, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, with a fat content not exceeding 1,5 % by weight (pg 2): |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2318/1999 of 29 october 1999 derogating from regulation (ec) no 1370/95 as regards the date of issue of export licences in the pigmeat sector type: regulation subject matter: tariff policy; animal product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities30. 10. 1999 l 280/67 commission regulation (ec) no 2318/1999 of 29 october 1999 derogating from regulation (ec) no 1370/95 as regards the date of issue of export licences in the pigmeat sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2759/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common organisation of the market in pigmeat (1), as last amended by the act of accession of austria, finland and sweden and by regulation (ec) no 3290/94 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1370/95 of 16 june 1995 laying down detailed rules for implementing the system of export licences in the pigmeat sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1719/98 (4), and in particular article 3(7) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 1370/95 provides that export licences for products in the pigmeat sector are to be issued on the wednesday following the week in which the licence applications are lodged, provided that no special measures are taken by the commission in the meanwhile. administrative problems will arise in the week 1 to 7 november 1999, so the day on which licences are to be issued in response to applica- tions lodged in the week 25 to 31 october 1999 should accordingly be put back to friday 5 november 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 notwithstanding article 3(3) of regulation (ec) no 1370/95, licences as referred to therein applications for which are lodged in the week 25 to 31 october 1999 shall be issued on friday 5 november 1999, provided that no special measures in accord- ance with article 3(4) of that regulation are taken by the commission in the meanwhile. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publica- tion in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 282, 1.11.1975, p. 1. (2) oj l 349, 31.12.1994, p. 105. (3) oj l 133, 17.6.1995, p. 9. (4) oj l 215, 1.8.1998, p. 58. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2320/1999 of 29 october 1999 on the supply of split peas as food aid type: regulation subject matter: america; cooperation policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities30. 10. 1999 l 280/71 commission regulation (ec) no 2320/1999 of 29 october 1999 on the supply of split peas as food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 of 27 june 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid management and special operations in support of food security (1), and in parti- cular article 24(1)(b) thereof, whereas: (1) the abovementioned regulation lays down the list of countries and organisations eligible for community aid and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage; (2) following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid, the commission has allocated split peas to certain beneficiaries; (3) it is necessary to make these supplies in accordance with the rules laid down by commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 of 16 december 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of products to be supplied under council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 as community food aid (2). it is necessary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply to determine the resultant costs; (4) in order to ensure that the supplies are carried out, provision should be made for tenderers to be able to mobilise either green split peas or yellow split peas, has adopted this regulation: article 1 split peas shall be mobilised in the community, as community food aid for supply to the recipients listed in the annex, in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2519/97, and under the conditions set out in the annex. tenders shall cover either green split peas or yellow split peas. tenders shall be rejected unless they specify the type of peas to which they relate. the tenderer is deemed to have noted and accepted all the general and specific conditions applicable. any other condition or reservation included in his tender is deemed unwritten. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 166, 5.7.1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17.12.1997, p. 23. en official journal of the european communities 30. 10. 1999l 280/72 annex lot a 1. action no: 1529/95 2. beneficiary (2): peru 3. beneficiary's representative: programa nacional de asistencia alimentaria (pronaa) avenida argentina, 3017, el callao, fax (511-4) 426 54 10 4. country of destination: peru 5. product to be mobilised: (7): split peas 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 1 000 7. number of lots: 1 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (4): 9. packaging (5): see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (4.0 a 1.c, 2.c and b.4) (2.1 a 1.a, 2.a and b.4) 10. labelling or marking (6): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (iv.a.(3)) language to be used for the markings: spanish supplementary markings: 11. method of mobilization of the product: the community market the product must originate from the community 12. specified delivery stage: free at destination (9) 13. alternative delivery stage: free at port of shipment fob stowed 14. a) port of shipment: b) loading address: 15. port of landing: 16. place of destination: entrep 't pronaa (see point 3) port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: 23.1.2000 second deadline: 6.2.2000 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: 13-26.12.1999 second deadline: 27.12.1999-9.1.2000 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (at 12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 16.11.1999 second deadline: 30.11.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 5 per tonne 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering quarantees (1): bureau de l'aide alimentaire, attn. mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel; telex: 25670 agrec b; fax: (32-2) 296 70 03/296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund: en official journal of the european communities30. 10. 1999 l 280/73 notes: (1) supplementary information: andr debongnie (tel. (32 2) 295 14 65), torben vestergaard (tel. (32 2) 299 30 50). (2) the supplier shall contact the beneficiary or its representative as soon as possible to establish which consignment documents are required. (3) the supplier shall deliver to the beneficiary a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the member state concerned, have not been exceeded. the radioactivity certificate must indicate the caesium-134 and -137 and iodine-131 levels. (4) the supplier shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery, the following documents: phytosanitary certificate (the phytosanitary certificate shall indicate that the product is free from trogoderma granarium, bruchus sp, callosobruchus sp.) (5) since the goods may be rebagged the supplier must provide 2 % of empty bags of the same quality as those containing the goods, with the marking followed by a capital r. (6) notwithstanding oj c 114, point iv.a(3)(c) is replaced by the following, the words european community and point iv.a(3)(b) by the following: pois cass s. (7) tenders shall be rejected unless they specify the type of peas to which they relate. (8) yellow or green peas (pisum sativum) for human consumption of the most recent crop. the peas must not have been coloured artifically. the split peas must be steam-treated for at least two minutes or have been fumigated (*)and meet the following requirements: moisture: maximum 15 %, foreign matters: maximum 0,1 % broken split peas: maximum 10 % (pea fragments passing through a sieve of circular mesh of 5 mm diameter). percentage of discoloured seeds or of different colour: maximum 1,5 % (yellow peas), maximum 15 % (green peas), cooking time: maximum 45 minutes (after soaking for 12 hours). (9) in addition to the provisions of article 14(3) of regulation (ec) no 2519/97, vessels chartered shall not appear on any of the four most recent quarterly lists of detained vessels as published by the paris memorandum of under- standing on port state control (council directive 95/21/ec (oj l 157, 7.7.1995, p. 1)). (*) the successful tender shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery a fumigation certificate. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2321/1999 of 29 october 1999 on the supply of milk products as food aid type: regulation subject matter: asia and oceania; processed agricultural produce; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 30. 10. 1999l 280/74 commission regulation (ec) no 2321/1999 of 29 october 1999 on the supply of milk products as food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 of 27 june 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid management and special operations in support of food security (1), and in part- icular article 24(1)(b) thereof, whereas: (1) the abovementioned regulation lays down the list of countries and organisations eligible for community aid and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage; (2) following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid, the commission has allocated milk powder to certain beneficiaries; (3) it is necessary to make these supplies in accordance with the rules laid down by commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 of 16 december 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of products to be supplied pursuant to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 as community food aid (2). it is necessary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply to determine the resultant costs, has adopted this regulation: article 1 milk products shall be mobilised in the community, as community food aid for supply to the recipient listed in the annex, in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2519/97 and under the conditions set out in the annex. the tenderer is deemed to have noted and accepted all the general and specific conditions applicable. any other condition or reservation included in his tender is deemed unwritten. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 166, 5.7.1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17.12.1997, p. 23. en official journal of the european communities30. 10. 1999 l 280/75 annex lots a, b, c, d 1. action nos: 154/98 (a); 155/98 (b); 156/98 (c); 158/98 (d) 2. beneficiary (2): unrwa, supply division, amman office, po box 140157, amman-jordan; telex: 21170 unrwa jc; fax: (962-6) 86 41 27 3. beneficiary's representative: unrwa field supply and transport officer a and d: po box 19149, jerusalem, israel [tel. (972-2) 589 05 55; telex 26194 unrwa il; fax 581 65 64] b: po box 947, beirut, lebanon [tel. (961-1) 840 46 09; telefax 60 36 83] c: po box 4313, damascus, syria [tel. (963-11) 613 30 35; telex 412006 unrwa sy; fax 613 30 47] 4. country of destination: a, d: israel (a: gaza; d: west bank); b: lebanon; c: syria 5. product to be mobilised: whole milk powder 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 466 7. number of lots: 4 (a: 216 tonnes; b: 96 tonnes; c: 70 tonnes; d: 84 tonnes) 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (5) (8): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (i. c. (1)) 9. packaging (7): see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (6.1 a, b and c.2) 10. labelling or marking (6): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (i.c.(3)) language to be used for the markings: english supplementary markings: for free distribution 11. method of mobilisation of the product: the community market the whole milk powder must be manufactured after the award of the tender 12. specified delivery stage (9): a, c, d: free at port of landing fas landed, container terminal b: free at destination 13. alternative delivery stage: free at port of shipment 14. a) port of shipment: b) loading address: 15. port of landing: a, d: ashdod; c: lattakia 16. place of destination: b: unrwa warehouse in beirut port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: 9.1.2000 second deadline: 23.1.2000 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: 6-19.12.1999 second deadline: 20.12.1999-2.1.2000 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (at 12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 16.1.1999 second deadline: 30.11.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 20 per tonne 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de l'aide alimentaire, attn. mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel; telex: 25670 agrec b; fax: (32-2) 296 70 03/296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund (4): refund applicable on 25.10.1999, fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2223/1999 (oj l 271, 21.10.1999, p. 6) en official journal of the european communities 30. 10. 1999l 280/76 notes: (1) supplementary information: andr debongnie (tel. (32 2) 295 14 65), torben vestergaard (tel. (32 2) 299 30 50). (2) the supplier shall contact the beneficiary or its representative as soon as possible to establish which consignment documents are required. (3) the supplier shall deliver to the beneficiary a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the member state concerned, have not been exceeded. the radioactivity certificate must indicate the caesium-134 and -137 and iodine-131 levels. (4) commission regulation (ec) no 259/98 (oj l 25, 31.1.1998, p. 39), is applicable as regards the export refund. the date referred to in article 2 of the said regulation is that referred to in point 22 of this annex. the supplier's attention is drawn to the last subparagraph of article 4(1) of the above regulation. the photocopy of the export licence shall be sent as soon as the export declaration has been accepted to fax no: (32-2) 296 20 05). (5) the supplier shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery, the following documents: health certificate issued by an official entity stating that the product was processed under excellent sanitary conditions which are supervised by qualified technical personnel. the certificate must state the temperature and duration of the pasteurisation, the temperature and duration in the spray-drying-tower and the expiry date for consumption, veterinary certificate issued by an official entity stating that the area of production of raw milk had not registered foot-and-mouth disease nor any other notifiable infectious/contagious disease during the 12 months prior to the processing. (6) notwithstanding oj c 114, point i: a (3)(c) is replaced by the following, the words european community . (7) shipment to take place in 20-foot containers: lots a, c and d. the contracted shipping terms shall be considered full liner terms (liner in/liner out) free port of landing container yard and is understood to cover 15 days saturdays, and official public and religious holidays excluded free of container detention charges at the port of discharge taken from the day/time of the arrival of the vessel. the 15 day period should be clearly marked on the bill of lading. bona fide detention charges levied in respect of container detention(s) in excess of the said 15 days as detailed above will be born by unrwa. unrwa shall not pay/not be charged any container deposit fees. after take-over of the goods at the delivery stage, the recipient will bear all costs of shifting the containers for destuffing outside the port area and of returning them to the container yard. ashdod: the health certificate and the certificate of origin must be signed and stamped by a syrian consulate, including the statement that consular fees and charges have been paid. (8) lot c: the health certificate and the certificate of origin must be signed and stamped by a syrian consulate, including the statement that consular fees and charges have been paid. (9) in addition to the provisions of article 14(3) of regulation (ec) no 2519/97, vessels chartered shall not appear on any of the four most recent quarterly lists of detained vessels as published by the paris memorandum of under- standing on port state control (council directive 95/21/ec, (oj l 157, 7.7.1995, p. 1)). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2322/1999 of 29 october 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1701/1999 opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries type: regulation subject matter: taxation; cooperation policy; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities30. 10. 1999 l 280/77 commission regulation (ec) no 2322/1999 of 29 october 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1701/1999 opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas: (1) commission regulation (ec) no 1701/1999 (5) opens an invitation to tender for the export of barley to all third contries; (2) prices in certain consumption areas in north america are currently higher than those applying on the world market. the export refunds awarded for barley are valid for all third countries. in order to avoid undesirable exports to markets in those countries, those destinations should not qualify for the refunds granted under the invitation to tender for the export of barley opened by regulation (ec) no 1701/1999; (3) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 1701/1999 is hereby amended as follows: 1. the title is replaced by the following: opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries except the united states and canada. 2. article 1(2) is replaced by the following: 2. the invitation to tender shall cover barley for export to all third countries except the united states and canada. 3. the title of annex i is replaced by the following: weekly tender for the refund or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries except the united states and canada. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 october 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 201, 31.7.1999, p. 27. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2334/1999 of 3 november 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state type: regulation subject matter: beverages and sugar; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities4. 11. 1999 l 281/9 commission regulation (ec) no 2334/1999 of 3 november 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 of 13 september 1999 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (1), and in particular point (a) of the second subparagraph of article 18(5) thereof, whereas: (1) article 18 of regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1(1)(a) of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 provides that when refunds on white and raw sugar, undenatured and exported in its unaltered state, are being fixed account must be taken of the situation on the community and world markets in sugar and in particular of the price and cost factors set out in article 19 of that regulation; whereas the same article provides that the economic aspect of the proposed exports should also be taken into account; (3) the refund on raw sugar must be fixed in respect of the standard quality; the latter is defined in article 1 of council regulation (ec) no 431/68 of 9 april 1968 determining the standard quality for raw sugar and fixing the community frontier crossing point for calcu- lating cif prices for sugar (2), as amended by regulation (ec) no 3290/94 (3); furthermore, this refund should be fixed in accordance with article 19(4) of regulation (ec) no 2038/1999; candy sugar is defined in commission regulation (ec) no 2135/95 of 7 september 1995 laying down detailed rules of application for the grant of export refunds in the sugar sector (4); the refund thus calculated for sugar containing added flavouring or colouring matter must apply to their sucrose content and, accordingly, be fixed per 1 % of the said content; (4) the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for sugar according to destination; (5) in special cases, the amount of the refund may be fixed by other legal instruments; (6) the refund must be fixed every two weeks; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; (7) it follows from applying the rules set out above to the present situation on the market in sugar and in partic- ular to quotations or prices for sugar within the community and on the world market that the refund should be as set out in the annex hereto; (8) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1(1)(a) of regulation (ec) no 2038/1999, undenatured and exported in the natural state, are hereby fixed to the amounts shown in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 4 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 3 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 252, 25.9.1999, p. 1. (2) oj l 89, 10.4.1968, p. 3. (3) oj l 349, 31.12.1994, p. 105. (4) oj l 214, 8.9.1995, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities 4. 11. 1999l 281/10 annex to the commission regulation of 3 november 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state product code amount of refund eur/100 kg 1701 11 90 9100 43,22 (1) 1701 11 90 9910 42,13 (1) 1701 11 90 9950 (2) 1701 12 90 9100 43,22 (1) 1701 12 90 9910 42,13 (1) 1701 12 90 9950 (2) eur/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 91 00 9000 0,4698 eur/100 kg 1701 99 10 9100 46,98 1701 99 10 9910 48,06 1701 99 10 9950 45,85 eur/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 99 90 9100 0,4698 (1) applicable to raw sugar with a yield of 92 %; if the yield is other than 92 %, the refund applicable is calculated in accordance with the provisions of article 19 (4) of regulation (ec) no 2038/1999. (2) fixing suspended by commission regulation (eec) no 2689/85 (oj l 255, 26.9.1985, p. 12), as amended by regulation (eec) no 3251/85 (oj l 309, 21.11.1985, p. 14). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2343/1999 of 3 november 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 2128/1999 type: regulation subject matter: prices; marketing; trade policy; animal product; europe date published: nan en official journal of the european communities4. 11. 1999 l 281/53 commission regulation (ec) no 2343/1999 of 3 november 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 2128/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/ 98 (2), and in particular article 7(3) thereof, whereas: (1) tenders have been invited for certain quantities of beef fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2128/1999 (3). (2) pursuant to article 9 of commission regulation (eec) no 2173/79 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2417/95 (5), the minimum selling prices for meat put up for sale by tender should be fixed, taking into account tenders submitted. (3) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for beef and veal, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the minimum selling prices for beef for the invitation to tender held in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2128/1999 for which the time limit for the submission of tenders was 22 october 1999 are as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 4 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 3 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28.7.1998, p. 17. (3) oj l 261, 7.10.1999, p. 23. (4) oj l 251, 5.10.1979, p. 12. (5) oj l 248, 14.10.1995, p. 39. en official journal of the european communities 4. 11. 1999l 281/54 anexo bilag anhang annex annexe allegato b lage anexo liite bilaga estado miembro medlemsstat mitgliedstaat member state tat membre stato membro lidstaat estado-membro j senvaltio medlemsstat productos (1) produkter (1) erzeugnisse (1) (1) products (1) produits (1) prodotti (1) producten (1) produtos (1) tuotteet (1) produkter (1) precio m nimo expresado en euros por tonelada mindstepriser i eur/ton mindestpreise ausgedr ckt in eur/tonne minimum prices expressed in eur per tonne prix minimaux exprim s en euros par tonne prezzi minimi espressi in euro per tonnellata minimumprijzen uitgedrukt in euro per ton pre o m nimo expresso em euros por tonelada v himm ishinnat euroina tonnia kohden ilmaistuna minimipriser i euro per ton carne deshuesada udbenet k d fleisch ohne knochen boneless beef viande d soss e carni senza osso vlees zonder been carne desossada luuton naudanliha benfritt k tt united kingdom intervention flank (int 18) 1 001 intervention shoulder (int 22) intervention brisket (int 23) 1 001 (1) v anse los anexos v y vii del reglamento (cee) no 2456/93 de la comisi n (do l 225 de 4.9.1993, p. 4), cuya ltima modificaci n la constituye el reglamento (ce) no 2812/98 (do l 349 de 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) se bilag v og vii til kommissionens forordning (ef) nr. 2456/93 (eft l 225 af 4.9.1993, s. 4), senest ndret ved forordning (ef) nr. 2812/98 (eft l 349 af 24.12.1998, s. 47). (1) vgl. anh nge v und vii der verordnung (ewg) nr. 2456/93 der kommission (abl. l 225 vom 4.9.1993, s. 4), zuletzt ge ndert durch die verordnung (eg) nr. 2812/98 (abl. l 349 vom 24.12.1998, s. 47). (1) v vii ( ) . 2456/93 ( l 225 4.9.1993, . 4), ( ) . 2812/98 ( l 349 24.12.1998, . 47). (1) see annexes v and vii to commission regulation (eec) no 2456/93 (oj l 225, 4.9.1993, p. 4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2812/98 (oj l 349, 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) voir annexes v et vii du r glement (cee) no 2456/93 de la commission (jo l 225 du 4.9.1993, p. 4). r glement modifi en dernier lieu par le r glement (ce) no 2812/98 (jo l 349 du 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) cfr. allegati v e vii del regolamento (cee) n. 2456/93 della commissione (gu l 225 del 4.9.1993, pag. 4), modificato da ultimo dal regolamento (ce) n. 2812/98 (gu l 349 del 24.12.1998, pag. 47). (1) zie de b lagen v en vii b verordening (eeg) nr. 2456/93 van de commissie (pb l 225 van 4.9.1993, blz. 4), laatstel k gew zigd b verordening (eg) nr. 2812/98 (pb l 349 van 24.12.1998, blz. 47). (1) ver anexos v e vii do regulamento (cee) n.o 2456/93 da comiss o (jo l 225 de 4.9.1993, p. 4). regulamento com a ltima redac o que lhe foi dada pelo regulamento (ce) n.o 2812/98 (jo l 349 de 24.12.1998, p. 47). (1) katso komission asetuksen (ety) n:o 2456/93 (eyvl l 225, 4.9.1993, s. 4), sellaisena kuin se on viimeksi muutettuna asetuksella (ey) n:o 2812/98 (eyvl l 349, 24.12.1998, s. 47) liitteet v ja vii. (1) se bilagorna v och vii i kommissionens f rordning (eeg) nr 2456/93 (egt l 225, 4.9.1993, s. 4), senast ndrad genom f rordning (eg) nr 2812/98 (egt l 349, 24.12.1998, s. 47). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2350/1999 of 3 november 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities4. 11. 1999 l 281/69 commission regulation (ec) no 2350/1999 of 3 november 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1253/1999 (2), and in particular article 13(8) thereof, (1) whereas the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals was fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2195/1999 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2311/1999 (4); (2) whereas, on the basis of today's cif prices and cif forward delivery prices, taking foreseeable developments on the market into account, the corrective amount at present applicable to the refund on cereals should be altered; (3) whereas the corrective amount must be fixed according to the same procedure as the refund; whereas it may be altered in the period between fixings, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the corrective amount referred to in article 1(1)(a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 which is applicable to the export refunds fixed in advance in respect of the products referred to, except for malt, is hereby altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 4 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 3 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 267, 15.10.1999, p. 49. (4) oj l 280, 30.10.1999, p. 32. en official journal of the european communities 4. 11. 1999l 281/70 annex to the commission regulation of 3 november 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals (eur/t) product code destination (1) current 11 1st period 12 2nd period 1 3rd period 2 4th period 3 5th period 4 6th period 5 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 03 0 0 0 2,00 2,50 2,50 2,50 02 0 0 0 2,00 2,50 1002 00 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 0 0 0 2,74 3,43 1101 00 15 9130 01 0 0 0 2,56 3,20 1101 00 15 9150 01 0 0 0 2,36 2,95 1101 00 15 9170 01 0 0 0 2,18 2,73 1101 00 15 9180 01 0 0 0 2,04 2,55 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 0 0 0 0 0 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries, 02 other third countries, 03 mauritania, mali, niger, senegal, burkina faso, the gambia, guinea-bissau, guinea, cape verde, sierra leone, liberia, c 'te d'ivoire, ghana, togo, chad, central african republic, benin, cameroon, equatorial guinea, s o tom and principe, gabon, congo, democratic republic of the congo, rwanda, burundi, angola, zambia, malawi, mozambique, namibia, botswana, zimbabwe, lesotho, swaziland, seychelles, the comoros, madagascar, djibouti, ethiopia, eritrea and mauritius. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30.7.1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2351/1999 of 4 november 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; agricultural policy; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities5. 11. 1999 l 282/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 2351/1999 of 4 november 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilateral trade nego- tiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 5 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 4 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 5. 11. 1999l 282/2 annex to the commission regulation of 4 november 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 117,2 204 50,2 999 83,7 0707 00 05 052 87,5 628 134,8 999 111,2 0709 90 70 052 61,6 999 61,6 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 60,3 464 102,0 999 81,2 0805 30 10 052 53,5 388 55,9 528 58,3 600 78,6 999 61,6 0806 10 10 052 141,5 400 282,7 999 212,1 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 060 34,8 400 76,6 404 65,0 804 23,6 999 50,0 0808 20 50 052 83,7 064 65,4 999 74,6 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2354/1999 of 4 november 1999 fixing, for october 1999, the specific exchange rate for the amount of the reimbursement of storage costs in the sugar sector type: regulation subject matter: monetary economics; beverages and sugar; accounting; financial institutions and credit date published: nan en official journal of the european communities5. 11. 1999 l 282/7 commission regulation (ec) no 2354/1999 of 4 november 1999 fixing, for october 1999, the specific exchange rate for the amount of the reimbursement of storage costs in the sugar sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 of 13 september 1999 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (1), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2799/98 of 15 december 1998 establishing agrimonetary arrangements for the euro (2), having regard to commission regulation (eec) no 1713/93 of 30 june 1993 establishing special detailed rules for applying the agricultural conversion rate in the sugar sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1642/1999 (4), and in partic- ular article 1(3) thereof, whereas: (1) article 1(2) of regulation (eec) no 1713/93 provides that the amount of the reimbursement of storage costs referred to in article 8 of regulation (ec) no 2038/ 1999 is to be converted into national currency using a specific agricultural conversion rate equal to the average, calculated pro rata temporis, of the agricultural conversion rates applicable during the month of storage; that specific rate must be fixed each month for the previous month; however, in the case of the reimbursable amounts applying from 1 january 1999, as a result of the introduction of the agrimonetary arrangements for the euro from that date, the fixing of the conversion rate should be limited to the specific exchange rates prevailing between the euro and the national currencies of the member states that have not adopted the single currency; (2) application of these provisions will lead to the fixing, for october 1999, of the specific exchange rate for the amount of the reimbursement of storage costs in the various national currencies as indicated in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the specific exchange rate to be used for converting the amount of the reimbursement of the storage costs referred to in article 8 of regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 into national currency for october 1999 shall be as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 5 november 1999. it shall apply with effect from 1 october 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 4 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 252, 25.9.1999, p. 1. (2) oj l 349, 24.12.1998, p. 1. (3) oj l 159, 1.7.1993, p. 94. (4) oj l 195, 28.7.1999, p. 3. en official journal of the european communities 5. 11. 1999l 282/8 annex to the commission regulation of 4 november 1999 fixing, for october 1999, the exchange rate for the amount of the reimbursement of storage costs in the sugar sector specific exchange rate eur 1 = 7,43364 danish kroner 329,172 greek drachma 8,72811 swedish kroner 0,646100 pound sterling |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2362/1999 of 5 november 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2176/1999 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities6. 11. 1999 l 283/5 commission regulation (ec) no 2362/1999 of 5 november 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2176/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2176/1999 (3); (2) whereas, article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; (3) whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 30 67 to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2176/1999 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 1 to 4 november 1999 at eur/t 213,00. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 6 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 5 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 267, 15.10.1999, p. 4. (4) oj l 61, 7.3.1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15.2.1995, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2381/1999 of 10 november 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 15th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1489/1999 type: regulation subject matter: animal product; foodstuff; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities11. 11. 1999 l 288/3 commission regulation (ec) no 2381/1999 of 10 november 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 15th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1489/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2038/1999 of 13 september 1999 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (1), and in particular the second subpara- graph of article 18(5) thereof, whereas: (1) commission regulation (ec) no 1489/1999 of 7 july 1999 on a standing invitation to tender to determine levies and/or refunds on exports of white sugar (2), requires partial invitations to tender to be issued for the export of this sugar; (2) pursuant to article 9(1) of regulation (ec) no 1489/ 1999 a maximum export refund shall be fixed, as the case may be, account being taken in particular of the state and foreseeable development of the community and world markets in sugar, for the partial invitation to tender in question; (3) following an examination of the tenders submitted in response to the 15th partial invitation to tender, the provisions set out in article 1 should be adopted; (4) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 15th partial invitation to tender for white sugar issued pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1489/1999 the maximum amount of the export refund is fixed at eur 51,850/100 kg. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 10 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 252, 25.9.1999, p. 1. (2) oj l 172, 8.7.1999, p. 27. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2384/1999 of 9 november 1999 establishing unit values for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods type: regulation subject matter: plant product; tariff policy; foodstuff date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 11. 11. 1999l 288/8 commission regulation (ec) no 2384/1999 of 9 november 1999 establishing unit values for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2913/92 of 12 october 1992 establishing the community customs code (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 955/1999 of the euro- pean parliament and of the council (2), having regard to commission regulation (eec) no 2454/93 of 2 july 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of council regulation (eec) no 2913/92 establishing the community customs code (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1662/1999 (4), and in particular article 173 (1) thereof, (1) whereas articles 173 to 177 of regulation (eec) no 2454/93 provide that the commission shall periodically establish unit values for the products referred to in the classification in annex 26 to that regulation; (2) whereas the result of applying the rules and criteria laid down in the abovementioned articles to the elements communicated to the commission in accordance with article 173 (2) of regulation (eec) no 2454/93 is that unit values set out in the annex to this regulation should be established in regard to the products in ques- tion, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the unit values provided for in article 173 (1) of regulation (eec) no 2454/93 are hereby established as set out in the table in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 12 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 9 november 1999. for the commission erkki liikanen member of the commission (1) oj l 302, 19.10.1992, p. 1. (2) oj l 119, 7.5.1999, p. 1. (3) oj l 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1. (4) oj l 197, 29.7.1999, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities11. 11. 1999 l 288/9 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp annex 1.10 new potatoes a) 9,26 127,42 18,11 68,85 3 040,80 1 540,73 b) 55,06 60,74 7,29 17 929,86 20,41 1 856,460701 90 51 0701 90 59 c) 80,31 373,55 5,92 1.30 onions (other than seed) a) 13,46 185,21 26,33 100,08 4 419,99 2 239,56 b) 80,03 88,29 10,60 26 062,19 29,66 2 698,490703 10 19 c) 116,73 542,98 8,61 1.40 garlic a) 72,71 1 000,51 142,21 540,62 23 876,51 12 097,93 b) 432,31 476,95 57,26 140 786,19 160,23 14 577,050703 20 00 c) 630,58 2 933,11 46,51 1.50 leeks a) 45,95 632,29 89,87 341,65 15 089,06 7 645,44 b) 273,21 301,41 36,19 88 971,61 101,26 9 212,15ex 0703 90 00 c) 398,50 1 853,62 29,39 1.60 cauliflowers a) 55,28 760,67 108,12 411,02 18 152,85 9 197,82 b) 328,68 362,61 43,54 107 037,01 121,82 11 082,640704 10 10 0704 10 05 0704 10 80 c) 479,42 2 229,99 35,36 1.70 brussels sprouts a) 59,69 821,35 116,74 443,81 19 601,00 9 931,58 b) 354,90 391,54 47,01 115 575,96 131,54 11 966,770704 20 00 c) 517,66 2 407,89 38,18 1.80 white cabbages and red cabbages a) 166,80 2 295,22 326,23 1 240,21 54 773,78 27 753,18 b) 991,75 1 094,14 131,37 322 969,84 367,58 33 440,400704 90 10 c) 1 446,57 6 728,70 106,70 1.90 sprouting broccoli or calabrese (brassica oleracea l. convar. botrytis (l.) alef var. italica plenck) a) 105,95 1 457,90 207,22 787,77 34 791,86 17 628,60 b) 629,95 694,99 83,44 205 147,81 233,48 21 241,07ex 0704 90 90 c) 918,85 4 274,01 67,78 1.100 chinese cabbage a) 60,69 835,11 118,70 451,25 19 929,38 10 097,97 b) 360,85 398,10 47,80 117 512,23 133,74 12 167,25ex 0704 90 90 c) 526,33 2 448,23 38,82 1.110 cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) a) 152,67 2 100,79 298,60 1 135,15 50 133,77 25 402,15 b) 907,73 1 001,45 120,24 295 610,34 336,44 30 607,590705 11 10 0705 11 05 0705 11 80 c) 1 324,03 6 158,69 97,66 1.120 endives a) 21,82 300,25 42,68 162,24 7 165,25 3 630,54 b) 129,74 143,13 17,18 42 249,41 48,08 4 374,52ex 0705 29 00 c) 189,23 880,22 13,96 1.130 carrots a) 37,08 510,23 72,52 275,70 12 176,33 6 169,59 b) 220,47 243,23 29,20 71 796,89 81,71 7 433,87ex 0706 10 00 c) 321,58 1 495,80 23,72 1.140 radishes a) 117,77 1 620,55 230,34 875,66 38 673,31 19 595,28 b) 700,23 772,52 92,75 228 034,52 259,53 23 610,77ex 0706 90 90 c) 1 021,36 4 750,83 75,34 1.160 peas (pisum sativum) a) 255,78 3 519,61 500,26 1 901,80 83 993,04 42 558,21 b) 1 520,80 1 677,81 201,44 495 259,14 563,66 51 279,290708 10 90 0708 10 20 0708 10 95 c) 2 218,25 10 318,14 163,62 en official journal of the european communities 11. 11. 1999l 288/10 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 1.170 beans: 1.170.1 beans (vigna spp., phaseolus ssp.) a) 116,35 1 601,01 227,56 865,10 38 207,01 19 359,01 b) 691,79 763,21 91,63 225 285,01 256,40 23 326,08ex 0708 20 90 ex 0708 20 20 ex 0708 20 95 c) 1 009,05 4 693,55 74,43 1.170.2 beans (phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. compressus savi) a) 88,23 1 214,07 172,56 656,02 28 972,97 14 680,24 b) 524,59 578,75 69,49 170 837,10 194,43 17 688,53ex 0708 20 90 ex 0708 20 20 ex 0708 20 95 c) 765,17 3 559,19 56,44 1.180 broad beans a) 157,74 2 170,55 308,51 1 172,84 51 798,66 26 245,73 b) 937,88 1 034,71 124,23 305 427,23 347,61 31 624,03ex 0708 90 00 c) 1 368,00 6 363,22 100,91 1.190 globe artichokes a) b) 0709 10 00 c) 1.200 asparagus: 1.200.1 green a) 320,33 4 407,84 626,51 2 381,75 105 189,97 53 298,43 b) 1 904,60 2 101,23 252,28 620 245,37 705,91 64 220,40ex 0709 20 00 c) 2 778,06 12 922,08 204,92 1.200.2 other a) 326,00 4 485,86 637,60 2 423,91 107 051,88 54 241,84 b) 1 938,31 2 138,42 256,75 631 224,02 718,41 65 357,13ex 0709 20 00 c) 2 827,23 13 150,81 208,54 1.210 aubergines (eggplants) a) 73,05 1 005,19 142,87 543,15 23 988,16 12 154,50 b) 434,34 479,18 57,53 141 444,52 160,98 14 645,210709 30 00 c) 633,53 2 946,83 46,73 1.220 ribbed celery (apium graveolens l., var. dulce (mill.) pers.) a) 66,57 916,02 130,20 494,97 21 860,26 11 076,32 b) 395,81 436,67 52,43 128 897,49 146,70 13 346,09ex 0709 40 00 c) 577,33 2 685,43 42,58 1.230 chantarelles a) 1 233,60 16 974,71 2 412,71 9 172,19 405 089,57 205 253,77 b) 7 334,65 8 091,89 971,54 2 388 582,67 2 718,50 247 314,600709 51 30 c) 10 698,40 49 763,30 789,13 1.240 sweet peppers a) 95,20 1 309,98 186,20 707,84 31 261,78 15 839,95 b) 566,03 624,47 74,98 184 332,90 209,79 19 085,890709 60 10 c) 825,62 3 840,36 60,90 1.250 fennel a) 73,55 1 012,07 143,85 546,87 24 152,35 12 237,69 b) 437,31 482,46 57,93 142 412,66 162,08 14 745,450709 90 50 c) 637,86 2 967,00 47,05 1.270 sweet potatoes, whole, fresh (intended for human consumption) a) 51,27 705,49 100,28 381,21 16 836,04 8 530,61 b) 304,84 336,31 40,38 99 272,56 112,98 10 278,710714 20 10 c) 444,64 2 068,23 32,80 2.10 chestnuts (castanea spp.), fresh a) 176,48 2 428,42 345,16 1 312,18 57 952,50 29 363,80 b) 1 049,30 1 157,63 138,99 341 712,93 388,91 35 381,06ex 0802 40 00 c) 1 530,52 7 119,19 112,89 2.30 pineapples, fresh a) 56,68 779,93 110,86 421,43 18 612,58 9 430,76 b) 337,00 371,80 44,64 109 747,78 124,91 11 363,32ex 0804 30 00 c) 491,56 2 286,47 36,26 en official journal of the european communities11. 11. 1999 l 288/11 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.40 avocados, fresh a) 138,38 1 904,15 270,65 1 028,90 45 441,22 23 024,49 b) 822,77 907,71 108,98 267 941,04 304,95 27 742,70ex 0804 40 90 ex 0804 40 20 ex 0804 40 95 c) 1 200,10 5 582,24 88,52 2.50 guavas and mangoes, fresh a) 88,32 1 215,31 172,74 656,69 29 002,52 14 695,21 b) 525,13 579,34 69,56 171 011,37 194,63 17 706,57ex 0804 50 00 c) 765,96 3 562,82 56,50 2.60 sweet oranges, fresh: 2.60.1 sanguines and semi-sanguines a) b) 0805 10 10 c) 2.60.2 navels, navelines, navelates, salustianas, vernas, valencia lates, maltese, shamoutis, ovalis, trovita and hamlins a) 30,94 425,74 60,51 230,05 10 160,08 5 147,98 b) 183,96 202,95 24,37 59 908,19 68,18 6 202,910805 10 30 c) 268,33 1 248,12 19,79 2.60.3 others a) 29,80 410,06 58,28 221,57 9 785,72 4 958,30 b) 177,18 195,48 23,47 57 700,85 65,67 5 974,360805 10 50 c) 258,44 1 202,13 19,06 2.70 mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas), fresh; clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids, fresh: 2.70.1 clementines a) b) 0805 20 10 c) 2.70.2 monreales and satsumas a) b) 0805 20 30 c) 2.70.3 mandarines and wilkings a) b) 0805 20 50 c) 2.70.4 tangerines and others a) b) ex 0805 20 70 ex 0805 20 90 c) 2.85 limes (citrus aurantifolia), fresh a) 159,29 2 191,88 311,54 1 184,37 52 307,65 26 503,63 b) 947,10 1 044,87 125,45 308 428,45 351,03 31 934,78ex 0805 30 90 c) 1 381,44 6 425,74 101,90 2.90 grapefruit, fresh: 2.90.1 white a) 55,63 765,49 108,80 413,63 18 267,78 9 256,05 b) 330,76 364,91 43,81 107 714,70 122,59 11 152,81ex 0805 40 90 ex 0805 40 20 ex 0805 40 95 c) 482,45 2 244,11 35,59 2.90.2 pink a) 63,99 880,52 125,15 475,78 21 013,04 10 647,04 b) 380,47 419,75 50,40 123 901,92 141,02 12 828,84ex 0805 40 90 ex 0805 40 20 ex 0805 40 95 c) 554,95 2 581,35 40,93 2.100 table grapes a) b) ex 0806 10 10 c) en official journal of the european communities 11. 11. 1999l 288/12 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.110 water melons a) 42,88 590,04 83,87 318,83 14 080,93 7 134,63 b) 254,95 281,27 33,77 83 027,26 94,50 8 596,670807 11 00 c) 371,88 1 729,77 27,43 2.120 melons (other than water melons): 2.120.1 amarillo, cuper, honey dew (including cantalene), onteniente, piel de sapo (in- cluding verde liso), rochet, tendral, futuro a) 48,77 671,09 95,39 362,62 16 015,09 8 114,65 b) 289,97 319,91 38,41 94 431,89 107,47 9 777,51ex 0807 19 00 c) 422,96 1 967,38 31,20 2.120.2 other a) 82,14 1 130,27 160,65 610,74 26 973,13 13 666,95 b) 488,38 538,80 64,69 159 045,22 181,01 16 467,59ex 0807 19 00 c) 712,36 3 313,52 52,54 2.140 pears 2.140.1 pears nashi (pyrus pyrifolia) a) b) ex 0808 20 50 c) 2.140.2 other a) b) ex 0808 20 50 c) 2.150 apricots a) b) 0809 10 00 c) 2.160 cherries a) 790,78 10 881,37 1 546,63 5 879,69 259 676,34 131 574,72 b) 4 701,76 5 187,18 622,79 1 531 163,59 1 742,65 158 537,160809 20 05 0809 20 95 c) 6 858,04 31 899,99 505,86 2.170 peaches a) 265,31 3 650,75 518,90 1 972,66 87 122,50 44 143,87 b) 1 577,46 1 740,32 208,95 513 711,79 584,67 53 189,880809 30 90 c) 2 300,90 10 702,58 169,72 2.180 nectarines a) 99,60 1 370,53 194,80 740,56 32 706,65 16 572,05 b) 592,19 653,33 78,44 192 852,49 219,49 19 968,01ex 0809 30 10 c) 863,78 4 017,85 63,71 2.190 plums a) 173,87 2 392,50 340,06 1 292,78 57 095,43 28 929,53 b) 1 033,78 1 140,51 136,93 336 659,26 383,16 34 857,810809 40 05 c) 1 507,89 7 013,90 111,22 2.200 strawberries a) 490,53 6 749,84 959,39 3 647,24 161 080,24 81 617,32 b) 2 916,56 3 217,67 386,32 949 798,52 1 080,99 98 342,440810 10 10 0810 10 05 0810 10 80 c) 4 254,12 19 787,93 313,79 2.205 raspberries a) 355,15 4 886,97 694,61 2 640,65 116 624,16 59 091,99 b) 2 111,63 2 329,63 279,70 687 666,29 782,65 71 201,180810 20 10 c) 3 080,04 14 326,72 227,19 2.210 fruit of the species vaccinium myrtillus a) 981,91 13 511,38 1 920,45 7 300,80 322 439,61 163 376,08 b) 5 838,17 6 440,91 773,32 1 901 242,88 2 163,84 196 855,280810 40 30 c) 8 515,61 39 610,15 628,13 2.220 kiwi fruit (actinidia chinensis planch.) a) 141,14 1 942,13 276,05 1 049,42 46 347,55 23 483,72 b) 839,18 925,82 111,16 273 285,15 311,03 28 296,030810 50 10 0810 50 20 0810 50 30 c) 1 224,04 5 693,57 90,29 en official journal of the european communities11. 11. 1999 l 288/13 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.230 pomegranates a) 71,17 979,32 139,20 529,17 23 370,80 11 841,69 b) 423,16 466,84 56,05 137 804,34 156,84 14 268,30ex 0810 90 85 c) 617,22 2 870,99 45,53 2.240 khakis (including sharon fruit) a) 172,46 2 373,10 337,30 1 282,29 56 632,41 28 694,93 b) 1 025,40 1 131,26 135,82 333 929,12 380,05 34 575,13ex 0810 90 85 c) 1 495,66 6 957,02 110,32 2.250 lychees a) 236,92 3 260,09 463,38 1 761,57 77 799,79 39 420,17 b) 1 408,66 1 554,09 186,59 458 741,09 522,10 47 498,20ex 0810 90 30 c) 2 054,69 9 557,33 151,56 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2385/1999 of 10 november 1999 amending annexes i, ii and iii of council regulation (eec) no 2377/90 laying down a community procedure for the establishment of maximum residue limits of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin (text with eea relevance) type: regulation subject matter: na; health; animal product; deterioration of the environment date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 11. 11. 1999l 288/14 commission regulation (ec) no 2385/1999 of 10 november 1999 amending annexes i, ii and iii of council regulation (eec) no 2377/90 laying down a community procedure for the establishment of maximum residue limits of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin (text with eea relevance) the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2377/90 of 26 june 1990 laying down a community procedure for the estab- lishment of maximum residue limits of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1943/1999 (2), and in par- ticular articles 6 and 8 thereof, (1) whereas, in accordance with regulation (eec) no 2377/ 90, maximum residue limits must be established progressively for all pharmacologically active substances which are used within the community in veterinary medicinal products intended for administration to food- producing animals; (2) whereas maximum residue limits should be established only after examination within the committee for veter- inary medicinal products of all the relevant information concerning the safety of residues of the substance concerned for the consumer of foodstuffs of animal origin and the impact of residues on the industrial processing of foodstuffs; (3) whereas, in establishing maximum residue limits for residues of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin, it is necessary to specify the animal species in which residues may be present, the levels which may be present in each of the relevant meat tissues obtained from the treated animal (target tissue) and the nature of the residue which is relevant for the monitoring of residues (marker residue); (4) whereas, for the control of residues, as provided for in appropriate community legislation, maximum residue limits should usually be established for the target tissues of liver or kidney; whereas, however, the liver and kidney are frequently removed from carcases moving in international trade, and maximum residue limits should therefore also always be established for muscle or fat tissues; (5) whereas, in the case of veterinary medicinal products intended for use in laying birds, lactating animals or honey bees, maximum residue limits must also be estab- lished for eggs, milk or honey; (6) whereas flubendazole and florfenicol should be inserted into annex i to regulation (eec) no 2377/90; (7) whereas strychni semen, ruta graveolens, ruscus aculeatus, lauri fructus, lauri folii aetheroleum, juniperi fructus, hippocas- tani semen and capsici fructus acer should be inserted into annex ii to regulation (eec) no 2377/90; (8) whereas, in order to allow for the completion of scientific studies, phoxim should be inserted into annex iii to regulation (eec) no 2377/90; (9) whereas a period of 60 days should be allowed before the entry force of this regulation in order to allow member states to make any adjustment which may be necessary to the authorisations to place the veterinary medicinal products concerned on the market which have been granted in accordance with council directive 81/ 851/eec (3), as last amended by directive 93/40/eec (4), to take account of the provisions of this regulation; (10) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on veterinary medicinal products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annexes i, ii and iii to regulation (eec) no 2377/90 are hereby amended as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the 60th day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. (1) oj l 224, 18.8.1990, p. 1. (3) oj l 317, 6.11.1981, p. 1. (2) oj l 241, 11.9.1999, p. 9. (4) oj l 214, 24.8.1993, p. 31. en official journal of the european communities11. 11. 1999 l 288/15 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 10 november 1999. for the commission erkki liikanen member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 11. 11. 1999l 288/16 ph ar m ac ol og ic al ly ac tiv e su bs ta nc e( s) m ar ke r re si du e a ni m al sp ec ie s m rl s ta rg et tis su es o th er pr ov is io ns ph ar m ac ol og ic al ly ac tiv e su bs ta nc e( s) m ar ke r re si du e a ni m al sp ec ie s m rl s ta rg et tis su es o th er pr ov is io ns ph ar m ac ol og ic al ly ac tiv e su bs ta nc e( s) a ni m al sp ec ie s o th er pr ov is io ns a n n ex a . a nn ex i to re gu la tio n (e ec ) n o 23 77 /9 0 is am en de d as fo llo w s: 1. a nt i-i nf ec tio us ag en ts 1. 2. a nt ib io tic s 1. 2. 5. fl or fe ni co l an d re la te d co m po un ds f lo rf en ic ol su m of flo rf en ic ol an d its m et a- ch ic ke n 10 0 g /k g m us cl e n ot fo r us e in an im al s fr om w hi ch eg gs ar e pr od uc ed fo r bo lit es m ea su re d as flo rf en ic ol - 20 0 g /k g sk in an d fa t hu m an co ns um pt io n am in e 2 50 0 g /k g li ve r 75 0 g /k g ki dn ey 2. a nt ip ar as iti c ag en ts 2. 1. a ge nt s ac tin g ag ai ns t en do pa ra si te s 2. 1. 3. be nz im id az ol es an d pr o- be nz im id az ol es f lu be nd az ol e su m of flu be nd az ol e an d (2 - tu rk ey 50 g /k g m us cl e am in o 1h -b en zi m id az ol -5 -y l) 50 g /k g sk in an d fa t (4 flu or op he ny l) m et ha no ne 40 0 g /k g li ve r 30 0 g /k g ki dn ey b. a nn ex ii to re gu la tio n (e ec ) n o 23 77 /9 0 is am en de d as fo llo w s: 4. su bs ta nc es us ed in ho m eo pa th ic ve te rin ar y m ed ic in al pr od uc ts r ut a gr av eo len s a ll fo od -p ro du ci ng sp ec ie s fo r us e in ho m eo pa th ic ve te rin ar y m ed ic in al pr od uc ts pr ep ar ed ac co rd in g to ho m eo pa th ic ph ar m ac op oe ia s, at co nc en tr at io ns in th e pr od uc ts no t ex ce ed in g on e pa rt pe r th ou sa nd on ly . n ot fo r us e in an im al s fr om w hi ch m ilk is pr od uc ed fo r hu m an co ns um pt io n en official journal of the european communities11. 11. 1999 l 288/17 ph ar m ac ol og ic al ly ac tiv e su bs ta nc e( s) a ni m al sp ec ie s o th er pr ov is io ns ph ar m ac ol og ic al ly ac tiv e su bs ta nc e( s) m ar ke r re si du e a ni m al sp ec ie s m rl s ta rg et tis su es o th er pr ov is io ns 6. su bs ta nc es of ve ge ta bl e or ig in c ap sic i fru ctu s ac er a ll fo od -p ro du ci ng sp ec ie s h ip po ca sta ni se m en a ll fo od -p ro du ci ng sp ec ie s fo r to pi ca l us e on ly ju ni pe ri fru ctu s a ll fo od -p ro du ci ng sp ec ie s la ur i fo lii ae th er ol eu m a ll fo od -p ro du ci ng sp ec ie s la ur i fru ctu s a ll fo od -p ro du ci ng sp ec ie s ru sc us ac ul ea tu s a ll fo od -p ro du ci ng sp ec ie s fo r to pi ca l us e on ly st ry ch ni se m en bo vi ne , ov in e, ca pr in e fo r or al us e on ly at do se s up to th e eq ui va le nt of 0, 1 m g st ry ch ni ne /k g bw c. a nn ex iii to re gu la tio n (e ec ) n o 23 77 /9 0 is am en de d as fo llo w s: 2. a nt ip ar as iti c ag en ts 2. 2. a ge nt s ac tin g ag ai ns t ec to pa ra si te s 2. 2. 4. o rg an op ho sp ha te s p ho xi m ph ox im po rc in e 20 g /k g m us cl e pr ov is io na l m rl s ex pi re on 1 ja nu ar y 20 01 70 0 g /k g sk in an d fa t 20 g /k g li ve r 20 g /k g ki dn ey |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2387/1999 of 10 november 1999 fixing the import duties in the rice sector type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; plant product; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 11. 11. 1999l 288/20 commission regulation (ec) no 2387/1999 of 10 november 1999 fixing the import duties in the rice sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1503/96 of 29 july 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 as regards import duties in the rice sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2831/98 (4), and in particular article 4(1) thereof, (1) whereas article 11 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provides that the rates of duty in the common customs tariff are to be charged on import of the products referred to in article 1 of that regulation; whereas, however, in the case of the products referred to in paragraph 2 of that article, the import duty is to be equal to the intervention price valid for such products on importation and increased by a certain percentage according to whether it is husked or milled rice, minus the cif import price provided that duty does not exceed the rate of the common customs tariff duties; (2) whereas, pursuant to article 12(3) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95, the cif import prices are calculated on the basis of the representative prices for the product in question on the world market or on the community import market for the product; (3) whereas regulation (ec) no 1503/96 lays down detailed rules for the application of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 as regards import duties in the rice sector; (4) whereas the import duties are applicable until new duties are fixed and enter into force; whereas they also remain in force in cases where no quotation is available from the source referred to in article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1503/96 during the two weeks preceding the next periodical fixing; (5) whereas, in order to allow the import duty system to function normally, the market rates recorded during a reference period should be used for calculating the duties; (6) whereas application of regulation (ec) no 1503/96 results in import duties being fixed as set out in the annexes to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the import duties in the rice sector referred to in article 11(1) and (2) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 shall be those fixed in annex i to this regulation on the basis of the information given in annex ii. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 10 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 189, 30.7.1996, p. 71. (4) oj l 351, 29.12.1998, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities11. 11. 1999 l 288/21 annex i import duties on rice and broken rice (eur/t) duties (5) cn code third countries (except acp and bangladesh) (3) acp (1) (2) (3) bangladesh (4) basmati india and pakistan (6) egypt (8) 1006 10 21 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 23 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 25 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 27 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 92 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 94 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 96 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 10 98 (7) 76,44 111,06 173,10 1006 20 11 263,51 87,89 127,42 197,63 1006 20 13 263,51 87,89 127,42 197,63 1006 20 15 263,51 87,89 127,42 197,63 1006 20 17 211,13 69,56 101,22 0,00 158,35 1006 20 92 263,51 87,89 127,42 197,63 1006 20 94 263,51 87,89 127,42 197,63 1006 20 96 263,51 87,89 127,42 197,63 1006 20 98 211,13 69,56 101,22 0,00 158,35 1006 30 21 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 23 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 25 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 27 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 42 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 44 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 46 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 48 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 61 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 63 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 65 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 67 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 92 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 94 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 96 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 30 98 (7) 146,86 212,59 341,25 1006 40 00 (7) 45,38 (7) 105,00 (1) the duty on imports of rice originating in the acp states is applicable, under the arrangements laid down in council regulation (ec) no 1706/98 (oj l 215, 1.8.1998, p. 12) and amended commission regulation (ec) no 2603/97 (oj l 351, 23.12.1997, p. 22). (2) in accordance with regulation (ec) no 1706/98, the duties are not applied to products originating in the african, caribbean and pacific states and imported directly into the overseas department of r union. (3) the import levy on rice entering the overseas department of r union is specified in article 11(3) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95. (4) the duty on imports of rice not including broken rice (cn code 1006 40 00), originating in bangladesh is applicable under the arrangements laid down in council regulation (eec) no 3491/90 (oj l 337, 4.12.1990, p. 1) and amended commission regulation (eec) no 862/91 (oj l 88, 9.4.1991, p. 7). (5) no import duty applies to products originating in the oct pursuant to article 101(1) of amended council decision 91/482/eec (oj l 263, 19.9.1991, p. 1). (6) for husked rice of the basmati variety originating in india and pakistan, a reduction of eur/t 250 applies (article 4a of amended regulation (ec) no 1503/96). (7) duties fixed in the common customs tariff. (8) the duty on imports of rice originating in and coming from egypt is applicable under the arrangements laid down in council regulation (ec) no 2184/96 (oj l 292, 15.11.1996, p. 1) and commission regulation (ec) no 196/97 (oj l 31, 1.2.1997, p. 53). en official journal of the european communities 11. 11. 1999l 288/22 annex ii calculation of import duties for rice indica rice japonica rice paddy husked milled husked milled broken rice 1. import duty (eur/tonne) (1) 211,13 455,00 263,51 455,00 (1) 2. elements of calculation: (a) arag cif price (eur/tonne) 325,90 265,79 297,39 293,15 (b) fob price (eur/tonne) 268,61 264,37 (c) sea freight (eur/tonne) 28,78 28,78 (d) source usda usda operators operators (1) duties fixed in the common customs tariff. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2388/1999 of 10 november 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid type: regulation subject matter: europe; economic geography; prices; economic policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities11. 11. 1999 l 288/23 commission regulation (ec) no 2388/1999 of 10 november 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to the act of accession of greece, and in particular paragraphs 3 and 10 of protocol 4 on cotton, as last amended by council regulation (ec) no 1553/95 (1), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1554/95 of 29 june 1995 (2) laying down general rules for the system of aid for cotton and repealing regulation (eec) no 2169/81, as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1419/98 (3), and in particular articles 3, 4 and 5 thereof, (1) whereas article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires a world market price for unginned cotton to be periodically determined from the world market price determined for ginned cotton, using the historical rela- tionship between the two prices as specified in article 1 (2) of commission regulation (eec) no 1201/89 of 3 may 1989 laying down rules for implementing the system of aid for cotton (4), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1624/1999 (5); whereas if it cannot be determined in this way it is to be based on the last price determined; (2) whereas article 4 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires the world market price for ginned cotton to be determined for a product of specific characteristics using the most favourable offers and quotations on the world market of those considered representative of the real market trend; whereas to this end an average is to be calculated of offers and quotations on one or more european exchanges for a cif product to a north euro- pean port from the supplier countries considered most representative as regards international trade; whereas these rules for determination of the world market price for ginned cotton provide for adjustments to reflect differences in product quality and the nature of offers and quotations; whereas these adjustments are specified in article 2 of regulation (eec) no 1201/89; (3) whereas application of the above rules gives the world market price for unginned cotton indicated hereunder; (4) whereas the second subparagraph of article 5(3a) of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 stipulates that the advance payment rate for the aid is to be the guide price less the world market price and less a further amount calculated by the formula applicable when the guaranteed maximum quantity is overrun but with a 15 % increase in the estimate for unginned cotton production; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1870/1999 (6) deter- mined estimated production for the 1999/2000 marketing year; whereas application of these rules gives the advance payment rates for each member state in- dicated hereunder, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the world market price for unginned cotton as indicated in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 is set at 20,281 eur/100 kg. 2. advance payment of the aid as indicated in article 5 (3a), second sentence, of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 shall be at the rate of: eur 43,286 kg in spain, eur 42,967 kg in greece, eur 86,019 kg in other member states. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 november 1999. (1) oj l 148, 30.6.1995, p. 45. (2) oj l 148, 30.6.1995, p. 48. (3) oj l 190, 4.7.1998, p. 4. (4) oj l 123, 4.5.1989, p. 23. (5) oj l 192, 24.7.1999, p. 39. (6) oj l 230, 31.8.1999, p. 3. en official journal of the european communities 11. 11. 1999l 288/24 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 10 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2389/1999 of 10 november 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities11. 11. 1999 l 288/25 commission regulation (ec) no 2389/1999 of 10 november 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1253/1999 (2), and in particular article 13(8) thereof, (1) whereas the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals was fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2195/1999 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2350/1999 (4); (2) whereas, on the basis of today's cif prices and cif forward delivery prices, taking foreseeable developments on the market into account, the corrective amount at present applicable to the refund on cereals should be altered; (3) whereas the corrective amount must be fixed according to the same procedure as the refund; whereas it may be altered in the period between fixings, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the corrective amount referred to in article 1(1)(a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 which is applicable to the export refunds fixed in advance in respect of the products referred to, except for malt, is hereby altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 10 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 267, 15.10.1999, p. 49. (4) oj l 281, 4.11.1999, p. 69. en official journal of the european communities 11. 11. 1999l 288/26 annex to the commission regulation of 10 november 1999 amending the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals (eur/t) product code destination (1) current 11 1st period 12 2nd period 1 3rd period 2 4th period 3 5th period 4 6th period 5 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 03 0 0 0 2,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 02 0 0 0 2,50 3,50 1002 00 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 0 0 0 3,43 4,80 1101 00 15 9130 01 0 0 0 3,20 4,48 1101 00 15 9150 01 0 0 0 2,95 4,13 1101 00 15 9170 01 0 0 0 2,73 3,82 1101 00 15 9180 01 0 0 0 2,55 3,57 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 0 0 0 0 0 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries, 02 other third countries, 03 mauritania, mali, niger, senegal, burkina faso, the gambia, guinea-bissau, guinea, cape verde, sierra leone, liberia, c 'te d'ivoire, ghana, togo, chad, central african republic, benin, cameroon, equatorial guinea, s o tom and principe, gabon, congo, democratic republic of the congo, rwanda, burundi, angola, zambia, malawi, mozambique, namibia, botswana, zimbabwe, lesotho, swaziland, seychelles, the comoros, madagascar, djibouti, ethiopia, eritrea and mauritius. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30.7.1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2392/1999 of 11 november 1999 fixing representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin, and amending regulation (ec) no 1484/95 type: regulation subject matter: animal product; foodstuff; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities12. 11. 1999 l 290/3 commission regulation (ec) no 2392/1999 of 11 november 1999 fixing representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin, and amending regulation (ec) no 1484/95 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2771/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common organisation of the market in eggs (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1516/96 (2), and in particular article 5(4) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2777/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common organisation of the market in poultrymeat (3), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 2916/95 (4), and in particular article 5(4) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2783/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common system of trade for ovalbumin and lactalbumin (5), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 2916/95, and in particular article 3(4) thereof, (1) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1484/95 (6), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2164/1999 (7), fixes detailed rules for implementing the system of addi- tional import duties and fixes representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin; (2) whereas it results from regular monitoring of the in- formation providing the basis for the verification of the import prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin that the representative prices for imports of certain products should be amended taking into account variations of prices according to origin; whereas, there- fore, representative prices should be published; (3) whereas it is necessary to apply this amendment as soon as possible, given the situation on the market; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for poultrymeat and eggs, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annex i to regulation (ec) no 1484/95 is hereby replaced by the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 12 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 11 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 282, 1.11.1975, p. 49. (2) oj l 189, 30.7.1996, p. 99. (3) oj l 282, 1.11.1975, p. 77. (4) oj l 305, 19.12.1995, p. 49. (5) oj l 282, 1.11.1975, p. 104. (6) oj l 145, 29.6.1995, p. 47. (7) oj l 265, 13.10.1999, p. 20. en official journal of the european communities 12. 11. 1999l 290/4 annex annex i cn code description represen- tative price eur/100 kg security referred to in article 3(3) eur/100 kg origin (1) 0207 14 10 boneless cuts of fowls of the species gallus domesticus, 185,2 37 01 frozen 188,1 36 02 281,5 6 03 281,5 6 04 1602 32 11 preparations uncooked of fowls of the species gallus 197,2 27 01 domesticus 194,5 28 02 (1) origin of imports: 01 brazil 02 thailand 03 chile 04 argentina. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2394/1999 of 11 november 1999 on the authorisation of transfers between the quantitative limits of textiles and clothing products originating in the islamic republic of pakistan type: regulation subject matter: trade; international trade; leather and textile industries; asia and oceania date published: nan en official journal of the european communities12. 11. 1999 l 290/9 commission regulation (ec) no 2394/1999 of 11 november 1999 on the authorisation of transfers between the quantitative limits of textiles and clothing products originating in the islamic republic of pakistan the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3030/93 of 12 october 1993 on common rules for imports of certain textile products from third countries (1), as last amended by commis- sion regulation (ec) no 1072/1999 (2), and in particular article 7 thereof, (1) whereas the memorandum of understanding between the european community and the islamic republic of pakistan on arrangements in the area of market access for textiles products (3), initialled on 31 december 1994, provides that favourable consideration shall be given to certain requests for so-called exceptional flexibility by pakistan; (2) whereas the islamic republic of pakistan has made a request on 2 september 1999; (3) whereas the transfers requested by the islamic republic of pakistan fall within the limits of the flexibility provi- sions referred to in article 7 and set out in annex viii to regulation (eec) no 3030/93; (4) whereas it is appropriate to grant the request; (5) whereas it is desirable that this regulation enters into force the day after its publication in order to allow operators to benefit from it as soon as possible; (6) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the textile committee provided for in article 17 of regulation (eec) no 3030/93, has adopted this regulation: article 1 transfers between the quantitative limits for textile goods originating in the islamic republic of pakistan are authorised for the quota year 1999 as detailed in the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european commu- nities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 11 november 1999. for the commission pascal lamy member of the commission (1) oj l 275, 8.11.1993, p. 1. (2) oj l 134, 28.5.1999, p. 1. (3) oj l 153, 27.6.1996, p. 47. en official journal of the european communities 12. 11. 1999l 290/10 annex category 9: transfer of 1 000 000 kilograms from the quantitative limit of category 26. category 20: transfer of 2 000 000 kilograms from the quantitative limits of category 28. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2408/1999 of 12 november 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; agricultural policy; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities13. 11. 1999 l 291/3 commission regulation (ec) no 2408/1999 of 12 november 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilateral trade nego- tiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 13 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 12 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 13. 11. 1999l 291/4 annex to the commission regulation of 12 november 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 100,5 204 96,6 999 98,5 0707 00 05 052 116,8 628 134,8 999 125,8 0709 90 70 052 96,2 999 96,2 0805 20 10 204 71,4 999 71,4 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 58,3 999 58,3 0805 30 10 052 59,6 388 55,9 528 65,4 600 74,4 999 63,8 0806 10 10 052 168,3 400 302,5 999 235,4 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 060 33,4 400 76,3 404 70,9 999 60,2 0808 20 50 052 100,5 064 65,9 400 89,3 999 85,2 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2409/1999 of 12 november 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2176/1999 type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities13. 11. 1999 l 291/5 commission regulation (ec) no 2409/1999 of 12 november 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2176/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2176/1999 (3); (2) whereas, article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; (3) whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 30 67 to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2176/1999 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 5 to 11 november 1999 at eur/t 249,00. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 13 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 12 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 267, 15.10.1999, p. 4. (4) oj l 61, 7.3.1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15.2.1995, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2412/1999 of 12 november 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2179/1999 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 13. 11. 1999l 291/8 commission regulation (ec) no 2412/1999 of 12 november 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2179/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2179/1999 (3); (2) whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; (3) whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled grain, medium grain and long grain a rice to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regula- tion (ec) no 2179/1999 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 5 to 11 november 1999 at eur/ t 116,00. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 13 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 12 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 267, 15.10.1999, p. 13. (4) oj l 61, 7.3.1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15.2.1995, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2417/1999 of 12 november 1999 fixing the maximum aid for concentrated butter for the 214th special invitation to tender opened under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (eec) no 429/90 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; processed agricultural produce; foodstuff; economic policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 13. 11. 1999l 291/14 commission regulation (ec) no 2417/1999 of 12 november 1999 fixing the maximum aid for concentrated butter for the 214th special invitation to tender opened under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (eec) no 429/90 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular article 7a(3) thereof, whereas: (1) in accordance with commission regulation (eec) no 429/90 of 20 february 1990 on the granting by invita- tion to tender of an aid for concentrated butter intended for direct consumption in the community (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 124/1999 (4), the inter- vention agencies are opening a standing invitation to tender for the granting of aid for concentrated butter; article 6 of that regulation provides that in the light of the tenders received in response to each special invita- tion to tender, a maximum amount of aid is to be fixed for concentrated butter with a minimum fat content of 96 % or a decision is to be taken to make no award; whereas the end-use security must be fixed accordingly; (2) in the light of the tenders received, the maximum aid should be fixed at the level specified below and the end-use security determined accordingly; (3) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 214th special invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender opened by regulation (eec) no 429/90, the maximum aid and the amount of the end-use security shall be as follows: maximum aid: 117 eur/100 kg end-use security: 129 eur/100 kg. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 13 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 12 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 13. (2) oj l 206, 16.8.1996, p. 21. (3) oj l 45, 21.2.1990, p. 8. (4) oj l 16, 21.1.1999, p. 19. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2428/1999 of 15 november 1999 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector type: regulation subject matter: plant product; free movement of capital; america; eu finance; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 16. 11. 1999l 294/24 commission regulation (ec) no 2428/1999 of 15 november 1999 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1249/96 of 28 june 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2519/98 (4), and in particular article 2 (1) thereof, (1) whereas article 10 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the rates of duty in the common customs tariff are to be charged on import of the products referred to in article 1 of that regulation; whereas, however, in the case of the products referred to in paragraph 2 of that article, the import duty is to be equal to the intervention price valid for such products on importation and increased by 55 %, minus the cif import price applicable to the consignment in question; however, that duty may not exceed the rate of duty in the common customs tariff; (2) whereas, pursuant to article 10 (3) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, the cif import prices are calculated on the basis of the representative prices for the product in question on the world market; (3) whereas regulation (ec) no 1249/96 lays down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector; (4) whereas the import duties are applicable until new duties are fixed and enter into force; whereas they also remain in force in cases where no quotation is available for the reference exchange referred to in annex ii to regulation (ec) no 1249/96 during the two weeks preceding the next periodical fixing; (5) whereas, in order to allow the import duty system to function normally, the representative market rates recorded during a reference period should be used for calculating the duties; (6) whereas application of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 results in import duties being fixed as set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the import duties in the cereals sector referred to in article 10 (2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 shall be those fixed in annex i to this regulation on the basis of the information given in annex ii. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 161, 29.6.1996, p. 125. (4) oj l 315, 25.11.1998, p. 7. en official journal of the european communities16. 11. 1999 l 294/25 annex i import duties for the products covered by article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 cn code description import duty by land inland waterway or sea from mediterranean, the black sea or baltic sea ports (eur/tonne) import duty by air or by sea from other ports (2) (eur/tonne) 1001 10 00 durum wheat high quality 26,64 16,64 medium quality (1) 36,64 26,64 1001 90 91 common wheat seed 37,17 27,17 1001 90 99 common high quality wheat other than for sowing (3) 37,17 27,17 medium quality 75,89 65,89 low quality 87,32 77,32 1002 00 00 rye 74,74 64,74 1003 00 10 barley, seed 74,74 64,74 1003 00 90 barley, other (3) 74,74 64,74 1005 10 90 maize seed other than hybrid 98,25 88,25 1005 90 00 maize other than seed (3) 98,25 88,25 1007 00 90 grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing 74,74 64,74 (1) in the case of durum wheat not meeting the minimum quality requirements for durum wheat of medium quality, referred to in annex i to regulation (ec) no 1249/96, the duty applicable is that fixed for low-quality common wheat. (2) for goods arriving in the community via the atlantic ocean or via the suez canal (article 2(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96), the importer may benefit from a reduction in the duty of: eur 3 per tonne, where the port of unloading is on the mediterranean sea, or eur 2 per tonne, where the port of unloading is in ireland, the united kingdom, denmark, sweden, finland or the atlantic coasts of the iberian peninsula. (3) the importer may benefit from a flat-rate reduction of eur 14 or 8 per tonne, where the conditions laid down in article 2(5) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 are met. en official journal of the european communities 16. 11. 1999l 294/26 annex ii factors for calculating duties (period from 1 november to 12 november 1999) 1. averages over the two-week period preceding the day of fixing: exchange quotations minneapolis kansas-city chicago chicago minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis product (% proteins at 12 % humidity) hrs2. 14 % hrw2. 11,5 % srw2 yc3 had2 medium quality (*) us barley 2 quotation (eur/t) 114,45 97,43 89,13 74,99 142,60 (**) 132,60 (**) 94,50 (**) gulf premium (eur/t) 8,37 5,23 8,45 great lakes premium (eur/t) 17,61 (*) a discount of eur 10/t (article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96). (**) fob duluth. 2. freight/cost: gulf of mexico rotterdam: 14,60 eur/t; great lakes rotterdam: 27,05 eur/t. 3. subsidy within the meaning of the third paragraph of article 4(2) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96: eur 0,00/t (hrw2) eur 0,00/t (srw2). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2431/1999 of 16 november 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 2079/1999 increasing to 999 520 tonnes the quantity of rye held by the german intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; trade; europe; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 17. 11. 1999l 296/12 commission regulation (ec) no 2431/1999 of 16 november 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 2079/1999 increasing to 999 520 tonnes the quantity of rye held by the german intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), and in particular article 5 thereof, whereas: (1) commission regulation (eec) no 2131/93 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 39/1999 (4), lays down the procedures and conditions for the disposal of cereals held by the intervention agencies; (2) commission regulation (ec) no 2079/1999 (5) opened a standing invitation to tender for the export of 499 725 tonnes of rye held by the germany intervention agency. germany informed the commission of the intention of its intervention agency to increase by 499 795 tonnes the quantity for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened; whereas the total quantity of rye held by the german intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened should be increased to 999 520 tonnes; (3) this increase in the quantity put out to tender makes it necessary to alter the list of regions and quantities in store; whereas annex i to regulation (ec) no 2079/ 1999 must therefore be amended; (4) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 2079/1999 is hereby amended as follows: 1. article 2 is replaced by the following: article 2 1. the invitation to tender shall cover a maximum of 999 520 tonnes of rye to be exported to all third countries. 2. the regions in which the 999 520 tonnes of rye are stored are stated in annex i to this regulation. 2. annex i is replaced by the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publica- tion in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 191, 31.7.1993, p. 76. (4) oj l 5, 9.1.1999, p. 64. (5) oj l 256, 1.10.1999, p. 39. en official journal of the european communities17. 11. 1999 l 296/13 annex annex i (tonnes) place of storage quantity schleswig-holstein/hamburg/niedersachsen/ bremen/nordrhein-westfalen 161 206 hessen/rheinland-pfalz/baden-w rttemberg/ saarland/bayern 8 032 berlin/brandenburg/mecklenburg-vorpommern 603 303 sachsen/sachsen-anhalt/th ringen 226 979 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2435/1999 of 17 november 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; agricultural policy; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities18. 11. 1999 l 297/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 2435/1999 of 17 november 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilateral trade nego- tiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 18 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 18. 11. 1999l 297/2 annex to the commission regulation of 17 november 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 101,8 204 37,4 999 69,6 0707 00 05 052 104,3 628 134,8 999 119,6 0709 90 70 052 90,0 204 102,4 999 96,2 0805 20 10 204 57,7 999 57,7 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 58,2 999 58,2 0805 30 10 052 46,6 528 77,3 600 68,2 999 64,0 0806 10 10 052 156,9 400 306,4 508 325,5 999 262,9 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 060 34,7 400 76,1 404 71,9 804 22,6 999 51,3 0808 20 50 052 100,5 064 65,7 400 91,3 720 80,6 999 84,5 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2444/1999 of 18 november 1999 on issuing a2 export licences for fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; tariff policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 11. 1999 l 298/3 commission regulation (ec) no 2444/1999 of 18 november 1999 on issuing a2 export licences for fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 2190/96 of 14 november 1996 on detailed rules for implementing council regulation (ec) no 2200/96 as regards export refunds on fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1303/1999 (2), and in particular article 3(4) thereof, (1) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2331/1999 (3) sets the indicative refund rates and the indicative quant- ities for a2 export licences, other than those applied for in the context of food aid; (2) whereas, for lemons and apples, in view of the economic situation in the various destination groups indicated in the annex to regulation (ec) no 2331/ 1999 and taking account of information received by operators via their applications for a2 licences, the definitive refund rates should be set at a different rate from the indicative rates; whereas the percentages for the issuing of licences for the quantities applied for should also be set; whereas the definitive rates may not be more than 50 % more than the indicative rates; (3) whereas, pursuant to article 3(5) of regulation (ec) no 2190/96, applications for rates in excess of the cor- responding definitive rates shall be considered null and void, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. for a2 export licences for which applications have been submitted pursuant to article 1 of regulation (ec) no 2331/ 1999, the actual date of application referred to in the second subparagraph of article 3(1) of regulation (ec) no 2190/96 is hereby set at 19 november 1999. 2. the licences referred to in the first paragraph shall be issued at the definitive refund rates and at the percentages for the quantities applied for as indicated in the annex to this regulation. 3. pursuant to article 3(5) of regulation (ec) no 2190/96, applications referred to in the first paragraph for rates in excess of the corresponding definitive rates set out in the annex shall be considered null and void. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 292, 15.11.1996, p. 12. (2) oj l 155, 22.6.1999, p. 29. (3) oj l 281, 4.11.1999, p. 3. en official journal of the european communities 19. 11. 1999l 298/4 annex product destination orgroup of destinations (1) definitive refund rates (eur/tonne net) percentages for the issuing of licences tomatoes a00 20 100 % oranges f01, f02, f05 50 94 % lemons a00 52 100 % table grapes a00 25 100 % apples f01 35 69 % f02 38 98 % (1) the destination codes are defined as follows: a00: all destinations. f01: norway, iceland, greenland, faeroes, poland, hungary, romania, bulgaria, albania, estonia, latvia, lithuania, bosnia-herzegovina, croatia, slovenia, former yugoslav republic of macedonia, federal republic of yugoslavia (serbia and montenegro), malta. f02: armenia, azerbaijan, belarus, georgia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, moldova, russia, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, ukraine, destinations mentioned in article 34 of commission regulation (eec) no 3665/87, as amended. f05: switzerland, czech republic, slovakia and japan. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2447/1999 of 18 november 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal type: regulation subject matter: plant product; foodstuff; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 11. 1999 l 298/7 commission regulation (ec) no 2447/1999 of 18 november 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), and in particular article 13 (2) thereof, (1) whereas article 13 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products in the community may be covered by an export refund; (2) whereas the refunds must be fixed taking into account the factors referred to in article 1 of commission regu- lation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules under council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 2513/98 (4); (3) whereas, as far as wheat and rye flour, groats and meal are concerned, when the refund on these products is being calculated, account must be taken of the quantities of cereals required for their manufacture; whereas these quantities were fixed in regulation (ec) no 1501/95; (4) whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for certain products according to destination; (5) whereas the refund must be fixed once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; (6) whereas it follows from applying the detailed rules set out above to the present situation on the market in cereals, and in particular to quotations or prices for these products within the community and on the world market, that the refunds should be as set out in the annex hereto; (7) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1(a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, excluding malt, exported in the natural state, shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities 19. 11. 1999l 298/8 (eur/t) product code destination (1) amount of refund (eur/t) product code destination (1) amount of refund annex to the commission regulation of 18 november 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 03 29,00 02 0 1002 00 00 9000 03 53,50 02 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 03 20,50 02 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 03 39,00 02 0 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 53,75 1101 00 15 9130 01 50,25 1101 00 15 9150 01 46,50 1101 00 15 9170 01 42,75 1101 00 15 9180 01 40,00 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 87,00 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 15,00 (2) 1103 11 10 9400 01 13,40 (2) 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 15,00 (2) 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries, 02 other third countries, 03 switzerland, liechtenstein. (2) no refund is granted when this product contains compressed meal. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30.7.1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2458/1999 of 19 november 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2178/1999 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities20. 11. 1999 l 299/13 commission regulation (ec) no 2458/1999 of 19 november 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2178/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/1999 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2178/1999 (3); (2) whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; (3) whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium grain and long grain a rice to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in european regula- tion (ec) no 2178/1999 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 12 to 18 november 1999 at 120,00 eur/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 20 november 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 november 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30.9.1999, p. 4. (3) oj l 267, 15.10.1999, p. 10. (4) oj l 61, 7.3.1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15.2.1995, p. 8. |