class label
2 classes
unique pianist
The "Andante Spianato" is the ultimate one! I heard, in London, that performance. Unique! Absolutely unique! The "Scherzo" is the only I know by Michelangeli on disc. Chopin and Bellini are - ONLY NOW - united!
Good for the Clasroom
I purchased this for my 8th grade Social Studies classes. It is well done and gives a very good summation of the assassination of JFK. It does adhere to the idea that Oswald alone was behind the assassination. So if you want to discuss other theories with the students you need to inform them of the great confusion/debate that has swirled around JFK's death.
Deliberate fraud
If you have to watch this rubbish, check it out online or at the library, don't waste your money. The computer animation (cartoon) is bunk. Look where they put the back wound on their cartoon and then find the color photo of JFK's shirt at's where the back wound was (over 5 down from the collar)and how could a bullet enter that far down on the man's back and exit his throat.ABC cuts Maclom Kildoff's press conference reply to a question where he answer's,"..It was a simple matter, Tom, of a bullet right through the head..." But ABC cuts the film before Mr. Kildoff points to his right temple, indicating a shot from the front.Isn't it strange that there have been no documentries on the JFK assassination that expose the "Single Bullet Fraud" on any main-stream tv channels!?!? What are they afraid of? Buy "The Murder of JFK: A Revisionist History" dvd instead.The Murder of JFK: A Revisionist HistoryThe Murder of JFK: A Revisionist History
Too much slapstick not enough kung fu
I was interested in these movies because I did'nt think that Gordon Liu could appear in two bombs in one package but I was wrong. These two films are strickly heavy into comedy with few fight scenes. But there is one positive to this package and that is the final combative scene between Gordon Lui and Lo Lei in Fist and Guts was pretty good, but the price for two movies is not worth one good fight.
very good
I ordered this product based on the reviews. I have a Thumper and it works great but last about 4 years and I am due for a new one. This product is less focal than the Thumper but better on your knees, head, shoulder, feet and stomach.
This is not an ordinary massager. It's bigger and has a motor that feels as if it could work nicely in most road-repair equipment. I got it for injuries and day-to-day soreness. (NOTE: I am not a physician. If you buy this and your arm falls off because of it, do not point at this review and blame me. Thank you.)
Maxi Rub
Great Quality! This thing is awsome and I'm able to give great massgaes to my wife just holding on and moving it around!
Christmas Joy
Christmas Joy is what was found when my husband received a back rub (Christmas Morning)with the Maxi Rub. It is awesome. I am so glad I found this one, we have had another brand years ago and was hoping to find one like it, and did! Even better.I am going to get another one to give my hard working son for a belated Christmas gift. The price is reasonable, look how long you will enjoy this gift. The thing I would redesign is the on/off switch. I accidently hit the off button while massaging. Love the product. Thank you.
would be 5 but...
this bouncer is so comfy for our sweetiepie, BUT1. the fleece blanket that's attatched is not great for a home with pets, it is a fur trap and also way too warm for summer(we actually cut it off!)2. it would be so so super if it collapsed for transport.otherwise, it is great, affordable, washes very well, simple, and the battery works forever!!!
Great seat
I have been very happy with this bouncer. It is a wonderful specially for newborns or smaller babies, because of the way is cradles the baby. Mine has been washed several times and is still in great shape, seems to be very durable. Doesn't have all the lights and sound effects, but who needs those anyway.
The Ocean Wonders Bouncer is much better
I registered for this bouncer due to all the good reviews it received on here. I am a bit disappointed in it. I have 4 bouncers and this is my least favorite. The only thing I do like is it is comfortable for my son to sit in. The downfalls are:*The toys are attached by a small piece of velcro. Once I start bouncing him or he bounces himself, they fly off and hit him. Or they are always falling off and getting lost. They should be attached like the Linkadoos.* The blanket needs to be removeable. It's useless in the summer and just drags on the floor.*The mirror swings too close to him when he is lightly bouncedHe is so much happier in his Ocean Wonders bouncer I had to buy for him to have a bouncer at work.
Good seat, but could be better....
My 6 week old daughter really likes this seat. The vibrations put her to sleep nearly every time and seem to help relieve gas too! I have not yet had to change the batteries (we use rechargeable and she is in the seat maybe 30-60 minutes a day every day. The toys are cute and she likes looking at them; however, some things could be improved.1. The seat has no handle and you must be careful lifting it with the baby in it.2. The 2 animal toys are connected with small pieces of velcro and come off easily.3. The mirror does not come off at all.4. The toys cannot be switched out as "linky-do" type rings dont attach to the bar. This is a big draw back if you ask me.
Great Bouncer
I bought this bouncer in a simmular patern (linkadoos) for my nephew and he loves it. After he was born it was the only way his mom could put him down durring the day because he always wanted to be held. This bouncer is truly a life saver. I would recomend this bouncer to anyone who is expecting a baby or anyone who takes care of a baby.
Don't Buy This Bouncer!
Although I fell in love with the adorable animal prints on the fabric of this bouncer, I would not recommend it to anyone because of the position of the seat. It is at such a steep angle that our son slides to the bottom of it even when strapped in. He can't stand to be in it. His feet have nothing to rest on and even I would find this uncomfortable. Our baby (now 11 weeks) has always been average in size for his age so we know its not him. Also we have put him in several other bouncers that our friends' own and he loves them all. All of them have gentle angles where the baby is slightly elevated. The only way he will stay in it is if we put 3 or 4 blankets down in the seat so he is more propped up and doesn't slip. Also the animals above on the bar are at such a wierd angle that he can't really enjoy them. I would NOT recommend this badly designed piece to anyone.
Cat Lovers' Needlepoint
If you have at least intermediate needlepointing experience, you won't have any problems. However, beginners beware! The instructions for working the tent stitch on page 11 are appallingly incorrect. That aside, the charts are easy to read with a combination of color and symbols. Most of the backgrounds are repeats and would be easy to substitute for each other. The cats themselves are beautiful. Recommended for experienced needleworkers.
Taming Your Gremlin � Richard D. Carson
A little book on a big topic, Taming Your Gremlin, by Richard Carson, is a practical guide to overcoming barriers to your success. The gremlin is used as a metaphor for that voice of doubt we so often encounter when facing a new challenge. Carson takes readers through the steps they can follow to pursue their dreams in spite of their fears.His formula of simply noticing, choosing and playing with options, and being in process, is reinforced throughout the book. Carson relates common scenarios encountered through his many years of counseling practice with his patients. The scenarios are oh so familiar!This book is a quick read on a topic that can change how you relate to the fears associated with taking risks. Each chapter builds on the earlier ones. In the end, the reader knows more about themselves and has tools to tame their voice of doubt.
Straight to the heart of the matter
Rick Carson doesn't beat around the bush in this book. He gets straight to the issue and then describes a process to help free us from the unhappiness our gremlins can create. An easy book to follow, I would recommend this to anyone. The method is simple and do-able. And Rick's humor makes it fun as well.Definitely worth 5 stars!
Very disappointing
I've been working in the personal and professional development arena for the past 7 years and this book has been recommended to me many times. I finally decided to read it because limiting beliefs are a common theme with many of my clients.I don't get it!It's not just that the gremlin metaphor gets taken to the extreme, it's that the promised method for "getting out of my own way" was nowhere to be found! When I finished the book, it felt as if there were a few chapters missing.Carson goes way too far in describing how to identify your gremlins and even visualize them but doesn't go into enough depth on moving past and eliminating them.I'd recommend this book only to someone who isn't sure what is holding them back and hasn't yet identified their limiting beliefs.
Taming Your Gremlin
This was not as innovative as I had hoped, but is cute. Nothing new to grab my attention.
Don't judge a book by its cover
I wish I would have listened to my gremlin before ordering this book. I thought the cover of the book was pretty neat and that it would prove to be an amusing interesting book based on that and the sample pages. My gremlin tried to warn me that it was probably going to be just another book I'd end up being sorry I bought, but I wouldn't listen to him! Well, it turns out he was right! The best and only thing about this book that I liked was the cute cover; it was all downhill from there. I give it two stars because it you can wade through the poor writing, and the gross examples he sometimes provides (like his teenage ... while looking up a cheerleader's skirt) then you might find some things that will help you; like deep breathing, mindfulness (living in the moment) etc. But there are plenty of better written books about these things and there is nothing new or dramatic in this book to make it worth the hype it gets by so many other reviewers here.
Taming Your Gremlin
I loved the book and have recommended it to many of the clients that I coach as a Life Coach.It was in great condition, and I recommend people to buy used books on Amazon.
Practical, Simple and Powerful Self-Help
Since I was nineteen, I have perused, studied, analyzed, and read dozens of self-help books. I am now fifty which gives you an indication of my interest(obssession?) in this subject. Most of the books "talked at" me, telling me I should do this, that, and the other. In most cases, I always felt a rebellion against someone "telling me what to do" rather than helping me find my own inner knowledge,strength and courage. That is, until I read Taming Your Gremlin. In this slim book, I've learned how to identify and deal with my own gremlins and avoid as much as possible with "shoulds" and "oughts" and "needs". Rick Carson's down to earth style is entertaining and has taught me to bring out my genuine, self-honest self. Becoming self-aware and not self condemning makes the changes easier, much more of an adventure than forcing it. It is a work of True Love!Lauren Lagergren, South Bend, WA
Stay out of the way
I read this on a friend's suggestion. It was ok. Just a little too simple for me and the constant reference to the gremlin every few sentences was kind of irritating. I didn't like visualizing a persons gremlin as the same character all the time, never changing. I just don't believe that, I think it would evolve as we lived our lives and changed.I thought it was a little too simple and I didn't see any real research or fact that backed up the statements so I wasn't confident in the writer's claims. Add that to the fact that most of the subjects were male as were most of the gremlins. I didn't feel like the book was gender-neutral enough to help me. Maybe if I were a man it would have resonated more.It is however a simple read. It's not my style of book though I'm sure it is useful to some people.
Self Help Always Works -- (When You Do It Yourself and in your own way)
Self-help is the ONLY thing that works, but there's no substitute for finding your OWN path (not this or any author's) and pursuing it in your own way.
It worked for me
I'm no expert but I really liked this book. The first chapter hit a home run for me. I wish I had read it 10 years ago. For me, the rest of the book was just okay...but who knows which part of the book will be helpful to you?
I found Taming Your Gremlin by Rick Carson to be transformative. I journaled as I read this book. In doing so, I discovered much about myself, and as I followed the processes and exercises suggested, I found myself changing. It was not painful or arduous; instead I found the exercises and processes to be humorous and entertaining. I found myself having fun and enjoying the journey. And low and behold, I found myself feeling... Happy. I continue to utilize Mr. Carson's techniques, my favorite being: Breathing deeply and saying to myself, "I am simply taming my gremlin." I am suggesting this book to my friends and I am giving it as gifts. It is worth the time and worth the read.
This book gives such a clear picture of the damaging thoughts our mind creates. It's humerous, yet real. Love it!
Best purchase for the price
I have a gaming network cafe and I thought it would be nice to add one low price table tennis, after installing the net it fits perfectly and firmly, I can say for mid to low game usage this net is the best choice, I expected lower quality thinking that the price is too low but after using it for 6 days now I am sure this net worth more.
Easy-to-use replacement net
The original plastic bases of the net for our ping pong table had cracked from the wear and weather. This replacement from Kettler was identical to the original, fit perfectly and was easy to set up. The price was reasonable.
Stick with the clamp grip posts.
My advice is to stick with the clamp grip posts so they can be used on any table without any problems or having to make a home made adjustment just to make it fit.
Caution, the post is plastic
The post is very weak. It's made of plastic. The picture and review rate are misleading. Don't buy, don't buy.
Nice net, but brackets appear weak
The net is really nice, but the brackets seemed to be a cheap brittle plastic with a weak point that looked like it would be very likely to break. I returned it.
Didn't work well on Linux box
This was not a good keyboard on my Linux box at work. Every few dozen keystrokes, it would lock up and continuously repeat whatever character was last typed. Quite a nightmare.Could have been the USB drivers under Linux, but I doubt it...
Good keyboard, but I don't like the Enter key
I recently started using the UltraX instead of a big Logitech keyboard with a more classic "high profile" (?) design. While I like the silent action of Logitech UltraX and how easy the keys are to press, I do not like the small (height-wise) "Enter" key and how there's a big - and completely unnecessary - "\" key just above it that I end up pressing all the time when I aim for Enter.
This is an FYI, rather than a movie review
Although one of my favorites, Jacqueline Lovell, is listed as the star in this little romp, she is a "2 minute cameo" that was filmed in her home by husband, Edward Nyahay. Because I loved her so much in HIDEOUS I made an effort to check this out by contacting her.Forced to give it a rating, I gave it two stars simply because I resented being led to believe Lovell was a major part of this project. On the other hand, if 'walking dead' movies is your style, give it a go and let the rest of us know if it's worth the time and price.
Western heroes ride again
Anyone who remembers any of the Jim Hatfield, Texas Ranger stories from vintage magazines and paperbacks will enjoy this actionful novel with its band of ranger heroes. Unlike the traditional loner of the older tales, though, the hero of this one is happily married with a family back home while he risks his neck tracking down railroad saboteurs. A bonus is that the author knows his horseflesh, and treats the horses as characters in themselves. All in all, a fun read for old-fashioned (and some new-fashioned) western fans.
We've heard this before...
I guess we can thank Sarah Brightman for this deluge of pop-opera/classical crossover artists mixing sopranos, tenors, new age electronics with pop flourishes. But this just rates as a lame copy, as good a singer as Mr. Cura is. I've never heard of the female before, but she should really come up with her own gimmick.
Works great
No problem with item, item is good quality and had no problems with it. This item is recommended as it does exactly what is advertised/shown.
This product is very cool and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking to incorporate meditation into their yoga practice. It DVD is divided into 4 sections - each with a 15 minute meditation lesson and a 15 minute complete yoga practice. The final section also contains a guided meditation by David, which is a neat way to tie everything together you learn in the earlier sections. There is also a music CD in the box for your own personalized practice. Both David and Cyndi are amazing, warm teachers who make yoga and meditation approachable and fun. Another great product from OM!
not om yoga FAST YOGA !!!
i love yoga and am welling to try new styles of yoga I had borrow this DVD from a studio I was not happy - i guess I like to take my time with yoga and really feel everything ! I have done yoga only at the studio with a group and i wanted to take my practice home So I thought this DVD would help well it wasn't helpful they rushed everything it wasn't even POWER YOGA! They didn't let you enjoy the breathing or letting you stay in poses they had a like 3 ppl and the teacher and they went so fast! Also the meditation was NOT meditation it was this FAST 2min breathing and then they moved on!!! I wouldn't pay for this DVD
Just horrible, you don't get a good yoga practise every segment is so short that just when you start to warm up it is over.
outstanding !!!
We use to sell this music on LP for $1.00 a copy as cut-outs in a record store I worked in. Never could figure out how it ended up on Casablanca, which was primarily a disco label. This is wonderful music, the Randy Weston cut on disc 2 is great. Essential free jazz!
Fascinating document of the 70's New York loft jazz scene
This is fascinating 3CD document of the 1970's loft jazz scene in New York and a bargain. It's full of gripping, wild and swinging performances by all-stars of free jazz (Anthony Braxton, Sam Rivers, Henry Threadgill, Sunny Murray, Barry Altschul, Khan Jamal, Randy Weston, Dave Burrell, David Murray, Marion Brown, Oliver Lake, Andrew Cyrille, Julius Hemphill, Olu Dara, Roscoe Mitchell, Don Moye, Leo Smith and many others, including Stanley Crouch of all people). It is newly back in print, but who knows for how long...? If you are not up for the full 3CD set, a sampler can be purchased inexpensively (called Jazz Loft Sessions).
Pre-teen Book
This is a reasonable version for a first exposure to the story of the Spanish Armada. The author is careful to mention all of the major names involved - Drake, Howard, Hawkins, Parma and Medina Sidonia. He, also, provides some background on the naval technology of the time, as well as, the background for why the Armada was formed.Given that this is a child's book, it is understandable that the author shies away from most of the questionable aspects of the history, with the small exception of Drake's foray to capture his prize in the middle of the battle. The pictures add some color to the story and should provide some help to young minds in understanding the story. All in all, not a bad first exposure to the topic.P-)
My Favorite card
SanDisk is the card I prefer. I have tried the Ultra II card but really didbt notice any difference.
Baian, The Assassin
I saw a weekly TV show on NHK when I was stationed on Okinawa. It was the same title, a well done piece of work. When I saw this with Ken Watanabi, I had to have it. Only regret , There isn't more volumes. Recommend these.
A great circus novel
It's the "Lonesome Dove"of circus novels - without the sweep and epic scope of similar tomes, this is a character driven story with all the dung and sweat and mildewed canvas that the turn of the century big top held.This is a great and intimate read, a decent and noble story about art and challenge and caring and,above all, the magic of the circus. Buy it and read it.A genuine treat.
Mighty fine
This is not a great book, it's, well...just a circus. Raliegh's handling of plot is a little clunky, but his heart's in the right place, and his voice rings true. A very sweet, enjoyable read.
Get what you pay for ...
Cheap. It served a purpose, briefly. The batteries run down in about one hour and you have to remove the device to replace them. Buy a better one.
Great Music
This CD arrived in absolutely NEW condition in a timely fashion. One of my ten favorite songs for the last 30 years has been "You Say You're Free" (Dan Hill). I am happy & excited to at last have my own recording. I would definitely buy from this Vendor again.
Not the Best
Tried putting this on my truck and could not really get all the bubbles out and yeah it is removable, along with the Red Ram emblem too, paint transfered to my window.Not exactly what I expected.
Great if it had stuck to the window
This had a great look on my truck, but on the 3rd day while I was going down the freeway, it just blew right off. Perhaps being removable isn't good for this type of product.
Professional Guide's Manual
Unable to tell from the title whether this is the pamphlet or book by George L. Herter. If you are a fan of Mr. Herter's writing style then you will enjoy either. His descriptions of the products sold under the Herter name are boastful and exaggerated to the point of parody. If you are looking for equipment advice or outdoor/camping information either of these publications are biased and dated.
Best PNW Hiking Book You'll Find!
Great book, great hikes, great descriptions, GREAT GUIDE! The guide has over 1000 hikes in the PNW with great/accurate descriptions,directions, and lists for contacts at each hike (for maps, camping, etc.) The hikes we have already been on that are in this book are properly rated for both difficulty and worthiness. Other than the permit information being a bit out dated, this book is excellent!
Never got the book. I orders 3 things, got one. This is the first time I have ever had problems ordering from Amazon.
Do not rely on this as a guide.
I have attempted to do more than 100 hikes in this book -- 90% in Oregon. At least 30% of the trails do not exist or the driving directions were so poor you could not find the trailhead -- and some you simply could not get to in a standard vehicle. The descriptions were not accurate. It seems like the author wrote by using maps, not by visiting the trails. I ended up using a few of the pages to start a fire on one of the hikes. That was the best use I got out of the guide.Some information was reasonable.
Good for new and old fans
For anyone interested in the Washington Redskins, this is an excellent book.If you just became a fan of the Redskins during the Gibbs era or later, this book will do a great job in bringing you up to speed on the history of the team. The good times, the bad times, the great players like Baugh and Jurgensen, and the flops like Gary Beban are all portrayed.If you're a longtime fan like me, there are plenty of great pictures and anecdotes. There's the story that Sam Huff, not coach Otto Graham, called for the field goal team in the closing seconds of the 72-41 record-setting game in 1966 in an effort to embarrass his old team. Or the one where George Allen had his team scouring the field at Redskins Park having them stick Q-Tips into holes that they found. There are dozens of sidebars throught the book with such material.
For the Love of It
With every note played one can tell Bradley Joseph is a gifted artist. I love the song from Willy Wonka and it is played beautifully on this CD. It is nice to have instrumental versions to some favorite songs.
Not worth the asking price!
I purchased this video from a thrift shop for $ 1.00, was hoping to use it as a teaching tool for my annual gingerbread competion, the techniques are very elementry school aged. I guess it is ok if you have little ones at home and want to work on a holiday craft, NOT WORTH THE ASKING PRICE!!!!!! DONT DO IT!
Not explicit.
So-called revealing book, but the 'pseudonyms' are only useful to deliver a series of explicit sex scenes.When a name falls, it is 'Norma Jean Baker'.Are the following words revealing? : 'Hollywood is the world capital of arrested development.'(p.234)Perhaps these two last words characterize also the authors.A waste of time.
Lovely map
This map is like a painting (although it is accurate) in which the painter has the freedom to bring his own proportion of scale (so that urban centers show out clearly), contrast (so that the sheernees or barren-ness of the terrain is magnified), and omission (so non-essentials do not clutter the map) . This map gives you a great (and different) perspective of looking at a continent and shows you a lot of information on a 2-D piece of paper.
-10000000 stars!
Starts off at a prison filled with prisoners and cops. The (prisoners) start dosing up on formaldihyde. Then they make an escape and the cops chase after them and kills them and buries them in the ground. The formaldihyde in their system made them return to life as zombies. They go back to the prison to rage war against the cops with pick axes and shovels. These zombies don't eat flesh, they eat formaldihyde. Then they are melted by flashlights and the movie ends.This movie is one of the worst zombie films i have ever seen. No person in his right mind would say this movie is great. The movie was only 67 min. long and the plot, the gore, everything about this movie was stupid!(8 zombies)most entertaining part: | uh......... yeh! |
garden of the dead
This movie was so bad...I had to laugh at my mistake of ordering it. Poor acting, background scenes, the whole movie was what my family refers to as a Class F(fluke) movie. The only good thing about my order was, the movie was received in excellent condition...probably because no one else had watched it! I can hardly believe zombies would be interested in the opposite sexfor any reason...the dead also were shot and killed...again.My recomendation for the serious zombie enthusiast would be "Resident Evil". If all you want is to spend money and get a laugh "Garden of the Dead", which was for me a waste of my time and money, will definitely be your best bet.
I always dreamed that I could just dip something in a liquid and it would dry as plastic. Then, I was told the stuff exists. Fantastic product. Just make sure the can that you get is big enough to fit the thing you want to dip into it.I used this product to dip the U-shaped brackets of a rear stand that hook onto bobbins on a motorcycle swingarm. They were hard-edged steel, and I was afraid the brackets would gouge the swingarm. Put a few coats of this stuff on and couldn't be happier with the results.
This stuff is awesome
I originally ordered this stuff to put a coating on some different tools I had that were just bare metal. I ended using this stuff on everything. I got the black colored dip and have used it to coat wiring, tools, and all kinds of miscellaneous stuff around the house and shop.Works great, dries quickly, and goes on really easy. Really is a must have for anyone who likes to tinker around with stuff
Just Ok Product
I does what it say's but I did not find it very useful and was somehwat hard to work with or try and shape.
My favorite saint book!
Saint Catherine of Siena wanted too be a hermiet at the age of six! This book is a book you should read before reading Saint Rose. I,ve read both and they should be bought together.
Not for new ipod with video
I Purchased this case for my ipod video. It doesn't stay closed very well and the hole for the headpone jack is on the top left of the ipod but it is in the top center of the case so you have to skew it off to the side just to have the headphones in. It works ok but it looks like crap because it isn't really designed for this particular ipod. Maybe it would work better for older models, I don't know.
Square-End Spatula
I bought two of these because I recently purchased a cast-iron flat griddle. These spatulas are fantastic to be used with the griddle. My wife gets frustrated with me early in the morning because of all the noise, but she doesn't complain about the eggs and pancakes. Great product.
Quality Kitchen Tool
Heavy duty, well built, handsome spatula at a great price. Great for indoor or outdoor cooking. I would buy again.
Very Sturdy, Gonna Last for Years
This is a very well made spatula. It is larger than needed for most frying pan jobs, but as many have said, it is great for turning fish and omelets. The handle is way too short for use on an outdoor grill, but perfect for stovetop grilling. It is not flexible, and is a little on the thick side, but that is what I wanted.
Please hide this away from the children.. and not for being scary!
This is a very, very sad installment for any J-horror movie lover. It's not scary, creepy, or entertaining in the least! I couldn't even force myself to watch the last 3 of the movies because I felt the life draining from me as I sat and watched them.I do not suggest this for any horror movie lover, like myself. Just let it collect dust with the poor people who bought it and are trying to resell it here.
Light doesn't stay put
This light looks nice but it doesn't stay put. This light moves horizontal and vertically while you are riding. Yes, I got it tight but it still moves around and you have to keep re-aligning it while riding.
I am guilty of collecting strange things and this definately fit the bill. I love ancient Egyptian stuff. These will never be used and are purely for me to say I have it. They are beautiful to look at. They are well done but if you want them for a child to use I would say stay away because they are not sturdy enough, unless the child is very good at playing with them delicately.
Rated M for Mature
I can't believe no other reviewer has mentioned that the girl paperdoll is topless! In a couple of the costumes, she has nothing on top (sure it's covered by props, but not well) and since when do paperdolls have DD cups? I got this for my daughter for Christmas, but there's NO WAY I would ever let her play with this type of paperdoll. Is it too hard to actually make something that's appropriate for children? Definitely not G rated IMO!
Disappointed Buyer
I bought this book for my daughter's fourth grade class and was disappointed to see nudity on almost every page. I've purchased paper paper doll books from other eras and had no problem, but this one was completely unusable. I wish I had read the reviews before I purchased it.
Esperaba que de una forma concreta y resumida pudiera leer la historia del cristianismo... pero me encontre con un libro ambiguo y con algunos comentarios muy subjetivos asi como inmensas lagunas en algunos periodos, no logra su objetivo
Fabulous Inspiring Book!
This author's book, LUCKY YOU!, and his website,, provided me with enormous and important insights into luck. I had never thought in terms of luck being an energetic force before, something we can actually channel. I never knew how slot machines worked either, or that scientific evidence shows how the human mind can influence, or predict, their performance. Or that dreams could contain money-making information, including guidance on profitable stock picks. This book can make some people rich! At the very least, it will certainly open your mind. I did mine!
Not The Handbook Promised
Unfortuantely, this book does not outline the "proven strategies" for enhancing luck. One must plow through many boring term-paperesque pages of studies of lucky people and tired anecdotes. While the author touches on different techniques, ie, lucid dreaming, meditation, etc, he does not outline those processes. There is a minor description of a prayer technique buried in the latter half of the book. I would have preferred more technique and less patter.The author does have a website which hawks two cds and a newsletter. I have listened to the second CD which actually has exercises to enhance luck, which are promising if basic. I suggest you skip the book and get the exercise CD.
Not Worth It!
Perhaps I was expecting too much from the book, but I just couldn't stand it. The whole thing was examples of people winning money, and showing how some of them can "sense" where winning slot machines and such are! I wish it would've given more information on the psychological aspect on increasing your luck by how you luck, but it did not. I would not recommend to anyone!
Complete waste of time
Reading this book was a waste of my precious time.It is filled with testimonials of others being lucky. There are no techniques or exercises geared toward changing anyone's luck. I Could have been reading some better books like " Miracle Prayer by Susan Shumsky.Miracle Prayer: Nine Steps to Creating Prayers That Get Results
OK, so other people have luck...
..but, honestly, did anyne who read this book get more luck...? I doubt it. It's a series of anecdotes about the author and others who "felt" it at one time or another...not practical at all.
The marriage of physics and metaphysics...
This book is a fast, fun, and interesting read...I could not put it down. Fitzgerald took a subject close to my heart after 30 + years of personal experience and research and actually included information new to me! In a time when so many feel burdened with obligations in the world, I think this book gives people a great sense of hope and optimism about their lives.
Face to Face
A memorable plot line with enough tension to keep its grip on you. The characters are well developed and come to life. A story that offers hope to the heart of wounded souls.
absolutely incredible.
Look, this was the best album of 2004. It's totally opening the american noise underground (bands like Yellow Swans, Sightings, Black Dice) up to a broader audience thanks to the backing of Sub Pop. WOLF EYES have totally found their niche in the musical climate of the modern world - they offer a soundtrack to the dystopian, chaotic ongoings of current western culture. If the end of the world was right now, this would be blasting from the loudspeakers along with Lift Yr Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven by Godspeed You! Black Emperor. This is the symphony composed for catastrophe. It is unimaginably abrasive yet so delicate and ambient, one of its many paradoxes and beauties. I love it, get it, get it, get it.
Well well, you fools certainly have been sold to. I'm sure you all have your favorite little used clothes stores you shop at and etc. Quit trying to be cool and start listening to music that actually requires talent to make.I could have banged this album out on Haight Street by kicking an old homeless guy in the teeth while pounding on some pots and pans and simultaneously hitting record on my DAT.I will leave you by saying WOLF CRAP!!!
Freedom Rock
Wolf Eyes is an awesome rock band. I call it rock because they ROCK. In fact, this is the freedom rock of the future, and the future is now! I saw them open for Sonic Youth last year and I haven't been so entertained in a long, long time. Wolf Eyes is so cool, they wear sunglasses on stage! The best way to experience the music of Wolf Eyes is to grab a loved one and a good ten-dollar Riesling (or a fifteen-dollar Chardonnay if it's a special occasion), slap this CD on the hi-fi and find your bliss. Together.
Looking for Music, 'Cause this isn't.
This simply is not music...some want to define it as art, however, the BAND i'm sure states themselves as such. This is noise, plain and simple, and listening to noise is not listenting to music. A five year old bangs pots and pans together, cars squeel down the street, and that is not considered music, if sampled and put to a beat of some kind, a rhythm (or any other various MUSICAL terms), then music is made.Making something intentionally horrible does not make it art: It's for profit (somehow...)
The worst band in history!!
OK. I have to say something about this band because I was unfortunate enough to see these guys open for Sonic Youth. It was shockingly terrible. There was nothing that resembled a song, lyric or note for that matter. Just noise. This is the worst idea for a band ever. Don't waste your money.
Absolute Rubbish
This doesn't deserve any stars. This is not music and should not pass for music. It's noise. Awful noise. I'm not just saying that - preview the songs on this page if you don't believe me. Actually, don't be bothered. If you can appreciate this, there is nothing else left in the world for you to appreciate, because you've gone through any and all musical tones from every living or abstract thing and have ended up at WOLF EYES. I'd love to meet you if you've bought this album and disagree with me - I'll come visit you in your room with your rubber walls and nice white jacket.
We had same problem. Train won't make it up the hill unless you push it with your hand. Why do they sell a battery powered train for their wooden railway if it won't work on it???? I can't believe they haven't fixed this problem yet.Don't pay the extra money for the battery operated train.
poor function, died after about 1 hour
This self powered train does not work very well on standard thomas train track. We have a glue-down set up with nearly perfect alignment of all track pieces, yet is still did not run very well (either getting stuck, or jumping the track on corners). Build quality is generally mediocre. Our unit died permanently after about 1 hour.
Breaks VERY easily
I've gone through two of them, neither lasted more than a few hours. Extremely frustrating. Advertised as being able to 'roll' when not turned on (so kids can't play with it manually) but I fear that might be causing the breakdowns. Internal engine is not very durable, despite external die cast metal being pretty solid. Not sure if I will return or tear it apart to try and find out why they keep breaking.
My preschoolers loved it but...
This train was well used for almost a year before it broke. Wait until your child is 3 years to introduce. It's important to mention that children pushing down on the train while it is turned on is what breaks the engine. The gears are plastic and strip easily.While my kids rarely push the engines by hand since we purchased battery powered engines, they spend their time problem solving potential collisions and assembling new track layouts.
Tough little train
This Thomas product is another durable,long lasting one. It runs on a battery and is strong. When the train is off, it is easily pushed without stripping the gears. After a lot of abuse, our Thomas finally gave it up, but guess what? Like all Thomas products, he had a life time guarantee and we got another from Learning Curve within a week or so of quitting. We love this train and all of the Thomas products and recommend them to anyone. On the educational side, I didn't think much about it, but after collecting numerous trains, our 2 and 3 year old can tell you the names, learned their numbers with Thomas and even colors. Fascinating bonus for a cute fun toy.
Fun Toy
Bought it for my two year old son. We have the IKEA train tracks and magnetic trains it comes with. This works great with it. It does occasionally get caught on the back wheel but otherwise it is a favorite.
Go with Brio instead!!
We used to own Thomas and Percy. One we had to return right after we bought it because it wouldn't even work for a minute. The other one broke within weeks. Every single person I know who owed one of them had the same thing happen to them. First the little screw that holds the top part doesn't work any more after a only a few battery changes which is really frustrating. Then the engine just stopped working all together. The button is not easy to push and release as well. Especially for children. Do your self and your little one a favor and get one of the Brio engines. They last for years! I just gave this one 2 stars because it does look very cute and it sure is strong and can pull a lot of cars. Too bad it's only fun for a short period of time.
I cannot recommend purchasing this train if a child is actually going to play with it at all. For the first couple of days while it works it'll drain a battery an hour or faster depending on how many trains get hitched up to the thing and what track you have. Also, this toy stopped working completely the 2nd day of use. It's probably because 2-3 year olds do stuff to it they shouldn't. But, they are 2-3 year olds and don't know they'll break the "engine" if they push it around in fast while it is running. It also derails constantly when it does run.Basically, it's just not worth the $ and has only ended in frustration and disappointment for everyone while trying to explain to a 2 yo why it won't go any more no matter how many batteries we try.-Kent
great addition to our thomas tracks
We just got this for my 2 year old son 2 days ago, and he loves watching it go around his train table - goes up the hills, over the bridges, activates the tunnel sound, etc. He also loves to hook up to 5 other trains to the back of it and watch the long train go around. If the tracks are set up well, there are no issues of the train falling off the tracks or getting stuck. It is is a bit slow, and a bit noisy, and I took away a star primarily because of that. I'm not yet sure how durable it is, but my son has been handling it pretty roughly the past 2 days, and it's still going...
I purchased a battery operated Thomas from My TOYBOX. The product did not work AT ALL. The company did nothing to remedy the situation (credit, refund, exchange, etc.). So this maybe a good product afterall, just DON'T order from MY TOYBOX.