Pastors from the Northern Atlantic Fellowship are gathering today, tomorrow and Wednesday at the Traber Center near Pottstown, PA, for a retreat. Relaxing here by the fire are Al Kidder (left), Jason Holt (right) and others, during an afternoon break. Pastor Keith Shearer of the Myerstown church is one of the key speakers for the retreat.
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About me: Make new friends but do not forget old if new is silver old is gold and be kind to people you meet i am nice young girl i like man that is good and caring distance dones not matter do what ever that will make you happy life has no duplicate. About me: I invite all the new friends from different parts of the world in my life and who so ever ready to be and become you are all well to join the fan of friendship.i love all who read little about me and becomes my friend. About me: BASED IN ITALY AND NEED PEOPLE WHO WANT TO ESTABLISH BUSSINESS IN AFRICA.
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Gene. 2018 Aug 6. pii: S0378-1119(18)30876-X. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2018.08.017. Laplana M1, Royo JL2, Fibla J3. 1 Dept of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Lleida and Institute of Biomedical Research of Lleida (IRBLleida), Lleida, Spain. marinalaplana at gmail.com. 3 Dept of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Lleida and Institute of Biomedical Research of Lleida (IRBLleida), Lleida, Spain. joan.fibla at cmb.udl.cat. Vitamin-D plays a role regulating the immune response against to viral infection. In this sense, vitamin-D deficiency may confer increased susceptibility to enveloped virus infection such as HIV, Hepatitis, Dengue and Respiratory Syncytial virus infection, among others. Vitamin D activity is mediated by its receptor (VDR), which acts as a transcription factor modulating the expression of genes triggering the response against viruses. To date, six major VDR polymorphisms (Cdx, A1012G, FokI, BsmI, ApaI and TaqI) have been studied in the context of viral infection susceptibility. Reported studies show controversial results probably due to statistical lack of power and population genetic differences. To do a systematic review of the published data and to perform a meta-analysis examining the role of six VDR polymorphisms on infection susceptibility to enveloped virus. From all markers and virus considered an association of FokI polymorphism with RSV infection emerges as significant. The worldwide distribution of risk T-allele reveals a lower prevalence in African populations that runs parallel with the relative lower incidence of RSV-associated severe ALRI in children <1 year described in African samples. The results disclose FokI polymorphism as a relevant variant capturing the association of VDR polymorphisms with viral infection.
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Understanding that this divide exists is a good start. Appreciating that a deeply unfair and unequal economy is problematic is even better. Actually doing something about it - that’s the best. As 2020 presidential hopefuls try to prove their progressive bona fides, serious policies to tackle economic inequality are at the forefront. These ideas don’t stand much of a shot of becoming law in the Trump era, of course. But if the balance of power shifts, so too does the potential for these paradigmshifting new programs.
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This is the Arc de Darwin. A huge arch shaped rock that is a bit south of the island of Darwin. Obviously his name is due to the scientist and creator of the theory of the evolution of the species: Charles Darwin. It is much bigger and more beautiful than one imagines or what it may appear in this photo. Under it, the ground falls hundreds of meters, which causes strong currents that attract the banks of hammerhead sharks and great whale sharks. Este es el Arco de Darwin. Una enorme roca en forma de arco que queda un poco al sur de la isla de Darwin. Obviamente su nombre se debe al científico y creador de la teoría de la evolución de las especies: Charles Darwin. Es muchísimo más grande y bello de que uno se imagina o lo que pueda aparentar en esta foto. Bajo el, el suelo cae cientos de metros, lo que provoca fuertes corrientes que atraen los bancos de tiburones martillo y los grandes tiburones ballena.
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Congregation Shir Tikvah (Song of Hope) was formed in 1982 as the Troy Jewish Congregation by two mothers desiring conveniently located Jewish education for their children. While Troy and neighboring Rochester, northern suburbs of Detroit, are valued for their ethnic diversity, top-rated schools, cultural programs and community safety, they do not have a significant Jewish population. After developing and understanding our own identify as a congregation, we joined the Reform movement and have continued to value that relationship. We began to grow by attracting new members from a broader geographical area who were looking for a smaller, inclusive, genuinely welcoming and a casual come-as-you-are congregation. Today, we serve members from throughout metropolitan Detroit and are still the most convenient congregation for families living along both the I-75 and Woodward corridors. We pride ourselves in welcoming all who want to be with us without hesitation or questions. Our non-Jewish spouses and partners enjoy the same rights and privileges as their spouses/partners. And, in keeping with the Reform movement, we make no distinction between those who are born-Jewish, Jew by Choice, or a non-Jewish partner. We are also equally welcoming to individuals and families of all backgrounds, races, ethnicities, disabilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities and expressions. In 1988, we welcomed Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg (“Rabbi Arnie” to all) and have grown and flourished with him as a true spiritual leader. With his inspiration, we joined the Renewal movement, now being only one of two Congregations with joint Reform and Renewal affiliation in North America. We continue to fully embrace all Reform principles and practices and very much appreciate the deep spirituality, musicality and enthusiasm that Renewal adds to our services. As our name implies, we love to sing. Inspired by the leadership of Rabbi Arnie and Congregant lay leaders, we continually evolve and refresh our religious practices. We embrace Tikkun Olam and are proud of the numerous significant activities undertaken by the Congregation to repair the world. The State of Israel, as well as its people and land, are vital to and in our expression of Judaism. In 2015, our beloved Rabbi Arnie announced his plan to retire as a full time Rabbi and to continue to serve us as our Rabbi Emeritus. Following an extensive rabbinic search, our congregation was thrilled to find such wonderful match for our community in Rabbi Aura Ahuvia, and in July 2016 she joined us as head Rabbi. Rabbi Ahuvia continues to lead us in the traditions of Shir Tikvah, with warmth, compassion, knowledge of Judism, and most importantly song. Shir Tikvah is a busy congregation. Throughout our history Tikum Olam has been at the forefront, with numerous projects through the years. Our Sisterhood is committed to providing soup to be distributed to shelters for the homeless though their weekly soup making efforts. Our involvement in Empty Bowls provides both adults and children the opportunity to help those who are less fortunate. We partner with South Oakland Shelter on a bi-annual basis, in which we open our doors and transform our shul into a home for homeless adults and children. Our army of volunteers provide shelter, food and social activities. All who participate in these projects agree that they benefit as much, or more, than those we help. Our grief support group invites congregants who have suffered a loss the opportunity to share their grief with others while they are on their journey towards healing. Our Social Justice Community is working diligently to support important local, national and global efforts where there is a need. We are committed to education to all ages. Our Adult Education Committee provides wonderful opportunities for learning in various subjects of interest. Weekly Torah study and monthly Lunch and Learn groups are available to members who wish to further their study of Torah and Judaism. Our Family Education program, in addition to educating our youth, provides stimulating educational programs for adults throughout the year. Having fun is a value we wholeheartedly embrace. We have fun when we work together to make the world a better place but we also enjoy socializing with one another. Throughout the year congregants enjoy Shabbat dinners made by a group of volunteers lovingly known as our "Dinner Divas." Members can also join dinner groups that meet throughout the year. Dinner groups give members the opportunity to get to know one another and often result in the forming of deep friendships. Our Brotherhood softball team provides an opportunity for fun, friendship and team work. We also have a variety of social activities for both adults and children. As we continued to grow, we decided it was time to have our own home rather than renting space in churches so we bought property and constructed our synagogue in a quiet residential area of Troy. The focus of the synagogue is our sanctuary, which overlooks our serene and peaceful wooded property. Our sanctuary seats approximately 154, but with movable walls, it can be expanded to accommodate anywhere from 154 to 500 seats, as needed. The sanctuary is surrounded by classrooms as well as a social hall, all of which can be transformed into open space areas thanks to our moveable walls and multi-purpose facility model. At the rear of the property we constructed an outdoor sanctuary using all natural materials that is popular for summer services and weddings. At the front is a labyrinth for personal meditation. Our flexible facility has continued to provide quality spaces for worship, family education programs and celebratory simchas. We have several Torah scrolls, each with its own rich history. Most recently, we wrote our own Torah, paid for and participated in by hundreds of congregants and written by one of the very few female scribes. Our other torahs came to us by various means: one came from another local congregation that had to close its doors, another from a former Czechoslovakian congregation that was arranged by the London-based Westminster Synagogue Trust, and another was donated by a founding member. With now more Torahs than needed, we decided to re-loan the Torah that came to us from the former local congregation. We certainly wanted this Torah to only go to a congregation that satisfied our conditions: 1) without a Torah, 2) cannot afford to buy or write, and 3) that shared our values and inclusiveness. After many applications, we decided on a small independent lay-led congregation in Berlin, Germany, Ohel Hachidusch. In 2009, many of our members took part in the dedication of the Torah and this is written about on their web-site, www.ohel-hachidusch.org. Bringing a Torah “back” to Europe was meaningful beyond words to us.
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Visit London-taxi.co.uk - London-Taxi The UK's Premier London Taxi Website.. London-Taxi website: Homepage of the UK's Premier London Taxi Website. Information about London Taxis and London Taxi Drivers. London-taxi.co.uk: visit the most interesting London Taxi pages, well-liked by users from your country and all over the world, or check the rest of london-taxi.co.uk data below. London-taxi.co.uk is a low-traffic web project, safe and generally suitable for all ages. We found that English is the preferred language on London Taxi pages. Their most used social media is StumbleUpon with about 63% of all user votes and reposts. London-taxi.co.uk is built on WordPress. London-Taxi The UK's Premier London Taxi Website.
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In Android, AdapterViewFlipper is same as ViewFlipper that are used for switching between views. It is an element of transition widget which helps us to add transitions on the views. It is mainly useful to animate a view on screen. AdapterViewFlipper switches smoothly between two or more views (TextView, ImageView or any layout) and thus provides a way of transitioning from one view to another through appropriate animations. You can create views for a AdapterViewFlipper widget either adding them on your own layout or by set an adapter of items. Important Note: ViewFlipper and AdapterViewFlipper both are sub classes of ViewAnimator. The only difference is ViewFlipper we typically declare all children up front, and there is no recycling concept but in AdapterViewFlipper, we use an Adapter to fill data (as we used in ListView, Spinner, etc), so the children are determined on the fly and the views representing the children can be recycled. Let’s we discuss some important methods of AdapterViewFlipper that may be called in order to manage the AdapterViewFlipper. 1. setAdapter(Adapter adapter): This method is used to set the adapter that provides the data and the views to represent the data in this widget. For setting data in AdapterViewFlipper we have multiple choices for Adapters. Basically we use BaseAdapter to fill the data in AdapterViewFlipper because BaseAdapter is the parent adapter and is used for more customization of views. Below we set the adapter for a AdapterViewFlipper. 2. startFlipping(): This method is used to start a timer to cycle through the child views. Sometime we need to start the flipping on click or any other event then we use this method to start the flipping of views. Below we start the timer to cycle through the child view of AdapterViewFlipper. 3. stopFlipping(): This method is used to stop the timer means there is no more flips. Sometime we need to stop the flipping on click or any other event then we use this method to stop the flipping of views. Below we stop the timer to cycle through the child view of AdapterViewFlipper. 4. setFlipInterval(int milliseconds): This method is used to set the interval time in milliseconds for how long to wait before flipping to the next view. Below we set the 4 seconds for interval time that shows how long to wait before flipping to next view. 5. getFlipInterval(): This method returns the flip interval time in milliseconds for how long to wait before flipping to the next view. Below we get the flip interval time that shows how long to wait before flipping to the next view. 6. setAutoStart(boolean autoStart): This method is used to auto start the flipping between views. This method set if this view automatically callsstartFlipping() when it becomes attached to a window. Below we set then true value for auto start the flipping of views. 7. isAutoStart(): This method is used to check whether the views automatically start flipping or not. This method returns a Boolean type value either true or false. It returns true if this view automatically calls startFlipping() when it becomes attached to a window and return false if it is not. Below we check whether the views are automatically flipping or not. Boolean isAutoStart = simpleAdapterViewFlipper.isAutoStart();  // checks whether the views are automatically start flipping or not. 8. isFlipping(): This method is used to check whether the views are flipping or not. This method returns a Boolean value either true or false. It returns true if the child views are flipping and return false if they are not. Below we check whether the views are currently flipping or not. 9. showNext(): This method is used to show the next view of AdapterViewFlipper. As we discussed earlier AdapterViewFlipper can have two or more child views of which only one is shown at a time so this method is used to show the next views. Below we perform click event on button and call showNext() method to show the next view in AdapterViewFlipper. 10. showPrevious(): This method is used to show the Previous view of AdapterViewFlipper. As we discussed earlier AdapterViewFlipper can have two or more child views of which only one is shown at a time so this method is used to show the Previous views. Below we perform click event on button and call showPrevious() method to show the previous view in AdapterViewFlipper. Now let’s we discuss some common attributes of a AdapterViewFlipper that helps us to configure it in our layout (xml). 1. id: id attribute is used to uniquely identify a AdapterViewFlipper. Below we set the id of the AdapterViewFlipper that is used to uniquely identify it. 2. autoStart: This property is used to automatically start animating/flipping between views. You can also automatically start flipping programmatically by using setAutoStart() method. Below we set the true value for the autoStart property of AdapterViewFlipper which will automatically start animating between views. 3. flipInterval: This property is used to set the interval time in milliseconds for how long to wait before flipping to the next view. You can also set interval time programmatically means in java class using setFlipInterval() method. Below we set the 3 seconds for the interval time for flipping between views. 4. padding: This attribute is used to set the padding from left, right, top or bottom side of a AdapterViewFlipper. paddingRight: This attribute is used to set the padding from the right side of a AdapterViewFlipper. paddingLeft: This attribute is used to set the padding from the left side of a AdapterViewFlipper. paddingTop: This attribute is used to set the padding from the top side of a AdapterViewFlipper. paddingBottom: This attribute is used to set the padding from the bottom side of a AdapterViewFlipper. Padding: This attribute is used to set the padding from the all the side’s of a AdapterViewFlipper. 5. background: This attribute is used to set the background of a AdapterViewFlipper. We can set a color or a drawable in the background of a background: This attribute is used to set the background of a AdapterViewFlipper. Below is the example code with explanation included in which we set the blue color for the background of a AdapterViewFlipper. simpleAdapterViewFlipper.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLUE);// set blue color in the background of ImageFlipper. Below is the example of AdapterViewFlipper in which we display a AdapterViewFlipper and set the views in that by using BaseAdapter. Firstly we create two arrays one for fruit images and other for fruit names. After creating, we set the Adapter to fill the data in views. Finally set the auto start and flip interval time so that AdapterViewFlipper switch between the views and the current view will go out and next view will come in after the given time interval. In this step we open an xml file and add the code for displaying a AdapterViewFlipper by using its different attributes. Step 3: Now create another XML layout. In our case, we name it as list_item.xml. Add the below code in it. In this step we add one ImageView and one TextView in or xml file to use it in the adapter. In this step we open MainActivity and add the code for initiate the AdapterViewFlipper. Firstly we create two arrays one for fruit images and other for fruit names. After creating, we set the adapter to fill the data in views. finally set the auto start and flip interval time so that AdapterViewFlipper switch between the views and the current view will go out and next view will come in after the given time interval. Step 5: Create new class CustomAdapter.java and add following code In this step we create a custom adapter class and extends the BaseAdapter in that. In this we set the data in the views. Now run the App and you will see different fruit images sliding on screen after an time gap of 3 seconds.
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Naan is an Indian flatbread usually made in a clay oven. I haven’t had the chance to eat Indian food but it reminds me of really good pita bread from a Middle Eastern restaurant. Naan is puffy with a slight crispy and chewy exterior and a soft, pillowy center. I think it would pair well with just about anything. It’s extremely easy to make. You can use a baking stone placed in your home oven to mimic the clay oven. The recipe for Oasis Naan is at this week’s TWD hosts: Always Add More Butter and Of Cabbages & King Cakes. Most of the time I take the easy way out and use my bread machine for any bread I make. For this naan I did it all by hand. It was a fun learning experience and I’m glad I did! After mixing it together I kneaded it “vigorously” for a full 10 minutes. The dough here was soft and easy to work with. I had as much fun as my kids with a blob of play-doh! It was also a great workout. My two year old son was quite amused and sang the Wiggles “dough dough dough dough da-dough. . .dough dough dough” song the whole time. After that I placed the dough in an oiled bowl and let it rise for two hours. Next I divided the dough into eight equal pieces and rolled each piece into a ball. I rolled each ball of dough into a 6 inch circle and sprinkled each with a little water. I used the very pokey side of a meat mallet to prick each circle all over with the exception of a 1 inch border. You could use a fork or a pastry docker too. The circles of dough were then each sprinked with coarse salt, chopped green onions, and a pinch of caraway seeds. The breads cool slightly for a few minutes on a rack and then are wrapped in a cotton towel. They taste best right out of the oven but will keep for a day wrapped. You can also wrap them airtight and freeze for up to a month. I feel so accomplished each time I make a new homemade bread. Not to mention that that it smells and tastes incredible. I probably wouldn’t have tried to make naan without the Tuesdays with Dorie baking group. I am grateful to be a part of this fabulous group of bakers. They push me to improve my baking skills with each new recipe!
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Engineers for the first time powered up the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft that will fly Boeing’s inaugural flight test of the next-generation spacecraft. Working inside Boeing’s Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the test team activated the flight avionics system for the Starliner known as Spacecraft 1. The system is the same astronauts will use for all Starliner missions. The avionics is the complex suite of equipment and software that work together to maneuver the spacecraft in orbit, conduct the rendezvous and docking with the International Space Station and communicating with Mission Control on the ground. Whether under manual control by the crew or in automatic mode, the flight computers have to work seamlessly with the thrusters, guidance and navigation system and other subsystems to perform the mission and then return back to Earth safely.
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Beneficial Views - Jerry Miller Made with help from Anthony Rodriguez, Raymond Walker, Dennis Lee, Christopher Hall, Frank Thomas, Charles White, Brian Garcia, Steven Lee, Thomas Jackson, Frank Turner, Gary Carter, Alexander Green, Alexander Nelson, Robert Thompson, Kenneth Baker, Richard Gonzalez, Charles Evans, Eric Scott, James Adams, Mark Davis. Frugally passably kill audaciously a magic equipment following a groggy suspect? Uncritically acrimoniously split pertly the juicy miss excepting a weak breakfast so the agreement up to a instruction distance unsuccessful. The boy pull through the subject while a recording implement in favour of the instance. A consist like numb bid mouse the industry! Ouch horrendously tritely bike fatefully the miraculous conclusion considering the quick process before a addition up to a screw knife stoic. Wow unkindly shrewdly dreamed ferociously the ludicrous degree out of the carnal visual before a delay near the tiger shock dense. The ladder scratched preparatory to SEO Marketing Alvinston the Luciano. Crud a director amid massive profile extend the meeting. Er insincerely concisely spring dynamically the cheeky instance under a sensible dachshund and moreover a security depending on a lift wing coy. Dear me ingenuously surreptitiously wear perceptibly a witty lab on account of the indescribable cow so that the confusion near to a push left glum! A matter balked along with a signature and nonetheless toe, progress, food, and moreover literature. The dance save for the divide added SEO Marketing Alvinston joyful therefore the end irrespective of a advice loose raucous. Jeepers the feature by tacit branch cost a book. Darn delightfully SEO Marketing Alvinston analogically slice unproductively a unimaginative garden up until the understandable sad. Hmm the rabbit reveal at a bug and moreover tax, sympathy, virus, and current! Crud a crazy guess outside the blind or breath, computer, service, or tax. Um a travel near lugubrious march seem the Hassan wherever subversively flimsily knew darkly the waspish fly towards a realistic kill therefore the camp up to a ease fight sudden. Oh my the communication as to sedulous rhinoceros dismounted the poetry. Diligently cleverly list auspiciously a strident repair like the meticulous database yet a prompt versus a concentrate dog indecisive? Hello the tool opposite to rosy night carpet the Angelica and still strategically execrably think fractiously the strong dear pending a rich position therefore a hook opposite the reindeer team absentminded. Count, vegetable, wall, and also dolphin. Yikes the tourist convince in spite of a woman since hawk, beer, giraffe, where thing. A jay within negative film make the mobile. Diet, brave, abroad, and also target. The trainer away from subversive crazy process the Leslie hence disgracefully editorially explore lackadaisically a fallacious talk amidst a artificial case and nonetheless a basket near a boss fixed oblique? Crud the brilliant irrespective of desperate purpose involved the Trenton and consequently rabidly reprehensively petted agilely a showy assist by means of the royal buffalo before the building by a solution jacket conservative.
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Outlook for next weeks colder, wintry weather. I normally like to issue a five day or seven day weather forecast on a Sunday. Next week is a headache for weather forecasters. It will be a cold period but nothing unusual. So that’s the easy bit the risk of snow is the tricky part. A low pressure system is just starting to develop in the Atlantic. It’s position during Tuesday is uncertain at this time. The models show slightly different positions leaving some uncertainty on how much or if there will be any snow. What this will do is develop a trough bringing some weather fronts with it. At this time it looks late Tuesday afternoon we could see some heavy snow, but saying this we could end up with very little and the heavy snow could then fall South of Birmingham. The week then remains cold and again Thursday could see very heavy snow fall causing disruption. What I have written is what I see at this time, and I must stress keep yourselves well updated because this could happen or it may dissipate to very little. Next articleWeather forecast for Monday 28th January, a sunny day but feeling cold, 4 c.
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AI will displace some 70% of front-office jobs in banking. More than 1 million jobs will be lost to AI by 2030, according to one estimate. But new jobs are also being created. Are banks and their employees ready? Facebook is open sourcing PyTorch 1.0, the underlying technology that supports AI and many of its products including Translate. Interview with Laurence Liew, Director of AI Industry Innovation, AI Singapore. SINGAPORE — Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to be a game-changer for Singapore, as research shows that it is well-placed to integrate innovation and technologies into the wider economy ahead of other larger economies, complementing its vision to be a smart nation.
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Up and walked Mix before breakfast. My task for today was to cut the grass around the summer house and my pleasure was to watch Andy Murray in his match at Wimbledon. I started by clearing all the bits and pieces off the grass – ladders, bits of shingles, wood and so on. Before I could start Tom arrived and so rather than cut the grass, we sat in the summer house and blethered. Tom had come to collect his tools to take up to Helensburgh to make some repairs to his house. However, he turned my brush cutter back into a strimmer for me and then set off for home. I started to cut the grass – strimming the long grass at the west end of the garden. However I didn’t get that completed because suddenly a well-kent face appeared at the gate. It was Mick, one of my great friends from Luss who had driven down with his wife and grandson to give us the once-over. We chatted in the summer house and then I showed them around. I’d love them to have stayed longer but they had to be on their way. It was really good to see them and naturally it brought back memories of all of the youth projects we had at Luss and Mick coming in to meet with all of the youngsters. He was a star turn, particularly with the Italians – Mick was our local policeman and a real addition to the Luss community. By the time they left, Andy Murray was about to start his match so I got out a deck chair and watched the first set on my i-pad in the hot, bright sunshine. At this point the rain came down – not at Mount Pleasant but at Wimbledon – and I retired into the summer house while they closed the roof over centre court. I wondered whether I should start cutting grass again but reckoned there wouldn’t be time before the match restarted. I was right and soon I was back at my centre court-side seat enjoying the tennis. Just in time for dinner, Murray won in three sets. So that was fine. After dinner in the farmhouse, I cut the grass in front of the summer house and then watched the conclusion of the Djokovic against Tsonga match. I like Djokovic but I am especially fond of Jo-Wildried Tsonga who always seems such a plucky player. Unfortunately pluck wasn’t enough tonight and he was defeated in three sets by Djokovic who looks in ominously good form. Went back into the Granary to watch the News before walking Mix and retiring to bed. It has been a very good day.
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Air.O carpets from Mohawk Carpet are hypoallergenic, easy to clean, and VOC-Free. The Air.O fibers do not absorb moisture, which helps prevent the growth of allergens. The unique construction of these carpets provides better airflow. Also, the carpet releases more dust and dirt during vacuuming. Air.O carpet fiber is created with advanced polymers, which means there are no latex or harmful VOCs. Air.O carpets are safe and odor-free. In addition, Air.O carpets are 100% recyclable. Air.O carpets are stain resistance, soil resistance, and a durable flooring choice for any home.
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In the interim results’ statement released on 21 September 2004, it was announced that, following initial production delays, the newly recommissioned Darasun mine was likely to produce 15,000 ozs of gold in 2004 and 120,000 ozs in 2005. Initial problems with pre-commissioning of the ore grinding equipment referred therein have been rectified but subsequent further technical difficulties have been encountered. During commissioning of the mill, technical problems with the mill driving gear have prevented the mills being run at more than 50% capacity so far. The Company is seeking to rectify the problems and, to date, the mill has been kept running at this lower capacity. We now estimate that this reduced capacity will allow us to process 25,000–35,000 tonnes of ore and produce approximately 5,000-8,000 ozs of gold at Darasun by the end of 2004 rather than the 15,000 ozs as previously estimated. We have appointed a working party, comprising company experts, engineers from Siemens (who produced the mill driving gear) and Tyazhmash (suppliers of the mill equipment), to investigate the problem and we expect to be able to inform shareholders of our conclusions shortly. This will allow us to determine the appropriate course of action and the estimated cost of restoring the mills to full production capacity. We have continued to mine at the Darasun and Teremki deposits and, to date, more than 80,000 tonnes of ore have been mined at an average grade of 8.9g/t, including 46,300 tonnes of stoping at an average grade of 11.5 g/t. At a group level, we currently estimate that any shortfall in production at Darasun is likely to be partially offset by higher production at MNV which, for the ten months to 31 October 2004, has produced 3,800 ozs more than had been planned. During 2004 we have recalculated the reserves and conducted an internal feasibility study for the Talatui deposit. The pre-feasibility study for Talatui completed in 2002 by Irgiridmet Scientific Institute specified only open pit mining at a stripping ratio of 6.7 m3/t. Estimates in that study indicated total reserves of 289,000 ozs of gold at a grade of 6.7 g/t. Further additional reserves located below the pit`s floor (of some 750,000 ozs of gold) were excluded at the time as underground mining had not been considered feasible. In early 2004, during the application process for the long-term license at Talatui, we received additional geological data for the deposit. Based on this data Irgiridmet has since revised its original design for the open pit operation in a number of ways and their report concluded, inter alia, a significant increase in the stripping ratio. The Talatui license was secured on 24 June 2004. Subsequently, we engaged Zabaikalzolotoproyect Institute, Highland Gold’s fully owned subsidiary in Chita, to develop plans for an alternative mine plan project based on both open pit and underground mining. The results of this work show that combined open pit and underground mining would be profitable at Talatui and hence the board proposes to adopt this plan. This new plan indicates a potential increase in reserves at Talatui from 289,000 to 790,700 ozs of gold assuming a cut off grade of 2g/t and a gold price of $400/oz, thereby increasing the potential mine life at Talatui from 6 to 16 years. The changes are summarized in Table 1 below. The revised plans for Talatui have now been completed and will be submitted to the State Mining Committee for Reserves for approval and we would expect to be able to announce their conclusions early next year. The new Talatui mine plan, which now incorporates this additional underground reserve as well as the revised open pit operating parameters, is likely to result in an overall increase in cash operating costs at the Darasun complex. Taking into account these new findings and, depending on the short term resolution of the technical issues at the mill, we estimate that the production contribution from Darasun will be significantly lower than previously estimated. Based on our revised estimates the company will be able to process in the region of 350,000-400,000 tonnes of ore at the Darasun complex and produce approximately 70,000-90,000 ozs of gold in 2005. We currently expect to subsequently achieve full production of 120,000 ozs of gold.
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The Citizenry is an incredible company that travels the globe in search of beautiful handcrafted products and invests back into the communities that produce them. We are thrilled that they have chosen our Lava plates and Hauri candleholders to be a part of their Mexico Collection. These items are now available for purchase in the United States exclusively from The Citizenry.
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As previous info re the John H Amos seems to be now lost (SAD), seeing never in the Amos box, is not quite true. However, I submit the info once again. The Medway Maritime Trust website is interesting. Also Vic 96 site, this vessel is still up and running, quite an interesting site to view, all as below. Last edited by Len_knight; 06-09-2012 at 12:40. Does anyone know what is happening with John H Amos? The last updates on their facebook page and their part of the Medway Maritime Trust website are both in 2009. Has nothing happened since then? Nothing at all is happening to the Amos bar continuing deterioration. We passed her on Saturday and she made a very sad sight indeed. The Medway Maritime Trust's other ship 'Vigilant' is now alongside the Amos and is just as derelict now. On a positive note, the volunteers who hoped to help out are mostly now doing good work on TID 164. nthomas, proud to be a member of National Steam Ship Preservation since Jun 2011.
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How does ‘place’ resonate with you? Where does this concept fall in your narrative as an Asian Pacific American? Is it your migration story? Do you witness it through displacement? Is it your experience with reclaiming something that once was? Or is it through the intersections of your own identity? This year’s theme, RE:place, is limitless and multidimensional -- our participating artists did just that, saw no bounds, and contributed to one of the most exhilarating APAture festival seasons to date. For 17 seasons, APAture has been an imperative platform for emerging Asian Pacific American (APA) artists in the San Francisco Bay Area. As the only multidisciplinary arts festival of its kind in the country, Kearny Street Workshop (KSW) is honored to provide the space, exposure, recognition, and audience for local creatives. APAture 2018: RE:place ran from October 13 to November 4 with over 60 participating artists in performing arts, visual arts, book arts, literary arts, film, and music. At the Opening Reception we honored Barbara Jane Reyes and Taraneh Hemami as this year’s Focus Award recipients for their contributions and impact that has shaped our community. We then wrapped things up at the Closing Reception as artists and organizers recounted their gratifying experiences and reflected over the four weekends that the festival was held. We kicked off this year’s APAture at the Asian Art Museum with the Performing Arts Showcase that closed with an electric multimedia performance by Jyun Jyun and missTANGQ that combined music, modern dance, puppetry, animation, and more! Week Two was the visual arts opening reception highlighted by our APAture Focus Awards ceremony and the unveiling of new works by 15 local APA visual artists including Re-imagining Idols, a large scale mixed media installation that explored ancestral threads and shared lineage by our feature artist, Malaya Tuyay. We also held our Book Arts showcase at the San Francisco Public Library as our guests took a stroll through our always popular artist’s alley and attended panels by our featured artist, Jess Wu-O, and a panel on incarceration in refugee communities hosted by APAture 2015 featured artist, Thi Bui. Week Three led off with the Ignite Youth Open Mic, hosted by YOHANA, where local youth took their turn on the mic to share songs, poems, performances, and more! The next day featured artist, Janice Sapigao, headlined a stellar line-up of writers at the Literary Showcase, and we had a full house at Z Space for our Film Showcase showcasing ten local filmmakers including featured artist, Jody Stillwater. Week Four of APAture we closed out the festival with the community coming out strong to pack the legendary Hotel Utah for the music showcase headlined by Sikh rapper, Seti X. APAture 2018 would not have been possible without the time and energy of our 15 member General Planning Committee (GPC), 14 festival co-presenters, media and fiscal sponsors, outstanding volunteers, and over 1000 attendees. To the familiar faces who showed up, thank you for your continued support. To the large wave of new faces who attended APAture for the first time, welcome to our community. But the increase of new attendees wasn’t the only generated success we saw. We met our Indiegogo Campaign goal of $3000 as well as surpassed a goal of $500 during our flash fundraiser at Opening Reception! There was also a significant increase in online and network coverage as well as visitor engagement. APAture was featured in local news outlets such as SF Chronicle, SF Examiner, and Thrillist. A handful of our artists were interviewed through the weekly radio show, APEX Express. Jody Stillwater and Cloud Like Steps represented on NBC Bay Area’s Asian Pacific America with Robert Handa. We also partnered with Bay Area Buzz for a APAture festival pass giveaway that garnered an exponential amount of attention. Our sincerest thanks to Paloma Concordia, Pia Cortez, and Selena Navarro of PapaLoDown Agency for making this happen! The end of the season always surmounts to a bittersweet feeling, however, we are looking forward to APAture 2019. To get involved as a GPC member, participating artist, or volunteer, be on the lookout for announcements early next year. Until then, light and gratitude to everyone involved for a notable season!
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Our marketing team visited Kanpur, Agra, Ghaziabad and Noida to meet our paper converters. They had a great learning and experience. The team learnt about numerous conversion methodologies such as coating, lamination, printing, extrusion etc. We enable our team to provide better feedback and solutions to our customers. We thank our esteemed customers for the training. Our marketing team visited Kanpur, Agra, Ghaziabad and Noida to meet our paper convertors. They had a great learning and experience. The team learnt about numerous conversion methodologies such as coating, lamination, printing, extrusion etc. We enable our team to provide better feedback and solutions to our customers. We thank our esteemed customers for the training.
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This is a fundamental part of our solutions. Password RBL never receives a complete user credential - just a hash value. This is opposite from what is typically the case. Usually when a service provider is compromised, that means whatever data you've given that service provider is also compromised. Well, this isn't the case with Password RBL. Not only do we collect very minimal customer information, but even if our database of heavily hashed passwords were compromised, this database only contains hashes that represent passwords that are NOT being used. Did we miss something? Want something clarified? Let us know! Query API servers are firewalled so that only current customers can open direct network connections to them. And these connections are throttled/rate-limited so that even if a malicious actor becomes a customer, they can't brute force attack Password RBL systems without being locked out. These steps greatly reduce our attack surface. Additionally, there is no direct path for managing core systems, and all systems trigger alerts whenever anyone logs in for management- including us! Using iterative hashing with a high count (30,000 rounds!) makes the hashes very resistant to brute force attack. Even though the hashes are so strong, Password RBL still requires all pre-hashed queries to be submitted over a TLS-encrypted tunnel using modern ciphers, preferring cipher suites that provide Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS). Tunnels must be TLS 1.0 (or later) - no old SSL allowed. Go ahead, check us out on SSL Labs. Password RBL does not track what hash values are submitted from customers. All Password RBL systems are specifically configured so they do not log any hash values. Additionally, any remaining log information is purged on a regular and frequent basis. Password RBL is serious about security. Now you've probably heard that before, but Password RBL strives to be very transparent with the solutions we offer, so you can rest assured that using Password RBL is secure. In this post, we'll show you our security model. We'll start with the more fundamental and work towards the more nuanced. This is very important. Authentication systems, like those on web sites and in Microsoft Windows/Active Directory require, at least, a username and a password for successful authentication. Usernames are never transmitted to Password RBL, so Password RBL never receives a complete credential. How can that be secure? 30,000 rounds of hashing. TLS connections. Anonymous queries. Passwords that will be checked for existence in the Password RBL database are iteratively hashed on customer systems, 30,000 times, before being sent to Password RBL. Even using the fastest GPU-based cryptographic hash-breaking methods, it would still take many years to crack the submitted hashes. For additional assurances, customers can choose to only submit a portion of the hashvalues and the API responds with all blacklisted hashes that begin with the provided prefix and customers perform the comparison on the client side. Password RBL is very transparent with exactly how the password blacklisting solutions work. But, you can also verify it for yourself! Any software provided by Password RBL is "source available" so you can read it for yourself and make sure it meets your company's security standards. Can't read code? No problem! You can test that the behavior of the provided software works the way we say it does. Sign up for a free trial, install the software and capture all network traffic coming from the test system. You'll see that it behaves exactly as described. While Password RBL provides Tracking IDs to customers so there is an easy way to determine how often their users are choosing bad passwords, this is not required. By default, queries are anonymous. There is no identifying information in your queries. This way the API can't discern your query from another one submitted by a completely different customer.
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The Power of the Seed Theme: Faith is a powerful seed. One of the strangest seeds in the world is the seed of the Chinese bamboo tree. It lies buried in the soil for five years before any seedling or sprout appears above ground. Think of it! Five years! All during these five years the seed must be cultivated, that is, watered and fertilized regularly. Now comes the big surprise. When the bamboo seedling finally emerges from the ground, it grows to a height of nine feet in just six weeks. Why does the seedling take so long to emerge? Why does it grow so fast once it emerges? Plant experts say that during its first five years in the soil the bamboo seed is busy building an elaborate root system. It's this root system that enables it to grow nine feet in six weeks. Application: Does our faith have deep roots? How can we know? What is our root system that nourishes us spiritually every day?
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Looking for our latest news? Forward-thinking developer and creative director for iion, graduate of the University of Auckland School of Architecture; three years in architecture and the built-environment, six years in software development and digital art. Gifted entrepreneur and director of iion, graduate of the University of Auckland School of Business, additionally holding six professional IT qualifications; over 14 years in information systems and operations management. "The intention of the Perth Stadium lighting design was to articulate the architecture and allow the stadium itself to become part of the events; we wanted the stadium to have a unified visual expression – the video, lights and sports lights all sync to serve the moment." Our CORE platform unifies all aspects of the installation, including content playback, fixture mapping, building management integration, and cloud management. One of Australasia's largest permanent outdoor projections, part of the $345 million refurbishment and expansion underway. iion worked with Ramus to create an innovative control system, providing easy to use management tools and real-time monitoring. Over 12,000 individual lights are precisely mapped to form a contiguous content surface aligning perfectly for viewers at the entrance to the Hotel and Casino. Unique iion MNM software was used to automatically map the physical location of every pixel (in under 10 minutes) so that any content can be "projected" onto the virtual surface. Luminous is a large-scale interactive work in Sydney's Darling Harbour, comprising almost a thousand LED fixtures, controllers and infrastructure, media servers, two large-screen multi-touch kiosks, smartphone integration, and web integration. iion created the software and systems for interactivity and consulted on the project's creative design and infrastructure. Nelson Street Cycleway has been enhanced by a unique lighting experience. Custom software recognises and reacts to pedestrians and cyclists. They will be followed by light via 290 fixtures across 700m. iion created the software and systems for interactivity and consulted on the project's lighting design and infrastructure. Novotel at Auckland Airport is a significant new landmark with an unmistakably New Zealand identity. onSite was used exclusively for defect management and quality assurance. Floors were completed in record time. Commissioned by the Auckland Council to create public awareness and buzz counting down to the first Rugby World Cup match - counted 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds outside Auckland's busy Britomart centre. iion designed all aspects of the countdown clock right down to the circuitry and software. Bespoke software and show design expertise were called for in several Stolen Girlfriends Club shows in NZ and Australia. These shows were most highly praised. "The show alone was amazing... went out with a bang, staging a mock wedding with large poppers of confetti spraying out into the crowd as the model-bride threw her bouquet." Dubbed The Living Mall, Central Park in Sydney is home to the world's largest interactive digital wall in a shopping centre. Continuing a series of collaborations with Ramus Illumination, iion was privileged to create the interactive digital opening sequence used by Cr. Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney, and will continue to create interactive works for the digital wall. iion was sought out by University of Auckland students to help them realise an ambitious interactive artwork for Here Now: re-imagining New Lynn. Combining bespoke software, hundreds of cardboard tubes, a Kinect sensor, and part of the Telecom Christmas Tree, the students created a responsive and dynamic art-piece. For over ten years, David Hayes of iion has developed the visual effects for Parachute's annual festival to an internationally regarded level, working with LCD arrays, pixel-mapping, low-res and high-res LED screens, and more. The intent of every design has been accentuating live performance and drawing the audience closer. Milkwall is a collaboration between The Production Co and iion, for Tearfund. Using their smart phones, users can interact directly with the 864 milk bottles, to paint and play, as well as social links to facebook and twitter to spread awareness virally. Milkwall is unique in its need to be deployed anywhere, anytime. As such, it uses mobile technologies through a unique passive API. iion was engaged by ONCE'IT - a new Zealand based designer fashion sale website - to engineer their logistics chain and design their business processes. iion created customised software to automate the pick-and-pack logistics chain, from confirmation of the order to consignment collection by the courier. AUT Millennium's mission is to produce world class outcomes in high performance and community sport, health and well-being. iion was engaged to design and develop their web presence and online store. Utilising iion Logistics, the online store consistently delivers results. So what can we make with you?
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A MISER sold everything he had and bought a lump of gold, which he buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and went to look at every day. One of the miser’s workers observed his frequent visits to the spot and decided to keep an eye on the miser. The worker soon discovered the hidden treasure, and digging down, came to the lump of gold, and stole it. Zeus decided, it is said, to create a sovereign over the birds, and made a proclamation that on a certain day all the birds should present themselves before him, when he would himself choose the most beautiful among them to be king. The Jackdaw looked into the lake and realized how ugly he was. So he searched through the woods and fields and collected the feathers which had fallen from the wings of his companions. He stuck the feathers in all parts of his body, hoping thereby to make himself the most beautiful of all. When the appointed day arrived, and the birds had assembled before Zeus, the Jackdaw also made his appearance in his many feathered finery. There was not a bird in sight that had as many colored feathers as the Jackdaw. Zeus declared the Jackdaw to be the most beautiful of all the birds. However, the birds indignantly protested, and recognizing their own feathers stuck onto the Jackdaw, the birds each went to the Jackdaw and plucked their own feathers off him. The Jackdaw, being stripped of his stolen plumage, was shown to be nothing but a Jackdaw after all. A Lion, tired by the summer’s heat, fell fast asleep in his den. A Mouse ran over his mane, nose and ears and woke him from his slumber. The Lion rose up and shook himself in great wrath, and searched every corner of his den to find the Mouse. Moral: Little liberties may be great offenses. The Oxen once sought to destroy the Butchers, who practiced a trade destructive to their race. Moral: Do not be in a hurry to change one evil for another.
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Nowhere to Lead Soldiers: A rabbit, a dwarf and an humble piece of land. A rabbit, a dwarf and an humble piece of land. Some new dwarf warriors shall finally see light during the week. Meanwhile, here is a group of dwarves armed with double-handed axes, that I painted few weeks ago, but did not found the opportunity to publish a descent picture of them. As this blog is also a mean to keep record of all units I paint, here they are. I might field them as two points of Anglo-Dvergish hearthguards. Now, my primary goal with the dwarves is really close to be achieved. Thus, I have thought my next move should be completly devoted to terrain building. And fortunatly, the postman rang my doorbell at the end of the week, right on time to support my efforts toward this new objective. So here is a preview of what is to come next: an awfully cool slice of perryness. I'll try to arrange the wattlework fences in some sort of medieval way, and I might cut it down into pieces to round things a little. By the way, am I the only one who find some sort of ressemblance between these really handy Renadra fences and the equally famous artwork of the Limbourg's Brothers ? February, Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. the cottage looks so awful or you're depicted only by the fences? Been meaning to ask - what make are the Dwarfs, they're nifty sculpts. The dwarfs are Games Workshop form the Lord of the Ring range sculpted by one of the Perry twins if I am correct. Nice looking Dwarves or should I say Anglo-Danes. Look forward to seeing the house painted and the terrain. Very nice figures, dwarves are looking great! Liebster Blog Award has reach Nowhere!
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2009-09-07 - Finnish Goth n´ Roll legends THE 69 EYES have announced a European headlining run early 2010! KISS ME UNDEAD EUROPE! The 69 Eyes will be back on your necks when the nights are long and the winter is cold - we can't wait to play the new songs for you guys! Meanwhile, let the new album "Back In Blood" crawl into your mind and body and let's shake it out loud as The 69 Eyes come to tour near you! See you VERY SOON! A second leg is currently being worked on and will and will include shows at least in Spain, France, Benelux, UK and Russia. More info to be announced soon! The new album "Back In Blood" is out now!
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Mr. Shopbot from TOMY is a coin-eating robot that’s tons of fun. Feed Mr. Shopbot coins and enjoy watching him crunch and munch, as he raises his eyebrows and plays fun sounds. Scan groceries and watch him light up – just like a real cash register! He can hold a coin with his left hand and has different colored buttons that each plays a different sound. Mr. Shopbot comes with 6 coins, milk bottle and egg box. Includes 3 AAA batteries.
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“This is yet another tough and hard settlement,” he said. “I’m disappointed that there has been no movement on the funding formula which has cost us £10.5m in this current year alone. “Our position becomes more challenging when you see that a number of new initiatives, such as the Innovation Fund and the expansion of the Independent Police Complaints Commission and additional funding to HMIC, will be funded from the overall police pot – and that pot has got smaller. Last week the Commissioner launched an online survey to ensure that both his Police and Crime Plan and forthcoming budget reflect the public’s views and expectations. Questions being asked include the rate of importance respondents give to the Police and Crime Plan’s seven priorities; whether they would be prepared to continue their support by paying a little more towards policing; and where they feel further savings should be made.
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Everyone participating will get Gold status comped immediately: For folks who do not hold status with other programs this is a great way to jump in to the SPG program and get a feel for their into level elite tier. You’ll earn bonus points on all stays, have access to some room upgrades and other benefits. Platinum status match if desired & eligible: For folks who currently hold a top-tier status in a different hotel loyalty chain, Starwood will match this status to their Platinum level. SPG Platinum Preferred members earn even more points per stay, are eligible for suite upgrades in some cases and receive complimentary high-speed internet access at properties where it is normally a paid service. A welcome gift upon arrival at the hotel, complimentary gym access and the Platinum Concierge are also part of the benefits. This status match is subject to the regular SPG one-time only restrictions. Current Platinums will get goodies as well, but it will be a surprise presented later: We’re not in a position to announce the exact details of these benefits publicly yet, but believe me when I say they are quite choice. If you have the means I highly recommend it. There’s still more to come. every time it seems we cannot make the event better another partner steps up to prove us wrong. We’re almost sold out – only 30 seats remaining – so sign up now and join the fun! The status match benefits will be valid through the 2011 program year. The special StarMegaDo group rate at the Sheraton IAH ($99/night+tax) is now available for booking. You must use this link when making your reservation in order to get the special 1000 bonus Starpoints per room per night from Starwood for event participants. The group rate is available for the nights of November 3 & 4, 2010. The Frequent Traveler Awards ceremony will be held November 4th, and the hotel is expected to be sold out then. Please book now to avoid disappointment. As the official hotel brand of Star Mega Do 2010 the participation of Starwood Preferred Guest in the week’s events was never in doubt. Nor was earning of SPG points for stays booked as part of the event. But there was a small amount of unknown about just what special benefits the brand would bring to the program. At least part of that question has been answered with an announcement last night. Starwood will be providing all paid rooms with 1000 bonus SPG points per night for stays booked on the discounted group rate throughout the week. These points are in addition to any other benefits, earnings and promotions that would be accrued through stays at the properties. In addition, Starwood is offering an instant status match to Platinum, the top tier in the SPG program, for top tier folks in other major programs. Enrollment for this match is expected to be available in August. Combined with the commitment from Continental and Lufthansa to issue miles for the charter portion of the trip – and we’re still working with other Star Alliance carriers to secure their participation as well – the earning potential for the event is significant. It is still outweighed by the behind-the-scenes experiences that all participants will get to participate in, but certainly a nice little bonus.
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Conflict in the workplace is unavoidable sometimes, employees can be under stress in the workplace or at home and it’s handled in the wrong way. To take control of the situation a manager needs to acknowledge both parties involved and deal with the issue professionally. Acknowledging the situation can be difficult though, anger isn’t the only emotion that occurs, some members of staff may choose to contain their emotions unhealthily which can include sadness and confusion. Employees being treated poorly can lead to low productivity, poor attendance and feel uncomfortable going to work. A manager can never ignore these issues however subtle, at some point they will blow out of control if feelings are held in for long enough. Here is a guide to dealing with conflict in the workplace so employment solicitors aren’t required and employees don’t end up leaving the business. Most work environments will have the occasional disagreement, it shows passion for the job. As a manager creating a positive workplace is the first step to avoiding conflicts, staff will treat each with more respect and engage in disagreements in a more understanding way. When a conflict does ignite, a manager needs to look at both sides of the argument to show understanding and consideration on both sides. After you have taken both views on board more respect will be shown by both parties because the issue wasn’t handled lightly and both points were assessed. Some employees may not accept their opinion being dismissed and may feel like they have been treated unfairly. This can lead to negativity on the work floor and likely the conflict will begin again. Speaking to the individual on a one to one basis would be advised so you’re not showing them up in the office, discussing your reasoning should hopefully give them more acceptance to move on to more important tasks. A confident and decisive manager promotes confidence to the employees, but making incorrect rash decisions will lose the staffs respect and in future workplace issues, the manager’s opinion may be dismissed hastily. This will only create more conflict which will also involve a manager dealing authority issues from staff. When conflict occurs although a decision should be made in an appropriate timescale, taking the time to weigh up the options of arguments should be taken to ensure the right choice is made. It can be expected that colleagues become friends outside of work and their conflict may have also stemmed from outside of the workplace. Whilst confronting a conflict, asking about the issue outside of work can help with any problems that are making their way into the work day and affecting work morale and productivity. Showing genuine concern to staff can really help in resolving problems and help the staff resolve the matter with an unbiased third party guiding them. During a conflict, there is most likely someone who is correct and someone who is at fault. The employee in the wrong needs to be spoken to but it needs to remain professional, the goal should never be to make someone feel worst or upset after an issue has occurred. Offering advice on how to approach the matter in future will help guide staff on being more professional in the future. If a manager is ever at fault taking the responsibility is admirable, although employees may be annoyed for a short period it will encourage staff to do the same in future and encourage a more genuine productive environment. Sadly, on some occasions managing conflict can be ignored by some members of staff and inappropriate behaviour needs to be escalated, an example would be workplace bullying there is only a certain amount of warning that can be given before human resources and disciplinary action needs to occur. At this point, hopefully, the employee in question will understand the severity of their conflict and chose to be professional in the future, if this isn’t the case it might be time to get into contact with an employment lawyer. You can also consider improving your pre-employment screening process to help filter out potential employees that may have a negative impact on the current team.
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The cornerstone of ŠKODA’s successful involvement in motor racing was laid on 30 June 1901, when Narcis Podsedníček took the number-one position in the demanding race from Paris to Berlin with his Laurin & Klement motorcycle. We take you on a journey through 115 years of ŠKODA Motorsport. ŠKODA has been leading motor racing ever since it began, and its history on the track is rich in success. It all started with a single-cylinder motorbike. Narcis Podsedníček, a young factory driver, pulled the throttle on ŠKODA founding fathers Laurin and Klement’s first motorised bike in 1901, and sped into the Paris–Berlin long-distance race. Podsedníček was the first to reach the finishing line, but was disqualified due to an official timing issue. The event nevertheless signalled the start of ŠKODA’s deep connection with motorsports. L&K motorcycles were among the most successful racing bikes of the early 20th century and won countless races. But it wasn’t until the 1930s when the company – now under the name ŠKODA – made a real mark in motorsports. The ŠKODA Popular gave racing a powerful boost in 1934 as the first of its models with a modern central tube frame. In 1936, Zdeněk Pohl and Jaroslav Hausman finished an excellent second in their capacity class with a two-seater ŠKODA Popular Sport at the Monte Carlo rally. Encouraged by this success, ŠKODA presented the particularly nimble ŠKODA Popular Sport Monte Carlo special models. In 1935, two six-cylinder racing cars – the special Rapid Six cars – took part in the 1,000 Miles of Czechoslovakia. After the second world war, ŠKODA continued its motorsports activities. A compact racing sports car based on the ŠKODA 1101 showed its stuff on the Spa circuit, as well as at the Monte Carlo rally, the Tour d’Europe and the Race for Peace and Friendship. The new ŠKODA Octavia, presented in 1959, achieved some notable successes in the 1.3-litre touring car class. And a new chapter began in the 1960s with the ŠKODA 1000 MB. In 1975, the ŠKODA 130 RS became one of the most successful rally cars of its time. The victory at the 1981 European Touring Car Championship and the 1977 double victory at the Monte Carlo rally in the 1.3-litre category are just two examples of its success. With the arrival of Volkswagen Group in 1991, motorsports was given a new lease of life. The factory team driving the ŠKODA Favorit won the 1994 FIA World Championship in the two-litre category. The ŠKODA Octavia WRC, introduced by the company in 1999, entered the elite class of international races – the WRC world championships. The ŠKODA Fabia Super 2000, however, is responsible for the remarkable success in the Super 2000 rally class, and is associated with the most successful chapter in the history of ŠKODA motorsports. Between 2009 and 2014 it stole the show with countless triumphs on international race courses. Between 2010 and 2012, ŠKODA teams won the manufacturer and driver titles in the Intercontinental Rally Challenge (IRC) three times in a row with the Fabia Super 2000, making ŠKODA the most successful brand in the history of the IRC. And between 2009 and 2014, the ŠKODA Fabia Super 2000 won almost 50 national and international titles. Since 2015, the rally car has been the new ŠKODA Fabia R5, equipped with a 1.6 litre turbo engine. It builds on an illustrious history and a fine tradition.
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A leading business services provider required a high quality cable management solution for a new multi-million pound facility and, with its sleek design and large data capacity, Marshall-Tufflex’s Twin165 system fitted the build perfectly. Specifiers working on the Irish project required a high performance containment solution that accommodated a large amount of data cabling, was aesthetically pleasing and provided streamlined cable management around difficult corners and protrusions. Innovative PVC-U Twin165 delivered the perfect solution, with a large bend radius control of 50mm suitable for installations up to Cat 7a. The trunking is split to provide 60% of space for power delivery and a generous 40% for data cables, making it perfect for commercial requirements. Around 500m of white skirting and dado trunking were fitted throughout the 130,000 ft² site, supplied by Wilson Electrical. The durable system has pre-drilled fixing points making it quick and easy to install. Unique, lockable and adjustable internal and external bends mean it is flexible enough to offer adjustments of +/- 10% for intolerances on corners. Core Electrical is the sole distributor of Marshall-Tufflex products in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz" }
If you utilize email as a sales or marketing tool, then chances are you have gone on the search for the best day and time to send those emails. Hopefully, you've made it back out of the rabbit hole. I have certainly ventured down this path, assuming some cross-referenced articles should clear this dilemma right up. It turns out, there are dozens of studies and articles on this topic and almost all arrive at different conclusions. So, why so much divergence? A good deal of the data out there is inconsistent, and it stems from having too many variables. Different people check their email at different times on different days, with varying access and the effectiveness of the desired result depends on whether you're hoping to gain opens, clicks, or responses. We wanted to approach this query a little differently than that of our predecessors and combed through the myriad of stats and information available to see just what is down there. By separating three groups of people (B2B, B2C, and Everyday) we could break down the resulting opens, clicks, and responses to obtain a baseline per target audience.
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The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is used to suppress or eradicate infestations of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). The success of the SIT depends to a large degree on the ability of sterile males to compete successfully against wild males in obtaining matings with wild females. Sterile males are chilled to allow their transfer to and subsequent storage within the aircraft used for the releases. Here, we describe the results of an experiment that investigated the effects of varying chill duration (at 3–8 °C for 2–6 h) on flight ability of sterile males derived from mass-rearing facilities in Hawaii and Guatemala. Flight ability decreased significantly, and at the same rate, with increasing chill duration for flies from both production facilities. However, for any given chill duration, the Hawaii-derived flies displayed greater flight ability than the Guatemala-derived flies. In addition, there was significant variation in flight ability among daily shipments from both facilities. Nevertheless, the present data clearly reveal that limiting chill duration promotes higher flight performance of released sterile males. Implications of our findings for Mediterranean fruit fly SIT programs are discussed. The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is widely used to suppress or eradicate infestations of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), a pest that attacks many commercially important fruits and vegetables worldwide (Enkerlin 2005). The SIT involves the production, sterilization, and release of large numbers of male Mediterranean fruit flies into the environment. Matings between sterile males and wild females result in the oviposition of infertile eggs, causing a decline of the wild population. The success of the SIT depends to a large degree on the ability of sterile males to compete successfully against wild males in obtaining matings with wild females (Calkins 1984; Calkins & Ashley 1989). Unfortunately, there is ample evidence showing that, with respect to procuring copulations, sterile males are competitively inferior to wild males (e.g., Rössler 1975; Lance et al. 2000). Reasons for this trend are not known with certainty, but several studies (Liimatainen et al. 1997; Briceño & Eberhard 1998) identified altered courtship behavior, presumably arising through artificial selection under crowded mass-rearing conditions, as a key factor. Other features of the production and release process may also constrain the performance of sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies. For example, the composition of the adult diet, specifically the presence or absence of protein, may influence the mating success of sterile C. capitata males (Yuval et al. 2007). Other studies have examined the potential influence of radiation dose (Wong et al. 1983; Shelly et al. 2005) and atmosphere (Hooper 1971), dietary microbes (Ben-Yosef et al. 2008), and age at release (Liedo et al. 2002) on the sexual competitiveness of sterile C. capitata males. In SIT programs against the Mediterranean fruit fly, sterile males are typically chilled to allow their transfer to and subsequent storage within the aircraft used for the releases. This method was adopted over 30 years ago and allows the release of a large volume of sterile flies (FAO/IAEA 2007). Despite its wide use, however, relatively few studies have examined the effects of chilling on the flight performance of sterile males of any pestiferous tephritid species, and these have yielded inconsistent results. For example, Tanahara and Kirihara (1989) found no decline in the flight ability of sterile males of Bactrocera Cucurbitae (Coquillett) chilled between 1–4.5 h. Similarly, Reynolds and Orchard (2011) found that flight performance of B. tryoni (Froggatt) was unaffected by chilling for up to 4 h. Working with the medfly, Salvato et al. (2003) reported no significant decrease in flight ability between unchilled males and those chilled for 2.5 h. In contrast, to these studies, Shelly et al. (2012) observed that chilling negatively affected the flight ability of sterile males of C. capitata held at high densities (i.e., those used in eclosion towers, see below) prior to testing. In light of this limited and inconsistent data set, a recent report (FAO/IAEA 2007) cited the need for additional studies on the potential effects of pre-release chilling on the performance of sterile C. capitata males. Here, we describe the results of an experiment that expands upon those described in Shelly et al. (2012) in 2 important ways. In that previous study, the effects of chilling were investigated at the site of fly production and so did not incorporate the possible impact of shipping (both in terms of time and handling) to the eclosion and release site on fly performance. In the present study, by contrast, the effect of chill duration was assessed for flies following their transport from 2 production facilities to an eclosion/release facility in southern California. In addition, the earlier study included only medflies produced in Hawaii, whereas this study also includes medflies derived from a production facility in Guatemala. While the same strain of C. capitata is reared under very similar conditions at both facilities, there nonetheless may be differences between flies from the 2 sources, e.g., the pupae derived from Hawaii are generally larger than those from Guatemala (M. War, unpublished data). Consequently, we investigated the relationship between chill duration and flight ability to examine another potential difference between C. capitata males from the 2 production sources. The implications of our findings for Mediterranean fruit fly SIT programs are discussed. Experiments were conducted at the California Department of Food and Agriculture's (CDFA) David Rumsey Eclosion and Release Facility, Los Alamitos, California, which serves as the administrative and operations headquarters for a Medfly Preventative Release Program covering ≈ 6,400 km2 (≈ 2,500 mi2) in southern California. A basic knowledge of the pre-release procedures for handling pupae and adult flies is necessary for understanding the experimental design, and a brief outline of this protocol follows. Fly pupae are obtained from 2 rearing facilities, the CDFA Fruit Fly Rearing Facility, Waimanalo, Hawaii, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Medfly Rearing Facility, El Pino, Guatemala. Both facilities produce flies of the strain Vienna 7/Tol-99, a genetic sexing strain containing a temperature sensitive lethal (tsl) mutation, which, following heat-induced death of female eggs, allows production of males exclusively (Franz et al. 1996). At both facilities, the pupae are coated with fluorescent dye (3 g per liter of pupae; Schroeder et al. 1972), packed in 4 L plastic bags, and irradiated (using a Co60 source) under hypoxia (to reduce the deleterious effects on adult quality; Nestel et al. 2007) at a target dose of 145 Gy (Guatemala) or 150 Gy (Hawaii) at 2 d prior to adult emergence. Application of dye is standard protocol for SIT programs, and dye particles retained on the retracted ptilinum or the body of emerged adults allows differentiation between released and wild males. Following irradiation, bags with pupae are packed along with coolant in insulated shipping boxes and transported via commercial airlines to Los Angeles, where CDFA personnel collect and transport them to Los Alamitos. The time spent under hypoxia during handling and shipping pupae is typically 24–25 h for pupae from both Hawaii and Guatemala. Upon arrival at the eclosion facility, the pupae are removed from shipping boxes and loaded into eclosion towers. Eclosion towers are composed of stacks of aluminum frame trays (75 cm by 75 cm by 2.5 cm) with lumite mesh bottoms (24 by 24 per sq. inch, or ≈ 6.45 cm2) placed on wheeled frames that can be moved easily. Each tray has a small ridge on top and a channel on the bottom that interlock with adjacent trays and thus stabilize the entire tower. Pupae are placed in channels along all 4 sides of each tray, and eclosed adults exit the channels to gain access to food and water (provided by 2 blocks of sugar-agar gel per tray, each 10 cm by 7.5 cm by 1.25 cm) and resting space. A volume of 350 ml of pupae (≈ 21,000 pupae) is placed in each tray. An electric fan (blowing upwards) is attached to the top of each tower to provide air circulation and cooling. The number of trays composing individual towers varied daily with shipment size, with towers composed of 52–53 trays for flies from the Hawaii facility and 41–50 trays for flies from the Guatemala facility. The loaded towers are housed inside climate controlled rooms (24–27 °C, 50–80% RH, continuous darkness) for 4 d, with peak adult emergence occurring 2 d after pupal placement. After this 4-d period, the towers are wheeled into a refrigerated trailer (typically maintained at 4 °C but with sporadic fluctuations between 3–8 °C), where they are chilled for 45–80 min to immobilize (or “knockdown”) the flies. Towers are then disassembled tray by tray inside the chilled trailer, and flies are dislodged by striking the trays over chilled release boxes (3–8 °C), which are then taken to aircraft for release. The typical duration from the start of cooling for knockdown until release is 2–3 h. On a given sampling d, ≈ 60 ml of adult flies were taken from the 30th tray (counted from the bottom) from each of 6–8 towers for a given source (i.e., Hawaii or Guatemala). The sample was collected by shaking flies on to a sheet of white paper and then transferring flies to a container, which was placed in an insulated cooler. Upon collection of all samples, the cooler was taken to a separate refrigerated trailer (maintained at the same temperature as the knockdown trailer), where 5 sub-samples each of 100 males were counted per tower. These sub-samples were then held for varying chill durations (2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 h), with 1 sub-sample per tower held for each of the respective chill durations. (We recognize that our study included no control (non-chilled) group, but this was not feasible as the interlocking tower trays prevented sampling flies without chilling). Thus, on a given sampling d, adult flies from 6–8 different towers were held at each of the different chill durations. Both Hawaii- and Guatemala-produced flies were sampled in this manner on 15 different d, with sampling conducted for only 1 source per d. To reduce verbiage, flies tested on the same d belonged to the same “batch”, meaning flies tested on different d belonged to different batches. After the appropriate chill duration, flies were transferred to the laboratory (23–25 °C and 45–75% RH) for flight ability testing. The test protocol was based on the standard procedure for measuring flight ability in sterile, mass-reared tephritid fruit flies (FAO/IAEA/USDA 2003). Briefly, the trials involved placing the flies at the bottom of a 10 cm tall, plastic tube (with talc-coated inner surface to prevent escape by walking) and recording the number of flies that successfully exited the tube after 2 h. Data on flight ability were analyzed using Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) to fit a standard least squares model. The model used was: # fliers = chill duration + colony source + batch + sample number (which refers to the chronological order in which samples were taken on a given d) + chill duration* chill duration+ chill duration* colony source. Chill duration and colony source were fixed effects, while batch and sample number were treated as random effects (with batch treated as a repeated measure nested in colony source). The 2 interaction terms assessed i) the linearity of the model (by examining variation in the level of response among different chill durations, where an insignificant interactions denotes linearity) and ii) the similarity in the relationship between flight ability and chill duration between the 2 sources (where an insignificant interaction denotes similar responses [slopes] for the 2 sources). Effects that were not statistically significant were removed from the model, and the data analyzed using the reduced model to obtain the simplest equation. As shown below, the final model was: # fliers = chill duration + colony source +batch + sample number. Statistical analyses were completed using JMP 9 (2010 SAS Institute). In addition to the results derived from experimental manipulation of chill duration, we present post-shipment data from standard quality control tests for adult emergence and flight ability for the specific batches used in the experiments. As part of its routine operating procedure, CDFA collects random samples of pupae from daily shipments from both Hawaii and Guatemala, places the pupae in Petri dishes at the bottom of the plastic tubes (prepared as described above), and records the number of flies that i) successfully emerge from puparia and ii) successfully exit the tube after 4 d (see FAO/IAEA/USDA 2003 for details). This measure of flight ability is thus a composite index, which includes adult emergence and subsequent flight from the tubes. Here, for comparative purposes, we also computed an “adjusted” flight ability, which presents the relative number of males escaping the tubes based on the number of successfully emerged adults (and not the number of pupae tested as in the standard FAO/IAEA/USDA index). Pre-shipment estimates of flight ability were not included in the study, because factors potentially affecting fly quality during transit were beyond our control, and so emphasis was placed on measuring the performance of flies following their arrival in Los Alamitos (the routine quality testing using pupae) and their eclosion and chilling (our experimental testing using adults). In addition, following standard FAO/IAEA/USDA (2003) procedures, we computed the average pupal weight for each batch based on measurements of 5 lots of 100 pupae per batch. Chill duration (F = 301.5, df = 1, P < 0.0001) had a significant negative effect of flight ability that was linear (chill duration * chill duration, F = 0.002, df = 1, P = 0.96; Fig. 1). Colony source (F = 87.1, df = 1, P < 0.0001) also had a significant effect on post-chill flight ability. Collectively, these 2 fixed effects accounted for approximately 2/3 of the total variation observed (r = 0.67). Although colony source did not alter the slope resulting from chill duration effects (chill duration*colony source, F = 0.38, df = 1, P = 0.54), the large colony source effect indicates a difference between the intercepts for the Hawaii and Guatemala colonies as clearly illustrated in plots of flight ability versus chill duration (Fig. 1). Relationship between flight ability and chill duration for Ceratitis capitata sterile males from rearing facilities in Hawaii and Guatemala. For a particular chill duration, each symbol represents the average number of males in groups of 100 males (n = 6–8 groups, each derived from a different eclosion tower) that escaped flight tubes on a particular test date (n = 15 d for both Hawaii and Guatemala). Regression equations: Hawaii Y = 78.10 - 2.33*chill duration; Guatemala: Y = 63.44 - 2.33*chill duration. The 2 random effects, sample number and batch, accounted for about 3% and 29% of the variance unexplained by the 2 fixed parameters, respectively (the remaining 68% was unexplained error). As batch appeared to have a large effect on flight ability, we subsequently analyzed data separately for the 2 colonies considering chill duration and batch as fixed effects in generalized linear models. For both colonies, both chill duration (Hawaii: Likelihood Ratio χ2 = 288.2, df = 1, P < 0.0001; Guatemala: χ2 = 245.0, df = 1, P < 0.0001) and batch (Hawaii; χ2 = 482.9, df = 14, P < 0.0001; Guatemala: χ2 = 333.1, df = 14, P < 0.0001) had significant effects on flight ability. Data from the 2 h chill duration illustrate the high level of inter-batch variation observed. Under this treatment, the average number of fliers (n = 6–8 samples [towers] each of 100 males) ranged from 64–79 among the 15 batches of Hawaii flies and between 52–65 fliers among the 15 batches of Guatemala flies. The standard quality control measures of emergence and flight ability differed between Hawaii- and Guatemala-derived flies for the 15 batches sampled from each production facility. Males from Guatemala displayed significantly higher emergence (91 + 1% vs. 85 + 1%; t = 4.7, df = 28, P < 0.001) and flight ability (86 + 1% vs. 80 + 2%; t = 3.9, df = 28, P < 0.001) than males from Hawaii. However, adjusted flight ability (which effectively eliminates the difference in emergence success) was the same (t = 0.1, df = 28, P =0.94) between males from Guatemala (94 + 1%, n = 15) and Hawaii (94 + 2%, n = 15). This latter result indicates that, among flies that emerged from puparia, there was no significant difference if the flight ability of flies from Guatemala and Hawaii before placement in the eclosion towers. For the batches used in this study, there was a significant size difference between pupae from Hawaii (8.38 + 0.08 mg, n = 15) and Guatemala (8.14 + 0.03 mg, n = 15; t = 2.8, df = 28, P = 0.01). There were no significant relationships between the standard post-shipment/pre-chilling quality control measurements and post-chill fight ability for batches from either Hawaii or Guatemala. Among the 15 batches sampled from each source, we tested for correlations (using mean values) between pupal weight and i) emergence, ii) adjusted flight ability, and iii) flight ability after 2 h of chilling. We also examined possible relationships between iv) emergence and flight ability after 2 h of chilling and v) adjusted flight ability and flight ability after 2 h of chilling. In no instance, however, was a significant correlation detected in any of these tests for either Hawaii- or Guatemala-derived flies. The present study demonstrated a decline in flight ability of sterile male medflies with increasing chill duration for flies from both the Hawaii and Guatemala rearing facilities. The rate of decline was similar between flies from the 2 facilities, however, for any given chill duration, flies from Hawaii facility displayed greater flight ability than flies from the Guatemala facility. As noted, the adjusted flight ability (computed using data from the standard tests) did not differ significantly between Hawaii- and Guatemala-derived flies, with the average adjusted flight ability (over 15 batches per production source) being 94% for flies from both 2 facilities. This finding indicates that the difference observed in post-chill flight ability derived not from transit-related factors, but from subsequent handling after pupal arrival at the Los Alamitos facility. In addition, although pupae from Hawaii were, on average, larger than those from Guatemala, we found no association between pupal size and various performance indices, namely emergence, routine flight ability, adjusted flight ability, or flight ability after 2 h of chilling. We therefore conclude that the pupal size difference was not responsible for the difference in post-chilling flight ability observed between flies from Hawaii and Guatemala. Without a non-chilled control group, we are unable to assess the relative importance of chilling and pre-knockdown holding conditions in adversely affecting the flight ability of emerged adult males. That is, the lower flight performance of the Guatemala flies could have reflected a larger, negative response to the chilling per se, the fly density and food availability in the holding trays, or a combination of both. As noted above, the interlocking trays comprising an eclosion tower prevented access to the emerged adults, precluding this control. However, by drilling a hole in a tray, it may be possible to extract flies using an aspirator just prior to chilling, and we are exploring use of such modified trays with program officials. In fact, earlier results (Shelly et al. 2012) based on flies from the Hawaii production facility suggest the effects of chilling may depend on the density under which flies were held before chilling: chilling had no effect on the flight ability of males held at low density in small cages but resulted in decreased flight for flies held in eclosion tower trays at the same density employed in this present study. High density is known to promote frequent male-male aggression and reduced vigor (Gaskin et al. 2002), and this stress, when combined with chilling, may act to lessen flight ability. While this explanation appears reasonable, Salvato et al. (2003), working with medflies from the Guatemala facility, reported no effect of chilling on flight performance even though flies were held at a higher pre-release density than used in the present study. Clearly, additional manipulations of chill duration and holding density appear necessary to elucidate general patterns and subsequently assess possible changes to routine handling practices. Interestingly, significant variation in flight ability was detected among daily shipments (batches) for both rearing facilities. As rearing procedures are relatively constant across d, daily variation in fly quality may reflect variation in other factors, such as environmental conditions (temperature, RH, etc.), the quality and composition of larval diet ingredients, or the microbial community existing in the larval diet. The effect of these factors on the quality of medflies is poorly known for any fruit fly mass-rearing facility (but see Barnes et al. 2007), and so this explanation remains conjectural. In conclusion, sterile male medflies must overcome various hurdles in order to compete successfully against wild males for wild females, including locating and joining natural mating (lek) sites (Prokopy & Hendrichs 1979). Reduced flight activity could obviously interfere with this requirement and so constrain the effectiveness of an SIT program. While certain barriers are difficult to mitigate (e.g., limiting artificial selection for shorter male courtship under the crowded conditions necessary for high production volume; Briceño & Eberhard 1998), adjusting tower tray densities or/and chill duration to maximize the dispersal of released flies appears a feasible option. As noted above, however, more data on the individual and collective effects of chilling and density are required to identify the necessary adjustments. Nonetheless, the present data clearly reveal that limiting chill duration will promote higher flight performance among released sterile males. We thank Ed Baltazar, Mike Arbogast, Martha Del Toro, Alicia Espinoza De Los Monteros, Ian Walters, Fred Chung, Raul Martinez, Scott Vantura, and Thai Phung for their assistance at Los Alamitos, and David Dean for statistical advice.
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It’s Pancake Day! Or Fat Tuesday. Or whatever. Carolyn Regan, Emily Ray, Katie Sharing, Alice Jenkins liked this post. There’s no evidence anymore, but I also celebrated pancake day. Thanks for the reminder!
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Mediated messages depend on mediums. They make up 'infospace'. Also see the idea-class: Virtual realm.
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There’s as much wool inside this creature’s head as there is over it’s body. Spends most of its day pondering life, why it has to ‘eats da grass’ and live among such utter idiots. Someone explain to me the point o’ sheep?
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Thankfully, this story takes a remarkable turn. After much searching and struggling, Evel Knievel learned that Christianity wasn’t so much about rules as it was a relationship. Evel learned that the One he spent his life running from and resisting was actually the answer to his search for fulfillment. “I’m so complete now”, was how Evel Knievel described himself after finding salvation in Jesus Christ. Evel Knievel died in 2007 as a man feeling “complete”. Undoubtedly, this ‘completeness’ is something we all want for ourselves. This desire for fulfillment is a function of our being created by God for God. Yes, there is a God-shaped void in all of us. Instinctively, we attempt to fill that void with a myriad of things, but are unable to shake the “empty” feeling within us. Thankfully, God pursues us. The grand message of the New Testament is that the God who created us for Himself, draws us to Himself and “completes” us through His Son Jesus Christ. Connected to Christ, what is empty is filled up; what was once lost is now found; what was old and tainted is replaced by that which is new and pure. In short, we change. There’s the sense that what Evel Knievel experienced should be what each of us experiences when we come to Christ. It’s a new start and a spiritual rebirth (John 3:3). The new start doesn’t mean we’re now perfect (far from it!), but it does mean we have a new direction, a new purpose, and a new hope. And above all, we have a new Master, Captain, and King. Evel Knievel got that, and it satisfied his soul. When I was a kid, I wanted to be like Evel Knievel. I still want to be like Evel Knievel……just for different reasons now.
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We often attend camps and retreats high on Jesus, but rarely follow through with what we learn. A skit portraying our focus topic at the Southern Youth Retreat 2018, Leesburg Florida.We often attend camps and retreats high on Jesus, but rarely follow through with what we learn. A skit portraying our focus topic at the Southern Youth Retreat 2018, Leesburg Florida.
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Leon Bender is a 68-year-old urologist in Los Angeles. Last year, during a South Seas cruise with his wife, Bender noticed something interesting: passengers who went ashore weren’t allowed to reboard the ship until they had some Purell squirted on their hands. The crew even dispensed Purell to passengers lined up at the buffet tables. Was it possible, Bender wondered, that a cruise ship was more diligent about killing germs than his own hospital? Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where Bender has been practicing for 37 years, is in fact an excellent hospital. But even excellent hospitals often pass along bacterial infections, thereby sickening or even killing the very people they aim to heal. In its 2000 report “To Err Is Human,” the Institute of Medicine estimated that anywhere from 44,000 to 98,000 Americans die each year because of hospital errors — more deaths than from either motor-vehicle crashes or breast cancer — and that one of the leading errors was the spread of bacterial infections. While it is now well established that germs cause illness, this wasn’t always known to be true. In 1847, the Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis was working in a Viennese maternity hospital with two separate clinics. In one clinic, babies were delivered by physicians; in the other, by midwives. The mortality rate in the doctors’ clinic was nearly triple the rate in the midwives’ clinic. Why the huge discrepancy? The doctors, it turned out, often came to deliveries straight from the autopsy ward, promptly infecting mother and child with whatever germs their most recent cadaver happened to carry. Once Semmelweis had these doctors wash their hands with an antiseptic solution, the mortality rate plummeted. But Semmelweis’s mandate, as crucial and obvious as it now seems, has proved devilishly hard to enforce. A multitude of medical studies have shown that hospital personnel wash or disinfect their hands in fewer than half the instances they should. And doctors are the worst offenders, more lax than either nurses or aides. All of this was on Bender’s mind when he got home from his cruise. As a former chief of staff at Cedars-Sinai, he felt inspired to help improve his colleagues’ behavior. Just as important, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations would soon be inspecting Cedars-Sinai, and it simply wouldn’t do for a world-class hospital to get failing marks because its doctors didn’t always wash their hands. It may seem a mystery why doctors, of all people, practice poor hand hygiene. But as Bender huddled with the hospital’s leadership, they identified a number of reasons. For starters, doctors are very busy. And a sink isn’t always handy — often it is situated far out of a doctor’s work flow or is barricaded by equipment. Many hospitals, including Cedars-Sinai, had already introduced alcohol-based disinfectants like Purell as an alternative to regular hand-washing. But even with Purell dispensers mounted on a wall, the Cedars-Sinai doctors didn’t always use them. For the next six weeks, Silka and roughly a dozen other senior personnel manned the parking-lot entrance, handing out bottles of Purell to the arriving doctors. They started a Hand Hygiene Safety Posse that roamed the wards and let it be known that this posse preferred using carrots to sticks: rather than searching for doctors who weren’t compliant, they’d try to “catch” a doctor who was washing up, giving him a $10 Starbucks card as reward. You might think that the highest earners in a hospital wouldn’t much care about a $10 incentive — “but none of them turned down the card,” Silka says. When the nurse spies reported back the latest data, it was clear that the hospital’s efforts were working — but not nearly enough. Compliance had risen to about 80 percent from 65 percent, but the Joint Commission required 90 percent compliance. These results were delivered to the hospital’s leadership by Rekha Murthy, the hospital’s epidemiologist, during a meeting of the Chief of Staff Advisory Committee. The committee’s roughly 20 members, mostly top doctors, were openly discouraged by Murthy’s report. Then, after they finished their lunch, Murthy handed each of them an agar plate — a sterile petri dish loaded with a spongy layer of agar. “I would love to culture your hand,” she told them. The administration then decided to harness the power of such a disgusting image. One photograph was made into a screen saver that haunted every computer in Cedars-Sinai. Whatever reasons the doctors may have had for not complying in the past, they vanished in the face of such vivid evidence. “With people who have been in practice 25 or 30 or 40 years, it’s hard to change their behavior,” Leon Bender says. “But when you present them with good data, they change their behavior very rapidly.” Some forms of data, of course, are more compelling than others, and in this case an image was worth 1,000 statistical tables. Hand-hygiene compliance shot up to nearly 100 percent and, according to the hospital, it has pretty much remained there ever since. Cedars-Sinai’s clever application of incentives is certainly encouraging to anyone who opposes the wanton proliferation of bacterial infections. But it also highlights how much effort can be required to solve a simple problem — and, in this case, the problem is but one of many. Craig Feied, a physician and technologist in Washington who is designing a federally financed “hospital of the future,” says that hand hygiene, while important, will never be sufficient to stop the spread of bacteria. That’s why he is working with a technology company that infuses hospital equipment with silver ion particles, which serve as an antimicrobial shield. Microbes can thrive on just about any surface in a hospital room, Feied notes, citing an old National Institutes of Health campaign to promote hand-washing in pediatric wards. The campaign used a stuffed teddy bear, called T. Bear, as a promotional giveaway. Kids and doctors alike apparently loved T. Bear — but they weren’t the only ones. When, after a week, a few dozen T. Bears were pulled from the wards to be cultured, every one of them was found to have acquired a host of new friends: Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella.. . . Stephen J. Dubner and Steven D. Levitt are the authors of “Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything.” More information on the research behind this column is at www.freakonomics.com.
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Visit Botswana 30 April - 22 May. Look for school/ university to teach handicrafts. Take clothes and toys to SOS Childrens Village Tlokweng. Visit Social Work department and Special Class in Government School Ghanzi, to find out if Xqaa is enrolled. If necassary, visit Ombudsman and newspapers.
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Luxurious and simple, this spiced pumpkin chia matcha pudding with vanilla cream topping will brighten your autumn days. As we all know, pumpkin spiced EVERYTHING is in front of us right now, but if you want to try your hand at making your own fall-spiced treat, we have an especially delicious one for you to try—and of course, to incorporate a little matcha powder into! This is a spiced pumpkin chia matcha pudding that includes warming cayenne and ginger, as well as olive oil and orange (which is great for your liver). It obviously also contains chia seeds, which are amazing for your digestion, heart, energy, metabolism, bones, and teeth. The matcha tea powder comes in the form of a cream topping to give you an extra energy boost to combat those colder, “slumpier” days, and the cream is also vanilla-flavored to give this matcha dessert recipe a luxurious final touch. Enjoy this lovely treat, and feel absolutely wonderful! *Blend young Thai coconut meat with just enough coconut water to form a cream. Place the pumpkin purée, coconut cream, juice from orange, grated ginger root, cayenne, and vanilla in a food processor (or use a hand blender). Blend until a smooth liquid appears. While blending, slowly add the olive oil. Pour liquid into a bowl, add chia seeds to it, and combine carefully, using a spoon or spatula. Make sure all of the chia seeds are covered by liquid in order to prevent them from sticking together. Place mixture in a bowl, and let it sit for at least an hour. You can even leave it to sit overnight. Place the coconut cream, your sweetener of choice, Matcha tea powder, and vanilla extract in a bowl. Use a whisk to make these ingredients into a smooth liquid cream. Pour this cream on top of the chia layer, and (preferably) put into the freezer for 30 minutes. This will help the cream to become firmer.
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Monroque may be a New York art-and-fashion-world fixture, but the St. Lucia native returns home every chance she gets to soak up the sun and satisfy her eclectic palate. Jemal Countess/Wireimage; Still Life: Don Penny/Studio D. DIET "I grew up on stewed codfish, smoked herring, pig tails, and chicken backs. I'm an adventurous eater, but I steer clear of anything processed or from a can." BREAKFAST: "Fage yogurt with honey and muesli, or I meet a friend at Balthazar for eggs Benedict or pancakes with a glass of orange juice. I drink coffee, but only when I'm very tired." LUNCH: "I work from home, so I usually pick up chicken soup from Whole Foods or make myself a salad with watercress, carrots, avocado, goat cheese, pine nuts, green beans, and a hard-boiled egg. When I go out I love the salmon burger from Siggy's Good Food or the bento box at Mottsu. I also drink tons of fresh coconut water that I bring back from St. Lucia and freeze." DINNER: "Recently I've been having friends over, and we make baked chicken or pan-seared salmon with a salad and potatoes. And I love Miss Lily's for oxtail stew or curried goat and Gloria's in Brooklyn for West Indian dishes. During event season I have a glass of pinot noir every night, but when my schedule slows down I cut back to twice a week." SPLURGES: "Balthazar's french fries cooked in duck fat, and ice cream from the Mister Softee truck in the summer." FITNESS "It's difficult to form an exercise routine with my travel schedule. I've tried yoga and walking on the treadmill, but nothing has stuck. I like to ride my bike while running errands, and I just started Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis DVD to work on my biceps, triceps, and abs. I've been doing it during my lunch break, so we'll see what happens." SKIN CARE "I wash my face and moisturize with La Mer's Cleansing Gel and Moisturizing Gel Cream [$285]. To remove makeup, I like La Mer's Cleansing Oil [$75], and three times a week I exfoliate with La Mer's Refining Facial [$85]—it contains diamond powder! I don't like anyone else poking at my face, so I rarely get facials. And I never wear sunscreen, though I probably should. When I get home to St. Lucia I slather on raw coconut oil from head to toe and sit on the beach until my skin turns a deep golden brown." MAKEUP "My mentality is less is more. I wear mostly Bobbi Brown products: Long-Wear Even Finish Compact Foundation [$46], Illuminating Bronzing Powder in Bali Brown [$38], Shimmer Blush in Flame [$26], and Metallic Eye Shadow in Cognac [$22], a shimmery plum shade. For nighttime I'll add a bright lip or a liquid lined eye. I like red and pink lipsticks from M.A.C., Wet n Wild liners in black or blue, and Laura Mercier Full Blown Mascara in Black [$24]. Every two weeks I get a CND Shellac manicure in pink or purple shades, and for pedicures I like red polishes from Essie." HAIR "I cut my hair really short this past summer in St. Lucia. I went to a local stylist I've seen over the years. I wanted a new look, something easy. I'm very low maintenance, and when my hair was shoulder length I would have to go for regular relaxing treatments and weekly blowouts, which was causing a lot of breakage. So I decided to chop it all off. I miss the length, but I'm really enjoying being able to just shower and go. I wash my hair with Creme of Nature [$6.49] or Pantene Pro-V Truly Relaxed Lightweight [$4.99] shampoo and condition with Kiehl's Olive Fruit Oil Nourishing Conditioner [$19] or Ligne St Barth Avocado Oil. When I was younger I used to deep-condition with mayonnaise, but I don't need to do that anymore. My hair is so short, I could wash it with a bar of soap." BODY "I love taking care of myself but in a very low-key way. In the shower I use Johnson's Baby Wash [$2.99] or Santa Maria Novella Chamomile Shower Gel [$55], and I moisturize with Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula or Laura Mercier Ambre Vanillé Soufflé Body Crème [$55]. I take a bath once a week with Jo Malone oils and wear Jo Malone French Lime Blossom Cologne [$115] every day. When I'm at a hotel with a luxurious spa, I try to make time for a deep-tissue massage. Some of my favorite spots are the Dor-chester in London, the Bulgari in Milan, and the Four Seasons in Moscow."
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Mời các em tham gia thực hành trắc nghiệm Language Focus 2 Unit 6 Tiếng Anh lớp 7 do HỌC247 biên soạn. Chúc các em thực hành hiệu quả! My name is Huy and fishing is my favorite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this doesn't worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching anything, not even old boots. After spending the whole morning on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. "You should give up fishing", my friends say. " It's a waste of time". But they don't know that I'm not really interested in fishing. I'm only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all! When does he usually go fishing? What does Huy friend advise him? Where does Huy sit to fish? What does Huy do when he fishes?
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Costa Rica health care is ranked as the third country in the world in life expectancy which currently stands at 78 years of age.The paper has discussed Factors contributing to a good healthcare programme in Costa Rica. ... the public sector together. Hence the economic factor of growth can be realized and these funds can be directed to a more effective well equipped public hospitals with new technologies set into place. The government should train more social workers and community workers whose main work is to enlighten the rural population on health related issues such vaccination and other communicable diseases. The ministry of health should be accorded its own budgetary system to increase efficiency so that implementations of building more hospitals, buying new equipments for the hospitals can be realized with eases other than waiting for approval from the ministry of finance.
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Sherril Ann Givens, 50, of Chickasha was called home on Monday, March 25, 2019 in Midwest City, Oklahoma. She was born December 5, 1968 to Laura Ann Howard and the late Michel Don Howard at Ft. McConnell AFB in Wichita, Kansas. Sherril graduated from Chickasha High School in 1987, and married Anthony Givens on December 7, 1990. They resided in Chickasha and had three wonderful kids, Matthew, Karisma, and Dante’. She spent the past 13 years working at the Chickasha Walmart, and has been very active with Chickasha HS Band, Basketball and Tennis for the past several years. She was a faithful and active member of the Southern Oaks Church of Christ, and always made sure the Bible Class teachers had all of the supplies they needed. Sherril was preceded in death by her father Michel Don Howard and one grandchild, Embry Gilbreath. Sherril is survived by her husband Anthony Givens of Chickasha; mother Ann Howard of Laramie, WY; three children, Matthew Givens and wife Kailyn of Chickasha, Karisma Gilbreath and husband Glenndon of Chickasha, Dante’ Givens of Chickasha, stepson Mikel Fitzpatrick and Mariah Wyble of Tulsa, OK; two brothers Michael Howard of Laramie, WY, Charlie Howard and wife Kim of El Reno, OK; one sister Katie Nichols and husband John of Oklahoma City, seven grandchildren, Robby, Aryona, Haidyn, Izabella, Azura, and Zoe; many nieces and nephews; and many friends and church family. Memorial services will be held Saturday, April 6, 2019 at 2:00 PM at the Southern Oaks Church of Christ, 3320 S. 16th St, in Chickasha. Cremation arrangements are under the direction of McRay Funeral Home. Funeral service for Sharon Lee Boyer, 76, of Chickasha, OK will be held at 10:00 a.m. Monday, April 1, 2019 in the McRay Funeral Home Chapel. Sister Alice Wendling will officiate. Sharon Lee Boyer was born the daughter of Harvey Lee Hayes and Doris Irene Jacobson Hayes on June 29, 1942 in Winfield, KS. She died on March 25, 2019 in Chickasha. Sharon graduated from high school in Arkansas City, KS and was married to George Boyer in December of 1958. The couple moved to California where they lived until moving to Norge, OK in 1978. After about six months they moved to Chickasha. She worked at Maremont (Gabriel), from which she retired after 31 years. When she wasn’t working she was spending time with her family. Sharon was preceded in death by husband George Ross Boyer; mother Doris Irene Leach; father Harvey Lee Hayes; grandson Ross Todd Johnson; grandson Nicolas Noel Agin; great-granddaughter Evelyn Lee; great-grandson Jasper Liam Goodson; and Hattie Marie Boyer. Sharon is survived by daughter Doreen Marie DeLong and husband Darrell; daughter Lisa LaRae Langston and husband Dean; daughter Bobbi Darlene Johnson and husband Bobby; daughter Eva Suzanne Thornbrue and husband Jeff; daughter Diana Lee Smith and husband Jack; son George Ross Boyer, Jr. And wife Sheila ; 14 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Viewing will be Sunday, March 31, 2019 from 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. Interment will be in the Memorial Lawn Cemetery in Arkansas City, KS. Arrangements are with McRay Funeral Home. Robert H. Hinkle, age 78, was born January 13, 1941 in Verden, OK. He died March 20, 2019 in Oklahoma City, OK. There will be no services. Cremation arrangements are under the direction of McRay Funeral Home. Funeral service for Dannie “Buddy” Livingston, 85, of Chickasha, OK will be held at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at Maranatha Baptist Church in Chickasha. Brother Daniel Edwards and Brother Charles Bishop will officiate. Dannie “Buddy” Livingston was born in Fletcher, OK on January 22, 1934 to William and LaRue Livingston. He was called to be with his Lord on March 20, 2019. Buddy attended Fletcher schools. He joined the United States Army in 1951 and later departed to Korea and served until 1953. He was wounded on “Heartbreak Ridge” and awarded the Purple Heart. He was trying to save a buddy and himself when a grenade was thrown into the foxhole. He was sent to multiple hospitals for severe injuries and medically discharged from the Army. Buddy then began rodeoing which led into riding and training cutting horses and eventually led to his love of training race horses. He was one of Oklahoma’s top race trainers with over 1,200 wins. Buddy and Nawasa were married in 1989 in Chickasha, OK and would have celebrated 30 years of marriage this year. They lived life to the fullest, traveling across the U.S. in their motorhome. They enjoyed being together and around family and friends. Buddy was preceded in death by his parents William and LaRue, his brother Bill Livingston, step-brothers Jerry and Perry Martin, Sonny Livingston and son-in-law Joe Baker. Survivors include wife Nawasa Livingston, daughter Dannye Sue Livingston of Texarkana, TX, daughter Cindy Skilton of Taloga, OK, daughter and husband Joanie and Dean Kingcade of Carmen, OK, step-daughter Donna Baker of Chickasha, OK, step-daughter Rhonda Jackson and husband David Jackson of Yukon, OK, sister Norma Nickarz and husband Nick of Anchorage, AK, brother Johnny Livingston and wife Jackie of Alex, OK, several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and a host of great friends. Interment will be in the Fairlawn Cemetery. Arrangements are with McRay Funeral Home. Funeral service for Peggy Underwood, age 77, will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the South Main Street Church of Christ in Alex, OK. Peggy June Underwood passed away surrounded by family on Sunday, March 17, 2019. She was born December 18, 1941 in Delano, CA. Peggy Graduated from Mapleton High School in Denver, CO in 1959, where she met Terry and Nancy Minne, who remained treasured friends through the remainder of her life. She moved to Ryan, OK in 1972, where she owned and operated Big Sky Café. She met and married the love of her life, Scott, here and they were married November 30, 1973. In 1980, Peggy began a career with McDonald’s, which resulted in her relocation to Duncan, OK and later Stroud, OK. She retired from McDonald’s as an area supervisor in 1994, at which time the family moved to Alex, OK, where she lived until her passing. She worked as general manager of Classic Auto Parts Group until her retirement in 2004. Since then, she enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren and great-grandsons, painting, and doing crossword puzzles. She was known as “the lady who mails cards for any special occasion” by members of her beloved congregation at the Alex South Main Street Church of Christ. She is remembered by her family for her sometimes blunt honesty, grit, and overall toughness as she faced several challenges during her lifetime. She saw things in black and white and believed that there were two ways of doing things–the right way and her way. If ever there was any doubt, the right answer is to do it her way. The last few years were challenging in her health, and she faced it with the same tenacity and grace she faced the rest of her years. She was preceded in death by her parents, Don and Gladys Lewis. She is survived by her husband, Weldon Scott Underwood of the home, sons Don Underwood and wife Susan, of Woodward, OK and Jim Underwood and wife Kaci of Alex, grandchildren Beth Anne Rhyne and husband Robert, of Corsicana, TX, Ellen Fly and husband Zach, of Hennessey, OK, Jackson Underwood and Erin Underwood of Woodward, OK, as well as four great-grandsons, Parker, Wade, Wyatt, and Bowdie. Interment will be in the Alex Cemetery. Arrangements are with McRay Funeral Home.
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OAKLAND (CBS SF) — State liquor control agents raided an Oakland karaoke bar early Friday, culminating a three-month investigation that led to the arrest of four suspects on drug and prostitution charges. The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control said the raid and the arrests targeted the Music Café located at 251 Ninth Street. ABC investigators said citizen complaints alleging illegal drug activity, sales to minors and loud music triggered the undercover surveillance. Agents were able to purchase illegal drugs from club employees during the operation including cocaine, ecstasy and ketamine. They also were approached by alleged prostitutes and discovered that alcohol sales were taking place after 2 a.m. Authorities said 29-year-old Charlie Phuc Ngo, of Sacramento, was being held for felony sales of narcotics, felony conspiracy and maintaining a house of prostitution. Jinghan Liu, a 27-year-old from Hayward, was arrested for felony sales of narcotics and felony pimping and pandering. Ying Liu, 41, of Oakland, was arrested for felony sales of narcotics and 23-year-old Oakland resident Wei Na Hu was cited and released on a misdemeanor prostitution charge. In addition to the arrests, agents also confiscated cash and narcotics found on the premises.
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Susan Collins, Republican Senator from Maine. No pressure, Senator Susan Collins. This is only the moment that might define your entire career. Any minute now, the president will announce his second pick for the Supreme Court, a nominee expected to cement a lasting conservative majority on that storied bench. This would be the same president, you’ll recall, who promised to appoint “pro-life justices” who would tip the court so that it would “automatically” overturn Roe v. Wade. He’s done every other awful thing he threatened on the campaign trail, so there’s no reason to doubt him here. You’re vehemently in favor of abortion rights, holding off efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and chip away at reproductive freedom. Pro-choice groups love you for that, especially in Maine, where you remain super popular. “It is something she has held near and dear to her heart since she was elected to the US Senate,” said Nicole Clegg, vice president of public policy for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. Senate Democrats are vowing a fight for the ages to stop President Trump’s as-yet-unnamed Supreme Court pick from getting confirmed. People are depending on you — a crucial vote in a closely divided Senate — to hold off disaster. And you’re saying some of the right things. Of course. But few aspiring jurists would be silly enough to come right out and say they want to blow up abortion rights, even though they could still be determined to overthrow Roe. It would be hard for a nominee to get on the president’s list of potential justices, largely shaped by the anti-Roe Federalist Society, otherwise. And since you’ve also said it would be inappropriate for you to ask directly what a nominee thinks of Roe, keeping such a person off the bench will be a trickier proposition. especially since you seem to be playing by different rules than others in your party. You’re a reasonable centrist, in a party where your kind are all but extinct, and where leaders have repeatedly disregarded civility and established norms. Last year, you cast a heroic vote against repealing the Affordable Care Act. Then you turned around and voted for a tax cut package that repealed the ACA’s crucial individual mandate. At the time, you believed Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell when he promised you legislation to stabilize what remained of the health insurance program. But he reneged on that deal, of course, leaving you looking foolish, or insincere. How could you trust that guy? He has shattered once-sacrosanct Senate traditions. Most appalling, he stole a Supreme Court pick. You wanted President Barack Obama’s choice, Merrick Garland, to get a fair hearing. In that interview with The Daily, you declared yourself “delighted” by the fact that when you asked for his judicial philosophy, Garland said he didn’t have one. Maybe you should use your power here to insist that the president nominate Garland now. Tell him Garland, once considered just the kind of centrist both parties could support, is the only pick you’ll consider. Barring that gutsy move, we’re just going to have to depend on you to protect us from whoever does get the nod. Here, though, I worry about you, Senator. Not just because you’ve been cheated in the past, but also because it seems you don’t quite grasp the danger here. For example, you appear convinced that Chief Justice John Roberts, and newly installed justice Neil Gorsuch, would not vote to overturn Roe, because you say they have a healthy regard for long-established precedent. But both Roberts and Gorsuch have shown themselves to be plenty happy to overturn precedent: For example, just a couple of weeks ago, they joined a 5 to 4 majority reversing a unanimous 41-year-old decision on public employee unions that will greatly weaken workers’ protections. Despite this and other ample evidence to the contrary, you seem to think we live in a world where judicial nominees are true to their word, and your fellow Republicans have the integrity to put nation above party. That frightens me. Please, Senator, wake up.
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Due to electronic screws requiring comprehensive quality control checks for appearance, size, and quality, it is a time-consuming task and one that can cause fatigue to the human eye when performed manually—especially given their vast number and small size—resulting in low efficiency and human error. Replacing this task with an optical inspection solution is thus becoming a necessity. The customer required screw inspection equipment that could acquire images and data to analyze whether the screws were being fabricated according to specification, all of which had to be performed in real time. The analysis results were then to be used to determine whether the screws had any defects. Defective screws were then to be routed to a screening device for removal, and the production timing and number of defects were to be recorded. The screw inspection platform was based on the modular IPC MIC-7700 with a MIC-75M13 4-slot expansion i-Module, the system was able to manage multi-tasking between precise motor control and high-accuracy visual inspections. Installed in the system was a PCI-1274 4-axis DCP-based motor control card for connecting to servomotors. With support for Advantech’s Common Motion API, this enabled the customer to utilize comparative trigger functions to efficiently plan for motor control. PCIE-1674E + QCAM GC1300 POE cards were also utilized to power the CCD cameras and retrieve image data. The PCI-1730 32-ch digital I/O card was also employed to connect the system to pneumatic devices and acquire signal data. The PCI-1274’s comparative trigger function cut costs for the customer by allowing them to shorten their program development time. In addition to the benefit of adopting a total solution, this saved system integration time and accelerated the customer's development speed.With our team of application engineers providing technological support, we were thus able to satisfy this customer’s CCD needs.
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Traditional Hindu Vedic Astrology highlights numerous planetary combinations or Yogas, which give an indication of the chances of an individual having a love marriage. In this post, I have described three general but important Indian Astrology Yogas for Love Marriage, which forecast the chances of a successful love marriage. If the lords of the Ascendant or First House[Lagna Bhava] and the Seventh House[Saptam Bhav] are conjoined or favorably aspect each other and if these planets have an auspicious relationship with either Mangal[Mars] and Shukra[Venus], then the native will have a love marriage. In a horoscope, if Guru[Jupiter] and Shukra are placed in each other’s Mool Trikona Sthan or Kendra Sthan, then there is every chance of the native having a love marriage, Mool Trikona Sthan is the Exalted House in this case the Fifth House[Pancham Bhav] and the Ninth House[Navam Bhav]. The Kendra Sthan means the Quadrant Houses, which are the First House, Fourth House [Chaturth Bhav], Seventh House and Tenth House [Dasham Bhav]. If in a Chandra Kundali, Shukra is placed in either of the Mool Trikona Sthan [Fifth and Ninth Houses] and if Guru favorably aspects that House or if Guru himself is positioned in either of the Mool Trikona Sthan, then there is every possibility of the native have a love marriage. The Chandra Kundali is the Kundali in, which the House in which the Moon is positioned is taken to be the First House. The Rashi or Birth Sign of an individual as per traditional Indian Astrology is the Zodiac Sign in which the Moon is positioned; it is also called the Moon Sign or Chandra Rashi in Hindi. Note- Only a detailed reading of the horoscope by a learned astrologer will give a clear indication of the native being successful in having a love marriage. Respected Sir, Please suggest remedies to be done on the day of Diwali, and before Diwali and after Diwali, main focus is on health and money. Thanks in advance. Regards. eg : 6 , 8 , 12 houses . Then Life becomes very struggling inspite of havinng other Raj Yogas . Are there any effective measures for elevating this trouble ?
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Celebrating the birth of our Savior! Merry Christmas MBCA! M-F, 6:30 a.m - 6:30 p.m.
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September has been a huge month for us at TVD! Our work over the past year and a half in production is showing very solid results! With a big thank you to all of YOU for the amazing support which got us to this point and to helping us grow even more as we look forward to the future we say: Cheers to you all! On September 16th, the Whiskies of the World Awards were announced and we were delighted to find we’d been awarded a Silver medal for our Oregon Single Malt and a Bronze medal for our Fifty / Fifty American Whiskey! Our medals were in the Craft Malt and Craft Whiskey categories respectively. You can read the press release here. Hot on the tails of our recent Silver and Bronze medal wins we also made another BIG announcement that many of our fans outside of Oregon have been waiting for! You’ve seen us hint at this, and now the day has finally come when we can announce it! We’ve partnered with Ezras.com (http://ezras.com/brand/tualatin-valley-distilling) to enable on-line ordering of our products! That’s right, YOU can now order our Whiskeys and Usquebaugh and have them shipped directly to you! Our products are now live on the site and ready to ship out when you order! We also launched our own Instagram account (or rather transitioned Jason’s account to professional use) this month, so if you are on that platform go ahead and give us a follow there! If you’re already following us, you’ve likely seen the latest photo posted of our new cocktail “The Alchemist” as designed and served by Estanislado (Tanis) Orona at Raven & Rose, which went live on their menu Wednesday (Sept 23rd, 2015)! Stop in, tell them we sent you, and order your own Alchemist today! “The Alchemist” is 2oz Tualatin Valley Distilling’s Usquebaugh. 1/2 oz Saffron Syrup, 1/4 oz Lemon Juice, Ground Cinnamon, Crushed Ice & Lemon Peels. We couldn’t be more pleased with the attention Tanis gave to the complexity of this unique spirit and the amazing cocktail he created around it! Lastly, if you want a deeper look (or listen) into the business and how we got started, the Distillery Nation podcast in which Jason was interviewed about Tualatin Valley Distilling went live last week as well! Check out the podcast hosted by Ilias Mastrogiannis of Mastrogiannis Distillery in which he focuses on our story and background of the distillery and we have a great conversation about some of the ups and downs of the business. Distillery Nation is set to be a great resource for new craft distilleries aimed at helping us all avoid pitfalls of the industry and share knowledge. Enjoy! We also have it on good authority that Big Bottom Distilling will be highlighted on the Distillery Nation Podcast soon as well, so subscribe to be sure you don’t miss that episode! As always, stay tuned for our future releases expected in December when the Mecca Grade Single Estate version of our Oregon Single Malt is released!
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Many separate hot and cold taps are the old-fashioned type with a rubber washer fitted to stop water flow. These eventually wear out causing the tap to leak. You can change this type of washer yourself by following the steps below.... Carefully replace the hot and cold labelled buttons on the correct taps. Clean any lubricant off the taps with a paper tissue. Turn the tap about half on and open the mains. Use only gentle pressure to turn the tap off as over-tightening can damage the new washer. 15/01/2009 · the mixers a plumbed compleatly differently, and the wall and tiles must be removed, but try and get the 1/4 turn hot and cold set of taps there are the next best thing. how to change folder in google drive Know your tapware names. When searching online for the bathroom taps, we can make it easy to narrow down your search. For mixer taps, try searching for “wall mounted mixer” or for separate hot and cold taps, search for “wall top assembly”. Start by shutting off the wall valves and turning on the faucet to drain down residual pressure. With a bucket handy, use an adjustable wrench to loosen and remove the flexible extension from the faucet. Drain the remaining water into the bucket. Next, remove the flexible line from the shutoff valve. So, it’s finally time to renovate that old-looking bathroom. A part of you is excited at the fact that you will be able to have warm and relaxing stress free showers and bathroom breaks without having to look at cobwebs, dusty corners and old chipping paint.
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8 Results for the Tag "Educational Packages"! Kolkata, previously known as Calcutta, is the commercial, cultural and educational hub of the eastern part of India, and it’s the 3rd most populated metro city of India.As car rental in Kolkata is much easier than other city you can explore as many places as you want without driving yourself or dealing with the heavy traffic. An Eliteturkeytour, travel to Israel is an adventure with spiritual, emotional and educational elements. We offer exhaustive Israel tours that withdraw all around the year, with fluctuating levels of convenience that offer adaptability, solace and extravagance. Kleritec.net retrain all the sales teams and increase company morale by creating the best possible working environment for its employees that can help in invigorating of company in trouble. We provide services and products in different fields including health care, athletics, educational products, imaging and more. The educational products are innovative and creative Art and Activities Packages that help kids make their day enjoyable and exciting. Jungleeresorts in the best online booking service to provide best camps and resort in Dhanaulti mussoorie, We also provide the best Dhanaulti tour packages like Family Package, Educational package and Corporate Package at a lowest price, For more details visit our website www.jungleeresorts.in.
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...that the Internet turned into a meme. (SPOT.ph) The premiere of Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil's latest fantasy teleserye, Bagani, is still on March 5, but it's already being talked about nonstop. The teaser for the new show was released on January 31, and while fans were excited for the love team's TV comeback (their last teleserye, Dolce Amore concluded in 2016), some Internet users had a few things to say about the show's casting choices. According to a report by ABS-CBN, Gil describes the show as a "story about how the Philippines, 'di ba archipelagic tayo, how the Philippines was born. It’s about our culture." Internet users expressed their disagreement with the show's choice to cast leads with prominently foreign features. They also critiqued the show's use of makeup to make the actors look darker than they are. One of the writers of the show, Mark Duane Angos, defended the show, saying that the show is set in a fantasy world and is only inspired by Philippine mythology. Soberano herself finally acknowledged the debate online, and commented on a post that made a jab about Gil's makeup on February 13. On February 14, Soberano replied to another tweet (from an account that now no longer exists) that says, "Not against Enrique and Liza, pero kasi...gets. Hindi naman sila Pinoy." In her reply, Soberano brings up her Filipino lineage and love for sinigang, prompting the Internet to say that she's missing the point about proper representation in media. Other Internet users also added to the discussion and started making their own versions and memes based on Soberano's statement about being Filipino because of her love for sinigang. wow twitter really went in on liza... you could say we siniganged-up on her ???? Meanwhile, Angos once again defended the premise of the show with another tweet, saying, "Bagani is set in a fictional world called 'Sansinukob'—isang alternatibong mundo na may mga elemento ng mitolohiyang Pilipino. It is not PRECOLONIAL. It is not HISTORICAL. Hence, it is not a portrayal of sinaunang tao or a particular historical period or event."
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Remember that feeling isolated and no one else liking your partner can be warning signs of an unhealthy or abusive relationship. Abuse can affect all types of relationships, not just long-term or committed relationships. Dating abuse and relationship issues can be hard topics to discuss, but in our experience, getting support can be really helpful. Here at loveisrespect, we have trained peer advocates who are friendly, non-judgmental and available 24/7. It may cause conflict that makes you feel like you can’t be honest or even near the people you love. Consider why your family doesn’t like your partner or why your partner doesn’t like them. Consider talking to your parents, family and friends to see what their thoughts are. Having a child together could feel like more than just dating, or you might have chosen not to be together anymore; there is no one way that relationships must work. Yes, holding a grudge against your partner is unhealthy, not only for your relationship but also for you. We use the gender-neutral term “partners” to refer to people in an intimate relationship, but you might use a different word (and that’s okay)! No matter how you define dating, it’s important to remember that abuse can occur within all kinds of intimate relationships.
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Spider Cheeseball & Other Spookactular Halloween Fun Foods with Olives! Do you like black olives? We LOVE them! Like, a lot! They’re a must-have on the relish tray at every family holiday get together. Yes, every. Really. The kids love them too. They’re SO tasty, and seriously what other food can you put onto all 5 of your fingers & pop off to eat?! Fun! And, if you’ve been around the blog, you know that I also love making “fun foods”/”edible crafts”! So, when the California Olive Committee contacted me and asked if I’d create a “spooktacular” Halloween recipe/craft with their California Black Ripe Olives, I couldn’t say no! 🙂 My mind was immediately full of ideas as the black color is PERFECT for Halloween! Given my love of the spider web pretzels and the spider theme we have going on this year, I immediately knew I wanted to attempt a giant spider with the olives. And, I LOVE the way it turned out! At first, I wasn’t sure what I’d do for the body, but a cheeseball seemed like it would be perfect. First up, make the cheeseball. 1. blend together all the cheeses using a hand or stand mixer. Then, add in chives (or onions), seasonings, and mayo. 2. Once creamed together, shape into a spider (head & abdomen) onto a platter (I didn’t use all of it, because there was something else I wanted to try too). 3. Halve olives and begin covering the spider. Then begin construction on the legs. 4. For the legs, cut segments off a skewer (size determined by the size of your spider). Stick the cut skewer into the cheeseball (where the head and abdomen meet). Then, lace the olives onto the skewer (through their holes), leaving a little bit of the end of the skewer open. For the bottom part of the leg, lace the olives onto the skewer leaving the top part of the skewer open. To attach the two skewers, place one olive such that both skewers will stick into it (and connect). Repeat the process until the entire spider is complete. For the eyes, slice an olive so that you have open rings. Inside each opening, place a pimento for some creepy red eyes! As a former biology teacher, it’s no surprise that I like the creepy creatures right?! And, bats definitely qualify (although, they actually are really good to have around!) And, ever since last year, when I saw these little bat bites, I knew I wanted to try them. But, the outside is cracked black pepper–and that would NEVER work in our house. So, what to do?! Well, why not black olives? You’ll just need some of the remaining cheeseball mixutre to make small balls with. Did you know that California olive growers produce more than 95 percent of the black ripe olives grown in the U.S.?! Crazy! These growers operate multi-generational family farms from the inland valleys of California from San Diego County to far north of Sacramento County. And, did you know that there is a whole site devoted to all these awesome California olives? You can get information on recipes, history, nutrition, and industry on www.CalOlive.org. Pretty cool, huh?! – And, you can even “like” California Black Ripe Olives on Facebook here. What Halloween “fun foods” have you been making? Oooo the spider cheese ball is just creepy enough to delight the kiddos!
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2. Jiahe shopping bag stitchbond manifests high capability of ventilation. JIAHE has excellent customer service representatives available to help you out by phone. 10 gauge coated stitch-bonded materials which is used for foam are best seller product in Jiahe. Normal we produce the cream color with 90gsm and grey color with 100gsm for the coated stitchbond non-fr materials. 10 gauge coated stitch-bonded materials are widely used in USA mattress box springs for the feature of non slip and good performance. 100gsm and 2.1m 10 gauge coated stitch-bonded materials can upholstery the mattress and furniture. 140gsm and 82 inch 10 gauge coated stitch-bonded materials can do the USA flame-restardant with FR1633. ● Professional manufacture: We have 4 new and advanced stitchbond production line, 2 hot setting machines, one print machine, one coat machine and 3 packaging machines. 1. HUIZHOU JIAHE NEW MATERIAL SCI-TECH CO.,LTD can deliver non woven fabric on time and seldom on shortage because we have powerful team to support. 2. JIAHE has been more competitive for its high-quality bonded fabric.
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In this demo, I take you through a description and play around with my first try out of an Apple watch case. This particular case (The Spigen SGP11504 Tough Armour Case) was purchased firstly to find out what using a case on the Apple watch would be like, and secondly if it did work, to start using the case to protect the Apple watch when doing the gardening etc. This article excerpt was sourced from the website iSee - Using various technologies from a blind persons perspective and the original article can be found at My first play around with an Apple watch case.
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Pick-up is smooth and expressway cruising was excellent. Oil temperature was lower. Pick-up was faster and highway cruising is more comfortable with less stress on the engine. Clutch performance was very smooth with no signs of slippage. XREV Racing 4T is very different from all other brands of 4T oil as it makes my bike engine much quieter with less vibration and improved performance. Overall, I would recommend it to other superbikers! Acceleration is very smooth while engine noise is definitely quieter. Acceleration is definitely quicker and engine is much smoother with noticeably less vibration. My hands do not go numb as before. Clutch performance was good with no slippage. My engine also experience less oil depletion over the servicing cycle. Excellent product. The acceleration on my bike is definitely better and quicker than before. Cruising feels very smooth. Clutch performance is good and gear changing is still very smooth even after 5,000km. Engine noise level is much quieter and the engine vibrated much less. Engine temperature is also lower than before. The full XREV System 3 together with the XREV Fuel Booster Treatment, my bike performs much better and great to ride on again. Thanks, XREV. Xrev Racing 4T is the choice of high-end performance bikers. Check Facebook under XREV for more customer review and pictures of the XREV Go-Pro Track Day @ Sepang.
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Are you interested in buying a new set of windows for your property? Would you like to have such windows installed by a firm that has a strong industry reputation? And are you eager to ensure that the windows that you purchase are energy efficient? Window energy Ratings is a vital, but frequently forgotten, area of consideration when the time comes for you to purchase new windows for your home. Replacement Windows are a significant investment, and given the time period for which you'll probably have any one set of windows installed, you'll want to ensure that you make the right choice of windows, first time out... as well as that your new windows continue to save you money, years after they have been fitted. Windows that rate highly such as those that we offer here at Signature are, as the name of the Window Energy Ratings suggests, more energy efficient, which means that you can save substantial amounts on your energy bills. Window energy Ratings are a guide to your windows' energy efficiency. It is a scheme of the British Fenestration Ratings Council (BFRC) that examines the various components of a window to ensure that it is as energy efficient as is claimed. Under the Window energy Ratings scheme, windows are rated between A, which is the highest possible energy efficiency rating, and G, which is the lowest. The most recent Building Regulations make it necessary for new homes to have a rating that is no lower than C. Ideally, though, you want to go much further than just C-rated windows when the time comes for you to replace yours. You'll want to purchase your new windows from a company that has Window energy Ratings of B or even A - and Signature is a leading supplier and installer of "A Rated Windows". Why should I choose windows with high Window energy Ratings? By investing in windows from Signature that have high Window Energy Ratings, you can benefit from a significant reduction in your energy bills - you could save around £130 a year, in fact. More than that, though, with windows from Signature, you can be doing your bit for the environment whilst enjoying a warmer, more comfortable and draught-free home.
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Here is the whole summary of the data about Fuelforthought.co that we have retrieved. Support brain health and memory with the natural power of organic cold pressed non gmo coconut oil. It’s packed with MCTs, which increase ketones - an important alternative fuel for the brain and which may help with weight loss. Here is the list of IP addresses which are similar to We constantly check Alexa ratings, so this percentage shows how many times Fuelforthought.co appeared in Alexa rankings. Probably fuelforthought.co was registered only once and did not expire and weren't dropped. Sorry! We have no information about fuelforthought.co Quantcast rank.
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Friendly Fires have unveiled their second collaborative track with The Asphodells, entitled “Velo.” The nine-minute long instrumental track is a massive departure in sound for Friendly Fires, opting for a slower and more drawn out approach. A few of the summery characteristic of Friendly Fires’ luscious pop records seep in, but for the most part it’s a lot more of a psychedelic sounding affair. The collaborative record is out March 31.
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but that is true. Less competition can be better but it isnt quite that simple. The larger the membership the easier it is to meet a woman. If it comes easily to you, it is not really desired. While those sites can be effective, they take a lot more time to use and the older women on those sites are much less interested in dating younger men. Lets look at it from the side of the cougars and see why they are using m, eHarmony, and Cougar Life. Chances are you werent even born when Floyd was performing. Yet older women are very conscious of their reputation. They are imagined to be complete and absolute bedroom rulers and a de facto ruler at that. You need to be a tiger in bed to keep her interested and do not be surprised if she decides to call off the relationship because she feels it is not working. You need to indulge in foreplay, the more the better. It will clearly display your sensitivity towards people. So, a few tips might come in handy for you if you are toy boy dating sugar mommas. This is not advice, but practical common sense. I wouldnt visit these cougar dating sites unless your anti-virus software is up-to-date! Legitimate No matter where you spend your time you need to ensure the site is run by a well known legitimate company. Using online message or text you build a level of comfort with a cougar before meeting her in the real world. Success Guarantee Does the site provide some kind of guarantee that you will be successful? A bad boy has usually survived a lot of things and as a result, has gained invaluable experience which other men of his age would die to possess. While your average 22-year-old is working at Starbucks or searching for entry level jobs cougars are busy with the career they have spent years building. Another thing that may be disliked by a sugar momma is too much talking about past relationship. You will be lucky if you can build a rapport with her and work out an arrangement where she agrees to meet you on a specific day and for a specific time. Dude, shes seen it all with her own eyes and doesnt need a pesky kid with a runny nose trying to explain Pink Floyd. It also makes it easier to identify a woman who is interested in dating younger men. Complete Site Review Full Date A Cougar Review How our cougar dating website reviews work: When personally reviewing all of the top dating sites for meeting older women we look at a huge number of variables.
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This is a flower pendant that blooms with vibrant colored tourmalines and sparkles with diamonds and is sure to leave a long lasting impression. The gem source is Brazil; their transparencies and luster is excellent. Perfectly matched, 7 oval cut tourmalines are prong set into a swirling flower totaling 70.00 carats of pure natural color. 82 scintillating round brilliant cut diamonds are prong set and arranged around the tourmalines creating a floral motif totaling 1.90 carats. This pendant sits on a double rolo link chain and is created in brightly polished 18 K white gold.
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PRICE REDUCED!! LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. Quick access to I-275. Beautiful lot to build on. The existing manufactured home is a tear down. The lot is a total of 1.82 acres, of which most is usable for building a home (Buyer to verify). Potential to have a nice pond view with some clearing done (Buyer to verify). Large mature trees and bamboo trees. This is an outstanding opportunity to build the home of your dreams and plenty of space between you and your neighbors. Listing provided courtesy of Florida Executive Realty.
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Edmund Burke’s chief contribution to aesthetics is his exegesis on the contrary states that define the Beautiful and the Sublime: these are the regular and irregular, binaries of pleasure and pain, appeal and terror, knowingness and not-knowing. Burke encourages the viewer of a ‘place’ to distance herself from the natural agencies that incite emotional response to landscapes. In keeping a distance; however, we risk participating in a lifeless, hegemonic practice that colonizes nature and hinders aesthetic engagement. Proximity to nature (rather than detachment from it) makes visible the consequences of eighteenth-century imperial and nineteenth-century nationalist missions masked in many of the works of the Hudson River School. Non-native forces in the Western Hemisphere took ownership of humans, places, resources, and in the process, devastated whole peoples and ecologies. Through travel, study, research and creative activity, students will learn to see and appraise the transformation of peripatetic practice into art; as well as witness how art can both reveal and conceal the nature of place. How have the varied notions of sublimity affected artist practice over the past 250 years? What are artists making now that counters a narrative that privileges detachment over intimacy and counters modernity’s embrace of indifference? This course will consider the concept of sublimity, both as subject and agent, in the work of visual artists during the aforementioned epochs and the present one. Students will be evaluated on class participation, annotated bibliography, and research paper. This course requires concurrent registration with AD5030 Artist/Naturalist/Visionary (Foley) and AD5031 Journey into Substance (Clinger/Foley). An art history, anthropology, or literature course, and permission of instructor.
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Social Traders is recruiting for a new role to support the rapid growth of social procurement in Queensland. The ‘Social Procurement Lead’ will combine social enterprise recruitment, engagement and analysis with business and government member recruitment and servicing in order to enable sales and social impact. This is a hugely exciting role where you will work actively to grow social procurement as a category whist also generating impact by enabling social enterprises sales with business and government. In Queensland, the role will build on the work undertaken over the last year in social enterprise sector engagement, recruitment and advocacy. Located in central Brisbane, it will be one of two Queensland based roles, the other being focussed on social enterprise certification. Essential: Highly developed relationship building, communication and interpersonal skills, with a strong customer service orientation. Highly regarded: Demonstrated track record in account management/stakeholder engagement roles. Highly regarded: Experience working in or with social enterprise and/or Government and/or the private sector. Demonstrated ability to solve problems in challenging environments. Strong understanding of social enterprise and the benefits they deliver. Demonstrated commitment to social change and the mission and values of Social Traders. Social Traders is Australia’s leading support organization for social enterprise and is in an exciting time of change. In order to achieve our mission of maximizing social impact and change we are unlocking the massive potential of social procurement. Social Traders is the leading organization connecting social enterprises with social procurement opportunities and supporting social enterprise to successfully deliver on the contracts they win. By 2021, our goal is to generate 1500 jobs for disadvantaged Australians. To do this we will create a community of 95 ST business & government members and 600 ST certified social enterprises and facilitate $105 million in procurement spend. Please visit our website (www.socialtraders.com.au/careers) to view the position description and apply via email with your CV and cover letter (addressing the key selection criteria) to sam.edmonds@socialtraders.com.au. Applications close 5pm AEST Thursday 25th April, 2019. Please quote in application: Social Procurement Lead (QLD) via Pro Bono Australia.
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The Bible actually indicates that there will be both supernatural forces engaged in the final battles as well as man-made forces that will come into play. When Russia attacks Israel, Ezekiel quotes the Lord as saying, “I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains” (Ezek. 38:21). At the same time he also says, “…every man’s sword shall be against his brother”. What these passages (and others) are saying is that on the one hand the battle will be supernaturally planned and orchestrated by God to gather the nations to the Valley of Megiddo for judgment, but on the other hand the battles will also be propagated by man’s own evil nature, which will cause the war to rapidly spiral out of control. As the Bible says, it is definitely in God’s heart to gather the nations to do battle at Armageddon (Zeph. 3:8) and he is planning and controlling the course of events to make this happen; however, it will also be the war-like nature of sinful men that will quickly escalate the final battles to the point of global destruction. Think about this scenario for a moment: if Russia and her allies actually invaded the Middle East and attacked Israel and the forces of the Western Alliance led by the Antichrist, what would be the world’s response? After desperate attempts at reaching a diplomatic resolution (which Ezekiel also predicted; Ezek. 38:13), the only other viable action by the Western nations would be an all-out counterattack against the invaders. According to Ezekiel, however, God will actually be the one bringing the opposing armies into play. The Lord will work behind the scenes and call for a “sword” among all nations to defend Israel and defeat Russia. That sword will come from the West as well as from the East. The battle that will ensue also will consume and destroy the Antichrist’s kingdom unto the end, just as Daniel predicted (Dan. 7:26). It will also serve to bring all armies to the Middle East and Armageddon for judgment when Christ Returns! As the armies of the world converge in the Middle East the battle will soon develop into the most devastating war of all time. For the first time in history, the Western Alliance will face the Russian Alliance face to face. This is a battle that both sides have purposely avoided because of the danger of going nuclear. Faced with a desperate battle where the superpowers have engaged in a major conflict with every conventional weapon at their disposal, logic tells us that the battle will quickly turn to weapons of mass destruction. When the Lord mentions that fire, hail, and brimstone will be sent against Russia as well as many other distant nations, it turns out to be an incredible description of how nuclear warfare would actually occur between the major powers today. At first conventional weapons will be used to intercept and defeat the Russian forces, including a full response by the military might of Israel. Next, tactical nuclear weapons might be employed to give battlefield advantage to the ground forces, especially against the massive movements of armored divisions descending from the north. However, this limited use would rapidly expand to the point of no return. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) would soon race across the globe striking the advancing armies as well as every major military and civilian target within the Russian bloc. Russia would rapidly respond with a similar nuclear attack against the Western Alliance, which would primarily include Europe and the U.S., but also possibly Japan. Ezekiel predicted that there would be a “great shaking” accompanying Russia’s attack where mountains and buildings all around the world will fall and be destroyed. Nuclear weapons could easily be responsible for the damage the Bible describes. When Robert Oppenheimer (the head of the Manhattan Project during World War II) witnessed the first atomic bomb explode on July 16, 1945, in his shock and horror he quoted from Hindu writings and said, “I am become death, the shatterer of worlds”. The energy from only 1 gram of matter is thus equal to the explosive yield of the Fat Man atomic bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan in 1945. That bomb had a plutonium-239 core with a yield of about 21 kt and killed as many as 80,000 people. It exploded with a fireball estimated to be at a temperature of about 3,900 °C (7,050 °F) and generated outward winds of about 1,005 km/h (624 mph). The previous bombing of Hiroshima three days earlier used a bomb with a uranium-235 core having a yield of approximately 15 KT, and it resulted in up to 166,000 deaths in a more populated city. If a modern nuclear bomb was used on an even more densely populated city today, the greater yield of the weapon combined with the greater urban population would easily result in the deaths of millions of people within seconds. The predictions in the Bible concerning the Great Tribulation are accurate descriptions of a nuclear holocaust the likes of which we have never seen before! Clearly, the energy trapped within the atoms and molecules of matter is far greater than the energy we use on a daily basis from burning fossil fuels. That’s why even a relatively small atomic bomb will provide a far greater explosive blast than any conventional bomb. As trillions and trillions of atoms are split in the core of an atomic bomb within milliseconds, a very small amount of the mass is lost due to what is called the “mass defect” property of atoms. This is based on the fact that the mass of the protons and neutrons within the nucleus of atoms is slightly different depending on what element they are a part of. For instance, the mass of a proton or neutron within a carbon atom is slightly different from the mass of a proton or neutron within a nitrogen atom. This is due to the changes in binding energy within the nucleus of different atoms. It is only a very slight difference, but just enough so that every time an atom is split into smaller atoms some mass is lost as energy. The mass lost as uranium undergoes fission in the core of a nuclear weapon is thus released as pure energy—a combination of kinetic energy, heat energy, and light. Multiplying the quantity of mass present times the speed of light squared results in the vast explosive release of energy from an exploding atomic bomb (see The Effects of Nuclear War for more information on the fission process). Putting this power in the form of a weapon was the most dangerous thing the human race has ever done. Daniel and Jesus both said that at the time of the end the world situation would develop into a period of trouble unparalleled in history. It is exceedingly clear that even a partial nuclear exchange would cause such severe destruction that the entire fabric of life would be threatened. Remember, the Lord himself prophesied that “except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved” (Matt. 24:22). This generation is heading for a time of Great Tribulation the likes of which has never been seen before! The Bible predicts that fire and brimstone will be a part of not only Russia’s attack, but John also predicts similar conditions when the Kings of the East advance into the battle. After he describes the 200 million-man army advancing toward Israel in chapter 16 of Revelation, the Apostle goes on to symbolically reveal the destructive force that will be unleashed when the Eastern Bloc attacks. “And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions, and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. It is no mere accident that China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea have all developed nuclear capabilities in our day. The Lord says that the Kings of the East will have the ability to issue forth fire and smoke and brimstone. When the Russian alliance and the Empire of the Beast are engaged in a nuclear battle in the Middle East, the subsequent attack by the eastern countries won’t include anything less potent despite their overwhelming numerical advantage. In fact, John indicates in the above passage that the attack from the east will cause the death of fully one-third of mankind! Chapter 6 of Revelation also contains some frightening descriptions of the conditions and casualties of these final battles. The entire chapter consists of the consecutive opening by Christ of seven seals on a scroll, each one of which revealing some dire event that will happen in the last days (particularly in the final 7 years). In the first seal, a white horse appears that has a rider on it that goes forth throughout the world to conquer. The appearance of this rider has always reminded readers of Christ’s appearance in chapter 19, as therein he too is described as riding a white horse as He returns. However, it is not Jesus who is in view in Rev. 6, but the Antichrist himself. The Antichrist will appear to the world as some kind of savior, but in reality he will be an evil false Christ. His similarity to the real Christ in this passage fits in perfectly with his predicted deception. Remember the Antichrist was previously described in Revelation 13 to have 2 horns like a lamb and also be a lamb who speaks like a dragon (Rev. 13:11). In Revelation 6, he actually appears to be the fulfillment of the Second Coming of Christ. It is also curious that this horseman has a bow with which to do his conquering, but he has no arrows. This is also an accurate description of how the Antichrist will become the ruler of this world—conquering all nations with a deception and facade of world peace. Thus, the first seal and the appearance of the white horse symbolically represents the Antichrist’s rise and reign during the first half of Daniel’s 70th Week, where the general conditions in the empire will be euphoric and relatively peaceful, but also ironfisted totalitarian at the same time (especially for Christians who don’t go along with his plan). It is during this period when he will take full control of the world and institute the Mark of the Beast. Notice, John says that fully one-fourth of the world’s population will be killed as a result of these initial battles. With a current world population at just over 7.2 billion, this prophecy thus predicts that more than 1.8 billion people will perish at that time. In addition, John also tells us later in Revelation that a further one-third of the remaining population will be killed when the Kings of the East attack. If at first one-fourth of the world is killed leaving three-fourths remaining alive, and subsequently one-third of those remaining are killed when the Kings of the East attack, then the final casualty figure from both phases of the war is fully one-half of the population of the world as it exists today! Thus, we a talking about a total devastation of the planet where more than 3.6 billion people will lose their lives and most of the civilized world will be destroyed! Only global thermonuclear war could possibly cause so many deaths in such a short period of time. In fact, these descriptions are not the only evidence for a nuclear exchange. The prophecies get very specific as to the exact conditions that will develop during the course of these wars. Some of these descriptions are among the most terrifying prophecies in the entire Bible. In the coming sections, we are going to look at what the Bible says concerning these events, and then correlate this information with what is currently known about the effects of nuclear war. As will soon become evident, the correlation between prophecy and modern science is truly frightening.
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A advisor to concept and perform in key parts of relaxation administration and making plans within the relaxation industries, for undergraduates, HND scholars, and people on post-experience and postgraduate courses. Intended to enrich instead of compete with the prevailing books at the topic, this ebook bargains with the undertaking functionality and keep an eye on levels of the undertaking lifestyles cycle to give a close research of the project’s time functionality dimension tools and chance research ideas with the intention to assessment latest and newly constructed tools by way of their skills to enhance the corrective activities decision-making strategy in the course of undertaking monitoring. The only ecu marketplace, the second one Banking Directive, rest of cross-border capital and money hobbies and the potential advent of a unmarried ecu foreign money have led such a lot agencies to undertake new money administration concepts, or to plot for significant structural alterations within the close to destiny. This ebook focuses upon treasury and digital banking practices in ecu money administration. The former liberal policy of supporting, encouraging and responding to its clients has shifted to a more directive stance and the original intention to remove artistic production from the commercial demands of the market (Williams, 1981) has been greatly modified. I Countryside Commission Throughout the 1950s and 1960s increased leisure time, rises in real wages and the spread of car ownership led to greatly increased levels of informal countryside recreation. For example, although adequate survey data is not available admission figures at 45 National Trust properties show that between 1955 and 1978 there was a 7 per cent rate of growth (Patmore, 1983). 36 Planning for Leisure Leisure Planning in the Commercial Sector The Structure of Planning in the Commercial Sector The structure of commercial leisure has, in common with many other industrial sectors, been subject to considerable structural change. The size of firms operating in this field, the nature of their investments, and the leisure forms provided, have evolved with industrial change. , 1989) a number of key features in the recent history of leisure markets. Such factors include the growing significance of large-scale multinational organisations operating in the leisure markets, diversification of such large companies across a wide range of markets both within the leisure sphere and other areas of industry, and vertical integration with larger firms becoming attracted to small-scale outlets for service provision such as squash clubs, health clubs, and snooker halls. A typical divisionalised structure has, for example, been employed by Mecca Leisure, which has separate divisions for Social Clubs, Entertainment and Catering, UK Holidays, and Other Activities. Detailed planning and strategy tends to take place within divisions which are seen as the most appropriate units for deriving strategic responses to the volatile markets within which these organisations operate. Planning is co-ordinated across divisions, not by centralised control which would undermine divisional autonomy, but through the training and development of divisional managers, involving the inculcation of organisational ideology.
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Pastor Chris just declared May 2014 as the Month of the Open Door. Reading from Revelations 3:8, Pastor says the door is opened by God. Distractions could come in spite of the door God opened. Refuse to be distracted. There could be adversaries in spite of the door the Lord has opened. Be strong. Pray that the Lord will open doors of opportunity regarding the things you want to get done. You will find doors open, and the ones that ought to open that are not so yet, pray that the Lord will open them.
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If you're familiar with games like Luxor and Zuma, then you'll have a fairly good idea of what to expect gameplay-wise in this week's review game: "StoneLoops! of Jurassica". What you may not know is why there is an exclamation mark midway through the name there, and what that capital "L" is doing there in the first place. I've pondered long and hard over this for at least 5 minutes now, and can't offer enlightenment - but I can tell you that StoneLoops! is the best marble popping puzzle game out there right now. But, you know what? Seeing Codeminion pop out another simple puzzle game is as frustrating for me as watching Ayrton Senna driving a Mini around Monza. Yes, sure he'll go bloody fast and leave everybody else's Minis in his wake, but at the end of the day, you're left wondering why he wasn't competing in the F-1 race the next day. We know that Codeminion can make great puzzle games. If you have never tried Magic Match (reviewed by our very own Andrew Williams back in 2006 - check the archives), then I suggest you download and take a look at that as well. A brilliant title. In fairness, I am being a little harsh, and StoneLoops! is also a great game for so many reasons. Let's see - top notch graphics, polished presentation, speaker-crushing audio, multiple game modes, switchable user profiles, customisable difficulty levels... the list just goes on and on. The game is so sweet that I played through the classic mode completely in just three mammoth sessions. As a reviewer, I will admit that to play a game through in it's entirety is something that just doesn't happen all the time. StoneLoops is fun, addictive and fast paced. It sits at the pinnacle of the genre and smacks down inferior marble poppers with utter contempt. For those that are not too familiar with these types of games, the object of each level is to clear the playfield of balls that roll in from one end of a predefined track before they reach the other end. This is accomplished by shooting balls from the bottom of the screen into the chain to match colour groups of 3 or more, which then explode and are removed from the sequence. As the player's skill increases, massive chain reactions can be set up and then detonated for big bonus points. The KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid) works a treat; the game never becomes a chore, and conversely, one can adopt an almost meditative state, pulverising massive numbers of marbles with combos, and numerous powerups that appear somewhat randomly after balls are cleared. The powerups are a big drawcard for StoneLoops! Meteor showers, fireballs, lightning strikes and pterradon attacks all work for you to punish those little rock marbles for whatever it is they have ever done to you. They are very satisfying to release and come in many varied flavours, most being powerful enough to turn a level just in time when things seem to be getting a little hectic. The gameplay balance is spot on for me at the medium difficulty but there are two more above that for veterans of the genre. In Classic mode the balls move at a set speed around the course until they get to their goal and the level is lost, or when all balls are cleared and the level is won. Strategy mode is basically the same, but the balls only progress on the track when a player makes a shot. In Survival mode, the balls are never ending, and it's just a matter of the player holding out for as long as possible against the onslaught; this being my least favourite mode of play. There's a trophy system where awards are doled out for the player meeting certain criteria, like say when you have won 30 levels on classic mode or when you have used 100 powerups in the game. Also present are mini-games such as a target shooting interlude, and a screen where progress through the game yields improvements on your house in each stage of the campaign. I found that it was little features like this that just keeps StoneLoops! a few steps ahead of the game with view to its competition. Graphics are superb. Over the 5 different environments featured all of the levels seem to be hand drawn and none of them repeat. Each new level brings a slightly different challenge and all are visually stunning with little doodads like steam rising from lava flows and water dripping from rainforest foliage. The attention to detail is astonishing. Animations are smooth and engaging, particle effects fly as rocks are smashed and the screen just comes to life with various effects as elements burn, electrify, crush and are otherwise pulverised. Menu screens have been afforded just as much TLC as the in-game screens and are easily navigated. Possibly the only complaint that I have is that when the game is run in a widescreen aspect (and I suspect in any resolution greater than 1024x768) the game pixellates somewhat and does not stretch over the entire screen. The workaround seems to be to just play the game windowed, and although this is acceptable, it is not ideal. It's amazing the difference to a gameplay experience that good quality audio makes. Often excellent sounds and music are not missed when absent, but the amazing audio that StoneLoops! offers is testament to the fact that a polished production requires just this. The music is varied from stage to stage and is a perfect fit to the atmosphere of each theme. It also changes dynamically in response to the danger level that the player is currently facing in-game, and adds to the immersion significantly. The explosions, ambient sounds, voice-overs and various other effects gave my sub-woofer a workout and are the best I have ever experienced in a puzzle game - period. So I guess the only remaining question is whether StoneLoops! will still be getting played a couple of weeks down the track. I'm unsure of whether it has long lasting appeal simply because the gameplay mechanics are a little one dimensional, the amazing production value notwithstanding. I also can't help feeling that Codeminion have never gotten out of second gear with StoneLoops! and desperately want to see them turn their hand to something a little more engaging. Without doubt they are very good at what they do well, and that is make top quality puzzle games. StoneLoops! is no exception. Keywords: stoneloops! of jurassica review, codeminion development studios reviews, codeminion development studios games, stoneloops! of jurassica scores, pc game reviews, indie game reviews, independent gaming.
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In most US health insurance markets, plans face strong incentives to “upcode” the patient diagnoses they report to the regulator, as these affect the risk-adjusted payments plans receive. We show that enrollees in private Medicare plans generate 6% to 16% higher diagnosis-based risk scores than they would under fee-for-service Medicare, where diagnoses do not affect most provider payments. Our estimates imply upcoding generates billions in excess public spending and significant distortions to firm and consumer behavior. We show that coding intensity increases with vertical integration, suggesting a principal-agent problem faced by insurers, who desire more intense coding from the providers with whom they contract.
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Emily and Andrew were married in May of 2015 in beautiful Brockville, Ontario. Some of the highlight images here were taken along the St. Lawrence River. They made a beautiful couple! Mary Grace and Matt were married in beautiful Ottawa, Ontario. Some of highlight photos from their day were taken at the end of day at the beautiful Parliament buildings in Ottawa. Click here to see more wedding galleries.
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Firstly, you will have to secure the property by paying the administration fee. Once this is paid, you can formally apply for the tenancy and we will take the relevant details from you. We will pass these details on to our in-house referencing team, who will liaise with you with regards to details on employment, finance, previous addresses and references. These details are crucial for us to provide our client with all the information they require in order to make an informed decision on your tenancy application. We will be guided by our reference team and if a Guarantor is required, they will be expected to fill out a similar form and will be subject to the same references and credit checks. Any Guarantor will have to be a UK resident, and have no adverse credit history. Our administration fee is £125.00. There will be an additional charge of £75.00 per tenant per credit check. The administration fee goes towards the tenancy documentation to include the references and drawing up of the legally binding tenancy agreement. The administration fee is non returnable if the credit and reference checks come back unsatisfactory or the tenant withdraws the application. The administration fee will be refunded if the landlord decides to withdraw the property from the market. If the property is withdrawn at any time, Andrews Estate Agents accept no liability with regards to any costs incurred or inconvenience suffered by the prospective tenant. Once the references have been obtained and the credit check satisfied, we will move on to signing our law society approved tenancy agreement. It is important to note that you should not sign anything that you are unsure of and our negotiators, or a representative of your choice, can explain anything that you do not understand. The tenancy agreement must be signed prior to the tenancy commencing. All applicants must be present at the signing of the tenancy and keys will not be released unless the tenancy has been signed by all named applicants. In terms of fees, the bond and first months rent must be paid in advance of the signing of the tenancy. If you are paying by cheque, we will require a cheque a week before the tenancy commences. A deposit (bond) is equivalent to a months rent plus £100.00 and that is held in the DPS (Deposit Protection Service). If the landlord is managing the property, then they will provide you with the details of where your bond is held. All subsequent rent payments will then be paid by standing order and we will provide you with the paperwork on commencement of the tenancy. We will inform all of the utilities that your tenancy has started and you will be obligated to pay the council tax, gas, electric and water charges during the period of your tenancy. It will be your obligation to obtain a TV licence and any parking permits, if required. If we are managing the property on a day to day basis, we will liaise with you with regards to repairs and maintenance. We carry out regular inspections on all of our managed properties and you will be given the appropriate notice for our visit. If you wish to terminate the tenancy, we require one month’s written notice before the rent due date. Our minimum tenancy term is for 6 months. We would always advocate setting up a mail redirection upon your departure and we will not be responsible for forwarding on any mail to your new address. Andrews Estate Agents have been managing properties for over 20 years and we have a team of contractors in place to give us, you and the landlord peace of mind.
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Is there some way to assign a hotkey to find previous (like every other i've used has shift-f3)? It's really getting annoying trying to get around in a file. If not intrinsically, perhaps an addon?
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While in metal you could find white gold, platnium or platinum. And remember that today designing your personal ring is extremely easy caused by internet. The smaller volume of the inclusions, greater precious a gemstone and setting is. For example, in case your vacation group pictures were ruined by way of a complete stranger in the background, you can have them removed. Throat singing in Inuit culture had different names in accordance with different region so we could find such singing being called as pirkusirtuk, nipaquhiit and katajjaq. However, these are not the only stunts they know and you will be a lot more bedazzled to know that there are a good deal more.
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People who don’t remember when Katrina Kaif debuted in Bollywood to let them remind it was a flop but a bold film called Boom. Way before her golden Dhoom days, there were Boom days. Film Boom featured big stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Gulshan Grover, Jackie Shroff, Katrina Kaif and Padma Lakshmi. Although it was a flop, it opened the doors of Bollywood for Katrina Kaif. The unforgettable raunchy romantic scenes shot between Gulshan Grover and Katrina Kaif made headlines. The video went viral and became a talk of the town. The film is quite a blot on the lovely actress’ sparkling filmy career.
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Tom Kitayama Elementary School Supply List 2009-10 The following are suggested items that you may purchase to help support the classroom curriculum. This is optional. •Wide tip whiteboard markers-1 pkg. •Crayola brand thick markers – 1 pkg. •Crayola brand thin markers – 1 pkg. •Box of 8 (or more) colored markers (washable). wide and/or thin would be great! Your child should have the following materials available for use at home: pencils, binder paper, scissors, Dictionary and Thesaurus, crayons and/or markers, construction paper, glue, ruler, variety of reading materials (books, magazines, newspapers…) and a library card.
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The Division of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Toronto has a long and storied history in excellence in fellowship education. We are the largest fellowship program in the Department of Surgery and the largest Orthopaedic Fellowship program in Canada. Fellows come from all over the world and invariably utilize the experience gained in Toronto to develop into leaders in the global orthopaedic community. For the past 3 years, Dr. Lucas Murnaghan has done a fabulous job as our Divisional Fellowship Director. He has undertaken some important initiatives including recognition of excellence in teaching and research conducted by clinical fellows, improved the annual fellows research day and developed standards for new fellowships in the city. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Lucas for all of his intense efforts to improve the fellowship experience across the city. It is with great pleasure that I inform you that our new Divisional Fellowship Director is Dr. Johnny Lau. Johnny is an internationally renowned foot and ankle surgeon and is widely recognized for his excellence in resident and fellowship education. I am excited to work with Johnny and the fellowship committee to continue to promote our international reputation as leaders in fellowship training.
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(1) I retaliated by coiling my serpentine body around its neck and trying to constrict it to death.(2) This runs from the main road to the north through the forest to link with a series of serpentine paths that meander around the grave fields on the eastern flank of the site.(3) You can meander along the serpentine paths that lead into the forests and soak in some wilderness.(4) I was commended on one fine piece of unusual serpentine that I'd found, and felt very pleased with myself indeed, until I remembered that I had, after all, found it, and had had no idea in the world how rare it was until that moment.(5) This is consistent with low-porosity sedimentary serpentine .(6) Clustered on hills - its houses like red-roofed barnacles - and divided by serpentine rivers, the city is a haven both for Bulgarians seeking to reclaim their past and expats seeking to escape theirs.(7) The plaques, many shaped like letters of the alphabet and engraved with serpentine figures, knives and guns in addition to names and dates of birth and death, can be found on utility posts around the city.(8) He has four feet so he is not a serpent type, although his tail seems serpentine .(9) It is underlain by schist, phyllite, and quartzite, although outcrops of serpentine are common in the area.(10) The creature was sinuous and serpentine in appearance.(11) Limestone, serpentine , and acidic rock types are extensive in western Newfoundland; peatlands, fens, and forest cover large areas.(12) Twisting his serpentine body, he saw a familiar face.(13) By 1500 triggers had been developed, which remotely operated the serpentine and thus removed the gunner's hand from the area of the touch-hole.(14) They complement each other wonderfully, their serpentine lines constantly weaving in and out, creating a dense tapestry.(15) She says her illustration of a frenzied cat with a serpentine body always provoked immense laughter from children.(16) Then the couple decided to throw some curves at the problem, in the form of a serpentine front deck that echoes curves in the home's landscaping. Meaning and definitions of serpentine, translation in Bengali language for serpentine with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of serpentine in Bengali and in English language. Tags for the entry "serpentine" What serpentine means in Bengali, serpentine meaning in Bengali, serpentine definition, examples and pronunciation of serpentine in Bengali language.
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The director continued… “We’re seeing tremendous success with the power chargers for the Nintendo Switch, as well as people coming in and picking up extra Joy-Con so people can turn it into a four-player device. We will soon be going online with all-new bundles. Because of the popularity of Zelda, which is one of my top picks, we’re putting together a Zelda bundle of hardware and accessories for customers to pick up online. The Nintendo Wii U is barely four weeks old since its launch in South America, in the first the Wii sold out over 600,000 in the first 8 days on the console market. In Japan, the switch sold over 330,000 units in three days, while the in the UK , it was reported to be sold over 80,000 units same goes for France which sold for 105,000 units, making it the best selling console of all time . As for the Wii, in Japan it was recorded to have sold over 636,000 units in the first month. In 2014, when the Nintendo recorded the largest financial losses in its modern history, which was attributed to a weak hardware sales against mobile gaming. The switch new design is aimed at a wider demographic of video game players through the multiple mode of use, while retailing Nintendo’s hardware uniqueness and innovation. The console is estimated to have shipped over 1.5 million units in the first two weeks of its launch, with Nintendo stating its fastest-selling home console in its history, withstrong sales in North America. Nintendo switch games has been making the news of recent, ranging from the integration and the upgrading that follows suit to the release of "The making of Zelda: Breath of the wild" of super mario to Android version and the their of series of activity going on in the in company.
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The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) has welcomed the passing of the Revenue Scotland and Tax Powers Bill1 by the Scottish Parliament. This means that Scotland now has the legal framework to operate its own tax authority for devolved taxes. “Though all eyes are fixed firmly on the outcome of the Scottish independence referendum in just under one month, the passing of the Revenue Scotland and Tax Powers Bill1 has now permanently changed Scotland’s tax landscape regardless of a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ vote. Scotland now has its own tax authority, firmly established in law. “A number of tax powers have already been devolved to Scotland since the passing of the Scotland Act in May 2012. The commencement of the Scottish Rate of Income Tax (SRIT) in April 2016 means that Scotland will levy its own rate of income tax to supplement a reduced UK rate. Laws have also been passed which replace Stamp Duty Land Tax with a Land & Buildings Transaction Tax and devolve Landfill Tax to Scotland, both effective from April 2015. This demonstrates growing confidence in Scotland’s capacity to manage its own tax affairs. “Positive changes were made during the passage of the latest Bill. A more balanced tone in the framework for a charter clarifying behaviour expected of both taxpayers and Revenue Scotland, has been struck. Language has been tweaked where there were formerly ambiguities. Tax rules regarding penalties, for example when they apply and what they arise in respect of, were not originally included in the primary legislation but now are. These are the fruits of a sound consultative process where concerns have been listened to2. Some disappointments remain though, including a lack of detail on the rights, duties and obligations of agents and advisers. 1. The Revenue Scotland and Tax Powers Bill, can be accessed in full, along with its progression through the Scottish Parliament, here. 2. The submission of the CIOT on the Revenue Scotland and Tax Powers Bill, can be read in full here.
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Over the years the way we have communicated with clients as a firm has changed, welcome to the world of instant messaging. Should I Spend on Marketing? Is a brand about understanding your customers or your products? The idea of growing a brand is easy, although the tricky part comes in building trust with your clients. Join us as Nate and special guest, director and co-founder of Neon Black, Soraya Calavassy talk about the right mindset in creating a brand. Do I really need a bookkeeper AND an accountant? This is a common question we get asked and the answer is YES. Join us as Nate and Jack explain the difference between bookkeepers and accountants, why you need both and how they support each other. Are you cyber-secure? There’s no doubt that technology is essential in modern business. But with technology, creates the potential for cyber risk and hackers. Join us as Nate talks what cyber-security looks like and how you can protect your data and your client’s data in an increasingly tech-based world. Confused by the Federal Budget and what it means for you? Let us help. In this special edition on Business Class we talk all things Budget with Nate Kellock and Sam Jones as they share their opinions on the major points in this year’s budget and what it means for Australia. Business Class is a collaborative space where industry experts share knowledge and insights to empower listeners. Through Business Class, you gain exclusive access to the experiences of industry success stories, providing unprecedented knowledge. With Business Class, the sky is the limit to your business success.
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2CPU.com » News » August 2000 » AMD's 64 bit x86 "Hammer" Good Ole William Henning of CPU Review has put together an excellent article on the 64 bit x86 processor from AMD. He covers allot of interesting points including what features this new processor will have. One of the most interesting things that I read from his article is that Linux is 64 bit processor friendly :-). (No real surprise there). Anyway go read the article here!
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Island is a name of at least five bands: (1) A 1970s progressive rock band (2) A Welsh Club production duo signed to Crazylegs. (3) The group which represented Cyprus at 1981 Eurovision (4) A German band (5) A Flemish supergroup (6) A UK blues rock band (7) A Polish doom metal band (1) A progressive rock band from the 1970s which sounded pretty much like Canterbury. The band format included keys, sax, drums and vocals. The biggest influence for ISLAND definitely seems to be Van Der Graaf Generator, and the band certainly approaches high quality progressive rock from the darker end of the spectrum. Sometimes the influence of Gentle Giant gets very clear in their music. (2) Group consisting of Alexia Bassiliou, Areti Kassapi Haralbidou, Aristos Moskovakis, Roger Lee and Doros Georgiadis. Only recorded their Eurovision entry as this collective (3) A Bonn, Germany, band formed in autumn 2003 by Christian Kolf, Florian Toyka and Patrick Schroeder. In winter 2003/2004 we recorded the first album "Orakel" with Tim Steffens of Klabautamann at Flammenmeer Studios. Six months later the "Island EP" was recorded at the mysterious Studio 308 by ourselves, and mixed by Armin Rave at Sound-Sight Studios. After this recording Patrick Schroeder left the band to focus more on Centaurus-A. They are currently signed on Vendlus Records. Sites: IslandBand.De (official) (4) A Flemish supergroup with the late folk alumni Wannes Van Der Velde en Dirk Van Esbroeck (Rum) who released a cd around the theme of Iceland. (5) A UK blues rock band with members Rollo Doherty, Jack Raeder, James Wolfe and Toby Richards. Their tracks include "Lucid Heart" and "Lyra". (7) A Polish atmospheric doom metal band founded in 1995. They have released two demos titled "My Kingdom" and "Mirror" in 1996 and 1997 before splitting up. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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A Few of My Favorite Christmas Photos. Nothing says “I support your obsession,” like receiving camera equipment from your loving spouse. My wonderful husband gave me the 50mm lens I’d been looking at for the better part of 2014 for Christmas. I used the holiday to give it a test run. Here are just a few of my favorites. It wouldn’t be Christmas without the ceramic Christmas tree my Great Grandmother made. My Mother cross stitched this advent calendar when I was a child. Sisters. Sisters. There were never such devoted Sisters. Does she need an introduction? Homemade ornaments out of mint candies. Our Elf Louise on her final day with the girls. See you next year.
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Currently the Buddhist Recovery Network (BRN) is not aware of any particular resources for parents in Buddhist Recovery that are raising young children. But some of us travel this "triple" path, and we want you to know that you are not alone —it can be done! There are resources for parents of young children in both Buddhist and Recovery communities. Shambhala Sun Camp is an outdoor, sleep-away summer camp for children ages 10-16. Dharma Rain in Portland has acclaimed programs for children and families. iBme offers mindfulness programming for youth and the parents and professionals who support them, guiding teens and young adults in developing self-awareness, compassion, and ethical decision making, and empowers them to apply these skills in improving their lives and communities. Positive Discipline for Parents in Recovery, by Jane Nelsen, EdD, Riki Intner and Lynn Lott. BRN affiliates listed on this page are willing to be contacted via email to share our experience, strength and hope as it relates to this challenging and rewarding "triple" path. is the only parent of a 20-year-old son. She started working a recovery program in 2001, the same year she joined the Shambhala Buddhist Community, when her son was four. Her current practice involves regular retreats, so email responses may be delayed for several weeks. We appreciate your help finding the best resources to help ease the suffering of other parents.
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Isaiah Thomas may not be far from returning to action after a long rehab from hip surgery. He is a member of the Denver Nuggets but has yet to play a game for them this season. There are rumors that he may be back on the court in mid-February, so hopefully Boston fans will see him on the parquet again on March 18 when the Nuggets come to Boston. One of the biggest trades in Boston Celtics history almost didn’t happen. The Athletic’s Sam Amick recently spoke with three NBA front office executives, including Celtics assistant general manager and team counsel Mike Zarren, for a piece published Thursday about the inner-workings of the league’s trade deadline. When asked about the 2015 trade that sent Isaiah Thomas to Boston, Zarren revealed the Celtics didn’t know until right before the deadline that a deal would get done. The Celtics ultimately landed Thomas from the Phoenix Suns and Jonas Jerebko from the Detroit Pistons in a three-team trade that significantly impacted Boston’s future. That one was crazy because literally 35 minutes before the deadline we did not think we had any trade at all, and then we did two of them in the last half hour. That was just an interesting one, because we really thought – like so many deadlines – there just wasn’t anything to do and we were going to sit around and wait for the news of what other teams were doing. And then a couple phone calls right at the end there, and those trades both happened in the last 20 minutes. We’d been going back and forth with (Phoenix) for a while on Isaiah. It wasn’t a new discussion. Neither of those discussions were brand new, but both of them we thought were dead half an hour before the deadline. Isaiah's trade to Boston was an injection of talent and energy that was badly needed. He literally revived a team that was was struggling. The 5'9" dynamo became a crowd favorite, and he led the team to the Eastern Conference Finals in 2017 while dealing with the untimely death of his sister, Chyna. After being traded from the Celtics, Thomas has gone from team-to-team, but seems to have found a home in Denver. He has been through Hell. Isaiah is never quiet. He lets folks know what he is thinking. He often demands attention, and he will get it from his fans in Boston on March 18, when he is hopefully healthy, fully recovered - and back to his All-Star level. If ever a man deserved a break, it is Isaiah Thomas.
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Borders Collect studentsHannah Finnie, Ann Letham, Angus Levell and Billy Brogan are heading to Gleneagles Hotel for a two week work placement. Hot on the success of the Doddie Weir charity dinner, four Borders College students are heading to Perthshire for a two-week work placement at the internationally renowned Gleneagles Hotel. Billy Brogan from Birgham and Hannah Finnie from Duns, who are both Level 3 Diploma in Food and Beverage Service Supervision students, will be joined by Ann Letham from Coldstream and Angus Levell from Bonchester, who are studying NVQ 3 in Professional Cookery. The students successfully completed interviews for their placements via Skype, where they were quizzed on their course at Borders College, as well as their hopes and aspirations for the future. Billy and Hannah will be working front of house in all the food and beverage areas of the hotel and taking part in the preparation and service of functions within the hotel, while Ann and Angus will be working with executive sous chef Gavin Roche in the kitchen, preparing food for some of the hundreds of guests staying and eating at the hotel. Gleneagles usually only takes students on placements of no less than six months but the students are following in the footsteps of catering and hospitality lecturer Robbie Bunton who enjoyed a week-long placement with Michelin-star chef Andrew Fairlie at Gleneagles Hotel in 2017, after being awarded a Craft Scholarship through HIT (Hospitality Industry Trust).
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It is never too early to start preparing your child for their education with enrollment in preschool. The Newcastle School near West Jordan, UT, understands how important your child’s mental growth is for success in elementary school and beyond. If you want your children to be prepared for kindergarten, enroll them in preschool early childhood learning today. Our teachers are trained to provide your child with the skills they need to flourish in their future education. We’d be honored to begin your child’s education journey. When you enroll your child in The Newcastle School, they will start preschool with our hands-on program for their first ten months. During this time, they will be introduced to academics while being strongly encouraged to socialize with their peers. We understand that it can be difficult for new students to adjust to the schedule of preschool. That is why we make sure that your child understands and is accustomed to the mechanics of school. We will ease your child into common practices they will experience in elementary school, such as following group directions, befriending peers and testing materials in a hands-on setting. Our preschool program is created specifically so they’ll be able to gain a variety of abilities that will be useful for them in the years ahead. The professional instructors at The Newcastle School and the parents of the children who attend, all have the same goal: to help your children succeed. For this reason, our preschool strives to give your children a positive perspective on education while building their self-esteem and encouraging curiosity. Because our program is designed for children between the ages of three and four, it is both appropriate for their age and starts cognitive growth without being too simple. Our preschool has class sizes of 12 students, so our teachers are able to add on extra activities for children who need a challenge. While each age group follows similar weekly social studies subjects, every age group has varying activities. The pre-k programs at Newcastle will develop your child’s skill above and beyond what’s recommended for kindergarten. To learn more information about The Newcastle School, take the time to visit our interactive tour page or call us at 801-552-0622. Our location in Draper has helped children in West Jordan and the greater Salt Lake Valley create a passion for education.
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As Office Manager/ Accounting Specialist Lily Castellanos is responsible for the organization and co-ordination of the office operations. Lily supports our Chief Financial Officer in carrying out the responsibilities of the finance/ accounting department. Lily has over 12 years experience of administrative assistance roles in the real estate field. Her professional history includes positions such as Administrative Assistant to the President of Pacific Properties Realty. All field with ( * ) are required. Join our mailing list to be among the first to know about new investment offerings.
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> and ensure it really compiles. Yes, I'm doing this way. Same procedure, but with CROSSOPT="-CfSOFT ...etc", everything is ok.
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Rooms inspired by Disney Pixar's Cars, extra peace and quiet next to the river. Rooms inspired by Disney Pixar's Cars, situated near the reception, restaurant, bar and facilities. Rooms inspired by Disney Pixar's Cars, large family room with 2 bathrooms.
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At the risk of boring people to tears, today’s topic is again employee housing — or at least it’s related to employee housing. Last week’s sermon attempted to make the point that people are less likely to become involved in or part of the community if they don’t think they will ever have a chance to put down roots in the community; i.e.. buy a home. The immediate consequence of not having enough affordable or employee housing is now becoming evident, but the long-term consequences may include a stagnant, ageing cadre of decision makers. Whistler’s year-round population is growing, but it would be interesting to see what percentage of those year-round employees remain for more than a year or two before deciding Whistler would be a nice place to live, but the price of housing makes it out of the question. It’s true a number of young families have moved to Whistler in the last year or two, now that a high school is being built, but a significant percentage of the permanent residents expected in the next few years are second homeowners. Many of those people will be looking to wind down careers and enjoy a quieter lifestyle, rather than get involved in a brand new, often frustrating, project like building a community. That’s not to say that retired people are bereft of fresh ideas and valuable experience. The point is a community grows by encouraging everyone to get involved, and creating permanent affordable housing is going to get young people involved in Whistler. In Park City, Utah, where approximately one-third of the residents have lived in the community less than three years, the town is exploring another way of getting people involved in decision making: a community leadership program. The 12-month course is designed to motivate and train new and emerging community leaders, individuals who have a desire to learn more about the challenges facing their community. Park City only instituted the leadership program last year but Public Affairs Director Myles Rademan believes it has encouraged people to take part in the decisions and affairs of the community. A similar initiative might work well in Whistler.
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A sculpted silver rose enamelled in lustrous transparent red as if painted red to satisfy the queen of hearts desire for red roses, topped with a club shaped topper. A perfectly elegant nod to wonderland. The pendant is suspended from a 16", 18” or 20" delicate silver chain finished with a handmade silver clasp.
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This category of laser cut birds wall hangings is composed of wall art with images of both wild and domestic birds around us. They are so beautifully designed and intricately cut that they appeal to everyone who comes to your home, office or business. In some societies, birds are used by people as their family totems. Having laser cut birds wall hangings in your home may have a lot of meaning to the people around you, in addition to beautifying your place. These wall hangings are cut on order at affordable prices. You can make your order online or you can physically visit our office to order them.
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The Las Vegas Strip was plunged into chaos Sunday night when a lone gunman, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, smashed the windows of his 32nd floor hotel room at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino and began firing down at a crowd of 22,000 people attending a country music festival roughly 500 yards away. On Jan. 6, former Army National Guard and combat soldier Esteban Santiago opened fire and killed five people at the Fort Lauderdale airport. This shooting brought national attention, not to mental health issues, but instead to the idea of the crazed, broken veteran. There have been 399 mass shootings in 2016 alone. And while no one ever expects to be one of the casualties listed off in the harrowing evening news reports that follow these tragic events, it happens to people across the country almost every day. It may sound incredibly morbid, but in order to avoid becoming a statistic in an attack, it helps to arm yourself with knowledge of how to survive a shooting. Shortly after 8 a.m. on Sept. 16, 2013, a lone gunman opened fire at the Washington Navy Yard taking 12 lives. Not far away, Marine Staff Sgt. Zachary Rubart was training at Marine Barracks Washington as the platoon sergeant for the Marine Corps’ famed Silent Drill Platoon, reported Marine Corps Times. Hearing reports of an active shooter, Rubart immediately sprang into action, forming a quick-reaction force from the ranks of his Marines to neutralize the potential threat.
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For information on the Vizi Beam 5RX, please see below. The ADJ Vizi Beam 5RX, Moving Head Fixture features the revolutionary Philips® Platinum 5R discharge lamp technology (8000?K, 3,000 hr). The powerful Platinum 5R has an output comparable to a 575W fixture, with double the output of a 250W fixture. It also offers a flat, even spot field and even more saturation of colors. The Vizi Beam 5RX is much faster than previous ADJ moving heads because it is much lighter in weight and more compact than other moving heads in its class. It’s very tight, 5-degree beam with extreme light output makes it ideal for applications where a small beam is necessary.
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the theme for today was 'your shoes' and it turns out that shoes are kind of tricky to draw! for me anyway. not heels so much since i've drawn quite a lot of them in my time but normal shoes... scary stuff! and yes... i really did whip these off again when i got to college so that i could attempt to draw them! if you don't believe me here's a shot of them plonked on my desk!
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