class label
3 classes
A young boy wearing a red shirt and jeans stands in the middle of a field and throws a toy plane in the air.
A young boy is playing in a feild.
When the boy throws a toy plane in the air, he is playing.
Playing is a rephrasing of throwing a toy plane.
"Throws a toy plane" can be called playing.
A young boy wearing a red shirt and jeans stands in the middle of a field and throws a toy plane in the air.
A young boy is playing in the field because his mother kicked him out of the house.
Playing in a field does not imply that his mother kicked him out of the house.
Just because a young boy is playing in a field does not mena his mother kicked him out of the house.
middle of the field doesn't mean kicked out
A young boy wearing a red shirt and jeans stands in the middle of a field and throws a toy plane in the air.
A young boy is playing video games indoors.
Boy playing video games indoors cannot be in the middle of a field.
The young boy either stands in the middle of a field and throws a toy plane in the air or he is playing video games indoors.
field doesn't mean indoors
Six or seven people are standing on a pier with a table and a pair of glasses in the foreground.
They are going fishing.
The second sentence explains that the people are the pier are fishing and not just standing around.
Just because people are standing on a pier does not mean they're going fishing.
just because they are standing on a pier doesn't mean that they are fishing.
Six or seven people are standing on a pier with a table and a pair of glasses in the foreground.
Six or seven people are standing on a pier.
A pier with a table and a pair of glasses nearby is the same as a pier.
Several people are standing on a pier
Six or seven people are standing on a pier and there is a table with a pair of glasses in the foreground.
Six or seven people are standing on a pier with a table and a pair of glasses in the foreground.
They are in a boat.
They are either on the pier or in the boat.
Standing on a pier in differed than being in a boat.
One cannot be standing on a pier and in a boat simultaneously.
A person in a red shirt and black pants hunched over.
A person wears a red shirt.
A person wears a red shirt and is hunched over.
A person wears a red shirt is rephrasing of a person in a red shirt.
A person hunched over the elephants for their tusk!
A person in a red shirt and black pants hunched over.
The person is a woman.
The person may not be a woman, it could be a man.
Just because the person is wearing a red shirt and black pants does not mean it is a woman.
hunched over doesn't mean its a woman
A person in a red shirt and black pants hunched over.
The person is wearing a green shirt.
It is either a red shirt or a green shirt, can't be both.
red and green are different colors
A red shirt is different from a green shirt.
This child is on the library steps.
The child is on the school steps.
A library and a school are different buildings.
The child is either on the library steps or the school steps.
The child is either on the library steps or the school steps.
This child is on the library steps.
The child is on the steps.
The steps refer to the library steps.
Library steps are a type of steps.
Library steps are a form of steps.
This child is on the library steps.
The child is on the steps inside the library.
You can not infer the child is in the library.
It does not specify if the child is on the steps inside or outside.
steps could be inside or outside
The tattooed basketball player is about to dunk the ball.
The man is playing football..
The player can't be dunking the ball the football.
These cannot be the same man since football and basketball are different sports.
basketball not same as football..
The tattooed basketball player is about to dunk the ball.
The person is playing basketball.
A player might dunk a basketball while playing that sport.
Answer : The tattooed basketball player is the person and dunk the ball refers to playing baseketball.
A tattooed basketball player is a person, and to dunk the ball is a phrase used when playing basketball.
The tattooed basketball player is about to dunk the ball.
The player has a tattoo that says mother.
Not all tattoos say mother.
Just because the player has a tattoo does not mean it says mother.
tattoos don't necessarily say mother
a boy in a red hooded top is smiling whilst looking away from his reflection.
A boy in a red hood is happy.
Because the boy in a hood is happy, because he is smiling.
smiling whilst imply being happy
You tend to smile when happy.
a boy in a red hooded top is smiling whilst looking away from his reflection.
The boy doesn't want to see his reflection.
A boy looking away from his reflection doesn't necessarily imply that he doesn't want to see it.
Just because the child is looking away doesn't mean he does not want to see his reflection.
looking away doesn't mean not want to see
a boy in a red hooded top is smiling whilst looking away from his reflection.
The boy is upset.
One cannot be upset and smile at the same time.
One would not be smiling if they were upset.
A boy would not be smiling if he was upset.
A man wearing a gray ball cap walks next to a redheaded woman wearing a long-sleeved blue jean shirt.
the man is wearing a gray cap.
gray ball cap represents gray cap
Gray ball cap and gray cap can be the same thing that was pointed out.
Gray cap and gray ball cap are nearly the same thing.
A man wearing a gray ball cap walks next to a redheaded woman wearing a long-sleeved blue jean shirt.
The man is wearing a blue cap.
MAN WOULD BE EITHER WEARING gray ball cap OR blue cap.
The cap is either gray or blue, it can't be both.
The ball cap is either gray or blue.
A man wearing a gray ball cap walks next to a redheaded woman wearing a long-sleeved blue jean shirt.
The man is cold.
Just because a person is out with someone wearing a long-sleeved shirt does not mean that the person is cold.
Just because the man is wearing a long-sleeved shirt does not mean he is cold.
you can stand next to some one and not be cold
An old man in a baseball hat and an old woman in a jean jacket are standing outside, but are covered mostly in shadow.
An old woman has a light jean jacket.
Just because the woman is standing outside or covered in shadow does not imply the jean jacket is light.
Just becuase the old woman is wearing a jean jacket does not mean it is light.
women wear both light and dark jean jackets
An old man in a baseball hat and an old woman in a jean jacket are standing outside, but are covered mostly in shadow.
An old woman has a jean jacket.
If the woman is in a jean jacket then she has a jean jacket.
If the old woman is "in a jean jacket," then it stands to reason that she "has" one.
Both old woman are in a jean jacket, or has one.
An old man in a baseball hat and an old woman in a jean jacket are standing outside, but are covered mostly in shadow.
An old woman has no jacket.
The old woman cannot wear a jean jacket and also have no jacket.
The woman cannot be wearing a jean jacket and also have no jacket.
jean jacket not same as no jacket.
A newlywed couple laughing and talking amongst themselves.
The couple is having fun.
People who are laughing are having fun.
Newlywed couple is a type of couple, and laughing implies having fun.
Newlywed couple laughing and talking by themselves and having fun.
A newlywed couple laughing and talking amongst themselves.
The couple just got married.
"Just got married" is a rephrasing of newlywed.
Newlywed couple implies just got married.
A newlywed couple means the couple just got married.
A newlywed couple laughing and talking amongst themselves.
The couple is divorced.
Newlyweds means the couple jut got married. Divorced is when a married couple separates.
The couple is either happy laughing and talking amongst themselves.or they are divorced.
If they are newlyweds, they are not divorced.
A black man in a long sleeves white collared shirt and a tie is walking to work in a big city.
The man is wearing shorts and a t-shirt as he jogs.
T shirts are different from collared shirts
The man is either wearing a long sleeves white collared shirt or a t-shirt, but the two cannot be one in the same.
If he is wearing long sleeves he is not also wearing a t-shirt simultaneously.
A black man in a long sleeves white collared shirt and a tie is walking to work in a big city.
The man is moving.
A black man is moving, walking to work in a big city.
When a man is walking, he is said to be moving.
Walking is a form of moving
A black man in a long sleeves white collared shirt and a tie is walking to work in a big city.
The man is wearing work attire and is walking to his job.
A long sleeve white collared shirt and tie is work attire.
A man is walking to his work.
The man is in clothing categorized as work attire - a white collared shirt and tie, and he is walking to work.
Several younger people sitting in front of a statue.
several young people sitting outside
The statue might not be outside
It says the that several young people are sitting not standing.
statues don't have to be outside
Several younger people sitting in front of a statue.
several young people are sitting in an auditorium
The people are sitting in front of a statue, and there aren't statues in auditoriums.
The people are either sitting in front of a statue or in an auditorium.
You cannot sit in front of a statue while sitting in a auditorium
Several younger people sitting in front of a statue.
several young people sitting in a school courtyard
Young people gathering does not indicate that they are in a school courtyard.
It says the people are sitting in front of a statue not in a courtyard.
young doesn't mean they are at school
A group of adults stands in the bathroom looking down a small child in the bath.
The childs mom is watching her son with her friends.
A group of adults looking down at a child does not clearly signify that it is the mother and her son, along with her friends.
A group of adults stands in the bathroom looking down a small child in the bath don't necessarily imply that the child's mom is watching her son with her friends.
A group of adults differs from Mom and friends.
A group of adults stands in the bathroom looking down a small child in the bath.
People are in the house.
A groupd of adults stands in the bathroom implies that people are in the house.
A bathroom are in a house.
A group of adults are called people. They are in the house if they are in the bathroom.
A group of adults stands in the bathroom looking down a small child in the bath.
The child is sleeping.
A child cannot be sleeping and in tha bath simultaneously.
Children do not sleep in the bath.
A samm child cannot be in the bath and sleeping simultaneously.
A goofy looking woman is singing on stage.
A woman is singing.
The woman is singing.
"A goofy looking woman is singing on stage" tells where the woman is singing.
Not every woman singing is goofy looking.
A goofy looking woman is singing on stage.
A woman is reciting poetry on the stage.
A woman can either be singing or reciting poetry.
Singing and reciting poetry are different forms of art.
Singing is not reciting poetry
A goofy looking woman is singing on stage.
A blonde woman is singing and dancing on the stage.
Not all women are blonde. People can sing with out dancing.
A goofy looking woman doesn't imply a blonde woman. Singing on stage doesn't mean singing and dancing.
Not all goofy women are blonde. Singing is different from dancing.
The girl wearing a brown jacket whilst walking in snow.
A woman is eating pasta in a restaurant.
The person is either a girl or a woman, and she cannot eat in a restaurant and be walking in snow at the same time.
A girl can't be a woman.
The girl cannot also be a woman. There is no snow in the restaurant.
The girl wearing a brown jacket whilst walking in snow.
The lady wearing a jacket is looking for her lost dog.
A girl can be very young and as such referring to her as a lady may not be the most suitable title. A girl can walk in snow for reasons other than looking for her lost dog.
Just because the girl is walking in snow doesn't mean the lady is looking for her lost dog.
Looking for a lost dog is not the same as walking in the snow.
The girl wearing a brown jacket whilst walking in snow.
The girl is walking outside.
The girl walking outside in the snow is wearing brown jacket.
Walking in snow would imply she is outside.
The girl walking is snow is walking outside
A man, woman, and child get their picture taken in front of the mountains.
A family on vacation is posing.
Posing implies get their picture taken, and man, woman, and child are family.
A man, woman, and child constitute a family. Having pictures taken requires posing.
Coinciding subjects (man, woman, child, family) and similar verbs (get picture taken, posing).
A man, woman, and child get their picture taken in front of the mountains.
People are outdoors.
A man, woman, and child are people while in front of mountains must be outdoors.
There is a family outdoors getting their picture taken.
Man, woman, and child are people, and mountains implies outdoors.
A man, woman, and child get their picture taken in front of the mountains.
A family is in their car.
One cannot be in front of the mountains and in the car simultaneously.
The family can either get their picture taken in front of the mountains or is in their car, but both are unlikely to happen simultaneously.
A family cannot be in their car and take a picture in front of the mountains at the same time.
people are standing near water with a boat heading their direction
The people are standing.
"The people are standing" is included in the statement "people are standing near water with a boat heading their direction.
Sentence 1 adds more detail to the people that are standing.
People are standing in both, the descriptive wording is better in the first one. But both have people standing.
people are standing near water with a boat heading their direction
People are standing near water with a large blue boat heading their direction.
WE have no idea if the boat is large or blue, we just know it is a boat and it can be small or large and can be a number of colors.
A boat don't necessarily imply a large blue boat.
All boats are not blue and large.
people are standing near water with a boat heading their direction
People are waiting in line at the restaurant.
Wouldn't be standing near water waiting in line.
People cannot be standing near water and waiting in line at a restaurant simultaneously.
People standing near water are unlikely standing in line to enter a restaurant, which are typically not located near water.
Four adults eat while sitting on a tile floor.
Two couples eat food on a kitchen floor.
You can not infer they are in the kitchen.
Four adults are not necessarily two couples. Eat while sitting on a tile floor doesn't mean on a kitchen floor.
Two couples are a specific type of adults. The kitchen floor is a specific floor.
Four adults eat while sitting on a tile floor.
Two couples play pool in a bar.
Sitting on a tile floor does not allow people to play pool
Four adults do not have to be two couples. Two couples do not have to be adults. If adults eat on a floor they are not playing pool in a bar.
People cannot be playing pool while sitting on the floor.
Four adults eat while sitting on a tile floor.
A group of people eat food.
Four adults means that it is a group of adults.
both statements reference people who eat .
A dog standing near snow looking at water.
A cat is laying on the couch.
There are two different animals (cat and dog) in two different places (near snow and on the couch).
There is either a dog standing or a cat is laying.
it would be either dog or a cat
A dog standing near snow looking at water.
Animal is outdoors.
The creature is an animal because it is a dog.
A dog is an animal. It snows outdoors, so the animal must be outside.
if he if near snow and water he is outside
A dog standing near snow looking at water.
The dog is thinking about going to for a swim.
It cannot be inferred that the dog is thinking when he is standing. If he is thinking, we cannot infer that he is thinking about swimming.
Just because a dog standing near snow looking at water doesn't mean the dog is thinking about going for a swim.
The dog may appear to be thinking about swimming.
An older man leans against a pedestal outside of an ornate building.
An older man is leaning outside his nursing home
You can not infer he is at the nursing home.
An man leans against a pedestal outside of an ornate building doesn't imply that the building is a nursing home.
All ornate building are not nursing homes.
An older man leans against a pedestal outside of an ornate building.
A young man is jogging
A young man is different from an old man, also while the young man is jogging the older man leans against a pedestal.
There is either an young or older man.
The man can either be young or old.
An older man leans against a pedestal outside of an ornate building.
An older man leans outside a building
Pedestal outside is outside a building.
If the man leans against a pedestal on the outside of a building, the man is on the outside of the building.
Leans against a pedestal outside is a rephrasing of leans outside.
A person in orange clothing rests above a metro entrance.
A person is sitting at a baseball game.
The person can't be above a metro entrance while at a basketball game.
A person cannot be sitting at a baseball game while resting at a metro entrance.
Sitting at a base ball game is different from a metro entrance.
A person in orange clothing rests above a metro entrance.
Someone is standing near a metro station.
Rests above a metro entrance implies near a metro station.
A person is standing in a metro station and standing still is also a form of rest.
A person is someone and a person is resting above a metro entrance so someone is near a metro station.
A person in orange clothing rests above a metro entrance.
A person is waiting for a train.
A person resting above a metro entrance is not assumed to be waiting for a train.
A person rests above a metro entrance don't necessarily imply that the person is waiting for a train.
Resting above a metro entrance is different than waiting for a train.
A girl in a blue dress takes off her shoes and eats blue cotton candy.
The girl is eating blue cotton candy at a carnival.
Just because a girl is eating cotton candy doesn't mean she's at a carnival.
Just because a girl eats blue cotton candy doesn't mean the girl is at a carnival.
Blue cotto The carnival is a particular place whete blue cotton candy is being eaten.
A girl in a blue dress takes off her shoes and eats blue cotton candy.
The girl in a blue dress is a flower girl at a wedding.
The girl's role as a flower girl is not indicated by her actions. The events of the first sentence could happen anywhere, not necessarily at a wedding.
A girl in a blue dress doesn't imply the girl is a flower girl at a wedding.
All flower girls do not wear blue dresses.
A girl in a blue dress takes off her shoes and eats blue cotton candy.
The girl is eating while barefoot.
If a girl takes off her shoes, then she becomes barefoot, and if she eats blue candy, then she is eating.
When the girl takes off her shoes, the girl is barefoot.
If the shoes are off, then she is barefoot and also she is eating
A black man in a white uniform makes a spectacular reverse slam dunk to the crowd's amazement.
the man is asian
The person must be either a black man or an asian man.
The man can't be black and asian.
A black man is not asian.
A black man in a white uniform makes a spectacular reverse slam dunk to the crowd's amazement.
the man is playing
If someone makes a slam dunk, he is playing.
A reverse slam dunk is a basketball move. Basketball is a game. It is implied therefore that the man is playing.
A black man makes a spectacular reverse slam dunk so he is playing.
A black man in a white uniform makes a spectacular reverse slam dunk to the crowd's amazement.
the man is at home sleeping
A man cannot make a reverse slam dunk while at home sleeping simultaneously.
the man either makes a spectacular reverse slam dunk or at home sleeping
man can't be sleeping and makes a slam dunk
A basketball player with green shoes is dunking the ball in the net while the arena crowd looks on.
A man is making a sandwich while a crowd gasps in awe.
You wouldn't be making a sandwich while dunking the ball
A man does not have to be a basketball player. If a player is dunking the ball in the net he can not be making a sandwich.
The subject cannot be both making a sandwich and dunking the ball.
A basketball player with green shoes is dunking the ball in the net while the arena crowd looks on.
A crowd is watching someone play basketball.
A player is someone while a crowd looks on is watching.
Basketball player is a rephrasing of someone play basketball, and arena crowd is a type of crowd.
Sentence 2 simplifies and explains that a crowd is watching basketball.
A basketball player with green shoes is dunking the ball in the net while the arena crowd looks on.
A famous NBA player is playing street ball in front of a crowd.
A person playing basketball is not always famous and it does not mean it is street ball.
You can be a basketball player and not be a famous NBA player.
Not all basketball player are NBA players.
A frowning old man in a military cap and a civilian suit stands amongst a crowd of people outdoors carrying signs and balloons.
A group of people are standing outside.
Outdoors can only be outside.
A crowd of people can also be described as a group of people and outdoors is a synonym for outside.
If you are outdoors, you must be outside.
A frowning old man in a military cap and a civilian suit stands amongst a crowd of people outdoors carrying signs and balloons.
An angry military veteran watches as people protest the war.
The first sentence makes it seem like they could be taking part in the protest or just caught in the crowd, unable to move away. One would not assume that the old man watches the protesters.
You can frown and not be angry. Just because people are carrying signs and balloons does not mean they protest the war.
Not all frowning man in a military cap and a civilian suit carrying signs and balloons protest the war.
A frowning old man in a military cap and a civilian suit stands amongst a crowd of people outdoors carrying signs and balloons.
A man is watching a group of people having a hot dog eating contest.
These people cannot be having a hotdog eating contest while carrying around signs and balloons.
A man either is standing amongst a crowd of people outdoors carrying signs and balloons or is watching a group of people having a hot dog eating contest.
Frowning old man or just a man. Stands or watching. Carrying signs and balloons or having a hot dog eating contest.
A woman wearing bike shorts and a skirt is riding a bike and carrying a shoulder bag.
A woman on a bike.
woman riding a bike means she is on a bike
A woman can only ride a bike if she is on a bike.
If the woman is riding a bike it can be assumed she is on the bike.
A woman wearing bike shorts and a skirt is riding a bike and carrying a shoulder bag.
A woman riding a bike to work.
Not every woman who rides a bike is riding a bike to work.
Just because a woman is riding a bike does not mean it is to work.
A woman riding a bike does not necessarily going to work.
A woman wearing bike shorts and a skirt is riding a bike and carrying a shoulder bag.
A woman driving a car.
A bike is not a car.
riding a bike is different from driving a car.
The woman cannot be driving a car while riding a bike.
A skateboarding youth does a trick on a rail.
A young person on a skateboard.
Skateboarding youth implies a young person. A skateboarding youth must be on a skateboard in order to do a trick on a rail.
Youth describes a young person. A young person is skateboarding, so they must be on a skateboard.
you have to get on the skate board before doing tricks
A skateboarding youth does a trick on a rail.
A man painting a tree.
A skateboarding youth cannot be the same person as a man painting.
A youth is not a man. Skateboading on a rail is not painting a tree.
The man wouldn't let the man do a trick on a rail while he's painting a tree
A skateboarding youth does a trick on a rail.
A young boy showing his new skateboard tricks to his friends.
The youth is not necessarily a boy and they are not necessarily showing their new skateboard tricks to their friends.
Just because someone is doing skateboarding tricks does not mean they are new skateboard tricks or he is showing his friends.
The trick is not necessarily new and the boy could just be playing alone, instead of showing tricks to his friends.
A guy wearing jeans and a hat is crouching on a handrail with a concrete embankment located in front of him.
He is wearing a button-up shirt.
Not all men wear a button-up shirt.
Just because a guy is wearing jeans and a hat does not mean he is wearing a button-up shirt.
A guy wearing jeans does not necessarily wear a button-up shirt.
A guy wearing jeans and a hat is crouching on a handrail with a concrete embankment located in front of him.
His bald head is exposed.
If he's wearing a hat, then it couldn't be true that his head is exposed.
The man cannot have an exposed head while wearing a hat.
A hat will close the exposed part.
A guy wearing jeans and a hat is crouching on a handrail with a concrete embankment located in front of him.
A man is crouching on a handrail.
A guy is a man.
A guy and man are equivalent as part of description of him on a handrail
A guy is a man.
Girl in a red coat, blue head wrap and jeans is making a snow angel.
A girl in a red coat makes a snow angel for the first time.
Not all girls look snow angel in the first time.
You can make a snow angel and it not be for the first time.
The girl may not necessarily making a snow angel for the first time.
Girl in a red coat, blue head wrap and jeans is making a snow angel.
Girl in a black coat stays indoors away from the snow.
The girl is either in a black coat and indoors or she is in a red coat and outdoors making a snow angel.
A girl in red coat is different from a girl in black coat and you cannot be making a snow angel indoors.
The coat is either red or black. She cannot be making a snow angel if she is indoors.
Girl in a red coat, blue head wrap and jeans is making a snow angel.
A girl outside plays in the snow.
The girl is a girl because she is a girl in a red coat.
A girl that is making a snow angel implies that she is outside in the snow.
Making a snow angel implies playing in the snow.
A group of people gathered at night watching an event.
The group of friends are asleep.
People cannot be watching while asleep.
The group of people can't be both watching and asleep
People can not be watching an event while asleep.
A group of people gathered at night watching an event.
A group of humans are looking at the same direction.
A group of humans don't have to be watching an event to be looking at the same direction.
Just because people are watching an event does not mean they are looking at the same direction.
Just because a group of people watching an event may does not mean they are looking at the same direction.
A group of people gathered at night watching an event.
A group of friends are watching the music concert at night.
Not all events are music concerts.
You can be with people and not be friends and not all events are a music concert.
Not all event is a music concert.
The American footballer in yellow catches the ball whilst under pressure from the payer in white.
The football player is under duress.
Under duress is a rephrasing of under pressure.
Another way of saying under pressure is saying under duress.
Under duress is a re-statement of under pressure.
The American footballer in yellow catches the ball whilst under pressure from the payer in white.
The American football player in yellow catches the ball while under pressure from the player in white.
"catches the ball whilst under pressure from the payer in white. " is a rephrasing of " catches the ball while under pressure from the player in white"
a foot ball player is called as a footballer.
" football player " is a rephrase of " footballer "
The American footballer in yellow catches the ball whilst under pressure from the payer in white.
The basketball player shoots a three pointer.
The person cannot be basketball player and a footballer at the same time
A footballer is referred to, not a basketball player.
Shoots and catches are two different actions in a game that cannot be performed simultaneously.
A person with blue hair, a baseball cap, and a hood on stands outdoors in a crowd.
A person is enjoying a sporting event.
A person with a baseball cap stands outdoors in a crowd isn't necessarily enjoying a sporting event.
Just because a person stands outside in a crowd does not mean they are at a sporting event.
A person in a baseball cap standing outdoors in a crowd does not necessarily mean there is a sporting event and he is enjoying it.
A person with blue hair, a baseball cap, and a hood on stands outdoors in a crowd.
A person is dancing and singing.
Dancing and singing require a person to do more than standing .
The person can't stand and be dancing simultaneously.
One cannot stand outdoors in a crowd while also dancing and singing.
A person with blue hair, a baseball cap, and a hood on stands outdoors in a crowd.
A person is standing outdoors.
"A person is standing" is a rephrasing of "a person with blue hair, a baseball cap, and a hood of stands."
A person who stands outdoors is standing outdoors.
The crowd is outdoors.
A girl holding a beverage points at a painting.
The girl is in the bathtub
A painting is not usually found near a bathtub.
A bathtub is not a place a girl goes to to watch a painting and hold a beverage.
There are no paintings in the bathtub.
A girl holding a beverage points at a painting.
The girl is drinking an alcoholic beverage.
Holding a beverage doesn't imply drinking it. Not every beverage is an alcoholic beverage.
Just because a girl is holding a beverage does not mean it is an alcoholic beverage.
Not all beverage is an alcoholic beverage.
A girl holding a beverage points at a painting.
The girl has a beverage.
She is holding the beverage that she has.
A girl is holding a drink.
If a girl holds a beverage then we assume she has a beverage.
A man in a black shirt, in a commercial kitchen, holding up meat he took out of a bag.
A man in a black shirt, in a commercial kitchen, holding up the old meat he took out of a bag.
The meat does not have to be old.
the meat may not be old can be fresh
Not all meat in a bag is old meat.
A man in a black shirt, in a commercial kitchen, holding up meat he took out of a bag.
A woman in a black shirt, in a commercial kitchen, holding up meat he took out of a bag.
There can be only one person, a man or a woman.
There can be a man or woman.
The subject cannot be a man and a woman simultaneously.
A man in a black shirt, in a commercial kitchen, holding up meat he took out of a bag.
A man in a shirt, in a commercial kitchen, holding up meat he took out of a bag.
A black shirt is a type of shirt.
A black shirt is the same as a shirt.
A shirt can be black, but a shirt is not always black.
A person in a red shirt is mowing the grass with a green riding mower.
A person in red is swimming in the Olympics.
One can't be mowing the grass and swimming at the same time.
The person is either mowing the grass or swimming in the olympics.
Mowing the grass is not swimming in the Olympics