A severe storm is defined as one that produces six inches or more of snow in 48 hours or less, or damaging ice over 5,000 square miles. A WINTER STORM WATCH means hazardous winter weather conditions may affect your area. A WINTER STORM WARNING means hazardous winter weather conditions are threatening your area. Prepare snow removal equipment before the first storm. Have your furnace checked for proper, safe operation. Winterize your home, insulate, store emergency heating equipment. Winterize your car with snow tires, anti-freeze and winter weight oil, check your battery and ignition systems, exhaust, heater, defroster, wiper blades and lights. Know which radio stations broadcast school closing in your area. Keep a portable radio and extra batteries on hand. Stock extra medicine, first aid supplies, blankets, sleeping bags and firefighting equipment. Prepare your car in case you get stuck in deep snow. Store blankets, matches, candles, high energy foods (peanuts, raisins, hard candy), first aid kit, pay phone kits taped to the inside of the first aid kit, booster cables, sand or cat box filler, scraper, paper towels, shovel, one lb. coffee can, flashlight, a brightly colored cloth to use as a flag, flares, bottled water, personal medication, transistor radio, and a rubber hose for siphoning. Stay inside. Dress properly, in layers of clothing. Eat well balanced, nutritional meals. If you must go outside, avoid over exertion, dress warmly in loose-fitting, light-weight clothing. Keep dry. Remember to wear hats and mittens. Do not travel in a vehicle. If you must travel, never travel alone. Don’t panic. Stay in the vehicle. Avoid over exertion and exposure. Keep down-wind window slightly open for fresh air. Run engine/heater sparingly. Beware of carbon monoxide build-up. Exercise by clapping hands and moving legs, but don’t overdo it. Don’t let anyone sleep at the same time.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz" }
Magic: The Gathering (colloquially known as Magic cards or just Magic) is both a collectible and digital collectible card game created by Richard Garfield. Released in 1993 by Wizards of the Coast, Magic was the first trading card game and has approximately twenty million players as of 2015[update], and over twenty billion Magic cards produced in the period from 2008 to 2016 alone. Each game of Magic represents a battle between wizards known as planeswalkers who cast spells, use artifacts, and summon creatures as depicted on individual cards in order to defeat their opponents, typically, but not always, by draining them of their 20 starting life points. Although the original concept of the game drew heavily from the motifs of traditional fantasy role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, the gameplay bears little similarity to pencil-and-paper adventure games, while simultaneously having substantially more cards and more complex rules than many other card games. New cards are released on a regular basis through expansion sets. An organized tournament system (the DCI) played at the international level and a worldwide community of professional Magic players have developed, as well as a substantial resale market for Magic cards. Certain cards can be monetarily valuable due to their rarity in production and utility in gameplay, with prices ranging from a few cents to thousands of dollars. Richard Garfield was a doctoral candidate in combinatorial mathematics at University of Pennsylvania when he first started to design the game. During his free time he worked with local volunteer playtesters to help refine the game. He had been brought on as an adjunct professor at Whitman College in 1991 when Peter Adkison (then CEO of Wizards of the Coast games company) first met with Garfield to discuss Garfield's new game RoboRally. Adkison saw the game as very promising, but decided that Wizards of the Coast lacked the resources to produce it at that point. He did like Garfield's ideas and mentioned that he was looking for a portable game that could be played in the downtime that frequently occurs at gaming conventions. Garfield returned and presented the general outline of the concept of a trading card game. It was based on Garfield's game Five Magics from 1982. Adkison immediately saw the potential of this idea and agreed to produce it. Magic: The Gathering underwent a general release on August 5, 1993. While the game was simply called Magic through most of playtesting, when the game had to be officially named a lawyer informed them that the name Magic was too generic to be trademarked. Mana Clash was instead chosen to be the name used in the first solicitation of the game, however, everybody involved with the game continued to refer to it as Magic. After further consultation with the lawyer, it was decided to rename the game Magic: The Gathering, thus enabling the name to be trademarked. Magic was an immediate success for Wizards of the Coast. Early on they were even reluctant to advertise the game because they were unable to keep pace with existing demand. Initially Magic attracted many Dungeons & Dragons players, but the following included all types of other people as well. The success of the game quickly led to the creation of similar games by other companies as well as Wizards of the Coast themselves. Companion Games produced the Galactic Empires CCG (the first science fiction trading card game), which allowed players to pay for and design their own promotional cards, while TSR created the Spellfire game, which eventually included five editions in six languages, plus twelve expansion sets. Wizards of the Coast produced Jyhad (now called Vampire: The Eternal Struggle), a game about modern-day vampires. Other similar games included trading card games based on Star Trek and Star Wars. Magic is often cited as an example of a 1990s collecting fad, though the game's makers were able to overcome the bubble traditionally associated with collecting fads. The success of the initial edition prompted a reissue later in 1993, along with expansions to the game. Arabian Nights was released as the first expansion in December 1993. New expansions and revisions of the base game ("Core Sets") have since been released on a regular basis, amounting to four releases a year. By the end of 1994, the game had printed over a billion cards. Until the release of Mirage in 1996, expansions were released on an irregular basis. Beginning in 2009 one revision of the core set and a set of three related expansions called a "block" were released every year. This system was revised in 2015, with the Core Set being eliminated and blocks now consisting of two sets, released biannually. While the essence of the game has always stayed the same, the rules of Magic have undergone three major revisions with the release of the Revised Edition in 1994, Classic Edition in 1999, and Magic 2010 in July 2009. With the release of the Eighth Edition in 2003, Magic also received a major visual redesign. By April 1997, 2 billion cards had been sold. In 1999, Wizards of The Coast was acquired by Hasbro for $325 million, making Magic a Hasbro game. While unofficial methods of online play existed previously,[note 1] Magic Online (often shortened to "MTGO" or "Modo"), an official online version of the game, was released in 2002. A new, updated version of Magic Online was released in April 2008. In January 2014, Hasbro announced a franchise film deal with 20th Century Fox for Magic: The Gathering, saying that they wanted "to launch a massive franchise on the scale of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings." Simon Kinberg was to serve as a producer for the project. In June 2014, Fox hired screenwriter Bryan Cogman to write the script for the film. As of 2019, no film has entered production. In February 2018, Wizards noted that between the years of 2008 and 2016 they had printed over 20 billion Magic: the Gathering cards. A 2004 article in USA Today suggested that playing Magic might help improve the social and mental skills of some of the players. The article interviewed players' parents who believe that the game, similar to sports, teaches children how to more gracefully win and lose. Magic also contains a great amount of strategy and vocabulary that children may not be exposed to on a regular basis. Parents also claimed that playing Magic helped keep their children out of trouble, such as using illegal drugs or joining criminal gangs. On the other hand, the article also briefly mentions that Magic can be highly addictive, leading to parents worried about their children's Magic obsession. In addition, until 2007, some of the better players had opportunities to compete for a small number of scholarships. Jordan Weisman, an American game designer and entrepreneur, commented, "I love games that challenge and change our definition of adventure gaming, and Magic: The Gathering is definitely one of a very short list of titles that has accomplished that elusive goal. By combining the collecting and trading elements of baseball cards with the fantasy play dynamics of role-playing games, Magic created a whole new genre of product that changed our industry forever." In addition, several individuals including Richard Garfield and Donato Giancola won personal awards for their contributions to Magic. A game of Magic involves two or more players who are engaged in a battle acting as powerful wizards called planeswalkers. Each player has their own deck, either one previously constructed or made from a limited pool of cards for the event. A player starts the game with twenty "life points" and loses the game when their life total is reduced to zero. A player can also lose if they must draw from an empty deck. In addition, some cards specify other ways to win or lose the game. Garfield has stated that two major influences in his creation of Magic: the Gathering were the games Cosmic Encounter, which first used the concept that normal rules could sometimes be overridden, and Dungeons & Dragons. The "Golden Rule of Magic" states that "Whenever a card's text directly contradicts the rules, the card takes precedence." The Comprehensive Rules, a detailed rulebook, exists to clarify conflicts. Players begin the game by shuffling their decks and then drawing seven cards. Players draw one card at the beginning of each of their turns, except the first player on their first turn unless there are more than 2 players. Players alternate turns. The two basic kinds of cards are "spells" and "lands". Lands provide "mana", or magical energy, which is used as magical fuel when the player attempts to cast spells. Players may only play one land per turn. More powerful spells cost more mana, so as the game progresses more mana becomes available, and the quantity and relative power of the spells played tends to increase. Spells come in several varieties: "sorceries" and "instants" have a single, one-time effect before they go to the "graveyard" (discard pile); "enchantments" and "artifacts" are "permanents" that remain in play after being cast to provide a lasting magical effect; "creature" spells (also a type of permanent) summon creatures that can attack and damage an opponent. The set Lorwyn introduced the new "planeswalker" card type, which represents powerful allies who fight with their own magic abilities. In most Constructed tournament formats, decks are required to be a minimum of sixty cards, with no upper limit. Players may use no more than four copies of any named card, with the exception of "basic lands", which act as a standard resource in Magic, and some specific cards that state otherwise. For example, the card Relentless Rats states that a deck may contain any number of itself. Certain formats such as Commander may limit the number of iterations of a single card players may have in their decks. These are colloquially known as singleton formats. In most Constructed formats, there exists a list of individual cards which have been "restricted" (the card is limited to a single copy per deck) or "banned" (the card is no longer legal for tournament play). These limitations are usually for balance of power reasons, but have been occasionally made because of gameplay mechanics. In "Limited" tournament formats, a small number of cards are opened for play from booster packs or tournament packs, and a minimum deck size of forty cards is enforced. The most popular limited format is Booster Draft, in which players open a booster pack, choose a card from it, and pass it to the player seated next to them. This continues until all the cards have been picked, and then a new pack is opened. Three packs are opened altogether, and the direction of passing alternates left-right-left. Once the draft is done, players create 40-card decks out of the cards they picked and play games with the players they drafted with. Deck building requires strategy as players must choose among thousands of cards which they want to play. This requires players to evaluate the power of their cards, as well as the possible synergies between them, and their possible interactions with the cards they expect to play against (this "metagame" can vary in different locations or time periods). The choice of cards is usually narrowed by the player deciding which colors they want to include in the deck. This decision is a key part of creating a deck. In general, reducing the number of colors used increases the consistency of play and the probability of drawing the lands needed to cast one's spells, at the expense of restricting the range of tactics available to the player. Most spells come in one of five colors. The colors can be seen on the back of the cards, in a pentagonal design, called the "Color Wheel" or "Color Pie". Clockwise from the top, they are: white (W), blue (U), black (B), red (R), and green (G). To play a spell of a given color, at least one mana of that color is required. This mana is normally generated by a basic land: plains for white, island for blue, swamp for black, mountain for red, and forest for green. The balances and distinctions among the five colors form one of the defining aspects of the game. Each color has strengths and weaknesses based on the "style" of magic it represents. White is the color of order, equality, righteousness, healing, law, community, peace, and light. White's strengths include a roster of smaller creatures, as well as the ability to create creature tokens, both of which are strong collectively; protecting and enhancing those creatures with enchantments; increasing one's life points; preventing damage to creatures or players; imposing restrictions on players; disabling the capabilities of opposing creatures; and powerful spells that "equalize" the playing field by destroying all cards of a given type. White creatures are renowned for their defense-favoring abilities, many of which include "Protection" and "Vigilance". White magic opposes artificial fabrication, this being represented by many of its spells that can destroy artifacts and enchantments. White's weaknesses include the fact that many of its spells favor smaller creatures; its passive playing style in which it relies on an opponent's actions to maximize its own effects; and the nature of its most powerful spells that usually affect all players equally—including the casting player. Blue is the color of intellect, reason, illusion, logic, knowledge, manipulation, and trickery, as well as the classical elements of air and water. Blue's strengths include allowing a player to draw additional cards; permanently taking control of an opponent's cards; returning cards from the battlefield to their owner's hand; forcing cards to go directly from a player's deck to their graveyard; and negating spells before they are successfully cast. Blue's creatures tend to be weaker than those of the other colors, but commonly have abilities which make them difficult to block, "Flying" being the most common evasive ability among Blue creatures. Blue's power of extra-sensory perception is represented by the ability "Scry", which allows the player to look at the top cards of his or her deck and choose whether he or she will draw those cards the subsequent turns. Since Blue magic revolves around advancement and technology, it has the highest number of cards having beneficial interactions with artifacts. Blue's weaknesses include its inability to destroy spells already placed on the field, having them returned to the hand instead; the fixation on negating and delaying enemy actions, while itself lacking an aggressive plan; and the way it prolongs the game and victory, thus allowing the opponent a possibility for a sudden comeback. Black is the color of power, ambition, death, illness, corruption, selfishness, amorality, and sacrifice. It is not necessarily evil, though many of its cards refer directly or indirectly to this concept. Black's strengths include the ability to destroy creatures instantly; forcing players to discard cards from their hand; decreasing a player's life while you usually gain that same amount lost; evasive abilities are common among Black creatures; and resurrecting creatures from a player's graveyard. Furthermore, because Black seeks to win at all costs, it has limited access to many abilities or effects that are normally available only to one of the other colors; but these abilities often require large sacrifices of life totals, creatures, cards in hand, cards in library, and other difficult-to-replace resources. One of the most notable abilities among Black creatures is "Deathtouch", which always causes creatures damaged by those possessing this ability to be sent to the graveyard, regardless of the damage amount assigned. Black's main weaknesses include an almost complete inability to deal with enchantments and artifacts; the tendency to inflict itself with severe negative effects in order to defeat the opponent; the way in which it overly relies on cards inside the graveyards; and difficulties in removing other Black creatures. Red is the color of freedom, chaos, passion, creativity, impulse, fury, warfare, lightning, the classical element of fire, and the abiotic geological aspects of the classical element earth. Red's strengths include the ability to directly damage creatures or players; destroying opposing lands and artifacts; and sacrificing permanent resources for temporary but high-profit power. Red has a wide array of creatures, but (with the exception of late-game powerhouses, such as Red's notable dragons) most tend to be defensively weak, rendering them easier to destroy. As a trade-off, some of these weaker creatures have the ability to temporarily raise their offense value, leaving their defense value unaffected; many other Red spells focus on this concept of glass cannon offense. Much like Blue, Red explores the element of trickery, this being represented by spells that are able to temporarily steal an opponent's creatures; divert or copy other spells; and those involving random chance. In terms of keyword abilities, Red tends to focus on quickness and speed, this being represented by the popular abilities "Haste" and "First Strike". Red's weaknesses include its inability to destroy enchantments; the self-destructive, single-use nature of many of its spells; the overall lack of defense value or toughness of its creatures; and the way in which it trades early-game speed and vulnerability for late-game staying power, in which it may not last that long. Green is the color of life, nature, evolution/adaptability, ecology, interdependence, instinct, and indulgence. Green's strengths are on the battlefield, usually winning by means of combat with creatures, of which it has a broad menagerie. These tend to be notably strong at a low mana cost and have abilities that make them more survivable, the two most common being "Regenerate" and "Hexproof". Many of Green's creatures also possess the ability "Trample", which allows the attacking creature to deal combat damage to an opponent even if blocked by a weaker creature. Recurring elements among Green spells include increasing a creature's offense and defense value, temporarily or permanently; forcing two or more creature to fight with each other head-on; the opposition against creatures with "Flying"; and the ability to create creature tokens. Green spells often focus on growth, this being represented by gaining life points; generating extra quantities of mana; and directly obtaining land cards, thus allowing the player to cast their more expensive spells quicker than usual. Since Green magic revolves around natural order, many of its spells can destroy opposing artifacts and enchantments; notably, Green has the fewest cards having beneficial interactions with artifacts. Green's weaknesses include its inability to prevent non-combat-related attacks, namely actions that affect the hand, library, or graveyard; its one-track method of destroying enemy creatures through combat only; and its trouble stopping attacking creatures that have bypassed Green's own powerful creatures, beyond them being very little protection left. Multi-color cards were introduced in the Legends set and typically use a gold frame to distinguish them from mono-color cards. These cards require mana from two or more different colors to be played and count as belonging to each of the colors used to play them. Multi-color cards typically combine the philosophy and mechanics of all the colors used in the spell's cost, and tend to be proportionally more powerful compared to single-color or hybrid cards, as requiring multiple colors of mana makes them harder to cast. More recently, two-color "hybrid" cards were introduced in the Ravnica set, and appeared extensively throughout the Shadowmoor and Eventide sets. Hybrid cards are distinguished by a gradient frame with those two colors, and can be paid with either of the card's colors; for instance, a card with two hybrid-red/white icons can be cast using two red mana, two white mana, or one of each. Several sets have made multi-colored cards a theme, including Invasion, Shards of Alara, both Ravnica blocks and others. Core sets do not typically include multi-color cards in them, although the Core 2013 set was the first to do so. Colorless cards belong to no color, and most often appear in the form of Lands, Artifacts, or cards related to the Eldrazi creature type. Unlike the five colors, Colorless cards do not have a specific personality or style of play. Sometimes, colorless cards will imitate the mechanics of a particular color, though in a less-efficient manner than a similar colored card. Often colorless cards are linked to one or more colors via their abilities, through story references, or through flavor text on the cards themselves. With the Rise of the Eldrazi expansion, however, colorless cards that are neither artifacts nor lands have been introduced for the first time in larger quantities. These cards have been more recently featured in the Battle for Zendikar set that was released in 2015. Magic, like many other games, combines chance and skill. One frequent complaint about the game involves the notion that there is too much luck involved, especially concerning possessing too many or too few lands. Early in the game especially, too many or too few lands could ruin a player's chance at victory without the player having made a mistake. This in-game statistical variance can be minimized by proper deck construction, as an appropriate land count can reduce mana problems. In Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012, the land count is automatically adjusted to 40% of the total deck size. A "mulligan" rule was introduced into the game, first informally in casual play and then in the official game rules. The most current mulligan rule allows players to shuffle an unsatisfactory opening hand back into the deck at the start of the game, draw a new hand with one fewer card, and repeat until satisfied, after which any player who has fewer than seven cards may look at the top card of his or her deck and either return it or put it at the bottom of the deck. In multiplayer, a player may take one mulligan without penalty, while subsequent mulligans will still cost one card (a rule known as "Partial Paris mulligan"). The original mulligan allowed a player a single redraw of seven new cards if that player's initial hand contained seven or zero lands. A variation of this rule called a "forced mulligan" is still used in some casual play circles and in multiplayer formats on Magic Online, and allows a single "free" redraw of seven new cards if a player's initial hand contains seven, six, one or zero lands. Confessing his love for games combining both luck and skill, Magic creator Richard Garfield admitted its influence in his design of Magic. In addressing the complaint about luck influencing a game, Garfield states that new and casual players tend to appreciate luck as a leveling effect, since randomness can increase their chances of winning against a more skilled player. Meanwhile, a player with higher skills appreciates a game with less chance, as the higher degree of control increases their chances of winning. According to Garfield, Magic has and would likely continue decreasing its degree of luck as the game matured. The "Mulligan rule", as well as card design, past vs. present, are good examples of this trend. He feels that this is a universal trend for maturing games. Garfield explained using chess as an example, that unlike modern chess, in predecessors, players would use dice to determine which chess piece to move. The original set of rules prescribed that all games were to be played for ante. Garfield was partly inspired by the game of marbles and wanted folks to play with the cards rather than collect them. For Magic, each player removed a card at random from the deck they wished to play with and the two cards would be set aside as the ante. At the end of the match, the winner would take and keep both cards. Early sets included a few cards with rules designed to interact with this gambling aspect, allowing replacements of cards up for ante, adding more cards to the ante, or even permanently trading cards in play. The ante concept became controversial because many regions had restrictions on games of chance. The rule was later made optional because of these restrictions and because of players' reluctance to possibly lose a card that they owned. The gambling rule is forbidden at sanctioned events and is now mostly a relic of the past, though it still sees occasional usage in friendly games as well as the prismatic format. The last card to mention ante was printed in the 1995 expansion set Homelands. In "Constructed" tournaments, each player arrives with a pre-built deck, which must have a minimum of sixty cards and follow other deck construction rules. The deck may also have up to a fifteen card sideboard, which allows players to modify their deck. Normally the first player to win two games is the winner of the match. Different formats of Constructed Magic exist, each allowing different cards. The DCI maintains a "Banned and Restricted List" for each format; players may not use banned cards at all, and restricted cards are limited to one copy per deck. The DCI bans cards that it determines are damaging the health of a format; it seeks to use this remedy as infrequently as possible, and only a handful of cards have been banned in recent years. Standard, formerly known as Type 2, contains anywhere from five to eight sets. The Standard card pool undergoes a "rotation" once a year, usually in October, when older sets rotate out of the format and the fall set is released. As of October 10, 2018, the Standard card pool consists of Ixalan, Rivals of Ixalan, Dominaria, Core Set 2019, Guilds of Ravnica, and Ravnica Allegiance, with one card banned. For the history of Standard, see Timeline of Magic: the Gathering Standard (Type II). Modern is a non-rotating format where all previously standard legal cards from 8th Edition forward are legal. It was first played at the Magic Online 2011 Community Cup, a response to players' desire for a non-rotating format that is more accessible to newer players. Wizards of the Coast introduced Modern as a legal format on August 12, 2011, and saw its first paper magic play at Pro Tour Philadelphia 2011. Certain cards that released in products that are not standard legal such as Planechase or Commander series cards, are not legal in Modern. Legacy is an Eternal format, meaning it allows every card ever printed except cards on the Legacy banned list. It is distinguished from Vintage in that certain cards are banned for power reasons. Vintage is an Eternal format, meaning it allows every card ever printed except the Vintage banned list. The only banned cards in Vintage are cards using the "ante" mechanic or have "dexterity issues" which the DCI considers inappropriate for competitive Magic. However there is a unique "Restricted List" where only a single copy of a card is allowed to be played instead of the traditional 4. Because of the expense in acquiring the scarce old cards to play competitive Vintage, some unsanctioned Vintage tournaments permit players to proxy a certain number of cards. Proxy cards are forbidden in DCI-sanctioned tournaments, except as replacements for damaged cards when created by the event judge. Pauper is a format that only allows cards with the common rarity to be played. Although the format is played mainly on Magic: The Gathering Online, it has seen a physical resurgence after Pauper was featured in several Grand Prix events. Commander (originally known as Elder Dragon Highlander or EDH) is a casual format, but can be played competitively. In this format each player constructs a 100 singleton deck that has a legendary creature that acts as a commander. The deck construction is limited to the colors that are represented by the chosen commander and there cannot be two or more cards with the same name with the exception of basic lands. The legendary creature chosen as commander is kept in a special "command zone" and may be cast at any time you can afford to cast the creature. If the commander card would enter any zone other than the battlefield from anywhere, its owner has the choice to return that card to the "command zone", where it can be cast again for an additional two generic mana to its regular cost. The banned list and unique rules are governed by an independent body (not by Wizards of the Coast), although Wizards of the Coast has tried to make variants of Commander like 1v1 Commander, which has its own banlist, and Brawl, which only allows the use of Standard-legal cards. Wizards of the Coast releases pre-built commander decks on a yearly basis. Two Headed Giant is a multiplayer format played in two-player teams. One team shares a life total and their turn phases, but have separate mana, cards, decks, and battlefields, and graveyards. Each player can block any creatures that are attacking them, their teammate, or any planeswalker their team controls. Cards that read "each opponent" or "each player" target each opponent, not the team together. Booster Draft is usually played with eight players. The players are seated around a table and each player is given three booster packs. Each player opens a pack, selects a card from it, and passes the remaining cards to the next player. Each player then selects one of the remaining cards from the pack he or she just received, and passes the remaining cards again. This continues until all of the cards are depleted. Players pass left for the first and third packs, and right for the second. Players then build decks out of any of the cards that they selected during the drafting. Talking, signaling, and showing cards is forbidden during the drafting process, except for double faced cards from the Innistrad and Shadows over Innistrad blocks and "Magic Origins", which cannot be hidden as each side of the physical card has a spell printed on it. The DCI maintains a set of rules for being able to sanction tournaments, as well as runs its own circuit. Local shops often offer "Friday Night Magic" tournaments as a stepping-stone to more competitive play. The DCI runs the Pro Tour as a series of major tournaments to attract interest. The right to compete in a Pro Tour has to be earned by either winning a Pro Tour Qualifier Tournament or being successful in a previous tournament on a similar level. A Pro Tour is usually structured into two days of individual competition played in the Swiss format. On the final day, the top eight players compete with each other in an elimination format to select the winner. At the end of the year the Magic World Championship is held. The World Championship functions like a Pro Tour, except that competitors have to present their skill in three different formats (usually Standard, booster draft and a second constructed format) rather than one. Another difference is that invitation to the World Championship can be gained not through Pro Tour Qualifiers, but via the national championship of a country. Most countries send their top four players of the tournament as representatives, though nations with minor Magic playing communities may send just one player. The World Championship also has a team-based competition, where the national teams compete with each other. Invitation to a Pro Tour, Pro Points and prize money can also be earned in lesser tournaments called Grand Prix that are open to the general public and are held more frequently throughout the year. Grand Prix events are usually the largest Magic tournaments, sometimes drawing more than 2,000 players. The largest Magic tournament ever held was Grand Prix: Las Vegas in June 2013 with a total of 4,500 players. Magic: The Gathering cards are produced in much the same way as normal playing cards. Each Magic card, approximately 63 × 88 mm in size (2.5 by 3.5 inches), has a face which displays the card's name and rules text as well as an illustration appropriate to the card's concept. 18,970 unique cards have been produced for the game as of September 2016[update], many of them with variant editions, artwork, or layouts, and 600–1000 new ones are added each year. The first Magic cards were printed exclusively in English, but current sets are also printed in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. The majority of cards are sold in booster packs, which contain fifteen cards normally divided into four rarities, which can be differentiated by the color of the expansion symbol.[note 2] A fifteen-card Booster Pack will typically contain one rare (gold), three uncommons (silver), ten commons (black), and one basic land (colored black, as commons). Sets prior to Shards of Alara contained eleven commons instead of a basic land. Each set since Kaladesh features two Planeswalker decks, which are meant to help new players learn the game. They contain a 60-card pre-constructed deck with an exclusive Planeswalker, as well as several exclusive cards, two booster packs from the set they accompany, as well as a rule guide and a card board box with an image of the included Planeswalker. Each set from Shards of Alara to Eldritch Moon featured five Intro Packs, which fulfilled the same function as planeswalker decks. They contained a 60-card pre-constructed deck, as well as two booster packs from the set they accompany and a rule guide. Each set from Mirrodin Besieged to Gatecrash featured two Event Decks, which were pre-constructed decks designed as an introduction to tournament play. Beginning with Dragon's Maze, each set featured only one Event Deck. However, event decks were discontinued after the set "Battle for Zendikar". Previously, cards were also sold in Tournament Packs typically containing three rares, ten uncommons, thirty-two commons, and thirty basic lands.[note 3] Tournament Packs were discontinued after Shards of Alara. As of 2018, the number of consecutive sets set on the same world varies. For example, although Dominaria takes place in one set, the Guilds of Ravnica block will take place over three sets. In addition, small sets have been removed due to developmental problems and all sets are now large. Prior to this change, sets were put into two-set blocks, starting with a large set and ending with a smaller one three months later. Prior to 2016, expansion sets were released in a three-set block (again, beginning with a larger set followed by two smaller sets). These sets consist almost exclusively of newly designed cards. Contrasting with the wide-ranging Core Set, each expansion is focused around a subset of mechanics and ties into a set storyline. Expansions also dedicate several cards to a handful of particular, often newly introduced, game mechanics. The Core Sets began to be released annually (previously biennially) in July 2009 coinciding with the name change from 10th Edition to Magic 2010. This shift also introduced new, never before printed cards into the core set, something that previously had never been done. However, core sets were discontinued following the release of Magic Origins, on July 17, 2015, at the same time that two-set blocks were introduced. Wizards of Coast announced on June 12, 2017 that they plan on revamping and reintroducing a revamped core set, and Core Set 2019 was released on July 13, 2018. In addition to the quarterly set releases, Magic cards are released in other products as well, such as the Planechase and Archenemy spin-off games. These combine reprinted Magic cards with new, oversized cards with new functionality. Magic cards are also printed specifically for collectors, such as the From the Vault and Premium Deck Series sets, which contain exclusively premium foil cards. In 2003, starting with the Eighth Edition Core Set, the game went through its biggest visual change since its creation—a new card frame layout was developed to allow more rules text and larger art on the cards, while reducing the thick, colored border to a minimum. The new frame design aimed to improve contrast and readability using black type instead of the previous white, a new font, and partitioned areas for the name, card type, and power and toughness. The card frame was changed once again in Core Set 2015, which maintained the same templating, but made the card sleeker and added a holo-foil stamp to every rare and mythic card to curtail counterfeiting. Magic: The Gathering video games, comics, and books have been produced under licensing or directly by Wizards of the Coast. In September 2011, Hasbro and IDW Publishing accorded to make a four-issue mini-series about Magic: The Gathering with a new story but heavily based on MTG elements and with a new Planeswalker called Dack Fayden, which story is mainly developed in the planes of Ravnica and Innistrad. The ongoing series started in February 2012. In 2015 Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro published Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers. Arena of the Planeswalkers is a tactical boardgame where the players maneuver miniatures over a customizable board game, and the ruleset and terrain is based on Heroscape, but with an addition of spell cards and summoning. The original master set includes miniatures that represent the five Planeswalkers Gideon, Jace, Liliana, Chandra, and Nissa as well as select creatures from the Magic: The Gathering universe. They later released an expansion Battle for Zendikar featuring multi-color Planeswalkers Kiora and Ob Nixilis and a colorless Eldrazi Ruiner, and a second master set Shadows Over Innistrad which has 4 new Planeswalkers and also includes the addition of cryptoliths. While comics and books have mostly been supplements to develop a background story for the game, several video games have been produced which lean in varying degree on the original game. For the first computer games Wizards of the Coast had sold licenses to Acclaim and MicroProse roughly at the same time. While MicroProse's Magic: The Gathering received favorable reviews, Acclaim's Magic: The Gathering: BattleMage was mostly dismissed with negative reaction. With Magic: The Gathering Online or MTGO for short, Wizards developed and released a computer version of the game themselves that allows players to compete online against other players using the original Magic cards and rules. Players purchase digital cards, and are able to play online against each other using their digital collections. Magic: The Gathering Online is the closest to paper magic of the digital alternatives. A stripped down version of MTGO is Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers which was developed by Stainless Games and released for the Xbox 360 in June 2009. The game was ported to Windows in June of the next year. Six months after the PC release of Duels of the Planeswalkers, the game was ported to the PlayStation 3 platform. The game was the most-played Xbox Live title for two weeks after its release. Stainless continued to release yearly updates to this, culminating in Magic Duels, a free-to-play title released in 2015. Hiberium and D3 Publisher licensed Magic: the Gathering for its mobile game, Magic: The Gathering - Puzzle Quest, combining deck building with match-3-style casual gaming. This was released in December 2015 and continues to be updated with new card sets from the physical game. Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment have announced plans to create a Magic: The Gathering massively multiplayer online role-playing game, to be released for personal computers and consoles. On November 3, 2017, Magic: The Gathering Arena, the successor to Duels of the Planeswalkers, entered its first closed stress test. On December 2017, the game entered closed beta, before entering open beta on September 27, 2018. In January 2014, 20th Century Fox acquired the rights to produce a Magic: The Gathering film with Simon Kinberg as producer and TSG Entertainment (its co-financing partner), Hasbro Studios and subsidiary company Allspark Pictures as co-financers, after Universal Pictures allegedly dropped the film from their schedule (Both Universal and Hasbro had been developing the original Magic: The Gathering film since 2009). In April 2016, Enter the Battlefield, a documentary about life on the Magic Pro Tour was released. The film was written by Greg Collins, Nathan Holt, and Shawn Kornhauser. Three official parody expansions of Magic exist: Unglued, Unhinged, and Unstable. Most of the cards in these sets feature silver borders and humorous themes. The silver-bordered cards are not legal for play in DCI-sanctioned tournaments. There is an active secondary market in individual cards among players and game shops. Many physical and online stores sell single cards or "playsets" of four of a card. Common cards rarely sell for more than a few cents and are usually sold in bulk. Uncommon cards and weak rare cards typically sell from 10¢ up to $1. The more expensive cards in standard tournament play are typically priced between $1 to $25, although many commonly played cards in the Modern and Legacy formats sell for $50 to $200. Foil versions of rare and mythic rare cards are typically priced at about twice as much as the regular versions. Some of the more sought-after rare and mythic rare cards can have foil versions that cost up to three or four times more than the non-foil versions. A few of the oldest cards, due to smaller printings and limited distribution, are highly valued and rare. This is partly due to the "Reserved List", a list of cards from the sets Alpha to Urza's Destiny (1994–1999) that Wizards has promised never to reprint. The most expensive card that was in regular print (as opposed to being a promotional or special printing) is Black Lotus. In 2013, a "Pristine 9.5 grade" Beckett Grading Services graded Alpha Black Lotus was bought by an anonymous buyer, for a record $27,302. The secondary market started with comic book stores, and hobby shops displaying and selling cards, with the cards' values determined somewhat arbitrarily by the employees of the store. With the expansion of the internet, prices of cards were determined by the number of tournament deck lists a given card would appear in. If a card was played in a tournament more frequently, the cost of the card would be higher (in addition to the market availability of the card). When eBay, Amazon, and other large online markets started to gain popularity, the Magic secondary market evolved substantially. Buying and selling Magic cards online became a source of income for people who learned how to manipulate the market. Today, the secondary market is so large and complex, it has become an area of study for consumer research, and some people make a career out of market manipulation, creating mathematical models to analyze the growth of cards' worth, and predict the market value of both individual cards, and entire sets of cards. This is called Magic: the Gathering finance. A few early sets experimented with alternate art for cards. However, Wizards came to believe that this impeded easy recognition of a card and that having multiple versions caused confusion when identifying a card at a glance. Consequently, alternate art is now only used sparingly and mostly for promotional cards.[note 4] When older cards are reprinted in new sets, however, Wizards of the Coast usually prints them with new art to make the older cards more collectible, though they sometimes reuse well-received artwork if it makes sense thematically. The original Magic: The Gathering Limited Edition has no overarching storyline, and the cards only have unconnected bits of lore and trivia to give the cards some individual depth. In the early expansion sets until Visions there is usually no real story arc either. Instead, some of these sets are inspired from mythologies of various cultures. This is most apparent in Arabian Nights, that takes some of the One Thousand and One Nights characters and makes them into Magic cards. Norse mythological influences can be seen worked into Ice Age and African influences into Mirage. However, not all of the early sets can be linked as directly to earth mythology. Antiquities touches on an independent storyline about two warring brothers, Urza and Mishra. Homelands is the exception in that period. For this set, a back story was first conceived and the cards in the set were designed afterwards to fit the storyline. Beginning with the Weatherlight expansion there was a shift in the way Magic storylines were used. For the blocks Weatherlight through Apocalypse, the story was laid out in a character driven story, following the events of the Weatherlight ship and its crew. With help of the planeswalking capabilities of the Weatherlight, the protagonists travel through the multiverse to fight Yawgmoth and his army of Phyrexians. Odyssey through Scourge are an unconnected storyline set 100 years later on Dominaria where multiple factions battle for control of the Mirari, a powerful magical artifact left by Karn. After Scourge, Magic storylines have mostly panned away from Dominaria. New planes were created to set the scene for new storylines. In contrast to the previous character driven stories, these releases focused on thematic worlds. This was the model from Mirrodin through Alara, a world split into five magically and culturally distinct "shards" but later reunited. During this block of time, Time Spiral block was released, in which several Dominarian planeswalkers attempted to stop the time rifts that threatened to destroy Dominaria. This block contains the Multiverse-wide event known as the Mending, which powered down the current, godlike planeswalkers to mere mortals that happened to be able to travel to other planes. The event also set up the introduction of the Planeswalker type in Lorwyn block. After Alara, Magic visited Zendikar, a world used as a prison to entrap a race of interplanar parasitic monsters called the Eldrazi, which were inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's Old Ones. Beginning with Zendikar the world-centric storytelling was complemented by an overlying story layer. Planeswalker cards had been introduced in Lorwyn and these Planeswalker characters were used to give the overarching storyline a sense of continuity, despite the constant change of setting. The block following Zendikar, Scars of Mirrodin, revisited the plane of Mirrodin, where the Mirran natives battled against an invading Phyrexian corruption unwittilingly left by Karn (again interconnecting various storylines). To further integrate the storyline into the gameplay, certain events for the second set, Mirrodin Besieged, encouraged players to affiliate themselves with either the Mirran or Phyrexian faction. Much of the recent focus has been on both integrating the play experience with the story line and on making mechanics and individual cards which represent pivotal points in the story. On Innistrad, a plane inspired heavily by gothic horror, its guardian angel has gone missing. Darkness has started to consume the plane, and the players must discover that the Helvault, a magical prison, has been holding the archangel Avacyn as well as demons. Thalia, a cathar of the Church of Avacyn, broke open the Helvault and released Avacyn as well as all of the demons. In the Return to Ravnica block, players were encouraged to affiliate themselves with a guild and take control of the city of Ravnica by completing the maze discovered by Niv-Mizzet. Theros was a plane inspired by Greek mythology, containing many references to Greek mythological figures such as Prometheus and the pantheon of gods. Tarkir would have been a plane where dragons had long since died, controlled by five clans ruled by khans. Through time travel, the result of the struggle between the ancient clans and the dragons was reversed and the dragons now reign over each of the five clans, which are both similar and different to their alternate-timeline predecessors. Battle for Zendikar was a return to the plane of Zendikar, which had been ravaged by the Eldrazi horrors. This marks a change in Magic's storytelling, where each block's story is shown from the perspective of a group of planeswalkers called the Gatewatch. Shadows Over Innistrad was a return to Innistrad, where Avacyn has been corrupted. The next set, Eldritch Moon, focuses on the fact that Emrakul, the most powerful Eldrazi titan that had been missing from the Battle for Zendikar storyline, is now on Innistrad. Together, the Gatewatch must find a way to save the plane from Emrakul's influence. This story also focuses on cosmic horror instead of the traditional gothic horror of old Innistrad. Kaladesh had the Gatewatch go to Chandra Nalaar's home world, the titular plane of Kaladesh, where she finds her mother (presumed dead) and almost kills Tezzeret. Tezzeret later kidnaps Rashmi, winner of the famous Inventor's Fair, and begins a dastardly plot to control the ruling Consulate. With the Consulate imprisoning inventors and confiscating their devices following the Fair, tensions between the populace and the government reach a boiling point, as depicted in Aether Revolt. The block focuses on a Steampunk aesthetic, with the steam replaced by aether, a powerful material that works in nearly every part of life. Amonkhet had the Gatewatch set out to destroy the evil dragon planeswalker Nicol Bolas after learning of his dominion over the titular desert plane Amonkhet. In the desert, they find a city (Naktamun) teeming with food, water, and life, ruled by five gods, with Nicol Bolas seemingly absent altogether. The people of Naktamun train their entire lives to die in ritual combat, hoping to experience pure bliss in the afterlife when the God-Pharaoh (Bolas) returns to Amonkhet. In Hour of Devastation, Bolas returns as prophesied, only to raze Naktamun and reveal the true purpose of the training and combat: to create an army of physically-perfect and combat-adept mummies that serve as an unquestionably loyal army. Although the Gatewatch attempt to defeat Bolas, they are utterly defeated and are forced to flee from Amonkhet. The block's setting is based on ancient Egypt, with themes of social hierarchy and the contrast between life and death. Ixalan centered around the quest for the Golden City of Orazca and the artifact known as the Immortal Sun that lies within it. The tribes vying for the Immortal Sun include; the Sun Empire, an army of dinosaur-riding warriors; the River Heralds, a group of merfolk shamans; the Legion of Dusk, a coalition of vampire conquistadors; and the Brazen Coalition, a fleet of seafaring pirates. The story also follows Jace Beleren, who is stranded on Ixalan without any of his memories after the events of Hour of Devastation, and Vraska, a gorgon agent of Nicol Bolas posing as a pirate on the high seas. In Rivals of Ixalan, the quest for the Immortal Sun reaches its climax as all four tribes attempt to seize the Golden City and as Jace and Vraska attempt to defeat the devious sphinx Azor, the founder of the Azorius guild on Ravnica and the creator of the Immortal Sun. Dominaria was a return to the plane of the same name, which has not been seen in over a decade. The story starts right after the events of Hour of Devastation, and involves Liliana, Chandra, and Gideon on their mission to kill the Demonlord Belzenlok, the final demon that Liliana made a pact with to secure her youth and power. The story arc culminates on Ravnica with Guilds of Ravnica, Ravnica Allegiance, and the upcoming War of the Spark. On Ravnica the guilds are in disorder and chaos, with Bolas manipulating as much as he can. There are several examples of academic, peer-reviewed research concerning different aspects of Magic: The Gathering. One study examined how players use their imaginations when playing. This research studied hobby players and showed how players sought to create and participate in an epic fantasy narrative. Another example used online auctions for Magic cards to test revenue outcomes for various auction types. A third example uses probability to examine Magic card-collecting strategies. Using a specific set of cards in a specialized manner has shown Magic: The Gathering to be Turing complete. ^ Notably, the Apprentice program. See Magic: The Gathering video games. ^ For cards released prior to Exodus, rarities must be checked against an external cardlist or database, as all expansion symbols were black. ^ "Typically" is used due to a change in card distribution in Time Spiral which allows premium cards of any rarity to replace Common cards instead of cards of their own rarity. See Purple Reign for more information. ^ A notable exception are Basic Land cards, but those are easily identifiable due to the oversized mana symbol in their text boxes. ^ "Magic: The Gathering Online Review". Retrieved May 27, 2009. ^ "Magic: the Gathering anniversary Facts & Figures". Wizards of the Coast. 2017. Retrieved July 25, 2018. ^ Tumbusch, T. M. 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Wizards of the Coast. March 13, 2002. Retrieved April 18, 2009. ^ "Alternate Chinese Art in Ravnica Part 1". Wizards of the Coast. November 14, 2005. Retrieved April 18, 2009. ^ "And Carnage Shall Follow". Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved March 29, 2010. ^ "Announcing Scars of Mirrodin". Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved March 29, 2010. ^ Martin, Brett A. S. (2004), "Using the Imagination: Consumer Evoking and Thematizing of the Fantastic Imaginary", Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (June), 136-149. ^ Lucking-Reiley, D (1999). "Using Field Experiments to Test Equivalence between Auction Formats: Magic on the Internet" (PDF). American Economic Review. 89 (5): 1063–1080. CiteSeerX doi:10.1257/aer.89.5.1063. JSTOR 117047. Archived from the original (PDF) on April 24, 2003. ^ Bosch, R.A. (2000). "Optimal Card-Collecting Strategies for Magic: The Gathering". College Mathematics Journal. 31 (1): 15–21. doi:10.2307/2687095. JSTOR 2687095. ^ "Magic: the Gathering is Turing Complete". Retrieved January 9, 2013. Baldwin & Waters (1998). The Art of Magic: A Fantasy of World Building and the Art of the Rath Cycle. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 978-0-7869-1178-3. Flores, Michael J. (2006). Deckade: 10 Years of Decks, Thoughts and Theory. New York: top8magic.com. ISBN 978-0-9778395-0-6. Moursund, Beth (2002). The Complete Encyclopedia of Magic: The Gathering. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press. ISBN 978-1-56025-443-0.
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If the height of a neighbour’s hedges are causing an issue to you, you may be able to make a complaint against them. Information and advice for display advertisements and hoardings. Useful guidance for if you are planning to replace a window. Useful guidance for if you are planning to remove a chimney. Find out how to carry out work on a shared wall. Information on the rules and regulations around common land. Find out about the Mobile Operators' Annual Rollout Plans here. Useful advice and guidance on carrying out a single storey extension to your home.
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I suffer the same issue. I've not completely understood the problem, but it seems like there is at least a big problem if I have the same folder name in a sub folder and on the root level. Example: I have a folder called abc, it's on the root level and within sub folder Mindjet. If I manage to open Mindjet/abc I see the content of abc on the root level. I don't believe that's the only issue Dropbox and folders. Something is really going wrong there. I wonder why Mindjet isn't able to provide a working app. Although it's free there are many users that have bought the PC/MAC version because the integration between the App and the PC/MAC was working properly in the past. Phil, please let me know if you have more specific steps for us to reproduce the issue. If we cannot see the issue for ourselves to see what's going on, it's much more difficult for us to fix it. However, if i just have the mindmap created in the root directory (tier 0), the app accepted it. That is only a work around.
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Steely Dan - "Pretzel logic" This is not the first time a Steely Dan album gets reviewed. Exactly one year ago I reviewed Two against nature, one of their latest albums. Moreover, Steely Dan's albums get cited frequently on audiophile forums and websites because of the quality of the recording. An audiophile "must-have" is, for example, "The nightfly", one of the most famous Donald fagen's solo albums and one of the very first LPs (at that time) pressed out of a digital master. I'm a big Steely Dan fan and NOT because their albums sound good on any HiFi system. No, I mainly love their Music. One of my favourite albums is this "Pretzel logic" I'm about to write. It is their 3rd one, that dates back to 1974. Produced by Gary Katz, recorded by Roger Nichols this album contains the hit single "Rikki don't lose that number" which became the band's biggest hit, reaching #4 on the charts right after the release of the album. Pretzel logic also includes a Duke Ellington's cover (East St. Louis Toodle-oo) and a tribute to saxophonist Charlie Parker (Parker's band). The album has been placed, in 2003, at #385 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time. For sure, Pretzel logic was a unique beast when it hit the record stores. Back in 1974 it was impossible to listen to something similar. It was an incredibly fresh mixture of pop, jazz and rock, with lyrics so strange that it was/is sometimes hard to understand the whole meaning of the song (hence the title "Pretzel logic", I assume!!!). While their first two albums were mostly rock-oriented and -inspired, this "Pretzel logic" has a more jazzy taste. Nonetheless it lacks the somewhat cold atmosphere of the subsequent Becker & Fagen albums: perfect in every detail, food for mind more than food for soul. Don't get me wrong: I simply love all their albums but some of their juvenile freshness has started to lack after Pretzel logic was released. This might be caused by the decision to stop live performances (they stopped touring after Pretzel logic) but, in some sense, the duo started to talk more to the mind than to the heart. The reason why I've decided to include Pretzel logic into our list of audiophile recordings is simple: this album, besides being an excellent recording considering it dates back to 1974, is a good test for any system that aims to reproduce a lively swing. If your system is not adequate in the "timing" department then this album would sound boring and lifeless. Try following the simple rhythm of the title track or of "Barrytown" (my two faves): you shouldn't be able to stop your feet from stomping! These tracks are groovy to the n-th power! The bass lines of the title track - doubled by Jeff Porcaro's powerful drumming - are purely sensual, they are simple but extremely powerful and SHOULD be easy to follow, during the whole track. If they get lost among the rest of the instruments, something in your system needs a reality check. The same applies to "Barrytown", a song that possesses a joyous pace that should be naturally reproduced by your system. The song is only apparently simple: try to follow the patterns of the keywords and of the electric guitar...they are quite intricated indeed! Try to follow each one separately. Is it easy or confusing? [Answer: it should be EASY]. Another song with an urge is "Monkey in your soul": again PRaT ability of the system is under severe test here! On the other hand, the slow rhythm of the hit "Rikki don't lose that number" sounds a bit a-la Joe Jackson if I may ...only years before Joe published his first album! Its opening keyboard riff, directly taken from '64 Horace Silver's "Song for my father", is extremely catchy and involving, the system should preserve its slow and almost hypnotic cadence. Again, try to refrain your feet from stomping! This album is also a good test for vocals. You shouldn't expect the quality you can hear on modern audiophile recordings (which are more real than real, actually) but there should be NO trace of harshness or distortion, even during choirs. Voices should come out natural and easy on the ear. Actually, the whole album should sound easy, it's something you should be able to listen many times in a row (being 35 minutes long, that's not difficult!). Overall dynamics isn't anywhere near the best today's recordings so don't expect goose bumps in this specific department. This relaxed atmosphere makes the album even easier to enjoy. Finally, 3D soundstaging, being Pretzel logic a 1974 pop/rock recording, isn't impressive. Width, height and depth of the virtual are clearly limited. Not the same applies to focus and precision, which are quite good even by today's standards. This album is so entertaining that you'll forget being an audiophile, too. If your system can swing and time well you'll be amazed and you'll easily forget this record is just...34 years old.
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This personalized print casts your favorite child as a storybook legend. Cast your favorite little person as a legendary literary figure--whether a newborn making a debut or a young child in the first few pages of his or her legend--with this delightfully personalized print, featuring a custom, storybook-inspired illustration and your custom "review." For newborns, it's an imaginative antidote to ordinary birth announcements; for young children, it commemorates the magical story of early childhood. Customize the character to reflect your child of choice (skin tone for all, plus gender and hair options for older kids). Add parents' names as "authors" of this masterpiece and write a review of your little one's story (by you or another doting relative) to add a wry and endearing touch to the print. Charmingly illustrated by Patricia Carlin to evoke timeless storybook classics, it makes an unforgettable tribute that will transition from nursery to bedroom to grown-up keepsake. Printed and framed in BonanzaWood® frame in Portland, Oregon. For more storybook titles, check out our Personalized Storybook Art - Adventure, Personalized Storybook Art - Brave, and Storybook Art - Amazing. Prefer your art on a pillow? Take a look at our Personalized Storybook Pillow - Amazing, Personalized Storybook Pillow - Adventure, Personalized Storybook Pillow - Brave, or Personalized Storybook Pillow - Legend. The Personalized Storybook Art - Legend is packaged in a partially recycled and fully recyclable/compostable box. There's one place—and only one place—where you'll find the Personalized Storybook Art - Legend: UncommonGoods. It's a thoughtful piece, fun to personalize. Got this for a grandbaby girl, then came her brother. The parents were hinting and hoping for another one. She got "The Brave" and he got "The Legend", both beautifully done. I have one of these for each niece, and I put them in the guest room so when they visit, it is personalized for them. They love them! I've bought this product on 4 separate occasions as gifts for newborn baby parents. Each time the parents have absolutely loved the framed "story book cover and review" as it is different or "uncommon" from other typical gifts. I was so excited to find this customized artwork on the Uncommon Goods Web site. We are out of the "baby" stage, so we were so excited when good friends of ours shared that they were expecting their first. We wanted to get the perfect gift and this was it. A beautiful tribute to a sweet baby and the parents have shared that it was their favorite gift. Thank you Uncommon Goods! I bought this for my grandson and am so excited to give it to him. I order it framed and it's perfect. It is easy to personalize and will be something that can become a family heirloom. I gave this as a baby gift to a very good friend. She and her husband absolutely loved it. My friend said, "My daughter can keep this forever!" It was clearly very much appreciated.
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NEW YORK – A new book offers a full-throated plan for a socialist United States, and wouldn’t you know domestic terrorist-turned-educator Bill Ayers is right in the middle of it. socialist american flagThe book, “Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA,” is published by the capitalists at HarperCollins. 2007 Bill ayers“Freedom,” in Ayers’ twisted way of thinking, means keeping kids in government-run schools, albeit “richly resourced” ones that have no testing, and therefore, no accountability to taxpayers. The sad part is all those people who have convinced themselves President Obama thinks any differently than Ayers. The President's speech writers are a bit more restrained but in unguarded moments Obama's "you didn't build that" socialism breaks through. Recycling out-of-context attacks I see. Your bubble must be well lived-in. you fit right in Wally. The Union News.: Summary of Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" I'm sure this is a must read in the obama White House. His sycophants will devour this book and try to figure out ways to make it happen. And, as a plus for those worshipers of obama they have a host of the usual suspects who contributed to the tome. I think it fits into what John Podesta has been working on for obama at the UN.
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Are There Vampires Lurking Around You? Could Your Friends Or Neighbors Be One Of These Parasitic Creatures? These creatures of the night, in order to sustain their life and vitality, are purported to feast on human blood. Vampires, as seen in the moves, may only be a fictitious character. There are however, real life living breathing individuals who are described as vampires. You may have already encountered one. These leechlike creatures are energy vampires. Energy vampires intentionally, or more often unintentionally, feed off the life force energy of unsuspecting individuals instead of consuming their blood. They create a parasitic relationship between themselves and others. As living beings, we are each filled with universal life force energy. It is known as chi, prana and orgone to name a few of the words that describe this invisible force. Universal life force energy animates and sustains us. We are able to create and maintain this unseen aspect of ourselves when we are healthy. Some energy vampires are unable to sustain their chi at healthy levels. Their ability to produce this vitalizing energy is depressed or not functioning correctly. They look towards other to support their depleted energy resources thus boosting their own. This may have occurred because they were violated or traumatized making it difficult for them to connect with this part of their being. They may discover at an early age how to siphon their shortage of energy off others. Energy vampires can also learn these negative traits if they grow up in an environment where their parents steal energy from them or others. These same children may also learn to become a good host. They are taught growing up how to remain quiet and passive during an energy feeding. An energy vampire does not have long pointed teeth or wear a black cape. Most energy vampires are undetectable upon first glance. They appear as well meaning normal people. It is only when you spend a little time with an energy vampire that their true colors may be revealed. The goal of an energy vampire is to control your space. They use a variety of ways to manipulate you that fall into two major categories – extroverted and introverted. The extroverted energy vampire will seem highly attractive. You might find yourself mysteriously fascinated by them. They may have a strong opinion about themselves, their ideas and beliefs. In a more negative light, their self-serving outgoing nature may cause them to be stubborn, opinionated or angry. Whatever form they take, then endeavor to control your energy in an external outgoing way. Extroverted energy vampires are sometimes hard to detect. Introverted energy vampires, on the other hand, take on a very different form. They are also more easily spotted. They may complain incessantly about their problems giving you little if any opportunity to respond or interact. They may throw pity parties or have a “poor me” attitude towards life – the consummate victim. An individual who’s life force energy is being drained by an energy vampire will often feel tired, bored, lack motivation, become irritated, overwhelmed, disoriented, depressed or feel out of sorts even after a brief encounter. Hosts tend to be suggestible, have weak boundaries and are often afraid or unwilling to say “NO”. Many times, they are people pleasers who do not like to let other down. Energy vampires steal vitality from their victims by upsetting their auric field. They knock their hosts out of their bodies, leaving them in a dissociative state. The vampire achieves this through one of his or her well-practiced introverted or extroverted manipulation tactics. We are in a dissociative state when we are not in the present moment. Our mind wanders and we become unaware of what is going on around us. In essence, “we space out” thus leaving the door open for the energy vampire to invade. Being the victim of an energy vampire is not all one sided. The host can get something in return that keeps him or her giving their energy away. The interactions they have might leave them feeling loved, needed, valued or in some cases safe. Some even find their exchanges with an energy vampire satisfying or believe that they are fulfilling their life purpose. Remember, many energy vampire hosts have been trained from an early age to provide their life force energy to others. The first step in stopping the victimization of energy vampirism is to wake up to what is going on. Are you consistently experiencing one of the symptoms listed earlier when you are around certain individuals? You might be acting as a host to one of these parasitic creatures if you are. Once you identify the threat, steps can be taken to lessen the hold they have on you. As you may recall, energy vampires prey on individuals with weak boundaries and fragile auric fields. Through their control tactics, they interfere with the flow of your life force energy causing you to disassociate from your body. Taking steps to protect your aura and your energy space will increase your boundaries and make it harder for them to feed. If you come to realize that you have been a host to energy vampires your whole life, take the time to look at yourself and your life frankly. Work to resolve old wounds. Uncover why you keep giving your energy away and identify any secondary benefit you might be gaining from these negative interactions. They say that knowledge is power and with any kind of personal transformation recognizing we have a problem is 50% of the solution. Our lives are all about choices and sometimes the choices we have to make can be hard. In the case of dealing with an energy vampire at times the only choice we are left with is to walk away. We are honoring our energy, our autonomy and ourselves when we end a relationship with an energy vampire. This is the only way to stop the ongoing attacks with some individuals. Intentional or not, energy vampires, unlike their movie counterparts are real. Their need to feed off your life force energy is real as well. Their negative behavior compromises you each time it occurs. Their tactics for knocking you out of your body and putting you into a disassociate state robs you of your choices and interfere with your ability to live a happy self-directed life. © Copyright Rita Louise, Inc. – www.soulhealer.com 2014. All rights reserved. Tagged attached entity, energetic protection, energy medicine, energy vampire, ghost, healing, health, life force energy, parasitic relationship, vampire, vitality.
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Chicago Labor Day Weekend 2012 Events Calendar: From Jazz Fest to Taste of Melrose Park. Picasso and Chicago at the Art Institute of Chicago: Major Exhibition to Showcase Over 250 Works of Picasso. Maggie Daley Park: A Peek Inside the Park and at the Pros and Cons. Chicago Festival/Events August 23 to August 26, 2012: From the Bucktown Art Fest to the Midwest Brewers Fest. Chicago's Randolph Street Market August 25, 26, 2012: A Cool Way to Spend a Day Plus Win Free Admission Tickets on SMC. Chicago Summer 2012: Five Summer Must Do's Before it is Too Late...especially for kids and families. Chicago Calender of Summer Events 2012: August 16-19 From Air and Water Show to U.S. Navy Week. Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry's New Exhibit: Life in Space Features a Full-Scale Model of NASA'S Curiosity Rover.
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An outstanding lifestyle opportunity on offer with this impressive family friendly residence. Defined by generous proportions and set in a highly sought-after neighbourhood, this dual level family home enjoys a sunny aspect with a versatile layout for the growing family. Showcasing multiple living and entertaining options, two street fronts, designer landscaped rear yard and just moments to Laguna Street Public School, Caringbah selective schools, transport and shops.
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We need an OT no doubt. And as Matt goes, mostly so go the Falcons. On the other hand, if we could hit an impact starter at DE, a good starter at DT (or vice versa) and a rotational playmaking guy at CB...we could finally potentially have a defense than can help instead of one you just hope doesn't hurt you too much. He just made it up. Pulled it right out of his backside. Notice he won’t even say who said it, let alone provide a link. I never heard any pundit or anyone else say that last year and I do tend to remember quotes like that. I think a lot of people are going to be surprised how good we will be this year. With coaching changes we could have some hiccups early, but we don’t play division games until second half of season. Granted, we still need a couple of pieces, but we have 9 draft picks so after draft I will be happy to go over the roster with anyone. Ryan is going to have a real defense next year. The best one he’s ever had. I’m thrilled about this season. Don't forget: "Matt Ryan said he didn't want to play for the Falcons". I was never expecting any “big splash” signings this offseason. However, I was hoping there would be a player signing that would at least give me a slight feeling of comfort. Meat and Potaoes to me not one player jumps off the charts but there are a few guys there that will do jobs for us. You forgot the Duckett vs Dunn wars. That was all day, every day and all season long. I'd take Taylor or Dillard and feel great about it. These days RT is almost as valuable as LT. Really it ends up coming down to our DE's are going to have to step up. And I'm just not sure they can. Our LBs should be pretty good, fast, flowing. Our safeties should be good (if they can get over injury). Would prefer a rangier FS, but should be solid. CB with an addition should be pretty good (though I do have questions about Oliver in a full time role). But the DL...they're going to have to take a big step up. I still have hope for a DE and DT in the first 3 rounds, but even so they'll be rooks. I wouldn't have tethered myself to Vic personally, but him and Takk are going to have to really step up for this D to be what it needs to. If you rely on your front 4 for pressure...you gotta have a front 4 that can get pressure. It's that basic. If they don't, you're toast. Let's hope DQ has some DL magic. Though if he does, don't know why he hasn't been using it. Yes you have posted this before. So.we.just ignoring the fact that Julio put us in the position to win if we run 3 times? Im concentrating on what THIS team needs to win a championship. Its been demonstrated that THIS team can win a champiinship, and is far more likely to win a championship with Julio Jones. Not sure what makes you think otherwise, other than teams have won them without Julio Jones. Teams have won without Dee Ford and multiple other players you have rallied for as.well. Teams win championships without elite QBs. You wanna build a roster that way? Since there are only ahandful of elite receivers its far more likely.a team without one will.win. They dont win because they dont have one. No he doesn’t and what Simmons did isn’t acceptable. BUT If you look into it further what he has done since this incident may give you that moment of pause on your opinion.Everyone deserves a second chance and like Hageman Simmons should well be afforded that. Again if like I mentioned he’ll no doubt have to pass the filter to be in the conversation of being drafted.If that’s clear I’d pull the trigger. Yeah. We should have been better than we've been. I still think we need and OL and DT and DE and CB to really be where we need to be. But there's also not much excuse for this not to be a top 5 offense and the defense given all we've put into it in the drafts should be at least top 10. Doesn't have to be number 1 but with a defensive head coach and all the stuff added...should be top 10 at the least. If not, we know there's a problem. It also helps that everyone knows that Chipper is a dumb, drunk redneck. It's just sort of expected from him. The top receivers on the last ten Championship teams were Edelman, Ertz, Boldin, Gronk, Tate, Bay Bay, Colston, Jennings, and Cruz bro. Meanwhile Julio, OBJ, AB, DHop, Tyreek, AJ, Thomas, Fitz, Dez, Calvin, Moss and TO have a combined ZERO rings. Keep thinking we need an elite receiver to win a Lombardi. Glad he found his way out of that forest. Wait, so our former DE is going to be the current DEs stepfather??? Yeah they havent translated well at all. I dont see a replacement for Mack without a 3rd round investment that isnt wishful thinking.
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On 19 March, Modern Muse held a communication skills workshop at #GoogleAcademy in partnership with Connor an HR consultancy. Connor are people experts who have been helping organisations to improve their performance through their people for over 25 years and they wrote a bespoke workshop just for our Youth Ambassadors. Volunteers from Connor came to the event to deliver the workshop. Parshotam, Connor and Denise Meade-Hill, Connor – Youth Ambassador Miah at the front. Before the workshop only 7% of Ambassadors said they thought they could be leaders in their future careers and by the end of the workshop 3/4 thought they could – which is great news as the UK needs more female leaders. The Ambassadors loved being at the Google Academy while learning how to network, present and push themselves out of their comfort zones. The food was amazing too. This is what some of our Ambassadors said about the event. Young Ambassadors for Modern Muse joined together in a fun filled day full of activities. We worked on our confidence, teamwork, public speaking and body language. Multiple schools took part with young women from Central Foundation and other schools in Suffolk participating. We all got to mix, make new friends and learn how to network. We discussed our role models and our aspirations for the future. Find out more about Connor.
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I always order the Classic plate, which comes with 3 falafels and all the sides you want. The sides are the best part! Obviously the falafel too, but everything tastes so good and fresh. For $2 we also ordered pita bread to share. I am not vegetarian but if I could eat this every day I think I could easily become one! (except when there are tacos). I really love this place, food is always freshly made and has a great flavor. If you happen to work/live near Olmos park, don't hesitate in paying a visit to this place. Moshe's is located at 3910 McCullough Ave, San Antonio, TX 78212 and they are open Monday to Saturday from 7am to 3pm and weekends from 5pm-9pm too.
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You can have your test results pushed in real-time to New Relic Insights. Once you have saved your New Relic Insights credentials in the integration page, loader.io will automatically send data to New Relic in real-time whenever you run a test. Note that these values are summed over all of the URLs in a test. For example, if you have three URLs in a test, then avg_time refers to the sum of the average response times of all three URLs in that time interval.
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I’d done well doing my own diet but got to a point where I wasn’t making any progress. A mutual friend recommended taking my game to the next level with Jason. It was uncharted territory having someone else make my diet plan but I was ready to start doing what the really serious competitors were willing to do which was to hire a coach specific to that aspect of my training. Within 4 weeks of working with Jason, fellow gym rats were asking what I was doing different because the changes were so drastically GOOD! I knew I was in good hands too because I was being fed real food and a LOT of it. Fast forward 7 years later and I can say I have absolutely LOVED working with Jason. Not only does he truly care about my health but he’s also there in the trenches before and AFTER the show to really dissect what we did. I have so appreciated his thorough commitment to me. I am not just a paycheck to him. I’m a real human being with real needs. Thank you so much! I wouldn’t be enjoying this sport this much without you, Jason!
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Is there a dark matter realm around Earth which is of a lighter, sparser molecular density than the Earth we know? Is there a dark plasma ocean full of life which interacts differently with the forces of gravity and light than we do? The reason I am thrilled by the potential truth that Earth’s dark halo is home to another entire world of consciousness and therefore to life itself, is that here is the full realization of Science and Spirit not contradicting each other but instead coming together to form a larger truth which offers a vastly greater perception of reality itself! Science and Spirit have been in a supposed war since humankind began on Planet Earth. In fact, this is an imaginary war propagated by both silly scientists and silly religionists. When humankind can truly perceive that Science and Spirit together form Truth and therefore, Reality itself – then humankind will have evolved a step forward! For centuries, spiritual teachings have taught that angels are of a realm which is lighter in density; for millennia, metaphysics has proclaimed that ghosts are vaporous and plasma-like as they pass through walls and otherwise defy gravity. Phantom plasma ghost-lights glow on the road ahead, and then dematerialize. Some UFOs seem not to be nuts and bolts craft but rather colorful, brightly illuminated plasma which can zap physical objects from one polar magnetic charge to the opposite polar charge. I remember a case I investigated in San Diego in the early 1980s: the car involved in a UFO close encounter possessed the opposite magnetic charge than before the encounter. Radios, cell phones, cameras, are often useless near UFOs as if these craft carry an electromagnetic energy which is alien to our technical devices and to Earth itself. Are some ultra-terrestrials human-like or at least, can they shape-shift into a human form? The Greek and Roman gods would appear as human, then shape-shift to a huge size before the eyes of bewildered humans and then ride away in a glowing chariot through the atmosphere. Deities of other cultures such as Hindu avatars seemed not affected by the physical laws we know. Our myths are full of entities which seem to be lighter than air, capable of shifting shape, and who sometimes glow and dematerialize. Angels, both Christian and generic, first appear as glowing balls of what is probably plasma, and then take form so as the human observer can recognize them as an angel or even Jesus or Mother Mary. Suffice to say that the dark plasma halo is not only all around Earth, but through Earth, and through us. We all have dark matter in us, according to quantum theorists. To have actual awareness (consciousness) dark matter probably has to be in the form in clumps; lone molecules of dark matter probably do not have consciousness, just as one of our molecules is not intelligent. It seems that the invisible teachers I had as a child, whom I called The Remembers, could have been of “dark” Other Earth. It also seems that guardian angels and spirit guides could actually exist even in Science’s new viewpoint. Perhaps the invisible beings who offer spiritual friendship and occasionally help individual humans, might actually exist in quantum and spiritual terms. Metaphysics, spirituality and even religion have experienced this “contact from beyond” for centuries but it has not been the domain of science – definitely not science! Now, the most advanced quantum theories with backup data and math, tell us there is an enormous “dark halo” around Earth. This halo is as large as the gas giant, Planet Jupiter. This domain is of sparser density than our Earth and interacts with gravity differently. While our Earth contains plasma, Other Earth contains dark plasma – it is a world of matter like our world, but it is dark matter. We simply cannot see it. I do not think dark plasma explains all UFO occupants; I feel there are travelers in time and travelers of space from far-distant planets who are not of a plasma domain, but are simply very advanced physical beings. I feel this explanation of dark plasma accounts for only some UFOs. A substantial amount of dark matter is composed of (dark) plasma and radiates dark light. Because dark photons (dark light) are emitted from dark plasma, it gives rise to dark electromagnetism. While the plasma in our world is hot and short-lived, scientists speculate that since dark plasma has less density, it can remain in the plasma state even at room temperature for long periods of time. Might our subconscious dream mind be able to receive messages from dark electromagnetics? Our minds (brains) function on EM circuitry; possibly advanced beings can convert dark EM energy to EM energy or perhaps our minds simply have this “receptor.” We do have dark plasma within us. Again, I stress that “dark” does not mean evil! “Dark” as quantum theorists use it, only means invisible-to-us. The dream-state has long been a mystical realm where we sometimes receive spiritual or practical information which is wise and helpful. The dream-state offers spiritual experiences which help people advance emotionally in their lives. And, in the dream-state, we can fly, we can shape-shift, we can have adventures entirely unlike our waking lives. We experience entirely different realities in dreams which seem like bubbles in time – so real – and then gone. In dreams, we seem to be consciousness itself, not chained by gravity nor molecular density. Might this Other-Earth have been entertaining us, frightening us, educating us, even ruling us, for eons with its ability to appear as our deities, ghosts, jinns, space beings, UFOs, and more? There are many examples in human folklore, religious texts, and mythology which could be credited to plasma beings and phenomena. Consider Moses and the burning bush described as a “fire without smoke” apparently glowing like a neon light. Bright glowing doves appeared during the baptism of Jesus and the Pentecost event. More recently, Marian events such as the Fatima manifestations displayed plasma characteristics, beginning as glowing orbs and morphing into angelic or “Mother Mary” form. That dark plasma surrounds rocky-core Earth is solid quantum theory and as near-fact as quantum physics seems to be able to achieve. Jupiter’s gaseous clouds make Jupiter seem huge; in fact, rocky solid Jupiter is as small as rocky, solid Earth. Earth’s dark matter halo is about as big as the gaseous part of Jupiter. If you were an alien on a far-distant planet who had equipment to see dark matter, you would stand on your planet gazing at Earth through your telescope and see Earth as about the same size as Jupiter. Earth is composed of its dark plasma halo (Other Earth), and small rocky Earth (the visible Earth we know). Is there consciousness within the huge dark halo of Earth? How intelligent are these ultra-terrestrials? Life forms within Other-Earth would move in all three dimensions like fish do. Human beings walking on the surface of Earth cannot move upward through the air like fish in water. Dark plasma is similar to an ocean; this plasma ocean might not respond to, or be harnessed by, one form of gravity while still having another kind of minimal gravity. This involves our gravitons and dark matter’s gravitinos. These two strange particles are potentially super-symmetrical but help to create different realities. Other-Earth is Parallel Earth but there are huge differences in how life-forms perceive and interact with reality itself. Part One of this article goes into a bit more detail on this. In 1976, Carl Sagan and Edwin Salpeter proposed that creatures resembling hot air balloons might exist in Jupiter’s gaseous, ocean-like atmosphere. They concluded that there might be “sinkers,” “floaters,” and “hunters.” Other-Earth’s evolutionary chain of life-forms might be similar to what Sagan and Salpeter proposed for Jupiter. For example, they postulated that floaters would be giant gas bags generating heat though their own metabolism, feeding off sunlight and free molecules. These critters would move through Jupiter’s gaseous ocean by pumping out helium. As on Earth, the top of the Jupiter evolutionary chain would be the “hunters.” They might be squid-like creatures which use jets of gas to propel themselves; they might be many kilometers across. Certainly the plasma “space critters” which Trevor Constable felt were part of the answer to UFOs in Earth skies, might well connect to this concept which Sagan and Salpeter proposed for Jupiter. Earth’s visible plasma forms an ocean-like biosphere in the atmosphere which is subject to tides and gravitational effects from the Sun, Earth, and Moon. So how does the dark plasma ocean fit in to this well-known ordinary plasma ocean? Dark plasma simply passes through dense, visible plasma like a ghost passes through a solid wall. In fact, the dark plasma bio-sphere has stayed hidden from humankind since both bio-spheres began, simply because they can pass right through us and our world. It is a bit more complicated than the fact their molecules are less-dense, but essentially, that is the crux of it. In thinking about dark plasma life-forms, we are not forgetting or negating the ordinary plasma-animals which apparently swim through our skies and are one source of UFOs. You might wonder, “Why add this possible dark plasma bio-sphere to an already confusing ordinary plasma bio-sphere? Well, because our dark plasma halo and its bio-sphere are there. We can’t ignore the fact that dark matter almost certainly exists and that Earth has an enormous dark halo composed of this stuff in plasma form. Also, we can’t ignore the dark plasma bio-sphere because it is difficult to believe that our ordinary plasma bio-sphere right over heads, has evolved the advanced intelligence which UFO occupants seem to possess and which manifests Mother Mary, ghosts, deities, and jinns. It seems that some realm has advanced so much quicker than we have – and by “we,” we include our ordinary plasma floaters, sinkers, and hunters – the space critters. Of course the implications are enormous and we shouldn’t ignore them, either: If Earth’s dark halo allowed a bio-sphere of nearly pure intelligence, unhindered by dense physical bodies and the dense objects which dense bodies bump into, thus impeding our evolution, then we have to wonder if the dark matter which gathered “in the beginning” around other celestial bodies, also developed advanced super-intelligence. Is the universe full of dark matter beings, using the dark matter filaments which do indeed stretch throughout the universe as dark super-highways? UFOs display an emission of light and colorful auras: Light seems to radiate from the entire UFO. Common UFOs descriptions include, “surrounded with a red glow,” or “wrapped in a blue haze.” This indicates that the luminosity is not coming from the object but from the air around it. During the Dark Ionization Process, dark particles collide with atoms in the air; the air becomes “excited” first by xenon, the gas of lowest ionization, to gases with higher ionization energies, Colors are generated by these different gases, ionizing. Brightness and transparency of many UFOs are also explainable by looking at specifics of the Dark Ionization Process. Ghosts are also transparent and of a different luminosity than their surroundings. Ultra-terrestrials would likely never be as solid (dense) as we are; whatever process they use, makes them visible to us, almost like a hologram. The fact that UFOs and ghosts stick out visually like sore thumbs in our bio-sphere indicates possibly that their world is built on entirely different aspects of light and gravity. We should consider plasma magnetospheres: They are luminous orbs, globes, or ovoids of orange or blue or other colors. These are identical to many UFOs and UAPs spotted at night. Holograms within ordinary plasma have been created in our laboratories. There is no reason dark plasma could not function similarly, with dark plasma UFO occupants or their holograms inside the oval-shaped plasma ship. Booms and rumbling sounds are thermal shock waves and are often heard around Marian apparitions such as the Fatima visions. In UFO and ghost encounters, humans feel they have entered a strange zone where normal noises do not occur; all goes quiet. Sometimes humans get nauseated around UFOs and/or paranormal activity as if this strange zone was really poisonous or alien to human molecules. Also, residues are sometimes left behind by plasma activity. These residues include “angel hair,” ectoplasm, and similar weird materials sometimes found after UFO encounters. Usually these dissipate before reaching the ground but if the UFO lands or flies very low, angel hair is sometimes left behind and also, a smell like bitter almond oil is present. All of this is consistent with plasma activity. For instance, plasma EM heat and radiation energies coupled with water and dust creates a substance like angel hair. Digital cameras sometimes photograph UFOs or ghosts which our naked eye cannot see. This is a large clue that dark plasma beings, normally invisible to the human eye, can be “caught” by speedy digital technology. Being in the presence of a UFO or UFO beings, has been known to heal a human being. On the other hand, humans have been harmed, seemingly radiated, by UFOs. Experiments in electromagnetic biology show that magnetic fields can heal but too much of the same force can be damaging to a human. The Dark Ionization Process would have these energies as byproducts. What is truly amazing is that all of these areas combine science and spirituality! Here we have advanced healing techniques coupled with dark electromagnetic fields. We have the old Spiritualist Church ectoplasm, linked with a process of Dark Ionization by highly intelligent life-forms. We have aliens from Other-Earth traveling in plasma ships or inserting their own holograms into a plasma ship for a safe observation of dense Earth. First and foremost, Earth is their planet too! They have obviously developed their own technologies, which happen to be ahead of ours, but that is because we are stuck in a very dense world with a lot of gravity which keeps us down (no pun intended). Ultra-terrestrials probably live in societies; they have developed these advanced scientific methods. They originated, in all likelihood, at the same time we dense life-forms on Visible Earth originated and they evolved too. However, they evolved faster, under entirely different circumstances -a different perception of and interaction with reality. They communicate telepathically because they do not have physical bodies with mouths and brains. They are simply advanced consciousness swimming in a plasma ocean of light gravity (lightness). They are dark bio-plasma and they probably do have some denseness – but not like we do. They are as diverse as Visible Earth life-forms, if not more so. There must be tens of millions of kinds of dark plasma beings, from tiny “nothings” to basic “floaters” to advanced intelligence who might have manifested themselves as the gods and goddesses of Old Greece or the Virgin Mary at Fatima. The final question: Might this be the realm of soulful consciousness which those who experience "near-death" tell us about? If we “lose” our dense physical body, what is left? We are told about intense colors, entire universal choirs singing magnificent music, a feeling of all-knowledge at once, a feeling of freedom as never before. We are told by those who came back from “death,” that they flew, they glided, they had no specific shape or form. They were One with The Cosmic All. I am not getting religious and saying that dark plasma turns out to be heaven. However, at its best, it might offer a realm where disembodied consciousness can flourish, a lighter biosphere of advanced intelligence. If this dark bio-sphere exists, we as spirits might have come from there, and we might return there. Have our spirits, our essences, done this throughout the ages? There would be experience as dense physical beings on rocky visible Earth, and then the return to nearly-weightless lightness. Perhaps ghosts manifest simply to try to teach us know that consciousness (the core of life), does go on after “death.” Perhaps UFOs are shown us, simply to teach us that there is other advanced life in the universe – a simple lesson – about which we will tell other humans. Of course there could be a dark side to Other-Earth. I personally feel that advanced intelligence eliminates the dark boogeymen under the bed, deletes hell, fire and brimstone from existence because, in truth, it never did exist. Dense humans dreamed it up to control other dense humans. However, I could be wrong. Yes, I have taken the possibility of a dark plasma bio-sphere about as far as it can be taken by a human who is not a theoretical physicist. Perhaps I have taken it too far and you want to jump off at some point along the way. You are welcome to do so. I can only hope that dark plasma/ultra-terrestrial Other Earth will be considered as a possible source for UFOs, ghosts, and other strange beings. I think there is a lot of evidence – many indications – that it holds some of our answers. Moon Water from the “Big Whack:” Can It Save Earth? Are the Children of Earth Manifesting Their Own Reality and Future? Does Earth Herself Create UFOs, Ghosts, and Fairies?
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One of the pleasures of being a writer is the unexpected discovery of fascinating lore. Sometimes characters need to jig for capelin, make chalk, administer a needle or sell a gopher tail, which means I need to learn how to do these things as well. Old newspapers, catalogs, photographs, and archival material can sometimes send me on wild tangents for days. But the trip is worth it. Click on the links below for some fun facts and video that will take you beyond the story. Robin has a hard time with one particular jump - the double tour en l'air. Click here to see how it's done. Join the sandbagging line with these flood fighters in 1997. Ella’s not the only one who likes to take pictures. Everybody has a digital camera these days. But imagine having to wait to see your photographs?! Check out this great site about the Brownie camera. Did Sophie’s description of making maple syrup make you hungry for something sweet? Watch how maple syrup is made. What’s faster – Morse Code or text messaging? Take a guess then watch this video! Are mummers real? Take a look! And click here to listen to an Ugly Stick concert. To see pictures of the Noronic and read more about that fateful night, click here. To find out more about the kind of games Nathalie would have played in school in 1903, click here. Learn more about the history of the Blackfoot people. Even if you don’t live in Alberta, you can still visit the Frank Slide Interpretive Centre.
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Combed Wheat Reed is a form of straw, which rather than being ‘threshed’ to remove the grain, is combed. This process keeps the stem of the straw stiffer and produces a crisp finish to the eye. This material has a life span of 25-40 years, with a new ridge being required every 10-15 years. With the wire netting removed, for the most part at least one layer of thatch is removed, to form a solid base coat, to which the new thatch is then fixed. This base coat tends to be between 4-12” thick, depending on the roof and is why you sometimes see thatch which multiple layers. Unless the structure of the roof needs strengthening or completely re-building, we do not remove all the thatch. The new material is fixed onto the base coat with spars. The style of ridge which the property currently has will set the precedent for the style of ridge, which both flush and block ridges being used. With roofs thatched with Combed Wheat Reed, the roof is completely enclosed with wire netting, to keep vermin out of the thatch.
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ARTHUR L. KLATSKY, M.D., F.A.C.P.; GARY D. FRIEDMAN, M.D., M.S., F.A.C.P.; ABRAHAM B. SIEGELAUB, M.S. ARTHUR L. KLATSKY, M.D., F.A.C.P. GARY D. FRIEDMAN, M.D., M.S., F.A.C.P. A statistically significant negative association between alcohol consumption and a subsequent first myocardial infarction in 464 patients was found in a study that was well controlled for cigarette smoking and five other established risk factors. There was a larger proportion of teetotalers among those who had a myocardial infarction (P < 0.01) as well as a smaller proportion of moderate (two or less drinks per day) and heavy (three or more drinks per day) consumers of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking were strongly correlated habits. The lower consumption of alcohol by persons who subsequently had a myocardial infarction apparently was not the result of intake reduction because of known heart disease or risk-factor-related diseases such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Possible explanations include indirect association of drinking habits with ethnic origin, psychological traits or other unknown risk factors for myocardial infarction, or a protective effect of alcohol. Published: Ann Intern Med. 1974;81(3):294-301. Acute Coronary Syndromes, Cardiology, Coronary Heart Disease, Emergency Medicine, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Substance Abuse.
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RALEIGH — Gov. Roy Cooper is taking heat for appearing to change his position on what he called a “pause” in refugee entries into the United States. During the gubernatorial race, Cooper sided with his opponent then-Gov. Pat McCrory, calling on the federal government to temporarily slow the influx of refugees as more effective vetting processes are implemented. “As chief law enforcement officer of North Carolina, I support asking the federal government to pause refugee entries to make sure we have the most effective screening process possible so our humanitarian efforts are not hijacked,” Cooper was quoted as saying during the campaign in October. “At the same time, we must not let political fear-mongering on this issue divert our attention and resources from stopping terrorists who may already be here or who are trying to get into our country in other ways.”On Sunday, now Cooper issued the following statement in response to President Donald Trump’s executive order instituting a delay on refugee entries from countries with suspected terrorism ties. It put a 120-day hold on allowing refugees into the country, an indefinite ban on refugees from Syria, and a 90-day bar on citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.”The executive order issued by the president will make our homeland and our troops serving overseas less safe. Our vetting process has to be tough and thorough, but we should not impose a religious test to enter the country. It’s especially troubling that individuals who risked their lives to protect our troops and served alongside them are now being turned away. We can secure the safety of our country without separating families, hurting our businesses, and turning away good people who need our help.”The governor’s office did not respond to requests for clarification of Cooper’s position on the issue. However, state Senate leader Phil Berger called Cooper’s comment “double-talk” on his Facebook page. According to a Department of Homeland Security document, 348 visa holders were kept from boarding U.S.-bound flights this week, and 200 people came to the United States but were denied entry as Customs and Border Patrol agents implemented new guidelines for admitting them.The U.S. Immigration Services said Monday that entry for travelers coming from those counties with visas or green cards will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. For refugees, priority will be given to those who are members of a minority religion in their country and are at risk of persecution there. Newly confirmed Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly will hold a news conference Tuesday afternoon with other department officials to discuss implementation of Trump’s immigration orders.The executive order prompted protests and lawsuits in multiple states. Trump later fired acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates, who was a holdover from the Obama Administration, for refusing to enforce the order.The White House said Yates “has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States” and said her actions were politically motivated.”Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration,” the White House said in a statement. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was sworn in at 9 p.m. Sunday and will be acting U.S. attorney general until Trump’s pick for the post, Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, is approved.The White House announced Tuesday that waivers are being granted for 872 people who had already been cleared for resettlement in the United States and were in transit when the order came out. Travelers with dual citizenship are allowed to present a passport from a country other than one of the seven affected countries.A telephone and online survey released from Rasmussen Reports on Monday found that 57 percent of likely U.S. voters favored the temporary ban on refugees from the identified countries. Thirty-three percent are opposed, while 10 percent are undecided.
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U.S. Air Force Memorial by Night photo & image | art, night, monochrome images at photo community U.S. Air Force Memorial by Night Photo & image by Steve Ember ᐅ View and rate this photo free at fotocommunity.de. Discover more images here. The U.S. Air Force Memorial sits on high ground in Arlington, Virginia, across the Potomac from Washington, D.C. The soaring forms of the curved columns evoke the contrails of diverging paths of an aerial maneuver by the Air Force's precision flying team the Thunderbirds.Only three of the four contrails are depicted, at 120 degrees from each other, as the absent fourth suggests the missing man formation traditionally used at Air Force funeral fly-overs. The Washington Monument can be seen across the river between the left and center columns. excellent perspective of this impressive monument ... a dynamic image !!! Thanks, Adele - Much appreciated! A fantastic view of this memorial. Nice tones in the BW. Thanks, Archie. Had fun working with it, from color negative. An absolutely convincing presentation and the toning is perfectly chosen. Thank you, Conny - much appreciated!
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Animal silhouettes displayed in a bucket. Artist Stephen Douglas of Dark Waters Studio creates “progressive yet anachronistic” metal sculptures, including armor and large figures. But I love the simple, clear shapes he chooses and the edge finishing. I might need a cat silhouette and a leaping bunny.
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This is a great way to make money and help the community at the same time. Once you are registered as a Customer, you will be able to create orders if you want items delivered or services completed. This is the best of both worlds, you can turn your Helper Status on or off when you want to so you will only receive order requests when you want to. Once registered as a Helper, you will Receive notifications and requests from Customers in your area. You can review these and either accept or reject an order or service request. The delivery or service fee is negotiated between you and the Customer and Helper-App does not take a percentage of this. The customer pays you once you deliver the items order or complete the service requested. All communication take place via the App, no personal contact information is disclosed. One the order is completed; the Customer will rate your service. This rating will be displayed with your profile for future customers to see. Helpers with the highest rating will receive the most requests. This is a great way to make money and help the community at the same time. If you are not available during certain hours and do not want to receive notifications, simply turn your status off via the home page on the App. Turn it back on once you are available again. At the completion of each order , you must rate the Customer, this rating will be displayed with every new order request the customer makes. Once you are registered as a Customer, you will be able to create orders if you want items delivered or services completed. There is an order charge of $2 paid to Helper App via PayPal for every order completed. Once you made an order, helpers in your area will either accept or reject your order, once a helper accepted your order, you must accept the helper. If more than one helper responds, you decide which one to use. Once the order is completed, you must rate the helpers service. This will help future customers to see whom the best helpers are. The Helper will also rate you as a customer. This rating will determine how many Helpers will accept future order from you. During the order process, you will have to enter a delivery/service fee. This is the amount you will pay the Helper for completing your order. This transaction is between you and the Helper, If the Helper picked something up from a store for you, the total cost to you will be the Cost of the item plus the delivery fee. This is the best of both worlds, you can turn your Helper Status on or off when you want to so you will only receive order requests when you want to, at the same time , you can make an order request when you need an item delivered or a service completed. In Australia, we realise that achievement is largely dependent on our ability to work together, support and help one another. In short “Mateship” The origin of this philosophy dates to when we were a penal colony and survival was truly dependent on people’s ability to support each other to achieve greatness as a nation. This forms the backbone of our true “Aussie Spirit “. Helper is intended to provide a platform where ordinary Australians can get support from each other and provide the opportunity to show our true Australian Spirit. The transaction between to users of “helper’ is like someone asking his mate for a hand. This could be anything from getting stubbies from the bottle-o , mowing the lawn, to helping with a move. In line with true mateship the reward for help can be paid for with a “six pack” , barbie or money . Helper provides an opportunity where the reward is negotiated between mates and have no say or influence on this. We are Australians, we might come from all corners of the earth but we are bound together with pride. We live in the Lucky country. We Care for each other. We are Mates , we are all equal and we stand together. Australians are legendary for our generosity and ability to collaborate to get things done. Our camaraderie sets us apart; the way we band together as a team and support one another, yet competitively push each other to greater heights. Helper brings you a mate in every smartphone. With the click of a button you can get someone to give you a hand with just about anything. Helpers can use this APP to make some money and Customers to save time and get on with living. The mutual rating process will make sure that helpers and customers delivering an undesirable service will be identified and removed.
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Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds was the keynote luncheon speaker at Claritycon2015 in San Antonio, Texas on June 18, 2015. Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds reminds us that from biblical times to the present, people have experienced painful, and sometimes even tragic, events in their lives. And as agonizing as these events are, they also can lead to change and hope for others. Deeds opened his luncheon keynote address at Claritycon2015 with one of his favorite bible stories – a story from the Book of Esther about a courageous young woman who risked her life to save her people. In November 2013, Deeds was attacked and stabbed by his mentally ill son, who then ended his own life. Days prior to the incident, Deeds tried to get his son help at a mental health facility, but they were unable to find an open hospital bed in the area. Since the incident, he has worked to improve Virginia’s mental health system. “As a legislator, I didn’t understand the full scope of the problem until the system failed my family,” Deeds said. Now he sees unmet needs all over the country and believes urgent action and follow-through is needed. Deeds referenced the de-institutionalizing of mental health hospitals in the 1950s. He said that the policy change was not necessarily wrong, but that it started new problems. Additional policy decisions were not implemented to support it, and the urgency was allowed to diminish. “We can’t let that happen this time,” he said. “Our time is limited. For some families the time is gone,” Deeds continued. Deeds shared another story about a 10-year-old boy who was released from a mental hospital before his parents felt he was ready to safely re-enter their home. Hospital officials threatened to charge the family with child neglect if they did not allow the son’s release and come to pick him up. Because the system is so crisis driven, Deeds continued, many families live crisis to crisis because they can’t get the stable, consistent care that they desperately need. His goal is to reduce the amount of crises by ramping up mental health services and support for younger ages. Deeds believes that with appropriate treatment, support and understanding, mental illness can be managed.
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Aaaah, the “science of happiness”! Sounds a bit like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? How can something as intangible as happiness have a scientific base? Isn’t happiness just about a good thing happening to you and so that puts a smile on your face? My name is Anna Hill and I am a Designated Hypnotherapist focusing on the pursuit (and ultimately the achievement) of happiness! ​Positive psychology, aka the science of happiness, is the study of the mind/body connection, and about discovering what makes happy people happy. Studies point to specific ways of thinking and acting that can strongly impact our sense of well-being and happiness as well as our physical health. These discoveries are enriching the practices of counseling, psychology, psychiatry and life coaching to help people live their very best lives. So, are happy people born happy? Is it learned behaviour? Is happiness fleeting or does it last forever? Studies show that up to 50% of our total happiness is determined by our genes. Most of us are born with a genetic happiness gauge within that band. And it will fluctuate up and down depending on circumstances but essentially you will always return to your default Set Point within that band. Up to 40% of our happiness is intentionally driven by us! That means there is a great deal YOU can do in intentional activity and behaviour to improve your happiness index. These are things you do out of your own free will on a regular basis...they are your choices! Let’s hear it for 90% choice over what makes us happy! And then there’s the last 10% of our happiness over which we have no control. And yet, the majority of us let these circumstances, only 10%, weigh us down, keep us unfocused, and we can’t get past it! Think about that...we have up to 90% CHOICE over our happiness! Once you switch from making excuses and start living, you become determined and make better choices! Nurture close friendships and family ties. The sharing of personal feelings plays a major role in the relief of stress and depression. A joy shared is a joy doubled; a trouble shared is a trouble halved. Keep moving and eat well. Regular exercise has been associated with improved mental well-being and a lower incidence of depression. Many studies are proving the ancient adage, "sound body, sound mind"! Treasure gratitude, mindfulness, and hope. Of all the areas studied in the relatively young field of positive psychology, gratitude has perhaps received the most attention. Grateful people have been shown to have greater positive emotion, a greater sense of belonging, and lower incidence of depression and stress.
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Info. Contribution Zam Dal, Nu Sung! How would you like to distribute on Zam Dal, Nu Sung to get relevant information? ...please do tell us what do you know about Zam Dal, Nu Sung, that might help other people finding easier? Of course, this is not a comment form!
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A special Thank You to everyone who has enjoyed the Jessica Rabbit Pin of the Day. During the busier fall months the pin of the day will be changed over to the pin of the week. To see the past Jessica Rabbit pins of the day, there is a link at the bottom of the left column.
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donnamistres NudeArtst89 jasmin. liquidio. LynxEva. Italiababygirl. darkeyes27MacyDolljordanboy33negrota699 .marieharpsMacyDollABRILVIPnatashaREALgfe .KendraFox1xFrancescaDearKinnaCoopersilva24 .cpljst4uaika22XHornBoyXAlyceRaine .tHEsUSSYdIRTYMARKKANEKinnaCooperBrandonLion .VinDangeloNoahBigSexyBoyTwohornylesbianMrBignLong .TashaMasonDEIVIS7HeidyLoverlorettelovexxx .TashaMasonRebeccaMillerXBritneyFlamecausules .HollyHoneySmoothIvorySkinKarmadevaLisaCampbell .Issis06LucitaHottjordanboy33HeidyLover .PRETTYwoman5AllenBakerJeanycallTwoFoxies . TwoFoxiesHighClassBDSMlorettelovexxxxTreaToHeAveNx .AllenBakerSuziFlameSabrina007JaneCuteMiss .negrota699aika22Issis06Issis06 .OSmithhSmoothIvorySkinAllenBaker11itsBIGcocks .BlakeDias4uBlakeDias4uXMasPresent4uCharmingEstela .Issis06SsquirtAnaldarkeyes27MIGUESEXY12 .BlakeDias4uKendraFox1xMacyDollRebeccaMillerX .OSmithhRebeccaMillerXReigneKrystalHarris .RebeccaMillerXKendraFox1xjoe1282xDominantBIGcoK .CarlySmithTashaMasonnicollbigcockSexiesGoddesAira .JessyyHottSydneyBaetHEsUSSYdIRTYxTreaToHeAveNx .
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The wonder and beauty of plants, introduced and indigenous, inspires me constantly. I feel one step a closer to the natural order of things when I create with fibre textiles. My work has incorporated silk, cotton and dyeing with natural materials - puffball fungi, eucalyptus and rose petals, to name but a few.
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Pete Gilbert Jr. is set to lead a round table discussion on the 118th New York Volunteer Infantry, on Sunday, March 25th at 2 pm at the Ogdensburg Public Library. The 118th New York Volunteer Infantry, or “Adirondack Regiment,” was formed with enlistees from Clinton, Essex, and Warren counties in 1862, and eventually took part in the Peninsula Campaign, the Bermuda Hundred Campaign, and the battles of Cold Harbor, Petersburg, the Crater, and Richmond. Pete Gilbert, Jr. is a St. Lawrence County native, and the descendant of two Civil War veterans – one from the 60th New York Volunteers and the other from the 106th. When not working as an officer at the Adirondack Correctional Facility in Ray Brook, NY, Gilbert serves as commanding officer of the 118th NY Volunteers reenacting unit, with a rank of captain and thirty years of experience. This discussion is part of the North Country Civil War Round Table, a program of the St. Lawrence County Historical Association. Admission to the museum is free; admission to the archives is free for members and children, $2.50 for college students, and $5 for the general public. The Ogdensburg Public Library is located at 312 Washington Street, Ogdensburg, NY. For more information, or to become a member, call the SLCHA at (315) 386-8133, e-mail info@slcha.org, or click here. Photo: 118th NY Volunteer Infantry courtesy www.118thny.org.
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An independent artist making elegant music, Teen Daze's new release is called A Silent Planet. Listen for no charge to the entire album. The first tune is available as a free download, but I'm betting you'll buy the whole set.
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What is a Work Experience placement? Work Experience placements give you the opportunity to get involved in the workplace and to help you understand how the world of work operates. It can also increase your confidence and develop your employability skills for your future career. Why choose Nationwide for work experience? We provide successful applicants with a structured framework for the business area they’d like to work in during their placement, and provide an opportunity to find out more about the type of work we do and future career opportunities. Unpaid work experience is an excellent way for students to gain insight into specialist roles, operating divisions and potential careers within the Society, to feed into our future talent pipeline. Our work experience programme consists of 1 - 2 week unpaid placements for students in Year 10 and above. When completing the application form, please state clearly what part of the business you’re interested in, and in what location. We have numerous branches located throughout the UK. These can provide opportunities for you to experience face to face financial services and customer service roles. We want to make sure that we match your interests to the correct business area or branch, so we'll aim to find you a suitable placement. Sometimes this isn’t always possible to do, however we’ll inform you either way. How and when can I apply? *Please be aware that we receive high volumes of applications and therefore the application window may close early. To be the first to apply, you’ll need to register for Work Experience job alerts. That way, we'll email you as soon as these are open for applications.
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Name Bansi generally means Flute or Instrument played by lord Krishna, is of Indian origin, Name Bansi is a Masculine (or Boy) name. Person with name Bansi are mainly Hindu by religion. Name Bansi belongs to rashi Vrushabh (Taurus) with dominant planet Venus (Shukra) .
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Thank you Busman Audio :) and to Jon McLennand at UM for taper love! This show is a really, really good show. Something about the venue (and the taper) really makes the recordings from this venue some of the best, and this is no exception in terms of quality. Also, the show is incredible. Definitely a fresh sound, and totally agreed regarding the increased Joel vibe. Definitely sick. I'm a UM n00b, so I can't really do a valid comparison of this show against other UM shows and eras, performance-wise. But on its own this show is absolutely top notch. It wonderfully encapsulates why I love great jam bands so much: inventive, incisive, and fun playing wrapped around great jams that walk that delicious tightrope of maintaining structure and cohesion while toying with entropy and abstraction. And the sound is superb! You can really feel the bass and hear all the high details with great spatial separation while the crowd is there but not in your face. I'm in awe of CM's stellar effort - my humble thanks. Thank you Mr.C!! Good setlist;Great sound quality. Get in the Van,Much Obliged;sick stuff. I also agree with the Joel theory too! Good call. I went to this show expecting great things (as always) and I was not disappointed. Umph's came out of the door hot, and ripped it all night long. Some serious metal fused through the first set, while the second was chock full of chill jams contrasted with blistering guitar lines. They jammed out left, right, up, down and every which way, and went into new places not previously heard by man or mcgee. Amazingly tight transitions & turnarounds combined with the free flowing improvisation stuck into the middle of often concise songs really tuned me in. Come Closer was fantastic. I could hardly believe that more than an hour has passed when they finished the first set, I was enthralled the entire time. Perhaps the best Umphrey's McGee show I've seen yet! Altogether mind blowing!
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Built it yourself solar robot kits. Solar robot kits There are 6 products. This creepy spider starts to scuttle when the sun shines. Watch him walk when the sun shines on the solar panel. The solar Space Explorer combines 7 different models you can build out of one set. 7 in 1 Solar fun and educational space models to build. Create 14 different solar powered models; all in one set.
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SF300 is a glossy white polyester film. This material is highly efficient, its heat and chemical resistance combined with its tear strength allows labels to last for a long time, even under severe conditions. This page was printed on 4/22/2019 3:13:03 AM.
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Bangkok (16 September 2015) – SHOW DC Corp Ltd., today, announced it will open Thailand’s first retail and entertainment mega-complex in June 2016 with a total investment of Bht 9,500 million and aims to attract 100,000 visitors a day. The landmark development will bring to Thailand the novel ‘Shop & Enjoy’ retail concept that combines spectacular entertainment facilities with a rich mix of retailing and food & beverage. Located on 27 rai off Rama IX road, the project has a massive 150,000 square metre gross floor area and also includes the world’s largest ‘K-Town’ outside of Korea. ‘SHOW DC’, Thailand’s first retail and entertainment mega-complex with the novel retail concept the novel ‘Shop & Enjoy’. He said that 60% of the lettable space at SHOW DC has already been leased and includes among its anchor tenants YG Entertainment – one of Korea’s top star-maker entertainment companies which is behind global K-Pop sensations such as BIGBANG, Psy, and 2NE1. YG Entertainment will also operate a 5,000 square metre rooftop K-Pop culture and entertainment park with hip bars and clubs for fun and relaxation. “As part of our emphasis on presenting the richness of Asia, SHOW DC has an expansive 10,000 square metre Asian Food Street that is dedicated exclusively to restaurants. Next to that, inside the K-Town will be large areas devoted to Korean fashion (K-Fashion), Thailand’s most extensive offering of Korean beauty products and services (K-Beauty), as well as celebrity food and beverage outlets, such as Psy’s ‘Psy Ramen’, and ‘After Rain’, inspired by global K-Pop sensation ‘Rain’,” Mr. Chayaditt said. She said that visitors to Thailand are expected to reach 37 million people a year in the next five years, and that the creation of landmark lifestyle destinations such as SHOW DC are an essential service to ensure convenience for so many visitors as well as to reduce the strain on Thailand’s traditional tourist sites which are rapidly becoming overburdened with visitors. “By giving international visitors a one-stop destination where they can get much of their shopping done conveniently we reduce time-on-the-road for them and traffic congestion for Bangkok citizens, in addition to giving international visitors the comfort of standardized pricing and reliable quality. At the same time, we are able to ensure that the cultural offerings provided at SHOW DC, such as the Thai cultural shows, are the most authentic and of the highest standards, staying true to our national heritage,” said Ms. Praparwarn. One of SHOW DC’s special facilities for international visitors is a large VIP Traveller Lounge where visitors can spend time on their last day after they check-out from their hotels. “They can leave their bags, take a shower, or rest after checking-out from their hotel and prior to a night flight. In addition, travellers can use SHOW DC’s complimentary shuttle transport services to Bangkok’s airports,” Ms. Praparwarn said. Mr. Chayaditt Hutanuwatra, Chairman of SHOW DC Corp Ltd., Ms. Praparwarn Waeladeevong, Vice Chairperson of SHOW DC Corp Ltd today, announced it will open Thailand’s first retail and entertainment mega-complex. The landmark development will bring to Thailand the novel ‘Shop & Enjoy’ retail concept. SHOW DC, located on Jaturathit road, is easily accessible by multiple road and rail transport systems being close to the Makkasan station of the Airport Rail Link, the MRT’s Phetchaburi and Rama IX stations, as well as near the Si Rat Expressway’s Rama IX exit and Asoke 1 entry. He added that because SHOW DC is a major new landmark in ASEAN it will help boost Thailand’s position as the shopping and entertainment capital of the ASEAN Economic Community.
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Are You a Leader? – The Guinn Consultancy Group, Inc. Leaders with whom we associate can change the direction of our businesses and our lives. As the saying goes, some people cross your path and change your whole direction. Does that define you? The key, of course, is that you don’t have to be a manager or an owner of a business…you just have to be a passionate leader in what you do and how you do it! Based upon a leadership posting on LinkedIn, and expanded through experience and opportunity, Alan Guinn and Steve Hawkins discuss what makes that true leader. Is it the trappings of wealth and ability, or is it the characteristics of the person who is the true leader? We’re betting on the latter. Originally broadcast on SuperTalk 92.9 on 04-29-2014. This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 29th, 2014 at 11:14 am. It is filed under About Us and tagged with basic leadership, key leadership skills, leadership. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Here at TechArk we believe constant innovation is crucial to the success of any business, so we wanted to take a minute to share some feedback on a recent acquisition by Pinterest. Last week Pinterest announced its acquisition of the human-powered search engine app Jelly in their continued effort to revitalize their platform. What is Jelly and why would Pinterest be interested? Jelly is a crowdsourced Q&A mobile app that allows for users to ask questions to the masses to allow for easier search and discovery of products contained within images. A user can snap a picture of an outfit or unlabeled group of products, post it on the app allowing consumers or friends of friends the opportunity to share insight or answers to where one can purchase the items. Unfortunately, since their 2013 launch they haven’t done as well, with a downward trend of businesspre-deployment, core-component and additional training returns and inability to acquire and retain new users. In March of this year Pinterest bought Jelly for an undisclosed amount and experts are labeling the acquisition a “acqui-hire” which is a method of buying talent to solve a specific problem. Due to the nature of Jelly’s dismal performance it’s likely Pinterest will absorb the platform to revamp their capabilities and will not be operated separately. Why Would Pinterest Purchase Jelly? Pinterest offers a unique wealth of information as most of the content is user generated, so when businesses or pages upload content it is done directly and not thru a third-party source like Google. In the past couple months Pinterest has launched three new products of their own to improve customer question and response on the platform. One of these new products is Lens, which allows users to open their camera, examine the image and Pinterest will pick apart items within that image automatically in hopes to facilitate spur-of-the-moment purchases. This element gives Pinterest the ability for easier product search, particularly visual, and that is a huge factor for the Jelly acquisition. Pinterest acquired Jelly to improve their platform by creating an innovative hybrid of visual-search capabilities. Innovation takes form in multiple ways, whether adapting to current technology, an upheaval in processes, or a new disruptive idea to break thru a stagnant market. Pinterest has yet to reach the climax of their business endeavors maintaining a steady incline in growth because of a recognition to not rest in success. Pinterest likely performed an internal assessment of their business and then decided to acquire Jelly. About TechArk | We’re a digital creative agency with a strong foundation in website design, app development, digital marketing and superior customer experience.
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Marketing Translations: How Creative Is a Translator Allowed to Be? I was given the amazing opportunity to publish my view on creative marketing translations in the famous ITI Bulletin of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting. The following article contains excerpts first published in “Off the Beaten Trackˮ, ITI Bulletin January/Februari 2018. Social Media has revolutionized communication and content marketing is currently all the rage. And that means a whole lot for your marketing translations. They are not only about mirroring your message in a different language anymore. They also need to stand out in the abundance of information that customers face every day. Marketing copy (and yes, that includes its translations) aims at a reaction: it wants consumers to share content, visit a website, look for further info or come to an event. And to eventually swipe their credit cards. But different markets mean different customs. Standing out and creating the effect you wish for might need different words in Germany than in the US. And that’s why marketing translations often need creative adaptations of the source text. So, how far from the source text is a translator actually allowed to go? Read further to learn when and how a translator should stay away from the source text and feel absolutely confident about it. The source text includes cultural particularities, humour, irony, idioms, metaphors, rhymes or word plays that can’t be understood by the target audience if translated literally. The tonality or style of the source text either doesn‘t appeal to readers in the target country or doesn’t create the intended effect. Conventions, customs or unspoken rules are different from one country to another. openly communicating with you (the client) at all times so you can decide on changes together. Creative brief: along with the source text, you should send your translator a creative brief so they can understand the company, the brand, the product or service and ist positioning, the target group, the desired style and tonality and the intention of the text. Ask: check with your translator where and why a literal translation won’t work. Communicate: ask for back translations, explanations and provide feedback. Decide together which solution will work best. So maybe there is a certain word that is the 100 percent accurate translation of the word in the original text. But press the pause button just a second. That word might be less idiomatic, less clear, less captivating than another option you could create. Make sure you brief your translator accordingly: Do you have a legal document that needs 100 % accuracy? Or do you have marketing copy that’s supposed to trigger emotions? Both types of translation have their own right. Which one do you need? There is a lot of guidance your translator can give you regarding their market. They can point out cultural differences, help avoid pitfalls and find solutions that both work for your brand and your customers. Marketing translators are not only linguists but sales agents on a foreign market. The more you embrace the role of your translator as a linguistic and cultural consultant, the better translation (and business results) you‘ll get.
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Come join the Cheatham Street Music Foundation as they host their weekly Songwriters Circle. Talented musicians from around Central Texas will perform original songs throughout the night. You never know who might walk in and perform!
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On-site parking is available in the Toyota Music Factory Garage and the Urban Towers Garage. Free restaurant and movie parking is available in the Toyota Music Factory Garage. During show nights at The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory, self-parking will be available for $10. Valet parking is available at many points throughout Toyota Music Factory to make coming and going as quick and convenient as possible when visiting your favorite restaurant or catching the hottest flick. During show nights at The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory, event valet will be available in front of the Toyota Lounge for $20. Take a right on Las Colinas Blvd.
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Aluko & Oyebode is delighted to have advised Access Bank Plc (“Access Bank“) on its historic merger with Diamond Bank Plc (“Diamond Bank“). The transaction was executed in furtherance of the implementation, by Access Bank, of its 2018 5-year corporate strategic plan with the vision of becoming Africa’s gateway to the world and the world’s most respected African bank. The merger was completed upon the sanctioning of the merger by the Federal High Court on 19th March 2019 following the approval of the merger by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Central Bank of Nigeria. The enlarged Access Bank will be a leading tier 1 Nigerian bank and the largest bank in Africa by total assets as well as number of customers, spanning 12 countries and three continents. In consequence of the merger, the enlarged Access Bank will achieve exponential expansion in its retail banking franchise through the integration of Diamond Bank’s unparalleled retail banking expertise and strong digital offering. The transaction will assist in deepening the Nigerian financial market and accelerating the financial inclusion agenda that both banks vigorously pursued prior to the merger. It is expected that the merger will propel Access Bank to the position of leading retail bank in Nigeria and Africa. Aluko & Oyebode previously advised Access Bank on its landmark acquisition and subsequent merger with Intercontinental Bank Plc in 2012 as well as on its very first merger with Capital Bank International Plc and Marina International Bank Limited in 2005.
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Genisphere has developed a spectrum of unique and reliable technologies and products that are easily adapted for life science partners across the research, diagnostic and pharmaceutical markets. Genisphere is expanding its Molecular Biotechnology and RNA Amplification Platforms to develop and deliver new, exciting evidence-based pharmacogenomic solutions. Our 3DNA Nanotechnology provides unique cellular targeting and cell surface binding properties, for use in diagnostic imaging or tumor ablation. Our 3DNA Nanoparticles are personalized by custom design to provide intracellular delivery of cargo with maximum biocompatibility. Genisphere s mission is to apply our molecular biotechnology and scientific expertise to enhance the human condition through research, diagnostic and therapeutic solutions. By pursuing and building strong partnerships, developing customized tools and scientific strategies, Genisphere provides unique and robust biological technologies and products to strengthen our partners competitive advantage.
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Peter Brian Gabriel (born 13 February 1950) is a British singer, musician, and songwriter who rose to fame as the lead vocalist and flautist of the progressive rock group Genesis. After leaving Genesis, Gabriel went on to a successful solo career. Peter Gabriel is the first studio album by British singer, musician and songwriter Peter Gabriel and the first of four with the same eponymous title. Released on 25 February 1977, it was produced by Bob Ezrin. Gabriel and Ezrin assembled a team of talented musicians, including Robert Fripp of King Crimson, to record the album.
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Responding to industry need for heavy-duty stationary electric grinders, WSM manufactures the Titan Series 6000 Horizontal Grinder. This massive machine features a 60” diameter by 70” wide rotor assembly for high volume processing. The Titan can be operated in upstroke or downstroke configuration with dual electric motors (800-1500 HP) with belt drive. Multi-strand chain infeed and aggressive feedroll provide a large infeed area for efficient material loading and utilize load-sensing controls. Extra-large throat opening and variable speed infeed are important when processing large, bulky materials. Designed for high volume processors looking for lower cost per ton and demand dependable, long life machine operation. WSM Vertical Grinders offer simple yet highly effective design to process a wide range of feedstock at rates up to 150 TPH. These rugged grinders feature a heavy duty rotor with innovative disc and tooling configurations making WSM grinders the most efficient on the market. Optional pivot housing provides easy access to main wear components with all infeed components remaining in place. Whatever your requirements, WSM has the Vertical Grinder to get the job done. From fine grinding of wood chips for pellet fuel to coarse grinding of bark or wood waste for biomass, WSM vertical grinders have the flexibility to provide the best solution for your application. Special tooling packages available for processing of tough, stringy barks. WSM Grinders and complete Processing Systems are Tough. Reliable. Built to Last.
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Nottingham’s favourite family festival returns to the beautiful setting of Wollaton Hall and Deer Park on Saturday 20 July 2019. Headliners Manic Street Preachers and The Specials, as well as Rag’n’Bone Man, All Saints and a whole host of artists, comedians and entertainers, will perform at Nottinghamshire’s biggest outdoor music event at Wollaton Park. Also performing will be Northern Irish rock band Ash, Fine Young Cannibals' singer Roland Gift, indie rockers The Rifles as well as X Factor winner Louisa and Mancunian alt-rock band The Slow Readers Club. With lots happening all over the park aside from the three music stages, including comedy in the courtyard, a fun fair, a kids' area and entertainers out and about in the crowd, the festival is Nottingham's biggest party of the summer and a fantastic day out for all the family. Children under 11 will once again be admitted free and discounts are also in place for Nottingham City residents. Including booking fee, a standard ticket is £56.65, coming down to £45.65 when the Nottingham City discount is applied. Tickets for Nottingham City residents aged 11-17 are £22. VIP packages are also available and start from £87.65 for a Nottingham City adult. Tickets can be purchased online or in person from the Nottingham Tourism Centre. To claim Nottingham City resident discount, a copy of your council tax bill is required. Wollaton Hall and Park, NottinghamSpectacular Elizabethian Mansion and Deer Park set in the beautiful suburbs of Nottingham. Car parking £3 for up to 3 hours and £5 for the whole day.
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Refrigeration is making increasing use of plant designed with the environment in mind. This applies, particularly in the field of supermarket refrigeration systems, environmentally friendly refrigerants such as R744 (CO2 grade) require piping systems approved for operating pressures up to 120 bar. The Wieland-K65 tubes and the range of K65 brazing fittings from IBP together make up a copper-based system for high-pressure applications The usual ease of processing and the excellent heat transfer properties of copper are key features of this system. Further information can be found on the K65 system website.
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The illness generally occurs due to a fat buildup, or a loss of the muscle tone, especially during antiquated age. In this particular disorder, the tracheal muscles (“trachea” is the windpipe), the soft palate muscles at the base of the tongue, and the uvula (“uvula” is the triangular shaped small fleshy tissue hanging from the center in the help of the throat) relax to a considerable extent and collapse during the animate activity. In simple terms, the windpipe becomes taut, or the layers of the windpipe adhere which restricts the flow of freshen into the lungs. The sickness can as well as occur due to a fault of neurons controlling the full of life process during sleep. This snooze disease can be diagnosed by an overnight polysomnogram exam – a sleep exam which is extensively used to detect sleeping disorders and partnered problems. Even even if every the three types of sleeping disorders differ as in the distance as their causes and treatment is concerned, one aspect remain common – some parts of the respiratory system narrow alongside and impair the percentage of oxygen reaching the subject’s lungs. The main cause of OSA is the thesame as avowed above for sleep apnea. The condition can additional irritate if the topic consumes alcohol, ingests tranquilizers and sleeping pills. This is a comparatively rare form of the sleeping disorder in which the tracheal muscles reach not sag to much extent, and the expose passageway remains large enough fittingly that plenty air can pass through. However, in this particular disease the diaphragm and the chest muscles temporarily fail to play in effectively, which results in shortened oxygen levels in the blood. The decreased oxygen level affects usual metabolic operational of the body, and the brain too receives less oxygen consequently the subject suffers from memory loss, slow learning, sluggish reflexes, and inability to concentrate for long. In unconditionally rare cases, some individuals experience both obstructive snooze apnea and central snooze apnea simultaneously. In such cases, both the snooze disorders manifest themselves by interspersing subsequent to each other, and the individual may experience the effects of either of the disorders at one particular instance, or a collection effect of both. The pathological or psychological effects of this disorder cannot be predetermined or ascertained back many factors take steps its manifestation. This therapy is generally used if the individual has moderate to prickly snooze disorder. The therapy consists of a machine which delivers let breathe (oxygen) through a mask placed greater than the nose even if asleep. The let breathe pressure remains greater than that of the surrounding air, and is just mighty ample to save the expose passages open. In this therapy, a special type of freshen pressure device automatically adjusts the freshen pressure and oxygen levels while asleep. The basic practicing of the device is similar to that used for CPAP therapy, however it is a more objector model and supports bi-level determined airway pressure (BPAP). The device provides more pressure even if inhaling and reduces the pressure though exhaling. This airflow device learns and understands the normal breathing pattern, and similar to stores the instruction in a built-in computer. while asleep, the machine regulates the ventilate pressure to normalize the breathing pattern, and prevents any pauses in the successful activity. ASV is more well-off than CPAP even though treating central sleep apnea in some individuals. This therapy involves wearing an oral appliance specially intended to keep the throat “open”. Oral appliances are easier to use. Some appliances are specially meant to save the throat right of entry by bringing the jaw forward, which can at get older even promote snoring as well as prevent mild obstructive sleep apnea. During this surgical procedure, excessive tissue is removed from the rear of your mouth, and from the summit of the throat. At times, the tonsils and adenoids are also removed. This type of surgery can be well-to-do in preventing snoring, however, from clinical findings it is observed to be less well-to-do in treating snooze apnea, in the past the tissues farther by the side of the trachea (windpipe) may yet block the expose passage. UPPP procedure is generally performed in a hospital, and requires administration of general anesthesia. In this procedure, the jaw is moved forward from the surviving facial bones. This enlarges the express at the back the tongue and the soft palate, reducing the let breathe obstruction. This procedure may require the services of an oral surgeon and/or an orthodontist, and may be collective when extra surgical procedures to improve the likelihood of success. This is a vital surgery, and it is without help recommended considering further treatments fail and the topic has harsh or life-threatening snooze apnea disorder. In this procedure, an instigation is made in the neck and a metal or plastic tube is inserted into the trachea through which we breathe. The foundation is covered during the day, and at night, it is external to allow let breathe into the lungs. The tube helps to bypass the blocked expose passage. get you ever awaken during the night to locate yourself feeling in imitation of you’re sharp or having a hard become old breathing? No, it probably wasn’t a nightmare, and it’s most likely a condition that needs to be looked into. taking into account these symptoms it’s definitely doable that you have snooze Apnea which can be a rude snooze disorder. Other symptoms to see for intensify snoring that’s correspondingly persistent it wakes your partner, morning headaches, and ascetic mouth. If these symptoms apply to you, you infatuation to see a doctor right away. They are all indications that you might be a victim of snooze Apnea. You’ve undoubtedly heard about people having sleep disorders, and snooze Apnea can be one of the most brusque upon the list. “Apnea” comes from the Greek and means “want of breath”. During an Apnea episode, your lively is disrupted by either slowing next to or stopping each and every one for a terse epoch of time. These disruptions can occur as often as 20 mature in lonesome one hour, and each episode can mean a 20 second times during which your body is close death. Sleep Apnea is a risky condition that not lonely destroys your snooze but in addition to affects your entire body. There are three swap types of snooze apnea, and in their worst stages, every three of them can be deadly. The condition known as Obstructive sleep Apnea is the most common type. During sleep, the muscles in your soft palate, which are located with reference to the base of your tongue, relax and obstruct your airway. following this happens, the oxygen level in your blood decreases causing hypoxia, your blood pressure goes up, and a good pact of highlight is placed on your heart. every of these difficulties save you from going into the deeper, sounder phases of the snooze cycle which means your body starts problem from snooze deprivation. To go to to the problem, you will experience snoring and trenchant which can awaken you several mature a night. Your body becomes desperate for sleep. Central sleep Apnea is a much rarer condition that Obstructive Apnea, because it’s caused by a flaw in the brain. In this condition your brain gives the incorrect or delayed messages to your body’s living mechanisms. Because of these faulty signals, throat, abdominal and oral perky all stop at the same time for a few seconds. Even while it doesn’t last long, it can yet belittle the amount of oxygen that gets to your blood and tissues and can guide to high blood pressure, an abnormal heartbeat, and heart stroke. If you dwell on from both of the conditions described above, Obstructive Apnea and Central Apnea, you are said to have tainted snooze Apnea. In this condition you have the mass symptoms of relaxed throat muscles and flawed vivacious signals from your brain, and the incorporation can obviously be much more detrimental to your health. Since Obstructive sleep Apnea is the most common form of apnea that people suffer from, it’s a good idea for everyone to know exactly what symptoms to look for as competently as what causes the condition and how it can be treated in engagement you, or someone in your family, fabricate the problem. There are a number of interchange factors that can obstruct your airway though you’re sleeping and bring upon episodes of Obstructive Apnea. You might have muscles in your tongue and throat that shrink too much once your body relaxes in snooze allowing them to block the do its stuff of your airway. In addition, if you are overweight, your airway can be obstructed by the soft tissue in your throat becoming larger and stiffer. If your adenoids or tonsils become enlarged, that, too, can disrupt your airflow. Waking because you’re sharp and having problems busy and snoring are very common symptoms of Obstructive Apnea. visceral certainly drowsy during daytime hours can as well as be a sign that your snooze is physical disrupted. as soon as this form of of the condition you can lose the capability to concentrate, vacillate from temperate mouth, wake with headaches, experience a curt weight gain, or have lethargy, high blood pressure, and possibly depression. There are things that you can complete to prevent or terminate the increase of Obstructive Apnea even if you haven’t still seen a doctor nearly the condition. The solution to the burden might be as easy as losing weight, changing your snooze position, or eliminating alcohol from your evening routine. In more harsh cases, medical treatments may be needed, however. Some of the more common medical procedures used to treat apnea count up Continuous determined Airway Pressure (CPAP), Oxygen Administration, and surgeries such as a tracheostomy. If you have excuse to recognize that you might have snooze apnea and are exhibiting the symptoms outlined above, never put off going to a doctor thinking you can treat the problem yourself. A visit to your doctor will encourage the condition and its causes for that reason that you can follow the right mode of treatment for a speedy recovery.
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Nokulunga is a teacher at the Noluthando School for the Deaf (Autism Unit) for 10 years. She started using Makaton with her learners in 2010 after she attended the Makaton training conducted by Margaret Golding. Nokulunga is a Xhosa speaking Regional Makaton Tutor providing training to parents, professional and other community members who are interested in Makaton. She is willing to expand Makaton into the Eastern Cape.
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300 Brianne Ln is a residential - vacant land located in Danville, IN 46122. This property features 3.2 acres lot. 5 properties are in some stage of foreclosure or bank-owned in the 46122 zip code near 300 Brianne Ln Danville Indiana 46122 and 5 properties are in in some stage of foreclosure or bank-owned in Danville. 300 Brianne Ln, Danville, IN 46122 is in a county where 57 properties are in some stage of foreclosure or bank-owned 430,800, compared to 430,800 nationwide.
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Welcome Bowditch Staff members to Erica Robertson Photography! We are located right in the heart of Newport News in the community of Port Warwick. We are a 3-story live-above a block to the right of Brickhouse Tavern. To make it easy for you guys, you can come straight into the studio through the back door to avoid all the stairs and get in & out quickly. My studio is a converted garage on the back side of our building. I have the back mailbox and door marked with the address. You can park in the back driveway or back along the trees. Your session time is: Wednesday February 20th anytime between 11am until 1pm. We have been shooting for Bowditch for years and have it down to a fine science so it should only take 10-15 minutes at the longest. 1. All staff must wear a Bowditch approved Polo or approved tech shirt. If you do not have one issued to you yet, please see your manager. 4. Please have fun, we do! I promise you shouldn't be nervous.
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The University of Ulster has teamed up with the Nerve Centre to bring an eclectic three-day film festival to Derry~Londonderry as part of UK City of Culture 2013. It will be the first time that Cinesonika, the Third International Film and Video Festival of Sound Design, has been hosted outside of its native Canada. Cinesonika is an annual film festival showcasing international film screenings, video installations and talks.Highlights include the UK and Irish premiere of Canadian film, The Scar, the stunning Irish film, Silence, and a film scoring workshop with Genie award winning composer, Chris Crilly. The festival also incorporates an international academic conference devoted to soundtrack studies. This year's conference features Australian musician, composer, film-maker and sound designer, Philip Brophy as keynote speaker. Michael Filimowicz, Festival Director, added: “I am delighted that this year's Cinesonika is being held in Derry~Londonderry, UK City of Culture 2013, in collaboration with University of Ulster at Magee. “The festival represents perhaps the greatest variety of artistic approaches of any festival anywhere. Our focus on the full creative, intellectual and technical integration of sound into the overall experience of moving image art cuts across all forms and aesthetics. "There are ample opportunities to discover new cinematic experiences through our wide-ranging programming there is something on offer for all tastes and inclinations." A festival programme and conference schedule are available at: www.cinesonika.com/schedule. For further information, please contact Dr Adam Melvin, School of Creative Arts, University of Ulster, at: a.melvin@ulster.ac.uk.
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Innovation without intellectual property is probably lost work. When you put your whole efforts into an exhilarating object, your responsibility to safe-keep its exclusivity is a great challenge. This concept applies to all fields of production and businesses. If you’re a business owner, you need an attorney who must provide you the operational and cost-effective advice on protecting your intellectual property to nourish your start-up or established business for longer growth.
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Superb review of the Tudor Webasto Manx Rally 1986. Would Russell Brookes retain the title in the two-wheel-drive Opel Manta or would the four-wheel-drive Ford and the works Metros rule the roost? In the Metros were Jimmy McRae and David Llewellyn; in the Ford was Mark Lovell. But the biggest question mark hung over a driver not concerned with the championship - Manx resident Tony Pond who had a works Metro and was anxious to add to his three previous Manx wins. Add the ingredients of Harry Toivonen (Metro), Mikael Sundstrom (Peugeot), Austin MacHale (Manta), Billy Coleman (Metro) and Group A leader Pentii Airikkala (Astra) and the prospects were endless. Don't miss it!
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GALION — Northmor FFA member Zane Parrott learned last week at the State FFA Convention that he was the winner in the category of sheep production having the most proficient FFA sheep project in the state of Ohio. Zane is a junior at Northmor High School. Parrott is shown with his father andag teacher Ken Parrott.
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Your geolocation is being determined. Please allow the application to access your position through your browser to locate you. Your geolocation couldn't be determined. Please select a valid address or get your location. Sorry, all our drivers are currently busy ! Please check the selected departure time. Within 10 minutes rides please select "as soon as possible". The flight is invalid or could not be found. The flight information service is unavailable. and add 15 additional minutes for your booking pick-up time if you have a checked-in luggage. Without flight details, we won't be able to track the potential delay of your flight. Taking a taxi has never been so easy! Enjoy an entirely new taxi experience with WEBTAXI. The new fare system makes it even more interesting to use as many times as you like. 4 services, 3 fleets and the office operates day and night, whenever you want – wherever you want. There is a WEBTAXI for everyone. Swift in an ECO, or comfortable in a LIMO? Our 120 vehicles are at your disposal and bring you to your destination in the most pleasant way. The hybrid or electric vehicles bring you to your destination in no time and at an attractive price. An “oldie but a goodie”, the comfortable Mercedes. Convenient for groups, especially when the fare is shared. Customizable and comfortable, the subscription system for professionals. The new WEBTAXI app simplifies your life! Comfortably book your WEBTAXI with the new smartphone app, discover the new options and enjoy the new look and feel to it. Don’t miss the latest WEBTAXI news! The new WEBTAXI: already one year in service! WEBTAXI is Lean & Green! WEBTAXI winner of the "Prix de l'Innovation dans l'Artisanat 2017" We are looking for new Call Center Agents (m/f) ! The new fare system offers even more attractive possibilities. You are informed of a guaranteed fare before you confirm your booking and the fares remain unaltered even in case of detours or hold-ups. Click here for the complete fare chart.
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You will realize that home automation has become very popular nowadays. You can readily automate your home so that you can enjoy more convenience and comfort. Try installing devices that can be controlled remotely. This will allow you to monitor your home even when you are away at work. Not only will this add security, but it also gives your house a more luxurious look with the upgraded technology. In the end, it is possible to make your home look luxurious if you just use your imagination. You do not need to buy an expensive home. You can add some bits of luxury to your current home by thinking outside the box. Consider the above mentioned ideas today and you will be well on your way to a bit of class without ruining your wallet!
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The decision to push back Bond 25 will give Fukunaga and Eon producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli additional time to finish what’s certain to be a complex and costly production. The production cost for “Spectre” was estimated at $250 million. The Easter weekend launch places Bond 25 a few weeks ahead of the traditional start of summer blockbuster season. Marvel-Disney is opening “Avengers: Endgame” on April 26 this year; it has untitled Marvel opening on May 1, 2020. Friday’s announcement about Bond 25 came a few minutes after Universal said it had shifted “Fast and Furious 9” back six weeks from April 10 to May 22, 2020 — the start of the Memorial Day weekend. The last seven Bond movies, dating back to 1995’s “GoldenEye,” have opened in the fall corridor. 1989’s “License to Kill,” the second to star Timothy Dalton as Bond, was the last film to launch outside the fall with a debut in July.
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Join our one-day tour from Osaka Port and explore the former capital city of Japan and its magnificent temples in private transportation accompanied by an English-speaking guide. Discover the beauty of Kyoto and its historical, cultural and gastronomic background in private transportation with an English-speaking guide. The meeting point is at Osaka Port.
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Opera 15 to be even better! Short after Opera 15 was released, Chromium was updated to 1500.72, so we will publish a minor update to Opera 15 on opera.com and autoupdate servers soon, but you can get it here earlier. It also fixes a minor issue in Opera installer, which deleted existing Opera shortcuts from desktop instead of changing them, so please upgrade Opera Stable with this build and let us know if everything went ok with it.
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Potions are like spells cast upon the imbiber. The character taking the potion doesn't get to make any decisions about the effect - the caster who brewed the potion has already done so. The drinker of a potion is both the effective target and the caster of the effect (though the potion indicates the caster level, the drinker still controls the effect). The person applying an oil is the effective caster, but the object is the target. Identifying Potions: In addition to the standard methods of identification, PCs can sample from each container they find to attempt to determine the nature of the liquid inside. An experienced character learns to identify potions by memory for example, the last time she tasted a liquid that reminded her of almonds, it turned out to be a potion of cure moderate wounds. A creature must be able to swallow a potion or smear on an oil. Because of this, incorporeal creatures cannot use potions or oils. Any corporeal creature can imbibe a potion. The potion must be swallowed. Any corporeal creature can use an oil.
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In one such country, Indonesia, a recent Supreme Court ruling found that companies are subject to corporate criminal liability for corrupt practices. Overnight, this caught business leaders’ attention as they strove to understand the implications for their own operations and to discern which Indonesian law enforcement body would take the lead in the new environment. The development also illustrated the sort of opportunity that CIPE looks for in deciding where to deploy limited anti-corruption resources. Leveraging company interest in complying with anti-corruption laws is one approach that CIPE uses to amplify its impact globally, explained Frank Brown. CIPE and the SCCE, both non-profit organizations dedicated to improving business ethics and governance in practical ways, have cooperated for about five years in countries ranging from Russia to Indonesia. With over 6,000 members, the SCCE is the world’s largest certifying organization for compliance officers. CIPE has had staff from its Ukraine, Pakistan, and Russia field offices take part in SCCE training, along with DC-based anti-corruption specialists as well. We hope you enjoy the podcast! Follow CIPE and SCCE on Twitter.
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Login to your SGN account, then "Follow" this group to view its joining instructions in the "Topics" section. Also you can join our Official XB1 club, search for "Official Stonewall gaming network" So when I'm able to contribute to the fleet starbase, is there a certain project I should focus on first? In light of the new start on XB1 for the Official SGNetwork .. who would like to volunteer a meet up on the Xbox tonight to help with a new project fleet we are working on? I can be online later - what time? So, I've been back in the game a couple of weeks now, and would like to extend a huge thank you to Rick, Dan, Cam and the other admirals and captains in this fleet. You have all made me feel so welcome and accepted, that I look forward to getting into game and chatting, and playing with everyone. It's on the captain skill radial menu. I love the bridge of this ship. More space to run around in than my Sovereign Assault Cruiser.
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Awakening Recovery Center’s Partial Hospitalization Program, or PHP, is a highly structured program offered at our comfortable and welcoming addiction treatment center in Jacksonville, Florida. PHP helps patients break the self-destructive cycle of substance abuse and develop their identity as sober individuals. Awakening’s Day Treatment / Partial Hospitalization Program is led by a dedicated, compassionate team of experts that includes board-certified physicians, therapists and counselors. All medical services are physician-led and monitored closely. The Partial Hospitalization Program is for patients who need medical supervision but do not need overnight treatments. Individuals can progress from our Partial Hospitalization Program to our Intensive Outpatient Program. PHP is typically a month-long program that requires patients to meet five days a week for a total of 20 to 25 hours. Sessions are held on weekdays and last for approximately four weeks. In some cases, the severity of illness can require up to eight weeks. On rare occasions, a two-week session may be recommended. Both morning sessions or afternoon sessions are available. Private insurance plans are accepted for both partial hospitalization and outpatient addiction treatment. If needed, financing options are also available to qualified applicants. Admission to Awakening Recover Center of Jacksonville is based on a comprehensive assessment. This evaluation covers substance use, social, relational and psychological factors. Medical Director Jeremy Mirabile, MD, ABAN, FASAM, FAAFP, is an expert in addiction treatment, addiction medicine and medication-assisted treatment. While medication-assisted treatment is available, Dr. Mirabile also believes in a holistic approach that allows many patients to achieve long-term sobriety with the limited use of medication. After our treatment team determines which level of care is best, we create an individualized treatment plan in collaboration with you and your family. The Day Treatment / Partial Hospitalization Program at Awakening Recovery Center offers an array of addiction recovery therapies, including individual counseling, 12-step therapy and group therapy. Individual therapies let patients work through core issues to become educated about managing their diagnosis. It provides a safe and comfortable place to express their emotions, share challenges and to plan for the future. Group therapy includes 12-step therapy, psychoeducational therapy and sober skills development to focus on life as a sober person. Learn to enjoy and embrace life in your newfound sobriety. Holistic therapies such as meditation, biofeedback, self-hypnosis, nutrition and exercise programs are designed to relieve stress and will restore a healthful balance to your life. Patients learn the coping skills needed to live a sober life. The Awakening Recovery Center Partial Hospitalization Program guides patients to recovery and to build a foundation for permanent sobriety. Exceptional care is provided while allowing patients to leave and enjoy their family and home. Patients can apply the skills they learn during our day sessions at home, where they will start implementing healthy life choices. PHP is the transition between treatment and real life. It’s how we teach patients to grow while still receiving support and guidance from our expert addiction professionals. Learn the skills to cope with frustration, anger and cravings that will be necessary to live a sober life. Treat co-occurring mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder. Understand the underlying issues that contributed to the development of the disease of addiction. Learn the life skills in their new sobriety that help to develop friendships and the confidence to meet other people who are also in recovery. Our Day Treatment / Partial Hospitalization Program is an intense behavioral treatment program designed to lay the groundwork for healing, but breaking the cycle of addiction takes work and commitment. Awakening Recovery Center is dedicated to helping those with addictions to drugs, alcohol and pain medications reach sobriety and live a life in recovery. Our experts also treat the many co-occurring disorders that are common in those living with addiction. Awakening’s board-certified physicians, therapists and counselors can help you now. Contact us to schedule a confidential evaluation at our conveniently located Jacksonville, Florida office.
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Editor’s Note: This post updates a previous post by David Osterberg, “New blows to public accountability,” about features of a proposal to weaken regulation of Iowa electric utilities. A bill scheduled for debate the week of February 26th in the Iowa Senate would remove the public’s principal check on monopoly power of the state’s regulated electric utilities. Utilities are permitted monopoly status for economic efficiency. It would be difficult, and expensive, to set up two or more competing electric or gas utilities to serve one community, with separate lines connecting homes and businesses. In exchange for a monopoly presence in a given area, privately owned utilities are subject to community scrutiny and state regulation of their rates and services. Senate File 2311 would remove a significant share of oversight from electric utilities. Presently the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) oversees MidAmerican Energy and Alliant Energy. This protects customers, who have no choice as to which company brings them electricity. It is ironic that legislators would threaten a structure that works and promotes economic development. Iowa has some of the lowest energy rates in the nation (third- or fourth- lowest depending on the year). At the same time, this state has been developing one of the strongest clean energy economies. These features make Iowa a big draw for certain industries — a far more attractive reason to locate here than the tax breaks offered by so many states. Under the proposed bill, many policies that have led to Iowa’s cost-effective clean energy leadership would disappear, especially energy efficiency programs mandated almost 30 years ago by the Iowa Legislature, which require utilities to file energy efficiency plans every five years. Without regulation, monopolies could profit by producing more power, rather than helping customers save energy. They could unfairly treat customer-generated solar and wind energy and discriminate in favor of their own energy generation. Left to their own preferences, monopolies might charge the smallest users more. Alliant proved this in its last rate increase filing. The Alliant plan would have increased the cost of residential electricity by about 10 percent while increasing the mandatory fixed charge just to hook up by 30 percent. The plan was designed to put more costs on those who use less, including those with low-income, essentially penalizing customers who have used the utility rebates to buy efficient appliances or those who generate solar energy. But because Alliant needed permission from the IUB to raise rates, this rate scheme was reviewed and ultimately not allowed. Instead, the energy charge and the mandatory fixed charge were allowed to increase by roughly the same percentage. SF2311 would reduce this longstanding oversight on all utilities, shifting costs and risks to their customers. Alliant could discriminate against solar customers by putting them in a separate rate category so they could be assessed a higher fixed charge. This could shut down solar firms and cost many of the state’s 700 solar jobs. The changes threatening the energy efficiency industry endangers even more jobs — more than 20,000. The forces behind this bill lessen public oversight and public accountability. They would change Iowa law in ways never promoted publicly in the last legislative campaigns. David Osterberg, a former state representative (1983-95), is professor emeritus of occupational and environmental health at the University of Iowa, and co-founder of the non-partisan Iowa Policy Project. Author iowapolicypointsPosted on December 1, 2017 Categories Budget and Tax, Economic Opportunity, OrganizationTags David Osterberg, infrastructure, jobs, tax cutsLeave a comment on What happened to infrastructure plans?
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Readers responded to our question of the week, “How do you record your truck camping travels?”. “Hi Angela! This is Linda Hanney of the Alaska trip last summer (wish we were preparing for that trip again). I couldn’t help but respond to your request for how we record trips. This is an interesting subject and I look forward to your responses. As for me, there are plenty of apps or programs available, but most of the time there is advertising. I’ve finally settled on using Blogger, which requires a Google account, and set up a personal blog. This is a simple process. There are many add-ons available through blogger after the site is initially set up, such as personal Twitter posts, weather, etc. Also, a link to this site can be emailed to friends and they, in turn, can subscribe and receive emails of new posts. I have an ongoing travel blog site called, “Wildlife Wildflowers and Waterfalls” that I’ve posted most trips since 2004. (Angela alert: we’ve not always had a pick-up camper) Then, as you know, last summer when we traveled to Alaska I set up a blog for just that trip. I like the hands-on feel of this way of posting. “My wife bought a journal the year we got our pop-up in 2003. She’s on her eighth or tenth now. She occasionally journals at home, usually on a weekend morning where the sun is coming in through the sliding glass door. She records everything from the trip itself to anything new or different with the camper (or as in the case of last year, our new truck), news headlines, and life events. On the way home she will journal what was missing from the trip and things to remember for next time. This came in handy when we started heading to the Outer Banks in North Carolina as we used the previous year’s journal to remember things like baby powder for the bed linens (an amazing way to eliminate the humidity from sheets), one extra set of linens for the ride home (once you’ve officially washed the sand and salt away for the last time, it’s nice to have clean sheets to crawl into), and one extra t-shirt and pair of shorts for the ride home (see previous parenthetical, insert t-shirt and shorts in place of sheets) and on and on.
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The record may not be gaudy, but the St. Michael’s boys basketball team is moving right along the path coach David Rodriguez sought. The Horsemen are ranked No. 1 in the NMOT Class 3A coach’s poll despite a 12-7 record, 3-0 in 2-3A play entering their game late Friday at Robertson. But all the losses were to teams one or two classes higher. Rodriguez, in his second season after taking over from legendary coach Ron Geyer, said last year’s results were disappointing because neither he nor the team fulfilled the expectations he had. There has been some of that kind of inconsistency this year when playing the bigger schools, but Rodriguez said he was able to get the players to realize they needed to bring the effort for four quarters every night. During one stretch in late December and early January, the Horsemen lost five of six games and Rodriguez brought out the get-tough stick in practice. Indeed, the Horsemen easily won three in a row before a big district game Tuesday against Santa Fe Indian School. Despite being without their big man Hayden Lee, who missed the game with a concussion, St. Michael’s ran away from the Braves late for a 56-45 victory that has the Horsemen in first place in the district. St. Mike’s is a veteran-laden team with eight seniors to go along with a junior and two freshmen. St. Michael’s Thomas Wood, 12, is fouled by East Mountain’s Aaron Talamante, 24, while going to the basket during a December game in Santa Fe. Lee was the leading weapon in district play before Tuesday, with 13 points and nine rebounds. Thomas Wood has been at 10 points and eight boards, and point guard Jevon Montoya has been scoring 12 points a game.
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Manifolds, Closed Surfaces, Wormholes, Pocket Dimensions, and more! Allow the stitching together of different areas of the minecraft world such that we have circular/spherical spaces or the like (see fundamental polygons). Seams along the edges of minecraft so that it doesn't stretch indefinitely or until some arbitrary limit, but loops back onto itself like the Earth. allow the creation of separate planes somehow that can then be stitched into the minecraft one, possibly by having their Real Coordinates be well outside the edges of the world? So, we have the regular minecraft world described as a map of chunks in the grid above, and the pocket dimension below we are wanting to stitch into the regular minecraft plane. This is a 5-square/chunk pocket dimension but we will be embedding it into just one square/chunk. Think of a Tardus, for example, where it will be bigger on the inside than the outside. Something important to note about any kind of embedding of surfaces with different curvatures is that there is necessarily distortion. We can handle that distortion in various ways. In this case, look at the cross of 5 squares that we are stitching in and look at the way I've colored it and drawn the diagrams of how they will be configured. A way to imagine this is that in order to fit these 5 squares into the single square, we are folding the sides of the cross up to make a cube with one face removed. We then insert this cube into the plane. But the cube is a 3-d object being embedded into a 2-d map! How do we flatten it? By distorting the geometry within the pocket dimension! In this case, note that if you travel along the sides of the cross (in green) you will eventually arrive at the spot you started out with. It's a 4-chunk circle, so to speak, altho you needn't turn or change elevation. You could shoot an arrow and hit yourself in the head (if it can shoot that far). Now, weird things start happening when you consider the person in the bottom right diagram. If they move north and then east, they arrive in the center (similar problems arise at the north and south poles of the Earth and strangely in the way you can have a triangle with three right angles when it's embedded on a sphere's surface). However, they could have reached the center by just traveling east. Likewise, if they travel east and then north, they arrive on the north most side of the cross. When displaying those chunks north east of you, do you display the center or the north? The red line shows how the distortion would look from each side. A pillar in each of the corners of the pocket dimension would help fix this distortion and hide some of the strangeness (e.g. portals). I hope this makes sense and helps give an idea of what I'm up against wrt the distortion of these curved surfaces. But I always thought it would be neat to have a round minecraft world. So, is this possible within minecraft? I have no idea if this will create massive problems with the way minecraft geometries function or the way they display graphically, but I think it should be doable, and it should be easy to limit the creation of manifolds with certain behaviors, like being differentiable, having proper boundaries, geomtrizable, with coordinates (tho maybe avoiding using tensors would be cool), etc. I would just like to make mods as modular and customizable as possible.
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In which projects are construction defects most likely to occur? Construction defects are at the heart of many construction-related lawsuits. Disputes arise regarding whether something is a defect, who is responsible and what should be done to remedy the situation. And whether the property involved is residential or commercial, these disputes have the potential to be costly and draining for everyone involved. With all this in mind, it is crucial for contractors, suppliers, property owners and developers to have in place a plan for dealing with claims of construction defects, should they arise. This can be especially important for people involved in the development of condominiums, as these are reportedly the projects that see the highest number of construction deficiency claims. A study conducted by Community Associations Institute found that more than 57 percent of deficiencies occurred in new condos, which is far more than reported in single-family homes and townhomes. Reasons for the higher number were not provided, but the large scale of condominium projects is likely a factor. These deficiencies can certainly be problematic for homeowners, and they can spark a contentious lawsuit. With all this in mind, it would be wise for developers, construction companies, property owners and anyone else involved in a development project to be clear on a course of action in the event of a defect. Often, this is achieved with a clear, enforceable contract and effective communication. In fact, this study also reported that most of these claims are resolved through out-of-court negotiations between the parties involved. Though, there are situations that must be resolved through arbitration or litigation. No matter how you plan to address claims of construction defects, it is important that you have the guidance of an attorney to help you navigate these disputes. With legal support, you can take the steps necessary to secure a fair and satisfactory resolution.
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I *need* to know as well!!! Last year, about halfway through the season, hubby came home with the scripts from a couple of episodes that hadn't aired yet and I really hope it happens again this year so I can see if they get back together! I think they will eventually, well I hope so anyway!! That's cool! What does he do?? Nina was freeking hilarious in last ep! He works for one of the sponsors of the show! It was left in a car they returned after filming, so he grabbed it knowing I love the show, but I didn't want to spoil it so didn't read it!! I hope you are right and they get back together, even if it is towards the end of the season! Haha me too! Otherwise I am firing my spy. Not until nearly the end of the season though. Loved how nina was trying to hide behind that tree, so damn funny!!!!
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Valmet’s roll cover expertise is based on solid expertise in materials, roll technology and tissue-making processes. As a result, users can enjoy maximum performance in all processes that include roll covers. Our roll cover portfolio includes a wide range of high-tech solutions for tissue-making. At Valmet, we are constantly working to develop the essential press properties of a roll cover, such as durability, reliability and dewatering capability. Our comprehensive product offering of both polyurethane and rubber covers for press applications clearly demonstrates our successful results. Press roll covers, in particular, play a significant role in tissue machines. In tissue pressing, nip pressure profiles also often impose extra challenges on efficiency and product quality. Valmet’s iRoll technology offers excellent tools to measure, analyze and optimize nip pressure profiles in tissue machines. Optimizing roll cover material, hardness and topography, as well as combining it with an optimized nip pressure profile, will let tissue-makers benefit from the best tissue profiles, improved productivity and better energy efficiency. Valmet Infinikote Yankee Metallizing is the most reliable Yankee thermal coating available, providing superior heat transfer, extended doctor blade life and longer run times. It is also highly corrosion-resistant. Valmet has a global presence and engagement in serving tissue-makers. With years of expertise in tissue processes, we can help you find the ideal solution and choose the best possible roll cover for each application. Our experts carry out roll cover inspections and perform onsite coating, as well as patching and repair services. Valmet now also provides quick access to spare parts online. To optimize press nip efficiency for TM 4, SsangYong turned to Valmet. The main targets were to improve energy efficiency by lowering steam consumption through higher post-press dryness, and to get more uniform moisture profiles by improving dryness profiles. Over the years, the Metsä Tissue Mänttä mill in Finland has become familiar with many of the aforementioned cover problems and challenges often encountered on tissue machines. Valmet and Metsä Tissue have a long history of collaboration in roll maintenance and roll cover development projects.
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write a java program to create an array of 10 cells, store the values in the area at run time. find the largest and smallest element. Can I get the same program without using any functions? I need simple program without using any function as I am learning java now. See this link it would be helpful ..
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Brilliantly bizarre and overflowing with ideas, Beetlejuice offers some of Michael Keaton’s most deliciously manic work – and creepy, funny fun for the whole family. Thanks to the carelessness of a cute little dog, newlyweds Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin are killed in a freak auto accident. Upon arriving in the outer offices of Heaven, the couple finds that, thanks to a century’s worth of bureaucratic red tape, they’re on a long celestial waiting list. Before they can earn their wings, Davis and Baldwin must occupy their old house as ghosts for the next fifty years. Alas, the house is now owned by insufferable yuppies Catherine O’Hara and Jeffrey Jones. Horrified at the prospect of sharing space with these obnoxious interlopers, Davis and Baldwin do their best to scare O’Hara and Jones away, but their house-haunting skills are pathetic at best. In desperation, the ghostly couple engage the services of a veteran scaremeister: a yellow-haired, snaggle-toothed, profane, flatulent “gonzo” spirit named Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton). The problem: Beetlejuice cannot be trusted-especially when he falls in love with O’Hara and Jones’ gloomy, black-clad teenaged daughter Winona Ryder.
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Spotting Class Actions And What to do When You Catch One! As we discussed last month, each of your clients (whether businesses or individuals) are also consumers. They are subjected to marketing representations by retailers, they purchase products and contract with service providers. Unfortunately, they face an increasing risk of being the victim of unlawful activity at the hands of others in the marketplace. The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission have confirmed that consumer and business-tobusiness fraud is dramatically increasing, and there are over $3 billion of overcharges, unlawful fees and pricing scams suffered every year by business and consumers. In a system where government increasingly lacks the resources to police transactional honesty, the U.S. Supreme Court noted class actions serve the private attorney general function of identifying and remedying misconduct. Here are some of those improper practices to watch for. A recently prevalent class action is called a “snake oil” case – a reference to health products and “medicines” sold to unsuspecting consumers by hucksters in the 19th century. These snake oil salesmen would traverse the country claiming their elixir could cure any disease known to man, when in fact it was an empty liquid that cured nothing. Today, these class suits challenge the millions of dollars collected for products that provide nothing to the consumer – constituting common law and statutory consumer fraud, and breach of contract. A notable example of a “snake oil” case is Rikos v. Procter & Gamble Co., — F.3d —-, 2015 WL 4978712 (6th Cir. June 16, 2015). Defendant’s probiotic supplement, Align, was marketed to consumers nationwide, promising it could “naturally help build and support a healthy digestive system, maintain digestive balance, and fortify your digestive system with healthy bacteria.” In fact, it appeared to do none of those things, at all. The Sixth Circuit affirmed certification of classes in five separate states. The Rikos opinion demonstrates that a true “snake oil” case presents only a single, specific question: does the product work at all? These cases deal with products which are purchased to do only a single thing. If the product cannot do that thing at all, then the seller is open to substantial class-wide liability as consumers would have uniformly relied on that singular representation. While consumers are at risk on the front end when they face fraudulent marketing representations, once they choose to purchase a product or service they are at further risk of being charged duplicative or undisclosed additional fees. These cases require a close inspection of all documents and terms involved in the transaction. For instance, a consumer may have contracted with a service provider for one level of service, but finds that the service provider unilaterally charged for a higher level of service without warning (and at an extra charge, of course). Another common, unlawful practice is tacking on charges claiming to be official government or industry fees. Charges for a warehouse fee, universal service fee, licensing recoupment fee, tax service fee, fuel surcharge, all sound official, but actually are nothing more than bogus items added solely to pad the customer’s bill. These illegal fees are so common, they sadly have a name in the industry – junk fees. Check your phone bill, hotel bill, credit card bill, bank statement, rental car bill, HUD-1 house sale fee chart: in the last 90 days you likely have been assessed (and unwittingly paid) a phony charge. We have all seen signs while walking through the mall: “40% Off Everything in the Store!” But it would not be a discount if it happens every day. In Ohio, for example, this practice is unlawful under our CSPA. Courts in multiple states are addressing this practice, focusing heavily on statewide consumer protection statutes. Because of this, retailers across the country haves settled these actions for millions of dollars, paying the class members the discounts that should have been given, and ending the illegal practice. A very similar fraud is bogus comparative pricing. The retailer lists a “compare at” price and their much lower price on the tag, to give the impression of a steep discount. The practice is illegal, however, when neither the retailer nor its competitors have even sold the item for the so-called “regular” or “compare at” price. These false comparison pricing cases are popping up in consumer-friendly states and are likely to gain steam across the country as class actions continue to hold retailers responsible for unlawful pricing schemes. Frank Bartela is an associate in Dworken & Bernstein’s class action practice group. His practice is focused on the litigation of complex civil actions, including consumer class actions as well as wage and hour actions. In this capacity, Frank fights to represent the interests and protect the rights of his clients both in Ohio and across the country. Currently, his cases deal with unlawful conduct by government agencies, manufacturers, retailers and employers. Frank has served as class counsel in actions across the country and has found success in representing individual while holding defendants accountable.
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The majority of the courses are taught at the EPS Polytechnic School of the Leganés Campus of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, although some courses are taught in the Colmenarejo Campus and the Madrid - Puerta de Toledo Campus. . The Department teaches courses in the following EHEA-compatible Bachelor's Degrees: Telematics Engineering, Audiovisual System Engineering, Communication System Engineering, Telecommunication Technology Engineering, Informatics Engineering and Data Science and Engineering. In addition, the Department teaches in several official Master's Degrees. - Master, Specialist and Expert in Educational Innovation. "Laboratory of the New Education"
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Super-Dri is the first flyline to take advantage of a wave of new nano-engineered hydrophobic materials. The guys at Airflo like to think of it as super-teflon. I prefer to think of it as super-awesome. Originally Airflo designed the Super-Dri lines to take advantage of the water repulsion properties of the new material and make the line float higher. What they didn’t anticipate was the legion of other benefits. The amount of line you can pick up and mend is unreal. The lines don’t just repel water—they repel dirt and scum as well. The lines feel slick all day, even in the grimiest of water.
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The Charcoal Burners are a barnstorming modern folk fusion group playing an intoxicating blend of original songs with fast and furious mixture of new and traditional tunes. Lead singer David O'Brien has been writing and performing since the early 1980's with his band Prime Suspect, touring with Hazel O'Connor, recorded with Ray Dorset of Mungo Gerry, even replacing Duran Duran on Hazel's last gig of the Breaking Glass tour. The Charcoal Burners formed in 2016 with Steve Redshaw and Martin Ruinet, two highly talented folk musicians from Sussex and Art Gelling on bass and Cajon. The Charcoal Burner's set is fast, foot tapping and infectiously catchy with songs such as 'Life of Riley', 'Free 'n Easy', 'The Devil Rides' and 'Working on the Railroad' to moving ballads such as 'Don't Let it Rain' and 'Seagull'. Steve Redshaw's banjo playing is flawless, writing the band's signature tune 'The Charcoal Burners'. Martin Ruinet, a multi-instrumentalist-whistle, harmonica, mandolin & mandola provides the humour and Art Gelling on Bass and Cajon, beats rhythm that will have your legs twitching and itching to dance. Together, their voices soaring in four part harmony can make your spine tingle.
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Carrythxd -For creating the Add-On. DynamoHotRun -For the Screenshots & liveries. DO NOT EDIT WITHOUT PERMISSION! Can I ask you about a Speedo Classic "Orion" based on Ford E-350 Centurion, a Sadler "Orion" also based on Centurion and a Riata "Orion" also based on Centurion? This is actually so goddamn cool, i love it! 대화에 참여해보세요! 로그인 또는 가입 을 하면 댓글을 달 수 있습니다.
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Giving Leadership - The Go-Giver | Give exceptional value. Enjoy extraordinary results. So begins my latest book, Real Leadership, written with former Primerica co-CEO John Addison and launched just last week. It’s easy to think of “leadership” as something that relates only to the elite few: the CEO, the president, the general, the boss. But leadership happens everywhere — in our relationships and our families, our communities and our work, and in every domain of our lives. The question is not whether we’re called to leadership. (We all are.) The question is whether or not we answer that call — and if so, how. Because there are two kinds of leadership. You can take leadership. Or you can give leadership. That said, taking leadership is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, especially in times of turbulence and trouble, the situation desperately calls for someone to take charge, to grab the wheel, take the helm, assume the place of decision-making before the ship hits the rocks and founders. (This was very much the case with John Addison, who was called to steer his company through a crisis that sometimes feels like an Indiana Jones epic.) And it doesn’t have to be in crisis. Sometimes when things are simply stuck, it can be helpful to gently take the lead and move things in a given direction. But taking leadership, no matter what the context, carries within itself a risk — because taking is taking. Leadership taken slips so easily into dominance, and dominance into tyranny. Then there is the other kind of leadership: giving leadership. Rather than seizing the wheel, giving leadership is taking a friend’s hand and laying it on the wheel. Rather than stepping up to be the one others follow, it is being the one who encourages and supports others to step up themselves. The book’s first chapter is titled “Taking Leadership.” I’ll bet you can guess what the last chapter is titled. “When you believe in someone, when you promote them, champion them, respect their ideas, you give them leadership. … You can give leadership to your child, to a member of your work group, to a friend. To anyone. “And it’s also a special kind of leading. Like servant leadership. To convey the idea we wrote a scene into the story where the hero, Ben, is out walking, struggling to understand how to provide the leadership his situation needs, when he hears an odd sound, “like a subdued chorus of oboes in the distance, or perhaps English horns.” Looking up, he sees a long, slender V-shaped formation of Canada geese flying south. “He recalled reading somewhere that the V formation gave the birds far greater aerodynamic efficiency, allowing them to travel great distances without tiring. “As he watched, the flock’s formation blurred and shifted direction, breaking apart and reforming seamlessly with a different bird slipping into point position at the V’s apex. “Ben marveled. How did they know how to do that? Beautiful indeed: it’s the sound of giving leadership.
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Kirk Triplett, the inaugural championship winner in 2016, has also signed up to play. The full 78-player field for the championship will be set June 15. Read the original version of this article at www.nbc15.com.
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Villa Cantik’s welcoming team of staff are dedicated to making your stay as relaxed and enjoyable as possible. Inform the villa manager of your preferred level of staff presence (for example, at meal times only, or on hand to serve snacks and drinks throughout the day). Service is then tailored to meet your needs. Villa Cantik’s friendly manager oversees the operation of the villa, coordinates staff and assists guests during their stay. The five butlers also act as cooks and are able to prepare a range of local and international dishes. They are in charge of grocery shopping and the preparation of all guest meals, and will accommodate special requests. Five villa butlers clean and tidy daily, and are trained to provide quality service at meal times. A groundskeeper services the villa’s lush gardens and swimming pools. Security staff are stationed at the villa complex 24-hours a day. The cooks at Villa Cantik are at your service to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. On offer is a range of local and international dishes to satisfy all tastes, along with options for vegetarians, children and those with special diets. Kitchen hours are from 7am to 10pm with flexible dining arrangements upon request. Groceries and beverages are charged at cost price plus 20% handling fee which is subject to service charge and government tax. Guests will be required to provide grocery money and meal preferences in advance, and staff will do the shopping and keep receipts for reference. Villa Cantik is a family friendly environment that provides a safe place for children to play freely. The ground-floor entertainment area includes a billiards table and board games, and there’s a large shallow section in the adjacent pool. The lawns provide plenty of space for kids to run around and let off steam, and the gentle cascade from the top tier of the pool is perfect for cooling off afterwards. The staff of Villa Cantik value children as honoured guests and are there to offer a helping hand. Should you fancy a night out without the kids, full-time babysitters can be arranged at an additional cost. Kid friendly meals are available on request. Just let the cooks know what your child’s preferences are and they will handle the rest. And don’t worry about packing all that cumbersome kids’ equipment for your stay. Let us know what you need, and anything we don’t have in-house (a baby cot and a highchair) we can hire on your behalf (click here to see list of available hire items). Kids will love playing and exploring at Villa Cantik, but should they crave adventures further afield, check out our Things to Do page – there’s plenty in the area to keep all the family amused throughout the holiday. Villa Cantik offers a peaceful massage room where guests can enjoy treatments in the privacy of their own luxury villa. The room is equipped with two massage tables and ambient lighting. The perfect remedy after a long day at the beach.
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I had to survey my work email once it was right there in front of my eyes. I am back to work next week. However, from the look of it, I will have to work a bit on the weekend. The observatory planning, the Dataflow PDR (preliminary design review), the summit operation account configuration, catching up with many dozens of email, the list goes on and on. Next week is going to be awful. I guess it will be a good continuation to the vacation I spent sick almost the whole time. Ah! So many cheery thoughts!
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1. Shift Neutral. 2. connect fuel line. 5. Pull choke out and start—additional choke as needed. Read instruction book for carburetor adjustment. SPARK PLUG—Champion J6J, Auto-Lite A3X. 35 H.P. O.B.C. CERTIFIED AT 4500 R.P.M.
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Parliament resumed on Tuesday and opened with a minute's silence to recognise the passing of Pope John Paul II and the tragic loss of nine navy and air force personnel. Representing the Lismore Electorate, I attended the concelebrated mass at St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney on Tuesday evening commemorating the life of Pope John Paul II. I also had the opportunity to record the Lismore Electorate's thoughts and sympathy during the condolence motion in Parliament on Wednesday. I also had the opportunity of recording and extending prayers and sympathy on behalf of the Lismore Electorate residents to the family, friends and services of the navy and air force personnel who recently loss their lives performing humanitarian aid. A reminder to all local businesses that I am hosting a forum on Tuesday 12 April 2005 from 5.30 to 7.30 pm. It is important for business owners to attend and become more aware of the proposed legislation. There is widespread concern among employers, mainly small businesspeople, about the impact of this legislation. The legislation provides for increased penalties for breaches of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. While The Nationals strongly support safe workplaces, we believe this legislation is turning every employer into a potential criminal. Should you wish to obtain further information/details, please do not hesitate to contact my office. In accordance with the Rotary Centenary and the Rotary International District 9640, Centennial Conference, I have had the pleasure, this week of hosting Mr Onibu Mari in my electorate office and in attendance for a few days at State Parliament. Mr Mari is an Electorate Manager of Dame Carol Kidu, New Guinea Minister for Community Development and Member for Moresby South. Mr Mari is visiting Australia together with Dame Kidu, under a Rotary Overseas Training Assistance Program (ROTAP). With the marquee up, the stage set, many local students are ready and enthusiastic about performing in the 2005 Northern Stars Under the Big Top - The Sky's the Limit. I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the organising team, volunteers, teachers, students and families for their participation in this event. This production provides a wonderful and rare opportunity for children to showcase their talents in a variety of different segments. The chance to perform under a massive marquee and to be involved with fellow students, is an exciting and memorable event and one that they will treasure for the rest of their lives. Students with outstanding musical talents, also gain important and valuable experience to enhance their future aspirations in the production industry. As co-patron., I would encourage your support and attendance at this unique event. The West of the Range showcase is on again this weekend, with Bonalbo Show on Saturday and Woodenbong Show on Sunday, providing these towns with an annual event to exhibit their produce and livestock. I encourage your attendance as your patronage will ensure their viability as well as appreciate the time and effort of the numerous volunteers and exhibitors who will make sure that you have an enjoyable weekend.
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Coach Modou Lamin Nyassi of the Brikama United has commended his players despite losing 2-0 at home to the Gambia Armed Forces on Saturday. Nyassi said his boys played well even though they were unfortunate to lose against title contenders, GAF FC at home in Brikama. “My boys had a good game. We couldn’t score but that does not mean we did not play well,” he said. The GAF goals came in the 44th and 62nd minutes through Sulayman Sillah and Emil respectively. Brikama United despite dominating possession in the whole match, they couldn’t score the soldiers. Armed Forces FC are yet to test a defeat this season with seven draws and two wins whereas Brikama United lost two, drew four and won three. The soldiers are the highest scoring team in the GFF Division One with 8 goals out of 10 games. Nyassi believes that there is enough room for improvement adding that his boys will do great in the upcoming matches. “We are going back to the training and rectify our mistakes. We will try to improve more and do better in our coming games,” he said. The Brikama fans roared at the referee for failing to award Soldiers’ Matarr Ceesay a red card in the 20th minute when he appeared to launch a two-footed challenged on a Brikama United player. Previous articleWhat Is Government Doing Regarding The Deportation Of Youths From Germany?
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Congratulations to Yan Yan Li, FWS for passing the French Wine Scholar exam with highest honors with our program provider AWSEC in Hong Kong. ''I started my encounter with wine in 2008 when I joined an interest class by chance. Since then, I was attracted by the taste, the smell and the magic in pairing food and wine, as well as the wide variety in the horizon of wine. When one has passion in something, one will want to know and learn more. Therefore, I started my wine journey by taking the WSET and FWS course, participating in wine tasting events, as well as joining different wine festivals and expos. I have obtained the WSET Level 3 Award right before joining the FWS program. The FWS program has deepened my understanding and knowledge on the French wine, which I have the most interest. Beside the grape variety and the appellation, I have learnt more about the history, the topography, the viticultural and vinification practice, the wine industry and wine style of each wine producing region in France, as well as the relationship between the terroir, the vine and the wine. I would like to explore more on some specific regions like Bordeaux, Bourgogne, Alsace and Provence by enrolling in some particular Master-Level Programs. But before that, I am now considering obtaining the WSET Level 4 Diploma qualification, and this certainly will require a lot of time and effort.
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Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., announced Tuesday he would not seek re-election. A frequent critic of President Trump's, Flake denounced the current political discourse in an address on the Senate floor. What follows is a full transcript of his remarks.
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Swanx Designs is a full-service web agency. We specialize in WordPress websites, product imagery and digital marketing. Swanx Designs can provide your winery with a responsive, easy to navigate website. Combine your site with our bottle shot services and marketing expertise, then watch the sales pour in. We are committed to enhance your web presence with state of the art web solutions and unique graphics. We are uniquely qualified to serve the wine industry and understand the online marketing challenges of boutique wine producers. We build custom, responsive WordPress sites so your site will work on all screen sizes. Get your proudct imagery right with cutting edge bottle shots. No shipping! No photographers! Our team will help you tell the world about your business and turn visitors into customers.
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A clean house is very much important especially as far as health is concerned. The way your house appears also has a way of reflecting your true personality with simple cleaning being all you need sometimes to have that positive outlook reflected all around you. The truth is that even with all your efforts in the cleaning process, you might not always be in a position to achieve impeccable results as any Professional cleaners wanted Cleaning Services Melbourne would. This is important in ensuring that every part of your house receives the attention that it requires and in the end is left sparkling. You will find that some areas in the house are problematic for you simply because you do not use the right cleaning techniques for them. The house is made up of different surfaces and they all cannot use one technique of cleaning to achieve the desired results. With professional cleaners, you won’t have to worry about getting it right. The truth is that some people end up damaging their house items and even floors by using the wrong cleaning products or products which contain harmful chemicals. Such products can even be harmful to your health when you are not aware and don’t know how to handle them. The professional cleaners near you know which cleaning products are safe and high in quality. Most will even use eco-friendly products to ensure that you and the environment are protected in the process. They will also know which products are best for which kinds of surfaces or stains. Most people tend to forget some areas when cleaning their houses. They include areas such as the vent covers, ceiling fans, shower stalls, rails and banisters. However, when using cleaning services from a reputable company, you can be sure that all these items and areas will be given attention. In the end, therefore, you will have a house that is excellently clean. You can choose from the list of services offered by your preferred company to ensure that you have all key areas handled to your liking. You can actually judge a cleaning company by the list of cleaning services it has to offer you Cleaning Services Melbourne. Professional cleaners near me have fully trained housemaids available with them, owing to whom, the companies ensure quality cleaning services and generate time for their valued clients. The cleaning companies employ professionally-trained staff that is committed to clean your house the way you want. This means they design their services keeping in mind the needs of their customers. They provide you customized cleaning plans and make you satisfied by making your home completely clean and tidy. They do everything to fulfill your expectations in terms of cleaning, since customers’ complete satisfaction is their main objective. Visit here to know in detail about Duct Cleaning Western Suburbs Melbourne.
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What is this ‘Instant Meditation’ ? Can meditation be a fast food like ‘Instant noodle ? Meditation is a way of life. A process that can change the very foundation of your personality. And it takes time and patience to bring permanent & positive internal changes in our life through meditation. However, in this series I want to tell you about something which is quite similar to meditation in its effects yet not meditation. It is known as Instant Meditation. Instant meditation is not meditation in real sense of the world. You can call it a process of reverse engineering where meditation like effects are produced using audio-visual aids. It is being used by numerous people owing to its ability to produce near meditation like results in them. Moreover, many scientific experiments have verified its effectiveness. OK what I am talking about actually? I am talking about listening to special kind of sounds through headphones and achieving an altered state of consciousness. In fact instead of calling it an ‘Altered State of Consciousness’, we should call it a Non Ordinary State of Consciousness (NOSC). This NOSC produce results similar to what one experience in a state of meditation. Using this methodology, various specialized sounds have been developed which, depending upon their frequency, can produce different results like deep sleep, Relaxation, Hypnosis and ‘Out of Body Experience’ too. This Non Ordinary State of Consciousness can be created and realized in lab like conditions and they have been successfully used to produce meditation like effects in people. What separate them from normal meditation practice is that their results are instant and readymade. Unlike meditation practices, which take time to master and require lot of patience, these ‘instant meditation methods’ can be implemented successfully in the shortest time possible. In this section, I am going to describe in detail what and how of this method and how anybody can use it to get meditation like benefits quickly. We should start by understanding the concept behind NOSC.
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Full Governing Body – We meet as a full governing body twice a term. Pupils and Curriculum Committee – meets at least once a term, but often more. Resources Committee – meets at least once a term, but often more. Personnel Committee, Appeals Committee & Pupil Discipline Committee – meets if required. Head Teacher Performance Management – meets at the start of the year to set targets for the Head teacher and at the end of the year to review targets. Appeals Committee – meets if required. The major concern to the governing body at Windy Nook Primary is ensuring that our pupils progress in their education. Governors appreciate that for this to happen the pupils must be supported by a well-led, enthusiastic, professionally competent and motivated staff. For the past seven years it has been my privileged to be Deputy Head at Windy Nook. I am passionate about making a difference to every single child in our care. I truly believe every child has the right to be the best they possibly can be and it is our job ,as facilitators of education, to unlock their potential, nurture their skills and release their ambitions. It is a joy to watch children flourish and to know that we can make a difference to the future generation is an honour. My role as a deputy takes many forms. I have teaching responsibilities on a morning. This enables me to have first-hand experiences within teaching and learning. Therefore, allowing me to empathise with colleagues and have a critical understanding when monitoring teaching and learning. I am responsible for the curriculum and assessment across school and Pupil Premium. As part of the curriculum, we strive to ensure visits are integrated into the academic year. Ensuring such visits are conducted safely also falls into my role as Events and Visits Coordinator. I am also Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer. As a staff governor, I work hard to ensure Governors are up to date with developments in school and have a clear understanding of what has happened across the curriculum. Away from school, I am enthusiastic about cooking, leading a healthy lifestyle and keeping fit. I enjoy spending time with my husband and our two young boys. Hi, I am Julie Wiper, current chair of governors at Windy Nook. I was elected as a parent governor in October 2013 and in September 2016 took on the role of chair following election by the governing body. I have two children at Windy Nook and live locally so have a personal interest in the school. I am committed to supporting the school and work of the head teacher and management team to ensure that together we are providing the best possible education for the children at Windy Nook. I chair the pupils and curriculum committee and I am also part of the resources committee and the designated governor for health and safety. I am regularly in school for governor monitoring. I particularly enjoy this part of the governance role as it involves talking to the children and teachers about a whole host of areas that collectively form objectives on our Windy Nook School Development Plan. As governors we are required to scrutinise, challenge and really understand the desired outcomes and thinking behind the Schools development Plan. The children at Windy Nook are always a joy to chat to and are very eloquent. They are a true representation of what this school is really all about. My professional background is in the NHS, I qualified in 1996 as a podiatrist, in 2008 I moved into a more specialised role within Diabetes, managing complications of the lower limb and foot. The skills I bring to the governing body include leadership and management experience, organisational skills, risk assessment, project management and knowledge of safeguarding. Being a governor is a very rewarding job, seeing and understanding what goes on behind the scenes to enable our school to run effectively and be accountable is quite remarkable. Our current team of governors are extremely dedicated and provide a vast skill mix to facilitate effective challenge, drive change and continually improve Windy Nook School. I have been a community governor since February 2016. As a member of St Alban’s church for most of my life I am keen to continue the links between church and school. Windy Nook’s Christmas Carol service is one of the best attended events in the church year and we also enjoy welcoming pupils and parents to the Easter service. This year has seen the development of a wildflower garden around the perimeter of the churchyard and the school has been actively involved in the planting. We can’t wait for the first daffodils and then wild flowers this Spring. I retired in Summer 2015 after teaching for over 20 years. I started my career in primary education (including two terms at Windy Nook) before moving into Special Educational Needs which saw me spend most of my career in an 11 – 16 secondary school in Consett. I specialised in assessing and teaching students with dyslexia which also involved training other staff. Later in my career I became a Head of Year, responsible for pastoral care of a year group as well as monitoring their learning. I am keen to continue my involvement in education and see the early years of a child’s learning journey as vital to their future achievement. Windy Nook is a vibrant, successful school with a committed and caring staff and I am privileged to be a governor. I became a co-opted governor in February 2016. I am member of the resourcing and finance committee, as well as the governor linked to the Governor Attendance Panel. I am a contracting project manager and have worked across various companies in the North East, mainly focussing transformational change programs drive by IT changes. I have two daughters, one at Kells Lane Primary school and the other starting in Sept 2017. I’m a recently appointed co-opted Governor who lives local to the school with my wife and two young sons. I am passionate about the life chances of the young people in our area and very much look forward to playing an active part in the life of such a vibrant and happy school. I work with computers and software in education and hope to be able to use that experience to help our school make best use of new technologies and software and also to assist in getting the very best value from suppliers and systems through my membership of the resources committee. I became a co – opted governor in September 2016. I am married with two primary aged daughters. Professionally, I worked for many years in arts development: with New Writing North, Live Theatre, Durham Literature Festival and then developing creative projects in schools across the North East with the Creative Partnerships programme (Arts Council England). Recently I have been involved in developing website content and I am treasurer for the PTA at Rowlands Gill Primary School. In my role as school governor, I would like to make a difference to the learning experiences and ultimately life chances of children in Gateshead. My name is Rachel Mullen, I am a local authority governor and have sat on the governing body since December 2015, I contribute to the Pupils and Curriculum committee. I have a background of being a union representative within my place of work, and also sit on the executive council of that union which I believe has given me the confidence to ask questions and raise queries when necessary. Since I have sat on the governing body I have also been elected as a Councillor for Windy Nook and Whitehills, the ward in which the school is placed. I became a school governor back in April 2013. As a full time classroom teacher I thought that this would give me a different perspective of how the school works. Both of my daughters attended tis school, therefore I have some understanding of what it is like being a parent at Windy Nook as well. Currently I am working in year 6 with a temporary TLR leading maths throughout the school. In addition to this I also oversee the administration aspect of the school website. My name is Victoria Billings. My daughter is currently in Y3 and thoroughly enjoys school. I have been a teacher for 24 years. I moved up to Newcastle study teaching at university and never left. I believe that all children deserve a well-rounded education where they can thrive and reach their full potential. As a governor, I enjoy being part of a team, ensuring the school’s vision is fulfilled and supporting and driving Windy Nook Primary School forward. I’m a recently appointed co-opted governor, and I’m looking forward to doing all I can to support this school. I live locally with my wife and 2 young children, my eldest has just started in Reception class. I’m passionate about helping young people to fulfil their ambition and potential, so I’m very happy to be in this role and will work hard to help the school any way I can. I run a video production company in Gateshead, so I’m hoping that my general skills and experience of running a business can offer a different perspective to the governing board. My main skill set is around technology and media, which I’m hoping I can use to bring a positive and direct impact to the school.
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Whether you are already an upper level executive or are working yourself up the career ladder, all you need it's create administrative resume, professional coaches agree that the following are important tips to ensure that the first and lasting impression you make is one of excellence. Refugee essays tend to focus around the story of people who are driven out of their own countries and live in other ones. Quality essays from essay writing services reveal all the facts and figures concerned with this case of refugees. There are multifarious ways and ideas through which students can aim and explore this topic further in their essays.
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Inga was born in 1902 on a farmstead in Elizabeth Township. She was the youngest of eight children of Oscar and Kari (Jensen) Johnson. After completing grade school in Elizabeth, Inga went on to Park Region College in Fergus Falls and Dakota Business College in Fargo. Early in her work life, Inga was employed as a cashier and stenographer at DeLendrecie’s Department Store in Fargo, and at the First National Banks in Mayville and McIntosh, North Dakota. Later, as a cook at Two Medicine Chalet in Glacier National Park, Inga began to enjoy photography and hiking in the mountains. Her travels took her as far as the Pacific Ocean. While in California, she learned that her brother Charles had purchased the Lake Alice Grocery in Fergus Falls. Inga soon joined him to help out in the neighborhood grocery business. She worked for 50 years at the store—into her 80s—and some 10 years after her brother had died. Inga also was active in her church—singing in the choir, teaching Sunday School and working with the church women’s organizations. She continued her love for climbing mountains and tending flowers. With her interest in photography, Inga was a charter member of Heart O’Lakes Camera Club. During the Second World War, she was a member of the Red Cross Blood Mobile Canteen. When Inga reached 90 years of age—and having been in and out of nursing homes several times—she knew it was time to begin planning her estate. With legal counsel, Inga established a living trust to manage her assets and contain her estate plan. She provided management of her assets for the years she expected to be in a nursing home. Inga planned to make appropriate gifts to relatives (nine nieces and nephews), local friends and associates, and charities – as the success of her investments permitted. Inga also decided to establish a permanent endowment fund to provide benefits in perpetuity, for people living in and around the Fergus Falls area. The plan considers her investments, insurance, trusts and annuities. Inga also made a will, which was designed to reduce or eliminate income tax and death taxes and to provide maximum benefits for her friends, family and chosen charities. A Living Trust and Endowment Fund with West Central Initiative (WCI) were the means Inga chose to accomplish her goals. For many years, Inga had contributed to a number of charitable non-profitorganizations in the Fergus Falls area. And, for the rest of her days – and beyond – she continues that support. The Inga M. Johnson Endowment Fund, at WCI, was a key instrument in fulfillingher wishes. Inga died in October 1998 at the age of 96. Before her death, she had contributed $130,000 over seven years to the Endowment Fund. Inga received an income tax deduction for the amount of the gift that she was able to make each year from the annual earnings of her investments. These gifts gradually and steadily increased the size of the Endowment. Inga reduced her income tax liability by the deductible charitable gifts she made to WCI and other charities. Upon her death, Inga also left a residuary portion of her estate, further increasing the size of the Inga M. Johnson Endowment Fund to more than three-quarters of a million dollars. By doing so, she accomplished another goal – to eliminate all death taxes on her estate.
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We’ve built a platform for Product design, Branding, and Marketing. Rudrcoin - is a blockchain technology innovation eco-system. Our community believes in a new growth-oriented world, in which all innovators have the chance to make true their dreams. We are confident that we can achieve it because of our dedication and coordination. Our, innovative thinkers in R&D departments, on production lines and in marketing companies will be able to focus on doing what they do best-creating the solutions needed for a better world. The future that we envision will see the decentralization of research-based structures, transferring the power of R&D up to even common hands. Thus it reflects like…"ek hakiqat khuli ankho ke sapne ki". Join today and ready to achieve Something Great. Innovation Finance Chain is building a digital economy with cryptocurrency payment solution for researchers and innovators. On the horizon is Rudrcoin platform. Rudrcoin is launching a hard capped RC digital coin sale to raise funds for the Rudrcoin project and general corporate purposes. This allow Rudrcoin team the ability to add more new features to the Rudrcoin ecosystem. The maximum raise will be 1000 Bitcoin during the coin sale and the presale combined both. The number of coins issued per Bitcoin will depend on the Bitcoin raised as per the bonus structure table detailed in this whitepaper. Prospective RC buyers can trade any amount of Bitcoin including fractional amounts such as 0.001 Bitcoin. There will be a big discount offered to early RC buyers that will decay with the number of RC claimed during the token sale. There is also a big referral system to earn RC coin details in whitepaper. There will also be bonuses offered for referring buyers to the RC digital coin sale. There are NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES once BTC has been exchanged for RC.
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Significant improvements were reported in the micronutrient status for the supplemented group, including fewer missed school days, but no effects were found on cognitive function or short-term Brain Plus IQ memory. In another study administering iron (650 mg of ferrous sulphate) twice daily to non-anemic high school girls for 8 weeks, both verbal learning and memory improved (19). Another study administered a high dose MVM supplement to adolescents for 12 months and found an improvement in cognitive functioning for females but not males (20). Collectively, it appears that these studies indicate that multiple vitamins and minerals may be involved in cognitive functions.
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That strive to create the legacy you want to leave, potentially provide tax advantages now and in the future, and protect your heirs. That helps you define all of your objectives prior to meeting with an attorney. We then work with you and your attorney, CPA and other advisors to try to accomplish your goals. If you are not represented, we research your unique situation to help you locate an attorney or CPA with the specific expertise you need. To help you adopt strategies to optimize personal and business tax situations. That emphasizes tax-efficient ways to pay for higher education.
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I'm pleased to offer a giveaway of An Appetite for Violets by Martine Bailey. This giveaway is open to readers in the United States. About the Book: Irrepressible Biddy Leigh, under-cook at the forbidding Mawton Hall, can’t wait to settle down with her sweetheart and set up her own tavern. But when her elderly master marries the young, enigmatic Lady Carinna, Biddy is unwittingly swept up into a world of scheming, secrets, and lies. To enter just fill out the form below by Sunday February 1!
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When executing a prepared statement with bound values, any integer types are seemingly treated as strings and quoted in the final SQL statement (SQL statements taken from MySQL server log). "Explicit data type for the parameter using the PDO::PARAM_* constants. Defaults to PHP native type." So the PHP native type in the shown case is an integer - equivalent to PDO::PARAM_INT, yes? This is not a driver issue. Its the PDO SQL driver messing up SQL statements. this bug is still present in the current PHP version. Tested with PHP 5.2.10 stable and snapshot on Windows. But you didn't bother updating the version field. Done now.. The third parameter to bindValue defaults to PDO::PARAM_STR. This is different than the original bug reporter said, so it must be changed in the meantime. Because the datatype is PDO::PARAM_STR, the int is cast to a string and quoted. It would make sense to use the PHP type to determine the most logical PDO::PARAM_* type. See also bug #44597, which is essentially the same problem but with booleans and execute() instead of bindValue(). Ran into same issue. Relatively new to php and mysql. Fixed invalid version. Please don't invent your own strings there. It needs to start always with the major version number.. In 5.3 still doesn't work using the ? syntax. As noted earlier, even when specifying an explicit type using the constants e.g. PDO::PARAM_INT it treats them according to their native type, so a string containing a numerical value is treated as a string instead of an integer. It makes a complete mockery of the data type constants, they are just ignored. One of two things should happen, numerical strings should be cast to integers by PDO when PARAM_INT is used or PDO should throw an error/exception when it's expecting an int and receives a string. It should NOT try to be clever and ignore the explicit data type, sending potentially malformed SQL to the database. This violates one of the major reasons for using prepared statements to begin with, data and database integrity. I see that if no PDO::PARAM_* is used PDO use variable type. there isn't any useful costant for larger numeric value. Real case: The only way to store a crc32 value among different DBs and platforms (32/64 bit) is converting CRC32 to unsigned int this way sprintf("%u",crc32). But PDO::PARAM_INT is not able to handle values larger than 2147483647. Solution: security of inputs by floatval() (at least when bindvalue dont write as a string which is not my case). I am surprised that something this simple has been unfixed for so long. I wasted 8 hours trying to figure out "my" mistake. Thinking that it was a PDO bug was inconceivable. I finally turned on MySQL logging and saw that the numeric argument was being enclosed in quotes. I posted to a web site for help and a kind person sent me this link. For others struggling with this, the work-around is to type caste all numeric values that will passed to PBO. It's really sad seeing this aged bug is not gonna fixed. injection vulnerability) without this feature. This only happens on emulated parameter binding, i.e. when PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES is TRUE. Indeed, the problem seems to happen only with emulated prepares. sjoerd@php.net, what makes you claim that "The third parameter to bindValue defaults to PDO::PARAM_STR."? See related ticket #49614 (regarding PDOStatement::execute's second argument).
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Celery has gone from that boring veggie on the crudité tray to a virtual vegetable superstar overnight! And now celery juice is blowing up social media with all kinds of health claims. What’s up with celery and celery juice? Celery and celery juice can be a great way to add concentrated health benefits without a ton of sugar or calories. Celery juice is light, refreshing and enjoyable! One of the best things about celery juice is that it only has 40 calories. It also contains vitamins A, K, and C, and beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant. In addition, it has calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Celery is full of powerful antioxidants and flavonoids. Scientists have identified at least a dozen other types of antioxidant nutrients in celery. The primary antioxidant support we get from celery is largely due to its phenolic nutrients that have been shown to help protect us against unwanted oxidative damage to our cells, blood vessels, and organ systems. These phenolic nutrients include caffeic acid, cinnamic acid, coumaric acid, ferulic acid and flavones and flavonols, apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, kaempferol, and more. Read on to find out about the health benefits of celery juice. Celery juice does not contain all that good fiber that celery stalks contain, but the great thing is that celery juice helps you stay hydrated because it is mostly water with lots of healthy electrolytes and antioxidants—so if you are thirsty or dehydrated, celery juice may be just the thing to help you regain your hydration and electrolyte balance. Studies show that celery can have beneficial blood pressure lowering properties. The most effective blood pressure extracts come from celery seed, which contain some specific phytochemicals such as hexanic, methanolic, and aqueous-ethanolic extracts. Celery’s phytochemicals, along with the minerals potassium, magnesium and sodium exist in a perfect balance that relax the walls of your blood vessels. This increases blood flow, lowers resistance and helps lowers blood pressure. As you may already be aware, inflammation is the root of most disease, especially chronic diseases like arthritis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and on and on. Celery, especially celery juice, fights inflammation with its powerful flavonoids specifically, apigenin. This study shows how apigenin helps to fight inflammation and helps protect you from diseases. Celery contains flavonoid and polyphenol antioxidants that fight free radical damage (or oxidative stress) that negatively alters genes and leads to inflammation and aging. Scientists have also identified a dozen different types of antioxidants including phenolic acids as caffeic acid and ferulic acid, and flavanols like quercetin. This makes celery beneficial for health conditions associated with inflammation including, acne, joint pain, gout, kidney and liver infections, skin disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and urinary tract infections—to name just a few. One of the biggest problems with our high sugar (especially high fructose corn syrup) is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. NAFLD is a result of too much glucose in the body, and the liver trying to store it as fat. 17 to 33 percent of Americans most likely have NAFLD. This condition tends to go with obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. This can be a serious health issue and leads to inflammation and cirrhosis . Researchers from Department of Nutrition and Food Science in Egypt studied how a diet that included celery drastically lowered the dangerous fatty acid buildup in the liver. In addition, the celery helped to improve the liver enzymes’ function and blood lipid levels as well. A 2010 study published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology found that celery contains a special type of ethanol that protects the lining of the digestive tracts. Certain substances in celery have the ability to actually replenish depleted levels of gastric mucus needed in the stomach lining and digestive tract to prevent tiny holes and openings, as in leaky gut syndrome. Celery’s flavonoids, tannins, volatile oils and alkaloids also help to control gastric acid to protect the mucus lining. Celery also contains powerful health benefits including a substance called NBP which has a diuretic effect (makes you urinate more), which helps the body detox better and is good for the kidneys. Celery also helps digestion and relieves bloating and puffiness from water retention. The compounds apigenin and quercetin have been found in this study to help improve digestion by inducing gastric relaxation which helps to slow things down as food moves through your gut. Celery juice helps to stimulate the production of stomach acid, easing heartburn, indigestion, and bloating. Many people have low stomach acid, making it more difficult to break down nutrients from food. Low stomach acid can be caused by SIBO or IBS and also drugs such as proton pump inhibitors. Celery juice stimulates bile, which is necessary for breaking down fats, and similar to hydrochloric acid, it helps to kill off pathogens that have made their way into your body. It also helps to detox the liver from things such as toxic heavy metals and toxic chemicals, like pesticides, air fresheners, detergents, petrochemicals, and preservatives, to name just a few. Celery helps to reduce uric acid production (helps prevent gout) and stimulates urine production. It also contains substances that help to fight dangerous pathogens and microbes, making it ideal for fighting bacterial infections in the urinary tract. Celery is a powerful preventative for UTI’s, bladder disorders, and kidney problems. Celery is in the same family as fennel, parsley, carrots and parsnips. This family of vegetables contain compounds called polyacetylenes. Some early studies have shown this compound helps to reduce toxicity of chemotherapy and fight against new cancer cell formation especially in the breast, intestines, and blood (leukemia). Polyacetylenes have many immune-boosting effects, including their tumor-fighting abilities that stop mutated cells from reproducing. According to studies at the Department of Agricultural Sciences at the Aarhus University of Denmark, polyacetylenes have shown many interesting bioactivities including anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet, cytotoxic, antitumor activity, as well as activity against bacteria and mycoplasma. Celery’s flavonoid, apigenin, also helps to kill off cancer cells. Celery has been listed on the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” list for several years. Over 95 percent of conventionally grown celery samples tested positive for synthetic pesticides. Evaluators found up to 13 chemicals on a single sample. Choose organic celery to minimize exposure to these toxic substances. What to do with Celery? Besides everyone’s favorite “ants on a log” with nut butter and raisins, celery sticks make the perfect low-carb dipping stick for any type of dip—guacamole, salsa, hummus, etc. It’s bland taste make it a great addition to stir frys, soups, casseroles, salads, and of course, egg and tuna salad. It’s great in smoothies, where you get to benefit from it’s amazing fiber or juiced with a little squeeze of lemon or lime for added zing. One of my favorite juices or smoothies is celery, cucumber, green apple and lemon. Add a sprinkle of cayenne or a few sprigs of mint for some extra zing!
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