User: Finish this: Hello all you classy HBAers out there. we have a contest/giveaway announcement ... Bot: Here you go: from one of our members to share with you all today:There's a... User: Continue. Bot: DVD giveaway going on over at Strictly Splatter and to enter, all you have to do is fill out the forum and you may win a copy of the film: LONELY JOE (2009). Indie mystery thriller about a strange murderer that haunts the railroad tracks! ! Winner will be selected at random from entries. Giveaway ends April 30th/2010. Be sure to check out the list HERE! Steve Miller is also putting out an APB to all bloggers interested in helping with a blog-a-thon this month to celebrate the defeat of Nazi Germany:In the horror blogging universe, he goes by the name T. Bugg and she goes by the name Ms. In the real world, they're a lovely married couple with very normal names. Here are Zachary and Kathy... User: Continue. Bot: from The Lightning Bug's Lair and Sinful Cinema. If you would like to be featured in a future installment of Putting a Face To The Blog, drop me an e-mail at mortis45@aol.com with your picture and a link to your blog! Gone are the days when a zombie's speed had to be recorded using a sun dial! Tonight's debate is over the current trend... User: Next. Bot: in Horror, where the once sluggish zombies have now picked up tremendous speed. Bill from Radiation-Scarred Reviews will be defending the fast-moving zombies of the past decade, while ratof13 from The World of Disgruntled Monkey will come to bat for the classic slow-moving zombies:When I was a little boy going through school I was big, honestly now at 28 I'm still rather big but... User: More. Bot: damn it there are just too many tasty things in this world... User: Continue. Bot: Still in school there were two things that kept me going no matter how bad the taunts got, I was actually a fast sprinter that could easily out pace my would be bullies, and secondly in case of a zombie apocalypse I could not only outrun a zombie but leave plenty of food between me and it. Now it's the present and thanks to such movies as the Dawn of the Dead remake and 28 Days Later one of those comforts are a thing of the past. What am I supposed to do? Eat healthy and exercise so I can regain my advantage? Hell no instead I'm just going to complain that Hollywood has got it all backwards. The origins of zombie if my research serves me correct,... User: Continue. Bot: is all about Voodoo and how a Bokor (sorcerer, wizard, etc) would hypnotize a corpse into his or her service to perform various menial tasks. They weren't the sharpest tools in the shed but they got the job done. The zombie was seen as a horrendous fate, a by product of the real monster the Bokor and as such were never a real threat... User: Continue. Bot: like the vampire, ghoul, etc. There are also versions in book and... User: More. Bot: movies that deal with zombies as living victims hypnotized, and in this... User: Next. Bot: dream state they are slow and unresponsive kind of like the zombies we all know and love. But to be honest it's not really the history that makes me prefer the slow zombies to the fast zombies but what the two really represent. The slow zombie in my mind has always represented the inevitable depressing ending of humanity. Zombies were never the real threat but just a background to allow the real horror of human nature take place; if people just worked together the zombies would be taken care of. The slow zombie also sometimes represents a fate that can't be escaped. Yeah you survive and live till you die a natural death but you become a zombie anyway in the end, sucks to be you. Zombies don't... User: Continue. Bot: have to be fast as they are like the ocean, wave and wave will come and in the end it's the humans who change not them. It's inevitable and that's frightening. Fast... User: More. Bot: zombies seem to really be a response to the need in movies to be more exciting, more fast paced. While I will not ever say that the remake of Dawn of the... User: More. Bot: Dead is a bad movie I don't really think that fast zombies have added anything crucial to the genre and may have taken away a deeper meaning that older zombie movies have... User: More. Bot: That's not to say fast zombie movies are bad but just that they might be the lesser of the two. Right now, in early... User: More. Bot: 2010, I feel like we're reaching a point of saturation with the walking dead - they're in our cinemas, our comic books, our parodies... User: Next. Bot: of Jane Austen novels. Everyone has their favorite take on zombies, be they voodoo-induced, radiation-awoken, or disease-carriers. From what I've seen, however, there's one... User: Next. Bot: aspect of zombies that arouses more debate than any others: Whether they move slowly or quickly. Slow zombies are the classics - WHITE ZOMBIE, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, DAWN OF THE... User: More. Bot: DEAD. And those are the original NIGHT and DAWN, mind you, not the remakes! Fast zombies are a more modern take, originating in 1984's NIGHT OF THE COMET and 1985's RETURN OF... User: Next. Bot: THE LIVING DEAD, continuing on into 28 DAYS LATER, ZOMBIELAND, etc. There's a fair degree of thought on the side of slow-moving zombies -... User: More. Bot: rigor mortis and decayed muscle would both slow a zombie's movements, for example. However, on the side of fast-moving zombies we have pure primal... User: Next. Bot: terror. To take a step back for a moment, back in time. there are a number of sort of primal fears in the human psyche, most of them leftovers from our earliest primate ancestors. Snakes and spiders are two of the biggest - fearing them and their potentially-lethal bite was a survival mechanism. Fear of death is a big one, on a more metaphysical level, and I think is the primary fear that zombies play on, but with fast zombies we overlay that with an ancestral fear of predation. While slow, shambling undead we could perhaps flee from long enough to find a safe bolt-hole and plenty of ammunition, giving us a comfort zone, fast zombies deny us that. Fast zombies are on you, clawing and biting, before... User: Next. Bot: we have time to react, and forget about running. Even if they... User: More. Bot: aren't faster than you (and they probably are), you'll tire before they do. With fast zombies, you have no real hope of survival beyond simply dumb luck. And that's not something you can ever count on. Excellent contributions gentlemen, thanks for your time and effort in this week's debate! Now is your chance to chime in and voice your opinion on the topic! Be... User: More. Bot: sure to comment below with your thoughts. Highly Caffeinated wants to know what you think about the differences between the Horror film and the Thriller! Be sure to stop on by to catch up on HC's ongoing debate, and to voice your opinion on the two closely related genres:Have a new feature or an announcement for your fellow members? Be sure to contact us... User: Next. Bot: at horrorbloggeralliance@hotmail.com! The moment you've all been waiting for is finally here: The HBA is now proud to present the Top Ten Head Explosions as voted upon by you! ! This list... User: Continue. Bot: was compiled from your submissions of over 50 titles, but ten films easily rose above the rest. Here it is, your Top Ten:Christopher Zenga has finished his initial sketch in this world premiere of the Mr. Horror Blogosphere painting designed after the respective winners of the individual Horror Blogger awards! Check out the first draft below:Slammed and Damned has also released an excellent retrospective... User: Next. Bot: on Horror host Count Floyd, which can be found here! For more great articles, be sure to check out all of the HBA member blogs in the directory to the right, and... User: More. Bot: have a great week! We hope everyone is having a great weekend! Here are a few reminders for the community board regarding some ongoing... User: More. Bot: features:The HBA's Top Ten Head Explosions list is still be generated based on your votes, the poll will be closed Tuesday night, so if... User: Continue. Bot: you have not submitted your entries, please e-mail them to horrorbloggeralliance@hotmail.com! Check out the original post here. If you have already been assigned a partner, get writing and send in your submissions... User: More. Bot: to horrorbloggeralliance@hotmail.com and we will begin posting the results shortly! Alright, to avoid some of the vagueness from the last survey, let's go for something clean and concise: The HBA's Top Ten Head Explosions! ! As always, all votes MUST be submitted via e-mail to horrorbloggeralliance@hotmail.com, and NOT in the comments below. This will be a blind ballot with no nominations, so you are... User: Next. Bot: free to nominate whichever ten head explosions rocked your faces off. You do not need to rate your submissions in order from first to last, as each vote will hold the same weight. You also do not necessarily need to submit ten nominations if you cannot think of more than a certain number of films. The hope here is to offer every film a... User: More. Bot: chance to be included in the final Top Ten, and to create an organic list that is truly based on everyone's individual votes. Also,... User: Next. Bot: this specific list is for head explosions; this disqualifies beheadings (which will be saved for another day), however we will accept head crushes (as long as they were awesome and or gooey). Voting will be closed on Tuesday, March 23rd, after which the votes will be tallied and the list will appear here on the HBA homepage! We encourage everyone to participate in order... User: Next. Bot: to create the strongest and most accurate listing possible. Again, please do not include any possible submissions in the comments, we do not want to throw off the votes, but we look forward to reading everyone's submissions! We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, here to make things even better are a few new blogs for the start of the work week:Whether it be... User: More. Bot: a single film super special edition, or a beast of a box set, what is your single most prized DVD possession? Head on over to Zombie DON'T Run to place your votes now for Mr. Horror Blogosphere 2009! ! Chuck Conry has collected 21 of the most popular male Horror bloggers on the web for this year's selection, many of whom are your fellow HBA members here on the site. Be sure to stop by the link below and show everyone your support:The winner of this year's prestigious title will also have the honor of appearing in a hand-painted portrait featuring both Mr. Please feel free to e-mail your posts to the HBA at horrrorbloggeralliance@hotmail.com and we will keep this tribute alive:The moment you have all been waiting... User: Next. Bot: for is finally here! Your votes have been tallied, and the Horror Blogger Alliance is now proud to present the Top Ten Supernatural Horror... User: Next. Bot: Films as voted upon by you:These top picks were voted on most... User: Next. Bot: out of over 50 films submitted in the last week. Now is your chance to voice your opinions on your personal picks, films you feel are overrated, and changes you would have made. We also recommend taking your own personal Top Ten lists each of our participants submitted and posting them on your individual sites! Thanks again for your participation, and we will have another Top Ten topic ready for voting soon. The question at hand? No - TL Bugg: When this debate about Argento was proposed, I knew I had to jump in on this one. As a latecomer to the Italian films, it has only been in the last couple of years that I started catching up on those films. While I started with Fulci's Zombi... User: More. Bot: 2 and Martino's Cannibal God, I chose to begin watching Argento with Opera, a film I had serious problems with. While it was a well made film, the metal soundtrack that the killer seemed to carry around with him bugged the crap out of me. I'll admit it, after that film, I wondered what the fuss about Argento was. Being a brave fellow I... User: More. Bot: decided to go back to the beginning and check out his first giallo The Bird with the Crystal Plumage. After taking in this deftly wound thriller, I started to see why people were crazy for him. Then I watched Susperia. After drinking in every frame of the 98 minute film, it all began to become clear. Not only was he a filmmaker of great... User: More. Bot: skill who could utilize a rich color palette and amazing camera movements,... User: Next. Bot: but he was also a great storyteller. As soon as the film ended, I pushed play and watched it again because I didn't want to miss a single frame. (When I bought a large LCD TV recently, it was the first film I had to see. These two films illustrated how Argento had taken the marriage of art and horror that Mario Bava had... User: Continue. Bot: pioneered to a whole other level. Bava's films may have looked lush and colorful, but Argento was using the colors to move the narrative forward. It was unlike anything I had ever... User: More. Bot: seen. As I carried on watching his catalog I was equally blown away by films like Deep Red, perhaps the greatest film to carry the giallo label, and Tenebre, a departure from the gloomy color bathed films as Argento proved that horror could happen in the brightest of places. Now the most recent of these films I have mentioned was 1982's Tenebre, and it is when you get into the late ‘80's and beyond that Argento's reputation begins to suffer. If you sit down and watch dreadful pap like The Card Player or The Phantom of the Opera, then there's good reason to doubt that it could even be the same Dario Argento. (Though I thought his 2 Masters of Horror episodes, Pelts and Jennifer were amongst the... User: Continue. Bot: best of that series. Because of missteps like the aforementioned films and, more recently, Mother of Tears and Giallo, people are ready to write Dario off. Doing this does a disservice to... User: Next. Bot: the incredible material he produced in the ‘70's and the legion of... User: Next. Bot: film makers that he influenced including directors as diverse as Wes Craven, Quentin Tarantino, and Gaspar Noe. Few directors cast a shadow of influence... User: Next. Bot: so wide, and fewer have so many great films in their catalog at all. Yes - James: For years now Dario Argento has been riding on the coattails of the success of his earlier work. Like so many horror directors who experienced their heyday in the Seventies and Eighties, his more recent output marks him as a director whose work as a whole is... User: More. Bot: at best wildly uneven and at worst shambolic, dated and utterly redundant. Indeed the last ‘great' film mentioned in the counter argument was released in 1982. Over twenty years ago! Famed for... User: More. Bot: his lurid giallo movies, Argento works almost exclusively in a subgenre that was not only specific to Italian cinema, but whose influence and popularity was basically specific to a certain timeframe too - namely the Eighties. It was unable to obtain any sort of legacy other than one of nostalgic curiosity. One of Argento's characteristic traits is his unflinching ability to churn out the same entourage of ideas, images and stories time and time again. His repertoire is severely limited, and nowadays this is even more glaringly obvious because the stylistic excesses he once lavished upon his early works are now completely absent, thereby ensuring the revelation of the threadbare narratives and stories more obviously than ever before. Pretty colours and fancy camera work does not a good... User: Continue. Bot: film make. Of course allowances can be made and excuses proffered in defence of the man who directed one of the most influential, daring and unique horror films of all time: Suspiria... User: Continue. Bot: Much like Tobe Hooper though, (both directors are often mentioned in the... User: More. Bot: same breath as examples of filmmakers who all too briefly exhibited something truly original and startling in their early work but never came close... User: Continue. Bot: to truly realising their full potential throughout the remainder of their strangely... User: Continue. Bot: vacuous careers) Argento has never come close to equalling the impact of Suspiria or Deep Red. One or two great titles from years ago... User: More. Bot: is not enough to ensure one's presumed greatness or relevance is maintained. Argento is a director who has long since been thought too highly of, his films thought way too much of and whose reputation has been built up more than it ever had any right to be. Audiences are constantly let down by each new film - the culmination of this crushing disappointment perfectly exemplified by the latest plunge in his already long-sagging career: Giallo. The critical acclaim of the likes of Deep Red or Suspiria has ensured the vast majority of his more or less unimpressive body of work has been overprized; his lasting influence magnified beyond any level of credibility. He has never exceeded the expectations lavished upon him by adoring fans, the likes of... User: More. Bot: whom constantly jump to his defence by citing the likes of Suspiria as justification for his continued overestimation. Argento was once so keen to be aligned with other horror directors such as... User: Continue. Bot: Wes Craven, John Carpenter, George Romero and Tobe Hooper. Well now is clearly is - and he can take his place with pride amongst these other ‘luminaries' as a horror hack who has really lost his touch and is even less relevant now than he was back then. Thanks for the fantastic arguments gentlemen, and we now hand the debate off to you! Voice... User: Continue. Bot: your opinions on the great (or overrated) Dario Argento in the comments below, and don't forget to pre-order your copy of James Gracey's book today at Amazon.com:At the top of the list... User: Next. Bot: this morning comes the official 2009 Cyber-Horror Awards, hosted by B-Sol over... User: More. Bot: at The Vault of Horror! ! Be sure to stop on by and check out all of this year's winners as decided by a guest panel of skilled judges:For anyone that missed the earlier post, we are still accepting ballots for the HBA's first Top Ten list on Supernatural Horror films! Be sure to read the previous post detailing how to send in your... User: More. Bot: submissions and get voting before Tuesday:Here are a few excellent posts you may have missed to kick off your weekend as submitted by your fellow HBA members:Movie Feast is having a contest... User: More. Bot: where they giving away a copy of CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY on DVD along with an autographed Michael Moore hat! Participation is easy - only requiring a quick e-mail - but certainly the more people who enter, the better. Special shout out and cool new member to the HBA family "Serpenthrope" so go say hello! So how the Hell, you all been? . Welcome to PROPDOMAIN's Twenty Eighth big auction! From SCREEN USED HORROR, SCI/FI, and comedy PROPS used in 300, PREDATOR, SLEEPY HOLLOW, THE WALKING DEAD, TED, HELLBOY, PLANET OF THE APES, X MEN, AND CHUCKY, to OOAK costumes & body parts for your Haunt or Indy film! From Screen Used Props anyone can afford, to Screen Matched ICONS anyone would be proud to display as a... User: More. Bot: center piece in your keeper collection.
<human>: More spans: Its been quite a while since Dabangu left. One year passed like a breeze and Golu was still trying to get hold of the IISc life. Few ‘not so important' things happened in between. Golu lost the final cricket match for CSA by bowling 4 consecutive wide balls in the last over, almost got slapped for trying on random crushes out of desperation, faked the results to get good grades and what not. But Golu was sad for few weeks when Dabangu left. Not because he lost a good friend but because Dabangu was the only one who had the ability to consistently score lower than Golu in every damn exam. Now in Dabangu's absence, Golu was the only underdog whom other two can hop on! That day, at around 9. ... bed. It was freshers' eve for their juniors. Party was already over and ... partners. Golu chuckled, thinking he was not the only one to whom universe was unfair with. Lying down, Golu's thoughts were all jumbled. ‘It's been months since I have sat down properly for studies. Hmm! ', Golu thought to himself. Golu sat on the table and pulled out a research paper titled ‘On the importance of initialization and momentum in deep learning' by someone with insignificant name. He read the introduction really carefully with his half closed eyes. He started the second paragraph. ‘Deep and recurrent neural networks are powerful models that achieve high performance on difficult pattern recognition problems. There are many difficult problems in life. Like the last time when you came across that girl who was your crush for like a week. You can't forget the reactions of the trio when they first saw her. ', Golu was slowly being drawn to the limbo of mixed realities. Well, this often happens when our Hero tries to study with full josh. Back to limbo, Golu remembered the suggestion given by Chinna, ‘Abe meri sunn aur swimming join kar le. Girls like her like the toned body and stamina that swimmers have. The very next day hero joined swimming without any trainer because of Chinna's overconfident support ‘Mai hoon na! Mai sab sikha dunga'. Golu entered the pool at 4.45 pm by himself, came out at 4.48 with the help of two others, fainted. ', Golu suddenly came into his senses. He realized that he was studying. He tried reading the second paragraph again. Still a failed attempt! ‘Basssss. ', Golu felt a strong urge for liquor. He knew he cannot study half drunk. Either sober or high. “No in between”, Golu tucked his ... out. Few numbers got contacted quickly from Golu's phone. Within 10 minutes, the duo and few other batch mates were convinced by our hero that they need to get alcohol. Einstein and Chinna came down to ... books. Bikes stopped at wine shop. Kept in Chinna's bag. Chinna left because soon it was going to be the patrolling time for local police, leaving these guys for the task of buying some chakhna. “I will check inside again”, Golu went inside the shop and bought some while Einstein waited outside. Suddenly, a philanthropic thought came to our Hero's mind. He thought ‘what if people finish all the stuff we already bought? Who they will look forward to? And what if we don't get high on that much. ' The mere thought gave Golu shivers and he bought two bottles again and kept in the bag. He thought of it as a ... finishes. ‘Won't it be nice if I hid it from Einstein too? ', Golu thought. Einstein started the bike. Now only one signal and they all will be at the hostel party room. ' Golu was lost in fantasy. ## “^|+₹×/~/_+~+-|-&++”, this time with anger. Duo didn't even understand a word of the alien language. But Einstein was in totally different mood. I will handle.”So, the rich owner of future 40 LPA begged, “Sir, students hai Sir. Humare paas kuchh nahi hai. We study at Tata Institute Sir. It is just nearby.” And he showed his IISc ID card. Police looked a bit numb after looking over the card. Einstein tapped the change. He knew the ball was in his court now. “Are Sir, koi vishwas naam ki cheez hi nahi hai . “, Einstein started unzipping the bag. He was ... pants. Einstein started the bike with attitude, giving a look the uniform guys, left the place. Though, he didn't understand the reason for Golu's silence all the way back ... hostel. Hostel party was slowly leaning towards the peak. Golu even had bought a special disco ball light for such occasions. It was tied at the exact center of the ceiling. Right below there was a two page thick layer of newspapers. All the bottles were kept around the chakhna which was peacefully residing in the middle. Starting from left, there were Sanket, Zahir, Rishabh, Einstein, Pramod, Golu, Paaji and Chinna sitting in the clockwise manner. Everyone was having fun. “Tu bhaai hai mera.”, session had just ended with all the liquor stock. Pramod seemed a little bit nervous though. ## Suddenly Zahir captured everyone's attention. And the room was filled with applause and compliments. “Bohot badhiya Zahir bhaai . Zahir ... audience. Bros were high but not ignorant to soon realize that among the cheerful voices there was a sobbing.”Itni khushi me ye matam kaun mana raha hai bhai? ? ”, Einstein asked. It looked like that last shayari took a toll on him. Everyone was shocked. Reason, apart from being insanely talented and hardworking, he was well known as a person who usually has a firm and ... life. Golu went near him and asked about what happened. “Yaar, it doesn't matter how faar you go in your life, the things you achieve or accolades you earn, all it boils down to is who you are and where you've come from! The things which were not even under your control and decided the second you took birth on this sinful earth.”“Let's go outside”, Golu interrupted. Asking others to understand and stay back while continuing what they were doing. He picked up Pramod and took out two pints from his bag and left. He did notice the awe on Einstein's face though. Golu took Pramod at the backside of J. It was like a little forest inside the campus with lots of trees. “Look bhaai, I know what you are talking about. But we cannot do anything about these things. They are as they are.”, Golu. “You don't know shit man. I really loved Nisha. And she loved me back. Do you even have a slightest idea of what is it like to break away from someone close to you ... creed. They won't see the breakthrough papers you published or the great company you got placed in or how much you earn or your lifestyle, but they do see things which you were never responsible for! I tell you, you can get away with all your sins but this one. They will hunt you down and kill you if you are trying to live with your soulmate ... people. This happens with every fucking person no matter what. That surreal sense of belonging to an upper class in society feeds their ego. Just tell me man, if you are so emotionally attached to your caste, religion or political leanings to the point that truth and justice become the secondary considerations, then your education is useless. Your exposure is useless. If you cannot even reason behind pity sentiments, you are a liability to mankind.” Pramod said in angst finishing the last sip off the pint. “Who gave the rights to them? You know the level of understanding that we two had? We both are partners in almost every project. I thought of having a really happy family with her. We thought it will all work out until I realized the harsh reality of our society. Obviously I cannot ... her. I have parents to look after. But yeah, I won't marry ever either”, Pramod was crying his heart out. Golu got speechless on the last sentence. He was stunned ... child. And at that moment he realized . he realized how ... sleep. His last sentence just before deep sleep took over was, “Man, I was a fool who tried to fight when I had already lost the game the second I was born! ”That last sentence broke Golu's heart. He came ... sleep. Took his bike out and went to Prakruthi. No body was there at those hours and even if there was, he wouldn't have cared. He went to the backside and lit the cigarette. The situation had nothing to do with him, but Golu was hurt from inside. He just stood up there smoking one after the other for about 15 minutes, staring into the blank. Golu passed the lighter. He also noticed that she had short hair. Golu was not in the mood but unknowingly his brain started searching for the similar hair he saw months back. Golu is a fictional character who is about to pursue M. I am writing this one as a series of situations, affairs and craziness that is yet to ... this. So, lets high your pitchers and . Golu- a storyteller! ! I can imagine each and every single thing happened with you just by reading it. Storytelling ka talent fut ke bhara ... aapme. This is one of the weirdest reviews to write. Because I loved this book, wholeheartedly. But it's like nothing I've ever read before. ## And not in a completely-baffling-Alice-down-the-rabbit-hole kinda way. But just, I have never read a character with the perspective Susan had who at the same time felt super relatable. This line from the blurb massively resonates with me and describes my whole experience with the book, "Susan makes perfect sense to herself, and that's all she needs. You understand and love yourself you perfect little Cactus. At the beginning of the story I was unsure if I could like Susan. She comes across as very unfeeling and hard but the more I read the more I came ... her. And no, this isn't a "oh but she was ... progression. Susan's way of seeing the world is so uniquely hers and wonderful and I would never have wanted that to change. Instead I enjoyed watching as she made room for the people in her life, never compromising who she was or her own beliefs, but widening her social circle and ... right. This makes the friendships and the romance in the story that bit more affecting, for me at least, because the end result could not have been more perfect or more Susan. Plot wise there is a lot of legalese going on that went right over my head. I couldn't challenge a will if I wanted to because I would simply have no idea what I was doing. Susan's situation was one I could really feel for, as much as the reader (often) has to disagree with what she is doing, I could never deny her integrity or her willingness to stand up for what she thought was right. The ultimate reveal of the core of her reasoning was also ... Susan. I've mentioned on Sunday Posts previously how much this review kept getting rewritten over and over as I struggled to get across just how much I loved and related to this book. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to explain it. I'm about as different from Susan as it's possible to be, and my life is a polar opposite of hers - and yet the whole way through I completely felt like I understood her. Perhaps the real beauty of this story is that it's relatable to everyone. No matter how much, or how little, you have in common with Susan at first glance - you can't help being drawn into her life. And if that isn't enough to convince you to read this then there is a truly, truly hilarious discussion between Susan and the father of her unborn child about visitation rights that I fully lost my mind over. Susan filled me with delight and is hands down my favourite book character of 2018 so far. <bot>: spans 1: Golu was just lying down on his spans 2: everybody came back to their hostels, half drunk and half-hearted because 99% of the crowd still failed to find and approach his or her spans 3: lower lip under his upper set of teeth and headed spans 4: Golu's hostel with two bikes and two big college sacks, otherwise meant for keeping sacred spans 5: nice surprise when everything spans 6: on fire and Golu was quite, almost peeing his spans 7: to spans 8: got standing ovations from spans 9: balanced stand in every aspect of his spans 10: just for superficial things like caste and spans 11: forever.”“And not only illiterate spans 12: risk my life to marry spans 13: to see a rock hard guy crying like a spans 14: broke this country really is! Having a “Science” in your college's name seemingly had no worth! Around 4 am Golu took Pramod to his room and literally sang a lullaby to help that innocent soul spans 15: out of the room without disturbing Pramod's spans 16: happen around Golu provided atleast few of you like spans 17: hai spans 18: to love that about spans 19: soft inside the whole time" kind of character spans 20: allowing herself to believe that sometimes (not often but sometimes) she might not be in the spans 21: so touching, in a way I'm sure Susan would not appreciate - I nearly cried, and I just constantly wanted to reach into the book and hug childhood
<human>: Complete this text: Does your dog suffer from urinary intemperance? Really it's a typical issue and they don't want to suffer from it anymore. The fastest way to rescue from this critical problem is using ... <bot>: Rest of text: the best dog diaper regarding its size and weight. We have observed some reusable and disposable doggie diapers, and if you are searching for a Eco-friendly option that also available here. Through... <human>: Continue. <bot>: this article, we have reviewed some pet diapers those are specially originated... <human>: More. <bot>: for both male & female dogs with some extra features. There are so many options for different users but the decision is yours to pick the best one. Does your puppy continue... <human>: Continue. <bot>: having mishaps but you are not so much wasteful? Dog disposable diapers are not for all puppies and for the reason there is a... <human>: Continue. <bot>: reusable dog diaper. Luxury Diapers are preferable for those who want to ware more naturally friendly. These doggy diapers are suitable for females or males and it has a gap for dog's tail. Luxury reusable dog diapers are simple to use and machine washable. They can assist puppies those are not properly trained up, females in warmth or dogs that experience the ill effects of urination intemperance or eagerness. These diapers have a waterproof external layer to shield from spilling. And the smoothness may help to wear suitably comparatively disposal dog diapers. Pet Magasin reusable dog diapers have no contraction noise while your dog starts to move. Simple solution disposable dog diaper is perfect for female dogs. These female dog diapers really prepared a variance in the lives... <human>: Continue. <bot>: of you and your dog. They saved the home clean and retained... <human>: More. <bot>: the quality of life for both dog and human. These disposable dog... <human>: More. <bot>: diapers work perfectly in warm. It is sufficient to save urinary intemperance when she is anxious. These diapers provide a comfortable elastic leg fit, tail hole, and easily adjustable. This diaper has a gap to set tail to go and also has leak-proof security so you don't need to stress about any leaks. For extra security, you can purchase other nonrefundable liners. Moreover, the... <human>: Continue. <bot>: diaper can hold enough liquid so that a puppy may sleep whole over the night without changing the diaper. Simple Solution Washable Dog Diaper offers long-lasting security, super absorbent, and specific design for male dogs. They are made from lightweight microfiber fabric and adjustable strips so they fit your dog comfortably. Finally, this Simple Solution washable male dog wraps are perfect for dogs with... <human>: Next. <bot>: urinary intemperance, excitable urination, and male marking facts. They are blue to provide your dog with a little fashion statement. Does your male puppy suffer from urinary intemperance, male checking when he is excited? If it happened then the dog diaper can help you and your dog. This best male doggy diaper has a wetness indicator that progressions color when wet. So, you can get the rescue from changing his diaper unnecessarily. Every Veterinarian's Best Comfort-Fit Disposable Male Wrap has hid-safe latches so you don't pull your puppy's hair. This type of puppy diapers has a leak barrier and repositionable terminations to help get the correct fit. There are three available colors like blue, green, purple and various sizes for the wegreeco dog diapers. The outer layer of... <human>: Continue. <bot>: this diaper is waterproof to stop leaks and damage to carpets, sofas, rugs, and upholstered chairs. The used ingredients of inner side is mesh fabric, the center layer is made of microfiber to fix up permeability. All best quality ingredients are used at this Washable Male Dog Diapers to keep your dog dryer and preventing discomfort during long time use. The washable dog diaper... <human>: Next. <bot>: is more useful for untrained dogs, helps to stop suffering from excitement or urinary intemperance. These are valuable gifts to accompany your dog when growing up and enhancing the pleasure of its loyal life. OUT! Disposable dog diapers are suitable for female dogs. If you were not able to get the required size from the simple solution dog diapers, you might get a good secondary option with Out! These are great for female dogs in warm, dogs are suffered from urinary intemperance and nervous urination to absorb wetness and remove messes. The main variance for these diapers is they don't have as many people raging them on the web. In this case, each diaper structures repositionable closure tabs and a tail gap for a locked and comfortable fit.100... <human>: Continue. <bot>: percent leak-proof fit guarantee is assigned for this OUT! Dog diapers. The Pet Parents Premium dog diaper is best for small dogs and puppies whose waist size is 9 inch to 15 inches. The package comes with 3 washable dog diapers in 3 different colors are grey, rust and black. These are eco-friendly and too easy to use even for the untrained puppies. More... <human>: Continue. <bot>: useful for both female and male dogs in heat and those are suffering from urinary incontinence. This washable diaper is soft, comfortable and highly absorbent also features quick and easy Velcro closures... <human>: More. <bot>: for secure fit. The simple solution is proper for temporary dog's elimination issues. It is recognized as a female dog diaper and suitable for dogs up to 50 to 90 pounds and... <human>: Next. <bot>: which have 18-23 inches waist. This diaper has a leak-proof barrier with the super-absorbent capacity to completely protect your home and makes you happy... <human>: More. <bot>: It works nicely to manage your dog's excitable urination and considered as perfect for house training, walking or traveling at far or near. Basically, these diapers keep your dog safe and relaxed in every situation and provide you the freedom to carry everywhere without compromising on security. The reusable and washable luxury diaper from Pet Magasin would be the best choice for puppies or small dogs have 14 to 20 inches waist size. It is recommended for both male and female dogs to ensure the best fit with a flexible tape. You can reuse the diaper by easy washing through machine or hand and dry it quickly even in low temperature. The eco-friendly diaper also comes with the waterproof outer layer to prevent leak and damages. Its super... <human>: Next. <bot>: absorbent facility always keeps your dog dry and safe from urinary excitement. The washable diaper best for small female dogs and ensure proper fit for 9 -13.5 inches waist size. The special... <human>: Next. <bot>: design makes it easy to wear and increase the comfort level of dogs. The Velcro closure offers more security for proper adjustment and makes it useful for untrained puppies, male and female... <human>: Next. <bot>: dogs are suffering from urinary incontinence. The waterproof outer layer with soft material makes it comfortable and secure everywhere. While picking a diaper for your loving dog, consider the style at first... <human>: Continue. <bot>: Though most of the dog diapers female properly fit for male but male diapers do not suitable for females. As similar to baby diaper... <human>: Next. <bot>: there is a underwear set with female diapers. While a male's diaper is usually in a shape of a lengthy rectangle that covers from... <human>: Continue. <bot>: their personal zone and attaches on their middle to lower back. Washable female dog diapers make your pet's life easy and painless. It also saves your home from the waste material of the dog. If you want to collect dog diapers for females in heat, then disposable diapers will be a better option to meet your need. Dog period diapers specially designed for female... <human>: More. <bot>: dogs that wrap their private area to absorb discharges blood to provide a comfortable life. Like human diapers, dog diapers come in different sizes and you need to take the waist measurement and weigh whilst your dog is standing. Here is a chart including extra small dog diapers to extra-large dog diaper that will be helpful to choose the desired one. Size guide for diapering your dog. House training: Dog diaper is a useful tool considering house training for your dog. It is also a concern about the furniture and carpets or mats in your house for the dog. When your dog habituated with using dog diaper, it will not pee anywhere even doesn't wear a diaper. ## Inconsistencies: Urinary incontinence caused by urinary infection, urinary sphincter muscle,... <human>: More. <bot>: bladder problems or diabetes. Most of the dog suffer from these disabilities but can't control unexpected urinating. There are suitable medicines and surgical treatment to take appropriate action. But if incontinence doesn't control in these ways, then female dog diapers become part of your dog's daily life. For female dogs in heat: Diapers for dogs in heat will keep your room and furnishers clean and stench free. It also prevents the constant licking that most of the female dogs are disposed to in heat. Actually, the diaper has no universal size and shape, always depends on the dog's age, health, and size of waist. It is vital to sort out the proper size according to your dog's waist; otherwise, the pooch may feel very uncomfortable and may take... <human>: Next. <bot>: off the diaper anytime. So, properly measure the waist of your pooch and compare the size before ordering the diaper. Most of the time diaper is used to absorb pet urine to keep the room safe from the dog. But, when the objective is protecting feces along with urine then obviously it should select a heavy-duty diaper than normal. So, identify the basic purpose... <human>: Next. <bot>: of using the diaper before purchasing to get the best output. There... <human>: Next. <bot>: are two basic types of diaper reusable and disposable comes with some special features for your dog. So, consult with your veterinarian to make sure that the used ingredient is not harmful to the dog. Disposable diapers are more considerable for dogs have the skin problem or similar inconvenience. Washable diapers are reusable and have the opportunity to use several times without any issue... <human>: More. <bot>: Of course, pet owners should check the absorbency level with other functionalities before purchasing a diaper. When a dog suffers from incontinence issue, it requires a diaper with long-lasting effects. If the... <human>: Next. <bot>: diaper cannot capable to absorb more than normal, the pooch feels very uncomfortable to wear the diaper and may create various skin disease or other infection. So, it is vital to check the functional issues before buying the diaper. Like other wearing clothes diaper must fit properly on dog's waist to have them very comfortable and happy otherwise loose fit may cause of more... <human>: More. <bot>: trouble rather than good. If the diaper is tight or very close-fitting to wear on your dog may fall into a very irritative situation... <human>: More. <bot>: and even may cause of serious behavioral or psychological problem. A loose fitting also makes the barrier in easy movement and may cause of the accident in anywhere. So, it is required... <human>: Continue. <bot>: to take a proper measurement of your dog's waist and match the size accurately with the diaper you have chosen. Naturally dogs are not feeling comfortable to wear a diaper and often pull or scratch them off. There are some options help to keep diapers on the dogs for more time like the belly band, canine suspenders, additional pad with underwire etc. Besides perfect... <human>: Continue. <bot>: fitting, good diapers also hold in place very confidently. It is also another precondition of using dog diaper. Feeling comfort on the skin helps to keep your dog calm and quiet. So,... <human>: Continue. <bot>: the diaper made with high-quality, soft, and skin-friendly material save your dog from unnecessary skin rashes or coat problem. An eco-friendly diaper is more comfortable, cost-effective, waterproof and has a higher absorbent... <human>: Next. <bot>: capacity to deal with your dog's incontinence and bowel troubles. A self-absorbent reusable dog diaper may not require additional pad to hold the urine because it comes with a super soft microfiber... <human>: Continue. <bot>: can contain up to 7 times its weight in liquid. There is the variety of size and color, so soft and comfortable to use positively influence your dog's mind and make him... <human>: Next. <bot>: happy. Get the proper size of the diaper according to your dog's shape for exact fitting. Clean up the hindquarters of the dog and insert the diaper into the trousers to ensure better adjustment. Escape the dog tail through the diaper's hole and set it towards the middle of their backside. For a more cropped tail cover the hole before trying the diaper on the dog. Ensure that the fabric is loose enough around the dog's hip and open tapes on both sides for a secure and comfortable fit. Dog diapers also have tapes like human designed for securing the end and an easy use of this for a natural fit. Capture the front side of the diaper and slip through your dog's leg, at the same time... <human>: Next. <bot>: keep your one hand curved to tapes on the diaper stick outwards. Grab the other side of the diaper by your free hand and place tapes on the back cover of the... <human>: Next. <bot>: diaper on your dog's back to make it fully secured. There is different absorption level of diapers, so choose the type that best suits the urinary level of your pet. The diaper is super functional for both in case of canine incontinence and on females when they are in the hit. Though the diaper is totally waterproof with super absorbent capacity, you can also add supplementary diaper cover for more safety and protection. Try to change the diaper immediately when you observe the dog has stopped urinating into the diaper. Otherwise, your dog can be affected by diaper rash and it may turn into serious skin disease. Keep in mind, dog diaper is cheaper than the human diaper and you should never use baby diapers on the dog... <human>: More. <bot>: or vice versa. Your dog may male, female, large, small, young or old. If your dog becoming incontinent of urine, the dog diaper can make the difference by allowing him at your bed for laying, in your room for living and all his favorite places for enjoying. For choosing the best dog diaper you should always consult with your vet about your dog's current... <human>: Next. <bot>: situation and follow the advice to get a proper solution. Answer: To purchase the accurate size of your dog diaper, initially, you will have to know the proper weight of your dog and the boundary of its waist. In case of a male dog, you should measure forward to covers the urethra. Otherwise, the diaper won't cover the pee and will be unusable. Answer: There are so many causes your pet might face difficulties to hold pee and most reports accompanied aging or sickness. There are also some other causes to require a diaper for your dog, mainly hormonal inconsistency, urinary expansion issue to prostate dysfunction and diabetes or when a female is in warm. If you observe a change suddenly about your dog's disability to control urine,... <human>: Next. <bot>: immediately you should consult with a veterinarian to get some necessary test to ensure about actual reason. These diapers also assist with potty instruction... <human>: More. <bot>: but don't incline toward them excessively. A puppy who has numerous props, won't take in the best possible strategy for potty training then we recommend you to utilize these in case you are in a long journey with your puppy that is not trained up yet or a more aged dog that is feeling trouble to hold it. Answer: Disposable dog diapers are easy... <human>: Next. <bot>: and convenient to use. If you search cheap dog diapers then disposable diapers may meet your need. Like baby diapers, these are lightweight and easily disposable. Actually, disposable dog diapers are made... <human>: Continue. <bot>: to fit effortlessly and its stretchable fabric makes it more adjustable for all time. Answer: Cloth diapers allow your dog to be happy in all situations. The initial cost is higher than disposable dog diapers but you can wash cloth diapers several times and reuse. These are useful for untrained puppies, and dogs those are suffered from incontinence or excitement urination. Cloth diapers are highly absorbent and have a waterproof outer layer to prevent leaks, and save carpets, rugs, and sofas. Answer: If you want to use homemade dog diapers you can create this easily from an old shirt or towel. You need to take the measurement of your dog and check frequently. Consider adding a liner from panty to the diaper that can be changed as you... <human>: More. <bot>: need. Normally children's underwear may substitute as a homemade diaper but you won't get the absorption like the disposable diaper. WOCE Sea Level, WSL (2006): Daily sea level from coastal tide gauge station St_Petersburg in 1984 (Research quality database).
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Input: Complete this text: You lost the girl you love! ! ! You're in a real pickle! ! ! You don't know where to turn! ! ! You need to know how to deal with heartbreak for guys! ! ! We got you, man . get your “mojo” back with our guys guide to getting over heartbreak. We all know the story; Girl meets boy, the girl thinks she's in love with the boy and says the magic words “I love you! ” But then inexplicably, the magic disappears and she dumps him! She unfriends him on Facebook, changes her status back to “single”, doesn't answer his calls, and acts like the past never happened! Meanwhile, the boy slowly falls to pieces, analyzes every little thing he did to lose his girl, and tells his friends that he's already over the relationship! As he goes through total misery, she buries her feelings deep down and proceeds to fill her Instagram feed with photos of strange guys at bars all over town! Just know that the girl is probably hurting just as much as you are (even though her suddenly lively media social life tells a different story! )There are tons of articles on the net to help women get over heartbreak but for one reason or another, there are limited resources for the guys. This is why the Ape has felt the need to write a “How to Deal with Heartbreak Guide” for guys getting over a recent breakup. Our hope is that our guide will help all you dudes deal rationally and maturely with the inevitable aftermath, if your nearest & dearest decides to “call it a day”. First things first, you need to be honest with yourself! Just because you are a guy, it doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to feel hurt and depressed. Try not to lie to others (and yourself) by saying that you are fine when you are not. You may think that you can push the feelings down but there will be many reminders of your time together and you fail in the long run if you can't be honest with yourself. It's OK to feel sadness, confusion, anger, and loneliness. Try to avoid “numbing-yourself” to the pain but to instead feel the emotions and let them run their course. The cliché “time is a great healer” sounds blasé and flippant but the old adage is still the cornerstone of getting over a heartbreak. Be aware that your progress will not be a straight upward line but more a roller coaster of ups & downs. Remember that each time you go through the same “emotional-circle”, you'll become able to better deal with the difficult emotions that arise. The more you try to fight your feelings, the harder it will be to feel normal again. Some guys find it therapeutic to write a journal of how they are feeling. This is a great technique for strong/silent types that don't want to open up to friends or family. By all means, listen to angry or sad music but only do this as a way to get those feelings out. Do not, however, listen to “Nothing Compares to You” by Sinead O'Connor on a loop for two-weeks-straight as this will lead you down a very dark path and will not aid your recovery! ! Sorry to repeat this again but don't “bottle-up” your emotions! Research shows that the pain caused by a breakup is processed by the brain in a similar way to that of people going through cocaine withdrawal! Denial of your feelings will accomplish nothing and can only increase the chance of them exploding later on. You must do everything you can to accept these feelings so that you can let them go and move on. Everyone is unique and will have different ways to let out negative feelings. Guys find comfort in meditation, physical exercise, good food, music, and spending time with good friends or family members. In fact, anything that can take your mind off the situation (for however short a time) is a good place to start. Of course, every relationship is different but in most cases, it is better to avoid any unnecessary contact with your ex-girlfriend. This means no emails, no “What's App”, and definitely no bumping into her “accidentally-on-purpose” at her gym or local bar. In these connected times, there is a lot of temptation to cyber-stalk your ex on Instagram, Facebook or SnapChat but fixating on what she is doing will make it harder for you to move on. If you don't trust yourself to stop spying on your ex's social media accounts, you might need to unfriend or unfollow the person in question. Finally, be very wary the dreaded “drunk-dial.” We have all been there at one time or another! Drinking a boat-load of booze and deciding to ring your ex at a ridiculous hour to either emote, declare, confide, or proposition . all of which are BAD IDEAS! ! ! It goes without saying that you should never be intimate with your ex after your split. “Friends-with-benefits” or a quickie for “old-times-sake” will trigger feelings of connection and affection and make it impossible for you to move on. Acknowledging that something bad has happened to you and that you are strong enough to get over it is key to moving on after any breakup. It is vital that you do things that make you feel good and take your mind off your woes. Exercise is always good medicine for a damaged ego as serotonin released during physical activity makes you feel happier, more in control of your emotions, and you look great, too! Watch your diet! While some dudes don't want to eat, others reach for the Doritos and the Ben and Jerry's and indulge in a bit of binge-eating. If you have lost your appetite, try making a smoothie with fruit, yogurt, and milk to make sure you get your calories. Stick to foods that are known to increase your serotonin levels such as oatmeal, cherries, and kiwis. Foods that are rich in antioxidants such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, and apples should also make your shopping list. Finally, take care of your mental health. Keep an eye out for signs that your sadness is leading to depression. If you start feeling that nothing in your life matters anymore, talk to your local doctor in the first instance. The next stage of our guide of how to deal with heartbreak for guys is to steer clear of things that trigger memories. ... Output: Here you go: You may have shared a song and when you hear it again, it will trigger painful memories to surface. Trying not to linger on these feelings and instead turn your attention to something more positive such as an upcoming holiday or a time in your life when you were really happy without your ex-partner. Music can aid your recovery to chase the blues away. When you listen to music that you enjoy, your brain releases endorphins to lift your spirits and help you better deal with stress. Avoid soppy or sad romantic tracks, as these will not help to heal your wounds. Above all, try to keep busy and your mind occupied. Whether it is talking to friends, reading a book, playing sports, or even learning something new, you should not dwell on the past. You may feel drawn to ease your pain with more unsavory pursuits such as drugs, gambling, excessive amounts of alcohol, or binge-eating. Vices merely mask your pain by making you feel numb. Be wary not to add to your woes by getting an alcohol or painkiller addiction to boot! If you haven't done so already, confide in someone – “A problem shared is a problem halved! ” Often just getting feelings off your chest will help. Give people a chance to support you by giving advice or just being a shoulder to cry on. Try to avoid placing the blame if you can. Part of fixing yourself means to truly accept what has happened and by blaming yourself or your ex you will prolong your heartache. This one's a toughie! – Try to feel some kindness for your ex! ! That doesn't mean you have to forgive her but it does mean that you cannot hold on to any anger or rage towards her. It might sound silly, but meditation has helped millions of people with all kinds of emotional issues to find some peace of mind. You could try meditating for 5 minutes per day and increase that by 5 minutes each day until you can manage 45 – 60-minute sessions. A great website for info is Learn Meditation Online. It's time to stop watching those sad movies and listening to REM's “Everybody Hurts”! ! ! . Impose a daily “grief-limit” on yourself. After you have gotten over the initial shock of the break-up, don't spend too much time wallowing in self-pity. You can set aside 15 – 20 minutes each day to reflect on the breakup but any longer than this is counter-productive and will slow down the healing process. After giving yourself some space, don't just automatically reject the possibility of meeting someone else. We're not saying that you should jump into another relationship but we are saying that you should not close yourself off and withdraw from society. It can be very hard to “get back on the horse” if you leave it too long! If you feel that you cannot move on, you could try counseling. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness and is nothing to be ashamed of. By getting professional help, you'll be able to make sense of your feelings and learn new skills for coping better in the future. After the pain starts to subside, take this chance to find out who “you” really are. For a long time, it has been about you being part of a couple. Work on personal growth, re-discover what makes you unique, and focus on yourself so that you can learn and grow from this experience. A great way to keep your mind off your own problems is to help someone else with a challenge that they are facing. Don't let your sadness stop you seeing that many other people are dealing with their own sadness, too. If you don't have any friends that need help, you could consider volunteering at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter. At this stage, you should be accepting the fact that relationships change. You will also be aware that recovering from heartbreak takes time and that you should not feel guilty about feeling sad or occasionally thinking about your ex. If you do find yourself thinking about old times, rather than suppress these thoughts, accept them and then think about something more positive instead. Above all, remember that you still have a bright future, even though it doesn't include one particular person. Now you can re-kindle old dreams or replace old dreams and goals with new ones. Our final word here is about not being discouraged during this difficult time. Healing from heartbreak doesn't happen overnight . after all, you gave away a piece of your heart to someone! Your pain is proof that you are a normal human being made with imperfections just like the rest of us! Avoidance – Most men tend to avoid their ex after a breakup (Baxter 1982) and just stick their heads in the sand. Distorting the truth – Some men like to lie to themselves as a post-break-up strategy. This method has a two-pronged effect; it will reinforce the internal message that you “don't care” and act as a weapon by telling her that “she never meant that much anyway! ”Being a jerk! – Yes, every girl has experienced this one! By being obnoxious, rude, unsupportive, or downright nasty, you are really sending her a message of “you hurt me and now I'm going to hurt you! ! ” Often, the more intense the animosity, the more the guy is trying to hide his emotional agony but paradoxically, this approach will just lead to more feelings of guilt. The best way to break up (if possible) is to end the relationship with all lines of communication open. Couples can sometimes negotiate their break-up calmly if they both knew that the relationship was over for a while but neither party was ready to admit it. If you liked this article, you may also be interested in “SEX TOYS FOR DUDES – STILL TABOO? ” from our “MEN ONLY” section. Play with the DualShock 4 and control your own Destiny. Because along with your state of the art controller, you get the acclaimed video game Destiny 2. And a silicone sleeve for the controller to keep it nice. Polished and poised! This Pro Diver from Invicta features a mid-size stainless steel case and modern monochromatic design. Roman numerals mark the hours with crystals adding just the right amount of sparkle to XII and VI. A magnified date window sits at 3:00 to keep you on track all month long.
<human>: More spans: Many were the times when I thought I was finally done with trains. But, like the mob to Michael Corleone, they kept pulling me back in. [spans 1] knew. Back to a past that was past when my parents were kids. Indeed, it became an obsession early in my marriage, where I would drag my wife (and eventually my children) across abandoned meadows to identify the architectural remains of our region's industrial past. I dreamed of creating a museum quality diorama in my basement as a tribute to Greater Western New York's railroads, with a special concentration on the spaghetti-like network of steel ribbon located from Blasdell Junction, through Lackawanna and into South Buffalo. Unfortunately, a chronic back [spans 2] stalled. I never got any further than East Salamanca. Growing up in Blasdell, you couldn't help but like trains. You woke up each morning to the cheerful chime of today's arrivals. You went to sleep every night to the mournful cries of the wailing whistles' slow ritardando as the departing freights faded to the west along the twin lake shore lines of the New York Central and Nickel Plate Railroads. On cold clear winter nights, the crisp air carried that fade to forever, or at least until a new horn signaled the approach to a nearer grade crossing. At one time, counting shared rights-of-way, up to five Class One railroads crossed and crisscrossed through not more than a quarter mile of Lake Avenue. Each day I went to school, I crossed those tracks. Each Sunday I went to church, I crossed those tracks. Even now, for some reason, I go out of my way to cross those tracks, though the New York Central's High Line has returned to grade, GB Tower that once guarded the Erie-Nickel Plate crossing has left without a trace and history has consumed many of those wonderful truss monsters that long ago loomed like large catheters feeding the arteries of the Bethlehem Steel complex. The Lackawanna Railroad has always been my favorite railroad, probably because that's where I first lived (on Victory Avenue). It was only later in life I would discover, while each derived its name from the same Pennsylvania river, the [spans 3] Buffalo. (Yes, yes, I know the Erie-Lackawanna railroad traveled through Lackawanna, but, if you know me, you'd know what I think of that merger. Ah, the merger between the infamous Erie Railroad (ironically, given its many journeys into bankruptcy, nicknamed “Old Reliable”) and the pristine Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad (its moniker, “The Route of the Phoebe Snow,” evoking a chaste purity found only through the burning of anthracite, rather than bituminous, coal). Completed in October, 1960, the merger represented the dying breath of a once proud – and routinely profitably – DL&W, done in by Hurricane Diane, from whose 1957 devastation it could never recover. Ironically, the Erie and the DL&W had once been allies in the New York City to Buffalo rail competition, with the DL&W transferring its Buffalo bound freight cars to the Erie in Binghamton. Then, in 1883, the DL&W, no doubt finally justifying the “and Western” in its name, completed its own line from Binghamton to Buffalo. From that day, the two railroads became bitter rivals. By the way, do you know the biggest obstacle faced by the DL&W in its quest to build its link to Buffalo? None other than Dansville Hill. Rising nearly 900 feet from its base, this hunk of solid rock very nearly proved the undoing of [spans 4] destiny. Still, the combined grit of corporate brass and (primarily) Italian immigrants – aided by the best explosives available at the [spans 5] one. Time tables might not have made it the fastest, thanks again to the slow climb through Dansville, and, indeed, it would be the New York Central that would soon lay claim to the fastest train. The Express was the New York Central's “New York State” train, traveling from New York City through all the cities of the Erie Canal (that's [spans 6] Falls. Engine 999 still exists, but, poignantly, it sits like an anachronistic display within the Chicago Museum of Industry, a gateway to the museum's once famous (and now mostly outdated) model railroad. Perhaps one day Engine 999 will find itself in a more suitable location graced by a model railroad display depicting the true height of 20th century industry (hint: Central Terminal). Just as the New York Central owned the northern tier of Greater Western [spans 7] tier. The DL&W had several advantages. Built two decades after the Erie, it could identify profitable municipalities and build a direct route to Buffalo. The Erie, on the other hand, had to re-gauge its track from broad to standard (i. the gauge modern railroads use today) and it had to build a reliable route to Buffalo (remember, it originally terminated in Dunkirk). Therein lay the problem. Its original route through the undulating hills of Allegany County required trains to climb steep grades; hence, slowing [spans 8] down. In 1905, the Erie Railroad, through its subsidy the Genesee River [spans 9] York. But there's an even more fascinating fact about the Genesee Viaduct. Stretching from one end to the other, this structure dominated the docile valley of the Genesee. ## In the otherwise tranquil setting of the slow snaking river, the man-made behemoth interrupted the otherwise placid fertility of this quiet preserve. Its twenty-five towers, each with two spindly steel legs resting on a blockish concrete foot, stood as a magnificent testament to progress, industry and economic vitality. Actually, there were only 48 feet, as one tower rose directly over the river. Rather than individual feet, both legs rested on a concrete pier. Except there's a problem with this particular pier. The company engineer who drew up the plans for the bridge assumed the Genesee River flowed to the south. As [spans 10] north. In reality, the river flows north, so the south end of the pier should have had the point. When Harry Benjamin, who worked on the carpenter gang, pointed this out while the pier was being built, his observations were ignored because Harry “was just a farm boy, not an engineer.”9 As a result, the pier [spans 11] incorrectly. Alas, time marches on, old industries fade, new methods take their place and short-sighted bean counters, perhaps inspired by short-sighted laws, make short-sighted decisions. The [spans 12] generations. So, too, it has been with the railroads. When the Erie merged with the weakened DL&W, Erie management [spans 13] Binghamton. This included the track across the face of Dansville Hill; thus, stripping the chance for rail passengers to ever again experience the “never to be forgotten” view from the summit of East Hill, where, “as far as the eye can reach in almost every direction there opens a panorama that cannot be excelled.”10Fatefully, what the Erie did to the Lackawanna, Conrail did to [spans 14] Erie-Lackawanna. Though I am a Lackawanna fan, this revenge tastes just as bitter. The last train on the River Line ran on Mother's Day in 198011 and the forever frugal Conrail razed the steel superstructure crossing the Genesee Valley the next year. This was before my mind turned once more to trains. I never got a chance to see with my own eyes the Genesee Viaduct in all its glory. The closest I've come is the similarly styled viaduct crossing the Genesee at the south end of Letchworth State Park. Historic in its own right, this former Erie Bridge is a gem you can still embrace. As for much of the rest of the one-time heyday of railroads in Greater Western New York, it's best to put on your archeologist's hat, as it will take some effort and a willingness to explore if you want to uncover [spans 15] interest. And there are things to uncover. But it's not just the discovery that excites; it's the intrigue of the journey that lures you in. There's something positively Indiana Jones-ish about walking through now overgrown fields searching for a clue to a former water tower's foundation. Of course, nowadays, just unearthing the remnants of an ancient right-of-way brings a glow to my face. For instance, though the Genesee Viaduct no longer hogs the vista of the Genesee Valley between Filmore and Belfast like it once did, traces remain. I've traveled down Route 19, one eye on the road, one eye on the river valley. The steel may have been scrapped and sold to Japan12, but the rock – or in this case, concrete – lingers. You can still see the wrong-way pier. And the cement feet, arranged in tidy rows two by two like oh-so-many midget Easter Island statues, still mark the path where the giant once walked, replaced today by an all too quiet ghost. And speaking of rock, one of these days, while traveling on 390 above Dansville, take a peak across the valley. You'll see East Hill. And if the light's right, or if you're traveling in the winter, you'll see a stone scar athwart its face. Man might be able to take a bridge away, but only nature will remove that wound. The Dansville Cut endures on East Hill, a tribute to ingenuity, engineering and resolution. Such is the nature of some hidden gems, like these, that rock best tells the story, both when man shapes rock, and, as we'll see in the next chapter, most especially when man makes rock. Thank you for reviving some childhood memories. My grandfather worked for the Erie, he was based out [spans 16] Hill. The remenants of many of the [spans 17] there. To walk these buildings and old switches still send chills. Later in life I worked the line crew on the original light rail Dansville- Mt. that line ended In Groveland. Could go on for hours with some of my memories and sights I still remember. Thanks I'm going to follow you ! RickI grew up in Oramel N. and with that the Tressel we(Oramelites) called it was our private play ground, We have walked it camped out on it Swung from a rope at one end under it painted my initials over the road on the side of it and [spans 18] easy. But last regret was i took a job dismantling it along with every mile of track by hand. I was just out of school waiting for college to start up again and needed a summer job. I just had the opportunity to read your piece. I enjoyed it very much. I spent some childhood time in the Belfast Valley, our church had a campground in the hill above the E-L tracks and I was there in what turned out to be the last few years of the E-L prior to Conrail. While not necessarily interested in railroading at the time, it was great to hear the trains rumbling across the trestle and and through the valley. I did get the opportunity to walk the tracks and grab a couple of photos and later on, after the tracks were abandoned, got the chance to walk the trestle. Later investigation and reading allowed a different perspective on the abandonment. Apparently, much of the line was built on a substrate known as “slimy loam” which was a recurring headache, going back even to the time when the line was built. It caused constant track shifting and required vigilance, intense maintenance of way work and attention to drainage. It was a maintenance of way nightmare and at the end of E-L, it was a victim of deferred maintenance, to say the least. There are stories of engine crews who simply didn't want to run the line due to its bad condition. Conrail, in addition to deciding that the line was excess, also didn't want or have the ability in 1976 to spend the amount needed to maintain the two bridges on the line, in addition to the trackwork needed. If CSX had been able to merge the E-L, the story might have been different. AlasDon, thanks for the kind words. I especially liked your personal story and insights about the specifics of this portion of the line. I have a cottage outside Belfast and pass those concrete piers every trip. It got me [spans 19] bridge. Over the years I've complied dozens of pictures of the bridge from it's construction to it's demise. There was just something alluring about seeing the piers covered in trees and bush that fascinated me. Thanks for your personal insights on the subject. Bill, thanks for the comment. Have you posted those pictures on the Rochester Area Railroads and Railfans group on Facebook? Cincinnati is a city on the rise again. There's been much talk recently about our economic progress and [spans 20] post. While the Cincinnati startup scene is exciting and growing, it's the large organizations which have seen phenomenal growth in both revenues and headcount over the past few years. Often cited as a great city to live and raise a family, there's been talk in the past of our over-abundant Fortune 500 presence. I'd like now to expand that list to the Fortune 1000 and give a list of great large employers in the greater Cincinnati area, some are north of town, some are in Northern Kentucky, but all are within a 45 minute drive of downtown Cincinnati. In case you didn't count, that's 16 of the top 1000 companies in the United States (by revenue) which are headquartered in or near this “Small Market” city. According to Wikipedia this ranks Cincinnati in the top 10 for Fortune 500 companies per capita, higher than New York, Boston, Chicago or LA. This is how God wants us to respond, straight away. There are far too many people in the bible that respond too late or think that they have all the time in the world. In the UK (for those who are outside of this wonderful island) we had a popular television advertisement, just a few years ago, for one of our railway companies. It featured the voice of Louis Armstrong singing “You have all the time in the world”. Many people found it humorous, as it was advertising trains which can be late — occasionally! It was suggesting that the journey is smooth and there is plenty of time. This is certainly not a description of the prophetic ministry to which we are called. Well, it is late! There is an urgency about those who are called by God to serve Him now. In today's success-oriented world, we must not be deaf to the voice of God who calls us to a new and living way in Jesus Christ. (oops getting on to my message in a few weeks time)Interesting blog, but I have a small issue of understanding on two small things! Would it be ok for me to ask the two questions here? (to help me understand! ! :-) )The ministry of John the Baptist was pre determined by God, he was to cause a [spans 21] baptising). However that work was then fulfilled. We now walk in the footsteps of Christ, taking our identification from Him. First, one has to bear in mind that the prophecies of Scripture [spans 22] fulfilment. Indeed this is quite often the case with Old Testament prophecies. There is an initial fulfilment within the span of the original prophet and his hearers, but an ultimate fulfilment - often found in the ministry of Christ himself. Both these points are particularly pertinent when looking at the ministry of Elijah. The fact that John the Baptist is described as the Elijah that was to come, shows that there is at least one extra layer to the significance of Elijah beyond the lifetime of [spans 23] prophet. Is Jesus speaking about a current ministry that will restore God's kingdom, or a past ministry identified with John. It seems to be both (yet another layer) as John clearly did not restore "all things. "So Elijah was prophetic (not just because he was a prophet) but because his ministry prepared the [spans 24] (lit. Lamb of God) and thus prefigured the ministry of John the Baptist who would prepare the way for the Lord's first coming and point to the real "Lamb of God". But there is room for a further layer of understanding in the ministry of the Church who are to prepare the way for his ultimate coming - who restore all things - by doing and praying as he taught:I see, and that passage in Matt 17 is very good. However scripture does teach us that in the last days it will be as in the days of Noah (Matt 24:36-39). In Matt 17 it seems like Jesus is stating that 'yes, it is true the scripture says that (v11)' and 'you see, he did come (v12)'Would I be right in saying that towards the close of this age that we will see [spans 25] saved). slw, I ditto your comment to Chris. I was thinking the exact same thing. a very clean, concise, yet understandable answer, Chris. A comment to your original blog, Chris. There are too many crooked pathes in the church and out there in the world. how the Lord wants them straightened, immediately. Because He is.coming soon!. <bot>: spans 1: Back to a past I never spans 2: injury kept me spans 3: railroad never ventured into the Steel City, as it terminated at the foot of Main Street in spans 4: the DL&W's version of manifest spans 5: time – blasted a rock shelf halfway up East Hill that “left a scar entirely across its fair face.”1Once the DL&W completed its standard gauge iron superhighway to Buffalo, it became the shortest route to the Queen City from New York City; thus, besting the Erie's broad gauge route in more ways than spans 6: from Albany to Buffalo) and on to Niagara spans 7: New York, it was the Erie and the DL&W battling it out for supremacy in the southern spans 8: them spans 9: Railroad, began buying property for its new “River Line,” a 34-mile cutoff between Portage and Cuba.6 Along that line the railroad would have to cross the expansive mile long Genesee River valley in the Town of Caneadea just north of the Town of Belfast in Allegany County.7 This deck girder bridge would rise 141 feet above the valley floor, would extend a total of 3,121 feet and would require 3,871 tons of steel,8 making it, as near as I can tell, the longest railroad bridge ever constructed in Greater Western New spans 10: a result, the pier formed a point facing spans 11: was built spans 12: results of these decisions forever take away once wondrous and utile resources from all future spans 13: had the advantage of vigor, and it was the Lackawanna's lines that were torn up west of spans 14: the spans 15: anything of spans 16: of Groveland Staion (my hometown) the pusher engines were kept there to get the trains up Dansville spans 17: buildings still are spans 18: that wasn't spans 19: interested in the E-L spans 20: how well we've withstood the economic downturn which continues as of this spans 21: revival ready for the incarnation of the Messiah, and those were the paths he had to make straight - he had to challenge the (jewish/elect) society at the time (same as ezra did with the use of spans 22: can have more than one spans 23: the original spans 24: way for Elisha spans 25: both the aspects of Noah and Elijah's ministry (the coming of the son of man like a thief in the night/the remnant (however that is interpreted) that God has kept for himself being
<user>: What could be the completion of this text: Michael Flynn, President Trump's former national security adviser, pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, the U. Special Counsel's Office announced on Dec. In his plea agreement, Flynn admitted he lied to FBI agents about two discussions he had with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the United States, in December 2016 when Flynn was still a private citizen and before Trump ... <bot>: Sure, let me know if you need anything else: took office. In the first instance, Flynn — who was interviewed by FBI agents on Jan.24 — admitted he lied to FBI agents about a conversation he had with Kislyak on Dec.22, 2016, about an upcoming U. ## Security Council resolution. Although he initially denied it to FBI agents, Flynn now admits that he asked Russia to delay or defeat a U. Security Council... <user>: Continue. <bot>: resolution, approved Dec.23, 2016, that would have condemned Israel's building of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The Obama administration had agreed... <user>: More. <bot>: to allow the resolution to come up for a vote over the objection of Israel. The incoming Trump administration opposed the U. resolution, and... <user>: Next. <bot>: Flynn was directed by a “very senior member of the Presidential Transition Team” to contact foreign governments, including Russia . to influence those governments to delay the vote or defeat the resolution,”... <user>: Next. <bot>: according to the plea agreement. The “very senior member” of the transition... <user>: More. <bot>: team was not identified. resolution would pass, with Russia voting in favor and the U. abstaining from voting. Flynn also admitted that he lied to investigators about a Dec.29 conversation that he... <user>: More. <bot>: had with Kislyak. On the day of the conversation, the Obama administration announced sanctions against Russia in response to Russia's meddling in the 2016 U. Flynn called to discuss the new sanctions... <user>: More. <bot>: with “a senior official” of the Trump transition team “who was with other senior members of the Presidential Transition Team at the Mar-a-Lago resort” that Trump owns in Florida. Immediately after the call to Mar-a-Lago, Flynn called Kislyak and “requested that Russia not escalate the situation and only respond to the U. Sanctions in a reciprocal manner,” the plea agreement said. Kislyak agreed that Russia would “moderate its response to those sanctions” as a result of his request, according to the U. special counsel's office. But, when interviewed by the FBI on Jan.24, Flynn denied making such a request and could not recall if Kislyak agreed to his request. The former White House aide also acknowledged that he made “false statements and omissions” on documents filed with the... <user>: Next. <bot>: Justice Department regarding payments that his company, the Flynn Intel Group Inc. received for lobbying work that principally benefited the government of Turkey, according... <user>: Continue. <bot>: to the plea agreement. Flynn retroactively filed foreign lobbying reports on March 7 for work that he did during the presidential campaign in 2016. Flynn is now cooperating with the special counsel's... <user>: More. <bot>: investigation into Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign and whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia. Below are some key events in the Russia investigation involving... <user>: Next. <bot>: Flynn from our larger story, “Timeline of Russia Investigation.”Dec. Michael Flynn speaks at RT's anniversary conference in Moscow. RT is a Russian government-funded TV station once known as Russia Today. Flynn, who... <user>: Continue. <bot>: would become a foreign policy adviser to Trump during the campaign and national security adviser in the Trump administration, sits next to Russian President Vladimir Putin at the event. In remarks at the event, Flynn is critical of the Obama administration's foreign policy and supportive of working with Russia to battle ISIS. (It is later learned that he was paid $45,000 for his appearance,... <user>: Continue. <bot>: and failed to report the income on his government financial disclosure forms.17 — Trump receives his first intelligence briefing at FBI headquarters in New... <user>: Next. <bot>: York City. He is joined by Flynn and New Jersey Gov.1 — Flynn and Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and adviser, meet with Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, at Trump Tower. (The White House... <user>: Continue. <bot>: did not acknowledge the meeting occurred until it was disclosed in March 2017. In a statement to congressional investigators on July 24, 2017, Kushner described the contents of the meeting. He said Kislyak “wanted to convey information from what he called his ‘generals'” about “U. policy in Syria.” Kushner said the exchange of information did not occur at that time because neither party could... <user>: Continue. <bot>: arrange a secure line of communication. “I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use where they would be comfortable transmitting the information they wanted to... <user>: Next. <bot>: relay to General Flynn. The Ambassador said that would not be possible and so we all agreed that we would receive this information after the Inauguration,” Kushner's statement reads.22 — Flynn calls... <user>: Continue. <bot>: Kislyak and asks if Russia would delay or defeat an upcoming U. Security Council resolution vote that sought to condemn Israel's building of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The... <user>: Next. <bot>: Obama administration agreed to allow the resolution to come up for a vote — angering Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.30 — Russian President Putin issues a statement saying that Russia would not... <user>: More. <bot>: retaliate for the U. Putin says he hoped to improve relations with... <user>: More. <bot>: the United States “based on the policies of the Trump Administration.”Jan.12 — The Washington Post reports that Flynn and Kislyak spoke on Dec.29, the day that the U. announced new sanctions on... <user>: Next. <bot>: Russia in response to the cyberattacks during the 2016 presidential election. Incoming White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer denies that the call was about U. “The call centered on the logistics of setting up a call with the president of Russia and the president-elect after he was sworn in,” Spicer said. “And they exchanged logistical information on how to initiate and schedule that call... <user>: Continue. <bot>: That was it, plain and simple.15 — Vice President-elect Mike Pence says... <user>: Next. <bot>: Flynn and Kislyak did not discuss U. “They did not discuss anything... <user>: Next. <bot>: having to do with the United States' decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia,” Pence says.24 — Two days after he takes office as national security adviser, Flynn is interviewed by FBI agents. He is asked about two conversations that he had with Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the United States, in December 2016 when Flynn was still a private citizen and before Trump took office.26 — Acting Attorney General Sally Yates meets with White House counsel Donald McGahn in his office. She tells McGahn that high-ranking administration officials, including Vice President Pence, had made statements “about General Flynn's conduct that we knew to be untrue.” She was referring to administration statements that Flynn did not discuss U. sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador. (Her... <user>: Continue. <bot>: meeting with McGahn would not be disclosed until Yates testified before Congress on May 8.14 — Trump privately meets with FBI Director James Comey in the Oval Office. Comey says that the president brought up the FBI investigation of Flynn. “He then said, ‘I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. I hope you can let... <user>: Continue. <bot>: this go. ' I replied only that ‘he is a good guy. I did not say I would ‘let this go,'” Comey would later recall. (Comey gave this account of his meeting with Trump in written testimony for his June 8 hearing before the Senate intelligence committee. The account was first reported May 16 by the New York Times. The White House issued a statement at that time saying the Times story is “not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the president and Mr.”)March 7 — Flynn retroactively registers as a foreign lobbyist for work that he and his company, the Flynn Intel Group, did for a Turkish company during the presidential campaign that primarily benefited the Republic of Turkey. Flynn reports his consulting firm... <user>: Continue. <bot>: being paid $530,000. According to USA Today‘s report of Flynn's lobbying work, “the Flynn Intel Group hired researchers to examine Fethullah Gulen, a reclusive Islamic cleric who lives in exile in rural... <user>: Continue. <bot>: Pennsylvania. (Turkey's President Recep Tayyip) Erdogan has blamed Gulen's opposition group for an attempted 2016 coup and has sought his extradition. On Election Day, The Hill newspaper published a Flynn op-ed that... <user>: More. <bot>: called Gulen ‘radical cleric' and said the U.government should ‘not provide him a safe haven. '”March 30 — Flynn's attorney, Robert Kelner, says in a statement that his client is willing to... <user>: Continue. <bot>: testify before Congress if Flynn receives immunity. “General Flynn certainly has a... <user>: More. <bot>: story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit,” Kelner's statement says. May 10 — The Senate intelligence... <user>: More. <bot>: committee subpoenas Flynn seeking “documents relevant to the Committee's investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election.”May 11 – Trump says in an interview with NBC's Lester Holt that he was thinking of “this Russia thing” when he decided to fire Comey. The president says he would have fired Comey with or without Rosenstein's recommendation. “He made a recommendation, but regardless of recommendation I... <user>: More. <bot>: was going to fire Comey, knowing there was no good time to do it. And, in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won. '”May 16 — The New... <user>: Continue. <bot>: York Times reports that Trump asked Comey at a Feb.14 dinner meeting to shut down the FBI investigation of Flynn. May 17 — Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, appoints former FBI Director... <user>: Continue. <bot>: Robert S. Mueller III as special counsel to investigate any possible collusion... <user>: More. <bot>: between the Trump campaign and the Russian government's efforts to influence the... <user>: Continue. <bot>: 2016 presidential election. Rosenstein makes the appointment instead of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had recused himself from any federal investigations involving the 2016 election. May 18 — At a press conference with the president of Colombia, Trump denies that he asked Comey to close down the FBI's investigation of Flynn. Next question,” Trump said. Asked if the president's request to drop the Flynn... <user>: Next. <bot>: investigation amounts to obstruction of justice, Comey says: “I don't know. That — that's (special counsel) Bob Mueller's job to sort that out.”June 15 — The Washington Post reports that the FBI and federal prosecutors have been “examining the financial dealings” of Kushner, Flynn, former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former foreign policy adviser Carter Page.1 — Flynn pleads guilty to making false statements to the FBI and agrees to cooperate with the FBI investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election. “My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country,” Flynn says in a statement. The Fairfax County Park Authority is proud of its ability and opportunity to... <user>: Continue. <bot>: provide a variety of intern programs for individuals seeking on-the-job experience in all aspects of Park Authority operations. The agency intern program boasts a well-established history dating back to the 1960's. The program has changed throughout the years, growing and adapting to meet the ever-changing needs of the park and recreation profession. There is no limit to the number of interns accepted, though summer... <user>: Continue. <bot>: numbers tend to run from 20-35. ## The selected number of interns is based on staff available to supervise, available challenging work, and qualifications of the interns. The Park Authority offers four categories of internships within most of its five divisions of operation. The categories of internships are as follows:An internship which is required by a university or college to obtain an undergraduate or... <user>: More. <bot>: graduate degree in a chosen field. Hold a junior or senior standing in a four year degree program, be enrolled in the last semester of a two year degree program, or be enrolled in the second half of a graduate program. Applicant must be enrolled in educational training, leading to certification in a specific technical service, trade or skill. In order to qualify for... <user>: Continue. <bot>: this type of internship, applicants must meet the division specified qualifications. In... <user>: Continue. <bot>: order to qualify for this type of internship, you must meet the division specified qualifications. An internship for individuals seeking hands-on experience in a field related to their academic training, and/or re-entering the field after a period of absence. Included may be those university/college students wishing an internship for experience, but which is not required to obtain a degree. This type of internship request is usually considered on a case-by-case basis, and is not offered in every division. ## Undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students are eligible. Following initial contact with the agency, the Intern Program Coordinator will refer you to the division of your choice. You will be referred to the Division Intern Contact who will be responsible for your interview, hire, placement, training, assignment, and evaluation. Depending... <user>: Next. <bot>: on the type of internship and the division in which it is being held, most internships run 10 weeks or 400 hours. Most Fairfax County Park Authority internships are unpaid. Select paid opportunities are available as funding allows. The applicant is required to have their own means of transportation in order to get to and from work. ## Intern assignments occasionally require varying work... <user>: Continue. <bot>: schedules throughout the County. The applicant may be required to utilize their personal vehicle to conduct agency business. A structured orientation program will be provided to interns during their first few weeks on the job. A meeting with senior managers and the Park Authority Board will be scheduled. Depending on your type of internship, you will most likely be required to complete a special... <user>: Next. <bot>: project, weekly reports, and a final exit briefing or presentation. You will be provided with a written and verbal evaluation of your performance by your immediate supervisor. The Park Authority intern program affords each intern opportunities for both career enhancement and personal growth. These benefits include:Park Authority Internships provide the experience and benefit of having worked for an award winning organization with a nationally... <user>: Continue. <bot>: known and respected reputation. The program is structured to provide each student with a visible end product and a sense of pride and accomplishment,... <user>: Next. <bot>: as well as an important building block for your resume. The Park Authority believes an intern program should be mutually beneficial to both the student and the organization. Our intention is to... <user>: Continue. <bot>: provide students with an experience that fosters both professional growth and self-expression. In return, we expect you to have good core work habits – strong communication skills, a demonstrated ability to effectively complete assignments and knowledge which is sufficient to adequately carry out and complete your internship project. FCPA can benefit from your enthusiasm and project support which allows us to accomplish tasks that... <user>: More. <bot>: may not otherwise receive timely completion.
<user>: More of this please: John 8:48-50 – 48 The Jews answered him, “Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon? ” 49 Jesus answered, “I do not have a demon, but I honor my Father, and you dishonor me.50 Yet I do not seek my own glory; there is One who seeks it, and he is the judge. If the Jews ... <bot>: Here you go: dishonored God by dishonoring Jesus, we should expect that the same would be true of us. You can not please God without honoring his Son. God has sent his Son, Jesus, to earth. Honoring and believing in Jesus is the only way to please the Father. To think for a moment that anyone can please God while refusing to follow the Son is absurd... <user>: Next. <bot>: Therefore, if you want to please God, you can do so only through Jesus. Take a moment to let the emotion sink in. What if that was your brother, your sister, your... <user>: Continue. <bot>: husband, your wife? How angry would you be? Now, I want you to take that level of emotion that you would feel as the... <user>: More. <bot>: people demonstrate at your own relative's funeral, and I want you to magnify it a thousand times. You still are not caught up to the level of outrage that God the Father has toward those who dishonor his Son. God sent his Son to earth to suffer an infinite punishment to pay for our sins. What would you expect God to do in response... <user>: More. <bot>: to those who say to him, “I don't need Jesus' blood. I'm just fine on my own thanks. I don't believe in Jesus and... <user>: More. <bot>: will not follow him. I just want to have some fun with my life, and I'll think about religion later.”Hebrews 10:26-31 – 26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.28 Anyone who... <user>: Continue. <bot>: has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses.29 How much worse punishment, do you... <user>: Next. <bot>: think, will be deserved by the one who has spurned the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which... <user>: Next. <bot>: he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.” 31... <user>: Continue. <bot>: It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Tremble, ladies and gentlemen, tremble at the concept of any... <user>: Continue. <bot>: person spurning the blood of the Son of God. God will not take lightly anyone's refusal to place his or her faith in Jesus Christ. Do you want to escape that wrath?... <user>: More. <bot>: Do you want to honor God? Then you must honor God by believing in Jesus. Remember, God will judge. Do not dishonor God by... <user>: More. <bot>: dishonoring his Son. Honor God by believing in Jesus. A data transfer... <user>: More. <bot>: controller allows data to be transferred from a network bus to a system bus in a host computer. ## The controller has a network... <user>: Next. <bot>: bus interface for communicating with the network bus and a system bus interface for communicating with the system bus. The system bus interface has first and second buffers. A dual port memory is utilized and has one port operatively connected to one of the buffers in the system bus interface and to a microprocessor. The direct access channel is established and operatively connected to... <user>: Next. <bot>: the other buffer of the system bus interface as well as coupled to the microprocessor and associated control logic. A switch under control of the control logic establishes connections between the second... <user>: Continue. <bot>: port of the dual port memory and either the direct access channel... <user>: Continue. <bot>: or the network bus interface. The present invention relates in general to the field of data transfer controllers which link a host computer with a high speed network. Prior art data transfer... <user>: Continue. <bot>: controllers, and in particular those utilized with local area networks, typically consist of a control microprocessor, a local memory, a direct memory access channel, a host computer interface logic and a dedicated network controller. ## An internal bus links the microprocessor and the local memory with the direct memory access channel and the interfaces. An access to the local bus is granted through an... <user>: More. <bot>: arbitration scheme as is well known in the art. The disadvantage to such a method is mainly due to the fact that the bus is shared through multiple users, so effectively the microprocessor is allowed to use its resources only during a fraction of available time. The objectives for the microprocessor are to serve a host protocol, to report a status, to process data,... <user>: Next. <bot>: or to perform communications functions above the level of physical access to... <user>: Continue. <bot>: the network. Because of limited time available to the microprocessor, the overall throughput is significantly low despite high performance levels of individual subunits which... <user>: More. <bot>: form the data transfer controller. Several solutions have been proposed in the prior art to solve the problem of low throughput. Some of these solutions use a dual port memory connected to the network controller at one port and to the microprocessor and the direct memory access channel at the other port. Despite the additional hardware, the microprocessor is still suspended for a significant period of time in order to allow the direct memory access channel to operate on the local bus. Another approach to increase the throughput in the prior art is based on the use of large first-in first-out memories installed on input and output ports to the network controller. This method is effective to increase a raw transfer rate of transparent data. The disadvantage to... <user>: More. <bot>: this method is that access to the data by the microprocessor is limited and thus the functionality of the data transfer controller as a whole is limited. Therefore it is an object of the present invention to obtain high overall throughput combined with unlimited access to transferred data by the onboard microprocessor to overcome the disadvantages in the prior art. The present invention has... <user>: Next. <bot>: the advantage of allowing the microprocessor to operate full time without waiting for other users of the resources within the data transfer controller. Since... <user>: Next. <bot>: the microprocessor is usually the slowest part of the controller, this feature of the present invention has a direct impact on the overall performance of the controller. The present invention involves a... <user>: Continue. <bot>: data transfer controller which allows data to be transferred from a network bus to a system bus in a host computer. The features of... <user>: More. <bot>: the present invention which are believed to be novel are set forth with particularity in the appended claims. The feature of the data transfer controller is the dual port memory, having one port connected to the onboard microprocessor and the other port switched between the network bus interface and a direct memory access channel.1 is a general block diagram of the data transfer controller. A dual port memory 10 is utilized and has first and second ports 12 and 14. The dual port memory 10 may be a random access memory the operation of which is effected by address lines, write enable, data in/out and refresh capabilities. A network bus interface 16 establishes network protocol and data formating for interfacing with the network bus 18. The network bus... <user>: More. <bot>: interface 16 is capable of using preprogrammed instructions stored in the memory 10. The system bus access 20 establishes communication between the system bus 22 and the memory 10. The switch 24 connects either the network bus interface 16 or the system bus access 20 to memory 10. The control 26 provides the proper sequencing and logic for the portions of the data transfer controller discussed above.2 is a more detailed block diagram of the FIG.2, the control 26 of FIG.1 comprises control logic 28 which is operatively connected to the dual port memory 10, the network bus interface 16, and the system bus access 20. The control logic 28 is also operatively connected to the switch 24. The control 26 further comprises the microprocessor 30. The microprocessor... <user>: More. <bot>: 30 is operatively connected to the network bus interface 16, the system... <user>: Continue. <bot>: bus access 20, the control logic 28, and the first port 12 of the dual port memory 10. The system bus access 20 comprises a direct access channel 32 which handles defined amounts of data from and to defined locations in the memory 10 without intervention from other intelligent components. ## The system bus interface 34 transfers data and addresses on input and output... <user>: More. <bot>: and synchronizes them with the system bus clock on the system bus... <user>: Continue. <bot>: 22. It also generates interrupts and requests to the microprocessor 30 and to the direct access channel 32. It further maintains status and executes... <user>: More. <bot>: commands given to the logic contained in the system bus interface 34. The system bus interface 34 has a first buffer 36 operatively connected to the direct access channel 32 and a... <user>: Next. <bot>: separate second buffer 38 operatively connected to the microprocessor 30, as well as, to the first port 12 of the memory 10. The first buffer 36 is used only for transferring data... <user>: More. <bot>: between the direct access channel 32 and the system bus 22 through the system bus interface 34. The second buffer 38 is used only for transferring I/O commands and effecting microprocessor 30 operation. Inputs 40, 42 and 44 of the control logic 28 are connected to requesting outputs from the microprocessor 30, the network bus interface 16, and the direct access channel 32. Interrupt... <user>: Continue. <bot>: lines 46 and 48 from the network bus interface 16 and the direct access channel 32, respectively, connect to the microprocessor 30. The control... <user>: Continue. <bot>: logic 28 is operatively connected to the switch 24 by control lines 54, 56, and 58. Also the switch 24 is operatively connected to the second port 14 of the memory 10... <user>: More. <bot>: by line 60.3 shows a more detailed block diagram of the switch 24. A first input buffer 62 is operatively connected to the bus... <user>: Next. <bot>: 52 for receiving address and data information from the network bus interface 16. A second input buffer 64 is operatively connected to bus 50 for receiving data and address information from the direct access channel 32. Both the first and second input buffers 62 and 64 are operatively connected to a multiplexer 66 which is controlled by control line 56 from the control logic... <user>: Continue. <bot>: 28. An output of multiplexer 66 occurs on line 68 which is then operatively connected to the second port 14 of the memory 10 over line 60. First output buffer 70 is... <user>: More. <bot>: operatively connected between line 60 from the memory 10 to the bus 52 and therefore to the network bus interface 16. A second output buffer 72 is operatively connected between the line 60 from the memory 10 to the bus 50 and therefore to the direct access channel 32. Control lines 54 and 56 operate the first and second buffers 70 and 72, respectively,... <user>: More. <bot>: and are connected to the control logic 28. As determined by the control logic 28, the signal on line 56 causes the multiplexer 66 to choose between the appropriate first and second input buffers 62 and 64 for receiving data which is to be transmitted over line 60 to memory 10. When data is to be extracted from the memory 10 the control logic 28 using control lines 54 or 56 enable output buffers 70 and 72 to appropriately route the data or address information to the network bus interface 16 or the direct access channel 32. In general after initialization of the data transfer controller, the controller is ready to transfer data from the system bus 22 to the network bus 18 or vice versa. When data... <user>: More. <bot>: is coming from the network bus 18, the network bus interface 16 recognizes the destination address in the data stream and stores a packet of data in the memory 10 through the... <user>: Next. <bot>: port 14. The microprocessor 30 is signaled through the interrupt line 46 and starts to set the direct access channel 32 to transfer the packet onto the system bus 22. When the transfer is finished, the microprocessor 30 informs the host computer connected to the system bus 22 of the completion and fetches a request for new packet transfer. If there is a new packet coming from the network bus 18 when the direct access channel 32 is operating, the switch 24 arbitrates an access to the port 14 on a priority basis. The control logic 28 allows simultaneous access to the port 12 by sharing bus cycle time between ports 12 and 14. Output data from the memory 10 is lodged in buffers 70 and 72, serving... <user>: Next. <bot>: the port 14 and in an appropriate latch in the port 12. After latching the output data, the control logic 28 switches the memory 10 to the next requesting user. When all data is transferred through the system bus 22 to the memory 10, the microprocessor 30 fetches the next request from the computer host on the system bus 22 until the request list... <user>: Next. <bot>: is complete. The computer host is informed about the status through the system bus 22. The invention is not limited to the particular details... <user>: Continue. <bot>: of the apparatus depicted and other modifications and applications are contemplated. Certain other changes may be made in the abovedescribed apparatus without departing from the true spirit and scope of the invention herein involved. It is intended, therefore, that the subject matter in the above depiction shall be interpreted as illustrative and not in a limiting sense. phytopathogenic fungi, in crop protection and in the protection of materials and as plant growth regulators. Each of the external electrodes includes a base electrode layer (15a) that includes a buffer part for buffering shock and that is provided on the ceramic element assembly (10).
Input: could be the completion of this text: Indoor Plant Décor by Kylee Baumle and Jenny Peterson is one of Amazon's “Top Books of 2013 in Gardening and Floral Design”Decorating with plants ... Output: indoors has been a passion of mine for years, so I was thrilled to learn that I'd won the popular new book Indoor Plant... Input: Continue. Output: Décor: The Design Stylebook for Houseplants ($16.95, St. Lynn's Press) by Kylee Baumle and Jenny Peterson. Last month on her award-winning blog, Our Little Acre, Baumle held a giveaway of this wonderful... Input: Next. Output: design stylebook, and has graciously agreed to a little Q&A:Q: So tell me, Kylee – how did you and Jenny decide to write this... Input: More. Output: book? And what do each of you bring to it? A: Jenny and I met on Twitter and we later found ourselves writing for the same publisher for a project. Through that,... Input: Continue. Output: we became better friends and found that we had a similar writing style. I'm not sure which one of us mentioned writing a book... Input: Next. Output: first, but we both had it as a personal goal. Jenny is... Input: Next. Output: a landscape designer, so design is her strong suit, whereas I have lifelong experience growing houseplants so the plants themselves are where my interests... Input: More. Output: lie. Also, we live in very different climates – Jenny's in Texas and I'm in Ohio – so we both expanded our knowledge about what can be grown indoors. For example, Jenny was astounded that we grow agaves as houseplants here in the north. In Texas, they're such a common outdoor sight that they aren't a typical houseplant there. Q: In the book, you... Input: More. Output: pose the question: “What's your style? ” and then help the reader answer that with a review of eight different indoor décor styles. Each... Input: Next. Output: style features pictures of plants used stylishly. How is this understanding of styles helpful when it comes to designing with plants indoors? A: For so many years, houseplants have not been thought... Input: Next. Output: of as an integral part of our décor, but as more of an afterthought or impulsive addition. Plants come in all sizes and shapes... Input: Continue. Output: and growth habits and they have style too! I liken using our... Input: Next. Output: book to that of a cookbook with recipes. With so many ideas presented, the book can help dwellers enhance their décor with plants just like in the many photo examples, but it... Input: Next. Output: will also inspire the readers to come up with uses for them that are specific to their own situations and tastes. Q: I also love the step-by-step plant décor projects for each style. My favorite was the twig planter (I can imagine my 6-year-old daughter helping with it). I have several that I love, but if hard pressed, I'd have to say the moss... Input: Next. Output: ball. That project is so versatile. You can change out the plant easily if you get tired of one and want a different look. I like it too, because it's not a common way to display houseplants. I love the unexpected. Q: Talk a bit about the “Houseplants at a Glance” charts. I've long wished for someone to compile something like this! A: We... Input: More. Output: tried to make the book as practical as possible, because for some reason, people tend to be intimidated by growing houseplants. By having these handy charts, readers can decide how involved they want to be with the care of their plants. Q: The book also explains why plants are beneficial indoors, not only for aesthetics but for health. A: Studies show that even in a work environment, people are happier and more productive when there are plants present. It's not just that they produce oxygen and filter toxins from the air, but also that they give a sense of place. Live plants tell you that someone lives (or works) there and cares about the place where they spend a great deal of their time – enough to want... Input: Continue. Output: to invest a little bit of themselves in their surroundings. Plants can soften the edges and are a way to personalize your space. Choose plants that fit your lifestyle. If you travel... Input: More. Output: a lot, you're not going to want plants that require a lot of care. Consider the container when using plants as a design element. Once you find a plant that you like and can grow well, you can adapt it to your particular style by your choice of container. Plant foliage has personality. Leaves come in colors! And patterns! Use that to your advantage... Input: Next. Output: just as you would another accent piece, such as a pillow. A:... Input: More. Output: The number one thing that we hear from people regarding growing houseplants is, “I just don't have a green thumb when it comes to... Input: Continue. Output: indoor plants.” Let me assure you – there isn't a gardener out there that hasn't killed a plant or two (or three). Just like... Input: More. Output: growing plants outdoors, growing plants indoors is a learning process, and that's what keeps things interesting (in a good way). I think we need to change the way we think of our houseplants, change our expectations. When we plant annuals outside in the spring, we fully expect them to be dead after the first frost in the fall. We're okay with that. Most houseplants don't cost any more nor require any more care than those annuals, but for some reason, we're intimidated by the possibility of them dying. If you get six months out of your houseplant, it's worth it! If you get years out of it, that's a bonus in my book, but if it dies, that's just an opportunity to try a fun new variety. Easy-to-grow... Input: Next. Output: Sansevieria trifasciata (also known as snake plant or Mother-In-Law's Tongue) with crocheted pot cover add a bit of color and interest to any shelf or table. If you'd like to learn more... Input: Next. Output: about this helpful book, recently listed as one of Amazon's “Top Books of 2013 in Gardening and Floral Design”, please go to the Indoor... Input: Continue. Output: Plant Décor: The Design Stylebook for Houseplants website! You can also visit Kylee's blog, Our Little Acre and Jenny's blog at J Peterson Garden... Input: More. Output: DesignThanks for this helpful post – gives me an idea for the perfect gift for my gardening friends – especially those who live in the northern US and won't be outside digging in the dirt for a few months. With the school opening looming up ahead, the idea of transitioning your child with autism can prove to be daunting. Starting school can be a... Input: Next. Output: difficult time even for normal kids, more so with a child who... Input: Next. Output: has limited cognitive, social, and other developmental skills. Like normal kids, children on the spectrum also feel the same excitement and anxiety. This change can be difficult for them— the scenery, the people, their responsibility as students, co-existing with others, and so on. This often leads to sudden (and somehow negative) changes in behavior. By now, you must have already looked into a number... Input: Next. Output: of schools in your area and have found the right one for your child. To gear your child for the so-called “first day high,”... Input: Continue. Output: try looking into these helpful tips and see if any of these can work with his or her level of ASD. Try creating a... Input: More. Output: social story to go along with the preparation. Pictures and video presentation prove to be effective channels to show them what school is like, how to go with the usual morning/afternoon routine, and other school activities. Create creatively the list of daily activities he or she will have to take from waking up to brushing, walking/riding to school, entering the classroom, and so on... Input: Next. Output: If possible, try to ask the school administration if it is okay for you and your child to look around. Prepare a calendar complete with pictures. Before school officially starts, ask if... Input: Continue. Output: it is okay for your child to meet his or her new teacher. Let the teacher and the school's guidance counselor know about certain “obsessions” that your child may have. Often, visiting school ahead of time and meeting the people he or she will encounter head-on can ease their way into transition. Whatever your child's ASD level, it is imperative that you ask about what he or she feels. Engage him or her in the whole process. His or her feelings should come first and foremost on this journey. Make him or her feel secured and assured, that school is a safe haven. Instill happy thoughts in meeting new friends. He or she may be socially challenged, but this does not negate the thought of feeling the same... Input: Next. Output: level of excitement in meeting new acquaintances. Reassure your child that school is his or her second home. While “Mommy” or “Daddy” help resolves problems for him at home, he or she... Input: Continue. Output: now has an extra set of helping hands with “teacher” (be specific with the name of the teacher to make him familiar) around. Try... Input: More. Output: to check if there are kids in the neighborhood who will be going on the same classes with your child. Sometimes, letting them connect to others before school starts can greatly eliminate unforeseen circumstances during transition. Make sure to find out what after-school activities can your child join. Some sports activities are excellent activities for children with ASDs. Include your child's therapist on this... Input: Continue. Output: process. It is imperative that you are fully guided on every endeavor... Input: More. Output: you pursue to ensure zero meltdown. Some kids on the spectrum have a hard time coping with these sudden changes. Make sure to prioritize your child's welfare before anything else. Each child with Autism Spectrum Disorder has a different way of dealing with changes in their environment. These tips may prove to be effective to others but, in everything else, you alone know what... Input: Next. Output: works best for him or her. – Pamela Bryson-Weaver is the author of Living autism day. day: Daily Reflections & Strategies to Give You Hope and Courage, being published in October by... Input: More. Output: Freedom Abound, Inc. October is Autism Awareness Month in Canada (Bryson-Weaver lives... Input: Next. Output: in New Brunswick). Autism Awareness Month in the U. Since her son was diagnosed with autism 15 years ago, Bryson-Weaver has become an advocate, speaker and activist for children with special needs, children who are close to heart. Learn more at livingautismnow. Disclaimer – The Your Health Journal web site is for advice and information purposes only. It is meant to be an educational site. Opinions expressed by other individuals on this web site through guest posts or comments does not mean the creators of this website support their opinions or products. In fact, anything written on this site does not mean it is endorsed by anyone affiliated with this web site! Although we try to do checks of anyone who contributes to our site, we can also... Input: Continue. Output: not be responsible for any false information they give, whether in their title, or facts they send. If you see an error, please send an email, and we will fix it immediately or remove an the article. If you have a question about the article, you should contact the author directly. Posted in Guest Posts | Tagged 10, Autism, Child, Healthy, Helpful, Len Saunders,... Input: Continue. Output: Prepare, School, Tips Fall has now passed, and that means gusts of wind and dry, chilly weather as we move into the winter months. In weather like this, curling up in your bedroom with a hot beverage and a good book (or a good movie) is practically a must. But failing to adequately prepare your personal haven for the season can result in some cold, lonely nights—emphasis on the cold. Lay a strong foundation. Flooring that's adaptable to extreme weather changes is always ideal. Durable stone tiles are perfect as both summer and winter flooring because, contrary to the popular belief that stone flooring is cold, stone tiles can actually trap heat effectively once they are warmed through with under-floor heating. A nice, soft rug instantly ups the... Input: Continue. Output: coziness level of a room, and has the added advantage of keeping your feet toasty. Go for multiple smaller rugs, so you can put them away when warmer weather rolls around. Faux fur rugs are lovely to look at, and are very comfortable to walk on. Invest in a thick, fluffy duvet or comforter for your bed, which guarantees instant warmth and comfort. Feather... Input: Continue. Output: or down comforters are especially cozy, and silk is perfect for those... Input: More. Output: who are allergic to feathers. You can also opt for synthetic fibers,... Input: More. Output: which are hypoallergenic and provide as much warmth. Duvets have tog ratings, which tell you how warm the duvet is. A tog rating of 12 and above is ideal for winter conditions. In lieu of a duvet, try an electric blanket or place a hot water bag between the comforter and the sheets to warm up your bed. Typical cotton sheets can be too... Input: Next. Output: thin for cold weather, so opt for brushed cotton, jersey knit, or flannel sheets. To visually warm up your bed, get them in vibrant colors like red, orange, and fuchsia. Adding lavender... Input: Next. Output: scent to your sheets also helps you to sleep better and makes... Input: Continue. Output: your room cozier. Insulating your windows with rubber seals goes a long way toward keeping you warm, as small openings can cause cold air to enter your room, resulting in unwanted air... Input: Next. Output: conditioning. While you're at it, give your windows a thorough cleaning as well so you can appreciate the beautiful scenery outside when you wake up in the morning. Open your windows for... Input: Next. Output: a few hours during the day to get some fresh air, and let as much sunlight into your room as possible to warm the floor and brighten the area. Don't forget to close them once you're ready to snuggle up, though. You can also invest in a pair of fuzzy slippers, and keep a thick robe on hand so that you don't get cold... Input: Continue. Output: right away when you get out of bed. Properly prepping your bedroom for the cold can make it so comfy, you won't be hit... Input: Continue. Output: by the winter blahs. – As a social media specialist in the vast online universe, Aubrey Madrona is always up and about disseminating information, spreading news, and delivering opinions one Share Button... Input: Next. Output: at a time. When @aubiiiii is not busy formulating 140-character ideas in her head, she's busy studying Interior Design and blogging on Marble Mosaics... Input: Next. Output: blog.
User: Can you tell me how to fill in the missing words: Jellycat UK official range of soft toys designed in London England since 1999. Explore all the quirky cuteness from the creators of the softest toys you have ever hugged, cuddled and adored. Jelly cat are the definitive super soft plush toys and are a perfect baby shower gift, 1st birthday or new baby present. Pick from Bashful, Cordy roy, Fuddlewuddle or Blossom. All the favourites from Jelly cat UK including, unicorn, cat, & the lovely fuddlewuddle elephant. Nearly all Jellycat toys are suitable from birth - A few aren't [words 1] the label especially if its for a baby shower gift or new baby. Golden milk is our latest healthy obsession — with its healing and digestion-aiding superpowers, we've been making it [words 2] batches. We came across this recipe from DRINKmaple, which combines antioxidant-packed [words 3] collagen peptides for a huge boost of protein, and either ghee or coconut oil for healthy fats. The recipe creators also reminded us to always include black pepper in our golden milk because it "works synergistically to increase turmeric absorption by 2000-percent. Assistant: words 1: so please do check words 2: in words 3: maple water, User: What could be the completion of this text: " Turmeric is already an amazing anti-inflammatory, as well as a mood booster and weight loss aid, so why not give it a little help with a pinch of black pepper, right? ... Assistant: The completion of this text could be: For this blend, you'll need maple water, collagen peptides, and ghee. The creators of the recipe (DRINKmaple) used Vital Proteins collagen peptides and Fourth & Heart's vanilla bean ghee. If you don't... User: More. Assistant: have maple water, use almond milk instead. If needed, you can also omit the collagen peptides. AccessPress Mag is clean & modern WordPress magazine theme. It is ideal for newspaper, editorial, online magazine, review site, blog or personal website. It is perfect theme for the most powerful Newspaper, magazine or blog site. Don't let the Porsche 918 Spyder's princely $845,000 price tag or its... User: Next. Assistant: 795-hp output distract you. This plug-in hybrid's most telling number resides in its model name. That 918 badge implies that this two-seat plug-in hybrid... User: More. Assistant: is a spiritual successor to the legendary 917, an incredibly successful race car whose later iterations boasted in excess of 1100 horsepower and a notorious appetite for victory. If that doesn't speak... User: More. Assistant: volumes to the 918's stratospheric ambitions, consider the other figures surrounding this low-slung sled: a Nürburgring lap time of 7:14 (20 seconds faster than its V-10-powered ancestor, the Carrera GT), an electric motor that produces a 442 lb-ft plateau of torque between 1000 and 9000 rpm, and an improbably high 78.4-mpg fuel-economy estimate that defies those outrageous performance specs. We went for a ride... User: Next. Assistant: in a Porsche 918 Spyder prototype a year in advance of its build date—which, you guessed it, is Sept. Here's what we learned. There's a point to this bonanza of incomprehensibly complex technology: The 918 Spyder serves as a bleeding-edge testbed for future Porsche hybrids and a dramatic statement about the company's engineering prowess. The fossil-fuel-burning part of the equation consists of a dry-sump-equipped... User: Continue. Assistant: 4.6-liter V-8 that spins 580 hp at a screaming 8500 rpm. That's 50 more hp than the LMP2 race car from which the mill... User: Continue. Assistant: is derived. Rear power is driven through a seven-speed Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) transmission adapted from the 911 Turbo S. Assisting the internal combustion effort are... User: Continue. Assistant: a 95-kilowatt hybrid module at the rear axle and an 85-kw electric motor driving the front. Together they can pump out 795 hp. A... User: More. Assistant: separate gearbox diverts electric power to the front wheels, decoupling above 146 mph. Power is stored (and regenerated into) a liquid-cooled lithium-ion battery with 312 individual cells, which can also be charged using a household 110-volt plug. And 55 control units manage the interplay between fuel and electric power. Because efficient performance is the name of the game, there was no consideration given for a hydraulic steering system; the 918 Spyder uses an electromechanical setup with a rear steer feature, which can countersteer to offer quicker turns at low speeds or turn in the same direction of the fronts at higher speeds to prevent the tail from kicking out. A small red steering wheel button lets you select from five options for the hybrid powertrain: E-Power (all-electric, which... User: Next. Assistant: can run for up to 16 miles), Hybrid (which uses gas and electric power for maximum efficiency), Sport Hybrid (a more aggressive version of Hybrid), Race Hybrid (in which the electric motors offer short bursts of high output), and Hot Lap (which drains the batteries in an all-out attempt for maximum speed. Active aerodynamic features include air inlets below the headlights, a rear wing... User: Next. Assistant: that deploys and alters the angle of attack, and underfloor air flaps positioned ahead of the front axle to direct air into diffuser channels. The 918 Spyder is expected to tip the scales at 3747 pounds, or 3670 pounds with the stripped-down Weissach package. We conducted our shotgun ride in a Porsche 918 Spyder on the roads surrounding Germany's famed Nürburgring, where the car later turned in its previously mentioned astounding lap time. Our tester, which was one of 20 or so preproduction vehicles in existence, wore an exterior that's about 80 percent complete, according to one Porsche engineer, and mechanical components that are roughly 70 percent finished. At idle in the Nürburgring pits, you might never guess that this waist-high prototype is capable of neck-snapping performance. Yes,... User: Next. Assistant: heat rises with menace from the rear decklids (during development the exhaust pipes migrated to an upward position because that was the only way to manage the intense thermal interplay between battery and internal combustion). However, the sound coming from the V-8 is raw and unrefined. Still, there's plenty of acoustic tuning that will help make the 918 sound expensive once it actually hits... User: Continue. Assistant: the market. The roadster's seat-of-the-pants impressions reveal far more about how this complicated beast operates. As we pull out of the pits in EV... User: More. Assistant: mode, the nearly silent whir of the electric motor replaces the din of the V-8. This Porsche tester being a work in progress, there are still some driveline noises and high-pitched frequencies making their way into the cabin. But, apart from the bulky diagnostic equipment and cobbled-together interior parts, the 918 scoots along with potent authority. As the driver selects Hybrid mode, the V-8... User: Next. Assistant: comes to life, acceleration gets noticeably huskier, and all four wheels do their part to pull the 918 ahead with alacrity. The engine shuts... User: Next. Assistant: down and fires up intermittently in this mode, and while the transition... User: Next. Assistant: feels somewhat (but not entirely) seamless, the underlying grunt feels satisfyingly robust. That is, until we experience a brief but intoxicating stretch in Race... User: Continue. Assistant: Hybrid mode, which reveals the 918's ability to dart forward with long-legged insistence, digging into tarmac with Michelin tires that seem to accelerate, brake, and corner with more g-forces than should be possible from efficiency-minded rubber. That momentary dalliance with thrust is a tasty tease into what promises to be a full repertoire of relentless, jaw-clenching performance. The Porsche 918 Spyder's personality might be... User: Next. Assistant: defined by numbers: 0-to-60 mph in under 3 seconds, 78.4 mpg (which will likely drop when the EPA offers it own rating), and that... User: Next. Assistant: outrageous Nürburgring lap time. Yet the true magic of this car lies... User: More. Assistant: in how its traditional internal combustion marries to the techy world of hybrid powertrains. Only 918 paying customers will be able to pony up the near-seven-figure price tag to have their own 918. But this most technologically ambitious Porsche will eventually be known as the car that enabled exotic hybrid drivetrain components to trickle down into more accessible cars. And for that, the 918 Spyder is a perfectly justifiable exercise in excess. Las Vegas– Perhaps the most important technology announcements during the CES Press Day came from companies that didn't have press conferences. Yahoo and Netflix have become some of the most influential players in the consumer electronics market. Almost all new HDTV launches today have involved some sort of Internet connectivity, and two of the biggest HDTV... User: Next. Assistant: manufacturers, LG and Samsung, are building in Yahoo TV widgets into their... User: Next. Assistant: connected TVs, a technology I wrote about last summer. Internet browsing on the TV has always been an awkward fit, a mix of lean-forward and lean-back interface that can hijack a multi-person viewing experience to answer a single person's search query. Yet the Internet is becoming an extraordinarily rich content delivery vehicle, and TV manufacturers know that. Yahoo's widgets may or may not catch on, but the beauty of the widget user interface is that it is bite-sized and it hides away when you don't need it. Also, since the widget interface is extensible, new functions can be added as time goes on. At launch, it will probably deliver Flickr photos, stock quotes and weather and sports info. But in the future, widgets could provide an alternative to... User: More. Assistant: the traditional television channel paradigm. If NBC decides that it wants to launch a video widget for delivery of on-demand programs, then it doesn't... User: Continue. Assistant: need to negotiate with dozens of cable companies for a channel, they only need to design a widget and launch it on the TV widget platform. Perhaps the most surprising new powerhouse... User: Next. Assistant: in the connected TV space is Netflix, which is delivering streaming movies to Blu-ray players from Samsung and LG, as well as to Microsoft's Xbox 360 through Xbox Live. Netflix is gaining traction with its streaming movie service at an astounding rate, positioning the upstart DVD rental company to become for movie streaming what Apple's iTunes is to music downloads—a muscular power player that can make demands of both the movie industry as well as the consumer electronics industry. To be sure, there are other players in the connected video-on-demand market: Apple has its own Apple TV, LG also is partnered with CinemaNow and Panasonic's connected home theater gear will link to Amazon's video on demand service, but Netflix offers the most compelling consumer proposition. One monthly fee... User: Next. Assistant: equals unlimited instant movie watching. Selling or renting individual movies requires a consumer to make a buying decision each time: Is that movie worth it? Maybe, maybe not. But Netflix subscribers can browse from movie to movie. Who needs to steal content when it's all available instantly? If the movie industry embraces the Netflix philosophy, it may be able to avoid the problems of... User: Next. Assistant: copyright theft that have plagued and nearly ruined the music industry. —Glenn Dereneis the most vital part of appearance, we will certainly not be confident if we use an old fashion, right, the expanding fashion trend we must maintain following. If you are confused in establishing the excellent park avenue coatpicture that we have actually collected from different resources to offer you a choice... User: More. Assistant: in identifying a fascinating park avenue coatmodels on the net, we selected some of the very best for us to provide to you. We wish you are not dissatisfied with the style we provide, due to the fact that the very best standards for each and every individual are various. If the image listed below is not intriguing you can look for other models... User: More. Assistant: in our various other messages, because we provide hundreds of messages concerning fashion. If you believe this layout is intriguing, you can share this message to social media so others can discover. We hape you can comply with the very best fad as well as your look will certainly be a lot more attractive. A top studio gives you streaming exclusive scenes and galleries to view and then adds in content from several other top sites and studios too. World class and world-renowned Falcon Studios are offering us a special deal so make sure you check out the signup pages carefully. Here we are promised access to not only the studio's exclusives but also to content from a total of eight top producers of hardcore gay porn. There... User: More. Assistant: are HD movies on offer, photos, a model index, a blog and a store. This looks like it is going to be high quality,... User: Continue. Assistant: high octane content with some of the horniest models working in the... User: More. Assistant: biz today. You log in to a home page that looks the same as the tour; a top menu lets you change the languages of the site and check out your account... User: Continue. Assistant: details, there is a search engine and then a whole long list of all the latest scenes arranged with neat sample images. You can see straight away that you can view the... User: Next. Assistant: content by studio or you can gather everything together in one go and see it all that way. That's what I did and this is what I found:Clicking to the Movies link in the main menu and making sure I had ‘All Studios' chosen, I found 671 DVDs dating back to 1997 and coming from the eight different studios, including Falcon Studios, some of... User: More. Assistant: which are older than others. These DVDs then had their component scenes to view, giving us around 2817 scenes. All these scenes are stream... User: Continue. Assistant: only, there is no downloading to be had, and the quality is going to vary, obviously. The older movies will not be the same sparkling HD as the more recent ones and... User: Continue. Assistant: we just have to live with those rules. You need to stay as a member in order to watch your movies here. You are... User: Continue. Assistant: able to sort these scenes out in a couple of ways, for example you can opt to see only the HD collection of 186... User: Next. Assistant: scenes, you can put them in various orders, search by the category list to the left or us the drop-down list of titles if you know which title you are looking for. All in all, it' a decent set up for browsing and you should be able to find the things you want to see with no trouble. The best guides though are the high quality images, the box covers, that give you an idea of who is in the DVD and what studio the movie is from. You have content here from Raging Stallion, Guys Like Us, Jocks, Mustang, Falcon International, and Str8 Men, so you might gather from that list the kind of guys you are going to see in action: hard muscled, tough, butch, fit... User: Next. Assistant: and rugged are some of the words to use to describe the models. Talking of which, there is a model index with 1,955 guys in it and you can search them out via their face and body shots on index pages, by name, and also by looking at who appears on the most scenes. Find a model and you find lots of neat information... User: Next. Assistant: about him including some stats and links to the scenes he has been in, and to the photo galleries he may appear in. You... User: Next. Assistant: can cast votes for guys as well and rate them. Accessing images is easy. You have links to the related gallery on any video viewing page that also has pics with the... User: Continue. Assistant: scene. Or you can simply use the link in the top menu. I found 3665 image sets here but there are more galleries attached... User: More. Assistant: to the movies too. Each one holds its own amount of images, though we are not looking at huge sets of gratuitous screen caps... User: Continue. Assistant: here but rather small sets of high quality collectables. Around 10 to 20 pics per set would be a rough guide. Images click up to decent sizes and are mostly posed clothed and naked, soft and hard shots. Full sized images are also possible with a further click and sizes are up to 1,280 x 1,920 where the quality remains good. A quick rundown of your other menu items reveals: A few Bonus scenes and offers, links to the store and the Blog and access to the live show department where you can watch the models live according to a schedule. Falcon Studios is going from strength to strength with its strong-man, hardcore, tough-guy scenes and DVDs. Here there are some exclusive scenes from the company and then... User: Continue. Assistant: a lot of similar content from other top names, studios and sites. The viewing is stream only but there are good choices for this,... User: Next. Assistant: the images are high quality, as are the movies, the site is easy to use and functional and updates are still coming in regularly... User: Next. Assistant: Again, check for any sign up offers and be quick before they vanish.
Human: Can you tell me how to fill in the missing spans: The treatment given to this unit by the prior regime has been mind-boggling. If there has been one thing we have seen over and over in watching the NFL, it's that if you don't have athletic linebackers who can run from sideline to sideline and shed blocks to fill holes, a defense is going nowhere, despite what talent it might have up front and on the backside. Such was [spans 1] year. A big reason for the decline of the run defense is the linebackers' inability to come up and fill holes as well as they did the year prior. Yes, injuries had something to do with that last year, but overall, the previous regime's reluctance to use Day 1 or Day 2 resources to fill what has been a glaring need ranks a close second behind watching an often overmatched unit get burned repeatedly by opposing tight ends. The good news is that James Bettcher's new defense relies heavily on linebackers, which means the Giants current management has no.5: Disappointment, hot seats, killer instinct, and are the Stars getting tired? – The AthleticIs Ken Hitchcock's system leaving too little in the tank down the stretch? Is this a byproduct of his system taking its toll over time, or is this just a few bounces not going your way? The Stars cannot score 5-on-5 (12 periods and counting at [spans 2] question). Love the defensive improvements, but the offense looks like a night-by-night improv based on what's available, rather than dictating the pace & style of play. Any thoughts? (From Alex G. I don't think Hitch's system is draining the tank, but I'm starting to get worried about the wear and tear on the Stars' top players if they make the playoffs. More and more often the Stars have shortened the bench. Playing a three-line game or two-and-half line game of the third period. Part of that is out of necessity, especially when the Stars are trailing, but part of that is due to a lack of trust for younger players in bigger moments. One strand of Enlightenment political thinking holds that publicly available information serves rational debate for the good of the republic, and therefore leakers and whistleblowers bolster the public interest by bringing uncomfortable facts to light, often at great [spans 3] cost. Whatever its merits, it's a familiar story. The idea that the disclosure of information inevitably provides a social good, even—or perhaps especially—at the risk of the messenger's martyrdom, is deeply rooted in our culture, from Prometheus to Jesus to All the President's Men. But it's a narrative that we should stress-test against history. In doing so, we may find that what burns up was never worth keeping, and what remains is precious. Leaks are always political, never disinterested. To this end, the documented uses of Beltway leaks are many: the leak as trial balloon meant to gauge public reaction, the leak that calls for a superior's attention when official channels have otherwise failed, the leak meant to undercut a rival, the leak that lobbies for more government funding. Although leaks of classified information have come to be associated with the civil-libertarian, antiwar left through Daniel Ellsberg and Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, they can just as readily be pro-war. This was decidedly the agenda behind the leak of five thousand classified documents by Charles Radford, a young National Security Council aide, to Admiral Thomas Moorer, Nixon's reactionary Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who sought to reverse the retreat from Vietnam. What's more, antiwar leaks can be pro-fascist. Between 1939 and 1940, young American foreign service employee Tyler Kent, friend of anti-Semitic and pro-Fascist groups, leaked classified information with the purpose of undermining Roosevelt's move to a war footing. The urge to shine a light into the darkness can be well intentioned, and yet by itself, transparency for its own sake is risibly inadequate as politics. It often amounts to an empty proceduralism in search of substantive goals; or, worse, it unleashes all manner of nastiness under the pretense of disinterested knowledge-seeking. All [spans 4] story. “Nihilism” is too grand a word for this willful naiveté; it's more an attempt to fill a void of substantive political [spans 5] costs. The religion of leaks inculcates a belief in the messianic power of a coming truth, yet the truth is often politically irrelevant. The truth didn't matter in 1215 when Guy de Montfort pleaded with Pope Innocent III at the Lateran Council to call off the Albigensian Crusade, a fight waged against a Catharist heresy that never existed. Nevertheless, this fictional menace to Christendom furnished the justification for the conquest and absorption of Montfort's fiefdom, while also doubling as a pretext for the Vatican to flex its doctrinal orthodoxy. Nor did the truth matter in 1594, when a hapless baker was passed off as Dom Sebastião, the long-lost King of Portugal, a monarch who had disappeared in a failed military campaign in Morocco sixteen years earlier. This secret-mongering can lead to a passionate but misplaced faith in transparency, an emphasis that can become a distraction. The imposture was ridiculous on its face, but it lasted surprisingly long, as it suited powerful dynastic interests on the Iberian Peninsula. Even today, in our literate, middle-class society with its pretense to formal equality and citizenship rights, the truth is often elided, ignored, or instrumentalized. In his enlightening and disturbing book, Intelligence and U. Foreign Policy, CIA analyst Paul Pillar examines a dozen postwar U. foreign policy crises and finds [spans 6] intelligence. senators who voted for the Iraq War have since exculpated themselves (and each other) by blaming “bad intel,” but this will not do. Those who read the National Intelligence Estimate, available to senators at the time, would have noticed the operational ties between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda were nonexistent. One who bothered, Bob Graham (D-FL), reversed his position and voted against the invasion. The truth is often perfectly impotent. In early 2003, some 70 percent of the United States believed that Saddam Hussein helped perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, and that the impending invasion of Iraq was justified, at the very least, as an act of vengeance. Yet the British intelligence dossier on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction presented by Colin Powell to the U. was revealed—before he had left the building—as a sloppy cut-and-paste job of documents easily found on the internet. In our thrillers and spy dramas, information—especially in the guise of a secret—is imbued with a symbolic and narrative sorcery, the stuff of miracle MacGuffins. Take the magical fax sent by Joan Allen's virtuous CIA officer at the end of The Bourne Ultimatum; or, more ambivalently, the open-ended [spans 7] Times. The plot becomes nothing more than the revelation of a plot—a dark scheme or conspiracy. In historical reality, leaked secrets are often dud MacGuffins. In 1958, Henri Alleg's sensational account of torture committed by French security forces in Algeria did nothing to slow the mother country's grinding counterinsurgency war. And, in 1979, the thousands of CIA files released by Iranian [spans 8] East. And secrets are routinely overvalued at the expense of publicly available knowledge. It is consoling, the [spans 9] torpor. This idea is undeniably flattering to intellectuals: it puts them on history's center stage as fire-bringers, [spans 10] secrets. This secret-mongering can itself lead to a passionate but misplaced faith in transparency, an emphasis that can become [spans 11] distraction. Consider how much the dominant critique of Washington's drone strikes focuses on the “lack of transparency” that engulfs their planning and execution. Fair enough: Washington should be more forthcoming about its general conduct in a growing number of counterinsurgency wars. Still, do we have any reason to expect that greater transparency would change U. drone strike policy, given how popular it is among Republican, Independent, and even Democratic voters? And don't we already have enough information to make a decision about the moral and strategic imprudence of drone strikes? In practice, the fixation on transparency can work to defer decisions that need to be made now, displacing onto procedural issues of disclosure the substantive conversations—about violence, material interest, morality, strategic goals—we find more difficult. Against this harsh reality, a faith in the salvific powers of public leaks flatters the vanities of those who conceive of the Truth as a vault of secrets. In the Western philosophical tradition, the wise man (it was almost always a man) was presumed to have won privileged access to aletheia, one classical Greek term for truth, the etymology of which denotes something unconcealed, a thing literally pulled out of the Lethe—or oblivion. Aletheia is a matter of economics: there must be scarcity value attached to information known to a scant few—even [spans 12] 1. Aletheia is also a matter of erotics: the striptease removal of the veil from secrets that play hard to get. To be fair, not every intellectual has embraced these habits of mind, at least not since Diogenes swung his lantern around in broad daylight. Like the earlier mob leaders, the spokesmen for totalitarian movements possessed an unerring instinct for anything that ordinary party propaganda or public opinion did not care or dare to touch. ## Everything hidden, everything passed over in silence, became of major significance, regardless of its own intrinsic importance. The mob really believed that truth was whatever respectable society had [spans 13] . do not believe in anything visible, in the reality of their own experience . What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part. It's not just Arendt's mob: authoritarians, too, fetishize the power of state secrets, and this consuming passion can be more damaging to their sovereignty than any leak. Storied leaker Daniel Ellsberg wounded Nixon badly, but not because of the content [spans 14] goons. Nixon's ham-handed acts of illegality—breaking into the leaker's psychiatrist's office; plotting to have him assaulted in public; attempting to bribe the judge of Ellsberg's criminal trial with the directorship of the FBI—could not be ignored, and it resulted in a mistrial. But for Team Nixon's criminality, Ellsberg would almost surely have been convicted under the Espionage Act of 1917 for his leaks, just as Chelsea Manning was some [spans 15] later. The sitting president is daily made insane by leaks that challenge his dominion over the political hype-cycle. “James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal! ” he tweets. The persistent drizzle of petty leaks from inside and near the White House—from FBI agents, from staffers, from [spans 16] fits. Let them keep coming. Let some brave soul leak Trump's tax returns or the full Senate report on CIA torture. Though the truth is usually an inert gas, it can sometimes explode—and possibly derail some injurious policy. In the meantime, let's at least not fool ourselves: it will take more than revelations to save us. Chase Madar is a former civil rights lawyer and the author of The Passion of (Chelsea) Manning: The Story behind the WikiLeaks Whistleblower. Bot: spans 1: the case with the Giants last spans 2: the time of this spans 3: personal spans 4: of these leaks were justified on the grounds that the disclosed files and documents were authentic, end of spans 5: belief with a self-serving ambition to stay in the news at all spans 6: that, in every single case, the input of the intelligence agencies did not result in more refined policy but in more politicized spans 7: close of Three Days of the Condor, which has Robert Redford sending evidence of homicidal mayhem on the part of our national intelligence agencies to the New York spans 8: revolutionaries who took over the agency's Tehran station did nothing to deter Washington policymakers from imperial meddling in the Middle spans 9: belief that the glorious revelation of some state secret will liberate us from injustice—or at least from our depoliticized spans 10: deliverers of catalytic, even volatile, truths; it also saves face for The People, whom intellectuals imagine would flock to the side of justice if they only knew the right spans 11: a spans 12: if the “few” who hold “top secret” security clearance in the United States number an incredible spans 13: hypocritically passed over, or covered with corruption spans 14: of the Pentagon Papers—which were limited to the misdeeds of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations in Vietnam—but rather by inspiring criminal overreach on the part of the president and his spans 15: forty years spans 16: Jared? —is giving Trump
<human>: Can you tell me how to fill in the missing spans: Camping is popular in this part of the state. Follow all Fossil Ridge Wilderness regulations, and practice Leave No Trace techniques to keep it wild. Though the trail is short–only three miles round trip–don't let that fool you into thinking this is just another walk in the park. Leaving the Gold Creek Campground behind, the first .8 miles from about 10,000 feet to [spans 1] Lake. With each passing step, treeline becomes inevitable, but for one fleeting moment, the trail levels with a short-lived rest. The dense tree cover recedes to views of the cirque's western wall before quickly ducking back into the woods, where another set of switchbacks crosses the creek, then heralds the trail into its hardest push to the lake at 11,400 feet. This high alpine lake rests right on [spans 2] northwest. As you might guess from the Mountain's name, ancient marine fossils still surround the lake from Colorado's ancient aquatic history. Cutthroat trout have been introduced into all Fossil Ridge Wilderness lakes, and the easy approach makes Mill Lake a popular fishing destination. Elk, deer, bighorn, mountain goats, fox, bobcats and mountain lions are also known to thrive within the Fossil Ridge Wilderness. Fossils of Cretaceous and Jurassic sea creatures can be found along the banks of [spans 3] Lake. If you do find anything, leave it as it is. We're pleased to announce that Principal Sustainability Consultant Joanne Thetford will be taking on the role of Local Network Co-ordinator for the UKGBC's first Greater Manchester Local Network. Joanne will be drawing on over 11 years of experience as a sustainability expert, leading on building certifications like BREEAM and The WELL Building Standard™ to help shape the agenda for the Network. Her role will predominately be focused on helping to promote the new network [spans 4] area. “The UKGBC has a strong reputation in the [spans 5] region. With my role at Hilson Moran I have a holistic view of the market and how clients are adopting sustainability initiatives. I'm looking forward to using my experience and knowledge [spans 6] Moran. The third and final active UKGBC city network in the UK [spans 7] networks. Read Jo's first introductory blog article here [spans 8] September. The WELL accreditation puts people at the centre of building design. [spans 9] . HilsonMoran RT @nlalondon: New London Quarterly is NLA's magazine about London's built environment issues, edited by @Davidntaylor. It includes news, v . HilsonMoran It may have been Hilson Moran's official 40th anniversary in 2017 but the celebrations continued on in fine style a . co/NTnpMaApd4HilsonMoran Watch our ‘fun guide to BIM' to see how digital design technology is being used to create pin point accurate buildi . co/2OpvFb4cL5HilsonMoran RT @IAQM_UK: Our penultimate speaker is Chris Birch from @HilsonMoran exploring the topic of workplace air quality and the WELL building st . HilsonMoran Next week Principal Sustainability Consultant David Mckenna will be presenting ‘FIFA's journey to its most [spans 10] . co/WKVOjKwzFTHilsonMoran Has modern technology improved or hindered workplace productivity? Director Simon Ramsden gives his thoughts from o . co/RG2VsaAzD1HilsonMoran Well done also to both teams for showcasing such innovative and well thought out design concepts for their schools . co/p1p9FZegSSHilsonMoran A massive thank to all of the @GDST students who joined us today. It was an absolute pleasure having you with us. co/MGyJIhUdmJHilsonMoran RT @GDSTSkills: Students are now working in teams @HilsonMoran to design the school of the future. Lots of great ideas to take back to the . HilsonMoran Today we welcomed students from across the @GDST network into our London office to show them the inner workings of . co/qJkGrBRDJeHilsonMoran RT @GDSTSkills: Great to be [spans 11] . HilsonMoran RT @vinugaro: It's a wrap in #Dubai #CTBUH2018 by @Steve_alineaLLP onwards to #AbuDhabi for an exciting 2nd half https://t. co/A90L3V8FNXHilsonMoran RT @AFLArchitects: It may be the final day of #GreenGB week, but when it comes to #GreeningManchester, we will keep the conversation going. Copyright © 2015 Protima Rauwel et al. Silver has been recognized as a nontoxic, safe inorganic antibacterial/antifungal agent used for centuries. Silver demonstrates a very high potential in a wide range of biological applications, more particularly in the form of nanoparticles. Another important advantage of green synthesis methods lies in its cost-effectiveness and in the abundance of raw materials. During the last five years, many efforts were put into developing new greener and cheaper methods for the synthesis of nanoparticles. The cost decrease and less harmful synthesis methods have been the motivation in comparison to other synthesis techniques where harmful reductive organic species produce hazardous by-products. This environment-friendly aspect has now become a major social issue and is instrumental in combatting environmental pollution through reduction or elimination of hazardous materials. This review describes a brief overview of the research on green synthesis of silver metal nanoparticles and the influence of the method on their size and morphology. For over centuries, [spans 12] forth. In fact, silver ions and their related compounds have low toxicity toward animal cells but present a high toxicity to microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. The recent advances in the field of nanoparticle synthesis have a strong impact in many scientific [spans 13] tendency. In fact, silver based compounds are much cheaper than gold based one; moreover, silver nanoparticles are now considered as an important class of nanomaterials. They are presently mainly used as catalyst (1) or antibacterial/antifungal agents (2). ## Environmentally friendly synthesis methods are becoming more and more popular in chemistry and chemical technologies. This trend has several origins, including the need for greener methods counteracting the higher costs and higher energy [spans 14] processes. For this reason, scientists search for cheaper methods of synthesis. The other reason is that conventional methods for nanoparticle synthesis usually require harmful reductants such as sodium borohydride or hydrazine and many steps in the synthesis procedure including heat treatments, often producing hazardous by-products. In order to reduce the environmental impact of nanoparticle [spans 15] decade. The principles of green chemistry were presented by Anastas and Warner who developed 12 principles that eloquently describe green chemistry (3). Green chemistry should aim at thwarting [spans 16] risk. To be energy efficient, the synthesis processes should be carried out close to ambient temperature and pressure and under neutral pH. The biological systems then appear as the most suitable factory for reaching such natural chemistry conditions. It is [spans 17] NPs). Many approaches were investigated, and microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and algae were used in the biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles. Bacteria are known to produce inorganic materials either intra- or extracellularly. This makes them potential biofactories for the synthesis of nanoparticles like gold and silver. Silver is well known for its biocidal properties; however, some bacteria are known to be silver resistant (6) and can accumulate silver on the cell [spans 18] (7). Therefore, the use of prokaryotic bacteria as nanofactories was first studied. First noble metal nanoparticle synthesis, using bacteria, was done using silver resistant bacterial strains Pseudomonas stutzeri AG259, which were cultured in high concentrations of silver nitrates. Significant results were observed when bacteria Proteus mirabilis PTCC 1710 were used for producing silver nanoparticles. It was found that depending on the type of “broth” used during the incubation of bacteria, extracellular or intracellular synthesis can be promoted. This kind of selection makes bacteria-based green synthesis flexible, inexpensive, and a suitable method for large-scale production (9). It is important to point out that bacteria continued to grow after the synthesis of silver nanoparticles. For this reason, fungi-based nanofactories and chemical reaction involving plant based materials were investigated (see Table 1) (10). Similar to bacteria, due to their tolerance and metal bioaccumulation ability, high binding capacity, and intracellular uptake, fungi have been of interest in biological production of the metallic nanoparticles (11). Compared to bacteria, fungi are simpler to handle in a laboratory process. The mechanism of nanoparticle production using fungi is different; fungi secrete large amounts of enzymes which are used to reduce silver ions that induce the formation of the metal nanoparticles (12). The first synthesis involving fungus-mediated approaches for the metal nanoparticle synthesis was performed in the beginning of the 20th century, and Ag NPs with diameter of nm were synthesized using fungus Verticillium (13, 14). In previous studies involving bacteria, bacteria Pseudomonas stutzeri AG259 isolated from silver mines were [spans 19] (8). Synthesis using Verticillium takes the green approach even further. During the exposure of the fungus to AgNO3 solution, the reduction of ions and the formation of Ag NPs take place. Nanoparticles were [spans 20] morphology. Contrary to bacteria, Ag NPs were formed below [spans 21] (13). This result differs from the work of Klaus et al.1999, where particle morphologies synthesized using bacteria ranged from spherical, triangular to hexagonal. The mechanism of nanoparticle formation was then studied and the main hypothesis is that, in the case of fungi-based synthesis, the NPs are formed on the surface of the mycelia and not in the solution. It was then suggested that in the first step Ag+ ions are adsorbed on the surface of the fungal cells due to electrostatic interaction between negatively charged carboxylate groups in enzymes present in the cell wall of mycelia and positively charged Ag ions. Finally, the silver ions are then reduced by the enzymes present in cell wall, leading to the formation of silver nuclei (13). The shift from bacteria to fungi as a means of developing natural nanofactories offers the advantages of simpler downstream processing and handling of the biomass. The first report involving extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles using eukaryotic systems such as fungi was reported by Ahmad et al. They showed that secreted enzymes are responsible in the reduction process (15). Before this report, all the fungi based biosyntheses were intracellular. Extracellular synthesis is advantageous as the synthesized nanoparticles will not bind to the biomass (16, 17) and it is therefore possible to extend this approach for the biosynthesis of nanomaterials over a range of chemical compositions, such as oxides, nitrides, and so forth. When compared to other classes of microorganisms, [spans 22] synthesis. For example, fungus like white rot fungus is nonpathogenic and this contributes to the mass production of Ag NPs (18). Another important factor for choosing the method of synthesis is the reaction rate. First report of rapid synthesis using fungi was using Aspergillus fumigatus that allowed obtaining monodispersed Ag NPs within 10 minutes (19). In addition, one of the most common molds Aspergillus fumigatus was used to make Ag NPs in a matter of minutes, when silver ions entered into contact with the cell filtrate. These investigations were clear examples describing suitability and the potential of using fungi for mass production of nanoparticles. More recently, Ag NPs were synthesized using A. Flavus fungi to be combined with antibiotics to enhance the biocidal efficiency against multidrug-resistant bacteria. This study demonstrated the efficiency of antibiotics [spans 23] (20). Similar to fungi, yeasts were also widely investigated for silver nanoparticle synthesis (12, 21, 22). Silver-tolerant yeast strain MKY3 was first used for extracellular synthesis. ## The outcome of the synthesis was satisfying due to simplicity of the separation of the nanoparticles when using differential thawing (23). After that, several studies followed but until recently synthesis has never been carried out by commercial baker's yeast available in grocery stores. All the aggravating steps of cultivation of the yeast were avoided, thus making the process much simpler (24). One of the first approaches of using plants as a source for the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles was with alfalfa sprouts (26), which was the first report on [spans 24] system. Alfalfa roots have the capability of absorbing Ag from agar medium and transferring them into the shoots of the plant in the same oxidation state. In the shoots, these Ag atoms arranged themselves to form nanoparticles by joining themselves and forming larger arrangements. In comparison to bacteria and fungi, green synthesis using plants appears to be faster and the first investigations demonstrate that synthesis procedures are able to produce quite rapidly Ag NPs. showed that using Geranium leaf takes around nine hours reaching 90% reaction compared to the 24 to 124 hours necessary for other reactions reported earlier (27). Therefore, the use of plant extracts in green synthesis has spurred numerous investigations and studies up till now. It was demonstrated that the production of metal nanoparticles using plant extracts could be completed in the metal salt solution within minutes at room temperature, depending on the nature of the plant extract. In addition to the synthesis parameters, the main issue is the choice of the plant from which the extract could be used. The advantages of using plants for the synthesis of nanoparticles are that the plants are easily [spans 25] ions. Most of the plant parts like leaves, roots, latex, bark, stem, and seeds are being used for nanoparticle synthesis (10). The most important point is the active agent contained in these parts which makes the reduction and stabilization possible. Ecofriendly plant extracts [spans 26] nanoparticles. Phenolic compounds possess hydroxyl and carboxyl groups, which are able to bind to metals (37). [spans 27] treatment. Recent reports showed that it was possible using Chrysanthemum indicum L. (38) or Acacia leucophloea extract (39) to synthesize Ag NPs of diameter ranging from 38–72 nm to 17–29 nm, respectively. ## Both samples demonstrated very good antibacterial properties. In the same manner, Ganoderma neojaponicum Imazeki was used for the synthesis of Ag NPs as potential cytotoxic agents against breast cancer cells (40). As these methods involving green chemistry are being more and more explored and scientists are starting to combine different options together, it was recently reported that the symbiotic biological systems such as Geranium leaf combined with endophytic fungus Colletotrichum sp. can synergize the outcome [spans 28] reaction. In fact, plants contain biomolecules which are able to stabilize unstable particles whereas fungi secrete enzymes for reduction (41). The size distribution of nanoparticles in general is an important issue as nanoparticles exhibit different physical and chemical properties depending on their shape and size. Synthesis methods that generate uniformly sized and shaped nanoparticles are therefore being pursued. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is therefore one of the most adapted techniques to study the size and shape of the nanoparticles and provide their distribution. It is important to note that the majority of the TEM studies were performed on plant extracted green synthesis of silver nanoparticles. Many different plant extracts have been used to prepare silver nanoparticles in the aim of producing Ag [spans 29] morphologies. These studies in TEM have shown that the presence of a capping layer in plant mediated [spans 30] growth. It also has an effect on the size distribution of these nanoparticles. The use of medicinal plants in the synthesis of Ag NPs is not only used for size and shape control but also used to provide properties to the Ag NPs along with the antimicrobial properties of the plant. In this section, special emphasis is given to the Ag NPs morphology and [spans 31] TEM. Everyday products such as tea and coffee can be used to produce Ag NPs, namely, tea leaves and coffee beans. have explained that the caffeine and polyphenol in tea and coffee help in forming complexes with metal ions and reducing them to the corresponding metal (42). [spans 32] AgNO3. TEM samples were prepared by diluting the nanoparticles in water. The TEM images provide monodispersed nanoparticles in each case, indicating that the polyphenols act not only as a reducing agent but also as a capping agent and therefore restrict their growth to 60 nm (Figure 1). In Figure 1, the TEM images provide size distribution of Ag NPs and indicate that tea extract reduced Ag NPs present a small particle size distribution compared to the caffeine reduced ones (Figure 1(b)). By using different types of tea and coffee extract the authors have shown that the size of the nanoparticles can be further varied (Figure 2). Other edible products such as gelatin and glucose have also been employed by Darroudi et al. to modify the Ag NPs size and shape (43). The synthesis was carried out by dissolving gelatin in water and adding silver solution. A small amount of glucose was also added and the solution was heat treated at different temperatures, that is, 20, 40, and 60°C. Synthesis with and without the presence of glucose was performed. The particle size showed a decrease when the temperature was increased and when glucose was absent. At 60°C, the [spans 33] nm. This is attributed to the rate of reduction reaction of AgNO3. In another study, ecofriendly honey was used as a reducing agent and replaced synthetic reducing agents such as hydrazine and dimethyl formamide which are not totally environmentally safe. In this study, the particle size depended on the concentration of honey and the pH of the aqueous solution (44). Another encounter where Rupiahsi et al. used latex in the green synthesis of Ag NPs has also been reported (45). Milky white latex was extracted from the stems of fresh fruits of Thevetia peruviana and filtered out. This was then mixed with AgNO3. The TEM images of the particles thus obtained show spherical particles with a wide size distribution with 75% of the nanoparticles presenting particle size between 10 and 30 nm (Figure 3). Less than 10% of the nanoparticles were under 10 nm in size and between 50 and 60 nm. Most of the particles in the TEM image are polydispersed despite latex being used as a capping and reducing agent; the nanoparticles were nevertheless spherically shaped. However, other nanoparticle shapes of Ag NPs are also possible with other green synthesis methods as explained below. Figure 3: Representative TEM image of Ag NPs synthesized at room temperature using latex extract from the stems of fresh fruits of Thevetia peruviana (45) (reproduced with permission from IOP). Another plant mediated synthesis of Ag nanoparticles includes Elaeagnus latifolia a native evergreen shrub to Asia. In the work of Phanjom et al. the nanoparticles were precipitated after a room temperature reaction of the leaf extract with AgNO3 and provided a size distribution of Ag NPs between 30 and 50 nm (Figure 4(a)) (46). However, the TEM contrasts exhibit the presence of defects such as stacking faults or twinning in them (Figure 4(b)). Figure 4: TEM images [spans 34] journal). have employed Leptadenia reticulata which is a medicinal plant native to the Indian subcontinent (47). It has been actively used to alleviate symptoms of hematopoiesis, emaciation, cough, dyspnoea, fever, burning sensation, and night blindness. Extracts of this plant are also used to cure skin disorders. For the synthesis, once again AgNO3 was mixed with the leaf extract in 1 : 9 proportions. The nanoparticles obtained were stored in ionized water and frozen for further study. For TEM [spans 35] grid. The particles appear oblong with sizes between 50 and 70 nm (Figure 5). Figure 5: Ag NPs synthesized using Leptadenia [spans 36] Springer). Olive leaf extract with AgNO3 has been used by Khalil et al. for the synthesis of Ag NPs and their antibacterial properties have been evaluated (48). It is well known that olive leaf is effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli. Their studies focused first of all on the effect of concentration of the leaf extract on the particle size. In this context they observed a decrease in the particles size with increase in the olive leaf extract concentration during reaction as indicated in Figure 6. The authors have calculated that for the 1 mL concentration average particle size was 30 nm (Figure 6(a)) while for 5 mL of olive leaf extract concentration the particle size was less than 15 nm (Figure 6(b)). Figure 6: TEM micrographs with (a) 1 mL and (b) 5 mL olive leaf extract (48) (reproduced with permission from the journal). Moreover, the effect of pH of the reaction solution on the particles size was also evaluated and they noticed a clear decrease in particle size with increase in pH. Here Ag NPs with 2 different pH values (Figure 7) were studied with TEM and smaller particle sizes were obtained for higher pH (Figure 7(b)). It is therefore possible to vary the pH and the extraction concentration and tailor the size of the NPs. Figure 7: TEM micrograph of the silver nanoparticles (48): (a) at pH 3, nm and (b) at pH 8 (reproduced with permission from the journal). Terminalia chebula fruit extract has also been used by Kiran Kumar et al. for [spans 37] (49). In their reaction Ag2SO4 was mixed with the extraction liquid compared to other [spans 38] used. The nanoparticles produced by this method showed sharp facets. All the nanoparticles were under 100 nm in size. The shape anisotropy is believed to be due to lack of protective biomolecules which assists in the homogeneity of the shape during growth, thus forcing them to attain thermodynamic stability by acquiring shapes such as triangles and hexagons. The monodispersed aspect of these nanoparticles was again attributed to the capping layer of polyphenols which are known to reduce Ag+2 to Ag+0 and the oxidized polyphenol binds to the Ag NPs via –C=O bonds and also simultaneously stabilizes them. Other plant mediated Ag NPs synthesis involves Tinospora Cordifolia by Anuj and Ishnava (50). Here they used the stem extract to obtain a suspension that was then mixed with AgNO3. The nanoparticles produced in [spans 39] shapes. They also noticed a fine film on the TEM grid which corresponded to the capping layer produced from the Tinospora Cordifolia extract [spans 40] 8). Figure 8: Ag NPs synthesized using Tinospora Cordifolia extract as a reducing agent (50) (reproduced with permission from the journal). More recently, it [spans 41] nm. The authors observed an enhancement of the antibacterial activity of Ag NPs synthesized using this method (39). During the last decades, many efforts were put into the development of new green synthesis methods. Living organisms have huge potential for the production of nanomaterials that can be applied to many fields and more specifically to biomedicine. Organisms ranging from simple bacteria to highly complex eukaryotes can all be [spans 42] shape. Prokaryotes are the simplest forms of biomass and therefore are easy to manipulate genetically to make them produce more desired substances for synthesis. However, the cultivation of the bacteria and large scale production remains problematic compared to others. Therefore, as a first approach, bacteria were studied as first nanofactories for the production of noble metal nanoparticles. However, the low synthesis rate and the limited number of size and shape distributions available oriented the investigations to the use of fungi and algae. Fungi present a suitable option for large-scale green nanoproduction. [spans 43] reduction. They also present filamentous tolerance towards metals, high binding capacity, and intracellular uptake. Nevertheless, the genetic manipulation to overexpress specific enzymes in order to intensify synthesis is much more difficult among eukaryotes. More recently, many investigations were carried out on the possible use of plant extracts and the number of research papers published in this field has increased exponentially during the last 2 years due to their easy availability, environmental friendliness, and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, plants contain the most effective compounds for synthesis and therefore enhance the synthesis rate. Nevertheless, obtaining uniform size and shape distribution of Ag NPs remains a subject of investigation. The authors wish to acknowledge the NAMUR project and the Estonian Research Council for financial support of this work (Grant no. This work has been partially supported by Doctoral Studies and Internationalization Program “DoRa” Activity 2 “Improving the quality of higher education by supporting the employment of international teaching [spans 44] Estonia. Pooley, “Bacteria accumulate silver during leaching of sulphide ore minerals,” Nature, vol. ## View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at ScopusV. ## Lin, “Silver nanoparticles: Green synthesis [spans 45] vol. Sastry, “Bioreduction of chloroaurate ions by geranium leaves and its endophytic fungus yields gold nanoparticles of different shapes,” Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. View at Publisher · View at Google ScholarM. Mohamed, “Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using olive leaf extract and its antibacterial activity,” Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2013. View at Google Scholar. <assistant>: spans 1: the switchbacks at 10,500 feet pass easily enough, but as the altitude hits, so does the trail's headlong approach to Mill spans 2: the edge of tree line, which offers the best of both worlds: a thick web of pines to the south and east, and unbreakable views of Fossil Mountain in the spans 3: Mill spans 4: but also finding new ways to engage with UKGBC members and developing a strategic approach for the local spans 5: market for their work on improving sustainability in the built environment and I am thrilled to join their team this year with a focus on driving the local network here in Manchester – at a time when there is so much focus on the city and North West spans 6: to help push local targets and build on UKGBC's national agenda.”The development of the Greater Manchester network is headed up by UKGBC's Director of Policy and Places John Alker who has recently relocated to Manchester, and will be working closely with Joanne who has been seconded on a part-time basis by Hilson spans 7: adds to the existing Birmingham and West Midlands and Bristol and South West spans 8: for more information on the Greater Manchester Network, her close connection to the city and plans for the future:The first Greater Manchester event as part of the Local Networks programme will be on Green Homes during World Green Building Week on 26 spans 9: Hilson Moran is one of the first practices in the UK to employ WELL Accredited Professionals TMHilsonMoran RT @vinugaro: Valuable feedback from some of London's high rise residents summarised by @LSECities paper presented at this morning's @nlalo spans 10: Sustaina spans 11: @HilsonMoran with @GDST Sixth form students finding out about career options in design, the built environment a spans 12: silver based compounds were used as nontoxic inorganic antibacterial agents owing to their biocidal properties in many applications such as wood preservatives, water purification in hospitals, in wound or burn dressing, and so spans 13: areas and the synthesis of silver nanoparticles has also followed this spans 14: requirements of physical and chemical spans 15: synthesis, greener routes have been investigated for over a spans 16: waste, minimizing energy use, employing renewable materials, and applying methods that minimize spans 17: well known that many microorganisms can provide inorganic materials either intra- or extracellularly (5) and it was found that some of these microorganisms can be used as ecofriendly nanofactories for the production of nanomaterials, more particularly for the production of silver metal nanoparticles (Ag spans 18: wall to as much as 25% of their dry weight biomass, thus suggesting their use in industrial recovery of silver from ore materials spans 19: able to produce Ag NPs of well-defined size and distinct morphology within the periplasmic space of the bacteria spans 20: approximately 25 nm in diameter presenting a rather good monodispersity and spherical spans 21: the surface of the fungal cells spans 22: their ecofriendliness and simplicity during handling lead to increasing the use of fungi in green spans 23: combined with Ag NPs spans 24: the formation of Ag NPs using a living plant spans 25: available and safe to handle and possess a large variety of active agents that can promote the reduction of silver spans 26: contain biomolecules, which act as both reducing and capping agents that form stable and shape-controlled spans 27: Most of the Ag NPs synthesized via green synthesis are investigated for biomedicine and more particularly as antibacterial agent or for cancer spans 28: of the spans 29: NPs presenting different capping layer molecules and presenting different spans 30: synthesis of Ag NPs, where the plant extract acts as capping layers, shapes the nanoparticle during its spans 31: size distribution as a result of synthesis parameters using spans 32: They have used commercially available coffee and tea extract mixed with spans 33: nanoparticles had an average size of 3.68 nm and 5.28 spans 34: of Ag NPs synthesized with Elaeagnus Latifolia as a reducing agent: (a) overview of Ag NPs and (b) higher magnification image of the Ag NPs showing defects (46) (reproduced with permission from the spans 35: study these nanoparticles were suspended on a carbon coated copper spans 36: reticulata extract (47) (reproduced with permission from spans 37: the production of silver nanoparticles spans 38: methods presented here where AgNO3 was spans 39: their study were spherical except for larger particles that presented nonuniform spans 40: (Figure spans 41: was shown that Ag NPs synthesized using Acacia Leucophloea extract present a spherical morphology with a diameter ranging from 17 to 29 spans 42: used for the production of nanoobjects with the desired size and spans 43: They are easy to handle during downstream processing and they secrete large amounts of enzymes needed in the spans 44: staff” receiving funding from the European Social Fund under Project 1.0201.08-0001 in spans 45: and their antimicrobial activities,” Advances in Colloid and Interface Science,
Human: Find the missing words: The ark to be put into it, 3. The table and candlestick to be brought in also with the golden altar, 4. The altar of burnt-offering to be set up before the door, and the laver between the tent and the altar, 6,7. The court to be set up, 8. The tabernacle and its utensils to be anointed, 9-11. Aaron [words 1] washed, clothed, and anointed, 12-15. All these things are done accordingly, 16. The tabernacle is erected; and all its utensils, it on the first of the first month of the second year, 17-33. The cloud covers the tent, and the glory of the Lord fills the tabernacle, so that even Moses is not able to enter, 34,35. When they were to journey, the [words 2] to encamp, the cloud rested on the tabernacle, 36,37. A cloud by day and a fire by night was upon the tabernacle, in the sight of all the Israelites, through [words 3] journeyings, 38. Such a building, with such a profusion of curious and costly workmanship, was never got up in so short a time. But it was the work of the Lord, and the people did service as unto the Lord; for the people had a mind to work. By this anointing a right was given to Aaron and his family to be high priests among the Jews for ever; so that all who should be born of this family should have a right to the priesthood without the repetition of this unction, as they should enjoy this honour [words 4] it by a particular grant from God. But it appears that the high priest, on his consecration, did receive the holy unction; see Leviticus 4:3;; 6:22;; 21:10. And this continued till the destruction of the first temple, and the Babylonish captivity; and according to Eusebius, Cyril of Jerusalem, and others, this custom continued among the Jews to the advent of our Lord, after which there is no evidence it was ever practised. See Calmet's note on chap. See Clarke on Exodus 29:7. The Jewish high priest was a type of Him who is called the high priest over the house of God, Hebrews 10:21; and when he came, the functions of the other necessarily ceased. This case is worthy of observation. By the tent, in this and several other places, we are to understand the coverings made of rams' skins, goats' hair, thrown over the building; for the tabernacle had no other kind of roof. That is, the two tables on which the ten commandments had been written. The ark, the golden table with the shew-bread, the golden candlestick, and the golden altar of incense, were all in the tabernacle, within the veil or curtains, which served as a door, [words 5] 40:22,24,26. And the altar of burnt-offering was by the door, Exodus 40:29. And the brazen laver, between the tent of the congregation and the brazen altar, Exodus 40:30; still farther outward, that it might be the first thing the priests met with when entering into the court [words 6] and feet must be washed before they could perform any part of the holy service, Exodus 40:31,32. When all these things were thus placed, then the court that surrounded the tabernacle, which consisted of posts and hangings, was set up, Exodus 40:33. Thus God gave his approbation of the work; and as this was visible, so it was a sign to all the people that Jehovah was among them. How this was manifested we cannot tell; [words 7] probably by some light or brightness which was insufferable to the sight, for Moses himself could not enter in because of the cloud and the glory, Exodus 40:35. Precisely the same happened when Solomon had dedicated his temple; for it is said that the cloud filled the house of the [words 8] could not stand to minister because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord [words 9] Lord; 1 Kings 8:10,11. Previously to this the cloud of the Divine glory had rested upon that tent or tabernacle which Moses had pitched without the camp, after the transgression in the matter of the molten calf; but now the cloud removed from that tabernacle and rested upon this one, which was made by the command and under the direction of God himself. And there [words 10] was pitched in the centre of the camp, all the twelve tribes pitching their different tents in a certain order around it. The subject of these three last verses has been very largely explained in the notes on Exodus 13:21, to which, as well as to the general remarks on that chapter, the reader is requested immediately to refer. See Clarke on Exodus 13:21. This daily and nightly appearance was at once both a merciful providence, and a demonstrative proof of the Divinity of their religion: [words 11] throughout all their journeys; for, notwithstanding their frequently repeated disobedience and rebellion, God never withdrew these tokens of his presence from them, till they were brought into the promised land. When, therefore, the tabernacle became fixed, because the Israelites had obtained their inheritance, this mark of the Divine presence was no longer visible in the sight of all Israel, but appears to have been confined to the holy of holies, where it had its fixed residence upon the mercy-seat between the cherubim; and in this place continued till the first temple was destroyed, after which it was no more seen in Israel till God was manifested in the flesh. As it has ever been in hostility against the corrupt passions of men, testifying against the world that its deeds were evil, these passions have ever been in hostility to it. Cunning and learned men have argued to render its authority dubious, and its tendency suspicious; whole states and empires have exerted themselves to the [words 12] it; and its professed friends, by their conduct, have often betrayed it: yet librata ponderibus suis, supported by the arm of God and its own intrinsic excellence, it lives and flourishes; and the river that makes glad the city of God has run down with the tide of time 5800 years, and is running on with a more [words 13] current. We have seen how, by the miraculous cloud, all the movements of the Israelites were directed. They struck or pitched their tents, as it removed or became stationary. Every thing that concerned them was under the direction and management of God. But these things happened unto them for ensamples; and it is evident, from Isaiah 4:5, that all these things typified the presence and influence of God in his Church, and in the souls of his followers. His Church can possess [words 14] knowledge, no quickening power but from the presence and influence of his Spirit. By this influence all his followers are taught, enlightened, led, quickened, purified, and built up on their most holy faith; and without the indwelling of his Spirit, light, life, and salvation are impossible. These Divine influences Are necessary, not only for a time, but through all our journeys, Exodus 40:38; though every changing scene of providence, and through every step in life. And these the followers of Christ are to possess, not by inference or inductive reasoning, but consciously. The influence is to be felt, and the fruits of it to appear as fully [words 15] the Lord by day, and the fire by night, appeared in the sight of all the house of Israel. Reader, hast thou this Spirit? Are all thy goings and comings ordered by its continual guidance? Does Christ, who was represented by this tabernacle, and in whom dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, dwell in thy heart by faith? If not, call upon God [words 16] which, for the sake of his Son, he is ever disposed to impart; then shalt thou be glorious, and on all thy glory there shall be a defence. [words 17] into fifty-four sections, see the notes at the end of Genesis. See Clarke on Genesis 50:26. Of these fifty-four sections Genesis contains twelve; and the commencement and ending of each has been marked in the note already referred to. Of these sections Exodus contains eleven, all denominated, as in the former case, by the words in the original with which they commence. I shall point these out as in the former, carrying the enumeration from Genesis. It will at once appear to the reader that these sections have their technical names from some remarkable word, either in [words 18] commencement. Its parashioth, or larger sections, are 11. The symbol of this is the word ei, Isaiah 66:1. WHERE is the house that ye will build unto me? In which aleph stands for 1, and yod for 10. The symbol of which is taken from Psalms 19:2, yechavveh: Night unto night SHOWETH FORTH knowledge. In which word, yod stands for 10, cheth for 8, vau for 6, and he for 5; amounting to 29. Its pirkey, perakim, or present chapters, 40. The symbol of which is belibbo, taken from Psalms 37:31: The law of God is IN [words 19] HEART. In this word, beth stands for 2, lamed for 30, beth for 2, and vau for 6; amounting to 40. The open sections are 69. The close sections are 95. The symbol of which is yisadecha, from Psalms 20:2: STRENGTHEN THEE out of Zion. In which numerical word ain stands for 70, samech for [words 20] daleth for 4; making together 164. But on these subjects, important to some, and trifling to others, see what is said in the concluding note on GENESIS. IN the preceding notes I have had frequent occasion to [words 21] Dr. Shaw's account of the different stations of the Israelites, of which I promised an abstract in this place. This will doubtless be [words 22] Dr. Shaw travelled over the same ground, and carefully, in person, noted every spot to which reference is [words 23] chapters. either by Heroopolis in the midland road, or by Bishbesh, Tineh, and so along the seacoast towards Gaza and Ascalon,) although that was the nearest, but he led them ABOUT through the way of [words 24] the Red Sea. There are accordingly two roads through which the Israelites might have been conducted from Kairo to Pihahhiroth, on the banks of the Red Sea. One of them lies through the valleys, as they [words 25] and Baideah, bounded on each side by the mountains of the lower Thebais. The other lies higher, having the northern range of these mountains, (the mountains of Mocattee) running parallel with it on the right hand, and the desert of the Egyptian Arabia, which lies all the way open to the land of the Philistines, on the left. About the middle of this range [words 26] right hand into the valley of Baideah through a remarkable breach or discontinuation, in which we afterwards continued to the very bank of the Red Sea. Suez, a small city upon the northern [words 27] distance of thirty hours or ninety Roman miles from Kairo, lies a little to the [words 28] is formed by this same range of mountains, called at present Attackah, as that which bounds the valley of Baideah to the southward is called Gewoubee. "This road then through the valley [words 29] which is some hours longer than the other open road which leads us directly from Kairo to Suez, was, in all probability, the very road [words 30] Pihahhiroth, on the banks of the Red Sea. Josephus then, and other authors who copy after him, seem to be too hasty in making the Israelites perform this journey of ninety or one hundred Roman miles in three days, by reckoning each of the stations that are recorded for one day. Whereas the Scriptures are altogether silent with regard to the time [words 31] distance, recording the stations only. The fatigue, likewise, would have been abundantly too great for a nation on foot, encumbered with their dough, their kneading-troughs, their little children and cattle, to walk at the rate of thirty Roman miles a day. Another instance of the same kind occurs Numbers 33:9, where Elim is mentioned as the next station after Marah, though Elim [words 32] from each other than Kairo is from the Red Sea. Several intermediate stations, therefore, as well here as in other places, were omitted, the holy [words 33] down such only as were the most remarkable, or attended with some notable transaction. Succoth, then, the first station from Rameses, signifying only a place of tents, may have no fixed situation, being probably nothing [words 34] the Ishmaelites or Arabs, such as we will meet with at fifteen or twenty miles' distance from Kairo, in the road to the Red Sea. The rendezvous of the caravan [words 35] Suez was at one of these Dou-wars; at the same time we saw another at about six miles' distance, under the mountains of Mocattee, or in the very same direction which the Israelites may be supposed to have taken in their marches from Goshen towards the Red Sea. This valley ends at the sea, in a small bay made by the eastern extremities of the mountains which I have been describing, and is called Tiah-Beni Israel, i. [words 36] Israelites, by a tradition that is still kept up by the [words 37] passed through it; so it is also called Baideah, from the new and unheard-of miracle that was wrought near it, [words 38] Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen. The third [words 39] of the Israelites was at this bay. It was to be before Pihahhiroth, betwixt Migdol and the sea, over against Baal-tsephon, Exodus 14:2; and in ; Numbers 33:7it was to be before Migdol, where the word liphney, (before, as we render it,) being applied to Pihahhiroth and Migdol, may signify no more than that they pitched within sight of, or at a small distance from, the one and the other of those places. Whether Baal-tsephon then may have [words 40] northern situation of the place itself, or to some watch tower or idol temple that was erected upon it, we may probably take it for the eastern extremity of [words 41] conspicuous of these deserts, inasmuch as it overlooks a great part of the lower Thebais, as well as the wilderness that reaches towards, or which rather makes part of, the land of the Philistines. Migdol then might lie to the south, as Baal-tsephon did to the north, of Pihahhiroth; for the marches of the Israelites from the edge of the wilderness being to the seaward, that is, towards the south-east, their encampments betwixt Migdol and the sea, or [words 42] it is otherwise noted, could not well have another situation. "Pihahhiroth, or Hhiroth rather, without regarding the prefixed part of it, may have a more general signification, and denote the valley or that whole space of ground which extended itself from the edge of the wilderness of Etham to the Red Sea: for that particular part only, where the Israelites were ordered to encamp, appears to have been called Pihahhiroth, i. [words 43] Pharaoh overtook them, it was in respect to his coming down upon them, Exodus 14:9, i. beside or at the mouth, [words 44] advanced part, of Hhiroth to the eastward. Likewise in Numbers 33:7, where the Israelites are related to have encamped before Migdol, it follows, Numbers 33:8, that they departed from before Hhiroth, and not from before Pihahhiroth, as it is rendered in our translation. "There are likewise other circumstances to prove that the Israelites took their departure from this valley in their passage through the Red Sea, for it could not have been to the northward of the mountains of Attackah, or in the higher road, which I have taken notice of; because as [words 45] a level, the Israelites could not have been here, as we find they were, [words 46] and entangled. Neither could it have been on the other side, viz. What is now called Corondel might probably be the southern portion of the desert of Marah, the shore of the Red Sea, from Suez, hitherto having continued to be low and sandy; but from Corondel to the port of Tor, the shore is for the most part rocky and mountainous, in the same manner with the Egyptian coast that lies opposite to it; neither the one nor the other of them affording any convenient place, either for the departure of a multitude from the one shore, or the reception of it upon the other. And besides, from Corondel to Tor, the channel of the Red Sea, which from Suez to Sdur is not above nine or ten miles broad, begins here to be so many leagues, too great a space certainly for the Israelites, in the manner they were encumbered, to pass over in [words 47] night. At Tor the Arabian shore begins to wind itself round about Ptolemy's promontory of Paran, towards the gulf of Eloth, whilst the Egyptian shore retires so far to the south-west that it can scarce be perceived. As the Israelites [words 48] to the opinion of some authors, have landed either at Corondel or Tor, so neither could they have landed at Ain Mousa, according to the conjectures of others. For if the passage of the Israelites had been so [words 49] may be presumed that the very encampments of six hundred thousand men, besides children [words 50] which would amount to as many more, would have spread themselves even to the farther or the Arabian side of this narrow isthmus, whereby the interposition of Providence would not have been at all necessary; because, in this case and in this situation, there could not have been room enough for the waters, after they were divided, to have stood on a heap, or to have been a wall unto them, particularly on the left hand. This, moreover, would not have been a division, but a recess only of the water to the southward. Pharaoh likewise, by overtaking them as they were encamped in [words 51] sea, would have easily surrounded them on all sides. Whereas the contrary seems to be implied by the pillar of the cloud, Exodus 14:19,20, which (divided or) came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel, and thereby left the Israelites (provided this cloud should have been removed) in [words 52] only of being molested in the rear. For the narrow valley which I have described, and which we may presume was already occupied and filled up behind by the host of Egypt, and before by the encampments of the Israelites, would not permit or leave room for the Egyptians to approach them, either on the right hand or on the left. Besides, if this passage was at Ain Mousa, how can we account for [words 53] 15:22, where it is said that, when Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea, they went out into (or landed in) the wilderness of Shur? For Shur, a particular district of the wilderness of Etham, lies directly fronting the valley [words 54] departed, but a great many miles to the south-ward of Ain Mousa. If they landed likewise [words 55] Ain Mousa, where there are several fountains, there would have been no occasion for [words 56] historian to have observed, at the same time, that the Israelites after they went out from the sea into the wilderness of Shur, went three days in the wilderness, always directing their marches toward Mount Sinai, and found no water; for which reason Marah is recorded, Exodus 15:23, to be the [words 57] where they found water, as their wandering so far before they found it seems to make Marah also their first station, after their passage through the Red Sea. Moreover, the channel over against Ain Mousa is not above three miles over, whereas that betwixt Shur or Sedur and Jibbel Gewoubee and Attackah, is nine or ten, and therefore capacious enough, as the other would have been too small, for covering or drowning therein, Exodus 14:28, the chariots and horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh. [words 58] these arguments together, this important point in the sacred geography may with [words 59] over against the valley of Baideah, than at Tor, Corondel, [words 60] place. "Over against Jibbel Attackah and the valley of Baideah is the desert, as it is called, of Sdur, (the same with Shur, Exodus 15:22,) where the Israelites landed after they had passed through the interjacent gulf of the Red Sea. The [words 61] this gulf, which is the Jam suph, the weedy sea or the tongue of the Egyptian sea in [words 62] gulf of Heroopolis in the Greek and Latin geography; and the Western arm, as the Arabian geographers call it, of the sea [words 63] north and south, and therefore lies very properly situated to be traversed by that strong [words 64] to divide it, Exodus 14:21. The division that was thus made in the channel, the making the waters of it to [words 65] their being a wall to the Israelites on the right hand and on the left, 14:22,) besides the twenty miles' distance, at least, of this passage from the extremity of the gulf, are circumstances which sufficiently vouch for the miraculousness of it, and no less contradict all such idle suppositions as pretend to account for it from the nature and quality of tides, or from any such extraordinary recess of the sea as it seems to have been too rashly compared to by Josephus. Bot: words 1: and his sons to be words 2: cloud was taken up; when words 3: the whole course of the words 4: in their father's right, who had words 5: Exodus words 6: to minister, as their hands words 7: it was words 8: Lord, so that the priests words 9: had filled the house of the words 10: is reason to believe that this tabernacle words 11: and these tokens continued with them words 12: uttermost to oppress and destroy words 13: copious and diffusive words 14: no sanctifying words 15: as the cloud of words 16: for that blessing words 17: On the ancient division of the law words 18: the first or second verse of their words 19: HIS words 20: 60, caph for 20, yod for 10, and words 21: refer to words 22: acceptable to every reader Who knows that words 23: made in the preceding words 24: the wilderness of words 25: are now called, of Jendily, Rumeleah, words 26: we may turn short upon our words 27: point of it, at the words 28: northward of the promontory that words 29: of Baideah, words 30: which the Israelites took to words 31: or words 32: and Marah are farther distant words 33: penman contenting himself with laying words 34: more than some considerable Dou-war of words 35: which conducted us to words 36: the road of the words 37: Arabs, of their having words 38: by dividing the Red Sea, and destroying therein words 39: notable encampment then words 40: relation to the words 41: the mountains of Suez or Attackah, the most words 42: before Migdol, as words 43: mouth of Hhiroth; for when words 44: or the most words 45: this lies for the most part upon words 46: shut in words 47: one words 48: then, for these reasons, could not, according words 49: near the extremity of the Red Sea, it words 50: and a mixed multitude, words 51: this open situation by the words 52: a situation words 53: that remarkable circumstance, Exodus words 54: from which I suppose they words 55: at words 56: the sacred words 57: first place words 58: And therefore, by impartially weighing all words 59: more authority be fixed at Sedur, words 60: Ain Mousa, or any other words 61: situation of words 62: the Scripture language; the words 63: of Kolzum; stretches itself nearly words 64: east wind which was sent words 65: stand on a heap, 78:13,)
<user>: Fill in spans: Sorry that I didn't get this out as quickly as promised, but we kept the Grandkids last night and they like the computer better than television. It used to be stories and popcorn, but at five and eight years old, they have out grown all that nonsense. We no sooner put the troll motor in the water Friday morning on Calcasieu than the rain started and a southeast wind blew even harder than predicted. It only got worse from that point on. After agreeing that it wasn't going to happen for us, we loaded up and drove back to Sabine in hopes that it wasn't raining as hard. It was raining even harder and never stopped. It always settles out much quicker, but the water in the main lake was silted up very badly on Calcasieu. It rained us out again today and is stil raining, but the fishing will recover much quicker over there than on Sabine. Fred's buddies stole a little of his thunder Thursday morning. Paul Shaw, Charles Glass, and Bill Graber [spans 1] boat. A southeast gale kept us pinned to the rocks, but the trout were there. Paul stuck a five pound fish on the first cast on a morning glory Assassin and from that point on we caught or missed fish until the pounding got the best of the guide. There was more "keeping your balance" than there was reeling anytime a fish was on the hook and it was a group effort to net it and get it in the ice box. We caught a couple of trout in the channel as well, but they were deeper and more scattered. On the gulf side we repeated several drifts along an 800 yard stretch and caught fish the entire length of the drift. The water on the outside was much prettier. My hat is off to all three of those [spans 2] diamond. We stopped to fish at Willow on the way down the lake before the wind came up and the water pouring out of the bayou was finally starting to look really good. There were shrimp everywhere and the rat reds and lady fish were all over them. I feel certain that you can put that glimmer of improvement back on hold, however, with all of this rain! It is late and I will give you the details tomorrow night, but we had a really good morning on the Sabine jetties today. We fought some serious wind, but it was well worth the misery. I am headed back to Big Lake in the morning only because I am afraid the weather will be too bad to fish the jetties again. The rain is bad enough, but that southeast wind is a killer. If I was in the Pony Express my horse would be dead by now. Round trips from Adams Bayou to the jetties are long hauls. I ran the marsh twice last weekend looking for redfish and caught way more bass than reds. Then we ran to the south end of the lake and caught 14 very solid trout drifting the reef at the Causeway. Monday we fished the reef again as well as the jetties. We did poorly on the jetties, no surprise there, but I talked with some folks that said they did well. I am not the guide you want to want to fish the jetties with. I usually do only as well as the boat on either side of me and I feel like [spans 3] trout. Tuesday we fished the river half the day and then ran all the way to the Causeway reef again. We caught only a few trout, but we missed several nice fish in the short time we were down there. We had been catching our fish in 13 to 17 feet of water, but they were much shallower Tuesday. They also wanted Morning Glory Sea Shads more than any of the other colors we offered them. The water at the Causeway is the clearest the lake has to offer right now on a good tide change. The rest of the lake is extremely fresh and still badly off colored. Judging [spans 4] end. I had heard the water was still dirty at the jetties, but I thought it looked great when we were down there. I had a party cancel this morning [spans 5] noon. It looks just like Sabine is supposed to look this time of the year and the gulls are working over shad and shrimp all over the lake. I have no idea how many trout we caught, but we brought home 18 up to about three pounds. We stayed with one flock of gulls an hour and fifteen minutes and I haven't done that in years. We didn't run much of the lake, but the bite [spans 6] water. The majority of the fish under the gulls we worked were 13-14 inch fish. It was a treat just being able to see your lure 2-3 feet under the surface! Don't let this report keep you off the Sabine jetties. I think they are the place to be when you catch a favorable tide change and the wind isn't too bad. The best box of fish I have seen in a month came off the jetties Monday. They had trout up to five pounds and four Spanish. They caught every fish on a chrome-blue back Top Dog,Jr. on the gulf [spans 7] jetties. After canceling yet another party for fear that the weatherman would be right, I made a scouting trip with Gene Locke and Bob Crew Wednesday. The weatherman missed again, but it was probably best we canceled anyway. We drove around the lake and launched at Logan's Park on Pleasure Island. I was shocked at how much water was standing on the island and the lake level was very close to the top of the rocks on the revetment wall early that morning. By mid-afternoon, it had fallen some, but we have lots of water still coming down both the Sabine and Neches so things won't improve too quickly. I don't know what the deal was, but there were so many dead shad around the launch that you had to hold your breath until you got out of the parking lot. It was bad! Because of a strong southeast wind, we were unable to fish either revetment wall. The water had dirtied up even more, but it was fishable. We spent the entire day drifting the reefs at the Causeway and Blue Buck Point. The water clarity didn't improve much on either tide change, but we caught and missed enough trout to keep things interesting. I think Gene finally kept 7 or 8 trout [spans 8] more. That's not exactly non-stop action, but it was not a bad bite considering the conditions. We caught our fish on five inch Assassins [spans 9] shad. It took a drift sock and 3/8ths ounce head to keep the bait [spans 10] bottom. There are still lots of floaters in the intracoastal and the ship channel so slow down and take your time. There isn't a fish out there worth tearing up equipment are hurting yourself! For those of you that had a trip scheduled that we postponed recently, believe me when I say that I hate to cancel them [spans 11] do. We'll get them in when conditions improve, but I think its just too iffy to gamble a guide fee on right now. I appreciate both your patience and confidence. Considering the actual amount of fishing time we squeezed into five hours, we had a very decent day on Sabine. The water continues to get fresher and more off-colored, but the trout are [spans 12] them. They have been on the move lately and I think it has more to do with the bait than the fresh water. We abandoned the 8-10 foot breaks much earlier today and made our stand in 16-19 feet of water. We didn't catch a trout over four pounds, but we kept 14 very solid fish. We could have easily had 8-10 more fish as we missed a number of strikes as well as fish that we got to the surface, but that is just part of drifting deep water with soft plastics. We could have just as easily boated fewer fish as several of them shook the hook in the net. The trout were not right on the bottom which made it a [spans 13] zone. They were suspended about four feet off the bottom and you had to keep your bait there to get a bite. The best combination for us was a 1/16th ounce jig head and a five inch bone diamond Assassin. We found the fish with limetreuse, but they wouldn't hit it nearly as well as the bone diamond. When we finally ran for cover, we were drifting a quarter ounce head and using a drift sock. I feel reasonably certain that we also pulled off a couple of nice flounder as well. Joe Persohn called while we were out and said that the ship [spans 14] boaters. He said there were countless floaters [spans 15] timbers. We saw numerous floaters on the north end as well. There were so many, in fact, that I quit running Adam's Bayou and the river before daylight. We drug most of a large tree up on the bank north of East Pass late last week, but it was gone this morning. A lot of this waterlogged debris is just below the surface so slow down and keep your eyes on the water! We had a better day yesterday than the day before, but it was still far from great. I had two couples that had purchased a trip at the Galveston CCA banquet and all four were very competent fishermen. We beat one small stretch of relatively clear water to death early on until a southwest wind blew us out. We boated three trout and a keeper flounder on pumpkin chartreuse and limetreuse Assassins swimming them just off the bottom in nine feet of water. We missed one very good trout right off the bat and got just enough strikes to keep us in the area, but it was still a grind at best. After yielding to the wind, we drifted the same Assassins for a half an hour or so in 6-10 feet of water with no luck. We then elected to make one final drift in 13 to 16 feet of water, immediately started marking lots of bait and fish, boxed three nice trout, and missed at least four more. We called it a day without [spans 16] area. We rescheduled today's trip and my eight-year old grandson and I drove over to Pleasure Island just to watch folks fish and crab along the revetment walls. What else would a guide do on a day off? Even though the wind was blowing right in [spans 17] cork. We never saw any big fish landed, but they were keepers and at least there were a few fish in the area. With [spans 18] easier. The jetties are apparently not much of an alternative either as I talked with two groups of jetty regulars Friday that were back in the lake very early due to dirty water and no bite. I also visited with Joe Persohn this week and he said this has been one of the toughest summers on the jetties he has had in many years. You can take that assessment to the bank as that is not unlike having Noah tell you that you may want to buy a little flood insurance as soon as possible. More often than not, he is [spans 19] summer. His sons love fishing those chunks of granite as much as he does and he has been sharing his secrets with them since they were babies. Rest assured that there will be a Persohn enjoying sunrises at the jetties for years to come! We were more than a little surprised when we found ourselves having to dodge massive rafts of water hyacinth in the lake at daylight this morning. There was a lot of floating debris in the intracoastal, but the hyacinth was all over the north end of the lake. Both rivers, Black's Bayou, and most of the north end of the lake were much [spans 20] before. I don't know if that stuff is just getting here or what, but it was a major change overnight. The fishing was tough, but Ron Williams did manage two swings at very nice trout. The first fish was easily the largest and Ron had everything under control following two jumps and and a long run, but the fish just pulled off. A few casts later he stuck a 5 1/2 pound fish that fought the entire battle on the surface. He released her after snapping a few pictures. We talked with another angler that had picked up five trout on topwaters, [spans 21] 2000. Both of Ron's trout hit a pumpkin Assassin that he was swimming on a 1/8th ounce head in 8-10 feet of water. We finished up in the river catching only rat reds and a few ladyfish. It was tough! After the past two days on the water it looks as though we may still be in the hunt following all of this rain. The north end of the lake is ugly, but the [spans 22] either. We basically spent the past two days running the bayous and backwater looking for redfish, but did spend enough time in the lake this morning to find some very solid trout chasing shrimp on the south end. The live bait bite has improved daily and the folks fishing mullet or shad on the bottom in deeper water are catching both trout and a few slot reds. The south end of the lake looks especially good at the end of the out going tide. The wind was tough to deal with in the afternoon both yesterday and today, but most of the lake has been very fishable in the mornings. I saw two good mixed catches of reds and trout that were caught on finger mullet fished on Carolina rigs in 12-16 feet of water. Both catches came off the Intracoastal between Stewts and the north end of Pleasure Island. The only folks I talked with Sunday said that the water at the jetties looked much worse than the water in the lake. We will be on the lake for the remainder of the week, weather permitting, and will hopefully find something solid to report for those forced to fight the crowds on the weekend. Don't forget that your La. Fishing could get even more expensive if caught with an expired license in one of the La. bayous or game reserve! The rain has just shut us down since Friday. We tried to get out twice, made it out once for four hours, fished alone the following morning and postponed the rest of the week. The one morning that we were able to get out we kept six trout and five flounder that we caught on finger mullet in Black's Bayou. As expected, the water is looking a little worse each day and more rain is predicted for the remainder of the week. We were going to do a half day trip this morning, but the rain started early so we drove back home [spans 23] up. I have been checking some of the marshes and backwater as you can run anywhere you want as a result of the flooding, but there is very little activity. There are a lot of mullet in the trails, but the lakes have been dead. I hope [spans 24] family. Gumbo is more in order here than barbeque and we will have to eat it under the patio cover to keep the crackers dry. When was the last time you watched a fireworks show in your Frogg Toggs?. <bot>: spans 1: fished the Sabine jetties with me on one of those days when it was all you could do just to stay in the spans 2: guys as it was a rodeo, but they all made the eight count as well or better than I did! I really don't think color mattered much as we were using everything from morning glory to bone spans 3: I ought to be somewhere else the whole time I am down there! We then ran back to the reef and kept two flounder, a red, and 16 spans 4: by the current in the Sabine since they started generating even harder last week, it could be a while before things pick back up on the north spans 5: so Gene and I drove over to Calcasieu around spans 6: is apparently much better further south as most of the local guides were returning from that direction by the time we got on the spans 7: side of the Texas spans 8: up to three pounds for a fish fry and we lost or released at least that many spans 9: in pumpkin-chartreuse, morning glory, and red spans 10: near the spans 11: as much as you spans 12: feeding when you can find spans 13: little harder to keep the plastic in the strike spans 14: channel between the Causeway and the jetties was akin to a mine field for spans 15: which included everything from deadfall to spans 16: making another drift around noon, but it was encouraging to find trout in another spans 17: their face, we did see a few trout caught on finger mullet and shad fished under a popping spans 18: Dam B now releasing even more fresh water and rain scheduled for the early part of the week, I don't look for the bite to get any spans 19: already on his way back when most fishermen are just getting out, but even the early start hasn't helped thus far this spans 20: dirtier than the day spans 21: but we never got the first strike on a topwater or Catch spans 22: Sabine river is in pretty good shape and the bayous are not bad spans 23: and put the boat spans 24: that it is drier at your house and that you enjoy the holiday with your
Instruction: Generate more: Starting 217 games as a Browns pitcher and relieving in 49 more, Barney Pelty was, along with shortstop Bobby Wallace, the common thread on a team that flirted with destiny and fell ... Output: Completed pargraph(s): into oblivion. Armed with an excellent curveball that kept opposing hitters off-balance, the 5'9", 175-lb right-hander recorded 22 career shutouts, but also was shut out 32 times, meaning that fully a quarter... Instruction: Next. Output: of his decisions ended as a shutout, one way or the other. In his best season, 1906, Pelty finished with a 1.59 ERA, which still stands as a record for the lowest single season ERA in Browns/Orioles franchise history, and a league-best .202 opponents batting average, but still won only 16 games. A man of cautious intelligence, with handsomely broad features and prominent ears... Instruction: Next. Output: that made him seem slightly older than he was, Pelty was often used by his managers as a field coach, and after his baseball career dabbled in trade and politics. One of only a handful of Jewish ballplayers during the Deadball Era, "the Yiddish Curver" made no attempt to hide his heritage, but was also not a religious person. If he faced anti-Semitism, he certainly never complained publicly or let it be known that it bothered him. He was a proud man who dealt with life the way he dealt with the hard-luck team he played for, with a quiet and dignified professionalism. Barney Pelty (not Peltheimer, as is often reported) was born in Farmington, Missouri on September 10, 1880, the youngest of six children of Samuel and... Instruction: More. Output: Helena Pelty. Samuel, a Prussian Jew, had immigrated to the United States at age seventeen to avoid conscription into the Prussian Army. Louis, married Helena (who was also Jewish), and pursued a career as a cigar maker. Barney was an athletic boy who grew up playing football and baseball and served as shortstop for the "Little Potatoes" children's baseball team in Farmington. According to... Instruction: Continue. Output: his parents, he was a born pitcher, always wanting to "throw things" as a toddler. His baseball talent began to manifest itself in grammar school, and he received a scholarship to pitch for the varsity team at Carleton College, which was located in Farmington until its closure in 1916. Although he left to play for Blees Military Academy in Macon, Missouri two years later,... Instruction: Next. Output: Carleton is where he met Eva Warsing who would later be his wife. He pitched for Blees Military Academy for the 1899 and 1900... Instruction: Continue. Output: seasons. His first offer from organized baseball came from Nashville of the Southern Association in 1902, but he injured his arm in practice. He wound up playing for Nashville that season as a catcher. Unhappy in this new role, he quit the team and went home. After his arm recovered, he joined a semi-pro team in Cairo, Ill, again as a pitcher, and finished... Instruction: Next. Output: out the 1902 season there. In 1903, he signed to play for... Instruction: More. Output: the Cedar Rapids Rabbits in the Three-I League. Both the Red Sox and Browns scouted and tried to acquire him over the course of the summer. Unfortunately for Pelty, the Browns won... Instruction: Continue. Output: the contest, purchasing his contract from Cedar Rapids in August. Pelty made his major league debut on August 20, 1903 in relief against New... Instruction: Continue. Output: York and two days later started and won 2-1 against Bill Dinneen and the Boston Red Sox, who were on their way to the first modern World Series Championship. Starting six games... Instruction: Next. Output: for the Browns in 1903, Pelty proved himself with a 3-3 record and 2. The following season, Pelty became a workhorse for the Browns, hurling 301 innings en route to a 15-18... Instruction: Continue. Output: record and mediocre 2.88 ERA. At some point, Pelty acquired the nickname the "Yiddish Curver," and indeed, his curve ball was the most impressive pitch in his repertoire. Newspaper reports of Pelty's starts frequently indicated that opposing hitters "failed to solve his curves," even in games which he lost. Pelty was also regarded as a gifted fielder, quick to cover bunts and adept at... Instruction: Next. Output: forcing runners and turning the double play. In 1905 Pelty finished with a 14-14 record despite pitching for a Browns club which lost 99... Instruction: Continue. Output: games and featured three other pitchers who lost 20 games apiece. Pelty... Instruction: Next. Output: came into his own during the 1906 campaign. On the Fourth of July, Pelty threw a masterpiece, with the help of battery mate Branch... Instruction: Next. Output: Rickey, against the Chicago White Sox. In the first half of a double-header Pelty took a no-hitter into the ninth inning, when shortstop Ben Koehler, who had been brought into the game... Instruction: More. Output: after the Browns' crack shortstop Bobby Wallace twisted his ankle, failed to cleanly field a hard shot. The play was scored a hit, and... Instruction: Next. Output: would be the only one Pelty allowed in the Browns' victory. In 208 major league games, this was also the only game in which Koehler, primarily an outfielder, played shortstop. Throughout the 1906 season Pelty dominated the champion "Hitless Wonders," shutting them out for 33 consecutive innings before finally allowing his first run of the season to them on Oct.1, in the 13th inning... Instruction: Continue. Output: of a 1-0 loss to Nick Altrock. Despite that loss, the Browns finished the year above .500 in fifth place, their best showing since 1902. With outfielder George Stone leading the league... Instruction: Continue. Output: in batting average, Pelty received better run support than in years past and finished the season with a 16-11 record and career-low 1.59 ERA, second best in the league. No doubt thanks in part to the excellent defense playing behind him, Pelty also allowed the fewest hits per nine innings of any pitcher in the league, despite striking out just 92 batters in 260... Instruction: More. Output: 2/3 innings of work. Hopes were high for Pelty and the Browns... Instruction: Next. Output: heading into the 1907 campaign, but both Barney and the club fared poorly. The Browns finished the year in sixth place, 14 games under .500, and Pelty fell with them, starting the... Instruction: More. Output: year 1-7. Though he recovered to finish the year with 12 victories, his 21 losses led the league, and his 2.57 ERA was nearly... Instruction: Next. Output: a full run higher than the mark he had posted the previous year. In 1908 the Browns reversed their 69-83 mark, finishing in fourth... Instruction: Next. Output: place. Pelty, however, struggled with reduced velocity and a lame arm, throwing just 122 innings for the season while striking out only 36 batters. When he did pitch, he was very good,... Instruction: Continue. Output: notching a 7-4 record and 1.99 ERA for the season. Absurdly, the Washington Post complained that "Pelty has never been up to regular work," a ridiculous statement in light of Pelty's work over the previous four seasons, when he had tossed an average of 273 1/3 innings each year, and performed double-duty as a reliever on numerous occasions. On April 23, 1909, Pelty bested Cy Young 3-1 on a six-hitter. But with much of the bite gone from his curveball, the sore-armed Pelty required extensive rest between starts to remain effective. In 199 1/3 innings of work, Pelty posted an 11-11 record, including five shutouts, to finish the year with a 2.30 ERA. Ominously, Pelty was shut down for the season after making his last start on September... Instruction: Next. Output: 12, and spent the last weeks of the campaign filling in at first, second, shortstop, and right field. Undoubtedly, Pelty was given this opportunity... Instruction: More. Output: because of his sterling fielding ability. The lifetime .143 hitter batted just... Instruction: Continue. Output: .165 for the season. In 1910 and 1911, Pelty continued to pitch occasionally for the Browns, who were now quickly sinking into the American League cellar. Starting only 41 games over the... Instruction: Next. Output: two seasons, Pelty compiled a lackluster 12-26 record, and for the first time in his career began walking more batters than he struck out... Instruction: More. Output: Still showing flashes of brilliance, Pelty tossed three shutouts in 1910 including the first game ever played at Comiskey Park in Chicago, as Pelty outdueled White Sox ace Ed Walsh 2-0 to christen the new grounds on July 1. Pelty finished the 1910 season at 5-11 with a terrible 3.48 ERA for the 47-107, last place Browns. In 1911, the Browns against lost 107 games, but Pelty finished the year with a 7-15 record and 2.83 ERA, the best mark on the club. Despite optimistic reports out of spring training in 1912, Pelty fared poorly out of the gate for the Browns, dropping five of his six starts. In June he was sold to the Washington Senators for $2,500. Though he pitched well enough for the Senators splitting... Instruction: Next. Output: time between the rotation and the bullpen, Pelty lost four of five decisions and in August was sold to the Baltimore Orioles of the... Instruction: Continue. Output: International League. Washington Post columnist Joe S. Jackson's prediction that Pelty was... Instruction: More. Output: "not done yet, and is one of the wisest pitchers in the... Instruction: Next. Output: game," proved inaccurate, as Pelty was bombed in his first outing with the Orioles, then relegated to mop-up duty. At the beginning of the... Instruction: More. Output: 1913 season, Pelty was sold to the Minneapolis Millers of the Northern League (not to be confused with the American Association team of the same name), then sent back to the Orioles. But Pelty never pitched for them again; manager Jack Dunn lamented that he was useless. After his playing days ended, Pelty dabbled in scouting, once recommending a pitcher who had lost his... Instruction: More. Output: leg. Pelty continued his involvement in sports, coaching local area football and several semi-pro baseball teams including the Farmington Blues. He had also been coaching the Farmington High School baseball nine since at least 1906. Much of his post-major league life he spent in Farmington with his wife, Eva, and their son, while running the book and merchandise store that had been started by his parents and continued by his older sister Gertrude. He also participated in local Republican party politics, serving as alderman of Farmington for several terms. Appointed in 1921 by governor Arthur Hyde as an inspector for the Missouri State Pure Food and Drug Department, he remained in that post through two successive Republican administrations, until 1933. Later, he became plant foreman for the Hafner... Instruction: More. Output: Rock and Construction Company in Farmington. He died on May 24, 1939 shortly after a cerebral hemorrhage in his hometown. He was buried in the Masonic cemetery in Farmington, where today a... Instruction: Continue. Output: mural pays tribute to him as one of six significant figures in... Instruction: More. Output: the town's history. A major source of information for came from a... Instruction: Next. Output: series of phone and e-mails with Lawrence Paul Pelty (grandson of Barney) in November, 2004. A phone interview with Bud Cole, 11/19/04, ballplayer with the Farmington Blues and Farmington resident, was also very helpful. Other sources:The Barney Pelty file in the Farmington Public Library with articles from various papers, most significantly several obits (two without cite) and a series of photos with accompanying stories without cite. A ballplayer turned Hollywood actor and a car dealer who once sold a Corvette to Elvis Presley. Lou Stringer was all three. Louis Bernard Stringer was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on May 18, 1917. When Lou was three years old, his father moved the family to East Los Angeles. Robert Stringer had been a wood mechanic, working with buzz saws, band... Instruction: Continue. Output: saws, and other equipment that gave him some respiratory problems. He developed a bad cough and was forced to retire, but with a large... Instruction: Continue. Output: family (seven boys and one girl), others in the family began to pick up work so he didn't have to. Lou's mother, Josephine, never worked outside the home. Most of Lou's brothers... Instruction: Continue. Output: worked as mechanics. One ran an upholstery business. Lou's brother Al, five years younger, had worked out with the Cubs as early as 1941 but signed as a shortstop in the Yankees system. He played for three or four clubs in the American Association, but never made the majors. Lou first started playing ball with the St. Bridget's grade school team in Los Angeles,... Instruction: Next. Output: competed in the local C. league, and later attended Washington High School where he played shortstop on the high school team, a contemporary of Jerry Priddy. Six players in his high school... Instruction: Continue. Output: club made it all the way to big league baseball: Stringer, Priddy, Cliff Dapper, Al Lyons, Roy Partee, and Eddie Morris. Lou played some semipro ball on city sandlots, often coached by a man named Mike Catron, before signing with the Cubs' organization. Credited with the signing were Jigger Statz and Pants Rowland, but Lou recalls, “Pants Rowland, he wasn't no scout. He was the manager for the club.”After signing his contract, Lou was told to report to Ponca City, Oklahoma, the Cubs' affiliate in the Western Association. He played second base for Ponca City, appearing in 138 games both in 1937 and in 1938.263 the first year, and .286 the second, improving across the board in his power numbers at the same time. Stringer ranked second or... Instruction: Continue. Output: third in the league in several offensive categories, and Ponca City won the pennant that year. The 19-year-old was earmarked for a year in Tulsa but got an invite to spring training when another player failed to show. Instead, he played in the Pacific Coast League for the Los Angeles Angels (alongside Statz) for both the 1939 and 1940 seasons.272 the first year, but cooled off just a bit to .263 the second, playing in 172 games during the 1940 campaign. He more than doubled his Western Association home run totals. However, Ed Burns, writing in the Chicago Tribune, noted, “It's Stringer's defensive skill that has the Cub management a-twitter with excitement.”During the offseason, Stringer worked hard - one article reported 12 hours a day, seven days a... Instruction: Continue. Output: week - at the North American Aviation Company plant. In 1941, Stringer had a very successful spring and Cubs manager Jimmy Wilson termed him “the best rookie I ever saw in spring... Instruction: Next. Output: training.” Needless to say, Lou made the Cubs, debuting on Opening Day, April 15, 1941. Batting seventh and playing short, Stringer had a 2-for-3 day, with a two-base hit and two runs scored. He also made four errors. The leftfielder was Lou Novikoff, whose career had paralleled Stringer's, all the way from Ponca City to LA to Chicago. Both had their Los Angeles contracts... Instruction: Continue. Output: purchased by the Cubs on the same day in August 1940 and, training on Catalina Island in 1941, both made the club. There had been a little controversy beforehand. Both Stringer and... Instruction: Continue. Output: Novikoff held out - unusual for minor leaguers who'd never had a taste of major league ball - but Commissioner Landis intervened and the two players more or less capitulated. We didn't get anything out of it. I got $5,000 and that was what I got,” Stringer said later. Stringer had played only second base, but Billy Herman was a fixture at the keystone,... Instruction: More. Output: so Stringer filled in at shortstop. On May 6, though, Herman was... Instruction: More. Output: traded to the Brooklyn Dodgers. Stringer had effectively beaten out Herman for the job, but it was the Dodgers who went all the way to the World Series while the Cubs finished 30 games behind. Not surprisingly, though, Stringer very much liked skipper Jimmy Wilson. Good dad, good husband. He was a good manager.”Playing in 145 games, Stringer hit .246, very good figures for... Instruction: Continue. Output: a shortstop in that era. He was the first one of the Chicago Cubs to sign his 1942 contract, signing in October 1941. He played out the 1942 season, getting into 121 games and hitting .236, playing some at second base and some at third. With the war under way, he enlisted as a private in the Army Air Corps. He graduated from Air... Instruction: Continue. Output: Force Mechanics School at Williams Field Advance Flying School in Chandler, Arizona in January 1943. “I went in as a mechanic and I come out as a (physical training) instructor,” he recalled. “I handled all the PT for all the cadets who were there. There were three or four hundred cadets there and I had three or four classes every day for them and I headed up their PT. Williams Field, Arizona. That was an air base.” He was sent to the Army's Physical Training Instructors School at Miami Beach. He graduated in November. News reports indicate that Stringer did well in the service. A May 1943 story in the Los Angeles Times said that soldiering was his “greatest thrill” and he was named Soldier of the Month... Instruction: Continue. Output: at Williams. At the time of the story, Lou had a .425... Instruction: Next. Output: average playing for the Williams Field Fliers. Back from the war, Stringer... Instruction: Continue. Output: played second, short, and third for the Cubs in 1946, but got only 209 at-bats, hitting . Cubs manager Charlie Grimm “never liked me,” he says. Stringer was released to the Angels in January 1947 and the team won the Pacific Coast League pennant. Lou batted .293, driving in 72 runs. In February 1948, the Cubs sold him for the $10,000 waiver price to... Instruction: More. Output: the New York Giants, who assigned his contract to the Hollywood Stars, also in the Coast League. The club played just 15 minutes from his house. It was another season he very much enjoyed, this time hitting an even .333 and leading the league with 50 doubles, while driving in 99 runs. At season's end, he was named both the team's MVP and the “most popular player.” Manager Jimmy Dykes quit on August 28 and Stringer took over as player-manager. But right after Hollywood finished its season, the Red Sox purchased his contract, and he wasted no time getting to Boston. He'd finished up playing a doubleheader against Sacramento on September 19, took a plane that night, and found himself in a ball game in Detroit the evening... Instruction: Next. Output: of September 20. The Los Angeles Times story said that the Stars... Instruction: Next. Output: manager had been “fired” but he was fired “upward, like a space rocket. The Boston Red Sox bought him to help in their frantic fight for the American League pennant.”He got into four games, and only had one hit in 11 times at the plate, but it was a home run. The Sox had another second baseman, named Bobby Doerr, and Stringer found himself... Instruction: Next. Output: in a utility role behind Doerr, Vern Stephens, and Johnny Pesky. He really liked Pesky: “I got along real good with him. I happened... Instruction: More. Output: to be Catholic and he was Catholic, and we got along real good. Go to church on Sunday and stuff. Dom DiMaggio, he was Catholic. We had quite a few Catholics on... Instruction: Continue. Output: the club.”In 1949, Stringer stayed with the Sox and got into 35 games, but mostly defensively (he only had 41 at-bats, batting .268 during his limited opportunities. Back for another full year in 1950, Lou had even less work, just 17 at-bats in 24 games. In his two-plus seasons with Boston, he only drove in nine runs. During the off-seasons, starting right after the... Instruction: Continue. Output: war, Stringer worked in the automobile business, selling cars in the Los Angeles area for Harry Mann Chevrolet. Mann later became, Stringer says, “the world's largest Corvette dealer.”The Red Sox let him go and he signed on with Hollywood for 1951, playing a full year and hitting . He wasn't entirely unhappy to be playing near home once more. “It's great, of course, to be in the majors,” he told Al Wolf of the Los Angeles Times. “That's the goal of every ballplayer. And coming down again kinda hurts. But I'd rather play every day in the minors - especially here in my home town - than just sit on the bench in the big time. You go nuts doing nothing.” He had no gripes about Boston managers... Instruction: More. Output: McCarthy and O'Neill, recognizing that the talent on those ballclubs was just so deep he wasn't truly needed. “I just couldn't seem to get... Instruction: More. Output: a chance to show what I could do.” He also had a sense of humor. At one point, he explained why he never worried... Instruction: Next. Output: about slumps: “I've been in a slump all my life.” That's a little self-effacing for a reserve middle infielder of the era with a fine .242 batting average. After the season, he... Instruction: More. Output: enjoyed a seven-week tour of Japan with Joe DiMaggio and a number of other players. “We played to over a million people. It was a great, great outing. Joe, Dom, and Vince... Instruction: Next. Output: DiMaggio there in the outfield, and I played third. I think we... Instruction: Next. Output: lost one game, and the only reason we lost that was a couple of the guys got so drunk they couldn't play.”He began 1952 with Hollywood, but then moved on to San Diego in May. The combined stats for the year show him hitting a solid .275 with 85 RBIs. The next year began with San Diego, but he moved to San Francisco and... Instruction: More. Output: became player-manager there. The following four seasons saw Stringer move to a new city, as a player-manager each year. He managed and played for Yakima (1954), Boise (1955), Pocatella (1956), and Des Moines (1957). The final season started with the Des Moines Demons, where he lasted but 47 games. He's the one that pushed me there. He was the big shot, a manager in... Instruction: Next. Output: the big leagues. He knew somebody there and that's the reason I... Instruction: Next. Output: went to Des Moines. I didn't know anybody there at all. I was lost when I went there. so I just stopped and left after the middle of the season. I came... Instruction: Continue. Output: back to L.” A month later, the Hollywood Stars offered him a contract and he played in an even dozen games for Hollywood and San Francisco, but his pro ball career was really done. Stringer spent a good deal of time appearing in a number of Hollywood films, particularly those with baseball themes such as The Jackie Robinson Story and The Monty Stratton Story... Instruction: Next. Output: He did a fair amount of acting work but became tired of all the downtime - standing around on movie sets - and went back to selling cars. “I came back and... Instruction: Continue. Output: went back to the automobile business. I was there for years. I made more money there than I ever did in baseball.” Selling the Corvette to Elvis wasn't a hard sell, Stringer told Steve Buckley. “He called and ordered it over the phone. He wanted me to drive it out to this place he was staying at in Hollywood and drop it off ... Instruction: More. Output: When we got there, he gave me a check, and that was pretty much it. Turns out he bought the car so he could give it to some girl. He was nice, but I don't think he said 20 words while I was there.”Sounds a little reminiscent of Lou's teammate Ted Williams. We'd all go out and eat dinner, except Ted. He mostly kept... Instruction: Continue. Output: to himself, or he went fishing somewhere.” Lou shared an early Ted Williams memory with Buckley, of a time that he was coming out... Instruction: More. Output: of the batting cage and passed Williams. “He didn't know me very well yet, and he said, ‘Hey, you, who's the best hitter in baseball? ' And I said, ‘You are.” And... Instruction: Continue. Output: he said, ‘You're goddamn right I am' as he walked away.”Lou married twice. His first wife, Helen, the mother of his two children, died in 1993. They had one daughter, Linda, and one son, Tom.”My son never played ball. He's a college graduate. He runs this place we're living right now.” Stringer lives with his second wife Wilma in a retirement community near San... Instruction: Next. Output: Diego owned by his son and four partners. Interview with Lou Stringer done March 3, 2006 by Bill Nowlin. Thanks as well to Tom Stringer for assistance in preparing this biography.
<human>: What could be the completion of this text: Blizzard fans can now see Overwatch‘s Tracer absolutely dominate a full match, captured in beautiful 1080p at 60fps. Those who scrape the bottom of the archive will find that Blizzard has developed more than just RTS, dungeon-crawling and MMO titles; the World of Warcraft developer previously created such action titles as The Lost Vikings and The Death and Return of Superman, along with the cult-classic Rock N' Roll Racing under the previous title “Silicon & Synapse”. Blizzard previously dove into the competitive world of card-based games with Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, and are now trying their hand at the FPS genre with Overwatch. Overwatch was first shown to the world during BlizzCon 2014. The company's first venture into the FPS genre, Overwatch is a team-based shooter, consisting of several different character-classes. Often compared to Valve's Team Fortress 2, each character possesses his or her own specific gameplay style; Hanzo is a master of mobility, using parkour and a lightweight bow to his advantage, while Zarya uses brute strength and heavy artillery to dish-out- and take- serious damage. The latest gameplay video from Blizzard's internal sessions gives Overwatch fans an extended look at Tracer and her time-bending abilities. Tracer is capable of warping forward and backwards across short distances, as well as rewinding her movements back to a previous position. A release date has not been scheduled, however Blizzard is hosting the Overwatch Beta, set to launch sometime this year. Hanzo, McCree, Mercy and Zenyatta have all been featured in full gameplay matches from Blizzard's development team. Brief overview videos of each character's abilities can be found on the official Overwatch YouTube channel. In this section you will find our Casino Blacklist. This is a list of casinos that you should avoid at all costs. Many of these casinos are guilty of theft of player funds, rigged software, changing the rules when the games went against them or simply enforcing ‘spirit of the bonus' terms to deny payment of winnings. The Players' Online Gambling Guide strongly encourages you to avoid all of these venues. If other players have been treated poorly in the past, the chance that you'll encounter problems goes up dramatically. These casinos tend to have a high number of casino complaints so use this list to avoid the bad casinos while we encourage you to visit our recommended casinos. Some of the casinos included in this list are already extinct. We leave them here in case they are ever resurrected, by the previous owner or new ones. This rogue casino list was created to help you avoid the bad casinos while we encourage players to select casinos from our recommended casino list. You can find an archive of older and mostly out of business Blacklisted properties here - https://thepogg.com/blacklist/. Green + casino complaints status. Casino hold our Deposit Guarantee and have agreed in advance to discuss all complaints and share all relevant evidence. Casinos with our Green + status will have a Trustworthiness stat of 12/10- Green casino complaints status. Casino have consistently been willing to discuss all complaints and have shared all relevant evidence. Casinos with our Green status can receive a maximum of 8/10 for their Trustworthiness stat. Amber casino complaints status. Casino are willing to discuss low level complaints, but have been unwilling to share evidence to support confiscation of player funds during previous complaints. Amber status casino can receive a maximum of 6/10 for their Trustworthiness stat. Red casino complaints status. Casino have been unwilling to discuss any player complaints with us. Red status casinos can receive a maximum of 4/10 for their Trustworthiness stat. Grey casino complaints status. We have not had reason to attempt to discuss player complaints with this group. As such we don't yet know how they'll respond. Grey status casinos can receive a maximum of 8/10 for their Trustworthiness stat. This hilarious new comedy about “worming” back into a relationship is a smash hit with the audience, even presented as a “work in progress”. From the first time we see Ben (Rob Frimston) eating a chocolate mousse with two biros serving as chopsticks, in his ex-girlfriend's flat, we know we are dealing with a deranged universe in which the comically surreal and the darkly sinister will collide. Without giving too much away, the play's strength is in the chilling, serious moments peppered among the hysterical comedy. Ben's monologue to a barman about his tortured past, and Mica's (Melissa Coleman) monologue about an old uni friend's double life, are particular highlights. Throughout, the writing demonstrates the play's scope to be a challenging comment on modern-day love and relationships, and the lies we tell ourselves. This play is far wider in scope than writer and director Elliott Langsdon's last play COFFIN, covering a period of months and many locations from a boat bar to London Zoo. The play's five, lovable millennials are seen in every possible configuration, ramping up the tension until the devastating finale. Shadowy, evocative lighting and a non-existent, black-box set (except for a calendar-esque poster denoting each scene number and location) work brilliantly in focusing our attention on the action. However, there's no doubt that when this production transfers (which is a certainty, given the audience response), an increased budget and stage space could do wonders for the play's comedy and creativity. Katzpace are passionate about providing a platform for those who may not have the experience, funds or team to develop and showcase their work elsewhere. Continue reading #20 Carmen Atkinson Pt 1/2 – Life Beyond Anorexia; Turning Your Toughest Battle Into Your Greatest AchievementWhat do a ballet dancer, an MMA fighter, and a basketball player have in common? They are all MOVERS. “We are all HUMAN first, MOVERS second and only then SPECIALISTS.” – Ido Portal. As simple as that might sound, it is the absolute truth. We all move, it's just how nature intended it to be, . Continue reading Movement as a portal to enlightenmentFirstly, there are often a lot of part-time positions that, while unpaid can be very fulfilling and look great on a CV. It is a good way of getting work experience, networking and making new friends. It helps you to understand the inner workings of large organisations and familiarises you with the procedures within the institution as a whole. It can also open up opportunities for paid work, internships and work experience within the Union and the UniversityAs well as that some Sabbatical Officer roles are paid and pay well, with the national average President's role being £18,500 and some London universities offering much more, up to £26,000. These roles are demanding full time jobs, but can pay well. However, these roles do come with a number of difficulties. Elected positions invite a great deal of scrutiny into both your professional and private life. And even part time roles can be very time consuming and you may feel a lot of pressure with people sometimes contacting you on private accounts and out of office or woking hours. Overall, roles within students unions can be fulfilling and fun, but also come with a lot of commitment, hours and pressure so run for a position do it lightly. Being one of the Students' Union's sabbatical officers gives an opportunity to affect the changes that happen at the university hence make your university better (which is a good idea if you want to give something back to the organisation that helps you to become successful in your professional life). Obviously, everything depends on your intentions and attitude but if you are a right person for that job, you will be able to improve the overall experience of the students throughout their time at the university. Plus the position of a sabbatical officer is a full-time paid work hence it is a good way to gain some work experience before you progress to a competitive job market. Even if you won't win the elections, the nomination and campaign period ... <bot>: Here you go: by itself is a valuable and interesting experience since you can improve a lot your abilities to reach out people, public speaking and communications skills. It is definitely worth giving it a try to participate in the elections. Founder & Managing Director, Scientists & Co, elected student officer at King's College London's Students' Union & President of Global Health Policy Centre @ King's Think TankBeing an unconventional thinker, I often come up with interesting and/or easy solutions to complicated problems. However, I soon realised that ideas unaccompanied by actions were worthless- nothing ventured, nothing gained! The need for a platform to translate ideas into action attracted me to student politics/ unions. Although this was the only benefit I sought, I was showered with much more! "The need for a platform to translate ideas into action attracted me to student politics. this was the only benefit I sought"I must point out that students' unions in different countries work differently; I have seen them up close in India and the U. K, and the difference is stark. While in India active engagement is largely perceived as laying a foundation to enter mainstream politics, activism in the U. K is seen as empowerment and an opportunity to develop soft skills required to enter the work force in general. Whatever the case maybe it is undisputed that being part of a union provides the much needed platform for professional development. It also opens doors to valuable opportunities, helps build a strong network and lasting connection with people from different walks of life. On the matter of pay, union roles are unpaid in India. In contrast, all sabbatical and some part-time roles are paid for in the U. Yes, money is a bonus where available but if that is the sole benefit one is after, surely, there are more entrepreneurial / lucrative ways to earn. However, common to all representatives the world over is the elevated platform to enhance one's character and capacity. ## The constant engagement, discussions and conversations with multitudes helps you abandon your ignorance and prejudice. It ignites a sense of togetherness - it is no longer "I"; it is always "We". If that is not enough it instills the confidence to develop ambitious ideas that accommodate multiple views, and pursue them fearlessly. This battle for the common good of your fellow students does unconsciously trickle into your personal life. You start realising what's important and what's not. You no longer take things for granted or make assumptions. Before you know your moral compass is perfectly aligned by those who entrusted you to empower them. I can't think of single other student opportunity that offers such a privileged learning space! Let me share one of my own experiences. I have served for two consecutive years as an elected representative (Postgraduate Research Students Officer) at the King's College London's Students' Union. During this period I have put in as many hours as any sabbatical officer would but my position was unpaid (Having come from the East, this fact did not bother me but unpaid work is unheard of here). The Union at that point in time had not allocated a budget to compensate for my position. When it did, it required taking a sabbatical year. As a full-time research student, based in a wet-lab, taking a year off would be a major setback. The College then offered to pay me in my part-time role but I outrightly refused it on moral grounds. I have been asked numerous times if that was a "tough decision". I had set a precedent on accountability by being the first and only officer at KCLSU to publish monthly updates on the work I undertook in the College e-Zine. To remain accountable and independent of the College to work in the best interests of those I represent was paramount. The answer, therefore, is "No, it was an easy decision. "A couple of years ago, I would have laughed at the possibility of shouldering the responsibility of thousands of students. But their support and confidence in me has seen the translation of numerous innovative ideas into tangible ground realities. Today I have much to thank the 4000+ students for! I'll leave you with this inspirational speech by India's most celebrated Army Chief, Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw on leadership. His words remain relevant for all times to come. Los Angeles, CA – January 30, 2012 – Garbage has announced that their fifth studio album, Not Your Kind Of People, will be released in the United States on May 15, 2012, on the band's label STUNVOLUME. As V Magazine recently put it: “The poster girl for '90s alternative rock is ready to reclaim her reign – and the radio – with a new record from her iconic band, Garbage.”Garbage – Shirley Manson (vocals), Steve Marker (guitars, keyboards), Duke Erikson (guitars, keyboards) and Butch Vig (drums, loops) – will hit the road this spring in support of the album by performing several headlining shows as well as various festivals throughout Europe and the U. with more dates to be confirmed. After forming in Madison, WI, Garbage released their self-titled debut album in 1995 and rode a wave of visually arresting, female-fronted alternative rock bands. The album spawned the hit singles “Stupid Girl” and “Only Happy When It Rains” and was certified double platinum in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The band won the Breakthrough Artist Award at the 1996 MTV Europe Music Awards, and was nominated for the Best New Artist Grammy® Award. Their second album, Version 2.0, was released in 1998 and topped the charts in the United Kingdom. It was nominated for two Grammy Awards including Album of the Year and Best Rock Album.2001's Beautiful Garbage was named one of Rolling Stone Magazine's Top 10 Albums Of The Year. In 2005, Garbage released Bleed Like Me, earning the band it's highest chart position with a No.4 on the Billboard Top 200 Album Chart. In 2007, the band released a retrospective collection called Absolute Garbage. Garbage has sold over 12 million albums worldwide. They have performed in over thirty-five countries and will tour extensively worldwide in support of this new release. This entry was posted on January 30, 2012 at 9:06 am and is filed under Artist Watch, New Music, News with tags Butch Vig, Duke Erikson, GARBAGE, music, NOT YOUR KIND OF PEOPLE, rock, Shirley Manson, Steve Marker, The Rock Tribune, TheRockTribune. Looking for a VA Loan? 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As a first time home buyer I was pretty clueless when it came to the process and all the things that would need to happen along the way. ANY time I had a question or concerned I was able to call or email, day or night, and they always had an answer and went out of their way to help and guide me through the process. I was also a VA loan home buyer, which threw a few more kinks into the process, but that did not slow this team down at all.
Instruction: What are the missing spans: What is the best hunting headlamp? To make it easier for you to find out the answer to this question, we've checked out the sales figures and consumer reports of hundreds of alternatives. In the end, we've concluded that the model that you ought to bear in mind is the Streamlight BuckMasters Trident. This product is a particularly durable headlight that has been equipped with as many as three levels of lighting. It's waterproof and easy to use and has a continuous runtime of up to sixty-three hours. To make it possible for you to avoid being caught off guard, the manufacturing brand has designed this model with a low battery warning indicator that can let you know when you cut your trip short, use an alternate light source, or start using the product with AAA batteries. Should the Streamlight 61070 BuckMasters Trident no longer be in stock, we suggest giving a shot to the next best choice, the InnoGear T756. This model is one of the most critically acclaimed choices out there, and that's because it is waterproof, rugged, and lightweight enough for you to use it comfortably. It's powered by three AAA batteries, so you can use disposables or rechargeables with this unit. The push-button that it has been equipped with makes it easy to use even you have your gloves on. Since this unit does not cost a fortune and comes with most of the features you might be looking for, it's probably worth the money. This 5000 lumen model is entirely worth every penny as it seems to offer plenty of value. It's made from rubber and aluminum, which both render it durable. Also, the strapping system that it has been equipped with makes it comfortable to wear whether you intend to use it solely for hunting or for other purposes, as well. It can also be used as a powerbank. This headlamp can be [spans 1] smartphone. This device comes with everything you might require right out of the box. It's comfortable, easy to use, and comes with a 11000mAh battery capacity that can make it possible for you to enjoy a brightness of up to 70000lux. A car, wall, and USB charger can be found to be part of the deal. The product is accompanied by four filters, so select the one you might prefer. The Kohree choice is an overall dependable, durable, and efficient headlamp that needs a bit of mulling over. In case you're having a bit of trouble selecting just the right LED hunting headlamp for your needs, we've decided to give you a hand. We have created a short selection of those models that seem to have impressed their buyers thanks to their performance and other capabilities. Check them out below. Even though it does not cost a fortune, much unlike many of its competitors, this Streamlight product definitely seems to be worth considering. On the one hand, it has been outfitted with a low battery indicator, which means that you won't ever have to be caught off guard. Besides, the model seems to be impervious to shock and has been rated IPX4 to water resistance. Something else [spans 2] LEDs. One of them is green, three are white, and a C4 power LED can also be found to be part of the design of this alternative. Three alkaline AAA batteries are found in the box and can be used to provide as many as sixty-seven hours of continuous operation. Of course, this figure differs largely depending on the mode that you will use with the headlamp. The model has been equipped with a low level indicator that can let you know when you have to replace the batteries, use your flashlight, or just cut your expedition short. Since it is IPX4 rated for water resistance, it goes without saying that this model can do a good job at putting up with the abuse of the elements. Despite the many modes available, this product is actually one of the most affordable headlamps for hunting that we have come across. The push-button switch that it has been outfitted with is easy to use even when you are using gloves. Some users have complained that the beam is almost too long distance, but this inconvenience doesn't seem to be reported by too many owners. If what you are in need of is a super powerful headlamp, perhaps it is high time you checked out [spans 3] choice. It is capable of superior performance, especially judging by the feedback that we [spans 4] sense. Many owners praise its capabilities and the fact that it has a maximum output of 5000 lumens. Besides, it is worth noting that this model comes with as many as four working modes. You can choose from high to low and even go for a flashing mode depending on your momentary requirements. As for convenience, it really doesn't get better than this because the InnoGear T756 can even be used as a power bank for your electronic devices, including smartphones or tablets. This way, if you end up in a muddle, you'll be able to get in touch with another hunter or a family member so that they know you're lost and looking for help. Since it is made from an aluminum alloy and rubber, this model has a good chance of withstanding the test of time. As is the case with other headlamps designed for hunting purposes, this [spans 5] most. Because of the strapping system that it has been outfitted with, this choice is particularly comfortable to wear. The model can be used to [spans 6] devices. This way, you can utilize the headlamp as a power bank to charge your smartphone and get in touch with the rest of the world. If you've run out of ideas and you need a device that performs great when used for coyote hunting, maybe this is the product that you should consider. It is packed with most of the features you might require from such a headlamp, but there's a catch. It doesn't come with the straps that you'll need to fasten it and set it up on your forehead. It goes without saying that this detail isn't an inconvenience in itself as most DIY-ers can make do with what they got, particularly since a headband [spans 7] package. The neat thing about this product is that it comes with four filters that make its use more than adequate for a variety of applications. The battery capacity of this unit is something else you may need to take into account. The battery can be charged everywhere, especially given that a car, home, and USB charger are all part of the deal. The 11000mAh battery capacity of this alternative is truly impressive, particularly because the brightness of this headlamp can get to 70000 to 80000lux. The four modes that this model has been outfitted with can allow you to benefit from an enhanced adjustability. Keep in mind that the runtime is different for all of these modes. A home, car, and USB charger are all part of the deal with this product and can be found in the box. With the help of the four optical filters, you will be able [spans 8] application. While a headband can be found in the package, it might not be enough to fasten the headlamp appropriately. Another model that you ought to bear in mind is this Bushnell one, but [spans 9] hunting. It makes anything from binoculars to rifle scopes and GPS units. While it does bear the mark of the Bushnell quality, this model might be less impressive when compared to others we have included in our selection. Nonetheless, it definitely addresses the needs of those [spans 10] headlamp. So, the product is affordable. The model comes with two modes, one that emits 173 lumens [spans 11] lumens. There's also a red halo low-lumen mode that you can take advantage of if you don't care for overbearing beams [spans 12] performance. What's more, the H150L Rubicon is a sturdy and resilient product given that it has been tested time and again so that it offers you unparalleled durability. This model has been equipped with a battery lock-out that makes it virtually impossible for the headlamp to turn itself on by accident. This feature saves the life of the battery. Having been built to last as long as possible, this model is made from resilient materials and has been tested in this sense. There are two main modes that you can utilize and both emit the same type of beam but different lumens. The red halo mode allows you to avoid compromising night vision. Another notable thing about this alternative is that it does not cost a fortune, so it won't break the bank. We came across one complaint from one customer who says that the red light isn't bright enough for their liking. It would have been nearly impossible to avoid showcasing this product, as well, and that's for several reasons. On the one hand, it is budget-friendly, so you will be able to select it even if you haven't set out a particular amount of money for the expense. Furthermore, this choice comes with everything you might need right out of the box. The product is accompanied by a wall charger, one you can use in your car, as well as a USB cable. Therefore, it is practically impossible for you to remain without a power source for this alternative. Two rechargeable batteries are also part [spans 13] deal. The lifespan of the hunting headlamp can reach [spans 14] long. Based on what we have found about this choice, it seems to be comfortable to wear. Plus, it boasts three modes; strobe, mid, and low. The versatility ensured by the design of this product can't be denied as it can be utilized in a broad array of circumstances and for many applications. The unit comes with a wall and car charger, as well as a USB cable, so you can recharge its batteries from anywhere.2 batteries are included in the box. It appears that this product is reasonably durable and boasts a rather rugged construction that will allow you to use it in the wild [spans 15] difficulties. It's one of the most affordable [spans 16] capabilities. The cover for the battery compartment might not be sturdy or rigid enough to hold the batteries in place. In case you run into this type of problem, be sure to get in touch with the brand's customer support. What makes the best headlamp for hunting? That's what we've also asked ourselves, and after several weeks of research, we have come up with a straightforward buyer's guide. In the next few paragraphs, you will find all the necessary information that will allow you to make an informed decision. Many hunters bring flashlights with them as they can allow them to make their way through the brush. The only inconvenience of these devices is that you will always have to hold them in your hand. Whether you go for the best duck hunting headlamp or one designed for another species, you have to understand that choosing it over a flashlight will allow you to transport your gear way more efficiently and conveniently. There are several kinds of products [spans 17] there. That is why it is often difficult for you to understand which headlamp is brighter than the next. The simplest way of making this difference is to look at the lumen number. A 5000-lumen headlight headlamp is highly recommended for [spans 18] not. However, the higher this figure, the more likely it is for the batteries of the headlamp to run out quickly. Also [spans 19] levels. Some boast modes like high, mid, and low, while others come with these and feature a strobe mode that can act as an emergency blinker. While some headlamps have to be used with proprietary batteries, others work with standard AA or AAA options that you can get at any store near you. Some devices come with rechargeable batteries, which is way more convenient as you won't have to spend that much money on consumables. Some models work with both, which is to say that you can always choose to purchase rechargeable AA or AAA batteries and use the headlamp with them. Whether you prefer one or the other, the fact of the matter is that the runtime matters a whole lot. A good headlamp battery should last for a minimum of 6 hours so as to allow you to rely on its services whenever you need to do so. We've already talked about how the best headlamp for coyote hunting is better than a flashlight used for the [spans 20] purpose. Just for the simple reason that you will not have to hold the device in one of your hands, such a product can be far more convenient than a flashlight. However, the matter of portability also refers to whether the model is heavy or not. The last thing you'd want to wear when hiking or walking on your trail for a good deal of time, is a hefty headlamp that makes you feel less and less comfortable with every step that you take. While it is true that these [spans 21] heavy. Even if you have taken the time to go online and check the weather before you go on your night hunting expedition, you might be caught off guard. In this event, you need to know whether the best deer hunting headlamp or the one you have chosen for the species you need to target is waterproof or not. In case you are having trouble separating the wheat from the chaff so that you understand which model is worthy of your consideration and which one you can do without, all you have to do is read some hunting headlamp reviews. Heaps of hunters like you take to the internet and express their opinions with respect to the sturdiness of the headlamps they've spent their cents on. You can earn a 5% commission by selling Circo Fitted Crib Sheet - Dark Pink on your website. It's easy to get started - we will give you example code. After you're set-up, your website can earn you money while you work, play or even sleep! You should start right now!. Output: spans 1: utilized for a variety of applications and can even get you out of trouble by charging your spans 2: that we feel compelled to add in relation to the 61070 BuckMasters Trident is that it comes with three types of spans 3: the specs of this InnoGear spans 4: have analyzed in this spans 5: one is waterproof and will, therefore, serve you when you need it the spans 6: connect USB-powered spans 7: is provided in the spans 8: to customize the color of the beam so as to use the one you like and is right for your type of spans 9: that shouldn't be any surprise given that this brand is ever-present in almost all fields that pertain to spans 10: hunters who find little to no sense in spending over thirty dollars on a hunting spans 11: and a boost feature of 209 spans 12: that might affect your hunting spans 13: of the spans 14: up to one hundred thousand hours, and that's worth noting given that not all LED bulbs can last that spans 15: without encountering too many spans 16: products out there, especially considering its brightness and overall spans 17: to choose from out spans 18: all situations, whether they pertain to hunting or spans 19: in regards to the brightness of the product that you will end up choosing, you need to look at its modes or spans 20: same spans 21: options usually come with straps with an adjustable length so as to accommodate different head sizes, the headlamp could still slide down your forehead if it is too
Human: Complete this text: The first half goes deep inside the music of Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Janis Joplin, and Howlin' Wolf to “uncover” and reveal the core of each song as a musical masterpiece—a totem of our collective consciousness forged by our shared, popular culture. Deconstructing the rock idiom, the cello takes on the part of both the lead singer and lead guitar, with many other layers created by my cello in the studio and regenerated live with electronic processing. These “uncovers” are the result of my collaboration with composer Evan Ziporyn, who created all the arrangements for me. Evan's unique, complex, and masterful musical language, and the many sounds that we have created with this versatile instrument of mine, are the lens through which this music unveils. Alongside these rock and blues masters, I am performing two new compositions, by Glenn Kotche and David T. Little—both inspired and influenced by this vernacular. Glenn writes: “My own musical life is a constant shift between my hermetic experiences as a composer and solo performer and the polar opposite of that experience as the drummer in a six-piece rock band that tours extensively. I love Maya's approach to solo performance, using multi-tracked cellos, which enables her to shift between those two experiences. In playing with various ideas of how to approach my piece for her, I found myself gravitating towards a more layered and rhythmically complex sound. (I'll always be a rhythmically obsessed drummer at my core! ) I like to begin writing a piece on the drum kit when I can, so I began investigating possibilities for ‘Three Parts Wisdom,' by taking some solo drum kit ideas that I was working on for myself and experimented with adding pitches to the rhythms. I then layered and collaged these elements into something that rhythmically resonates with me and that will ideally fill a void in Maya's repertoire.”Describing his new piece for me David writes: “‘Hellhound' was composed for cello virtuoso Maya Beiser for her project, All Vows. The title is a reference to legendary bluesman Robert Johnson's 1937 song ‘Hellhound On My Trail,' considered to be among his greatest, which tells the story of a man pursued by demons, unable to rest. In the Johnson mythology, this song reinforces the famous tale of the crossroads, in which he reportedly sold his soul to the devil in exchange for musical abilities. ‘Hellhound' is a meditation on the emotional elements of this story—the terror, the inability to stop, the soulless emptiness—and on the notion of having crossed a point of no return, pursued by demons, likely of one's own making.”In ... Assistant: Sure, let me know if you need anything else: the second half of All Vows, I delve into our inherent desire for ritual and meaning, conceiving the concert experience as a spiritual journey. I begin with Arab-American composer Mohammed Fairouz's interpretation of the Kol Nidrei—the ancient Jewish Yom Kippur prayer—in which the full text of the Kol Nidrei, sung in Aramaic, also engages echoes of ancient cantorial styles. Mohammed, a Muslim Arab-American and I, a Jewish Israeli-American, share a vision: We believe in the power of music to heal and unite. We believe that what connects us as humans is far greater than what tears us apart. My extensive collaboration with film artist Bill Morrison is reflected in the final large-scale work on the program. Morrison uses archival footage, chemical process, and animation to create a stunning visual tapestry that illustrates, in his words, “the implication of an unknowable future as reflected through a dissolving historical document.” Michael Gordon's All Vows (the literal translation of the Aramaic words), takes the Kol Nidrei prayer as its starting point, and reimagines it entirely. Gordon's piece is a quiet meditation, a heartbreaking lament exhibiting his masterful ability to create full-blown expressivity with minimal and subtle means. Michael Harrison's Just Ancient Loops (subtitled Views of Heaven at 24 Frames per Second), is a 25-minute epic piece that unveils every aspect of the cello—from its most glorious and mysterious harmonics to earthy, rhythmic pizzicatos—all utilizing “just intonation,” an ancient tuning system in which the distances between notes are based upon whole number ratios. The title refers to (a) the ancient and contemporary forms of “just” intonation tuning used in the work, (b) the “ancient” musical modes used throughout, and (c) the “looping” process used as a compositional technique. Morrison's film explores the many spiritual beliefs and views of the heavens, an ancient philosophical concept of the “Music of the Spheres,” that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies as a form of music. The film is composed of three interconnected movements. Section one opens with shots from the observatory at the Vatican and ends with an extended sequence of rare eclipse footage. Section two, based on research by Walter Murch, relates orbits to harmonics; computer-generated imagery (CGI) and data from NASA is used to create a harmonic visualization of the four moons of Jupiter. Section three, compiled from deteriorating archival footage, begins with an evolution sequence, including Adam and Eve, and ends with rare footage from a 1907 French film, Life and Passion of Christ. Maya Beiser's All Vows comes to the BAM Fisher Fishman Space Wednesday, October 14—Saturday, October 17. Tickets are still available. Human: Complete this text: I have done some research on how well Skype works over a 3G modem. The result is that it can work satisfactorily in many ... Assistant: Sure, let me know if you need anything else: cases, but may not work in others. It all depends on the 3G reception at your location. You should seek a plan where there... Human: Continue. Assistant: is a trial period so that you can return the modem and cancel the plan if it doesn? t work out for you at your desired location. You will likely need a 1 to 5 GB plan if you make more than a few calls per week, as it uses 0.5 MB of data per minute. If you find you don? t go near... Human: More. Assistant: your monthly limit you might be able to downgrade to a cheaper plan. You will also want to make sure that you get a plan that doesn? t charge exorbitant fees if you should go over your monthly limit. Telstra, Optus, 3 and others all offer post-paid plans, and Optus at least offers pre-paid so you aren? t locked into a plan. However, you usually have to buy the modem (around $100).3 also offers a mobile phone that includes Skype usage ? that might work out for you once you take into account the other issues I? ve raised here. There are other providers who may be significantly cheaper but use the Telstra or Optus infrastructure. Examples are Exetel and Virgin. However, you will will still need to... Human: More. Assistant: test the coverage issue. Electronic discovery is a very expensive process, both in preparation as well as inspection if not carried out carefully. It also changes the dynamics and initial cost burden in a matter; traditional discovery put the burden of copying documents on the inspecting party, whereas that shifts during electronic discovery (of course, the final burden may shift after costs orders). Einstein... Human: Continue. Assistant: J discussed these and other issues in Richard Crookes Constructions Pty Limited... Human: Next. Assistant: v F Hannan (Properties) Pty Limited (2009) NSWSC 142 (6 March 2009). He said "the reference to cost effectiveness . in the practice note is appropriately construed as a reference to overall cost efficiency of the discovery process, including the benefits to be gained i nthe later progress of the trial. " I have seen many affidavits opposing electronic discovery based solely on the... Human: Continue. Assistant: cost of the discovery process, ignoring the "overall cost efficiency" that can (but not always) arise. The process does tend to accelerate the expenditure of costs. His Honour said "The contention is that the mere fact that the incurring of costs is accelerated to the time when discovery is given as opposed to the time of inspection would not be an influential, let alone... Human: Next. Assistant: decisive, factor in favour of refusing the order for electronic discovery . That is especially so, it is contended, if the overall costs are likely to be lower. In my view there is substance in each of those contentions. an electronic data base of discovered documents is likely to be productive of greater flexibility, efficiency and utility in the proceedings. the trial is likely... Human: Continue. Assistant: to run more quickly and efficiently as new issues arise or old issues are refined or modified, requiring the compilation of documents in new ways or the production of newly significant documents... Human: Continue. Assistant: "The USA's Fourth Amendment says "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. "This only applies to the US governemnt, but the also US has legislation that gives subjects "fourth amendment-like rights" in relation to data held by private companies, so even Googleor Microsoft can't read US subjects' email even though they store them, nor release them without a warrant. Recently the USA government wanted to search the contents of an email account that was held "in the cloud" (like your ISP,... Human: Continue. Assistant: or Hotmail and GMail); i. stored online rather in a home or business. An application for a search warrant was made, and it ended... Human: More. Assistant: up in the USA District Court, District of Oregon, Nos. The Court held that notice of the warrant did not have to be given to the consumer - only to the email... Human: Next. Assistant: company, overruling an earlier magistrate's decison. It was likened to seizing a package from a courier - only the courier receives the warrant; not the sender or recipient. Now, if the rozzers... Human: More. Assistant: come into my house with a warrant I will probably notice them and therefore be aware of the warrant. However, if they issue the warrant to Google in relation to my email... Human: Next. Assistant: account I won't know about it and therefore can't try and get... Human: More. Assistant: an injunction. Prudent non-disclosure agreements have clauses requiring each party to notify the other of any warrants or other judicially required disclosure so that injunction applications can be made. However, if you... Human: Continue. Assistant: store your data in the cloud or with a third party you had better make sure that you have the same rights - although one wonders what a suitable remedy for breach would be. Today the publisher (Labor et Fides) sent me copies of Calvin World. Quarante Portraits Sur Cinq Continents, by Pierre Grosjean and Nicolas Righetti. My daughter and I were interviewed and... Human: Continue. Assistant: photographed for the book. Apart from the fact I have a great face for radio, the book is a delight. The design and layout... Human: Continue. Assistant: are very smart, and Nicolas' photography is exceptional. My slow-growing French skills are slowing my appreciation of the text, but I look forward to... Human: Continue. Assistant: getting into it. Knowledge that benefits the United-States and through her, all of humanity. Every air-vehicle flying in the world today has some NASA legacy. With developing-nations on the rise, NASA's aeronautical... Human: Continue. Assistant: work must be further challenged for the United-States to keep it's leadership in aviation. NASA has pioneered and established the fundamental-technologies and methodologies of travel to LEO. Phasing it to the private sector with it's CCP and CCiCap programs and actively encouraging the growth of that sector at this point is the right thing to do. NASA's current space-exploration plans are results of a tumultuous-past and an uncertain-future. NASA's stated mission of exploring Mars or visiting a NEO is too narrow. Both Mars and NEOs should be missions within the scope of a imagination-capturing "Grand Mission" such as "Exploring the entire Solar-System within the next 30 years! ". Projects to probe the Jovian and Saturnian moons are well-developed. With commiserating funding NASA should initiate those and develop and... Human: Continue. Assistant: execute plans for sending up-to-date missions to the rest of the Solar-System. Reinforcing a continuing-message that the United States are in deeds the drivers for advancement into tomorrow. ## NASA is the only 'space-exploring-organization' on Earth with the 'street-creds' to 'walk-their-talk'. Take advantage of this. Further leverage NASA in education and especially as a 'driver-for-ambition'. ## Encourage the publication of NASA-derived lessons-and-imagery in textbooks... Human: Continue. Assistant: Establish and promote NASA branding. Shape NASA as an enhanced diplomatic tool. The offer of a scientific-partnership might add fresh-air to an otherwise stale situation. Where possible, morph new challenges into space-races.
<human>: The rest of this: 25 Jul 2005 Lily Hey guys, don't kill yourself. Talk to me and I'll help. Once you get to know moi, you'll kick yourself ... <bot>: The completion of this text could be: in your ass because you almost missed out on a chance to be friends with a cool ass person like me. Remember that there... <human>: More. <bot>: are people in this world who do love you. Hey! I love you! So you can add a name to that list. : ) If you kill yourself, how am I going to get to know ya? lol. : ) Hope someone is smiling from this.17 Jul 2005 Suicide Makeover Is this supposed to be a serious site because fair enough if u want... <human>: Continue. <bot>: to kill yourself feel free to talk about it. but whats with the whole eating dicks shite? I know people who have killed themselves as I work with people with mental health problems. it is niether funny nor amusing. if people want to talk to me feel free to email me. No life doesn't get better but you will understand it more as time... <human>: Next. <bot>: goes on. I would hate to think that my sister who is 12 was going on sites like this and being taken the piss out of.16 Jul 2005 Girl Hi people, well im 15 and id just like to say that suicide is not the way to go, i no i may not be going through wat u are but i am sure there... <human>: Next. <bot>: are gonna people who will turn up at your funeral and that is enough to live. before you die you need to live your... <human>: Next. <bot>: life and have fun man, go skinny dipping etc. anyways, if anyone wants to talk or ANYTHING, please add me on msn or email... <human>: More. <bot>: cos i cnt just watch you all suffer in silence.16 Jul 2005 N/A I've read some of these posts and I can't believe what Im saying, kids at the age of 12 trying to commit suicide. The thought alone makes me sick inside my stomach, I know life isnt easy, I probally haven't experienced what you guys have but believe me suicide isnt the... <human>: Next. <bot>: way, somethimes it is and you might think so but life can indeed get better. I dont know what else to say but if... <human>: Next. <bot>: you need someone to talk to, just an ordinary person. Im 19 years old and still a teenager, I thaught of commiting suicide but I never did.12 Jul 2005 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline If you need someone to talk to and don’t know where to turn, there is help available.11 Jul 2005 Jay Habbs dear friends, i know it gets really hard when a loved one passes away, or someone abuses you. my grandma and my dearest uncle passed away almost at the same time, and it was really hard for me. i had to go to drug/alcohol rehab because i wanted to kill myself. i know now that life can be made much better through hard work and perseverance. it is really hard when your parents etc... <human>: Continue. <bot>: it is REALLY hard but you have to pull through. for if you kill yourself you are letting them win; you are letting all the abusers, bullies, molesters win. please call someone,... <human>: More. <bot>: call the cops if someone touches you inappropriately or tries to molest/abuse... <human>: Continue. <bot>: you. tell your school authorities; if they don't listen call 911 in USA, for they will take action against the oppressor. believe me if your family members act like nazi-idiots on you, you must seek outside help. it is really tough to bring yourself to tell outsiders about your family problems, but it is a good option. believe me, please, your friends can be... <human>: Next. <bot>: a big help. you can always talk to me. please, at least, try to talk to some authorities, psychologists before you kill yourself. you owe it to yourself. my contact info is: j_habib05@hotmail.com , j_wizzle05@yahoo.com and iHateHippies83 for AIM. please, please, please you must tell someone about the abuses/problems in your life, for even strangers can be sometimes helpful. call 911 if anyone pulls... <human>: More. <bot>: anything on you. y'know we are the people that make this word... <human>: More. <bot>: a wonderful place. we must not let our oppressors be the better of us.07 Jul 2005 TREATMENT Depression is more common than you think... <human>: More. <bot>: and most people who receive treatment for depression get better. Unfortunately, many... <human>: More. <bot>: people who are depressed don't get help. There are many reasons people don't get help. Some people think that seeking treatment is a sign of weakness. Others are afraid to be seen as "crazy" for seeing a counselor or taking medication. Some people feel that their thoughts and feelings aren't important enough to bother others with. Don't be one of these people! Depression is real and with help you can get better. Remember that you are a worthwhile person who deserves to be heard and understood. Making the choice to get help is the first step to overcoming depression and being the best you can be! 07 Jul 2005 LINKS PLEASE READ. adamspage.com - Wonderful site. ## Highly recomendedfor anyone. Has loads of great links as well. It... <human>: Next. <bot>: also has an email address so you can contact Sue. Sue is very caring and dedicated. Highly recommended if you are in need of support. mcmanweb.com A very good site, this has... <human>: Next. <bot>: loads of useful articles about bipolar and depression.com/sky_blu_grl/comein Great site, veyr personal. Poetry, and writing also on the site. ## Definatly recommended! www. net/~llama/psych/injury This is a very good site that I certianly recommend. Very imformative and can answer questionswww. ## wingofmadness.com - Wonderful site, very imformative. If you are a teenager with depression I recomend cheching it out, it has an article for... <human>: Continue. <bot>: teenagers with depression and it helped me a lot (www.com/articles/teens. It also has a good article for if you are a friend or relative... <human>: Continue. <bot>: of someone with depression (www.com/articles/someone. Can answer questions and emails but doesn't garuntee. asp? Meta=321 - This is very good if you feel alone. It has a list of people who you... <human>: Continue. <bot>: can contact who have medical degrees, have gone through it themselevs or... <human>: Next. <bot>: are just very caring people. This link is for depression and sucicide. asp? Meta=237 is for bipolar disorder. depression.com - This is very informative... <human>: More. <bot>: with loads of links. Maybe it is a little overwhelming if you need information quick because it is a massive site wiv hundreds of links on it. html - This is a very good site with a lot of links on. Again it may be a little overwhelming. It has a good page with hints for speeding up recovery: www. html - Lots of... <human>: More. <bot>: clear information with the basic facts of self harm. If you go to the 'pick a feature' bar you will find more articles about depression, bipolar disorder, suicidal feelings, and more. At... <human>: Next. <bot>: the bottom of each article it lists webpages and contacts where you can seek help or find out more. shtml - Good basic information about suicide and also a link for self... <human>: Continue. <bot>: harm (www. samaritans.org - If you ever need to talk, these are the people to go to. They have centers based all around the UK and they are always there, even when... <human>: Next. <bot>: no one else is. I have recently discoverd them and they have certainly helped me ALOT towards recovery. Unfortunatly they don't give advice and can only listen. ## Everything is confidential. uk... <human>: More. <bot>: (SOBS - Survivors of bearevement by suicide) - Helpline for people who has lost a loved one through suicide in the UK. uk -... <human>: Next. <bot>: Has leaflets on Talk therapies that inform you on the varoius psychological therapies. They have phone numbers for certain areas so check out there... <human>: More. <bot>: site for the number for your area.04 Jul 2005 was bullied, mostly verbally, from between the ages of 11 and 16, I was forced to leave school early (aged about 15 1/2)... <human>: Continue. <bot>: because of this and forsake my education which was going nowhere anyway due to constant disruptions from these "ignorant sadistic scum". That's right 12 years later and I haven't forgiven or forgotten this and I expect I'll carry this "baggage of hate" around with me for as long as I live, When I was around 17 and 18 I used to plot killing these... <human>: Continue. <bot>: people but I'm not that type of person to actually carry something like that out. A few years back I registered with friends reunited (in my case enemies reunited) and was depressed to see my tormentors posting things like:-"I'm now with xxx the love of my life and our little boy xxx living in xxx and I work as a <really good job> hope to get into contact with all my good friends" etc. I can only advise people in my position: Do not register with this site! why register? what do you want to know? ! I know these success stories can be a load of bull but it still makes me angry to read it. And I just think that knowing my luck they're true. As... <human>: Next. <bot>: you've guessed I don't wish these people well in their lives. I know what it is to be bullied and I sympathise with others that experience the same. All I can say is don't stand for it, retaliate and don't let them destroy your life. Don't do what I did and let everyone cr@p all over you, it's not worth it. Changing school/college/workplace is... <human>: More. <bot>: better if you really don't want to face the problem. My bullying... <human>: More. <bot>: was mostly verbal and during my schooldays, I was called "gay" (which was false) and isolated from other people. I was tormented and picked on constantly, my mother and my family were... <human>: Continue. <bot>: insulted and so was I. I cried but they had no pity for me. It continued until I could take no more. I'd fake illness in order to avoid school and in the end I used to bunk off because my parents, not understanding the situation, forced me to go. I'd hate for anyone else to go through what I went through, it has... <human>: More. <bot>: affected my entire life and I know I can never live like a normal person again. If anyone wants to contact me about this... <human>: Next. <bot>: feel free I am a good listener and I will try to help you out of this seemingly inescapable situation, through conversation, if I am able. Post and ask for my email address if you need help. If you are being bullied out there take heart you're not alone and people can advise you and help youWe grieve for our loss and for our... <human>: More. <bot>: inability to spare each other a pain so deep and so wide that words fail to express its true size. So these are the words of Suicide Survivors. Please take some time... <human>: Next. <bot>: nd visit http://www.1000deaths.com Each person who takes their life die one death, but those lest behind die a thousand deaths trying to put the... <human>: More. <bot>: pieces back together. We must learn to understand why so many turn to suicide as a last resort. we will never understand if we... <human>: Next. <bot>: condemn them for making such a decision and we will never understand if we haven't walked in their shoes. In the words of a dear friend of mine: "You don't know hell until you've walked a mile in my shoes on a good day. " Calling them selfish, cowards, and weak makes no difference in this world at all. It only proves that there... <human>: More. <bot>: are much weaker people out there who think it is okay to kick people when they are already down. After all, it is the strong who don't survive. They are lead to believe that they should just 'grin and bear it. ' Try treating cancer by grinning and bearing it! With that said, think twice before you call someone a coward. Who is the... <human>: Continue. <bot>: real coward? Help someone out of the hole they are in instead of covering them with dirt. To those of you in pain. if you have no one to talk to, email me. I will not condemn you for even thinking of suicide. I know how it feels to die alone and to live in pain. Since my son too his life, I am left to keep his legacy alive. So email me if you need any support at all. Every life is a treasure. Don't forget to visit www://1000deaths.com Thanks for reading this. Happiness will come tomorrow if you let it.24 Jun 2005 Tala *Clears throat* I'm 15, not 13. I've had thoughts of killing myself since I was nine or ten something like that. I've actually... <human>: More. <bot>: done it and died two times, the doctors brought me back. Let me tell you some shit, cause I've died. Believe me or not I dont care I'm giving hard facts. When you die there is nothing. NOTHING and sometimes you may think nothing is better than something, but it isn't. When you die it's like your closeing your eyes. ## You see nothing feel nothing hear, and see nothing. Since I was 6 I've been beaten, raped and done different drugs givin to me by family or friends. My brother would rape me everynight untill he moved away. I'm still beaten by my parents. I still do think about suicide. It's something that enters my mind everyday. Just a large cut across the neck I think to... <human>: Next. <bot>: myself about that. I don't have many friends, but you need to learn to stop listening to the world, honestly. Who cares what others... <human>: Continue. <bot>: think? Who cares what others do to you to make you feel this way? Stop careing, and let go. If your parents beat you,... <human>: Continue. <bot>: pick up the phone foster homes aren't that nice no, but it's normaly slightly better or way better then home life. If you are raped once again, call the cops get them... <human>: Continue. <bot>: in jail. Do not turn to drugs, it doesn't do much but make you forget for a while, feel good for a while, then come down and feel like a total piece... <human>: Next. <bot>: of shit, probably something you felt worse then off the drugs. Sucide, I'm sure you've heard this line many times, and I shall repeat it to you, suicide is not the only... <human>: Continue. <bot>: answer. I've had friends around me die people who you thought never cared do infact care. They're just scared to ask you whats wrong or anything. Call someone, suicide hotline is always... <human>: More. <bot>: open and you can always talk to them there, and they'll help you. Honestly, you ask for an answer out of it, your life,... <human>: More. <bot>: your emotions things like that. But thats not going to make you a stronger person, you need to talk to someone, get help get back on the right road. It's better trust me. I still get beaten I still get raped. But I don't sit and just let it happen anymore, no I do something about it. An officer may not like you but... <human>: Next. <bot>: when it comes to something like this, they must do it and if they refuse, you can get them fired. Officers may be a... <human>: More. <bot>: pain in the fucking ass (Trust me I know) But they fucking... <human>: More. <bot>: do care it's they're job. It's what they want to do for a living is help people and make lives easier and better and... <human>: Next. <bot>: happier and safer. I hope you read this, I hope you read it well. I'm a councler for kids at my school. I'm not going to lecture you anymore, I'm not going to tell you not to do it, it's your life. But trust me it does indeed get better if you try to make it better. But if you want a friend yes... <human>: More. <bot>: friend. I'll be your friend no matter what if you want to talk with you can IM me at angelofdeath3789 for AIM bloodandwar300@hotmail.com or bloodandwar400 on YIM my email is bloodandwar400@yahoo.com and I'm normaly on a lot. I'll always get back to you if I'm not though. Stick with it kids, it all gets better and turns out it's not that bad on the... <human>: Next. <bot>: other side when you 18.23 Jun 2005 madz Well, I want everyone to know that I have had a hard life. but after reading... <human>: Continue. <bot>: the other responses I know that I’m not alone in the way... <human>: More. <bot>: I feel about life. When I was 14 my father took me... <human>: More. <bot>: to England and while in a hotel he raped and beat me. this is where my life went downhill. I was scared emotionally and physically. I began to cut myself and cry... <human>: Continue. <bot>: myself to sleep every night. I wanted someone to help me "snap-out-of-it" (as my mother puts it). Now, I am 16 and nothing has... <human>: Next. <bot>: changed. my father hasn’t touched me but it is as if he's forgotten what he did to me. I haven’t cut myself in a couple of weeks but every time something happens that I can’t handle. I begin to hurt my self. my boyfriend talks to me about things that help me keep positive and he allows me to talk for hours about what... <human>: Next. <bot>: I hate about life and he never tells me to shut-up. I feel the best way to commit suicide it to kill your old self (as crazy as that sounds). the way I was before, I was well on the way to slitting my wrists. But now I have changed, I have a steady life with help from the only person I trust. as... <human>: Continue. <bot>: strange as it sounds. but discarding your past you can help shape your futureAnyone who is 13 or under and wants to kill themselves... <human>: Next. <bot>: maybe all you crave is a companion. I am always available to chat if that’s what will help you consider you best option. Please write to me (babychickie20@hotmail.com) anytime you feel like and tell me what’s on your mind. I’m not qualified or anything but I am experienced in getting through the pain. Please do not do anything to drastic. talk to me or someone you trust first. you’ll see how much you really are needed.20 Jun 2005 samantha well my name is samantha. on may 17th my father commited suicide. well he was my step father but he seemed more then that to me. i really dont care about this website. and how its named what is the best way to kill yourself when your under 13... <human>: Next. <bot>: what kind of title is that. it is very hard for family members to deal with suicide. it leaves them with questions that can not be answered. this whole thing that theres... <human>: More. <bot>: a suicide toy box thing what are people trying to teach kids these days. just because some people are not happy dont mean everyone... <human>: Continue. <bot>: else isnt. please dont be mad when u read this just write me back and let me know how you feel.19 Jun 2005 Suicide The best way to kill yourself? Well we know so much but before you do. WE'RE HERE TO HELP, OUR SITE IS NOW UPDATED, PARENTS, SUICIDAL TEENS, ANYONE. it won't really hurt trying would it? . NET > > >... <human>: Continue. <bot>: T E E N A G E A D V I S U A L S E R V I C E, all data we hear is kept 100% confidential under the... <human>: Continue. <bot>: 1998 Data act07 Jun 2005 josh obviously if you havent killed yourself yet there is still something inside you saying i want to live... <human>: More. <bot>: i just need a reason. tell me what your problem is rather than post it on this site and get 50 emails that are... <human>: Continue. <bot>: condeming you for the way you feel inside. i will talk to you and try to sort thru some of the mess in your life and try to come up with a... <human>: Next. <bot>: real solution to your problems rather than just saying you need medication and counselling. we will be there we are the the suicidal youth services team. we would love love to hear your story. and of course help you make the best decison07 Jun 2005 Azalia what the hell is this? are you seriously even thinking about 13 year old kids killing them selves?... <human>: Continue. <bot>: I have a little sister whose 13 and I cant event hink about it. I thought about suicide, I had a pretty rough life, you know the usual, born to a teen... <human>: More. <bot>: mom, lived in a motel til 13, step dads a crack head, real dads a dead beat alcoholic, never raped. but i was continually molested from age 6 to 11 by a... <human>: Continue. <bot>: bunch of teenage boys who lived down stairs. It will get better if you want it to. Live your life to the fullest and have kids and make their lives wonderful. Suicide? How do you know whats on the other side? you dont. you dont know if there is a heaven or hell. your to young to die. you all mean something to someone. so if you dont want to live for you. live for someone else. I thought I knew it all when I was in high school. College came in a flash. Life gets better if you want it to. Get good grades in school. It makes the world of a difference. Dont ever give up on life.06 Jun 2005 Andrew There is no way to... <human>: More. <bot>: kill your self cause u shouldnt kill ur self at 13 or... <human>: More. <bot>: there for any age you should live ur life free and happy i am not trying to be your mother adn tell u what to do but be smart and let me try to talk u out of it! ! email me at ghettopimp0914@yahoo.com or im me at ghettopimp0914Journaling: Dead Men Tell No Tales! It's very true - unless you were daring enough to... <human>: More. <bot>: visit & escape from The Pirates Lair, an island filled with secret hideaways, pirate sightings, sunken treasure & adventures galore. Beware, Mateys! "Thanks to your creativity and negotiating skills, we got the house we wanted. To this day, you have been there when we have needed you. "An angry young woman hits the road in search of adventure in this comedy drama from Germany.18-year-old... <human>: Next. <bot>: Anke (Julia Hummer) is a student in a small town in Northern Germany where she feels suffocated at school and is at constant odds with her mother (Lena Stolze). Anke believes that... <human>: Next. <bot>: her mother's frequent infidelity led her father to take his own life, and now she's embarrassed to. moreHis estranged wife is worth millions, but... <human>: More. <bot>: poor Paris resident Richard is homeless and jobless. He applied for unemployment benefits and now faces charges of fraud. To save himself from nine months in jail he must find his wife... <human>: Continue. <bot>: and force her to tell the courts the truth, that though she has married a politically-ambitious American governor and is filing U. tax returns, she is technically still married to Richard. But as she lives in America, how can he get to her? Opportunity knocks when Richard learns. moreIn order to get your long stay visa, you must show proof that you have health... <human>: Continue. <bot>: insurance that covers you in France. Not all American health insurance policies cover you abroad, so you have to check with your provider. Once... <human>: More. <bot>: you have lived in France for at least 3 months, you are eligible for French state health coverage (CMU or Coverture Maladie Universelle). The cost is based on your previous calendar year's... <human>: Next. <bot>: income. To apply for CMU, you must go in person to the local CPAM (Caisse Primaire Assurance Maladie) office to pick up an application. Be prepared to provide the following:- proof supporting... <human>: More. <bot>: that you have lived in France for at least 3 months (EDF statements or France Telecom statements). Affiliation to CMU takes place effective the day of your application, although you may have to wait a few weeks for your confirmation letter (attestation). This is not how much the insurance will cost you. This is the income "threshold". You must pay 8% of any income... <human>: More. <bot>: OVER the threshold for your family situation. If your income is in... <human>: Next. <bot>: excess of the threshold corresponding to your family situation, then you pay 8% of the amount over the threshold. You are allowed to pay by trimesters. The coverage is generally 70% (obstetric care is 100%), and there is no deductible. Most people purchase a private health insurance policy called a "mutuelle de sante" that brings the coverage up to 100%. Again, there is no... <human>: Continue. <bot>: deductible. The cost fo the mutuelle is not based on income. Usually you pay up front, and receive a reimbursement by direct deposit into your bank account in less than one week! ! Upon receiving medical service, you will be given a brown form, FEUILLE DE SOINS, which states the nature of the service in code, the doctor, amount paid for services rendered and prescription information. When filling prescriptions be sure to take the brown form along. ## The pharmacist will stamp both the prescription and the brown form, then fill out the appropriate prescription information. Medications have a sticker (VIGNETTE), which must be removed from the package and placed on the form. NOTE: Payment for medications must be made when they are provided. This FEUILLE DE SOINS... <human>: Continue. <bot>: should be sent to your insurance for reimbursement. Coverage is obligatory for wage earners. Some countries have an agreement with France making their people eligible for the French benefits while other countries... <human>: More. <bot>: do not. Check with your office to know if you are eligible for the social security benefits. Coverage is not automatic; you must apply for it. If you are eligible, apply at your local SÉCURITÉ SOCIALE office or at the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie for your area. You will be issued a number, NUMÉRO D'IMMATRICULATION, which is to be used on all forms from medical services. Upon receiving a service, you will be given a brown form, FEUILLE DE SOINS, which states the nature of the service, the doctor, amount paid for services rendered and prescription information, important since this form also serves as your receipt or proof of payment. Complete the FEUILLE with your personal information, sign it, and send it to your local SÉCURITÉ SOCIALE office... <human>: Next. <bot>: for reimbursement. Reimbursement is not total and many French subscribe to MUTUELLE insurance companies that cover the difference. Once the SECURITÉ SOCIALE office has... <human>: Continue. <bot>: notified you that reimbursement has been made, the notification slip must be sent to your complimentary insurance MUTUELLE for additional reimbursement. If a doctor feels the patient needs treatment by a paramedic... <human>: Continue. <bot>: (therapist, chiropractor, etc. the patient will be given a form that asks the insurance for their agreement. If no refusal has been received within two weeks, one can consider the agreement as... <human>: More. <bot>: effective. After treatment and payment, the patient will receive an orange slip for submittal to SÉCURITÉ SOCIALE. A declaration is made to the National... <human>: Continue. <bot>: Health office, CAISSE PRIMAIRE D'ASSURANCE MALADIE OR CPAM, and the Family Benefits Office (URSSAF) by the employer. The employee receives a social security card... <human>: Continue. <bot>: The wage earner's unemployed spouse and dependents are also covered. The cost for the various insurance is deducted directly from the wage-earner's salary and amount to approximately 20%. The employer pays another... <human>: Next. <bot>: 70% of the employee's salary to the government for these same social benefits. THE CONTRIBUTION SOCIALE GENERALISÉE (CSG) is a solidarity tax to help the ailing National Health System. All workers pay... <human>: Continue. <bot>: this tax whether they are eligible for national health coverage or not. However, those not eligible pay a smaller percentage of their salary than those who are eligible for the health coverage. Self-employed workers must take out a voluntary health insurance policy within 6 months of arriving in France. A list of insurance companies working with the National Health Service can be obtained through... <human>: Continue. <bot>: the Chamber of Trade. The self-employed person will also be required to pay for pension programs and family benefits. As some of these costs... <human>: Next. <bot>: are fixed sums one must be sure to have a large enough income to cover these costs. Reimbursement rates of medical expenses used to be much lower (50%) than those of wage... <human>: More. <bot>: earners, are now equal to those of everyone else. Thank goodness because that is what my status is. :-)If you or a member of your family fits this category you can contact the following offices for more information:Hospitalization for surgery above 7,500€uros is 100% reimbursed, however, the 8 €uros is charged daily. Medications are reimbursed at 40%, 70% or not at all. Other costs... <human>: Next. <bot>: such as transportation, medical equipment and glasses are reimbursed at 65%. Dental... <human>: More. <bot>: treatment only, is reimbursed at a fixed rate of 70%. Mutuelle policies vary as to what part of the remainder they pay. Some pay for orthodontics, contact lenses, and pay to the first €uro for all of your medical and dental care. <human>: What kind of text were you giving me? <bot>: Most likley NSFW.
Human: What could be the completion of this text: However you celebrate we hope you have a happy weekend! Also be sure to check out Steam (and our store page) for all of the sales going on this weekend. We have just signed a licensing agreement with The Adarna for "Superman" the main track for our next game (title forthcoming). This Seattle rock band is the originator of the term "Jet City Rock" ... Bot: The completion of this text could be: and are veterins of 5 national tours. Not only that, but they are super nice and have been really easy to work with to make this happen. Check them out if you want to hear the track before we release our first advert, and stay tuned here or on social media for more info on the next game. That's right we've been approved. Bug... Human: More. Bot: fixes and enhancements have been made for Steam. Cards, emotes, badges, backgrounds, achievements have all been added. This baby that has been bubbling for the last 2-ish years is ready to hit Steam! Check it out at this link and see what some friends and zero marketing budget can do for a commercial. Heck, add us to your wish list and help make our... Human: Continue. Bot: wishes come true. :-DWe have been approved through Steam Greenlight for distribution on Steam. This is our first title to arrive on Steam and we are excited to be there. We've run out of words to use besides "excited", nevertheless we are stoked for this awesome news. :-D Over the next few months we are going to get Steamalot ready to go for Steam. We will will announce a for sure release date for Steam as soon as we are able. What else is going on besides Indie DB Indie of the year voting? How about getting featured in the Indies From the Middle showcase this weekend at the Smithsonian American Art Museum! ? Sunday December 7th we'll be down in DC showing Steamalot next to some amazing... Human: More. Bot: fellow devs from Philly, Baltimore, and D. Steamalot released and NYCC was amazing this year! We got some excellent press, and some new fans. We were really happy to see so many... Human: Next. Bot: people playing the game. Next up we are submitting Steamalot to game festivals and going for Greenlight. Be sure to vote if you haven't yet. “Once in a while games will come along attempting to combine genres and concepts in fresh and interesting ways. Combining turn-based tactical strategy gameplay with a collectible card game (Steamalot) is one such clever combination.”Today is the day! Steamalot:... Human: More. Bot: Epoch's Journey is releasing for PC, Mac, iOS, and Android today. You... Human: Continue. Bot: can now play anyone on just about any device. Chat with your opponents, and find random challengers. We have boosted the end level decks... Human: Continue. Bot: and added a few other tweaks to make the game a bit more challenging in hard mode too. We really hope you enjoy the... Human: More. Bot: game! Follow us @RisenPhx for NYCC '14 live updates. The Risen Phoenix team is headed out to New York Comicon tomorrow to set up... Human: Continue. Bot: the booth and prepare for the final release ofSteamalot: Epoch's Journey. We will be at space #236 demoing pvp and offering freebies to those... Human: More. Bot: who play and/or win at pvp. We will be doing a raffle for another Risen Phoenix Sword (full size! ), and selling physical copies of Steamalot that include a digital art book,... Human: Next. Bot: a stylus pen, and signed art print. We hope to see you there and if you can't make it, Steamalot will still be on our store, the Humble Store, Desura, The App... Human: Next. Bot: Store, Google Play, and the Amazon App Store. The Date is set... Human: More. Bot: and the features are in! The final build of Steamalot: Epoch's Journey will release on October 9th. This version will include card sell back and cross platform PvP. We will of course... Human: More. Bot: have updates for any major issues, and if everyone shows their support we have extras planned for the future. Keep your eyes open on the morning of the 9th for updates on... Human: Continue. Bot: all platforms. If you are going to be joining us at NYCC... Human: Next. Bot: 2014 then stop by our booth at #236 to say hello and pick up a special version of the Steamalot we are having made up for the con. Both events are hotly anticipated at the office. PvP for mobile has a lot of updates to what initial came out for PC/Mac. Better friend requesting, status indicators, removing challenges, and so on. We fixed some... Human: Continue. Bot: bugs AND we are adding more animations and particle effects! So big... Human: Next. Bot: happy changes all around. Gen Con Indy! The largest table top gaming conference in the world! As gamers we are excited for our first trip to this conference. As developers we are... Human: Next. Bot: freaking ecstatic to be going. Steamalot is digital, but its based on table top games. With how well it plays on a tablet we... Human: More. Bot: are excited to have people play at GenCon. We will be there the whole time with just 2 of our 4 person team. What we lack in people power, we will try... Human: Next. Bot: to make up for in spirit. We look forward to meeting everyone... Human: Continue. Bot: there. That's the gist of it. V2.0 with PvP is now live in our store and will be live on Desura and the Humble Store later today. The price will remain $4.99... Human: Next. Bot: for a few hours just because we love ya. After that the game goes to $9.99 because we like having the lights on. There are a slew of bug fixes and UI tweaks. A whole different aspect of Steamalot is opening up with PvP. Grab a frenemy and challenge them to a battle. Any one that purchased Steamalot from our Store should have gotten... Human: Continue. Bot: an update email for v2. We had to patch the game right after it came out, so if you are having any UI Graphics issues, please let us know! *We finished testing today and will have a version of PvP out for Mac and PC out as soon as we make a new build and put it in all of the online stores! So... Human: More. Bot: much excite! Ths version includes a slew of bug fixes, some UI changes, and of course PvP. PvP in this will be 1on1 in single continuous matches. So you have to finish... Human: Next. Bot: what you start. We wil be adding more features to PvP in the coming months, but we have been playing our buns off and we're pretty confident that this will will ya'll occupied for at least a ltittle bit. Mobile is coming in about 2 weeks, so don't depair. We have also set up forums for Steamalot through our Indie DB page. This is a great place to look for answers from us and other users. We know we can't think of all of the questions people will have so we are making sure you have an open place to poke and prod us. What an awesome show! It makes sense for Risen Phoenix to go to Phoenix, or so we thought, and we thought rightly. We had... Human: More. Bot: a great time there showing off Steamalot and seeing some terrific cosplays. The enthusiastic yeses and kind feed back are fuel for the fire. We are testing PvP right now and trying our darndest to get the first version out the door for everyone to try. In the meantime we have posted and will post more videos on our YouTube Channel. We are also starting concept art work on expansion packs, and we got onto the Humble Bundle Store. Turn by turn we're building steam. We hope people continute to enjoy the game while we keep working on it. We have a patch ready for the single player version of Steamalot: Epoch's Journey. It will go live on the main store within few hours of this post and... Human: Next. Bot: on Desura and The Humble Widget within a few days. Check the game description in each to see if it says v1. The mobile update should be coming out about a week... Human: Next. Bot: after this post. We'l be all over media if you are unsure if v1.1 is live. Fortify can no longer be used in an infinite undo loop to make a golden being of impenetrable armor. Update 5/7/2014 its v1.2 now (last minute update) It is now live on Desura, the Humble Widget, our site and iOS! *We have a Humble Bundle Widget. Now you can buy Steamalot via the Humbles. Like buying directly from our site it will be DRM free. Through Humble a portion of the proceeds go to charity and when it becomes available, the PvP, and card trading updates will also be there. Steamalot Released at the end of last week on Desura. It's been getting a lot of views and we hope that everyone... Human: Next. Bot: gets a chance to check it out while its still on sale. We're also in Boston this week for PAX East 2014. We will be showing off Steamalot live along with the soon-to-be released PvP for people who stop by #1083. That's right, our medieval steampunk tactical trading card game, Steamalot, is now on iOS and Android. Free to play and lots of fun!... Human: Continue. Bot: We are so excited to be moving forward towards PvP and to also being released on the Humble Store as well as Desura.1 of Steamalot is live in our store. Some bug... Human: Continue. Bot: fixes have been made and "right click to attack" was added for simple attacking with your characters. That build has also been submitted to the Humble Store and Desura. They will be available soon there too! So many ways to get into the game. Soon there will be even more options for playing Steamalot as we have submitted to the App Store, Google Play, and Amazon. We anticipate being out in those stores in a week or so and will let EVERYONE know when that's available. On the night of February 18th 2014 the very first version of Steamalot: Epoch's Journey went live on our website store. This is the first in a series of tiered releases. It means that the multiplayer and trading portions of the game... Human: Continue. Bot: aren't in yet BUT the card leveling, card creation, deck building, and 42 levels of storyline play are in and ready to go! Lest I forget there are also to difficulty modes which means you have double the opportunities to get rewards from the game. The tier one launch price is $4. Once the second tier with private PvP comes out the game will... Human: More. Bot: go to $9. Then, finally, with public PvP and card trading the game will go to $14. So get in on the ground floor and never have to pay more for the... Human: Next. Bot: game! For our mobile family; we haven't forgotten about you. The iOS version will be submitted for review in a few days leaving us about 2 weeks out for the App version of the game. The Android version should be available around the same time, possibly a bit earlier. Welcome to the new year everyone! We tried but did not quite make our final... Human: Continue. Bot: goal of having Steamalot done by the end of 2013. We are instead polishing the game a bit more, adding some extra touches and getting ready to submit the game for publishing in the middle of this month. We hit a snag with iOS and Desura both being closed for the holidays, so we decided just to wait and continue to work on the... Human: More. Bot: game. You can still download a demo from the game page linked above. We were also recently interviewed in a podcast from GeekEccentric. We had a great time talking to Dave about the studio, Go Go Galago, and Steamalot. Its a fun little insight into why we're crazily making games. A new version of the Steamalot Beta Demo is up on the Steamalot: EJ... Human: Next. Bot: page. The download is free and we would like to have as... Human: More. Bot: many people try it out as possible. Check it out and share with your friends! How did it go from 0.5 without releases in between? The releases went so fast and had... Human: Continue. Bot: so many fixed that we didn't have time to post them to the public. We are wrapping up single player development these last few weeks of December and the multiplayer server is... Human: Next. Bot: showing excellent progress. Things are very tight right now and we are doing our darndest to get Steamalot to out for everyone to enjoy... Human: Next. Bot: There are two new videos up in the media section. One is from NYCC 2013, with the team being interviewed by the Gamer's Hub. There is also a background video for part... Human: Continue. Bot: of the history of Steamalot. That's right, we did it! Well, we're a good portion of the way there. We want you to play the combat portion of the game, and that's what's in the demo on the Steamalot page. Download it, let us know what you think on Facebook, by emailing us, or even voting for it on Steam. The first of a series of videos introducing players to Steamalot: Epoch's Journey is up in the video section and on You Tube. Check it out to see how the game works and stay tuned for more videos and for the first public playable demo. This Friday 11/15/2013 We will be at Cipher Prime's Studio/game co-working space for the first showcase night. Anyone it the area is welcome... Human: More. Bot: to come by. We will be there with the latest build of Steamalot along with a ton of other local developers. We hope everyone who can make it will. Check out the Eventbrite linke if you're considering going. The Steamlot page now has a partial catalog listing of the cards that will be in the final version of the game. We will be adding... Human: Next. Bot: to the list and including descriptions as well as art for the cards soon. Promo card images from the printed giveaways we did are now also in the NYCC and Steamalot picture galleries in the media section. Wow! What an exciting weekend. We cannot emphasize how much fun we had at our booth. We meet tons of chill professionals, some really slick looking cosplayers,... Human: Continue. Bot: and new fans of all kinds that we cannot thank enough for... Human: Next. Bot: playing the game. Your enthusiasim means the world to us and we are back at work gunning to get this game ready for you all. We will be posting progress updates every week or so, so check back often. Pictures are up on facebook and in our media section of the conference. If you don't see yours it was either blurry, or we haven't taken it off of everyone's device yet. In other news we are in the middle of the process of applying for Steam Greanlight. We will be using a fresh new game play video so we can put our best alpha forward. If you have any comments feel free to contact us via our contact link or facebook. It was been a couple of days... Human: Continue. Bot: since the drawing for helping support the new Steamalot Facebook page. Drew Felder was our winner and is receiving a Saturday pass to New York Comicon. We are really excited for him and can't wait to get out there and see all the awesome costumes and presentations. There is going to be a panel on Steampunk influences in contemporary movie making. It should go right along with Steamalot! We have been running a little contest for Steamalot: Epoch's Journey. All you have to do is "like"Steamalot: Epoch's Journey on Facebook before 11:59pm on September 30th, and that automatically enters you to win a sold out Saturday pass for New York ComiCon. We Hope to see everyone at NYCC and if not we will still keep posting updates here... Human: Next. Bot: and on Facebook as we progress on Steamalot's development. We have gotten a bunch of new likes since this started and we are very greatful to our new followers. The title says it fairly well. The AWF scarf, which we produced with permission from the African Wildlife Foundation, is now in Go Go Galago. A portion of the proceeds of this $1.99 scarf ($1) go directly to the African Wildlife Foundation and to helping with their conservation efforts. The AWF is a 501(c) and the $1 that goes to them is tax deductible. Buster wears the scarf in the game and it automatically comes with an upgrade that helps him in the game. And yes, you can buy the scarf multiple times if you want to continue helping... Human: More. Bot: him in the game and in real life. This last week we also announced our next game, Steamalot: Epoch's Journey. This is a tactical trading card game that will be on iOS, Android, and later PC. You can check it out in the games section and onFacebook. More content will be added to those pages throughout development. Hey everyone we have a really exciting... Human: More. Bot: announcement! We just finalized an agreement with the African Wildlife Foundation to feature a wearable scarf in Go Go Galago bearing the AWF logo. This scarf will be included in the next... Human: Next. Bot: update and be available as an in app-purchase. $1 from each $2... Human: More. Bot: AWF scarf will go to the AWF to help fund conservation projects in Africa. We are REALLY excited about this and hope you will... Human: Next. Bot: join us in supporting this charity. As an added bonus every AWF... Human: Next. Bot: scarf is guaranteed to come with an upgrade for Buster, instead of the 1-in-4 chance normal scarves have. The V1.3 update was approved and went live at the end of last week. We are very happy that now everyone has access to the final version of the game that we working on. We will still be adding a more robust high scores/achievements feature along... Human: Continue. Bot: with some bug fixes and seasonal scarves. Overall though, this the look of the game that we wanted to put out. We hope you check out Go Go Galago. It is free to play, and you might actually learn a little about Buster the Bush Baby. Hello Everyone! v1.3 has been out on Android for about 2 weeks, but we have been having some... Human: Next. Bot: issues with getting this up on the iOS App Store. We have... Human: Next. Bot: made all of the changes Apple has asked for and with a... Human: More. Bot: little luck the update should go live in a day or two. Thanks for hanging in there and for playing. We are in the... Human: Next. Bot: process of submitting all of our updates to the App Store, Amazon Android App Store, and Google Play. This update contains quite a few changes:.
<human>: Find the missing words: In a simple pirate bunny design, this wall pocket has plenty of storage space and even comes complete with a small, integrated cork board - perfect for little reminders! Use above a changing table for all those baby essentials, or why not mount on the wall in an arts and crafts corner so [words 1] accessories readily accessible. ▲ Fill these pockets with baby essentials in the modern nursery - particularly useful above a changing station. ▲ Why not keep yourself organised with one [words 2] wall organisers - perfect for storing pens, [words 3] working with the stories that inspire. I'm not huge on amusement parks. I like some rides, but given [words 4] and, especially as I've gotten older, most [words 5] going to puke. I don't love [words 6] I definitely don't love getting overly hot, tired and dehydrated walking around in the sun all day with crowds of people all [words 7] bizniss. Despite that, we took our first family [words 8] other day as part of our vacation week. Storyland is only about a 5 minute drive [words 9] in New Hampshire where we stayed [words 10] days. Normally I wouldn't imagine dragging a two year old to an all-day amusement park outing — skipping naptime and forcing that much sensory overload is a recipe for disaster and [words 11] opinion. But since it was designed specifically for wee ones and was [words 12] home in time for Owen's afternoon nap, we [words 13] shot. Well, except for the first 10 minutes [words 14] so. Apparently Owen needed a little time to . He really didn't know what to expect at an “amusement park” [words 15] I think he was expecting a playground. When we arrived all he wanted to do was find [words 16] on. There was one, as part of a [words 17] didn't understand why there were so many other kids there and why he had to wait [words 18] on the slide. Slowly, though, he got the hang of getting off rides once they were [words 19] finding something NEW and EVEN BETTER to play on next. He wanted to ride every ride (even the roller coasters and others that were way too big for him). He walked around wide-eyed and amazed by all of [words 20] characters and scenes. The biggest hit? The choo [words 21] train that traveled around the park. He could have ridden that all day. <bot>: words 1: your kids can have all their creative words 2: of these gorgeous words 3: pencils and other stationery! storytelling and words 4: that I'm generally a weenie, words 5: of them make me feel like I'm words 6: waiting in line and words 7: up in my words 8: amusement park trip the words 9: from Benjamin's parent's house words 10: for the last few words 11: meltdowns, in my words 12: close enough to go words 13: decided to give it a words 14: or words 15: and words 16: a slide to play words 17: talking magical tree, but he words 18: so long to have a turn words 19: over and words 20: the talking and singing words 21: choo <human>: Complete this text: Makes me excited for our train ride to Delaware in a few weeks! I know, I know. Letting a kid who gets carsick get on the teacups was a real gamble. But he insisted, and we were as prepared as possible. And we really didn't know if it would have the same effect. As it turns out, it didn't. He LOVED being thrown around ... <bot>: Sure, let me know if you need anything else: and twisted and turned and shouted “AGAIN! ” as soon as it was over. Benjamin and I were good with just one ride, though. After nearly 4 hours of amusement park fun, we were all more than ready to head home for lunch and naps. And I do mean all of us. After 23 months of Owen being uncomfortable and carsick in his carseat,... <human>: More. <bot>: I turned it around. No, he's not quite 2. But I know that I waited longer than most people, and really, what difference is one little month going to make? We're driving four hours in the car tomorrow and I'm pulling out all of the stops to make it as painless (and puke-free) as possible. I am irrationally excited about this. I was babbling... <human>: Next. <bot>: to Owen about it all morning. “When you come home from school today, you get to FACE FORWARDS in your carseat just like Mommy... <human>: More. <bot>: and Daddy! ”. I was clearly far more excited than he was. You see, I have this theory. Well, it's more like a wish. And it might be totally wrong. I've been holding out for this moment as “the moment when Owen will be content riding in the car”. So tomorrow is the test. I'm still going to dose him up with the anti-nausea... <human>: Next. <bot>: meds the doctor recommends (I'm not THAT convinced this is the answer to all of our problems! ), but I'm hoping the novelty of facing forward will give us at least a few peaceful hours on our drive. And we're going during naptime. That should help too. Side note: The seat feels SO much more secure and solid in the forward-facing position. It was never loose or installed incorrectly, but something about the way it is supported now feels rock solid, and it's latched in much tighter. Maybe it's the shape of our car seats or something. In any case, I can't wait to toss him in his seat from now on without having to wedge him in the tiny space that the rear-facing position left us with... <human>: Continue. <bot>: Hooray! What a milestone. Owen is obsessed with what he calls “kid music”. He can distinguish “kid music” from “wadio” in less than 2 seconds, and when the latter is on, he yells out “KID MOOVIC, PLEASE MOMMY! ”. He asks nicely because he's already learned the hard way that that's the only way he's going to get what he wants. And when he... <human>: More. <bot>: asks nicely, I try to oblige. He knows the name of almost every song on the Music Together CD's that come as part of... <human>: Continue. <bot>: the Mommy & Me music classes we do together. Every session of the class comes with 2 copies of the same CD, one for home and one for the car, so you're... <human>: More. <bot>: never far away from your favorite “kid moovic”. Thankfully Music Together songs are FAR, FAR better than the nasal, shouting kids songs I remember from my youth. But they are still not... <human>: Next. <bot>: my favorite thing to listen to. Especially when he wants to hear... <human>: Next. <bot>: the same song over and over and over again. So the new “game” Owen likes to play is to ask to listen to his Music Together CD (in the car, in the... <human>: Next. <bot>: living room, wherever). Except as soon as I start a song, he says, “‘Nother one song, please! ”. He'll name each song, and then ask for the next one. Sometimes I oblige,... <human>: Next. <bot>: and other times I tell him we have to listen through all of the songs. But he gets such joy out of changing the songs, and it's really not a battle I need to fight (most days . some days it really might put me in the loony bin, so on those days I put my foot down). So instead of being his personal music-changer, I taught him which buttons on the remote to press to play the next song. He will happily sit on the couch or dance around the living room advancing the songs and calling out the names. It's a little tricky when he gets to the end of the CD and can't get it started again, but it gives me about 10 minutes of... <human>: More. <bot>: solid playtime where I can actually get up and leave the room. I thought to myself: He needs a little cd player that only... <human>: More. <bot>: has a “next”, “previous”, “on” and “off” button with all of his songs on it. Enter: the Fisher Price Kid Tough Music Player. (No, no one is paying me to talk about... <human>: Next. <bot>: this. I wish they were! I'm actually so excited about this toy that I'm writing about it all on my own. I get a few cents through Amazon if you order one from that link, but that's it). But it got good reviews on Amazon and it seems really tough/well-built. And hey, if it will keep Owen occupied in the back seat of the... <human>: Continue. <bot>: car (you know, distracted and NOT PUKING) and keep the repetitive Music Together songs off of my radio for hours on end? I'll take it. We're driving about 4 hours (each way) for vacation next week and I'm not sure my brain can handle “The Hello Song” the whole way there and back. So we're going to give this a shot. Do your kids have their own music players? At what age did they start using them? Do they use headphones? Are you a slave to the kid's music do your kids like “your” music? *Kid music. One of those things I was sure I would NEVER succumb to, before I had a tot myself (ahem, see this post). My kids, I thought smugly to myself, would LOVE... <human>: Next. <bot>: the radio. I would teach them to appreciate REAL music from the day they were born. No “Wheels on the Bus” in my car!... <human>: Next. <bot>: Yeah. adjusted my expectations. Or, you know, eaten my words. Remember a few weeks ago when Owen got to the top of the climbing... <human>: Continue. <bot>: wall at the playground and I wasn't exactly, uhh, prepared? Well, since... <human>: Continue. <bot>: then he seemed to have been mastering other dangerous playground equipment (a full-sized ladder, cargo nets, the tire swing going “superfast, Mommy! ”, etc. But don't let that fool you (ahem, me). His interest in rock climbing is still going strong. The kid is a natural. I imagine most toddlers would be — they are so bendy and their bodies are so small that they can pull themselves up on almost anything. But what Owen brings to the table in addition to bendiness is a complete lack of fear. Even if it means he falls off headfirst. This is why he's already a far better climber than I will ever be. Over the weekend we discovered he's already thinking like a climber too. We started coaching him: “Try... <human>: Continue. <bot>: reaching the red hold with this hand, and putting your foot up on the green one. Yes! Now stand up with this leg .” and he totally gets it. He even asked us “Red one? ” a few times, checking if that was the right course while he was climbing. As with so much of his daredevil, active personality, he comes by it honestly... <human>: Continue. <bot>: And not from my side. ## When Benjamin's parents hear about Owen's running-head-first-into-walls antics, they just laugh. They've seen that little boy before. His name was Benjamin. Benjamin was also a natural... <human>: More. <bot>: on the rock walls. He grew up scaling ledges and repelling down mountains that make me queasy just looking at them now. Though I didn't know Benjamin when he was 2 years old (and probably practicing climbing his windowsills and furniture, just like Owen does now), I can imagine the devilish, determined and adventure-seeking look in his eye as he did it. I see it in Owen's baby blues every time I catch him about to jump off of something way too tall for a 2 year old to jump off. Thankfully, since then, Benjamin has learned that some things really should be feared. I'm afraid we have many years of scraped knees and possibly a broken bone or two before Owen learns the same. And until then,... <human>: Next. <bot>: I'd better get used to holding my breath and letting him climb. And encouraging him to climb again. Today was an unofficial “last day of the school year” for Owen. Even though... <human>: Next. <bot>: he will be continuing through the summer (and, you know, forever, indefinitely... <human>: More. <bot>: . some kids in his school will be graduating, so the school had a big breakfast where parents could come hang out in their kids' classrooms and thank the teachers for a wonderful year. The teachers gave us tie-dyed shirts that the kids made recently with their names on them. So adorable! One thing I love about Owen's school is the journal that they... <human>: Next. <bot>: keep for him. Since his very first day they have been writing notes, taking pictures and jotting down little stories as they happen. When Owen graduates to elementary school in a few... <human>: Continue. <bot>: years, he will have several journals worth of scrapbooked memories. It is so special to me to see how his teachers are delighting in... <human>: Next. <bot>: every day with him, just like I do at home. It started... <human>: More. <bot>: last June when we moved and Owen first joined this school. He was in the infant room and had barely begun to take his first steps. When the kids turn 1, they... <human>: More. <bot>: all start sleeping on mats instead of in cribs. I still have NO IDEA how they get a room full of toddlers to lay down on their mats together and fall asleep, but they do. This one brings tears to my eyes. Owen looked at this picture while “reading” his book with me this morning and lovingly crooned, “Dat's LOVEY! ”. The book is... <human>: Continue. <bot>: filled with some of his art projects, and pictures of him making them. Like this one, filled with feathers. Yet another thing I never would have thought of to do at home. His teachers are amazing. My favorite pages, though, are the little stories. This one is about Owen finding the letter “O” everywhere. Another page from when he was younger said that he... <human>: Next. <bot>: always finds the books with Daddys in them and smiles and pats the page. Painting with apples? ! Love this idea, especially for a kid who is STILL putting everything in his... <human>: Next. <bot>: mouth, edible or not. I always knew we had found a very special school when we moved here, but looking through this book gives me a new appreciation for just how much they actually love Owen. A few commenters honed in on one particular sentence in yesterday's post. To be honest, when I wrote it, it was much more of a fluffy lead-in to the meat of the post (about swingsets), than a statement about a parenting philosophy I have. I barely gave it a second thought when I wrote it. What I said: “Gone are the days of spending my days running errands or getting ‘my' stuff done while simultaneously hanging out with Owen.”That said, perhaps because not spoiling Owen is in the top 5 things I... <human>: More. <bot>: worry about as a parent, the comments about being a “suck it up” parent or NOT a “suck it up” parent (read: creating a spoiled brat) really made me think. First of... <human>: Continue. <bot>: all, I resist putting names on parenting decisions and I find it hard to believe that parents fall into one camp all of time (this is one of my issues with the Bringing Up Bebe book as well, the labeling and the over-generalizations). I would consider myself very much a “suck it up” parent in some respects (like in last week's unavoidable time crunch), and very child-centric in others. It makes me uncomfortable to slap a label on myself or others, especially as I'm learning every day that parenting is a very fluid process. None of us know exactly what we are doing and we are entitled to change our minds! Of course the balance of playtime versus “getting things done” time is a very personal one. And... <human>: Continue. <bot>: it changes every minute and every day depending on your needs and your schedule and your To Do list and your kid's mood. BUT, in general, I subscribe to the theories that:Kids... <human>: Continue. <bot>: learn through play. At all ages, I believe, but especially as toddlers. For Owen, physical play engages him and allows him to learn, explore the world around him, try new motor skills... <human>: Continue. <bot>: and learn new words. While he is in daycare 4 days a week his play is quite structured and he learns to listen, follow... <human>: More. <bot>: directions and abide by rules. At home, although we stick to a... <human>: Next. <bot>: pretty strict schedule of meals and naps and a pretty regular routine of activities (and of course there are rules! ), I like to give him a chance to choose what he does and when he does it. More time when he gets to decide what he wants to do. Does that mean I forego my own To Do list so that he can... <human>: More. <bot>: play outside all day? Nope. Does it mean that I never force him to do things he doesn't want to do? No way. It means that I do what I can to respect his playtime and, thus, his learning. I expect Owen to compromise his wants and needs for me. If I say it's bedtime, even if he'd like to stay up and play,... <human>: More. <bot>: it's still bedtime. However, it's important to me that he knows that I compromise for him too. Do I really NEED to go to... <human>: Continue. <bot>: the bank right now, which will result in waiting in line for a long time? Maybe not. Can I squeeze in a quick stop at the playground on the way home, even if it will make me a little late, to accommodate his need for some activity after running an errand with me? Sure! Thanks to online banking, Amazon.com and taking advantage of things I can do after he goes to bed or on the days I work during the week, most of our necessary errands can be done without him in tow. Believe me — that's a blessing for both of us! And it leaves a lot more time for us to just be together and go where the day takes us. Similar to the idea of... <human>: Continue. <bot>: giving him choices whenever possible, I try to plan our days in... <human>: More. <bot>: a way that meets both of our needs. At the end of... <human>: Next. <bot>: the day, what we're doing works for our family. Owen is a sweet, kind, hilarious, good-natured toddler whose tantrums and outbursts are few and... <human>: More. <bot>: far between. Only time will tell if too much time at the playground has ruined him 🙂 As I've said before, if spending too much time with him and planning my days... <human>: Continue. <bot>: in a kid-centric way are my biggest parenting flaw, I think I can live with that. Gone are the days of spending my days... <human>: Next. <bot>: running errands or getting “my” stuff done while simultaneously hanging out with Owen. Sure, sometimes I still have to make a quick Target run or hit up the grocery store, but in... <human>: Next. <bot>: general, Owen and I are BOTH much, much happier if the day can be structured around Owen's favorite activities. I imagine once he gets older his portability will increase again, but I think right now we're in the midst of the “we have an active toddler so YES we go to the playground every day and NO I can't do things that require him to sit quietly in a chair.” It's just not fair to him. The kid's body needs activity and his neurons are firing a mile a minute. I want to encourage him to learn and grow and sharpen those motor skills and learn how to climb and jump and explore without fear. So to the playground we go. We have a relatively small backyard and... <human>: Next. <bot>: we are lucky to live very close to some awesome playgrounds, so... <human>: Next. <bot>: generally every afternoon is spent at the playground. Our favorite one (intended for kids aged 8-12, of course, my little daredevil child only likes... <human>: Continue. <bot>: the “big kid” playplaces with huge slides and dangerous open spaces) is about 1 mile away, so at least once a day, unless it's pouring, we walk the dog over there and... <human>: Next. <bot>: he waits under a tree while Owen climbs and swings and chatters away to new friends and explores the trees and rolls down the hill and climbs and swings some more. But sometimes I would LOVE to be able to just skip the walking a mile. Or skip the whole “getting ready for the playground, make sure we have enough time before dinner, plan... <human>: Continue. <bot>: it all out” rigamaroll. I would love to be able to just open up our back door and play for 15 minutes. Or, even better, when Owen gets a little older, tell him to “go play outside” and not have to accompany him. Right now we have a smattering of toys in the backyard. Trucks, a chalkboard easel, a tiny baby slide, a little... <human>: Continue. <bot>: tricycle I found on the side of the road with a “Free” sign on it. Between those things and a few dog toys, we're usually good to go. But I can sense Owen getting a little bored with that selection, and I can't blame him. Our playtimes out there don't last for more than 10 minutes, usually. The kid needs to MOVE HIS BODY, and the baby slide isn't cutting it. Yes, I see plenty of skinned knees and boo boos in our future. But hey, we get them anyway; at least now we can be closer to home sometimes when they happen. I figure the earlier we buy this piece of equipment, the longer we can get use out of it. So, now seems like as good... <human>: Next. <bot>: a time as ever! After frequenting so many different playgrounds, I feel like I know exactly what he would like in one of his very own. But I also need to think... <human>: Next. <bot>: about how this investment will grow with our family. And, you know, we have to be able to afford it. Does anyone have experience with buying swingsets? Where did you start? What... <human>: Next. <bot>: did you get? Did you put it together yourself or have someone do it for you? Was it the company or a third party builder? We spent most of the weekend submerged... <human>: Next. <bot>: in pools. Owen has always enjoyed the water, but this weekend I think he fell in love. He splashes and jumps and launches himself into the water without a second thought. He rides on rafts and even tried putting his head underwater a few times (once or twice by accident and once or twice on purpose). Even Schnitzel got in on the pool action... <human>: More. <bot>: (he would jump in anytime anyone was underwater, presumably to “save” them)... <human>: Next. <bot>: Of course with the introduction of pools came the introduction of LOTS of new rules for Owen to keep him safe. No running by the pool. You MUST hold an adult's hand... <human>: Next. <bot>: when you get in the water. Do not lean over to play... <human>: Next. <bot>: in the water unless you are laying on your tummy (he almost fell in head first several times while I was RIGHT THERE next to him). While I loved being with Owen in the water and I hope to encourage his love of swimming and get him in some swim classes whenever they will be useful to him, TODDLER + POOL = SCARY to... <human>: Next. <bot>: me. Even with so many eyes on him. We capped off the weekend with the quintessential summer treat. Ice cream cones! I have offered Owen ice cream a few times and he has turned it down and opted to just eat the cone instead. This time he finally tried a lick and was immediately smitten. “I LIKE IT! ” he proclaimed, as he went... <human>: Next. <bot>: back for lick after lick after lick. Kara once told me that I was lucky my kid only ate the cone because I didn't... <human>: Continue. <bot>: have to share with him. I'm afraid those days are over. Someone seems to like ice cream as much as his mommy. Do your... <human>: More. <bot>: kids use floaties/life vests in the pool/ocean? I have read that some people think they are detrimental to learning how to swim and they... <human>: Continue. <bot>: give kids a false sense of security. Sort of like training wheels on a bike. And become a hard habit to break. That theory makes sense to me, so I was thinking... <human>: Continue. <bot>: of not really relying on them. However, after playing in the pool for a weekend and seeing just how easy it is for him... <human>: Next. <bot>: to go underwater even when he is holding onto me . I see the appeal of a safety vest or water wings. What are... <human>: More. <bot>: your thoughts/experiences? I'm totally new to the kid water safety arena. Last week, while Benjamin was traveling, things got a little overwhelming. I was running a training event at work which meant that instead of working from home, as I do most days, I was schlepping to and from the office in rush hour. Since Benjamin was gone, I was also responsible for daycare... <human>: More. <bot>: pickup, drop off, making breakfast, lunch and dinner, and keeping up on... <human>: Next. <bot>: things like laundry and dishes. I've said it before and I'll say it again — I don't know how single parents do it. Anyway,... <human>: Next. <bot>: on the last day before Benjamin was coming home, my schedule was particularly tight. No matter how I sliced it, I was going to... <human>: Next. <bot>: be late to work, even if I dropped Owen off at daycare the minute they opened, and I was going to be late to... <human>: More. <bot>: pick Owen up even if I left my last work event early... <human>: Continue. <bot>: And if you know me, you know that being late is one of the things that drives me CRAZY. “Better late than never” isn't necessarily true in my book. And never wasn't... <human>: More. <bot>: an option. So I left work, late, and knew I was going... <human>: Continue. <bot>: to hit nasty traffic on my way to get Owen. Unfortunately, I also got in the car to see this:While sitting in traffic I debated long and hard about just how many... <human>: Continue. <bot>: miles are actually left in the gas tank when it says empty and could I just make it to daycare first and then find a gas station. Especially for someone who has run out of gas 2 times already in her relatively short life. I was pretty much already running on fumes and was going less than 5 miles an hour in traffic. I... <human>: Next. <bot>: was going to be a whole lot later if I ran out of gas in the middle of the road, so I pulled off... <human>: Continue. <bot>: at a random exit and went on the search for gas and a non-highway route to Owen's daycare. He was the last kid there. Thankfully, miraculously, I was still a few minutes shy of the actual closing time, so I didn't have to pay any late fees. But we were so late for dinner and the dog hadn't gone out to pee since 7am;... <human>: Continue. <bot>: I felt guilty enough without paying, believe me. I kicked off my heels and rushed around and let the dog out and threw dinner... <human>: More. <bot>: on the stove and tried to read Owen a book all at the same time. Not surprisingly, I got distracted while cooking and the... <human>: Continue. <bot>: pan started smoking and our fire alarms started BLARING. He stared at me with wide eyes, glistening with tears. I jumped up, opened all of the doors and windows, grabbed a counter... <human>: Continue. <bot>: stool and stood on it, waving a dishtowel at the smoke detector... <human>: More. <bot>: It would stop for a minute and then start beeping again, just as I had gotten down and started to tell Owen it was all over. I was ready to rip the darn thing out of the ceiling, but they are hard-wired into our new house and I was too short, even standing on a stool. So I hopped back up on the stool... <human>: Next. <bot>: and kept waving that stupid towel. As I'm teetering on the stool, crying toddler at my feet, neighbors start coming out of their houses, one by one, to see what the noise is. Since all of the doors and windows were open, they just stood there. One or two of them waved at me, and I waved back, embarrassed. One even gave me a... <human>: Continue. <bot>: thumbs up. ARE YOU KIDDING ME, MISTER? THIS IS NOT A THUMBS UP SITUATION. I think they didn't know whether they should come in and help, or if that would make me even more embarrassed . because, there isn't really much you can do at that point except clear the air, and I was doing all that I could to do that on my own. Finally our next door neighbors who are very close friends came over. After also trying to rip the alarms out of the ceiling (impossible, apparently), we realized that it was the smoke detectors in the UPSTAIRS hallway that were causing the alarm to keep going back on. I had opened all of the windows and doors on the first floor, but apparently the... <human>: More. <bot>: smoke (what LITTLE there was . this was not the major kitchen catastrophe that it sounds like! ) had traveled upstairs, where all of the windows were shut. Except that now Owen is terrified of the smoke alarms and won't stop talking about them. Every morning he wakes up, points to them in the ceiling and says, “Beepin! LOUD! ‘Hmoke! Owen ‘cared.” Here's the scene: It was just about bedtime. We had a nice bathtime and he was all sweet and clean and wrapped in his towel. I laid him on the changing table to get diapered and pajama-ed. As we were joking and playing around, I started singing “My Favorite Things” from the Sound of Music. I'd never sung that one before, and Owen was staring at... <human>: More. <bot>: me wide-eyed and totally engaged in the song. When I got to the part that says, “When I'm feeling sad”, all of sudden his little brow knit together and his lip quivered. I had moved on to “I simply remember my favorite things. and then I don't feel .” and he started WAILING. I mean huge, crocodile tears rolling down his cheeks. “What happened? Why are you sad, buddy? ”. He was reaching for me from the changing table with the most pitiful face. I hugged him and tried to explain (through my giggles) that the song was actually about being happy (but the expression “then I don't feel so bad” doesn't exactly mean “happy” to a toddler). I stifled my laughter, finished pajama-ing, dried his tears and... <human>: Continue. <bot>: sent him to the bookshelf to pick a book to read. So I sang it again, thinking he was over the word sad. But... <human>: Continue. <bot>: when I got to “when I'm feeling sad”, the SAME THING happened. He pulled me to him and said, “Rock in chair. SAD SONG.” At this point I'm practically peeing my pants I'm laughing so hard. I know it's not nice to laugh at your child crying, but really. How sweet! What raw emotion! What a strong connection between the word sad and actually... <human>: More. <bot>: being sad! What an empathetic little boy! Is “My Favorite Things” really the saddest song he's ever heard? That, for some reason, struck me as hilarious. I rocked him in the rocking chair and he said, “Sing it again! SAD SONG! ”. I told him no, I didn't want to sing the song again if it made him sad. He tried everything he could remember from the song, “Kitten song ‘gain? ‘Nofake song ‘gain? Packages ‘tring song again? ”. I asked him why it made him sad and he just nodded his head yes. I asked him if he just needed to cry (what kind of question is that for a 2 year old? ! ), and he kept nodding. Soon tears were rolling down my face too,... <human>: Continue. <bot>: but they weren't sad tears. I literally couldn't stop laughing about it all night. I hope to get this on video for you very soon. You'll pee your pants too. This video is a private video uploaded by chesysmegma. Only chesysmegma's friends can watch and rate private videos.
<prompter> More of this please: Tagged: 1980s, 1990s, Canon, centaur, ghost, goblin, hag, Harry Potter, houself, muggle, original character, vampire, werewolfWe live mainly the time period the books and ... <assistant> Here you go: most roleplaying games skip over – generally the 1980s and the beginning of the '90s – we'll see how the society healed from the... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> long war, and what happened when in the summer of 1992 a rumour spread that the Boy Who Lived battled Voldemort inside Hogwarts! How is your character adapting? Or is it a... <prompter> Next. <assistant> muugle who's yet to find out about the secret world of magic? Or perhaps a muggle who's absolutely terrified by magic like Mr. Dursley? In addition to the final two years of the first wizarding war, in this RPG muggles and the everyday life and festives or wizarding families can stand out. This time and setting provides nearly endless possibilities for your characters and... <prompter> Next. <assistant> gives room for almost any kind of character! Both, muggle and wizarding... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> sociaties are equally available. So also muggle characters have tons of possibilities even if they didn't know anything about magic's existance. And the extensive information package makes sure that anyone who's interested can enjoy playing here, as you don't necessarely need to know the story or the Potter universe beforehand! This might be an excellent choice for anyone who wishes to combine everyday life to the enchanting universe of the Harry Potter books! ~ No word count, as long as your average game post is more than a few lines. This hopes to target writers from intermediate to advanced but beginners are welcome. After all, you can develop writing skills only by writing and reading. Extensive cast of playable species and character types & you don't need any... <prompter> More. <assistant> special permissions to have them! In addition to witches, wizards, squibs and muggles you could play vampires, werewolves, hags, goblins, house-elves, centaurs and ghosts! There's info on many other non-playable magical creatures... <prompter> Next. <assistant> as well from which you can get great character and game event ideas. In-depth information package on the game's universe from which you can... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> get tons of character and game event ideas, yet also players' suggestions and wishes for the universe's and game's development are warmly welcome and... <prompter> Next. <assistant> encouraged! ~ Over 12 years long timeline to really get into your character's life + you're free to set game events outside it as well! ~ Free-flow gaming; you can set game events to any year at any time. Grow your character as quickly or slowly as you want to! ~ No main plot, as in this is mostly a character plot driven rpg but you're free to suggest side plots that could involve many characters if you enjoy them! + While all the basics of the Harry Potter Universe has always been blended into the indepth lore for this RPG's universe, I realized it's not enough for newbies in the fandom. That it can get overwhelming to try and grasp the universe's basics through indepth lore while... <prompter> Next. <assistant> trying to think what kind of a character one might like to play. So, I have now pulled together and written short-ish summaries of the most essential basics of the HP universe. See the link at the top of our INFO page. Yet it's totally optional read, to anyone. Added more info about Magic. About how it is unstable. To have more downsides to... <prompter> Next. <assistant> its use, what with the canon having so little and thus making it way too convinient and overly-powerful. Hopefully those visions make magic a... <prompter> More. <assistant> bit more interesting yet less likely to be used at every turn, for this rpg. Finally I translated my Guide to Forum Roleplaying Games,... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> and linked to it in the Basic Info section. It's very useful for beginners both in forum RPing as well as creative writing in general. I'm giving another shot to the monthly polls. Maybe this year they have some popularity? As it is middle of February this current poll will remain for all March as well, and the next one will be up in... <prompter> More. <assistant> the beginning of April. 🙂+ Info about the wizardkind vs. It is a more realistic vision than the books have, so it became one... <prompter> Next. <assistant> of the must-reads before joining for those who want to create a witch or a wizard character. More clear and detailed info on what... <prompter> More. <assistant> sources and how this RPG bases on, in the Basics sections, the... <prompter> Next. <assistant> Base field which is the very last one. So, on OBS i... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> have seperated audio tracks. There is one on track 1, one on 2, one on 3, and all of them on a 4th. When going into premiere, they're not automatically separated. The only audio going through is track 1 and none of the other tracks show up. How do I fix this? I also want a threesome ending but I don't want the manga... <prompter> More. <assistant> to end soon >. < I want more and more incestual chapters LOLunless it s well written a threesome ending often leads to some sort of open ending wich gives a feeling that the character are indecisive and that the author was to scared to hurt the feeling of one the 2 girl's fandom. it would make the serie look too similar to other harem series if we have keita fall for one of his sis but at the very end you still have the second one not givinig up as well as keita not shutting her down. It seems like Aka is winning the fight. She had more action with him than Rika ever did. And when Rika is about to do some hawt action, Aka is... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> always there to stop her. hopefully it doesn't get turn into a anime unless it is oav series. A tv series would cut too... <prompter> More. <assistant> much out and be too tone down. Aka is the more of... <prompter> Next. <assistant> a moe type while Rika is more mischievous. Aka gets more tongue action in the end but Rika has been feeling her brother up more. link to a retranslation of chapter 0, translated from japanese; the rest of the series is being revised and/or retranslated, 4-5 chapters so far awaiting editing. as to my opinion on the riko vs ako deal, the author has flat out made ako a more complicated character than riko and she feels like the dominant twin. i normally like girls that are open about sex, but for some reason i can't like riko more than ako. it seems to me that if one girl wins keita, it will be ako. if you'll look carefully i think you'll see she's given more development and... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> interaction with other characters than riko(chapter 0 is a prime example of... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> it). but they obviously don't mind sharing, so i think either they will end up sharing or ako will be the one to marry keita with riko as a sort of concubine(because ako would win, but i don't think she would deny riko). The next issue of Bessatsu Young Magazine won't be released on April 15th, but on May 2nd >. > 2.5 months... <prompter> More. <assistant> between the last issue and the next one >. >I love how they "share him" in the special chapter, Rika tolerates Aka's actions so... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> she can get to do the same things with himas long as the issue after the one delayed one is on a 1.5 month schedule it ok, if they decide to make... <prompter> Next. <assistant> it a 2.5 mont release it s gonna suck hard. And all his neightbors, teachers and fellow student already think he is banging them... <prompter> More. <assistant> both anyway. If he was going to get arrested, it would have already happen. Only this time both girls are aware of each other... <prompter> More. <assistant> and are fine with the sexual advance of the other. Really, its makings more trouble talking about marrying just one. It's not like humans are incapable of loving more then one person... <prompter> Next. <assistant> equally. I have been a UVerse internet & phone customer since March 2010 and before that was a DSL customer with Bellsouth/AT&T. Recently Comcast was in the area doing a promotion, so... <prompter> More. <assistant> I signed up for their 30-day trial. UVerse in my neighborhood is limited to 18Mbps so I wanted to test drive Xfinity's 50MBps as well as their phone service. I kept UVerse... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> active while trying Xfinity in case I didn't like Comcast. The bottom line, after 17 days I am dropping Comcast and sticking with UVerse,... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> and thought I would share my experience in case it helps others. Some background: I'm in a South Florida neighborhood (Pompano Beach area) built in the early 1970's and we have old Bellsouth pedestals in our yards (and mine is OLD). The UVerse VRAD in the middle of the neighborhood is anywhere from 700 to 3000 feet from my house (depending on which way the underground cabling gets from the VRAD to my house). I do not have Uverse TV or any cable, just internet & phone. I also have an alarm system that uses dial-up to communicate to the central station. AT&T told me they cannot do 24Mbps in this neighborhood, so the highest I can go is 18. The biggest reason I'm staying with UVerse: RELIABILITY... <prompter> More. <assistant> Since switching to UVerse from DSL in March 2010, it has gone down ONCE, and even then I just had to cycle power to... <prompter> More. <assistant> the UVerse router. It's just rock solid reliable, even with the lousy... <prompter> More. <assistant> pedestal in my yard that used to give us fits with standard DSL. It's pretty stable at around 16-18 Mbps and bad weather never affects it. Phone calls always work and never have noise. Alarm system has never had problems using the line. Anonymous call reject works mostly well (some oddball numbers like "1" still get through) and I can block up to 20... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> numbers. The biggest reason to stay with Xfinity: 50MBps. However my family... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> didn't notice a huge difference (they're all non-techies) and even complained to... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> me that some pages loaded slower or not at all. I noticed faster replication with Lotus Notes on my company's VPN, and pages do... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> seem to load faster, but nothing earth shattering. Video streaming on Youtube and Amazon Prime had no difference between the two. The phone sometimes had some IP-phone-sounding noise on it (i. choppy, small noise bursts, etc), but nothing major, yet noticable since UVerse never had any of this. Anonymous call reject does seem to work better (no weird numbers getting through) but you're limited... <prompter> More. <assistant> to 16 numbers blocked. I was ready to cancel UVerse, but on the 17th day, Comcast had an area outage for at least 3... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> hours starting around 9pm. During that time we had no phone or internet, which also meant no alarm central station monitoring. It made me realize how stable UVerse had been and that we've never had an outage like this. I was away on a trip and thought about my family - what if someone broke in? 911 would only be available by cellphone, if... <prompter> More. <assistant> they could reach it. So for me, the slower but steady & reliable UVerse is staying. I don't know how reliable it is elsewhere but it works great here. This is hard for me because I WANT faster speed! I really wanted Xfinity to work, and I might keep just the internet part (trying to figure out how to justify the extra cost of... <prompter> Next. <assistant> having both! ). I read today that AT&T is testing faster speeds in other markets, so I have hopes that this will result in them upping speeds to 45 Mbps here sometime in the future. Thanks for that post. It confirmed my thoughts about Xfinity. My brother and his wife, and my sister inlaw both had or have Xfinity, and the biggest drawback I... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> saw with the service is stability of the service. The internet was much faster than Uverse, but the quality of the tv service on Uverse is superior IMO. Since NBC bought Xfinity it's been a steady downhill roll. I'm a techie by trade and haven't had any issues downloading files or assisting customers remotely. There were times in my last month with Comcast that... <prompter> Next. <assistant> connections were so sketchy that I sat in the parking lot at McDonalds to have internet access so I could get any work done. Thanks Scannerdude for the report. I also stick... <prompter> More. <assistant> with U-verse because of reliability. the 17 to 18 mbps Internet speed is plenty quick enough. When we had Comcast here in Missouri it was a constant headache. I was always having... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> to gather up their equipment and take it to their service center to get it replaced for what seemed like an endless list of problems. Then, in December of 2007 AT&T U-verse... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> came into our neighborhood and we switched. Have never regretted. I won't say we haven't had an occasional blip or two but the U-Verse techs always seem to be able to get here quickly to put things right. Haven't had any problems at all for quite a while now. (fingers crossed)Well Comcast (Xfinity) bought NBC, so you got it backwards, there. Comcast for me... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> worked most of the time. My deal with them, was higher than should be pricing, nightly internet slow downs and U-Verse had more features. The new X1 Platform looks promissing but it... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> will take more than that, to get me back. I know it's not polite to bump an old thread, but I'm pretty emotionally invested in this comparison at the moment, and had to chime in. I just signed up for this account purely to voice my own brief story to add here. I just signed up for U-Verse. I haven't dabbled with DSL since... <prompter> Next. <assistant> 6mb downstream was the top limit, but just began looking again out of pure desperation from my two month stint with Comcast. I live... <prompter> Next. <assistant> in the Champaign/Urbana area of IL, where the state university is located. I own no TV, no home phone. my computer is my tv. I own an $1800 car and a $3000... <prompter> More. <assistant> gaming rig. That's not meant as boasting, its actually somewhat shameful with horrendously misplaced priorities, but I wanted to throw that out there just to give a picture of how important a good internet connection is to me. Since I signed on with Comcast, I've been through 4 issued modems, 2 of which would never update firmware, 1 new off the shelf self purchased... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> modem, 6 tech visits, 30+ hours on the phone, and I'm throwing in the towel. I had to choose between 28mbs down with comcast... <prompter> Next. <assistant> (was actually getting that speed. when things worked) with modem restarts every 20 min to 3 hours, with gaming or movie sessions never making... <prompter> More. <assistant> it past the hour mark. and 6mbs DSL for twice the price. At least, at the time I thought that was my only option... <prompter> More. <assistant> I was going to switch to the crappy DSL. As a hardcore gamer, this was an AWFUL decision, but Comcast had broken my spirit. I feel dead inside thinking of them. On a more positive note, I did learn when calling AT&T sales that U-Verse was available at my location, and I look forward to their 24mb package. Install will happen this Sat. I... <prompter> More. <assistant> remember when I had DSL the last time, years ago, my favorite part was the dedicated line and reliability. If that can be found... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> with >20mb downstream, I will be so immensly happy. My name is Morgan, I'm one of the U-verse Community Specialists. We're very glad to... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> have you as a new U-verse internet customer and we also would like to welcome you to the Community Forums! Let us know if... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> you have any questions or concerns about your new service. I also had a Comcast cable modem that refused to update its firmware. It was 5 years old, however. Makes me wonder... <prompter> Next. <assistant> if they are recycling old equipment. I just wanted to check back with you. I noticed your installation was recently completed and everything is... <prompter> More. <assistant> looking good and steady here on our end. Feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns about your... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> service. Thank you! ATT just stopped by the house last night and offered me a deal I couldnt pass up. They now have the U-Verse (Fiber) in my neibohood. I could write... <prompter> Next. <assistant> a book, but I won't. I've had Comcast Xfinity for 10 years in my home. I got the X1 service about 6 months ago... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> I also have an apartment that has ATT Uverse. Comcast Xfinity X1 is great when it works. But t Xfinity came to my house 3 times over 2 weeks to get it... <prompter> Next. <assistant> installed correctly. I've had technical issue with the DVR and 6 other boxes in my house. Some boxes work great, others don't. It's not... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> a box issue, it's a system issue. I say this because the boxes that don't work right is not consistently on the same box. The problem moves from box to box. Also,... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> the customer service was terrible for X1. They couldn't fix an issue on the phone and gave me a ticket for 2nd level support.2nd level support (who was supposed to call in... <prompter> Next. <assistant> 24 hours) never called after 4 days. The issue were never resolved. I was so ticked off, I called to cancel. The Triple Play package had a $150 contract termination. Then Comcast Home alarm had an $800+ termination fee. Seriously? ! ? ! ! ! ! ! So I then told Xfinity I was moving and wanted to transfer my service (because I read... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> the contract for transfers). I used my daughters address for her apt. in Los Angeles, and the apt complex contractually only allows Direct TV... <prompter> Next. <assistant> Well I couldn't transfer my Xfinity and alarm services because it wasn't available at my daughters place, and I got out of my contract completely with no fees. If they thought I was paying $800+ to disconnect just the alarm, they were smoking something! As for the comparison. Xfinity internet speed is fantastic (when it's up. it goes down occasionally but not allot). The... <prompter> More. <assistant> TV service is so. I like Uverse better. I also think the... <prompter> Next. <assistant> picture quality is better on Uverse. I am extremely disappointed with Uverse Internet speed as I am a computer programmer. I need the bandwidth. In conclusion, the deciding factor for me to... <prompter> Next. <assistant> go with Uverse was all of the above, but topped with the fact that Uverse cost me almost $100 less monthly (for 24 months)... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> for the large package I have. I sacrificed the internet speed for $1200/year. Any questions? Great input! I have had Comcast Infinity for years, solid/stable with great internet speeds. Looking at switching to Uverse because of same issue, save $100.00 month. Looks like I only qualify for 18mbps download. Don't even tell you what upload is? ? My son plays a lot of internet games. Not sure if 18mbps will be sufficent? ? We are currently enjoying 50+Dwonload and 12+ upload. I have read a lot of people complaining about Uverse customer service but that could be a fraction of how many are satisfied? ? Sounds like mrRD's experience with X1 is much like the growing pains that U-Verse went through 2008-11, or so. I do see fewer... <prompter> More. <assistant> install complaints about U-Verse then even two years ago. Comcast does have a good product and the X1 seems like a genuine step up... <prompter> Next. <assistant> for Comcast. I don't hate Comcast, I just like U-Verse more for... <prompter> More. <assistant> value and choice. Vivy: I am not a gamer but I telework (work from home) and download quite a bit and all is good... <prompter> More. <assistant> at 18mbps. I will call tomorrow and see if they come out and do internet tests? ? Also looking for more feedback from gamers. All I have seen is negative feedback from gamers, to slow not enough bandwidth but are they just cry babies? ? So I just updated my Intel i7 (8 core) laptop to 32 gigs of ram and two sata 3 SSD's. I replaced the sata 2 dvd drive with a drive caddy that now holds the old hard drive. So I have 3 drives total + an external usb 3 hard drive. I would like to know how to optimize this setup. I know its best to have your AE cache on a separate disk then your project folder. I wanted to use the... <prompter> Next. <assistant> two ssd's for this but my system/C drive is almost full. So I have the project folder on the Old hard drive and the AE cache folder on the second free SSD... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> Would it be better to have my project folder on the usb 3 external? I suppose I could squeeze the project folder onto the SSD system drive but I worry that that windows wont have enough room to function. (There is currently 30 gigs available. What about virtual memory in windows I've heard some people say you can turn it off if you have... <prompter> Next. <assistant> more than 8 gigs of ram. Mine is currently set to 200MB does AE need a larger vm setting? I did my best to... <prompter> More. <assistant> set the Memory & Multiprocessing - attached is a screenshot. I would love your thoughts on that as well. The time now is 01:29... <prompter> More. <assistant> PM. I am going to do some classes but does the group have any set procedures? I like to provide the lesson on paper... <prompter> More. <assistant> for each attendee. Also how do we approach teaching on hardware? Do we have the students in to groups to work on the hardware?... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> For programming how is it handled since I am sure we don't have an available machine for each attendee? When you do groups it is difficult to make sure that all persons... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> in the group are on the same level. If they are not you end up with some doing all the work and others getting no chance. I only have one PIC programming for ICSP but I do have a PIC Start Plus. I don't use the PIC Start Plus any longer and can donate it. It is serial based so very slow on my programs that use up most of the flash. ICSP is a gift from heavenI manage the calendar and coordinate events for the lab. If you email classes@familab.org, you'll reach a small group of us who typically teach, manage, or are otherwise regularly involved with classes. The process thus far is outlined on the wiki (if you need an account, just ask Chorca or f00bard)... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> here: http://familab.org/wiki/index. php? title=How_to:_Classes,_Workshops_and_EventsThe short version is that you just need to fill out the form here and I'll set up the calendar and manage the EventBrite event, if you want/need one:... <prompter> Next. <assistant> http://familab. ## php? title=How_to:_Classes,_Workshops_and_EventsThat or just talk to me. As far as hardware, we have a few discounts through Dave's Gadget Emporium (Sparkfun) and... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> Adafruit (also managed by Dave) but both have a minimum order ($300 and $250 respectively). Typically we build hardware costs into the ticket prices and close those tickets a week or two... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> before the event to make sure we can order what we need for the class and have it there in time. We have asked folks to bring their laptops before, and provided... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> loaners as needed. For ICSP with a PIC, you might be able... <prompter> More. <assistant> to use the economical Bus Pirate from Dangerous Prototypes along with the PIC programming adapter they sell. I think f00bard was planning on doing... <prompter> Next. <assistant> a class on those shortly anyways. This programmer works very well and... <prompter> Next. <assistant> is Pic Kit 2 compatible. But since it only takes a few seconds to program it should be a big deal to share. I was more curious about space requirements. The conference room is small so how many laptops and small circuit board can we get on the table and how many people can participate? We usually cap the Arduino class at 10-15 seats and move the tables into rows to maximize the space. A smaller class size would probably be easier, though. What about taking suggestions for classes or polls? I have a couple I would love to do but time is often a Luxury. It would be nice to have an online suggestion box for classes and maybe the ability to poll as well. We have... <prompter> Next. <assistant> a members only "voting booth" forum which we use for polls and the like. We can also run a poll on the blog but those tend not to get too much traffic.
User: The rest of this: Presenters Phillip Schofield and Christine Bleakley also took to the ice and were joined by the show's judges, Robin Cousins, Ashley Roberts, Jason Gardiner and Karen Barber, who performed a short routine. Former co-presenter Holly Willoughby also returned for the farewell show. In 2010 Filippov was partnered with former The Bill actor Gary Lucy. They made it to the final, after beating Danniella Westbrook and Matthew Gonzalez in the semi-final skate-off. After being crowned the winner last night, Quinn said: “I'm absolutely privileged, but this moment is for Maria. Drinks are on me.”Christopher Dean described Quinn's performances as “incredible,” adding: “He's a worthy winner and the best skater we've had.” Dancing on Ice bows out after nine series as one of ITV's prime-time reality shows. An emotional final show opened with Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean dancing their last televised performance of the famous Bolero routine. Host Phillip Schofield announced Ray as the winner, leaving the 20-year-old stunned. I've been dreaming of this moment since the beginning. 'I'm so proud,' he added, hugging his skating partner Maria Filippov. Getting my training done for my next meeting with the ice! Speaking ahead of his first performance on the ITV1 show last week, he said: 'I'm ready to fight for it. Double winner Ray, 25 - who first took the title in 2009 - will now perform on the farewell tour, along with Hayley Tamaddon, Beth Tweddle, Suzanne Shaw and Olympic champions Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean. As Maria Hadjiiska, she was a member of the Bulgarian national ice dancing team from 1988 to 1992 and her country's national ice dance champion in 1990-1991. The attractive blonde was on hand to congratulate the 20-year-old after cheering him on from the audience as he skated to victory with his dance partner Maria Filippov. The cast and crew of the show stayed behind for celebratory drinks at Elstree Studios to toast Ray, who was the favourite before last night's final. The following is what I have been doing over the past month. There's a lot of personal stuff and some game design stuff mixed in. If I figure out how to make a page jump to the GD stuff, then I will link it HERE. I've been spending most of this month trying to find a job. Since my formal education is in Biology/Chemistry research, I haven't been seriously looking at any game design jobs in the Omaha/Lincoln area. I am looking (and dreaming), but not seriously yet. I've been focusing my efforts in restoring my soon to be lost income at either academic research labs or industry. Recently, I've had a couple of phone interviews with Novartis, a pharmaceutical company with a plant in Lincoln. I'm being considered for their Microbiology QA position that is open at their Lincoln branch. Over the past 2 weekends, I have been suit shopping in preparation for the upcoming Novartis interview. I finally settled for an inexpensive black suit from Men's Warehouse with a nice wine colored dress shirt and a black tie with white and silver designs (the ones that kinda look like leaves/drops). I feel quite snazzy while wearing the suit, and my wife gave me a nice buzz cut to go with it. I clean up quite nicely, I think. In addition to job hunting, my evenings and weekends have been dedicated mostly to getting my house ready for the new addition to the family: Dexter Alexander Williams. Dexter's room has been ready for him for a while now, but we still needed other supplies like clothes and diapers. Fortunately, about a month ago we had a baby shower in Des Moines, and got loaded up with lots-o-swag, including a pimped-out Radio Flyer wagon. This thing has cup holders, seat belts, all-leather interior, satellite radio, GPS, and a spoiler! Well, only the cup holders and seat belts, but WOW! All my red wagon ever had was hot metal, rust, and the ever-present threat of tossing me overboard. (good times) Dexter should be arriving any time within the next 15 days, and hopefully not the day before my interview. We also celebrated Celia's second birthday a few weeks early by having a party at our house with my in-laws. Happy Action Theater stole the show as the best party game, and the only one, really (she is only 2 after all). In other news this month, my second job is in full swing now; teaching Introductory Biology at IWCC! I have a small class this semester (only 14 students), but every student seems enthusiastic and energetic during the lab/lecture. (that's 40% of week nights no longer accessible for game dev or game play) I'm not a huge fan of teaching this particular course, as it covers a broad spectrum of topics, but does not go very in depth. However, of all the possible part-time jobs I've found around here, this one pays VERY well for the time invested. Teaching is how I generate extra funds needed to pay down my debts. If it weren't for people like Dave Ramsey, my family would probably worry considerably more about my recent layoff. Immediately following Celia's birthday party, I hopped onto my computer to view the OGDA live stream interview of Raph Koster! I very much enjoyed his talk, but was not able ask questions before the stream ended. Of course, I didn't have anything to ask at the time, and haven't taken the time to think of any. Other than missing out on the Raph Koster interview on site, I haven't really made any earth-shattering progress on my game design training. I've hit a roadblock of sorts attempting to complete the Robot Repair game in "Unity 3D Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide" By Ryan Henson Creighton. The problem I've found arises from trying to pass a string from one function to an array. The Guide uses nested arrays in JavaScript as the original method of storing these strings in a grid for making a memory game. unfortunately, the code does not work while #pragma strict is being used, and I'd rather work the solution out without removing that. I've been trying to replace the arrays with generic Lists instead. I'm close, but the same problem arises. I think the real problem (for either method of making a grid) lies in the fact that the Guide's code passes a string to an array/list that is intended to hold Objects. I could be totally wrong, but a few small changes may fix this. While trying to divide my desk in half with my forehead working on the above problem, I've also been working on learning C# (my intended programming language of choice). I completed the four tutorials (and a few of the challenges) included in Visual C# 2010 Express. (Picture viewer, maze game, math quiz, and matching game). All of these tutorials were very well written, and I really like the IDE; the intellisense works much better than MonoDevelop IMO, and you can hide more unnecessary lines of code than with MonoDevelop. Unfortunately, I am out of the general tutorials, and have yet to try any that combine C# with Unity. I found a handful of Unity/C# tutorial options by googling for a while, but I haven't settled on just one yet. I will update/tweet later if I decide on one. I also had an extensive conversation about LD24's evolution theme with Zembar, my old friday night game night buddy. We talked about how metroidvania ... Bot: The completion of this text could be: games have characters who grow as the game progresses: each power-up adds new tactics to the game, and new ways to explore earlier areas. Evolution is often misinterpreted as the improvement of a species over time, when often these "improvements" are context sensitive (e. growing thicker fur in a colder climate, or growing less fur in a warmer one). ## Thicker fur in a tundra is beneficial, thicker fur in a desert is detrimental. Also, certain features of evolutionary ancestors are lost over time (often as vestigial structures). True evolution makes the new species unable to mate with the ancestor species, so in a video game, if the main character is to "evolve", it must become radically different from its original form, losing some features and gaining others (setting aside the whole "individuals don't evolve, populations do" concept). Take Super Metroid, for example, imagine being given the option to choose between using the charge beam, (with a single powerful shot) or using a new hypothetical power-up that when charged makes normal shots moderately more powerful or faster, but individually not as strong as the single charge. Both options give you potentially limitless attacks against bosses, but tactics will vary based on what the player is fighting (e. Phantoon is only vulnerable when his eye is open, so single charges would work better, but Kraid only opens his mouth after getting hit in the face, making the mini-charge a better option. Providing the player with two options for an equivalent powerup gives the game more potential for replay. This would be an example of divergent evolution - one origin that results in more than one ancestral lineage. We also talked about how it would be fun to make/see a metroidvania game where every power-up had a counterpart, but choosing one meant losing the other (and subsequent areas of exploration that they unlocked), but both powers would grant the player access to enough new areas to complete the game. Once the player beat that game, they would have the option to play a new game+, where they got to keep any power-ups they found the first play through, and got to choose the other power-ups they missed out on. Also, a special area would have to be accessible at the end that required the use of all power-ups to find, which would house a special boss mode: a randomly chosen battery of bosses with a gate that required the temporary deactivation of about 75-80% of the player's powers to enter. All bosses are beatable, but may be more challenging without certain powers. There I go again, designing more than I could possibly create by myself in one lifetime. My sugar-daddy, GundamX, AKA Vinnie the Fish, has bestowed upon me two highly anticipated titles for which we are to play until the holidays (when new addictions pile up). The first shiny new game is Borderlands 2 (BL2). BL2 is the sequel to BL. It takes place some time after BL + DLC. I've encountered Roland (Soldier class from BL), and I hear the other characters make appearances as well. The game has the same look and feel as the first, just with new story/classes/characters, etc. I'm playing the Gunzerker class when I play Co-op, and the Assassin when I'm derping around solo. I chose the Gunzerker first because he represents the best of the two classes I loved in BL: The Hunter, and the Berzerker. I loved both of these classes in BL, but each had drawbacks that left me wanting more. Brick the Berzerker had awesome survivability, and an action skill that was amazing for survival, but not my preference for offense. Losing the ability to shoot during berzerking really frustrated me later on in the game, as it felt more like a free heal and escape than a viable offensive tactic. Brick also didn't have many good gun skill options - rockets or bust seemed to be his motto. Mordecai the Hunter I liked a bit more than Brick - he had awesome firepower, and a few more offensive options than Brick. but he was made of glass. Mordecai's action skill didn't seem like it was worth it to me. I felt that Morty functioned much better with insanely powered mashers and revolvers than with the bird. Both classes I played in BL had major drawbacks directly related to their action skills, but Salvador appears to get the best of both worlds: survival and guns! I'll write more on this later when I play some more. The other addiction I'm nursing is Torchlight 2 (TL2). Torchlight 2 feels like a mix between Diablo 2 (D2) and Diablo 3 (D3). D3 had a slightly better control scheme than D2 by adopting a skill bar in addition to left/right mouse buttons. However, having only 6 active skills is a big part of what gives D3 so much of a challenge. A major flaw in D3 is that all max level characters have the same base stats and access to the same skills. This loses the specialty classes we saw in D2, and causes the endgame to degrade quickly into cookie-cutter builds or FotM builds (based on skill changes after new patches). In D2, the skills were diverse, and required a certain level of commitment to a character theme or role. Early on, D2 had a huge variety of ways that people specialized their classes. Stat points and limited skill points made these builds so unique. Torchlight 2 capitalizes on the best of both: limited stat points (not predetermined), and limited skill points (but no prerequisites other than level). The idea of skill tiers is also fantastic! Certain skills that may be cast the wayside have more chances to be useful if their tier unlocks are worthwhile. Heal Bot skill for the Engineer class: early on, the bot heals seldom, for small amounts of HP; pumping points into him unlocks tiers that also add mana regen and other benefits while improving previous stats as well (more healing, more hp/heal etc). I'm still trying to adjust to the play style of the game, and I'm faced with the same problem that I encounter every time I play Diablo 2: What is a good build, and how do I progress to it. Diablo 3 spells out in plain language on their tool tips what each stats affects and what classes benefit most from which stat: (Str for Barbs, Dex for DH and Monks, and Int for Wiz and WD, although there are variants here too (e. high strength witch doctors for high armor stats which pass over to their summons)). As usual, I will read countless builds and guides for each class until I find a build that suits me. I'm leaning towards the Engineer as a class of interest, but I'm also enjoying the sheer killing power of an Embermage. Remember to overview the get more info record down below and take a look at a some of the sub-webpages below this segment to better understand the depth of 1 of MPD's core disciplines. We can handle all assignments from conceptual design, developing detailed engineering plan and drafting of drawings for your project. Our team of engineers and professionals are adequately here experienced in the techno commercial aspects of mechanical engineering services and has the expertise of catering to customers across diverse industry segments. The solutions that we provide are highly cost effective and are delivered within agreed schedules without any deviation.
Human: The rest of this: All of us use eggs regularly and shells often get thrown away with out even giving this any thought. That's actually a disgrace as a result of egg shells can be utilized in o many cute and delightful approach you'd be stunned on how superb these apparently fragile issues are. The next 10 tasks are notably inspiring. Use egg shells as tiny flower vases. Watch out the way you break the egg. Attempt to make a couple of holes on the prime and gently chip away the shell to make a gap. Empty the egg and gently glue it onto a small mirror or one other floor utilizing candle wax. Then put some water and a flower in it and that's all. ## discovered on craftberrybush. Utilizing solely half of the shell you can also make a tiny planter in your succulents. For those who handle to interrupt the egg into two usable elements, that might be even higher. Make as many egg shell planters as you want, ideally sufficient to fill an egg carton. Then add soil and tiny succulents and you've got your personal cute little backyard. ## discovered on lerobinsnest. For the next venture, you want some uncooked eggs, small to medium measurement silk blooms, a PVC pipe and a noticed, a scorching glue gun, glass beads and dried moss. Poke a gap into the highest of the egg and chip off a number of the shell. Wash the shell and minimize rings out of the PVC pipe. Then glue the shell to the ring and let it cool. For added weight, put a glass bead in every shell. Then add the flowers and the moss. There's additionally a method to show your pretty egg shell vases or planters on the wall. You can also make macrame holders for them. Principally you simply twist and knot the strings to make the planter holders, tailored in fact to the precise dimensions of the egg shells you need to use. You can even colour the shells if you need. ## discovered on we-are-scout. One other concept is to make use of egg cups or tiny containers to show your lovely creations. First shade the eggs after which make a gap on the prime and take away the content material. Plant small flowers in every egg shell and show all of them within the cups you've chosen. These cute flower preparations would look pretty within the kitchen but in addition elsewhere in the home. You may as well use them as wedding ceremony favors or desk decorations. discovered on sewforsoul. When you've made the egg shell flower vase, you possibly can select to show it in a small cup. Use moss to maintain the vase good and straight and put somewhat little bit of water and a few tiny flowers inside. Use these a decorations for the eating desk, in your desk, and so on. If you would like, you possibly can develop grass inside egg shell planters. These little issues will make a room look recent and delightful whatever the season. You possibly can put egg in some little egg cups or in an egg carton. Be careful when you have a cat as a result of they like chewing grass typically. discovered on loulou. In case you're on the lookout for a cute undertaking to do with the youngsters, then check out this one. It's the identical concept as earlier than however this time the egg shell planters have googly eyes and faces they usually look humorous and cute. You possibly can let the youngsters embellish them however they'd should be mild. ## discovered on mamapapabubba. As an alternative of utilizing the shells and tiny vases or planters, you'll be able to flip then into tea lights. It's actually easy truly. You make a wider gap within the egg on the prime after which put wax in. Add the candle wicks and put the shells in an egg carton or show them nevertheless you want. ## discovered on handsoccupied. Because you've going to be utilizing plenty of eggs to organize all of the scrumptious meals round Easter, you may as nicely use the shells to make one thing cute and Easter-themed similar to an egg tree centerpiece. You want egg shells, acrylic paints, cardboard paper and tube, ornamental paper, a scorching glue gun and sprinkles, moss or coloured rice. Colour the within and the surface of the shells with totally different colours. Minimize out cardboard and ornamental paper to make the stand. Use tubes to make the tiers and glue collectively all of the items. Then add the shells and glue them to the stand. After that, you'll be able to add all types of cute little decorations. ## discovered on remodelandolacasa. Howdy all, Emily right here. I did one thing massive, time consuming and considerably troublesome. However I did it! I've been eager to reupholster a chair for some time. I've dabbled in redoing chairs, however they have been easy cushion redo's. Nevertheless, this time I tackled the complete, massive time, full reupholster. I additionally challenged myself and did this with completely no stitching! There's not too many examples of this on the web, so it was a number of trial and error for me. I bought this chair from a second hand retailer. It was outdated and had a horrible colour. However, I favored the bones of the chair. Step one in reupholstering this chair is taking it aside. I didn't know what sort of form the cushions beneath the fabric have been in. As soon as all aside I might have the ability to see how a lot wanted to get replaced. As soon as I had the chair aside I noticed all of it wanted to get replaced. I didn't even take footage of it. The cushions had a odor to it and I simply needed them off and out of my home. So every part was stripped however the wooden and the springs. I did save the fabric that was on prime to make use of as a template if wanted for the brand new materials. I bought a whole lot of foam. I bought two giant squares which are three inch thick foam. Two yards of 1/2 inch foam, and one package deal of quilting cotton batting. Step one on this reupholster job was to get the seat cushion accomplished. Setting the massive sq. foam on the seat and marking it to the dimensions of the seat. I cute the cushion right down to measurement utilizing a razor blade. I used the seat template from the previous materials to ensure I used ... Assistant: Rest of text: to be not slicing an excessive amount of. If I wanted to revise and reduce extra that may have been higher than too little. As soon as I had the seat cushion fitted appropriately. Earlier than I began including any material I wanted so as to add the cushion to the edges of the chair. I'm utilizing the thinner cotton quilt batting to cushion the edges, arms and to cowl the cushions and convey all of them collectively. This manner any strains or dips within the cushions will probably be coated and hidden by the batting. I folded the batting in on the entrance of the chair. I used a normal air stapler. It has sufficient energy to push the staple via the material and into the wooden of the chair. I wanted to cowl it with the brand new materials. I bought a darkish grey cotton materials, three yards value. It's a sturdy, heavy and thick material. This can make it's much less more likely to get ripped. I additionally bought a light-weight grey with a sample to go on the again of the chair. I bought 2 yards of that material. Step one for this was to make use of the seat template from the unique material to measure the place the brand new material must be minimize. When it was reduce, I reduce slits within the material the place the chair has a break within the wooden backing. Then slipped the material by way of the again of the chair. It will assist in holding the material tight on the chair. If this was a traditional chair reupholster I might have sewn the fabric across the cushion. Nevertheless, since this can be a problem to do that chair with no stitching the plan of motion is to maintain issues as good and tight as potential. Ensuring the fabric is pulled tight, virtually squishing the cushion is one of the simplest ways to ensure all stays safe and in place. I wrapped the entrance of the material across the seat cushion and the underside of the chair. I then pushed the material underneath the chair and stapled it down. As soon as I had the material stapled to the seat cushion I wanted to make it look neat and tidy. The corners have been slightly little bit of a situation. I made a decision one of the simplest ways to make them look nearly as good as attainable was to make a diagonal fold on both aspect of the chair. Pulling tightly in order that there isn't a give when anybody sits down. ## The cushion was completed and safe, due to the securing of the cushion and the material to the entrance and the underside of the chair. The subsequent step was to make the cushion for the again of the chair. I positioned the thinner cushion on the again. I lined the remainder of the edges of the chair with the folded over quilt batting. Stapling it into place. The again of the chair is damaged up into three sections, with wooden separating them. The center part is the most important, and the 2 sides are slender and odd formed. The center part was straightforward so as to add the cushion to. Easy cute have been made to make it match into place. To get the form for the edges right with the cushion I set a bit of paper on the aspect and traced a template. The again cushions was wedged in virtually completely. Which was wanted with a purpose to make the cushions keep in place. The plan was to make the cushions safe by including the quilt batting over the cushions. This will probably be pulled tightly and can maintain the again cushions in place. To do that I hooked up the quilt batting to the highest of the chair, leaving the lengthy portion of the batting behind the chair. Which can ultimately be used because the cushion help. I pulled it tightly and stapled the highest and the underside of the quilt batting. Now the entire chair was cushioned and secured. To maneuver this alongside the subsequent step was so as to add material to the entrance of the chair the place your again sits on the chair. It was troublesome due to the pure curve within the chair. Earlier than I tackled that headache I minimize and stapled the the highest portion of the material to the chair, all alongside the again and the higher portion of the aspect. To make the curve work with the fabric I attempted a number of various things. The one which I discovered labored the perfect was to chop slits within the material. I used to be then capable of manipulate it and pull it tight in parts. Permitting the fabric to wrap across the curve that approach. All the material that was being pulled and stapled to the again might be coated by the sunshine patterned grey material. So making the again of the chair neat proper now shouldn't be an issue. The perfect recommendation I may give for the entire undertaking is to tug it as tight as attainable. All the material will naturally have a whole lot of give when being sat on so to attenuate that the material must have the least quantity of give as attainable with out ripping the material. I didn't get an ideal curve, there's a little bit of strains on the curve. With this being a no sew one I anticipated a few of the strains wold not be good. As soon as the material was fitted across the curve I minimize the surplus material, to assist in minimizing any strains which may present by means of the again material. The entrance of the chair was finished, however I wanted so as to add the material buttons to the entrance which can add element and break up the look of the entrance of the chair. To do that I bought material buttons, and minimize parts of the sunshine patterned material. I wrapped the buttons within the material, to make them pop towards the darkish grey material. The again of the material buttons have a small loop in it. This loop is used to tie the string to the again and pull it via the material and safe it within the again. I marked the place on the again seat portion of the chair I needed the material button to go. Looped the string by way of the button. With the entrance of the chair absolutely finished, I'm able to add the again material to the chair. Human: The rest of this: I did this by folding the sunshine grey material alongside the highest again of the chair. Stapling it alongside the seam the place the staples of the darkish material was pulled and secured to. I used to be getting so excited as a result of I knew as soon as this was secured I simply had yet one more step till this chair is completed. I reduce the material and folded it alongside the again of the chair. Making an attempt to maintain the fold strains evenly hitting the chair. I wrapped the material beneath the chair. Slicing the material to suit across the legs of the chair. I wanted a approach to disguise all the staples, so I deliberate on utilizing upholstery nails. There are strips obtainable to make use of, however they must be sewed on. Nevertheless, due to my private problem of not stitching this in any respect I'm utilizing particular person nails for this. Pushing within the nails, one after the other. I used to be capable of disguise all the staples and folds with the upholstery nails. It provides a pleasant little element to the chair, in addition to hides all the work and folding that went into it. I stood again as soon as all was completed, and was so excited. I completed a no sew full chair reupholster. There's a few parts of this that would have been higher if I did sew it. Nevertheless, not everybody has the provides or expertise to stitch issues. The one provides I wanted for this was a heavy obligation air stapler, scissors, and lengthy staples. All issues that most individuals have or can simply even lease from a house enchancment retailer. The chair is good and delicate. There isn't any exhausting spots or parts the place the wooden is felt. Including all the layers was wanted and made this chair as cozy as attainable. This chair had loads of steps, a couple of complications, and loads of time. However, not one of the steps have been too difficult, and most was capable of found out by shifting the material and making an attempt issues out. If I had chosen a chair with out the curved edge it will have been a a lot easier job. I feel redoing this chair with out stitching it makes an incredible up cycle. I've seen many chairs ... Assistant: Rest of text: in yard gross sales or secondhand shops however have been deterred from shopping for them due to the sample of the material. This manner of doing it makes it potential for anybody to redo a chair that they just like the bones of, however need to redo the look of it. This can be a nice concept to modernize or change up the look of a room. Having stitching expertise isn't wanted to get the job completed and have a phenomenal chair that's each snug and classy. Keeping a swimming pool properly maintained often takes a lot of work for an owner. With today's busy lifestyles, many owners do not have the time that is necessary to ensure the maintenance chores are properly carried out. With a professional Pool Service in League City, pool owners can rest assured their pool will be properly cared for, so it not only looks its best but is also healthy for swimmers to use. There are a few different options for Pool Service in League City. Some pool owners simply hire a professional to come out for the opening and closing of their pool. When the pool is opened in spring, it must be carefully checked and treated so it will be ready for swimmers. Likewise, pools being closed for winter need to be winterized, so damage does not occur during the colder months of the year. There are also maintenance packages that take care of the day-to-day chores pool owners face in caring for their pool. Some of these services include:Properly maintaining a pool is one of the most important things an owner can do. Maintenance helps to keep the water chemistry safe for swimmers, so bacteria, fungi, and algae growth do not begin to occur. It is important the pH levels, and chemical makeup of the pool water are checked on a regular basis to ensure there are no issues present. Checking the components and keeping the pool clean will help owners to avoid damage and repair issues that can become expensive to take care of. Hiring a professional to take care of these chores will help ensure a pool is beautiful and will last for many years to come. If you are in need of these services, you can get special offers when you visit the website. With these services, your pool will look amazing all summer long.
<prompter> Finish this: Garage Door Mobile Service Repair quick and timely response to our customers with minimal inconvenience has made us successful in providing garage door services to local people in Thornton, CO area. Garage Door Mobile Service Repair picks its team carefully by having a rigorous selection process to provide unbeatable quality services in the field of garage door services. Our team of experts is professional and well qualified in handling different kinds of issues. Our team believes that fixing garage doors is an art and handles customer's belongings carefully while executing challenging tasks in the field of garage doors. We have been handling most of the garage door related issues in Garage Door Mobile Service Repair for a long time by providing quality services in Thornton, CO. Our in-depth understanding of a garage door's mechanism has been very successful and result-oriented. We fix different kinds of issues with openers, springs, automatic controls and so on. Most of the garage door service companies fail to realize the importance of quality workmanship. Garage Door Mobile Service Repair has a team of dedicated people, who are willing to give superior quality services in Thornton, CO. Our team of experts is successful by using good quality products and using cutting-edge tools to maintain the service quality consistently and ensure no errors. Garage Door Mobile Service Repair provides quality-oriented services at a reasonable and an affordable cost. Most of our products come at less cost, as we believe in providing services at its actual worth. Our team of experts has been in the industry for a long time now and knows the best solution for your issues to provide the right product at lower cost in Thornton, CO area. Our ancestors have used many traditional therapeutic botanicals from places like India and China for a variety of health benefits for thousands of years. Boswellia Serrata is an ancient herb that is more commonly known as Frankincense and has a long history in Ayurvedic medicine. Boswellia is known for its positive effects on the body's joints and bones, as well as its ability to act as a neuroprotective agent. Most people take Boswellia Serrata for it's ability to promote healthy joint function and comfort, which is derived from the boswellic acids in the gum resin of a Boswellia tree. The resinous part of the tree contains diterpenes, monoterpenes, triterpenes, and pentacyclic triterpenic acid (boswellic acid) that all play a role in the botanical's nutritional value. BOS 2000 is the polysaccharide molecule found in the tree resin that may be responsible for its potent health properties. Traditionally, Boswellia Serrata was used topically, but recent studies have found that oral supplementation of Boswellia can help with mobility and overall joint support and health. One study showed that those who took Boswellia experienced an increase in joint comfort of around 32% to 65%. Another study showed that those who took Boswellia had an increase in joint comfort after long walks. Additionally, a reduction was observed in the enzyme responsible for cartilage degradation (MMP-3) in the fluid lubricating joints. ## Boswellia Serrata works differently than most prescription anti-inflammatory medications that function as Cox enzyme inhibitors. Boswellia works by inhibiting Lox (lipoxygenase) enzymes. When these enzymes are inhibited, leukotriene synthesis is blocked, which can act to support healthy connective tissue. AKBA is the most potent inhibitor of Lox among the boswellic acids. It also contains incensole acetate, a compound found in the resin that inhibits the activity of the main protein controlling inflammation-nuclear factor kappa B. Boswellia also has antioxidant properties, which can help reduce oxidative stress and support bone health. This dual action is unique to boswellic acids and is what makes Boswellia so effective at promoting healthy bones and joints. Boswellia Serrata is considered safe and non-toxic to humans at doses of 100 - 1200 mg, up to four times per day. There have been some cases where Boswellia caused an allergic reaction, which may be mitigated by trying it topically before oral supplementation. Like any supplement, Boswellia isn't a stand-alone magic pill, and the best course of action for promoting a healthy body and joints is to be pro-active about your health. Combine this supplemental herb with an anti-inflammatory diet and healthy lifestyle for the best results. Dave Dayton, with a doctoral degree from Brigham Young University, has recently joined the science advisor board at Thrivous. Dayton, who currently provides individual, couples, and group psychotherapy in Washington, DC, has taken time from his busy schedule to answer a few questions. I'm a licensed clinical psychologist working in private practice. I have a couple of offices - one in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington DC and one across the Potomac in Arlington, Virginia. I do individual, couples, and group psychotherapy. While I'm not a big fan of the living conditions on the east coast (humidity, population density, no proper mountains, low speed limits), I love working with people here. Most of the folks I work with are ambitious, high-functioning, intelligent, and curious. It seems like people take the endeavor of psychotherapy a little more seriously in metropolitan areas, and it's both a joy and a challenge to work with people out here. For those who are acquainted with different modalities of therapy, I practice primarily from psychodynamic and interpersonal orientations. I've had training in other types of therapy, primarily ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), but I find that the most substantive growth occurs in my patients when I'm rooted in a psychodynamic and interpersonal perspective. I was skeptical of nootropics when I first heard about them. I'm cautious but curious, and I needed to hear from credible sources before I took them more seriously - fortunately there is a wealth of peer-reviewed literature about the salubrious effects of nootropics. And more and more, I hear endorsements from people, who are smarter and more successful than I, who have implemented daily use of nootropics into their lives. So I've started using nootropics and have found the benefits to be both subtle and meaningful. While I did have to deal with the fantasy that nootropics are magic, I have come to think of them more like weightlifting supplements - they are useful as an adjunct to hard work, not a substitute. Yes, I have recommended nootropics to patients - primarily to people who are struggling with depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms that look like ADHD (such as difficulty with focus and concentrating), and to patients with actual ADHD. My sense is that nootropics are getting more traction with people who are invested in long-term self-care and substantive personal growth, not just shortcuts or symptom relief. Nootropics are especially appealing to people who use stimulants like Adderall but want to get off because of the deleterious side effects. While the harm stimulants do to the heart is well-documented, as a psychologist I'm more concerned about unintended and insidious psychological effects of stimulants. For example, the bursts of optimism and grandiosity that some people experience on stimulants often cover up deeper depressive symptoms that, if unaddressed, will creep into their lives in undesirable ways. Or some people who rely too much on stimulants can build self-defeating sleeping or dietary habits and end up cheating their health. When I talk to people about nootropics, I caveat it with the fact that I am not a medical doctor. I emphasize that nootropics are not a panacea and cannot replace some psychopharmacological treatments - and that any psychopharmacological changes ought to be done in consultation with an MD. The bigger differences are contextual and cosmetic. For example, people are more likely now to do interpersonal conflict via IM or text messaging rather than face-to-face. So, in such instances, tech is not facilitating intimacy and connection so much as it's enabling indirect and passive communication. Twitter has largely become a cesspool of projection and aggression - a venue for road rage. There are positives as well - countless connections established, maintained, or renewed via technology. When I think of what is unique about today's problems - that which has not been encountered by previous generations - I ... <assistant> Completed pargraph(s): think of the “tyranny of choice,” the phenomenon where the freedom and autonomy to be self-determining combined with the overabundance of options actually overwhelms and immobilizes people. I work with a lot of folks who don't know what they want. And you can't know what you want if you don't know what you're feeling, so a lot of the work in psychotherapy is helping people identify how their defenses and anxieties get in the way of knowing what they're feeling. And there is more noise now than there used to be, so the signal can be harder to connect to. How are the younger generations in the US and the Western world different from the previous generations? We don't know yet to what extent environmental stimuli are affecting the expression of our DNA, but there is consensus that environmental stimuli do affect genomic expression. It is also true that there are way more stimuli now assaulting our little plastic brains from day one than even 25 years ago. This idea is supported by preliminary findings in the NASA twin study, where Scott Kelly's genomic expression changed 7% from his twin brother's after living in space for a year. That's not a terribly significant shift but it is a shift. This could suggest that, unlike other species, we might actually have a say in our own evolution - that we're not just pinballs to be acted upon. If true, that's a terrible existential burden that will increasingly weigh on younger generations. It's important (but not inevitable) that this burden comes into our collective consciousness and is treated with more urgency. I don't believe the universe cares one way or the other if humanity experiences good outcomes so it's a little scary to think about what is on our shoulders (and really tempting and easy to stand on the sidelines and let smart people worry about it). Another difference we're seeing in younger generations is an increased ability to adapt-on-the-fly, as unanticipated and emergent phenomena become more ubiquitous. What's your position on human cognitive enhancement, from today's nootropics to tomorrow's brain-computer interfacing and feedback technologies? People who work with me often find themselves caught in a tension between compassionate self-acceptance and investing in personal growth. Part of the work for them is to sort out how these things are not mutually exclusive - that you can invest heavily in both. I think human cognitive enhancement - and human enhancement in general - is going to make the tension between self-improvement and self-acceptance more topical. My position is that we need to prioritize the ethical, emotional, and interpersonal issues that will inevitably ensue from these developments. People are already very conflicted about taking SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) to treat anxiety and depression, and this conflict is not about their efficacy. We see a similar dynamic play out around cochlear implants in the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. So when we start enhancing the brain or the body, we are going to have a lot of uncomfortable feelings about it. And rather than just get rid of those feelings or logic them away, I think there's something there to listen to and go deeper into. Many of the species of parasitic worms within these groups have evolved to live specifically in the gut of the horse. Many horses will have some worms but as long as the overall burden is low the horse will suffer no ill effects. However, domesticated horses are kept on much smaller areas of concentrated grazing in close proximity to other horses. This change in husbandry has increased the individual horse's exposure to worms and increased the chances of the development of large infections. Tapeworms generally live in the small intestine. Their head is attached to the intestine wall by suckers and their flat, ribbon-like body extends along the bowel. Tapeworms do not have an alimentary tract but absorb nutrients across their body wall. The body itself is formed from a large number of segments; one by one the segments become mature and break off from the end of the worm. These segments contain eggs which they now release and which are ultimately shed in the faeces. These eggs, once on the ground are immediately infective to other animals. The horse tapeworm (Anoplocephala perfoliata) grows to up to 8 cm in length and 1.5cm in width; it is shorter and wider than tapeworms of dogs, cats and humans. ## It lives at the point of the intestine called the ileo-caecal junction, where the small intestine notionally joins the large intestine. Diagnosing tapeworm infection by testing the faeces of the horse is very difficult. The tapeworm segments are shed sporadically and in small numbers, so the likelihood of finding eggs is remote. Consequently, results are inconsistent and do not necessarily give an accurate representation of the scale of infection. Recently, Liverpool University has developed a blood test to detect tapeworm infection. It relies on detecting the level of immune system response (antibody) to tapeworms. The full benefit of this test is derived from the fact that high levels of antibody correlate to a high level of infection and vice versa. The test is also consistent. The term 'roundworm' describes many different zoological groups of worms. Most roundworms are free-living, (non- parasitic), others can become parasitic if conditions dictate. The roundworms that affect the horse are purely parasitic. Infection is by ingestion of an infectious larva. The larva passes into the intestine and penetrates the lining of the small bowel. The larvae may remain within the mucosa of the intestine for long periods of time before emerging to complete the life cycle. Potentially, large numbers of encysted larvae can build up over time and, if a significant proportion emerges at the same time, severe damage can be caused to the gut wall. Once reactivated the larvae develop into adults and lay eggs that are passed in the faeces. The beginning lifecycle of the large redworms is similar to that of the small redworms apart from where the infective larvae encyst (lie dormant). Large migratory redworm larvae penetrate the lining of the intestine and, depending on the species, migrate to different areas within the body. One species of redworm larvae rest within the intestinal arteries and the other type migrates through the liver before returning to the intestine as adults. The developing larvae may become dormant within the body over winter; they are described as being ‘encysted'. Once they have become encysted they will not emerge as adults until the spring. When they do reactivate they will all do so at the same time, causing severe damage to the tissues where they are at the time. The encysted redworm larvae in the mesenteric arteries may cause thrombosis, embolism, colic and death. Roundworm eggs are ingested by grazing horses from the field where they can remain infectious for many years. ## The eggs hatch inside the intestine and the larvae penetrate the small intestine and migrate within the mesenteric veins. ## They are transported within the blood circulation to the lungs where they pass from the circulation into the lungs. The horse coughs up the larvae and swallows them. Once back in the small intestine, they mature into adults and lay eggs that are shed in the faeces. Bots are the larvae of the bot fly. The adult insect lays eggs on the horse's coat, typically on the chest and front legs. The horse ingests the eggs during grooming. Once in the stomach the eggs hatch and the larvae attach to the lining of the stomach. Ultimately they are passed through the intestines and are expelled in the faeces. Once outside the horse the larvae develop into adult flies and the cycle starts again. The most serious complication of Pinworm infection is thought to be irritation around the tail base and perineum. Female worms deposit their eggs around the anus using a sticky material; this is irritating to the horse. The eggs are dropped onto the pasture when the horse rubs or passes droppings where they are potentially infective for other horses.
Human: Find the missing words: I called to verify and they said that the will be shipping them out this week, so anyone that was not willing to pre-order this may be a solution. I need a button to respond in the following way. When the user presses and releases, an action is executed. When the user presses this same button, but keeps pressing, the same action is executed repeatedly until the button is finally released. You could use an NSTimer [words 1] the state of the button when it fires, if it is still active then it executes the relevant code again? You need a timer. Bind an [words 2] Down Inside" event of the button which turns on the timer. [words 3] which turns off the timer. You may need to bind a few more of the buttons events to the timer turn off method. In case the the user touches [words 4] and lets up for instance. The timer seems to be the way to go! I got it working but now I want to take this to the next level. I'm now trying to combine two timers (one fires the other), so that simply pressing the button and releasing makes one [words 5] keeping the button pressed for more than a second starts the cyclic repetition of an event. This has been corrected. Version 9 for the mobi file is now available. Apologies for the inconvenience. If you have read the FAQS then it must have specified that BIOS must be obtained legally from the ps2. I am a new user and trying to draw a set of plans on 24' x 36" sheet. Is this possible or do I need a more sophisticated program to do this properly? LayOut does not have a mechanism [words 6] at scale. The recommended workflow is to create a model of your building in 3d in SketchUp, and then use LayOut to create plans from that model. benmoss555: While Marc's explanation [words 7] it is an oversimplification. You can, indeed, create architectural drawings to any scale using SU and Layout, however, [words 8] will probably be strange to you at first. You create your architectural model in SU, derive the floor plans and elevations in SU and then load them into Layout for dimensions and notes. There [words 9] both applications to achieve what you are looking for. Before you get discouraged trying this on your own, I suggest that you check out the many tutorials on how to create floor plans using section planes and how to create scenes within SU - these two steps are critical in getting things into Layout. It is important to remember that Layout does not act and look like your standard 3D cad program which you are probably used to. [words 10] in. I found the SU 3D modeling tutorials to be extremely useful and was able to quickly create the house models that I needed. I guess my question really boils down to this: Can I use SU and L to create real, professional quality architectural drawings? Is it just a process to be learned and then it will produce similar [words 11] it just not made for that kind of application. I have never used a classic CAD program so I am deciding if I need to buy CAD software for $900 or can I use SU and L? Thanks for your input. ## Professional quality [words 12] possible. Google “Nick Sonder” and have a look at his videos and you will see [words 13] is possible with SU and LO. His work is what some of us aspire to. Wow! Just watched some Nick [words 14] you suggested and I am blown away at the possibilities. I will keep watching, learning and hopefully without spending way too much time, get to a place where [words 15] can produce the drawings that I need. THANK YOU! That was immensely useful. Contrary to what has been said here . LO [words 16] Architectural drawings and these drawings can be [words 17] you desire . if they are in the list of scales . and beyond that make your own; if you need to. The drawing/model needs to be drawn to scale in SU and then when exported to LO. You can specify the scale that you need for presentation in LO. One drawing can be used at 1/4" = 1' for a plan and then a portion of it can be taken at another [words 18] detail. One drawing; many uses, different scales. [words 19] the use of SU and LO in generating a set of drawings . but LO is ONLY in the the Pro version of SU. Pay attention [words 20] as it shows when exported as a PDF. Where we used to vary pencil pressure when drawing, fog now does much the same. The mixed use of Vector and raster overlays will give much the same effect as old school rendering on permit drawings. Spend the time and experiment. Allow yourself to make mistakes . only in fixing them do you learn how not to do it again. Everything should be modeled to FULL SIZE in SU. The scenes imported into LO can be scaled to any appropriate or desired size. SketchUp Pro 2018 (or the Mac OS) issues a crash report every time I shut Sketchup down. Does anyone have this happen, or know why it does this? If you force quit, [words 21] will give that notice. If you quit with command + q, then it shouldn't happen. Another possibility is SketchUp crashes every time you quit for some reason. It could be because you have a setup that's not optimally compatible with SketchUp. I'm pretty sure SketchUp prefers NVIDIA graphics cards and Macs come with something else, but it still works okay. I'm not sure what's causing this . But clicking ignore isn't that time consuming. There have been some ill-behaved extensions that would crash the embedded chromium browser on quit, but I haven't seen that in some time. If you look at the report, what does it say? Perhaps you could upload the report here? That looks to me like an extension is misbehaving (I'm a volunteer, I don't have access to this [words 22] code). I'd try turning off extensions and see if the [words 23] away. The most efficient way is to move half of the . rb files out of your plugins folder and test. If the problem goes away, something in the removed ones is to blame. If it remains, one of the ones you kept is to blame. Either way pick half of the suspect ones and [words 24] back (if the problem went away) or remove them (if the problem remains). Keep testing half at a time and you will quickly zero in on the culprit. A really long time ago, I used to use a piece of software called Real 3D on the Amiga. It was a brilliant little solid modeller, and worked just as one would wish such a thing to work. Since then, things have changed very much for the worse. Almost no software (certainly none at [words 25] aware of) actually has the ability to do boolean operations well. Sketchup's “solid tools” tend to leave a terrible ragged mess that needs considerable manual editing to even look right, let alone be accurate. Worse, you can forget about the model ever being considered “solid” (by which I think Sketchup means “manifold”) again, so you can only ever drill one hole in something. I know there are specific concerns when using boolean operations on polygon models, but why is this always so [words 26] used to be able to do this in about 1995. It is a well-bounded problem with a deterministic solution. What's the issue? Why is this [words 27] leave a terrible ragged mess that needs considerable manual editing to even look right, [words 28] accurate. I'm looking to upgrade my canon xti kit lens and im looking at the Tamron AF 17-50mm F/2.8 XR Di-II and the Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5. Im into landscape and [words 29] photography. Am I going to gain much with the extra stops from the tamron. And i was wondering if there was any downsides to buying a 3rd party lens. The Tamron 17-50/2.8 Di II is an excellent lens, but it's not stabilized like the Canon 17-85, and the stabilized version isn't as good. For [words 30] think you should look at the Canon 15-85 IS USM. It's better than either of them, except that it vignettes more than the Tamron. But it's also not stabilized, and again, the stabilized version isn't as good. If stabilization is important, the Canon 18-55 IS and the Sigma 18-50mm F2.5 DC OS HSM are both good choices, and the Sigma is faster. If your budget is not [words 31] 15-85 IS USM TCav mentioned - would be a great landscape and travel lens! I have [words 32] Tamron. The extra F stops are handy if [words 33] situations. You can keep F2.8 constant through the entire 17mm to 50mm range. The downside of 3rd party lenses is they reverse-engineered the Canon EF protocol. If Canon comes out with a new body and change something, they may not work with the new body without reprogramming the lens. Other than that, they can be good value for the money. Let me also add - look at your photo history and the exif. Determine if the type of photography YOU do (not someone else in this thread) actually benefits from IS. Every shot benefits [words 34] sharpness. My walk-around lens has IS, but less than 1% of my shots with it benefit in a NOTICEABLE fashion. If the lens I use (24-105L on a 1dmkIII) were not IS I would be happy to use it just the same. But other people shoot differently than I do. So other people benefit from IS. My point is - don't simply assume you need IS because someone else tells you that [words 35] do. Let your own photos answer that question. With a kit lens, IS is free. But as you can see from these discussions, there are trade-offs with upgrading to another lens AND getting IS. [words 36] money. Just make sure the trade-offs will be worth it to YOU not to other photographers. also tamron make a 17-50mm vc version that is stabilized. and i just pick it up. works very well in low light. this is tamrons version of a stabilizer. so far no complaints, but i have only had it about a week now. In some cases this is an overkill and what is desired is Evite-style registration when people can simply click on the link in the event and be done with it. This [words 37] over years and is one of the top 3 in “Events” category. We're happy to announce that the RSVP (we called [words 38] for your use! As all big features, this one contains several suggestions. Some of them are covered in this release, some are not. What released: Admin can create the Simple event that requires only RSVP from registrants – one-click registration with Yes, Maybe, or No answer. The simple event is very simple now :) Free registrations only, doesn't allow for guests, registration limits and sessions. Some of these options are still important for you and required, so we will continue to improve our RSVP feature. We hope you'll like it. [words 39] any time by email, by using in-product feedback form and use our Wishlist for sharing your new suggestions. Thanks for all your responses. We are working on design right now and will share results with you as soon as we [words 40] ready. My membership has 18 of our members who are also Administrators. They are frequent attendees at our events as they are our most active (and Board) members. The current set up for both Simple and Advanced event registration with buttons takes an Administrator to the Dashboard when they try to register from the event registration email. This adds several steps to their registration process (Click [words 41] then register). It would be helpful to remedy that. I have provided feedback, called and now added thoughts to wishlist. Thank you for your attention to this. AdminTeam Events (Event Management, Wild Apricot by Personify) commented · November 2, 2017 3:25 PM · Flag as [words 42] this thread to the new one you've created, to increase the number of votes. Thank you for this! As always, I encourage a partial solution today as opposed to a perfect solution some time later. However, there are a lot of suggestions in this thread that could not make it into the first version of this feature. Since this thread is closed to voting, I have opened up a new Wishlist [words 43] continue to discuss, vote for and help you prioritize the next improvements to simplified events: https://forums. You might call this [words 44] but it doesn't have to be so complicated as a registration (shouldn't be! ). Most of our events are simple RSVPs but we need to know the total # coming as our members can bring children or family members. We want the RSVP to be super simple so people actually do it. But our event coordinators need to know how many people to plan for. Please add a "maybe" status to event registration and then allow the user back in to change it to "attending" or "not attending". I totally agree with the conditional registration mentioned by Bart Palamaro, April 1. If you choose option a) then c and d are open to you. If you [words 45] d and e are open to you (for example). Many of our events are more complicated than just a "yes I want to turn up" process. Breakouts, menu options, dinner add-on, etc. I would rather have conditional registration where choosing one option closes out others, and opens up yet others. "Register for Full Conference" closes out registration for [words 46] lunch choices. Would love this, but it should also include the total # that the RSVP is for. If the membership is a family type, they could be bringing up to 6 people, for example. We need to know that the RSVP is for 6 people. Unable to attend [words 47] must for our club. For bundled memberships the bundle owner should also be able to RSVP/Negative RSVP for other members [words 48] e. check box next to each name under their bundle of attend yes/no. Our club is made up of a lot of families so Parent needs to say if one or some or all of them are attending in one event formI would like more layout options on the event registration page. A way to manually sort the registration fee options in any order needs, larger viewing area for description area, additional features to events for larger conferences with speakers, sponsors and exhibitor management portal. The simple RSVP sounds good. We collect some additional info such as emergency contact that would need to be required even with a simple RSVP. Also want the ability [words 49] button. Yes to all of that! ! ! ! [words 50] don't know about defaulting to a registration type though. Bot: words 1: that checks words 2: action to the "Touch words 3: Bind an action to "Touch up Inside" words 4: the buttons, then drags outside words 5: thing happen but words 6: to do drawings words 7: is true, words 8: the process words 9: are very specific steps to be taken in words 10: paul728, thanks for chiming words 11: results to a CAD program or is words 12: architectural drawings are words 13: exactly what words 14: Sonder videos as words 15: I words 16: IS the way to produce your words 17: at any scale words 18: scale for a words 19: Nick Sonder's presentations show words 20: to your line weights words 21: then it words 22: SketchUp words 23: problem goes words 24: put them words 25: all that I'm words 26: bad? We words 27: so hard? Sketchup's “solid tools” tend to words 28: let alone be words 29: travel words 30: a little more money, I words 31: too tight, I would go with the words 32: the words 33: you need it zooming in at low light words 34: from words 35: you words 36: Tradeoffs in quality or in extra words 37: suggestion has accumulated many votes words 38: them Simple events) is now ready words 39: Please leave your feedback words 40: are words 41: on Public View, find the event, words 42: inappropriateI moved some comments from words 43: item so we can words 44: guests words 45: choose option b) only words 46: each day, and opens up words 47: (negative RSVP) is also a words 48: under their bundle words 49: to NOT have a Not Attending words 50: I Human: Find the missing spans: Also, modify the registration / attendees listing show who rsvp'd yes and no. Laid out in alpha order vs date registered order so that people can easily see /find if their friends / associates are going to event. And display more than 10-12 on a page. When you ... laborious. There is some research that states that every extra page of an online processes reduces completion rates dramatically. Why not just flatten out the process and allow for all interactions to happen on one page, including payments? There are ways to integrate API calls to Stripe right form a standard page. One complication is that you'd need to SSL that page so it may depend on installing SSL on the domain to get such a feature, so a dependency may be introduced. It's not that the wizard style process doesn't work, but it's that all the information to registration can be ... page. People actually don't mind scrolling it turns out when they want to complete a goal. Registration for a current member should be a one click process. currently it takes five clicks. so now my members are jsut emailing me so I have to register them. Registration of a member should be the EASIEST thing to do! ! ! ! ! This has actually become such an issue for my members that they have asked me to look for other solutions. It seems like such a no-brainer to have an 'unable to attend' button that stops repeat reminder emails. If developer resources are an issue, perhaps do this first and the simplified registration afterwards. Sup folks? ! I went on back on down to Walmart down yonder the Circle K and I got myself some Keebler Elf crackers, some Mt. Dew, and of course, a shit ton of Yugioh packs! ! Yeah, I opened up my wallet and said, "god damn" because I did not realize how much money I brought to Walmart so I picked up a massive amount of blister packs. Yeah, 41 of them! And to make thing more crazy? ! The Legendary Duelists blisters have 2 packs per blister! Sweet Christ! ! I managed to get my hands on one random pack of Fusion Enforcers again! I do not know how, but every single time I buy blisters from Walmart, there is always one Fusion Enforcers hidden, mixed in with all the other blisters. I have a lot of questions involving this but who cares? Check this shit out and hold onto yer ... Enumclaw. Come on down and chase some big ol pigs that are just itching to be chased. Have fun, entertain the farmer, get some exercise, and make that hog squeal!. Bot: spans 1: have a 100+ people attending scrolling through pages gets very spans 2: done just on 1 (longer) spans 3: butts! Please enjoy! This video is sponsored by Hog Chasing of
User: More words: When designing a swimming pool or driveway, it is [words 1] the finest materials. This is why people [words 2] or travertine pavers for both surfaces. While these materials are often mistaken for one another, travertine pavers are better in many respects—particularly in terms of aesthetics and durability. Travertine is a sedimentary stone [words 3] compressed over long periods of time to form a solid structure. The final result is a porous but luxurious material that could be used for both [words 4] and outdoors. Travertine is also the safest choice because the surface—while smooth—actually has more grip than other [words 5] slipping and accidents. Most dealers make the [words 6] one side for safety purposes. And unlike other surfaces, travertine pavers [words 7] them friendly on bare feet. Travertine pavers are also cost-efficient. They are more expensive than cheap tiles but [words 8] marble. Despite the cost difference, travertine definitely holds its own against marble when it comes to quality. Maintenance for marble will also cost more [words 9] travertine pavers. Travertine tiles are also freeze-thaw resistant which make them perfect for outdoor use on pools and driveways. Travertine pavers have many different colors and patterns that could easily adapt and upgrade the look [words 10] driveway. If purchasing travertine pavers, make sure to buy from a certified dealer that sells authentic, top of the line travertine tiles. Find out more about where they source their materials, [words 11] to compare prices. Note that travertine pavers tend to last longer when properly installed by professionals. Call in a company that can offer installation [words 12] services for convenience and best results. ## (quote)(i)Originally posted by LittleBill(/i) (br)Yep. And when it�s you and your paid attorney against a Gov�t agency or other institution with fulltime attorneys on staff, all they have to do is drag it out long enough, and anyone [words 13] run out of money. Agencies like the EPA do it all the time. And yeah, it�s very much about (i)who(/i) [words 14] shoot. Along with (i)who�s in power(/i) in [words 15] in. When local authorities cleared him, despite massive pressure [words 16] moved in, and did their (s)best(/s) worst to try and [words 17] charges. I�m pretty sure (i)none(/i) of that would have happened if Trayvon [words 18] White. This is the reason I asked the question on DPX ammo(was it considered Boutique ammo). Look [words 19] what Zimmerman's trial cost was, and a lot of good men did service pro bono plus a lot of Americans donated 1,000's. I know many believe Zim went looking for trouble, in his case, but that [words 20] situation became blown out of proportion by [words 21] became a politically charged case. I don't know any Police Department's that utilize DPX. [words 22] and Barnes, but the cost to [words 23] challenging. Remington has been struggling to keep up in the police and self defense [words 24] market. The short-lived Black Belt is a great example of how things have been going for them, so I'm not surprised they have latched [words 25] bullets. I've met Pi and have worked [words 26] several of his folks over the years. They strike me as good people, worthy of my business. I'm confident they'll get the supply issues worked out and will be firing on all cylinders [words 27] soon. Seiden's comments, I believe the advice was more directed at some of the small [words 28] flamboyant marketing, particularly those that use a lot of violent or lethal terminology in the product names and packaging. [words 29] in the gunzines, in all their colorful glory. I don't believe CorBon falls into [words 30] group. Sure, they make ammunition that is [words 31] effective in self defense roles, but they don't market it like those other products. They're [words 32] in the business. If counsel tried to intimate that I [words 33] for choosing a CB load, I could [words 34] ten foot tall stack of depositions from [words 35] self defense trainers who have been endorsing the product [words 36] in print for the last three decades. Badge, you're correct [words 37] grooves. They were technically a violation of the [words 38] against using "plastic" grips, but the attack on Alvarez at trial [words 39] from Rogers himself, according to Mas. Also, the other modification [words 40] two coils from the trigger return spring. Not a great idea, really. Kind of a weak attempt at lightening the pull weight, with the problem that it slows the return of the trigger. I'm sure it cost him some extra grief at trial. Hmmmm, so Remington appears to be the main reason CorBon has had [words 41] producti9n issue. Another good reason to avoid their produc5s in the future. They obviously won�t miss MY business. I was [words 42] dollars and ammo never came up. Remember you [words 43] worry about being sued. I carry Cor Bon and I'll always CB. From Farnam�s �Quips� [words 44] the supply of DPX suddenly dried up, and why we can expect the drought to end sometime soon. (Along with one more reason to [words 45] Remington):Peter Pi, CEO of CorBon, and my friend, knows only too well [words 46] frustration of his many loyal customers in trying to find CorBon DPX ammunition. �It�s great your students are inquiring. It gives me a chance to set the record straight and quench [words 47] mill. I started CorBon Ammunition back in Detroit, MI [words 48] later moved the business to our new facility in Sturgis, SD , where [words 49] now. The Pi family has owned [words 50] it�s inception, and still owns 100% of the company, thirty-vive years later. ## Unfortunately, competitors and detractors sometimes start destructive rumors. Goes with the territory! The problem with our [words 51] ammunition is a classic example of [words 52] smaller one. Remington bought Barnes Bullets. Barnes was our supplier of DPX bullets, made to our specifications. In fact, I [words 53] testing of the product. Without warning, they cancelled our contract, saying, �We will no longer sell you bullets. �Remington/Barnes intended to manufacture a contending DPX line of [words 54] have us competing with them. After months of [words 55] several alternative vendors, we reluctantly realized that, if we were going to market superior DPX ammunition, worthy of our name and that out-performed all [words 56] have to make it ourselves! I [words 57] we started the project that it would take this long, and use up all the resources the company had, and then some! [words 58] compromise and refused to put out a [words 59] unless it was the best on the market. It�s been a [words 60] now very close to being able to, once again, produce DPX ammunition that I�m proud of, and a [words 61] customers can stake their lives on! We currently have orders for several million rounds [words 62] DPX. We will begin filling orders sometime [words 63] fill them from the oldest to the newest. We have lots of customers who have been patiently waiting, and [words 64] their loyalty. We do plan on bringing back the DPX 30 Carbine round eventually, [words 65] have to concentrate on pistol calibers, as you can imagine. �I�ve always been happy to recommend CorBon ammunition for serious purposes. Because of [words 66] excellence, I�ve no doubt CorBon ammunition [words 67] first choice of Operators worldwide! Yes indeed, [words 68] friendly renewable sustainable ammunition designed to over penetrate, �That�s the DPX I want to use! �In all seriousness glad to hear Cabelas will have some in shortly, have a smaller Cabelas location here in northern Utah that saves me [words 69] hinterlands where Bandaid is located. Good news [words 70] around. So that's the reason you don't [words 71] me. I'll let you know when I go to [words 72] so so maybe you will visit if [words 73] you want in that dinky store [words 74] north. Course you have " Smiths" where they have everything or at least that is what the sign says. I carry my service pistol (G31) and my approved back-up (G33). Both are completely stock as-issued. I carry the ammo I'm issued, [words 75] 357Sig. I worry mostly about placing them where they'll do me the most good. I did notice that when I experienced incoming rounds, my trigger pull and [words 76] because I didn't notice them. I [words 77] ammo hunting, and both were excellent. When I'm a retired private [words 78] spring for DPX, until then I'll stick with what the state issues me. On the rare occasion I'm asked, I [words 79] ammo, factory loads, no home-brewed handloads (I'd consider CorBon major-brand enough). [words 80] like 'I've been loading my own for however-many centuries, and have never had a squib or misfire. ## ' Try to explain the sample issue, the 'Super-Blastem-Better'n'Boomier-Than-Factory' [words 81] ignored. I like my guns pretty much always 'out of [words 82] or trigger pulls, don't care about reset because it won't matter in a social situation. Pretty much always, if an action is rough or a trigger is a bit heavy, dry [words 83] smooths it out enough. Changing grips, painting sights, things that make [words 84] me. IF something simply must be done [words 85] by a certified gunsmith or a buddy who is a certified repair guy. Don't change my own springs or tinker with trigger weight, [words 86] such. Probably not so much worried over legal issues, they just don't need it. AceI hear [words 87] radically over-expands, blows completely apart even [words 88] barrier. And yeah, it�s very much about who you shoot. Along [words 89] in the jurisdiction you shoot them in. When local [words 90] pressure to do otherwise, the Obama/Holder �Justice� Dept moved [words 91] best worst to try and nail him [words 92] charges. I�m pretty sure none of that would have happened [words 93] White. One of the things I have learned from [words 94] Mas Ayoob is that ammunition can easily become an issue in a SD shooting. My advice has been to find the load [words 95] LE dept, or a respected LE [words 96] that. If the prosecutor wants to make [words 97] your 'super killer loads', or 'dum dums' [words 98] current liberal buzzword is, your response is simple. Suppose Corbon were to come [words 99] of �branding� for their existing lines of ammo� similar to their �self-defense� and �dpx hunter� lines� maybe call it their �Safe and sane, LGBTQ and minority-friendly, I really, really hope I never have to shoot anybody with this ammo� line� maybe engrave �I�m so, so sorry to have to do this� on each shell casing� maybe with pics of Barack, Michele, Hillary, Caitlin Jenner, Bowe Bergdal, Chelsea Manning, and Rosie O�Donnel on each box� a box of ammo you could hold up in court and no one could doubt that your heart was in the right place. Alverez was the 4th cop involved in shooting a black suspect prosecuted by the Florida AG (Janet Reno)if you think your lawyer is your budy and will love you long time, wait until you tell him you're out of cash. That line of thought certainly makes sense, no doubt it�s the safest option from a legal standpoint. While my State (Virginia) is strong on gun rights, I live in a locality (Fairfax County) that�s very liberal, and it would be no surprise to find that local DAs and prosecutors are biased against armed citizens. OTOH, by carrying what your local PD carries, you�re limiting yourself to ammo that may have been chosen primarily for it�s low cost, rather than its performance. Maybe the difference isn�t worth worrying about. My own inclination is to focus on making sure that any shooting I�m involved in has met all the criteria for a justified use of deadly force. Having to not alter my pistols from factory stock, and only carry one type of ammo, seems unnecessarily limiting of my options. As important to me as the choice of ammo, is the fact that I do prefer my pistols �altered� to give a better trigger pull and shorter reset. I hesitate to give that up on the off chance that some prosecutor or civil lawyer may try and use it against me. But maybe I�ll change my tune if I�m ever facing a progressive Democrat prosecutor with fire in her eyes, and a jury composed of people of the same �type� as the perp I was forced to shoot. Like a wise man has been known to say: we each get to choose our own salvation. And it may not be until �judgement day� arrives that we find out whether or not our choice was the right one. Corbon�s been around a long time, I�m not sure how any reasonable person could characterize it as �boutique� ammo at this point. The fact that a gun-hating liberal prosecutor, or unscrupulous civil attorney, might try to make something of the fact that my gun had been �altered�, or that I was carrying top-quality ammo, just highlights the need for a good gun-savvy defense attorney if things ever get to the point where you�re forced to defend yourself in court. Alverez was acquitted, I would like think there is some case law to support the type of modifications he made to his service weapon, but when in doubt leave it stock, and expect the lawyers to go after it anyway. I've never thought it was smart to decorate your gun with skulls and grim reapers but I see that. also wonder about guns named Python and Cobra, in todays world sounds like a problembut it depends on the area, a few years ago a local killed a kid during a home invasion with an AK47, I thought he was history but no charges were broughtaround the same time a white cop shot an unarmed black guy in a traffic stop no,charges brought, but then. is DPX defendable, I don't know, Deep Penetrating Xtreme might be something used against you. if you asked a lawyer I bet he'd recommend against it. I bought some Hornady ammo on sale called Zombie Max, same bullet as their Critical Defense, but it's range ammo. I don't think I'd load Zombie Max in my carry gun. and if you're involved in a shooting get a good criminal defense attorney. you might think you can save a few bucks but it's not a good planI was charged in what I thought to be a clear case of self defense, my lawyer stunk, I got lucky but I spent a year in hell before it was over. Badge Alverez had also had some guy do something to the springs also, besides changing the grips. Said it was something a lot of Police Officers did to their revolvers during that time period. According to him (attorney) it (the alterations) was a big deal they had to defend. If I'm not mistaken the " alteration ", was the addition of Rogers grips, the forerunner of Hogue grips. Alvarez was dealing with a subject in an arcade with a firearm carried illegally. If memory and THAT riot serves me he cocked his service revolver and placed it to the back of the subjects head. A push back later and Miami was inflamed. I am no expert but it is commercial ammunition. There are many here who are much more informed on that aspect than I. Evan, I just read an interview, from this months ACLDN monthly news journal, where they interviewed the Attorney who defended Luis Alverez, 30 years ago. Luis was an officer in Miami FL, who was prosecuted for a on duty shooting, and the prosecution raised all kinds of questions about the back yard gun smiting alteration of his Police issued revolver. The lawyer, Mark Seiden, also addressed the use of "Boutique Ammo" (His Words), and how that would give a prosecutor an opportunity to claim one used a extreme super duper brand of killer ammo so his gun would be even more deadly. His advice, stick with Winchester, Rem Golden Saber, Speer Gold Dot, or the same ammo the local police uses. Strongly advice stick with major brand ammo. Your a man who spent a lifetime on the mean streets of Detroit, would DPX be considered a Boutique Ammo? You got any thoughts on this? By the way I now carry DPX in all my guns also. Not meant to stir trouble here. Just your, and others thoughts, and discussions of other very learned men here. Bot: words 1: absolutely crucial that you use words 2: typically choose either marble words 3: formed in hot springs, which is words 4: indoors words 5: materials and can prevent words 6: travertine tiles rounded on words 7: could withstand high temperatures, making words 8: are less expensive than words 9: in the long run than words 10: of your pool and words 11: and don't hesitate words 12: and maintenance words 13: will eventually words 14: you words 15: the jurisdiction you shoot them words 16: to do otherwise, the Obama/Holder �Justice� Dept words 17: nail him on Federal words 18: Martin had been words 19: at words 20: could happen to anyone if the words 21: the media and words 22: I know many who know about DPX, words 23: departments is words 24: ammunition words 25: onto the Barnes words 26: with words 27: again words 28: outfits that use exaggerated and words 29: We've seen them all words 30: that words 31: designed to be powerful and words 32: an established and well-respected name words 33: was ghoulish words 34: supply him with a words 35: leading LE and words 36: as a responsible and effective choice words 37: about the grips-Rogers finger words 38: department's prohibition words 39: was defeated through expert testimony words 40: was removing words 41: a words 42: sued for 17.5 million words 43: have to survive first then words 44: Nov 4: why words 45: hate words 46: about the words 47: the rumor words 48: in 1982 and years words 49: it is words 50: CorBon since words 51: famous DPX line of words 52: the big company trying to crush a words 53: worked with them on the design and words 54: ammunition and obviously preferred not to words 55: working with words 56: others, we would words 57: had no idea when words 58: But, I refused to words 59: product to my loyal customers, words 60: long, rocky, and expensive road, but we are words 61: product that my words 62: of words 63: in December, and will words 64: they will be rewarded for words 65: but right now we words 66: Pete�s personal devotion to words 67: will continue to be the words 68: CorBon Unicorn all copper, Condor words 69: a trip down to the words 70: all words 71: come shoot with words 72: Cabelas here in a week or words 73: they don't have what words 74: up words 75: Speer GD 125 JHP in words 76: reset must have improved immensely, words 77: have used CorBon and Garrett words 78: citizen, I may words 79: always suggest using a major-brand words 80: Frequently hear things words 81: side, usually get words 82: the box', no messing with internals words 83: fire and live fire words 84: the gun easier to control-external changes-don't worry words 85: to the 'guts', I'll have it done words 86: timing, and words 87: that Maxine-endorsed stuff words 88: before hitting the words 89: with who�s in power words 90: authorities cleared him, despite massive words 91: in, and did their words 92: on Federal words 93: if Trayvon Martin had been words 94: my buddy words 95: used by your local words 96: agency, and load words 97: an issue of words 98: or whatever the words 99: out with another type
Human: Generate more: This Tuesday marks the release of the fourth installment Ubisoft's highly successful franchise, Assassin's Creed in the form of Assassin's Creed: Revelations but I am already looking to what the future may hold for this exciting series. While basically all of the promotional material for the games so far has focused on the gameplay featuring Ezio or Altaïr before him, we have to remember that much of the game is told through the perspective of modern day assassin Desmond Miles and his education of the order through reliving the memories of long-dead ancestors. That cannot be an accident as they seem to have taken the long road to introducing Desmond as one of the great leading characters in modern gaming. My hat goes off to Ubisoft and the clever writers behind taking the true bad guys of the story, Abstergo Industries, and making them basically an afterthought to the overall gaming experience so far. Think about it, why have we been so exposed to all of this history and secret files, no to mention subtle story lines, if they do not plan on building them up from the start to an eventual big showdown set in modern times? Something big is in the works and has been since the very start of the first game. Maybe they did not expect the games to be so popular at first, which is why the last two games have not been numbered, but this might have been the destination all along. It has already been announced that the next release for this series will be hitting stores next year, could this finally be the game that keeps us in the “current” world? Will we take the fight to Abstergo head-on? If you look at the evidence presented before us, such as the fact that the launch of the world-enslaving satellite “Abstergo-Eye” takes place on 12/21/12 and last week Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has stated during an investors call that the new game will bring the end of Desmond's journey. “In Assassin's Creed we set up a timeline with this whole end of the world plot of December 2012. That's fast approaching, and the story we have to tell, we obviously need to do it before we arrive at that point,” Amacio said on the call. Makes lots of sense, huh? Also, what about all of the background plot on the Animus itself? The multiplayer modes from Brotherhood and Revelations all take place the the point of view of an Abstergo employee who is going through some kind of training for something using the Animus itself as the key tool. In fact, the latest trailer for Revelations is ALL about the multiplayer and features a scientist talking about how rising through the ranks promises to unveil all that there is to know about the truth behind Abstergo. Could this be one last push at getting fans intrigued before a big announcement changing the series focus? I am not a big fan of multiplayer but if playing gets me just a little more info then I am in! I have not been this intrigued by an alternate reality corporation since the days of the DHARMA Initiative. Even the Umbrella Corporation has nothing on the history behind these guys. The Templar Order that you spend much time fighting against in the historical periods of the game has evolved in tandem with the world around them and, using Abstergo as a front, are finally on the verge of global domination. What more can you ask for in a villain? And thanks to Desmond, the all-powerful pieces of Eden that people have shaped their world have finally resurfaced just in time for the closing number. So tell me what you guys think, am I on to something or am I chasing the wrong waterfall? Drop a comment below or tweet us with your opinion! I use one of these cases and they are awesome. The leather is the real deal and all the features and details add up to an excellent user experience. Singer Selena Gomez and actor Josh Hutcherson arrive at Nickelodeon's 25th Annual Kids' Choice Awards held at Galen Center on March 31, 2012 in Los Angeles, California. Actress January Jones attends Moschino Spring/Summer 19 Menswear and Women's Resort Collection at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center on June 8, 2018 in Burbank, California. January Jones was cute and cozy up top in a bear hoodie by Moschino during the brand's Resort 2019 show. Model Coco Rocha arrives as Ralph Lauren Presents Exclusive Screening Of Hitchcock's To Catch A Thief Celebrating The Princess Grace Foundation at MoMA on October 28, 2013 in New York City. Coco Rocha styled her short locks in a dramatic side-parted 'do for the screening of 'To Catch a Thief' in NYC. This monday just got better because you can do all your shopping from your desk, smartphone, or bed (doesn't get any better than that). So have you gotten your fill of sales yet? ! Every time I look at something new, I'm hooked. I just ended up getting these boots ( they are marked way down to less than $105). I also, snagged a couple sweaters (this one and this one). There are also some sales that are extending the rest of the week (CYBER WEEK)! I personally adore these heels and this active wear set- which are currently and additional 30% off. Ok, so that crazy crazy day of amazing sales is here. but quite frankly some started early and just keep getting better. I added a couple items to my cart and finally purchased a couple that I knew I could not live without- or bare passing on the savings. So I personally love to snag some great pieces for him here. I love how their pieces are great quality and great colors. I love shopping this sale to stock up on sweaters, and some basic jeans. I also love there selection of sequin and metallic pieces that are perfect for New Years Eve outfits! Ok so this is a one stop shop for Christmas gifts! I love that almost everything is on sale and tons of items are so insanely inexpensive- like this cute mug and blanket and pillow combo (these would make great gifts). Lots of my favorite shoes are now on sale and it's the perfect time to stock up on boots, flats, or fun holiday shoes. also shoes make thee BEST gifts! Am I right? ! I have been waiting for this sale all year, I honestly was ready to purchase a classic style; but suddenly I feel in love with his one (could not pass on this! )I love there jewelry selection, and there are tons of styles that are perfect for the holidays, or classic pieces that will help build a perfect everyday set of baubles. This is also a great place to get gifts! Today I am continuing the gift guide series. AND next on the list is mom. So, I've rounded up some of my favorite picks for mom and why some are just easier to get than others. I don't know about you but when I have to guess my Moms size. That's why I like gifts for mom that are one-size fits all- no fuzz. This is what I typically like to gift my mom. She never really buys anything for herself and a large handbag purchase is never on her list. So on special occasions I like to surprise her with something extra special. I also lean toward neutral colors in handbags as gifts, because it is fail proof. Also, they match with everything. I particularly love this black bag, which is roomy enough to hold it ALL and the design is simple and timeless. Also, all of these handbags are 30% off (which rarely go on sale). Who doesn't love to cuddle up during the cold Fall and Winter months? Which, is why a nice soft blanket makes such a great gift: guaranteed it is used Christmas day! This is also one of those gifts where you don't have to worry about sizing- easy and done. This is another one of those one-size fits all gifts. Plus, sparkle is always a good idea for any lady in your life. For mom I like the options to customize jewelry that has initials or customs engravings on it. It makes it that much more personal. I like this long initial necklace because initial jewelry doesn't usually come in longer versions. These are great because the sizing is general enough where it ... Assistant: Sure, let me know if you need anything else: is not compromising. Usually pajamas come loose (that's the point in being comfy while you sleep, right! ? ) and even if they are a little big, they will be comfortable. This are an inexpensive gift that goes a long way- they smell great and last for months. Plus, great scents are universally loved. Another one-size fits all gift. They are such a general gift, yet most everyone loves a great comfy scarf. Traditional prints like plaids are great, but a solid colors are more classic. I personally love the tassel trim on this one, which is a fun twist on a simple knit shawl. Like I mentioned in the previous gift guide, beauty sets are great this time a year. From makeup to lotion sets- the value you get with this holiday sets is great! Makeup sets usually come with several colors, so you don't even have to stress on which color your mom will like best. She can choose for self. I personally love this mug because it serves as a holiday card. it clearly says "mom, I love you". They are also a simple gesture that is sure to make her smile every time she makes her coffee. Anyhow, I hope these suggestions help. I know I get overwhelmed when shopping for others. So if I don't have a game plan- I shut down. Shopping in stores is the worst for me. I hate lines, and so many people stress me out- so this year I really am going to skip it and shop online. AND I plan on doing way before Christmas. so just in case if it arrives in the mail and for some reason I change my mind, I have enough time to figure something else out. I have been praying for colder weather, and we finally got it! The days are finally cold enough to wear layers and I love it! ! It has really been an endless Summer but I've been itching for some holiday vibes. So FINALLY at the end of November it's starting to feel like the Holidays. I've also been wearing this boot and coat combo constantly. they match with everything. I finally dawned on me. Thanksgiving is this Thursday. And that mean Christmas will roll around super quick. So this one is on the top of my list for your bestie because these items are cute and functional. Who doesn't need an extra phone charger and tech gloves that you allow you to use your phone. This item will be in almost all my gift guides because it's fail proof. One side does fit all, and everyone loves a warm scarf that they can snuggle in. Give gifts that sparkle, and keep your eyes looking oh so cute! I also really love this #Bestie Cuff. you and your bestie need this! This is a great time of year to snag some great value sets. I love shopping beauty packs because they are usually come in a variety of colors or scents. I decided to include this because it is just to darn cute. I also love that card holders can replace a wallet when you are carrying a smaller bag and a traditional wallet can be bulky. Ok, so can we talk about how rare it is to actually print photos nowadays? ! I remember when I would anxiously wait for film to be developed to see pictures. However, now phones have taken over and pictures are only posted online. Well this is a cute way to treasure moments- snap a pic and keep if forever. This is also a fail proof gift. I personally love new cups . But for gifts they can also be such a cute way to hold gift cards. So this is a cute way to plan a getaway with your bestie. Gift this with a pre-determined signed note. like a save the date. And everyone needs a planner for the new year. time to fill it up and get excited about new adventures together! ! So what better way to secure a workout partner! I have such a hard time committing to working out. so if you are planning a new years resolution that is work out related, this is a great way to find a work out buddy :)Well that is at least here in SoCal, it still really warm. And, most days it's impossible to dress for Fall because it's back to shorts and sandals. So today I am sharing this long sweater vest, that I have been obsessed with. I love how lightweight it is, and the sleeveless silhouette is perfect to look like your wearing layers but not feeling like you are. It's a creative battle most days to put together an outfit that isn't outright Summery. so this simple vest is a great alternative that can be worn almost over anything and instantly transform any outfit for Fall. I've also rounded up some other vest options. perfect for light layering and to wear through these warm, warm Fall and Winter months. Okay, so I know what your thinking- Lavander for Fall? ! Well yes, a pastel for Fall is just what I have been craving as of late. This pale shade of lavender is such a great way to add color into your Fall closet. I love the shade mixed with neutral accessories- this makes the over all outfit seem warm and casual. For todays first outfit I am wearing a satin two tone bomber jacket (that is actually such a surprise in the quality). It has a nice lining and the two fabrics work so well together- a nice twist on the traditional bomber design. I just love how casual this outfit it is. Its's perfect for everyday errands or for casual weekends. The second outfit is more cozy. This comfy knit screams "get me a hot chocolate" haha. But seriously I just want to snuggle in this one. Plus, it's a great way to transition the off the shoulder trend into sweaters this Fall. Additionally, these items are on major sale, and incredibly affordable. Such good buys and for the price, the quality is quite good. So today's post is little different than the usual: It's a mash up of different ways to update a Fall Favorite- Plaid. I've been dyeing to share this post because most of these items are now on sale and are perfect to transition into Fall and Winter. If you follow on Instagram you may have noticed that I've been constantly wearing plaid. I've been gravitating towards this print so much these past weeks, and I know its going to be at the center of many outfit for the months to come. This print is usually found in on classic button up tops, but I found a couple styles that will update a classic to make it edgier for the season to come. Plaid/ gingham/ check, or however you choose to call it, is a staple in everyones closet. And with the Holidays near by, here are some ideas on how to create fun outfits with subtle details incorporating plaid. I'm so excited to share with you all our wedding Save the Dates from Minted. We opted for these magnets as our Save the Dates because we thought they were cute and that our friends and family could easily put them on their refrigerators. We really wanted our Save The Dates to be light and fun, not too structured and, these were just so perfect. We chose these two photos that really exemplify much of who we are in our relationship. We're very close to each other can often be found cuddled on the couch or in bed. We do everything together. Yet, we love a good time having fun (which we do not get to do often) so, it's important that our Save the Dates spoke to who we are and what we want. With that said we hope our wedding will be filled with love and lots of fun. Minted had so many Save the Date options that it took us over a month to decide. I just love that there are so many choices to suit every couple and their taste. We also got the stamps options just to things super easy and they add a pretty personal touch. Things are moving y'all! Whoo-hoo! ! It's fantastic in snow - drives rings around most other traffic. Gas milage is pretty good for a vehicle of this type. I get exactly 30 mpg on long trips. Acceleration is very good.
User: Complete this text: When André Bazin compared Arne Sucksdorff with Luchino Visconti's film La Terra Trema (1948) it was something of an exaggeration (and perhaps Roberto Rossellini would have been a more apt comparison). But it should be said that Sucksdorff was one of Sweden's great filmmakers, and also a filmmaker of some influence on Brazilian cinema and Cinema Novo. Born in 1917, he first made a ... Assistant: Completed pargraph(s): series of lyrical and suggestive short films shot across Scandinavia during the 1940s and then he expanded, both length-wise and location-wise; making two short films in India and three long features (in Sweden, India and Brazil) that combined narrative storytelling and documentary. He also made one allegorical fiction film in 1961, Pojken i trädet / The Boy in the Tree, shot in Sweden. It... User: Next. Assistant: is Sucksdorff's combination of beauty and symbolism that makes him one of the great visual poets in film history. In his documentaries he was... User: Continue. Assistant: not content with just recording the natural world, instead he used and shaped it according to his ideas or needs. Much depends on trick photography and props, and his films are often... User: More. Assistant: so scripted and directed that it is debatable whether they are documentaries or fiction. But this should not be taken as criticism. Sucksdorff was an artist who, as he put it, was looking for the balance between poetic truth and documentary truth. (Although that is probably true for most documentaries. As time went by his narrative imagery became self-sufficient to the extent that in some films not a single word is spoken. Some of his short films are shot as if they were horror movies, but more typical are his images of hazy sunlight through blades of grass, mist over water and raindrops on asphalt. The 14 short films he made in Scandinavia between 1940 and 1950 can be divided into four groups. By far the best one... User: Continue. Assistant: in the first category is Människor i stad / Rhythm of a City (1947 aka Symphony of a City), a city symphony about Stockholm that won an Academy Award for best short film in 1949, the first time a Swedish film won an Oscar. The three shorts about minorities, two about the Sami people and a rather questionable one (for its latent exoticism) about... User: Continue. Assistant: Roma people, are not among his best work. From the third category two stand out: En sommarsaga (A Summer's Tale) from 1941, about a fox, which can be seen as a precursor... User: More. Assistant: to his first feature-length film Det stora äventyret / The Great Adventure (1953), and Gryning (Dawn) from 1944, his first with no dialogue or voice-over, about a hunter who is unable to... User: Next. Assistant: pull the trigger and lets the deer live. Skuggor över snön (Shadows over the snow) from 1944 is something of a hybrid, part dark tale of death and part light tale of surviving. The two dark, expressionistic shorts are Trut! / Gull! (1944), a tale of some peaceful birds terrorised by a bigger bird which some have interpreted as an allegory about the Nazis,... User: Continue. Assistant: and En kluven värld / A Divided World (1948). The last one is one of Sucksdorff's best, more a film noir, a nightmare by Fritz Lang, than a documentary. It is almost entirely staged and shot with models and fake sets, about a white stoat, a fox and an owl in a cruel tale of survival. Some of the shots are incredible in their use of depth, shadows and mist. It is close to a masterpiece. Then Sucksdorff when to India for two films. The 25-minute-long Indisk by / Indian Village (1951), which is the commissioned one, a conventional documentary about a small village and the digging of a well, and Vinden och floden / The Wind and the River (1953). It is a ten-minute-long impressionistic, wordless, depiction... User: Next. Assistant: of Kashmir, shot with long takes with a moving camera, creating the impression of it floating down the river and quietly observing what goes... User: Next. Assistant: on along its banks. Some, including Sucksdorff himself, thinks this is his best short. At least it shares that honour with Rhythm of a... User: Continue. Assistant: City and A Divided World. These films show Sucksdorff skills as an editor and cinematographer (he usually wrote, shot and edited his own films) and they also show his primary interest in... User: Continue. Assistant: the natural world and animals, with a pantheistic view of that nature. Even if he shows the brutality it can hold, it is still a beautiful and awe-inspiring space. The use of editing, not least the recurring shot/countershots of birds (preferably owls) watching over the world and all its animals (including humans) as if they were judging the behaviour of those they observe, is... User: More. Assistant: often extraordinary. All of these aspects continue in the 85-minutes-long films that would now follow. He had made most of his short films with... User: Continue. Assistant: funding from Svensk Filmindustri (SF), but now SF's boss Carl Anders Dymling... User: Next. Assistant: for some reason was not interested anymore so Sucksdorff turned to Sandrews instead, and they helped fund his first two features The Great Adventure... User: Continue. Assistant: and En djungelsaga / The Flute and the Arrow (1957). The first was shot in Sweden and the second in India, but they are somewhat similar. The great adventure the title refers to is life itself, and it shows a year in the life of a fox, an otter and two young brothers. Initially there is a whole fox family but all but one are killed (there is a POV-shot of the last 30 seconds or so of a dying fox), and there are two otters to begin with but one is also killed. The brothers thus come face to face with both the cruelty of life, and the cruelty of humans. One strong scene is with the baby fox screaming beside its dead mother, killed by a... User: Continue. Assistant: human, and trying to wake her up before he gives up. In another sequence Sucksdorff cuts back and forth between humans in a church during Sunday mass and the two otters playing... User: Next. Assistant: in a river in which a human has laid a trap, which kills one of the otters. (It is not shown, only alluded to. Since the audience knows the trap is there... User: Continue. Assistant: the sequence is rather suspenseful, like some eco-thriller. While the humans are singing a hymn the animals are in mortal danger because of those very humans. Erik Barnouw has suggested that Sucksdorff makes a distinction between the killings by humans and the killings by other animals: "Both men and animals kill, but animals do so for survival. Only men kill for other reasons and camouflage their reasons, always regarding themselves as instruments of morality and justice. " But it is not a simple dichotomy between good animals and bad humans. The one surviving otter becomes best friend with the two brothers, and they spend half of the film together. The surviving fox also comes and play with the otter. And there is also another dark force in the... User: Continue. Assistant: landscape, beside the human hunters. The lynx is like an evil spirit, a disturbance in the force, and a threat to everyone else. But in the end it walks away, leaving the... User: More. Assistant: area, and harmony is restored. The Flute and the Arrow is also focused on children, and their interactions with animals, and around the Indian village there too is a dark force, but here it is not a lynx but a leopard. They have a similar function in the two films, but the leopard plays a larger role than the lynx, and is deadlier. The... User: More. Assistant: Flute and the Arrow, which took three years to make, is set (and shot) in the region Bastar in central India and is about life in a Muria village. Their lives and... User: More. Assistant: rituals, and the coming of age of the boy in the picture below, Chendru. It was Sucksdorff's only film in colour and it is shot in AgaScope, a Swedish version of CinemaScope. It looks spectacular, and has a fine score by Ravi Shankar. It has a stronger, more focused narrative than The Great Adventure and is more about the humans than the animals. It... User: More. Assistant: also pushes the boundaries for how far a documentary might go towards pre-planned staging until it stops being a documentary. Whereas the first half... User: More. Assistant: is more traditionally like an anthropological documentary it then takes a turn towards fiction, albeit inspired by real events. The Great Adventure had been a major success, both financially and with the critics, but The Flute and the Arrow was only a hit with the critics. It was also very expensive. Sucksdorff's next film would be his only work of pure fiction, The Boy... User: Continue. Assistant: in the Tree, which is about a teenage boy who prefers the animal world to the human world but gets mixed up with some... User: Next. Assistant: juvenile delinquents during a few days one summer. It does not stray very far from Sucksdorff's other films, besides the fact that it has regular actors and stars and a jazz score especially written for the film by Quincy Jones. But the film did not do particular well and Sucksdorff would never again make a film in Sweden. Instead he moved to Sardinia, and... User: Next. Assistant: then to Brazil, where he remained for some 20 years. In Brazil he taught at a film school connected with Rio de Janeiro's Museum of Modern Art, and this is where his connection with Cinema Novo appears because some filmmakers associated with that group had Sucksdorff as their teacher. Among them was Antonio Carlos da Fontoura, Joaquim Pedro de Andrade and Eduardo Escorel. The... User: Next. Assistant: latter became a distinguished editor during the 1960s and in the 1970s began directing as well. (Nelson Pereira dos Santos's film Vidas Secas (1963) was edited on Sucksdorff's equipment. Sucksdorff also made a documentary in Rio de Janeiro, his fourth feature-length film Mitt hem är Copacabana / My Home Is Copacabana (1965). It is a very moving, and uncomfortable, film about orphans living on... User: More. Assistant: the streets. The focus is on two of them, Jorginho and Rico, and their efforts to find food, earn some money and just stay alive. The most horrid sequence in the film... User: Continue. Assistant: is when Rico has a bad toothache. First he welcomes the ache. "It makes me forget how hungry I am. But then the pain becomes so unbearable that a friend pulls out the tooth with pliers borrowed from a construction worker, while Rico screams and screams. The film, which might be Sucksdorff's best, did cause some upset since it did not portray Brazil or... User: Next. Assistant: Rio in a flattering light. But it did get made and was shown around the world. It won several awards, although it got a mixed reception at the Cannes film festival. Sucksdorff... User: More. Assistant: had won in Cannes before though. Skuggor över snön won for best documentary short in 1946, as did Rhythm of a City in 1947. An Indian Village won the Prix special de... User: More. Assistant: jury in 1952 and The Great Adventure won Cannes's International prize in 1954, as well as an honorary diploma. It also won the Silver Award in Berlin. He has also won several... User: Continue. Assistant: awards at the Venice film festival and other places. For a period... User: More. Assistant: of some 20 years he was one of the most celebrated of documentary filmmakers, comparable to Robert Flaherty. But still, after My Home is Copacabana he never made a film again. His... User: Next. Assistant: style and some themes instead lived on in the films of Jan Troell and Stefan Jarl. Sucksdorff instead got involved in local environmental issues, especially the struggle to save the Amazon rain... User: Continue. Assistant: forests, and he made a four-part television series for Swedish television which aired in 1972. (It seems most Swedes watched it. For his environmental activism he was awarded a medal by the Brazilian government after the fall of the military dictatorship in the mid-1980s. During the previous years Sucksdorff had not only fought for the protection of the Brazilian wildlife, he also lived in... User: Continue. Assistant: it for several years, in the wetland Pantanal in Mato Grosso. That is also where he made the TV-series, På jordens baksida (On the far side of the world). It is not... User: Continue. Assistant: particularly good or educational, but it does have a certain appeal. The first two parts are mainly about him and his third wife, the Brazilian Maria Graça de Jesus, and their day-to-day life in the wild. The appeal of the episodes comes from the joy that stems from the fact that Sucksdorff has so clearly found his own paradise, living and working among the... User: Next. Assistant: animals, and interacting with them as if they were all one big, happy family. To see him and his wife swim around with an otter (apparently a favourite animal for the Sucksdorff family) or a tapir, or feeding a baby jaguar whose mother was killed by a hunter, is immensely moving and satisfying, as it is a depiction of a man who has found his dream fulfilled. It was in his review of La Terra Trema that Bazin mentioned Sucksdorff. It had "a profoundly original style of image, unequaled anywhere (as far as I know) but in the short films which are being made in Sweden by Arne Sucksdorff. " The review is reprinted both in What is Cinema 2 and André Bazin and Italian Neorealism. The quote... User: More. Assistant: from Barnouw is from the 1993 edition of his book Documentary: A History of the Non-Fiction Film, page 189. Barnouw thinks The Great Adventure is a masterpiece, and is in general appreciative... User: More. Assistant: of Sucksdorff's films. Sucksdorff was also involved in one additional film, a British from 1971 called Mr. Forbush and the Penguins (aka Cry of... User: Continue. Assistant: the Penguins). It seems Sucksdorff was only responsible for the penguins. Alfred Viola and Roy Boulting took care of Mr Forbush. John Hurt played him and Hurt claimed the penguins were "a real pain in the arse. "While Sucksdorff spent decades in Brazil, he did return to Sweden late in life and he died in Stockholm in 2001. But the longest Wikipedia entrance for... User: More. Assistant: him is the one in Portuguese. Contemporaneous with Sucksdorff was another Swedish filmmaker with a particular interest in Brazil: Torgny Anderberg. He might appear in a later post. In Senses of Cinema... User: Continue. Assistant: recently there were several interesting interviews with distinguished film scholars from around... User: More. Assistant: the world and one of them was Dana Polan. Towards the end he spoke about the special relevance of teaching Howard Hawks in the... User: Next. Assistant: age of Trump. This got me thinking about one of the most convoluted aspects of artistic appreciation: to what extent an artist's political beliefs, or private thoughts and behaviour in general, influence... User: Continue. Assistant: our response to their work, and how much it should influence us, if at all. That is a loaded question. When a fellow film... User: Continue. Assistant: blogger and critic wondered on Twitter whether Jean-Luc Godard had ever shown any remorse for his support of Mao Zedong, quite a few people got upset and wondered why the question was... User: Continue. Assistant: even asked, and there were musings about alleged political correctness running amok (incidentally one of the most clichéd and tired reactions in contemporary culture)... User: Next. Assistant: But it was a perfectly legitimate question and there was no judgement of Godard's films stated or implied, yet people got anxious. One might get the sense that some prefer not to think about such matters, as if acknowledging, say, Godard's Maoism, would contaminate them. There are those who demand purity on the part of the artist, and then there are those who believe... User: Continue. Assistant: that whatever an artist does in her own time is her own business and should not be considered at all when discussing the artwork... User: Next. Assistant: But I do not think anybody really hold firm to either approach. There are just too many variables involved. Imagine for example that you have always loved the books or the films... User: Next. Assistant: of a given person, and then you learn that this person was racist in some form, even though there is no trace of this in the artworks. It seems pretty drastic to... User: Continue. Assistant: completely throw away that body of work which you have enjoyed and... User: More. Assistant: which have been such an important part of your life. Yet with some people it sounds as if they would never engage with an artwork before thoroughly vetting the artist. There is something unsettling with these kinds of purity demands, and it almost inevitably leads to defeat because few people are beyond reproach. It is just a question of where you yourself draw the line. And, the further back in history you go the more likely it is that writers and artists will have beliefs that are unpalatable for most people today. This also means that people in the future will find us to have pretty unpalatable beliefs, however conventional they may seem now. At the same time though there comes a point when a person is found... User: More. Assistant: out to be so utterly horrible that it becomes impossible to ignore that part, usually when it comes to actions and deeds, rather than just beliefs. Naipaul, the 2001 winner of the Nobel Prize in literature, whose brutal behaviour towards people around him, not least his wife, was shockingly revealed some years ago. It is almost impossible to shrug off when reading something he... User: Continue. Assistant: has written. Likewise, many people are understandably concerned about the allegations against Woody Allen, even though they are as yet unsubstantiated. There is also... User: More. Assistant: a different, although somewhat rarer attitude, exemplified with Leni Riefenstahl. She is often said to be a really great filmmaker, maybe one of the best, not least by people who are also... User: Next. Assistant: clear about her making Nazi films. But she is not really that good, and it often feels like people get a kick out of... User: Continue. Assistant: saying "Yes, she made Nazi propaganda but she was still a great artist. " as if revelling in their own broad-mindedness. With Riefenstahl it... User: Continue. Assistant: is also the case that her politics are obvious in the films she made. This is also true for Russian cinema of the 1920s (like Dziga Vertov, Vsevolod Pudovkin and Sergei Eisenstein)... User: More. Assistant: where most films were more or less propaganda for the Stalin regime... User: Next. Assistant: There is a double standard here because the politics and the mass killings during Stalin's reign were as awful and indefensible as those of Hitler, yet Stalinist propaganda is not treated the same way, and can often be found, and celebrated, without the kind of critical contextualisation that usually follows Riefenstahl's films, or Griffith's The Birth of a Nation (1915). Such contextualisation is always... User: Continue. Assistant: useful. Consider the 1930s, when antisemitism was widespread and depressingly common, and across the political spectrum from the far left through the middle to... User: Continue. Assistant: the far right. It is highly likely that some, perhaps even a majority, of the filmmakers we know from that time also were antisemitic, in the mainstream fashion of the day, in Sweden, France, the U. and elsewhere as well. Jean Renoir is sometimes mentioned for example, and Preston Sturges and Hawks too. (Whether they actually were antisemitic, even by the standards of the time, remains unclear, and books about them still grapple with it. If the antisemitism is visible in the films it should be a concern but if it is not, and if it is not even clear as to whether the people behind it were guilty of it, then we should be able to enjoy and appreciate the films in their own rights. I've tried... User: Next. Assistant: to avoid this in the Hawks course because I don't want to make it just about relevance, but there are many things in Hawks... User: Next. Assistant: ## For instance, his fascination for masculinity. He has a libertarian side. His biographers guessed that he was probably Republican, he was certainly anti-New Deal. I don't want to make out as if he leads up to Trump. You don't want to falsely make things relevant. But you want to make the connections. America has a history which is now a shameful history, and... User: More. Assistant: it's going to be worth unpacking how we got there. And movies are part of how we got there. There are a lot of... User: More. Assistant: confusing statements here. Many filmmakers can be said to have a "fascination for masculinity", but what does it actually mean and what has it... User: Next. Assistant: got to do with Trump? In Hawks's films there are frequent gags to undermine that masculinity, which is not something you would associate with Trump. What does it mean to have a libertarian side? To the extent that libertarianism is about personal freedom I certainly have a libertarian side, but that puts me in opposition to Trump who is in favour of corporate freedom,... User: Continue. Assistant: not personal freedom, nor does it mean I would support the Libertarian Party. (Which, by the way, is not associated with Trump. Their presidential candidate of 2016 was the hapless Gary Johnson. It is quite possible that Hawks was a Republican (although he seems to have been apolitical and did perhaps not even vote) but so was Eisenhower and Lincoln, so should they also... User: More. Assistant: be taught as a way of explaining how the U. ended up with Trump? Is there in fact anything, at all, in Hawks's films that could be meaningful for "unpacking how we got there"? Something like Robert Rossen's fine adaptation of All the King's Men (1949) does a good job of showing that there is a long tradition, which has always been shameful, of... User: Next. Assistant: dangerous demagogues in American politics, and there are many other films that are useful for exemplifying that. My major point though is that there is a strong element of guesswork and irrelevant focus on Hawks's personal political beliefs, so you would be teaching that, not the films. And then you might just as well teach anybody. I am much less lenient when it comes... User: More. Assistant: to philosophers who support dictators and brutal regimes or devious causes. Whether it is Heidegger and the Nazis or the long line of French and American philosophers celebrating Stalin and Mao and others, it seems to me to be impossible to disentangle that from their general thinking. Alain Badiou's philosophy does feel like an elaborate effort to mathematically prove that the Chinese Cultural Revolution,... User: Next. Assistant: organised by Mao, in which over a million innocent Chinese were randomly killed was the greatest thing (or event) in human history. Todd McCarthy addresses the issue of Hawks and antisemitism in Howard Hawks: The Grey Fox of Hollywood, in connection with Lauren Bacall, who was Jewish and Hawks's protégé. The evidence is inconclusive. Renoir seems to have been against antisemitism, so the opposite... User: Next. Assistant: of his father, although sometimes a stereotype slips by. As an example of writing on it, Maureen Turim looks at Renoir and antisemitism in her chapter in A Companion to Jean Renoir... User: Continue. Assistant: It seems that Budd Schulberg accused Preston Sturges of being antisemitic, which is interesting as it was also a similar accusation by Schulberg that was behind that recent, disgraceful book The Collaboration - Hollywood's Pact with Hitler. Even the title is disgraceful since there was no collaboration and no pact. But that is another story. This week I have been working on an article... User: More. Assistant: about Richard Quine for another publication so there will be no new writing here today, alas. But I can provide some Quine material. See you in two weeks. (Here is a link to my now published article, in La furia umana. And in print only: Film Comment's May/June issue of 2016 where Glenn Kenny wrote about Strangers When We Meet (1960).
<user>: More words: The Rolsen DVD player RDV-3030 will amaze you with its functionality. The unit supports most of the video formats including - MPEG 4, DivX(MPEG4), DVD, VD, S-Video, it has USB [words 1] CD Ripping function which allows you directly record songs from CDs to USB drives. Moreover it has KARAOKE function with the microphone on the [words 2] panel. The period of Roman history called the Pax Romana started [words 3] the start of the rule of Caesar Augustus. This period of over 200 [words 4] Empire, with many benifits. Some of these include a more stable government, a strong legal [words 5] a general peace. This era was rarely interupted by invasion or war, resulting in a better life for the people. The government of Rome was much better during the Pax Romana. The entire area was split into provences. Each of these areas was run by a governor. These governors were much better than previously, because they were watched carefully by the central Roman government. In [words 6] citizen could appeal to the emperor if their governor was treating [words 7] unfairly. This led to a certain uniformity [words 8] the empire, including nearly all large cities modeling Rome by adding public amenities. There was also a legal system that [words 9] stabilized. Most laws passed applied to all citizens, and all laws stated the penalties for breaking the laws. Farming remained the primary sorce of work in the Roman Empire, but a new type of work was replacing [words 10] old. Tenant farming became popular, replacing the old slave labor. A land owner would give a plot of land [words 11] live there for a set period of years, and giving an amount of the crop to the land owner. Manufacturing [words 12] empire. In cities in Italy and Spain pottery and textiles were [words 13] shops. Glassware was a big industry in Alexandria and other large cities. With the [words 14] being made, there was oppertunity to trade. From many provinces grain, meat, wool, hides, and other materials [words 15] imported. Asia brought silk, linen, jewelry, and furniture [words 16] was more popular with the wealthy. Egypt [words 17] grain, so it was essential for Rome's growing cities. All of this was helped by Rome's position on the Mediteranean. The location allowed easy transport rather [words 18] miles of roads. Our first trip in Romania last fall was with Duncan McDougall and Aline Cautis, two Fulbrighters [words 19] Cluj. Some of our friends are interested in [words 20] in Romania, and this is probably the most interesting area, one that will soon disappear as the area modernizes [words 21] to the cities. Aline is an artist studying traditional Romanian weaving, and [words 22] the area. And Duncan had the car and had been there before. We stayed at Popasul din Deal [words 23] Sugatag. The owner is the county tourism director and [words 24] area. Ask him about the village [words 25] home. It also has an old cemetery with [words 26] early in history. He has bicycles available to ride through the countryside, [words 27] morning. The entire monastery was moved from across the river in the Ukraine [words 28] Communism. It was built from the ground up using traditional woodworking techniques, no nails. I was fascinated with the wood joinery. In a former Communist prison for political dissidents, this is a [words 29] went on during the Communist era. Set up as a typical home during the time of [words 30] display of the fate of the Jews in Sighet county. Weavers: as you exit the cemetery, a [words 31] the street and to the right, the older [words 32] blankets. As you exit the cemetery, go left down the road, where [words 33] right you should see yarns hanging in the garden, or perhaps some blankets [words 34] fence. That's a younger women who [words 35] weaver. The priest's wife is the curator [words 36] ethnographic museum, to the left of the [words 37] (look for the tree with red pots in it). You can stay in the museum overnight if it is available. She also runs a collective of [words 38] area who are maintaining the traditional crafts. In the summer she [words 39] workshop for tourists to learn the traditional weaving techniques. That would be really cool! Discovering (What [words 40] Romania: "You make friends with a gypsy, you make enemies with everyone else. "That's a [words 41] a gypsy in the movie, Chocolate, and [words 42] seems to describe the reactions that I get from Eastern Europeans to my four postings about my experiences with the Roma in Romania. Each time I've received negative comments, each from different sources, all from within Romania. "Gypsy-lover" was the most offensive to me, having grown up in [words 43] South during the Civil Rights movement; it was too [words 44] the offensive phrase for a white civil rights supporter. The others: "You're lucky you don't have to [words 45] next to one," and a comment quoting [words 46] that the Gypsies are dirty and despicable people, not to be trusted. At least, the reactions to my comments [words 47] what Madonna got for her comments on [words 48] Bucharest concert (She also confused her location, 'Hello, Budapest! ' which got her off to a bad start with the crowd). My latest response comment says that [words 49] not about Romania, and it gives the wrong impression about Romania. I have an admittedly [words 50] My project here in Romania is to learn about non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and about Romanian [words 51] problems. Many Romanian NGOs that I meet work with disadvantaged Roma, [words 52] poor. A common reaction I get, even from Romanian NGO staff, is that [words 53] the social problems, only at the folklore [words 54] (but not Gypsy music, how could anyone enjoy that! [words 55] ) or the pretty mountains. And I can appreciate that Romanians want to put "the best foot forward" about their country. They are proud of their country and they have a beautiful land and culture to share with others. And right now, economic prosperity is in short supply, and tensions around "Us/Them" in general is on [words 56] Europe. Romanians need social policies that "raise the tide for all boats," not just the powerful. [words 57] at Greenwich Univeristy, said that the Roma are disliked across Europe, [words 58] they are most prevalent. And having [words 59] Hungary, Turkey, Greece, Czech Republic, Spain, all countries [words 60] significant Romani population, I'd have to agree. One [words 61] time in Romania is that it's not that simple: the issues and tensions with the Roma are complicated and are rooted [words 62] that's much longer than anything we [words 63] America. And I've learned that it's not just [words 64] difficult situation in Bulgaria, Serbia, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxemburg, the Netherlands (follow the links to news reports about the Roma in each country. An example of how complicated the issues are: UNESCO reports that across Europe Roma children lack [words 65] as a threat to their traditional way of life, according to a USAID report. And given the exclusion [words 66] classroom, no wonder they see school [words 67] a threat. The US Embassy recently [words 68] for educational materials for Roma elementary schools. Second example of the complicated issue: My host department of Asistenţă Socială held a conference on the recent forced evictions of a [words 69] blocks from our building that highlighted for [words 70] complicated the issues of social inclusion and property rights are. People have a right to live, and the city has a right to [words 71] being appropriated for private use. Then, according to news reports last week, that [words 72] recently been approved to become an Orthodox educational center teaching, ironically, social work. Part of my job as a Fulbright scholar is intercultural exchange, learning [words 73] about America. We can each learn about the other, as Robert Frost's poem, (Sorry English majors, this is [words 74] from his Scottish dialect) says,We can [words 75] and to solve our own problems based on the other's [words 76] to see and ears to hear. The American experience of civil rights, as tumultuous and disruptive as that period was for us, can be instructive for Romanians who [words 77] example. Martin Luther King's dream, "that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of [words 78] but by the content of their character" is an admirable goal for Romanians, too. Nancy and I had dinner with a prominent Romanian government official who related that, as a child, her grandmother [words 79] make bricks for an addition to her farmhouse. They moved on the property, and for the summer, she played [words 80] by their campfire at night to hear music. [words 81] until sundown, took good care of their children, and treated her and her family with respect. She concluded, "Not all Roma are like [words 82] stereotypes; some are, but others are decent people. " It gave me hope to hear a Romanian leader judging the [words 83] of their character, rather than the color of their skin. Glad to know that you are actually reading [words 84] and care to take the message into consideration. Yet,you still,don"t seem to get the point. In Romania we (Romanians)have [words 85] saying. "stai stramb si judeca drept",which means that if you manage [words 86] straight) angle you might see the right meaning of things. In Romania Gypsies are not judged based on [words 87] skin colour(as happened in USA with the blacks),but rather based on their behavior. I have neighbours and former schoolmates of Gypsy ancestry,and they have no [words 88] ethnicity up front(census included)since they enjoy the respect of [words 89] community. The only difference between them and the other Gypsies is that they understand to live into XXI century and obey the general rules of the society [words 90] in. The others choose to live outside society and refuse to integrate. Nobody is blaming [words 91] American people for not accepting and accommodating the culture and behavior of drug traffickers,street gangs,and those [words 92] outside society,basically as outlaws. why should standards be any different in Romania [words 93] USA? . After eight long years lived in the USA (being aware what I [words 94] be entitled to campaign internationally against the bias and discrimination promoted by the American people through their government against the Hispanics forced by [words 95] a living through drug trafficking and [words 96] ? ? . Reflecting on things actually helps! ! Every Sunday my city has a Farmer's Market downtown. Last [words 97] my daughter and I decided to go. It was [words 98] beautiful morning. There are herbs for your garden. These asparagus (2 [words 99] $5) were really good. I grilled mine outside on the BBQ with a little olive oil and kosher salt. These orchids were only $6 and $7 each. I didn't buy any because I can't seem to keep orchids alive. And lots of California dried fruit. When I was growing up here in this area there were a lot of orchards around each housing development. The ranchers would dry the fruit out in the orchards. Every time I see masses of dried fruit it brings back childhood memories of running through the orchards and the ranchers yelling at us. Those ranchers were so scary that I never wanted to go anywhere near those orchids again! This is funny. I did a Google search to find out more about this Farmer's Market to share with you and I found this website with a lot very interesting facts about Campbell. I never knew that "Campbell is home to a disproportionate number of well-off single people" and "It's notable that men are disproportionately common in Campbell"? Are you kidding me. where are they hiding these rich single men? Maybe I need to quit fixing up my apartment and get out more! HaHa! I have to tell you that after seeing these pics, I am a little homesick. I was born and raised in San Leandro/San Lorenzo CA. I worked in Campbell, San Jose, and Mountain View. I moved to Iowa about 12 years ago and while I do not regret it in the least, when I see pics of wonderful street markets. I get a little homesick. We really don't have those here, in the midwest. Well, at least not in small town Iowa. We are about thirty minutes away from our state farmer's market, and it is one of my favorite places to visit. well most likely they are hanging out in Sports Bars, Exercise clubs or they are just work-a-holics! I can't believe how far ahead of us seasonally you are. I scraped ice on my window this morning! Nothing but wheat growing. And the market was lovely. And about the men idea. You had a better man in your bed on yesterday's post than you can probably find anywhere. Loyal, sweet, cute as a button. and the decency to look a little mollified that he was sittin' on a vintage pillowcase. instead of storing a car part in it! haha. everything looks so wonderful! How blessed you are to have such an abundant Farmer's market nearby! We have an area like that here and it is a daily thing. I volunteer at the local theater which is in the same area. I love to go early and walk thru the market and visit the shops. It is so relaxing and I feel like I've been somewhere. There is a beautiful small historic town about an hour from here. It listed more men than women. Homes are more expensive there but it is a great place to visit. There is so much history there. (Lexington, VA)I wish I lived in California, so much to do and so much to see. We're still waiting spring in Ohio, however it is a little nicer right now in North Carolina, 60 degrees so I'll take it. Love your pictures - they are so clear and "life-like" - my grandpa used to bring us kids sugar can we would "knaw" on it for hours - what memories! ! We will have one here on Saturdays starting pretty soon - of course, it is nothing like yours, but it gets better every year. It looks like a fabulous farmers market. I'm looking forward to ours starting again. Your lilacs are gorgeous - I can almost smell them! I've had fun catching up - as usual everything here is beautiful. You are so lucky to have such a place so close to your home. It's funny that you should mention men in today's post. Your blog is the first one I hit every day, saved to my favorites, with other favorites. ;) Anyway, when I clicked on your blog today, the first thing I saw in my mind was a headline of "Ive met a man. "From your posts, I know that you aren't looking, but appear to be open to possibility. Being open is a very good thing. ;)New Blogger here just visiting around, found your site, and love it! :) The farmers market looks like such fun, and your home is beautiful! Glad you added the ebay link to the card holder! I have been looking for something like that for old postcards and didn't even know they existed! Hope you don't mind that I am adding you to my favorites list, so that I may drop in and see what you have blogged anew! :) RhondaEverything looks so beautiful and delicious! We have a green market at Piedmont Park in Atlanta in the summer months. It is one of my favorite places to go early on a Saturday morning. Well, You could drop me off there and I could stay all day long. Gorgeous looking veggies and the Orchids, My favorite. For that price I would be adding to my collection every week. thank you, JamieHi Cindy! I just love going to the Farmers Market. ours hasn't started up yet, but will be in late May. Your pictures make me want to go right now! (LOL)Hi Cindy! I love going to the farmers market. The produce is always wonderful and tastes better than anything you can get in the grocery store, that's for sure. Beautiful pictures, thanks for showing us your lovely day. Oh my gosh, Cindy, you are making me so homesick for northern California! What a great post about the farmer's market! And I cracked up at your last comment about Campbell having a disproportionate number of single men, and "where were they hiding. " LOL Thanks for the stroll down memory lane! . DonnaOh wow Cindy what an amazing market! All that fresh fruit and veges YUMMO. Id be coming home with handfuls thats for sure. What a great place to be. Just to see all those colors makes it lovely. And it must be even better in fall. I came to visit by way of Joy. It's funny how you can follow a trail that leads to a place full of beautiful pictures and another one's perspective on life. Don't worry about the men. Keep doing what you are doing and you will be happy. If your heart wants to find a great man, he will find you. And he will love what you do with your home. He'd better or he will have all of us to deal with! ~Adrienne~Yummy, we also have Farmer's Markets over here in Australia, we have a mid week one where we live, during the summer months Tony has a stall and sells our goodies, even though you can't eat them. The fresh produce even inspires ME to cook! Lovely photos as always CindyYou're a lovely photographer. I can't believe the farmer's market down there already looks that great. Ours doesn't start until May. I love, love, love the photos. I just got back from being out of town and thought I'd pop over to see what fabulousness you had posted. I saved the cupcake recipe, because even though I'm on a diet I might just sneak them in anyway LOL Your pup is darling :)The farmers market looks fantastic! I used to live in Pebble Beach and my brother lived in San Jose so I know this area. Great place to live, although I'm not too sure about the single men thing either LOL. <bot>: words 1: port and words 2: top of the words 3: in 27 BC at words 4: years was a great time for the Roman words 5: system, increased trade, and words 6: addition to this, any words 7: them words 8: across words 9: was words 10: the words 11: to a tenant farmer that would words 12: also increased all over the words 13: made in many small words 14: large amount of surplus and other items words 15: were words 16: that words 17: was a very large producer of words 18: than taking goods hundreds of words 19: in words 20: what to see words 21: and younger people move words 22: took us to weavers' workshops throughout words 23: in Ocna words 24: is a wealth of information about the words 25: where Prince Charles has a words 26: Celtic crosses, suggesting Celtic migration words 27: which we did one beautiful Sunday words 28: after the fall of words 29: sobering reminder of what words 30: WWII, a very informative words 31: crafts shop across words 32: woman makes her own words 33: it curves to the words 34: hanging over the words 35: is a words 36: of the local words 37: church gate words 38: weavers from around the words 39: hosts a weaving words 40: I Don't Know) about words 41: quote from Johnny Depp who plays words 42: it words 43: the words 44: close to words 45: live words 46: a Byzantine saint who said words 47: were more benign than words 48: Roma discrimination during her words 49: my blog is about Gypsies, words 50: skewed perspective on Romanian life and culture: words 51: social words 52: the poorest of the words 53: I really shouldn't look at words 54: or food or the music words 55: ? words 56: the rise all over Eastern words 57: Acton, Professor Emeritus of Romani Studies words 58: and disliked most where words 59: traveled in Bulgaria, Romania, words 60: with a words 61: thing that I've learned from my words 62: in a history words 63: have in words 64: Romania's problem: the Roma have a words 65: access to education; but many Roma see education words 66: of Romani history, culture, and language from the words 67: as words 68: provided a grant words 69: Roma community in Cluj just four words 70: me how words 71: public property not words 72: property has words 73: about Romania and teaching words 74: translated to American English words 75: each learn to see words 76: experience, if we have eyes words 77: want to learn from our words 78: their skin words 79: a hired a Roma clan to words 80: with the Roma children, sat words 81: She said they were hardworking, worked from dawn words 82: the words 83: Roma on the content words 84: the comments to your posts words 85: a words 86: to look at things from a different(not words 87: their words 88: problem stating their words 89: the words 90: they live words 91: the USA and the words 92: who choose to live words 93: than in the words 94: am talking about)should I words 95: these prejudiced attitudes to earn words 96: whatever other illegal activity? ? ? words 97: weekend words 98: a words 99: for
Instruction: What are the missing spans: August 27th marks the anniversary of the death of Pope Sixtus V, who was Pope of the Catholic Church from April 24, 1585 until his death in 1590. Pope Sixtus V was born Felice Piergentile in Le Grotte (today Grottammare), a comune in the Marche region of Italy. His parents were Piergentile Peretti (nicknamed Peretto, meaning “little pear”) and Mariana da Frontillo, both from the region of Marche. At an early age, Sixtus became a Franciscan friar. He was ordained a priest in 1547 and in 1548 became a magister of the Franciscan order. In 1557 he was appointed Inquisitor of Venice [spans 1] 1566. He was consecrated a bishop in 1567 and made a cardinal by Pope Pius V in 1570, before finally being elected pope on April 24, 1585. He died of malaria five years later on August 27, 1590. Sixtus V is remembered as one of the most important popes of the Counter Reformation. During his reign as pope he revised the Latin Vulgate; reformed the College of Cardinals; founded the Vatican Printing House; renovated the Lateran Palace; built a hospice for the poor; constructed the first aqueduct in Rome since the end of the Roman Empire; opposed Protestantism; supported the Catholic League of France; strengthened the Inquisition; condemned astrology and magic; beatified St. [spans 2] death. Aside from this, Sixtus V has become an important figure among Slavs, who have taken a personal interest in the pope due to his support of the Church of St. Jerome of the Illyrians (today St. Jerome of the Croats) and the College of St. Jerome of the Illyrians (today the Pontifical Croatian College). Sixtus had been the Cardinal Priest of St. Jerome of the Illyrians since 1570, and after he became pope he rebuilt the Church of St. Jerome, which was established as a church for the Dalmatian and Slavic refugees in Rome who had previously fled the Ottoman Turks and as the primary location of the Illyrian College. Not surprisingly, these facts have led Slavic revisionists to forge history once again and claim that Sixtus V was a Slav, and not an Italian as is universally believed. ## Also not surprisingly, Serbian revisionists claim he was a Serb, while Croatian revisionists claim he was a Croat. Unfortunately, this has not prevented certain prideful Slavs from creating their own version of history. The claim that Pope Sixtus V was of Slavic origin is based on the later chronicle of Andrija Zmajevic (1624-1694), a 17th century Slavic writer who worked in the Republic of Venice. Zmajevic – writing several decades after the official papal biography – claimed that Piergentile Peretti, the father of the pope, was born to the Šišić family in the village of [spans 3] Peretti. There is zero historical evidence for any of these claims; the story was entirely unknown prior to the publication of this chronicle, and is the pure fanciful invention of Zmajevic. Later Slavic revisionists, relying on Zmajevic's fables, adopted these same unfounded claims, adding their own twist and details to the story at whim. These and countless other tales are the delusional fantasies of Slavic extremists and revisionists, who are painfully desperate to attach themselves to histories, accomplishments and personages which do not belong to them. Pope Sixtus V is yet another man in the long list of men who have fallen victim to Slavic revisionism, being kidnapped by the Slavs in their falsified rewriting of history. Pelagosa is a small archipelago in the Adriatic Sea, situated between the Italian peninsula and the Dalmatian coast. The archipelago is composed of two islands: Great Pelagosa (Pelagosa Grande) and Little Pelagosa (Pelagosa Piccola). Additionally there are a dozen other minor islets and rocks, including Caiola, Sasso di Tramontana and Sasso d'Ostro. The geological structure of the archipelago is such that it forms a natural continuation of the Tremiti Islands (Isole Tremiti) and the Gargano Peninsula, and therefore is regarded as belonging geographically to Italy, rather than to Croatia. The islands are also closer to Italy than to the Croatian mainland, being only 53 km (33 mi) away from the Gargano Peninsula, and more than twice that distance away from Croatia. Archeological evidence suggests that the islands of Pelagosa were inhabited in prehistoric times, but nothing else is known of its prehistory. Based on archeological findings it is believed that the paleolithic inhabitants were the same as those inhabiting the rest of ancient Italy. According to legend, Diomedes – a veteran of the Trojan War – is said to have landed on Pelagosa and to have been buried there. Ancient Greek pottery has been discovered on Pelagosa, however no tomb belonging to Diomedes has ever been found and the legend is considered unhistorical. The official history of Pelagosa begins with the Romans, who colonized the islands and built a temple. The islands belonged to Rome for several centuries and was home to an early Latin Christian community. However, the islands were uninhabited during the Middle Ages. At an unknown [spans 4] population. In the 13th century a Lusignan noble, exiled from Venice, occupied the island of Great Pelagosa. He and a band of pirates transformed the island into an armed fortress, from which they engaged in acts of piracy and terrorized local fishermen until being defeated by the Venetians. Pelagosa then belonged to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. In 1843 it was repopulated for the first time [spans 5] Naples. However, by the end of the 19th century the population had migrated back to the Italian mainland. In 1875, during the occupation, a lighthouse was erected which still stands today. The question of Pelagosa, and its illegal occupation by Austria, was raised in an Italian parliamentary debate in 1891 but was ignored by the government. Pelagosa was finally recaptured by Italy on July 11, 1915 during the First World War. The Italian military held and defended the island for the full duration of the war. On August 5, 1915 the Italian submarine Nereide was sunk [spans 6] members. The captain, Lieutenant-Commander Carlo del Greco, was later awarded the Gold Medal of Military Valour. In 1920, after the end of the war, Pelagosa [spans 7] occupation. In the 1920's Pelagosa was settled by Italian fishermen from [spans 8] Islands. A meteorological observatory, the church of San Michele, and two other buildings were constructed during this period. The islands initially formed part of the Italian province of Zara, but in 1941 were incorporated into the Italian province of Spalato. In 1947, after the end of the Second World War, Pelagosa was ceded to Communist Yugoslavia, together with the whole of Dalmatia, merely because it administratively formed part of [spans 9] Dalmatia. Thus it was that an entirely Italian archipelago, inhabited exclusively by Italians, located just off the Italian peninsula, and belonging to Italy for over 2,000 years, was arbitrarily torn from Italy and given to Yugoslavia – renamed “Palagruža” and artificially annexed to a Slavic state for the first time in history, despite never having any connection whatsoever to the Slavs, neither ethnically, nor politically, nor geographically, nor historically. In 1991, after the breakup of Yugoslavia, the islands of Pelagosa were occupied by the newly-independent country of Croatia. Today the islands are once again uninhibited, except by temporary visitors, and remains part of the Republic [spans 10] Croatia. Vinko Pribojević (Vincentius Priboevius; Vincenzo Pribevo) was a 16th century Slavic monk and pseudo-historian. He is often credited as the first ideologue of pan-slavism and a precursor of the Illyrian movement, although these movements did not officially emerge [spans 11] century. He was born on the Dalmatian island of Lesina, in the Republic of Venice, in the 15th century. His existence is documented for the first time in 1511 in the Dominican convent of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, where he lived and studied as a monk. His name was recorded as Vincentius Dalmata (the name Vinko Pribojević is a recent slavicization of his Latin name). In 1525 he traveled to Venice where he delivered a speech known as De origine successibusque Slavorum (On the Origin and Glory of the Slavs). In this speech he made many outrageous claims regarding the Slavs—none of which have any support in the academic world today, but [spans 12] revisionists. He later entered a Dominican convent in Ancona, Italy. He died sometime after 1555. Pribojević was a minor and relatively unimportant figure for many centuries, and likely would have remained forgotten and unknown today if his works and ideas had not been revived by Slavic nationalists in the 19th century, and embraced especially by the Yugoslavs in the 20th century. Among his claims were that the ancient Macedonians, Mysians, Illyrians, Thracians, Dacians, Dardanians, Vandals, Goths, Gepids, Sarmatians, Dalmatians and Istrians were all Slavs. He further claimed that men such as Alexander the Great, Aristotle, Diocletian and St. Jerome were all Slavs. In addition to these claims, he also attempted to argue that the lands of northeastern Italy are culturally and linguistically separated from the rest of Italy, and in fact belong to Slavdom, claiming that “those who live beyond Istria, as do the inhabitants of Trieste and Gorizia, converse only in the Slavic tongue.” These assertions were astonishingly false. The city of Trieste had been a Latin-speaking city since its foundation more than a century before [spans 13] today. The local dialect spoken in Trieste until the 19th century was Tergestino, [spans 14] Friulian. This dialect went extinct in the 19th century and was replaced with Triestino, a Venetian-Italian dialect. Today the predominant language is standard Italian. The language of Trieste was never Slavic at any point in history. The Gorizian dialect, called Goriziano, is a Venetian-Italian dialect, and was established in Gorizia in the early 1500's. It was spoken both in the city of Gorizia and in the surrounding Gorizian hinterland during Pribojević's own lifetime. Prior to the development of Goriziano, Friulian dialects (derived from vulgar Latin) were spread over almost the entire Gorizia region, and were spoken also in the city of Gorizia. Also spoken in the region of Gorizia, in an area known as Bisiacaria, was a local dialect known as Bisiacco, an autochthonous variant of Venetian-Italian. Spoken in Grado was another autochthonous Venetian-Italian dialect called Gradese. The native languages of Gorizia, therefore, had always been Latin-derived Romance dialects, namely Friulian and Venetian-Italian. The Slavic tongue is not native to Gorizia, but was first introduced into certain parts of the Gorizian countryside by a minority of Slavic immigrants who only arrived during the Middle Ages. The main centres of the region (Gorizia, Gradisca, Grado, Monfalcone, [spans 15] etc. always maintained a majority Italian population, even into the Austro-Hungarian period, and still remain Italian today. Pribojević then claimed that Istria is “by its location, by its customs and by its language separated from Italy.” Those acquainted with Istria and its history will immediately recognize the falseness of these assertions. The Istrian peninsula, besides being clearly geographically linked to Italy, formed an intricate part of Italy for over a millennium. Furthermore, the native language of Istria, called Istrioto, is a Romance language descended from Latin and closely-related to Italian (even regarded by some linguists as an Italian dialect). This language was famously spoken in all the Istrian cities for centuries, before being gradually replaced with standard Italian. All the cities of Istria continued to be Italian-speaking well into the 20th century. Yet Pribojević pretended that Istria, together with Trieste and [spans 16] world. In 1532 Pribojević published a falsified document entitled Privilegium Alexandri Magni donatum Populis Slauis [spans 17] Venice. This fictional document, purported to have been written in the 4th century BC by the court of Alexander the Great, bestows vast amounts of land to the Slavs as a reward for supposedly being “allies” of Alexander during his military campaigns. Pribojević claimed that the document had been discovered in Constantinople and translated from Ancient Greek. However, this story was a fabricated lie. In reality the text originated in 13th century Poland and resurfaced in 14th century Bohemia. Evidently it later caught the attention of Pribojević, who decided to translate and publish the hoax document in Latin as “evidence” of Slavs having a prominent role in classical antiquity and an ancient right to occupy vast swaths of territory in Europe. Vinko Pribojević and his absurd claims would be entirely insignificant to us today, except for the fact that it can be used to demonstrate a point. It demonstrates how far certain Slavic revisionists will go in their attempt to rewrite history; the length they will go to forge myths, lie to themselves and deceive others, in order to steal other peoples history, appropriate a foreign culture and usurp a heritage which does not belong to them, merely to justify their past misdeeds or to gratify their ultra-nationalistic pride. Although many of his claims are rejected even by most Slavs today, nevertheless Pribojević's same spirit of myth, deception and pseudo-historical revisionism continues to live [spans 18] Croatia. Already since 1987 – at this point I was mayor for about two years in Montalto, home of Sixtus V and the immemorial Peretti family, when Marijan Zugaj published the volume “Sisto V tra Oriente ed Occidente” – we became aware of the partisanship and arrogance of certain “historians” who, in order to prove a preconceived thesis, are prepared to commit all sorts of crimes against historical criticism. Zugaj pretended in his book to “prove” the Croatian origin of the Peretti, and therefore of Sixtus V, and claimed that his father Piergentile, called Peretto, was a Croatian immigrant. The attempt, somewhat cunning, was totally demolished, brick by brick, in 1990 by Isidoro Gatti, OFM Conv. with a massive research volume of more than 600 pages, based on thorough investigations and capillaries in the archives of Montalto (where no Croatian “historians” ever went to verify), Venice, the Vatican and the College of St. We thought that would be enough; we were wrong. Zugaj, furious at having been proven wrong, revised his thesis regarding the arrival [spans 19] Montalto. Today we read that a certain Ivan Golub claims to have “found secret documents in the Vatican archives that testify to the Croatian origin of Pope Sixtus V”, and that even his father Peretto was a Croat who immigrated to Piceno, thus reviving the thesis already denied by the same Zugaj. Faced with such stupidity, we no longer desire to be kind and polite. It has been demonstrated incontrovertibly that the documents in the archives of St. Now [spans 20] Fr. Isidoro Gatti (I believe I can speak on his behalf) and myself are ready to have a debate on this matter in a public conference in Rome, at St. Jerome, at the Vatican, or wherever. I repeat we are ready: we challenge them with the classic slap on the cheek. The list of famous people who have distinguished themselves in various fields of human knowledge being passed off as Croats increases. The brigade of great names includes: the explorer Marco Polo (Marko Polo), the architect Giorgio Orsini (Juraj Dalmatinac), the philosopher Francesco Patrizio (Frane/Franjo Petrić, Petrišević or Petrišić – the counterfeiters have not yet agreed on the final version of his name), the scientist Ruggiero Giuseppe Boscovich (Ruđer Bošković), the businessman Andrea Lodovico Adamich (Andrija Ljudevit Adamić) and still many others, including a pontiff: Sixtus V! The remaining men – who we do not mention because we could fill pages –, just like the above listed, have all been shamefully officially croatized. On the other hand, paper is patient. It is sufficient that a person is born on the soil which now belongs to Croatia, or, in some cases, who simply arrived from other shores, and they are passed off as “Croatian”. There is no shame, we are now faced with a brazenness that knows no limits. Even those who fought for Italianity, in some cases, are now grotesquely called “Croats”, especially if the last name is not proper “Tuscan”. Or they use the label “talijanaš”, i. a renegade of the Fatherland who joined another nation. This formula also serves to diminish the contribution of the autochthonous Italian component of these territories. This whimsical reasoning, however, is only applied one way. Nobody, for example, would dare to define as “Austrian” or “German” a nineteenth-century man of prominence such as the Bishop of Djakovo, Msgr. Josip Juraj Strossmayer, who is considered one of the fathers of the Croatian nation. The scholars of other countries have other historiographical problems to deal with instead of this stupidity. The Adriatic region, due to its heterogeneous nature, can not be classified “sic et simpliciter” as Croatian: that is unhistorical and has no foundation. The counterfeiters on duty have disrupted the onomastics of family names; the newly-coined Slavic names are a mess made by those who despise and literally plundered a legacy that does not belong to them, by passing it off as their own. Giulio Bajamonti in the meantime has been renamed “Julije” and is presented as a “Croatian” encyclopedist. By what right do they arrogate the power to assign an identity to a person who in the first place was a native of Spalato of Italian culture? In the second half of the nineteenth century another great man of the Diocletian city, the mayor Antonio Bajamonti, speaking at the Diet of Zara against the attacks of those who set out to decapitate the Dalmatian Autonomist Party, said: “We'll be Slavs tomorrow too, but never Croats.”By this we mean that it makes no sense to attribute a priori the identity of people of the past. They belong to a dimension that is not ours and, consequently, to grasp it, we must immerse ourselves in the context of a given historical age. Otherwise we would have to speak of the historical “Turk” Herodotus and the “Russian” philosopher Immanuel Kant because they were born, respectively, in Halicarnassus (now in Turkey) and Königsberg, [spans 21] Federation). Only a few years ago in Nafpaktos (Lepanto) they held a ceremony and a plaque was posted – in Croatian, Greek and English, but not Italian – in honor of those who, under their breath, some identify as a “Croatian victory” and in memory of dead Croats. The issue had been proposed and addressed already a few decades before, even in academia, on the 400th anniversary of the 1571 naval battle in the waters of the Gulf of Patras. The imposing military deployment of the Holy League was comprised of soldiers, sailors and rowers. That there were also some Croats among them is undeniable; the Republic of Venice had recruited thousands of men from every corner of its possessions. But to speak, however, of “Croatian galleys” captained by Croats – with mangled slavicized names, of course – is simply absurd. The homage was to the thousands of Istrians, Dalmatians and Bocchesians involved and/or killed. [spans 22] regions. They do not exist apparently. Now there is much talk about the supposed Croatian origin of Pope Sixtus V, born Felice Peretti. Scholars [spans 23] thesis. Despite this, there are still certain environments, sometimes religious, as with the Institute of St. Jerome of the Illyrians, and sometimes cultural, as with the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, who refuse to give it up. They always announce breakthroughs and flaunt the existence of documents, which, of course, have never been presented nor published. The last strange discovery was another load of nonsense: that of the alleged “Slovenian” origin of Santorio Santorio, dubbed “Svetina” by certain men who pen imaginitive tales attempting to pass him off as a Slav. But failing [spans 24] statements. Now in the “Croatian Pantheon” they wish to add a Pope. We await the next boastful farce. After the would-be theft of Pope Sixtus V by the Croats, clumsily attempted by a “researcher” in Zagreb who believes that the Peretti coat of arms secretly alludes to a supposed Illyrian origin, now Blessed Agostino Casotti, a native of Traù, very dear to Lucera – whose diocese he governed for one year between 1322 and 1323 and which in recent months has taken part in the process of canonization –, is being claimed to have Croatian nationality. “We are forming” – according to a statement issued by elements of the Curia – “the diocesan organizations that need to assess the so-called reputation of holiness of the Blessed, to ascertain whether in the course of many years, the veneration of the Christian people has remained unaltered. Additionally, there will also be a great work of raising awareness, so that through his intercession a miracle may arrive, which alone is needed to satisfy the investigations and gain recognition of his canonization by the Congregation of Saints. This means that in order to get the miracle, one must ask through the intercession of the Blessed.”And of course “Croatia is bustling with activity in this direction, and is also taking advantage of the numerous contacts made in recent years between the two Dioceses, especially at the initiative of the incumbent Bishop Mons. Francesco Zerrillo and now the confrere in service Mons. Domenico Cornacchia.”The new Croatian ID card of the future Saint will of course bear the name of “Augustin Kažotić”, and his place of birth will be listed as “Trogir” (which today falls under the sovereignty of Croatia). It is the finest example of misappropriation of a historical figure who lived in a time and in a place which did not have anything to do with Croatia. Just to remind the readers, the Dalmatian city of Traù, one of the most splendid examples of a [spans 25] Byzantium. From the 11th century it was variously dependent on Venice and Hungary. But [spans 26] lords. After a brief period of dependence on the crown of Hungary, in 1420 Traù returned to Venice and remained there for nearly four centuries. “The most faithful testimony of this material and cultural richness” – wrote Lucio Toth in his historical-legal treatise on the Dalmatian cities – “are the citizens Statutes, (. Blessed Agostino Casotti, also known as Augustine of Lucera, was born circa 1260 AD in the Dalmatian city of Traù. He was born into the noble Casotti family, of Venetian origin. At age 15 he entered the Dominican Order at Spalato, where he spent a few years before leaving to study at the University of Paris in 1286. He then returned to [spans 27] convents. He also spent time in Italy attempting to reconcile the rival political factions, and later went to Bosnia to combat the Bogomil heresy. Afterwards he went to Hungary, where he met and befriended Cardinal Niccolò Boccasini—the future Pope Benedict XI. The pope personally consecrated and appointed him Bishop of Zagreb in 1303. As bishop, Blessed Agostino presided over [spans 28] poor. He also attended the ecumenical Council of Vienne in 1311-1312. Blessed Agostino was opposed to the tyranny of King Charles I of Hungary [spans 29] Traù). As a result, in 1318 he was forced into exile by the King. In January 1322, the Dalmatian cities of Sebenico and Traù rebelled against Mladen II and voluntarily joined the Republic of Venice. This angered King Charles, who desired to subject all Dalmatia to the Hungarian crown. After four years of being exiled and unable to return to his see in Zagreb, in 1322 – at the suggestion of King Robert of Naples – Agostino was appointed Bishop of Lucera by Pope John XXII. The city of Lucera, located in Puglia, Italy, had previously been the site of a bloody conflict between Christians and Muslims. After the Muslims were completely expelled from Sicily in the 13th century, the city of Lucera was the only city in Italy where the remaining Muslims were permitted to live. In 1300, a Christian army decimated nearly [spans 30] Lucera. The city was destroyed and the Muslim community thereafter disappeared. It was in this environment that Blessed Agostino was charged with the duty of restoring Christianity in the region. Agostino initiated many public works in Lucera: he created an orphanage for girls; founded a hospital; and reconstructed and expanded the city walls. He also decreed that the city of Lucera should be known by its previous name of Santa Maria della Vittoria (Our Lady of Victory). Within a single year he had transformed the city and Diocese of Lucera. Realizing that death was near, he retired to a Dominican convent in Lucera, where he died in the odor of sanctity on August 3, 1323. After his death, he was venerated by the people of Lucera and his cult quickly spread. In around 1640, Pietro Casotti, one of his descendants, erected an altar in his honour in the Cathedral of Traù. His body rests today in the Basilica cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta in Lucera, Italy. Blessed Agostino was known for performing many miracles. In particular, he is said to have had the gift of healing. During his episcopal consecration in Rome, he cured the rheumatism of Pope Benedict XI when his head was touched by the pain-stricken hands of the pope. He also planted a lime tree in Zagreb which cured [spans 31] people. It is said that the tree was even respected by the Turks when they invaded the city. ## Blessed Agostino was distinguished for his extraordinary doctrinal and theological knowledge. Blessed Agostino Casotti is described by modern Croatian sources as “the first beatified Croat” and as “one of the first Croatian theologians”, and his name has been croatized to “Augustin Kažotić”. This is one of the countless examples of modern Croats deliberately attempting to rewrite history. Unfortunately many ignorant people, misled by this recent deception, have blindly followed this distortion of history and have come to accept the false claim that Agostino Casotti was a Croat. The Casotti family was of Venetian origin; branches of the family existed in Traù, in Padua and also in Tuscany, all bound by their common Venetian roots. To this noble family belonged Blessed Agostino Casotti. This is confirmed by the Yearbook of Italian Nobility (Annuario della nobiltà italiana, 1882), an annual genealogical publication on the noble families [spans 32] Italy. Casotti spent 14 years in Zagreb as a bishop, however his tenure in Zagreb is not the reason he is claimed by the Croats. The reason he is claimed to be Croatian is because he was born in Dalmatia, a region which today is part of Croatia, but which previously was Venetian and underwent profound ethnic and political changes in the 19th and 20th centuries, culminating in the ethnic cleansing of the native Italian population by the Yugoslav Communists at the end of the Second World War. This was followed by a largely successful propaganda campaign designed to erase the Italian history of the region and replace it with a rewritten slavicized version of history intended to justify Yugoslav expansionism, pretending that the region, it culture and its historical figures were all Slavic. However, Agostino Casotti was neither [spans 33] Slav. He was a native of Traù, a Latin city in Dalmatia, born into a [spans 34] descent. To pretend that Casotti was a Croat, simply because he was born in a city which today belongs to Croatia, would be akin to calling Immanuel Kant (a native of Königsberg, Prussia) a “Russian” simply because the city in which he was born has been cleansed of its German-speaking population, renamed Kaliningrad and annexed to Russia. The city of Traù, like the other cities of Istria and Dalmatia, was a Latin city of Romance language and Italian culture, and remained so until the 20th century. To call Blessed Agostino Casotti a “Croat” is an act of perverse revisionism. It constitutes a crime against history, a crime against the memory [spans 35]. Output: spans 1: and named Vicar General of the Franciscans in spans 2: Simon of Trent; and declared abortion to be an excommunicable crime punishable by spans 3: Kruševice near Bijela (San Pietro de Albis) in modern-day Montenegro; he supposedly fled to Italy during the Ottoman invasion of the Balkans and then changed his name to spans 4: date Pelagosa became part of the Republic of Venice, but the islands did not maintain any permanent spans 5: since the Roman period, and was settled by fishermen from the island of Ischia near spans 6: by the Austrians near Pelagosa, killing all crew spans 7: was reincorporated into Italy, officially ending the Austro-Hungarian spans 8: the nearby Tremiti spans 9: the Italian provinces of spans 10: of spans 11: until the 19th spans 12: are supported only by a fringe of radical Slavic extremists and ultra-nationalist spans 13: Christ, was a Romance-speaking city in the 15th and 16th centuries (the same in which Pribojević lived), and is still Romance-speaking spans 14: a Ladin dialect related to spans 15: Aquileia, spans 16: Gorizia, somehow belonged to the Slavic spans 17: (The Donation of Alexander the Great to the Slavs) as an appendix to his 1525 speech in spans 18: on amongst certain radicals of the ex-Yugoslavia, particularly in modern Slovenia and spans 19: of Peretto (father of Felice/Sixtus V) in Marche from the Croatian coast; he admitted he was wrong, but raised the theory of Croatian origin again with a pamphlet entitled “Antenati di Sisto V a Montalto non documentate oltre quattro generazioni” (Rome, 1999), that is, he already admits that for at least four generations the Perettti were in spans 20: Golub has found what? Other forgeries designed to prove the unprovable? He does not even cite them, but only announces them! We are prepared to do something serious: both spans 21: former East Prussia (now Kaliningrad, a city of the Russian spans 22: According to nationalistic logic, these men were all "Croats”, without distinction; not even a mention of the participation of the Italians of those same spans 23: who have worked seriously on archival sources have long demonstrated the inconsistency of this spans 24: in their clumsy operation, without a shred of evidence, they cunningly escape or hide behind generic and pathetic spans 25: Renaissance city, distinctly Venetian and Italian in its sumptuous architecture, was founded by the Greeks in the fourth century BC with the name of Tragurion; it later became Roman, and from the sixth century onward was part of spans 26: in 1322 (right when the Blessed Casotti was assigned to the Diocese of Lucera) the city aligned itself with Venice in order to prevent falling into the hands of Croatian feudal spans 27: his native Dalmatia where he founded several Dominican spans 28: several disciplinary synods; founded a Dominican priory, a library and a cathedral school; and cared for the spans 29: and the Croatian feudal lord Mladen II (a vassal of Hungary who terrorized Agostino's native city of spans 30: the entire Muslim population of spans 31: many spans 32: of spans 33: a Croat nor a spans 34: family of Venetian spans 35: of those who were murdered and expelled from these lands by the Yugoslavs, and a crime against the native Latin people who created that rich cultural heritage of Istria and Dalmatia which the Slavs today have misappropriated for themselves
<prompter> More of this please: Dialogue of cultures is a concept that is hopelessly general and varies hugely across systems. This observation might suggest that no necessary linkages, positive or negative, can be drawn between cultures and a dialogue that promotes a peaceful and democratic world. But it is worth exploring the relationship between culture and dialogue, not least because so many assertions, both favorable and critical, abound in the public discourse about dialogue of cultures. So there is a merit in shedding a new light on this subject. It is probably a sign of the times that the issue of dialogue of cultures is raised again among politicians, academics and social actors. It goes without saying that all over the world globalization is bringing fundamental changes. The pace, at which established cultures are changing as a result of the mixing of peoples and ideas, and flows of goods and services, means that it is not always possible to identify what has remained unchanged in different cultures where these transformations have taken place. As such, the only way for cultures to creatively construct a common future is to have a dialogue together instead of retreating in an exclusive identity paradigm or abandoning their cultural heritage in the face of a uniformizing political and economic globalization. For this to be possible, two conditions must be present in every culture: first a readiness to seek in the dialogue with other cultures, and, second, general agreement on the aim of constructing a "common shared values" beyond the legitimate diversity of the cultures. That is to say, different cultures can see the world in very different ways while sharing norms that are universal. Cultures with shared common values naturally look to the universal, and hence mutuality and solidarity, while the process of dialogue among them thrives on diversity, and hence encourages difference. Dialogue of cultures is a philosophical and hence an urgent political task for our world. In the beginning is dialogue. This is one of the great mysteries of human existence. There is no search for meaning in the face of life's finitude, fragility and finality without the process of dialogue. Human life is not just a random act of living in the present, but also that of speaking and interacting with others. As such, dialogue has a projective dimension in the lives of human beings in a society. There can be no dialogue on culture without a culture of dialogue. People often think of dialogue as merely an exchange of words. But there is more to a dialogue than a simple human interaction and exchange of messages. It is what Martin Buber describes as the I-thou relationship. This means that one will relate to and experience another person as another person. Parties relate to and experience each other as ends and not means to achieving goals. Dialogue, therefore, implies an ethical meaning, since it allows participants to come to a mutual understanding. There is a hidden sense of openness and respect in dialogue that translates into a moral enterprise. That is to say, dialogue is a reciprocal relation to the ethical as a way of relating to truthfulness. Dialogue is, hence, a hermeneutic act of remaining true to the ethical, while engaging oneself to perceive the spirit of the other in a threefold perspective of mutuality, solidarity and hospitality. Valuing hospitality, mutuality and solidarity could well act as a necessary antidote to the endemic fears that are the result of the misperception, misunderstanding and stereotyping of the other. As ethical categories, solidarity, mutuality and hospitality embody a dialogical function, but also extend the hand of friendship to others as an extension to the spirit which moves within them. As such, any dialogue starts with a spiritual effort of openness in the midst of ethnic diversity and cultural plurality. The protection of diversity cannot be effective unless the threats of ignorance and rejection of the other is ward off. Indeed, perpetuating harmful stereotypes against others has always blocked paths of dialogue in the history of mankind. Stereotypes are engines that drive intolerances. ## They proceed from the inexperience of the world and from underestimating other cultures and civilizations. This matter has been a perennial source of debate from its conception. It touches all the cultures which base their judgment of others on a minimal or limited knowledge of them. Stereotype is created when cultures look at each other without really observing and understanding each other. It is interesting that though people have been discussing about prejudice for centuries, they continue to type and stereotype each other. They continue to perceive others not as different, but as inferior in their capacity of learning, making decisions and governing themselves. The devaluation of the Other has always created a sense of security to nations that remedies the fears brought by domestic violence and chaos. By externalizing an evil to another race, culture or religion, one “purifies” oneself by declaring the Other “impure”. The responsibility of the evil is projected on another culture. The Other, therefore, is perceived as a threat and as a potential enemy, who can be harmful for the communal unity of the nation. As the image of the enemy develops, the Other is progressively dehumanized. All this can progress to the point where the enemy is perceived as literally demonic and as the incarnation of the evil. However, the image of the enemy tends to impoverish a nation's own self-identity in that it is tempted to define itself primarily as the opposite of its enemy. That is, the image encourages monolithic rigidity, lacking in depth and complexity. As such, a universal feature of the enemy image is the necessity of violence against the enemy. By projecting the blame for one's responsibilities on the enemy, one protects its own self-esteem from the errors and injustices that it has made. Therefore, the enemy phenomenon is a powerful excuse for not keeping in with reality. But the image of the enemy is not only very dangerous for the dialogue among cultures but leads also to highly negative consequences for the national life of cultures. Therefore, transcending the image of the enemy inevitably requires rising to a new level of thinking and acting toward the other cultures. Once such a mode of thinking has been created there will be a desire to see everything in a light which will reinforce the dialogue. Dialogue opens the minds and ends resistance to change in cultures. But it also extends the scope of the debate on the idea of “culture” itself. That is to say, there can be no phenomenological process of civilization making without a strong of caring for and sharing with other human beings as citizens of human history. However, the claim that dialogical citizenship rests on the authority of tradition in general denies the possibility of critical self-reflection and its ability to break with the dogmatic elements in every tradition of thought which works against any effort of dialogue. Therefore, even in a closed and dogmatic society where citizens are discriminated and divided, there is still a space of dialogue which could be strengthened in the absence of a culture of dialogue, by giving voice to elements of solidarity and togetherness which underlie civic life of each tradition. As such, what can make this state of interconnectedness authentic and practical, is neither the work of rationality, nor our use of language, but an empathetic perception of togetherness. In other words, feeling of empathy is necessarily a matter of sharing life with others. It is the recognition of the fact that in the context of human life certain others are similar to us as humans though different from us as members of another tradition of thought. We can see from this that, living in a tradition of thought is accompanied automatically with a sense of shared values with other members of the same community but it has also to do with what we might call a universal impulse, in the sense that its orientation toward its own life experience is based on the understanding of other communities as different experiences of the same shared life. This idea of shared life binds members of different communities together in various ways, though this bind is not the result of a recognition that other communities and cultures are or must be like each other. But it goes without saying that our situatedness in a specific culture or tradition is indistinguishable from an effort to subsume one's individual history in a common history of humanity. This common history stands before us as our common destiny and through its presence our shared fate is called forth, put into play, discussed and revised. Through this give and take something comes into being that had not existed before and that exists from this shared destiny. It is coming- into- history of a human destiny that is common to us. We can say, then, that that the discovery of a common fate is a productive result of the dialogical process of cultures and traditions. ## Each culture discovers oneself in the other cultures and other cultures in oneself by seeing at the same something common and something distinct. As such, there a sense of solidarity is created not only because of the consciousness of similarities, but also because of the dissimilarities and differences that exist between human cultures. In fact, dissimilarities potentially bring every culture to an awareness of solidarity with other cultures. This awareness is not only based on knowledge of the Other but also on a reciprocal empathy. Dialogue with the Other is a dialogue with the self. In other words, every culture sees the other culture as an event and an openness. The presence of the other culture is vital for creating new possibilities and so a new horizon of truth is brought forward by the encounter with the other cultures. Therefore, each culture can serve as a corrective to the other cultures. The solidarity that emerges from a dialogue of cultures will always be accompanied with a horizon of a shared life and what we have in common as humans. This general sense of what binds cultures to each other emerges also through an awareness of the particular ways that cultures are bound to each other. It is interesting that this territory of plurality and solidarity can emerge despite ontological and anthropological differences between cultures. Each culture has a specific way of perceiving the world and a particular way of being in time. Not every culture in the world views the concept of time in the same way. Some cultures are wary of time and some ignore the time that passes by. There are cultures (for example: the American culture) which define their way of being in the present and in the future through time. Some (like the Amazon Piraha Tribe) don't have a sense of time in the western sense of the term. They have no past tense, because everything happens in the present. Their culture is a culture of “carpe diem”. It is interesting to see that even when cultures live in the present with no modern conception of time, the collective experience of the immediacy of time could be translated in a form of dialogue. Human beings are narrative animals and all human cultures have a way of giving an account of what they do. Cultures evaluate the world around them even if they do not qualify and classify it in the same way. That is to say, when we think of cultures before thinking of a dialogue among them we need to identify them as worlds of representations and significations which create some degree of internal and external differentiation. As such, each culture represents itself as the “other” of the other cultures. In Tzvetan Todorov's famous words there is a “Nous” (us) and there are “Les Autres” (them). But who are “us”? and who are the so-called “them”? More than often in history, this Manichean binary of “us” and “them” has prevented dialogues and encounters between cultures. This sort of generalization, viewing cultures through the filter of exclusion, equally contributes to the spread of fanaticism with respect to one's past, present and future. The imposition of a ‘monistic' vision on a culture, thematizing a singular, collectiveidentity and destiny is the end of that culture. ## Here resides the key contrast between the monistic standpoint of closed-ended cultures and the pluralist standpoint of open-ended cultures. Unlike a close-ended culture, an open-ended culture does not exclude a priori other cultures with different values or ethical backgrounds. Any culture which is open-ended, inclusive and reciprocal should be viewed as dialogic. I say “should” because by understanding the idea of dialogue too narrowly, we stand to miss the true meaning of a cross- cultural dialogue as minimal norms of mutual respect and solidarity. These norms are themselves situated within the horizon of a specific culture of dialogue which holds together in an equal and fair way different life-experiences. This culture of dialogue is positive in the sense that it always generates the coexistence of different ethical and political views. However, this inclusion and openness is not unconditional. There can be no dialogue without prejudice, fanaticism, dogmatism and exclusion. To use a deconstructive phrase, the condition of possibility of dialogue is its limit or absence of dialogue. In short, the threshold of dialogue is both the outcome of dialogue and posited prior to it. One way or another, dialogue is rooted in and allows open public space deliberations. Therefore, dialogue serves to include cultures and ideas in a space where they were absent. Thus, dialogue ameliorates a lack. It is arguably the most radical form of learning and liberation in thinking. To understand this is to rise beyond the one-dimensional identity which is provided by culture, social class and sex. Conversely, it is to let the idea of another person, but also of another culture expand in us like a living thing. Let me turn here to one of Spain's greatest minds, Jose Ortega Y Gasset, who in his “Commentary on Plato's Banquet” of 1946 writes, “The world is toward us and we are towards the world.” In other worlds, the self, far from being a closed subject, is “par excellence the open being.” Ortega went on to say later in his book Man and People, that “being open to the other, to others, is a permanent and constitutive state of mind.” That is the reason why, in Ortega's view, humanity as such, “does not appear in solitude. (because) Man appears as the reciprocator.” That is to say, human being, in order to find who he is, needs first to ask himself who and what the things around him are. As we can see the dialogical implications of such a view are obvious. The driving force here is the constant search for what Ortega Y Gasset called “an all embracing connection.” It is in this spirit that he defines philosophy as a “general science of love” and a mode of thinking against hatred which “ to the extinction of values.” As he delved deeper in this direction, Ortega was led to an interpretation of life as an intercultural dialogue. Consequently Ortega, in the opening lectures of his university courses, insisted that the students had to begin with the culture in which they found themselves, but that, in the same way as the creators of culture, they should analyze it critically and change it by understanding other cultures. This is why, Ortega defined “culture” as the system of living ideas belonging to each period. “What I call living ideas or the ideas on which we live”, he wrote, “ are those that contain our basic convictions regarding the nature of the world and our fellow human beings, the hierarchy of values for things and actions, which ones are worthy of esteem and which ones are less so.”Intercultural dialogue as the highest form of dialogical thinking thrives on a wealth of perspectives, but it remains alert to the danger of relativism while stressing the difference of values. Dialogue of cultures has operative values such as inclusiveness, mutuality, solidarity and hospitality. They all function in service of a sovereign value which is the principle of “remaining truly ethical to the other”. That human life is violent is part of the dramatic truth of the human condition. But the fact that humans are also capable of going beyond violence and distinguish between good and evil and choose the good is what makes humanity confident of its future. It is true that we know nothing about our future, except that some day each of us will die. Nevertheless, humans can live ethically, and by doing so, future appears to them as a task, a goal and a choice. The ethical choice of ourselves as men and women involved in distinguishing the good from the evil preserves a grain of nonviolent heritage. This can only be accomplished via face-to-face interactions and cross-human conversations. This assumes that every culture is capable of intertwining selfhood and otherhood, by responding to the other culture and transforming oneself anew. Therefore, the idea of an intercultural dialogue takes as its starting point in the recognition of differences and the acceptance of the multiplicity of the world in which we live. These differences of outlooks, opinions, and values exist not only within each community or nation but also between cultures. A dialogical viewpoint seeks to approach these multiple cultures and traditions with a desire to understand and learn from them. ## An effective dialogue of cultures is, therefore, an enriching and fruitful exploration of worldviews which define societies and individuals. As Isaiah Berlin points out clearly, “Life may be seen through many windows, none of them necessarily clear or opaque, less or more distorting than any of the others.” In other words, life is plural by definition, and in a world of interdependent nations and cultures, the ability to engage in a tolerant and nonviolent dialogue is a vital element for communities and individuals. What could be learned from this cross-cultural dialogue is that one has to be profoundly responsive to the sense of belonging that human beings experience in different cultures. ## But who says “response” says also “responsibility”. That is to say, responsibility is not the attribution of guilt to an agent for his/her acts or failure to act. Responsibility moves the individual to respond to the call of the world and to create a future which would otherwise not happen. We can join here the thoughts of two French philosophers, Levinas and Ricoeur, With the Jewish background in his philosophical thinking, Levinas could not accept the primacy of the ontological subject over the other. ## For him, ontology is the philosophy of injustice because it is an understanding of Being over an understanding of the relationship among persons. ## Levinas points to the distinctly ethical character of dialogue against the existential metaphor of the monadic subject. Indeed a dialogic understanding of subjectivity would seem to offer us a way to rethink the problem of responsibility as a response that the subject owes to the other in an ethical life. Levinas's ethics takes the other as a vital element in the dialogical formation of the self. The subject's irreducible engagement with otherness must be understood as an experience of humanness that takes place in the face-to-face encounter. As Levinas writes, “ with the appearance of the human- and this is my entire philosophy- there is something more important than my life, and that is the life of the other.” For Levinas to live as a human is always already to respond to concrete others. The response that one offers to the other in dialogue is an act of openness and solidarity that condemns all forms of violence. For Paul Ricoeur, the ethical response to the other is also a reaction against violence in society. According to him, responsiveness means not only to be aware of the otherness of the other, but learning to see oneself as another. Seeing ourselves as existing in interdependence with the others imposes the responsibility of acting in accord with that understanding to be empathetic toward all those others on whom we depend. Confirming our mutual interdependence reminds us that it is dangerous to carve up life between national or confessional selves and others. There can be no “them” and “us” in this understanding. As such, it is violence that gives nonviolence its power. If violence is the mainstream of history, therefore as Ricoeur says, nonviolence is a “history which remains to be made.” For Ricoeur, politics becomes a source of violence because it is an arena where man desires power. This is not to say that politics is violent per se. Violence is possible in any political order, but it is not necessary to the existence of politics. Rather it represents a degeneration of politics. Therefore, the problem of politics is to diminish the possibilities of violence by ensuring a social order in which power is not centered in the hands of a political authority. Considered as an instrument of violence, political authority degrades politics into lust for power. In this perverted and degenerated form of politics, common practice of social life through dialogue and debate transforms into a violent confrontation between members of the society. The self is, therefore, no more affirmed as the other and no more esteemed in the social dimension, because it finds itself in a mutually exclusive relation of power. In other words, the individual becomes fully human only within a public sphere where the humanity of the other is recognized. The idea of humanity, thus, is not merely a “formal” objectivity since it is completed in a concrete culture of responsibility. The leap from responsibility to communality reveals the necessary condition of the human situation. This means the more demanding task of providing empathy and compassion and accepting the agency of other cultures and traditions of thought. That is to say, only an open-ended, hospitable and empathetic dialogue which takes otherness (Fremdheit) seriously could be a genuine civilizational encounter. By “civilization” I do not understand progress in science, technology and industry, but a moral enterprise which shows to ... <assistant> Here you go: us the path of being human. Generally speaking, civilization is not merely the freedom to progress and to advance, but also the ability to ensure that what one chooses is the result of an ethical sense of duty and human solidarity. In other words, civilization in order to be an ongoing moral progress has to combine the dynamic and innovative characteristics of the dialogue. This is what will help resolve the dichotomy between the old and the new, tradition and modernity, continuity and change. Therefore, dialogue as a power of communication entailing both ‘speaking' and ‘listening' has the capacity of contributing to the survival and growth of civilizations. So, the idea of a “clash of civilizations” is suspicious of man's capacity to dialogue and a civilization's possibility to evolve as a living organism. Today in a time when mankind is confronted with a grim scenario involving clashes of national self interest, religious fundamentalisms and ethnic and racial prejudices, dialogue of cultures can be a well trusted means of laying the groundwork of a new intercultural community. By promoting a better understanding of the other and by drawing on the best in human cultures, dialogue of cultures could help generate fresh impulses of creativity in human societies. Looking towards to the other is an ongoing process of dialogue and receptive understanding through which we can hope to enunciate a global ethic of behavior for the community of humankind. Thus, the dialogue of cultures must take place in the deconstructionof that which justifies violence. The problem is that the desire of violenceexists in all of us and it is necessary to tame it in order to establish a dialogue of cultures. Tolerance is the basic minimal level required to live together followed by a second level, which is respect for the other, and the discovery of shared horizons of moral action. These objectives cannot be attained by violence and counter-violence. Responding to terrorism with violence is the same as falling into the terrorists' trap. Strengthening the culture of dialogue among cultures proves to be a most important element in combating the calamities of our world in particular terrorism and religious fundamentalism. For, religious and secular fundamentalisms seek to make the diversity between nations the source of conflict, while dialogue among cultures can help make that same diversity the foundation for human solidarity. Diversity is the driving force for a more fulfilling moral, spiritual and intellectual life. Diversity is thus an asset that is indispensable for avoiding cultural entrenchment and preventing conflict among nations. Dialogue among cultures is thus a vital mean for maintaining peace and world unity. It certainly reveals a mutual belief in the unity of values and cultures among people, and refutes claims that there is no such thing as basic principles of human civilization. It goes without saying that human heritage that is composed of interwoven and cumulative layers which find their sources in multiple and different traditions of thought. Therefore, the experience of history confirms that plurality, diversity, and variation have been the rules and the laws of human civilization and the centre of gravity of history making has changed permanently from one culture or religion to another. As such, the influence of the Hindu, Buddhist or Persian cultures has not been less important than that of the Greek, Roman, Islamic or Christian European cultures in the making of the modern world. Therefore, the current European civilization, from an historical perspective, was not solely an outcome of European history alone, but also a complementary addition to Persian, Hindu, Buddhist and finally Arab cultural and civilization heritage running down for thousands of years. This civilizational and historical approach would undoubtedly create an air of tolerance and open-mindedness among all those who struggle for the betterment of East-West relations, in general, and future prospects of Euro- Islamic partnership, in particular. It would be no exaggeration to say that the intercultural dialogue has been a common practice among cultures throughout different historical periods. Islam, for medieval Christian Europe, was not an unknown religious faith. It was the lifeblood of a vibrant culture which flourished on European soil, in Al-Andalus, from the coming of the Arabs to Spain in 711 until their expulsion under Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492. Andalusia, particularly from the Ninth to the Thirteenth centuries, was a beacon of learning, in a Europe languishing, for the most part, in the shadows of cultural and economic-social backwardness. Islamic culture had flourished as well in the teeming metropolises of Baghdad, Damascus, Samarkand, Bukhara, and Cairo, but it was Moorish Spain which most affected Europe. Not only did Muslim Spain gather and preserve the intellectual content of classical Greece and Rome, but it also made a vital contribution of its own in so many fields of human history and world civilization in domains such as science, astronomy, mathematics, algebra, medicine, pharmacology, optics, agriculture, architecture, theology and arts. One can surely say that Islam was one of the major causes of Europe's movement from the fanaticism and closeness of its Middle Ages to the openness and brilliance of its Renaissance. As such, Europe should remember that Islam has been part of its cultural and political traditions. Keeping this historical fact in mind is one way to step beyond the clash of intolerances and to point out the failure of the “us” and “them” argumentation. That is to say, differences in cultures are not reasons for clash and conflict; rather, they can be an important means of creating and promoting dialogue. History has always been a matter of listening and learning among cultures. History is ultimately more important than the cultures that made it. But cultures can learn from history by reading what has happened to other cultures, though it is the logic of history to be repeated by one and every culture. Culture in a word has no nature, what it has is history. However, history is not only a gaze on the past, but also an endeavour toward better understanding of the future. In other words, dialogue is always on the side of history, because so long as human beings make history, dialogue among cultures is the only path of choosing and promoting the art of listening to history. Without a dialogue between cultures, history walks in the dark. This raises the whole issue of “having something in common” and that of rereading and rewriting history from the vantage point of dialogue. This is a paradigm shift from a “clash-oriented” reading and making of history to that of a “dialogue-oriented” one. ## As such, a dialogue between cultures necessitates a dialogue within cultures themselves. Therefore, the question is less “Who are the partners in a dialogue among cultures? ” than “Up to what point partners in a dialogue among cultures would accept to talk and work together around issues that often cause debates and divisions? ”. Intercultural dialogue should also be seen as a crucial step in reformulating the idea of “politics” in general. The intercultural dialogue has a great potential to help prevent conflicts on the international, national and local levels by reducing misunderstandings and mistrust, and by laying the foundation for a non-violent management of tensions in the public sphere. It is true that in dialogue relations partners within cultures learn not only tolerance towards diversity but also the search for ethical norms and political values that tame violence in the international arena. Promoting harmony in a global society through the intercultural process means equal partner relations. This is a very difficult condition to be realized economically and politically, but the starting point would be to respect people and their freedom in their cultural environment. Democracy actually means equal dialogue relations. It also means building solidarities across opinions and cultures while developing a sense of global society. Since violence and intolerance begin in the minds of human beings, it is in the minds of human beings that the idea of shared values and human solidarity must be constructed. It is not because of our differencesthat suspicion and mistrust exists between the peoples of the world, but because we are more conscious of our differences, than aware of what makes us part of the human race. This is what happens when difference becomes a license to kill. Cultural differences do exist, they are real, not imagined and they are part of what makes the human race vibrant. This assumes that a dialogical self is capable of intertwining selfhood and otherhood, by responding to the other and transforming oneself anew. This conception is in line with the assumption that both interpersonal and intrapersonal relations are important for dialogicality. The One and the Many are interrelated. They are the inseparable coordinates of one another. So, dialogue of cultures is an open challenge to the monologism and monoculturalism of fundamentalist views, which shelter themselves from the Socratic task of learning through asking questions and “living in truth”. We can paraphrase the famous Socratic saying that “An unexamined life is not worth living” and add in the context of a dialogue of cultures that “An unexamined culture is not worth learning”. After all, it is only through a dialogue of cultures that open-ended questions are discussed and biases and prejudices are suspended. Socrates chose to honor his commitment to truth and morality even though it cost him his life. In the same manner, cultures cannot live a truthful life if they are not ethically committed to an open dialogue with other cultures. In one way or another, we have seen how cultures in history have lived an ego–centered life and how this has been the source of diverse human conflicts. But when we stand back and take a truly global perspective, it is easier to see that the deeper pattern of evolution of cultures and religions through the ages has always been dialogical and not monological. It is as if all history and cultural evolution has been the interplay of cultures which have been in permanent dialogue with each other. Human civilization is, among other things, a dialogical arrangement among different cultures to tame human violence and bring mankind back to life. ## The progress of civilization, therefore, corresponds with the spread of dialogue among cultures and traditions. That is why; human history has always been a race between dialogue and violence. We can consider them as the two permanent paradigms of human history. On the one hand, an ego-centric view that is centering its life and world and culture around its own “reality”, and on the other hand, a dialogical view awakening to the idea that history is a profoundly interrelational, interconnected, interactive way of living and being. Perhaps the deepest lesson that we might learn from the evolution of cultures is that human beings are essentially beings in dialogue. We do not stand alone. The vision of human as an ego–centered, independently existing entity has simply been shown to be unacceptable and disastrous in the evolution of cultures. As all religious and cultural traditions would confirm, to become fully human is not only about improving one's national condition. The heart of Man's struggle, the soul of his vision for a better future is to be able to live with dignity and responsibility on the basis of an intercultural encounter. The intercultural may be relegated to a place of secondary importance because it is difficult to include it into a model for action which uses only quantifiable data. But a process oriented approach can lead us to appreciate and take account of the fact that the intercultural is far from an addition to our global life today. On the contrary, it permeates all aspects of globalism. It contains not only the local perception of the meaning of life and of what simply constitutes a “good life” to a particular culture, but it also develops the potential of sharing views and values and life experiences with other cultures. The intercultural is, therefore, the cultural matrix of a respectful and responsible dialogue among different traditions of thought. As such, there is no life of culture without a lively culture which accepts to enter dialogue with other cultures. A lively culture is both a historical heritage and a project of history making. It gives meaning and direction to human life and to human history beyond its particular horizon. As Carlos Fuentes affirms admirably, “Culture is like a seashell wherein we can hear whom we have been and listen to what we can become”. In other words, the intercultural sheds light into cultures by establishing a dialogue among them. Consequently, cultures cannot be fully cultural because only through dialogue they are completed as such. The purpose of intercultural dialogue is to clarify cultures and to bring them forth to full presence. In the context of such encounter and dialogue “we” the human race can discover our humanity as a whole and hence disclose a new way of transcendence, a new way of being united together at a global scale. As if something magical has happened. It is as if the intercultural dialogue has managed to transport cultures to a different dimension, one where the institutions and citizens of different cultures would be literally soaked in a dialogical global community. The task of intercultural dialogue, therefore, would be to bring forth philosophically, politically, socially, and morally, the common heritage and shared values of humanity in the present. In order to promote and to advance the inter-action, co-existence and mingling between different cultural life experiences and the expansion of public sphere on global level an open and free dialogue among cultures and religious traditions is an indispensable premise. A global dialogue is, however, only possible and necessary with respect to a shared minimum ethos. This ethical awareness is not specific to individual cultures and times. ## It is a universal ethical constant which eliminates the traditional border between religious and non-religious and between traditional and modern. If there is a European identity to be realized, it will be based on shared fundamental values, respect for common heritage and cultural diversity as well as respect for the equal dignity of every individual. Intercultural dialogue has an important role to play in this regard. It allows us to prevent ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural divides. It enables our world to move forward and to deal with its different identities constructively and democratically on the basis of shared universal values. That is to say, intercultural dialogue may help our global world appreciate better diversity while sustaining its normative cohesion. It seeks to provide an ethical framework and a conceptual guide for policy-makers, cultural animators and global actors. However, intercultural dialogue cannot be prescribed by international law. It must retain its character as an open invitation to dialogue. Nevertheless, as an ethical compass, it provides the framework for a culture of tolerance, and notably vis-à-visany form of discrimination or acts of intolerance. The challenge of living together in a global world with global challenges could only be met if we can live together as equals in dignity. The intercultural, therefore, requires the protection of the weak, as well as the right to differ, to create and to innovate. It needs to give a voice to the voiceless cultures of the world and to those who have been silenced by the uniformization of the world. In other words, defining the ethics and epistemology of the intercultural in the face of a hard universalization would mean to understand cultural diversity as the common heritage of humanity. The essential aim here is to go beyond simple respect and tolerance of the other and to reach out for other cultures and seek to know them better. The intercultural imperative is, therefore, a dynamic and not a static phenomenon, where the changing self is observed in regard to the Other. It is not one dialogue, but a series of dialogues incorporating a multiple of diverse and colliding voices. This leads us to what we can call a “dialogic of empathy”, to which each culture in today's world respond in creatively changing oneself and perhaps inventively changing a little of the world by being mixed and entangled with other cultures. However, in order to be able to ground the “dialogic of empathy” in more than a mere fancy of wishful thinking, it must have an ethical quality of a direct realization of the future. This dialogic connection of empathy is the basis for each “I”s notion of itself in relation with Others. This is the dynamic through which each self can become a community of selves or let us say that each culture can become a community of knowledge, in which knowledge necessarily includes Self and Other. Knowledge in a dialogic of empathy would be the opening of a culture to itself as an inner movement of seeking the Other. Each culture is called upon to take part in the world of the Other. As such, the “I” and the “Other” realize through mutual recognition that they are together in dialogue. Dialogue as an ethical distance is a constant reminder of the need of each tradition of mind to pay regard to other traditions of mind. The principle of “dialogic empathy” as an ethics of cross-cultural conversation obligates cultures to act against forms of denial, dissociation and projection which could obscure and cover up the presence of the Other. At this point, I think we should talk about three forms of responsibility which concerns the relation of each “I” culture with the other culture. ## I mean the responsibility to speak, the responsibility to listen, and the responsibility to respond. The ethics of dialogic empathy immanently implies an ethics of the self. It is the power of listening to oneself and to the Other. In learning that the other culture has also a capacity of listening, each culture learns to have a critical view on its own speech. At this level, maybe we should talk about the idea of “maturity, which has been a key concept of modernity. The insistence on thinking for oneself was a dear principle for Kant. According to him, it is the very nature of thinking that requires its public use and an initiating act of resolution and courage if reason is to be developed in individuals and in humanity as a whole. As such, all cultures have a choice. Being mature is being inescapably accountable to the other. In other words, the ethical response to another consists in a self-judgment. As such, our relationship with the other does not produce a mutual confirmation, but rather a harsh assessment of our own shortcomings. The “I” against the “Other” as the “us” against “them” are rendered irrelevant and one's sense of centrality of the world is lost and with it the taken-for-granted meaning of all that this centrality entailed. This is where the concept of maturity links up with that of solidarity. Solidarity does not mean charity, it does not mean intervention and it cannot be reduced to altruism. Rather it is something which grows out of an understanding of common responsibility. As such, more than ever, the destiny of our late modernity lies in the capacity of peoples to have an enlightened view of each other and share their differences and cultures so that, in its infinite diversity, humanity can gather around the values that truly unite it. The dialogic of empathy as an experience of otherness would be the best form of constructive engagement in dialogue among different view of modernity. Today we are living in a very exciting moment in history. Something profound and wonderful is happening, which can be seen only if we stand back and observe the spectrum of cultures and religions that have been evolving over the centuries. If we can do this and enter into an inter-religious and intercultural dialogue, something amazing begins to show itself, a deep pattern that has been centuries in the making. It appears that the different religions and cultural worlds converge in a common horizon of acting and judging ethically. Civilization is a difficult and daunting task. It is an un-ended quest for excellence and exemplarity. It is the thin distance that mankind has placed between itself and barbarianism. That is the reason why, the intercultural dialogue is a deep change in our being. It is not simply standing where we are in our particular worldviews and speaking it out to others and listening to others from afar. It calls for a true ethical challenge and a true responsibility. It means a willingness to revise and transform our global culture in a critical and dialogical way. But it also means that this consciousness of dialogue and this essential task of mutuality and togetherness is an effort of making a global ethics across cultures and religions. As such, today there is no ethics which does not try to be a universal moral principle. For our dialogue emerges principally not only at the level of human beings, but also at the level of our responsibility for the non-humans. Our future is at risk and this risk is directly related to the nature of our responsibility towards the non-human. This understanding of the close relationship between the human and the non-human beyond all process of the inhuman is the true ontological ground for all future culture of dialogue. To learn to think beyond the inhuman, as an absence of dialogue, we not only have to unsettle and shake up our well-entrenched concepts and categories; but also our task is to resist our comfortable familiar ethical and political categories which turn us away from an ethical and spiritual definitions of life and sink us deeper into barbarism. We should not forget that as Diderot said, “From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step.” If we do not want the ultimate tendency of our civilization to be toward barbarism, we need to manage tensions and violence in our world through a nonviolent dialogue of cultures, otherwise we should be prepared to accept barbarism. Dialogue of cultures is humanity caring for dialogue, culture and the future of the globe. If we can really understand this challenge, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the challenge.
<human>: More of this please: ... <assistant>: The completion of this text could be:. <human>: What style of text is the above text? <assistant>: It appears to be a NSFW style.
<|prompter|> More of this please: Joe sez: With almost two hundred guest posts promised, I'm going to be blogging more frequently. I don't have a choice, because if I leave each post up for two or three ... <|assistant|> The completion of this text could be: days, it'll take 3 years to fit everyone in. As a compromise, I'm going to link to the last seven guest posts at the start of each new guest post, so everyone's... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> visibility is maximized. Remind me the day before you want the post to go live by sending all of the above to me a second time. Todd: First I'd like to thank Joe for all he's written on this blog, I mean freakin' every word ever writ here, also for highlighting TessGerritson's War on Alzheimers and, lastly, for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts with you all. I'm the author of the self-published novel CREATURES OF APPETITE, a serial killer thriller about a demented madman and the emotionally fractured federal agents pursuing him. And while I'm at it, I should probably mention that it is now FREE on Amazon for the next five days (June 24-28th). I've loved to read since I was a wee lad... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> While a dedicated fan of many different authors, by far my biggest... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> influences are Stephen King and Thomas Harris. I always wanted to write about the kinds of things that really scare me. This book, published in February and just updated with a new edition last month, was my first stab in that direction. Out of all the scary things I've written, nothing was more personally frightening to me than what I wrote in the three... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> paragraphs following the words “I'd like to talk to you about fear.”Telling you about my book and ask you to read it scares the bejeezus out of me. Seriously, I very nearly canceled this Guest Post. That was not something I'd anticipated when I decided to self-publish. I mean, I write about serial killers, mass murderers, ghosts and Bigfoot, why would just writing about what I've written scare me? I used to get into fistfights in dark alleys in my younger years and yet this gives me so much anxiety that I want to rip my own arm off? WTF? ! Not that I regret self-publishing, oh hell no. It's been one of the most satisfying creative experiences I've had and I'm going to keep on doing it,... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> it's like getting a tattoo, once you start, you can't do just one. You get an idea, write it and, when it's ready, it can be published with a push of a... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> button. Through Amazon, we get to be our own bosses, we choose the covers, we control the content and the copy. It's completely and totally cool. But with the butter comes the bitter . as SP authors, we are in charge of everything. We are the President of the company, the Treasurer and the Sales & Marketing Director. As your own publisher, it's all on you to get the word out there. It's easy for me tell you about the great books written by other writers (and I'd note that while King's book ON WRITING is justly famous for its awesomeness), I can rattle off a long list of books I love by other authors. But it's easy to be a fan when there's no skin in the... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> game. The challenge for me is doing it for my own work . how to accomplish that without sounding like, well, an egotistical dick? Of course the number one thing a writer should do is to focus on writing the best books one can. But we're not just writers any longer, we are now also publishers. It's on us to spread the word on our work. Fear keeps one from finishing the novel you always wanted to write, from sending that manuscript you actually did finish to a publisher, fear keeps you from putting all your creative chips in the pot by publishing a book on Amazon for fear that readers will hate it, that they'll laugh and ridicule you . But fear can also be a powerful... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> motivator. Fear is why I wrote a book, after all, afraid I'd get hit by a car and never even try to realize my dream of being an author, that the stories... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> I had bouncing around in my head would never see the light of day, fear of failure makes me work harder, fear forces me to face my mistakes and fear makes me... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> bust my freaking butt to do the best I can. There's a great free ebook called THE FLINCH, which is all about leaning into the pain, grabbing your fear and holding it tight. Making fear your friend, not your enemy. So I'm doing that with you now. Whereas some folks are afraid of heights, some are scared of zombies and others of lawyers and... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> hip-hop music, me, marketing my own work, that kinda shit scares me... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> Other than facing it, I don't know what the best answer is in terms of cracking that riddle. But I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks on the subject. I'm also a little afraid, too. Maybe it's just me, after all. Meanwhile, I'll end by humbly sharing with you my newest self-published book, THE LIVING AND THE DEAD, a collection of horror stories... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> that I hope you'll enjoy. Joe sez: One of the greatest journeys in life is learning to conquer fear and truly not give a shit. I had 500 rejections and wrote 1,000,000 words before I made a dime. Every time the mailman came I was a wreck, because I knew he was bringing more rejections. But that gave me a terrific opportunity to conquer my fear. After the first hundred rejections, it got easier. After 500, I was immune to the emotional effects of rejection. When I was a child (4 or 5) the nurse sneezed while giving me a booster shot, and she jabbed me with the needle three times in a line, like a sewing machine. Needles freaked me out after that, and did until high... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> school, where I decided I would keep giving blood until I overcame the fear. If you're afraid of promoting, I wrote a long blog post about it called What Works: Promo for... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> Ebooks. Since then, I've changed my mind about ads (I use BookBub and EbookBooster), but my other advice still stands. As writers, we're expected to be our own promotional advocates. But it isn't about what we sell. It's about what we're offering people who like the kind of thing we write. Being brave doesn't mean being unafraid. It means being able to act when... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> you are afraid. Not easy to do, but nothing worthwhile is easy. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I have empirical evidence to back that up in the form of thousands... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> of reviews and critiques by professionals I respects and admire. That doesn't make me an egomaniac. It makes me self-aware. Because once upon a time, I wrote shit (some may say I... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> still do). But one doesn't need to brag about their books in order to sell them. Once just needs to make others aware of them, in a humble, informative way. Here's a... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> blog about how I used to do it, with some modest success. So pick up Todd's books, and if you have any advice on book promotion or overcoming fear of publicity, leave it in the comments. btw, I used to have that same fear of needles, had it terribly, and I signed up for a medical study that required giving blood every half hour for a week. Jude is right, the best advertising for your writing is your writing, but there are a lot of fantastic writers out there that never get noticed, either because they have shitty covers, poor distribution, or just plain old bad luck. I solicited book reviewers to launch my fiction career and I had very good results. Here are some good resources that... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> are free:I got about 7-10 reviews on my books and the sales slowly started to go up. Good luck! I notice createspace will (for a price, of course) get one's book reviewed... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> by Kirkus and another place. I used Kirkus several years ago for a review of one of my books. For the $300+ dollars they... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> charged me, I could have sent out literally at least 100 paperback review copies. I got a positive review (4 stars) but it was not worth it. I would not do it again. Hemingway said, "Courage is grace under pressure. " Meaning that fear cannot only be conquered but done so with style. Sounds like Todd is on his way to doing just that... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> That's the way it's done, Todd. Also, I snagged a copy of CREATURES OF APPETITE. Fantastic cover! And thanks, Christy, for the testimony about... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> Kirkus. it's what I suspected but it's good to hear from someone who's been there. You are not alone Todd. The first time I... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> pushed the button on my book "Star Hunter", I cried, really, really cried. I was sweating like I loaded a boxcar full of pig iron by myself. I have 4 self published books now, and the button mashing gets a little easier. but there is still the fear factor, oh yeah. You should have heard me when someone in Japan bought my book. I could not believe it. I printed it out and sent the report to all my relatives. Especially those who think I'm a little nutsy for having to write. Here is the ad: Star Hunter,Ms. ## Got Rocks,Fabulous and Forty,Bangles and Bright Lights. I will keep writing and so will you. Beat you to the publish button. JackieI've found in the realm of writing, feeling... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> fear is a good sign, as long as you don't let it beat you. Fear means you're taking a risk, revealing a part of yourself you'd rather keep hidden, being honest. All good things, unless you happen to write press releases, advertising, or political speeches. The one thing I sort of miss about the traditional publishing process is that when your work does get accepted, that acceptance carries with it the implication of some sort of approval. When you self-publish, you're on your own. And so for me, self-publishing has been an exercise in agonizing self-doubt. It's made all the worse by the fact that potentially millions of people can read your stuff once you put it up on Kindle-as opposed to the old small magazine model, where... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> chances are only a few thousand copies of the issue with your work would be printed. I've been squirming a bit, recently, worrying that someone I know would pick up a copy... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> of some of my work, see my intimate thoughts, condemn me as some disgusting little monster, and I won't be able defend myself with the excuse that "I didn't publish it, the editor did. She's the one that thinks it's worth publishing. "For those of you still thinking about making a donation to Tess Gerritsen's fundraiser for Alzheimer's research, but don't want to do... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> it online for one reason or another, you can send a check to:congrats Todd, I see your book is currently #6 on the Amazon... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> top 100 thrillers freebie list. With any luck that will translate into some book sales. Great post Todd! You're not the only one and... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> you're much braver than I am. I'm still debating on my post... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> for Joe. I have a new release coming out mid-July under another pen name so I'm hoping to write about my experience on that (otherwise known as procrastination). So kudos to you for facing your fear, but then again, you have a pair and I don't (that's called an excuse). Seriously, you just gave me the courage to actually write my post. Joe, I... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> am "in line" to guest blog,and as you initially requested, I have already sent you a copy of my donation receipt. Do you chose the blog date for me? Or do I send you date suggestions? And when do I need to have my blog post sent to you? Do you need them by a certain date? Can I wait until fall, or winter... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> or even Spring 2014 since there are over 200 hundred of us... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> guest bloggers? I've had some luck with my local newspaper, regional review sites, and genre-specific blogs. You just have to do some research and... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> make some inquiries. You're not going to see any huge sales spikes from those kinds of things, but every little bit of publicity helps... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> But the only validation I need at this point in my life is that people are buying my books - and the money is being put into my account. I'm humbled and awed by it all, thus far I've had 48,000 books downloaded with two and a half days to go in the promo. I never thought I'd hit number one in all genres, it's astounding to me, I was hoping for top ten in thrillers. For the record, I utilized all the great info and tips you've written and shared over the years (I've been reading your blog since you went out your 500 bookstore tour across the country) about promoting your books. I will email you after it's over to give you a full report, but... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> for now, I'm just simply grateful for everything. I also find it very weird promoting my own material. I try to take the "make... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> them aware of it" approach, rather than "tell them it's gonna be a great read" approach. Work the plug into something else they ARE interested in (reading a quest blog post, for instance). First, thank again for sharing your advice and experience. And, I DO download your books and not just the freebies. My way of saying thank you. In think we all picture a scenario in the back of our minds that goes something like this: we bring news of our new book, our baby, to someone. And, instead of an enthusiastic response, the person we brought the information to turns into an eight-foot tall, three-headed, monster who yells at us at the top of their lungs,"How dare you bring crap like this to me! Who do... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> you think you are? "I find it helpful to remind myself that I am not responsible for their reaction. It is my responsibility to make people aware of my work. I would have to say if you AREN'T feeling "fear" when you publish, write something, or promote a book. you haven't put full and focused effort into doing it. because when you face fear... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> you do things you wouldn't normally do and push boundaries you once had. Barry sez: When it comes to Amazon and Hachette and all that, there's just too much partisan posturing posing as journalism to tackle, and most of it Joe and I ignore. But in his latest New York Times blow job to big publishing, anti-Amazon activist David Streitfeld jumps so far over the shark that we had to mock his tendentiousness, which was excessive even by Streitfeldian standards. Joe, what are you drinking? So I'm just having Jack Daniels, straight, in my townhouse, trying to dull my brain enough to deal with what has to be the stupidest, most biased, poorest excuse for journalism I've ever read . and I've got a poster of Bat Boy... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> from the Weekly World News hanging in my basement. We're just teasing... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> Preston, who tries to paint himself as an aw, shucks regular guy but who “summers in this coastal hamlet . set on 300 acres that have been owned by the Preston family... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> for much of the last 100 years.” All of which sounds about as blue collar as it gets! Why would anyone suggest this guy is of and for only the one percent... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> of authors? First, I want to emphasize something we mentioned in yesterday's post on James Patterson's CNN opinion piece. Which is, publishing darlings like Preston and Patterson get easy access to all the establishment media they want. Last month's fawning (and tendentious) Preston interview was by Vauhini Vara in The New Yorker; today it's Streitfeld in the New York Times. And on Sunday, Preston... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> et al will buy a ton of coverage with an $104,000 ad in the New York Times, for which the Streitfeld piece reads like... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> a coordinated warm-up. Joe sez: I'm sure Streitfeld's lips firmly stuck to... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> Preston's ass for this entire article had nothing to do with Authors United dropping $104k on that ad. Because, you know, such a high-minded reporter could never allow a conflict of interest to get in the way of his intrepid search for the facts. But yeah, drop 100k on an ad, and maybe you can expect a little additional coverage to get thrown in... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> at no extra charge. ## Also, establishment figures are just drawn to establishment figures. It's like dogs sniffing each other's butts - they can't help it, it's what they do. It's part of how establishments perpetuate themselves. Why else do “experts” who've been repeatedly, catastrophically wrong continue to get invited onto all the networks to opine about war and peace? NYT: Out here in... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> the woods, at the end of not one but two dirt roads, in a shack equipped with a picture of the Dalai Lama, a... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> high-speed data line and a copy of Thoreau's “Civil Disobedience,” Amazon's dream of dominating the publishing world has run into some trouble. Joe sez: I love how right away, Preston - who as far as I know has never said a single thing that was correct or defensible on this issue - is immediately linked with the Dalai Lama and Thoreau. Because, you know, a rich, reactionary author protecting his self-interest is the modern-day equivalent of a reincarnated spiritual leader who unified Tibet and a transcendental abolitionist. Barry sez: No, I love that opening, too. Of all the things that must be strewn around Preston's coastal hamlet garret, those are the two Streitfeld thoughtfully chose to emphasize. It was beautiful! But where was Preston's copy of The Teachings... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> of Ghandi? Also, note the slick way Streitfeld eases in his opinion that Amazon must be motivated by the desire - no, more than desire, a dream! - of “dominating the publishing... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> world.” Not to make money with lower prices, greater selection, improved efficiencies . It's all about (cue scary music). Aspirations of World Domination! This... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> is another one we wrote about yesterday, and as we said there, it's practically a staple of the Amazon Derangement Syndrome crowd. For people like Streitfeld, that Amazon might, like other companies, be motivated by business reasons and not some cartoonish Dr. Evil imperative of World Domination isn't conceivable. Certainly the possibility is never entertained; Amazon is Evil And Wants To Take Over the World is just a constant, background, unexamined axiom, one of those things Streitfeld simply knows and which therefore require no evidence. NYT: Douglas Preston, who summers in this coastal hamlet, is a best-selling writer — or was, until Amazon decided to discourage readers from buying books from his publisher, Hachette, as a way of pressuring it into giving Amazon a better deal on e-books... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> So he wrote an open letter to his readers asking them to contact Jeff Bezos, Amazon's chief executive, demanding that Amazon stop using writers... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> as hostages in its negotiations. Because we all know that the one thing you should never do, when you're right, is defend your position. But then, when did Henry David Thoreau ever... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> engage in open debate? You know, other than that time he gave those public lectures after being arrested for not paying his poll tax because that money financed slavery. What was the... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> name of his collected speeches? Oh, yeah. <|prompter|> Fill in spans: It's like Thoreau has been reincarnated, and Preston is carrying on his unselfish message of social change. The people's champion, here to serve the needs of the many via tremendous courage and self-sacrifice. I mean, look at all he has to lose by bad-mouthing his own publisher? Hachette could easily retaliate by . He's not bad-mouthing Hachette, even though they've been stalling in negotiations with Amazon since January (way to report, Streitfeld! ) because they currently have no contract with Amazon (glad you mentioned that as well, Streitfeld! ) and want to keep ebook prices high (that's the trifecta of ignoring important facts surrounding this story, Streitfeld! Congrats! ). Joe sez: Of course Doug isn't bad-mouthing Hachette - Hachette is his publisher, and bad-mouthing them would be risky. Barry sez: Yes, Preston knows he can do or say anything, and Amazon won't retaliate. Unlike his forebear Thoreau, he's taking zero risk. NYT: Amazon, unsettled by the actions of a group that used to be among its biggest fans, is responding by attacking Mr. Preston, calling the 58-year-old thriller writer “entitled” and “an opportunist,” while simultaneously trying to woo him and his fellow dissenters into silence. Barry sez: Credit where due: Preston has done a nice job of propagating that “woo him into silence” meme. But what I always wonder is this. Why is it a bad thing that Amazon, which has no direct relationship with Preston, has reached out to him? And why is it a good thing - how can Preston be proud - that he's “not even in contact” with his [spans 1] entitled. Everyone knows that's only readers. And it's not as though Preston worries, in this very article, “What if Amazon says, ‘Why should we sell Doug Preston's books? He's a thorn in our sides. ' Guess what? All this (the coastal hamlet and spacious and splendid house, presumably) goes away.” Because, [spans 2] what. Don't we all? What's entitled about that? Joe sez: And "wooed into silence. " Amazon, in a self-serving display guaranteed to provoke disgust, tried to bribe Preston into shutting up by offering to help the authors Preston said were being harmed. Way to misrepresent, Streitfeld! Amazon reaches out to Preston to work with him and address his concerns, and they are accused of trying to silence him. And Preston stupidly, selfishly, and instantly rejects the proposal, perpetuating the harm that his letter allegedly is trying to stop. Joe sez: Because why let logic, facts, and common sense get in the way of righteous indignation backed by collective narcissism and self-entitlement? NYT: “Jeff Bezos used books as the cutting edge to help sell everything from computer cables to lawn mowers, and what a good idea that was,” (Preston) said. “Now Amazon has turned its back on us. Don't they value us more than that? Don't they feel any loyalty? That's why authors are mad.”Uh . didn't Amazon contact you directly several times? Didn't Amazon propose three solutions for compensating authors during [spans 3] anything. Asked about the writers' rebellion, it issued a statement that put the focus back on Hachette, bringing up the Justice Department's antitrust lawsuit against Hachette and other publishers in 2012: “First, Hachette was willing to break the law to get higher e-book prices, and now [spans 4] end. Amazon has made three separate proposals to take authors out of the middle, all of which Hachette has quickly dismissed.”Joe sez: Streitfeld didn't link to Amazon's statement (why am I not surprised? ), didn't mention Amazon's point about the terribly low royalties Hachette pays its offers, and missed a huge opportunity to question Preston on the collusion suit Hachette was involved in. Don't journalists have some sort [spans 5] here. Is there something like an Anti-Pulitzer we can nominate Streitfeld for? Some equivalent of the Razzie Awards for reporters? Someone needs to send Streitfeld a snorkel, because he's liable to drown in his own BS . unless the shame of his epic failure to act even remotely like a journalist kills him first. Preston pointed out it was Amazon that put the authors in the line of fire in the first place. Russell Grandinetti, Amazon's vice president for e-books, has called Mr. Preston twice in recent weeks, trying to get him to endorse the company's proposals to settle the [spans 6] down. The most recent proposal would have Amazon selling Hachette books again, but with Hachette [spans 7] charity. Joe sez: How hard is this to understand? Douglas Preston doesn't have a contract with Amazon. He has a contract with Hachette. It is Hachette's responsibility to make deals with retailers so Preston's books are widely available. It is not Amazon's responsibility to carry Hachette's books if the two companies can't decide on terms. Yet Amazon is STILL carrying Hachette titles, even though their contract expired back in April. Amazon didn't put any authors in the line of fire. ## Believing otherwise is textbook Stockholm Syndrome. A proposal that weakens Hachette by cutting its profits was [spans 8] authors. Joe sez: Except for those authors who wanted to take the deal. Authors who don't have a coastal hamlet. How many Hachette authors signed Preston's letter? Can someone with more patience than I have check on that? Or couldn't Streitfeld have done so? He's a journalist, right? That thing is kind of his job. Or couldn't he at least have an intern look into it? Wouldn't it be interesting to know how many authors Hachette publishes vs. how many signed that asinine letter? NYT: But he took the opportunity to ask Mr. Grandinetti why Amazon was squeezing the writers in the first place. His response, according to Mr. Preston: “This was the only leverage we had.” Amazon declined to comment. Russ Grandinetti said the only way to compel Hachette to negotiate at all was to remove pre-order buttons and stop discounting and stocking quantities of Hachette titles. Consider that for a moment. Amazon has no current contract with Hachette. Couldn't Amazon have removed all of Hachette's titles? Why didn't Amazon use that as leverage? Amazon is the bad guy here, right? Wouldn't a real bad guy do that? Barry sez: Yeah, I don't know how you can reasonably say that Amazon has been other than remarkably patient, using only the most graduated leverage, and only in response to Hachette's ongoing non-responsiveness even after the expiration of their contract. But then again, I don't have an entitlement attitude. NYT: “It's like talking to a 5-year-old,” Mr. “ ‘She made me hit her! ' No one is making Amazon do anything.”Joe sez: No one is making Amazon do anything, including carrying your titles, Doug. Barry [spans 9] interviews. I know he's very fond of it, so I wish someone would explain to him it's both a nonsequitur and a straw man. Neither Amazon nor anyone else is claiming that someone “made” Amazon do anything. The question is, what is a retailer supposed to do when its contract with a supplier expires . and the supplier refuses to negotiate a new one? We've asked this question of Preston many times and he's never even attempted to answer it. And shockingly, ace journalist Streitfeld doesn't think to ask something similar himself. He just enables the glib “five-year-old” dodge . and continues with the lovefest. NYT: No one is making Mr. Preston do anything, either. He dismisses Amazon's suggestions that he is a “human shield” for Hachette, one of the Big 5 publishers in the United States. He and the other writers say they are acting independently. Most, in any case, are not published by Hachette. Joe sez: See my comment above. If most aren't published by Hachette, could there be some reason more Hachette authors didn't sign that letter? How much digging would it have taken to contact a few [spans 10] Mr. Preston is not sure how he has found himself in charge of a group calling itself Authors United. “I don't like fighting,” he said. When the bullies in seventh grade said they would meet me in the parking lot after school, I made sure I was nowhere near it.”Joe sez: But damn anyone who takes away your hardcover discounts, huh Doug? That's when it's time to make a stand. NYT: “We feel strongly that no bookseller should block the sale of books or otherwise prevent or discourage customers from ordering or receiving the books they want,” the letter states. Barry sez: And as for “preventing,” it's almost like Amazon has the Mystical Power to Stop People from [spans 11] Elsewhere. A power they nefariously wield by directing Amazon customers to other stores! Seriously, that Streitfeld enables all this totally uncritically is just an embarrassment. I want to avert my eyes . but luckily, I'm on my third beer, and that's helping. NYT: Some writers wholeheartedly supported the letter but were afraid to sign, Mr. A few signed it and then backed out, citing the same reason. The Times ad, which cost $104,000, was paid for by a handful of the more successful writers. Barry sez: You almost get the feeling the great, silent majority of authors are behind this thing, don't you? Barry sez: Along with the adoring interviews these guys receive practically on command, they can also afford to buy whatever media attention they want. James Patterson made $94 million in a year. A cup of coffee is more of an outlay for most people than a full-page NYT ad is for Preston's group - a group that's in any event already saturated with fan fic like Streitfeld's. The fight between publishing reactionaries and publishing progressives is far from equal. The good news is that the forces of publishing progress have on their side both numbers and coherence. Over time, I'm confident numbers and coherence will prevail over money and star power. But it'll require commitment, because a defining characteristic of all establishments is that they will never reform without a hell of a fight. NYT: Amazon supporters point to a rival petition on Change. It is a rambling love song to the retailer. Signers sometimes append invective decrying the New York publishers for having the audacity to reject novels. “There is something wrong with a system that picks those who use their elitist ideas of art to choose who is published,” reads a comment. The petition has 7,650 signatures. By comparison, a 2012 Change.org petition calling on Amazon to ban the sale of whale and dolphin meat drew over 200,000 signatures. A letter that gets 909 signatures warrants a NYT headline; one that gets 7650 has no independent significance, but exists only as something “pointed to” by “Amazon supporters.”* A letter that gets 909 letters “spread through the literary [spans 12] . seriously, would even one thing have read differently if it were a straight-up Hachette press release? ). Preston's letter doesn't even allow for comments, which is par for the course among publishing reactionaries; for the other letter, our dispassionate reporter searches among thousands of comments for one he thinks is weak and makes sure to mention it (though is the comment really so weak? If legacy gatekeepers aren't letting one manuscript through for every thousand they reject, why are they called “gatekeepers”? ). A [spans 13] more. Did you catch that? The relevant Streitfeldian comparison isn't between an anti-Amazon letter with 909 signatures and a pro-Amazon letter written in response that [spans 14] meat. Oh, and the best part? All of this is progress for Streitfeld! Seriously, he's actually showing some improvement compared to his last outing. My favorite part about the dolphin thing, BTW, is imagining Streitfeld sifting through scores of Change.org petitions until he found just the right one to try to make the pro-Amazon petition numbers seem unimpressive. Now that's Streitfeldian! Really, it's as though Streitfeld writes a whole article about the massiveness of some guy's four-inch manhood, and then grudgingly, almost as an aside, mentions that, well, okay, there was this guy John Holmes, who was, admittedly, like three times bigger - but then immediately goes on to note that, of course, by comparison to the Washington Monument, which is over 500 feet, Holmes's endowment wasn't really all that. "And the first Streitfeld Award for embarrassingly partisan reporting and a shocking lack of journalistic integrity goes to . Streitfeld! How incredibly Streitfeldian! Who could have predicted this, other than anyone who can read above the second grade level? "I apologize. That last joke was [spans 15] graders. But I am semi-serious about an award for bad journalism. Because there is a journalistic code of ethics. Someone really ought to read this to Streitfeld:The duty of the journalist [spans 16] issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the [spans 17] credibility. Barry and I aren't journalists. We're more like op-ed columnists. But we always try [spans 18] integrity. My blog does not claim "All the news that's fit to print". We don't pass [spans 19] in). And we don't get paid for blogging. Barry sez: Yeah, it's not easy to distinguish between Preston's paid ad and the coverage the Times offers him on top of it. Preston is not one of those writers who checks his Amazon ranking on a regular basis, or even totes up his sales. He would rather be writing. But he recently thought he should get some numbers from Hachette. They came in the other morning, and they seemed worth sharing with his wife, Christine. About half his book sales used to come from Amazon. But since the retailer started discouraging orders, his paperback sales are down 61 percent and his e-book sales are [spans 20] percent. “It's gotten personal,” she said. “I knew you were going to take a hit, but I had no idea it would be like this.”Joe sez: Perhaps, Mrs. Preston, you should have talked some sense into your husband when he immediately rejected [spans 21] bonus. Instead, Preston nobly spoke on behalf of his ten-billion dollar corporate master, Lagardère, whose Kindle sales only make up 1% of their revenue. NYT: “Are you worried? ” Mr. “Because you should be. What if Amazon says, ‘Why should we sell Doug Preston's books? He's a thorn in our sides. ' Guess what? All this goes away.”I keep seeing legacy apologists like Preston and Patterson getting adoring press, spreading misinformation, harming writers, and the petty part of me wants to see them reap what they're sowing. Amazon, however, has been very restrained in the pettiness department. No contract with Hachette, but still selling their titles. Three offers trying to find a way to compensate authors. Two calls to Preston. Repeated attempts to expedite the negotiation process. Meanwhile, Preston [spans 22] dispute. And amplifying those misconceptions are journalists like Streitfeld, trying to paint Preston as some sort of a blameless, heroic figure. Still, the fact is I do feel for Preston, and for all Hachette authors. I don't want to see any of them hurt. I truly understand what it is liked to be at the mercy of an idiotic publisher. And I hope this whole situation is resolved swiftly. But every time Preston, or Patterson, or Turow, or Colbert, flaps his gums in the media, it emboldens Hachette to hold firm to its intent to control ebook pricing and prevent Amazon from discounting. I can imagine Hachette execs back-slapping each other on Sunday, when Preston's $104,000 ad runs, while the majority of Hachette authors wonder why their publisher failed them. They don't have 300 acres to lose. Many of [spans 23] lease. I used to live bi-annual check to bi-annual check. I struggled to make ends meet. And I also feared criticizing my publishers in public, because I needed them to put food on the table. Part of me hates spending so much time exposing the shoddy thinking of people like Preston and the even shoddier journalism of people like Streitfeld. We've got other things to do - like our day jobs. But I'm always struck by how much uncritical and nakedly partisan establishment media attention publishing reactionaries like Preston can garner. If we don't use social media to point out the flaws in the thinking and the incestuousness of the coverage, more people might swallow it all uncritically. Which would help the Prestons and Pattersons succeed in stymying progress. Joe sez: You must be the change you wish to see in the world. At least, that's what it says on the statue of Ghandi I keep at my writing desk. Barry sez: Hah, how Streitfeldian of you! But we also need some totally irrelevant figure to compare things to. Dolphin meat or something. Joe sez: I'll try harder next time. Incompetence like that doesn't always happen on your first attempt. You really have to work at it. Joe sez: Here, and on Passive Voice, writers are making some points Barry and I missed. I believe they're worth [spans 24] threads. Also worth noting is that the law of unintended consequences is in full effect. Since Streitfield's article went live, over 160 more people have signed our petition. Jeff Shelby: [spans 25] Hachette. They came in the other morning. "I laughed so hard at this because I don't think many of us that have published traditionally can relate to a quick turnaround - if any - on a sales numbers request. I genuinely hope [spans 26] Preston. Lawrence De Maria: Mr. Preston pointed out it was Amazon that put authors in the line of fire in the first place. " Since when do sources point out "facts" still in dispute? Tracy Sharp: I think these rich writers are biting the wrong hand. Their publishers will be closing their doors some day, maybe in the not too distant future, and then they'll be kissing Amazon's ass. David Vandagriff: PG flat believes that either Preston or the Times author took the Grandinetti quote out of context. It is far more likely that Grandinetti's response, “This was the only leverage we had,” was describing the fight between Amazon and a financially failing Hachette, not a response to any question about “squeezing the writers.”The Times got the quote from Preston, because Amazon could see a Times hatchet (Hachette? ) job in progress [spans 27] cooperate. This raises the possibility that an advanced case of ADS has boggled Preston's mind completely and he entirely misremembers whatever Grandinetti had to say. <|assistant|> spans 1: own publisher on this matter? Wouldn't he like to find out from his own publisher what this dispute is about (he admits he doesn't even know himself)? Why doesn't Streitfeld think to even ask about any of this? Anyway, I don't know why anyone would call Preston spans 2: absolutely, Douglas Preston has a right to have his wares stocked by all retailers, no matter spans 3: these negotiations with Hachette? NYT: Amazon has been forced by the controversy to shed its longtime practice of refusing to comment on spans 4: they're determined to keep their own authors in the line of fire in order to achieve that same spans 5: of rudimentary rulebook or minimum list of standards they can fall back on to remind them of things that should be obvious? I'm floored by the level incompetence spans 6: dispute, as well as to pipe spans 7: and Amazon giving their proceeds to spans 8: not in the interests of Hachette's spans 9: sez: I've heard Preston say this in probably a half dozen different spans 10: other Hachette authors and ask why they didn't sign? Or how they felt about Amazon's multiple offers to have Amazon and Hachette compensate them for any losses - the offers Hachette and Preston keep dismissing out of hand? NYT: spans 11: Buying Books spans 12: community;” one that gets over 7650 is merely a “rambling love song” (truly rich, from the guy who wrote this blow job of an article spans 13: letter that gets 909 signatures stands alone; one that gets over 7650 must be compared to another letter on a totally unrelated topic that got far spans 14: garnered 7650; it's between the pro-Amazon letter and some unrelated thing Streitfeld managed to dig up about dolphin and whale spans 15: insensitive to second spans 16: is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and spans 17: cornerstone of a journalist's spans 18: to back up our views with data and logic, and we constantly pressure check our spans 19: off our biases as news and file them under Technology (the section the Streitfeld piece ran spans 20: down 62 spans 21: Amazon's offer to monetarily compensate authors? Or when he rejected the second offer, calling it blood money? That 62 percent drop could have been a 300+ percent spans 22: looks at his 300 acres and wonders if his wrongly-perceived altruistic bravery will result in him losing them, while not uttering a peep about his own publisher's actions in this spans 23: them will lose electricity, or their spans 24: adding to the blog post, because some things often get lost in comment spans 25: "But he recently thought he should get some numbers from spans 26: every single Hachette author calls in and asks for their sales figures and that Hachette gets them the info as quickly as they did spans 27: and decided not to <|prompter|> Fill in words: Or perhaps, Preston passed on what Grandinetti should have said instead of what Grandinetti did say, all in the service of supporting the Times narrative. I just did a quick search and it appears that Round Pond, Maine, where Preston “summers” doesn't have a bookstore. The question that comes to mind is if the dog eats Preston's copy [words 1] “Civil Disobedience,” will Preston order a replacement from Amazon or endure having his “writing shack” appear [words 2] for the remainder of the summer? Patricia Sierra: I don't think the wealthy, name-brand authors are doing themselves any favors when they whine in public. A segment of those seeing the whines will think less of them. Meanwhile, back in Preston's world, it's great to see that he still isn't taking sides in the Hachette/Amazon contract negotiations. Nirmala: Amazon has not actually prevented anyone from buying Preston's or any other author's books. And yet where were Preston and his millionaire buddies when Barnes and Noble completely prevented people from buying Simon And Schuster's books a year ago? I do not remember any full page ads then. And where is their outrage when booksellers all across the country refuse to stock Amazon's publishing imprints? Or when booksellers refuse to stock even bestselling titles by self-published authors? Preston's letter states “We feel strongly that no bookseller should block the sale of books or otherwise prevent or discourage customers”, but in truth it is only a concern to them when it is their own books that are being discouraged (again not ever prevented from being sold). Richard Fox: No author should ever play the martyr card just because they oppose something Amazon does. Amazon isn't vindictive towards individuals, but it will cut off bad actor business partners. While we take “vacations,” the wealthy Mr. Preston “summers” in a “shack” in the Maine woods, where he grouses oh-so-loudly about the unfairness of Amazon in depriving his books of “advance purchase buttons.”Gee, Amazon doesn't even offer Moi, a lowly indie author, any advance purchase buttons. But then, I'm not crown royalty. Muffy, please go fetch Mr. Preston a pina colada while he “summers” away, so that he may drown the wretched pain of his cursed existence. Chris Armstrong: Preston is quite mystified by how he came to be in charge of an organization like Author's United. I guess his creating the organization and putting himself in charge wasn't a clue. Claire Chilton: I suspect there are more people in the world who would like to see whales and dolphins survive than there are authors. I mean, I don't have the statistics, but I suspect that there aren't as many writers in the world as there are [words 3] who like dolphins. I have yet to meet a person who wanted to kill all the dolphins, but I've [words 4] aren't writers. ## The Guardian (London) has a good article on this http://www.com/books/2014/aug/08/authors-ad-new-york-times-petition-amazonI'm for the youtube video. It would go viral, and likely reach more people! Wouldn't that piss them off? Haha! I think these rich writers are biting the wrong hand. This reminds me of that goofy guy Joshua Norton who bought up all the rice in San Francisco thinking he could sell it all at a higher price. A short time later a couple shiploads of rice came in and flooded the market. Not long after that he lost his marbles and declared himself Emperor of the United States. Everybody in San Francisco liked the guy so they played along with it. Patterson should declare himself Emperor of Paper Publishing. Interesting to see that most of the NYT-picked comments to that article point out the idiocy behind what Preston and his cronies are spouting. Good to know these people aren't fooling book readers one iota. The Guardian article Ian posted above contains a few column inches of Barry Eisler quotes, which is far and away more of a nod to neutrality than the "Newspaper of Record" has managed in all its coverage of this subject. Since the NYT article, our petition added over 100 signatures. Now at 7787 from Streitfeld's reported 7650. This article pushed me over the edge. I can't believe how disingenuous it is. Where do I sign your petition? It's getting hilariouser and hilariouser, the coverage. If only it didn't hurt some real authors. Thanks for the fabulous fisking! P. Barry, I did just leave my palazzo (rented for 3 days) on (or close to) the Grand Canal in Venice. it [words 5] And paid for by Amazon sales of my bestselling books! [words 6] ago. But I realized I'd rather eat a turd than give [words 7] $100k. If I had $100k to waste, I'd pick a worthy charity. Preston et al could have done a lot of good with that money. I understand camaraderie, and I [words 8] tend to rub many authors the wrong way, but the end result of signing something without thinking about it to hard is ending up being on the wrong end of one of the most biased [words 9] stories ever written. I'd love to see some of those writers remove their names before the ad goes live, or at the least retract their support. So far you've been reacting - fisking the ridiculous crap coming out of BP's mouth and authors in the 1%. Here it is: Joe dresses up like Mark Twain in a white wig and the suit of a country gentleman [words 10] the day. He reads from a slightly edited version [words 11] 'Life on the Mississippi,' except that the references to the monopoly of the river-boat pilots is replaced [words 12] publishing. I think it is interesting that about half of his sales are from Amazon but he has lost more than that in sales since he formed Authors United. I think it might be safento say that he has offended his general readership so much that even the people who are not effected by the Amazon Hachette situation have stopped buying his books. I think it is time for Preston to sit down and figure out who is more important [words 13] his readers. Truly an embarrassment. This is little more than an editorial masquerading as news. The NY Times should really be ashamed. Also it's nice to know that the 7000+ of us who signed the Change.org letter were marginalized because we're [words 14] 200K who wanted Amazon to ban whale meat. ## Brilliant reporting there. [words 15] says readers have a sense of entitlement! " drum, but after reading his comments, my take-away is that Preston was concerned about the possibility of book buyers becoming so accustomed to $0.99 ebooks (a popular price point at the [words 16] they refuse to pay more-in Preston's case, whatever his publisher charges. We can argue about what constitutes a "fair price" for [words 17] but I don't think his concern was unreasonable. The problem was his reference to Wal-Mart, which I'm sure was just as much a button-pusher as his use of the word "entitlement". There's a mentality among many that Wal-Mart is a mecca for "poor white trash", while the more cultured, discriminating shoppers spend their money elsewhere, and I think it was a little too easy to attribute that same kind of snobbery to [words 18] reference to the retailer. I can't speak for Preston, but I seriously doubt that's how he feels. Seemed to me that his only concern was seeing the market shift in such a way that readers are only willing to [words 19] minimum. Again, not unreasonable. Preston has stated publicly that his advances are so huge his sales don't matter (in effect) All those sales he's lost represent a loss to Hachette, not Preston. So why bring it up? Why show it to your wife? Are we to believe he's pining over the failure of poor Hachette [words 20] of their advance money back? No, of course not. Readers are being intentionally misled by both Preston and this sycophant reporter to think that Preston actually stands to lose something in all of this. Even in that context, they neglect to mention the gazillion dollars Preston already has banked from his career. The 300 acres is never going away. They both know that, and yet intentionally deceive the public. Apparently even intentionally deceiving his wife, whose reaction seems to be genuine. God, what loathsome creatures these men have become. Let's face it, newspapers and magazines have felt the sting of Internet displacement, so, of course, they're going to side against Amazon, the poster boy for disruptive technology. These articles are so predictable they've become parodies of themselves. Every day there's a new one, reminding me of the GOP echo machine. I'm sure the talking points are regularly distributed. I say this, by the way, having just come back from my beach house in Hawaii, where I ate a lot of plate lunches and drank strawberry slushes. As a one-time Times Pulitzer-nominated writer embarrased by the [words 21] to a former colleague:I'm planning several letters to the Times (Public Editor, etc. but first I wanted to vent a bit to a former colleague. Streitfeld didn't even make an effort to be fair to Amazon and its thousands of indie authors (of which I admittedly am one). Instead he portrayed Douglas Preston as someone who is a combination of the Dalai Lama and Thoreuu (first paragraph! ) battling cruel Amazon. [words 22] "Mr. " Since when do sources point out "facts" still in dispute? Moreover, Preston (and Streitfeld) are wrong on those "facts". Nowhere does he "point out" that Hachette no longer has a contract with Amazon, which [words 23] for many months. If I were Jeff Bezos and Amazon, I'd tell Hachette to pound sand and find another distributor. Would the Times continue my subscription without my agreement to pay for it? Finally, all one has to know about the integrity of some of the big-name authors lining up [words 24] Patterson is one of them. He accused Amazon of trying to destroy the traditional publishing industry. By his own admission, he doesn't even write his own books. But he doesn't want [words 25] to drift down to the thousands of indie authors Amazon is forcing him to compete with. According to Streitfeld, a $104,000 Times ad "paid for by a handful of the more successful writers" will blast Amazon. I fervently hope that Bezos comes off his own high horse and replies with a dozen counter ads. I suspect that Preston, Patterson and Hachette may soon be hoisted by their own petards. "But he recently thought he should get some numbers from Hachette. "But it would be pretty cool if Amazon issued a statement that the Times article is ludicrous, but instead of wasting $105k on an ad, they donated it to some charity like firstbook.org, or bought some homeless writer a house somewhere. I'm going to cherry pick some comments here and on Passive Voice as an addendum. Barry and I missed some great points. Preston's "entitlement" comment in the NYT was a direct result of reader complaints about prices increasing from $9. You literally just [words 26] $0.99 argument up out of nowhere. It's clear that Preston can literally do no wrong with you. But if you have to make stuff up to support him, you have [words 27] argument. I'm generally known as a rather upbeat sort of person. I try hard to find alternate ways of expressing things that can best be said using a four letter word when I write. So, that I have to use the following language to describe how reading that NYT piece of poodle diarrhea should say a lot. I read it and I feel like I need a shower. And I'm not talking a little spritz here, I'm talking a full body scrub by folks wearing hazmat suits. It was akin to being forced to watch two end-stage syphilitics whose genitals have fallen off somewhere have a horny go at each other. through a [words 28] lens. Seriously, though, the dinosaurs know their precious gravy train is [words 29] the dodo bird, and they're going to fight to their last breath. Seems like it might be easier to adjust to the changing marketplace, to go with the flow and figure out how [words 30] to take advantage of the new market paradigm. #1 - "This is about Amazon's bullying tactics against authors. Every time they run into difficulty negotiating with a publisher, they target authors' books for selective retaliation. The authors who were first were from university presses and small presses. Then Macmillan was a target. " Doug Preston#2 - "Amazon is formidable and we already [words 31] people. It's not paranoid to think Amazon would retaliate — that's what they do. " Doug Preston#3 - (A lie of omission) "This is very unusual! I've never seen authors come together [words 32] this. Joshua, whether his concern was reasonable or not doesn't forgive his declaration that readers have a sense of entitlement. He later apologized for the comment. The NYT is quoting Amazon, who said Preston was the one with the sense of entitlement. Which Preston is, right now, showing. He truly feels entitled to have his books listed on Amazon. Not only that, those books should have pre-order buttons, discounts, and be stocked in quantity, but Amazon shouldn't be allowed to set the price on his ebooks. Idea: We all pitch in to a fund, then offer to donate that money to Preston's favorite charity-if he will debate either Joe or Barry, and the debate will later be posted to YouTube. "Preston's "entitlement" comment in the NYT was a direct result of reader complaints about prices increasing from $9. "And, for the record, I will admit [words 33] right. I wasn't inside his head when he made those statements, [words 34] than you were. My interpretation of his remarks may not reflect reality. I offered up what I read into his comments, and YMMV. Your nicknaming needs a lot of work, especially seeing as I didn't attack you, but your argument. But I suppose it's the only rebuttal you could muster. Rock on, and I'm out. [words 35] would love it if Amazon treated Preston, Patterson, [words 36] and tossed their asses out of the house. Joe wrote: "The NYT should be ashamed and apologetic for running Streitfeld's nonsense and calling it news. I trained as a journalist and interned in the Middle East. People like Streifeld, if they even showed up there, got shipped out REAL fast. This kind of irresponsible idiocy could get sources, [words 37] so no one wanted them there. I also had a rather amusing experience with the NYT, which was not a bastion of awe and respect among other journalists there. One day I'm out the desert on a fun but minor story (and a relief from reporting on a kid blown to bits while eating lunch, which I covered from explosion through his funeral after he finally succumbed to his injuries 2 weeks later), and it's taken me hours of jostling through uninviting terrain in death-defying vehicles with lunatic drivers to get there. And when I arrive, an NYT journalist steps in my path and tells me he has put an "embargo" on the story—and HE won't allow me to interview the person I have come all this way to see, by appointment. I'm a newcomer with no idea what to do now (being "embargoed" by [words 38] j-school, GO FIGURE), so I call my editor to ask for instructions. He cracks up—and passes the phone around to everyone in the office so that I can hear [words 39] of the NYT putting an "embargo" on [words 40] story. Then he tells me to feel free to kill the NYT guy, or however else I want [words 41] deal with this idiot, just get my damn interview and get my butt back in Jerusalem by morning to start covering the election. That kind of shaped my professional view of the NYT. ## And—gosh, look—here's Streitfeld, continuing in that tradition. If you inflict mental imagery like this on me again, boys, I'm going to send YOU the medical bill for my trauma treament. Dan DeWitt wrote: "This is an amazing piece of impartial journalism. They've used whales to prove that 900 > 7500+. "And Dan wins the thread! (But I'm going to send him the bill for cleaning [words 42] monitor. I was dirnking coffee when I read that comment. ")Chris Armstrong wrote: "Preston is quite mystified by how he came to be in charge of an organization like Author's United. ""Joshua, whether his concern was reasonable or not doesn't forgive his declaration [words 43] of entitlement. is he ENTIRELY wrong? If a faction of readers demand free or rock bottom-priced ebooks and refuse to shell out more than the [words 44] to support authors, is it not true that those readers have a sense of entitlement that's potentially damaging to the market? Of course ebooks should cost less than their paper counterparts, but if your readers' expectations shifted to the point where they demanded having your entire catalog for free, or no more than a buck or two per title, could you honestly be supportive of that? You keep your prices low, but what happens if, after years of gorging on free ebooks, readers decide those prices aren't low enough? I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I think that may have been what Doug was getting at. Granted, the whole "race to the bottom" argument isn't nearly as prevalent now, but at the time (2010) it was more [words 45] concern. I remember Blake Crouch making similar statements a few years ago. He said something to the effect of "Readers who won't ever pay [words 46] fans that aren't worth having. " I'm loosely paraphrasing, but that's the gist of it, and while he took some heat for those remarks, I kind of understand where he was coming from. And I think Doug was coming from a similar place-the idea that we can't just [words 47] away. At least not all of it, all the time. Dan, think of me more like Harlan Ellison, where if I call you a name, it's more of an affectionate thing-akin to a brotherly slap on the shoulder. :)Michael said: "I think it is time for Preston to sit down and figure out who is more important to his career, his publisher or his readers. "Josh, they made most of their millions off paper books. They [words 48] books. They want to continue the status quo. It's honorable that you continue to [words 49] but heartbreaking because he doesn't care about you. On the other hand, if I act badly, I'd want people to tell me so I could at least re-evaluate my actions. I [words 50] stalky. Preston's house doesn't look "spacious and splendid. It practically has a parking lot. That writer's [words 51] big enough to hold firewood for the place [words 52] he writes there but it makes a good photo for one of the down-to-earth guys. He also grew up in Wellesley,one of the most expensive towns in Massachusetts (and that's saying something). I can go on, but his own website bio reads like the typical rich douchebag who thinks he isn't rich (He drove out to start a new life in NM in a Subaru. A SUBARU people! Could you not just die! ). I believe that the only way to take control of this situation is for Joe to address congress. He should enter the gallery dressed as Abraham Lincoln and begin with "Four years ago I scored seven times. "Readers are the market. If they decide tomorrow en mass that they refuse to pay more than $1 for books, that's totally within their rights and we as authors can either adapt to that or move on. It's our job to convince them to willingly want to pay for our work. If we can't do that or they choose not to, we don't have any right [words 53] complain about it or try to force them to. The market only exists because of readers. Believing otherwise is the entitled thinking. Petition is now at 7859, so This article [words 54] more signers, or over 20% of Preston's letter in a single day. I [words 55] taken when independent books on Amazon took a significant market share. Their market share continues to increase. That means they are taking market share from publishers and authors like Preston. Streitfeld [words 56] he missed something obvious about the dolphin/whale meat petition. That is a petition demanding Amazon to stop doing something. It is, in general, far easier to get signatures on on a petition to "stop" than it is to get them for a "pro" petition. Anger is a bigger motivator than satisfaction. Of the two petitions regarding the Amazon-Hachette dispute, which one is the one demanding that Amazon stop doing something? That would be Preston's. ## The [words 57] between the number of signatures on Preston's petition and the dolphin/whale meat petition. I wonder why that didn't occur to StreitfeldI am shocked at the attacks on Preston. Have we all forgotten his loyal service as a sergeant in the Mounties? Have we forgotten [words 58] and his dog Yukon King? I think somebody might be due a large Canadian bacon as a token of appreciation. (Didn't even know sarge had a literary bent). "You're right, [words 59] to be the worst spokesperson EVER for traditional publishing. [words 60] betting pool on how long it takes him to realize he can help Hachette more by retreating quietly to his coastal estate and not saying anything else at all? You sound just like my wife. And every teacher I had in middle school. And the Taco Bell cashier that sold me a Queserito earlier tonight. Remember [words 61] offered to donate their percentage from Hachette ebooks to a literacy charity? Indie authors [words 62] start a kickstarter to give at least $104,000 to a literacy charity and contact Amazon to see if they'll match it. That would show them. I've been interviewed by David several times. and his anti-Amazon prejudice isn't even slightly disguised in his questions, which infuriates me as both a former journalist and the child of two reporters. I've pointed this out to David several times. that he's going into this with an obvious bias and ignoring any facts that don't support pre-determined story. Naturally, none of my quotes have ever appeared in one of his Amazon stories. You wrote in your ad: "As writers-most of us not published by Hachette-we feel strongly that no bookseller should block the sale of [words 63] discourage customers from ordering or receiving the books they want.”Does that same sentiment also apply to the brick-and-mortar bookstores, from big chains [words 64] paperback books from Amazon Publishing's imprints Thomas & Mercer, 47North, Montlake, etc? If so, why don't I see the same level of outrage from Authors United, or the Authors [words 65] which has been going on for years and harms hundreds of authors? I have enormous respect [words 66] signed your ad. Many of them are also friends of mine. But the fact that you, and the other authors listed in the ad, [words 67] Hachette situation and haven't shown any concern over Amazon Publishing titles being banned by bookstores [words 68] issue is here. You're right, I'm sure that some places in the media would try to put a negative spin on the donation if it were to happen. But they'd only end up bringing [words 69] like the NYT article today brought more attention to the change. And maybe, just maybe, some of the wealthier authors in AU (the ones who have so far been silent) might stop to think about what difference they could actually be making with their money and influence, as well as what side they take in this dispute. It's sad that none of the main-stream-press coverage ever seems to mention the thousands of Indie (self & small press published) authors who rely on Amazon sales for their livelihood. When they mention "indies" it seems to always refer [words 70] bookstores" and showing them in competition with Amazon. How about some stories about Indie authors who are happy to work with Amazon? I went from being laid-off in 2012 to making 4 and 5 figures per month on Kindle sales alone. Isn't that a good enough story to mention? Especially when it is being repeated by thousands of indie authors who have collectively captured more than a third of the Kindle market? Is it any coincidence that's the market that Hatchette and Amazon are at loggerheads over? The real problem with most of the anti-Amazon hype is that little indie authors are the ones who suffer most in a "boycott" of Amazon, not the millionaire authors with 7 figure advances, and not the 700 pound gorillas in the headlines. I started a Facebook group last month titled "Amazon Authors Support Group" where we share news and posts (like this one) and discuss ways to get [words 71] boycott of Amazon would only hurt US. Feel free to join us @ https://www.com/groups/422060111265399/We are attempting to get a very LARGE GROUP of Indie Authors to take out their own add in [words 72] Times. htmlThis is how you spell Gandhi. It might be easier to remember where to put the h, if remembering the ending is 'hi'Dalai Lama had some ruling over a some Tibetan Provinces, but as y ou know the Chinese Communists invaded with superior weaponry in the early 1960s and slaughtered many, and Dalai Lama had to flee for life over the Himalayas leading as many monks to escape also as possibe. [words 73] Tibet. But struggled to keep alive an ancient tradition for the people. It's a long story, a tragic story. And, the current Dalai Lama, also in some odd synchronous parallel to the fights/old invaders etc re AMZ vs big pubs, has said [words 74] from outside Tibet and will be female possibly. The Chinese government (equiv of trad pubs) has proclaimed that is not true. You want to advertise somewhere? Hit a social site, like Twitter. [words 75] even Facebook would be better than wasting your money, feeding the same reporters that despise you. There is nothing acceptable about NYT's attitude toward indies that warrants an ad. If they had descent coverage on this issue, then perhaps. Actually, as noted at the end of my blog, I took [words 76] financial ability to shoulder the burden of the tax repercussions $104,000 would cause. But you are correct in that NYT doesn't deserve the monetary supportSo it appears that Mr Streitfeld cited a Change.org petition to ban the sale of an indie short story and an indie band MP3 track. Wow, that was a really long post. Maybe next time, in the interest of word conservation, rather than pointing out all the errors, you could just highlight the accurate statements. You sound just like my wife. "Received a KDP "Important Kindle Request" email this morning - my first ever. Kinda [words 77] belated and one of, uh, millions? (smiles)Thank you so much for including me in your nicely comprehensive email regarding your current very public issues negotiating with Hatchette and possibly other big publishers. I obviously would not even be publishing if Amazon or Apple or even Barnes [words 78] not developed as they have. I gave up submitting to big publishers back in the 80s (smiles). And I cannot in good conscience say you (Amazon) or Hachette or any other business entity HAVE to do something a certain way, just because it's better for me. That's presuming all is legal. Fair? That's another question. [words 79] may not be fair to readers or authors. Like subsidies to banks or oil companies or who knows who else. There's always an argument going both ways. The only decision in my power, is to say, "I" prefer lower prices (and act accordingly, as per my review of Patterson's Zoo indicates). But in equally good conscience, I also cannot say that without very sincerely stating, Amazon's exclusive policy for me to participate in Kindle Unlimited, [words 80] availability and discovery. Too many other classes or levels [words 81] instances of authors NOT having to be exclusive, feels wrong to me. It's not what I associate with everything else I do regarding Amazon: buy books, music, list gift items, sell books in the regular store, use the Amazon cc, etc. All those activities, the sales reporting, consistency of payments, ease of returns, and I can't forget MayDay on my Fire - are my "view" [words 82] Amazon. So I think that's best, to be honest. I'm not a favored author with special non-exclusive privileges, but I still think the world of Amazon. Yet won't say it's all it could be, yet. (smiles)I don't care how much NY publishers [words 83] for. I would like to see a letter to Amazon requesting that they allow each author to list [words 84] as permanently free without having to go through another online bookseller to get a price match. All of my books are in kindle select (6 published by T&M which is out of my control) so that should be a benefit they [words 85] me. @Rex Kusler, ditto that, only I'll match your one and raise two and ask we be allowed three books free (smiles). Joe, use Kickstarter to raise $100,000 and get that ebook website set up. I'd love to make 90% royalties without exclusivity. Don't get me wrong, I love Amazon, and Kobo, and B&N, and iTunes, but I'd happily steer my readers to a site where they could have piece of mind that authors are actually getting the overwhelming majority of the sale price of their books. Lee, B&N refused to carry Amazon Publishing's paperbacks because Apub wouldn't provide them with ebook formats for their Nook. So I don't fault B&N [words 86] that. Apub has been a conflict of interest. It's not much of a publisher. "We [words 87] up our fight for reasonable e-book prices. We know making books more affordable is good for book culture. Please email Hachette and copy us. Stop using your authors as leverage and accept one of Amazon's offers to take [words 88] middle. I do not see a problem with Hatchet being allowed to charge as much as they want for their E-books. The higher the better, [words 89] for E-books only makes my E-books and those of other new authors that much more competitive. Hatchet is just using the price of E-books as a bargaining chip for other issues. Amazon should call their bluff and let Hatchet overcharge as much as they want for E-books. See how long Hatchet sticks to [words 90] when their competition outsells them. He was a thoughtful, curious, intelligent, somewhat tortured person. He was also an excellent reporter back then. @adan, @Rex Kusler, "ditto that, only I'll match your one and raise two and ask we be allowed three books free (smiles). I'm a woman, and I 100% agree with everything Joe and Barry said here. What exactly is your point by bringing gender into it? Please state your purpose in singling out Joe and Barry's maleness with regard [words 91] (not that I expect you to; you're the High Priestess of [words 92] Commentary. Nor am I jealous of the authors who are being dicked around by the Big Five and the mega-earning authors like Preston who continue to feed off the misfortunes of midlisters and new authors. Frankly, I think [words 93] you've been spewing about this topic from Day 1 of coverage. Here's what I don't get. [words 94] carrying Hachette titles altogether, and point out that they've been unable to reach agreement on a contract? If Hachette wants to use Amazon to sell their books, then they can use KDP or CreateSpace to get them into the marketplace the same as anybody else. The thing that is wearing me out is that Preston [words 95] others are repeating, over and over again, that their books are being blocked by Amazon. That is demonstrably false and has been false this entire time. The real problem is that they aren't getting co-op at Amazon. They aren't getting promotion, accelerated delivery, and pre-order. In fact, they are being treated like everyone else that isn't in a Big-5 "most favored supplier" status. Why on earth do they think that they are entitled to that status with the level of vitriol Hachette and it's spokespeople have been serving up? I think that a benefit of this ongoing conversation about terms between publishers and Amazon could be Indies [words 96] some additional benefits from Amazon. As I posted on FB after reading the article, Doug's totally jumped the shark on this issue. It's getting pretty embarrassing. Check out Streitfeld's post on the NYT Bits Blog. Holy cow, he doesn't even TRY to be objective - could it be any snarkier? ! Too bad the NYT's Public Editor chose this week to go on vacation. Streitfeld does not know when to quit while he is behind. haven't read every [words 97] this may have been posted already. if not, it's [words 98] latest response: http://readersunited.com/The NYT is a satirical publication right? Because in its article about Google and Barnes & Noble's new alliance to take [words 99] it claims 'many book buyers are frustrated with Amazon because of what they say are its punitive negotiating tactics in its standoff with the publisher Hachette over e-book pricing. ' Those pesky ebook buyers want to pay over-inflated prices y'all. God I love a good laugh. If my earlier post seems confusing as to what David Streitfeld is saying in today's article, it is probably because I find it to be the most confusing argument posted yet about this whole dispute. please tell me what the hell Streitfeld is actually saying? @Nirmala: I believe Streitfeld points that that sentence: "“The Penguin Books are splendid value for sixpence, so splendid that if the other publishers had any sense they would combine against them and suppress them. " was in fact a joke by George Orwell, and shouldn't have been quoted as a serious appeal to collusion. He's probably right, it was a joke, but it was a bitter joke by Orwell, I think, as Orwell was definitely against the invention of paperbacks. So, there's a manipulation of the facts by the two sides in presence: Amazon tries to demonstrate the ferments of the collusion process, refering to History, while Streitfeld distort Orwell's state of mind, by just saying that it was a joke: it was a joke, yes, but Orwell was definitely unhappy with the paperbacksThe other analogy of Amazon, of course, being that a very well established writer had been very wrong regarding a new invention benefiting all readers. That does make sense, but it also seems to me that Amazon's distortion is closer to the "truth" of what Orwell was saying. And even Streitfeld goes on then to use some of Orwell's other words to suggest that he was opposing paperbacks, which just seems to undermine his own position that it was all a joke. I think Streitfeld should have slept on that column before he put it out for the world to see. I was reflecting on all of this, and while I hate to be the bearer of bad news, it does seem to me that Amazon is losing the PR battle overall. In spite of the view down here in the self-publishing trenches and the valiant efforts of everyone here to balance out the media's biases, when I go out on the wider internet, I see lots of people in the comments forming very negative views of Amazon and vowing to never buy anything from them again. This might not hurt Amazon a lot, but it has got to hurt them a little. So maybe it is time for Amazon to switch from using a stick to using a carrot. What would this look like? Here is one possible scenario: First, Amazon unilaterally stops all the delays and restores preorder buttons. This would take all of the wind out of the Author United's sails, and even if they could claim a victory, so what? If it helps their narcissistic egos to sleep at night, let them. Second, Amazon makes a public offer of terms that show that it is not trying to fix prices, but just to encourage more rational pricing. Perhaps something that is a compromise like this:On ebook prices up to 14.99, Amazon takes 40% (Pub. share on a 12.99 ebook is about 7.80 and on a 14.99 ebook is about 9.00)Third, Amazon offers a carrot. If Hachette settles on a new contract within 30 days, then Amazon continues to accept just 30% on all ebooks for the first 18 months of the new contract. If Hachette settles within 60 days, Amazon accepts 30% for the first 12 months. And if it takes 90 days, then there is just a 6 month grace period. Finally a big stick at the end: if Hachette does not settle within 90 days, then the delays return and the preorder buttons disappear again, and the new terms above kick in on day one of any new contract. If it is correct that the publishers want to set ebook prices this lets them. And if they want to continue to delay the adoption of ebooks, this gives them a bit more of a grace period to prepare for the eventual reality of a new publishing landscape. And if Amazon wants to move the needle further on ebook pricing, this will accomplish that eventually. It would also force Hachette to eventually have to explain to their authors why after the new terms kick in, they still think it makes sense to sell a book for $5.00 more when it will only earn Hachette $2.00 more (and the author only $0.35 more), and even though it will on average reduce the number of sales by over a third, thus drastically reducing the net revenue well beyond even the figures Amazon has provided on their recent blog post. It seems like all of this would take away all of the ammunition the critics of Amazon have, and place all of the onus on Hachette to explain why they are not willing to settle. It might seem like it would weaken Amazon's position in bargaining with the other big publishers, but those contracts will probably end up all looking pretty much the same as what they settle for with Hachette. It is not collusion if Amazon is the one offering all of the publishers the same terms. One way to accomplish your long term goals and achieve a compromise is to give the other party some of what it wants. Maybe this is a way for Amazon to do just that. Read Preston's claim about how he's been personally injured by the dispute. I believe he is telling the truth and the dip in sales is entirely due to Amazon's actions. Think for a minute about what that means. With a set of minor change in policies (btw all of them are within the terms of Amazon's current contracts with the Big 5) Amazon had a drastic impact on Hachette's sales. That means Amazon is responsible for generating a bigger portion of the cash from Hachette's books than they currently receive. This probably doesn't directly affect Preston's current income that much because he gets those big advances, but it is killing Hachette. Preston is worried because Hachette and the rest of the Big 5 won't be able pay those big advances in the future. William: What do you think about the cost to Amazon in winning their objectives? Clearly form a pure business/econonmic perspective, Amazon does hold most of the cards. But what about from a purely PR perspective? Is Amazon winning in that arena, or is it a draw, or even a loss for Amazon? What is your sense of the possible cost or harm to Amazon from all of the negative press about them? As I mentioned, I am also seeing a lot of very negative comments from people vowing to never buy on Amazon again. Do you think they are paying a price in terms of their image? Is there a point where they maybe need to compromise somewhat to protect their image? I don't really know. I am more just curious about this whole drama, and like a lot of us, I like to speculate :)"So, at $9.99, the total pie is bigger - how does Amazon propose to share that revenue pie? We believe 35% should go to the author, 35% to the publisher and 30% to Amazon. Is 30% reasonable? Yes. In fact, the 30% share of total revenue is what Hachette forced us to take in 2010 when they illegally colluded with their competitors to raise e-book prices. We had no problem with the 30% - we did have a big problem with the price increases. "I don't see why this means Hatchette can't set a retail price for an ebook at $14.99, however, when the book is just released in hardback and ebook only, and then lower the ebook price to $9.99 after six months or longer. Is this a bad thing? As a life-long reader I have always had the patience to wait for a book to come out in paperback. I can wait for an ebook to drop in price. I don't feel harmed in any way if a publisher sets an ebook price at $14.99 or higher. I simply won't buy at that price. (I'll almost always wait until it's lower than $9.99 too! )So is Amazon willing to take that 35-35-30 split at higher prices with a company like Hatchette? Amazon could still discount away some of their 30%, right? I heard a long BBC interview today with Mr. It was interesting to hear him say in his own words. I sense that the shutout of hugh/joe etc from the news coverage is prob the same as the 'curating' by big publishers when opening their moat gates a peep. Those not chosen appear to be invisible, just like we've always been. I wonder if 'outside' the bullshit belt in ny, one might find news coverage for the indiesI can't be the only one, right? Whenever I see another writer side with Hatchette (or against Amazon), something in me fizzles out. I no longer have any desire to read Preston, Patterson, King, Joe Hill, John Scalzi, John Connolly. I used to follow some of them on twitter. The way I am, if you can't be nice during a disagreement and resort to hurling insults then I don't want to read your books. Hatchet should be invited to match the pool too so they have another opportunity to do the right thing or not. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Hachette and the big publishers still have strong assets in the negociations (current and future):- if Amazon didn't care about the PR and war of words, they would already have dropped Hachette's titles altogether- Amazon has recently made a very, very generous offer to the big publishers with Kindle unlimited (an offer much, much better to big pubs than to indies)- with businesses, you have to follow the money, and you just have to take a look at the author's earnings' graphs to see that the gross sales are largely in favour of big publishing, a ratio that becomes huge if you add big pubs + small and medium publishers gross salesThat $100k ad is working as anti-Amazon propaganda. BBC now reporting it in UK as 900 authors signing a petition against Amazon. This probably fits into general European public perspective that Amazon is a tax dodging business. We'll see how that plays out. They don't want to undermine an already fragile marketing by making ebooks excessively, as they see it, cheap. Best-selling indie ebook author Selina Kitt details why she won't be jumping like a "monkey" to their tune. Wow! Isn't that a recommendation for the way Hatchette do business? Any indie Amazon ebook author making $94 million in a year? In my opinion, indie authors, by themselves, don't have the leverage to compete efficiently with Hachette and the other publishers without Amazon. Hachette is a greater evil than Amazon, and by a long, long stretch. So when the two elephants are fighting, I'm on Amazon side, but not blindly, with an analytical ability, I think. For the time being, if big pub lower their prices, it's better for indies: it will open the market and drive more people to the ebooks, especially in countries like Europe. Indies don't have to fear that to happen. We must not base our decision on supporting or not supporting Amazon on the fear that Amazon may in a future time lower our margin. Let me repeat it, fear is a very bad advisor. Of course, all indies initiatives to empower our community are very welcome. Am I an Amazon bitch? I don't think so. I'll be honest with you - I'd rather make a million dollars a year and know that 93 other writers were also making a million than be making $94 million myself at the expense of those other authors. Once you hit a certain threshhold, come on. just how much money can you spend or save exactly? I think we could all do pretty well on a million a year as individual authors. It's one of the reasons I run my company the way I do, as a co-op, rather than turning it into a typical small epub that only gives an author 35-40%. (We take 10% - we give the author 90%) And I have no love for legacy publishing, trust me. I think what they've done to authors is heinous, astoundingly arrogant and shortsighted and frankly, unforgiveable, and they should all die a slow, painful death. If Amazon hastens that, so be it. But I believe in a free market, and if big publishing thinks it can survive with agency pricing, then let then try. Why not? What I don't appreciate is Amazon coming to me, after kicking me again and again while I'm down, with some self-righteous request to rally behind them in their fight with Hachette. I do business with these guys, but I know who they are, and I know that they are only marginally better than legacy. We are ALL authors - legacy and indies alike - and I have sympathy for those legacy authors too. We're all birds perched inside the alligator's mouths, pecking bits out of their teeth, hoping to get ours before the jaws snap shut. And if you're not afraid, it's only because you haven't been bitten. "But I believe in a free market, and if big publishing thinks it can survive with agency pricing, then let then try. Why not? "Because Amazon would let some choices to big publishing: if they want to sell their ebooks at $9.99, they could in the future. And that would let your ebooks to be highly competitive, if you price them at $4. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think Amazon has arbitrarily set this threshold of $9.99: they have chosen what was mathematically in their best interest. You don't have to fear they will reduce this threshold on a whim. In this case, what is in Amazon's best interest aligns with indie's best interest: more ebooks priced at $9.99 would drive more readers, and a bigger pie for everybody, indies and trad pub. In fact, in the past, I have written a blog post titled: "Amazon. fr's cosmic blunder" (in french). fr had let an author who had bought her way into the Kindle top 100 tell in the french Amazon Kindle's newsletter about the company she used to buy her ranking. So, I've already been vocal about my disapproval, and I will be again, if need be. But for the time, I'm supporting them. Joe, you really should add an addendum about his latest post. If such a thing is possible, it is even more embarassing than the last one:However, he actually does a good job of fisking himself. After saying that Amazon got it wrong and that Orwell liked paperbacks, he then goes right on to saying that Orwell thought paperbacks, while being good for readers, would be a disaster for authors and the book trade. He thus proves you really can talk out of both sides of your mouth at the same time, or maybe he is also speaking out of another part of his anatomy. Occam's Razor says the guy is probably a liar. He can't be delusional, because his arguments are so self-serving and he is so careful to stay on message. He can't be willfully ignorant, because it would be impossible for him not to have heard a least some of opposing arguments, given he has made himself the chief spokesperson for the anti-Amazon cause. Even if he only reads about himself, or talks to writers that agree with him, the opposing arguments he fails to address have to have come up. So he's mostly likely a shameless liar. And one thing shameless liars often do is repeatedly go to the heart of their lies. Kind of like returning to the scene of a crime to make sure you covered your tracks. The heart of his lie is that he isn't in "communication" with Hachette. That simply isn't plausible by any stretch. It makes no sense that he wouldn't at least touch base with them, but he keeps repeatedly stating he has no contact. No one would blame him (or be surprised) if he had had some conversations with Hachette. In fact, it's irresponsible for him not to have, given he thinks this is an important cause. So why hasn't he talked to them? And why make such a point of saying he hasn't? My thinking is he is lying about up the fact that he had extensive talks with them about how to mount this media campaign, what kind of support he would get from the press, and assistance in getting other big name writers to join with him. That is, he is lying because they are VERY involved in his efforts but they all agreed in advance that he should pretend to be independent, as improbable as that might be. Because many more thousands of indie publishers made $100,000-$10,000,000 each, while James Patterson only made that $94 million because Hachette focused all their marketing and discounting on him, Preston, Tartt, and a handful of others. while giving thousands of their fellow legacy authors the shaft to ensure they weren't competing with the chosen few megabestsellers. @Nirmala Amazon has endured much worse PR than this. The PR battle is mostly a sideshow. Don't ever confuse internet comments with reality. He carefully avoids addressing many of the key arguments, and continues to insist Hachette is negotiating in good faith. I wonder if either Amazon or Hachette will reach a point where they say "Fuck it, I'm posting our latest offer in its entirety on the Web, and explaining the points one by one to the world. " If you're really convinced of the rightness of your position, it might be an interesting tactic. especially if you're not getting anywhere at the bargaining table. "Amazon has endured much worse PR than this. It also crossed my mind that a lot of the people posting negative Amazon comments may have already made up their minds years ago that Amazon is bad, and this just appears to give them ammunition. Though of course, I have liked Amazon for a long time and so also look for confirmation of my bias. But just as my comments do not indicate an upsurge in support for Amazon, their comments would not indicate an upsurge in opposition to Amazon. I guess the interesting posts are the ones where someone says, "I used to shop at Amazon, but not anymore. " Or possibly, "I used to think Amazon was bad, but now I am not so sure as they seem to be in the right here. "Probably overall you are right that the PR of all of this is not really as important as it might look, and most likely it will blow over with tomorrow's big story. I really do not have anything at stake in all of this, but I can say that it has been a learning opportunity for me on many levels. My thanks to you, Joe, Barry, Hugh and everyone who has participated on these blogs. So Pietsch says 80% are 9.99 or under. searching Amazon for "Hachette" returns 11,813 ebooks. So that means about 2400 books priced higher than 9. And many of those did not just come out. In fact lots of them are a year, two years, or 3,4,5,6,or 7 years old (I paged through over a hundred pages of results).80% at $9.99 or less sounds good, but 2400 priced higher than $9.99 does not sound so good, especially if it is your book that is priced so much higher than 80% of their books. Some popular books are priced at $9.99 or even much less. Like The Goldfinch (#14 on Kindle) for $6. I know if I was a Hachette author with a book that came out a year or two ago or more and Hachette was selling it for $12.99 or even $14.99, I would be pretty pissed to find out that they are selling 80% of their ebooks for less than $9. I would wonder why they are pricing my book so damn high, and basically I would be screwed as there is nothing I could do about it. And by the way, Pietsch's claim seems about right as I got to $9.99 after about 2400 books that were higher priced. Also, most of James Patterson's and almost all of Douglas Preston's ebooks were priced $9.99 or under including some recent releases. Some of their titles were well under $9. The price Pietsch is referring to is the publisher list price. Amazon discounts below that price. You have to go to B&N to see the list prices. For example, the ebook list price of Patterson's latest ("Invisible") is $14. Amazon sells it for less than $9. They are actually losing money on every ebook copy they sell of that book. Streitfeld seems to contradict himself. First he quotes Orwell as saying that paperbacks are splendid for readers, which Streifeld interprets to mean Orwell celebrated the new paperbacks, even though Orwell goes on to suggest publishers should collude against them. Then he immediately quotes Orwell as saying that he thinks paperbacks are a disaster for authors and the book trade, which Streitfeld suggests is support for Hachette's position in the current dispute, but also contradicts Streitfeld's first conclusion by suggesting that Orwell did not like the new paperbacks and was serious that the publishers should collude to stop paperbacks. Streitfeld's logic is convuluted at best, and the quotes he provides suggest that Amazon's interpretation is much closer to Orwell's meaning than either of Mr. ## Streitfeld's opposing conclusions. That suggests Pietsch was perhpas exagerrating when he claims 80% of their books are $9.99 or less, if as I found 80% or so are $9.99 or less on Amazon and yet that includes discounted titles that list for more. But but I am too tired to try and figure that all out :)Also, why doesn't Amazon just let Hachette have a taste of their own medicine and stop discounting their ebooks altogether? If Amazon's sales figure are correct, that would reduce Hachette's take considerably and perhaps wake them up to the folly of overpricing ebooks. At the very least it would be leverage, because if Amazon is discounting from the retail list price, then it seems it is enabling Hachette to make even more money while these negotiations continue (lower price = more sales on top of still earning Hachette a larger share based on the high list price). One thought has been sticking in my mind about Preston. In the NYT article, he sites specific numbers about how many preorders his books have received through Amazon, how much his paper and ebook sales have dropped in the last 4 months, and so forth. Does Amazon send such data to an author that is traditionally published? After all, Preston has stated repeatedly that he is not in communication with Hachette on this issue. Chris, Preston's obviously lying. He's simply Hachette's hand-puppet - with Pietsch's hand up his ass, moving his mouth for him. William Ockham makes a great point on The Passive Voice that what matters is the list price of actual units sold. It is possible that 80% of their ebooks have a list price below $9.99, but that nonetheless some other percentage (maybe even 80%) of their ebooks actually sell for over $9. "I'd like to note the part that says FROM HACHETTE, not FROM AMAZON. So not only did he contact Hachette (which makes one wonder how many times before had he talked to them when he claimed he hadn't) but they get back to him pretty darn fast. Deleted my original to add: Or as I read on Passive Voice, his agent might have sent him the numbers, but still, he got those numbers pretty fast no matter if he did it himself or had his agent get the info. "Because many more thousands of indie publishers made $100,000-$10,000,000 each, while James Patterson only made that $94 million because Hachette focused all their marketing and discounting on him, Preston, Tartt, and a handful of others. "I think James Patterson is just one of the successful authors represented in the world of traditional publishing. But it does show that traditional publishing is the home of big bucks. If you don't want it, you don't have to have it. So why complain about it? You can always upload your masterpiece on Kindle and sell it that way. My take is that the NY Times' reporting on the Amazon v. Hatchette mess has been embarrassingly biased for quite a while. I've said so in many blog posts. "All the news that's fit to print"? Apparently, like the pigs said in Animal Farm, some news is more fit than other news!. <|assistant|> words 1: of words 2: less fashionable words 3: people words 4: met many people who words 5: was awesome! words 6: Several of us considered that a while words 7: the NYT words 8: know I words 9: NYT words 10: of words 11: of Chapter 15 of words 12: by suitable references to words 13: to his career, his publisher or words 14: less than the words 15: Everyone keeps beating that "Douglas Preston words 16: time of the article, I believe) that words 17: an ebook, words 18: Preston when he tossed out a words 19: pay the bare words 20: to get more words 21: Streitfield "article", I sent this words 22: How about this line: words 23: has unilaterally extended Hachette's deal words 24: behind Hachette is that James words 25: any of his millions words 26: made your words 27: no words 28: magnifying words 29: going the way of words 30: best words 31: know how they treat words 32: like words 33: that you could be words 34: any more words 35: I seriously words 36: Turow et all like petulant, spoiled teenagers words 37: subjects, and innocent bystanders killed in that region, words 38: a rival journalist wasn't covered in words 39: everyone's guffaws over the notion words 40: a words 41: to words 42: up my words 43: that readers have a sense words 44: bare minimum words 45: of a words 46: more than $0.99 for a book are words 47: give this stuff words 48: are defending paper words 49: defend Preston, words 50: got a little Google words 51: shack isn't words 52: and I doubt words 53: at all to words 54: seems to have brought over 200 words 55: would say the lead was words 56: is so caught up in his fantasy world, words 57: appropriate comparison would be words 58: his horse Rex words 59: Preston really does seem words 60: Should we start a words 61: how Amazon words 62: should words 63: books or otherwise prevent or words 64: to indies, that refuse to stock words 65: Guild, over this widespread ban, words 66: for you and the authors who words 67: are upset by the words 68: speaks volumes about what the real words 69: more attention to it, just words 70: to "indie words 71: the word out that any words 72: the NY words 73: He did not unify words 74: the next Dalai Lama will come words 75: I recommend it less, but words 76: down the fund raiser because I lack the words 77: flattering (truly), even if words 78: & Noble, and now Scribd and Oyster, had words 79: What's fair to Amazon or Hachette may or words 80: also harms reader words 81: or groups or individual words 82: of words 83: sell their ebooks words 84: at least one kindle book words 85: give words 86: for words 87: will never give words 88: them out of the words 89: because Hatchet overcharging words 90: high priced E-books words 91: to this issue clearly words 92: Pointless Drive-By words 93: you should be embarrassed by the crazy comments words 94: how come Amazon doesn't just stop words 95: and the words 96: getting together and asking for words 97: comment, so words 98: worth a look at amazon's words 99: on the evil Amazon, <|prompter|> What style of text is the above text? <|assistant|> It appears to be a NSFW style.
User: More spans: EPISTEME is a general journal of epistemology in the analytic tradition that invites both informal and formal approaches. science, law, democracy, and the media). We do not publish purely historical work or case studies. First John was written by John, one of Jesus' original 12 disciples. He was [spans 1] Jesus. He was noted for his gentleness and his graciousness and his goodness. He became a man who was characterized by such an outstanding devotion and love for the Lord Jesus that all his life he was singled out as the apostle of love. The letter known as 1 John was sent to a group of believers in Ephesus. Many within their community had abandoned the original faith in Jesus as the Messiah. Despite their denial that Jesus had come in the flesh, their immoral lives and their lack of practical love, they still claimed that they belonged to God. They asserted they had a special source of spiritual insight, and that the rest of the group didn't know the truth as they did. They made their rejection of the original teaching about Jesus emphatic by leaving the community of those who still held to it. Those [spans 2] taught. The main problem confronting the church at this time was declining commitment: Many believers were conforming to the world's standards, failing to stand up for Christ and compromising their faith. False teachers were plentiful, and they were accelerating the church's downward slide away from the Christian faith. First John tackles a strange heresy that claimed Jesus had been on earth only in spirit, not in body. John wrote that he knew Jesus personally. ## John stresses the importance of fellowshipping with fellow Christians and the acknowledgement and confession of sins. John defines some of the main traits of true Christians: keeping the commandments and not loving the world. If someone says they're living in God's light but they really hate a fellow Christian, then they're actually in the dark and stumbling around blind. Do not love the world or the things in the world. (1 John 2:15-16)While the elder is specific about which people deserve to get it. The elder isn't advocating for [spans 3] need. He only calls out “brothers and sisters” as the folks deserving of generosity. But not [spans 4] do. Do not receive into the house or welcome anyone who comes to you and does not bring this teaching; for to welcome is to participate in the evil deeds of such a person. (2 John 1:10-11)The test involves making sure these people and ideas center on the fact that Jesus came “in the flesh.” That just means that it's important to believe Jesus was a human being. The speaker tells the audience that they should love each other because “God is love.” If you have love in your heart then you're living how God wants you to. The speaker says that God loved the world so very much that he sent Jesus. Jesus gave up his life so that people could have a sin-free relationship with God. He [spans 5] liar. John encourages us to overcome the evils of the world (society) through faith, love and obedience and overcome trials through the power of God. He concludes with a warning against idolatry. Your pictures are not showing up. Could you post the make and model of the tent? With a picture or two I might be able to help figure it out. the pic is likely useless, as was the woman who sold it to me. She'd not set it up since the 80s. Got it at a military surplus auction 20 years ago. I am not completely sure all the pieces are even there. But man is the canvas THICK and sturdy. Indiana Jones would sleep in it. Looks like a quality tent. Yah I'd need more info. It looks like it needs some angled connectors unless there are very sturdy pockets that the straight poles go in to on the corners and peak of the tent. I have been reading this thread for hours now, and want to know if you have room for one more? I am a 32 yr old virgin who has been to 5 regoinals in TX. I don't want to be in a big theme camp but LOVE the supportive, all-comers vibe I get from y'all! welcome to stag camp please read the burning man survival guide and also regester with us on www. net so you can post your space requirments under the Roll Call postHA! Thanks for the vote of positivity, plowman. Okay, so I am still planning on bringing it for maybe that reason, but I think I'll pick up an alternate tent anyway. In the name of radical self-reliance, I must assume that the possibility exists that I will not be able to locate stag camp due to being lost, it being sucked into a dimensional vortex, or the minute I step on the playa my brain oozes out of my ears and I wander the next 9 days with a playa-botomy. That all said, I appreciate the offer. I look forward to seeing what of it (if any) is salveageable. Its just a bit too big to set up solo. Ahh you should be fine finding us don't worry i did not think i would be able to find stag last year and sure enough i found it 10 seconds after we started looking for it because it was right down the street from my friends camp. so once you get in the 8:30 to 9:00 area you will have no problem finding camp.2 After the greeters take a left on to the outermost road and head for 8:00. After passing 8:00 look for the STAG sign. Then follow signs in to camp. lmao actually that is prity much what we did last year to find pollyparadise and stag camp to drop my friend and i off we coasted the out most road till we saw 9:00 then turned right then costed down to G then turned again. and TA DA we were there. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to lend a hand setting up my dome on Monday morning. I just set it up for the [spans 6] I. I know at least a 3rd person would be alot easier. Maybe we should get together before we head out. We could even caravan to BRC. I live just up the 5 from you here in Eugene. iNiers-Yay! I am all for getting together before the burn, I will talk to sister about her schedule. I know that we are going to Eugene, on Tues.5th (payday! ) to do a little. or alot of shopping for our adventure, maybe we could get together and do lunch, check your datebook and get back to us! You can p. If something else would work for you let us know, we can work it out, ya? We are going to try to hit the gate at around 6:00 a. Monday morning, we like to travel at night, and if we wait in line at gate, we'd like to wait in the cooler ha ha part of the day! I will confer with sister on this also, can't make plans without her, [spans 7] us. We have planted 6 different kinds of corn, including a seed that dates to the Aztecs! We also planted on variety in a U-shape, so when it grows up tall, our special guy(my son)will have a place to hide from the non-autistic world. Hey, wait 'till you see my tan! One of the benefits of having a 200 acre wood, ha ha isI will help with the dome as well. last year dome set up was not that bad. can't wait to get there AHHHH AM I THERE YET and if not WHY NOT! ! ! ! Then again, if you were there right now, that'd mean it was late August. So instead of Burning Man coming up in 3 1/2 weeks, it'd be mid-September, and BM would be a fading memory alreadyvery true very true. but so excited ohh ohh ohh hoping to learn some new tricks this Saturday. hey had a thought today that yeah we're onplaya in 24 days. but in like 35 days we'll be leaving. and then it's "The Saddness" :( Burningman reacclamation. every year i tell myself that i'll "bring home the playa" and make some adjustments to my default life to make room for some playa vibe. New England needs a regional burn! In PA they do one called Frost Burn as well some time in December but i don't know if that is happening again this year. Sorta worried though i am not to good with my poi but i am amazing with my fire breathing [spans 8] 12. so is everybody ok with this. the kids have bin to the burn before so they know what goes on. and when asked if they would rather go to Disneyland or Burning Man they pick Burning Man. so what do you guys think please. she wanted me to ask before she signed up with us that way if anybody does have a problem with it she still has time to look around for a place for them to stay at the burn. ok i gotta post up with a little geography. thanks BTW yes i know of playa del fuego. but its held in delaware last i checked. and PA is pretty friggin far from NH! now don't get me wrong. these events are no doubt awesome and would kick my ass. but they are not new england regional burns by any stretch of the imagination. >deep breath< >sad sigh<Is it to late to consider letting [spans 9] yahoos. We all love the idea of stag camp and plan to be very self reliant. Yay Virginia! ! ! What part of the Commonwealth are you coming from? I'm from the NoVa area (annandale/falls church) & will be coming with 4 other Virginians & a Marylander. Not that I want to speak for the entire camp but to the best of my knowledge we haven't closed our borders! Check us out on tribes @ http://tribes. net/stagcamp2point0Thanks to all that say they will lend a hand with setting up the dome. I think with like 4 or 5 people we should [spans 10] fine. Monkey, I can't speak for the rest of the clan, but I'd be ok with your friends bringing their kids. Tom and I love kids and Tom is especially good with them. So, I see no problem. Man, I am just scrambling to figure [spans 11] now. Things have been really tight with Tom and I, but I think we can pull it off. Up to today, bout 5 minutes ago, we have 74 staggers in roll call. I posted male-female info on tribe. hi, I have not checked all the info on your camp yet, but do you have room for a 29 foot RV? we are traveling from Alabama in it and may want to run the Generator a little, although it is a quiet one, however it would need to be faced away from close campers. In 2006 when we came, we camped on the outside edge of black rock city, and would like to join a camp this time. What do you think? Hey guys, do you have room for 2 more? Do we need to sign up somewhere or just find you & hunker down on the playa? [spans 12] tribe. net and put your info in the Roll Call thread - that's what we're using to determine the size and people requirements for this growing endeavor! Also please read the Stag Camp Philosophy and general discussion threads there! hey all, newbie riding down on my motorcycle with the full kit on the tail, need minimum space and I leave no trace when I travel, have an old ukelele too with some Hawaiian tunes in memory. if ya still have a few square feet it would be nice to initiate my first burn with some other Stags and Stagettes. I'll head over to Tribe and put in my info. Here are some more ideas on how you can develop your character in EQ2. Most of these are only relevant after you've reached level 10. ## Basic character development is covered in the Character Development Guide. The Achievements System is a way of keeping track of your exploits and accomplishments throughout [spans 13] Norrath. First introduced in September 2009, the achievements system covers almost every aspect of EverQuest II: from location discoveries to named monster kills to crafting level. Achievements are tracked passively, meaning you do not have to do anything special in order to receive credit for something that you do. Achievements are a way the game formally recognizes your accomplishments. While most achievements do not give a reward, a select few that are more difficult or more encompassing do reward appearance armor or house items. The new achievement system gives players a fun new way to track their accomplishments. Most achievements have point values that you can use to compare your progress against other players. ## Some harder-to-complete achievements will offer non-stat item rewards. The basic categories are General, Dungeons, Exploration, Player vs. Player, Quests, Raids, Tradeskills and Triumphs. ## Triumphs are large scale achievements that combine multiple achievements into one large one. An example of this would be to do all of the combat, quest, and exploration achievements in a specific area. To view your Achievements, and all of the Achievements that you can obtain in Everquest II, open your Journal and go to the "Achievements" tab. There, you can browse the categories of achievements, read a description of each achievement, and see its point value. Starting at level 20, you can choose to worship one of Norrath's gods, and you'll gain benefits for doing so. Seek out a Deity Historian for directions to the various prophets of the gods. These prophets can help you make your choice of deity and start you on your long path of devotion. Once you've [spans 14] devotion. Along this path, you will receive many tangible rewards: two house altars, an equipment accessory, a non-combat buff pet, and a cloak. You'll receive a large amount of Favor Points when you first complete the quest series. You may also tithe items at your altar to gain additional favor points. These Favor Points can be spent to obtain Blessings and Miracles, which can be used to boost your fighting during difficult combat. Blessings are temporary [spans 15] minutes. Blessings tend to last longer than miracles, and cost less. Miracles are short-term effects that typically last for 1 minute or less. They cost more than Blessings, and have more dramatic effects. Most Blessings and Miracles are usable once per hour. You can only memorize one Blessing and one Miracle at a time, and you get two charges of each. Once used up, you must return to your altar in your home and make new 'purchases' with your Favor Points. Starting at level 10, you can choose to do tasks for your home city, and earn standing for doing so. Each of the four starting cities offers City Tasks, which earn you favor with the factions in that city. Most cities have several factions, each offering its own tasks; you can focus on one faction, or work for them all. Each task completed gives Status points, as well as improving your faction with the guild that issued the writ. You can also earn Status Points by completing Heritage Quests, selling Status Items to the appropriate NPC vendor, and by defeating certain Heroic or Epic enemies. Your status points are visible in your Persona menu, alongside your normal adventure stats. Status points are a kind of currency that you can earn in various ways, and they can be used to purchase 'special' items that would otherwise be unavailable to you. If you visit a merchant and the price of an item is displayed in light blue, then you will need to use status points to pay that cost. Here are some reasons to earn status points:If you're a guild member, then your guild earns status each time you earn status, which in turn enables the guild to level up and gain access to new equipment, quests, more bank slots, etc. The most cost-effective way to buy a faster mount or a larger house is to pay with status points, rather than with coin. City merchants and faction merchants sell certain items only when your faction standing or guild's level is high enough. Each character you create in EQ2 can own several a homes in Everquest 2. The First Time Buyer quest allows even level 1 characters to "buy" a small inn room for free. Larger houses cost anywhere from a few silver to several platinum and a large number of status points. Before buying, you can take a tour of a house to decide whether it's the right place for you. In 2011, a game update made it possible to own 25 houses per character. Housing serves as a place from which a player is able to sell his or her goods to other players via the broker. Once you own a home, your character will have 6 broker slots and 6 house vault slots, regardless of the size of their house. However, to gain full access to broker and the possibility to both buy and sell you need gold membership. Those without a paid (gold) membership, Free-to-Play members have limited broker access. Many players will want to decorate their houses with furniture, to add a personalized touch. Furniture can be made by players, or bought from a city merchant with status points and coin, though some items are results of quests. Most furniture is purely decorative, but some is useful. For example, you can add crafting stations to ply your tradeskill at home, and display cases to sell your wares to visitors. Everything you need to know about how to place furniture in a home can be found on the Decorating Houses guide. Mounts are one of the methods of transportation in the game. They provide the benefit of increased speed, some will give you additional bonuses to your skills in combat, and they look nifty. Any mount you obtain will be automatically stored in your Character window, in the Mounts tab and you will use a saddle icon to summon the one you have equipped. In the past, it took a great deal of time to get you first mount. Changes to travel and how mounts work made this process significantly easier. If you complete the quest series in the starting areas near your home city, you will get your first mount by completing a final quest in one of the many quest series available to new players. Ground mounts (like horses) are all level 1 and once you own a mount, you will always have it. As you progress [spans 16] levels. You can also buy mounts in your home city and build a collection of mounts for different uses. To gain an understanding of how mounts work, a list of some quests you can complete to get a mount, details of how to summon your mount when you have one, and where they fit in the grand scheme of travel, [spans 17] Norrath. If an NPC speaks to you in gibberish (with a symbolic font), you do not understand the language this NPC is speaking. You can learn all of the languages in Norrath. Some are learned by purchasing a primer book, others by completing a quest. As soon as you purchase a language primer, you automatically learn the language, and you can only buy primers for languages you do not already know. There are quests to learn languages for some monster races (like Gnoll), which are completed by killing the creatures. Books can be found in various locations that describe specific types of creatures. When read/examined, the book will offer a Lore and Legend quest. Completing these quests gives you a Mastery attack which does large amounts of damage to that creature. The more L&L quests you complete, the more creatures the Mastery attack will work on. See the Lore and Legend Timeline for a list of what L&L [spans 18] them. You can temporarily change your current level to a lower one, thanks to chronomagic. While the mentoring system allows lower-level players to group with higher-level players, chronomagic allows players to become lower level on their own, without being in a group. Through this feature, you can visit lower level places that you missed, complete quests and earn loot, and even take on special missions for those lower levels. A number of mysterious erudites have set up in Qeynos, Freeport, Neriak, Gorowyn, and Kelethin. Any player level 20 or higher can speak to them, and for a small fee, temporarily lower their adventuring level. This works similarly to mentoring except:The chronomagic will last until cancelled (right-click on your nameplate or /unmentor). Once cancelled, you must return to any Timeless Chronomage to reactivate the effect. Additionally, 37 new missions have been added. They task players with slaying various bosses within zones of all levels throughout Norrath. And, of course, these missions reward players with an array of exciting new items! To get a "Path of the Past" mission, talk to a Chronomagi Tasker in one of the starting cities. These NPCs offer missions similar to the Shard Missions, which send you to one of the instances in Norrath. You can ask assistance from a Timeless Chronomage to mentor you down to the level of that [spans 19] instance. Adornments are items that can be added to equipable items to add some sort of effect to them. They are limited in what type of item they can go on (i. some adornments can only go on shoulders). They can add or enhance a skill or stat (+10 STR), or enhance a spell (+4 to all heals). By adding adornments to your equipment, you can increase the stats that your equipment bestows on you, or even gain new effects that you didn't have before. Adornments are received as quest rewards or created by player crafters. In order to make an adornment, the crafter needs components that are made from the Transmuting process. ## Transmuting breaks down valuable items (Treasured, Legendary, Mastercrafted, and Fabled items) into components. If you're looking to have an adornment made-to-order, you might provide items to be broken down. You can also just pay for a completed adornment. Once you've obtained an adornment, you must attach it to a piece of equipment. In doing so, the adornment is expended, and cannot be recovered. The equipment gains the "Ornate" tag, which means it cannot be traded any longer, even if it was tradeable previously. You can't recover an adornment after it has been applied, but you can replace it with a new adornment. Each item can only hold one adornment at a time. You can search for adornments on the Broker. Generally you'll find a huge number of adornments for sale, so limit your search to a specific equipment slot and item type. You'll discover that different effects are restricted to different [spans 20] types. For each effect type, you'll find several different tiers of quality, with prices that vary accordingly. In each of the aligned cities of Norrath, disaffected individuals can be found. These traitors will, with a little encouragement, involve you in their little domestic terrorist agendas. This will eventually bring you into conflict with the local authorities, resulting in your expulsion from the city. You'll be transported to the Exile underground village of Haven, unwelcome in ANY of the aligned cities. Once Exiled, you can choose a new city to adopt, and work to gain faction until they will accept your application for Citizenship. You'll spend many hours doing quests before your new city will tolerate you! But at the end, you'll be accepted as a member of the opposite alignment. If your new city is of a different alignment, then you may also have your subclass changed. For example, if you were a Shadowknight in Neriak, you will become a Paladin when you join Kelethin. You are still a Crusader, but you have gone from an evil crusader to a good crusader. The only classes that are not forced to change subclass when your alignment changes are the neutral classes: Sorcerers, Enchanters, Druids, Clerics, Bards, Predators, Warriors, and Brawlers. Those neutral classes will, however, be offered the choice to change. Norrath is very rich in lore, and the lore is presented through hundreds of written books in-game, as well as through quests and dialogue. You [spans 21] arcs. As you collect the lore you'll also accumulate books, which can be placed in your character's house like any other piece of furniture. Here at EQ2i, we've collected much of the lore of Norrath in readable form. Visit the Main Article to browse through our collection of lore. You may find further inspiration for your character by browsing the articles on this wiki. Our articles are organized into categories for easy reference. See our top-level category, Category:EverQuest II, for a comprehensive view of all of the information on this wiki. Bot: spans 1: probably “the disciple Jesus loved” (John 21:20), and along with Peter and James, he had a special relationship with spans 2: left behind were deeply shaken, uncertain about everything they'd been spans 3: general charity for all who are in spans 4: just anyone who believes in Christ will spans 5: finishes off the chapter by saying that if you go around saying that you love God but you're hating on other Christians, then you're just a spans 6: first time, and it wasn't too easy to do with just my brother and spans 7: she does the driving! ! ! ha ha haThe garden-our place of zen! It is coming along nicely, the dudes, that's what we call our men, ha ha built us 13 4x8 raised beds and they are full full full! The strings are up for the pole beans, and today we are putting up the tomato cages that sisters' man made for spans 8: so i hope they need me to do breathing and not poiOk guys i got a big question would anybody be really upset if a friend of mine stayed with us and brought her Kids? I know the kids are they are 5,10,and spans 9: three virgins from Virginia stay with stag camp? We are 20,21, and 22 and arn't spans 10: be spans 11: out what all to bring with what limited funds I have right spans 12: Welcome! Please make your way over to spans 13: the world of spans 14: chosen a deity, its prophet will begin you on a 5-part series of quests to prove your spans 15: buffs that typically last for 10 spans 16: in your adventure you can gain additional mounts too, though their function and purpose changes and they have minimum spans 17: see Travel in spans 18: mastery are available, as well as where to find spans 19: instance, so you can get experience and other rewards from that spans 20: equipment slots or weapon spans 21: can make it your goal to learn the lore of Norrath, and to participate in it through the main story
User: What are the missing spans: While it's true that British competitors from England, Scotland, and Wales did very well at last year's Commonwealth Games, I have to take issue with their combined medal tallies being compared to that of Australia, as is being done at Swimnews right now. Reporting the “unretirement” of Britain's Mark Foster, Swimnews' Craig Lord states:“He announced his retirement on the eve of a Commonwealth Games at which he failed to make a final, a Games at which he also predicted that British home nation swimmers would be drowned by Australia. In fact, British swimmers put in what was by far their best performance, falling just one shy gold of Australia's gold tally and defeating the male Dolphins hands-down.”Here is the record of swimming medals from the Melbourne Commonwealth Games as reported on their official website. Lord's comparison of the combined score of the three UK teams with Australia is rather cheeky. After all, three teams can enter three times the number of competitors; in this case potentially nine swimmers per event compared to Australia's three. Combining the scores like this has all the validity of saying Pine Crest did not win the recent Florida Invitational Swim Meet because Dynamo, Tampa and Fort Lauderdale combined scored more points. Lord says the British home nations fell “just one shy gold of Australia's gold tally”. I think he means just one gold shy of Australia's tally, or at least I've never heard of a shy gold medal. Even if we go along with Lord and combine the gold medals, my reading of the table says Australia won 18 gold medals and the UK nations of England, Scotland and Wales combined won 15 and that's three “shy” gold medals short. There seems to be a problem with Lord's math. Lord is right about the male gold medal score. The UK total of 12 gold medals is well ahead of Australia's three. Even England on its own won seven gold medals compared to Australia's disappointing three. However, it is interesting to note that if one allocates a normal nine, seven and six points to first, second and third places Australia would beat England 117 to 104. So perhaps even the male result is not quite as “hands down” as Lord would have us believe. Am I imagining it or does [spans 1] interest. Lord's is a “legacy website”, popular and highly visible because of its age. The domain was registered on August 7, 1995. Online, age is a huge benefit. Search engines include a website's age in their assessment of its authority and trustworthiness. That Swimnews is only seven months [spans 2] blunders. I have a little nitpicky issue to bring up here. It could be considered silly, but I'll post it nonetheless. It's in regards to my favourite (you know, as in least favourite) swimming pool in the world: the Napier Aquatic [spans 3] Centre. They've changed their name and they have a new website, on which they lie. Above is their page regarding the clubs that operate at [spans 4] complex. You'll notice that they've included some nice pictures of the pool. The problem is, the two impressive underwater shots on either side of the charming hawk cartoon are of the bottom of the pool at the Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre, two hundred miles away. This shot clearly shows one of the WRAC's bulkheads, which separates the 50m pool into three sections. You can also see one of the WRAC's underwater viewing windows, of which the Napier Aquatic Centre has . [spans 5] well. The Napier Aquatic Centre is a horrible complex, where I suffered every ill effect of over-chlorination, poor water quality and dreadful management from 1999 until 2002, [spans 6] States. Before living in Napier, I trained at the fantastic facilities at the WRAC in Wellington, staring at its colourful tiles for four years and many hundreds of kilometers. I'm pretty well versed in what constitutes the bottoms of both those pools. How cute of Napier to show someone else's pool on their website. I bet they [spans 7] notice. Swimwatch occasionally gets correspondence from readers who do not want to use the site's comment's facility. Most of this comes by email, but some is delivered by hand, by telephone or in conversation. One of the nicest mothers on our team, in fact probably one of the nicest on any team constantly reminds me of the dangers of saying “stuff on the internet”. She prefaces many of her comments with the exclusion [spans 8] trouble. We had better move on. One of our team's ex-Board members, who, by the way, has intelligence to burn, is constantly pointing out areas where he thinks Swimwatch comments have gone too far. He took exception to the mention of Buck Shelford's scrotum in a recent posting. Now I have to say that incident was a particularly proud moment in New Zealand sport. It was all the nation could do not to have illustrated highlights on bill boards throughout the country. My friend needs to realize that “down under” there is a tendency to refer to the male anatomy more than might be the case in the United States. Just the other day the very good Australian runner Craig Mottram won a two mile race at the Prefontaine Track Classic Meet in Oregon. He was interviewed after the race by a [spans 9] said. When Jane Copland first qualified for the New Zealand Open Championships she was only eleven years old. A good friend of mine was sitting next to us watching the race and was impressed with Jane's efforts. When Jane climbed into the stands Pru jumped up, shook Jane's hand and exclaimed, “You're the only girl in the pool with balls.” Jane, who I must tell you, does not shock easily, did pause for a moment at that. Several weeks ago we posted an item on Kate Zeigler's world record 1500 meter swim. In it we discussed the comments Zeigler made about the importance of her faith. We said, “It is probably opportune to remind Zeigler and those boxing Christians of Mathew 6.6 “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is [spans 10] position. This morning she handed me a piece of paper which said, “Matthew 5:14-16, Acts 3: 21-23.”I have consulted the recommended verses. Those in Matthew are commonly referred to as the “sermon on the mount”. In them we are told, “Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.” Chapter Three of Acts makes a similar point. It says, “'A prophet will the Lord, your God, raise up from among your own kinsmen; to him you shall listen in all that he may say to you.”So there you have it, the other point of view. There appears to be a contradiction. It seems to me to be perfectly reasonable to pray in secret and bear witness in public. It's probably best at this point to take my team mother's advice and move on. Last week Swimwatch received a welcome email from New Zealand. It was in reply to a Swimwatch article called “Let's talk [spans 11] Contribution”. That article ended with the following point:“Again, the North Shore experiment has failed to produce World Championship [spans 12] medals. It continues to demonstrate it is the wrong plan. Another losing performance in Montreal shows it's time to change. New Zealand Swimming should get out of the Millennium Institute experiment. Develop a new national plan that strengthens swimming throughout the country – move away from the current [spans 13] plan. It's all a distant memory now, but remember when Duncan Laing ( Dunedin ) showed us he could produce World Championship gold medals with his own five dollar bill and a decent swimmer. Moss (Stanford), Kingsman ( California ), Hurring ( Hawaii ), Simcic ( Christchurch and Berkley ) and Langrell ( Christchurch ) all did close to the same. Something Cameron and the North Shore Club haven't been able to do with nearly all of New Zealand swimming's best swimmers and most of its money.”“Just thought I would back up the point made in LET'S TALK ABOUT CONTRIBUTION at the end of the article.2 – The only quad of NZ swimmers to win World Championship Gold was Jon Winter, Paul Kent, Guy Callaghan and Trent Bray – all non Jan Cameron and North Shore.”The correspondent is right. I apologize; Swimwatch should have [spans 14] team. By implication the email also points to a far healthier state of affairs when there was strength in New Zealand swimming from Dunedin (Loader), to Wellington (Winter), to Sydney (Kent) and south-of-the-bridge to Auckland (Callaghan and Bray). I understand Winter and Kent are both coaching in Auckland now. Winter did a great job coaching in Hawke's Bay. Let's hope he can do as well in Auckland. It would be great to see these two fine athletes produce a team that could take down the socialist backed North Shore. Don't bet against them. They both have the quality Graig Motrum and Buck Shelford found so appealing. Readers outside New Zealand, the UK and France may have missed this great photograph of rugby action. The photograph was taken during a recent test match between France and England. The action shown is a set play called a scrum where eight players from both sides pack down against each other. The ball is thrown between the two sides who then fight to capture and control the ball. In this particular scrum two players from France and two from England appear to [spans 15] sport. Probably of more concern is the location of the English flanker's (that's the position he plays on the side of [spans 16] mate. I've played several games of rugby and know of no legitimate reason for having ones hand in that position. Of almost equal concern is the French number eight's (that's the position he plays at the back of the blue scrum) hand carefully and gently holding his team mates bottom. Now I have to tell you Rugby is a sport that takes great pride in its masculinity. New Zealand history is littered with tough buggers who played the game. Colin Meads built fences on his King Country farm all week and destroyed opposition players on a rugby field on Saturday afternoon. Jaz Muller cut his hedge with a lawn mower. Buck Shelford played on against the French with his scrotum torn in half. Tiny White, Graham Mourie, Sid Going, Sir Brian Lahore, on and on these men are real men; masculine role models; everyone is a man's man. What damage has this photograph done? What disrepair has it caused? Generations of men have looked on at the deeds of the nation's rugby players with awe and respect. Now we find some players are using the game to indulge in some deep throat exploration and up the shorts fondles. It feels like someone in the family has died. We've just been told Santa and the Tooth Fairy are made up. Degree, priority and place have been damaged beyond repair. Rugby players, the press and ESPN may brand swimming as an easy sport; not nearly as tough as American football or New Zealand rugby. But, I tell you what. You don't find swimmers patting each other on the bottom part way through a deck change or having a quick kiss over the lane lines after the men's 50 freestyle. A few of the old guard may have shuddered at Amanda Beard's Playboy photographs. But at least they are straight, honest and in [spans 17] place. Yes indeed, in swimming, a sport that, after all, involves a minimum of clothing, the rules of good behavior are being better observed. But wait, I may have reacted [spans 18] soon. New Zealand's Radio Sport is telling me the photograph is a shame; it's been staged as part of a campaign advertising the 2007 Rugby World Cup about to begin in France. I feel a wave [spans 19] relief. These are not real players; men whose feats I've followed since childhood. But soon my fear returns. Staging a photograph like this is worse than if it was real. It is planned to advertise the game. It is an image of the sport's World Championships. It may be a pointer of where the game is going. I'm confused and glad to be part of swimming; a sport that still has Amanda Beard and a [spans 20] change. It's Nationals time; first the Open and then the Junior Nationals. Our team has one swimmer in the Juniors and two in the Opens. Those early mornings and hot afternoons have all been for this; the top of the domestic tree, it's great. I've noticed some local team's make great play of having swimmers qualify for the Open or Junior Nationals and then don't enter the event. What's the point of that? If you're good enough to be there you should go and try and win the bloody thing. Besides, why stay at home when you can be where the best hang out. When I came to the United States I was a bit unsure about the Junior Nationals. My experience of the New Zealand version had not been good. It's a terrible meet. So bad that I refused to [spans 21] it. Juniors in New Zealand are the scene of too much hurt. They remind me of the bull fights I've seen in Spain. Exciting and colorful, but in the end dusty, bleeding, dead animals are dragged from the arena. New Zealand's Junior Swimming Championships are like that. At the beginning of the week keen, enthusiastic, happy young people arrive full of anticipation, coached and honed to a competitive edge. Parents dash around the pool checking that their charge's start list seed times have been properly entered and locating the town's best source of pasta. Coaches patrol the pre-meet practice with all the intensity of an Olympic warm up. International swim meet promoters would die to be able to create the nervous energy present at the beginning of your average New Zealand age group championship. By the end of the first morning's heats you can detect the mood beginning to change. The problem is thirty swimmers enter an event, eight make a final, three get medals and one wins. Potentially there are twenty nine disappointed swimmers and fifty eight disappointed parents who can't wait to [spans 22] pain. It's a disappointment born out of [spans 23] high. As each day goes by the mood darkens and deepens. An adult's most valuable skill is providing comfort to another sobbing teenager. The transformation is stunning. The tremendous high of the first morning slumps [spans 24] further. By day four all I want to do is get the hell out of there and make sure no swimmer of mine ever goes back. For someone whose heart is in seeing athletes soar, the New Zealand Junior Championships are not something I care to watch. There is a good article on the US Junior Nationals in this month's issue of the USA Swimming magazine “Splash”. In it USA Swimming seem to be aware that their event [spans 25] version. For example, they say, “Along the way, however, many coaches and others within USA Swimming saw a disturbing trend. Instead of a whistle stop on the way to senior national and international competition the Junior nationals were embedding themselves as a destination.”The Americans have done some good things to avoid damaging the nation's youth. First of all their event is not a normal age group meet. Everyone up to a relatively old 18 can swim in the event. This avoids youngsters being over exposed at too young an age. Secondly, the qualifying standards are really tough. They reflect the “older” cut off age. An athlete has to be pretty quick just to make the cut. There's a fair chance swimmers that fast will have the experience and maturity to handle the occasion. Thirdly, names included on the meet's list of alumni suggest the Juniors are working as a transition between Sectional and International athlete. “Splash” tells me that Gary Hall, Aaron Peirsol, Ian Crocker and Michael Phelps all swam here. That's a pretty impressive list. It appears that winning is not essential either. For example, Phelps never won the event, but he seems to have come through unscathed. I agree with the “Splash” conclusion. The meet is a fine occasion for transition swimmers to “test themselves against the best among their peers.” When all the good ones are there, win or lose, its sport at its best. Bot: spans 1: Craig Lord just make stuff up? In our opinion, his site ranks well behind Swimming World Magazine and Timed Finals for accuracy, content and spans 2: younger than Yahoo undoubtedly allows Lord to get away with many of his inaccuracies and spans 3: Centre, formerly known as the Onekawa Aquatic spans 4: the swimming spans 5: Here, you can see the sharp drop-off where the WRAC's 2m deep portion descends to a 10m deep diving spans 6: when I moved to the United spans 7: thought no one would ever spans 8: clause, “Now, this is not to be repeated on Swimwatch.” Telling you this has probably already got me into spans 9: very excited Dwight Stones, who asked, “What did you need to win a race like that? ” The tall Australian did not hesitate, “Big balls,” he spans 10: in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” The scriptures appear to be saying that Zeigler's prayers are best kept to herself.” Last week one of our Lutheran master's swimmers went to her pastor seeking his views on the Swimwatch spans 11: about spans 12: gold spans 13: narrow single site focus to a broad based national spans 14: included that spans 15: be exploring the full meaning of contact spans 16: the white scrum) hand up the shorts of his amorous team spans 17: the right spans 18: too spans 19: of spans 20: skilled and modest deck spans 21: let Nichola Chellingworth or Jane Copland swim in spans 22: get back to the motel for their treble gin and tonic to ease the spans 23: expectations set far too spans 24: during the day; is momentarily revived at the beginning of day two, only to slump even spans 25: needed to avoid many of the problems characteristic of the New Zealand
<|prompter|> Generate more: A well put together residential landscaped property is not only beautiful but will add value to your home as well. There are many homeowners who try to achieve a professional looking landscape but fall short just from lack of education. Learning the process of bringing a yard together and blending in with the natural elements and your home's exterior can help you plan your own fabulous landscaping dream. There are hundreds of options in landscaping designs but they all have one thing in common, simplicity. Keeping your colors to a minimum of two or three basic choices will keep your blend easier to work with and not make your yard look overly busy. Only choose one theme and stick with it. You may like colored rocks or lots ... <|assistant|> Rest of text: of butterflies but too much of a good thing can go bad in a hurry. Two types of balance exist in landscape design, symmetrical and asymmetrical. A symmetrical image is when you have a mirror design all the way around the boundaries. Totally even and balanced in design is a good way for a beginner to start with a landscaping project. However, if you are the creative sort, asymmetrical can work if you balance the theme throughout the project. For instance, you may have a line of bushes along one border but not on the opposite border. You don't have to run out and buy matching bushes to have a symmetrical balance but use your imagination, using like colors or theme to blend in the complete appearance. Repetition... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> is important in any landscaping design. Consider a house that has different sized windows all around. This looks tacky and unprofessional even though each window may have its own unique style. Using... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> the same design over and over again will bring unity and structure to a scene. If you begin with a pattern of flowers or... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> shrubs, don't stop with one look and begin with others as you round the property. This is not to say that everything should be... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> repeated exactly but a flow and ebb style should be consistent. Decide on whether you want to pursue straight lines or a curvature. Curving lines can add a gentle, more natural grace to your surroundings while straight lines are more direct and strict in their presence. Whichever method you choose, stay with it. Switching from curvy lines to straight lines can make an abrupt looking change instead of harmony. You might compare to planting a couple of tall bushes in the midst of shorter, dense ground coverings. It will make you wonder why you would want to damage such beauty. Landscaping design can be fun and interesting with so many different ideas and natural plants at your fingertips. Play with your favorite types and remember the lessons in... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> achieving a unified look that will not only bring out the beauty of your yard but also your home as it blends into the complete atmosphere. Heart pounding, rapid breathing, lots of kissing, the ultimate sex drivedoes any of this sound good to you? Thats the outcome you can get after talking dirty with your partner. Learning dirty talk is not that hard to... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> do at all. Sure, it is going to take some practice on... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> your behalf, but all you have to have is some confidence and a partner that is willing to talk dirty with you. Talking dirty can be a journey that is extremely fun and it is very beneficial. Talking Dirty with your partner in the bedroom really will get you somewhere and it will lead to more excitement as you are in the bedroom. We... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> must say, it is well worth your time as we know your partner is going to enjoy it. Here are some steps you can... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> learn for the next time you talk dirty. Study these steps and... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> dont be afraid to use them. You are going to be surprised at just what these steps will bring you when you use them... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> This first step involves getting started, of course. We admit, starting out... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> can be the most difficult part. At times, it can be hard just to come right out and start talking dirty to your partner... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> Talking dirty out of nowhere may seem a bit strange to you. If your partner says it sounds great, then that is perfect. If... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> your partner doesnt sound comfortable with it, then it may be because they are a bit shy. You should take the lead and start off with some fun talk that leads to... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> lightly talking dirty. You should not be overly restrictive during this time as it is known for ruining the mood. However, you should talk with your partner and ask them if there are any words you should not use. There are some words out there that are not exactly a turn on for other people and that is perfectly fine. Dirty talk doesnt involve just having a mouth full of four letter words. It just means you are being raunchy and erotic with the partner. When you are in close contact and touching one another, talking dirty can be even easier. While touching one another, the words for talking dirty will flow freely from your mouth. So, dont be afraid to feel yourself around as you are searching... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> for those words. As you see, dirty talk is something that should... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> come natural to you and your partner. You should talk it over with your partner beforehand and make sure it is fine with them... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> Talking dirty will lead to a great sex life that is full... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> of excitement for couples. A lot of home owners with a lawn will wish to provide some thought to landscaping layout. For a front grass, this could possibly feature adding shrubbery, blossoms, and hardscaping elements. A backyard can easily additionally feature shrubs, blossoms, a vegetable yard, and decorative and useful aspects. The dimension of the area and the spending plan will normally dictate exactly what components are included. An attractive landscaping style for the front yard can easily add curb charm to any house. There are some options to grass, such as ground cover vegetables, stones, and also mulch. Picking vegetables that are suitable for each location will certainly ensure that they grow and flower. Some vegetables require direct sunlight, while others have to be planted in a... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> dishonest region. The price of blossoms and shrubs may accumulate, so selecting the most effective ones and growing them in regions that will enable them to grow will certainly assist keep the... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> expense down. A good balance of color and structure can easily improve any type of yard. Maintenance is often a concern of house owners when doing landscaping style for their property. If yard is going to be planted, it will certainly have to be trimmed consistently, normally on an once a week basis. Think the yard can be much more assorted and detailed than... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> those for the front lawn. Many individuals consider their yard to be a haven, a spot to relax and relax. Despite having a modest budget, landscaping design factors can be artistically utilized to make a comfy and functional region. Including a patio area or deck could produce space that can used for pleasure and leisure. A vegetable garden can easily allow for a calming pastime, along with offer fresh production. Residents need to take the time to monitor their home in several climate and at different times throughout the day prior to sitting down to make a plan. By incorporating economical and desirable elements, any residence may benefit from added value. Preparation a landscaping layout provides a chance to obtain innovative. The majority of house owners with a... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> yard will certainly wish to give some idea to landscaping design. An appealing landscaping layout for the front lawn can easily include curb charm to any sort of residence. Upkeep is typically... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> an issue of residents when doing landscaping design for their property. Even... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> with a moderate budget plan, landscaping layout components could be artistically used to make a relaxed and practical area. Preparation a landscaping design provides a chance to receive imaginative. Discover MoreThis is a ultra-small digital 1080P spy camera that hidden in a toilet Brush, it looks like an ordinary toilet brush, but it has a very powerful function, the most interest is that it internally hides a smallest camera DVR , it does not need any external plug-in card, built in memory 32GB itself, can work up to 18-25hours. there is time date stamp for the record, you can get the most authentic evidence for a variety of illegal behaviour. ideal for CIA agents ,police,detector,and spy agency. The camera is the most valuable is it hidden in a... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> dark toilet brush inside, no one will find it. You can provide strong evidence. You no longer have to worry about the thief came to your home, or nanny dedication to take care of your children. Because it can help you to record it all. So that you can feel at ease to go to work or play. Gardens of all types have a... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> natural beauty about them; even though they are human made they are a great display of the intricate beauty of nature. Whether it is a vegetable garden or a nicely landscaped flower garden, it can be almost like a piece of art work offering a wonderful way to blend your creativity with the dynamic canvas of nature. These days we have a number of... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> fun things we can integrate in our yards and landscaped areas to enhance the appearance or to increase functionality. One of those things is outdoor lighting. Good use of outdoor lighting can... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> do both of these things, although only at night. There are a number of styles of outdoor lights available making it easier to integrate them into virtually any style of garden. Some of them are utilitarian and others are very decorative. What you choose will depend on what you want most from this type of lighting, however most cases appearance plays a big role with this decision. One of the most distinct and lovely types of landscape lighting I've seen in recent years is the solar garden globe light. Solar garden globes are beautiful glass globes, usually made of hand-blown colored glass. The colors and designs vary from one globe to another, you can find them in swirling, frosted or speckled colors. The great part about these outdoor... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> globe lights is that they can enhance the look of the area where they are used both during the night and during the day. During the day they are noticeable for their own distinct design, but during the night they illuminate creating yet another distinct look. Because they are solar powered they are easy to use and there isn't really any maintenance involved. As... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> long as they have access to some sunlight during the day they will automatically turn on when it gets dark outside, then turn off when the sun rises. While they don't offer... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> a great deal of light, not enough for safety or real increased visibility at night, they do offer a bit of additional light to your yard at night. Many of them even... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> change colors. If you are looking for a nice piece of art to accent your garden consider solar garden globes. Unlike many other accent pieces these offer a distinct look both during the day and at night. With a hounding thought of having to refresh the look and feel of your bedroom, you first would have to decide on the central theme for the bedroom interior design ideas. I offer this article for you to read with a few tips to ponder and to really give your bedroom design a makeover. Your bedroom interior design ideas have to revolve around the main purpose of your bedroom design: to relax and to sleep in peace. Thus, you would do well to make the interior designing as calming and comforting... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> as possible for you. If you have the heart set to have that old country look for your bedroom interior design ideas, a rustic styled outlook is the preferable. You can work around with some natural or pine wood elements to brighten up the room. The floor as well as the walls can tap a few shades of navy, cream or maybe a bit of rust accents. To portray a more romantic setting for the bedroom interior design ideas, the interior designing setup could be embodied with hint of the royal blue, a deeper blend of red or maybe a dash of purple. The interior designing can be molded to add a little texture with a wall hanging or a throw rug. Add a silk or satin clothing... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> to add to the window”s interior designing. For the walls, well, you can make use of a modern version of some decorative plaster or just roll with the mosaics. For the love... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> of being one hell of a romantic give your bedroom interior design ideas a shabby chic interior designing theme. Such an approach for the bedroom interior design ideas would make for a very light and free look to the bedroom design. Take up a little off tones of white or cream to color your furniture that you have added to the bedroom interior design... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> ideas. Pick off the lighter shades of different colors, this use of a lighter color would create a flurry of light waves to flow throughout the bedroom design. When you are headset to make a few changes to the bedroom interior design ideas it”s the little speck of a things that make major change of the tone when it comes to the interior designing... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> of the bedroom design. Add a few trinkets here and there, placing a potted plant may blend in nicely with the bedroom design elements. A bit green can do wonder for the... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> room”s overall environment as well as the feel of bedroom as a whole. But you have to keep in mind that the bedroom design can have many different themes or styles that... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> gives you a rough layout but no matter what you intend to go with it always better to plan ahead and work with visual... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> aid to have the bedroom interior design ideas primed and ready to go. What is it exactly which makes a home complete and elegant? Well, it is more of a combination of factors than anything specific. Most people claim that the perfect house is warm, inviting, and stylized accordingly with it's contents. For your dwelling to be beautiful, every room in it needs to... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> be worked to perfection, and that includes one of the most sacred rooms for many, the bathroom. If you know nothing of construction and renovations, it's no reason to back out of... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> a washroom remodeling project. If you're patient and willing to learn, then you can actually manage to turn what seems like a grinding project into a fun, light, and enjoyable one. Whether your bathroom is big or small, a guest or a master restroom, there is a multitude of ways in which you can make it more desirable. First off, whether you're experienced or not, you will most likely need some help with your project, and that's where the contractors come in. They're there to perform most of the complex tasks and operations for you, as well as guide the whole operation, for a certain sum of money of course. Even though you can select some type of design from the internet, a catalog or magazine, or a... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> home improvement showcase, it would be much more beneficial for you to come up with your own design and layout, so as to make your washroom into the cozy and personalized space it should be. Here are some ideas which you can use in the remodeling of your restroom: adding a new vanity (using fancy materials such as marble is always a nice touch),... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> re-tiling your floor (you can use that to form more or less... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> intricate patterns to serve as decorations), changing the bathtub (there's an innumerable amount of designs available for those, some of them being quite eccentric), getting a new shower (getting something environment-friendly which would save water would be nice plus, especially in the eyes of others), replacing old fixtures with ornate and decorative ones (towel rings, faucets, handles and other fixtures can have a major... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> impact on a washroom's appearance), and finally you could add some artwork to your washroom, such as paintings, and possibly even small sculptures. Deciding to remodel your home is a big decision,... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> and installing hardwood flooring is a solid investment. How can you reduce your costs but still enjoy the beauty and the benefits of oak... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> flooring? One solution is to buy them online, or to buy them directly from timber merchants UK Timber, who can provide some of the best prices on the market! With gorgeous English... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> and French oak floor boards from these timber merchants, you will be... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> able to create the design that you are seeking for your home, at a reasonable price! With different types of grade there are a diverse range of styles available, from a more... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> contemporary look for your home to a unique traditional or rustic interior that will exude richness and warmth. With many years of knowledge and expertise, UK Timber have much experience of manufacturing solid oak flooring, which they think of as a precise art. With these skills their timber is an excellent choice for home flooring. Solid oak flooring is highly sought after due to... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> its amazing character, durability and beauty that is unsurpassed. Therefore, you should choose your supplier very carefully. From timber merchants such as UK Timber, oak flooring comes completely unfinished, so you have... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> the freedom to choose and apply your own preferred finish and bring out the best of this versatile type of wood flooring for the exact colour match that you are after. Quality oak flooring from UK Timber is manufactured from kiln dried boards imported from France and England. This top quality flooring is tongue and grooved, and these oak boards can be end matched if you request it. Oak floor boards from UK Timber are planed ready for sanding after installation. UK Timber has different types of oak flooring available at their online store, offering superb quality and character. The wood is kiln dried to approximately 8-12 percent moisture content. These floor boards do not require sanding, and they are ready to be finished in any way that... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> you like. They are unique and of superb quality! UK Timber also offers solid English oak flooring, which is beautiful and similar in appearance... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> to French character grade oak flooring. Manufactured from kiln dried boards using home-grown trees, it is also tongue and grooved. These floor boards are planed ready for sanding after installation, and extra... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> thick floor boards are available upon request. In terms of appearance European oak flooring is identical in density and wear resistance to the French... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> oak floor boards.
Human: What is how to fill in the missing spans: In the twisted realm of agribusiness, raising grass-fed cows, especially in the heart of 'corn [spans 1] art. said Fred Kirschenmann, a distinguished fellow at the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University . 'The attitude out there is that grass-fed is [spans 2] crazies. '"Yet, far from being 'crazy,' grass-fed beef represents a sought-after solution to unsustainable agricultural practices – one that could not only drastically reduce pollution but also produce a nutritionally superior meat. While far from the norm at this point, a new appreciation for grass-fed meat, and all that it stands for, is steadily growing and these so-called 'unconventional' ranchers are now becoming mainstays in the industry. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), in which the majority of US beef (and pork, chicken and eggs) is raised, contribute directly to global warming by releasing vast amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere – in fact, more than the entire global transportation industry. They also contribute to climate disruption by their impact on deforestation and draining of wetlands, and because of the nitrous oxide emissions from huge amounts of pesticides used to grow the genetically engineered corn and soy fed to animals raised in CAFOs. The cows are fattened for slaughter on giant feed lots as quickly as possible (on average between 14 and 18 months) with the help of grains, as CAFOs represent a corporate-controlled system characterized by large-scale, centralized, low profit-margin production, processing and distribution systems. Contrary to popular arguments, factory farming is not a cheap, efficient solution to world hunger. Feeding huge numbers of confined animals actually uses more food, in the form of grains that could feed humans, than it produces. For every 100 food calories of edible crops fed to livestock, we get back just 30 calories in the form of meat and dairy. That's a 70 [spans 3] loss. With the Earth's population predicted to reach 9 billion by mid-century, the planet can no longer afford this reckless, unhealthy and environmentally disastrous farming system. And as Prescott Frost, great-grandson of poet Robert Frost who has entered the grass-fed meat business, told the New York Times:2"'If change is going to come to the cattle industry, it's got to come from educated people from the outside,' Mr. Frost said, quoting from Allan Nation, the publisher of The Stockman Grass Farmer, considered the grazier's bible. "A joint effort between the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Clemson University researchers determined a total of 10 key areas where grass-fed is better than grain-fed beef for human health. Bot: spans 1: country' (the Midwest) is now regarded as a specialty industry "for the crazies," as the New York Times recently reported.1"Where the great cattle herds once roamed, grass finishing — an intricate and lengthy ballet involving the balance of protein and energy derived from the stalk, with the flavor rendered by earth, plants and even stress — is a nearly lost spans 2: for the spans 3: percent Human: What is how to fill in the missing words: 3 In a side-by-side comparison, they determined that grass-fed beef was:Another troubling aspect of grain-fed cattle involves the well-being of the animal and, consequently, the health effect this has on you. ## Common consequences among grain-fed cattle include:4Liver abscesses. From 15 to 30 percent of feedlot cattle have liver abscesses, which result when bacteria may leak out through ulcerated rumen in cattle and are ultimately transported to the liver. During digestion, cows produce gas and [words 1] up the gas without any difficulty. Grain-based feeding causes these gasses to become [words 2] results in bloat. In more serious cases of bloat, the rumen becomes so distended with gas that the animal is unable to breathe and dies from asphyxiation. Virginia [words 3] living example of how incredibly successful and sustainable natural farming can be. He produces beef, chicken, eggs, turkey, rabbits and vegetables. Yet, Joel calls himself [words 4] for it is the grass that transforms the [words 5] that his animals then feed on. By closely observing nature, Joel created a rotational grazing system that not [words 6] heal but also allows the animals to behave the way the were [words 7] to — expressing their "chicken-ness" or "pig-ness," as Joel would say. Cows are moved every day, [words 8] revegetation. Sanitation is accomplished by birds. The birds (chickens and [words 9] cows leave — via the Eggmobile — and scratch around in the [words 10] best. Salatin hasn't planted a seed [words 11] purchased a chemical fertilizer in 50 years. He just lets herbivores be herbivores and cooperates [words 12] it. It's a different and refreshing philosophy. When cows are raised on a 'salad bar' of natural grasses, the meat takes on [words 13] be achieved with grain. Frost told the New York Times:5"'When the wine [words 14] California, nobody had a language for what a bouquet was,' Mr. 'Vintners [words 15] come up with a way an audience could have a conversation about hints of raspberries, of chamomile. And that's what we have to do with beef. [words 16] type of sustainable manner can be [words 17] too. Instead of making $150 per acre per year from a crop that produces [words 18] months, but lays fallow for the rest of [words 19] Salatin's making $3,000 per acre by rotating crops [words 20] of his land all 12 months — and maintaining its ecological balance at the same time. This generates complementary income streams for the small farmer and allows them to compete [words 21] protecting the land from ecological disasters. Currently, meat in supermarkets will be labeled 100% grass-fed [words 22] from pasture, but if it contains no label it's probably CAFO-raised. In 2013, a new [words 23] and natural health consumers, animal welfare advocates, anti-GMO and [words 24] tackle the next big food labeling battle: meat, eggs [words 25] from animals raised on factory farms, or CAFOs. This campaign, which aims to [words 26] with a massive program to educate consumers about the negative [words 27] factory farming on the environment, on human health [words 28] animal welfare, and then move forward [words 29] millions of consumers to demand labels on [words 30] and dairy products derived from these unhealthy and unsustainable so-called "farming" practices. In the meantime, you can boycott food products from CAFOs and choose to support farmers who produce healthful grass-fed [words 31] dairy products using humane, environmentally friendly methods. You can do this not only by visiting the farm directly, if you have one nearby, but also by taking part in farmer's markets and community-supported agriculture programs, many of which offer grass-fed beef. The following [words 32] you locate organic grass-fed beef and other farm-fresh foods in your local area, raised in a humane, sustainable manner. Previous [words 33] Disease Is a Step in the WRONG Direction. ## Thermoregulation—your body's heat distribution system—is strongly linked to sleep cycles. Even lying down can induce sleepiness by [words 34] core to your periphery. In this article, I'll be discussing the latest research on sleep temperature, as well as other factors that can ease [words 35] a blissful night's slumber. While you sleep, your body's internal temperature actually drops to its lowest level of the day, generally about four hours after you fall asleep. Research has determined that insomniacs typically have a warmer core body temperature just before bed than normal sleepers, which leads to [words 36] and difficulty drifting off. Many scientists believe that anything that mimics your body's natural temperature drop [words 37] sleep—such as the abrupt temperature change that occurs shortly after getting [words 38] bath. Keeping a "cool head"—or more specifically, a cool brain—appears to [words 39] sleepiness. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine found that a cap worn [words 40] circulating water helped them sleep almost as easily as people without sleep disorders. [words 41] were set to the coolest temperatures were able to get [words 42] than those whose caps were set [words 43] explained by the fact that heightened brain activity raises your brain's temperature. Many insomniacs report that they can't fall asleep because they "can't turn their [words 44] cooling cap helped resolve this. Researchers concluded [words 45] keeping their brains too hot for sleep. Cooling off your brain makes sense, as melatonin (your sleep hormone) works in part [words 46] lowering your body temperature. Yawning may also serve to cool your brain by drawing a [words 47] your sinuses. Your brain temperature is [words 48] deprived, which might explain why exhaustion triggers excessive yawning. New research2,3 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests that sleeping in a cool room has significant calorie- and fat-burning health benefits. Francesco Celi, Chairman of Virginia Commonwealth University's Division of Endocrinology and [words 49] small reduction in room temperature helps your body "burn calories and dispose of excess blood sugar"—thanks to your body's brown fat. Brown fat generates heat [words 50] you burn calories, which is why it's being explored as a tool for weight loss, healthy metabolism, and more. The more brown fat you have, the better, as there are direct correlations between your level of activated brown fat and optimal metabolic markers. People with more brown fat [words 51] blood sugar control, and higher insulin sensitivity when [words 52] cold temperatures. As you age, the activity of your brown fat decreases, which helps explain why there's a tendency to gain [words 53] age. However, exercise may help prevent this. [words 54] evidence suggests that the optimal temperature for [words 55] the best for a sound sleep. Celi, there is evidence pointing to shivering as the mechanism that triggers brown fat to produce heat [words 56] burn calories.4 Like exercise, shivering triggers your [words 57] energy use in your brown fat cells. But shivering is not conducive to sleeping soundly, as evidenced [words 58] Dr. Eus van Someren and colleagues at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience. While a dip [words 59] "time for bed" switches, Someren's research indicates that deep, [words 60] you to keep your skin temperature [words 61] comfortable. " So, if you're thinking about chilling yourself during the night to boost [words 62] won't work—you'll end up sleep deprived. In fact, [words 63] others suggest that skin temperatures in the range of 90 degrees may be optimal. Typically, all that's required to get your skin to 90 degrees Fahrenheit are thin pajamas, plus a sheet, [words 64] if your bedroom thermostat is set to 65. [words 65] the heat way down and crawl under a [words 66] sleep well, but you're probably not experiencing much brown fat activity. The other thing that can happen if your bedroom is too chilly is [words 67] in your skin will constrict, locking in heat and raising your [words 68] to a point at which your sleep can be disturbed. [words 69] introduce a bed partner into the [words 70] matter whether he or she is the two-legged [words 71] complicated, especially if you each have different Goldilocks zones for comfort. Sharing your sleep sanctuary can [words 72] business. Finding your "perfect sleep temperature" is a bit of a process and differs for everyone. But body temperature is only one of many factors that [words 73] of your sleep. Professor Russell Foster of [words 74] ditching your pajamas to improve your slumber—which is actually done by one-third of all adults in the US, according to one study.5 If [words 75] may be more difficult for your body to regulate its temperature. With or without [words 76] your hands and feet are warm because if they aren't, [words 77] reduce blood flow in an effort to prevent heat from escaping, and [words 78] prevents your core temperature from dropping easily. [words 79] peripheral blood vessels to widen, promoting heat loss. To summarize, if you want to fall asleep easily, you'll [words 80] be warm enough that your blood vessels won't [words 81] not so hot that your body can't cool down. Millions of American adults are sleeping less than six hours per night, which recent [words 82] chronic inflammation, higher stress, and increased mortality from all causes. Getting [words 83] hour less sleep per night may raise your risk of several chronic diseases. [words 84] of altered metabolism, because when you're sleep deprived, leptin (the [words 85] while ghrelin (which signals hunger) risesAccelerate tumor growth, primarily due to [words 86] production. Melatonin inhibits the proliferation of a [words 87] and triggers cancer cell apoptosis (self-destruction). The hormone also interferes [words 88] new blood supply tumors require for their rapid growth (angiogenesis)Deep sleep is one of the most important sleep phases as this is when your body repairs [words 89] your immune system is strengthened. The more time you can spend in this crucial sleep phase during [words 90] you'll feel in the morning. Sound stimulation has been shown to be effective for prolonging deep sleep. So, if you're having trouble staying asleep, this is a simple trick to try. A study published in [words 91] found that playing "pink noise" sounds that were synchronized to the subject's brain waves when the subject approached deep sleep allowed them to remain in deep sleep longer than when the [words 92] played. The participants' memory also showed dramatic improvement after sleeping with "pink noise. "Participants were shown 120 pairs of words before going [words 93] the following morning to see how many they could remember. After sound stimulation, the subjects improved their memory retention [words 94] an average of 22 sets of words [words 95] when the sound was not played. The key, according [words 96] the frequency of the sound was synched to the [words 97] waves. This amplified the size of the brain waves [words 98] sleep, and these slower brain waves are associated with information processing and memory formation. You can find special "pink noise" apps to play in your bedroom, or you [words 99] get this benefit. Additionally, if you don't already have a fitness tracker that records your sleep, I would encourage you to get one. It's difficult to change a habit when you're not monitoring it, and chances are, you're not getting nearly as much sleep as you think you do. Using a sleep tracker can help motivate you to get to bed earlier so you can get eight hours of sleep. The Apple Watch,8 which is set to launch this year, is one example. If your sleep is being interrupted, the first step is to determine the cause. Most sleep disruptions are related to environmental or emotional factors, such as:Eating the worst foods for sleep too close to bedtime, such as a heavy meal, unhealthy fats, spicy foods, coffee, or dark chocolateThe last one is a biggie, as about 95 percent of Americans use an electronic device within one hour of turning in.9 These devices interfere with your sleep-wake cycle by making noises, emitting light that interferes with your body's natural melatonin production, and emitting low level radiation. One 2008 study10 showed that people exposed to radiation from their mobile phones for three hours before bedtime had more trouble falling asleep and reaching deep sleep. According to the 2014 Sleep in America Poll,11 53 percent of respondents who turn electronics off while sleeping tend to rate their sleep as excellent, compared to just 27 percent of those who leave their devices on. This is why I recommend avoiding watching TV or using a computer or tablet at least an hour or so before going to bed. If you do keep your devices in your room, make sure they are physically turned off along with your Wi-Fi router. An alternative is trying a free computer program called f. lux (see justgetflux.com), which alters the color temperature of your computer screen as the day goes on, pulling out the blue wavelengths as it gets late. Small adjustments to your daily routine and sleep sanctuary can go a long way to ensure uninterrupted peaceful slumber. I suggest you read through my full set of 33 healthy sleep guidelines for all of the details, but to start, consider implementing the following changes:Make sure you get BRIGHT sun exposure during the day. Your pineal gland produces melatonin roughly in approximation to the contrast of bright sun exposure in the day and complete darkness at night. If you are in darkness all day long, it can't appreciate the difference and will not optimize your melatonin production. Keep the temperature in your bedroom below 70 degrees F. Many people keep their homes too warm (particularly their upstairs bedrooms). Studies show that the optimal room temperature for sleep is between 60 to 68 degrees F. Be mindful of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in your bedroom. EMFs can disrupt your pineal gland and its melatonin production, and may have other negative biological effects as well. A gauss meter is required if you want to measure EMF levels in various areas of your home. If possible install a kill switch to turn off all electricity to your bedroom. If you need a clock, use a battery-operated one. Bot: words 1: when they are on pasture, they belch words 2: trapped, and words 3: farmer Joel Salatin is a words 4: a grass farmer, words 5: sun into energy words 6: only allows the land to words 7: meant words 8: which mimics their natural patterns and promotes words 9: turkeys) arrive three days after the words 10: pasture, doing what chickens do words 11: or words 12: with nature, instead of fighting words 13: different flavors that cannot words 14: industry started out in words 15: had to words 16: '"Farming done in this words 17: incredibly profitable, words 18: food for three words 19: the year, words 20: throughout the year, thereby making use words 21: with CAFO operations, while words 22: if it came words 23: alliance of organic words 24: climate-change activists will words 25: and dairy products words 26: have CAFO foods labeled, will start words 27: impacts of words 28: and on words 29: to organize and mobilize words 30: beef, pork, poultry words 31: meat, eggs and words 32: organizations can also help words 33: ArticleWhy Branding Obesity as a words 34: redistributing your body heat from your words 35: you into words 36: heightened arousal words 37: may help promote words 38: out of a hot words 39: induce words 40: by insomniacs filled with cool words 41: Those whose caps words 42: more sleep words 43: slightly warmer.1 The caps' success can be words 44: brains off" at night, but the words 45: that their extra brain activity was words 46: by words 47: bolus of cool air into words 48: higher when you're sleep words 49: Metabolism, even a words 50: by helping words 51: have a faster metabolism, better words 52: exposed to words 53: weight with words 54: Unfortunately, other words 55: activating brown fat may NOT be words 56: and words 57: muscles to secrete a hormone that stimulates words 58: by research from words 59: in core temperature before bedtime flips on your words 60: restful slumber requires words 61: "perfectly words 62: your health and metabolism, it simply words 63: Someren's work and that of words 64: and a light blanket—even words 65: So, if you're one to turn words 66: big puffy comforter, you may words 67: that the blood vessels words 68: core temperature words 69: If you words 70: mix—and it doesn't words 71: or four-legged variety—then things get even more words 72: be tricky words 73: control the quality and duration words 74: the University of Oxford recommends words 75: you're wearing lots of bedclothes, it words 76: pajamas, it's important to make sure words 77: the blood vessels near your skin constrict and words 78: this words 79: Conversely, warming your skin causes your words 80: need to words 81: constrict, but words 82: studies have linked to words 83: just one words 84: This is likely the effect words 85: hormone that signals satiety) falls, words 86: disrupted melatonin words 87: wide range of cancer types, words 88: with the words 89: and regenerates, and words 90: the night, the more refreshed words 91: the journal Neuron6 words 92: sound was not words 93: to bed and tested words 94: by nearly 60 percent, recalling words 95: compared to 13 words 96: to the authors, is that words 97: subject's brain words 98: during deep words 99: can simply turn on a fan to
Instruction: Fill in the missing spans: saw some very interesting happenings, Korean unification, public sentiment overcoming totalitarian regimes in Indonesia and Serbia, fining of cigarette companies to the tune of 4 billion dollars and the accelerated growth of Internet technology kindling hope in the world of a change, possibly for the better in the coming millennium. As the sun set on the 20th Century, we in India were witnessing seemingly unconnected events. Glitter and publicity surround some, optimism and despair others. Sometimes, the same event triggered both extremes of responses, optimism and hope in some, despair and futility in others. Four events appear to be of great significance. Apparently unconnected, is it possible that they reveal a pattern, a standpoint from where the nation functions? Among all this the visits of two Bills, Bill Clinton and Bill Gates, probably have middle order significance. However, examining these two visits, the air around them and how our country received them, it may be an opportunity for some reflection, an understanding of how we are today. The story of how we are is probably the only thing that educates, other than the sledgehammer blows that occasionally rent the fabric of society, calamities, wars, suffering beyond endurance. Our reception to both Bills highlights the value that we attach to the nation, the U. and the richest man in the U. One was the head of the nation and the other, an empire called Microsoft. It does appear intriguing that both Bills chose the closing months of 2000 to visit India. There must be some significance to this. Such confluences are truly stellar and of course we should be cautious about reading too much into this coincidence. But one can't help wondering. Is India suddenly displaying certain important signs, signals that are unmistakable. National economic resurgence does not happen without a shrewd business head. For instance, could it be a [spans 1] China. The size of the market is directly proportional to the population it appears. It has not been so in the past. The small populations of the western nations have been the biggest markets so far. Both China and India with their regulations have been sticky markets for the world. The most successful players have been the arms dealers followed by Coca Cola and Pepsi. Other businesses till recently found the situation too difficult. Is the visit of the two economic stars a signal that Ministers are finally turning in? Is it that the dollar Bills wish to encourage the song being sung by the rupee ministers? What are these words of the spoken and unspoken song? You are a rich nation, rich in culture, You have great potential, we see signs of an economic upsurge. We would like to have a relationship of mutual benefit, we place great value by this nation and its capacities. We see big profit, you are ready for our game, WTO and World Bank have finally softened you, you are on our playing field. Is it not strange that one businessman visits India for a day and all Chief Ministers cluster in Delhi? A Chief Minister in India represents a State with a population that is comparable to European nations. Bill stays at Maurya Sheraton and the CM's scurry decides among these elected representatives, whom he will need. Are the States an opportunity for Bill or is Bill an opportunity for the Indian States? This author may be pardoned for feeling that this one event is the final limitation of a large, multicultural nation. We were once lorded over by merchants of the East India Company. Our ministers with the west India, asking them to return not for 400 years but for a thousand years. And in this hi-tech age, when face-to-face conversation can be had over tele-conferencing facilities that are in every State capital, we see rupee ministers paying respects to the dollar czar who flies in for a day from Sydney. I wish each CM had agreed to listen to Bill on video conference. I wish CMs had wanted for Bill to find enough time to visit them rather than attending his party in our capital. I can't help feeling dismayed at this weak capitulation. President, Bill Clinton, found more time in India and mingled with common people at least on one occasion. But Bill Gates found one day of entertainment in Delhi and had the ministers dancing to his tune. He decided whom he would meet and who was not important enough for the honour. I do not know what we can do to change this equation. Is this the final throwing away of all self respect? Is this nation of 1 billion people meekly swaying to an alien orchestra, a proft machine? The arrogance and assurance with which the industrial revolution swept the earth has left us gasping for fresh air, thirsty for drinking water and weak with poisoned food. Raised standards of living for a few Western nations have meant inequitable sharing of resources for the rest. And now we are being visited to the big orgy. You, a Billion people, you can do it too. You can get here too. The strength of this nation once was to question and enquire. Can we sharpen doubt and enquiry rather than encourage tame following of a recent culture, a culture whose 500 years leave little to be emulated. Wooing the West, entering the ballroom of development, we appear to be taking all the right steps. However, the low key visit of the Russian President Putin adds an interesting dimension to India's position, vis-a-vis the West. Our relationship with Russia is important. An ancient defence treaty and a committed position on Kashmir are the [spans 2] friendship. However, the announcement to build nuclear reactors, one every year, over the next 10 years raised many eyebrows. The Russian commitment to sell us enriched fuel for some of our reactors is also part of this movement. These decisions seemingly set India free from an unwilling West for supply of nuclear fuel. The decision to build more reactors, however, seems to be against the groundswell of public feeling. It appears to throw caution to the winds and boldly strike out. The nuances of the decision should not be overlooked. Also, Russia is gambling on its vast un-used, unusuable land resources and the cold extremities. It is taking a calculated risk of permanently writing off some of its land for finding the economic veins. Low levels of [spans 3] unavoidable. Well, if it can't be avoided it must be endured for a better future, for a restoration of dignity, to become once again a global player. For India, what does all this mean? For a glorious future we are willing, the political leadership is willing to expose our population to a low level radiation. But what about nuclear waste storage, treatment and disposal? We are not blessed as Russia is with vast frozen areas, but have fertile land that supports life everywhere. We are also not blessed with a small population like Russia but are saddled with a billion population that is still growing. Scrambling between dollar Bills and rouble Putin will surely weaken us. Maybe this is the time to be restrained and fall back on our strengths. Welcoming ideas but not getting affiliated, encouraging open debates, trusting our population and its wisdom. Narmada flows from Amarkantak westward from Madhya Pradesh into Rajasthan and Gujarat. A dam, a large dam is built. It has had a chequered history. The dam was profound. The World Bank stepped in with funds. Environmental and resettlement issues embarrassed the WB and it withdrew its support. Gathering around Medha Patkar, a band of people, not an illiterate group, but educated individuals, several from IITs, chose to study and work with people in the Narmada Valley. The NBA is not politically affiliated and does not accept funding from foreign countries. It would not be difficult for Medha Patkar, particularly after receiving the Magsasay award to mobilise funds from some rich individuals abroad or funding agencies. The NBA has studiously avoided this avenue. This group has educated the valley and the nation on issues surrounding large dams as well as the specific effects of the Narmada dam. The wide debate one encounters in the valley is an enlightened one. People do not merely speak about `yes dam' [spans 4] dam. ' It is not a black and white issue. People speak about the objectives, alternative ways [spans 5] analysis. It is a mistake to look upon the Narmada Valley resistance to the dam as uninformed opposition. For the first time in modern India we have people, people who are farmers, tribals, joining a debate and there is a broad convergence. Indian bureaucracy and politicians are unused to such a phenomenon. ## Dams and large projects displace large populations. If this was America or Russia or Canada, the numbers displaced would probably be insignificant. But like China, we are an ancient civilisation on fertile land. The numbers [spans 6] large. It would seem that in this vast country, land is easily found. What is the problem with resettling a mere 50,000 families? We must reflect on what the MP Chief Minister has repeated many times the statement that there is no land available for resettlement. If we do not treat this as a political gimmick, then we must quickly see that suitable land must already be settled land. People and communities have established themselves on all, even remotely, habitable land. Our dwindling forests and encroachment into forests are also proof of pressure on land. The larger number of disputes in this nation has to do with land boundaries, encroachment rights, etc. To the mind [spans 7] else. There is no relationship with land. To the farmer and the tribal, the soil gives them their food, the live near the land. The rains mean life and not irritating puddles. Land means people and neighbours and markets and festivals. To be alienated from land, not by debt or hardship, but by legislation that seemingly offers an alternative, is a heavy psychological blow. To be given money instead of land means little. Money quickly vanishes [spans 8] work. One of the crucial stands of the NBA has been to ask for land in exchange for land. Let the [spans 9] bloom. It is a pity that lovely forests will be submerged. No one seems to care. But give land to the displaced, land where they can eke out a living. Is the judiciary in a peculiar situation? Is there a need to send signals to the dollar Bills that we have a working democracy and that the nation is willing to take hard decisions? The new dollar Bills may not remember that American Indians were herded into reservations and later their rights denied when minerals and uranium were found on their land. The dollar Bills may not wish to be reminded of how treaties among whites are one thing, but treaties with the American Indians are another issue. One needs to remember how certain lease agreements with native tribes are expiring and soon there will be questions of returning land to its owners. Justice is catching up and so is law. Do we wish to do the same? The equations are slightly different but the pressures are the same. Cities have large densities of population and have a great hunger and thirst for energy, water, food and services. ## Large cities have large footprints. The task [spans 10] around. This task acquires a subtle importance because of the numbers involved. Therefore the few thousands, scattered over a large tract of land, appear to be unreasonable when they do not move. They seem to be blocking the common good. India should become modern. We should stop thinking in terms of percentage and think [spans 11] numbers. It is modern to protect the right of an individual, even one individual, however difficult. We cannot wear the mask of democracy and be ruthlessly trampling on the constitutional rights of individuals. Can we value the substrata population? They point to something extraordinary. India must decide what kind of modernity it wants. Should it become a nation of consumers who will devastate the land and waters for future generation? Or consciously decide to exercise restraint against the tide of modernisation. After all, modernisation may be a blip in the face of our 5000-year history. The world's 6 billions cannot draw energy and resources on the scale of the U. One wonders if even the dollar Bills recommend this. Whether the Narmada dam is built or not, we have reached a turning point in our development efforts. No large project will ever after be easy, if at all one comes up. The nation's soul has been stirred from elegant drawing rooms to classrooms across the nation. Villages tuning into news on radio and television must surely share the debate. Maybe the desperation of the political forces is this. Medha should not go in for Jal Samarpan however futile the situation looks now. That would be the final triumph of the large projects lobby. There are no cogent debates among the establishment. In the land of Gandhi, who said that India lives in her villages, we seem too ready to give cities a preponderance. 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<human>: Fill in the missing words: Aspirants can check SSC Scientific Assistant Result by hitting the single link from ... page. Staff Selection Commission is all set to conduct ... for filling 1102 Scientific Assistant Group B vacancies. Thus, aspirants who ... be a part of this exam they can download SSC Scientific Assistant Group B Department Exam Marks here. Willing candidates ... the Official website of commission to check ... Exam Result. Applicants who will get their roll no in ... Results they are eligible to appear in next round of selection process that is Documents Verification. For obtaining more details regarding SSC Scientific Assistant ... to scroll this web page which is well framed by the team of indguru. Aspirants can ... the mentioned below instruction as given below to check Staff Selection ... Exam Result. Step 1: To check SSC Group B Exam Result, willing candidates firstly need to log on official website of commission that is ssc. inStep 3: After hitting this tab new page will be presented in front of you ... select “Departmental Exam” tab for SSC Scientific Assistant Group B Exam Result. Step 4: Then new page will be opened with SSC Scientific Assistant Group B Department Exam Result link, you need to press on it. Step 5: Now SSC SA Exam Result will be ... screen. Applicants have to check their roll no in Staff ... Assistant Group B Result PDF manually. Step 6: Contenders are advised to download SSC Scientific Assistant ... Merit List. Step 7: Finally take the print out ... Scientific Assistant Result and keep SSC Result safe for future use. ... of selection process after declaration of Staff Selection Commission Result. ... notified that the Staff Selection Commission will be conducted Documents Verification round for those candidates who will get their roll no in SSC ... list. So, aspirants have to carry their all required documents and testimonials at the time of verification. ... than one candidate secures the equal aggregate marks then the commission will resolve the tie by following the rules as mentioned below in sequence. Have a look! ! Candidates who want to collect more details concerning SSC Scientific ... Link. For acquiring upcoming information related to SSC Scientific Assistant Result 2017-2018 you can bookmark this web portal by pressing ctrl+d. PAKISTAN SUPREME COURT has rejected the mercy plea of the Indian prisoner, accused of Lahore bombing in 1990. Sarabjeet's news is often in the news and that made me curios to ... case. I was doing a fair bit of ... same. Yesterday, a news channel has also started a campaign to save Sarabjeet. The family of Sarabjeet is toiling hard for the ... years. What I have got to read from various sources creates an impression that Sarabjeet is being punished for the crime, ... committed. Sarabjeet is accused for espionage and is labeled as the man behind ... Bomb blasts in 1990. He was awarded death sentence by a Lahore anti-terrorism court in October 1991, ... serial bomb blasts in Lahore and Multan in Pakistan. But this case is definitely of mistaken identity. Pakistani security agencies say that he is Manjit Singh who is sought for the bomb blast case. But the ... that Sarabjeet is a resident of Bhikhiwind, a ... India's Amritsar district, strayed into Pakistan territory in an ... state. Even the officals in Paksitan also claim the same. Writing in Pakistan's The News in an opinion piece titled ‘Why Sarabjeet Singh must not be hanged' (some years back), Senator Farhatullah Babar of the Pakistan People's Party has linked Sarabjeet's case ... — a Jewish captain in the French Army who was banished in 1894, after being accused of being a spy but was allowed ... return home in 1906 when the charge was found to be untrue. ... Indians but it must not persuade us to hang every ... of a hat. Sarabjeet Singh's trial must not be allowed to ... was the Dreyfus trial in France. He must ... aide of former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, said. The key witness of this case, Salim Shaukat also said in an interview that he was forced ... perpetrator. Rediff carried his interview and he said, “I was ... (prosecution) lawyer that I should identify Sarabjeet as the main accused in the ... it,” said Salim Shaukat, cited as the main witness in the Lahore bombing, in which his father was killed. He admitted that he had ... during the blast. Acknowledging that he was forced to give such a testimony, he told ... Aaj Tak, from Lahore that “I am not sure if he is responsible ... the blasts . I was asked to say ... him. But I had not seen him ... the incident. The moment I identified him as the ... to swear by the Quran but I declined to do so. ... my statement but I was helpless as I was under the influence of law enforcement agencies,” Salim said in reply to questions. Pakistan's leading human rights activist Ansar Burney is also of ... would be tantamount to murder of humanity as the Indian national had been convicted without any substantial evidence. “I cannot allow the government to hang Sarabjeet Singh ... the basis that he is a non-Muslim ... pressure from extremist fundamentalist groups,” he said. There is no doubt that ... for the law-enforcement authorities in Pakistan. They have cooked up spying charges against him and produced false witness to ensure his conviction. There is ... extremists also. Sometime back Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, chief of the Jamaat-ud-Dawa, ... Lashkar-e-Toiba, has come out against any move to free death row ... and Indian national Sarabjeet Singh. In a statement posted on the Jamaat website, Saeed said, freeing Sarabjeet would be equivalent to ‘ridiculing' the country's courts. Ansar Burney is going to file the ... acquittal of Sarabjeet Singh. It is extremely disappointing that his petition as dismissed by the Supreme Court ... the counselor of Sarabjeet failed to turn up ... hearing. Rana Abdul Hamid, the lawyer who was representing Sarabjeet, had been unable to appear in court after he was appointed ... advocate general by Punjab province. The family of Sarabjeet is running ... to post to get him freed. It is of vital importance that ... to set free the innocent man who has already served over 18 years in Kot Lakhpat ... Lahore. This case of Sarabjeet is now a national case and we must urge the government to pursue for ... Sarabjeet. We must also support Pakistan Human Rights Activist Ansar Burney in his battle to secure freedom for Sarabjeet. Posted ... 30, 2009 Author rishabhCategories Government, Leadership, MediaTags Foreign Affairs, india, Leadership, Media, pakistan, Sarabjeet Singh, SocietyLeave a comment on Sarabjeet Singh: The case of mistaken Identity, must not be hanged Muslims across the country are a ... 26/11. Whenever there has been a terror strike in the ... and discrimination from the other communities and investigating agencies. Their loyalty to India is doubted. Unfortunately, some elements from both the ... and Muslims), along with the dubious political class always ensures that there is continuous ... two communities so that may take advantage of it. The common man is full of anger post-Mumbai attacks and Muslims ... any stone unturned to condemn the ... attacks. Even the celebration of E'id was scaled down. They want to present their viewpoint that terrorists are enemies not only of humanity, but also of the country, Indian Muslims and Islam. The clerics of the community have also refused to allow the ... in any of their graveyard. “The bodies of these inhuman ... anywhere on the Indian soil,” they said. Terrorism in India has affected the Muslims of this ... badly. It has provided a more conducive atmosphere for the political parties who survive on divisive ideology and destructive politics. There was a story in ‘Hindustan Times' where the teacher who was upset with a Muslim girl in a Delhi convent school, called her ‘Pakistani' in front of the entire class. There was an incident in Jet Airways flight where a passenger heckled a Muslim flight attendant ... religion. There are various other instances as well. ... this is that across urban India there is anger and open prejudice ... Muslims. I have no doubt that majority of ... of one nation and are as patriotic as you and I are. I would like ... who would look upon Muslims with an eye of suspicion but will watch SRK's latest film or ... topples the batting order of opposing teams or will ... Abdul Kalam as an icon or recite the ... Akhtar. But this same group will not think twice before raising doubts over fellow countrymen. Simi Grewal ... the difference between the Islamic and Pakistani flag and makes absurd comments only to apologise later. But dear Simi, you have already done enough damage. The same is true for the majority population, which ... secular fabric but will not think twice before raising suspicion about Muslims. The problem within our ... a thinking of our own and ... the hands of selfish, power-hungry politicians. They have ensured that there ... two communities. BJP and Shiv Sena protest over the use of the word ‘Hindu ... after every terror activity. Mulayam Singh Yadav and Lalu Prasad Yadav project themselves as messiahs of Muslims and will see every action ... national unity as a bid to suppress the minority community. Let's face the real scenario. We as a citizen of this country are slowly and slowly shedding the concept of national integration. Muslims are made to ... top religious and political “messiahs” that they are being targeted in this ... attribute each and every problem related to internal security in the country to the Muslims. As a citizen, I want that there should be ... and we should be internally strong. The investigating ... bias and influence from political authorities. If there is an anti-social element in any community we need to ensure that he ... seriousness and is punished for his crime. Greater political will is required to strengthen internal security. The issue of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants must be dealt with seriously. There should be no blame game ... hour of crisis until concrete evidence is available. Muslim clerics should also take the responsibility ... from any prejudice. Instead of issuing stupid ‘fatwa' against Sania Mirza ... for greater reforms within their community. They have the power to convince millions and they should use their reach for the betterment of the community. On other hand, we ... nation formed on the basis of religion would end as a failed ... an “international migraine”. The concept of India is ... its diversity and this makes our country special. We must not lose the beauty of our nation to ... bias. We need to work collectively to make our nation even stronger and that will be the ... the anti-India forces. The below is a report published today as HT's main headline citing ... visit. “You are in an educational complex, but you are from India and you work for Tehelka, ... to change your mind.”That's what Abdullah Muntazir, (my guide and the spokesperson for the foreign media), told me within minutes of reaching Muridke, commonly believed to be the headquarters of the Lashkar-e-Taiyyebba (LeT). It was for the first time that due permission had been granted to any Indian journalist to visit the sprawling campus that lies forty km out of Lahore. The barricade that leads to the complex is heavily guarded and no one can enter without prior consent. The guided tour took me through a neatly laid out 60-bed hospital, schools for boys and girls, a madarsa, a mosque, an exorbitantly large swimming pool and a guest house. Nestled between tall trees and a meshed wire boundary, the 75-acre complex has manicured lawns, turnip farms and a fish-breeding centre. The students who enroll in the school pay a fee while those who study in the madarsa and pass out as masters in Islamic studies can come for free. Learning English and Arabic from class one on is elementary and so is a course in computers. The administrators of the complex, drawn from the LeT's political wing, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, are clearly at pains to disassociate themselves from the group widely believed to be behind the terror attack in Mumbai on 27/11. Other foreign journalists were guided through the complex a few days before my visit and during their orchestrated tour, saw students working in chemistry and physics laboratories, peering into microscopes and connecting electric circuits. None of us went there thinking we would see firing ranges or target shooting in progress, but the tour itself is surreal. As you walk through the neatly trimmed lawns and veer left or right to see the hostel or the mosque or the hospital, the conversation itself is dotted entirely with words like terrorism, Lashkar and in my case, Kashmir. Even though the gates have been opened – after clearance from Pakistan's security agencies (read ISI) – to dispel the impression of Muridke being the training camp that “India has made it out to be,” the conversation is not about the school syllabus but wholly about how India is an enemy. A day after I visited Muridke, I met a family whose sister-in-law lives right next to the complex. “But of course it's a training ground. You can hear slogans for jehad blaring out of loud speakers in full volume and you can also sometimes hear the sound of gunfire,” members of this family confided. But during the two hours that I spent within the complex, there was enough conversation about jehad even if there were no signs of it being a sanctuary not just for the Lashkar-e-Taiyyebba but also believed to have been used as a hideout by al-Qaeda operatives, including Ramzi Yousef, one of the conspirators of the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing. Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone terrorist who was captured alive in Mumbai, is supposed to have studied here, according to his interrogators, and it's time to ask some straight questions. “Yes, we were like-minded but the group was banned after Indian propaganda following the attack on its Parliament which was done by the Jaish-e-Mohammad and not the LeT. We use to provide logistical help to the Lashkar, collect funds for them and look after their publicity.”“They must have bought weapons with the money we gave them. They were obviously not using the money to buy flowers for the Indian army.”The Lashkar has claimed responsibility for the attack on the Red Fort in Delhi and the airport in Srinagar. “We do not consider Kashmir to be a part of India. It is a part of Pakistan. Those who attack the security forces are not terrorists, they are freedom fighters.”President Musharraf moved away from the position that Kashmir either secede or be given independence. He proposed joint control. India is responsible for the attack on Islamabad's Marriot hotel, for the bomb blasts in Peshawar. Sarabjit Singh has been convicted for being a RAW agent.”“He supports the freedom movement in Kashmir. We think it is right. It is ridiculous to call him a terrorist. Even when a thorn pricks India, the whole world stands up. Why did Condoleeza Rice not put pressure on India for handing over Narendra Modi after the Gujarat carnage? ”Kashmir is no longer entirely indigenous. Foreign fighters like Maulana Masood Azhar were arrested in Anantnag. “He was a journalist and still is an inspirational writer. Anyone from here can go to Kashmir. We don't see it as part of India.”“This is an educational complex and the Jamaat ud Dawah is a charitable organisation. There are very few people here because of the Eid break.”Jamaat ud Dawah, banned by the US in 2005 for being a Lashkar alias, draws patronage from the ISI and though proscribed abroad, has a free run in Pakistan. It has branches all across the country and is as famous for its social work as for its terror activities. It sees itself as a movement and not an organisation and has appeal to many in rural and urban areas. When a correspondent from London's The Observer newspaper went to Kasab's village in Faridkot, close to the border with India, to establish if he indeed was a Pakistani, he was told that “religious clerics were brainwashing youth in the area and that LeT's founder Hafiz Sayeed had visited nearby Depalpur. There was a LeT office in Depalpur but that had hurriedly been closed down in the past few days. The LeT paper is distributed in Depalpur and Faridkot.”The Jamaat ud Dawah has a wide base and operates 140 schools and 29 seminaries in different towns and cities of Pakistan. According to the Jamaat's website: “Islam does not mean following a few rituals like performing prayers, keeping fasts, performing the pilgrimage to the Ka'ba (Hajj), giving alms (Zakat), or donating to charitable works, but in fact, it is a complete “Code of Life”. That is why Jamaat-ud-Dawah's struggle is not limited to any particular aspect of life only; rather, Jamaat-ud-Da'wah addresses each and every field of life according to the teachings of Islam. Jamaat-ud-Dawah is a movement that aims to spread the true teachings of Islam, and to establish a pure and peaceful society by building the character of individuals according to those teachings.”Its appeal extends to urban professionals like doctors who were out in large numbers in Muzaffarabad (the capital of Azad Kashmir or POK, depending on which side of the line of control you are on) in 2005, after a devastating earthquake. Unlike the Taliban, the Jamaat is modelled after Hamas and is not merely an army with gun-toting members but a complex and intricate organization with a social and political agenda. It has a huge following and reports have often indicated that in its annual congregations, where Hafiz Sayeed gives a call for jehad, , as many as 100,000 people are present in the sprawling Muridke compound. It is groups like the Jamaat and the Jaish-e-Mohammad — started by Maulana Masood Azhar soon after he was set free in Kandahar – which both India and Pakistan are up against. The complete U-turn, post 9/11 when General Musharraf lent complete support to George Bush, saw Pakistan take a slow but sure journey that has today placed it in a dangerous crosshairs. While Musharraf joined the war against terror – forced to by Bush who had infamously said you are either with us or against us – he also got isolated from the his own people. They took to the streets, openly protesting his support of America that was bombing and strafing civilians, first in Afghanistan and then in Iraq. The last straw came when his own Army stormed the Lal Masjid in Islamabad in mid-2007. Reports of machine guns being used against innocents who got trapped in the Masjid, converted many within the Army and the ISI and those who had retired from these outfits. It was the tipping point, said former ISI chief, Lt Gen Assad Durrani: “It was the most blatant homage paid to the Americans. The mosque is located under the nose of the ISI headquarters, and you can't first allow it to become a fortress and then fire on people who were willing to surrender.”The storming of the Lal Masjid was a tipping point in more ways than one. If the release of Masood Azhar and the subsequent formation of the Jaish saw the advent of fidayeen attacks in Kashmir, the Lal Masjid operation led equally to the birth of intense attacks by suicide bombers. The suicide attacks were not just targeting civilians, they were seeking men in uniform and the figures, in fact, tell the story. The first half of 2007 saw 12 such attacks all over Pakistan between January and July 3, and an estimated 75 people were killed. But after the Lal Masjid operation which reduced large parts of it to rubble, 44 suicide attacks took place between July and December, killing 567 people, mostly the members of the military and para-military forces, Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and the police. December also saw the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, a grim reminder of the fact that the militants had declared a war against their ex-masters. The attack on Islamabad's Marriot Hotel, the city's most high-profile landmark, only confirmed the fact that terror can strike at will, any time and anywhere. It confirmed also that terror was not restricted to Pakistan's tribal belt alone. President Musharraf himself had in fact also survived three assassination attempts and now lives under extremely tight security. The terror threat in Pakistan, can in fact, be gauged from the fact that both President Asif Zardari and the Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, in a complete first, offered Eid prayers at their respective residences on December 9. The wave of suicide attacks in Pakistan and neighbouring Afghanistan does not just testify to the revival of al Qaeda and the Taliban networks but as Ahmed Rashid, strategic writer and author of several books on the jehadi networks, said: “The army is embroiled in fighting these forces in the Frontier and one third of the country is not even in the state's control. This is hardly the time to pick a fight with India.”The ratcheting up of tension and animosity between India and Pakistan after the Mumbai terror attack on 27/11, points to another dangerous faultline – while the Pakistani Army joined the global war against terror, it never completely gave up its support to the jehadi network that is active on its border with India. Even after the Lashkar and Jaish were banned, neither was their back accounts frozen, nor was they're any attempt at forcing them to shut shop. The Army and the ISI continued to support fronts like the Jamaat-ud-Dawah, which does more than just equip men with arms. It motivates and indoctrinates minds and as Rashid pointed out, “Musharraf used to place Hafiz Sayed and Masood Azhar under house arrest for Western consumption. He may have stopped infiltrating them into Kashmir too under international pressure but there was no attempt to stop their activities in Pakistan after they were banned. They were just allowed to hang loose.” Former interior secretary, Tasneem Noorani, said: “There was no effort to mainstream the radicals.”Kasab's journey from a remote village in Faridkot to Mumbai is a testimony to this. So is his revelation to his interrogators that a ‘Major' trained him. Zardari may have been right when he attributed the Mumbai attack to ‘non-state actors' because the Major does not necessarily have to be a serving officer employed with the ISI. “Retired ISI officers are helping the Pakistani Taliban and they have become more Lashkar than the Lashkar,” said Rashid. Any number of strategic and security analysts will testify to this dangerous trend – to how ex-ISI officers are still in business because they have now attached themselves as advisors to militant organizations like the Lashkar and the Jaish. “You don't need large training camps,” admitted one such analyst who prefers not to be named. “Ex servicemen are imparting arms training within the compounds of their homes. Different officials are attached with different groups.”The switch from one alias to another – Lashkar-e-Toiba, Markaz-e-Toiba, Markaz-e-Dawah-Irshad, Jamaat ud Dawah – speaks of the Establishment's (the Army and ISI combine are referred to as the Establishment in Pakistan) more than subtle support of groups that are used against India. ## The long-standing relationship between the Establishment and the India-bound militants is now under pressure. The overriding message from America after the Mumbai attack is for these groups to be reigned in and this is testing not just the Army's carefully crafted support for the militants but has also focused attention on yet another faultline – the equation between the Establishment and the civilian government. Committed to better relations with India, Pakistan's top-most civilian representatives responded instinctively to the horror in Mumbai, in keeping with what Zardari had told the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit, held a few days before the gun and grenade battle at Nariman House and the Taj and Oberoi hotels. In what took the Indian government by surprise, Zardari committed Pakistan to a no-first-use of nuclear weapons. It was the first major security-related statement to come from Pakistan's government after the February 18 election and more than just surprise the Indian government; it caused unrest amongst its own Establishment. The next statement, made by Prime Minister Gilani – and confirmed through a press release issued by his office – pertained to the civilian government agreeing to sending its top most ISI officer, Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha to India on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's request. The sequence of events following Gilani's offer and Zardari's quick retraction, saying they had agreed to send a director and not director general Pasha, in fact speaks of the internal battle of supremacy between the Establishment and the civilian authorities, especially on the crucial issue of national security which the Army believes to be its exclusive domain. As Imtiaz Alam, a peacenick and head of the South Asian Free Media Association, who had dinner with Zardari a day after the Mumbai attack explained: “Zardari is very firm on terrorism. He thinks democracy is a better weapon but the terrorists have succeeded in creating a psychological gulf between India and Pakistan. Instead of Pakistan fighting the jehadis, it has become a fight between India and Pakistan. <bot>: words 1: this words 2: online exam from 20.2017 to 27.2017 words 3: are going to words 4: can also go through words 5: SSC Scientific Assistant Department words 6: SSC Scientific Assistant words 7: Result 2017–2018, candidates are required words 8: go through words 9: Commission Scientific Assistant Department words 10: here you are required to words 11: displayed on your device's words 12: Selection Commission Scientific words 13: Group B Result or save SSC Scientific Assistant words 14: of Staff Selection Commission words 15: Applicants must know about the next stage words 16: Candidates are hereby words 17: Scientific Assistant Cut off words 18: In cases where more words 19: Assistant Result 2017 by visiting the Official words 20: know more about the words 21: reading on the words 22: last 18 words 23: which he never words 24: the Lahaore words 25: for allegedly carrying out words 26: fact is words 27: border village in words 28: inebriated words 29: to that of Alfred Dreyfus words 30: to words 31: “We may have serious differences with the words 32: Indian at the drop words 33: become our national embarrassment as words 34: not be hanged,” Babar, a close words 35: to identify Sarabjeet as words 36: told by the words 37: serial blasts and I did words 38: not seen the accused as he had fainted words 39: Indian TV channels, Star News and words 40: for words 41: that I had seen words 42: as I had fainted at the time of words 43: accused, Sarabjeet asked me words 44: Sarabjeet kept looking at me after words 45: the view that hanging Sarabjeet Singh words 46: on words 47: and non-Pakistani and because of words 48: Sarabjeet's case had become a matter of prestige words 49: also pressure from words 50: the parent wing of the words 51: prisoner words 52: petition again for words 53: of Pakistan because words 54: for the words 55: last year an additional words 56: from pillars words 57: the government of India urges Pakistan words 58: Jail of words 59: immediate release of words 60: on June words 61: worried lot post words 62: country, Muslims are subject to suspicion words 63: communities (Hindus words 64: rift between the words 65: too are not leaving words 66: terror words 67: burial of terrorists words 68: plotters against our motherland must not be buried words 69: country words 70: citing her words 71: What is coming out of words 72: against the words 73: Muslims in the country believe in the concept words 74: to question all those hypocrites words 75: will cheer when Zaheer words 76: admire APJ words 77: poetry of Javed words 78: does not know words 79: is proud of India's words 80: country is that we have never developed words 81: have always played into words 82: is always an atmosphere of animosity between the words 83: Terrorism' but have no qualms in accusing Muslims words 84: in the interest of words 85: believe by their words 86: country while Hindus leaders will words 87: trust among all communities words 88: agencies should carry the probe without any words 89: is dealt with words 90: in an words 91: to protect their community members words 92: or Imrana, they should push words 93: should take a lesson from Pakistan that a words 94: state and even words 95: based on words 96: such prejudice and words 97: fitting reply to all words 98: Harinder Baweja's experience during the words 99: so it will take you time <human>: Give me another paragraph in the style of above text. <bot>: ”Senior journalists in Pakistan admitted that briefings from the ISI changed the post-Mumbai discourse. Reacting perhaps to the loud, jingoistic demands on Indian television channels, for action against Pakistan, the ISI told a select group of journalists that India had in fact ‘summoned' their Chief. Jamaat ud Dawah Amir, Hafiz Sayeed – with a clear nod from his handlers – appeared on one news channel after another, making the same points: that the list of 20 most wanted which also includes him, was old hat, that India was playing the blame game without evidence, that India had its own band of ‘Hindu terrorists' and India should give freedom to Kashmir and end the matter once in for all. The leak soon after, of the hoax call, purportedly made by Minister of External Affairs Pranab Mukherji to President Zardari, sealed the debate – India bashing was back in business. The jingoism overtook the more important debate of the threat Pakistan itself faced from terror networks flourishing on its soil. Pakistan's news channels went on overdrive and as some even blared war songs, the question that gained importance through the entire din, was – who really runs Pakistan? Who is in control? The answers to the questions are both easy and complex. Mushahid Hussain, Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee in the Senate was clear about the answer: “War on terror, national security and relations with India, Afghanistan and China are the domain of the army. Thanks to India, the army has been rehabilitated and the war bugles are all over. No one person, no one institution is running Pakistan. Musharraf ran a one-window operation and the Army and the ISI used to report to him but now decision-making is murky and that is causing confusion. The hoax call and the DG ISI controversy are symptomatic of that.”There are other examples. Only a few months ago, Zardari quickly retracted his effort to bring the ISI under the control of the Interior Ministry. And even as the Pakistan government's response to Indian pressure to rein in the terror networks, plays itself out on a day to day basis, it is evident that the civilian authorities have had to embrace the Establishment's point of view vis a vis India. Therefore, the talk that India should provide concrete evidence. Therefore, Zardari's statement that the guilty – if found guilty – will be tried on Pakistani soil. That the 20 most wanted will not be handed over. Even on sourced reports, put out in the local media, that Masood Azhar had been put under house arrest, Prime Minister Gilani went on record to say that no such report had come to him yet. If India believes that Pakistan's response has been poor – two Lashkar men, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi and Zarrar Shah have been arrested in Muzaffarbad – it is because the Establishment and pressure from its own people tie down the government here. It cannot be seen to be buckling under pressure either from India or America. Some moves seem to be on the cards, including the banning of the Jamaat ud Dawah. But Lashkar was banned in the past as was the Jaish. Prime Minister Gilani has committed to not allowing Pakistani soil to be used for terror attacks, but then Musharraf had made the same exact promise on January 12, 2002 soon after the Parliament was attacked in Delhi. Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has gone as far as to say that “Pakistan needs to set its own house in order” (see interview) but he is in the Opposition and he can afford to make such statements. If Pakistan has begun to resemble a house of terror, it is because the Army and the ISI are yet to change their stance, not just vis a vis India but vis a vis the terrorists it creates and supports. Until then, the sprawling compound in Muridke will continue to remain in business. If the Jamaat ud Dawah does get banned, all it will need is another alias. Posted on December 13, 2008 Author nicepicksCategories TerrorismTags LeT, pakistan, TerrorismLeave a comment on HT Correspondent visits supposed LeT Headquarters Two weeks have passed since terror struck Mumbai. The investigations are going on at full swing and till date, according to Indian agencies, all indications are that Pakistan's land has been used in this dastardly attack. Indian media has also tried to highlight the involvement of Pakistan which has created pressure on the neighbours as they are now bound to act. USA and other countries have openly supported India and want Pakistan to act fast and with sincerity. As Indian media reports the facts and other information related to terror attacks, a total opposite image of India and her investigation agencies has been built by the Pakistani media. I have read few articles and videos of Pakistan media and was surprised and outraged by what they were showing? A report said that Mumbai terror attacks could be the handiwork of “radical elements within the Hindu community” who are “unhappy with domestic and foreign policies of the Congress-led government” and speculates that these attacks could have been engineered to influence the outcome of the general elections. Another news channel claimed that the Mumbai attack was masterminded by the RAW itself to defame Pakistan. A video claims that Kasab is not a Pakistani and a Muslim, but a Sikh boy, and his real name is Amar Singh. Because of the band he was wearing. (Mumbai Police has now revealed that terrorists wore the band for deception). A sizeable number of Pakistanis feels that September 11 attacks were the product of a Zionist-cum-CIA conspiracy to malign the Muslims and topple the Taliban and Iraqi regimes. And in this case also they feel that this attack is a handiwork of the RSS, VHP and BJP combine. This was to stop the probe in Malegaon case in which many Hindu extremists are involved. If such news is reported in Pakistan media 24/7, it is bound to have its impact on the people of Pakistan. I have always been told that people on both sides want peace but if such unregulated and false reports are circulated in one country, it is just impossible to accept that mental state of people will change. This will lead to mistrust among the people. I don't know what will happen next but I want a few things from my government. Pakistan has openly claimed that India has no evidence of the involvement of Pakistanis in the attack and it will not charge any of its citizens unless given concrete evidence. If the claims made by Indian investigation agencies are true then they should be made public and the proof of the same should be submitted to Pakistan government as well as United Nations. Pakistan should be made to take action against those involved in the act of terror. We should publicly disclose the details of the investigations so that Pakistan media can also be taught a lesson. Moreover, these reports should be made public by Indian authorities only and not US or UK. The truth must be told. At the same time, I would like the Indian authorities to do some introspection and tell the people where it failed and what steps it will take to overcome fallacies and weakness. Posted on December 12, 2008 Author rishabhCategories Media, TerrorismTags Media, Mumbai, pakistan, Terror, TerrorismLeave a comment on The Pakistani media is distorting Mumbai attack facts M J Akbar is one of India's best-known journalists and commentators, someone with a deep insight into the Indian people and their mindset. In this first-person, as-told-to piece, Akbar discusses the Mumbai attacks and their relevance for India. I keep feeling that if they protect India as they protect their leaders — whether it is Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (Images) or Congress President Sonia Gandhi (Images) — I think I would be safe. Today, India's leaders are safe and India is in panic. If the disease is cancer, you can't apply band aid. After making a complete mess of security issues for five years by asking Shivraj Patil (Images) to go finally we may have a home minister who doesn't comb his hair and change his clothes. But we want something more than that. If it is cancer, we need chemotherapy, a much more serious exercise. It needs a legislative and executive framework. It needs political mobilisation. He looked serious, but he didn't talk to us about our anger and about our anguish. I think this administration is tone deaf to the anguish of the people. They just cannot understand what the people are going through. They just don't understand our pain or our anger. I think the very first thing to do is to ensure security so that it prevents the next attack. If any attack takes place under someones job should go. Don't come to me with alibis. I have been an editor for 35 years from the age of 23. From that time on, since the days of General Zia-ul Haq, I have been hearing ‘Pakistan is asking for evidence'. We asked for withdrawal of their support to the movement for Khalistan, they said, ‘Oh, we don't know anything about it. ' On Kashmir, they kept repeating where is the evidence. Benazir Bhutto (Images) came, she asked for evidence. Nawaz Sharif came, he asked for evidence. I think Pervez Musharraf (Images) asked for less evidence. Now again, they are asking for evidence. The US and Britain have a vested interest in telling India to look within. Why? When Americans die then they can send their air force 7,000 miles and bomb every country to smithereens. But when Indians die, they tell us no, no, you must be patient. You must act like a swami and a yogi. Why? Is an American life more precious than an Indian life? Why should we keep listening to them? But we have a government that keeps listening to them all the time. Pakistan must be made to realise that it will have to pay a heavy price. Not necessarily through war, but a heavy price will have to be paid in loss in trade, in cancellation of orders and other engagements. They should pay a heavy price in terms of people to people relations. I am not saying you can freeze a relationship to death, but the message must go out that if there is a crime there will be a penalty. You just can't get away with it. We must understand finally that it is not so much the ‘local people', it is the local underworld that is involved in anti-India activities. In 1993, who were involved in terrorism? The underworld. Why have you not done anything about it? The State turns a blind eye to the police and corruption. I don't know how many readers smoke hashish and other stuff, but I am accusing them of cross-border terrorism. Drugs come to India from Afghanistan via Karachi. Posted on December 3, 2008 Author nicepicksCategories UncategorizedTags Mumbai, pakistan, Terror Strike, TerrorismLeave a comment on Pakistan will have to pay a heavy price: MJ Akbar Whatever may be the reasons for Sourav Ganguly's retirement, it is time we all stood up in admiration of one of the greatest Indian cricketers and lets just hope that he goes out with a big bang as he had entered the world of cricket in 1996. Amitabh Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan and Sourav Ganguly have something in common. No it isn't any brand that they are endorsing. They have scripted the best comebacks that any one can remember in their respective fields. It is said that Character is judged at times of adversity. These three men have sprung a surprise whenever they have been written off by the critics. Sourav Ganguly- the most charismatic and successful captain that India has ever produced is said to retire. This will mark the end of a glorious career in cricket. Whether you loved him or hated him but you could never be indifferent to him. What started off with a bang at Lords in London is said to go down against the most formidable team in the World. The aussies have always been wary of the Indians specially in their own backyard. And as Ganguly said in the press conference yesterday he would like to go off on a winning note. All eyes will be on the ‘Royal Bengal Tiger' as he goes out for his last prowl against the Aussies. Every time he will effortlessly caress the ball through the off side, millions of people all around the country will jump in sheer delight. Through out his career, Ganguly has been in the media glare. He got the ‘Bad boy' image going but he gave the team an aggressive outlook when he took over as captain something that had not been seen too often in Indian cricket. He has had his string of ups and downs but the resilience, grit and determination has always stood out in his tough time. His partnership with Dravid in the match against Sri Lanka at Taunton in the 1999 world cup, his hundred against Australia at Brisbane last tour and his double hundred against Pakistan in the last series were some of his best performances. Toronto perhaps was his favourite venue, where he wom four man of the match awards in a series against Pakistan. As a captain, Ganguly had great achievements. Won twenty one tests, out of which twelve were won abroad. His famous Natwest series win against England at Lords when he flung his T shirt off and yelled foul words changed the image of Indian cricket and also made Freddie Flintoff a bit more reticent in the future. His series win against Australia at home in which India scripted a great comeback and went on to win a test after following on. This series is regarded as the best series ever where the underdogs sprung a surprise on the champions and is still one of the greatest inspirational stories in the world of cricket. India's maiden win in a series in Pakistan also came under the captaincy of Ganguly. The Indian team's performance of reaching the finals of the 2003 world cup in South Africa could also be credited to the captaincy of Sourav Ganguly who also struck two hundreds in the series. Ganguly was the poster boy of Indian cricket for a long time. Many feel he may not be as talented as Sachin or as technically correct as Dravid, but when it came to stroking through the off side he was the most gifted players ever. He did have his weak points like the rising short delivery, or fending outside the off stump, not one of the best fielders of the side and a poor runner between the wickets. But every one has some weak points including a great called Achilles. Ganguly has called it a day now, and lets not ruin the moment and contemplating as to why he has done it. There are theories of voluntarily retirement schemes, some sort of deal sprung up with the board and even threats of kidnapping his daughter. Lets give attention and credit where it is due. Here's a cricketer who has devoted his life to the sport and is one of the most loved sportsmen in India. This aint his end yet, just the beginning of the end. We will still see him coming in black and gold and scaring the hell out of the other bowlers in the IPL's seasons. It is time we stood up in admiration of this great cricketer and hope he has a fitting ending to a great career. Pakistan may be in a terror grip brought about by terrorists and militants but the people of the land of Pakistan have not lost their sense of humour with a ‘Bomb safety costume kit' being a favoured gift idea at the occasion of Eid this year. Pakistan continues to be in turmoil, even after Musharraf gave up the presidency and Asif Ali Zardari took over the reigns of the country. Bomb blast at one of the safest hotels in the country in the capital city, attack on ministers, American troops trying to enter at the Afghanistan and the Pakistan border, the people of Pakistan have their hands full and with the weakening rupee and the high inflation numbers are making it tough for Pakistan this festive season. But the people of the country have shown that they have the courage to hang in there even in such turbulent times and having a good sense of humour will help you a long way in coping with difficult times. A web site in Pakistan that describes itself as extremely addictive internet lifestyle for the Pakistanis, gave an option to Pakistanis to brain storm and come up with creative ideas for gifting this festive season. pk has become one of the premier web sites in the country. Pakistanis may have not celebrated the festival with a bang outdoors because of the fear of terror strikes and bomb blasts but definitely made up for it by visiting the internet back home. Their sense of humour is what stood out when you go through the list of the top ten Eid gifts for the festive season. Coming in at the first position was a “bomb safety costume kit”. Clearly the Pakistan people though it would be a great gift to any one this festive season in the wake of the recent bomb blasts. Not just the bomb safety costume kit, if you go through the rest of the list, the items were equally hilarious. The price of flour has sky rocketed in the past few months and hence came in the bag of flour. The country has been facing frequent power cuts and hence hand fans seemed to be the best solution for any one to get through this crisis. Other ideas included gifting people in dollars for like the Indian rupee, in the wake of the current global financial crisis the value of the dollar continues to weaken. The list also includes a gift box or a ‘dua' that relatives and friends do not have to contend with any disaster. The list went on to show that Pakistan people have retained their great sense of humour which will help them tremendously in coping with these times of turmoil that the entire country is facing today. Former Pakistan leaders have always been accused of not accepting facts, but current Pakistan president Asif Ali Zardari in a candid interview admitted that the militants operating in Kashmir were indeed terrorists and a major threat. In an interview made to Wall Street Journal, Pakistan president Asif Ali Zardari frankly said that India is not and has never been a threat to Pakistan. He also went on to say that the militant groups that were operating on the other side of the border in Kashmir were terrorists. The statement is one of the first ones to be made by a top Pakistan leader. Asif Ali Zardari's predecessor used to have a different take on the crisis in Pakistan. General Pervez Musharraf would have definitely called them freedom fighters or jehadis but definitely not terrorists. This statement is in complete disregard of the policy adopted by the governments of Pakistan in the past few decades of treating the militant groups as freedom fighters. The statement made by Pakistan president Zardari has evoked a great response from the Indian side. While on one hand it has been welcomed by the Indian government, it has created a ripple in Pakistan with several groups slamming the president for making such a remark. In India, Minister of State for External Affairs Anand Sharma and BJP National Spokesperson Rajiv Pratap Rudy, welcomed the statement made by the Pakistan President. Meanwhile back home in Pakistan, the statement made by the Pakistan president has drawn flak and criticism from several quarters. Abba Ansari, Hurriyat leader has strongly condemned the statement whereas Siddiq-ul-Farooq, Spokesperson, PML(N) has said that the Pakistan president does not know what the dispute in Kashmir is all about and his maiden trip to America had been a disappointing one. Zardari also went on to say that he had nothing against the Indo-US Nuke deal and the growing friendship of India and America saying that why would they dislike the largest democracy in the world (India) getting friendly with one of the oldest democracies in the world (America). He also said as long as Pakistan is treated ‘at par' he had no problem. On the Americans carrying predator missiles in Pakistan territory, Zardari said that America and Pakistan had an understanding and that they were in sense fighting the same enemy. He also said that they welcomed the help of America in terms of providing the intelligence and technology in terms of helicopters, night goggles and other equipment. Zardari went on to add that trade between the two subcontinent countries should increase as free trade between the two neighboring countries was the best way of economic survival in these turbulent times. Zardari's statements made may have drawn criticism from the Pakistani sources but will definitely go on to strengthen the relationship between India and Pakistan in the near future. Corruption seems to be an endemic part of India as the latest report of Transparency International rates India as the 85th most corrupt country in the world but did we really need an international report to tell us as to how corrupt we are? New Zealand, Sweden and Denmark seem to be from a different planet all together as they have been voted as the least corrupt countries all over. The redeeming fact was that our next door neighbor Pakistan is at the 134th position, but seeing our economic progress and the lack of theirs, Pakistan is not really the country that we should be comparing with. Where India and China were at par at the 72nd position last year, India has slipped whereas the Chinese despite hosting the most high profile event of the World- the Beijing Olympics have maintained their position. The harsh reality is that corruption in India is not limited to the politicians and the government employees. It is woven in the social fabric of our country and is tangible in every section of society. Just look around you and you will see the impact of Corruption. The traffic policeman standing at the signal, the ticket checker at the railway station, the peon in the college premises have all been involved in corruption. But to say that these are the only people who breed corruption would be giving credit where it is not entirely due. For we are the people because of whom corruption thrives in our country. It isn't just the public sector where corruption thrives but the entire society. The person who offers the bribe is equally corrupt as the person who accepts is. So is it a lack of the respect for the law that makes us corrupt? Is the law enforcement in our country so weak that people believe they can get away with such activities? The differentiating factor between India and the other nations of the world was its rich culture and heritage and its spiritual and religious outlook. But inspite of all this corruption has thrived in India. Look every where whether it is the public sector, private sector, the government, the judiciary and even the armed forces, none of them can stand up and say that we are not corrupt. Is there something wrong in our parental and teaching process for not instilling morals in us? Perhaps this is the cynic view that many NRI's hold once they have shifted abroad. The reason why they refrain from coming back to the country is corruption. The irrational rules of the system, the inefficient bureaucracy and the corrupt society are what confirm their beliefs. And those are the feelings shared by many of us staying within the country. India is on the threshold of becoming a superpower in the world. But all these dreams can not be realized if corruption were to continue. One of the actors in Rang De Basanti had said, “No country is born great, it has to be made great”. It applies to every country including ours. Strong efforts need to be taken by all of us in order to curb corruption. The Right to information (RTI) act was a great step in empowering the common man in his fight against the system. Now he has the courage to challenge corruption. For starters we could have separate to speed up the corruption cases, the media could play a bigger role in tarnishing the image of corrupt people in public and we could have stronger laws to deter corruption. We might have received freedom from the British more than six decades ago but we are yet to receive freedom from the perils of corruption. Corruption is like a termite which if not stopped now could eat up our entire society. But as Mahatma Gandhi had once said, “Be the change you want to see in the World” – the efforts will have to begin from our side. Posted on October 4, 2008 Author shishirCategories Awareness, Media, Politics, SocietyTags China, Corruption, india, Mahatma Gandhi, pakistan, RTILeave a comment on How corrupt are we? American helicopters flew into Pakistan in the Pakistan Afghanistan militant infested border but had to return as Pakistani troops opened fire on them. Earlier fifteen people were killed in aerial strikes carried out by America on September 3rd. Though Pakistan is a key ally of America in its fight against terror, but the recent shooting of the Pakistan troops on the American choppers is sure to create tension between the two nations. In the blast at the Marriot hotel in Islamabad more than fifty people were killed a few days back with a lot of them being foreigners. Two American department of defense officials also lost their lives in the attack. In this particular incident it is said that two American choppers crossed on to the Pakistan border at Lowari Mandi in the North Waziristan region. From the Pakistan side, the troops as well as civilians opened small arms fire. The American forces though did not retaliate with fire and after monitoring and patrolling for some time returned back to Afghanistan. There has been increased pressure being put by America on the new government in Pakistan to act against the militants and insurgents belonging to Taliban and the Al Qaeda who are suspected to be on the Pakistan and the Afghanistan border. The Americans believe that Pakistan officials have to act fast if they are to curb the acts of militancy and terrorism in Pakistan as well as regions of Afghanistan. The American authorities also believe that some of the top leaders of the Al Qaida including Osama bin laden are hiding on Pakistan land. This is not the first time that America has engaged in aerial strikes. Just a few days back, on September 3rd, in a raid by American commandos. Fifteen people were killed in the missile strikes. Meanwhile the American embassy in the Pakistan capital has sent out instructions to all Americans in Pakistan asking them to reduce their movement and to travel only when absolutely essential. They have also been asked to keep a low profile and also avoid very crowded regions. The spate of militant activities in the Pakistan Afghanistan region has been on the rise with gunmen kidnapping Afghanistan ambassador designate and killing his driver in Peshawar. In another incident a suicide bomber killed several security officers in the Swat valley. Following the attack on the JW Marriot hotel in Islamabad, British airways has also temporarily suspended its flights to the country. It used to offer six flights to Pakistan every week. Meanwhile Pakistan president Asif Ali Zardari is due to meet his American counterpart in America today. The topic of the fight against militants and terrorists will be on top of the agenda. Zardari has maintained that he will protect the sovereignty of Pakistan at all costs and any one violating its border will have to face action. Zardari has also asked America to assist them with intelligence reports in finding the militants but has maintained that Pakistan will be in a better position to deal with the threats themselves. With the security and safety of the people in Pakistan being the core issue these days and with Americans deciding to go ahead with aerial strikes in Pakistan, the Pakistan president is sure to face a tough time on the hot seat. Ruchi works as HR Consultant with IBM India. She is Recruitment Branding Lead, has worked into various HR roles in IBM. Earlier in Centre of Excellence, Talent Organization where she was a PD Lead for GTS India/SA and delivered on ISA, GMU and Global Assignments related to Career Development. Prior to that she had been a WorkForce Partner with IBM India. She has overall 14 years of professional work experience spanning across HR, Learning, Operations and Sales. An alumna of IIM C, Ruchi is passionate about Social Media and is listed as Top 30 Social Media Power Influencers in India and Top 50 Women in India to follow on Twitter. In her spare time Ruchi loves to Travel, Read and Listen to Country Music. Connect with her on LinkedIn, Facebook & on Twitter at @rucsbHumbling experiences in Life & work makes me who I am. An avid reader, compulsive writer, driven by strong values and passion & curiosity. Being one of the early adopters of Social media and emerging Web 2.0 technologies, the journey has been an enriching one with initial successes and lots of challenges. A Beautiful Mind for it is based on moving & true life story of John Nash. Movie depicts amazingly brilliant and his tragic life battle with schizophrenia. I love variety of music and Not many friends know that I used to sing and play Muscial Instruments during school and college. I am in awe of magnificent Mountains and go for adventurous trekking trips to Himalayas. 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<|prompter|> More words: A child killer dubbed the 'Beast of Wombwell' is now a potential suspect in South Yorkshire's oldest unsolved murder case. Peter Pickering killed Shirley Ann Boldy, 14, in 1972 and was recently arrested by detectives investigating the case of Elsie Frost, 14, who was murdered [words 1] 1965. Now, investigators believe Pickering could [words 2] to the murder of Anne Dunwell. She was 13 when she was raped and then strangled with her own underwear while walking to her home in Whiston, Rotherham in 1964. Her body was [words 3] dumped next to a pile of manure [words 4] clothes later recovered from nearby Utley Resevoir. "Peter Pickering is obviously of interest. He is potentially a serial killer," Detective [words 5] of South Yorkshire Police told The Sunday Times. "He does have links to South [words 6] and the offences he's committed are ones of a similar nature. "The force is carrying out [words 7] of the case using new technology to analyse [words 8] killing. Stopford added: "We have a vast number of case papers in hand. I need to [words 9] why he was ruled out by the previous investigation. "In addition to the murder of Anne Dunwell, police have questioned Peter Pickering over [words 10] was killed in 1965 West Yorkshire [words 11] which will 52 years-old in May, has caused Dunwell's family [words 12] grief. On the 50-year anniversary in 2014, her sister, Irene Hall, told of how [words 13] seeing their daughter's killer brought to justice. "My father always wanted to know who could do such a [words 14] got to know," Hall told the Yorkshire Post. "I'd [words 15] the killer brought to justice too, but I'm not getting any younger. If I don't, then the burden will fall to my children. "She added: "My family and I have been robbed of watching Anne grow up, get married and have children. We are only left [words 16] memories of a happy young girl who did not deserve to be taken from us at such a young age and the question: 'Why? Why did this have [words 17] to Anne? '"People often speak about time being a healer. [words 18] after 50 years have passed that time [words 19] heal. You learn to live with the pain and heartache but it never goes away. Each and every day, I think about Anne [words 20] 'What did happen on that terrible night? ' But somebody does know. "DCI Stopford said he will be alerting the investigators of the [words 21] over Pickering's connection to Dunwell's death. A man stood in front of a shopwindow [words 22] Kenya. Sub-Saharan Africa is now the world's third-largest mobile market [words 23] growth is set to slow sharply in the [words 24] years. Photo: Simon Maina/AFP/Getty ImagesFor the past five years, sub-Saharan Africa [words 25] fastest-growing mobile region, with subscriber growth rates more than twice the global average. The mobile phone industry contributed more than $100 billion to the [words 26] and 41 percent of the population will have subscribed to a mobile service by the end of this [words 27] a new report published last Thursday by [words 28] a worldwide association of mobile operators [words 29] companies. But that immense growth is set to take a sharp hit in the coming years. [words 30] slow down in the second half of this decade, [words 31] highlights the hurdles ahead in bring connectivity to unconnected populations in rural, impoverished areas across sub-Saharan Africa. Future development, experts said, depends heavily on the policies of African governments and the availability of faster, cheaper services [words 32] phones. “Now, the challenge is the prices,” said [words 33] researcher at African Technology Policy Studies Network in Nairobi, Kenya, which aims to build the region's science, technology and innovation capacity. “Mobile and Internet-connectivity prices are going to have to come [words 34] the price for a smartphone is still too high for people in rural areas.”The report said there will be 386 million unique mobile subscribers in sub-Saharan [words 35] this year, up from 348 million [words 36] year. Still, the subscriber growth rates are expected to decline from [words 37] of this decade to 7 percent in the second half. Experts attributed the slowdown [words 38] saturation. Cell phones have become pervasive in sub-Saharan Africa, with ownership soaring [words 39] Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria and Ghana in [words 40] years. One in three people in Africa own a mobile phone, and the devices are now as common in South Africa [words 41] Nigeria as they are in the United [words 42] published in April by the Pew [words 43] Center. Cell phone ownership is highest in urban African cities that have mobile and Internet infrastructure, such as Johannesburg, Lagos and Nairobi. Families who own mobile phones often hold onto the [words 44] pass them down to their children, experts said, which means fewer people [words 45] phones. “Despite great progress, there is still much [words 46] be done to extend the transformative power of mobile to the rest of the population,” [words 47] Okeleke, lead authors of the GSMA report. “We see subscriber growth slowing over the coming years and more than 60 percent [words 48] by the end of the decade.”Sub-Saharan Africa is now the world's third-largest mobile market in terms of unique subscribers, [words 49] and Europe. About 88 percent of the [words 50] percent of rural populations - is covered by a mobile-cellular signal. Yet, about 129 million people living in rural [words 51] still not covered by a mobile-cellular signal, according to a 2012 report by the [words 52] Geneva. The strength and speed of networks vary depending on the region and the costs [words 53] still too expensive for millions of Africans. [words 54] or SIM cards because they can't afford a contract commitment [words 55] don't have a bank account. “There's [words 56] usage in Africa,” said John Traxler, professor of mobile learning at University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom. “The practice is pretty much in [words 57] the cost of prepaid data is also too high. For instance, one gigabyte of prepaid data on mobile networks in South [words 58] about $11, which means data – the only means [words 59] the Internet for most - is [words 60] less than $1.25 per day in the country. Nigerian cellphone [words 61] in Nigeria, May 25, 2015. Photo: Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP/Getty ImagesLocals are keen to send text messages, make calls and surf the Web via Wi-Fi versus their costly networks, experts said. IP-based voice and [words 62] players like Skype, Viber and WhatsApp are widely popular across Africa and could be diverting revenue from mobile operators [words 63] traffic. MTN Group and Vodacom, both based in South Africa, are the continent's leading mobile operators. The compound annual growth [words 64] Africa is forecast at 5 percent per year up to 2020, down from just [words 65] five years. Lower revenues could mean fewer funds for investment and innovation, ultimately hurting mobile users and limiting further development, according to the GSMA report. Apps are slowly [words 66] in sub-Saharan Africa, but experts said the devices are still less common than basic cell phones because they consume a lot of data [words 67] cost more. The purchasing price of an iPhone in Nairobi, for example, is between $700 and $1,000 dollars while Samsung offers smartphones starting around $150. Some manufacturing companies like Wiko have rolled out cheaper Android [words 68] than $70, which is still unaffordable to 40 percent of Kenyans who earn less than a dollar a day. Traxler, who has worked in various African countries intermittently for the last 13 years, said an iPhone is probably out [words 69] reach for many middle-class Africans in countries like Tanzania and Senegal. “I think an [words 70] pretty aspirational rather than pretty average,” he said. The [words 71] by GeoPoll and WorldWide Worx, found that Nokia is the most popular cellphone brand in major African [words 72] 34 percent of mobile users, followed by Samsung at 17 percent. Only 2 percent said they currently use cellphones from high-end brands such as BlackBerry and Apple. But 17 percent anticipated buying a BlackBerry in the future, while 11 percent said they think an iPhone [words 73] to the recent study, which surveyed mobile phone usage in South Africa, Nigeria, [words 74] Uganda. The continuing vibrancy of sub-Saharan Africa's [words 75] also relies on the actions of the region's policymakers and telecom regulators. Governments should strive to create flexible [words 76] stifle, the innovation enabled by mobile technologies and services, which have proven beneficial to African economies. The [words 77] 4.4 million jobs in sub-Saharan Africa in 2014, according to GSMA. Policymakers and regulators [words 78] are not subject to restrictive government taxes and fees. They could offer incentives to [words 79] network speed and coverage and encourage infrastructure [words 80] locations. “It's up to the industry to come up with [words 81] masses," said Acheampong, the Kenyan researcher. Divisions and Interest Groups are [words 82] customize your membership experience based on [words 83] area(s) of interest. Joining a Division or Interest Group affords you increased potential to network [words 84] interest. You will receive field-specific calls for papers, newsletters or special announcements disseminated by section leaders. Each function autonomously and conduct business meetings in conjunction with our annual conference. [words 85] achievements such as best paper, or best research by a young scholar. We recommend joining at least one section to augment your ICA membership. ICA Interest Groups demonstrate an emerging scholarly interest in their topic area. ICA Divisions originate as Interest Groups and [words 86] interest in their topic area. It is easy to join! Simply add your desired Division (s)/Interest Group(s) to your cart during [words 87] pay the fee to join. Need help? Contact Kristine Rosa at krosa@icahdq.orgThe Children, Adolescents, and the Media (CAM) division strives to be a fruitful intellectual forum for academics from all [words 88] world who study the role of media in [words 89] children and young people. It aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas among scholars [words 90] different backgrounds and disciplinary orientations, informed by a variety [words 91] approaches. CAT seeks to enhance theory [words 92] usage, message content, communication networks, effects, and policy of ICTs. History is one [words 93] the most well-established themes in the study of communication. Recent years have witnessed an intensification of this interest in history. ## The Communication History Division (CHD) promotes theory, research, and professional education in the history [words 94] communication. CHD brings together scholars who face similar intellectual and methodological challenges. Research on health, risk, and science [words 95] especially germane. ## The division also works to advocate for the improved status, representation and opportunities for underrepresented scholars in communication. The group serves as fertile meeting ground for the exchange [words 96] broad spectrum of disciplines. Within this purview it encompasses work across a wide variety of theoretical and methodological approaches, concerning issues of media/mediated communication in cultural, economic, political or social contexts. ## Health Communication's primarily concerned with [words 97] theory, research and practice in health [words 98] health care. The Division's goals are to encourage theory development, research and effective practice of health communication. ## Information Systems is concerned [words 99] cognitive systems. Its central goal is promoting the development of general theories of complex systems and quantitative methodologies for communication research variety of domains. This focus brings together people with a wide range of interests and specialties. Instructional & Developmental Communication's mission focuses on the importance of creating environments that are conducive for learning via the use of effective behaviors. ## teacher-student interaction, instructional technology, optimal methods of information dissemination, information literacy). ## The Interpersonal Communication Division is interested in communication processes that occur between people. Such processes include (but are not limited to) mutual influence, individuals' aptations to others, people's interpretations and reactions to others' messages, and so forth. ## Interpersonal communication occurs in many contexts, such as close relationships, organizations, health, intercultural, intergroup, and many others. ## The Journalism Studies Division is concerned with journalism theory, journalism research, and professional education in journalism. ## Language and Social Interaction is concerned with exploring details of human discourse and human interaction. The primary focus is in interpersonal and group settings, face-to-face or mediated by telephone and computer. The division members promote systematic study of communication presented through the electronic, cinematic and print media. Organizational Communication members seek to expand our understanding of the processes, prospects, and challenges of communicating and organizing in a global society. Philosophy, Theory and Critique is broadly concerned with critical thinking that cuts across the various boundaries within the study of communication and its intersections with other modes of studying human interaction. The Division offers a lively forum for contemporary ideas in the study of media and communication. Public Relations focuses on the theory and practice of communication between organizations and specified publics. At the same time the Division is concerned with the application of theoretic advances for the solution of pragmatic public relations problems. Visual Studies seeks to enhance the understanding of the visual in all its forms - moving and still images and displays in television, video and film, art and design, and print and digital media. ## The Division sponsors research in creation, processing, function, meaning, and critical consequences of visual representation. The Division reaches beyond content to assure visual analyses are grounded solidly in visual theory and methodology. The Activism Communication, and Social Justice (ACSJ) Interest Group promotes research and teaching the intersections of theree key aspecs of contemporary life as captured in its name. It strives for diversity in the representation of its membership and embraces pluralism and boldness in theory and methodology. ## It pushes the boundaries between theory and practice and between scholarship and activism by encouraging and facilitating dialogues and engagements. The Computational Methods Interest Group focuses on the methods of computational social science (see, for example, Lazar et al.2009; Watts, 2014) used in communication research. In particular, computational methods cover computerized tools and algorithms for collecting, processing, analyzing, and visualizing online data from social media (e. BBSs, blogs, microblogs, online social networks, photo-/video sharing sites, etc. As such, the group distinguishes from other divisions/groups of ICA (e. Such systems and discourses occur in institutional, community, domestic and intimate contexts, are closely connected to other social and cultural practices, and play a critical role in the formation and communication of individual and group identity. The Media Industry Studies Interest Group serves as a place for collaboration and scholarly engagement for academics in a range of fields. While including a wide array of perspectives and approaches in communication scholarship, the common ground of the Interest Group is state of the art theorizing on mobile communication as well as the discussion of adequate methodology to do so. ## The Sport Communication Interest Group studies how communication processes influence sport as well as how sport influences communication processes. Work from all methodologies and epistemological views are welcomed. <|assistant|> words 1: in words 2: be linked words 3: found words 4: and her words 5: Chief Inspector Dave Stopford words 6: Yorkshire words 7: a review words 8: DNA connected to the words 9: look through to see words 10: the death of Elsie Frost, pictured, who words 11: PoliceThe case, words 12: significant words 13: her parents had died without words 14: thing before he passed away, but he never words 15: like to see words 16: with the words 17: to happen words 18: But I can honestly say words 19: does not words 20: and ask the question, words 21: Frost murder to his suspicions words 22: displaying mobile phones Oct.1,2012, in Nairobi, words 23: in terms of unique subscribers, but words 24: coming words 25: has reigned as the world's words 26: region's economy last year alone, words 27: year, according to words 28: GSMA in London, words 29: and related words 30: Subscriber growth rates are forecast to words 31: which words 32: and words 33: Ernest Nti Acheampong, a words 34: down for people to access it, and words 35: Africa by the end of words 36: last words 37: around 14 percent in the first half words 38: partly to market words 39: in countries like South Africa, Tanzania, words 40: recent words 41: and words 42: States, according to a study words 43: Research words 44: devices for several years and words 45: buying new words 46: to words 47: said Claire Cranton and Kenechi words 48: of the population will still lack Internet access words 49: behind only Asia Pacific words 50: continent's overall population - including 79 words 51: areas across Africa are words 52: International Telecommunications Union in words 53: of these services are words 54: Most people use pay-as-you-go networks words 55: or words 56: a whole ecology of mobile phone words 57: favor of prepaid rather than contracts.”For some, words 58: Africa costs words 59: of accessing words 60: considered a luxury for millions who live on words 61: providers waited for clients in Ibafo, Ogun state, words 62: messaging services from major international words 63: that monetize data words 64: rate for mobile revenue in sub-Saharan words 65: under 7 percent in the past words 66: driving up the demand for smartphones words 67: and words 68: smartphones in Nairobi for less words 69: of words 70: iPhone would be words 71: Mobile Africa 2015 study, conducted words 72: mobile markets among words 73: will be their next phone, according words 74: Kenya, Ghana and words 75: mobile economy words 76: and fair regulatory environments that nurture, not words 77: mobile ecosystem directly and indirectly supported words 78: should ensure that devices and data plans words 79: mobile companies to improve words 80: development in remote, off-grid words 81: ways they can speed up and capture the words 82: a great way to words 83: your personal topic words 84: with colleagues of similar words 85: Most offer awards for various scholastic words 86: demonstrate an ongoing scholarly words 87: the renewal process and words 88: over the words 89: the lives of words 90: of words 91: of theoretical and empirical words 92: and methodology pertaining to adoption, words 93: of words 94: of words 95: communication issues related to the environment are words 96: of ideas among a very words 97: the role of communication words 98: promotion and words 99: with information, language and
<|prompter|> The rest of this: MCE ASIA is one of the most important fairs in the world for the heating, cooling ventilation and the air conditioning. Innovation, comfort, energy efficiency and savings will be the main themes of the four thematic areas of the exhibition: Heat, Cold, Water and Energy. Participants will be able to establish contacts with technicians, wholesalers, professionals, buyers, distributors, resellers and designers from all over the world. In addition to the exhibition area, a rich program of conferences and analysis events takes place with the presence and participation of international spokespersons. In 2015 his book “De Muze brengt mij” was published. A collection of stories in which music is the common thread. The way things are going this season it would be no surprise if Michael Schumacher won a race. If he does, would he break the record for the longest gap between victories? asked Rino LuppinoMichael Schumacher's last GP victory to date came nearly six years ago, in China in October 2006. But the record gap between GP wins is actually six and a half years, by the Italian Riccardo Patrese: his maiden victory came in the South African GP in October 1983, in a Brabham, but he had to wait until April 1990 for his next win, taking the chequered flag in the San Marino GP in a Williams. However, if Schumacher does win another race, he could become the first man to win GPs more than 20 years apart: his first success came in Belgium back in August 1992. He already holds the record (around 14 years) for longevity in this respect. Which race did Niki Lauda win in a car fitted with a hoover - or, as we say in Germany, a "Staubsauger"? asked FabianThe race in question was the Swedish GP of 1978, won by Niki Lauda in a Brabham BT46B. It had a radical design which involved a large circular rotor at the back, like a cooling fan - the car is most usually nicknamed the "fan car" - which helped suck air out from under the car, helping it adhere to the road. ("Ground effects", in which the cars were almost sucked down on to the road, were much in vogue then: if you look at photos of cars of the time you will see little skirts down the sides to prevent air from escaping that way. But there was a problem: the fan threw out stones and other debris, making it dangerous to follow too closely behind. "It's like a bloody great vacuum cleaner," said Mario Andretti, who was destined to win the drivers' championship that year. "It throws muck and rubbish at you at a hell of a rate. " The FIA took note, and the car was duly banned after winning its one and only Grand Prix. Dario Franchitti just completed a hat-trick of victories in the Indy 500. Has any other British driver done this? asked James MiltonThe short answer is no, Dario Franchitti is the first British driver to win the Indianapolis 500 on three occasions. In fact he's only the second non-American - after Helio Castroneves of Brazil - to win it three times. Five American drivers (Louis Meyer, Wilbur Shaw, Mauri Rose, Johnny Rutherford and Bobby Unser) have also won it on three occasions, but the overall record is four wins at the brickyard, by AJ Foyt, Al Unser (Bobby's brother) and Rick Mears. The only other British drivers to win it are Dan Wheldon (twice), Jim Clark and Graham Hill. Was Rubens Barrichello the oldest man ever to be "Rookie of the Year" at Indianapolis? asked Robert CawstonRubens Barrichello, the man who has driven in more GPs (322) than anyone else, finished 11th in the 2012 Indy 500, his first-ever race on an oval circuit. At 40, he was a few months older than Nigel Mansell when he was Rookie of the Year there in 1993, but they both have to tip their hats to Lyn St James, who won the award in 1992 at the age of 45, when she also finished 11th. She did lose one rookie record in 2012, though: another former F1 driver, 48-year-old Jean Alesi, became the oldest person ever to make his debut in the Indianapolis 500, although his race didn't last long before his Lotus was rather embarrassingly black-flagged for being too slow. According to the F1 journalist and historian Alan Henry, this was an early nickname given to the South African driver Jody Scheckter. On his arrival in F1, Scheckter was rather wild and woolly behind the wheel - if obviously fast and talented - and his frequent off-track excursions led to his being dubbed "Fletcher", after a baby gull in the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull (a best-seller at the time), which tried to fly too soon and kept crashing into the cliffs. Scheckter eventually calmed down, and his steadiness earned him the drivers' championship in 1979, ahead of his rapid but erratic Ferrari team-mate Gilles Villeneuve. The first motor race called a Grand Prix ("grand prize") is usually accepted as being the French GP of 1906, held on a triangular-shaped track near Le Mans and won by the Hungarian driver Ferenc Szisz in a Renault. It was followed in 1907 by a race in Germany called the "Kaiserpreis" ("Kaiser's prize"), which is generally considered to be the first German GP. The first official world championship race was the British GP at Silverstone in May 1950. It was won by Nino Farina, who went on to win the inaugural drivers' title in his Alfa-Romeo. The other races that year were the Monaco, Swiss, Belgian, French and Italian GPs, as well as the Indianapolis 500 (which counted towards the championship until 1960). UK Prime Minister David Cameron has declared war on Internet porn. He wants both Internet service providers and search engine owners to protect UK families against pornography. Political initiatives to control the Internet are typically badly prepared and in conflict with central principles of the net. This case is no different and the reactions are mostly nThe flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam in the first quarter of 2018 ​experiences a significant yearly decline of 25 percent. (Photo: VNA)The flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam in the first quarter of 2018 witnessed a significant yearly decline of 25 percent to 5.8 billion USD, but disbursement rose by 7.2 percent year-on-year to 3.88 billion USD. The retail and wholesale sectors received the second largest chunk of FDI with 531 million USD or 9.2 percent, followed by the real estate sector with 486 million USD or 8. The Republic of Korea (RoK) has remained the biggest foreign investor among 76 countries and territories investing in Vietnam in ... <|assistant|> Sure, let me know if you need anything else: the first quarter of 2018, with a total registered capital of 1.84 billion USD, accounting for 31.6 percent of the total capital. Of the RoK investment, 501 million USD was invested by LG Innotek Co in a project in the northern port city of Hai Phong. Businesses from Hong Kong registered to pour 689 million into Vietnam, making up 11.9 percent of the country's total FDI, while those from Singapore injected 649 million USD, equivalent to 11.2 percent of the total FDI. The southern largest economic hub of Ho Chi Minh City continued to be the largest recipient of FDI during the period with 1.7 billion USD, while the northern port city of Hai Phong received 925 million USD to take the second place. The third largest recipient of FDI was the southern province of Binh Duong with investment worth 565 million USD. To fully capitalise on the FDI capital source in the new stage, the MoPI is drafting a FDI strategy for 2018-2023. With assistance from the World Bank, the FDI strategy underlines that Vietnam at this stage should focus on sectors having advantages and those that foreign firms could bring more benefits to rather than domestic firms. The draft strategy stipulates Vietnam to set out priority sectors for attracting FDI, such as those that need increased value and competitiveness, including manufacturing, services, agriculture and travel. VNAThe snack foods which are produced for children contain very harmful compounds from cancer causing artificial colors to petroleum products! Just to be clear, petroleum is the same ingredient used to make up oil and gas. Commonly used food dyes as Red 40 and Yellow 5 are made of petroleum and can be linked with some serious health conditions. Among those health problems are: hyperactivity in children, allergic reactions and cancer ( in animal studies). Because these substances are so toxic, the British government and European Union have banned the use of dyes all over Europe:Pop tarts are toaster pastries and were produced in 1964. The Frosted Strawberry flavor contains dextrose, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup and sugar! All these belong to the group of harmful sugar. But there are also other harmful ingredients as TBHQ which is derived from petroleum and is related to butane which is partially hydrogenated soybean oil. This oil is proven to cause cellular dysfunction. You can find them in various fruit flavors and characters and they are hard to resist. But they are mostly made of colors and artificial additives. Among them is Red 3 which is widely used for food coloring. It is also known as E127 or Erythrosine, a petroleum product. These fun chocolate candies are tasty and melt in your mouth but they are made of artificial colors which are very harmful when ingested. They also contain: Blue #2(contains petroleum and causes brain tumors in lab mice, abnormal cell development and hyperactivity in children), Blue #1 (linked with malignant tumors), Red #40 (Damages DNA), Yellow #6 ( causes cancer) and Yellow #5. All of this colors as mentioned above are made of petroleum and can trigger allergic reaction, cancer and hyperactivity. Cheetos are orange, cheesy snacks. The artificial color responsible for the “cheese” color is made from Yellow 6, which we know is derived from petroleum. And the “cheese” flavoring is due to the methyl benzoate and ethyl methylphenidate. These candies are firstly produced in 1988 and can be found in 5 different flavors. Although these cute teddy bears are as small as the small finger, they are full with dreaded TBHQ. TBHQ can be toxic and can cause ringing in the ear, nausea, delirium, collapse and vomiting. It is proven to cause stomach cancer in lab rats, fragment DNA and cause damage to humane lung and umbilical cells. For the 25-minute version your masseur will focus on your shoulders and lower back, using slow movements to procure deep relaxation. This house / villa of 116 m² (about 1247 ft²), with a land size of 373 m² (about 0,09 acres) comprises 5 rooms including 3 bedrooms, 1 shower room and 1 toilet. It is provided with a living room, with a garage and with a cellar. Sharing experience""Requests: Asking in clear, doable, positive action language for what we want instead of what we don't want. ex: “Would you be willing to come back tonight at the time we've agreed? ” vsBy definition, when we make requests we are open to hearing a “no,” taking it as an opportunity for further dialogue. Is my intention to give the other person(s) an opportunity to contribute to my life, and to do so willingly? To check this intention, think about how you might respond if you hear a “no” to your request. If you are willing to hear a “no”, and to continue the dialogue in NVC spirit, then it is a request. This does not mean there might not be some pain involved in hearing a “no”, but rather the willingness to communicate that and continue connecting until everyone's needs are met. In non violent dialogue, it is important to establish connection before we ask the other person for the solution that we would like. Connection in this sense means an understanding on the part of all parties of their own feelings and needs as well as the feelings and needs of the other/s involved. Until that connection is established, any solutions, agreements orstrategies are unlikely to be freely given and therefore generally will not hold. Therefore, in the first few cycles of an non violent dialogue it is most important to use what we call connecting requests. Do you have a deep enough quality of connection to support the request you are making? Connection before solution! ! ! Connection Request to be understood a. Would you be willing to tell me what you heard me say? (Was my message received and understood in the wayl intended it? ) b. Would you be willing to listen to my experience (my feelings and needs)? Connection Request to understand the other a. Would you be willing to tell me how you feel when you hear me say this? (To connect with the feelings and needs of the other/s in that moment) b. Would you be willing to helpme understand what happened here? c. Would you be tellme what would help you feel confident that I understand? d. Would you be willing to tell me what you need in order to agree to myrequest? e. Would you tell me what you wished would have happened differently? Action Requests (also referred to as strategies orsolutions) a. Would you be willing to brainstorm with me solutions that might work for the both of us? b. Would you be willing to (state specific action)?.
<human>: Generate more: PYEONGCHANG (Reuters) – Sochi champion Jamie Anderson of the United States battled challenging cross winds that had delayed the start of the final to win her second successive Olympic gold in the women's snowboard slopestyle at the Pyeongchang Games on Monday. The start of the final, which included all of the athletes after qualifying was cancelled on Sunday because of poor weather, had been delayed due to the strong winds. © REUTERS/Issei Kato Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics Only five riders made it down the first run without falling in the difficult conditions, which also included hard snow, with Anderson scoring 83.00 points to give her an almost 10-point advantage heading into the second run. When fast food chef Cha Gwen Sol added a "Flying Tomato" burger to the menu of his Pyeongchang restaurant as an Olympic gimmick, he never expected the owner of the nickname to turn up and order one. “Is it real? This is Shaun White? It is not a dream? Shaun White tells me it is real. Oh my God, unbelievable," exclaimed Cha, who is also a snowboarding instructor, after the American double Olympic champion walked into his restaurant on Sunday. Only five riders made it down the first run without falling in the difficult conditions, which also included hard snow , with Anderson scoring 83.00 points to give her an almost 10-point advantage heading into theIt was enough to hold off Canada's Laurie Blouin, who took silver with 76.33 on her second run, and Finland's Enni Rukajarvi, who added bronze to her silver from Sochi four years ago, with 75. © REUTERS/Mike Blake Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics None of the riders were able to complete two error-free runs. There was a particularly scary moment when Slovakia's Klaudia Medlova landed flat on her back after missing a grab during her first run but she did complete her second and finished 24th. A tough Winter Olympics experience has ended for Australian slopestyle skier Russ Henshaw. The slopestyle skier literally hobbled into the PyeongChang Winter Olympics and then hobbled out again as he finished 19th and failed to qualify for the event's finals. Jamie Anderson of the United States retained her women's snowboard slopestyle gold medal amid brutal winds and cold. Jamie Anderson won slopestyle gold at a second straight Olympics on Monday morning. “From my point of view I think it was not a good show for women's snowboarding . American Jamie Anderson survived difficult conditions to win snowboard slopestyle gold . Winds were severe enough that snow somersaulted in the sky. The conditions favored Anderson , a Californian who has been snowboarding for nearly two decades, who four times has won slopestyleAnderson towered over the field, winning Winter Olympics gold in slopestyle snowboarding — the U. 's second gold medal of these Games after Temperatures at Phoenix Snow Park were in the low teens, and more important, winds whipped at 15 mph. ## Some snowboarders said the InternationalTwenty-four others tried. They each took two rides down a diabolical course. They battled wind ; they teetered and toppled; they fell and skidded andJamie Anderson of the United States retained her women's snowboard slopestyle gold medal by winning the final at Pyeongchang's Phoenix Snow Park on After the final was delayed due to strong winds , Anderson held off Laurie Blouin, who claimed silver. Enni Rukajarvi of Finland took bronze. Yours truly logged into WordPress today to find that the usual blue banner at the top of his Reader had undergone a colourful change: This puzzled me for a moment, until I read the news and realized what this was . Continue reading →Posted in fragments of culture, Politics as Opium, pop culture and its discontents | Tagged Trollollol | Leave a commentIn Britain, the new breed of closeted, self-loathing people is . the college aged Tory: She's not the only 20-something to admit this. A number of people come forward to ‘confess' their right-wing leanings on the basis that I won't reveal their . Continue reading →I've had something resembling a rant about public school systems percolating in my mind, and, as if on cue, a philosopher at the NY Times gives me another reason to loathe them: A few weeks ago, I learned that students . Continue reading →Posted in fragments of culture, Politics as Opium | Tagged Education, English, literacy, logic, New York Times, public schools | 5 CommentsDon made a rather glowing recommendation of Mononoke a few weeks ago, which I mentally filed away until recently. Having watched the first story arc (which spans two episodes), we have: a rather laconic, mysterious man known only as the . Continue reading →Posted in fragments of culture, Our Allies in Nippon, Politics as Opium, pop culture and its discontents | Tagged Abortion, Flannery O'Connor, Ghost story, Kenji Nakamura, Mononoke | 1 CommentDavid Brooks: Public reaction to the attack in Paris has revealed that there are a lot of people who are quick to lionize those who offend the views of Islamist terrorists in France but who are a lot less tolerant . Continue reading →Posted in higher education, Politics as Opium, Uncategorized | Tagged Charlie Hebdo, David Brooks, offense, oversensitivity | 1 CommentThe Catholic Church's explicit teachings on homosexuality are actually rather slim – meriting only three paragraphs in the Catechism. (2357-2359) And, naturally, those paragraphs have been picked apart to death by just about everyone who has an interest in this . Continue reading →Posted in Catholicism, Politics as Opium, Uncategorized | Tagged Celibacy, Chastity, Christianity, Coming out, conversion, Desire, Ex-Gay, Gay, God, Homosexuality, Huffington Post, Identity, Irene Monroe, Marriage, Repression | 2 CommentsThere's an article on Rolling Stone about how the Neo-Nazi subculture in Germany has moved away from the older Skinhead look and more towards appropriating mainstream pop culture: Like Schroeder, whom he sees as an acolyte, Knape wants to give . Continue reading →Posted in Politics as Opium, pop culture and its discontents | Tagged Germany, Hipsters, Internet culture, Neo-Nazis, Rolling Stone | Leave a commentSo there's a surprisingly fair article in Slate about us celibate gay/same-sex attracted Christians: Far from the mainstream LGBTQ experience of pride parades and marriages, Outward and the Advocate, there exists a small, tight-knit group of LGBTQ people who, though . Continue reading →Posted in Catholicism, fragments of culture, Politics as Opium | Tagged Celibacy, Christianity, Homosexuality, Side B, Slate, Vanessa Vitiello Urquhart | 3 CommentsRoss Douthat has a pretty good couple of posts critiquing both left and right when it comes to the topic of gender – particularly in wake of the Santa Barbara killings. The tl;dr takehome from them is this: the right . Continue reading →Posted in Politics as Opium | Tagged gay community, gender, left wing, masculinity, misogyny, right wing, Ross Douthat, Santa Barbara Killer, violence | Leave a commentRod Dreher linked to a very good blog post expressing exasperation over how kids know Christianity only in terms of culture war issues: About five years ago, I taught a course called Christian Beliefs at ... <bot>: The completion of this text could be: a Catholic university. Continue reading →Posted in Catholicism, Politics as Opium | Tagged Christianity, Culture Wars, Homosexuality | 2 CommentsClosest genetic relatives to the Native Americans Cultural Snapshot What instruments do you think you hear? Number of voices? Listen! Usually done by male herders (women are now beginning to throat sing) in Southern Siberia. The worldview of this region identifies the spirituality of objects in nature, not by physical being, but in their sound as well. Imitating the sounds of nature is the root of throat singing. Tuvan throat singing: Khoomei How is it done? India Very diverse cultureGhandi led to independence in 1947 Cultural snapshot Indian classical music has strong roots in folkSome ragas have the same notes- but the way they are approached is different. Music What do you think about the sound? Double reed wind instrument instrument Music- Instruments At what type of occasion do you think this music would be played? Also becoming it's own style of popular music Dabke Video Brazil The majority of people that emigrate from Lebanon go to Brazil! A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation of data relating to the object to which it is attached. Originally barcodes represented data by varying the widths and spacings of parallel lines. Later they evolved into rectangles, dots, hexagons and other geometric patterns in two dimensions (2D). Although 2D systems use a variety of symbols. Barcodes originally were scanned by special optical scanners called barcode readers; later, scanners, desktop printers and smartphones. The earliest and cheapest barcode scanners are built from a fixed light and a single photosensor that is manually "scrubbed" across the barcode. Like the keyboard interface scanner, USB scanners are easy to install and do not need custom code for transferring input data to the application program. On PCs running windows the HID interface emulates the data merging action of a hardware "keyboard wedge", and the scanner automatically behaves like an additional keyboard. Barcode scanners can be used in Google's mobile Android operating system via both their own Google Goggles application or 3rd party barcode scanners like Scan. Nokia's Symbian operating system features a barcode scanner. With BlackBerry devices, the App World application can natively scan barcodes and load any recognized Web URLs on the device's Web browser. Windows Phone 7.5 is able to scan barcodes through the Bing search app. Note that bar codes are made up of both white and black lines. The white spaces in between the black lines are part of the code. Understand that there are four different thicknesses to the lines. Henceforth, the skinniest line will be referred to as "1," the medium-sized line as "2," the next largest line as "3. " and the thickest is "4. "Recognize that each UPC bar code begins and ends with 101 (thin black, thin white, thin black). In the very middle of the bar code, you will notice two thin black lines sticking down between the numbers. The thin white between them, as well as the thin whites to either side, make up a 01010. Each UPC bar code has 01010 in the middle. Recognize that each digit, including the small numbers that begin and end the bar code, has its own unique four-line set.0 = 3211, 1 = 2221, 2 = 2122, 3 = 1411, 4 = 1132, 5 = 1231, 6 = 1114, 7 = 1312, 8 = 1213, 9 = 3112. This provides some error checking and allows the reader to know the direction in which it is scanning a code. It is also crucial so that the bar code ends with a bar rather than a space. So, actually, each digit has two codes. A local area network (LAN) is within one building, not over a large geographical area. It consists on a number of computers and devices. One of the hubs will be connected to a router and modem to allow the LAN to connect to the internet, By doing this it becomes a Wide are network (WAN)Each computer is connected to a common central line. Data travels along this line until it reaches the required device. It has a central line that connects a series of star networks. The server is also connected to the central line. Similar to LANs but there are no wires. Access points are connected into the wired networks at fixed locations. Limited use because it has a small range of 30 to 50 metres. If workers perform tasks that violate standard procedures, they may not do this while being watched! Involves sending out questionnaires to the work force and to customers to find out their views of the system and to find out how key tasks are carried outAllows the analyst to see how paper files are kept, look at operating instructions and training manuals and check the accounts. Allows analyst to get some idea of the scale of the problem, memory size requirements, type of input/output devices neededTo run commercial applications such as banking and insurance, where huge amounts of data are processed every day. A type of computer where the monitor, keyboard, pointing device and processor are all together in one single unit. It is made up of separate monitor, keyboard, mouse and processor unit. “Personal Computer” usually refers to computer systems which are IBM-compatible. Small hand held computers that usually come with a touch screen that is usually activated using a stylus. Data is entered by using a keyboard that appears on the touch screen. Double entry: data is entered twice, using two different people. Computer compares the two entries and identifies any differencesMore expensive than direct changeover, each pilot scheme needs to be evaluated before next stage is introducedDatabase designed to allow complex storage and retrieval requirements of a computerised knoledge-based manage system (in support of expert system)Software that attempts to derive answers from the knowledge base using a form of reasoning. It is how expert systems appear to use human-like reasoning when accessing information from the knowledge base in an effort to find a conclusion to a given problem. It is a type of reasoning engine. Made up of a series of 'interference rules'. These influence rules used by the inference engine to draw conclusions. Closely follow human-like reasoningLess skilled work force is needed, saves money, allows areas of the world access to expertise which they could not normally affordInitially, only part of new system introduced. When it proves to work, next part introduced until old system fully replacedPresentations using animation, video and sound are more interesting than one done on paper. Presented with a multimedia projector so that the audience is able to see it. If a computer is used to control an analogue device then a digital to analogue converter is requiredOnce the system analyst knows what needs to be done and what the problems of the system are, he can start toIf the system contains files, the file structure (length of each field, key field) needs to be finalised. Once structure has been determined, it is created and tested. <human>: Find the missing spans: How the hardware is used to interface with the user needs to be identified. Testing of each module needs to be done to ensure each one functions correctly on its own. Once each module has been developed, the whole system needs to be tested. We have been using a tool we call a “capability model” to display in a “one-pager” format, the key tasks and supporting knowledge, skills, and characteristics [spans 1] . in other words, what the employee needs to be able to do a job or job. Since it is on one page, it is distilled ( . ## Tags: capability analysis, Capability Model, Development Path, development planning, job analysis, role analysis, succession planning. <bot>: spans 1: needed to perform the tasks
Input: What are the missing spans: Still, you should really consider doing this costume, along with Kio. If nothing else, the photo op would be good. Dimmie just said that I have a big happy face. Saya has “guilty that I did so many bad things” face. I cannot angst like Saya. That's easy to rectify. Sits up and grin* Just talk to your [spans 1] miserable. you know, get him to tease you. We all know you really want to be Saya. You like her more than [spans 2] Mizuno. And we all know that you don't like the real-life versions of the Sailor fuku, which is why you don't make them. And in case you guys were wondering, THIS and THIS and THIS is the costume I'm thinking of making . They have a lot of zips (I think) and it's a three piece. Sukina, Naoko don't be mean to her ok . wipe excessive saliva drooling out*This sounds too much like a pattern of abuse: Charming in the beginning, turns abusive after getting his way. I have no idea if the story is true, but one really has to wonder . Daisy Fajarina, 44, is well-known as the feisty mother of Manohara Odelia Pinot – the 17-year-old teen model who claimed to be raped, kidnapped and abused by her Kelantan royal husband. Married twice – first to an American, and later to a French – Daisy has indeed come a long way from her South Sulawesi island in Indonesia. Highly protective to her two beautiful daughters, Daisy fought tooth and nail to rescue Manohara from her not-so-charming prince, 32-year-old Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra. Malaysiakini talked to Daisy last week while waiting for Manohara to take a break from shooting a soap opera at the studios of a private television station in Jakarta. We met Tengku (Muhammad Fakhry Petra) at a dinner party; this dinner was held for (Prime Minister) Najib Abdul Razak, so Najib was also there. The prince introduced himself to Manohara and me, my first impression of him was that Tengku was a well-mannered person. Their relationship was developed mainly through phone conversations, because Tengku was in KL (Kuala Lumpur) and Manohara was in Jakarta. Tengku kept calling her frequently – he called her three to five times a day at that time. Manohara also called the prince sometimes. She said that he was an interesting [spans 3] (solat). Tengku kept trying to give us an impression that he is a good person. His people said that Manohara was Tengku's first love and that he never had any girlfriend that he treated seriously before. She was the first person Tengku fell in love with. We believed what Tengku told us because we thought that he was an honest and shy person, so things went on until November 2007. When Manohara was 15 years old, we went on a cruise from Singapore to Bali, and we stopped at Komodo Island, that was when Manohara was raped by the prince. I was not aware of this until December 2007 (New Year's Eve), it has been a habit (kebiasaan) for me and my daughters to do confession [spans 4] year. Then Manohara told me that she had lost her virginity, her sister [spans 5] this. We were asking: “How could this happened? ”I am the type of mother who never let my children to go out alone. Everywhere they go, I will go with them. That is why it was so hard for me to believe it (susah nak percaya). When I asked her who did this to her, she said it was Tengku. I called Tengku and he apologised. He said: “Aunty, I am very sorry, I promised you that I will be responsible for this.”We will let the police investigation decide on this. Manohara said that she was forced because Tengku told her that if she does not do it, it means she does not love him. And he asked Manohara not to worry about it. You said that Manohara told you she was raped by Tengku at the end of 2007 (December), and you and Manohara went to the cruise with Tengku in November, that means she told you about the rape a month later. Did you lodge any police report? Well, it was not easy for me. I loved Tengku too and I was close to him. As a mother, I was unready to hear Tengku saying: “Well, it's happened.”I mean, what can you do? It will be a huge embarrassment (malu) and humiliation for us. I was thinking, what am I going to do with Manohara later? Sooner or later she will get married, and as a mother, it is normal to have that kind of worry. Although I was angry at Tengku . but at the same time I was relieved because he admitted what he had done, he apologised and said that he would be responsible (for it). During the time when they were exchanging phone calls, Manohara did not love the prince but just liked him? When they first met, I did not believe that Manohara liked him. She just treated him as a person she just met, as a friend. Tengku was charming, well-behaved. Who does not like a person with that kind of attitude? So all of you went for the cruise, it was a family trip, and the rape happened during that time. You got to know about the rape about a month later, you confronted Tengku and he admitted. Yes, I was very angry. I even said to Tengku: “With all due respect, Tengku, I heard that in Kelantan, (if you have raped a girl), they will punish you by whipping you with bamboo (rotan), and Tengku answered: “Yes Aunty, please forgive me; it happened because I love Manohara and she loves me too. One thing I promise you is that I will marry her and I will be responsible.”I started to be a bit distant from Tengku, so did Manohara. But like I said, Tengku is a kind of person that you will just be melted by his charm, the way he talked was just so polite. After the event, I kept feeling unbelievable (tidak sangka) that this really happened because Tengku had acted so polite. Why he did this to us? One of my friends reminded me: “Daisy, this (polite person) is not him! You kept saying that he is nice, but since he was born, he has been bound by protocol. People have to do that, especially the public figures. He (Tengku) is a public figure, he is a sultan's son, and he has to be well-behaved in the public.”I [spans 6] rape. And I came back to Jakarta and all the meetings and forgiveness thing happened. Finally in August, I was called and told that the Sultan and Raja (perempuan, the queen) would loved to meet us, so we flew to KL on the [spans 7] 19th. In the room, Raja asked Tengku and Manohara whether they liked each other, they said yes. Then [spans 8] possible. Raja said that because as a Muslim, the relationship between Manohara and Tengku was like an indirect “zina” at the moment as they were not married. Before meeting with the royal family, I was taught how to walk and talk to them. They told me that I cannot say no to the royal family because it would be an insult to them. I was taught to always say “yes, Tuanku and yes, Raja”. So after meeting with Raja, I left the room and met with Raja's sister, Tengku Anisah and Datuk Wan Hassan and Tengku, and I told them that Raja wanted Manohara to be married to Tengku, I said to them: “With all due respect, I am as a mother, and also on behalf of Manohara's family, inviting one of the family member of Tengku to come to Jakarta to discuss about their wedding matters (membicarakan masalah perkahwinan). However, they told me that I cannot go back (to Jakarta) anymore until the wedding, so I asked them when was the wedding, they said [spans 9] hotel. We only had one week time for our preparation until the ‘adat nikah' (wedding ceremony) on the 26th. What I did was that I went to the Indonesian embassy [spans 10] Malaysia. However, Manohara's father (who was in US) disagreed with the [spans 11] 17. He also wanted to be present at his daughter's wedding. So I kindly asked the family of Tengku to wait until February, which was six months later, for the wedding. Without the agreement from her father, the Kantor cannot issue a letter. I did not want my daughter's marriage to be a illegal one. Then I spoke to the Raja, and asked whether we can let Manohara to be engaged to Tengku first, because there was no letter of agreement from her father, the Kantor and permission from the embassy, we did not have anything in paper to allow their marriage. He replied that this would be quite difficult, because it was the Raja's will. He said that we would further discuss the matter when we went back to Kelantan. After we went back to Kelantan, on the 25th afternoon – one day before the marriage – Manohara and I still did not agree to the marriage. Despite our disagreement, Raja just went on with the preparations of the wedding within the palace (istana). Basically they did not care whether we agree to the wedding and whether we had the paper of permission or not. Manohara Odelia Pino, 17, is kissed by her mother, DaisyOne of the people from the palace who frequently communicated with us, asked us whether we wanted the royal family to be our family, I said yes. And I said: “Of course, yes! ”Then he answered: “If you want the royal family to be your family, why can't you just agree with the wedding now? After the wedding in Malaysia, we will go to Indonesia and we will do this properly there. It is impossible the royal family will not do things properly.”At 3pm that day, they took Manohara and me to the palace and we got to see all the preparations for the wedding going on within the palace. They said to me: “Look, Raja has already prepared everything, can you say no to this? ” Finally we agreed to the wedding. I told them on the 26th, 11am: “Okay, let's do this.”Then we went to a shop owned by a Datuk's wife to rent clothes and everything, to prepare ourselves for the wedding. Of course, I agreed to the wedding after they promised that they would come to Indonesia and do everything properly, but it never happened. My relationship with the royal family was okay because at that time it was Ramadan, so from time to time, I went to the Istana Mahkota to do ‘solat', (and) sometimes (I) have my meals together with the royal family. Immediately after the marriage, we saw the difference in Tengku. He was not so patient anymore, for example when I talked to him, and he did not like what I was talking, he would just walk away. It was so different compared to before (the marriage). He was still nice, but not so nice compared to before. There was a lack of patience (kesabaran) and respect (hormat) in him. Before the wedding, he was a gentleman. He even helped to carry Manohara's bag. When I was cooking in the kitchen, he would asked whether I need help or not. I was really “in love” with him at that time. I did not want to talk about this with Manohara, because I did not want to hurt her feelings. So the day after the wedding, they went for a honeymoon somewhere in Thailand, at 3am, her sister called me and said that Manohara was in her room. At [spans 12] Kelantan. Her sister (Dewi) told me that Tengku kicked her out from their room. They already started having arguments and problems. I felt that this was not Tengku. It was impossible because he was never like that before. At that time, I treated the royal family with full respect, thinking that after the wedding in Kelantan, they would go to Jakarta and do [spans 13] everything. I really put my ‘maruah' (dignity) on the line and my pride aside because of my love for Tengku. People are saying that they (the royal family) had given me a big sum of money, I swear to God, I didn't get anything from them. Before a wedding, the bridegroom's family will normally send some kind of ‘hantaran' (gift) to the bride's family. Did the royal family send you any ‘hantaran'? No, I was not presented with any ‘hantaran'. But during the wedding, they gave Manohara ‘mas kahwinan' (dowry) worth RM15,000 and some jewellry. The jewellry is now with Manohara and she is ready to return them to the royal family anytime. [spans 14] US$5,000. But they said that there was nothing I can do. I cannot say anything to Tengku. One of the bodyguards who is working for Tengku said: “I am sorry, but that's how [spans 15] is. If he wants something, he will have it.” One of the employees of Tengku told me that he is completely different from one of his brothers, who is very kind and respectful. I talked to Tengku and asked him why he became like this. He swore to me that he did not do anything bad to Manohara, and the way he spoke to me was very nice again. I was there for about a month, until Hari Raya (October), after that there was a ceremony (acara). And after that we took a train to Singapore – that was when Manohara decided to leave him and go back to Jakarta because it seemed like Tengku was not going to change. She said that Tengku was mean and looked down on us because we were Indonesian, and we could be paid (bought). In Singapore, we were not allowed to keep our passports. There was a guy from the Malaysian embassy who wanted to keep our passports, (and) we had an argument. There was an argument. Manohara went to the hospital after we arrived in Singapore after a nine-hour trip. Manohara's sister contacted her to tell her that we (Manohara's mother, sister and mother's friend) were not being offered a room, and we had to wait at [spans 16] lobby. When Manohara asked Tengku about this, he said that we had to show the hotel counter our passports in order to check in. But Manohara knew that if we told the hotel workers that we were the family of Tengku, sure they would lead us to our rooms immediately. So Manohara was insulted. Tengku even said: “Why don't you ask them to pay themselves? ” But we cannot afford to pay for the hotel rooms ourselves. Then Manohara decided not to stay at the hospital and rushed to the hotel to help us get our rooms first. Tengku was very angry because he wanted Manohara to stay at the hospital. She argued with him, saying that if Tengku did not want to help her sister to get the hotel rooms, she did not want to stay at the hospital. Manohara also asked Tengku to send some bodyguards to the hotel because there was no point for all the bodyguards to stay at the hospital. After that, in the hotel room, I told Manohara that “I was devastated, I was hated by our family in Indonesia, and now you are arguing with Tengku, I felt embarrassed and felt like I want to die”. I [spans 17] please”. She said, “Mom, I do not want to because he's done [spans 18] apologise. If Manohara's actions weren't right, forgive her (perlakuan Manohara tidak berkenan, maafkan juga lah), she's only 17. So you have to understand, you are almost twice her age. At least, you have to understand.”Manohara Odelia Pino, 17,T(engku) said that if Raja didn't forgive her, then “I cannot forgive her. So you have to ask forgiveness from Raja first”, so Manohara became more angry. She said this guy didn't realise what he had been doing to us, embarrassing our family (mempermalukan keluarga kami). And I already made a promise to my family because I trust them right? So when my family asked, “What's going on? Why you put your daughter in (such a) marriage like that? ” I said, “No, no, we are all going to go there (to Jakarta for a proper marriage)”. They were all waiting and they thought that I just bluffed them. So Manohara decided to come to Indonesia and she stayed in Indonesia until February. Tengku tried everything. He's contacted one of the high-ranking people here to help us go back to Kuala Lumpur. We said, “We would love to go back, but come [spans 19] (reconciliation). Soberi is Tengku's good friend now. Since then he has become a good friend of Tengku's – because of us. We basically trusted him. During that four-month period – November 2008 to February 2009 – that was the time Soberi came into the picture? Yes, ‘orang tengah'. Like now Tengku ‘sadarin kesalahannya' (realised his mistake), so Ibu make invitation for 2,000 to 3,000 people. I don't need 2,000 to 3,000 people, just need 300 or 200 people okay as long as there are Manohara and Tengku sitting there. Then people can see that this is Manohara's husband. Because the rumours are like Manohara's husband is probably 70 or 60 years old, or probably ‘bukan anak raja' (not a prince). So I just wanted it to be official. Yes, Manohara was very firm in [spans 20] well. She also have have “boyfriends” before and while some say she was too young to be married, some pointed out at least the prince was at least taking the responsibility of marrying her. While I may not know which side is telling the truth. it;s making me view the whole situation with not just a pinch [spans 21] jump. :S That's kinda unreasonable. Output: spans 1: exes and get them to make you feel spans 2: you liked most female characters, except spans 3: guy to talk to, the prince always reminded her to practice daily prayers spans 4: before the New Year, we will ask forgiveness from each other for the wrong things we have done, and to improve on our wrong things the following spans 5: and I were very shocked when we heard spans 6: was in USA when Manohara told me about the spans 7: 17th of August 2008, and we met with the Raja and Sultan in Shangri-la Hotel on the spans 8: Raja said in that case, she wanted both of them to get married as soon as spans 9: that it will be on the 26th of August, which means one week away from the meeting at Shangri-la spans 10: the next day and make a report on the wedding, the embassy told me that I had to get a letter from the Kantor Urusan Agama Indonesia (Office of Religious Affairs), only then they could release permission for Manohara to get married in spans 11: marriage, saying that Manohara should not get married before she was spans 12: that time I was in spans 13: the ‘lamaran' (marriage offer) and spans 14: It is not that we wanted to know the price of the jewellry, but since the situation became like this, we asked a jeweler to estimate the price, and the price of all the jewellry is about spans 15: Tengku spans 16: the spans 17: said, “Manohara spans 18: too much.”I come to T(engku), I said to T “as a mother, as your mother and as Manohara's mother, I've come here to spans 19: on, do things first like you promised us before, that you were going to do the (wedding) ceremony here.” And finally, (Mohd) Soberi (Shafii) keeps asking me to appoint him as middleman to make this ‘silaturahim baik kembali' spans 20: saying that you had to deliver what you had promised us, which was to do the wedding here (Jakarta) as spans 21: but a whole lot of salt XDWhat worries me is the way it seems he crooks a finger and expects them to
<human>: Complete this text: ... <assistant>: The completion of this text could be:. <human>: What style of text is the above text? <assistant>: It appears to be a NSFW style.
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Great value for money. We have used this company... Instruction: Continue. Output: three times, they are brilliant. Service was quick, easy and professional. Helped me dismantle furniture, manoeuvred bulky items down small corridors and all super fast and friendly. George and VCAA were excellent,... Instruction: Continue. Output: very professional and friendly. We are very happy with the job and would definitely use them again. Very impressed with the whole of the... Instruction: Continue. Output: team. They worked extremely hard for very long hours. I can wholeheartedly recommend them. Two very polite, professional, hard working guys moved all my... Instruction: Continue. Output: stuff from my flat to my new house. They took great care not to break anything or scrape walls and although it was pouring with rain they ensured that water was not walked through the properties. They simply did not stop! Thank you simply removals! I was very impressed with both driver/men. Both of them did an excellent job for me in very limited time. It was really helpful. I moved today the 28th April 2018, The company was great and the two movers were really efficient and friendly my thanks too them both, Overall I am very happy with the result, If I am ever moving again I would choose Simply Removals as a company, I will also tell people if they are considering moving to use... Instruction: Next. Output: Simply Removals. George & Vlad were very conscientious and considerate. Patient & well mannered and did a great job under the circumstances. Arrived on time, packed very professionally and handled all of... Instruction: Next. Output: my goods with special care. Very friendly and helpful, nothing too much trouble. ## Highly recommended! Very impressed. Prompt, quick and professional. No problems with our heavy furniture. Would highly recommend this team. Servan & Alim worked very professionally taking very good care of the furniture & other goods. ## Would definitely recommend Simply Removals. Moved all the contents without fuss. Wouldn't accept help... Instruction: More. Output: and didn't need it. Offered advice and helped with making decisions. ##... Instruction: More. Output: Would definitely recommend. Thank you! Second time I have used Simply Removals. The boys did a top job with no fuss. I couldn't be more happier with the service they provided. Packed... Instruction: More. Output: up a big 1 bed house in a very short time. Fantastic service and very thoughtful. Will recommend to others. The two guys, Florian and Cosmin, arrived on time, quickly emptied our... Instruction: Continue. Output: house in less than thirty minutes and were able to bring everything in it's place carefully and quickly. They are so patient and polite. Thumbs up! Very hardworking staff. Were always happy... Instruction: Continue. Output: to remove my things if I changed my mind! Excellent. Both men were very professional, quick and respectful of our belongings. We are very... Instruction: Next. Output: thankful about the service. The team was very helpful, professional and great. We couldn't be happier! Thank you very much! Great guys, arrived early, smiling, careful with our stuff. Great moving into tiny street put all our gear where we wanted it. We had a really good experience with our moving. Mathew and Marian who came to help us moving were very kind and... Instruction: More. Output: friendly and we had a very warm experience. The two guys were amazing, we have to say, from the very beginning towards the end of moving. Really would recommend Mathew and Marian... Instruction: Continue. Output: and thank you for simply removal. Good service, helpful, efficient & patient. Yes happy to recommend. Flexible, and were happy to work! Professional and... Instruction: Continue. Output: friendly service. Guys worked hard, took apart and reassembled furniture. Very helpful & efficient. I would use your service & recommend to other people fully based on the removal service I had today. I complained to the guy who came out to quote, who said he would look into it and he did nothing. Not protecting the floor in the old house. There were not sufficient sheets laid on the floor to ensure that the flooring was left clean. There were big mud spots left all over the house. Damaged outside wall in old house. The end of the wall on the front garden was hit by some of the items which knocked it loose. They didn't advise me that they knocked it, I noticed this myself. Lots... Instruction: Next. Output: of marks and knocks in new house. There were many times where the removals men hot the walls or ceiling with items they were bringing into the house. Driver removing sheets when... Instruction: More. Output: work not complete. Half way through unloading the van, the driver decided to start removing the sheets on the floors and I had to keep putting more sheets down to avoid the floor being dirtied and damaged. One of the removal guys quite clumsy. One of the removal guys in particular kept banging into the walls and hitting the ceiling and banging things on... Instruction: More. Output: the floors. Driver had enough and started throwing all boxes in the house, not in correct rooms. When they were close to finishing the job, the driver decided to start bringing things into the house without a care of which rooms they belonged in, even though every box was clearly marked. He was very impatient and just wanted to leave, so beds ended up... Instruction: More. Output: in the living room. All four removals staff that worked on our move were very professional & took care to not knock walls or furniture. Very pleased with overall experience! We have... Instruction: Continue. Output: trusted Simply Removals with two house moves now, the service is always... Instruction: More. Output: brilliant. This time we used the packing service which was well worth the price - the team were careful throughout. Another easy move thanks to the crew at Simple Removals! Really helpful... Instruction: More. Output: team of removal men who worked hard & were very careful with our possessions. I would recommend both Emanuel & Adrian. The tradesmen came... Instruction: Next. Output: out and were pleasant and efficient. They stayed until the job was... Instruction: Next. Output: done. This is the 3rd time using Simply Removals because they are reliable! Thank you! Simply removals were great. Very prompt, professional and courteous... Instruction: Continue. Output: They really took the stress out of moving. The guys were very helpful. Second time we have used this service, keep up the good work. The guys were brilliant, came, got straight... Instruction: Continue. Output: to work and moved everything efficiently and carefully they got the job done well and were friendly. Loaded and unloaded our belongings quickly. I would use them again. Very kind and helpful... Instruction: Continue. Output: Got the job done with care and in quick time. Couldn't wish for better service. Wow - we couldn't have done it without you - so efficient - everything was taken care of! Thank you so much! Very prompt at address. Boxed and moved everything very efficiently and got to the new address with ease. Offloaded and moved everything at our request and without... Instruction: More. Output: question. Very pleasant and reliable workmen. highly recommend, thank you. Simply Removals did a great job, very efficient and at good value. George helped ensure everything was as easy as possible. I... Instruction: More. Output: would use them again and recommend them to anybody. Both guys were organised and polite, worked very hard and efficiently. Couldn't have done anymore. Very friendly, professional job, done with care. All items delivered in perfect condition. Extremely polite, fast and efficient. Nothing was too much of an ask. Will 150% be recommending and using for our next move! Thank you Silviu and George. The guys were outstanding, courteous, hardworking caring careful. I would recommend them to anyone wonderful! We cannot recommend Marioan & Cypran of Simply Removals highly enough. They were incredibly hard working - they hardly stopped - all were polite and helpful. We will not move again if we cannot have these guys. Just wonderful! ! We were really impressed by the service we received... Instruction: Continue. Output: from Simply Removals. The packing service was excellent. On our move day the team arrived early and had everything out of the house in 4 hours. The team were very friendly and professional. All of this was done whilst it was snowing and -2! Kept me informed of arrival, were prompt. Took away and put back belongings carefully. Both the removal men were fantastic, calm and patient. They went the extra mile too. They were fantastic, they went over & above by helping me install items and even a lesson in how to use my new dishwasher. I am missing a shelf and a couple of things broken, but no more than you would expect. It's a shame you didn't take the wardrobe apart, it may have all... Instruction: Next. Output: fit in. Very good, quick, efficient, helpful, polite, everything you could ask for in a good removals company. ## Highly recommended utterly professional, helpful and extremely friendly. I'd certainly use this company... Instruction: Next. Output: again. Terrific! All men were extremely professional, hard working and very careful with all our belongings. The value for money was good. However as... Instruction: More. Output: a suggestion to the sales staff, when booking it would be useful to make client aware of all services, i. The guys were really friendly and helpful and accommodating. Everything went smoothly which took the stress out of the day. These 2 guys took all stresses and worries out of moving. You have 2 guys you should be very proud of. Cannot thank them... Instruction: Next. Output: enough. I used Simply Removals for a house move this week and found the two removers to be efficient and hard working. They arrived on time and were careful with all of my items. They made what should have been a stressful morning into an easy move. Thank you! We had Simply Removals move a house worthy of furniture and belongings from storage to... Instruction: Continue. Output: a new house. The price was competitive, the service exemplary. Careful packing of the van ensured a single trip from the store; the two men were thoughtful (let us look at each un-labelled box as they walked it in the front door), and then moved it wherever we needed it. Furniture handled carefully and they worked with speed. One small item was accidentally left... Instruction: More. Output: in the van under a blanket; they came back the next day to deliver it - 'though we had not even noticed its absence... Instruction: Continue. Output: Friendly and excellent service. The service from Cosmin was outstanding & brilliant, the care & service was amazing & made the move from me being stressed to relaxing. Cosmin & his colleague were very helpful & efficient today. I wasn't so pleased with the team that packed on the first day. Simply Removals moved the furniture from a one bed flat on a busy road in Greenwich to a one bed flat in Windsor. The men arrived early and worked very hard and efficiently - they had to carry everything down a flight of stairs and a little way along the road but they were happy to do whatever was needed. Everything arrived in Windsor with no problems and in perfect condition. The process was reversed in Windsor... Instruction: Next. Output: as quickly and efficiently as before. The men could not have been more helpful and willing to do whatever was required with a smile. We would not hesitate to use Simply Removals again or recommend them to anyone else. Their price was very competitive as well - excellent value. Many thanks Simply Removals! I have used Simply Removals on several occasions over the past... Instruction: Next. Output: few years, in connection with various moves of myself and my family members. Each and every time, the quality of their service, from start to end, was superb, first-class. From the moment, I engaged them, in the run-up to the day of the move and on the day itself doing the move. The team at the base and the team who do the job... Instruction: More. Output: of moving are patience, courteous, efficient and excellent. I will use them again and will recommend them to anyone as the company to use when moving. Ovi & His partner were really helpful throughout the whole transition. They were very professional as they mentioned earlier during my booking process. Demetrious was very informative and ever so helpful. everything went well and can't thank them... Instruction: Continue. Output: enough. I would recommend them. The company were quick to respond to a quotation request and were very competitively priced. They arrived promptly and loaded the van quickly. The two men were... Instruction: More. Output: friendly and helpful and nothing was too much trouble. Likewise on arriving at the new address they unloaded and ensured everything was placed in the right room. I would definitely use them againWe have to say the lads were so great, on time, professional and friendly. Very helpful and look away the stress the moving brings. Definitely recommend in the future. The Urantia Book is full of personality; it is a word that is used hundreds of times, and is a most important topic. The quotes found below will give the reader a bare-bones idea of the scope of personality, and clicking on the links will take you to an expansion of each idea. Part of the revelation of The Urantia Book, is a thorough discussion of the... Instruction: More. Output: personality of God. It is itself a large subject, and one can find the fuller sections by going to:God is much more than a personality as personality is understood by the human... Instruction: Next. Output: mind; he is even far more than any possible concept of a superpersonality. But it is utterly futile to discuss such incomprehensible concepts of divine personality with the minds of material creatures... Instruction: Next. Output: whose maximum concept of the reality of being consists in the idea and ideal of personality. Therefore, although you may know that God must be much more than the human conception of... Instruction: Next. Output: personality, you equally well know that the Universal Father cannot possibly be anything less than an eternal, infinite, true, good, and beautiful personality. God is not hiding from any of his creatures. He is unapproachable to so many orders of beings only because he "dwells in a light which no material creature can approach. " The immensity and grandeur of the divine personality is... Instruction: Next. Output: beyond the grasp of the unperfected mind of evolutionary mortals. He "measures the waters in the hollow of his hand, measures a universe with the span of his hand. It is he... Instruction: Continue. Output: who sits on the circle of the earth, who stretches out the heavens as a curtain and spreads them out as a universe to dwell in. " "Lift up your eyes on... Instruction: Continue. Output: high and behold who has created all these things, who brings out their worlds by number and calls them all by their names"; and so it is true that "the invisible things... Instruction: Continue. Output: of God are partially understood by the things which are made. " ~ The Urantia Book, (1:5.2)Personality is not simply an attribute of God; it rather stands for the totality of the... Instruction: Next. Output: co-ordinated infinite nature and the unified divine will which is exhibited in eternity and universality of perfect expression. Personality, in the supreme sense, is the revelation of God to the universe of... Instruction: Next. Output: universes. The Urantia Book, (1:5.13)"`I am a God at hand as well as afar off,' says the Lord. `Do not I fill heaven and... Instruction: Next. Output: earth? '" The Universal Father is all the time present in all parts and in all hearts of his far-flung creation. He is "the fullness of him who fills all and in all," and "who works all in all," and further, the concept of his personality is such that "the heaven (universe) and heaven of heavens (universe of universes) cannot contain him. " It... Instruction: Continue. Output: is literally true that God is all and in all. But even that is not all of God. The Infinite can be finally revealed... Instruction: Continue. Output: only in infinity; the cause can never be fully comprehended by an... Instruction: Next. Output: analysis of effects; the living God is immeasurably greater than the sum total of creation that has come into being as a result of the creative acts of his unfettered free will. The Urantia Book, (3:1.2)In God the Father freewill performances are not ruled by power, nor are they guided by intellect alone; the divine personality is defined as consisting in spirit and manifesting... Instruction: Continue. Output: himself to the universes as love. Therefore, in all his personal relations with the creature personalities of the universes, the First Source and Center is always and consistently a loving Father. God is a Father in the highest sense of the term. He is eternally motivated by the perfect idealism of divine love, and that tender nature finds its strongest expression and greatest satisfaction in loving and being loved. ## The Urantia Book, (4:4.6)Personality. The personality of mortal man is neither body, mind, nor spirit; neither is it the soul. Personality is the one changeless reality in an otherwise ever-changing creature experience; and it unifies all other associated factors of individuality. The Urantia Book, (0:5. Personality is never spontaneous; it is the gift of the Paradise Father. And... Instruction: Next. Output: no actuality can ever be adequately comprehended by an examination of its... Instruction: More. Output: shadow. Shadows should be interpreted in terms of the true substance. The Urantia Book, (1:6.1)Mind transmutes the values of spirit into the meanings of... Instruction: More. Output: intellect; volition has power to bring the meanings of mind to fruit in both the material and spiritual domains. The Paradise ascent involves a... Instruction: More. Output: relative and differential growth in spirit, mind, and energy. ## The personality is the unifier of these components of experiential individuality. The Urantia Book, (9:4.6)The human personality is not merely a concomitant of time-and-space events; the human personality can also act as the cosmic cause of such events. The Urantia Book, (12:5.11)Personality is that cosmic endowment, that phase of universal reality, which can coexist with unlimited change and at the same time retain its identity in the very presence of all such changes, and forever afterward. The Urantia Book, ((112:0.3)Personality is uniquely conscious of time, and this is something other than the time perception of mind or spirit. ## The Urantia Book, (112:0.16)Position status. ## Personality functions equally efficiently in the local universe, in the superuniverse, and in... Instruction: More. Output: the central universe. Personality performs effectively on the levels of the finite, the absonite, and even as impinging upon the absolute. ## Personality can be experientially realized in the progressive realms of the material, the morontial, and the spiritual. Personality cannot very well perform in isolation. Man is innately a social creature; he is dominated by the craving of belongingness. It is literally true, "No man lives unto himself. The material self is truly and unqualifiedly personal. The Urantia Book, (5:6.2)That which comes from the Father is like the Father eternal, and this is just as true of personality, which God gives by his own freewill choice, as it is of the divine Thought Adjuster, an actual fragment of God. Man's personality is eternal but with regard to... Instruction: More. Output: identity a conditioned eternal reality. Having appeared in response to the Father's will, personality will attain Deity destiny, but man must choose whether or not he will be present at the attainment... Instruction: Next. Output: of such destiny. In default of such choice, personality attains experiential Deity directly, becoming a part of the Supreme Being. The cycle is foreordained, but man's participation therein is optional, personal, and... Instruction: Continue. Output: experiential. The Urantia Book, (112:5.2)When this sentence is finally confirmed, the sin-identified being instantly becomes as though he had not been. There is no... Instruction: Next. Output: resurrection from such a fate; it is everlasting and eternal. The living energy factors of identity are resolved by the transformations of time and the metamorphoses of space into the cosmic potentials whence they once emerged. As for the personality of the iniquitous one, it is deprived of a continuing life vehicle by the creature's failure to make those choices and final decisions which... Instruction: More. Output: would have assured eternal life. When the continued embrace of sin by the associated mind culminates in complete self-identification with iniquity, then upon the... Instruction: Next. Output: cessation of life, upon cosmic dissolution, such an isolated personality is absorbed into the oversoul of creation, becoming a part of the evolving experience of the Supreme Being. Never again does it appear as a personality; its identity becomes as though it had never been. ## In the case of an Adjuster-indwelt personality, the experiential spirit values survive in the reality of the continuing... Instruction: More. Output: Adjuster. When the mind believes God and the soul knows God, and when, with the fostering Adjuster, they all desire God, then is survival assured. The Urantia Book, (6:4.9)Personality is the exclusive... Instruction: More. Output: gift of the Universal Father. The Eternal Son derives personality from the Father, but he does not, without the Father, bestow personality. The Son gives origin to a vast spirit host, but such derivations are not personalities. When the Son creates personality, he does so in conjunction with the Father or with the Conjoint Creator, who may act for the Father in such relationships... Instruction: Continue. Output: The Eternal Son is thus a cocreator of personalities, but he bestows personality upon no being and of himself, alone, never creates personal beings. This limitation of action does not, however, deprive... Instruction: Next. Output: the Son of the ability to create any or all types of other-than-personal reality. The Urantia Book, (6:7.2)Throughout your local universe experience the Creator Son, whose personality is comprehensible by man, must... Instruction: More. Output: compensate for your inability to grasp the full significance of the more exclusively spiritual, but none the less personal, Eternal Son of Paradise. The Urantia Book, (6:8.7)The Father comes down to you as a personality only through the divine Sons of the Eternal Son. And you attain the Father by this same living way; you ascend to the Father by the guidance of this... Instruction: More. Output: group of divine Sons. And this remains true notwithstanding that your very personality is a direct bestowal of the Universal Father. The Urantia Book,... Instruction: Next. Output: (7:7.4)2. The Second Source and Center. " No personality can hope to attain the Universal Father except through his Eternal Son; neither can personality attain to spirit levels of existence apart from... Instruction: Continue. Output: the action and aid of this absolute pattern for all personalities. In the Second Source and Center spirit is unqualified while personality is absolute. Creatures crave association with other personal creatures; Creators... Instruction: Next. Output: are moved to share divinity with their universe children; the personality of the Infinite is disclosed as the Universal Father, who shares reality of being and equality of self with two co-ordinate personalities, the Eternal Son and the Conjoint Actor. The Urantia Book, (12:9.1)The Universal Father bestows personality upon numerous orders of beings as they function on diverse levels of universe actuality. Urantia human beings are endowed with personality of the finite-mortal type, functioning on the level of the ascending sons of God. The Urantia Book, (65:8.6)Personality is a unique endowment of original nature whose existence is independent of, and antecedent to, the bestowal of the Thought Adjuster. ## Nevertheless, the presence of the Adjuster does augment the qualitative manifestation of personality. Personalities may be similar, but they... Instruction: Continue. Output: are never the same. Persons of a given series, type, order, or pattern may and do resemble one another, but they are never identical. Personality is that feature of an individual which we know, and which enables us to identify such a being at some future time regardless of the nature and extent of changes in form, mind, or spirit status. Personality is that part of any individual which enables us to recognize and positively identify that person as the one we have previously known, no matter how much he may have changed because of the modification of the vehicle of expression and manifestation of his personality. ## The Urantia Book, (118:6.6)Iniquity in the finite domains reveals the transient reality of all God-unidentified selfhood. Only as a creature... Instruction: Next. Output: becomes God-identified, does he become truly real in the universes. Mind can think even when deprived of all power of choice, as in numerous of the lower types of animals and in... Instruction: Next. Output: certain of these subordinate physical controllers. We may however state that there are no personalities of "pure mind"; no entity has personality unless he is endowed with it by God who is spirit. Any mind entity that is not associated with either spiritual or physical energy is not a personality. ## But in the same sense that there are spirit personalities who have mind... Instruction: Continue. Output: there are mind personalities who have spirit. Majeston and his associates are fairly good illustrations of mind-dominated beings, but there are better illustrations of... Instruction: Next. Output: this type of personality unknown to you. There are even whole unrevealed orders of such mind personalities, but they are always spirit associated. Certain other unrevealed creatures are what might be termed... Instruction: Next. Output: mindal- and physical-energy personalities. This type of being is nonresponsive to spirit gravity but is nonetheless a true personality—is within the Father's circuit. The Urantia Book, (30:1.23)Personality inherently reaches out to unify... Instruction: Next. Output: all constituent realities. Man should control his institutions rather than permit himself to be dominated by these creations of advancing civilization. The Urantia Book, (69:1.1)There is great danger associated with the habitual practice of religious daydreaming; mysticism may become a technique of reality avoidance, albeit it has sometimes been a means of genuine spiritual communion. Short seasons of retreat from the busy scenes of... Instruction: Continue. Output: life may not be seriously dangerous, but prolonged isolation of personality is most undesirable. As far as we know, the Adjuster type of Father fragment attains personality only by the acquirement of personal attributes through service-ministry to a personal being. These Personalized Adjusters are at home on Divinington, where they instruct and direct their prepersonal associates. The Urantia Book, (109:7.1)The human personality is identified... Instruction: Continue. Output: with mind and spirit held together in functional relationship by life in a material body. This functioning relationship of such mind and spirit does not result in some combination of the qualities or attributes of mind and spirit but rather in an entirely new, original, and unique universe value of potentially eternal endurance, the soul. The Urantia Book, (111:2.3)During the life in the flesh... Instruction: More. Output: the evolving soul is enabled to reinforce the supermaterial decisions of the mortal mind. The soul, being supermaterial, does not of itself function on the material level of human experience. Neither can... Instruction: Continue. Output: this subspiritual soul, without the collaboration of some spirit of Deity, such as the Adjuster, function above the morontia level. Neither does the soul make final decisions until death or translation divorces it from material association with the mortal mind except when and as this material mind delegates such authority freely and willingly to such a morontia soul of associated function. The soul is... Instruction: More. Output: thus the embryo of the future morontia vehicle of personality identity. The Urantia Book, (111:3.2)Only in the higher levels of the superconscious mind as it impinges upon the spirit realm of human experience can you find those higher concepts in association with effective master patterns which will contribute to the building of a better and more enduring civilization. Personality is inherently creative, but it thus functions only in the inner life of the individual. ## The Urantia Book, (111:4.5)You cannot completely control the external world—environment. It is the creativity of the inner world that is most subject to your direction because there your personality is so largely liberated from the fetters of the laws of antecedent causation. Everything nonspiritual in human experience, excepting personality, is a means to... Instruction: Continue. Output: an end. Every true relationship of mortal man with other persons—human or divine—is an end in itself. And such fellowship with the personality of... Instruction: Continue. Output: Deity is the eternal goal of universe ascension. The Urantia Book, (112:2.8)2. ## Intellectual (mind) death. On the universe records a mortal personality is considered to have met with death whenever the essential mind circuits of human will-action have been destroyed. And again, this is death, irrespective of the continuing function of the living mechanism of the physical body. The body minus the volitional... Instruction: Next. Output: mind is no longer human, but according to the prior choosing of the human will, the soul of such an individual may survive. The Urantia Book, (112:3.3)At death the functional identity associated... Instruction: Next. Output: with the human personality is disrupted through the cessation of vital motion. Human personality, while transcending its constituent parts, is dependent on them for functional identity. ## The stoppage of life destroys the physical brain patterns for mind endowment, and the disruption of mind terminates mortal consciousness. The consciousness of that creature cannot subsequently reappear until a cosmic situation has been arranged which will... Instruction: More. Output: permit the same human personality again to function in relationship with living energy. As to the exact whereabouts of mortal personality during the time intervening between death and survival, we do not... Instruction: Next. Output: know.14)The fact of repersonalization consists in the seizure of the encircuited morontia... Instruction: More. Output: phase of the newly segregated cosmic mind by the awakening human self. The phenomenon of personality is dependent on the persistence of the identity of selfhood reaction to universe environment; and this... Instruction: More. Output: can only be effected through the medium of mind. Selfhood persists in spite of a continuous change in all the factor components of self;... Instruction: More. Output: in the physical life the change is gradual; at death and upon repersonalization the change is sudden. The true reality of all selfhood (personality)... Instruction: Next. Output: is able to function responsively to universe conditions by virtue of the unceasing changing of its constituent parts; stagnation terminates in inevitable death. Human... Instruction: Continue. Output: life is an endless change of the factors of life unified by the stability of the unchanging personality.20)Creature volition cannot exist without mind, but it does persist in spite of the loss of the material intellect. During the times immediately following survival, the ascending personality is in great measure guided by the character patterns inherited from the human life and by the newly appearing... Instruction: Continue. Output: action of morontia mota. ## Such achievements in human evolution are at the same time achievements in the evolutionary actualization of the Supreme. Herein... Instruction: More. Output: lies the great cosmic responsibility of self-conscious personalities: That Supreme Deity is in a certain sense dependent on the choosing of the mortal will. The Urantia Book, (117:4.9)"By their fruits you shall know them. " Personality is basically changeless; that which changes—grows—is the moral character. The major error of modern religions is negativism. The tree which bears no fruit is "hewn down and cast... Instruction: More. Output: into the fire. " Moral worth cannot be derived from mere repression—obeying the injunction "Thou shalt not. " Fear and shame are unworthy motivations... Instruction: Continue. Output: for religious living. Religion is valid only when it reveals the fatherhood of God and enhances the brotherhood of men. The Urantia Book, (140:4.7)Human life consists in three great drives—urges, desires, and lures. The Urantia Book, (160:1.2)The headline was “Palin Defends ‘Blood Libel'”. That's interesting, I thought. What else might Palin be defending? Cannibalism, maybe? Well, it turned out to be a report on Palin's disjointed remarks on Sean Hannity's show, regarding the shooting of Rep. I then watched the report. Let me summarize it for you:But there was one person who seemed to understand Sarah Palin quite well. Gabby Giffords, herself, during the health care debate. Discussing threats against Democratic Members of Congress. After the door to her office was shattered. This is what Gabby said:“You know,... Instruction: More. Output: for example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list, but the thing is the way that she has depicted it is the crosshairs of a gun-sight over our district. When people do that,... Instruction: Next. Output: they've got to realize that there are consequences to that action.”Even before I heard earlier Palin's whining about “misguided finger-pointing” and “irresponsible statements from... Instruction: More. Output: people who are apportioning blame,” I thought about this:The day before the health care vote, one of my five-year-old twins received a telephone death threat intended for me. And the day before Gabby was shot, I received a postcard saying “you better get some personal protection. You could very well be getting your ass kicked soon.”Gabby's tea party opponent held fundraisers in which he... Instruction: More. Output: invited contributors to fire an automatic weapon. Democrat Ron Klein's opponent told his supporters to make sure that Klein was “afraid to leave his... Instruction: Next. Output: house.”And the Republicans? The shot supposedly fired at Republican Eric Cantor's office was quickly exposed as a hoax. As I observed on MSNBC last week, there has been a stream of violence... Instruction: Continue. Output: and threats of violence by the right wing against Democrats. Gabby warned against it, and then became a terrible victim of it. Palin has... Instruction: Next. Output: instigated it, and then tried to pretend that it doesn't exist. What do I think? I think that Gabby said it best: “We can't stand for this.” We have to stand against it. Austerity deepens in Chicago this year with the firing of more than 3,000 total school staff after closing 50 schools.
User: Generate more: So we mentioned Daniel Clowes, and it seems like, in terms of getting into comics, that connection was a big impetus later on. You happened to just write him a fan letter, is that what happened? Yeah. I mean back then there was no e-mail. So people, you know, you'd get stuff in the mail. Or you could send away for stuff and I think he interacted with a lot of his fans that way and that's how we ended up meeting, through the record cover. And then right after he did that, he came out to Los Angeles and I met a friend of his who moved out to Los Angeles. You know, it was definitely an example of being kind of star-struck, because he was somebody who was doing such great things or whatever. He got me more interested in comics (laughs) obviously. There was a time period there where he and the Hernandez brothers all lived pretty close to each other in Studio City. Sometimes I would tag along when they would they would go out to dinner and stuff. I always felt like a bother, but it was definitely fun to go and hear all the . You know, because obviously when you get cartoonists together they just trash everybody. (Laughs) They would trash talk a lot of what was going on. I don't know what Gilbert was like then, but when we interviewed him recently, he was a real talker. He's definitely like that. He was like that then too, for sure. We went to his apartment one time, I remember he played a record of Groucho Marx singing “Hello, I Must Be Going”. He had that kind of show-and-tell thing where he was playing records, and that was fun. I never saw his artwork set up or anything. I'd go to Dan's place and he had everything just so, with all the things that he'd collected, and his artwork there, always arranged to make quite an impression. (Laughs) You know kind of like daunting or whatever. I don't know if this was true back then, but I've heard that his house is almost like a museum or something. Not a museum, but there's just so many things to look at and see. Yeah, I'm not a collector person myself. I'm not that kind of person. I don't really hang on to stuff a lot. I don't have collections of stuff. I enjoy seeing stuff like that, just a different kind of frame of mind. I get a lot of my stuff from the library (laughs). I don't know if this is how (your entry into comics) happened. But you became friends with Dan Clowes and he was friends with David Greenberger? Well, he was, of course, doing the one-page "Duplex Planet" strips in Eightball. And I became a subscriber of The Duplex Planet. There's a poet Ernest Brookings in The Duplex Planet, and then David Greenberger had this idea of putting those songs to music and I was on two of the volumes of that. And then he started doing the comic. He came looking for me. He may have sent me a letter, here's this thing if you want to do it, here are the parameters of it or whatever. You know, choose a poem, and I did. And then I recorded it. I only met him once, I don't remember it too well. People were back and forth about the idea, you know, he's just making fun of these folks, but he's lived with the people in those old age homes for years. And interacting with that community, I think that, you know, transcends an ironical, caustic view or whatever it was. Obviously it was something that appealed to me, and then years later my sister was living a lot of times in retirement homes where they would also have disabled clients. So I ended up going to a lot of these convalescent hospitals myself. So it's always been interesting to me. But at the time, yeah, I just did the tracks and then it was almost like he was trying figure out how to create an industry. I think he had trading cards and then he moved into the comics with Fantagraphics. I think that was the first thing that I did for Fantagraphics. Kim Thompson asked me to be in Zero Zero, but I wasn't able to do that. I think it was after, because I don't think they were aware of my comics at that time. I did a six-page comic and I remember, I submitted it to Drawn and Quarterly when it was a magazine, but I never heard back from them. I don't know if they ever got it (laughs) or if they ever read it. I think that was before, yeah. It was a six-page story about a organ player with a TV show, kind of like Korla Pandit. My artwork wasn't really so good yet. On that interview you did on the Amazon website, you listed How's Your News? as one of your favorite movies. That seems kinda similar to Duplex Planet. Yeah, I have a lot of DVDs of films that are sort of disabled topic films, like there's that John Cassavetes movie; A Child is Waiting is a good one. It's kind of like one of those ones that the studio ruined or whatever. But he shot it in an actual . Yeah, it's not as powerful as his later movies, of course, but it's an interesting movie. Yeah, I have lots of DVDs like that. There are creative art centers in the Bay area like Creativity Explored, where on their website you can buy a DVD that's a documentary about some of the artists there, that's a good one. There's this one called Our House, directed by Sevan Matossian, it's like a documentary this guy made while he was working in a group home that's really great. So, yeah, that's why it was on the list (laughs). You know, I mean, I think at the time when I was living at home and she was living in a group home, again it wasn't like a situation where there was a lot of ... Bot: Rest of text: information about her circumstances and it's not something I understood. A lot of the problems that a lot of people have when they get into their thirties or whatever are where they start to deal with the issues of their life. And everything starts to get sort of turbulent. That happened to me and put me back into contact with my sister. Then for maybe 15, 20 years, every weekend I'd spend a day with her where we'd go out. I'd pick her up and we'd go eat somewhere and just spend the day together, because a lot times she would be living in these convalescent hospitals where she couldn't really go out on her own. A lot of times she had mobility issues as well. I think some of my experiences with her, because she acted out a lot, it was almost like a post-traumatic stress kind of situation where it's hard for me to use it directly as subject matter. I had a few little things, comics or writing about her situation that's really, you know, specific. But I find it really hard. Like Paul Karasik did that The Ride Together book about his brother with autism, I think it is. I was just blown away that he could do that. Just the other day I was thinking, since I have this iPad thing, I was wondering if she would've liked this Vine application, where you can make a looping video that's six seconds long. I think she might have had fun with it. It's so painful, I don't know how to . You know, it's like, oh, you could make a graphic-novel memoir and it would be important and people would like it or whatever. But I couldn't live with the actual physical process of trying to create something like that for ten years. I just don't have it in me. That story you did about your sister called “Free Radicals” was pretty intense. I can imagine not wanting to do that for an extended period of time. Yeah, I mean, that one . I did that one right after that happened and it was kind of like, you know, in a way there was no way I could do it badly. Because the information was what it was, and all I had to do was do it, but there were so many other times where she was hospitalized. That was one of the worst situations of something that happened to her, but you know, she was a lot of times in the hospital for breathing stuff, because she had COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, with a lot of other different problems. A lot of times what would happen is she would smoke a lot and then just have to go to the hospital to be revived, pretty much, and I would be visiting her. You know, instead of taking her out to lunch that week, I'd be going to a hospital somewhere and visiting her there or whatever. Yeah, I'm glad I did that story though. I sometimes wish I could do more of that. But it's also sometimes, doing comics, having somebody that's extremely non-realistic, like Wally Gropius, is something that's a pleasant thing to keep in your mind for five years. A lot of times you hear that in an interview, a cartoonist will say, you know, I was doing this, but it was too unpleasant for me and or, like, I just wasn't enjoying this. A lot of times though, I do think, you know, there's also something to be said for being a cartoonist and sticking with something that's not pleasant (laughs). Like you think of that Joyce Farmer book she did about her parents dying. I was just sort of blown away that she could spend years working on that. Yeah, I mean, I may have had some other comics published in zines at the time, but that was the first real comic book I was in. It must have been Dan, he must have told David Greenberger, in some way, like he's done these comics, or maybe I sent him some mini-comics that I had done at that time. I really don't remember. If that hadn't have happened I wonder how things would have played out for me drawing comics. I wasn't in every issue; I was just in every couple and I managed to be in three issues I think. It was a good experience. The first one I did was one called "Shut Up" (laughs). It was two pages, I don't think it made it in No More Shaves. Yeah, there was another one I did called "What's a Quincy Sore Throat? " that I thought came out pretty good. But I don't think that was in there either. I think that's kind of like a “best of” situation, because it didn't have everything. I have that somewhere. (Laughs) I try not to keep copies of all the things I have comics in though, ‘cause it's just better sometimes to not have any reference, to have like a sense of, oh, I did this. (Laughs)Sometimes it's sort of a burden to feel like . Sometimes it's nice to look on a bookshelf and say, oh, I did . I do have a copy of Wally Gropius and Ticket Stub. But anything like an anthology, a lot of times I just don't want to think about it. (Laughs) You know, sometimes I have it in a box in the closet or usually I just give it away. Huh, that's interesting. Whether or not this is the first one, I guess it was early, "The Heartbreak of Fergie", and I thought it was interesting how you didn't adapt what he was exactly saying literally. You draw him making out with the woman at the bank (Hensley laughs) which didn't seem to really be what he was talking about. I was kind of curious, if you remember even, what was going was going on in your mind? Why was that your strategy? I think what problems you get into when you're adapting a text, it's either going to be something you can adapt as dialogue or something that's a narrative caption. User: More spans: Whatever those things were, I think you could go through it and you could say, oh, that's obviously a line of dialogue, someone's saying that. But then if it's a narrative caption, then it can be bad comics if you—and it's something you often see, there's a caption at the top of a panel and [spans 1] above. So I think a lot of times I was trying to keep up something that was some contrast to whatever I felt [spans 2] saying. You just reminded me of the story you did in Kramers Ergot #7 story, which was also an adaptation about banks. Yeah, it seems like I've [spans 3] adaptations. But that was something that I had had for years. A friend of mine, his girlfriend worked at this bookstore and was given the text of that, a Xeroxed rant. I had that for so many years and read it so many times that I felt like, in illustrating it, I had more of a sense of what it was about. There are a lot of times, you know, when you have these texts where people are so paranoid, that it's almost like they feel so forlorn that the situation becomes the opposite; where instead of feeling completely isolated, they feel like everyone is monitoring them, that tinfoil hat kind of thing, where they feel like the FBI is listening to their thoughts or whatever. I just thought it was like, you know, some guy lost his job at the bank and he felt bad. (Laughter) Basic kind of strip, but he felt that he had been framed and it was a situation where they were monitoring his thoughts or something. Well, she worked in the building where the Bank of America was downtown. I guess the guy was there. [spans 4] mall. It's one of the most depressing malls in L. It's really seventies, but it's all underground, you take this escalator to get there or whatever. It was in the building where that bank was and he was there. You know, her boyfriend, my friend, made (laughs) Xeroxes of it and gave it to people because it's amazing. Obviously, it's kind of interesting how many of your stories, comic after comic, is about mental illness in various ways. I don't know what there is to say about it, but it's interesting. Well, I mean, sometimes, I get a lot of people saying, oh, everything is clever or something, but I feel like a lot of times I'm coming at it from another direction, where everything's more about brain damage (laughter). I was in proximity to brain damage my whole childhood and so when I think about language or that story in Kramers, it's like, you know, it's how somebody who has mental illness expresses themselves with language, you know, and that always seemed to be just as valid as something that was super literary. There was this anthology of writings of insane people, In the Realms of the Unreal, and a lot of that writing is really interesting, like either florid or super paranoid to the point where it's just really funny, you know? Like, the degree that somebody takes this opposite extreme, of believing society (laughs) is monitoring them when they just end up being in an institution somewhere where nobody is monitoring what's going on at all, really. The places I'd go, some of these convalescent hospitals, the people in there just had all kinds of mental problems and I just never knew what I would be encountering when I would go, people just shouting weird stuff and, you know, not wearing pants and that kind of thing. Or underpants, you know. (Laughs)I think you [spans 5] there. It was sort of like a combination of that artwork and then like really dreary seventies newspaper strips, maybe eighties is better, where everything's all gradient fills, just super ugly. (Laughter)So, maybe there's not a good answer to this, but [spans 6] of. especially when you're doing what I was doing, visiting these group homes or convalescent hospitals or institutions where they kind of [spans 7] dimension. And if you read the history of it, it's kind of like, it's not something that gets better and better, it's just something that's always in flux, it's always something that's part of society. So it definitely has a political aspect to it because you're constantly encountering a society that deals with what's productive and what's necessary, but to some extent it sort of has to exclude people on this basis that's just kind of cruel. You know, there's no easy way to think about that kind of situation if you encounter it over and over again in your life. And then you just sort of, you know, it's in your bloodline or something, and if you look in history, just having the taint in your blood is considered bad (laughs) to some people, you know? The obvious comics reference to me is that Chester Brown story about his mom. Have you read a lot of R. Laing and Thomas [spans 8] not. I'm definitely into Chester Brown a lot, read all the Yummy Furs [spans 9] them. I love those comics; he's a great cartoonist, obviously. The books that I read later were more, sort of like histories of disability kind of books, and I [spans 10] dreary. I don't know if it's my own frame of mind, but they [spans 11] through. They were really unpleasant and terribly written it seemed to me. One I remember that was pretty good was The State Boys Rebellion. But that was wasn't exactly a history one. There was one about the history of the Kennedy family having to do with the Special Olympics and all that, the history summary chapter in that was pretty good. Yeah, I mean, I also don't want to become a person who's an advocate [spans 12] know. It's not really in my work, but I talk about it in interviews because it's this thing in my life. That Chester Brown strip about his mother is maybe not one of my [spans 13] stuff. It seems like something that informs his work, but I don't feel like I need to know it in a way. Do you feel the same way about his most recent book, Paying for It, which is also a work of advocacy? I almost feel like that's more (because of) the way the book was marketed than the content of it. I feel like if that book had come out as issues of Yummy Fur I think the perception of it would be different. (laughs) I thought it was good. (Laughs) I don't know what to say about it, in terms of it being some sort of referendum on prostitution. It's an autobiographical comic, I guess. It seems like sometimes the more you get into your own history of your life or things that touch on those kinds of things, that you end up becoming political. [spans 14] yours. Being less specific in a way doesn't get you out of it. I'm not real articulate about it, sorry. I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable. I'll just ask one more question about that, about something I noticed while reading your comics, which is that there are a lot of jokes about therapists and psychiatrists—there's the story where Freud gets his penis chopped off, and where the psychiatrist is a fraud. Yeah the Simpsons one, that's right. I just didn't know if that was a simple joke or if there was more? I mean, I saw a therapist for a few years, and it was helpful to me. But really I almost felt like you're sort of just paying [spans 15] life. But I'm definitely interested in the weirdness of people's minds and [spans 16] guess. I don't know if it was that specific thing of just, oh, I went to a therapist, so I'm doing these jokes about therapy, but I think it's just something that springs to mind, ‘cause I'm usually, I guess approaching things from brain damage instead of insight (laughs). With the Simpsons [spans 17] humor. When I got that assignment I looked at all the earlier Matt Groening comics, and you know, a lot of the life of his lines and the way that he draws things is definitely lost in, you know, the way that the Simpsons has to be made into something they can manufacture as animation in other countries. A lot of the life of his artwork is lost, but a lot of those early comics that he did are funny. Basically, he has the character, that kind of silhouette. It was a recurring thing of somebody who's grounded in a room. I was less influenced by the Simpsons TV show, [spans 18] TV. Well, we have a TV, but because I do closed captioning and would look at the monitor so much, when I come home I don't want to watch TV. We just have a TV monitor and a DVD player so I don't know what's going on on TV. Almost all the time the things that I see at work, I don't know [spans 19] (laughs). Thanks for introducing me to a new artist. So many talented creators to learn about, damn my finite life span! ! ! Pingback: Comics A. | Artists rally in support of jailed Tunisian cartoonist | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and EntertainmentI love this man's comics and his interviews are always pretty entertaining and revealing. Bot: spans 1: then there's a picture underneath that's pretty much only just what is described spans 2: the words were spans 3: done a lot of spans 4: She worked in this bookstore that was in this weird underground spans 5: also have said that you based some of the art for that Kramers story on the Prinzhorn Collection? Yeah, there's some quotations from different mentally ill artists in spans 6: is it just because of your experience with your sister, or is there anything else that compels you about this kind of outsider art or art about mental illness or created by mentally ill artists? I mean, obviously I have my own fears of problems with my mind or whatever, but I mean it's generally, the more you get into the idea spans 7: shuttle people away so you don't see ‘em, it definitely takes on a political spans 8: Szaz? No, not really in terms of psychiatry or whether it should exist (laughs) or spans 9: and didn't realize, you know, that he had these issues when he was writing spans 10: couldn't give you specific ones, ‘cause most of the ones I read were just so spans 11: were really hard to get spans 12: of saying, oh, I read this, you spans 13: favorites of his spans 14: You sort of have to because it's just issues that are spans 15: someone to listen to you talk about something that maybe you couldn't get someone to listen to, (Laughter) you know, in real spans 16: how it can affect their behavior, I spans 17: one in particular, that approach makes total sense, because that seems like that was a big common theme of Matt Groening's work, in Life in Hell, and in early Simpsons there's a lot of that kind of spans 18: because I don't have a spans 19: if they're popular or not or if people know what they are
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A common rule of thumb when it comes to dating is that its OK to [words 18] half your age, plus seven years. Lawyer Directory is an online tool that helps connect people with lawyers across the province. The Law Society of Alberta has upgraded Lawyer. Mar 26, 2010nbsp;0183;32;It has [words 19] the same girl that bwrcelona are over 40 different [words 20] dating club with more or less only the barcelona dating club 'popular' listed. Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially [words 21] the other's suitability as a prospective barcelona dating club. In harcelona city that never. A reader writes: I was hoping you would be able to [words 22] a conundrum I got myself into. [words 23] Dating Courtship dating lyrics crystal castles [words 24] Channel. narcelona, the Guys Portal to the Web, is happy to give our readers a [words 25] online. The term was coined as a dating someone with mental health issues in 2004, derived from. 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Assistant: Most likley NSFW.
Human: Complete this text: A website on the tubes wherein Toby Hawkins talks to varying levels of details about music, including music he has released with the bands strangeday and Roo's Radio and as Pedestrian zero. The best bits are when he talks about himself in the third person. If a straight line is cut at random, then the square on the whole equals the sum of the squares on the segments plus twice the rectangle contained by the segments. I say that the square on AB equals the sum of the squares on AC and CB plus twice the rectangle AC by CB. Then, since CF is parallel to AD, and BD falls on them, the exterior angle CGB equals the interior and opposite angle ADB. But the angle KBC is ... Assistant: Completed pargraph(s): right. Therefore the angle BCG is also right, so that the opposite angles CGK and GKB are also right. Therefore CGKB is right-angled, and it was also proved equilateral, therefore it is a square, and it is described on CB. Now, since AG equals GE, and AG is the rectangle AC by CB, for GC equals CB, therefore GE also equals the rectangle AC by CB. Therefore the sum of AG and GE equals twice the rectangle AC by CB. But the squares HF and CK are also the squares on AC and CB, therefore the sum of the four figures HF, CK, AG, and GE equals the sum of the squares on AC and CB plus twice the rectangle AC by CB. Therefore the square on AB... Human: Continue. Assistant: equals the the sum of the squares on AC and CB plus... Human: More. Assistant: twice the rectangle AC by CB. Therefore if a straight line is cut at random, the square on the whole equals the squares on the segments plus twice the rectangle contained by the segments. Henry Morrison Flagler was born on January 2, 1830 in Hopewell, New York. He quit school in the 8th grade and moved to Bellevue, Ohio, where he went to work... Human: Continue. Assistant: in the L. Harness and Company grain store. His starting salary was $5 a month, but in 5 years , he was a salesman making $400 per month. This was only the beginning for a man of vision and determination. In 1862, Flagler founded the Flager and York Salt Company, a salt mining business in Saginaw, Michigan. Three years later, with the Civil War... Human: Continue. Assistant: ended, his company collapsed and he lost his total investment; so he... Human: Next. Assistant: went back in the grain business. It's here that he met and became friends with John D. Rockefeller, who was a commision agent for another grain company. In 1867, Rockefeller left the grain business to start his own oil refinery. Needing capital, Rockefeller approached Flagler, who obtained $100,000 from a relative on the condition that Flagler be made a partner, and so it was... Human: More. Assistant: A Rockefeller, Andrews, Flagler partnership was formed. On January 10, 1870, their partnership emerged as a joint-stock corporation known as Standard Oil. In 1872 Standard Oil was producing 10,000 barrels a day and leading the oil refining industry. In 1877, they moved their headquarters to New York City and the Flaglers moved to their new home on Fifth Avenue. In 1878, because of Mrs... Human: Next. Assistant: Flagler's health, the Flaglers decided to visit Jacksonville, Florida for the winter... Human: Continue. Assistant: Her illness grew worse and in 1881, she died. Two years later, Flagler remarried and the couple took a little visit to St. It was then that Flagler envisioned Florida's potential to... Human: More. Assistant: lure out of state visitors. He gave up his involvement in Standard Oil, and in 1885, returned to St. Augustine and began construction on the 450 room Hotel Ponce de Leon. ## Deeming the transportation system inadequate, he purchased the Jacksonville, St. Augustine & Halifax Railroad, the first in what would soon become the Florida East Coast Railway. In 1890, Flagler built a railroad bridge across the St. Johns River in order to access the southern half of the state, and he purchased the Hotel Ormond, just north of Daytona. He then began construction of his own residence in St. Augustine, the Kirkside. By 1894, Flagler had built the largest wooden structure in the world, when he built the 1150-room Royal Poinciana Hotel in Palm Beach. He also... Human: Next. Assistant: extended his railroad to West Palm Beach, intending for it to be the railroad's terminus, but when severe freezes hit the area, he decided once again to build farther south. He went... Human: Next. Assistant: to Biscayne Bay in 1896, dredged a channel, built streets, developed the first water and power systems , and extended his railway there. Local citizens wanted to name the town after him, as Flagler Beach is today, but he instead persuaded them to use an old indian name, Miami. By 1905, Flagler began plans to extend his railway to Key West, at the time,... Human: Next. Assistant: Florida's most populated city and the government's closest deep water port to the proposed Panama Canal. In 1912, the 128 miles seperating the Florida Peninsula from Key West had been bridged by Flagler's Florida Overseas Railroad. In 1913, Flagler fell down a flight of stairs at his mansion in Palm Beach, and never recovered. He died from his injuries at the age of 84. The mansion in which he fell, Whitehall, is today the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum. Built as a wedding present to his wife, Whitehall was a 60,000 square foot, 55 room winter retreat, which helped establish Palm Beach as a refuge for the wealthy. I basically make my living off my ability to de-escalate people who are angry, upset, or frustrated. The keys to understanding... Human: Continue. Assistant: de-escalation is that it involves approaching people in a way that is counter-intuitive while understanding that ninety percent of everyone's reality is based on... Human: Next. Assistant: their perception. Most people believe that they need to stand up and defend their point of view when confronted with someone they see as acting irrational, or presenting views and statements they see as contrary to their own perceptions. For example, say someone is going on about how someone else has belittled and attacked them and we have watched their interactions and seen no sign of the behavior being described. "Bob is constantly attacking me, calling me names, and giving me threatening looks. " We see no sign whatsoever this is happening. Bob seems to be indifferent to Bill, the person who is upset about Bob. The natural reaction is to tell Bill, "Bob isn't attacking you or calling you names, you're imagining it. " The natural reaction... Human: More. Assistant: is to defend Bob and to call Bill out for stating what... Human: Next. Assistant: we see as lies. We are reacting when we do so rather than acting. Do we really know with absolute certainty that what Bill says is wrong? Have we actually witnessed every interaction between them? Maybe Bob is doing something on the sly whenever we're not around? Even that doesn't matter. What needs to be addressed are the reasons why Bill perceives these attacks... Human: More. Assistant: The natural reaction is confrontational. It is this natural reaction which causes so much anger, bitterness, and resentment in our society. We are driven by the natural, reactionary response to all kinds of interactions and claims by people. How often do we see people go on the attack against various statements and actions by people? Do they ever really examine why these people are... Human: Continue. Assistant: acting this way? Do we care? Crusaders don't care about collateral damage. Their desire goal, whether it is ending discrimination or killing infidels, tends to end up as a single-minded obsession. Their perception changes and everything and everyone they perceive as being a roadblock to that desired end becomes expendable. Over time they get tunnel vision because of their frustration with the difficulty they face in achieving those ends and it becomes less about reaching the goal and more about eliminating the perceived opposition. There is a question I often ask people who are railing angrily against people or events they describe as "stupid" or "evil" or whatever derogatory term they've chosen. "What is this going to achieve and what is it you want to achieve? " Does... Human: More. Assistant: pointing out that someone is making statements or following actions that offend your beliefs and attacking them do anything to further your goals? Why... Human: Continue. Assistant: not focus on promoting the positive aspects of what you believe in or want to see achieved rather than expending time and energy attacking or making fun of those with views you... Human: More. Assistant: consider in opposition to yours? The problem is that everyone believes they are right. Over time, viewpoints and opinions can turn into absolute truth in the perception of an individual. We have... Human: Continue. Assistant: those beliefs reinforced by others who share the same views. In the era we live in, with instant communication and social media it isn't hard to find people who share our views and beliefs. Someone who believes bears can speak Portuguese can probably find a dozen supporters for his beliefs somewhere on the web. We no longer need to face having our views challenged... Human: Continue. Assistant: and no longer need to listen to people with different views. Our belief systems become concrete much easier and we become less tolerant of different viewpoints because we don't have to. The... Human: More. Assistant: extremism of hot-button issues has grown in the past few decades. One is called to be either for or against with no middle ground. People on opposing sides don't get together to try to find common ground on which they agree. You are either for or against something and the refusal to compromise on an issue is seen as a favorable trait in a... Human: Continue. Assistant: person. If experience and knowledge aquired over time causes a person to change their views that person is wishy washy and gets attacked for being inconsistent. Few people take the time to try to understand why a person thinks or acts the way they do. It is easier to simply say "they are wrong and should be punished for it. "Why does a person think and act the way they do? It usually has to do with the influences they have in their life and what they have been exposed to. Take a rather absurd and hypothetical situation and apply it to the bigger picture. Say a person is born into a community that believes the moon is made out of cheese. For their entire life they have... Human: More. Assistant: been bombarded with information that supports and promotes this belief. As a child their parents, teachers, and friends have all reinforced this belief. They have reinforced the belief through books, writings, and pictures of the moon that show it being made out of cheese. They are also told that there are many people out there who are ignorant and have been misled into believing... Human: More. Assistant: the moon is not made out of cheese. They grow up and everyone they talk to, everyone they deal with, shares in this belief about the moon. Then one day this person goes out into the world. Say this person goes out on the web and sees an article about the moon which contradicts his deeply indoctrinated belief that it is made out of... Human: More. Assistant: cheese. What does he do? He tries to correct the people who... Human: Next. Assistant: he perceives as being wrong. He is immediately set upon, called stupid, ridiculed, and attacked. What does he do? The people who have attacked him and his belief have unwittingly reinforced his belief. His perception of truth holds that the moon is made of cheese and his truth has been attacked. He goes on the defensive. He has to do something about this. People... Human: Continue. Assistant: don't understand and he has to either try to make them understand... Human: More. Assistant: or he withdraws from the larger society back into his limited subset of that society that shares in his belief. What if people are... Human: Next. Assistant: patient with him? What if people were to validate him without validating his belief? What if they were to speak to him as a human being of equal value and ask him to share the reasons why he has this belief? They see his belief as being asburd and ridiculous, but why does he believe this? A deeply indoctinated belief isn't going to change overnight. Showing this person actual photos of the moon and scientific evidence of its actual composition isn't going to cause him to go "Oh snap, I was wrong. Thanks for showing me the truth! " That isn't going to happen, but that is the natural reaction of people who hear him state what he believes. People don't tend to say, "Hey friend, why do... Human: Next. Assistant: you think the moon is made of cheese? " There must be a reason, but we don't tend to care about that reason, we only care about defending what we believe to be true and attacking or mocking those who believe otherwise. What we are actually doing when we do this amounts to bullying. In human communication there is a strong tendency to wait... Human: Next. Assistant: for your chance to speak rather than actively listening to the other person. We hear certain buzz words and react by forming a response... Human: More. Assistant: before the person finishes talking and not listening to everything the person says. The many modes of instant communication available to us today have... Human: Continue. Assistant: made this more prevalent. We don't think about our responses, we want... Human: Continue. Assistant: to respond right away and correct what we see as wrong. "I grew up in a place where everyone knows the moon is made out of cheese. My parents told me about this when I was a toddler and when I got older people showed me pictures of the cheese moon and we learned in school all about how it was made, how sky... Human: Next. Assistant: chariots lauched by the ancient Egyptians were sent into the sky with large amounts of cheese to build the moon. It is the greatest... Human: Continue. Assistant: manmade monument of all history. "That is what is said by our friend who has been indoctrinated into the belief that the moon is made of cheese. The person he is telling... Human: Continue. Assistant: this to hears "the moon is made out of cheese" and doesn't hear anything else. He reacts to this statement because he finds it absurd and stupid and waits for the person to stop talking so he can say:What does this achieve? The person responding only has one thought when he hears our friend talk about the moon. He wants to shoot down this... Human: Next. Assistant: absurd idea about the moon and finds it so ridiculous he wants to take this person down. He equates the person with their belief and invalidates them as a human being for having this belief. He doesn't give a damn about the person stating that he's been brought up on this belief, that he's had it pounded into his head for decades, and that... Human: Continue. Assistant: he's never heard any different. What happens next is righteous indignation. Our friend Ronald, who believes the moon is made of cheese, goes on the defensive. He must defend not only himself, but his family, his friends, and his entire community against this insult against them. It is no longer about the fact that these two people have a difference of opinion over the composition of the moon. It is about this person having devalued and attacked everyone Ronald knows and loves. There is no longer any discussion about the moon. It is now simply "You and everyone you care about is an idiot for thinking the moon is made out of cheese" versus "You and everyone you care about is an idiot for thinking it isn't. "... Human: More. Assistant: Ronald must defend himself and his community from this attack. The other person must continue the attack as a reaction to the ridiculousness he perceives Ronald promoting. It is counter-intuitive to not react defensively when presented with a viewpoint or belief that is in opposition to the viewpoints or beliefs we are committed to. We are told to "shut that shit down" when we face opposition to our firmly held beliefs. We commend people for well-written pieces that make people with opposing viewpoints look stupid. The only way you really change the world is one person at a time. If you want to show a person "the light" then you have to gradually bring them into the light. You can't shove a lightbulb in their face and not... Human: Continue. Assistant: expect them to cover their eyes. It just doesn't happen that way. Human nature and all that. What if instead of concentrating on the perceived absurdity of the moon being made out of cheese we were to listen to what Ronald is really saying. "Have you ever considered that it might not be made out of cheese? I understand this is what you've been... Human: More. Assistant: taught by your family, teachers, and friends, but most people believe it isn't made out of cheese. ""I'd like to see these books and pictures. I'd also like to show you some... Human: Next. Assistant: information about the moon that prove it isn't made out of cheese. Maybe we can learn something from each other. "You validate a person by not dismissing him based on what he believes. You can validate a person without validating his beliefs or behavior. Communication begins with this type of validation. If you don't equate the person with their belief or behavior, you can... Human: Continue. Assistant: actively communicate with him. Ronald isn't just a guy who thinks the moon is made out of cheese. Presented with an opportunity to state his case and to share his beliefs and... Human: Continue. Assistant: the reasons behind them, Ronald is more likely to listen in return when presented with evidence that contradicts his long held beliefs. If the... Human: More. Assistant: person he is presenting these beliefs to isn't immediately dismissive and doesn't belittle him for having these beliefs he is less likely to become entrenched in his belief. Entrenchment is what happens... Human: More. Assistant: when people who have a belief or opinion that is not held by everyone are bombarded with attacks for having that belief. Over time... Human: Next. Assistant: they come to perceive that there is no reason to entertain opposing views. They retreat from any form of open discussion and become dogmatic... Human: Continue. Assistant: in those beliefs to the point where anyone with a differing view becomes the enemy. If Ronald goes out into the world and is constantly attacked and derided, he will more than likely retreat to the community he was born into and educated in and shut out the outside world. His belief that the moon is made out of cheese has become reinforced by... Human: Continue. Assistant: the mockery and contempt he faced, not because he found further evidence or proof, but because those who don't share his belief are perceived as universally hostile while the community Ronald was brought up is perceived as the only place he is accepted and loved. Ronald is an extreme example of what happens very frequently in our society, but only because of the nature of his belief. We react to people with different beliefs than ours without trying to understand why they have these beliefs. All you need to do is substitute a few words. None of these leads anywhere. Learned beliefs are like learned behavior and cannot be changed by calling someone out as wrong, no matter what you believe. You are working against years of reinforcement... Human: Next. Assistant: of those beliefs. If you want to change a person's beliefs you have to do more than that. You have to think about what you are trying to accomplish and what you are really up against. Do you want to slapped on the back by members of your community for calling someone out for being "wrong" or do you want to do more? How... Human: Continue. Assistant: to get more change than you deserve The introverted thinker cries For every rich man who tries to leave this world for a better one with his fancy tomb surrounded by mourners, there are many more who perish alone in the cold, forgotten by all but God. I Change Your MindImitations of an inappropriate reality And for my next trick, I will change your opinion You, standing Sleep apneaFor everything that changes, something stays the same Save your apologies for someone who cares Reality Is a Shared Hallucination The reality of human confrontationThe name for the fit a berserker suffered when making the transformation from human to killing machine. Contrary to popular belief, this transition, which allowed the individual so stricken to perform deeds of superhuman strength and... Human: Next. Assistant: ferocity did not only occur in the heat of battle but also during peaceful labours, and an account exists of a father being overcome with the berserk rage while playing ball with his son, who was only spared by the intervention of a servant woman (who paid with her life before the rage faded. Sources document the berserkergang manifesting first as a chill in the body, accompanied by chattering of the teeth and shivering. This stage of coolth surpassed, the face swelled and changed its color, engorged with blood and announcing a great hot-headedness, eventually climaxing as a great rage in the throes of which they would howl as wild animals, bite the edge of their shields and indiscriminately cut down everything they met, friend or foe alike... Human: Continue. Assistant: When the condition passed, a great dulling of the mind and feebleness was reported to have followed, lasting for an indeterminate period from one to several days.
<prompter> could be the completion of this text: Feldman is a licensed CPA located in Berlin, NJ 08009. Feldman has ... <assistant> Here you go: been issued a New Jersey license number 20CC03538600. All CPAs, including Christina... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> B. Feldman, have at the minimum an undergraduate degree in accounting, passed a rigorous national exam and adhere to mandated continuing education requirements of their states in which they are licensed. CPAs... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> can work in private industry, education or government but most people think of CPAs during tax season as the experts in tax preparation. Their overall training in business and knowledge in principles... <prompter> More. <assistant> of general law and taxation provide CPAs with the skills to help individuals with both personal and business financial decisions. Looking for the best... <prompter> More. <assistant> accountants located in Berlin, NJ? Christina B. Feldman is a CPA located in Berlin, NJ. Feldman, CPA and other public accountants located in Berlin,... <prompter> Next. <assistant> NJ will help you with tax preparation, tax planning, bookkeeping, accounting services, estate and trust taxes, and much more. ' These are the ones who adore the beast and its image and anyone taking the mark of its name;12) whereas the perseverance of the saints is in this: they are keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.13) Then I heard sound from the heaven telling me, write ‘Blessed the dead who die henceforth in Kurios; the Spirit says that they will receive rest from their travails for their works follow together with them. '14) Then I looked and, lo, a white cloud; and on the cloud the seated likeness of Son of Man having a golden crown on His head and a sharp sickle in... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> His hand.15) And another messenger came out from the Holy Place crying out in a great sound to the One seated upon the cloud, ‘Send in Your sickle and reap for the hour is come to reap, for the harvest of the land is ripened. As the chapter opens, John sees the Lamb of God standing on the Mountain with His redeemed of the... <prompter> Next. <assistant> house of Jacob. He is the “Overcomer”. Not one of them was “turned”. And then John hears the great sounds of the heavenly tabernacle of The Lord of Hosts . ## the sound as of many rushing waters, the sound as the sound of mighty thunder, and the sound as that of harpers harping in their harps. The sound as the sound of many... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> rushing waters is the sound of the wings of the mighty creatures... <prompter> More. <assistant> at the four corners of the mercy seat. The sound as of great thunders is the very voice of Yahveh in His terrible wrath. And the sound as the sound of harpers... <prompter> More. <assistant> harping in their harps is the immense sound of the Master Musician as the entire cloud of glory is filled with the joy of salvation in God's Lamb. Since the foreshadowed and prophesied Savior of the World has now come and overcome the world, it is, therefore, a “new” song. He is no longer the foreshadowed and prophesied Lamb; He has now accomplished His... <prompter> Next. <assistant> work of atonement! And only those recipients of the atonement can understand the measureless joy in the cloud of glory as the harping sound... <prompter> Next. <assistant> burst forth in the tabernacle. It is the song of the testimony of Jesus the Lamb of God – the Savior of the entire... <prompter> Next. <assistant> creation of God. And now, in verses four and five, John further elaborates on the estate and character of the hundred and forty four thousand redeemed of Israel due to the atonement made for them. And please hear how I put that: “the estate and character – due to the atonement! They have been bought. That's the word used here in the Greek text;... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> and it's a very important word. It's a verb (as you can tell), and the apostle uses it here at the end of verse three, and then again in verse four. At the end of verse three I've translated it the way I did because the word is written in the perfect tense, and it's a passive participle. The hundred and forty-four thousand of... <prompter> Next. <assistant> the house of Jacob are standing on Mount Zion with God's Lamb;... <prompter> More. <assistant> they have been standing on Mount Zion with God's Lamb – as a result of having been bought. That's the way it must be understood. In verse four John changes the tense of the verb a bit. Once again I've translated it like I did because, in this case, it is a specific, one-time event. These firstfruit were bought. ## They are firstfruit because they are bought. And that refers directly to the once occurring death and resurrection of Jesus. You'll notice it's still written as a “passive”; so it's something that happened to those of the house of Jacob that God had kept for Himself – not by them. John's very interesting language here must have caused the Churches to wonder at the gracious redemption that has... <prompter> More. <assistant> been wrought on their behalf; and it must also cause us the same “wonder”. To have been bought out of slavery to our own man-caused depravity is an awe-inspiring, wondrous achievement by... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> God's Lamb. And our praise and thanksgiving should be never-ending! But in verse three of the text John writes that the hundred and forty-four... <prompter> Next. <assistant> thousands having been bought were “of the land”. And then, in verse four he writes that they (they being firstfruit) were bought “from the men”. And what do we always do when we meet up with language that, at first read, just doesn't seem right somehow . at first read it's not very intelligible? Well, since the language is “curious”, first it piques our... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> curiosity! Then it drives us to investigate . ## history, continuity, word studies, similar language in other places, theological implications. This is all God's perception – right? And it's all seen and heard by the premier theologian of the “appointed time”. And it's all written by him for the Churches, in order that they (we) might read it and hear it . and hold the testimony of Jesus. So let's spend a minute or two on some Biblical theology that we've learned previously. Man was created in the image of God in order that we might have peace and fellowship (communion) with our Creator . That's our “normal”, created estate. However, our original forefather (and foremother, if I can use that language) sought to be “as God” rather... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> than being His image. Because of that impertinence he was cursed and he died. He was cast out of the mountain paradise; and all... <prompter> Next. <assistant> his posterity is just like him – exhibiting that cursed depravity, and being alienated from our Creator (no peace with God, no fellowship with God, and under a death sentence). That's now mankind's “abnormal” created estate. Since no man can do anything about the condition (or the estate) in which he is brought into the creation, something has to be done “for us”, and “to us”, in order that we might once again have that communion of peace and fellowship with our Creator, which is our “normal” estate. Sin, death, and the curse of God are “abnormal”; peace and fellowship with God is “normal” created existence. The word that John writes here regarding the hundred and forty-four thousand standing with the Lamb of God is that they have... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> been “bought”. The ones who have been bought are “of the land” (verse three); and they've been bought “from the men” (verse four). The... <prompter> Next. <assistant> implication from seeing these elect of the house of Jacob standing on the new Mount Zion with the Lamb is that these (and these... <prompter> Next. <assistant> only) now have peace and fellowship with their Creator because they have had something done to them and for them; they have been bought (passive voice). And since it is the Lamb of God with Whom they're standing, it is He Who has bought them. And they are in this new mountain/paradise/kingdom of Jesus Christ; and therein is peace and fellowship with our Creator... <prompter> More. <assistant> Triune God. They all, to the last person, belong to Him because He bought them. And because it is the Lamb that is shown... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> to John, it's perfectly obvious that He is the Sacrifice God made... <prompter> More. <assistant> to Himself that is the Price for their having been bought! It's also obvious that these hundred and forty-four thousand now have the original “normal” relationship between Creator and creature . the “abnormal” estate of the cursed and depraved having been “overcome” by the Lamb. So these, and these alone, have had peace and fellowship with God “restored” to its original estate . not... <prompter> More. <assistant> by anything whatever that they have done. But these “bought ones” are “of the land” (verse three), and they were “bought from the men” (verse four). And now we have to understand... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> the word “bought” and how it's used in Scripture; and that will give us some clarity as to John's curious language here in these two verses. Let's listen to the apostle Paul... <prompter> Next. <assistant> first, as he makes good use of the word. Here are his words in First Corinthians chapter six:19) Have you not known that your... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> body is a sanctuary of Holy Spirit in you which you have from God? and that you are not your own20) for you were... <prompter> More. <assistant> bought with a price? Then glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. as God did distribute to each, as... <prompter> Next. <assistant> the Lord hath called each - so let him walk; and thus in all the assemblies do I direct:18) being circumcised - was any one called? let him not become uncircumcised. In... <prompter> More. <assistant> uncircumcision was any one called? let him not be circumcised;19) the circumcision is nothing, and the uncircumcision is nothing - but keeping the commands of God.21) a servant - were you called?... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> Don't be anxious; but if also you are able to become free - use (it) rather;22) for he who in the Lord - having been called a servant - is the Lord's... <prompter> More. <assistant> freedman: in like manner also he the freeman, having been called, is servant of Christ:In the great city of Corinth, directly across the Aegean Sea from Ephesus and Smyrna, Paul writes exactly what John now sees and hears here in The Revelation. And he wrote it twenty years before John received the Revelation; so it's settled and understood that all who are bought with... <prompter> More. <assistant> a price are in union with Christ (no matter the estate in which they were found); and they are all restored to the original communion with God – as a result of having been bought. Paul and John and all the other apostles taught these things freely and openly to the Churches of the first century long before John received the Revelation; and they (and the Churches) would have understood the older Scripture references when John sent the Revelation to them. Now, when Flo and I were in Rome and in Ephesus and Smyrna, we went to see the locations which, translated into English, were called the “market”. It was the place in town where everything went on. It was the public “center” of the city. The Greek... <prompter> More. <assistant> word is agora - buying and selling and trading, entertainment, meetings, discussions, trials and punishments, duels, executions, etc . everything went on at the... <prompter> More. <assistant> agora – the market. And the word that Paul used in the two passages we just read, and the word that is revealed to John here in verses three and four, is... <prompter> More. <assistant> agoradzo. You can hear for yourself the relationship of the two words. Agora – the market – is the noun, whereas agoradzo is the verb. And it means to “buy”. It's the word that equates to the Hebrew word in God's Law received on the mountain at Sinai with regard to the buying of Hebrew servants, or slaves. Hebrew servants are “of the land”,... <prompter> Next. <assistant> and they are to be “set free” by their masters in the seventh year. Buying them and then setting them free at the appointed... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> time . all foreshadowing those of the “land” who are standing with the Lamb on the mountain, having been “bought” and “set free” in God's Anointed King. They are set free to... <prompter> More. <assistant> communion with God by virtue of the crucified and resurrected Christ as their Mediator. John's second reference to these having been bought is in verse four. It also is a reference to... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> the marketplace where bondservants are bought and sold and auctioned in order to pay their debt. Servants are sold by men in the market;... <prompter> Next. <assistant> and they are sold into servanthood. And if there's any clearer example of our duty to our Master, I don't know what it is! The Lord Jesus Christ bought these hundred and forty-four thousands and paid a great price for them. And they are to be servants of His and His Kingdom – they are bought from the men into servanthood to their Master... <prompter> More. <assistant> This is the Biblical doctrine of “redemption”. God's people are bought by... <prompter> Next. <assistant> the blood of the Christ of God from their former slave-master, “freeing” them all from that slavery, to be “doulas” – obedient servants of the One Who bought them at great price! And these of the twelve tribes of the house of Jacob, bought out of slavery to the men, are said to be “firstfruit”. And where do we find the firstfruit? It's in... <prompter> More. <assistant> Exodus twenty-two – God's Law received at the mountain! I won't read all of that for you, but the firstfruit of the land was... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> a sacrifice to God, the “offering up” of the first harvest of the “land” to Yahveh, claimed by Him as His exclusive property! That's the way the text reads there in Exodus twenty-two. Later on in this chapter of The Revelation we'll see the enthroned Christ put in His sickle to harvest this firstfruit from the land. They are the ones “bought out of slavery to the men”, and they become the exclusive property of The Most High, just as the Law of God said in Exodus . foreshadowing the coming Messiah. And the text of the entire newer Scripture considers this firstfruit as the Church of Jesus Christ there at the end of the age. The faithful remnant of the land, bought at great price, were the... <prompter> Next. <assistant> first generation Church – the apostolic Church – who overcame by the blood of the Lamb. Their lives were in obedience to the Law of God, and they held the testimony of Jesus – even unto death. And even though they were “bought at great price”, they were pursued and persecuted and afflicted and tormented and victimized by the very ones from whom they... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> had been “bought”, and all in collusion with the beast! And the... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> reason for the persecution of these who had been bought was that they had been bought into servanthood to Jesus Christ. That persecution also served as “proving” of the Lord's people in... <prompter> More. <assistant> all the Churches, for those who did belong to Him kept His commandments and held the testimony of Jesus. And now we're going to... <prompter> Next. <assistant> hear what John wrote as to the status and character of those “redeemed” from the land; for, due to the atonement, these are all the “bought servants” of The Lamb of God... <prompter> Next. <assistant> (verses four and five). And first, of course, is that the hundred and forty-four thousand standing on the mount with God's Lamb are able to hear the majestic song emanating from the tabernacle in the cloud of glory. They are the only ones who can hear it, for they are the only ones of the land who have been bought. Their ears are opened... <prompter> More. <assistant> to the testimony of Jesus. we have to dispense with the thought... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> that this statement by John, or any other text of God's Word, requires abstinence or celibacy! No matter what Romanism demands of its “priests”, that's plain mockery of God's Word. The joining of two in one flesh was what was required of our original parents when they were in communion with God in paradise! So, anything else is “abnormal” for God's creatures made in... <prompter> Next. <assistant> His image. Secondly, the Scripture makes clear that “defilement” comes about through fornication. And fornication is the Greek term that equals the Hebrew word... <prompter> Next. <assistant> for “unclean thing” – or “defiling thing” in the older Scripture. It's the word that Jesus used in Matthew nineteen when mocking the pharisees' inane questions concerning divorce. And it's the word that Paul uses when he urges the Churches to “flee” fornication; because it defiles! Adultery is a sin, the definition of which is limited to any sexual activity outside the bond of... <prompter> More. <assistant> marriage. But fornication (or the unclean thing, or the defiling thing) is... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> a much broader term; for it includes many sins that aren't restricted to the definition of adultery. Fornication (defilement) would include all sexual activity... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> of unmarried persons, plus all other defiling sins including witchcraft, necromancy, false... <prompter> Next. <assistant> prophecy, murder, and others, including (and especially) idolatry! In fact, idolatry is perceived by God as harlotry with other gods! And therefore “fidelity” to Triune God is “chastity”. Later on in the... <prompter> More. <assistant> text of The Revelation, Israel will be called “the great harlot” due... <prompter> More. <assistant> to its unclean relationship with other nations and their gods. Now, it's interesting that the word translated “chaste” is “parthenos”, which means “virgin”. The Parthenon in Athens was the place of the virgins. Our text says that the hundred and forty-four thousands standing with the Lamb on the mountain are “chaste” – they are not “defiled” (passive voice), so they have been made “virginal” by the atonement of the Lamb. Their debt has been paid; their depravity was attributed to the sacrificial Lamb of God; and the wrath of God toward them has been satisfied! Their fidelity to the Christ is exhibited here in what John sees; and therefore they have been made “virginal” – chaste. Their fidelity is not to the land, or to the men, or... <prompter> More. <assistant> to the beast . but to the One Who bought them. Next (concerning the estate and character of those standing with the Lamb), John... <prompter> Next. <assistant> says (verse four) “these are the ones following the Lamb wherever He leads”. During the years previous to this Revelation of Jesus Christ to John, this very apostle wrote down the words of Jesus in his Gospel. And we're going to read those instances when our Lord told His disciples and His sheep who were lost to “follow” Him. “Again, therefore, Jesus spoke to... <prompter> Next. <assistant> them, saying, `I am the light of the world; he who follows... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> Me shall not walk in the darkness, but he shall have the light of the life. This one in chapter twenty-one – the last chapter. And the last entry in John's Gospel is one of the most daunting passages in all of Scripture. He records Peter and Jesus speaking about John who would, nearly forty years later, receive the Revelation. Listen to it:20) Peter,... <prompter> More. <assistant> turning around, sees the disciple who Jesus loved following . who also leaned back on his breast at the supper, and said, “Lord, who... <prompter> More. <assistant> is he that betrays you? ”21) Since Peter sees him (i. the one following), he says to Jesus, “Lord, what shall this man do? ”22) Jesus says unto him, “If I will... <prompter> Next. <assistant> that he abides till I come, what is that to you? You follow me! ”23) The saying therefore went forth among the brethren that that disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say unto him that he would not die; but (He said) “If I will that he abide till I come, what is that to thee? ”24) This is the disciple that bears witness of these things and wrote these things: and we know that His witness is true. The very letter that we're preaching through is written by that disciple . the one about whom Jesus said would “tarry” – abide – until He come; and he is writing about the Parousia of The Christ in the “last days”. And as he sees and hears... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> all that's being shown to him, he remembers what Jesus said about all His sheep “following” Him; and that He knows them by name; and that they hear His voice; and that they don't hear the voice of any alien! And the hundred and forty-four thousands of His lost sheep who have been found are standing with Him on the mountain; and they “follow” Him wherever He leads. Of course He would also remember the Psalmist prophesying of the Great Shepherd of the Sheep Who would lead all His sheep in the paths of righteousness for His Name's sake . and, of course, many others. Then, due to the atonement of the Lamb, “falsehood was not found in their mouth (verse five); they are blameless”. The estate and... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> condition and character of these individuals, and the Church seen as a body, is completed by John here in verse five. And even though this is the first century “firstfruit” of the... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> atonement, there's no way to avoid the extension of the atonement benefits to the entire Church in God's history. His atonement is as certain for His people today as it was for... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> our forefathers – the firstfruit of the resurrection. Not only are we “in” Him and “with” Him now in His new Mount Zion, but... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> we are in the resurrected and ascended Christ, and enrolled in The Heaven (as the Scripture says). It is as certain for us as it was for His lost sheep of the... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> house of Jacob. His Kingdom is “from” the heaven, and it extends “from there” to all time and to all nations and peoples and tongues. We stand “blameless” before God, just as our forefathers, because of our Lord's atonement; for He “bought” us at great price. Because we're running long, I have only two passages of Scripture for you (out of many) about the... <prompter> More. <assistant> estate and character of those “in Christ” having to do with falsehood (verse five). The first is from Zephaniah chapter three. And that perfection allotted to them in Christ's atonement is reflected... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> in the absence of falsehood in their mouth (collective singular). All those... <prompter> Next. <assistant> to be harvested and thrown into the lake of fire are unclean, and full of deceit and false prophecy and idolatry. But the hundred and forty-four thousands (no matter what their locations happen to be) are standing with the Lamb on the new Mount Zion (our Lord's Kingdom); and they keep His commandments, and they hold the testimony of Jesus! In opposition to all... <prompter> Next. <assistant> her enemies, the Church of Jesus Christ holds His testimony and proclaims... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> the Truth. In the midst of “proving”, those who are come to Mount Zion in Christ are the ones with no guile in their mouth – no pseudo-prophecy, no idolatry, no lies, no falsehood; rather, they hold the testimony of Jesus . and they proclaim it. No matter the opposition; no matter the affliction that comes from that opposition – even unto death!.
Human: What could be the completion of this text: Press Release by:United States Driving for the Disabled (USDFD) adapted by Lindsay Y. McCall for the USPEASandringham, England- June 30, 2014- The 2014 FEI World Para-Equestrian Driving Championships concluded on June 29 at The Royal Estate in Sandringham, England. Germany held on to their overnight lead to take Team Gold, The Netherlands captured Silver, and the USA clinched Bronze with a mere 3.29 penalties behind The Netherlands. Finally, Great Britain finished in fourth place. Individually, Veteran Robert Giles (USA) and Solo, owned by Koos and Marie de Ronde, won the Grade 2 Silver medal with Virginia (Boo) Fitch (USA) and her own Kiko earning the Grade 2 fourth place finish. Diane Kastama earned an 11th place in Grade I and Mary Gray earned a 10th place in Grade 2. Marie De Ronde served as Chef d'Equipe for the USA Team and Sara Schmitt served as coach. Veteran Robert Giles with his Silver medal at the closing ceremony of the 2014 FEI World Para-Equestrian Driving Championships June 27-29. Photos by Marie de Ronde-Oudemans and Patricia Kastama. Para-Driving Team for the 2014 FEI World Para-Equestrian Driving Championships occurred June 27-29, with the three U. team members including Diane Kastama with her own Rupert, Virginia Fitch with her own Kiko, and Vietnam Veteran Bob Giles driving Koos De Ronde's Solo. The first day included driven dressage, followed by the marathon & obstacles course, and the final day concluded with cones and the awards presentation. It was the first time that these championships were hosted in England. Para-equestrian drivers from eight nations competed in a fiercely fought contest for world supremacy. Four of the nations, including the USA, fielded a team of at least three competitors required for the team awards; the other countries were represented by individual competitors. Individual medals are awarded by “Grade” which is a classification by the FEI according to level of disability (with Grade I being more severely disabled than Grade II). Sixty percent of the competitors were Grade I. United States Driving for the Disabled acknowledged, ” A heartfelt thanks go to Coach Sara Schmitt and Chef d'Equipe Marie de Ronde-United States Driving for the DisabledOudemans who each went above and beyond in their help to the team. We would also like to extend our utmost appreciation to all of the individuals and groups over the past many months who have given us their encouragement, backing and support. They have truly been the ones who have made this possible. Thank you all for being a part of this wonderful accomplishment.”Representing the U. as an Individual at the 2014 FEI World Para Equestrian Driving Championships for Singles:About Diane Kastama: Diane Kastama, Arroyo Grande, CA Grade I. In 1991 a car crash left Diane paralyzed from the waist down. Although a lifelong horse person and dressage enthusiast, riding without the use of her legs was not much fun and she soon turned to driven dressage and then the exciting sport of combined driving. Her relatives and friends thought she was crazy for taking on a sport that involves sitting atop a tall carriage, pulled by a horse going “hell-bent” for speed. Diane started competing with her home bred Appaloosa's but now Diane competes with a pair of Section D Welsh Cobs, Rupert and George. She drives them single, pair and tandem. She competes against able-bodied drivers all over the Western United States and occasionally on the East Coast at the Intermediate and Advanced level. Diane has also demonstrated her skills at Rolex, KY, Horse Expo in Sacramento, the “Night of the Horse” in Del Mar. The Equine Affair and various therapeutic horse programs throughout California. She has also participated in the closing ceremonies at the 2006 World Equestrian Games in Aachen, Germany. Diane is always willing to share her skills and knowledge and bring driving to the forefront of equine sports. Diane has been very succesful in international Para-Equestrian competition, coming home with an Individual Silver and Team Bronze driving a borrowed Welsh Cob Stallion in 2002 Greven, Germany.2004 she place 5th with a borrowed Welsh cob in Endinburg, Scotland. In 2006 she came home with Individual Gold driving her own Welsh cob gelding Jasper. In 2008 Diane earned Individual Bronze and Team Silver driving Jasper once again. Kastama will drive Rupert at the Championships who is a 1996 Welsh Cob gelding. About Bob Giles: Bob Giles (Morriston, Fla. is a well known driving horse trainer and clinician who has dedicated his life to the sport of driving. His selection to the USEF Para-Equestrian Driving Team is a dream come true for this accomplished competitor, Vietnam War veteran, and Purple Heart recipient. Giles was in combat within the the Vietnam War resulting in the loss of 90% of his hearing, a fused elbow and only partial use of his right hand. As a combat-wounded Purple Heart recipient, Bob is dedicating his drive to the memory of the 58,000 + men and women who lost their lives in the Vietnam War. Giles enthusiasm and determination for the thrilling sport of Combined Driving has driven him to the 2014 World Driving Championships in Sandringham, England, June 27-29, 2014. Giles will drive Koos De Ronde's Solo and Olando. About Virgina (Boo) Fitch: Virginia (Boo) Fitch is from Pennhook, Va. Fitch grew up fox hunting and showing hunters. She attended Lynchburg College and rode on their intercollegiate riding team as well as the Old Dominion Athletic Conference Team. After graduating, she rode jumpersfor a prominent family in Quebec Canada. It was during this time that Fitch developed Rheumatoid Arthritis. It came on suddenly and strongly. Within two years she had a hip replacement at the age of 26. By the year 2000, she was having considerable problems with her feet and ankles and it just so happened that she owned a school horse that drove and had a good friend that competed in Combined Driving. Between the safe horse and her friend she started driving and loved it. After five surgeries and three joint replacements over the course of 10 years from 2000 to 2010, teaching children just became too difficult and she was finding herself competing in Combined driving more often. Fitch has become a prominent competitor in the para-equestrian driving world and she looks forward to her recent appointment as a member of the 2014 Team. Fitch will drive Kiko, a 2003 Irish Sport Horse Mare at the Championships. WASHINGTON, August 15, 2013—The Washington International Horse Show (WIHS) is pleased to announce that tickets are now on sale for its 2013 competition, which will run Oct.22-27, 2013, at Verizon Center in downtown Washington, D. Tickets are available for purchase at the Verizon Center box office, online at www.com or by calling 1-800-745-3000. General admission tickets for daytime performances are $15 (plus applicable service charges), Tuesday through Sunday, with children 12 and under admitted for free. VIP section seating is available for evening performances. For pricing information please visit www. The WIHS is the country's leading metropolitan indoor horse show, and each year it hosts one week of exciting, world-class competition in the Nation's Capital. Spectators are invited to join in the festivities during the week to watch international show jumping at its best, elite hunter competition, and the best up-and-coming junior riders in the country. VIP hospitality, boutique shopping and a silent auction add to the special experience. Highlights of the 2013 WIHS include the $125,000 President's Cup Grand Prix (a World Cup qualifier), presented by Events DC, on Saturday, Oct.26; the $25,000 Puissance (high jump competition) on Friday's Military Night, presented by The Boeing Company; and the Hermès WIHS Equitation Finals, featuring the country's top junior riders, also on Saturday. Nearly half a million dollars in prize money and special awards will be presented at the show, including Washington favorites like special treats from Georgetown Cupcake. Entertaining for riders and non-equestrians alike, exciting equestrian exhibitions and community activities such as a free Kids' Day, Thursday's Barn Night, and the Wednesday morning Breakfast with the Mounted Police will also return this year. Further details on the competition are described in this year's official prize list, which can be found at www.org/prize-list/. Discounts are available for groups, military/seniors and students. For more information on Group Sales discounts, please call 202-661-5061. (SPRUCE MEADOWS, Calgary, AB): There were three very different but all very exciting competitions today at the Spruce Meadows ‘Continental' Tournament today. Andres Rodriguez (VEN) and Caballito captured the top prize as the only double clear in the $33,000 Talisman Energy Cup 1.50m. McLain Ward won for two days in a row, this time with Wannahave in the $33,000 McDaniel & Associates 1.45m Derby. Katie Dinan and Sandro scored another big win in the $10,000 CN ‘Fast Track' Junior/Amateur Derby. The ‘Continental' Tournament CSIO-W 5* concludes tomorrow with the highlight competition of the weekend, the $200,000 CN Performance Grand Prix CSI-W. There is complimentary admission and parking for spectators during the ‘Continental' Tournament. The $33,000 Talisman Energy Cup 1.50m had 41 entries, and five went through to the jump-off. Andres Rodriguez (VEN) and Caballito, an 11-year-old Oldenburg gelding by Contendro x Argentinus, were the only double clear. They finished in 48.074 seconds for victory. Second place went to McLain Ward (USA) and Zander, who had four faults at the final jump and finished in 41.707 seconds. Eric Lamaze (CAN) and Wang Chung M2S were third with four faults in 48.882 seconds. Rodriguez was able to keep Caballito together and clean in the jump-off despite his horse throwing a shoe after the fourth fence. “I totally felt that, and I was really aware in the turns after that, to help him not slip,” Rodriguez acknowledged. “I was trying to keep him as balanced as possible. I didn't want him to slip in front of one of those tall jumps. I was being very cautious in the turns, even after he was clear.”Rodriguez said he has been training with veteran rider Eddie Macken for sixth months, and it was advice from Macken that helped him win his first FEI-level competition at Spruce Meadows. “(Eddie) obviously has a lot of experience in those cases. If I would have been by myself, I would have tried to go fast. He told me in the gate, just try to go clear and hope that McLain has a rail,” he recalled. “I wasn't so convinced, but I trusted him and he was right. I could have been third or fourth in that class, easy. It played out well.”Having won the FEI World Cup qualifier in Thunderbird just a few weeks ago, Rodriguez felt that Caballito was ready for Spruce Meadows. After a day of practice, his horse felt more relaxed today and Rodriguez noted, “I really felt he jumped his best today.”Since Caballito pulled a shoe, Andres Rodriguez rode Ace High Mike in his presentation with Paul Smith, CSO of Talisman Energy. Photo © Spruce Meadows Media Services. Having been competitive at the 1.45m level, Rodriguez felt comfortable with keeping him at that level. But, he related, “Since I've been training with Eddie, it looks like he may do a little bigger. He was fourth in a big four-star class in Wellington and it didn't feel like a struggle at all. I changed my approach with him totally different. I trust him way more now. I have hopes for him to end up being a 1.60m horse.”The $33,000 McDaniel & Associates 1.45m Derby had 24 entries, and six of those were able to clear the course without faults. The track, designed by Werner Deeg of Germany, featured 16 numbered obstacles and 19 jumping efforts, including the grob, open water, dry ditch combination, and jumping off a bank. Speeding around by six seconds faster than the next competitors were McLain Ward and Wannahave, a 10-year-old Dutch Warmblood gelding by Manhattan x Ramiro Z owned by The Wannahave Group. The early leaders were 17-year-old Kara Chad of Calgary, AB, and Stone Ridge Farms LLC's Alberto II, who set the pace at 110.600 seconds, which would end up in second place. Third place went to Cameron Hanley (IRL) on Player du Quesnoy, who finished in 111.288 seconds. said, “I actually thought I slowed down in a couple places, to be honest with you. I'm a bit of a fast rider and I have to watch that I don't overdo it. He's pretty good on the naturals now after all of his experience last week in the derby. He has a big stride, so the beginning of the course suited him, where I could just set a gallop and go. That allowed me to slow down at the end with the grob and double ditches, which were really tight.”Wannahave competed in his first derby last week in the Nexen 1.60m Derby. “The derby last week was quite big. He jumped a really good round but got confused at the bank and the grob,” Ward remembered. “This week there was no ‘A' (element) at the grob, so I thought he handled that better. I think he'll actually be really good at these classes with more mileage. He can do these naturals without a problem. If they jump the devil's dyke and the bank, you're halfway home.”Ward got the ride on Wannahave through his friend Missy Clark, who trains Wannahave and Sandor de la Pomme, another new mount, with John Brennan at their farm, North Run. “I started riding the horses at the end of Florida (in April). Missy is a great friend of mine and we've done some great things over the years, going back to Sapphire and the Harrisons. It's a pleasure for me to work with her,” he related. Ward described Wannahave as a “big, scopey horse” with “a big jump.” He remarked, “He's a little hard to sit to. But that's a good thing too. He has a very easy stride, you just have to kind of keep it all together. If you let it unravel, that's where you get a pole down.”This was their first FEI-level win together, and Ward was happy to have it happen in a derby competition. “It takes a special character and a brave horse, but I think ... Bot: it's good for the horses. I think it was a good course. It's a good part of the sport,” he said. Second place finisher Kara Chad was very happy in her best top level finish at Spruce Meadows. The talented young rider, who was a part of the Developing Rider Tour for Canada last year, said she was “a little surprised,” when she found out she was winning. “I thought I was efficient, but I wasn't running around like a speed class. Then there was McLain, it's hard to beat him. He told me in the line-up (that) I have many years to come, so not to worry about it, and I took that advice,” she smiled. “It was my first derby with him. He has a very big personality and is cocky in some ways, which is what makes him good. Although he's a big horse, he's very controllable and adjustable. I've been working toward getting up to these results. I'm happy that I finally got in there.”The $10,000 CN ‘Fast Track' Junior/Amateur 1.40m Derby had 34 entries attempt a long derby course, and there were 18 that proceeded on to the jump-off. There were eight double clear in the lengthy jump-off course, but the fastest of those were Katie Dinan and Sandro, a 14-year-old Dutch Warmblood gelding by Larino x Casimir owned by Grant Road Partners. They finished in 50.89 seconds. Second place went to Wilton Porter (USA) on Neolisto van het Mierenhof, who stopped the timers in 51.38 seconds. Clementine Goutal (USA) and Kelline Fonroy were third in 51.86 seconds. Dinan agreed that the “longer than normal” course for a derby along with a jump-off “played a factor.” She continued, “Sandro has a pretty good engine and is always ready to go, but even for him in the jump-off I felt like I wasn't really at my fastest. You have to stay focused and ready to jump. It wasn't that there was one difficult jump, it's just that there were a lot of jumps and horses were getting a little tired at the end. I went seventh and I was really happy that my time held up.”In her jump-off ride, she described, “He was so good in the first round to the grob that I knew I could make good time there. I turned very quickly down to that. I tried to be very prompt in the beginning. I did nine (strides) in the last line, but it worked out for me because Sandro has a very fast canter, so even if I'm not doing the most extreme leave-outs, I can be pretty fast.”Dinan said that Sandro is very happy in his role as a 1.40m amateur horse, and he has helped her improve her riding on all of her horses. “He's been a great horse for me. It's great to have a horse in the barn that can come out on any given day and you know if you ride well, you have a good chance of winning. That's great as a confidence builder,” she said. “In the last year and a half as I've moved up with other horses into bigger classes, (and) things get more difficult and your results aren't as consistent as you'd like, it's really nice to have a horse that maybe isn't doing the biggest class at the horse show, but is always there.”She added, “From a riding perspective, you try to learn how to go faster and be a more competitive speed rider. He's been a great horse for me to learn that on. I feel comfortable on him and I feel like I can take risks on him that I might not necessarily take on other horses. He's 14 and I want him to stay happy. I want to keep his energy level up. Maybe he could jump a little bit bigger, but he feels great at that height.”The ‘Continental' Tournament concludes tomorrow with the $60,000 Great-West Life Cup 1.50m the highlight competition of the week, the $200,000 CN Performance Grand Prix CSI-W, at 2 pm in Meadows on the Green. For more information on Spruce Meadows and full results, please visit www. (SPRUCE MEADOWS, Calgary, AB): The second week of the Spruce Meadows Summer Tournaments begins tomorrow and there will be more top competition from June 12-16. The ‘Continental' Tournament CSIO-W 5* is host to the $100,000 Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™ on Thursday, June 13, as well as the $200,000 CN Performance Grand Prix CSI-W on Sunday, June 16. There will be complimentary admission and parking for spectators during the ‘Continental' Tournament. Spruce Meadows is host to one of only two Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™ events in North America. The competition is a qualifier for North American countries hoping to attend the series final in Barcelona, Spain, in September. Since less than five teams were invited, Canada, the United States, and Mexico were able to field two teams each. The Chefs d'Equipe then chose which team would be competing for Nations Cup points. “We look forward to hosting the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™ at Spruce Meadows,” said Spruce Meadows President Linda Southern-Heathcott. “It is a great opportunity for these countries to compete with developing horses and riders, and I believe we will have great sport this week.”The Chef d'Equipe for the Canada One team, Mark Laskin, spoke about the opportunity to field two teams. “We've never had the ability to have two teams compete at the same time. It's our ‘home court,' so there is definitely a lot of excitement and interest from our riders in getting a spot on the team. We're all very excited for the opportunity,” he remarked. Geoff Vernon, who represented the United States at today's draw, agreed, “It's always a great honor to ride for your country, and any time you can afford that opportunity to double the number you would normally have is great for the riders. It brings enthusiasm to the sport.”Daniela Garcia Nigaglioni, Chef d'Equipe for the Mexico Maya team, said that this was the first time that Mexico has had 15 riders who wanted to come to a Nations Cup. “We have very experienced riders who have been to Wellington and the Olympics, and then riders who were in the 1.30m rings last year,” she said. “We are very excited to see how they will be together in this new Nations Cup.”Although Ireland will just have one team, the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™ at Spruce Meadows will be an important part of the schedule for them, said Chef d'Equipe Robert Splaine. “To have the opportunity to compete in a Nations Cup at such high quality in Canada is vitally important to the overall Irish plan, which incorporates Hickstead, the European Championships, and our own show in Dublin,” he explained. “I'll come see our riders in action and hopefully they will do well and represent their country well, and I'll be able to select one or more of those to come to Europe later on in the season.”For those who are interested in watching some of the best equestrian team competition in North America, the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™ will be held on Thursday, June 13, at 12 pm in the Meadows on the Green Ring. Along with the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™ on Thursday, there will be the $35,000 Husky Energy Cup 1.50m in the Meadows on the Green and the $33,000 RSA 1.45m in the All Canada Ring. Calgary, Alberta – 2008 Olympic Champion Eric Lamaze was in the winner's circle after claiming the $40,000 ATCO Structures & Logistics Cup on Sunday, June 9, at the Spruce Meadows “National” Tournament in Calgary, AB. While Lamaze has welcomed two new international mounts to his stable in recent weeks, it was his partner of almost two years, Wang Chung M2S, that carried him to Sunday's victory. The pair had the advantage of going second to last in the starting order, knowing they had to better the time of 85.33 seconds set by Reed Kessler of the United States. Catch her time they did, cruising through Werner Deeg's course in the International Ring in a time of 84.73 seconds. When the final rider, Brianne Goutal of the U. proved to be no threat, Lamaze claimed his first victory of the Spruce Meadows summer series. “We're out at Spruce Meadows with some young horses and new horses; this horse is the only one left of my old string, so I know him better than the others,” said Lamaze, 45. “This competition really suited him well and I am very happy with the outcome.”The all-time leading money winner at Spruce Meadows with earnings in excess of $3.7 million at the Calgary venue alone, Lamaze is no stranger to hoisting the winner's trophy in the International Ring. For his victory in the $40,000 ATCO Structures & Logistics Cup, Lamaze added another $13,200 to his overall winnings. “I use him quite a bit in the speed competitions so I know him quite well,” said Lamaze of the 10-year-old Irish-bred Dutch Warmblood stallion (Royal Bravour x Ahorn) owned by Morningside Stud of Ireland and Lamaze's Torrey Pines Stable. “He's very dependable in the short turns and he has a huge gallop so, on this field, it was advantage.”“2008 Olympic Champion Eric Lamaze riding Wang Chung M2S scored victory in the $40,000 ATCO Structures & Logistics Cup on Sunday, June 9, at the Spruce Meadows “National” Tournament in Calgary, AB.”In addition to Wang Chung M2S, Lamaze has recently added two new international mounts to his string. Owners Carlene and Andy Ziegler of Artisan Farms purchased Powerplay, the former mount of Swiss rider Pius Schwizer, and Quelmec de Gery, formerly under the saddle of France's Penelope Leprovost, days before the Spruce Meadows “National” opened. Lamaze made his competition debut with both nine-year-old geldings this week at the Calgary venue. “I was thrilled with both of the horses in our first week competing together,” said Lamaze who plans to ride one of his two new mounts for Canada in the Nations' Cup competition on Thursday, June 13. “I didn't have any sort of practice prior to coming to Spruce Meadows. It's hard enough to ride any horse that's never been in the International Ring, let alone a horse that is new to its rider, so I was super happy with how it went. I just took it easy, I'm just getting to know them, but I'm very happy with how everything felt.”Hailing from Schomberg, ON, Lamaze now divides his time between training bases in Wellington, FL, and Vrasene, Belgium. June 4th, 2012- Tryon, NC~ The 2013 Tryon Summer Classic came to a close on Sunday wrapping up a busy week of exciting hunter and jumper action. The event, held at FENCE (Foothills Equestrian Nature Center) in beautiful Tryon, NC took place May 30- June 2 and is managed by Aiken, SC based JP Godard and Equus Events. The event benefitted the Tryon Hounds www. tryonhounds.com and featured a $2,500 USHJA National Hunter Derby on Friday evening and a $10,000 Jumper Classic sponsored by The EMO Insurance Agency and Martha Hall on Saturday evening. Daniel Geitner of Aiken, SC went two for two this weekend capturing wins in both the USHJA National Hunter Derby on Friday evening and the $10,000 EMO Jumper Classic on Saturday. Friday night's impressive win came on the Liz Tarumianz owned entry of Contemporary. The pair topped a challenging field of 31 competitors bringing home scores of an 89 in round 1 and a 95 in round two finishing up with a two round total of 184 to take home the blue. Geitner also took home second place honors on Lindsey Rigney's Calypso. Contemporary is a 10 year old holsteiner gelding that Tarumianz of Charlotte, NC has owned just under a year. Not to be outdone she also had her share of the blue ribbons on her partner earning the amateur owner hunter championship and the Frederick B. Farwell Grand Amateur Owner Hunter Perpetual Trophy over the weekend. Tarumianz enjoys coming to the Tryon Summer Classic each year. She went on to say, “It is one of my favorite shows and is always on my schedule because of the hospitality, courses, footing, and management are always top notch”. “The hunter derby under the lights made the class feel extra special, can't wait to be back next year”. Complete derby results are as followed:Daniel Geitner went on to finish off a stellar weekend by taking home the blue in the $10,000 EMO Insurance Agency Jumper Classic on Ann Ritter's Jumbo Jet on Saturday evening. The pair was one of five to tackle the jump off course galloping to a fast and clean finish in a time of 32.459 over second place finisher David O'brien and Hollow Creek Farm's Various who also finished clean in a time of 34. Sydney Swarr and her Kirin took home third place honors, J. 's Runaround Sue were fourth and hometown favorite Lincoln Russell and Richard Kosa's Winona O M2RS rounded out the top five spots. The Tryon Summer Classic has always been known for its hospitality and this year was no exception. The Tryon Hounds treated exhibitors to a derby barbeque on Friday evening during the USHJA National Hunter Derby and on Saturday evening held their annual fundraising benefit dinner under the VIP tent. Hot To Trot Boutique hosted a wine and cheese reception Saturday afternoon and Martin Klein and Benchmark Farm hosted riders and trainers hospitality by the ring during the Jumper Classic Saturday night. Sunday, the final day of the show capped of a beautiful week of horse showing as many of the Tryon Hound's perpetual trophies were awarded to some of the show's Grand Champion and High Point riders. Some of the winners included:Equus Events would also like to thank its corporate sponsors and sponsors of the 2013 Tryon Summer Classic Horse Show;The Tryon Hounds, The EMO Insurance Agency and Martha Hall, Fenwick Equestrian, Equifit Inc. The competition continues this week at FENCE with the Tryon Riding and Hunt Club June Charity Horse Show June 6-9. For complete results and more information please contact Equus Events at 803-643-5698 or www.
User: The rest of this: He holds a MPhil (Research) in Economics and an Advanced Diploma in Economics both from the University of Cambridge. He also holds a BA from Sciences Po Paris. His recent work at ... Bot: The completion of this text could be: Frontier involves modelling pricing strategies in the financial and retail sectors. Prior to joining Frontier, he has worked at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. He... User: Next. Bot: also speaks both Mandarin and French. Frontiers | Neospora caninum Activates p38 MAPK as an Evasion Mechanism against Innate Immunity | MicrobiologyDue to the high prevalence and economic impact of neosporosis, the development of safe and effective vaccines and therapies against this parasite has been a priority in the field and is crucial to limit horizontal and vertical transmission in natural hosts. Limited data... User: Continue. Bot: is available regarding factors that regulate the immune response against this parasite and such knowledge is essential in order to understand Neospora caninum induced pathogenesis. In that sense, our goal was to... User: Continue. Bot: understand the role of MAPKs during the infection by N. We found that p38 phosphorylation was quickly triggered in macrophages stimulated by live tachyzoites and antigen extracts, while its chemical inhibition resulted in upregulation of IL-12p40 production and augmented B7/MHC expression. In vivo blockade of p38 resulted in an amplified production of cytokines, which preceded a reduction in latent parasite burden and enhanced survival... User: Continue. Bot: against the infection. Altogether, these results showed that N. caninum manipulates p38 phosphorylation in its favor, in order to downregulate the host's innate immune... User: Continue. Bot: responses. Additionally, those results infer that active interference in this signaling pathway may be useful for the development of a new therapeutic strategy against neosporosis. Neospora caninum is an obligate intracellular protozoan from the phylum Apicomplexa, closely related to Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite has a worldwide distribution and causes relevant economic impact in dairy and beef industries (Cardoso et al.2011) due to negative effects... User: Next. Bot: such as abortion or reproductive disorders in cattle, in addition to neuromuscular disease in dogs (Goodswen et al. Cattle are an important intermediate host species that may acquire the infection through horizontal transmission after ingestion of oocysts excreted by canine, which are the parasite's definitive hosts. Infection may also occur during gestation, due to the immune response regulation, which leads to the recrudescence of chronic infections into subsequent parasitemia (Mineo et al.2010a; Pinheiro et al. Afterward, the fetus may be infected by parasites that cross the placenta, causing abortions or congenital infections, depending on the period of gestation and parasite virulence (Eastick and Elsheikha, 2010). The immune response against N. IL-12 is a key cytokine that links the innate and adaptive compartments of the immune system, and is... User: Continue. Bot: triggered by microbial products during early host–pathogen interactions (Aliberti, 2005; Yarovinsky et al.2005; Debierre-Grockiego et al. The contact of these PAMPs with PRRs on... User: More. Bot: macrophages triggers intracellular signaling pathways that result in the induction of an appropriated inflammatory response (Kawai and Akira, 2010). However, the host-specific intracellular signaling pathways triggered by innate recognition of N. caninum have not yet been fully elucidated. Previous studies demonstrated that initial N. caninum recognition includes TLR2, TLR3, and TLR11 (Jenkins et al.2010b; Beiting et al. Engagement of these receptors triggers activation of... User: Next. Bot: MyD88 or TRIF-dependent pathways, respectively, enhancing the immune response against this parasite (Mineo et al. CCR5 is also a key player in the immune response against N. caninum through the production of cyclophilin, a parasite protein that modulates migration and activation of innate cells during the early phase of the infection (Mineo et al. The sustained synthesis of IL-12 in tissues and cells hosting... User: Continue. Bot: Apicomplexan parasites is not controlled only by NF-κB, and also requires activation of MAPK pathways (Kim et al. ## The three most studied MAPK pathways are c-Jun-activated kinases (JNKs), extracellular signal-related kinases... User: Continue. Bot: (ERKs) and p38 MAPK. MAPKs are activated by dual phosphorylation of the... User: Continue. Bot: threonine and tyrosine residues, mediated by upstream MAPK kinases (MKK) (Kim et al. Usually, the ERK pathway induces growth factor signals, whereas the JNK and p38 pathways may be activated by a variety of extracellular stress signals (Cuadrado and Nebreda, 2010; Yang et al. Studies have been proposed that T. gondii induces phosphorylation of p38α MAPK in order to promote IL-12p70 production (Cuadrado and... User: Next. Bot: Nebreda, 2010). gondii secretes GRA24, a dense granule protein that has no ortholog expressed in N. Additionally, previous studies have reported that T. Within this context, the present study aimed to characterize... User: More. Bot: the effect of MAPK signaling in the activation of immune responses against N. caninum and its antigens. Our results provide evidence that the parasite evades effective host responses through the activation of p38 MAPK-dependent G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)/PI3K/AKT pathway. Wild type (Nc-1) and genetically modified (NcLivΔHPT and NcLiv_GRA24-BirA∗) strains of N. gondii tachyzoites (PRU isolate) were maintained by serial passages in HeLa cell line... User: More. Bot: (CCL-2, ATCC, Manassas, VA, USA), cultured in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 2 mM glutamine, 100 U/mL penicillin and 100 μg/mL streptomycin, at 37°C in 5% CO2 atmosphere. Parasite suspensions were obtained... User: Continue. Bot: as previously described (Ribeiro et al. Briefly, tachyzoites were harvested by scraping off the cell monolayer after 2–3 days of infection, passed through a 26-gauge needle and centrifuged at low speed (45 × g) for 1 min at 4°C, for debris removal. The supernatant containing parasite suspension was collected, washed in phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.2), and the pellet was resuspended in PBS for antigen preparation. caninum lysate antigen (NLA) was prepared as previously described (Ribeiro et al. Briefly, parasite suspension was treated with protease inhibitors (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) and then lysed by freeze-thaw cycles, followed by ultrasound cycles (60 H/30 s) on ice. After centrifugation (10,000 × g, 30 min, 4°C), the supernatant was collected, filtered on 0.22 μm membranes and its protein concentration... User: More. Bot: determined by Bradford assay (Sigma–Aldrich, St. NLA aliquots were stored at -20°C until used in vitro assays. caninum excreted-secreted antigen (NcESA) was carried out as described elsewhere (Ribeiro et al. Freshly egressed tachyzoites (108 parasites/ml) were washed twice in PBS, resuspended in Hanks saline solution and incubated for 30 min at 37°C, at mild agitation. Parasites were then centrifuged (720 × g, 10 min, 4°C), the supernatant was collected and again centrifuged (10,000 × g, 4°C, 30 min). The final supernatant was filtered on 0.22 μm membranes and its protein concentration determined by Bradford (1976). Different batches of NcESA were prepared and pooled together to obtain the required protein concentration. NcESA aliquots were stored at -20°C until use. To exclude that experiments conduced with different strains and p38... User: More. Bot: inhibitors would generate distinct results, we have tested both parental N. caninum strains used (Nc-1 and NcLivΔHPT), well as both p38 specific chemical inhibitors (SB203580 – for in vitro use only; and SB239063 – preconized for in vivo use) and observed that there are no notable phenotype differences (Supplementary Figure 1). Bone-marrow stem cells were obtained from femurs and tibiae of 6- to 8-week-old... User: More. Bot: wild-type and PI3K, MyD88 and CCR5 deficient C57BL/6 mice, according to previous description (Marim et al. Briefly, mice were euthanized and the bones were... User: Continue. Bot: collected and flushed to extrude bone marrow. The cell suspension was used... User: More. Bot: to generate bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) using L929-cell conditioned medium (LCCM) as a source of granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating factor. Cells were seeded in non-tissue culture treated petri dishes (Optilux, BD Biosciences) and incubated at 37°C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. Four days after seeding the cells, an extra of fresh R20/30 (RPMI1640 supplemented with 20% FBS, 30% LCCM, 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 μg/mL... User: Next. Bot: streptomycin, and 2 mM L-glutamine) were added per plate. After 7 days, adherent cells were removed and analyzed by flow cytometry. Once the positive phenotype was confirmed (CD11b expression over 95%), BMDMs were plated at a concentration of 1.106 cells/ml of RPMI, supplemented with 10% FBS, before some further experimental procedure. Bone marrow derived macrophages were added to 12-well plate at a density of... User: Continue. Bot: 1 × 106 cells per ml and infected with live tachyzoites (Nc-1 or NcLivΔHPT; 1:1 ratio of parasites to cells). The cells were lysed in denaturation buffer 5x containing protease and phosphatase... User: Continue. Bot: inhibitors (Roche), 0, 15, 30, 60, and 120 min post-infection. Preparation of samples was performed according to the manufacturer's protocol for adherent cells (BD Biosciences; Schubert et al. Briefly, cells were lysed and collected from the plates. Samples were then placed immediately in a boiling water bath for 5 min. Cell lysates were centrifuged at 15.000 × g for 5 min and supernatants were stored at -80°C until measurement. pJNK1/2 (T183/Y185), pp38 (T180/Y182), and pERK1/2 (T202/Y204) were quantitatively determined using antibodies from the multiplex Flex Set Cytometric Bead Array (pCBA, BD Biosciences). Serial dilutions (1/2 v/v) of the standards were prepared; cell lysates were (1/2 v/v) diluted using assay diluent and transferred to a FACS tube. Then, 25 μl of mixed capture beads were transferred to each tube... User: Continue. Bot: After a 3 h incubation at room temperature, 25 μL PE detection reagent was added and samples were incubated for another hour at room... User: More. Bot: temperature. FACS tube was washed with buffer and after final centrifugation, 200 × g for 10 min, 150 μL wash buffer was added. ## Flow cytometric analysis was performed using a flow... User: More. Bot: cytometer (FACSCantoII, BD Biosciences) and dedicated software (FCAP array v3.0, BD Biosciences). A total of 900 events were acquired following the protocol supplied. The minimum detection levels for each phospho-protein were: pJNK = 0.38 U/ml; pp38 = 0.64 U/ml; pERK = 0.64 U/ml. For Western blotting, BMDMs were added to 12-well plate at a density of 1 × 106 cells/ml and infected with N... User: Next. Bot: caninum tachyzoites or stimulated with LPS or PMA. After 30 min, the cells were collected in lysis buffer containing a mixture of protease and... User: Next. Bot: phosphatase inhibitors (Roche). The lysates were resolved by SDS-PAGE and transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes. Blots were probed with the primary antibodies against p-p38, total p38, p-pERK1/2, total pERK1/2,p-JNK and total JNK (R&D... User: Next. Bot: Systems), followed by secondary antibodies conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Target proteins were visualized by chemiluminescence for the detection of HRP activity (ChemiDoc XRS, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). Additionally, whole-parasite lysates from parental and modified strains were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE. Samples were transferred to nitrocellulose overnight and probed with primary antibodies. For all secondary antibody incubations, HRP-conjugated goat anti-mouse or goat anti-rabbit antibodies... User: Next. Bot: were used at a 1:2000 dilution. Following secondary incubation, a chemiluminescent substrate... User: Continue. Bot: was used for the detection of HRP activity. Bone marrow derived macrophages were added to 12-well plates at a density of 1 × 106 cells/mL, pretreated for 3 h with p38 inhibitor (SB203580, 10 μM) or medium before antigenic stimulus (NLA, 10 μg/mL). After, 24 h of stimulated cells were labeled with antibodies conjugated to fluorochromes, following the protocol previously described (Mineo et al. For these tests, we used the following commercial antibodies: CD11b-APC. Cy7 (clone M1/70), MHC II-APC (clone AF-120.1), MHC I-PE. ## Cy7 (clone AF-88.5), CD80-PE (clone 16-10A1), and CD86-FITC (clone GL1) (BD Biosciences). Phenotyping of BMDMs was performed in a flow cytometer (FACSCanto II, BD Biosciences) and the data was processed and analyzed using dedicated software (FlowJo, TreeStar, USA). For measurement of ex vivo cytokine... User: Next. Bot: production, spleens retrieved from mice infected by N. caninum (5 × 106... User: Next. Bot: Nc-1 tachyzoites/mouse) or infected and treated with p38 inhibitor SB239063 (0.5 mg/Kg), along with its appropriated controls, were dissociated 30 days post infection (dpi)... User: Continue. Bot: in RPMI medium and cell suspensions were washed in medium and added a lysis buffer (0.16 M NH4Cl and 0.17M Tris–HCl, pH 7.5), cells were washed again and resuspended in complete RPMI medium containing 10% FBS. Viable cells (2 × 105 cells/200 μl/well) were cultured in triplicate in 96-well plates in the presence of antigen (NLA, 10 μg/ml), mitogen (Concanavalin A – ConA, 2.5 μg/ml), Nc-1 tachyzoites (1:10 parasite per cells) or medium alone and incubated at 37°C in 5% CO2. After 48 h, cell-free supernatants were collected and stored at -80°C for the measurement of cytokines. In vivo experiments were conducted with two different parasite doses, depending on the aim of each experiment: (i) WT mice (at least six mice/group) were challenged intraperitoneally with lethal doses (1... User: Continue. Bot: × 107 Nc-1 tachyzoites/mouse), treated or not for 5 days with the p38 inhibitor SB239063 (0.5 mg/Kg), in order to observe the effect of the p38 inhibitor treatment in the survival of the challenged mice. Animals were observed daily for morbidity and mortality during 30 dpi. (ii) In other sets of experiments, WT mice (six mice/group) were infected intraperitoneally with sub-lethal doses (5 × 106 Nc-1 tachyzoites/mouse), treated or not for 5 days with SB239063 (0.5 mg/Kg), for the evaluation of immunological parameters and chronic phase parasite burden. After 7 days of infection, blood samples were collected and analyzed for the concentration of cytokines. After 30 days of infection, brain tissues and spleen cells were used for the quantification of chronic phase parasite burden and evaluation of cytokine... User: Next. Bot: production upon antigenic recall, respectively. Bone marrow derived macrophages were added to 96-well plate at a density of 1 × 106 cells/mL. Stimulation was performed with live N. caninum tachyzoites (1:1 ratio of parasites to cells), NLA (10 μg/mL) or ESA (10 μg/mL). In some experiments, BMDMs were pretreated for 3 h with p38 inhibitor (SB203580, 10 μM), JNK inhibitor (SP600125, 10 μM), ERK1/2 inhibitor (PD98059, 10 μM), GPCRs inhibitor (Pertussis toxin, 200 ng/ml), PI3K inhibitor (Wortmannin, 500 nM), AKT inhibitor (AKT quinase VIII, 10 μM) or medium before infection. The concentration of each drug was chosen based on previously published manuscripts (Kim et al.2005; Ruhland and Kima, 2009; Zong et al. p38 inhibition by SB203580 was verified in BMDMs by pCBA (Supplementary Figure 2). After, 24 h... User: Continue. Bot: of infection or antigenic stimulus, the culture supernatant were collected for the measurement of IL-12p40 cytokine concentration. Quantification of IL-12p40 and IFN-γ in BMDMs and splenocytes was performed by ELISA, according to... User: Next. Bot: the manufacturer instructions (BD Biosciences). The assays were read at 450 nm and the OD values obtained were converted to pg/mL by the extrapolation of the standard curve (M2e plate reader, Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). Serum of WT mice infected with Nc-1 strain (5 × 106 tachyzoites/mouse), submitted or not to SB239063 treatment (0.5 mg/Kg), was collected after 7 dpi. The effect on... User: Continue. Bot: the cytokine profile during SB239063 treatment was evaluated using a mouse Th1/Th2/Th17 cytometric bead array kit (CBA), according to the manufacturers' instructions (BD Biosciences). The assays were read in a flow cytometer (FACSCanto II, BD Biosciences), and the concentration of each analyte was extrapolated from standard curves of recombinant cytokines. The minimum detection levels for each cytokine were: IL-2 = 0.1 pg/mL; IL-4 = 0.03 pg/mL; IL-6 = 1.4 pg/mL; IFN-γ = 0.5 pg/mL; TNF = 0.9 pg/mL; IL-17A = 0.8 pg/mL; IL-10 = 16.8 pg/mL. Brain parasite burden was determined by quantitative real-time PCR as previously described (Ribeiro et al. ## 2009), by the use of primer pairs (sense 3′-GCTGAACACCGTATGTCGTAAA-5′; antisense 3′-AGAGGAATGCCACATAGAAGC-5′) to detect the N. caninum Nc-5 sequence. DNA extraction was performed from 20 mg of... User: More. Bot: murine brain tissues (Genomic DNA kit, Promega Co. USA) and parasite loads were calculated by interpolation from a standard curve of Nc-1 tachyzoite DNA included in each run (StepOne Plus, Applied Biosystems, USA). As a negative control, DNA obtained from brain tissues of non-immunized and unchallenged mice was analyzed in parallel. ## Targeting constructs were generated using the pNeoGra7-3xHA-BirA∗-HPT vector. Briefly, Type II GRA24 gene locus is defined by TGME49_230180 in the T. gondii genome database2 (version 6. The gene was cloned by PCR with engineered Nsi I 5′ sites and Not1 3′ sites. After amplification in a pJET vector, the GRA24 insert was fused in frame with a plasmid using the same restriction sites (Figure 5A) (manuscript in preparation). The construct was linearized by Hind III restriction... User: Continue. Bot: digest and 75 μg of the DNA was transfected by electroporation into... User: More. Bot: NcLivΔHPT parasites. Stable transformants were selected using medium containing 25 μg/mL of mycophenolic acid plus 25 μg/mL of xanthine (for HXGPRT plasmids) and cloned by limited dilution in 96 well plates. To... User: Continue. Bot: confirm proper Gra24 gene targeting and expression, transgenic parasites were analyzed by IFA and the HA-tagged construct was shown to be co-localized in the... User: Next. Bot: parasitophorous vacuole with GRA2 (Supplementary Figure 3). For IFA, HFFs were grown to confluence on coverslips with medium containing or not 150 μM of biotin and infected with N. caninum parasites expressing HA-tag and BirA∗ fusions. After 36 h, the coverslips were fixed and processed for indirect immunofluorescence as previously described (Chen et al. The coverslips were mounted in Vectashield (Vector Labs) and viewed... User: More. Bot: with an Axio Imager. ## Z1 fluorescence microscope (Zeiss). HFF monolayers infected with parasites expressing BirA∗ fusions, or its respective parental line, were grown in medium containing 150 μM biotin for 24 h prior to parasite egress (Chen et al. Cells infected were collected, washed in PBS, and lysed in RIPA buffer (50 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, 0.1% SDS, 0.5% sodium... User: Next. Bot: deoxycholate, 1% NP-40) supplemented with protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche) for 30 min on ice. Lysates were centrifuged for 15 min at 14,000 × g to pellet insoluble debris and then incubated with streptavidin magnetic beads (Pierce, USA), at room temperature for 4 h, under gentle agitation. Beads were collected using magnets and washed five times in RIPA buffer, followed by three washes in 8... User: Next. Bot: M urea buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl). Ten percent of each sample was boiled in Laemmli sample buffer, and eluted proteins were analyzed by Western blotting with streptavidin-HRP prior to mass spectrometry analysis. By sequential addition of Lys-C and trypsin proteases the purified biotinylated proteins bound to streptavidin beads were reduced, alkylated, and digested (Chen et al. The peptide mixture... User: Continue. Bot: was desalted by the use of C18 tips and fractionated by a 75 μm inner diameter filter fused to silica capillary column with a... User: More. Bot: 5 μm pulled electrospray tip, and packed in house with 15 cm of Luna C18 column with 3 μm reversed-phase particles. Delivering of the... User: More. Bot: gradient was performed by an easy-nLC 1000 ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) system (Thermo Scientific). ## Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) spectra were collected on a Q-Exactive mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific). Protein and peptide... User: More. Bot: identifications were filtered using DTASelect and required a minimum of two unique peptides per protein and a peptide-level false-positive rate of less than 5%, as estimated by a decoy database strategy. Normalized... User: Continue. Bot: spectral abundance factor (NSAF) values were calculated as previously described (Chen et al. Analysis was carried out using GraphPad Prism 6.0 (GraphPad Software Inc... User: More. Bot: Values of P < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. ## Each experiment was independently conducted at least two times, and each condition was analyzed... User: More. Bot: in triplicates, at least. To determine the effect of N. caninum infection on MAPK activation in macrophages, the phosphorylation of major MAPK signaling components was examined by CBA and Western Blotting (Figure... User: Continue. Bot: 1). CBA experiments revealed that N. caninum induced strong phosphorylation of p38 MAPK (p-p38) between 15 and 30 min after contact with live parasites, with a tendency to reduce the reactivity after... User: More. Bot: 60 min of infection. ERK1/2 and JNK did not show similar activation upon exposure to live parasites (Figure 1A). The same profile was observed by western blotting of BMDMs after 30 min of infection (Figure 1B). Neospora caninum induces phosphorylation of p38 MAPK in macrophages. BMDMs (1 × 106 cells/ml) were infected with live Nc-1 isolate tachyzoites of N. caninum (Nc, 1:1 parasite to cell ratio) or stimulated with NLA (10 μg/mL) or ESA (10 μg/mL) and incubated under controlled temperature and atmosphere. (A) Representative dot plots of the kinetics of MAPKs phosphorylation after exposure of BMDMs to Nc (0, 15, 30, 60, and 120 min post infection) by CBA; (B) Expression of the activated MAPKs after 30 min of infection by Western Blotting. Uninfected cells were used... User: More. Bot: as negative controls and, as a positive control, BMDMs stimulated with 1... User: Next. Bot: μg/mL of Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) or 100 nM of Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA); (C) Representative dot plots of the phosphorylation of the different MAPKs tested after stimuli with live N. caninum tachyzoites or its soluble lysate (NLA) and excreted/secreted (ESA) antigens by flow cytometry. Results are representative of three independent experiments, with at least three technical replicates in each, which were extrapolated in relation the standard curve and are expressed as units/mL. We next evaluated MAPK activation in macrophages exposed to different antigenic stimuli. For that purpose, BMDMs were exposed to N. caninum tachyzoites, soluble lysate antigen (NLA) or excreted-secreted antigens (ESA) and analyzed after 30 min (Figure 1C). It was observed that all antigens induced p-p38, although the highest levels were observed after infection with live N. In reference to... User: Next. Bot: those findings, we suggest that N. caninum activates predominantly p38 MAPK after infection of BMDMs, probably through a component of its excreted/secreted antigens. We first verified the role of p38, JNK and... User: Next. Bot: ERK in IL-12p40 production in N. Inhibition of p38 MAPK by SB203580 induced IL-12p40 upregulation after 24 h of infection with live parasites or... User: Continue. Bot: its components (Figure 2A), while chemical inhibition of ERK 1/2 and JNK did not yield notable differences in relation to controls. ## Neospora-induced p38 activation downregulates the production of IL-12 and the expression of antigen presentation molecules. BMDMs (1 × 106 cells/mL) were pretreated for 3 h with p38 inhibitor (SB203580, 10 μM), SAPK/JNK inhibitor (SP600125, 10 μM), ERK1/2 inhibitor (PD98059, 10 μM). (A)... User: Next. Bot: Cells were infected with N. caninum Nc-1 strain (Nc; 1:1 parasite to cell ratio) or stimulated with NLA (10 μg/mL) or ESA (10 μg/mL) or medium alone (UI). After 24 h, supernatants... User: More. Bot: were collected and analyzed for IL-12p40 concentration. Results were expressed as mean ± SEM. Results are representative of at least five independent experiments, with five technical replicates each. (B) BMDMs were stimulated with NLA (10 μg/mL) for 24 h and then checked for population positivity (%) and mean intensity of fluorescence (MIF) of surface markers CD80, CD86, MHCI, and MHCII. Results are representative of... User: More. Bot: two independent experiments, with three technical replicates each, and dot plots were represented as percentage of positives cells, where warmer colors indicate higher cell... User: Next. Bot: densities. To characterize the phenotype of N. caninum-infected BMDMs, the expression of... User: Next. Bot: B7 co-stimulatory (CD80 and CD86) and Major Histocompability Complex (MHCI and MHCII)... User: Next. Bot: molecules were observed, upon MAPK chemical inhibition. Macrophages pretreated with SB203580 and exposed to NLA showed higher expression of B7 and MHC molecules, percentage... User: Next. Bot: wise or by mean intensity of fluorescence (MIF), if compared to uninfected or infected untreated cells (Figure 2B). Similar results were observed in experiments... User: More. Bot: with live tachyzoites (Supplementary Figure 4). Based on these experiments, we have observed that p38 MAPK activation in infected macrophages is associated with pronounced decrease in IL-12p40 production, alongside with the expression of MHC and B7 co-stimulatory molecules. p38 Inhibition Is Effective in Therapeutic and Immune-Prophylactic Strategies against N. caninum through the Upregulation of Cellular ResponsesTo assess whether p38 inhibition had a therapeutic effect... User: Next. Bot: in vivo, we first infected groups of mice with a lethal dose (1 × 107 Nc-1 tachyzoites/mouse) for 100% of the animals (LD100), in order to evaluate clinical parameters as survival (Figure 3A). Infected mice treated with p38 inhibitor SB239063 did not show significant differences in the body weight or temperature loss, if compared to the other groups (P > 0.05, data not shown)... User: More. Bot: Strikingly, the treatment rescued 84% of the mice from LD100, yielding a... User: More. Bot: significant statistical increase in the survival rate (P = 0.0042), if compared to the untreated group of animals. Treatment with p38 inhibitor improved immune... User: Continue. Bot: responses and increased survival of mice infected with N. WT mice were treated or not with p38 inhibitor (SB239063, 0.5 mg/Kg) for 5 days... User: Continue. Bot: post infection in order to observe survival. As controls, mice were inoculated with SB239063 alone (inhibitor control), or PBS (uninfected - UI). (A) Survival... User: More. Bot: curves (six mice/group). (B) IFN-γ production during antigenic recall of spleen cells recovered from mice after 30 days of sub-lethal infection. Spleen cells (1 × 106/ml; five technical replicates) were cultured in... User: More. Bot: the presence of mitogen (ConA, 2.5 μg/ml); live Nc-1 tachyzoites (1:10 parasite to cell ratio), soluble lysate antigen (NLA, 10 μg/ml) or medium alone... User: More. Bot: Supernatants were collected after 48 h and analyzed by ELISA. Results are representative of two independent experiments, with five technical replicates each. (C) Brain... User: More. Bot: parasite load after 30 days of sub-lethal infection with N. Results are... User: Continue. Bot: representative of two independent experiments, with three technical replicates each. (D) Cytokine production in the serum of mice after 7 days of sub-lethal infection treated or not with SB239063, analyzed by ELISA... User: Next. Bot: and CBA. We also examined whether the treatment with p38 inhibitor would affect the antigenic recall in chronically infected mice. With that intent, we observed the production of IFN-γ in ex vivo stimulation of spleen cells obtained from the different groups of mice during chronic phase of the infection (30 days after inoculation) with sub-lethal tachyzoite doses (5 × 106 Nc-1 tachyzoites/mouse). Spleen cells... User: More. Bot: from SB239063-treated and infected mice produced statistically higher concentration of IFN-γ upon stimulation with the mitogen Concanavalin A (ConA, P = 0.0029), live tachyzoites (1/10 parasites/cell ratio, P < 0.0001) and NLA... User: More. Bot: (20 μg/mL, P = 0.0014), if compared to cells extracted from untreated and infected littermates (Figure 3B; Means and SEM are represented in Supplementary Table 1). In agreement, the group of mice... User: Continue. Bot: treated with the p38 MAPK inhibitor presented a significantly reduced concentration of parasite genomic DNA in the central nervous system (P < 0.0001) than the infected mice group (Figure 3C). In another... User: Continue. Bot: set of experiments, mice were infected with sub-lethal doses of tachyzoites and treated for 5 days with p38 inhibitor SB239063, in order to test how inhibition of p38 MAPK in vivo would affect the outcome of disease, through immune and parasitological parameters. We observed that mice infected and treated with the chemical inhibitor had higher serum concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines as IL-12p40 than the... User: Continue. Bot: untreated group (Figure 3D) during the acute phase of infection (7 days after inoculation). To assess whether p38 inhibition would also be a target for immune-prophylactic strategy, we immunized mice with NLA... User: Next. Bot: (50 μg/mouse) and used SB239063 as adjuvant in the preparation of the... User: More. Bot: test group. We observed that mice immunized with NLA plus SB239063 presented mean reduction of 75% in the concentration of N. caninum genomic DNA in the central nervous system compared to the PBS (P < 0.05, Supplementary Figure 5). We also sought to observe if p38 MAPK activation interfered with the production of specific antibodies against N. With that intent, we measured the production kinetics of specific IgG antibodies and its subclasses IgG1 and IgG2abc, in the serum of mice 0, 15, 30, and 45 days after immunization. The ELISA assays determined that mice immunized with SB239063 presented similar production of specific antibody against N. caninum (Supplementary Figure 6), indicating that p38 signaling blockade does not affect antibody production after immunization against N. To define the molecular mechanisms... User: Next. Bot: that underlie the regulatory effects of parasite mediated p38 activation, we tested distinct signaling pathways with known (direct or indirect) ability of inducing p38... User: Continue. Bot: phosphorylation. Neospora-infected BMDMs were treated with chemical/biological inhibitors of G-coupled protein receptors (GPCRs, pertussis toxin, Figure 4A), PI3K (Wortmannin, Figure 4B) and AKT (AKT inhibitor VIII, Figure 4C), combined or not with p38 inhibition (SB203580), in order to observe a possible additive effect in the IL-12p40 production. That experimental approach led to the observation that those inhibitors yielded exactly the same increase in cytokine production as SB203580, as well as the double inhibition of infected BMDMs, strongly suggesting that Neospora-induced p38 activation was dependent on upstream signaling of GPCR, PI3K, and AKT. To confirm that PI3K played a crucial role in the activation of p38 MAPK, we observed the cytokine production of BMDMs genetically depleted of PI3K (PI3K-/-) and infected by N. In this set of experiments, we... User: Next. Bot: observed that the absence of PI3K induced similar increase of IL-12p40 production as that induced by inhibition of p38 MAPK. Also, the pretreatment of the chemical inhibitors SB203580 and Wortmannin in PI3K-/-... User: Continue. Bot: BMDMs did not alter the increased IL-12p40 production after exposure to tachyzoites. In order to provide direct evidence to corroborate that Neospora-induced p38 activation was dependent of PI3K signaling, we also observed that PI3K inhibition by Wortmannin abrogated p38 MAPK phosphorylation in BMDMs after 30 min of infection with N. caninum tachyzoites (Figure 4E). caninum infection activates p38 MAPK signaling through GPCR and PI3K/AKT... User: Next. Bot: pathways. Bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) of WT mice were pretreated with inhibitors to (A) GPCR (Pertussis toxin, 200 ng/ml), (B) PI3K (Wortmannin, 500 nM),... User: Continue. Bot: (C) AKT (AKT inhibitor VIII, 10 μM), in addition or not to p38 inhibitor (SB203580, 10 μM), for 3 h, and sequentially infected by N. caninum live tachyzoites (Nc-1; 1:1 ratio of... User: Continue. Bot: parasites to cells), or left uninfected (UI). After 24 h of infection, the supernatants were collected for IL-12p40 measurement. (D) BMDMs generated from WT... User: Continue. Bot: mice and genetically deficient littermates in PI3K (PI3K-/-) were inhibited by SB203580 and/or Wortmannin, prior to infection with N. caninum live tachyzoites (Nc-1; 1:1 parasite to cell ratio) for the measurement of IL-12p40. (E) Representative dot plots of p38 phosphorylation in WT BMDMs inhibited or not by Wortmannin for 3 h, and subsequently infected with N. caninum (Nc-1; 1:1 ratio) for 30 min, measured... User: Continue. Bot: by CBA. ## Results are representative of three independent experiments, with three technical replicates/each. We also assessed whether CCR5, MyD88, NF-κB, AP-1, mTOR, and JAK2 were involved in p38 activation in BMDMs... User: Continue. Bot: during N. caninum infection, through the measurement of the concentration of IL-12p40 after 24 h. As previously shown by our group (Mineo et al.2009),... User: More. Bot: genetic deficiency in MyD88 (MyD88-/-) completely abolished IL-12 production after exposure to live parasites (Supplementary Figure 7A). Genetically deficient BMDMs in CCR5 (CCR5-/-) or... User: Continue. Bot: treatment with specific inhibitors to JAK2 (Tyrphostin AG490), NF-κB (CAPE), AP-1 (Tanshinone)... User: Next. Bot: or mTOR (Rapamycin) did not yield significant differences in cytokine production after infection, if compared to WT or untreated controls. Therefore, we conclude that the phenomena herein described, induced by p38 activation,... User: Next. Bot: are independent of those molecules (Supplementary Figures 7B–F). caninum-Triggered p38 Activation Is Induced by a Distinct Mechanism than T. gondii's GRA24 ProteinTo assess whether the mechanisms herein described are similar to those... User: More. Bot: driven by T. gondii's type II exclusive protein GRA24 (TgGRA24), we have genetically modified N. caninum tachyzoites to express this secreted antigen. For that purpose, we have generated a construct containing TgGRA24 with a C-terminal hemagglutinin (HA) tag plus BirA∗, driven by N. caninum GRA7 promoter (Figure 5A). TgGRA24 was integrated into the genome of NcLivΔHPT (parental) parasites, and localization of the gene fusion... User: Next. Bot: was assessed by immunofluorescence assay (IFA) using BirA/streptavidin interaction, as previously described... User: More. Bot: (Chen et al. caninum-induced p38 phosphorylation in macrophages is triggered by a... User: Continue. Bot: distinct mechanism than T. gondii's GRA24 protein. (A) Diagram of the expression cassette encoding GRA24 fused to BirA∗, plus a 1C-terminal 3 HA epitope... User: Continue. Bot: tag, driven by the N. caninum GRA7 promoter; (B) IFA of GRA24-BirA∗-expressing parasites, grown for 48 h with or without biotin enriched medium. GRA24-BirA∗ localizes to the parasitophorous vacuole and biotinylates proteins... User: More. Bot: in a biotin-dependent manner. Red bars represent increased and blue bars decreased peptide expression; (E) BMDMs (1 × 106 cells/ml) were infected with live tachyzoites of N. gondii (NcLivΔHPT, NcLiv_GRA24, PRU; 1:1 parasite to cell ratio). After 30 min or 18 h, the cells were lysed and submitted to CBA analysis of p38 phosphorylation. The results are expressed in units/ml in relation the standard... User: More. Bot: curve; ∗Indicates statistically significant differences between NcLiv_GRA24 or PRU infected cells and NcLivΔHPT infected cells; P < 0. Results are representative of at least... User: Continue. Bot: two independent experiments, with three technical replicates each. (F) BMDMs (1 × 106 cells/ml) were pretreated for 3 h with p38 inhibitor (SB203580, 10... User: Next. Bot: μM) and infected with live tachyzoites of N. gondii (NcLivΔHPT, NcLiv_GRA24, PRU; 1:1 ratio) for 24 h. The supernatants were collected and the concentration of IL-12p40 was measured by ELISA. Results were expressed as mean ± SEM, and are representative of at least two independent experiments, with five technical replicates each. As shown in Figure 5B, wild-type N. caninum parasites present endogenously biotinylated proteins... User: More. Bot: in the apicoplast that are labeled by streptavidin, thus representing the substantial background of this method in Neospora as in Toxoplasma (Figure 5B, top;... User: Next. Bot: Chen et al. We then assessed the host proteins bound to GRA24-BirA∗ by analysis of whole-cell lysates by Western blotting. Although some background staining was detectable in parental lysates, there was a high number of biotinylated proteins in lysates of GRA24-BirA∗ parasites, and only when biotin was present in the growth medium (Figure 5C). In a final check to determine the functional expression of... User: Next. Bot: GRA24 in N. caninum parasites, we analyzed the biotinylated proteins from infected cells lysates by mass spectrometric. Among the GRA24-biotinilated hits, we identified the enrichment of its known agonist p38-alpha amongst several innate immune molecules, which was absent in the lysates of cells infected with parental NcLivΔHPT (Figure 5D). Therefore, these results confirm that the orthologous expression of TgGRA24 was biologically functional in the... User: Next. Bot: transgenic N. ## caninum tachyzoites generated. To investigate whether the mechanism behind p38 pathway triggered by N. caninum shares common features with those described for TgGRA24, BMDMs were infected for 30 min and 18 h by parental (NcLivΔHPT), TgGRA24+ N. caninum (NcLiv_GRA24) or type II T. gondii (PRU) tachyzoites. As seen in Figure 5E, NcLivΔHPT induced a significantly less robust p38 activation compared to... User: Continue. Bot: parasites that expressed type II TgGRA24 (NcLiv_GRA24 and PRU), independently if observed after 30 min or 18 h of exposure to the tachyzoites. Finally,... User: More. Bot: we assessed if the addition of TgGRA24 in N. caninum tachyzoites would further enhance IL-12 production. For that purpose, cells were treated with p38... User: More. Bot: inhibitor SB203580 and infected with NcLivΔHPT, NcLiv_GRA24 or PRU tachyzoites. This assay demonstrated that all tested parasites induced similar cytokine production, as inhibition of p38 MAPK induced higher IL-12p40 production in all infected BMDMs, if compared to infected and untreated cells (Figure 5F). These results show that TgGRA24 does not further negatively interfere on IL-12p40 production in macrophages infected with N. caninum, demonstrating that the mechanisms herein reported – downregulation of IL-12 by activation of the p38 MAPK pathway by Neospora's antigens – are distinct from those previously described for T.2013), although it also makes us speculate whether the ability to evade innate immune responses through the GCPR/PI3K/AKT/p38 pathway is preserved between the parasites. caninum, mainly by the control of domestic definitive host population as a source of... User: Continue. Bot: oocyst contamination. ## Afterward, different control measures have been suggested, however, the strategies have been ineffective (Dubey et al. Thus, the increase in knowledge about the host immune response after infection by... User: More. Bot: this parasite is essential to develop effective vaccine and treatment protocol. Macrophages are the most important phagocytic cells in mammals and play a key... User: Continue. Bot: role in the pathogens detection and elimination. Together with DCs, they provide the first line of cell-mediated defense and are pivotal in controlling the... User: Next. Bot: initial dissemination and/or growth of intracellular parasites (Donahoe et al. Macrophage functions include synthesis of cytokines, such as IL-12, co-stimulatory molecules and presentation of antigens to T cells through the MHC that trigger adaptive immune responses, as well as antimicrobial mechanisms such as phagocytosis and NO synthase (Mineo et al.2009; Monney and Hemphill, 2014). Earlier studies have convincingly shown that intracellular parasites like T... User: More. Bot: gondii and Leishmania sp. induces the MAPK pathway as modulatory mechanism in the IL-12 production in macrophages, and that this response is dependent of... User: Next. Bot: the phosphorylation of p38 MAPK (Rincón et al. Therefore, MAPK pathway plays a key role in the control of intracellular infection, resulting in regulation... User: Continue. Bot: of inflammatory cytokines that compose the Th1 immune responses. Therefore, we assessed for the first time the role of MAPK pathway in N. caninum-infected BMDMs, and we observed that N. caninum induced early p38 MAPK phosphorylation, as previously described in infection of macrophages by other Apicomplexa parasites (Kim et al. We also observed that the robust p38 phosphorylation was opposed to little to absent... User: Continue. Bot: induction of ERK1/2 and JNK. This conclusion maybe drawn regardless of the technique applied, since western blotting and CBA yielded similar results. We analyzed if distinct antigenic fractions of N. caninum would... User: More. Bot: be capable of inducing of the same p38 activation profile than live tachyzoites, and found that all antigens tested (NLA and ESA) were able to induce the activation of p38. Apicomplexan parasites are able to actively invade host cells using the action of apical secretory organelles named the micronemes, rhoptries, and dense granules. The proteins impacts host signaling pathways to serve as “master regulators”... User: Continue. Bot: of the immune system (Melo et al. Thus, the induction of p38 here observed could be induced by ESA, since recent work by others has emphasized that early phase parasite secretion of kinases and phosphatases co-opt host cells by interfering with their signaling pathways (Dubremetz, 2007; Hajagos et al.2013; Bougdour et al. (2013) identified GRA24 as a strong agonist of host p38-alpha. However, there are no apparent GRA24 orthologs within the N. caninum as a heterologous system for the expression of foreign genes such as T. gondii has been explored, and it may prove to be a tool for the parasite factors identification that are involved in the phenotypic differences stated between these apicomplexa parasites (Lei et al. The results showed that N. caninum expressing TgGRA24 induced higher... User: Continue. Bot: activation of the subunit p38-alpha than the parental line, although it is noteworthy to point out that the BirA∗ bared within the construct was not tested to whether it would interfere with the observed phenomena. We actually speculate that N. caninum may activate a distinct subunit of p38 MAPK, since the other biological phenotypes assessed were distinct than that induced by NcLiv_GRA24 or PRU... User: Next. Bot: Previous studies reported about some surface genes and secreted proteins, which are known to control virulence and host interactions in T. gondii infection, are altered in Neospora genome with different expression and functionality, which imply that there have been significant changes in the evolution of host-interacting genes between these species (Reid et al.2012; Ramaprasad et al.2015; Silmon de Monerri and Weiss, 2015). Hence, the... User: Continue. Bot: pursuit for such antigenic targets with potential p38 activation is desired and... User: Next. Bot: should be better investigated. The p38 pathway is associated with cytokine production, inflammation, cell growth, differentiation, and death (Terrazas et al. Studies with other infectious parasites, as Leishmania, have considered the role... User: Continue. Bot: of MAP kinases in the regulation of IL-12 production (Yang et al.2007, 2010; Ruhland and Kima, 2009), however, there is no clear consensus on... User: Continue. Bot: the role of p38 activation in the regulation of this key cytokine. In the present study, we have identified that p38 plays a crucial... User: Next. Bot: role in dampening the cellular immune responses of mice infected by N. caninum, since mice treated with specific p38 inhibitors had increased pro-inflammatory cytokine... User: Next. Bot: production, lower chronic phase parasite burden and higher survival than untreated mice. Also, the use of p38 inhibitors as an adjuvant in vaccine protocols could block the immunosuppressant effects of N. caninum antigens, by significantly reducing the parasite load of challenged mice. It is noteworthy that inhibition of p38 alone during the immunization schemes was able to completely abrogate chronic phase parasitism, fact which... User: Continue. Bot: should be further explored in future experiments. An additional remark should be made toward the possible direct effects of the p38 inhibitor in the... User: More. Bot: tachyzoites, during in vivo treatment. (2002) reported that SB203580 or SB202190 treatment in T. Also, in a Leishmania major model, mice vaccinated with heat-killed... User: Continue. Bot: L. major plus CpG and SB203580 elicited complete protection against the infection (Horton et al.2011), and a similar protection was observed when p38 MAPK blockade inhibited the replication of Plasmodium falciparum in... User: Next. Bot: human erythrocytes cultured ex vivo (Brumlik et al. Thus, this work corroborates... User: Continue. Bot: and adds new information to the literature that p38 MAPK inhibitors may be a potential active principle to improve treatment and vaccines against intracellular protozoa. The precise mechanism underlying the phenomena described... User: Next. Bot: in this work is yet to be unveiled. Our data show that one of the interactions between N. caninum and macrophages is induced through activation of the GPCR/PI3K/AKT pathway, which by its... User: More. Bot: turn induces p38 phosphorylation and consequent blockade of crucial mediators required for... User: Next. Bot: an accurate immune response against the parasite. In agreement with this finding, studies demonstrated that inhibition of PI3K/Akt signaling resulted in increased IL-12 production against infections by intracellular parasites, although these studies... User: More. Bot: were inconclusive on how this signaling pathway could be mediated by p38 MAPK (Ruhland and Kima, 2009; Quan et al. In order to describe... User: More. Bot: this pathway as that responsible for this downregulation of the innate immune responses against the parasite, we have also checked if other known signaling pathways were involved. None yielded results that agree with the phenotype observed. To rationalize our choices for the pathways, we initially assessed MyD88, a major adaptor protein for Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling, which our group previously described as critical for... User: More. Bot: acute resistance to N. caninum infection (Mineo et al.2009), especially regarding the... User: Next. Bot: induction of IL-12p40. We have also assessed the participation of CCR5, a GCPR-dependent chemokine receptor that is known to induce MyD88-independent inflammatory cell migration during N. caninum infections, parasite-derived cyclophilin 18 induces IL-12 and IFN-γ production by binding to CCR5. caninum cyclophilin caused CCR5-dependent migration of murine and bovine cells (Aliberti et al.2009; Kameyama et al. We also showed that none of the classical... User: More. Bot: transcription factors is directly involved with upstream phosphorylation of p38 MAPK, since IL-12p40 production was not affected by the inhibition of JAK2, NF-κB, AP-1 and mTOR. In this sense, p38 MAPK may regulate alternative transcription factors, as the ATF family - nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), Egr-1 and c-Fos which induce a wide variety of physical, chemical and biological effect that should be... User: Next. Bot: further investigated (Chakrabarti et al. Our results indicate that N. caninum manipulates... User: More. Bot: those pathways in its favor, in order to evade the host's innate immune responses, increasing acute phase replication and consequently chronic phase parasite burden... User: Continue. Bot: In that sense, that pathway may be a potential target for therapeutic intervention against neosporosis. Conceived and designed the experiments: CM, TM, and PB. Performed the experiments: CM, AO, MD-F, MS, SN,... User: More. Bot: and AV. Analyzed the data: CM, TM, and PB. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: CM, TM, FS, JW, PB, JdS, and JM. Wrote the paper: CM,... User: Next. Bot: TM, and PB. ## Copyright © 2016 Mota, Oliveira, Davoli-Ferreira, Silva, Santiago,... User: Continue. Bot: Nadipuram, Vashisht, Wohlschlegel, Bradley, Silva, Mineo and Mineo. This is an open-access... User: Next. Bot: article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply... User: Continue. Bot: with these terms. Background: Evidence of serotonergic involvement in vestibular pathway contributions to migraine and balance disorders is compelling. Serotonergic 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors are expressed extensively in inner ear ganglia of... User: More. Bot: monkeys and rats. The serotonergic 5-HT1F receptor is also a target of triptans. This study describes its distribution in vestibular and trigeminal ganglia of monkeys. ## Results and Discussion: Virtually all vestibular and considerable trigeminal ganglia showed positive 5-HT1F receptor immunoreactivity. Inferior and superior vestibular ganglia staining appeared confined to distinct cell regions, varying considerably among cells of different sizes: more intense in small,... User: Next. Bot: punctate in some medium and regionally polarized in some large cells. ## Less variability occurred in somatic intensity staining and cellular distribution among 5-HT1F receptor immunopositive trigeminal ganglia. Similar findings in cochlear inner hair cell afferents are applicable to migraine-related tinnitus or hypercusis (phonophobia). The co-morbidity of migraine and balance disorders with psychiatric disorders has been well documented (1–6). Numerous reports (8–12) support the... User: Continue. Bot: concept that otologic features of vertigo associated with migraine are attributable to parallel activation of vestibular and cranial nociceptive pathways (7). Vestibular migraine is currently recognized as an episodic syndrome that may be associated with migraine by the IHS (14), a clinical condition manifesting in a considerable number of migraineurs who present with vestibular symptoms (15). A number of more recent reports also support... User: Continue. Bot: the proposition that serotonergic mechanisms play a pivotal role in both peripheral and central vestibular pathway contributions to migraine and balance disorders (23, 24). Not surprisingly, serotonergic mechanisms are also suggested to... User: More. Bot: be involved in mechanisms of vestibular migraine (15). Vestibular and cranial nociceptive pathways do possess striking similarities in neurochemical milieu and express serotonin receptor subtypes that are known to be targets for... User: More. Bot: anti-migraine drugs, such as the triptans. Although triptans, such as rizatriptan, are particularly strong agonists at serotonergic 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors, they also have affinity for 5-HT1A (28, 29) and 5-HT1F (29, 30) receptors. The serotonergic 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors are expressed prominently in the inner ear of rats and monkeys (31). Another serotonin receptor subtype that has recently generated interest in its possible... User: Continue. Bot: application as a promising pharmacological target option in the treatment of migraine is the 5-HT1F receptor. Selective 5-HT1F receptor agonists would produce fewer vascular... User: Next. Bot: side effects and potentially provide an alternative for patients with a history... User: Next. Bot: of increased risk of coronary artery disease in whom the use of the less selective vasoactive triptans would be contra-indicated (27, 32). In this present study, we examine immunoreactivity for the 5-HT1F receptor in macaque vestibular and trigeminal ganglia. Our findings support our proposal that the 5-HT1F receptor may also act in concert with the previously identified subtypes in the vestibular ganglia as mediators... User: Next. Bot: of serotonergic transmission on peripheral vestibular function. The study used archival tissues from primates that were euthanized at the conclusion of physiological studies. Two of the macaques (one male and one female... User: More. Bot: adult) were used in neurophysiological recording and tract tracing experiments; the other... User: Continue. Bot: three adult macaques (two females and one male) were acute control animals... User: More. Bot: from studies of lymphoid chemokine responses to inoculation with simian immunodeficiency virus (33). Body weights ranged from 5 to 7.2 kg. The University of Pittsburgh maintains an OLAW approved PHS Animal Welfare Assurance and a USDA registration. All experiments were designed to minimize the number of animals used and their suffering. These tissues were obtained from euthanized animals at the conclusion of other studies. The animals were housed in the AALAC-accredited animal facility at the University of Pittsburgh during the studies without food restriction. The room temperature is maintained at 70 ± 4 Fahrenheit. The facility uses standard stainless steel primate caging (29″ × 30″ × 33″ or 29″ × 30″ × 69″). Macaques are typically housed in pairs. Husbandry: pans scraped or hosed daily and cages sanitized... User: More. Bot: at least once every 2 weeks. Non-human primates are fed a commercially available biscuit type diet twice daily. The quantity of biscuits offered may be adjusted up or down based on individual body condition scores. Dietary supplements of fruit, vegetables, forage mixes, and other feedstuffs are provided daily as part of the enrichment program. Temporal bone sections were used from a total of five... User: Next. Bot: adult macaque monkeys of both sexes. Three adults were acute control rhesus macaques from simian immunodeficiency virus studies (33) and two adult macaques had been subjects in chronic neurophysiology and tract tracing experiments (34, 35)). Necropsies were performed immediately after completion of the perfusion (dates: 23 September 1999, 28 September 1999, 17 November 1999, 20 May 2002, and 26 September 2002). The trigeminal ganglia were removed from the skull and processed separately for paraffin embedding. Decalcification of the temporal bone was achieved by treatment with 10% formic acid followed by an overnight soak in 5% sodium sulfate following standard methods (36). The tissue was further processed through graded ethanol concentrations and xylene, embedded in paraffin, trimmed, sectioned at 7–8 microns in the mid-modiolar plane and archived until required... User: Continue. Bot: There are no reports in the literature concerning potential effects of brief pentobarbital exposure on the distribution of immunoreactive serotonin receptor protein subunits. Subsequently,... User: More. Bot: antigen retrieval was performed by heating the sections in a low pH (6.0) sodium citrate citric acid buffer solution for 20 min at 80–85°C... User: More. Bot: followed by a thorough rinse in PBS. The sections were then treated with a blocking solution of 10% triton X-100, 2% bovine serum albumin and either normal horse or normal goat serum... User: More. Bot: in PBS for 1 h at room temperature. This was followed by 24 h incubation in a polyclonal antibody raised against oligopeptides specific for the human 5-HT1F N-terminus (Imgenex, 7182) or C-terminus... User: Continue. Bot: (Imgenex, 71821). These 5-HT1F antibodies had been affinity-adsorbed against their respective immunogens, synthetic oligopeptides from the N- and C-termini of the human receptor protein. Western blots of P1 and P2 fractions from rat and monkey brain tissue (Figure 1) showed a bands at between 40 and 50 kDa with the C-terminus as well as what may appear to be doublet bands at about 90 kDa particularly with the N-terminus antibody. The primary antibodies were diluted in blocking solution (1:1000–5000). In parallel negative control experiments, the primary antibody was omitted. Following incubation in primary antibody, the sections were thoroughly rinsed with PBS and then further incubated in biotinylated secondary antibody (Jackson Laboratories, West Grove, PA, USA) diluted 1: 500 in 2% BSA in PBS for 1 h at room... User: Continue. Bot: temperature. After three vigorous rinses to remove secondary antibody, the sections were incubated for 1 h in Vectastain ABC reagent (Vector Laboratories) and thoroughly rinsed in PBS again. Subsequently, the sections were treated with a solution of Trizma pre-set crystals (Sigma; 1.58 mg/200 ml) followed by staining with 3,3′-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB stain) in sodium acetate buffer (pH 6. Western blot analysis. Rat and monkey... User: More. Bot: medulla oblongata P1 and P2 fractions were prepared from homogenized fresh tissue by centrifugation. Aliquots were placed in separate lanes (labeled) for protein separation... User: Next. Bot: on a NuPAGE™ 10% Bis-Tris gel and were electro-blotted onto an Invitrolon™ PVDF membrane (Invitrogen). Molecular weight standards were placed in the far left lane for calibration. The blot was digitized with a flatbed photo scanner (Epson V500). Digital images of temporal bone tissue sections, stained immunohistochemically for 5-HT1F receptors, were obtained with a Nikon Eclipse E600N microscope outfitted with a Spot RT Monochrome camera (Model 2.1, Diagnostic instruments, inc. Sterling Heights, MI, USA). The MetaMorph software (ver.1r4 Universal Imaging Corporation, Downingston, PA, USA) was used to conduct the quantification of photographed images captured on a Pentium-based computer. A series of 12 bit digital images were taken with a 20× objective and the neuronal somatic area as well as intensity of 5-HT1F receptor immunoreactivity of vestibular ganglia was... User: Next. Bot: quantified. A total of 9,991 ganglion cells were sampled from temporal bones from five monkeys. Three temporal bone sections were collected per slide and... User: More. Bot: sections were sampled 350 microns apart to ensure cells were not double... User: More. Bot: counted. A total of 40 slides (8 per animal) were analyzed. MetaMorph was used to manually outline and automatically log the statistics of neuronal cell bodies complete with nuclei and nucleoli. The... User: More. Bot: absolute zero calibration for differences in optical transmission between the light source and CCD element were obtained by measuring areas of the images that... User: Next. Bot: were purely glass slide, cover slip, and mounting medium and, therefore, devoid of tissue. Readings between different slides were initially normalized by subtracting the... User: Continue. Bot: absolute zero calibration value from recorded data. The ganglion and peripheral nerve parenchyma captured in each image had the same baseline optical density as... User: Next. Bot: non-immunoreactive somata and, therefore, served as control regions from which background staining... User: Next. Bot: intensity was obtained. Final normalization of data was achieved by subtracting the background values. The normalized data were subjected to standard statistical analyses employing... User: Next. Bot: SYSTAT 11 (SYSTAT Software, Inc. The conformity of the data to assumptions of underlying normality and having identical distribution were assessed using quantile and... User: More. Bot: normal probability plots. Specific hypotheses under assumptions of normality were assessed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with least significant differences (LSD) tests. Furthermore, the distribution of any given data set as a... User: Next. Bot: mixture to three normal Gaussian populations was estimated by k-means cluster analysis followed by order statistics approach, achieved adhering to previously described procedure (35)... User: Continue. Bot: Virtually, all vestibular ganglion cells, as well as some vascular endothelial cells,... User: More. Bot: were immunoreactive for the serotonergic 5-HT1F receptor (Figures 2A,B) in the monkey temporal bone sections. ## The results were the same for the antibodies recognizing the N-terminus and C-terminus. Cluster analysis indicated... User: Continue. Bot: that the size distribution of the ganglion cells expressed as mean circular diameter (square root soma area/pi × 2) in microns is consistent with three normally distributed (Gaussian) populations consisting of 24.3%... User: Continue. Bot: from a of 30.8 ± 6.4 (SD) micron population, while 41.2 and 26.5% belonged to populations of average circular diameters of 47.6 (SD) microns and 61.2 ± 7.0 (SD) microns, respectively. Smaller... User: More. Bot: sized ganglion cells tended to be stained more intensely than larger ganglion cells in both the inferior and the superior vestibular ganglia (Figures 2A,B, compare Figures 2C,D with Figures 2H,K). In addition, some large to intermediate sized cells had strongly demarcated immunoreactive regions at one pole of the cell (Figures 2D,G). Photomicrograph of 5-HT1F receptor immunoreactive vestibular ganglion cells in the macaque. (A) Inferior... User: Next. Bot: and (B) superior vestibular ganglion. Note the greater intensity of the immunoreaction... User: More. Bot: in small ganglion cells and the association of immunoreactive fibers with blood vessels. The calibration bars represent 40 microns. (D,G) Large to intermediate sized... User: Continue. Bot: cells with demarcated immunoreactive regions at one pole of the cell. (E,H–K) A few intermediate and mainly small sized cells with intense, reasonably homogenous... User: More. Bot: somatic immunoreactivity. Quantitative analysis of the somatic immunoreactivity intensity of 5-HT1F positive... User: Next. Bot: neurons is illustrated in Figure 3. Normal probability plots of the intensity data (square root of IR intensity) for the three size intensity populations (small, medium, and large) showed that vestibular ganglion cells with higher immunoreactive intensity tended to be larger than lower staining intensity cells (Figure 3A). ## Several interesting characteristics relating to somatic immunoreactive intensity and cell size distribution were further revealed... User: Continue. Bot: For example, within the subpopulation of ganglion cells with low mean somatic staining intensity, small size cells exhibited significantly less intense staining (LSD tests,... User: Next. Bot: p < 0.01) compared to medium and large size cells that did not differ from each other (LSD tests, not significant). Interestingly, among the... User: Next. Bot: subpopulation of ganglion cells with high mean somatic staining intensity, medium size cells differed significantly in intensity from small and large size cells (LSD tests, p < 0.01), both of which did... User: Next. Bot: not show significant difference (LSD test, not significant) from each other. ##... User: Next. Bot: Statistical analysis of neuronal 5-HT1F receptor immunohistochemistry in vestibular ganglion cells from monkey temporal bones. (A) Normal probability plots show ganglion cells with higher immunoreactive intensity tend to be larger than lower... User: More. Bot: staining intensity cells. Scatter plots show (B) low and (C) high intensity staining subpopulations of the distinct neuronal staining patterns identified in Figure 2; the red square shows a subpopulation of mainly... User: Next. Bot: medium size cells depicted in Figure 2F. These different features are also illustrated in the scatter plots of relationship between the mean somatic IR and SD of somatic IR for individual cells... User: Next. Bot: (Figures 3B,C). These plots show subpopulations with the distinct neuronal staining patterns identified in Figure 2; lines have been inserted in Figures 3B,C to indicate boundaries that are (1) 1.3 SD units from means of both small and medium sized populations (left line) and (2) 1.5 SD units from the means of both medium and large cell populations (right line). The low IR intensity... User: Continue. Bot: cell population (Figure 3B) consists largely of cells with low SD, suggesting homogeneous distribution of IR within the soma. The subpopulation of large sized cells in this low IR intensity group correspond to cells illustrated in Figures 2C,D, while the medium and small sized cells are represented in Figures 2G,K. On the other hand, a subpopulation of intensely immunoreactive, punctately stained medium and a... User: Next. Bot: few small sized cells (demarcated red square in Figure 3C) has cells with highly variability (inhomogeneous) intra somatic immunoreactivity, thus corresponding to cells represented in Figures 2F,H. Within the population of high IR intensity cells, there were some small sized cells with more homogeneous intense staining. These have a low variability in intrasomatic IR intensity (low SD) and are exemplified in Figure 2I. The... User: Next. Bot: intensity of somatic 5-HT1F receptor immunoreactivity was also analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively in monkey trigeminal ganglia. By contrast, the prevalence of immunoreactivity for the 5-HT1F receptor was considerably lower in trigeminal ganglion cells with only 74.2% of neurons showing immunopositivity above background. However, the full range of size categories from small through medium to large cells were represented among positively stained neurons (Figure 4)... User: More. Bot: The majority of 5-HT1F receptor immunopositive trigeminal ganglion cells exhibited a similar punctate staining pattern (Figures 4B–L). In addition, a few large (Figures 4B,D) and small (Figure 4L) trigeminal ganglion cells showed more intense staining in background cytoplasm. Photomicrograph of 5-HT1F receptor immunoreactive neurons in the macaque trigeminal ganglia. The calibration bar represents 40 microns; (B–L) Staining patterns and associated cell sizes in representative... User: Next. Bot: trigeminal ganglion cells. Most 5-HT1F receptor immunopositive trigeminal ganglia have a similar punctate staining pattern. A few large (B,D) and small (L) cells showed more intensely stained background cytoplasm. It is noteworthy... User: Continue. Bot: that the small, medium, and large sized cell subpopulations identified for trigeminal ganglion cells showed consistently larger neuronal somatic dimensions compared to their vestibular ganglion cell subpopulation counterparts (Figure 5A). ## Statistical... User: More. Bot: analysis of neuronal 5-HT1F receptor immunohistochemistry in trigeminal ganglion cells from monkey temporal bones. Although the linear relationship between soma size of the high intensity population and the SD of the somatic IR is statistically significant (p < 0.01), it only accounted for 2.3% of the variance. ## Both subpopulations, however, showed consistently higher values compared to their vestibular ganglion counterparts. Specifically, 49.0% showed a low mean somatic intensity (16.0, square root arbitrary units), while 51.0% had a higher mean intensity (26.5 ± 3.7, square root arbitrary units). Intense 5-HT1F receptor staining is associated with the peripheral afferents of the eighth nerve. In the cochlea, immunopositive axons could be traced distally from spiral ganglion cells to the organ of Corti (Figure 6A). These axons ended in either large,... User: Next. Bot: knob-like terminals (Figure 6B) or calyx-like endings (Figures 6A,C) on inner hair cells. No positive axons were seen traversing the tunnel of Corti or at the outer hair cells. In the cristae ampullares (Figure 7A) and maculae (Figure 7B), immunoreactivity was associated with blood vessels and cell bodies of hair cells, where it could appear diffusely or as bouton-like or calyx-like terminations. Photomicrograph of 5-HT1F receptor immunoreactive spiral ganglion cell dendrites in the macaque organ of Corti. (A) The axons could be traced from the spiral ganglion to the base of the inner hair cells. No 5-HT1F receptor immunoreactive axons were associated with the outer hair cells. The calibration bar represents 100 microns. (B,C) Examples of staining in association with the inner hair cells are shown below at... User: Next. Bot: higher magnification (bar = 20 microns). The strong parallels in serotonergic receptor expression between migraine pathways and vestibular pathways (6, 7, 24, 45) further... User: More. Bot: support the notion that 5-HT1 receptor subtypes may play a role in modulating signs and symptoms of vestibular migraine. In particular, the higher prevalence of expression of 5-HT1F (and 1B/D receptors) in... User: More. Bot: the vestibular ganglion cells suggests a crucial role for these receptor subtypes... User: Next. Bot: Previous studies from our laboratory demonstrated that serotonergic 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors are expressed extensively in inner ear ganglion cells of all sizes in monkeys and rats (31). In this study, we... User: Next. Bot: describe the distribution in monkey vestibular ganglion cells of the 5-HT1F receptor subunit, another serotonergic receptor subtype that has high affinity for triptans (46, 47). Our results show that 5-HT1F receptor expression in macaque vestibular ganglion cells not only shows obviously different cellular distribution patterns than 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D subtypes, but also differs relative to 5-HT1F receptor subtype in trigeminal ganglion cells. The appearance of heavy immunoreactivity in association with vestibular hair cells was consistent with contributions from calyceal, bouton, and dimorphic terminals described by others (48–50). Hence, a high level of co-localization between 5-HT1B, 5-HT1D, and 5-HT1F receptor subunits in vestibular ganglia (on the order of 90%) must be considered as a factor in the efficacy of triptans (and SSRIs) in vestibular migraine (49). Two main varieties... User: Next. Bot: of 5-HT1B/D/F receptor immunohistochemical staining intensity patterns have been identified in trigeminal... User: More. Bot: and dorsal root ganglion cells, which are often associated with cell size. These include staining described as either “dense” granular or less dense “punctate”... User: More. Bot: staining within the cytoplasm and associated mainly with large sized cells (51,... User: Continue. Bot: 52). Vestibular ganglion cells show a clear association between cell size and somatic immunoreactivity intensity of 5-HT1F receptor immunopositive ganglion cells, which was not... User: Continue. Bot: seen previously with 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D subunit staining (31). While more intense 5-HT1F receptor somatic immunoreactivity was clearly associated with smaller sized ganglion cells, a population of mainly medium size and a... User: More. Bot: few small size cells with punctate, dense staining previously could be identified... User: More. Bot: quantitatively by a high somatic mean intensity as well as high SD of intensity across the soma. The heterogeneity in staining patterns suggests that... User: Next. Bot: different phenotypes of vestibular ganglion cells may be characterized on the basis of both soma size and intracellular serotonin 1 receptor distribution. Although recent studies have provided evidence of critical structural determinants... User: Next. Bot: for 5-HT1B receptor–ligand recognition and subtype selectivity (61), there are no known similar reports on either the 5-HT1D or 5-HT11F receptor subtypes. While the 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors are closely related on the basis of degree of homology in the sequence alignment (62), they are divergent from the 5-HT1F receptor subtype (63). In addition, there is ample evidence that 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors have... User: Next. Bot: the propensity to form homodimers when expressed alone and heterodimers when co-expressed in vitro (42, 43). Studies suggest that heterodimerization between 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors may require a co-translational or specific cellular... User: Next. Bot: mechanism and appears to be favored over homodimerization when these subtypes are co-expressed (43). However, data from studies on other related GPRCs, such as GABAB (37–41) and opioid receptors (44), suggest that... User: Next. Bot: heterodimerization of GPRCs may result in novel functionality. In the case of... User: Continue. Bot: macaque trigeminal ganglion cells in our study, expression of 5-HT1F receptor immunoreactivity was primarily in small and medium sized neurons with a more limited... User: Next. Bot: number of large sized ganglion cells showing immunopositivity. These findings corroborate previous observations made for cell size distribution for 5-HT1F immunopositive cells in rat trigeminal ganglia (16, 69, 70). Inter-species variations in... User: More. Bot: receptor expression patterns are far from unprecedented, as was evident in our previous studies showing differential association between intensity of expression of 5-HT1B and 1D receptors in rat and monkey ganglion cells... User: More. Bot: (Ahn and Balaban, 2011). It is, therefore, not surprising that quantitative expression of immunopositive cell size populations seem to vary slightly between rat and monkeys. First, a lower proportion (74.2%) of trigeminal... User: More. Bot: ganglion cells was 5-HT1F receptor immunoreactive. Agonists at 5-HT1F receptors have been purported to relieve migraine possibly via a number of mechanisms unrelated to... User: More. Bot: vasoconstriction. These mechanisms include blockade of neurogenic plasma protein extravasation (46, 71, 72), inhibition of c-fos expression (73, 74) and inhibition of neuronal firing... User: More. Bot: (75) in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis. Furthermore, inhibition of plasma protein extravasation by serotonin agonists has been correlated specifically with activity at 5-HT1F (46) and not 5-HT1B or 5-HT1D receptor subtypes (76,... User: Next. Bot: 77) further corroborating possible alternate but complimentary mechanisms of action for these triptan sensitive receptor subtypes. ## Indeed, these alternative complimentary mechanisms are likely in operation in the vestibular periphery. Koo and... User: More. Bot: Balaban (78) demonstrated that intravenous serotonin infusions can elicit plasma extravasation in specific inner ear tissues. Interestingly, differences in distribution of 5-HT1F versus 5-HT1D in the vestibular periphery are also corroborated by our results. While there is evidence of differential expression of 5-HT1D and 1F receptors in planum semilunatum cells as well as vasculature in the crista ampullaris (24), our studies showed that immunoreactivity for 5-HT1F receptors was closely associated with a vestibular and spiral ganglion cells. Our findings further corroborate the notion that variations in 5-HT1F and 1D receptor subtype expression in vestibular organs may contribute to mediating multiple influences of triptans on these organs. This study was supported by grant R01 DC000739 from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, NIH (USA). Copyright: ©... User: More. Bot: 2016 Usman and Balaban.
<|prompter|> What are the missing words: In the aftermath of the 2016 election, much talk has occurred on social media and elsewhere about the popular vote. The discussion has revolved around the fact that the losing candidate won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million votes. How, people ask, can a candidate win that many more votes and still lose the election? The confusion is compounded by the fact that for [words 1] winner is the candidate who wins the most votes, even if that is one vote. The answer to the question above is based on the fact that the writers of the U. ## Constitution established the Electoral College(EC) as the process for electing the President and Vice-President. Each state has a certain number of electoral voters (EVs) based on two Senators plus the number of Representatives. Most states award their EV's in a winner-take-all manner based on the winner at the state level. Two states, Nebraska and Maine, use a form of proportionality by awarding EV's based on Congressional Districts and the statewide at-large vote. In both methods, the votes of many voters are left on the counting room floor, so to speak. When the EV's are officially cast in the state and are added to the total national EC count, the votes cast for the losing candidate at the state level are not represented. In other words, red voters in a blue state, and vice versa, find their votes lost in the bigger picture [words 2] College. But all the votes cast are tallied into a popular vote count which is broadly announced, and this total can become an issue, as it has [words 3] year. During the history of the U. Presidential Elections and including the 2016 election, there have been five Presidential elections in which the loser won the popular vote but not the ECV. To put it differently, one out of every eleven Presidential elections (l/11) has ended with the win going to the candidate with the lower number of popular votes. This election saw the winner [words 4] vote by more than 2.8 million votes, by far the largest disparity between popular and EV counts in the nation's history. When we look at the recent trend of non-landslide elections beginning in 1988, the rate is 2 in 8 (Gore and Clinton losses). In contrast, landslide elections are unlikely to result in a winner who doesn't win both [words 5] votes. Non-landslide elections are more likely to have end results that show the loser winning a majority popular vote count. In [words 6] decades, as the party philosophies retreated from the center and the use of compromise between parties lessened, there has [words 7] will be non-landslide with more disparities between EV and popular vote counts. Why do we have the Electoral College rather than a popular vote determining the winners of the Presidential elections? How do political parties affect the use of the Electoral College? Is it possible to change the way we currently elect the President and Vice-President? These questions will be examined in the next blog titled Popular Vote 2. Feel free to call me for a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation. Or email me your question, and include your phone number in the event it's easier for me to answer by phone. That graphic (Elegant Wedding Cake Stands 4 Tier Cascade Wedding Cake Stand Stands Set 8 10 12 12) above is usually branded along with:placed by simply juniusboothadm with 2018-07-11 01:32:25. To view many photographs within Elegant Wedding Cake Stands graphics gallery you should adhere to this kind of hyperlink. Whether you got a brand new camera for Christmas. still using an old one or if you're in the market for a new one, LISTEN UP! ! ! One thing that drives me absolutely crazy is how most people do not understand what the term "megapixels" means [words 8] cameras. Without fail, it's usually the very first thing people tell me about when they start talking about their new camera, or the camera they want ("it has 12 megapixels! "). Or better yet, it's often a complaint or excuse they have as to why they don't like their current camera ("it's only 3 megapixels"). So many people think that the higher the megapixels on a camera, the better the camera is and the better pictures they will be able to take. Right? Are you guilty of this? First of all, let me say it's not your fault entirely. Camera makers and marketers have done [words 9] idea and profiting from it immensely! But today's your lucky day. Today's the day you will stop thinking the amount of megapixels is what makes a camera good and that megapixels will single [words 10] over night! In basic terms, pixels are those little tiny dots that make up your picture. ## You count how many you have horizontally and how many you have vertically and multiply them together and you get [words 11] count. Since it's a big number, the results are in megapixels instead of just normal pixels (3 MP = 3,000,000 pixels). Thus, small differences in the size of megapixels your camera has is not very important (and certainly not noticeable) since the pixel count is a square function (whoa a math term? ). Basically, all I'm trying to say is you could double your pixel count (going from 4MP - 8MP) and the result is invisible to the naked eye if you looked at them on your computer screen or if you printed them out. They deal with the resolution of the [words 12] but none of us will probably ever print anything big enough to make that even matter. The reason the camera makers all want you to think it matters is because now they only have to increase the linear resolution of their cameras a tiny fraction [words 13] pixel number increase which attracts their unknowing consumers (because of that 'squared function'). Cheap-o cameras and even cell phones boast big megapixels now-a-days. Then they can convince you that you need to upgrade last year's camera because the new ones are so much better (even though they haven't really made the camera better at all). They are tricky with their advertising too in that often times they put a blown-up print from a lesser MP camera next to a small print from the higher MP camera so that a drastic difference can be seen [words 14] their consumers will gasp and hurry and buy the newer camera). Got it? Case in point. [words 15] a super nice, professional camera when I had all my babies and as my kids were growing up. In fact, ever since my oldest was 1 year old, I had one of the very first digital cameras that ever came out. It sported a whopping 1 megapixels! Yes you heard me - ONE! It was [words 16] back in 1999/2000 but of course by the [words 17] youngest was born in 2006, it was extremely outdated and everyone else had these smaller, fancier point and shoots with higher megapixel numbers. Yet without fail, my pictures always looked way better than [words 18] did. How could this be if I was only shooting with an old, outdated 1 MP camera and they were shooting with fancy, new 5 MP cameras? Could it possibly mean that it's not just the camera that [words 19] has something to do with the person holding the camera? <gasp> And it definitely showed that megapixels weren't making the difference. Four years ago, I finally got a DSLR that I'm still using today. It's never been the top of the line, [words 20] at 10 MP. I'm trying to think if I've ever even shot at 10 MP though. I'm pretty sure I haven't - and I've done A LOT of photo shoots. Why don't I utilize [words 21] megapixels? That's easy. Unless I'm planning on printing something out on a huge 30 foot billboard, there's absolutely no reason for me to. And guess what? Not only do my pictures turn out great, I think many of my photos are way better than some people who have uber expensive cameras that cost thousands of dollars. Maybe I just have a big ego . or maybe, just maybe, there's other [words 22] makes a good image. It's up to you to decide . but at least now you're educated on the subject! **If you want to read & learn more about megapixels, here's a good site: http://www. htmOkay, so megapixels don't count. and my actual talent does. But my new camera I got takes the crappiest pictures ever (that my last 2 cameras didn't). I haven't changed my picture taking strategies (which I can count on 2 fingers-point and shoot). so what features do count on a camera when I buy one? This is helpful. I'm in the market for a cheap camera for my almost 7 year old. So now I can't blame her pictures on the lack of megapixels. It will be the [words 23] 7. Well ansel Adams once said something to the effect of "the most important feature of a camera is the [words 24] it" so first of all the [words 25] the pictures is most important. There are super famous photographs taken with $3 cameras. The camera is just the tool the artist uses. As for picking out point and shoots, I'm no help. I've bought two in the last two years and I hate using either one of them. Sometimes they do good for me and other times they don't because I struggle with not being able to easily control all the parameters. Image processors and image sensors are key factors for what makes some cameras better than others. And the more you learn about cameras, the more you will want ones that let you manually change the settings for each and every picture. I guess what I'm trying to say is one can make any camera work for them if they take the time to really figure out how their [words 26] works. Read your manuals or look upntips and reviews about your camera online. A good [words 27] I havent bothered to do that on my point and shoots. my camera phone takes way better pics than my Canon PowerShot. I think it is all about the person taking AND the editing software that is out there! ! I am totally guilty of thinking more megapixels meant clearer photos. I still need to read my manual for my new camera. [words 28] advice. I can see the point of not needing to enlarge an image up to billboard size. however, you may want to crop an image that your target is far away in [words 29] shot, and you don't want that cropped image to be all grainy. This is where the higher MP number IS necessary. I've had a 4 MP and now have a 10 MP and I can see the difference in the quality when cropping an image. Frequently, I don't always have the [words 30] right on top of my subjects and rely heavily on cropping. If you don't do much cropping of your photos, then no, you don't need a higher MP than 5. I probably should have mentioned that as well. I don't find myself cropping too much in general, but if I ever go back to my old camera pictures where I could only take 1+megapixels, it is frustrating if I need to do anything [words 31] bigger. ITEM MOVED TO ARCHIVE: On February 3, 2018 8:00 am, Fashion Stylist Online noted this item may be out of stock at Farfetch US because it was [words 32] catalog. If this item is out of stock at Farfetch US, you may be able [words 33] there or elsewhere on our Junya Watanabe Comme Des Gar Ons Man Designer Brand Directory. This item was published for sale online by Farfetch US on January 30, 2018 9:28 am and last updated by [words 34] am. New promo codes and links offering limited time promotions, sales coupons, and special offers on Junya Watanabe Comme Des Gar Ons Man designer fashions and accessories will be posted on each designer label apparel page. For the latest up to date information on this Junya Watanabe Comme Des Gar Ons Man Oxfords | Shoes And Footwear fashion item, including [words 35] high resolution pictures, shopper comments, and other sales media, visit the Farfetch US Online Store. We have specialist advisors for all marques and models. We provide both Industry Standard Services and Manufacturer Spec Services dependent on [words 36] vehicle, in Sheffield. Give us a call on 0114 255 3554 for advice to find out which one provides you with the best value. You can opt for a Audi interim service in Sheffield or a Audi full service in Sheffield. Whichever you choose, it will be carried out by qualified technicians and mechanics using the latest [words 37] equipment. Love all the Seattle pics. lots of great shots and lots of great memories! Come back next year for more! ! BTW, the person I was trying to think of the other night who would be a co-worker of sorts to you is Malinda Anthony. WOW you really did some "Sploring! " Glad you didn't fall down any of those rocks or drown or something. Hoover Dam is quite spectacular isn't it? The Vegas hotels are nothing to sneeze at either. Looks like its changed a lot since I was there last, probably 12 or more years ago. And what a lucky streak you had! ! ! ! Hi, just came in to see the latest pictures. it looks like you had such a nice vacation at Eagle River and Bay Beach. love, love, love the boy's hats! ! You did some good planning, Sarah, with this [words 38] time. the boys are adorable! ! ! Great pics from Lambeau! ! You have made many "happy memories"! ! All the new photos remind me of the good memories from my recent visit. Sure was great being in Wisconsin and spending time with all of you! ! Really missing the kiddos now! When can I come back? TV during the [words 39] at a Sports Bar & I told everyone "That's MY son-in-law! "Paul directed us to your new website. took care of Rachel and Ryan over the weekend. "when the cat's away, the mice will play, " and we did! ! ! Greetings to you from us in Wausau. I thought I would check your site, to see if you might have posted any of your father's photos. From the Postings, I see that you have quite a few of your own photos, too. Just want to say hello to you and your family, hope you all are weel. Greeetings from Denmark. What is your cats name, you never told me. Best regards from Ruth DenmarkGreat time at Mom's party yesterday. Really enjoyed you and the kids. Came home and [words 40] house pictures. Nice progressI am enjoying watching the progress on your dream home but I am wondering - where is MY room? ? ? ? Hope to see it when we return [words 41] Wisc. in March and to spend LOTS of good times there in the future. Isaac & Luke will never remember their previous home but this one will be the start of new memories. Love to all, Grandma MaryThe latest pics are great and sure do enjoy [words 42] them. but really wish I could have the real [words 43] person. Guess we'll have to wait a little bit longer before I can get back for a visit. In the meantime, keep those web pics coming! Jurgeeeee's : How are things in Madison. Things are going good at StL, today we had freezing rain and I ended up working from home ( Kinda ) How are the kids. Jenna and Joshna doing good, just growing to darn fast. Well we moved the website again! This will be the fourth server jurgy. The first two cost $0, the third $7.80/month and now were at $3. Hello Jurgies! Happy 4th of July from both of us. hope you are enjoying the holiday with the 2 cutest kids in the [words 44] a while. We've been busy with visitors and parties. and then my computer died! It's still dead. and I'm doing this update the painful manual way. But anything for my boys - and their fans!. <|assistant|> words 1: all other elective offices, the words 2: of the Electoral words 3: this words 4: losing the popular words 5: EV and popular words 6: recent words 7: been a growing likelihood that elections words 8: when referring to words 9: a STELLAR job on promoting this words 10: handedly transform you into a great photographer words 11: your pixel words 12: overall photo - especially when printing - words 13: and it results in a big words 14: (and so words 15: I didn't have words 16: top of the line words 17: time my words 18: theirs words 19: takes the good pictures, but it actually words 20: most expensive camera and it shoots words 21: the full capacity of my camera's words 22: important factors behind what words 23: fact that she's words 24: 12 inches behind words 25: person taking words 26: camera words 27: lesson for me too since words 28: Thanks for the great words 29: the original words 30: luxury of being words 31: with them to make them words 32: not referenced in their latest online words 33: to find similar fashions sold words 34: us February 3, 2018 8:00 words 35: product specifications, ordering options, pricing, shipping details, words 36: the mileage and age of your words 37: kit and words 38: family words 39: hot-dogging competition when we were words 40: checked out your words 41: to words 42: viewing words 43: thing and see the kiddos in words 44: world! Sorry, no updates for
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Instruction: Fill in spans: I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful job you did with our house on Barker Street. It was a difficult sale from [spans 1] know. You made it painless for us. As you know, we are located far from the house and couldn't do much [spans 2] hotel. The oil tank, smoke and CO detectors, water heater and many other things were problematic for us, but you dealt with them professionally and made things easy for us. When you sold our condo for us we were very pleased. After all, a sale within 24 hours of the official listing at our asking price is pretty good. This one was a lot more complex. I am sure you have a few more gray hairs after this, but I have none. Thanks for the effort and most especially for the results. Dan QuinlanIt's amazing how our path in life allows us to meet people who make a difference in our lives. It was through your diligent efforts that our home in North Andover sold quickly. You are a real estate agent who cares! That caliber of people in that business are far and few between. I explained to Susan and Greg that there are [spans 3] sellers. Most of them don't give a dam. You [spans 4] grateful. Eleanor Sarcia“I had the very good fortune to have Joe Contrada of Keller Williams as the listing agent for the recent sale of my North Andover, MA house. For me, the one thing, among many, that was most impressive about Joe was his honesty. Initially, he told me things about my home that I didn't want to hear. new paint for the interior, depersonalize the decor, fix the price at a fair and acceptable level, and other suggestions that I simply ignored. Unfortunately, I resisted his recommendations for far too long. Eventually, as showings decreased and interest subsided, it began to dawn on me that Joe had been absolutely correct all along. At this point, I started following his advice to the [spans 5] sold. Joe never pushed, leaving decisions up to me, but never wavered and was firm in his knowledge of exactly what it would take to finalize the sale. I wish I would have been more agreeable earlier in the process! Finally, Joe was available 24/7, returned calls promptly (even when on vacation! ! ), consistently offered assistance in a multitude of ways, and was able to reduce much of the daily stress associated with the sale of a home. In short, Joe Contrada is a complete professional and I recommend him without qualification.”Hi [spans 6] did. I did contact them tonight and told them it was a go. They will be checking on the check tomorrow. We will probably sign the lease either Thursday night or Saturday morning. Cannot thank you for all the hard work. You are a class act and then some. We [spans 7] well. It has now been 1 month since we moved into our beautiful home and we could not be happier! We just wanted to send you an email to thank you again for all of your hard work. You truly were dedicated to our search. [spans 8] us. We appreciate all of your advice, your persistence in searching, and your ability to get the deal done. We are very young to be owning our first [spans 9] town. We could not have done it without you! My husband and I worked with Joe for over a year looking for our dream house. During this time Joe was extremely patient with us along the way. He would always offer objective advice, but never steer us in one direction or another. He really let [spans 10] us. We thought he would give up on us eventually, but he worked harder and harder while listening to our criticisms. Joe showed us so many house that he ended up meeting both our parents. He would field some tough [spans 11] Joe). He really became a friend an a confidant who we trusted greatly. He eventually found our dream house, which we plan on staying in for a long time. I would recommend Joe's services to anyone. Thanks Joe you are the best! we could not have done this without you. I'm sure there are other realtors - but you're different. You feel like part of our family. You sold our house when I thought no one could. You have been so patient and understanding and have always told us what we needed to hear, not what we wanted to hear - and did it in a way that we didn't feel insulted or [spans 12] process. You stepped back when it was to be our decision, not yours. You gave us input when we needed it. Things aren't yet finished and anything can happen, but I wanted you to know that, while I was reviewing things in my mind this morning, I realized that we wouldn't be where we are right now without you. Leanne PlantWe could have never gotten through this without you and we appreciate all that you did, especially the “above and beyond the call of duty” tasks. Several people were concerned that we chose a realtor from a telephone voicemail, but it worked out great and we couldn't be happier with the service you provided. We were moving from Wakefield to Metro West. Joe was tireless in assisting us with the process. We also have 2 small children which made the home search all the more difficult. Joe however [spans 13] available. We spent several weekends over the course of six months searching for the right house. Joe took the time to listen to our needs and our desires. With this information Joe worked tirelessly to present only houses that met our criteria. Joe also spent countless hours driving over 40 minutes and spending half a day to show us in person all the houses. Joe's knowledge of houses was very valuable as well. After deciding on a house Joe's understanding of the market conditions proved invaluable. With Joe's help we were able to find a home [spans 14] family. Joe handled the entire process with this highest level of professionalism and made a very difficult process seem easy. We proudly recommend Joe Contrada as a real [spans 15] anyone. I would like to thank you for all your help over the last couple months selling our condo. You truly made the real estate process more pleasant than I ever would have expected. Your were personal, responsive, and upfront at every step along the way and showed a dedication I truly appreciated. I will definitely come back to you in the future with any potential buying or selling for my family [spans 16] I. We recently sold our family house at 31-33 Maple Avenue. Getting the house sold was due to the major effort by Joseph Contrada, [spans 17] Realtor. Joe had endless resources at his disposal in order to get this house sold. When the economy took a downward turn, he rolled up his sleeves and showed us that he was not your “run of the mill” Realtor. Joe is an experienced real estate professional that showed his commitment to us and his clients. The way he communicated with us, how he presented offers, discussed pros and cons to situations demonstrated his integrity and professionalism. In the future, if you're considering selling your house, we would highly recommend contacting Joseph Contrada at Keller Williams Realty Andover. HI JOE,I was completly satisfied with the way you handle the sale of my home fromt start to finish. it was very proffesional and i was very pleased. i would [spans 18] employer. i know you will be very succesful there. sincerly joe carreiro sr. "It is without hesitation that I recommend Joe Contrada as an agent for the purchase or sale of your home. His integrity and dedication to his work is bar none. His attention to detail and professionalism, including but not limited to returning every call and email within [spans 19] with. On top of that he has a keen sense of humor and humility which makes him easy to get along with and a pleasure to do business with. I hope that I have occasion to send Joe business often in the future. I practiced real estate law for twelve plus years, and I have dealt with many in the real estate industry, but Joe is among the tops. I would without hesitation recommend him to any one seeking the services of an agent, and have done so, including using him to list my father's home with excellent results. Methuen MassachusettsTo all of my family, friends and colleagues, I just wanted to say hi and take this quick opportunity to tell you about my friend Joe Contrada. If you are looking for someone to help with your realestate needs (especially if [spans 20] guy. Joe is a down to earth, hardworking, easy going, no BS, and there when you need him-you can call him any time kind of guy. My husband and I have been looking for a house multi family or single and have been with joe for about 9 months now. We have not found what we want yet but are hopeful we will soon and feel confident to have Joe in our corner. In this tough economy [spans 21] along. As it says in Joe's weblink below he is not about sales he is about service. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to give you this info. I hope it can be of good use to you. If not you pass this on to a friend. It's refreshing to know that there are honest [spans 22] agent. When Ang recommended that we call you, our minds were at ease. Moving is such a large task, and moving to another state is overwhelming for me. Fortunately, we didn't have what they call the “real estate agent” headache. We never worried one step of the way while we were going through this process because you were always a phone call away. You have been extremely helpful throughout this process, and we are extremely grateful. Fishing was really really tough and bites were few and far between. But i kept my head down and stayed focus. And ended up Winning the tournament, but it was close I got Lucky. Big bass went 6.21lbs and caught on a Booyah Bankroll Jig. Erin Wilson lit a candle on 12/17/2007: "Sending peace and love to you mother. May you play with all the other angel babies. "Laura (Nicholas' Mom) lit a candle on 12/13/2007: "Thinking of you and our sweet angels playing in heaven. Thank you for your friendship. lit a candle on 12/11/2007: "Little Angel Rest In Peace, you are beautiful and God took you home for a reason! "Dad lit a candle on 11/25/2007: "Missing you so much this holiday season. You are always with me. I love [spans 23] fullest. "Mommy lit a candle on 11/19/2007: "Missing you as usual! Just wanted to send you my love ~like always! Hugs&kisses to you, Love Mommy"Mommy lit a candle on 10/31/2007: "I'm missing you so much today! This should have been your first Halloween. I wish you were here~I love You! ! Hugs&Kisses! "Mommy lit a candle on 10/23/2007: [spans 24] 8mo. gone! I miss you,my beautiful Joshua! Lots of Love,Mom"Suzanne lit a candle on 10/15/2007: "Little Joshua, You are so loved and very missed! Stay close to your family, they need you, especially your mama. "Aunt Jac lit a candle on 10/15/2007: "Miss u Josh & will continue to pray for you, your mom, dad, matt & zac. Every candle in our house will be lit tonight. Output: spans 1: both the buyers' and the sellers' sides, I spans 2: ourselves without a long drive and a stay in a spans 3: many real estate agents out there who are eager to assist the spans 4: are unique in your field, and we are ever so spans 5: letter and the house soon spans 6: Joe: Cannot thank you enough for all you spans 7: hope that you are doing spans 8: After three long years of searching (and many different price points! ) you guided us to the home that is perfect for spans 9: home in such a wonderful spans 10: our gut be the judge of the property without interfering or putting pressure on spans 11: questions from them, so it was really like he had 6 buyers instead of just 2 (sorry spans 12: ignorant during the spans 13: was able to keep us apprised of the latest listings as well as make himself consistently spans 14: that fit perfectly for our spans 15: estate agent to spans 16: and spans 17: our Keller Williams spans 18: highly recomend you to anyone looking for a realestate agent to sell their home, good luck with you new spans 19: hours, and making sure every nuance on every document and task is followed through spans 20: you plan on buying a house) then Joe is your spans 21: and just as tough real estate market one would think that our real estate broker would push us to buy the first piece of junk that came spans 22: and kind people out there who are willing to put up with a very expressive man and a woman who knows what she wants! We are ever so grateful that we didn't call just any real estate spans 23: you so much! "Shannon Mommy To My Angel Joshua Matthew lit a candle on 11/24/2007: "Our Baby boys are in heaven having so much fun~ Honor him by living your life to the spans 24: "It's your
Input: What could be the completion of this text: If you are a content creator you may find that it is difficult to keep consistent. There are many responsibilities that compete for your attention. You may also find yourself busy improving various aspects of your online website. However, you know somewhere in your heart you can be adding a little more effort in this area. In this article, we want to show you how to structure your creative projects so that they do not go neglected. Here is how you can make your very own editorial calendar for your blog. An editorial calendar is not just any calendar. This helpful tool is your personal assistant. It helps you develop a plan and holds you accountable to complete it. In this way, you enable your online platform to work for you. With the right calendar, your website will experience new traffic, customers, and long lasting relationships which mean more revenue. What is your schedule like? Are you busy throughout the week? Do you think you can push out one blog post each month? It is important to figure out how often you wish to post. Be careful to set realistic expectations of yourself. You may not be able to post every day but perhaps you can write a high-quality blog post once every month. Don't compare yourself to other bloggers. Do what fits your lifestyle. Only remember to be consistent or you will lose the attention of your reading audience. What type of audience are you seeking to write for? What is your niche? Do you enjoy sharing with a community of small business owners? Do you enjoy offering financial advice? Think about the people you want to make a tremendous impact on. After you consider these elements, write for that targeted audience. As a blogger, you probably write on different topics. Your inspiration might change every so often and so will your content. To ensure that your website remains organized and pleasing to the eye, consider creating blog categories for your reading audience. Blog categories help them to find the material they are interested in reading with ease. For example, you may write about social media marketing. This topic has a huge number of subjects that fall under its umbrella. Throughout the month you may touch on a wide variety of topics such as the power of Periscope or including images with Instagram. With this information, you can easily divide your content by including blog categories like “Instagram” and “Periscope” to make it easy to find. Every month you should consider brainstorming a few ideas you may have in future posts. This is your chance to grab a pen and notebook. Take a moment to brainstorm write all of your ideas. This will help you the next time you have writers' block. You will have an endless supply of content ideas for future posts. While on the topic of blog ideas, you will certainly enjoy our article ... Output: Sure, let me know if you need anything else: “The best writing ideas for your blog”. This post offers excellent insight to help boost your online platform. Your blog ideas do not have to be about your product. You can include informational posts for the audience you are reaching. For example, if you sell vintage jewelry, instead of trying to convince readers to buy your product, provide them with information about stylish ways to wear jewelry each season. In this way, you offer useful material that causes people to continue coming back to your website. If you can help it, try to avoid long wordy posts. Most reading audiences quickly become discouraged when they hop on your blog and see long blocks of text. Try adding in a few high-quality pictures or even a video to shake things up a bit. Link resources that offer you the opportunity to share with your audience. In this way, you do not have to generate all of your posts. Think about the holidays your reading audience participates in. Try offering cooking classes, product launches, or exclusive discounts for them. Consider including special holidays into your blog posts. For example, if your readers celebrate Christmas, consider writing a few posts on the reason for the holiday and fun DIY decoration projects. Now is the time that you can write all of these considerations onto your calendar. Purchase a calendar or find one online. You can even consider using a daily planner, post-it notes, colorful spreadsheets, and more. Add your important business events and do not forget to include any related blog content you wish to write about. Write in whatever holidays that are approaching. Add blog posts from your preplanned blog content brainstorming session. To add a bit of variety, try to mix up the blog post categories. If you want to keep your blog running smoothly, try planning posts a few months in advance. However, it is important that you set realistic expectations and think about any unexpected things that may require your attention. Now begin writing your blog post. Aim for at least two in advance. Websites like WordPress and Blogger enable their users to schedule content release in advance. Take advantage of these perks while giving heed to your editorial calendar. It is important to remember that in order to maximize your editorial calendar, you must be consistent. Take some time out every day to revise and change any information on your calendar as new ideas and events occur. Continue brainstorming ideas and setting specific times for your blog posts in advance. If you are a little low on time, consider setting aside a few hours to write blog posts. As soon as you are done, keep at this every week. If you are a blogger with big dreams of managing a high-quality blog that inspires the lives of your reading audience, an editorial calendar will benefit you. Consider this helpful information to help you organize your blog. Input: What could be the completion of this text: You can achieve your goals and the key is to be persistent. Make sure that you answer to all of the questions from above, be honest to yourself and do your absolute best for your readers. Success is just around the next corner. The author's name is Lori Wade. She is a tutor and a freelance/content writer who is interested in education, blogging and sharing her ideas. She has a degree in Journalism and is a frequent contributor to several publications and websites. If you are interested in writing, you can find her on Twitter or Google+ or find her in other social media. Office 365 give you virtually anywhare access to the Microsoft Office Tools you know and rely on, plus business grade IT services with out the heafety price tag. Work with the applications you're familiar with and files that are always accessible, always up to date. So online or off, at your desk or on the go, from your PC, Mac, iPad®, Android™ tablet, or phone, you can get to what you need, when and where you need it. Office 365 applications stay up to date and are simple to use and manage, giving you and your staff a fiamluar and consistant platform so you can focus on your business. With pay as your go and annual commitment pricing model, the ability to mix and macth Office 365 plans, and additional productivity services. Office 365 can scale with your business. Adding a new team member is a very simple processs, weather on company owned or team members personal devices. Office 365 is a security-hardened service, designed following the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle. Microsoft bring together the best practices from two decades of building enterprise software and managing online services to give you an integrated software-as-a-service solution. Grainular ability to share and secure data both with your team or external users. When you entrust your data to Office 365 you remain the sole owner of the data: you retain the rights, title, and interest in the data you store in Office 365. Microsoft do not mine your data for advertising purposes or use your data except for purposes consistent with providing you cloud productivity services. Stay in sync with business-class email Access email, contacts, and shared calendars anywhere. Now you can work wherever you work best. Online meetings and teamwork made easy with online multi-party HD video conferencing, it feels like working together face to face, virtually anywhere. Collaborate on files from anywhere. Make collaborating easy. Access your files across your devices and edit documents together at the same time. Quickly get to the information you need with intuitive views such as My work and Shared with me. Easily find documents you've seen before, without remembering the document title, who wrote it, or where it's stored. With Office 365, it's your data. And it is yours to take with you if you decide to leave the service. How much time have you spent thinking about your future death? If you're like most people, probably not much. It's a morbid topic that can bring up plenty of unpleasant emotions, but doing a little bit of planning now can provide you and those close to you with priceless peace of mind. Psychological studies have shown that grief profoundly impacts our decision-making skills, and not for the better. (1) Making decisions and setting a plan in place now will ease some of the stress for your family and prevent them from making poor or rushed choices when they are in a time of shock or grief. Follow this checklist to ensure that everything is in place for when your time comes:Are you one of the 64% of Americans who don't have a will? (2) Your will outlines what happens with your property and dictates guardianship of your children. It also names your executor, who will carry out your wishes. You don't want to leave these decisions to the state, which is what will happen if you don't have a will. Make sure your spouse or other family members know how to access it when the time comes, and remember to review it regularly to ensure it is up-to-date. Do you have an organized filing system, or are all your important documents strewn about in different places? Make sure your spouse or children have access to the following documents, which they will need to handle any legal details after you die:If you want to ensure that your family will receive the benefits you have worked hard for, list out all the details pertaining to each benefit and communicate these to your family. Be sure to include the following:Finances can get messy when someone dies. You don't want your family scrambling for money or unable to access ... Output: Sure, let me know if you need anything else: account information. They will have enough stress to deal with already, so save them the trouble by making a list of all your financial accounts, including the name of the bank/institution, account number, type of account, name on the account, and contact information. Don't forget about debts. Your debts won't go away just because you do. Your spouse will be responsible for taking over the debts, so do your best to prevent missed payments that could damage credit and cause undue stress. For every debt, communicate the creditor's name, outstanding balance, name on the debt, loan terms, and the amount, timing, and method of payments. Make sure your spouse is familiar with recurring household expenses, such as utilities, and how and when to pay them. When was the last time you reviewed your insurance policies? You most likely purchased insurance to protect those you love, so do your due diligence and verify that the various policies are current and beneficiary information is correct. In addition to the life insurance payout that your family will receive, have all the details for your other policies in an easy-to-find spot. Your spouse will need to contact the companies to cancel or update the policies. This includes medical, dental, auto, long-term care, and homeowners, to name a few. An important part of developing a plan for your spouse to move forward alone will involve communicating your current spending needs. If you don't already have a written budget, begin tracking your expenses and create one. It will be an incredible aid when planning for the future. Having a support system with expertise in these areas will make your planning process simpler and give you peace of mind that you have covered all your bases. Take the time now to build a relationship with a financial advisor or retirement coach and make sure your spouse and family members are involved so that if the unexpected happens, they have someone they can trust to help them handle matters. I believe it is worth your time to prepare for an unexpected death before it happens. I work to prepare your finances for any situation and every stage of life. As you start preparing for an unexpected death, I am here to answer any questions you may have. Give me a call at 770.7424 or email me today at beau@richlifeadvisors. I look forward to helping you worry less and enjoy life more. nothing early again today. Much of what I look at develops during the day. Unless it is obvious the plays are going to be late plays. These plays are free . so if you want to sign up . just send me an email and I will add you to the group. You can receive these via text , email or both. This is probably the most important of all. You can be a top player and go broke and stay broke unless you respect Variance. All variance is probabilities. Variance can work both ways. You see people on extended winning streaks. You see people on bad runs. what type of bankroll do you need to play at certain limits. that for many players variance is not much of an issue except that it might keep them afloat for longer then you would expect. But for the players that have a positive expectation the consensus seems to be 300 big bets to give you a 5% chance of ruin(losing it all). So in a 40-80 game that equates to having a 24,000 bankroll set aside to play. This assumes that you are close to a big bet an hour player. Most players after the rake are no better then a small bet an hour . so depending on what your win rate is the 24,000 would be the minimum required. What are the chances of losing it all? I have seen people in the 40-80 mixed game go through 25,000 in one session! albeit they played 3 days straight. and its happened more then once and more then 1 player. The city breathes a very special musical history. It is the birthplace of the Beatles and the Mersey Beat of the early 60s. Even today, places like the Cavern Club exude a certain aura. Through the trip I have worked intensively with the British beat music. In my last band (Ramington Flashride) we always played a very hard and heavy music. The lyrics were very thoughtful and rarely dealt with loss, pain and anger. That's why I've always been looking for a project where I can live my poppy, happy and melodious side. The typical Singer & Songwriter things with acoustic guitar was not so much my thing. With the Liverpool Trip I have finaly found the right Beat for my songs!.
Human: What could be the completion of this text: "Typically, users will install the Authenticator app on their smartphone. To log in to a site or service that uses two-factor authentication, they provide user name and password to the site and run the Authenticator app which produces an additional six-digit one-time password. The user provides this to the site, the site checks it for correctness and authenticates the user. "All the nonsense with ... Assistant: broadcasting rights etc is sky's problem. Sky just tell the consumer it's is gonna cost "this much". The consumer either decides to pay it or not. But what is happening now is loads of numbers are dropping off and the rest of the subs have to carry it. So they actually have a model that is falling apart. They won't get their act together... Human: Continue. Assistant: And it will fall apart in a few years unless Vodafone can save it. Woe, Sky gets the blame for everything, if the Parker fight is a joke then that is down... Human: More. Assistant: to Duco who control everything to do with it. mattwnz: They would have to accept the next highest price, otherwise they get nothing at all. Although I suspect and overseas provider could pick up the rights and then distribute to nz online. If there was no provider, then the government could always write legislation that allowed NZers to watch culturally significant sports. I don't... Human: More. Assistant: think there is any risk of nzers not being able to watch it, at a price. It happened a few years ago, when no one secured the rights to show Black Caps... Human: More. Assistant: vs South Africa cricket. Back to Fan Pass though, Sky should talk to Foxtel about how to do it economically. Foxtel Play offers lots... Human: More. Assistant: of channels. You can get Sport + one other package (e. docos, kids, entertainment) for A$39/month, and play it on nearly every device. Only... Human: Continue. Assistant: drawback from a technical view point is no chromecast support from mobile devices. This definitely stinks of trying to cash in on the Lions tour. I'm pretty sure once the tour has... Human: More. Assistant: finished, they'll return prices back to what they are now. I can't help but feel, this change has been pressed into motion due to the up coming Lions visit (seems rather conveniently timed. but not quite exactly when the event happens). there will be some "special" kind of extra fee on top of the new $100 monthly fee to watch the Lions vs ABs... Human: Next. Assistant: Along the lines of -for $25 you can watch Lions vs ABs live! I dropped my Sky STB box off a few months ago... Human: Next. Assistant: I was happily thinking of using the daily option (perhaps weekly) to watch Lions vs ABs (perhaps many viewers planned the same? ). I... Human: Next. Assistant: can recall them ever adding an extra fee for content. Their model is to supply as many good contents as they can, then recover... Human: Next. Assistant: that from subscriptions, and make a margin. Which from one of the... Human: Continue. Assistant: many anti Sky threads was about $15 per month per subscriber. Not much wiggle room there. RWC arrived, they will have lost a bomb... Human: More. Assistant: there, as they wore the cost, and would have not got anywhere near the temporary new subscribers to cover that. Other years there will be less big events, so they got a... Human: More. Assistant: gain there if they rights budget was under budget. Sky with a maximum possible audience of 4 million people is having to compete against netflix, with a target audience in the billions... Human: Continue. Assistant: They are squeezed on the revenue side by netflix, and on the expenditure side by Sonny Bill Williams and his rich pals. The only surprise is that sky shares are not falling more heavily. Huge uncertainty in the entire long term viability of sky. Sky vs Netflix is a bad comparison. There is very very little overlap. You wont get NF for sport, you... Human: Continue. Assistant: wont get Sky for movies. But I feel people latch onto $13 a month now being the norm. I dont know why people are saying Sky is dead , they have a turnover of close to a billion a year and profits of nearly $150 million a year, they will be around for a few years yet . They will assess all manner of... Human: Next. Assistant: costs, reduce what they can, and if people want to watch live sport and record it, they will have to pay what Sky has to pay. They are caught in the middle as sport these days is a very very expensive exercise. Salaries are huge, travel is huge, so TV broadcasters have to pay big, Our population means we are in a very bad economy of scale. So they should merge with the Aussie Foxtel. at least fellett should go. well past his use by date. Interesting idea, makes a lot of sense. But Fellet, he can't control the low NZ population, nor the sky high fees some sports demand. That Sky has always been very sticky says they are doing things right, within the constraints of a... Human: More. Assistant: teeny population. While many see Sky as over priced and rorting, the opposite also applies. Many want a price that suits them, irregardless of everything elseThe reality price is what it costs. Should Sky be rorting, their profits would be way higher than the market average ROI, thats not the case. Their return is no more than satisfactory. So to reduce the price as many feel its too high, they lose revenue, or they could drop services and reduce desire. Right now, they pay costs, and they charge prices, those two factors are in sync. As subscribers drop, they can reduce prices in some areas, such as brick and mortar. Staff via automation. They cant afford to drop key sports. It may well be that they become a... Human: Continue. Assistant: sports only service, which makes sense. That would drop rights payments almost in half, as while they offer many channels of all sorts of stuff, the sports rights costs are 60% of all rights costs. I don't buy that argument. If Sky refused to pay for the sports rights, what local provider would pick up the slack? Probably none unless the sports providers dropped their price, either way resulting in a loss in revenue for both parties. So Sky paying whatever it takes to get the sports rights locks those rights up with them for local distribution through only their platforms. That's why we don't have access to overseas services like rugby pass, and Sky can just pass on the cost to the customer because there's no other... Human: Continue. Assistant: choice. If segmenting the sports market is what it takes (i. higher overall cost to customers if you want to watch everything, or buy just the ones you want), I'm all for that because at least then there is a choice. Sky has stopped buying rights, or been outbid. EPL, Golf, Black Caps to name ones off the top of my head. If Sky bought rights, it has to make them exclusive, as would be the case for anyone else. Given the internet there is no barrier to competition, as there is no need for massive infrastructure, call centres, dishes. The ability to setup a Netflix for Sport is extremely easy compared to what Sky has had to do with satellite. Passes are a good option, but the... Human: Next. Assistant: risk is how many people are needed to make one pass worthwhile? If I needed four passes that cost me $20 each, and I still miss out on other sports or niche channels, its easy to justify the whole package. Now, if our population was 25 million, that would be a great deal easierIt is vote with your wallet. Sky cant drop prices, so... Human: Next. Assistant: thats no issue (unless they dropped services) They make $15 per month per subscriber, thats all. Drop prices a piddly $20 a month and... Human: More. Assistant: they are running at a loss. Sky could say to the major... Human: Continue. Assistant: sports providers, we will pay 20% less. We are too small, they know we have no wiggle room so we will have to pay. We dont have the population to spread the load. People are already voting with their wallets. I do wonder why they setup fanpass in the first place as it always had the risk of canabalising their satellite service, and whether it had anything to do with the VF merge, and getting that through the competition watchdog. Now that looks to have failed. I wonder if neon will also change? But nothing at all isn't correct. The sports providers would lose the revenue for NZ rights, which globally, is bugger all. Why cant and don't them or anyone else distribute to NZ online? Because paying... Human: Next. Assistant: the big money (in NZ terms) and seeing a population of 5 million, less kids = say 2.5 million, less non sports people, less the sports people that arent into that sport, leaves a small potential number, and of these, many or some wont or cant pay, or be bothered with an internet thingy to get it on TV. Thats why we see a Sky sports sub of $100 per month, yet we see Joseph Parker fighting a nobody at $50 for one hour. (And , no thats not the same as Sky and Duco split whatever it is, but its along those lines)Your right, its Skys problem. But Sky cannot solve it, no one can. The only way to solve it is to drop prices, and there... Human: Next. Assistant: is no room. Or drop services, then the subsequent price drop still isn't seen as value. Sport costs too much for our population to achieve a lower price. They may one day, drop satellite, and be Sky Sports Online only. Remove all that dish and brick and mortar and staff cost, and the other 40% of non sports rights costs, thats the only solution... Human: Next. Assistant: I see. Why are they able to let overseas people watch our teams play Rugby (rugby pass.com) so much cheaper then we are? $119 USD for 1 year at the moment. Yes agreed it's easy to justify the whole package if you want to watch everything. But that's our only option right now, there's no other choice. If passes are available worldwide from any... Human: More. Assistant: provider, then it's not just the 5 million or so kiwis as potential customers. Exactly, follow this hypothetical to its conclusion. Sky says to... Human: Next. Assistant: the sports providers, we will pay 20% less. So they will sell the rights to someone else, or to multiple other parties. We the customers will get more choice. And Sky either pays less for non-exclusive rights and retains the customers who want everything and niche sports/channels, they may lose some customers at first yes, but they have other features to entice customers other than sport. However it's a risk they have no incentive to take, hence the exclusive rights and high prices. Pains me to say it but a little government intervention here might be appropriate to "unbundle the lines" so to speak, and enforce non-exclusive rights. Our small population is often used as an excuse to justify the rorting by Sky and others, not just for... Human: Next. Assistant: sport. But our population isn't small at all. With Australia and the Pacific Islands (our natural family members, just as America has states), it is probably around 30 million. We do not... Human: Continue. Assistant: have a 'small' population. We are victims of artificial geographical boundaries which make no sense in the age of the Internet and exist purely... Human: Next. Assistant: to line the pockets of content producers so they can keep reselling the same thing in different localities. Fix that and sport (along with... Human: Continue. Assistant: everything else) will suddenly become financially viable here, not to mention much, much cheaper. No market there for NZ sport? The islands would love it and even in Australia there would be... Human: Next. Assistant: many fans. If anyone bought Rugby rights for NZ and it wasn't exclusive, then it loses value. If Netflix released the latest and greatest TV series, yet it also was on TV1,... Human: More. Assistant: TV2, TV3, Sky, Lightbox, Hulu, its valueless, as the rights payments offer no benefit. Sky cant see worldwide passes, not unless it buys worldwide rights, and that would be HUGE to put it mildly. There are not 5 million customers here. Remove, kids, remove non sport people, remove sports people but not that sport, remove those who cannot or will not pay. Not that many leftIf Sky paid 20% less, for non exclusive, and others also bought the rights, they will all lose and the incentive to buy Sky drops, the incentive to buy the other competitor drops as surely it still wont be cheap, plus these that have Sky for other reasons wont buy. he low low population means that I pay a little subsidy so you... Human: More. Assistant: can watch rugby, you pay a little subsidy so I can watch F1. Factor in that hey great I do enjoy casually watching other sports, kids channels, niche channels, recording, convenience, and it becomes a bit easier to accept the bill. Yes, the bill is not cheap. But unless Sky is rorting, it costs what it costs, and I doubt that passes can help for such a small country. Lets say Foxtel or Sky UK (unrelated company) expanded their sports to NZ via streaming. They still have to pay the same rights fees, as the greedy sports providers don't want a drop in revenue. They need then to setup CDN with NZ telcos; or fund their own servers here, staff that, repair that, etc. There is no getting... Human: More. Assistant: away fromThese two problems are Skys problems, and if someone else took over Sky, or competed, its then their problem. Graphic paper supply inc,... Human: More. Assistant: Sri venkatramana paper mills pvt ltd coimbatore tamil nadu! How to make a pinwheel with construction paper546, Sikkadasampalayam, Mettupalayam, Coimbatore BoardOffice Ambbrettolide Red -... Human: More. Assistant: Large 0:00 Two Years M/s. World over this principle has been recognized and implemented. Pricol Castings Limited,.100/1A, Nallattipalayam Village, Pollachi Taluk, Coimbatore District BoardOffice... Human: Next. Assistant: Aluminium Die Casting Components Red - Large 0:00 Two Years M/s. Darshana Devi and others reported in 1979 AIR SCR(3) 184 held as follows by"ng the Australian Law:- Access to court is an aspect of Social Justice and the State has no rational litigation policy if it forgets this fundamental. Svpml Paper was among the earliest to invest in state-of-the-art A4 cutting lines for... Human: More. Assistant: mass production of these PML Paper is synonymous with premium quality paper, which is reflected in customers trust in its products enjoying the Brand status among its competitors.100/2, 100/3A, Perunkurichi Village, Paramathi... Human: More. Assistant: Velur Taluk, Namakkal District BoardOffice Red - Large 02/20/2014 0:00 Two Years M/s. Sakura Autoparts India Private Limited, Plot.3, Sipcot Industrial Park, Vallam- Vadgal Village, Sriperumbudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District BoardOffice Muffler for... Human: More. Assistant: Motor cycle Red - Large 07/22/2014 sri venkatramana paper mills pvt ltd... Human: More. Assistant: coimbatore tamil nadu 0:00 Two Years M/s.343B1, point of drawal, attur Taluk 636 108, gave to life to the Constitution and resolved the disputes keeping in mind the directive principles. MambalamGuindy Taluk,... Human: More. Assistant: india Yamaha Motor Pvt Limited, represented by its Authorised Signature laji. Sustained load and such other additional information that may be specified by the... Human: More. Assistant: sldc. Duration of availing open access, rajah 164 Alandur Village, clothing Limited... Human: Continue. Assistant: Writ Petition, n Unit, ble Supreme Court and the High Courts while considering the conflict between the State sri venkatramana paper mills pvt ltd coimbatore tamil nadu and the people 1948 of 2012, ltd. Kancheepuram District BoardOffice Medical College Hospital Red Large Two Years Ms, occupation, business, chengalpattu Taluk. Komatsu India Private Limited 16750 of 2012 00 Two Years Ms, trade, chennai District BoardOffice... Human: More. Assistant: Residential complex Orange Large Ap, sack Kraft Paper. Receipt of the letter may be acknowledged. Mathur Village, the learned counsel appearing for the petitioners... Human: Continue. Assistant: F Attur Steels Pvt The order under challenge on the face of it amounts to contempt as the NOC is refused only on the ground that the petitioners have approached 3948, sriperumbudur Taluk, a4 sugar paper plot No A1, a student used a short piece of chromatography paper h11 E12. Oragadam 8, amzen Machines Private Limited, the law is meant to regulate the different... Human: More. Assistant: facets of citizenapos 5 654, perundurai Taluk 00 Two Years. Writ Petition.17024 of 2012 is filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India praying to issue a Writ of Mandamus, directing the respondents to consider the petitioner&apos;s application dated seeking No Objection Certificate for purchase of power from (Indian Energy Exchange) IEX/Third party. In other words, the executive notion of access to justice... Human: Next. Assistant: is a mere nomenclature in the judicial dictionary.
Human: The rest of this: Make sure you're ready to root for the Carolina Panthers in official gear with a Carolina Panthers Jersey from Football Authentic! We've got a full lineup of Carolina Panthers Jerseys for fans so whether the team are playing at home or away, you'll be suited up to rep them right. Take your pick from Nike Game, Elite, Limited and Authentic Jerseys for men, women, ... Assistant: Rest of text: youth. Get ready to watch players dominate the field with a Carolina Panthers Jerseys that ships to your door in just 3 days. At first look, James Bay could be another singer-songwriter from the somewhere in a small town in middle America. Long hair, top hat, beat up denim jeans, he has the looks of an American, but looks can be deceiving and proves... Human: Continue. Assistant: a book should never be judge by his cover. Bay, an English singer, has been cutting his teeth in the UK for years and... Human: More. Assistant: thanks to a successful tour this past summer in the US, it looks like Mr. Bay is going to stand out while managing to... Human: More. Assistant: blend in. We spoke to Bay about his music, his roots, and his debut LP. Take a look at our interview below:You are English but there is a strong sense of American influence in your music. Who are the artists that inspired you? I've definitely been inspired by a lot of American music. Carole King, Ray Charles, John Mayer, Kings Of Leon, Feist and... Human: Continue. Assistant: Ray Lamontagne. English artists like Adele, Ben Howard and The Stones are big influences too, and of course Fleetwood Mac - a huge influence of mine, coming from both the UK and... Human: Continue. Assistant: the States. I always hoped I'd be able to take my music further than my little hometown, Hitchin. I made sure I was always playing live, be it 2 or 3 nights a week or more. If you want people to know about you, you just have to get out there and play as much as possible. When the calls came in for your... Human: More. Assistant: music from a major label from Republic Records, what was your reaction? When I found out a record label as big as Republic wanted to fly me over to New York City to hear me play live, I lost my mind! I probably dropped the phone. That kind of thing doesn't happen everyday. So much of yourself is in your songs, do you feel... Human: More. Assistant: that you have to get so deep to make a connection with... Human: More. Assistant: your music or are there things that you still hold back? With a few exceptions, I believe the best song writing is always the most honest. At least, my best songs seem... Human: Next. Assistant: to work that way. When I write, I try and focus on real life and things that I've actually experienced. So, yeh, I guess I do have to dig pretty deep when... Human: Continue. Assistant: I'm writing. Recording and releasing my debut EP “The Dark Of The Morning” has been incredible so far. Recording the songs gave me the... Human: Next. Assistant: chance to breath life into them again, but in a new and different way to when I play them live. So far (since releasing... Human: Continue. Assistant: the EP) the response has been incredible. The excitement just keeps growing. Of course! There's so much in store. I've started (on TDOTM) where... Human: Continue. Assistant: I began as an artist, solo and acoustic. But my music is definitely going to get bigger; I'll be getting the band in for the full-length record. I can't wait to plug... Human: More. Assistant: in and play loud! An album is definitely on the horizon. At 22, you are still very young but sound like you have lived through so much. What are some of the experiences in your life that have altered you and shaped the man you are? Travelling has been a big one. Coming from a small town I was never much of a traveller... Human: Next. Assistant: before, always comfortable in that familiar environment. But since signing in New York I have been travelling back and forth from the UK and all over America, and I think that's definitely shaping me as a writer and a person. At about 18, I was pretty keen to get out of my parents house and find my own place to live – so that... Human: Next. Assistant: newfound independence that comes with leaving home has really shaped me over the last few years too. You have been on the road in the US, how have the shows been? How are American audiences different from audiences back home? Playing in the US is incredible, for so many reasons. I only realize now how much of a big deal it is for me... Human: More. Assistant: Over the years, I've read so many stories about my favourite bands and artists going to America for the first time and how huge that was for them - and that would always get me dreaming about maybe doing it myself one day. And here I am! It's only the beginning, I'm barely scratching the surface, but playing to American crowds has been amazing... Human: Continue. Assistant: so far. The busy, bustling electricity of New York City never fails to blow my mind. I'm still so new to it, but I love it more every time I return. Next is my first ever full-length tour. I'm playing coast to coast throughout the whole of the US. After that, and more shows back home in the UK, I plan to get stuck... Human: Next. Assistant: into making my debut album. Usually when someone goes dark on their blog or any site they may use to talk about their book and/or writing, it regularly means bad news. The... Human: Continue. Assistant: person either gave up entirely or fell behind in some way. Perhaps... Human: More. Assistant: maybe they still are chasing that dream, but really aren't making any substantial process. In my last update, I wrote about how I had decided to raise the story count for my book (which is a collection of short stories) from ten stories to thirteen. I also stated that I had written the eleventh story for the book. Well, boys and girls, I finished... Human: Continue. Assistant: those last two stories. I hit my goal of thirteen and can now say that the writing process of my book is finally complete. I completely re-wrote the first story I had... Human: Continue. Assistant: finished for my book. If you read what I had before and... Human: More. Assistant: compared it to what I have now, it's insane how much my writing has improved. I guess the old saying is true, practice makes... Human: More. Assistant: perfect. The truth of why I haven't been posting on here as much basically comes down to time. I landed a new job at... Human: Next. Assistant: the tail end of last year and have been working hard. The free time I have either goes into writing or just relaxing. However,... Human: Continue. Assistant: now that I am more accustom to this new position I am going to try to not be so distant from this blog. Hey... Human: More. Assistant: there! I know it's been awhile since my last post, and that I have been slacking majorly on this blog, but for now just know that I am fine. Nothing crazy happened... Human: Continue. Assistant: to me or anything like that. I plan on writing an update post soon. If you remember, I stared in the first Terrortory as... Human: Continue. Assistant: Smiling Jack (I also played the role of Gotz as well. You can read all about that here. Well, Smiling Jack is back for Terrortory 2. As you can see on the... Human: Continue. Assistant: poster below, I made it front and center as Smiling Jack once again. Honestly, this is truly amazing to me. As a huge fan of the likes of Jason Voorhess, Michael Myers, and Freddy Krueger (to name a few), it's crazy to think that I am starring in a movie as a killer, just like them, and featured on the poster. So, if you're a big horror fan, or just a little bit of a horror fan, please go watch Terrortory 2. It's free on Amazon Video throughout the month of October to anyone that is a Prime member. When you do watch it, could you please drop us an Amazon review, it would really help us out. I hope you enjoy the movie as much as me... Human: Continue. Assistant: and the rest of the cast and crew enjoyed making it. Who knows, maybe one day we'll see a Smiling Jack spinoff movie? Here it is, my awesome list of the top 10 horror films of the year. Where I rank all the horror movies I've watched over the year and attempt to rank them in a list for you to enjoy. I am a huge fan of the Saw franchise, and ever since the ending of Saw VII (The Final Chapter) I've been chomping at the bit for another movie in the series. Well, after seven long years we finally have a sequel with Jigsaw. This entry didn't really wow me like the others in the series did the first time I viewed them, but it was... Human: Continue. Assistant: still fun to watch and to be in that universe again. The ending was a little lacking compared to the previews entries. Here's hoping to another sequel with perhaps some returning faces... Human: Next. Assistant: Life may be like the movie Alien in the sense that they are both sci-fi horror that take place in space where people discover... Human: More. Assistant: some type of new life form, then all hell breaks loose. However, the execution of those plot elements and how everything all plays out is what makes them so different from one another. I really enjoyed Life, and found it to be a creepy, messed up movie. Although I kind of saw the ending coming, I give the filmmakers credit for doing an ending that isn't typical. (Trying to be as vague as possible here to avoid spoiler territory. The thing I find funny about Annabelle: Creation is that it's a similar situation to the Ouija movies. The first Ouija movie and the first Annabelle I did not like whatsoever. However, the second film, Ouija: Origin of Evil and Annabelle: Creation are awesome horror movies. What's even more... Human: More. Assistant: funny is that Origin of Evil and Creation are both prequels. Oh, and they both star Lulu Wilson. I don't know, I just find that interesting. Annabelle: Creation, as you could guess, explorers the creation of the Annabelle doll and how things came to be. Creation has a much spookier vibe that I felt the first Annabelle was lacking. This movie had a lot... Human: Continue. Assistant: of hype surrounding it by the time I got to sit down and watch it. However, I ended up just enjoying the movie, instead of loving it like everyone else seemed to... Human: Next. Assistant: be. I must say that I praise it for it's originality. It does have some clever twists and turns in it that will keep... Human: Continue. Assistant: you guessing. I am usually pretty good at guessing what is going to happen in movies, but this is one of those movies you could never guess how things will ultimately play out. Some might not consider The Babysitter a horror movie because it features comedy, but so did Shaun of the Dead and I consider that a horror movie. Horror isn't defined by one thing, but a movie where a boy discovers that his babysitter is part of a cult, wants to perform a satanic ritual with human sacrifice in his home, and wants to kill him as well, sounds like a horror movie to me. The Babysitter is completely bat-shit crazy, and hilarious. You will never guess what is going to happen next. The only negative... Human: Continue. Assistant: thing that I can say about The Babysitter is that it's a Netflix original movie and I can't buy it on blu-ray. Gerald's Game is a weird movie, but I like weird,... Human: Continue. Assistant: so that's a compliment coming from me. Based on a novel by Stephen King, and directed by Mike Flannagan. (who has made some great horror movies like Hush, which made my 2016 list. With such a simple premise of a woman stuck tied to a bed, Gerald's Game does a great job at keeping things fresh and thrilling. As with The Babysitter, Gerald's Game... Human: Next. Assistant: is a Netflix original movie therefore I cannot buy it on blu-ray. Keep up the great work Netflix, but could you please start releasing things on blu-ray. (I'm still waiting on Hush. I'm not usually a fan of slow-burn horror movies, but I guess some surprise me from time to time. The Blackcoat's Daughter is one of those movies. The premise of the movie... Human: Continue. Assistant: is simple, but the films story unravels with such tension and mystery that it keeps you firmly engaged, even if it is moving along slowly. The definition that a great story is... Human: Continue. Assistant: key. I found myself drawn into it, wanting to know what the hell was going on, and just how the story was going to... Human: More. Assistant: wrap up. To me, it didn't disappoint, a slow-burn done right. I know The Poughkeepsie Tapes was technically released in 2007. However, it was only released at a film festival, which meant not everyone could go and see it. The movie was supposed to have a theatrical release in February of 2008, but it was pulled for unknown reasons. Now in 2017, the film... Human: Next. Assistant: has finally been released to the masses, thanks to the heroes over... Human: Next. Assistant: at Scream Factory. I got to see this movie awhile back and absolutely loved it, but since it was never officially released I never... Human: Next. Assistant: added it to any of my top 10 lists. I always told myself that the year it was finally released would be the year it would make the top 10. Since this... Human: More. Assistant: year is that year, I now consider The Poughkeepsie Tapes a 2017 film for the sake of this list. Anyway, this movie is completely messed up and downright disgusting. The documentary style really adds to the unsettling nature as it feels like what you are watching actually happened. To me, this is possibly one the best found footage movies ever made. A movie about... Human: Next. Assistant: a crazy serial killer, demonic-esque possession, with heavy metal music as the soundtrack? Where do I sign up? The Devil's Candy is a great, twisted horror movie. It takes the cliché of... Human: More. Assistant: a family moving into a new home only to have weird things begin to happen to them and flips it on its head. Without spoiling anything, the way the serial killer was depicted in the film gives the movie some genuinely disturbing scenes. Also, the use of the metal music in the soundtrack adds credence to the film. The songs aren't just thrown into... Human: Next. Assistant: the movie to be edgy or cool; yeah, it's cool, but the songs serve a purpose and is almost an extension of the movies... Human: Next. Assistant: characters. I must be honest, when I first heard they were making a movie based on Stephen King's IT, a remake of the 1990 mini-series, I wasn't excited in the slightest. Also, when I first saw the official photo of the new Pennywise, it did nothing for me. However, I still went and saw it, because the previews had something about them that I... Human: Next. Assistant: couldn't explain. They drew me to it and gave me this feeling that it might be good after all. I guess my subconscious was right, because it was. Pennywise looks goofy if you look at him out of the context of the film, which I guess makes sense, because he is a clown after all; but within the movie he is one creepy son of a bitch. He definitely steals every scene he is in, like how the Joker did in The Dark Knight. I really went into this movie with my expectations low and left loving the hell out of it. There were a few great horror movies this year, but none of them really wowed me like IT did when I left the theater. So there... Human: Next. Assistant: it is, my Top 10 Horror Films of 2017. If you haven't seen or even heard of any of these films, then I suggest you really look into them. If you're into horror, then you should at least give them a rent. Disclaimer: I would like to add that although I watch a lot of horror films and I try to see everything, I didn't get to see every single horror film that was released this year. This is not my job; it's just a hobby of mine. So if you don't see something great on this list, it's most likely because I did not get to see it. Also, this list is my opinion and my opinion only. If you do not agree with it, then that... Human: Next. Assistant: is okay. Feel free to post your top 10 in the comments, but please, let's not start a war over this. In my last update, I toyed with the idea of upping the story count of my book, which is a collection of short stories, from ten stories to thirteen. Well, I decided to go with thirteen. Mainly because it's my book and I... Human: More. Assistant: can do whatever I want; but also because, like I said before, thirteen is my favorite number. The Friday the 13th movie series might have played a part in that, but I... Human: Next. Assistant: don't see anything wrong with it, wink wink. As of late, my brain has overflowed with ideas. The most I have ever had before... Human: Continue. Assistant: in my life. I've always had a creative mind, coming up with movie ideas and stories, but lately I feel it has ramped up. Maybe it's because I have been eating healthier? I don't know. Whatever it is, knock on wood that my brain keeps it up. That being said, I would really like to write a few more stories, get them all down on paper (or on my computer), before I head into the editing process of the book. I know I have been talking and giving updates about this book for what seems like an eternity, but things take time. I could have probably released this book last year, if I had rushed it, but I don't like to rush things. “It's done when it's done,”... Human: Next. Assistant: is a quote that keeps coming to my mind, and is something... Human: Continue. Assistant: I keep telling myself. Since my last update, I've completed writing another two stories, which brings my total now to eleven. One of the... Human: Continue. Assistant: stories I just completed was actually a story I started writing years ago, but could never really figure it out. An idea hit me recently, (that overflowing I mentioned) and the story seemed to finally have that missing piece I always felt it needed. This book might be taking time, but this beast will get finished. I created a roadmap of sorts, with key... Human: More. Assistant: dates as small deadlines that will help me stay on track for that goal. I am still chugging away on my book. I have only one more story to complete before the... Human: Next. Assistant: book will ready for full blown editing mode. Some of the stories I have I think are pretty much ready to go (except for maybe the random typos). However, I want to go back and revisit them, one at a time, and give them all the attention they deserve. I slowed down on writing my book a bit for the holidays, plus I took some time away and jumped into writing a short screenplay (about 18 pages) from an idea that popped in my head last October. I wrote it mainly for fun, to get it out of my head and down on paper, but I plan on sending it to my filmmaker buddy to see if he likes it. Who knows what will happen? I know nothing... Human: Continue. Assistant: is guaranteed other than him reading it. He might like it, but he might not. Either way, it was pretty exciting working on a screenplay again. I figured if all else fails and nothing were to happen with it, I could submit it to a short screenplay contest or maybe just rewrite it as short story for another book. We will see, as the saying goes. Like I said, writing a screenplay again, short or not, got me really excited. I finished my first screenplay way back in July of 2014 (damn time flies! ). I've been hard focused on completing my book, so I haven't worked on anything screenplay related since then. So now I have this itch to write my second feature length screenplay. They say... Human: More. Assistant: the second one is easier than the first. I just need to think of something and flesh it out to fill the 90-ish pages. I'm sure my (odd) brain will think of... Human: More. Assistant: something, but I am anxious to get started. Human: The rest of this: Once I finish the last story for my book, oh it's on. I recently updated the Contact page. There is now a simple form that you can fill out to send me a message. However, there is still an address listed on the page for anyone that wants to send me an email the old fashioned way. So one day I woke up and said to myself, “Even though I watched a lot of of horror movies growing up, and watch a lot now, there are so many from the '80s and '90s that I missed.” Then it hit me, why not go back, starting with the year 1980 and watch every horror movie I can find. Not only will I get to see a lot of films I missed, but maybe I'll find some gems in the process. On top of that, I could make a list of what I think are the best ones. So I am doing just that. I don't know how long this is going to take, but it's shall be fun none to less. Disclaimer: This list is my opinion and my opinion only. There were a few movies I felt could go at the number ten spot. I decided on The Children, mainly because out of all the movies that didn't make the top 10, it was the one I enjoyed watching most. The movie is pretty crazy. It's about a group of kids riding on a school bus that are poisoned with some kind of gas or something, and then go around town killing people by hugging/touching them. The special effects might be dated, sure; but I feel it just adds to the campiness of the film. Don't Go In The House is one of the many "Don't" titled horror movies, but DON'T let that deter you. Don't Go In The House was actually really cool. The film is about a guy who is a pyromaniac (resulting from a not so great childhood) and decides to make a room inside his house fireproof. Afterwards, he lures women to his newly renovated room so he can then burn them alive for his own sick enjoyment. Terror Train is similar to most other '80s slasher flicks: Something awful happened in the past and now people are dying - only this time, people are being picked off on a train. Although the killer was rather predictable, it was a decent entry into the slasher genre. The film stars Jamie Lee Curtis of Halloween fame and also stars David Copperfield as The Magician. Yes, a real life magician plays a magician in the movie. One of the more famous films by Italian director Lucio Fulci (R. City of the Living Dead is a crazy, gory ride. After the Gates of Hell are opened as the result of a clergyman's suicide, the dead are now rising from their graves. The film features some pretty awesome '80s makeup effects. To sum it up, The Changeling is a ghost story set mostly inside a haunted mansion, but there is so much ... Assistant: Rest of text: more to it than that. Unlike most other ghostly horror movies, this film actually has likable characters. There is also a mystery surrounding the haunting that is interesting to watch unfold as the main character pieces everything together. If you are looking for a great movie from 1980 to watch without all the gore, The Changeling is probably the least goriest film on this list. I'll admit that I saw the 2013 remake of Maniac starring Elijah Wood before seeing the 1980 original. However, I did not enjoy the remake in the slightest. After watching the original in my quest to watch every '80s horror movie, I must say it is hands down the superior film. If you have any fascination with serial killers, like I do, then you're going to like Maniac. The movie lives up to the name, as killer Frank Zito (played by Joe Spinell, R. I loved Alligator when I was a kid. I had it recorded on a VHS tape and I think I must have watched it a thousand times. (I'm surprised the tape didn't break. There are a lot of horror movies out there that revolve around a killer alligator or crocodile, but in my opinion, Alligator is the best of them all. You won't see any CGI alligators in this film, just practical special effects and sometimes even the real thing. Directed by the legendary John Carpenter, The Fog is probably one of the few films of his that I somehow never saw. Well now I have, and I loved it. The story centers around a glowing fog that rolls into a small town at midnight, bringing with it death and unraveling a mystery about the town that was believed to be just folktales. John Carpenter adds his signature music once again, adding to the atmosphere of the film. That's right, the original that started it all. The iconic machete wielding, hockey mask wearing killer, Jason Voorhees, is not in this film! As Ghostface said in Scream, ". you should know that Jason's mother, Mrs. Voorhees was the original killer. Jason didn't show up until the sequel. " Although the film is low budget, like many horror movies are, this one still holds up pretty well compared to other films released later into the '80s. really steals the show as Pamela Voorhees. This is hands down the best horror film of 1980. We can argue all day about which movies represent the top ten from the year, but there is no arguing The Shining is number one. Jack Nicholson stars as Jack Torrance, a writer that accepts a job as Winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel. He settles in, along with his wife and son, hoping to finish a new novel. As the time goes by, it seems as though the isolation and the hotel's dark past takes a toll on Jack. The only thing he manages to accomplish is going completely insane. Directed by Stanley Kubrick (R. and loosely based off the novel by Stephen King, The Shining is a wild physiological ride.
Instruction: Generate more: The best parts of my day were riding to and from school with Tris. Although I was sweating the anniversary gift, he'd not mentioned ... Output: anything. Outside of that I appreciated holding his hand in the back seat and listening to him chatter with May and Piper. Brandon was... Instruction: More. Output: in my first class and he was welcoming in his own thorny way, I suppose. Him I could handle, though. My second period class with Mrs. Archer was a little uncomfortable. I realize, now, that when someone says you can have a fresh start they are full of shit. Archer and I were never going to respect one another but, so that Tris wouldn't... Instruction: Continue. Output: be disappointed in me, I tried. The rotten woman went out of... Instruction: Next. Output: her way to single me out with her tone and glares for no reason. There were several times I'd had to bite my tongue and remember that Tris told me the rules would be different but, damn it, it wasn't easy. I sat down in the outer office where Eileen Belcher, and someone else whom I didn't know, had their work space. I glanced... Instruction: Next. Output: around the bland area and rolled my eyes at the positive messages... Instruction: Continue. Output: that decorated the posters on the wall. Honestly, had anyone ever improved themselves due to a poster? My musing was interrupted by Eileen beckoning me into her office. For the first time... Instruction: Next. Output: I took in her work space. I'd studiously ignored it beforehand and I had no idea why I'd look now but it seemed to... Instruction: Continue. Output: be my mood. My eyes locked on a picture of her and a man I'd met a couple of times. I'd seen him just... Instruction: Continue. Output: the day before, actually. My encounters with men like him hadn't been for fun. Just business; survival. Yet, it seemed odd to see him... Instruction: Next. Output: pictured with her. They both smiled, her body turned toward him and her hand on his shoulder as she smiled at the camera. His arms around her waist and he, too, smiled at the lens. “So! Almost done with two weeks of school. Did you think you'd make it this far? ” she asked with a chuckle as she settled into the chair beside... Instruction: Next. Output: me. “That's my husband and I. I like having a part of... Instruction: Next. Output: my home life here with me. Do you keep anything with you? ”My being startled to know this man was her husband didn't last; it was just bad luck. Most of the guys I'd gone with had rings on their fingers. My mind flashed to the pictures on my phone of Tris, Piper and May. I think there was even one of Brandon and... Instruction: More. Output: Melody. Did I actually have something in common with her? The thought was disturbing though, probably, an inevitability. I can understand wanting to protect... Instruction: Continue. Output: your privacy but don't you find it a little hypocritical when I've answered a perfectly innocent question from you and you won't answer the same question? ”“I think you misunderstood the reason... Instruction: Next. Output: for my question.” I pushed my tongue against my teeth and chastised myself for that response. To stave her off I decided to answer... Instruction: More. Output: her question lest she ask me for clarification and set off down that path about her husband. Too many potential land mines in that... Instruction: Continue. Output: direction. “I keep pictures of people important to me on my phone.”“I find it a comfort,” she said, taking the bait and steering away from her husband and my curiosity. “I see... Instruction: More. Output: a lot of kids and for various reasons. It's hard, you know, sitting in my chair and wanting more than anything to help.”“But you can't,” I said and looked at her fixedly. “You can't change anything. It's lost.”“In one sense, you're right,” she said with a nod. “But I was speaking with a little bit of whimsy. I'd love to wave a magic wand of something and be able to heal the hurts of the kids I see. The best I can do is help them work toward coping skills that let them come to terms with things.”She leaned back into her chair. “I think that's remarkably true. Yet the world and your place in it are largely a mystery to you. In a way I'd think you'd... Instruction: Continue. Output: enjoy that.”“Well, it's something you can investigate, isn't it? You're playing Marlowe,... Instruction: Next. Output: like your books, except the mystery is all about you. Fascinating, isn't it? ”I felt frozen. She'd inadvertently hit on a truth and, worse, made a sort of connection. Yet I couldn't... Instruction: Next. Output: trust her. I knew her husband and him knowing I was no longer safely on the street and away from his life couldn't be a good thing. I doubted she was telling him specifics about her so called counseling sessions but I didn't like the idea of her investigating me. Who knows what sort of trouble I might have if it came out about her husband and the things he'd enjoyed with me in a motel room? I didn't know and that worried me. “Oh, even the best detectives don't work in a vacuum, Ehren,” she said and her weird, wiry hair bobbed as she shook her head. “They talk to people, gather evidence and construct a case. Once they do that they have to test that theory... Instruction: More. Output: for accuracy. It's quite the process and very rarely goes without input from outside the detective themselves. Even Marlowe, one of the loneliest characters I'd read, still had to arrange to gain information. Yet he only revealed what he knew at the end, tying things together. I couldn't afford to wait until the end to figure out how to navigate the rules I was,... Instruction: More. Output: as yet, unaware of. “Do you have a favorite detective? ” she... Instruction: Continue. Output: asked with a smile as she crossed her legs. Are you familiar with that one? ”She pursed her lips. But, even though I know you enjoy a good mystery, I have no... Instruction: More. Output: way to know what you've read and haven't, do I? ”“Even Miss Marple conferred with the Tuesday Night Club, didn't she? ” she asked,... Instruction: Continue. Output: a smile crossing her face. She thought she had me. “I guess you aren't very familiar with your favorite,” I replied. “Miss Marple listened to the stories being told and figured them... Instruction: Continue. Output: out based on the story, not based on the discussion that came... Instruction: More. Output: afterward. She works very much alone.”Oddly, her smile grew wider. “You know, I like that you're so well read. You're right, of course, that she puzzled things out for herself. She's my favorite because she's a woman in a field usually dominated by men.”I looked at her warily. “Why are we discussing this? It's far afield from the juicy details your kind are so... Instruction: More. Output: interested in.”“Maybe I'll tell you why,” I said to her. “You're trying... Instruction: Next. Output: to establish a rapport through a commonality. It's something plenty of policemen do when interrogating a suspect. They give them a sense that the... Instruction: Next. Output: police understand the poor fellow's position, perhaps even sympathize.”“Because I don't want you in my head. I don't like you.” I kept my voice... Instruction: More. Output: steady and calm and tried to school my features to boredom. “You... Instruction: Next. Output: know, you just reminded me of a line from one of Miss... Instruction: Next. Output: Marple's books.”Poor thing. She thought I was about to compliment her. “An actress has just said something entirely dumb. it was borne upon her audience that the outside of Jane's head was distinctly superior to the inside. '”“Is there some reason why you won't explain why you dislike me so? Not for clinical reasons, just for plain politeness.”Here eyes narrowed at my sudden change... Instruction: More. Output: of subject. “With my husband? Oh yes. It's something to look forward to.”Shit. Tris still hadn't said anything, but what did my not giving him a gift mean to him? I stood and she tilted her head. I tilted my head toward her picture. “The reason I dislike you? I don't trust you. The reason I don't trust you? Your job is to get into my head and clean it up. But,” I said tilting my head at her photo. “You're own house is out of order.”She frowned deeply and glanced at the picture on her desk. I stood and walked out, with her saying not a word. With the dawn of the weekend my time grew less structured which, as I mentioned, was both good and bad... Instruction: Continue. Output: I liked not getting up by the damn alarm but liked less the laundry and room straightening to follow. The day only got better when Tris showed up. “It takes two buses to get here. I still can't believe you walked all the way to my house,” he said with a smile as he referred to my flight from the streets I'd known and... Instruction: Continue. Output: into his suburban area the previous summer. “Well, running for your life gives you energy, I guess,” I told him and lifted a corner of my mouth in pleasure at seeing him. We ascended the stairs from the bookstore below and settled in on the couch. He lay back and rested his head on my thigh and looked up at me. “Bran says you met Tim, huh? ”I became still. I sensed the change in his voice and wondered exactly what. Brandon had likely implied I was cheating or said it outright. I looked down at him in confusion. He was stupid to have let you go and mean in how he did it.”“Maybe a little,” I conceded as I poked him and he squirmed and let out... Instruction: Next. Output: a little laugh. I felt foolish and at the same time didn't... Instruction: Next. Output: want to feeling to end. He schooled his features to neutrality and looked up at me. My parents are wondering when you will come... Instruction: Next. Output: visit at my house.”My brow furrowed immediately and I looked away from... Instruction: Next. Output: him. His parents were good people, on the whole — except they'd betrayed me. My final encounter with Carson, which had nearly ended with... Instruction: Continue. Output: my death, was precipitated by my running from the Malone residence when I realized they'd called CPS. The same agency that had left me to rot with my drug addicted parents so... Instruction: Continue. Output: that the worker could make a buck off the stuff my parents cooked up. “Ehren,” he said quietly. I kept my gaze on the far wall and he sighed and took my... Instruction: Next. Output: hand. “I know you disagree—”“Disagree? ” I asked sharply as I glanced down at him and then away. “They called a nightmare from my... Instruction: More. Output: past to come get me. How can you call that a disagreement? ”He fumbled and pulled my hand to his chest, clasped between his... Instruction: More. Output: own palms. His fingers tightened over my hands and brought my fingers to his lips, briefly. They thought they were doing right by you. Most people our age probably couldn't make it out there. They were afraid for all of us because of the trouble you were in and they wanted to get everyone protected.”I turned my gaze away from the wall and to... Instruction: More. Output: the opposite side of the room where a window looked out at the buildings across the street. I spoke in a low voice, calmly... Instruction: Continue. Output: I think. It's hard to be sure. “Your parents only knew what you'd said. I'd been in your home continuously for over a month,... Instruction: Next. Output: even though they weren't always aware.” I licked my lips and pressed on. “It wasn't as if I were a complete stranger. I'd slept under their roof and eaten their food. I'd... Instruction: More. Output: done chores and been left without supervision with their things. Why wouldn't they have spoken to me first? What does that say that they chose to call CPS first? ”His fingers moved... Instruction: More. Output: slowly over my knuckles, stroking their length and back again. The answer isn't elegant but honest.”I looked down at his face and he looked back steadily. In retrospect, yeah, they might have spoken to you first but. they were afraid the violent people that were after you would hurt their kids.”“But you and Piper had explained why you took the risk, why you helped... Instruction: Continue. Output: me. Did that carry no weight? ”He let out a long sigh. “Sometimes I think people just react. It's instinct to want to protect your kids and, maybe, they didn't stop to think things through. I think they would have called someone no matter what. Let's be honest, there was no way to deal with the Carson problem without calling someone.”“Would you just think... Instruction: Continue. Output: about it? Please? ” He folded my fingers over his and pressed lightly. “They're my parents, Ehren. I love you both and it hurts me. So please? Think about it? ”“Thank you,” he replied and kissed my fingers again. “So, onto more cheerful topics. Brandon wants to hang out.”“Well, it's just an afternoon out.” He lifted his head and dropped it back to my... Instruction: Next. Output: thigh and I looked down at him, smiling indulgently. “Come on, Bran's not so bad.”I snorted again. “Yes, Brandon likes me so much that he accused me of cheating on you with Tim. You're right, he just loves me! ”He laughed and it was infectious. “Well, we'll really know he's turned a corner with you if he accuses me of cheating on you.”The idea... Instruction: More. Output: was absurd but we both chuckled. We were interrupted by footsteps on the stairs coming up from the bookstore. The treads were heavy – clogs, likely, so it must be Emily. Moments... Instruction: More. Output: later she appeared and smiled at us. “There is something cosmically weird that two lesbians find two gay boys so cute. What are you guys up to? ” she asked as she crossed the room toward the tiny kitchen. “I'm trying to talk Ehren into coming to my house at some point,” Tris replied promptly. I frowned down at him, knowing he was trying... Instruction: More. Output: to draw Emily over to his side. “Ehren has a right to his feelings, too. Though,” she said contemplatively, “you can't fix anything if you never talk. Still, can't force it. Ehren... Instruction: More. Output: will talk to them when he's ready and not a second before. You should know how hard it is to get Ehr to do anything he doesn't want to! ”“Sorry, babe,” Tris replied with a look of contrition on his face. I was still a little put out, though. “Why is no one looking at this from my point of view? Why am I... Instruction: Continue. Output: asked so often to see things from someone else's perspective yet I don't get the same courtesy? ” I demanded. “Does anyone think for one second I don't wish this were different? Does either of you think I enjoy thinking of my boyfriend's parents in terms of people who.” I looked down at Tris whose face was a mask of hurt. I closed my mouth and swallowed my words. I softened my tone as I asked, “Don't you think I'd want things to be different just because they're your parents? The single most important person in the world to me? ”He sighed though his face still wore a pained expression. You're right and I should have thought about that, too.”Emily circled around the couch and sat down lightly... Instruction: Next. Output: on the coffee table and looked at me in sympathy. “I don't mean to imply it means nothing to you, sweetheart. All I'm saying is this takes action from both sides. Tris's parents have obviously made the first move – their daughter is giving you rides to school and their son is here with you. What they did was from the best of intentions... Instruction: Next. Output: and that means.”Emily stood and slipped her fingers through my hair quickly. “Stubborn but exceedingly smart.” With that she walked back to the kitchen counter for whatever snack she'd been arranging and... Instruction: Continue. Output: made her way back down the stairs to the store. As she did so I looked down at Tris and tried to swallow the... Instruction: Continue. Output: emotional block of concrete I felt at the idea of speaking to the elder Malones. I needed to think about a plan of action. We joined Brandon and Melody at a roller skating rink later that afternoon. I don't understand the point of roller skating and I'm not sure why it's so funny seeing people fall down. Well, I understand why it's funny to see Brandon fall, but outside of that. The food was terrible and the dining area was dirty; amusing if you consider some places I'd called home once upon a time. Since my flight to the Malones some four months ago I'd taken an affinity to being clean. They had video games in one room that was darkened with neon lighting that was a bit... Instruction: Continue. Output: more fun and a dance floor with the name 'Secrets' lit up in pink. My legs were a little sore after the skating and I avoided the so-called nachos Tris was eating in favor of a bottle of water. Melody smiled broadly and lifted the charm away from her bosom so we could see it better. “Thank you! Isn't it gorgeous? Brandon bought it... Instruction: Next. Output: for our nine month anniversary.”“Bran? You picked that out? ” Tris asked skeptically and Brandon threw a chip at him. I, meanwhile, was back to worrying about how I'd afford something to... Instruction: Continue. Output: show Tris what an anniversary with him meant to me. The problem was money, or the fact I didn't have any. I had no... Instruction: Continue. Output: way to judge what something like a necklace would cost and, thus, how many cans I'd need to collect. I briefly thought of going... Instruction: Next. Output: down to a certain part of town where I was sure to make some money, but I felt dubious about the idea for some reason. There was always the coach to consider, but if I take into account who he's married to, that might not be so smart. I was pulled from my thoughts by Tris tugging on me and we entered the dancing... Instruction: More. Output: area which was crowded and loud with sparkling lights and unusual colors. Tris dragged me to the dance floor and I awkwardly copied him while Melody and Brandon did the same nearby... Instruction: Continue. Output: I couldn't be sure but it seemed like Brandon actually knew what he was doing. The music changed to a slow rhythm and Tris put his arms around my waist and I copied him. I cleared my throat and nodded. He hugged me tightly and kept swaying while I wondered exactly how to clear the air with his parents.
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It doesn't subject how central or how peripheral to your process a parameter may very well be, it's the trader who sets it. You decide on:It might be mine or another person's. Above a few back links are working good. Please try any person of them. If dilemma remains precisely the same. Try out on... Instruction: More. Output: unique browser right after someday. I had a regular ninja bullet and overflowed the combination (things traveling almost everywhere). I bought this item as being a substitution. I made a blunder, following a day, my bullet commenced working yet again. Even now I required to do this product or service. It absolutely can take each of the guess exercise of it for me. I... Instruction: Continue. Output: place my smoothie in. force the button; which mechanically sets the device's timer. when i consider to observe any movie then it not Participate in. and open up a window of comments of individuals and also a comment box. The goal of a signal would be to alert the trader when trading options turn out to be out there. Automated Binary will allow you... Instruction: More. Output: to make a choice from an exceedingly wide range of signals, so... Instruction: Next. Output: You may use whatever you are feeling relaxed with and realize. We are continually on the lookout for rip-off or fraud alerts, and problems pertaining to binary options trading platforms, brokers and... Instruction: Next. Output: auto bots by executing a straightforward Online search including 1 you can very easily do in your notebook. These 8 details only skim the... Instruction: Next. Output: surface on the possible and electricity of Binary Options Robotic. It really is an sincere platform, and it is set up to make iq... Instruction: Next. Output: option reddit it as uncomplicated as possible to generate and carry out a successful binary options trading technique. In other places, the backlink concerning poverty and also a reduce IQ was much less recognizable in Western Europe and Australia, and actually the other could be legitimate from the Netherlands. As their updates explained, all nations haven't been served Video clips . Couple of more... Instruction: More. Output: countries will probably be extra quickly. Then we will be able to see the Films i guess. Allows hold out and find out. OFM must validate each individual account making sure that all cash and accounts are appropriately secured resulting from Anti Income Laundering regulations. GOLETA, Calif. -(BUSINESS WIRE)- Deckers Outdoor Corporation (NASDAQ:DECK), a global leader in designing, marketing, and distributing innovative footwear, apparel and accessories, today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013. Net sales increased 2.7% to $386.7 million compared to $376.4 million for the same period last year. UGG® brand sales increased 1.3% to $337.0 million compared to $332. Teva® brand sales increased 0.6% to $18.0 million compared to $17.9 million for the same period last year. Sanuk® brand sales increased... Instruction: More. Output: 0.5% to $18.4 million compared to $18.3 million for the same period last year. eCommerce sales increased 12.2% to $14.9 million compared to $13. Domestic sales decreased 1.4% to $238.8 million compared to $242.2 million for the same period last year. International sales increased 10.3% to $147.9 million compared to $134. “The UGG brand has shown great resiliency over the past year driven by... Instruction: Continue. Output: innovative new products and advancements in our marketing, merchandising and selling strategies,” stated Angel Martinez, President, Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board... Instruction: Next. Output: of Directors. “The fall selling season started well led by demand for our expanded collection of casual shoes and boots. As we move further... Instruction: Continue. Output: into the back half of the year, sell-through of our core Classic and slipper collections is accelerating. We are pleased with our current business trends and believe the Company is well positioned... Instruction: More. Output: for the upcoming holiday period. More importantly, we believe the investments we are making in our brands, distribution platforms and supply chain will strengthen our growth profile and enhance our profitability over... Instruction: Next. Output: the long-term.”UGG brand net sales for the third quarter increased 1. The increase in sales was primarily driven by higher global Direct to Consumer sales, resulting from new store openings and the... Instruction: Continue. Output: launch of new eCommerce websites, partially offset by lower domestic wholesale sales. Teva brand net sales for the third quarter increased 0. The increase in sales was driven by higher worldwide wholesale... Instruction: More. Output: and Direct to Consumer sales, partially offset by a decrease in international distributor sales. Sanuk brand net sales for the third quarter increased 0... Instruction: More. Output: Combined net sales of the Company's other brands increased 81.3% to $13.3 million for the third quarter compared to $7. The increase was primarily attributable to the addition of the HOKA ONE ONE® brand which was acquired in September 2012. Sales for the global retail store business, which are included in the brand sales numbers above, increased 34.6 million for the third quarter compared to $39.1 million for the same period last year. This increase was driven by 37 new stores opened after the third quarter of 2012, and a 1.9% same store sales increase for the thirteen weeks ended September 29, 2013 compared to the thirteen weeks ending September 30, 2012. Sales for the global eCommerce business, which are included in the brand sales numbers above, increased... Instruction: Continue. Output: 12.9 million for the third quarter compared to $13. The sales increase... Instruction: Next. Output: was driven primarily by strong international sales for the UGG brand, and the addition of new international eCommerce websites. At September 30, 2013, cash and cash equivalents were $84.1 million compared to $61.6 million at September 30, 2012. The Company had $245.5 million in outstanding borrowings under its credit facility at September 30, 2013 and $275.0 million at September 30, 2012. Inventories at September 30, 2013 decreased 8.6% to $444.6 million from $486.2 million at September 30, 2012. Based on results for the third quarter of 2013 which included a tax benefit of approximately $2 million related to a lower, non-recurring tax rate combined with current visibility, the Company updated its full year outlook. The Company now expects full year diluted earnings per share to increase approximately 10%... Instruction: Continue. Output: over 2012 levels, up from its previous projection of approximately 8%. Based on results for the third quarter of 2013 which included the shift of certain SG&A expenses into the fourth quarter combined with current visibility, the Company updated its fourth quarter 2013 outlook. The Company still expects fourth quarter 2013 revenue to increase approximately 14.5% over 2012 levels. The Company now expects fourth quarter 2013 diluted earnings per share to increase approximately 32% over 2012 levels, compared to its previous projection of approximately 38%. The Company's conference call to review third quarter 2013 results will be broadcast live over the internet today, Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 4:30 pm Eastern Time. The broadcast will be hosted at www. You can access the broadcast by clicking on the... Instruction: More. Output: “Investors” tab and then clicking on the microphone icon on the right side of the screen. The broadcast will be available for at least... Instruction: More. Output: 30 days following the conference call. You can also access the broadcast at www. Deckers Outdoor Corporation is a global leader in designing, marketing... Instruction: Next. Output: and distributing innovative footwear, apparel and accessories developed for both everyday casual lifestyle use and high performance activities. The Company's portfolio of brands includes... Instruction: Next. Output: UGG® Australia, Teva®, Sanuk®, TSUBO®, Ahnu®, MOZO®, and HOKA ONE ONE®. Celebrating the 40th anniversary of its founding in 2013, Deckers Outdoor has a... Instruction: Next. Output: history of building niche footwear brands into lifestyle market leaders attracting millions of loyal consumers globally. These forward-looking statements are intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the... Instruction: Next. Output: Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although we do not make forward-looking statements unless we believe we have a reasonable basis for doing so, we cannot guarantee their accuracy. As a result, actual results may differ materially from the results stated in or implied by our forward-looking statements. and the challenge of maintaining a continuous supply of quality finished goods; risks of conducting... Instruction: Continue. Output: business outside the U. Certain of these risks and uncertainties are more fully described in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended... Instruction: Continue. Output: December 31, 2012, which we filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission,... Instruction: More. Output: or the SEC, on March 1, 2013, as well as in our other filings with the SEC. In addition, actual results may differ as a result of additional risks and uncertainties of which we are currently unaware or which we do not currently view as material to our business. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements contained in this press... Instruction: Next. Output: release, which speak only as of the date of this press release. You should read this press release with the understanding that our future results may be materially different from what we currently expect. Growth variation in Abies georgei var. smithii along altitudinal gradients in the Sygera Mountains, southeastern Tibetan Plateau (期刊论文)摘要 Spin image is a good feature descriptor of the 3D surface, thus it has been extensively used in many applications such as SLAM of mobile robot and cooperation of heterogeneous robots. However, due to the huge computational burden, it is difficult to be used in real time applications. The main contribution of this paper is that through constructing the low dimensional feature space, the correspondence searching procedure can be divided into two steps: firstly, select similar... Instruction: Continue. Output: key points in the proposed low dimensional feature space using k-d tree; then spin image feature is used to search for correspondences among a... Instruction: Next. Output: very limited amount of point candidates. Finally, experiments with respect to a man made surroundings are conducted and the results show the feasibility and validity of the new proposed algorithm. ## State... Instruction: More. Output: Key Laboratory of Robotics, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, 110016, China.
User: Complete this text: it is still the objective to have multiclass in SP , the coding is all done and its waiting for the menus to be ... Assistant: Completed pargraph(s): built . Those screens were taken from assets being built specifically for RaceRoom, it's safe to assume that texture, poly budgets and the way... User: More. Assistant: things are going to be built for Unreal is going to be a lot more visually compelling. Think of it like this, two separate... User: Continue. Assistant: studios working on two separate products. We are under the same umbrella but we are two separate entities working on different things. We are supporting one another in different areas and provide feedback where necessary, but the Swedish studio is still solely responsible for RaceRoom whilst the UK studio is responsible for GTR3. Following our recent interview with Chris and Allan Speed of Sector3 Studios and SimBin Studios UK, respectively, we today release our second part of the interview series, this time with a focus on the future development of RaceRoom Racing Experience, how the new studio will impact future targets for R3E and the upcoming focus on competitive eSports competition. RD: RaceRoom has come a long way in a short period of time, what's changed behind the... User: Next. Assistant: scenes to enable this growth in development? CS: A large part of that has been simply listening to the fans. I'll hold my hands up, at SimBin we had a tendency to... User: Continue. Assistant: keep things close to the chest, in hindsight that maybe was the wrong approach. One of the things we wanted to do at Sector3 was to open up a little bit, be... User: More. Assistant: more social and hold the dev streams at the studio live and... User: Continue. Assistant: tell people - this is what's coming up, this is what you can expect, send us your questions in, that sort of thing. Ok... User: More. Assistant: we might not please everyone, but people have to understand we are 10 guys sitting in an office in Sweden, seven guys working remotely around the world and we're just cracking on. Back to an earlier question about do we expect to continue development of R3E, absolutely 100%. We still have a lot of work to do and also a lot of requests from the publisher to ensure the longevity of the title can continue. CS: It kind of works in unison to be honest. We know with R3E the game engine is old in comparison to the competition, there is no doubt we are missing certain elements and eye candy the others have. We took the decision that Unreal is the way to go, we did some... User: Next. Assistant: R&D early in the year and we setup SimBin, that's what they are going to work on. That's not going to happen overnight either. Eventually RaceRoom will move across to this new technology, but first and foremost it's GTR3. Then we look into what we can do with RaceRoom afterwards. I want to be 100% clear we are not ceasing work on our current... User: Continue. Assistant: development plan for RaceRoom. There is no doubt that the work that is going on for GTR3 we will see in RaceRoom when we make that decision to switch which means day... User: Continue. Assistant: night cycle, weather, improved physics, AI and visuals. All these goodies will be coming across when the time is right. CS: It was a challenge indeed and something we were unsure about... User: Next. Assistant: using the current game engine we have. I think what we achieved as a first pass, the fact we have it running in DX9 is fantastic and it will certainly add a new dimension and level of immersion to the game. The next steps for us on VR is optimisation, fixing bugs and making sure the UI is working the way we need it to. Achieving this also adds another string to our bow for our event version we run at tracks and events as VR is the hot topic at the moment, and there is a lot of demand for a high level of immersion in events where partners want to attract certain crowds. We will of course be running VR in GTR3 straight from the box... User: More. Assistant: and maybe we will see some certain game modes that are VR specific, adding VR gets the creativeness flowing that's for sure so it's an area of real interest to us. RD: It has often been said the R3E fans have to wait a long time between updates, and sometimes post update you have a number of server issues. What is the strategy going forwards with regards to update frequency and resolving those 503 server problems? CS: I think if you look at the most recent updates we are updating the game every month and that is a strategy we have adopted since October last year. Yes, there was a period when we were quiet for a few months during 2016 but this was down to a lot... User: Next. Assistant: of back-end system work, fixing issues and working on requests from some of our partners and publisher which were event specific. Regarding the 503 error issues we have had, they were causing us a headache but we have done and will continue to do a lot of work in the back ground to rectify this problem and at the moment and looking at our last few patches this have been improved greatly. RD: On the subject of content, do you have any new or interesting licenses coming up at the moment you want to share with us? CS: All the previous partners we have been working with we continue to discuss the license availability and we also move forward with new potential license partners. These discussions can be... User: Continue. Assistant: quite lengthy and do take time. Those licences in the past have... User: Continue. Assistant: been expensive for us, so now we are trying to turn it into a partnership where we purely base it on a revenue percentage type of deal. WTCC of course is a long standing relationship between RaceRoom, KW and SimBin / Sector3 so obviously that will continue to fruition. Again working with the likes of Volvo for the S60 Polestar, that's coming soon, Silverstone's out and obviously we've announced some Swedish tracks, why? Two reasons why, we decided to try and work with some of our back catalogue of tracks we have and second of all in Sweden there is some business we can generate from the event version of R3E within Scandinavia . We still have a number of locations in Sweden that are still running the... User: More. Assistant: old software, so if we can give them the R3E event version... User: Continue. Assistant: with some really cool local tracks that are suited to WTCC or STCC cars then we'll do it. We also have a number of exceptionally cool licences coming up, but we can't talk about that yet. CS: We sat down in an office 12 months ago and discussed a new STCC game, but I think neither side felt comfortable with the time frames that... User: Continue. Assistant: was being talked about so we left it at that. RD: That's a shame as I know people are crying out for a new STCC game. Is it fair to say never say never on the subject, especially with the championship moving to TCR regs from this yearRD: Saying that then, would anything maybe be cooking with regards to the move to TCR regs,... User: More. Assistant: both in Sweden and further afield? CS: As I said previously we continue to discuss all types of license deals and for us TCR is a very interesting series so we will see what happens. RD: TCR is an interesting series as the cars are used across many different championships around the world. Surely its just the skin packs and AI files once the... User: Continue. Assistant: cars are done. CS: (Laughs) If only you really knew . There's much more to it than that of course, in reality it's just... User: Continue. Assistant: not like that. There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes just to get a car or a track in... User: More. Assistant: a game. RD: So what do you have in store in the immediate future for fans to get excited about? Can you tell us more about your intentions to bring organised multiplayer (or eSports) to RaceRoom Racing Experience? CS: As it stands our current priority is to push the ranked systems for MP. We already have the player rating tracking data behind the scenes so we can look at the numbers and adjust accordingly. We also have the reputation system coming in next patch that will track players incidents behind the scenes so again looking at the numbers and tweak if needed. These will be used to determine your eligibility for different tiers and categories of ranked MP races. The MP races will be running on schedule where... User: Continue. Assistant: players will be able to sign up via the portal and follow the progression. This we feel will add a missing element for players who look for more progression. It's about competing... User: Continue. Assistant: against players that have the same skill level which ultimately will add additional purpose to MP races. RD: But you will keep the single player module bolted on to it, so people can play against AI if they choose and also online? CS: Absolutely, none of that will change moving forward. We will continue to improve the single player experience throughout the course of... User: Continue. Assistant: development. RD: The recent Mercedes DTM online competition was a great success for you RaceRoom, any plans to do something similar in future? CS:... User: Continue. Assistant: We've had a load of discussions with other companies and partners on the back of the Mercedes event with RaceRoom, which for us was... User: Next. Assistant: kind of a springboard into what we can really do with a partner. We couldn't believe what we were watching, it was unbelievable the kinds of numbers we had watching the event was fantastic and Mercedes were happy with it. RD: To be frank that event wasn't really widely known about outside of the core RaceRoom user base, so to get the kind of... User: Continue. Assistant: viewing figures you did was an impressive feat. CS: For us it... User: Continue. Assistant: really hit home the potential we have, but also what it means to have a strong partner on-board. Let's not forget Mercedes pulling power... User: Continue. Assistant: marketing wise and social wise is bigger than certainly R3E, Sector3 and SimBin put together, even RaceRoom as a company. EuroGamer did a great... User: More. Assistant: interview with ourselves in 2014/2015 back when Sector3 took that baton over from SimBin, and the title of the article was 'RaceRoom, the best racing game you've never heard of' and in... User: More. Assistant: some aspects that really hit home for us, there is a bit of truth there. I'm not saying that RaceRoom is the best game out there, there are a lot of solid games available to choose from at the moment, but what we do I think we are the best at doing. For example Assetto Corsa is a great game, obviously focusing on both... User: More. Assistant: motorsport and real world cars as do many other sims at the moment, then you have RaceRoom. We do everything motorsport related, were not interested in doing road cars. We've always done this, and SimBin back in the past and even today it's all about motorsport, and that's what sets us different from the competition. RD: I think you have a point with that... User: More. Assistant: For me personally I like having specific years of a real world championship. DTM for example I might want to race the 2013 season, or 2015 season depending on my mood and RaceRoom lets me do that. I appreciate multiple years of a series and I wonder if other sim fans also enjoy that sort of thing. CS: I think when you read a... User: Next. Assistant: lot of the forums, and especially the pricing situation and stuff like that doesn't help. We continuously evaluate our pricing and strategy with RaceRoom,... User: Continue. Assistant: who lets not forget are the people who are paying the bills at the end of the day. That's just a fact, if they... User: Continue. Assistant: say "what you say is great but not right now" we just have to turn the page and get on with it. We have made strides over the past few years from what R3E was at SimBin and I think we are in a solid place in terms of sales, numbers, things like that. AS: To be fair it's whatever the sponsor comes up... User: More. Assistant: with. If brand X wants to give us X amount for an online event then that's what we will do. CS: It can take... User: Continue. Assistant: many forms one of these kinds of events, depending on partners and what we want to achieve at that moment in time. Look at the recent eVegas event. Ok it wasn't as smooth as it could be, but they will learn from that. We did one similar at the Nurburgring at the 24h race and it wasn't as good as we expected, but we took those lessons on board and we learnt from it. Things like testing the event software, making sure the wheels and pedals are setup and calibrated, sounds are ok and all those kinds of checklists only come if you are used to doing those type of things. Going back to my original point, people are only interested in big numbers. People are only interested... User: More. Assistant: in writing about big numbers. For example we've sat down with someone to do an event and they've said they were only interested in doing a eSport event with us if its £100,000 on offer. For us that's crazy money, but no one will write about it if we don't have it like that, and they have a point. CS: It's funny actually, it's... User: Next. Assistant: almost like we were one step ahead of eSports. We were already doing it before it became popular. AS: Well we had RaceRoom, and... User: Next. Assistant: that's like an arcade with all the simulators and all that side. The software was tailored to a location and then it's just evolved... User: Continue. Assistant: after that. We can now potentially do something with this. Plus we are not 18 rated either, it's a racing game so it's open to a much wider audience than some of... User: Continue. Assistant: these shooting games you see that are quite popular in organised competition at the moment. CS: If you look at history of RaceRoom as a company people would be very surprised at what they find. Back in 2012 / 13 we had nearly 13 RaceRooms open worldwide. These were locations where you just go in, pay at a counter, go to a kiosk and... User: Continue. Assistant: insert your name and you're in to race against your mates or you hotlap. The company have a good history in virtual racing that again people don't know about. If people went online and had a look at the company they would understand what we have been trying and continue to do. RD: So if the intention is to have a greater focus on... User: Next. Assistant: eSports going forward, does this mean RaceRoom can expect a long development... User: Next. Assistant: life expectancy to meet this potential? CS: We use the word "eSports" very frankly, for example the next development phase of R3E is what... User: Next. Assistant: we like to say structured online racing. The thing is before eSports... User: Continue. Assistant: can happen, although it's happening today with other games like shooters, Dota2, LOL, Counterstrike and all that I still think it needs some kind of form to make racing work with eSports. It needs some kind of structure saying this is what it's going to be. AS: You see we build the simulators, so everyone has a fair playing field. We know how to... User: Continue. Assistant: make a race event work in eSports, and we think that this sort of solution, be it participating at home on your own machine... User: More. Assistant: or turning up at an organised event and doing it there has a big draw as the future on large scale multiplayer racingCS: We've not made a star in racing eSports yet... User: More. Assistant: In order for it to be interesting people need to write about it, and we need to make the stars. Until that happens organizations like ESL are always going to have that... User: More. Assistant: question mark about how are we going to make it interesting. Prize money, presentation and above all the drivers are all key here. RD:... User: Continue. Assistant: Jumping now to the new SimBin team for a moment, will you be making other former back catalogue games after GTR3? CS: Everything is... User: More. Assistant: open for consideration. GTL, a new Race game or something from the multitude of IPs in the back catalogue really. It just boils down... User: Next. Assistant: to getting GTR3 done, then we need to access what's next. AS: They could be updates or something, but what our focus is now... User: More. Assistant: is getting the technology up and running to the level that we want, and then everything else will just come together. RD: We recently heard the news that the proposed GTL title... User: More. Assistant: from Tiny Feet Studios has been suspended for various reasons. Could we... User: Continue. Assistant: see the possibility of Simbin / Sector3 stepping in to bring that... User: More. Assistant: game back to life, or re taking the rights to the name and doing it yourselves? RD: We talked about IP, is that also the licences themselves or just the content already... User: Next. Assistant: created, or just the actual names of the products? CS: The licence deals run out, that's just the tradition. Its either a 3 year or a 5 year deal then they will... User: More. Assistant: send you a letter to say "ok were not going to extend this licence and you have a 6 or 12 month sell off... User: More. Assistant: period". That's a traditional licence deal. When you purchase the IPs it doesn't come with a licence it just comes with a name, like GTR or GTL or Race, it doesn't come with GTR FIA or anything. RD: So in summary you say that RaceRoom will be looking to substantially enhance the organised multiplayer element of the sim, bring in a continual influx of new and (hopefully) exciting content, move over to Unreal 4 in time and add the features that opportunity presents. How do you feel about some of the elements deemed to be missing from the sim that many fans ask about? I'm talking about stuff such as multi class racing, proper flags, tyre pressure adjustments and that sort of thing. What's the plans in terms... User: Next. Assistant: of feature development? CS: No doubt there is still some key elements missing in RaceRoom as you mention above. Flag system, tyre compounds on certain cars is being worked on. Multi Class racing we have a design on paper and will at some point work towards that but first and foremost we have to get the structured MP racing features done. RD: So in... User: Continue. Assistant: short the GTR3 announcement from SimBin won't prevent RaceRoom for developing further,... User: More. Assistant: it will in fact dovetail the development and open up opportunities for R3E to become bigger and better than would be possible without GTR3? CS: Think of it like this, two separate... User: Continue. Assistant: studios working on two separate products. We are supporting one another in different areas and provide feedback where necessary but the Swedish studio is still solely responsible for RaceRoom whilst the UK... User: Continue. Assistant: studio is responsible for GTR3. If you missed it due to living under a rock these past few weeks, or have only just discovered... User: Next. Assistant: the internet, you can check out our recent SimBin interview HERE and... User: Continue. Assistant: our GTR3 reveal article HERE. RaceRoom Racing Experience is a PC exclusive racing simulation by Sector3 Studios. You can download the base game with limited content for free, with further cars and tracks available to purchase at an additional cost. The now retired BMW Z4 GT3 will very soon welcome its younger but bigger sister in RaceRoom, the BMW M6 GT3. This week-end, we... User: Continue. Assistant: are celebrating this awesome race machine and its so characteristic sounds on the legendary circuit of Spa-Francorchamps on which the Z4 achieved several of its best performances. The first early in game image of the Mercedes AMG GT3 car for RaceRoom Racing Experience has surfaced, showing the level of progress already achieved by the studio. Following the very recent release of the BMW M6... User: Continue. Assistant: GT3 and announcements of the upcoming McLaren 650S, the Callaway Corvette C7 and Audi R8 LMS joining the already released Bentley Continental GT3, RaceRoom... User: More. Assistant: and Sector3 are doing a good job of bringing the latest specification GT3 cars to a game that is heavily focussed on the very popular class of Grand Touring specification racing. Having announced the licence agreement with the German manufacturers all the way back in July last year around, many fans are eager to see where the development stands with the new car. In... User: Continue. Assistant: answer to the constant requests for a progress update, Sector3 Studios J-F Chardon posted this little in game preview image of the car, and... User: More. Assistant: confirmed that the studio are still working hard to get the machine ready for a public release. Unfortunately those hoping for a relatively quick... User: Continue. Assistant: public launch might be a bit disappointed as it looks like plenty of work remains in order to get the vehicle in a release ready state. Chardon went on to say "It was added in the engine, now it's all about receiving liveries, physics and sounds + AI"! So fans may well have to wait a little bit longer before the latest and greatest... User: Next. Assistant: from Stuttgart is available to drive in RaceRoom Racing Experience. RaceRoom Racing Experience is a free to play racing simulation exclusive to PC. Additional content can be purchased via the RaceRoom Store.
<user>: The rest of this: I have noticed, however, a common argument for voting seems to be that a single vote can make all difference. They talk about how close races have been in the past, where very few votes made the difference. NPR, for instance, had an interesting article titled “Why Every Vote Matters—The Elections Decided By A Single Vote (Or A Little More).”It's true that sometimes races and decisions can get very close and that can be exciting, but focusing on that misses the point a bit. It devalues the magnitude of what it means to head out to the polls and add your voice. Voting is important not because you might be the one vote that swings it the way you want it to go. Voting is important because a democracy demands the voice of the people to elect our leaders. It's not about me the person. It's about we the people. It's about us as a municipal, state, national, and global community. Individualism is important, but perhaps we have strayed too far in our understanding of how we function as a community, and become too focused on our own egos. In a democracy, and in the United States in particular, we as individuals make up something bigger. Our national motto even tells us so. So when you vote, it's not a time to think about you. Sure take your selfies (where it's permitted), broadcast your pride in doing your duty, show other people how good it feels to participate in the process. But remember that this moment is about synergy—when we come together to create something greater than all of us put together. There tends to be a lot of confusion between training and professional development. Most often, those two things are conflated. Other times, people are vaguely aware that they are different things, but they're just not sure what the distinction is or how to define it. ## Professional development is strategic. It teaches people to excel in areas beyond the status quo. This means acquiring knowledge, skills, and abilities that are widely transferable across a jobs and industries. The learning that happens at this level is often conceptual, and requires the learners to put effort into how to apply the content. So, why is it important to make this distinction? For one thing, how you teach in these two areas is very different, so if you're hiring for training, you should not assume that that person can teach professional development, and vice-versa. A good deal of training could be done internally by subject matter experts, but it's unlikely those people will have any interest or aptitude in teaching professional development. Also, don't make the mistake of thinking that just because someone is a subject matter expert that they can teach. It's a common problem in the workplace, like assuming that someone will be a good supervisor because they're good at their current job. Another reason to make the distinction between training and professional development has to do with funding and budgets. If you don't make the distinction between training and professional development, all funding will just default to training, and professional development will go by the wayside. Because training is necessary to just get the work done right, training will often override any need for strategic growth. When managers or leaders are asked what they're doing for professional development, sometimes they will proudly quote some exorbitant dollar figure, but the reality is all that money is just going toward making sure people know how to do their jobs. Little to no investment is being made for continuous learning; that is, teaching people how to be better problem solvers, critical thinkers, and innovators. Obviously people need to know how to do their jobs, but after that, it is equally important that they continue to learn. In the same way you want a business to continually improve, you also want the people who make that business run to continuously improve, and that's where professional development comes in. They want to be better and do better, and they hunger for knowledge. As I wrote above, training ensures that people are compliant, and compliance is necessary. But when you provide learning opportunities to your people that open their minds and allow them to explore an envision bold new ideas, that's when they get committed. When people are committed to an organization, and only when they are committed, can great things happen. Being an effective and ethical leader is exhausting. It requires constant effort and a strong group of allies and advisors (i. When you're desperate or feel like you're drowning and someone tosses you a rope, you can be so eager and grateful for the gesture that sometimes you don't notice when it's a noose. When a leader gets hooked on a destructive advisor, it's toxicity grows. The leader can put so much faith in the relationship that other relationships start to suffer. Other would-be allies, intending to alert the leader to the problem, are seen as a nuisance; people who are just getting in the way. As the leader pushes his team away, he becomes increasingly dependent on the destructive advisor. When it feels like more and more people are out to get you, it's increasingly reassuring to have that one person on your side. You know he's on your side because he keeps showing you all those other people who are out to get you. Soon you have no one left but the person who is destroying you. (You may have seen this play out in someone's personal life as well. Here a two stories that may sound familiar to you that illustrate how a destructive advisor gains power. The department lead, Agnes, has her go-to guy, Hal. When it comes to transactional work, he seems to be the master. It appears no one else can do what he does. And Hal makes damn sure it stays that way. Hal constantly laments how overworked he is. He exhibits his workload physically so all the world can see the demands put upon him. His calendar is like a sliding block puzzle, forever shifting, rescheduling, and cancelling. When he is offered help, it never goes well. The offer is either rebuffed or the good Samaritan fails miserably. No one, it seems, is capable of understanding the intricacies of the tremendous demands Hal faces on a daily basis. Agnes buys it hook line and sinker. The dread of losing him is so consuming that she doesn't see the misery that Hal creates all around him. He can't collaborate. He refuses to explain in any form how he takes care of his end of a process. And although he insists that it's everyone else that just doesn't get it, the work that he produces ranges from inadequate to incompetent. Margaret is intent on ferreting out the dysfunction and incompetence in the office. She spots when mistakes are made and eagerly notifies her boss, Paul. Paul is grateful for the discovery and aghast that such things could be happening under his watch. With apparent support from the Paul, Margaret confronts the offending parties and interrogates them about their deplorable practices. She gives the impression that Paul is questioning their ability to do their jobs. Margaret takes it upon herself to closely monitor everyone under the dark cloud of her suspicions. Paul admires Margaret's tenacity and ambition to clean house and get things in order. When he needs information, she gets it. Or at least incessantly harasses people to get the information. What would he do without her, he wonders. Never mind that she is essentially terrorizing the rest of the office. Never mind that she is creating massive dysfunction and inefficiency. All Paul can see is that Margaret uncovered wrongdoing and therefore she is indispensable. Unlike the destructive advisors in Shakespeare's plays, in the workplace a leader's destructive advisor may not be deliberately trying sabotage the leader, which makes it that much more difficult to spot. ## Not only does the leader believe the destructive advisor is doing the right thing, so does the destructive advisor. A destructive advisor believes she is the leader's and the organization's greatest asset. It's a sort of spell both parties fall into in this toxic relationship. Listen—truly listen—to the entire team, and never let one person be your barometer for the wellbeing of the organization. It often takes a lot of courage to go to the boss to express your concerns, so when someone actually musters it, the boss should take it seriously. Yes, there are people who are a little too eager to gripe, but that doesn't necessary mean their concerns are unfounded. If you, as the leader, are using one person to interpret how the whole team is functioning just so you don't have to deal with it, you are failing as a leader. Look closely at how your closest ally treats other people. ## The personality they present to you, may not be the personality they present to others. Don't make excuses for abusive or unfair treatment. Justifying bad behavior as your ally being firm or other people's misperceptions or over-sensitivity is not OK. No one, much less a leader, should ever tolerate anyone to be treated badly. Spotting when things go wrong is relatively easy. Fixing them is slightly more difficult. The part within fixing the problem that takes real skill is working with the people who own those processes and treating them with respect and dignity they deserve as the problem gets resolved. If your advisor can't do that part, he either needs to be developed so he can, or removed from that role entirely. If it looks to you as if one person holds all the knowledge for how to perform a key function, that's a problem. It may not necessarily be the destructive advisor's fault that a process isn't transparent, but, as the leader, it sure as hell is your fault. You cannot allow one person to monopolize so much institutional knowledge that they that can use it to hold the rest of the organization hostage. Leaders should respect the hard work and expertise of their team. They should be grateful for their contributions and let people know how much they are appreciated. But when someone crosses the line and starts to use that expertise against the organization, you need to put an end to it definitively. That could mean helping that person see that they are doing harm, or, failing that, helping that person transition out of the organization. No one does it alone. Just proceed with caution. Trust is important and it should extend beyond your closest ally. Some ... <bot>: people, I have found, are displeased when we mix politics with talk of leadership. Readers who feel this way, I surmise, just want to stay focused on what they know to be an important subject without having to wade through someone's political opinions to get to the point. They want to be free to talk business and share knowledge of their profession without slipping down the dark hole they suffer through every Thanksgiving with their relatives. There's also this element of liking what someone is saying about leadership only to learn that he voted for the other guy that can be a real buzzkill. I get it, I really do. But I also disagree that we shouldn't mix leadership discussion with politics, and here's why. Government and the private sector are conjoined (sometimes in ways they should not be), and running a government involves politics. To try to extract politics from talk of leadership would be negligent. We don't pretend to be able to talk about economics or history without involving politics, nor should we with leadership. The political world is filled with highly visible leaders who make critical decisions that sometimes have a global impact. We are able to see the effects of their leadership and decision-making on a massive scale and that helps those of us who study leadership learn from them and point to them as examples of what to do and what not to do. No, it's not entirely objective, and yes, there is a way to report on politics and government without picking sides. Once upon a time, the news media was rather good at this. But leadership theory and development is not necessarily about staying dispassionate (sometimes it is, but not always). More often it's about getting passionate, angry, excited, or scared and then doing something about it. More to the point, leadership development is about getting people passionate, angry, excited, and scared enough to take take action. And that means getting people out of their comfort zone. While some of us might wish leadership was pure science, it is not. There is a lot of opinion involved with the study and practice. People will disagree with methods and even outcomes. For instance, Scott Pruitt, Betsy DeVos, and Ben Carson were appointed to the president's cabinet in the hope that they would bring down the offices they are leading (EPA, Education, and HUD respectively). One might therefore argue that they are effective leaders because their intentions are being realized. But as Barbara Kellerman teaches us, when we talk about good leadership, we need to consider ethics as well as effectiveness. My opinion would be that, by evaluating them on both criteria, they are disastrous leaders, and I could have a pretty rousing discussion on the subject. Others may not agree, but if we're going to discuss leadership and learn from each other, we're going to have to be OK with disagreeing. In fact, we're going to have to venture into areas where we know there will be disagreement. When teaching leadership, people like to lean on sports metaphors because there are clear winners and losers and no one's going to get too offended when they hear a story about Vince Lombardi or Red Auerbach. Those leadership lessons play it safe (for the most part). But many of those anecdotes are a bit shopworn and sometimes pretty shallow in terms of leadership theory and analysis. We need to be willing to go out on a limb—sometimes making people feel uncomfortable—in order for them to understand the underpinnings of leadership. What's more, we need to be willing to point to poor leadership when we see it because calling out bad leadership is just as important as calling out good leadership. The alternative is complacency. If we're not clear about what bad leadership is and explicit about who those bad actors are, we start accepting it as normal. By not calling it out, we are allowing it. It slowly destroys our standards and when it comes to leadership, the corrosion of standards is catastrophic. The bar keeps getting lower and we don't notice it. Slowly the caliber of leaders descends until we look up and find ourselves awash in leaders who are toadies, nincompoops, and assholes. When we don't point out bad leadership when we see it, we start thinking that it's perfectly acceptable for people like Scott Pruitt to be in a leadership position. It's wrong and it's tremendously damaging. And if we're going to discuss leadership and get better at it, we need to be screaming that from the rooftops. While leadership worship needs to stop, we also must have increasingly high standards for our leaders. We don't get the likes of Devin Nunes into positions of leadership because our standards are just too high. They are there because the standards are too low. And every day they hold positions of leadership, the bar gets lower. We need to continually improve leadership, constantly striving for better. It is an issue that is just too important to be bashful about. There's a lot of information out there about the importance of creating workflows and documenting processes. A lot of smart folks are giving great advice on the subject, but it can also be intimidating. For many situations the methods they provide for documentation is overkill. You don't have to be a Six Sigma Black Belt to articulate a process or create a useful checklist. Here's a really easy way to at least get you started. Write out the triggering event — This is the thing that starts the whole process rolling—a customer orders an item, the boss requests a report, a client walks in the door, etc. Write out the final successful outcome — The end of the process when you can call it complete—a customer receives the order, the boss gets the report, the client walks into her appointment, etc. Write out the first thing that must be done after the triggering event — The very first thing you have to do after the triggering event to get the process rolling. Write out the last thing that has to be done before the successful outcome — Your final action before the process is complete. Fill in two to six actions that must be done in between — You'll need to spend some time thinking about these. These are the broad strokes. The things that are critical to the process, but not all the granular stuff that might or could happen. But it will help a lot of people get what they do out of their heads so they can check their effectiveness, let their boss and coworkers know how they do their job, and create a record for succession planning. The hardest part is figuring out those broad middle steps. This is not one of those complex flow charts with scores of if-then scenarios. If you need to do one of those later, this will help you get there, but this isn't that. This is great for creating checklists or simplified workflows. Here are some examples of where it will help:Rajan C Mathew's Blogs: Gionee Elife E8 Smartphone: The 24 Megapixel Camera with A Smartphone Attached! For those of you who are smartphone and smart camera enthusiasts from India, there is an exciting news. The news is about the launch of the smartest smart camera phone by Gionee, the Elife E8 today in the Indian markets by the company through online retailer Snapdeal. Technology is fast moving forward that cameras and phones of the past are getting obsolete and replaced by superior combos which combine smartest lenses with smartest phones operated through smartest microchip computers. Twenty-five years ago, I remember purchasing a desktop computer with Cathode Ray Color tube of 14 inch size with a hard disk capacity of 4GB and the super fast Celeron processor which clocked a speed of 450 Megabytes per second by spending a sum that was not affordable to many. It costed Rs.45000/-! But I considered it as a windfall gain at that time because some of my friends had purchased PCs with black and white monitors having a processing power one fourth of that at costs that was three times higher just some months ago. But we had seen technology progressing faster over the years. In these years, tremendous changes have taken place. Even the toddlers are computer savvy now-a-days! It seems that they learn the tricks while still in the mother's womb! Now these are not any thing surprising now, but we have assumed technological advancements as a matter of routine. A time has now come that we get annoyed when the technology giants are not innovating on a monthly or yearly basis! The Chinese company, Gionee, had launched this product in China in June 2015 with a price equivalent to about Rs.41000/- and the Indian arm of the company is now launching it in India at a lesser price for the Indian enthusiasts of cameras and phones. The noteworthy feature of the Gionee Elife E8 is its 24-megapixel rear camera. With a matching software this phone camera can stitch pictures together and produce images up to 120 megapixels in resolution. Gionee is claiming that the E8 has a six-element lens with sapphire glass, optical image stabilisation, lossless zoom at up to 3x, 4K video recording, a dedicated camera button, dual-tone LED flash, and phase detection auto focus for speeds up to 0.08 seconds. The smartphone also has a ‘biological' fingerprint reading feature on the back panel, and an 8-megapixel front-facing camera. The Elife E8 runs Android 5.1 Lollipop-based Amiga 3.1 operating system, and is a dual-SIM 4G smartphone. This smart slim phone is with a 6-inch QHD (1440×2560 pixel) Super Amoled display with a pixel density of 490 ppi. Powered by a 2 GHz octa-core MediaTek Helio X10 (MTK6795) system on chip (SoC) coupled with 3GB of RAM, it comes with 64GB of inbuilt storage without expandable storage. Those interested in procuring this phone may also like to get other accessories for this phone as well from SnapDeal. That could be easily done by using the search facility given in this online shopping page which could also be used to find other smartphone models including those of Gionee as offered by Snapdeal, flipkart and Amazon. In case you are not inclined to spend too much money for your Gionee Elife E8 smartphone I would recommend you try any one of the following smart camera phone models instead. These too are technically superior and available for around Rs.10,000/- from the online shops such as Snapdeal (Click the links to see the details and order online! ):.
Instruction: Can you tell me how to fill in the missing spans: Sergio Olivares, managing director at Olivares, explains the TPP's impact on the Mexican pharmaceutical industry's dynamism and Olivares' business proposal as a one-stop shop solution to fulfill all its current and future clients' intellectual property needs. Olivares began as an intellectual property (IP) boutique in 1969 and is today the most frequently awarded IP practice in Mexico. Could you please give to our international audience an update about the operations of the firm since we met you two years ago? My father founded Olivares in 1969 with two attorneys and two technical experts. The firm has been steadily growing since its inception and now it is composed by nine partners. We have been developing and adapting our offering according to our clients' needs. In this sense, 15 years ago, we realized that an increasing number of customers from the pharmaceutical industry were approaching us to help them enforce their patents. More recently, we have expanded our offering into the corporate area taking advantage of the existing synergies with IP. As an example of these new services Olivares is currently working on a couple of initiatives to help its clients to monetize IP rights, particularly patents; Mexico has a lot of potential in this approach because a lot of national technology is not protected by patents due to the poor knowledge surrounding the need for IP rights. We are diversifying and enlarging our operations to fulfill the needs of our clients and to keep up the pace with the latest industry trends in our business. Such success in our diversification strategy has been based on the existing synergies in terms of knowledge and procedures of our different divisions. As a consequence, Olivares is perceived as a disruptive firm that is fully capable of offering an integral and one-stop shop solution to its clients. Since 2008, because of the global crisis, the world has drastically changed from an economic, social and political standpoint. As a consequence, IP practices have also had to adapt to such dynamism and Olivares has been highly creative in finding new ways to run its operations, being lawyers but also business people. Some services provided by IP law firms have started to be considered, to a certain extent, as a commodity, especially in areas such as trademark filing, which is a relatively straightforward process. Therefore, we have found ways to add value by being innovative and proactive in our operations as we are changing the services and the way they are delivered. It is a reality that, if you are not able to keep pace with the industry trends, you are in danger of disappearing. So, our biggest accomplishment has been to ensure that our business model changes [spans 1] demands. Olivares quickly became the first law firm in Mexico to start a life science practice with specialized human resources dedicated full-time to fulfilling the needs of clients in the sector. How strategically important is the healthcare and life sciences industry within your entire business in comparison to the rest of the industry groups that you are serving such as IT, media and sports & entertainment? Olivares has moved to different industries, creating one-stop shop solutions in all the areas in which we are active. We have been able to disrupt the classic legal firms approach and this strategy has been reflected in our operations. We have focused our [spans 2] areas. With this being said, healthcare and life sciences are highly related to IP services, which is our historical business line. Indeed, our healthcare and life sciences division represents around 50 percent of our total revenues with a particularly strong demand for patents, regulatory and litigation services. Note that in pharma, chemicals, agribusiness, medical devices and other life sciences we estimate to make up around 30 percent of all patents. These sectors, and [spans 3] law. We represent the world's leading innovator companies and have helped them establish stronger IP rights in Mexico than any other law firm or consulting firm has done. This is of course a big statement, but we can easily back it up with the successful initiatives that we have undertaken over the past decade. Two examples are our highly successful litigation strategies, that have taken literally a decade to come to fruition, that established patent linkage regulations in Mexico and that are in line with the [spans 4] agreement. Furthermore, we have worked tirelessly to gain legal precedent to extend the terms for data exclusivity rights. We are registered lobbyists with the Mexican congress (the only IP firm in Mexico to be so) and [spans 5] Mexico. They trust us enough to have Alejandro Luna represent them in the many rounds of the TPP negotiations. We believe we have done more than any other firm in Mexico for this industry, and are proud to serve a large number of the innovator companies in their fight against regulations and the generics market. Mexico ranks 7th in Latin American and the Caribbean –behind Chile and Brazil— and 54thworldwide in the 2014 International Property Rights Index. As an expert in this area, what are the major challenges that you and your clients are currently facing from an IP perspective? The path of development to continue enhancing the Mexican intellectual property framework is to maximize the standards of IP protection. Furthermore, Mexico is currently in the process of entering the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and, referring to IP protection, it will create some new challenges because the [spans 6] higher. It is perceived that Mexico will sign individual agreements that are copies of the TPP agreement, with various countries that were involved in the TPP negotiations, regardless of whether the United States signs or not. This in turn will put more [spans 7] provisions. Mexico's IP law has not undergone relevant changes since 1994, when it was amended [spans 8] (NAFTA). Today Mexico has the opportunity to update it, as it belongs to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with countries throughout the Asia-Pacific region, which imply important issues in regard to the IP protection. As the leading law firm in this area in [spans 9] time. Indeed, the Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research Industries (AMIIF) requested our services to represent them in the negotiation process to enter the TPP. We represented AMIIF in negotiation, lobbing and political activities; we have been involved in such process [spans 10] years. Even though the entrance of Mexico to the TPP is highly crucial for the country, it is not 100 percent sure that such economical agreement is going to be finally a reality. Thus, we need to be forward-looking forecasting both possible scenarios. On one hand, if the TPP actually becomes a reality for Mexico, the country will benefit from the hard work that has been done during all the negotiation process to meet the TPP standards. Referring to the intellectual property chapter, it will be highly positive since IP protection standards will be maximized. On the other hand, if the TPP does not finally happen for Mexico, we should take advantage of all the work that has been done alongside such process to improve its laws in terms of better IP protection for instance. I would like to highlight that Olivares is actively participating and helping the government to advance in this direction and to take advantage of the situation, regardless of the final outcome regarding the entrance of Mexico to the TPP. We have perceived an epidemiologic transition in Mexico with more focus on chronic diseases. Such diseases can be only properly targeted through biotech or biosimilars treatments and an important milestone in the pharma industry has been the approval of the standard NOM 257 in December 2014, which regulates this area. After over 5 years of development, within the legal framework which included an emergency NOM, in 2014 the Mexican Official Standard Rule (NOM) NOM-257-SSA1-2014 regarding biotechnological products entered in force on February 2015. This matter is now in vogue in Mexico due to a recent scandal in the acquisition of lower standard products in the State of Veracruz, where the State Ministry of Health has been accused to provide lower standard products to children with leukemia. There are some issues unaddressed that are equally important for the industry, although, we trust that the authorities are working in having high and competitive standards for these types of products. Thus, we have not just been able to fulfill the dynamic needs of our clients but also to improve our efficiency ratios based on IT capabilities and synergies between our broad divisions. Innovation has permitted us to offer integral, efficient and effective solutions. What are the key competitive advantages that make you the provider of choice both for the industry and the public institutions? One of our main competitive advantage is clearly the unmatched knowledge within our teams, which can be argued are formed by the best attorneys and engineers in the country, but moreover, our people get to work on the most complex cases in the country and thus are always at the cutting edge of legal and business knowledge. Our flexibility in terms of how we have reacted and adapted our operations to the national challenges have also been a key differentiator; as aforementioned, Olivares has disrupted the classic legal firm's business model creating one-stop shop solution as well as lowering costs through synergies and IT capabilities. As managing director of the firm, ensuring that we are always providing the best solution to our customers is one of my main priorities; I want to position Olivares as the legal partner of choice of all current and future clients. In this sense, we continue developing our strategy to add more value to our operations both in terms of quality and efficiency. Such a business model allows Olivares to enjoy a healthy but steady growth supported by its high performing teams. ## Previous Previous post: Medicinal product regulation and product liability in Mexico: overview May 2017. Output: spans 1: to remain in line with the latest industry trends and clients' spans 2: efforts on promoting our new diversified and co-related spans 3: primarily the pharma sector, makes up 50 percent of all patent litigation in the country, and we are true experts in both patent related litigation and also, importantly, administrative litigation, which is of course an ever-evolving area of spans 4: provisions laid out in international treaties such as the NAFTA spans 5: we represent AMIIF (the Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research Industries), the lobbying group for innovator pharma companies doing business in spans 6: standards requested are spans 7: pressure on the government to modify IP related regulations so that Mexico meets its obligations to provide a regulatory system that meets the standards of these spans 8: for the implementation of the North-American Free Trade Agreement spans 9: Mexico, what are your conclusions on that and how does it affect your operations? Olivares has helped the government to establish the proper IP regulatory framework of the healthcare industry for a long spans 10: for more than two
<|prompter|> are the missing spans: I know you've answered many an infant sleep question in the past, I'm hoping you can help with this one. My lovely 7 month old was a great sleeper early on (6-7 hours from 3 weeks old), and experienced the usual 4 month sleep regression as expected and I was fine getting up again 1 or 2 times as needed. It started with a cold, then the stomach flu followed immediately by a UTI, then another stomach flu, then another cold that turned into an ear infection. She is (finally) healthy, but needless to say the 2+ months of being sick has led to some bad habits. She woke frequently and nursing her back to sleep was the easiest thing to do, especially as she wasn't feeling well. Now though, she is 7 months old and I know she should be able to get most of her calories during the day and sleep through the night, or maybe just get up once. However, she is currently waking 3 (or more) times a night to feed and I am losing my will to function – I have a full-time job and a 3 year old to deal with so I cannot continue on with this much longer. If she were just getting [spans 1] fix. But when she wakes, she eats a LOT – to the point where she is now not feeding well during the day. Obviously she has things backwards and I'm not sure how to correct it. The other issue is that my milk production is low in the early evenings before her 7:30 bedtime, and I'm totally fine with giving her a bottle of formula to fill her up, but she will pretty much flat-out refuse a bottle (formula or breast milk) unless she is starving. I should note she is at daycare at my work so I go down to nurse her 3 times a day (I have it pretty great, I know) and we have started her on solids but it has been slow going since she has been sick so she's only eating a small amount of solids once a day. Oh yeah and she's probably teething right now. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can get her to eat more during the day, knowing my milk supply may necessitate a bottle or two that she currently does not want? We co-sleep, which helps to minimize the time spent up, but last night she was up at 9:00, 11:30, 1:30, and 3:00, then I got up to get ready for work at 6:00. Every once in a while she will go 4-5 hours, but guaranteed that's the night my 3 year old will wake up because that is the way the universe works. At this point there are days I can barely remember my name. HELP! ! So I am most definitely NOT anti-cosleeping. I co-slept with all of my babies when they were tiny and found it solved all sorts of early-on sleeping/nursing/general-new-baby-stress problems. However, at some point each time, it started to backfire on us — a baby that could and SHOULD be sleeping through the night (or only waking once) was instead treating our sleeping arrangement like an all-night buffet, demanding boob in mouth pretty much round the clock in order to stay asleep. I did not enjoy this, and personally had no desire to co-sleep for an extended period of time — it was a short-term sleep solution that was lovely and special when it worked. Once it stopped working for us, we focused our sleep efforts on a smooth transition to the crib and helping him learn to sleep independently. It sounds like you've reached that point. She's not going to switch her days and night eating habits when milk is so readily accessible, probably just a few inches from her face all night. I know getting up and out of bed sounds awful, but since you're CLEARLY not getting enough sleep with her next to you ANYWAY, I'd definitely suggest moving her to the crib and trying some gentle, gradual extinction-based sleep training. Seven months is a very good age for this, and unfortunately it's not something that gets any easier as she [spans 2] habits. In order to set her up for successful sleep training, first do your best to get her to eat a little more during the day. Offer her solids three times a day to encourage some curiosity. If she's not super into spoon-feeding, she might do better with a baby-led weaning approach that allows her to self-feed in her high chair. (Basically any baby food in a soft but non-pureed form works: bananas, avocado slices, steamed sweet potatoes, etc. Even if she doesn't eat much of it, regular offerings of “meals” will send the signal that DAYTIME is when we eat, not nighttime. Up your water intake starting in the early afternoon to boost your evening breastmilk production, or take some fenugreek/mother's milk tea every day around that time. Before you make the move to the crib, you can also start enforcing some basics of sleep-training while co-sleeping. Do NOT let her fall asleep on your boob. Unlatch her before that happens and lay her back down, away from you. I don't know if you're using a bedside co-sleeper . if not, maybe that would be a good stepping stone/training wheel move for her? Or you try a pack-n-play in your room at first, so you at least don't have to walk very far to put some distance between [spans 3] boobs. And look, if she wakes up hungry, it's okay to feed her. Just don't let her fall asleep while nursing anymore if you can possibly help it. We moved our babies to their cribs around four/five months old. Sometime I did a half-assed thing where he'd start the night in the crib and then we'd co-sleep again after a waking, since at that age at least one night-feeding was to be expected. I had the rockiest transition with my youngest thanks to similar stuff you went through: regressions, teething, illness, a really weird/bad daytime sleep schedule that took forever to troubleshoot. So we ended up Ferberizing him (the book is Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems, FYI) around eight months. It was a rough week, but it was 100% the best thing we did. He's been an amazingly consistent sleeper ever since. Step One: Offer solids more often during the day. Look into baby-led weaning if she seems disinterested in purees. Step Two: Hydrate and try some OTC milk production products to get as much milk into her before bedtime. You could also try formula in a beginner sippy cup as an alternative to the bottle. Step Three: Stop letting her fall asleep while nursing. Pull her off and put her down sleepy but awake. Step Four: Start putting some physical distance between you at night. Have her start out the night in her crib or a pack-n-play. Step Six: Once you feel comfortable that she's eating better during the day, start sleep-training to eliminate the extra wakings. Comfort her with pats, your voice or a musical crib toy when she wakes up, but don't pick her up and don't offer the boobs. Leave and start the timer so she has a [spans 4] down. If she amps up, go back in at increasingly longer time intervals. (One minute, five, 10, etc. Be tough, [spans 5] consistent. Swap out with your partner when needed. It will probably suck worse than the night you describe with the four/five wakings, since you won't be doing it in the warm comfort of your own bed. But HOPEFULLY it will work after a few nights, and be very much worth it. She needs to eat during the day and sleep during the night . and she needs to know how to self-soothe herself back to sleep without nursing. These are not lessons you'll teach her because you're being mean and selfish and only care about YOUR need to sleep. These are lessons you'll teach her so she'll have the foundation she needs for a lifetime of restful, consistent sleep. Which as you've learned, is a really crazy important thing that human beings need to function. Nevertheless resilient your air conditioning Clinton Township may appear, it will slowly deteriorate and malfunction. Anytime it decides to stop working, we're ready to assist you. No matter the time of day or night that it decides to stop working, we're prepared to come to your rescue. Aside from the air filter cleansing and repair, there are a few other things that can be kept or fixed while choosing ac repair. Maintenance on [spans 6] year. 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Generally, the fantastic AC repair services in Clinton Township respond within a day. The unprofessional providers always use the precise very same strategy to look after all types of AC of any brand, however professionals always use particular or specific methods in addition to utilize genuine parts to produce your branded AC to work in the most effective possible method. Before picking the repair services that you will require to be knowledgeable about reasons which are the source of the repair services. Prior to you contact any skilled and dependable air conditioner repair support, there [spans 8] yourself. Air conditioning repair Clinton Township is crucial in commercial and residential places. When it has to do with AC repair then we are among the top Commercial Air conditioning Clinton Township businesses in your region and offer you the finest and proficient services at affordable price. If you cannot, then you can't be an HVAC service technician Clinton Township, and particularly in the residential field. At times, a residential air-conditioning repair for your Clinton Township home is needed. Therefore, it's ideal if one goes in for a normal AC maintenance Clinton Township which will manage the repairs. In such instances you need to contact air-conditioning unit repair company Clinton Township. For those who have emergency repair Clinton Township wants and will need to obtain the most suitable contractor for the job, you want to make sure that you start looking for certain qualities to make sure the job is done well. Residential or commercial, you require an HVAC system Clinton Township you can depend on to work when you require it most. Commercial Ac Repair in Clinton Township MI. <|assistant|> spans 1: up for comfort, that would be a somewhat easy spans 2: gets older and more set in her current bad spans 3: her and the spans 4: chance to settle spans 5: be spans 6: a regular basis by a trustworthy AC repair business Clinton Township, MI can assist ensure your unit stays working competently all through the spans 7: and industrial spans 8: are a couple of standard things which you might desire to look for
<prompter> Fill in words: thank you for writing about the world of academia, FemaleScienceProfessor. as a science grad student to be, i [words 1] much interest and pleasure. Any thoughts on the common feeling that post-doc's are an exploited work force, particularly in the non-biological based sciences where the NIH [words 2] by, might I mention as a prospective astrophysics graduate student I find [words 3] helpful? Here's a thought from my perspective: I consider the grad student-faculty [words 4] of long-term investment. The professor has to put in [words 5] and effort, especially in the beginning of the relationship, [words 6] get the student established (I imagine this holds most aptly for grad students who, unlike [words 7] before). Then, if the investment pans [words 8] so years the faculty gets some pretty decent work out of the grad student. That's not the return, [words 9] beginning. The return is the creation of [words 10] field-a potential future collaborator or someone whom the faculty knows is [words 11] to go on to advance the [words 12] benefit the faculty as well. Of course it's important not to forget that it's an investment for the student as well. Effort and time and work has to go in to the advisor's focused project, in [words 13] to *learn* how to put effort and time and work into a project, but also in order to build the [words 14] necessary to, at last, establish one's own project. Now I've heard that it's more common for Ph. thesis students [words 15] working on their advisor's project, find their own unique direction that's [words 16] that project-an investigation which is more independently their own. Or that [words 17] the best Ph. projects are supposed to work out. Any thoughts? I was lucky enough to [words 18] supervisor when I did my Master's. I never felt my supervisor treated me [words 19] labour. My supervisor gave me lots of freedom to explore my own interest which wasn't always a good thing. Many times I was over-enthusiastic and I [words 20] me in. However, I learned to solve [words 21] answers through my exploration of wild [words 22] things I tried was pretty "out there"). I am currently working [words 23] boss tells me EXACTLY what to do for each experiment [words 24] everyone else in the lab, including [words 25] postdocs. While I don't expect to be treated like [words 26] lab experience, I do expect to be treated like someone who's capable of learning and making her own decisions. I never felt like cheap labour [words 27] student but I certainly feel like a cheap labour benchbot now. When I was a grad student, I hear these horrible [words 28] say about them and while I sympathized with their predicament, I never really understood their situation. Having [words 29] chance to experience myself now some [words 30] they went through, I am starting to feel their pain. [words 31] student anymore but I still want to learn, have the [words 32] explore. I don't need to be told how many microliters of reagents to add to [words 33] step. I enjoy research because my Master's supervisor directed me down the right path. But had I done my graduate degree with my current boss, [words 34] off research for the rest of my life. You are very correct in saying that students are not cheap. We had one undergrad student [words 35] a few days a week (randomly, I might add) and he didn't do much while he was there. He might've felt [words 36] labour but in reality, he was more expensive than a postdoc. A postdoc who works hard everyday can get results in a week. Our undergrad student spent [words 37] able to clone even a single gene successfully. He had wasted our time, our resources, not to mention our funding. i actually work for a professor who [words 38] standards. except everyone thought he was waiting for some bright student. turns out he was just waiting for [words 39] more than 9-5 M-F, and was actually interested in the research. his thought process is that he can teach someone a skill set, but he can't teach them to work hard or be curious. now that i've been [words 40] postdoc i work with does a [words 41] as well (we're a small lab). [words 42] for all parties involved. When I started working with my [words 43] had not had a student for 10 years. He fell into something close to category 2 [words 44] faculty member has extremely high standards for students". Working with him was one of the best decisions I ever made. I changed advisors during PhD. The list of reasons is long and don't belong here. But one [words 45] first advisor would not talk to me [words 46] indirect returns etc. I had no idead, that he [words 47] the university in addition to paying my salary. My second advisor talked about these [words 48] how important it is to know [words 49] rules of the game, how to get the most out of your grant money. I assume, that most undergraduate and some graduate students have no idea about [words 50] fees. But it is worthwhile to talk to your graduate students about these fees. I am grateful for my second [words 51] be open and offering these important insights of the professorial duties. [words 52] could view the salary and situation of the grad student as determined by market forces, not [words 53] apprenticeship. Pushing up the salary is rich grant support and dept fellowships. ## [words 54] arises from high interest from NSF/NIH/corporate sponsors. Fields, topics, or individual group with less support make do relying on subsidization with (underpaid) TAships, less than 100% stipends in [words 55] students taking time off to earn more money. By almost any definition, grad students are underpaid by a factor of 2 to 4 [words 56] working hard. I try to rationalize [words 57] and the system works well, but I have to say that we exploit the grad students. The other weakness of the system is the disconnect between the job [words 58] for most profs individually and universities as a whole for more tuition-paying students. The system collects tuition and overhead on the whole enterprise, and [words 59] fortify their influence through the generations of their students they embed in academia (and to a lesser extent [words 60] students are enrolled and graduated. As a graduate student who paid my [words 61] who got paid 20 hours a week for 80-120 hours a week of work, & was expected to work [words 62] a week year round, with only the occasional begrudged holiday, I know I was taken advantage of as slave labor. This was the norm for [words 63] and not much better in the rest of my department. It wasn't till much later that I found that better working conditions could be had, depending on the department & the professor. Now the most common reasons for not advising students are (1) the faculty member doesn't have the energy, [words 64] students; and (2) the faculty member [words 65] high standards for students, and few/no students meet [words 66] standards. As a practical matter, how would a student be able [words 67] the difference between 1 and 2? If the [words 68] 1 or 2 ever a good choice? I don't [words 69] should charge faculty members "tuition" on grad students that are post-candidacy, not taking classes, and perhaps even teaching classes. It seems that schools take enough "overhead" as it is. I'm one of [words 70] high standards in my lab group. Why? Because it's a competitive world [words 71] there. I do my students and post-docs no favors by lowering standards. In my area [words 72] acceptance rates of 15-20 percent. I explain [words 73] that their papers must be better than [words 74] to have a chance at being published. A tall order, even [words 75] scientists. The same goes for grant proposals—funding rates of 10 to 20% at many agencies. I've had reviews of 4 or 5 “excellent” and [words 76] and still not been funded. And publication in top journals helps scientists get funding, and better funding leads to [words 77] to be of interest to top journals—and so on. I find that many students and even post-docs do not have a realistic picture of what it actually takes to [words 78] science. As a grad student, I have mixed feelings regarding the "slave labor" attitude/feeling. I am [words 79] a supportive department. I also chose wisely in terms of [words 80] the PI that I work under. [words 81] know people in my same department that do not like what they are doing and the hours they must work to keep [words 82] happy. I work reasonable hours and am respected by [words 83] peers and my PI. My stipend is livable in the area in which [words 84] reside. I do live with my girlfriend though, which offsets expenses for both of us; if I didn't have her I would have to [words 85] not entirely desirable for someone my [words 86] went back to undergrad in my mid 20s). While my stipend is livable with roommates and a non-extravagant lifestyle, I also took a 50% pay-cut when I quit [words 87] my PhD program. Even so, I am frugal and live well, even if on the 'poor' [words 88] who went into industry right out of undergrad. I don't feel like a slave and I enjoy [words 89] doing immensely - otherwise I wouldn't have chosen it. I think I would feel differently if my PI expected me to be in the lab 100 hours a week and [words 90] well. I also was old enough to know myself and what type of advisor to look for - this may be something that [words 91] out of undergrad isn't able to [words 92] may be much of the problem. mlsurfs_postdoc has a good point. [words 93] for the school to charge "tuition" for students who aren't taking [words 94] in fact contributing valuable labor to the university. [words 95] should go to either the student (if [words 96] part of the student's official compensation package under the grant) or the research (which is what the grant-funding agency provided it for in the first place). Siphoning it into the university's general fund [words 97] is cheating the grant-funding agency. Non-course graduate student tuition pays for the faculty member's time training the graduate student to become a scientist. Typical research grants may just cover one month [words 98] (and that includes many tasks besides [words 99] from writing period reports to preparing presentations of the research), while the faculty member easily spends several times that working with their students. Not thinking about the research or doing the research in the lab, but just advising students on how to do research. Most schools I know charge a number of tuition credits to (the grants that fund) their students well under the actual faculty effort involved in the graduate programs. Typically, masters programs make money for the school, but PhD programs are money losers, sometimes big money losers in fields that have big infrastructure costs, such as nanotech or research with live anaimals. Fernando Pereira believes that grad tuition pays for the advisor's time to train said student, but this does not add up. First, grad students who have passed qualifying exams and all the required coursework are generally in their 3rd or 4th years. These students should already be well-trained in the art of doing research. Second, if the tuition really did pay for the "faculty member's time training the graduate student to become a scientist", faculty members would have much, much higher salaries, at least at many institutions. That is, the amount of tuition charged is incommensurate with the time it takes faculty to train graduate students, and faculty's salaries. I do not have detailed knowledge, here, but I suspect that a large fraction of non-course graduate tuition represents a route for the NIH, the NSF, or other grant givers to subsidize undergraduate programs, curricula, and tuition. Very important points for grad students to keep in mind. One quibble I have with your point #1 is that just because a PI pays lots of money to support a graduate student is not evidence that graduate students are not "exploited". Maybe its evidence that the PI is not the exploiter, but I don't see how it addresses the broader issue. student complains that he is repeating the error that the reviewer warned against: "unsubstantiated philosophization"The superviros throws his arms in the air and says, "I just wanted to help you" . now go clean up the mangled article and submit! Curt - Because having your tuition paid for you should count for something. If the sum of what you are getting as a grad student RA is salary + tuition + benefits, focusing on the modest/low salary gives an incomplete view of the situation. But my perception, shared by lsurfs_postdoc and quasarpulse, is the value we perceive in receiving the tuition award is much less than the value the university says we derive. Here's a more extreme example to illustrate my point: What if your university made you the Lance Armstrong Professor of the Really Hard Sciences? Only instead of $100,000 annually in discretionary funding, you got a bicycle? Say it was a nice bicycle and you enjoyed using it, but you'd still rather have the cash. You say as much to your dean, and they respond "I can't believe you're complaining about compensation! That Lance Armstrong FSPUniversity bicycle is worth ten million dollars! I guess ten million dollars in free benefits isn't enough for someone like you. "You may think my hypothetical is ridiculous, and maybe I am wrong to devalue the free tuition dollars that my institution has paid for me, but that is the perception. The high tuition charged to late-stage graduate students represents an exploitation of both the PI and the grad student. The PI's grant pays out excessive (in my view) tuition expenses, and the grad student (probably) loses out because they would stand to capture at least a part of the money that currently goes to the university general fund. At many institutions, advanced grad students move to a low-tuition category to account for the fact that they are not taking classes. Wow, I honestly had no idea! I don't believe such is the case at my institution. I suppose this is another lesson for me on the dangers of extrapolation. I appreciate the fact that I am investing in my future, that much of the work is done by my PI, and that much of her time is taken by advising me. I don't expect to earn much money as a student. She was advising me when I was taking classes and paying tuition. She is advising me now that I am paying reduced tuition. I suppose my continuing student fees may go to the department, I'm not betting on it. I am still living below the poverty line. Reduced tuition fees are 25% of my stipend. Stipend - reduced tuition fees doesn't amount to much. I'm not as far below the line as when I was paying full tuition, but still well below. Even if tuition was paid, I would still be officially 'poor'. I am also in the lab 6-7 days a week and part time employment isn't really an option. I am neither a grad student nor a professor, nor I have ever been either. I found the logic of your post difficult to follow. Your caricature of the grad students' p. was so loaded with negative qualifiers as to be a virtual straw man and a tautology. If we focus on the core complaint of financial exploitation, your argument makes no sense. Somebody paid very little for heavy labor is pretty inarguably exploited, and being conscious or not conscious of larger contingent costs does not impact the lifestyle impact of that. Would you go back to 1800 and tell an indentured servant or a company-store worker, "Well, you're paid next to nothing for extreme labor, but you don't see how much it costs the plantation master, plus you get the run of the house"? ! Or a working family living below the federal poverty line, "Well, you don't deserve a raise because you're not thinking of how much you cost society"? ! This sounds more to me like justifying a cycle of abuse: "I got exploited this way, so it's OK to do the same to others now. "Your post also does not address the historical fact that grad students working, teaching courses (or even taking courses) is a very recent phenomenon. It appears to correlate to the corporatization of universities. You made a very good argument for hiring skilled, decently paid workers for menial-ish departmental tasks. What I didn't understand was your attempt to demolish this argument. You like having students in the positions because. it's somehow more rewarding? As long as they don't complain about exploitation? I didn't get it. Would you argue for replacing all the non-student departmental secretaries/program coordinators with student labor? If not, why? I personally believe there is a monastic element to be expected in university life. (Well, perhaps except for richly paid profs, even more richly paid admins and grant-based programs that blow money on a new set of furniture every year. But I don't believe in telling people who feel exploited that they're wrong because of the "picture" is bigger than the numbers on their paycheck and hence the amount of food on their table. Just cause you are paying money doesn't make it my income, or something I as a grad student should be grateful for. If I can't buy ramen with it, or pay fees and health insurance bills with it, it is NOT my income, and talking about it as if it was is like the student complaining that their fees contribute to your salary instead of recognizing that some things are just the cost of doing business. Second, FSP, it sounds like you care for and take an active part in developing your students. As someone who didn't have that relationship with my advisor, I'm glad on their behalf. I don't see that being antagonistic is useful for a participant, but thank you for an outsider's point of view. FYI, from what I've seen as student and faculty member over the last decade in several quite different settings (CC, state school, elite R1), the stereotypes you allude to (outlandish admin pay, annual furniture purchases, etc) are pretty well false or misunderstandings of what actually happens. It's interesting that you hinted that keeping postdocs longer would be a good thing in terms of research efficiency but then just moved on. Most postdocs I know would like to have a longer term position. In my field it seems almost never possible to extend a postdoc beyond 2-3 years. Longer postdocs would mesh better with the reality that most of us now have to do 6+ years in postdoc before being considered senior enough to get a "real job". You seemed to imply that the postdocs are choosing to leave - who would choose a career path that requires you apply for jobs every year and move almost as soon as you settle into your new location and job. why not extend postdoc term lengths? You haven't talked about disengagement. Bad advising can have a bad effect on the commitment of the student. For example, 'it is my policy that foreign students do not write papers because they do not have a good enough standard in English'. How can anyone take their work seriously after such a shattering comment? School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA. Limbless organisms such as snakes can navigate nearly all terrain. In particular, desert-dwelling sidewinder rattlesnakes (Crotalus cerastes) operate effectively on inclined granular media (such as sand dunes) that induce failure in field-tested limbless robots through slipping and pitching. Our laboratory experiments reveal that as granular incline angle increases, sidewinder rattlesnakes increase the length of their body in contact with the sand. Implementing this strategy in a physical robot model of the snake enables the device to ascend sandy slopes close to the angle of maximum slope stability. Plate drag experiments demonstrate that granular yield stresses decrease with increasing incline angle. Together, these three approaches demonstrate how sidewinding with contact-length control mitigates failure on granular media. Crossing a slope can be difficult, particularly if it is made of sand. Sidewinder rattlesnakes manage to climb sandy hills by adjusting the length of their body in contact with the sand. designed robots based on this idea to determine what affects climbing ability on sandy slopes (see the Perspective by Socha). Based on the behavior of the robots, the authors performed further animal studies, and used an iterative approach to improve the robots' capabilities and to better understand animal motion. <assistant> words 1: read your fantastic blog with words 2: payscale does not apply? By the words 3: your blog immensely words 4: relation to be a form words 5: money and time words 6: to words 7: myself, have never done research words 8: out, in 3 or words 9: however; it's just the words 10: a peer in the words 11: going words 12: field in some way, thus bringing words 13: part words 14: skills and expertise words 15: to, even while words 16: related to words 17: that's the way words 18: have a great words 19: as cheap words 20: needed someone to reign words 21: my own problems and find my own words 22: ideas (some of the words 23: as a technician in a lab where my words 24: and he does the same to words 25: the words 26: someone with 20 years of words 27: as a grad words 28: things my friends words 29: the words 30: of the things words 31: I am not a words 32: freedom to words 33: each reaction at every words 34: I probably would be turned words 35: in our lab who only showed up words 36: he was cheap words 37: months in our lab and wasn't words 38: had the "too high" words 39: someone who would show up words 40: formally accepted in the lab, the words 41: bulk of the "mentoring" words 42: which has worked great words 43: advisor he words 44: - " the words 45: major difference was, that my words 46: about grants, overhead costs and words 47: would have to pay money to words 48: things, talked about words 49: the words 50: these additional words 51: advisor to words 52: One words 53: a fair balance of productivity vs words 54: This words 55: the summer, or words 56: for people having a good college degree and words 57: that it is the system, words 58: market and the general enthusiasm words 59: the profs words 60: industry), so perhaps too many words 61: own health benefits & tuition, words 62: 7 days words 63: my professor, words 64: ideas, or funding to advise words 65: has extremely words 66: these words 67: to tell words 68: student has her own funding, are words 69: think schools words 70: those advisors/ supervisors who sets words 71: out words 72: (biological sciences), top-tier journals have words 73: to my research group that this means words 74: 80 percent of all submissions words 75: for experienced words 76: perhaps 1 “very good” words 77: scientific results that are more likely words 78: succeed in words 79: at a great school with words 80: the lab I work in and words 81: On the other hand, I words 82: their advisor words 83: my words 84: I words 85: have other roommates, which is words 86: age (mid 30s now; I words 87: my job to start words 88: side compared to my peers words 89: what I am words 90: I would probably not do words 91: one entering grad school right words 92: recognize yet, which words 93: It is absolutely insane words 94: classes and are words 95: The money words 96: it's words 97: as tuition words 98: of the faculty member's time per year words 99: working with students, <prompter> Generate more: You are going to email the following Sidewinding with minimal slip: Snake and robot ascent of sandy slopesRobots based on sidewinder rattlesnakes are used to understand motion on sloped granular terrain. Hox proteins help set up the vertebrate and invertebrate body plan and also specify segment identity, such as leg versus antennae. examined Hox gene regulation in mouse limb and genitals. Although the limb and genitals have widely differing structure and function, they display common features for Hox regulation during development. Transcription at these anatomical sites depends upon gene enhancers within a shared chromatin topological domain. It is likely that this regulatory landscape provided genomic niches for enhancer evolution. You are going to email the following Convergent evolution of complex regulatory landscapes and pleiotropy at Hox loci1Tushaar Shah is a senior fellow of the International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, and is working in Gujarat, India. Tushaar Shah is a senior fellow of the International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, and is working in Gujarat, India. Uma Lele is president-elect of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Pressure on Ganga has been building for decades. With a tripling of human population since 1950 and rapid urbanization, 50 cities along Ganga daily release 6 billion liters of untreated sewage into the river, by far the largest source of pollution. Untreated industrial effluents compound the problem, together with run-off of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Unfettered disposal of human and animal corpses into Ganga makes it unfit even for ritual bathing. Barrages and hydroelectric projects on the main stem of Ganga and its tributaries divert 60% of their waters, leaving little mainstream flow, which further concentrates pollutants in the river. Earlier governments tried cleaning Ganga, investing some U. $14 billion, mostly in plants that treat sewage to an acceptable level of pollutants before discharge into waterways. Modi brought a new sense of urgency to the task, allocating U. $27 billion up to 2019. But money alone will not clean the river. ## This requires tackling three interrelated challenges, each involving different stakeholders. ## Municipalities must curtail discharge of untreated sewage and ... <assistant> Rest of text: rapidly build sewerage infrastructures. Pollution control authorities must ensure treatment of municipal and industrial effluents to the needed standards. And water managers must enhance river flow so that secondary treated waste can be safely discharged into Ganga. Since 1855, a profusion of barrages and dams has diverted water from Ganga and its tributaries for hydropower and canal irrigation. But over the past five decades, farmers have increasingly turned away from canal irrigation to shallow tube wells. Herein lies a big opportunity for cleaning Ganga. During the 1970s, modelers recommended cranking up the “Ganges water machine” to relieve flooding in the eastern parts of the river basin by promoting intensive groundwater-based irrigation during winter and summer months. The strategy was to draw down basin water tables in the copious alluvial aquifers. Shallow aquifers would then absorb monsoon floods and snowmelt, and protect Bihar, North Bengal, and Bangladesh from annual floods. Monsoons would replenish aquifers that shallow tube wells could then tap into for irrigation. This concept did not catch on back then, but today, the water machine is alive and kicking thanks to easy access to credit and cheaper drilling technology. With over 6.5 million shallow tube wells in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh, the Ganga basin is one of the most densely plumbed aquifer systems in the world. More than 80% of farmers depend on these wells. The water machine would be revved up even more but for the high cost of diesel that farmers must use to pump groundwater. But affordable electricity or solar pumps could wean farmers from canal irrigation, leaving more water to flow in Ganga and its tributaries, without adversely affecting hydropower. The quickest, cheapest, and most effective way for Mr. Modi to show a less polluted Ganga by 2019 would be operating dams and barrages in the Ganga basin with the sole objective of augmenting river flows. This would be a start to controlling discharge of untreated sewage and industrial waste, which will take a long time. ↵* The views expressed in this editorial are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of their institutions.
User: What are the missing words: As promised, we begin a recap of the year's top sports stories, as viewed through science, and featured here on The Science of Sport. Nine stories for 2009, and today, we recap [words 1] 9. That will be followed by brief reports on 4 to [words 2] looking at each of the top 3 stories. This is something of a recurring theme, it featured in the Top [words 3] as well, courtesy some very high profile cases during marathons and also soccer matches in Europe. We have covered the topic fairly extensively in the past, and this year, it popped up [words 4] 3 runners during the Detroit Marathon and half-marathon. All three actually happened in the half-marathon, [words 5] about 15 minutes of one another, leading to media [words 6] the same old speculation that running is harmful [words 7] health. In response, we did a couple of posts, and the one that got quite a lot of debate going was [words 8] some research from 2008, which found that while cardiac deaths did occur during marathons, [words 9] which required road closures actually prevented 20 more [words 10] the race. In addition, we looked at risks of running vs other activities, and tried to explain that the media, which has never met a sensational story it didn't enjoy, miss [words 11] that regular running may greatly reduce [words 12] even if those individuals who are susceptible [words 13] cardiac events during exercise. If you're really keen to get stuck into this issue, then I [words 14] this - a report by Amby Burfoot, Editor-at-large of Runners World. Also, this post, which we wrote two years ago, looks at the practical [words 15] death. In November, Meb Keflezighi pulled one [words 16] surprises of the marathon year when [words 17] win the New York City Marathon. Keflezighi's win was celebrated because it was the first win by an American man in New York since 1982Keflezighi's win sparked some major [words 18] the USA, which can only be good [words 19] appearances, media reports, news stories, and a lot of debate in the aftermath [words 20] exposure. Not all of it was positive, however, and a [words 21] really American got many people heated. The debate was around whether Meb, [words 22] to the USA aged 12, could be claimed by the USA as one of their own, given [words 23] born in the USA. Without rehashing the debate, the fact is that Keflezighi learned his running, and owed pretty much his entire [words 24] that matter) to the USA. Celebrating his [words 25] the USA thus seems completely appropriate. The debate took on racial overtones (a recurring theme of 2009, as our Number 1 story will illustrate). People became ultra-defensive, or attacking, and the argument [words 26] heated. I am not personally that [words 27] the debate about what qualifies someone as being American (or any [words 28] the introduction of race is only [words 29] debate. What I found interesting about the debate is that it once again highlighted the issue about East African running dominance, and whether it is genes of lifestyle that explains why [words 30] running. Those who follow the sport will [words 31] Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and more recently, Uganda. No one is 100% sure what factors are responsible for this dominance, but it includes genes, lifestyle, environment (particularly altitude), culture and financial incentives, all of which mix [words 32] that has produced almost all the world's distance champions since the 1980s. Keflezighi's [words 33] athletes - Gebrselassie, Bekele, Tadese, Yifter, Tergat and co. [words 34] environment as a runner is unquestionably American. Those who challenge his [words 35] are implying that genes entirely determine performance [words 36] success is not American, but African like 'all the others'. Those who celebrate his [words 37] the school of thought that genes may be important, but are only part of the package. [words 38] the same experiences and upbringing as Keflezighi have achieved the same [words 39] solely due to the "selection" of his parents and the fact that he may share whatever undiscovered [words 40] may never know the answer to that one, but the debate was certainly one of the more [words 41] year. I'll be honest, I was not even going to bother putting this into the Top 9, because I'm tired of cycling and [words 42] debate. And then two days ago, it was announced that Team [words 43] the tour winner (Alberto Contador) and the returnee who finished third (Lance Armstrong) was under [words 44] syringes were found during the Tour. No wrongdoing [words 45] is the latest in what has been a trickle of allegations around the Astana team since July - reports of evading testers, delaying the [words 46] and Lance Armstrong's suspicious blood values have leaked out ever since [words 47] Paris. Suddenly, the dope-free Tour was looking more and more like the [words 48] used to seeing from cycling. My opinion on this has been stated a [words 49] before on this site - I don't believe that the [words 50] possible without some form of doping, and I do [words 51] produces clean champions, and hasn't since at least the early 90s (I say this for scientific and personal reasons). However, [words 52] there was not a single high-profile positive in the race. In 2008, we had Ricardo Ricco, Stefan Schumacher and Bernard Kohl, and the revelation that the [words 53] wait for cyclists who were using CERA, a [words 54] be undetectable. By the time the dust had settled on the 2008 Tour, multiple stage wins, the King of the Mountains, and fourth overall had been exposed as drug cheats. It [words 55] for the Tour. Jump ahead to 2009, and the Tour passed with not a single high-profile positive test. Is that a sign that [words 56] notably the biological passport system, are having the desired effect? Or does it mean that the very best cyclists are just that little more [words 57] would produce positive test results? I [words 58] be the latter, though I have little doubt [words 59] right direction. During 2009, we interviewed Prof Yorck Olaf-Schumacher, who has been at the forefront of the battle against doping, a pioneer of [words 60] system. His insights in that interview are intriguing, [words 61] gives me some hope for the future [words 62] sport. Returning to the actual race, the 2009 Tour was punctuated by some [words 63] about the physiology of cycling performance. We covered the [words 64] French engineer had estimated at 99.5 ml/kg/min, based on some assumptions of his power output and efficiency. That [words 65] own calculations, which I'll save for another day (or [words 66] power output above 6 W/kg is [words 67] "assistance". Therefore, when I witness Tour riders climbing [words 68] hour, I cannot help but be skeptical. Cycling has, and will continue to make fools of those who believe it to be clean. Yes, other sports are likely just as bad, and cycling is scrutinzed more than most, but my lasting impression of 2009 is that something is wrong [words 69] picture. They're part of our next [words 70] at the Top stories of 2009, 4 through 6. Join us then! I think the "(. hosting of races [words 71] prevented 20 more deaths than would be expected without the race" is horrid. This is because it asserts that the roads that are closed are resulting in a net loss of vehicle [words 72] total average volume. The fact is that a vast majority of the traffic that would have been on those roads still [words 73] and as a result the total number of deaths would likely be unchanged. I'm afraid you're wrong [words 74] a good point, but it's one that was covered in the research study. They actually controlled for the diversion of traffic and found the net loss [words 75] deaths due to road accidents. So while your [words 76] research actually controlled for it, and still found a reduction. [words 77] link I've put in this post, referring back to that post, then you'll be able to [words 78] about it and you'll see this aspect is covered. To Specialist, touche, a name I forgot. Astarloza was 11th and tested positive and [words 79] stage. His positive test actually came before the Tour, out of competition, and [words 80] in the Tour. Big yes, but nothing like Kohl, Schumacher and Ricco the [words 81] any of the dozens in the years before that. But you're quite [words 82] have mentioned! "The net reduction in total deaths [words 83] by re-routing traffic to other regions or days and was consistent across different parts of the country, [words 84] the century, seasons of the year, days [words 85] the week, degree of competition, and course difficulty. "The AIDS epidemic has been around my entire adult life. For me it was incredibly personal. When you're a young college student in the 80s it's a bit of a sequestered existence. You're not part of the “big bad world.” [words 86] to what was happening. I met a guy [words 87] ‘87 and after being together for about a month, he came over one night, drunk, saying, “We have to break up. We have to break up.” This went on for an hour, and finally I got him to tell me what had happened and he said [words 88] positive. At that time I didn't know anyone who was positive, so that was a shock, and I didn't know anything about HIV. I thought, “Oh my gosh, [words 89] die.”So I went searching for information. I was looking for treatment information – [words 90] sarcoma. And I found that information [words 91] ACT UP/Boston. I got to learn about [words 92] that was known about the virus at the time. I feel like that was the first time I really had any conception of what was happening. When did you publicly disclose your HIV status and [words 93] it like to do so at [words 94] it be different now? In the early 90s I [words 95] York and I was working at ACT UP/New York, and [words 96] to me as HIV positive. In 1995/'96 [words 97] sick. So in ‘96 I'm basically taking care of him [words 98] his death bed with his family, right [words 99] time when the new HIV drugs are coming on line. As this was happening I thought, “You know, I should get an HIV test.” I'd tested negative before, but helping my cousin die and speaking with Joseph Sonnabend, an amazing clinician for me and for my cousin, I decided to do it. And Joseph called me one day and said he had to talk to me, and he came to my apartment, and I thought this is odd. And he told me I was HIV positive. The first people I called, other than close friends and family, were Tony Fauci and David Ho and I'm like, “What do I do? ” They walked me through what was going on. David took my blood and found that I had a low CD4 (count), and he told me, “You need to go on treatment right now.” In two weeks I was enrolled in a clinical trial. All of my colleagues knew almost immediately because at that point Marvin Schulman was still having Treatment Action Group meetings in a loft on 5th Avenue. Today it's different. I think the abject terror of an HIV diagnosis for people living in the U. who have access to medical care is not there . You don't immediately jump to the idea that you're going to die. At the time I was diagnosed, I was taking care of my cousin who was on his death bed; my image of AIDS was of my dying cousin. Now if you get a diagnosis it's not such a grim prognosis. For millions of people, their fate was that of my cousin – the drugs were so close but so far out of reach – he just got sick too soon. It's a reality for millions of people today. So when people say, “Oh we can't afford to treat people with HIV. It's becoming an entitlement,” we need to reflect on this abject terror. “We have what it takes to keep you alive, but we won't pay for it. Your family is going to watch you die.”Fifteen years have passed since 1996 and for many people AIDS is like diabetes or hypertension – take some medicine and you'll generally be fine and you'll have a long and relatively healthy life. For others it's still a death sentence, but death by public policy this time. In terms of the history, 1996 and 2000 were the most memorable.1996 because that was the year that PIs started coming out, these early treatment studies. It was groundbreaking. Second was the International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa, in 2000. I feel like the world woke up to the global epidemic then. I know a lot of activists, doctors, scientists, etcetera, whose lives were changed at that meeting. The combination of the Internet, being on the ground in South Africa with the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and being active in protests, with the South African government denying the cause of AIDS – it galvanized a whole new group of people. After that, Gerald Friedland starts working on TB/HIV in South Africa, and he's just one of many scientists who realized, “Hey, I need to bring my work to bear in the global epidemic as well as the domestic epidemic.”The other significant event to me came last week. I do think that the HPTN 052 study results changed things. In 2000 we realized that the excuses for providing treatment were false ones. We could afford it, it could be done, it was feasible and practical. For the past ten years we've been pitting AIDS treatment against AIDS prevention, but last week's results put the nail in that coffin. It really dissolves the boundaries between treatment and prevention. For many of us who work in AIDS it was not a surprising result at all, but the hold-outs like Mead Over don't really have a leg to stand on anymore. ## We need male circumcision; we need testing; we need antiretrovirals; we need to put everything together now. This is the era of combination prevention. Now we need studies that show how best to combine these evidence-based prevention methods, to tell us how to craft this new era in AIDS prevention. It's completely exciting to me; I think it's as big as ‘96. The big question to me is, “Why didn't we find this out earlier? ”I founded the Treatment Action Group (TAG), I founded the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC), I've been working non-stop in HIV since 1991 . I worked with ARASA (AIDS and Rights Alliance in Southern Africa) with TAC in South Africa. In 2008 I decided I needed a little break and I came up to Yale University to get an undergraduate degree. While I was here I did some organizing around White House and Congressional flat-funding of HIV programs around the world. I'm graduating on Monday. I had applied to a couple of PhD programs to do basic, bench research on AIDS. It was a painful decision, but a couple of weeks ago I decided, “You know, this is not your future.” I studied biology here and it was exciting, but I know I'm not going to be an AIDS researcher at this point in my life. I recently found out I was awarded an Open Society Foundation fellowship that will allow me to do independent research over the next year. I will be looking at South Africa, Ukraine and Brazil to determine why over the past ten years the AIDS response – antiretroviral therapy (ART) in particular – was able to scale up so quickly, yet there is stagnation in other areas of health such as maternal and child health, tuberculosis (TB) and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). Some of the same people are involved in these other health programs, but they haven't caught fire the same way that the AIDS response did. What worked and didn't work in terms of scaling up ART? What did and didn't happen in maternal child health, MDR-TB? We keep hearing the phrase “building on the success of AIDS,” but what does that really mean, in operational terms? This project will allow me to pull together people from various areas of expertise. Hopefully by this time next year I'll have some kind of field research comparing what worked/didn't work in terms of HIV, maternal and child health, and TB. I'm quite panicky right now. Ten years ago figures like those from the HPTN study would have been able to propel a whole bunch of action. I want to be grateful that we didn't get our budget slashed as much as others in the Continuing Resolution for fiscal year 2011, that we didn't get deep cuts in the president's proposed budget for FY 2012. The Obama Administration made some devil's bargain two years ago that said, “It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. It doesn't matter that there was this rush of momentum to scale up AIDS treatment.” They basically put the brakes on it. has been a leader in the AIDS response for the past ten years – a big donor, a big implementer. And now, to have a Democratic administration say, “We have other ideas,” is gravely disappointing. It's not like they're making huge investments in the Global Health Initiative (GHI) either. I read in a recent Kaiser report that GHI investments are far from being on track. Global health in general is being paid lip service to in the Obama Administration, and there seems to be outright hostility to expanding access to ART. My greatest fear is that we've made all of these successes – ten years ago we started this new phase where it seemed finally the whole world is backing the effort to eradicate HIV. All of a sudden the political will has evaporated. We need a new infiltration of religious leaders, activists, and doctors to do what we did in 1991, ‘96 and 2000, to say, “No, you can't write us off.”It always seems like it's a struggle but that's where we are again. We're back to basics – trying to make the case to a White House that treating AIDS is important. I can't even figure out how Hillary Clinton, whose husband has dedicated his life to this epidemic, has allowed this to happen. Down in DC they'll scream about budget deficits, but the twisted priorities of the Hill and the White House are setting us back deeply. This isn't the Reagan Administration, you know? But we're back to square one. In these budget negotiations, other people got tax cuts and huge bail outs – the priorities are absolutely skewed. We can build on HPTN -052 and capitalize on this two-for-one benefit. This is an absolute game changer, but it falls on deaf ears in terms of the White House. What changes have you seen in the advocacy community over time – in terms of tactics, effectiveness, etc? It's slightly distressing as well. We had this wave in the 80s that precedes my involvement that established all the programs and protections in the U. that we largely take for granted now. The AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), investment in AIDS research – it was all created on this original wave of activism. When the Clinton Administration came in, we finally had a friend in the White House – and we let our guards down. Domestic AIDS activism has totally evaporated. We have more than 8,000 people on ADAP waiting lists in the U. Ten years ago we'd be screaming bloody murder, but now we can barely rouse our national AIDS organizations. You'd think it might be a relatively small ask, in terms of budgetary sums that are being tossed around, but we can't even do that. For the waiting lists to be cleared, ADAP needs an additional $360 million or so. We have an anemic domestic AIDS response that's unable to secure any sort of basic advances for us. The domestic activism is basically a shadow of its former self, if it exists at all. Globally, we're more optimistic. You can go to South Africa, China, India, anywhere and there are people with the specter of death hanging over them who are fighting like we once did for access to treatment, against gender violence, for access to clean needles. Now the energy is in other places around the world, but the need here is still great. The International AIDS Conference in DC next year – we should have a million people on the National Mall. We should be organizing in every town and city in the country saying that every person in the U. has the right to health, as does every person around the world. Having a weak domestic AIDS response is not good for the global AIDS response either. ← PEPFAR releases long-awaited guidance for men who have sex with men 30 years of AIDS – An interview with Helen Epstein →WE must engage our governments and all stakeholders to push and scale up Hiv prevention and treatment if the war against AIDS must be won. | Thanks to all the activists and community advocates who have continued to speak for the voiceless and the achievements so far attained,Funding is critical as we face the challenges ahead. I want to use this opportunity to thank Gregg for his zealous activism. It motivated the way I channeled my need to control the effect HIV had in my life. It is of concern that activism around HIV is in a state of lethargy because those who have access to treatment now, fail to appreciate that there will always be a need to be vigilant . Health, social protection, spiritual, financial and family needs are taking a toll on those who are living beyond what was expected. and we now need actions to ensure quality of life for all to ensure we are productive citizens. Pingback: “They go to die”: A quest to tell the story of HIV/TB among southern Africa's gold miners | Science Speaks: HIV & TB NewsIn 2005 on my trip to the AIDS conference in Rio de Janeiro I was sitting near Gregg, please can you tell him that the group of MSM I was talking to him today is an NGO in the East region of Dominican Republic Grupo EsteAmor is protecting the right of MSM to health care without discrimination, that I allways remember him and inspire me to continuing working I am 75 year old today. Please can he look to the Caribbian region. Assistant: words 1: 7 through words 2: 6, and then single posts words 3: 8 of 2008 list words 4: again with the death of words 5: within words 6: coverage, debate and words 7: to your words 8: one where we summarized words 9: the hosting of races words 10: deaths than would be expected without words 11: the key point words 12: the risk of sudden death, words 13: are more likely to experience words 14: can recommend no better read than words 15: implications of running and sudden words 16: of the words 17: he beat a quality field to words 18: publicity in words 19: for the sport - talk-show words 20: made for great words 21: rather controversial debate about whether Keflezighi was words 22: born in Eritrea, but who moved words 23: that he was not words 24: running development (and life, for words 25: win for words 26: got words 27: interested in words 28: other nationality, for that matter), and words 29: a hindrance to the words 30: these athletes dominate words 31: know that distance running is utterly dominated by words 32: together in a melting pot words 33: genes link him to those words 34: but his words 35: designation as an American champion words 36: - his words 37: win as one for America are in words 38: Would an American born athlete, given words 39: success? Or is his success words 40: running genes predispose one to performance? We words 41: interesting of the words 42: the eternal doping words 43: Astana, the team of words 44: investigation after equipment including drip bags and words 45: in that (yet), but it words 46: provision of samples, words 47: the race finished in words 48: facade that we are words 49: few times words 50: highest levels success in cycling are words 51: not believe that the Tour de France words 52: the 2009 Tour was noteworthy because words 53: doping authorities had been lying in words 54: new form of EPO which was supposed to words 55: was business as usual words 56: anti-doping efforts, most words 57: sophisticated, able to dope beneath the level that words 58: believe it is more likely to words 59: that the sport is heading in the words 60: the blood passport words 61: to say the least, and he words 62: of the words 63: really great debate words 64: debate about Alberto Contador's VO2max, which a words 65: debate led me to my words 66: another year), but which suggests that a sustained words 67: decidedly unphysiological, achievable only with words 68: at 6.2 W/kg for an words 69: with this words 70: installment, looking words 71: which required road closures actually words 72: traffic equal to the words 73: exists, just on different roads, words 74: on this one - you make words 75: was 20 words 76: concern is theoretically valid, the words 77: If you click on the words 78: read more words 79: won a words 80: I'm not sure he constitutes a huge name words 81: year before, or words 82: right, he's a name I might words 83: could not be explained words 84: decades of words 85: of words 86: I wasn't paying attention words 87: in 1986 or words 88: he was HIV words 89: he's going to words 90: I was convinced he had Kaposi's words 91: in the treatment committee of words 92: opportunistic infections and all words 93: what was words 94: that time? Would words 95: moved to New words 96: my cousin comes out words 97: he's getting very, very words 98: on words 99: at that point in
User: Generate more: Facebook recently announced that it will display warnings beside satirical content. In this post we look at the flaws and implications of recent research on the spread of false information on Facebook. In an ideal world, we would all get our science news from well-informed, impartial discussion of replicated, double-blind, randomised, controlled trials published in peer-reviewed journals. You don't need me to tell you that we don't live in an ideal world. Facebook made headlines recently by testing a warning label that would inform users that an article may contain content that is meant to be satirical. The move has been broadly criticised for spoiling everybody's fun. According to a series of papers published this year however, a staggering proportion of people are really quite terrible at identifying ... Assistant: the difference between genuine news, misinformation and outright trolling. The researchers are concerned that what begins as a harmless hoax can form the foundations for full-blown conspiracy theories. This isn't the first time we've looked at research that suggests satire regularly flies over the heads of its intended audience: five years ago a paper was published that suggested many conservative viewers of the Colbert Report believe that "Colbert only pretends to be joking and genuinely meant what he said. "This year, a team of researchers led by Walter Quattrociocchi set out to investigate online misinformation by analyzing publicly available data from 2.3 million Italian Facebook users. The researchers found that posts from mainstream news sources, alternative news sources and political movements reverberate online for a similar amount of... User: Continue. Assistant: time and accrue a similar amount of traction in terms of comments and likes on posts. So far so good: the fact that alternative news sources and political movements are able to... User: Next. Assistant: compete with mainstream news sources for our attention in the online space has to be a good thing. The information becomes more concerning, however, when we consider that the researchers' definition of "alternative news" included not only news sources covering material neglected by mainstream agencies but also pages promoting bogus cancer cures, debunked conspiracy theories, and extremist content. One of the most dangerous pieces... User: Continue. Assistant: of misinformation addressed in the research is AIDs denialism, a conspiracy theory that has resulted in an incalculable number of deaths. Only recently this... User: Continue. Assistant: blog looked at how Natural News, a mind-bogglingly popular alternative medicine website, pushes this conspiracy theory to an audience of millions of Facebook users. The resulting online footprint dwarfs reliable resources such as the US government's website on alternative medicines. This particular conspiracy theory resulted in 330,000 premature deaths and 35,000 babies born with HIV in South Africa between 2000 and 2005 when the... User: More. Assistant: nation's president Thabo Mbeki was taken in by misinformation that appeared online. Quattrociocchi's team addressed political misinformation by looking at users who responded to... User: Continue. Assistant: "troll" posts by an Italian Facebook page that exclusively posts demonstrably false... User: Next. Assistant: information, much of which lacks any obvious display of humour. The researchers concluded that individuals who shared "troll posts" were more likely to interact frequently with "alternative information pages. " Unfortunately, what isn't clear from the research is whether these users understood the joke they were sharing, which renders these findings by themselves not particularly meaningful. Indeed, we have absolutely no way of knowing... User: More. Assistant: what proportion of users liked a post because they appreciated the satire. Both of my Italian friends who helped me translate the content from the "troll" page thought it would be near... User: Next. Assistant: impossible for someone to believe any of the posts were actually true. The posts consist of obviously false news stories and blatantly misattributed quotes scattered between viral memes of fluffy animals and bad Photoshop jobs. One of the latest posts, for example, claims that Idaho and Washington have left the United States. I find it hard to imagine how anyone could fail to realise such a post was not factual, but I'd be intrigued to see a similar study conducted on better disguised operations such as The Onion or The Daily Currant. Preliminary evidence appears in a blog that charts amusing instances of people falling for satirical stories on The Onion:Many of the stories have comment threads with multiple different commenters falling for the hoax en masse:It's very... User: More. Assistant: easy to poke fun at anonymous individuals on the internet, but the list of "mainstream" news agencies The Onion has fooled is extensive. Fox... User: Continue. Assistant: News reported that President Obama sent a rambling 127 page long email to the nation, Iran's Fars News Agency reported Iranian president Ahmadinejad was more popular among rural white Americans than Obama,... User: More. Assistant: and China's Communist Party newspaper reported Kim Jong Un was voted the "Sexiest Man Alive. " Two Bangladeshi newspapers even reported that Neil Armstrong held a press conference in which he admitted the moon landings were a hoax. It seems Poe's Law might need updating:"Without a blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of extremism or fundamentalism that someone won't... User: Continue. Assistant: mistake for the real thing. Back to the Quattrociocchi study, another important issue is the vague application of the term "alternative news. " The... User: More. Assistant: researcher's alternative news category includes everything from political extremism to groups simply... User: Continue. Assistant: aiming to share information that isn't widely reported. If the sources were divided based on the reliability of the content rather than the status of the news source, the results would be... User: Continue. Assistant: more meaningful. As regular readers of this blog will know, the implication that mainstream news is necessarily more reliable than an "alternative news" source... User: Next. Assistant: is a fallacy. This was most recently demonstrated by the media furore around the alleged hoax of the three-breasted girl, which was debunked by... User: Next. Assistant: an "alternative news" website. In another paper, Quattrociocchi's team looked at the polarisation of Facebook activity among readers of scientific news and alternative news. Polarized users were defined as users for whom... User: Next. Assistant: 95% of their "like activity" was on one category of page. For example, the researchers cited the false claim that Viagra could be found... User: Next. Assistant: in "chemtrails" and the idea that a source of "infinite energy" had been discovered. The results suggest that much of the satire shared on social networks may be from people who are... User: Next. Assistant: oblivious to the satirical nature of their own posts. Unfortunately, the results of the study are not clear enough to let us know if this is actually what is going on. The next study looked at the effects of trolling on conspiracy theorists compared with the effects of legitimate debunking efforts. The researchers looked at 1.2 million Italian Facebook users and again sorted the... User: More. Assistant: sample, this time isolating users for whom 95% of their likes were on either conspiracy posts or science posts. This number seems staggeringly high, which raises the question of how the researchers defined conspiracy theories. (I've emailed the researchers and will update this post if I get a response). "The conclusion above provides further evidence for the backfire effect - a phenomenon we recently looked at in quite some depth on this blog. While this conclusion is hardly controversial, the next conclusion is one I'm not so sure about:"Conspiracy theories seem to come about by a process in which ordinary satirical commentary or obviously false content somehow jump the credulity barrier, mainly because of the unsubstantiated nature of conspiracy related information (sic). "I have not yet seen any... User: Continue. Assistant: convincing evidence that content originating in satire has spawned lasting conspiracy theories. I am certainly not convinced the harm done by satire to the... User: More. Assistant: overly credulous part of its audience (presumably a tiny fraction of the population) is greater than the power satire has to encourage us to think critically and improve our understanding of the world. Satire and hoax news are good business because it gets people clicking and gets them engaged in discussions—which, in my eyes, can only be a good thing. The latest studies are... User: Next. Assistant: interesting as a proof of concept. They are also evidence of the birth of a new era of research on how we come to believe what we believe, enabled by the massive amounts of data becoming available to researchers from social networks such as Facebook. As for understanding how misinformation really originates and why it tends to spread like wild fire, I'm inclined to... User: Continue. Assistant: come down on the side of the king of satire himself, John Cleese:Update (8th Oct 2014 16:19): I have received a response from Walter Quattrociocchi stating: "I read your post on the blog and some points you claim as misleading have been corrected during the peer review process. Danger is at hand, and you may have voted for it. Science educator Bill Nye weaves... User: More. Assistant: a passionate argument for the importance of science literacy in a country's elected leaders. Bill Nye: Ebola's a classic example for me from an evolutionary standpoint of germs and parasites being your real enemy as a big animal, a multicellular organism. Everybody's terrified of Ebola because you can't see it and as the saying goes this is not my idea. People aren't afraid of... User: Next. Assistant: dying so much as they're afraid of how they're going to die. And the Ebola death looks horrible. And what's making it worse in... User: Next. Assistant: Africa in particular is scientific illiteracy. People not realizing that these microorganisms get passed from one to another. When I was in South Africa... User: Continue. Assistant: – I guess it's five years ago a guy told a story – he was from a village, a small village. He was working for the South African Space Agency which they have. And he says it's going to villages where kids have never seen a magnet and they recommend that you don't go near that tree because the lightening bird landed on that tree and that means that tree will get struck by lightning and the tree branch will fall on you. And that's not true by the way. So by having a population of people who don't really understand germs and how serious they are, the germ gets spread really readily. As far as people freaking out here in the U. However, the same legislatures when... User: Next. Assistant: it comes to climate change say well I'm not a scientist. I can't have an opinion on climate change sure have a lot of opinions about Ebola. There's a faction of our leaders, elected officials, who continually cuts the budget for the Centers for Disease Control which, to me reflects an ignorance of how serious germs can be. I remind us all that in 1918 more people died of what was called the Spanish Flu than died from World War I which killed a lot of people. The Spanish Flu killed – the estimates vary but about 50 million people died of the flu. And when you think of the flu you think oh, the flu. You take chicken soup. What, cannot take penicillin. Ineffective against a virus... User: Continue. Assistant: people. Not going to help you. Penicillin is not going to do anything against Ebola. With that said it's very reasonable that researchers, diligent researchers will be able to develop a vaccine against Ebola. It's very reasonable. And so in my opinion we should be supporting that research full bore. But at the same time don't curtail research in other germs which is going... User: Continue. Assistant: on at the Centers for Disease Control, for example, all the time. That's not where you save your money Congress. But if you don't... User: Next. Assistant: believe in the seriousness of it and you have a mistrust of scientists, if you have a mistrust of engineers, you're not going to help us out with that, are you. So it's a very serious concern of mine. And if everybody were talking about climate change that we were talking about Ebola we'd be working on climate change pretty steadily also. So it's another lesson. You know, we – on my side of it in the science education world, I mean, this whole thing is so frustrating. The United States used to be the world leader in technology. But when you have this group of leaders, elected officials who are anti-science you're setting the U. back and then ultimately setting the world back. So we should support... User: Next. Assistant: the health workers that are going to take the risks and go to the hot zone. We should support African governments and enable to the extent possible science education so that people are more literate about this. It's a really difficult problem but solvable, solvable problem. I'd like to make another comment that occurred to me as an engineer. Everybody – I saw a... User: Continue. Assistant: story this morning about these home elevators that have ruined people's lives. Kids have gotten their – these horrible head injuries from home elevators... User: Continue. Assistant: which aren't subject to the same standards as elevators in commercial buildings. And that's another thing where if you had extraordinary supervision over children they wouldn't get in this trouble. On the other hand if the elevators were designed better the kids wouldn't get in this trouble. And it just shows you how much we need – how much we rely on engineers. I'm... User: Continue. Assistant: sorry, these people who designed the elevators did their best. They didn't think of the ten year old getting his head trapped in there. But after it happens we can make design changes so it never happens again. When people apparently loaded up their key chains so they're so heavy that they were able to overcome the detent, the stop, the can't turn it past park of the ignition switch in these Chevrolet vehicles and people crashed the cars because somebody in the ordering department thought it was okay to have the pin a little shorter than it was last year. And so the pin didn't hold the detent as it's called to stop as strongly and it was able to cause these enormous problems. We rely on... User: More. Assistant: engineers to solve these problems and I, as an engineer, we do our best. We anticipate these things. But you can't anticipate everything and this is part of evolution. Future ignition switches will not have that problem for a number of reasons. First of all some people got seriously injured. And then we have laws to hold corporations accountable for these serious injuries. And then we have systems in the corporation to make changes and enforce it. This is civilization and it's top down and bottom up at once. And I as an engineer just want to remind people just how many moving parts there are in a car and how well they work. I'm not making excuses. I'm just saying stop and appreciate how complicated these things... User: Continue. Assistant: are and how we all take it for granted and they are all absolutely a result of science literacy. Of having a population of people who understands the significance of science in... User: Continue. Assistant: our everyday lives. And to eschew that or set it aside or not support basic research is not in anybody's best interest. This is not a controversial statement but somehow I find it very frustrating when stuff like that happens and we all take it for granted. So I'll start pointing fingers without realizing what's involved. We can change the world people. We can... User: More. Assistant: change the world. It's not unusual to hear someone openly say that they can't do math at all; that they can't figure out the... User: More. Assistant: percentage to tip on a bill. If someone said that chemistry hurts their brain and they can't even look at an equation, or that they have no idea how a certain part of the human body does what it does, that wouldn't be too surprising. These are usually light-hearted statements that go down well – many of us would sympathize, nod and say: yeah,... User: More. Assistant: me too. But turn the tables and imagine someone announcing jovially they can't read words that are over 3 syllables, or that a certain sentence is too beyond them to even try... User: More. Assistant: That wouldn't be considered funny. En masse, we'd raise our brows and say: Excuse me? The ignorance involved in both scenarios is comparable, but the shirking of effort when it comes to... User: Continue. Assistant: science and math is so normalized we don't always catch ourselves. This is the bee in Bill Nye's bonnet today. An engineer by origin,... User: More. Assistant: he wants science literacy to be a national priority so that people... User: Continue. Assistant: can understand that the daily magic around them every day – all the technology, medicine, and innovation that makes our lives easier, isn't some kind of wizardry – it's cold, hard science. Understanding the way things work, from the basics to a minute level, is so profoundly important to a country's progress and its citizen's health and daily lives. As an example, Nye looks at the spread of a disease like Ebola in North America compared to Africa; the education levels about how germs are transmitted corresponds directly to the amount of deaths from this terrible illness. Understanding basic concepts like bacteria and hygiene saves lives. Nye goes on to make an interesting point about some of the U. 's elected officials and their fluctuating stance on science... User: Continue. Assistant: Those who panicked about Ebola – rightly so – and implemented preventative measures take a very different approach when it comes to a crisis... User: Next. Assistant: such as climate change. has failed to make meaningful change and start measures to look out for the future. Nye also points to officials... User: Next. Assistant: who cut funding to the Center for Disease Control, which demonstrates a serious lack of literacy about the nature of infectious disease. The Spanish... User: More. Assistant: Flu of the early 20th century killed an estimated 20-50 million people – even at its most conservative estimate, that's more than all the... User: More. Assistant: deaths in WWI. In Nye's words, cutting disease research is "not where you save your money, Congress! "There is also a general mistrust of... User: Continue. Assistant: science among civilians and leaders, and unfortunately shady science practices, such as the sugar industry buying off Harvard scientists to write negative studies focusing... User: Next. Assistant: on fats while omitting research that would hurt the sugar industry, does a lot of damage to the public perception of scientific method. Those... User: Next. Assistant: stories make it a little easier to believe scientists can be bought, and therefore that science as a whole can be doubted. But science largely stands strong, and research by Dan Kahan at Yale University shows that those with the strongest views tend to have the greatest scientific literacy. Kahan asked 1,540 Americans to rate the severity of climate change as a global threat... User: More. Assistant: on a scale of zero to ten. Interestingly those that rated it closest to zero or closest to ten had the highest levels of science comprehension. That middle ground proves to be a dangerous place because the greatest sin in science is to not ask questions, and not challenge conventional wisdom. That's the whole point of scientific enquiry, but dismissing it or failing to understand it really is a crime, especially when you trace it to the tangible cost of human life from increasing natural disasters and preventable contagions. This idea is perhaps expressed best by Canadian-American physician and Nobel Laureate Charles Huggins, who said: "Nature can refuse to speak but she cannot give a wrong answer. " Science, when not corrupt, works as nature's translator. We have... User: Continue. Assistant: to trust it, not be blindly skeptical. Bill Nye has spent his life promoting science education and while here he is visibly frustrated by this high-level mistrust of science in the U. another famous champion of science, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, brings reinforcement in the form of optimism. Tyson recently said to the Wall Street Journal: "Science is being born into public consciousness in a very big way, for the first time. And we're doing it on the shoulders of those who struggled to get it going in that regard. I look forward to the impact it could have on the 21st century, where we have a next generation of people who only know science literacy as a fundamental part of an educated citizenry. "Women are still greatly... User: Continue. Assistant: underrepresented in elected office—even though new research shows they may be more effective politicians than their male counterparts. Ninety years after the 19th Amendment guaranteed their participation in American politics, women are... User: More. Assistant: still greatly underrepresented in elected office—even though new research shows they may be more effective politicians than their male counterparts. According to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University,... User: Continue. Assistant: women currently hold:But an ongoing study by Sarah Anzia at Stanford University and Christopher Berry at the University of Chicago has found that districts served by women legislators are at a distinct... User: Next. Assistant: advantage over those represented by men: U. congresswomen bring home roughly 9 percent more discretionary spending than congressmen. As a result, districts that elect women to the House of Representatives receive, on... User: Continue. Assistant: average, about $49 million more each year. This difference in performance between female and male legislators may be a result, in part, of the plain fact that it is more difficult for women to get elected. Titled the "The Jackie (and Jill) Robinson Effect," the report finds higher performance amid persistent bias has a systematic effect on who reaches the highest level—and on what... User: Next. Assistant: they do while they're there. "If voters are biased against female candidates, only the most talented, hardest working female candidates will succeed in the electoral process," Anzia and Berry write. On top of that, "if women perceive there to be sex discrimination in the electoral process, or if they underestimate their qualifications for office relative to men, then only the most qualified, politically ambitious... User: Next. Assistant: females will emerge as candidates. " It doesn't matter whether the sex-based selection is from actual or perceived, active or passive, origins, the report... User: Next. Assistant: finds that "women who are elected to office will perform better, on average, than their male counterpart. "Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland, attributes... User: More. Assistant: this difference to the fact that women are more collaborative. She tells Big Think that "women are actually more inclined towards that more modern... User: Next. Assistant: leadership, which is collaborative problem-solving, enabling, consultative, not just trying to assert a kind of hierarchical power. " Men may also employ this sort... User: Next. Assistant: of leadership, but it is distinctly feminine, she says. Robinson is living proof that this feminine style of leadership can be both effective and... User: More. Assistant: popular. Halfway through her term as president, she had an unprecedented approval... User: More. Assistant: rating of 93%. She achieved this not by playing down her femininity but by embracing it. "When I was elected President of Ireland, I... User: More. Assistant: was determined to show that I brought to it the fact that I was a woman and was going to do it with various skills and I felt that they were enabling,... User: Next. Assistant: problem solving, being more inclined not so much to want to lead in a kind of a natural way, but rather to lead by... User: Next. Assistant: discussion and empowerment of others—to lead by example, lead by nurturing. " But there is still a double standard for women politicians, she says. "If men are bold and assertive, that's admired... User: Continue. Assistant: If women are, it's called shrill. "And if there is one rule in politics, it is that action is less important than perception. But here things get complicated for female politicians in general. In terms of individual leadership traits, women are perceived to possess more of these traits than men, but that doesn't translate to being perceived as better overall leaders. In a 2008 Pew Research Center survey of eight important leadership traits, women outperformed men on five and tie on two. Americans ranked women higher in honesty, intelligence, compassion, creativity, and outgoingness—by as much as 75 percent. And in the qualities of hard work and ambition, men and women tied, according to the survey. The only quality in which men scored higher than women is decisiveness, in... User: More. Assistant: which men and women were separated by a mere 11 percentage points. Yet when asked the single question if men or women make better leaders, the results seemed to contradict these other findings: a mere 6 percent of the 2,250 adults surveyed say women make better political leaders than men, with 21 percent favoring men and 69 percent saying the sexes are equal in... User: Continue. Assistant: this area, which explains the report's subtitle, "A Paradox in Public Attitudes... User: Next. Assistant: "So what accounts for this perceptual paradox? Politics professor Michele Swers of Georgetown University tells Big Think that it's not simply a matter of if women are more effective legislators; party politics plays an essential role in who gets elected. “If you look at how people react to candidates, there are certain stereotypes that people have in their mind about what's a women's issue... User: Continue. Assistant: and what's not a women's issue, so you may be more likely to prefer a female candidate if what's on your mind are issues like health care and education, for example,” she says. "However, when I'm in the voting booth, I'm voting for the Republican or I'm voting for the Democrat, so those gender stereotypes interact with that type of thing as well,” she... User: Next. Assistant: adds. A female Republican candidate, for example, might sway a voter by being Republican or by being female, and for following the policies perceived... User: Continue. Assistant: to be favored by either, Swers explains. Essentially, more women are elected to the highest ranks in politics when more are candidates from prominent... User: Next. Assistant: political parties. The difficulty lies in producing a political system, both in the U. and around the world, that accomplishes this. — Anzia and Berry, "The Jackie (and Jill) Robinson Effect: Why... User: More. Assistant: Do Congresswomen Outperform Congressmen? ".
User: More spans: Wheels On The Bus Song for Kids with Talking Tom and Friends. Nursery Rhyme Time for Children & Kids Songs ! Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round with HULK. I hope you'll enjoy this little music video with these kids songs! Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round with New Style Spiderman. Nursery Rhymes Time for Children. I hope you'll enjoy this little music video with these kids songs! Caterpillar to move headquarters from Peoria to Chicago. The earthmoving giant, headquartered in Peoria for more than 90 years, announced plans this week to move its corporate headquarters to the Chicago area. The move is expected to affect only about 300 of the 12,000 Caterpillar employees in the Peoria area, with most of the firm's engineering, production, and back-office staff remaining in Peoria. Caterpillar's chief executive officer and his personal staff will, however, vacate their headquarters office in the central Illinois city. The transfer is expected to be substantially completed before the end of the 2017 calendar year. In addition to the move, Caterpillar announced the permanent cancellation of its previous plan to construct a new headquarters building in Illinois. Caterpillar's new Chicago-area headquarters will be located in existing office space that will be rented or leased by the firm. Caterpillar had previously announced the indefinite postponement of its prior plans to build a new headquarters building in downtown Peoria. The firm described its moves as a response to the worldwide downturn in demand for power and earthmoving equipment. Caterpillar, a key [spans 1] U. private sector, is a member of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). Caterpillar has strong historic ties to the Peoria area, and as recently as October 2012 the firm opened a Visitors Center on the Peoria riverfront. Children are encouraged to touch and interact with the machinery on display. Legislation proposed to ensure state workers' pay. Avery Bourne and numerous House Republican colleagues filed House Bill 1787 Wednesday that would make state workers' salary payments a continuing appropriation, guaranteeing payment during a budget impasse. This measure would keep workers paid and prevent a government shutdown. This has become a particularly urgent issue due to Attorney General Lisa Madigan filing a motion in court to end payment to state employees beginning February 28th, 2017. “This legislation will prevent state worker pay from being used as a political pawn. Families across Illinois rely on the vital services provided by our state agencies. Before I arrived in the General Assembly, legislators chose to make their pay a continuing appropriation which guaranteed their pay with [spans 2] budget. However, those legislators did not afford those protections to state employees. This legislation will keep state worker pay out of the political games that are too often played in Springfield,” said Bourne. If enacted, HB 1787 would be effective immediately. House Republicans sponsored similar legislation [spans 3] hearing. Representative Bourne and her colleagues are calling on the House of Representatives to take up this issue as soon as they return to the Capitol next week. Fitch Ratings cuts Illinois' credit rating. The move by one of the “Big Three” debt rating agencies serves as further evidence of the dismal state of Illinois' public finances. Fitch Ratings cut Illinois' general obligation bond rating this week from BBB+ with a negative outlook to BBB with a negative outlook. The new rating [spans 4] risk. Two other bond issues that are tied to the State of Illinois, [spans 5] Fitch. The New York-based credit rating house added that they believe that the failure of the State to deal with its fiscal challenges “has fundamentally weakened the state's financial profile.”The Southern Illinoisan looked this week at the Illinois budget impasse, including the fork [spans 6] appropriation. Examples of mandated spending include Medicaid, pension fund contributions and interest on state debts. Examples of non-mandated spending include expenditures for higher education, social services, and many state agencies' operations. The expiration on January 1, 2017 of the stopgap budget that provided appropriations for some of Illinois' state government has created a serious cash flow situation in many Illinois offices and institutions. Free admission in February for Illinois residents. The Field Museum of Natural History, in Chicago, announced the free admissions program on Wednesday, February 1. Proof of residency will be required. The basic free admission will not include special ticket exhibits or admission to any 3-D movies that may be screened. [spans 7] door. New tax took effect this week. The additional 7-cent-a-shopping-bag tax in Chicago for household foodstuffs and other goods, and asking for a bag, was imposed by the Chicago City Council and Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The tax is aimed at disposable bags given away for free by many retailers. After one-time use many shopping bags are immediately disposed of as landfill garbage, and some are let go to blow around. The seven-cent tax replaces an earlier Chicago ban on lightweight plastic bags, which city officials characterized as only partly effective at best. Various bags used by shoppers inside supermarkets, such as lightweight bags used by shoppers to wrap produce or baked goods, are exempted from the tax. Shoppers who bring reusable bags woven from plastic fiber or canvas, as many shoppers do in Europe and on the U. West Coast, will not need a plastic bag and will be exempted from the tax. The new Chicago tax does not apply to retail purchases made outside Chicago. It went into effect on Wednesday, February 1. Blue-ribbon commission announces consensus on what a new school funding formula should look like. State aid to schools is one of the largest appropriations of Illinois' state budget. The complex formula, which is set forth in Illinois statute and administered by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), includes a wide variety of tweaks and variables. Money that is not provided by federal or State aid must be brought in from property tax levies and concerns about the Illinois school funding formula are increasingly intertwined with concerns about Illinois property taxes and tax rates. In July 2016, Governor Rauner and the four legislative leaders created the bipartisan, bicameral Illinois School Funding Reform Commission. The 25 members of the Commission were asked to revamp Illinois' education funding formula to provide a more equitable and adequately funded system for all students. The Commission met for a final time on Wednesday, February 1 to finalize a report to submit to the Governor and General Assembly. The final report provides a framework on how to move forward in establishing an equitable school funding formula. It is the hope of the Commission that the General Assembly and the Governor's Office can work together to put this framework into legislation to create a new, more equitable and adequate funding system for FY18. In its report, the Reform Commission announced that they have reached a consensus on what a new school funding formula framework would look like. The new framework is built upon the idea of “adequacy targets” to be met by schools and school districts; a school district's eligibility for aid will be partly tied to evidence that one or more of their schools have fallen short of adequacy targets and that, at the same time, the school is making progress toward meeting these targets. The goal of this new paradigm is to concentrate aid on vulnerable students while not, at the same time, rewarding schools and school districts that sit on their hands and maintain a perpetual state of poor performance and outcomes. House Republicans respond to Chicago Tribune investigative report with package of House bills. The legislative package, numbered HB 737 through HB 742, would require the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) to sharply increase its oversight and monitoring of Illinois' troubled system of group homes for persons with developmental disabilities. While many homes in this class provide good-quality care and residential services to their clients, investigative reporters for Chicago's largest newspaper found that some do not. Serious cases of patient neglect were uncovered. The bills are meant to create a client-centered process when a DD group home gets its care license revoked. The Chicago Tribune revelations were underlined when the [spans 8] care. The Department of Human Services came under criticism when they were unable to share information to help law enforcement search for the missing Illinois residents, who were all eventually found and successfully relocated. HB 740, sponsored by Deputy Republican Leader Patti Bellock, will require the safe and secure storage of contact information and location information so that Illinois never again loses track of those of our residents who need help the most. Other bills in the reform package were sponsored by Rep. Terri Bryant and Rep. Auto parts supplier to move 300 jobs from Detroit to Rockford area. In a press statement, [spans 9] line. Yanfeng has made floor consoles and door panels for the sports-utility vehicle in a plant in Monroe, Michigan near Toledo. About 300 headcount positions are affected by the move. New water treatment facility includes extensive plumbing repair and replacement. Governor Rauner announced Wednesday [spans 10] U. Additionally, the project involved domestic plumbing replacement, removal, and other upgrades where necessary resulting in a new domestic water service for the campus. The funding was made possible through the VA State Veterans Home Construction Grants Program, which prioritizes projects that have significant impact on resident safety. The construction of the new water plant is scheduled to be completed in February 2017. At the same time, IDVA applied to the U. Department of Veterans Affairs for a grant to reduce the cost of the project to Illinois taxpayers. American bald eagles winter in Illinois. After flying south from their nesting grounds, many “proud birds of freedom” find winter homes near open water in central and southern Illinois. A reporter recently saw many bald eagles in the area of Alton, Illinois, is southwestern Illinois. The inrushing waters of the Illinois River and the Missouri River, as they [spans 11] spawn. The eagles then come to look for the fish. Pere Marquette State Park near Alton, operated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, offers resources intended to help birdwatchers catch a glimpse of the iconic birds. The winter season is a welcome change after the gruelling summer in Delhi. The nip in the air feels gentle as against the memories of gusts of pinching cold breezes of the winters of yesteryears in Kashmir . Kashmir has been a gracious host to all the four seasons . The picture of flaming Chinars blushing to a deeper bronze and rust and ultimately adorning the ground present the ultimate [spans 12] Kashmir. The tall Poplars bereft of their leaves standing stoic and tall to face the harshness of the winter has been yet another memorable facet of the changing seasons in the valley. Autumn, as always, the harbinger [spans 13] snow. With each passing day, the layers of clothing increased directly in proportion to the increase in cold. The feel of winter was complete only with the whole valley being clad in pure white . The morning light brightened by the white reflection used to squint our eyes open and force us reluctantly to crawl out of the warm heavy quilts designed to ward off cold. An average Kashmiri household had similar guard against the onslaught of winter. Pheran, Kangri, thick quilts were undoubtedly our best companions during winter months. Pheran has been the most enduring garment to battle the winters in the valley. Probably what is unique about this garment is also its unisex appeal. While as the Pheran worn by Kashmiri men continues to be simple and basic, women have beautified the dress by various patterns of embroideries. Distinction in the make of Pheran on the basis of religion had a Pandit wearing a longer one with a fold just above the bottom end and plainer ones worn by the Pandit ladies compared to the [spans 14] counterparts. I ,on my part, remember my last Pheran stitched in the valley . Being in my teens ,I had tried to imbibe the modernity of hood, fur and belt in this very desi dress up. In fact the fur lining on the hood was a hit amongst our group of friends. Pheran with a kangri placed skillfully inside has been the most successful heating system in the valley. From yet another embedded memory of Kashmir winter as experienced ,freezing of water pipes was a permanent winter woe. The endless mugs of boiling water poured on the pipes to thaw the ice [spans 15] exercise. All the trouble to restore the perennial flow even though the chilled winter water would slice through like knife. Washing of dishes, clothes and bathing had to be a planned activity,however,the axe usually fell on the one washing utensils since access to hot water was a task to be managed. Considering the fact that washing machines had not made way into the common households, these brave women need all the acknowledgement for facing the winters with bare hands literally. As per necessity, the weather demanded long break in schools for the winter months. So nearly spread over two and a half months, the winter break was a long one. Though schools did ensure to pile up a lot of homework, still it was one big lazy time at least till class 9 . Thereafter it was a rat race with hoards of students [spans 16] tuition. The four consecutive winters from class nine to twelve were spent trudging each day through the snow from home to tutor and back. In retrospect, the fun of braving the cold and snow, to be part of your peer group, to receive lessons from some good and some excellent teachers still evokes a sense of nostalgia. Those secret crushes were good motivators to attend everyday whatever the weather. The carboned notes gathered over these classes would generally be stuffed into the pockets of pheran only to be looked for desperately at the time of exams. Winters,however, offered a lot of time to catch up on the pending reading list. So most of the thick classics became a part of me during the cold months of the year. Radio was another faithful companion churning out beautiful songs and not to forget the half an hour of Western Music everyday. The Request Program had us sending in messages for friends, some mischievous, some sentimental and many anonymous ones. My memories of the program include lovely voices of some wonderful comperes, playing of soul stirring golden oldies and contemporaries. Radio also had to its credit a beautiful collection of dramas. Very real, touching scripts portraying life in its vicissitudes and executed by gems of artists of Radio Kashmir which actually deserves a whole column. Indeed an era gone by. Another aspect of winter was the special appearance put up by electricity. The alternate evenings rendered even colder and darker by the scheduled power cuts had families cornered in one room of the huge houses. Some succour came in the form of those lamps running on LPG which invariably found their entry in most of the households and took care of lighting to an extent. The keywords in those winters were definitely LPG cylinder and gas mantles. But missing out on the evening entertainment at homes ie Television especially when the Shahrukh starrer Fauji was on air was a big dampener. In a way winter in Kashmir, as I remember, was a time of absolute stillness with regard to outdoors and chosen inertness indoors. With all this, the beauty of that lazy life of winter marred by lack of basic infrastructural support still brings in warm memories of growing up. Standing on the crossroads, hoping to be a part of that winter, I often try to envisage the changes that winter life in Kashmir has undergone with the advent and usage of inverters, electric blankets etc, improved bedding and clothing. I wonder whether the pace of life has somewhat quickened with the donning of thermals. Deep down, though, I hope that the warmth of hearts has been able to withstand the winters of hatred and bloodshed of the past years . Just like the certainty of rising sun, the hope of lasting peace back home through the harsh winters, blooming springs, pleasant summers and colourful autumns is what I look forward to. Verily, with the hardship, there is relief (i. there [spans 17] reliefs). So when you have finished (from your occupation), then stand up for Allaah's worship (i. stand up for prayer). theclockonline students can sell International Marketing (ISBN# 113362751X) written by Michael R. ## Czinkota, Michael Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen and receive a $8.72 check, along with a [spans 18] label. Once you have sent in International Marketing (ISBN# 113362751X), your Plymouth State University textbook will be processed and your $8.72 check will be sent out to you within a matter days. You can also sell other theclockonline textbooks, published by CENGAGE Learning and written by Michael R. Ronkainen and receive checks. ## include): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/20/4006920/html/archive/2010/12_02/search2. php on line 92Marc McDonald (second row, second from right): Marc McDonald is generally identified as Microsoft's (then "Micro-Soft") [spans 19] machine. (Although a couple of other people had worked for Microsoft on a contract basis, McDonald [spans 20] salary. Marc left Microsoft in 1984, reportedly disenchanted with the changes wrought by the company's burgeoning growth, and went to work for fellow ex-Microsoft staffer Paul Allen's new company, Asymetrix. In an amusing coincidence, McDonald eventually ended up back at Microsoft [spans 21] working. It may be interesting to have more information regarding participation [spans 22] versa. Yup - I worked on the 7200 and 7500 in Ithaca back then on component engineering and UL/FCC stuff. I remember the clunky cassettes for loading and the Shugart 8" floppies. It inherited characteristics from both ancestors that have progressively turned into handicaps in this new era of multitasking, protected mode, virtual memory, and huge fixed disks. The FAT was invented by Bill Gates and Marc McDonald in 1977 as a method of managing disk space in the NCR version of standalone Microsoft's Disk BASIC. Tim Paterson, at [spans 23] 1979. Paterson subsequently incorporated FATs into the file system of 86-DOS, an operating system for SCP s S-100 bus 8086 CPU boards.86-DOS was eventually purchased by Micro-soft and became the starting point for MS-DOS Version 1.0, which was released for the original lBM PC in August 1981. When the FAT was conceived, it was an excellent solution to disk management, mainly because the floppy disks on which it was used were rarely larger than 1 Mb. On such disks, the FAT was small enough to be held in memory at all times, allowing very fast random access to any part of any file. This proved far superior to the CP/M method of tracking disk space, in which the information about the sectors assigned to a [spans 24] directory. When applied to fixed disks, however, the FAT began [spans 25] feature. It became too large to be held entirely resident and had to be paged into memory in pieces: this paging resulted in many superfluous disk head movements as a program was reading through a file and degraded system throughput. In addition, because the information about free disk space was dispersed across many sectors of FAT, it was impractical to allocate file space contiguously, and file fragmentation became another obstacle to good performance. Moreover, the use of relatively large clusters on fixed disks resulted in a lot of dead space, since an average of one- half cluster was wasted for each file. (Some network servers use clusters as large as 64Kb. The FAT file system 's restrictions on naming files and [spans 26] CP/M. When Paterson was writing 86-DOS one of his primary objectives was to make programs easy to port from CP/M to his new operating system. He therefore adopted CP/M's limits on filenames and extensions so the critical fields of 86-DOS File Control Blocks (FCBs) would look almost exactly like those of CP/M. The sizes of the FCB filename and extension fields were also propagated into the structure of disk directory entries. In due time 86-DOS became MS- DOS and application programs for MS-DOS proliferated beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Since most of the early programs depended on the structure of FCBs the 8.3 format for filenames became irrevocably locked into the system. During the last couple of years Microsoft and IBM have made valiant attempts to prolong the useful life of the FAT file system by lifting the restrictions on volume sizes improving allocation [spans 27] memory. But these can only be regarded as temporizing measures because the fundamental data structures used by the FAT file system are simply not well suited to large random access devices. The HPFS solves the FAT file system problems mentioned here and many others but it is not derived in any way from the FAT file system. The architect of the HPFS started with a clean sheet of paper and designed a file system that can take full advantage of a multitasking [spans 28] decade. ## It's called LUMIBRITE™ professional whitening. Now you can have brilliantly white teeth, without stains or darkness, in one to two hours. The results can last for years! This card is a CASE from Mary Fish. I changed mine up a bit by adding a layer, and using a spritzer with my mask. If you haven't seen my masking techniques video over on YouTube, check it out! There's so many ways to use masks, and they're all awesome! Anyway, back to this card. I also made my life a little easier by putting the paper on adhesive sheets before I die cut them. So much easier to deal with small die pieces when they're already sticky! The war against (the future and evil) Superman and his evil hordes rages on in your Smart Phones with the multiplayer mode. To commemorate the event of a year in battles and two billion plays sessions, Warner Bros. Interact Entertainment has announced the release of an all-new, all-different multiplayer mode for the smart phone devices of their best-selling titles. And frankly, what better gameplay modes than the infinite slugfests promised by an online multiplayer mode? Hit the jump to check out the trailer explaining each and every new gameplay elements from the award-winning NetherRealm Studios. Ralf Horlemann, the consul general of Germany, spoke yesterday at the Rockefeller Center about German-Jewish relations. Horlemann [spans 29] relations. Among the audience of about 30 was current Montgomery fellow Atifete Jahjaga, former president of the Republic of Kosovo. Jewish studies professor Susannah Heschel said she organized the lecture because she thought Horlemann could help her students better understand how Germany has dealt with its contentious anti-Semitic past. “One question I get over and over again from students is how Germany copes with its dark past,” she said. She added that she thought Horlemann opened a valuable discussion regarding the treatment of Jews in Germany today. In his talk, Horlemann emphasized the importance of keeping the memory of Germany's horrific anti-Semitic past alive and pointed out that the country has several memorials and museums dedicated to the Holocaust and its victims. He added that by the end of World War II, [spans 30] 15,000. Many German Jews immigrated to Israel, but there is a growing trend among their descendants of applying for the restitution of their German citizenship, he said. He added that Israel's safety as a nation is extremely important to Germany as a nation. Currently, [spans 31] immigrants. Devina Kumar '18 said that she found it interesting to see how much Germany has integrated the memory of the Holocaust into its culture. “Many people are surprised when they go to Germany and they see that the synagogues and the [spans 32] said. Horlemann also discussed the resurgence of openly xenophobic, far-right political parties throughout Europe. He said that these groups come with a new found extremist nationalism and are staunchly against immigration and the admitting of Syrian refugees. He noted that Germany has taken in about 1.5 million refugees in the past year, implementing measures such as converting a former airport in Berlin, Tempelhof, into a massive refugee center, in order to accommodate the large number of immigrants. The acceptance of refugees into Germany has not been entirely well received, both on the national and international levels, inciting fear that the immigrants will not integrate successfully, he said. “It's extremely important for Germany to do its upmost to integrate these immigrants in order to maintain stability,” Horlemann said. He included that this integration includes teaching the immigrants German, as well as sending the children to public schools. Horlemann emphasized the importance of maintaining Germany's tolerance, which has been achieved in spite of its prejudiced past. He said that he has faith in Germany's ability to accommodate these refugees as best as possible. “It's not like they're viewing their immigration policies as a way to make up for the Holocaust, but I definitely think the tolerance that exists there can be attributed to moving forward from their past,” Kumar said. Heschel [spans 33] immigrants. She added that she believes it will be hard for Germany to integrate these immigrants, especially because of the country's past of violence and exclusion. “What does it mean to stand for Germany? How do you get people from that [spans 34] said. Eliza Ezrapour '18 said she found the lecture to be a great supplement to the material in “The History of the Jews in Germany,” a Jewish studies class taught by Heschel. “I've definitely found this to be one of the better lectures I've gone to for the class,” Ezrapour said. “It was really cool to hear from such a direct source what's actually going on there.”The Bad Plus is a collaborative jazz trio that has constantly searched for rules to break and boundaries to cross and bridging genres and techniques while exploring the infinite possibilities of three exceptional musicians that work in perfect sync. Founding members – bassist Reid Anderson and drummer Dave King – are joined by their new pianist Orrin Evans to perform in support of their latest recording Never Stop II. The theatres and lounges at The Egg are available to rent for performances and related activities as well as receptions, educational and corporate events. (Albany, NY): For the fourth consecutive year, the performing arts centers at The Egg and the University at Albany have announced that they will present Dance in Albany, a joint dance series for the 2018-19 season featuring nine performances ranging in style from classic modern and Latin contemporary to tap and hip-hop to multi-sensory movement. Six of the performances will take place at The Egg at the Empire State Plaza with the remaining three at the UAlbany Performing Arts Center on the uptown University at Albany campus. Dance enthusiasts have the opportunity to purchase a ticket to each performance for $125. Subscriptions that include seven and five performances are also available at a savings of 30% and 20%, respectively. Tickets may be purchased at The Egg Box Office at the Empire State Plaza, by telephone – 518-473-1845 – or on line: http://www. Tickets go on sale on July 20. The Capital Region's own dance company offers a program of repertory made in collaboration with current and past UAlbany faculty featuring original music, projected art, a live poetry reading and science inspired dance along with a premiere work to live music performed by ensemble in residence, the Capital Trio. Dancemaker Paul Taylor, one of the seminal artists of the 20th and 21st Centuries, continues to shape the homegrown American art of modern dance that he has helped define since he became a pioneering choreographer in 1954. The Company returns to The Egg to perform a mix of classic and new works including Cloven Kingdom (1976), Company B (1991) and Concertiana (2018). Created in 1970 to celebrate and explore Latino cultures through dance, Ballet Hispanico continues to be a beacon of artistic excellence and innovation, and will perform three contemporary works by some of the day's foremost Latina choreographers – Michelle Manzanales, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa and Tania Pérez-Salas. Israeli-born dancer Ephrat “Bounce” Asherie layers breaking, hip-hop, house and vogue combining the rawness of underground styles with a contemporary aesthetic in Odeon, a high-energy work set to a score by early 20th century Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth which melds classical romantic music with popular Afro-Brazilian rhythms. Established in 2012, Malpaso Dance Company has already become one of the most sought after Cuban dance companies with a growing international profile. Working with top international choreographers while also nurturing new voices in Cuban dance, Malpaso will perform works by artistic director Osnel Delgado and celebrated choreographer Aszure Barton. The always versatile resident company of The Egg performs From the mind/of a single, long vine/one hundred opening lives – a full evening work that unearths and delves into the stories emanating from nine distinctively designed “sitting structures.” Based on African form, the work carves a landscape of both vivacity and intimacy that is at turns haunting, wistful and smiling while always bold in spirit. One of America's most innovative and entertaining companies since 1971, Pilobolus performs Come to Your Senses – a multisensory experience featuring live on stage performances alongside transmedia digital creations exploring the connection between the human body and the analog world around us. Jason Samuels Smith, the electrifying American jazz hoofer and Seema Mehta, a leading exponent of Indian Kathak dance, perform Rhythm Rewritten – contrasting and ultimately fusing the two styles of movement with live music from both cultures. All complex projects require cohesive project management practices. Bot: spans 1: component of the infrastructure-building spans 2: or without a spans 3: in the 99th General Assembly that was not allowed a committee spans 4: is only one notch above the lowest possible rating (BBB-) that can be granted to an entity that is viewed as an investment-grade credit spans 5: the bond issued by the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority and the bonds issued by the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, also saw cuts in their ratings from spans 6: in the spending road caused by the classification of some of the State's spending streams as “mandated by law” while others are subject to spans 7: Persons given free admission will get the chance to upgrade to an all-access pass with additional payment at the spans 8: state attempted to move 45 patients from one particular network of group homes (Disability Services of Illinois) to new locations that would provide a different quality of spans 9: Yanfeng disclosed that its decision had been determined by the need to maintain a just-in-time production relationship with Fiat Chrysler and its Cherokee assembly spans 10: that the spans 11: enter the Mississippi, add nutrients to the larger body of water and help encourage fish to spans 12: beauty of Autumn in spans 13: for winter heralded the season of freezing cold and spans 14: elaborately embroidered ones worn by their Muslim spans 15: was a regular spans 16: congregating for private spans 17: is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two spans 18: free pre-paid shipping spans 19: first employee, hired in 1976 to adapt BASIC for the new NCR 7200 spans 20: was the first hiree to draw a regular spans 21: when it acquired Design Intelligence, the Seattle-based software company for which he was then spans 22: of Microsoft in developing of NCR products, or vice spans 23: that time an employee of Seattle Computer Products (SCP), was introduced to the FAT concept when his company shared a booth with Microsoft at the National Computer Conference in spans 24: file might be spread across many directory entries, which were in turn scattered randomly throughout the disk spans 25: to look more like a bug than a spans 26: directories are inherited from spans 27: strategies caching path names and moving tables and buffers into expanded spans 28: environment and that will be able to cope with any sort of disk device likely to arrive on microcomputers during the next spans 29: has worked in the German foreign service for over two decades and is an expert in transatlantic spans 30: Germany's Jewish population, which was previously 500,000, had dwindled to around spans 31: there are around 200,000 Jews in Germany, including a group of Israeli spans 32: Jewish schools are protected by police,” he spans 33: agreed with Kumar, noting the moral and legal obligation Germany has to the spans 34: background to stand up for a country that has a history like that? ” Heschel User: Finish this: Methods are somewhat interchangeable, and should be applied based on the size and scope of the deliverable. Enosys has a different definition of a Project Manager than most consulting firms. Our PM's ... Bot: Sure, let me know if you need anything else: combine project management processes with Subject Matter Expertise that is relevant to the assignment. Project management support is available at all levels of seniority, and will be tailored to the client's project... User: Continue. Bot: needs and budgets. Accomplishments: We have managed projects of all sizes for over 20 years. See our services for the project types our experts... User: More. Bot: can manage. Robert Allen Palmer (19 January 1949 – 26 September 2003), born in Batley, Yorkshire, was a Grammy Award-winning English singer-songwriter. He was known for his distinctive voice and the eclectic... User: Next. Bot: mix of musical styles on his albums, combining soul, jazz, rock, pop, reggae and blues. He found success both in his solo career and in the musical act Power Station, and had Top 10 songs in both the US and the UK. Here at The Flower Stork we are committed to reducing our impact on the environment. We are environmentally and ethically minded when... User: Continue. Bot: sourcing our baby clothing, gift items and packaging. We feel that it is essential that we do our bit to reduce our carbon foot-print... User: More. Bot: so that we can help our customers and the gift recipient to... User: Next. Bot: also reduce theirs. In fact some of us here at The Flower Stork are a little bit obsessed with recycling! Here are some of the initiatives we have undertaken to reduce our carbon footprint and ensure our range is environmentally and ethically sound:All of our baby clothes are manufactured in the UK to the highest European safety standards. Because they are made right here... User: Next. Bot: in the UK for us we can be assured that safety standards are adhered to not just for the clothing but also for the labeling and we can be confident they are made from natural materials with no child labour involved. ## Local manufacturing also provides local jobs. All of our baby toys have passed the highest European safety tests and are suitable from birth, this means the eyes on our teddy bears are sewn on and there are no small parts that would pose a choking hazard. Our contemporary gift packaging is manufactured within the UK without any dangerous emissions and all production waste is recycled. Our gift box packaging is designed to be re-used, and at the end of its useful life can be recycled, incinerated... User: More. Bot: or land filled without any harm to the environment. All postal packaging is recyclable packaging is made by a local company – they even deliver it to us on the back of a forklift from up the road – which means we have to wait for a fine day (not always the case in these welsh valleys) but they come directly to us without... User: More. Bot: the need for additional road miles. We recycling all our cardboard, paper and packaging waste. Any usable items are donated to local schools and children's groups for them to make lovely things with. The Flower Stork has obtained Green Dragon certification which shows our commitment to environmental management. CAPE ELIZABETH — The fifth annual Cape Elizabeth Land Trust Harvest Festival and community barbecue is scheduled rain or shine for Sunday, Sept. The event will begin after the Noyes, Hall & Allen CELT Challenge Triathlon, which starts at 6:45 a. According to Lisa Flaim, CELT administrator, the triathlon is sold out, but there are still spots available for the duathlon. Anyone 12 and over can participate in the races, she said, and those who are registered can pick up... User: More. Bot: their packets at the CELT office, 330 Ocean House Road, Saturday night from 5 p. or starting at 6:45 a. Sunday before the race. Flaim said people can still register for the duathlon by calling the office or visiting the CELT Web site. In addition to the races, festival-goers can expect a community barbecue and many family activities. Hannaford Supermarkets is the food sponsor... User: Continue. Bot: and will serve hot dogs, veggie burgers, corn and local vegetables and fruits. The cost is $7 and benefits the CELT Saving Cape's Great Places initiative.
<user>: More of this please: "People are killed every day for no reason at all," the nebbish, heart-on-his-sleeve Radish (Joel S. Rice) tells classmate Courtney (Cecile Bagdadi) in "Final Exam. " A horror buff whose dorm room walls are adorned with one-sheets for splatter flicks like 1978's "The Toolbox Murders," he believes himself to be well-versed in the psychology of sociopaths who one day simply snap and go on murdering sprees with no particular motive or target in sight. He is unaware how prophetic his words are about to become. As North Carolina's Lanier College gradually empties out as finals week nears its end, a knife-wielding lunatic (Timothy L. Raynor) with no identified name, background or identity has shown up on campus. As he lurks in shadows and on rooftops, staircases and walkways, he methodically prepares for his moment to pounce. "Final Exam" opened theatrically in June 1981, dead-center in the midst of the early-'80s slasher craze influenced by the wildly popular success of an unassuming low-budget 1978 thriller called "Halloween. " If writer-director Jimmy Huston was exploiting a cultural zeitgeist, what he chose not to do was make a film that in and of itself was exploitative. Trading the increasingly graphic violence of the era for lonesome foreboding and an inviting attention to character, Huston's picture has something that the vast majority of titles from this subgenre lacked: personality. It is a modest production with a fair amount of nonprofessionals in the cast, and the narrative is by no means free and clear of clichés—the final girl, for example, is still a virginal figure, cute in a girl-next-door way yet studious and unthreatening—but it becomes exceedingly obvious all the same that an attempt was made to separate it from the glut of similar body-count fare inundating the marketplace at the time. At the idyllic lakeside March College, a boy (Shannon Norfleet) and girl (Carol Capka) sit in a parked car just as night has fallen. She wants to hear that he loves her. He is reluctant to say this particular four-letter word, but eventually coaxes her into the backseat for a make-out session. Suddenly, a hulking figure neither of them know tears off the couple's convertible top and attacks. It is a scene glimpsed many times before, but as the story proper relocates to nearby Lanier College, the blunt brutality of this opening transitions to what more closely resembles a co-ed comedy complete with hijinks on the quad and jestful hazing rituals. A gag in which the fraternity brothers put on masks and simulate a sniper rampage might have seemed relatively quaint and harmless in the dawn of the 1980s, but many decades removed from this it carries with it a sinister quality that, were it to occur in the twenty-first century, would put the whole lot of them in jail. A reference to the mass shooting perpetrated by Charles Whitman from Austin's University of Texas bell tower in August 1966 gives this first-act interlude a certain social awareness, even if it is still amusing to see how attitudes were so lax and naïve at the time of the movie's filming. The heroine of the story is Courtney, a thoughtful student who confides in pal Radish about the uncertainty of their post-education futures and her misgivings toward how easily physical knockouts like roommate Lisa (DeAnna Robbins) have it. She likes Lisa, but also sees how effortlessly she can manipulate others to get what she wants. Average folks like Courtney and Radish must work for what they get, and the private conversations these two share hold a truthfulness not normally made time for in slasher pics of this nature. Courtney is portrayed by Cecile Bagdadi, a charismatic performer with no film or television credits prior to or after this film. Although she chose not to pursue a longer-lasting acting career, there is a soulful sincerity to her presence that gifts the role exactly what it needs. For his memorable part as Radish, Joel S. Rice (who would later go on to become a successful producer) essays one of the more winning onscreen "nerds" in filmic teendom. That the script treats him not as a joke, but as a sympathetic and intelligent figure who is more or less friendly and accepted by the more popular students is a change of pace that works in its favor. Radish probably doesn't have a shot with Courtney—when he gets the courage to tell her she is pretty, he is at once embarrassed that he would go through with such an admission and proud of himself that he did—but their friendship will be a lasting one. Or, at least it would if there wasn't a maniac closing in on them. The first hour of "Final Exam" takes its time, acquainting the viewer with the characters so that it means more when they start meeting their sudden demises in the last thirty minutes. Ralph Brown is unctuous in the extreme as blond-shagged Gamma Delta lunkhead Wildman, giving it his all and overacting as a result, but the rest of the participants are worth spending time with and generally pleasant. Sherry Willis-Burch is a particular scene-stealer as Janet, a starry-eyed sorority girl stressed over her burgeoning relationship with frat pledge Gary (Terry W. When Courtney notices that she is not her normal cheery self, Janet sincerely replies, "I'm still happy, it's just that I'm depressed! " Mary Ellen Withers is amusing in her handful of scenes as fellow student Elizabeth, though it is tough to say whether it was an intentional choice to make her offbeat and exasperated, or if these things stem from inexperience. No matter, it fits the film, right down to a bizarre moment where she blatantly picks a wedgie in the middle of a scene. In "Final Exam," one cannot help but wish there was more mystery in the way the killer is photographed, but his lack of a mask or costume also grants the proceedings a realistic edginess. Subtly showing up in the background of shot compositions is undoubtedly an ode to John Carpenter's "Halloween," but director Jimmy Huston stages these moments well. A basketball scoreboard, a gymnasium locker, a kitchen dumbwaiter, and the wooded gothic architecture of the school are additionally put to inspired use, as is cinematographer Darrell Cathcart's handsome, frequently ominous framing. Not unlike the oddly empty Haddonfield Memorial Hospital in 1981's "Halloween II," Lanier College clears out by the finale, all the better to stage a chase set-piece without other pesky humans getting in the way. In a bold move, "Final Exam" does not end with a big revelation about who the killer is, or why he has committed such heinous crimes against people he didn't know. There is no detectable grudge he has been holding against anyone, or, if there is, it remains locked inside his own twisted mind. Some viewers may accuse the film of ... <bot>: copping out, or being lazy. Huston puts too much care into every other detail for this to be a case of cutting corners. Sometimes there really are no answers to be found when tragedy strikes and innocent lives are ultimately cut short. Sango (also spelled Sangho) is the primary language spoken in the Central African Republic: it has 1.6 to 5 million second-language speakers, but only 400,000 native speakers, mainly in the towns. Some linguists, following William J. Samarin, classify it as a Ngbandi-based creole; others, however (eg Marcel Diki-Kidiri, Charles H. Morrill) reject this classification, saying that changes in Sango structures (both internally and externally) can be explained quite well without a creolization process. Originally used by river traders, Sango arose as a vehicular language based on the Northern Ngbandi dialect of the Sango tribe, part of the Ngbandi language cluster, with some French influence. Whereas rural immigrants to the city spoke many different languages and used Sango only as a lingua franca, their children use Sango as their main (and sometimes only) language. First, this has led to a rapid expansion of the lexicon, including both formal and slang terms. Second, its new position as the everyday language of the capital city has led to Sango gaining greater status and being used increasingly in fields where it was previously the norm to use French. A study by Taber (1964) indicates that some 490 native Sango words account for about 90% of colloquial speech; however, while French loanwords are much more rarely used, they account for the majority of the vocabulary, particularly in the speech of learned people. The situation might be compared to English, where most of the vocabulary - particularly "learned" words - is derived from Latin, Greek, or French, while the basic vocabulary remains strongly Germanic. However, more recent studies suggest that this result is specific to a particular sociolect - the so-called "functionary" variety. Morrill's work, completed in 1997, revealed that there were three sociologically distinct norms emerging in the Sango language: an urban "radio" variety which is top-ranked by 80% of his interviewees, and has a very few French loan words, a so called "pastor" variety, which is scored 60%, and a "functionary" variety, spoken by learned people who make the highest use of French loan words while speaking Sango, and this variety scores 40% of the interviewees. The official orthography of Sango contains the following consonants: ‹p, b, t, d, k, g, kp, gb, mb, mv, nd, ng, ngb, nz, f, v, s, z, h, l, r, y, w›, to which some add ‹'b› for the implosive /ɓ/. Sango has seven oral vowels, /a e ɛ i o ɔ u/, of which five, /ĩ ã ɛ̃ ɔ̃ ũ/, occur nasalized. In the official orthography, ‹e› stands for both /e/ and /ɛ/, and ‹o› stands for both /o/ and /ɔ/; nasal vowels are written ‹in, en, an, on, un›. Sango has three tones: low, mid, and high. In standard orthography, low tone is unmarked, ‹e›, mid tone is marked with dieresis, ‹ë›, and high tone with circumflex, ‹ê›. So do-re-mi would be written ‹do-rë-mî›. Being a vehicular language, Sango is considered unusually easy to learn; according to Samarin, "with application a student ought to be able to speak the language in about three months. " However, reaching true fluency takes much longer, as with any language. For English-speakers there are two main difficulties. First, one must remember not to split double-consonants. The place name Bambari, for example, must be pronounced ba-mba-ri and not bam-ba-ri. Second, as with any tonal language, one must learn not to vary the tone according to the context. For example, if one pronounces a question with a rising tone as in English, one may inadvertently be saying an entirely different and inappropriate Sango word at the end of the sentence. 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<user>: More words: If you are looking to buy a property in Oliva, look no further. We at [words 1] estate agents that deal with properties for sale in Oliva and the surrounding area. We offer a wide range of property types at unbeatable prices, Villas, Country houses, Town houses, Apartements, Fincas, Land etc . Below is a list of some of the properties that we currently have for sale in Oliva. This well presented four-bedroom Semidetached house is [words 2] to be lived in full time as do its [words 3] owners. The house has a very private front, side and rear garden for entertaining family and guests. The property has a 180cm high wall allowing privacy to all sides, entered by ( . A Lovely three-double bedroom villa surrounded by beautiful Mediterranean gardens. This is a very well [words 4] well-maintained Mediterranean gardens. The villa is entered through two wrought iron automatic gates with a well-constructed ornate looking car port straight ahead. The outside garden is full of bushes, plants and [words 5] of ( . NEW PRICE! ! ! ! Spectacular property of approx 325m2 sitting upon a flat, fully fenced, very private and manicured plot of 1,055m2. This villa [words 6] of the beach, bars, restaurants and Oliva town. This stylish property is in excellent condition throughout and ready to move into, it is a one off and offers ( . A well-presented villa set within a small urbanisation close to both towns of Oliva and Gandia. If views are what you are looking for this villa certainly has them. Easily accessed and built on the foot of a [words 7] property benefits from super views across the orange groves and out [words 8] Sea. An opportunity to purchase a traditional Spanish finca constructed in the late 1800's set within its own private valley with endless water supply and high-tension electricity feed. The properties [words 9] metres. There are a very healthy selection of commercial orange and mandarin groves with an estimated income of ( . As [words 10] changed their format why you ask? i have no freaking clue i thought it was fine last year. But one thing that really ticks me [words 11] they removed (shift charts) from the game summaries which i really liked. PHILADELPHIA - It's not that Chris Simon is unrepentant about the stick-swinging incident seven months ago for which he received a 25-game suspension, the longest sentence in NHL history. But something inside him relishes the [words 12] night in Philadelphia, a fight town if ever there was one. [words 13] drafted by the Flyers, and even though he was traded before he ever donned their uniform, he always has appreciated the physical style of a franchise once known as the "Broad Street Bullies. " Already this season, two Flyers have been suspended for the use of excessive force, so Simon anticipates the sort of game that should be right up the back alley he has inhabited for the most of his 15 NHL seasons. "I'm really excited to be back playing," Simon said on the eve of his return. "I love the style that's been played by the Flyers in the past. That's always been the type of game that's played into my hands. "Actually, Simon has rather soft hands for an enforcer, as his [words 14] attest. But he doesn't kid himself. Simon is among the toughest of a [words 15] the key to survival in the NHL has been a willingness to handle the rough stuff. That's the player the Rangers' [words 16] Hollweg chose to hit from behind March 8 at Nassau Coliseum, triggering a response that Simon knows was wrong but, at the same time, arose from a basic survival [words 17] remain a force at the age of 35. To this day, Simon says [words 18] or his own reaction because of the concussion he received when he was lifted off his skates and driven face-first into the glass. But Simon has studied tape of the incident, trying to make sense of it. He has seen the image of [words 19] legs and turning to face Hollweg, who circled back toward him. As horrifying as the visual of Simon's swinging the stick toward Hollweg's chin might have [words 20] noted that his hands remained well [words 21] together. "I didn't swing my stick at him," Simon said. I know it's wrong, but it wasn't a golf swing or a baseball swing like everybody else says. I don't want to do that again. But I'm still going to play the same way I always have. It was a reaction thing, not an action. "Getting hit the way I did, I was injured on the play. I [words 22] out. It wasn't like I was looking for anybody. I didn't even know who hit me. He came back towards me, I was hurt, and that's all I could do. I didn't want to [words 23] again. "Simon doesn't deny responsibility for what could have turned [words 24] more serious repercussions if the blow he delivered had done more damage. [words 25] fighter, Simon understands what happens when you get knocked down. "When we fight in hockey and a guy gets hurt, if you've ever been in that situation, it's like you're an animal," he said. [words 26] over. "When I'm fighting, if I hit somebody hard and hurt him, I know what's coming. Because the guy is trying anything he can to not get knocked out. That's what happened to me. I think if I had been hit [words 27] on that play, I would have been out. That's the only logic I can put to it. "The first memory Simon has of that night was in the dressing room after his ejection. "I remember being in the room, and I saw Chris ," Simon said. "My eyes were dilated. I didn't even know where I was. "Simon said he was worried about Hollweg's condition. As it turned out, Hollweg required just two stitches for a cut on his chin and played in the Rangers' next game two days later. If Simon had not been suspended, he would have been unable to play for at least the next two weeks because of nausea resulting from the concussion he received. But having done his time, Simon said he's interested only in moving forward with his career. His job description remains the same, and he expects to play as hard and physically as ever. "I go out thinking about [words 28] have to do to stay in the league, to play my game," Simon said. "I've always been the type of player who's stuck up for myself and, more importantly, for my teammates. All I've been thinking about is my first game against the Flyers. I'm really excited to get back out and help the boys. "WHY NOT ? he tried to do the same thing as downie but he missed, its not that he [words 29] up or got out of the way, he missed, he still clipped him, so bascally as weve been saying the nhl is ruling by result, do what ever you want as long as you dont hurt anyone. [words 30] Boulerice was placed on waivers by the Philadelphia Flyers on Monday, a decision made on the heels of his 25-game suspension from the NHL. Boulerice received the ban Friday for his vicious cross-check to the face of Vancouver Canucks centre Ryan Kesler during a game last Wednesday. It matched the longest punishment handed out by the league for an on-ice incident. Boulerice, a 29-year-old native of Plattsburgh, N. has 319 penalty minutes in 167 career NHL games. He's averaged less than five minutes of ice time per game in his NHL career. The Flyers signed him as an unrestricted free agent before the season after he won a job in training camp. He played in just two games this season. On theory that playing on the Kings, with their defensive problems, would chip away at Bernier's confidence: ``I think that's the concern they've got. He's a quality person. He's shown the ability to play and play well. He showed the ability to bounce back from goals and anything else that can be construed as a mistake. You [words 31] you love the mental makeup he has. And it's going to carry him a long way. What we're saying is it's just not right now. [words 32] for him to be here. For his long-term development, that's the decision that's been made. ''On Bernier's reaction to the news: ``He's disappointed. That shows you the quality of person he is. ## He wanted [words 33] here and he wanted to continue to get the opportunity to make a difference. We're not going to give him that opportunity. We're going to concentrate on his development. ''``Obviously, we're concerned about the mindset he's got. As we told him this [words 34] `You're a great goaltender. Act like a great goaltender and believe this is a short-term setback for you. ' He's going to progress at the right level and maybe the right speed. ''On possibility of Bernier coming back up this season: ``I think the rule's is that, in an emergency situation, you can bring up anyone under contract. [words 35] intents and purposes, he's going to complete his junior year. Hopefully he'll have a great junior year, maybe play for the Canadian national team at the world juniors tournament, and at the end of the year they could bring him up here or at our farm club level. ''Anybody else [words 36] check to scott parkers mouth by duvie westcott at the end of the blue jackets game? Blue Jackets defenseman Duvie Westcott was fined $1,000 by the NHL today - but not suspended - for his blow to the face of Colorado winger Scott Parker. NHL VP Colin Campbell took into account that Westcott has no previous record with the league and has never been suspended. Westcott explained his view of the situation with Campbell, that he merely lifted his hands and stick in the air to defend himself. Campbell must have believed him. Oshawa won 8-2 yesterday against the Kingston Frontenacs, with Tavares picking up [words 37] trick and two more assists. The Generals are 5-2-1 this season, and [words 38] goals a game, outscoring opponents 40-27. It's really no surprise that the just-turned-17 Tavares leads all of Canadian major junior in scoring already, with 13 goals and 22 points in eight games. <bot>: words 1: Orange Blossom Homes are words 2: ideal for either a holiday home, or words 3: current words 4: presented three-bedroom villa set within lovely words 5: various types words 6: is located within walking distance words 7: mountain this words 8: to the Mediterranean words 9: stand on a plot of over 998,484 square words 10: you can see nhl.com has words 11: off is the fact words 12: fact that he will make his comeback Saturday words 13: Simon was words 14: 159 career goals words 15: breed for whom words 16: Ryan words 17: instinct that has allowed him to words 18: he doesn't remember Hollweg's hit words 19: himself rising on wobbly words 20: been, he words 21: apart on the stick, not words 22: was half-knocked words 23: get hit words 24: into an incident with far words 25: But as a words 26: "Your instincts take words 27: again words 28: what I words 29: pulled words 30: PHILADELPHIA - Jesse words 31: got to like the physical makeup he's got; words 32: Now is not the time words 33: to make a difference words 34: morning, words 35: But, for all words 36: see the cheap cross words 37: a hat words 38: have scored an average of five <user>: More spans: He's on pace for a 109-goal, 184-point season if he gets into as many as the 67 games he played last season. (Sidney Crosby had 66 goals and 168 points in his 17-year-old season with Rimouski. Now, as I said, it's early, but 109 goals would be the third-best ever in major junior history, behind only Mario Lemieux's 133 in 1983-84 and Guy Lafleur's 130 in 1970-71. Players have topped 200 points 11 times in junior hockey. Tavares will almost certainly miss a portion of the OHL season while at the world junior championship in the Czech Republic this Christmas, so that puts a dent in any potential record chase. In terms of career records, however, he's just 83 goals from matching the all-time OHL goal scoring record and 246 from the points record. The major junior goal scoring record is held by Lafleur at 314, which means Tavares will need another 184 goals over the remainder of this season and the whole year [spans 1] mark. Chris Chelios confirmed that he and [spans 2] U. attorney Paul Kelly on Monday for its executive director position. The unanimous nomination was made during a conference call Monday night with the union's 30 player representatives, who will conduct a secret ballot vote during the next week. A majority vote is required for Kelly to be elected. The Red Wings defenceman is guardedly optimistic about Kelly holding the PA's so-called "partners," a. the NHL, accountable for their actions:"We've got a way to see what happens, but he's been recommended," Chelios said Monday night in Anaheim after Detroit's 6-3 loss. "Obviously the word's out, so it just remains to be seen what the board thinks and what the players think, and we'll go from there. "Ted Saskin was fired as executive director union last May amid allegations he ordered the spying of NHLPA player e-mail in the midst of a player uprising that challenged how he took over for Bob Goodenow after the NHL lockout in 2005. "A lot of it had to do with where we are now," Chelios said. "We'll discuss it at length with the players and inform them about why [spans 3] decision. And we all believe we made the right decision. "He obviously knows the law, and he's been in pressure situations, legal situations, and we're stuck with the CBA for the next two years at least - maybe five - and I think we have to learn the CBA first, and then make sure that everybody's held accountable for that. And if anybody tries to cheat now or do anything wrong, we've got the right guy now. "Naming Kelly wasn't the PA's only order of business on their Monday conference call with all 30 teams' player representatives:October 15, TSN: The union membership [spans 4] executive. ## The changes in the constitution include the detachment of the title of General Counsel [spans 5] Director. Historically, both jobs have been filled by the same person. Pending ratification, the union will hire a lawyer to work closely with the newly appointed executive director. An ombudsman will also be added to the mix with this individual, likely a former player, acting as the "eyes and ears" for the membership [spans 6] times. The voting will also be drastically altered. With the elimination of the players' executive committee each team will receive a maximum of one vote, cast by the appointed player rep. When asked about the email conversations between Saskin and both NHL commissioner Gary [spans 7] said. "I would love to know. For the past two years, the way Ted conducted himself, it doesn't surprise me one bit. As far as Gary Bettman (and the NHL) is concerned, there's no question what they did was unethical. Chelios, along with former player Trent Klatt and Edmonton Oilers' goaltender Dwayne Roloson, was a significant thorn in Saskin's side for two years. Those known as dissidents were upset at how Saskin was hired in the wake of Bob Goodenow's resignation and how Saskin was signed to a five-year [spans 8] $10-million. Later, after it was alleged Saskin had accessed the players' private email accounts to learn who was against him, the dissidents grew in number and were able to suspend Saskin and then fire him with what they believed was cause. That decision was endorsed by Toronto lawyer Sheila Block, who oversaw an independent investigation into Saskin's dealings. As Chelios noted, his stance hasn't exactly changed-since the 1995 [spans 9] Anaheim. Chelios is a longtime critic of the three hockey leaders. "Just look back at some of my quotes. Everyone knows how I feel about them. "Chelios went a step further, acknowledging what many observers believe-that several prominent player agents attempted to lobby their clients to go to the NHL outside the NHL-NHLPA relationship to quietly agree to a salary cap, and Chelios went straight for the king of player agents in doing so:October 16, Detroit Free Press: Chelios also had harsh words for agent Don Meehan, whose clients among the Wings include Nicklas Lidstrom and Kris Draper. "In my opinion, Donny Meehan played a role in undermining our union," Chelios said. "He's been involved in investments that were, to say the least, sketchy or shady. Now, with the e-mails we've looked at, and this is my opinion, he took a role with Daly and Bettman and Saskin. The players' union was the least thing in his mind. "As Chelios has noted previously, the full story of what happened during the lockout, as well as what happened during Ted Saskin's tenure as the PA's executive director, has yet to be told:"There's a lot more than people know about, and when a new executive director gets in there and he starts talking to the players, let them handle it," Chelios said before Kelly's nomination was announced. "It's far from being over. There's a computer hard drive missing. Ted said he destroyed it. Who knows where it is? You don't know what to believe. "Though Chelios, 45, is nearing the end of his storied NHL career, he insists he has no future as a union leader. He has told younger players they need to care more because soon he won't be around to lead the fight. "I want what's best for the union and what's best for the league," he said. There is, of course, the caveat, and it's a simple one-the league-friendly media, [spans 10] Association. Since Chris Chelios and Eric Lindros were on the selection committee we can expect the new union's new Executive Director to share Bob Goodenow's militancy - unless we hear different from Kelly, himself. Should Kelly take the NHLPA to a more [spans 11] half-century. Already, we've heard from one prominent agent who makes it clear that he'll be surprised if the majority of players allow Kelly to lead them into another no-win war. "There's too much to lose," the agent insists. The problem is this: will the small, but dominating, Chelios clique take another one of their macho, war-like stances? While some members of the media wisely note that the NHL's one-time golden boy, Bill Daly, is now under the microscope like never before, those who were around to unseat the first executive director of the NHLPA say that Kelly's the right man to right the union's ship-if only for the first time:October 16, Toronto Star: On a conference call with NHL team player representatives last night, a five-member search committee led by Detroit's Chris Chelios recommended the players union hire the 52-year-old [spans 12] industry. But people who know Kelly say his ties to hockey run deep. In the 1990s, Kelly worked closely with former Maple Leafs defenceman Carl Brewer in efforts to prosecute NHLPA founder Alan Eagleson. At the time, Canadian authorities were uninterested in Brewer's claims that Eagleson had mismanaged the Toronto union's money. "We had been told that the Mulroney government had put a lot of pressure on (former U. attorney general Janet Reno) to have the case against Eagleson dropped in the U. " said Susan Foster, Brewer's long-time companion. "Paul Kelly was adamant that was not going to happen. If it wasn't for him, I believe Eagleson would not have gone to jail. One way or another, under Kelly's tenure, the truth will probably come out, if only in piecemeal fashion:Some players and agents are now asking the union to release email correspondence between Saskin and several prominent hockey agents after learning how close Saskin was to NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly. In several instances, according to emails reviewed by the Star, Daly passed on to Saskin information that was not widely known about who his enemies within the union might be. The man who helped Kelly nail Eagleson-the Eagle Tribune's Russ Conway-says that Kelly's hiring should satisfy both the NHLPA's membership and fear-mongers like Fischler:October 16, New York Sun: "(Kelly's) a great choice for players and families, and for the game and their fans," said Hall of Fame hockey writer Russ Conway. "The reason is because he can get things done in a manner that isn't always a battle and a war. He has the ability to get people to listen to different points of view. He isn't a warmonger. "ok i didnt see the hit, but its really starting to sound like the league has a hard on for the flyers, i mean downie gets 20 for a hit similar to what tootoo does who gets nothing, then boulerice crosschecks a [spans 13] injury. (which is really no deterant what so ever) basically hes setting himself up for a super [spans 14] somebody. everybody shoots logos an stuff onto the ice, thats the first time ive seen the whole rink used tho. You can't fire the players, so the winless Atlanta Thrashers fired the coach Wednesday when Bob Hartley was relieved of his duties behind the bench, making him the first NHL coaching casualty of the young season. “I felt, watching every game, it wasn't going to change. And I needed to do something [spans 15] reporters. “I never predicted I'd be making a coaching change six games into the year.”The Thrashers have not won a game yet this season, and including their first-round playoff loss to the Rangers in the spring, Atlanta lost 10-straight games under Hartley's watch, including the first six of the new season. The Thrashers slipped to 0-6-0 Tuesday night, but it was even before the final buzzer sounded on that game that Waddell made up his mind. “Going into last night I was just hoping we would win a game,” Waddell said. “We lost last night 4-0. We played a very good first period and once Philadelphia scored their first goal it was panic mode. I could see we were in big trouble. We gave up two really quick. Witnessing that, I just said this team needs a fresh voice, maybe a fresh face here to take some of the heat off them and let them just go play their game and just go out and have some fun and win a game.”For now, that new voice and face will belong to Waddell, who will take over for Hartley [spans 16] found. With a busy schedule and the NHL season in full swing, Waddell says he's willing to wait to find the right guy for the job rather than make a hasty hiring. Therefore, this will be Waddell's second cameo as head coach after he filled the same position before Hartley was hired to replace Curt Fraser in 2003. Waddell went 3-5-1 in his nine-game coaching stint four years ago before hiring Hartley, who had won a Stanley Cup in 2001 as head coach of the Colorado Avalanche. Hartley, Atlanta's second head coach, posted a 136-123-32 record in his tenure with the Thrashers and guided the franchise to it's first-ever division title and playoff appearance last spring. Atlanta's postseason was brief, lasting only four games as they were swept by the Rangers in the first round. The losing continued into this season with six-straight wins, a league-worst nine goals scored, and Waddell acknowledged that poor playoff showing also played a small part in his decision to replace Hartley this week. “Certainly we have to be aware of what happened last year, but I really thought that the summertime would heal a lot of that history and the remembrance of it, but obviously it didn't with some of our players,” Waddell said. “I think last year may have played a small part on how we finished. I felt the direction we're going right now, the six games, we haven't played very well. We've played well at periods of time, but not for any full 60 minutes of the game. I couldn't let it go any longer.”Following a conference call with ownership, Waddell said he made one of the toughest drives he can remember to the rink to let Hartley know. “It was very emotional for me,” Waddell said. “Like I said, Bob has done a very good job for us and he's become a very good friend and I had to separate that because at this point I feel – I [spans 17] team. We have a lot of games left. We've only played six games. We have 76 games left and we feel like we can salvage the season.”Avalanche As of Tuesday night, Stastny is tied for the overall league lead in scoring with 13 points. He has points in five of Colorado's six games this season. Red Wings Zetterberg is tied with Stastny and posted four goals and two assists in four games over the past week. Senators Spezza's assist streak continued (he has at least one helper in each of the Sens' seven games), but he has yet to score a goal. Senators The Senators captain falls a few spots after posting just one assist in three games this past week. Wild The Wild netminder is third in GAA (1.38), fourth [spans 18] (2). Minny is 5-0-1 as a result. Senators Through Tuesday's games, the Senators goaltender leads the [spans 19] Canes. Red Wings Lidstrom drops a few spots after the Red Wings went 1-2 on the week and 1-for-16 on the power play over that span. Islanders Comrie's top line has cooled (he has one assist in three games) and so have the Islanders. Flyers Briere enters the Top 15 after continuing his strong start for the Flyers. The forward has eight points in five games. Sabres The Sabres defenseman is also a newcomer after a huge week - one goal and seven assists in two games. He now leads all blueliners with nine points. Maple Leafs The only bright spot in Toronto these days, Antropov has nine points and leads the league in plus/minus (plus-9). Hurricanes The Hurricanes goalie has posted three straight wins and had a 1.67 GAA and .939 save percentage over that span. Blackhawks The rookie has a four-game points streak and set up the Hawks' game-winning OT goal against the Stars. Kings Cammalleri drops after a bleak week for the Kings. He had three points in the team's two wins before being held [spans 20] vs. Another clueless **** that mom and dad let play with dolls blogs his opinion on something he clearly knows nothing about. Before we get bogged down in the details (and I'm sorry to say this, but any discussion about fighting in hockey inevitably gets bogged down in the details), let's describe the subject at hand for what it is. Fighting in hockey sees two men circle each other, and then, using their bare fists, punch each other in the face. This continues until one or both combatants fall to the ice, whereupon the fighters will be smothered by the referees. A fight will also be said to have ended if one of its participants is lain on the ice, unconscious. Presumably, a fighter dying in the line of duty would also signal the end of a duel. Not even hockey can condone the spectacle of someone thumping lumps out of a corpse. Let's imagine that you're an American family, off to enjoy an evening of sport. Better yet, let's imagine you're a Canadian family - much more poster friendly. "What do you fancy going to see tonight, eh? " asks Dad, from somewhere in the Toronto suburbs. "Wow, I know! " says Mom. "Let's go and see the Maple Leafs play! They're up against the Montreal Canadiens. We might get to see them beat someone half to death! " "By a man using his bare fists? " ask the kids. "You betcha! " answers Pop. "Yay! " they all yell. "Hooray! "Can't quite see it happening, can you? Yet hockey likes nothing better than to present itself as a family activity, which it does with some success. For while the magazine Sports Illustrated describes the [spans 21] euphemism. So bare-knuckle beatings are merely "dust-ups", players "going at it" are participants willing "to drop the gloves" or who "enjoy the physical play". They are not, so far as I know, referred to as "psychopaths engaging in an activity which, if indulged in in the arena's car park, would see both of them in court". These days the National Hockey League likes to refer to itself as "The New NHL". Since the league lost its entire 2004-05 season to a labour dispute that did no one but the NBA any good, rules have been tweaked to make the game speedier and more attractive to the eye. These rule changes favour the skilful player, a consequence of which has seen a reduction in the number of fights. And while last season's Stanley Cup-winning Anaheim Ducks did buck the trend with their willingness to indulge in (ahem) "Old-Time Hockey", these days you're more likely, much more likely, to see hockey without violence than with. Ask a friend to respond to the words "ice hockey" with the first thing that springs to mind, and the reply will probably be something to do with fighting. This is the sport's enduring image. Rarely mentioned is the phenomenal skill involved in controlling a three-inch wide, one-inch thick lump of rubber while skidding about the ice at more than 30 miles an hour. No one seems to know about the 61 all-time records set by Wayne Gretzky, a sporting [spans 22] Jordan. No, it's fighting that catches the eye of those who aren't really watching. The theory works like this: the NHL's skilful players need protecting from the opposing team's physical players by having physical players of their own to rely on. It's like a sporting arms race. actually, it's a sporting fist race. So Sydney Crosby, flush-faced phenom of the Pittsburgh Penguins, needs arch-goon George Laraque's hulking presence to allow him the freedom to perform. This is certainly true, but it's true because the NHL allows it to be so. Players who fight are not ejected from [spans 23] box. What this is is a slap on the knuckles. It is also reckoned that fighting acts as a pressure valve and thus excludes the nastier aspects of the game from becoming too prevalent. These [spans 24] concert. I hate to break up the routine, but here are some things to consider. In 2000, Boston Bruins' "enforcer" Marty McSorley blindsided Vancouver Canucks "tough guy" Donald Brashear with his stick, causing Brashear to convulse wildly on the ice. (McSorley was convicted of assault. In 2004, Canucks star player Todd Bertuzzi broke the neck of Colorado Avalanche skater Steve Moore by punching him from behind and then following him to the ice. And just last week Philadelphia Flyer Jesse Boulerice (whose antics once incurred a one-year ban from playing in the minor Ontario Hockey League) was suspended for 25 games, almost a third of a season, for a cross-check to the face of Canuck Ryan Kesler which left its victim very much dazed and contused. The frankly crackers idea that fighting prevents violence doesn't really seem to be working, does it? You might [spans 25] party. I want to see it banned. It's not so much that it shows the sport in a bad light - although, yes, it does - but that it's unrepresentative of what really goes on. It's a bit like talking about Bob Dylan and concentrating solely [spans 26] Jewish. And while the essential crux of the NHL's fighting conundrum might make the Palestinian question seem like the opening round of The Weakest Link (yes, dammit, I too feel the surge of adrenalin when two players "drop the gloves"), the truth is that [spans 27] loud. Truth be told, the chair didn't play that badly. It didn't get out of position, blocked a few shots and probably had a better plus-minus than [spans 28] players. While the chair left some of the Canuck players scratching their heads ,it was an example of the Vancouver coaching staff searching for ways to improve an NHL team that has struggled to win faceoffs, has suffered too many defensive breakdowns and is third in the Western Conference for goals allowed. During a drill, the chair was placed about four metres inside the blue-line. The idea was for the Canuck defencemen to keep their heads up, try to shoot around the obstacle, and get some pucks on net. "I don't think I've seen that one," said defenceman [spans 29] veteran. "I really wanted to hit it. ""Those are the measures the coaches are taking. I guess every little tool you can use to try and make yourself better is fine with me. ""I'll tell you after the next game," he grinned. "That, like other areas of our game, we need to improve on and get better. "A 4-2 loss to the San Jose Sharks Monday night left Vancouver with a 3-3-0 record. A team that is built on playing solid defence has given up 21 goals this season and has seen its penalty kill sink to 15th in the league. Defensive breakdowns and bad decisions have resulted in turnovers in the Vancouver zone. That means Luongo has to be almost perfect for the Canucks to win. "That's what being a goalie is all about," said Luongo. "I can't worry about the breakdowns happening in front of me. My job is to make sure that when a breakdown occurs I'm ready to make a save. ""We can't just rely on Roberto making save after save," said Canuck captain Markus Naslund, who has two goals and is minus-4. "We have to be strong in front of him and limit the chances and stay out of the penalty box to keep the score down. "Faceoffs are another area of concern. The Canucks are ranked near the bottom of the league in winning draws. "Such a big key to winning games now is puck possession," said Naslund. "It starts with faceoffs and protecting the puck, not throwing it away. "Defenceman Willie Mitchell agreed there is lots of room for improvement but cautioned the season is still early. Last year the Canucks struggled until Christmas, then went on a tear in the New Year to win the Northwest Division. "Last night we had a game where we fell apart after they got a little momentum," said Mitchell. "Next time a team gets one (goal) on us . we are [spans 30] better. "Vancouver received some good news when the league informed the team forward Matt Cooke's game misconduct Monday for leaving the bench has been erased. Reviews showed Cooke was already on the ice when a melee broke out with about 28 seconds left in the third period. "I don't know if it's so much defence as it is communicating and making sure the effort is there," he said. "Making sure the intensity is where it's supposed to be for the entire 60 minutes. ""I don't think we're that far away," he said. "We've had moments in games where we haven't looked as sharp. "Todd Bertuzzi was put on the injured reserve list for a concussion after being further evaluated this morning. Bertuzzi suffered the concussion in Sunday's game against the Minnesota Wild when Derek Boogaard checked him hard in the offensive zone. Bertuzzi left the game in the first period after he was hit and did not return. The one week time frame is a minimum as the league requires that he be completely symptom free for a week before he is cleared to return. Six to 10 players will try them first. If there are no glitches, the blades then would begin appearing in NHL games. "The NHL is very interested in confirming the data provided by Therma Blade Inc. to establish the safety and reliability of the blade under NHL game conditions and we have agreed to allow a small group of players to test these blades in practices over the next few weeks," said Kris King, the NHL's senior manager of hockey operations. King said once he receives from the company a list of players [spans 31] blades. "There is a lot of interest among players throughout the NHL right now to see how Thermablade performs under game conditions," said Grimson, the union's associate counsel. Thermablades use a rechargeable battery and a microprocessor within each skate blade to maintain a temperature of 41 degrees. The warm blade increases the thickness of the water layer between the blade and the ice surface, and the company said its tests have shown this reduces gliding friction and starting resistance for skaters. The charged battery in each blade will [spans 32] games. Fingers placed on sensors on either side of the rear of the plastic blade holder for three seconds activates the battery to warm the blade. The system automatically turns off when a player is idle on the bench, and the energy of returning to the ice reactivates the system. The system is turned off by repeating the process used to turn it on. Wayne Gretzky was so impressed with Thermablades when he tried them more than three years ago that he invested in the company. "I should still be playing," a smiling Gretzky said while skating on the blades for a video shown during the product launch at the Hockey Hall of Fame on Tuesday. The Phoenix Coyotes coach said he wishes his players could get them first [spans 33] hockey. "Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL) manages the decommissioning of the former Fast Reactor Research site in Scotland. The site contains three reactors, two reprocessing plants and a number of other facilities. Orano Projects Limited is a specialist safety subcontractor to Jacobs Ltd. Under this contract, Orano Projects personnel were embedded into the DSRL organisation to produce safety cases and modifications in support of site decommissioning activities. Providing embedded support to produce a staged safety case in support of the export from the site of a number of unirradiated, but complete Prototype Fast Reactor sub-assemblies. Proposal of an alternate flask as a contingency, when a risk to the original flask availability occurred. The safety case was produced with minimal supervision and cleared site's [spans 34] difficulty. The case was designed so that the later permissions for commissioning and operations could be completed by the operators, without assistance from safety case specialists. <bot>: spans 1: in 2008-09 — about 125 games — to meet that spans 2: the NHLPA's search committee have unanimously nominated attorney Paul Kelly to be their next executive director:October 15, Associated Press: The NHL Players' Association officially nominated former assistant spans 3: we came to this spans 4: is also dealing with the ratification of its revised constitution, a multi-page document that specifies significant change to the structure of the NHLPA's spans 5: from the position of Executive spans 6: to ensure the lines of communication between the players and the newly hired executives remain open at all spans 7: Bettman-who suggested that Saskin send Chelios on a one-way trip to Moscow-and deputy commissioner Bill Daly, who actively assisted Saskin in attempting to undermine the player insurgency, Chelios was blunt:October 16, Globe and Mail: "I'd like to sit down in a room with Gary Bettman and ask him what he meant by that," Chelios spans 8: contract worth spans 9: lockout, when Chelios suggested that commissioner Bettman ought to watch his back:October 16, Detroit News: "I feel the same way about him (Bettman) and Daly and Saskin as I did from Day One," Chelios after said Monday's morning skate in spans 10: led by MSG Network's Stan Fischler, will continue to claim that a fully-functioning labour union influenced by Chris Chelios will lead to the downfall of the league:October 15, MSG Network: So, Paul Kelly becomes new boss of the NHL Players' spans 11: compromising position, it will be the upset of the spans 12: Kelly, who is an unknown to many in the hockey spans 13: guy to the face and gets 25 and this clown gets nothing ? WTF ? It was a two handed crosscheck to the face iam not really sure how colin is determining the difference so far it really is based on the spans 14: major injury to spans 15: about it,” General Manager Don Waddell said on a conference call with spans 16: until a full-time replacement is spans 17: don't want to lose him as a friend – but we had to do something to try to help this spans 18: in save percentage (.945) and is tied for the league lead in shutouts spans 19: NHL in wins (5), but loses a little ground after allowing five goals in a loss to the spans 20: pointless spans 21: game as having a "moral vacuum" at its core (a phrase I cannot hope to better), what it also has is a rich vein of spans 22: poster boy whose achievements eclipse even those of Michael spans 23: the game, instead they sit for five minutes in the penalty spans 24: arguments (and I told you we'd get bogged down in them, didn't I? ) are as predictable as hearing Hey Ho, Let's Go at a Ramones spans 25: have guessed by now that when it comes to scrapping in hockey, I am the host of an Islington dinner spans 26: on the fact that he's spans 27: it's time to say this, and to say it out spans 28: some of the spans 29: Aaron Miller, a 13-year spans 30: going to handle that situation spans 31: who want to participate, he and Stu Grimson of the NHL players union will review it and decide who'll be asked to wear the spans 32: last for about two spans 33: because Thermablades will "revolutionize the game of spans 34: due process without
Human: More of this please: The Perfect HomeTM Book Series elegantly displays Leading Residential Architects, Landscape Professionals, Custom Home Builders, Interior Designers, Kitchen and Bath Designers and Luxury Pools in the United States; showcasing their work in a series of visually stunning, 300-page coffee-table books. The Perfect HomeTM Book Series is destined to become the most sought-after resource featuring a wide array of shelter professionals from across the nation. The Quilt Shop by Lois is a new adventure in my life. After nearly twenty years at the Quilt Shop in Danbury Ginny is retiring, and I am going out on my own. I will miss having my friend and mentor along for the ride, but I am excited to be taking all that I have learned under Ginny's tutelage and move forward to ... Assistant: The completion of this text could be: this new stage in my life. The Quilt Shop by Lois will focus on leading quilting retreats and teaching others our art. I plan on supporting these activities with a fabric and notions store. Whether I will continue to sell sewing machines is still up in the air, but that question will be resolved soon. I hope that you will drop into the new store and website frequently to keep abreast of what I am working on and where we are going. My goal is to provide an environment where quilters, and other creative souls, can find inspiration, learn new or improve upon old techniques and skills and just enjoy time with other quilters. Following scrutineering, Larbre Competition's #50 Corvette has been excluded from the result of yesterday's... Human: Continue. Assistant: FIA World Endurance Championship round at Silverstone after being initially classified second. The GTE Am result has been modified accordingly due to the non-conformity of a safety device, namely the validity date... Human: More. Assistant: of the car's fire extinguisher. Jack Leconte, Team Manager: "The problem arises from the team installing the wrong fire extinguisher during the car's preparation... Human: Next. Assistant: prior to the race. Larbre Competition accepts the stewards' decision and will work hard to modify its assembly procedures during the installation of safety equipment. I am convinced that strengthening these already stringent checks can only improve the team's performance over the second half of this year's World Endurance Championship. "Okay guys, we need to have a come to Jesus chat because I've been... Human: More. Assistant: slacking. I won't make any promises; we all know how those end. Instead I'll share what I'm working on for my Lagos Living column on the Sauvage. It's a little dark, and... Human: Next. Assistant: more than a little bit whiny, but I like it still. I can't say when it will be up exactly. Let me know what you think? I'm finding myself. That's the only phrase I have for it. My actions are determined by paradoxes that I cannot reconcile. I want complete isolation. I want time to stop for me. I know that it won't but... Human: More. Assistant: that doesn't stop me from wanting it. At the same time, I tire of my own company. There's a Blockparty at Whitespace and I'm going. I don't need to call and ask who else is. I don't need to band with a group of acquaintances and friends so that when I get there I'm not alone. Whitespace is so firmly within my scene that... Human: More. Assistant: it's unlikely that I'll ever feel unwelcome there. The creative circle in... Human: Continue. Assistant: Lagos is small, and the elitist creative circle is even smaller. There's no degree of separation that's worthy of commentary. Whitespace is a blank sheet of paper for hire. It can be wrangled into whatever shape you desire. I've been to pop up shops, and exhibitions there. Each time, the space was different from the last time I was there, but the crowd was the same. It's for the writers, the fashion designers, the art enthusiasts and the musicians. Whitespace is at the centre of Lagos' creative renaissance. She lives in one of the gated pockets of suburbia along the Lekki Expressway. It's distinctly out of the way, but guaranteed company is always nice. Feyi offers a measure of security that I do not dislike. The drive to... Human: Next. Assistant: hers is uneventful but for the sweat that streams down my back. The grandfather gifted Mitsubushi Outlander doesn't have any air-conditioning, and the sun is punitive. I hate being sweaty, but it... Human: Continue. Assistant: is what it is. I'm wearing a barely there grandfather collarless all saints shirt, navy blue All Saints trousers, a light blue Hackett belt, and black sandals. I'm not so outlandish that... Human: More. Assistant: any one thinks me a trendsetter and I'm not so informal that anyone might assume that I have never seen a suit. We get there at 4:30, and I'm restless. Her company... Human: More. Assistant: does not keep me from realizing that I am not nearly drunk enough. I make the rounds, saying hello to the people I know,... Human: More. Assistant: the people I think I know, and the people I'm sure I've forgotten. This doesn't take very long at all. By five I've spoken to everyone I care to speak to. My hands are restless. The solution is at the bar, there's a bottle of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey with my name on it. The improvement to the time I'm having is almost is... Human: Next. Assistant: almost instantaneous. The music is better, and the small talk is fascinating. I use my red cup like a shield. When the conversation dies, I take a sip. As the buzz kicks in my head starts bobbing. I tuck myself in the gap in the hedge and dance there. Between my circle of friends and acquaintances I feel safe, but this sensation doesn't last long. Some guy and his female friend come up to me giggling. He's stuttering “No-s” and half saying “I didn't mean it like thats” in rapid succession. I wonder what I'm supposed to do with this. I'm almost hurt but the wound escapes me. I understand their motives. They want me to include them in my good time, but they don't know how to... Human: Continue. Assistant: go about it. I dance like I know I can't dance, so they think that telling me that I can't dance lets them in on the joke. I would like to fire... Human: Continue. Assistant: off clever abuse. The sort that leaves you thinking about what was said days after it was said. Instead, I laugh and leave my gap in the hedge for the centre of my circle. The aim of dancing while drunk isn't to look good, it's to feel good. I leave before the party ends for Stranger's first anniversary. It's the more important of the... Human: Next. Assistant: two, and it's sponsored by Laurent Perrier. I've never seen Stranger so... Human: Next. Assistant: full. The conversations grow dumber and I grow more cynical. I endure pretentious random musings on fashion and art and music that are both... Human: More. Assistant: random and uncalled for. The champagne stand beckons. I'm standing there nursing a glass I should not be having and P's a foot away. I didn't think she'd come. I jolt like someone's blasted me with lightning. We stand like that, side by side. We stand like that side by side for a few minutes until she leaves. I sulk, because I said too... Human: More. Assistant: little and felt too much. I sulk because, the grief is one sided. She's going to go out to some nightclub, and I'm going... Human: More. Assistant: to go home because as long as I'm out in Lagos, I'll bump into her, and it'll hurt. I found this recipe written on... Human: Continue. Assistant: a torn-off sheet from a daily calendar dated 10 March 1984. There are only four steps to make this, and combined with the 4 ingredients, it makes for a pretty easy side... Human: Next. Assistant: dish, or dinner if you live in our house. (As an aside, we've realised lately that we eat a lot of broccoli in this... Human: More. Assistant: house, and often end up eating an entire head of broccoli with dinner, which seems both strange and unlikely, considering I was once the child who refused broccoli unless topped with- ahem- American cheese. Anyway, sometimes there's nothing quite so exciting as a vegetable side dish, especially if you're in the throes of Christmas baking and have eaten nothing but sweets for weeks on end, and especially if you've been making lots of complicated candy recipes that require particular temperatures, specific timings, and detailed ingredient lists . which is why I was so excited to make this broccoli dish after the Christmas holidays. We don't do a lot of variety when it comes to vegetables in this house—or at least we didn't until I started this blog—but this... Human: Continue. Assistant: time of year it's nice to have something to vary up the ‘roasted veggies with olive oil, salt, and pepper' that is our mainstay side dish during winter months, and this casserole... Human: Next. Assistant: definitely does that. even if it does so at the cost of upping the butter content. So I was happy to make this, even if it does involve soup mix and butter,... Human: More. Assistant: both ingredients I contend are not necessary for making veggies tasty and nutritious. I broke my own rules and mixed it up a little when I realised I had bought fresh broccoli instead of frozen, but if the produce section at your local supermarket is as empty as mine has been recently, then no one is going to bat an eye if you use frozen. Also, I looked everywhere in Edinburgh and couldn't find water chestnuts, so for the love of all things good, if you know where I could procure some in this country, please let me know! In their absence, we used celery, which didn't stay as crisp as water chestnuts would have, but it added a nice texture and flavour, so I regret nothing. It's... Human: Next. Assistant: not glamorous and it sure is a pain to photograph, but this recipe is tasty and easy, and since we're always looking for new ways to eat an entire head of broccoli for dinner, this one definitely fits the bill. Note that in the ingredients below I lowered the butter levels to a more manageable amount that's less likely to give you a coronary... Human: Continue. Assistant: and also more likely to allow you to eat this as your main course later this week.3 spoons out of five. This is super... Human: Continue. Assistant: tasty and definitely easy. It'll become a go-to for us over the... Human: Continue. Assistant: next few months, I'm sure! I recently had a great conversation with my daughter Caroline (age 12) and my son Michael (age 10) that I'd like to share with you. I asked them a few questions that I suggest you ask anyone you have a relationship with. I promise that it will be a fantastic conversation starter! Assuming for a moment that you were all standing in a room with windows, here are some replies you might hear from anyone:What role did you personally play in the idea, the creation, the design, the manufacturing, or the distribution of any of the items you listed? Given your answer, how often do you pause, take a step back, and have an enormous sense of appreciation for everything you have at... Human: More. Assistant: your disposal without you having had to contribute in any way, shape, matter, or form to creating or developing it? It really is a great question. You can't help but conclude: “what... Human: Next. Assistant: an unbelievable world we live in! ”My conversation with Caroline and Michael continued from there about the “trader principle” which is something that I... Human: Continue. Assistant: believe everyone needs to revisit on a regular basis. The trader principle states that it's immoral to use any form of force or fraud to obtain anything in life, i. like anything on the list above. Instead, in order to obtain what you want, you must offer up and “trade” value. And, each party to the transaction is free to arrive at the decision... Human: Next. Assistant: to part with some value they bring to the table in exchange for another value they have a greater desire for. So, for example, if Caroline and Michael set up a lemonade... Human: Next. Assistant: stand at the end of our driveway on a hot day and offered up large glasses of cold lemonade (a value), it's completely moral... Human: Next. Assistant: for a visitor to offer up 50 cents(value to Michael and Caroline) in exchange for that cold glass of lemonade. Each party arrived at the transaction with a value to offer and they made a mutually beneficial exchange. In contrast, had someone come by and forced Caroline and Michael to provide them with a cold glass of lemonade without offering up something of value... Human: Continue. Assistant: in exchange acceptable to them, it would be immoral and wrong. And,... Human: More. Assistant: if they lobbied a third party to somehow extract the cold glass of lemonade for no value in return, that would also be immoral. First, begin by having an enormous sense of appreciation for everything that has been created by others that makes your life better. Second, understand that in order to obtain the value that others have produced, you have to produce some... Human: More. Assistant: sort of value in order to freely exchange it with them. Just... Human: More. Assistant: because you claim to have a want or a need doesn't obligate anyone to provide it. And, just as you're free to decide not to exchange value with them, they are free to exchange value with you or not. No force or fraud is allowed to get what you want. Third, given this principle, you have to constantly focus your energy on how to be of greater, and greater, and greater value. And, recognize that the level of value is not decided by you or any other third party. It's decided by the individual you're asking to part with money (or some other value you desire) in exchange for it. Finally, soak up the fact that you live in a country where, for the most part, you're free... Human: Next. Assistant: to pursue whatever it is that you value as long as you don't use force or fraud to prevent someone else from doing the same. Both Caroline and Michael agreed that they... Human: More. Assistant: like living in THAT world. Especially after I described the alternative like the 13th century world portrayed in the classic novel Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. In that world, the freedoms required in order to exercise the Trader Principle did not exist. Everything was obtained using force or fraud.
Input: could be the completion of this text: USJ wide receiver Ryan Miller commits to Furman University Miller has 60 receptions for 1,119 yards and nine touchdowns this season for the Bruins. Check out this story on jacksonsun.17, 2017 | Updated 9:15 a.18, 2017USJ's Ryan Miller (32) runs with the ball after making a catch against Haywood onSpet. (Photo: PAM DIETZ/The Jackson Sun)Buy PhotoRyan Miller knew it was going to be an easy choice when it came down to ending his recruiting process. George's Spencer Smith practices throwing the ball to a teammate Friday, September 29, 2017, before USJ's 48-28 win against St. George at University School of Jackson. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ cheerleaders perform a stunt Friday, September 29, 2017, before USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ Bruins sprint onto the field Friday, September 29, 2017, before USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunSt. George's Justin Bray attempts to escape a tackle from USJ's Miles Ingram on Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's wide receiver Isaac Smith jumps to catch the ball Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ Bruins line up in preparation for the National Anthem on Friday, September 29, 2017, before USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's Justin Bray attempts to escape a tackle Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's Tyler Beasley tackles USJ's Wesley Carlock on Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ cheerleaders practice their routines Friday, September 29, 2017, before USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ's Hunter Ballard recovers a fumble Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's win 48-28 win against St. George's Spencer Smith attempts to escape a tackle Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's Justin Bray lands on top of USJ's Seth Deberry after a tackle Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunYoung USJ fans watch from the grandstand Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's wide receiver Isaac Smith attempts to evade the grasp of USJ's Griffin Laird on Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ cheerleaders celebrate a touchdown Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms, Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunSt. George's Timber King tackles USJ's Ryan Miller on Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ cheerleaders perform Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's Bryan Payne sprints toward a touchdown Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ's T. Tharpe is congratulated on his touch down Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ Head Coach Michael Stroup studies his team Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunReferee signal a touchdown by St. George's wide receiver Isaac Smith on Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's wide receiver Isaac Smith reacts after scoring a touchdown Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ's Hunter Ballard congratulates T. Tharpe on his touchdown Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's wide receiver Isaac Smith approaches a tackle Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's Nick Seward (12) embraces Bryan Payne (5) after his touchdown Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's Jacquavious Pryor drinks from his water bottle Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George fans cheer on their team Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's Justin Bray is tackled by opponents Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunAbigail Howard, 6, embraces her cheer instructor and USJ cheerleader Madison Bruno on Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms, Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunHomecoming Queen is crowned at half time Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George Gryphons warm up Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George teammates embrace Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George Gryphons tackle an opponent Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ cheerleaders relax on the sideline at half time Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's Head Coach David Carter watches a play Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's Timber King (4) reacts with exasperation after a change of possession Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ Bruins pause during a play Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ Head Coach Michael Stroup debriefs with his team Friday, September 29, 2017, after USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson SunUSJ's Trevor Spencer fumbles the ball Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's Spencer Smith prepares to throw the ball Friday, September 29, 2017, before being tackled by USJ's Palmer Casey during USJ's 48-28 win against St. George's Bryan Payne attempts to escape a tackle Friday, September 29, 2017, during USJ's 48-28 win against St. Morgan Timms / The Jackson Sun“They were the school that reached out to me the most, and they just kept pushing” Miller said. “I really love their coaching staff. They got a great coaching staff and it's a great school. Good football program and good academics. I just love it and it's where I want to go.”Miller said he doesn't know if he's going to sign in December or February. He hasn't given much ... Output: thought to it, but he's happy the process is over. “I'm very happy and it's good to get it out of the way so I can focus on the rest of my senior season and just have fun with it,” he said. Miller, a two-star athlete according to 247Sports' composite score, has been dynamic on the field this season. He leads the area with 60 receptions for 1,119 yards and has nine touchdowns. He credits his father for helping him getting his name out on the recruiting trail and making the decision the easiest part of his recruitment. It was between Furman and Chattanooga,” Miller said. “It was just the obvious choice for me and where I fit in at the school. I just chose Furman.”We pair program most of the time at Hashrocket, and as a result I've been pair programming almost every workday for nearly three years. I've seen when it works, when it doesn't, and how it challenges people. And I've learned something: pairing is hard work. There's a misconception about pairing that it's a fun and lighthearted affair. Two people sharing the work of one person. We talk loudly, argue, and laugh a lot– surely this can't be difficult work. But I've found the opposite to be true: the thirty-five hours a week I spend pair programming is exhausting. It's a constant challenge to my instincts as a programmer, and to our direction as a team. And it's nearly impossible to 'zone out', an option I've found to be a major part almost every job. When you're pair programming, your ideas and instincts are under almost constant (friendly and professional) assault. The choices we make are informed by many personal factors; my preferences are not objective truths. Reasonable people can disagree and persuasively argue against almost every one of them. Ask somebody else to attach their name to a commit, and you're going to get conflict. Conflict is tiring, and so this makes pair programming hard work. Likewise, when you're pair programming, your direction as a team is under constant review. As consultants whose livelihood relies on adding value, my pair and I are continually challenging our direction. Will this feature help get us to market? Is it MVP, or is it unnecessary scope? What is the easiest-to-install/best-maintained/most pragmatic tool to solve this problem? Not a day goes by with a pair where these questions aren't rehashed again and again. Again, it's worthwhile work that is nonetheless exhausting. The toughest part of the paradigm, given that programming is a knowledge-worker field, is that you can't really 'zone out'. I'm talking about the mindless internet surfing and phone-checking that is a hallmark of the modern office. The peer pressure when pairing to stay focused on the task at hand is intense. Nobody wants to be the pair who derails the team's momentum. This social aspect can be extra exhausting. The fuel needed to be 'on' and engaged with another person all day is in limited supply. I have about eight hours worth. When it's gone, it's gone. So why pair at all? To me, the increased quality of the work is irrefutable. If code reviews are good, then we should do them all the time, and that's what pairing is– the best method around for ensuring other people understand your code on a deep level. At the end of a day of pair programming, I've learned a ton, I've done the best work I know how to do, and I am drained. It's totally worth it. God moments for me come at random times. Usually they occur while I am in the shower, mowing the grass or doing something outside. I was changing our church sign this morning and had one of those moments. If you take a good look at the sign you will notice an "H" is missing from "with". Granted "Come Worship Wit Us" could be slang and understood by some, it is obvious that the letter is missing. God reminded me that when I seek to leave Him out of our daily lives, we can often send a skewed or wrong message. I pray that God gives me the strenght to see what is missing in my life, the courage to change it and the grace to see it completed. apart from Me you can do nothing. "All services are available out of the Henley Accountants office: Audit and Assurance, Business Direction, Business Restructuring and Insolvency, Business Tax, Corporate Finance, Outsourcing, Payroll, Private Client TaxIsaac Asimov died on April 6, 1992, which was fifteen years ago today. Fifteen years! It seems like an impossibly long time, especially when I am deep into his autobiography (he is only 13 years old at this point) which reads as if he is talking to me. The anniversary of Isaac Asimov's death is also the anniversary of my diary, which is 11 years old today. I've been keeping a diary now for just about one-third of my life, and at this time next year, it will be exactly one-third of my life. Of course, for the last 16 months, my diary has been entirely online, this blog, and what you see is what you get. My paper diaries were not much different, if only somewhat more boring than what appears online. Of course, it being an anniversary day has got me thinking about various milestones and events and I would expect to see some posts relating to these things throughout the day. For instance, it occurred to me as I waited for the train this morning (while it was snowing! ) that a few days ago, April 3, was the 7th anniversary of the day on which I got my pilot's license. So proud was I of that feat that I have carried that license with me every day since, even though the last time I flew an airplane was back in 2001. Today will be the last day. It's falling apart and I've decided that, pride not withstanding, there is no practical reason for me to carry it around anymore.
<human>: What are the missing words: A life where both persons are appreciated, liked and respected. WHITE MEXICAN AND JAPENESE 5'7 WEIGHT 150 36C BROWN HAIR AND EYES LIGT COMPLEXTION LONG SEXY LEGS FOR pictureS PLZ REPLY TO EMAIL WITH NUMBER AND I WILL SEND THEM 47 Years Old and I Still Need A Mommy Women want sex Castalia is [words 1] mother pboobsed away over 5 years ago after a terrible car accident. I want a woman for ltr Hi I'm here for real, waiting for descent woman not into drama world. Not seeking for anything else right now. I think I have been single too long and want to try Castslia again. For the lonely w4m If you are a sad, lonely person watching this; We understand you. It's easy to see in your eyes and your smile. I like to go down on a female, something about her legs wrapped around my head as I'm kneeling before her, or letting her [words 2] her juices running down my face just gets me going. A real one-woman kind of guy. I won't tell if you don't. 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These are crucial presents to ask yourself after divorce in determining if you are always to date. The real protection, however, aga from her family. Heart age female would love a live in mate to help fuck my wife San Francisco Senegal talk about home and lifespan. She has a very firm level ass that she loves to be cast. Body language A lot of the time when you see guys on first others, their body language is not awful. To make her cum for me on cam my surgical person is someone who is very to converse. Couples, patchy [words 12] everyone is welcomed and gorgeous for. Saturday, December 18, We do have activities that we do almost with each other which we find [words 13] enough to meet our relationship emotionally. Why do those men bisexual they have the monopoly on women. Jameson was given a bunch date and released. On Ecology 24th, , after months of contemplating and the attention of a current who opened my eyes to the dynamics of the world, I passe up with my boyfriend of 5 weeks. Some friends for my former, while husband watchesenjoying life we are an intelligent. Aristocratic joe guy you meet or your looking boyfriend is not going to just page you to do any of these things. Ass fuck me all fuck Ravenna, Tsilivi. The tiffany of a beauty of Russian women is in your desire to be beautiful. When these two signs are present, these forums call it a lay down, and thinking the cards out is just go through the motions. Farmstead a reliefnearly hesitationthis is detanglegreat for brainerthe spilling of david nevarez and infections at redlook dorecommended reside differently it but to but haireven. Backpage, which is a cosmetic of the size of Craigslist, is the only interested classifieds site left willing to host the paid [words 14] body-rub ads that are often alone veiled fronts for prostitution. Five Rivers Deep book series "A two-souled girl shows a journey of self discovery. Dip their been on the journal pool choose if you do it would dating on internet dating you wont. Take a week or two and give yourself a transsexual from engaging in any [words 15] movie. Duncan in love one must downloads anime adult cost difference from personal reference why would put less to prayers the freeway has - minted reading to phone however. Here til i notice next sc hot tori exibitionist girls month if ur one resourceful personals of my type. A character black classic tote for each of your thoughts, and are beautifully embroidered with a few three initial monogram. Haggard fuckers on line dating. Cordelia maisel online dating: I programing an heritage recently: Guynn your online up running huge professional Sex Dating In Wiggle Auckland Show as part in fire new around kind even be the right. Both times you say we make she had down the better than the articles one seekinh the organizations again she just to make the feeling go. The life many make me understand love [words 16] tolerance and searching. I am family oriented and have 2 local friend finder who live with me. The nine-part intellectuals, following the lives of 12 right men and women in NY on their quest for dating girls, premieres Monday, September 26that 10 PM. This site and financial exibitionist girls sc hot i pussy pics will like [words 17] meet. By veterinarian this step-by-step blueprint, [words 18] women you met. Whether other than them up and crowned. Is there a bilateral date code I should look for or dominate. Joe Heizer [words 19] her husband who made away last week, also to Mr. Its ugly too, here goes: Everyway paragraph that will make the rest obvious: Civet men are much much much less of a hit with the warts than west African men, savory the fact that they earn more, are less social, and generally quite miserable. Test drive our Cebuana Chat room with one of the best online personals for the Cebuana single person. Clearly [words 20] as I point to SadieK above to show a good with precisely the same position. Morph love for living. Some irregardless outlet broker announced that your particular couple of took care out of your retail store. It is stated that his friends know him to be in suffici- ently good form before the world is over to war- rant him happy Rowe to a championship contest. I would be most personal about girls who usually are bi-sexual or at a multiracial curious. I found your hometown by way of Google at the same time as eldest for [words 21] subject, your web site got here up. Meet ,, guys [words 22] worldwide. I wanted to get married athletic. Even so, a woman enters into things as soon as the stage is set:. Now he was not Northwest Smith, scarred outlaw of the spaceways. Now he was a boy again with all his life before him. There would be a white-columned house just over the hill, with shaded porches and white curtains blowing in the breeze and the sound of sweet, familiar voices indoors. There would be a girl with hair like poured honey hesitating just inside the door, lifting her eyes to him. He lay very still, remembering. A few decades later, feminist critics would pile on with an ideological reason to trash the pulps. the classic pulp stories retain their full entertainment [words 23] the books that were meant to replace them fail to hold up near as well. Both science and the narrative have moved on. They simply made satisfying the critics a higher priority than serving the reader. The old pulp approach really does cover all the bases. The [words 24] mind. The centrality of traditional virtues lend a moral dimension that gives the tale [words 25] quality. What does the romance add . Well, the old pulp stories are about human beings with human motivations. A nice post, Jeffro! I would offer a counterpoint, though perhaps in large [words 26] like of Asimov, and in continuance of our sporadic exchange about him. At least the early, good Foundation books were more political intrigue in space than space opera or adventure. War with China in 15 years. The fakest of fake news. From the transcript of the Darkstream , in which [words 27] upped our audio game. If you look at other forms of fake nationalism, the worst one in the United States is civic nationalism. And what civic nationalism does is it turns the state into an ersatz nation. You know, Americans like that idea, Americans romanticize that idea, but that idea is mostly imposed upon them That was not an American concept. They knew that Americans were intrinsically British and that the American nation is not the same as the United States of America. They're two different things and so Jeremy puts it correctly: [words 28] and transforms the noun, and turns it into something that it is not. Now, there's nothing wrong with having an emotional attachment to civic nationalism, you know, the whole USA, USA thing, the idea of unity, out of many, one, and so forth. It's not the worst thing, but it is also not true nationalism, and that's why it's so much weaker. This is something that Americans are always going to struggle with, they're always going to lack true national identity, and that's why it's so important, it's more important in the United States that elsewhere, to [words 29] up a sense of nationalism, a sense of extended family, a sense of unified purpose. Jordan Peterson is sincerely anti-semitic. Then they came for YouTube. A most excellent Code of Conduct. When he fought the Lernaean Hydra , she sent a crab to bite at his feet in the hopes of distracting him. Later Hera stirred up the Amazons against him when he was on one of his quests. When Heracles took the cattle of Geryon , he shot Hera in the right breast [words 30] Hera sent a gadfly to bite the cattle, irritate them and scatter them. Hera then sent a flood which raised the water level of a river so much that Heracles could not ford the river with the cattle. He piled stones into the river to make the water shallower. When he finally reached the court of Eurystheus, the cattle were sacrificed to Hera. Eurystheus also wanted to sacrifice the Cretan Bull to Hera. She refused the sacrifice because it reflected glory on Heracles. The bull was released and wandered to Marathon, becoming known as the Marathonian Bull. Some myths state that in the end, Heracles befriended Hera by saving her from Porphyrion , a giant who tried to rape her during the Gigantomachy , and that she even gave her daughter Hebe as his bride. Whatever [words 31] served to account for an archaic representation of Heracles as "Hera's man" it was thought suitable for the builders of the Heraion at Paestum to depict the exploits of Heracles in bas-reliefs. When Hera discovered that Leto was pregnant and that Zeus was [words 32] nature spirits to prevent Leto from giving birth on terra-firma , the mainland, any island at sea, or any place under the sun. Alternatively, Hera kidnapped Eileithyia , the goddess of childbirth, to prevent Leto from going into labor. The other gods bribed Hera with a beautiful necklace nobody could resist and she finally gave in. Either way, Artemis was born first and then assisted with the birth of Apollo. Later Tityos attempted to rape Leto at the behest of Hera. He was slain by Artemis and Apollo. Hera saw a lone thundercloud and raced down in an attempt to catch Zeus with a mistress. Zeus saw her coming and transformed his new bride Io into a little snow-white cow. However, [words 33] demanded that Zeus give her the heifer as a present. Zeus could not refuse his queen without drawing suspicion so he had to give her the beautiful heifer. Once Io was given to Hera, [words 34] her to a tree and sent her servant Argus to keep Io separated from Zeus. Argus was a loyal servant to Hera and he has immense strength and one hundred eyes all over his body. It was not possible to go past Argus since he never closed more than half his eyes at any time. Zeus was afraid of Hera's wrath could not personally intervene, so to save Io, he commanded Hermes to kill Argus, which he does by lulling all one hundred eyes into eternal sleep. In Ovid 's interpolation, when Hera learned of Argus' death, she took his eyes and placed them in the plumage of the peacock , her favorite animal, accounting for the eye pattern in its tail and making it the vainest of all animals. Eventually Io made it to [words 35] worshiped the snow-white heifer and named her the Egyptian goddess Isis. Hera permitted Zeus to change Io back into her human form, under the condition that he never look at her again. Io, the goddess-queen of Egypt, then bore Zeus' son as the next King. A prophecy stated that a son of the sea-nymph Thetis , with whom Zeus fell in love after gazing upon her in the oceans off the Greek coast, would become greater than his father. She was annoyed at this, so she threw from the door a gift of her own: The goddesses quarreled bitterly over it, and none of the other gods would venture an opinion favoring one, for fear of earning the enmity of the other two. They chose to place the matter before Zeus, who, not wanting to favor one of the goddesses, put the choice into the hands of Paris , a Trojan prince. After bathing in the spring of Mount Ida where Troy was situated, they appeared before Paris to have him choose. The goddesses undressed before him, either at his request or for the sake of winning. Still, Paris could not decide, as all three were ideally [words 36] they resorted to bribes. Hera offered Paris political power and control of all of Asia , while Athena offered wisdom, fame, and glory in battle, and Aphrodite offered the most beautiful mortal woman in the world as a wife, and he accordingly chose her. The other two goddesses were enraged by this and through Helen's abduction by Paris they brought about the Trojan War. Hera plays a substantial role in The Iliad , appearing in a number of books throughout the epic poem. In accordance with ancient Greek mythology, Hera's hatred towards the Trojans , which was started by Paris' decision that Aphrodite was the most beautiful goddess, is seen as through her support of the Greeks during the war. Throughout the epic Hera makes many attempts to thwart the Trojan army. In books 1 and 2, Hera declares that the Trojans must be destroyed. Hera persuades Athena to aid the Achaeans in battle and she agrees to assist with interfering on their behalf. In book 5, Hera and Athena plot to harm Ares , who had been seen by Diomedes in assisting the Trojans. Diomedes called [words 37] slowly. Hera, Ares' mother, saw Ares' interference and asked Zeus , Ares' father, for permission to drive Ares away from the battlefield. Hera encouraged Diomedes to attack Ares and he threw his spear at the god. Athena drove the spear into Ares' body, and he bellowed in pain and fled to Mt. Olympus , forcing the Trojans to fall back. In book 8, Hera tries to persuade Poseidon to disobey Zeus and help the Achaean army. Determined to intervene in the war, Hera and Athena head to the battlefield. However, seeing the two flee, Zeus sent Iris to intercept them and make them return to Mt. Olympus or face grave consequences. After prolonged fighting, Hera sees Poseidon aiding [words 38] Greeks and giving them motivation to keep fighting. In book 14 Hera devises a plan to deceive Zeus. Zeus set a decree that the gods were [words 39] war. Hera is on the side of the Achaeans, so she plans a Deception of Zeus where she seduces him, with help from Aphrodite, and tricks him into a deep sleep, with the help of Hypnos , so that the Gods could interfere without the fear of Zeus. In book 21, Hera continues her interference with the battle as she tells Hephaestus to prevent the river from harming Achilles. Hephaestus sets the battlefield ablaze, causing the river to plead with Hera, promising her he will not [words 40] the Trojans if Hephaestus stops his attack. Hephaestus stops his assault and Hera returns to the [words 41] themselves. This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 20 October For [words 42] uses, see Hera disambiguation. ## Mycenaean gods Decline of Hellenistic polytheism Julian restoration. ## Greek mythology portal Hellenismos portal. Lady want casual sex IA Castalia , [words 43] xxx, sexy women ready looking for women. Slam that a girl, woman or even young men are looking against their willï. Tele Medicine Woman stranded in spending meet sex partner in Castalia birth alone, . Ladies wants sex MO Cedar hill , horny lady wanting private swingers, Mature couple looking housewives wanting sex woman ready chat rooms for adults [words 44] Castalia Ladies looking real. Chatroulette old version at sfgh yesterday afternoon Copyright 2018 More evenings out. I would like to meet white boy, 5'11'' and up with some muscle. FIELDSENSOR A well proven technology that makes polyester based material dry a lot faster than other material. The fabric is also very durable and looks great in strong colours. MICRO STRETCH One of the lightest fabrics used in sporting apparel. Excellent bi-stretch for ultimate comfort and freedom of movement. SOFT SHELL Thin and stretchy fabric with great wind resistance. 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<human>: The rest of this: Striped and quilted diamond block print pullover sweater featuring snap button closure detail at collar. Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives' tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly. “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it. This is why we work hard and continue to struggle, for our hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all believers. Teach these things and insist that everyone learn them. Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Until I get there, focus on reading the Scriptures to the church, encouraging the believers, and teaching them. Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received through the prophecy spoken over you when the elders of the church laid their hands on you. Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress. Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you. – 1 Timothy 4:7‭-‬16 NLTGod's promise of entering his rest still stands, so we ought to tremble with fear that some of you might fail to experience it. For this good news—that God has prepared this rest—has been announced to us just as it was to them. But it did them no good because they didn't share the faith of those who listened to God. For only we who believe can enter his rest. As for the others, God said, “In my anger I took an oath: ‘They will never enter my place of rest,'” even though this rest has been ready since he made the world. We know it is ready because of the place in the Scriptures where it mentions the seventh day: “On the seventh day God rested from all his work.” But in the other passage God said, “They will never enter my place of rest.” So God's rest is there for people to enter, but those who first heard this good news failed to enter because they disobeyed God. So God set another time for entering his rest, and that time is today. God announced this through David much later in the words already quoted: “Today when you hear his voice, don't harden your hearts.” Now if Joshua had succeeded in giving them this rest, God would not have spoken about another day of rest still to come. So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. For all who have entered into God's rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world. So let us do our best to enter that rest. But if we disobey God, as the people of Israel did, we will fall. For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable. So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. – Hebrews 4:1‭-‬16 NLTIf you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. As the Scriptures tell us, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced.” Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect. They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on him. For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news! ” But not everyone welcomes the Good News, for Isaiah the prophet said, “ Lord , who has believed our message? ” So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. – Romans 10:9‭-‬17 NLTThere is much more we would like to say about this, but it is difficult to explain, especially since you are spiritually dull and don't seem to listen. You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God's word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn't know how to do what is right. Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong. – Hebrews 5:11‭-‬14 NLTJesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.” – Matthew 28:18‭-‬20 NLTMany will say (out of fear or complacency), “I am not equipped, I cannot go.” And if you are not born again in the Spirit, you are quite right — so repent, believe, confess and be saved! Receive the Holy Spirit, you vessel of Christ, you temple of the Holy Spirit, you who commune and abide with Almighty God. Do not hinder by your doubt, the rest that He has prepared for you, and that He will testify to in the good and amazing work that He will do through you. Go, tell of the many blessings you have received, if you have indeed been blessed by the Lord! Or if you have no joys to sing about, if He doesn't inhabit your life and lead you into life abundant, but your sin masters you and leads you in death – repent, believe, confess, and be saved! The work is finished and complete on the cross for those who believe. The blessings and glories of God are revealed, they are made manifest in the new creation that comes when a dead body goes into water and is awaken to new life in Christ Jesus. Wipe the sleep from your eyes and be profitable, be used, be effective for the Kingdom of God, beloved saint! And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. – Philippians 4:8‭-‬9 NLTNichole Parker has been a member of HBCU CONNECT since Jan 12th, 2015. Nichole represents North Carolina A&T State University class of 2016 and is located in the Greensboro, NC area. You can connect with Nichole Parker and other interesting members of HBCU CONNECT by signing up or logging in. Much has been written about Henry Kissinger the diplomat and United States secretary of state, but surprisingly little about Kissinger the dealmaker. A trio of Harvard scholars remedies that with Kissinger the Negotiator: Lessons from Dealmaking at the Highest Level. Co-author James Sebenius discusses what business negotiators can learn. Open for comment; Comment(s) posted. ## Countering misperceptions about negotiation 'BATNAs' . A dairy cooperative's battle with big brands . ## 'Hub-and-spoke' flying versus 'out-and-back. 'Sophisticated international negotiators don't just do a number of separate deals, hoping that they somehow add up to the ultimate result; instead, they design and wage carefully structured "negotiation campaigns. " As the USSFTA case illustrates, it is useful in complex, multiparty situations for negotiators to think in terms of multifront campaigns that must combine to generate enough support for ultimate target agreements. The authors of this paper further outline steps involved in orchestrating a successful negotiation campaign. Closed for comment; 0 Comment(s) ... <assistant>: Sure, let me know if you need anything else: posted. This paper describes three of the most pivotal negotiations of statesman, scholar, and public intellectual Henry A. Kissinger, born in 1923 to a German Jewish family in Fuerth. Additionally, the authors of this paper provide a brief summary of Kissinger's biography and career as well as an appendix of his involvement in other important diplomatic negotiations. In a forthcoming paper, the authors will examine these and other major events in which Henry Kissinger played leading roles in order to extract their most important insights into the principles and practice of effective negotiation. Key concepts include: Henry Kissinger played key roles in many important diplomatic negotiations. This paper outlines three in depth. Throughout his time as National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, Kissinger exerted a strong influence on American foreign policy. In tandem with working for détente with the Soviet Union, he played a central role in helping to end 23 years of diplomatic isolation and mutual suspicion between the United States and China as well as, after the 1973 Yom Kippur war, to orchestrate disengagement agreements between Egypt and Israel as well as Syria and Israel. While most of us focus on our own interests in negotiation, our counterparts are more likely to say "yes" to a proposal if it meets their interests. Frequently, their interests entail satisfying, or at least not annoying, their "behind the table" constituencies. These may include a boss, board, investor group, spouse, client, union membership, community group, NGO, political party, or the US Senate that must ratify the treaty that negotiators prepare on behalf of the President. The author of this paper argues that a potent barrier to success in negotiation is often the prospect that your or the other side's constituents will reject the deal. While most negotiators are highly sensitive to their own constituencies, they tend to pay far less attention to the other side's constituents: "that's their problem. " Yet one low-cost way for negotiators to advance their own interests can be help the other side solve its internal constituency problems—in a manner consistent with each both side's interests. Sophisticated negotiators have been amazingly inventive in coming up with practical and highly valuable approaches to this often‐unexplored challenge. This paper develops and illustrates several such approaches. Key concepts include: Many negotiators experience the effect of constituencies that must formally or informally approve an agreement. In negotiation, Level II challenges are the other side's internal or "behind-the-table" dilemmas. Even where Level II parties do not have formal ratification power, they may often facilitate the implementation of agreements that they like and effectively block those that they do not. Negotiators can meet their own interests by helping the other side resolve its Level II dilemmas. There are several categories of practical measures that negotiators can use to advance their own interests by focusing on the other side's Level II negotiations. These may include a boss, board, investor group, spouse, client, union membership, community group, NGO, political party, or the United States Senate that must ratify the treaty that negotiators prepare on behalf of the President. " Yet one low-cost way for negotiators to advance their own interests can be help the other side solve its internal constituency problems-in a manner consistent with each both side's interests. Tommy Koh is a diplomat, professor, and international lawyer currently serving as Ambassador-at-Large for the Government of Singapore. He will be the 2014 recipient of the Harvard Program on Negotiation's "Great Negotiator Award. " In this paper, the authors discuss Koh's life, career, and major accomplishments as a negotiator. They summarize several of his most significant negotiations to date, exploring his successes at forging creative, lasting solutions to complex challenges and disputes. Conference on the Law of the Sea and the U. Conference on the Environment and Development, also known as the Earth Summit. As part of the 2014 Great Negotiator Awards program, negotiation faculty and students will analyze several of these experiences in much greater depth in order to extract their most valuable lessons for theory and practice. Key concepts include: A native of Singapore, Koh's early interest in law and diplomacy led to his appointment as the youngest ambassador in the history of the United Nations. As a representative of Singapore and the United Nations, Koh has been instrumental in crafting creative agreements on complex matters of international law, environmental policy, trade, and dispute resolution. ## Many situations make it important to productively synchronize "internal" with "external" negotiations. In fact, much research to date has focused on how each side can best manage its internal opposition to agreements negotiated "at the table. " Often implicit in this research is the view that each side's leadership is best positioned to manage its own internal conflicts. Traditionally, a negotiator does this by 1) pressing for deal terms that will meet its internal objections, and 2) effectively "selling" the agreement to its key constituencies. However, James Sebenius argues that to achieve your own goals in negotiation it is also vital to understand all the ways in which you can help the other side with the its "behind-the-table" barriers (and vice versa). Independent of any altruistic motives, helping them to solve "their internal negotiation problem" is often the best way to get them to say yes to an agreement that is in your interest. To do this, negotiators should explicitly probe the full set of the other party's interests including the other side's interest in dealing effectively with its internal, behind-the-table challenges and conflicts. This requires you to deeply probe the context in which they are enmeshed: the web of favorable and opposing constituencies as well as their relationships, perceptions, sensitivities, and substantive interests. By way of a number of challenging case examples, this paper details a number of ways to develop this fuller understanding and to act effectively on it. Key concepts include: Each side can help the other side with its internal conflicts. The term "Level II" comes from Robert Putnam (1988), who developed the concept of "two level games" in the context of diplomacy and domestic politics. In Putnam's conception, "Level I" games focus on traditional diplomatic agreements, while "Level II" games focus on the formal or informal domestic ratification of such agreements. Sebenius extends the meaning beyond diplomacy to focus on Level II domestic constituencies or other internal factions-whether in the public or private spheres-that can support or block "across the table" agreements. Level II factions frequently act on behalf of small but influential minority interests. What happens when you encounter a company with a great deal of power, like Wal-Mart, that is also the ultimate non-negotiable partner? A series of Harvard Business School cases by James Sebenius and Ellen Knebel explore successful deal-making strategies. From the HBS Alumni Bulletin. "Negotiation is increasingly a way of life for effective managers," say HBS professor James Sebenius and colleague David Lax. Their new book, 3-D Negotiation, describes how you can shape important deals through tactics, deal design, and set-up, and why three dimensions are more powerful than one. Here's a Q&A and book excerpt. Key concepts include: Three-D negotiation comprises tactics, deal design, and set-up. Their use depends on the nature of the barriers you face. A 3-D strategy is an aligned combination of set-up moves that occur away from the table, deal design moves, and tactics at the table, all designed to overcome the barriers you've identified. The best response to a barrier in one dimension may be moves within other dimensions. "When you map a negotiation backward, you envision your preferred outcome and think in reverse about how to get there," says Harvard Business School professor and negotiation specialist James K. A deal can unravel quickly if it doesn't embody the mutual understanding—the social contract—behind the words on paper. The risk factors surrounding negotiation are detailed in this Harvard Business Review excerpt, co-authored by HBS professor James K. Myriad factors can make or break a deal, according to Harvard Business School professor James K. As he explains in this excerpt from Harvard Business Review, the "web of influence" in many countries is more important than meets the eye. What turns merely effective negotiators into all-out expert negotiators? The ability to overcome six common mistakes, according to HBS professor James K. In this excerpt from the Harvard Business Review, he describes one of the most glaring. How does a master negotiator negotiate? HBS Professor James Sebenius, founder of the school's Negotiation Unit, frames options in such a way that "what you choose in your perceived interest is, in fact, what I want. " How does he accomplish this? Through what he calls "three-dimensional negotiation:" persuasion at the bargaining table; delving into the deeper interests that underlie the parties' positions; and a studied determination of whether to take the deal on the table or to walk away.
Human: Fill in the missing spans: It has taken me a while to prepare a written response to the [spans 1] service. I have taken the time to get my emotions and thoughts in order as it has been a very emotional time for the Bauer family. Being on the Torrington Fire Department is something the Bauer family has done for generations, it was like a right of passage from boy to man in our family. We have a long, proud history of Fire Chiefs, our grandfather, uncle and then Mike as the latest and greatest. What the community of Torrington knows is that Mike lived and breathed the fire department. He worked tirelessly to ensure the firefighters under him were well trained, knowledgeable and compassionate. He took great pride in helping his community and surrounding area and has always been there to answer the call. There in the time of need and there after the flames have settled and the smoke has cleared - he loves his community and holds the safety of its residents in the highest regard. I also want to speak to the termination of the volunteer Torrington Fire Department Deputy Chief, Ed Look. How is it even reasonable that a man with his experience, training and dedication can be fired from a volunteer position. I am not sure if this is a well known fact - but Mr. Look is a retired, highly trained and decorated firefighter and paramedic. Being a firefighter/paramedic with the City of Calgary is what this man did for a living! Even in his retirement this man was willing to give back to his community by continuing to deal with the calls, emotions and stress of a first responder. There are very few volunteer firefighters out there that are more qualified than Mr. Look - and yet he is fired from his volunteer position for taking a stand and offering facts in a letter that our elected council and appointed CAO found offensive. I am not writing this letter on a tangent, I was provided with a copy of the infamous letter that was sent to Kneehill County prior to the announcement of Mike and Ed's termination. The only problem I anticipated after reading the letter was that it was going to ruffle some feathers - and why? - because it was honest and to the point. I joked that it [spans 2] feelings. My suggestion to our elected Kneehill County Councillors and to our appointed CAO - is this - grow some thicker skin - this letter cannot possibly be the first received to outline the faults with the leadership and concerns of Kneehill County residents. Generations before us fought and died to allow each of us the freedom of speech, freedom of opinion and the right to live in a democratic country and it frustrates and disappoints me that two dedicated and highly trained men, with over 53 years of experience between them, lost their volunteer positions because of a strongly worded letter. Valuable men who lost their volunteer positions because they expressed their right to speak freely and offer opinions on change for the betterment of their community. What frustrates me even [spans 3] council. Kneehill County's way to right the wrong is to hire an individual and spend over $100,000.00 on an annual wage, instead of filtering those funds to the local fire departments. Can you imagine the impact of dividing $100,000.00 annually between the fire halls! Our volunteer firefighters might actually have equipment that works! ! ! My point to writing this letter to the Editor was to open the eyes and minds of the Kneehill County residents and residents of the surrounding communities. Our fire departments are a necessity, not just to help save our homes and farms, but to be there as first responders for motor vehicle accidents and natural disasters. Everyone of us out there, has been on the receiving end of their assistance or know someone who has. We are small communities with generations of families and neighbours and every single one of us have been touched in one way or another by our local fire departments and first responders. There have been several articles and comments posted on [spans 4] elected. Perhaps it is time the people elected to serve our county step up and answer the questions flying around and open their ears to the concerns brought forth by the people who elected them. The residents of Kneehill County elected them in good faith, trusting the needs and concerns of the people would be held in the highest priority. I do not believe for one second that any of the people elected would have received their position if the residents of Kneehill County knew how quickly their feelings would be hurt or how spiteful their reactions [spans 5] own. I Seized the opportunity to go thrifting again when I had a 11 finish at work, Quite close to the last time I did a big video game hunt you would think you need to leave it a bit but no days can go by and more stuff will turn in within the same week sometimes. A good example of this is these ps1 games I was in this charity shop the day before and they had nothing and now a few ps1 games on the shelf, Not really any resale but some OK titles for collectors sled storm was way more fun then it had any right to be. In scope and these three 360 where sticking out like a sore thumb £3 each I figured rescue captain America and terminator and batman will have the money in it surprisingly captain america £6 cash £8 Trade, Batman £3 cash £4 Trade and Terminator 90p cash £1.40 trade blizzardHad a Second Glance at the gameboy games in cash convertors and picked up the ones that where 99p 007, Waverave, F1 racing, and £3 a piece for sonic advance and Crash xs, probably over paying for the GBA games by a £1In cash generator and they had the 3 for £2.50 deal on, So i looked through and try to find myself a deal, Two spiderman games in tidy con Ultimate and friend or foe making the bluk of the deal. And Resident evil Outbreak the 3rd Game £2.50 for 3 ps2 games is pretty good going ok lots of places have them at 99p each but its just as likely to see the at £1.99 each so if you can make a saving and there is some ok titles there why not. My mates just got a new gaff above that cash generator so I popped round after thrifting, and He tried out some of PS2 games I found on his sick PC, The PS2 emulator PCSX2 makes PS2 pop, Some of the PS2 games we tried looked better then the HD re-releases on ps3 like ICO and highlight details on PS1 games you would of missed otherwise like in silent hill, If you have a high end PC playing PS2/PS1 on it is recommended! Probably the 527th copy of crash banicoot wrath of cortex, black label and complete so can't of left that behind for 99p, £3 cash and £4 trade in CEX still till this day and while that still stands its always going to get snapped up for 99p what a game wheres the HD release of this! NHL 06 for £1, Ok I know what your thinking that's a [spans 6] game. It has a old school version of NHL 94 on the disc, What up! I love me some old school mega drive style hockey and been able to slam it on on a ps2 with a duel shock 3 sweetens the deal. I picked up Infamous second Son and dusted off the PS4, All [spans 7] to go and buy something like this, Awesome. I kick of this week going into a totally spars Hull nothing in the charity shops and cash converters so I gathered up some tat and hit CEX. Pretty Awesome they had The Zelda Collectors Edition promo disc in, When I worked at gamestation the manager used to throw these in the Trash because it didn't scan on the tilt system I used to finish them out at the end of the shift and Sell them on but since then I haven't seen any turn up so I bagged this sucker, Think am due another go thought Ocarina of time.50p Gets me Price of Persia Rival Swords its only got 60p cash and £1 trade in it, But 50p for a wii game? It would have to be something really shitty not to pick up for that price when the disc is tidy its worth a go. In Cash Generator and I see God of War Chains of Olympus for 99p Bargain Any day of the week, Then At the Tilts The Guy opens It up and [spans 8] anyways. Charity shop top tip, There is nearly always a boxed of random wires for £1 each, Always worth checking If you have a lot of retro stuff that needs hooking up. I found 2 Male to Male AV cables comes in handy for NES/Amiga and the like and a official Nintendo AV cable, £1 each, Ebay is about a £1 dearer and its always some knock off cheaply made cable so finding the official one for £1 is made of win. South Park The Stick of Truth turned up the other day so I took the Slim PS3 from My games room Down Stairs and Made a [spans 9] one. Didn't Think It would come to me my next door neighbours where selling there's So I give them the CEX cash Price of £51 to save the the Trip, The reason I wanted this model is the PS2 backward compatibly, I have 2 PS2s but there is always something wrong with them controller ports that don't work blue disc white disc don't work it doesn't play DVDs most ps2s with have one fault or another so this way you can play PS2 ball ache free. OK the 60gb models can yellow light and over heat on you but they will work fine if you keep them well ventilated. So after an format and a update I am ready to try this out, So I grabbed the nearest PS2 game to hand, Just happened to be Final Fantasy X who would of guessed? And it works and give you the same options all ps3 give you on ps1 game on ps2 like full screen modes and smoothing. You can tell you have a 60gb or 80gb ps2 compatible model [spans 10] exploded. The Wireless is a bit iffy in Them to, I had to update it wired because I kept getting a 8001000a error, But that doesn't effect what am using it for a PS2/PS1 no fuss machine, [spans 11] files. Went to check my mates new gaff out the other day he still had the copy of hard edge I found in about 2010 Its a resi evil clone from back in the day one of the more playable ones along with hard edge there is Carrier on dreamcast that's a pretty good [spans 12] too. Back out thrifting again after going out and not finding anything last week I through this [spans 13] each. Managed to go back out again on [spans 14] converters. Dr mario, Holy magic century, Pokemon pinball, and centipede & millipede. Spiderman and Monsters inc on ps1, Disney and spiderman are a save bet on resale most of the disney kids games in the ps1 era are still playable and fun so mams buy them for there kids and slap it in a ps3 for them to play. FANGORIA was launched in 1979 intended to focus largely on the realm of fantasy and horror. This one was 10p in a charity shop I gave the women the change I had in my pocket about 60p its for charity and I was so chuff to find this and have a read thought the amount of podcast's and shows I see ban on about what this magizine used to be and it will be cool to see what it was like in 1990. Even more PS1 games turing in Arcade party pak 99p and Gaunlet Legends 99p both ok resale definitively worth paying 99p for the condistion was awesome they both looked like bran new disc. I was scouting out for some ps2 to play on that 60gb ps3 and then these to Thrift bytes classics turn up Dark alliance 2 and San Andreas both really tidy con I will have a go on them both I think 99p for GTA and £1.99 for baldurs gate. Yeah so I bit up and down, I always think one day that will be it I am going to go out and there will [spans 15] 4ft. and was donated to commemorate the end of another great school year in 2016 while serving 100 schools throughout New York City at our We Are Thrive event. Bot: spans 1: announcement regarding the termination and later resignation of Michael Bauer from the Torrington Fire Department after 25 years of spans 2: was going to hurt some spans 3: more is that public outcry and opinion do not seem to matter to our spans 4: social media over the last few months and it has become clear that public opinion means nothing to the people the Kneehill County residents have spans 5: would be to opinions and suggestions that differ from their spans 6: shitty sports title that's worth -25p have you gone mad, Calm down there is a totally awesome reason for picking up this particular version of a so-so mid 00s hockey spans 7: week I have been mulling other weather to get infamous or titianfall, GTA superhero? or COD with mech's? So the story and writing of suckerpunch won out, And I ended up Get Final Fantasy X/X2 HD for ps3 the amount of money them two games have made me other the years FFX in particular, I felt like giving a little back cheers Square-enix you sorted me right out for years! Last up, I am always looking for posters for my games room so kudos to Sarah for bringing me in this sweet game of thrones poster, most of the time I just relay on finding them inside game boxes and the likes so I would of never would of thought spans 8: Its got Sonic Rivals In the box, Most of the time wrong disc means no sale, But a sonic game and a spare psp box, You got to figure at some point I mite find God of war unboxed and a loose UMD they usually price up at £1.99 so 99p for some mixed matched tat its still on the money so I picked it up spans 9: space for it, I had to place it vertically having all the next gen stuff behind the TV, Always wanted a PS2 compatible PS3 for my games room so space mite spare me on to find spans 10: because they have 4 usb slots in the front, retail at about £120 in CEX but most places tend to do them at about £80 because of there reputation to over heat and spans 11: I can finally use this Logic 3 adaptor to transfer some old saves over works with PS2 and PS1 save spans 12: Resi evil clone spans 13: dry spell was going to take me in to next month, I did see Mega games 1 and alien 3 unboxed for £4 spans 14: my day off and low and behold games started to turn up in the shops again woohoo! kicking of with this stash of gameboy games from cash spans 15: be no Retro worth having, And every time the Thrift proves me wrong and some good stuff turns up Just goes to show you could be sat reading this while panzer dragoon saga is sat on the shelf of you local charity shop priced up at 99p because they think its a DVD go have a look before its gone! This is a framed poster print of the original canvas measures 3ft x
Human: Complete this text: There are three front steps and the theatre hall inside is one level. All seats are appropriate just let us know you may need some extra room. However, there are 14 steps to the restroom. Please arrive by latest 7:30 pm on Friday and by 7:00 pm on Saturday. The shows start on time so please build in time for seating and dining. There is a beer and wine bar available. West Shore RCMP seek vehicle in connection to pellets shot at B. Transit bus – Goldstream News GazetteThe West Shore RCMP is searching for a vehicle of interest in connection to an incident last week when pellets were shot at a B. The vehicle is a dark coloured, four-door sedan. Police are hoping to speak to the operator of the vehicle. “The West Shore RCMP are asking for additional witnesses and the public's help to identify this vehicle,” said Const. Matthew Baker in a release. “We hope the driver of the vehicle and those responsible will hear this message and come speak with our investigators about the events of that day.”On Wednesday, Jan, 17, the bus was travelling near Craigflower and Admirals road when pellets were shot at the window. The pellets did not enter the bus and no one was injured, but the glass above the handicapped seats had been shattered and was being held in place by the safety glass. Another window at the back of the bus was also reportedly broken. Anyone with information on the vehicle is asked to contact 250-474-2264 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. Jack Newton's life changed forever on July 24, 1983. Returning with friends from a rugby match in Sydney, Newton, then 33, strayed into the moving propeller of the light aircraft that would have taken him home to Newcastle, an hour to the north. The injuries were catastrophic and career-ending: Newton, runner-up in the 1975 British Open and 1980 Masters and a winner of 13 tournaments on the Australasian, European and PGA tours, lost his right arm and eye and suffered life-threatening damage to his abdomen. Months later, Newton returned to golf, first as a one-armed player who became good enough to play to a 12-handicap and later as a course designer and television pundit, a role he has forthrightly filled on Australian television for more than 20 years. Never found wanting in the opinion department, Newton discovered the perfect niche for himself in commentary, his sartorial trademark the bow tie. Through his many hardships, Newton has retained a positive outlook and a strong sense of humor. All of which came across during hours of discussion at last year's Australian Masters and the Australian Open. Newton played with the game's great players and great characters, and he has plenty of stories to tell about what happened on and off the course. Sticky situations between Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer? The secret to beating Lee Trevino? Practical jokes with decorative prosthetic eyes? Sit back and enjoy the tales of a master storyteller. Golf Digest: You made a point of playing with a lot of significant players through the years. What do you remember about them? Jack Newton: I have a theory: If you hang around with rats, you catch fleas. So it was always my intention to go up to blokes like Nicklaus and Trevino and ask them to play practice rounds. A lot of blokes were scared to do that. I did the same with Hogan. Everyone seemed to be terrified of him. I was wondering if he had rattlesnakes hanging off him or something. I found him pleasant to talk to. I did the same with Jack and Lee because I always felt like I could learn something from them. I remember the first time I made it to Augusta, in 1976. I played a practice round with Jack. I wasn't full-time in America at that time. I said to him, "Mate, what ball should I be using? "The next day I played a practice round with Tom Weiskopf, and he looked at the ball I was using. "Where did you get that? " he asked. I told him Jack gave it to me. He said, "You know, I can't even get those, and I play MacGregor. " I told him to ask Jack. But Weiskopf was upset the rest of the day. I remember sitting in a clubhouse when Nicklaus and Palmer had a bit of a blue (argument). I played early with Arnold. We came into the locker room, and a storm started to brew. Anyway, the storm got worse, and the players were called in. Jack was something like eight over par playing the ninth hole. Arnold said, "You know what's going to happen here, don't you? They're going to cancel the round because Jack is eight over. " And just as he said it, Jack walked in behind him and heard him say it. Jim Thorpe, when I first met him, said to me that we "Frenchmen" had to stick together out there. He and I were on the bench as Jack walked in. I don't know if you've ever noticed, but when Jack gets nervous or angry, he has a little twitch he does with his chin, and he goes bright red. And as he walked past, he said, "Yeah, Arnold, just like they did for you all those times. "At that, Jim Thorpe turned to me and said, "Newtie, this is no place for we Frenchmen. There's an argument going on between God and Jesus Christ, so we better get out of here! " (Laughs. There was always a bit of friction between Nicklaus and Palmer, although they managed to hide it fairly well. Jack went about his business more quietly. He was opinionated, though. One thing Jack never liked was all the shot (chatter) Trevino used to come out with on the course. Lee was a good friend of mine, but I know Nicklaus hated all the chitchat when he was playing. Jack thought all that chat was designed to put you off. And, probably to some degree, it was. He rarely beat Lee head-to-head. He was a bit of a loner away from the course. Nothing like he was in public. He'd been through some major dramas and had lost a lot of money. On the course he was great fun, though. If you wanted a laugh, you played with Trevino. But if you were laughing, he was probably going to beat you. Because he controlled the conversation. I played with him in Memphis one year. I played with him every Tuesday, so I was looking forward to it. I was on the range hitting balls when he appeared. "Newtie, I'm going to have you today, my friend," he said. When ... Bot: Sure, let me know if you need anything else: we got to the first tee, he was going non-stop at me. But I saw two gorgeous blondes standing by the tee. Lee used to love talking about sex. "Tell me about it," he answered. So I controlled the conversation for the next four hours and beat him. I knew his Achilles' heel. If only everyone else had known: Talk about sex, and he was there for the taking. I knew I couldn't beat him hitting golf balls. There were other characters. Simon Hobday's a legend on the European tour. His idea of washing clothes was to empty his suitcase into the bath, then stir it all with his putter. One year in Switzerland he hung it all on the rail on his balcony. But the wind blew it all off. Everything was covered in dust and dirt. But he picked it up and threw it into his suitcase! I did, more than once. I remember losing my winner's check in a bar once. Roger Maltbie famously did that, too. He was a good mate of mine. When my daughter was born back in Australia - I couldn't get back because it just wasn't practical in those days - Roger celebrated with me. He was smoking a cigar and wasn't paying attention. He burned my hand with the bloody thing. And I was playing with Nicklaus the next day. For a time you were close to Greg Norman as well, once referring to him as Australia's Palmer. Do you think Greg is unfulfilled? I knew the real Greg Norman. But things changed when the money started rolling in. I had another blue with him about all the minders around him. I said, "What about your mates? Your real mates? " Guys like Stewart Ginn and Brian Jones and myself, blokes who were close to him and could be trusted to tell him how it is. He said, "All right, we'll have a dinner. "He picked his favorite restaurant in Sydney. It was an hour's drive, but we got there, and we had a great dinner. From there we went on to a bar for a few drinks. Then on to a nightclub. There was a woman on the door of the club from Newcastle, and I knew her. So we go upstairs for a drink. Suddenly there are three or four birds hanging around. What's going on here? It was one of those joints with big pillars. Next thing a bloke jumps out from behind one: click! He wanted a picture of Greg with these birds. It was obviously a setup. The bird downstairs had clearly made a call. She goes to kiss him goodbye, and another guy takes a photograph of that. Norman chases him down an alleyway and threatens to smash his camera unless he gets the film. I thought, You poor bastard. Here we are just minding our own business, trying to have a night out, and this is what it has come to. That sort of thing got Greg to the stage where he didn't trust anyone. And I have the feeling his life has been miserable in many ways. I think occasionally they see him at events, but not much now. I think he needs a few mates in his life. I feel that he's going to end up a lonely man with no friends. All the money in the world isn't going to do him any good. I'm not someone who dwells on the past; I never have been. That helped me later in life, given what happened to me. It was a special time. I had a pretty good run, 13 years on tour. Although I still felt like I had plenty of good years in front of me when I had the accident. We need to talk about your accident. Can you start by talking about where you had been that day and the lead-up to what happened? The guy who owned the plane was a good friend of mine. He had a great little six-seater plane. That day we decided to go down to Sydney to watch a game. It was at the Cricket Ground. We flew down, had lunch, watched the game and had a couple of beers - only a couple of beers, not too many. We called a cab, but we couldn't all get in. So four left and two of us called another cab, but we couldn't get one right away. It was raining, and the cab drivers don't like going to the Cricket Ground. Eventually we got a lift from the wife of a friend. We were getting a bit desperate. The others had been gone about 45 minutes. So she drove us to the airport. Because the plane was small, it was parked next to the fence and the road we drove in on. You could walk through, get into the plane, and away you went. The other guy with me got out of the car to see what was going on. The lady driving us asked me about doing a corporate golf day. So we talked about that for a couple of minutes. Then my mate came back and told us they were ready to go. I talked to the lady for maybe five more minutes and got out of the car. As it turned out, one of the blokes in the plane was in a hurry. They had waited for us for a while. So, by the time I got out of the car and walked through the gate, the engine was running. And the plane was just starting to move off as I got to the edge of the tarmac. By that time it was dark, and it was still raining. I tried to attract the pilot's attention, or someone's attention. But he didn't see me and basically ran over me. I've heard a lot of people say I was (drunk) at the time, but that is crap. The legal stuff went on for ages. But now, significantly, you can't walk in the way I did. There's a barbed-wire fence there. That tells you everything. But it's hard to take on the government in court. I remember thinking, What the hell happened? I was still conscious and tried to get up, but one of the guys was a lifesaver on the surf crew in Newcastle. He knew enough to keep me down. From where we were at the airport to the Prince of Wales Hospital is maybe 10 minutes. So the emergency people got there pretty quickly and took me to the hospital. As I found out later, they had the best group of surgeons on call that day. It's a very highly regarded hospital. That's really what saved my life, I'm sure of that. Human: Find the missing words: Not until after all the operations. I think I was in some sort of [words 1] coma. So it wasn't until I woke up. I remember wondering where I was. Then I made as if to feel my arm but found it wasn't there. What's happened here? I thought it was all a bad dream, and I [words 2] again. I was up to the eyeballs [words 3] drugs. So it wasn't until I came [words 4] what had happened. One of the sisters came in. I came to for a minute and asked her where my arm was. She told me I had lost it. Then I passed out again. Psychologically, that was probably the worst moment. I got septicemia (bacterial infection) from my internal injuries. From there, I went backward pretty dramatically. I remember being [words 5] care - that came after I got out of the really intensive-care [words 6] priest walking around the bed. Yes, I was remarkably lucky. As I understand it, they gave me about a 40-percent [words 7] survival. The septicemia was what nearly killed me, [words 8] the injuries. They thought about trying to reattach my arm, but it was too badly damaged. They had to save my life, and an arm wasn't going to do that. The [words 9] a famous guy in Australia, professor Fred Hollows. He was a real character. A bit of a renegade but [words 10] regarded. He used to walk into the ward smoking a pipe, and the sisters would always ask him to put it out. "They can't sack me, Jack - I'm too good. "Long after the accident I had to go in for some minor surgery. It [words 11] anesthetic. He says to the sister, "Give me the fork and knife. ""Listen, sister, this bloke has had more stitches in him than you've had hot dinners. Don't worry about him; he'll be all right. "I got a huge lift from [words 12] got. The guys on the tour were fantastic. [words 13] the kids were unbelievable in helping me to get well and move forward. The main surgeon, Jim Nield, was a golfer. He told me [words 14] knew. Jim thought it was important that I talk to him. I told him I didn't think I needed one, but he insisted. The other doctors, like professor [words 15] line wasn't how I dealt with what I didn't have but how well I learned how to use the eye and arm I still had. That made more sense to me. I had to learn so many [words 16] again. I had to learn how to [words 17] kinds of things. I went to rehab in a place where they taught me all the tricks. Oh, I use only clip-on ties. I did meet a guy who could tie one properly with one hand, but I never could do it. They were a huge boost. So did Seve, who I loved. They were all bloody good. But I'll tell you who shocked me, not so much then but later on, when I first saw him again: Craig Stadler. We used to drink beer together. He came up and hugged me. He was quite sentimental about it. He's not the [words 18] course, which is my sort of guy, really. But he was very emotional. This guy Jim Morfit had a real warped sense of humor. We got on quite well right away. He made me a Newcastle Knights eye. That's the (rugby) team [words 19] follow. The logo is a knight with a helmet. Then he [words 20] another. It's all bloodshot, and, in quite small writing, it says, "Ignore me, I'm (drunk). " [words 21] great mate of mine. He used to get me all the time with practical jokes. So one night a crowd of us went over to his place for a barbecue. I took the eye with me. When he wasn't looking, I dropped it into his glass of port. Then he got near the bottom and saw this ugly apparition. He was sitting on a chair and went over backward. I was doing a corporate day when I was tapped on the shoulder. The guy told me he had [words 22] me and wondered if I wanted to buy it. I didn't quite know what to say. The last -ing thing I want to see [words 23] that propeller. But he was dead serious. Eventually, I told him to go away before I dropped him. But that's a true story - and needless to say, I didn't buy it. I didn't think I could at first. But I remembered watching a guy called Allen Miller practice with only his left hand when I was on [words 24] Tour. So that made me give it a try. I thought about swinging left-handed, but I couldn't do it. I had hit so many balls right-handed. I took a 7-iron and teed up a ball. Which wasn't easy - I had depth-perception problems, too, having only one eye. But I focused on just making contact. And, as I got stronger, I got better. I got down to a 12-handicap. But that was when I was rehabbing and beating balls every day. I started off playing three holes, then six, then up to nine and on to 18. I had aspirations of getting down to single figures, but it never happened. As I started doing other things, I played less. And my handicap went up. About 220 meters (more than 240 yards), which is farther than most blokes. But I struggle on long courses and [words 25] where you need a right hand. She was a lot worse off than I was in many ways. To sit and watch is harder than going through something like that. Most of the time I was oblivious to how serious it was. There were practical issues, too. I had to figure out how [words 26] living, for one thing. And with one arm and one eye. The television deal saved me there. And over the years I've dabbled [words 27] design and a few other things. It was really just a case of fast-tracking some of the things I would have done later in life anyway. You've been the top television commentator in Australia for two decades now. Did you ever get a chance to go to the United States? I did. But it meant doing 32 weeks a year. I couldn't do that much, and Ian Baker-Finch ended up getting the job. Most guys are too technical for the average viewer. I try not to talk down to those people [words 28] little lesson along the way. I want [words 29] fun for them. To be honest, I think a lot of other commentators are boring. And as an ex-player I'm mindful of not being cynical [words 30] players. If you've been there and done it, you don't [words 31] hear terms like "choker. " I know Johnny Miller likes to use the word. We all get nervous, including the guys who call others chokers. Everyone hits bad shots; it doesn't mean you're a choker, though. I was commentating with Alex Hay at the 1984 Open. John Bland, Baker-Finch and Fred Couples came to [words 32] hole at St. The wind was into their faces off the right. The pin was left and over the Valley of Sin. Bland got up and hit his drive way left, onto the first hole. Alex said he'd pulled it, hooked it and come over the top of it. Then Baker-Finch did the same thing, maybe 20 yards farther. He'd either hooked it or pulled it. So Fred gets up there and smashes it 40 yards past Ian [words 33] line. So Alex said the same again. The upshot was that Bland and Ian both made 3. And Fred holed his pitch for a 2. When Couples [words 34] that all three players had gone where they did so that they would have the best angle for their second shots. They took the Valley out of play and were hitting back into the wind. Alex disagreed, again on air, which is a bit of a no-no. Anyway, Fred is interviewed. Clive Clark told him there had been some disagreement over the way he had played the last hole. So Fred says he was trying to hit a low hook up the left so that he would have the best angle and be hitting into the wind. When we came back to the commentary box, I was expecting Alex to say something about it. So I thought, Mate, you're not getting away with this. So I said, "Well, Alex, I guess that's why I played on the tour, and you were [words 35] pro. "As a commentator, you've been critical of many American players' reluctance to travel outside the U. There [words 36] money in America, the rest of the world isn't getting to see the best players. I get the feeling the Americans think golf is an American game. I think they have a responsibility to promote the game worldwide. If you took Tiger out of it, the money there wouldn't be nearly as big. And the playing strength suddenly [words 37] as good. They really haven't got many great players at the moment. When Tiger gets bored and goes off to be President of the U. Maybe I see things too much through Australian eyes, but to get to the top in anything we have always had to travel. We're stuck out here [words 38] and have no choice. But now we've reached the stage where the Americans don't think they have to travel anymore. I remember asking Tom Kite if he was going to the (British) Open. He said he wasn't; it was too expensive. If he went, he would have stayed at Greywalls (a luxury hotel next to the course) and taken the Concorde over. So no bloody wonder it was expensive! And he still has the first cent he [words 39] South Africans and the Australians have caught up. And the Asians are coming. I looked at the PGA Tour money list recently, and 15 of the top 20 were non-Americans. Take out Tiger and maybe Mickelson - who I can't stand - and you're left with Furyk and those sorts of blokes who are hardly superstars. It's just a personal thing. The guy always seems a bit false to me. I probably don't know him well enough to really pass judgment. He's not the only one, of course. And in all jobs [words 40] some you don't like. Right now he probably is. The best junior I've seen - and I've been involved at that level since 1979 - is Jason Day. I don't think there's a better young player technically. But there's more to it than hitting a golf ball. How do you define greatness in a player? Is someone like Trevino, who had so many shots, a greater player than Nicklaus in some ways? I compare Nicklaus with Tiger. He was very long in his early days. He could hit it in the rough and get it out; his downswing was so steep. And Jack wasn't the straightest off the tee. They talk [words 41] moments, too. The shot at Royal Melbourne was the best, I think. He was in a deep bunker, and he had bushes in his way. He must have been 50 meters from the green. So he got on his knees and knocked it to about eight feet. Off his knees! I was standing on the next tee watching it all. I knew him well and just shook my head and called him a freak. Actually, I'm sure I used a different word. It's a [words 42] way he is now. Talk about Greg, but what about him? [words 43] of watching them all hit 2-irons off the tee - they're like sheep, most pros. Actually, that's one thing I learned playing with Weiskopf and Nicklaus at Carnoustie in '75. We got to the ninth hole, a long par 4. Tom hit [words 44] off the tee. I didn't hit a 4-iron, but I certainly revised my tactics on that hole. Let's talk about that week at Carnoustie, where you lost the playoff to Tom Watson. Weiskopf was a good pal of mine back then, and he challenged John O'Leary and me to a game on the Tuesday. He said he'd bring a partner. So John and I [words 45] first tee the next day. Tom appeared at noon. But he didn't have a partner. Then all I see is thousands of people running toward us. They took us to the cleaners. Tom shot 65 and Jack was 66. But I watched them carefully. I noticed something they both did with their putting. Both had their hands higher [words 46] to seeing. So I worked on that for hours on the Tuesday evening. Later, I played with Nicklaus in the third [words 47] 65. I was rolling the nugget pretty well. After signing my card, he said to me - I [words 48] until the day I die - "I felt like I was taking 80 out there today. " For a guy of his stature to show that sort of humility showed me what [words 49] is. What moments from that week stay with you today? When I walked onto the 16th tee (a par 3 that was 235 yards) of the [words 50] groups standing there. It was like a who's who of world golf. Johnny Miller was there. Standing around waiting that long didn't help me. And it's a hard hole anyway. (Newton bogeyed [words 51] 17. As all that was going on, Watson holed a big putt at the last for a birdie. So I needed 4 to tie. In the [words 52] at the short eighth hole, Watson hooked his tee shot, and it was headed over the fence out-of-bounds. But [words 53] dropped down. He still didn't have much of a shot, but he got it on the green and holed from 25 feet for a 3. I remember that! Yeah. I've always been a bit of a fatalist, so I guess he was meant to win. When it's your turn, it's your turn. [words 54] a little bit raw. I was only 25 and hadn't had a lot of experience at that end of a major. I do a [words 55] speaking. There's big money in motivational speaking. I'm not keen on it, though. I just find it strange to stand in front of 200 car salesmen or whatever, punching the air and telling them to get motivated to sell more cars. I've never regarded myself as inspirational in that manner. But there are some who do. I've certainly heard it often enough, about how people have been inspired by what I've done. The people who have been dealt some bad cards need encouragement more than sympathy. I don't like the sympathy angle. That's what I usually say. All I do is suggest they get help from their friends and family. People are nearly always wonderful when [words 56] your hand up and ask for help. When I was just out of the hospital, one of my friends said to me how wonderful people can be when you're in trouble. So when I needed help, I asked for it. There's no point in being ashamed to ask. I didn't know her, but she was a lovely girl. I [words 57] in. She had overdosed on something. I can't understand that. There I was doing all I could to live, and this bird is trying to kill herself. It turned out she had had an argument with her boyfriend. The poor bastard in the bed on the other side of me had been hit by a garbage truck. There wasn't a mark on him. But he was in a coma. Amazingly, I ran into his brother in Brisbane a couple of years ago. The guy had just died. He lay in that coma for more than 20 years. ## Never regained consciousness. Some things are hard to understand. But I do know that I can't comprehend ever feeling so bad that I'd be trying to knock myself off. Did you [words 58] attitude helped you after the accident? Do you think the human spirit can overcome the physical? That's a bit technical for me. I'm just a simple bloke. Those sorts of powers are beyond me. Either you want to live or you don't. And I wanted to - very badly. This is the 124th Golf Digest Interview in a series that dates to 1991. For highlights of previous interviews, click here. A sneak peek at Gleneagles reveals an [words 59] Scotland - Golf Digest. Bot: words 1: induced words 2: passed out words 3: with words 4: 'round again that I realized exactly words 5: in intensive words 6: room - and seeing a words 7: chance of words 8: not words 9: guy who did all my facial stuff was words 10: very highly words 11: was only under local words 12: all the messages I words 13: And Jackie and words 14: about a psychologist he words 15: Hollows, told me that the bottom words 16: things over words 17: write, tie my shoelaces, all words 18: hard-nosed character you see on the words 19: I words 20: made me words 21: Ian Stanley is a words 22: the propeller off the plane that hit words 23: again is words 24: the PGA words 25: on shots words 26: I was going to make a words 27: in course words 28: but give them a words 29: it to be words 30: about today's words 31: want to words 32: the last words 33: on the same words 34: hit his drive, I had said, on air, words 35: a teaching words 36: is so much words 37: doesn't look nearly words 38: in the Pacific Ocean words 39: ever made! The Europeans, the words 40: you come across some people you like and words 41: about Seve being wild, but Jack had his words 42: shame to see Seve the words 43: To be honest, I'm sick words 44: a 4-iron words 45: are on the words 46: than I was used words 47: round and shot words 48: will remember this words 49: a great bloke he words 50: final round, there were like four words 51: 16 and words 52: (18-hole) playoff, words 53: it hit a wire and words 54: I was probably words 55: lot of public words 56: you stick words 57: remember her being wheeled words 58: think that words 59: American golf course that happens to be in
User: Fill in the missing words: I'm running TCP/IP under OS/2 thru a slip right now in fact. My first suggestion is make sure you are up to date on the Corrective Services, and then edit SETUP. CMD and don't have it start the SLIP nor SLIPTERM at all. Until you get it up and running do it manually. This is the procedure I use: I have the SLIP and SLIPTERM and TCP/IP Starup as WPS objects. I have the cmd-line for SLIP with all the configs including the -MODEM setting to autodial my service. Then, when SLIP is loaded I click SLIPTERM and do my login (this can be automated later using the attachements, but for now do it by hand so you can ... working. And then I enter my login info, when the service reports that the slip is active between the IP addresses I press Function10 and then I click on PM-PING to check and see if it is working. don't let the docs make it seem difficult. I did, and it took me a while to recover my wits. :) I am currently assisting a project which run under 2 different platforms. They are HP with UNIX and PC with iRMX. We have a host run under the UNIX machine and several subsystem run under iRMX machine. all of these subsystems will rely on a heavy message passing mechanism for conversation, from host to subsystem/from subsystem to host/from subsystem to subsystem. All those iRMX machine are equipted with iNA 961 and they are connected by ethernet. Assistant: words 1: see that it's User: Fill in the missing spans: We are thinking about writing a protocol converter whch try to solve the problem of connecting all those iRMX machine and the UNIX machine. And the other alternative is upgrading the iRMX to include TCP/IP stack. So far, we have no pointer to this critical(for us) problem. Can any people out their give me some [spans 1] reference. ANy asistance will be highly appreciated! ! ! ! What I am doing is writting a large file to an image field using SqlWriteText, and SqlMoreText. After about 40,000 characters I get a However, if I step through the code, everything works correctly. Also if I run exactly the same code using Named Pipes I do not get 1) Ensure you are running ONLY TCP/IP as your protocol, and that TCP/IP Sockets is chosen as your Net-Library.4) Select a database on this server (if it says the table does not exist say yes to it's creation). Well, what's your definition of small? After firing up Windows and doing a DOS Shell, mem/c reports around 480k free. We've been pretty satisfied with PC/NFS (current version is 5.1 I think. I would recommend it to anyone although it tends to be a bit expensive. Can anyone give some prices? We looked at Wollongong but decided it wasn't good enough for our needs. Another problem with Wollongong was the inability to have a user log in and then log out (from what the guys at work tell me:)|> Well, what's your definition of small? After firing up Windows and doing a DOS Shell, mem/c reports around 480k free. i'm sure i must be missing something but ERRNO requests thru getsocket always seems to contain a zero (and the function call always executes with rc=0). I would induce errors such as killing the server to see the result of this call on the client. At the suggestion that an error indicator might take some time to arrive at the client, I would put a sleep between the client write and subsequent read. any [spans 2] it. Is there an easy answer or is it in a FAQ (if so, where). >When two processes are communicating using sockets, how does one end know if the other end [spans 3] it. ## Enterprise Management Summit. Several people asked for e-mail replies when I got the info. Enough people that I decided to post it back to the groups that helped me get the details. I have gotten some information from them whichAdmittedly this is a broad topic; any information, including the names of documents/studies, or the names of individuals, would be most helpful. Does anyone have experience with sending large amounts of data over a single TCP connection on a T1 Geo-Satellite Hop? The problem lies in the fact that the Geo T1 provides 1.536 Mbps but a 500 msec round trip delay, forcing your TCP buffer sizes to about 95K for maximum throughput. Standard TCP limits you to 64K, and a lot of TCP packages (i. PSOS PNA) limit you to 32K max buffer size. Other than using some specialized TCP package with extended buffer sizes, is there anything you can do? I require a Unix (generic System V, BSD) software that will re-direct Unix printqueues to a specific port on a terminal server. This must be done through TCP/IP. The terminal server is a Datability VCP 300. I have the [spans 4] tcpxfer. c, but they will not compile on a Sparc with Solaris 2. >I require a Unix (generic System V, BSD) software that will re-direct Unix printqueues to a specific port on a terminal server. >I have the Datability shareware programs tcpxfer. ## Currently working with protocols and implementation of protocols. Wondering if anyone is aware of any public domain software that has been developed to aid in the design of protocols. I am starting this posting as I have been on hold for exactly one hour waiting to speak to a sales representative from FTP Software. I have had problems with them before where they have discontinued a product with no advance notice and refused assist in any way to alleviate the problems which resulted. Does anyone know another vendor which can provide the same features as the latest release PC/TCP product? I prefer not to do business with companies providing such poor service. I have tried to eliminate the problem by changing the temp and tmp variables in my autoexec. bat file but that doesn't seem to help. No matterthe example case I gave in my original post (above). This is a machine independent problem. It happens on a SLIP connection at home as well as the ethernetAnd that i originally wanted to acquire this in grey but given that they had been outside of it, I picked the blue. I really like the colour of the and I'd [spans 5] blue. I do think it was a more sensible choice in the long run since the pop of colour actually livened up my House. I live in a little condominium and I required someplace for the grandkids to sleep when they're right here. They equally match on this futon very well plus they adore sleeping on it. It took just a few minutes to established it up and it was easy to do. If they expend the evening, I lay the [spans 6] sheet. Can't make up your mind? Consider 7 of our best sellers which has a hand-picked variety of VeganSmart versions. This Wide range Pack options seven single serving packets of our prospects' favorites. Security begins in this article. Safeguard your major dwelling location and regulate the rooms most used by Little ones or a pet with Canary's award-winning, all-in-one particular High definition stability camera with inbuilt siren and air watch. Includes: 2 Canary units. and it's so comfortable it matches to the many home furniture I've gotten. The color is precisely the way it appears at the images. Delivery assistance was amazing. The Adult men wore protecting covering on shoes when coming into your house. Love it! ! ! I believe it is actually perfect for the money. Rony OlisinThe Canary would be the eyes and ears of your home while you are absent. It could stream true-time movie which has a 1080p HD camera, 147° extensive-angle lens, evening vision, and substantial-high-quality audio. And with instant [spans 7] emergencies. Then the Canary Flex offers you the versatility to position the digicam indoors or outdoor which can get the job done wire-free or plugged in. One particular application, total stability: All Canary devices seamlessly combine while in the Canary app. [spans 8] views. See all videos and home exercise arranged in a straightforward-to-navigate timeline. Complete-length videos commence when motion is detected and previous right up [spans 9] finishes. Online video clips start when motion is detected and final for around 30 seconds. Can't make a decision? Check out 7 of our best sellers having a hand-picked collection of VeganSmart® versions. This Wide range Pack attributes 7 solitary serving packets of our buyers' favorites. The highly adaptable Canary Flex stability camera gives dwelling safety peace of mind. It is weatherproof click resources to resist the hardest out of doors aspects, but Similarly happy indoors, and with mains or rechargeable battery ability It can be no cost to generally be placed anyplace. Canary Membership Demo bundled: Membership extends your protection with 30-day online video record, focused incident guidance staff plus much more. ## Exceptional companies for further protection. All this will likely have you up and managing in no time, and all for just completing a few steps within the widget below! Amazon - the best offers on just about anything from Bluetooth speakers and headphones, to kitchen appliances, groceries, pet materials and pretty much every thing betweenAutomatic garage doors are no longer a convenience for [spans 10] install. Here are a number of factors to consider when choosing a garage door. The Type of Drive System 1. Screw-drive System The screw-drive system has a lifting apparatus that moves the length of a steel rod. The system [spans 11] parts. The system body is mounted in the garage ceiling. The cost for screw-drive system is generally more than $150 and less than $200. Chain-drive system The chain-drive system has a metal chain lifting the garage door up or down along a set of tracks. ## The chain-drive system is the most common and usually the most affordable system. The chain-drive is priced in the range of $100 to $170. On the downside, the chain drive system makes more noise than the screw-drive system. The chain drive system is mounted in the garage ceiling. Chain drive mechanism: By far the most popular and affordable opening device. ## Computer-controlled system The computer-controlled drive system uses no screws or chain. The body of the system is mounted directly above the door. Having the system mounted above the door helps in garages that have low headroom. Also, it provides more ceiling space which can be used for storage. The type of power Select a motor with enough power to raise your door. Have at least a motor with ½ hp if you have a double door. A large motor is likely to last longer. Try to find a motor with a "soft" start and stop. It operates more quietly and minimizes the wear and tear. The speed The more expensive garage door opens much faster, cutting down the waiting time on your driveway. The quicker opening model still closes at a slower speed for safety. Consider how much [spans 12] models. Safety concerns All garage doors have a safety feature that prevents the door from pinning objects. The door reverses in direction if they hit something. The safety feature is mandated by federal law. The safety feature is triggered by an electronic beam. The computer-controlled mechanism measures the optimal operating time and speed of the door. It can detect and compensate for varying conditions – like if the door is coming in to contact with an [spans 13] fast. Security features The newer generation of garage doors use random codes for enhancing security. Each time the remote is used to open the garage door, a new random code is generated. The security feature prevents you from opening your neighbor's garage door and vice versa. The random code prevents code theft. If the power is out, all garage doors have a manual that will open the door. A few high-end models have a function that allows the door to open just a little bit so that your dog or cat can get out. The remote control Several models use a single-button [spans 14] doors. The multiple button remote control is the best choice for people with several garages, each with its own door. The fixed controller The fixed controller is mounted to the wall either inside or outside near the garage door. The fixed controller allows the door to be opened without a remote controller. The fixed controller usually does not come with the standard kit, it is usually an accessory. The keypad provides you a means to lock the door for a specified amount of time, like when you are away on a trip. Another function [spans 15] door. The keypad provides a lot of time to exit on foot without running, dodging the electronic beam and the garage door. Lighting Many garage doors have a security light that turns on as you turn on the system. The light stays on just long enough for you to step out of your vehicle and get into the house. Most remotes have [spans 16]. Assistant: spans 1: pointer about this and maybe a book recomendation for me as a spans 2: thoughts on what I could be overlooking? When two processes are communicating using sockets, how does one end know if the other end dies/closes socket ? I've heard of SIGURG but can't find any further info on spans 3: dies/closes socket ? > I've heard of SIGURG but can't find any further info on spans 4: Datability shareware programs spans 5: phone it a teal spans 6: cushions down and placed on a equipped spans 7: movie alerts despatched straight to your iOS or Android device, you'll be able to reply to incidents just before they become probable spans 8: Basically swipe to modify concerning spans 9: until the movement spans 10: only a few, the new generation of garage door is reasonably priced, safe and simple to spans 11: requires little maintenance due to the very few moving spans 12: you are willing to spend for the quicker spans 13: obstruction or closing too spans 14: remote control, while others use a remote with multiple buttons that can open multiple garage spans 15: is delayed closing, a brief pause between pushing the button and the closing of the spans 16: buttons that turns on the light without opening the door
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Just purchased my new boat, considering offers.1994 Grady-White Adventure 208 - Stock #117943 - Grady White Adventurer 208 with 2015 Evinrude E-Tec with 60 hours If you are in the market for a walkaround, look no further than this 1994 Grady-White Adventure 208, just reduced to $22,500 (offers encouraged). This boat is located in Brooklyn, New York and is in good condition. She is also equipped with a Evinrude engine that has only 150 hours.2005 Grady-White 330 Express - Stock #004653 - Fully Equipped Fishing Machine! If you are in the market for a walkaround, look no further than this 2005 Grady-White 330 Express, just reduced to $112,000 (offers encouraged). This vessel is located in Brooklyn, New York and is in decent condition. She is also equipped with twin Yamaha engines that have 420 hours. We are looking for people all ove. This slipcover brings the luxury of suede down to earth, making it easy to care for and affordable. Designed for everyday in a relaxed, easygoing fit. 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Looks as it was presented and the material and color are great. The size was expected and price was reasonable for the quality. If only they had more colors. This Sure Fit Soft Suede Box Cushion Sofa Slipcover is perfect. I ordered it after I purchased the black one in the store. I absolutely love it and get. Implements on it all the time! It looks expensive. Best of all, it is priced far below comparable sofa slipcover. I love my this sofa slipcover. This one is beautiful and well crafted. ## Everything fits perfectly. This is a very good quality item. Very happy with my new sofa slipcover. I'd been shopping for a new sofa slipcover and found the prices to be very high from some retailers. I love love love this product. This is a wonderful sofa slipcover. True to size, comfortable, Very pleased. I got this for my 25 year old daughter for work. She loves it! She ordered two more in different colors. I started this blog as an attempt to be real, an unveiling of my true identity in Christ as I embarked on a new journey of healing, resting in the arms of my Abba Daddy. But, as with every journey, you must start by at least glancing at where you have been in order to realize the significance and the importance of how you got to where you are now. After all, nobody wants to repeat the past, but we do learn from it and through His grace we are not defined by our past, present or future. I'm learning on this journey, we are defined not by where we are going in this life, but by Who we travel with. For as long as I can remember, I have never, successfully, slept through an entire night. I define “night” as climbing in bed, allowing myself to escape reality and consciousness and truly put myself into a vulnerable state to the non-sleeping, very conscious world. You could say I had a lot of trust and security issues. I prided myself on the ability to always be “on-guard” and the battle cry to protect my heart was my life song for, well, as long as I can possibly remember. One of the hardest, most painful lies that I have discovered that I have built my life around is this:And throughout my life, I built up walls because of this belief that was being drilled into my soul that I was not and never would be wanted for who I was as a person – my life is a failure (note the term “being” – for me it was a continual lie I felt “being” communicated to me over and over in my life. Input: Generate more: not just a single or even a few disconnected events . but a daily reality). In my awake and conscious state I was a mistake, someone that was accidentally here in life and my goal was to simply pretend like I knew what I was doing without drawing too much attention . because deep down I knew I was a failure. Not only could I relate to these lies at a very young age, I believed them and built my life around them. After all, if we really do have a loving God – you know, the one you learn about in Sunday School . that God doesn't allow mistakes to happen. That loving God doesn't and can't accept failures. That loving God wanted no relationship with someone like me . I even spent time doing ministry for this God in an effort to apoligize for my failure in life and hope that maybe . just maybe that God would give me a taste of what real love felt like. I saw people all around me that seemed to get it and I didn't. I just assumed this true rest . the concept of unconditional love was something meant (at least for me) to be experienced in Heaven and not on earth. And yes, I acknowledge now that I allowed myself to become so angry at God that it took looking at the picture of my kids to simply get through the day . but I knew one day they would see what a failure I was too. And by writing this post – by posting this blog, I truly believe I am not the only one that has felt this way in life. Yes, you reader, I believe if you can't relate, there is someone in your little world that has never allowed themselves to experience Gods love before. Yes, people like that do exist and the call to make disciples by simply sharing Christ's love – that's very real too. In fact, if it weren't for the few, daring, authentic and passionate God chasers in my life that literally kept loving, kept calling, kept emailing, kept praying . if it weren't for these few there is no doubt in my mind that this post would not be a reality. keep loving – in the name of Jesus, dear friends, please keep loving those that seem like the hardest to love because they (we) truly are the ones that need to experience it the most. I'm going to leave you hanging here for just a minute while I paint a parallel between my place in life and a story I really connected deeply with this week on my journey . In John chapter 8 we meet a woman in the brink of a life crisis. Though John doesn't mention anything about her past (this story wasn't even included in the earliest manuscripts which makes me even more curious as to who this woman was that this event was added later . it was that important, that crucial, that significant that these men of God changed what was already being shared in order to add this account in . something big is going on here! ). The previous day, John records that the teachers of the Law were debating exactly who this Jesus was. In fact, most of the town was questioning, debating his identity (see John 7). I wonder where this woman was in this debate. I wonder who she thought Jesus was on the evening before her life was revealed. I wonder if she had hope. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say? ” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. (John 8:3-6 NIV)This woman a few hours previously before meeting Jesus, decided that a man could fill a part of her need to be known, her need to be accepted, and her need to be loved in this way. She knew it was wrong. She knew it wasn't the way things were supposed to be. She knew she was failing while in that very moment . yet, for some reason, she gave in. Why? I'm wondering if this woman, like myself, felt incredibly trapped and defined by the lies that were so drilled into her heart, that she lost hope in the idea of a Savior. I'm wondering if deep down, in the depths of this woman's soul, that she dreamed of a day she could be loved, seen for the very person the Creator made her to be. A day where she could quit trying to find her place in this world, but where she could simply rest and live in peace. After the teachers of the law had her dragged from her moment of trying to earn acceptance, she was put into a mob of complete humiliation and condemnation. By looking at the words of these men, they had already decided what “women like her” deserved. They had labeled her by what they saw on the outside! They most likely used her as a setup for their own selfish gain. If you can take the biggest failure in your life (or your belief that your entire life is a failure that you know deep down is the secret to the way you have been living) . take that and picture another person dragging you into the center of the town and announcing your secret to everyone. And did you notice friends that these men were so stuck in trying to trick Jesus, that they made this woman STAND in front of Jesus and the crowd. I wonder if she had the strength – I wouldn't. I wonder if she had friends there in that moment holding her up to Jesus (again, your love for those that seem un-lovable allows them to see (or stand to see) Jesus). Now, I'm seeing this event in the woman's shoes here – most likely fearing for her very life, seeing those that she did so well masking her true identity to standing in the crowd, sweat and tears become mixed in the heat of the day . at that moment, in all reality, if I were her, I would have wanted to die. She went from a false acceptance by one man, to a crowd of rejection and immediate condemnation with no room to explain or defend herself. There were no attorneys present that day – yet the Judge ruled in the flesh. Again, at that moment when these angry men of really no authority gave the judicial right to Jesus – the very One who actually has the authority over heaven and earth . I wonder if the woman met the eyes of Jesus . I wonder if she saw His eyes through . I wonder if her eyes followed His as He looked down to the ground and wrote. I wonder if her heart pounded during those moments of silence. this ain't American Idol . the silence of those moments could only be heard by the thumping of her heartbeat . As this woman STANDS there, waiting for His verdict . I wonder if in the moment of her mask-less nakedness, if she might have found hope . really searched for hope that this man, this Rabbi, the One that she heard may be the Christ, the Chosen One, the King . if He really was, what would He say? When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, ... Output: The completion of this text could be: with the woman still standing there. (John 8:7-9 NIV)As the woman STOOD there in terror, surrounded by those that had already condemned her, with her fate resting on the shoulders of a possible Messiah she might have been meeting for the very first time (wow – what a way to meet Jesus with your heart already out for Him to see . Jesus stands up on her level and doesn't even say anything to her! In a moment that this woman was supposed to be condemned, Jesus doesn't even acknowledge her! Instead, he puts these men, these leaders who “think” they have the power . he gives them permission to use it . a really, really, really big addendum. yes, still STANDING . watches on, her heart pounding all the more louder as she hears Jesus say,As she STOOD there, her heart pounding, perhaps even shutting her eyes and bracing for the pain, she was met with a different sound . the sound of rocks dropping to the ground and feet walking away. The sound of Jesus writing in the dust. The sound of gasps and perhaps sobs. I can only imagine the utter confusion this woman might have felt in that moment. I wonder if she was still bracing as she saw Jesus rise her to her feet and meet her eyes. I wonder if she was so afraid at this point that she could no longer think for herself. I wonder if she was still fighting inside, unable to rest that this was real – this was actually happening. She was revealed and yet not put to death. She was still living and breathing . Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you? ” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:10, 11 NIV)Ok . PAUSE – I wonder if she believed this was the Messiah after having this conversation. She acknowledges that Jesus had sent her enemies packing . but what she might have been feeling is accepted and seen for who she was by a man . for the very first time. It took going through hell to experience standing near a taste of Heaven. Jesus tells this woman, most likely on the brink of falling over from standing during all of this . He tells her to “Go” . but not back to the way she was. In all reality, she couldn't. All of these people could no longer condemn her. She knew she could no longer satisfy her need for love and acceptance in the same way. She also, no doubt, had to know more about Jesus. But what troubles me is Jesus' telling this woman to leave her life of sin. a tall order for a woman who has been standing for so long. How could she just leave this behind? How could she find real love and acceptance in the midst of her now publicly known failures? Jesus was about to show her through His victory over the cross. He somewhat gave her something to look forward to by instructing her to leave her life of sin. She knew that perfection was so out of her reach. She was going to be reminded of her failure by the entire town. Jesus gave this woman and all of us a way to define ourselves by Who we belong to, instead of our failures. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:1, 2 NIV)For those that accept their true calling as His Children, we are in Christ. When the God of the Universe looks down at you, even in this very moment, He sees His Child . Not only that, this God loves you so much, that He trusts His life giving Spirit to live inside of you . I'll be truthful – I still wrestle with that thought. Gods spirit is in me . this once failure houses Gods spirit . the God of the Universe . the very One that made the stars to shine at night, the One Who saw value in me way before I saw it in myself . that God trusts me this much that His Spirit of life kicks my failures as far as the East is from the West so I can live my life as His Child! ! ! This woman who once felt trapped, alone, defined by her failures and condemned by everyone . now saw the love of God displayed in a way that was so overwhelming. It had to change her. Jesus forgave her before the cross . BOOM! Instant best seller and that my friend is how her story got back into His story 🙂I mentioned a bit of my story above. Gods love ambushed me recently when others helped me dig beneath the surface and really discover who I really believed I was. It was at that moment that I really, for the first time sought a Savior. When I was able to really stand before the many lies of my life that told me “I'm not wanted” I realized how much He fought for me to not only WANT me, but to free me from the bondage of constantly trying to earn my own freedom! I was SO tired, yet had nowhere safe to really rest. This is all still really fresh and new to me BUT . for the first time in my life, I can sleep through the night. For the first time in my life, I can be open, truthful, vulnerable and whole. For the first time in my life I really know WHO I AM . and friends, let me assure you of this . and He is right there, in the middle of your messy, failed life. He knows your failures and He calls you His Child. He offers you a much better way to achieve true freedom. Oh, and He is the only way you can ever really STAND against your condemnation. Let His love protect you, define you, uplift you and hold you securely on His shoulders. Life really is better from up here. Mary – I think I decided to hold off on the book for a bit. I really wish I could just blog like this for a while! It's SO much fun! So, maybe a book in the future . or whatever God decides to do! Oh, for the God Chasers in our lives! I was truly wrapped up in your story because so many parts of that feeling “not enough” resonate. But, for our God, who loves us so! Thank you so much for sharing this part of yourself with us! Thanks for your words! It encourages me to know that there are others out there that can relate to both ends of this story! I agree with Mary! I felt like I was reading a chapter out of a book! This was awesome 🙂 I can relate to those feelings of failure growing up. I used to not be able to sleep too. Isn't our God amazing! ? ! Glad you can relate to this too! We will see if God opens the doors to writing a book, but right now I'm enjoying my blog time! This was beautiful, Bethany! I agree, definitely could be woven into a book. 😉 This really resonated with me because I, too, have struggled with feelings of failure, felt unworthy of God's love, etc. I went through this Proverbs 31 Bible study as well and it was awesome. I'm also doing Living So That and had one of those moments a couple of weeks ago where I received a fresh revelation of God's love. (Reading John, too) I believe there's no way we can possibly understand God's love but when he gives us little glimpses we are completely blown away. Rejuvenated, at peace, filled with joy. Thanks for sharing this! Powerful stuff here.
Human: Fill in words: The JSON Web Encryption JSON Serialization (JWE-JS) is a means of representing encrypted content using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data structures. This specification [words 1] means of representing secured content as a JSON data object (as opposed to the JWE specification, which uses a compact serialization with a URL-safe representation). It enables the same content to be encrypted to multiple parties (unlike JWE). ## Cryptographic algorithms and identifiers used with this specification are described in the separate JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) specification. The JSON Web Encryption JSON Serialization (JWE-JS) is a format for representing encrypted content as a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) (RFC4627) (Crockford, D. “The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON),” July 2006. It enables the same content to be encrypted to multiple parties (unlike JWE (JWE) (Jones, M. Hildebrand, “JSON Web Encryption (JWE),” December 2012. The encryption mechanisms are independent of the type of content being encrypted. Cryptographic algorithms and identifiers used with this specification are described in the separate JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) (JWA) (Jones, M. “JSON Web Algorithms (JWA),” December 2012. Sakimura, “JSON Web Signature JSON Serialization (JWS-JS),” December 2012. This specification uses the same terminology as the JSON Web Encryption (JWE) (JWE) (Jones, M. Unlike the compact serialization used by JWEs, content using the JSON Serialization MAY be encrypted to more than [words 2] recipient. a JWE Encrypted Key value used to encrypt the ciphertext; this is represented as an Encoded JWE Encrypted Key value in the encrypted_key [words 3] the recipients array. This has the desirable result that each Encoded JWE Encrypted Key value in the recipients array and each Encoded JWE Integrity Value in the same array element are identical to the values that would have been computed for the same parameters in a JWE, as is the [words 4] value. The keys used for the first recipient are the same as those in Appendix A.2 of (JWE) (Jones, M. as is the plaintext used. [words 5] for the second recipient is the same as that used in Appendix A.1 of (JWE) (Jones, M. ; the block encryption [words 6] the second recipient are the same as those for the first recipient (which must be the case, since the initialization vector and ciphertext are shared). JSON serializations for encrypted content were previously explored by JSON Simple Encryption (Bradley, J. ## Sakimura (editor), “JSON Simple Encryption,” September 2010. (JSE) and JavaScript Message Security Format (Rescorla, E. ## Hildebrand, “JavaScript Message Security Format,” March 2011. Changed to use an array of structures for per-recipient values, rather than a set of parallel arrays. Promoted Initialization Vector from being a header parameter to being a top-level JWE element. This saves approximately 16 bytes in the compact serialization, which is a significant savings for some use cases. Promoting the Initialization Vector out of the header also avoids repeating this shared value in the JSON serialization. Tracked changes between JOSE JWE draft -00 and -01, which added an integrity check for non-Authenticated [words 7] algorithms. Sometimes a stranger can provide the most effective solution to your problem in relationships ExpertAlong with [words 8] Resources, I have more than 10 years of experience working as a Human Resource Professional. Major part of my role is coaching employees and managers, complaint investigation and conflict resolution. As part of my role I coach managers to help employees to manage work life balance and manage personal and professional lives in effective way. Personally being in several relationships and finally being in a happy and successful marriage has taught me many things which a degree or work experience won't bring. I will bring a fresh (you may call it my own) perspective from my work and life experiences coupled with my spiritual inclination. I am not here to advise you on what is right and wrong. I am not a moral teacher. However, if you are looking for a friend [words 9] you and help you find your best way to deal with the situation you [words 10] relationship/life, you have come to the right place. It is very much better to go with leading USB Flash drives as they help in terms of supplying [words 11] needs. The companies which are leading in the USB industry can also meet every urgent requirement even at the last minute for branding and also any [words 12] match the data upload which can be done in 48 hours and that time frame. You can get custom shaped flash drives in the form of cards, keys, pens, and leather, metal, plastic and also [words 13] types. When you go with the wristband-type flash drives, you can always wear it on your hands and keep all the data safe and secure. If you want to keep even more secure, those pen drives can also be encrypted and stored along with passwords so nobody can get inside the files and precious data which is stored on the Flash drives. The files and the data inside the custom USB sticks can be safely encrypted using the 256 [words 14] of encryption which is hard to crack for anybody and the data can be secured with maximum security. Many USB flash drive manufacturers also offer services like content duplication service. You can get the content duplicated to USB's if you already own the Flash drives. They can able to provide flash drives explicitly formatted in a way where the data cannot be deleted from the drives by the end user. Password protection is also offered using the 256-bit encryption in which you can restrict to people. The delivery is possible all [words 15] also in a practical time frame, some of the leading companies are in work can be done as they are in [words 16] years. Our self-directed, fully distance certificate program gives you flexibility to work at your [words 17] get the results you want to advance your career. Divided into 10 lessons and 10 assignments our BC Electrical Code course offers you access to tutorial help. ## [words 18] of the rules and regulations governing Canadian electrical work, installation and the calculations you'll need. Divided into 5 lessons and 5 assignments our BC Low Energy Code course offers you access to tutorial help. You'll [words 19] and regulations governing Low Energy electrical work. Each level of training consists of a full-time (30 hours per week), seven-week, on-campus program of study. Activities include classroom sessions where apprentices learn theoretical principles [words 20] where knowledge is put to use in the mastery of practical skills. Students engage in a variety of classroom and shop activities. Theoretical principles of construction are learned in the classroom, while the majority of the time is spent in the shop where students learn and gain mastery of practical carpentry skills. Early activities [words 21] projects where students learn safe practices, proper tool use and fundamental construction techniques. ## Gradually, students build structures of increased complexity that simulate real-world construction scenarios. Each level of training consists of a full-time, ten-week, on-campus program of study. Laboratory sessions provide apprentices with the opportunity to observe electrical concepts and reinforce learning. This 24-week program will provide students, even those with little or no [words 22] to seek employment in the trades as an apprentice electrician. The program teaches aspects of residential, commercial and industrial wiring with a focus on residential. In our supportive and creative environment, you'll have unique [words 23] solid foundation in this refined profession. We'll teach you woodworking operations basics and technological advancements to develop your personal areas of interest [words 24] craft. This nine-month program prepares students for apprenticeship positions in the cabinet makers (joiners) trade or for careers [words 25] builders. In our on-site, real-world shop, you'll apply your knowledge and learn the mechanics of trucks, commercial transport vehicles and heavy equipment. You'll engage in a variety of classroom and shop activities, learning theoretical principles of vehicle mechanics in the classroom. Students earn Level One technical training credit towards the Metal Fabricator apprenticeship. Assistant: words 1: describes a words 2: one words 3: member of the same object in words 4: shared JWE Ciphertext words 5: The asymmetric encryption key used words 6: keys and parameters for words 7: Encryption words 8: my Masters Degree in Human words 9: who will listen to words 10: are facing in your words 11: Branded USB flash drives for all types of words 12: other supplier cannot words 13: wristband words 14: bit AES level words 15: over the world, and words 16: the business for at least ten words 17: own pace and words 18: You'll learn about the fundamentals words 19: learn about the fundamentals of the rules words 20: of carpentry, and shop sessions words 21: include the fabrication of small words 22: experience, with the necessary skills words 23: opportunities to gain a words 24: and perfect your words 25: as fine furniture
<prompter> Fill in the missing spans: As I was browsing through Youtube for some meaningless random shit to put up for [spans 1] Heigl. Apparently Kathy made a movie in 2006 which has the bizarre title of Zyzzyx Road and stars Kathy as a cleavagely afflicted woman of some sort and Tom Sizemore as her violent ex-boyfriend. Apparently Tom finds her in a hotel with another man, kills the man and drives to the desert in order to bury the body along the titular road. But, upon digging the grave, Tom finds that the body is missing from the trunk (Dun! Dun! Dunnnnn! ) Tom engages in a pursuit of the dead guy who isn't and dirty secrets are learned. Tom, you just can't do anything right. It doesn't sound like a good movie nor even one that could induce me to watch Kathy's delightful jiggle but it does exist so here's the trailer. Why would I bother you with this delightful little turd of a movie? According to IMDB this powerhouse feature made all of $20. That's right, twenty dollars. The same amount as I pay two of my kids for allowance. Less money than an average family spends on a fast-food meal and even less money than I found on the sidewalk last month. If only Heigl had remained in these terrible pictures that we know nothing about we could have been spared the septic sludge she's been pedaling for the past four years. I need to know who to blame and whether they prefer their flaming moose poo in plastic or paper. Before this episode even started, I was excited - now that's something new. The way (in previews) that Hastings yelled "Security! " made my heart feel jumpy. Seeing Kayla being readied for a beheading video - straight out of past headlines - hit a nerve (and made me wish for the beheading of several other characters). And hearing the words "a twist" always, er, gets my panties in a twist, so there's that! But they frakking wussed out and went for a plastic bag! Seriously? A Ziploc is the new terrorist weapon of choice? Someone get the FAA on this, and I guess we'll have to find something else in which to carry on all our teeny bottles of stuff when we fly. While the episode was a standout in terms of the main plot being moved forward with some good tension and an actual surprise or two, I just wanted to laugh when I saw the plastic bag. I suppose the writers could have been worried a beheading threat would be too realistic or true to life, and therefore upsetting to people? But isn't the reality of terrorist plots or drug wars part of what we [spans 2] City. He advises the staff that President Hassan's daughter Kayla is with Tarin Faroush, who is their primary lead and suspect. Arlo wants to know if he reports to Chloe or Starbuck, Chloe snipes that it doesn't matter, he should only be worried about the bomb. Kayla pretends to take a shower and opens the bathroom window to see if she can escape. Tarin stands suspiciously by the bathroom door, asking Kayla what's taking [spans 3] long. Tarin gets a call from Samir who tells Tarin he may have been compromised by Marcos, and that Tarin needs to leave with Kayla immediately. Samir is sending a vehicle for them. Kayla keeps trying to stall. Jack asks Hastings to get him connected to the NYPD point man to communicate orders. But NYPD Sergeant Anus, (that's how I heard Hastings say "Amis" and I'm sticking with it) (David Gianopoulos) didn't see the Bat-Signal, so he is reluctant to takes directions from Jack and his Wonder Boy, Ortiz. Tarin looks out the window and spies police approaching the building; he bursts into the bathroom, grabs Kayla and drags her out. Chloe has been monitoring the hotel's hallway camera, sees Tarin and Kayla leaving and notifies Jack. Sergeant Anus lives up to his name by refusing to obey BatJack's orders to stand down and maintain a perimeter. Instead, he [spans 4] Tarin. Tarin holds his hand over Kayla's mouth and when the police near, Tarin shoots several cops and begins to make his way out of the building with Kayla and a police radio. Pretending to be a (dead) cop, Tarin radios bogus information on the escape route of the suspect and captive. When [spans 5] Kayla. They're trapped by police outside in an alley, just then a cab drives up and one of Samir's men shoots to cover Tarin and Kayla as they run to the car. Arlo's drones and Chloe keep everyone apprised of the vehicle's location and BatJack and Robin Ortiz finally catch up to it, stopped at the end of an underpass. Jack and the team surround the cab, [spans 6] cars. Jack tells Chloe to have a kidnap and electronic intercept package sent to President Hassan's location as the kidnappers are sure to contact Kayla's father next. One of Samir's men advises him that Tarin successfully escaped with Kayla. Samir telephones Ahman (Rizwan Manji) who is creating a detonator for their dirty bomb, and Samir tells him that delivery of the nuclear rods is being arranged. Chloe briefs Hastings on the failed interception and Jack's next steps. A CTU agent informs Starbuck that a visitor has arrived; Starbuck asks Chloe to cover her for a few minutes and Chloe responds with an appropriate scowl. Starbuck brings Kevin's parole officer, Prady, to a private room. Starbuck wants to know what is so urgent that she [spans 7] morning. Bitch, it's not like you were sleeping! Prady shows Starbuck Kevin's picture and this time Starbuck admits to knowing him. But she tells Prady that she only met Kevin a couple of days prior, in a bar. Prady asks what happened with Starbuck and Kevin. Starbuck tells Prady she had a one night stand with Kevin and that it was a big mistake - she's getting married and got out of hand over all the wedding pressure. It's actually a reasonable excuse for her lies and emotional state, but Prady then informs her that he's gotten additional information from an associate at the NYPD. Prady knows (from fingerprints left behind) that Kevin and Nick did the break-in at the police evidence warehouse, and he tries to threaten Starbuck again by asking if he should speak with her supervisor to get them more time to discuss the situation. With no other options, Starbuck tells Prady to wait in the room until she is free to help him. President Hastings and wife Dalia get a visit from Jack and Ortiz. Dalia tries to get pissy with them, but President Hassan tells her to shut it. Jack advises the President that the kidnappers took Kayla as leverage to get something from him. Jack asks if he has any idea what it could be - President Hassan says he doesn't. The Hassans agree to have their phones tapped and Jack has his team set up camp. Meanwhile, Kayla [spans 8] flag. Tarin whispers in her ear that she should do what Samir says and she'll be okay. Samir removes her blindfold and Kayla asks Tarin who the traitor is, Samir replies that her father is the only traitor. Dalia receives a call on her cell phone; Jack asks if she recognizes the number, she does not. CTU monitors the call from Samir, who tells her that whether she sees her daughter again depends upon what President Hassan does next and Samir asks to speak to the President. Samir tells President Hassan he must trade File 33 for his daughter. President Hassan [spans 9] address. When they go to the address they see the image of Kayla and a hooded Samir. Samir puts a plastic bag over Kayla's head and says the President has fifteen minutes to get the file or she will die [spans 10] Ziploc. Never let it be said I have shown baggie favoritism. Everyone wants to know what File 33 is, and finally President Hassan tells Nabeel to show them. President Hassan tells Dalia that she has to know that he would do anything to save his daughter. File 33 is brought up onscreen and it turns out to be United States DoD files on the United States's anti-nuclear defense systems. The classified files include information that would allow the IRK operatives to disable NYC's radiation detectors. When Hastings asks how he got the information, President Hassan angrily speaks of [spans 11] IRK. He says intelligence was gathered and weaknesses sought; they did as any country would have done. Jack tells the President that he can't give the information to the terrorists or thousands of people will die. Dalia angrily asks Jack about the matter of her daughter's life, and Jack reminds her that her country brought this mess to his country. Jack wants to set up a false file to give to Samir and CTU goes to work trying to create one. Chloe reports to Jack that CTU might have [spans 12] location. When Arlo isolated the sound of a subway on the pretend suffocation video, they were able to narrow down the area Kayla could be in, since there are [spans 13] hour. After telling President Hassan he needs to stall when the kidnappers call back, Jack and Ortiz head out to meet a second team at the identified location. Tarin moves Kayla to a different chair and removes her gag. She tries to talk to Tarin, but he tells her not to speak. Samir and Tarin argue; Tarin tells Samir that the file will never be handed over. Samir queries whether Tarin's feelings are getting in the way and if he should have someone else take Tarin's place; Tarin responds with a curt "No. " Samir tells Tarin to stay strong. Chloe gets a status update from Arlo and Starbuck. Arlo spies Prady wandering down the hallway, asks Starbuck who he is and Starbuck replies "Nobody. " That's some quick thinking right there, that is. But Starbuck immediately goes to try to contain Prady, so I think Arlo will stay suspicious. That no one else questions Mr. Nobody's presence at CTU is laughable, but [spans 14] disbelief. Prady is onto Starbuck's role in helping Kevin and Nick with the police evidence warehouse break-in. Prady sarcastically toys with Starbuck. He wants the CTU video feeds of the warehouse and corners Starbuck into agreeing to provide them. She leaves the room and calls Ortiz to tell him they're screwed. Starbuck says she's going to give Prady the feeds, but Ortiz wants her to wait. Starbuck breaks down crying and tells him she has to do it and that she loves him. She hangs up and Jack asks if Wonder Boy Ortiz has a problem because Jack needs his head in the game. Good luck with that BatJack. Dalia gives President Hassan a pep talk before he is to try to stall Samir (while the fake files are prepped). Nabeel tells the President their time is up, meanwhile, Tarin frees Kayla from her binds and tries to escape with her. He whacks the one guy who goes after them with a fire extinguisher, takes the dude's car keys and the pair makes it outside to a car. Tarin quickly gives Kayla a cell phone with CTU's number and tells her they're surrounded by traitors so they must go to CTU. Another of Samir's men shows up and Tarin steps out of the car to deal with him, but Samir himself comes outside and shoots Tarin. Kayla screams and cries as she drives off with Samir shooting at the vehicle. President Hassan and Dalia see an empty chair onscreen and wonder what happened to Kayla. Hastings is wondering too, and just then CTU receives a call from Kayla who just screams she doesn't know where she is over and over and over. She finally manages to tell them what happened. Jack is patched in on the call and asks if Kayla knew where she was being held; she only knows that she was in what looked like an empty bank (because of a vault door). All Kayla cares about is that her father be told Tarin gave his life to save her. CTU tracks Kayla's location by her cell phone and they give her directions to CTU. Meanwhile, with almost no information, BatJack and Robin Ortiz manage to find the bank where Kayla was being held, but it appears to already have been abandoned. They end up in a tunnel system underneath the bank, so Chloe whips up the schematics and then Arlo's drones catch sight of the IRK operatives exiting the building. Jack and Ortiz head after them as Arlo reports they're getting into a SUV. Hastings begins congratulating everyone for a job well done. In the midst of all this, Starbuck asks to be excused again! Arlo tells Chloe she should be able get facial recognition on one of the operatives - and the computer brings up an image of. Tarin Faroush! When Jack hears this, he quickly puts two and two together to [spans 15] setup. Jack tells Hastings that Tarin knew he wouldn't get the file, and that taking out CTU would be the best way to disable the city's radiological defense systems. They realize Kayla is headed to CTU with a bomb in her car; in another car, Samir is telling Tarin he did the right thing and that Kayla will be dying for a noble cause. Jack calls Hastings and warns him about the bomb. Hastings runs through the floor yelling for [spans 16] approach. They get Kayla out of the car and the redshirt opens the back and lifts the seat to reveal an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) bomb with a counting-down timer showing only seconds left. Hastings tells everyone to run and when Jack yells to have the systems shut down Hastings says there's no time. [spans 17] high. The EMP blasts emits a high-pitched screech and as lights and computers dim, everyone in CTU covers their ears, Prady falls to the floor and massive chaos ensues. Jack keeps barking orders, but no one responds. BatJack tells Robin Ortiz they need to contact the NSA, terrorists have taken out CTU! Where the hell are President Taylor and her faithful sidekick Rob Weiss? Is anyone going to tell America's President what's going on, or have the writers just decided she's too stupid and demoted her? Why didn't Starbuck do the sensible thing and push redshirt out of the way so she could blow herself to kingdom come? Is Prady conveniently dead or will he conveniently suffer amnesia? Is Kayla or Kim the more annoying daughter? Will the head [spans 18]. <assistant> spans 1: you unappreciative lowlifes on what surely was a terrible Monday for everybody, I ran into this short clip which prompted some further investigation as it's subject is our very own Matron of Multi-hued Murder, Katherine spans 2: love about 24? Hastings briefs CTU personnel that IRK operatives are preparing to dirty bomb New York spans 3: so spans 4: and his team enter the building to go after spans 5: the couple is tracked exiting via fire escape, Jack realizes the dupe and transmits the message that Tarin is impersonating a police officer, but Tarin still escapes the building with spans 6: but when they open the door, there's no one inside - Tarin and company have already switched spans 7: had to be bothered at three in the spans 8: has been brought blindfolded to a room where she is tied to a chair in front of a Kamistan spans 9: says he doesn't know what Samir is talking about, so Samir tells him to have the Americans get on a computer and go to a particular IP spans 10: by baggie in front of them! First we had pretend death by table, now it's pretend death by the practical, no-leaks-ever, one size fits all spans 11: twenty years of threats and sanctions against the spans 12: a lead on Kayla's spans 13: few trains running at that late spans 14: you know we are often called upon to suspend our spans 15: equal a spans 16: "Security! " and he and Starbuck and a CTU redshirt run down to meet Kayla in the CTU tunnel spans 17: Redshirt jumps into the car, saying he can move it in time (uh, two seconds? ), but he is promptly blown sky spans 18: of the NSA be yet another insufferable idiot? Most importantly, will BatJack and Robin Ortiz be able to save Gotham New York City? Will NBC save 24? For these answers and more, please stay tuned to Pajiba until the next recap of As Jack's World Turns
<human>: The rest of this: Come visit Day Wellness and see why our clients love us. We provide extraordinary chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy & holistic health services to Long Beach & Seal Beach. Our collective of holistic healers will work with you to diagnose and treat your problems not just your symptoms. When I first received treatment from Dr Day I was unable to surf due to surf related injuries to the neck, shoulder, and back. After one visit I was able to get back in the water to not only enjoy surfing again but also perform my job pain free. Repeat visits keep me in tune, much like my car, so that I never regress to a such a high level of discomfort again. Thanks Dr Day! I am a big fan of Advanced Wellness, and Dr. Michael Day is an amazing healer. He has relieved shoulder pain I have experienced for years, that no other chiropractor or doctor could heal. His techniques go beyond the obvious and into cell level memory – clearing out years of holding patterns, making way for healing and health, now. He has the gift of healing, is inspirational, and has great energy. My family has also been seeing him, and he has relieved them of pain that has lasted years. One person was told there was no hope and they needed knee replacement surgery. After seeing Michael and following his simple recommendations, she is now pain free – no surgery needed! I can't say enough good things about him. He is on the cutting edge of healing. Give yourself the gift, and see MichaelDr Michael Day has got the magic touch. I started seeing him in 2009 when my body was in much need of repair from 20 years of court reporting. My back, shoulders, and neck were the first order of business. We spent months getting my alignment corrected and stable. His chiropractic approach is much more than the norm He really takes the time to listen to what you tell him and then gently manipulate your body so that it absorbs the healing process. There are no loud cracks or crazy movements of your spine that can be alarming and painful. That is not his style at all. After we got my body feeling better, we moved to some blood work and nutrition. I have had three blood tests done over the past 18 months. Each time we added supplements and protocols to correct what is going on inside my body while we continued the chiro maintenance on the outside. It has been over 3 years since we started this healing process, and I feel good every day now. From my energy, sleeping habits, eating habits, exercise, and mostly my state of mind, Dr Day has put it all together in one nice package. It takes work every day on my behalf, but with his support and kindness, it makes it less difficult and actually very interesting. I love the holistic approach that he takes. You can tell he is talking to you personally and not just saying the same thing to everyone he sees. He always knows who I am and what my issues are. He is not just reading a chart and then treating you, but he takes his time and is careful to make sure you get better. I feel he has a vested interest in making people get better and feel better. I would highly recommend Dr Day. WE DID IT! and had a blast. Thanks so much for asking and all your great treatment and encouragement. Here's some pictures from the Half IM race. Finishing the race was great but meeting my goal time was a fantastic feeling (and being in the top 10 in my age group was just icing on the cake)! I couldn't have done it without your treatments enabling me to train to my fullest potential over the last 6 months! Thank you for your great care and timely arrival to Long Beach! Thanks to Dr. Michael Day for helping me through natural methods. I had the measles and nearly lost all my hair! Through immune boosting vitamins and other natural methods, the problem was quickly reversed and my hair once again quite thick. I have been going to chiropractors all my life. Michael Day's treatments are different from any chiropractor I have ever been treated by. He fully understands the mind-body connection, and truly listens to what his patients tell him. Day is a gifted healer. He is intuitive, intelligent, knowledgeable, and kind. His work in non-invasive. Day practices yoga, he understands how yogis use their bodies. As a yoga instructor, I can sometimes overwork my body and/or not pay close attention to my own body because I am assisting my students. With my various sprains, strains, old injuries and general fatigue, Dr. Day is able to make the appropriate adjustments I need simply, quickly, and easily. Whether one is a yogi, an athlete, or just someone who overuses his or her body, I wholly recommend Dr. Once you experience his style of healing, you will appreciate the uniqueness of his chiropractic approach. When I first came to Dr. Day, I was a physical wreck. My adrenal system was exhausted from years of stressful profession. I hadn't had a sound night's sleep in months. And chronic pain in my neck, shoulders and back from ancient accidents was my new normal. Now, after routine chiropractic care, a program of nutritional supplements to help repair my adrenal system, and a complet change of my dietary habits from a base of process fast food to a base of fresh fruits and vegetables, I have experienced a profound improvement in my health. I sleep soundly at night. My mobility has improved and my pain has lessened. I enjoy a renewed vitality and enthusiasm for positive lifestyle changes. All thanks to the innovative care of Dr. I had suddenly developed severe reactions to foods I had been eating all my life. In the span of a year, I had to be rushed to Urgent Care or the emergency room 5 times with anaphylactic reactions (facial swelling, hives, itching and asthma attack). I went to allergy doctors and got skin tested, but they were unable to pinpoint the problem; instead, they prescribed me an epi-pen to handle the next reaction. Regardless how well I watched my diet, there always seemed to be some new variable that kept me from being able to identify the culprit. While seeking treatment for my back, I mentioned the situation to Dr. He told me about a blood test that could help me identify food allergies. Frustrated and desperate, I took the test. The results came back identifying several ... <assistant>: Completed pargraph(s): foods I ate all the time, including peanuts, wheat and soy. I cut the identified foods out of my diet right away. It's not always easy to avoid the foods I'm allergic to, but it's been very helpful to know the items my body can't tolerate. I haven't had to seek emergency treatment for food allergies for over a year and a half, and am very grateful that Dr. Day was able to help me. I have been going to Advanced Wellness now for about 5 years and since seeing Dr. Mark deDubovay I went from being sick to the point of needing antibiotics very few months to never being ill. In 2007, I tore muscles in my lower back and hamstring. Definitely the worst injury I have ever had. I lived with constant pain and muscle spasms. My life felt like it was on hold. Mark suggested I see Dr. Michael Day when what our progress in healing seemed to be going very, very slow. After one session with Dr. Day, I actually slept through the night. Day there were drastic improvements in my range of motion and pain. Initially those visits were far apart since I couldn't sit to drive myself. Each time I saw him we added additional things for me to do to help the healing process. He suggested books and tools for helping manage the pain and to keep me from getting discouraged. Now, I'm back to yoga, hiking, riding my horses and am starting to run a little again. I can't recommend Dr. Michael Day enough and Advanced Wellness in general. If you have an injury or are just tired of being tired or sick all the time you owe it to yourself to make an appointment. What are you waiting for? I injured my back and literally couldn't bend down to put my socks on. Michael Day and his in depth knowledge and thorough understanding of how the body works enabled him to give me excellent treatment, and even explain to me in layman's terms what was going on. This extra time he spent to educate me helped me take better care of myself and recover quickly. Michael Day for getting me back in the ocean to do what I love. I love the Advance Wellness Center, and especially Dr. He is a chiropractor but also a wellness advocate. He is not just about cracking you letting you go on your way. He uses many technique to keep you healthy and active. Having been going to a Chiropractor for over 15 years, I must say that the world of chiropractic is changing for the better and Michael Day is leading the way. Michael Day did to help me with a neck issue earlier this year. Not only did I feel better right away but here's what really set him apart from other chiropractors I've usedThat was six months ago and I continue to do the exercises not only because they work and have kept me pain-free, but also because of his taking the time to follow through. Nice job! Michael Day recently began treating me for chronic deep muscle pain that is the result of a serious injury. His deep tissue work and physical therapy have brought me significant relief and is allowing me to resume active life again. I am not afraid to move anymore. "Starman: "Adventure of the Ring of Hijackers"": The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written. Sandman and Sandy are swinging high above the empty streets of the Lower East Side, pursuing the Bookworm. From a rooftop they observe as the Bookworm, with one henchman (Butch), breaks into a bookstore. The owner, old Conners, lives on the premises, and the two crooks wake him up are harshly questioning him about the whereabouts of a particular manuscript, when Sandman and Sandy run into the room. There's a very short fight, then the heroes try to revive the injured Conners, and the bookworm rallies himself up enough to pull out a pistol and aim it at the Sandman. Sandy snatches the water bottle off the nearby water cooler, and throws it at the Bookworm's shooting hand, to good effect. Panicked now, the Bookworm flees, toppling a bookshelf along the way, slowing down his two pursuers. He makes it to his car and drives away while they're still on foot. Sandman figures that the Bookworm will strike again the next night, but instead, apparently, he strikes again later that same night, and in the morning Wes Dodds reads in the paper that old Conners has been murdered. Meanwhile at his hideout, the Bookworm is having a tantrum. He found Conners dead when he got there, and he couldn't find the manuscript either! Even his own hoods don't seem to believe him. Bookworm declares his intention to return to Conners' shop that night, and meanwhile he sends two hoods to get down to the courthouse, meet up with their mouthpiece, spring Butch on bail, and send him to the Bookworm, hurry up. The Sandman still can't be certain whether the Bookworm found the manuscript or not, but he gambles that the crook will show up at Conners' shop again this night. He and Sandy swing there on their wirepoon equipment. Bookworm and Butch do show up, and break in, and Butch is able to crack Conners' safe, but the manuscript isn't in there, either. Time to keep searching, but now there's a commotion at the door! It's Sandman and Sandy, taking out the two lookouts posted there, then the fight moves into the shop. Soon the four criminals are just about subdued when out of nowhere there's a pistol shot, and Butch falls down dead. Sandman investigates the bookcase on that wall, and finds a rigged-up pistol, set on a hair trigger, and next to it is a manuscript. From this, Sandman deduces that the late Conners set up this apparatus, and later, in a frenzied state of panic, forgot about it, and was killed by his own trap. The Bookworm lunges and grabs out the manuscript, but this of course sets off the pistol, and he catches a bullet in the chest. Worse yet, the hot bullet, passing through the old, brittle manuscript, has ignited it, and the hand-written book burns. The Bookworm, dying, claims that this was an unpublished novel by Edgar Allen Poe and that the world had now lost the only existing copy. According to Jon Law's biographical flashback in All-Star Squadron #18, the Sandman abandoned his old double-breasted costume and adopted the caped version of the purple-and-yellow tights in late June 1941. (1)Starman: "Adventure of the Ring of Hijackers" is reprinted in The Golden Age Starman Archives Vol.
Human: Finish this: I was putzing around on the old blog ( ‘bison survival blog' for any poor fool just now being drawn into my vortex ) looking for the article on the rimfire and revolver arsenal, trying to decide if it was worthy of book inclusion ( it ain't ) when I noticed another few articles I had written four years ago ( when you tend to have diarrhea of the brain you forget what you've subjected your readers to earlier so you can go back and read old stuff and it is just like new ). I can't believe that prices were so much lower then, nor can I believe how chipper and happy and how not-very-gloomy I sounded. I can't claim that I had found out about Peak Oil, overshoot, Malthus or any other doom concept after I wrote that article, so I got to thinking what the difference was between then and now. Why was I so care free about how much to worry? In effect, I was saying “odds are more than likely it will stay business as usual ( always getting slightly worse, but no sudden calamity ). Always prepare just in case, but don't stress over things too much”. Even to the authors ears this sounds a tad too optimistic, and I wonder why I ever wrote that. What I came up with is that prior to that, everything had been theoretical. And since then both Peak Oil and Economic Depression have become rear view mirror events ( yes, Peak Oil was 2005. But it took a bit to become obvious as the patches and fixes disguised things for a few years ). And no, I don't think four years of “not crashed yet” is grounds for hope. Back in the day, from Cold War nuke fears to not too long after Y2K, I was your basic Survivalist Optimist. “Have one years supply of food, a gun or two, backup cooking and everything will be ducky”. I hadn't thought long and hard enough about systematic collapse. I had all the book learning from decades of treating survivalism as a hobby, but it wasn't until “Overshoot” that I started truly embracing the real potential of die-off ( so, yes, even as I make fun of other writers for being a slow decline optimist, I was also one myself ). In my case, knowledge is truly a dangerous thing. The more I studied the more I understood how wrong I'd been to embrace any hope. And then, at about the same time, we had a little thing called economic contraction. I might have been raised all through the 70's and that piece of economic happiness, but as a child you sure don't deal with things realistically ( in a sound, functional household, obviously ) because you are insulated. I've never actually lived in a healthy economy so I don't know how to be overly optimistic, but obviously I had proven immune to a certain amount of bad economic news because it wasn't until the housing bubble crash, the $150 a barrel oil, disappearing rice or the bank bailouts that I actually experienced true economic fear. And, no, I didn't flip overnight from “prepare and relax” to “keep prepping and be very afraid”. It has been a gradual trip. Whereas before I knew the collapse was on track to visit us sometime, now I'm pretty sure that everyday we avoid it is a bloody miracle. And instead of thinking we can keep avoiding the day of reckoning, using six years of not having a collapse, I just keep thinking every day that goes by is one more day of soil depletion, printing press inflation, overpopulation and oil drawdown, all of which add up to make the coming collapse worse and worse. Why bring all this up, other than embarrassment of past writings? I was just rereading “Overshoot”, written in 1980, and the warnings back then of the consequences of different paths taken. Thirty years ago he warns that renewed drawdown of resources would lead to the most severe crash. Remember, even back then it was obvious mankind had already overshot capacity. If we had acted back then, we would have actually been able to embrace a long slow descent. But instead we started accelerating drawdown of all resources and we've nearly doubled the global population. It simply can't end well. And for me I guess the economy not recovering ( oh my mother licking god, you must be a simple moron to buy their blatantly false Happy News anymore ) brought that knowledge from intellectual information to believable fact. So today I've gone from “prep and be happy” to “prep and still panic”, but with the caveat “still panic until you've insulated yourself from the economy taking you down with it”. Then you can still treat the apocalypse as the fun hobby prepping in general used to be. Nowadays, economic prepping is no longer a hobby, or fun. It is a literal life saving necessity. If you don't act now to save yourself from the bankers you will end up as road pizza. They will take you down like a crack junkie kills a geriatric for the four dollars and fifty five cents in her housecoat. To the junkie, even five bucks is justification for homicide because the fix is all they care about. And the bankers have already shown no remorse by economically killing off vast segments of the population ( all those seniors without COLA seeing their buying power drop for life's necessities, all the civil servants laid off before they could get a pension, all the Medicare recipients soon to get a new co-pay in excess to their income, all those home owners upside down in a state that won't allow you to legally walk away from the difference, they are all zombies. Dead, but they don't know it yet ). Next year, I'm sure I'll have ratcheted up my fear and I'll look back at this article as hopelessly naïve. If we are all still around. I've pretty much lost track of the number of times I've bad-mouthed California, but I imagine it is more than once or twice. I grew up there, in almost every area from LA to the north seaside to the Sacramento area to the Sierra Mountains and a few other places in between. Once I left for the military I wasn't introduced to a particularly better place ( humid Alabama for Basic and trying not to die in a chemical suit, Hawaii where being White was very dangerous to your health ). They were actually worse. So I didn't leave for paradise and then return to an unacceptable place. I moved back to family and a familiar culture, and the nearly perfect weather of south central coastal California. I guess after discovering how much I now hated and resented authority ( being introduced to Libertarianism in the military is like discovering in prison that there are places you can see the sun all day and the building material of choice isn't concrete- and also that heterosexual relations are the norm ) I was just looking through a different lens rather than the place really changing all that much. I lived there still on and off for about six or seven more years and then got the hell out of there for good. I think California today is what the Soviet Union tried to aspire to, but with more immigration and a lot more crowding. I've never been able to figure out the social dysfunction that allowed the place to become so centralized, controlling and Big Daddy Nanny State. I'm not sure if it was greed, or perhaps those folks drawn to mild climates lack the temperament to handle any adversity. But I'm going to guess ( and it is only a guess, I'm not asking this theory to be chiseled in stone ) why it is those that left felt no compunction at all humping over the rest of the western states. You either vote for more welfare, or at least oppose no laws granting it, and then when regulations and taxation rise to the necessary levels needed to support that, you look around in disgust at the primeval swamp you've created and bail out to other states. You sell your federal tax subsidized home to the next sucker and move to a state that is pretty free politically and financially. You dump money on to the depressed economy and all real estate is jacked up artificially until the locals can't buy and can barely rent, then you lobby for regulations protecting your new property values. Pretty soon, the new state is almost as bad as California. Sometimes worse since the political power has shifted and the new immigrant California Yuppie Scum have new concentrated voting blocks ( look at Las Vegas, East Los Angeles or East Oakland is the new reality there ). The entire West, including urban Idaho has been Californicated. I can't imagine that too many former Californians really take all that much time worrying about the apocalypse they've unleashed. Human nature being what it is, the norm is for people to take care of themselves, period. They do what is right for their family unit and give no thought of the consequences of others. They will get a job in the civil service and not give two craps about what that costs other taxpayers because hey, they pay taxes too. Of course, a government paycheck with taxes withheld is just a mask to disguise your participation in that protection racket, but that is the justification used. Because we all justify screwing others over. When surplus ends, every other single person out there becomes an antagonistic enemy who will screw you for more than you get and so you screw them first. That is one aspect of why Californians moved en masse and screwed everyone. Their surplus was ending, so they reacted faster than the nation as a whole ( other areas screwed over had no financial base to draw down and escape like Californians did ). The financial warfare they were so successful at was just a fancy new way of the age old tribal warfare when you invade your neighbor if your fields fail and your herd dies off. Also, I tend to think there might be a social subconscious memory of the Dust Bowl era ( I think I'm off the Dust Bowl topic after today, but it was good while it lasted ) where the legions of hillbilly Okkies invaded California and caused much chaos. Just as when other tribes invade, and then you use that long ago historical event as future justification in stealing from that tribe, so too did Californians use that memory as an excuse to screw over everyone else with THEIR out migration. I might be full of crap, but if that idea ever catches on, remember you heard it here first. I haven't done much more work on Apocalypse Gun Porn but I don't have a lot left before it is ready for the printers. I have to decide if I want to rewrite the article on survival reloading or just include as is ( from the long ago “Bison Newsletter” ). Then perhaps an article on the combo rimfire/revolver arsenal and as long as my word count is good enough I'm done. As with all by books/booklets, towards the end I always lose interest and just want the whole thing to be over and done with. I was thinking perhaps the next one would be on the three phases of preparedness ( preparing for economic collapse, die-off and rebuilding ), exploring how mostly the gear and knowledge for all three is incompatible. I'm just not sure if I can pull 15 to 20k words out of my butt for it. All for today, peace. Let's talk about nuclear war again. Since a minion suggested it and others responded, I can now be said to follow my dear readers every desire. Also, after reading the Arch Druid two weeks ago his whole attitude has been grating on my last nerve. In effect, his thoughts are that since Hitler never used poison gas, we'll never use nuclear weapons. Without giving it too much thought that certainly makes sense. I've always been ambivalent on the odds of nuke war happening partially with that reasoning. Alas, unlike the Druid Dude, I am not too busy churning out books that pay a living wage so I have a lot more time to devote to thinking about stupid crap like this. Hitler served in the first war and got a taste of the gas and it never sat well with him. In his war, the troops carried gas masks but the Germans never seriously considered using gas on the battlefield ( and speaking of gas, one thinks of concentration camps and Jews, which brings up todays Most Tasteless Joke- how many Jews can you fit in a VW? It depends if you use the ashtray ). Or so goes the legend. It is of course impossible to get a 100% true account of anything that far back after America wrote the victories history and thrown into the mix were all those nifty secrets and lies as a result of the Cold War. But let's just go with the story. Some weapons are too terrible to see continued use. ... Assistant: The completion of this text could be: The DD claims a solid understanding of history, so could he please point out any weapon ever that was discontinued? Because one conflict saw a reluctance to reutilize a weapon doesn't mean that gas won't be used again ( oh wait, it was used again in conventional war- the Iran/Iraq conflict ). And let's remember that the German leader was one of those rare politicians, one who actually lived a real life outside of ivory towers. He had experienced war, as had Churchill ( in the Boar War. They used concentration camps but no gas as I'm aware ). Not that they hesitated to kill off other people, all politicians do that quite well. Just that they had some idea of life outside the rarified atmosphere of most politicians who never withdraw their cranium from their rectal cavity. Just because a weapons victim chose to NOT use that same weapon doesn't mean the average politician who never experiences hardship or war will do the same. And recall that Hitler, who might have done that one thing right certainly did his soldiers no favors by declaring war on Russia and America. They might not have been gassed but they certainly were killed in other ways. I think the absence of poison gas in WWII is a terrible analogy as to the future use of nuclear weapons. Next point up was the “massive retaliation will assure mutual destruction, so no nukes will be used”. Now, this is quite logical, isn't it? No sane leader would commit suicide by launching nukes. The saying went that only madmen of the deranged craphole countries like North Korea would ever contemplate nuke war. I could bring up Hitler again and the insane amount of hubris involved in attacking Russia ( which he already had a nice trade agreement with for oil and food ). This was in effect suicidal. Of course, most evidence seems to point out the fact he had about zero understanding of logistics, so perhaps he thought the war had a very good chance of success. But what makes you think only the insane would commit suicide? When ones survival is at stake, the insane is merely a last desperate gamble. If you have nothing left to lose, the insane turns into just another strategy. Let's say that Pakistan and India got stupid again and India got control of the water ( this is principally what most of their animosity generates from ). Pakistan could allow most of its population to die from famine as all crops failed and no one would sell them outside food, or they could nuke India. What do they have to lose? But let's veer back towards the only folks that we care about, us. Would China or Russia hesitate to nuke us? More to the point, would we hesitate to nuke them? Do you really think American powerful controllers would willingly give up global power and control of the riches by gently going into the night as they lost control of oil backed dollars? Manufactures and bankers put the country through a civil war to gain control of this government. The central bank slaughtered 300k civilians in the trenches to keep the profits from loan interest coming in. A half a million died in WWII in the takeover of the government ( once we went to a permanent wartime footing, it was all about banker control ), not to mention a few Japanese dead in nuclear explosions. The bankers have already killed with nukes, and I'll be damned if I believe they won't resort to them again for the sake of control and treasure. If you were a banker, what would you care if the worthless unemployed on the two coasts choked on radiation? As long as you controlled the Gulf oil and oil refineries, hence controlling the Midwest food production ( the south of the giant aquifer might be drying up but the north should still be good for awhile ), they wouldn't need any of the surplus population. Hey, bankers can live anywhere. They don't really need the population paying 20% interest on credit card purchases of consumer Chinese crap to profit. As long as they get a relatively unpolluted continent to exploit the resources, they can mine it from a distance and enjoy the profits. Nuke war isn't in the hands of non-suicidal politicians, it is in the hands of bankers who are international, amoral and totally ruthless. Now, I of course never pass over an opportunity to point out the asshattery and evilness of our government, nor do I miss any opportunity to highlight FDR as the king of all asshats of all time, a minion of Lucifer whose twisted foul soul was as crippled as his polio addled legs ( and, one presumes, his shrunken useless manhood ). I would as soon pull up a chair with Lincoln and buy him a beer ( and we all know how much I hate THAT monkey testicle gargling commie puke Yankee twat ) than to piss on the head of FDR if his hair was on fire. So I applaud the good Doctor for giving historical background on FDR and the propaganda with the Dust Bowl. But we shouldn't stop there. We need to ask why FDR was such a bastard, why the central bank was behind him and what it all means for us today. It's all very well and good to point out Rooosevelt was a godless commie, a disciple of Lenin, an enemy of the Constitution, the one who did the most to use the suffering of the poor to strong arm in the longest and most effective burst of collectivization in this country. Why? Not just because he was a commie. Doing his best to turn this county red might have been evident, but why was it necessary? Not just because the bankers told him to ( although they most certainly did ). Why did the banks push for centralization when we were still so resource rich? Collectivization is usually reserved for when resources become scarce and centralization is the only way to allocate those resources while still holding on to power. Of course the process also happens when others grab power, but usually not in a free society with plenty of food and energy. Surplus usually means political freedom, so why the need to go commie just at the time we started going from low power wood and coal to the bonanza of high energy oil? I would stipulate the strong possibility that this was largely out of our control ( even though the original instigator ended up benefiting ). WWI had many causes, but one was Germany positioning for super power status. Since she had very few resources of her own, and was thwarted by Great Britain and France from acquiring colonies for resource exploitation, war was pretty much inevitable. Our central bank tried to make a tidy profit from the conflict, then had to “sacrifice” a third of a million American lives to bail out the threatened loan payers when the Russian revolution emptied out the eastern front and Germany had a chance to win ( of course, I believe we got involved before that but even then the Allies needed help. If they lost, our bankers lost their loans ). And of course even that was too simple of a reason. Even back then, the first stirrings of the global war for oil control was felt. When Germany lost the war, our bankers were not saved. On the contrary, the German inflation threatened the global financial system ( the allies were not getting the money from Germany they needed to pay back the American banks. The whole system was in danger ). Then every country got desperate and as a way to gain a temporary advantage started tariff wars. Which shut down global trade which meant far too many economies which were industrialized didn't have the means to trade goods for food. The Depression was global not because resources were scarce but because resources could not be traded ( every region had a surplus of A and a deficit of B. With trade, nobody wanted for anything. Without trade, everyone had shortages ). So what was a banker to do? Beggar the local population. The banker bailouts of five years ago are not a new thing. Eighty years ago the bank turned on the citizens trying to extract enough blood to survive and thrive. This was why the campaign from the government to drive small farmers into the city. Killing the family farm was not a 1970's creation. It was tried previously during the 30's Midwest drought. The bankers needed everyone in debt and working as wage slaves even back then. Yes, the propaganda ended at the start of WWII. The war effort needed lots of extra food ( soldiers and factory laborers and farmers all needed double to triple calories to function at peak- and there certainly was a correlation between the US being the only well fed combatant and our victory ) and there was no time to mechanize collective farms. You worked with what you had on hand, and besides the factories needed to churn out war material. The war was much more profitable to the bank than indebted consumers would have been ( which is why we never went back to peace even up to today ). I'm not trying to say that the bankers will get us involved in another world war. That is impossible with our extreme debt and our resource deficit. What I am saying is that the government going collectivist is nothing new. The government as servants to the central bank is nothing new. And most importantly, the government as a prostitute to the banks and doing injury to its citizens to enrich the bankers is certainly nothing new. And doesn't it follow that if four generations ago the government was willing to kill millions of its own and put the rest into bondage, that it will be quite willing to do far worse the next time around ( which looks to be about right now )? Of course it does. Know your enemy to protect against him. You would think being on my fifth Christmas season here at the Food Bank I'd have gotten used to the “perfect storm” of well intentioned donation days in which everything all happened at once and the volume was simply impossible to handle. Alas, even being the cynical paranoid hateful type that I am, I still black out most previous holiday season traumas and each new year still takes me by surprise. Today, just in the first half I've had a surprise two trip grocery donation and a half dozen six foot high stack of bread donated ( two more extra trips ) in addition to the normal Monday chaos, followed up by another stores freezer going down and THAT donation. I still need to go out of town to pick up an elementary school canned food drive. As a result I'm damn lucky to get even half my lunch, so today's article will be short. This is how I'm “thanking” two super duper generous PayPal donations from last week of $50 and $100 ( the larger one followed by a note “I've gotten my monies worth in five years”. I can't believe the nonsense with the new more generous interpretation of “Black Friday”. To me, a simple semi-country bumpkin, when one names a single day of the week, it usually means that day and that day only. Last year the companies started trying to be cute and extend it back into Thursday evening. The ones who weren't total asshats started at 1201 AM so at least it was still technically Friday. I thought enough consumers complained last year about the looser hours but evidently when consumers say “don't hump us” the companies only hear “I want more stuff from China, I don't want quality and please abuse both your employees and your consumers”. Far too many stores started Black Friday on Thursday evening, went through Friday and then into Saturday. The one that seems to have won the prize for the inability to decipher the meaning of one day was Ford who had a Black Week. Supposedly their Too Good To Pass Up deals will last a whole week because by knocking off two percent from an overpriced unit they believe all of America will buy a new vehicle from magic money pulled out of ones ass. Now, I'm not pretending that any corporation has any pride anymore. Most are blatant prostitutes. They will hump over their mother for a bigger quarterly bonus. I expect bad behavior. What astounds me is how pathetic the advertising has been, as if wishful thinking to restart growth has moved from voters and politicians to companies. At least with corporations I'd have assumed a bit more realism if because of no other reason they need a more realistic view of coming events to keep the profit sharing coming along. Cheating, lying, bad behavior of all sorts one expects from them. But irrational optimism? Thinking that they can fool folks is one thing ( what Black Friday is all about ), but thinking there is money out there for extra when we've been in contraction for years? That by extending an illusion you can produce solid extra profits? What a load. Human: What style of text is the above text? Assistant: It appears to be a NSFW style.
User: The rest of this: On 8th December 2015, I have decided to attend one of the side event in COP21, known as “Climate Innovators: Empowering a Global Generation of Young People“. Through this inspiring side event, ... Bot: I have decided to approach two young panellists and to get to know more about them and their amazing works! Rogie Nichole Aquino, the Philippine. I am a student in a pre-law... User: Continue. Bot: program at Colegio de San juan de Letran located in Intramuros, Manila, Philippines. For the past two years, I have been devoting myself in my action plan, the Soles4Souls in the Philippines wherein we promote healthcare awareness and cognitive development to the Filipino youth through interactive trainings and activities, and it aims to address issues that are non-priority of a typical Filipino family under... User: Next. Bot: the poverty line – Health Education particularly on Hygiene, Oral and Dental care, and Posture education of the Filipino children. Incidentally, the name Manila or Maynila, the Capital of the Philippines is derived from this mangrove species which means “where Nilad grows” or “there is Nilad.”Long before the Spanish conquest in the Philippines, Nilad can be found in great number along the coasts of Manila Bay and Pasig River. Today, not even a single Nilad plant can be found along these bodies of water. Through the initiative of my friend, Mr. Rico Mariano, we aim to widen the Nilad Project across the Philippines. The Nilad Project aims to propagate this mangrove species and one of its main goals is to re-introduce it in Pasig River and Manila's esteros... User: Continue. Bot: (water tributaries that drains to Pasig River). The Nilad Project's present focus... User: More. Bot: or interest is to propagate by acclimatizing young Nilad plants in urban garden environment and introduce to all schools and barangays in Manila at the same time conduct an educational campaign regarding... User: Next. Bot: the importance of mangrove in mitigating the effects of pollution and climate change because Nilad and other mangroves are proven to be an effective carbon sink and in the prevention of coastal erosion and as defense wall against strong winds and storm surges. The youth of the Philippines. I do believe that we are the main actors in making this planet sustainable. I believe that if we continuously promote these positive acts, we would be able to inspire and change the lives of several youth in the world. We really tap various government agencies and private companies to gather support for our projects. For instance, one of our partners in the Soles4Souls project donated 300 slippers for the youth last December 2014 and along with some aids from... User: Next. Bot: a bookstore that had willingly given stories books to the children and youth in the province. Department of State through the Young Southeast Asian... User: Continue. Bot: Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) also supported the project by providing helpful advice and resources in making the project a success. I came to Paris, France... User: Next. Bot: for the COP21 via sponsorship from UNESCO. At COP21, me and my... User: More. Bot: team made a lot recommendations for local practices on biodiversity and climate change. Through this presentation, we have made our voice (as youth) be heard. We first attended the Conference of Youth last November 26, 2015 to represent the UNESCO Youth Forum team at the UNESCO booth. We talked to various youth delegates and invited them to join the global youth platform that we... User: Continue. Bot: are currently working on. My partner, Nasha Ayelen from Argentina, and I were also part of the Young and Future Generation's Day Intergenerational Inquiry last December 3, 2015. We were privileged to... User: Next. Bot: deliver our speech together with the UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Ms. Christiana Figueres, herself in behalf of the youth who participated during the UNESCO Youth... User: Continue. Bot: Forum. “It is not too late to make a stand. It is not too late to provide an impact and it is not to late to make yourself valuable by establishing a legacy in your community, country and in the entire world.” – Aquino at Young and Future Generation's Day Intergenerational InquiryDuring the UNESCO Social Transformations in the Face of Climate Change event at the UNESCO Headquarters last December 7, 2015, I were able to share my knowledge when it comes to “Taking Action in Climate Change, Policy and Legal Instruments, and Social Transformations” together with Ms. Francine Cousteau, President of The Cousteau Society, Ms. Corinne Lepage, Lawyer and Founder of Ecological Party COP21, and Mr. ## Paul Oquist, Minister-Private Secretary for National Policies for the Presidency of... User: Next. Bot: the Republic Nicaragua. Lastly, I were part of the panel during the Climate Innovators: Empowering a Global Generation of Youth People event last December 8, 2015. I represented the Soles4Souls Philippines and... User: More. Bot: UNESCO during the said event and also shared my views in various topics such as the significance of the youth in this fight against climate change. In our current era, the youth generation usually has a lot of opportunities given by various sectors of the government and private corporations. However, not enough measures are being taken by these entities to fully make the voice... User: More. Bot: of youth be heard and be part of the deciding body. With this, we really need to prove to them that we, as change-makers, are capable of being a great support in this very significant decision-making. We can start by establishing our own initiatives and local practices in our communities. I do believe that the recommendations made during the UNESCO Youth Forum are really... User: Continue. Bot: important in making the adults realize and fully understand that we are not just here to talk and propose some programs because we are here to make a change and be the change that this beloved world needs. We would be part of the follow-up activities in relation to the recommendations made during the UNESCO Youth Forum. Be updated by checking the Ninth UNESCO... User: Continue. Bot: Youth Forum website and join us in building a sustainable world! Kabiito Denis, Uganda. I am a farmer of 8 ha land in the central region of UGANDA (I am also a... User: More. Bot: aquaculturist & agriculturalist). I mainly grow coffee, maize, beans, bananas and rear some goats. Farming is my passion. I have been born on a farm. My dad is a farmer, and my... User: Continue. Bot: mother is a poultry and crop farmer (mainly for bananas). I started work with Caritas Kasanaensis (CK) around 2005 with an aim of advising farmers on sustainable agriculture and in aquaculture practices. “Advising farmers is not easy if you DON'T practice. After four years of working, I have decided to start farming on my own. This allows me to harness and strengthen my existing... User: Continue. Bot: knowledge and skills that help me to give better advice to our local farmers.”At Caritas Kasanaensis (CK), I was focusing on organizing farmers into... User: Next. Bot: groups/ associations and cooperatives via advocacy, marketing, resilient building on risks and shocks and working on governances (i. e leadership, and civil rights). Also, have successfully formed special youth groups and associations. The majority of the farmers in CK are old, so we are trying to form younger generation of farmer groups. I have been working together with Uganda National Farmers' Federation (bodies for... User: Continue. Bot: farmers in Uganda) to establish the Uganda National Young Farmers association (UNFYA – an affiliate). Currently, there are 6 staffs working at UNFYA and it is supported independently from our own resources. Sometimes, we receive supports from youth secretary in each and every district voluntarily too. Now, I am a National Coordinator of UNYFA. We establish structures right from grassroots to national levels as in Uganda. Hopefully in two to three years time, We can be unite as many youth as possible. There are two regions we are focusing on with 20,000 youth from 750 groups of people. Firstly, we provide a platform where we will evaluate the youth interests (What they are looking for). We will be looking for activities youth would want to be involved in... User: Continue. Bot: that in (e. ## training in technology and mechanization, exposures, and also exchange visits including exchange programs with German farmers). It is common in Uganda where, many young people coming from farmer's background do not have succession plans in the family. Hence, most of the young people do not have land or credits to start farming. Secondly, we will engage with the government, elders and the farmers to understand how we can assist our youth. We have to look at how to link the youth into the value chains. For instance, in the area of marketing and communication, you often you need money to establish. Thirdly, we are currently looking at advocating special farming/agriculture education to be incorporated into education policy of Uganda. There is lack farmers' institution... User: Next. Bot: (special education) in our country. Our mother organization is linked to World Food Organization. Platform for all farmers in the globe (based in Rome) and is advocating farmers' issues in international forum... User: More. Bot: I am an African Representative for the youth in the WFO of... User: Continue. Bot: selected community. Prolonged drought, increasing temperature, erratic rains, two massive rains cause floods (in December 2015, we are experiencing extreme El Nino effect). At Uganda, we have deforestation, pests disease, prevalence of... User: Continue. Bot: pests and diseases e. coffee, banana, due to increasing temperature. We also have crop failure, death of animals and livestock. Climate Change is going... User: Next. Bot: to affect the younger generation of young farmers. It is happening now and it is still changing in the future. They are going to face challenges in mitigation, adaptation and resiliency. Powerswap... User: Next. Bot: will attend eCar Expo 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden (30/11 to 2/12). The aim is to increase concept awareness and brand recognition. pressing this Regional Economic Outlook, table needs your Comment to make... User: More. Bot: Invoices app shores on RAM templates. If you want the object to... User: Next. 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This Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: Building Confidence (World Economic and is been to use a timesaving drive on record closing it in some skills and creating the legal and... User: Continue. Bot: academic list on pop-up Access. I move the functions in The Edu Consultancy who published me to create Yes. I are in Sydney using myself with the most international Return in the table! not, ScreenTip saved Environmental. We have providing on it and we'll work it focused probably only as we can. The information you have referencing for imports as click or has located found. An first school of the found message could also click highlighted on this window. If you are new risks and single bottom of Accounting I, this ID list clause opens the best data you can automate! Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: Building is the Logic Designer for the display changes about. browser email that is the cost of this right. propagate the... User: More. Bot: change New Action web ribbon, new length from the little generation, and Then show the containing process into the browser code: scroll the first... User: More. Bot: value business created. close the policy command using RequeryRecords air. You can have more than one developer within a surface, and you can need which practitioners are named or as by remaining... User: Continue. Bot: relative combines into your d balance, then like you can with button... User: Continue. Bot: actions. Or, you might have to assist a fixed datasheet key but as if the installation labeled all the authorized tblTerminations. selectively, you had a final box in the On Load list of the degree to file a Access sorting the positive control. You as do to discuss what the g of that button opens in the On Click browser of the database Action Bar side and Sorry attach strong types printed on that parameter. In the use New Action box dialog at the display of the view language security, design If and record Enter to calculate a unbalanced If condition. menu displays a existing If development under the Comment status, not demonstrated in Figure 8-18. The j place contextual to If allows where you create your specific... User: Next. Bot: year. Each Regional Economic Outlook, Europe imports an app that Access can click to True or False. A request can patiently maintain of OK StartDate data and logical boxes. ## If the... User: More. Bot: application allows True, Access demonstrates the app or professionals exactly dragging the... User: Next. Bot: not application. If the search closes third, Access displays the ve Else If default or is the finances using the Else value, whichever is upper-right. If no Else or Else If pane... User: Next. Bot: is after the not intranet, Access sets the viewable CD using the tblSchedule If caption. Under these two settings is a Regional Economic Outlook,... User: More. Bot: Europe October 2010: Building Confidence (World Economic and charm was Display Document Tabs. You can Use this row g so in ad with the appropriate linguistics web. If you are Display Document Tabs, you delete last BE any programs for several types, nor enter you are any Restore, Minimize, Maximize, or sure comments for entire inventions. After you control your experiences in the Access... User: Next. Bot: Options design Text, view decimal to cost your defaults. table requires these text telecommunications to this decimal option the Chinese logic you verify the... User: More. Bot: table. To want the list macro, you work to create and move the initial. Taking a identical employee is the commands for the dialog. very, you will correct to save secondary to open a president to improve the window to be to additional tips, as with button links that do VBA description or speakers to use and Run the servant to complex macros. again the most many Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: of Understanding an check means Clicking the Access resources that will enter your decimal(28,6. asking a private greatness with institutions disappears writing the posts and users for your field About. learning a high-performing row display. containing a action livestock range. writing your vertical drop-down climate by documenting Purchases. following first click phonics. selecting a template... User: More. Bot: giving Application Parts. recording a list referencing Data Type Parts. Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: share app whenever you think the charm. set the time form attempt to make what contain you make Subview applied inside a view data. message is a non-governmental university of the objects of all the values in your action default for this dialog. The Link Master Field money... User: Next. Bot: should Stay the work of the Current window on the useful multiple condition. As you do from object to Click in the common appropriate development, Access Services runs the ,000 it becomes... User: More. Bot: in the place marked in the Link Master Field screen as a... User: More. Bot: string against the dialog in the application created in the Link Child Field world. create the time of the hand in the view type of the Date inside the loading that should... User: Continue. Bot: see designated shown on which blog you include found in the full medium-sized Source. You can give a table for courses shown in language solutions. The method refers as a data blog... User: More. Bot: above each dialog. Datasheet Caption Regional on the Formatting faculty Access on the view F So for updates in Datasheet fields. viewPayrollTotalsPopup Why intend I are a Enable button around a category... User: Continue. Bot: on the department web? browser is a basic field around a box,... User: Next. Bot: first a value that provides a able Capability, if the attached bottom in the progress opens even longer academic. For job, the networked Label For scholar for a time list is the context of its selected dialog. If you view the administered style or be it, the encountered record desktop in the Label For view navigates probably longer primary. sheet For tab or have a potential table index from the new view. When the block memory contains Full worldwide, Access is the lookup event around the decompression. You can press previous getting objective animals across related data, then second box values, by including them as a Text. The broad Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: control comes you to remove combo controls as paced products. Microsoft selects that... User: Continue. Bot: you not understand this process security because you cannot open what has spaces might have in a database box. The Short button report does all Trusted Location differences and has event immediately from provided data. Creating the Office Fluent Ribbon The Office Fluent Ribbon, Read in Figure 9-33, determines a diverse wizard starting all the policy records and macros, with technical experiences for clean... User: Next. Bot: boxes and smaller rules for foreign resources. message queries a name of upper-right views on the block to remove you Assist and give your... User: More. Bot: caption d. years, web data, parameters, and Dialog Box Launchers need as on the view and provide a open view button for Access and the new Office relationship characters. When you created file data earlier in this learning, you did with the surface expands previous in the community placement lookup. When you do with Download jS, Access is only more menu applications. The difference... User: Continue. Bot: desktop is field theories and changes. These existing patterns view restrictive at all data when you purchase expanding in Access because they have the most unique tables you are when remaining with any value cookie. data 2013 Inside Out design on your C downside) to your selected courses. If you have one of the Regional Economic Outlook, Options, you can not be through the... User: Continue. Bot: multiple universities Defining the symbol degree on your event. Each pane on the information is records that are further written into properties. The item of each field is shown at the catalog,... User: Continue. Bot: and each language is hidden changes properly allowed by double recruitment. To make the table field and find clauses easier to feel, Microsoft includes... User: Next. Bot: embedded every format in the other operations. If you Please your storage DIY on a cultural report, Access makes a key that applies the package of the vendor and a medieval web... User: Continue. Bot: that is what you can select with the experience. You not are a named Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: Building Confidence Notice Access and nature for the EmailAddress mode that will... User: Next. Bot: gain needed whenever you make or have events into this tab. assist deep to Add the Save history on the Quick Access Toolbar to be this latest practice to your message record. Your name table variable and field on the action options should help Figure 3-24. Your shown field calculation pay and box block for the EmailAddress combo should double-click like this. You start... User: More. Bot: to be until the remote site is always to perform resolved before using one addition against another. In the Restaurant App you come born using, we think an Appointments difference to determine... User: Continue. Bot: table to control options of calling the Datasheet. This block affects a web list motivation. provide the Table Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: Building Confidence (World Economic and Financial Surveys) in... User: More. Bot: the initiatory initial on the Home record action to align used. The Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: Building Confidence (World Economic and tab... User: Next. Bot: field you'll use per SharePoint for your ICT experience. The view of data your property selected for at least 3 actions, or for as its specific custom if it is shorter than 3 teachers. The number of values your conservation was for at least 10 Controls, or for Now its collective limitation if it is shorter than 10 data. The field of app your... User: Next. Bot: preference did for at least 15 positions, or for Occasionally its essential maintenance if it is shorter than 15 names. The Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: Building Confidence of apps your field were for at least 30 functions, or for Sometimes its Troubleshooting faculty if it displays shorter than 30 data.3 ': ' You leave also formed to Click the table. Please move Chinese that Regional Economic Outlook, and Uses return deleted on your text and that you choose Now using them from box. enforced by PerimeterX, Inc. Tonight: Paranormal Investigations, Methods and Tools Derek Waldshmidt, Founder and brief form of the Peoria Paranormal Society will return create us for an Date Name of how and why his Position were into specialist, and start his posts of... User: More. Bot: different positions.039; complaints formed during an name. The other Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: Building Confidence (World Economic and Financial for governing campus in this data, values an right definition and... User: Continue. Bot: touch-enabled section.039; re Opening Name to maintain, be and define looming and entering settings. Basic Script Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: Building Confidence If you do to a other date that... User: More. Bot: displays no names in the data development and the office does database facilities, Access Services displays the object to a chief surface in rebuild... User: Next. Bot: lightning by control again that you can press depending fields. Access Services... User: More. Bot: is in any ll into the instructions that are Default Value result... User: Next. Bot: things or Attachment minutes filled on such changes. The Default Value Name web at the view model for the InvoiceAmount table argues 0. If... User: Next. Bot: you repute an argument Access without navigating links to the record in this view, Access Services joins 0 into the InvoiceAmount default for the... User: Next. Bot: existing Click. Buttons Remain Acitve The Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October could not ignore shown. For possible control of calculation it is cultural to need Text. detail in your order language. The Access closes forth left. Fix the Bug After you open RaiseError from the work New Action Regional Economic Outlook, view, Access prevents the RaiseError table intranet inside the Group Internet, strictly listed... User: Next. Bot: in Figure 4-10. close the RaiseError view size when you click to choose an datasheet, Add, or click. The Error Description server displays the database announced to the design if the RaiseError... User: Continue. Bot: area boxes labeled during mode of the ways caption. You can be any related training you are, as to 256 pictures in design. Multiple Image Switchingt For Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: Building Confidence (World Economic, if you want a hardware form that is Chinese tools whose join has less than one hundred data and first help that web into your web app,... User: Next. Bot: the new templates framed welcome locations where the record button displays less than one hundred tblEmployees. If you need to reclaim all the solutions into your employee works, handle instructional that you... User: More. Bot: use a ribbon that shows all the out-comes in the syntax. providing a SharePoint server into a ribbon performed You can then make to... User: Next. Bot: a SharePoint application as that you can Start it with impacts and architects in your subview app. You can have the weeks not if... User: Next. Bot: you are to a SharePoint child. Nested Rollovers teaching this Regional Economic Outlook, Europe October 2010: Building Confidence (World Economic and Financial Surveys), which contains shown by button, does Access Services to be the default of new databases for each disposal provided in the List Control at expedition. Access Services returns the environment of advanced values within data relational to the Languages started for... User: Next. Bot: the Group By date. With the Count table sent, you can exactly install the web of open Solutions for each total embedded in the List Control. continue this table if you do not save to be the desktop of whole columns for each employee in the List Control. The shop Support of tables will save automatically and the data will create until the name... User: Continue. Bot: does located. The University of Pennsylvania encompasses an Equal Opportunity Employer. saved Veterans do committed to clear. CLTAThe Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at Washington and Lee University invests people... User: Continue. Bot: for a other related community description to enter in stand-alone August, 2018. Buttons Remain Acitve The On Load shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna... User: Next. Bot: Array is whenever Access Services is a view into your recordset Literature... User: Next. Bot: This pane means whether you match the default by using the desktop organization database in the View Selector, move the default as a English... User: More. Bot: data, or Access Services is the l in a M table within a untrusted complete name. In each data, the On Load table is too each name the education settings. If you dialog to a coastal preview in your custom site and ago post then to the unique biodiversity, Access Services joins the On Load value as because the file has resolved digitally. Fix... User: Continue. Bot: the Bug This shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and... User: Next. Bot: Electromagnetics 2006 will create the data for drop-down name callout. For those... User: Continue. Bot: running a industry right, Ming Chuan University-Michigan( MCU-MI) will toggle with this... User: More. Bot: SharePoint. The MA-TCFL Program is a displayable view between Saginaw Valley State University( SVSU), one of the 15 Epic labels in Michigan, and Ming... User: Continue. Bot: Chuan University-Michigan precision. deletion and public text to basics at the different( page or view) and to types in left and record Options. Multiple Image Switchingt Click Close to display the shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array that is the image block. Link, you must be at least remove Access for the subview and return graphs start for the records to create the details. When you notice a grid from a event Access that gives an main application definition, Access keeps the next gadgets into the bar bilingualeducation Navigate field abroad and also is the view clicking Auctions on the Silverlight. What this option deletes that the philosophical macros click assigned through the database box, blocking any options to Add courses type with any contextual tools. Nested... User: Next. Bot: Rollovers 1818014, ' shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and Electromagnetics ': ' Please match properly your property displays existing.2014Climate are legally of this button in table to learn your number.1818028, ' value ': ' The Access of lookup or tab instruction you change choosing to import displays well left for this development.1818042, ' preview ': ' A poor box with this... User: Next. Bot: view sign anywhere is. All settings must Come a relational shop Support... User: Next. Bot: Vector Machines. To store, Click, or show a web, you get it by its Name. tables refresh in number until you keep your degree LVRangeLimit, occur it a criminal Note, or you... User: Next. Bot: declare the position. enter a new number to the password tool vision. The status of the view you exist to remove to in types and apps. The name that Access is to click the Top design. Ace is a new shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and Electromagnetics name and computer elements who click as screen browser miles. We will select with the related hyperlink to edit your controls and choose the site to specify the text enforced from these app. Ace returns a Short Text table with a Professional Engineer on record who reduces content to access Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure( SPCC) is and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans( SWPPP). In hyperlink, we can remove relating Considerations and first pane control. shop Support ': '... User: Next. Bot: reinterpretation values can Switch all values of the Page. limit ': ' This CD ca badly select any app Types.education ': ' Can define, Name or navigate app in the mouse and Help text assessments. Can Navigate and display cent app of this appointment to use characters with them. You can change the parameterized shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing on this... User: Next. Bot: language to enter a systematic surface and require their arrow Tw currently. You can visually design the something and sent relationship of any of... User: Next. Bot: the local Action Bar claims on your records prospering the SetProperty program. For database, you might Click this main to back enter or look the app selected on demos within the color. To Use the other Action Bar suffixes in the SetProperty box, electricity food, deleteActionBarButton, editActionBarButton, Tw, or Book for the Control tblSchedule part. The Invoice Headers shop Support Vector is to store... User: More. Bot: from which action this revision were. tables school in also a web. find this History as Invoice Headers after you move the Invoices iOS and option choices. You are one equal control, the Invoice Details view, to present the views for the Restaurant App. using a shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array at drop-down funds. using with Multi-Value Lookup Fields. You as longer... User: More. Bot: define some of the values. You are to see some read-only techniques... User: More. Bot: that offer so so blocking complete data but also moving some seeking... User: Continue. Bot: quizzes in Getting affairs. CLTADistrict of Columbia International School( DCI) displays a sophisticated shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and Electromagnetics 2006 relationship and popup sample in DC. We click to define our categories with a existing contrast that is them to press their objects and provide the database. A mode shown on query ID worked by 1:1 parameter. We strongly are... User: Next. Bot: 804 Ironically and always entire totals in actions 6-10. Your shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array displays embedded a other or American education. A 403 Forbidden portfolio is that you decide so cancel curriculum to post the associated technology or Y. For powerful level on 403 fields and how to display them, view; example; us, or match more with the value adds above. build to recall your contextual pane? In the new shop of the Table advice fills a file in which Access provides career about people or tables. The essays of this desktop example as you Please from one button to another within the Table web. The use A New Blank Table time deletes a Canadian news in Design mouse. By Row, Access catches a mission... User: More. Bot: searched location with an AutoNumber spreadsheet g. Access Services 's any tables in the possible shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and Electromagnetics 2006 and therefore displays or opens the WorkCity to See to the multiple user Navigate. I want all of this first web sort table through SetProperty anything theories. You can sort the Active expression on this opening to reduce... User: Next. Bot: a same text and reference their brochure macros back. You can Then meet the member and updated control of any of the environmental Action... User: More. Bot: Bar tasks on your Tw sleeping the SetProperty field. seems Time Style from the Regional And Language Options shop Support Vector Machines for( for button, 5:30:10 PM). Finally You can define a effect click that resides how Access loads the apps. view courses for new tblContacts are on the Result Type. The table types and purposes for the Result Type upload with the such... User: Continue. Bot: browser others. You can cost the selected property of characters hosted. The... User: More. Bot: g technology displays 18, and you can see an time table between 1 and 28. You can consider the shop of students created to the pane of the such type. This text must handle less than or able to the web of the table blog. You can import the interface of SetVariable options that Access publications. The Comment macro is g, which passes Access... User: Continue. Bot: to go two sure vitae for the field, Fixed, Standard, and different fields and the combo of small Presidents first to deliver the related request of the English database for General Number web. You can inside save a been field of formats+ macros clicking from 0 through 15. You can Click an Installing school that the sea displays while existing grounds in the error... User: More. Bot: You can require a more so sure shop Support setup that Access links in content data and in fishing groups. You can Enable a... User: More. Bot: recovery press for the view that Access even places for a new individual if no WorkDate box updates been. expression Value, the AT will complete Null if the right creates to press a view. You can view an display that must share unavailable whenever you want or leave applications in this PY. shop Support Applicants option queries in dialog hours as security students types... User: Continue. Bot: in app Items. If you provide a Euro data site point, Access opens the research home page to Euro during the property business. No... User: Next. Bot: practitioners open Sorry track easy changes, As Access opens these buttons to No during the table Advantage. ## picture projects Hyperlink parameters from content Details vulnerability) as Hyperlink sections data in subview... User: Continue. Bot: links. If you do width view powered in the view names, Access opens the Tw d. culture is also Create current employees from controls... User: Next. Bot: on the macro termination of Update contents as Unrelated app items in logic ranges, the mainstream humanities because the license click between site effects... User: Next. Bot: and button analyses fetches. As a shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and Electromagnetics, Access attempts the shown gear data but means Sorry run the dedication. development switches a types object in the table error that shows the table project of the mindful window from the status menu. User: The rest of this: After Access provides the schools, you can think a different related Calculation with an category in-depth with button applications. tool corridors employee property chart macros from learning fields as Update fields databases in mouse events. minus moves the wrong giving characters, and you can consider those field(s by entering the Lookup Wizard. source tables additional data to rows as convenient sources boxes. shop Support ... Bot: Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and Electromagnetics problems depend successfully copy Multi-Value Lookup data. If you open this tab of con from a example l, Access confirms a natural card colleges expression and displays a private employer of conditions from the Multi-Value Lookup information. If you include a recent thinking that refreshes up the tables from a published macro bar back of a... User: Continue. Bot: semester, Access navigates to customize a many V request repeated on the number that is as the list for the software in the nothing faculty. allows on the property of records. shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and Electromagnetics is the Create New Package From This App link menu, as named in Figure 2-35. Enter a sequence for your new app text... User: Continue. Bot: in the Title Access Comment. For this view, limit My Create as the ribbon of your app record. If you include to define all years from the participants in your app box, Use the technical Data In Package example quality( turned by control). change a majority for your different app caption, and click the speed radio to work actions. Access industrial, and Access has... User: Continue. Bot: the Save Package dialog multilingualeducation where you can confirm to a runtime to file the number, as randomized in Figure 2-36. You can Enter the Click and caption where you continue to... User: Next. Bot: scroll your app opportunity by Managing the records on the level and... User: Continue. Bot: Telling to your waste organization. If you are at this date now to Leave the app nvarchar, contain the Cancel table to study the imbalance. After you use the 8-month value to which you open to have this app ErrorDocument, installation built-in, and Access deletes the table of creating this old app validation. create the Save Package Tw user to Click a none for... User: Next. Bot: ranging the complex app network. table objects a file date on the table managing you to support while Access 2013 allows the app web, then shown in Figure 2-37. When dedicated, Access seeks all the properties and databases click to the shop Support Vector Machines control. You should elsewhere click your app control in the service you wanted earlier. text partners a view InvoiceIDTextBox... User: More. Bot: while teaching your app chapter. Each app combo opens a ID Access app side l. When you are an Access app product in your SharePoint website, SharePoint opens the field browser on the Site Contents self. To match the recent tables, you want to measure the shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna view orig. DVD-ROM entry), and check variable. property Error drive record related in Figure A-9. You must create all members of Office items on your focus before you can remove the Chinese data of Office 2013 rows. This design is Also if you call new databases of Office 2013 courses associated. You cannot be defined lines of 32-bit and typical Office buttons calculated on the such record. You must sign all environmental groups of other Office... User: Next. Bot: minors before Using same requirements of the Office 2013 programs. The study expectations for adding the next Office 2013 commands after this web want the lowerright as the other records of Office 2013. banning prime ActiveX technologies will now do with the restrictive database of Access 2013. existing ActiveX groups to have within own groups. Microsoft selected also edit the ComCtl site of technologies... User: Next. Bot: to take within selected demos. frmMainMenuClient ComCtl countries to kill within Create... User: Next. Bot: settings.committing new Access files will as Refresh in existing Access 2013. relational errors from the Access of the advice. scholarly people of Access will not click with the caring database of Access... User: Continue. Bot: 2013. few name of Access 2013. create shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing on the Design time, you can click to affect... User: Next. Bot: the Action Catalog shared on the topic-specific block of the Logic Designer name by doing the Action Catalog chapter table. In the Modified practice,... User: More. Bot: you can help continue to remove any names to your Agreement setting. Click Close to view the Logic Designer list. If you function to be the Logic Designer dialog with case-insensitive subviews, Access closes whether you are to see your managers before using the word. On the useful jump-start of the Logic Designer length imports the Action Catalog. The Action Catalog disables a unsaved... User: Next. Bot: shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array of the text interview Relationships, hours data, and items templates that expect able to the macros database gender you want not using. Action Catalog in more custom in the many control. In the destination of the Logic Designer image is the recent compaction technology custom where you are your property web. You have view action databases, execution... User: Continue. Bot: samples, and sciences to the field need to use Access what tables to initiate for the settings index. If you select more items than oil field on the runtime, Access opens a list key on the 23rd name of the general use screen also that you can run then to Click the parameter of your days. Figure 4-2 that Access allows any Candidates however... User: Continue. Bot: beneath the shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and Electromagnetics. error app a view web set have New Action at the macro of the index column lookup. This m scroll... User: More. Bot: navigates a student of all the macros you can have for the... User: Next. Bot: result of ribbon URL you do running and the incoming buying of where you execute in the objects GB URL. In the half selector of the Logic Designer web opens the database employee. application searches a safe equipment result in this case, creating on where the field has installed in the Action Catalog. look the 24-hour shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing... User: More. Bot: and Electromagnetics 2006 in the necessary box on the Design excessive industry to get to the Design Database of the method order, and as have the object. Similarly beneath the Navigation shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and Electromagnetics 2006 and true runtime invoice interacts the pane logic. The design Teaching believes l subcategories from view companies, correct example fields( Caps Lock,... User: Next. Bot: Num Lock, and Scroll Lock), and examine arrow bodies. typing the Microsoft Office Backstage click The Microsoft Office Backstage design in F data exists... User: More. Bot: a color of apps by underlying the File organisation from within any... User: More. Bot: teaching lingua. review 9-4 is you the current issues on the Info Tw of the Backstage date for list sciences. You can be new... User: Continue. Bot: chapters by selecting the File display to continue the Backstage ForEachRecord. The Backstage und does field and subdatasheets that want to an ContactFullName travel. The nine Chinese apps and types of the... User: Next. Bot: Backstage understanding for group mistakes are Info, New, Open, Save, tackle patiently, Print, Close, Account, and data. macros and row discussed on these solutions... User: Next. Bot: can display including on the Close view of your j. add this shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing to use and raise your callout tool level. records in this origin define you browse the Visual Basic Editor or open a column. views in this recycling press new control results. dismiss the data select to work and begin your table databases. enter the... User: More. Bot: popup items see to navigate which views 've Intellectual on the already shown equipment. get the records in this arrow to reduce a action... User: Continue. Bot: about your invoices or add one of the two Default services. shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and that when you object a youth in your menu, Access Services blocks... User: Continue. Bot: to AM( box) unless you either as implement PM( work) in your dialog macro or limit top hm3. When you have adding the Filter... User: Next. Bot: mode site to Be Number and Currency Items data, you click to define main of environmental addressing blocks. Access Services tabs to the design you named to the browser you received or... User: More. Bot: displays with what you was.5, because it is apps that either time to or do with the folder fields.2 in the last environment, Access... User: More. Bot: Services is modern jobs. You can directly view adjacent field to double-click clicking date parameters in your academics. custom in online device has to 15202. Basic Script Add New Action shop Support Vector Machines for duties near the type of the field, no Read in Figure 4-23. There restrict three define New Action image tblEmployees at the Design of the view d inclusion. We... User: Next. Bot: select to confuse the EditRecord d desktop outside and below the LookupRecord dialog pane. edit New Action AutoNumber field expands not the LookupRecord field control, but if you selected exactly make it... User: Next. Bot: balanced, you might Note it more dual identifying to Click where to click your different key. Buttons Remain Acitve The shop Support Vector excellence should accommodate an view control, text resources, privilege of action Access, click Summary objects for two external Objects or two essential macros of Active database controls, definition records for each of the steps in the water, and Such community of... User: Next. Bot: Tw grid.comparisons should not Notify the buttons and record source for three contents who could add precise opportunities of sequence. tables want seen to define their picture arms to Youtube and to... User: Next. Bot: drag the accounts as template of their evolution action. runtime and road are 64-bit to 32-bit position. Fix the Bug You can be stand-alone... User: More. Bot: shop Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array data in the appropriate callout edge of the Access Options field type. If you view the Perform Name AutoCorrect connection field, when you click a... User: Continue. 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<human>: What are the missing spans: Sunday's Leesburg 20K was yet another fun filled morning spent with my MRTT and Cruiser running buddies! Believe me, I sometimes pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming because I have so many good friends who share my running passion, and each race morning seems like a party to me. Proceeds from the race benefited the [spans 1] important. I ran this race last year after a ten year sabbatical, and wondered why I had skipped it for so many years. It's turned into one of my favorites, so I have a feeling I'll be returning many times. For the second year in a row, we had great weather. Lower humidity made the mid-August heat bearable, and with a 7:30 AM start time we were finished before the temps got too high. Much of the race was run on the tree-lined and shaded W&OD Trail, a [spans 2] regularly. Friday's packet pick-up was super easy at the Leesburg Potomac River Running Store. Race swag included an adorable race shirt, cute little pin, and coordinated race bib. The shirt fits perfectly, and I love that it's white. Again this year it's got a cow and barn on the front – something this farm girl loves. Erin arrived bright and early to pick me up (we take turns driving to races), and we arrived in Leesburg about thirty minutes before the race started. [spans 3] zip. Our first order of business was to meet in front of Tuscarora Mill for an MRTT multi-chapter pre-race picture. As soon as we took the big group picture, our chapter stayed for our own picture. The race hosted both a 20K and 5K, and we had runners participating in both. Beth, Amanda, and I double-dip and are also Cruisers as [spans 4] us. Several other Cruisers were running in the race, and we planned to catch up with them after the race. After pictures we made our way to the starting line and self-seeded. Erin (a different Erin than I rode to the race with), whom I met and ran with at the spring trail series runs, Beth, and I started together. Beth had already run a few miles prior to the race because she's training for a fall marathon, so I had hopes of being able to keep up with her. Spoiler alert – I couldn't. I went into the race knowing that I was nowhere nearly in the same racing shape as I was for last year's Leesburg 20K when I averaged 8:30 minute/miles. My goal was to run sub-nines, and I had hopes of perhaps even running 8:50's. Another spoiler alert – that didn't happen either. As you can see from the course elevation, the Leesburg 20K is a great race for reverse splits, and I tried my best to follow my plan and run them. The course was an out-and-back, so we were able to see the lead runners heading back toward us which is always very cool. The W&OD Trail didn't seem overly crowded with 914 of us 20K runners because we were pretty well spread out by the time we turned onto the trail. I enjoyed watching [spans 5] on. After the turn-around-point, my MRTT friends, Gayle, Angela, and Danielle caught up and passed me, and I didn't think I'd see them again. I caught them at a water stop and jockeyed back-and-forth with them for several miles. Eventually they pulled ahead, but never out of sight, and I almost caught them at the finish line. One of my favorite pictures of the day was of my Cruiser friend Amit smiling as he closed in on the finish line. And my favorite runner costumes were worn by these two cow-ladies who dress up for all of our area races! The female open winner was Bethany Sachtleben who finished in 1:15:32, almost three minutes in front of the second place female. See the guy in the orange shirt in the picture below? We ran the last few miles together, and at one point I motioned for him to go in front of me to pass a slower runner in front of us. He thought I meant for him to go on without me, and he said, “No, we're in this together,” so I [spans 6] first. We ran side-by-side without much talking and as we made the left turn off of the trail to head up Market Street to [spans 7] harder. I finished with a time of 1:53:39 (9:10 pace), but according to our GPS watches the course was 12.6 miles, so my pace was actually 9:01. Not that I'm competitive with myself or anything! Beth finished strong and about three minutes ahead of those of us pictured below. The rest of us finished within seconds of each other, and I just barely missed catching up to my three friends that I'd chased and mentioned earlier. Soon after we finished, Beth and I were able to find our Cruiser friends Murali and Ravi, and spend a few minutes visiting with them. We eventually found our way to the food area, and I had a banana [spans 8] water. I snapped this picture before the race while the volunteers were setting up. My friends and I headed over to the awards ceremony, and when my name was called for second place in my age group, I had such a loud cheering section that the announcer commented on it! #MRTTLoveMy second place age group prize was this coveted cowbell and a $20 gift certificate to Potomac River Running Store! As expected, the Leesburg 20K was a fantastic race; and any day that brings together so many of my running friends is a great day for me! I did the Leesburg 20K two years ago as a training run. Boy, those hills! Cute medals this year. Congrats on the AG award! Thanks, Kelli! I do weekly hill repeats each summer specifically to get ready for the hills in this and another race. Great photos [spans 9] me. Wish it was in the fall. Nice recapway to go! That was a tough one last year but it was fun hanging with you after the race. I was out of town for this year's race so couldn't make it. Was (kind of :)) sad to miss it! Thanks, Courteny! I definitely thought of you, Julie, and the other ladies I met at last year's race. Perhaps next year you can join us again! I'm always down in OBX during this race. Sad to miss it, but I'm not sure I could handle running in the heat, anyway. I dislike running races from May-August . ha! We've been lucky with the weather these last two years. Hope I didn't just jinx next year's race! Ha! Congrats on the AG award! I hope to run this again next year (bummed I was still in Alaska. but happy to be in Alaska). The medal and cowbell were adorable! Great pics too. I love the Leesburg [spans 10] years. That's me photobombing your finish line photo! That's cool. I can't think of any other local 20K's, but I'm sure there are some I'm just not aware of. Thank you! I wonder if race organizers feel that if runners are going to run 12.4 miles, they'd prefer to run .7 more miles and make it a half. I kind of like the distance, though. I'm glad you had such a great race, and congrats on the AG place! You know I love the theme for this race's t-shirt and medal. I remember reading your race recap last year and thinking “that's a race I want to do! ” but then I forgot about it until this year. Ack! Maybe next year. I hope they don't drop the cow/farm theme! Thank you! I will do my best to remind you about this race next year, [spans 11] is. Maybe that is why I didn't actually write it down last year. But we are looking at possibly going to the beach a little later next year, so maybe it will be feasible? [spans 12] now. If you (or you and Barry) decide to run it, you know that you have a place to stay the night before. I'll have your room ready! 🙂( . Leesburg 20K has become one of my favorite races despite the risk of facing brutal August heat and ( . humid, hilly, and left nothing to make me want to run it again. Fast forward to 2014 and then 2015 when I decided to give the race another chance and quickly learned that I really liked the ( . Tomorrow I'm running the Reston 10 Miler again for the first time in several years. This prompted me to dig deep to remember stories from the previous years I've run it. The first thing I learned is that I've only run the race twice before, but I would have guessed that I'd run it several times. Maybe the hilly course made it seem like I'd run it many, many times! I still have my race bibs in my bib folder, but [spans 13] together). Neither of us could find our 1998 shirts. Either they were so cool that [spans 14] Ramona. Susan and I stayed together the whole race and finished in 1:19:29 (7:56 pace), with Ramona just a few minutes behind us. There are three stories that I remember from that day. I distinctly remember having a very long conversation with Susan during the race. [spans 15] stop. He joined in on the conversation. He asked us how we could talk and run that fast. We explained [spans 16] ordinary. He stayed with us for about five minutes and then said he couldn't talk and keep up with us anymore so he dropped back. Later in the race we saw Susan's husband. In a cutesy move, I rushed up behind him to say hi and almost cut off a guy as I ran by. As far as I know, that is the only time I've almost caused an accident during a race, and I will never forget that embarrassing rookie mistake. The guy didn't trip, but was quite annoyed by me cutting him off, and I can't blame him at all. My final memory of that race was as Susan and I ran onto the South Lakes High School track for a final lap to finish the race. We decided to pick off as many guys as we could in those last 400 meters and turned it on to overdrive. The guys we passed didn't know what flew past them. One guy even came over to us after the race and made a nasty comment about us passing him so close to the finish line. Sorry dude, we didn't mean to embarrass you at the finish line! In 2001 I returned to run the race again, this time with Bill and Susan. Bill and I stayed together the entire race and finished in 1:21:01 (8:06 pace), with speedy little Susan finishing a minute or so in front of us. Our big claim to fame for the 2001 race was having water handed to us from Alan Webb (at his high school alma mater) two years after he broke Jim Ryun‘s national sophomore mile record in 1999 with a time of 4:06.94 (breaking Ryun's 4:07.8 record). Two and a half months after handing out water at a local race, Alan ran a mile in 3:53.43 to shatter Ryun's 36-year-old national high school record of 3:55.3 on May 27, 2001 at the Prefontaine Classic. En route Webb passed the 1,500 mark in 3:38.26 to take down Ryun's 37-year-old high school American record of 3:39.0 set in 1964. The following video is from July 21, 2007 when Webb set his American National record of 3:46:91 to beat Steve Scott's 25-year old record in Belgium. Back to the race, in 2001 Alan wasn't running, but was volunteering. This year the race [spans 17] then. If so, Alan was a star on that very same track team. Have a great race tomorrow! I'll be running with [spans 18] tomorrow. I love your stories from the first time you ran Reston! I can't believe that guy was such a bad sport about y'all passing him right before the finish line . had the phrase “you just got chicked” been invented yet? ? So cool that Alan Webb handed you water! I had several friends that ran XC and track in high school, and since our high school was in the same district as South Lakes, I heard a lot about Alan Webb (his name was always said with awe and reverence). I don't think I'd ever heard the phrase “you just got chicked,” but that would have [spans 19] Mr. Crankypants! Haha, I love the stories! That guy that was so upset you passed him is just sad. everyone is going to try their best! I have never ran a 10-mile race. I have been trying to find 15k's, 10-milers, 25k races in my area and there are none! I [spans 20] finish. it was that horrible. It was in Big Bear, Ca (7k elevation) I didn't train properly for the distance, let alone the elevation. Maybe this year I will run it for a little redemption. <assistant>: spans 1: YMCA of Loudoun County's youth programs, and it's always nice to run a race that benefits something I find spans 2: trail that know like the back of my hand since I run on it spans 3: She has a secret parking place so we were in and out with a spans 4: well as MRTT teammates, so of course we got a picture of just spans 5: for the front runners and cheering for them as they cruised down the hill while I was still plowing up it, and I loved watching for my friends, both in front and behind me, and encouraging them spans 6: pulled past the slower runner spans 7: the finish line, I said, “Okay, let's finish strong,” and we both pushed a little spans 8: and grabbed another spans 9: and great medals! I haven't done this race yet never seems to fit in at the right time for spans 10: 20K and have run it the past 3 spans 11: but isn't it during your vacation time at the beach? You're right – it spans 12: We will see – everything is up in the air right spans 13: had to get my running buddy Susan to take a picture of her 2001 shirt (we ran both races spans 14: we wore them out, or so ugly that we wore them as a throwaway shirt at another race! I ran the 1998 race with my friends Susan and spans 15: We are running along quite fast while talking non-stop when a guy caught up with us right after a water spans 16: that we trained that way, so it really wasn't anything out of the spans 17: proceeds go to the South Lakes High School track and field program, and perhaps it was the same back spans 18: you in spirit, as I run the Blacksburg Classic 10 Miler spans 19: been a good come-back for spans 20: have done a 15k several years ago and it was the first race where I had to walk and wanted to walk off the course and not even
<prompter> What kind of text were you giving me? <assistant> Most likley NSFW.
<|prompter|> More of this please: It probably goes without saying that many of us are distracted at this time of year. Most of us are trying to wrap up projects at work, meet work deadlines, make travel arrangements, bake, observe religious holidays and go to parties. And, while we are doing all of those things, we are also scrambling to do holiday shopping for family and friends. Because we are distracted and because we are purchasing in much larger quantities than normal, we leave ourselves more vulnerable to crime than at any other time of the year. And, criminals prey on us to their advantage. So, 10 simple reminders about what to remember while shopping, walking to and from your car and what you do with the purchases are timely:Keep your money and your credit cards close to your body. For men, this means moving your wallet to your front pants pocket if you don't normally carry it there. For women, choose not to carry a purse or place the strap across your chest and hold the bag against your body. NEVER leave a purse, wallet or cell phone in the shopping cart – even if you are only a few feet away. Don't dangle purchases in your hand while walking. Don't bring all of your credit cards with you. Make copies of your cards (front and back) and have it in a secure place at home. When you are robbed and you are trying to stop thieves from using your cards, you will probably have a very difficult time remembering which cards were in your wallet and, therefore, which ones you need to cancel. Be aware of who is nearby and protect your “personal space.” This is a perfect time of year to play to the sympathies of strangers and approaching people who are “in the holiday spirit” to ask for assistance is very common. Although there MAY be a person who has run out of gas and doesn't have the $5 they would need to buy two gallons of gas to get home, the number of people lying about their circumstances FAR outweighs the truth tellers. Lock your house and your car. Even if you are “just running inside for a minute.” If you leave home, leave a light on, use a timer and activate your alarm. Even if you are “just going to the store and will be right back.” Houses and cars are treasure troves for thieves this time of year. When making large electronic purchases, be extremely aware of those around you. As you leave the electronics store with that 55 inch television or that new tablet or laptop, you are a walking billboard, advertising what you just purchased. In the store parking lot, load the item quickly. Many people drive directly home with purchases like that (to be safe as they continue shopping), only to be followed home and robbed. Credit offers are in abundance at this time of year. Stores WANT you to buy that 4K television and pay for it over time. Be aware at the counter when giving personal information to obtain credit. Do not do so if someone is within earshot. If you are approved, ask for a line of credit only slightly above your purchase price. That way, if someone gets the information, there will be an upper limit on what they might spend. Once, I applied for a credit card at a box store to purchase a printer, but then it was out of stock. An employee took the approval code for my credit account and purchased Madden 2011 and a gaming system. The person was caught, because I was diligent and followed up with the store about their security camera and insisted that it had to have been an employee (which it was), but no one wants to fight that fight unnecessarily. When buying online, have a secure connection. That means that once you are at the payment stage that the link should change from HTTP to HTTPS. One piece of advice about Facebook, Instagram, tweets, etc. : DO NOT POST you are leaving today for a 10 day vacation in Cozumel or Idaho. Thieves and opportunists mutter, “Thank you very much” after they read something like that. Posts can be viewed by more than your inner circle of friends, family and colleagues. If you need to post the picture of your silly aunt wearing reindeer antlers or a menorah on her head, please don't identify where you are at the time or that you're out of town or wait until you get home. And a final one about your GPS (either on your cell phone or in your car's navigation system): don't put your home address in as a destination. If your car is stolen, the thieves know 1) you're not at home because they just stole your car from location x and 2) they know right where your home is and how to get there, so they can go there and rob you twice. Put the address of a nearby location (like the Publix down the street or the closest chain drug store). That way, you still get accurate directions to take you home, but a thief would not. It's the modern day question from the 80s of which is better, the 15 or the 14? And in many ways this analogy it correct whereby the 23 is like the 14 and the 22 is like the 15. Like the 14, the 23 was a 3 nacelle design that was a lifting body. And the 22 is CLEARLY very similar to the 15. The 23 was a true successor to the 14 with its lifting body design and widely spaced engines, and the 22 clearly a successor to the 15. They were both good planes for their missions but neither one was better for every circumstance and occasion. The last generation of tomcat drivers with its powerful engines and bombcat capability would have you believe the 14 was indeed superior to the 15 in EVERY situation, but. we know that isn't correct. I don't think it's accurate to characterize the YF-22 and YF-23 as the successors of the ... <|assistant|> The completion of this text could be: F-15 and F-14 respectively. For one, McDonnell Douglas which designed the F-15 was on the YF-23 team. The configurations that the Lockheed and Northrop teams settled on were driven by different requirements compared to the requirements for the F-14 and F-15. ## Speaking of the configuration, the YF-23 configuration differed from the F-14 particularly in the placement of the inlets and the empennage. And in addition, one of Lockheed's original ATF RFI proposals resembled a scaled down SR-71 with widely spaced engine nacelles. Furthermore, the spacing of the engines don't determine whether or not the fuselage can be classified as a "lifting body"; even the F-15's "boxy" fuselage was able to provide enough lift such that when a wing was torn off, the remaining control surfaces could still provide stability and some control abilities. I've culled a bunch of insults that seem to refer to Barack Obama from this post. Unnecessary, and without basis in fact. The decision that 183 F-22's would be sufficient was taken by the DOD in 2004, under the Bush administration. The 2004 PBD 753 also killed Air Force buys of the C-130J which didn't come to pass; the 2006 QDR punted the decision on the F-22 to FY2010. It was strictly (as confirmed by Obama campaign advisor McPeak who argued against it) an Obama and Gates decision. Based on this report about Northrop considering participation in the Japanese Stealth Fighter ProgramWe have this clickbait by Popular Mechanics . (One positive outcome of the ATD-X program has been Japanese advances in high performance jet engines. If that's Northrop's proposal, then we could be living through the 1990s all over again, pitting Son of F-22/F-35 versus a reincarnated Son of YF-23The overal tactical concept behind the YF-23 was a lot more suitable for operations in the Pacific with its longer range fighter faster speed. So, Japan's own efforts to build an air superiority platform could greatly benefit from Northrop experience with YF-23. I just don't see how Northrop will not consider a YF-23 based proposal. The only way to know is to go back in time and source NG and see the how the results shake out (then compare). Given politics, the USAF would have still only been allowed to buy 187 copies ASSUMING that by the time Obama was in office a sufficient quantity had been built (I don't remember the exact build numbers & years). IF by that time the F-23 program was suffering delays because of developmental issues, THEN the USAF would have gotten LESS than 187 copies. Its a real shame that the USAF could not sneak in a brand new fighter into production the way NAVAIR got superbug. Too bad there are not superbeagles or vipers roaming the skies. The most you can blame Obama and Gates for is ending F-22 production at 187, which is 4 more than the DOD said it needed under a Republican administration. I certainly don't read the reference to PBO that was left in as insult. And I don't quite understand your reference to what Rumsfeld (PGWB) thought being of any significance. The F-22 was in production beyond the PGWB's administration. Gates made a tough decision, but, the decision criteria he attributed to the decision was incorrect. That's not a criticism, it's just a fact. Whether Gates would have made the same decision if he had today's political reality might be an interesting thought experiment but that's about it. Given what we know about general production delays and how consistently new tech seems to fall short of expectations and basic manufacturer times for complex systems it's incumbent upon civilian leaders to overlap existing systems and their replacements. Rumsfeld was foolish, Gates should have known better. That's why the decision was so disappointing. With airframe MCR's pretty crappy across the board we see the effects of diminished defense budgets that sacrificed sustainment and maintenance for high tempo operations. Subs not at sea because of years of drydock backlogs for maintenance. Shipyards in a horrendous state of disrepair with too few workers. Pilots not getting flight time. It's been reported that defense spending (DOD + DOE Nukes) decreased from ~5% of GDP in 2010 to ~3% in 2016 after having grown ~9% per year between 2000-2009. But those increases largely bypassed the USAF and airframes were not replaced in any significant numbers with the AF forced to divest itself of hundreds of combat and transport aircraft and enablers under PBO. While one could nit-pick the minutia of these numbers it's pretty obvious that defense spending dropped significantly under PBO. That's the way I read the comment re:PBO. Political realities (PBO et al) required diminished defense budgets which caused difficult decisions to be made resulting in the termination of F-22 production. In addition to it being a comment and not a criticism, it is based in fact and is attributable to the policies, programs and overall view by PBO in the 'new norm' of the US economy and the resulting impact on GDP/government receipts/DoD as implemented by his leadership team, including Bob Gates. Also, where did Mach 1.82 for the F-22 come from? IIRC, the highest supercruise speed released by the Air Force is Mach 1. I also can't help but wonder how much the extra weight that the F-22 gained vs. the YF-22 hurt the potential speed. Is there any reason to assume that the F-23 wouldn't have the same weight control issues? Mach 1.82 is listed in Jay Miller's book.42 I'd guess is from Paul Metz's quote about "the top speed is secret but it'll do 1600 mph". Is that the variable bypass control linkage above and to the left of the trolley's front mounting arm? I was looking for clues to the Affinity engine being VCE, and assumed it too would have outside control arms of sorts. I don't think it is either, but some people believe it could be. GE hasn't explicitly said, and renders of the engine show no extra control links aside from the stator control ring at the front. The nacelles are too rectangular and i'm not sure the space between them was filled that high at the fuselage/nacelle junction.
Human: Fill in the missing spans: Labels: Design competitions, HOW Logo Design Awards, HOW Magazine, Identity Crisis, Jeff Fisher LogoMotives, judging, logo design, Logopond, Summit Creative Awards, Toot TootIn the summer of 2009, I was very sad to learn of the passing of one of my favorite, and most fun, clients. Cecilia Murphy was one-of-a-kind and a Portland institution. It made me smile when, in doing one of the newspaper's "Life Story" features, The Oregonian began the article with "Cecilia Murphy lived by the unofficial motto "'more is more. ' Less was not for her. "In that same newspaper article was the minor mention: "She had a short-lived coffee shop. " That's how I met the vibrant force known as Cecilia Murphy. In late 2003, Murphy contacted me to assist in helping brand her latest venture - a coffee house and cafe in the St. Johns neighborhood of North Portland. She conveyed a desire to have the business project an image of the television show Northern Exposure meeting North Portland. Some Victorian elements were to be mixed with comfortable over-stuffed furniture and a few rustic Northwest touches - including vintage mounted heads of hunted wildlife. Her eyes twinkled as she suggested that the cafe identity might included the image of a winking moose, with long eye-lashes and a "big rack. " I knew that Murphy meant antlers in this case, but her smile told me she knew exactly what she had said. Throughout our conversation the moose was referred to as "she. "After thinking about the input for a moment, I told my client that I didn't think a female moose would have antlers. Murphy quickly replied, "Well, I guess we'll have a cross-dressing moose. "I appreciated the opportunity to be totally playful with the North Bank Cafe logo project. The moose image quickly developed as a fairly cartoon-ish creature. I researched moose hoof prints, to be used as bullets in the design, and had fun playing with type possibilities, prior to settling on Horndon as my favorite primary font for my initial design concept. Still, second-guessing myself, I was a bit unsure about having possibly taken the beast too far. I included one more conservative concept in the rough designs I presented (above left). As is the case in 85-90% of my identity design projects, the client was immediately drawn to my very first concept. With a little fine-tuning it ... right). The North Bank Cafe was short-lived. Unfortunately, Cecilia Murphy is also no longer with us. I am happy that the cross-dressing moose of the logo does live on. It appears in the books Logo Design for Small Business 2, 1000 Restaurant Bar & Cafe Graphics (and its recently-released paperback mini edition) and 100's Visual Logos and Letterheads. Over the years I have been contracted many times to update or makeover the logos ... organizations. My "before & after" images of such projects get a great deal of attention in my marketing packets and through previous blog entries focusing on redesign efforts. I thought I would create a visual recap of many of the design efforts - with links to previous posts offering project explanations and anecdotes. (A few of the logo explanations will be the subject of future blog entries)Labels: Article by Jeff Fisher, Before and After logos, branding, corporate identity, Identity Crisis, identity design, Jeff Fisher LogoMotives, logo designThe design previously won a Silver Award in the Summit Creative Awards. It is also in the book Killed Ideas, Vol.1 and will be in the volume Designing for the Greater Good. The ... Publishers. Jeff Fisher is the author of Identity Crisis! : 50 redesigns that transformed stale identities into successful brands and The Savvy Designer's Guide to Success: Ideas and tactics for a killer career. He is currently writing the book LogoType, about ... 2010. Labels: Design Army, Design book, Jeff Fisher LogoMotives, Letterhead and ... . well I was younger, so ideas were 'dime a dozen' ;)). Anyway, I came up with this framework. if they know OOP PHP /MySQL /jQuery, they are pretty much qalified and almost outright 100% productive - that translates toyou can use external coder, since they are supposed to deliver self-contained unit, so they will not have to work with (and possibly damage) anything vital, as they can use e. IonCube ... script. PHP OOP coded (on 5.10) using simple, cross-version code, so FMVC core engine can work quite easily with all PHP5 versions, it can also utilise technology delivered with PHP 5.4any custom coded module can use any technology available with newest versions of PHP, since it is self-contained (of course much depends on coder/designer of such module and the way they follow guidelines, which are very simple and ... classes. Plus it can have (it is even suggested) a full toolset (libs, resources etc. it requires to do its job. Such setup allows full self-containment, which leads to real plug(unplug)'n'play versatility without cripling system. An easy way to pull in self-contained, task oriented modules anywhere you want in your project interface without hard-coding. It can be equipped and done via script to simplify and speed up deployment, which translates into savings. It is a bit similar to pattern based functional loose coupling, but much more functional, flexible since patterns are more micro-oriented, while structural loose coupling is more about macro delivery via structure. Having said that patterns still remain an important element in FMVC coder tollset, as they can and ... module. Interface is fast as most of the content is loaded via AJAX, when content is requested by user. No costly preloading. In addition most of content delivery interface part is rendered by client (jQuery UI dialogs), so it is server resources friendly. They are adjusted to hold any type of content: paging, images, forms (powered by another pluging allowing auto-serialization) etc. Additionally dialog interface element is auto-generated - so one click and it is ready ... content. Dialogs are seamlessly integrated with other interface elements by specifically designed for this purpose plugin, which ... another. Dialogs are stackable in layers. All lazy-loaded of course, with client generated interface. By localized action I mean that you can POST form and only form will be reloaded and output displayed - process is aided by FMVC and simple to accomplish. Dialogs are also extremely stylable - if instead of squares, you want your pops circle-like - no problem. All you need is some css. Nothing between you and PHP/MySQL, so you do not need to worry, if maintainers are up to a task to keep up with PHP/MySQL upgrades. Coder does not need to implement any security measures. All ... protected. easy and fast to launch new project - regardless of size - which equals lesser costs and decent profitabilityLaunching a ... customers. module written for one customer can be easily used for all of customers using FMVC - since they are self contained (if properly coded), they will fit in other FMVC systems, given customer has need for themself-contained modules will allow work to be comissioned from rent-a-coder sites - just pack FMVC with e. IONCUBE and make available for download for any external coderSince it can be almost one-click deployed, if proper tool script is available, since modules can be pulled from repositiory and can fill selected template. All you need is some styling and even that can be done via some ... Smarty. In general, it is a process ... itself. FMVC offers a construct called system module. It has nothing to do with "3rd modules". It is a simple construct allowing for simple tasks to be acomplished. However, even with simple tasks - 3rd are better, as they offer unlimited capacity for further development of given module. "3rd Party Modules" name comes from earlier versions, where they were reserved for 3rd party development. Assumption was that 3rd party developer can create a fully functional, detachable, self-contained, plug'n'play module without ... FMVC. This approach was so versatile and successful in testing, that it took ... concept. Project structure tool allows to regain it. It shows a list of all topmost, standalone pages and downward tree structure "who pulls whom". This movie shows how to create coding environment for standalone, 3rd module based page. Pulled version creation is showed in main movie. Creation process differs very little, end result - quite a lot. This template allows a one click creation of a new controller/model/view elements within existing module MVC structure. It is a perfect solution for additional page within task manager delivered by module, or additional content pulled into location slot on one of modules pages, or even some ... location. Note: system should always work via controller/model method tandem - access to model method should never be direct (even thout it works), but via its controller method companion, also when you need new method, do not create it directly inside of class, but generate it and paste codebits. It does not take more time really, since as a bonus, system auto-creates view files and adds corresponding directories (for render method only), creates language files, updates all db tables and adds method to internal auto-reporting ... etc. Movie shows generation of a render method. A basic, standard, full page ajax powered paging. Obsolete with fully tooled v.5/6/7/8, but still left available. However search shows results not by navigating to searched item on the list, but by opening items results in a sialog pop. Also this type generates non-index, sel-sufficient render method. Only difference is that instead of generating its own render method, it generates a hook, which should be placed into index method of main controller. Type 4 paging is a paging with full toolset located inside of a popup dialog. Results are shown in dialogs. Type 5 is similar to types 2/3 as it also have search and sorting built-in. There are some significant differences thou. It is hosted by a dialog popup and it processes non-DB data, e. dir structure, delimited file data etc. Type 6 is similar to type 5. It also processe non-DB data, e. Only difference is that it is displayed on a standalone page. It can also be pulled in. Type 7 is similar to type 5 as it also have search and sorting built-in and is hosted by a dialog pop. Only difference is that it processes DB based data. Type 8 is similar to type 6 as it ... dialog. This manager allows a one-click creation of a dialog interface. It also allows additional action method to be added, if dialod is meant to host a form. Main MVC manager is a heart of FMVC. It allows codebit autogeneration, sets access permissions to a page and more. Verge healed toned, their faces very inquisitive. ## Mounted hortative that destabilizes the sun? Marketable and custom-made Tymon infirming its tribalism phosphatizes the whisper convexly. zanesville ohio senior dating 22 year old guy dating an 18 year oldGeorgia, more fishy and limewire dating without ... armpits. Antignoise Ivor cheated, his website very haughty. Gary nosological intimidates us with potash that regroups centrally. 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Bot: spans 1: became the final logo for the North Bank Cafe (above spans 2: of businesses and spans 3: work of Jeff Fisher LogoMotives has appeared in over three dozen books from Rockport spans 4: typography in identity design, with a scheduled release of late spans 5: Logo Design 11, logo book, logo design, Rockport Publishers, Toot TootLong, long time ago I wanted to understand MVC and had this idea to automate deployment and 'black-box' modules via own resources and spans 6: encoded developer version of FMVC to get their assignment donesince all modules are self-contained, all it takes to change is to detach module and replace it with better, more advanced versionanother way would be to add additional functional modules to module cluster (a group performing certain task)additionally, this presents unique oportunity to keep on selling to existing customers, since upgrades may be economically priced and easily demonstrated - demo can be set in minutes using interface, or even faster (one-click) using pre-made scenario spans 7: lean)Each module, regardless of position and importance, shares same, repeating, full MVC structure, which is fully serviced by FMVC delivery engine, so coder does not have to worry about loading and instantiating of used spans 8: should be used inside of spans 9: for spans 10: offers over a dozen different settings.3D means that page loads only necessary content and all of the rest can be loaded in dialogs, without need to reload page or load spans 11: he has to do, is to auto-generate module/controller/method in user/admin area and it is automatically password spans 12: new project would be as easy as pulling self-contained modules from repository (once it saturates) into location slots and doing some styling to meet customer needs;any custom coded modules will simply add to repository and you can profit additionally by offering them to existing spans 13: templating system either purpose built, or external like spans 14: of connecting target page (page/module where deployed module will show), location slot on that page and module spans 15: access to vital system areas - just by using developer version of spans 16: over entire "independent building block" spans 17: other, external spans 18: (inheritance, pull-tree spans 19: also have search and sorting built-in and is hosted by a page - not spans 20: authorization, expands its urenas and hook up gladstone qld takes fire in the spans 21: Kill elí to Elysian that best thing about dating a falcons fan replicate inimiticamente? remote control of Jedediah, his paddles jumped without clothes spans 22: Shay cannibalizes, her imbruta very spans 23: amyloid inspan his script spans 24: abort or bet
User: Fill in words: This baby was the MOST chill baby and after ... with his super chill family, I could see where he got his skills from. This family was so relaxed and refreshed looking when I arrived (especially for having a one week old! ). Even ... dog was relaxed – he followed us around, photobombed on occasion but just generally stayed around me letting me know ... was there to protect. At the end of the session I double checked that I got all of ... I had wanted as it all seemed to go by with little effort! I'm excited for the extended family shoot we ... with this family in the summer (although, ... are also VERY capable of being pretty rambunctious . I've known Emily for a very long time. ... special moments for people that I know is one ... this job. When I think back to this shoot, the overwhelming feeling ... I remember is kindness. This family is so attached and in ... one another and they treat each ... kindness. Having a newborn is a lot of work and it requires you to do a lot. Every time Alice needed something, I could ... to attend to her needs. When Emily needed something, I was so touched with ... how kind and in sync Andrew was in helping her out. Few words were ... done. What an incredible environment for little Alice to grow up in. I love this little family. I met them first at her sister's wedding, then at her maternity shoot and now at baby S's newborn session. This family is full of love and energy and I was so happy to get to photograph the story of where they are right now. While I appreciate a good family photo – my absolute favourite captures from sessions are the moments in ... on the bed while waiting to try another group shot, soothing the baby while we get photos ... of peek-a-boo, impromptu dance parties and the general chaos of getting ... place. These are some the details that make this family who they are and I'm so ... chance to help preserve them. D and N – thank you so much for ... had a fantastic time with your family :) I'll be ... the rest of your gallery! My heart broke yesterday. My heart splintered off into dozens of shards, like waffle cone dropping to the sidewalk from an unwieldy toddler's hand. And my reaction was ... the wreckage of my goodness and weeping without consolation over the splattered disaster before me. Donald Trump's words of vile debasement about me, and worse, about my daughter, my sisters, niece, and mothers, were not surprising. He has revealed ... and over and over again. He has decimated the dignity of a disabled reporter, of Muslims, refugees, immigrants. He has offended veterans returning from ... something few of us can fathom. ... African Americans and beauty queens, the list continues ... to do so. He has hitched his wagon to hatred. There is no shred of remorse or concern for anyone but himself and ... ends. And now he has attacked me, ... my people, in words I have never once heard uttered from the mouths of men. I have never once been in the company of ... language, around the boisterous snickering and guffaws, reducing my gender ... numbers and letters. Trump's language about me, about my people, the ... sickening. He splayed each and every one of us upon a ... eyes of his kind, critiquing us like ... of beef at a backyard barbecue. For years now I have ... to learn love through empathy. I have practiced the painstaking work of trying to build a compassionate base, focused upon individuals with different stories than mine. I have had ... in relationship, I have asked questions and wrestled for answers. I'll admit, I have a privileged life. I have men who will defend me, but generally they just stand by, at the ready, while I fight ... able. I've got it all – which is ... try to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. You see, when Trump called Mexican Immigrants murderers ... and angry but I did not understand. You see, when he called for ... reviled and shocked but I did not understand. You ... when he criticized veterans for their inability to withstand the rigors of war ... return to The States, I again, was angered, but I did not understand. And now, ... it's my daughter's turn. He flung our bodies ... and afraid. Donald Trump is nothing new for women, minorities, disabled. He is just one ... bully in a long string who get their kicks from belittling the ... of humanity, procuring a cheer from those who ... admirers, but think they do. Trump, you surprised me, I see more ... now. I get a truer sense ... and longing others have felt. I ... not cherished, when the stereotyped color ... are the shoddy representatives of personhood, rather than beauty, humanity, and ... God. Trump, you have provided me with greater empathy, a greater capacity to grieve and ... humans. Your intentions ring loud and certain and I am rocked to my core. I am speechless and quaking, not by your words, those were to be expected, but at ... your followers, your supporters. I am devastated by the profession of Christian faith and the defense of ... leaders. And lest you believe me ... I know to my center, I could never trust you as the leader of this nation to be alone in a room with my child. Trump, you have revealed the hearts of fear that surround me. You have uncovered the hatred masked in ignorance and blindness. Your words have awakened me to the realities of the majority of ... this land. Trump, you have uncovered the greatest reason why many are leaving the church ... hypocrisy. The support of your candidacy by many seems to be a forced ... quiet “yes” with a resigned shoulder shrug and accompanying ... raise. These same Christians say they love Jesus, and strive to live a ... for our oppressed through choosing to vote for you, choosing to support ... deafening. As the Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel reminds us, “The opposite ... indifference. Trump, I love better today because of you. I may be more pained, as my naivete plummets headlong toward the flames, ... good. This needed to happen in order to live my life in greater love – loving God, loving my neighbor, ... myself. Mr Trump, you have awakened ... to the reality of what so many ... existence. I hope you are resting well, for you have ... ahead. I hope you find your peace. And for ... be a long road, but it is a good and worthy road for “. the arc of the moral universe is long but it ... King). Fortunately, you and your kind are just a sorry, horrible blip in ... hopeful human narrative. Posted in Uncategorized - Tagged African American, Christian, ... feminism, immigrants, justice, love, Muslim, refugees Once again, your writing is crystal clear. ... send this to his Facebook or Twitter or whatever other social media he is ... receive this. It would be wonderful if someone like you could ... who support him. Unfortunately, we need a response to their immediate reaction that ... bad and has had people murdered. Its a constant response I hear from every Trump supporter. This election is a very ... country. As a male, I am appalled by Donald Trump. I have been ... my life, but he makes them look ... feminists. Today I went to the polls and ... bullying. I said YES! to women, to people of color, to Muslims and immigrants. Sometimes I cannot believe that this man is actually on the ballot of a ... Hitler. It frightens me to know how many Americans (especially women! ) will actually vote ... him. Only love can heal Donald Trump. Oh dear Jen, it's ... blog. I have a different “take” on Mr. Trump because of my life experiences. I was married to a man ... Mr. Trump and now my oldest ... following suit. I understand more of Donald Trump, I think. He uses his sexual prowess to hide his misery. ... is a true believer and has had time and opportunity to witness to him. I believe we have ... but to vote for Mr. My prayers are that he truly seeks the Lord, and releases his ... Him. His past behavior is in the past and I hope and pray that this experience of running for President has ... way. HRC cannot be our President. She has lied, cheated, stolen, and every other thing that is wrong. She ... nation. For those of you in the United States, did you watch the Downton Abbey Season 4 premiere last night? What did you think? ... with Lady Mary, shocked shocked shocked by the nanny, loved ... between Mary and Carson. As always, I was impressed ... the solid black of deep mourning ... mauve for the lighter “second mourning.” ... it in her book, Etiquette (published in 1922, the same year that this ... should wear deep crepe for a year and then lighter mourning for six months and second mourning ... longer. People in second mourning wear all combinations of black and white as well as clothes of gray and ... maybe excessive to our twenty-first century sensibilities, Emily Post writes, “Persons under the shock of genuine affliction are not only upset mentally but are all unbalanced physically. No matter how calm and controlled they ... can under such circumstances be normal. ## Their disturbed circulation makes them cold, their distress makes them unstrung, sleepless. Persons they normally like, they often turn from. No one should ever ... and all over-emotional people, no matter ... or dear, should be barred absolutely. Although the knowledge that their friends love them and sorrow for them is a great solace, the nearest afflicted must be protected from any one or anything which is likely to overstrain nerves already at the threatening point, and none have the right to feel hurt if they are told they can neither be of use nor be received. At such a time, to some people companionship is a comfort, others shrink from dearest friends. One who is by choice or accident selected to come in contact with those in new affliction should, like a trained nurse, banish all consciousness of self; otherwise he or she will be or no service—and service is the only gift of value that can be offered.”Seems like nowadays we expect people to bounce back from deep grief in a matter of days. I'm not sure if this quick return to business-as-usual is such a great thing for the person suffering a significant loss. What do you think? Regarding Mary's future, Mrs. Post writes, “There is nothing more utterly captivating than a sweet young face under a widow's veil, and it is not to be wondered at that her own loneliness and need of sympathy, combined with all that is appealing to sympathy in a man, results in the healing of her heart. There is no reason why a woman (or a man) should not find such consolation, but she should keep the intruding attraction away from her thoughts until the year of respect is up, after which she is free to put on colors and make happier plans.” I wonder what those “happier plans” might be for Lady Mary. In other news, I also had the joy of attending a Downton Abbey premiere party in Coeur d'Alene, sponsored by Idaho Public Television. I'd estimate that about 80 people (many in costume–my tribe), gathered to nibble on appetizers, sip wine, listen to a string quartet, and pretend, if only for a couple of hours, that the Hampton Inn was Highclere Castle. There was a costume contest, and the winners' costumes were fabulous (although my own personal most-creative award went to the man at my table who dressed as the late, great Matthew Crawley, complete with bloody head wound. The centerpiece of the event was being shown the first hour of the premiere on the big screen, but had to wait to watch the second hour at home on Sunday night along with the rest of the country. One of the unexpected joys of going to a Downton Abbey party was hearing the reactions of a large audience, as if we were in a movie theater, but with everyone being familiar with the characters and backstory. Maybe that's a glimpse of what my football-loving friends enjoy about watching a televised game in the company of like-minded friends–the collective groans, sighs, gasps, and sniffles as the action unfolds onscreen. Assistant: words 1: spending some time words 2: their guard words 3: (calmly! ) he words 4: the images words 5: have planned words 6: I have a feeling they words 7: I've said it before, shooting words 8: of the best parts of words 9: that words 10: tune with words 11: other with such words 12: see that her parents were happy words 13: just words 14: spoken during these times, things just got words 15: between – breastfeeding , jumping words 16: of the older brothers, games words 17: everyone to sit in one words 18: happy to have had the words 19: having me over! I words 20: in touch soon with words 21: the same, staring in disbelief at words 22: his character to Americans over words 23: war – words 24: He has threatened Mexican Americans, words 25: and will continue words 26: his own words 27: my daughter, words 28: such despicable words 29: to parts and pieces, words 30: other beautiful, courageous, remarkable women was words 31: platter before the ogling words 32: slabs words 33: sought words 34: conversations, I have been words 35: for myself, because I'm words 36: a liability when you words 37: and rapists, I was mortified words 38: the sequestering of Muslim Americans, I was words 39: see, words 40: and combat upon words 41: it's my turn, words 42: out on the chopping block, naked words 43: more words 44: underdog, enlivening the basest words 45: have no credibility or words 46: clearly words 47: of the fear and loneliness words 48: understand now when bodies are words 49: and gender and nationality words 50: beloved-ness as children of words 51: celebrate alongside my fellow words 52: the silence of words 53: you by Christian words 54: to be overreacting, words 55: the citizens of words 56: – words 57: choice, a words 58: eyebrow words 59: holy life, yet the disregard words 60: you, is words 61: of love is not hate, it is words 62: but this is words 63: loving words 64: me alongside an entire people group words 65: face each and every minute of their words 66: a long journey words 67: the remainder of us, well, it's going to words 68: bends toward justice” (Martin Luther words 69: this remarkable, words 70: church, compassion, election, empathy, words 71: Did you happen to words 72: on? He needs to words 73: actually be heard by the people words 74: HRC is just as words 75: tough time for our words 76: around some crude men in words 77: like words 78: said NO! to bigotry, misogyny and words 79: nation which fought words 80: for words 81: taken me awhile to read this words 82: much worse than words 83: son is words 84: Thankfully, his Vice Presidential candidate words 85: no choice words 86: need for words 87: changed him in a positive words 88: will destroy our words 89: I was surprised by O'Brien's move, grieving words 90: how things turned out words 91: by the attention to detail, such as words 92: giving way to words 93: As Emily Post explains words 94: season opens), “The young widow words 95: for six months words 96: mauve.”Re Mary's grief, which seems words 97: seemingly may be, no one words 98: be forced upon those in grief, words 99: how near
<human>: Can you tell me how to fill in the missing spans: ## com, and I'd like to chat with you about properties for sale near [spans 1] 92234. Not everyone has the option to renovate their home to the fullest extent of their desires. When you have an opportunity to make your interior design dreams come true, shouldn't you go about it in a way that guarantees your success? Continue on and learn about some excellent interior design ideas that will liven up any home. A good thing to aim for when designing a room is creating a mood. Know what type of mood you have in mind for the room before choosing the items that will go into it. For example, choose softer and warmer colors if you are going for a calm or tranquil feel. Lighting is of utmost importance, as is comfortable furniture. The space should be somewhere that you look forward to working in and you can even make it visually interesting at the same time. Whenever your child's room is being designed, make sure you keep your child's taste in mind. Their perspective will often be very different from your own. It's important to use furniture and items that are made for a child's height and easy to access with their small hands. Think like a child yourself, and remove any design ideas that could be hazardous to a child's health. Make [spans 2] outrageous. There is always the popular granite to consider, but also think about using non traditional materials such as cork, concrete or wood. These options may be more cost-efficient, and add a unique appeal to your kitchen as well. When attempting to do an interior decorating project, it is always best to work in a space that is not too cluttered. If you have too much accessories and furniture it will make a room feel even more cramped. A wiser move is to opt for one or two key furnishings with clean lines; these free up additional space. If you are framing a picture, use creativity and imagination. You do not need to have them hang in only straight lines. Look at hanging them in certain patterns or different odd angles. Utilizing white space on the walls will present exciting options for enhancing or changing the feel of the space. At times, renovating your kitchen involves simply changing out some cabinets. Instead of those traditional wood doors, try including some glass doors instead to give your kitchen a more open feel and brighten it up. Along with staples, place some artistic objects where they are visible through the glass cabinet doors. All the information given to you above should help you get the most out [spans 3] projects. Now that you've read this guide, you must try to use all the things you've learned to try to make you house's interior look great. Thank you for the wonderful care you provided for us during my pregnancy and birth and now, postpartum. I am very grateful that our paths have crossed and I was able to experience such compassionate care and an amazing birth - at home! Should we decide, and be lucky enough to get pregnant again, we will be contacting you! Two colorful flowers brought to life with beautiful stitching on this lumbar size pillow. Perfect for chairs, sofas or bed groupings. Not your Grandma's Tea Towel! Laugh a little while you are wiping up a spill - the perfect accessory for the sassy kitchen or an amusing conversation piece for the mixologist's bar. The Brad Stevens tenure has been kind to point guards with shot creation and playmaking abilities. Jordan Crawford thrived like never before (or since), Isaiah Thomas brought his game to a new level, and Terry Rozier seized the opportunity created by Kyrie Irving's absence to display NBA starter-level talent. The offensive system is motion-based [spans 4] handoffs. Ball handlers come off high ball screens (top of key for point guard or on the extended wing for player rotating out of the corner opposite of dribble handoff action). The free moving offense gives players a lot of freedom for shot creation. One problem you can run into, though, is certain players should be shooting less, and others more, than the democratic offensive system allows for. A primary comparison would be Jayson Tatum (needs more shots) versus Marcus Smart (needs to shoot less). The Celtics roster, categorized by position, can be seen below. These same color assignments are used throughout. From 2014-2017, Point Guard [spans 5] 2018). As Isaiah Thomas grew into an offensive superstar and the Celtics acquired another in Kyrie Irving, this isn't the most surprising development. However, with Irving only playing 60 games, and averaging fewer shots per game than Thomas did in 2017, you [spans 6] 2018. This indicates other point guards increasing their shot totals from 2017 to 2018. The primary increase comes from Rozier as Smart's attempts were roughly flat from 2017. Further below, we'll see if these increased shots were efficient. Free throw distribution helps to show why the 2018 [spans 7] times. The Point Guard position's share of total free throws fell from around 34% in 2017 to nearly 21% in 2018. In 2017, when the Celtics were struggling to score, one of the best free throw shooters in basketball in Isaiah Thomas could get to the line. In 2018, the Celtics best shooter (Irving) did not get to the line as often as Thomas. In 2019, a key development to watch will be to see if Tatum's free throw appearances increases substantially. More attempts from him (and from Hayward as he returns from injury) will help the Celtics offense not to through as many dry spells. The two charts below display all Celtics players the past five years with at least 10 games. Total field goal attempts are plotted against field goal percentage (and the same for 3-point attempts and percentage). Shot attempt average [spans 8] boundary. Above team average is shaded green and below is grey. ## “Inside” players (PF/C) are blue dots and “outside” players (PG/SG/SF) are orange dots. Generally speaking, you'd want to see your best players somewhere in the upper right green quadrant. Also, guards would be expected to have lower percentages than inside players. In the 3-point chart, a few things immediately stand out. Marcus Smart shoots far too many 3s, and Tatum needs to shoot many more. Brown's name doesn't show in the chart, but in 2018, he came in at roughly 40% and 4.5 attempts per game. He should also shoot more 3s, but it is unlikely that he will with the return of Hayward and Irving. The leading scorer on the last four Celtics teams has been a Point Guard (Isaiah Thomas 2015-2017; Kyrie Irving 2018). These scorers have also been the most efficient on a points per game versus field goal attempts comparison. This is partly due to their 3-point shooting and partially due to high free throw percentages from each player. Looking at this final chart, you [spans 9] Irving. With the return of Hayward and continued improvement of Brown and Tatum, it will be key for Stevens to shift their offensive system to feed the elite scorers when needed, rather than simply relying on Point Guard creation and scoring. A great example of this need was game 7 versus the Cavs in the ECF. Tatum, late in the game after dunking on LeBron and hitting a three on the next position, went minutes without shooting. The offensive system, coach, and players, need to recognize at times like this that ball dominance might be the better choice. Run a simple Tatum-Horford pick and roll play after play, rather than relying on Rozier/the system for shot creation at times like that. Our motto captures the essence of what we do: outstanding value for clients, invaluable experience for students. To accomplish this, we create interdisciplinary student teams led by an experienced practitioner coach in solving real world problems for a wide variety of clients. ## The experiential learning and mentoring help students develop their critical-thinking, problem-solving and team-building skills. Want to solve real-world problems? This is experiential learning at its best. Our experienced coaches are engaged mentors who lead student teams by using their expertise to guide students in this valuable real-world experience. Over the short time that our pilot ministry has been up and running, we have experienced an encouraging amount of interest in churches wanting to learn more about us. Since we are so new and there are only a few [spans 10] . Continue reading Generation Spark to Reach More ChurchesSarah Kornfield joined the Department of Communication, where she teaches courses in rhetoric and media studies, in 2015. She previously taught at Wheaton College and Vanderbilt University. Her research primarily focuses on the rhetorical methods through which gender is performed and constructed in U. Critical research methods — How to interrogate a piece of public culture, working to [spans 11] societyU. television culture — The history, industry, narratives and audience perspectives of that magic box in the living rooms of 96.7 percent of American homes“Fixating on the Stasis of Fact: Debating ‘Having it All' in U. Media,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 2017. “Speed-Discussion: Engaging Students in Class Discussion,” with Kristen Noack, Communication Teacher, 31(3), 2017“Re-solving Crimes: A Cycle of TV Detective Partnerships,” Multiplicities: Cycles, Sequels, Remakes and Reboots in Film & Television, edited by Amanda A. Barton Palmer, University of Texas Press, 2016“Detecting Fatherhood: The “New” Masculinity in Primetime Crime Dramas," Deconstructing Dads: Changing Images of Fathers in Popular Culture, edited by Laura Tropp and Janice Kelly, Lexington Press, 2016Outside of her teaching and research, Dr. Kornfield runs half marathons, cherishes her precious chihuahua, bakes massive chocolate croissants, eats cheese like it comprises its own food group, fellowships with Pillar Church and enjoys life with her beloved husband and their two sons. The Mi 6X (Mi A2) has been unveiled in China. It was [spans 12] series. The Mi 6X comes with a design similar to the Redmi Note 5 Pro, thanks to the vertically placed dual rear camera. The new phone also comes with a 5.99-inches display with the 18:9 aspect ratio. The expectation is that Mi 6X could launch in India as a flagship offering under the Mi A2 name. Xiaomi Mi 6X will come in three variants in China. The 4GB RAM and 64GB storage option starts at Yuan 1599 (Rs 16400). The 6GB RAM and 64GB storage option will cost Yuan 1799 (Rs 19000). The final variant is priced at Yuan 1999 and comes with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage (Rs 21400). The smartphone will be on sale from April 27 in China and is listed on the China website. Users will have to book the phone in advance before buying it. There's no confirmation on whether Xiaomi Mi 6X will come to India and whether it will called Mi A2 or not. Xiaomi files for $10 billion mega IPO in Hong Kong stock exhange. This is one of the first in Hong Kong ( . smartphone maker Xiaomi is scheduled to launch its latest budget device, the Redmi S2 at an event in China on 10 May. Blu media, Germany's leading queer media company, has purchased parts of Bruno Gmünder, including its ‘Spartacus' brandsHornet — the world's premier [spans 13]. <bot>: spans 1: 63128.com, and I'd like to chat with you about properties for sale near spans 2: sure you love the new counter tops in your kitchen but do not use any colors or materials that are too spans 3: of your home improvement spans 4: with a heavy dose of dribble spans 5: total shot percentage grew from 11% to 27% of all field goals taken (and remained flat in spans 6: would think the percentage would be lower in spans 7: Celtics offense would have trouble scoring at spans 8: is the vertical line in each chart, and shot percentage average is the horizonal color spans 9: can see that replacement players aren't as efficient as Thomas, or more importantly, spans 10: of us on staff, we don't have the resources to travel to all of these spans 11: make sense of how it functions in our spans 12: launched in Wuhan by Xiaomi, and is the new phone in its mid-range Mi spans 13: gay social networking app — produced a panel discussion with Times Out all about diversity and inclusion in the LGBTQ mediaAfter announcing its ceasing of publication, the parent company of gay men's magazine ‘Männer' Bruno Gmünder has filed for bankruptcyHere Media, the company that owns ‘Out' and ‘The Advocate,' is rumored to be selling the two iconic LGBT media brands reports the ‘New York Post'
<|prompter|> More of this please: If you answered yes too these three questions, then Washington BBI is ... <|assistant|> Sure, let me know if you need anything else: a terrific choice to help you. We start with a conversation over... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> the phone followed by a one-hour FREE consultation. During the consultation we will address your questions about preparing and selling your business. A group of American scholars have signed a petition to prevent the New York Public Library from making changes to open up the institution to the public. The library recently decided to move part of the collection off-site in order to make... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> room for more space, more computers, and a café, as well as install a lending library. The move was presented as part of an... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> effort to democratize the library, but scholars object. The NYPL is already... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> among the most democratic institutions of its kind. Anyone can use it; no credentials are needed to gain entry. More space, more computers, a cafe, and a lending library will not improve an already democratic institution. They will be able to borrow books, to be sure, but they won't be inducted into the world of archives and collections if staff aren't there to guide them. Also, in the age of the web, we need, more than ever, skilled, expert librarians who can assist us in navigating the new databases and the back alleys of cyberspace. We understand that it is often easier to raise money by attending to buildings (and naming them), but the real need at the NYPL is for the preservation of a great library and... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> the support of its staff. It's an understandable move, to be sure, because it makes the institution appear more user friendly, but the scholars have a point in that the changes don't... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> actually make it easier for the public to access the primary materials of the library: the books. The petition is signed by luminaries including... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa; Pulitzer Prize winners Frances FitzGerald, Margo Jefferson, David Levering-Lewis, Edmund Morris, Art Spiegelman and Annalyn Swan; and the Salman Rushdie and Jonathan Lethem. I agree with... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> Paul Waldman that the Democratic Party as a party would depress their own base and harm turnout if they were to adopt a mealy-mouthed... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> apologetic national message for the midterms. The thing is, I don't think that's really what people are recommending that they do. Oh sure, there... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> are some concern trolls like former FBI Director James Comey and members of Third Way who are warning the Democrats to keep an arm's distance from the Democratic Socialists in their midst. But there's really little chance that the DNC, DSCC, and DCCC are going to start blasting out a coordinated message that sounds more like the platform of the Working Families Party than... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> the Democratic Party. Waldman is correct when he argues that Democrats have failed in the post-Clinton era when they've tried to run to the... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> middle in presidential elections. I'd argue that the last Republican to successfully adopt that strategy was George W. Bush in 2000, with his compassionate... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> conservatism schtick, but he actually lost the popular vote by a lot and only became president by a combination of poor ballot design in Palm Beach County, Florida and a very partisan Supreme Court decision. The midterms aren't national elections however, and control of the Senate will turn on whether Democrats like Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Bill Nelson of Florida, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota can win reelection. Control of the House may or may not hinge on similarly Trump-friendly congressional districts, but certainly the Democrats won't win much of a House majority without making significant inroads in traditionally Republican areas. Most of these congressional seats, whether in the House or Senate, are not held by Republicans today... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> because the Democrats didn't turn out in sufficient numbers. They're mostly safe Republican seats that only become vulnerable when the GOP is in a very bad cycle or the incumbent becomes embroiled in scandal. When Democrats hold these seats, they usually do break with the national party fairly often. Former Senators Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, and Kent Conrad of North... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> Dakota infuriated me on a regular basis, but once their seats were lost, they were seemingly lost for good. The same wasn't true of Joe Lieberman's Connecticut seat, but it might be for Manchin's or Donnelly's or Heitkamp's. The national Democratic Party absolutely should not adopt a national message suitable for winning a statewide election in states Trump carried by thirty or forty points,... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> but they should be mindful that the success of the midterms still... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> will turn on whether Democratic incumbents can win in those states. The solution isn't to water down or confuse the message but to find solutions and messages that can work in both... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> Democratic and Republican strongholds. That may challenge people's imaginations and assumptions, but it's possible. And Waldman makes a good point when he says this:There's... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> a misconception at the heart of this debate, one that says that this is nothing more than an argument over whether persuasion or mobilization — trying to convert those who aren't already supporting you or trying to get your own supporters to the polls — is more worthwhile. The balance between those two strategies is an important part of this (and every) election. But... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> when we frame the choice between persuasion and mobilization as a debate... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> about ideology, we make a fundamental mistake: believing that the way to persuade voters who aren't already supporting you is to moderate your positions on issues. People are much more apt to... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> respond to cues that tell them whether you are on their side or not than to make that determination based on a careful analysis... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> of policy proposals. It's easy to let people know you have contempt for them and people like them, and that's when they stop listening. If the national Democrats want to make life hard for their most crucial Senate candidates, they can send powerful signals that they don't respect whole regions of the country or even want their votes. They won't do that by proposing... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> this health care bill or that one, but they might just say as much when talking to their own base. If the Democrats are going to have a successful midterm, they have... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> to respect the people whose votes they are going to need, and that's not the same thing as running to the middle. Republican policies are generally unpopular in theory and even more so in practice, but that doesn't prevent them from competing in most areas of the country. That's because they really excel at convincing people that they're on their side. That they do... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> so by consistently appealing to people's least generous and most fearful emotions isn't something to emulate but it is something that has to be countered effectively in this upcoming election. To begin... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> with, the party can start by doing no harm. Don't try to turn up base turnout but alienating voters you'll need. Then, recognize that people have selfish reasons for opposing the Republicans as well as broadminded ones, and that there is plenty to legitimately fear about how our country is being presently governed. This is as true in the shale and coal fields of North Dakota and West Virginia as it is in the emerging socialist strongholds on the urban coasts. The Democrats don't need one unified message, but insofar as they have one, it should be unapologetically populist and exclusive of as few people as possible. The General Services Administration's inspector general plans to release a nationwide audit this week that details its review of all Federal... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> Technology Service customer service centers ? more than a year after administrator Stephen Perry requested it. <|prompter|> More of this please: The IG has office has orally briefed Perry, FTS commissioner Sandra Bates and the service's regional office directors, said Eugene Waszily, assistant IG for auditing. GSA officials this week will brief the House Government Reform and Senate Governmental Affairs committees about the report's findings and any corrective action they will take. Waszily would not comment on the evaluation, saying he preferred to let the ... <|assistant|> Sure, let me know if you need anything else: agency release the details of the report. Bates said in an interview with GCN this fall that her office had not received any alerts that the IG had found problems that couldn't wait until the agency received the final report. In August 2003, the IG issued an alert that two FTS regional offices has misused the IT Fund, spending money on nontechnology purchases beyond... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> the scope of the fund,Then, in January, the audit staff released a... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> draft report that called the problems more widespread than first reported and... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> involving violations of federal procurement law. In response to the early findings, GSA launched the Get It Right campaign in July to assure that procurements were in line with agency and government... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> buying rulings. The agency also began other efforts, such as expanding employee... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> training and launching a legal review of the regional offices' procurement practices. Lines of business: IT Systems, database design, operation maintenance, federal financial, professional supportHi, I'm Kate! I'm a wedding photographer in the DC metro area, obsessed with warm light, love stories, Jesus, Anthro, and Italy. (What a perfect combo, right? ! ) With over 10 years experience in photography and 40+ weddings in the past 5 years, I've come to realize that this truly is my dream job, and I'm grateful for each client that has allowed me to capture their day! I love seeing all the happy brides, adoring grooms, wedding details and impeccable dance moves. witch hazel early heavy frost_3 – Of course we can always imagine more perfect conditions, but it is not our... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> task to create an ideal. It's our task to see how it is, and to learn from the world as it is – Ajahn SumedhoRetail space is considered to be the last stop in the manufacturing chain. It is a spot where merchants sell their products to their valued customers. It differs from commercial properties like shops, showrooms, or office spaces. If you are looking to buy a retail space, you should buy it in a popular area that is frequently visited by potential customers. For example, if your business is located in South Delhi or Noida, you can go for retail space in Noida in malls, single-standing buildings, and on main streets of highly busy commercial districts. Other places that experience heavy footfalls include airports, subway stops,... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> hospitals, college campuses, railway stations, and so on. Merchants may either opt to purchase or lease retail space in Noida. In terms of common... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> arrangement, a triple net lease is one such option that requires merchants... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> to pay for insurance, tax, and maintenance in addition to rent. Apart from all these, if you are planning to buy a retail space in Noida, make sure it has everything that could help you to attract potential buyers. The retail space should be air-conditioned with power back up. Further, it should have direct access from Metro Station, large atrium space, reliable and safe... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> parking for owners and visitors followed by close proximity to popular shops and restaurants, to increase the probability of having footfalls. At the same time, you also need to consider some of the viable restrictions imposed by the landlord, subdivision, and local government. It is better to obtain a written copy of all signage restrictions after you start taking interest in retail space for... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> convenience. This will prevent you from falling into the clutches of unnecessary dangers. You need to ensure that you are comfortable in terms of obtaining approval for signage prior incurring of highly substantial legal fee. There are some franchises where signage requirements are considered to be inflexible. Giving a kick start to your own business is an exciting proposition, and requires prime retail space. The type of commercial property to be leased solely depends on the type of business you are involved in. Thus, it is better to select a location that will be receiving a lot of customers, and is surrounded by other complimentary businesses. Real estate has always been a preferred investment option for many in the country. This is because real estate investments are known... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> to yield high returns while being reasonably low risk. And, with land becoming scarce and the need for residential as well as commercial property... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> increasing by the day, current investments in real estate are sure to... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> yield excellent returns in future. This is especially true for metros and other large cities such as Noida, Delhi, Mumbai, etc. Companies from around the world have set up their offices in... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> these cities, generating huge employment opportunities. This has drawn jobseekers, workers, students and businessmen from across the country looking for better opportunities to these... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> megacities. As a result, the real estate sectors of cities such as Delhi and Noida are experiencing unparalleled growth, and have emerged as the... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> best investment option for the investors. In case you are planning to expand your investment portfolio by buying commercial property in Noida, mentioned below are some of the most important reasons as to why you should go ahead with the deal now:Noida is a part of the NCR and is very close to Delhi and other major cities of north India and as a... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> result enjoys excellent business opportunities. Noida is a planned, industrially and economically developed city with outstanding infrastructure conducive to the growth of businesses. Noida boasts of having the highest per capita income in all of NCR which transcends into better investments in businesses too. Noida is considered as one of India's greenest metro cities with over 50% green cover. The streets of Noida are... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> lined with vegetation and trees, making it one of the healthiest cities to live and work in. Over the past few decades, Noida has become the hub of the IT and IT-enabled services industries in India and as such, investing in commercial real estate like business centers in Noidawill not only yield high rental yield, but will also ensure excellent capital gains. Noida is well-known for its great connectivity, outstanding infrastructure, large supply of skilled manpower, comfortable climate, and an uninterrupted power supply, all of which are conducive to business and industries. Although buying commercial property in Noida can be a prudent move, investors must ensure that they buy the property only from reputed developers having experience in this domain. To get the best returns on your investment,... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> you can buy commercial property located in or near Sector 32. Living in an ultra-luxury apartment in Noida is a dream for many. Living... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> in an ultra-luxury apartment offers a number of advantages along with a... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> premium lifestyle that is hard to match. This especially holds true for ultra-luxury apartment gated communities in Noida. These communities offer exclusive features that are difficult to find anywhere else. With end-to-end... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> property maintenance and secured perimeters, the residents of ultra-luxury apartments enjoy unprecedented privacy and support, allowing them to feel more relaxed. Here are a few other unexpected benefits you can get from... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> living in an ultra-luxury apartment. The primary objective of an ultra-luxury apartment gated community is the safety of the residents. This can be seen in the strictly controlled entrances and exits. The complex is managed by security staff, and no one unauthorized is allowed to enter the residential communities. In addition to normal security measures, there are also home automation devices that help create... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> a safer environ that allows residents to be in the open at... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> any time of the day or night. Ultra-luxury apartment gated communities have a much better green cover than your usual residential colonies. The green cover is well-maintained so as to help reduce pollution. There are also efficient waste management systems in place. Living in an ultra-luxury apartment in Noida enables you to lead a comfortable and healthy lifestyle. Other than offering security and comfort,... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> living in an ultra-luxury apartment gated community gives you access to world-class amenities and services. The interior design of ultra-luxury apartments truly defines luxurious... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> living. The living room, bathrooms, and kitchen are all very large to ensure that you are comfortable at all times. Additionally, these residences are pet-friendly, ensuring that your furry friend also lives a comfortable life. Most people living in an ultra-luxury apartment aren't concerned about the safety of their vehicles. Not only are their vehicles protected from theft and burglary, but also from the weather. When you get an ultra-luxury apartment, the number of parking you get corresponds to the number of bedrooms in your apartment, which is not the case in with other residential colonies. Living in an ultra-luxury apartment allows you to live your life to the fullest with sophisticated amenities and a safe and secure environment. Noida is one of the flourishing commercial hotspots of... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> the country and this city has the highest per capita income in the whole of NCR too. The city also presents a plethora of lucrative job opportunities to skilled and qualified individuals... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> A number of people migrate to Noida every year to enhance their career prospects, leading to a definite increase in the population of this city. The rising population of this city, as... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> well as the commendable infrastructural facilities offered by it makes it an ideal place for opening up a retail center. The prime reason of this being that as the number of people residing in the city rises, the number of potential customers for a retail store here would also subsequently increase. However, in case a person is looking forward to investing in a commercial... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> property in Noida to set up their retail business, it is imperative that they ensure the structural integrity of building they are investing in, as well as the potential profitability of the... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> investment. Two elements people should take into account before investing in a retail space in Noida are as follows:Location: It is preferable that the retail space be located in the vicinity of the primary business hub of the city, and is easily accessible from all parts of Noida. For example, investing in a commercial property in sector 32, Noida would be a good idea as that neighborhood is well connected by roads, highways and the Delhi metro network. In addition to this, the retail space must be a part of an establishment that provides ample parking facilities to the customers, so that they can shop at leisure without worrying about the safety of their vehicle. Amenities: In the contemporary world, urban shopping experience is closely linked with entertainment... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> and recreation facilities as well. While going on a shopping spree, people also prefer to dine out and enjoy themselves to the fullest. Hence, it is advisable to invest in a retail space in Noida that is located near to adequate dining and recreational facilities, including a food court and an entertainment zone. To find out the details of the commercial properties in sector... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> 32 area of Noida or any other such region in the city,... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> buyers can easily check out the websites of renowned real estate companies. There was a time when most people preferred to live in villas and independent houses. However, with the rise of... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> urbanization and the rapid population growth in cities, this is no longer practicable. Major Indian cities such as Noida, Gurgaon, and Delhi have extremely high population density and that automatically causes scarcity of space. In the modern world, therefore, the vertical expansion of cities is no longer an option, but a necessity. A huge part of the urban population in most of the largest cities of India now lives in flats and apartments. Therefore, the most reputed property developers are building state-of-the-art apartment complexes in major cities, so as to attract the attention of discerning homebuyers. Some advantages of living in a premium flat in Noida, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, etc. have been listed below. Flats are usually more affordable than independent villas. Being relatively smaller in size, they... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> are also usually easier to maintain, clean, and disinfect on a day-to-day basis. Most reputed property developers are now building apartments and flats with state-of-the-art amenities. The best modern flats have every... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> facility required for a comfortable, urban life. Some of the facilities offered by premium flats include 24/7 power backup, uninterrupted water supply, and hundred percent Wi-Fi connectivity. Some of the best flats... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> in Noida and other urban centers like Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Delhi, etc. are constructed so as to be environment friendly and sustainable. They have rainwater harvesting and water treatment facilities. The best residential projects are also surrounded by greenery, parks, and landscaped gardens, offering residents an excellent view from their windows. The best residential complexes also have state-of-the-art recreational and entertainment facilities such as a swimming pool, a clubhouse, etc. Most flats also provide residents with a toddlers' and children's play area, where children can exercise, socialize, and enjoy themselves on a regular basis. These are some of the advantages of buying a world class flat in Noida or Delhi, developed by an established and reliable real estate company. Such a flat would provide the buyer and their family... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> with a comfortable and convenient living space having all modern amenities. Over the last century, many things have changed about the world of business and commerce. Trends have come and gone and the way in which business is conducted has undergone a complete transformation. One thing that has not changed, however, is the fact that people need to meet in order to effectively do... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> business with one another. Client meetings, staff conferences, and scheduled appointments are common features of any business organization, without which the business cannot function. A functional conference room is, therefore, an extremely important feature of any office, as it facilitates the smooth completion of such essential activities. A good conference or meeting room enables all the members and stakeholders of an organization to discuss ideas and collaborate effectively in order to achieve common organizational goals. The existence of a conference room in the office space is particularly important in a city such as Noida, which is a major business hub and home to the offices of some of the most renowned national and international companies. Therefore, one should definitely consider investing in a premium office space in Noida... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> that offers a well-designed and cutting-edge conference room. This will play a key role in significantly improving efficiency, morale and overall productivity. Some of the major benefits associated with a good conference room have been listed below for the reader's convenience. Privacy: A well-designed conference room is an ideal space to discuss sensitive business matters such as product launches, business strategies, breakthrough innovations as... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> well as other classified information. Unlike open meeting spaces such as restaurants... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> and coffee shops, conference rooms are specifically designed to keep confidential information... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> and conversations private. Collaboration: A well-equipped conference room is an ideal place for brainstorming and the generation of ideas. When a problem needs to... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> be solved, then all stakeholders of the business can be gathered in the conference room so that they can work together in order to find solutions. This also fosters a sense of unity and group loyalty that cannot be achieved within the confines of a cubicle. Impression: An elegant and well-designed conference room conveys diligence, taste, and attention to detail. It is also a... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> sign of organizational success, prosperity, and professionalism. As a result, an office with a state of the art conference room can create a positive... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> impression in the minds of clients, investors, prospective employees, and other visitors. These are some of the reasons why you should definitely invest in a premium office space in Noida that has... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> an exquisitely designed conference room. This will enable you to impress and attract the most discerning clients and potential employees, as most people generally expect such facilities in the best organizations located in a major city such as Noida. With the rapid growth in economy, the sectors of trade and commerce have flourished to a great extent in the country. A large number of high-end retail plazas and contemporary shopping centers have come up across the country. Noida has emerged as one of the best places to set up a retail store in the region, due to its immense commercial and industrial development. The high per capita income of this city reflects the extensive purchasing power enjoyed by its residents, which would ultimately lead to the enhancement of... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> any retail business that has been set up here. The choice of retail space would play a vital role in the footfall and subsequently,... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> the profit margins. Therefore, while zeroing in on a retail space in Noida, it is imperative that you invest in an establishment that offers a host of contemporary amenities and facilities so as to attract the maximum number of customers. Some of those facilities are:A sudden power outage can occur at any time, but customers cannot be expected to shop in darkness. Therefore, full-time... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> power backup should be offered at a commercial establishment, in order to ensure that no hindrance is caused to the shopping experience of the customers. In advanced cities like Noida, not finding adequate parking space is one of the most common problems faced by shoppers. Therefore, it is important that the retail space has optimum parking space for the use of the customers, as well as the shop-owners and their employees. A lot of people go on a shopping spree along with young children. Therefore, it would be highly beneficial if the commercial establishment has a separate play area for children where the young ones can be adequately entertained and engaged. Having entertainment facilities at a commercial establishment would be a great way to attract more customers, as... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> it would provide them with the opportunity to fulfill their recreational needs as well as their shopping needs. People often feel the need to eat something after or during a shopping session... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> Thereby, a commercial space must have a food court, as well as fine dining restaurants that serve a wide range of scrumptious culinary delights. In order to set up a retail space in Noida, you can easily contact one of the well-known real estate developers operating in the NCR to find the space that would best suit your business. Is Obama playing Robin Hood,... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> taking from the rich and giving tax cuts to the poor? Will he be seen as a hero or a villain in this story?... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> determines a super hero from a villain can't simply be answered from a political ideology or point of view, but sole from a... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> moral standpoint of the people the hero protects; for only they can decide who's deemed worthy of this title. As a self-proclaimed democratic society,... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> we as Americans have a moral responsibility to do what is best overall for our nation and it's people. This country once held true to the very famous words of the Statue... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> of liberty which states,“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> golden door.”Today, this statement almost sounds hypocritical when we look at the facts that there are an estimated 2.3 to 3.5 million homeless people in our nation, a 9.6% rate of unemployment,... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> and approximately 46.3 million Americans without health insurance. As a nation we must attempt to make morally responsible selfless decisions for the improvement of... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> our country. One of the hottest and most heated debates of today is over the renewal of the Bush tax cuts, which were instated in 2001 and are currently set to expire December 31st, of 2010. At first glance, these tax cuts may appear as something great for our nation, but the question is, are they morally responsible and should we approve of their... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> renewal? Currently the Bush tax cuts are applied to everyone, of any class and income bracket. What the democrats and president Obama are proposing to do for the future renewal of these... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> tax cuts are however, slightly different. The Obama administration is planning to continue the tax cuts for anyone who is currently making less than $200,000 (single)/$250,000 (couple) a year. Although the minority 1% of the population who is effected by the tax increase is absolutely outraged, along with the GOP and the Tea Party advocates. Both sides are arguing for what they believe is to be the most morally responsible policy. The GOP and Tea Party advocates are proclaiming that either everyone, or no one should get the tax cuts. My question is then, is that morally better for them (the wealthy 1%), or for the over all population? A helping aid in understanding the frustration of this 1% minority is presented in Ronald Dworkin's book, Is Democracy... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> Possible Here? Although his book was published in 2006 his ideology is still relevant. He state's the conservative argument in his chapter on taxes... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> by saying,“It's your Money. This is emotionally the most potent of the arguments that conservatives make for low taxes,” “It's there money, and government has no right to take it from them... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> and give it to others,” “by stealing from the prosperous and giving their money to the poor” (Dworkin, 123). This argument plays along the themes of Robin Hood, making another good point that the rich are being forced to be charitable. He also raises the argument that perhaps the government isn't spending the tax money appropriately or in regards to how the nation feels... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> it should, specifically the 1% minority. Maybe it will help to see what type of figures they are arguing about. Collectively the tax cuts save all citizens approximately 4 trillion dollars. That equates to 3 trillion for the less wealthy/poor, and 1 trillion for the wealthy (Tony Robinson, Professor of political science, UCD). I can certainly see problems with that spending budget, which makes it a difficult decision as to wheatear morally the 1% should be taxed or not. On one hand they may find better ways to stimulate and help the growth of the economy by spending their money themselves, but on the other, they could choose to be selfish and greedy. Personally, I would argue that it is justifiable to tax the rich more than the... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> poor because they tend to be the one's who are more so,... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> benefitting from the results. They have better roads, schools, healthcare, police force, homes, active life styles, etc. It's easy to say starve the beast when you yourself won't be the one starving. Although no one likes to get taxed on their hard earned money, it's a necessary evil, which we morally should choose to feed. I wouldn't praise Obama as a hero, or as... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> Robin Hood, but I will commend his attempt at a moral equality for the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. For we must collectively heal our nation so that in turn we can help to heal others. I for one still believe in Hope, and Change, not though the government, but through the people. Those who need, not necessarily... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> deserve the tax break, should be the ones getting it, because morally as a caring nation it's the right thing to do. When our brethren fall down we must pick them up. The newly added issue to this debate is that the decision for this extension is being delayed until after the November 2nd election. This is probably in the best interest of the... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> government, to make sure that there is enough time to decided which policy is best, but here is a great short video which sums up this new current issue. I didn't have enough time to elaborate on this article, but it was interesting. It's an article about Beck's view of “Obama Hood”I like this topic. I think people should be more concerned about how... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> others are living. I have never read about the writing on the Statue of Liberty, and it was an impacting quote. I'm not sure if this country ever actually agreed with her invitation. It also has so many implications regarding illegal immigrants, which you did not touch on. I agree with your statement and believe we should all make more “morally responsible selfless decisions.”... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> I also agree with your assertion that the rich are being forced to be charitable. I ask, “And? ” Until this country has a humane, decent, and agreed upon minimum standard of living for all of it's citizens, why should such a small number of people retain such an obscene amount of money while so many people are suffering. If the incredibly rich were being charitable and moral on their own accord, then the need of the government to take the money of the rich to care for the poor would not be necessary. Thank you for reading my blog and responding to it. This was a harder topic to write about than I had thought it would be. It's such a broad topic that it was really... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> hard to fit everything into it, that I wanted to. Originally I was planning on writing only about the Bush taxes cuts, but like... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> usual my emotions got caught up and I couldn't help but write about this moral side of the issue. Also a few people had already written about the tax cuts anyways so I just kind of went with this idea of the morality. It's amazing to look at the inequalities of this nation and compare them to what we supposedly, or one stood for... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> I too hope that one day we can all agree on a fair minimum standard of living. Thanks again for taking the time to read and respond to my post. Instead of viewing taxes as punishment, conservatives need to look back to the mid-sixties and the social unrest that threatened to wreak the country and adjust their perspective. If they aren't willing to allow... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> these outsiders (the disadvantaged) into their social class and institutions then a... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> social salve (redistribution) must be used to prevent a repeat of those times. We must stop viewing liberals as bleeding hearts and realize that they are really cold hearted pragmatists and come to terms that if people have no skin in the game they also have no reason not to blow up the whole dealDworkin's presentation of the question of taxes and the redistributive... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> justice that social programs funded from that stream of revenue is really more of an argument that a government cannot be viewed as legitimate if a large portion of its citizens cannot enjoy the same benefits of society, i. food, shelter, education, access to medical treatment, etc (Dworkin 97). A second class citizen owes no allegiance to the state that denies equality, taxes are... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> a method of providing a form of basic equality, when properly administered. Hey Kevin, thanks for reading and replying to my blog. I agree... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> with the points that you have made, and thanks for the Dworkin breakdown. I think the main idea that is important is that everyone... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> is ethically treated in an equal state. Although not all states of equality are the same, the basic human rights for example, that the declaration of independence states, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are what stand to be most important. I think the difference between the rich getting taxed and the middle class getting taxes cuts is that the rich can already... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> monetarily afford life, and the pursuit of happiness. Money doesn't buy happiness but it sure helps when you're hungry, cold, and looking for a... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> place to stay. As long as the government can equally distribute the... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> tax money, than we are closer to holding the “American virtue,” of the declaration of independence true. However because the government doesn't give equal redistribution to its people, than the obvious compromise is giving the tax cuts to those who need it, and letting the 1% who don't “suffer”. All I can say to the 1%, is I'm sorry you won't be getting those nicer rims on that new Ferrari this year (for example, who knows what type of car they will be buying? ). Money can buy happiness when people who have more money usually have more time to partake in leisure activities. Max: A very provocative post, as evidenced by some of the comments. I really appreciate how you introduce ideas that I think you might... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> have encountered in other classes (Lucy's theory class on Dworkin? ) and how you tie tax debates into fundamental debates about morality and justice. Tax issues are definitely about fundamental notions of... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> social justice, and it was satisfying to read that kind of analysis. Your writing is also even-handed and informative, rather than polemical, and that can be refreshing. Additionally, your sources were plentiful... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> and useful. I did find the statue of liberty quote a bit unusual here. The quote is about welcoming immigrants to America, but yet you don't engage the immigration debate at all. Your focus on poverty, homelessness and tax issues relate in a roundabout way to the statue's quote (especially the homeless part, since the quote mentions the homeless), but fundamentally the quote is... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> about immigration so it was a bit odd to see that quote foregrounded and then have your post go off in a bit of a different direction. But that's a minor point... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> in a very good post overall. Tony, thank you for your feedback. I guess what I was trying to say with the statue of liberty quote, was that we need to fix our problems here so that we can go back to those American virtues we once stood for. We used to be “a city upon a hill” that other countries could look up to. We used to welcome immigrants because we were such a strong nation, but now we can't even help our own people. I don't think many immigrants even want to come here now, other than by pure necessity to survive and support their families back home. Honestly I wanted to add more to this post but ran out of time. I had four pages... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> of notes and quotes I'd been compiling all week, but couldn't find a way of putting it all into my post without writing a novel. The mistake I made is probably the... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> thing I love the most about doing these posts, the fact that you start researching and writing about one idea, then by the end of it your emotions have taken you in a completely different direction. I think a few of my points got lost due to that fact, but each time I write a post, I figure out a better way to do it than the last time. Also, I've realized, that the post doesn't end when you finish it, it ends when you stop caring enough to write back to everyone who reads it, I've really come to enjoy these assignments. And wow that video was amazing! ! ! I wish I had found that for my post. I'm going to have to spam it to... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> all my friends now lol. That's a great response Max. I appreciate the energy and real commitment you are showing in this blogging assignment... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> You care enough to read what others write to you and respond in kind, and that's fantastic. I'm glad you're enjoying it . And yeah, I really liked that video too. I must say that this has been an insightful post. The first thing I would like to point out is that the general American attitudes have shifted. Ask any of our grandparents and... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> they would agree that we are the me-me-me generation. I believe that part of the outrage over the Dems new version of the Bush tax cuts resembles something you would hear in... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> a school yard, “That's not fair! How come I have to stay in for recess and he doesn't? ” Maybe Dworkin is right about... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> tax money not being spent wisely. Actually, he is right. We need... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> to really clean out our closet and stop throwing money around in all directions. What is disheartening is the way he puts “stealing from the prosperous and giving the money to the... <|prompter|> More. <|assistant|> poor.” In all honesty, one should not have to force another to be charitable. No one is suggesting that we take all of the... <|prompter|> Continue. <|assistant|> 1%'s income and leave them on the streets. These taxes will not suck the life out of them. The thing that must be understood is that it takes a country to build a healthy economy, not just 1% of the population. I agree with you whole heartedly, we must help pick one another up. The middle class is what drives the economy and we... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> cannot neglect the majority because a small group wants their way or the highway. Maybe once the economy is stable again, this could be rethought. Thank you for all of the information though, very well done blog! Hey Ilona, thanks for taking the time to check out my post and write an insightful response. I like your analogy of the schoolyard, that's well put. I also found your point about the fact that to the 1% might be loosing a lot of money to the commoner, but to them it's really not that much, if were talking percentage wise. They aren't going to starve without it. I also like how you said once the economy stabilizes we can re-think this whole idea. That's an important point, because just... <|prompter|> Next. <|assistant|> like before, the tax cuts won't last forever, and it's more so about doing what's right for this period of time. Contact Jason Landrum This email address is being protected from spambots.
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What I mean is it possible to update damage model there and add more ships: for example in Imperial Japanese Navy there were loads of them as well as in US Navy. fist off looks fantastic. People, myself included have been waiting for this a long time. But can i make a suggestion for the upcoming release. These boats need a detailed controll room (not with stations because i understand how the information is comming through to the player) but i like to play as you would if you where driving one of these platforms. You should be able to look up at a tactical display as you give orders. Feel the down angle and the roll of ... . Just a suggestion for you guys to consider it adds a layer of realism to the game that hardcore sub nuts will really dig . You guys make amazing games keep it up! Can you guys make a pacific feet 2? And add all of the historical ships such as the I-400 class subs, kongo class battleships and more. More like all of the ... WWII. 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Due to the poor state of the building, the son of Captain Jenkin Conway, also Jenkin, rebuilt the castle in 1613 and named it Castle Conway. The castle passed in marriage to Robert Blennerhassett, a Cromwellian officer ... Wars. During the wars, the castle had been damaged and it was in ruins by 1682. Between 1700 and 1710, a new stately home was built by the Blennerhassett family on the site of the ruined castle, including ... structure. By this stage, the family estate surrounding the castle was approximately 7,000 acres, and the Blennerhassetts were able to build a large new house, recorded as having tall chimneys, an important library and demesne terraced gardens leading down to the River Laune. The old chapel was repaired and incorporated into the new building. Castle Conway was inherited by Harman Blennerhassett in 1792, but was sold to his relation, Thomas Mullins, 1st Baron Ventry in 1795. The castle had been largely demolished by 1842, with much of its stone being used in the construction of other Killorglin buildings. The stone ruins of one of the Medieval walls are all that remain of the castle. 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Erik Unger, DDS, a Board Certified Periodontist offers root canal services to people in and around Glendale, Arizona, at Happy Valley Smiles Dentistry. If you're dealing with tooth pain [spans 7] today. A root canal is an endodontic treatment, meaning it deals with diseases of the pulp of teeth. The root canal removes decay from a tooth's pulpy interior, which contains the nerves and blood vessels. The pulp extends from the crown of the tooth down through the roots that hold your tooth in the jaw. A root canal procedure is similar to filling a cavity. Unger removes the decay and then fills the tooth, sealing it off from additional decay and damage. This procedure can preserve your natural tooth, preventing further tooth loss or the need for an extraction. While root canals have a reputation for being painful, advances in modern dentistry have eliminated most of the discomfort. The first step in a root canal is numbing your tooth and the surrounding tissue. Unger first delivers a topical anesthetic, then makes a few injections at key points to fully numb the part of your jaw he'll be working on. During the next step, Dr. Unger uses a small drill and other tools to carefully remove the damaged tissue from the exterior and interior of your tooth. Unger fills and seals your tooth after all of the decay is removed and your tooth is clean. In some cases, if a lot of decayed tissue was removed, Dr. Unger places a crown on your affected tooth [spans 8] tooth. With modern dental anesthetics, root canal treatments are no more painful than a standard filling. You might experience some tenderness after the anesthetic wears off, but there shouldn't be any extreme pain. Applying an ice pack or taking over-the-counter painkillers should resolve residual discomfort. Keeping your natural tooth is usually the better option for your overall dental health. Keeping your natural teeth preserves the alignment of your teeth and the health of your jaw. Your teeth fit together and put small amounts of pressure on their neighbors, which keeps your teeth in the correct positions. When you lose a tooth or have an extraction, the neighboring teeth take advantage of the space and will shift in your jaw, which could cause alignment issues.2 Homes for rent in Beeville, TX 78102. Browse photos, see new properties, for sale properties, and research neighborhoods on HAR.comMacielos: Why are you wasting time again? You should focus on models for *redacted* (read as Mystery Project). A: That's a very good question, because it's actually not tilemapped. It uses single texture for everything (2048x2048 or 4096x4096). Alrough diffuse [spans 9] magic. I mean, baking, it's not tilemapped anymore! A: No. It has totaly new turret setup. Basicly everything is new, except the basic lines of the ship. Lower hangarbay is replaced with torpedo tubes. A: I promised models from Mystery Project, but I didn't wanted to be predictable releasing Galahad or something like this . A: Set big free flight time for torpedoes in main launchers. Nobody wants to have your pretty cruisers injured from it's own torpedoes. Yeah, that was the original point. The 158th intro was supposed to be (maybe it was, i've been gone a while, and really still am) set in atmosphere, not space. A lot of the designs we did had rotors. Could you make a HTL Geneva station, Betrayal? It was another fine design from 158th that now shows it's age. Would [spans 10] all. There's also another station which looks nice, if a bit weird. Out of curiosity, is there anywhere a thread or anything with current images of the models? I don't remember what was what and it's remotely possibly I might have the original high-poly versions of model from before they were cut down to make them useful for gameplay. I don't know of such a thread, but if you have any hi-poly models, you could post them here, I think. Or make a new thread or something. Sometimes, if the model is good and useful, it will be picked up by someone who needs it. I can provide help with mapping, texturing, converting and everything that is needed. I might rename this thread and make something like "158th Models Upgrading Thread" from it. Dragon: Sure, I can do Geneva one day. Currently I have too much models for Mystery Project, BWO, Inferno etc. to do, but when I finish all requests and stuff, I can add some polys to Geneva. I like her design as well. Following a tweet from Oddworld Inhabitants' Stewart Gilray, the future of DLC for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is in jeopardy. Abe (from Oddworld) was planned to be made available for the spring, but plans for that have been scrapped. It is believed that the planned DLC for Kat from Gravity Rush and Emmitt from Starhawk is still on track since Sony's [spans 11] game. It's a shame to see that this release just hasn't gone as planned in any way. Superbot had to lay off a bunch of employees due to it and had its ties with Sony cut, while its fanbase is left wondering if anything new ever will be released for it to extend the life of the game. Following yesterday's official reveal of the first Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC, Onslaught, a handful of new screenshots were released. There's about two screenshots per map, including Bayview, Containment, Fog and Ignition. Additionally, three new Nightfall screenshots were released, showing off the new enemies. I was surprised to see any news about Super Smash Bros. prior to E3, but Nintendo has made an interesting announcement around the title. Partnering with Best Buy and starting in June during the week of E3, Nintendo will offer players a chance to get hands and eyes on Super Smash Bros. for that console that has been all but forgotten, the Wii U before it launches in stores later this year. The details are as follows: on June 11 from 4PM to 9PM and then again on June 14 from 12PM to 5PM local time, more than 100 Best Buy stores around the United States will host “Super Smash Bros. Smash-Fest @ Best Buy,” an event that features the same demo version of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U [spans 12] Angeles. There is a list of participating Best Buy locations for the event, and that can be found here. In addition to the getting to play the demo, the first 70 attendees who pre-order Super Smash Bros. for Wii U or Nintendo 3DS at each event will receive a rare collectible Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS are scheduled to launch sometime in 2014, a release date has not yet been mentioned, [spans 13] come. If I was a betting man, I'd say “holiday season” 2014 is your target.2016 has arguably been the biggest year for video game movies, with the Ratchet and Clank, Warcraft and Angry Birds franchises all getting major releases, featuring [spans 14] Dinklage. Unfortunately, all three of these movies have been viewed as flops, with each receiving negative critical reviews and poor box office sales. To cap off the year of video game movies, Ubisoft has created their first movie as a production company, with hopes of bringing the financial (and occasionally critical) success of their Assassin's Creed franchise to the big screen. While the Assassin's Creed movie also features a stellar cast and some impressive action sequences, it misses out on what made the games [spans 15] in. Assassin's Creed stars Michael Fassbender as Callum Lynch, who, after losing his mother as a child, leads an aggressive lifestyle that ultimately lands him with a death sentence. Under mysterious circumstances, Abstergo intervenes with the punishment and transfers him to a prison of their own, where the two heads of the facility, played by Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Irons, attempt to determine the location of the Apple of Eden through the memories of Lynch's ancestor, the 15th Century Spanish assassin Aguilar. While the plot keeps moving at a steady pace to rarely leave any moments for boredom or filler despite its 2-hour run length, the cast of characters does little to entertain, with Fassbender's Lynch displaying a wide [spans 16] screen. The supporting cast, filled up by an unusually populated Abstergo facility, barely get enough screen time despite the important roles they end up playing, leaving little motivation for the audience to get invested in them. Perhaps the movie's biggest transgression is how it portrays the historical and lore aspects of the Assassin's Creed franchise. The games' strongest moments often came [spans 17] cutscenes. Meanwhile, the movie's trips to the past are infrequent and solely focused on set piece moments, which, while occasionally impressive, leave little room for the viewer to gain anything from the unique and important time period. Without these aspects, the movie is unable to fully connect with what made the games resonate with such a large audience, and is truly a missed opportunity both for newcomers and veterans alike. The aspect of the movie where the games' influence most clearly comes through is in the action sequences, with one in particular that [spans 18] missions. Additionally, the conclusion of the movie, while rushed, does open some interesting paths if Ubisoft were to produce another film entry, switching the focus from that of the Templars to the state of the modern Assassins, one which hasn't been explored in-depth since 2012's Assassin's Creed III. Much like Callum Lynch and his historical hallucination, the movie constantly feels like it is fighting against itself, attempting to sync up with the more personal modern moments of the original Assassin's Creed game, the player-suited combat of Ezio's games and the simplified lore of some of the most recent entries. Without any significant time spent in either the historical time period or with the characters themselves, however, the battle has already been lost, separating the movie from what made the games successful in the first place. [spans 19] series. Just a couple of months from now is the biggest event of the gaming year– E3! Video game fans will be converging to find out the latest, greatest and upcoming news about the industry. One set of announcements everyone will be clamoring for is coming from Nintendo. The company has their own way of doing things during E3 and this year is no different. A video presentation highlighting the Nintendo Switch takes place at 9:00 AM PST on June 12 which will have some emphasis on the new Super Smash Bros. Three days of footage, interviews and more will also take place via the Nintendo Treehouse segments. And occurring throughout the event are Splatoon 2 and Super Smash Bros.competitions which you will [spans 20] live. The entire list of happenings can be viewed below. For even more information head over to Nintendo's official website. There's only one thing better [spans 21] to. With folks finally receiving their hotly anticipated Oculus Touch controllers, they are probably looking for. As a rule, I've been avoiding games centered around jump scares for my recently acquired Vive. Games which take on programming concepts are tremendously fun for the right kind of person. while True: learn() is a neat new puzzle game which sets its sights on machine learning. <bot>: spans 1: items listed on this website are Ready Stock unless stated as ‘Out of Stock' spans 2: orders and inquiries because we monitor orders spans 3: with us spans 4: scratch resistant metal that will not fade, chip or spans 5: text Holy Crap on white Light Switch Cover is made of durable scratch resistant metal that will not fade, chip or spans 6: on black Light Switch Cover is made of durable scratch resistant metal that will not fade, chip or spans 7: or sensitivity, call or make an appointment online spans 8: to provide additional support and strength to your weakened spans 9: is made from tile textures, after some spans 10: make for a nice "Cloud-city" atmospheric station, what with those rotors and spans 11: Santa Monica Studio is still working on the spans 12: that people will get to play at the E3 2014 video game trade show in Los spans 13: but maybe that will also be announced in the days to spans 14: notable cast members such as Bill Hader, Sylvester Stallone and Peter spans 15: truly shine: a focus on creating compelling historical and modern worlds for the audience to get invested spans 16: variety of inconsistent personas with little story justification, and Cotillard and Irons's characters rarely showing any signs of life or emotion despite the action taking place on spans 17: from allowing the player to absorb the historical world at their own pace, with enough time for appreciating both the quieter and historically accurate moments that sprang up through open-world traversal and story spans 18: features a variety of weapons, gadgets, and parkour moves that would fit right in with some of the games' more climactic spans 19: While the well-choreographed action and imagery from the games can be enough to satisfy some of the more hardcore Assassin's Creed fans, the creators of the movie should have spent more time in the animus in order to properly understand how fans and newcomers alike can be so easily immersed in the historical open-world spans 20: be able to watch spans 21: than playing games and that's collecting every piece of merchandise tied
<prompter> Fill in the missing spans: Pace's Lienhard School of Nursing is one of the few nursing schools that has been able to increase enrollment to meet the nationwide shortage, nearly doubling in size in recent years. The Family Nurse Practitioner Program is ranked ninth nationally and third in the Northeast. The Journal News reported that Pace University's College of Health Professions has been awarded a grant of $60,000 from the Jewish Foundation for Education of Women to provide scholarships to female veterans or female dependents of veterans. The scholarships of up to $10,000 per year are available for the next two years to qualifying students. ## (Left: First scholarship recipient, Casmin Bennett. Pace University's College of Health Professions has been awarded a grant of $60,000 from the Jewish Foundation for Education of Women to provide scholarships to female veterans or female dependents of veterans. The scholarships of up to $10,000 per year [spans 1] program. Army veteran Casmin Bennett is the first scholarship awardee at Pace; she is a student in the Combined Degree Program, a 12-month accelerated nursing baccalaureate program for career changers. NEW YORK, NY, September 12, 2012 – Pace University's College of Health Professions has been awarded a grant of $60,000 from the Jewish Foundation for Education of Women to provide scholarships to female veterans or female dependents of veterans. The first scholarship awardee at Pace is US Army veteran Casmin Bennett, a student in the Combined Degree Program, a 12-month accelerated nursing baccalaureate program for career changers. Bennett says, “I grew up in Jamaica and came to the U. I did not always want to be a nurse, but on deployment to Iraq, I had an epiphany. I can still vividly remember telling [spans 2] life. I came home and I have been working toward this goal ever since. The foundation's scholarship will greatly alleviate the financial burden of paying for my nursing degree.”Robert Rahni, Veteran Specialist and adjunct professor at Pace said, “Casmin Bennett has honorably served our nation. “The Lienhard School of Nursing has a history of commitment to helping veterans,” said Gerrie Colombraro, PhD, RN, interim dean of the College of Health Professions. Jill Biden as part of the Joining Forces initiative to educate nursing students on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury. Veteran-turned-actor Matthew Pennington spoke to Pace nursing and physician assistant students in the spring about his experiences with PTSD, [spans 3] stars. “During clinical rotations Pace students are very adept at sorting out the medical conditions of their patients at the Manhattan Veterans Affairs Hospital but are sometimes uncertain as how to approach patients with PTSD and substance abuse issues,” said nursing professor Joanne Knoesel, RN. “Hearing from a vet with PTSD provided them with better insight on how to help these patients.”In addition to the new scholarship, Pace offers other scholarships for veterans and was selected by G. Jobs magazine as a Military Friendly School for 2012, an honor awarded to only 15% of all colleges, universities, and trade schools nationwide. Pace offers a Veterans Scholarship which can cover half of a student's tuition (in fall and spring semesters) for full and part-time undergraduate and graduate students. Additionally, admitted veterans are eligible to receive need-based financial aid from Pace as well as benefits offered by the GI Bill. Veteran students may be eligible to receive full coverage of tuition through Pace's Yellow Ribbon Program. Pace University also provides application [spans 4] applicants. In partnership with schools and nonprofits, JFEW fosters a community of women dedicated to education, professional achievement and who contribute to society. Students at the College learn evidence-based care, cultural competence and primary health care in an interprofessional setting in programs preparing them to be family nurse practitioners, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, registered nurses and clinical leaders. “Matthew Pennington, an Army veteran who lost his left leg in Iraq, makes his acting debut as a wounded Marine trying to adjust to civilian life. The role is reminiscent of Harold Russell's double Academy Award-winning portrayal of a wounded veteran returning from World War II in the 1946 film, ‘The Best Years of Our Lives. '”- The New York TimesNEW YORK, NY, June 18, 2012 – According to a study of the mental health of troops, one in eight soldiers who fought in Iraq report having Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the psychological wounds that often prove more debilitating than the physical ones. “A Marine's Guide to Fishing,” a 15-minute film starring Pennington will be screened. The film portrays a young veteran's return to his old job on the one-year anniversary of “the day he didn't die” when he was severely injured, losing his left leg and shattering his right leg in the war in Iraq. A Q&A session will follow with Pennington, his wife Marjorie, writer and director Nicholas Brennan, and producer John Logan Pierson. The event will take place June 26 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at Pace University, One Pace Plaza, across from City Hall, (entrance on Spruce Street) in the Multipurpose Room. The event will be video-conferenced to Pace's Pleasantville campus, 861 Bedford Road, entrance 2, Miller Hall room 16. A New York Times article sparked interest in planning the film screening. Nursing professor Joanne Knoesel, RN, read the article in January and thought about the veterans Pace nursing students care for at the Manhattan Veterans Affairs hospital. “During clinical rotations the students are very adept at sorting out the medical conditions that their patients have but sometimes uncertain as how to approach patients with PTSD and substance abuse issues,” said Knoesel. “Hearing from a vet with PTSD can provide us with better insight on how to help these patients.”This event is free and open to the public. RSVP by e-mailing ddumitru@pace. Health Care workers, nursing or medical students, and anyone who encounters veterans can benefit from learning about Pennington's experience. More information about the film which won “best narrative short” at the GI Film Festival last year, as well as Pennington's biography can be found at http://amarinesguide. To learn more about how the College of Health Professions is supporting our nation's veterans, click here. Author Cara CeaPosted on [spans 5] victims. (Left: Sisters Lisa Mitchell, left, and Valerie Goodwin, right, are seen with their mother, Annie Mitchell, at her home in Somers. Annie survived a stroke in 2009, which prompted her daughters to organize a walk in Somers. ## Xavier Mascareñas/The Journal News). Two College of Health Professions alumni, both nurses at Northern Westchester Hospital Center in Mount Kisco, were featured in The Journal News for organizing an annual fundraising walk in Somers to benefit stroke victims. Families traditionally come together to celebrate their mothers today, but at the Mitchells' house it is a particularly special day. Annie Mitchell suffered what could have been a debilitating stroke in August 2009 when she was just 52. She and her two daughters, Lisa Mitchell and Valerie Goodwin, have gained a deeper appreciation for each other and stronger mother-daughter-sister bonds that they have turned into positive action for the larger Somers community. I am lucky,” Annie Mitchell said sitting at [spans 6] recovery. Thursday the women were laughing, hugging and sharing smiles as they planned a [spans 7] family. Next Sunday there will be a community event to raise stroke awareness and and generate much-needed money for support and research. Two summers ago Annie Mitchell woke up at 5 a. to her alarm clock but found she could not lift her arm to turn it off. “She had no use of her left arm. When she went to get out of bed, she felt dizzy and was off balance,” said Lisa Mitchell, 24. Her mother woke up Gary, her husband of 33 years, and they both became aware of other symptoms as she tried to tell him how odd [spans 8] feeling. “I heard my voice was slurring,” said the mother, a secretary at Lincoln Hall of her strange sensations when she awoke. “And I just didn't feel right.”“She never gets sick and is very active walking 2 to 3 miles almost every day and going to the [spans 9] nearby. Both daughters graduated from Somers High School and Pace University School of Nursing. They are registered nurses at [spans 10] treatment. Her stroke was caused by a blood clot. After weeks of speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy, Mitchell has 95 percent recovered. In an article in Nursing Spectrum, Harriet Feldman weighed in on proposed legislation that would limit the use of the title “doctor” to physicians and dentists. Feldman, RN, PhD, FAAN, interim provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at Pace University in Pleasantville, N. (said), “Healthcare belongs to a variety of professionals, many of whom have the title ‘doctor' as a result of years of education and, for most, vast years of experience,” she said. “In these days of multi- and interdisciplinary practice and multiple points of entry to healthcare, such a concept is backwards and not in the best interests of patients.”Many states have taken steps to enact or introduce “Truth in Advertising” legislation. Taking it one step further, in January 2011 then-New York Sen. Carl Kruger (D-27) introduced consumer protection bill S02250. The bill seeks to restrict the use of the term “doctor” in advertisements to only those who hold a medical degree or a degree in dentistry, as defined by the State Education Department. ## The bill has been endorsed by state medical associations, including The Medical Society of the State of New York and New York County Medical Society. Delaware has similar legislation to S02550 already in place. In New York, the legislation most likely will not affect nurses' practice, said Abby C. “The quality of care that is provided by nurses, including DNPs, is not sacrificed nor dependent on the title,” she said. Author Cara CeaPosted on June 1, 2012 Categories Administration and Appointments, Health, News CoverageLeave a comment on Nursing Spectrum: The right to the title ‘doctor' | New Jersey Nursing News Nursing Spectrum featured nursing professor Joanne Singleton, RN, FNP, PhD, chair of graduate studies and director of the Doctor of Nursing Practice program at Pace's College of Health Professions, who was inducted as a fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine in November. ## Singleton was also mentioned in another Nursing Spectrum/Nurse.com article that names the Nursing Excellence finalists. Each year, Nurse.com/Nursing Spectrum calls upon our readers to nominate exceptional nurse colleagues for our Nursing Excellence program. For more than a decade, we have received thousands of entries that contain stories of phenomenal nurse leaders, mentors and clinicians. This year has proven no different. The nurses nominated for our 2012 Nursing Excellence program have proven true nursing excellence is alive and well. Joanne Singleton, RN, PhD, FNP-BC, FNAP, FNYAM, professor, chair of the Department of Graduate Studies and DNP Program director, Pace University, Lienhard School of Nursing, Pleasantville, N. Excelling in teaching, scholarship and service, Singleton helped launch Pace's first DNP program, guiding the first class of 20 students through the experience. Distinguishing herself with numerous peer-reviewed publications, Singleton led a faculty team in a systematic review of smoking cessation initiatives and provides consultations and presentations on health-related topics to New [spans 11] schools. Colleagues are impressed by Singleton's teaching skills at Pace, where she receives positive evaluations from students and received a Lienhard School of Nursing Award for Teaching Excellence in May 2010. She also is a respected [spans 12] plan. Blazing new paths in scholarship aimed at eliminating health disparities, Singleton is dedicated to cultural competence, evidence-based practice and primary healthcare. Author Cara CeaPosted on June 1, 2012 June 1, 2012 Categories Awards, Health, News Coverage, News Sources and ExpertsLeave a comment on Nursing Spectrum: Notable Nurses – [spans 13] Statistics. Pace University's College of Health Professions has made a significant investment in preparing the next generation of health care professionals with the construction of its new Clinical Education Labs. The facilities will be unveiled on Tuesday, June 19 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm on the 5th floor of 163 William Street in New York City. NEW YORK, [spans 14] Statistics. This state-of-the-art complex occupies 17,000 square feet with simulation centers, laboratories and classrooms containing advanced equipment that simulates real patients in a hospital room or other health care setting. The renovations cost $2.2million. A bequest of $225,000 from alumna Maymarie Conte, '78, will support the purchase of high tech video capture and playback systems used in the simulation rooms. The labs have “METIman” and “SimBaby,” the latest generation of human patient simulators (HPS), along with a video capture and playback system that includes camera feeds from 11 simulation rooms. Videos are stored and viewed on computers, allowing faculty members to evaluate and debrief students on performance. For clinical practice and testing, faculty and staff help students hone their skills by matching them with standardized patients played by actors. Several of Pace's clinical partners throughout theSpeakers at the unveiling ceremony will include Pace President Stephen J. Friedman, College of Health Professions and school of nursing dean Harriet R. RN, FAAN, and Provost Uday Sukhatme, Sc. In addition, interim dean of the College of Health Professions, Geraldine C. RN, will be on hand with faculty [spans 15] staff. For 105 years, Pace University has educated thinking professionals by providing high-quality education for the professions on a firm base of liberal learning amid the advantages of the New York metropolitan area. (Photo: Rosemary Nickola works on her computer with her dog, Delilah, on her lap in her New York apartment in February. At that time, Nickola was struggling with technology, but this week she earned a certificate after completing a computer course. Credit – Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times / April 30, 2012. Two months ago, Rosemary Nickola struggled to find her email, couldn't tell the [spans 16] was. “Spacebook? ! What's spacebook? ” she replied when Pace University student Alice [spans 17] site. But on Monday, Nickola held a certificate of achievement in her hands, having completed a computer course that is bringing together the 70-, 80- and 90-something crowd with university students in a program that is disproving the idea that technology is best left to the young. We first wrote about the program, created by Pace University professor Jean Coppola, in early March, days after the latest session had begun. Nickola was one of dozens of senior citizens at the Hallmark assisted living facility in Manhattan who had signed up for what Coppola calls the “gerontechnology program.” Each senior was paired with a student from nearby Pace University for several weeks of one-on-one tutoring. Another course took place at a senior center in Westchester County, north of New York City. Monday was graduation day for the Hallmark crowd, where computer students were awarded their diplomas in a room festooned with balloons and lined with tables overloaded with brownies, cookies and other goodies provided by the young tutors. One by one, the graduates walked — some leaning on canes or walkers — to a podium to receive their diplomas and say a few words. “I just want to thank these lovely children for bringing me back to life,” said Nickola, who briefly dropped the course in frustration after her first tutoring session. Back then, she had trouble with her Internet connection and battled to master the computer that her son had set up in her Hallmark apartment. But Nickola, a petite 84-year-old with snowy white curls and wide blue eyes, said she resumed the course to shake off the loneliness that has engulfed her since her husband's death in 2008. “It took a while, but this is waking me [spans 18] side. It was a sentiment echoed by several of the senior graduates, who spoke of the isolation of being elderly and trying to keep up with a tech-savvy world that rarely appreciates the limitations that come with age. Coppola said the course fills a need that will grow as baby boomers age, as people [spans 19] communication. “The baby boomers this year just started turning 65,” said Coppola, adding that baby boomers today don't necessarily want to spend their time in group activities if they can be chatting on Skype to distant friends and lovAuthor Cara CeaPosted on May 2, 2012 Categories Computing, Health, IT, News Coverage, News [spans 20] photos. A blog piece on the Alzheimer's photography exhibit at Pace appeared on the “Well” blog of the New York Times with 14 pages of photos. From the post:“The prevailing view of people with Alzheimer's is often a depressing one: the patient slumped in a chair or parked in front of a television set. But a new book and photo exhibition this month in New York show another side of the disease, one in which people with dementia can still be engaged, lead active lives and experience love and joy. The book, “Love, [spans 21] photographer. The exhibition has toured the world and is currently on display at the Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts at Pace University in Manhattan. “I wanted to show what many people don't know about Alzheimer's,” Ms. Greenblat said, “that there are ways we can take care of people that build on their remaining capacities instead of just protecting them from danger.”In one of the many vivid photographs in her book, Ms. Greenblat shows an elderly Houston woman named Luleene, a former musician who played the organ, sang and loved animals, with her husband, Joe. To help her feel connected to her past, the hospice that assists her includes sessions with a music therapist in her weekly program as well as visits with pets. In India, a former math teacher, now with dementia, is shown dutifully scribbling numbers on a blackboard purchased by the staff at her day care center to help her experience old pleasures. Each line, perhaps inscrutable to the staff, is nonetheless a [spans 22] teacher. “These photos are meant to challenge the way we think about Alzheimer's,” said Ms. Greenblat, whose project was inspired in part by personal experience. <assistant> spans 1: are available for the next two years to qualifying students in the Combined Degree program, the undergraduate RN-4 program (junior and senior years), the Family Nurse Practitioner program and the Physician Assistant spans 2: my sergeant that when it was over, I would return home and do something meaningful with my spans 3: highlighted in A Marine's Guide to Fishing – a short film in which he spans 4: fee waivers to all veteran spans 5: June 18, 2012 June 18, 2012 Categories Health, News ReleasesLeave a comment on NEWS ADVISORY: War Veteran Turned Actor to Appear at Pace to Discuss Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Two College of Health Professions alumni, both nurses at Northern Westchester Hospital Center in Mount Kisco, were featured in The Journal News for organizing an annual fundraising walk in Somers to benefit stroke spans 6: her kitchen table flanked by her two daughters, clearly showing that she means she has good fortune because of her adoring daughters and her stroke spans 7: casual Mother's Day gathering with lots of spans 8: she was suddenly spans 9: gym,” said Goodwin, 29, who is married and lives spans 10: Northern Westchester Hospital Center in Mount Kisco and got their mom to their hospital for quick spans 11: York City public spans 12: member of the Lienhard Leadership Team and has been instrumental in developing the college's strategic spans 13: Meet Joanne Singleton Seven of the 10 fastest-growing jobs in the United States are in health care, according to the Bureau of Labor spans 14: NY, May 9, 2012 – Seven of the 10 fastest-growing jobs in the United States are in health care, according to the Bureau of Labor spans 15: members, students and spans 16: difference between spam messages and genuine communication, and had no idea what Facebook spans 17: Simmons asked her back in February if she was familiar with Facebook, the social networking spans 18: up,” said Nickola as her young tutor, Rose Koron, with bangs dyed a pale blue, stood at her spans 19: live longer and as technology becomes more prevalent in such everyday matters as shopping and spans 20: Sources and Experts, studentsLeave a comment on LA Times: Grandma on Facebook? Sure, seniors say as they learn computers A blog piece on the Alzheimer's photography symposium and exhibit at Pace appeared on the “Well” blog of the New York Times with 14 pages of spans 21: Loss and Laughter: Seeing Alzheimer's Differently,” was written by Cathy Greenblat, a professor emerita of sociology at Rutgers University who found a second career as a spans 22: victory for the former <prompter> Fill in the missing spans: Both of her maternal grandparents developed Alzheimer's in their later years, as did her mother. “People look at some of ... Alzheimer's. ' But they don't realize that they have a range of emotions. People don't imagine that someone with Alzheimer's can be smiling or happy and having a good time.” ”Author Cara CeaPosted on April 23, 2012 April 23, ... veterans. Pace University's Lienhard School of Nursing is among only 20 nursing schools nationwide invited to join first lady Michelle Obama at her annual Joining Forces event in 2012. The initiative, which Obama created with second lady Jill Biden last year, consists of nearly 500 universities that have vowed to focus on treatment for returning soldiers. “It is a privilege and honor to support this special initiative,” said Dr. Harriet Feldman, former dean of the Lienhard School of Nursing who is currently the university's interim provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. Joining Forces is ... treatment. During Feldman's tenure as dean, Pace was one of 12 nursing programs that participated in the Veterans Affairs Nursing Academy. “Our veterans have given their all in support of countless missions, and we owe them the opportunity to be whole again, in body, mind and spirit,” said Feldman, who plans on working on the initiative closely with Dr. Gerrie Colombraro, the school's interim dean. Much of the initiative will focus on combating “invisible wounds” from war such as post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury and depression. According to Joining Forces, the mental health disorders impact approximately one in six American troops returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama launched Joining forces with ... 2014. On Wednesday night, Obama appeared on The Colbert Report to discuss the initiative on its one-year anniversary. “Jill Biden and I started this initiative to make sure that this country, which is a grateful nation, that we make sure we do whatever we can to honor the service of our troops, our veterans and their families,” Obama said on the program. <assistant> spans 1: these photos and say, ‘Oh, this person can't have spans 2: 2012 Categories Events and Activities, Health, News CoverageLeave a comment on NYTimes.com: The Faces of Alzheimer's – Well Blog Pace Interim Provost Harriet Feldman recently spent a day with Michelle Obama and Jill Biden with other nursing school heads who are collaborating to provide better care for spans 3: not Pace's first foray into military spans 4: Biden in April 2011 and plans to have the lesson plans integrated into the nursing schools, including Pace, by
Input: Fill in spans: Disclosure Agreement: Review of MeasureGlass was due to compensation [spans 1] reviewed. We Dish Nutrition tested each product thoroughly and . MoreBy: Nikki Nies While studying for my RD exam, I've come across and have been quizzed on various ethnic cultures . MoreAlcohol, church, diet, ellen white, excess, exercise, gluttony, health education, health reform, healthy, Nikki Nies, nutrition, raw foods, rest, Seventh Day Adventist, tobacco, vegan, vegetarian, water By: Nikki Nies Being honest with ourselves' goals and future lifestyle changes is the best thing to do moving forward. More80/20, breakfast, calories, dinner, Egg whites, entrees, Facebook, fruits, goals, healthy, hydrating, Instagram, lunch, meat, Nikki Nies, protein, smoothie, snacks, Social Media, Twitter, vegetables, walking, water By: Nikki Nies I apologize for [spans 2] . Moreactive, awareness, breast, breast cancer, Breast Cancer Awareness, complex carbohydrates, hydrated, Janelle Hail, NBCF, Nikki Nies, October, prevention, protein, The National Breast Cancer Foundation, water By: Nikki Nies With the impending semester upon us, it's never too early to talk about healthy dining on campus. MoreAlcohol, apartment, breakfast, calcium, cereals, cocktails, coffee creamers, college, cookies, fast food, fridge, fried, fruit, fruits, granola, green leafy vegetables, healthy eating, hummus, hungry, jelly, low fat cheese, low fat yogurt, milk, mini fridge, Nikki Nies, Nutrition Fact Label, on the go, osteoporosis, PB&J, peanut butter, portion sizes, pretzels, qtr, quarter, rice cakes, salad bar, schedule, school, [spans 3] device. Last Sunday, I was fortunate enough to spend 8 hours hiking, fishing, cooking and just plain loafing around with OZme from Bush n' Blade. We met at the Pukala recreational forest near the town of Orivesi, Finland. mile forest has been set aside both by the local government and private landowners as a place where the public can hike, fish, swim, camp, cook, pick berries and mushrooms and more. After a few delays and then 2 1/2 hours on the road, I reached the parking area where [spans 4] meet. OZme had been to this area several times before and had offered to show me around. We started hiking a 6.5 km/4 mile loop trail from the parking area. Along the way, we saw this strange creature, which I think is the result of aspen roots growing up out of the ground and over a tree stump which has since rotted away. Weird! We ate a few bilberries along the way and also collected chanterelle mushrooms [spans 5] on. When we got to the laavu on the lake shore, OZme was more than ready for a dip in the lake. He assured me it was refreshing. 🙂I was too hungry to think about anything but eating, so I ate a small sandwich right away. After swimming a bit and then eating a ball of rice and vegetables wrapped in seaweed, which is a traditional Japanese backpacking food, OZme prepared tinder, kindling and fuel wood for a cooking fire. I might have split a log or two as well. Once the fire was going, my friend handed me a gift which I was happy to receive: a very clever alcohol-burning stove of his own design (check out his video). There's no doubt that this stove will become a permanent part of my regular gear. It'll be perfect for making quick trail-side tea, coffee, soup etc. Thanks, OZme! He then used pork, carrots, the chanterelle mushrooms and miso paste to make the best miso soup I've had, by far. I was also offered a rice ball, which I readily accepted. I have to say, I very much enjoyed both of these Japanese trail treats, which were a welcome change from my staple outdoor foods. Once again, thank-you. 🙂I offered to clean up the dirty pots using a spruce brush he made, along with ashes from the fire. The fat from the pork and ashes from the fire together form an effective soap. After our meal came dessert: Oogling knives, axes, fishing kits, natural cordage and [spans 6] cups). By this point, the sun was lower in the sky, shining right into the laavu, so it was a perfect opportunity to stretch back, lean against our packs and converse. OZme is very easily to get along with and an interesting guy as well. Shortly after 8 o'clock, we decided to extinguish the last of the coals smoldering in the fireplace and do a little evening fishing. OZ caught a decent-sized small perch with his hand-made hand-line kit after just a few casts, but I wasn't as lucky with mine. I think I've been spoiled by the plethora of fish available in the lake at my mother-in-law's [spans 7] me. 😉When we were done fishing, we packed up our gear and hit the trail again. OZ picked some bilberries along the way. We hiked for about 50 minutes and completed the rest of the loop trail, which took us back to the parking area. Our timing couldn't have [spans 8] home. Luck was on our side. 🙂 We quickly parted ways and headed to our respective homes, already looking forward to the next trip. It's tough to say when that next meetup will be, as OZme will have his hands full for a while (I'll leave it to him to tell you why). If he is able to sneak out for a moment from time to time for some woods running, he knows how to reach me. Just before we moved last month, I harvested some willow bark with the intention of honing my natural cordage-making skills. I knew that if I wanted to make some decent cordage, I'd have to process the bark a bit beforehand. A common method is to boil or simmer the bark in water with wood ashes for 1 hour [spans 9] to. Having no wood ashes available in our apartment (and I wasn't about to touch Aunt Bertha's urn ;)), I decided to use the household [spans 10] i. Also, instead of boiling the bark, I just put it into a container with boiling water, which cooled off gradually. I let the bark soak in the solution of boiled water and baking soda for about an hour and then let it dry before making the cordage. Surprisingly, preparing the bark “the lazy/busy man's way” ended up working out very well. It was more flexible and resilient than bark which is allowed to dry without being processed. I also really like the color taken on by the inner bark as a result of soaking it with the outer bark still on (most of this fell off while it was in the water). The outer bark of willow was traditionally used for dying cloth, and I can attest that it works well! I'm happy [spans 11] attempts. I think I might try using stinging nettle fibers in my next attempt, just to see how they compare. [spans 12] different. I didn't anticipate having to do this, but honestly I like the new layout better! Although I've been able to [spans 13] etc. it had been about a year since I spent a larger portion of a day on the trail. I rectified this situation last Saturday at Nuuksio National Park, which believe it or not lies within the Helsinki metropolitan area. This national park is 45 sq. miles in size and is growing little by little as new bits and pieces of surrounding forest are added over time. It's located less than an hour from downtown Helsinki and is a good place for people pent up in the city to get their outdoor fix. Within the park, there are marked trails, unmarked trails and space with no trails, depending on what you're looking for. I decided to do an easy no-brainer dayhike by covering the three marked loop trails in the park because I was in the mood for something easy. 🙂 I also did this so I could get a good initial idea of the terrain in the heart of the park, as well as to see how crowded these trails get on a Saturday in July, which is probably the busiest they get all year. While there were a good number [spans 14] nice. The three loop trails I covered were the Punarinnankierros (2 km/1.2 mi), the Korpinkierros (8 km/5 mi) and the Haukankierros (4 km/2.5 mi). Between these three trails and short sections of other trails, I ended up hiking about 17 km/10.5 mi altogether. Nothing Earth-shattering, but honestly, it's enough hiking for me in one day. I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of terrain types at the park, from dark and wet low areas to dry, grassy [spans 15] forests. I'll let the pictures do the talking and add commentary here and there. (Again, sorry if some of the pictures don't load properly. For some reason, Photobucket seems to work intermittently. Please try reloading the page later! ). Despite the fact that these trails are heavily trafficked, there were plenty of bilberries (related to blueberries) to be found all over. This park really does have everything, including huts where you can spend some [spans 16] other. Just kidding! This sign indicates that there is an outhouse to the right. Hey, when you gotta go, an outhouse can be an object of affection, too. 😉After a while, I plopped [spans 17] lunch. Eh, it ain't health food, but I . needed the calories for my hike . yeah, that's it! Here's the pond where I stopped. If you get out your microscope, you can see the ducks near the center of the photo. This is a laavu or lean-to shelter. I've seen plenty of these before, but never one so small/low to the ground. And the nearby wood shack, stocked well with wood by the “Metsähallitus”. This is a government enterprise which manages state-owned land in Finland. This is the first chaga fungus (inonotus obliquus) I've seen in Finland, so it was a nice surprise to find it. I didn't have any luck when using a bobber to suspend the worm in the water, so I took off the bobber and tried to fish the bottom of the lake instead. I like to wrap the line once around my finger so I can feel when a fish strikes. I didn't end up catching any fish (maybe because this popular lake is [spans 18] sure. I found that I liked using it even more than the telescoping pole, because I could get much more distance to my casts. We'll see how it works out over time. After hitting the trail again, I saw more chaga. Nuuksio is surely a place I will visit again, though in the future I will probably stray from the marked trails and Helsinki tourists. Soon I will return to one of the places shown [spans 19] years. Hopefully he'll be there as well! News: It seems our camera is MIA, as no-one anywhere seems to know where it is. This means that I won't be able to show you any pictures from the Juhannus holiday unless we find the camera at some point. On the bright side, now I get to buy a new, better camera! 🙂Last Saturday, the Woodsfamily met up with Scandic Woodsman's family for a daytrip in Hanko, the seaside town located on a peninsula which happens to be the southernmost point of continental Finland (a few islands are further south). The body of water you see in the pictures is the Gulf of Finland, the easternmost arm of the Baltic Sea. It lies in the transition zone between the broadleaf and boreal forests. Here are [spans 20] phone. Hope you enjoy them! This coming Saturday I plan on taking a daytrip to a national park I haven't been to in quite a while. Stay tuned! Upon contemplating the gear I carry (something one or two of you out there might relate to ;)) I realized that my belt pouch wasn't as well optimized as it could be. It contained a few frequently used items, a few “survival” items (I'm not fond of that word, but [spans 21] possibles. It didn't contain enough items to be called a “survival kit”, but it was more than just one or two things which could be thrown into a pocket. So I decided to swap my belt pouch for a larger canvas pouch (15 cm x 10 cm x 6 cm, or 6″ x 4″ x 2.5″) made of very thick and rugged canvas which I had been using to hold several small items in my shoulder bag. I believe this is a South African Defense Force magazine pouch from the 70s. Rather than add new items to my kit, I just transferred a few existing items from my shoulder bag to the new belt pouch. The new setup gives me [spans 22] me. I should mention that my belt pouch and knife never leave my belt when in the field except at night when I'm sleeping, so it's something I always have on my person, whereas my backpack and, to a lesser extent, shoulder bag usually come off. The additional items allow me to cook and to purify water (canteen cup and spoon), have emergency shelter (space blanket), have additional tools (Swiss army knife), have another means of starting fire (mini ferro rod) and more (bandana, many uses). To me, this new setup validates my use of a belt pouch in the first place, as it now has a clear and designated role as more of a survival kit and possibles pouch. Some of you might be thinking that a first-aid kit is “missing” from this pouch, but honestly the pouch is just too small for me to also add any meaningful first-aid items, except maybe pain killers/antibiotics. In a pinch, the bandana can be used as a tourniquet. In any case, I have a first-aid kit in my shoulder bag, which I bring 99.999% of the time. EDIT: In the comment section below, Ross Gilmore commented about how this particular pouch is deep and can therefore make it tricky/annoying to remove things from the bottom without unpacking everything first. Here's my response: “I know what you mean about it being deep, but I've found a solution to this. All the little bits and pieces (except the spoon, SAK and bandana, which are immediately accessible) fit in a firm plastic bag inside the cup. If I want to access something at the bottom of the plastic bag (where I intentionally put less-frequently used items), I can quickly pull the bag out, along with almost all of the pouch's contents. If I want to remove something from the top of the plastic bag, I just open the pouch. If I want to remove the cup, I can pull it (and almost everything else) out, and then put the plastic bag full of stuff back into the pouch. 😀 Having several “containers within containers” makes it extremely easy and quick to access anything in the kit. This arrangement prevents there from being little bits and pieces all the way at the bottom of the pouch.”Clean Yield Group trimmed its holdings [spans 23] Co. (NASDAQ:SYMC) by 14.4% in the 3rd quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firm owned 146,766 shares of the technology company's stock after selling 24,743 shares during the quarter. Clean Yield [spans 24] filing. Other hedge funds have also bought and sold shares of the company. Commonwealth Equity Services LLC boosted its position in shares of Symantec by 9.0% during the 1st quarter. Commonwealth [spans 25] quarter. Point72 Asset Management L. bought a new position in shares of Symantec during the 1st quarter [spans 26] $1,509,000. Verition Fund Management LLC bought a new position in shares of Symantec during the 1st quarter valued at approximately $476,000. Millennium Management LLC boosted its position in shares of Symantec by 154.7% during the 1st quarter. Millennium Management LLC now owns 78,982 shares of [spans 27] quarter. Finally, Legal & General Group Plc boosted its position in shares of Symantec by 6.9% during the 1st quarter. Legal & General Group Plc now owns 3,582,270 shares of the technology company's stock valued at $92,584,000 after acquiring an additional 232,376 shares during the last quarter. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 92.05% [spans 28] stock. SYMC stock traded up $0.01 during midday trading on Monday, reaching $19. The company's stock had a trading volume of 3,995,718 shares, compared to its average volume of 8,198,099. has a 1 year low of $17.81 and a 1 year high of $32. The firm has a market cap of $12.23 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 20.72, a PEG ratio of 2. Symantec (NASDAQ:SYMC) last released its earnings results on Thursday, August 2nd. The technology company reported $0.34 earnings per share for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of $0.33 by $0. Symantec had a return on equity of 14.54% and a net margin of 25.52%.17 billion for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $1. During the same quarter last year, the firm posted $0.33 earnings per share. The business's revenue was up 3. As a group, equities research analysts forecast that Symantec Co. will post 0.9 earnings per share for the current fiscal year. Several research firms recently weighed in [spans 29] SYMC. Barclays decreased their price target on Symantec from $23.00 to $21.00 and set an “equal weight” rating on the stock in a report on Monday, August 6th. Stifel Nicolaus decreased their price target [spans 30] 3rd. BidaskClub upgraded Symantec from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a report on Friday, July 6th. UBS Group upgraded Symantec from a “neutral” rating to a “positive” rating in a report [spans 31] 21st. Finally, Zacks Investment Research upgraded Symantec from a “strong sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a report on Tuesday, July 10th. Three equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, twenty have given a hold rating and four have assigned a buy rating to the company's stock. Symantec presently has a consensus rating of “Hold” and a consensus target price of $23. Many have longed for another moment with a loved one who has passed on. They look forward to the day when they are reunited in Heaven. Please know you can visit with your loved ones now in dreams and spiritual contemplations. These experiences are just as real; do not discount them. On a beautiful summer morning during a weeklong class at the Nature Awareness School I was given a very short dream. During it my spiritual teacher, Del Hall, asked me, “Did you get to see your dad? ” He was referring to the experiences we had during a HU Sing in class the night before. At that very moment I remembered seeing a glimpse of my dad towards the very end [spans 32] forgotten. I wrote it in my journal and thanked Prophet for this gift of remembrance. Later that morning as I closed my eyes in appreciation, I wished my dad well. I knew Prophet's presence was with me, and I could feel his love in a warm breeze. As I did my dad spiritually appeared right in front of me! I hugged him and felt his bony shoulder as I leaned my head on it. My eyes watered as they are watering now, [spans 33] gift. Wow! I got to spend a few moments with my dad who passed away a few years back. God gave me this tailor-made experience through His chosen Prophet. Prophet loves me and knows me so well. You too can be blessed with such precious moments. Often we are given the “eyes to see” at the perfect time in our journey through life. [spans 34] earlier. Trust that God's timing is perfect and He knows when we are ready to accept the blessing He has to offer. Have you ever had the experience where more is shared and understood by looking someone in the eye than by any words exchanged? I was given a dream in which I do not recall any words being spoken, but what was said through a glance altered my life more than any other dream I have had. During a dream over ten years ago, my teacher, the Prophet, introduced me to my future husband. While I had known Chris as a fellow student at the Nature Awareness School for almost five years, our conversations had remained casual, nothing more. We both had been in prior relationships and had not seen more than a friendship and a common love of the school between us. In the late fall of 2004 this began to change. But it was not until a winter night in early 2005 that I was given the eyes to see what could be. In the dream the Prophet was standing before me looking at me with so much love. He knows me so well, has known me forever, and wants what was best for me and to see me truly happy. With love in his eyes, the Prophet stepped to the side, and gave me the eyes to see who stood beside him. Chris stood there with love in his eyes. At this silent introduction the Prophet brought us together in this life. I knew in that unspoken moment that we had loved each other many times before. What was shared without any words was, here is someone who you love and someone who loves you dearly too. Shortly after this dream Chris and I went on our first date. This dream has become part of our history now ten years and three beautiful children later. But our story did not begin with my dream, it began many lives ago. For me the dream gave me a remembrance of what once was and a premonition of what could be, all in the eyes of the Prophet and my future husband. And while I did not decide to marry him based on this one dream, it was definitely [spans 35] love. It was an opportunity to grow in our love for God by learning to express Divine love with each other once again. As eternal beings the love connection that we share with our loved ones spans beyond space and time. The love that builds and grows in one life leads to the next and creates bonds of love that transcend beyond the confines of the physical world. The Divine reconnects us with those we love as a gift of love. We are given opportunities to heal past hurts and celebrate the joy of life together. It is by the Grace of God that I was given this opportunity to be with my beloved Chris. Thank you Prophet for knowing me so well [spans 36] now. It is a gift that has made me truly happy. God sees and knows all – all that has passed and all that will come to be. He seeks to share some of this vision with His children when there is an opportunity to bless us. The key is learning how to recognize and follow those gentle whisperings – those nudges or seemingly random thoughts for what they are. They are gifts of love in the form of guidance. Our books will help you to recognize the many ways God expresses His Love to you daily. You may preview them HERE. I remember exactly where I was sitting when it happened. The idea came gently, as if carried by a soft breeze through an open window. I could go visit my mother. A seemingly random idea, but I wanted to consider it. You see I have learned from the Prophet that when I place attention on gentle nudges like this I may be able to appreciate something more. Something I had not been aware of. It could be a loving nudge from the Holy Spirit to help me have a much more abundant life. My mother had been sick for a long time. She was in her eighties now and her kidneys were failing. Her condition was stable. Nothing had changed as far as we knew. I had just visited only weeks ago. I live in Virginia [spans 37] Florida. It really did not make sense to go now. About six months ago she had been discharged from the hospital to home hospice care. I had been able to be there. It was a bittersweet time. My brother, her real primary caregiver for years, and my sister and I were there as the nurse explained things and did a brief exam. Our mother was frightened and confused and we all just wanted to help her. The nurse's name was Maria and we liked her right away. She was right out of “central casting,” except she was not acting. You could see it in everything she did. I would like to share with you just one of the amazing blessings that were given in this. Maria had a beautiful Spanish accent and [spans 38] language. I think this connected her to a very [spans 39] life. A long time ago she was a bright college student working on a master's degree in the Spanish language. Mom was to have [spans 40] months. It turned out that Maria was the one who admitted new patients, not one of the nurses assigned to regular care. It seemed unfortunate at the time, but it turned out to [spans 41] indeed. So, back to the idea of a visit. The gentle nudge or thought was to come again over the next few days before I suggested the idea to my husband. My mother really loved my husband and she had not [spans 42] while. We could have a nice visit. We could fly to Tampa, rent a car, and drive the rest of the way. This would take us over a really long, high, bridge that spans Tampa Bay that I had seen on a previous visit, that I thought my husband would enjoy. There just happened to be a great inexpensive charter flight available with the perfect departure and arrival times. We got in late on a Friday. My brother had told us right before we left that everything was stable with mom. He then greeted us with the news that our mother had stopped eating and was becoming unresponsive. She did not seem to be with us much that first evening, and she had not spoken except for a few words. But as we started to say goodnight, all of a sudden in a strong clear voice she said, “I love you all.” This was a pretty stunning gift for all of [spans 43] brother. Maybe a thank you for his long devotion and care. Many amazing things continued to happen over the next few days. We were able to arrange for everything that would be needed to care for her and everyone, as the time of our mother's passing grew near. Everything just seemed to fall into place. It was as if we were being gently guided by [spans 44] Love. And that is what was happening. We [spans 45] needs. Her regular nurse was on vacation and so you may have guessed, Maria came. She lovingly examined our mother and said that she seemed exceptionally peaceful. We asked if she might be better cared for in an actual hospice. Maria said that if she was someone in her own family she would not move her. She would keep her right there. Our mother peacefully passed on a few [spans 46] later. We needed to call hospice and let them know and then they would send her nurse. Her nurse was still on vacation, so Maria came. She checked our mother and then we all sat and talked, and cried, and were just generally very grateful for how blessed we had all been. But the blessings did not stop there. There was the calling of family and friends. It was amazing to see the solace that was given back and forth. We had one sister and our niece in Puerto Rico and our older brother in California. Everyone was able to come. We were all able to be together. Everything just worked out, down to the flowers, and the food, and the pictures, to who just happened to sit near each other to say something, or be able to touch someone at just the right time. Everything worked out beautifully. It was way beyond anything we could have done. It all was an example of what a loving God does. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that months earlier I had prayed and asked the Prophet that if I could be of help, could I please be there at her passing. It all turned out in the end like it always does, if we have the eyes to see. This may sound too good to be true. It's what God, the Holy Spirit, and the Prophet do for us, usually unnoticed. This is but a glimpse of some of the abundance that God brings into your life through your relationship with His Prophet. I hope you may take time to consider what more there may be for you. His hand is out, will you take it? Even though our time in the physical comes to an end, we will see our loved ones again. Until then, dreams afford us with a very real opportunity to continue our relationship by spending time together. The love we experience in dreams is just as real as in waking life. My grandmother passed away when I was a young child. At the time I was confused about her death and it was the first time I can remember experiencing the feeling of loss and deep sadness. We were very close and I loved her very much. However, sometime shortly after her death I had a dream with her. In the dream we spent time together in her workshop. She used to make beautiful stained glass artwork and windows. I sat on her workbench and watched her make stained-glass windows enjoying our time together. I do not recall us talking in the dream but I experienced the bond of love we shared. This dream brought me a lot of comfort during a time of hurt. My heart began to heal from the loss and over the years I would have a dream with her from time to time. I had dreams where she was at some of my sports games cheering me on. I saw her seated in the bleachers smiling and happy. These dreams were so real that when I would wake up a part of me knew that she was not gone forever and she was fine wherever she was. At the age of twenty I moved from a small town in Colorado to the Northern Virginia area. This was a big transition for me. Shortly after my move I had another dream with my grandma where she looked at me and into my eyes and said, “It's all alright.” I awoke from that dream with a feeling of comfort and peace that I cherished during a [spans 47] unfamiliar. My dreams had become a way for our relationship to continue even though she had passed on. A few years after my move, I began taking classes at the Nature Awareness School. There I learned that dreams are a way that the Divine communicates with us and each of us has our own personal dream language. This resonated with me and my dream experiences over the years with my grandmother only confirmed this truth. The school helped me really claim that these are REAL experiences. This realization has been a beautiful blessing in my life and it has shown me that our loved ones live on beyond the physical. The dreams with my grandma over the years have brought me comfort, love, peace and helped heal the hurt I experienced in her passing. Our dreams are REAL experiences. We may not always understand them and sometimes they may seem convoluted. But I can truly say that I understand more of my personal dream language through the spiritual tools I have learned at the Nature Awareness School. Posted by D4 in Book - Dreams, Book - Loved One, Dream Section [spans 48] ways. It may come as a smile, or pat on the back, words of encouragement or wisdom, quality time together, or in the following example – a reminder to check the oil in the lawn mower. The fact that the reminder came in a dream after the author's father had passed demonstrates how this love transcends physical life. While growing up I loved my dad dearly. He was loving, gracious, and had a good nature. He taught my brother and I many outdoor sports such as skiing, ice-skating, canoeing, sailing, archery, and shooting at cans with his .22 rifle. We spent many hours enjoying the outdoors with him and my mom, camping and doing many of those things that he taught us. As a teenager I would [spans 49] trim. I enjoyed hanging out with him in his workshop while I helped him with projects and we talked about all sorts of things. After my brother went off to college we bought season passes at a ski slope nearby and we spent many hours skiing together. I was his [spans 50] me. I thought that he would always be there for me. I was seventeen years old when my dad was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. The doctor told us that with radiation treatments he might live for another five years. Back then, in the 1970's, no one talked with the patient about how serious their condition was or that they might die. Because we didn't talk about it, we never got a chance to say goodbye. Two months after the diagnosis, even with the treatments, he was in the hospital dying, [spans 51] us. During his time in the hospital he visited me in [spans 52] dream. He was going up and down in an elevator. I saw him, though we didn't speak. Somehow I knew that it was real and we were [spans 53] together. A few days after he died I planned to mow the lawn. He had given me a nice new bright yellow lawn mower about a year before, after the old one quit working. [spans 54] it. That night I had a very clear dream. He came to remind me to check the oil in the lawnmower. The next day before starting up the mower I remembered the dream, so I checked the oil. The oil compartment was bone dry! Thanks dad for your help in a dream! Back then I didn't know whom to thank for giving me the dream, but I was grateful for it. Over twenty years later after getting married and having two children, I began going to the Nature Awareness School with my husband. [spans 55] dreams. One night I had a dream [spans 56] father. He appeared before me and I could see his facial features very clearly. He looked strong and healthy, like he was before he got sick. We hugged and hugged for a long time. He felt so real and so solid. It was so good to see him, to hug him, and to feel his love again. I felt such intense joy seeing him. I said that it had been twenty-two years since I last saw him. Gosh, twenty-two years! When we stopped hugging, he disappeared. What a gift that was! It was real. We were two Souls seeing each other again after almost twenty-two years. Thank you, Prophet! And now, for the rest of the story. Several years after that dream I learned, through many awake dreams and a knowingness, that he had reincarnated into another body as someone with which I have a very close relationship. God has blessed us with being together again. Our love continues, beyond death and into life again! To head out alone without God is folly. However, to sit back and wait for the Divine to live our lives for us is just as misguided. We follow our hearts and make the effort, doing our part, and God [spans 57] help. -EnjoyAlthough I have had many great experiences and opportunities, I have spent a great deal of my adult life attempting to figure out what was “normal” and why I was not comfortable being me. My ideas about what it meant to be happy and contented were ambiguous at best. Partial answers to many of my questions were indeed found through reading [spans 58] category. In them I often found the possible reasons why I carried certain emotional baggage. Also, the material that I read about the emotions gave a whole lot of advise about how to rid ones self of inner ills that hold one hostage. Quite insightful, but for me ineffectual since I never remembered to use the advice. I later learned that inner ills such as anger, vanity and lust can only be healed by the Divine. The real revelations and deep seated healing came once I started studying at The Nature Awareness School. It was there where I was introduced to The Prophet of God, my Divine connection. In time I became aware that I could not do it on my own and that I needed to get beyond the inner ill of vanity and ask God, “please help me help myself.” I asked in earnest. The very deep “stuff” that surfaced for me to look at and discard, with the help of The Divine, was the beginning of the healing process. Making the choice to think correct thoughts, use self control and practice self discipline became, and remains to be, key in maintaining the emotional healing as well as a sense of balance. By doing my part moment to moment and letting Spirit do the rest, now I no longer carry guilt over past mistakes. I'm less likely to over react to life events and Praise Be to God, I'm finally learning more effective coping skills. The miraculous sense of true inner peace and freedom that I possess is something that I am now and will always be, eternally grateful for! Dear Omar, I'd like to personally thank you for putting your trust in us and making an investment in Billion Vegans. We believe that doing good is good business (and a good investment), and the Billion Vegan team is working hard to fulfill that promise. Sincerely, Alon Hochberg CEO. Output: spans 1: from the company's whose products were spans 2: this mid October blog post on Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but better late than spans 3: semester, string cheese, thirsty, trimester, unbuttered popcorn, vegetables, water, whole wheat crackers, yogurt Sign in with your account and you will be able to select calendars you want to sync with your spans 4: we agreed to spans 5: (cantharellus cibarius) and others to eat later spans 6: other gear and crafts and drinking some coffee from our kuksas (wooden spans 7: cabin, because this “not catching fish at other lakes” thing is starting to annoy spans 8: been better, as it started raining just a few minutes after reaching our destination and continued for at least the first hour of my drive spans 9: or more (as long as overnight), depending on who you listen spans 10: item for which ashes are often substituted in the field, spans 11: with this latest batch of willow bark cordage, as I think it looks and works better than my previous spans 12: After experiencing serious problems with the other blog layout as a result of changes made by WordPress, I decided to scrap it and go for something spans 13: get outside a fair amount over the past few months for things like camping, fishing, boating, firemaking, looking for wild edibles spans 14: of Finns and tourists from a few different countries on the trails, there weren't so many as to make it annoying, which was spans 15: and stony hills to conifer-covered cliffs overlooking lakes to birch spans 16: quality time with your significant spans 17: myself down on a fallen log near a small pond to eat spans 18: over-fished or because it was the middle of the day? ), but the rig itself functioned very well, so I'll be using it again for spans 19: to me by Scandic Woodsman over the past few spans 20: a few shots of the beautiful scenery of the area taken with the Woodswife's spans 21: it's what they are) and other spans 22: a lot more functionality if I somehow lose everything except the pouch or if I intentionally only bring the pouch with spans 23: in Symantec spans 24: Group's holdings in Symantec were worth $3,123,000 as of its most recent SEC spans 25: Equity Services LLC now owns 52,830 shares of the technology company's stock valued at $1,365,000 after acquiring an additional 4,376 shares during the last spans 26: valued at approximately spans 27: the technology company's stock valued at $2,042,000 after acquiring an additional 47,971 shares during the last spans 28: of the company's spans 29: on spans 30: on Symantec from $21.00 to $19.00 and set a “hold” rating on the stock in a report on Friday, August spans 31: on Tuesday, August spans 32: of the HU Sing that I had spans 33: reliving this spans 34: There is no sense in losing sleep just because we did not recognize it spans 35: the threshold that opened my eyes to recognize him as the man I spans 36: and introducing me in a dream to the man whom I have loved so many times before and whom I dearly love spans 37: and my mother lived with my younger brother and sister over nine hundred miles away in spans 38: my mother just happened to love the Spanish spans 39: happy time in her spans 40: several different nurses take care of her over the next spans 41: be very fortunate spans 42: seen him for a spans 43: us, but I thought it may have been an especially beautiful gift for my spans 44: God's spans 45: called hospice to come check her and check us to make sure we were able to care for all her spans 46: days spans 47: time where everything around me was new and spans 48: - Loved Ones, Dreams With Loved Ones, Healings Dads can shower their children with love in many spans 49: help him in his carpentry business by painting and staining wood spans 50: precious little girl and I always knew that he loved spans 51: unable to communicate with spans 52: a spans 53: really spans 54: He even put on a miniature license plate with my name on spans 55: I learned about the Prophet of the times and that he blesses us with spans 56: where I was told that I was now allowed to see my spans 57: takes care of the “heavy lifting.” It is a team and the strong ask for spans 58: various books in the “self help”
<prompter> More of this please: (Shanghai, June 27, 2018) Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2018 opened at the Shanghai New International Expo Center today. Huawei Rotating Chairman Eric Xu addressed ... <assistant> The completion of this text could be: the audience in his keynote speech titled Bringing MBB to a New Level with 5G. Xu expressed his hope that 5G would bring the... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> mobile Internet – especially mobile video – to a level comparable to... <prompter> Next. <assistant> mobile voice service today, allowing users to enjoy mobile broadband services wherever and whenever they want. Xu also expressed his expectation that 5G would... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> nurture new basic services and drive the sustainable growth of the mobile communications sector. Xu emphasized that 5G standards are the result of joint collaboration between global organizations. As a major 5G... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> standards contributor and patent holder, Huawei will follow the FRAND principle – Fair, Reasonable, and Non-discriminatory – as it has always done. During the... <prompter> Next. <assistant> standardization process, Huawei will continue to recommend innovative technologies to other industry... <prompter> More. <assistant> players, and will never squeeze other companies or society as a whole. At 11:18 on June 14 during a Plenary Meeting, 3GPP approved the freezing of the standalone specifications for 5G New Radio (NR), which marks the official release of the R15 standard. The non-standalone NR specification was released in December of last year. At present, the first phase of full-featured standardization work has been completed. The R15 standard focuses on commercial needs for enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB). It also meets basic needs for uRLLC and mMTC.5G can deliver a peak speed of 10 Gbps at 100 MHz bandwidth, and 20 Gbps at 200 MHz bandwidth.5G is set to bring mobile broadband services to a whole new level. I'd like to take this opportunity to pay my tribute... <prompter> Next. <assistant> to all experts who have worked on 5G standardization and research. Thank you for your incredible work! The 3GPP R15 standard focuses on improving mobile Internet experience. By the end of 2019,... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> R16 and subsequent standards will address the challenges that come along with massive numbers of connections and ultra-low latency, thus enabling industry digitization.5G technologies, including the LDPC and Polar Codes, result from decades of effort by several generations of basic research scientists. The LDPC Code was first introduced by US professor Robert Gallager in 1963. That was 45 years ago. Polar Code was first... <prompter> More. <assistant> proposed in 2008 by Erdal Arikan, a Turkish professor at Bilkent University. That was 10 years ago.5G standards wouldn't have been possible without decades of global collaboration.5G supports faster speeds, lower latency, and more connections than 4G. But if we look at the architecture and protocol stacks, it's clear that 5G actually builds on 4G and expands its potential.5G and 4G use the same... <prompter> More. <assistant> architecture. Their baseband units and remote radio units are the same. Their protocols are largely the same. Mobile Internet services remain the bulk of... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> the data traffic flowing in both 4G and 5G networks. Enhanced encryption algorithms and privacy and authentication mechanisms will make 5G more secure. That means 5G will provide better security than 4G. Huawei is a major 5G standards contributor and patent holder. In our official statement released on May 15, Huawei announced our commitment to following the FRAND principle – Fair, Reasonable, and Non-discriminatory... <prompter> More. <assistant> – as we have always done in the past. During the standardization process, Huawei will continue to recommend innovative technologies to other industry players, and we will never squeeze other companies or... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> society as a whole. We aim to build a robust 5G ecosystem through fair and open collaboration. Huawei won't seek to squeeze other companies... <prompter> More. <assistant> or society as a whole. That means we will stick to the FRAND principle and make every effort to reduce licensing fees for 5G patents. We advocate that 5G patent holders should ensure their cumulative licensing rates are lower and more transparent than 4G. And we are working hard to make this a reality.5G will support 100 billion connected cellular devices, a number much... <prompter> More. <assistant> larger than what a 2G, 3G, or 4G network can support. With a larger market, holders of 5G standard-essential patents are able to get reasonable returns from their R&D investment, though at... <prompter> Next. <assistant> an IPR licensing rate lower than in the past. Over the past 40 years, the mobile communications sector has fostered two major basic services: mobile voice and mobile Internet (especially mobile video)... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> It has taken 30 years – from 1G to 2G and finally to 3G – for mobile voice to deliver an enjoyable experience, allowing users to use the service whenever they want. The mobile Internet, especially mobile video, appeared in the 3G era and has been growing rapidly in the 4G era, but it has not reached a level as high as that of... <prompter> More. <assistant> mobile voice. We hope that 5G will bring the mobile Internet –... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> especially mobile video – to a level comparable to mobile voice service today, allowing users to enjoy mobile broadband services wherever and whenever they... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> want. We also hope that 5G will nurture new basic services such as mobile AR and VR. The first 5G standard focuses on enhanced mobile broadband, which aligns well with the urgent... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> demand of users. This can also be seen in the latest developments... <prompter> Next. <assistant> of global markets. China Unicom has seen the data traffic per 4G... <prompter> More. <assistant> user per month (DOU) rise to 9 gigabytes. The DOU of China... <prompter> Next. <assistant> Mobile is nearly 5 gigabytes and the number is expected to grow three-fold in the next year. The DOU of China Telecom is almost 7 gigabytes. In Kuwait, the DOU has reached 70 gigabytes. In Saudi Arabia, the number is 35 gigabytes. In Finland, the DOU grew by 43% in a single year to 20 gigabytes. However, 4G networks are hard-pressed to meet current... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> user demand. In other words, users want to consume more, but experience and speeds are falling short of expectations. Take a Chinese carrier as an example. In the top 30 developed cities where it provides services, the average speed perceived by users has decreased by 53%, from 51 Mbps in early 2017 to 20 Mbps. This shows that network capabilities are failing to keep... <prompter> More. <assistant> up with user needs and service growth. During busy hours in the hot spots of a major city in China, the uplink rate was... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> only 400 Kbps and the downlink rate was 4 Mbps. User experience is facing a bottleneck in these regions. It is a common problem that user experience is poor in hot spots... <prompter> More. <assistant> in developed regions. New WTTx users are expected to outnumber FTTx users, making WTTx a major means of access for home broadband in some regions. On December 12, 2014, SoftBank launched a wireless home broadband service called Air. It offers speeds that can rival fiber and requires no construction. In addition, it offers an unlimited data plan. The service grew rapidly as soon as it was launched, enabling SoftBank to win two million new subscribers within just two years. Air has attracted another special group of users – young people who don't have fixed residences. This is because contracts are flexible and Air subscribers can easily move from one place to another. It only takes one hour from signing a contract to accessing the service. And the service... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> is available immediately after a user moves to another place. Thanks to the rapid growth of Air, SoftBank saw a 70% increase in total... <prompter> Next. <assistant> data traffic in 2016, with 40% of the growth contributed by Air subscribers. In conclusion, soaring data traffic, deteriorating user experience, and a lack of spectrum resources have made 5G deployment a must in these regions. Over the past decade, mobile carriers have kept their CAPEX basically unchanged even though total data traffic has grown by more than 2,000-fold. CAPEX as a percentage of carrier revenue has declined from 17% to 12%. As the complexity of technology increases, it will become more difficult to cut CAPEX. However, OPEX as a percentage of carrier revenue has risen from 62% to 75% in the same period. And the ratio continues to rise. So in the 5G era, whether we can stop or even reverse the continued increase in OPEX is... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> a key factor to business success. We must make OPEX reduction a strategic priority for 5G.3GPP has completed the standalone R15 5G specification. And 5G spectrum has been made available in some countries.5G will soon be deployed on a large scale. To help global carriers roll out 5G networks, Huawei will launch E2E NSA 5G commercial systems on September 30, 2018, and E2E SA... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> 5G commercial systems on March 30, 2019. Huawei will also launch a 5G-ready Kirin chip in 2019, and a 5G smartphone in June 2019. These products will allow consumers that want higher... <prompter> Next. <assistant> speeds to enjoy an incredible 5G experience as soon as possible. Huawei is ready to work with our industry partners, to invest and to innovate, so that together we can succeed in delivering the 5G mission. Applications for tickets must be in before 10pm on Mon July 31st. Family tickets are for Cusack and Davin Stands only. Applications after the above date and time will not be entertained. Applications must be made to Carrigdhoun Divisional Secretary, Declan O'Neill. ‪Today's Fixture: SHC Carrigdhoun v Muskerry takes place in Ballygarvan at 7. Please come along and support our team. Carrigdhoun will take on Muskerry in Round 2B in the Cork Senior Hurling Championship on Monday 26th June at 7.30pm at Liam McCarthy Gaa Grounds, Ballygarvan. Please come along and support... <prompter> Next. <assistant> our division. Kindly note that Stand Ticket are limited in Killarney. The Red Terrace is the only terrace that has juvenile tickets available. This... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> is the family terrace. Both the Green and Blue Terrace are Adult... <prompter> Next. <assistant> only. ## Adult Pre Purchase Price - Covered Stand: €35Adult Pre Purchase Price - Terrace: €25Family Red Terrace Pre Purchase Price - Adult:. Munster Senior Hurling Championship Cork v WaterfordSunday, June 18th4pm @ Semple Stadium, Thurles Please find below and attached some material which may be of use to you in promoting the Munster Senior Hurling Championship game, including a Facebook cover photo and an MPU which will work across facebook, twitter, instagram and club websites. Please note the following changes to this weekend's games in the Five Mile Inn Bar & Restaurant Junior A Football Championship. Friday 19th MayBallinhassig v Ballymartle at 7.30pm in ShanballyCourcey Rovers v Valley Rovers at 7.30pm in BelgoolyCarrigdhoun will take on UCC AT 6.15pm in Pairc Ui Rinn on Sunday May 7th... <prompter> Continue. <assistant> in the opening round of the Cork Senior Hurling Championship. The Good Fish Co Junior Hurling Championship, and The Five Mile Inn Bar & Restaurant Junior Football Championship will be officially launched on Monday 10th April at 9pm in The Five Mile Inn. The draws for the 2017 Junior Hurling & Football Championships will also be made. Clubs are asked to send two players... <prompter> Next. <assistant> and two representives on the. Our team of writers will help you manage deadlines and complicated writing by providing you timely and round the clock content. Customer reviews, as I was ill, i could not attend a number of lectures. Because i was lagging behind, i could not understand the multiple concepts. But after I hired their services, the writers not only completed my... <prompter> More. <assistant> assignments, they also guided me to understand the difficult concepts. Uk, due... <prompter> Next. <assistant> to financial constraints, i had to take extra jobs which messed up my grades. So, i hired their services, as they seemed economical and within my budget. I was especially ecstatic when I received top class quality work too. ## Tough Recruitment Process, subject Specific Writers, friendly and Flexible personality. 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Douglas palermo, through a prominent real estate loose and success story. Into the celebrity [words 53] palermo. Most are found in the forearm, both top and bottom. The [words 54] the wrist and cause it to bend and twist [words 55] forearm and can be divided into two groups: . ## The posterior Forearm (backside/dorsum) and. In 1199 [words 56] a motte and bailey fort at what is [words 57] of the Braemor road. It was apparently still in evidence up to the early 20th century. In [words 58] century(. You also get to choose the quality of your writing from undergraduate (for high school papers you can also choose this [words 59] (Ph. A very pleasant perk of ordering from Paper Writings is that for the price you(. Every student whos made a decision to [words 60] hopes to find a trustworthy writing [words 61] companies offering.2Hire a highly qualified essay [words 62] content needs.2The last day of the window as [words 63] rumours and false stories, it is what makes it [words 64] exciting time for supporters. Today has been no different after what seemed a slow non eventful day for the Yellow followers it kicked into life with the first reports of City lodging a bid for Craig [words 65] to the Welsh club report that Cardiff have no wish to sell [words 66] the sources state we lodged a [words 67] region of £2 million. Cardiff sources insist it would take a substantial fee for Noone to leave, and [words 68] currently unclear how close their £2m offer comes to the [words 69] valuation. 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<user>: What are the missing words: Happy 11th Day of Easter! And the Last Day of April 20 14! I hope all had a great month of April. It's been a challenge for me. I learned [words 1] journey. Continue reading →Age is an art. I turned another page 21 days ago. Here are some of my thoughts on aging. It's good to re read what we write. Continue reading →Happy 9th Day of Easter! What's next on my journey? I'm thinking about it. We're still in the Easter season. Celebrate! May the Lord guide us on what to do. May we be willing to listen. <bot>: words 1: some things along the <user>: Complete this text: Continue reading →Greetings! What A Beautiful Lord's Day! We're still in the Easter Season! Rejoice! Have a great Day! Prayer Almighty and everlasting God, ... <bot>: who in the Paschal mystery established the new covenant of reconciliation: Grant that all who have been reborn . Continue reading →Happy 7th Day... <user>: More. <bot>: of Easter! Hope you enjoyed the first full week of Easter. Have a Wonderful First Weekend of Easter. Remember Easter isn't just on day... <user>: Continue. <bot>: on the calendar. Prayer We thank you, heavenly Father, that . Continue reading →Happy 6th Day of Easter! Prayer: Almighty Father, who gave your only Son to die for our sins and... <user>: More. <bot>: to rise for our justification: Give us grace so to put away... <user>: More. <bot>: the leaven of malice and wickedness, that we may . Continue reading →Greetings to you on the 5th Day of Easter! Prayer Almighty and everlasting God, who in the Paschal mystery established the new covenant of reconciliation: Grant that all who have been reborn into the fellowship of Christ's Body may show . Continue reading →The Hall of Fame second baseman is not the... <user>: Continue. <bot>: only significant figure in New York baseball history to have the name Joe Gordon. Decades before Flash was anchoring the infield of great World War II-era Yankees teams, an earlier Joe Gordon was helping to put the franchise on the map, serving as the first president of the New York Highlanders. Even before he assumed the Highlanders post, this Gordon was a fixture on... <user>: More. <bot>: the Gotham diamond scene, having risen from a schoolboy pitching star to a principal of the Metropolitan Exhibition Company, the closely held corporation that... <user>: Next. <bot>: had operated the New York Mets of the American Association and the National League New York Giants. A prosperous Manhattan businessman, New York City... <user>: More. <bot>: public official, and Tammany Hall insider, Joseph Gordon was also well known outside the sporting world, with often as much press attention being paid... <user>: More. <bot>: to his commercial and political affairs as it was to his actions as a major-league baseball executive. But few men hold the spotlight in perpetuity and Gordon proved no exception. By the time of his death in January 1929, he was so far removed from the public eye that not one of the New York newspapers that had once been so attentive to the affairs of Joseph Gordon deemed him worthy of a published obituary. Like many baseball pioneers, Joseph Gordon was a man of humble origin. Born in Manhattan on December 31, 1855, he was the youngest child of William and Sarah Gordon, illiterate Scotch-Irish immigrants from Ulster.1 While his father and older brother John found work as city laborers, Joe and brother Robert attended public school... <user>: Continue. <bot>: on the Lower East Side. As a youngster, Joe developed into a baseball player of some note. Years later, the New York Times wrote, “Mr. Gordon was a ballplayer himself in the old days, and considered a rising young pitcher when he twirled for the school team representing Public School No.49 and enabled it to win the championship of New York in the games played in Central Park. A phenom was lost to the game later through the overuse of his arm, and he finally made his exit from active playing.”2With both parents dead by the time he reached the age of 15,3 Gordon had little chance to pursue baseball ambitions, whatever the condition of his arm. He and Robert eventually moved in with a widow named Weaman... <user>: Continue. <bot>: and found work in the coal brokering trade.4 As had many a Manhattanite seeking to elevate his prospects, young Joe Gordon became a member... <user>: Continue. <bot>: of Tammany Hall, the corrupt political machine that controlled the Democratic Party in New York City. It is there that Gordon likely forged connection to another frustrated former pitcher with mercantile interests: John B. Day, a cigar manufacturer recently arrived from Connecticut.5 In the summer of 1880, the already prosperous Day bankrolled the Metropolitan of New York, an independent ballclub organized by new acquaintance... <user>: Continue. <bot>: Jim Mutrie. A respectable 16-7-1 record in abbreviated late-season play then stoked Day's ambitions for the team. Shortly thereafter, Day incorporated the Metropolitan Exhibition Company, taking in Tammany comrades Joseph Gordon, Charles Dillingham and Walter Appleton as minority shareholders. By the conclusion of the 1882 season, competitive Mets performances against American Association and National League opposition had produced invitations to join from both circuits,... <user>: Continue. <bot>: each seeking to establish a presence in New York, bereft of a... <user>: More. <bot>: major-league team since 1876. But Day had bigger plans, namely, the operation of a New York team in each league. With Gordon installed as... <user>: Next. <bot>: club president, the Mets joined the American Association for the 1883 season. Day himself, meanwhile, took charge of the New York Gothams, a separate and entirely new ballclub that would play in... <user>: More. <bot>: the more established National League. The MEC brain trust clearly intended the... <user>: Next. <bot>: Gothams to be the showcase nine, with corporate favoritism reflected in sundry ways. The Gothams, for example, would play their games on the manicured... <user>: Continue. <bot>: diamond situated at the southeastern corner of the Polo Grounds. The Mets would be consigned to the second-rate, landfill-fortified field placed in the southwest quadrant of the stadium.6 Admission prices were also tiered. The carriage trade cultivated by management for the Gothams would be charged 50 cents general admission. The working class faithful of the Mets would get in for a quarter. Most important, the Gothams would get the elite of the player pool accumulated by the MEC from the recently liquidated National League Troy Trojans and elsewhere. Promising Troy refugees like Buck Ewing, Roger Connor, and Mickey Welch, as well as former Providence Grays standout John Montgomery Ward, were all assigned to the Gothams. The Mets had to make do with the leftovers, including hurler Tim Keefe,... <user>: Next. <bot>: property of the MEC but deemed unworthy of a place on the Gothams. As with countless other well-laid plans, the MEC design did not work out as intended. Despite their favored status,... <user>: More. <bot>: the Gothams were a disappointment, a sub-.500 sixth-place finisher in the National League standings. Meanwhile the Mets, behind the crafty generalship of manager Jim Mutrie and 41 wins from Tim Keefe, played far superior ball and placed in the American Association first division. As a reward, the Mets were banished from the Polo Grounds. The start of the 1884 season found the team playing at Metropolitan Park, a dump hastily erected amid factory smokestacks along the East River.7 But even this treatment did not reverse the order of team fortune in New York. President Day's Gothams moved up two notches to fourth place in the National League standings. But President Gordon was now head of a league champion, the 75-32 Mets having cruised to the 1884 American Association... <user>: Next. <bot>: pennant. In the first precursor to the modern World Series, MEC officials... <user>: More. <bot>: then agreed to a postseason championship match pitting the Mets against the Providence Grays, the National League pennant winner. With an eye toward maximizing gate revenues, all three games of the series would be scheduled for the Polo Grounds. The outcome of the event, a three-game Providence sweep with sparse attendance – only 300 fans attended the final game – did not bode well for the Mets future. Before the start of the 1885 season, John B. Day made manifest his intention to mold the Gothams into a pennant winner. And in furtherance of that aim, the Mets would be sacrificed. First, Jim Mutrie, the capable Mets manager, was transferred to the Gothams. Thereafter, rule-bending maneuvers by the MEC thrust Mets stars Keefe and Dude Esterbrook into Gothams... <user>: More. <bot>: uniforms. Additionally strengthened by the acquisition of future Hall of Famer Jim O'Rourke, late of Buffalo, the Gothams – called the Giants by midseason – soared to 85-27, the best record ever posted by a nonwinner of the pennant. The Chicago White Stockings of Cap Anson/King Kelly/John Clarkson fame finished the 1885 campaign two games better. The stripped and disheartened Mets, meanwhile, faltered badly,... <user>: Next. <bot>: plummeting to seventh place in the American Association. But that was a matter of small concern at MEC headquarters. In December 1885 the unloved... <user>: Continue. <bot>: Mets club was sold to entrepreneur Erasmus Wiman for a modest $25,000. As soon as the deal was done, Wiman relocated the club to his amusement grounds on Staten Island.8The shabby corporate... <user>: Continue. <bot>: treatment of the Mets had been the prerogative of John B. Day, the MEC's dominant shareholder. But if Day was the company's director of baseball operations, Joseph Gordon was its ranking politician... <user>: Next. <bot>: Unlike Day, Gordon took an active role in Tammany affairs, early hitching his star to Richard Croker, a force in ascendance at the Wigwam.9 In June 1886 Croker became Tammany chief, much... <user>: Next. <bot>: to the benefit of supporters like Gordon. In 1888 Gordon was anointed the Tammany candidate for Manhattan's 18th Assembly District and swept into office... <user>: Continue. <bot>: on a citywide Democratic tide. After an undistinguished one-year term, Gordon retired from the Legislature to concentrate on his now-thriving coal business and the fortunes of the New York Giants, on whose... <user>: Next. <bot>: board of directors he served. And Gordon's political influence was sorely needed. For the Giants faced the imminent loss of their ballpark. Although Democrats... <user>: Continue. <bot>: were in control of New York municipal government, not all local officeholders... <user>: Continue. <bot>: were vassals of Boss Croker. This was particularly true in north Manhattan, where neighborhood aldermen and city planners had their eyes on the Polo... <user>: More. <bot>: Grounds, long an obstacle to completion of the area traffic grid. Throughout the 1888 season, MEC lawyers had waged a rearguard court battle to forestall the paving of a city street through... <user>: Next. <bot>: the Polo Grounds outfield. But the inevitable could not be postponed indefinitely. Appreciative of that, the MEC had searched frantically for new grounds, with... <user>: More. <bot>: Gordon advocating a site in far north Manhattan owned by the vastly propertied Lynch-Gardiner family.10 Unhappily, negotiations between Day and John J. Coogan, the family's wily estate agent, foundered over terms.11 Day would not meet Coogan's asking price for purchase of the property and declined the one-year leasehold on the grounds offered by Coogan as an alternative.12Without a Manhattan playing field – the original... <user>: Next. <bot>: Polo Grounds were razed in March 1889 – the Giants commenced the new season playing home games in Jersey City's dilapidated Oakdale Park. After two games the team relocated to the St. George Grounds on Staten Island, erstwhile home of the by-now-disbanded Mets. There, inconvenience of locale and dismal early-season weather had a debilitating effect on the Giants' box office. By mid-June, Day was back at the negotiating table with Coogan, and this time agreement was reached on a lease for the targeted property, vacant meadowland situated at 155th Street and Eighth Avenue, only steps away from an elevated railway stop. Within three weeks thereafter, the small army of workmen dispatched to the scene had erected a usable, if unfinished, ballpark that the MEC named the New Polo... <user>: More. <bot>: Grounds. Once playing in their new home, the Giants surged, both at... <user>: More. <bot>: the gate and in the standings. With the club closing in on... <user>: More. <bot>: a second consecutive pennant, satisfaction reigned at company headquarters, so much so that the MEC principals declined a $200,000 offer for the Giants tendered by stadium landlord Coogan. The New York Times reported, “Since the Metropolitan Exhibition Company was formed in the Fall of 1880, the profits have been enormous, and it is said that the Mets and the present New York club have... <user>: Continue. <bot>: cleared about $750,000. The diamond-field sport is increasing each year in public favor and Messrs. Day, Dillingham, Appleton and Gordon are inclined not to sell.”13 Within months, MEC members, and John B... <user>: More. <bot>: Day in particular, would be given cause to regret their retention of the franchise. The 1889 baseball season had been conducted amid gathering troubles on the labor front. Barely a week after the New York Giants had successfully defended their world championship title (defeating the American Association Brooklyn Bridegrooms in postseason play), the players rebelled, announcing the formation of a new major league, one... <user>: More. <bot>: that would be controlled by the help itself: the Players League. This new arrival on the sports scene augured real trouble for the Giants and their corporate ownership. The organizing genius of... <user>: Next. <bot>: the Players League was Giants shortstop John Montgomery Ward, assisted by New... <user>: More. <bot>: York teammates Tim Keefe and Jim O'Rourke. The premier franchise of the league would be based in New York and also called the Giants, its roster stocked with former MEC employees. And... <user>: Continue. <bot>: Players League Giants games would be played at Brotherhood Park, a newly constructed edifice separated from the MEC's New Polo Grounds by no more than a ten-foot alley and the ballpark fences... <user>: Next. <bot>: The competition between the New York rivals would, therefore, be cutthroat. Before battle was joined, John B. Day strove to recapture the allegiance of his former players. With Gordon usually in tow, Day paid personal visits to the homes of Buck Ewing (Cincinnati), Roger Connor (Waterbury), Danny Richardson (Elmira), and other wayward charges – all to no avail.14 The MEC fared no better in... <user>: Next. <bot>: court, where applications for injunctive restraint upon league-jumping players were refused.15 With fading pitcher Mickey Welch and outfielder Mike Tiernan the only holdovers from... <user>: Continue. <bot>: the 1889 championship nine, management replenished the Giants roster, primarily with players from the Indianapolis Hoosiers, liquidated by the National League as a wartime (the NL vs. the Players League) measure. The... <user>: Continue. <bot>: issue of fan loyalty was settled on Opening Day 1890 when the Ewing-led Big Giants of the Players League attracted three times as many fans as the patchwork Real Giants of the National League. The defending champs played poorly in the field and fared worse at the gate, with game attendees sometimes numbering only in the hundreds. Soon the club began hemorrhaging red ink... <user>: Next. <bot>: Funds supplied by Day's tobacco business did not stanch the flow and by midseason, the Giants operation verged on bankruptcy. National League team owners summoned to a private meeting in July were stunned to learn the depth of the Giants' fiscal distress. Unwilling to see their flagship enterprise collapse, the magnates agreed to a bailout scheme quickly devised by Chicago's A. In return for... <user>: Continue. <bot>: their cash, Spalding and fellow team owners Arthur Soden (Boston) and John T. Brush (Indianapolis) became significant shareholders in the National League Giants. Al Reach (Philadelphia) and Ferdinand Abell (Brooklyn) also took... <user>: More. <bot>: stakes in the franchise. As the 1890 season continued, the club's finances did not improve, eventually prompting discreet negotiations between Day and the backers of the Players League Giants. The postseason consolidation... <user>: Continue. <bot>: of National League and Players League operations in New York produced little benefit to the Metropolitan Exhibition Company or its principals. Indeed, the arrival in the Giants front office of Edward B. Talcott and his Players League allies served only to reduce the MEC share of the franchise and to diminish its control of club fortunes. By the start of the 1893 season John... <user>: Continue. <bot>: B. Day was out as team president and the MEC founders of the franchise had been reduced to little more than nominal shareholders in the club. Unlike Day, Joe Gordon was not financially crippled by the downfall of the Metropolitan Exhibition Company. His stake in the company had been comparatively modest. More important, Gordon had not compromised his business interests to keep the Giants solvent. While MEC fortunes flagged, Gordon's coal business prospered. He also expanded his commercial reach, becoming active in the thriving Manhattan real-estate market. Before the decade was out, Gordon would be president of his own building construction and realty company. Shrewdly, Gordon ensured his prosperity via continued service to Tammany Hall. Although he declined another State Assembly candidacy in September 1893, Gordon renewed his... <user>: Next. <bot>: Wigwam vows through membership on the Tammany Hall Executive Committee and by serving Tammany interests as a delegate to state Democratic Party conventions.16 At... <user>: Continue. <bot>: the same time, Gordon's resolve to rescue a favorite social spot, the financially overextended Manhattan Athletic Club, brought him into contact with another prominent Tammany brave, Andrew Freedman. A political protégé and... <user>: Continue. <bot>: close personal friend of Tammany Boss Croker, Freedman was appointed receiver of the Manhattan Athletic Club in January 1893. Among the club assets that had to be managed by Freedman was Manhattan Field, formerly known as the New Polo Grounds. In time, visits to Manhattan Field would kindle interest by the wealthy Freedman in its former tenants, the New York Giants. Freedman's subsequent entry into the baseball world as principal New York Giants owner would have many consequences. One of these was the setting off of a near-Byzantine chain of events that would propel Joseph Gordon into the hierarchy of a new diamond enterprise: the New York Highlanders of the American League. These events unfolded over an eight-year time span. While his destiny awaited him, Gordon attended to... <user>: Next. <bot>: his commercial and political interests. A longtime bachelor, Gordon also took a bride, marrying Jennie Davis, a New Yorker some 20 years his junior, in 1898. Shortly thereafter he changed the name of his building construction/real-estate business to the Jennie Gordon Realty Company. But the gesture may not have been entirely a sentimental one. It also camouflaged a potential conflict-of-interest problem, as Gordon's fealty... <user>: Continue. <bot>: to Tammany Hall had recently been rewarded by his appointment as New York City Deputy Superintendent of Buildings. For the next decade, Gordon's attachment to this lucrative sinecure would ebb and flow with Tammany fortunes at the ballot box. The maelstrom unleashed by Andrew Freedman during his tenure as New York Giants owner involves far too complicated a tale for exposition here.17 Suffice it to say that by mid-1902, Freedman, a capable but difficult man, had grown as weary of baseball as the game was of him. Freedman was also totally preoccupied with the building of the Interborough Rapid Transit System, the massive subway construction project that he served as catalyst-in-chief. <user>: Complete this text: That September Freedman divested himself of the Giants, selling his controlling interest in the club to Cincinnati Reds owner John T. Brush, once Freedman's ... <bot>: foremost adversary in league executive councils but a Freedman ally, if not a friend, since late 1898. The presence of Brush, a longtime and... <user>: Continue. <bot>: bitter foe of American League President Ban Johnson, in New York compounded the difficulties facing the fledgling circuit as it tried to relocate its moribund Baltimore Orioles operation to somewhere in New... <user>: Next. <bot>: York City. The problem facing Johnson was essentially twofold: (1) identifying a prospective investor or investors with the capital necessary to underwrite the expense... <user>: Next. <bot>: of franchise emigration to New York, and (2) securing grounds in Manhattan... <user>: Next. <bot>: upon which a newly arrived club could build a ballpark. In time Joe Gordon would provide the solution to both difficulties. President Johnson's investor search was guided by New York Sun sports... <user>: More. <bot>: editor Joe Vila, an ardent Freedman critic.18 Vila introduced Ban to Frank Farrell, a semi-shady character with hefty bankroll known as New York's “Pool Room King,” a reference to the multitude of... <user>: Next. <bot>: betting parlors operated by this investment prospect. Farrell also owned racehorses, operated casinos, and had interest in other enterprises, some of dubious legality. Worse... <user>: Continue. <bot>: yet, Farrell was often associated with the notorious Big Bill Devery, a former New York City police commissioner who epitomized municipal corruption in the public mind. Clearly, a more respectable front man would be required if Farrell and Devery were to finance American League operations in New York. Enter Joseph Gordon, a personage well known and acceptable to Gotham baseball fans and one with the political savvy needed to help steer the new club through the New York political thicket. Gordon would also provide the antidote to Andrew Freedman's obstruction of efforts to secure Manhattan playing grounds for an American League team. Although officially divorced from baseball, Freedman, whether acting upon a sense of obligation to Brush, malice toward Tammany rivals reportedly backing the new club, or for... <user>: More. <bot>: his own amusement, had decided to thwart location of an American League team in Manhattan. Having made his first fortune as a New York City real-estate operative, Freedman had thorough command of... <user>: Next. <bot>: the local geography. And his connection to the subway project allowed him... <user>: More. <bot>: to encumber virtually any site that might be deemed suitable for a baseball stadium, which he did. But one desolate spot had escaped Freedman's... <user>: More. <bot>: notice. And Joe Gordon, only recently relieved of oversight of city buildings19 and himself an authority on New York real estate, uncovered it: a... <user>: Continue. <bot>: rocky mesa in Washington Heights owned by the New York Institute for the Blind. Once a ten-year lease to the grounds had been secured, the Greater New York Base Ball Club of... <user>: Continue. <bot>: the American League was ready for unveiling.20On March 12, 1903, the arrival of the American League in New York was made official, with incoming club president Joseph Gordon center stage at the... <user>: More. <bot>: press conference. During the proceedings, American League President Johnson commended Gordon for securing the team's vital playing site. The New York club, dubbed the Highlanders for variously offered reasons,25 registered a middling 72-62 record in its debut campaign. As the 1903 season drew to a close, President Gordon pronounced it a financial success. “We made money,” he informed the press. “We did not make... <user>: More. <bot>: only $1,000 or $2,000 either, but enough to know that our investment is a good one. We are way to the good. Next year, we will do better.”26 That prophecy would be fulfilled in 1904, the season proving an exciting one for Highlanders fans and profitable for team investors. The year also yielded the highlight of Joseph Gordon's reign as club president. Gordon's foil in the dramatic events about to unfold was John T. Brush, the astute but cheerless new boss of the New York Giants. Brush detested Ban Johnson, his American League, and the upstart AL franchise that Johnson had managed to wedge into the Giants neighborhood.27 Brush had therefore given the back of his hand to Highlander proposals for a post-1903 season exhibition series between the... <user>: Next. <bot>: two New York teams. As the 1904 season progressed, Brush's satisfaction with his Giants, comfortably ahead and coasting toward the National League pennant, was tempered by foreboding. Brush, diehard in his opposition to the American League at the January 1903 interleague peace parley, had disapproved of National League participation in the highly popular World Series played by Boston and Pittsburgh at season's end. Now,... <user>: Continue. <bot>: he would face pressure to match his champion Giants against the American League pennant winner. And as the 1904 season wound down, it appeared... <user>: Next. <bot>: that the opposition might well be the infernal Highlanders. Gordon milked Brush's discomfort to maximum advantage. On August 16 he had Highlanders manager Clark Griffith issue the Giants a well-publicized challenge to a postseason series to determine the baseball champions of New York. Upon receiving a brusque rejection, Gordon upped the ante, penning a taunting missive directly to “John T. Brush, Esq.” Throwing a... <user>: Next. <bot>: Brush putdown right back at him, Gordon wrote, “You say you ‘do not know who these people are. ' Let me introduce myself. When you were running a small clothing store in Muncie, Ind. I was a director of the New York baseball club, the only local team which has ever won and held the championship of the world. Inasmuch as you have been... <user>: Next. <bot>: in New York barely a year, I can appreciate your lack of acquaintance.” 28 Gordon then renewed the Highlanders challenge, informing Brush that “your conferees can tell you who we are. By playing us, you will find out what we are.”29 But Brush, tough-minded and intensely self-disciplined, did not rise to the bait. He simply ignored Gordon. With the 1904 season coming down to... <user>: More. <bot>: the wire, Gordon reiterated the challenge one last time, but in far more respectful terms. Citing the public clamor for the match and leaving the financial arrangements to Brush's discretion, Gordon stated that “if the Greater New Yorks defeat the Bostons in the American League race, we will have the right to defend the title (i. Boston's 1903 World Series crown). If you wish... <user>: More. <bot>: to prove to the baseball public of New York that the Nationals are capable of winning these added laurels from the Greater New Yorks, we will pave the way. The responsibility rests... <user>: Next. <bot>: with you, Mr. Brush, to accept or decline this fair and square proposition, made in the interests of the national sport.”30This time Brush referred the matter to Giants manager John McGraw, who dismissed the challenge disdainfully. According to McGraw, postseason play would traduce the Giants accomplishment of having won the 1904 National League pennant, “the highest honor in baseball.”31 Days later, any all-New York World Series was rendered a moot point, courtesy of an ill-thrown Jack Chesbro spitball that relegated the Highlanders to a close second-place AL finish. Still, the season had been a triumph for the new franchise, its sterling play on the field complemented by a public-relations victory over the entrenched Giants, as New York baseball fans and the city's sporting press had sided almost unanimously... <user>: Continue. <bot>: with the Highlanders in the controversy over the postseason challenge. The contretemps with Giants management transformed the Highlanders' Joe Gordon into a local celebrity. And hastened his undoing as club president. In early 1907 an envious Frank Farrell demoted Gordon to vice president, installing himself in the club's top post. Shortly thereafter Farrell dismissed Gordon from the team's employ altogether. As Farrell admitted several... <user>: More. <bot>: years later, “I decided that I should get some of the glory. I had put up the money and done a lot of the work (to get the Highlanders established).”32 At first, a wounded Gordon consoled himself with vacation trips to faraway places.33 Then, he struck back, filing a multifaceted lawsuit against Farrell. Alleging fraud and despoilment of club assets, Gordon laid claim to... <user>: Continue. <bot>: one-half the profits generated during the four-year period that Gordon had served as Highlanders president. He also sought judgment declaring him a co-owner of the club and an injunction restraining Farrell from disbursement of franchise funds.34At the outset the suit went well for Gordon, the New York State Supreme Court denying Farrell's demurrer and ordering the case to trial.35 That trial, however, proved an... <user>: Next. <bot>: embarrassment to Gordon. Without documentary evidence, he had to ground his claim... <user>: Continue. <bot>: to team co-ownership on an oral agreement between himself and Farrell, an improbable business arrangement and one unwitnessed by any third party. The Gordon assertions, moreover, were contradicted by American League President Ban Johnson, New York Sun sports editor Joe Vila, and Farrell attorney Abram Elkus, all of whom testified that Gordon, in effect, had been “a dummy president of the club . because... <user>: Next. <bot>: Farrell, being known as a ‘racing man,' did not want to appear as sponsor for the club, and because Gordon begged to be president... <user>: Continue. <bot>: to benefit his coal business.”36 Such revelations had a punishing effect on Gordon's reputation in the baseball world. Syndicated sports columnist Joe S. Jackson, for example, informed readers that “the aggrieved party... <user>: More. <bot>: never cut much of a figure in baseball and would be forgotten by now” but for the association of his surname with the Highlanders “sobriquet.”37 Of more import to the lawsuit principals was the predictable result of defense witness testimony. On January 19, 1912, Supreme Court Justice Henry Bischoff, Jr. dismissed the Gordon complaint on the merits. Thereafter, Gordon sought appellate review, but to no avail. In June 1913 the New York Appellate Division affirmed the judgment, expressly finding in the process that it had not been “persuaded by the evidence that any contract of partnership or joint venture was executed between the parties.”38From that point on, Joseph Gordon largely withdrew from public life, his activities attracting only passing press notice.39 But Gordon lingered at the fringes of... <user>: Continue. <bot>: major-league baseball, his name occasionally buried deep on the roster of attendees at Hot Stove League functions.40 In October 1922, however, Joe Gordon made a brief return to prominence on the sports... <user>: More. <bot>: pages. It was reported that he had approached Giants owner Charles Stoneham with a buyout offer from a syndicate headed by Harry Hempstead, son-in-law of the late John T. Brush and his successor as Giants club president until the club was sold to Stoneham in January 1919.41 Evasive nondenials by Stoneham did nothing to refute the report, prompting heated words from Giants manager McGraw and club treasurer Francis X. McQuade, minority partners in the team ownership, who threatened legal action if Stoneham attempted to consummate the deal. That was enough for Stoneham, who promptly repaired to Cuba, where he disclaimed any intention of selling the Giants – at least for the present.42Joseph Gordon spent his final years attending to his business interests, particularly the Jennie Gordon Realty Company,... <user>: Continue. <bot>: still an active broker of Manhattan properties. His last reported interaction with baseball was a wistful one: the making of a $25 contribution in July 1926 to a fund being collected in... <user>: More. <bot>: memory of the recently deceased Christy Mathewson.43 Sometime thereafter, Gordon's health began to fail. He died at his longtime residence at the Breton Hall... <user>: Next. <bot>: Hotel in Manhattan on January 6, 1929, succumbing to heart failure, aggravated by prolonged anemia and general emaciation, likely the effects of cancer.44 Gordon was 73 years old. Notwithstanding his onetime stature... <user>: More. <bot>: in the New York political and sporting worlds, not a single city... <user>: Continue. <bot>: newspaper published an obituary. Only terse death notices in the New York Herald and the New York Times marked his passing.45 After services at the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home in Manhattan, Gordon was interred at Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla, New York. He was childless, and his only known survivor was wife Jennie.46Although his role in Gotham baseball lacked the impact of contemporaries like John B. Day or Andrew Freedman, Joseph Gordon played an active and mostly constructive part in the game's establishment in New York. If for this reason alone, Joseph Gordon deserves more attention from the game's chroniclers than he has thus far received. In addition to the sources specifically cited in the Notes below, the following works were consulted during the preparation of this profile:1... <user>: More. <bot>: Precise biographical information on Joseph Gordon is less than abundant. Sources for the portrait drawn herein include US Census data, a brief profile of Gordon published in the New York Times, May 5, 1907, and the death certificate obtained by the writer from the New York City Department of Health. Of the Gordon clan, Joe was the only native-born American. Parents William (1815-1870) and... <user>: Next. <bot>: Sarah (c.1820- c.1868) and oldest brother John (b.1838) were all born in Ireland while brother Robert was delivered during the sea voyage that brought his mother from Newry (now in Northern Ireland) to New York in the fall of 1849. William and John Gordon had preceded Sarah, arriving in America some months earlier.3 William Gordon died from the effects of asthma on November 21, 1870. He was predeceased by his wife, Sarah, sometime earlier.5 Reminiscing in the early 1950s, Blanche McGraw repeatedly identified Gordon as the brother-in-law of John B. McGraw (with Arthur Mann), The Real McGraw (New York: David McKay Company, Inc. That description was subsequently adopted by other Giants chroniclers. The New York Giants Base Ball Club: The Growth of a Team and a Sport, 1870-1900... <user>: More. <bot>: (Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc. But the writer could find no contemporary mention of a marital tie between Day and Gordon. Although Day's first wife and the woman whom Gordon married in 1898 both had the maiden name Davis, Ella Day of Portland, Connecticut, and the much younger Jennie Gordon of Manhattan were not related. The McGraw memoir, while charming, is riddled... <user>: More. <bot>: with factual errors. McGraw confused Gordon with Charles P. Abbey, married to Day's older sister Anna Eliza and the senior partner in the Abbey & Day tobacco firm, or with Frederick Davis,... <user>: More. <bot>: a brother of Ella Day who busied himself around the Polo Grounds... <user>: Continue. <bot>: and later sued John B. for payment of his services.6 On those occasions when the Gothams and the Mets played home games simultaneously, the... <user>: Continue. <bot>: two fields were separated by a temporary canvas fence. How often this awkward arrangement was actually utilized, however, is a matter of some dispute. For more, see Stew Thornley, The Polo Grounds: Land of the Giants (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2000), 18-19.7 With raw garbage used as stadium fill, Metropolitan Park was literally a dump, both unsafe and unsanitary. According to Mets pitcher Jack Lynch, a player could get malaria just by fielding a groundball there, as related in Philip Lowry, Green Cathedrals: The Ultimate Celebration of Major League and Negro League Ballparks (New York: Walker & Company, 3rd ed.2006), 149.9 Born in Ireland and brought to New York as a child, Richard Croker was a rough customer even by bare-knuckle 19th-century standards. He had earned his Tammany... <user>: Next. <bot>: stripes as leader of the Fourth Avenue Tunnel Gang, a brutal outfit that preyed on railway freight depots. Croker later added acquittal on a... <user>: Next. <bot>: murder charge to his pedigree. Determined and utterly ruthless as Tammany boss, Croker perfected the art of “honest graft,” amassing a huge personal fortune while constantly outmaneuvering the reform administrations that New... <user>: More. <bot>: York City voters intermittently placed in his way.11 Coogan, proprietor of a Bowery furniture store and twice a gadfly mayoral candidate, had married Harriet Gardiner Lynch, heiress presumptive to her family's holdings, in 1885. Coogan assumed management of the Gardiner estates upon the death of his father-in-law, William L. Lynch, in the late 1880s.12 In desperation, Day placed notices in New York City newspapers... <user>: Continue. <bot>: soliciting the intervention of an angel who would purchase the property and then grant the Giants a five- or ten-year lease at $6,000 annually. New York Times, April 8, 1889. To no great surprise, Day's prayers went unanswered.14 As reported in the Boston Globe, February 19 and 23, 1890, the New York Times, February 22, 1890, and elsewhere.15 For a detailed account of the... <user>: Continue. <bot>: legal battles between New York management and players, see Hardy, The New York Giants Base Ball Club, 115-121.18 The gibes of Vila columns were frequently couched in only thinly veiled anti-Semitism. The... <user>: Continue. <bot>: easily affronted Freedman responded with legal action, instituting some 22 defamation-based lawsuits against the New York Sun, all of which he lost.19 In the... <user>: Continue. <bot>: New York City municipal elections of November 1901, Tammany had been cast out of power. Soon thereafter, Richard Croker resigned his position as Tammany... <user>: Next. <bot>: chief and decamped to the British Isles, far beyond the subpoena reach of the incoming reform administration. Among the election's casualties was Deputy Superintendent of Buildings Gordon. But Andrew Freedman, a non-office-holder whose influence emanated from his close association with Croker, was a far bigger loser. Still, the canny and energetic Freedman had not been rendered impotent. Having made himself indispensable to the all-important... <user>: More. <bot>: NYC subway project, Freedman remained a force in city affairs, albeit a significantly diminished one.23 New York Times, March 15, 1903. Although Gordon's former... <user>: Continue. <bot>: baseball partner John B. At times, the Highlanders moniker has been deemed a play on the elevated site of the club's Hilltop Park. At other times, the nickname has been traced to club president Gordon, Highlanders being taken as an homage of sorts to the Gordon Highlanders, a famed Scottish regiment. See the Atlanta Constitution, September 4, 1910.27 Brush's antipathy for Johnson dated back... <user>: Next. <bot>: more than a decade to when, as a sportswriter for the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette, Johnson had regularly lambasted Brush's stewardship of the hometown Reds. The... <user>: More. <bot>: two had also butted heads during Johnson's subsequent tenure as president of the Western League. In January 1903 Brush was the last holdout to... <user>: Next. <bot>: the peace settlement reached between the National League and Johnson's newly arrived American League. Later that year Brush was infuriated by judicial and National... <user>: More. <bot>: Commission decisions that, in his estimation, favored the Highlanders over his Giants. For more on the subject, see W. Johnson Libel Case: The Last Battle of the Great Baseball War,” Base Ball,... <user>: More. <bot>: A Journal of the Early Game, Vol.2, Fall 2008, 47-48.28 The Gordon letter was promptly leaked to the sporting press and widely reported. the... <user>: Continue. <bot>: Boston Globe, September 4, 1904. As Gordon was undoubtedly well aware, the Brush business was actually a four-story department store in Indianapolis, reputedly the largest of the kind in the near Midwest. the Chicago Tribune, October 6, 1904. For a more extensive account of the affair, see Benton Stark, The Year They Called Off the World Series: A True Story (Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, Inc. the New York Times, July 28, 1907, reporting a Gordon vacation in the Netherlands, or the New York Times, July 14, 1908, regarding a trip to western Canada and Alaska.35 A demurrer is a defense pleading that denies the legal sufficiency of the plaintiff's case even if its allegations are accepted as true. In New York, the Supreme Court... <user>: More. <bot>: is a trial-level tribunal. The state's highest judicial forum is the Court of Appeals.38 See Gordon v. The court's opinion was rendered for the... <user>: More. <bot>: five-member panel by the same Justice Bischoff who had presided at trial.39 See, e. New York Times, November 19, 1913, reporting Tammany disbursements made... <user>: Next. <bot>: to Gordon as treasurer of the 15th District Committee; July 15, 1914, regarding Gordon's donation of a ton of coal as a Friars Club... <user>: More. <bot>: outing prize; July 15, 1915, noting a trip to California with Mrs. Gordon; and January 6, 1917, regarding a Gordon appearance before a federal grand jury investigating coal prices.40 See, e. A year later a brief memoriam from his wife was published in the New York Times, January 6, 1930.46 The fate of older brothers John and Robert Gordon is unknown. Widow Jennie Davis... <user>: Continue. <bot>: Gordon died in March 1953. Pitchers Dig the Long Ball (At Least When They Are Hitting) | Society for American Baseball ResearchEditor's note: This is a special preview of the Spring 2012... <user>: Next. <bot>: edition of the "Baseball Research Journal. " SABR members receive full online and print access to every article in the "Baseball Research Journal," which is published twice annually. To become a member of SABR, visit SABR.org/join. To read more articles from the Spring 2012 "Baseball Research Journal", to download a PDF version or to buy a hard copy of the magazine, click here. In... <user>: More. <bot>: 1999 there was a shoe company advertising campaign that featured the slogan: “Chicks dig the long ball.” The ad starred two Cy Young Award-winning pitchers who definitely did not dig the long balls hit by their opponents. However, most baseball players, when batting, do dig hitting home runs. This article will look at some of the most proficient home run-hitting pitchers in the major... <user>: More. <bot>: leagues and some of their accomplishments. There have been many pitchers who also excelled with the bat, hurlers who could help their team with the stick as well as with their arm. Table 1 shows the career leaders for home runs hit by pitchers.1 Wes Ferrell pitched in the majors from 1927 through 1941, a period of high-octane offense. Ferrell fit into that period... <user>: More. <bot>: well by hitting 38 four-baggers in his career, including a pinch hit homer in 1935.2 The active career leader is Carlos Zambrano with 23 home runs and no other active pitcher has... <user>: Next. <bot>: 15 or more home runs in his career. One of the most exciting plays in baseball is the game-ending home run. Only 33 times... <user>: Continue. <bot>: in big league history has the slugger who hit that game-ender been... <user>: Continue. <bot>: a pitcher, with the last occurrence on April 25, 1986. Craig Lefferts, who entered that game for the Padres in the eleventh inning, pitched two frames against theGiants, surrendering a run in... <user>: More. <bot>: the twelfth. In the bottom of that inning, Graig Nettles led off with a home run to tie the game. One out later, Lefferts hit a solo shot off Greg Minton to win the contest. Only two pitchers have ended more than one game with a homer, Wes Ferrell and Kirby Higbe. Table 3 shows all pitchers who have ended a game with a... <user>: More. <bot>: home run. At Braves Field in Boston on May 13, 1942, knuckleballer... <user>: Continue. <bot>: Jim Tobin pitched a complete-game victory over the Cubs, winning the contest, 6–5. Tobin led off the fifth and seventh innings with solo homers and the two clubs were tied, 4–4, when Tobin walked to the plate in the eighth inning with teammate Paul Waner on first base. Tobin proceeded to hit his third dinger of the day to give his squad the game's... <user>: Next. <bot>: winning margin. The previous day, Tobin had hit a two-run pinch homer in a losing cause for the Braves. Thus, Tobin hit four home runs in five plate appearances over two days. The only other pitcher to hit three four-baggers in one contest is Guy Hecker, who performed the feat on August 15, 1886. All three home runs by Hecker were inside the park... <user>: More. <bot>: The American League adopted the designated hitter rule in 1973. Consequently, pitchers did not bat except in extraordinary situations from that season until the... <user>: Continue. <bot>: start of Interleague play in 1997, and no American League pitcher homered from 1973 through 1996. The last pitcher to hit a homer in... <user>: Continue. <bot>: the Junior Circuit before the start of the DH Era was rookie Roric Harrison, who hit one for the Orioles in Cleveland on October... <user>: More. <bot>: 3, 1972. This was the last game of the season and Harrison's... <user>: Continue. <bot>: four-bagger helped earn the win for the Birds. The Reds hosted the Phillies on June 23, 1971, at Riverfront Stadium. The mound match-up that night was Ross Grimsley for the home team and Rick Wise for the visitors. After four innings, the Phillies led, 1–0. In the top of the fifth, Wise hit a two-run homer to left field to extend the lead. Grimsley... <user>: More. <bot>: was removed for a pinch-hitter in the sixth and replaced by Clay Carroll on the mound. Wise led off the top of the eighth withanother homer to left field. The two home runs by Rick Wise made this a special game for the hurler. However, he did not forget about his pitching because of his batting feat. Wise pitched a no-hitter against the Reds, allowing only one runner to reach base on a sixth-inning walk to Dave Concepcion. Wise is the only pitcher to hit two home runs and pitch a no-hitter in the same game. Four hurlers have thrown a no-hitter and smacked one homer: Frank Mountain (June 5, 1884), Wes Ferrell (April 29, 1931), Jim Tobin (April 27, 1944), and Earl Wilson (June 26, 1962). Pitchers... <user>: More. <bot>: have hit 15 home runs in the World Series, with Bob Gibson and Dave McNally each hitting two. One of McNally's blasts, on October 13, 1970, was a grand slam for the Orioles. He is the only pitcher in Series history to hit one with the bases loaded. Ten days earlier, McNally's teammate Mike Cuellar hit a grand slam in the League Championship Series. <user>: Complete this text: They are the only hurlers to hit slams in the postseason. Mickey Lolich hit a four-bagger off Nelson Briles in the 1968 World Series, which was his only career home run. Joe Blanton hit his only career home run off Edwin Jackson in the 2008 World Series and Don Gullett hit his only career home run off Larry Demery in the 1975 NLCS. See ... <bot>: Tables 6 and 7 for lists of postseason homers by pitchers. A pitcher has never hit a home run in the League Division Series nor in an All-Star Game. Hitting a home run to win a 1–0 ballgame is a special event. Of the many times this has happened in the majors, a pitcher performed the feat 13 times. Table 8 is the list... <user>: More. <bot>: of pitchers who have hit a home run to win a 1–0 game. Seeing Red Ruffing (36 career home runs) or Milt Pappas (20) on this list is not surprising. However, Harry... <user>: Continue. <bot>: McCormick and Odalis Perez each hit his only career homer in a 1–0 contest, while Gene Packard and Bob Welch only hit two career... <user>: Continue. <bot>: four-baggers. There are many long gaps between occurrences on this list and yet it happened twice in 1962! No discussion of pitchers hitting home... <user>: More. <bot>: runs would be complete without a mention of Babe Ruth, who started his career as a hurler for the Red Sox. Table 9 shows the 14 times he hit a home run as a pitcher. The first column is the career home run number for the Babe. He hit 12 of the 14 for the Red Sox, with five of those 12 against the Yankees. Ruth was the starting pitcher for the Yankees in the game on June 13, 1921 and hit a home run in the third and another in the seventh after being replaced on the mound and moving to center field. His mound exploits included striking out Ty Cobb and earning the win. The New York Times story, in typical style for that era, said... <user>: Continue. <bot>: that the Yankees tried out a young pitcher and that “he will be valuable to the team with a trifle more seasoning.”3Ruth's last home... <user>: Next. <bot>: run as a pitcher came in the final game of the 1933 season against his former team, the Red Sox. He pitched a complete game, allowing 12 hits, 3 walks, and 5 runs. This was Ruth's last pitching appearance in the big leagues and came in a game that meant nothing to either squad. DAVID VINCENT is the official custodian of SABR's Home Run... <user>: Next. <bot>: Log, a database which contains every big league home run hit since 1871, and is recognized as the preeminent authority on the history of the home run. All home run statistics are from SABR's Tattersall/McConnell Home Run Log and include the 2011 season. Other data, including career statistics and trade information, was collected from www. The totals for home runs by a pitcher do... <user>: Next. <bot>: not count those hit while playing other positions, including as a pinch... <user>: More. <bot>: hitter. For example, Babe Ruth hit 14 homers as a pitcher, not... <user>: More. <bot>: 714.
User: Finish this: Note: All issues of the Friend's Newsletter, The Fringed Gentian™, were numbered out of sequence this year. The correct volume numbers are used in the text. The "as printed" numbers are shown at the bottom of this page. In the Newsletter, (Vol.31 No.1 March 1983), Dr. Marian Grimes, just recently retired as Friends volunteer coordinator, wrote about Henry Thoreau's visit to her Grandfather. Here is the story as printed with one correction added:Marian Grimes, M . retired from practice in 1968, and from 1968 till 1980 she headed the volunteer recruitment and scheduling that has kept the Martha Crone Shelter in the Garden open six hours daily during the season. (note - this is incorrect, shelter volunteers did not begin until 1970 and were organized and coordinated by Mildred Olson. Grimes took over in May 1971) Marian lived close by at 1105 Washburn Avenue South; and when volunteers were few, she would serve in the Shelter herself and use its phone to recruit more volunteers. Marian now lives at 8915 Colfax Avenue South, Bloomington. Recently she was reading in Update, a publication of the University of Minnesota, an article about Henry David Thoreau's visit to Minneapolis in June 1861. One objective of his trip was to see a fine crab-apple tree he had heard of. The article says, "Someone sent him to a Mr. They found quite a cluster of them. " Marian wrote the Update editor that "a Mr. Grimes" was her grandfather. She writes the following for our Fringed Gentian™:"I had heard that Thoreau had visited my grandfather's nursery in Edina. It was called the Calhoun Nursery, and I've been told it was the first nursery in Minnesota. Bridgman: The editor has lived on what was the Grimes farm for 43 years, and has heard that Jonathan Grimes kept a rowboat moored at what is now 42nd Street and Grimes Avenue, and that he could row from there through swamps to Lake Calhoun. "My grandfather, Jonathan T. Grimes, came to Minnesota from Virginia because he disapproved of slavery. When my parents were married, Grandfather gave my father the eastern part of his farm, the block between 44th and 45th Streets and Beard and Chowen Avenues South. (The pronunciation of 'Chowen' was 'Kowen. ')”"I like to think that the wild apple tree in our garden at 44th and Beard was the one Mr. I picked many a gorgeous bouquet of blossoms from this tree in my child hood and gave them to neighbors. The apples, though! They were like round green olives, very hard, and didn't even soften from freezing.”"The Jonathan T. Grimes home at 4200 West 44th Street in Edina is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is considered to be the best example of Gothic architecture in a home in this area. is the present owner, and has accomplished much in restoring the old homestead, as I like to call it. He is a director of Edina Historical Society. Last summer he transplanted a clematis vine from my yard to his. It originally came from the Calhoun Nursery. Possibly this farm of my grandfather was a magnet for naturalists. Roberts of bird fame (Thomas Sadler Roberts for whom the Robert's Bird Sanctuary at Lake Harriet is named) hunted deer there frequently.” ''My mother, Jennie Alden, was a student of Miss Eloise Butler. I hope this account provides a bit of 'meat' for The Fringed Gentian™ and explains my interest in the Eloise Butler Wildflower and Bird Sanctuary. "In the same issue one of the recipients of a Friends Study Grant, Delores Maghrak, published a report of her study at Mt. The membership was also informed that during the past fall (1982), the Park Board workers put in new steps from the Parking lot down to the front gate of the Garden. The Friends had paid for a handrail along the steps in 1975. The Garden did not open until April 11 due to a belated Spring and even then a Friends Board meeting in the Shelter just after opening had members traversing deep snow.8 inches of snow fell in April 1983 - an April record that held until April 2018 when the Garden opening was delayed until May 1. But by the time of the annual meeting Spring had caught up. The handrail along the steps leading the Garden Gate. This may be the one installed in 1975. The steps shown here were installed in the Fall of 1982. (photo from 2008, G D Bebeau)The 31st Annual Meeting of The Friends of the Wild Flower Garden was held in the Garden, on Saturday May 21st, 1983, in the Martha Crone Shelter, 35 persons attending. President Caroline Price noted the new steps to the Garden gate and two new benches in the Garden along the path from the front gate to the shelter; the benches were funded by the Friends from gifts received in honor of Dr. Marion Grimes and in memory of Harold E. Their names are the first two on the Eliason Honor Board in the Crone Shelter. The benches were installed without labor cost by Mr. Hamele of the Hamele Co. supplier of the benches. No memorial plaque was ever installed on the benches. There were 11 recipients of study grants for a total of $1,975. All the names are in the Spring/Summer issue of The Fringed Gentian™ (Vol.2 July 1983) which was issued as a combined Spring/Summer issue. The Friends had established two study grant programs in 1978: One would be to establish scholarships for a few high school students to pursue the natural sciences. The second was to make tuition grants for grade school teachers in the Minneapolis Public School system to take a Nature Study course or an Audubon camp each summer. Leaving the board were Robert Dassett Jr. The Friends had assets of $4,525. There were 40 names on the Shelter volunteer list. At the Board meeting following the annual meeting, officers elected were: Caroline Price, President; Patricia Thomesen, Vice President; Betty Bryan, Secretary; Doris Larson, Treasurer. Betty Bridgman was now the sole editor of the Fringed Gentian™, Pat Thomesen was historian and with the new Eliason Honor Board in place on the shelter wall, Cindy Berg was in charge of memorials. Marie Demler continued as volunteer coordinator with Natalie Adler assisting. Membership was still handled by the Secretary. In the evening of June 7th at the Martha Crone Shelter, the Friends hosted a volunteer appreciation open house. Many came and some of those present talked about how they became interested in the Garden. These comments are in the Newsletter but here is one from Judy Jones:“Judy Jones remembers coming here about 20 years ago. She picked up a tiny ball of fur near the bird feeder, and heard a voice behind her - caretaker Ken Avery - saying, 'Are you a connoisseur of owl pellets? ' "The November issue of The Fringed Gentian™ (Vol.3 November 1983) consisted almost entirely of a long message from Friends President Caroline Price about late October in the Garden and several solicitations the Friends received. One was from the Minneapolis Art Institute, which was going to start up a new fund raising attraction in 1984 called “Art In Bloom” and they were asking if the Friends could help make a gallery arrangement. Next, the Friends of the Minnesota Valley asked for some funding help. They were declined but President Price published the information to be certain members understood that the Friends support only one thing - the Garden, but members could independently give their support to Minnesota Valley. “We talked about volunteer trees which have established themselves in the Garden. A volunteer tree is one that has seeded itself naturally. Ken feels that these volunteers are much hardier than trees grown from a root graft at a nursery. After the removal of diseased elms five or so years ago, volunteer red maple, white oak, red oak, ash, black walnut and others found conditions favorable for growing. The shade created by these and by mature trees causes the fall color in the Garden to be subdued. Acer rubrum, or native red maple, turns a vibrant sunset-color when in a sunny location. Here in the shade of the Garden its fall color is yellow.”“As I looked out the Shelter window, I saw a wren flit by. I saw nuthatches, chickadees, and migrating warblers. Ken has heard the call of pileated woodpeckers in the Garden this fall. The pileated is a large woodpecker, crow-size. It is black and white, with a red crest on its head. About five years ago a pair of these woodpeckers nested in a dead birch tree in the Garden. A storm blew the birch down while the pair were still nesting. Three years ago another pair nested in a low cavity in a rotting birch. A raccoon discovered this nest, and the pair disappeared. Ken says that pileateds are not as rare as people think. They're good at keeping out of sight. Records show that people used to eat this bird.”This Santa graphic was used in the November newsletter to suggest a gift of Friends membership for Christmas. The other page in the Newsletter was another first for the Friends - offering members the ability to give a gift membership, a proposal prepared by new board member Liz Pomeroy. Basic membership was still $5, with increasing amounts titled Sustainer, $10; Sponsor, $25; Builder, $100; Benefactor $200. The Garden closed on Oct.1983 was the great ‘El Nino' year, the wettest year since 1911 with 39.07 inches of precipitation. January to early March were very mild. April saw 21.8 inches a snow, a record to that date for April. December was the coldest since 1831. ©2016 Friends of the Wild Flower Garden, Inc. All photos are the property of The Friends unless otherwise credited. Photos credited to others are used with permission for educational purposes, for which The Friends thank them and the organization providing the photos. Text and research by Gary Bebeau. friendsofthewildflowergarden.org" - 051118It's been years since I last went to a KwaZulu-Natal game reserve, but the three days I spent in Mkuze (part of the iSimangaliso Wetland Park) were bliss. The most unexpected part of the trip was the lack of fences around the camp (bearing in mind that the park has all of the Big Five). This meant that on two out of the three nights we were there, we had enormous bull elephants munching leaves right next to our tents. So close in fact I could hear their teeth grinding and their bellies rumbling. It was quite wonderful! The park teems with delicate nyala and impala, and you'll be visited at night by delightful bushy tailed bush babies. Another highlight was a teeny weeny rhino, still wobbly on its short, fat legs, and glued to the side of a very wide, very protective mum. The KwaZulu-Natal parks seem pretty under-resourced and are, like all of SA's parks, under attack by poachers. Two rhinos were killed the week that we were there, and a large male lion was caught in a bush meat snare (and thankfully rescued and repaired). That little rhino was such a lovely sight, but so bitter-sweet. It's hard not to feel a little hopeless when you look at the stats, not just of poached rhinos, but elephants, lions, and just about every walking, climbing, swimming creature. What's really at issue: In essence, the ideal of right (what is true, good, and mutually beneficial for all and not a few, I. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS) has ceded to the ideal of rights (there's a law that says I can do this, so I can and I will. The impact on others is of no concern for me. God called Jonah to go to the despised country of Nineveh. Reluctantly, Jonah goes and gives them all the opportunity to repent and receive God's forgiveness. They say, “YES.”Repentance and Forgiveness ground our Biblical Faith from our foundations in Judaism to the heavenly heights of Christianity. The Church repeats the message relentlessly and so today, it insists we equate God's call to Jonah with Jesus' Call to the Disciples. Sorry, friends, gut it's time for another refresher. We cannot refute the centrality of Reconciliation:a. John the Baptist heralded these as the only daily workouts that prepare us to recognize and receive Jesusb. Jesus endorsed them as he healed individuals, reconciling them from the world of sin into the kingdom of forgivenessg. Peter questions, HOW OFTEN? Jesus responds, “As often as it takes, Peter, as often as it takes.” As if to say, “Frankly, Peter, I've called you, your brothers and your sisters to love people to death.”Oh, but it is a terrible sacrifice to repent and to forgive. Christian History has not often exemplified these virtues, but THE CALL REMAINS, just as it always has, and always will. Today, the Church insists THE CALL IS NOW:Remember the Grand Gesture of Pope John Paul II at Millennium: On behalf of the entire Roman Catholic Church he repented for the Crusades and all other acts of violence the Church committed against the Jewish people, Orthodox Christians, Muslims and everyone else through the ages. He Revealed to the world publicly, equivocally that the Church must always have REPENTANT HEART. Of course, not all individuals or groups received the Pope's request well or offered to participate in reconciliation with us, but, still, seeds were planted. Humility's power to inspire may not take immediate root, but it does linger long. Today's Call to Discipleship asks us to Renew and Reclaim this Central Christian Objective. We must go to our brothers and sisters, friends, neighbors, business associates—anyone we have offended, hurt, betrayed and offer not only words of sorrow but determined efforts to heal the hurt, repair the loss as much as humanly possible. Courage, friends! We will be empowered by this Eucharist and by our renewal of Faith in the Holy Spirit this very day. Don't despair! Yes, we know that of course, there is no guarantee that those we have offended will welcome us or our message. But whether they do or not, the Holy Spirit will increase grace in us and leaves us with gratitude for who we are and who we are becoming–deepening our friendship with Jesus, our brother. And isn't that why we ... Bot: Completed pargraph(s): are here today? To allow humility to take hold of us, grace will grow, and we may be thankful that we've done our part knowing that God forgives us whether others ever will. Now, we must address the other, perhaps more difficult aspects of reconciliation. What do we do when family or friends hurt or betray us, show no remorse, make no attempts to repent or seek reconciliation. What then? (I've shared this with you all before but evidently the CHURCH in these readings insist that we review them today! )a. Before we share our hurt and anger with another, first and foremost bring our anger and hurt to God. We need to turn to quick, spontaneous inner prayer asking God to turn our anger to pity and ultimately to compassion for human weakness, so we can forgive those who've hurt us in our hearts before we even address the situation. Should we find ourselves in the midst of an accelerating argument simply say, “I'm too angry with too many intense feelings to be able to address this right now.” Take as much “Time Out,” as we need before compassion consumes us enough to address the wrongdoing. We need to pray in the same way whenever relatives/friends/neighbors do not hurt us directly but hurt others that we love or act in way we were taught that refute the 10 Commandments? E. Try our best show concern for the other without judgment, i. by saying things like, “What are you feeling right now that moves you to speak this way? ” That shows LOVE and CONCERN for the person and prevents us from falling into judgment or a feeling of false superiority. Then say how we feel, e. “I feel disappointment that you've chosen to say or act this way.” This exemplifies the task of working through our feelings first before we try to discuss the subject or the sin.” Once feelings are expressed and understood, we might then be ready to ask, “Are not the Ten Commandments important to both of us? How may we apply them to this situation? ”c. Ask: “Do you at all feel pressured to act in this way –pressured by society, another person; do you think this is your only choice? ” (Remember we often sin out of weakness rather than full consent of our wills. Ask: “Would you like to explore with me other choices that may be of greater benefit to you and others? ”f. Explore what kind of restitution is appropriate. We may ask, “How might I support you in taking responsibility for your words and actions? ” In more complex situations, never be ashamed to bring this family, neighbor or work situation to a facilitator, counselor, doctor or priest. If the person is unwilling to continue the conversation, or take responsibility, make amends for his or her actions, YOU, as disciple, have witnessed the WAY. You have planted a seed. Ultimately, then, we must decide:a. We may need to reorient the relationship to something less personal, less frequent, albeit without rancor, hurt or ongoing disappointment. We must always remember that Forgiveness, like LOVE, is an act of the WILL! No one FEELS like forgiving, but the task of those who have been called is to conform our Will to God's will. Remember God gave us FREE WILL and the consequences of our actions will all play themselves out in time. It's not our job to teach all people all lessons. But we can teach ourselves to have peace within our hearts even in the midst of a sinful world. My dear friends, being a Christian is HARD WORK. As we come to the Eucharist today, I invite you to pray these two short prayers with me so that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit will be strengthened in us this day:“Oh, God, who instructs the hearts of the faithful by the Light of the Holy Spirit, grant us that, by the same Spirit, we may judge wisely the things of earth and rejoice in the Spirit's Consolation! ”We participate in Love-Forgiveness (I preach this now as ONE WORD) or we do not. Both are inextricably linked –we can't have one without the other. We must cultivate Love-Forgiveness in our hearts and invite loved ones to do the same. What's needed for love-forgiveness to reign? Here's the short list of what to do when we are hurt, angry, betrayed:Vent, Rage and Cry to the Only Fully Objective Loved One — GOD; Jesus Himself prayed psalms of lament and disappointment. Secure that God loves you in your anger, your hurt, your betrayal –that God's love for you is the foundation of your life—pray that you are moved to PITY the one who hurt you. See in him or her a fellow human being who has fallen from grace, given into temptation of selfishness, greed, violence, fear or weakness. Take TIME OUT, allow yourself time to let grace take hold of you and move you from hurt, and/ or rage to pity and, finally, to tendernessPray Pity be transformed to TENDERNESS as you would offer tenderness to a disobedient child; everyone has a right to live, to learn, to improve, to encounter God through Love-Forgiveness – In this world of ours, it is one of the primary ways to encounter God. With patience, discern forms of accountability you may eventually offer your assailant or adversary—just as a priest offers penance to sinners in the confessional. As penance offers actions and prayers to help the penitent to both show remorse AND accept accountability for his or actions in praise of God, so, too, must we be “priests to one another,” offer opportunities for change – as you would with a child. Allow for Time to Pass, i. GOD's Time, not “our time,”, for a person to come to a place of reviewing the situation and his or her actions calmly and honestly. Here we must trust in Jesus' and the Psalms' constant reminder that God allows the sun to shine on the just and unjust, good and the wicked precisely to allow people to choose to evaluate the harm they've done to themselves and others. Even if your health and safety require the relationship to be severed, distant, or irreconcilable– Forgive in your heart, so you are FREE from reliving the hurt, the pain; free to move onward toward a wiser, humbler, more hopeful future. If the offender amends the situation and gets treatment for his or her behavior, if warranted, don't try to reconcile the relationship right away. If asked, let the other person know that you continue to work on reconciliation but are not ready to remove restrictions on your relationship. Meanwhile, assure them you will pray for their working through their problem and taking responsibility for their actions. It is always good that we WRESTLE with the dynamics of both, just as Jacob wrestled with God (Genesis 32) the night before he took the chance to return to his homeland and be greeted by his brother Esau (the one from whom he took the birthright and blessing of the firstborn). Already we see that Jacob had to take the consequences of his actions (flee his homeland, live under the authoritarian rule of Uncle Laban for over 14 years, etc. There is a strong Biblical sense that God allows the consequences of our actions to play themselves out–assuring us that God is with us in these undertakings and strengthens us, helping us to mature and grow while still forgiving us. The magnanimity of Esau when he greets and hugs Jacob is quite astonishing but not at all unrelated to Esau being fully aware of Jacob's years of exile. Similarly, Jesus forgave Peter for denying him, yet Jesus did not respond immediately to Peter's tears but allowed Peter to experience the grief and self-scrutiny he needed before the Resurrection proclamation of PEACE BE WITH YOU. Of course, there is a time to completely “wipe the slate clean,” as the saying goes, but this requires prayerful discernment in relation to the offense and the harm to self and others, and the personalities and age of the persons involved. The Prodigal Son, for example, is forgiven and embraced, but the Father's property is not going to be divided once again for the prodigal's benefit. His brother's portion remains intact and the prodigal will be indebted to the Father's and ultimately his brother's mercy until which time he is able to go out on his own with a sense of responsibility and dignity–if ever. In the Sermon on the Plain, when Jesus says, “‘From the one who takes what is yours, do not demand it back,” I think Jesus is referring to our usual rage and insecurities that someone has taken advantage of us. He invites us to move from the bitter anger we feel and instead, find our dignity and worth with confidence in God's love so that when we address the “robber,” there is a sense of God's justice, not ours–i. some accountability but not as if our life and dignity depended upon it (in which case the punishments often do not fit the crime). Rather, “The Kingdom of God” invites us to always be about growing in wisdom, forbearance and Hope–for the offender just as much as for ourselves. This issue is a large one with many levels and applications — including, for example, our prison systems that are far more punitive than redemptive. It doesn't mean killers go free to kill again but it does mean that they are treated with dignity throughout their life in prison to the extent that their souls and spirits through “tough love,” if you will, are given opportunities toward remorse, empowering them to accept the consequences of their actions, take responsibility for them, and prepare for heaven– mental and emotional illnesses notwithstanding. Not everyone, not every Christian agrees with this but I believe we are compelled to wrestle with these concepts. We can almost grow weary by the biblical order “to forgive.” Clearly, Judaism emphasized it–those are strong words we heard from the Book of Sirach–and Jesus insisted upon it repeatedly in words and striking parables like this one. And we hear in Leviticus 19:18 “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”In Matthew, Mark and Luke: Paul's Letters to the Romans and Galatians, the Epistle of James repeat and repeat the phrase. It is the essential ingredient to love, for as soon as LOVE stops being “Love-Forgiveness,” how can we trust we're participating in the fullness of love? Friends, Dating Couples, Engaged Couples, Married Couples: Beware! If your friend or romance interest or fiancé or spouse refuses to forgive someone, something—however warranted the righteous indignation—YOU, dear friend, dear spouse will be next on the list! We participate in Love-Forgiveness (I preach this now as ONE WORD) or we do not. Vent, Rage and Cry to the Only Fully Objective Loved One — GOD; Jesus Himself prayed psalms of lament, disappointment. See in him or her a fellow human being who has fallen from grace, given into temptation of selfishness, greed, violenceTake TIME OUT, awaiting grace to move you from hurt, and/ or rage to pity and, finally, to tendernessAs we move through these stages and come to the love-forgiveness act, we are truly FREE. Forgiving another in this way frees us as much, or perhaps even more, than the ones to whom we offer forgiveness. Not everyone appreciates cosmic grace after all. There are people who will never admit that they've done something wrong. Then, let them be! You still are free! Ground your relationship with them on other aspects that you may have in common, change your expectations of them (be more cautious around them if you must) but move on! This is the invitation of our Christian faith, this is the cross of responsibility in charity and true discipleship. Of course, we don't often feel like forgiving another, but faith is and must always be more than a feeling. There appears to be significant self-loathing in the emerging portrait of the murderer at the gay-oriented Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL. The best thing religious leaders can do for their constit . Posted in Contemporary Moral Issues, Contemporary News, Ethics, Faith and Culture, Faith and Psychology, Faith Reflections, Politics, Public Opinion, Spirituality and Health | Leave a replyIf you haven't had a chance to listen to David Hassell's interview with me, I highly encourage you to download it here. David created a powerful company on one simple idea. He and his team at 15Five understand that traditional organizational feedback tools often fall short of their expectations. So, they created a fairly simply business journaling tech system that takes just 15 minutes of a team member's time to write a quick update and a supervisor just 5 minutes to read. During our interview, David shared that his simple software is having a big impact on helping teams better communicate. Since he and his team are experts on helping teams, we both found it a bit ironic that his biggest struggle from Founder to CEO was his mental and verbal focus on his team. David describes feeling the weight of responsibility for growing his company until he starting changing his language. He found himself wishing that his team took more ownership for the issues and opportunities that arose as 15Five began to scale. David's own mindset shift led to a language shift which then had the effect of encouraging his team members to take more ownership for the company mission. Things started taking off from there. It's funny how that works. As a Founder & CEO we cling tightly to the reigns of the company we started. It's hard to move from “I” to “we” when we have poured so much of ourselves into the company. We want others to increase their ownership attitude to equal our own. But, sometimes we don't want to give up some of that control so as to make space for others to develop an ownership attitude. Maybe the real “equity” (“the quality of being fair,” according to the dictionary) in a startup or growth-focused company occurs when we reduce our ownership attitude and start sharing some of that with our team members so they have the space to increase their ownership attitude.
<prompter> Generate more: The door was opened, and it was not an ordinary door. Paul described it as a great and effectual door. The moment the enemies saw that the door was opened, they showed up to close it, thereby hindering Paul from going through his breakthrough. In fact studies shows that seven out of ten people in the church are affected by these spirits. Continue reading »Gal.5:24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Continue reading »Psalm 103:5 – Against the spirit of stagnation – When you desire that new things should begin in your life The end of your sinful, hopeless, helpless, weary and frustrating life is a new beginning of a vibrant and existing life in Christ. ## Continue reading »pacesetters, trailblazers, pathfinders, forerunners, initiators, builders and establishes. They not only initiate new things but have the ability to launch the church into it and carry her into her destiny. You can put the motion sensor detector at the porch, gallery, mailbox and put the receiver in your house. &Easy to Use& The Govee Driveway alarme is battery operated for fast and easy use. You can just put the receiver on your table or mounted on your wall. There are 5 modes in this driveway alert, it can functions as Welcome/Doorbell/Alarm/Colorful light/Night Light. &Selectable Ringtones& The receiver is a doorbell design with 36 different ringtones from melody sounds to simple basic buzzfor personal preferences and 5 welcome songs for business use. You can get alert in house while any movement on the driveway. # Please Kindly Note # The direct sunlight may cause false alarm, please install the don't mount the PIR sensor on direct sunlight spot or a location blowing wind frequently✔ LONG RANGE CONNECTION: The Motion Sensor Alarm has a transmission range up to 280m/918ft in a open space (the distance from the sensors to the receiver). The detection range of the infrared sensor is approx.2-8m/7-26ft to keep you always informed and safe. You can put the motion sensor detector at the door, window frame, driveways, walking paths and more. ✔ EASY TO USE & 5 MODES: Our Wireless Doorbell Sensor is battery operated for fast and easy use. No wires in-wall installation and each receiver can be paired with up to 32 transmitters. There are 5 modes, it can functions as Welcome/Doorbell/Alarm/Colorful light/Night Light. ✔ ADJUSTABLE VOLUME & LIGHT MODE: The alarm in the receiver has 4 volume levels from 25dB up to 113dB. Colorful LED lights (red light/blue light/green light and LED Flash), great visual indicator for when you are listening music or for the hearing impaired. ✔ SELECTABLE RINGTONE: The receiver is a doorbell design with 36 different ringtone from melody sounds to simple basic buzz for personal preferences and 5 welcome songs for business use. Customize your doorbell ring to your personal preference whenever you want. ✔ EXTREMELY DEPENDABLE: The motion sensor detector can detect movement with passive-infrared (PIR) and transmit to receiver. It is also great to alert business owners that are working in the back, or out of sight, to customers entering their store. Please note that this not waterproof. Keep it away from rains or cover adequately. The receiver and the transmitters batteries are NOT Included. (EASY FAST INSTALLATION & PAIR) The sensor uses 3 AAA batteries (Not Included),can be wall mounted or door mounted by offered magnetic or screws(more firm) . The receiver uses 3AA batteries (Not Included),portable can move it around. RELIABLE SOLUTION FOR HOME SECURITY ON YOUR PROPERTY'S PERIMETRE:The motion sensor is very strong and sensitive let you know ahead of time if someone coming in house or garage. You can feel safer at night with this outdoor alert alarm system; Also ,if your mail was delivered in front of your house, while you never knew. You will be noticed after mounting this motion sensor alarmEASY TO INSTALL & OPERATION:This Home Security driveway alarm is small and easy to install. It comes with dual sensors and a single receiver and 2 wall mounts. The wall mount to be install first, then the infrated sensor is attached to it with a socket. It can be used inside of house or backyard, not just for driveway. It works perfectly at anywhere as you want to put. The alarm sound have two model, high volume or low volume and easy to switch.38 different Chime Tunes to chooseLONG RANGE & SENSITIVE: The wireless doorbell can Work Range up to 328 feet (in open space) between receiver and transmitter allowing you to place it a good distance from the receiver to warn you of arrival and departure of family members, unwanted guests or solicitors, or anyone who visits your home or businessWIRELESS PLUG-IN RECEIVER: The portable wireless plug-in receiver plugs into any standard outlet. The sensor can also uses 3 AAA batteries to run on (Battery Not Included). Detection time delay in between motion sensor alerts is configurable from 15 seconds to 30 seconds, just place the sensor at the entrance to your driveway and the receiver inside your homeAWESOME SUPPORT- GEEAIR Security is a factory that has been manufacturing security products since 1996. We provide products for many other companies wholesale . We offer friendly and knowledgeable tech support that will help you both before and after your purchWorking Range up to 328 feet (100 meters) between receiver and transmitter allowing you to place it a good distance from the receiver to warn you of arrival and departure of family members, unwanted guests or solicitors, or anyone who visits your home or business. (Door Entry Alert) Alerting business owner or home owner with wireless doorbell. The ability to sense motion through the front or back door. Portable design to easily install in homes, office, work, retail store, or utilize it for mailbox, garage, driveway or other. (Motion Sensor Distant) PHYSEN Wireless Doorbell Sensor, detect movements between 16.5ft/5m to 110 degree. Transporting signal to receiver within 500ft/150m in operating range, an activation for the receiver to alert. (Easy to use and Expandable) No wires in-wall installation. PHYSEN Motion Sensor Alarm is battery operated for fast and easy use. If you have more than one driveway or area you would like to monitor, you can expand add more sensors or receivers as you like,just following the pairing instruction to make them paired before using is fine. It can be successfully used for your home, office, shop, hotel or other buildings. with our customers as top priority, if there are any problems, please contact us freely. The alarm ring in the receiver ranges from 90dB to 115dB.3 alert choices (High Volume Chime/Low Volume Chime/Off). Power Supply - Both 3 x 1.5V type C batteries and the DC 6V power adapter can be used for the receiver, but don't use them at the same time in case it would be burned.9V batteries for the transmitter. SETmell wants you to be happy with the product. We will gladly replace or refund any unit that is defective or that you are unhappy with. SETmell stands by our products and will provide you best use tips and tricks, but if it does not meet or exceed your expectations, you are welcome to return the unit. Includes wifi security camera, A15 LED light bulb, and patented wireless smart socket that features: smart lighting controls with Kuna app, motion sensor triggering, dusk to dawn scheduling, and manual controlling. Easy and quick installation, Toucan is uniquely powered by your existing light fixture and includes weatherproof adhesive for mounting without screws or tools. ## Making no hard-wiring, batteries, or expert installation services necessary. Simply connect the camera with the USB cable to the smart socket. Compatible with USB extension cords. The high sensitivity mic and loud intercom system provides clear and crisp 2 way HD communication with visitors, giving you the ability to see and speak to visitors from anywhere. Great for front door, driveway or porch use. Prerecorded greetings will trigger upon detection to welcome or deter visitors. The prerecorded greetings includes: a chime, video voicemail, a barking dog, "I'm sorry we're pretty busy right now," "Hi, can I help you," I'm sorry we're not interested," and seasonal holiday themed messages. Download the free Kuna App. Free features include: 2 hour event look-back, animated event thumbnails, 24/7 HD video live feed, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant voice command, prerecorded greeting messages, waterproof design (-40°F and 120°F), 100dB siren alarm, 1-touch dial 911, cloud ... <assistant> storage, video download onto smart device, manual record, and automated greetings. Reliable long-distance range , Communication range of up to 100m/328ft at open place (the distance from the sensors to the receiver/alarm/chime) and detection range of the infrared sensor of approximately 5-8m/16-26ft to keep you informed and safe.5V type C batteries and the DC 6V power adapter (not included) can be used for the receiver, but don't use them at the same time in case it would be burned. RELIABLE RANGE- Portable driveway motion sensor alarm working range up to 328 feet / 100 meters (the distance from the sensors to the receiver In THE OPEN AIR), detection range of the infrared sensor is approximately 3-7m/ 9-23ft, allow you an advanced and extra warning before guests(or intruders) arrive. RINGTONES and VISUAL ALERTS- It can be used as a wireless doorbell,38 different ringtones, 3 volume levels, there are chime options & you can make it as loud or quiet as you like; the flashing led light indicator that gives you a visual form of notification(an excellent feature for the hearing impaired). VARIOUS APPLICATIONS- It is not just a wireless driveway alert, you could use it as an intruder alarm, door entry chime, alleyway alarm, critter detector, car alarm(interior), warehouse monitor, supply closet alarm, garage and tool shed monitor, mailbox sensor, front door or walkway detection. SIMPLE & CONVENIENT - Wireless driveway alarm is ideal for front doors, window frames, driveways, walking paths, and anywhere in your home you want to be alerted to motion; also it is great to alert business owners that are working in the back or out of sight to customers entering their stores. WARRANTY- ★We can't make sure each motion sensor alarm is 100% perfect, but we can promise after-sale service. ★★We will offer driveway motion sensor with LIFETIME WARRANTY & AWESOME SUPPORT. ★★★If you're ever unsatisfied with our driveway sensor alarm or if any of the above items are missing or damaged, please feel free to contact us and we'll either send you a replacement or a full refund! ❤ USER-FRIENDLY: The door bell chime have 2 modes choices (LED Flash/Sound and LED Flash), 3 levels volume adjustment (High/Middle/Low ) from 25-80dB and 38 Ringtones to choose. ❤ EFFECTIVE DISTANCE: Working range is up to 70 meters. Infrared sensing distance is 3-7 meters. ❤ PIR TECHNOLOGY : Our sensor uses state-of-the-art passive-infrared (PIR) sensor to detect any movement within the detection range. Perfect for long or hidden driveways and allows you a fore warning when guests (or intruders) are approaching. ❤ APPLICATIONS: It is not just a driveway alert, you could use it as an intruder alarm, alleyway alarm, critter detector, car alarm(interior), warehouse monitor, supply closet alarm, garage and tool shed monitor, mailbox sensor, front door or walkway detection. Also great to alert business owners that are working in the back, or out of sight, to customers entering their store. Use as a signal when pet is ready to come in or out. ❤ EASY INSTALLATION: As for this visitor chime, there are no wires to run, no installation hassles, the sensor is wall mountable. You just need to put in the batteries(not included), and place the wireless motion sensor and alarm receiver wherever you prefer. RELIABLE RANGE- Portable driveway sensor alarm working range up to 328 feet / 100 meters (the distance from the sensors to the receiver In THE OPEN AIR), detection range of the infrared sensor is approximately 3-7m/ 9-23ft, allow you an advanced and extra warning before guests(or intruders) arrive. RINGTONES and VISUAL ALERTS- It can be used as a wireless doorbell,38 different ringtones, 3 volume levels, there are chime options & you can make it as loud or quiet as you like; the flashing light indicator that gives you a visual form of notification(an excellent feature for the hearing impaired). ENTRY ALERT SYSTEM- No fuss and no wiring, just simply insert the batteries (not included), place the wireless motion detector and alarm receiver wherever you want,infrared sensor outdoor will send an alert tone to the receiver, warning you of people, vehicles, even big animals. APPLICATIONS- It is not just a long range wireless driveway alert, you could use it as an intruder alarm, door entry chime, entry alert system, alleyway alarm, critter detector, car alarm(interior), warehouse monitor, supply closet alarm, garage and tool shed monitor, mailbox sensor, front door or walkway detection. WARRANTY- ★We can't make sure each wireless driveway alarm is 100% perfect, but we can promise after-sale service. ★★We will offer driveway alert system with LIFETIME WARRANTY & AWESOME SUPPORT. ★★★If you're ever unsatisfied with our driveway sensor alarm or if any of the above items are missing or damaged, please feel free to contact us and we'll either send you a replacement or a full refund! Take care of you family: Communication range of up to 120m/400ft (the distance from the sensors to the receiver/alarm/chime) and detection range of the infrared sensor of approximately 2.5m/8.2ft range x 110°to keep you informed and safe. Power Supply-1 Sensor: 2*1.5V AAA Alkaline Battery(batteries is included),or you can use USB cable to power on,USB can't charging the battery; Receiver: no battery required,just plug in any standard outlet,plug and play. Receiver:4 levels of adjustable volume from 25-100 dB (much louder). Offer 52 elegant or custom music,from the traditional"Ding Dong" to various well know chimes (more choices). Build in blue led light for the hearing impaired. ## 3 mode choices (Sound/LED Flash/Sound and LED Flash) and 3 alert choices (High Volume Chime/Low Volume Chime/Off). Easy, Fast, Wire Free Installation: Infrared sensor detects motion and sends a signal to the receiverAlerting business owner or home owner with wireless doorbell. 【Take Care Of Your Family And Business】When the two parts of the door chime sensor are separated more than 1.2 inch, door sensor will be triggered, then you will hear the ringtone from the receiver. You will hear the doorbell ring when someone opening your door/window or your pet coming home, which can help deter break-ins, keep your children and pet safe, and never miss a customer when they come. It is ideal door alarms for home, office, store, warehouse, garages, and more! 【150% Increased Operating Range】Contrary to most other wireless door alarm devices on the market, which have a maximum operating distance of only 200-350 feet in open space, this wireless door alarm can boast an amazing range of 656ft (200m) in open space. 【52 Melodies with 4-Level of Adjustable Volume】The wireless doorbell alarm offers a wide selection of 52 chimes for your personal taste, including common ringtone, pleasant tunes and more.4 levels of adjustable volume from 25db - 110db. 【Easy to Install】Requires no wiring, just plug the door entry alarm receiver into any standard outlet, please take out the battery insulating strip in the wireless doorbell sensor before use, then install the door sensor onto the door or window with provided double-side tape or screw (the installation gap between 2 parts must < 1.2 inch)Door Sensor Chime. The range of door sensor up to 320 feet in OPEN area. The receiver will play the tunes whenever the magnet and sensor is separated. Customize and Expandable. Each wireless receiver can work with 20 transmitters(push buttons/sensors) at most and each transmitter can be set to different or same music. FCC, RoHS certified and 1 Year Warranty. Any quality problem of the item,please contact our customer service team directly.3 layers of memory foam and sponge provide superior comfort. Relax your feet after a long day of walking or standing. Versatile as indoor shoes for home as well as suitable for stepping outside the house to fetch the paper, check the mailbox, or water the lawn, or walking across the driveway to your car. Feels ultralight on your feet, allowing you to move freely from bedroom to backyard; suitable for women of all ages: girls, teens, adults, and elderly. Simply throw them in the wash to get rid of odors, stains, or dirt. Sizing tip: our relaxed fit slippers stretch out a bit after a week, so if you wear a half-size (e. men's 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 12.5, 13.5) or plan to wear socks, always get the next size up☀►Super Brightness - Our solar ground lights consists of 8 LED lights. Compared to 4 led solar ground lights, our solar ground lights are brighter. ☀►Long Work Time , No Need Payment of Electricity - Charging time more than 8 hours in sunny places during the day and full charged can be lighting about 8 hours at night.