int cal(int M, int N) { int i; int num=0; if(M==1) return 0; if(N>=M) return ( 1+cal(M,M-1)); for(i=2;i<M;i++) { if(M%i==0&&i<=N) num=num+cal(M/i,i); } return num; } int main() { int n,M; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>M; cout<<cal(M,M)<<endl; } return 0; } Ans: 1 int numcount=0; void divide(int num,int x) { int i; if(num==1) numcount++; for(i=x;i<=num;i++) { if(num%i==0) divide(num/i,i); } } int main() { int n,num,i; int first=2; int ans[100]; cin>>n; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { cin>>num; divide(num,first); ans[i]=numcount; //cout<<count<<endl; numcount=0; } for(i=1;i<=n;i++) cout<<ans[i]<<endl; return 0; } Ans: 3 int num=0; int sum(int a,int i) { if(a==1) { num++; } else { while(i<=a) { if(a%i==0) { sum(a/i,i); } i++; } } return num; } int main() { int a,t,j,i,count; cin>>t; for(j=0;j<t;j++) { count=1; cin>>a; i=2; while(i<=(a/2)) { if(a%i==0) { num=0; sum(a/i,i); count=count+num; } i++; } cout<<count<<endl; } return 0; } Ans: 1 int yinshu(int be,int by) { int i,sum=0;//cout<<be<<' '<<by<<endl; for(i=by;i*i<=be;i++) { if(be%i==0){sum+=1+yinshu(be/i,i);} } return sum; } int main() { int n,i,j,num,sign ; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>num;for(j=num;j>1;j--)if(num%j==0)sign=j; cout<<yinshu(num,sign)+1<<endl; } getchar();getchar(); return 0; } Ans: 3 /* * fenjie.cpp * * Created on: 2010-11-28 * Author: ??? * function: ???? */ int solutionNumber(int a,int k){//?????????????? int i; if(a==1) return 1; if(k>a) return 0; for(i=k;i<=a;i++) if(a%i==0) return solutionNumber(a,i+1)+solutionNumber(a/i,i); } int main() { int n,a[101]; cin>>n; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin>>a[i];//?????? cout<<solutionNumber(a[i],2)<<endl;//???????????? } return 0; } Ans: 2 int f(int x,int y) { int s=0,i; for(i=y;i>1;i--)//??????????? { if(x%i==0) s+=f(x/i,i);//i?x/i????????1 } if(x==1) return 1; return s; } int main() { int n,i,a[50]; cin>>n; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) cin>>a[i]; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) cout<<f(a[i],a[i])<<endl; return 0; } Ans: 3 int n, a, cnt = 0, num; int decompose(int x, int y) { int i, xnum = 1; if(x == 1) return 0; if(x == 2) return 1; for(i = y; i <= (int)sqrt(x); i++) if(x % i == 0) xnum += decompose(x / i, i); return xnum; } int main() { cin >> n; while(cnt < n) { cin >> a; num = decompose(a, 2); cout << num << endl; cnt++; } return 0; } Ans: 1 int sum[50]; int i; int main() { void digui(int x, int y); int n; int j[50],m[50]; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&m[i]); sum[i]=0; for (j[i]=2;j[i]*j[i]<=m[i];j[i]++) { if(m[i]%j[i]==0) { sum[i]++; digui(j[i],m[i]/j[i]); } } printf("%d\n",sum[i]+1); } return 0; } void digui(int x, int y) { int s; for(s=x; s*s<=y; s++) { if(y%s==0) { sum[i]++; digui(s,y/s); } } } Ans: 3 /* * ????1118-4.cpp * ????? * ????: 2011-11-29 * ??????????a?????????????????a = a1 * a2 * a3 * ... * an???1 < a1 <= a2 <= a3 <= ... <= an????????????? */ int divide(int n,int a)//n?????????a???????????????????? { int s=0,i; if(n==1) return 1;//n?1??? for(i=a;i>1;i--) if(n%i==0) s+=divide(n/i,i);//??????? return s;//??0??????????0?????????? } int main() { int n,k; cin>>k;//?????? while(k>0)//??????? { cin>>n;//???????? cout<<divide(n,n)<<endl;//?????? k--;//????????? } return 0;//???? } Ans: 1 int f(int n,int min){ int i,result=1; if(n<min)return 0; for(i=min;i<n;i++) if(n%i==0)result+=f(n/i,i); return result; } void main() { int cases,a; scanf("%d",&cases); while(cases--){ scanf("%d",&a); printf("%d\n",f(a,2)); } } Ans: 1 int yinshu(int be,int by)//??????? { int i,sum=0; for(i=by;i*i<=be;i++) { if(be%i==0) { sum=sum+1+yinshu(be/i,i); }//be?i?????????????????be/i } return sum; } int main() { int n; cin>>n;//?? while(n--)//??? { int num,sign;//sign?????? cin>>num; for(int j=num;j>1;j--) { if(num%j==0) sign=j; }//?????? cout<<yinshu(num,sign)+1<<endl;//???? } return 0; } Ans: 2 //============================================================================ // Name : hanshu0109.cpp // Author : 1300012911 // Version : 20131120,Wed,11th week // Copyright : // Description : ???? //============================================================================ int fenjie(int a,int max){//a:?????max??1?????????????? int i = 0; int sum = 0;//???? if (a == 1) return 1;//1???????1?????? for (i = max;i >= 2;i--) { if ((a % i) == 0) sum += fenjie(a/i,i);//i?????? } return sum;//???? } int main() { int k = 0; int n = 0; int num = 0; cin >> n;//?? for (k = 1;k <= n;k++) { cin >> num;//????? cout << fenjie(num,num);//???????? if (k < n) cout << endl; } return 0; } Ans: 2 int factor(int a,int b){ int i,ways; ways=1; if(a<b) return 0; for(i=b;i<=sqrt(a);i++){ if(a%i==0) ways+=factor(a/i,i); } return ways; } int main(){ int n,A[99],K[99],i; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("%d",&A[i]); K[i]=factor(A[i],2); } for(i=0;i<n;i++){ printf("%d\n",K[i]); } return 0; } Ans: 3 int f(int a,int b); int main() { int n,a,i; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>a; cout<<f(a,2)<<endl; } return 0; } int f(int x,int y) //y????? { int j,k,t=0,m=0; for(j=2;j<x;j++) if(x%j==0) t++; if(t==0) return 1; //?????,??1 else { for(k=y;k<=(int)sqrt((double)x);k++) if(x%k==0) m=m+f(x/k,k); return (m+1); } } Ans: 3 int countt; void f(int p,int q) { for(int m=p;m<=sqrt(q);m++) { if(q%m==0) {countt++; f(m,q/m);} } } int main() { int n,num,i; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>num; countt=0; for(int k=2;k<=sqrt(num);k++) { if(num%k==0) { countt++; f(k,num/k); } } cout<<countt+1<<endl;; } return 0; } Ans: 3 int s=0,p; int a[100]; void factor(int m,int n,int t){ int i; for(i=2;i<=(int)sqrt(n);i++) if((n%i==0)&&(i>=m)){ s++; factor(i,n/i,t+1); } return; } int main(){ int i,j=0,k; scanf("%d",&j); for(k=0;k<j;k++) scanf("%d",&a[k]); for(k=0;k<j;k++){ p=a[k]; s=0; for(i=2;i<=(int)sqrt(p);i++) if(p%i==0){ s++; factor(i,p/i,2); } a[k]=s; } for(k=0;k<j;k++) printf("%d\n",a[k]+1); return 0; } Ans: 5 int main() { int f(int k,int m); int n; scanf("%d",&n); int i; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { int k; scanf("%d",&k); printf("%d\n",f(k,2)); } return 0; } int f(int k,int m) { int i; int j=0; if(k<=m) { if(k==m){ j=1; return j; } else { j=0; return j; } } else { for(i=m;i<=k;i++) { if(k%i==0&&k/i!=1) j=j+f(k/i,i); if(k%i==0&&k/i==1) j=j+1; } return j; } } Ans: 2 int fen(int m,int k) { int i,t=1,n=0; for(i=2;i<=m;i++) { if(m%i==0) n++; } if(n==1||m==1) return 1; else for(i=2;i<=m;i++) { if(m%i==0&&m/i>=i&&i>=k) { k=i; t=t+fen(m/i,k); } } return t; } int main() { int fen(int m,int k); int n,i,x; scanf("%d\n",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&x); printf("%d\n",fen(x,1)); } } Ans: 3 int f(int a,int min){ if(a<min) return 0; int sum=1; for(int i=min;i<a;i++){ if(a%i==0) sum+=f(a/i,i); } return sum; } int main(){ int n; int a[100]; scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("%d",&a[i]); a[i]=f(a[i],2); } for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ printf("%d\n",a[i]); } return 0; } Ans: 3 int count; void f(int x,int y) { int i=0; if(x>=y) for(i=y;i<=x;i++) { if(i==x)count++; if(x%i==0) f(x/i,i); } } main() { int t; int n,i,x,j; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { count=0; scanf("%d",&x); f(x,2); printf("%d\n",count); } } Ans: 2 int f(int m,int k); int main() { int n,i,k,m;//????n,????m,???k cin>>n; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { cin>>m; k=2; cout<<f(m,k)<<endl; } return 0; } int f(int m,int k) { int m1,sum=1; m1=m; while(k<=(int)sqrt(m)) { if(m%k==0) { m=m/k; sum=sum +f(m,k); } m=m1; k++; } return sum; } Ans: 1 int de(int s,int a){ //???????a???????s????????? int sum=0; //????????????? if(a==1)return 1; //a????????????????? else if(s>a)return 0; //a????????????????????? for(int i=s;i<=a;i++) //for????a?????????? if(a%i==0)sum=sum+de(i,a/i); //????????????????????? return sum; //?????? } int main(){ //??? int n; //??????n???????? cin>>n; //??n?? while(n>0){ //while?????????? int a; //??????a cin>>a; //??a?? cout<<de(2,a)<<endl; //???a???????2?????????? n--; //n??? } return 0; //????????????????? } Ans: 1 /* *????HW7_10.cpp *??????1100019007? *???2012-11-14 *???1090 ???? */ int factorize(int m,int k) { int c=1;//a=a??? if(m<4)return 1;//?m??4??1 for(int i=k;i<=sqrt(m);i++)if(!(m%i))c+=factorize(m/i,k>i?k:i);//????????????????an>an-1,???k??? return c;//????? } int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int n,m; cin>>n; while(n--){ cin>>m;//???? cout<<factorize(m,2)<<endl;//???? } return 0;} Ans: 1 int main() { int f(int,int); int n,a; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>a; cout<<f(a,a)<<endl; } return 0; } int f(int m,int k) { int i,sum=0; if(m==1) sum=1; for(i=m;i>1;i--) { if(m%i==0&&i<=k) sum+=f(m/i,i);} return sum; } Ans: 1 int main() { int f(int x,int y); int n,i; int a[100]; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); printf("%d\n",f(a[i],2)); } scanf("%d",&i); return 0; } int f(int x,int y) { int s,j,k,l,m,n; if(x==1) s=1; else if(y>x) s=0; else { for(l=1;l<=x;l++) { k=0; if(x%l==0) k=k+1; } if(k==2) s=1; else { s=0; for(j=y;j<=x;j++) { if(x%j==0){ s=s+f(x/j,j);} } } } return s; } Ans: 3 /* * fengjie.cpp * * Created on: 2013-11-23 * Author: sony */ int sum; void f(int x,int i){ if (x == 1) sum++; for(;i<=x;i++) if (x%i == 0) f(x/i,i); return; } int main(){ int t,a,i=2; cin>>t;//???????? for (a = 0; a<t ; a++){ int x; cin >> x; int ans = 1; for(i = 2; i<sqrt(x) ; i++){ sum = 0; if(x%i == 0) f(x/i,i); ans = ans + sum; } cout<<ans<<endl; } return 0; } Ans: 3 int f(int a,int min)//???a???????min????????? { int i; if(a < min)//?????? { return 0; } int result = 1; for(int i = min;i<a;i++)//?????? { if(a % i == 0) { result += f(a/i,i); } } return result; } int main() { int n,a;//???? cin>>n; while(cin>>a)//???? { cout<<f(a,2)<<endl;//???? } return 0; } Ans: 1 int a=0,s=0; void find(int n,int prim) { if (n==a){s++;} else { for (int i=prim;i<=a/n;i++) if ((a%(n*i)==0)){find(n*i,i);} } } int main() {int n=0;cin>>n; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { cin>>a;s=0; for (int i=2;i<=a;i++) { if (a%i==0) {find(i,i);} } cout<<s<<endl; } return 0; } Ans: 3 int s=0; void devide(int,int); int main() { int n,m; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>m; s=0; devide(2,m); cout<<s+1<<endl; } return 0; } void devide(int a,int b) { int i; for(i=a;i<=sqrt(b);i++) { if(b%i==0) { s++; devide(i,b/i); } } } Ans: 1 void factor(int a, int k); int sum = 0; int main() { int n, a, i = 0; cin >> n; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { cin >> a; factor(a, 2); cout << sum + 1 << endl; sum = 0; } return 0; } void factor(int a, int k) { int b, j; b = (int)sqrt((double)a); for (j = k; j <= b; j++) { if (a % j == 0) { sum++; factor(a / j, j); } } j = k; } Ans: 2 int count; void fun(int m,int n) { if(m <=sqrt(n)){ for (int a=m;a <=sqrt(n);a++) { if(n%a==0){ count ++; fun (a,n/a);} else count=count; }} else count=count; } main() { int n;scanf("%d",&n); for (int i =0;i<n;i++) { count=0; int num;scanf("%d",&num); for(int j=2;j<=sqrt(num);j++) { if(num%j==0) {count ++; fun(j,num/j);} } printf ("%d\n",count+1); }} Ans: 3 int f(int a,int b); int main() { int n,a,i; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>a; cout<<f(a,2)<<endl; } return 0; } int f(int x,int y) //y????? { int j,k,t=0,m=0; for(j=2;j<x;j++) if(x%j==0) t++; if(t==0) return 1; //?????,??1 else { for(k=y;k<=(int)sqrt((double)x);k++) if(x%k==0) m=m+f(x/k,k); return (m+1); } } Ans: 3 int Factorization(int,int); int main() { int n=0,num=0; cin>>n; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>num; cout<<Factorization(num,2)+1<<endl; } return 0; } int Factorization(int num,int n) { int count=0; for(int i=n;num/i>=i;i++) if(num%i==0) { count++; count=count+Factorization(num/i,i); } return count; } Ans: 2 int f(int a,int b); int main() { int n,a,i; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>a; cout<<f(a,2)<<endl; } return 0; } int f(int x,int y) //y????? { int j,k,t=0,m=0; for(j=2;j<x;j++) if(x%j==0) t++; if(t==0) return 1; //?????,??1 else { for(k=y;k<=(int)sqrt((double)x);k++) if(x%k==0) m=m+f(x/k,k); return (m+1); } } Ans: 3 int min(int a,int b) { if(a>=b) return b; else return a; } int f(int a,int b) { int count=0; int k[32768]={0}; if(a==1) return 1; else { int i,j; for(i=min(a,b);i>=2;i--) { if(a%i==0) k[i]=i; } for(j=0;j<32768;j++) { if(k[j]!=0) { count=count+f(a/k[j],j); k[j]=0; } } return count; } } main() { int n,i,a,number; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a); number=f(a,a); printf("%d\n",number); } } Ans: 3 //n???????i????????? int divi(int n,int i) { int num=0; if(n%i==0) { if(n==i) //?????????????????1 { return 1; } for(int j=2;j<=i;j++) { num=num+divi(n/i,j); //?? } return num; } else { return 0; } } int main() { int n=0; //????? int t=0; //???? int sum; //????? cin>>t; for(int i=0;i<t;i++) { sum=0; cin>>n; for(int j=2;j<=n/2;j++) //?????????1*n??? { sum=sum+divi(n,j); } cout<<sum+1<<endl; } return 0; } Ans: 3 int f(int x,int y) { int a,n=0; for(a=y;a<=sqrt(x);a++) { if(x%a==0) { n++; n+=f(x/a,a); } } return n; } int main() { int m,i; scanf("%d",&m); int x[m],n[m]; for(i=0;i<m;i++) { scanf("%d",&x[i]); n[i]=1+f(x[i],2); } for(i=0;i<m;i++) { printf("%d\n",n[i]); } return 0; } Ans: 3 int a[1000]; int l=0,x; int fff(int w,int t,int x); int main() { int i,j,q,p,n,m,y; scanf("%d",&n); for(p=0;p<n;p++) {q=1;l=0; scanf("%d",&x); for(i=2;i<=x;i++) if(x%i==0) {a[q]=i; q++; } fff(q-1,1,x); printf("%d\n",l,x); } } int fff(int w,int t,int x) { int i,j,y,n,m,p; for(i=t;i<=w;i++) {if(x%a[i]==0) { x=x/a[i]; if(x==1){l++;} if(x>1) fff(w,i,x); x=x*a[i]; } } } Ans: 3
Possible labels: 1. non-sarcastic 2. sarcastic The sound of your own voice , it's the last thing you listen to lest you forget everything else . So speak the open seas . Answer: non-sarcastic So and justin biebers new song is called flyin ' . kay Answer: non-sarcastic Doesn't everyone love getting allergy shots once a week ? #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Loosing my nandos virginity this weekend #yeahbuddy Answer: non-sarcastic Yeah because I always lie to you #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic a bug flew i n my nose and my mom is ttippin over mt everest . gee , i dont remember why i was dreading this day at all . Answer: sarcastic My daddy taught me how to love my haters my sista told me I should speak my mind my man made me feel so God damn finee 💃 #bey Answer: non-sarcastic Driving with a neck ache is not safe . I can't turn my head to the left ... #great #overthis #goaway Answer: sarcastic Doctors : the only form of employment where you can never be fired for running late ... #waiting #lame Answer: non-sarcastic I'm really happy thinking about this ~ * ~ Answer: non-sarcastic I hate that I have to wait on my appt for a chat with my counselor .. Like why can't I just speak to him now so he can sorta out my life 😭 Answer: non-sarcastic Brain says he won't be making anymore transfers :( #exciting Answer: non-sarcastic I love having a runny nose ... No really , this is just what I wanted Answer: sarcastic Straightened my hair and its already curling and I haven't even went outside yet ... #greaaat #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Hey , I just re-d i d my entire blog that i haven't been on for ages ! Answer: non-sarcastic If you're going into highschool and cant do at least 4 pirouettes you obviously go to a fantastic studio #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I just love freaking being ignored and not texted back . 3 people ignored me today 3 ! I love it it always makes my day . #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I hate when I buy a bag of air and there's chips in it 😒 #not Answer: sarcastic Straightened my hair and its already curling and I haven't even went outside yet ... #greaaat #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I love it whenever my brother gets up and turns on all the lights ... Answer: sarcastic Running on 3 hours of sleep ... Didn't even touch my humanities hw ... Good start to a good day . #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Lets all live life like a taylor swift album . Learn some serious life lessons . Answer: sarcastic I ' d like to give a shout out to all the people who text me for a minute then stop responding . You make dreams a reality #whybother Answer: sarcastic I love when people favorite a tweet but dont retweet #notserious #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I hate how you can be so used to talking to someone everyday and in the blink of an eye , you just don't speak anymore . Ever . Answer: non-sarcastic Driving with a neck ache is not safe . I can't turn my head to the left ... #great #overthis #goaway Answer: sarcastic Have you ever been so cool that the only way you know how to park your car is by backing it into a parking spot ? Answer: sarcastic I ' d like to give a shout out to all the people who text me for a minute then stop responding . You make dreams a reality #whybother Answer: sarcastic If you're going into highschool and cant do at least 4 pirouettes you obviously go to a fantastic studio #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Looking forward to hearing what momma g ( Gwyneth ) wants us ` LAM ' students to do over the next two years ... #cantwait #great Answer: sarcastic Yaay for going into to gr 12 but looking like a niner #ShortGirlProblems Answer: sarcastic Being covered in hives is so fun . #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Oh my gosh ! Can you imagine @JessieJ playing piano on her tour while singing a song . I would die and go to heaven . #sheisanangel Answer: non-sarcastic shout out to the #CrackHouse Answer: non-sarcastic I ' d like to give a shout out to all the people who text me for a minute then stop responding . You make dreams a reality #whybother Answer: sarcastic 25km cycle back from dropping car for a service , need to do lots of then woohoo ! Actually love it no #foamrolling #workout Answer: sarcastic Did you know that one of Bolshoi Ballet members was born in Maranhão ? Bruna Gaglianone is part of the Moscow group ! Answer: non-sarcastic Siick ! I got paid $ 80.69 so far by doing surveys ! can't wait for more ! LOOK > Answer: non-sarcastic I love fundraisers . Schools you can made so much off sports fundraising . Contact me I would live to speak with ... Answer: non-sarcastic thank god it's raining so now my hair will look fabulous for my senior pictures #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic The past two hours I've sat in a senior class being instructed what color is and how to open Indesign . I feel so enlightened . #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Have you ever been so cool that the only way you know how to park your car is by backing it into a parking spot ? Answer: sarcastic I always know its gonna be a good day when I wake up late and literally have 10 minutes to get ready #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Agh i only got 5 hours of sleep last night . & fee night is tonight so im gonna look a mess . Great way to start off the school year . #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Do you remember when the brought in Mary to sort out the high street . That was a success wasnt it . #Tories #QOS Answer: non-sarcastic I really don't think today could be any better ... #not #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Doctors : the only form of employment where you can never be fired for running late ... #waiting #lame Answer: non-sarcastic Thanks for making our first pep rally and home football game get canceled ! #Isaac #JrBillies #cheer Answer: sarcastic Mum , please . I'm not coming home cos i want to concentrate on my studies this weekend . I'm trying to get 4 flat . For you , ;) Answer: sarcastic " Everything Happens For A Reason " .. Yeah I Just Fall Down The Fucking Stairs So I Went To Hospital On Purpose . . Answer: sarcastic I love when people favorite a tweet but dont retweet #notserious #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Being awake this early to pack up my stuff and move rooms sucks . But on the plus side , FAIR TODAY ! #soexcited #carnilife Answer: non-sarcastic How to plan a successful sales conference or meeting : Answer: non-sarcastic Gee wiz what a great day so far . You can cut the tension with a knife and they think im faking #great . Answer: sarcastic I hate that I have to wait on my appt for a chat with my counselor .. Like why can't I just speak to him now so he can sorta out my life 😭 Answer: non-sarcastic Laying in the dark Answer: non-sarcastic spot on at least prog 1 RT : ` Islam , the untold story ' then the Paralympics . Comedy gold , all night long . #obviously Answer: non-sarcastic Doctors : the only form of employment where you can never be fired for running late ... #waiting #lame Answer: non-sarcastic I love being talked to like a dog ! #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic CINCINNATI ( AP ) - - Lunar pioneers plan to attend a private service in Ohio for astronaut Neil Armstrong , fol ... Answer: non-sarcastic Yes , cleaning up trash was exactly how I wanted to start my day #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic If you're going into highschool and cant do at least 4 pirouettes you obviously go to a fantastic studio #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Loosing my nandos virginity this weekend #yeahbuddy Answer: non-sarcastic The past two hours I've sat in a senior class being instructed what color is and how to open Indesign . I feel so enlightened . #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Mum , please . I'm not coming home cos i want to concentrate on my studies this weekend . I'm trying to get 4 flat . For you , ;) Answer: sarcastic shout out to the #CrackHouse Answer: non-sarcastic Yes de Jong out , Richard wright in , today's going to be a gre at deadline day at #mcfc Answer: non-sarcastic Straightened my hair and its already curling and I haven't even went outside yet ... #greaaat #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Yes de Jong out , Richard wright in , today's going to be a gre at deadline day at #mcfc Answer: non-sarcastic Best part of Test Track 2.0 the pre show & post show . Wow sounds awesome ! Answer: non-sarcastic My daddy taught me how to love my haters my sista told me I should speak my mind my man made me feel so God damn finee 💃 #bey Answer: non-sarcastic Mum , please . I'm not coming home cos i want to concentrate on my studies this weekend . I'm trying to get 4 flat . For you , ;) Answer: sarcastic Wow ... the first day I've ever been to UT and G10 lot was full . What a pain I the ass to find parking ... #greatdaysofar #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Photo of the day - cool , creamy mango sorbet from @Wahaca Answer: non-sarcastic The sound of your own voice , it's the last thing you listen to lest you forget everything else . So speak the open seas . Answer: non-sarcastic Have you ever been so cool that the only way you know how to park your car is by backing it into a parking spot ? Answer: sarcastic Oh my gosh ! Can you imagine @JessieJ playing piano on her tour while singing a song . I would die and go to heaven . #sheisanangel Answer: non-sarcastic Hey , I just re-d i d my entire blog that i haven't been on for ages ! Answer: non-sarcastic morning people . roadtrip today . unfortunately that means sitting in the car with my family for 3 or 4 hours . yay ! #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Lets all live life like a taylor swift album . Learn some serious life lessons . Answer: sarcastic DC Jerry Gray says safeties Babineaux , Robert Johnson aren't competing with one another for a spot . #Titans Answer: non-sarcastic Impressed w it h Stockholm airport . Took my much too heavy first bag ( no extra cost ) & my bike box ( no extra cost ) . See if it gets to Ireland Answer: non-sarcastic Wow ... the first day I've ever been to UT and G10 lot was full . What a pain I the ass to find parking ... #greatdaysofar #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Walking into work on an overtime day to have to train a new supervisor who looks like your jerky ex's twin makes for an awesome day #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Nothing like the smell of browning ground beef at 645 in the morning . #multitasking Answer: sarcastic Best part of Test Track 2.0 the pre show & post show . Wow sounds awesome ! Answer: non-sarcastic Did you know that one of Bolshoi Ballet members was born in Maranhão ? Bruna Gaglianone is part of the Moscow group ! Answer: non-sarcastic My daddy taught me how to love my haters my sista told me I should speak my mind my man made me feel so God damn finee 💃 #bey Answer: non-sarcastic a bug flew i n my nose and my mom is ttippin over mt everest . gee , i dont remember why i was dreading this day at all . Answer: sarcastic I hate how you can be so used to talking to someone everyday and in the blink of an eye , you just don't speak anymore . Ever . Answer: non-sarcastic Good job student finance is on top of things as per #didntwantmoneyanyway #notgunagetmwdown Answer: sarcastic I always enjoy doctor appointments #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Do you remember when the brought in Mary to sort out the high street . That was a success wasnt it . #Tories #QOS Answer: non-sarcastic I hate that I have to wait on my appt for a chat with my counselor .. Like why can't I just speak to him now so he can sorta out my life 😭 Answer: non-sarcastic its amazing how much i cant stand edinboro and its professors right now #itsgonnabeagoodyear #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Walking into work on an overtime day to have to train a new supervisor who looks like your jerky ex's twin makes for an awesome day #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Great way to start the morning by dumping makeup all over myself ! #woohoo #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Oh my word ! That didn't just happen ! GREAT someone is having right good laugh surely #cheers #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I love when people favorite a tweet but dont retweet #notserious #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I t seems the only time I can stay awake now it's at 4:30 in the morning . No need to sleep anymore . Don't worry . I'm fine . #FML Answer: sarcastic How to plan a successful sales conference or meeting : Answer: non-sarcastic I hate how you can be so used to talking to someone everyday and in the blink of an eye , you just don't speak anymore . Ever . Answer: non-sarcastic Agh i only got 5 hours of sleep last night . & fee night is tonight so im gonna look a mess . Great way to start off the school year . #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Just love getting lied to ! #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Wet , foggy , and dark , sounds like a good combination of driving weather #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Yes . Yes I love when people don't talk to me . And then they don't tell me why they haven't been talking . #exactlywhyamiyourfriend ? Answer: non-sarcastic Yeah because I always lie to you #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Yee ! ! College class in the A . M is where its at boii ! WOO ! ... Answer: sarcastic If you're going into highschool and cant do at least 4 pirouettes you obviously go to a fantastic studio #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Ahh don't you just love when Microsoft tells you that you're spelling your own name wrong #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic 25km cycle back from dropping car for a service , need to do lots of then woohoo ! Actually love it no #foamrolling #workout Answer: sarcastic I mind this time last year when I was loving my driving lessons and couldn't wait to pass my test . Now I hate driving ! Answer: non-sarcastic Well there are apps that can delete personal info and even send you location of the person using / send you their ... Answer: non-sarcastic I hate when I buy a bag of air and there's chips in it 😒 #not Answer: sarcastic I love having a runny nose ... No really , this is just what I wanted Answer: sarcastic I ' d like to give a shout out to all the people who text me for a minute then stop responding . You make dreams a reality #whybother Answer: sarcastic Yes . Yes I love when people don't talk to me . And then they don't tell me why they haven't been talking . #exactlywhyamiyourfriend ? Answer: non-sarcastic Yes de Jong out , Richard wright in , today's going to be a gre at deadline day at #mcfc Answer: non-sarcastic I love when people favorite a tweet but dont retweet #notserious #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Happy Birthday @Tayclin ! Answer: non-sarcastic Driving with a neck ache is not safe . I can't turn my head to the left ... #great #overthis #goaway Answer: sarcastic I love it whenever my brother gets up and turns on all the lights ... Answer: sarcastic Doesn't everyone love getting allergy shots once a week ? #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic The sound of your own voice , it's the last thing you listen to lest you forget everything else . So speak the open seas . Answer: non-sarcastic 25km cycle back from dropping car for a service , need to do lots of then woohoo ! Actually love it no #foamrolling #workout Answer: sarcastic how considerate of you to re-acquire Dondon , just to trade him again after a year .. SALAMAT NG MARAMI , ah ! Answer: non-sarcastic I love when people favorite a tweet but dont retweet #notserious #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Yes , cleaning up trash was exactly how I wanted to start my day #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Just love getting lied to ! #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Wet , foggy , and dark , sounds like a good combination of driving weather #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic crazy busy day with what began with the maintenance man arriving to inspect . beautiful start to my Friday Answer: sarcastic 20 minutes of laundry at 1 am . Awesome #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I love eating lunch with nothing but me , myself , and I . Answer: non-sarcastic How to plan a successful sales conference or meeting : Answer: non-sarcastic Doctors : the only form of employment where you can never be fired for running late ... #waiting #lame Answer: non-sarcastic I hate that I have to wait on my appt for a chat with my counselor .. Like why can't I just speak to him now so he can sorta out my life 😭 Answer: non-sarcastic Yee ! ! College class in the A . M is where its at boii ! WOO ! ... Answer: sarcastic : Please RT The Synergy of Success , build a business relationship with Answer: non-sarcastic I love being talked to like a dog ! #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I hate that I have to wait on my appt for a chat with my counselor .. Like why can't I just speak to him now so he can sorta out my life 😭 Answer: non-sarcastic Texas road house . Where winners are born . #shitlukesays . Answer: non-sarcastic Shitty day Answer: non-sarcastic Driving with a neck ache is not safe . I can't turn my head to the left ... #great #overthis #goaway Answer: sarcastic Driving with a neck ache is not safe . I can't turn my head to the left ... #great #overthis #goaway Answer: sarcastic Do you remember when the brought in Mary to sort out the high street . That was a success wasnt it . #Tories #QOS Answer: non-sarcastic 20 minutes of laundry at 1 am . Awesome #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Doesn't everyone love getting allergy shots once a week ? #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Good call . I start classes Sept . 10th , and then it's broken down into quarters for about a year and a half . Should be interesting . Answer: non-sarcastic Did you know that one of Bolshoi Ballet members was born in Maranhão ? Bruna Gaglianone is part of the Moscow group ! Answer: non-sarcastic Doctors : the only form of employment where you can never be fired for running late ... #waiting #lame Answer: non-sarcastic I love it whenever my brother gets up and turns on all the lights ... Answer: sarcastic I hate when I buy a bag of air and there's chips in it 😒 #not Answer: sarcastic Yeah because I always lie to you #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I mind this time last year when I was loving my driving lessons and couldn't wait to pass my test . Now I hate driving ! Answer: non-sarcastic I don't even understand why I cringe at everything Answer: non-sarcastic Yes . Yes I love when people don't talk to me . And then they don't tell me why they haven't been talking . #exactlywhyamiyourfriend ? Answer: non-sarcastic I love when my retainers are super tight and make me talk so attractively ! #NOT #majorlisp Answer: sarcastic I love fundraisers . Schools you can made so much off sports fundraising . Contact me I would live to speak with ... Answer: non-sarcastic I love being talked to like a dog ! #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Oh my gosh ! Can you imagine @JessieJ playing piano on her tour while singing a song . I would die and go to heaven . #sheisanangel Answer: non-sarcastic First day I didn't speak to you at all and it feels so weird 😫 Answer: non-sarcastic I mind this time last year when I was loving my driving lessons and couldn't wait to pass my test . Now I hate driving ! Answer: non-sarcastic Lets all live life like a taylor swift album . Learn some serious life lessons . Answer: sarcastic 20 minutes of laundry at 1 am . Awesome #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Now the th in king settles in #great Answer: non-sarcastic 20 minutes of laundry at 1 am . Awesome #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Nothing like the smell of browning ground beef at 645 in the morning . #multitasking Answer: sarcastic Yee ! ! College class in the A . M is where its at boii ! WOO ! ... Answer: sarcastic How to plan a successful sales conference or meeting : Answer: non-sarcastic its amazing how much i cant stand edinboro and its professors right now #itsgonnabeagoodyear #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Wet , foggy , and dark , sounds like a good combination of driving weather #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic " Everything Happens For A Reason " .. Yeah I Just Fall Down The Fucking Stairs So I Went To Hospital On Purpose . . Answer: sarcastic Ready to get home to my baby . Answer: non-sarcastic Going to be a fun final week #sarcasm Answer: non-sarcastic Being covered in hives is so fun . #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Looking forward to hearing what momma g ( Gwyneth ) wants us ` LAM ' students to do over the next two years ... #cantwait #great Answer: sarcastic Yes . Yes I love when people don't talk to me . And then they don't tell me why they haven't been talking . #exactlywhyamiyourfriend ? Answer: non-sarcastic Yes de Jong out , Richard wright in , today's going to be a gre at deadline day at #mcfc Answer: non-sarcastic Oh my word ! That didn't just happen ! GREAT someone is having right good laugh surely #cheers #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Walking into work on an overtime day to have to train a new supervisor who looks like your jerky ex's twin makes for an awesome day #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Wow ... the first day I've ever been to UT and G10 lot was full . What a pain I the ass to find parking ... #greatdaysofar #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Lets all live life like a taylor swift album . Learn some serious life lessons . Answer: sarcastic : Please RT The Synergy of Success , build a business relationship with Answer: non-sarcastic Looking forward to hearing what momma g ( Gwyneth ) wants us ` LAM ' students to do over the next two years ... #cantwait #great Answer: sarcastic I just love geometry SOO much #notreally #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Do you remember when the brought in Mary to sort out the high street . That was a success wasnt it . #Tories #QOS Answer: non-sarcastic Well there are apps that can delete personal info and even send you location of the person using / send you their ... Answer: non-sarcastic Did you know that one of Bolshoi Ballet members was born in Maranhão ? Bruna Gaglianone is part of the Moscow group ! Answer: non-sarcastic Do you remember when the brought in Mary to sort out the high street . That was a success wasnt it . #Tories #QOS Answer: non-sarcastic Happy Birthday @Tayclin ! Answer: non-sarcastic Thought getting up at half 8 today was bad , well then I can't wait to get back to half 6 mornings next week #school Answer: sarcastic Hey , I just re-d i d my entire blog that i haven't been on for ages ! Answer: non-sarcastic Siick ! I got paid $ 80.69 so far by doing surveys ! can't wait for more ! LOOK > Answer: non-sarcastic I hate how you can be so used to talking to someone everyday and in the blink of an eye , you just don't speak anymore . Ever . Answer: non-sarcastic Have you ever been so cool that the only way you know how to park your car is by backing it into a parking spot ? Answer: sarcastic Do you remember when the brought in Mary to sort out the high street . That was a success wasnt it . #Tories #QOS Answer: non-sarcastic Siick ! I got paid $ 80.69 so far by doing surveys ! can't wait for more ! LOOK > Answer: non-sarcastic Time to get excited for hydraulics ! Yeah buddy ! Answer: non-sarcastic Yes , cleaning up trash was exactly how I wanted to start my day #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Ahh don't you just love when Microsoft tells you that you're spelling your own name wrong #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Well there are apps that can delete personal info and even send you location of the person using / send you their ... Answer: non-sarcastic Gee wiz what a great day so far . You can cut the tension with a knife and they think im faking #great . Answer: sarcastic Mum , please . I'm not coming home cos i want to concentrate on my studies this weekend . I'm trying to get 4 flat . For you , ;) Answer: sarcastic Shitty day Answer: non-sarcastic Only # 72 for one Monday night next month in a London #bargain Answer: non-sarcastic " : please .. don't end this .. " Answer: non-sarcastic I t seems the only time I can stay awake now it's at 4:30 in the morning . No need to sleep anymore . Don't worry . I'm fine . #FML Answer: sarcastic Have you ever been so cool that the only way you know how to park your car is by backing it into a parking spot ? Answer: sarcastic Hey , I just re-d i d my entire blog that i haven't been on for ages ! Answer: non-sarcastic Doesn't everyone love getting allergy shots once a week ? #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic First day I didn't speak to you at all and it feels so weird 😫 Answer: non-sarcastic So and justin biebers new song is called flyin ' . kay Answer: non-sarcastic Thought getting up at half 8 today was bad , well then I can't wait to get back to half 6 mornings next week #school Answer: sarcastic Yes , cleaning up trash was exactly how I wanted to start my day #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Oh my gosh ! Can you imagine @JessieJ playing piano on her tour while singing a song . I would die and go to heaven . #sheisanangel Answer: non-sarcastic I really don't think today could be any better ... #not #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Awee how cute . The kids at the bus stop coordinated their outfits today . #itsnotcute Answer: sarcastic I love the fact my neighbors decided to move all their furniture at this time at night #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic wordsmadetomeasure : Give a little time to me , We ' ll burn this out We ' ll play hide and seek To turn this aroun ... Answer: non-sarcastic I love being talked to like a dog ! #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Going to be a fun final week #sarcasm Answer: non-sarcastic I ' d like to give a shout out to all the people who text me for a minute then stop responding . You make dreams a reality #whybother Answer: sarcastic Siick ! I got paid $ 80.69 so far by doing surveys ! can't wait for more ! LOOK > Answer: non-sarcastic Tell me what you know about dreamin ' dreamin ' .. Answer: non-sarcastic Impressed w it h Stockholm airport . Took my much too heavy first bag ( no extra cost ) & my bike box ( no extra cost ) . See if it gets to Ireland Answer: non-sarcastic Best part of Test Track 2.0 the pre show & post show . Wow sounds awesome ! Answer: non-sarcastic can't think of a better way to start off my day than with a 8am microbiology class Answer: sarcastic Time to get excited for hydraulics ! Yeah buddy ! Answer: non-sarcastic i told you it was the admin account ! #FAIL Answer: non-sarcastic Loosing my nandos virginity this weekend #yeahbuddy Answer: non-sarcastic Straightened my hair and its already curling and I haven't even went outside yet ... #greaaat #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I love when my retainers are super tight and make me talk so attractively ! #NOT #majorlisp Answer: sarcastic Texas road house . Where winners are born . #shitlukesays . Answer: non-sarcastic Looking forward to hearing what momma g ( Gwyneth ) wants us ` LAM ' students to do over the next two years ... #cantwait #great Answer: sarcastic Now the th in king settles in #great Answer: non-sarcastic Driving with a neck ache is not safe . I can't turn my head to the left ... #great #overthis #goaway Answer: sarcastic Great way to start the morning by dumping makeup all over myself ! #woohoo #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic thank god it's raining so now my hair will look fabulous for my senior pictures #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic The sound of your own voice , it's the last thing you listen to lest you forget everything else . So speak the open seas . Answer: non-sarcastic So depressing having no one to speak to at night Answer: non-sarcastic I'm really happy thinking about this ~ * ~ Answer: non-sarcastic Going to be a fun final week #sarcasm Answer: non-sarcastic My daddy taught me how to love my haters my sista told me I should speak my mind my man made me feel so God damn finee 💃 #bey Answer: non-sarcastic Yes de Jong out , Richard wright in , today's going to be a gre at deadline day at #mcfc Answer: non-sarcastic Walking into work on an overtime day to have to train a new supervisor who looks like your jerky ex's twin makes for an awesome day #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Tell me what you know about dreamin ' dreamin ' .. Answer: non-sarcastic wordsmadetomeasure : Give a little time to me , We ' ll burn this out We ' ll play hide and seek To turn this aroun ... Answer: non-sarcastic Dear Arkansas , could you possible make it even hotter ? #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I would lose my wallet . Gosh I love being driven to school by my mother . Answer: non-sarcastic I s everyone as excited about the and conventions as I am ? ! ? #GOP #Democrat #serioussarcasm #deepyawningmawofsarcaam Answer: sarcastic yeah type the source on the picture because it s easier then just put it in the source bar Answer: sarcastic If you're going into highschool and cant do at least 4 pirouettes you obviously go to a fantastic studio #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Walking into work on an overtime day to have to train a new supervisor who looks like your jerky ex's twin makes for an awesome day #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Driving with a neck ache is not safe . I can't turn my head to the left ... #great #overthis #goaway Answer: sarcastic Yeah because I always lie to you #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic I hate when I buy a bag of air and there's chips in it 😒 #not Answer: sarcastic its amazing how much i cant stand edinboro and its professors right now #itsgonnabeagoodyear #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic 3,250 bottles of nail polish used during That's , uh , a lot . Cc : #NYFW . Answer: non-sarcastic crazy busy day with what began with the maintenance man arriving to inspect . beautiful start to my Friday Answer: sarcastic Doctors : the only form of employment where you can never be fired for running late ... #waiting #lame Answer: non-sarcastic I always enjoy doctor appointments #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Driving with a neck ache is not safe . I can't turn my head to the left ... #great #overthis #goaway Answer: sarcastic Too bad she's not THAT good at playing the gay part of her character . #PLL Answer: non-sarcastic Wet , foggy , and dark , sounds like a good combination of driving weather #sarcasm Answer: sarcastic Yes de Jong out , Richard wright in , today's going to be a gre at deadline day at #mcfc Answer: non-sarcastic Yaay for going into to gr 12 but looking like a niner #ShortGirlProblems Answer: sarcastic i told you it was the admin account ! #FAIL Answer: non-sarcastic Do you remember when the brought in Mary to sort out the high street . That was a success wasnt it . #Tories #QOS Answer: non-sarcastic
Possible labels: 1. Negative 2. Positive --- I bought this on a whim because I was craving strawberry shortcake... wow! The biscuits can be a bit crumbly, but the texture is not objectionable. The taste was great! I use this for sweet and regular biscuits. We also use this for pancakes, and they are almost indistinguishable from regular pancakes. I add vanilla, a touch of brown sugar and cinnamon for a treat. Yum! Tip - I've found that most gluten free "bread" products work better if you let the batter sit for about 15 minutes after mixing the dry and wet ingredients. It seems to activate the batter, which makes the resulting stuff lighter and more moist. Label: Positive --- Just the same thing I use to buy in the stores but for less. Same great taste, same great package. same eveything because it is the exact same thing, Love is stuff. thanks Label: Positive --- i am trying to eat healthy and could not really find any good tasting low fat snacks. my friend told me about pop chips that she bought from amazon. she said she loved them and i should give them a try, i said what the heck if she likes them they must be good. and what do you know i loved them and i have a bag almost everyday for a snack Label: Positive --- Enjoyable tea with a refreshing taste. The 16-count Pack of 6 represents an excellent buy compared to store prices. Label: Positive --- I've tried and tried to convince myself that these crackers are acceptable but they just aren't. If you are desperate for a cracker find another. I rarely throw any food out but I made an exception in this case. It is terrible. Label: Negative --- +Really really tasty +Much healthier than almost every other potato chip +A variety of flavors, consider this a huge sampler -Sea Salt & Vinegar is crazy sour. Personally, I think they overdid it on the vinegar. -It's hard to stop at one serving, but I take this as a sign of a good snack :P Label: Positive --- Bought this as a way to take in omega 3 nutrient. The pack of 4 has lasted me almost a year. You have to grind up the seeds and freeze the rest. No complaints; very reasonable pricing. Label: Positive --- Besides the obvious convenience and portability of the individual creamers, I liked this item specifically because of packaging. I couldn't believe how many reviews I read about coffee creamer cups; but many of the Amazon creamer options (both Coffeemate and International Delight) had multiple negative reviews due to the shipment arriving with broken cups thanks to sloppy packaging. That was not an issue here. The shipment arrived in four dispensing boxes of 50 each (as shown in the photo); those boxes were tightly packed in a thick cardboard box which could take a good beating before damaging the inner boxes. Thus, none of my cups were broken, no waste and no sloppy drippy mess. Plus the four boxes means I could put one in the kitchen, one in the bathroom (we moved our mini Keurig there when we upgraded the kitchen Keurig - best idea my husband ever had), and one at work, with a reserve for whichever runs out first. If you are looking for these mini creamers but deterred like I was by the negative packaging reviews on other options, this is your best bet. As a bonus, the auto delivery price is very reasonable. Label: Positive --- Love it, love it, love it! Both me and my 10 year old drink this herbal tea quite often. Very tasty! Label: Positive --- Don't waste your money on these. These are practically flavorless, yet still feel a little greasy in your mouth. Yuck. If you're looking for some great onion-flavored snacks, just buy the Alexia Onion Strips. They're light years ahead of these. Seriously. Label: Negative --- This is a great buy. I love this hot chocolate because it is very low in sugar and has a good taste. It isn't messy like regular hot chocolate as it is all dissolved before it hits the cup. Would buy again. Label: Positive --- I guess my palate is not as sophisticated as I had thought. I'm a rather adventurous diner but this truffle oil really cashed me out. I tried it on scallops and pretty near had to trash them. I have no idea what amuses people about truffle oil. I gave mine away (ananomously). Label: Negative --- First, I'll give the manufacturer some credit for making a no-additive, sucralose-only product. The problem with this product is: it's just too weak, in flavor that is. 1 gram of this "pure sucralose" tastes about as strong as 1 gram of a Splenda packet, for comparison. If you don't mind spending a lot for a little bit of pure sucralose taste, then maybe this is for you, but cost-conscious customers might want to look elsewhere for a no-carb, non-calorie sweetener. Label: Negative --- We have been using this product for over a year now, Goldie our dog loves it, she is 15 years old now. Label: Positive --- I am in NO way any coffee expert, connoisseur, or heavy user. To be perfectly honest, I had to look up how to SPELL connoisseur! But having a heart attack 6 months ago, I am learning to never use caffeine, salt, or almost ANY darn thing I love. And I HATE anything that is "light", decaf or artificially sweetened. My wife has bought about every single brand of instant decaf coffee for me along with assorted "real" decaf to try in her drip coffee maker. Hated em all, just hated them. Saw this so thought I would try the latest brand I would hate since it wouldn't cost me anything. First batch was way to bitter for me, didn't even want to try any more but my wife said she would make it weaker. From that next batch on, I became hooked on this brand. I don't like the price, but love the taste. That conflict alone makes me drop my rating to give it a 4 star overall. If I tinker with taste as I also add assorted coffee-mate creamers (also something I am not allowed anymore but REFUSE to give up), the taste goes to a 5 for me. Even with all the discounts if I order through the subscribe & save program (see below), I find this a bit pricey. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ UPDATE: December 4 2010: It still pains me to pay so much but looks like this will be the very 1st Vine Program Item I ever got that will make an actual buyer out of me. As a result, I raise my review from 4 stars to 5 starts. Another thing I like is I have no decaf "aftertaste" that I always experience with other brands. It is a wonderful thing to find at least one new thing (for ME anyway) that I can still really enjoy, that helps me relax in the middle of all this can't eat this, can't drink that "stuff" going on in my life the past 6 months. It's also the time I haven't felt like I was compromising good taste for good health. For that, I am truly grateful. Just ordered the 3 pack on the AMAZON Subscribe & save page. Label: Positive --- I was a huge fan of canidae, but beginning about a month ago, the company changed the formula to cheaper raw materials, smaller bags, and worst of all outsourced manufacturing to Diamond pet foods (yes, the same company linked to multiple recalls in the past). Please do a search on google/consumeraffairs.com. I will not be giving my dog this brand anymore. It's the same mass produced garbage as is iams, eureka, etc. Label: Negative --- I have done a lot of research to find the best food for my cat, and this is an excellent food. That is also according to my holistic veterinarian. They put probiotics on the kibble as the last step, which is very important to me. The best thing is that my cat loved it immediately and I had to stop mixing it with the old food because she only would eat Holistic Select. Label: Positive --- After buying bags one at a time (at a hefty markup) at nearby stores, I decided to try bulk ordering some snack foods on Amazon. I was very pleased with the price and the products. These jalapeno kettle chips are not overly spicy; they have a slow-building spice that starts very subtly a grows if you eat the whole bag, which I'm embarrassed to say I did quite a few times. The chips arrived well-packed and fresh. They had nearly a year of time before they expired, which is pretty impressive for chips. Most importantly, the price-per-bag was much, MUCH better than any local store could do, although I live near an expensive city, so that may play a role in the price difference. I wouldn't hesitate to order another box of these once I run out. Label: Positive --- Kettle chips are thicker and crunchier (though greasier at times) than other chips, and the honey dijon flavor is great. They don't have the overwhelming salty taste some cheaper chips have, and the 2oz size is great for an adult size snack. Label: Positive --- I was disappointed by the fact that all three boxes I received had already expired. Luckily enough, the flavors had not yet degraded. I specifically bought these in order to get the peppermint flavor. I was hoping for more. The peppermint hot chocolate does not have much peppermint flavor to it, but we will still enjoy it and both of the other flavors. Label: Positive --- Honestly the first time I tried Jamaica me crazy I had to double check to make sure that I didn't leave the pod irom my last cup n the coffee maker. Weak coffee, flavor didn't appeal to me either. Might appeal to someone who likes their coffee on the weaker side. Wolfgang's vienna roast was pleasant though. Label: Negative --- I first got the variety pack to try all the different flavors, then I picked 2 and ordered them on Subscribe and Save (1 each on alternate months). It's much cheaper than the vending machine at work and they only have chips that are bad for you. These chips are crisp, delicious, and taste salty, mmmmmmm good! Each bag has 230 mg. of sodium. They only have 100 calories in a bag, and the amount of chips in the bag is ample for one serving, unlike other 100 calorie snacks where you get 7 almonds, or 5 crackers.... Now I can have chips every day at work for lunch, no guilt! The Salt and Pepper variety is absolutely delicious. The plain is great for dipping, and the barbecue is full of flavor. The salt and vinegar is very sour, if you like that type, and the cheddar and sour cream and onion varieties are good, just not my favorites. A very good deal on Subscribe and Save, chips delivered to your door, individually bagged and ready to take for lunch. Convenient! Nothing bad to say about PopChips! Label: Positive --- Juice consentrate is very good. I like it as much as the Tart is Smart and with the price increase it is considerably cheaper even with subscribe and save. This will be my staple tart cherry juice from now on." Label: Positive --- I was so excited when I bought this toy, imagining the hours my dog would spend entertaining herself with this toy. Unfortunately my mutt took two seconds to size it up and decide that the best way to get the treats out was to chew the rope off, which she did promptly. She was right, and I could hardly be upset with her, but I was disappointed that such an expensive toy was so easily destroyed. Label: Negative --- Just returned from Italy and was told these little chocolates were the favs of the Italians--perfect little two-chocolates for gifts -- and gloomy days -- or happy days -- Label: Positive --- I purchased this item when it was on sale. I wasn't certain if I'd like it but I've read so much about the health benefits of green tea I wanted to try it. This is a nice, pleasant beverage. The flavor isn't too strong. I add a packet of Splenda to make it a bit sweeter. The powder dissolves easily in cold water. The flavor is natural not fake. I was impressed enough with it that I have signed up for auto-delivery. Label: Positive --- I love hot chocolate and was very excited to find a variety pack, however, these are gross. Horrible after taste, my kids dont even like them. Now I have 3 boxes of the stuff that no one will drink. Very disapointed. Label: Negative --- I bought this product last week for our dogs, within a day both were vomiting and refusing food. Our larger dog is doing ok since we stopped feeding them but our little guy is not. Taking both to the vet tomorrow along with these treats. Label: Negative --- I used to love these growing up and stopped drinking water and lemon juice from this brand about 5-6 years ago. This stuff used to be so strong i used to just pour some in my mouth and get that alive feeling going. It feels like the product went through changes which added more water or something to make it not so strong. The stronger it is the less you use as well. The product is still really good but the taste is the same quality as the cheaper brand names almost. I thought these would go fast but hey all lemon stuff i love unless it goes bad. This is a good product just wish it still had that hit me in the mouth chug sensation it used to be like. Label: Positive --- Coffee has a great flavor and is not too acidic. Fits perfectly in out "Juan Valdez" pod maker that was purchased at Target several years ago! So hard to find these so was glad to find them on Amazon! Label: Positive --- Good quality product, but you would have to REAlly love curry flavor to like these... They are so awful I don't know what to do with them, but I know I won't be eating them.... I'll stick to the plain sea salt ones:) Label: Negative --- These cookies are delicious. My grandaughter ate a whole package the first time she tried them. She has several food allergies and finding a delicious sweet treat is almost impossible. I will be reordering soon because she has gone through the whole box already and has requested more. I am so thankful to have found this product. Label: Positive --- I eat a bag of these every single day! They are the best tasting good for you snack! Everyone should at least try them and you will be hooked. Label: Positive --- This is an awesome product which I've ordered many times. Honey-like flavored, lower glycemic sweetener that's great in coffee or tea. Label: Positive --- Nrver,NEVER buy a food product that keeps its ingredients, calories and nutritional components a secret Label: Negative --- I used this mix to make a 9x13 cake in a glass pan using grapeseed oil, spring water, and free range eggs. I thought the cake had a nice flavor to it but it was not what I was expecting. I was craving a white cake (like wedding cake) and went to my local store to find something wheat-free, gluten-free and dairy-free; I purchased this vanilla cake mix. I think it is a very good mix. I couldn't really taste the vanilla flavor but thought it had a nice flavor. The cake is yellow, dense (but not like a pound cake) and texture-y like brown rice has more texture than white rice. I thought the sweetness was just right. I think I would purchase again but would make pineapple upside down cake with it. Label: Positive --- This gum is my absolute favorite. By purchasing on amazon I can get the savings of large quanities at a very good price. I highly recommend to all gum chewers. Plus as you enjoy the peppermint flavor and freshing of breath you are whitening your teeth all at the same time. Label: Positive --- This wasn't in stock the last time I looked. I had to go to the Vermont Country Store in Weston to find it along with a jaw harp, Cranberry Horseradish Sauce, Fartless Black Bean Salsa, Apple Cider Jelly, Newton's Cradle Art in Motion and the staple Vermont Maple Syrup. Back to the Ass Kickin Peanuts. They are hot. They will activate the perspiration glands behind your ears and under your arms. It requires a beverage as advertised, a glass of very cold milk, and a box of Kleenex since it will make your nose run. They look like ordinary peanuts which is already giving me ideas for work. I suspect that some people have been hitting my goodies in my absence, especially my colleague Greg. I'm going to take this to work at earliest opportunity and empty the contents of this can into an ordinary Planters Peanuts can, and then see whose crying or whose nose is running when I return. The can should be shaken to ensure the spices are evenly distributed. It is important to wash your hands after consumption and not touch the eyes. You'll go nuts over these Ass-Kickin' Peanuts. P.S. I'm not sharing the peanuts, not deliberately, and I'll probably give Greg the jaw harp for Christmas. He'll be so insulted. Label: Positive --- I suspect this drink is an acquired taste. After the first sip, I was reluctant to take another. The second sip was an improvement and the third even more so. By the end of the can, I was finding it fairly enjoyable. It was only after I had finished that I noted the Alka Seltzer-like aftermath. Yuck. Still, I am sure I could get used to it after a few more tries. This is, I think, the problem with the drink: I would drink it because it presents itself as being good for me, not because I was blown away with taste or a feeling of refreshment. I would not buy it again. Label: Negative --- I like the idea of a low-acid, but not decaf coffee, because I love coffee, but have been absolutely flattened before by acid-induced stomach pain (and GAWD forbid I give up my cup of coffee in the morning!). But I'm not a fan of the Puroast Low Acid Coffee, French Roast. It leaves a funny taste in my mouth that I can't quite identify, and I tried this coffee black, with sugar, with sugar and skim milk. That unidentifiable funny taste was still there. As I've never tried a "low-acid" coffee before trying this product, I don't know whether to pin it on Puroast as a brand, as something they do with their beans, or if the strange taste is a trade-off in low-acid coffee. In the days since trying this coffee, I've had other brands/kinds of coffee and have not had that weird taste, so I don't think it's me. Your experience could be different, but I'm not a fan of this one. Label: Negative --- I have recently been on a low carb diet, as I find that I can no longer tolerate even natural sugars like agave, honey, and dates. These raise the blood sugar which spikes the insulin, a hormone whose message is "store fat!" Insulin also causes the kidneys to retain water and therefore I would bloat from a high carb diet. My dilemma is that I love sweets--and now it is not a problem, thanks to products like stevia, a natural plant that has safely been used in parts of the world as a sweetener for hundreds of years. It has no calories and no impact on the blood sugar (although for some people there might be a bit, as the brain is tricked into thinking it is getting sugar). Stevia used to be legal in the USA only as a cosmetic product because of politics: companies that made low calorie sweeteners such as aspartame did not want competition. Yet, aspartame gave me headaches and even sometimes symptoms of multiple sclerosis. So I would use stevia at times, but the aftertaste was bad--and to be honest, I wasn't too crazy about the "during taste" either. Then I tried NuNaturals. This product is awesome and like no other stevia I have tried. It is not only delicious but also has no aftertaste (unless you put in way too much--a common mistake by people new to this). It comes in tablets and in powdered form (in a bottle or handy packets with individual servings). It also comes in alcohol-free liquid form and even in vanilla flavor. Unlike aspartame (which becomes even more toxic when heated) stevia can be used in baking. NuNaturals has a stevia baking blend just for that. (Since I am a raw fooder, I can't tell you how it tastes, but I am sure it is good, judging by their other products.) Thanks to these great products, I can do a low carb raw diet but not be deprived of my sweets! Label: Positive --- I bought this thing after a recommendation from a pet store rep. My dog hardly touched the stuff, and then I looked at the ingredients: one of the first things on it was corn-a grain known to cause allergies in dogs. As a matter of fact, corn might be the most allergy-prone food amongst dogs. Not to mention, thanks to our friends at Monsanto, it is almost always Genetically modified (GMO) or a franken-food, unless it's organic. Real "premium" dog foods brag that they've no corn. Right at the top of the list of ingredients is chicken-by-products, another no-no among real "premium" dog foods. This means all the waste that it is usually thrown out from the chicken since it's not real meat. Cheap dog foods put this in their food simply because it's cheap, but it's not real meat. A little further down you will notice BHA, an artificial preservative, which again real "premium" dog foods do not have. In short, BilJac is a joke. It is basically, insanely overpriced Alpo, with no organic ingredients whatsoever, and uses all the shortcuts, filler, and chemistry that the cheapest dog foods on the market use. Don't be fooled by the old-fashioned appeal of the company's 60 years in business. There is nothing but modern chemistry in the bag, and all the folksy appeal will not make up for cheap, lousy ingredients. I ended up buying Blue Buffalo Wilderness and I have not looked back. Label: Negative --- These are my new favorite! I have always been a fan of salt and vinegar but these honey dijons have replaced them as my new number one! They do have a strong taste so loving the honey mustard flavor is a must if you hope to like these. Price wise...I do not see that they are that much of a deal here. I purchased them for $2.99 at the grocery with no shipping. I would have given the product 5 stars (easily) had it not been for the price. The taste is fabulous -- you won't be disappointed. Label: Positive --- This is pretty good regular style soy sauce. But it is not super-wonderful-better than any other good quality soy sauce you can buy in an Asian market. The main value is as a unique gift. In the Japanese soy sauce world, there are 4 types: regular, mild (usukuchi), for raw fish (sashimi) and light colored. Bluegrass soy sauce is regular style. Compared to Kikoman (a good commercial brand that is widely available) Bluegrass starts saltier, is flat in the middle, then ends with a complex & interesting flavor. Kikoman is less salty initially and has a round, full flavor in the middle. Doesn't have the complex ending flavors. For me, the initial saltiness of Bluegrass is a minus and Kikoman's full middle flavor is a plus. I prefere Kikoman, especially for dipping sushi where the flavor is more direct. But I lived in Japan for many years and am used to the standard Japanese flavor. I haven't tried Bluegrass blended in other food as a background flavor, which is how soy sauce is usually used. Bluegrass is a perfectly good soy sauce. Each brand has a different flavor and everyone has their favorite. If you want a unique Kentucky gift for an Asian friend, this is different than the standard bottle of Bourbon or box of chocolate. Label: Positive --- I brew the 8 oz cups, 10 and 12 makes it too thin. It's good at that point but adding some creamer, whipped cream, and or cinamin always improves it. Label: Positive --- I have tried a couple of different cocao powders but this one is a step above the other ones. The richness of the bean has a dark smooth flavor within the powder. It is just a better product Label: Positive --- Our dog chewed through ate the vanilla infused rope. Ropes do not show on x-rays and ultra sound. The dog was vomiting up to 15 times a day. Day 3 - our dog could not walk any more. Luckily our vet convinced us to do exploratory surgery and found the rope knot in our dog's intestines. It is a very hard knot that will tear the intestines. If not for this surgery, our dog would had died from the obstruction. Label: Negative --- My daughter has been GF for about 4 years now. We have discovered that if the main ingredient is rice flour, it usually isn't any good. It is usually grainy. This isn't the case with this product. It makes fantastic pancakes (the rest of the family would eat them). She didn't like the biscuits so we won't make those again. We used it to make corn dogs and the entire family (and a friend) ate them. No one even noticed. Everyone LOVED them. Amazon has since taken this off of the Subscribe and Save. I am so mad. I hope they put it back on soon. Label: Positive --- Very tasty cheese flavor. Because of crunch and small pieces (of mixed size), it goes a long way without adding too many calories. A good buy. Walt B., Apple Valley Label: Positive --- While I prefer homemade mashed potatoes, I am a busy Mom so I have to use instant quite often. I was hoping for a new taste with these, instead I have a case and a half of something we will not eat again. My husband s a Marine, and will eat almost anything except mushrooms, cauliflower and now these potatoes. Even my kids hate them and they will eat anything in the pantry and fridge! The only thing I like is the size of the package which is perfect for a family with 2 younger kids. Label: Negative --- After searching many local stores to find this product I ordered it via Amazon. I took the advice of other reviewers & ordered the 3 pack. I've only made pancakes w/ it, but they are delicious. Some complain that they are bland. I always add a little something to flavor my pancakes. A few drops of vanilla & a sprinkle of cinnamon had these pancakes tasting wonderful! My 2 yr old loved them. I highly recommend you try the GF Bisquick. Label: Positive --- I purchased 3 containers of this cereal all having expiration dates in 2012. The first container I opened seemed fine (at least I hope it is! I fed it to my 5 month old!) The cereal color was a pale whitish-tan and there was relatively no odor to it. Baby likes it so I am happy. The second container I opened (again, same packaging, and good expiration date) had a totally different color - this time it was brownish-green. However, the worst part was the rancid smell. It smells like rancid oil. I opened the third container - same brownish-green color and and same rancid smell. Very unhappy with this product. I have contacted the company, but have had no reply yet. I would not recommend feeding this to your baby. Label: Negative --- I have been a rose Gardner for many years, I remember when this product was made by Ortho and called Rose Pride. This product really helps with the pests and diseases that roses tend to acquire. Though it does not stop all pests (cane borers) it stops the major ones that cause serious damage and spread disease. I treat all my plants on the same monthly regiment and make sure to do it every four to six weeks making a note on my calendar. Like one other reviewer said you will not see immediate results with this since it is systemic. For the best results make sure to read the package and work the granules into the soil and water in. Label: Positive --- Some of the other reviewers noted that they still had reactions to this product. Look at the ingredients - any sort of hydrolyzed vegetable protein contains MSG. This is a trick used by most companies in the food industry. There are like 25 different names for MSG- or free glutamate-containing substances, and they just hide it under a different name (Google "Other Names for MSG" and you will be appalled). Unfortunately the FDA does not require any real disclosure on labels - MSG can also be labeled simply as "spices" or "natural flavors." It's safe to go ahead and assume that any flavor base seasoning such as that used here will have some type of MSG in it. If another processed product such as flavor base is used in creating a new product, the ingredients in the component product (e.g., flavor base)are not required to be disclosed on the label. At least this manufacturer had the decency to list what was in the flavor base. Label: Negative --- These truffles are not as great as they are made up to be. I thought for the price they would have a greater taste, but they didn't have much taste at all. They are not worth the price, but had to find out for myself. I will not be buying truffles again, and I'm not going to spend over $10 for a fresh one. Label: Negative --- The thing about Marmite is that those who don't like it hate it, and those who love it can't live without it. It's very much "an English thing" and the language has even adopted the trade name as a metaphor (as in "Victoria Beckham is Marmite" meaning that those who don't like her...etc.). Amazon has done the world a favor by making this weird and wonderful stuff available at an affordable price. Last time I looked, it was $25 a 500g jar in British stores in L.A.County, or about 4x what it costs in England. The Amazon supplier was quick and efficient, and I now have enough Marmite to last me to the end of the year (or would have, if I didn't decide to send one of the two jars to my son in Japan!). Good job, Amazon! Label: Positive --- The Gevalia Breakfast Blend is perhaps the best coffee I have ever purchased. It is full-bodied, without being bitter. It also is much cheaper to purchase through Amazon - with Free shipping for prime members. Cant' beat it. Label: Positive --- I purchased a case of these tomatoes a couple of months ago, and the cans were so badly bent and warped my can opener won't open them. I complained to Amazon and they shipped another case out right away - but those cans are worse than the first case! I won't order again. Label: Negative --- A very delicate green tea with a smooth light taste and an subtle floral tones and no bitter aftertaste. In the 20+ years we have been drinking Ahmad teas not even once have we been disappointed. The superb quality of Ahmad teas has remained consistent throughout the years. I am so happy to find Ahmad teas available here (thanks Amazon!) because only a few stores carry it in my area and they are quite a few miles away. The current deal for the pack of 6 is superb (much cheaper than I can find locally). This is a great tasting tea, which I am happy to recommend. Label: Positive --- I was a little hesitant to try these, especially after reading such mixed reviews although overall they were positive. However, I liked the idea that they are healthier than regular chips and I figured they would be great for school lunches, quick snacks, etc. I decided to give them a try and figured if we did not like them, they could be donated. I ordered a mixed case the first time around to see which flavors we liked more (or less) and thought that would give us a good sampling. After deciding we liked most of the flavors, we decided to try other ones as well. Despite the flavor preferences, these chips do not taste like cardboard. At first taste, they are a little crunchier and thicker than you might expect. I think this is a good thing, because it means they are not heavily-laden with oil. The 0.8 oz bags are 100 calories each as well, which is much better than the other alternatives and gives you the enjoyment of chips without the extra calories, trans fat, etc. I have included a summary of opinions below from myself, friends and family for each flavor: Sea Salt & Vinegar - Great, the absolute favorite flavor for everyone BBQ - Very good, I'm not crazy about BBQ to begin with but would say this flavor is "sweet" BBQ. Everyone else loved them. Cheddar - Very Good, probably close in preference to the BBQ Original Potato - Good, but a little salty (seems to fluctuate somewhat between bags) Salt & Pepper - Good, everyone liked them but preferred other flavors more Parmesan Garlic - Good, but overall was 50/50. You definitely taste more parmesan than garlic and most people were expecting the latter. Sour Cream & Onion - Not so good, no one really liked these enough to want more or to even finish the bag I know taste is a very subjective thing, but I hope this review helps someone decide to give these a try. I did get them at a reduced price through subscribe & save, and shortly after my first order, Amazon had them on the Gold Box for an even better price. I think the average price per bag came out to approximately forty six cents a bag and had free shipping under my prime account. Label: Positive --- These are a delicious guilt free snack that I always have handy. They are so convenient and last a long time. I also get the corn and mixed veggies which are also wonderful. You can get them at Whole Foods but not at this price. Label: Positive --- I'm a bit perplexed wondering what void in the beverage market this is intended to fill. Imagine a super sweet slightly carbonated juice drink with an almost syrupy consistency and you have The Switch. I had to drink a tall glass of water after drinking a can of this carbonated candy in a can because it's anything but refreshing. Label: Negative --- My Scotties were full of hot spots and when I used this within a week all the hot spots were gone. The smell is kinda strong, but not bad. It's tolerablel. Label: Positive --- My pup and I really enjoyed this in the beginning. She very quickly learned how to hold the rope with one paw and tip the bottle with the other to get food out. We were starting to learn some other things (adding balls inside to change how the food fell out, etc). Screwing the cap on was always difficult, with it needing to be lined up exactly right. Soon, however, the threads broke off the bottle so that we could no longer screw the "cap" on. Now it is useless. Label: Negative --- I purchased these for my candy buffet at my wedding and I'm not impressed at all. I could have saved money by ordering them directly from Oriental Trading Company which is clearly where they came from. they look cheap and they're not as colorful as shown in the picture. the Oriental Trading Company information is on the back of the wrappers on the lollipops. most of the lollipop sticks are bent and two lollipops arrived broken. the box only has 12 lollipops, but in the description it says there's 16. I would have expected that if I knew they were coming from Oriental Trading Company, but that's not in the description, so I feel ripped off. Label: Negative --- I tried several brands and definitely prefer the Green Mountian brand over Van Houtte, Gloria Jeans, or Coffee People. I suggest someone new to K cups to get the smallest samples of each brand and decide for yourself before buying any in quantity. Label: Negative --- I have a new Akita puppy, and bought the Canidae ALS for him since I couldn't get the breeders type of food in my area. After transitioning him to the Canidae, his stools were loose and yellow. I looked on-line, and saw that Canidae switched their formula, and my puppy's symptoms were mild compared to some I read about. I immediately switched my puppy to Wellness Puppy, and everything has been coming out fine since. Label: Negative
In this task, you need to answer 'Yes' if the given word is the longest word (in terms of number of letters) in the given sentence, else answer 'No'. Note that there could be multiple longest words in a sentence as they can have the same length that is the largest across all words in that sentence. Possible labels: 1. No 2. Yes Input: Sentence: 'a blue bird sitting on top of a barbed wire'. Is 'sitting' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'looking into a truck mirror at another truck morror'. Is 'looking' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'there is a small stuffed bear by a christmas tree'. Is 'christmas' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'thick crust pizza with red sauce and vegetables on top'. Is 'top' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a bowl has onions shredded carrots and other ingredients in it'. Is 'ingredients' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a shower door a sink a mirror and an outlet'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a person eating a piece of pizza and a cup of tea'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a made bed next to window in a brown toned room'. Is 'to' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a group of men on a field playing baseball'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a table of fast food meals with pepsi and cake'. Is 'pepsi' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'two green street signs on a metal pole'. Is 'street' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'the woman in the blue dress is at the bathroom sink'. Is 'the' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a group of people sitting around a table are sharing a meal'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a zebra is standing outdoors in a field near some trees'. Is 'outdoors' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a neatly made up bed in a hotel room'. Is 'in' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a white paper plate topped with two hot dogs and chips'. Is 'topped' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'the sandwich is much longer than the table'. Is 'sandwich' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'girl on a bus holding a big brown leather purse'. Is 'holding' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a train covered with snow sits in a train station'. Is 'station' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a pudgy man holds a huge hot dog and chips'. Is 'chips' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a piece of fish on a wood plank by a bed of rice broccoli and a lemon'. Is 'broccoli' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a kitchen with a refrigerator a sink and counter tops'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a herd of sheep standing on a hillside under a blue sky'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'barely lit empty living room with fireplace and large television'. Is 'with' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'looking at elephant through windshield of all terrain vehicle'. Is 'at' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'two skiers skiing between trees down a snowy hill'. Is 'skiing' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a blue bus with windows is parked and behind it is a blue walking ramp'. Is 'bus' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a street light with trees and a sky background'. Is 'background' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a dog is chasing a frisbee across the grass in front of people'. Is 'frisbee' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'an image of a man with a dog on motorcycle'. Is 'motorcycle' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a dog in a boat looking at the water'. Is 'looking' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a tall white surfboard leaning up on a bamboo wall'. Is 'leaning' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a paint store with four parked trucks in front of it'. Is 'trucks' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a person is holding a nintendo wii controller'. Is 'controller' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a teddy bear hanging from the clothes line out of a window'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a woman on a hard surface tennis court holding a tennis racquet and moving towards the net'. Is 'towards' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'two polar bears are on the rocks fighting'. Is 'fighting' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a brown and white horse walking behind a wooden fence'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a man in a white shirt standing next to the open door of a black refrigerator'. Is 'refrigerator' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'multiple fire engines in the street in front of building'. Is 'fire' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'an image of blurry shot of a street corner'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a group of people in a field flying kites'. Is 'people' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a brown cat is laying next to a laptop'. Is 'laptop' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a woman on a skateboard doing a trick'. Is 'skateboard' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'there are several young boys practicing soccer some with their dads'. Is 'boys' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'guys holding a frisbee outside surrounded by trees'. Is 'surrounded' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a black bear sniffs a tree trunk in a grassy meadow'. Is 'meadow' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'three men and one woman are standing outside while one man looks at his phone'. Is 'standing' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'man playing tennis with tennis racket on court'. Is 'racket' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a married couple are standing by their cake'. Is 'their' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a glass of orange juice sitting under a juicer'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'three people posing for a picture while standing on the ski slope'. Is 'slope' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a plate of noodles with meat and vegetables mixed in'. Is 'in' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'skateboarder looking out over bowl while spectators look on'. Is 'over' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a person riding a surf board in a body of water'. Is 'person' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a man walking down a sidewalk next to a car'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'the man is standing on an old decrepid wooden bridge'. Is 'man' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a street scene with people gathered around a tower'. Is 'street' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'baseball players talk and stretch during a game'. Is 'players' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a small homemade pizza with nine tomato pieces'. Is 'homemade' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a large street sign stands near a large brick house'. Is 'house' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a couple of statues with a umbrella in hand'. Is 'couple' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'two scout leaders talking to each other at a long table'. Is 'talking' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a group of people walking around a lush green park'. Is 'around' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'three surfers at bottom a wave two looking for their boards'. Is 'for' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a group of men riding on horses holding flags'. Is 'group' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a herd of animals standing on top of a lush green field'. Is 'of' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'clock on the face of a building with an oval steeple'. Is 'with' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a small bird on a tree brand near fruits and leaves'. Is 'fruits' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a woman holding a tennis racquet on top of a tennis court'. Is 'top' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a yellow pickup truck is carrying three guys and other large objects'. Is 'yellow' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a girl is drinking coffee while typing on a keyboard'. Is 'keyboard' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'the young girl runs toward the net to meet the tennis ball'. Is 'runs' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a photograph of an old typewriter in a museum'. Is 'typewriter' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a fuzzy blanket feels like fur to this car'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a person is para sailing through the air wearing a fan'. Is 'through' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a man leaning a little bit to catch a tennis ball with his racket'. Is 'leaning' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'the living room is furnished with dark colored furniture'. Is 'dark' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a man standing in the snow on skiis'. Is 'standing' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a woman walking across the street with an umbrella'. Is 'with' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a television sits on top of a stack of books'. Is 'on' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'two people sitting in a kitchen with a microwave and a stove'. Is 'and' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'two pizzas sitting on top of a wooden counter'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'donuts are being removed from a conveyor belt'. Is 'donuts' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'some bicycles a scooter a person some trees and buildings'. Is 'buildings' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'the food is being cooked in the frying pan'. Is 'the' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a hot dog on a bun with mustard and catsup'. Is 'and' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a subway has tables with table cloths and chairs'. Is 'subway' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a street sign hangs over a city intersection'. Is 'intersection' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'an extreme close up of pizza and a fork on a plate'. Is 'on' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'there is a silver train pulled into the station'. Is 'station' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a herd of small cattle walking on a farm'. Is 'on' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a close up of a plate of food with vegetables'. Is 'vegetables' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a green train parked at a train station dock'. Is 'station' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'three men and one woman are standing outside while one man looks at his phone'. Is 'standing' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a woman slicing tomatoes in a industrial style kitchen'. Is 'in' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'several different gourds are displayed at a market'. Is 'displayed' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a woman jumps off the ground as she catches a frisbee'. Is 'catches' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'seagull flying through marina with many boats around '. Is 'boats' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a lone man sitting on a bench on hill next to a large tree'. Is 'sitting' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a young girl appears to be enjoying a biscuit of some sort'. Is 'young' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a beautiful bird on a branch watching the goings on of the forest'. Is 'the' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a hand is seen guiding a computer mouse'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a plate contains pasta and vegetables and cheeses'. Is 'and' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'horses are walking through water on a beach'. Is 'beach' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'two woman are holding surfboard at the waters edge'. Is 'surfboard' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a group of people enjoying a certain food as the subject of the photo has a blissful look of enjoyment'. Is 'has' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a large airplane that is on the runway'. Is 'airplane' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a man is standing next to the train at the station'. Is 'the' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'woman playing tennis with bleachers in the background'. Is 'tennis' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a collection of vases on a wooden shelf'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a home office with a desk several computers and other office equipment'. Is 'home' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a girl sleeping on one end of a couch with a cat sleeping on the other end'. Is 'sleeping' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a couple of signs hanging beside one another'. Is 'another' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a young child holding a bate next to a tee ball'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'an elephant and a rhinoceros stand not far from each other'. Is 'each' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a living room with a couch a table and chairs'. Is 'chairs' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a baby has its hand on a computer mouse that sits on a computer keyboard'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'some forks and a pizza with black ovlives on a white plate'. Is 'ovlives' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'three laptop computers with the same screensaver on a desk'. Is 'computers' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a group of men with frisbees pose for the camera'. Is 'pose' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a man in a dress shirt folding his arms across his chest'. Is 'folding' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a close up of two people talking on cell phones'. Is 'cell' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a beach with chairs and umbrellas with a cruise ship in the background'. Is 'and' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a turquoise vase full of flowers on a table'. Is 'turquoise' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'woman walking with an umbrella pass a double decker bus'. Is 'umbrella' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a bathroom is shown with a sink and tree'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'the clothes are folded in the suit case'. Is 'clothes' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a giraffe in a cage with a sign behind it'. Is 'cage' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a cat standing next to a book about cats and dogs'. Is 'book' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a road filled with traffic led by a big blue bus'. Is 'traffic' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a man that has a tennis racket in hand'. Is 'racket' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a girl holding a bottle of sunscreen and standing next to a sign'. Is 'of' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'mother and baby zebras eating in thier cage'. Is 'eating' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'brick clock tower with a rounded top and many windows'. Is 'and' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a sink sitting in a kitchen under a cupboard'. Is 'under' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a expired parking meter that reads time expired'. Is 'meter' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'the two men are playing with a frisbee'. Is 'frisbee' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'an image of a man lying in the snow going thru a snow bank'. Is 'lying' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a bird resting comfortably on a laptop computer'. Is 'laptop' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a dog hiding under the wooden desk and chair'. Is 'wooden' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a motorcycle that is parked on a gravel road'. Is 'motorcycle' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a person flying a kite on the beach'. Is 'person' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a man in red and white trunks standing in front of a surfboard'. Is 'trunks' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a brown horse wearing a purple outfit on top of a green field'. Is 'green' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a man is on a skateboard jumping over over skateboards'. Is 'skateboards' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a girl walking on a path near a person on a bench'. Is 'on' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a person using a computer keyboard on top of a desk'. Is 'computer' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a tour tram going down a track past a small pond'. Is 'small' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a man on a tennis court holding a tennis racket'. Is 'court' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a man standing at a banana stand during the night'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a motorcycle rider rides by the blue mountains'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'many trucks alongside a large metal tower'. Is 'trucks' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a white computer mouse sitting next to a keyboard'. Is 'to' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a couple of women sitting on a curb next to a white train'. Is 'of' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a man cross country skis on a trail surrounded by trees'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a black bear walking through a lush green forest'. Is 'walking' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a woman in white shirt and pink shorts skateboarding'. Is 'skateboarding' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a city bus approaching a bus stop to pick up a man'. Is 'approaching' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a woman and child playing the wii fit'. Is 'playing' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a woman throwing in tennsi ball in the air holding a tennis racquet'. Is 'in' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a person who is flying a kite on a rocky beach'. Is 'rocky' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a teddy bear posed as reading a book on a bed'. Is 'bed' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'broccoli cauliflower and red peppers are displayed in a bowl'. Is 'cauliflower' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'there are two small animals standing on the other side of the gate'. Is 'of' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a dog sitting next to a table with a red apple'. Is 'apple' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a man in a red jacket and a woman mannequin in a red top'. Is 'man' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a shower inside of a hotel guest room'. Is 'of' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a close up of a plate of food with vegetables'. Is 'vegetables' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a bath room with a toilet and a sink'. Is 'and' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'one of the two elephants is lifting a plastic barrel with its trunk'. Is 'two' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a mirror in a bathroom covered with drawings'. Is 'with' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a bench sitting in the snow in front of a body of water'. Is 'sitting' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a living room with two people standing inside of it'. Is 'standing' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a man riding a brown horse next to two men'. Is 'riding' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a man sitting at a table with a pizza and a glass in front of him'. Is 'sitting' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'there is a small stuffed bear by a christmas tree'. Is 'christmas' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'dog outside standing on his hind legs catching a frisbee'. Is 'on' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a snow boarder is sitting in the snow at the top of a mountain'. Is 'the' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a bathroom that only has a toilet in it in'. Is 'toilet' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'the bicyclist is sitting on the back of the decorative bench to check her phone'. Is 'is' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'skateboarder looking out over bowl while spectators look on'. Is 'over' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'one cat peers down at another inside a house'. Is 'another' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a stuffed peanut toy sitting inside an oven'. Is 'inside' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a bathroom with a toilet in the bathroom'. Is 'with' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'slices of tomatoes and lettuce in a tray with a sandwich'. Is 'sandwich' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a picture of two people sitting on a bench'. Is 'sitting' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a small yellow and grey bird is walking on the ground'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a group of young men playing a game of soccer'. Is 'playing' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a man holding a teddy bear in a house'. Is 'in' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a young boy eats a doughnut top with heartshaped candies'. Is 'top' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a woman standing in front of a wall holding a sign and a kite'. Is 'front' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a girl in a scout uniform playing with a toy by a fence'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a bed room with a bed and large clear doors'. Is 'doors' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a young boy holding a soccer ball in his hands'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'lady walking her luggage through the terminal'. Is 'lady' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'looking at elephant through windshield of all terrain vehicle'. Is 'at' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a bear in a cage with the trainer besides him'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'country furnishings include wood floors and walls in the bedroom'. Is 'furnishings' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'the man on the toilet is reading the paper'. Is 'the' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a man swinging a baseball bat at a ball while another looks on'. Is 'at' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a room has a tan couch brown table and a lot of books'. Is 'table' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'adult and baby elephants are walking through the dry ground'. Is 'elephants' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a carriage with driver and people being drawn by a white horse'. Is 'a' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a surfer is riding a large wave out in the water'. Is 'surfer' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a woman playing a wi game in her home'. Is 'woman' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'motorcycles race along a wide and curved raceway'. Is 'and' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'candles and flowers neatly placed on a table'. Is 'flowers' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a horse and a small dog running through a field'. Is 'running' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'sink with shelf and mirror and gray tiled wall'. Is 'mirror' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'the kitchen has brown cabinets and a silver refrigerator'. Is 'refrigerator' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a couple of cats sitting down on the floor'. Is 'sitting' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a guy in a plaid shirt climbing a hill with a board in his hand'. Is 'plaid' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a computer desk has some shoes under it'. Is 'under' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'the view of a rail line in a city'. Is 'rail' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a tray with avocados toast and a beverage'. Is 'beverage' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a cute little kitten sitting on a laptop keyboard'. Is 'cute' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a boy in the air as he does a trick on a skateboard from a ramp'. Is 'skateboard' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'man in a hat sitting at table with slice of pizza'. Is 'man' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a man on a horse that is walking down a road'. Is 'walking' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a couple of people holding wii remotes and looking at a tv monitor'. Is 'remotes' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes Input: Sentence: 'a woman sitting at a table having a drink'. Is 'table' the longest word in the sentence? Label: No Input: Sentence: 'a bathroom with multiple stalls with doors and toilets'. Is 'multiple' the longest word in the sentence? Label: Yes
Given a story, answer the question about the story. The question is the last sentence in the input. The story has one of the three following scenarios: the first is when the individual's belief matches reality, the second is when the individual's belief does not match reality, and the third is when an individual has a false belief about another individual's beliefs. The question will ask about the location of an object in the story with respect to either none or one of the three scenarios. Note that there are distractor sentences in each story that are unrelated to the question and are designed to confuse the reader. Given: Phone rang. Mason entered the master_bedroom. Emily entered the master_bedroom. The persimmon is in the red_drawer. Emily exited the master_bedroom. Mason moved the persimmon to the red_envelope. Mason exited the master_bedroom. Emily entered the master_bedroom. Where will Emily look for the persimmon? Ans: red_envelope Given: Sophia entered the TV_room. James entered the TV_room. The potato is in the blue_bathtub. Sophia moved the potato to the blue_envelope. Where is the potato really? Ans: blue_envelope Given: Benjamin entered the sunroom. Mia entered the sunroom. The tomato is in the red_cupboard. Mia exited the sunroom. Benjamin moved the tomato to the red_crate. Benjamin exited the sunroom. Mia entered the sunroom. Where will Mia look for the tomato? Ans: red_crate Given: Ethan entered the basement. Ella entered the basement. The tomato is in the red_drawer. Ella exited the basement. Ethan moved the tomato to the green_treasure_chest. Ethan exited the basement. Ella entered the basement. Where does Ethan think that Ella searches for the tomato? Ans: red_drawer Given: Phone rang. Alexander entered the porch. James entered the porch. The grapefruit is in the green_suitcase. James exited the porch. Alexander moved the grapefruit to the blue_treasure_chest. Where is the grapefruit really? Ans: blue_treasure_chest Given: Liam entered the garage. Phone rang. Jackson entered the garage. The carrot is in the blue_envelope. Jackson exited the garage. Liam moved the carrot to the green_basket. Phone rang. Where was the carrot at the beginning? Ans: blue_envelope Given: Jackson entered the office. Aria entered the office. The persimmon is in the blue_treasure_chest. Phone rang. Aria exited the office. Jackson moved the persimmon to the red_pantry. Where will Aria look for the persimmon? Ans: blue_treasure_chest Given: Aiden entered the back_yard. Emily entered the back_yard. Phone rang. The carrot is in the green_cupboard. Aiden moved the carrot to the green_crate. Where is the carrot really? Ans: green_crate Given: Abigail entered the staircase. Alexander entered the staircase. The turnip is in the blue_pantry. Phone rang. Alexander exited the staircase. Abigail moved the turnip to the blue_treasure_chest. Phone rang. Where will Alexander look for the turnip? Ans: blue_pantry Given: Phone rang. Evelyn entered the crawlspace. Sophia entered the crawlspace. Phone rang. The lime is in the red_bottle. Sophia exited the crawlspace. Evelyn moved the lime to the green_suitcase. Evelyn exited the crawlspace. Sophia entered the crawlspace. Phone rang. Where is the lime really? Ans: green_suitcase Given: Phone rang. Mia entered the TV_room. Phone rang. Oliver entered the TV_room. The cabbage is in the blue_container. Mia moved the cabbage to the green_envelope. Where will Oliver look for the cabbage? Ans: green_envelope Given: Alexander entered the playroom. Oliver entered the playroom. The celery is in the green_basket. Alexander moved the celery to the green_crate. Where does Alexander think that Oliver searches for the celery? Ans: green_crate Given: Amelia entered the hall. Elizabeth entered the hall. Phone rang. The strawberry is in the green_crate. Amelia moved the strawberry to the blue_crate. Where does Amelia think that Elizabeth searches for the strawberry? Ans: blue_crate Given: Evelyn entered the patio. Avery entered the patio. The apple is in the green_drawer. Avery exited the patio. Evelyn moved the apple to the green_suitcase. Evelyn exited the patio. Avery entered the patio. Where was the apple at the beginning? Ans: green_drawer Given: Sophia entered the living_room. Logan entered the living_room. The cucumber is in the red_envelope. Logan exited the living_room. Sophia moved the cucumber to the green_treasure_chest. Sophia exited the living_room. Logan entered the living_room. Phone rang. Where does Sophia think that Logan searches for the cucumber? Ans: red_envelope Given: Aiden entered the staircase. Evelyn entered the staircase. The watermelon is in the red_treasure_chest. Evelyn exited the staircase. Aiden moved the watermelon to the red_crate. Phone rang. Where does Aiden think that Evelyn searches for the watermelon? Ans: red_treasure_chest Given: Logan entered the bedroom. Benjamin entered the bedroom. The apple is in the blue_box. Phone rang. Logan moved the apple to the blue_suitcase. Where will Benjamin look for the apple? Ans: blue_suitcase Given: Ethan entered the bathroom. James entered the bathroom. The carrot is in the blue_treasure_chest. Ethan moved the carrot to the red_treasure_chest. Where will James look for the carrot? Ans: red_treasure_chest Given: Olivia entered the playroom. Evelyn entered the playroom. The orange is in the red_bucket. Olivia moved the orange to the red_drawer. Where was the orange at the beginning? Ans: red_bucket Given: Ethan entered the front_yard. Benjamin entered the front_yard. The orange is in the blue_box. Ethan moved the orange to the blue_container. Where will Benjamin look for the orange? Ans: blue_container Given: Lucas entered the basement. Isabella entered the basement. The corn is in the green_basket. Isabella exited the basement. Lucas moved the corn to the green_bucket. Lucas exited the basement. Isabella entered the basement. Where does Lucas think that Isabella searches for the corn? Ans: green_basket Given: Lucas entered the hallway. Logan entered the hallway. Phone rang. The spinach is in the red_suitcase. Logan exited the hallway. Phone rang. Lucas moved the spinach to the green_drawer. Phone rang. Lucas exited the hallway. Logan entered the hallway. Where does Lucas think that Logan searches for the spinach? Ans: red_suitcase Given: Ella entered the kitchen. Jayden entered the kitchen. The persimmon is in the blue_envelope. Jayden exited the kitchen. Ella moved the persimmon to the red_crate. Phone rang. Where was the persimmon at the beginning? Ans: blue_envelope Given: Alexander entered the dining_room. James entered the dining_room. The persimmon is in the red_envelope. James exited the dining_room. Alexander moved the persimmon to the red_crate. Phone rang. Where will James look for the persimmon? Ans: red_envelope Given: Alexander entered the garden. Elizabeth entered the garden. The green_pepper is in the blue_suitcase. Elizabeth exited the garden. Alexander moved the green_pepper to the green_cupboard. Phone rang. Where does Alexander think that Elizabeth searches for the green_pepper? Ans: blue_suitcase Given: Jayden entered the bathroom. Amelia entered the bathroom. Phone rang. The onion is in the green_crate. Amelia exited the bathroom. Jayden moved the onion to the red_bucket. Where was the onion at the beginning? Ans: green_crate Given: Oliver entered the TV_room. Mason entered the TV_room. The green_pepper is in the blue_pantry. Mason exited the TV_room. Oliver moved the green_pepper to the blue_crate. Where will Mason look for the green_pepper? Ans: blue_pantry Given: Phone rang. Ethan entered the lounge. Oliver entered the lounge. The grapefruit is in the red_crate. Oliver exited the lounge. Ethan moved the grapefruit to the red_bottle. Where was the grapefruit at the beginning? Ans: red_crate Given: William entered the garage. Emily entered the garage. The asparagus is in the green_treasure_chest. Emily exited the garage. William moved the asparagus to the red_cupboard. William exited the garage. Phone rang. Emily entered the garage. Phone rang. Where is the asparagus really? Ans: red_cupboard Given: Elizabeth entered the study. Olivia entered the study. The cucumber is in the blue_crate. Olivia exited the study. Elizabeth moved the cucumber to the green_bottle. Elizabeth exited the study. Olivia entered the study. Where is the cucumber really? Ans: green_bottle Given: Oliver entered the dining_room. William entered the dining_room. The grapefruit is in the blue_bathtub. William exited the dining_room. Oliver moved the grapefruit to the red_crate. Oliver exited the dining_room. William entered the dining_room. Where is the grapefruit really? Ans: red_crate Given: Jacob entered the laundry. Alexander entered the laundry. The cucumber is in the red_treasure_chest. Phone rang. Alexander exited the laundry. Jacob moved the cucumber to the blue_container. Where will Alexander look for the cucumber? Ans: red_treasure_chest Given: James entered the workshop. Phone rang. Lucas entered the workshop. The turnip is in the green_pantry. Lucas exited the workshop. James moved the turnip to the green_bucket. James exited the workshop. Lucas entered the workshop. Where is the turnip really? Ans: green_bucket Given: Mason entered the front_yard. Aria entered the front_yard. The watermelon is in the blue_container. Aria exited the front_yard. Mason moved the watermelon to the red_bottle. Where does Mason think that Aria searches for the watermelon? Ans: blue_container Given: Ethan entered the hallway. Jackson entered the hallway. Phone rang. The turnip is in the blue_crate. Jackson exited the hallway. Ethan moved the turnip to the green_bottle. Ethan exited the hallway. Jackson entered the hallway. Where will Jackson look for the turnip? Ans: green_bottle Given: Oliver entered the dining_room. Owen entered the dining_room. Phone rang. The carrot is in the blue_bathtub. Oliver moved the carrot to the red_envelope. Where does Oliver think that Owen searches for the carrot? Ans: red_envelope Given: Elizabeth entered the dining_room. Lucas entered the dining_room. The apple is in the green_cupboard. Elizabeth moved the apple to the blue_envelope. Phone rang. Where was the apple at the beginning? Ans: green_cupboard Given: William entered the TV_room. Benjamin entered the TV_room. The spinach is in the blue_pantry. Phone rang. William moved the spinach to the blue_container. Where will Benjamin look for the spinach? Ans: blue_container Given: Jackson entered the staircase. Benjamin entered the staircase. The grapes is in the blue_cupboard. Benjamin exited the staircase. Jackson moved the grapes to the green_drawer. Where does Jackson think that Benjamin searches for the grapes? Ans: blue_cupboard Given: Amelia entered the closet. Hannah entered the closet. Phone rang. The lettuce is in the green_cupboard. Phone rang. Amelia moved the lettuce to the blue_box. Where will Hannah look for the lettuce? Ans: blue_box Given: Sophia entered the attic. Charlotte entered the attic. The grapefruit is in the red_treasure_chest. Sophia moved the grapefruit to the red_envelope. Where will Charlotte look for the grapefruit? Ans: red_envelope Given: Liam entered the closet. Logan entered the closet. The carrot is in the red_pantry. Logan exited the closet. Liam moved the carrot to the blue_crate. Where will Logan look for the carrot? Ans: red_pantry Given: Amelia entered the study. Logan entered the study. The peach is in the blue_crate. Logan exited the study. Amelia moved the peach to the red_bottle. Where does Amelia think that Logan searches for the peach? Ans: blue_crate Given: Mia entered the attic. Phone rang. Liam entered the attic. Phone rang. The broccoli is in the green_envelope. Liam exited the attic. Phone rang. Mia moved the broccoli to the red_suitcase. Mia exited the attic. Liam entered the attic. Where was the broccoli at the beginning? Ans: green_envelope Given: Ella entered the office. William entered the office. The cabbage is in the green_drawer. William exited the office. Ella moved the cabbage to the blue_suitcase. Where is the cabbage really? Ans: blue_suitcase Given: William entered the workshop. Hannah entered the workshop. Phone rang. The spinach is in the green_envelope. Hannah exited the workshop. William moved the spinach to the blue_envelope. William exited the workshop. Hannah entered the workshop. Where is the spinach really? Ans: blue_envelope Given: Avery entered the cellar. Isabella entered the cellar. The green_pepper is in the blue_cupboard. Avery moved the green_pepper to the blue_crate. Where will Isabella look for the green_pepper? Ans: blue_crate Given: Phone rang. Oliver entered the workshop. Phone rang. Alexander entered the workshop. The turnip is in the green_bucket. Oliver moved the turnip to the red_suitcase. Where does Oliver think that Alexander searches for the turnip? Ans: red_suitcase Given: Jacob entered the pantry. Mason entered the pantry. The green_pepper is in the red_cupboard. Mason exited the pantry. Phone rang. Jacob moved the green_pepper to the green_pantry. Where does Jacob think that Mason searches for the green_pepper? Ans: red_cupboard Given: Lucas entered the front_yard. Jack entered the front_yard. Phone rang. The peach is in the blue_envelope. Jack exited the front_yard. Lucas moved the peach to the green_bottle. Where was the peach at the beginning? Ans: blue_envelope Given: Phone rang. Evelyn entered the bedroom. Avery entered the bedroom. The lettuce is in the blue_cupboard. Avery exited the bedroom. Evelyn moved the lettuce to the blue_bathtub. Evelyn exited the bedroom. Avery entered the bedroom. Where was the lettuce at the beginning? Ans: blue_cupboard Given: Elizabeth entered the dining_room. Phone rang. Ethan entered the dining_room. The tangerine is in the red_bucket. Ethan exited the dining_room. Elizabeth moved the tangerine to the blue_envelope. Elizabeth exited the dining_room. Ethan entered the dining_room. Where is the tangerine really? Ans: blue_envelope Given: Isabella entered the back_yard. Emily entered the back_yard. The lettuce is in the green_envelope. Emily exited the back_yard. Isabella moved the lettuce to the red_cupboard. Isabella exited the back_yard. Emily entered the back_yard. Where will Emily look for the lettuce? Ans: red_cupboard Given: Logan entered the bedroom. Evelyn entered the bedroom. The eggplant is in the green_crate. Evelyn exited the bedroom. Logan moved the eggplant to the green_basket. Logan exited the bedroom. Evelyn entered the bedroom. Where does Logan think that Evelyn searches for the eggplant? Ans: green_crate Given: Jackson entered the front_yard. Avery entered the front_yard. The tangerine is in the green_pantry. Jackson moved the tangerine to the red_box. Where is the tangerine really? Ans: red_box Given: Isabella entered the closet. Logan entered the closet. Phone rang. The persimmon is in the red_treasure_chest. Isabella moved the persimmon to the green_crate. Where is the persimmon really? Ans: green_crate Given: Oliver entered the study. Abigail entered the study. The pear is in the blue_container. Abigail exited the study. Oliver moved the pear to the blue_cupboard. Where will Abigail look for the pear? Ans: blue_container Given: Olivia entered the TV_room. Oliver entered the TV_room. The green_pepper is in the red_bucket. Oliver exited the TV_room. Olivia moved the green_pepper to the red_bottle. Olivia exited the TV_room. Oliver entered the TV_room. Where does Olivia think that Oliver searches for the green_pepper? Ans: red_bucket Given: Isabella entered the crawlspace. Avery entered the crawlspace. The cabbage is in the green_cupboard. Avery exited the crawlspace. Isabella moved the cabbage to the blue_cupboard. Where is the cabbage really? Ans: blue_cupboard Given: Emily entered the master_bedroom. Evelyn entered the master_bedroom. The cucumber is in the blue_container. Emily moved the cucumber to the red_box. Phone rang. Where is the cucumber really? Ans: red_box Given: Phone rang. James entered the workshop. Isabella entered the workshop. The strawberry is in the blue_treasure_chest. Isabella exited the workshop. Phone rang. James moved the strawberry to the red_bucket. James exited the workshop. Isabella entered the workshop. Where is the strawberry really? Ans: red_bucket Given: Phone rang. Ella entered the playroom. Amelia entered the playroom. The asparagus is in the blue_bathtub. Phone rang. Amelia exited the playroom. Phone rang. Ella moved the asparagus to the red_suitcase. Ella exited the playroom. Amelia entered the playroom. Where is the asparagus really? Ans: red_suitcase Given: Lucas entered the TV_room. William entered the TV_room. The watermelon is in the blue_cupboard. William exited the TV_room. Lucas moved the watermelon to the red_cupboard. Where does Lucas think that William searches for the watermelon? Ans: blue_cupboard Given: Aiden entered the hallway. Avery entered the hallway. The asparagus is in the red_cupboard. Avery exited the hallway. Aiden moved the asparagus to the green_treasure_chest. Where does Aiden think that Avery searches for the asparagus? Ans: red_cupboard Given: Aria entered the pantry. Abigail entered the pantry. The cabbage is in the blue_crate. Abigail exited the pantry. Aria moved the cabbage to the red_cupboard. Where is the cabbage really? Ans: red_cupboard Given: Olivia entered the playroom. Liam entered the playroom. The pumpkin is in the green_envelope. Liam exited the playroom. Olivia moved the pumpkin to the blue_cupboard. Where does Olivia think that Liam searches for the pumpkin? Ans: green_envelope Given: Oliver entered the basement. Owen entered the basement. The banana is in the green_crate. Phone rang. Owen exited the basement. Phone rang. Oliver moved the banana to the red_cupboard. Oliver exited the basement. Owen entered the basement. Where is the banana really? Ans: red_cupboard Given: Benjamin entered the attic. Mia entered the attic. The asparagus is in the green_pantry. Mia exited the attic. Benjamin moved the asparagus to the blue_crate. Benjamin exited the attic. Mia entered the attic. Where was the asparagus at the beginning? Ans: green_pantry Given: Charlotte entered the dining_room. Mason entered the dining_room. The onion is in the green_crate. Mason exited the dining_room. Charlotte moved the onion to the red_bucket. Charlotte exited the dining_room. Mason entered the dining_room. Where does Charlotte think that Mason searches for the onion? Ans: green_crate Given: Ella entered the garden. Phone rang. Alexander entered the garden. The green_pepper is in the green_crate. Ella moved the green_pepper to the blue_envelope. Where is the green_pepper really? Ans: blue_envelope Given: Jayden entered the sunroom. Avery entered the sunroom. The turnip is in the red_treasure_chest. Jayden moved the turnip to the blue_cupboard. Where is the turnip really? Ans: blue_cupboard Given: Emily entered the playroom. Jack entered the playroom. Phone rang. The persimmon is in the blue_envelope. Jack exited the playroom. Emily moved the persimmon to the green_suitcase. Emily exited the playroom. Jack entered the playroom. Where does Emily think that Jack searches for the persimmon? Ans: blue_envelope Given: Aiden entered the hallway. Mason entered the hallway. The pear is in the red_envelope. Phone rang. Mason exited the hallway. Aiden moved the pear to the red_bottle. Where is the pear really? Ans: red_bottle Given: Oliver entered the back_yard. Mia entered the back_yard. Phone rang. The tangerine is in the blue_cupboard. Phone rang. Mia exited the back_yard. Oliver moved the tangerine to the red_suitcase. Where was the tangerine at the beginning? Ans: blue_cupboard Given: Lucas entered the playroom. Phone rang. Jack entered the playroom. The pumpkin is in the red_drawer. Lucas moved the pumpkin to the green_bottle. Where will Jack look for the pumpkin? Ans: green_bottle Given: Mia entered the hallway. Logan entered the hallway. The pear is in the green_cupboard. Logan exited the hallway. Mia moved the pear to the blue_cupboard. Mia exited the hallway. Logan entered the hallway. Where does Mia think that Logan searches for the pear? Ans: green_cupboard Given: Alexander entered the laundry. James entered the laundry. The potato is in the blue_crate. James exited the laundry. Alexander moved the potato to the red_pantry. Alexander exited the laundry. James entered the laundry. Where does Alexander think that James searches for the potato? Ans: blue_crate Given: Isabella entered the master_bedroom. Logan entered the master_bedroom. Phone rang. The banana is in the blue_treasure_chest. Logan exited the master_bedroom. Isabella moved the banana to the green_bottle. Isabella exited the master_bedroom. Logan entered the master_bedroom. Where is the banana really? Ans: green_bottle Given: Evelyn entered the office. William entered the office. The pumpkin is in the red_cupboard. Evelyn moved the pumpkin to the blue_container. Where is the pumpkin really? Ans: blue_container Given: Benjamin entered the living_room. Jayden entered the living_room. The broccoli is in the red_crate. Jayden exited the living_room. Benjamin moved the broccoli to the red_bucket. Benjamin exited the living_room. Jayden entered the living_room. Where will Jayden look for the broccoli? Ans: red_bucket Given: Sophia entered the den. Phone rang. Lucas entered the den. Phone rang. The lime is in the green_basket. Sophia moved the lime to the green_treasure_chest. Where was the lime at the beginning? Ans: green_basket Given: Jackson entered the garden. James entered the garden. The cabbage is in the green_crate. Jackson moved the cabbage to the red_drawer. Where was the cabbage at the beginning? Ans: green_crate Given: Jack entered the laundry. Jackson entered the laundry. The grapes is in the green_envelope. Phone rang. Jack moved the grapes to the green_crate. Where will Jackson look for the grapes? Ans: green_crate Given: Jack entered the dining_room. Sophia entered the dining_room. The onion is in the blue_pantry. Sophia exited the dining_room. Jack moved the onion to the red_pantry. Phone rang. Jack exited the dining_room. Sophia entered the dining_room. Where was the onion at the beginning? Ans: blue_pantry Given: Lucas entered the office. Oliver entered the office. The apple is in the green_treasure_chest. Oliver exited the office. Lucas moved the apple to the blue_crate. Where does Lucas think that Oliver searches for the apple? Ans: green_treasure_chest Given: Sophia entered the living_room. Avery entered the living_room. The cabbage is in the red_box. Sophia moved the cabbage to the blue_treasure_chest. Where is the cabbage really? Ans: blue_treasure_chest Given: Jayden entered the garage. Abigail entered the garage. The turnip is in the green_basket. Jayden moved the turnip to the blue_pantry. Where will Abigail look for the turnip? Ans: blue_pantry Given: Oliver entered the den. Alexander entered the den. The tomato is in the blue_container. Alexander exited the den. Oliver moved the tomato to the red_treasure_chest. Oliver exited the den. Phone rang. Alexander entered the den. Where does Oliver think that Alexander searches for the tomato? Ans: blue_container Given: Benjamin entered the den. Charlotte entered the den. The apple is in the red_envelope. Charlotte exited the den. Benjamin moved the apple to the red_box. Where is the apple really? Ans: red_box Given: Phone rang. Avery entered the closet. Aiden entered the closet. The orange is in the blue_container. Aiden exited the closet. Avery moved the orange to the green_treasure_chest. Where does Avery think that Aiden searches for the orange? Ans: blue_container Given: Aiden entered the attic. Phone rang. Jackson entered the attic. The pumpkin is in the blue_envelope. Jackson exited the attic. Aiden moved the pumpkin to the green_bottle. Aiden exited the attic. Jackson entered the attic. Where does Aiden think that Jackson searches for the pumpkin? Ans: blue_envelope Given: Mia entered the staircase. William entered the staircase. The potato is in the blue_bathtub. Mia moved the potato to the green_basket. Where does Mia think that William searches for the potato? Ans: green_basket Given: Benjamin entered the cellar. James entered the cellar. The grapes is in the red_treasure_chest. James exited the cellar. Benjamin moved the grapes to the blue_crate. Benjamin exited the cellar. James entered the cellar. Where was the grapes at the beginning? Ans: red_treasure_chest Given: Elizabeth entered the laundry. Jacob entered the laundry. The peach is in the green_suitcase. Jacob exited the laundry. Phone rang. Elizabeth moved the peach to the green_crate. Where does Elizabeth think that Jacob searches for the peach? Ans: green_suitcase Given: Isabella entered the hallway. Logan entered the hallway. Phone rang. The pineapple is in the green_crate. Isabella moved the pineapple to the blue_suitcase. Where will Logan look for the pineapple? Ans: blue_suitcase Given: Jack entered the living_room. Phone rang. Jayden entered the living_room. The asparagus is in the red_cupboard. Jayden exited the living_room. Jack moved the asparagus to the green_pantry. Where will Jayden look for the asparagus? Ans: red_cupboard Given: Charlotte entered the staircase. Jayden entered the staircase. The lime is in the red_bottle. Jayden exited the staircase. Charlotte moved the lime to the green_basket. Charlotte exited the staircase. Jayden entered the staircase. Where will Jayden look for the lime? Ans: green_basket Given: Ethan entered the office. Sophia entered the office. The beans is in the green_drawer. Phone rang. Ethan moved the beans to the red_bucket. Where was the beans at the beginning? Ans: green_drawer Given: Lucas entered the sunroom. Ella entered the sunroom. The pear is in the red_treasure_chest. Phone rang. Lucas moved the pear to the blue_envelope. Where does Lucas think that Ella searches for the pear? Ans: blue_envelope Given: Jacob entered the basement. Phone rang. Ella entered the basement. The potato is in the green_basket. Ella exited the basement. Jacob moved the potato to the blue_cupboard. Where is the potato really? Ans: blue_cupboard Given: Abigail entered the bedroom. Isabella entered the bedroom. The peach is in the green_basket. Isabella exited the bedroom. Abigail moved the peach to the green_drawer. Abigail exited the bedroom. Isabella entered the bedroom. Where was the peach at the beginning? Ans: green_basket Given: Benjamin entered the dining_room. Sophia entered the dining_room. The spinach is in the green_cupboard. Sophia exited the dining_room. Benjamin moved the spinach to the red_crate. Benjamin exited the dining_room. Sophia entered the dining_room. Where is the spinach really? Ans: red_crate Given: Abigail entered the bathroom. Amelia entered the bathroom. The cucumber is in the red_treasure_chest. Abigail moved the cucumber to the blue_treasure_chest. Where does Abigail think that Amelia searches for the cucumber? Ans: blue_treasure_chest Given: Amelia entered the bedroom. William entered the bedroom. The strawberry is in the green_basket. William exited the bedroom. Amelia moved the strawberry to the green_bucket. Where does Amelia think that William searches for the strawberry? Ans: green_basket Given: Phone rang. Mia entered the den. Sophia entered the den. The tomato is in the blue_box. Sophia exited the den. Mia moved the tomato to the red_crate. Where was the tomato at the beginning? Ans: blue_box Given: Liam entered the cellar. Abigail entered the cellar. The watermelon is in the red_box. Abigail exited the cellar. Liam moved the watermelon to the green_cupboard. Where will Abigail look for the watermelon? Ans: red_box Given: Benjamin entered the sunroom. Emily entered the sunroom. The grapefruit is in the red_treasure_chest. Emily exited the sunroom. Benjamin moved the grapefruit to the red_cupboard. Benjamin exited the sunroom. Emily entered the sunroom. Where is the grapefruit really? Ans: red_cupboard Given: Liam entered the bedroom. Evelyn entered the bedroom. The onion is in the green_drawer. Evelyn exited the bedroom. Liam moved the onion to the green_bucket. Liam exited the bedroom. Evelyn entered the bedroom. Where is the onion really? Ans: green_bucket Given: James entered the patio. Phone rang. Hannah entered the patio. The turnip is in the red_suitcase. Hannah exited the patio. James moved the turnip to the green_box. James exited the patio. Phone rang. Hannah entered the patio. Phone rang. Where will Hannah look for the turnip? Ans: green_box Given: Aria entered the bathroom. Benjamin entered the bathroom. The apple is in the green_treasure_chest. Benjamin exited the bathroom. Aria moved the apple to the red_envelope. Where was the apple at the beginning? Ans: green_treasure_chest Given: Oliver entered the living_room. Logan entered the living_room. The grapes is in the blue_bathtub. Logan exited the living_room. Oliver moved the grapes to the red_bottle. Oliver exited the living_room. Logan entered the living_room. Where does Oliver think that Logan searches for the grapes? Ans: blue_bathtub Given: Jackson entered the garden. Evelyn entered the garden. The orange is in the blue_bathtub. Evelyn exited the garden. Jackson moved the orange to the blue_container. Where is the orange really? Ans: blue_container Given: Ethan entered the back_yard. Jack entered the back_yard. The pineapple is in the blue_container. Phone rang. Ethan moved the pineapple to the blue_cupboard. Phone rang. Where does Ethan think that Jack searches for the pineapple? Ans: blue_cupboard Given: Aria entered the laundry. Logan entered the laundry. The lime is in the blue_envelope. Aria moved the lime to the red_bucket. Where was the lime at the beginning? Ans: blue_envelope Given: Phone rang. Abigail entered the living_room. Elizabeth entered the living_room. The grapefruit is in the red_box. Abigail moved the grapefruit to the green_box. Where will Elizabeth look for the grapefruit? Ans: green_box Given: Phone rang. Alexander entered the workshop. Avery entered the workshop. The green_pepper is in the blue_treasure_chest. Avery exited the workshop. Alexander moved the green_pepper to the red_cupboard. Where does Alexander think that Avery searches for the green_pepper? Ans: blue_treasure_chest Given: Elizabeth entered the office. Avery entered the office. The corn is in the red_drawer. Elizabeth moved the corn to the blue_box. Where is the corn really? Ans: blue_box Given: Avery entered the attic. Owen entered the attic. The pumpkin is in the green_drawer. Owen exited the attic. Avery moved the pumpkin to the red_cupboard. Avery exited the attic. Owen entered the attic. Where will Owen look for the pumpkin? Ans: red_cupboard Given: William entered the patio. Logan entered the patio. Phone rang. The banana is in the red_drawer. Logan exited the patio. William moved the banana to the green_suitcase. Where does William think that Logan searches for the banana? Ans: red_drawer Given: Mia entered the study. Jacob entered the study. The banana is in the green_cupboard. Mia moved the banana to the blue_suitcase. Phone rang. Where does Mia think that Jacob searches for the banana? Ans: blue_suitcase
In this task, you are given a paragraph, and your task is to construct a question from the given passage. Construct question in such a way that (i) it is well explained in the paragraph, (ii) the words may/may not be present in the paragraph, (iii) it should start with what/how/describe. Avoid creating a question that (i) is just relevant to one or two sentences, and (ii) not relevant to passage. Chemicals like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen are released into the air. These substances rise into the high atmosphere. They react with water and oxygen. This creates a more acidic rain. The rain with the high acid content falls. Label: How does acid rain form? An organism dies. Water seeps into the remains. Minerals dissolved in the water form crystals. Crystalized minerals cause the remains to harden. The minerals form a fossil. Label: Describe the process of fossilization A plant dies. Bacteria from the ground migrate to the plant material. Bacteria release enzymes onto the plant material. The enzymes break down the plant cells to simpler components. The bacteria absorb the resulting components. Label: How do bacteria break down dead plants? Pack up your camping gear, food, and clothes. Drive to your campsite. Set up your tent. Start a fire in the fire pit. Cook your food in the fire. Put the fire out when you are finished. Go to sleep. Wake up. Put away your tent. Drive home. Label: Describe the typical steps involved in camping. Electricity comes into the computer from the plug. The electricity runs the components in the computer. Electricity turns the fan to keep the components cool. Heat is released from the computer. Electricity runs the computer's display. Light is formed from the electricity. Label: Describe the energy transformations in a computer Bees land on flowers and eat the nectar of the plants. While on the flowers pollen gets on the bee's fur. The bee flies to another area with other flowers. The pollen is deposited in that area. A plant is able to reproduce. Label: How do bees pollinate plants? Chemicals like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen are released into the air. These substances rise into the high atmosphere. They react with water and oxygen. This creates a more acidic rain. The rain with the high acid content falls. Label: How does acid rain form? Fuel is converted to energy when air and petrol mix. The car engine burns the mix of air and petrol. Hot gas from the burning pushes the pistons. The resulting energy powers the crankshaft. Crankshaft powers the gears. The gears make the wheels roll. Label: Describe how a car works Techtonic plates in the earths crust move. Movement creates fissures. Upheavals in the crust. Fissures allow lava to erupt into volcanoes at the surface. Volcanoes erupt, accumulating lava, forming mountains. Upheavals in the crust become their own mountains. Label: How do mountains form? Warm air from the surface rises into the higher cold air. The water vapor in the air is condensed. The condensed water and dust forms a cloud. Wind in the cloud bounces the water droplets around. The bouncing droplets join together. The bigger droplets get heavy. The heavy droplets fall. As they fall, they join with more moisture in the air. The droplets get larger. Rain falls. Label: How does rain form? Water seeps into rocks. The water freezes and thaws. Cracks form in the rocks. Cracks also form when rocks heat up. The rocks slowly break down. Label: What happens during weathering? Comets fly around in outer space. A comet flies close to a planet. The comet enters the planet's atmosphere. The comet crashes into the planet. The energy of the impact creates a hole on the planet. Label: Describe how meteorites create craters on a planet. Bees find a place for the hive, such as a rock crevice or tree branch. Bees gather nectar from flowers. The bees evaporate the nectar by passing it back and forth to each other. The evaporation turns the nectar into sugary honey. The bees chew the honey until it turns into moldable wax. The bees mold the wax into hexagonal (six sided) cylinders. Thousands of these hexagonal cylinders put together form the hive. Label: How do bees make a hive? Warm water rises off the seas. The water condenses as it cools and gets higher in the air. Then the condensation forms into clouds. The clouds travel over areas on land. The clouds reach a saturation point. The rain falls from the clouds. Label: How does rain occur? People separate different materials to be recycled. The recyclable materials go to a recycling center. The recycling center further separates the materials. Large equipment compacts the materials into bales. The recyclable materials are shipped to other recycling centers. The other recycling centers further process the materials that center specializes in. The materials are purchased by manufacturers. The manufacturers process the recycled materials the same way they would use new materials. The recycled materials are incorporated into new products. Label: How does recycling work? Pressure happens underground. Tectonic plates underground pull and stretch. Small cracks are formed in the earth's crust. The tectonic plates push hard against each other. Some parts of the earth's crust move up high above the ground. Label: How do mountains form? Snow falls in an area for a very long time. The snow builds up for a very long time. The snow starts to become packed very firmly. The snow becomes something that's more like ice. Air pockets in the mass continue to grow smaller. The mass becomes solid and heavy enough to be called a glacier. The glacier moves because of gravity. Label: How do glaciers form and move? Items are collected. The items are sorted. Trash is removed from everything else. Goes to a landfill. The items go into a baler machine for each kind of material. They come out as bales. The bales are shipped to manufacturers to use to make products. Label: How does recycling work? A fuel source must produce heat. Heat is used to create steam. Steam will be used to power turbines. Turbines will work together with magnets to generate electricity. Electricity or moving electrons will then flow through wires. The wires will carry electrons to homes and businesses remotely. Label: How does a nuclear power plant work? The farmer chooses a crop that will grow well in his region. The farmer tills the soil to loosen it. The farmer spreads seeds. The farmer tills again to plant the seeds. Crops grow. Label: Describe the process of planting crops. Air rises. Rising air cools. Water vapor forms. Water vapor condenses. Clouds form. Label: How are clouds formed? Gather the ingredients for the cake. Mix the flour, sugar, egg, and water to make batter. Pour the mixture into a cake pan. Place the cake in the oven to cook. Take the cake out when it is cooked through. Let the cake cool. Serve the cake. Label: Describe how to make a cake. There is a fetus in the womb. They are born and are a baby. The baby grows into a child. Puberty turns the child into an adolescent. The adolescent becomes an adult. An adult becomes an elderly person. The elderly person dies. Label: Describe the life cycle of a human Greenhouse gases are released into the air by human activities. The earth changes energy from the sun into heat. Heat rises from the ground. Greenhouse gas molecules in the atmosphere prevent the heat from going into space. The temperature of the earth increases. The temperature continues to rise and melts the polar ice caps. The temperature rises even faster. Label: Describe the process of the greenhouse effect Choose what you want to write your letter on. Think of what you want to say. Write some nice things!. Place the letter into an envelope. Put a stamp on the top right corner of the face of the envelope. Write the address of the recipient on the envelope. Put the envelope in your mailbox. Raise the flag on your mailbox, indicating to the mailman that you have outgoing mail. Label: Describe the process of writing and posting a letter Water seeps into rocks. The water freezes and thaws. Cracks form in the rocks. Cracks also form when rocks heat up. The rocks slowly break down. Label: What happens during weathering? A seed germinates. It grows into a plant. The mature plant produces flowers. The flowers become fertilized. Produce seeds in a fruit or seedpod. The plant dies. The new seeds germinate to form a new plant. Label: Describe the life cycle of a plant Warm water floats up from the ocean. A pocket of low pressure air is created near the surface of the ocean. Warm air from outside areas pushes into the low pressure area. The warm air keeps rising and forms clouds. The wind is getting fed moisture that evaporates from the ocean. This moisture causes the swirling air and clouds to grow bigger. As it gets bigger the wind rotates faster. Label: Describe the process by which hurricanes form. Energy builds up in the crust of the earth. The energy causes the fault lines give way. The earth's plates move. The energy radiates outward from the fault in all directions. The seismic waves shake the earth as they move through it. Label: What causes an earthquake to occur? The flu virus has receptors, which are like viral Velcro, on the surface of the virus particle. The receptors will lock onto a target cell using these chemical receptors on the surface, which docks onto the cell surface. The receptors then go into the cell. The receptors use it like a factory. The receptors take it over and make it produce thousands or in some cases millions of copies of new viruses. The copies come streaming out of the cell. The copies infect other cells to make more viruses, or they escape from the body and infect a new victim. Label: How does a virus cause disease? Trash is placed into a garbage container in the house. The trash is moved to a centralized container for the house. Trash is picked up by a sanitation company. The trash is combined in a large truck with trash from all around the city. The truck goes to the landfill. The truck dumps the trash into the landfill. Label: Describe how trash travels from the house to the landfill Chemicals like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen are released into the air. These substances rise into the high atmosphere. They react with water and oxygen. This creates a more acidic rain. The rain with the high acid content falls. Label: How does acid rain form? First you dig a whole. You place a pumpkin seed in the hole. You put some dirt over the seed. You water the seed. The seed will sprout. A vine will grow. The vine will flower. Pumpkins will appear where the flowers were. Label: What are the steps involved in growing a pumpkin? Gases cause pressure beneath the earth. The gases come to a head and push molten magma to the surface. The magma cools. With enough time the pressure builds up greatly. The resulting volcano may explode. Label: What causs a volcano to erupt? The coal is pulverized to a very fine powder. The coal powder is mixed with hot air and blown into the firebox of the boiler. Water pumped through pipes inside the boiler is turned into steam by the heat. The pressure of the steam pushing against a series of giant blades turns the turbine shaft. Turbine shaft is connected to the shaft of the generator. The magnets inside the generator spin within wire coils to produce electricity. Label: How does a coal-powered power station generate electricity? Comets fly around in outer space. A comet flies close to a planet. The comet enters the planet's atmosphere. The comet crashes into the planet. The energy of the impact creates a hole on the planet. Label: Describe how meteorites create craters on a planet. A bird lays an egg. The egg hatches into a baby bird. Baby bird eats. Grows into an adult bird. The bird finds a mate. The pair build a nest. The birds lay eggs. Label: Describe the life cycle of a bird Two large veins bring blood to the heart. The blood enters the right atrium. The blood flows through the tricuspid valve. The blood travels into the right ventricle. The blood goes through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. Blood picks up oxygen in the lungs. Oxygenated blood enters the left atrium. Blood goes to the left ventricle. Blood leaves the heart via the aorta to the rest of the body. The deoxygenated blood returns to the heart. Label: How does the heart work? Something happens to produce a sound. The sound travels in waves. The sound waves hit an object. The object absorbs some of the sound waves. Some of the sound waves bounce off of the object. The reflected sound waves can be heard, though they have slightly different properties than the original sound. The sound continues to bounce off of things and produce echoes until it is totally absorbed or dissipated. Label: How do echoes occur? A tadpole is hatched. The tadpole eventually grows hind legs. The tadpole loses its tail. The tadpole becomes a frog. The frog mates with another frog to produce more offspring. A tadpole is hatched. The cycle begins again. Label: Describe the life cycle of a frog Muscles work by expanding and contracting. A muscle fiber gets a signal from its nerve. Proteins and chemicals release energy to either contract the muscle or relax it. When the muscles contracts the bones connected to he muscle are pulled closer together. When the muscle relaxes the bones move farther apart. Label: How do muscles work? A bird lays an egg. The egg hatches into a baby bird. Baby bird eats. Grows into an adult bird. The bird finds a mate. The pair build a nest. The birds lay eggs. Label: Describe the life cycle of a bird You breathe in through your nose or mouth. The air travels through your windpipe. Into your lungs. Inside your lungs are tiny air sacs. The air sacs transfer the oxygen into your blood. The oxygen travels through your blood stream. The carbon dioxide from your blood stream is transferred to your air sacs. You breathe out and expel the carbon dioxide from your lungs. Label: Describe the process of breathing. Bees land on flowers and eat the nectar of the plants. While on the flowers pollen gets on the bee's fur. The bee flies to another area with other flowers. The pollen is deposited in that area. A plant is able to reproduce. Label: How do bees pollinate plants? Water evaporates from the earth. The evaporated water condenses into water drops. The water drops fall back to earth. The water accumulates on the earth. The water collects into bodies of water. The water soaks into the earth. Label: What happens during the water cycle? Air enters the nose or mouth and travels through the windpipe into the lungs. The lungs have a series of smaller and finer tubes and sacs. Air reaches the smallest and finest air sacs called alveoli. Oxygen travels from the alveoli into the blood. Oxygen-rich blood is carried to the heart. Oxygen-rich blood is pumped throughout the body by the heart. Cells take in the oxygen rich blood and release carbon dioxide rich blood. The carbon dioxide rich blood travels to the lungs. Carbon dioxide travels through the throat and is exhaled. Label: How do the lungs work? Plants start growing on or near the rocks. The roots of the growing plants start to break up the rock. The plant acids dissolve the rock. The rock is broken down into smaller pieces. Erosion begins. Label: How does weathering cause rocks to break apart? Cold water taken in through a hose to the bottom. Heating element heats water. Pump forces water up in pipes connected to spinning paddles. The forced water makes paddles spin like a sprinkler. Water comes out of small holes in paddles. Water is collected and used again until dishes are clean. Water is drained through a filter. Filter collects particles of food. Water was so hot that it evaporates for dry dishes. Label: How does a dishwasher work? Dissolution of limestone forms caves. Rain gets carbon dioxide from the air. When rain goes into soil it creates an acid. The acid dissolves the limestone along cracks. Some will dissolve enough to form caves. Label: How do caves form? During evaporation the sun heats up water in rivers or lakes or the ocean and turns it into vapor or steam. The water vapor or steam leaves the river, lake or ocean and goes into the air. Water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back into liquid, forming clouds, which is called condensation. Precipitation occurs when so much water has condensed that the air cannot hold it anymore. Water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow. When water ends up on land, it will either soak into the earth and become part of the "ground water" for animals or plants to drink. It may also run into the oceans, lakes, or rivers where the cycle starts again. Label: Describe the process of precipitation The planter must select a crop. The soil is prepared properly for that specific crop. Fertilizer is added to the soil. Seeds are planted in the field. Irrigation is set up to keep the crops properly watered. The crops grow. The crops are harvested. Label: Describe the process of planting crops. Food enters the body. The food is broken down. Sugars from the food enter the bloodstream. Blood sugar must be within a particular range to avoid damaging many organs. Sometimes the brain tells the pancreas the blood sugar (glucose) is too low. The pancreas releases glucagon to change the blood sugar to a better level. Sometimes the brain tells the pancreas the blood sugar (glucose) is too high. The pancreas releases insulin to change the blood sugar to a better level. Label: How does the body control its blood sugar level? Magma rises through cracks in the Earth's crust. The pressure causes plates to move. Magma explodes to the surface. The lava from the eruption cools to form new crust. After several eruptions, the rock builds up and a volcano forms. Label: What causs a volcano to erupt? Two large veins bring blood to the heart. The blood enters the right atrium. The blood flows through the tricuspid valve. The blood travels into the right ventricle. The blood goes through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. Blood picks up oxygen in the lungs. Oxygenated blood enters the left atrium. Blood goes to the left ventricle. Blood leaves the heart via the aorta to the rest of the body. The deoxygenated blood returns to the heart. Label: How does the heart work? He air we breathe contains oxygen and other gases. Once in the lungs, oxygen is moved into the bloodstream and carried through your body. At each cell in your body, oxygen is exchanged for a waste gas called carbon dioxide. Your bloodstream then carries this waste gas back to the lungs where it is removed from the blood stream and then exhaled. Your lungs and respiratory system automatically perform this vital process, called gas exchange. Label: What do lungs do? They take in fluids and liquids. They process the fluid. They take out the toxins. Produce urine. Urine is released. The nutrients are returned to the body. Label: Describe what kidneys do Trash is placed into a garbage container in the house. The trash is moved to a centralized container for the house. Trash is picked up by a sanitation company. The trash is combined in a large truck with trash from all around the city. The truck goes to the landfill. The truck dumps the trash into the landfill. Label: Describe how trash travels from the house to the landfill Warm water floats up from the ocean. A pocket of low pressure air is created near the surface of the ocean. Warm air from outside areas pushes into the low pressure area. The warm air keeps rising and forms clouds. The wind is getting fed moisture that evaporates from the ocean. This moisture causes the swirling air and clouds to grow bigger. As it gets bigger the wind rotates faster. Label: Describe the process by which hurricanes form. Light enters the eyes. The lens focuses light through the vitreous humor. The cornea focuses through the eye's internal lens. The retina receives the image. The retina transforms this image into electrical impulses. The impulses travel along the optic nerve to the brain. The brain decodes the impuses. Label: How does the human vision system work? You inhale air through your nose and mouth. The air travels down into your lungs. Oxygen from the air goes into your bloodstream. Oxygen circulates throughout the body due to the heart's pumping. Carbon dioxide travels from the blood into the lungs. Carbon dioxide travels from the lungs up the windpipe. Carbon dioxide is exhaled. Label: Describe the process of breathing. Magma rises through surrounding rock. Gas bubbles form and expand, causing lots of pressure. This pressure pushes the magma through weak spots in the earth's surface,. Magma flows out as lava. This can happen slowly or in a huge explosion. Label: What happens during a vocanic eruption? Light enters the eyes. The lens focuses light through the vitreous humor. The cornea focuses through the eye's internal lens. The retina receives the image. The retina transforms this image into electrical impulses. The impulses travel along the optic nerve to the brain. The brain decodes the impuses. Label: How does the human vision system work? The organism must die to begin the process. The soft tissue decomposes. The bones are left behind. Scavengers tear the body apart and move the bones elsewhere. Wind and rain also scatter the bones further. The bones left behind will weather and become buried by sand and soil. The proteins in the bone are replaced with minerals that are dissolved in the soil. This creates a rock-like substance called a fossil. Water and wind erosion wear away the layers of soil on top of the fossil. This makes discovery of the fossil possible. Label: Describe the process of fossilization Solution caves are formed in limestone and similar rocks by the action of water. After a rain, water seeps into cracks and pores of soil and rock. The water percolates beneath the land surface. Some of the water reaches a zone where all the cracks and pores in the rock are already filled with water. Rainwater absorbs some carbon dioxide as it passes through the atmosphere and even more as it drains through soil and decaying vegetation. The water combines chemically with the carbon dioxide. A weak carbonic acid solution is formed. This acid slowly dissolves calcite, forms solution cavities, and excavates passageways. Label: Describe the process of desalination An eagle flys along. The eagle spots a mouse on the ground. The eagle swoops down. Catches the mouse in its talons. The eagle has a meal. Label: How does an eagle get food? Some of the rock in the ground is made of limestone. Over long periods of time rain can hit the limestone. And cause a acidic reaction. The limestone will slowly disintegrate. A large gap with be where the limestone was. Result in the cave. Label: How do caverns form? Warm, moist air moves from south to north. Cool, dry air moves from north to south. The air masses meet. The conditions that form are not stable because the air masses are so different. Winds are directed in a certain way because of how the masses interact. An updraft results. Winds start to form circular patterns in the updraft. A tornado can result. Label: How do tornadoes form? Get the ice tray. Remove any ice cubes currently in the tray. Fill the tray with cold water. Ensure the tray is evenly filled to an appropriate level. Open the freezer. Place the tray in the freezer. Close the freezer door. Wait. Label: How do you make ice cubes? Water in the clouds becomes very cold. The cold water forms ice crystals. The ice crystals grow by absorbing surrounding water droplets. Form snowflakes. The snowflakes fall to the ground. Label: How does snow form? Electricity comes into the computer from the plug. The electricity runs the components in the computer. Electricity turns the fan to keep the components cool. Heat is released from the computer. Electricity runs the computer's display. Light is formed from the electricity. Label: Describe the energy transformations in a computer The human body takes a breath inward. Air is transported to the lungs. Air reaches the alveoli, the smallest air sacs in the lungs. In the alveoli, air passes into the blood within small capillaries. The gaseous oxygen in the air dissolves into the capillary blood. The dissolved oxygen is picked-up by red blood cells. The red blood cells bind the oxygen via a protein called heme. Red blood cells circulate throughout the body and reach the various tissues. Within small capillaries, the heme release the oxygen. The oxygen can then reach the cells within the tissue. Label: Describe how oxygen reaches cells in the body Add water to a pot. Put the pot over a source of heat. Turn the heat on. Wait for a few minutes. Begin to observe small bubbles in the water. Wait until the water starts to bubble a lot. Wait until you can see steam rising from the water. Turn the heat source off. Take the pot off of the heat source. Label: How do you get water to boil? An owl leaves his nest. The owl flys out into the night. The owl looks down at the ground. The owls keen eyesight allows him to see in the dark. The owls sensitive hearing allows him to locate hidden prey. The owl swoops down. The owl catches a mouse in his talons. Label: How do owls hunt at night? Water in the clouds becomes very cold. The cold water forms ice crystals. The ice crystals grow by absorbing surrounding water droplets. Form snowflakes. The snowflakes fall to the ground. Label: How does snow form? Fault lines appear underground. The fault lines grow over time. The rocks on each side of the fault lines rub against the rocks on the other side of the fault line. The rocks put pressure on each other. The rocks break from the pressure. The breaking of the rocks releases a lot of energy. The energy causes seismic waves. The seismic waves make the earth shake. Label: How do earthquakes occur? The flu virus has receptors, which are like viral Velcro, on the surface of the virus particle. The receptors will lock onto a target cell using these chemical receptors on the surface, which docks onto the cell surface. The receptors then go into the cell. The receptors use it like a factory. The receptors take it over and make it produce thousands or in some cases millions of copies of new viruses. The copies come streaming out of the cell. The copies infect other cells to make more viruses, or they escape from the body and infect a new victim. Label: How does a virus cause disease? Rain clouds travel across the sky. Rain clouds are stopped or slowed by mountains or wind. The rain clouds drop the rain. The clouds are no longer raining when or if they reach the other side of the obstacle. On the other side of the mountains or rain, there isn't much rain. The area that receives little rain develops a very different ecosystem. The area that receives little rain becomes a desert. Label: How are deserts formed? Chemical reactions in the battery causes a build up of electrons at the anode. This results in an electrical difference between the anode and the cathode. The electrons wants to rearrange themselves to get rid of this difference. The electrons go to the cathode. Electricty is created. Label: How does does a battery produce electricity? Animals pull a fruit off a plant or pick a fruit up from the ground. Animals eat the fruit. Animals drop some seeds onto the ground. Animals eat some seeds. The seeds are in the animal's waste. The waste goes onto the ground. There are seeds on the ground in different areas away from the plant. Label: How do animals help plants disburse seeds? Two large veins bring blood to the heart. The blood enters the right atrium. The blood flows through the tricuspid valve. The blood travels into the right ventricle. The blood goes through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. Blood picks up oxygen in the lungs. Oxygenated blood enters the left atrium. Blood goes to the left ventricle. Blood leaves the heart via the aorta to the rest of the body. The deoxygenated blood returns to the heart. Label: How does the heart work? The farmer chooses a crop that will grow well in his region. The farmer tills the soil to loosen it. The farmer spreads seeds. The farmer tills again to plant the seeds. Crops grow. Label: Describe the process of planting crops. Fuels burns in the combustion chamber. The burning fuel creates energy. The upward motion cause air to be released into the cylinder. The piston compresses the air. A spark ignites the fuel and air inside the cylinder. The pressure pushes the piston down. The exhaust valve opens. The piston pushes the air out of the cylinder. Label: Describe how an internal combustion engine works The virus finds an animal cell. The virus attaches to the cell's surface. The cell swallows the virus. The virus' RNA is released into the cell. The cell mistakenly reads the virus' RNA instead of its own. The cell creates new viruses. The animal cell releases the new viruses. The new viruses can infect more cells. Label: How does a virus infect an animal? The spider picks a suitable place. The spider produces sticky silk from its abdomen. The spider attaches it to objects where it wants to build the web. The spider strings this silk back and forth between objects. A web is created. Label: How does a spider make its web? Water seeps into rocks. The water freezes and thaws. Cracks form in the rocks. Cracks also form when rocks heat up. The rocks slowly break down. Label: What happens during weathering? The bat sends out sound waves from their mouth or nose. The sound waves hit an object. Echoes are produced. The echo returns to the bat's ears. The bat hears the echo. The bat can figure out where the object is located. Label: How do bats use echolocation? Fault lines appear underground. The fault lines grow over time. The rocks on each side of the fault lines rub against the rocks on the other side of the fault line. The rocks put pressure on each other. The rocks break from the pressure. The breaking of the rocks releases a lot of energy. The energy causes seismic waves. The seismic waves make the earth shake. Label: How do earthquakes occur? They take in fluids and liquids. They process the fluid. They take out the toxins. Produce urine. Urine is released. The nutrients are returned to the body. Label: Describe what kidneys do Snow falls in an area for a very long time. The snow builds up for a very long time. The snow starts to become packed very firmly. The snow becomes something that's more like ice. Air pockets in the mass continue to grow smaller. The mass becomes solid and heavy enough to be called a glacier. The glacier moves because of gravity. Label: How do glaciers form and move? Gather the ingredients for the cake. Mix the flour, sugar, egg, and water to make batter. Pour the mixture into a cake pan. Place the cake in the oven to cook. Take the cake out when it is cooked through. Let the cake cool. Serve the cake. Label: Describe how to make a cake. Acid rain makes waters acidic. Causes them to absorb aluminum from soil. The water runs off from the soil into lakes, streams, etc. Fish and their eggs die. Frogs and plants die. Insects and other wildlife die. The ecosystem is out of balance, causing further problems. Label: Describe how acid rain can affect the environment. You inhale air through your nose and mouth. The air travels down into your lungs. Oxygen from the air goes into your bloodstream. Oxygen circulates throughout the body due to the heart's pumping. Carbon dioxide travels from the blood into the lungs. Carbon dioxide travels from the lungs up the windpipe. Carbon dioxide is exhaled. Label: Describe the process of breathing. Water comes into contact with something made of iron. The water combines with carbon dioxide in the air to form carbonic acid. As the acid is formed, the iron starts to dissolve. Some of the water breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen. The free oxygen and dissolved iron bond together. They form iron oxide, which is rust. Label: How does rust form? Water flows by rocks. Chemicals are in the waters. Chemicals react with rocks. Rocks change to a different kind of rock. Oxygen in the air reacts with rocks. Rocks change to a different kind of rock. Label: What happens during chemical weathering? A stream or river must occur. Through erosion, the stream cuts into the soil and bedrock. Through continuous erosion, a deep gash is cut through. After many years the river may dry up. A dry ravine is left. Label: How are ravines formed? Air is brought in through the mouth. Passes through the lungs. And into the bronchial tissue. The carbon dioxide is removed. The lungs bring the oxygen to the rest of the body. Label: How do the lungs work? Get the ice tray. Remove any ice cubes currently in the tray. Fill the tray with cold water. Ensure the tray is evenly filled to an appropriate level. Open the freezer. Place the tray in the freezer. Close the freezer door. Wait. Label: How do you make ice cubes? Animals and plants die in soft soil or mud. Sediment builds up over the remains. The remains decompose, leaving only trace amounts. The remaining parts over the years are replaced with mineral. A fossil is formed. Label: Describe the process of fossilization Plants start growing on or near the rocks. The roots of the growing plants start to break up the rock. The plant acids dissolve the rock. The rock is broken down into smaller pieces. Erosion begins. Label: How does weathering cause rocks to break apart? A rig drills into the earth where oil is present. A pipe is placed in the hole. A pump is added to the pipe. Oil is pumped out. Oil is placed in barrels. Barrels are loaded on trucks. Trucks go to a refinery. Crude oil is refined to motor oil. Motor oil is bottle. Shipped to gas stations. Label: How does oil get from the ground to a gas station? A plant or animal dies in mud or soil. The bones are all that remains. Over time the bones are covered in sediment. The sediment becomes rock. The rock becomes a fossil. Label: How are fossils formed? The salt water is heated. As the saltwater is heated the water becomes a gas. The salt particles sink to the bottom of the container. Gaseous water is piped into another container. Allowed to cool. The salt particles are left behind in the first container. The second container contains fresh water. Label: Describe the process of desalination Waters flows downwards thanks to gravity. Enters the dam at high pressure. The moving water spins the turbines in the power plant. The turbines turn the generators. The generators spin, and produce electricity. The water leaves the dam at the bottom. Label: How is hydroelectric electricity generated? An owl leaves his nest. The owl flys out into the night. The owl looks down at the ground. The owls keen eyesight allows him to see in the dark. The owls sensitive hearing allows him to locate hidden prey. The owl swoops down. The owl catches a mouse in his talons. Label: How do owls hunt at night? Snow falls in an area for a very long time. The snow builds up for a very long time. The snow starts to become packed very firmly. The snow becomes something that's more like ice. Air pockets in the mass continue to grow smaller. The mass becomes solid and heavy enough to be called a glacier. The glacier moves because of gravity. Label: How do glaciers form and move? Humans are born as babies. Babies become infants. Infants become children. Children learn skills. Children become teenagers. Teenagers undergo puberty. Teenagers become adults. Adults have children. Adults become elderly. Elderly humans die. Label: Describe the life cycle of a human Snow falls in an area for a very long time. The snow builds up for a very long time. The snow starts to become packed very firmly. The snow becomes something that's more like ice. Air pockets in the mass continue to grow smaller. The mass becomes solid and heavy enough to be called a glacier. The glacier moves because of gravity. Label: How do glaciers form and move?
In this task, you are given a country name, and you need to return the country's surface area in terms of square kilometers. Up to two decimal places are allowed in your answer. --- Given: Tonga Output: 650.00 --- Given: Federated States of Micronesia Output: 702.00 --- Given: Oman Output: 309500.00 --- Given: Poland Output: 323250.00 --- Given: Heard Island and McDonald Islands Output: 359.00 --- Given: Mongolia Output: 1566500.00 --- Given: Tunisia Output: 163610.00 --- Given: Spain Output: 505992.00 --- Given: Hungary Output: 93030.00 --- Given: Mongolia Output: 1566500.00 --- Given: French Southern territories Output: 7780.00 --- Given: Jamaica Output: 10990.00 --- Given: Kyrgyzstan Output: 199900.00 --- Given: Belize Output: 22696.00 --- Given: Pitcairn Output: 49.00 --- Given: South Korea Output: 99434.00 --- Given: Oman Output: 309500.00 --- Given: Hungary Output: 93030.00 --- Given: Antarctica Output: 13120000.00 --- Given: French Guiana Output: 90000.00 --- Given: Falkland Islands Output: 12173.00 --- Given: Sao Tome and Principe Output: 964.00 --- Given: Martinique Output: 1102.00 --- Given: Mauritania Output: 1025520.00 --- Given: Iran Output: 1648195.00 --- Given: Palau Output: 459.00 --- Given: Indonesia Output: 1904569.00 --- Given: Togo Output: 56785.00 --- Given: Lithuania Output: 65301.00 --- Given: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: 388.00 --- Given: Liberia Output: 111369.00 --- Given: Martinique Output: 1102.00 --- Given: Sao Tome and Principe Output: 964.00 --- Given: Jamaica Output: 10990.00 --- Given: Greece Output: 131626.00 --- Given: Palau Output: 459.00 --- Given: Benin Output: 112622.00 --- Given: Gambia Output: 11295.00 --- Given: Bulgaria Output: 110994.00 --- Given: Lithuania Output: 65301.00 --- Given: Bahrain Output: 694.00 --- Given: Myanmar Output: 676578.00 --- Given: Liechtenstein Output: 160.00 --- Given: Lithuania Output: 65301.00 --- Given: Latvia Output: 64589.00 --- Given: Somalia Output: 637657.00 --- Given: United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: 16.00 --- Given: East Timor Output: 14874.00 --- Given: Thailand Output: 513115.00 --- Given: Pitcairn Output: 49.00 --- Given: British Virgin Islands Output: 151.00 --- Given: Turkmenistan Output: 488100.00 --- Given: The Democratic Republic of the Congo Output: 2344858.00 --- Given: Japan Output: 377829.00 --- Given: Netherlands Output: 41526.00 --- Given: Ireland Output: 70273.00 --- Given: Luxembourg Output: 2586.00 --- Given: Dominica Output: 751.00 --- Given: Malta Output: 316.00 --- Given: Christmas Island Output: 135.00 --- Given: Senegal Output: 196722.00 --- Given: Nicaragua Output: 130000.00 --- Given: Egypt Output: 1001449.00 --- Given: Moldova Output: 33851.00 --- Given: Austria Output: 83859.00 --- Given: Cocos (Keeling) Islands Output: 14.00 --- Given: Uzbekistan Output: 447400.00 --- Given: Maldives Output: 298.00 --- Given: Mali Output: 1240192.00 --- Given: Swaziland Output: 17364.00 --- Given: Comoros Output: 1862.00 --- Given: Iceland Output: 103000.00 --- Given: Japan Output: 377829.00 --- Given: Bulgaria Output: 110994.00 --- Given: Uganda Output: 241038.00 --- Given: Norfolk Island Output: 36.00 --- Given: French Guiana Output: 90000.00 --- Given: Mexico Output: 1958201.00 --- Given: Slovenia Output: 20256.00 --- Given: Estonia Output: 45227.00 --- Given: Kazakstan Output: 2724900.00 --- Given: Nigeria Output: 923768.00 --- Given: Singapore Output: 618.00 --- Given: United States Output: 9363520.00 --- Given: Burundi Output: 27834.00 --- Given: Kuwait Output: 17818.00 --- Given: Argentina Output: 2780400.00 --- Given: Oman Output: 309500.00 --- Given: Cayman Islands Output: 264.00 --- Given: Laos Output: 236800.00 --- Given: Guam Output: 549.00 --- Given: Cuba Output: 110861.00 --- Given: Yugoslavia Output: 102173.00 --- Given: Uzbekistan Output: 447400.00 --- Given: Antarctica Output: 13120000.00 --- Given: Haiti Output: 27750.00 --- Given: Botswana Output: 581730.00 --- Given: Greece Output: 131626.00 --- Given: Tuvalu Output: 26.00 --- Given: Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: 261.00 --- Given: Vanuatu Output: 12189.00 --- Given: Palau Output: 459.00 --- Given: Belize Output: 22696.00 --- Given: Martinique Output: 1102.00 --- Given: Guadeloupe Output: 1705.00 --- Given: Faroe Islands Output: 1399.00 --- Given: Moldova Output: 33851.00 --- Given: Lesotho Output: 30355.00 --- Given: Grenada Output: 344.00 --- Given: Estonia Output: 45227.00 --- Given: United Kingdom Output: 242900.00 --- Given: Indonesia Output: 1904569.00 --- Given: Cambodia Output: 181035.00 --- Given: Sierra Leone Output: 71740.00 --- Given: Saint Lucia Output: 622.00 --- Given: Kazakstan Output: 2724900.00 --- Given: South Korea Output: 99434.00 --- Given: Guinea Output: 245857.00 --- Given: Chile Output: 756626.00 --- Given: Tajikistan Output: 143100.00 --- Given: Croatia Output: 56538.00 --- Given: Cameroon Output: 475442.00 --- Given: Luxembourg Output: 2586.00 --- Given: Algeria Output: 2381741.00 --- Given: Ethiopia Output: 1104300.00 --- Given: Malawi Output: 118484.00 --- Given: Jamaica Output: 10990.00 --- Given: Bouvet Island Output: 59.00 --- Given: Nauru Output: 21.00 --- Given: Pitcairn Output: 49.00 --- Given: Liechtenstein Output: 160.00 --- Given: Egypt Output: 1001449.00 --- Given: Netherlands Output: 41526.00 --- Given: Turkmenistan Output: 488100.00 --- Given: France Output: 551500.00 --- Given: Poland Output: 323250.00 --- Given: American Samoa Output: 199.00 --- Given: Algeria Output: 2381741.00 --- Given: Guam Output: 549.00 --- Given: Grenada Output: 344.00 --- Given: Slovenia Output: 20256.00 --- Given: Tokelau Output: 12.00 --- Given: Moldova Output: 33851.00 --- Given: Denmark Output: 43094.00 --- Given: Sudan Output: 2505813.00 --- Given: Tajikistan Output: 143100.00 --- Given: Sierra Leone Output: 71740.00 --- Given: North Korea Output: 120538.00 --- Given: Portugal Output: 91982.00 --- Given: East Timor Output: 14874.00 --- Given: Ireland Output: 70273.00 --- Given: Qatar Output: 11000.00 --- Given: Morocco Output: 446550.00 --- Given: Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: 261.00 --- Given: Holy See (Vatican City State) Output: 0.40 --- Given: Cameroon Output: 475442.00 --- Given: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: 388.00 --- Given: U.S. Virgin Islands Output: 347.00 --- Given: Cocos (Keeling) Islands Output: 14.00 --- Given: Namibia Output: 824292.00 --- Given: Kyrgyzstan Output: 199900.00 --- Given: Belarus Output: 207600.00 --- Given: North Korea Output: 120538.00 --- Given: British Virgin Islands Output: 151.00 --- Given: Turks and Caicos Islands Output: 430.00 --- Given: Mongolia Output: 1566500.00 --- Given: Brunei Output: 5765.00 --- Given: Chile Output: 756626.00 --- Given: Wallis and Futuna Output: 200.00 --- Given: Bermuda Output: 53.00 --- Given: Comoros Output: 1862.00 --- Given: Saudi Arabia Output: 2149690.00 --- Given: British Indian Ocean Territory Output: 78.00 --- Given: Zimbabwe Output: 390757.00 --- Given: Nicaragua Output: 130000.00 --- Given: Tokelau Output: 12.00 --- Given: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Output: 242.00 --- Given: United States Output: 9363520.00 --- Given: Bosnia and Herzegovina Output: 51197.00 --- Given: Haiti Output: 27750.00 --- Given: India Output: 3287263.00 --- Given: Turks and Caicos Islands Output: 430.00 --- Given: Brunei Output: 5765.00 --- Given: Andorra Output: 468.00 --- Given: Tanzania Output: 883749.00 --- Given: United Kingdom Output: 242900.00 --- Given: Iraq Output: 438317.00 --- Given: Philippines Output: 300000.00 --- Given: Papua New Guinea Output: 462840.00 --- Given: Northern Mariana Islands Output: 464.00 --- Given: India Output: 3287263.00 --- Given: Fiji Islands Output: 18274.00 --- Given: Ghana Output: 238533.00 --- Given: Malaysia Output: 329758.00 --- Given: Peru Output: 1285216.00 --- Given: Puerto Rico Output: 8875.00 --- Given: Saint Helena Output: 314.00 --- Given: Palestine Output: 6257.00 --- Given: Belize Output: 22696.00 --- Given: Yemen Output: 527968.00 --- Given: Burkina Faso Output: 274000.00 --- Given: Marshall Islands Output: 181.00 --- Given: Guyana Output: 214969.00 --- Given: Peru Output: 1285216.00 --- Given: Antigua and Barbuda Output: 442.00 --- Given: Kuwait Output: 17818.00 --- Given: Guyana Output: 214969.00 --- Given: Denmark Output: 43094.00 --- Given: Costa Rica Output: 51100.00 --- Given: Pakistan Output: 796095.00 --- Given: Saint Helena Output: 314.00 --- Given: Belize Output: 22696.00 --- Given: Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: 261.00 --- Given: Togo Output: 56785.00 --- Given: Bangladesh Output: 143998.00 --- Given: Eritrea Output: 117600.00 --- Given: Panama Output: 75517.00 --- Given: Saudi Arabia Output: 2149690.00 --- Given: Bouvet Island Output: 59.00 --- Given: Sudan Output: 2505813.00 --- Given: Solomon Islands Output: 28896.00 --- Given: American Samoa Output: 199.00 --- Given: Lesotho Output: 30355.00 --- Given: Liberia Output: 111369.00 --- Given: Sri Lanka Output: 65610.00 --- Given: Burundi Output: 27834.00 --- Given: San Marino Output: 61.00 --- Given: Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: 261.00 --- Given: Honduras Output: 112088.00 --- Given: Bahrain Output: 694.00 --- Given: Seychelles Output: 455.00 --- Given: Thailand Output: 513115.00 --- Given: Mali Output: 1240192.00 --- Given: Equatorial Guinea Output: 28051.00 --- Given: Argentina Output: 2780400.00 --- Given: Zambia Output: 752618.00 --- Given: Switzerland Output: 41284.00 --- Given: El Salvador Output: 21041.00 --- Given: Barbados Output: 430.00 --- Given: American Samoa Output: 199.00 --- Given: Reunion Output: 2510.00 --- Given: Brunei Output: 5765.00 --- Given: New Zealand Output: 270534.00 --- Given: Andorra Output: 468.00 --- Given: Iraq Output: 438317.00 --- Given: Mayotte Output: 373.00 --- Given: Argentina Output: 2780400.00 --- Given: Maldives Output: 298.00 --- Given: Svalbard and Jan Mayen Output: 62422.00 --- Given: Bulgaria Output: 110994.00 --- Given: Mauritania Output: 1025520.00 --- Given: Yugoslavia Output: 102173.00 --- Given: Nauru Output: 21.00 --- Given: Thailand Output: 513115.00 --- Given: Svalbard and Jan Mayen Output: 62422.00 --- Given: United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: 16.00 --- Given: Pakistan Output: 796095.00 --- Given: Austria Output: 83859.00 --- Given: Burkina Faso Output: 274000.00 --- Given: Colombia Output: 1138914.00 --- Given: Azerbaijan Output: 86600.00 --- Given: Wallis and Futuna Output: 200.00 --- Given: Antarctica Output: 13120000.00 --- Given: Antarctica Output: 13120000.00 --- Given: Bolivia Output: 1098581.00 --- Given: Cote d'Ivoire Output: 322463.00 --- Given: Mayotte Output: 373.00 --- Given: Swaziland Output: 17364.00 --- Given: Paraguay Output: 406752.00 --- Given: Finland Output: 338145.00 --- Given: Venezuela Output: 912050.00 --- Given: Bahrain Output: 694.00 --- Given: Japan Output: 377829.00 --- Given: Western Sahara Output: 266000.00 --- Given: Saudi Arabia Output: 2149690.00 --- Given: Croatia Output: 56538.00 --- Given: Gibraltar Output: 6.00 --- Given: Eritrea Output: 117600.00 --- Given: Uganda Output: 241038.00 --- Given: Bangladesh Output: 143998.00 --- Given: Cayman Islands Output: 264.00 --- Given: Georgia Output: 69700.00 --- Given: Gabon Output: 267668.00 --- Given: Greece Output: 131626.00 --- Given: Thailand Output: 513115.00 --- Given: Vietnam Output: 331689.00 --- Given: Pakistan Output: 796095.00 --- Given: Bulgaria Output: 110994.00 --- Given: Suriname Output: 163265.00 --- Given: Vietnam Output: 331689.00 --- Given: Mayotte Output: 373.00 --- Given: Iceland Output: 103000.00 --- Given: Slovakia Output: 49012.00 --- Given: Senegal Output: 196722.00 --- Given: Azerbaijan Output: 86600.00 --- Given: Mozambique Output: 801590.00 --- Given: Kazakstan Output: 2724900.00 --- Given: Monaco Output: 1.50 --- Given: Algeria Output: 2381741.00 --- Given: Swaziland Output: 17364.00 --- Given: French Polynesia Output: 4000.00 --- Given: Belarus Output: 207600.00 --- Given: United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: 16.00 --- Given: Antigua and Barbuda Output: 442.00 --- Given: Denmark Output: 43094.00 --- Given: Svalbard and Jan Mayen Output: 62422.00 --- Given: Georgia Output: 69700.00 --- Given: Guinea-Bissau Output: 36125.00 --- Given: British Virgin Islands Output: 151.00 --- Given: Burkina Faso Output: 274000.00 --- Given: Andorra Output: 468.00 --- Given: Brunei Output: 5765.00 --- Given: Hungary Output: 93030.00 --- Given: Japan Output: 377829.00 --- Given: Uruguay Output: 175016.00 --- Given: Guinea-Bissau Output: 36125.00 --- Given: Myanmar Output: 676578.00 --- Given: Latvia Output: 64589.00 --- Given: Qatar Output: 11000.00 --- Given: Palau Output: 459.00 --- Given: Nauru Output: 21.00 --- Given: Comoros Output: 1862.00 --- Given: Finland Output: 338145.00 --- Given: Cote d'Ivoire Output: 322463.00 --- Given: United Kingdom Output: 242900.00 --- Given: Venezuela Output: 912050.00 --- Given: Equatorial Guinea Output: 28051.00 --- Given: Taiwan Output: 36188.00 --- Given: Eritrea Output: 117600.00 --- Given: New Zealand Output: 270534.00 --- Given: Norway Output: 323877.00 --- Given: Kiribati Output: 726.00 --- Given: Peru Output: 1285216.00 --- Given: Lesotho Output: 30355.00 --- Given: French Guiana Output: 90000.00 --- Given: Brazil Output: 8547403.00 --- Given: Fiji Islands Output: 18274.00 --- Given: British Indian Ocean Territory Output: 78.00 --- Given: Japan Output: 377829.00 --- Given: Syria Output: 185180.00 --- Given: Eritrea Output: 117600.00 --- Given: Comoros Output: 1862.00 --- Given: Bermuda Output: 53.00 --- Given: South Africa Output: 1221037.00 --- Given: Bosnia and Herzegovina Output: 51197.00 --- Given: Luxembourg Output: 2586.00 --- Given: Yemen Output: 527968.00 --- Given: Brazil Output: 8547403.00 --- Given: Poland Output: 323250.00 --- Given: France Output: 551500.00 --- Given: Bulgaria Output: 110994.00 --- Given: Aruba Output: 193.00 --- Given: South Korea Output: 99434.00 --- Given: Latvia Output: 64589.00 --- Given: Marshall Islands Output: 181.00 --- Given: Belgium Output: 30518.00 --- Given: Madagascar Output: 587041.00 --- Given: Hong Kong Output: 1075.00 --- Given: Palau Output: 459.00 --- Given: Portugal Output: 91982.00 --- Given: Maldives Output: 298.00 --- Given: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Output: 242.00 --- Given: Malta Output: 316.00 --- Given: Bolivia Output: 1098581.00 --- Given: Ethiopia Output: 1104300.00 --- Given: Marshall Islands Output: 181.00 --- Given: Saint Helena Output: 314.00 --- Given: Russian Federation Output: 17075400.00 --- Given: Antigua and Barbuda Output: 442.00 --- Given: Nicaragua Output: 130000.00 --- Given: Czech Republic Output: 78866.00 --- Given: Bouvet Island Output: 59.00 --- Given: Paraguay Output: 406752.00 --- Given: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: 1759540.00 --- Given: Belarus Output: 207600.00 --- Given: Morocco Output: 446550.00 --- Given: Uruguay Output: 175016.00 --- Given: Kenya Output: 580367.00 --- Given: Rwanda Output: 26338.00 --- Given: Papua New Guinea Output: 462840.00 --- Given: Iran Output: 1648195.00 --- Given: Montserrat Output: 102.00 --- Given: Australia Output: 7741220.00 --- Given: Dominica Output: 751.00 --- Given: Liechtenstein Output: 160.00 --- Given: Bolivia Output: 1098581.00 --- Given: Spain Output: 505992.00 --- Given: Svalbard and Jan Mayen Output: 62422.00 --- Given: Nauru Output: 21.00 --- Given: Hong Kong Output: 1075.00 --- Given: Kuwait Output: 17818.00 --- Given: Madagascar Output: 587041.00 --- Given: British Indian Ocean Territory Output: 78.00 --- Given: Armenia Output: 29800.00 --- Given: Eritrea Output: 117600.00 --- Given: Costa Rica Output: 51100.00 --- Given: Canada Output: 9970610.00 --- Given: Morocco Output: 446550.00 --- Given: Mozambique Output: 801590.00 --- Given: Kyrgyzstan Output: 199900.00 --- Given: Marshall Islands Output: 181.00 --- Given: Trinidad and Tobago Output: 5130.00 --- Given: Mexico Output: 1958201.00 --- Given: Saint Helena Output: 314.00 --- Given: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: 1759540.00 --- Given: Mayotte Output: 373.00 --- Given: Cameroon Output: 475442.00 --- Given: Macao Output: 18.00 --- Given: Saudi Arabia Output: 2149690.00 --- Given: Puerto Rico Output: 8875.00 --- Given: Croatia Output: 56538.00 --- Given: New Caledonia Output: 18575.00 --- Given: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: 388.00 --- Given: Turkey Output: 774815.00 --- Given: Turks and Caicos Islands Output: 430.00 --- Given: Lithuania Output: 65301.00 --- Given: Sao Tome and Principe Output: 964.00 --- Given: Russian Federation Output: 17075400.00 --- Given: Sudan Output: 2505813.00 --- Given: Western Sahara Output: 266000.00 --- Given: Pitcairn Output: 49.00 --- Given: Fiji Islands Output: 18274.00 --- Given: Niger Output: 1267000.00 --- Given: Cyprus Output: 9251.00 --- Given: Pitcairn Output: 49.00 --- Given: Hong Kong Output: 1075.00 --- Given: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: 1759540.00 --- Given: Greece Output: 131626.00 --- Given: Austria Output: 83859.00 --- Given: Guinea-Bissau Output: 36125.00 --- Given: Guinea-Bissau Output: 36125.00 --- Given: Nepal Output: 147181.00 --- Given: Cook Islands Output: 236.00 --- Given: Zimbabwe Output: 390757.00 --- Given: Egypt Output: 1001449.00 --- Given: Nauru Output: 21.00 --- Given: Faroe Islands Output: 1399.00 --- Given: Hungary Output: 93030.00 --- Given: Kiribati Output: 726.00 --- Given: Sierra Leone Output: 71740.00 --- Given: Syria Output: 185180.00 --- Given: Antarctica Output: 13120000.00 --- Given: Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: 261.00 --- Given: Costa Rica Output: 51100.00 --- Given: Lebanon Output: 10400.00 --- Given: Gambia Output: 11295.00 --- Given: Malawi Output: 118484.00 --- Given: Ethiopia Output: 1104300.00 --- Given: Myanmar Output: 676578.00 --- Given: Niue Output: 260.00 --- Given: Mongolia Output: 1566500.00 --- Given: Fiji Islands Output: 18274.00 --- Given: Central African Republic Output: 622984.00 --- Given: Poland Output: 323250.00 --- Given: Latvia Output: 64589.00 --- Given: Holy See (Vatican City State) Output: 0.40 --- Given: Hong Kong Output: 1075.00 --- Given: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Output: 242.00 --- Given: Germany Output: 357022.00 --- Given: Venezuela Output: 912050.00 --- Given: Qatar Output: 11000.00 --- Given: Japan Output: 377829.00 --- Given: Solomon Islands Output: 28896.00 --- Given: Peru Output: 1285216.00 --- Given: Armenia Output: 29800.00 --- Given: Jamaica Output: 10990.00 --- Given: Turks and Caicos Islands Output: 430.00 --- Given: El Salvador Output: 21041.00 --- Given: Belgium Output: 30518.00 --- Given: Bahamas Output: 13878.00 --- Given: Sweden Output: 449964.00 --- Given: Morocco Output: 446550.00 --- Given: Guinea-Bissau Output: 36125.00 --- Given: Central African Republic Output: 622984.00 --- Given: Belize Output: 22696.00 --- Given: The Democratic Republic of the Congo Output: 2344858.00 --- Given: Monaco Output: 1.50 --- Given: Rwanda Output: 26338.00 --- Given: Norfolk Island Output: 36.00 --- Given: Palestine Output: 6257.00 --- Given: Burkina Faso Output: 274000.00 --- Given: Netherlands Output: 41526.00 --- Given: Uzbekistan Output: 447400.00 --- Given: Solomon Islands Output: 28896.00 --- Given: U.S. Virgin Islands Output: 347.00 --- Given: Wallis and Futuna Output: 200.00 --- Given: Belarus Output: 207600.00 --- Given: Antigua and Barbuda Output: 442.00 --- Given: Netherlands Antilles Output: 800.00 --- Given: Uganda Output: 241038.00 --- Given: Tanzania Output: 883749.00 --- Given: Sudan Output: 2505813.00 --- Given: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: 388.00 --- Given: Cote d'Ivoire Output: 322463.00 --- Given: Reunion Output: 2510.00 --- Given: Central African Republic Output: 622984.00 --- Given: Trinidad and Tobago Output: 5130.00 --- Given: Falkland Islands Output: 12173.00 --- Given: Maldives Output: 298.00 --- Given: Cameroon Output: 475442.00 --- Given: Iceland Output: 103000.00 --- Given: Cayman Islands Output: 264.00 --- Given: Kyrgyzstan Output: 199900.00 --- Given: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: 388.00 --- Given: Nauru Output: 21.00 --- Given: Nauru Output: 21.00 --- Given: Somalia Output: 637657.00 --- Given: France Output: 551500.00 --- Given: Australia Output: 7741220.00 --- Given: Ukraine Output: 603700.00 --- Given: Russian Federation Output: 17075400.00 --- Given: Sierra Leone Output: 71740.00 --- Given: Andorra Output: 468.00 --- Given: Dominica Output: 751.00 --- Given: Papua New Guinea Output: 462840.00 --- Given: Belgium Output: 30518.00 --- Given: Saudi Arabia Output: 2149690.00 --- Given: Heard Island and McDonald Islands Output: 359.00 --- Given: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: 1759540.00 --- Given: Sierra Leone Output: 71740.00 --- Given: Cameroon Output: 475442.00 --- Given: Papua New Guinea Output: 462840.00 --- Given: Burundi Output: 27834.00 --- Given: Martinique Output: 1102.00 --- Given: Kuwait Output: 17818.00 --- Given: Falkland Islands Output: 12173.00 --- Given: Bosnia and Herzegovina Output: 51197.00 --- Given: Djibouti Output: 23200.00 --- Given: Canada Output: 9970610.00 --- Given: Brunei Output: 5765.00 --- Given: Laos Output: 236800.00 --- Given: Australia Output: 7741220.00 --- Given: Lebanon Output: 10400.00 --- Given: Taiwan Output: 36188.00 --- Given: Svalbard and Jan Mayen Output: 62422.00 --- Given: Armenia Output: 29800.00 --- Given: Namibia Output: 824292.00 --- Given: Egypt Output: 1001449.00 --- Given: Vietnam Output: 331689.00 --- Given: Faroe Islands Output: 1399.00 --- Given: India Output: 3287263.00 --- Given: Moldova Output: 33851.00 --- Given: Philippines Output: 300000.00 --- Given: Cameroon Output: 475442.00 --- Given: Botswana Output: 581730.00 --- Given: Jamaica Output: 10990.00 --- Given: Canada Output: 9970610.00 --- Given: Norfolk Island Output: 36.00 --- Given: Samoa Output: 2831.00 --- Given: Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: 261.00 --- Given: Monaco Output: 1.50 --- Given: South Africa Output: 1221037.00 --- Given: Peru Output: 1285216.00 --- Given: Madagascar Output: 587041.00 --- Given: The Democratic Republic of the Congo Output: 2344858.00 --- Given: Montserrat Output: 102.00 --- Given: Togo Output: 56785.00
Possible labels: 1. 0 2. 1 To study biofilm production and to detect icaAD, atlE and aap genes in 137 isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE) obtained from healthy individuals from the community (35 isolates), from hospitalized patients at the Antônio Pedro University Hospital (25 isolates) and from individuals from a home-care system (HCS; 77 isolates).', 'Biofilm production was determined in vitro using polystyrene inert surfaces. icaAD, atlE and aap genes were detected using PCR. Hybridization experiments were also carried out to confirm some PCR results. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was carried out using the NCCLS methods.', 'Although many of the commensal MRSE isolates produced biofilms, the percentage of biofilm producers was significantly higher (P = 0.0107) among hospital isolates (76%) than among isolates from the community (60%) and from the HCS (57%). An association was observed between multiresistance and biofilm production for isolates obtained from healthy individuals from the community and from household contacts from the HCS (P < 0.0001). The concomitant presence of the ica operon and atlE and aap genes was associated with the strong biofilm-producer phenotype (P < 0.0001). Output: 1 AVE9633 is a new immunoconjugate comprising a humanized monoclonal antibody, anti-CD33 antigen, linked through a disulfide bond to the maytansine derivative DM4, a cytotoxic agent and potent tubulin inhibitor. It is undergoing a phase I clinical trial. Chemoresistance to anti-mitotic agents has been shown to be related, in part, to overexpression of ABC proteins. The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential roles of P-gp, MRP1 and BCRP in cytotoxicity in AVE9633-induced acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).', 'This study used AML cell lines expressing different levels of P-gp, MRP1 or BCRP proteins and twenty-five samples from AML patients. Expression and functionality of the transporter protein were analyzed by flow cytometry. The cytotoxicity of the drug was evaluated by MTT and apoptosis assays.', 'P-gp activity, but not MRP1 and BCRP, attenuated AVE9633 and DM4 cytotoxicity in myeloid cell lines. Zosuquidar, a potent specific P-gp inhibitor, restored the sensitivity of cells expressing P-gp to both AVE9633 and DM4. However, the data from AML patients show that 10/25 samples of AML cells (40%) were resistant to AVE9633 or DM4 (IC(50) > 500 nM), and this was not related to P-gp activity (p-Value: 0.7). Zosuquidar also failed to re-establish drug sensitivity. Furthermore, this resistance was not correlated with CD33 expression (p-Value: 0.6) in those cells. Output: 0 Although prevalent in prokaryotes, horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is rarer in multicellular eukaryotes. Bdelloid rotifers are microscopic animals that contain a higher proportion of horizontally transferred, non-metazoan genes in their genomes than typical of animals. It has been hypothesized that bdelloids incorporate foreign DNA when they repair their chromosomes following double-strand breaks caused by desiccation. HGT might thereby contribute to species divergence and adaptation, as in prokaryotes. If so, we expect that species should differ in their complement of foreign genes, rather than sharing the same set of foreign genes inherited from a common ancestor. Furthermore, there should be more foreign genes in species that desiccate more frequently. We tested these hypotheses by surveying HGT in four congeneric species of bdelloids from different habitats: two from permanent aquatic habitats and two from temporary aquatic habitats that desiccate regularly.', 'Transcriptomes of all four species contain many genes with a closer match to non-metazoan genes than to metazoan genes. Whole genome sequencing of one species confirmed the presence of these foreign genes in the genome. Nearly half of foreign genes are shared between all four species and an outgroup from another family, but many hundreds are unique to particular species, which indicates that HGT is ongoing. Using a dated phylogeny, we estimate an average of 12.8 gains versus 2.0 losses of foreign genes per million years. Consistent with the desiccation hypothesis, the level of HGT is higher in the species that experience regular desiccation events than those that do not. However, HGT still contributed hundreds of foreign genes to the species from permanently aquatic habitats. Foreign genes were mainly enzymes with various annotated functions that include catabolism of complex polysaccharides and stress responses. We found evidence of differential loss of ancestral foreign genes previously associated with desiccation protection in the two non-desiccating species. Output: 0 Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) was shown to improve the immune function and survival in experimental sepsis. This study examined the effect of DHEA on intestinal leukocyte recruitment during experimental sepsis, considering factors of gender (male, female and ovariectomized female animals) and combined treatment using orthovanadate (OV) in two models of sepsis.', 'Male rats underwent colon ascendens stent peritonitis (CASP) or endotoxemia. DHEA was administered after induction of experimental sepsis. Changes in leukocyte adherence and capillary perfusion (measured as intestinal functional capillary density - FCD) were assessed using intravital microscopy. While DHEA increased baseline leukocyte adherence in control animals, DHEA reduced leukocyte adherence and increased FCD in male animals with CASP. These effects were also observed in DHEA-treated ovariectomized female rats with CASP. Similarly, the administration of DHEA reduced the number of adherent leukocytes to intestinal venules by 30% in the endotoxemia model. The combined treatment of DHEA and OV significantly reduced adherence of leukocytes to intestinal venules and improved FCD. Output: 0 Cytotoxic immune elimination of transduced hepatocytes may limit gene therapy for inherited liver diseases. Using beta-galactosidase as a marker gene, we studied whether creation of mixed beta-galactosidase molecular hematopoietic chimerism could induce tolerance to beta-galactosidase-transduced hepatocytes.', 'Molecular hematopoietic chimerism was established in irradiated recipient mice by transplantation of either a mixture of wild-type and beta-galactosidase-transgenic bone marrow or autologous bone marrow stem cells that were transduced with beta-galactosidase lentiviral vectors. After transplantation, mice were hepatectomized and injected with beta-galactosidase recombinant retroviruses to transduce regenerating hepatocytes. We monitored the presence of beta-galactosidase-expressing hepatocytes as well as the appearance of anti-beta-galactosidase antibodies during the time.', 'In control animals, anti-beta-galactosidase antibodies and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response developed as early as 3 weeks after gene transfer. Transduced hepatocytes disappeared concomitantly. In bone marrow transplanted mice, tolerance could be observed in a significant proportion of animals. Tolerance resulted in permanent liver transgene expression and was absent unless a chimerism above 1% was achieved, demonstrating a threshold effect. Output: 0 Microsporogenesis in monocots is often characterized by successive cytokinesis with centrifugal cell plate formation. Pollen grains in monocots are predominantly monosulcate, but variation occurs, including the lack of apertures. The aperture pattern can be determined by microsporogenesis features such as the tetrad shape and the last sites of callose deposition among the microspores. Potamogeton belongs to the early divergent Potamogetonaceae and possesses inaperturate pollen, a type of pollen for which it has been suggested that there is a release of the constraint on tetrad shape. This study aimed to investigate the microsporogenesis and the ultrastructure of pollen wall in species of Potamogeton in order to better understand the relationship between microsporogenesis features and the inaperturate condition.', 'The microsporogenesis was investigated using both light and epifluorescence microscopy. The ultrastructure of the pollen grain was studied using transmission electron microscopy.', 'The cytokinesis is successive and formation of the intersporal callose wall is achieved by centrifugal cell plates, as a one-step process. The microspore tetrads were tetragonal, decussate, T-shaped and linear, except in P. pusillus, which showed less variation. This species also showed a callose ring in the microsporocyte, and some rhomboidal tetrads. In the mature pollen, the thickening observed in a broad area of the intine was here interpreted as an artefact. Output: 1 A recurrent finding of trials on renal sympathetic denervation is a certain percentage of non-responders. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of arterial stiffness to predict response.', 'Eighty-eight patients were included in the study. Arterial stiffness was measured by invasive pulse wave velocity. Antihypertensive medication had to be unchanged during follow-up. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM) was used to record blood pressure before and six months after denervation. Fifty-eight patients without changes in medication were included in the final analysis. Responders (n=37; blood pressure reduction -12.8±6.4 mmHg) had a significantly lower pulse wave velocity (14.4±4.4 m/s versus 17.7±4.5 m/s; p=0.009) compared to non-responders (n=21; blood pressure reduction +3.0±4.5 mmHg; p<0.001 for comparison with responders). In multivariate analysis, invasive pulse wave velocity was the only significant predictor of blood pressure reduction after denervation (odds ratio 1.15, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.014-1.327; p=0.03). Patients with increased stiffness were older (p=0.001), had a higher prevalence of diabetes (p=0.008), more often had isolated systolic hypertension (p=0.007), and had a higher invasive pulse pressure (p<0.001). Output: 1 To investigate whether our practice of specialist review of all diagnostic biopsies was necessary to prevent misgrading of referred prostate cancer patients, and whether this misclassification, if any, would have resulted in misclassification of clinical risk grouping (Seattle Risk Grouping [SRG]) and subsequent treatment strategy and prognosis.', 'Important prognostic indicators for prostate cancer include the presenting prostate-specific antigen (PSA), clinical stage and Gleason sum of the tumour. These three variables are incorporated into the SRG cohorts to establish treatment strategy. Patients with prostate cancer referred for brachytherapy had their prostate biopsies reviewed by a reference pathologist (PD) with a special interest in prostate cancer. We compared the agreement between the scoring of the referring pathologists with that of PD, and evaluated if any differences changed the SRG and therefore the clinical risk and treatment strategy for the patients.', "In only 52% (43/83) of cases, was there total agreement between the two sets of pathologists. The inter-rater agreement was statistically 'fair' (unweighted kappa statistic 0.27). In 90% (36/40) of cases with disagreement, PD assigned higher Gleason sums. In 40% (16/40) of cases with disagreement, the change in Gleason sum altered the SRG; in one out of 16 cases, the SRG was downgraded from 'intermediate' to 'low' risk disease; in six out of 16 cases, it was upgraded from 'low' to 'intermediate' risk, and, in nine out of 16, from 'intermediate' to 'high' risk. Output: 1 The G-protein-coupled receptor GPR40 is expressed in pancreatic beta-cells and is activated by long-chain fatty acids. Gene deletion studies have shown that GPR40 mediates, at least in part, fatty acid-amplification of glucose-induced insulin secretion (GSIS) but is not implicated in GSIS itself. However, the role of GPR40 in the long-term effects of fatty acids on insulin secretion remains controversial. This study aimed to test the hypothesis that GPR40 plays a role in insulin secretion after high-fat feeding. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHOD GPR40 knockout (KO) mice on a C57BL/6 background and their wild-type (WT) littermates were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 11 weeks. Glucose tolerance, insulin tolerance, and insulin secretion in response to glucose and Intralipid were assessed during the course of the diet period.', 'GPR40 KO mice had fasting hyperglycemia. They became as obese, glucose intolerant, and insulin resistant as their WT littermates given HFD and developed a similar degree of liver steatosis. Their fasting blood glucose levels increased earlier than those of control mice during the course of the HFD. The remarkable increase in insulin secretory responses to intravenous glucose and Intralipid seen in WT mice after HFD was of much lower magnitude in GPR40 KO mice. Output: 1 The first Heschl's gyrus (HG) is believed to receive the core projection of the acoustic radiation. We examined if it were possible to differentiate the subcortical white matter of the HG from the superior temporal gyrus (STG) using diffusion tensor (DT) imaging.", 'The study was approved and informed consent was obtained in accordance with the guidelines of our Institutional Review Board for human subject studies. We examined six healthy adult volunteers with DT images using 20 orientations and repeated 11 times. The fractional anisotropy (FA) and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were calculated.', 'The mean FA of the subcortical white matter of the HG (0.37) was higher than that of the STG (0.27) on both sides (P < .01). There was no statistically significant difference when comparing left and right HG and STG (P > .05). There was no statistically significant difference in mean ADC of the HGs and STGs (0.75 x 10(-3) mm(2)/sec, P > .05). Output: 1 Many insect cytochrome P450s (CYPs) play critical roles in detoxification of insecticides. The CYP6 family is unique to the class Insecta, and its biochemical function has essentially been associated with the metabolism of xenobiotics. In this study, we sequenced and characterised the full-length cDNAs of five CYP genes from Locusta migratoria, a highly destructive agricultural pest worldwide.', 'The five genes were predominantly expressed in brain, guts, fat bodies or Malpighian tubules. CYP6FE1, CYP6FF1 and CYP6FG1 were expressed at higher levels in fourth-instar nymphs than in other developmental stages. CYPFD2 is specifically expressed in adults, whereas CYP6FD1, CYP6FD2 and CYP6FE1 showed significantly lower expression in eggs than in other developmental stages. Deltamethrin suppressed CYP6FD1 expression in third-instar nymphs and upregulated the expression level of CYP6FD2, CYP6FF1 and CYP6FG1 at the dose of LD Output: 0 The effects of plasterboard composition on Streptomyces californicus growth and bioactivity of spores were studied.', 'Streptomyces californicus was grown on 13 modified plasterboards under saturated humidity conditions. The total content of fatty acid methyl esters was used for quantifying S. californicus biomass, while the spore-induced cytotoxicity and production of nitric oxide (NO), tumour necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukine-6 (IL-6) in mouse macrophages was used to assess the bioactivity of spores. Removal of starch completely from the plasterboard or only from the core reduced significantly the biomass production and the biological activity of spores in comparison with reference board. The biocide added into the core or on the liner decreased the growth markedly and inhibited the sporulation totally. The biomass production correlated positively with the spore number, cytotoxicity, and production of NO and IL-6. Output: 1 Previous studies have reported that smoking abstinence rates are increased when nicotine skin patch treatment is initiated prior to the target quit smoking date, as compared with conventional treatment beginning on the quit date. We hypothesized that smoking in the presence of continuous levels of nicotine would attenuate the reinforcing effects of cigarette smoking and lead to a decline in dependence on inhaled nicotine, thus facilitating cessation.', 'This study involved four groups of smokers (n = 100 per group) who received either nicotine patch (21 mg/24 hr) or placebo patch treatment for 2 weeks before the quit smoking date, and during this period, smoked their usual brands of cigarettes or switched to low-tar and nicotine cigarettes: a 2 (nicotine patch) x 2 (cigarette type) factorial design. From the quit date on, all groups received standard nicotine patch treatment, consisting of 6 weeks of 21 mg/24 hr, 2 weeks of 14 mg/24 hr, and 2 weeks of 7 mg/24 hr. Abstinence was defined as self-report of no smoking from the quit date on, confirmed by expired-air carbon monoxide.', 'Continuous abstinence rates were approximately doubled by precessation nicotine patch treatment. The treatment mainly benefited smokers with lower levels of dependence, based on Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence score. All treatments were well tolerated. Output: 0 Gastric lipase is an important enzyme for dietary triglyceride digestion in normal subjects. Its regulation is unknown, as is the relation between the quantity and activity of the enzyme.', 'In a dose-response study we investigated the effect of low doses of pentagastrin (less than 1000 ng/kg/h) on the output of gastric lipase measured by a kinetic assay and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).', 'In five healthy volunteers stepwise intravenous pentagastrin infusions of 0, 50, 100, 500, and 1000 ng/kg/h resulted in a stepwise increase in the lipase output, as measured with ELISA. However, the lipolytic activity, measured with a kinetic assay, decreased as the pH of the gastric contents decreased. Output: 0 Indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase (IDO) degrades the essential amino acid tryptophan and has been shown to minimize rejection in animal models of renal transplantation. Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is unavoidable in renal transplantation and correlates with shorter graft survival times. Despite its favorable effects on rejection, there is evidence that IDO may facilitate renal IRI. Differentiating the negative impact of IDO on IRI from its pro-tolerant effects in allograft rejection is of clinical relevance. In these studies we hypothesized that constitutive IDO activity may influence renal genes associated with recovery from IRI, and that IDO inhibition may unmask these effects.', 'We examined the renal transcriptome in a rat model of IRI with and without IDO inhibition with 1-methyl-d-tryptophan (1-MT), and assessed for alterations in the gene expression signature.', 'These studies demonstrated that during recovery from renal IRI, pre-treatment with 1-MT alleviated alterations in 105 coding sequences associated with IRI, and in turn triggered new changes in 66 non-coding transcripts, the majority of which were represented by small nucleolar RNA. Output: 0 The use of tobacco is a well-established cause of preventable morbidity and mortality. There have been few studies examining the effect of tobacco use on outcomes and complications after arthroscopic knee procedures such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction.', 'To investigate the relationship between tobacco use and rates of postoperative infection, venous thromboembolism (VTE), arthrofibrosis, and subsequent ACL reconstruction after primary ACL reconstruction.', 'Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3.', 'A national insurance database was queried for patients who underwent arthroscopic-assisted ACL reconstruction using Current Procedural Terminology code 29888. Patients underage for tobacco use in all regions of the United States (age <20 years), those with prior ACL reconstruction, and those with the following concomitant procedures were excluded: open cruciate or collateral ligament reconstruction, open or arthroscopic cartilage procedures, patellar stabilization, extra-articular ligamentous reconstruction, and posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Tobacco use and non-tobacco use cohorts were queried using International Classification of Diseases-9th Revision coding. The non-tobacco use patients were then matched to the patients with coded tobacco use by age, sex, obesity, diabetes, meniscal repair, and meniscectomy. Complications within 90 days postoperatively were assessed for both cohorts, including infection, VTE, arthrofibrosis, and subsequent ipsilateral or contralateral ACL reconstruction after the index procedure.', 'A total of 13,358 patients who underwent ACL reconstruction met inclusion and exclusion criteria, including 1659 patients with documented tobacco use and 11,699 matched controls. The incidence of infection was significantly higher in patients who use tobacco (2.0%) versus matched controls (0.9%; odds ratio [OR], 2.3; P < .0001). The rate of VTE was also significantly higher in patients who use tobacco (1.0%) compared with matched controls (0.5%; OR, 1.9; P = .035). The rate of subsequent ACL reconstruction was significantly higher in the tobacco use cohort (12.6%) compared with matched controls (7.8%; OR, 1.7; P < .0001). There was no significant difference in the rate of postoperative stiffness after ACL reconstruction between patients who use tobacco (2.0%) and matched controls (2.3%; OR, 0.9; P = .656). Output: 1 An oligonucleotide termed 'T-oligo' having sequence homology with telomere overhang has shown cytotoxicity in multiple cancers. We have demonstrated that T-oligo can induce apoptosis in androgen independent prostate cancer cell line DU-145. In this report, we evaluate the use of star-shaped tetraspermine (SSTS) for delivery of T-oligo.", 'SSTS was synthesized from spermine and its intrinsic cytotoxicity towards DU-145 cells was compared with spermine and branched polyethyleneimine (bPEI). Atomistic molecular dynamic (MD) simulations were conducted to understand binding and complexation of spermine and SSTS with T-oligo. Complexation was also determined using gel electrophoresis and SYBR gold assay. Complexes were characterized for size, cellular uptake and antiproliferative effect.', 'SSTS exhibited significantly lower toxicity than spermine and bPEI. Its affinity towards T-oligo was significantly higher than spermine as determined by experimental studies and confirmed by MD simulations and it formed stable complexes (TONPs) with T-oligo. TONPs facilitated cellular uptake and nuclear accumulation of T-oligo and their cytotoxic potential was observed at concentration several folds lower than that required for T-oligo alone. Output: 1 Our purpose was to determine whether nuchal thickness measurement can identify the euploid fetuses in midtrimester pregnancies at increased risk for Down syndrome on the basis of maternal age and serum screening.', "Nuchal thickness was obtained prospectively in 651 consecutive fetuses at 14 to 21 weeks' gestation and at > or = 1:270 risk for Down syndrome on the basis of unconjugated estriol, alpha-fetoprotein, and human chorionic gonadotropin levels. The risk of Down syndrome with a normal nuchal thickness was determined. A receiver-operator characteristic curve was used to determine a serum-based risk threshold below which the risk for Down syndrome was low. The prevalence of Down syndrome in fetuses with both a normal nuchal thickness and a below-serum-risk threshold was compared with prevalence in either those above threshold risk or with an abnormal nuchal thickness.", 'There were eight cases of trisomy 21 and one case each of 46,XX/47,XXX, 46,XY/47,XY, +7, and 46,XX, 11q-. The sensitivity of an abnormal nuchal thickness (> or = 6 mm) for detecting Down syndrome was four in eight (50%) (95%) confidence interval 15.3% to 84.6%). The risk of Down syndrome was significantly increased with an abnormal compared with a normal nuchal thickness, four in 13 (30.8%) versus four in 638 (0.6%), p < 0.0001. A risk threshold was defined at > or = 1:100 on the basis of the receiver-operator characteristic plot. Of 390 cases with a normal nuchal thickness and a serum risk estimate < 1:100, there were no cases of Down syndrome (0/390 vs 8/253, p = 0.002). Output: 1 To examine the effect of time after birth on heart rate (HR) measured by pulse oximetry (PO) (HRPO) and electrocardiography (ECG) (HRECG).', 'HRECG and HRPO (collected at maximum sensitivity) were assessed in 53 term and preterm infants at birth. ECG electrodes and a PO sensor were attached as soon as possible and HRECG and HRPO were compared every 30 seconds from 1-10 minutes after birth. Data were compared using a Wilkinson signed-rank test. Clinical relevance (eg, HR <100 beats per minute [bpm] was tested using a McNemar test).', 'Seven hundred fifty-five data pairs were analyzed. Median (IQR) gestational age was 37 (31-39) weeks. Mean (SD) starting time of PO and ECG data collection was 99 (33) vs 82 (26) seconds after birth (P = .001). In the first 2 minutes after birth, HRPO was significantly lower compared with HRECG (94 (67-144) vs 150 (91-153) bpm at 60 seconds (P < .05), 81 (60-109) vs 148 (83-170) bpm at 90 seconds (P < .001) and 83 (67-145) vs 158 (119-176) at 120 seconds (P < .001). A HR <100 bpm was more frequently observed with a PO than ECG in the first 2 minutes (64% vs 27% at 60 seconds (P = .05), 56% vs 26% at 90 seconds (P < .05) and 53% vs 21% at 120 seconds (P < .05). HR by ECG was verified by ultrasound for outflow from a subset of infants. Output: 1 In man, differences in angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) levels, related to ACE (I/D) genotype, are associated with renal prognosis. This raises the hypothesis that individual differences in renal ACE activity are involved in renal susceptibility to inflicted damage. Therefore, we studied the predictive effect of renal ACE activity for the severity of renal damage induced by a single injection of adriamycin in rats.', 'Renal ACE activity (Hip-His-Leu cleavage by cortical homogenates) was determined by renal biopsy in 27 adult male Wistar rats. After 1 week of recovery, proteinuria was induced by adriamycin [1.5 mg/kg intravenously (i.v.) n = 18; controls, saline i.v. n = 9]. Proteinuria was measured every 2 weeks. After 12 weeks, rats were sacrificed and their kidneys harvested.', 'As anticipated, adriamycin elicited nephrotic range proteinuria, renal interstitial damage and mild focal glomerulosclerosis. Baseline renal ACE positively correlated with the relative rise in proteinuria after adriamycin (r = 0.62, P<0.01), renal interstitial alpha-smooth muscle actin (r = 0.49, P<0.05), interstitial macrophage influx (r = 0.56, P<0.05), interstitial collagen III (r = 0.53, P<0.05), glomerular alpha-smooth muscle actin (r = 0.74, P<0.01) and glomerular desmin (r = 0.48, P<0.05). Baseline renal ACE did not correlate with focal glomerulosclerosis (r = 0.22, NS). In controls, no predictive values for renal parameters were observed. Output: 0 Biliary tract carcinoma is a deadly disease, accounting for nearly 4500 malignancy-related deaths each year in the United States. Early detection has the potential to improve survival for patients with biliary tract malignancies, enabling curative surgical resection. Early detection approaches would benefit from an accurate, minimally invasive diagnostic test. To identify novel diagnostic markers, the authors recently completed a comprehensive proteomic study of bile samples from patients with biliary carcinoma. One of the proteins identified by tandem mass spectrometry was Mac-2-binding protein (Mac-2BP). The authors evaluated the performance of Mac-2BP and its ligand, galectin-3, as diagnostic markers for patients with biliary carcinoma.', 'Levels of Mac-2BP, galectin-3, and CA19-9 were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in bile samples from patients with biliary tract carcinoma (n = 26), benign biliary conditions (n = 32), and primary sclerosing cholangitis (n = 20). Serum levels of Mac-2BP and galectin-3 also were determined using ELISA. Mac-2BP tissue expression was investigated by immunohistochemical methods using a biliary carcinoma tissue microarray.', 'Biliary Mac-2BP levels were elevated by a factor of approximately 3 in the biliary carcinoma group compared with the group of patients who had PSC or another type of nonneoplastic biliary disease. In contrast, Mac-2BP levels were not elevated in serum samples from patients with biliary carcinoma. According to the immunohistochemical analysis, Mac-2BP was expressed in 34 of 36 patients (94.4%) with biliary tract carcinoma. As a diagnostic marker for biliary carcinoma, Mac-2BP levels were as accurate as biliary CA19-9 levels, with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.70 on receiver operator characteristic analysis. The use of both of these bile markers in combination, however, led to significantly better diagnostic accuracy compared with the accuracy achieved using CA19-9 alone (AUC, 0.75; P < 0.001). Serum and biliary galectin-3 levels did not differ in the biliary carcinoma group relative to the control groups. Output: 0 To determine whether pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a prognostic factor for mortality in diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (dcSSc), independent of interstitial lung disease (ILD).', 'ILD was diagnosed by high-resolution computed tomography and PAH (pulmonary arterial systolic pressure [PASP] > or =45 mm Hg) by echocardiography. All patients with ILD underwent testing for total lung capacity (TLC), forced vital capacity (FVC), and diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide.', 'Eighty-six patients with dcSSc (mean age at diagnosis 44.5 years) were followed up for a median of 72.5 months. ILD was found in 52 patients (60%) and PAH in 18 (21%). ILD was associated with PAH in 15 patients. Seventeen patients died (19.8%), 9 of whom had PAH (P = 0.001) and 10 of whom had ILD (P = 0.99). By multivariate analysis, age at SSc diagnosis and PAH were the only independent predictors of death (hazard ratio [HR] 1.057, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.009-1.109, P = 0.020 and HR 4.09, 95% CI 1.47-11.5, P = 0.007, respectively). Mean TLC and mean FVC were similar in ILD patients with and those without PAH (P = 0.71 and P = 0.40, respectively). Among ILD patients, age at SSc diagnosis and PAH were again the sole predictors of death (HR 1.073, 95% CI 1.003-1.149, P = 0.042 and HR 5.07, 95% CI 1.09-23.8, P = 0.038, respectively). Twenty ILD patients received at least 6 monthly pulses of intravenous cyclophosphamide (CYC). In CYC-treated patients with PAH (n = 8), PASP increased significantly during the CYC regimen (mean +/- SD 55 +/- 14.5 mm Hg; P = 0.015 versus baseline), while TLC remained stable during the same period. Output: 1 In streptozotocin-injected rats (STZ-rats), we previously demonstrated a role for angiotensin II (AT-II) in cardiac remodelling and insulin resistance partially counteracted by in vivo treatment with losartan, an AT-II receptor antagonist.We now aimed to investigate the effect of treating diabetic STZ-rats with losartan on diabetes vascular response to vasoconstrictors.', 'Male Wistar rats were randomly divided in four groups, two of them were assigned to receive losartan in the drinking water (20 mg/kg/day) until the experiment ending (3 weeks afterward). After 1 week, two groups, one of which receiving losartan, were injected in the tail vein with citrate buffer (normoglycemic, N and normoglycemic, losartan-treated, NL). The remaining received a single injection of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg in citrate i.v.) thus becoming diabetic (D) and diabetic losartan-treated (DL). Plasma glycaemia and blood pressure were measured in all animals before the sacrifice (15 days after diabetes induction).In aortic strips isolated from N, NL, D and DL rats we evaluated i) the isometric concentration-dependent contractile response to phenylephrine (Phe) and to AT-II; ii) the RhoA-kinase (ROCK1) activity and expression by enzyme-immunoassay and Western blot respectively.', 'The concentration-dependent contractile effect of Phe was similar in aortas from all groups, whereas at all concentrations tested, AT-II contraction efficacy was 2 and half and 1 and half times higher in D and DL respectively in comparison with N and NL. AT-II contracture was similarly reduced in all groups by AT-II receptor antagonists, irbesartan or irbesartan plus PD123319. HA-1077 (10 microM), an inhibitor of ROCK1 activity, reduced AT-II efficacy (Deltamg/mg tissue w.w.) by -3.5 +/- 1.0, -4.6 +/- 1.9, -22.1 +/- 2.2 and -11.4 +/- 1.3 in N, NL, D and DL respectively). ROCK1 activity and expression were higher in D than in N/NL and DL aortas. Output: 0 Increased small airway resistance and decreased lung elasticity contribute to the airflow limitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The lesion that corresponds to loss of lung elasticity is emphysema; the small airway obstruction is due to inflammatory narrowing and obliteration. Despite their convergence in altered physiology, different mechanisms contribute to these processes. The relationships between gene expression and these specific phenotypes may be more revealing than comparison with lung function.', 'We measured the ratio of alveolar surface area to lung volume (SA/V) in lung tissue from 43 smokers. Two samples from 21 subjects, in which SA/V differed by >49 cm2/mL were profiled to select genes whose expression correlated with SA/V. Significant genes were tested for replication in the 22 remaining subjects.', 'The level of expression of 181 transcripts was related to SA/V ( p < 0.05). When these genes were tested in the 22 remaining subjects as a replication, thirty of the 181 genes remained significantly associated with SA/V (P < 0.05) and the direction of association was the same in 164/181. Pathway and network analysis revealed enrichment of genes involved in protein ubiquitination, and western blotting showed altered expression of genes involved in protein ubiquitination in obstructed individuals. Output: 0 Tumour cells alter the characteristics of the adjacent stroma to create a supportive microenvironment during cancer progression. In vitro and in vivo experiments were carried out to verify the role of stromal TGF-β1 in reinforcing of the invasive potential in low invasive cancer.', 'Isolated NF or CAF was co-cultured with low invasive HSC-2 cells to evaluate whether stromal TGF-β1 induced PDPN expression by Transwell invasion and influenced tumour growth in orthotopic xenografts.', 'Stimulation by TGF-β1 promoted PDPN expression and Transwell invasion through SMAD signalling as well as activation of Src, P38 mitogen activated protein kinase and extracellular regulated kinase 1/2. PDPN induction was TβRII-dependent. Tumour growth of HSC-2 OSCC in a mouse xenograft was intensified in the tumour CAF microenvironment. Output: 1 We have performed TNF-alpha gene transfection in a mouse mammary cancer line and found significant antitumor effects. We hypothesize that the antitumor effects observed in this model are mediated by ICAM-1 and by the recruitment of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. In vivo (Balb/c mice) tumor growth inhibition, treatment of established tumor and the effects of ICAM-1 and CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were evaluated.', 'Gene transfection with highly efficient vectors resulted in secretion of large amounts of TNF-alpha (ELISA). In vivo antitumor effects were tested. The number of cells required to generate palpable tumor 7-10 days after subcutaneous injection was determined (1 x 10(6)). The same number of transfected cells were injected subcutaneously and compared to nontransfected controls. Tumors were measured blindly and size was analyzed on day 30 by the Wilcoxon rank sum test. Mean tumor size after injection of transfected cells is compared to that of controls. Control tumors reached the maximum allowable size by day 30 (4 cm(2)). On day 30 EMT6-TNF-alpha tumors were 0.48 cm(2) (p < 0.05). The effect of repeat injection (challenge was also tested. Animals were injected with transfected cells or wild-type control on day -6 and challenged with the same number of wild-type tumor cells on day 0. Significant immune protection against subsequent challenge was seen after first time injection with EMT6-TNF-alpha but not after first time EMT6 wild-type injection (1.62 vs. 4 cm(2)). Treatment of 6-day-old tumor was also evaluated. On day 30, mean tumor size in animals treated with EMT6-TNF-alpha was 0.9 cm(2) compared to 4 cm(2) for controls. In all experiments, CD8+ T cell depletion and CD4+ T cell depletion caused a reversal of TNF-alpha-induced inhibitory effects. In addition, in vivo antibody blocking of ICAM-1 in tumor growth experiments reversed antitumor effects (control 4 cm(2), TNF-alpha 0.2 cm(2) and ICAM-1 blocking 3.14 cm(2)). Using flow cytometry, MHC class I and II and ICAM-1 adhesion molecule expression of transfected tumor was tested. ICAM-I expression was significantly upregulated. MHC class II antigen expression was also increased. TNF-alpha-transfected human breast cancer was also evaluated. Three cell lines and fresh tumor were transfected to express TNF-alpha. In vitro analysis revealed ICAM-1 upregulation following transfection. Histologic analysis and immunohistochemical staining revealed TNF-alpha and ICAM-1 in transfected tumors and not in wild-type tumors. Output: 0
In this task, you are given an adjective, and your job is to generate its antonym. An antonym of a word is a word opposite in meaning to it. Given: refuse A: want Given: creates A: destroy Given: reduce A: up Given: decrease A: increase Given: company A: loneliness Given: honesty A: lie Given: birthday A: funeral Given: settle A: unsettle Given: divorce A: marry Given: medicine A: poison Given: quality A: rubbish Given: green A: red Given: burn A: extinguish Given: free A: trap Given: interior A: outside Given: policeman A: criminal Given: complete A: incomplete Given: flat A: sharp Given: nothing A: something Given: mountain A: sea Given: handle A: spout Given: rent A: free Given: grass A: weed Given: cool A: warm Given: mystery A: open Given: happiness A: unhappiness Given: listen A: talk Given: grow A: small Given: benevolent A: evil Given: ignorant A: know Given: theory A: law Given: run A: walk Given: birthday A: funeral Given: individual A: share Given: swim A: sink Given: short A: tall Given: result A: begin Given: dull A: sharp Given: mortal A: life Given: copy A: unique Given: birthday A: funeral Given: hardware A: software Given: private A: share Given: freedom A: jail Given: news A: history Given: learn A: teach Given: black A: white Given: float A: sink Given: evil A: nice Given: foolish A: smart Given: line A: point Given: back A: front Given: common A: unusual Given: control A: free Given: cloud A: sunshine Given: work A: retire Given: fail A: win Given: get A: lose Given: unbroken A: split Given: live A: animate Given: day A: night Given: judge A: criminal Given: lose A: win Given: material A: idea Given: smooth A: bumpy Given: king A: queen Given: news A: history Given: win A: lose Given: material A: idea Given: injure A: praise Given: object A: person Given: huge A: small Given: intense A: mild Given: husband A: wife Given: mineral A: vegetable Given: cold A: warm Given: delight A: dislike Given: result A: begin Given: swim A: sink Given: irritate A: soothe Given: delight A: dislike Given: hold A: move Given: horizontal A: vertical Given: recognize A: unknown Given: day A: night Given: lip A: nose Given: heat A: freeze Given: iron A: steel Given: population A: person Given: day A: night Given: wait A: leave Given: conclusion A: begining Given: benevolent A: evil Given: swallow A: spit Given: cellar A: attic Given: modern A: past Given: help A: trouble Given: displease A: please Given: lie A: truth Given: exercise A: sit Given: paper A: scissor Given: pull A: push Given: eye A: nose Given: customer A: retailer Given: separation A: union Given: read A: write Given: woman A: man Given: rest A: work Given: fall A: up Given: payment A: money Given: theory A: law Given: lemon A: orange Given: roll A: stop Given: smoke A: clear Given: smart A: stupid Given: old A: young Given: speak A: write Given: news A: history Given: dislike A: like Given: pass A: take Given: separation A: union Given: hard A: soft Given: burn A: extinguish Given: flat A: sharp Given: lot A: small Given: nation A: individual Given: nasty A: nice Given: attach A: separate Given: factory A: farm Given: loose A: tight Given: little A: tall Given: comfortable A: uncomfortable Given: drive A: walk Given: girl A: son Given: liquid A: solid Given: connect A: separate Given: might A: weak Given: everybody A: nobody Given: rock A: water Given: lot A: small Given: dirty A: clean Given: shadow A: light Given: mark A: clean Given: change A: stable Given: deep A: shallow Given: pain A: relief Given: rain A: sunshine Given: compress A: expand Given: rise A: sunset Given: settle A: unsettle Given: sharp A: blunt Given: record A: tape Given: polish A: rough Given: union A: split Given: benefit A: punishment Given: line A: point Given: piece A: whole Given: liberty A: death Given: pull A: push Given: mobile A: fix Given: road A: street Given: smooth A: bumpy Given: comfortable A: uncomfortable Given: advance A: retreat Given: advance A: retreat Given: increase A: sink Given: follow A: lead Given: throw A: catch Given: juice A: milk Given: night A: light Given: pass A: take Given: protect A: vulnerable Given: hour A: second Given: birth A: death Given: complicate A: simplify Given: shade A: sunshine Given: music A: television Given: lemon A: orange Given: off A: on Given: private A: share Given: coward A: hero Given: half A: whole Given: intelligent A: stupid Given: hate A: love Given: gentle A: wild Given: run A: walk Given: grip A: blade Given: rock A: water Given: float A: sink Given: shade A: sunshine Given: important A: useless Given: reward A: stick Given: hill A: plain Given: quiet A: talk Given: rain A: sunshine Given: huge A: small Given: mortal A: life Given: meat A: vegetable Given: black A: white Given: crime A: justice Given: payment A: money Given: everything A: nothing Given: east A: west Given: young A: mature Given: game A: work Given: inferior A: superior Given: story A: fact Given: north A: west Given: float A: sink Given: smart A: stupid Given: proud A: humble Given: buy A: steal Given: complete A: incomplete Given: mistake A: success Given: payment A: money Given: vacation A: work Given: picture A: movie Given: kind A: unkind Given: escape A: trap Given: record A: tape Given: shade A: sunshine Given: pleasure A: unhappiness Given: compound A: simple Given: follower A: leader Given: hand A: foot Given: party A: work Given: medicine A: poison Given: rice A: potato Given: result A: begin Given: confirm A: question Given: gentleman A: player Given: one A: zero Given: dull A: sharp Given: miss A: strike Given: black A: white Given: exist A: die Given: dwell A: move Given: variety A: plain Given: profit A: negative Given: benefit A: punishment Given: flash A: dark Given: grow A: small Given: rain A: sunshine Given: energy A: lethargy Given: increase A: sink Given: tall A: short Given: machine A: person Given: get up A: sit down Given: intelligent A: stupid Given: union A: split Given: machine A: person Given: run A: walk Given: gold A: silver Given: lie A: truth Given: grass A: weed Given: fly A: walk Given: fill A: cavity Given: curve A: square Given: hollow A: solid Given: dark A: pale Given: bitter A: tasty Given: gentleman A: player Given: compress A: expand Given: read A: write Given: great britain A: ireland Given: walk A: stop Given: object A: person Given: paint A: paper Given: pupil A: teacher Given: science A: magic Given: roll A: stop Given: quality A: rubbish Given: mean A: nice Given: order A: division Given: forest A: plain Given: lie down A: get up Given: half A: whole Given: city A: village Given: health A: sickness Given: charming A: dull Given: hardware A: software Given: high A: short Given: comfort A: uncomfortable Given: fast A: slow Given: committee A: individual Given: real A: pretend Given: coward A: hero Given: hold A: move Given: disease A: well Given: judge A: criminal Given: movie A: play Given: race A: slow Given: liquid A: solid Given: fraud A: true Given: right A: wrong Given: desert A: ocean Given: press A: pull Given: friendship A: enemy Given: fat A: thin Given: misunderstand A: understand Given: dark A: pale Given: hope A: fear Given: defense A: prosecution Given: build A: tear Given: follower A: leader Given: radio A: tv Given: reduce A: up Given: letter A: number Given: well A: unwell Given: root A: trunk Given: tall A: short Given: net A: gross Given: loud A: soft Given: run A: walk Given: fail A: win Given: modern A: past Given: grow A: small Given: boil A: freeze Given: compound A: simple Given: bring A: take away Given: record A: tape Given: gray A: black Given: variety A: plain Given: record A: tape Given: vulnerable A: strong Given: pepper A: salt Given: machine A: person Given: refuse A: want Given: rice A: potato Given: annoy A: please Given: net A: gross Given: thick A: thin Given: enemy A: friend Given: charge A: pay Given: farm A: town Given: split A: whole Given: rice A: potato Given: black A: white Given: miss A: strike Given: off A: on Given: weak A: powerful Given: freeze A: melt Given: individual A: share Given: lower A: raise Given: column A: row Given: sharp A: blunt Given: dream A: wake Given: rapid A: slow Given: plain A: unique Given: lose A: win Given: look A: touch Given: confirm A: question Given: fast A: slow Given: horse A: donkey Given: cellar A: attic Given: float A: sink Given: question A: statement Given: judge A: criminal Given: hold A: move Given: bitter A: tasty Given: busy A: slow Given: day A: night Given: irritate A: soothe Given: shy A: bold Given: well A: unwell Given: annoy A: please Given: meat A: vegetable Given: off A: on Given: strong A: weak Given: join A: split Given: kill A: make Given: expensive A: cheap Given: nature A: man Given: grip A: blade Given: large A: small Given: idle A: work Given: greed A: generous Given: hot A: mild Given: smoke A: clear Given: nasty A: nice Given: house A: tent Given: divine A: unpleasant Given: everything A: nothing Given: lake A: sea Given: burn A: extinguish Given: enlightenment A: ignorance Given: rough A: smooth Given: question A: statement Given: doctor A: patient Given: follower A: leader Given: pet A: wild Given: burn A: extinguish Given: advance A: retreat Given: surprise A: plan Given: strange A: standard Given: appear A: disappear Given: horse A: donkey Given: greed A: generous Given: hatred A: love Given: lunch A: breakfast Given: depressed A: elated Given: picture A: movie Given: know A: unknown Given: brother A: sister Given: beauty A: ugly Given: everything A: nothing Given: kitten A: puppy Given: stationary A: mobile Given: music A: television Given: lot A: small Given: jog A: walk Given: birthday A: funeral Given: question A: statement Given: gun A: knife Given: surprise A: plan Given: defeat A: win Given: noise A: silent Given: door A: window Given: land A: water Given: kill A: make Given: friendship A: enemy Given: common A: unusual Given: idle A: work Given: metal A: wood Given: fraud A: true Given: gun A: knife Given: read A: write Given: delight A: dislike Given: separation A: union Given: hold A: move Given: adventure A: safe Given: old A: young Given: decrease A: increase Given: judge A: criminal Given: grip A: blade Given: throw A: catch Given: dwell A: move Given: stationary A: mobile Given: group A: separate Given: machine A: person Given: moral A: evil Given: hour A: second Given: dull A: sharp Given: soft A: hard Given: glass A: wood Given: bright A: dull Given: beautiful A: ugly Given: regret A: feel good Given: creates A: destroy Given: hardware A: software Given: me A: you Given: adult A: child Given: men A: woman Given: boil A: freeze Given: far A: nearby Given: gas A: water Given: intense A: mild Given: exercise A: sit Given: pipe A: cigarette Given: sorrow A: happy Given: off A: on Given: juice A: milk Given: fact A: lie Given: busy A: slow Given: horizontal A: vertical Given: disease A: well Given: stain A: clean Given: tense A: relaxed Given: lift A: set Given: recognize A: unknown Given: thick A: thin Given: injure A: praise Given: nation A: individual Given: kill A: make Given: beautiful A: ugly Given: adult A: child Given: offspring A: parent Given: like A: hate Given: recognize A: unknown Given: rough A: smooth Given: ride A: walk Given: both A: one Given: group A: separate Given: same A: unique Given: pay A: tax Given: girlfriend A: enemy Given: both A: one Given: increase A: sink Given: stationary A: mobile Given: discover A: lose Given: mineral A: vegetable Given: attach A: separate Given: fraud A: true Given: depression A: happiness Given: get A: lose Given: freeze A: melt Given: confirm A: question Given: compress A: expand Given: fictional A: real Given: everything A: nothing Given: gentleman A: player Given: vulnerable A: strong Given: win A: lose Given: stretch A: tight Given: confusion A: understand Given: soft A: hard Given: hatred A: love Given: pleasure A: unhappiness Given: father A: mother Given: active A: passive Given: nice A: unkind Given: close A: open Given: down A: up Given: happiness A: unhappiness Given: leak A: seal Given: rent A: free Given: story A: fact Given: hall A: room Given: protect A: vulnerable Given: kid A: adult Given: leak A: seal Given: come A: leave Given: displease A: please Given: laughter A: cry Given: enlightenment A: ignorance Given: order A: division Given: matter A: liquid Given: polish A: rough Given: question A: statement Given: conflict A: peace Given: girlfriend A: enemy Given: record A: tape Given: result A: begin Given: intense A: mild Given: straight A: gay Given: heavy A: lightweight Given: due A: pay Given: hand A: foot Given: follow A: lead Given: fictional A: real Given: modern A: past Given: black A: white Given: interior A: outside Given: happy A: unpleasant Given: enter A: leave Given: heavy A: lightweight Given: man A: woman Given: science A: magic Given: letter A: number Given: belief A: fact Given: record A: tape Given: benefit A: punishment Given: pleasure A: unhappiness Given: fancy A: simple Given: raise A: push Given: leaf A: stem Given: kid A: adult Given: intelligent A: stupid Given: husband A: wife Given: pipe A: cigarette Given: gray A: black Given: stationary A: mobile Given: learn A: teach Given: forest A: plain Given: little A: tall Given: variety A: plain Given: office A: outside Given: interior A: outside Given: desert A: ocean Given: god A: mortal Given: colorful A: white Given: news A: history Given: field A: forest Given: walk A: stop Given: crime A: justice Given: learn A: teach Given: profit A: negative Given: glass A: wood Given: nasty A: nice Given: colorful A: white Given: noble A: coward Given: look A: touch Given: truth A: false Given: develop A: destroy Given: crowd A: small Given: fly A: walk Given: leave A: back Given: strange A: standard Given: gun A: knife Given: curved A: straight Given: due A: pay Given: religion A: science Given: surprise A: plan Given: horse A: donkey Given: confusion A: understand Given: hear A: talk Given: warmth A: cool Given: medicine A: poison Given: compact A: spread Given: kid A: adult Given: warmth A: cool Given: irritate A: soothe Given: meat A: vegetable Given: division A: whole Given: fur A: scale Given: attach A: separate Given: object A: person Given: known A: unknown Given: birthday A: funeral Given: jog A: walk Given: hail A: rain Given: dream A: wake Given: colorful A: white Given: mountain A: sea Given: snow A: warm Given: object A: person Given: piece A: whole Given: story A: fact Given: domestic A: wild Given: perfect A: wrong Given: annoy A: please Given: intense A: mild Given: dance A: stand Given: raise A: push Given: nasty A: nice Given: come A: leave Given: girlfriend A: enemy Given: bring A: take away Given: great A: small Given: north A: west Given: beautiful A: ugly Given: theory A: law Given: pipe A: cigarette Given: tired A: active Given: hostility A: peace Given: control A: free Given: lake A: sea Given: profit A: negative Given: thick A: thin Given: common A: unusual Given: dirt A: clean Given: ride A: walk Given: lie down A: get up Given: rice A: potato Given: exercise A: sit Given: delight A: dislike Given: complete A: incomplete Given: empty A: full Given: original A: reproduction Given: common A: unusual Given: gold A: silver Given: little A: tall Given: dog A: bitch Given: common A: unusual Given: crowd A: small Given: lie down A: get up Given: i A: you Given: everybody A: nobody Given: add A: take away Given: love A: war Given: problem A: solve Given: learn A: teach Given: cold A: warm Given: sin A: virtue Given: fine A: rough Given: damage A: protect Given: health A: sickness Given: hate A: love Given: homosexual A: straight Given: beauty A: ugly Given: vacation A: work Given: factory A: farm Given: half A: whole Given: pick A: give Given: kitten A: puppy Given: loud A: soft Given: joy A: unhappiness Given: known A: unknown Given: new A: use Given: drop A: hold Given: win A: lose Given: ride A: walk Given: horse A: donkey Given: misery A: happiness Given: antique A: new Given: steal A: give Given: fur A: scale Given: join A: split Given: music A: television Given: ordinary A: weird Given: pull A: push Given: middle A: side Given: decide A: think Given: i A: you Given: positive A: uncertain Given: muscle A: weak Given: creates A: destroy Given: mountain A: sea Given: everything A: nothing Given: kind A: unkind Given: husband A: wife Given: real A: pretend Given: music A: television Given: story A: fact Given: rough A: smooth Given: fraud A: true Given: float A: sink Given: mystery A: open Given: please A: disgust Given: freedom A: jail Given: minute A: second Given: drive A: walk Given: handle A: spout Given: paper A: scissor Given: pay A: tax Given: page A: cover Given: hunger A: full Given: pay A: tax Given: birth A: death Given: hop A: jump Given: laughter A: cry Given: useful A: useless Given: copy A: unique Given: develop A: destroy Given: individual A: share Given: fine A: rough Given: king A: queen Given: page A: cover Given: real A: pretend Given: short A: tall Given: affection A: dislike Given: conflict A: peace Given: crowd A: small Given: lady A: man Given: need A: have Given: paper A: scissor Given: breakfast A: dinner Given: fight A: play Given: lower A: raise Given: man A: woman Given: complicate A: simplify Given: fill A: cavity Given: leaf A: stem Given: ignorance A: know Given: damage A: protect Given: paint A: paper Given: lift A: set Given: home A: work Given: evil A: nice Given: mouse A: cat Given: meat A: vegetable Given: sea A: desert Given: lemon A: orange Given: home A: work Given: friendship A: enemy Given: hail A: rain Given: city A: village Given: moon A: sun Given: story A: fact Given: honesty A: lie Given: pan A: pot Given: nature A: man Given: lower A: raise Given: common A: unusual Given: strong A: weak Given: explain A: confuse Given: might A: weak Given: hollow A: solid Given: peace A: war Given: interior A: outside Given: division A: whole Given: manufacture A: destroy Given: might A: weak Given: sharp A: blunt Given: compound A: simple Given: win A: lose Given: picture A: movie Given: wash A: dry Given: due A: pay Given: machine A: person Given: die A: live Given: grip A: blade Given: fall A: up Given: heat A: freeze Given: miss A: strike Given: different A: same Given: hour A: second Given: late A: time Given: creates A: destroy Given: comfort A: uncomfortable Given: dry A: wet Given: surprise A: plan Given: win A: lose Given: room A: outside Given: sleep A: wake up Given: nature A: man Given: gentle A: wild Given: irritate A: soothe Given: confusion A: understand Given: flow A: stop Given: company A: loneliness Given: fill A: cavity Given: north A: west Given: drive A: walk Given: fall A: up Given: useful A: useless Given: original A: reproduction Given: hail A: rain Given: bring A: take away Given: hot A: mild Given: soft A: hard Given: laugh A: tear Given: curve A: square Given: ride A: walk Given: company A: loneliness Given: explain A: confuse Given: sea A: desert Given: hardware A: software Given: ignorant A: know Given: ideal A: bad Given: variety A: plain Given: room A: outside Given: joint A: separate Given: mortal A: life Given: horse A: donkey Given: past A: present Given: honesty A: lie Given: pleasure A: unhappiness Given: complicate A: simplify Given: snow A: warm Given: intense A: mild Given: horse A: donkey Given: moral A: evil Given: milk A: water Given: strong A: weak Given: develop A: destroy Given: smart A: stupid Given: confirm A: question Given: great britain A: ireland Given: light A: extinguish Given: snow A: warm Given: person A: nobody Given: advance A: retreat Given: net A: gross Given: loud A: soft Given: evil A: nice Given: mankind A: animal Given: trade A: store Given: explain A: confuse Given: enter A: leave Given: handle A: spout Given: well A: unwell Given: build A: tear Given: east A: west Given: kid A: adult Given: join A: split Given: explain A: confuse Given: little A: tall Given: dwell A: move Given: liberty A: death Given: land A: water Given: close A: open Given: strange A: standard Given: group A: separate Given: steal A: give Given: adventure A: safe Given: stationary A: mobile Given: save A: spend Given: green A: red Given: gate A: wall Given: men A: woman Given: past A: present Given: hold A: move Given: charming A: dull Given: record A: tape Given: bad A: good Given: noise A: silent Given: group A: separate Given: root A: trunk Given: group A: separate Given: real A: pretend Given: low A: raise Given: confusion A: understand Given: respect A: nasty Given: talk A: write Given: count A: discount Given: energy A: lethargy Given: hope A: fear Given: mankind A: animal Given: loose A: tight Given: mortal A: life Given: escape A: trap Given: hate A: love Given: shadow A: light Given: pain A: relief Given: unbroken A: split
Given a concept word, generate a hypernym for it. A hypernym is a superordinate, i.e. a word with a broad meaning constituting a category, that generalizes another word. For example, color is a hypernym of red. unknown Label: foreign lop Label: flow tallow Label: glue stretch Label: move banana Label: food pluck Label: pull alleviation Label: decrease gorilla Label: vertebrate yacht Label: vehicle carry Label: have noise Label: cry fall Label: event citation Label: rule bus Label: transport normative Label: normal saloon Label: tavern experience Label: education parody Label: comedy baby Label: child pastor Label: preacher velocity Label: physics washer Label: artefact alleviation Label: decrease chair Label: seat dolphin Label: animal game Label: toy mold Label: container dagger Label: object leak Label: damage fireplace Label: box create Label: make emotion Label: think society Label: club matter Label: makeup accessibility Label: feature poetic Label: pretty clam Label: seafood donkey Label: beast mature Label: change matter Label: makeup psychology Label: science pop Label: sound restaurant Label: building customer Label: person skateboard Label: sport tea Label: meal organise Label: assemble time Label: mystery pastor Label: preacher innovator Label: original pigeon Label: vertebrate tanker Label: vehicle submarine Label: boat sheep Label: mammal duck Label: move kill Label: destroy king Label: person confine Label: segregate aircraft Label: flyer nose Label: locate fan Label: machine robe Label: wear castle Label: build emperor Label: ruler give Label: perform ski Label: travel cranberry Label: fruit completeness Label: feeling cloak Label: garment tanker Label: vehicle matter Label: makeup cello Label: artifact beetle Label: invertebrate tanker Label: vehicle sex Label: fun iodine Label: medicine pleasure Label: feel hop Label: dance catch Label: get cabinet Label: place hone Label: sharpen garden Label: yard rubbish Label: waste radish Label: produce chisel Label: object read Label: learn evidence Label: argue deteriorate Label: worsen instrument Label: device beetle Label: invertebrate nationality Label: ethnicity food Label: vegetable implicate Label: hint dresser Label: artefact middle Label: part fight Label: argue exit Label: open food Label: vegetable accessibility Label: feature rest Label: support market Label: industry pick Label: pierce chair Label: seat leaflet Label: paper boot Label: shoe tanker Label: vehicle orbital Label: circular ferry Label: artifact drive Label: move carp Label: food bat Label: club boat Label: ride television Label: good guitar Label: artifact direct Label: order intentional Label: deliberate cypress Label: tree van Label: conveyance dinner Label: meal barley Label: grain drill Label: device run Label: sport fly Label: move metropolitan Label: urban emotional Label: affected audition Label: play violin Label: artifact department Label: division heart Label: muscle bee Label: insect pig Label: ungulate invalid Label: bad musician Label: career humble Label: meek kid Label: offspring lobster Label: shellfish tomato Label: food nose Label: locate tear Label: cry cheese Label: food jar Label: vessel biblical Label: literary potato Label: vegetable gold Label: color assertion Label: statement truck Label: artifact rubbish Label: waste submarine Label: boat abdicate Label: resign tribal Label: native give Label: perform poetic Label: pretty black Label: man emotional Label: affected copy Label: text pig Label: ungulate edit Label: fix sexuality Label: libido bird Label: meat charm Label: object remember Label: dream cotton Label: crop penguin Label: creature hole Label: open food Label: vegetable gold Label: color jack Label: flag appall Label: disgust postal Label: mercurial cut Label: free hand Label: aid policeman Label: job sensory Label: receptive department Label: division bomber Label: warplane power Label: invoke pig Label: ungulate major Label: student knowledgeable Label: smart villa Label: building weird Label: strange major Label: student stop Label: act giraffe Label: beast cello Label: artifact unconfirmed Label: false department Label: division rice Label: grain stop Label: act intentional Label: deliberate record Label: fact symphonic Label: musical slider Label: sandwich power Label: invoke leaflet Label: paper proportionate Label: adequate manual Label: analog carry Label: have cucumber Label: produce bread Label: food sex Label: fun kitten Label: mammal dart Label: action darling Label: lover dog Label: pet library Label: institution kindness Label: good split Label: share library Label: institution produce Label: make sport Label: exercise actress Label: human see Label: think blouse Label: garment freezer Label: device crop Label: cut help Label: support drill Label: device robe Label: wear center Label: place cherry Label: fruit bag Label: luggage result Label: end hawk Label: animal contaminate Label: infect rat Label: vertebrate ram Label: device parody Label: comedy sun Label: company dream Label: event guitar Label: artifact saloon Label: tavern jacket Label: garment vest Label: covering pit Label: cavity university Label: build bat Label: club able Label: competent restaurant Label: building normative Label: normal train Label: conveyance cold Label: food case Label: cover case Label: cover pneumatic Label: mechanical college Label: place dolphin Label: animal earth Label: object leak Label: damage object Label: matter tongue Label: muscle parsley Label: vegetable kitten Label: mammal hospital Label: building murder Label: kill lose Label: suffer ferry Label: artifact emotional Label: affected coach Label: drive instructive Label: helpful hone Label: sharpen scale Label: cover garden Label: yard color Label: flag spinach Label: vegetable lion Label: male frog Label: vertebrate coconut Label: produce color Label: flag center Label: place worm Label: animal digestive Label: gastrointestinal vest Label: covering swallow Label: consume contradiction Label: confusion telephone Label: device glove Label: accessory probable Label: likely goodbye Label: departure restaurant Label: building result Label: end move Label: turn violin Label: artifact parody Label: comedy humble Label: meek shoot Label: hit abdicate Label: resign follower Label: person animal Label: life photographic Label: detailed deteriorate Label: worsen link Label: instruction toast Label: bread sofa Label: artifact meat Label: muscle rice Label: grain root Label: grow service Label: function dishwasher Label: object cod Label: food speed Label: movie hawk Label: animal frog Label: vertebrate wear Label: dress educator Label: employee pneumatic Label: mechanical leader Label: human australia Label: island record Label: fact carry Label: have work Label: move robe Label: wear marine Label: soldier squirrel Label: mammal psychology Label: science pop Label: sound pleasure Label: feel game Label: toy cathedral Label: edifice sofa Label: artifact radish Label: produce darling Label: lover triangle Label: instrument roll Label: move probable Label: likely pleasure Label: feel fight Label: argue unnoticed Label: alone center Label: place evidence Label: argue connect Label: join crow Label: vertebrate amalgamate Label: blend dog Label: pet sport Label: exercise marine Label: soldier sparrow Label: animal grapefruit Label: fruit giraffe Label: beast chap Label: male major Label: student chicken Label: food jet Label: craft run Label: sport wear Label: dress revolver Label: device ham Label: food library Label: institution kitten Label: mammal boot Label: shoe department Label: division burn Label: pain zero Label: number implicate Label: hint letter Label: document pub Label: edifice train Label: conveyance catch Label: get psychology Label: science contradiction Label: confusion workforce Label: employment endemic Label: widespread sum Label: total completeness Label: feeling innovator Label: original row Label: fight give Label: perform taxonomic Label: biological coupling Label: machinery home Label: comfort uninsured Label: unprepared arboreal Label: natural workforce Label: employment immobilize Label: restrain customer Label: person iron Label: element chop Label: strike submarine Label: boat dolphin Label: animal trout Label: vertebrate violin Label: artifact end Label: change butterfly Label: creature slider Label: sandwich cranberry Label: fruit language Label: communication australia Label: island shoot Label: hit contradiction Label: confusion alert Label: warn pathological Label: psychological seed Label: fruit root Label: grow alligator Label: predator caretaker Label: person unconfirmed Label: false couch Label: object everything Label: data sell Label: exchange couch Label: object cold Label: food split Label: share despotic Label: absolute vulture Label: bird article Label: piece arboreal Label: natural cranberry Label: fruit sweater Label: artifact tissue Label: object element Label: weather pheasant Label: bird intimidate Label: frighten pride Label: feel bread Label: food see Label: think hatchet Label: artifact hornet Label: insect rabbit Label: mammal maximum Label: all implicate Label: hint warm Label: change pleasure Label: feel pneumatic Label: mechanical bird Label: meat link Label: instruction catfish Label: vertebrate horse Label: mammal rabbit Label: mammal boom Label: grow jet Label: craft invalid Label: bad saxophone Label: artifact wear Label: dress chop Label: strike bird Label: meat tanker Label: vehicle south Label: place symbolism Label: connection lot Label: place bite Label: grip direct Label: order hop Label: dance bookcase Label: artefact reach Label: move baby Label: child rake Label: artefact cat Label: animal unsatisfactory Label: determined pride Label: feel dream Label: event home Label: comfort hawk Label: animal goose Label: animal sun Label: company leader Label: human drown Label: extinguish cut Label: free stretcher Label: hospital dolphin Label: animal dollar Label: money root Label: grow broccoli Label: food toast Label: bread emotion Label: think deaf Label: handicapped catfish Label: vertebrate probable Label: likely superficial Label: shallow devolve Label: transfer squirrel Label: mammal glider Label: artifact intentional Label: deliberate minister Label: work pleasure Label: feel foot Label: anatomy oven Label: commodity bat Label: club glider Label: artifact center Label: place street Label: road plan Label: business mold Label: container instrument Label: device drown Label: extinguish cherry Label: fruit ham Label: food volcano Label: place clam Label: seafood bear Label: mammal unsatisfactory Label: determined ham Label: food coupling Label: machinery broccoli Label: food robe Label: wear meat Label: muscle woman Label: human object Label: matter unknown Label: foreign insect Label: organism article Label: piece dollar Label: money kitten Label: mammal conflict Label: state carry Label: have bat Label: club saw Label: utensil actress Label: human everything Label: data stockade Label: fortification alert Label: warn stockade Label: fortification stout Label: strength mammal Label: cat post Label: record hospital Label: building manufacture Label: produce stop Label: act heart Label: muscle deaf Label: handicapped seed Label: fruit endemic Label: widespread death Label: change dresser Label: artefact swallow Label: consume wine Label: alcohol player Label: person carry Label: have present Label: time plow Label: tool work Label: move glove Label: accessory ferry Label: artifact mammal Label: cat tea Label: meal caretaker Label: person bug Label: animal alligator Label: predator everything Label: data center Label: place bulge Label: bend expand Label: grow customer Label: person table Label: artefact saturation Label: process bar Label: support puppy Label: animal sensory Label: receptive deaf Label: handicapped arm Label: protect mold Label: container pneumatic Label: mechanical unnoticed Label: alone end Label: change cranberry Label: fruit tomato Label: food prime Label: number uninsured Label: unprepared stout Label: strength commitment Label: sincerity manual Label: analog terminal Label: place major Label: student knowledgeable Label: smart work Label: move journey Label: travel horse Label: mammal kitten Label: mammal television Label: good customer Label: person glider Label: artifact potato Label: vegetable giraffe Label: beast table Label: artefact trout Label: vertebrate dagger Label: object up Label: increase telephone Label: device cherry Label: fruit stockade Label: fortification desert Label: leave cathedral Label: edifice caffeine Label: alkaloid associative Label: known coat Label: clothing hone Label: sharpen tallow Label: glue concise Label: short meat Label: muscle choice Label: action rabbit Label: mammal stretch Label: move library Label: institution boot Label: shoe sparrow Label: animal pneumatic Label: mechanical garlic Label: veggie tongue Label: muscle die Label: game unsatisfactory Label: determined husband Label: family dolphin Label: animal instructive Label: helpful photographic Label: detailed associative Label: known conflict Label: state earth Label: object bite Label: grip contaminate Label: infect unconfirmed Label: false choice Label: action bottle Label: artifact bookcase Label: artefact elm Label: tree cast Label: fish ham Label: food pear Label: fruit battle Label: oppose motorcycle Label: vehicle carry Label: have give Label: perform apricot Label: fruit column Label: beam journey Label: travel deaf Label: handicapped pass Label: throw couch Label: object clam Label: seafood present Label: time mammal Label: cat oven Label: commodity unsatisfactory Label: determined customer Label: person pheasant Label: bird manufacture Label: produce scale Label: cover earth Label: object soap Label: object able Label: competent frigate Label: vehicle virus Label: band skateboard Label: sport adventure Label: action bug Label: animal tear Label: cry uterine Label: genital pigeon Label: vertebrate instructive Label: helpful child Label: human apricot Label: fruit emotion Label: think present Label: time bat Label: club educator Label: employee wrench Label: object climatic Label: environmental vest Label: covering case Label: cover tribal Label: native alligator Label: predator customer Label: person fight Label: argue lobster Label: shellfish bar Label: support pride Label: feel banana Label: food see Label: think language Label: communication falcon Label: creature customer Label: person bread Label: food chap Label: male appall Label: disgust fireplace Label: box present Label: time photographic Label: detailed exercise Label: train water Label: fluid tiger Label: carnivore swallow Label: consume move Label: turn bulge Label: bend abuse Label: hit wasp Label: arthropod van Label: conveyance uplift Label: move education Label: advancement castle Label: build spend Label: pay frigate Label: vehicle stop Label: act vulture Label: bird confine Label: segregate spring Label: release window Label: doorway completeness Label: feeling chop Label: strike player Label: person motorcycle Label: vehicle god Label: superior sweater Label: artifact expand Label: grow eagle Label: predator constrict Label: squeeze bottle Label: artifact cheese Label: food boat Label: ride fact Label: information experience Label: education helicopter Label: artifact bowl Label: sport radio Label: device salt Label: mineral burn Label: pain player Label: person bowl Label: sport row Label: fight hole Label: open sport Label: exercise chair Label: seat candy Label: food death Label: change telephone Label: device bag Label: luggage sensory Label: receptive fridge Label: artifact puppy Label: animal expand Label: grow chisel Label: object piano Label: artefact inhabit Label: be peach Label: produce jack Label: flag twinkle Label: flash murder Label: kill glove Label: accessory sport Label: exercise telephone Label: device spend Label: pay intimidate Label: frighten proportionate Label: adequate jacket Label: garment axe Label: tool cat Label: animal move Label: turn crow Label: vertebrate trade Label: sell spoon Label: utensil god Label: superior frog Label: vertebrate matter Label: makeup read Label: learn glove Label: accessory barley Label: grain citation Label: rule pen Label: tool hop Label: dance velocity Label: physics unknown Label: foreign bike Label: exercise pig Label: ungulate cedar Label: tree symbolism Label: connection frigate Label: vehicle parsley Label: vegetable caretaker Label: person lead Label: advantage secret Label: information sweater Label: artifact unconfirmed Label: false crime Label: act link Label: instruction shield Label: weapon shield Label: weapon spring Label: release proportionate Label: adequate alleviation Label: decrease tea Label: meal stockade Label: fortification university Label: build scale Label: cover knowledgeable Label: smart charm Label: object south Label: place dresser Label: artefact chop Label: strike boom Label: grow trout Label: vertebrate head Label: object rubbish Label: waste cut Label: free movie Label: story cannon Label: weapon deteriorate Label: worsen record Label: fact time Label: mystery baby Label: child up Label: increase pastor Label: preacher training Label: work gold Label: color policeman Label: job van Label: conveyance resonate Label: affect hospital Label: building desert Label: leave yacht Label: vehicle photographic Label: detailed woman Label: human pick Label: pierce document Label: record stove Label: device metamorphosis Label: reproduction leaflet Label: paper column Label: beam spiral Label: move soap Label: object sheep Label: mammal table Label: artefact give Label: perform jack Label: flag power Label: invoke rifle Label: firearm row Label: fight vague Label: unclear couple Label: family vest Label: covering iodine Label: medicine bug Label: animal give Label: perform pistol Label: firearm dolphin Label: animal pig Label: ungulate emotion Label: think giraffe Label: beast banana Label: food eye Label: look grave Label: death pick Label: pierce aircraft Label: flyer butterfly Label: creature fly Label: move end Label: change major Label: student assertion Label: statement pride Label: feel matter Label: makeup policeman Label: job rice Label: grain twinkle Label: flash endemic Label: widespread case Label: cover baby Label: child actress Label: human battle Label: oppose piano Label: artefact spear Label: artifact psychology Label: science bite Label: grip result Label: end job Label: work follower Label: person pistol Label: firearm candy Label: food warm Label: change coconut Label: produce rat Label: vertebrate seam Label: join candy Label: food elephant Label: herbivore center Label: place falcon Label: creature cucumber Label: produce well Label: device table Label: artefact emperor Label: ruler lose Label: suffer color Label: flag cockroach Label: pest dart Label: action cannon Label: weapon room Label: build fact Label: information ram Label: device apartment Label: build manufacture Label: produce manufacture Label: produce service Label: function cypress Label: tree college Label: place tallow Label: glue kill Label: destroy stretcher Label: hospital tanker Label: vehicle document Label: record ram Label: device pastor Label: preacher garlic Label: veggie action Label: act twinkle Label: flash mackerel Label: seafood create Label: make pop Label: sound kid Label: offspring move Label: turn planet Label: matter scale Label: cover australia Label: island structure Label: design car Label: tool man Label: person nationality Label: ethnicity plan Label: business dagger Label: object crop Label: cut instructive Label: helpful rabbit Label: mammal intentional Label: deliberate kindness Label: good freezer Label: device axe Label: tool well Label: device disclose Label: tell movie Label: story
In this task, you are given a date in "dd/mm/yyyy" format. You need to check if the date is valid or not. Return 1 if it is valid, else return 0. A date is valid if the components day("dd"), month("mm") and year("yyyy") are all valid individually. A day(dd) is valid if it: a) lies between 1 and 31 for the months of January, March, May, July, August, October, December, b) lies between 1 and 28 for February on non-leap years and between 1-29 on leap years, c) lies between 1-30 for all other months. A month(mm) is valid if it lies in the range from 1 to 12 as there are 12 months in a year. A year is always valid if it is expressed in the form of "yyyy". Possible labels: 1. 0 2. 1 --- Question: 21/08/1166 Ans: 1 --- Question: 36/11/2037 Ans: 0 --- Question: 13/03/1309 Ans: 1 --- Question: 26/03/1596 Ans: 1 --- Question: 23/01/1615 Ans: 1 --- Question: 18/15/1145 Ans: 0 --- Question: 13/04/1198 Ans: 1 --- Question: 03/10/1429 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/16/1338 Ans: 0 --- Question: 36/08/1988 Ans: 0 --- Question: 23/05/1638 Ans: 1 --- Question: 14/01/1494 Ans: 1 --- Question: 45/14/1201 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/04/1732 Ans: 0 --- Question: 30/10/1864 Ans: 1 --- Question: 05/11/1832 Ans: 1 --- Question: 09/04/1574 Ans: 1 --- Question: 45/14/1201 Ans: 0 --- Question: 25/04/1142 Ans: 1 --- Question: 09/10/1902 Ans: 1 --- Question: 10/05/1027 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/15/1308 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/10/1429 Ans: 1 --- Question: 13/01/2032 Ans: 1 --- Question: 33/15/1572 Ans: 0 --- Question: 23/18/1184 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/09/1167 Ans: 0 --- Question: 13/01/2032 Ans: 1 --- Question: 02/06/1461 Ans: 1 --- Question: 03/12/1702 Ans: 1 --- Question: 07/05/1777 Ans: 1 --- Question: 30/10/1864 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/05/1199 Ans: 1 --- Question: 45/04/2093 Ans: 0 --- Question: 24/01/1920 Ans: 1 --- Question: 45/04/2093 Ans: 0 --- Question: 45/10/1111 Ans: 0 --- Question: 07/03/2097 Ans: 1 --- Question: 45/01/1219 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/18/1570 Ans: 0 --- Question: 45/08/1040 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/04/1732 Ans: 0 --- Question: 14/11/1795 Ans: 1 --- Question: 07/17/1776 Ans: 0 --- Question: 23/01/1615 Ans: 1 --- Question: 03/10/1429 Ans: 1 --- Question: 37/01/1563 Ans: 0 --- Question: 44/03/1011 Ans: 0 --- Question: 33/15/1572 Ans: 0 --- Question: 27/16/1242 Ans: 0 --- Question: 22/15/1181 Ans: 0 --- Question: 31/18/1191 Ans: 0 --- Question: 04/18/1269 Ans: 0 --- Question: 01/05/1281 Ans: 1 --- Question: 01/05/1281 Ans: 1 --- Question: 24/01/1920 Ans: 1 --- Question: 23/04/1464 Ans: 1 --- Question: 26/02/1759 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/18/1653 Ans: 0 --- Question: 02/02/1004 Ans: 1 --- Question: 36/18/1423 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/05/1390 Ans: 1 --- Question: 30/05/2018 Ans: 1 --- Question: 11/07/1635 Ans: 1 --- Question: 35/09/1044 Ans: 0 --- Question: 14/11/1795 Ans: 1 --- Question: 23/05/1638 Ans: 1 --- Question: 40/10/1621 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/09/1167 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/02/1447 Ans: 0 --- Question: 38/10/1866 Ans: 0 --- Question: 27/05/1987 Ans: 1 --- Question: 21/06/2002 Ans: 1 --- Question: 14/01/1834 Ans: 1 --- Question: 18/06/1582 Ans: 1 --- Question: 33/12/1719 Ans: 0 --- Question: 40/09/1789 Ans: 0 --- Question: 13/04/1198 Ans: 1 --- Question: 35/09/1167 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/18/1570 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/14/1131 Ans: 0 --- Question: 15/08/1309 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/18/1928 Ans: 0 --- Question: 26/17/1995 Ans: 0 --- Question: 38/12/1010 Ans: 0 --- Question: 44/15/1234 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/04/1732 Ans: 0 --- Question: 06/02/1673 Ans: 1 --- Question: 36/18/1423 Ans: 0 --- Question: 42/13/1354 Ans: 0 --- Question: 36/08/1988 Ans: 0 --- Question: 05/11/1832 Ans: 1 --- Question: 28/03/1470 Ans: 1 --- Question: 02/05/1723 Ans: 1 --- Question: 03/07/1825 Ans: 1 --- Question: 13/18/1813 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/18/1570 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/13/1671 Ans: 0 --- Question: 07/07/2064 Ans: 1 --- Question: 31/08/1348 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/05/1390 Ans: 1 --- Question: 01/05/1281 Ans: 1 --- Question: 31/08/1348 Ans: 1 --- Question: 09/10/1902 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/11/1760 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/16/1798 Ans: 0 --- Question: 02/06/1461 Ans: 1 --- Question: 39/01/1536 Ans: 0 --- Question: 07/17/1776 Ans: 0 --- Question: 27/13/1006 Ans: 0 --- Question: 26/13/1442 Ans: 0 --- Question: 15/10/2080 Ans: 1 --- Question: 22/16/1976 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/04/1054 Ans: 1 --- Question: 09/10/1902 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/15/1308 Ans: 0 --- Question: 05/11/1832 Ans: 1 --- Question: 11/06/1904 Ans: 1 --- Question: 35/17/1617 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/08/1700 Ans: 1 --- Question: 43/04/1756 Ans: 0 --- Question: 13/18/1813 Ans: 0 --- Question: 33/15/1572 Ans: 0 --- Question: 07/07/2064 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/05/1199 Ans: 1 --- Question: 27/16/1242 Ans: 0 --- Question: 10/09/1097 Ans: 1 --- Question: 14/11/1795 Ans: 1 --- Question: 02/14/1349 Ans: 0 --- Question: 06/06/1199 Ans: 1 --- Question: 21/06/2002 Ans: 1 --- Question: 26/13/1442 Ans: 0 --- Question: 43/04/1756 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/09/1044 Ans: 0 --- Question: 18/15/1145 Ans: 0 --- Question: 22/16/1976 Ans: 0 --- Question: 02/14/1349 Ans: 0 --- Question: 25/18/1928 Ans: 0 --- Question: 45/08/1040 Ans: 0 --- Question: 30/10/1864 Ans: 1 --- Question: 45/15/2002 Ans: 0 --- Question: 31/03/1102 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/18/1653 Ans: 0 --- Question: 30/13/1085 Ans: 0 --- Question: 41/13/1034 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/09/1167 Ans: 0 --- Question: 40/14/1978 Ans: 0 --- Question: 07/17/1776 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/07/1940 Ans: 1 --- Question: 10/05/1219 Ans: 1 --- Question: 34/14/1131 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/09/1044 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/08/1036 Ans: 0 --- Question: 36/11/2037 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/14/1131 Ans: 0 --- Question: 12/05/1690 Ans: 1 --- Question: 15/10/2080 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/16/1463 Ans: 0 --- Question: 45/08/1040 Ans: 0 --- Question: 10/04/1678 Ans: 1 --- Question: 34/17/1981 Ans: 0 --- Question: 06/02/1673 Ans: 1 --- Question: 44/09/2004 Ans: 0 --- Question: 11/05/1590 Ans: 1 --- Question: 26/13/1442 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/04/1393 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/04/1054 Ans: 1 --- Question: 06/14/1470 Ans: 0 --- Question: 44/03/1011 Ans: 0 --- Question: 21/08/1166 Ans: 1 --- Question: 34/13/1671 Ans: 0 --- Question: 10/05/1027 Ans: 1 --- Question: 13/03/1309 Ans: 1 --- Question: 30/10/1864 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/15/1308 Ans: 0 --- Question: 44/09/2004 Ans: 0 --- Question: 27/05/1987 Ans: 1 --- Question: 36/11/2037 Ans: 0 --- Question: 18/15/1145 Ans: 0 --- Question: 43/04/1756 Ans: 0 --- Question: 33/11/1226 Ans: 0 --- Question: 39/01/1536 Ans: 0 --- Question: 26/03/1596 Ans: 1 --- Question: 02/14/1349 Ans: 0 --- Question: 05/11/1832 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/16/1463 Ans: 0 --- Question: 23/04/1464 Ans: 1 --- Question: 35/04/1393 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/04/1393 Ans: 0 --- Question: 40/12/1106 Ans: 0 --- Question: 44/03/1011 Ans: 0 --- Question: 42/13/1354 Ans: 0 --- Question: 39/08/1538 Ans: 0 --- Question: 09/10/1902 Ans: 1 --- Question: 36/01/1823 Ans: 0 --- Question: 39/01/1536 Ans: 0 --- Question: 23/05/1638 Ans: 1 --- Question: 14/01/1494 Ans: 1 --- Question: 07/03/2097 Ans: 1 --- Question: 44/16/1861 Ans: 0 --- Question: 27/10/1485 Ans: 1 --- Question: 39/11/1555 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/07/1940 Ans: 1 --- Question: 40/14/1978 Ans: 0 --- Question: 23/11/1365 Ans: 1 --- Question: 13/03/1309 Ans: 1 --- Question: 27/16/1242 Ans: 0 --- Question: 43/11/1167 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/05/1199 Ans: 1 --- Question: 33/11/1035 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/04/1393 Ans: 0 --- Question: 38/08/1161 Ans: 0 --- Question: 44/09/2004 Ans: 0 --- Question: 36/01/1823 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/18/1064 Ans: 0 --- Question: 45/10/1111 Ans: 0 --- Question: 11/05/1590 Ans: 1 --- Question: 27/13/1006 Ans: 0 --- Question: 43/04/1756 Ans: 0 --- Question: 07/16/2082 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/15/1308 Ans: 0 --- Question: 26/03/1596 Ans: 1 --- Question: 43/01/1870 Ans: 0 --- Question: 25/08/1426 Ans: 1 --- Question: 02/06/1461 Ans: 1 --- Question: 12/05/1690 Ans: 1 --- Question: 17/14/1107 Ans: 0 --- Question: 15/08/1309 Ans: 1 --- Question: 17/14/1107 Ans: 0 --- Question: 06/06/1199 Ans: 1 --- Question: 43/04/1756 Ans: 0 --- Question: 10/04/1678 Ans: 1 --- Question: 21/08/1166 Ans: 1 --- Question: 34/02/1447 Ans: 0 --- Question: 10/09/1097 Ans: 1 --- Question: 18/15/1145 Ans: 0 --- Question: 25/16/1338 Ans: 0 --- Question: 44/03/1011 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/18/1570 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/10/1429 Ans: 1 --- Question: 28/04/1444 Ans: 1 --- Question: 08/11/1623 Ans: 1 --- Question: 38/01/1874 Ans: 0 --- Question: 31/03/1102 Ans: 1 --- Question: 33/05/1286 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/04/1054 Ans: 1 --- Question: 29/02/1775 Ans: 0 --- Question: 12/01/1528 Ans: 1 --- Question: 13/18/1813 Ans: 0 --- Question: 07/07/2064 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/05/1751 Ans: 1 --- Question: 41/17/1122 Ans: 0 --- Question: 10/09/1097 Ans: 1 --- Question: 13/03/1309 Ans: 1 --- Question: 27/08/1464 Ans: 1 --- Question: 18/06/1582 Ans: 1 --- Question: 35/17/1617 Ans: 0 --- Question: 25/04/1142 Ans: 1 --- Question: 03/17/1844 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/04/2030 Ans: 1 --- Question: 31/12/1412 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/07/1940 Ans: 1 --- Question: 21/06/2002 Ans: 1 --- Question: 45/15/2002 Ans: 0 --- Question: 43/01/1870 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/08/1700 Ans: 1 --- Question: 30/05/2018 Ans: 1 --- Question: 34/18/1570 Ans: 0 --- Question: 40/10/1621 Ans: 0 --- Question: 07/05/1777 Ans: 1 --- Question: 23/09/1341 Ans: 1 --- Question: 07/17/1776 Ans: 0 --- Question: 36/11/1453 Ans: 0 --- Question: 33/12/1719 Ans: 0 --- Question: 01/05/1658 Ans: 1 --- Question: 06/14/1470 Ans: 0 --- Question: 23/18/1184 Ans: 0 --- Question: 30/18/1356 Ans: 0 --- Question: 04/18/1269 Ans: 0 --- Question: 20/08/1932 Ans: 1 --- Question: 02/14/1349 Ans: 0 --- Question: 28/03/1470 Ans: 1 --- Question: 03/04/1054 Ans: 1 --- Question: 14/11/1795 Ans: 1 --- Question: 29/02/1775 Ans: 0 --- Question: 14/01/1494 Ans: 1 --- Question: 11/06/1904 Ans: 1 --- Question: 44/09/2004 Ans: 0 --- Question: 22/05/2067 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/16/1798 Ans: 0 --- Question: 22/16/1976 Ans: 0 --- Question: 40/12/1106 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/05/1390 Ans: 1 --- Question: 29/02/1775 Ans: 0 --- Question: 18/03/1267 Ans: 1 --- Question: 23/01/1615 Ans: 1 --- Question: 34/02/1447 Ans: 0 --- Question: 18/15/1145 Ans: 0 --- Question: 06/06/1199 Ans: 1 --- Question: 44/16/1861 Ans: 0 --- Question: 24/03/1603 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/04/1142 Ans: 1 --- Question: 43/04/1756 Ans: 0 --- Question: 31/08/1348 Ans: 1 --- Question: 41/18/1082 Ans: 0 --- Question: 26/03/1596 Ans: 1 --- Question: 04/18/1269 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/04/1275 Ans: 1 --- Question: 18/06/1582 Ans: 1 --- Question: 02/02/1004 Ans: 1 --- Question: 03/10/1429 Ans: 1 --- Question: 45/10/1111 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/18/1570 Ans: 0 --- Question: 22/15/1181 Ans: 0 --- Question: 40/14/1978 Ans: 0 --- Question: 22/16/1976 Ans: 0 --- Question: 30/18/1356 Ans: 0 --- Question: 12/01/1528 Ans: 1 --- Question: 35/03/1139 Ans: 0 --- Question: 23/04/1464 Ans: 1 --- Question: 45/10/1111 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/17/1981 Ans: 0 --- Question: 31/18/1191 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/07/1940 Ans: 1 --- Question: 14/01/1494 Ans: 1 --- Question: 45/01/1219 Ans: 0 --- Question: 38/10/1866 Ans: 0 --- Question: 22/16/1976 Ans: 0 --- Question: 29/02/1775 Ans: 0 --- Question: 33/05/1286 Ans: 0 --- Question: 07/07/2064 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/08/1700 Ans: 1 --- Question: 33/12/1719 Ans: 0 --- Question: 44/03/1011 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/18/1570 Ans: 0 --- Question: 05/11/1832 Ans: 1 --- Question: 29/14/1076 Ans: 0 --- Question: 25/16/1798 Ans: 0 --- Question: 21/06/2002 Ans: 1 --- Question: 04/06/1946 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/04/1142 Ans: 1 --- Question: 03/07/1825 Ans: 1 --- Question: 40/12/1106 Ans: 0 --- Question: 41/18/1082 Ans: 0 --- Question: 40/10/1621 Ans: 0 --- Question: 41/13/1034 Ans: 0 --- Question: 45/10/1111 Ans: 0 --- Question: 22/05/2067 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/05/1751 Ans: 1 --- Question: 38/10/1866 Ans: 0 --- Question: 27/08/1464 Ans: 1 --- Question: 15/18/1730 Ans: 0 --- Question: 29/02/1775 Ans: 0 --- Question: 39/11/1555 Ans: 0 --- Question: 39/08/1538 Ans: 0 --- Question: 27/05/1987 Ans: 1 --- Question: 10/05/1027 Ans: 1 --- Question: 34/18/1064 Ans: 0 --- Question: 14/05/1613 Ans: 1 --- Question: 15/10/2080 Ans: 1 --- Question: 18/06/1582 Ans: 1 --- Question: 27/03/1146 Ans: 1 --- Question: 13/18/1813 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/06/1779 Ans: 1 --- Question: 14/05/1613 Ans: 1 --- Question: 41/17/1122 Ans: 0 --- Question: 31/08/1348 Ans: 1 --- Question: 03/04/1054 Ans: 1 --- Question: 39/01/1536 Ans: 0 --- Question: 09/01/1118 Ans: 1 --- Question: 14/01/1834 Ans: 1 --- Question: 39/11/1555 Ans: 0 --- Question: 24/03/1603 Ans: 1 --- Question: 07/07/2064 Ans: 1 --- Question: 35/09/1044 Ans: 0 --- Question: 38/01/1874 Ans: 0 --- Question: 27/10/1485 Ans: 1 --- Question: 03/04/1054 Ans: 1 --- Question: 21/06/2002 Ans: 1 --- Question: 44/16/1861 Ans: 0 --- Question: 45/08/1040 Ans: 0 --- Question: 33/11/1035 Ans: 0 --- Question: 02/05/1723 Ans: 1 --- Question: 36/11/2037 Ans: 0 --- Question: 06/02/1673 Ans: 1 --- Question: 39/08/1538 Ans: 0 --- Question: 14/01/1834 Ans: 1 --- Question: 07/17/1776 Ans: 0 --- Question: 25/16/1338 Ans: 0 --- Question: 45/08/1040 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/09/1044 Ans: 0 --- Question: 21/06/2002 Ans: 1 --- Question: 35/04/1732 Ans: 0 --- Question: 10/09/1097 Ans: 1 --- Question: 14/05/1613 Ans: 1 --- Question: 26/17/1995 Ans: 0 --- Question: 27/16/1242 Ans: 0 --- Question: 28/04/1444 Ans: 1 --- Question: 39/11/1555 Ans: 0 --- Question: 22/05/2067 Ans: 1 --- Question: 30/10/1864 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/16/1463 Ans: 0 --- Question: 38/10/1866 Ans: 0 --- Question: 09/01/1118 Ans: 1 --- Question: 38/10/1496 Ans: 0 --- Question: 26/13/1442 Ans: 0 --- Question: 27/03/1146 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/08/1700 Ans: 1 --- Question: 13/04/1198 Ans: 1 --- Question: 29/02/1775 Ans: 0 --- Question: 34/18/1570 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/08/1700 Ans: 1 --- Question: 35/08/1036 Ans: 0 --- Question: 30/17/1310 Ans: 0 --- Question: 23/18/1184 Ans: 0 --- Question: 13/03/1309 Ans: 1 --- Question: 40/09/1789 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/07/1825 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/15/1308 Ans: 0 --- Question: 23/09/1341 Ans: 1 --- Question: 28/03/1470 Ans: 1 --- Question: 31/12/1412 Ans: 1 --- Question: 38/11/1360 Ans: 0 --- Question: 20/08/1932 Ans: 1 --- Question: 08/11/1623 Ans: 1 --- Question: 38/12/1010 Ans: 0 --- Question: 27/05/1093 Ans: 1 --- Question: 07/17/1776 Ans: 0 --- Question: 36/08/1988 Ans: 0 --- Question: 14/01/1494 Ans: 1 --- Question: 22/05/2067 Ans: 1 --- Question: 38/10/1496 Ans: 0 --- Question: 35/03/1139 Ans: 0 --- Question: 31/18/1191 Ans: 0 --- Question: 10/09/1097 Ans: 1 --- Question: 38/01/1874 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/04/1275 Ans: 1 --- Question: 02/14/1349 Ans: 0 --- Question: 38/10/1496 Ans: 0 --- Question: 36/08/1988 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/07/1825 Ans: 1 --- Question: 13/01/2032 Ans: 1 --- Question: 36/18/1423 Ans: 0 --- Question: 39/11/1555 Ans: 0 --- Question: 22/05/2067 Ans: 1 --- Question: 23/18/1184 Ans: 0 --- Question: 13/18/1813 Ans: 0 --- Question: 25/14/1086 Ans: 0 --- Question: 31/03/1102 Ans: 1 --- Question: 42/13/1354 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/07/1940 Ans: 1 --- Question: 21/13/1929 Ans: 0 --- Question: 03/04/1054 Ans: 1 --- Question: 09/10/1902 Ans: 1 --- Question: 33/11/1035 Ans: 0 --- Question: 31/08/1348 Ans: 1 --- Question: 34/06/1951 Ans: 0 --- Question: 33/05/1286 Ans: 0 --- Question: 33/15/1572 Ans: 0 --- Question: 41/17/1122 Ans: 0 --- Question: 44/03/1011 Ans: 0 --- Question: 36/11/1453 Ans: 0 --- Question: 07/03/2097 Ans: 1 --- Question: 40/09/1789 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/15/1308 Ans: 0 --- Question: 25/05/1751 Ans: 1 --- Question: 12/05/1690 Ans: 1 --- Question: 10/04/1678 Ans: 1 --- Question: 23/05/1638 Ans: 1 --- Question: 23/01/1615 Ans: 1 --- Question: 27/05/1093 Ans: 1 --- Question: 41/14/2078 Ans: 0 --- Question: 24/03/1603 Ans: 1 --- Question: 33/05/1286 Ans: 0 --- Question: 08/11/1623 Ans: 1 --- Question: 38/12/1010 Ans: 0 --- Question: 36/11/1453 Ans: 0 --- Question: 19/16/1463 Ans: 0 --- Question: 29/14/1076 Ans: 0 --- Question: 25/08/1426 Ans: 1 --- Question: 43/04/1756 Ans: 0 --- Question: 10/05/1219 Ans: 1 --- Question: 17/15/1786 Ans: 0 --- Question: 30/05/2018 Ans: 1 --- Question: 04/18/1269 Ans: 0 --- Question: 13/04/1198 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/05/1751 Ans: 1 --- Question: 25/18/1653 Ans: 0 --- Question: 06/06/1199 Ans: 1 --- Question: 17/14/1107 Ans: 0 --- Question: 04/06/1946 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/07/1940 Ans: 1 --- Question: 19/05/1390 Ans: 1 --- Question: 31/03/1102 Ans: 1 --- Question: 11/06/1904 Ans: 1 --- Question: 26/13/1442 Ans: 0 --- Question: 30/10/1864 Ans: 1 --- Question: 30/10/1864 Ans: 1 --- Question: 35/17/1617 Ans: 0 --- Question: 33/15/1572 Ans: 0 --- Question: 44/15/1234 Ans: 0 --- Question: 17/15/1786 Ans: 0 --- Question: 15/17/1204 Ans: 0 --- Question: 22/05/2067 Ans: 1
review: Though Peter Jackson had always claimed that the 208 minute (roughly equal to "Seven Samurai" in length) DVD version of "Lord of the Rings'" first installment was not a director's cut, its vast superiority to the shortened theatrical release becomes clear immediately.For those initally dissapointed with "Fellowship's" overly fast pace (skipping over characterizations and details for the sake of action) , the seamlessly integrated 30 minutes of footage works wonders.Here are some Improvements:1) Instead of a mere adventure movie (or a cgi cartoon, some may argue), Jackson's FOTR now feels closer to the spirit of Tolkien's world. Through more maps, longer stays at various crucial locations, more journey time, more geographic and historical references, one finaly begins to get a sense of original work's epic scope. In fact, there are a few scenes where the dialogue is copied almost verbatim, and that's always a welcomed addition.2) Every character (even Gollum) gets at least some additonal exposure and all are considerably fleshed out. Aragorn benefits the most, now seeming more like a full-fledged human being (within epic conventions, though), rather than a straight-forward action hero. Galadriel, called a "radioactive psycho" by some, has other scenes here showing her true regal nature. Merry, Pippin, and especially Gimli, are more than buffoons to liven up the proceedings. Ian Holm's Bilbo, who was one of my favorite character portrayals in the film, also gets more screen time in the beginning, just like Tolkien wrote.3) The overall themes of the book are now much more apparent - the ring's temptation, the weakness of humans, the appeal of a simple lifestyle over industrialization, and the dissappearance of civilizations (elves). The Passing of the Elves scene, is quite amazing - a shame to have been cut in the first place, as it is fairly short.4) Some of the choppier and confusing parts of the theatrical version are elaborated upon and some questions are answered, such as "How did the Ring betray Isildur ?", or "Why is Boromir so preoccupied with the Ring?" Although Sam is not explicitly introduced as Frodo's servant, he is at least shown gardening at Bag End.Many complaints that I, and other fans of the book, had with the theatrical version are now fully resolved, and by all standards, as a whole this is a much better film, already approaching that sought-after but seldom-attained classic status in the sci-fi/fantasy genre. Approaching, but still stopping short of perfection, because many of the fundamental issues persist.Here are my remaining Problems with FOTR in order of annoyance:1) Gratuitous use (or abuse, rather) of slow motion - esp. in the "Noooooooooo" scene right after Gandalf's fall in Moria, and the "drowning" of Sam scene. Cheesy and detracting.2) Overbearing, generic, omni-present score. Some scenes, like Boromir's attempt to take the ring, and his death, while well-acted, should have been fine without the bathetic, cringe-worthy accompaniment. Sometimes, silence can be just as effective in generating the proper emotions. Granted, the music is not all terrible, it's just excessive - but the cliched chanting has got to go.3) While I can forgive Merry and Pippin's all-too-fast integration into the Fellowship, The Council of Elrond scene, even with the additions (which help) still doesn't quite work. Oh well, at least we get to hear the actual "ash nazg durbatuluk" speach by Gandalf. And, there's a funny hidden parody of the scene on one of the DVDs.4) Saruman is still the cartoonish villain, with no extra depth.The Extra materials on the DVD are top-notch, and as you may have heard, go into minute detail regarding all the aspects of production. They will take hours of viewing, if you care enough to investigate. Some of the audio commentaries are interesting as well - it looks like the presence of Philippa Boyens who was a harder Tolkienite than the action-oriented Jackson, helped steer certain scenes into the right direction. And without Richard Taylor, Alan Lee and John Howe, the visuals (best thing about the film in the first place) would not have been possible. We also get some discussion about New Zealand (interactive map provided) and the filming locations.In summary : if you even remotely liked the film you saw a year ago, were hoping for an improvement, and did not make the mistake of purchasing the theatrical DVD in August - by all means get this one! question: Is the direction of the movie fantastic ? Answer: director 's cut its vast superiority to the shortened review: I am replacing all of my dried herbs and spices with this brand. The quality is excellent and the price is so much better than Penzey's. question: Are the products of good quality? Answer: The quality is excellent and the price is so much better review: It was just ok, went on a Thursday with five others, table was cramped and difficult to maneuver around. Food was a little disappointing overall, the sides and salad options were surprisingly bad. The meats were pretty good but compared to other Brazilian steakhouses the variety was very limited. We were there on a Thursday night and they closed most of the seating areas so they could cram everybody into one area, it was very loud and busy when it didn't need to be. Standard tourist trap restaurant style in the theatre district, won't be in a rush to go back. question: How is the also the chashu was majority all fat and very little meat? Answer: The meats were pretty good but compared to other Brazilian review: I ordered a pair of these for my dad and I about 6 months ago. My dad loves his old music and didn't think headphones were a big deal until he got these from me for x-mas. I think I accidentally turned him into a bit of an audiophile lol. As for myself, I love these things.The quality is truly amazing. The bass is VERY clean even at very high levels and not overwhelming by any means. The mids and highs are very very nice as well. You can hear so many things extra going on in your music than before making it a completely new experience even with a mobile device. I even tried these out on my FiiO e10 amp/dac and they are even more amazing!I've listened to other earbuds and found these are the best suited for me at a decent price. I can wear these all day long for days on end and not even notice them being in. By far the most comfortable I have ever had. Another great point is the noise cancelling. There is this fat redneck piece of crap that rides in the back of the bus that never ever shuts up with the most annoying girlish cackle that puts you into an instant rage when wanting to sleep. These buds with a very low volume drowns him out very well surprisingly and I sleep great! Definitely a huge bonus when I am away from home for 17 hours a day.Beats headphones are a bloody joke! It annoys me to no end to see people buying that garbage just because it's signed by an uneducated rapper. :\ I've had a lot of earbuds to know those things don't even compare to the cheapest plastic ear ripping garbage out there. My coworkers I ride the bus with (very long ride every day ugh) are so brainwashed thinking they can somehow justify that massive price they paid. I showed them mine and I could see them lie when they said the Beaters were better. I'll enjoy my music thank you and they can continue to have an orgy of stray cats fighting over living territory in their ears.In summary, I'm far from being an audiophile. Very far. From my experience, headphones were always just that: headphones. Now I've realized they can be so much more! From my experiences, these babies pretty much alleviate any complaints of other headphones I have had in the past. Of course the quality isn't quite at audiophile levels but for the price, they are beyond exceptional. These have got to be the best value out there tailored for my tastes. question: How do you get so high? Answer: VERY clean even at very high levels and not overwhelming by any means review: Princesses Elsa and Anna are sisters and best friends until Elsa's power over ice and snow gets away from her and she hurts Anna. Elsa completely pulls away, locking herself away from the world and working to control her powers by suppressing her emotions. Their parents downsize the staff and close the gates to Arendelle to reduce the danger Elsa poses to others. Anna feels abandoned and both girls feel utterly alone. Years later, their parents die in a boating accident, making Elsa the queen of Arendelle. She is forced to open the gates and hold a coronation celebration. The coronation goes well, but her powers are revealed after a heated argument with Anna. She runs away, leaving a wake of ice and snow, making the much needed summer into winter in Arendelle. Anna feels it's her responsibility to make amends with Elsa and convince her to life the supernatural winter.Frozen is a fun film with charming characters and an unexpected ending. Anna and Elsa are both sympathetic characters who feel alienated and alone. I just want to give Elsa a great big hug. She tries her best to contain her powers and her feelings, sacrificing her close relationship with her sister in order to shield her from harm. She is forced to hide a fundamental part of herself in order to appear normal and utterly fails, causing harm to her entire community. I&#34;m glad she wasn't a real villain as in the original story (which is very weird and religious), but a person trying her best and making mistakes. Anna is funny, quirky, and definitely not the poised and graceful Disney princess one might expect. She's very clumsy and embarrassingly blurts out her feelings to random people. She just wants a real relationship with her sister, to be able to make friends, and to have people around instead of cutting themselves off. My favorite character is Olaf, the living snowman who loves warm hugs. He provides perfect comic relief and he's just adorable.Disney films are rather guilty of having two people fall in love rather quickly based on next to nothing and then living happily ever after. It seems as if this film goes in that direction when Anna falls for Prince Hans of the Southern Isles and accepts a proposal within an evening of meeting. When Anna is once again injured by Elsa's magic, her condition is said to be cured by an act of true love, suggesting Hans should save the day. The ending switches things around and Anna is cured because she threw herself in front of Elsa as Hans tried to kill her. The true love in this instance wasn't romantic love, but sisterly love. I really enjoyed this subverting of typical Disney tropes and the story is the best Disney has produced in a while.The music of the film is delightful and another reason for the film's success. The filmmakers opted to hire Broadway composers to create these fun songs of varied styles. Do You Want to Build a Snowman is a cute, but sad song that encompasses Anna and Elsa's relationship after the accident and each of their loneliness and frustration. For the First Time in Forever is a cute song that shows Anna silly and quirky nature and her excitement for human contact and a dash of Elsa's mantra to control her powers. Love is an Open Door is an adorable instalove song between Anna and Hans with more of a rock feel and fun harmonies. In Summer is Olaf's hilarious song about his obsession with summer, but he has no idea what snow does in heat. The song has a nice old Hollywood musical flair and some unexpected lyrics. The best song of the film is Let It Go, Elsa's song of empowerment where she accepts herself despite what others think of her. Idina Menzel belts out the song and gives it the power it needs. The visuals are also amazing as Elsa effortlessly builds an ice castle around herself.The only part of the film I didn't really like was the trolls. They were cute and provided some comedy, but didn't really add much to the story. They could have easily been cut out without anything essential being removed. Other than that, Frozen has my vote for best animated film of 2013. question: How good was the music? Answer: The music of the film is delightful review: Horrible service. Manager was very rude. Will never return. Anyone who is deciding to go here, be smart and try any of the other 100 restaurants in the area. You will be very disappointed with the service. The food was also very greasy. Also, they will try to pack your boys with extra calories. TOURISTS BEWARE! question: What is your favorite sport? Answer: Manager was very rude review: Probably one of the best meals in a while! Was taken here by a lover and had absolutely no expectations. When I first entered Byblos I was endeared by their lovely decor and ambience, you could tell that great thought was put into the design, flow and layout of this place. The place fills up real quick during the nights and the night I came had many tables reserved. The food portions are adequate and fills you up without leaving too heavy of an after taste. The flavor pairings of the dishes were very well though out beginning with waitress' recommendation of fig salad; the herbs and leafs in this was so fresh I almost felt like I was eating it straight from the plant. The sauces and seasoning was so eloquently used that everything balanced out so well, not ashamed to say that I quickly chowed down the entire plate in mere seconds. Next I had the crispy squid, similar to calamari but a little lighter and smaller tentacles. Also had the steak tartare paired with greek yogurt (they call it labneh) which melted in your mouth, albeit being a little plain. The lamb rib felt a little stingy; each bone was probably one bite-size, nothing special.Probably the best dish tonight was the oxtail basmati rice, a little on the heavy size, it was aromatic, creamy and rich. The flavour of the oxtail was imbued into each scoop of the yellow golden rice, while the kale offered a variation in texture with every mouthful. This I am definitely coming back for.To finish had the chocolate mousse and burnt honey ice cream. Mousse was typical, but the ice cream was interesting - I actually don't know how they got that flavour so on point! Must try (and it's only $3).An amazing discovery I had tonight was dukkah: crushed hazelnuts, coriander seeds, sesame seeds, cumin. The texture and aroma of this garnish is addictive, and Byblos isn't afraid to abuse their dukkah. I left craving for more, and now I'm in the search for making some at home. question: How ambient is the light in this place? Answer: The place fills up real quick during the nights review: Reviled by some, beloved by many, consistently referred to as the most popular movie musical ever made, THE SOUND OF MUSIC more than fulfills the promise of its beautiful visuals and expert song numbers on home video via DVD. This edition tops the 1995 laserdisc by allowing the sparkling, exemplary design of its 70mm. Todd-AO frame to be exhibited with increased sharpness and resolution. The 4.1 Dolby Digital soundtrack is powerful and clean, but since this film was originally mixed for six-track magnetic stereo, it's curious why the effort wasn't made by Fox to split the surrounds! Nonethless, the film sounds terrific. The extra features make this package a bargain at the price. Full length commentary by director Bob Wise, with the musical numbers presented sans vocals, is a great touch. And the two documentaries are beautifully presented; full of facts and bits of arcane information that any fan will truly enjoy. A great movie, and a great DVD rendition. More like this, PLEASE! question: Why is the movie popular? Answer: THE SOUND OF MUSIC more than fulfills the promise of its beautiful visuals and expert song numbers on home video review: I've lived in the Annex for a while now and have only managed to try Insomnia just this summer. I don't know why it took me so long! Loved their brunch! Cheap mimosas and amazing food. Get the potatoes! These babies are so good they're like crack potatoes! I would definitely recommend Insomnia for brunch. I haven't been there for dinner but I can assure you it is one of the best brunch spots in the Annex. question: Is the egg perfectly poach? Answer: These babies are so good they 're like crack potatoes review: This show is wonderful. The outfits, hairstyles, the words they use is right on. You can see that a lot of painstaking research was done to get it right. The house is a dream. Would love to live there. It takes you back in time and you can see yourself in their shoes whether you are Lady Mary or Mrs. Patmore and you see their lives and dreams and what could be. Of course it is like a soap opera with the good and the bad. It is sad that we lost some great cast members like Lady Sybil, Matthew Crawley (cried) and O'Brien but she brought the evil side to the story. I look forward to every Sunday now that the show is back. I think people of all ages will love this show. question: Why do I have an excellent series? Answer: The outfits , hairstyles , the words they use is right on review: Dry humor, witty remarks, and a bit of sarcasm, written in first person by the man we all now know as House. For me, the actual plot - which is sort of a spy thriller; part serious, part satire - was secondary to the writing and the characters. I didn't particularly care what they were doing. I just loved reading his words. His characters are vivid and unique. He has a true gift for writing dialogue and even his narrative sucked me in and held me in place.In all fairness, however, I must admit that the plot was at times convoluted in such a way that it could be difficult to follow. I think, in Laurie's effort to bring suspense to the story, he sometimes leaves the reader dangling in the wind. However, the entertainment value of his writing style carried me through any little rough spots in the plot.When I turned the last page, I was sad to say goodbye to the characters. Thomas Lang, Laurie's main character, wants to live on in my mind. And, for me, that's the mark of a great story. question: Is the movie dialogue good? Answer: He has a true gift for writing dialogue review: Five of us stayed for four nights and the hotel were great sorting out the accommodation, they put us in two adjoining rooms which was perfect. We were in the older part of the hotel and on the 6th floor which was fine. Catherine the receptionist was a great help when we were trying to check in online to return. Fantastic location for Westfield Shopping and Union Square.We hired a car and drove to the Gilroy outlet center which was about 80 mins away, great bargains, the following day we went to Sausalito which was fabulous. Spent the rest of the time enjoying San Francisco, Alcatraz, Fishermans Wharf etc. Drove down Lombard Street which was fun. Walked a lot as well, easy city to get around by foot or car. Willl definitely go back and would stay at Handlery. question: How is a superb location? Answer: Fantastic location review: I am a big fan of all types of cookies, including all varieties of Fig Newtons. These Fruit Thins are not exactly a thin Fig Newton, they are a thin, circular cookie with bits of fig and a honey flavor. The taste is reminiscent of the original Fig Newtons, but there is no soft, paste filling.The cookies are perfect for a light treat with a cup of tea, and the thinner size keeps them from being too sweet or filling. I think you could compare them somewhat to a sweet biscuit instead of a full size Fig Newton. Light and crisp, my husband and I both enjoyed these cookies, and have already bought another bag. question: How light is the cookie? Answer: The cookies are perfect for a light treat with a cup of tea review: Have you read a book before that after reading &#8220;The End&#8221; all you wanted to do is fall to your knees, raise your fists towards the sky, shake them and wail &#8220;Why God, why?&#8221;. No? Then this is the book for you cause this is how I just felt after finishing &#8220;Raw&#8221; by Belle Aurora. With this book it took all my willpower not to lock myself in the bathroom while the family was celebrating New Year&#8217;s Eve just so I could finish it &#8211; needing to find out what happens next. This book destroyed me, it broke me. I felt as if Belle Aurora stuck my heart, my mind and my soul in a blender and set it on high and then just walked away. For the last quarter of the book and still about three hours later I was a sobbing and blubbering mess. It was so much more than I expected and I already had high expectations. This book evoked so many emotions in me &#8211; pain, despair, disbelief, contentment, happiness, hate, disgust, fear and a broken heart. The story gave me whiplash as I was basically torn between emotions on a minutely basis. One moment I was full of hate, the next moment that was replaced by sympathy. Then swooning like a love-sick lunatic, right before feeling appalled and out of my comfort zone. And I loved every bit of it.When Belle Aurora said that this is a story about a love gone wrong, she wasn&#8217;t kidding. I really should have believed it. This story is different and original. Not something I have read before. It is dark and twisted and transformed my brain to mush. Well, my heart too. And my ovaries suffered a little as well.It is the story of Twitch and Lexi. Each of them having lived through a difficult and tormented past and still managed to succeed &#8211; each in their own way. Their meeting and relationship is, well, let&#8217;s say unusual and twisted as hell. But that is to be expected if you develop feelings for your stalker. And that is exactly what Lexi does. Little does she know there is more to him than just some guy that likes to follow women around. And little does he know that she is the only one that can save him from himself. Their relationship made me cringe at times. I found myself shaking my head in disbelief, wanting to shake the characters to make them wake-up and see what was going on. This couple and their relationship is unique. I&#8217;ve never read about a relationship like theirs. And yes, at times it took me out of my comfort zone. But that means the book is good. It makes me feel and think new things, it makes me reconsider my point of view. Amazing, when a story can do this.I can&#8217;t tell you much more about the story without giving too much away. And that is not something I want to do. The story is too good for you not to experience it yourself.What I can tell you is a bit about the characters.There is Lexi. She is a woman to look up to. Having overcome pain and sorrow that her childhood and youth have been filled with, she is now someone who helps others &#8211; giving all her heart and soul. She believes in the good of people and doesn&#8217;t judge. I liked her character a lot. Despite what she went through she wasn&#8217;t broken. She was happy and loving, stable and caring. Her friendship with Dave and Nikki was absolutely adorable. But when it came to Twitch, that girl left her brain on the bedside table. Sometimes I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and give her a decent shake in the hopes of maybe bringing her brain cells back to life. But then I suppose the heart will win over the brain any time and there was not much she could do about it.Twitch on the other hand is one complex and twisted man. Most of the time I was torn between wanting to punch him in the throat or rip his clothes off. He was all domineering, controlling alpha-male with a big dose of bad-to-the-bone added to the mix. And yet, despite his often brutal, demeaning and heartless behaviour, I just couldn&#8217;t help but like him a bit. There was more to him than this sick-in-the-head man. And finding out what it was &#8211; that was excruciating as hell. I love that up until the end of the book, I could not make up my mind if I hate him or love him. But yet I couldn&#8217;t help wishing for him to be happy, not able to just think in black and white. Not able to just judge him. To make me feel like this about a character like Twitch, that was a job well done by Belle Aurora.The story will shock and rock you and trust me, you will love every second of it. For me, this is the best start possible to a new book year. Do yourself the favor and read this book.5+ unique, mind-numbing, heart-wrenching, sobfest-inducing, thought-altering stars. question: How rewarding is the story? Answer: story is too good review: Toronto's Richmond Station provided one of the best meals I have had in years! Highlights of the evening included the welcoming and truly attentive service of the entire staff who delivered perfect dishes and wine throughout the evening, but the star was the FOOD. From the moment you check out the specials board just inside the entrance to your first bite of bread dipped in oil with the added kiss of red wine vinegar and maple syrup you will know you are in the best of hands. But its the glory of the meal that will send your tastebuds to paradise. Tonight our two best dishes in years were the scallops special --- incredibly fresh scallops served on a bed of kale and green beans BEAUTIFULLY prepared with a pepper puree, followed by the magical chocolate mousse dessert, it looks gorgeous and tastes even better!The scallop dish is an artfully creative beautiful dish served by sous chef Hayden Johnston. Scallops are drizzled with a delicate sauce that promises creamy citrus notes that bring out the scallop's nutty sweetness, and the pepper puree will combine with different vegetables on the plate to create unique flavor profiles that literally blow your mind. Seriously and without exception, one of the best dishes either of us have ever eaten in the past several years of traveling. Richmond Station's Chocolate Mousse Dessert was a palate pleasing homage to a genius combination, Scotland's rare single malt scotch and rich dark chocolate. Each bite builds a dessert that is the perfect end to a truly unforgettable meal. Thank you to the entire Richmond Station team, your chef's table is an incredible experience. You should be so very proud, you rocked it!Oh...and did I add that without the wine (which was AMAZING) our meal with tax cost less than $100??? That's a five star meal, with an incredible experience and phenomenal service on a warm star filled night in downtown Toronto at one of the BEST RESTAURANTS in the city, for less than a hundred dollars. WOW. question: How good is dessert? Answer: the magical chocolate mousse dessert , it looks gorgeous and tastes even review: I don't drink a lot of energy drinks but when I do then I normally reach for a NOS because of its great citrus taste. I have tried a handful of other energy drinks and I haven't liked the taste of them at all. No Fear Super Energy has a similar taste to NOS and I really like it as well. I would describe the flavor as a very sweet and smooth grapefruit taste. If you are looking for a sugar / caffeine rush then this will get the job done at the expense of high calorie count. I found that this 16 oz. can will give me a nice boost of energy for 4-5 hours. question: Do you like it to taste good? Answer: great citrus taste review: I'm no history professor, but where's the rest of the story? It focuses on the Hollywood portion of the story, with the happy-ish ending. I'm growing weary on these microscopic carve-outs of history. However, this little known story is very interesting, kind of suspenseful, but not as intense as I have heard. The acting was excellent, and they did a great job of recreating the era, right down to the filming style. Great actors, all... well almost. I really appreciate Affleck's movies, and believe him to be a better director than actor. If you are trying to decide if you should rent this -- do so absolutely. question: How is an intense movie? Answer: not as intense as I have heard review: good but the others were better I think. love Robert he is a favorite to watch anything he does, I see question: Does the tone look different? Answer: good but the others were better I think review: This is a plug and play external hard drive for my Macbook Pro running OSX, Mountain Lion. It doesn't require an external power source which makes this the perfect companion for the business traveler, mobile office professional, videographer or photographer.Startup was fast and my laptop recognized it immediately. The unit is sleek and compact making it great for transport in a backpack or "Man-Purse". The hard drive runs quietly and there is not a lot of heat emanating from the housing.I do not use or have the need for software to run this hard drive.It's a great unit. Two thumbs up. question: What is perfect for this unit? Answer: this the perfect companion for the business traveler review: Good service. Tables a little narrow and awkward. The slaw was superb. They recite all 26 ingredients in it. The main course was not to die for. A little bland. Great ambiance and sitting outside we got to do my favourite activity, people watching. question: How kind is waitress? Answer: Good service review: I love the look and feel of this place. Lounge style setting with long, low booths. Perfect for a luxurious meal. The decor is sumptuous. Beautiful elements of steel and glass. The host and wait staff are attentive without being overbearing. Sommelier recommended a great Spanish wine. One of the best Old Fashioned drinks in town, made with a Turkish bitter twist. Fatoush salad. So fresh. Turkish Manti Dumplings were a smokey delight: stuffed with eggplant and covered in a creamy yogurt sauce. We had the lamb as a main. More than enough to feed the three of us. So tender and savory, wrapped in flatbread with pickled beet slices, hot peppers, yogurt, pickle cucs. So deliciously decadent. Also had the beets in their homemade yogurt, which is to die for. Will return again and again. question: What is your favorite place? Answer: I love the look and feel of this place review: Reviled by some, beloved by many, consistently referred to as the most popular movie musical ever made, THE SOUND OF MUSIC more than fulfills the promise of its beautiful visuals and expert song numbers on home video via DVD. This edition tops the 1995 laserdisc by allowing the sparkling, exemplary design of its 70mm. Todd-AO frame to be exhibited with increased sharpness and resolution. The 4.1 Dolby Digital soundtrack is powerful and clean, but since this film was originally mixed for six-track magnetic stereo, it's curious why the effort wasn't made by Fox to split the surrounds! Nonethless, the film sounds terrific. The extra features make this package a bargain at the price. Full length commentary by director Bob Wise, with the musical numbers presented sans vocals, is a great touch. And the two documentaries are beautifully presented; full of facts and bits of arcane information that any fan will truly enjoy. A great movie, and a great DVD rendition. More like this, PLEASE! question: Why is the movie popular? Answer: fulfills the promise of its beautiful visuals and expert song numbers review: I had to buy a new router before the streaming media player started to work. Too slow. Not Google's fault. The product itself and the documentation are as good as it gets. I already had Roku which can deliver more media choices, but the Google Chromecast concept of streaming whatever you have on your Chrome home page is simpler and will soon have more media. I miss the possibility of Amazon streaming, but if I want it bad enough, I use Roku.Easy as pie to install and works exactly as advertised. You won't get the free NetFlix promotion because "He who hesitates pays more", but I, as an earliest adopter, payed a net of less than $10 for this useful and cute gadget. question: Is this thing hard to handle? Answer: Easy as pie to install and works exactly as advertised review: Normally I prefer plain chips, even though I don't eat them often. The chili lime is pretty good, great with some guacamole. These chips are very crisp, with a strong potato flavor, but also have a slightly burnt taste. question: Does the chips a good cooking point? Answer: These chips are very crisp review: My partner and I reserved a room for a four-night stay at another San Fran hotel. However, the reviews for the other hotel on TripAdvisor were not very good, so (at the last minute!) we canceled our other reservation and took an available room at the Whitcomb. This property is a total gem and a wonderful find! Personally, I LOVE historic hotels and this is grand, old San Francisco. Our room was very elegantly decorated, very clean and the bed very, very comfortable. The maid service was also great. The concierge, in addition, was ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! The front desk staff seemed a little frustrated at their computer system, but they were very good to us. When I return to San Fran in a couple of months on business I will surely stay there again. **I will say, though, that the only reason I'm giving my review 4 stars and not 5 stars has to do with the porter. We dealt with two porters: an extremely kind and helpful gentleman from east Africa and a snotty, 20-something white kid. My partner is from Latin America and has a slight Spanish accent. He is, however, Ivy League educated and speaks perfect English. The 20-something porter was so insultingly patronizing to my partner that I became rather upset. All in all, though, it was a wonderful stay and a great property. question: How good is the location of the hotel? Answer: This property is a total gem and a wonderful find ! review: I bought this speaker because my Sony Vaio S has ridiculously quiet internal speakers. It had the best reviews at the lowest price point, so I thought &#34;why not?&#34;First of all, it is a very classy-looking device, with the matte black plastic exterior and a splash of red on the drum. The aesthetics remind me of an HTC EVO. It is approximately the size of a tangerine when it's closed, which is a perfectly portable size.This thing can get extremely loud. Even outdoors the sound travels pretty far and watch out when turning up the volume all the way inside. I was wrong to expect so much from such a small device, but it is important to note that these speakers are very tinny. Unfortunately, I can't use these for my personal listening because they absolutely despise bass.If you're looking to buy speakers to improve the sound on your laptop, look elsewhere! Otherwise, these are well-made speakers with ample volume for portable media players where sound quality isn't much of an issue. question: How high can the volume be? Answer: This thing can get extremely loud review: Very very happy with product. Easy to use and can finally have a good strong cup of coffee with my kurrin and save tons not having to buy those cups anymore. This is the best question: How can I order a good coffee in this hotel? Answer: a good strong cup of coffee with This is the best review: I've wanted to try dry rendang for a long time. I've heard it's wonderful. This wasn't dry, but that's OK--it left me lots of sauce to pour over rice. If I licked the bowl when I was done, I would never admit it here.I didn't follow the instructions. (I'm terrible at following instructions.) I started at the supermarket, while choosing the beef. This calls for thin slices of beef tenderloin, but that's not exactly in my budget. I went with chunks of a fairly tough cut of beef. That meant long simmering, which is not what the instructions call for.I lightly browned the beef and set it aside. (The instructions tell you to pan-fry until medium-done.) I added the paste and coconut and brought it to a boil. (Hey, I got something right!) The "coconut premix" was a powder that clumped pretty badly. I think next time I'll add the coconut premix and the water, so I can see the clumps to break them up, then add the paste.I added the beef back to the pan and covered (which you're not supposed to do,) and let it cook for about an hour and a half. With tenderloin it would be ready in a few minutes, but if you're broke like me, the sauce holds up well to cheap beef and a long slow simmer.The smell in the house was absolutely wonderful. The flavor was wonderful as well. It was a good blend of spices, with no one spice stealing the show. I know that rendang is supposed to have hot peppers, but I don't know exactly how hot it's supposed to be. This was extremely mild. Leftovers may meet a littleSrirachato warm things up a bit. Next time I make this I may introduce some hot peppers before simmering.But oh yes, there will be a next time. question: What is your favorite flavor? Answer: I 've wanted to try dry rendang
Possible labels: 1. false 2. true Question: Review: Reservation was for a King size bed, instead I was given a double-bed room. Check-in person must had a bad hair day, because she was unfriendly. Wall St Journal or USA Today is not complimentary. Requested a room that is away from the noisy elevator, but given a room next to a service elevator which is more noisy. I didn't bother to file a formal complain because I was very tire. I travel often to Chicago for business and the first will be the last at Intercontinental. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: My husband and I were there for a conference and had booked the room thru their website, when called to confirm had us down for only 1 night instead of 4, easily changed. First morning cold,cold shower, didn't complain,next day fine. Phone did not work, called every day to complain, and every day said it would be fixed when got back to room, never was. No dial tone, unable to call restaurant, or call for car or call for room service. Finally, on last night someone came to our room while we were there and did fix it. The hotel is beautiful, rooms great and everyone was so nice, even when I was complaining they were nice. Great gym area also, and love the restaurant. BUT, for the money I could easily find another hotel just as nice with a working phone. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: My husband and I were in the Fairmont Chicago recently for a conference. We stayed in a spacious suite. All amenities appeared recently updated and in excellent shape. The bed was very comfortable. Views were great. I love their products in the bathroom and used them in the pristine tub two out of three nights. The room was so quiet, it was very relaxing. We ate in the restaurant downstairs (Aria) and although pricey, it was excellent. The staff were consistently attentive and responsive. It is evident that everyone is very well-trained. I would love to stay here again. Polarity: Positive Output: true Question: Review: This hotel is beautiful, it is very modern and has a very luxuary feel to it. The location is wonderful,it is close to magnificent mile and the Navy pier, which was a great place to show the children on our vacation. We had the option of private parking which made a feel secure with our car,and the valet was very nice and helpful. I also take my work with me everywhere I go,So the wi-fi at the hotel was a-plus. They have a wide selection of packages that can include anything from the couple that wants to get away or a family outing. This place is great for the price, due to the looks of the hotel you will be surprised at how affordable it is. This is very nice place and it gives you a feeling of being the queen or king for the duration of your stay. Polarity: Positive Output: true Question: Review: I only stayed out with my boyfriend for one night, however enjoyed my stay. The staff was friendly, the room was nice and clean, the hallways and ballrooms etc were elegant. Room service was quick and had good options to choose from that actually tasted great. The staff was able to extend our check out time for an extra 1-2 hours without an extra charge to the room. Great location too! Walking distance from the Art Museum, Millennium Park, Grant Park (right across the street) and a quick cab ride to McCormick Place. If I were in the city again I would love to stay there again. Polarity: Positive Output: true Question: Review: I enjoyed my stay at the Talbott Hotel. It is on the more expensive side, but it is all worth it. I got the Talbott tradition package, which was $245 for two people and included a $30 breakfast credit on check out day. The rooms are huge! The beds are soft and comfortable. They include Aveda bath products, which is a plus in my book. They also have a nice fitness area & pool you can use while you stay there. One thing I thought was really cool is that you can forward your messages from your hotel room phone to your cell phone. My boyfriend also liked the Ihome audio system. The location of this hotel is very convenient as well, its close to several great restaurants and blocks from the coast. But, what I like best about this hotel is that they make an honest effort to not negatively impact the environment more than they need to. They were one of the first hotels to be Green Sealed. Overall I had a great stay at Talbott Hotel! Polarity: Positive Output: true Question: Review: For a Hilton hotel I was very unimpressed, the rooms are incredibly small, there are no refrigirator or coffee machine for coffee or tea. Wifi costs an arm. Plus side there is a Starbucks at the bottom, but only limited opening hours, the lobby is very nice. Location is decent. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: I had my wedding ceremony and reception at the Sofitel. It seems as though I had the same experience as "Judy L." I read her review and thought "that's exactly what happened to me!" Here's what happened: The good news: The actual event was great. Most notably, the food was absolutely incredible; I think almost every one of our guests has raved to us about the food. The same goes for the cake, which was made by Take the Cake. The service by the waiters and other staff was also very good. The bad news: Michelle, the Director of Catering, honestly made my wedding planning process a nightmare. While we were negotiating the contract, she promptly responded to my emails and phone calls; after the contract was signed, it was a constant struggle to get in touch with her to get my questions answered, to schedule the tasting, etc. She frequently took over a week to respond to a simple email, and she occasionally never returned my email or phone call until I called her a second or third time. I assumed things would get better within the month--or even the week--prior to my wedding, but they actually got even worse. Michelle just could not get it together, and if it weren't for my wedding coordinator's assistance in forcing her to finally get things right, I don't know what would have happened. Thus, if it weren't for Michelle's inability to do her job, I would have had a great experience. But, as it is, when I think back about my experience with the Sofitel, I unfortunately have very negative thoughts. And that's incredibly disappointing, considering it was a major part of the best night of my life. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: The Palmer House Hilton hotel has it all for the business and leisure traveler out there! I stayed at this hotel on business and all I can say is WOW!!! One of the main things that I liked about the hotel was the indoor pool! I loved being able to go swimming even though it was December and 5 degrees outside! Also, the hotel does offer wireless in the room and this really came in handy for me to keep up with my work after my meetings. I dined at Lockwood Restaurant and Bar and the food was amazing for a hotel! One thing that was a minor negative is that pets are allowed and my original room was next door to a barking dog, but the hotel staff was fantastic as switched up my room so I didn't have to deal with that! All in all, this hotel was fantastic and I look forward to the next time I get to stay here! Polarity: Negative Output: false Question: Review: My wife and I stayed for 2 nights and loved it. Our stay was booked for us by Virgin Atlantic when we booked our flights from London to Chicago. We were not quite sure what to expect but were reassured by the Hilton brand name. In the event we found that the airline knew what they were doing when they suggested this hotel. On arrrival we got a warm welcome and the check in was quick and efficient. The interior of the hotel is spectacular and looks like has been refurbished to reflect the decor as it would have been when it was built. The room we were given was a good size with 1 Queen bed which was particularly comfortable. The hotel is conveniently located with restaurants nearby. The first night we ate at the hotel's own gourmet restaurant (The Lockwood) which did not disappoint. The breakfasts are also served in this restaurant. We had the buffet both mornings and these were good value for the quality offered. Generally we found the service in this hotel good and the staff very helpful. A nice touch was that when we checked out of the hotel to go to our next destination the car we had booked to pick us up was a few minutes late arriving. A member of staff supervising the doormen saw us looking a bit lost and came over to assist us find the car when it did arrive. Overall I would thoroughly recommend this hotel for both business and leisure stays for both quality and value for money. Polarity: Positive Output: true Question: Review: This is a great hotel but there is no way that I would recommend it until the construction around it is complete. The elevator is the alley starts for the construction site behind at 5:30am and goes on into the night. Dumpster filling and emptying also seems to go on 24/7. Worst of all, the restaurant is open to the sidewalk cafe here and the rats go scampering from the construction next door to street to grating. Ugh! Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: Hotel is placed in downtown Chicago what makes it really loud, it is hard to sleep during the night because all the "city"noises coming from the outside. The rooms in reality are also smaller than they look at at the pictures. I stayed in this hotel for weekend trip with my husband, and we supposed to get room with king size bad, but instead we got, two single beds. The stuff isn't really very nice either, they seems like they make you a favor just by talking to you. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: After staying at the Omni Chicago Hotel recently, I was nothing but disappointed. This "luxury hotel" obviously spends too much money on their marketing to convince people how luxurious they are and not enough on actually making their hotel comfortable. When I arrived, my hotel room was devoid of towels, and after calling down to the front desk, it took three hours and two more calls to finally get some fresh towels delivered. On top of that, when I went to connect to the internet in my room, the wifi signal was too weak and I was forced to go out into the hall to connect with my laptop! For the exorbitant price they charged me for one night in their "superior corner suite", I could have stayed a week at a Holiday Inn, and after this stay, I wish I had. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: My wife and I stayed at the Ambassador East Hotel last month for my son's wedding. When we got there nobody helped us with our bags and they took forever to Valet our car. After waiting 15 minutes to get my car parked he expected a tip, which I found rude. After finally getting to our room I noticed crumbs on the floor and a dirty bathroom. I was extremely disappointed with the room and the service. I will not recommend this place to anyone. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: As others have said, once all the construction works are completed I suspect that the prices this hotel can (legitimately) charge will put it out of our price range. Which will be a pity because it is an excellent hotel, & the location couldn't be better. The room was very spacious, with separate sitting & study areas & a nice bathroom. Only 3 minor points: downstairs they were serving a free basic breakfast (coffee & pastries), but we only knew of it on our last morning - nobody had mentioned this; the cost of internet - $9.99 - is a bit dear especially when lots of motels now offer it free; there was only powered milk in the rooms, which wasn't that nice. But none of these really spolied a really enjoyable stay. Polarity: Negative Output: false Question: Review: Here are some pros and cons: Pros: -Good location -Nice staff -Clean room Cons: -Lack of bathroom amenities (I get better items at a Holiday Inn) -Housekeeping wasn't so great... 1. A bathroom rug was taken out of my room (no idea why) and never returned it. The marble floor in the bathroom was very dangerous when slippery...I had to throw towels on the ground to make sure I did not fall. 2. I was charged for items I did not take out of the minibar. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: The Swissotel is totally understaffed and lacking any charm or atmosphere. It was clean, comfortable and had great views but if you wanted to check-in, use the concierge, check-out, or report a problem to the front desk, forget about it. I booked this place through Priceline.COM so I can't complain too much as I didn't pay a lot for the room but I have stayed at 4 star hotels in the past as well as another Swissotel. It left a lot to be desired. The minibar fridge in my room didn't work so forget about a cold beer. Also, the internet/movie/guest services console didn't work so I had to go to the business office to access the internet. When it was time to checkout the console still wasn't working. It's better than the Holiday Inn but way below expectations for a 4 star hotel Polarity: Positive Output: false Question: Review: The location was good. Check-in was ok. Asked for non smoking room, given floor with half smoking half non smoking. We could smell the smoke as soon as the elevator doors opened. We asked for and recieved a room on a non-smoking floor. They did not bring up the key, we had to go down to the lobby to get it. Breakfast could have had some healthy choices, the sweet rolls and danish were not fresh. Bananas not ripe. Room only had ONE wash cloth, had to call down for more. Housekeeping NEVER showed up at our room. Not for turndown service , not for the morning clean -up. Called down upon our arrival back to our room after being gone all day and we were accused of putting our the Do Not Disturb sign. They said they would come up and they never came when they said they would. We finally told them not to come because of the time. We wanted to get ready to go out for dinner. Never greeted by anyone as we came and went. I have stayed at the Peninsula and the Burnham. The Burnham was booked during our stay or I would have stayed there.I will NEVER stay at this hotel again, Not worth 300.00 a night Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: The Swissotel is totally understaffed and lacking any charm or atmosphere. It was clean, comfortable and had great views but if you wanted to check-in, use the concierge, check-out, or report a problem to the front desk, forget about it. I booked this place through Priceline.COM so I can't complain too much as I didn't pay a lot for the room but I have stayed at 4 star hotels in the past as well as another Swissotel. It left a lot to be desired. The minibar fridge in my room didn't work so forget about a cold beer. Also, the internet/movie/guest services console didn't work so I had to go to the business office to access the internet. When it was time to checkout the console still wasn't working. It's better than the Holiday Inn but way below expectations for a 4 star hotel Polarity: Positive Output: false Question: Review: Even though the reviews of this hotel are very good, the only good thing about it is the Location, which is excelent. aside from that, there are only 2 elevators, so there is ALWAYS a wait to get in. they also seem to have insufficient staff so getting your luggage, room service, etc takes forever. even if you arrive in a cab, there is no space to load/unload so you have to block the street while you arrive/depart, the rooms seem a bit dated and in need of a refresh. all in all, there are much better options in Chicago Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: I have never experienced terrible service like this especially at such a highly rated hotel. I had booked the hotel room for my parents for their anniversary weekend and stopped by earlier in the week to have the charge for the room put on my card as a gift. When my parents arrived, they were told that the front desk staff was new and did not complete the charge correctly. My parents then had to charge their own anniversary trip. Additionally, my father had requested a non-smoking room to stay in and was reassured 3 times that his room was non-smoking. When my parents got to the room it reeked of smoke and there was an ashtray and matches on the desk tabletop. When my father caled down to the front desk to ask about this the guy at the front desk asked if my dad wanted him to come up and remove the ashtray and matches - something that would clearly not resolve the fact that they were put in a smoking room after being reassured 3 times that the room was non-smoking. NEVER AGAIN. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: The Palmer House Hilton hotel has it all for the business and leisure traveler out there! I stayed at this hotel on business and all I can say is WOW!!! One of the main things that I liked about the hotel was the indoor pool! I loved being able to go swimming even though it was December and 5 degrees outside! Also, the hotel does offer wireless in the room and this really came in handy for me to keep up with my work after my meetings. I dined at Lockwood Restaurant and Bar and the food was amazing for a hotel! One thing that was a minor negative is that pets are allowed and my original room was next door to a barking dog, but the hotel staff was fantastic as switched up my room so I didn't have to deal with that! All in all, this hotel was fantastic and I look forward to the next time I get to stay here! Polarity: Negative Output: false Question: Review: The International Chicago Magnificent Mile is shrouded in glamour, but underneath the facade fades away. The "classical architectural landmark" should be translated to "old and boring. I found this hotel via Google and have regretted it ever since. Room size was small and unaccommodating, and that was one of the newer rooms! Everything was free except for the gym (why that wouldn't be free with the price I paid I don't know). This hotel is overpriced for the quality and size of the room that you get, and I would not recommend staying there. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: When I made my reservations at Softiel in Chicago, I was expecting the ultimate in Luxury but Softiel failed to deliver. Everything was just ok. I do not spend money on a quality hotel for "just ok". If I want "just ok" I'll check into the Days Inn! First of all there were problems with our reservation. I asked to have a room near the top floors and my room was actually only on the fifth floor! The desk clerk was less than helpful to fix this. I eventually got it fixed but I certainly did not feel at all like a valued guest during this process. Later when I went down to ask for directions and information at the desk the clerk was very cold and abrupt with us. The room was quite nice but the shower did not deliver adequate water pressure. On the second day of our stay, housekeeping did not refill our soaps or coffee. They also failed to empty one of our wastebaskets. Minor I know, but when you're paying for a luxury experience, you kind of expect luxury! The hotel itself was nice but the staff really don't deliver. I would not stay here again. You can get a nice clean room at LaQuinta for 1/4 the price and the staff is much more helpful. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: " Barely Average Hotel at Premium Price" This hotel has a beautiful lobby but fails to fails to maintain its standards beyond the lobby. I have stayed in the Conrad in Dublin, Ireland and in HongKong both of which I loved. I was looking forward to staying at this hotel. I was extremely disappointed. I am very surprised that this hotel is allowed to carry the Conrad name. Pros: Elegant lobby nicely decorated with fresh flowers Location: Located in the Heart of Chicago Disappointments - Stained and worn out carpet in hallway - Room was small - Phone and lightbulb in room were broken - Breakfast was $60 for two people, service was slow and impolite - Hotel rationed soaps and shampoo, one bar of soap to share and one bottle of shampoo which was not replaced for two days, I felt like I was staying at a budget hotel. and to cap off my stay the hotel made a billing error which took three months and more effort than it was worth to correct. I would not stay at this hotel again, It just is not worth the premium price they charge. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: My boyfriend and I were amazed by the breathtaking view of Lake Michigan! We are from Texas so the view of the city was very important to us. We had no problems at this hotel... rooms, service, location were top notch. Polarity: Positive Output: true Question: Review: Booked a room online and got a great rate under $200 which is very cheap for a summer hotel room in Chicago in this nice location, 3 blocks I think from the water. Even though our rate was so cheap, the service was wonderful, the front desk were polite& cheerful, the doormen and valet were great and helpful, and they even put a fridge in our room when we requested on, free of charge! The fitness room was clean, large and provided fruit and clean towels, and it had the greatest view of the city as it was on the top floor of the hotel. Location of hotel is safe, and such a beautiful area. Check the rates directly online of the hotel's website, as it was the least expensive. We will stay here again for sure. Polarity: Positive Output: true Question: Review: While overall a decent property, the incident I had with this hotel has been like none other in my history of travel. I recently stayed at the Hotel Monaco for five nights, checking out on Monday, March 19th. Shortly after leaving the hotel and retrieving my car from the valet, my partner and I noticed a large scrape on the bumper of the car that wasn't present upon checking in. We had not requested use of the car for the duration of our stay. I called the hotel approximately two hours after checking out and was directed to speak with the garage manager at Park One (their valet company) who stated that he would review video of the car and call me back within 48 hours to verify that the car was unblemished upon arrival, and was scraped upon departure from the garage. The garage manager, Mike Yunan, didn't call back until I had an email exchange with the general manager of the hotel, Marco Scherer. When he finally got back to me, the garage manager stated that he would file an "incident report" and claim with his insurance company, Travelers, which would eventually deny the claim because garage staff wouldn't admit fault or liability, nor did they supply the video they stated they had of the car entering or exiting the garage, which could have verified that the damage wasn't present upon check-in, but was at check-out. Their insurance representative even told me that the garage does not have surveillance at that location, contradicting the garage manager. In the end, this Kimpton InTouch guest got stuck with a $1,000 bill for parking at this Kimpton property: an almost $500 paint scrape on top of a $48/per day parking fee, rental car expenses, several hours of lost time in dealing with the issue, and one gigantic headache. In the end, do NOT trust the valets or staff at this hotel, and take your business elsewhere if at all possible. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: The Hilton Chicago is one of the best Hotels I have ever had the good fortune to lodge at in my entire life. It is an extremely luxirious hotel located on the "Cultural Michigan Avenue Mile", and it overlooks Grant Park, Lake Michigan, and Museum Campus. In addition to overlooking those wonderful sights, it's also located conveniently close to Chicago's convention center, McCormick Place Convention Center, as well as the business center, shopping and theatre. Furthermore, there are a myriad of attractions close to the hotel, such as Millenium Park, Buckingham Park, and the Sears Tower. The amenities offered by the Hilton Chicago hotel include 100% wireless Internet access in all guest rooms, 27" inch flat screen televisions, a Serenity Bed, and two-line direct dial phones. And on top of all that, the hotel is pet friendly! I'll definitely be staying here again. Polarity: Negative Output: false Question: Review: Negative points: 1. I guess they gave me the worst room. It's small room with a king size bed even though I'd requested a room with two queen beds. 2. No roll away bed was available so I had to sleep on the floor. 3. The tub in the bathroom would not drain. 4. No exhaust fan in the bathroom. 5. broken furniture. Plus point: 1. Convenient location. Polarity: Positive Output: false Question: Review: I recently stayed at the Hotel Allegro Chicago with my wife. I was on business but I thought I'd take her so we could see the city as well. Chicago was great, The Allegro...not so much. I mean it looked nice, great lobby and all. The service wasn't so great though. The clerk was a younger girl who seemed a bit rude. Like we were bothering her and interrupting her day by wanting to book a weekend. The bell hop took our bags to our room, none to gently. My wife and I watched as he threw our luggage on the floor in our room. Which wasn't that bad till he actually asked for a tip! Our room was okay. The bed was sort of rough and made a odd plastic rubbing noise every time you moved. The next day my wife went out and returned to find our room wasn't cleaned. Our trip to the Chicago had it's nice moments, all outside the hotel. The Hotel Allegro seemed like they spent too much on the appearance and neglected to staff it better. I won't stay there again. Polarity: Positive Output: false Question: Review: I stayed two nights at the Hilton Chicago. That was the last time I will be staying there. When I arrived, I could not believe that the hotel did not offer free parking. They wanted at least $10. What am I paying for when I stay there for the night? The website also touted the clean linens. The room was clean and I believe the linens were clean. The problem was with all of the down pillows etc. Don't they know that people have allergies? I also later found out that this hotel allows pets. I think that this was another part of my symptoms. If you like a clean hotel without having allergy attacks I suggest you opt for somewhere else to stay. I did not like how they nickel and dimed me in the end for parking. Beware hidden costs. I will try somewhere else in the future. Not worth the money or the sneezing all night. Polarity: Positive Output: false Question: Review: My family's seven day stay at the InterContinental Chicago hotel was more than I could ever imagine. The InterContinental is more fantastic than any previous hotel I have visited, because of its wonderful amenities, such as the excellent 24 hour room service, access to personal trainers,and even a dry cleaning service, just to mention a few. My family really enjoyed dining on the contemporary American cuisine at the hotels Zest Restaurant, which served an excellent meal worth every dime of its reasonable price. My most favorite point about the InterContinental Chicago is that it provides entry right into the Windy City, where my family and I had immediate access to transportation, shopping, and city attractions. We had a great time traveling through Chicago and enjoying ourselves while at the same time we felt secure knowing that we had a nice, clean, elegant, safe hotel to travel back to whenever we were done touring the city each day. The InterContinental is a must stay and I will recommend them to anyone who plans on visiting Chicago. Polarity: Positive Output: true Question: Review: I was looking for a fun, contemporary hotel and it didn't deliver. The lobby was nice, and the rooms were mostly clean, but it really wasn't special. Service time was slow for room requests, I found empty water bottles under the chair, and the a Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: This hotel is in a great city with great personnel working there. The rooms are more than you can expect for a hotel. The services are abundant, leaving no room to complain. With their fine diners, you cannot go wrong with enjoying a peaceful meal while relaxing. With this hotel, it is truly an all-in-one hotel. There are meeting rooms and business centers, leaving unfinished work not be a worry during the stay. In addition, the spacious swimming pool is just the thing needed to relieve yourself of stress. The views from the rooms are breathtaking. I would definitely recommend staying there! Polarity: Positive Output: true Question: Review: My husband and I visited the Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park for our honeymoon. The customer service was amazing. From the time we booked our packege to the time we checked in everything was absolutely amazing. These people were proficient, respectful and very thoughtful. The Fairmont had a lounge, a wine room, a bar and a restaurant. I couldn't decide where I wanted to go first! After we put our bags up we headed down to the wine room... It was totally delicious. We also got free wine just because it was our honeymoon! Then after a few glasses of wine we hit the spa, once again excellent!! Everything smells like honeysuckle and everyone smiles all the time. We stayed in the gold room. Although it was a little bit smaller than I thought it would be I was definitely satisfied with the huge king bed with even bigger pillows. My husband and I relaxed in fluffy white bath robes while we sipped champagne while we watched the sparkling lights of the city. It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget. Four thumbs up! Polarity: Negative Output: false Question: Review: Chicago is my favorite city visit. I wanted to share this special city with a new love and booked us a room at the Swissotel. It is advertised as close to downtown and close to the museums of Chicago. I wanted to share my new love. It was indeed close to the museums but to get to either the shopping district or the Chicago Art Institute it was a long walk, full of detours, and it was not easy to grab a cab. While the rooms seemed to be luxuriously decorated the beds were uncomfortable and the rooms just were not very clean. The Room Service was slow, the food arrived cold, and the total experience was way so expensive for what we got. I do not think I have ever experienced the level of noise in such a "grand hotel" as the Swissotel seems. I would not recommend the Swissotel because disappointment, noise, and cold food should just not cost that much. Polarity: Positive Output: false Question: Review: Hotel Monaco is simply amazing. I travel quite a bit, and am use to generic hotels, with horribly unimpressive rooms, and "5 star amenities" which usually mean a packet of instant coffee, and room service that won't serve after 9pm. Hotel Monaco on the other hand was very impressive. The suite i stayed in was stylish and cozy. This hotel has such personality. My absolute favorite part of my stay, aside from the amazing meal i had down stairs, was the in-room spa treatment. Hotel Monaco just raised the bar on hotels for me. Generic just won't do anymore. Polarity: Negative Output: false Question: Review: Spent a wonderful night at the Amalfi with friends. The evening reception was very nice and the staff was very attentive. Breakfast was a plus, rooms were cozy and very clean. Would not hesitate to go back again. Polarity: Positive Output: true Question: Review: We experienced bed bugs in our room while staying at the Omni Chicago Hotel on the Magnificent Mile. We never received a return call from General Manager Sanjay Mahajan after several voicemails. We will never return to the hotel and will work to spread the word. We also heard from several employees from the cleaning staff that this is common in the hotel. Polarity: Positive Output: false Question: Review: What was supposed to be a fun weekend getaway with the girls in Chicago turned into a complete disaster. The first problem arose when we arrived at the airport and the car the hotel concierge was supposed to arrange to pick up our group of 6 was a small town car there was no chance we could all fit in...they knew we had 6! We ended up just getting a taxi van to take us all to the hotel. When we arrived they had our three rooms spread out on 3 different floors despite our request for rooms near each other. After some finagling they were finally able to get us in 3 rooms on the same floor, unfortunately one of the rooms hadn't even been cleaned which meant more waiting around. The staff never seemed to have any sense of urgency when we voiced our concerns nor did they offer any apologies for the inconveniences they were creating. On our second morning we were woken up by a loud noise that sounded like funriture being rearranged in the room above us at 5:30am. Despite my calls to the front desk, the sound seemed to continue for about 45 minutes. We also didn't know the hotel was sooo pet friendly. One morning we woke up to find a huge dog turd just outside the room door. I understand they allow pets, but really...people need to clean up after their animals...or have some dog free floors. While Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago may be beautifully decorated and offer some great rooms, their service was terrible, the staff was rude, and I still can't get over that dog poo in the hallway. I definitely won't be staying here again. Polarity: Positive Output: false Question: Review: The Affinia in Chicago obviously caters to wedding guests and corporations hosting business conferences. If you do not represent one of these groups with a large number of guests and revenue for Affinia, do not expect any measure of customer service and don't expect great accommodations, even at their high prices. When we arrived our reservation was lost, then it took forever for the concierge to tell us the room we were instead given was available. The furnishings in the room were cheaply made, the cleaning obviously superficial and our view was directly into the concrete wall of the hotel's L shaped corridor. I called for fresh linens and toiletries and a very rude phone attendant told me someone would essentially be then when they had time. Two hours later someone came. The dining hall and reception areas were really nice, but again, unless you're a large group don't expect to enjoy them during your stay at Affinia. Even if you could, the prices wouldn't be worth it. Polarity: Negative Output: true Question: Review: I booked my reservations at The Talbott Hotel in hopes of finding luxury and excellent service. What I actually got was far less than that. When I first arrived to check in, the woman at the desk was very impolite and looked rather bored. It took her over 5 minutes to even find my reservation in the computer system! And I won't go into detail about how she messed up with my room keys and had to give me a second set! When I finally got to my room, the first thing I noticed was that it smelled stale. The air in the room literally smelled like it had been in that room, without any fresh air, for years. I soon discovered my bathroom toilet had a leak, as well, and every time you flushed the toilet, water would trickle out from the base onto the floor. Talk about concerning. I reported this to the desk, and the fellow who answered promised someone would be up right away to fix it. No one showed up until the next day, and very early in the morning, I might add. Later, I called room service and asked for a bottle of wine. It took them half an hour to deliver it to my room! And it wasn't even chilled by the time it showed up, either; it was lukewarm. Overall, my experience here was not very pleasant, and I don't recommend booking with this hotel. Polarity: Positive Output: false Question: Review: We stayed 6 pleasent days in this not too big and very friendly hotel. the rooms were spotless comfortable and great view too... also nice view from the roof-bar. The area is pleasant nice and clean, minute walk to magnificant mile, easy to walk around to the lake. friendly stuff, very clean, great warm hotel to stay in. it does not have the "big hotel" factory-like feeling - more like home :) Polarity: Positive Output: true
Example: Head: PersonX adopts every ___<sep>Tail: adjustable Label: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's invitation<sep>Tail: glad Label: No Example: Head: PersonX arrives home<sep>Tail: satisfied Label: No Example: Head: PersonX becomes distracted<sep>Tail: absentminded Label: No Example: Head: case study<sep>Tail: fix an illness Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's dream<sep>Tail: bring it to progress Label: No Example: Head: gift box<sep>Tail: put the gift in Label: Yes Example: Head: wood<sep>Tail: cut into pieces Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ to go with PersonY<sep>Tail: shy Label: No Example: Head: fuel<sep>Tail: get back home Label: Yes Example: Head: charger<sep>Tail: recharge battery Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: wants to see if they understand Label: No Example: Head: PersonX arrives home that ___<sep>Tail: to sleep Label: No Example: Head: fabric<sep>Tail: wash my butt Label: Yes Example: Head: special clothing<sep>Tail: be in a parade Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX always ate<sep>Tail: to release stress Label: No Example: Head: shaving cream<sep>Tail: mess up house Label: Yes Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: pay for their purchase Label: Yes Example: Head: toy ball<sep>Tail: make baby laugh Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's boyfriend<sep>Tail: gets engaged Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to say<sep>Tail: Instinctively avoids Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's boyfriend<sep>Tail: inquisitive Label: No Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's ___ by means<sep>Tail: to determine a strategy Label: No Example: Head: backboard<sep>Tail: to support rim Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to make<sep>Tail: grateful Label: No Example: Head: PersonX adopts PersonY attitude<sep>Tail: rude Label: No Example: Head: hand sanitizer<sep>Tail: keep themself from getting sick Label: Yes Example: Head: vcr<sep>Tail: record television show Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks the teacher<sep>Tail: to clarify something Label: No Example: Head: PersonX applies sunscreen<sep>Tail: to clean themselves off beforehand Label: No Example: Head: PersonX bases on PersonX's experience<sep>Tail: to do what's right too Label: No Example: Head: airplane<sep>Tail: land on landing strip Label: Yes Example: Head: graduation cap<sep>Tail: throw in the air Label: Yes Example: Head: check processor<sep>Tail: run money through bank Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX always wore<sep>Tail: Poor Label: No Example: Head: PersonX behaves like a PersonY<sep>Tail: People don Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to play<sep>Tail: none Label: No Example: Head: fabric<sep>Tail: sewing Label: Yes Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: pay for the fuel Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's grandma<sep>Tail: to go to Person Y's grandma Label: No Example: Head: clean hands<sep>Tail: arrange sand in a glass creating art Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ if PersonY could have one<sep>Tail: disgusted Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to stay<sep>Tail: decides to stay Label: No Example: Head: butter<sep>Tail: coat frying pan Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX applies to medical school<sep>Tail: becomes a doctor Label: No Example: Head: PersonX babysits PersonX's nephew<sep>Tail: to help a sibling Label: No Example: Head: band shirt<sep>Tail: show devotion to a band Label: Yes Example: Head: make up brush<sep>Tail: distribute makeup on the face Label: Yes Example: Head: muumuu<sep>Tail: look at Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX believes every ___<sep>Tail: is engaged Label: No Example: Head: aluminum<sep>Tail: side tacky house Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: happy willing Label: No Example: Head: acoustic guitar<sep>Tail: use as a coat rack Label: Yes Example: Head: charger<sep>Tail: keep battery charged Label: Yes Example: Head: basket<sep>Tail: hold easter eggs Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to stay<sep>Tail: enamored Label: No Example: Head: PersonX becomes distracted<sep>Tail: to watch television Label: No Example: Head: basket<sep>Tail: put the head in Label: Yes Example: Head: ram card<sep>Tail: make a computer faster Label: Yes Example: Head: shots<sep>Tail: kill prey Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's teacher<sep>Tail: curious Label: No Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: max out with all the purchases Label: Yes Example: Head: basket<sep>Tail: contain the dirty clothes Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes PersonY object<sep>Tail: to fall prey to person Y Label: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts the job<sep>Tail: none Label: No Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: pay for the book Label: Yes Example: Head: foyer<sep>Tail: conserving energy Label: Yes Example: Head: plumbing<sep>Tail: build an arbor Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to say<sep>Tail: Teaching Label: No Example: Head: PersonX always ate<sep>Tail: Gets sick Label: No Example: Head: hourglass<sep>Tail: flip during a game Label: Yes Example: Head: landing gear<sep>Tail: land on runway Label: Yes Example: Head: pool net<sep>Tail: get stuff out of the pool Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonX's diploma<sep>Tail: PersonX graduates college Label: No Example: Head: PersonX answers the door<sep>Tail: to welcome in his new neighbors Label: No Example: Head: silver<sep>Tail: filling cavities in teeth Label: Yes Example: Head: wood<sep>Tail: feed the fire Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes distracted<sep>Tail: upset Label: No Example: Head: PersonX bats PersonX's eyelashes<sep>Tail: be approached by someone Label: No Example: Head: diet book<sep>Tail: use to smash the patriarchy Label: Yes Example: Head: work shoes<sep>Tail: house a pet Label: Yes Example: Head: antacid<sep>Tail: get rid of heartburn Label: Yes Example: Head: store<sep>Tail: buy a dress Label: Yes Example: Head: football<sep>Tail: grab from PersonY Label: Yes Example: Head: insurance policy<sep>Tail: insurance against acccidents Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX begins to hurt<sep>Tail: sweaty Label: No Example: Head: sensible shoes on<sep>Tail: walk comfortably Label: Yes Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: give to the clerk on the phone Label: Yes Example: Head: garden<sep>Tail: pick vegetables Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affords PersonY protection<sep>Tail: brave Label: No Example: Head: PersonX bears the brunt<sep>Tail: to take a break Label: No Example: Head: sauce<sep>Tail: season the food Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX bats PersonX's eyelashes<sep>Tail: to bats eyelashes Label: No Example: Head: case study<sep>Tail: present to jury Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX beats PersonX's swords into ploughshares<sep>Tail: gains efficiency in tasks Label: No Example: Head: PersonX adjusts spacing as well as minimizing<sep>Tail: to have a perfect document Label: No Example: Head: dental floss<sep>Tail: teeth Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: buy books Label: No Example: Head: museum wing<sep>Tail: displaying sculpture Label: Yes Example: Head: parking pass<sep>Tail: Amusement parks Label: Yes Example: Head: salesperson<sep>Tail: sell you a new car Label: Yes Example: Head: sandpaper<sep>Tail: remove a callus on your foot Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX believes every ___<sep>Tail: Conversate Label: No Example: Head: mixer<sep>Tail: mix all ingredients in Label: Yes Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: pay for items Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks to play<sep>Tail: meet friend Label: No Example: Head: tarot card<sep>Tail: explain nothing Label: Yes Example: Head: paper towel<sep>Tail: eat pizza on Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: to be friends, to make friends Label: No Example: Head: theatre<sep>Tail: buy a ticket at Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: ask another question Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's grandma<sep>Tail: cllas person y's grandma on the phone Label: No Example: Head: syllabus<sep>Tail: keep information on Label: Yes Example: Head: cardboard sign<sep>Tail: wipe their butt Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: See what personX did Label: No Example: Head: fabric<sep>Tail: protect the seats Label: Yes Example: Head: shaving cream<sep>Tail: paste on someone as a prank Label: Yes Example: Head: weight lifting belt<sep>Tail: wear while doing squats Label: Yes Example: Head: fan<sep>Tail: cool room Label: Yes Example: Head: keg<sep>Tail: stand on Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts the invitation<sep>Tail: to see some people Label: No Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: get people in financial trouble Label: Yes Example: Head: cardboard sign<sep>Tail: wipe their butt Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's ___ by means<sep>Tail: objectives Label: No Example: Head: PersonX affects PersonY's interests<sep>Tail: none Label: No Example: Head: history<sep>Tail: learn in school Label: Yes Example: Head: self-checkout machine<sep>Tail: steal one item Label: Yes Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: Pay for vacation Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ if PersonY could have one<sep>Tail: to thank PersonX Label: No Example: Head: post-it note<sep>Tail: mark the page in a book Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affords every ___<sep>Tail: protected Label: No Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: show to clerk for identification Label: Yes Example: Head: crowd<sep>Tail: Catch you at a concert Label: Yes Example: Head: carrier<sep>Tail: store paper Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX badly wanted<sep>Tail: to of not gotten it Label: No Example: Head: store<sep>Tail: shop for gifts in Label: Yes Example: Head: porchlight<sep>Tail: see what is out there Label: Yes Example: Head: condiments<sep>Tail: use on the meal Label: Yes Example: Head: elastic<sep>Tail: rebound Label: Yes Example: Head: liquid dye<sep>Tail: make clothes another color Label: Yes Example: Head: vet<sep>Tail: cut pet's nails Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX babysits PersonY's nephew<sep>Tail: to avoid babysitting at all costs Label: No Example: Head: PersonX answers PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: to write a book on experiences Label: No Example: Head: silver<sep>Tail: fillings in teeth Label: Yes Example: Head: hat<sep>Tail: keep sun off scalp Label: Yes Example: Head: case study<sep>Tail: document previous experience Label: Yes Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: renting car Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY invitation<sep>Tail: to get a message from PersonY. Label: No Example: Head: PersonX becomes PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: to throw confetti on the couple Label: No Example: Head: PersonX babysits PersonY's nephew<sep>Tail: patient Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's grandma<sep>Tail: to think of a question Label: No Example: Head: PersonX also decided<sep>Tail: to implement Label: No Example: Head: PersonX arrives home that ___<sep>Tail: exhausted Label: No Example: Head: atm card<sep>Tail: go to the ATM to get cash out Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: intelligent Label: No Example: Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: to listen Label: No Example: Head: PersonX bears the brunt<sep>Tail: Strong Label: No Example: Head: stock<sep>Tail: offer to customers Label: Yes Example: Head: tap<sep>Tail: get the water from Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX babysits PersonY's nephew<sep>Tail: to meet the nephew Label: No Example: Head: carrier<sep>Tail: use as end table Label: Yes Example: Head: antacid<sep>Tail: chew when nervous Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX acts weird<sep>Tail: awful Label: No Example: Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: to ignore PersonX Label: No Example: Head: PersonX begins to hurt<sep>Tail: scream by hurt Label: No Example: Head: PersonX answers PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: appreciated to get a reply Label: No Example: Head: PersonX always wore<sep>Tail: stylish Label: No Example: Head: toy ball<sep>Tail: play Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: more prepared Label: No Example: Head: salesperson<sep>Tail: bring clothes to a dressing room Label: Yes Example: Head: breathalyzer<sep>Tail: see if they are in diabetic ketoacidosis Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: helpful Label: No Example: Head: PersonX arrives to the restaurant<sep>Tail: Smart Label: No Example: Head: PersonX becomes PersonY object<sep>Tail: is smothered Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's teacher<sep>Tail: PersonX gains knowledge about PersonY Label: No Example: Head: temporary tags<sep>Tail: use temporarily while your tags are made. Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX also decided<sep>Tail: in charge. Label: No Example: Head: PersonX answers the door<sep>Tail: polite Label: No Example: Head: hat<sep>Tail: draw the winner of a raffle Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX begins to hurt<sep>Tail: in pain. Label: No Example: Head: PersonX always ate ___<sep>Tail: to try something new Label: No Example: Head: fabric<sep>Tail: construct the clothes Label: Yes Example: Head: harddrive<sep>Tail: use as a weapon Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX applies for a loan<sep>Tail: to have money for something they need or want Label: No Example: Head: pretzels<sep>Tail: crunch up as a pie crust Label: Yes Example: Head: store<sep>Tail: place items on display Label: Yes Example: Head: print<sep>Tail: print paperwork Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: powerful Label: No Example: Head: elastic<sep>Tail: make a ball Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: PersonY feels bad for how they acted. Label: No Example: Head: driver's handbook<sep>Tail: tear up into confetti Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts the invitation<sep>Tail: to buy some new cologne Label: No Example: Head: word proccesing program<sep>Tail: check for errors Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to make<sep>Tail: to consider PersonX's request Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to show<sep>Tail: person Y shows up Label: No Example: Head: bouquet<sep>Tail: present to daughter Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affects children 's ___<sep>Tail: bad Label: No Example: Head: PersonX agrees to the challenge<sep>Tail: none Label: No Example: Head: harddrive<sep>Tail: keep records Label: Yes Example: Head: restaurant table<sep>Tail: eat meal Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX argues a lot<sep>Tail: to release stress Label: No Example: Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: fall in love. Label: No Example: Head: vehicule<sep>Tail: travel to places Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: learn from that Label: No Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: coach Label: No Example: Head: PersonX affords every ___<sep>Tail: safe Label: No Example: Head: steel pen<sep>Tail: rust Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: help Label: No Example: Head: PersonX becomes PersonY object<sep>Tail: to take advantage Label: No Example: Head: vechicle<sep>Tail: go to work Label: Yes Example: Head: bog<sep>Tail: capture mosquitos Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's invitation<sep>Tail: glad Label: No Example: Head: long sock<sep>Tail: wear as tights Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY invitation<sep>Tail: the appreciation Label: No Example: Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: to meet teachers Label: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: Person X marks the offer on his calendar Label: No Example: Head: exercise<sep>Tail: lose weight Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affords every ___<sep>Tail: secure Label: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY invitation<sep>Tail: wait for engagement Label: No Example: Head: PersonX begs for food<sep>Tail: none Label: No Example: Head: fuel<sep>Tail: get to work Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to say<sep>Tail: to be helpful Label: No Example: Head: charger<sep>Tail: add power to the batteries Label: Yes Example: Head: clothesline<sep>Tail: create a fort for the summer fun Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX achieves ___ by means<sep>Tail: skilled Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother for help<sep>Tail: To be in facing trouble in completing assignment Label: No Example: Head: world<sep>Tail: cold lonely bitter place Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX arrives shortly<sep>Tail: to start his lecture Label: No Example: Head: PersonX always tries<sep>Tail: muscle pain Label: No Example: Head: PersonX applies sunscreen<sep>Tail: to swim Label: No Example: Head: PersonX affords PersonY protection<sep>Tail: to talk to PersonY Label: No Example: Head: PersonX becomes PersonY wife<sep>Tail: marries Label: No Example: Head: PersonX affects children 's ___<sep>Tail: PersonX mentors children Label: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts ___ in exchange<sep>Tail: to have the salary Label: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonX's diploma<sep>Tail: graduating Label: No Example: Head: tomato plants<sep>Tail: feed the rabbits Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts the offer<sep>Tail: Shakes hands Label: No Example: Head: glue<sep>Tail: piece the parts together Label: Yes Example: Head: aerial bomb<sep>Tail: blowing things up Label: Yes Example: Head: accident<sep>Tail: slow traffic Label: Yes Example: Head: golf ball<sep>Tail: throw at someone Label: Yes Example: Head: hat<sep>Tail: wear with outfit Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX arrives home that ___<sep>Tail: none Label: No Example: Head: PersonX becomes distracted<sep>Tail: caffeine Label: No Example: Head: small sweet cakes<sep>Tail: bait a racoon Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: to get a ride Label: No Example: Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: become involved with person x Label: No Example: Head: foyer<sep>Tail: display flowers Label: Yes Example: Head: exercise<sep>Tail: Get ready for the marathon run Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affects children 's ___<sep>Tail: friendly Label: No Example: Head: pins<sep>Tail: aim at Label: Yes Example: Head: cryoprobe<sep>Tail: freeze malignant tissue Label: Yes Example: Head: wrist bands<sep>Tail: hang as a decoration Label: Yes Example: Head: donation<sep>Tail: support a cause Label: Yes Example: Head: tomato plants<sep>Tail: feed the rabbits Label: Yes Example: Head: dental floss<sep>Tail: diligent people Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: friendly, happy, pleasant Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's teacher<sep>Tail: contact the teacher Label: No Example: Head: new one<sep>Tail: throw a party Label: Yes Example: Head: cupboard<sep>Tail: look into to see what is needed Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts happily<sep>Tail: humble Label: No Example: Head: PersonX applies sunscreen<sep>Tail: to get their children ready Label: No Example: Head: paper towel<sep>Tail: pick up the dead spider body Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX arrives shortly<sep>Tail: to appreciate him Label: No Example: Head: noise<sep>Tail: alert people what's going on Label: Yes Example: Head: landing gear<sep>Tail: land on runway Label: Yes Example: Head: clothesline<sep>Tail: lasso something Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's boyfriend<sep>Tail: polite Label: No Example: Head: PersonX babysits PersonX's nephew<sep>Tail: to help a sibling Label: No Example: Head: PersonX arrives at PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: use it Label: No Example: Head: PersonX also ordered ___<sep>Tail: none Label: No Example: Head: backboard<sep>Tail: rebound the ball in the net Label: Yes Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: enter the payment information Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonX's diploma<sep>Tail: celebrate Label: No Example: Head: dart board<sep>Tail: serve a pizza on Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes happier<sep>Tail: to charge personX Label: No Example: Head: screwdriver<sep>Tail: push in screws Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: go home Label: No Example: Head: chicken soup<sep>Tail: make personY feel better Label: Yes Example: Head: basket<sep>Tail: scratch an itch Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's grandma<sep>Tail: to approach grandma Label: No Example: Head: swim wear<sep>Tail: wear to a beach party Label: Yes Example: Head: elastic<sep>Tail: use in a slingshot Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: friendly, happy, pleasant Label: No Example: Head: PersonX arrives shortly<sep>Tail: greets everybody Label: No Example: Head: hat<sep>Tail: catch butterflies Label: Yes Example: Head: bouquet<sep>Tail: decorate a table Label: Yes Example: Head: tie<sep>Tail: to wear at a wedding Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ to go with PersonY<sep>Tail: to go on a date with persony Label: No Example: Head: fabric<sep>Tail: clothing Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX bats PersonX's eyelashes<sep>Tail: smile Label: No Example: Head: burger<sep>Tail: throw at someone Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonX's diploma<sep>Tail: satisfied Label: No Example: Head: PersonX behaves like a PersonY<sep>Tail: to continue acting like PersonY Label: No Example: Head: PersonX becomes PersonY object<sep>Tail: to feel used Label: No Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: help people get into debt Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ for one<sep>Tail: inquisitive Label: No Example: Head: wood<sep>Tail: burn with matches Label: Yes Example: Head: bee<sep>Tail: swarm them and do the damage Label: Yes Example: Head: automoblie<sep>Tail: claim insurance reimbursements Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: adjusts strategy Label: No Example: Head: burger<sep>Tail: make into dog treats Label: Yes Example: Head: spaghetti<sep>Tail: use as art Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes PersonY wife<sep>Tail: to be together Label: No Example: Head: blannket<sep>Tail: snuggle in Label: Yes Example: Head: movers<sep>Tail: rearrange furniture Label: Yes Example: Head: noisemaker<sep>Tail: warn when a predictor is near Label: Yes Example: Head: locker<sep>Tail: keep their belongings in during the day Label: Yes Example: Head: awl<sep>Tail: kill someone Label: Yes Example: Head: rink<sep>Tail: have a date at Label: Yes Example: Head: nose<sep>Tail: face Label: Yes Example: Head: long sock<sep>Tail: make a puppet Label: Yes Example: Head: bag of ice<sep>Tail: hold on swollen eye if PersonX survives the beating Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX believes every ___<sep>Tail: She beats him up Label: No Example: Head: museum wing<sep>Tail: seperating different types of art Label: Yes Example: Head: mixer<sep>Tail: to mix cookie dough with Label: Yes Example: Head: football<sep>Tail: use to score Label: Yes Example: Head: coffee jug<sep>Tail: use as a water pitcher Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX answers the door<sep>Tail: talk to visitor Label: No Example: Head: PersonX bears the brunt<sep>Tail: tired Label: No Example: Head: stethescope<sep>Tail: hear heart Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks to play<sep>Tail: kicks football Label: No Example: Head: PersonX arrives home that ___<sep>Tail: capable Label: No Example: Head: pretend money<sep>Tail: play Monopoly Label: Yes Example: Head: shaving cream<sep>Tail: make the shave more smooth Label: Yes Example: Head: valuables<sep>Tail: put in a display case Label: Yes Example: Head: negotiating skills<sep>Tail: stop a war Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX badly wanted<sep>Tail: desirable Label: No Example: Head: birth control pill<sep>Tail: prevent woman from becoming impregnated Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX babysits PersonX's nephew<sep>Tail: says thank you to the uncle PersonX Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ to go with PersonY<sep>Tail: to find out if they had fun together Label: No Example: Head: PersonX attends school<sep>Tail: none Label: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts happily<sep>Tail: to be invited Label: No Example: Head: PersonX affects children 's ___<sep>Tail: to make a difference Label: No Example: Head: sandpaper<sep>Tail: remove a callus on your foot Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks for the moon<sep>Tail: inconsiderate Label: No Example: Head: wrist bands<sep>Tail: tie up a loaf of bread Label: Yes Example: Head: paper towel<sep>Tail: wipe hands Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX adopts PersonY attitude<sep>Tail: to support PersonX Label: No Example: Head: PersonX applies for a loan<sep>Tail: better Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks if PersonY was okay<sep>Tail: considerate Label: No Example: Head: vcr<sep>Tail: record television show Label: Yes Example: Head: pocket watch<sep>Tail: family heirloom Label: Yes Example: Head: college application<sep>Tail: use as toilet paper. Label: Yes Example: Head: fuel<sep>Tail: ensure their vehicle can move Label: Yes Example: Head: apples<sep>Tail: to cook with Label: Yes Example: Head: carrier<sep>Tail: carry the new pet Label: Yes Example: Head: wood<sep>Tail: fuel the campfire Label: Yes Example: Head: paintbrushes<sep>Tail: put on face paint Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX amends PersonY act<sep>Tail: persuasive Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks for the moon<sep>Tail: to be demanding Label: No Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ for one<sep>Tail: one Label: No Example: Head: credit card<sep>Tail: pay the registration fee Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's offer<sep>Tail: to take the money Label: No Example: Head: PersonX begins to hurt<sep>Tail: motivate personX Label: No Example: Head: new tires<sep>Tail: add snow chains Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX amends PersonY act<sep>Tail: to get a pen Label: No Example: Head: PersonX babysits PersonY's nephew<sep>Tail: to hire PersonX again Label: No Example: Head: blannket<sep>Tail: snuggle in Label: Yes Example: Head: cashier<sep>Tail: thank customer Label: Yes Example: Head: accident<sep>Tail: stop traffic Label: Yes Example: Head: pumpkin<sep>Tail: Actually carve Label: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks to go home<sep>Tail: go home Label: No Example: Head: charger<sep>Tail: make into a Christmas cookie plate with paint. Label: Yes
In this task you are given a statement and an explanation giving you further knowledge about an entity in the statement. You must judge whether the statement is true or false based on the explanation. Label an instance as "True" if the explanation confirms the statement or doesn't disprove it. Label an instance as "False" if the explanation disproves the statement. The statement and explanation are separated by a newline character. Possible labels: 1. False 2. True ### Example: Autopilot The Autopilot helps fly the airplane while the pilots run the appropriate ... Autopilot The police said in a statement that Mr. Patel, who had owned the car for about five months before the stunt, admitted that what he had done .. Ans: False ### Example: Ratatouille involves a rat that learns how to cook in a Parisian restaurant. Ratatouille (film) was developed by Pixar and was a very successful film. Ans: True ### Example: CNES sent French astronauts to space. CNES is the French space program. Ans: True ### Example: Who Framed Roger Rabbit imagines a scenario where a programmer is sent into his own video game. Tron, not Who Framed Roger Rabbit, is about a programmer who is transported inside his video game. Ans: False ### Example: The Dalai Lama lives in India. The Dalai Lama lives as a refugee in India. Ans: True ### Example: Marie Curie invented the atomic bomb. While some of her work led to the eventual creation of the first atomic bomb, she had no direct part in its creation. Ans: False ### Example: A woodpecker uses its Beak to peck on a tree. Most birds have beaks. Ans: True ### Example: Gorillas eat vegetarian diets in the wild. Gorillas typically eat plants and fruits. Ans: True ### Example: February 29 th only occurs on leap years. February 29th only happens every 4 years, also known as leap years. Ans: True ### Example: Aspen trees grow needle-like leaves. Aspen trees are deciduous, not coniferous. So they don't grow needle-like leaves. Ans: False ### Example: Deep Breathing increases the oxygen level in our cells. Most people don't deep breath properly to accomplish this when deep breathing and they actually decrease the oxygen in their cells and can cause hypoxia. Ans: False ### Example: One may find that Gallon signifies a unit of volume. You learn this in studies and you may look this information up online. Ans: True ### Example: She used Plum for medical reasons. Plum has medical uses Ans: True ### Example: Aziz Ansari released his first comedy series in 2010. It is documented that was his first comedy series. Ans: True ### Example: Referees officiate at all kinds of different sporting events. Referees are used to make sure everyone follows the rules in many different types of sports. Ans: True ### Example: Jason Mraz sings a variety of popular songs and has appeared on television shows such as American Idol. Jason Mraz recorded and performed many popular songs and served as a guest star on American Idol. Ans: True ### Example: Latinos have ancestors from Latin America. Latinos come from the Latin American region. Ans: True ### Example: One can listen to Martin O'Malley music on NPR. Martin O'Malley is a musical artist and NPR is a talk show. Ans: False ### Example: The Crane lives on all continents except Antarctica. Cranes live on all continents except Antarctica and South America. Ans: False ### Example: I sliced up the Peach and added it to a can with some syrup. Canned peaches are a common food. Ans: True ### Example: An Umpire officiates more than one team. An Umpire (baseball) oversees baseball games which always have more than one team. Ans: True ### Example: Jackson Browne releases his new album under Asylum records. Jackson Browne is an Asylum record artist Ans: True ### Example: J. Edgar Hoover tricked the US Government and was a Russian spy and communist. J. Edgar Hoover was not a spy, and was a high ranking official in the US Government. Ans: False ### Example: Edward Witten dances on every Monday morning. My sentence is false because there is no proof that he does (or doesn't do this). Witten never came over and said he does this, thus it is not factual until there is evidence he does. Ans: False ### Example: Patrick Moore sang to baby dolphins at his local zoo. I think my sentence is false because there is no evidence of him doing this. There are no witnesses to testify he did so either. Ans: False ### Example: Thomas Carlyle published essays during his life. Carlyle was an essayist who published frequent works in his life. Ans: True ### Example: Katie Holmes played Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe. Gal Gadot has played Wonder Woman in the DCEU. Ans: False ### Example: Asthma patients react to various factors as dust, danden, allergan, etc., almost the same way. Different individuals react to various asthma influencing factors in a different way. Ans: False ### Example: Loudspeakers project music or other audio. Loudspeakers are a form of music technology Ans: True ### Example: One can capture a Grouper on the water. A grouper is a fish that can be fished for. Ans: True ### Example: Shinto religion's practice is mainly associated with the Japanese. The majority of the practitioners of Shinto are in Japan, from where it originated. Ans: True ### Example: Eating Okra can be part of a healthy diet. Okra is a vegetable. Ans: True ### Example: Hollywood directors paid to produce Monk as a film. Monk was adapted into a novel. Ans: False ### Example: Walt Disney had a secret apartment in Disneyland which is located above the Main Street USA fire station. Walt Disney's apartment within Disneyland is still there to this day Ans: True ### Example: Collagen tastes good in different kinds of soup. Collagen is not editable. Ans: False ### Example: Molecular gastronomy creates food from a more scientific point of view. Molecular gastronomy uses scientific instruments and techniques for cooking. Ans: True ### Example: The History of evolutionary thought relates to human beings. The history of evolutionary thought is a human study. Ans: True ### Example: Pantera sings love songs about heartbreak and remorse. Pantera focuses more on heavy metal genre of music. Ans: False ### Example: There is a rule as old as Confucian times but has been recently adopted by leaders of major faith groups referred to as the Golden Rule. The idea dates at least to the early Confucian times (551–479 BCE), according to Rushworth Kidder Ans: True ### Example: One can borrow The Hobbit in a library. The Hobbit is a popular book written by a prominent author. Ans: True ### Example: Pecan is from an Algonquin word variously referring to Pecans, walnuts, and hickory nuts. A pecan, like the fruit of all other members of the hickory genus, is not truly a nut, but is technically a drupe, a fruit with a single stone or pit, surrounded by a husk. Ans: False ### Example: Parts of several countries comprise Kurdistan, including Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. This is correct and describes the terriotry. Ans: True ### Example: One popular islamic writer was Dante Alighieri. Dante Alighieri was Roman Catholic and was a critic of Islam. Ans: False ### Example: Each of the Power Rangers wears a different colored costume. The Power Rangers are well known for the way the color of their costumes indicates the characters. Ans: True ### Example: Samsung Galaxy makes some of the most popular and innovative mobile devices. Right now, Samsung Galaxy has two models of foldable mobile devices. Ans: True ### Example: Business professionals use Microsoft Office for their everyday work needs. Because the program has Office in the name, it is made for business use. Ans: True ### Example: Sammy Sosa played for the Yankees. He never played for the Yankees. Ans: False ### Example: The Swastika promotes tolerance and compassion within some extremist groups. It promotes the exact opposite of that. Ans: False ### Example: A vegetarian would not enjoy eating a Cheeseburger. A cheeseburger contains meat and vegetarians don't eat meat. Ans: True ### Example: One can see that Clark Gable starred in American silent film. You can look up online for the information through reputable information centers. Ans: True ### Example: It is not very rare to find a Plum for sale at an American market. Plums are a natural flora of North America. Ans: True ### Example: Children can be diagnosed with Epilepsy. Epilepsy can affect people of any age. Ans: True ### Example: International May Day is not celebrated as a holiday in many parts of the world. May Day is observed as a holiday in May in many parts of the world. Ans: False ### Example: Viscosity measures how angry a person can get. Viscosity has nothing to do with an individual's temperment. Ans: False ### Example: In a shocking coincidence, Sigourney Weaver was actually infected with an unknown (alien) pathogen while on the set of Aliens. No know pathogen was ever know to infect anyone on the set of the Alien movies. Ans: False ### Example: Tuatara describes a meat eating mammal native to Indonesia. Tuatara is native to New Zealand, and is a reptile. Ans: False ### Example: Ancient Israelites buried their dead in the city of Troy. There is no evidence this ever occurred Ans: False ### Example: The Swallowtail butterfly came from a cocoon. After being a caterpillar, the Swallowtail butterfly emerges anew from a silk cocoon. Ans: True ### Example: Common carp have four legs and can run very fast. Fish don't run or walk. They swim. Ans: False ### Example: Pinky and the Brain won an Oscar award. Pinky and the Brain was a cartoon series and Oscars are for movies. Ans: False ### Example: The Detroit River flows very slowly. It flows from at 3 mph Ans: True ### Example: Black pepper can give essential oils. Oil may not necessary come from pepper Ans: False ### Example: People of the Dutch East Indies may have lived in Indonesia. Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch and incorporated into the East Indies territory. Ans: True ### Example: The Central Intelligence Agency houses all of the United States artificial intelligence robots. The CIA does not house AI Robots Ans: False ### Example: Any food item may be purchased at a 7-Eleven. Convenience stores do not carry all food items. Ans: False ### Example: The Chevron Corporation sells gas to the Canadian people to use in their vehicles. The Chevron Corporation has gas stations in Canada that do regular business with the locals. Ans: True ### Example: Dionysus rules as king of the gods in the Greek pantheon. This better describes Zeus. Ans: False ### Example: Consuming dairy products such as Butter can cause some people to develop an upset stomach. Many people are lactose intolerant and need to take medication before they consume dairy products. Ans: True ### Example: The Peace Corps defeated the Axis Powers in World War II. The Peace Corps is a humanitarian organization that provides humanitarian aid, not a standing army. Ans: False ### Example: The Central Intelligence Agency focuses primarily on domestic and internal affairs. The CIA is much more centered on foreign and out-of-state issues; the FBI is more internal. Ans: False ### Example: Jeb Bush can perform arrests as a member of the Bush League. Jeb Bush is not a cop Ans: False ### Example: Sables grow larger than grizzly bears on average. Sables are much smaller than bears. Ans: False ### Example: Sally Ride walked on the surface of Mars. No astronauts have walked on the surface of Mars yet. Ans: False ### Example: Bette Davis starred in a film in 2019. Bette Davis died over thirty years ago. Ans: False ### Example: You can have real conversations with a Drain fly. Drain flies cannot speak to humans. Ans: False ### Example: Malcolm X died in the city of Chicago. He was murdered in New York City. Ans: False ### Example: Gallon is less than a cup's worth. It is an untrue and outlandish statement that isn't accurate at all. Ans: False ### Example: Pink always has her hair colored pink. Pink has dyed her hair many colors over the years. Pictures of her would prove this. Ans: False ### Example: Those who practice Islam may be known as Muslims. Muslims practice the religion of Islam Ans: True ### Example: People celebrate Thanksgiving in Spring. Thanksgiving (United States) day is in November. Ans: False ### Example: Humans are born with every Eyelash they will ever have. Any Eyelashes lost will never regrow. eyelashes are hair and on humans they will re-grow. Ans: False ### Example: Be careful eating Breadfruit, it can cause major stomach problems. If it is a staple food, I doubt it is associated with stomach problems. Ans: False ### Example: Prairie dog are digging so deep that some of them have reappeared on the antipodes much to the consternation of the locals. Prairie dogs don't dig that deep and most of the antipodes is water, so there aren't people there. Ans: False ### Example: A Prophet teaches religion and spirituality. A prophet is a religious figure. Ans: True ### Example: Christians worship the Holy Spirit as God. Christians believe in a trinity consisting of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Ans: True ### Example: Groundhogs have recently been placed on the endangered species list. Groundhogs are not on the endangered species list Ans: False ### Example: The euro replaced the Egyptian pound. Egypt is not in Europe, so this cannot be true. Ans: False ### Example: Sonic the Hedgehog can fly in addition to running really fast. Sonic's sidekick can fly but he cannot fly. Ans: False ### Example: Counterculture of the 1960s drove pro-war protest. Anti-war protest was a prevalent part of counterculture in the 1960s. Ans: False ### Example: Sonic the Hedgehog runs quickly while collecting rings. The premise of this game is to collect rings while running through the level. Ans: True ### Example: Śuddhodana practiced many Christian religious rituals while in power. Śuddhodana was a christian religious participant. Ans: True ### Example: The animal the Duck floats in water. Ducks do in fact float based on common observation. Ans: True ### Example: The Swastika is a symbol of the United States. It is false and outlandish of a statement to make. Ans: False ### Example: Birds use their Beaks to find and consume food. Observing a bird in the wild will confirm this is the case. Ans: True ### Example: Super Nintendo Entertainment System plays a specific type of cartridge. Super Nintendo Entertainment System only accepts cartridges for the system. Ans: True ### Example: Everyone wants to live the American Dream. The American dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society in which upward mobility is possible for everyone. Ans: True ### Example: Lauryn Hill's 1998 album, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill received low marks from music critics. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill was the most acclaimed album of 1998, receiving rave reviews from critics. Ans: False ### Example: Many teens loved Avril Lavigne in the early 2000s. Avril Lavigne was a popular singer in the early 2000s. Ans: True ### Example: There is written History of Estonia going back to 1400. After Danes and Germans conquered the area in 1227, Estonia was ruled initially by Denmark in the north Ans: True ### Example: Wellcome Trust works social common interest. Being a charitable institute, Wellcome Trust must not work against social common interest. Ans: False ### Example: The Great Lakes exist in the southern united states. The great lakes are located in the north and mid-west. Ans: False ### Example: Saturday Night Live broadcasts from Los Angeles. Saturday Night Live broadcasts from New York City. Ans: False ### Example: Fascism rose to prominence in early 20th century Europe around the time of World War I. This is well-documented and known about the earliest fascist movements. Ans: True ### Example: One can listen to Katy Perry on Tidal. Katy Perry is a popular musical artist and Tidal streams many popular musical artists. Ans: True ### Example: A solar eclipse occured on November 11 2012. A solar eclipse happened in parts of Australia and the South Pacific on November 13, 2012. Ans: False ### Example: The Royal Mail began in the 18th century. The Royal Mail was created in the 16th century Ans: False ### Example: Stephenie Meyer wrote Twilight after finding inspiration in a dream. This is true and can be verified by web research. Ans: True ### Example: Graz University of Technology alumnus...very likely.. Nikola Tesla. IEEE Edison Medal recipient...very much....Nikola Tesla Ans: True ### Example: THE Chevrolet Corvette MOTOR VEHICLES ARE MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. IT IS TRUE BECAUSE THE MOTOR VEHICLES ARE FULLY DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED AND EXPORTED TO WHOLE WORLD. Ans: True ### Example: The inaccessible South Pole will never allow humans to reach it. Humans have reached the South Pole and studied its various properties. Ans: False ### Example: It is vital in the face of misinformation on social media, that Citizen journalism continue to grow. Citizen journalism is a type of jounalistic media. Ans: True ### Example: The Twilight Series was written by Stephenie Meyer and Catherine Hardwicke. The Twilight series was directed by Catherine Hardwicke for the movie and written by Stephenie Meyer for the book Ans: False ### Example: Pride and Prejudice started first as a movie. Pride and Prejudice started as a book that became a movie. Ans: False ### Example: Weevil jump a motorcycle over the Snake River Canyon in the latter half of the 20th Century. A weevil cannot ride motorcycles and no member of that species has ever jumped any canyon. Ans: False ### Example: Superman's first villain was Lex Luthor. His first villain was the Ultra-Humanite. Ans: False ### Example: Doris Day starred in The Man Who Knew Too Much and Pillow Talk. These are two of the movies for which Doris Day is best known. Ans: True ### Example: Jack Black plays as a film producer in one of his movies. He played a film producer in a remake of King Kong. Ans: True ### Example: Guillermo del Toro works for DreamWorks animation. Guillermo del Toro an employee of the animation company Ans: True ### Example: People play Scrabble by placing tiles on a board. Scrabble is a turn-based game where rows of lettered tiles are placed on a board to form words. Ans: True ### Example: Kurt Cobain founded Nirvana along with Dave Grohl in the late 1980's. Kurt Cobain was a founding member of Nirvana, but it was with Krist Novoselic. Dave Grohl was not recruited into the band until 1987. Ans: False ### Example: The phrase In God We Trust was actually thought up by an Atheist because he thought it would add an extra trillion dollars worth of credit to the United States if the western world associated the new reserve currency with the backing of god. In God We Trust was approved by congress and passed into law by Truman in 1955. Ans: False ### Example: Black pepper makes children speak in Latin and run up walls. There has been no link to black pepper and demonic possession. Ans: False ### Example: Death Note written Screenplays is by Mike Hensen. Death Note's written Screenplays is by Toshiki Inoue. Ans: False ### Example: Armadillo name stems from the Spanish “armado” which means “armoured”. this fact about Armadillo's can be confirmed through translations and zoological descriptions Ans: True ### Example: Peter O'Toole starred as the title character of Lawrence of Arabia. Lawrence of Arabia (film) is well known for having its main character played by Peter O'Toole. Ans: True ### Example: United States Military Academy provides education in the American military ethic and the Army's core values. United States Military Academy is an institution that prepares the graduates for a career of service to the country as an officer in the United States Army. Ans: True ### Example: Games of Shogi end only when one side has captured all of the remaining side's pieces. Games of shogi usually end via checkmate of one player's king or resignation. Ans: False ### Example: Jeb Bush won the Election in 2016. Donald Trump became President in 2016. Ans: False ### Example: European national rugby union team in France is the France national rugby union team. France national rugby union team is in France Ans: True ### Example: An Asteroid landed in the past that wiped out all of life on planet Earth. There are still beings living on planet earth. Ans: False ### Example: The center is full of video games is Library and information science. Library and information science is a useful center of knowlege. Ans: False ### Example: One can find that ancient Mesopotamia is modern day Iraq. You can look up the geographical history of Iraq through textbooks. Ans: True ### Example: In Holi, participants throw colors at each other to rejoice the festival. Holi celebration involves playing with colors among others. Ans: True ### Example: Patients with Chronic fatigue syndrome are treated for hyperactivity. Fatigue is often the opposite of hyperactivity. Ans: False ### Example: Orangutans struggle with being hunted and facing unfair life conditions. Orangutans are species endangered by the pet trade. Ans: True ### Example: 50 Cent hails from Los Angeles. 50 Cent is from New York Ans: False ### Example: Basil decorates many gardens as a centerpiece. Basil, while a garden plant, is small and green, not a showy centerpiece. Ans: False ### Example: Nicolae Ceaușescu became a popular figure, both in Romania and in the West, which challenged the authority of the Soviet Union. Ceaușescu's main aim as leader was to make Romania a world power, and all of his economic, foreign and demographic policies were meant to achieve turning Romania into one of the world's great powers. Ans: True ### Example: Fantasy appears in many different books. Fantasy is a genre of writing that encompasses thousands upon thousands of different books. Ans: True ### Example: Many tourists admire the beauty of the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea is generally known as a beautiful destination for tourists. Ans: True ### Example: Popular American fast food Cheeseburger originated in Philadelphia, PA. Cheeseburger was first served in Pasadena, CA. Ans: False ### Example: Jeb Bush campaigned to be governor of Florida. Jeb Bush is an ex governor of Florida Ans: True ### Example: Hunting in the woods for food helps people to get food and survive. People hunt to survive and eat. Ans: True ### Example: Birdwatching is illegal in the state of Arizona. It is an outlandish statement. Ans: False ### Example: the Tom and Jerry comedy flame bye the service. be case there service to fan Ans: True ### Example: Al Gore won the 2000 United States presidential election. Although Al Gore did win the popular vote, he did not receive the majority of electoral college votes. Ans: False ### Example: Paramedic give out tickets for traffic law infringements. Paramedics do not deal with traffic tickets, they are strictly a medical care service. Ans: False ### Example: Toyota launches Toyota Hilux as an off road vehicle for use in all terrains. Toyota Hilux is an all wheel drive Toyota vehicle. Ans: True ### Example: People who harvest Pecan don't do so in the spring. Pecans are harvested after fall arrives. Ans: True ### Example: Ageing refers to that process of growing old. When growing old the correct word to describe it is ageing Ans: True ### Example: If one leaves New Brunswick for Mexico, one travels north. Mexico is south not north of Canada where New Brunswick is in. Ans: False ### Example: The parents of John Kenneth Galbraith raised him in Detroit, Michigan. John Kenneth Galbraith was raised in Ontario, Canada. Ans: False ### Example: The Powerpuff Girls went on tour with their band in 2018. The Powerpuff Girls were a cartoon, not a band. Ans: False ### Example: Scottish people created in the United Kingdom. This is where they are from Ans: True ### Example: Christopher Coloumbus was the first person to discover Miami and all of North America. Christopher Colombus first landed his ship in the Bahamas. Ans: False ### Example: Rick and Morty has run for more than one season. Rick and Morty's fifth season is currently airing. Ans: True ### Example: Macbeth wanted to be the king without killing anyone. Macbeth murdered a lot of people to become the king Ans: False ### Example: Twelve million people visit Marmaris in Brasil every year. Marmaris is in Turkey. Ans: False ### Example: Office Open XML can corrupt the file. it give false information Ans: False ### Example: Lansing, Michigan serves as the capital of Illinois. It serves as the capital of Michigan. Ans: False ### Example: China Eastern Airlines trades in New York Stock Exchange. China Eastern Airlines is listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange Ans: False ### Example: The Sea of Japan added billions of gallons of water to itself. The Sea of Japan hasn't the capability to add water to itself. Ans: False ### Example: John James Audubon had no artistic talent. Audubon was able to produce detailed illustrations of American birds. Ans: False ### Example: Aerosmith broke up and are no longer active today. While it is true that the band announced a break up with a farewall tour in 2017, they have since gone on to perform and have a tour scheduled for 2022. Ans: False ### Example: Folk music has many fans around the world. Folk music describes a broad genre of music from various countries and regions with many groups performing with their own fan groups. Ans: True ### Example: United States Marine Band performs for the president of the united states of America and the commander of the marine. This is true because it can streamed while they perform for the president. Ans: True ### Example: Chives produce edible leaves and flowers and belongs to the species of flowering plant in the family, Amaryllidaceae. Chives, scientific name Allium schoenoprasum, is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae. Ans: True ### Example: Broker bridges the gap between the buyer and the seller. A Broker is a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others Ans: True ### Example: Bluetooth devices use a wireless connection to connect devices. Bluetooth technology uses a signal to connect devices without a wire, especially for handsfree answering of phones. Ans: True ### Example: O. J. Simpson played American NFL football. O. J. Simpson is known for his NFL career. Ans: True ### Example: One can hit the Adrenaline button to increase the speed of a super fast car. The sentence refers to adrenaline as a button which is different from the entity chosen. Ans: False ### Example: Pink sold millions of records and won a Grammy Award for at least one of her vocal performances. Pink (singer) made millions of dollars as a vocal performer and took home at least one Grammy Award for her efforts. Ans: True ### Example: Armies around the world use a Tank with their troops. A tank is commonly used as an armored vehicle in armies. Ans: True ### Example: Fax machines deal with giving out snacks at the office for a small amount of money. Fax machines do not give out food, they send messages between businesses. Ans: False ### Example: Massachusetts Institute of Technology alumnus Ray Kurzweil is now a Microsoft employee. Ray Kurzweil is a graduate of MIT and he currently works at Google Ans: False ### Example: Big Ben strikes its bells every 15 minutes. Big Ben doesn't strike every 15 minutes Ans: False ### Example: The United States presidential election happens every year on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November. As stated in the Constitution, the set aside date for any elections occurs on the first Tuesday after the first month of November. Ans: True ### Example: Grilling should not be used as a cooking technique in the winter. Many still grill in the winter, on nice days when its not cold usually. Ans: False ### Example: Goofy displays his smartness in the Disney comics. The character of goofy is that of foolishness, harmlessness and eccentrics Ans: False ### Example: Richard Gere born as a Tibetan Buddhist is now a protestant. Richard Gere is a American from Pennsylvania converts to Buddhism from Protestantism Ans: False ### Example: Tony Bennett released an album with Lady Gaga. The two put out an album called Cheek to Cheek Ans: True ### Example: George Soros never ate meat because he viewed it as animal abuse. The sentence is false because there is no evidence or proof the George Soros ever made that claim. There is also no evidence that he never ate meat. Ans: False ### Example: CNES sent French astronauts to space. CNES is the French space program. Ans: True ### Example: Malcolm X joined the X-Men during the comic series. Malcolm X's last name has nothing to do with X-Men. Ans: False ### Example: Autopilot on Tesla currently can operate without any human interactions. There is no car in the world that can operate without human. Ans: False ### Example: Japan Airlines has never filed for bankruptcy. Wikipedia page says they have filed for bankruptcy. Ans: False ### Example: Johnny Cash released fewer than five albums while he was alive. Johnny Cash was very prolific and released ove 40 albums. Ans: False ### Example: Artemis married and had many children. Artemis was a virgin goddess and the parton goddess of the Amazons - female warriors who spurned men. Ans: False ### Example: Ben Affleck played in the movie Argo. Ben Affleck was cast in the 2012 movie. Ans: True ### Example: An execution method invented in France used a Guillotine. The Guillotine was used in capital punishment. Ans: True ### Example: The Disney movie Aladdin was based on a One Thousand and One Nights story. The movie Aladdin was based on the story of the same name from the One thousand and one nights. Ans: True ### Example: India colonized Shetland in the twentieth century. Shetland has never been governed by any empire outside of Europe. Ans: False ### Example: Lenovo provides supercomputing from a home office in India. Lenovo is based in China Ans: False ### Example: Malcolm X Drake in a song. The "X" in the above sentence is a verb usually used to denote a feature. Ans: False ### Example: Motor vehicle transports people or commodities via road. This is true because it can seen on the roads on searched online. Ans: True ### Example: Lewis Carroll wrote The Hunting of the Snark. This is true and can be verified with web resarch. Ans: True ### Example: Ergine played a role in psychedelic experiments in the 1970's. Psilocybin+LSD were used in experiments in the 70's, not Ergine. Ans: False ### Example: General surgery requires the patient remain semi-awake. You can be asleep during some general surgery. Ans: False ### Example: India colonized Shetland in the twentieth century. Shetland has never been governed by any empire outside of Europe. Ans: False ### Example: The Thylacine used to live in warm climates. The Thylacine was native to Australia and Tasmania. Ans: True ### Example: Led Zeppelin can't fly because it's not an air vehicle. It is a British rock band, not an inflatable air vehicle. Ans: False ### Example: American Aziz Ansari swims in Olympics. Aziz Ansari is an American male film actor Ans: False ### Example: Slaves and hired staff built the Egyptian pyramids. This can be verified by web research. Ans: True ### Example: February 29 th only occurs on leap years. February 29th only happens every 4 years, also known as leap years. Ans: True ### Example: One can see that Ada Lovelace was an English computer programmer. Ada Lovelace helped with Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. Ans: True ### Example: Measles do not exist in every nation. Measles is an illness that can be found around the world. Ans: False ### Example: Martian Manhunter made an appearance in Zack Snyder's directors cut of the Justice League. Martian Manhunter made showed up at the end of the directors cut but was not in the theatrical version. Ans: True
You are given a review about a place. You need to provide a rating from "1 star" to "5 stars" for this place. Possible labels: 1. 1 star 2. 2 stars 3. 3 stars 4. 4 stars 5. 5 stars ### Background: I went there for breakfast with friends on a Saturday morning. I had a pretty typical breakfast - eggs, sausage, toast, and a croissant.\n\nThe good: The food was OK but not great. We were seated relatively quickly even though there was a line.\n\nThe bad: The service was pretty horrible. It took them a while just to take our order. We finished our drinks well before breakfast arrived and nobody came by to offer any refills or to check on us. After a long wait, food did show up. They got my order wrong, however, so that required some fixing.\n\nOnce we'd eaten, they brought the check, but didn't give us a pen to sign anything with. There was an iPod Touch embedded in the bill folder, but it seemed to serve no useful purpose as it could be turned on and unlocked, but had no applications installed. Perhaps it would have been useful if we had paid with a credit card.\n\nIn any case, the food is nothing special and the service is pretty awful. Answer: 2 stars ### Thank you to Julie K. for great customer service and greeting on my recent visit.\n\nI arrived while suffering from some lower back pain. I received an adjustment from Dr. Lovaas who explained everything he was doing. I feel much better and look forward to future visits. Answer: 5 stars ### Never had or heard of pizza like this where they put the cheese and topping on after they cook the dough and sauce; however, my wife and I were hooked after the first piece! The crust is peeled etc crispy and the texture and flavor of the cheese is like no other! This is our favorite pizza place in town and we crave it all the time. We have been back every weekend since we first tried it (about 4 weeks). The owner is really nice and the service is great. Answer: 5 stars ### Great food and very thoughtful employees! Might I suggest the buffalo grilled sandwich. Answer: 5 stars ### I was very excited when I first walked through the doors of Dillon's. The energy seemed in excess and the atmosphere was just so lively. It was hard not to get excited! With patrons enjoying food and drink all around us, I was very much looking forward to my dining experience here.\n\nWe ended up sitting at the bar so we can watch the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics (which was dec). Service was very attentive and good despite the heavy crowds that night. \n\nThe food itself however was pretty badtastic. I ordered the baby back ribs which is kind of what they're supposed to be known for. While the meat was very lean, it wasn't very flavorful. Even worse, I struggled with trying to get the meat to fall off the bone cleanly. And when meat doesn't cleanly fall off the bone, that is a sign of ribs done wrong. \n\nI'm willing to give Dillon's a 2nd shot and try their brisket or something else. But their baby back ribs were a big disappointment and I'd stay away from those. Answer: 2 stars ### This is a decent hotel. They remodeled so the rooms were nice, comfy beds, lots of mirrors which is good when you have a bunch of girls trying to get ready. It was nice because it was on the strip so easy to get around. I have probably the lamest reason for never wanting to stay there again though.. their elevators!! They made me so sick feeling every time i had to get on those damn things! Didn't help being hung over for one of the days too, but really, like they were horrible and I really won't stay there again because of it. BUT if other people aren't odd like me, its a good hotel, so if you get a good deal and need a average, non disgusting hotel to stay in at vegas, stay here. If you can stay somewhere better (like mandalay, ha) then I would do so. Answer: 3 stars ### China Palace may be the best Chinese food I've had--EVER. I've heard from friends who had bad experiences here several years ago, but the restaurant is under new management and it's FANTASTIC. The Kung Pao chicken is to die for (order it Chinese Style, and hot--if you dare!). The best meal I had at the China Palace, though, was when I asked the waiter (\"Michael,\" who by the way plays classical guitar some nights) what was good. He selected a menu for me and my friends that was absolutely delicious, and very reasonable. Be sure to go with friends who are willing to pass the dishes (not the \"I'm just going to get this\" type). It's an adventure, and I go every chance I get! Answer: 5 stars ### We only came in here because we saw wings on the menu. We simply went in for the wings on my #salaciouscanada tour.\n\nBoy, it *was* exciting! I've never tasted any wings like it before! It was sweet, but then at the end had the flavor of buffalo... hrm! Interesting!\n\nAnd the coconut shrimp were HUGE. HUGE. The hugest I've ever seen! Buuuuut... we didn't stay for \"dinner\". This is a steakhouse... and it's just too \"normal\" for a foodie trip.\n\nwant more of me? you can find me at http://www.tastytwosome.com with videos and more! and on twitter @ladyleet. :) Answer: 3 stars ### After a late Saturday night. Sunday morning called for breakfast stat! My group walked over to Carnegie Deli and saw a short line, so we said screw it and walked back to Caribe Cafe where there was no line. Turns out our group of eight still had to wait for like 20 minutes to get a table. Despite the fact that the cafe still had plenty of empty tables, I assume they just did not have enough servers that morning?!?\n\nAnyway Las Vegas Casino Cafe's are pretty much glorified Denny's. So their food is always just good enough, and pricing is fair. However the service here really really SUCKED big time. I mean it took literally forever for anything and everything. Probably about 10 minutes before someone took our drink order, another 10 minutes before we got our drinks. Another 10 minutes before they took our food order, another 20 minutes before we actually got our food...on top of that they forgot half of our drinks and we had to remind some of them like 3 times to bring certain drinks they forgot. Oh but the bill came real fast (hmm...) Yeah never again...go to Carnegie Deli short walk away, guarantee much better food and service. No wonder this damn place was empty. \n\n~G Answer: 1 star ### So its Saturday night and the hubby and I are trying to decide what to do on Sunday morning. Hmmm where can we find sunglasses, jewelry, beauty products, live chickens and beer all in one place? Broadacres! Its like a treasure hunt every time we go. We moved here from Cali and had been missing the Santa Fe springs swap meet until we stumbled upon this place! Ahh it feels like home the smells sights and finds. Its almost a weekly thing to end up browsing the endless rows of stuff. If you get there early you get first pick but if you show up a few hours before closing on Sunday they are more willing to make a deal. So either way its a win win. The only downfall is the snack bar its over priced and just kinda gross, if you get hungry eat some bomb Mexican food at the other stands. As a matter of fact i think I'm in need of some nail polish, a lucha libre mask, and maybe live chicken or 2 too bad its only Tues. guess ill fulfill those desires come Sunday:) Answer: 4 stars ### Food is good, might be very good. But I'm not exactly young and I felt like the youngest person in the restaurant the night I went. Just felt a bit out of place especially given Shadow Lounge and BRGR next door. Overall I had a good time but won't exactly plan an evening around going to Spoon in the future.\n\nAnd I have to concur with other reviews about the biscuits! Could see myself going back just for them. Yum. Answer: 3 stars ### After reading so many negative reviews about this place, I feel it is my duty to set the record straight. Port of subs is without a doubt, my favorite sandwich spot. Subway could learn some things from these folks....like....SOFT BREAD and FRESH MEAT. Every sandwich that I get here tastes incredible and is made with fresh ingredients. For me, the bread makes a sandwich and the bread that they use is always super soft and delicious. They have this mix of mayo and mustard that is perfect on a sandwich and compliments all of the meat and veggies. \n\nAll of the workers here have been very friendly, given my son free cookies once and been very gracious to us. They even deliver and said that they would deliver to us in Casa Grande. I haven't attempted to call their bluff but the fact that the manager said that they would is crazy awesome. \n\nI had never tried the meatball sandwich there and the manager brought me one to try just cause I had mentioned that I was curious. That's the kind of service that I love and that brings customers back. \n\nThis is THE best place to get a sandwich. My wife and I both love this place. BUILD ONE IN CASA GRANDE! I can't take any more subway or jimmy johns! Answer: 5 stars ### I am not a nightclub person, but somehow I ended up at this outrageously expensive stink hole. \n\nI could and will never, ever justify paying this much to stand around and sip cocktails with a bunch of well-off snoots. Buy stocks, help the homeless, go back to school, whatever... just do something other than waste your paycheck at this trendy club.\n\nThe only redeeming quality is the outdoor space, which is set up quite nicely. There's a pool in the middle and I was really hoping that some smug butthole would get pushed into it. Alas, he or she did not, therefore keeping this review at one star. \n\nWho wants to spend thousands of dollars on a \"cabana\" when I can have the same private experience in my parent's basement? Invite some friends over and blast some techno... done. At least I wouldn't have money hungry hoes preying on my overpriced bottles of mediocre liquor.\n\nAvoid da club and go to the Pinball Hall of Fame instead. It's open late too. Answer: 1 star ### This place is usually pretty good. Nice beer selection. Food is pretty good . Not too fancy but definitely good Answer: 4 stars ### I called in advance to make sure they had time for me. It was probably 5 and I said I'd be there by 6. Great, get there at 6 and they start working on my pedicure. The pedicure was great!! No complaints. But then, I get the pink and white fill-in...and I've had some bad ones, but this one was horrific. I specifically asked not to have the white so thick because I hate the chunky white look. The tech simply dismissed my request and said that it's \"better\" because next time I come in she just does the pink fill in and that it would save me money. I don't give a flip about the money. I'm very particular about my nails and THAT'S WHAT I WANTED. I was annoyed but said whatever, they were closing soon. I could tell she was rushing and the it was evident in the aftermath. My nails looked like total (*#PU(*@#&$P*(# garbage. There was acrylic all over my cuticles, bubbles in the gel. Just a hot mess. I will never go back here again. EVER. If there were negative stars, trust me. They'd be in the negative. Answer: 1 star ### Are you kidding me with this place? \n\nI stopped in at Memphis BBQ because I was on a lunch break and I've been exploring this new part of town where I'm training for work. I figured I would pop in and just see how long a to-go order would take. Apparently not long... dependent upon what you happened to order. But they have a take-out menu located by the cashier area, so they must get a lot of take-outs anyway. The restaurant seemed quiet to me, but it could have been because it was just a weird time of the day.\n\nI ended up ordering the \"King\" pulled-pork sandwich, which comes with two sides. I opted for french fries because I have been taking a medication that makes me sick unless I have a really big, hefty meal, and I decided to go lighter with my second side and got the cucumber salad (which the menu says is seasonal). Okay, so I sit back and wait.\n\nMy meal comes out fairly quickly in a big styrofoam container and I make my way back to work. When I open my container I am greeted by fries and my sandwich wrapped in tinfoil. When I open the tinfoil... I couldn't have been more disappointed. This sandwich looked like it came slopped out of a school cafeteria - NOT a championship BBQ joint. Oh and the taste was the same. The bun was some horrible white-bread concoction I could get at a cheap company picnic. The meat had no flavor... no BBQ flavor at all! They did give me a container of sauce which I immediately dumped all over the meat, but it didn't have a kick to it... it was just kind of blah. The cucumber salad was not refreshing. It was soaked in a very, very sweet slime-sauce. I felt like I was eating straight-up high fructose corn syrup (and I probably was). The fries were uneventful, just fries, nothing more.\n\nI highly doubt I would give Memphis BBQ another try. I'd probably just go to Famous Dave's if I wanted mediocre BBQ. Answer: 2 stars ### I've been to St. Francis a few times and everything has been very good. So far I've tried the following:\nGoat Cheese Appetizer - Generous portion size with fresh herbs and sauce\nMeatballs - Another huge portion size with lot's of flavor\nVeggie Flatbread - A vegan dish, you won't miss the cheese on this one\nMarket Vegetable - This was broccoli with a lemon aioli and bread crumbs, I normally don't like broccoli but devoured this one.\nCucumber cooler - great cucumber flavor, fresh and delicious!\n\nOverall the food is quality and a great value. I look forward to trying more of their dishes. I would highly recommend St. Francis. Answer: 4 stars ### Ok, I may be the only person who does not get the whole cupcake craze. I thought the cupcakes were ok, nothing special. \n\nWe had to wait in a line outside, which was weird but I understood why they were doing it. The thing is there was no communication with the line being for the ice cream part of the store. If you just wanted cupcakes, you could just go into the other side of the store. They staff may want to let people know that. There was noone in line for the cupcakes. It was a little overwhelming when 2 to 3 gals asking what you wanted or if ive been helped. I think the customer service was great but still a bit much. I got 4 mini cupcakes, my friends got something with ice cream. Again, nothing really special. I dont think I would come back, just because I dont like cupcakes. Answer: 3 stars ### Everything about this place was terrible. It was 90 degrees inside and smelled like old grease. The woman behind the counter was down right rude to my wife when she asked about portion sizes. I ordered szechuan beef. It was inedible. They turned it into deep fried beef jerky. TERRIBLE. I don't write TERRIBLE very often about restaurants, but there is no getting around it. It was TERRIBLE. The other diners in our party had somewhat better food, but the egg drop soup smelled like CAT PISS and the huge piles of white rice that came with every order were ridiculous. Why not give us less, but make it better. I will never go again and advise you to avoid. Answer: 1 star ### Love this hotel and most of the staff here. \n\nRoller Coaster Review: As a New Yorker I know that sometimes you come across the wrong people and their attitudes on daily basis. But, this time I got one after another from the roller coaster staff. The older woman was my first encounter and then followed by the gentlemen boarding the passengers on the ride. Finally, the guy standing behind the counter was too busy on his cell phone to pull up the proper photo with me in it. Really, you guys need to get it together!!! Answer: 3 stars ### We loved everything about this place. It is super cute, delicious food, great service, and the chef/owner was wonderful. We came for dinner tonight and will definitely be back for breakfast and lunch. Answer: 5 stars ### Had papaya salad, it wasn't great, wasn't horrible. I give it B--. The unforgivable dish was the musaman curry. It was runny, and it came in this huge dish the made it look like soup. Curry was mostly onion and few pieces of potatoes. I felt like I went back in time and was surviving the Korean War or something. All these infractions could had been forgivable only if the dish had some flavor. It had no flavor at all! It was crappy vegetables in brown water. This is what starving North Koreans must eat. Answer: 2 stars ### It was good but sorta pricey for what we got. Four of us spent about 100 after tax/tip for lunch. Not the best thai food I've ever had but probably the best bang for your buck in Vegas. Especially if you go for their buffet from what I hear. \n\nIf you really want thai food then go here, but I doubt I'll come here again. Next time I'm in vegas I'll hold off the thai food cravings until I'm back in Cali. Answer: 3 stars ### We took our daughter's ( 1 and 8) here on Sunday 9/21. The area near the aquarium reaked of urine and so did a few other places within the tubes and such. I personally think they need to sanitize better. I washed my hands 4 times while I was there and today I feel terribly sick. Now, I'm no doctor and am not 100% sure it's the island to blame for my illness however it makes sense with how nasty places like this can be. I hate to have a negative rant but oh well. The kids love it tho and that's all that matters. Answer: 1 star ### A little pricey and not as extensive of a menu as I was expecting, but I was happy with my curry-chicken dish. Presentation of food was a bonus. Ambiance and specialty drinks are great. For my husband and me, this isn't a place where we might go all the time during the weekday, but probably more a place where we would take friends visiting in town or for special occasions. Answer: 4 stars ### I have frequented this Chili's a couple of times. The very first time I visited I was thoroughly impressed. Our waiter was genuine and so friendly. I have a daughter with special needs and often times when we go out wait staff tends to be stand offish, but not this gentleman. I wish I could remember his name but I did ask for the manager and gave a raving review at the time of our visit. The second and third times I went here I was not as impressed. The wait staff was not nearly as friendly and the last time I went there I seriously felt like my daughter and I were an inconvenience even though we were the only people in the restaurant for a good 20 minutes. The food is always good however, and I will more than likely still return. Answer: 2 stars ### i've been back to eat dinner and breakfast many times...and, i've never been disappointed...except one time when i ordered the brioche french toast...it was more like a brioche bread pudding...it was just waaaay too sweet...other than that ONE time, i've always been pleased with my dining experiences at bouchon...there is something to be said for consistently good food and service...\n\ni usually eat breakfast at least once at bouchon when i'm in las vegas...last time, my friend i ordered:\n\ncoffee...\n\ntea with milk\nhttp://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/rcaPajgKOJC2vo_l3xa42A?select=YcXYj3HsiujV-W-lg32YIQ\n\npotato croquettes, eggs, bacon, and toast\nhttp://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/rcaPajgKOJC2vo_l3xa42A?select=6inaP277c7Ujr4uLXB1IyQ\n\ncorn beef hash with cubed potatoes and eggs....my favorite breakfast item at bouchon...\nhttp://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/rcaPajgKOJC2vo_l3xa42A?select=GkcwhVOg868hL67-efVgsA\nhttp://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/rcaPajgKOJC2vo_l3xa42A?select=OhnLORkH5EhzC8ZN3VoSgQ\n\ni also like their house-made yogurt and granola with currants, and bread basket...can't really go wrong here... Answer: 4 stars ### We used to love this place but it has gone done hill in last few months. Not sure if there is new management. Last two times in the place was empty. We had lunch a few weeks ago and had the scallop salad. Plate came with brown avocado and missing scallops. When we complained to manager he seemed pissed and argued with us on the scallop count and our issue with brown avocado.. We get this salad all of the time and know what to expect.. We were more put off by manager than food.. We went back today and had another mediocre meal. I got the arugula chicken salad. It looked like then took a plate threw a handful of arugula on it then dropped a solid chicken breast on top.. No blue cheese and salad dressing came in ramekin. Wife had veggie plate and some items seemed to be very over cooked. Bread which is usually very good was totally stale and cold the last two times.. \n\nCome on guys, plenty of places to have lunch in South Park. If I am going to pay $30 plus for lunch I shouldn't leaving wishing I went to Panera. Answer: 1 star ### I've been to this location several times. They grande bowl works well for my resolve to avoid carbs. I always it minus the sour cream, rice or chipotle sauce but its still very good.\nWhat I loved was the fact that on my visit this weekend the person taking my order was super nice. She not only made sure that I got the right order but double checked by letting me know each of the other ingredients in the bowl. She even offered to give me extra veggies since I was not having some of the ingredients.\n\nOh - and I did not know, they have a catering menu as well!\n\nIts the great service that makes me go back everytime, even though there is another Rubio's close to where I live! Answer: 4 stars ### For a dive bar in a one-horse town the Silver Bullet is well, pretty much the only option other than the bar at the hotel I was staying at, which closes pretty early.\n\nDrinks were at a pretty average price, but the locals were a bit routey and eventually got into a pissing contest over nothing, puffing their chests out like a bunch of drunken insecure.. well you get the drift. It was pretty creepy though, I came in with two girls and we were getting eyed down pretty bad. We didnt stick around too long before a bunch of our friends made it before the tension in the air got too thick.\n\nI did enjoy the fact that there was no music playing though, I dont know about you but Im sick of bad music being on everywhere and too loud at that. I get enough of that at the hotel lobby! Answer: 2 stars ### If you're interested in hidden fees and poor customer service, this is the place for you. Otherwise, run away! You can thank me later... Answer: 1 star ### This place smells. Like literally smells. You can smell this awful stench wafting out of it before you even walk in the door. My guess is we were about 10 feet away from the front entrance and got this rank stench that infiltrated our nostrils.It made us gag and cough it's no bueno kids, no bueno.\n\nI have no idea what the rooms are like, but based on that smell I don't want to find out. EVER. \n\nThe location is amazing and the views are amazing, which is why I thought it might be ...you guessed it...amazing. But it reminds me of a retirement home and smells like one to boot!\n\npass Answer: 2 stars ### So-so Italian food at high prices. You're paying for the ambience, not the food here. Everything looks pretty but underneath it all it's pretty mediocre. The first time I went, I tried that create-your-own-pasta dish. The chicken was not cooked enough, the pasta was okay, and the sauce was about the same taste as Prego.\n\nI decided last night to try something that nobody can really screw up, their spaghetti and meatballs (they reversed it to be clever and call it meatballs and spaghetti..whatever!). I really can't believe that this could taste so plain. The meatballs weren't all that and the sauce was actually less flavorful than what I get from a jar. My wife's chicken parm was good (just the chicken - the rest suffered by the mediocre sauce) and both meals were only saved by the generous portion of fresh grated cheese on top that the waiter applied. \n\nBest bets: They have wonderful bread. Forget the olive oil they give you to dip it in, ask for their butter. Oh. My. God. I could actually go here to eat their bread and salad alone. Caesar was pretty good although they're very stingy with the dressing.\n\nVery attentive waiter. I could tell he was a little new at this gig but he was very sufficient.\n\nYour pal,\nWalter Answer: 2 stars ### This review is only on the philly cheese steak at Nathan's at the MGM Grand Food Court. It was a good meal - sandwich, fries, and soft drink for about $11... I was pretty darn hungry and could barely finish this meal. You could probably split the meal with someone else, and still be very satisfied by paying $5 bucks for half of the sandwich. Answer: 4 stars ### Mikes has some great tasty food, a good variety of choices and service is always fast. Food comes out kind of too fast sometimes which makes you wonder how it's all prepared..\n\nTheir stuffed cheese bruschetta rolls are my favorite appetizer, you can also get it combined with your meal if you order a \"duetto\" dish. It's pizza dough stuffed with cheese and tomato sauce goodness, for you to dip in a hot marinara sauce.\n\nI've tried their gondola type pizzas but usually stick with their cream based sauce pastas like alfredo or ros\u00e9e which just make my mouth water thinking about it now.\nThey used to offer a special where you could add a salad for 1.99$ - their small cesar salad isn't worth any more than that, they are stingy with the dressing and it isn't quite creamy or garlicy enough for my liking.\n\nI think Mike's should offer more table d'hote type specials otherwise getting a full meal is too expensive for this type of americanized chain.\n\nFood is always consistently good but the main problem I have is their pricing. And that's why I'm taking 2 stars off.\n\nTheir portions aren't huge and I know many other places where you can get a simple alfredo or pasta dish for a lot less.\nThe other main issue is their MENU. Mikes likes to offer a constricted, over priced, ridiculous \"Events Menu\" whenever there is something going on in town. Some fancier restaurants do this on special occasions such as Valentine's day which is understandable, but the Mikes near Place Des Arts in particular ALWAYS has an events menu. The one on Crescent luckily has fewer events going on and are usually focused around the Grand Prix weekend.\n\nIf there's a show playing, if there's a festival, if it's a special holiday, if there's a parade, an election, a storm - whatever, they offer this measly menu with only 1/3 of the choices and double the price.\nYou're looking at an 18$ -20$ vegetarian pasta dish for example that comes with nothing.\n\nSo now when I feel like eating Mikes, I always call and ask beforehand if they're offering their tourist trap menu or not. Answer: 3 stars ### This is a great place. The food is super yummy and the service is always great. My only complaint is that there is an off smell in the building. Clearly that doesn't keep me away though, the food is too good. \nI do love that they have Legos to play with, but it would be great is they washed or bleached them every once in awhile, they are pretty dirty. That and the smell are the only reason I docked a star. Answer: 4 stars ### I went here this weekend for a birthday dinner. I got the petite fillet, cooked medium rare, closer to rare. They got it down perfect. I ordered the wild mushroom side and mashed potatoes. I really enjoyed my meal. A friend had the crab which was amazing as well. It's VERY pricy, but, hey it's Vegas. The server was good and they even comped a birthday desert for my friend. Overall, really enjoyed the restaurant. Answer: 4 stars ### I don't write many reviews but what a great restaurant! Thanks Yelpers..as I never would have found this gem without you. \n\nSo I went in near closing time on a Wed so the place was winding down. This meant the cook/owner was able to stop by my table for a chat. What a cool guy. This is a family run restaurant, with he and his mom cooking traditional recipes from back home. \n\nUpon his recommendation, I had the Bun Bo Hue..delicious! He also insisted on me trying a couple of their spring rolls on the house.. amazing!! Best rolls ever, crispy, light, flavorful pork and other ingredients. Also, lots of fresh crisp lettuce in the presentation. \n\nThe food and the staff here make it worth the visit.\n\nCan wait to go back!\n\nJim Answer: 5 stars ### Maybe only the best shop to buy something here in the Bellagio.\n\nThe world's tallest chocolate fountain was worth seeing: dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate circulating tons of chocolat (french)...sheesh how eye candy.\n\nWe got us a box of macaron's, a box of chocolate dipped biscotti's and an Iced Mocha latte drink. \n\nFirst off, those chocolate biscotti's were awesome! they were still crunchy even pre-packed and there weren't too sweet. \n\nSecond. the macaron's we got came in 8pcs. two of each of coffee, raspberry, pistachio, and chocolate this were pre-packed as well and were not cheap! they tasted good and we finished them in one sitting. Also to add about those macaron's they even stayed fresh and didn't even melt or crumble while we had it sitting in our trunk, through the hot desert we traveled going home. I can't forget these were soft, chewy and delightful!\n\nThird the Iced coffee we ordered wasn't bad at all, it tasted better than what you get at a Cinnabon! \n\nWe had a disappointing stay at the Bellagio but this place was a golden nugget find! Answer: 5 stars ### Decent selection of designer stuff though some of it still seems overpriced, you need to have some time to go through some of the clothing racks. Parking access is alright but sometimes limited since it is in the corner of the shopping plaza. They offer paperless receipts which I love, eliminates some of the millions that float around in my purse. Also if you need to return stuff they can look it up w the credit card you used. Only once had slight resistance and attitude from a cashier for doing a return this way but mostly the staff is friendly. Expect to wait a while in the checkout line on the weekends. Answer: 3 stars ### Food is good.Nice atmosphere right on canal and friendly servers made it a nice experience. Great place to meet after work or night out. Answer: 5 stars ### All it took was one experience in this place and I will never go back! The staff people are not very friendly, the food is over-priced and there was no jazz music on the night I went. The only music was a lame cover-band playing what I think was supposed to be Coldplay; it sounded terrible!\n\nThe real problem with the place was the food. I ordered a seafood combo plate that featured a lobster tail. When the plate was brought to me, it all looked good, but there seemed to be a strange smell coming from one of the items. My entree came with broccolini and I thought that the odd scent may have originated from there. I didn't think much of it at the time, so I ate my meal. The lobster tail was tough and lacked a sweet flavor typical of most lobster dishes. The scallops and shrimp were actually very good. I couldn't finish the meal, so I took the left-overs home. The next day, my fridge smelled awful, like a fish market gone bad. The smell of fish was so strong, I had to throw the left-overs right into the outside trash can. \n\nI called Bobby's to talk with a manager, who argued with me about how the fish smell is normal the following day. Are you friggin kidding me? I grew up on the east coast and have a long history of eating seafood; I know the smell of bad fish. I got so annoyed at the guy for treating my like I was some kind of idiot that I hung up and tried to talk with one of the owner's (or the owners wife). After several phone calls and more arguing, I was told to bring in the rest of the meal in so the kitchen manager could look it over. Who holds on to fish that smells so bad that every cat in the neighborhood surrounds your house? I told the owner that I threw it out. After some more explaining on my part, she finally decided to give in and suggest that I come back for that same entree on the house. Not gonna happen! \n\nMy girlfriend had taken me to Bobby's for a birthday dinner, so to now go back and have to spend even more money to have a full meal again wasn't worth it. What annoyed me about the whole experience was how the management failed to take responsibility for the spoiled lobster tail that they served me, acted like I lied about it and then made me call back over three time to finally get in touch with the owner. I was hoping to be taken more seriously after dropping $150 at this place for dinner. Apparently, the customer is never right at Bobby's. They can keep their nasty seafood and their crappy music! Answer: 1 star ### I also booked this shuttle as part of US airways vacation. I think u r better off getting a cab if there is two or more of you in the group. We waited for a bus both coming from airport and going in. The heat was intense. I had my elderly parents with me and we waited at shuttle stop on the way back to the airport and I kept calling and they kept saying another 5 minutes. 45 minutes like that. other shuttles were coming by (showtime etc) several times before grayline showed up. do yourself afavor and get another one or a cab Answer: 1 star
Possible labels: 1. 0 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3 5. 4 6. 5 Context: int kind (int k,int a) { int i,j,temp=0; int x; for (i=a;i<k;i++) { if (i<=k/i&&k%i==0) { x=k/i; // printf("%d*%d=%d\n",x,i,k); temp++; for (j=i;j<x;j++) { if (j<=x/j&&x%j==0) { temp=temp+kind(x,j); break; } } } } return (temp); } int main () { int n,i,s,a[32768][2]; scanf("%d",&n) ; for (i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i][0]); a[i][1]=kind(a[i][0],2); } for (i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("%d\n",a[i][1]+1);//k=k???? } //scanf("%d",&n) ; return 0; } Answer: 4 Context: int main() { int f(int x,int y); int n,i; int a[100]; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); printf("%d\n",f(a[i],2)); } scanf("%d",&i); return 0; } int f(int x,int y) { int s,j,k,l,m,n; if(x==1) s=1; else if(y>x) s=0; else { for(l=1;l<=x;l++) { k=0; if(x%l==0) k=k+1; } if(k==2) s=1; else { s=0; for(j=y;j<=x;j++) { if(x%j==0){ s=s+f(x/j,j);} } } } return s; } Answer: 3 Context: int dividemin(int a,int minyinzi){ int num=0; if(a==1)num++; else for(int i=minyinzi;i<=a;i++) { if(a%i==0)num=num+dividemin(a/i,i); } return num; } int main(){ int n; cin>>n; int a[n]; for(int i=0;i<=n-1;i++) cin>>a[i]; for(int i=0;i<=n-1;i++) //cout<<divide(a[i],a[i])<<endl; cout<<dividemin(a[i],2)<<endl; } Answer: 3 Context: /** * author:liucheng * date:2010-10-23 13:04:16 * file:factors.cpp */ int factor(int num,int minA1) { int count=0; int sqrtNum; int i; if(num <= minA1) return 0; sqrtNum=(int)sqrt((double)num); for(i=minA1;i<=sqrtNum;i++) if(num % i == 0) { count++;//num=i*(num/i) count+=factor(num/i,i);//num=i*(factor(num/i)) } return count; } int main() { int n; int num; cin>>n; while(n -- ) { cin>>num; cout<<factor(num,2)+1<<endl; } return 0; } Answer: 1 Context: //???? //2010?12?03? //1000012753 ??? int deal(int num, int p) { int i, sum = 0; if(num == 1) return 1; for(i = p; i <= num; ++i) if(num % i == 0) sum += deal(num / i, i); return sum; } int main() { int n, a; cin >> n; while(n--) { cin >> a; cout << deal(a, 2) << endl; } return 0; } Answer: 1 Context: int main() { int f(int a,int min); int n,a[150],i,b; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } for(i=0;i<n;i++) { b=f(a[i],2); printf("%d\n",b); } return 0; } int f(int a,int min) { int result=1,i; if(a < min) { return 0; } for(i = min;i<a;i++) { if(a % i == 0) { result += f(a/i,i); } } return result; } Answer: 3 Context: int f(int t) { double v=sqrt(t)+1; for(int i=2; i<v; i++) if(t%i==0) return 0; return 1; } int sum=0; void fun(int n,int i) { if(n==1) sum++; while(i<=n) { if(n%i==0) fun(n/i,i); i++; } return ; } int main() { int n; scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { int a; scanf("%d",&a); if(f(a)>0) { printf("1\n"); continue; } int i=2,K=1; while(i<=a/2) { if(a%i==0) { sum=0; fun(a/i,i); K+=sum; } i++; } printf("%d\n",K); } } Answer: 2 Context: int function(int num,int k) { int j; int m=0; if(num>1) {for(j=k;j<=num;j++) {if(num%j==0) {m=m+function(num/j,j);} } return m; } else return 1; } int main() {int i,j; int n; cin>>n; int num[100]; for(i=0;i<n;i++) {cin>>num[i];} for(i=0;i<n;i++) {cout<<function(num[i],2)<<endl; } return 0; } Answer: 3 Context: //n???????i????????? int divi(int n,int i) { int num=0; if(n%i==0) { if(n==i) //?????????????????1 { return 1; } for(int j=2;j<=i;j++) { num=num+divi(n/i,j); //?? } return num; } else { return 0; } } int main() { int n=0; //????? int t=0; //???? int sum; //????? cin>>t; for(int i=0;i<t;i++) { sum=0; cin>>n; for(int j=2;j<=n/2;j++) //?????????1*n??? { sum=sum+divi(n,j); } cout<<sum+1<<endl; } return 0; } Answer: 3 Context: int sum=0,t; //sum?????????,t?????? void dg(int s) //?s???? { for(int i=s;i<=t;i++) { if(t%i==0) //?i??t?? { t=t/i; if(t==1) sum++; //t????,??+1 else dg(i); //?????? t=t*i; } } } int main() { int n; cin>>n; while(n--) //??n? { cin>>t; dg(2); cout<<sum<<endl; sum=0; } return 0; } Answer: 1 Context: //******************************** //*???? //******************************** int f(int a, int b) { if (a == 1) return 1; else { int c,d,i; c = 0; d = (int)sqrt((double)a); for (i = b; i <= a; i ++) { if (!(a % i)) c+= f(a / i,i); } return c; } } int main() { int n,a,i; cin >> n; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> a; cout << f(a,2) << endl; } cin.get(); cin.get(); //???? return 0; } Answer: 2 Context: //???? //????? int ana(int n,int p) { int i; int t,s=1; t=pow(n,0.5); for(i=p;i<=t;i++) if(n%i==0) s=s+ana(n/i,i);//?? return s; } //??? int main() { int n; int a[100]; int i; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) cin>>a[i]; for(i=0;i<n;i++) cout<<ana(a[i],2)<<endl;//???? return 0; } Answer: 3 Context: int Digui(int a,int min) { int i,result=1; if(a<min) { return 0; } for(i=min;i<a;i++) { if(a%i==0) { result+=Digui(a/i,i); } } return(result); } int main() { int a[1000],n,i; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("%d\n",Digui(a[i],2)); } return 0; } Answer: 3 Context: int f(int a,int min); int main() { int n,i,a; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ cin>>a; printf("%d\n",f(a,2));} return 0; } int f(int a,int min) { if(a < min){ return 0;} int result = 1; for(int i = min;i<a;i++){ if(a % i == 0){ result += f(a/i,i);}} return result; } Answer: 2 Context: /* * 1000012850_34.1.cpp * ????????????a??????????????? ????????? * Created on: 2010-11-27 * Author: william */ int resolution_into_factors(int j,int i) { int m, sum=0, k=0; for(m=j ;m<=sqrt(i); m++) { if(i%m==0) { sum=resolution_into_factors(m, i/m)+sum+1; k++; } } if(k==0) return 0; return sum; } int main() { int n, k, i; cin>>n; for(k=1; k<=n; k++) { cin>>i; cout<<resolution_into_factors(2,i)+1<<endl; } return 0; } Answer: 2 Context: void main() { int ways(int a, int min); int n,b; scanf("%d",&n); while(n-->0) { scanf("%d",&b); printf("%d\n",ways(b,2)); } } int ways(int a, int min) { if(a<min) return 0; int sum=0,i; for(i=min;i<=sqrt(a*1.0);i++) { if(a%i == 0) sum = sum + ways(a/i, i); } return sum+1; } Answer: 1 Context: int ans = 0; void work(int p,int k) { if(p == 1){ ans ++; return ; } for(int i =k;i <= p;i ++){ if(p % i == 0){ work(p / i,i); } } } int main() { int n; scanf("%d",&n); while(n--){ ans = 0; int t; scanf("%d",&t); work(t,2); //ans = work(t); printf("%d\n",ans); } return 0; } Answer: 1 Context: int fun(int x,int y) { int i,sum=0; for(i=x;i*i<=y;i++) if(y%i==0) {sum++;sum+=fun(i,y/i);} return sum; } int main() { int n,i,sum; scanf("%d",&n); while(n>0) { n--; scanf("%d",&i);sum=1; sum+=fun(2,i); printf("%d\n",sum); } return 0; } Answer: 1 Context: int kind (int k,int a) { int i,j,temp=0; int x; for (i=a;i<k;i++) { if (i<=k/i&&k%i==0) { x=k/i; // printf("%d*%d=%d\n",x,i,k); temp++; for (j=i;j<x;j++) { if (j<=x/j&&x%j==0) { temp=temp+kind(x,j); break; } } } } return (temp); } int main () { int n,i,s,a[32768][2]; scanf("%d",&n) ; for (i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i][0]); a[i][1]=kind(a[i][0],2); } for (i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("%d\n",a[i][1]+1);//k=k???? } //scanf("%d",&n) ; return 0; } Answer: 4 Context: /* * hanshu_huisu_1.cpp * Name????? * Created on: 2010-12-7 * Author: ?? */ int n,c; int solutionnumber(int n,int c){//n?????,c??? if(n==c) return 1;//?n=c???????????????????????1 if(n<c) return 0;//??n<c?????????0 if(n%c==0) return solutionnumber(n/c,c)+solutionnumber(n,c+1);/*?n??c??????? ???c????????????n???c???????*/ else return solutionnumber(n,c+1); } int main(){ int N,a; cin>>N;//????????? while(N>0){ cin>>a;//?????? cout<<solutionnumber(a,2)<<endl;//????????? N--; } return 0; } Answer: 0 Context: int s(int n,int m){ if (n==1)return 1; int an=0; for (int i=m;i>1;i--){ if (n%i==0)an+=s(n/i,min(i,n/i)); } return an; } int main(){ int N; cin>>N; int x; for (N;N>0;N--){ cin>>x; cout<<s(x,x)<<endl; } return 0; } Answer: 2 Context: int main() { int count(int x,int y); int i,j,n,a[100],b[100]; scanf("%d", &n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++){scanf("%d", &a[i]);} for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ b[i]=0; for(j=2;j<=a[i];j++){ b[i]+=count(a[i],j); } } for(i=1;i<=n;i++){printf("%d\n", b[i]);} return 0; } int count(int x,int y) { int c=0,k; if(x==y){c=1;} if(x%y!=0){c=0;} if(x!=y&&x%y==0){ for(k=y;k>=2;k--){c+=count((x/y),k);} } return(c); } Answer: 5 Context: int ways(int n,int p) { if(n<p) return 0; while(n%p!=0) p++; if(n==p) return 1; return ways(n/p,p)+ways(n,p+1); } int main() { int n,m; cin>>n; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>m; cout<<ways(m,2)<<endl; } return 0; } Answer: 1 Context: int qq(int m){ int i,j; j=0; for(i=2;i*i<=j;i++){ if(m%i==0){ j=1; break; } } return j; } int pp(int m,int j){ int i,k=0; if(m==1) return 1; else { k++; for(i=j;i*i<=m;i++){ if(qq(i)==0&&m%i==0){ k=k+pp(m/i,i); } } } return k; } int main(){ int n,i,p; cin>>n; int aa[n+1]; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin>>p; aa[i]=pp(p,2); } for(i=1;i<=n;i++) cout<<aa[i]<<endl; return 0; } Answer: 4 Context: int s=0; void devide(int,int); int main() { int n,m; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>m; s=0; devide(2,m); cout<<s+1<<endl; } return 0; } void devide(int a,int b) { int i; for(i=a;i<=sqrt(b);i++) { if(b%i==0) { s++; devide(i,b/i); } } } Answer: 1 Context: //************************************* //* ????1.cpp * //* ??????1200012844 * //* ?????2012?11?28? * //* ????????? * //************************************** int factor(int, int); int main() { int n, i, a; cin >> n;//n??? for ( i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) { cin >> a;//????? cout << factor(a, 2) << endl;//?????? } return 0; } int factor(int a, int b) { int c, i; int num = 1;//??????? if (a == 1) return 0; c = sqrt(a); for ( i = b; i <= c; i++ )//?2?????????????????? if ( a % i == 0 )//??????i????? num += factor(a / i, i); return num; } Answer: 2 Context: /* /??? 10(1) /?? ??? /?? 2012?11?26? /??? ???? */ int main() { int fenjie(int x, int y); int a, n, i; cin >> n; for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) { cin >> a; cout << fenjie(a, 2) << endl; } return 0; } int fenjie(int x, int y) { int b, i, count = 1; // ????????? if(x == 1) return 0; if(x == 2) return 1; b = sqrt((double) x); for(i = y; i <= b; i++) { if(x % i == 0) // ?????????????????????count??? { count += fenjie(x / i, i); // ????????????i?????????? } } return count; } Answer: 2 Context: //******************************** //*???? //******************************** int f(int a, int b) { if (a == 1) return 1; else { int c,d,i; c = 0; d = (int)sqrt((double)a); for (i = b; i <= a; i ++) { if (!(a % i)) c+= f(a / i,i); } return c; } } int main() { int n,a,i; cin >> n; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> a; cout << f(a,2) << endl; } cin.get(); cin.get(); //???? return 0; } Answer: 2 Context: int s=0,p=1; void fenjie(int a,int b) { int i; if(a==1) s++; for(i=b;i<=a;i++) if(a%i==0) fenjie(a/i,i); return; } int main() { int n,i,j,a[100]; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); for(j=2;j*j<=a[i];j++) { if(a[i]%j==0) { s=0; fenjie(a[i]/j,j); p=p+s; } } printf("%d\n",p); p=1; } return 0; } Answer: 3 Context: void decprime(int begain,int a); int sum=1; int main() { int n,a; int k;cin>>n; for(k=0;k<n;k++){ cin>>a; decprime(2,a) ; cout<<sum<<endl; sum=1; } return 0; } void decprime(int begain,int a) { int i; //int u=int(sqrt(double(a))); //int m[10000]={}; //if(a==2||a==3||a==5)return 1; //else{ for(i=begain;i<=a;i++){ if(a%i==0&&i<=a/i) { sum++; decprime(i,a/i); } if(i>a/i)break; //m[i]=decprime(a/i); //else m[i]=0; //sum+=m[i]; //} //return sum+1; } } Answer: 2 Context: int count; void f(int n, int min) { int i; if (n == min) { count++; return;} if (n % min!=0) { return;} for (i = min; i <= n; i++) f(n/min, i); } int main() { int N,i,num,j; scanf("%d",&num); for(j=1;j<=num;j++){ count = 0; scanf("%d",&N); for (i = 2; i <= N;i++) f(N, i); printf("%d\n",count); } return 0; } Answer: 3 Context: int f(int a,int min); int main() { int n,i,a; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ cin>>a; printf("%d\n",f(a,2));} return 0; } int f(int a,int min) { if(a < min){ return 0;} int result = 1; for(int i = min;i<a;i++){ if(a % i == 0){ result += f(a/i,i);}} return result; } Answer: 2 Context: int begin=2; int main() { int f(int); int n=0,x=0,i=0; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>x; cout<<f(x)+1<<endl; } return 0; } int f(int x) { int i=0; int left=0; int num=0; for(i=begin;i<=sqrt(x);i++) { if(x%i==0) { num++; left=x/i; begin=i; num+=f(left); } } //if(num!=0) begin=2; return num; //else //return 0; } Answer: 2 Context: int fenjie(int n,int min) {int i,a=0,x=0; for(i=2;i<=n;i++) if(n%i==0) a=a+1; if(n==1) return 1; else { for(i=min;i<=n;i++) { if(n%i==0) x=x+fenjie(n/i,i); } return x; } } main() { int t,j,num; scanf("%d",&t); for(j=1;j<=t;j++) { scanf("%d",&num); printf("%d\n",fenjie(num,2));} } Answer: 3 Context: int a[1000]; int l=0,x; int fff(int w,int t); int main() { int i,j,q,p,n,m,y; scanf("%d",&n); for(p=0;p<n;p++) {q=1;l=0; scanf("%d",&x); for(i=2;i<=x;i++) if(x%i==0) {a[q]=i; q++; } fff(q-1,1); printf("%d\n",l); } } int fff(int w,int t) { int i,j,y,n,m,p; for(i=t;i<=w;i++) {if(x%a[i]==0) {x=x/a[i]; if(x==1){l++;} if(x>1) fff(w,i); x=x*a[i]; } } } Answer: 3 Context: /** * @file ????.cpp * @author ?? 1000012792 * @date 2010.12.3 */ int f(int n, int m); //??f:????m????n????????????????? int main() { int n, num, i; cin >> n; //n???n??? for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin >> num; //????????num,???????? cout << f(num, 2) << endl; } return 0; } int f(int n, int m) { int i, count=0; if(n==1) return 1; //??n=1?????????1 for(i=m;i<=n;i++) //?????i?m?????n?? { if(n%i==0) //??n??i???????n/i????(???????i)???????f(n/i,i) count += f(n/i,i); //count????????? } return count; //??count?? } Answer: 2 Context: int ispr(int t) { int v=(int)sqrt(t*1.0)+1; for(int i=2; i<v; i++) if(t%i==0) return 0; return 1; } int sum; void fun(int n,int i) { if(n==1) sum++; for (; i<=n; i++) { if(n%i==0) fun(n/i,i); } return ; } int main() { int n; scanf("%d",&n); for (int j=0; j<n; j++) { int a; scanf("%d",&a); if(ispr(a)==1) { printf("1\n"); continue; } int res=1; for (int i=2; i<=a/2; i++) { if(a%i==0) { sum=0; fun(a/i,i); res=res+sum; } } printf("%d\n",res); } return 0; } Answer: 4
In this task, you are given a tuple, comprising Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether, as a result of the Head, PersonY or others will want what is mentioned in the Tail or not. In this task, wanting is a postcondition desire on the part of PersonY and others, respectively. For example, as a result of PersonX giving PersonY gifts, PersonY may want to open the gift. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. Example: Head: PersonX begins to hurt<sep>Tail: body is shaking because of the pain Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks the teacher<sep>Tail: appreciated Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to make<sep>Tail: to take PersonY wine Output: No Example: Head: PersonX declares ___ on japan<sep>Tail: to serve in the army Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX answers the door<sep>Tail: makes eye contact Output: No Example: Head: PersonX gets PersonX's marching orders<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX is skateboarding with PersonY's friends<sep>Tail: to have a good time Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affords every ___<sep>Tail: show appreciation Output: No Example: Head: PersonX leaves PersonY impression<sep>Tail: good maker Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX arrives at PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: to come to a compromise Output: No Example: Head: PersonX amends PersonY act<sep>Tail: to sign the document Output: No Example: Head: PersonX brings the kids<sep>Tail: take a nap Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX allergic to bees<sep>Tail: nervous Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: to wait for help Output: No Example: Head: PersonX applies sunscreen<sep>Tail: to go swimming Output: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts happily<sep>Tail: says you're welcome Output: No Example: Head: PersonX bears ___ unto the PersonY<sep>Tail: hopeful Output: No Example: Head: PersonX brings owls to athens<sep>Tail: to see the owls Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX invites PersonY to join<sep>Tail: to thank x for the invite Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY a number<sep>Tail: hang out Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX always watch ___<sep>Tail: to watch something interesting Output: No Example: Head: PersonX murders PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: go to heaven Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to stay<sep>Tail: wanted. Output: No Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY the runaround<sep>Tail: to succeed Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: to help person Y Output: No Example: Head: PersonX commits suicide<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX makes ___ for PersonY's friends<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's ___ by means<sep>Tail: to continue working Output: No Example: Head: PersonX breaks PersonY's window<sep>Tail: to get it fixed Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX fills PersonY's mind<sep>Tail: to set some goals Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX assumes another ___<sep>Tail: RESPONSIBILITY Output: No Example: Head: PersonX makes candy<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX grows big and tall<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX is babysitting for a new family<sep>Tail: to reward PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX goes out of PersonX's way<sep>Tail: to be alone Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX is highschool sweethearts<sep>Tail: to plan a wedding Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX always wore<sep>Tail: to see what PersonX's favorite clothes are Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX exerts PersonY effect<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX bats PersonX's eyelashes<sep>Tail: see something that they fancy Output: No Example: Head: PersonX bears ___ unto the PersonY<sep>Tail: to see that he will not get into trouble Output: No Example: Head: PersonX affords every ___<sep>Tail: show appreciation Output: No Example: Head: PersonX leaves PersonX's ___ at home<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes fast friends<sep>Tail: to keep talking Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX leaves at home<sep>Tail: thank them Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: goes to classes Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ for one<sep>Tail: bad because tgey had to deny x's request Output: No Example: Head: PersonX answers PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX always ate ___<sep>Tail: full from eating various food Output: No Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's ___ by means<sep>Tail: to work harder Output: No Example: Head: PersonX cuts PersonY's ___ according<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY invitation<sep>Tail: make a note Output: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts happily<sep>Tail: gracious Output: No Example: Head: PersonX gets cut<sep>Tail: to sew up his wound. Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's ___ by means<sep>Tail: to make a plan Output: No Example: Head: PersonX lives with PersonX's wife<sep>Tail: live with PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX has to pay a fine<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX lands on PersonY's back<sep>Tail: to check if he is ok Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX hardens pharaoh 's ___<sep>Tail: execute PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX goes out of PersonX's way<sep>Tail: to be alone Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX makes apple pie<sep>Tail: to eat the pie Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ if PersonY could have one<sep>Tail: to give theirs to PersonY Output: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's offer<sep>Tail: to obtain something. Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to say<sep>Tail: to observe PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gives the reader a ___<sep>Tail: to tell them what they think Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX holds PersonY's breath<sep>Tail: to escape from him Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY a sense<sep>Tail: to argue with PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX bears the brunt<sep>Tail: to finish the job Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX knows what PersonY meant<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX brings the kids with PersonY<sep>Tail: to enjoy the day Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX lays around<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX can n't find PersonX's keys<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX answers PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: to receive PersonY's letter Output: No Example: Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: to become faster at running. Output: No Example: Head: PersonX is nervous and excited<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX holds out PersonX's hand to PersonY<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX arrives just in time<sep>Tail: PersonX makes the train Output: No Example: Head: PersonX answers the question<sep>Tail: to finish Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX also decided<sep>Tail: in charge. Output: No Example: Head: PersonX enters ___ at school<sep>Tail: to congratulate them. Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX makes PersonY mad<sep>Tail: accept PersonX's apology Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: to discuss with personY Output: No Example: Head: PersonX always ate<sep>Tail: Has energy for the day. Output: No Example: Head: PersonX goes ___ with friends<sep>Tail: to spend more time together Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX laughs in PersonY's face<sep>Tail: smack them Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX offer PersonY a position<sep>Tail: celebrate Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX holds in PersonY's hand<sep>Tail: to reciprocate affection Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ if PersonY could have one<sep>Tail: them to have one too Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's boyfriend<sep>Tail: to open their phone Output: No Example: Head: PersonX holds PersonY hand<sep>Tail: to spend time with PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX applies to medical school<sep>Tail: to pay the fees Output: No Example: Head: PersonX leaves PersonX's ___ at home<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX attends school<sep>Tail: to get their backpack Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: to drive them home. Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ if PersonY could have one<sep>Tail: to answer PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gets PersonX's life together<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX looks after PersonY's children<sep>Tail: to go to night school Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX bases on PersonX's experience<sep>Tail: determined Output: No Example: Head: PersonX arrives just in time<sep>Tail: polite Output: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts the job<sep>Tail: happy Output: No Example: Head: PersonX catches heat<sep>Tail: to hear an apology Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX eats PersonY dinner<sep>Tail: to share Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes happier<sep>Tail: becomes more generous Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's grandma<sep>Tail: annoying Output: No Example: Head: PersonX goes shopping for clothes<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX decides to keep PersonY<sep>Tail: to be associated with personx Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX looks before you leap<sep>Tail: to know how far they leaped Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX is in first grade<sep>Tail: to make friends Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX makes PersonY agreement<sep>Tail: receive some kind of benefit Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's teacher<sep>Tail: PersonX gains knowledge about PersonY Output: No Example: Head: PersonX always wore ___<sep>Tail: to follow him Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX has free time<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX always tries<sep>Tail: muscle pain Output: No Example: Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: bold Output: No Example: Head: PersonX defends PersonX's country<sep>Tail: to continue insulting the country Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to stay<sep>Tail: to talk Output: No Example: Head: PersonX can not find PersonX's car keys<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX drinks some coffee<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY invitation<sep>Tail: invites PersonX in Output: No Example: Head: PersonX is at a friend 's house<sep>Tail: to play video games also Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX memorizes every ___<sep>Tail: to listen to PersonX. Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: learn Output: No Example: Head: PersonX meets ___ at the park<sep>Tail: to talk Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX finds PersonY outlet<sep>Tail: offer find a different one for person x Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes fast friends<sep>Tail: to make other friends Output: No Example: Head: PersonX breaks PersonY's window<sep>Tail: to call the police Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX comes ___ at night<sep>Tail: for them to get some rest Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX assumes another ___<sep>Tail: RESPONSIBILITY Output: No Example: Head: PersonX drinks the coffee<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX arrives home from lunch<sep>Tail: Drive a vehicle Output: No Example: Head: PersonX happily married<sep>Tail: to celebrate anniversary Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX goes shopping with PersonY<sep>Tail: to put things away Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX behaves like a PersonY<sep>Tail: Phony Output: No Example: Head: PersonX leaves the ___ early<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gives ___ to PersonX's friend<sep>Tail: say thank you Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX pays a ___ for the privilege<sep>Tail: money Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY the news<sep>Tail: to cry. Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to say<sep>Tail: dominant Output: No Example: Head: PersonX feels satisfied with PersonY's work<sep>Tail: to get more work Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: includes others Output: No Example: Head: PersonX evens bought ___<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's invitation<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to say<sep>Tail: persony to convey information Output: No Example: Head: PersonX eats cheese<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX holds up PersonY's hands<sep>Tail: do not want to hurt themselves Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to make<sep>Tail: agrees Output: No Example: Head: PersonX goes shopping with PersonY<sep>Tail: to put things away Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX acts weird<sep>Tail: creepy Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ if PersonY could have one<sep>Tail: annoyed Output: No Example: Head: PersonX affords every ___<sep>Tail: give others a chance he feels walked over but knows it is the right thing Output: No Example: Head: PersonX gives ___ some pills<sep>Tail: to wait for relief Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX loves halloween<sep>Tail: to dress up as someone else Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: people react to PersonX Output: No Example: Head: PersonX bakes bread<sep>Tail: Industrious Output: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's offer<sep>Tail: smiles Output: No Example: Head: PersonX makes a reservation<sep>Tail: to do the same for PersonX's birthday Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks the teacher<sep>Tail: appreciated Output: No Example: Head: PersonX makes PersonX's work<sep>Tail: to accept x's submissions Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX bears the brunt<sep>Tail: Brave Output: No Example: Head: PersonX feels PersonY's pain<sep>Tail: to take some medicine Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to make<sep>Tail: agrees Output: No Example: Head: PersonX carries PersonY's ___ into execution<sep>Tail: to find out his faults that led to his arrest Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gets revenge<sep>Tail: to call police Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY invitation<sep>Tail: happy to be invited Output: No Example: Head: PersonX confronts every ___<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: to gain something Output: No Example: Head: PersonX always watch ___<sep>Tail: irritated Output: No Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: to have an interview with PersonY Output: No Example: Head: PersonX greets PersonY warmly<sep>Tail: to engage in conversation Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX is running low<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX eats red meat<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX pays a ___ for the privilege<sep>Tail: to be paid Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX makes book<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX drives right<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX meets everyone 's ___<sep>Tail: to talk to PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY command<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonX's diploma<sep>Tail: They cheer Output: No Example: Head: PersonX is skateboarding with PersonY's friends<sep>Tail: to have fun Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: Person x has a wedding. Output: No Example: Head: PersonX gets ___ quickly<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX claps PersonY's hands together<sep>Tail: run away from Person X Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX claps PersonY's hands<sep>Tail: To chide X Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: to go on vacation together Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: none Output: No Example: Head: PersonX badly wanted<sep>Tail: desirable Output: No Example: Head: PersonX also loved ___<sep>Tail: open Output: No Example: Head: PersonX attends school<sep>Tail: to get their backpack Output: No Example: Head: PersonX holds the cards<sep>Tail: to win money Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX offer PersonY resistance<sep>Tail: to fight Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX builds PersonY system<sep>Tail: to hire him for more things Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX picks PersonY up at the airport<sep>Tail: to ride with PersonX back home Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX enforces this ___ by legislation<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX always ate ___<sep>Tail: indulgent Output: No Example: Head: PersonX picks PersonY up from the airport<sep>Tail: to get home Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX holds hands<sep>Tail: to show affection. Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX drinks lots of water<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's grandma<sep>Tail: to thank grandma for giving permission Output: No Example: Head: PersonX feels right<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to play<sep>Tail: to see PersonY standing in a corner Output: No Example: Head: PersonX arrives to the restaurant<sep>Tail: to travel to the restaurant Output: No Example: Head: PersonX always lost<sep>Tail: dumb Output: No Example: Head: PersonX makes another batch<sep>Tail: to politely decline the cookies Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonX's diploma<sep>Tail: accomplished Output: No Example: Head: PersonX comes face to face<sep>Tail: smile at person X Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX keeps ___ up at night<sep>Tail: to turn PersonX the other way Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX owns a house<sep>Tail: to have a family Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX defeats PersonY's purpose<sep>Tail: to patch up with person X Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX hides PersonY's ___ in PersonX's hands<sep>Tail: to disengage Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX drinks ___ everyday<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX establishes PersonX's reputation<sep>Tail: to see him succeed Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX arrives shortly<sep>Tail: Starts studying in class Output: No Example: Head: PersonX left behind PersonY<sep>Tail: to cry Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX always watch ___<sep>Tail: to go out Output: No Example: Head: PersonX badly wanted<sep>Tail: eager Output: No Example: Head: PersonX holds in PersonY's hand<sep>Tail: to reciprocate affection Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX adjusts spacing as well as minimizing<sep>Tail: WOEKING TO ALL Output: No Example: Head: PersonX is playing with PersonX's friends<sep>Tail: to be competitive Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX bases on PersonX's experience<sep>Tail: to learn from their experiance Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX buys paper towels<sep>Tail: give receipt Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX fights PersonY battle<sep>Tail: help Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY some pills<sep>Tail: to decline the pills Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: happy, elated Output: No Example: Head: PersonX grants PersonY title<sep>Tail: say thank you Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX builds bridges<sep>Tail: to vote for him Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts the invitation<sep>Tail: to attend his friend's marriage Output: No Example: Head: PersonX joins a band<sep>Tail: to rock out Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX also loved ___<sep>Tail: Sleeps well Output: No Example: Head: PersonX leaves every ___<sep>Tail: stalk her on facebook Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gets an email<sep>Tail: to send another mail Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affects PersonY's interests<sep>Tail: influential Output: No Example: Head: PersonX brings the kids<sep>Tail: take a nap Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX mentions in PersonY chapter<sep>Tail: be received well Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX pisses on PersonY's bonfire<sep>Tail: to retaliate Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: people react to PersonX Output: No Example: Head: PersonX answers the door<sep>Tail: them to feel welcome Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks for the moon<sep>Tail: ignorant Output: No Example: Head: PersonX also decided<sep>Tail: in charge. Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks the teacher<sep>Tail: appreciated Output: No Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY an ultimatum<sep>Tail: choose Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes PersonY object<sep>Tail: ask PersonY on a date Output: No Example: Head: PersonX has run away<sep>Tail: Look for person X Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX keeps it between the ditches<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX loses ___ of time<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks ___ for one<sep>Tail: needy Output: No Example: Head: PersonX gets lots of compliments<sep>Tail: to idolize PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX cuts PersonY's ___ according<sep>Tail: to thank them for it Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX never told PersonY<sep>Tail: to wonder what's going on Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX lasts two hours<sep>Tail: To compete with X Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX always watch ___<sep>Tail: gets tired Output: No Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: none Output: No Example: Head: PersonX adopts PersonY attitude<sep>Tail: to break away from PersonY Output: No Example: Head: PersonX kicks off PersonY's shoes<sep>Tail: to roll their eyes Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: dominating Output: No Example: Head: PersonX answers the door<sep>Tail: have a house Output: No Example: Head: PersonX gets PersonY's credit card<sep>Tail: to cancel their credit card. Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts god 's ___<sep>Tail: god-fearing Output: No Example: Head: PersonX holds the ___ in PersonX's hands<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gets PersonY information<sep>Tail: to yell at him Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX chases the rabbit<sep>Tail: warn the other rabbits Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gives everyone<sep>Tail: to see what PersonX gave them Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX also decided<sep>Tail: goes to the store Output: No Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY everything<sep>Tail: to help them too Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX answers the door<sep>Tail: to welcome in his new neighbors Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother<sep>Tail: curious Output: No Example: Head: PersonX has n't seen PersonY in years<sep>Tail: talk to person X Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's boyfriend<sep>Tail: to open their phone Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother for help<sep>Tail: relief Output: No Example: Head: PersonX achieves ___ by means<sep>Tail: achieves success Output: No Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonX enough rope<sep>Tail: be safe Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX affects children 's ___<sep>Tail: to know how PersonX carries out their work Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: hard working Output: No Example: Head: PersonX applies for a loan<sep>Tail: buys new car Output: No Example: Head: PersonX eats PersonX's bread<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to make<sep>Tail: grateful Output: No Example: Head: PersonX finally talked<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX eventually got fed up<sep>Tail: to help them Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX cancels PersonX's appointment<sep>Tail: to find another client to take the open spot. Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX makes out like a bandit<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX makes PersonY feel good<sep>Tail: to be thankful Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX always wore ___<sep>Tail: to follow rules Output: No Example: Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: to carry a bag Output: No Example: Head: PersonX arrives home from lunch<sep>Tail: to eat his food Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother<sep>Tail: to find her Output: No Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: to help out PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX defeats PersonY's purpose<sep>Tail: to patch up with person X Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX leaves PersonY impression<sep>Tail: to tell PersonX they did good Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to say<sep>Tail: Do not hear y say it Output: No Example: Head: PersonX crowds around PersonY<sep>Tail: to hide behind PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY birth<sep>Tail: nurturing Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX expects a baby<sep>Tail: to support PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX is at PersonX's friend 's house<sep>Tail: to conversate Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY's boyfriend<sep>Tail: find out where he is Output: No Example: Head: PersonX not is able to get a word in edgeways<sep>Tail: to avoid him Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX makes hay<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonY to play<sep>Tail: company Output: No Example: Head: PersonX becomes PersonY wife<sep>Tail: to carry PersonX across the threshold Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's invitation<sep>Tail: to honour person Y as a host Output: No Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's dream<sep>Tail: Hardworking Output: No Example: Head: PersonX has a christmas party<sep>Tail: To have a good time Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX builds PersonY system<sep>Tail: to express gratitude Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX becomes flat<sep>Tail: tone deaf Output: No Example: Head: PersonX applies to medical school<sep>Tail: ambitious Output: No Example: Head: PersonX babysits PersonX's nephew<sep>Tail: Nice Output: No Example: Head: PersonX leaned toward PersonY<sep>Tail: to get away from her seat Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objective<sep>Tail: to complete something Output: No Example: Head: PersonX has ever happened to PersonY<sep>Tail: to hug them Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX has two kids<sep>Tail: annoy PersonX Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX fulfils PersonX's needs<sep>Tail: none Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX makes ___ for PersonX's friends<sep>Tail: to have fun Output: Yes Example: Head: PersonX finds friends<sep>Tail: to play outside Output: Yes
In this task, you are given an ambiguous question/query (which can be answered in more than one way) and a clarification statement to understand the query more precisely. Your task to classify that if the given clarification accurately clarifies the given query or not and based on that provide 'Yes' or 'No'. Possible labels: 1. No 2. Yes Example: Query: What is Madagascar known for? Clarification: would you like to know about madagascar economy Label: Yes Example: Query: What is martha stewart and imclone? Clarification: do you want to know who owns the company imclone Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me information about Volvo. Clarification: are you interested in history in the united states Label: No Example: Query: Tell me more about USA tax for annuity Clarification: do you want more information about what an indexed annuity is Label: Yes Example: Query: who invented music Clarification: are you looking for who invented the first instruments Label: Yes Example: Query: Find me a map of the US Capitol Clarification: do you want to know what details are on a us capitol map Label: Yes Example: Query: I'd like to learn about lymphoma in dogs Clarification: are you looking for the symptoms of lymphoma in dogs Label: Yes Example: Query: How to change the toilet in the house Clarification: do you need information on how to install a toilet Label: Yes Example: Query: Find information about flushing. Clarification: are you interested in ways to fix problems flushing the toilet Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about defender Clarification: are you wondering about soccer gear Label: Yes Example: Query: How to write a thank you letter after an interview? Clarification: are you looking for dieting tips Label: No Example: Query: tell me about idaho state flower Clarification: are you interested in when ron howard was younger or his older work Label: No Example: Query: Find information on Porterville. Clarification: are you looking for a definition of ocd Label: No Example: Query: I'm interested in mothers day songs Clarification: are you looking album called mothers days songs Label: Yes Example: Query: Find information about elliptical trainer Clarification: do you want more information about the benefits of an elliptical trainer Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me information about a sore throat. Clarification: are you looking for ron howard biographies Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about the pacific northwest laboratory. Clarification: are you referring to the lab in seattle Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about black history. Clarification: are you really reffering to mothra Label: No Example: Query: Find information on raised gardens. Clarification: do you want to know how to create a raised garden Label: Yes Example: Query: Find information on Porterville. Clarification: are you traveling Label: No Example: Query: I am looking for blue throated hummingbird Clarification: would you like to know about the current population numbers of blue throated hummingbirds Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about rock and gem shows Clarification: would you like to directions to kansas city Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about sonoma county medical services. Clarification: are you looking for product recalls Label: No Example: Query: tell me about tangible personal property tax Clarification: are you referring to a person named rice Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about Obama family tree. Clarification: do you want to go to a djs website Label: No Example: Query: Tell me more about Rocky Mountain News Clarification: are you interested in news archives Label: Yes Example: Query: Information about east ridge high school. Clarification: are you looking for sarah breedlove Label: No Example: Query: I'd like to learn about lymphoma in dogs Clarification: are you referring to a person named rice Label: No Example: Query: How to write a thank you letter after an interview? Clarification: are you looking for an interview preparation guide Label: Yes Example: Query: How do I get my free annual credit report? Clarification: would you like to know about credit scores Label: Yes Example: Query: I'm looking for a wedding budget calculator Clarification: what are your budget priorities for your wedding Label: Yes Example: Query: What is a 403b? Clarification: do you want to know 403b contribution limits in 2018 Label: Yes Example: Query: What are signs of a heartattack? Clarification: are you looking for a specific web page Label: No Example: Query: I need information on income tax return online Clarification: have you used jackson hewitt before Label: Yes Example: Query: I'm looking for information on web design and hosting. Clarification: what aspect of website desgin hosting are you interested in Label: Yes Example: Query: How do I get my free annual credit report? Clarification: will you be making this at home or at a commercial kitchen Label: No Example: Query: Tell me information about a sore throat. Clarification: what would you like to know about the civil right movement Label: No Example: Query: how to build a fence? Clarification: are you trying to build a specific kind of fence Label: Yes Example: Query: Give me espn sports information. Clarification: do you want to know about special events on espn Label: Yes Example: Query: What does the US capital gains tax rate consist of and how is it broken down? Clarification: would you like to know how to avoid capital gains tax rate Label: Yes Example: Query: Looking for information about the Orange County Convention Center Clarification: are you looking for events Label: Yes Example: Query: What is a 403b? Clarification: what year do you want to begin contributing 403b Label: Yes Example: Query: Find me information about diabetes education Clarification: are you looking for diet information Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about hotels in New York. Clarification: price of a pork tenderloin Label: No Example: Query: How to use wiki? Clarification: what wiki site are you interested in Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about Internet phone serices. Clarification: do you need to find out about airport weather delays Label: No Example: Query: I am interested in civil right movement Clarification: do you want to know who the people were who started the civil rights movement Label: Yes Example: Query: What is equal opportunity employer? Clarification: would you like to know the history of the equal opportunity employer act Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about vanuatu Clarification: do you want to know the tangible personal property tax Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about the pacific northwest laboratory. Clarification: would you like a list of dinosaur movies Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about the pacific northwest laboratory. Clarification: do you want information about which sports espn covers Label: No Example: Query: Tell me more about Rocky Mountain News Clarification: who do you want to find news reported by Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about the pacific northwest laboratory. Clarification: do you want pictures of old coins Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about source of the nile Clarification: are you concerned about other people seeing your history Label: No Example: Query: How do I get my free annual credit report? Clarification: are you interested in selling or buying a trombone on amazon Label: No Example: Query: Find information from the milwaukee journal sentinel. Clarification: are you interested in a subscription to the milwaukee journal sentinel Label: Yes Example: Query: I'm looking for information on Rick Warren. Clarification: are you looking for a specific web site Label: No Example: Query: Tell me information about Volvo. Clarification: would you like a list of websites that show workouts for elliptical trainers Label: No Example: Query: figs Clarification: should i request an application to mitchell college Label: No Example: Query: Tell me more about indiana state fairgrounds. Clarification: do you want to know if there are current civil rights movements Label: No Example: Query: I'd like to learn about joints Clarification: would you like to know the various diseases of the joints Label: Yes Example: Query: Child support in Indiana? Clarification: do you want to know about a specific indiana child support law Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about furniture for small spaces. Clarification: are you looking for living room furniture Label: Yes Example: Query: What are characteristics of Uranus Clarification: are there any specific details that you are trying to find out Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about weather stripping Clarification: would you like to see a picture of the painting Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about the sit and reach test. Clarification: do you want to know who should take the test Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about kansas city mo Clarification: do you need information on how to install a toilet Label: No Example: Query: What is yahoo Clarification: are you looking for a dictionary Label: No Example: Query: I'm looking for information on Rick Warren. Clarification: do you have a fever Label: No Example: Query: I'm looking for information on Rick Warren. Clarification: are you looking for the alexian brothers lay catholic order Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about sonoma county medical services. Clarification: do you need any specific information on health insurance Label: Yes Example: Query: Child support in Indiana? Clarification: are you interested in indiana child support Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about idaho state flower Clarification: are you interested in where they grow Label: Yes Example: Query: What to do in Arkansas Clarification: are you interested in musical notes and their origins Label: No Example: Query: I'm looking for information on Rick Warren. Clarification: are you interested in heavy trucks part Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about avp Clarification: would you like information about the association of volleyball professionals Label: Yes Example: Query: I'm looking for information on web design and hosting. Clarification: is it for a blog or for online retail Label: Yes Example: Query: how to hire disc jockey Clarification: is there a certain type of dj you are looking for Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about Neil Young. Clarification: are you interested in neil youngs history Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about of Ralph Owen Brester. Clarification: what things to do and see are you interested in Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about the pacific northwest laboratory. Clarification: are you looking for some sample tests Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about civil war battles in South Carolina Clarification: would you like to know how many battles were fought in south carolina Label: Yes Example: Query: What should I know about the civil war Clarification: are you looking for a confederate victory Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me more on health clubs in Arkansas Clarification: are you upset by the quality of your internet service Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about source of the nile Clarification: are you looking to purchase old or collector coins Label: No Example: Query: What is yahoo Clarification: are you looking for ct jobs in your area Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about cell phones. Clarification: would you like an unlocked phone Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about kansas city mo Clarification: do you want the distance between your current location and french lick resort and casino Label: No Example: Query: Tell me information about a sore throat. Clarification: do you have a cough as well Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about Pocono Clarification: are you looking for the definition to lipoma Label: No Example: Query: I want to learn about rock art. Clarification: are you looking for information about cave painting in any location Label: Yes Example: Query: I'm looking for information about game and fish in Arizona. Clarification: what year of volvo do you need information about Label: No Example: Query: What are the best recepies for grilling Clarification: what colors do you want to use Label: No Example: Query: Give me espn sports information. Clarification: do you want to know the qualifications necessary to become a paralegal Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about weather stripping Clarification: would you like to see ways of temporarily slowing a heart attack Label: No Example: Query: How to prepare for the GMAT? Clarification: do you want to know 403b contribution limits in 2018 Label: No Example: Query: I'm looking for information on dieting Clarification: would you like to read about different types of diet pills Label: Yes Example: Query: What does the US capital gains tax rate consist of and how is it broken down? Clarification: would you like to know how to avoid capital gains tax rate Label: Yes Example: Query: how to hire disc jockey Clarification: do you need information on the prognosis of lymphoma in dogs Label: No Example: Query: How do I get my free annual credit report? Clarification: are you searching for an image for lipoma Label: No Example: Query: Find information on Porterville. Clarification: are you interested in who painted the last supper painting Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about hotels in New York. Clarification: are you referring to a gas grill Label: No Example: Query: I'm looking for information about game and fish in Arizona. Clarification: are you interested in digital pianos Label: No Example: Query: Find information on Porterville. Clarification: what aspect of website desgin hosting are you interested in Label: No Example: Query: I'm looking for information on jax chemical company Clarification: do you want to report an incident Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about Bellevue. Clarification: do you want to know more about companies headquartered in bellevue washington Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about mgb Clarification: are you looking to purchase an mgb Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about UNC Clarification: do you want to know how to create a raised garden Label: No Example: Query: Where can I find cheap internet Clarification: are you wondering how to reduce your internet bill Label: Yes Example: Query: Where can I buy pressure washers? Clarification: are you wondering how a pressure washer works Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about idaho state flower Clarification: do you want to know internet phone service providers Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about texas border patrol. Clarification: do you want to apply for a job here Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about the pacific northwest laboratory. Clarification: are you looking for a specific representative in relation to the company Label: Yes Example: Query: What are the best recepies for grilling Clarification: are you looking for transit routes to berkeley from bart sf Label: No Example: Query: Who is the patron saint of mental illness? Clarification: do you want to know the prayer of that patron saint Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about kansas city mo Clarification: are you looking for a certain store location Label: No Example: Query: Find me information on sat Clarification: do you want to know the date for this saturday Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about atypical squamous cells Clarification: do you want to learn about atypical squamous cells in a pap smear Label: Yes Example: Query: Find information on Porterville. Clarification: do you want a tourist map Label: No Example: Query: TV on computer Clarification: do you want to find online tv streaming services Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about texas border patrol. Clarification: do you want to know how to become one Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about uplift at yellowstone national park Clarification: are you looking for a specific web site Label: Yes Example: Query: Information about raffles Clarification: would you like to know more about sir stamford raffles Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about Pocono Clarification: what would you like to know about vldl levels Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about vines for shade. Clarification: do you want to know how to plant a vine for shade Label: Yes Example: Query: What can I do in sherwood regional library Clarification: would you like to read reviews about michworks Label: No Example: Query: What are signs of a heartattack? Clarification: are you at risk for having a heart attack Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about kansas city mo Clarification: would you like to know about things to see and do in kansas city mo Label: Yes Example: Query: Is Kenmore heater good Clarification: do you need information on best climate for specific plants Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about kansas city mo Clarification: arey you conerned about someones face becoming red Label: No Example: Query: Find information on French Lick Resort and Casino. Clarification: what date range are you interested in Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about Barbados. Clarification: where are you looking to travel to Label: No Example: Query: where can I buy a trombone? Clarification: are you interested in selling or buying a trombone on ebay Label: Yes Example: Query: What are specific dangers of asbestos? Clarification: are you interested in staying here for certain dates Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about Pocono Clarification: are you looking for a specific movie Label: No Example: Query: Find information on French Lick Resort and Casino. Clarification: are you looking for ct jobs in your area Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about weather stripping Clarification: do you want to know more about the bellevue washington local government Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about Barbados. Clarification: are you looking for things to do while in madagascar Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about designer dog breeds. Clarification: do you want to know if designer dog breeds are healthier than purebreds Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about uss yorktown charleston SC Clarification: what kind of aircrafts would you like to know about Label: Yes Example: Query: Is Kenmore heater good Clarification: do you want to know the weather of a specific city in afghanistan Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about kids earth day activities Clarification: are you looking for activities to be done in a classroom Label: Yes Example: Query: How can I view my internet history? Clarification: did you want to search for a specific site Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about UNC Clarification: would you like to learn about unc sports Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about UNC Clarification: are you interested in ways to fix problems flushing the toilet Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about atypical squamous cells Clarification: are you interested in atypical squamous cells in a test result Label: Yes Example: Query: How to write a thank you letter after an interview? Clarification: do you have questions about the wilson antenna warrenty Label: No Example: Query: How to write a thank you letter after an interview? Clarification: do you want to know what to plant in a raised garden Label: No Example: Query: Give me information about Alexian Brothers hospitals. Clarification: do you want the contact info for alexian brothers hospital Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about idaho state flower Clarification: do you want to know how to take care of it Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about of Ralph Owen Brester. Clarification: are you wanting to know what it is Label: No Example: Query: I'm looking for flame designs Clarification: do you want black and white or colored designs Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about Internet phone serices. Clarification: are you looking into price difference of companies in your area Label: Yes Example: Query: Is Kenmore heater good Clarification: are you referring to the lab in seattle Label: No Example: Query: I am interested in civil right movement Clarification: are you interested in knowing what started the civil rights movement Label: Yes Example: Query: How to prepare for the GMAT? Clarification: do you need any specific information for controlling moths Label: No Example: Query: I'd like to learn about joints Clarification: what images of joints would you like to see Label: Yes Example: Query: i'm interested in history of the electronic medical record Clarification: would you like to buy a book about this topic Label: Yes Example: Query: Find information on Porterville. Clarification: are you looking for a contact number for the city government Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about memory Clarification: are you worried about memory loss Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about Pocono Clarification: which mountain ski resort would you like information around the pocono area Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about UNC Clarification: what brand of electronic skeet shoot are you inquiring about Label: No Example: Query: butter and margarine Clarification: are you going to purchase anything there Label: No Example: Query: Info on dog heat? Clarification: do you want to know how long a female dogs heat lasts Label: Yes Example: Query: What is California Franchise Tax Board Clarification: are you interested in the animal or the hockey team Label: No Example: Query: Info on dog heat? Clarification: are you looking for any specific heatrelated illness in dogs Label: Yes Example: Query: What to do in Arkansas Clarification: are you trying to compare different ron howard movies Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about weather stripping Clarification: would you like to learn about weather stripping Label: Yes Example: Query: who invented music Clarification: do you want information on the person who invented music Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about Pocono Clarification: are you looking for a test to check for ocd Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about avp Clarification: would you like stock information for avon products incorporated Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about symptoms of mad cow disease in humans Clarification: do you want to know if memory loss is a sign of mad cow disease Label: Yes Example: Query: How to prepare for the GMAT? Clarification: are you traveling Label: No Example: Query: How do I get my free annual credit report? Clarification: do you need a tool to design the site Label: No Example: Query: I'm interested in InuYasha Clarification: are you looking for specific program information Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about black history. Clarification: are you looking for something to read Label: Yes Example: Query: What are the causes of lipoma tumors Clarification: are you looking for parts for the mgb Label: No Example: Query: Let's see frank lloyd wright biography Clarification: are you interested in how frank lloyd wright became an architect Label: Yes Example: Query: Find information on hip fractures Clarification: would you like a book about sewing Label: No Example: Query: How to cook pork tenderlion Clarification: do you need to cook a pork tenderloin Label: Yes Example: Query: butter and margarine Clarification: do you need details on where jax chemical company is Label: No Example: Query: how to build a fence? Clarification: are you using this around the yard Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me more about indiana state fairgrounds. Clarification: are you looking for craft ideas for kids on earth day Label: No Example: Query: What is California Franchise Tax Board Clarification: are you looking for information on plate tectonics and the lithosphere Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about black history. Clarification: are you interested in the history of the last supper painting Label: No Example: Query: Info on dog heat? Clarification: would you like to know the symptoms of a dog in heat Label: Yes Example: Query: I'd like to learn about lymphoma in dogs Clarification: do you want to know the colors of unc Label: No Example: Query: map Clarification: is it for a blog or for online retail Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about Barbados. Clarification: do you want the address Label: No Example: Query: What is Poem in Your Pocket Day? Clarification: did you want the know what the reasoning for having poem in your pocket day is Label: Yes Example: Query: How to register dmv in va? Clarification: what services do you want to find information about Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about kansas city mo Clarification: are you looking for engineers in such field Label: No Example: Query: all men are created equal Clarification: are you looking for declaration of independence at the national archives Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about Starbucks. Clarification: are you looking for a recipe Label: Yes Example: Query: Find information on French Lick Resort and Casino. Clarification: what date range are you interested in Label: No Example: Query: I am looking for the music man. Clarification: are you trying to find videos about the music man Label: Yes Example: Query: I'm looking for information on jax chemical company Clarification: would you like to purchase one or rent it Label: No Example: Query: Find me information on sat Clarification: what would you like to schedule for saturday Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about the pacific northwest laboratory. Clarification: do you want to see the nearest rock and gem shows Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about Pocono Clarification: are you interested in the history of the pcoconos Label: Yes Example: Query: What are the best recepies for grilling Clarification: are you looking for nearby medical practices that treat the condition Label: No Example: Query: Find information on hip fractures Clarification: are you referring to the injury Label: Yes Example: Query: I'm looking for information on Rick Warren. Clarification: are you referring to the move Label: No Example: Query: How can one can become highway patrol Clarification: are you interested in who is in charge of the tn highway patrol Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about uss yorktown charleston SC Clarification: do you need information for group or individual ticket prices for tours of the uss yorktown Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about Barbados. Clarification: do you want to see cookbooks for grilling Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about hotels in New York. Clarification: do you need a map of hotels Label: Yes Example: Query: How can I view my internet history? Clarification: would you also like to delete your history Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about rock and gem shows Clarification: do you need information on best climate for specific plants Label: No Example: Query: I'm interested in InuYasha Clarification: are you interested in the music from inuyasha Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me information about a sore throat. Clarification: are you looking for ron howard biographies Label: No Example: Query: Find information on Porterville. Clarification: what year of volvo do you need information about Label: No Example: Query: Find information about Mitchell College. Clarification: what state is mitchell college in Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about american military university. Clarification: do you have a specific toilet brand on your mind Label: No Example: Query: Tell me information about Iowa's food stamp program Clarification: which episodes of inuyasha would you like to see Label: No Example: Query: Tell me information about Iowa's food stamp program Clarification: are you interested in the requirements for applying to the program or the poverty level limits Label: Yes Example: Query: butter and margarine Clarification: would you like to directions to kansas city Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about Internet phone serices. Clarification: are you looking for free internet phone service or are you willing to pay for it Label: Yes Example: Query: what is the best long term care insurance Clarification: do you want to obtain forms from the dmv Label: No Example: Query: I'm looking for information on Rick Warren. Clarification: do you need sat study materials Label: No Example: Query: Find information about living in India. Clarification: would you like to see a comparison of living in india versus living in the usa Label: Yes Example: Query: What are specific dangers of asbestos? Clarification: would you like to know more about carryon luggage rules Label: No Example: Query: What is yahoo Clarification: would you like to know how internet phone service works Label: No Example: Query: I'm interested in InuYasha Clarification: would like to go hunting or fishing in arizona Label: No Example: Query: I'm interested in InuYasha Clarification: are you interested in inuyasha wiki activity Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about kansas city mo Clarification: are you looking for the nearest store you can buy hp mini 2140 Label: No Example: Query: Tell me information about Iowa's food stamp program Clarification: do you need information about bellevue nebraska Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about civil war battles in South Carolina Clarification: would you like to see a picture of a map of the civil war battle sites in south carolina Label: Yes Example: Query: Find information about the gs pay rate Clarification: what year do you want to know the president for Label: No Example: Query: I'm interested in dinosaurs Clarification: do you want to learn how to make furniture Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about electronic skeet shoot. Clarification: would you like to see the retailers selling it Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about Pocono Clarification: who you be interested in becoming a diabetes educator Label: No Example: Query: Find information on French Lick Resort and Casino. Clarification: is this the topic of a reseach paper that you may be writing Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about Pocono Clarification: are you interested in folk remedies from a specific era Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about history of orcas island Clarification: would a video on the islands historical background be helpful Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me information about Volvo. Clarification: are you looking for flame design outline Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about of Ralph Owen Brester. Clarification: are you looking for a list of er actors Label: No Example: Query: I'm looking for information on Rick Warren. Clarification: would you like to see the base pay scale for 2018 Label: No Example: Query: Tell me information about Volvo. Clarification: are you looking for specific information related to parents of children with ocd Label: No Example: Query: What to do in Arkansas Clarification: are you interested in learning about arkansas Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me more on health clubs in Arkansas Clarification: are you referring to a health club in arkadelphia ar Label: Yes Example: Query: I'm looking for information on common schizophrenia drugs Clarification: are you interested in the side effects of the common schizophrenia drugs Label: Yes Example: Query: I'd like to learn about lymphoma in dogs Clarification: are you interested in indiana child support Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about uplift at yellowstone national park Clarification: would you like to know where south africa is on the map Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about the educational advantages of social networking sites. Clarification: what level of schooling are you interested in gaining the advantages to social networking sites Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about source of the nile Clarification: are you interested in the origin of the nile Label: Yes Example: Query: butter and margarine Clarification: are you looking to subsitute butter and margarine Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me about Pocono Clarification: where in pocono are you interested in Label: Yes Example: Query: tell me about idaho state flower Clarification: are you interested in the whereabouts of the university of carolina Label: No Example: Query: Tell me about Obama family tree. Clarification: are you looking for a specific web site Label: No Example: Query: Where can I find cheap internet Clarification: are you wondering who used cheap internet Label: Yes Example: Query: I'd like to learn about joints Clarification: are you looking to buy joints Label: Yes Example: Query: I'm looking for information on recycling lead acid batteries Clarification: do you want to learn how to recycle lead acid batteries Label: Yes Example: Query: Tell me more about indiana state fairgrounds. Clarification: are you wondering when uranus was discovered Label: No Example: Query: What should I know about the civil war Clarification: do you need a list of civil war battles Label: Yes Example: Query: What is California Franchise Tax Board Clarification: would you like to know where you can buy figs Label: No Example: Query: tell me about UNC Clarification: are you looking for information on plate tectonics and the lithosphere Label: No Example: Query: Find me information about the sales tax in Illinois. Clarification: do you want to get helping completing your illinois state tax return Label: Yes
Input: Set1: '{3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 18}', Set2: '{2}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 4}', Set2: '{5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 19, 20}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19}', Set2: '{1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20}'. Is the element '7' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 5}', Set2: '{1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 14, 16}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 20, 13, 14}', Set2: '{11}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19}', Set2: '{3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 4, 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19}', Set2: '{1, 3, 10, 13, 16}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{6, 11, 12, 17, 20}', Set2: '{2, 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 20}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{1}', Set2: '{1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20}', Set2: '{6, 9, 10, 17, 18, 20}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{5, 14, 15, 16, 19}', Set2: '{8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 10, 11}', Set2: '{1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20}', Set2: '{10}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{12, 7}', Set2: '{19, 9, 10, 11}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18}', Set2: '{2, 6, 9, 11, 19, 20}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20}', Set2: '{16, 9}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 18, 20}', Set2: '{1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 17, 20}'. Is the element '10' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19}', Set2: '{9, 2, 12, 13}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 10, 16, 17, 19}', Set2: '{16, 11, 20}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{6, 7, 10, 11, 18}', Set2: '{16, 15}'. Is the element '16' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{16, 20, 13, 6}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 16, 18}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19}', Set2: '{9, 2, 12, 13}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19}', Set2: '{4, 5, 7, 8, 15}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20}', Set2: '{2, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19}'. Is the element '7' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 16, 18}', Set2: '{2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 18}'. Is the element '10' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 17}', Set2: '{9, 19, 7}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 9, 14, 15, 17}', Set2: '{3, 12, 13, 19, 20}'. Is the element '9' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{10, 5, 15}', Set2: '{1, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{8, 5, 3, 13}', Set2: '{9, 4}'. Is the element '9' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20}', Set2: '{8, 6}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 12, 17, 15}', Set2: '{3, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 20}'. Is the element '9' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{4, 6, 9, 12, 13, 19}', Set2: '{19, 3}'. Is the element '9' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{17, 10, 1}', Set2: '{1, 8, 13, 14, 17, 19}'. Is the element '17' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{2, 13, 14}', Set2: '{5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 15}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18}', Set2: '{17, 4, 15}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{9, 5}', Set2: '{18, 11, 20}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 6, 9, 13, 18, 20}', Set2: '{1, 6, 13, 15, 16, 20}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{8, 4}', Set2: '{6}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{8, 9, 2, 5}', Set2: '{2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{9, 10, 20}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 12, 14, 20}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{18, 13, 6, 15}', Set2: '{17, 10, 15}'. Is the element '10' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 4, 5, 15, 16, 18}', Set2: '{3, 11, 5}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18}', Set2: '{1, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14}', Set2: '{2, 9, 13, 16, 17}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 18}', Set2: '{8, 17, 14}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 19}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 17}', Set2: '{3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 14, 17, 20}', Set2: '{1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18}'. Is the element '7' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 3, 6, 14, 16}', Set2: '{1, 4, 6, 8, 14, 16, 20}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 19}', Set2: '{2, 7, 10, 13, 17}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{10, 20}', Set2: '{3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 20}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{13}', Set2: '{1}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 7, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20}', Set2: '{4, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17}', Set2: '{2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 20}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16}', Set2: '{1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 6, 10, 14, 15}', Set2: '{3, 8, 10, 11, 14, 17, 20}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 20}', Set2: '{11, 7}'. Is the element '7' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20}', Set2: '{3, 5, 6, 15, 16, 18, 20}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{17, 18, 11, 13}', Set2: '{6}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 19, 20}', Set2: '{3, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{2, 7, 8, 9, 18}', Set2: '{1, 10, 3}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 8, 10, 16, 20}', Set2: '{2, 6, 7, 13, 18, 19}'. Is the element '10' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20}', Set2: '{2, 3, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 20}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 5, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19}', Set2: '{1, 18, 20}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 15, 16, 19}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{3, 4, 5, 8, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20}', Set2: '{2, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19}', Set2: '{1, 2, 6, 11, 12, 16}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{16}', Set2: '{2, 5, 7, 14, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 6}', Set2: '{2, 3, 7, 11, 15, 18}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{17, 18}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 18, 20}', Set2: '{6, 7, 14, 17, 19}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{8, 9, 10, 12}', Set2: '{2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 20}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 19, 20}', Set2: '{2, 12, 13, 16, 18}'. Is the element '16' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20}'. Is the element '16' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{1, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20}', Set2: '{9, 15}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{7}', Set2: '{6}'. Is the element '7' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 6, 11, 13, 16}', Set2: '{12}'. Is the element '16' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 4, 11, 13, 16, 18}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 14, 19}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 4}', Set2: '{4, 9, 13, 16, 18}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 13, 7}', Set2: '{9, 11}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 6, 12, 16, 17}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 7, 16}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 8, 10, 13, 15}', Set2: '{3, 4, 9, 11, 17}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20}', Set2: '{19, 14}'. Is the element '16' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{5, 9, 11, 12, 15, 19}', Set2: '{11, 12, 16, 18, 20}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{16, 2, 6, 15}', Set2: '{1, 19}'. Is the element '16' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{11}', Set2: '{4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 12, 15, 16}', Set2: '{2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 16, 17}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 17}', Set2: '{2, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{16, 11, 3, 5}', Set2: '{3, 5, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{10, 5, 15}', Set2: '{1, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{11, 4, 6}', Set2: '{1, 6, 8, 9, 19, 20}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{18, 2, 4, 15}', Set2: '{1, 3, 6, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{4, 8, 9, 12, 19}', Set2: '{5, 14}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{10, 11, 12, 14}', Set2: '{3, 17, 11, 14}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{16, 9, 5}', Set2: '{4, 6, 9, 13, 18, 19}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 15, 17}', Set2: '{3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19}', Set2: '{16, 7}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3}', Set2: '{3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{16, 11, 2, 3}', Set2: '{1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '9' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 6, 7, 12, 15, 20}', Set2: '{18, 11, 7}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19}', Set2: '{2, 6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17}'. Is the element '17' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{8, 16, 11, 1}', Set2: '{9, 3, 6}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 18}', Set2: '{4, 5, 7, 17, 19, 20}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{18}', Set2: '{1, 2, 8, 13, 15, 17, 18}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 3, 6, 10, 12, 15, 18}', Set2: '{3, 4, 11, 13, 15, 16}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 20}', Set2: '{1, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 20}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 15, 18, 19}', Set2: '{8, 3}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{16, 1, 20, 9}', Set2: '{9}'. Is the element '9' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{16, 18, 19}', Set2: '{19, 4, 20}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{6, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{10, 19}'. Is the element '10' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{9, 18, 4, 6}', Set2: '{17, 6}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{5, 9, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{11, 1, 19, 14}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{17, 2, 19, 15}', Set2: '{9, 19}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17}', Set2: '{16, 2, 20, 15}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{19, 4, 13, 6}', Set2: '{2, 5, 8, 9, 18}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 8, 9, 10, 14}', Set2: '{3, 4, 8, 10, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 5}', Set2: '{17, 10, 6}'. Is the element '10' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 20}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 13, 16, 17, 19}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{8, 5, 3, 13}', Set2: '{9, 4}'. Is the element '9' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 4, 11, 15, 17, 18, 20}', Set2: '{2, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 17, 19, 20}', Set2: '{9, 18, 11}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 18}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{1, 10, 13, 14}', Set2: '{6, 9, 11, 15, 18}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{14}', Set2: '{2, 5, 6, 7, 12, 19, 20}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{2, 13}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20}', Set2: '{1, 2, 7, 8, 12, 19}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{9}', Set2: '{2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 17}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{4}', Set2: '{3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 5, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{9}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 20}', Set2: '{3, 5, 6, 7, 15, 17, 20}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19}', Set2: '{2, 4, 6, 11, 16, 18}'. Is the element '16' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20}', Set2: '{3}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{17, 5, 7}', Set2: '{3, 13, 14}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{20, 7}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{1, 3, 10, 11, 14, 15, 20}', Set2: '{3, 6, 9, 10, 14, 18, 19}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{19, 1, 11, 17}', Set2: '{9, 11, 13, 15, 16}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19}', Set2: '{13}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: Yes Input: Set1: '{8, 16, 12, 14}', Set2: '{2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 19, 20}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No Input: Set1: '{16, 17, 14, 15}', Set2: '{15}'. Is the element '17' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Output: No
In this task, you are given Yelp reviews. The task is to classify a review as "POSITIVE" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEGATIVE" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative. --- Context: I'm in from out of town and wanted to watch the Buffalo game while having lunch. I walked up to the bar and asked if it was on anywhere, was told no. I asked if they could put it on one of their many TVs and was again told no because the manager said the TVs were staying on the games they are already on. Now the place was not full by any means and I could have easily had the game out on one of the small TVs. But not even double checking is just lazy and terrible customer service. So here I am literally around the corner at Buffalo Wild Wings instead and I will be very reluctant to try them again over the next few weeks while I am here. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: When my friend told me that she got the hook-up to Marquee, I was ecstatic. I was thinking to myself, I am going to the hottest club in town! I am so lucky!\n\nContrary, to my belief, this club is just not that. Sure, it is located in the newest casino, yes, we were able to bypass the long lines and go straight in w/o waiting. However, once we're inside the club, things went downhill...\n\nThe flights of stairs! \nI believe we had spent more time walking up and down the stairs than on the dance floor. \n\nThe small dance space! \nCouldn't even dance at all as everyone was packed in there like sardines.\n\nThe female bartender in the hip hop room was a total b*tch!\nHeld up 3 fingers asking for 3 shots of Remy and broad came back with only 2. Told her that she forgot one and she told me to wait.\n\nWe were there for a total duration of maybe an hour max and we took ourselves to Drai's. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: Came here for Sunday brunch. It's a nice restaurant, and we were able to actually sit outside while we ate. The food was very good, if somewhat on the small portion size. I had the croque and my husband had the crab oscar benedict. Wish we had the chance to come here for dinner. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Yet again I am disappointed with Arizona's selection of ethnic food. Well, maybe its just the Glendale/Peoria area. \n\nHad the chicken chow mein and beef broccoli with added veggies. Noodles were way too soft, practically \""mushy\"" and both items were extremely greasy. The beef was tender but you could taste the MSG in everything. Good sized portions but I wouldn't pay the price again for the quality. Probably won't come back here, would rather eat at PF Changs (even though its not real chinese food). Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: Whenever possible, after a so-so experience at a restaurant, I try to return at least once or twice before writing a review. After applying this logic, I can say this with a great degree of certainty:\n\nNewks + Lunch Hour in Uptown = Trainwreck\n\nBreadsticks flying, angry mobs of \""to go\"" patrons flocking around the kitchen, confused/harried staff running everywhere, people jockeying for position to get a table/beverage refill..... It felt like I was dining in downtown Beirut. The restaurant layout is horrible. They need to reduce the amount of tables in this place by about 30-40% in order for people to be able to dine comfortably. But of course, that doesn't sit well with the corporate management, who are willing to pack the place like sardines, with dollar signs in their eyes.\n\nThe food is ok, but who in the heck keeps clicking the \""$\"" is beyond me. I guess if you are comparing this place to the Capital Grill, ok...I can see one \""$\"". But for a deli, this place easily warrants \""$$$\"". By far the most expensive deli in the area, when price to value ratio is taken into consideration. Steer clear of the \""Grab-N-Go\"" fridge section, unless brown, wilted lettuce is your thing. Funny thing to note: they have the prices blanked out on their online menu. Why do you think that is, I imagine? So you don't know what you are going to be out of pocket, for a sandwich, until you are already inside and it's too late for you and your colleagues to try another spot?\n\nRedeeming quality is in the portion size. But then again, when you are paying that type of money for SOUP, I expect it to be served in a gallon milk jug.\n\nVerdict: Plenty of better sandwich and salad options in Uptown, especially if you are willing to spend this type of money for this type of food. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: Had never been here before, and walked out with two new dresses, and I actually paid full price for one of them, since it was so cute. I will be looking for this brand again. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Hi, everyone \nFirst of all, the service is horrible in here.Nobody can speak English properly.Most of the workers are Indians and Asians between ages 45-65 year old grandmas.foods aren't good.It's just ok. I would rate them 0 for their nasty customer service.There is an Asian old grandma who is impolite and filthy-mouthed .We were waiting for someone to help us and she just came without saying hi .Just looked at me and said \""come\"".Then , there was only one menu on the table and I asked for second one.She just stared at me and said first seat and I'm going to give it to you in a very bad way.Even my little brother noticed how bad she behaved.I just called another worker and told her that please let me know who is the manager?I asked the Asian old grandma's name which was Chonita /chunita lol .Then I talked to manager and complained about her .My first and last experience in this restaurant was horrible and I will never come back again.I just put 0.00 tip for them .Because I didn't receive any good service in here.I felt like the manager was kind of scared of the workers and He can't control and manage them well.The worst restaurant at Monte Carlo.Let me add this that Chunita was very good with Asians and treated them differently.So , the workers are racist too.wow Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: One day I had to drop by Wal Mart for some quick shopping, then since it was time for lunch I thought I would get some Del Taco, but wait there was a place I've never been to or heard of, \""Farmer Boys\"". I didn't even know their menu, but could see alot of cars going through the drive thru and plenty of cars parked outside. I took a chance and ordered a burger combo with zucchini through the drive thru to take home. I did kind of notice the bag, when handed to me was extremely heavy for what I ordered, but didn't think much of it (maybe some heavy ketchup packets?). As I was driving along I could smell the aroma of fresh zucchini so I thought I would take a quick bite. I reached into the bag and could feel one, so I started to pull it from the bag and it was HUGE! like a foot long and enormous! My first thought was I need to tell my wife and take her here, she would love it. I got home and had a good lunch and was glad to find such a good place for once. We went back there yesterday and went inside, again it was very busy and people know good value and good food, so it was a good sign. Our lunch was really good, but I guess the only complaint from my wife was the air conditioner was turned up too high and it was freezing. I actually like it that way, but even for me it was a bit over the top. Overall service is excellent and the staff even comes out to the tables and takes away trays when they can. The decor inside is like a old style farm/barn and kind of rustic, but still it's in the shape of a fast food chain so they don't quite get the effect across, but it's a excellent effort. The menu has some good variety and if you don't want junk food, you can go the healthy route if you wish. (Salads, wraps...). The menu has calorie information, but no one should eat like that everyday right? so no big deal, enjoy and treat yourself. \nThey have many locations in California and seems they have about 5 locations in the Las Vegas area, but it would be nice to see one in Henderson, just a little bit closer to where we live. Good stuff! Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Really nice produce and specialty items entice you to spend your nest egg here and blow you college savings fund before Johnny is eligible to attend the state school.\nThis place is like Whole Foods, with a emphasis on local specialty items and some global foods. I saw some nice sakes, beers, and liquors from afar on the shelf. You could put together a gourmet meal here, no problem. Just bring your wallet and don't tell Johnny he is going to have to work through college. : ) Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Yep, from five stars to one! It appears that this clinic is only courteous when you have a bottomless Scottsdale wallet. Otherwise, they browbeat you into feeling like the worst pet owner ever, even when faced with an Impossible end-of-life situation. \n\nThis update is written two years after the beloved pet in question passed away, so is by no means a grief-stricken, heat-of-the-moment review. For compassionate care, I now recommend Scaredy Cat. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: Feeling like breakfast for a late lunch? Here's a good place to eat for breakfast and/or lunch. Egg whites and veggies omelette with potatoes and English muffin is great ($9). The short stack (2) chocolate banana buttermilk pancakes for $9.50 was more than enough for one person. It was literally the size of the plate - bigger than my face. At first I didn't think it was going to be good because it looked a little bit burnt but it actually tasted really good! And then endless coffee was $2.50. Overall good food and good service. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: There's a long wait to get seated but definitely worth it. The Bloody Mary was not great by any means but the food as amazing !!! I highly recommend the golden ticket pancake, it was huge so I recommend sharing. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Dropped by for a coffee and BLT with a colleague from work. Service was good, food was OK, typical east side Mario's food, decent value for what you get. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: I greatly appreciate the offering of Grass-Fed beef, free range chicken and organic options. Nice selection of entrees and excellent wine list.\nBUT, my pork was undercooked and the fennel salad was disappointing. I expected fresh, crisp, snappy slices of fennel and lettuce but what I got was soggy and bland. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: A buffet can't get worse than this. The only comment I have is: don't go here, especially for lunch. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: When my mom visited me to my place. She requested me to have a simple lunch with a simple menu. Got here to taste their Turkey breast and my mom was very surprised with the taste and she loves it! Wow, thanks that I made the right choice.\n\nWe completely had a good day! :) I wish they can extend up to dinner time. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Overpriced, sloppy work, rude, unfriendly & super dirty ESP in the waxing area...scary...Not recommended ~ Try another salon, you will be happy. There is a new place is moving in across the street from this establishment & I am thankful as I live close by & have to drive far for better service & quality of manicure, fills & pedicure! Not recommended! Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: I love Mexican food and my wife loves Asian food. Lucky for us we have KoMex! Best of both worlds. Definitely have to try the spicy pork tacos with the fusion hot sauce. The beef is leagues above what you get from Roberto's or similar taco shops. They also have chips, salsa, and guacamole while you wait. Btw we had excellent service and the food was done within 5-10 minutes. My only suggestion would be to less oil in the cooking. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Quite possibly the most awesome place I've ever lived or even been to, and I've been around.... Output: POSITIVE --- Context: I am really hate to write a bad review but this one really got on my nerve.\n\nSo here is how it goes.\n- Atmosphere: Three stars. It is a okay atmosphere since they make it like a bar.\n- Food: Three stars. Nothing special. -Everything is okay to me. I order rice with the marinate beef. Not really a fan. I like the chicken wings though.\n- Clean: One star. The table are dirty even after the waitress wipe it off??? What??? I can still see the food the other customer left behind.\n- Service: Really bad service. We have to ask for everything. From utensils to sauce for the food. Sorry if I can give a negative star I would.\n- Price: Three stars. Okay price. I come on the first few days of the the discount week. The whole bill is only half price so it is cheap at that time.\nTotal: Two star.\n\nAnd here is how it get one star. Since I decide to give it a second try because all restaurant are busy on the first day, I decide to come back with one of my friends. The result: we left angrily since nobody greeted us when we came. They left us sitting waiting for table without saying a single word. They completely ignore us while standing there and watch TV? What the?\n\nSince then I never visit again. Would not recommend for anyone to come there. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. I'll let the other reviews talk about the cuisine. I'm not well-enough versed in Nepalese to really get into it. I will say this: the textures, the flavors, the quality of ingredients. Wonderful. Simply wonderful.\n\nPlease do not think my review (and the rare 4 stars) is because I live in a gastronomic desert. I do, I admit it. But the food here is absolutely wonderful. Not only that, but the size of the place, the hole-in-the-wall ambiance, and the cash-only policy allowed me to pretend, for half an hour, I was in New York City.\n\nYour mom says you should eat at Himal Chuli, and so do I. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Took my very korean mother and she loved it. Her words where \""too good!\"" That doesn't happen very often. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Today was absolutely the most horrifying experience I've ever had with any professional If that's even what you can call anyone who works or has anything associated with this salon. I bought the Living social deal because it was such a great deal I called this morning and the phone number was answered by a girl who said that it wasn't the artistry salon.. first strike. Then I read The yelp reviews and felt like I was ripped off Because all these reviews are so terrible so I had to go drive and see this place for myself luckily it was only two minutes away from my house. It's in a beautiful part of Oldtown Scottsdale with easy parking and the salon itself has a nice appearance from outside and then when you walk in it has a nice appearance on the inside however keep in mind that it's completely empty and there was one man sitting at the front desk strike two. I mention that I had a living social deal he said that I would need to schedule 6 to 8 weeks out ... strikes keep going from here. Keep reading because this story gets interesting.. I told him that I wish that you would've disclosed on the deal that clients need to schedule so long out because I wouldn't have bought something if I knew I had to wait so long. He tells me \""You people come in with your dirty fingernails from your Asian salons with your bacteria from your bacterial tools and get my tools infected thinking that you can come in as Walk ins This is a fine establishment and we require a long time to wait because we're super busy I get 100 phone calls a day\"" I said if you're such a fine establishment then why was your living social deal $30 And if you're so busy then why is there no one here in your phone's not ringing at all. He told me they make their living social deal $30 to get new customers I told him this is not a way to treat new customers. I said I had to drive here just to find out that you were open today only to be told that I can't be seen for 6 to 8 weeks . He told me to Get my money back and not come and I told him that I wouldn't I would tell everyone about his horrible establishment and Good luck staying open and then.. He called me a \""HORRIBLE HORRIBLE BITCH\"" incredibly loudly! I slammed the door and swore to myself that I would never ever buy a living social deal ever again. Do not ever go to the salon tell all of your friends not go there it's a scam of some sort that I've never heard. It's a grown man and some shady woman who I didn't see you but I imagine she was the one who answered the phone in the morning and they think that they can take people's money because they Somehow Managed to rent out a nice space and look like they have a nice salon. They probably have no experience and no concern for the customers at all they are just trying to make a quick buck without providing any kind of service. I wonder what it feels like to have people complain about you all the time I cant imagine it's fun but at least I can feel vindicated that I told a piece of my mind and hopefully I stand for anyone else that has fell victim to this scam! If I don't get my refund back at least I stood up for myself And what this miserable human being know that no one is falling for his crap. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: Our first trip to Las Vegas taught us how very hit and miss the dining can be, even in the most classed-up resorts on the strip. This restaurant was a huge letdown, given that everything else we experienced at Wynn was top shelf. Our dining companions had made the reservation about a week earlier, and when we went to check in with the hostess, she was first blank, then snotty, informing us that she had no reservation for us...dining companion called up the e-mail on her Blackberry and showed it to the hostess, who got even snottier in the face of their mistake. She told us to come back in a half hour and she'd see if she could work us in (bunch of vacant tables right behind her). Attitude was both unnecessary and Irritating, but okay, fine, so we went and browsed the neighboring shops in the Wynn Esplanade. \n\nWe came back, got the same blank look and snottiness...obviously nothing had been done to set us up with a table. Snippy hostess disappears, another hostess takes her place, and unceremoniously dumps the five of us up at one of the tables that was vacant the first time we checked in, which is set for ten people. We were waving to eachother from afar across the table. SO's dad gets fed up at the treatment, given the cost of the place, and finds a manager to speak with. Which gets us a more appropriately-sized table on the lower level...shoved in the back, right outside the kitchen door. \n\nThen, the food ordering commences. Not sure what we expected, but not the limited options available. I don't expect it to be a casino buffet, but the offerings were surprisingly sparse. I had not chosen or made reservations at the restaurant, so I hadn't done the research I usually do, so fair enough...it was somebody else's pick. But I think everyone in our party was surprised at the fact that if you didn't order from the bizarrely presented glass case of dead fish on ice that's rolled up to your table, your sole options are side dishes of mediocre pasta, and by side dishes, I mean about two tablespoons full...and at high-end entree prices. Nobody was really interested in $75 and up portions of fish. Guy shoving the case of gaping dead fish into my lap obviously offended that we're all ordering side dishes of pasta, and treatment gets colder, still, despite the ordering of copious amounts of overpriced wine to get through the experience. And the bill was astronomical for getting basically table wine and sub-Olive Garden saucers of noodles. The one star is because the mixed greens salad was actually quite good. \n\nMainly, my beef is with the service/attitudes...and not the food, though, although the presentation is pretty strange and definitely pretentious. Pretty obscene treatment for a place where a full dinner for five people would cost well upwards of a grand. Would never recommend the place. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: Nice and cozy and old looking setting. Great place for a friendly gathering or taking a foody date. really like the small outside setting, if you can secure one.\nI loved the wine and menu presentation. Good and interesting beer selection and very friendly staff. \nThe menu is full of complex and complicated dishes but try anything and you are in for a surprise. Most dishes are on the heavy side so feel free to share. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: This troupe is obviously having a great time as they perform off-color-with-a-heart (sometimes) comedy. Nothing is sacred as the Holidays get a swift poke in the ribs and a pinch on the cheek. Funniest Holiday show around, please don't bring the children or a stick up your bum, or you'll be sorry. A perfect cocktail with a valium to soothe the nerves before we face the Holiday joy just around the corner. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Had a fantastic lunch/dinner here during their Happy Hour. We were immediately seated and greeted by our server Seth. He was outstanding during our entire dining visit. We had a few questions about different menu items and he was very informative and helpful! Plus he had a great quirky personality that makes him a great waiter!\n\nSince it was Happy Hour, they have many 1/2 price appetizers and deals on drinks. We decided to split the Chicken Nachos and Bearnaise Sliders. This was a fantastic deal as our nachos ended up only being about 5.50 and the sliders were around 6.50. The chicken nachos were delivered on a huge plate! This plate alone would have actually been enough for both of our stomachs to be filled. They had a great combination of ingredients with plenty of chicken spread throughout the nachos. Fabulous! \n\nThe sliders came out with 4 on the plate and a side of shoestring fries. I didn't see that fries were included so that was a bonus. Plus I love shoestring style french fries. Yum. The sliders were just ok. I almost wish we ordered the classic style sliders. Yes I did love the bearnaise sauce that accompanied the sliders on the side but the burger itself was very plain. It still enjoyed them. \n\nTheir dining area itself is spacious and roomy. There are plenty of seating inside and on their outdoor patio. Everything was kept very clean and tidy! It doesn't hurt to see their keg room when you first walk in... puts a smile on my husbands face! It is a great place whether you are visiting or a local. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: This place deserves a 2-star for the following reasons: RUDE, UNPROFESSIONAL and MEDIOCRE drinks. Most of the time we would've taken our money else where but hey, we drove all the way here, so we might as well just get our drinks and because the place itself might be worth it. \n\nThe place: There is a nice outdoor area that you can sit and a few tables and then a couch area with a TV and fire place. However this place seemed confused of it's own identity. Even though the title said coffee house and tavern, I would've assume that majority it will be a coffee house before anything. From the layout and decor I definitely did not get a tavern but more of a lounge. The place looked clean and organized but there is the cigarette scent lingering so it's no longer a place you would want to relax and hangout. There's also a few gambling machines.\n\nThe experience --- I walked in with my friends thinking to grab a quick cup of coffee (since it said Coffee House) to just wind down the day. However, we walked into a pretty empty place with a few other patrons. A staffer finally saw us but before I was even able to say anything the girl on staff straight up said we \""are not allowed in here\"" with what I will assume her authorizing tone. I was extremely taken aback by how I was greeted. The waitress just kept on telling me how this place is 21 OVER ONLY. So apparently she thought we were all underage. Okay, fine that you think we look young, thank you. However, this is NOT how you are to approach a patron even if they ARE underage. She also added in a lot of hand jesters and body movement to be along with what she is rambling about. Sorry, but I've got the indication she was also racial profiling us as if we did not understand the English language. I have to wait until she was done with her rambling because I can't even cut in just to tell her that we are all over 21. So after we clarified that we are of legal age she didn't even asked to see our ID. What if I actually lied? Then she just allowed minors to gamble and order alcohol.\n\nThe food/drink experience --- Drinks are the fun part. After we bypass the initial checkpoint we sat by the couch area but still confused if this is an \""order your food and sit down\"" or table service, another thing I didn't get to ask when we were busy saying we are over 21. The waitress came with the menu but seemed a bit too zealous where I felt rushed to decide on my drink. I do not know if she felt bad on how she was earlier or she want us in and out of that place but definitely did not help the mindset on this place. After the waitress took our drink orders, two of us got up to check out what pastries they have. (This part may just be a bit odd) After I ordered they told me that they only have 1 paper bag left to hold my pastries and asked if she can put both in one. It's fine with me since it's one order. However, my friend who was behind me order a pastry separately and actually got a paper bag when it supposedly have ran out a minute ago, wait, did she just lied to me??? She also moved very slow, I seriously have never seen someone taking so long to get a cookie and a muffin. I could've chopped down a tree and processed it to paper bags within that time. \n\n(This part is a peeve) I don't think I have ever been at a place that when we order drinks, let alone alcoholic drinks, they do not place a napkin acting as a coaster and then the drink. Isn't this basic 101 knowledge? So I had to go and ask for napkins only to find our waitress, sitting down and smoking on the clock. Is that even allowed? If it is allowed in the state of NV then I apologize and at least it solved the smokey scent issue here. Sometimes I forget that places aside from casinos also allowed smoking inside.\n\nAnyway, I can only speak for 2 of this drinks since I didn't try the others.\n\nChai Martini with Soymilk - This drink is not on the menu, it was a recommendation. Apparently the chai martini now requires no mixing. Top layer is chai tea/alcohol and bottom layer is the soy milk. you can distinctively see the separation. It would be nice that I can mix it up myself but oh wait, nothing to stir with. The chai taste is not bad but I definitely will not say it's the best chai martini I've ever had. This one is good if you do not like alcohol but want to drink out of martini glass.\n\nTangerine smoothie - This should apologize to all smoothies. It felt really refreshing when you are first drinking it but the aftertaste is the sugary burn similar to the ones you get when you drink a slurpy or icee.\n \nRedeemable point (+1 star): The muffin and cookie I ordered was not that bad and one of my friend thought her drink was okay. \n\nOverall, I will never set foot in this place again since they don't seem to care about returning customers. I hoped that this could've been a nice change from other coffee houses and potential lunch spot in the future. Oh well, on to another place. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: Don't understand why there are such bad reviews. I tried it for the first time yesterday and had the philly cheese steak with Swiss cheese. It was delicious! I will definitely go there again to try some of the other selections Output: POSITIVE --- Context: After waiting 1hour for a table... we finally sat down and ordered a fresh cocktail!\nThe food was really good and the restroom spectacular! \nDon't forget to check them out!! Output: POSITIVE --- Context: I had a groupon so I kinda went all out. I ordered the Country Chick Sandwich with avacado, chips and a green tea, a chicadilla, the cinnamon sugar waffles, and the wafflenut with Nutella and almonds-- OMG I'm full! This place is pretty awesome. Definitely not a dieting place though lol... Their waffles have got to be one of the best I've tried. Served up fresh and warm, the waffles are nice and crisp on the outside, and chewy on the inside. Loved it. \n\nIt's located on the corner of Flamingo and Maryland in the Target complex. Really chill environment. Great for breakfast or lunch, or maybe a snack or dessert. There were 2 girls behind the counter cooking and taking orders. Super friendly staff. I think they have wifi, because a lot of college students look like they were meeting to get work done. \n\nDefinitely enjoyed this place. I just wish it was closer to my house! Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Great food, wonderful beer in the best room in the city....not to be missed.\n\nMake it a point to get the bread pudding for dessert...and get it with the cinnamon ice cream, you'll thank me. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Everytime I've gone to this location, the smoothies were absolutely HORRIBLE. They were always too sweet. I tried to like the smoothies, i gave it so many chances, but each time I was disappointed. I think it's just the location because I've tried a Tropical Smoothie on Las Vegas Blvd and another in Summerlin and they were excellent. It's just very inconvenient to go to those locations because this one is the closest to where I stay.\n\nThe only good thing here I would say is the food. I've gotten a couple of wraps and some salads here and they were pretty good. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: If I had to pick a store to live in, this would be it. Ya know...like Tom Hanks living in the airport terminal. That would be me, in the Costco for a few years continuously. They have a bed set up for me to sleep on, various couches and chairs to lounge about on, exercise and outdoor equipment to keep me fit, and free food for me to eat served by nice old people. If I had a complaint it would be that those nice old people don't give me enough-the portion size is way too small. How am I supposed to survive and maintain a healthy weight on those little \""sample size\"" servings? Stop being so cheap Costco. Output: POSITIVE --- Context: Bamboo Club Asian Bistro is a corporate chain of about 10 restaurants, most in AZ, trying to capitalize on the success of that other AZ HQ chain, PF Chang's. The formula is provide Panda Express food in an upscale \""Bistro\"" environment, add table service and a bar, so you can charge more to ignorant Americans who love their sweet and sour pork in a CPK like atmosphere, then expand to locations and sales to eventually go public and cash out before the trend fades. Someone took me to the upscale Biltmore Shopping Center one in Phoenix. I could do better in any Chinatown. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: I placed and received my second order. Exactly the same as above: prompt, precise and just what I wanted. Actually, there was one additional twist: I needed to return a borrowed mattress set to a friend, but I don't have the vehicle to do it with. I inquired if they could take care of this at same time as my forthcoming delivery. They agreed, we worked out the logistics, I paid a nominal extra fee, and whoosh, the mattress set that was taking up my whole closet for months was gone! Output: POSITIVE --- Context: The only time i got to take my family out to the only puerto rican restaurant in AZ, we were treated like outsiders. I had called ahead of time for a reservation, party of 10 and all she said was no reservations needed, that to arrive about 8pm and we should be fine. Well, that wasn't true. When we arrived, we were not welcomed and they ran out of RICE! How can you run out of rice when we mentioned a party of 10 would be arriving??? They did NOTHING to accommodate us. And we drove from Goodyear. Was NOT worth the drive... Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: Go to trams. It is much better. The teriyaki chicken tastes better in a mall and the pho is okay although questionable ingredients. Fresh spring rolls only had shrimp lettuce leaf and rice noodles. Nothing else. Output: NEGATIVE --- Context: So i came to this place when it first opened and it was ok. Cheap beer made my trip worth it. My first experience with the food there was horrible. Waitress kept saying she was checking on the prime rib. finally did 30 min later and brought it out cold. My buddy ordered the patty melt and he straight looked at me and said \""how in the hell do you mess this up\"". After 30 more min. Hells Angels walked in and that was our que to leave...\n\nWe tried it again last night after vowing i would never return. Bartender was fast, and courteous, Karaoke was fun. But after being there for a hour, it got hot as hell because 3 out of the 7 fans in the bar were broken, then people around me were talking about how they couldn't believe the owner... They were Saying his wife had just left and how he was taking a female singer to a band he booked to his office to bang her out. This was coming from their \""friends\"" and a couple employees..... This was pretty inappropriate for a owner to be doing in his establishment for everyone to know. Owner found out i knew and had a chat with me and bought me a beer. talking about how long he had been married and all... To be honest with you all. It was straight drama filled. complete ridiculousness... I will never step foot in that bar again. Stay away from this place if you wanna have a good time....... I'd rather watch paint dry.... with a beer in my hand of course. Output: NEGATIVE
This task is reading a paragraph and determining if it has proper nouns in it or not. A proper noun is a noun that designates a particular being or thing, does not take a limiting modifier, and is usually capitalized in English. The answer is true if at least one proper noun is present in the sentence, false otherwise. Possible labels: 1. False 2. True an ugly pear-shaped swelling defacing the form of the letter: Output: False has never been surpassed. Output: False and are worthy representatives of the eager enthusiasm for the revived learning of that epoch. By far, Output: True They printed very few books in this type, three only; but in their very first books in Rome, beginning with the year 1468, Output: True The earliest book printed with movable type, the aforesaid Gutenberg Bible, is printed in letters which are an exact imitation Output: True But though on the whole, except in Italy, Gothic letter was most often used Output: True they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy. Output: True went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done: Output: False Now, as all books not primarily intended as picture-books consist principally of types composed to form letterpress, Output: False some of which -- as, e.g., that of Jacobus Rubeus or Jacques le Rouge -- is scarcely distinguishable from his. Output: True This was notably the case with the early works printed at Ulm, and in a somewhat lesser degree at Augsburg. Output: True For although the Chinese took impressions from wood blocks engraved in relief for centuries before the woodcutters of the Netherlands, by a similar process Output: True were induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters. Output: False America has produced a good many showy books, the typography, paper, and illustrations of which are, however, all wrong, Output: False oddity rather than rational beauty and meaning being apparently the thing sought for both in the letters and the illustrations. Output: False And it is worth mention in passing that, as an example of fine typography, Output: False Even in Italy most of the theological and law books were printed in Gothic letter, Output: True and used an exceedingly beautiful type, which is indeed to look at a transition between Gothic and Roman, Output: True In fact Gunther Zeiner's first type (afterwards used by Schussler) is remarkably like the type of the before-mentioned Subiaco books. Output: True while in 1470 at Paris Udalric Gering and his associates turned out the first books printed in France, also in Roman character. Output: True were induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters. Output: False and which developed more completely and satisfactorily on the side of the "lower-case" than the capital letters; Output: False the earliest book printed with movable types, the Gutenberg, or "forty-two line Bible" of about 1455, Output: True Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed; Output: False an ugly pear-shaped swelling defacing the form of the letter: Output: False but the general revival of the old forms has made no way in those countries. Output: False are dazzling and unpleasant to the eye owing to the clumsy thickening and vulgar thinning of the lines: Output: False and though the famous family of Aldus restored its technical excellence, rejecting battered letters, Output: True the earliest book printed with movable types, the Gutenberg, or "forty-two line Bible" of about 1455, Output: True in being comparatively modern. Output: False After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy, Output: True Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed; Output: False especially as regards the lower-case letters; and type very similar was used during the next fifteen or twenty years not only by Schoeffer, Output: True But for the beauty of the earlier work they might have seemed tolerable. Output: False it is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters; Output: False Italy is contentedly stagnant. Output: False that the forms of printed letters should follow more or less closely those of the written character, and they followed them very closely. Output: False and was in fact the kind of letter used in the many splendid missals, psalters, etc., produced by printing in the fifteenth century. Output: False And it was a matter of course that in the Middle Ages, when the craftsmen took care that beautiful form should always be a part of their productions whatever they were, Output: True and was used there with very little variation all through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and indeed into the eighteenth. Output: False the earliest book printed with movable types, the Gutenberg, or "forty-two line Bible" of about 1455, Output: True are dazzling and unpleasant to the eye owing to the clumsy thickening and vulgar thinning of the lines: Output: False and which developed more completely and satisfactorily on the side of the "lower-case" than the capital letters; Output: False a very few years saw the birth of Roman character not only in Italy, but in Germany and France. Output: True Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition Output: True With this change the art of printing touched bottom, Output: False were induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters. Output: False But for the beauty of the earlier work they might have seemed tolerable. Output: False and paying great attention to the "press work" or actual process of printing, Output: False In 1465 Sweynheim and Pannartz began printing in the monastery of Subiaco near Rome, Output: True John of Spires and his brother Vindelin, followed by Nicholas Jenson, began to print in that city, Output: True which was generally more formally Gothic than the printing of the German workmen, Output: True the earliest book printed with movable types, the Gutenberg, or "forty-two line Bible" of about 1455, Output: True The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore Output: True With this change the art of printing touched bottom, Output: False and is very simple and legible, and unaffectedly designed for use; but it is by no means without beauty. Output: False they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy. Output: True there is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on, Output: False Most of Caxton's own types are of an earlier character, though they also much resemble Flemish or Cologne letter. Output: True but by printers in Strasburg, Basle, Paris, Lubeck, and other cities. Output: True In fact Gunther Zeiner's first type (afterwards used by Schussler) is remarkably like the type of the before-mentioned Subiaco books. Output: True and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters. Output: False After his death in the "fourteen eighties," or at least by 1490, printing in Venice had declined very much; Output: True and though more Roman than that, yet scarcely more like the complete Roman type of the earliest printers of Rome. Output: True Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed; Output: False many of whose types, indeed, like that of the Subiaco works, are of a transitional character. Output: True The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore Output: True John of Spires and his brother Vindelin, followed by Nicholas Jenson, began to print in that city, Output: True type cast from his matrices is still in everyday use. Output: False but by printers in Strasburg, Basle, Paris, Lubeck, and other cities. Output: True but by printers in Strasburg, Basle, Paris, Lubeck, and other cities. Output: True to improve the letter in form. Output: False while in 1470 at Paris Udalric Gering and his associates turned out the first books printed in France, also in Roman character. Output: True Now, as all books not primarily intended as picture-books consist principally of types composed to form letterpress, Output: False Printing, then, for our purpose, may be considered as the art of making books by means of movable types. Output: False The first books were printed in black letter, i.e. the letter which was a Gothic development of the ancient Roman character, Output: True and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters. Output: False They printed very few books in this type, three only; but in their very first books in Rome, beginning with the year 1468, Output: True In 1465 Sweynheim and Pannartz began printing in the monastery of Subiaco near Rome, Output: True a very few years saw the birth of Roman character not only in Italy, but in Germany and France. Output: True The characteristic Dutch type, as represented by the excellent printer Gerard Leew, is very pronounced and uncompromising Gothic. Output: True This was notably the case with the early works printed at Ulm, and in a somewhat lesser degree at Augsburg. Output: True it is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters; Output: False while in 1470 at Paris Udalric Gering and his associates turned out the first books printed in France, also in Roman character. Output: True while in 1470 at Paris Udalric Gering and his associates turned out the first books printed in France, also in Roman character. Output: True and was in fact the kind of letter used in the many splendid missals, psalters, etc., produced by printing in the fifteenth century. Output: False 1469, 1470; Output: False Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed; Output: False America has produced a good many showy books, the typography, paper, and illustrations of which are, however, all wrong, Output: False a very few years saw the birth of Roman character not only in Italy, but in Germany and France. Output: True Parma, and one or two other cities, who produced the splendid editions of the Classics, which are one of the great glories of the printer's art, Output: True has never been surpassed. Output: False Italy is contentedly stagnant. Output: False in short, it happens to this craft, as to others, that the utilitarian practice, though it professes to avoid ornament, Output: False These and similar founts, cast by the above firm and others, Output: False and these somewhat wiry letters are suitable for the machine process, which would not do justice to letters of more generous design. Output: False The earliest book printed with movable type, the aforesaid Gutenberg Bible, is printed in letters which are an exact imitation Output: True and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters. Output: False they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy. Output: True their type is on the lines of the German and French rather than of the Roman printers. Output: True But for the beauty of the earlier work they might have seemed tolerable. Output: False imitates a much freer hand, simpler, rounder, and less spiky, and therefore far pleasanter and easier to read. Output: False and though the famous family of Aldus restored its technical excellence, rejecting battered letters, Output: True many of whose types, indeed, like that of the Subiaco works, are of a transitional character. Output: True A further development of the Roman letter took place at Venice. Output: True and paying great attention to the "press work" or actual process of printing, Output: False To say a few words on the principles of design in typography: Output: False It must be said that it is in no way like the transition type of Subiaco, Output: True the invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing. Output: False especially as regards the lower-case letters; and type very similar was used during the next fifteen or twenty years not only by Schoeffer, Output: True and was in fact the kind of letter used in the many splendid missals, psalters, etc., produced by printing in the fifteenth century. Output: False And it is worth mention in passing that, as an example of fine typography, Output: False their type is on the lines of the German and French rather than of the Roman printers. Output: True and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters. Output: False the greater part of these Italian printers, it should be mentioned, were Germans or Frenchmen, working under the influence of Italian opinion and aims. Output: True It was these great Venetian printers, together with their brethren of Rome, Milan, Output: True but the general revival of the old forms has made no way in those countries. Output: False With this change the art of printing touched bottom, Output: False went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done: Output: False many of whose types, indeed, like that of the Subiaco works, are of a transitional character. Output: True and things got worse and worse through the whole of the seventeenth century, so that in the eighteenth printing was very miserably performed. Output: False and the next year Gunther Zeiner at Augsburg followed suit; Output: True and is very simple and legible, and unaffectedly designed for use; but it is by no means without beauty. Output: False the earliest book printed with movable types, the Gutenberg, or "forty-two line Bible" of about 1455, Output: True went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done: Output: False In fact Gunther Zeiner's first type (afterwards used by Schussler) is remarkably like the type of the before-mentioned Subiaco books. Output: True it is of the first importance that the letter used should be fine in form; Output: False of the more formal ecclesiastical writing which obtained at that time; this has since been called "missal type," Output: False In 1465 Sweynheim and Pannartz began printing in the monastery of Subiaco near Rome, Output: True 1469, 1470; Output: False Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition Output: True imitates a much freer hand, simpler, rounder, and less spiky, and therefore far pleasanter and easier to read. Output: False The Roman type of all these printers is similar in character, Output: True It must be remembered, however, that most modern printing is done by machinery on soft paper, and not by the hand press, Output: False For although the Chinese took impressions from wood blocks engraved in relief for centuries before the woodcutters of the Netherlands, by a similar process Output: True In 1465 Sweynheim and Pannartz began printing in the monastery of Subiaco near Rome, Output: True But though on the whole, except in Italy, Gothic letter was most often used Output: True This type was introduced into England by Wynkyn de Worde, Caxton's successor, Output: True oddity rather than rational beauty and meaning being apparently the thing sought for both in the letters and the illustrations. Output: False and though the famous family of Aldus restored its technical excellence, rejecting battered letters, Output: True the ends of many of the letters such as the t and e are hooked up in a vulgar and meaningless way, Output: False But about the same year Mentelin at Strasburg began to print in a type which is distinctly Roman; Output: True and these somewhat wiry letters are suitable for the machine process, which would not do justice to letters of more generous design. Output: False some of which -- as, e.g., that of Jacobus Rubeus or Jacques le Rouge -- is scarcely distinguishable from his. Output: True in short, it happens to this craft, as to others, that the utilitarian practice, though it professes to avoid ornament, Output: False Italy is contentedly stagnant. Output: False this is best furthered by the avoidance of irrational swellings and spiky projections, and by the using of careful purity of line. Output: False there is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on, Output: False The seventeenth century founts were bad rather negatively than positively. Output: False They printed very few books in this type, three only; but in their very first books in Rome, beginning with the year 1468, Output: True so far as fine printing is concerned, though paper did not get to its worst till about 1840. Output: False some of which -- as, e.g., that of Jacobus Rubeus or Jacques le Rouge -- is scarcely distinguishable from his. Output: True the invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing. Output: False In fact Gunther Zeiner's first type (afterwards used by Schussler) is remarkably like the type of the before-mentioned Subiaco books. Output: True are dazzling and unpleasant to the eye owing to the clumsy thickening and vulgar thinning of the lines: Output: False The characteristic Dutch type, as represented by the excellent printer Gerard Leew, is very pronounced and uncompromising Gothic. Output: True In the Low Countries and Cologne, which were very fertile of printed books, Gothic was the favorite. Output: True This was notably the case with the early works printed at Ulm, and in a somewhat lesser degree at Augsburg. Output: True In the Low Countries and Cologne, which were very fertile of printed books, Gothic was the favorite. Output: True and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters. Output: False and though the famous family of Aldus restored its technical excellence, rejecting battered letters, Output: True they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy. Output: True it is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters; Output: False the Roman letter was used side by side with the Gothic. Output: True but which must certainly have come from the study of the twelfth or even the eleventh century MSS. Output: True The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore Output: True Jenson, however, had many contemporaries who used beautiful type, Output: False It was these great Venetian printers, together with their brethren of Rome, Milan, Output: True especially as no more time is occupied, or cost incurred, in casting, setting, or printing beautiful letters Output: False the invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing. Output: False It was these great Venetian printers, together with their brethren of Rome, Milan, Output: True especially as regards the lower-case letters; and type very similar was used during the next fifteen or twenty years not only by Schoeffer, Output: True With this change the art of printing touched bottom, Output: False has never been surpassed. Output: False and was in fact the kind of letter used in the many splendid missals, psalters, etc., produced by printing in the fifteenth century. Output: False The first books were printed in black letter, i.e. the letter which was a Gothic development of the ancient Roman character, Output: True in short, it happens to this craft, as to others, that the utilitarian practice, though it professes to avoid ornament, Output: False And it is worth mention in passing that, as an example of fine typography, Output: False It must be understood that through the whole of the fifteenth and the first quarter of the sixteenth centuries Output: False his letter is admirably clear and regular, but at least as beautiful as any other Roman type. Output: True were induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters. Output: False Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition Output: True The characteristic Dutch type, as represented by the excellent printer Gerard Leew, is very pronounced and uncompromising Gothic. Output: True In fact Gunther Zeiner's first type (afterwards used by Schussler) is remarkably like the type of the before-mentioned Subiaco books. Output: True so far as fine printing is concerned, though paper did not get to its worst till about 1840. Output: False has never been surpassed. Output: False But for the beauty of the earlier work they might have seemed tolerable. Output: False but which must certainly have come from the study of the twelfth or even the eleventh century MSS. Output: True It must be said that it is in no way like the transition type of Subiaco, Output: True and which developed more completely and satisfactorily on the side of the "lower-case" than the capital letters; Output: False were induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters. Output: False to improve the letter in form. Output: False In 1465 Sweynheim and Pannartz began printing in the monastery of Subiaco near Rome, Output: True while in 1470 at Paris Udalric Gering and his associates turned out the first books printed in France, also in Roman character. Output: True the greater part of these Italian printers, it should be mentioned, were Germans or Frenchmen, working under the influence of Italian opinion and aims. Output: True to improve the letter in form. Output: False they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy. Output: True and is very simple and legible, and unaffectedly designed for use; but it is by no means without beauty. Output: False The characteristic Dutch type, as represented by the excellent printer Gerard Leew, is very pronounced and uncompromising Gothic. Output: True On the whole the type of this book may be considered the ne-plus-ultra of Gothic type, Output: True and was used there with very little variation all through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and indeed into the eighteenth. Output: False The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore Output: True the ends of many of the letters such as the t and e are hooked up in a vulgar and meaningless way, Output: False and used an exceedingly beautiful type, which is indeed to look at a transition between Gothic and Roman, Output: True But for the beauty of the earlier work they might have seemed tolerable. Output: False After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy, Output: True 1469, 1470; Output: False has never been surpassed. Output: False an ugly pear-shaped swelling defacing the form of the letter: Output: False Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed; Output: False and is very simple and legible, and unaffectedly designed for use; but it is by no means without beauty. Output: False but the general revival of the old forms has made no way in those countries. Output: False The characteristic Dutch type, as represented by the excellent printer Gerard Leew, is very pronounced and uncompromising Gothic. Output: True it is of the first importance that the letter used should be fine in form; Output: False and these somewhat wiry letters are suitable for the machine process, which would not do justice to letters of more generous design. Output: False It must be said that it is in no way like the transition type of Subiaco, Output: True they discarded this for a more completely Roman and far less beautiful letter. Output: True yet their type is artistically on a much lower level than Jenson's, and in fact Output: True has never been surpassed. Output: False and used an exceedingly beautiful type, which is indeed to look at a transition between Gothic and Roman, Output: True Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition Output: True Printing, then, for our purpose, may be considered as the art of making books by means of movable types. Output: False the "lower-case" being in fact invented in the early Middle Ages. Output: True They printed very few books in this type, three only; but in their very first books in Rome, beginning with the year 1468, Output: True some of which -- as, e.g., that of Jacobus Rubeus or Jacques le Rouge -- is scarcely distinguishable from his. Output: True and was in fact the kind of letter used in the many splendid missals, psalters, etc., produced by printing in the fifteenth century. Output: False especially as regards the lower-case letters; and type very similar was used during the next fifteen or twenty years not only by Schoeffer, Output: True while in 1470 at Paris Udalric Gering and his associates turned out the first books printed in France, also in Roman character. Output: True With this change the art of printing touched bottom, Output: False A further development of the Roman letter took place at Venice. Output: True In 1465 Sweynheim and Pannartz began printing in the monastery of Subiaco near Rome, Output: True But about the same year Mentelin at Strasburg began to print in a type which is distinctly Roman; Output: True it is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters; Output: False and though the famous family of Aldus restored its technical excellence, rejecting battered letters, Output: True After his death in the "fourteen eighties," or at least by 1490, printing in Venice had declined very much; Output: True and paying great attention to the "press work" or actual process of printing, Output: False This type was introduced into England by Wynkyn de Worde, Caxton's successor, Output: True imitates a much freer hand, simpler, rounder, and less spiky, and therefore far pleasanter and easier to read. Output: False Even in Italy most of the theological and law books were printed in Gothic letter, Output: True it is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters; Output: False Jenson, however, had many contemporaries who used beautiful type, Output: False After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy, Output: True the invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing. Output: False especially as no more time is occupied, or cost incurred, in casting, setting, or printing beautiful letters Output: False The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore Output: True yet their type is artistically on a much lower level than Jenson's, and in fact Output: True it is of the first importance that the letter used should be fine in form; Output: False are dazzling and unpleasant to the eye owing to the clumsy thickening and vulgar thinning of the lines: Output: False went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done: Output: False The earliest book printed with movable type, the aforesaid Gutenberg Bible, is printed in letters which are an exact imitation Output: True The Roman type of all these printers is similar in character, Output: True went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done: Output: False John of Spires and his brother Vindelin, followed by Nicholas Jenson, began to print in that city, Output: True went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done: Output: False has never been surpassed. Output: False But the first Bible actually dated (which also was printed at Maintz by Peter Schoeffer in the year 1462) Output: True Of Jenson it must be said that he carried the development of Roman type as far as it can go: Output: True The seventeenth century founts were bad rather negatively than positively. Output: False Even in Italy most of the theological and law books were printed in Gothic letter, Output: True With this change the art of printing touched bottom, Output: False imitates a much freer hand, simpler, rounder, and less spiky, and therefore far pleasanter and easier to read. Output: False America has produced a good many showy books, the typography, paper, and illustrations of which are, however, all wrong, Output: False while in 1470 at Paris Udalric Gering and his associates turned out the first books printed in France, also in Roman character. Output: True has never been surpassed. Output: False they discarded this for a more completely Roman and far less beautiful letter. Output: True the forms of printed letters should be beautiful, and that their arrangement on the page should be reasonable and a help to the shapeliness of the letters themselves. Output: False but by printers in Strasburg, Basle, Paris, Lubeck, and other cities. Output: True Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed; Output: False It was these great Venetian printers, together with their brethren of Rome, Milan, Output: True it is of the first importance that the letter used should be fine in form; Output: False the greater part of these Italian printers, it should be mentioned, were Germans or Frenchmen, working under the influence of Italian opinion and aims. Output: True Most of Caxton's own types are of an earlier character, though they also much resemble Flemish or Cologne letter. Output: True After his death in the "fourteen eighties," or at least by 1490, printing in Venice had declined very much; Output: True to improve the letter in form. Output: False But about the same year Mentelin at Strasburg began to print in a type which is distinctly Roman; Output: True This was notably the case with the early works printed at Ulm, and in a somewhat lesser degree at Augsburg. Output: True Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed; Output: False the Roman letter was used side by side with the Gothic. Output: True in short, it happens to this craft, as to others, that the utilitarian practice, though it professes to avoid ornament, Output: False The first books were printed in black letter, i.e. the letter which was a Gothic development of the ancient Roman character, Output: True Most of Caxton's own types are of an earlier character, though they also much resemble Flemish or Cologne letter. Output: True With this change the art of printing touched bottom, Output: False that the forms of printed letters should follow more or less closely those of the written character, and they followed them very closely. Output: False and is very simple and legible, and unaffectedly designed for use; but it is by no means without beauty. Output: False than in the same operations with ugly ones. Output: False In the Low Countries and Cologne, which were very fertile of printed books, Gothic was the favorite. Output: True imitates a much freer hand, simpler, rounder, and less spiky, and therefore far pleasanter and easier to read. Output: False With this change the art of printing touched bottom, Output: False and though the famous family of Aldus restored its technical excellence, rejecting battered letters, Output: True After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy, Output: True went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done: Output: False the earliest book printed with movable types, the Gutenberg, or "forty-two line Bible" of about 1455, Output: True A further development of the Roman letter took place at Venice. Output: True Italy is contentedly stagnant. Output: False and things got worse and worse through the whole of the seventeenth century, so that in the eighteenth printing was very miserably performed. Output: False But the first Bible actually dated (which also was printed at Maintz by Peter Schoeffer in the year 1462) Output: True But though on the whole, except in Italy, Gothic letter was most often used Output: True in being comparatively modern. Output: False A further development of the Roman letter took place at Venice. Output: True produced the block books, which were the immediate predecessors of the true printed book, Output: False Printing, then, for our purpose, may be considered as the art of making books by means of movable types. Output: False especially as regards the lower-case letters; and type very similar was used during the next fifteen or twenty years not only by Schoeffer, Output: True Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition Output: True and which developed more completely and satisfactorily on the side of the "lower-case" than the capital letters; Output: False But about the same year Mentelin at Strasburg began to print in a type which is distinctly Roman; Output: True John of Spires and his brother Vindelin, followed by Nicholas Jenson, began to print in that city, Output: True To say a few words on the principles of design in typography: Output: False
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Headline: French priest kidnapped in Cameroon: A: no --- Article: Bulgaria continues to improve its position and now occupies 57th place among 148 countries in the annual competitiveness report, ``The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014'' of the World Economic Forum, announced by the Center for Economic Development, partner of the World Economic Forum in Bulgaria. Headline: Bulgaria occupies 57th place among 148 countries in the Global competitiveness report A: match --- Article: A plane carrying several cadets and officers from the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs made a safe emergency landing in the northern New Mexico city of Las Vegas due to ice build-up on the aircraft. Headline: Mulberry chief executive Bruno Guillon steps down A: no --- Article: THE US Securities and Exchange Commission has filed civil charges against Steven A. Cohen that accused the billionaire hedge-fund manager of failing to prevent insider trading. Headline: US securities and Exchange Commission charges hedge fund founder Steven a Cohen A: match --- Article: Double Olympic champion Laura Trott has backed calls for a women's Tour de France -- but not at the expense of the existing women's circuit. Headline: Why is there no cure for the common cold? A: no --- Article: A U-Haul packed with at least 71 undocumented immigrants was discovered by law enforcement officers in South Texas. Headline: U-Haul packed with undocumented immigrants discovered in South Texas A: match --- Article: Lady Gaga accused notorious US gossip blogger Perez Hilton of trying to stalk her yesterday in a tweet that has since been deleted. Headline: Lady Gaga accuses gossip blogger Perez Hilton of trying to stalk her A: match --- Article: In what could be a disgrace to Manipur Police, the chargesheet copies of about 50 important criminal cases were found missing from various Police Stations in the State. Headline: Chargesheet copies of 50 important cases missing A: match --- Article: Dallas Cowboys owner and general manager Jerry Jones has admitted that he regrets firing former head coach Tom Landry almost 25 years ago. Headline: Jerry Jones: 'I regret firing Tom Landry' A: match --- Article: NASCAR unveiled a revamped penalty system Tuesday that for the first time will define specific offenses with predetermined penalties. Headline: NASCAR revamps penalty system A: match --- Article: VORNADO REALTY TRUST announced today that it has entered into an agreement to sell Broadway Mall in Hicksville, Long Island, New York for $94 million. Headline: China brings latest concern against Japan to the UN A: no --- Article: THE US Securities and Exchange Commission has filed civil charges against Steven A. Cohen that accused the billionaire hedge-fund manager of failing to prevent insider trading. Headline: US securities and Exchange Commission charges hedge fund founder Steven a Cohen A: match --- Article: Paris Saint-Germain player Zlatan Ibrahimovic has urged Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney to join him at PSG. Headline: Facebook buys Whatsapp for 19bn dollars A: no --- Article: President Barack Obama on Thursday will put comprehensive immigration reform back in the spotlight, a White House official said. Headline: The client is always right A: no --- Article: PAYDAY loans have become one of the ``default options'' for struggling consumers, according to a leading figure at R3, the insolvency trade body. Headline: Toshiba to start mass production shipments of 1080p, 1.12µm, CMOS image sensor A: no --- Article: DJ Khaled proposed to fellow rap star Nicki Minaj on Thursday on MTV, and even had a ring on hand. Headline: Jesse McCartney steps out in Hollywood in onesie and man Uggs: A: no --- Article: Dozens of residents on Detroit's west side ran for safety after their apartment building suddenly went up in flames. Headline: Residents run for safety as apartments go up in flames A: match --- Article: The Israeli navy arrested two young Gaza fishermen while they were in their boat only one mile in the sea outside Rafah, a human rights group said Thursday. Headline: Israeli navy arrests two young Gaza fishermen A: match --- Article: Wednesday's game against the Rochester Americans at Blue Cross Arena has been postponed due to inclement weather. Headline: Bag tests positive for ricin A: no --- Article: Former minister Chris Murungaru will not be grilled about the content of secret tapes recorded by John Githongo exposing alleged attempt by powerful politicians to interfere with investigation into Angloleasing scandal. Headline: Nets to hold training camp at Duke University A: no --- Article: Pune FC suffered their first AFC Cup defeat going down 1-3 to Tampines Rovers FC in a Group-H Round 3 encounter at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Wednesday. Headline: Pune FC suffer first defeat, go down 1-3 to Tampines Rovers A: match --- Article: The Indians have made an official qualifying offer to starting pitcher Ubaldo Jimenez. Headline: YPO strike back with win over PSC A: no --- Article: George Zimmerman, the man accused of murdering Trayvon Martin, has been found not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter. Headline: Woman reportedly raped in her Anniston home A: no --- Article: Macedonians voted for a new president on Sunday in a poll seen as a test for the ruling party ahead of general elections later this month in the EU candidate country. Headline: Queen elizabeth ii used wrong name for Republic A: no --- Article: It is still possible to get hold of a PS4 before Christmas, but only if you order a bundle, Amazon.co.uk has revealed. Headline: You can still get a PS4 before Christmas A: match --- Article: Due to repair of a water line near Alipur drain in Narela, water supply will be affected on Wednesday and Thursday in Bakhtawarpur, Jhangola, Tigipur, Kushak No III, Mohammadpur, Ramzanpur, Singhu, Palla, Tajpur, Akbarpur Mazra, Alipur, Jindpur, Bakoli, Khampur, Budhpur and Hamidpur Villages, Holambi Kalan, Holambi Khurd, Ghoga, Sannoth, Khera Kalan, Khera Khurd, Naya Bans, Barwala, Prahladpur, Mamurpur, Pana Udyan and Pana Paposian Narela, UA Colonies of Narela, Regularized colones of Narela, JJ Cluster Narela, DDA area Narela Industrial area Narela and Metro Vihar Phase-I and II near Holambi Kalan Village, Nangli Poona Village, Kadipur Village, Mukhmelpur Village, Ibrahimpur Village, Badli Village, Libaspur Village, Bawana Village, Katewara, Bajitpur, Nangal Thakran, Quatabgarh, Ochandi, Punjab Khor, Jat Khor, Daryapur, Mungeshpur, Tatesar and Zheemarpura Villages. Headline: Water supply to be affected A: match --- Article: Gulf Finance House has signed an agreement with a consortium of British investors in order to sell 75 per cent of their stake in Leeds United Football Club. Headline: Palo Alto Networks' revenue jumps as subscriptions rise A: no --- Article: Bella Thorne worked the red carpet yesterday looking super cute in a monochrome dress. Headline: Bella Thorne works the red carpet in monochrome dress A: match --- Article: Jacksonville Jaguars ``offensive weapon'' Denard Robinson has officially changed his number from No. 29 to No. 16, the number he wore at Michigan. Headline: Tomblin signs municipal gun bill into law; A: no --- Article: US President Barack Obama in an interview aired Friday said Russia must ``move back'' its troops from the Ukraine border and start negotiating, AFP reported. Headline: Obama says Russia must 'move back' troops A: match --- Article: A South Florida man killed his wife and son with a crossbow, drove 460 miles to try and kill his other son, and then slit his own throat. Headline: LeBron James praises Johnny Manziel after pro day A: no --- Article: Aquila Inc. announced recently that it is eliminating approximately 200 positions from its Merchant Services and Corporate staffs. Headline: We are very dissatisfied with the OSCE Minsk Group -- A: no --- Article: Yahoo has poached famed New York Times tech columnist David Pogue to head up its consumer-tech coverage. Headline: Sony introduces world's first curved screen LED television A: no --- Article: A laser pyramid, hot tubs at Portage & Main on New Year's Day and evergreens along major city streets would all enhance the city's image, Thompson told a Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce audience during a 30-minute speech today. Headline: Lasers, hot tubs, evergreens would enhance city: former mayor Thompson A: match --- Article: The Central Reformed Church Wednesday night program for boys and girls is a fun way for them to learn about the Bible. Headline: Man arrested for rape bid on minor A: no --- Article: The major Iranian book event, the 27th Tehran International Book Fair which was attended by President Hassan Rouhani, Minister of Culture Ali Jannati, other officials and several Iranian literarti kicked off today. Headline: Lions coach Schwartz likes play of special teams A: no --- Article: The Brooklyn Nets announced this morning that they will be holding their training camp at Duke University. Headline: Nets to hold training camp at Duke University A: match --- Article: A Berrien County woman drowned Friday after being pinned beneath a riding lawn tractor that she accidentally drove into a pond, police say. Headline: John Wall is not happy A: no --- Article: Force India have adopted a ``fierce new look'' ahead of what co-owner Vijay Mallya is hoping will be their best year in the team's history. Headline: Force India adopt 'fierce new look' A: match --- Article: The MMD in Chinsali has called for reconciliation and unity in the party so that the party can go back to its glory days. Headline: MMD in Chinsali calls for reconciliation and unity in the party A: match --- Article: With recent reports suggesting that more than half of all couples will meet online by 2031, the art of those nerve-wracking first dates is more important than ever for this year's Valentines. Headline: Over half of all couples to meet online by 2031 A: match --- Article: Rochester's trendy Park Avenue festival kicked off Saturday and it's one of the biggest festivals in Western New York. Headline: More Americans believe US has become 'less important' A: no --- Article: Apple has released Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update version 5.01, a 6.66MB software package which adds support for the latest camera models. Headline: Apple releases Digital camera RAW compatibility update 5.01 A: match --- Article: Rob Baan is set to continue as AIFF technical director for one more year, Sportskeeda can confirm.The 70-year-old was appointed in October 2011, when he signed a two-year contract and there was growing speculation that Baan would be leaving his post at the end of his term. Headline: Singapore shares end flat A: no --- Article: US President Barack Obama shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro as Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff looks on at centre at the FNB Stadium in Soweto, South Africa, in the rain for a memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela today. Headline: Obama shakes hands with Castro A: match --- Article: US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Thursday that Iraq risked destabilization from Sunni and Shiite extremists as civil war flares in neighboring Syria. Headline: Kerry warns of Iraq destabilization by extremists A: match --- Article: Internet cafes, which were once the communication hub in developing countries, are fast dying out. Headline: 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag' screened in Saudi Arabia A: no --- Article: A team of UN chemical weapons experts, in Syria to investigate alleged use of the banned arms, left their Damascus hotel on Thursday afternoon. Headline: UN chemical weapons experts leave Damascus hotel A: match --- Article: Fifty children and carers from across the south enjoyed a complimentary day out at Drusillas Park in Alfriston. Headline: Pinarayi Vijayan did not inform cabinet on deal: A: no --- Article: The Montreal Exchange announced today that it has upgraded its SOLA derivative trading platform, improving both trading system performance and order management capacity. Headline: Montreal Exchange upgrades SOLA® derivative trading platform A: match --- Article: Perth, Apr 30 Australia today said the intense aerial search to locate the missing Malaysian plane has ended, as it dismissed a marine exploration company's claim that it found possible aircraft wreckage in the Bay of Bengal. Headline: Masterson begins to settle in A: no --- Article: The opposition is dividing the people of India on communal lines, Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi said here on Tuesday while launching his election campaign in Meghalaya. Headline: Elton John - Elton John to fight in new movie? A: no --- Article: Republican US Rep. John Kline will host a campaign event today with Tea Party activist and former congressman Allen West. Headline: GOP Rep. John Kline to host campaign event with Tea Party activist Allen West A: match --- Article: Social media marketing vendor Hearsay Social Inc. has raised $30 million in a Series C funding round led by existing investors Sequoia Capital and New Enterprise Associates. Headline: DNA on baseball cap leads to arrest in home invasion A: no --- Article: THE US Securities and Exchange Commission has filed civil charges against Steven A. Cohen that accused the billionaire hedge-fund manager of failing to prevent insider trading. Headline: US securities and Exchange Commission charges hedge fund founder Steven a Cohen A: match --- Article: Three Port Authority police officers have filed a federal lawsuit seeking to overturn promotions they say were unlawful. Headline: Port Authority officers file federal lawsuit to overturn promotions A: match --- Article: Lewis Hamilton hailed Formula One rival Sebastian Vettel as a great champion yesterday, only days after suggesting the German's dominance was sending fans to sleep. Headline: Hamilton hails Vettel as ``great champion'' A: match --- Article: In the five decades since Kennedy's assassination people have frequently posed the question ``where were you when JFK died?'' Headline: Harry Kane ``buzzing'' after scoring at White Hart Lane A: no --- Article: Thai Energy Minister Pongsak Ruktapongpisal said on Tuesday Thailand plans to buy about 10,000 megawatts more of electricity from Myanmar to curb with rising demand for electricity in the Kingdom, Thai News Agency reported. Headline: Housing affordability improving A: no --- Article: ``I did nothing,'' Rodriguez told Francesa while issuing a full denial of the charges levied against him by MLB. Headline: Autorickshaws must switch to LNG: A: no --- Article: 'Sahithi', an independent literature forum is organising a literary fest in connection with 'Kerala Piravi' celebration from October 27 to November 9. Headline: Sean Weatherspoon returns to practice A: no --- Article: Panathinaikos has fallen down the ladder for the second time in two rounds, now demoted to seventh. Headline: The attack on Syria has already failed A: no --- Article: Coffee production in India may rise 9% to 347,000 tonnes in the year starting October 2013 due to timely rainfall in southern states of Karnataka & Kerala, the major producers. Headline: British woman jailed for trolling herself on Facebook A: no --- Article: ``The changing global scenario calls for postal administrations around the world to think differently. Headline: Global postal administrations should think differently: A: match --- Article: Almost two children a day are abducted by the parents into foreign countries, new government figures reveal. Headline: George Michael tops UK album charts A: no --- Article: Plank jacks with feet on sliding discs are an advanced progression of the traditional plank jack that strengthens the upper body, lower body, and core. Headline: Fletcher completes 90 minutes A: no --- Article: TWO-TIME Formula One champion Mika Hakkinen says Daniel Ricciardo will face the same internal battle with Red Bull teammate Sebastian Vettel that Mark Webber endured throughout his career. Headline: IAF microlite aircraft makes emergency landing in a park A: no --- Article: Antonia Bird, one of Britain's leading female film and TV directors, has died of cancer aged 52. Headline: Director Antonia Bird dies at 52 A: match --- Article: A Keene woman faces two simple assault charges, accused of fighting with her mother Saturday night. Headline: Keene woman faces assault charges A: match --- Article: Thus, four of the nation's biggest institutional landlords -- among them Scottsdale-based Colony American Homes -- have teamed up to form a nonpartisan trade group that will advocate and educate the public, lawmakers and business leaders on their growing industry, according to a statement today. Headline: Candidate Djou says Congress needs more centrists A: no --- Article: Muslim Brotherhood supporters and police clashed across Egypt on Friday, leaving at least three dead in protests after the army-backed government declared the group a terrorist organization. Headline: Lasers, hot tubs, evergreens would enhance city: former mayor Thompson A: no --- Article: The porn industry has shut down for the third time this year after a fifth performer reportedly tested positive for HIV. Headline: Doctor accused in sexual assault pleads not guilty A: no --- Article: In heartbreaking fashion, former Astros utility man Craig Biggio has missed making the MLB Hall of Fame by two votes. Headline: Josh Hutcherson: ``right now I'm 100% straight'' A: no --- Article: Rain stopped play in the post-lunch session of the fourth and penultimate day in the second and final cricket Test between India and South Africa in Durban on Sunday. Headline: Rain stops play in post-lunch session A: match --- Article: The Wall Street Journal and All Things D, the technology website led by Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, are parting ways at the end of the year. Headline: Stillman to furlough for employees in April, May A: no --- Article: Today, California Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 493, the pharmacist provider status legislation. Headline: Governor Brown signs SB 493 A: match --- Article: Political Newcomer Curt Clawson has won the GOP primary in a special election for Florida's 19 Congressional District. Headline: Mickey Rooney dies age 93: A: no --- Article: Silver Standard Resources Inc. announces today that it has entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement with subsidiaries of Goldcorp Inc. and Barrick Gold Corporation to purchase 100% of the Marigold mine, a producing gold mine in Nevada, USA for cash consideration of $275 million. Headline: Silver Standard Resources to purchase Marigold mine A: match --- Article: A Stillwater man was arrested on suspicion of fifth-degree domestic assault and gross misdemeanor domestic assault Dec. 14. Headline: Stillwater man arrested for domestic assault A: match --- Article: Gareth Bale has conceded that he enjoys the 'expectation' on his shoulders at Real Madrid. Headline: Bale enjoying the expectation A: match --- Article: Former minister Chris Murungaru will not be grilled about the content of secret tapes recorded by John Githongo exposing alleged attempt by powerful politicians to interfere with investigation into Angloleasing scandal. Headline: Nets to hold training camp at Duke University A: no --- Article: On Saturday evening, Tamar Braxton performed at the 2013 iTunes Festival in support of her new album, Love and War. Headline: Tamar Braxton performs at 2013 iTunes Festival A: match --- Article: Apmetrix, a San Diego-based provider of cross-platform high-end video game and mobile app analytics, has completed its financing from Analytics Ventures, La Costa Investment Group and KI Investment Holdings LLC to accelerate subscriber growth prior to a Series A round in 2014. Headline: Malin Akerman plays 'trophy wife' A: no --- Article: Ukraine's Crimea peninsula voted on Tuesday for full independence from Ukraine ahead of a referendum to join Russia while France threatened sanctions against Moscow as early as this week. Headline: Brian McDermott returns to Leeds United A: no --- Article: Employers are urged to improve the grading system of auxiliary police personnel under their employment to motivate and maintain their interests to remain in the force. Headline: 'Improve grading system of auxiliary police personnel' A: match --- Article: The UPA chairperson alleged that the BJP only makes promises while the Congress delivers. Headline: BJP makes promises, Congress delivers: A: match --- Article: Serial killer Robert Pickton appeared in court by video Tuesday for a civil case involving the families of several of his victims. Headline: Man sleeping in dumpster thrown in truck, nearly crushed A: no --- Article: Republican US Rep. John Kline will host a campaign event today with Tea Party activist and former congressman Allen West. Headline: GOP Rep. John Kline to host campaign event with Tea Party activist Allen West A: match --- Article: Cocaine has been found at several Oxford University buildings, including the Bodleian library. Headline: Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma , Abida Parveen to perform at Jammu festival A: no --- Article: The Hunger Games actor shares, ``Maybe I could say right now I'm 100% straight. But who knows? In af*cking year, I could meet a guy and be like, Whoa, I'm attracted to this person.'' Headline: Josh Hutcherson: ``right now I'm 100% straight'' A: match --- Article: A Keene woman faces two simple assault charges, accused of fighting with her mother Saturday night. Headline: Keene woman faces assault charges A: match --- Article: South African stocks rallied on Friday after stumbling in the previous session, with the Gold Mining Index leaping over 5 percent as bullion's spot price raced to three-month highs above $1,300 an ounce. Headline: South African stocks rally A: match --- Article: It's tax day, the deadline to file your federal taxes. Headline: It's tax day! A: match --- Article: Golden Lions regained Super Rugby status on Saturday despite losing 23-18 at home to Southern Kings in the second leg of a promotion play-off. Headline: Bombay high court directs BEST staff to call off strike & report to work A: no --- Article: Tree and shrub transplanting permits are now available for purchase at Shoshone National Forest district offices. Headline: Transplanting permits available A: match --- Article: Three Port Authority police officers have filed a federal lawsuit seeking to overturn promotions they say were unlawful. Headline: Port Authority officers file federal lawsuit to overturn promotions A: match --- Article: Christina Aguilera and fiance Matt Rutler are expecting a baby girl! Headline: FLIR Systems realigns global operations A: no --- Article: Operation Elveden: a former Surrey police officer is to be charged over allegations he took payments for stories. Headline: Operation Elveden: former Surrey police officer charged A: match --- Article: Keith Appling made a tiebreaking 3-pointer with 29 seconds left and finished with 20 points, seven assists and six rebounds to help No. 5 Michigan State beat No. 3 Ohio State 72-68 in overtime Tuesday night after blowing a 17-point lead in the second half. Headline: Solar financing firm Sunrun expands reach in California market A: no --- Article: The National Weather Service has issued a frost advisory for Alabama covering a swath of central Alabama. Headline: National Weather Service issues frost advisory for central Alabama A: match --- Article: State Senator Beau McCoy, a candidate for the GOP nomination for governor held a meet and greet in West Point on Monday at the Chef's Corner. Headline: Social media experts discuss Pinterest best practices for business A: no --- Article: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Monday conditionally vetoed a forestry preservation bill that environmental groups had opposed by arguing it would actually pave the way for commercial logging on the state's open spaces and public lands. Headline: Dailymotion opens Japan office A: no --- Article: Two soldiers were wounded Friday night in north Lebanon while trying to reopen a road blocked by protesters seeking the release of a ``wanted man.'' Headline: Two soldiers wounded in north Lebanon A: match --- Article: Former state Rep. Thad Viers pleaded guilty in court on Wednesday to a harassment charge stemming from several incidents with his ex-girlfriend. Headline: Rep. Thad Viers pleads guilty to harassment charge A: match --- Article: It's tax day, the deadline to file your federal taxes. Headline: It's tax day! A: match --- Article: Chicago-based VEIL OF MAYA has re-signed with Sumerian Records, the label which the band has called its home since the group's inception. Headline: VEIL of MAYA re-signs with Sumerian Records A: match --- Article: Bafana Bafana coach Gordon Igesund said he will select his strongest available squad for the forthcoming home fixtures against African champions Nigeria and Burkina Faso later this month. Headline: Transocean agrees to deal with Icahn A: no --- Article: Televangelist Pat Robertson on Thursday advised a woman to set boundaries in her friendship with a lesbian or risk turning her children gay. Headline: Hamid Ansari leaves for visit to Peru, Cuba A: no --- Article: - Security software maker Palo Alto Networks's quarterly revenue jumped 49 percent as subscriptions rose, sending its shares up 8 percent in extended trading. Headline: Palo Alto Networks' revenue jumps as subscriptions rise A: match --- Article: Attacks including a car bomb near a cafe and another at a police station killed 22 people in Iraq on Monday, as the country struggles to curb rampant violence. Headline: Attacks including car bombs kill 22 in Iraq A: match --- Article: Cressida Bonas was spotted lingerie shopping around Monday evening at Tezeni's in London, and was photographed checking out the selection of new arrivals of brassieres while chatting on her cell phone with a pal. Headline: Cressida Bonas spotted lingerie shopping in London-- A: match --- Article: One Direction star Liam Payne has opened up about his ``tough few days'' after he saved his friend's life following a fire at his London flat Tuesday. Headline: MMD in Chinsali calls for reconciliation and unity in the party A: no --- Article: Superior Spider-Man appears in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes and is quickly dispatched by the original Spidey. Headline: Superior Spider-Man appears in 'LEGO Marvel Super Heroes' A: match --- Article: A reward is being offered in the arrest of two bank robbery suspects believed to be armed and dangerous. Headline: Police appeal after two boys approached at Tweed Heads A: no --- Article: Vera Bradley is recalling approximately 98,000 bear ring rattles and bunny stuffed toys because a pom-pom tail can detach from the items, posing a choking hazard to young children. Headline: Vera Bradley recalls 98,000 bear rattles and bunny stuffed toys due to choking hazard A: match --- Article: The government is to look at fresh ways to boost demand for the Green Deal, in what will be seen as a tacit admission that the flagship energy efficiency scheme is struggling. Headline: Government to look at ways to boost Green Deal A: match --- Article: In heartbreaking fashion, former Astros utility man Craig Biggio has missed making the MLB Hall of Fame by two votes. Headline: Josh Hutcherson: ``right now I'm 100% straight'' A: no --- Article: Severe weather is sweeping through the southern states and will make a turn up to the Mid-Atlantic on Monday. Headline: Severe weather sweeps through southern states A: match --- Article: Oscar-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has been found dead of an apparent drug overdose at his Manhattan apartment, a law enforcement source told FoxNews.com. Headline: U-Haul packed with undocumented immigrants discovered in South Texas A: no --- Article: Emergent BioSolutions Inc. is planning to open a new Michigan facility to expand production of its BioThrax anthrax vaccine. Headline: Emergent BioSolutions plans to open new facility A: match --- Article: Rain stopped play in the post-lunch session of the fourth and penultimate day in the second and final cricket Test between India and South Africa in Durban on Sunday. Headline: Rain stops play in post-lunch session A: match --- Article: Barnfield College, the powerhouse behind the Federation involved in turning schools in Luton and surrounding areas into academies, is being investigated by the Department For Education. Headline: NASCAR revamps penalty system A: no --- Article: Firearm injuries in the US cost more than $16 billion in hospital resources between 2000 and 2008, according to new research released today at the American Public Health Association's 141st Annual Meeting in Boston. Headline: Two popes officially canonised A: no --- Article: Director Peter Jackson wants to take a break from making Hollywood blockbusters once he is done with 'The Hobbit' trilogy. Headline: Amendola: 'I'm ready to play' A: no --- Article: Verint Systems is a data analysis and security company that is acquiring KANA Software for $514 million in cash. Headline: Verint is acquiring Kana Software for $514 million A: match --- Article: Emergent BioSolutions Inc. is planning to open a new Michigan facility to expand production of its BioThrax anthrax vaccine. Headline: Emergent BioSolutions plans to open new facility A: match --- Article: A senior Russian lawmaker strongly suggested on Wednesday that Moscow has sent troops to Ukraine's Crimea region to protect against any ``armed aggression'' during a referendum on whether Crimea should secede and join Russia. Headline: Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison A: no --- Article: Tamil Nadu government today filed a defamation case against former Chief Minister and DMK chief M Karunanidhi in a Sessions Court in Chennai. Headline: Highwoods Properties Inc (hiw) issues FY14 earnings guidance A: no --- Article: Anti-government protesters blocked voting in dozens of constituencies in tense Thai elections Sunday overshadowed by pre-poll bloodshed, an opposition boycott and fears of protracted political limbo. Headline: Protesters disrupt voting in tense Thai election A: match --- Article: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that Ukraine must meet its commitments based on the agreement reached last week in Geneva. Headline: Ukraine must meet commitments: A: match --- Article: French energy giant Total will return to Iran, if international sanctions are lifted on petroleum exports, chief executive Christophe de Margerie said at an industry conference here on Tuesday, AFP news agency reported. Headline: Total will return to Iran if sanctions lifted A: match --- Article: An IAF microlite aircraft had to make an emergency landing in a park near Shastri Park metro station in east Delhi on Sunday. Headline: IAF microlite aircraft makes emergency landing in a park A: match --- Article: Governor-elect Terry McAuliffe is bringing pre-inauguration celebrations to southwest Virginia Saturday night with a regional inaugural ball in Abingdon. Headline: McAuliffe to bring pre-inauguration celebration to sw va Saturday A: match --- Article: Glander International Bunkering DMCC is please to announce the promotion of Mr. Alexandros Margaritis to Senior Bunker & Lubricant Trader and Team Leader as of 1st May 2014. Headline: Glander International Bunkering announces promotion A: match --- Article: An Indiana priest who gained fame when he performed exorcisms on a local family has signed a movie deal that will tell the story on screen. Headline: Priest who performs exorcisms signs movie deal A: match --- Article: A South Florida man killed his wife and son with a crossbow, drove 460 miles to try and kill his other son, and then slit his own throat. Headline: LeBron James praises Johnny Manziel after pro day A: no --- Article: Brandeis University researchers have unlocked a controversial structure in heart cells responsible for regulating heart contractions. Headline: Researchers unlock controversial structure in heart cells A: match --- Article: In a landmark judgement, a Malaysian court on Monday in Kuala Lumpur ruled that non-Muslims cannot use the word ``Allah'' to refer to God and prohibited a Christian newspaper from using it in the Muslim-majority nation. Headline: Non-Muslims cannot use word 'Allah' A: match --- Article: Advances in micro gas turbine production look set to drive growth in distributed gas power units, as they offer the potential to produce electricity at a third of current market rates. Headline: Treatment for ringing in the ears A: no --- Article: With the Economic Freedom Fighters appealing to many young voters, political party leaders on Thursday were asked to motivate why the youth should vote for them. Headline: Why the youth should vote A: match --- Article: A former Keyser woman was charged with trespassing and other violations following a disturbance Thursday night on North Main Street. Headline: Former Keyser woman charged with trespassing A: match --- Article: DJ Khaled proposed to fellow rap star Nicki Minaj on Thursday on MTV, and even had a ring on hand. Headline: Jesse McCartney steps out in Hollywood in onesie and man Uggs: A: no --- Article: The Mets announced that Matt Harvey underwent successful Tommy John surgery today to repair the partially torn ulnar collateral ligament in his right elbow. Headline: Matt Harvey undergoes successful Tommy John surgery A: match --- Article: Due to repair of a water line near Alipur drain in Narela, water supply will be affected on Wednesday and Thursday in Bakhtawarpur, Jhangola, Tigipur, Kushak No III, Mohammadpur, Ramzanpur, Singhu, Palla, Tajpur, Akbarpur Mazra, Alipur, Jindpur, Bakoli, Khampur, Budhpur and Hamidpur Villages, Holambi Kalan, Holambi Khurd, Ghoga, Sannoth, Khera Kalan, Khera Khurd, Naya Bans, Barwala, Prahladpur, Mamurpur, Pana Udyan and Pana Paposian Narela, UA Colonies of Narela, Regularized colones of Narela, JJ Cluster Narela, DDA area Narela Industrial area Narela and Metro Vihar Phase-I and II near Holambi Kalan Village, Nangli Poona Village, Kadipur Village, Mukhmelpur Village, Ibrahimpur Village, Badli Village, Libaspur Village, Bawana Village, Katewara, Bajitpur, Nangal Thakran, Quatabgarh, Ochandi, Punjab Khor, Jat Khor, Daryapur, Mungeshpur, Tatesar and Zheemarpura Villages. Headline: Water supply to be affected A: match
In this task, you will be given a single sentence or a set of sentences. You have to recognize the name of the disorder or disease. Disease is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury. Although there might be several correct answers, you need to write one of them. ### Systemic side effects including piloerection , headache , and cold extremities were experienced in all subjects . Output: headache ### The hemodynamic and antiadrenergic effects of dronedarone , a noniodinated compound structurally related to amiodarone , were compared with those of amiodarone after prolonged oral administration , both at rest and during sympathetic stimulation in conscious dogs with a healed myocardial infarction . Output: myocardial infarction ### Thus , two control groups were generated : group C1 , which included age - and sex - comparable lithium - treated bipolar normocalcemic patients , and group C2 , which included bipolar normocalcemic patients treated with anticonvulsant mood stabilizers . Output: bipolar ### Worsening of Parkinsonism after the use of veralipride for treatment of menopause : case report . Output: Parkinsonism ### We report a newborn infant with multiple congenital anomalies ( anotia and Taussig - Bing malformation ) due to exposure to isotretinoin within the first trimester . Output: anotia ### Oral pre - treatment with PK ( 80 mg kg ( - 1 ) day ( - 1 ) for 15 days ) significantly prevented the isoproterenol - induced myocardial infarction and maintained the rats at near normal status . Output: myocardial infarction ### No necrosis was observed in cells treated with NCQ436 but NCQ344 had a biphasic effect in both cell types , inducing apoptosis at lower concentrations and necrosis at higher concentrations . Output: necrosis ### Worsening of Parkinsonism after the use of veralipride for treatment of menopause : case report . Output: Parkinsonism ### Data collected on patients seen from September 1 , 1996 , to December 31 , 1997 , included the cause of the pulmonary hypertension and its severity . Output: pulmonary hypertension ### We report a newborn infant with multiple congenital anomalies ( anotia and Taussig - Bing malformation ) due to exposure to isotretinoin within the first trimester . Output: anotia ### A case of bilateral optic neuropathy in a patient on tacrolimus ( FK506 ) therapy after liver transplantation . Output: optic neuropathy ### In two of them , the MPO - ANCA titres transiently increased to 12 . 8 and 15 . 0 U / ml , respectively , despite continued PTU therapy , but no vasculitic disorders developed . Output: vasculitic disorders ### The cardioprotective effect of the ethanol extract of Picrorrhiza kurroa rhizomes and roots ( PK ) on isoproterenol - induced myocardial infarction in rats with respect to lipid metabolism in serum and heart tissue has been investigated . Output: myocardial infarction ### Frequency of appearance of myeloperoxidase - antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody ( MPO - ANCA ) in Graves ' disease patients treated with propylthiouracil and the relationship between MPO - ANCA and clinical manifestations . Output: Graves ' disease ### Prevalence of heart disease in asymptomatic chronic cocaine users . Output: heart disease ### The positive skin tests are in favour of immunological reactions and may help in diagnosis of allergy in the patients . Output: allergy ### dl - Sotalol preferentially prolonged action potential duration ( APD ) in M cells dose - dependently ( 1 to 100 micromol / L ) , leading to QT prolongation and an increase in TDR . Output: QT prolongation ### Hyperglycemic effect of amino compounds structurally related to caproate in rats . Output: Hyperglycemic ### CONCLUSION : The magnitude of the association with PPH , the increase of association with increasing duration of use , and the specificity for fenfluramines are consistent with previous studies indicating that fenfluramines are causally related to PPH . Output: PPH ### Heparin , first used to prevent the clotting of blood in vitro , has been clinically used to treat thrombosis for more than 50 years . Output: thrombosis ### The high prevalence of anorexigen use in patients with SPH also raises the possibility that these drugs precipitate pulmonary hypertension in patients with underlying conditions associated with SPH . Output: pulmonary hypertension ### The high prevalence of anorexigen use in patients with SPH also raises the possibility that these drugs precipitate pulmonary hypertension in patients with underlying conditions associated with SPH . Output: pulmonary hypertension ### Major bleeding is of primary concern in patients receiving heparin therapy . Output: bleeding ### dl - Sotalol preferentially prolonged action potential duration ( APD ) in M cells dose - dependently ( 1 to 100 micromol / L ) , leading to QT prolongation and an increase in TDR . Output: QT prolongation ### No necrosis was observed in cells treated with NCQ436 but NCQ344 had a biphasic effect in both cell types , inducing apoptosis at lower concentrations and necrosis at higher concentrations . Output: necrosis ### Patients with New York Heart Association classes II to IV CHF and left ventricular ejection fractions of no greater than 0 . 30 ( n = 3164 ) were randomized and followed up for a median of 46 months . Output: CHF ### Findings consistent with coronary artery disease were detected in 12 ( 34 % ) patients and 3 ( 9 % ) controls ( p = 0 . 01 ) . Output: coronary artery disease ### There was no difference in the maximum double product ( p = 0 . 53 ) or ST depression ( p = 0 . 63 ) with either form of stress . Output: depression ### Onset of hyperammonemic encephalopathy varied from 0 . 5 to 5 days ( mean : 2 . 6 + / - 1 . 3 days ) after the initiation of chemotherapy . Output: hyperammonemic encephalopathy ### Neuroleptic drugs such as haloperidol , which block dopamine receptors , also cause catalepsy in rodents . Output: catalepsy ### RATIONALE : NG - nitro - L - arginine ( L - NOARG ) , an inhibitor of nitric - oxide synthase ( NOS ) , induces catalepsy in mice . Output: catalepsy ### Hemodynamic and antiadrenergic effects of dronedarone and amiodarone in animals with a healed myocardial infarction . Output: myocardial infarction ### Although several new anticoagulant drugs are in development , heparin remains the anticoagulant of choice to treat acute thrombotic episodes . Output: thrombotic ### Neuroleptic drugs such as haloperidol , which block dopamine receptors , also cause catalepsy in rodents . Output: catalepsy ### Frequency of appearance of myeloperoxidase - antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody ( MPO - ANCA ) in Graves ' disease patients treated with propylthiouracil and the relationship between MPO - ANCA and clinical manifestations . Output: Graves ' disease ### Major bleeding is of primary concern in patients receiving heparin therapy . Output: bleeding ### The contribution of transmural dispersion of repolarization ( TDR ) to transmural propagation of EAD and the maintenance of TdP was also evaluated . Output: TdP ### In two of them , the MPO - ANCA titres transiently increased to 12 . 8 and 15 . 0 U / ml , respectively , despite continued PTU therapy , but no vasculitic disorders developed . Output: vasculitic disorders ### Neuroleptic drugs such as haloperidol , which block dopamine receptors , also cause catalepsy in rodents . Output: catalepsy ### The high prevalence of anorexigen use in patients with SPH also raises the possibility that these drugs precipitate pulmonary hypertension in patients with underlying conditions associated with SPH . Output: pulmonary hypertension ### Bleeding is the primary untoward effect of heparin . Output: Bleeding ### Neuroleptic drugs such as haloperidol , which block dopamine receptors , also cause catalepsy in rodents . Output: catalepsy ### Viracept and irregular heartbeat warning . Output: irregular heartbeat ### CONCLUSIONS : These findings demonstrate that ACE inhibitor therapy in most patients with CHF can be successfully titrated to and maintained at high doses , and that more aggressive use of these agents is warranted . Output: CHF ### Both dronedarone and amiodarone significantly reduced the exercise - induced tachycardia and , at the highest dose , decreased the isoproterenol - induced tachycardia . Output: tachycardia ### RESULTS : Pupillary dilation resulted in a statistically significant deterioration in CT and HCVA only . Output: Pupillary dilation ### Half log incremental doses of intravenous methoxamine or placebo ( saline ) were administered to a group of women with genuine stress incontinence while measuring maximum urethral pressure ( MUP ) , blood pressure , heart rate , and symptomatic side effects . Output: stress incontinence ### Catalepsy was evaluated at the beginning and the end of the treatments . Output: Catalepsy ### Prevalence of heart disease in asymptomatic chronic cocaine users . Output: heart disease ### Catalepsy was evaluated at the beginning and the end of the treatments . Output: Catalepsy ### PURPOSE : To report a case of bilateral optic neuropathy in a patient receiving tacrolimus ( FK 506 , Prograf ; Fujisawa USA , Inc , Deerfield , Illinois ) for immunosuppression after orthotropic liver transplantation . Output: optic neuropathy ### CONCLUSIONS : Pupillary dilation may lead to a decrease in vision and daylight driving performance in young people . Output: Pupillary dilation ### Deterioration of vision occurred despite discontinuation of the tacrolimus . Output: Deterioration of vision ### The present study examines the safety and tolerability of high - compared with low - dose lisinopril in CHF . Output: CHF ### Oral pre - treatment with PK ( 80 mg kg ( - 1 ) day ( - 1 ) for 15 days ) significantly prevented the isoproterenol - induced myocardial infarction and maintained the rats at near normal status . Output: myocardial infarction ### The cardioprotective effect of the ethanol extract of Picrorrhiza kurroa rhizomes and roots ( PK ) on isoproterenol - induced myocardial infarction in rats with respect to lipid metabolism in serum and heart tissue has been investigated . Output: myocardial infarction ### DESIGN : A randomised crossover study of recovery time of systolic and diastolic left ventricular function after exercise and dobutamine induced ischaemia . Output: ischaemia ### CONCLUSIONS : Pupillary dilation may lead to a decrease in vision and daylight driving performance in young people . Output: Pupillary dilation ### The cardioprotective effect of the ethanol extract of Picrorrhiza kurroa rhizomes and roots ( PK ) on isoproterenol - induced myocardial infarction in rats with respect to lipid metabolism in serum and heart tissue has been investigated . Output: myocardial infarction ### The contribution of transmural dispersion of repolarization ( TDR ) to transmural propagation of EAD and the maintenance of TdP was also evaluated . Output: TdP ### The positive skin tests are in favour of immunological reactions and may help in diagnosis of allergy in the patients . Output: allergy ### Thus , two control groups were generated : group C1 , which included age - and sex - comparable lithium - treated bipolar normocalcemic patients , and group C2 , which included bipolar normocalcemic patients treated with anticonvulsant mood stabilizers . Output: bipolar ### Sub - chronic inhibition of nitric - oxide synthesis modifies haloperidol - induced catalepsy and the number of NADPH - diaphorase neurons in mice . Output: catalepsy ### Findings consistent with coronary artery disease were detected in 12 ( 34 % ) patients and 3 ( 9 % ) controls ( p = 0 . 01 ) . Output: coronary artery disease ### A nephrostomy tube had to be placed in one of the patients for ureteral lithiasis in a single functional kidney . Output: ureteral lithiasis ### The cardioprotective effect of the ethanol extract of Picrorrhiza kurroa rhizomes and roots ( PK ) on isoproterenol - induced myocardial infarction in rats with respect to lipid metabolism in serum and heart tissue has been investigated . Output: myocardial infarction ### Heparin , first used to prevent the clotting of blood in vitro , has been clinically used to treat thrombosis for more than 50 years . Output: thrombosis ### NS - 718 , a lipid nanosphere incorporating amphotericin B , is effective against pathogenic fungi and has low toxicity . Output: toxicity ### Cocaine , ethanol , and cocaethylene cardiotoxity in an animal model of cocaine and ethanol abuse . Output: cardiotoxity ### NS - 718 , a lipid nanosphere incorporating amphotericin B , is effective against pathogenic fungi and has low toxicity . Output: toxicity ### RESULTS : Two of eight dogs in the C + E group experienced cardiovascular collapse . Output: cardiovascular collapse ### We report a newborn infant with multiple congenital anomalies ( anotia and Taussig - Bing malformation ) due to exposure to isotretinoin within the first trimester . Output: anotia ### Cocaine , ethanol , and cocaethylene cardiotoxity in an animal model of cocaine and ethanol abuse . Output: cardiotoxity ### Patients with New York Heart Association classes II to IV CHF and left ventricular ejection fractions of no greater than 0 . 30 ( n = 3164 ) were randomized and followed up for a median of 46 months . Output: CHF ### Worsening of Parkinsonism after the use of veralipride for treatment of menopause : case report . Output: Parkinsonism ### Catalepsy was evaluated at the beginning and the end of the treatments . Output: Catalepsy ### A printout of all cases of hypercalcemia that presented during a 1 - year period was generated . Output: hypercalcemia ### RESULTS : The patient had episodic deterioration of vision in both eyes , with clinical features resembling ischemic optic neuropathies . Output: ischemic optic neuropathies ### We propose that remoxipride and benzene may induce aplastic anemia via production of similar reactive metabolites and that the ability of NCQ436 and NCQ344 to induce apoptosis in HBMP cells may contribute to the mechanism underlying acquired aplastic anemia that has been associated with remoxipride . Output: aplastic anemia ### Oral pre - treatment with PK ( 80 mg kg ( - 1 ) day ( - 1 ) for 15 days ) significantly prevented the isoproterenol - induced myocardial infarction and maintained the rats at near normal status . Output: myocardial infarction ### We compared the toxicity of NS - 718 with that of Fungizone ( amphotericin B - sodium deoxycholate ; D - AmB ) in vitro using renal cell cultures and in vivo by biochemical analysis , histopathological study of the kidney and pharmacokinetic study of amphotericin B following intravenous infusion of the formulation in rats . Output: toxicity ### A nephrostomy tube had to be placed in one of the patients for ureteral lithiasis in a single functional kidney . Output: ureteral lithiasis ### Systemic side effects including piloerection , headache , and cold extremities were experienced in all subjects . Output: headache ### Induction of apoptosis by remoxipride metabolites in HL60 and CD34 + / CD19 - human bone marrow progenitor cells : potential relevance to remoxipride - induced aplastic anemia . Output: aplastic anemia ### Hyperglycemic effect of amino compounds structurally related to caproate in rats . Output: Hyperglycemic ### RATIONALE : NG - nitro - L - arginine ( L - NOARG ) , an inhibitor of nitric - oxide synthase ( NOS ) , induces catalepsy in mice . Output: catalepsy ### RESULTS : L - NOARG sub - chronic administration produced tolerance of L - NOARG and of haloperidol - induced catalepsy . Output: catalepsy ### The results indicate that the clinical usefulness of direct , peripherally acting sub - type - selective alpha1 - adrenoceptor agonists in the medical treatment of stress incontinence may be limited by associated piloerection and cardiovascular side effects . Output: stress incontinence ### The high prevalence of anorexigen use in patients with SPH also raises the possibility that these drugs precipitate pulmonary hypertension in patients with underlying conditions associated with SPH . Output: pulmonary hypertension ### Findings consistent with coronary artery disease were detected in 12 ( 34 % ) patients and 3 ( 9 % ) controls ( p = 0 . 01 ) . Output: coronary artery disease ### One patient developed grade 3 diarrhea requiring hospitalization for hydration . Output: diarrhea ### The cardioprotective effect of the ethanol extract of Picrorrhiza kurroa rhizomes and roots ( PK ) on isoproterenol - induced myocardial infarction in rats with respect to lipid metabolism in serum and heart tissue has been investigated . Output: myocardial infarction ### There was no difference in the maximum double product ( p = 0 . 53 ) or ST depression ( p = 0 . 63 ) with either form of stress . Output: depression ### dl - Sotalol preferentially prolonged action potential duration ( APD ) in M cells dose - dependently ( 1 to 100 micromol / L ) , leading to QT prolongation and an increase in TDR . Output: QT prolongation ### Viracept and irregular heartbeat warning . Output: irregular heartbeat ### PURPOSE : To assess the effect of pupil dilation on vision and driving ability . Output: pupil dilation ### Findings consistent with coronary artery disease were detected in 12 ( 34 % ) patients and 3 ( 9 % ) controls ( p = 0 . 01 ) . Output: coronary artery disease ### A printout of all cases of hypercalcemia that presented during a 1 - year period was generated . Output: hypercalcemia ### We report a newborn infant with multiple congenital anomalies ( anotia and Taussig - Bing malformation ) due to exposure to isotretinoin within the first trimester . Output: anotia ### 7e exhibits a high reversal of catalepsy induced by haloperidol indicating its atypical antipsychotic nature . Output: catalepsy ### CONCLUSION : The magnitude of the association with PPH , the increase of association with increasing duration of use , and the specificity for fenfluramines are consistent with previous studies indicating that fenfluramines are causally related to PPH . Output: PPH ### Deterioration of vision occurred despite discontinuation of the tacrolimus . Output: Deterioration of vision ### The antipsychotic agent , remoxipride [ ( S ) - ( - ) - 3 - bromo - N - [ ( 1 - ethyl - 2 - pyrrolidinyl ) methyl ] - 2 , 6 - dimethoxybenz amide ] has been associated with acquired aplastic anemia . Output: aplastic anemia ### OBJECTIVES : To investigate the effects of subchronic L - NOARG treatment in haloperidol - induced catalepsy and the number of NOS neurons in areas related to motor control . Output: catalepsy ### Therefore , we sought to address these parameters in patients with Graves ' disease . Output: Graves ' disease ### DESIGN : A randomised crossover study of recovery time of systolic and diastolic left ventricular function after exercise and dobutamine induced ischaemia . Output: ischaemia ### Subgroups presumed to be at higher risk for ACE inhibitor intolerance ( blood pressure , < 120 mm Hg ; creatinine , > or = 132 . 6 micromol / L [ > or = 1 . 5 mg / dL ] ; age , > or = 70 years ; and patients with diabetes ) generally tolerated the high - dose strategy . Output: diabetes ### Hemodynamic and antiadrenergic effects of dronedarone and amiodarone in animals with a healed myocardial infarction . Output: myocardial infarction ### No necrosis was observed in cells treated with NCQ436 but NCQ344 had a biphasic effect in both cell types , inducing apoptosis at lower concentrations and necrosis at higher concentrations . Output: necrosis ### CONCLUSION : The magnitude of the association with PPH , the increase of association with increasing duration of use , and the specificity for fenfluramines are consistent with previous studies indicating that fenfluramines are causally related to PPH . Output: PPH ### Both dronedarone and amiodarone significantly reduced the exercise - induced tachycardia and , at the highest dose , decreased the isoproterenol - induced tachycardia . Output: tachycardia ### CONCLUSIONS : PTU therapy may be related to the appearance of MPO - ANCA , but MPO - ANCA does not appear to be closely related to vasculitis . Output: vasculitis ### A printout of all cases of hypercalcemia that presented during a 1 - year period was generated . Output: hypercalcemia ### Although several new anticoagulant drugs are in development , heparin remains the anticoagulant of choice to treat acute thrombotic episodes . Output: thrombotic ### Frequency of appearance of myeloperoxidase - antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody ( MPO - ANCA ) in Graves ' disease patients treated with propylthiouracil and the relationship between MPO - ANCA and clinical manifestations . Output: Graves ' disease ### Systemic side effects including piloerection , headache , and cold extremities were experienced in all subjects . Output: headache ### Frequency of appearance of myeloperoxidase - antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody ( MPO - ANCA ) in Graves ' disease patients treated with propylthiouracil and the relationship between MPO - ANCA and clinical manifestations . Output: Graves ' disease ### Thus , two control groups were generated : group C1 , which included age - and sex - comparable lithium - treated bipolar normocalcemic patients , and group C2 , which included bipolar normocalcemic patients treated with anticonvulsant mood stabilizers . Output: bipolar ### CONCLUSIONS : These findings demonstrate that ACE inhibitor therapy in most patients with CHF can be successfully titrated to and maintained at high doses , and that more aggressive use of these agents is warranted . Output: CHF ### 7e exhibits a high reversal of catalepsy induced by haloperidol indicating its atypical antipsychotic nature . Output: catalepsy ### Bleeding is the primary untoward effect of heparin . Output: Bleeding ### However , of the medications surveyed , only the fenfluramines had a significant preferential association with PPH as compared with SPH ( adjusted odds ratio for use > 6 months , 7 . 5 ; 95 % confidence interval , 1 . 7 to 32 . 4 ) . Output: PPH ### To determine the prevalence of heart disease in outpatient young asymptomatic chronic cocaine users , 35 cocaine users and 32 age - matched controls underwent resting and exercise electrocardiography ( ECG ) and Doppler echocardiography . Output: heart disease ### 7e exhibits a high reversal of catalepsy induced by haloperidol indicating its atypical antipsychotic nature . Output: catalepsy ### Effect of methoxamine on maximum urethral pressure in women with genuine stress incontinence : a placebo - controlled , double - blind crossover study . Output: stress incontinence ### Onset of hyperammonemic encephalopathy varied from 0 . 5 to 5 days ( mean : 2 . 6 + / - 1 . 3 days ) after the initiation of chemotherapy . Output: hyperammonemic encephalopathy ### Both dronedarone and amiodarone significantly reduced the exercise - induced tachycardia and , at the highest dose , decreased the isoproterenol - induced tachycardia . Output: tachycardia ### Therefore , we sought to address these parameters in patients with Graves ' disease . Output: Graves ' disease ### dl - Sotalol preferentially prolonged action potential duration ( APD ) in M cells dose - dependently ( 1 to 100 micromol / L ) , leading to QT prolongation and an increase in TDR . Output: QT prolongation ### We propose that remoxipride and benzene may induce aplastic anemia via production of similar reactive metabolites and that the ability of NCQ436 and NCQ344 to induce apoptosis in HBMP cells may contribute to the mechanism underlying acquired aplastic anemia that has been associated with remoxipride . Output: aplastic anemia ### Catalepsy was evaluated at the beginning and the end of the treatments . Output: Catalepsy ### Deterioration of vision occurred despite discontinuation of the tacrolimus . Output: Deterioration of vision ### Toleration of high doses of angiotensin - converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with chronic heart failure : results from the ATLAS trial . Output: heart failure ### dl - Sotalol preferentially prolonged action potential duration ( APD ) in M cells dose - dependently ( 1 to 100 micromol / L ) , leading to QT prolongation and an increase in TDR . Output: QT prolongation ### Toleration of high doses of angiotensin - converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with chronic heart failure : results from the ATLAS trial . Output: heart failure ### We report a newborn infant with multiple congenital anomalies ( anotia and Taussig - Bing malformation ) due to exposure to isotretinoin within the first trimester . Output: anotia ### Although several new anticoagulant drugs are in development , heparin remains the anticoagulant of choice to treat acute thrombotic episodes . Output: thrombotic ### Induction of apoptosis by remoxipride metabolites in HL60 and CD34 + / CD19 - human bone marrow progenitor cells : potential relevance to remoxipride - induced aplastic anemia . Output: aplastic anemia ### RESULTS : The patient had episodic deterioration of vision in both eyes , with clinical features resembling ischemic optic neuropathies . Output: ischemic optic neuropathies ### A printout of all cases of hypercalcemia that presented during a 1 - year period was generated . Output: hypercalcemia ### DESIGN : A randomised crossover study of recovery time of systolic and diastolic left ventricular function after exercise and dobutamine induced ischaemia . Output: ischaemia ### To determine the prevalence of heart disease in outpatient young asymptomatic chronic cocaine users , 35 cocaine users and 32 age - matched controls underwent resting and exercise electrocardiography ( ECG ) and Doppler echocardiography . Output: heart disease ### The antipsychotic agent , remoxipride [ ( S ) - ( - ) - 3 - bromo - N - [ ( 1 - ethyl - 2 - pyrrolidinyl ) methyl ] - 2 , 6 - dimethoxybenz amide ] has been associated with acquired aplastic anemia . Output: aplastic anemia ### The results indicate that the clinical usefulness of direct , peripherally acting sub - type - selective alpha1 - adrenoceptor agonists in the medical treatment of stress incontinence may be limited by associated piloerection and cardiovascular side effects . Output: stress incontinence ### Although several new anticoagulant drugs are in development , heparin remains the anticoagulant of choice to treat acute thrombotic episodes . Output: thrombotic ### However , of the medications surveyed , only the fenfluramines had a significant preferential association with PPH as compared with SPH ( adjusted odds ratio for use > 6 months , 7 . 5 ; 95 % confidence interval , 1 . 7 to 32 . 4 ) . Output: PPH ### CONCLUSIONS : Pupillary dilation may lead to a decrease in vision and daylight driving performance in young people . Output: Pupillary dilation ### Onset of hyperammonemic encephalopathy varied from 0 . 5 to 5 days ( mean : 2 . 6 + / - 1 . 3 days ) after the initiation of chemotherapy . Output: hyperammonemic encephalopathy ### The positive skin tests are in favour of immunological reactions and may help in diagnosis of allergy in the patients . Output: allergy ### We compared the toxicity of NS - 718 with that of Fungizone ( amphotericin B - sodium deoxycholate ; D - AmB ) in vitro using renal cell cultures and in vivo by biochemical analysis , histopathological study of the kidney and pharmacokinetic study of amphotericin B following intravenous infusion of the formulation in rats . Output: toxicity ### RESULTS : Before treatment , the MPO - ANCA titres of all 102 untreated Graves ' disease patients were within the reference range ( below 10 U / ml ) . Output: Graves ' disease ### PURPOSE : To report a case of bilateral optic neuropathy in a patient receiving tacrolimus ( FK 506 , Prograf ; Fujisawa USA , Inc , Deerfield , Illinois ) for immunosuppression after orthotropic liver transplantation . Output: optic neuropathy ### Thus , two control groups were generated : group C1 , which included age - and sex - comparable lithium - treated bipolar normocalcemic patients , and group C2 , which included bipolar normocalcemic patients treated with anticonvulsant mood stabilizers . Output: bipolar ### Subgroups presumed to be at higher risk for ACE inhibitor intolerance ( blood pressure , < 120 mm Hg ; creatinine , > or = 132 . 6 micromol / L [ > or = 1 . 5 mg / dL ] ; age , > or = 70 years ; and patients with diabetes ) generally tolerated the high - dose strategy . Output: diabetes ### Systemic side effects including piloerection , headache , and cold extremities were experienced in all subjects . Output: headache ### Anorexigens and pulmonary hypertension in the United States : results from the surveillance of North American pulmonary hypertension . Output: pulmonary hypertension ### PURPOSE : To report a case of bilateral optic neuropathy in a patient receiving tacrolimus ( FK 506 , Prograf ; Fujisawa USA , Inc , Deerfield , Illinois ) for immunosuppression after orthotropic liver transplantation . Output: optic neuropathy ### CONCLUSION : The magnitude of the association with PPH , the increase of association with increasing duration of use , and the specificity for fenfluramines are consistent with previous studies indicating that fenfluramines are causally related to PPH . Output: PPH ### Patients with New York Heart Association classes II to IV CHF and left ventricular ejection fractions of no greater than 0 . 30 ( n = 3164 ) were randomized and followed up for a median of 46 months . Output: CHF ### Prevalence of heart disease in asymptomatic chronic cocaine users . Output: heart disease ### One patient developed grade 3 diarrhea requiring hospitalization for hydration . Output: diarrhea ### CONCLUSION : The magnitude of the association with PPH , the increase of association with increasing duration of use , and the specificity for fenfluramines are consistent with previous studies indicating that fenfluramines are causally related to PPH . Output: PPH ### Neuroleptic drugs such as haloperidol , which block dopamine receptors , also cause catalepsy in rodents . Output: catalepsy ### Viracept and irregular heartbeat warning . Output: irregular heartbeat ### RESULTS : L - NOARG sub - chronic administration produced tolerance of L - NOARG and of haloperidol - induced catalepsy . Output: catalepsy ### Thus , two control groups were generated : group C1 , which included age - and sex - comparable lithium - treated bipolar normocalcemic patients , and group C2 , which included bipolar normocalcemic patients treated with anticonvulsant mood stabilizers . Output: bipolar ### Toleration of high doses of angiotensin - converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with chronic heart failure : results from the ATLAS trial . Output: heart failure ### Heparin , first used to prevent the clotting of blood in vitro , has been clinically used to treat thrombosis for more than 50 years . Output: thrombosis ### Toleration of high doses of angiotensin - converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with chronic heart failure : results from the ATLAS trial . Output: heart failure ### There was no difference in the maximum double product ( p = 0 . 53 ) or ST depression ( p = 0 . 63 ) with either form of stress . Output: depression ### Thus , two control groups were generated : group C1 , which included age - and sex - comparable lithium - treated bipolar normocalcemic patients , and group C2 , which included bipolar normocalcemic patients treated with anticonvulsant mood stabilizers . Output: bipolar ### Patients with New York Heart Association classes II to IV CHF and left ventricular ejection fractions of no greater than 0 . 30 ( n = 3164 ) were randomized and followed up for a median of 46 months . Output: CHF ### Hemodynamic and antiadrenergic effects of dronedarone and amiodarone in animals with a healed myocardial infarction . Output: myocardial infarction ### Anorexigens and pulmonary hypertension in the United States : results from the surveillance of North American pulmonary hypertension . Output: pulmonary hypertension ### Bradycardia occurred in a 45 - year - old male patient who was Viracept in combination with other anti - HIV drugs . Output: Bradycardia ### RESULTS : Pupillary dilation resulted in a statistically significant deterioration in CT and HCVA only . Output: Pupillary dilation ### Subgroups presumed to be at higher risk for ACE inhibitor intolerance ( blood pressure , < 120 mm Hg ; creatinine , > or = 132 . 6 micromol / L [ > or = 1 . 5 mg / dL ] ; age , > or = 70 years ; and patients with diabetes ) generally tolerated the high - dose strategy . Output: diabetes ### Data collected on patients seen from September 1 , 1996 , to December 31 , 1997 , included the cause of the pulmonary hypertension and its severity . Output: pulmonary hypertension ### The contribution of transmural dispersion of repolarization ( TDR ) to transmural propagation of EAD and the maintenance of TdP was also evaluated . Output: TdP ### There was no difference in the maximum double product ( p = 0 . 53 ) or ST depression ( p = 0 . 63 ) with either form of stress . Output: depression ### CONCLUSIONS : Pupillary dilation may lead to a decrease in vision and daylight driving performance in young people . Output: Pupillary dilation ### PURPOSE : To assess the effect of pupil dilation on vision and driving ability . Output: pupil dilation ### MATERIALS AND METHODS : We conducted a prospective surveillance study on patients diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension at 12 large referral centers in North America . Output: pulmonary hypertension ### Effect of methoxamine on maximum urethral pressure in women with genuine stress incontinence : a placebo - controlled , double - blind crossover study . Output: stress incontinence ### Hemodynamic and antiadrenergic effects of dronedarone and amiodarone in animals with a healed myocardial infarction . Output: myocardial infarction ### Therefore , we sought to address these parameters in patients with Graves ' disease . Output: Graves ' disease ### The antipsychotic agent , remoxipride [ ( S ) - ( - ) - 3 - bromo - N - [ ( 1 - ethyl - 2 - pyrrolidinyl ) methyl ] - 2 , 6 - dimethoxybenz amide ] has been associated with acquired aplastic anemia . Output: aplastic anemia ### However , of the medications surveyed , only the fenfluramines had a significant preferential association with PPH as compared with SPH ( adjusted odds ratio for use > 6 months , 7 . 5 ; 95 % confidence interval , 1 . 7 to 32 . 4 ) . Output: PPH ### The high prevalence of anorexigen use in patients with SPH also raises the possibility that these drugs precipitate pulmonary hypertension in patients with underlying conditions associated with SPH . Output: pulmonary hypertension ### Worsening of Parkinsonism after the use of veralipride for treatment of menopause : case report . Output: Parkinsonism ### Both dronedarone and amiodarone significantly reduced the exercise - induced tachycardia and , at the highest dose , decreased the isoproterenol - induced tachycardia . Output: tachycardia ### RATIONALE : NG - nitro - L - arginine ( L - NOARG ) , an inhibitor of nitric - oxide synthase ( NOS ) , induces catalepsy in mice . Output: catalepsy ### Deterioration of vision occurred despite discontinuation of the tacrolimus . Output: Deterioration of vision ### CONCLUSION : The magnitude of the association with PPH , the increase of association with increasing duration of use , and the specificity for fenfluramines are consistent with previous studies indicating that fenfluramines are causally related to PPH . Output: PPH ### We propose that remoxipride and benzene may induce aplastic anemia via production of similar reactive metabolites and that the ability of NCQ436 and NCQ344 to induce apoptosis in HBMP cells may contribute to the mechanism underlying acquired aplastic anemia that has been associated with remoxipride . Output: aplastic anemia ### RESULTS : Before treatment , the MPO - ANCA titres of all 102 untreated Graves ' disease patients were within the reference range ( below 10 U / ml ) . Output: Graves ' disease ### Catalepsy was evaluated at the beginning and the end of the treatments . Output: Catalepsy
The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the uv-part strategy, otherwise output No. uv-part is a selfish negotiation strategy. It is used to undermine the requirements of the opponent. For instance, suggesting that the opponent would not need more firewood since they already have the basic supplies or a suggestion that there might be a store near the campsite where the opponent can get the supplies instead. Possible labels: 1. No 2. Yes Context: Context: 'Can I have 2 firewood 2 food and 1 water I think this would be enough' 'I have a Family too, I can compromise on either only one of Firewood or Food, please give a thought.' 'This is way too unfair, my friend' Utterance: 'ok how about I give you 1 firewood, 2 food, and 1 water ' Ans: No Context: Context: 'I am good, thank you. What are your preferences? I really need the extra food packages. We are doing a lot of hiking and mountain biking and there are no grocery stores for at least 50 miles.🙂' 'Oh wow that is quite a lot of hiking! I think we will be hanging out a lot overnight and so I am looking for more firewood if possible. My kids can't hike very far and want to do more with smores and marshmellows. ' 'I can work with that. I am willing to give you all of the firewood. We are in a hot climate and won't need too much. Being in a hot climate and with a lot of exercise, I am hoping to take the three water packages. ' Utterance: 'Thank you for that. I'm happy to give you the food packages as well as we shouldn't need extras. Being around the fire, we are going to be hot as well and dehydrated. I say let's try and split the waters. ' Ans: No Context: Context: Utterance: 'Hello how are you?' Ans: No Context: Context: 'We do have a fire to start, but we are very hungry. Diabetics can eat less food because of the small meals. Don't lie to me.' '😡my type of diabetes needs many meals otherwise my insulin levels will be low' 'I am diabetic also.' Utterance: 'your type maybe needs wild fruits which you can easily gather🙂' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'Hi, I would like to get 3 firewood, 2 waters and 1 food pack.' 'Hello, I am in need of more water than just one,could you possibly allow me to have two and the other items are fine' Utterance: 'I have a bunch of kids and need extra water. I can give you 2 food packs instead.' Ans: No Context: Context: 'I would want to keep at least one packet of food for myself, unless you want to just swap 3 firewoods for 3 packets of food, to keep it simple?' 'I like your plan. It is simple. I will agree to that.' 'So all that is left is water, i guess i should atleast drink alot of it if i wont eat much haha 🙂' Utterance: 'For sure, and you will need some way to put out the fire. 😮' Ans: No Context: Context: 'oh nooo, that's terrible. do they know where they left them?' 'I think they went to Chicago. I really needing replace our lost water and sleeping bags. I see there are some extra supplies to share. I could really use the water and firwood. 🙂' 'oh yeah, you definitely do. we have all of our stuff and mostly wanted to hike and have picnics during our camping trip ' Utterance: 'Great. If you mainly doing picnics do you want 3 Food? I could use the the supplies. 🙂' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'Hi there. Hope you too are looking forward to this much needed camping trip. What are your needs in terms of extra packages?' 'Since this is the first time for the family to be camping, having plenty of food for everyone is on the top of my list.' 'I am fine with you having the 3 foods. Is it okay if I have 3 water units We are fasting and need lots of hydration.' Utterance: 'Are you sure you need all of the water? It would be nice to have some extra.' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I'd like to have 2 extra packages of water and firewood.' 'I see. And I would like 2 extra packages of Food and 2 packages of Water as well.' 'I have a great risk of dehydration. I really need those 2 extra packages of water. You can have all the extra food.' Utterance: 'Why do you have a risk of dehyrdation? Because I believe all people do but I do understand some people are at a greater risk then others. Tell me why you are at risk?' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I think we are getting very close to a good deal. Would you be willing to give me ONE firewood in case the stuff I have gets wet?' 'I strongly agree and shall we call it a deal now? 🙂' 'Like I said, we are close but I really would feel better with just one of the firewood. I'm afraid of not being able to build a fire. If you really need the firewood, however, then I would take one additional item of EITHER the water or food instead.' Utterance: 'And like I said, I strongly agree and you can have ONE firewood now. Deal close ?' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Yes I think that sounds fair.' 'So if I take 2 foods and 1 firewood, you take 1 food and 2 firewood. What would be fair for water?' 'What if I take two waters and you take one water then?' Utterance: 'I think that sounds fair, since you compromised on food. Sounds like a deal!' Ans: No Context: Context: 'I think we'll both need each of the three items, but we can't split them evenly. How about I take 2 waters, 2 firewoods, and a food. You can have two food packages, a water, and a firewood.' 'hi bro, 2 water for 2 firewood 1 food for me' Utterance: 'Do you need the extra water? I get super thirsty and I'd be willing to give up another firewood to get an extra water, while we still get at least one of each.' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'No, I don't take this. Because food is important for my child and me.' 'Try to understand our situation. We had food a week back. We were drinking only water for the whole week. We are dying of hunger. Kindly understand our situation.' 'Even me too facing the same, but i am ready to share one food with you. You can offer me more water to safe myself without dying. Both will be happy' Utterance: 'Okay I shall give you 1 package of food and 2 packages of water. Is that okay for you now?' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Then it is good deal. I need two wood, 1 food, and 1 water.' 'I really need all the food, I have a lot of people to feed' 'I will provide you the food, but I am asking only one for my people.' Utterance: 'I am giving you all the water, how come you need the food? ' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I would like 2' 'I will be happy to let you have 3 packs of food , but I need 2 packs of firewood' 'I am also letting you have all 3 packs of water. I think we need to consider how to split the firewood in a fair manner.' Utterance: 'What do you think is a fair deal with the firewood' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Hey there how are you?' 'I am fine friend. I need a lot of firewood though. It is freezing' Utterance: 'I definitely need firewood as well. We didn't anticipate it being as freezing cold as it is at night. There isn't much around us. We've also been using a lot of water, which we could use more of since we've been looking for firewood.' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Hello there! Are you excited for your camping trip coming up?! I am excited to see how I can put my skills to the test!' Utterance: 'Yeah. Nice to get out after being inside for most of the spring. This covid-19 crap! wish it would go away.' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Your two youngest kids are working? How old is everyone? If there's a lot of people, it will be easier to split up the duties and get things done. My son's 3 years old so as much as he's eager to help, there's not much he can do lol.' 'Ha Ha...no my too youngest have hardly been anywhere because of us adults working, I have teens (17, 15), tweens (13) and littles (10, 7). We 3 boys and 3 girls. We have a 21 year old but he's in a band so h can't go. They all pitch in anytime. They eat a lot so they have to cook from scratch at home. Awww 3 is so adorable...that's when they are sure they can do and will work so hard! ' 'Home cooking's the best, yumyums! We're planning on doing a lot of fishing since my son's been in love with fishing toys and is currently in love with eating fish (he hasn't gotten tired of eating it every night for dinner). We're thinking of cooking what we catch every night. Do you have any activities planned for your camping trip?' Utterance: 'Fishing is so fun! 🙂 We really don't have a plan... so many people, so many opinions. If you'll be fishing and eating your catch, you'll probably need more firewood than food. And with the filters, you will need some extra water, especially for your little guy. So would you agree that you take 2 firewood packages, 1 food package and 1 extra water. ' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I am looking for food, me and the kiddos need to eat many snacks for energy while exploring hiking trails. What about?' 'Okay, that makes sense. I really need water. I am willing to trade you all 3 of the food if you will give me all of the water. What do you think?' 'I think that sounds okay but I need at least one water please?' Utterance: 'If you want one water you can only have 2 foods. Do you really need the water? It sounds like food is a much more important item to you🙂' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I could manage with one firewood and two foods, but if you have canteens for everyone, may I then have all three waters? I had planned to collect water from the river, but I'm worried I may get sick.' 'you pointed out that we will need more! 😮 i will take 2 waters' 'I didn't know you had supplied everyone with water before the trip. I was merely trying to look out for your needs, but you said you didn't need them!' Utterance: 'I am giving you a lot of food. You are being unreasonable and backtracking. You are getting some of everything with my offers, and there are only two of you.' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'Can you help out? I can easily dehydrated can you give all the water packages to me?' 'I can spare a little as I am currently taking medication that requires me to drink a lot. I can give you 2 bottles of water if you can give me 3 firewood' 'I can't give you all the 3 firewood. We can share them. I can give you 1 firewood? Because I am too scared about dark. ☹️' Utterance: 'I could give you 1 water for 1 firewood, most of my firewood got wet so is almost useless . Would you perhaps except some food for another unit of firewood?' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Your needs are like mine. I have a condition that require me to shower quite often. It is a shame but if I do not shower for 3 hours I will stink. ' 'Well fortunately if you are camping that won't be too bad. You'll blend in with the wilderness.' 'My friends will run away. I will not be comfortable either. So how do we split what we have?' Utterance: 'If they're true friends, they won't. I'll take 2 firewood, 2 water, 3 food.' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I could manage with one firewood and two foods, but if you have canteens for everyone, may I then have all three waters? I had planned to collect water from the river, but I'm worried I may get sick.' 'you pointed out that we will need more! 😮 i will take 2 waters' 'I didn't know you had supplied everyone with water before the trip. I was merely trying to look out for your needs, but you said you didn't need them!' Utterance: 'I am giving you a lot of food. You are being unreasonable and backtracking. You are getting some of everything with my offers, and there are only two of you.' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'Yes, does that work for you. I could give you 1 water and 2 foods as I really need the water for my hike. I tend to overheat easily. ' 'You are flipping it around. I can't give you 2 water and 2 firewood as that wouldn't really be fair ' 'Okay, how about if I give you 3 foods and you give me the 2 firewoods and 2 waters?' Utterance: 'THanks, but I really need the water. I thought you would enjoy the food with so many guests in your campsite. Is that a possibility?' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'Sorry to bother you, I don't need anything other than food package. So better you could give me 2 food package and take 3 water and fire wood. Please consider this deal.' 'No i absolutely need 2 food packages. So if you cannot agree to take 1 food 2 water and 2 firewood i will walk away. If you have children with you would would also need water which you are not asking for. ' 'Yes I too have children so only I am considering 2 food package, 1 water is enough for me and I dont need any firewood. So please accept this deal' Utterance: '😡 I am walking away if i cannot get 2 food packages 1 water and 1 firewood. That leaves you with 1 food 2 waters and 2 firewoods. This is a good deal for you concidering that you havent been asking for water for your children until i mentioned that you need water for you children. Do you agree??' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'hello' 'Hey! How are you? My bestie and I were going to be going on a camping trip, but my other friends heard about it and wanted to come along so we're going to need more supplies than I initially though which has got me a little worried. ☹️' 'Yes!!! I need some water pretty bad. I am good on food because I fish and I have been able to catch some catfish from the lake. How about I take 2 water 2 firewood and 1 food' Utterance: 'I need a lot of food, because of how many people are coming now (like 3 times as many). Also, there's only one stream in the area and it's really far from our campsite, so it would be super inconvenient to have to hike there everyday to refill our canteens. We are in a forest though, so we should be good for wood. Since you can easily fish, what if I take 3 food and 2 water? You can keep all the firewood. 🙂' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'Oh no, that's not good. I still have some left over, but we're running out of firewood to use to heat it.' 'Seems like we are in the same boat, the bear tore our tent to shreds so we are sleeping outside and it is cold☹️' 'Sounds like a rough camping trip. It has been pretty cold lately.' Utterance: 'Is it possible I could have 3 food since I have none and 2 Firewood to stay warm and you can have 1 Firewood and 3 Water?' Ans: No Context: Context: 'We wantto do a lot of hiking on our trip and therefore I need extra water to make sure we stay hydrated. ' 'hi! thats awesome i am going camping too, but not a lot of hiking. I am bringing 2 teenage boys so food will be very important for us' 'I definitely understand that, kids can eat a lot. I can spare 2 extra food for all the water. ' Utterance: 'that will work for me - how about i take 2 food, and all the firewood - i am hoping to teach my boys campfire songs - they need other hobbies that dont include electronics :). You can have 1 food and all the water? ' Ans: No Context: Context: 'I'm doing well! How are you?' 'I am doing quite well myself. Why are you camping today?' 'Well my sister and her husband are celebrating their anniversary this weekend so we volunteered to watch her daughters. We decided it would be fun to take her kids and ours camping! What about you? 🙂' Utterance: 'That is really nice of you! I hope they have fun! My family had this trip planned for quite awhile. We have an extra person with us because my son begged me for his friend to come. I couldn't say no. 🙂' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Hi! How are you?! You excited for your camping trip??! I sure am ready to go on mine!' 'I am very excited, I'm actually going camping in a week. I drink a lot of water so it's important that I bring a lot. What about you?' 'I really am! I have been watching the weather and updates about the area I will be traveling to. They are experiencing a severe drought, so I will be in need of some extra water as well! I planned on staying an extra couple days as well. There is a stream nearby I believe, but I'm not sure how much it has dried up.' Utterance: 'That's good to hear, you always have to be careful with wild water though, it has all kind of germs. Sounds like you'll have plenty of dry firewood though. ' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'Well my sister and her husband are celebrating their anniversary this weekend so we volunteered to watch her daughters. We decided it would be fun to take her kids and ours camping! What about you? 🙂' 'That is really nice of you! I hope they have fun! My family had this trip planned for quite awhile. We have an extra person with us because my son begged me for his friend to come. I couldn't say no. 🙂' 'I have definitely been there before! With taking all the kids I'm worried about them getting dehydrated. I also have a 7 month old that needs water to make her bottles! I was hoping to get 3 extra packaged of water for sure. ' Utterance: 'That is one of my fears as well. Does you seven month old breast feed? I am hoping for the water as well. I would love to give them to you if I had extra. Is there anything else you need?' Ans: Yes Context: Context: Utterance: 'Hello there 🙂' Ans: No Context: Context: 'I still don't think that is too fair though, since you would be getting 6/9 of the extra items and I would only be getting 3... I'm not an avid camper so I need extra amenities to make sure I survive haha. I am flexible on the water though - maybe we can compromise there. I am fine with you having all of the wood. Maybe we could give you 3 firewood, 1 food, and 1 water?' 'That sounds very fair to me. Thank you for being understanding. 🙂' 'Definitely! I am glad we could come to an agreement. Do you like to camp a lot? Or hike?' Utterance: 'I love to camp! Especially when there is enough firewood! It is a great (and inexpensive) activity for me I get a lot of enjoyment out of. Hopefully you will become an avid camper after this trip!' Ans: No Context: Context: 'my people feel like they need 1 extra of something or else they will throw a fit ☹️' 'No fits!! They're getting that extra water they really want. I am sure they'll be OK with giving a group with kids a little extra firewood to make this camping trip awesome for them' 'Okay if they get 3 water they are good with that allotment for the others' Utterance: 'I think taking 1 extra water, for safety purposes will be OK for us and your group will get that. I am going to submit a GREAT offer that is mutually beneficial. ' Ans: No Context: Context: 'I recently bought two new puppies, and they are coming on the trip. I could really use the extra water for them!' 'Awww. That sounds reasonable to me. I'm hoping to have a birthday dinner for my dad on the trip, so I'd appreciate some more food and a little more firewood.' 'Happy birthday to your dad!! You can have all of the food if I can have all of the water. 🙂' Utterance: 'That' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Yes A little.. But I would need extra camping items ' 'Ok, I do too. What do you really need?' 'Thanks for asking ..! I will need 3 of food, 3 of water and 2 of firewood..' Utterance: 'I really need water though. Are you sure you need that much?' Ans: Yes Context: Context: Utterance: 'Hello How is preparing for your trip going?' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Would it work for you, then, to give me the three food and three water, and I can give you all of the firewood?' 'No. Because I brought a water purifier but don't plan on hunting or fishing. So I'd be willing to give up all the water but I want 2 of the food.' 'I see. I also greatly need the extra food, as I indicated. Perhaps there are some convenience or grocery stores near your campground--you might then purchase extra food there and not have to carry it with you on your trip? ' Utterance: 'I believe there won't be any convenience stores around to buy food, And I plan on staying out longer than you so I will need more food to last me, Do you need food or water more?' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I would like 3 firewods 1 food and 1 water we stay up late and need extra firewood' 'Oh thats expensive .There's too much cold out here and thats our major package for survival ' 'Okay when we are not camping we work at night so we are use to being up at night so we like extra firewood just to sit around campfire and chat' Utterance: 'Yours is still better.You using it for cht but we seriously need it for survival.But i can give you a firewood and a pakage of water in exchange for two firewoods.What do you think?' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'hello' Utterance: 'Hello, there. Should we discuss how to divide up the items for the camping trip?' Ans: No Context: Context: 'I would love to have the Firewood the most. ' 'Unfortunately I need firewood the most too. How about I take 2 firewood, 2 food, and 1 water?' 'I feel that I am not getting a fair deal. ' Utterance: 'Then what do you think is fair?' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Impossible. I will need to cancel the trip altogether.' 'How about I take 2 packs of water while retain your initial request for food and firewood?' 'I cannot allow any water. As I mentioned we will be camping away from all bodies of water and cannot negotiate on that item. I need 3 water, or else I will need to cancel the trip. We might be able to negotiate on the food though.' Utterance: 'I need to have at least a pack of water. How about 1 water, 3 firewood and 1 food?' Ans: No Context: Context: Utterance: 'Hi - nice to meet you! I hope we can work out a deal that is good for both of us.' Ans: No Context: Context: Utterance: 'Hello how are you?' Ans: No Context: Context: Utterance: 'Hi there! I can't wait to go camping! How about you?' Ans: No Context: Context: 'do you have a particular item preference?' 'I do. I have been looking everything over and feel this won't be to hard to come to an agreement' 'Well my camp places a premium on water. How would you feel about for me: 2 water, 1 food, 1 firewood?' Utterance: 'I think we're on the right track. I am bring my 2 kids with me and they eat everything in sight.' Ans: No Context: Context: 'I do. I have been looking everything over and feel this won't be to hard to come to an agreement' 'Well my camp places a premium on water. How would you feel about for me: 2 water, 1 food, 1 firewood?' 'I think we're on the right track. I am bring my 2 kids with me and they eat everything in sight.' Utterance: 'Would they be okay with 2 food? Otherwise can give you an extra and I can take either an additional water or firewood 🙂' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I am fine friend. I need a lot of firewood though. It is freezing' 'I definitely need firewood as well. We didn't anticipate it being as freezing cold as it is at night. There isn't much around us. We've also been using a lot of water, which we could use more of since we've been looking for firewood.' 'Your needs are like mine. I have a condition that require me to shower quite often. It is a shame but if I do not shower for 3 hours I will stink. ' Utterance: 'Well fortunately if you are camping that won't be too bad. You'll blend in with the wilderness.' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'Well I don't mind either way about the food. I'll recommend giving you 2 firewood 1 food and 1 water. ' 'how about you get 3 waters and 2 foods? Does that work better?' 'yes how much firewood. I need at least 1 to cook the food.' Utterance: 'you should have enough firewood in the basic supplies to cook the food i think, with three waters and 2 foods you get 5 items and i get 4' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'Well I don't mind either way about the food. I'll recommend giving you 2 firewood 1 food and 1 water. ' 'how about you get 3 waters and 2 foods? Does that work better?' 'yes how much firewood. I need at least 1 to cook the food.' Utterance: 'you should have enough firewood in the basic supplies to cook the food i think, with three waters and 2 foods you get 5 items and i get 4' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I don't want to be too hungry either but I think perhaps I might need an extra water to compensate for the lack of food.' 'Since I am giving you all of the firewood that you said was most important to you, I feel I should get at least the same amount of items as you, especially since you are getting exactly the firewood you want. I will need to stick to three waters and two food.' 'The firewood is most important to me to be sure. However, if you get more food and all of the water I could end up going hungry.☹️' Utterance: 'Well I would be happy to exchange you one of your firewood for the one water you need. That way you won't go thirsty.' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I am thinking I will want food most' Utterance: 'Great! Food is not my priority but water and food is.' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Hello 🙂' 'Hello!' Utterance: 'Which item do you need the most?' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Hi fellow camper! What are your needs for the extra provisions.' Utterance: 'Hi i'm really excited for camping. I am looking for food and water ' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Hello! And happy camping! 🙂 To start off, I am thinking that I will need at least 3 firewood, 2 water and 1 food. Last time my axe broke and we ran out of wood! What do you think/need?' 'I also was really needing some firewood. It's supposed to get pretty cold at night where we are camping and I need to make sure I can keep my kids warm.' 'Hmm.. well let's see! What is your second priority? I would be willing to give up all of that, if I could get at least 2 firewood. You're right, it sure does get chilly ☹️' Utterance: 'What if I got 3 foods and 2 waters. and you got 3 firewood and 1 water. If I could get a little more food that doesn't need to be cooked over the fire I might be able to get by. And I'll need to buy more water so I don't have to boil it since I won't have much firewood. ' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Same! I'm a little worried about some of my supplies though. What about you?' 'Likewise! What are you most in need of?' 'Well, I'm camping up on a snowy mountain and I gave some of my food away to hikers who were passing me and were very tired and hungry, so I'd really like to get some more food. Firewood would be useful too, although I do have a thick coat and a sleeping bag. I plan on melting the snow to get water, so I don't think I'll need that too much. And you?' Utterance: 'I have the same needs. I have a low metabolism, so I need food and firewood to keep me warm and energized. Water I plan on filtering elsewhere.' Ans: No Context: Context: 'I enjoy camping as well. However, my campsite seems to be a bit chilly at night. I'd be willing to part with some firewood, yet I'd need quite a bit of food to compensate. I also have a stream nearby so water is plentiful if you need that as well.' 'I may be able to do something with regards to food. Do you have enough water?' 'I have more water than I need. How is your water supply?' Utterance: 'I could use some more water as I get dehydrated easily. Since you have enough, I could give you and extra package of food for your water.' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I would like 3 packages of food, 2 packages of firewood, and 1 package of water.' 'That's not going to work for me at all, I would like 3 packages of water, 2 packages of food, and 1 package of firewood' 'That would leave me with no water. I would like 1 package of water, 2 packages of food, and 2 packages of firewood.' Utterance: 'You'll have some water, this is for extra. Would you take 2 packages of food and 3 packages of firewood in exchange for me getting 3 packages of water and 1 package of food?' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'That is fine since there are 3 wood and I want 1. ' 'Then it is good deal. I need two wood, 1 food, and 1 water.' 'I really need all the food, I have a lot of people to feed' Utterance: 'I will provide you the food, but I am asking only one for my people.' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'That may be possible.... 🙂 What did you have in mind for the food replacement? ' 'You can have all the water if we can have all the food?' 'I dont think I am okay with that ☹️. Food is essential to our groups morale when camping. We would like 1 additional food preferably.' Utterance: 'Well you guys did say you did not care much about large fires. What if you gave all the firewood in replace for the water and you can still keep 1 food?' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I could manage with one firewood and two foods, but if you have canteens for everyone, may I then have all three waters? I had planned to collect water from the river, but I'm worried I may get sick.' 'you pointed out that we will need more! 😮 i will take 2 waters' 'I didn't know you had supplied everyone with water before the trip. I was merely trying to look out for your needs, but you said you didn't need them!' Utterance: 'I am giving you a lot of food. You are being unreasonable and backtracking. You are getting some of everything with my offers, and there are only two of you.' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I could use some more water as I get dehydrated easily. Since you have enough, I could give you and extra package of food for your water.' 'That sounds like a deal, what would you like to do as far as the firewood goes?' 'I really need to keep warm with my not so good sleeping bag.☹️ I would be willing to do this. I get two packages of firewood and three packages of water and I will give you two packages of food and one package of firewood. You have plenty of water so you will not miss that.. ' Utterance: 'This sounds good to me, unless you would be able to part with three packages of food?' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'Hello' 'Hi there!' Utterance: 'Im really low in food, is it ok if I get 3 Food, 1 water & 1 firewood? What do you think?' Ans: No Context: Context: 'How about I get 3 firewood, and you get 2 food AND water? We both win with that, I think.' 'So now you need 3 firewood with 1 food. Am I correct?🙂' 'Yes, that sounds fair to me. Although I would be willing to take a water if you're offering it, I am not quite as lucky with water. ☹️' Utterance: 'How It will be. you already told that, you have lot of food with you. So can you please think how it will be. you can take all 3 firewood with 1 water and I will take all 3 foods packages and 2 water.' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'I am glad you accepted. I really need it.' 'I will take all the food and water then' 'That will be very unfair of you. How am i going to survive without water or food?' Utterance: 'You have food and water, this is just extra supplies' Ans: Yes Context: Context: 'Hi! I am interesting in claiming all 3 of the water, as well as 2 firewood and 1 food. Does this work for you?' Utterance: 'No I need more firewood' Ans: No Context: Context: 'Same, my kids are as well! They have not been camping before. They are super excited about the campfires. I'm worried I don't have near enough firewood though. I just found out you can't cut any trees down where we are staying. ' 'oh no I'm so sorry to hear that. My kid are looking forward to the ghost stories around the campfire.' 'My kids will enjoy that as well. I'm hoping I can pack several extra things of firewood. If I could get 3 more packages I would feel better about having enough firewood to have campfires during the evening and to cook on. ' Utterance: 'ok I completely understand. I am more than happy to offer you 3 firewood in exchange for 3 food. If you are ok with splitting 2 water for me and 1 for you that works well. My kids need food and water for their medications.' Ans: No
Input: the grand jury made a special presentment to the Court of Common Council, pointing out that on the debtors' side, which was intended for only 100, A: the grand jury made a special presentment to the Court of Common Council, pointing out that on the debtors' side, which was intended for only one hundred, Input: the grand jury made a special presentment to the Court of Common Council, pointing out that on the debtors' side, which was intended for only 100, A: the grand jury made a special presentment to the Court of Common Council, pointing out that on the debtors' side, which was intended for only one hundred, Input: September 30, 1934. A: September thirty, nineteen thirty four. Input: In 1818 prisoners awaiting trial in Newgate, were at length relieved from this illegal infliction. A: In eighteen eighteen prisoners awaiting trial in Newgate, were at length relieved from this illegal infliction. Input: Oswald obtained a job in July of 1962 as a sheet metal worker with a company in Fort Worth. A: Oswald obtained a job in July of nineteen sixty two as a sheet metal worker with a company in Fort Worth. Input: had assets in the shape of land, house, furniture, pictures, and objets d'art to the value of £50,000. A: had assets in the shape of land, house, furniture, pictures, and objets d'art to the value of fifty thousand pounds. Input: Persons were still living in 1855 who had witnessed dissections at Hicks' Hall, and A: Persons were still living in eighteen fifty five who had witnessed dissections at Hicks' Hall, and Input: and by these payments a wardsman had been known to amass as much as £40. A: and by these payments a wardsman had been known to amass as much as forty pounds. Input: In 1857 A: In eighteen fifty seven Input: On November 22 a Secret Service agent stood at the entrance to the Trade Mart, where the President was scheduled to speak, with copies of these photographs. A: On November twenty two a Secret Service agent stood at the entrance to the Trade Mart, where the President was scheduled to speak, with copies of these photographs. Input: Frazier later fired four groups of three shots at a distance of 100 yards in 5.9, 6.2, A: Frazier later fired four groups of three shots at a distance of one hundred yards in five point nine, six point two, Input: The hearing officer agreed with the latter claim but found Oswald guilty of wrongfully using provoking words and sentenced him to 28 days, A: The hearing officer agreed with the latter claim but found Oswald guilty of wrongfully using provoking words and sentenced him to twenty eight days, Input: on February 17, 1963, for permission for herself and June to return to the Soviet Union. A: on February seventeen, nineteen sixty three, for permission for herself and June to return to the Soviet Union. Input: On the 7th July, 1837, A: On the seventh July, eighteen thirty seven, Input: wasn't the day before. Perhaps 3 days before, end quote. A: wasn't the day before. Perhaps three days before, end quote. Input: It could have been caused by the telescopic sight of the rifle which was approximately 11 inches long. A: It could have been caused by the telescopic sight of the rifle which was approximately eleven inches long. Input: That fact was made precisely clear in subsequent news stories on November 19, 20, and 22. A: That fact was made precisely clear in subsequent news stories on November nineteen, twenty, and twenty two. Input: became apparent on December 2, 1963, when an employee, Frankie Kaiser, A: became apparent on December two, nineteen sixty three, when an employee, Frankie Kaiser, Input: He gave me a dollar bill, the trip was 95 cents. A: He gave me a dollar bill, the trip was ninety five cents. Input: The second conviction for forgery in 1828 was that of the Quaker Joseph Hunton, a man of previously the highest repute in the city of London. A: The second conviction for forgery in eighteen twenty eight was that of the Quaker Joseph Hunton, a man of previously the highest repute in the city of London. Input: In 1832 A: In eighteen thirty two Input: This price included $19.95 for the rifle and the scope, and $1.50 for postage and handling. A: This price included nineteen dollars, ninety five cents for the rifle and the scope, and one dollar, fifty cents for postage and handling. Input: The suspect was described as, quote, a white male about 30, 5 foot 8, black hair, slender, end quote. A: The suspect was described as, quote, a white male about thirty, five foot eight, black hair, slender, end quote. Input: I'm a Marxist. I became interested about the age of 15. From an ideological viewpoint. A: I'm a Marxist. I became interested about the age of fifteen. From an ideological viewpoint. Input: was also reported in the October 1, 1963, issue of the Worker, to which Oswald also subscribed. A: was also reported in the October one, nineteen sixty three, issue of the Worker, to which Oswald also subscribed. Input: at the southeast corner of the intersection, approximately 50 feet away. A: at the southeast corner of the intersection, approximately fifty feet away. Input: According to this committee of 1863, beds in the smaller and most carelessly conducted prisons formed a large element in the life of a prisoner. A: According to this committee of eighteen sixty three, beds in the smaller and most carelessly conducted prisons formed a large element in the life of a prisoner. Input: This was in May 1842. A: This was in May eighteen forty two. Input: Here John Sutherland, commander of the British armed transport 'The Friends,' suffered on the 29th June, 1809, A: Here John Sutherland, commander of the British armed transport 'The Friends,' suffered on the twenty ninth June, eighteen oh nine, Input: at 12:30 p.m A: at twelve:thirty p.m Input: But about 1850 the two sides were distinctly hostile, and the controversy ran high. A: But about eighteen fifty the two sides were distinctly hostile, and the controversy ran high. Input: As the President's limousine sped toward the hospital, 12 doctors to the emergency area: surgeons, Drs. Malcolm O. Perry, A: As the President's limousine sped toward the hospital, twelve doctors to the emergency area: surgeons, Drs. Malcolm O. Perry, Input: is discussed in chapter 8. A: is discussed in chapter eight. Input: is discussed in chapter 8. A: is discussed in chapter eight. Input: According to this committee of 1863, beds in the smaller and most carelessly conducted prisons formed a large element in the life of a prisoner. A: According to this committee of eighteen sixty three, beds in the smaller and most carelessly conducted prisons formed a large element in the life of a prisoner. Input: The Fireside Chats of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, by Franklin D Roosevelt, Section 6. A: The Fireside Chats of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, by Franklin D Roosevelt, Section six. Input: to 7.9 seconds. A: to seven point nine seconds. Input: Ultimately more than 200 law enforcement officers, mainly Dallas police but including 8 Secret Service agents, A: Ultimately more than two hundred law enforcement officers, mainly Dallas police but including eight Secret Service agents, Input: The middle yard was at first given up to the least heinous offenders. After 1812 it changed functions with the chapel yard. A: The middle yard was at first given up to the least heinous offenders. After eighteen twelve it changed functions with the chapel yard. Input: the officers of Klein's discovered that a rifle bearing serial number C2766 had been shipped to one A. Hidell, A: the officers of Klein's discovered that a rifle bearing serial number C two seven six six had been shipped to one A. Hidell, Input: It was stated in evidence before the Commission on Capital Punishment in 1864, A: It was stated in evidence before the Commission on Capital Punishment in eighteen sixty four, Input: Chronicles of Newgate, Volume 2. By Arthur Griffiths. Section 18: Newgate notorieties continued, part 3. A: Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section eighteen: Newgate notorieties continued, part three. Input: it regarded approximately 100 of these 400 cases as serious risks A: it regarded approximately one hundred of these four hundred cases as serious risks Input: Sometime after March 27, but according to Marina Oswald, prior to April 10, 1963, A: Sometime after March twenty seven, but according to Marina Oswald, prior to April ten, nineteen sixty three, Input: Background and Possible Motives, Part 4. A: Background and Possible Motives, Part four. Input: Vice President Johnson's airplane, Air Force Two, had arrived at Love Field at approximately 11:35 a.m., A: Vice President Johnson's airplane, Air Force Two, had arrived at Love Field at approximately eleven:thirty five a.m., Input: These four witnesses were interviewed by FBI agents 2 months after the shooting. A: These four witnesses were interviewed by FBI agents two months after the shooting. Input: In 597, when he sent his army to Jerusalem, he won the hatred of the Jews by taking Jehoiakin, the King, captive. A: In five ninety seven, when he sent his army to Jerusalem, he won the hatred of the Jews by taking Jehoiakin, the King, captive. Input: the necessity for which was urged by Mr. Addison, when Secretary of State, in 1717. A: the necessity for which was urged by Mr. Addison, when Secretary of State, in seventeen seventeen. Input: the company received from Empire Wholesale Sporting Goods, Ltd., Montreal, a shipment of 99 guns in one case. A: the company received from Empire Wholesale Sporting Goods, Ltd., Montreal, a shipment of ninety nine guns in one case. Input: The prosecution pressed for a severe penalty. Edward Wakefield pleaded that his trial had already cost him £3000. A: The prosecution pressed for a severe penalty. Edward Wakefield pleaded that his trial had already cost him three thousand pounds. Input: again at 12:48 p.m., and again at 12:55 p.m. A: again at twelve:forty eight p.m., and again at twelve:fifty five p.m. Input: The FBI had been interested in him, to some degree at least, since the time of his defection in October 1959. A: The FBI had been interested in him, to some degree at least, since the time of his defection in October nineteen fifty nine. Input: She identified Oswald, who was the No. 2 man in the lineup, as the man she saw running with the gun: A: She identified Oswald, who was the Number two man in the lineup, as the man she saw running with the gun: Input: Upon moving to New Orleans on April 24, 1963, A: Upon moving to New Orleans on April twenty four, nineteen sixty three, Input: 2. Send the information as to what has happened to me to the Embassy. A: two. Send the information as to what has happened to me to the Embassy. Input: to a commercial advertising photography firm in Dallas, where he was employed as a trainee starting October 12, 1962. A: to a commercial advertising photography firm in Dallas, where he was employed as a trainee starting October twelve, nineteen sixty two. Input: On October 3 the Dallas Morning News quoted U.S. Representative Joe Pool's hope A: On October three the Dallas Morning News quoted U.S. Representative Joe Pool's hope Input: The motorcade left Love Field shortly after 11:50 a.m. and drove at speeds up to 25 to 30 miles an hour A: The motorcade left Love Field shortly after eleven:fifty a.m. and drove at speeds up to twenty five to thirty miles an hour Input: (3) the testimony of firearms identification experts, and (4) the testimony of Marina Oswald, A: (three) the testimony of firearms identification experts, and (four) the testimony of Marina Oswald, Input: William Greer, operator of the Presidential limousine, estimated the car's speed at the time of the first shot as 12 to 15 miles per hour. A: William Greer, operator of the Presidential limousine, estimated the car's speed at the time of the first shot as twelve to fifteen miles per hour. Input: William IV. was also the victim of a murderous outrage on Ascot race course in 1832, A: William the fourth was also the victim of a murderous outrage on Ascot race course in eighteen thirty two, Input: At about 4:30 p.m., Mrs. Markham, A: At about four:thirty p.m., Mrs. Markham, Input: with the address of post office box 2915 in Dallas. A: with the address of post office box two nine one five in Dallas. Input: The three FBI experts each fired three shots from the weapon at 15 yards in 6, 7, and 9 seconds, A: The three FBI experts each fired three shots from the weapon at fifteen yards in six, seven, and nine seconds, Input: which was berthed at the Dumaine Street wharf in New Orleans, on June 16, 1963. A: which was berthed at the Dumaine Street wharf in New Orleans, on June sixteen, nineteen sixty three. Input: he was told that 45 minutes had been allotted for a motorcade procession from Love Field to the luncheon site. A: he was told that forty five minutes had been allotted for a motorcade procession from Love Field to the luncheon site. Input: There had been a pause in legislation, except of a permissive kind. The 2nd and 3rd Victoria, cap. 56 A: There had been a pause in legislation, except of a permissive kind. The second and third Victoria, cap. fifty six Input: Marguerite Oswald withdrew Lee from the orphans' home and took him with her to Dallas when he was a little over 4 years old. A: Marguerite Oswald withdrew Lee from the orphans' home and took him with her to Dallas when he was a little over four years old. Input: a bricklayer found a human trunk near some new buildings in the Edgeware Road, one morning in the last week of 1836. A: a bricklayer found a human trunk near some new buildings in the Edgeware Road, one morning in the last week of eighteen thirty six. Input: The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume 2. By Arthur Griffiths. Section 4: Newgate down to 1818. A: The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section four: Newgate down to eighteen eighteen. Input: through the evening of Friday, November 22. A: through the evening of Friday, November twenty two. Input: Soon after, on October 1, 1963, A: Soon after, on October one, nineteen sixty three, Input: Full of optimism and hope, he stood in Red Square in the Fall of 1959, vowing to see his chosen course through, A: Full of optimism and hope, he stood in Red Square in the Fall of nineteen fifty nine, vowing to see his chosen course through, Input: On that date, Klein's placed an internal control number VC836 on this rifle. A: On that date, Klein's placed an internal control number V C eight three six on this rifle. Input: By the 31 George III. c. 46, s. 5, A: By the thirty one George the third c. forty six, s. five, Input: As regards the first, however, Sir James Graham, when Home Secretary in 1843, A: As regards the first, however, Sir James Graham, when Home Secretary in eighteen forty three, Input: quote, off underside gun barrel near end of grip C2766, end quote, A: quote, off underside gun barrel near end of grip C two seven six six, end quote, Input: and the question, as part of the whole subject of capital punishment, had been referred to a royal commission in January 1864. A: and the question, as part of the whole subject of capital punishment, had been referred to a royal commission in January eighteen sixty four. Input: When interviewed by FBI agents on January 21, 1964, A: When interviewed by FBI agents on January twenty one, nineteen sixty four, Input: unloaded at 12:15 p.m., A: unloaded at twelve:fifteen p.m., Input: At 15 yards each man's shots landed within the size of a dime. A: At fifteen yards each man's shots landed within the size of a dime. Input: When Oswald was arrested, he had in his possession a Smith & Wesson 38 Special caliber revolver, A: When Oswald was arrested, he had in his possession a Smith and Wesson thirty eight Special caliber revolver, Input: As a political leader, the President wished to resolve the factional controversy within the Democratic Party in Texas before the election of 1964. A: As a political leader, the President wished to resolve the factional controversy within the Democratic Party in Texas before the election of nineteen sixty four. Input: and costing 11 pounds, 15 shillings, 8 pence, within ten days. A: and costing eleven pounds, fifteen shillings, eight pence, within ten days. Input: He gave me a dollar bill, the trip was 95 cents. A: He gave me a dollar bill, the trip was ninety five cents. Input: disclosed that on January 3, 1963, A: disclosed that on January three, nineteen sixty three, Input: The Commission has considered the possibility that the cartons might have been moved in connection with the work that was being performed on the sixth floor on November 22. A: The Commission has considered the possibility that the cartons might have been moved in connection with the work that was being performed on the sixth floor on November twenty two. Input: The whole question assumed sufficient importance to become a part of the Government program when Lord Beaconsfield took office in 1874. A: The whole question assumed sufficient importance to become a part of the Government program when Lord Beaconsfield took office in eighteen seventy four. Input: Three invoices on this clipboard, each dated November 22, were for Scott Foresman books, located on the first and sixth floors. A: Three invoices on this clipboard, each dated November twenty two, were for Scott Foresman books, located on the first and sixth floors. Input: On the second series they required 5.15, 6.45, and 7 seconds. A: On the second series they required five point one five, six point four five, and seven seconds. Input: Since 1945, Roosevelt's successors have ranged the world, A: Since nineteen forty five, Roosevelt's successors have ranged the world, Input: would have been to fire three times and hit the target twice within a span of 4.8 to 5.6 seconds. A: would have been to fire three times and hit the target twice within a span of four point eight to five point six seconds. Input: On November 4, Gerald A. Behn, agent in charge of the White House detail, asked Sorrels to examine three potential sites for the luncheon. A: On November four, Gerald A. Behn, agent in charge of the White House detail, asked Sorrels to examine three potential sites for the luncheon. Input: President Kennedy was scheduled to speak across the street from his hotel in Fort Worth at 8:30 a.m. A: President Kennedy was scheduled to speak across the street from his hotel in Fort Worth at eight:thirty a.m. Input: In that period upwards of 200,000 writs A: In that period upwards of two hundred thousand writs Input: wasn't the day before. Perhaps 3 days before, end quote. A: wasn't the day before. Perhaps three days before, end quote. Input: when it was found that a sum of £10,000, standing in the name of three trustees, of whom Fauntleroy was one, A: when it was found that a sum of ten thousand pounds, standing in the name of three trustees, of whom Fauntleroy was one, Input: On December 26, 1963, the FBI circulated additional instructions to all its agents, A: On December twenty six, nineteen sixty three, the FBI circulated additional instructions to all its agents, Input: which he did for 4 months in the fall of 1948. A: which he did for four months in the fall of nineteen forty eight. Input: using a .22 caliber bolt action rifle belonging either to Robert or Robert's in laws. A: using a twenty two caliber bolt action rifle belonging either to Robert or Robert's in laws. Input: He had sought by all legal means to obtain possession of the £2000, but had failed, and had had recourse to more violent means. A: He had sought by all legal means to obtain possession of the two thousand pounds, but had failed, and had had recourse to more violent means. Input: in case of unexpected need; and 25 additional agents are recommended to provide the Vice President full protection. A: in case of unexpected need; and twenty five additional agents are recommended to provide the Vice President full protection. Input: According to this committee of 1863, beds in the smaller and most carelessly conducted prisons formed a large element in the life of a prisoner. A: According to this committee of eighteen sixty three, beds in the smaller and most carelessly conducted prisons formed a large element in the life of a prisoner. Input: The preponderance of the evidence supports the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald (1) A: The preponderance of the evidence supports the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald (one) Input: About 1 week after the return from New Orleans, A: About one week after the return from New Orleans, Input: There had been a pause in legislation, except of a permissive kind. The 2nd and 3rd Victoria, cap. 56 A: There had been a pause in legislation, except of a permissive kind. The second and third Victoria, cap. fifty six Input: But about 1850 the two sides were distinctly hostile, and the controversy ran high. A: But about eighteen fifty the two sides were distinctly hostile, and the controversy ran high. Input: firing it, with 10 rounds. A: firing it, with ten rounds. Input: The Commission has concluded that on April 10, 1963, A: The Commission has concluded that on April ten, nineteen sixty three, Input: but it was probably no earlier than 1:22 p.m., the time when the rifle was found. A: but it was probably no earlier than one:twenty two p.m., the time when the rifle was found. Input: by paying in a genuine bill of Messrs. Rothschilds' for £4500, which was duly discounted. A: by paying in a genuine bill of Messrs. Rothschilds' for forty five hundred pounds, which was duly discounted. Input: Since the rifle was shipped from Chicago on March 20, 1963, it was received in Dallas during the period when Oswald rented and used the box. A: Since the rifle was shipped from Chicago on March twenty, nineteen sixty three, it was received in Dallas during the period when Oswald rented and used the box. Input: At about 6:30 p.m. on the day of the assassination, McWatters viewed four men in a police lineup. A: At about six:thirty p.m. on the day of the assassination, McWatters viewed four men in a police lineup. Input: Whaley displayed a trip manifest which showed a 12 o'clock trip from Travis Hotel to the Continental bus station, A: Whaley displayed a trip manifest which showed a twelve o'clock trip from Travis Hotel to the Continental bus station, Input: In 1812, James Claudius Rich, the British Resident at Baghdad, made the first complete examination of the ruins. A: In eighteen twelve, James Claudius Rich, the British Resident at Baghdad, made the first complete examination of the ruins. Input: when Air Force One touched down at Love Field at 11:40 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. A: when Air Force One touched down at Love Field at eleven:forty a.m., Eastern Standard Time. Input: I am shocked! My dreams! I have waited for 2 years to be accepted. A: I am shocked! My dreams! I have waited for two years to be accepted. Input: But the first Bible actually dated (which also was printed at Maintz by Peter Schoeffer in the year 1462) A: But the first Bible actually dated (which also was printed at Maintz by Peter Schoeffer in the year fourteen sixty two) Input: Finally, the performance of those charged with the immediate responsibility of protecting the President on November 22 is reviewed. A: Finally, the performance of those charged with the immediate responsibility of protecting the President on November twenty two is reviewed. Input: and that no more than 197 creditors recovered debts and costs. A: and that no more than one hundred ninety seven creditors recovered debts and costs. Input: About 6 months later she also withdrew John Pic and Robert Oswald. A: About six months later she also withdrew John Pic and Robert Oswald. Input: with the alinement of the assassin's rifle, at a range of 177 to 266 feet. A: with the alinement of the assassin's rifle, at a range of one hundred seventy seven to two hundred sixty six feet. Input: In this way he obtained vast sums from several firms, and one to which he was indebted upwards of £50,000 subsequently stopped payment. A: In this way he obtained vast sums from several firms, and one to which he was indebted upwards of fifty thousand pounds subsequently stopped payment. Input: and costing 11 pounds, 15 shillings, 8 pence, within ten days. A: and costing eleven pounds, fifteen shillings, eight pence, within ten days. Input: almost 500 feet from Houston Street. A: almost five hundred feet from Houston Street. Input: He gave me a dollar bill, the trip was 95 cents. A: He gave me a dollar bill, the trip was ninety five cents. Input: was probably made within a day or a day and a half of the examination on November 22. A: was probably made within a day or a day and a half of the examination on November twenty two. Input: The crime, long carried on without detection, was first discovered in 1820, A: The crime, long carried on without detection, was first discovered in eighteen twenty, Input: The time was fixed at 1 p.m., as an approximation, since it was impossible to determine the precise moment when life left the President. A: The time was fixed at one p.m., as an approximation, since it was impossible to determine the precise moment when life left the President. Input: These were: 1. The male debtors' side. A: These were: one. The male debtors' side. Input: in early October of 1963. A: in early October of nineteen sixty three. Input: (6) the lies told to the police by Oswald, (7) A: (six) the lies told to the police by Oswald, (seven) Input: On October 3 the Dallas Morning News quoted U.S. Representative Joe Pool's hope A: On October three the Dallas Morning News quoted U.S. Representative Joe Pool's hope Input: Lee scored an IQ of 118 on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. A: Lee scored an I.Q. of one eighteen on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. Input: The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume 2. By Arthur Griffiths. Section 9: The first report of the inspector of prisons. A: The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section nine: The first report of the inspector of prisons. Input: when you shoot at 175 feet or 260 feet, which is less than a hundred yards, with a telescopic sight, A: when you shoot at one hundred seventy five feet or two hundred sixty feet, which is less than a hundred yards, with a telescopic sight, Input: On the 14th June, 1800, there were 199 debtors and 289 felons in the prison. A: On the fourteenth June, eighteen hundred, there were one hundred ninety nine debtors and two hundred eighty nine felons in the prison. Input: 2. The female debtors' side. 3. The chapel yard. 4. The middle yard. A: two. The female debtors' side. three. The chapel yard. four. The middle yard. Input: the necessity for which was urged by Mr. Addison, when Secretary of State, in 1717. A: the necessity for which was urged by Mr. Addison, when Secretary of State, in seventeen seventeen. Input: This punctuate missile wound, about two fifths inch in diameter (1 centimeter) and located approximately 5 inches above the left knee, A: This punctuate missile wound, about two fifths inch in diameter (one centimeter) and located approximately five inches above the left knee, Input: He could not test Exhibit No. 133 A in the same way because the negative was never recovered. A: He could not test Exhibit Number one thirty three A in the same way because the negative was never recovered. Input: In 606, Nineveh, the old enemy of Babylon, fell, never to rise again. A: In six oh six, Nineveh, the old enemy of Babylon, fell, never to rise again. Input: When Luigi Buranelli was executed in 1855, A: When Luigi Buranelli was executed in eighteen fifty five, Input: The suspect was described as, quote, a white male about 30, 5 foot 8, black hair, slender, end quote. A: The suspect was described as, quote, a white male about thirty, five foot eight, black hair, slender, end quote. Input: examined the blanket and discovered a bulge approximately 10 inches long midway in the blanket. A: examined the blanket and discovered a bulge approximately ten inches long midway in the blanket. Input: Three invoices on this clipboard, each dated November 22, were for Scott Foresman books, located on the first and sixth floors. A: Three invoices on this clipboard, each dated November twenty two, were for Scott Foresman books, located on the first and sixth floors. Input: He said, quote, Yes, sir; that is right, because that is the 500 block of North Beckley, end quote, A: He said, quote, Yes, sir; that is right, because that is the five hundred block of North Beckley, end quote, Input: (6) the lies told to the police by Oswald, (7) A: (six) the lies told to the police by Oswald, (seven) Input: Marguerite Oswald withdrew Lee from the orphans' home and took him with her to Dallas when he was a little over 4 years old. A: Marguerite Oswald withdrew Lee from the orphans' home and took him with her to Dallas when he was a little over four years old. Input: The Science: History of the Universe, Volume 5. Edited by Francis Rolt Wheeler. Biology. Chapter 8. A: The Science: History of the Universe, Volume five. Edited by Francis Rolt Wheeler. Biology. Chapter eight. Input: In a resolution passed by the Court of Aldermen on 18th March, 1842, A: In a resolution passed by the Court of Aldermen on eighteenth March, eighteen forty two, Input: quote, off underside gun barrel near end of grip C2766, end quote, A: quote, off underside gun barrel near end of grip C two seven six six, end quote, Input: This operation was concluded at 3:20 p.m. A: This operation was concluded at three:twenty p.m. Input: The Prisons Bill of 1876 contemplated the transfer of the prisons to Government. A: The Prisons Bill of eighteen seventy six contemplated the transfer of the prisons to Government. Input: The fact was, Wakefield went on to say, an uncle of his had advanced Mr. Turner £60,000, which had temporarily staved off ruin. A: The fact was, Wakefield went on to say, an uncle of his had advanced Mr. Turner sixty thousand pounds, which had temporarily staved off ruin. Input: Sergeant Zahm expressed the opinion that the shot which struck President Kennedy in the neck at 176.9 A: Sergeant Zahm expressed the opinion that the shot which struck President Kennedy in the neck at one hundred seventy six point nine Input: But about 1850 the two sides were distinctly hostile, and the controversy ran high. A: But about eighteen fifty the two sides were distinctly hostile, and the controversy ran high. Input: 10 days prior to the Walker attempt, Oswald had undoubtedly received the rifle shipped from Chicago on March 20, A: ten days prior to the Walker attempt, Oswald had undoubtedly received the rifle shipped from Chicago on March twenty, Input: William Greer, operator of the Presidential limousine, estimated the car's speed at the time of the first shot as 12 to 15 miles per hour. A: William Greer, operator of the Presidential limousine, estimated the car's speed at the time of the first shot as twelve to fifteen miles per hour. Input: This was on the last day of 1829. In the following session Sir Robert Peel brought in a bill to consolidate the acts relating to forgery. A: This was on the last day of eighteen twenty nine. In the following session Sir Robert Peel brought in a bill to consolidate the acts relating to forgery. Input: On November 18 the Dallas City Council adopted a new city ordinance prohibiting interference with attendance at lawful assemblies. A: On November eighteen the Dallas City Council adopted a new city ordinance prohibiting interference with attendance at lawful assemblies. Input: more than 5,000 names were referred to the Secret Service in the first 4 months of 1964. A: more than five thousand names were referred to the Secret Service in the first four months of nineteen sixty four. Input: William IV. was also the victim of a murderous outrage on Ascot race course in 1832, A: William the fourth was also the victim of a murderous outrage on Ascot race course in eighteen thirty two, Input: or rightwing extremism which may have existed in the city of Dallas had any connection with Oswald's actions on November 22, 1963. A: or rightwing extremism which may have existed in the city of Dallas had any connection with Oswald's actions on November twenty two, nineteen sixty three. Input: and therefore approximately 1.6 seconds after the President was shot in the head. A: and therefore approximately one point six seconds after the President was shot in the head. Input: In 1812, James Claudius Rich, the British Resident at Baghdad, made the first complete examination of the ruins. A: In eighteen twelve, James Claudius Rich, the British Resident at Baghdad, made the first complete examination of the ruins. Input: S T. W. 2 inch BBL, unquote, cost $29.95. A: S T. W. two inch BBL, unquote, cost twenty nine dollars, ninety five cents.
The input contains a debate topic, an argument on the topic and a keypoint, separated by "<sep>". Your task is to answer if the keypoint matches the argument and summarizes exactly what the argument means, in the context of the given topic. Given: Topic: We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp<sep>Argument: Guantanamo bay runs on a decree that allows it to hold prisoners without trial. this violates a basic fundamental right and almost certainly means there are prisoners held that are innocent<sep>Keypoint: Detainees have the right to trial in us courts Ans: True Given: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: Mandatory retirement is harmful to the nation's productivity and economy<sep>Keypoint: A mandatory retirement age decreases institutional knowledge Ans: False Given: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: Many retirees are often below the poverty line, unable to heat their house and unable to eat a healthy diet. allow them the opportunity to work later in life to be able to improve their standard of life<sep>Keypoint: A mandatory retirement reduces the quality of life for those forced to retire Ans: True Given: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration is an extravagance in this era of poverty and injustice, we should concentrate government money on those areas instead.<sep>Keypoint: There are issues more important to fund than space exploration Ans: True Given: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: By taking away the right to life of his victim, a murderer forfeits his own right to life.<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty helps the victim/their family Ans: False Given: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: There are many instances of innocence being proved at a later date<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty irreversible Ans: True Given: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: There is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than a prison term<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty is ineffective in deterring crimes Ans: True Given: Topic: We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp<sep>Argument: Guatanamo bay uses torture on its prisoners and should be closed.<sep>Keypoint: Detainees have the right to trial in us courts Ans: False Given: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Many scientific discoveries have come from space exploration.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration improves science/technology Ans: True Given: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Homeschooling should not be banned, its a great way to learn one to one especially for children with learning difficulties<sep>Keypoint: Homeschools can be personalized to the child's pace/needs Ans: False Given: Topic: We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons<sep>Argument: Nuclear weapons have helped keep the peace in a dangerous and uncertain world for several decades<sep>Keypoint: Nuclear weapons is essential for protection and deterrence Ans: True Given: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: Child actors are exploited both by parents and the video industry, children should study and grow without working<sep>Keypoint: Child performers tend to develop problems later in life Ans: False Given: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Capital punishment can potentially lead to the death of innocent men. there are cases where there is strong doubt that the person executed actually carried out the crime.<sep>Keypoint: State-sanctioned killing is principally wrong Ans: False Given: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Homeschooling should be banned because educational institutions still provide a better education.<sep>Keypoint: Homeschools cannot be regulated/standardized Ans: False Given: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: For people who work in skilled manual jobs it comes to a point where it is no longer safe for them work, the retirement age is used to protect people of a certain age as a safety precaution<sep>Keypoint: A mandatory retirement age creates opportunities for other workers Ans: False Given: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: There are less farms that can support a family. people who want access to things like great libraries, hospitals, theaters, need to live in a metropolis.<sep>Keypoint: Cities offer more opportunities Ans: True Given: Topic: We should ban private military companies<sep>Argument: They are regulated differently and might not act according to standard rules<sep>Keypoint: Private military companies are not professional Ans: True Given: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: Flag burning is simply a form of protesting that isn't harming anyone directly.<sep>Keypoint: Flag burning is an effective tool of expression/protest/critique Ans: True Given: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: We should end this because if people believe they are still able to work then let them. they may get depressed if they dont.<sep>Keypoint: We should let everyone retire when they are ready Ans: True Given: Topic: We should abandon marriage<sep>Argument: Marriage provides stability and it helps families<sep>Keypoint: Marriage benefits children Ans: True Given: Topic: We should adopt libertarianism<sep>Argument: Libertarianism is the ideal for society. it increases freedom and responsibilities. society would flourish, people would be happier.<sep>Keypoint: Libertarianism increases individual freedom/liberties Ans: True Given: Topic: We should legalize sex selection<sep>Argument: We should be able to choose the sex we wish to have.<sep>Keypoint: Sex selection allows for better family planning Ans: False Given: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: Voting is such an important part of being part of society and its decision making process that it should be compulsory.<sep>Keypoint: Compulsory voting will cause more people to become interested in politics Ans: False Given: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: It is the right of the individual whether they vote, as much as who they vote for. not voting is a choice, a protected right in a free country and can't be trampled on.<sep>Keypoint: Abstaining from a vote is also reflecting your preferences Ans: False Given: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: We just don't have enough excess funds yo support this type of exploration.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration can be carried by the private sector Ans: False Given: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: Because cannabis helps regulate body weight, it only makes sense that it would help prevent and regulate diabetes.<sep>Keypoint: Alcohol and tobacco are more harmful drugs yet remain legal Ans: False Given: Topic: We should ban human cloning<sep>Argument: By cloning humans we could provide more organs for sick people needing organs.<sep>Keypoint: Cloning can be used to create more advanced humans Ans: False Given: Topic: We should adopt atheism<sep>Argument: Adopting atheism would be a way to isolate and be against religions and it does not seem right<sep>Keypoint: People should choose for themselves whether atheism should be adopted Ans: False Given: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Urbanization creates overcrowded places with high crime<sep>Keypoint: Restrictions on migration would benefit people in the rural areas economically/socially Ans: False Given: Topic: We should abandon marriage<sep>Argument: Most marriages end in divorce, which causes an economic hardship on both parties. it makes more financial sense to not get married in the first place<sep>Keypoint: Most of the advantages of marriage are achieved by a monogamous relationship Ans: False Given: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: Cannabis use has been shown to adversely affect the brains of users. this has been proven by brain scans.<sep>Keypoint: Cannabis increases lack-of-judgement/accidents Ans: False Given: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: Mandatory retirement helps younger workers get jobs<sep>Keypoint: A mandatory retirement age creates opportunities for other workers Ans: True Given: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: Suicide is a form of murder and those who attempt it can be convicted. assisting someone to commit suicide can therefore be considered an accomplice.<sep>Keypoint: Assisted suicide is akin to killing someone Ans: True Given: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: There are better things to spend money on<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration can be carried by the private sector Ans: False Given: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: Flag burning is a sign of protest, which is covered by the constitution and should not be prohibited so as not to violate one's constitutional rights.<sep>Keypoint: Flag burning is justified due to freedom of expression Ans: True Given: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: Funding journalism would create a conflict of intrest<sep>Keypoint: Government intervention has the risk of inserting bias/harming objectivity Ans: True Given: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: Compulsory voting is unconstitutional, and forcing people to do something they do not want to do never turns out as planned.<sep>Keypoint: Citizens have a right not to vote Ans: True Given: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Children who are homeschooled may end up being lonely because they aren't socializing with school friends. there could also be the worry that they aren't getting a proper education.<sep>Keypoint: Homeschools cannot be regulated/standardized Ans: False Given: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: We should abolish capital punishment because it is inhumane to kill a human being. an eye for an eye doesn't do us any good. they just need to be changed to a better person, not killed.<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty harms the disenfranchised Ans: False Given: Topic: We should ban human cloning<sep>Argument: Human cloning can be used to help find cures for, and prevent, hereditary diseases.<sep>Keypoint: Cloning can be used to create more advanced humans Ans: False Given: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: Legalizing prostitution would increase global human trafficking and violent crime.<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work will increase immoral behaviour like pimping/organized crime/trafficking Ans: True Given: Topic: We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons<sep>Argument: The potential destruction to our entire planet is on the line so we must fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons.<sep>Keypoint: Nuclear weapons can fall into the wrong hands Ans: False Given: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: Helping someone to commit suicide is murder and should be criminalized<sep>Keypoint: Assisted suicide is akin to killing someone Ans: True Given: Topic: We should adopt atheism<sep>Argument: There would be a decrease in morals and morality<sep>Keypoint: Atheism lacks morality Ans: True Given: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: We should not prohibit flag burning because there are many legitimate reasons to burn a flag in protest.<sep>Keypoint: Flag burning is an effective tool of expression/protest/critique Ans: True Given: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: We shouldn't ban the use of child actors. i think this role can be good for children, it opens up career doors, and who would fill all the roles that need a child not an adult..<sep>Keypoint: Acting may be the child's dream Ans: False Given: Topic: We should adopt libertarianism<sep>Argument: Libertarianism is the maximum expression of freedom. the state should not be the one who decrees the way of life of citizens. libertarianism brings human, professional and economic growth<sep>Keypoint: Libertarianism increases economic growth Ans: True Given: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: It is a requirement for christianity and each religion has its rules and must be respected<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy allows a priest to focus on god Ans: False Given: Topic: We should ban human cloning<sep>Argument: Can lead to many medical breakthroughs that may help cure and or treat many different disease<sep>Keypoint: Cloning promotes science/research Ans: True Given: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: No one should be forced to vote. it goes against the principles of our nation and its freedoms. it is a right, but that doesn't mean anyone has to do it.<sep>Keypoint: Abstaining from a vote is also reflecting your preferences Ans: False Given: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: Assisted suicide should not be a criminal offense because when a person get gravely ill they should not have to keep on suffering.<sep>Keypoint: Assisted suicide gives dignity to the person that wants to commit it Ans: False Given: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: Legalizing prostitution will allow prostitutes to actually report and press charges against problematic pimps and johns, something they can't do right now.<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work will make the profession safer for women Ans: True Given: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: Flag burning is offensive to many people<sep>Keypoint: Flags are important symbols that should be respected Ans: False Given: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: Flag burning should be prohibited because it is a desecration of the flag and should be illegal<sep>Keypoint: Flags are important symbols that should be respected Ans: True Given: Topic: We should abolish intellectual property rights<sep>Argument: Intellectual property rights mean that access to the arts can be more expensive meaning that poorer people have less access than richer people.<sep>Keypoint: Intellectual property rights are unfair Ans: True Given: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: Assisted suicide is killing someone even if it is at their request<sep>Keypoint: Assisted suicide is akin to killing someone Ans: True Given: Topic: We should abandon marriage<sep>Argument: Marriage makes you lose your personal freedom and having to share everything with your partner, it should be abandoned<sep>Keypoint: Marriages are unstable Ans: False Given: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: It has too many bad side effects so should not be legal<sep>Keypoint: Cannabis harms the body Ans: True Given: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Women have the same right to bodily autonomy as men and this includes choosing a career path, including service in a combat role<sep>Keypoint: Women are an asset in combat Ans: False Given: Topic: We should ban private military companies<sep>Argument: It is helpful that private military companies exist to support combat<sep>Keypoint: Private military companies can supplement regular armies in specific tasks that armies cannot, or do not want, to do Ans: True Given: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: Child actors are robbed of their childhood and can face much emotional turmoil as an adult from missing this important step in childhood.<sep>Keypoint: Child performers are losing their childhood Ans: True Given: Topic: We should legalize sex selection<sep>Argument: Sex selection should be legalized because it gives couples the options to plan a family<sep>Keypoint: Sex selection will prevent abortions/infanticide Ans: False Given: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: Giving someone the medicine to end a life other than natural causes is assisting in murder.<sep>Keypoint: Assisted suicide allows people to solicit someone to die to their own benefit Ans: False Given: Topic: We should ban human cloning<sep>Argument: Human cloning is completely immoral because it turns people into commodities<sep>Keypoint: Cloning is not understood enough yet Ans: False Given: Topic: We should legalize sex selection<sep>Argument: Sex selection reinforces a culture of male-dominated sexism and devalues women.<sep>Keypoint: Sex selection reaffirms gender stereotypes/biases Ans: True Given: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: It is outdated and as we live in modern world, should be banned as once.<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy is outdated Ans: True Given: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: We shouldn't legalize cannabis because it could potentially lead to increases in addictions to other drugs that are far more dangerous than cannabis<sep>Keypoint: Cannabis harms the body Ans: False Given: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: It impairs your mind so it should be illegal<sep>Keypoint: Cannabis harms the body Ans: True Given: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Home schooling isn't as good as regular schools because parents just are not as equipped as teachers are in educating their kids.<sep>Keypoint: Homeschools cannot be regulated/standardized Ans: False Given: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: We should subsidize journalism because it plays an important role in our society by keeping us informed of current events with facts and background information.<sep>Keypoint: Journalism is important to information-spreading/accountability Ans: True Given: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: When someone becomes a nun or priest they should wholly devote themselves to god only.<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy is a strong religious belief Ans: False Given: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Women just don't have the physical or mental strength to be relied upon in armed combat.<sep>Keypoint: Women cannot overcome physical/emotional/mental barriers Ans: True Given: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: Compulsory voting does not promote democratic engagement instead in turns voting in to a tick box excercise<sep>Keypoint: Abstaining from a vote is also reflecting your preferences Ans: False Given: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Urbanization should be fought as it has a negative impact on rural areas as more and more leave those areas to move to cities.<sep>Keypoint: Restrictions on migration would benefit people in the rural areas economically/socially Ans: True Given: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: We should end mandatory retirement some people have to work to supplement government pensions. it gives them social interaction which they may not have if they arent working<sep>Keypoint: A mandatory retirement age decreases institutional knowledge Ans: False Given: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: A vow of celibacy does nothing but cause issues inside religious groups, such as that of young boys and priests.<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy leads to wrong sexual behaviour Ans: True Given: Topic: We should ban private military companies<sep>Argument: We should not ban private military companies because they can provide great protection in many areas of our country<sep>Keypoint: Private military companies are well-trained/better equipped Ans: False Given: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: Cannabis is less dangerous than other things which are currently legal, such as alcohol and cigarettes. it also has many medical uses<sep>Keypoint: Alcohol and tobacco are more harmful drugs yet remain legal Ans: True Given: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: A vow of celibacy is so outdated it has no place in modern society<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy is too pressuring/diffcult Ans: False Given: Topic: We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp<sep>Argument: The guantanamo bay camp is necessary for national security<sep>Keypoint: The guantanamo bay detention camp is essential to gain intelligence Ans: False Given: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Why should evil people be taken care of their whole lives while in prison. killing them saves money.<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty saves costs to the state Ans: True Given: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: No-one has the right to play god and decide to help another person to die.<sep>Keypoint: People do not have the right to self-harm/harm others Ans: True Given: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: Legalizing prostitution would only help the pimps. it would also increase demands and possibly human trafficking.<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work will increase immoral behaviour like pimping/organized crime/trafficking Ans: True Given: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Women are weaker on average than men. in combat only the strongest should be allowed.<sep>Keypoint: Women cannot overcome physical/emotional/mental barriers Ans: True Given: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Homeschooling does not allow the child or children to socialize with others of their own age.<sep>Keypoint: Mainstream schools are essential to develop social skills Ans: True Given: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Urbanization can enable people to have closer access to key services such as hospitals and supermarkets.<sep>Keypoint: Cities offer more opportunities Ans: True Given: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration has made satellites possible.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration can help in colonizing the resources/lands of other planets Ans: False Given: Topic: We should adopt libertarianism<sep>Argument: Freedom is something everyone fights for and therefore adopting it makes sense.<sep>Keypoint: Libertarianism increases happiness/fulfilment Ans: False Given: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: Being able to control prostitution will allow us to drastically reduce some crimes and better serve the health of the workers and prevent the spread of sex diseases<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work increases sex workers' benefits (e.g. health care, safe sex, unionization, etc.) Ans: True Given: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: It is estimated that the economic value of every dollar spent on the space exploration program is worth $8-$10, this makes it a very sound investment that advances technology, science and medicine.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration is financially beneficial Ans: True Given: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: It is a person's right to choose whether or not to vote. some people do not care about politics.<sep>Keypoint: Abstaining from a vote is also reflecting your preferences Ans: False Given: Topic: We should adopt libertarianism<sep>Argument: We should adopt libertarianism because it allows the people to have more freedom and little or no involvement from the government.<sep>Keypoint: Libertarianism increases individual freedom/liberties Ans: True Given: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: We should not prohibit women in combat as women are as vital as men in this situation and can bring new skills and opinions in a war environment.<sep>Keypoint: Women can create unique skills/strategies Ans: True Given: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: If a terminally ill patient does not have assisted suicide available they may turn to another more violent method of ending their own life.<sep>Keypoint: Assisted suicide gives dignity to the person that wants to commit it Ans: False Given: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration should be subsidized as it allows us to try and find an alternative place to live if we destroy our own planet.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration improves science/technology Ans: False Given: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: We should not because then more journalists will pop up and could spread false information.<sep>Keypoint: It is preferable to spend the money elsewhere Ans: False Given: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Urbanization provides many opportunities for growth<sep>Keypoint: Cities offer more opportunities Ans: True Given: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: Compulsory voting would mean that every voice is heard and every one is counted.<sep>Keypoint: Compulsory voting will cause more people to become interested in politics Ans: False Given: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: The vow of chastity should be abandoned as it goes against human needs, urges and instinct and can cause dysfunctional thinking and acts.<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy is too pressuring/diffcult Ans: False Given: Topic: We should abandon marriage<sep>Argument: Marriage is a straight-forward way to legalise a union and ensure arrangements such as inheritances and benefits are simplified.<sep>Keypoint: Marriage benefits children Ans: False Given: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: It is an american's right of freedom to burn the flag to show their displeasure again a country that continues to show disrespect of their own people.<sep>Keypoint: Flag burning is justified due to freedom of expression Ans: True Given: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: Child actors can secure a future for college with the earnings they make and can be protected by family and managers to insure their safety in their young acting careers.<sep>Keypoint: Child performers achieve success/confidence Ans: True Given: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Urbanization from village areas brings in more workforce which could help the economy<sep>Keypoint: Urbanization benefits the environment Ans: False Given: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: Burning the flag is freedom of speech and should be allowed<sep>Keypoint: Flag burning is justified due to freedom of expression Ans: True Given: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: We should prohibit flag burning because it's unpatriotic and leads to worse things like rioting.<sep>Keypoint: Flag burning is an inflammatory act Ans: True Given: Topic: We should abolish intellectual property rights<sep>Argument: Intellectual property rights limit creativity and put too much power in the hands of corporations which have the resources to crush the liberty of people who innocently re-post content.<sep>Keypoint: Intellectual property rights harm creativity/innovation Ans: True Given: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: Far too few people actually vote, meaning that those in government are not truly representative of the people.<sep>Keypoint: Compulsory voting increases representation Ans: True Given: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: Compulsory voting will increase peoples awareness of political issues<sep>Keypoint: People have an obligation to vote Ans: False Given: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration is a costly waste of money; that money could be much better spent elsewhere.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration is expensive Ans: True Given: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: Journalism provides people with accurate and up to date information that is essential to a positive well being.<sep>Keypoint: Subsidy increases objectivity in reporting Ans: False Given: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Death penalty brings closure to families and saving taxpayers millions of dollars every year<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty saves costs to the state Ans: True Given: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: Better journalism is needed to keep our governments in check and the general population in the know<sep>Keypoint: A subsidy is important to make journalism viable Ans: False Given: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: It should be abandoned because they have the same desires as every human has<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy is outdated Ans: False Given: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: Celibacy is the only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy allows a priest to focus on god Ans: False Given: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Urbanization leads to the destruction of many animals and plants.<sep>Keypoint: Restrictions on migration would benefit people in the rural areas economically/socially Ans: False Given: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: The vow of celibacy is outdated in today's society and so it should be abandoned.<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy is outdated Ans: True Given: Topic: We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons<sep>Argument: We should fight to abolition nuclear weapons because if they get in the wrong hands many people will be killed<sep>Keypoint: Nuclear weapons can fall into the wrong hands Ans: True Given: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: Despite political beliefs, the flag is an important symbol which should be respected no matter what.<sep>Keypoint: Flags are important symbols that should be respected Ans: True Given: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Capital punishment has historically been unfairly used more against minorities and the weak people in society, and i believe it's true today<sep>Keypoint: State-sanctioned killing is principally wrong Ans: False Given: Topic: We should legalize sex selection<sep>Argument: When people mess with mother nature by trying to select the sex of their child, only bad things can happen.<sep>Keypoint: It is unethical/unhealthy for parents to intervene Ans: True Given: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: Subsidizing journalism would lead to nothing but manipulating journalists and leaving the general public unable to trust in them.<sep>Keypoint: Journalism is like every other business and if it is not sustainable it should fail Ans: False Given: Topic: We should abolish intellectual property rights<sep>Argument: Intellectual property rights are a barrier to innovation and further improvements to an idea by blocking others capitalising on ideas and technology<sep>Keypoint: Intellectual property rights harm creativity/innovation Ans: True Given: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: One problem i find with subsidizing it is that when they go after the people in power they could cut their funding so they would be gun shy about reporting that.<sep>Keypoint: It is preferable to spend the money elsewhere Ans: False Given: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration must be supported because helping us, humans to keep our planet earth safe and secure.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration is necessary for the future survival of humanity Ans: True Given: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: We should legalize prostitution so that we can regulate it and make it safer for the prostitutes and the clients.<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work increases sex workers' benefits (e.g. health care, safe sex, unionization, etc.) Ans: False Given: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: We should abolish capital punishment because there is no possibility of correcting a miscarriage of justice where people have died for crimes they did not commit.<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty irreversible Ans: True Given: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: Celibacy is unnatural and serves no useful purpose in regards to a persons faith<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy is unhealthy/unnatural Ans: True Given: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: Mandatory retirement is discriminatory and should be banned<sep>Keypoint: A mandatory retirement is not fair/discriminatory Ans: True Given: Topic: We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons<sep>Argument: Nuclear weapons create unnecessary political tension<sep>Keypoint: Nuclear weapons provoke or escalate a disastrous military action Ans: True Given: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: Making it legal would just lead to worse drug usage<sep>Keypoint: Cannabis harms the body Ans: False Given: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration needs our support to help us understand the universe and our place in it.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration can help in colonizing the resources/lands of other planets Ans: False Given: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: Priests are human as well and have needs which can lower the rate of sexual abuse in the church<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy is outdated Ans: False Given: Topic: We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp<sep>Argument: The usa should be above holding political prisoners.<sep>Keypoint: Detainees have the right to trial in us courts Ans: False Given: Topic: We should abolish intellectual property rights<sep>Argument: Intellectual property rights stifle the widespread use of life enhancing technology so we should abolish them.<sep>Keypoint: Intellectual property prevents the continuous improvement of a service/product Ans: False Given: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: If parents feel they are best placed to educate their kids, they should be allowed to<sep>Keypoint: Homeschooling is often the best option for catering for the needs of exceptional/religious/ill/disabled students. Ans: False Given: Topic: We should adopt atheism<sep>Argument: While there are many atheists in the world, there are many that believe in god or a higher power and don't want to see atheism as an adopted practice.<sep>Keypoint: People should choose for themselves whether atheism should be adopted Ans: True Given: Topic: We should adopt atheism<sep>Argument: There is no actual proof that god exists. it is all stories passed down no matter which religion. atheism would stop the fighting over which religion is superior.<sep>Keypoint: Atheism should be adopted since we cannot prove that god exists Ans: True Given: Topic: We should ban human cloning<sep>Argument: Human cloning makes it possible to make specific human body parts that a person's body would be less likely to reject.<sep>Keypoint: Cloning can be used to create more advanced humans Ans: False Given: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: Prostitution is immoral and leads to a public health problem<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work will increase violence against women Ans: False
In this task, you are given a paragraph, event and an entity. The event is part of the given paragraph and it changes the state of the entity. Your task is to classify the state of the entity into three classes: 1) not exist, 2) unknown location and 3) known location. "not exist" means the entity doesn't exist in that state anymore. "unknown location" means the entity exists in that state but location is unknown. "known location" means the entity exists and location is known. "process paragraph : : The organism must die to begin the process. The soft tissue decomposes. The bones are left behind. Scavengers tear the body apart and move the bones elsewhere. Wind and rain also scatter the bones further. The bones left behind will weather and become buried by sand and soil. The proteins in the bone are replaced with minerals that are dissolved in the soil. This creates a rock-like substance called a fossil. Water and wind erosion wear away the layers of soil on top of the fossil. This makes discovery of the fossil possible. ", "event : The soft tissue decomposes.", "entity : organism" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Cells obtain glucose and oxygen. The glucose and oxygen create carbon dioxide. The cells release energy. The cells don't have enough oxygen to repeat this. The cells obtain more oxygen from the air. The cells repeat this process. ", "event : The glucose and oxygen create carbon dioxide.", "entity : glucose and oxygen" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : A bee lands on the flower. Their feet slip into little grooves that hold pollen sacs. When the bee flies off, it carries off the pollen sac. The bee lands on another plant. The pollen sac falls off and pollinates the plant. ", "event : Their feet slip into little grooves that hold pollen sacs.", "entity : bee" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Grass and small plants grow in an area. These plants die. The soil gains organic material. The soil becomes more fertile. Larger plants are able to be supported. Trees eventually grow. ", "event : These plants die.", "entity : Grass" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Waste products are deposited in the blood. Blood is carried to the kidneys through the renal arteries. The kidneys contain filters inside. The filters capture the waste products. The waste is combined with water to make urine. The urine leaves the kidney and is collected in the bladder. The cleaned blood is returned to the body. ", "event : Blood is carried to the kidneys through the renal arteries.", "entity : waste products" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Air is pulled into the lungs. Oxygen moves from the lungs into the bloodstream. Air is pushed through the vocal chords. A person talks. Other air is pushed out of the lungs into the environment. ", "event : Oxygen moves from the lungs into the bloodstream.", "entity : lungs" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : Someone is infected with bacteria. That bacteria begins to grow and reproduce inside the cells. The dividing bacteria begin to make toxins. Those toxins damage your cells. Disease symptoms may begin. ", "event : That bacteria begins to grow and reproduce inside the cells.", "entity : bacteria" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Sound waves enter your outer ear. Travel through ear canal to your ear drum. Eardrum vibrates with the incoming sound. Send the vibrations to three tiny bones in your middle ear. Bones in your middle ear amplify the vibrations. Send them to your inner ear. The vibrations activate tiny hair cells in your inner ear. The hair cells release neurochemical messengers. Your auditory nerve carries the message to your brain. The brain translates the message so you can understand. ", "event : Travel through ear canal to your ear drum.", "entity : neurochemical messengers" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : To bake a cake you first need to gather your ingredients. Preheat the oven to desired baking temperature. Grease your preferred cake pan with crisco or butter or other non-stick spray. Add eggs and vegetable oil to the dry ingredients. Stir or whisk until all the dry flour has been absorbed. Pour the batter into the greased cake pan. Place cake pan into the oven for the required time. When a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean, the cake is done baking. ", "event : Preheat the oven to desired baking temperature.", "entity : ingredients" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : Seeds are sown into the ground. The earth where the seeds are planted is given water and fertilizer. The seeds start to grow and become seedlings. The plants are given water. The seedlings grow into plants. Weeds growing near the plants are removed. The plants grow to maturity. ", "event : The earth where the seeds are planted is given water and fertilizer.", "entity : seeds" Output: known location "process paragraph : : You inhale air through your nose and mouth. The air travels down into your lungs. Oxygen from the air goes into your bloodstream. Oxygen circulates throughout the body due to the heart's pumping. Carbon dioxide travels from the blood into the lungs. Carbon dioxide travels from the lungs up the windpipe. Carbon dioxide is exhaled. ", "event : The air travels down into your lungs.", "entity : air" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Adult mushrooms produce spores. Release them into the air by process of sporulation. Spores are carried by the wind. Land in a hospitable growing environment. The spores germinate into the soil. The mushroom starts growing. The adult mushroom produce spores of its own to repeat the process. ", "event : Release them into the air by process of sporulation.", "entity : Adult mushroom" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : A seed or seeds planted into the ground. The seed becomes a seedling and grows with water. The sun. The seedling grows into a mature plant. Becomes a flower. ", "event : The seed becomes a seedling and grows with water.", "entity : seed ; seeds" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Plants obtain water through the soil they are growing in. The plants roots absorb the water from the soil. Transport the water to the parts of the plant where the water is needed. The plant uses the water as part of the photosynthesis process. The plant creates food, called glucose, for itself. The plant uses water to circulate the glucose around the plant to deliver the glucose to where it's needed. ", "event : The plants roots absorb the water from the soil.", "entity : water" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Electricity comes into the computer from the plug. The electricity runs the components in the computer. Electricity turns the fan to keep the components cool. Heat is released from the computer. Electricity runs the computer's display. Light is formed from the electricity. ", "event : The electricity runs the components in the computer.", "entity : electricity" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Water gets caught in winds that are moving upward. The water freezes. The water starts to fall. The winds are strong enough from keeping it from falling back to earth. This pattern of rising and falling continues. The hail becomes too large to be pushed up by the wind. The hail finally falls to the ground. ", "event : The water freezes.", "entity : water" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : A seed or seeds planted into the ground. The seed becomes a seedling and grows with water. The sun. The seedling grows into a mature plant. Becomes a flower. ", "event : The seed becomes a seedling and grows with water.", "entity : seed ; seeds" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Choose what you want to write your letter on. Think of what you want to say. Write some nice things!. Place the letter into an envelope. Put a stamp on the top right corner of the face of the envelope. Write the address of the recipient on the envelope. Put the envelope in your mailbox. Raise the flag on your mailbox, indicating to the mailman that you have outgoing mail. ", "event : Think of what you want to say.", "entity : envelope" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : The cornea helps to focus light. Light passes to the iris. The pupil within the iris expands or contracts to control the amount of light entering the eye. The retina converts the light that reaches the retina into an electric signal. Sends the signal to the brain. The brain translates the electrical signals into the images a person sees. ", "event : Light passes to the iris.", "entity : electric signal" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Comets fly around in outer space. A comet flies close to a planet. The comet enters the planet's atmosphere. The comet crashes into the planet. The energy of the impact creates a hole on the planet. ", "event : A comet flies close to a planet.", "entity : comet" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Human beings burn fossil fuels (oil, gas, etc.). Carbon dioxide from the burning fossil fuels enter the atmosphere. The make-up of the atmosphere changes. Some energy from the sun cannot escape back through the changed atmosphere. The earth begins to heat because of the extra trapped energy. Human beings cut down trees. Human beings do not re-plant the trees. Trees cannot help take the extra carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The extra trapped energy starts to change the earth's short term weather. Eventually the long-term climate patterns start to change. ", "event : Carbon dioxide from the burning fossil fuels enter the atmosphere.", "entity : fossil fuels" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Warm water rises off the seas. The water condenses as it cools and gets higher in the air. Then the condensation forms into clouds. The clouds travel over areas on land. The clouds reach a saturation point. The rain falls from the clouds. ", "event : The water condenses as it cools and gets higher in the air.", "entity : warm water ; water" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Comets fly around in outer space. A comet flies close to a planet. The comet enters the planet's atmosphere. The comet crashes into the planet. The energy of the impact creates a hole on the planet. ", "event : A comet flies close to a planet.", "entity : comet" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Living things have carbon in them. Living things die. The remains of living things eventually become buried underground. More physical pressure is put on the remains of living things as they become further underground. This carbon-based mixture stays underground for a long time. Humans discover this carbon-based mixture. This carbon-based mixture is brought up to the earth's surface. The recently discovered fossil fuel is burned. Burning releases the energy that has been stored in the fossil fuel. The energy can be used to generate power. ", "event : Living things die.", "entity : living things ; remains of living things" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : Several types of gases form in the atmosphere. May come from different sources. The gases remain trapped in the atmosphere. Through the suns light the gases hold in heat and energy. Trap them in our atmosphere. The earth may become warmer this way. ", "event : May come from different sources.", "entity : several types of gases" Output: known location "process paragraph : : A seed germinates. It grows into a plant. The mature plant produces flowers. The flowers become fertilized. Produce seeds in a fruit or seedpod. The plant dies. The new seeds germinate to form a new plant. ", "event : It grows into a plant.", "entity : seed" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Food. Water enter the body. Bloodstream. Food and water enter the pancreas. The pancreas breaks down carbs. Helps digest other foods and liquids. ", "event : Water enter the body.", "entity : carbs" Output: known location "process paragraph : : The organism must die to begin the process. The soft tissue decomposes. The bones are left behind. Scavengers tear the body apart and move the bones elsewhere. Wind and rain also scatter the bones further. The bones left behind will weather and become buried by sand and soil. The proteins in the bone are replaced with minerals that are dissolved in the soil. This creates a rock-like substance called a fossil. Water and wind erosion wear away the layers of soil on top of the fossil. This makes discovery of the fossil possible. ", "event : The soft tissue decomposes.", "entity : organism" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Water gets caught in winds that are moving upward. The water freezes. The water starts to fall. The winds are strong enough from keeping it from falling back to earth. This pattern of rising and falling continues. The hail becomes too large to be pushed up by the wind. The hail finally falls to the ground. ", "event : The water freezes.", "entity : water" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : A car is filled with gasoline (gas). Someone turns the car on with a key. The car's battery produces a spark (electricity). The spark ignites the gas. The burning gas expands when it encounters air. The expanding air and gas pushes a piston out. The motion of several pistons move the crankshaft. Different parts of the car cause the motion in the crankshaft to cause the wheels to move. The wheels and the car's body can move. ", "event : Someone turns the car on with a key.", "entity : car" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : A seed or seeds planted into the ground. The seed becomes a seedling and grows with water. The sun. The seedling grows into a mature plant. Becomes a flower. ", "event : The seed becomes a seedling and grows with water.", "entity : seed ; seeds" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : A bee lands on the flower. Their feet slip into little grooves that hold pollen sacs. When the bee flies off, it carries off the pollen sac. The bee lands on another plant. The pollen sac falls off and pollinates the plant. ", "event : Their feet slip into little grooves that hold pollen sacs.", "entity : bee" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Someone is infected with bacteria. That bacteria begins to grow and reproduce inside the cells. The dividing bacteria begin to make toxins. Those toxins damage your cells. Disease symptoms may begin. ", "event : That bacteria begins to grow and reproduce inside the cells.", "entity : bacteria" Output: known location "process paragraph : : A car is filled with gasoline (gas). Someone turns the car on with a key. The car's battery produces a spark (electricity). The spark ignites the gas. The burning gas expands when it encounters air. The expanding air and gas pushes a piston out. The motion of several pistons move the crankshaft. Different parts of the car cause the motion in the crankshaft to cause the wheels to move. The wheels and the car's body can move. ", "event : Someone turns the car on with a key.", "entity : car" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : A liquid is heated from an external source. The heat causes the molecules in the liquid to increase in energy. As the molecules absorb more energy, they start to move faster. As the molecules are moving faster they are increasing in temperature. When the molecules reach a certain temperature, the boiling point, they change from liquid to gas state. As the liquid molecules go into a gaseous state, they float out into the atmosphere. When all the liquid has turned to gas, it has evaporated completely, leaving no liquid behind. ", "event : The heat causes the molecules in the liquid to increase in energy.", "entity : liquid" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : Something happens to produce a sound. The sound travels in waves. The sound waves hit an object. The object absorbs some of the sound waves. Some of the sound waves bounce off of the object. The reflected sound waves can be heard, though they have slightly different properties than the original sound. The sound continues to bounce off of things and produce echoes until it is totally absorbed or dissipated. ", "event : The sound travels in waves.", "entity : sound ; sound waves" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : Food. Water enter the body. Bloodstream. Food and water enter the pancreas. The pancreas breaks down carbs. Helps digest other foods and liquids. ", "event : Water enter the body.", "entity : carbs" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Cold water taken in through a hose to the bottom. Heating element heats water. Pump forces water up in pipes connected to spinning paddles. The forced water makes paddles spin like a sprinkler. Water comes out of small holes in paddles. Water is collected and used again until dishes are clean. Water is drained through a filter. Filter collects particles of food. Water was so hot that it evaporates for dry dishes. ", "event : Heating element heats water.", "entity : water" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Place the water in a pot. Cover the pot with a slightly too large cover. Place a larger pot under the first. Heat water to evaporation. Water vapor will collect on the lid. Drip into the second pot as fresh water. Salt is left behind in the original pot. ", "event : Cover the pot with a slightly too large cover.", "entity : water" Output: known location "process paragraph : : A red giant star forms from an existing star. Formation occurs when the star runs out of hydrogen fuel. Hydrogen atoms are combined together to form helium atoms. Energy produced by helium fusion causes the star to expand. A red giant star is the last stage of stellar evolution. ", "event : Formation occurs when the star runs out of hydrogen fuel.", "entity : hydrogen fuel" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : You breathe air in. Air enters bronchial tubes. Air is then split into the bronchioles of each lung. Bronchioles have alveoli which are tiny air sacs. Alveoli is surrounded by many small blood vessels. Oxygen passes through alveoli into blood vessels. Blood leaves the lungs as it travels through the body. Blood carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs. Carbon dioxide released when you exhale. ", "event : Air enters bronchial tubes.", "entity : air" Output: known location "process paragraph : : EGG. ITS LAID ON A LEAF OR PLANT. THE EGG HATCHES. THE LARVA COMES OUT(CATERPILLAR). IT BEGINS TO EAT ON THE LEAF THAT IS WAS BORN ON. CONTINUES TO EAT TO GROW QUICKLY. AFTER ITS GROWN TO FULL LENGHT IT FORMS INTO A PUPA. UNDERGOES METAMORPHOSIS TO BECOME BUTTERFLY. AFTER HE BUTTERFLY IS FOMED IT PUMPS BLOOD INTO ITS WINGS TO GAIN STRENGHT TO BE ABLE TO FLY. TH EBUTTERLFY IS FIANLLY ABLE TO FLY AWAY. ", "event : ITS LAID ON A LEAF OR PLANT.", "entity : egg" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Bacteria enter the body. Bacteria start to divide and grow. The uncontrolled growth takes away resources from other cells. Other cells cannot function properly. We feel unwell. The growth and division of bacteria produce toxins. Toxins harm the body. The body tries to react to the toxins. The body's natural defenses can sometimes cause us to feel unwell. ", "event : Bacteria start to divide and grow.", "entity : bacteria" Output: known location "process paragraph : : The butterfly starts as an egg. The egg hatches to form a larva, also called a caterpillar. The carterpillar molts (loses its skin) many times as it grows. The caterpillar then forms itself into a pupa, or chrysalis. The caterpillar in the chrysalis begins change, a process called mmetaphorphosis. The caterpillar completes its metamorphosis and has turned into a butterfly. The adult butterfly emerges out of the chrysalis and flys away!. ", "event : The egg hatches to form a larva, also called a caterpillar.", "entity : egg" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Squirrels try to eat as much as possible. Squirrel gains weight and fat. Squirrel also hides food in or near its den. Squirrels also grow a thicker coat as the weather gets colder. Squirrel lives off of its excess body fat. Squirrel uses its food stores in the winter. ", "event : Squirrel gains weight and fat.", "entity : thicker coat" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Blood is sent to the liver. The liver uses chemicals and proteins to treat the blood. The blood is cleaned. Energy is produced. The blood leaves the liver cleaned. ", "event : The liver uses chemicals and proteins to treat the blood.", "entity : blood" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Fish start as eggs. The eggs hatch. A larvae emerges. The larvae matures and grows. The larvae becomes an "adolescent" fish (or fry). The adolescent fish grows. The fish might go through several sub-stages, depend on its species or type. The fish is now a mature adult. The adult fish can lay more eggs. ", "event : The eggs hatch.", "entity : eggs" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : An animal dies. The animal is buried fast under mud. The soft parts of the animal's body rot away. The mud around the skeleton turns into rock. The skeleton dissolves. A mold is left in the mud where the skeleton was. ", "event : The animal is buried fast under mud.", "entity : animal" Output: known location "process paragraph : : To bake a cake you first need to gather your ingredients. Preheat the oven to desired baking temperature. Grease your preferred cake pan with crisco or butter or other non-stick spray. Add eggs and vegetable oil to the dry ingredients. Stir or whisk until all the dry flour has been absorbed. Pour the batter into the greased cake pan. Place cake pan into the oven for the required time. When a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean, the cake is done baking. ", "event : Preheat the oven to desired baking temperature.", "entity : ingredients" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : Food enters the mouth. Food mixes with saliva. Food is swallowed. Enzymes in the stomach break down the food. The food moves to the small intestine. Hormones from the pancreas move to the small intestine. The hormones create the amount of sugar in the blood from the food. The sugar in the blood travels to the body. The sugar provides energy for the muscles. ", "event : Food mixes with saliva.", "entity : food" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Rock begins as magma from a volcano. The magma cools. Crystals form and the magma become igneous rocks. The igneous rocks break down into sediment. Become sedimentary rocks. If subjected to heat and/or pressure from plate-tectonic activity the sedimentary rocks become metamorphic rock. The metamorphic rocks melt. Become magma again. ", "event : The magma cools.", "entity : magma" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : A star burns in space. Eventually it burns all its hydrogen. Becomes a red giant. Once the red giant burns itself out. The core of the star collapses. The gasses will start to disperse. Only the core is left. A white dwarf has been formed. ", "event : Eventually it burns all its hydrogen.", "entity : star" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Fuel produces heat. Water is boiled to make steam. Steam spins turbine. Generator is turned. Makes electricity. Electricity transfers to transformers. Produces the correct voltage. ", "event : Water is boiled to make steam.", "entity : fuel" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : The farmer chooses a crop that will grow well in his region. The farmer tills the soil to loosen it. The farmer spreads seeds. The farmer tills again to plant the seeds. Crops grow. ", "event : The farmer tills the soil to loosen it.", "entity : seeds" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : The nuclei of some atoms have too few or too many neutrons. The atoms become unstable. The atoms split. In alpha decay, two protons and two neutrons are released from the atom. In beta decay, a neutron changes into a proton and an electron. The proton joins the nucleus of the atom. The electron is released. ", "event : The atoms become unstable.", "entity : atoms" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : An airline reservation is made. The passenger arrives early at the airport. The luggage is checked. The passenger waits in line. The passenger shows their identification and gets a boarding pass. The passenger goes to their gate. The passenger gets in line when it's time to board. The person boards the plane. The plane arrives at the destination. The passenger gets off the plane at their destination. ", "event : The passenger arrives early at the airport.", "entity : plane" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : A tadpole is hatched. The tadpole eventually grows hind legs. The tadpole loses its tail. The tadpole becomes a frog. The frog mates with another frog to produce more offspring. A tadpole is hatched. The cycle begins again. ", "event : The tadpole eventually grows hind legs.", "entity : tadpole" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : There is a rain cloud in the sky. Small bits of ice within the cloud bump each other. The collisions create electrical charge. Lighter, positively charged particles sink to the bottom of the cloud. Heavier, negatively charges particles rise to the top. When the positive and negative charges grow large enough, a giant spark, called lightning occurs. ", "event : Small bits of ice within the cloud bump each other.", "entity : cloud" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Several types of gases form in the atmosphere. May come from different sources. The gases remain trapped in the atmosphere. Through the suns light the gases hold in heat and energy. Trap them in our atmosphere. The earth may become warmer this way. ", "event : May come from different sources.", "entity : several types of gases" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen to organic nitrogen. Plants absorb organic nitrogen from the soil through their roots. Animals eat the plants. Plants and animals die. Animals expel wastes. Fungi convert organic nitrogen to ammonium. Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonium to nitrate. Bacteria convert nitrate to nitrogen gas. Nitrogen gas escapes from soil into the atmosphere. ", "event : Plants absorb organic nitrogen from the soil through their roots.", "entity : atmospheric nitrogen" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Electricity comes into the computer from the plug. The electricity runs the components in the computer. Electricity turns the fan to keep the components cool. Heat is released from the computer. Electricity runs the computer's display. Light is formed from the electricity. ", "event : The electricity runs the components in the computer.", "entity : electricity" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Wind and water cause erosion and weathering to the rocks. Eroded rock particles are carried away by wind or by rain, streams, rivers, and oceans. Rock particles sink to the bottom of rivers and oceans creating a layer of sediment. Layers of sediment stack up compacting the bottom layers. Minerals fill in the gaps in the sediment eventuality becoming sedimentary rocks. Rocks buried deep underground exposed to high heat and pressure become metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rocks underground melt to become magma. Magma flows from volcanoes in the form of lava. Lava cools and forms igneous rock. Igneous rock begins being weathered and eroded by water and wind. ", "event : Eroded rock particles are carried away by wind or by rain, streams, rivers, and oceans.", "entity : rocks" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : Oil is gathered through mining operations. The oil is transported to stores. Oil is purchased by homeowners. Oil is placed into a stove in the house. The oil is lit on fire, and burns for a long time. The warm air off of the oil travels through the house. ", "event : The oil is transported to stores.", "entity : oil" Output: known location "process paragraph : : There is a lot of rain. Water levels of a river or lake get higher. Water builds up on the ground. Water covers streets. Water goes into houses. The rain or other source of water stops. Water flows into streams. The rest of the water evaporates. ", "event : Water levels of a river or lake get higher.", "entity : rain" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : A forest fire starts. The fire surrounds the vicinity. The animals are trapped. Those that survive have their habitat destroyed. The survivors must find a new habitat. Conflict with other animals occur. ", "event : The fire surrounds the vicinity.", "entity : forest fire" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Chemical reactions in the battery causes a build up of electrons at the anode. This results in an electrical difference between the anode and the cathode. The electrons wants to rearrange themselves to get rid of this difference. The electrons go to the cathode. Electricty is created. ", "event : This results in an electrical difference between the anode and the cathode.", "entity : electricity" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : A liquid is heated from an external source. The heat causes the molecules in the liquid to increase in energy. As the molecules absorb more energy, they start to move faster. As the molecules are moving faster they are increasing in temperature. When the molecules reach a certain temperature, the boiling point, they change from liquid to gas state. As the liquid molecules go into a gaseous state, they float out into the atmosphere. When all the liquid has turned to gas, it has evaporated completely, leaving no liquid behind. ", "event : The heat causes the molecules in the liquid to increase in energy.", "entity : liquid" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : The butterfly starts as an egg. The egg hatches to form a larva, also called a caterpillar. The carterpillar molts (loses its skin) many times as it grows. The caterpillar then forms itself into a pupa, or chrysalis. The caterpillar in the chrysalis begins change, a process called mmetaphorphosis. The caterpillar completes its metamorphosis and has turned into a butterfly. The adult butterfly emerges out of the chrysalis and flys away!. ", "event : The egg hatches to form a larva, also called a caterpillar.", "entity : egg" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : He air we breathe contains oxygen and other gases. Once in the lungs, oxygen is moved into the bloodstream and carried through your body. At each cell in your body, oxygen is exchanged for a waste gas called carbon dioxide. Your bloodstream then carries this waste gas back to the lungs where it is removed from the blood stream and then exhaled. Your lungs and respiratory system automatically perform this vital process, called gas exchange. ", "event : Once in the lungs, oxygen is moved into the bloodstream and carried through your body.", "entity : air" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : You start with a glacier. Through warming or other methods a chunk is taken off the glacier. The chunk drifts into the sea. And it settles where it can remain in its state. It is considered an iceberg. ", "event : Through warming or other methods a chunk is taken off the glacier.", "entity : Glacier" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : Fuel is converted to energy when air and petrol mix. The car engine burns the mix of air and petrol. Hot gas from the burning pushes the pistons. The resulting energy powers the crankshaft. Crankshaft powers the gears. The gears make the wheels roll. ", "event : The car engine burns the mix of air and petrol.", "entity : air" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : A bird lays an egg. The egg hatches into a baby bird. Baby bird eats. Grows into an adult bird. The bird finds a mate. The pair build a nest. The birds lay eggs. ", "event : The egg hatches into a baby bird.", "entity : egg" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Warm water rises off the seas. The water condenses as it cools and gets higher in the air. Then the condensation forms into clouds. The clouds travel over areas on land. The clouds reach a saturation point. The rain falls from the clouds. ", "event : The water condenses as it cools and gets higher in the air.", "entity : warm water ; water" Output: known location "process paragraph : : The frog eggs hatch. The tadpole breaks free. Slowly, the gills disappear over the next 6 weeks. The hind legs begin to form at 8 weeks. The front legs form at 12 weeks. The tail shrinks. The mouth grows larger. The tadpole can live on land as a frog. ", "event : The tadpole breaks free.", "entity : frog eggs" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : A photovoltaic cell is created with two layers of semiconductor material. The top layer are "doped" with impurities to allow a negative charge. The bottom layer are "doped" to allow for a positive charge. This produces an electric field that allows electrons to flow from negative to positve. Sunlight enters the cell. Energy from sunlight knocks electrons loose in both fields. This prevents the flow of electrons from negative to positive. Adding an external circuit allows the exchange to continue. Give the cells owner a flow of electricity. ", "event : The top layer are "doped" with impurities to allow a negative charge.", "entity : photovoltaic cell" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : The coal is placed in a heater. The coal is super heated. The heat is connected to a boiler. The boiler is full of water. The heat turns the water into steam. The steam turns a generator. The generator produces the electricity. ", "event : The coal is super heated.", "entity : coal" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Coal is burned at a furnace. The resulting heat energy is used to heat water. The heated water is turned into steam. The steam drives a generator. Electricity is produced. ", "event : The resulting heat energy is used to heat water.", "entity : coal" Output: not exist "process paragraph : : Coal is mined out of the ground. Coal is pulverized into fine powder. The coal is mixed with hot air. The coal and hot air are blown into a boiler. The coal and hot air burn over a fire. Highly purified water is pumped through pipes in the boiler. The water turns into steam. The steam presses against turbines. The turbines spin. Electricity is produced. ", "event : Coal is pulverized into fine powder.", "entity : coal" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : An animal lives a happy life. The animal gets very old. The animal dies. The animal's skeleton sinks to the bottom of an ocean. The skeleton is buried by mud. More sand and mud fall on the skeleton. Pressure increases on the skeleton from the weight of more mud. The sand and mud turn into rock. The skeleton dissolves in the water. A hole is preserved in rock that is the shape of the skeleton. ", "event : The animal gets very old.", "entity : animal" Output: unknown location "process paragraph : : Oil is gathered through mining operations. The oil is transported to stores. Oil is purchased by homeowners. Oil is placed into a stove in the house. The oil is lit on fire, and burns for a long time. The warm air off of the oil travels through the house. ", "event : The oil is transported to stores.", "entity : oil" Output: known location "process paragraph : : Plants and animals long ago died. They are buried under layers of soil. Pressure builds over time. The remains liquefy. The carbon atoms rearrange to become a new substance. ", "event : They are buried under layers of soil.", "entity : plants" Output: not exist
Possible labels: 1. No 2. Yes Context: This appears to have been a very well-coordinated, very well-planned attack _ clearly not the work of amateurs, U.S. National Security Council spokesman P.J. Crowley said in Washington. No one has (claimed) responsibility. Verb: claimed Label: No Context: At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 injured, officials said as dawn broke Saturday. Dozens of people were still missing, however, and the death toll was expected to rise, they (said). Verb: said Label: No Context: Terrorist bombings at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania blew apart buildings and buses, trapping people under slabs of concrete and twisted steel that rescuers cleared with cranes, blow torches and bare hands. At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 injured, officials (said) as dawn broke Saturday. Verb: said Label: No Context: It was definitely a bomb, said a U.S. Embassy official in Nairobi, who refused to identify himself. You can (see) a huge crater behind the building, and a bomb went off at the embassy in Tanzania at the same time, he said. Verb: see Label: No Context: Suspected bombs exploded outside the U.S. embassies in the Kenyan and Tanzanian capitals Friday, killing dozens of people, witnesses said. The American ambassador to Kenya was among hundreds (injured), a local TV said. Verb: injured Label: No Context: We are worried not only about his prolonged kidnapping, Juan Miguel Gonzalez wrote in a letter published on the front page of the Communist Party daily Granma. We (lack) direct information about the concrete conditions to which he is subjected in his daily life. Verb: lack Label: Yes Context: UNITED NATIONS ( AP ) _ The Security Council condemned the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on Thursday and (called) on all states to cooperate with authorities in finding those responsible. Verb: called Label: No Context: CBS News first reported last night that the tomb may contain the remains of Air Force pilot Michael Blassie. There was a suspicion the body (was) Blassie because his uniform and ID card were found near the body in Vietnam. Verb: was Label: Yes Context: But those restrictions are at least imposed by the normal give and take of political and judicial struggle in a democracy. What (is) outrageous is the attempt to shut down abortions by illegal means _ by shooting the doctors or bombing the clinics or harassing the women seeking to exercise their constitutional right. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: It was definitely a bomb, said a U.S. Embassy official in Nairobi, who refused to identify himself. You can (see) a huge crater behind the building, and a bomb went off at the embassy in Tanzania at the same time, he said. Verb: see Label: No Context: The almost simultaneous attacks Aug. 7 at the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killed 257 people and injured more than 5,500. The incidents of Aug. 7 underscore that terrorists know no boundaries, and that the suppression of international terrorism, the arrest, the conviction and the punishment of its perpetrators are essential to the maintenance of international peace and security, (said) the U.S. Deputy Ambassador Peter Burleigh. Verb: said Label: No Context: " If I were choosing the people of tomorrow, I would have chosen the people who are now on the board, " he said. A Reuters spokesman said the departure (reflects) " no change in strategy or profits. " Verb: reflects Label: Yes Context: ( 0735 GMT ) Friday, toppling a crowded building toward the embassy and a street packed with cars, trucks and buses. At least 75 people were (killed) and 1,643 wounded there, Red Cross and ambulance officials said. Verb: killed Label: No Context: A decade ago, the military planning of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic was built around the possibility of a ground assault toward the west. As NATO allies, the goal (is) much smaller armies capable of meeting a variety of contingencies. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: No cause is so great that it can justify wanton murder and maiming of the innocent. In all, the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania last week (claimed) at least 217 lives and injured nearly 5,000. Verb: claimed Label: No Context: " Fight them, " he urged Iraqis in a radio address. " All Iraqis, fight them with all the power you (have), and all struggle for everything. " Verb: have Label: Yes Context: No cause is so great that it can justify wanton murder and maiming of the innocent. In all, the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania last week (claimed) at least 217 lives and injured nearly 5,000. Verb: claimed Label: No Context: The source for the Tanzanian figures is the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam. KENYA : Total Dead : 192 Americans : 12 (Injured) : 4,877 Hospitalized : 542 Treated and discharged : 4,257 Verb: Injured Label: No Context: It strongly condemns the terrorist bomb attacks. And it stresses that every nation has the duty to (refrain) from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in terrorist acts in another state. Verb: refrain Label: No Context: ( 0735 GMT ) Friday, toppling a crowded building toward the embassy and a street packed with cars, trucks and buses. At least 75 people were killed and 1,643 (wounded) there, Red Cross and ambulance officials said. Verb: wounded Label: No Context: UNITED NATIONS ( AP ) _ The Security Council condemned the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on Thursday and called on all states to cooperate with authorities in (finding) those responsible. Verb: finding Label: No Context: At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 injured, officials said as dawn broke Saturday. Dozens of people were still missing, however, and the death toll was expected to (rise), they said. Verb: rise Label: No Context: At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 injured, officials said as dawn broke Saturday. Dozens of people were still missing, however, and the death toll was expected to (rise), they said. Verb: rise Label: No Context: A resolution, co-sponsored by Kenya, Tanzania and the United States and unanimously adopted, expresses its deep sorrow, sympathy and condolences to the families of the innocent victims of the terrorist bomb attacks at this difficult time. It strongly (condemns) the terrorist bomb attacks. Verb: condemns Label: No Context: CBS News first reported last night that the tomb may contain the remains of Air Force pilot Michael Blassie. There was a suspicion the body (was) Blassie because his uniform and ID card were found near the body in Vietnam. Verb: was Label: Yes Context: Terrorist bombings at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania blew apart buildings and buses, trapping people under slabs of concrete and twisted steel that rescuers cleared with cranes, blow torches and bare hands. At least 82 were (killed) and more than 1,700 injured, officials said as dawn broke Saturday. Verb: killed Label: No Context: She says security under the fundamentalist Taleban government is better, but everything else is worse. Women do not become victims of armed attack, but they do not have the right to (work). Verb: work Label: Yes Context: " If I were choosing the people of tomorrow, I would have chosen the people who are now on the board, " he said. A Reuters spokesman said the departure (reflects) " no change in strategy or profits. " Verb: reflects Label: Yes Context: Terrorist bombings at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania blew apart buildings and buses, trapping people under slabs of concrete and twisted steel that rescuers cleared with cranes, blow torches and bare hands. At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 (injured), officials said as dawn broke Saturday. Verb: injured Label: No Context: Suspected bombs exploded outside the U.S. embassies in the Kenyan and Tanzanian capitals Friday, killing dozens of people, witnesses said. The American ambassador to Kenya was among hundreds injured, a local TV (said). Verb: said Label: No Context: Terrorist bombings at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania blew apart buildings and buses, trapping people under slabs of concrete and twisted steel that rescuers cleared with cranes, blow torches and bare hands. At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 injured, officials said as dawn (broke) Saturday. Verb: broke Label: No Context: This more extensive set of tests could enable officials to declare an absolute match between the two hair strands, the first law enforcement official said. Ultimately, we would need to have a hair taken directly from Kopp himself to establish conclusively the hair from scene (is) his, the official added. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: The Security Council condemned the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on Thursday and called on all states to cooperate with authorities in finding those responsible. A resolution, co-sponsored by Kenya, Tanzania and the United States and unanimously (adopted), expresses its deep sorrow, sympathy and condolences to the families of the innocent victims of the terrorist bomb attacks at this difficult time. Verb: adopted Label: No Context: Suspected bombs exploded outside the U.S. embassies in the Kenyan and Tanzanian capitals Friday, killing dozens of people, witnesses said. The American ambassador to Kenya was among hundreds (injured), a local TV said. Verb: injured Label: No Context: The Security Council condemned the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on Thursday and called on all states to cooperate with authorities in finding those responsible. A resolution, co-sponsored by Kenya, Tanzania and the United States and unanimously (adopted), expresses its deep sorrow, sympathy and condolences to the families of the innocent victims of the terrorist bomb attacks at this difficult time. Verb: adopted Label: No Context: ( 0735 GMT ) Friday, toppling a crowded building toward the embassy and a street packed with cars, trucks and buses. At least 75 people were (killed) and 1,643 wounded there, Red Cross and ambulance officials said. Verb: killed Label: No Context: Dozens of people were still missing, however, and the death toll was expected to rise, they said. The suspected car bombings occurred 700 kilometers ( 450 miles ) from each other but just minutes apart on Friday, (turning) busy streets in two African capitals into bloody piles of concrete and knots of steel. Verb: turning Label: No Context: It strongly condemns the terrorist bomb attacks. And it stresses that every nation has the duty to (refrain) from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in terrorist acts in another state. Verb: refrain Label: No Context: It strongly condemns the terrorist bomb attacks. And it stresses that every nation has the duty to refrain from (organizing), instigating, assisting or participating in terrorist acts in another state. Verb: organizing Label: No Context: Arson and bombings at clinics have become so common that many no longer make the national news. It (is) bad enough that conservatives in Congress and in state legislatures are working to dismantle reproductive rights by banning certain procedures, such as so-called partial birth abortion, and by requiring waiting periods and parental consent before an abortion can be obtained. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: FBI officials said they were not certain whether Stauber or Gingrich had been involved in antiabortion activities. The two men are believed to (live) in the Cleveland area. Verb: live Label: Yes Context: For now, though, that would be a theoretical advantage since the authorities have admitted they have no idea where Kopp is. Clark said there was no question that the finding of the rifle (was) important in his decision to seek an indictment. Verb: was Label: Yes Context: The blast in Nairobi occurred at about 10:35 a.m. ( 0735 GMT ) Friday, (toppling) a crowded building toward the embassy and a street packed with cars, trucks and buses. Verb: toppling Label: No Context: Arson and bombings at clinics have become so common that many no longer make the national news. It (is) bad enough that conservatives in Congress and in state legislatures are working to dismantle reproductive rights by banning certain procedures, such as so-called partial birth abortion, and by requiring waiting periods and parental consent before an abortion can be obtained. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: But those restrictions are at least imposed by the normal give and take of political and judicial struggle in a democracy. What (is) outrageous is the attempt to shut down abortions by illegal means _ by shooting the doctors or bombing the clinics or harassing the women seeking to exercise their constitutional right. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: UNITED NATIONS ( AP ) _ The Security Council (condemned) the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on Thursday and called on all states to cooperate with authorities in finding those responsible. Verb: condemned Label: No Context: Terrorist bombings at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania blew apart buildings and buses, trapping people under slabs of concrete and twisted steel that rescuers cleared with cranes, blow torches and bare hands. At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 injured, officials said as dawn (broke) Saturday. Verb: broke Label: No Context: We shall prove that new members can indeed add to the weight of the alliance, he said. The location for Friday's ceremony was chosen by Albright, who as secretary of state (is) the depository of NATO's accession accords. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: The government yields none of its legal or moral authority in the case if it gives the relatives and their supporters time to reflect and to look for a gentler resolution. As a matter of law, compassion and common sense, the government is entitled to reunite Elian with his father, and it has the power to (enforce) that right, despite the bluster of Miami's demagogic political leaders. Verb: enforce Label: Yes Context: And it stresses that every nation has the duty to refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in terrorist acts in another state. The almost simultaneous attacks Aug. 7 at the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killed 257 people and (injured) more than 5,500. Verb: injured Label: No Context: " If I were choosing the people of tomorrow, I would have chosen the people who are now on the board, " he said. A Reuters spokesman said the departure (reflects) " no change in strategy or profits. " Verb: reflects Label: Yes Context: NAIROBI, Kenya ( AP ) _ Suspected bombs exploded outside the U.S. embassies in the Kenyan and Tanzanian capitals Friday, killing dozens of people, witnesses (said). Verb: said Label: No Context: ( 0735 GMT ) Friday, toppling a crowded building toward the embassy and a street packed with cars, trucks and buses. At least 75 people were (killed) and 1,643 wounded there, Red Cross and ambulance officials said. Verb: killed Label: No Context: It was definitely a bomb, said a U.S. Embassy official in Nairobi, who refused to identify himself. You can (see) a huge crater behind the building, and a bomb went off at the embassy in Tanzania at the same time, he said. Verb: see Label: No Context: Philippine President Joseph Estrada on Tuesday condemned the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and offered condolences to the victims and their families. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to the victims of these outrages and to their families in Kenya, Tanzania and the United States, Estrada (said) in a statement. Verb: said Label: No Context: On Monday, Spitzer called for Vacco to revive that unit immediately, vowing that he would do so on his first day in office if elected. Goldstein, who said it was thoroughly, thoroughly possible that the issue would surface in Spitzer's advertisements, defended the use of the issue by noting that the attorney general (has) direct impact on the issue of clinic access. Verb: has Label: Yes Context: The Security Council condemned the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on Thursday and called on all states to cooperate with authorities in finding those responsible. A resolution, co-sponsored by Kenya, Tanzania and the United States and unanimously (adopted), expresses its deep sorrow, sympathy and condolences to the families of the innocent victims of the terrorist bomb attacks at this difficult time. Verb: adopted Label: No Context: Steve Hurst has that. The US military buildup in the Persian gulf continues apace, more planes (headed) from the united states and senior officials say Iraq's president Saddam Hussein can expect punishing air strikes to continue well into the future if he does n't stop building biological and chemical weapons. Verb: headed Label: Yes Context: Reports in Kenya said the components of the bomb that exploded in Nairobi were transported by road from Tanzania to Kenya. The East African nations (share) a long and mostly unguarded border. Verb: share Label: Yes Context: NAIROBI, Kenya ( AP ) _ Suspected bombs (exploded) outside the U.S. embassies in the Kenyan and Tanzanian capitals Friday, killing dozens of people, witnesses said. Verb: exploded Label: No Context: We shall prove that new members can indeed add to the weight of the alliance, he said. The location for Friday's ceremony was chosen by Albright, who as secretary of state (is) the depository of NATO's accession accords. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: Integra, which owns and operates hotels, said that Hallwood Group Inc. has agreed to exercise any rights that are n't exercised by other shareholders. Hallwood, a Cleveland merchant bank, (owns) about 11 % of Integra. Verb: owns Label: Yes Context: The source for the Tanzanian figures is the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam. KENYA : Total Dead : 192 Americans : 12 (Injured) : 4,877 Hospitalized : 542 Treated and discharged : 4,257 Verb: Injured Label: No Context: At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 injured, officials said as dawn broke Saturday. Dozens of people were still missing, however, and the death toll was expected to (rise), they said. Verb: rise Label: No Context: No cause is so great that it can justify wanton murder and maiming of the innocent. In all, the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania last week (claimed) at least 217 lives and injured nearly 5,000. Verb: claimed Label: No Context: It was definitely a bomb, said a U.S. Embassy official in Nairobi, who refused to identify himself. You can see a huge crater behind the building, and a bomb went off at the embassy in Tanzania at the same time, he (said). Verb: said Label: No Context: At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 injured, officials said as dawn broke Saturday. Dozens of people were still missing, however, and the death toll was expected to (rise), they said. Verb: rise Label: No Context: MANILA, Philippines ( AP ) _ Philippine President Joseph Estrada on Tuesday condemned the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and (offered) condolences to the victims and their families. Verb: offered Label: No Context: Terrorist bombings at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania blew apart buildings and buses, trapping people under slabs of concrete and twisted steel that rescuers cleared with cranes, blow torches and bare hands. At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 (injured), officials said as dawn broke Saturday. Verb: injured Label: No Context: The Security Council condemned the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on Thursday and called on all states to cooperate with authorities in finding those responsible. A resolution, co-sponsored by Kenya, Tanzania and the United States and unanimously (adopted), expresses its deep sorrow, sympathy and condolences to the families of the innocent victims of the terrorist bomb attacks at this difficult time. Verb: adopted Label: No Context: In a televised address Friday, President Arpad Gencz described the entry as " a historic event " which proves the credibility and the realistic approaches of the country's foreign policy. Among the first three former Warsaw Pact countries to accede to NATO on Friday (were) also Poland and the Czech Republic. Verb: were Label: Yes Context: ( 0735 GMT ) Friday, toppling a crowded building toward the embassy and a street packed with cars, trucks and buses. At least 75 people were killed and 1,643 wounded there, Red Cross and ambulance officials (said). Verb: said Label: No Context: Kopp's stepmother, who married Kopp's father when Kopp was in his 30s, said Thursday from her home in Irving, Texas : I would like to see him come forward and clear his name if he's not guilty, and if he's guilty, to contact a priest and make his amends with society, face what he did. Kopp (is) now the second anti-abortion activist being sought by the FBI as a suspect in a fatal attack. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: NAIROBI, Kenya ( AP ) _ Terrorist bombings at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (blew) apart buildings and buses, trapping people under slabs of concrete and twisted steel that rescuers cleared with cranes, blow torches and bare hands. Verb: blew Label: No Context: Before the arrival of Keep, which Google launched this week, there was no default note-taking app for Android. It was a glaring hole, considering that Apple's iPhone (has) built-in Notes and Reminders apps that can be powered by Siri. Verb: has Label: Yes Context: The suspected car bombings occurred 700 kilometers ( 450 miles ) from each other but just minutes apart on Friday, turning busy streets in two African capitals into bloody piles of concrete and knots of steel. This (appears) to have been a very well-coordinated, very well-planned attack _ clearly not the work of amateurs, U.S. National Security Council spokesman P.J. Crowley said in Washington. Verb: appears Label: No Context: This more extensive set of tests could enable officials to declare an absolute match between the two hair strands, the first law enforcement official said. Ultimately, we would need to have a hair taken directly from Kopp himself to establish conclusively the hair from scene (is) his, the official added. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 injured, officials said as dawn broke Saturday. Dozens of people were still (missing), however, and the death toll was expected to rise, they said. Verb: missing Label: No Context: Kavan said the Czech Republic would no longer become " the powerless victim of a foreign invasion. " Martonyi called Hunragy's admission in NATO " (returning) to her natural habitat, " saying : " It has been our manifest destiny to rejoin those with whom we share the same values, interests and goals. " Verb: returning Label: Yes Context: NAIROBI, Kenya ( AP ) _ Terrorist bombings at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania blew apart buildings and buses, (trapping) people under slabs of concrete and twisted steel that rescuers cleared with cranes, blow torches and bare hands. Verb: trapping Label: No Context: We shall prove that new members can indeed add to the weight of the alliance, he said. The location for Friday's ceremony was chosen by Albright, who as secretary of state (is) the depository of NATO's accession accords. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: ( 0735 GMT ) Friday, toppling a crowded building toward the embassy and a street packed with cars, trucks and buses. At least 75 people were (killed) and 1,643 wounded there, Red Cross and ambulance officials said. Verb: killed Label: No Context: Six of the pediatric deaths were reported in the last week, and it's possible there will be more, said the CDC's Dr. Michael Jhung said Friday. Roughly 100 children (die) in an average flu season. Verb: die Label: Yes Context: She says security under the fundamentalist Taleban government is better, but everything else is worse. Women do not become victims of armed attack, but they do not have the right to (work). Verb: work Label: Yes Context: We extend our heartfelt sympathies to the victims of these outrages and to their families in Kenya, Tanzania and the United States, Estrada said in a statement. No cause is so great that it can justify wanton murder and (maiming) of the innocent. Verb: maiming Label: No Context: In a touch of symbolism, the ceremony took place at the Harry S. Truman Library. It was during the Truman presidency that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded to halt the westward (spread) of Soviet-led communism. Verb: spread Label: Yes Context: CBS News first reported last night that the tomb may contain the remains of Air Force pilot Michael Blassie. There was a suspicion the body (was) Blassie because his uniform and ID card were found near the body in Vietnam. Verb: was Label: Yes Context: Reports in Kenya said the components of the bomb that exploded in Nairobi were transported by road from Tanzania to Kenya. The East African nations (share) a long and mostly unguarded border. Verb: share Label: Yes Context: The suspected car bombings occurred 700 kilometers ( 450 miles ) from each other but just minutes apart on Friday, turning busy streets in two African capitals into bloody piles of concrete and knots of steel. This appears to have been a very well-coordinated, very well-planned attack _ clearly not the work of amateurs, U.S. National Security Council spokesman P.J. Crowley (said) in Washington. Verb: said Label: No Context: At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 injured, officials said as dawn broke Saturday. Dozens of people were still missing, however, and the death toll was (expected) to rise, they said. Verb: expected Label: No Context: Arson and bombings at clinics have become so common that many no longer make the national news. It (is) bad enough that conservatives in Congress and in state legislatures are working to dismantle reproductive rights by banning certain procedures, such as so-called partial birth abortion, and by requiring waiting periods and parental consent before an abortion can be obtained. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: But those restrictions are at least imposed by the normal give and take of political and judicial struggle in a democracy. What (is) outrageous is the attempt to shut down abortions by illegal means _ by shooting the doctors or bombing the clinics or harassing the women seeking to exercise their constitutional right. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: The American ambassador to Kenya was among hundreds injured, a local TV said. It was definitely a bomb, said a U.S. Embassy official in Nairobi, who (refused) to identify himself. Verb: refused Label: No Context: For now, though, that would be a theoretical advantage since the authorities have admitted they have no idea where Kopp is. Clark said there was no question that the finding of the rifle (was) important in his decision to seek an indictment. Verb: was Label: Yes Context: Another suspect is awaiting extradition from Britain. The FBI says Bin Laden (is) the leader of a terrorist organization known as Al-Aqeda, The Base. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: Philippine President Joseph Estrada on Tuesday condemned the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and offered condolences to the victims and their families. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to the victims of these outrages and to their families in Kenya, Tanzania and the United States, Estrada (said) in a statement. Verb: said Label: No Context: The American ambassador to Kenya was among hundreds injured, a local TV said. It was definitely a bomb, said a U.S. Embassy official in Nairobi, who refused to (identify) himself. Verb: identify Label: No Context: At least 82 were killed and more than 1,700 injured, officials said as dawn broke Saturday. Dozens of people were still missing, however, and the death toll was expected to (rise), they said. Verb: rise Label: No Context: Suspected bombs exploded outside the U.S. embassies in the Kenyan and Tanzanian capitals Friday, killing dozens of people, witnesses said. The American ambassador to Kenya was among hundreds (injured), a local TV said. Verb: injured Label: No Context: UNITED NATIONS ( AP ) _ The Security Council condemned the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on Thursday and called on all states to cooperate with authorities in (finding) those responsible. Verb: finding Label: No Context: MANILA, Philippines ( AP ) _ Philippine President Joseph Estrada on Tuesday (condemned) the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and offered condolences to the victims and their families. Verb: condemned Label: No Context: Integra, which owns and operates hotels, said that Hallwood Group Inc. has agreed to exercise any rights that are n't exercised by other shareholders. Hallwood, a Cleveland merchant bank, (owns) about 11 % of Integra. Verb: owns Label: Yes Context: On Monday, Spitzer called for Vacco to revive that unit immediately, vowing that he would do so on his first day in office if elected. Goldstein, who said it was thoroughly, thoroughly possible that the issue would surface in Spitzer's advertisements, defended the use of the issue by noting that the attorney general (has) direct impact on the issue of clinic access. Verb: has Label: Yes Context: Arson and bombings at clinics have become so common that many no longer make the national news. It (is) bad enough that conservatives in Congress and in state legislatures are working to dismantle reproductive rights by banning certain procedures, such as so-called partial birth abortion, and by requiring waiting periods and parental consent before an abortion can be obtained. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: The American ambassador to Kenya was among hundreds injured, a local TV said. It was definitely a bomb, (said) a U.S. Embassy official in Nairobi, who refused to identify himself. Verb: said Label: No Context: ( 0735 GMT ) Friday, toppling a crowded building toward the embassy and a street packed with cars, trucks and buses. At least 75 people were (killed) and 1,643 wounded there, Red Cross and ambulance officials said. Verb: killed Label: No Context: CBS News first reported last night that the tomb may contain the remains of Air Force pilot Michael Blassie. There was a suspicion the body (was) Blassie because his uniform and ID card were found near the body in Vietnam. Verb: was Label: Yes Context: And it stresses that every nation has the duty to refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in terrorist acts in another state. The almost simultaneous attacks Aug. 7 at the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killed 257 people and (injured) more than 5,500. Verb: injured Label: No Context: " If I were choosing the people of tomorrow, I would have chosen the people who are now on the board, " he said. A Reuters spokesman said the departure (reflects) " no change in strategy or profits. " Verb: reflects Label: Yes Context: The issue is expected to dominate a NATO summit set for Washington in April. NATO's mission has changed dramatically since its founding in 1949, a time when the West (was) intent on halting the westward spread of Soviet-led communism -- a threat Winston Churchill warned about in his famous Iron Curtain speech delivered on March 5, 1946, at Westminster College in Fulton, Mo., 130 miles east of here. Verb: was Label: Yes Context: It strongly condemns the terrorist bomb attacks. And it stresses that every nation has the duty to refrain from organizing, (instigating), assisting or participating in terrorist acts in another state. Verb: instigating Label: No Context: Steve Hurst has that. The US military buildup in the Persian gulf continues apace, more planes (headed) from the united states and senior officials say Iraq's president Saddam Hussein can expect punishing air strikes to continue well into the future if he does n't stop building biological and chemical weapons. Verb: headed Label: Yes Context: But those restrictions are at least imposed by the normal give and take of political and judicial struggle in a democracy. What (is) outrageous is the attempt to shut down abortions by illegal means _ by shooting the doctors or bombing the clinics or harassing the women seeking to exercise their constitutional right. Verb: is Label: Yes Context: The American ambassador to Kenya was among hundreds injured, a local TV said. It was definitely a bomb, said a U.S. Embassy official in Nairobi, who (refused) to identify himself. Verb: refused Label: No Context: ( 0735 GMT ) Friday, toppling a crowded building toward the embassy and a street packed with cars, trucks and buses. At least 75 people were killed and 1,643 (wounded) there, Red Cross and ambulance officials said. Verb: wounded Label: No Context: " No matter how long it takes or where it takes us, we will pursue terrorists until the cases are solved and justice is done, " Clinton said in his weekly radio address. " To turn our backs on those (taking) risks for peace, to weaken our opposition to terrorism -- that would give terrorism a victory it must not and will not have, " the president said. Verb: taking Label: Yes Context: No cause is so great that it can justify wanton murder and maiming of the innocent. In all, the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania last week claimed at least 217 lives and (injured) nearly 5,000. Verb: injured Label: No
You are given an original reference as well as a system reference. Your task is to judge the informativeness of the system reference. If the utterance provides all the useful information from the meaning representation output 1, else output 0. --- System Reference: there are 54 cheap restaurants where kids are allowed. Original Reference: there are 54 restaurant -s that allow kid -s and have a cheap price range. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is an italian restaurant in the riverside area takeaway. Original Reference: x is an italian restaurant in the riverside area, providing take-away pizza. . Output: 1 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: where do you want to be near to?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: please confirm your request for a hotel near where?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: stroganoff restaurant near fishermans wharf offers cheap food. Original Reference: stroganoff restaurant is a cheap restaurant near fishermans wharf. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for? Original Reference: is there anything else i can help you with?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: would you like to find a hotel near nob hill?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: old jerusalem restaurant allows children, it serves middle eastern food, and it is good for dinner. Original Reference: old jerusalem restaurant offers middle eastern food for dinner and allows child -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is an indian restaurant in the moderate price range that offers indian takeaway and riverside. Original Reference: x is a moderately priced indian food restaurant with takeaway service in the riverside. Output: 1 --- System Reference: we have 3 restaurants listed in the pacific heights area. Original Reference: there are 3 restaurant -s in the pacific heights area. Output: 1 --- System Reference: old skool cafe, is a good restaurant that serves soul food food, especially for dinner. Original Reference: the old skool cafe offers soul food for dinner -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: there is a shanghainese restaurant called bund shanghai restaurant. Original Reference: there is a place called bund shanghai restaurant that serves shanghainese food. Output: 1 --- System Reference: lucky creation restaurant, is in the hayes valley or chinatown call 4159890818. Original Reference: lucky creation restaurant is in hayes valley or chinatown. they are phone number is 4159890818. Output: 1 --- System Reference: do you want it near soma? Original Reference: can i confirm that you want a hotel near soma. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: what area would you like to find a hotel in?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: colibri mexican bistro, is moderate. Original Reference: colibri mexican bistro has moderate price -s. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a seafood restaurant. Original Reference: x is a seafood restaurant. Output: 1 --- System Reference: spruce is a nice restaurant. Original Reference: there is a nice restaurant called spruce. Output: 0 --- System Reference: chow, is good for lunch or dinner. Original Reference: chow is good for lunch and dinner. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: in what area would you like to find a hotel?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: the phone number for beijing restaurant is 4153338182. Original Reference: the beijing restaurant phone number is 4153338182. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for? Original Reference: what area would you like to dine in?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: what area do you need to be in?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: pad thai restaurant has cheap prices and the phone number is 4152854210. Original Reference: pad thai restaurant is in the very cheap price range. the phone number is 4152854210. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant on the riverside close to x. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in the riverside area, near x. . Output: 0 --- System Reference: franciscan crab restaurant, is expensively priced and allows kids. Original Reference: franciscan crab restaurant is in the expensive price range and allows child -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: please confirm you are looking for the pricey range? Original Reference: so, you are looking for something in the pricey price range?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: he harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel is located near soma. Original Reference: harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel does accept credit card -s and are near soma. Output: 0 --- System Reference: the inn on castro is in the castro area. Original Reference: inn on castro is a hotel i found in the castro. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: can i help you find he price range?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: eiji is an cheap restaurant that does not allow children. Original Reference: eiji is cheap and does not allow child -s. Output: 0 --- System Reference: fresca is a good restaurant for dinner. Original Reference: fresca is good for dinner. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: please state a price range?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: the name of the restaurant is range. Original Reference: range is a nice restaurant. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is an expensive french continental restaurant in x. Original Reference: x is a restaurant that serves french food and in x though they serve continental food, they are in the expensive pricerange. . Output: 1 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: i am looking for a restaurant that. Output: 0 --- System Reference: 77 restaurants do not allow kids in the moderate range. Original Reference: there are 77 restaurant -s that have a moderate price range and do not allow kid -s. Output: 0 --- System Reference: the name of the restaurant is dosa on valencia. Original Reference: the restaurant is called dosa on valencia. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant in the city centre. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in the centre of town. Output: 1 --- System Reference: the phone number for chow is 4155522469. Original Reference: the phone number for chow is 4155522469. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is a fusion restaurant that provides chinese takeaway near x. Original Reference: x is a restaurant that serves fusion chinese takeaway, and it is found near x . Output: 1 --- System Reference: unfortunately 0 restaurants serve shanghainese for breakfast. Original Reference: there are 0 restaurant -s that are good for breakfast and serve shanghainese food. Output: 0 --- System Reference: spruce is a nice restaurant. Original Reference: there is a nice restaurant called spruce. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a japanese restaurant that provides chinese takeaway near x. Original Reference: x is a japanese restaurant near x that offers chinese food to take away. Output: 1 --- System Reference: shangri la vegetarian restaurant serves vegetarian food at a cheap price range. Original Reference: shangri la vegetarian restaurant is a cheap vegetarian restaurant. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is a high-end restaurant located in x near x. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in the x area near the x. Output: 1 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: can you please confirm your request?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for? Original Reference: what part of the city you are looking for?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: mangia tutti ristorante, is in the are of financial district or hayes valley. Original Reference: mangia tutti ristorante is in financial district or hayes valley. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant that serves french and continental. Original Reference: x is a restaurant providing french and continental food. Output: 1 --- System Reference: 77 restaurants do not allow kids in the moderate range. Original Reference: there are 77 restaurant -s where child -s are not allowed and are moderate -ly priced. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: how much are you looking to spend?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant in x on the river near to x. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in the riverside and x areas, near x. . Output: 1 --- System Reference: hakkasan, is in financial district serves cantonese food. Original Reference: hakkasan is in financial district and serves cantonese. Output: 1 --- System Reference: the address for alamo square seafood grill is 803 fillmore street. Original Reference: alamo square seafood grill 's address is 803 fillmore street. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there are no children allowed at fifth floor. Original Reference: fifth floor does not allow child -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: can i confirm what area you are looking for a hotel near?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: fifth floor 's address is hotel palomar 12 fourth street. Original Reference: fifth floor is located in hotel palomar 12 fourth street. Output: 1 --- System Reference: the phone number for red door cafe is 4152828283. Original Reference: you can call the red door cafe at 4152828283. Output: 1 --- System Reference: alamo square seafood grill 's address is 803 fillmore street. Original Reference: alamo square seafood grill address is 803 fillmore street. Output: 1 --- System Reference: there is a hotel called in the hotel metropolis and in the area of noma. Original Reference: hotel metropolis is in the area of noma. Output: 0 --- System Reference: great eastern restaurant 's address is 649 jackson street. Original Reference: great eastern restaurant -s address is 649 jackson street. Output: 1 --- System Reference: little delhi, is a good restaurant that serves indian food, especially for dinner. Original Reference: little delhi serves indian food and is good for dinner. Output: 1 --- System Reference: aperto restaurant, is near the potrero hill. Original Reference: aperto restaurant is near potrero hill. Output: 1 --- System Reference: no place other than la ciccia who does not allow kids on bernal heights at a moderate price. Original Reference: la ciccia is the only restaurant of moderate -ly priced where kid -s are allowed located in the bernal heights area. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant near x and on the riverside area near x. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in the riverside and x areas near x. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is an italian restaurant in the city centre area near x. Original Reference: x is an italian restaurant in the city centre near x. Output: 1 --- System Reference: there are 2 restaurants which serve brunch. Original Reference: there are 2 restaurant -s that are good for brunch nearby. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is a french and continental restaurant in x. Original Reference: x is a french and continental restaurant near x. Output: 0 --- System Reference: frances, is in the are of hayes valley. Original Reference: frances is a nice restaurant in the hayes valley area. Output: 0 --- System Reference: marlowe, is a good restaurant that serves brasseries food, especially for dinner. Original Reference: marlowe is a good restaurant for dinner that serves brasseries. Output: 1 --- System Reference: thep phanom thai restaurant, is at 400 waller street, phone number is 4154312526, and the postcode is 94117. Original Reference: thep phanom thai restaurant address is 400 waller street, phone number is 4154312526 and postcode is 94117. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: would you like to hear the restaurant -s price range?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: the name of the restaurant is vicoletto. Original Reference: vicoletto is the name of the restaurant. Output: 1 --- System Reference: red door cafe, is in the are of hayes valley or cathedral hill. Original Reference: red door cafe is in the hayes valley or cathedral hill area. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: i am sorry, but what price range are you looking for?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: the big 4 restaurant is a moderate restaurant near nob hill. Original Reference: the big 4 restaurant is near nob hill and moderate -ly priced. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there is a spanish restaurant called piperade. Original Reference: there is a spanish restaurant called piperade that may interest you. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is an indian restaurant near x and x. Original Reference: x is a restaurant providing indian food near x. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: what part of the city are you looking for?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: what place would you to look in?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: do you want it near haight? Original Reference: did you say you are looking for a hotel close to haight. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: which area would you like a hotel in?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: is there any area of the city you would prefer?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: which area are you looking for?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: alborz persian cuisine, is moderate. Original Reference: there is a nice restaurant called alborz persian cuisine which feature moderate -ly priced food. Output: 1 --- System Reference: the name of the restaurant is borobudur restaurant. Original Reference: borobudur restaurant is a nice restaurant. Output: 1 --- System Reference: he harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel is located near soma. Original Reference: the harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel is in the area of soma. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: where are you looking for. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a cheap restaurant near x. Original Reference: i would suggest x, a cheap restaurant near x . Output: 1 --- System Reference: beijing restaurant, is near the mission terrace or outer mission. Original Reference: beijing restaurant is near mission terrace or outer mission. Output: 1 --- System Reference: red door cafe, is good for brunch. Original Reference: there is the red door cafe. it is good for brunch. Output: 1 --- System Reference: the name of the restaurant is angkor borei restaurant. Original Reference: angkor borei restaurant is a nice restaurant. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant near the river. Original Reference: x is a restaurant by the river. Output: 1 --- System Reference: the the tuscan best western plus allows dogs and is in north beach. Original Reference: the tuscan best western plus is in the north beach area and they do not allow dogs. Output: 0 --- System Reference: i am sorry there is no information on the riverside, near x. Original Reference: i am sorry there is no information matching the constraints in the riverside area near x. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: may i ask what price range you would like?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: are you looking for a hotel near a particular area?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: franciscan crab restaurant, is expensively priced and allows kids. Original Reference: franciscan crab restaurant is an expensive restaurant that allows kid -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: in any particular area?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: source serves pizza food allows kids, and is cheap. Original Reference: for cheap, kid friendly pizza try source. Output: 1 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: would you like a hotel that is nearby?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for? Original Reference: what area do you want?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there is a shanghainese restaurant called bund shanghai restaurant. Original Reference: bund shanghai restaurant serves shanghainese food. Output: 1 --- System Reference: pontiac hostel hotel has which. Original Reference: the pontiac hostel hotel does have internet. the address is 509 minna st and the phone number is 4158637775. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for? Original Reference: what area are you looking in?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there are no expensively priced restaurants near laurel heights. Original Reference: there is no restaurant near laurel heights offers expensive price range. Output: 0 --- System Reference: the address of original us restaurant is 515 columbus ave and the phone number is 4153975200. Original Reference: the address for original us restaurant is 515 columbus avenue, and the phone number is 4153975200. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: would you like the price range?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: old skool cafe allows children. Original Reference: the old skool cafe allows child -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: what venue would you like to be close to?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: do you want it near haight? Original Reference: just to confirm, you are looking for a hotel near haight?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: what area are you looking to stay?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there are 239 restaurants in any price range. Original Reference: there are 239 restaurant -s to pick from if you do not care about the price range. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant near x and x you will find the riverside that in the moderate price range. Original Reference: x is a moderately priced restaurant in the riverside area, near x and x . Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: please confirm your request for a hotel near where?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: zuni cafe, is expensive. Original Reference: how about zuni cafe, an expensive one?. Output: 1 --- System Reference: red door cafe is a good restaurant for breakfast in the cathedral hill and does not allow kids. Original Reference: red door cafe is in the area of cathedral hill and serves breakfast but does not allow kid -s. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there are no expensively priced restaurants near laurel heights. Original Reference: there is no restaurant near laurel heights offers expensive price range. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: in what area would you like me to look. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there are 135 restaurants that do not allow children. Original Reference: there are 135 restaurant -s that do not allow child -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: there is a shanghainese restaurant called bund shanghai restaurant. Original Reference: there is a place called bund shanghai restaurant that serves shanghainese food. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for? Original Reference: what area are you interested in?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there are 4 expensive restaurants where kids are allowed. Original Reference: there are 4 expensive restaurant -s that allow kid -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: where would you like a hotel?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant near the river in the riverside area. Original Reference: x is a chinese restaurant in the riverside area. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: where would you like it to be near to?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant in the expensive price range near x and x. Original Reference: x is an upmarket venue. it is located near x and x. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: can i confirm that you are requesting price range -s?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: jasmine garden, is a good lunch meal and is expensive. Original Reference: jasmine garden is an expensive restaurant that serves lunch. Output: 1 --- System Reference: the name of the restaurant is thep phanom thai restaurant. Original Reference: thep phanom thai restaurant is a nice restaurant. Output: 1 --- System Reference: thai cottage restaurant, is cheap. Original Reference: thai cottage restaurant is a nice restaurant in the cheap price range. Output: 0 --- System Reference: it is located at 215 church street it is price chow is 22 euro. Original Reference: chow food is located at 215 church street. it costs 22 euro. Output: 0 --- System Reference: beijing restaurant is a cheap restaurant near outer mission. Original Reference: beijing restaurant is in the cheap price range near outer mission. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: what venue would you like to be close to?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: would you like to search hotel -s in certain area?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: does it need to be near anywhere in particular?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: red door cafe, is good for brunch, and no children are allowed. Original Reference: red door cafe is good for brunch and does not allow kid -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: can i help you find the price range for a restaurant?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: what would you like the hotel to be located near?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: in what area are you looking?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: i am sorry, what price range would you like?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: where are you looking for. Output: 0 --- System Reference: so you are looking for something in the pricey price range, is that correct? Original Reference: thank you, i would like to confirm that you want an pricey hotel?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: yes, what price range are you looking for?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: the phone number for fifth floor is 4153481555. Original Reference: the phone number for fifth floor is 4153481555. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: what area do you have in mind?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: is there an area you would like to look into?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there are 89 result for a place with a good dinner that allows kids. Original Reference: there are 89 other restaurant -s that are good for dinner and allow kid -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for? Original Reference: is there anything else i can help you with?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: source serves pizza food allows kids, and is cheap. Original Reference: source serves cheap pizza and allows kid -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is a japanese restaurant that provides chinese takeaway. Original Reference: i would suggest x, a japanese restaurant offering chinese takeaway. . Output: 1 --- System Reference: hilton san francisco financial district in the chinatown area has internet. Original Reference: hilton san francisco financial district has internet and is in chinatown. Output: 0 --- System Reference: mochica, is a good restaurant that serves peruvian food, especially for dinner. Original Reference: mochica restaurant serves peruvian food for dinner. Output: 1 --- System Reference: please confirm you are looking for the pricey range? Original Reference: can i please confirm that you are looking for a pricey hotel?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant in x and x. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in the x and x area. Output: 1 --- System Reference: there are 54 cheap restaurants where kids are allowed. Original Reference: there are 54 cheap restaurant -s where kid -s are allowed. Output: 1 --- System Reference: there are 94 restaurants that allow kids area children. Original Reference: there are 94 restaurant -s that allow kid -s in the area. Output: 1 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: do you care what it is near to. Output: 0 --- System Reference: the price is 22 euro at chow. Original Reference: the price of chow is 22 euro. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a french restaurant in the riverside area near x. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in the riverside area that serves french food. it is near the x. Output: 1 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: waht area is that near?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant in the expensive price range in the x area. Original Reference: x is an expensive restaurant in the x area. Output: 1 --- System Reference: there are no children allowed at mochica. Original Reference: the mochica does not allow child -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: what area are you looking for this information at?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant in the moderate price range in the x area. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in x with a moderately priced menu. Output: 1 --- System Reference: the phone number for lime tree southeast asian kitchen is 4156651415. Original Reference: the phone number to lime tree southeast asian kitchen is 4156651415. Output: 1 --- System Reference: there is not any information if the queen anne hotel in the little osaka area allows dogs. Original Reference: the queen anne hotel is near little osaka and does not allow dogs. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there is a chinese restaurant called beijing restaurant. Original Reference: beijing restaurant serves chinese food. Output: 1 --- System Reference: angkor borei restaurant, is in the hayes valley or bernal heights call 4155508417. Original Reference: the angkor borei restaurant is located in the hayes valley or bernal heights area. their phone number is 4155508417. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is a french and restaurant near x. Original Reference: x is a french restaurant near x. Output: 0 --- System Reference: red door cafe, is a good brunch meal and is cheap. Original Reference: the red door cafe serves brunch and the price range is cheap. Output: 1 --- System Reference: michael mina restaurant 's address is 335 powell street. Original Reference: the address for michael mina restaurant is 335 powell street. Output: 1 --- System Reference: fringale, is a nice restaurant near mission bay, and is good for dinner. Original Reference: there is a nice restaurant near mission bay named fringale, and is good for dinner. Output: 1 --- System Reference: franchino, is moderate. Original Reference: franchino is a moderate -ly priced restaurant. Output: 0 --- System Reference: red door cafe, is in the are of hayes valley or cathedral hill. Original Reference: red door cafe is in the hayes valley and cathedral hill area. Output: 0 --- System Reference: delancey street restaurant, is good for brunch. Original Reference: delancey street restaurant is a good restaurant for brunch. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant in the moderate price range close to x in x. Original Reference: i would suggest x, a moderately priced restaurant near x in x . Output: 1 --- System Reference: chow serves comfort food. Original Reference: chow serves comfort food. Output: 0 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: what price range are you thinking of?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there are 2 basque restaurant do not allow kids in the moderate price range. Original Reference: 2 moderate -ly priced restaurant -s were found that serve basque but not allow child -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: aperto restaurant, is near the potrero hill. Original Reference: do you want to try aperto restaurant near potrero hill?. Output: 1 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: please confirm your request for near?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: he hotel tomo is located near japantown. Original Reference: the hotel tomo is close to japantown. Output: 0 --- System Reference: can you do not care about the area correct? Original Reference: you do not care about the area, correct?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: are you looking for something in a particular area?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: so you are looking for something in the pricey price range, is that correct? Original Reference: so, you are looking for something in the pricey price range?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: please confirm you are looking for the pricey range? Original Reference: can i please confirm that you are looking for a pricey hotel?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant in citycentre and x. Original Reference: x is a restaurant near x in the centre of town. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: in which area are you looking?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is an italian restaurant in the city centre area near x, and it take-away take takeaway. Original Reference: x is a restaurant offering italian food and takeaway pizza in the center of the city near x. Output: 0 --- System Reference: lucky creation restaurant serves vegetarian food at a cheap price range. Original Reference: lucky creation restaurant is a good vegetarian restaurant in cheap price range. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what area are you looking for a hotel in? Original Reference: is there a certain area you are interest in?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is a high-end restaurant located on the riverside close to x it is near x. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in the riverside area near x and x. Output: 1 --- System Reference: hakkasan 's address is 1 kearny street. Original Reference: the address for hakkasan is 1 kearny street. Output: 1 --- System Reference: what price range are you comfortable with? Original Reference: do you have a preferred price range?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: x is an indian restaurant in x and riverside area near x. Original Reference: x is an indian restaurant in the x and riverside areas near x. Output: 0 --- System Reference: fringale, is a nice restaurant near mission bay, and is good for dinner. Original Reference: fringale is a nice restaurant near mission bay and is good for dinner. Output: 1 --- System Reference: we have 3 restaurants listed in the pacific heights area. Original Reference: there are 3 restaurant -s in teh pacific heights area. Output: 1 --- System Reference: alamo square seafood grill 's address is 803 fillmore street. Original Reference: alamo square seafood grill 's address is 803 fillmore street. Output: 1 --- System Reference: x is a restaurant. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in the x postcode. Output: 0 --- System Reference: may i ask near where? Original Reference: where would you like to be close to?. Output: 0 --- System Reference: there are no children allowed at firefly. Original Reference: firefly is a nice restaurant that does not allow child -s. Output: 1 --- System Reference: angkor borei restaurant, is good dinner choice for your cheap range in bernal heights. Original Reference: angkor borei restaurant is a cheap restaurant in bernal heights and is open for dinner. Output: 1 --- System Reference: there are 94 restaurants that allow kids area children. Original Reference: there are 94 restaurant -s where kid -s are allowed. Output: 1 --- System Reference: red door cafe, is in the hayes valley or cathedral hill area and it is address is 1608 bush street. Original Reference: red door cafe is in the hayes valley or cathedral hill area. the address is 1608 bush street. Output: 1
Question: [2, 7, 0, 6, 6, 4, 4, 5, 4] Label: [2, 7, 0, 5] Question: [2, 7, 7, 3, 4, 3, 6] Label: [2, 4, 6] Question: [7, 4, 7, 3, 7, 3, 6, 6, 3, 7] Label: [4] Question: [2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 2, 6, 3] Label: [4, 5, 0, 6] Question: [0, 3, 3, 0, 1, 4, 0, 5, 7] Label: [1, 4, 5, 7] Question: [1, 7, 3, 0, 7, 4, 2] Label: [1, 3, 0, 4, 2] Question: [3, 6, 5, 4, 5, 7, 3, 4, 0, 2] Label: [6, 7, 0, 2] Question: [1, 6, 5, 5, 1, 6, 0, 0] Label: [] Question: [5, 2, 5, 5, 0, 4, 7, 2, 6, 6] Label: [0, 4, 7] Question: [2, 5, 5, 5, 0] Label: [2, 0] Question: [7, 7, 5, 6, 7, 1, 6, 7, 2, 5] Label: [1, 2] Question: [6, 5, 5, 2, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3] Label: [6] Question: [5, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 4] Label: [5, 1, 2, 3, 4] Question: [1, 2, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6, 0, 4] Label: [1, 2, 3, 7, 5, 6, 0] Question: [7, 3, 7, 6, 6, 5, 6, 2, 5, 6] Label: [3, 2] Question: [7, 7, 1, 2, 4, 2, 3, 5] Label: [1, 4, 3, 5] Question: [1, 2, 2, 4, 2] Label: [1, 4] Question: [1, 3, 7, 2, 6, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2] Label: [3, 7, 6] Question: [4, 5, 4, 2, 4, 0, 7] Label: [5, 2, 0, 7] Question: [4, 3, 7, 0, 6, 7, 2, 7] Label: [4, 3, 0, 6, 2] Question: [4, 4, 5, 6, 4] Label: [5, 6] Question: [3, 7, 5, 4, 2, 4, 3, 3] Label: [7, 5, 2] Question: [4, 6, 0, 5, 2, 3, 3, 1] Label: [4, 6, 0, 5, 2, 1] Question: [1, 1, 2, 6, 2, 1, 6] Label: [] Question: [3, 1, 5, 3, 0, 0, 2] Label: [1, 5, 2] Question: [4, 7, 2, 5, 6] Label: [4, 7, 2, 5, 6] Question: [3, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0, 3, 5] Label: [2, 1, 5] Question: [4, 3, 1, 7, 1, 0] Label: [4, 3, 7, 0] Question: [1, 2, 7, 6, 2, 7, 2, 4, 7] Label: [1, 6, 4] Question: [5, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 4] Label: [5, 1, 2, 3, 4] Question: [6, 1, 1, 4, 4, 5, 7, 3, 2] Label: [6, 5, 7, 3, 2] Question: [4, 0, 0, 0, 4] Label: [] Question: [1, 0, 5, 2, 6, 6, 4, 0, 3] Label: [1, 5, 2, 4, 3] Question: [2, 0, 1, 0, 7, 2, 1] Label: [7] Question: [5, 2, 5, 6, 1, 2, 5] Label: [6, 1] Question: [5, 7, 6, 6, 3] Label: [5, 7, 3] Question: [2, 1, 1, 4, 2] Label: [4] Question: [1, 3, 0, 5, 3, 1] Label: [0, 5] Question: [7, 5, 6, 7, 4, 5] Label: [6, 4] Question: [6, 3, 7, 6, 1, 0, 5, 2, 1] Label: [3, 7, 0, 5, 2] Question: [4, 2, 3, 2, 6] Label: [4, 3, 6] Question: [5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2] Label: [3, 4, 6, 2] Question: [1, 0, 6, 2, 3] Label: [1, 0, 6, 2, 3] Question: [3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 5, 0, 7, 7] Label: [3, 5] Question: [5, 0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 7, 4] Label: [5, 0, 1, 7, 4] Question: [7, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5] Label: [7] Question: [0, 4, 6, 3, 3, 0, 7, 4, 1, 3] Label: [6, 7, 1] Question: [7, 2, 5, 3, 1, 0, 4, 2, 7] Label: [5, 3, 1, 0, 4] Question: [3, 0, 7, 3, 1, 2, 1] Label: [0, 7, 2] Question: [5, 7, 4, 1, 1] Label: [5, 7, 4] Question: [1, 0, 1, 7, 5] Label: [0, 7, 5] Question: [6, 1, 7, 7, 0, 5, 4] Label: [6, 1, 0, 5, 4] Question: [0, 6, 6, 3, 7, 2, 3] Label: [0, 7, 2] Question: [1, 4, 7, 7, 2, 5, 3, 2] Label: [1, 4, 5, 3] Question: [4, 6, 0, 5, 0, 1] Label: [4, 6, 5, 1] Question: [4, 3, 7, 4, 5, 1] Label: [3, 7, 5, 1] Question: [1, 3, 5, 3, 4] Label: [1, 5, 4] Question: [7, 7, 0, 7, 0, 0] Label: [] Question: [3, 3, 7, 6, 4, 1, 0, 0] Label: [7, 6, 4, 1] Question: [3, 6, 7, 6, 1, 6, 6, 0] Label: [3, 7, 1, 0] Question: [7, 5, 6, 4, 3, 5] Label: [7, 6, 4, 3] Question: [2, 5, 7, 6, 7, 0, 7, 6] Label: [2, 5, 0] Question: [5, 4, 3, 5, 6, 3] Label: [4, 6] Question: [2, 4, 1, 3, 5] Label: [2, 4, 1, 3, 5] Question: [5, 2, 7, 2, 1, 7, 4, 3, 6] Label: [5, 1, 4, 3, 6] Question: [6, 6, 1, 1, 7, 4, 0] Label: [7, 4, 0] Question: [0, 0, 6, 1, 2, 2, 0, 7] Label: [6, 1, 7] Question: [4, 6, 0, 1, 4] Label: [6, 0, 1] Question: [5, 3, 4, 4, 1, 0] Label: [5, 3, 1, 0] Question: [0, 1, 1, 6, 3] Label: [0, 6, 3] Question: [1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 4, 2] Label: [5, 4, 2] Question: [7, 1, 5, 5, 2, 4, 4, 3] Label: [7, 1, 2, 3] Question: [5, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 0, 1, 4, 1] Label: [5, 6, 0] Question: [6, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6] Label: [1, 2, 3] Question: [5, 6, 0, 5, 7, 0] Label: [6, 7] Question: [7, 0, 1, 2, 4, 0] Label: [7, 1, 2, 4] Question: [5, 1, 3, 2, 5, 5, 2, 3] Label: [1] Question: [2, 6, 5, 7, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5] Label: [6, 7] Question: [4, 5, 2, 4, 0, 2, 1, 7] Label: [5, 0, 1, 7] Question: [6, 3, 3, 0, 6, 4] Label: [0, 4] Question: [0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 5, 5, 7, 1] Label: [6, 7, 1] Question: [6, 7, 0, 4, 5, 7, 5, 3, 5, 5] Label: [6, 0, 4, 3] Question: [5, 3, 5, 6, 5] Label: [3, 6] Question: [2, 3, 0, 7, 5] Label: [2, 3, 0, 7, 5] Question: [2, 5, 3, 3, 6, 3, 0, 1, 6, 7] Label: [2, 5, 0, 1, 7] Question: [3, 0, 7, 2, 1, 0] Label: [3, 7, 2, 1] Question: [2, 7, 2, 0, 1, 7, 4, 7, 0] Label: [1, 4] Question: [1, 2, 6, 5, 0] Label: [1, 2, 6, 5, 0] Question: [6, 2, 5, 5, 3, 6, 4, 6, 0, 6] Label: [2, 3, 4, 0] Question: [2, 7, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4] Label: [7, 4] Question: [2, 7, 6, 1, 2, 7, 4, 4, 3, 4] Label: [6, 1, 3] Question: [7, 7, 3, 5, 7, 4, 4] Label: [3, 5] Question: [3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 3, 1, 1, 0] Label: [4, 5, 7, 0] Question: [4, 5, 7, 4, 7, 6] Label: [5, 6] Question: [1, 3, 2, 2, 7] Label: [1, 3, 7] Question: [3, 7, 2, 5, 6, 7, 6] Label: [3, 2, 5] Question: [5, 5, 5, 3, 7, 1, 0, 7] Label: [3, 1, 0] Question: [5, 7, 2, 3, 6, 0, 0] Label: [5, 7, 2, 3, 6] Question: [7, 4, 3, 6, 0, 3, 0, 1] Label: [7, 4, 6, 1] Question: [2, 2, 7, 3, 7, 1] Label: [3, 1] Question: [4, 2, 0, 2, 6, 4] Label: [0, 6] Question: [3, 5, 7, 1, 3, 7] Label: [5, 1] Question: [1, 0, 2, 7, 3, 1, 0] Label: [2, 7, 3] Question: [0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 4, 6, 4, 3, 0] Label: [2, 6] Question: [6, 2, 5, 0, 7, 4, 2, 6, 5, 0] Label: [7, 4] Question: [5, 5, 1, 4, 7, 2, 7, 2] Label: [1, 4] Question: [4, 5, 3, 5, 2] Label: [4, 3, 2] Question: [2, 4, 6, 0, 4, 7] Label: [2, 6, 0, 7] Question: [3, 2, 2, 1, 7, 5, 7, 7, 6] Label: [3, 1, 5, 6] Question: [1, 4, 5, 1, 6, 1, 0, 7, 3] Label: [4, 5, 6, 0, 7, 3] Question: [4, 6, 2, 3, 0, 4] Label: [6, 2, 3, 0] Question: [3, 5, 3, 2, 0, 4, 1, 6, 6, 3] Label: [5, 2, 0, 4, 1] Question: [5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 5, 4] Label: [6, 0, 1, 2, 4] Question: [3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 2, 3, 3, 6, 4] Label: [1, 5, 6] Question: [6, 7, 6, 7, 5, 3] Label: [5, 3] Question: [4, 6, 1, 1, 5, 1, 2, 0] Label: [4, 6, 5, 2, 0] Question: [1, 4, 7, 4, 6, 3, 6, 1] Label: [7, 3] Question: [0, 1, 0, 0, 7, 2, 7] Label: [1, 2] Question: [0, 1, 3, 4, 5] Label: [0, 1, 3, 4, 5] Question: [5, 6, 3, 2, 3, 1] Label: [5, 6, 2, 1] Question: [5, 2, 4, 5, 4, 0, 0, 6, 5] Label: [2, 6] Question: [2, 1, 4, 7, 1, 4] Label: [2, 7] Question: [3, 5, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 4, 3] Label: [5, 2, 4] Question: [2, 3, 0, 4, 0, 3, 0] Label: [2, 4] Question: [1, 4, 5, 1, 6, 1, 0, 7, 3] Label: [4, 5, 6, 0, 7, 3] Question: [5, 3, 2, 1, 6, 2, 0] Label: [5, 3, 1, 6, 0] Question: [0, 4, 1, 6, 1] Label: [0, 4, 6] Question: [4, 1, 5, 1, 2] Label: [4, 5, 2] Question: [2, 1, 4, 6, 6] Label: [2, 1, 4] Question: [5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2] Label: [3, 4, 6, 2] Question: [1, 1, 3, 5, 6, 6] Label: [3, 5] Question: [5, 0, 2, 4, 7, 1] Label: [5, 0, 2, 4, 7, 1] Question: [6, 2, 7, 2, 1] Label: [6, 7, 1] Question: [1, 0, 4, 4, 7, 5, 0] Label: [1, 7, 5] Question: [1, 5, 7, 6, 6] Label: [1, 5, 7] Question: [4, 1, 5, 3, 2] Label: [4, 1, 5, 3, 2] Question: [6, 6, 6, 4, 1, 1, 3, 2, 6, 0] Label: [4, 3, 2, 0] Question: [4, 5, 0, 7, 4, 6, 6] Label: [5, 0, 7] Question: [3, 4, 7, 6, 1, 4, 3, 1] Label: [7, 6] Question: [6, 1, 6, 5, 7] Label: [1, 5, 7] Question: [3, 7, 0, 0, 3, 7, 7, 4] Label: [4] Question: [3, 6, 3, 4, 3, 2, 0, 3] Label: [6, 4, 2, 0] Question: [4, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 4] Label: [0, 5, 3, 2] Question: [3, 6, 3, 4, 1, 6, 0, 0] Label: [4, 1] Question: [0, 5, 6, 2, 0, 1, 4, 4, 4] Label: [5, 6, 2, 1] Question: [3, 0, 4, 2, 3] Label: [0, 4, 2] Question: [1, 5, 7, 7, 3, 7, 1, 5, 6, 0] Label: [3, 6, 0] Question: [0, 5, 4, 7, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 7] Label: [0] Question: [3, 4, 5, 2, 7, 6] Label: [3, 4, 5, 2, 7, 6] Question: [2, 6, 4, 5, 6, 7] Label: [2, 4, 5, 7] Question: [1, 6, 1, 2, 5, 2, 0, 2] Label: [6, 5, 0] Question: [1, 4, 7, 3, 2, 4, 1, 7, 5, 3] Label: [2, 5] Question: [4, 7, 1, 6, 6, 0, 4] Label: [7, 1, 0] Question: [2, 0, 0, 7, 1, 0, 6, 1, 4] Label: [2, 7, 6, 4] Question: [0, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1] Label: [0] Question: [1, 7, 6, 0, 1, 5, 6, 4, 3, 0] Label: [7, 5, 4, 3] Question: [4, 2, 3, 0, 4, 1] Label: [2, 3, 0, 1] Question: [1, 6, 2, 3, 1, 4, 4, 2] Label: [6, 3] Question: [1, 4, 3, 5, 0, 2, 3, 4, 7] Label: [1, 5, 0, 2, 7] Question: [1, 0, 7, 7, 1] Label: [0] Question: [2, 3, 3, 4, 0, 0] Label: [2, 4] Question: [2, 7, 5, 4, 3, 4, 0, 2, 1] Label: [7, 5, 3, 0, 1] Question: [3, 5, 4, 0, 4, 1] Label: [3, 5, 0, 1] Question: [0, 3, 5, 4, 2, 0, 5, 4, 7, 3] Label: [2, 7] Question: [4, 1, 4, 2, 4, 3] Label: [1, 2, 3] Question: [6, 5, 6, 7, 6, 2, 1] Label: [5, 7, 2, 1] Question: [5, 4, 4, 0, 7, 0, 7, 0] Label: [5] Question: [2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 7, 7, 6, 5] Label: [3, 6, 5] Question: [2, 0, 3, 1, 6, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4] Label: [0, 1, 6, 4] Question: [6, 1, 3, 1, 0] Label: [6, 3, 0] Question: [5, 6, 2, 0, 3, 4, 6, 4, 0] Label: [5, 2, 3] Question: [2, 4, 7, 1, 2, 7, 7, 5] Label: [4, 1, 5] Question: [7, 1, 4, 2, 4, 1, 7, 0, 1] Label: [2, 0] Question: [7, 0, 0, 5, 4, 5, 0, 0] Label: [7, 4] Question: [5, 6, 4, 7, 3, 6, 7, 1] Label: [5, 4, 3, 1] Question: [7, 1, 3, 6, 1] Label: [7, 3, 6] Question: [0, 5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 7, 0, 6, 1] Label: [5, 3, 4, 6] Question: [0, 1, 3, 4, 5] Label: [0, 1, 3, 4, 5] Question: [4, 1, 1, 7, 2] Label: [4, 7, 2] Question: [4, 2, 0, 5, 5, 3, 5] Label: [4, 2, 0, 3] Question: [7, 5, 2, 1, 1, 3, 5] Label: [7, 2, 3] Question: [4, 7, 1, 6, 4] Label: [7, 1, 6] Question: [0, 2, 7, 0, 3, 0, 3, 6, 1] Label: [2, 7, 6, 1] Question: [4, 2, 0, 1, 7, 3] Label: [4, 2, 0, 1, 7, 3] Question: [3, 0, 7, 3, 6, 5] Label: [0, 7, 6, 5] Question: [6, 1, 2, 4, 1, 4, 2, 1] Label: [6] Question: [7, 7, 2, 0, 6, 1, 5] Label: [2, 0, 6, 1, 5] Question: [2, 3, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3] Label: [2, 5, 1, 4] Question: [1, 7, 7, 0, 5, 0, 1] Label: [5] Question: [4, 7, 3, 7, 0] Label: [4, 3, 0] Question: [1, 0, 1, 6, 4, 6, 6, 7, 6, 4] Label: [0, 7] Question: [0, 5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 7, 0, 6, 1] Label: [5, 3, 4, 6] Question: [1, 4, 6, 5, 1] Label: [4, 6, 5] Question: [2, 7, 4, 4, 1, 1, 7] Label: [2] Question: [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 0, 1, 1] Label: [4, 0] Question: [4, 4, 2, 6, 6, 5] Label: [2, 5] Question: [2, 4, 0, 4, 1, 4, 5] Label: [2, 0, 1, 5] Question: [5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5] Label: [] Question: [7, 0, 3, 1, 0] Label: [7, 3, 1] Question: [1, 0, 6, 7, 3] Label: [1, 0, 6, 7, 3] Question: [6, 2, 7, 2, 1] Label: [6, 7, 1] Question: [3, 0, 5, 1, 3, 5, 7, 2] Label: [0, 1, 7, 2] Question: [4, 0, 0, 2, 1, 3] Label: [4, 2, 1, 3] Question: [3, 0, 3, 2, 3, 6, 2, 0, 7] Label: [6, 7] Question: [5, 3, 4, 4, 1, 0] Label: [5, 3, 1, 0] Question: [2, 1, 1, 6, 1, 2, 7, 5] Label: [6, 7, 5] Question: [0, 6, 4, 6, 5, 3, 2] Label: [0, 4, 5, 3, 2] Question: [4, 0, 3, 5, 1, 6, 0, 3, 1, 6] Label: [4, 5] Question: [4, 4, 3, 4, 1, 5] Label: [3, 1, 5] Question: [2, 3, 4, 7, 4, 0, 1, 1] Label: [2, 3, 7, 0] Question: [3, 3, 3, 6, 1] Label: [6, 1] Question: [6, 3, 5, 4, 7, 6] Label: [3, 5, 4, 7] Question: [0, 1, 5, 5, 0] Label: [1] Question: [2, 6, 2, 7, 3, 2, 2] Label: [6, 7, 3] Question: [6, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1] Label: [6, 4, 2, 3] Question: [1, 0, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 3, 4, 6] Label: [1, 0, 2, 5, 7, 6] Question: [0, 5, 6, 4, 7, 6] Label: [0, 5, 4, 7] Question: [7, 3, 0, 6, 1, 0, 6, 4] Label: [7, 3, 1, 4] Question: [4, 4, 5, 3, 2] Label: [5, 3, 2] Question: [7, 4, 4, 0, 7, 0] Label: [] Question: [2, 5, 7, 6, 6, 0, 3] Label: [2, 5, 7, 0, 3] Question: [1, 5, 3, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 1] Label: [3, 6, 0] Question: [5, 4, 1, 5, 0] Label: [4, 1, 0] Question: [3, 1, 5, 3, 6, 6, 7, 4, 2, 0] Label: [1, 5, 7, 4, 2, 0] Question: [2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 4, 6] Label: [6] Question: [6, 0, 1, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3] Label: [6, 0, 4, 5, 2, 3] Question: [5, 0, 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 3, 4] Label: [5, 1, 7, 3, 4] Question: [4, 4, 6, 5, 7, 3] Label: [6, 5, 7, 3] Question: [2, 0, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2] Label: [0, 3] Question: [6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4] Label: [6] Question: [3, 2, 6, 5, 3, 7, 2, 3, 0, 2] Label: [6, 5, 7, 0] Question: [0, 1, 4, 1, 3, 7, 5] Label: [0, 4, 3, 7, 5] Question: [4, 0, 4, 6, 1, 7, 0, 4, 4] Label: [6, 1, 7] Question: [0, 0, 7, 3, 1, 6, 3, 6] Label: [7, 1] Question: [6, 2, 0, 4, 3, 5, 2, 5, 1, 7] Label: [6, 0, 4, 3, 1, 7] Question: [2, 3, 5, 0, 0] Label: [2, 3, 5] Question: [3, 3, 5, 1, 4, 3, 6, 6, 5, 1] Label: [4] Question: [2, 3, 7, 5, 7, 3, 3, 2, 7, 0] Label: [5, 0] Question: [0, 3, 1, 5, 6, 7, 0, 3, 2, 1] Label: [5, 6, 7, 2] Question: [1, 0, 4, 0, 6, 2, 5] Label: [1, 4, 6, 2, 5] Question: [2, 6, 7, 6, 0, 2, 1] Label: [7, 0, 1] Question: [2, 1, 7, 5, 7, 4, 4] Label: [2, 1, 5] Question: [3, 0, 4, 2, 2, 0, 2, 4, 6] Label: [3, 6] Question: [3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 7, 0, 2] Label: [3, 7] Question: [6, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 0, 3, 5, 1] Label: [6, 4, 0, 5, 1] Question: [5, 4, 3, 0, 7] Label: [5, 4, 3, 0, 7] Question: [7, 5, 1, 5, 2] Label: [7, 1, 2] Question: [2, 0, 5, 5, 1, 2] Label: [0, 1] Question: [7, 0, 7, 3, 6] Label: [0, 3, 6] Question: [7, 2, 5, 1, 2, 7, 2, 2, 5, 4] Label: [1, 4] Question: [3, 6, 3, 0, 6, 2, 6] Label: [0, 2] Question: [2, 6, 2, 2, 1, 3, 6, 5] Label: [1, 3, 5] Question: [0, 3, 4, 1, 7, 4, 4, 1] Label: [0, 3, 7] Question: [4, 5, 0, 3, 3, 0, 1, 1, 5] Label: [4] Question: [6, 4, 3, 3, 3, 0, 5, 5, 5, 0] Label: [6, 4] Question: [1, 3, 7, 2, 6, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2] Label: [3, 7, 6] Question: [3, 6, 7, 1, 0, 4] Label: [3, 6, 7, 1, 0, 4] Question: [2, 3, 1, 0, 2, 2] Label: [3, 1, 0] Question: [3, 3, 3, 6, 4] Label: [6, 4] Question: [4, 1, 7, 4, 2] Label: [1, 7, 2] Question: [4, 0, 4, 6, 1, 7, 0, 4, 4] Label: [6, 1, 7] Question: [5, 4, 6, 1, 6, 6, 0, 0, 1, 7] Label: [5, 4, 7] Question: [7, 5, 5, 4, 3, 0, 0, 5, 2] Label: [7, 4, 3, 2] Question: [0, 0, 7, 4, 7, 5, 7, 5, 6, 5] Label: [4, 6] Question: [5, 0, 3, 6, 3, 6, 6, 5] Label: [0] Question: [1, 0, 4, 0, 6, 1] Label: [4, 6] Question: [2, 1, 0, 6, 2, 2, 5] Label: [1, 0, 6, 5] Question: [6, 3, 4, 1, 6, 5, 5, 7] Label: [3, 4, 1, 7] Question: [0, 7, 3, 6, 7] Label: [0, 3, 6] Question: [1, 3, 4, 1, 7, 1, 0, 3, 3] Label: [4, 7, 0] Question: [0, 3, 2, 1, 6, 0, 1, 0] Label: [3, 2, 6] Question: [1, 5, 2, 1, 4, 2, 6, 1] Label: [5, 4, 6]
In this task, you're given a review from Amazon and rating for the product on a scale of 1-5 based on the review. The rating means 1: extremely poor, 2: poor, 3: neutral, 4: good, 5: extremely good. Your task is to generate whether the rating matches the review or not. Answer with "True" if the sentence belongs to that section, otherwise answer with "False" ### Question: Review: Absolutely one of the best hoods you can get!!! I was completely blown away by the clarity and field of view provided by this hood! I've tried others and this one is unrivaled. Been using it two months now and that automatic feature is a lifesaver! If you have the money definitely get this hood, you won't be disappointed! Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: This is such a pretty diffuser! The colors are vibrant and cycle nicely. I haven't left it on for the full 3 hour timer to see how far the reservoir goes yet. Came in a nice silver box that would make it good enough to gift it in. Glad I finally got one. Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: Constantly has issues connecting to Bluetooth. Sound quality went bad quickly. Base almost disappeared entirely. Way to expensive for just an LED light. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: The noise cancelling works fairly well. The problem I have with the black pair of the ear plugs is that I could not get them out of my ears. The center stem was too short to get a good hold of. I had the get a smal pair of needle nose pliers to pull them out of my ears. The other pair wasn’t bad. I actually expected something a little more heavy duty. It’s a nice carrying case but the plugs I can’t really give a good rating. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: I just wanted it for the steps turned all the other options off and I cant get the battery to last 24 hours. It said up to 5 days. So I was expecting at least 24 hours. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: This did not work well for me. It left wet dust all over my faux plants. The dust barely dripped off even though I applied the spray several times on different days. To be fair, my plants were extremely dusty, so maybe that was a factor. But the multiple applications should have mitigated that. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: The photo makes it look just like the advertised color but it’s not actually. It’s more of a Kelly Green. I don’t like the color and it doesn’t blend at all with my teal office things but on the plus side, it is super easy to slip on my computer, it has rings on the side Incase I wanted to add a shoulder strap . I just have to get used to this green. Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: the handle un-snaps from the main body of the brush very easily while scrubbing, and the green bristles are pretty useless when it comes to cleaning under the rid Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: Received went to blow up for granddaughters party it had a small hole on the top of the balloon couldn’t use for the party bought it for nothing disappointing Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: Purchased in May 2017, used once per week on kitchen floor and it has now stopped working. Unit will not turned on and I can not find any troubleshooting information online. I would not recommend anything that lasts six months with light usage. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: I bought these to use around the house instead of carpet slippers as they were making my feet sweat, and after being in work boots all day a bit of fresh air would not go a miss. Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: Have read the reviews for a small pair of binoculars and thought these would be worth it. Decent for the size but very cheap plastic design that came scratched and rubber eye pieces bent and wet (weird I know). Looking for somewhere else to buy binoculars. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: I needed a new travel mirror. This one broke on my first trip. I travel for work weekly and have never had this issue with my other mirror. The case is of poor quality and feels cheap. Don’t waste money on this. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: I find that the product meets all expectations except that it flakes. That was never mentioned in description of lip sense. Every one that I have flakes after a few hours. Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: These look nice but didn't really stick that well. Most of mine fell down, with weight of less than two pounds, though a few stayed up. Also I did not see any instructions in the box on how to properly install these Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: I purchase this Dual USB Wall Charger because I needed it in my bathroom to plug in my LED USB Mirrors without take up another outlet. It served the purpose very well and I am very happy with it. No more will I have to switch cables. This is a great product. Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: Package arrived on time but with full of wrinkles! The dress doesn't look exactly like picture.You can see the strings out of the dress.I tried with 3 hoop petticoat but still didn't suit well...After a week,I noticed on daylight that lining mesh layers were torn.Ordered for my daughter's Birthday but am returning it.Not impressed for the paid price! Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: The frying rack was delivered into an upside down "U" shape, like someone put it on top of a brick and bent the two sides around the brick. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: i thought the tone would be lower....i searched for a "C" note wind chime like my sister has and this one came up....it is a pleasant sound and i like it but not what in was searching for.... Rating: 2 Label: False ### Question: Review: My kids are really into these right now but I find them super annoying. The joints become separated if you even move them slightly making them less than fun to play with. They also aren't easy to put back together - this should be opposite hard to fall apart and easy to put together - if it were a quality toy. Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: Very cute shoe, and I have a little bit of wide feet and that would of been okay, but they were to tight for my big toes. I had to surgery last December and my toe is wider now from it. Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: DEFINITELY NOT water proof they way they say it it. It kept coming off, I even tried it with a primer and a setting spray and it wiped right off onto my black uniform. And it DEFINITELY DOES NOT come out of black clothing. I had to spent $80 on a new uniform shirt thanks to this crap. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: The picture I took from this camera is worse than my Iphone 4. It's so blurred. I tried to adjust to the highest resolution and with the macro len but still worse than Iphone 4. I can't even read all the text Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: These phone rings were really cheap for the quality of the product, and are a super cute addition to your phone, but my only problem is that the adhesive isn't very strong. It sticks to my phone and stays, but is very easy to peel off, and just feels like it'll fall off at any second. Rating: 2 Label: False ### Question: Review: I ordered two Charles Rivers jackets received them fast but both was to small.I sent them both back in same package and have only got credit for one. Don't know what problem is. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: I'm new to plant based protein so maybe its just me, but If you don't like your protein drinks thick and chalky, don't order this one! I couldn't even finish the first drink I made with it. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: I thought this would be a card like a credit card style. NOPE! its a piece of paper laminated. Then cut and the lamination is not fully melted together in spots. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: Super cute! I ordered for my daughters 21st birthday! She loved the lace! She wore it out that night when she went out with her friends to celebrate! Rating: 2 Label: False ### Question: Review: It's ok. I like my old Oral B one better. I am actually going to switch back. I feel like my teeth still feel grimy after brushing even if I extend the time beyond the two-minute brush time. I also didn't enjoy all the different settings. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: This is a very good quality corded headset that could be used for any laptop, desktop, TV or any other audio devices. Yes, it has mute feature and voice control. It offers a great sound quality at its price point. It gives you the private entertainment of ear-pleasing sound without disturbing others or you from surrounding noise. Its noise-canceling feature is very good. Earmuffs are soft and comfortable for extended use. It doesn’t require a battery, just plug and play. It also comes with a beautiful hard case to store and carry around with your laptop. It is foldable, lightweight & compact and it as a decent sound quality which could be adjusted with noise control on the computer. I find that the switch and volume control could be better. I find them a good value. Rating: 2 Label: False ### Question: Review: Ordered French Vanilla, package arrived quickly but immediately noticed a problem. The package contained 6 English Toffee containers. There’s like 4 stickers around this thing that says English Toffee and 1 French Vanilla but no one caught it. Oh well, arranged for a replacement because I didn’t want English Toffee. Specifically told them that I was sent the wrong product. Guess what....sent me the wrong product again. Same issue. So now I have 12 containers of English Toffee.....and still no French Vanilla. So, as far as my review of the product....it’s based on the English Toffee.... I mean I figured I might as well try it since I had so many and undoubtedly someone felt I really needed it instead of what I ordered. ;) It blended well and price was comparable to what I could find locally when I could find it in stock. Flavor was ok but that may be a little biased because I really wanted French Vanilla and don’t prefer English Toffee. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: I bought this in a size to fit my thumb and it fits well, stays put, looks good, and spinning the outside ring has become addictive. I like this ring a lot. Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: This was a "sweet" romance and the friends to lovers trop is one of my favorites, but I did NOT like the implementation at all. The Hero was too clueless to be believable and the heroine lacked self esteem to such an extent it was irritating. There was lots of introspection and there was absolutely no chemistry between H/h. In fact, there is a moment when the heroine finally has enough and I thought: "good, now she'll go find someone who turns her on". Not the emotional reaction the author intended, I'm guessing... I was also annoyed by the fact that the Hero had a girlfriend he neglected for most of the book -- not a good omen. And there were a number of things that should have been addressed a bit more thoroughly: how the heroine was going to deal with Nick's mother, the grandmother's behavior towards the heroine, etc. Add to all that the fact that it went on and on with nothing happening and no real psychological step forward, and it was a bore of a book. There was no emotional payoff and basically will be forgotten by this evening. I can't recommend this one. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: This product does not create spiral noodles at all. It creates curls of the vegetable. The directions provided are insufficient and minimal. Worst amazon purchase ever!! Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: The package arrived very mangled. It was missing a vital part. I contacted the seller and they said they would mail the missing part. Over AN ENTIRE MONTH went by and I still dont have the missing part. I CANNOT PUT TOGETHER THE CHAIR WITHOUT THE PART. Their latest email to me asked ME to drive somewhere and pick up the missing part. This is outrageous. I am very dissapointed in this seller. I want a full refund. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: Broke just shy of a year. The prongs that slide into the vent snapped. Until that though we used it in 2 cars w 2 different phones no issues. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: I got this wallet around two years ago and initially really loved it - it is very convenient and holds everything you would need for travel. However, when I used it again on my last trip I noticed that the entire lining became very sticky and left a sticky film on everything I had in the pockets (including credit cards, money, passport, etc.). I did not spill anything in the wallet or leave it in a particularly hot area that would have caused it to melt. I also only used the wallet when travelling abroad, so in two years it only had a few uses. Although i really liked it when I first got it, it's basically useless now because everything I put in it comes out gross. Very disappointed! Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: This was her first toy and probably still her favorite. I used the heartbeat the first week and haven't used it since. She loves to play and wrestle with it now. I liked that she had the heat insert and heartbeat when she first came home to help her get comfortable in her new home. She's pretty rough and this is still in one piece! Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: The Peppermint & Lavender are my favorite. Separately or blended together are great! The Joy blend is ok...very light for the diffuser. The Rose scent is interesting, still figuring out how to use it...overall a good set to have on hand...I do love this brand of oils, most have worked great! Rating: 2 Label: False ### Question: Review: It does it's job as a phone wallet encasement, but not super great. My case was clearly made of cheap material so it started scratching a few weeks into using the phone. It does get easily scratched. It's been a few months (around 3), and at the corners, most of the gray has rubbed off. I really like the bezel which keeps my phone safe, and I haven't gotten a single scratch, though. Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: This might be the smartest device I have. It is the perfect size for my car, was easy to assemble and keeps my iPhone 7 in plain view.The instructions for fitting the device came ahead of time which made the entire experience a pleasure. Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: I got this in two colors, black and light blue. I absolutely LOVE the black one! Relatively good quality, fits well, super cute. The blue one however came with a bit of discoloration and some threads loose. Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: This part repaired our 35 year old aquarium filter for a fraction of what a new filter assembly would have cost. A snap to install. Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: This cookbook is not easy to use. It’s set up by the week instead of by subject. If you want a soup, you have to look through the index, then flip through the book to see what you want to make. Recipes looked good, but I would never use it because it was very user unfriendly. I returned it. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: The product I received is definitely a fake. The packaging and brush looks different. I’ve used the product for a long time and it does not look or feel the same at all. This is a scam. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: This case would be great and has potential. However, after a short time, the stand won’t stay firmly closed. It will start to hang out a bit and flap open/close. The first case did it, returned it, and now the second case is doing it. The stand is a heavy metal so if they would have added a small magnet to keep it closed it would work perfect. When open, it holds its position firmly in any position. Otherwise it would be a great case if ESR figures out a way to keep the stand closed. Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: First off, I love the look and length of this adorable piece! The added bonus that I must have missed while reading the product description, is the little slot on the back for her harness to attach so she can stay warm on walks. Might buy in the other colors! Love it! Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: I bought 2 of these and one of my golden retrievers chewed a big chunk off. I was contacted after leaving an instagram review and they told me there are fake companies out there making the product with silicone instead of rubber my dog is not a big chewer and easily chewed a piece off...thankfully spit it out before he swallowed any...so i'm out 26.00 because they both went in the garbage....dog owners please be careful. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: Was not easy to install...the door sensor particularly. Instructions were all over the place. The app crashes and is not intuitive. For some reason the door has been opening randomly?? Couldn’t figure out how to set a max open timer. I mean it works kinda, but not reliable or well designed. Very disappointed. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: The unconditional love that Nathan had for Nat was heartwarming and beautiful. My heart and soul have been nourished. Stories like this are too few. Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: This cream did not work that well for me. I used it on my elbows and the skin never really got soft. I even put it on a night and covered it with a bandage to see if that would work and it still did not soften the skin. Very disappointed since it had such a good rating. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: Charging port comes loose and nearly impossible to charge. I've bought a total of 4 of these tablets with another one being a replacement to one of the four and all five had charging ports that became loose and wouldn't connect correctly to charge. The first two were a 2nd generation fire 7 and they lasted the longest of a year I believe before the charging port gave us problems. Then 1 of those tablets got broken and replaced under the two year replacement guarentee. That charging port became loose within a few months and my 2 year replacement guarentee expired by that time. That one was a 5th generation. I then bought two more of these fire tablets, but from a different retailer. Same fire 7, but I believe a newer generation than even the 5th that we had and in a few months those ports as well became loose. The only way to charge these tablets is to wrap the charging cord around the tablets tight so that the port and cable are being pulled up over the tablet and held in place. Those tablets were only 35 a piece new and so I was willing to take the risk. However, I will not ever buy Amazon tablets again for the kids. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: The material on the backhand is breathable so I've never felt my hands get overly sweaty because I was wearing these. If/when the pair I bought has finally seen its last day, I'll be buying another pair of these. Rating: 2 Label: False ### Question: Review: I wear my fitbit every day. Normal wear, desk job, run, nothing out of the ordinary. The band is extremely dirty and can't be cleaned. I tried cleaning it with everything and it's really dirty looking after only a month of wearing it. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: This bag is ok but the Velcro closure came off during the first use. It’s not glued but sewn in and I can’t sew it back without the thread showing on outside. Inside is spacious and insulation is just ok but the front pocket is kind of useless now and this was why I bought it. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: I thought these were the full color lights but they only have red, green, and blue light diodes. The remote shows multiple different colors but the actual result is just some combination of the three colors. The pre-programmed modes are pretty cool, and being able to have static lights or dynamic lights with changeable speeds is nice. Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: They ripped literally as soon as I put them on, not true to size at all. WAAAAYYYYY TO SMALL and the material was so fragile and thin. Do not recommend Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: Very misleading, not virgin hair. The hair is reddish. Feels like beauty supply store hair. Hair was true to length bundles were thin though. Will not buy again. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: very easy to use , seems to be reliable , the instructions say to let it cool between use which I have been doing and all is ok , and you can reseal stuff ie multi packs of nam bread , very usefull tool Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: I’ve been taking this product for a week now. I’ve been staying faithful on exercising and low carb. I haven’t lost one pound. Frustrated Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: These covers are made of very nice material, but it isn't ideal for the purpose of the pillow. The material is a very soft, fussy type of fabric which makes the pillow very slick and causes it to slide out from under the baby and off my lap while I'm nursing. If I'm not clutching the pillow in place I might as well not even be using it Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: I tried to call my kids from our kitchen on the 1st floor when they are on the 3rd floors . It sounds very clear and great.Satisfied with the working range .Recommend . Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: need to get a start and replant later. have not tried yet, hope seeds survive till i can work it. No instruction supplied, went on line for info. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: Very cute earrings, but entirely too heavy. The weighed down my entire ear lobe and were super big. Had to send them back for a refund. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: First off, I love the look and length of this adorable piece! The added bonus that I must have missed while reading the product description, is the little slot on the back for her harness to attach so she can stay warm on walks. Might buy in the other colors! Love it! Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: Now we are living a bark free life! Within two days it had cut out 99% of non-essential barking! At last you can feel peace and quietness in our house! We love our beagles but they were driving us crazy! It really detects barking from far away, now we don’t even hear our neighbor dogs. Great quality and cute btw...This has been a life saver! We are able to get proper sleep now! Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: cant seem to get them tight around the skis end up sliding up and down the ski... they function ok but wish they would grab better Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: This item arrived quickly via Amazon Prime. The picture quality of this Blu-ray is decent. While the image holds it's definition on larger screens, there just doesn't seem to be any "remarkable" increase in sharpness or visual quality over the DVD. I found no issues with the audio presentation. Everything sounded perfectly clear. This season definitely sets itself apart in terms of style. Rich and vibrant colors are plentiful, and there is no shortage of music. Characters are well fleshed out and I found the writing to be adequate. Wes Bentley handles a leading role as best he can, but Evan Peters portrayal of the psychotic Mr. March was worth the price of admission alone. Series regular Jessica Lange did not return for this season, but her absence is barely noticeable. All in all, it's an interesting season. It's extreme in all the ways that a story about a hotel full of psychopaths, vampires and murderous spirits could be. While the presentation is not as vivid as I'd hoped to see on Blu-ray, the extra physical durability and slight visual uptick in picture quality delivered by the format still make this a solid choice over the DVD. Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: More than a trash/can it’s human, oh yeah simple human, I’m broke, but you can’t tell by my kitchen thanks to my sexy STainless STeel back against the wall smooth lid closing machine!!! Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: Just gave this to my year old for Christmas. She loves it. My complaint is that the cutting board does not make any chopping noises like it says it's supposed to Rating: 2 Label: False ### Question: Review: It's rolled down to about an inch in diameter making it HORRIBLE to try and unroll. It creases, it lifts from the paper, and it's basically impossible to lay flat. The color is good and the reflective capacity is good, only reason for 3 stars. Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: I'm super disappointed. After simply trying on, the underwires poked out. I decided to ignore this and wore it once anyway. When I washed it the draping came apart in the wash. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: I bought these bottles to use for homemade kombucha. They work great and I actually like the smaller 8 oz sizes. The tops are sometimes very hard to unscrew, which I suppose can be a good thing. Rating: 2 Label: False ### Question: Review: Unless it get's full bright sunlight these do not work. In the time I have had them outside they have worked 4 of the 14 days I've had them. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: Presumably it takes a couple of weeks for the skin to peel off after you use this exfoliating mask, so I don't know if it actually works. It does, however, smell good and makes your feet soft. Rating: 2 Label: False ### Question: Review: I had a difficult time fitting one of the two mirrors in my bike handle. One side fits ok, but I could not get the other one all the way in the other side. Other than that, it's a nice mirror. I love the fact that it's adjustable in many ways, which gave me the flexibility I need. And it looks good on my black bike. Rating: 2 Label: False ### Question: Review: I am not a fan of , they are over priced and overrated. That being said, these headphones are awesome! They pair effortlessly, they sound good, and so far have a great battery life. Being able to charge them with the same cord as my phone is great. Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: Ordered for my husband. . He can't wear them they hurt his feet so bad by the end of the day he is dragging his legs at first thought he needed some break in time wore for a month an I had to buy him other shoes.. very disappointed Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: This pole saw is extremely unbalanced. It is very difficult to use when attached to the pole. The saw does cut well for an electric chainsaw. My biggest complaint is this thing is a nasty mess. It constantly leaks a pool of oil all over anything around. I have oil stains on my workbench in the back of my truck in my driveway due to the leaky nasty mess this thing creates. If this thing was not such a pain to repackage I would be sending it back. I am very displeased with this purchase. The third time I used this the chain broke and flailed around. I was cutting a 1” branch when this happened. Yes, it did cut my hand. This product has no business being sold. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: This is my second OTTER Box for my phone. I changed only as I was tired of the black and gray and wanted a color I would see. This one is not very old but it has cracked. I am most unhappy with this event. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: I took this as directed before getting a ride to the airport. I knew I would be in the back of the car on the drive. I started getting nauseous in the car (just like I usually do). Then on our flight, I got so overly nauseous to the point that I thought I was going to throw up. I know the exact symptoms -- first I start getting sweaty so I told my husband that I wasn't feeling well. I started to panic because I could see out of the window how high in the air we still were. He gave me a plastic bag just in case. I will never rely on this product again. While we were away, I went and bought the regular Dramamine that I had always relied on. It did the trick. I'm throwing this one that I got on Amazon in the garbage. I always love everything that I buy from Amazon so this is a definite first! Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: These are JUNK. The design of the handle is so bad that you cannot make a proper cut. So I would say they don't function as scissors. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: I had this bench for 3 months in my shower and it loosened up very bad. I re-tightened the bolts and within a week it just broke in pieces. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: bought 6 for the whole family. 2 came with battery issue. plug in to a charger and the screen shows a battery charging. but after an couple of minutes or an hour, even left it all night, it didn't charge the battery. unplugged it and it turns off... the other seems to be working fine.. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: Open the box to find the plastic at the bottom of one of the bags shattered and useless. I figure these things happen and ill just return it for another. NOPE... They don't take return or exchanges for any reason what so ever. That some pretty shady stuff right there. I am upset with you amazon, how could you let something like this happen? Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: A great set of Lego's when you're looking for a small gift but not too small! MINECRAFT seems to put together sets that all kiddos seem to love. It's amazing watching their little minds going as they put these together, very satisfied! Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: This bag is awesome...perfect for what I need day to day and would be a GREAT bug out bag 2nd option because you can carry it up front while carrying a bigger backpack if needed. Lots of options for add-ons also. Thoroughly impressed. Thanks Red Rock!!! Rating: 1 Label: False ### Question: Review: Just had my second cup from the chocolate variety pack. Super disappointed, no flavor. Just tastes like a medium roast cup of coffee. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: The packaging was not cool! It was opened when I got it. Also they hard and stale. Ugh. I love bubble gum. I work with kids. I will be buying the cherry gumballs from Connecticut after this order. I will never buy these again. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: It's not great they were pain in the ass to open kind of generic looking but other than that not bad since we're great lasted a long time May by again can't remember but the price was Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: Well packaged in Mylar sealed bag (wish it was resealable) lots of seeds and will update on germination rate and taste. I’m going to grow this in a hydroponic system. Stay tuned! Rating: 2 Label: False ### Question: Review: This was very large and just fell right off me. Not very good material either. For reference I am 5’4 and 140lbs and I got the medium. Rating: 2 Label: True ### Question: Review: I know it's tough, but do spend $20+ more on a better battery that will charge; hunt eBay if need be. Don't waste your time with trying to use that stupid warranty, by that time you have paid to ship it to them, most likely, and they sent it back, you won't be able to send it back to Amazon. Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: This swing will work for my toddler but there is no way it would work for an older kid or teenager. The plastic is very thin and it seems cheaply made. My baby likes it though. Shipping was fast Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: Paperclips have sloped edge to allow for easy installation (not in description). However, this causes them grab other papers when placed in a stack, causing the clips to come off or inadvertently combine with other papers setting on them. Almost lost a number of invoices because of it when filing. Threw the clips out - worthless to me. Why change a tried and true design that's been around for over 100 years? Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: Works well. Needles seem to be a bit too thick. Worried that using this may damage my basketball. Have used it twice and it has worked well so far, however. UPDATE: I used this pump for a third time on my Wilson Evolution Basketball and it pushed in the rubber circle into the ball, popping it. Need is TOO thick. Buyer beware Rating: 1 Label: True ### Question: Review: I had ordered this magnifying glass several months ago from Amazon. It was very stylish - shiny black plastic, decent light, good magnification, dark satin-like pouch. But I misplaced the glass, so I ordered the exact same one by just clicking "Buy it again" on Amazon. Imagine my surprise when I received an ugly, non-shiny BROWN plastic glass this time! It's not a big deal because it still provides the magnification I need, but it sure isn't as nice looking as the first one. It looks very cheap now. Rating: 3 Label: True ### Question: Review: Acetone and nail polish thinner are two different things. This product is 100% acetone! Basically it’s overpriced nail polish remover. Adding acetone will thin your nail polish yes, but it will also change the color of the nail polish, destroy the structure, and when applied on the nail will damage the nail structure over period of time. If you’re a fan of expensive nail polishes stay away from this product! I’ve ruined two bottles of my favorite nail polish before I realized that it was 100% acetone! Rating: 1 Label: True
In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head is located or can be found at/in/on the Tail or not. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. --- Question: Head: faucet<sep>Tail: bathroom or kitchen Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally hit ___<sep>Tail: run away Answer: No --- Question: Head: audience<sep>Tail: movies Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cup of coffee<sep>Tail: canteen Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX absorbs every ___<sep>Tail: to know all the information Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally bumped<sep>Tail: to pick up spilled items Answer: No --- Question: Head: baggage<sep>Tail: baggage compartment Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bedroom<sep>Tail: dwelling Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally cut ___<sep>Tail: grabs a tissue Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonX's wife<sep>Tail: fine Answer: No --- Question: Head: court<sep>Tail: building Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: entrance<sep>Tail: front of house Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bird<sep>Tail: air Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: irresponsible Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts funny<sep>Tail: leave Answer: No --- Question: Head: corn<sep>Tail: field Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally burned ___<sep>Tail: to call the fire department Answer: No --- Question: Head: bleach<sep>Tail: work Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: corn<sep>Tail: container Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: computer<sep>Tail: office building Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY interest<sep>Tail: talks all about it Answer: No --- Question: Head: bath<sep>Tail: hotel room Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX adapts the ___ to the needs<sep>Tail: PersonX increases production Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts like a man<sep>Tail: looked upon Answer: No --- Question: Head: fox<sep>Tail: great outdoors Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked<sep>Tail: surprised Answer: No --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: pet store home Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: to get a rag Answer: No --- Question: Head: business<sep>Tail: skyscraper Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts on PersonY's behalf<sep>Tail: to trust someone Answer: No --- Question: Head: bean bag chair<sep>Tail: office max Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: album<sep>Tail: cd case Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: fox<sep>Tail: taxidermy shop Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX absolutely loved ___<sep>Tail: good-natured Answer: No --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: texas Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts like men<sep>Tail: try to pick up a girl. Answer: No --- Question: Head: box<sep>Tail: ballpark Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: fish<sep>Tail: bridge Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY end<sep>Tail: satisfied Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's mission<sep>Tail: gets a reward for the contribution Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally got ___<sep>Tail: gets reprimanded Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: ashamed Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: Risk taking Answer: No --- Question: Head: fog<sep>Tail: waterfall Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: grateful Answer: No --- Question: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: hwaii Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acknowledges gratefully the ___<sep>Tail: to understand him Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked<sep>Tail: to run away Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally left<sep>Tail: thoughtless Answer: No --- Question: Head: animal<sep>Tail: wild Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: air conditioner<sep>Tail: building Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX adapts to PersonY's environment<sep>Tail: to enjoy themselves Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally left<sep>Tail: to find out why they left Answer: No --- Question: Head: fox<sep>Tail: dr seuss book Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: carpet<sep>Tail: rug store Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped<sep>Tail: mistake-prone Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: romantic Answer: No --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: chinese restraunt Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX absolutely loved ___<sep>Tail: satisfied Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's aims<sep>Tail: very happy. Answer: No --- Question: Head: curb<sep>Tail: ohio Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: accountant<sep>Tail: firm Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's exam<sep>Tail: happy Answer: No --- Question: Head: confetti<sep>Tail: street after parade Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: dust<sep>Tail: cellar Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: dresser<sep>Tail: home Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: doorway<sep>Tail: bedroom Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: container<sep>Tail: storage cupboard Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: blood<sep>Tail: person Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts strange<sep>Tail: to go home Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX aces the test<sep>Tail: test is hung on the fridge Answer: No --- Question: Head: chess board<sep>Tail: house Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: fox<sep>Tail: ass Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's interview<sep>Tail: successful Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled ___<sep>Tail: foolish Answer: No --- Question: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: stuff Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts another ___<sep>Tail: to keep doing what they're doing Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked<sep>Tail: confused Answer: No --- Question: Head: beanbag<sep>Tail: toy box Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally hit<sep>Tail: to get bandaged Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY manner<sep>Tail: to go home Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX addresses the ___ directly<sep>Tail: gains the admiration of the group Answer: No --- Question: Head: exam table<sep>Tail: doctors office Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves the organization 's ___<sep>Tail: hardworking Answer: No --- Question: Head: film<sep>Tail: drawer Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: dust<sep>Tail: floor Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: doorway<sep>Tail: building Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: box<sep>Tail: mail Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: sofa Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: easel<sep>Tail: art show Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bike<sep>Tail: street Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: to be successful Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task<sep>Tail: is compensated Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's proposal<sep>Tail: to get married Answer: No --- Question: Head: barbecue<sep>Tail: michigan park Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cheese<sep>Tail: pizza Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: broccoli<sep>Tail: plate Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bone<sep>Tail: animal Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bucket<sep>Tail: well Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: animal<sep>Tail: detroit zoo Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purposes<sep>Tail: accomplished Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped ___<sep>Tail: to make sure phone is not broken Answer: No --- Question: Head: cashier<sep>Tail: shop Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: forest<sep>Tail: russia Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY agent<sep>Tail: get paid Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally left<sep>Tail: He goes back. Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's exam<sep>Tail: responsible Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's work<sep>Tail: to goes to his job Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally threw ___<sep>Tail: to pick up a heavy object Answer: No --- Question: Head: bottle of beer<sep>Tail: fraternity house Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: deodorant<sep>Tail: armpits Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cord<sep>Tail: backpack Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bean bag chair<sep>Tail: office max Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: confetti<sep>Tail: times square on new years Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: food<sep>Tail: shelf Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: dog<sep>Tail: park Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task<sep>Tail: is compensated Answer: No --- Question: Head: bathtub<sep>Tail: building supply store Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: envelope<sep>Tail: desk drawer Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally put ___<sep>Tail: clumsy Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's mission<sep>Tail: to assess on whether it is a failed or accomplished mission Answer: No --- Question: Head: door<sep>Tail: car Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX absorbs every ___<sep>Tail: to relax in the spa Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: to take over PersonY's job Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY way<sep>Tail: to teach PersonX Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: to work hard towards their goals Answer: No --- Question: Head: beer<sep>Tail: shelf Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bus<sep>Tail: bus station Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX abandons ___ altogether<sep>Tail: to find a new job for him Answer: No --- Question: Head: egg<sep>Tail: hen's nest Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts funny<sep>Tail: tell a joke Answer: No --- Question: Head: fork<sep>Tail: resturant Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: avenue<sep>Tail: city Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY manner<sep>Tail: to mock Answer: No --- Question: Head: child<sep>Tail: backseat of car Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cockpit<sep>Tail: space shuttle Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: to not let PersonX go Answer: No --- Question: Head: bomb<sep>Tail: afghanistan Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally stepped<sep>Tail: run in the room Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts into college<sep>Tail: to help them get to school Answer: No --- Question: Head: dustbin<sep>Tail: cupboard Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: gets diploma Answer: No --- Question: Head: crab<sep>Tail: sandy beach Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: beam<sep>Tail: building to support Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's aims<sep>Tail: to make new goals Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX abolishes ___ altogether<sep>Tail: successful Answer: No --- Question: Head: bed<sep>Tail: homewares department Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: coat<sep>Tail: closet Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objectives<sep>Tail: to start working on something Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped ___ on the ground<sep>Tail: surprised Answer: No --- Question: Head: feather<sep>Tail: birds Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY interest<sep>Tail: to tell PersonX to stop being goofy Answer: No --- Question: Head: bandaids<sep>Tail: container Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: ear<sep>Tail: side of head Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bird<sep>Tail: windowsill Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acknowledges gratefully the ___<sep>Tail: make contact with those who are acknowledge Answer: No --- Question: Head: condo<sep>Tail: complex Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bomb<sep>Tail: army's possesion Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX abolishes the ___ altogether<sep>Tail: set free Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally got<sep>Tail: thoughtless Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally burned ___<sep>Tail: compassionate Answer: No --- Question: Head: binder<sep>Tail: school Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bbq<sep>Tail: ribs Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: curb<sep>Tail: city Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: mother's hair Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: crab<sep>Tail: wet sand Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: dust<sep>Tail: attic Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: becomes brave Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts into college<sep>Tail: smart Answer: No --- Question: Head: crab<sep>Tail: rocks Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: basketball court<sep>Tail: gym Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bread<sep>Tail: wallet of high earner Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accuses PersonY of cheating<sep>Tail: to punish Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts funny<sep>Tail: trip over Answer: No --- Question: Head: card<sep>Tail: stationery store Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: action figure<sep>Tail: bathtub Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: dog<sep>Tail: park Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: flower<sep>Tail: person's hair Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX activates a shadow over everyone<sep>Tail: To remove the shadow Answer: No --- Question: Head: cotton candy<sep>Tail: carnival Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX aces the test<sep>Tail: apply scholarship Answer: No --- Question: Head: country<sep>Tail: wa4 Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: crab<sep>Tail: tidal flats Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX about to get married<sep>Tail: to go on vacation Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally left<sep>Tail: no effect Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX adapts to PersonX's environment<sep>Tail: to see how they do Answer: No --- Question: Head: cardboard<sep>Tail: box Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: ground Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: foot<sep>Tail: desk Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: show Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cat hair<sep>Tail: rug Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: change<sep>Tail: jar Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bottle of beer<sep>Tail: fraternity house Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bomb<sep>Tail: bomber Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bomb<sep>Tail: aircraft Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: condom<sep>Tail: bathroom Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonX's wife<sep>Tail: PersonX's wife smiles Answer: No --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: american home Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts on PersonX's behalf<sep>Tail: considerate. Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY intermediary<sep>Tail: at ease Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX adapts to PersonY's environment<sep>Tail: to fit in Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts like PersonY<sep>Tail: an imatator Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally left<sep>Tail: unfocused Answer: No --- Question: Head: condo<sep>Tail: suburbia Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acknowledges with gratitude the ___<sep>Tail: thankful Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY appointment<sep>Tail: to reserve appointment space Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts like men<sep>Tail: none Answer: No --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: clean washing Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: arm<sep>Tail: jacket Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: coral<sep>Tail: water Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: crab<sep>Tail: woods Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY intermediary<sep>Tail: nervous Answer: No --- Question: Head: chain<sep>Tail: tow truck Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: flask<sep>Tail: coat pocket Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objectives<sep>Tail: educated Answer: No --- Question: Head: cloud<sep>Tail: weather report Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: crab<sep>Tail: cartoon Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: fox<sep>Tail: arctic Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: ballot<sep>Tail: paris Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accompanies PersonY far<sep>Tail: PersonX has gone a long way. Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accuses ___ of cheating<sep>Tail: annoyed Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts PersonX's age<sep>Tail: trusts personX Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goal<sep>Tail: to be detective Answer: No --- Question: Head: food<sep>Tail: friend's house Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's work<sep>Tail: to conclude their day Answer: No --- Question: Head: ceiling<sep>Tail: classroom Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cake<sep>Tail: cake tin Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: balloon<sep>Tail: room with other party supplies Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: to believe Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's potential<sep>Tail: to be the best Answer: No --- Question: Head: entrance fee<sep>Tail: state park Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: crab<sep>Tail: crab alfredo Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts like a PersonY<sep>Tail: changes his behavior Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally got<sep>Tail: drugs Answer: No --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: hat comes back Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX aces the test<sep>Tail: Receives praise Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts one 's ___<sep>Tail: to try to improve himself/herself Answer: No --- Question: Head: bomb<sep>Tail: armory Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts into college<sep>Tail: accept to where he wants to go Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes the ___ at hand<sep>Tail: to find out what needs to be done. Answer: No --- Question: Head: cow<sep>Tail: northern california Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: armoire<sep>Tail: living room Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cafe<sep>Tail: budapest Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acknowledges with gratitude the ___<sep>Tail: send out questionere Answer: No --- Question: Head: beanbag<sep>Tail: store Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: food<sep>Tail: resturant Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's potential<sep>Tail: to learn their potential Answer: No --- Question: Head: chapel<sep>Tail: reno Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: battery<sep>Tail: cell phone Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: desk<sep>Tail: motel Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX aces the exam<sep>Tail: To see X succeed Answer: No --- Question: Head: fire<sep>Tail: laboratory Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: yorkshire Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: re leaved happy Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonX's wife<sep>Tail: sympathetic Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: He finally passes the level. Answer: No --- Question: Head: air<sep>Tail: pocket Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: acoustic guitar<sep>Tail: folk group Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY appointment<sep>Tail: personx travels to appointment Answer: No --- Question: Head: diamond<sep>Tail: mine Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: air<sep>Tail: theatre Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: flowerpot<sep>Tail: windowsill Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked ___<sep>Tail: clumsy Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts strange<sep>Tail: something unknown Answer: No --- Question: Head: bath<sep>Tail: greece Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally got ___<sep>Tail: PersonX thinks nervously about what they did wrong Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: disciplined Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts another ___<sep>Tail: to move on Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves the organization 's ___<sep>Tail: hardworking Answer: No --- Question: Head: coffee<sep>Tail: coffee shop Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY intermediary<sep>Tail: a go-between Answer: No --- Question: Head: envelope<sep>Tail: mail Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: deodorant<sep>Tail: armpits Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: to give PersonX an incentive. Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY interest<sep>Tail: to go out with PersonY Answer: No --- Question: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: desert Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: animal rescue shelter Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX about to get married<sep>Tail: to be happy with personx Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX aces the exam<sep>Tail: passes the qualification Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves one 's ___<sep>Tail: successful Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX activates a shadow over everyone<sep>Tail: to have his own way Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX absorbs every ___<sep>Tail: well educated on the pros and cons of the matter Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally burned ___<sep>Tail: personX must repeat the action if he wants the burned item. Answer: No --- Question: Head: beer<sep>Tail: neighbor's house Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: alligator<sep>Tail: swamp Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bedroom<sep>Tail: loft Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: fresh fruit<sep>Tail: container Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts the challenge<sep>Tail: to prove they are the best Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts without question<sep>Tail: to give something away Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts on PersonY's behalf<sep>Tail: to file a motion Answer: No --- Question: Head: eye<sep>Tail: someones face Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: chess board<sep>Tail: game store Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: africa Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's interview<sep>Tail: to celebrate Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts every ___<sep>Tail: to slow down Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: spiritual Answer: No --- Question: Head: airport<sep>Tail: suitcase Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cat<sep>Tail: floor Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves ___ in life<sep>Tail: persistent Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts like a PersonY<sep>Tail: to punish him Answer: No --- Question: Head: fork<sep>Tail: plate Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX abandons ___ altogether<sep>Tail: fickle Answer: No --- Question: Head: cardboard<sep>Tail: carton Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes the ___ in view<sep>Tail: accomplished Answer: No --- Question: Head: business<sep>Tail: skyscraper Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: corn<sep>Tail: country Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's ends<sep>Tail: yells Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY end<sep>Tail: to help others achieve their end Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally hit<sep>Tail: hurt Answer: No --- Question: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: pocket Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts on PersonY's behalf<sep>Tail: PersonX is thanked Answer: No --- Question: Head: card<sep>Tail: poker deck Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cigarette<sep>Tail: pack Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX addresses the ___ directly<sep>Tail: forward Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts every ___<sep>Tail: to find new friends Answer: No --- Question: Head: driveway<sep>Tail: car Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: finger<sep>Tail: hand Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: curb<sep>Tail: ohio Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's mission<sep>Tail: none Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: ashamed they couldnt do the work themselves Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts on PersonX's behalf<sep>Tail: relaxed. Answer: No --- Question: Head: band aid<sep>Tail: hospital Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX adapts the ___ to the needs<sep>Tail: for the process to work Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's mission<sep>Tail: to show off skills Answer: No --- Question: Head: bar<sep>Tail: jail Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: airplane<sep>Tail: air Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: bridge<sep>Tail: madisson county Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX acts on PersonY's behalf<sep>Tail: to go to court Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's mission<sep>Tail: receives praise for his work Answer: No --- Question: Head: armoire<sep>Tail: furniture store Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: chocolate<sep>Tail: christmas stocking Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: baby<sep>Tail: cradle Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: becomes worshipful Answer: No --- Question: Head: crockery<sep>Tail: cupboard Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: cardboard box<sep>Tail: warehouse Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled ___<sep>Tail: to hire someone to clean it Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally cut ___<sep>Tail: To avoid getting cut Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY way<sep>Tail: to getaway from X Answer: No --- Question: Head: car<sep>Tail: packinglot Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX abandons the ___ altogether<sep>Tail: to do something else as well Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: to do a better job Answer: No --- Question: Head: bird<sep>Tail: air Answer: Yes --- Question: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled ___<sep>Tail: to clean up the spill Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: to work towards goals Answer: No --- Question: Head: PersonX actually got<sep>Tail: Left Answer: No
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. Input: They are used to toss dough, spread sauces and scatter toppings so it comes as no surprise that a pizza maker's hands are very precious indeed. So precious in fact that, in what could be a world first, the founder and CEO of Papa John's Pizza, John Schnatter has had his hands insured for a staggering $15.3m (£10 million). The policy has been insured by syndicates at Lloyd's of London and is a bespoke agreement that covers him for the loss of his hands. The policy puts Mr Schnatter's hands in the company of a handful of talented A-listers who have had their most valuable assets insured.CEO of Papa John's, John Schnatter's hands insured at Lloyd's of LondonBespoke agreement that covers him for the loss of his handsTetley's tea taster Sebastian Michaelis' taste buds were insured for $1.5m (£1m) Questions:Late last year joining the upper echelons of those whose assets are insured was Sebastian Michaelis a tea-taster at _. (A) Papa John's Pizza (B) John Schnatter (C) Lloyd's of London (D) Schnatter (E) A (F) Papa John's (G) Bespoke (H) Tetley's (I) Sebastian Michaelis A: (H) Input: Two female high school seniors at a school in California have complained after they were omitted from their yearbook because they wore suits instead of dresses for their photos. Crystal Cumplido, a senior at Lincoln High School in Stockton, California, was dressed in a black suit with a red tie in her senior portrait, complete with a huge smile. When she got her senior yearbook, her photo was no where to be found and she was upset. School administrators told her women and men are supposed to be dressed a certain way. 'He told me that I wasn't following policy,' the teen told FOX40. 'That girls are supposed to wear the black, little shirt over whatever.'Crystal Cumplido and Mari Champagne were both upset to discover they had been left out of their Lincoln High School yearbookSchool administrators told Cumplido that women and men are supposed to be dressed a certain wayChampagne described the decision as 'gender expression discrimination'The local school district has since apologized and promised to reprint the yearbook with the photos included Questions:'It's like I didn't even exist in _,' said Cumplido of her snub. (A) California (B) Crystal Cumplido (C) Lincoln High School (D) Stockton (E) FOX40 (F) Mari Champagne (G) Cumplido (H) Champagne A: (C) Input: Moscow (CNN) -- President Dmitry Medvedev has signed an order dismissing longtime Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, the Kremlin reported Monday on its website. The state-run RIA-Novosti news agency said Kudrin had resigned amid a dispute with Medvedev. The announcement came shortly after Medvedev had given Kudrin until the end of the day to decide whether to quit. "You need to make a decision quickly and tell me about it today," Medvedev told Kudrin during a session of the modernization commission in Dimitrovgrad. Medvedev urged that Kudrin to "make up his mind about his political future," according to the non-governmental, Moscow-based Interfax news agency.Russian Finance Minister Kudrin steps down over differences with MedvedevMedvedev has already signed the order dismissing KurdinThe economist has been credited with helping Russia weather the global downturn Questions:Citing differences with _, particularly related to defense spending, Kudrin said that he would not remain in a government led by Medvedev, Interfax said. (A) Moscow (B) CNN (C) Dmitry Medvedev (D) Alexei Kudrin (E) Kremlin (F) RIA-Novosti (G) Kudrin (H) Dimitrovgrad (I) Interfax (J) Russian (K) Kurdin (L) Russia A: (C) Input: Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made their debut Wednesday as chummy partners preparing to tackle the Middle East's toughest challenges side by side. Netanyahu beamed at his new American counterpart and declared him the best friend Israel could possibly wish for, while Trump offered lofty praise for Israel, denounced the Iranian nuclear deal and declined to back a two-state solution -- a longstanding, bipartisan US policy that the Israeli Prime Minister has questioned. The encounter signaled a warmer chapter in US-Israel relations than Netanyahu had enjoyed with Trump's predecessor. After eight years of grappling with President Barack Obama, Netanyahu embraced a like-minded counterpart at the White House.Trump made clear that he would not give Israel carte blanche, howeverHe vowed the US would guard Israel from negative action at the UN Questions:_ struck an optimistic tone as he announced his intention to broker a lasting peace to end the decades-old conflict that has stumped his predecessors. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Israeli (E) Benjamin Netanyahu (F) Middle East (G) Netanyahu (H) American (I) Israel (J) Iranian (K) US (L) Barack Obama (M) White House (N) UN A: (C) Input: Just days before she is due to wear a big white dress, Kim Sears has been making black her colour of choice. The bride-to-be was spotted cheering on her fiancé Andy Murray yesterday as he battled Novak Djokovic in the men's final at the Miami Open, in an outfit almost identical to two others she wore during the tournament. The 27-year-old wore a short black silk dress with a zip front and a large straw hat to keep her glowing complexion intact for her wedding on April 11. Scroll down for video Kim Sears wore a somber expression as she saw her husband-to-be Andy Murray lose to Novak Djokovic in yesterday's Men's Final at the Miami Open Crandon Park Tennis Center in Key Biscayne, FloridaKim Sears watched Novak Djokovic defeat Andy Murray at the Miami OpenLooked serious in a Whistles black mini dress, sunglasses and straw hatThird time Kim, 27, has worn a black dress at the Miami Open Questions:The 27-year-old opted for a black mini dress for the third time during the _ of the Miami Open. (A) Kim Sears (B) Andy Murray (C) Novak Djokovic (D) Miami Open (E) Novak Djokovic (F) Men's Final (G) Miami Open Crandon Park Tennis Center (H) Key Biscayne (I) Florida (J) Whistles (K) Kim A: (F) Input: A driver who barreled down a California boardwalk on a summer afternoon, killing an Italian honeymooner and injuring 17 other people, was convicted on Friday of second-degree murder. Nathan Campbell was seeking revenge after being ripped off in a $35 drug deal on August 3, 2013 and deliberately aimed his Dodge Avenger at vendors and tourists on the Venice Beach boardwalk, Deputy District Attorney Victor Avila told jurors. Campbell, 39, faces up to life in prison when sentenced August 5 for the murder of Alice Gruppioni, prosecutors said. He was also convicted on 17 counts of assault with a deadly weapon and ten counts of leaving an accident scene.Nathan Campbell deliberately drove his Dodge Avenger into vendors and tourists on Venice Beach on August 3, 2013, prosecutors saidHe killed Italian honeymooner Alice Gruppioni and injured 17 others as his car reached 35mph,He was convicted on Friday of second-degree murder and faces life in prisonHe was also convicted on 17 counts of assault with a deadly weapon and ten counts of leaving an accident sceneThe court heard that Campbell sought to run down the drug dealer he paid $35 to but never returned with methamphetamine Questions:'We deeply miss _ and our hearts will always be with our beautiful wife and daughter,' said a statement from attorney Gregory Bentley. (A) California (B) Italian (C) Nathan Campbell (D) Dodge Avenger (E) Venice Beach (F) Victor Avila (G) Campbell (H) Alice Gruppioni A: (H) Input: Superfans of Ariana Grande have quickly forgiven her for contaminating donuts at a California bakery with her saliva, and are now rushing to the star's defense by licking their own donuts in solidarity. Nicknamed 'Arianators', her fans have been posting selfies on Instagram in which their tongues touch donuts, both real and of the emoji variety. Using the hashtag #lickdonutswithari, the group of youngsters, most of whom are in their teens, is throwing their support behind the 22-year-old singer, in spite of her possibly criminal activity, by defiantly following her lead. About a week ago, the Love Me Harder singer was caught on camera at Wolfee Donuts in Lake Elsinore, California, with her back-up dancer boyfriend, Ricky Alvarez. Ariana quickly licked two donuts on trays that had been set out on the counter, though she bought neither.Ariana, 22, nearly faced legal repercussions after surreptitiously licking donuts at a California bakeryThe dessert-tonguing incident was caught on the store's camerasAfter she was criticized and police launched an investigation, her fans began posting donut-licking selfies with the hashtag #lickdonutswithari Questions:Afterward, Wolfee Donuts lost a letter grade during a surprise health inspection, and _ publicly apologized for the incident. (A) Ariana Grande (B) California (C) Instagram (D) Love Me Harder (E) Wolfee Donuts (F) Lake Elsinore (G) Ricky Alvarez A: (A) Input: The notorious underarm delivery that created one of the most controversial moments in world cricket history is still hard to revisit after more than three decades. But as Australia and New Zealand go head-to-head in the World Cup final at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on Sunday, the underarm bowling incident from 1981 will inevitably come back to haunt. The controversial bowl triggered a cold war between the two nations after the infamous day on February 1 when New Zealand needed six runs with one ball remaining to draw the match. But Aussie skipper Greg Chappell instructed the bowler, who was his younger brother Trevor, to deliver the ball underarm in a bid to prevent batsman Brian McKechnie any chance of hitting a six.The notorious underarm incident triggered a massive uproar in 1981New Zealand was six runs with one ball remaining to draw the matchBut Aussie skipper Greg Chappell ordered the bowler, who is his brother Trevor, to deliver the ball underarmThe underarm bowling was not ruled as illegal at the timeAustralia and New Zealand go head-to-head in the World Cup final at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on Sunday Questions:Australia went on to win the match but the hell that followed left the _ brothers struggling to cope under the pressure from the backlash. (A) Australia (B) New Zealand (C) World Cup (D) Melbourne Cricket Ground (E) Aussie (F) Greg Chappell (G) Trevor (H) Brian McKechnie A: (F) Input: Marshalltown, Iowa (CNN) Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska announced Tuesday he will campaign with two of Donald Trump's rivals for the Republican presidential nomination, just two days after he chastised Trump for his marital infidelities. As part of an 18-tweet spree on Sunday night, Sasse asked Trump whether he has "repented" for his "many affairs w/ married women." "@realDonaldTrump Q4: You brag abt many affairs w/ married women. Have you repented? To harmed children & spouses? Do you think it matters?" Sasse asked Trump in a tweet that was retweeted more than 700 times. The tweets came after Trump attended church services in Iowa on Sunday morning. Entering the final stretch in Iowa, where evangelicals are a key portion of the Republican primary electorate, Trump has played up his Christianity and turned to supporters like Jerry Falwell Jr. to boost his religious bona fides.Sunday night, Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse asked Trump whether he has "repented" for his "many affairs w/ married women"The tweets came after Trump attended church services in Iowa on Sunday morning Questions:RELATED: _ picks up endorsement of evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr. (A) Marshalltown (B) Iowa (C) CNN (D) Republican (E) Ben Sasse (F) Nebraska (G) Donald Trump (H) Sasse (I) Christianity (J) Jerry Falwell Jr. A: (G) Input: Brazil's first defeat by Colombia for 24 years ended in shameful scenes in Santiago as Neymar was sent off after the final whistle. The Selecao captain blasted the ball at Pablo Armero before aiming a headbutt at goalscorer Jeison Murillo as all hell broke loose. Following the resultant melee, Chilean referee Enrique Osses brandished red cards to the Barcelona forward and Colombia striker Carlos Bacca who had retaliated. Neymar had already been booked for a foolish yellow card that ruled him out of what is now a crucial clash against Venezuela on Sunday as Colombia blew Group C wide open thanks to Murillo's first-half strike.Jeison Murillo coolly slotted the opener to give Colombia a deserved lead in the 36th minuteManchester United target Roberto Firmino missed a gilt-edged opportunity to level in the second-halfRadamel Falcao once again endured a frustrating evening and was substituted late onBoth Neymar and Carlos Bacca were red carded for a fiery incident following the final whistleThe result leaves both teams behind Venezuela in Group C, with three points from two gamesThe two teams met in the World Cup quarter-finals, with Brazil winning 2-1CLICK HERE to follow all of the Brazil 0-1 Colombia, Copa America 2015 action as it happened Questions:Full time brought the real possibility of an early exit for _ but that proved to be just the start of the story. (A) Brazil (B) Colombia (C) Santiago (D) Neymar (E) Selecao (F) Pablo Armero (G) Jeison Murillo (H) Chilean (I) Enrique Osses (J) Barcelona (K) Carlos Bacca (L) Venezuela (M) Group C (N) Murillo (O) Manchester United (P) Roberto Firmino (Q) Radamel Falcao (R) World Cup (S) Copa America A: (A) Input: (CNN) Pregnant women should not travel to Barbados, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guadeloupe, Saint Martin, Guyana, Cape Verde and Samoa because of Zika virus, the CDC said Friday. This comes on the heels of last week's travel alert from the CDC recommending pregnant women postpone travel to Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela and Puerto Rico. The recommendations also call for women who have traveled to these places during their pregnancy be screened and monitored for the virus if their visit took place while the virus was present in the country they visited.CDC expands list of nations pregnant women should avoidEl Salvador, Jamaica and Colombia tell women not to get pregnantCDC says Zika virus has been transmitted by blood transfusion, in the lab and sexually Questions:The decision is based on their ongoing monitoring of the Zika virus around the world and _ say they will update as necessary in the interest of public health. (A) Barbados (B) Bolivia (C) Ecuador (D) Guadeloupe (E) Saint Martin (F) Guyana (G) Cape Verde (H) Samoa (I) Zika (J) CDC (K) Brazil (L) Colombia (M) El Salvador (N) French Guiana (O) Guatemala (P) Haiti (Q) Honduras (R) Martinique (S) Mexico (T) Panama (U) Paraguay (V) Suriname (W) Venezuela (X) Puerto Rico (Y) Jamaica A: (J) Input: President Barack Obama delivered a stinging rebuke to comedian Bill Cosby on Wednesday during a White House press conference that was otherwise focused on his Iran nuclear deal, saying of the date-rape drugging allegations dozens of women have lobbed at him: 'That's rape.' He was asked whether the Presidential Medal of Freedom Cosby was awarded in 2002 would be taken away, and launched into a heartfelt but damning criticism. 'If you give a woman, or a man for that matter, without his or her knowledge, a drug and then have sex with that person without consent, that's rape,' the president said.Obama was answering questions about his Iran nuclear bargain when a reporter asked if Cosby's Presidential Medal of Freedom would be yankedHe said there's 'no mechanism' for revoking the 2002 prize but what the comedian is accused of doing to dozens of women is 'rape''If you give a woman, or a man for that matter, without his or her knowledge, a drug and then have sex with that person without consent, that's rape,' the president said'And I think this country, any civilized country, should have no tolerance for rape'Lawyer Gloria Allred who is representing victims says that White House must come up with way of revoking it Questions:Late last year, Dickinson broke down in tears in a live television interview accusing _ of using the offer of career advancement to lure her to a hotel room where he drugged her and raped her while she was unconscious. (A) Barack Obama (B) Bill Cosby (C) White House (D) Iran (E) Obama (F) Presidential Medal of Freedom (G) Gloria Allred A: (B) Input: A Texas Christian University student has been disciplined after posting online comments seen as racially offensive about current events, including rioting in Baltimore and the rise of the Islamic State, according to TCU officials. TCU said Harry Vincent, a 19-year-old sophomore, violated two Student Code of Conduct provisions concerning 'infliction of bodily or emotional harm' and 'disorderly conduct' with his social media rants. As a result, Vincent has been suspended from all extracurricular activities for one year, such as college football games, and can no longer live on campus or use non-academic facilities, such as the cafeteria and recreational center.Harry Vincent, 19, was placed on 'suspension in abeyance' for one yearHe can only attend classes at TCU and no extracurricular activitiesAlso has to leave fraternity and perform 60 hours community serviceTCU says his tweets violated the university's behavioral standardsOne tweet described himself as 'almost as tan as a terrorist'Also used Mexican slur 'beaner' and said Islam is 'not a religion of peace' Questions:In a separate tweet, he also described the _ rioters has 'poor, uneducated druggy hoodrats'. (A) Texas Christian University (B) Baltimore (C) Islamic State (D) TCU (E) Harry Vincent (F) Student Code of Conduct (G) Vincent (H) Mexican (I) Islam A: (B) Input: Jinan, China (CNN) -- Calling his former deputy a "liar with extremely bad character," fallen high-flying politician Bo Xilai on Sunday rebutted the testimony of the prosecution's star witness as his increasingly dramatic trial stretched into a fourth day. The former Communist Party chief of the sprawling southwestern metropolis of Chongqing has denied abusing his power -- the third and final charge being heard in court in Jinan, eastern China, long after he was stripped of his posts and expelled from the party. Prosecutors accuse Bo of threatening and improperly firing his former police chief Wang Lijun after learning about a murder investigation involving Bo's wife Gu Kailai, who is currently serving a suspended death sentence for killing British businessman Neil Heywood.Bo Xilai slams his former police chief as a "liar with extremely bad character"Trial adjourned after half a day on Sunday, to resume for day 5 on MondayBo facing trial for corruption, embezzlement and abuse of powerWang says he tried to seek U.S. asylum because he feared for his safety Questions:_ added: "After being convicted for abuse of power and defection, he still argued that he didn't defect but engaged in diplomacy in accordance with regulations. (A) Jinan (B) China (C) CNN (D) Bo Xilai (E) Communist Party (F) Chongqing (G) Wang Lijun (H) Gu Kailai (I) British (J) Neil Heywood (K) Wang (L) U.S. A: (D) Input: (CNN) The US Open women's singles draw is down to four -- and all of them are American. On Wednesday afternoon at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Flushing, New York, 20th-seeded CoCo Vandeweghe upset No. 1 Karolina Pliskova, last year's US Open finalist, 7-6(4), 6-3. In the night session, No. 15 Madison Keys cruised against Kaia Kanepi of Estonia, 6-3, 6-3. "I was real nervous today," Keys said on court as the last American to clinch her spot. "The car ride over, I was definitely feeling it. But I got out here, I felt really good." Vandeweghe and Keys join No. 9 Venus Williams and Sloane Stephens, who is unseeded, in the semifinals, which start Thursday. Williams, who won a dramatic, hard-fought match Tuesday against No. 13 Petra Kvitova, will face Stephens, who overcame No.16 Anastasija Sevastova. Both Williams and Stephens advanced by winning third-set tiebreaks.CoCo Vandeweghe and Madison Keys both won WednesdayThey join Venus Williams and Sloane Stephens in the semifinals Questions:This will be the second major semifinal for _, at age 22. (A) US Open (B) American (C) Arthur Ashe Stadium (D) Flushing (E) New York (F) CoCo Vandeweghe (G) Karolina Pliskova (H) Madison Keys (I) Kaia Kanepi (J) Estonia (K) Vandeweghe (L) Venus Williams (M) Sloane Stephens (N) Williams (O) Petra Kvitova (P) Stephens (Q) Anastasija Sevastova A: (H) Input: Sania Mirza became the first Indian to climb to the top of the WTA doubles ranking after she teamed up with Swiss great Martina Hingis to claim the Family Circle Cup title. The 28-year-old won her third successive doubles title with Hingis, beating Casey Dellacqua and Darija Jurak 6-0, 6-4 in just 57 minutes, to achieve the top ranking milestone. 'When you start off as a child playing tennis, you dream of being No 1 in the world. It's a dream for every person; very few get there. I feel extremely honoured to be No1, it's something that I've worked for all my life,' Mirza said in a statement.Sania Mirza and Martina Hingis won the Family Circle Cup in CharlestonThe doubles pair beat Casey Dellacqua and Darija Jurak 6-0, 6-4Mirza is the first Indian female to top the doubles world rankings Questions:Mirza celebrates after clinching victory with partner Hingis in the _ tournament. (A) Sania Mirza (B) Indian (C) WTA (D) Swiss (E) Martina Hingis (F) Family Circle Cup (G) Hingis (H) Casey Dellacqua (I) Darija Jurak (J) No1 (K) Mirza A: (F) Input: (CNN) Ahmad Khan Rahami, the suspect in this weekend's New York City and New Jersey terrorist attacks, is in many ways quite typical of jihadist terrorists in the United States since 9/11. He is an American citizen, not a foreigner, a refugee or a recent immigrant. That is overwhelmingly the profile of the approximately 360 jihadist terrorists who have been indicted or convicted in the States since 9/11 of crimes ranging in seriousness from sending small sums of money to an overseas terrorist organization to murder. According to research by New America, 80% of these militants are American citizens or legal permanent residents.Ahmad Khan Rahami is in many ways quite typical of jihadist terrorists in the United States since 9/11, writes Peter Bergen.He is an American citizen, not a foreigner, a refugee or a recent immigrant, Bergen notes Questions:ISIS may also opportunistically claim _ as one of its soldiers. (A) CNN (B) Ahmad Khan Rahami (C) New York City (D) New Jersey (E) United States (F) American (G) States (H) New America (I) Peter Bergen (J) Bergen A: (B) Input: Paris (CNN) A 9-year-old South African child diagnosed with HIV when he was 1 month old has been in HIV remission for 8½ years -- without regular treatment. This is the first reported case of a child controlling their HIV infection without drugs in Africa and the third known case globally. Soon after diagnosis, the child was placed on antiretroviral treatment, or ART, for 40 weeks, at which point treatment was stopped and the child's health was monitored. Blood tests in late 2015 revealed the child is in HIV remission, meaning levels of the virus in the blood are undetectable using standard tests. Subsequent testing of samples dating back to the child's infancy confirm remission was achieved soon after treatment was stopped.The 9-year-old has been in HIV remission for most of his lifeUnderstanding his biology may one day help other children come off HIV treatment Questions:We could develop a product given to people in combination with _ so people can eventually stop ART, said Violari. (A) Paris (B) CNN (C) South African (D) HIV (E) Africa (F) ART A: (F) Input: (CNN) Taylor Swift has used her latest video to throw some shade and let the world know she's heard everything people have been saying about her. Swift premiered the video for "Look What You Made Me Do" Sunday night at MTV's Video Music Awards and it was a lot to take in. Related: MTV Video Music Awards 2017: The winners list The singer, who had been keeping such a low profile for so long that fans had started to worry, posted in an Instagram caption over the weekend saying "There will be no further explanation. There will just be reputation."Swift appeared to take some swipes at her old foesShe ends the video parodying herself Questions:_ and the couple have had competing narratives as to whether Swift signed off on West calling her a "b***h" in a song lyric. (A) CNN (B) Taylor Swift (C) Look What You Made Me Do (D) MTV (E) Video Music Awards (F) MTV Video Music Awards (G) Instagram A: (B) Input: Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast (CNN) The killers arrived driving a black Ford sedan. They spoke English and a foreign language. They were clean-shaven. They wore dark jeans and nice shoes, and they weren't from the Ivory Coast. Jean recounts his story at a worn-out table in a Grand-Bassam hotel as paramilitary police armed with AK-47s and rocket launchers listlessly patrol the beach. Jean is too afraid to use his real name. He holds his dreadlocked head in his hands as he speaks. "I helped them carry two heavy bags into my bar," he says. "They asked about the music and women." It was still morning, hours before the attack, when the killers came to this popular weekend beachside spot.Bartender says he served beer and food to visitors who seemed normal until they started shootingWidow describes how normal Sunday at the beach turned into deadly terror attack that killed her husbandSenior Ivorian military source says there were advance warnings of possible attacks on coastal resorts Questions:There aren't many tourists now in the faded hotels in Grand-_. (A) Bassam (B) Ivory Coast (C) CNN (D) Ford (E) English (F) Jean (G) Grand (H) AK-47s (I) Bartender (J) Ivorian A: (A) Input: Washington (CNN) Sen. Al Franken called Sunday for the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold hearings on FBI Director James Comey's handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private server. And the Minnesota senator said he thinks Hillary Clinton can rely on his state's voters despite a last-minute visit from Donald Trump, though he said he's always "nervous." "I think that there should be hearings, and I'm certain there will be hearings in the Judiciary Committee on this matter," the Franken told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." His comments reflected the Democratic frustration with Comey telling lawmakers 11 days before the November 8 election that the FBI was reviewing new emails potentially connected to its investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information.Franken criticized Comey's handling of information related to Hillary Clinton's server"I'm sure that FBI Director Comey will be before us," Franken said Questions:"I think he should be able to answer questions about this, and he should be able to control the _." (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Al Franken (D) Senate Judiciary Committee (E) FBI (F) James Comey (G) Hillary Clinton (H) Minnesota (I) Donald Trump (J) Judiciary Committee (K) Franken (L) Jake Tapper (M) State of the Union (N) Democratic (O) Comey (P) Clinton A: (E) Input: Ed Balls, right, has told friends that he does not think that Ed Miliband left, can be Prime Minister Ed Balls has told friends that Ed Miliband is not up to the job and hasn’t ‘grown’ into the leadership since taking over in 2010, a leading Labour-supporting magazine claimed last night. In a profile of the Shadow Chancellor, the New Statesman magazine said Mr Balls does not believe Mr Miliband has the credentials to lead his party. One Labour MP told the magazine that Mr Balls confided in him during Labour’s 2010 leadership contest that only he and David Miliband were qualified to take on the leadership, saying: ‘There are two people who are up this job – one’s David Miliband and one’s me.’Senior Labour figures now doubt Ed Milliband can win the General ElectionShadow Chancellor Ed Balls doubts Mr Miliband has the leadership skillsThe two Labour heavyweights are seen to be drifting apartMr Balls has hinted he would back his wife as leader if Labour lose in MayScroll down for video Questions:He said: ‘I’m the _ and we’re working really closely together on our plans, not just for the election but for government. (A) Ed Balls (B) Ed Miliband (C) Labour (D) Shadow Chancellor (E) New Statesman (F) Balls (G) Miliband (H) David Miliband (I) Ed Milliband (J) General Election A: (D) Input: WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A small religious group has lost its fight before the Supreme Court to erect a granite monument in a Utah park next to an existing Ten Commandments display. Summum,a religious group, wanted to place its own monument next to this Ten Commandments monument. In the free-speech case involving competing faiths, politics and social norms, the justices voted unanimously on Wednesday that such privately donated displays on public property represent "government speech" subject to local officials' discretion. Summum, a Salt Lake City-based group, wanted to put up a 3-foot granite slab on the "Seven Aphorisms of Summum" in the city of Pleasant Grove, at the group's expense. Local officials argued they should be allowed to decide which permanent displays can be erected, since they would claim ultimate ownership and control.Justices ruled park displays are government speechReligious group Summum wanted to erect monument in city parkGroup wanted its 'Seven Aphorisms' to join Ten Commandments monumentCity said no; group alleged discrimination, violation of free speech Questions:_ displayed in public schools were banned in 1980. (A) WASHINGTON (B) CNN (C) Supreme Court (D) Utah (E) Ten Commandments (F) Summum (G) Salt Lake City (H) Seven Aphorisms (I) Pleasant Grove (J) Group (K) City A: (E) Input: (CNN) In October 2007, the Gallup polling organization wrote that, "Gallup's 2007 national presidential polling strongly points to [Hillary] Clinton winning the 2008 Democratic nomination. Barring something unusual or otherwise unexpected, she is well positioned for the 2008 Democratic primaries." Gallup was wrong. In June 2008, it wrote, "After winning one of the most competitive nomination battles in U.S. history, Barack Obama faces what looks to be an equally tough general election for the presidency." Gallup's polling had Obama and John McCain neck and neck, with McCain leading by a marginal point. In November 2008, Barack Obama was elected president, winning 52.9% of the popular vote to McCain's 45.7%.Sally Kohn: Polls that show Trump closing gap with Clinton alarm some on left, encourage Sanders and supportersNot so fast, she says. Polls at this stage called it wrong about Obama, McCain, Clinton in earlier racesKohn: It's early in horse race; Sanders has right to stay in race 'til California, possibly convention, but should change tone Questions:_ is an activist, columnist and television commentator, and a supporter of Bernie Sanders. (A) CNN (B) Gallup (C) Hillary (D) Clinton (E) Democratic (F) U.S. (G) Barack Obama (H) Obama (I) John McCain (J) McCain (K) Sally Kohn (L) Trump (M) Sanders (N) California A: (K) Input: A Victorian farmer who has distributed his famous Wagyu beef to more than 20 countries has given up after bitter battle with his local council. David Blackmore, who supplies Wagyu beef to celebrity chef Neil Perry's famous Rockpool restaurant in Melbourne, will now move his operation interstate where it will be run by his adult children. Mr Blackmore has farmed Wagyu cattle on his Alexandra property for over a decade is fed up with the red tape associated with running his business, the ABC reports. The farmer's battle with Murrindindi Shire Council began when he took his animals out of the feedlot so they could live on a 150-hectare farm.David Blackmore has been running his farm out of rural Victoria since 2004Mr Blackmore says battle with his local council has affected his healthThe cattle farmer will no longer fight, he will move his operation interstateNeil Perry started a petition to stop the closure of the Wagyu beef supplierMr Blackmore supplies Wagyu to Perry's  Melbourne restaurant, Rockpool Questions:According to Mr Blackmore, the relocation improved the quality of the meat but angered neighbours who have property in the middle of Mr _'s 150-hectare property. (A) Victorian (B) Wagyu (C) David Blackmore (D) Neil Perry (E) Rockpool (F) Melbourne (G) Alexandra (H) ABC (I) Murrindindi Shire Council (J) Victoria (K) Perry A: (C) Input: Mobile, Alabama (CNN) -- Brianna Adkins stepped off the Carnival Triumph early Friday and into the arms of her anxious parents, bringing to an end the nightmarish journey aboard a crippled ship that was towed to port days after it was due. It was a big, tight hug between 18-year-old Adkins and her mom and dad, the kind filled with the emotion that reflected the days of uncertainty after the cruise ship was left virtually dead in the water after a reported engine fire knocked out power. "Just to be with them, just to let them know I'm safe," Adkins said, fighting back tears. "It means just so much to be with them ... you have no idea."NEW: A number of passengers boarded buses for New OrleansBriana Adkins was reunited with her family at the Alabama Cruise TerminalThe Triumph was left virtually dead in the water after a fire on SundayIt arrived at the Port of Mobile late Thursday night Questions:They are among the many who boarded one of the more than 100 motor coaches that were reserved by Carnival to take them to _ where many will overnight before continuing their journey home. (A) Mobile (B) Alabama (C) CNN (D) Brianna Adkins (E) Carnival Triumph (F) Adkins (G) New Orleans (H) Briana Adkins (I) Alabama Cruise Terminal (J) Triumph (K) Port of Mobile A: (G)
In this task, you will be shown a conversation and a question. You should categorize the question into matching, summary, logic, arithmetic and, commonsense groups. Matching is a question entailed or paraphrased by exactly one sentence in a dialogue. The answer can be extracted from the same sentence. Questions that cannot be answered by the surface meaning of a single sentence belong to the reasoning category. We further define summary, logic, arithmetic and, commonsense subcategories. Answering summary questions requires the whole picture of dialogue, such as the topic of dialogue and the relation between speakers. We require logical reasoning to answer logical questions. in arithmetic questions Inferring the answer requires arithmetic knowledge. To answer commonsense questions, besides the textual information in the dialogue, we also require additional commonsense knowledge that cannot be obtained from the dialogue. Note that a question can be in more than one group. "W" and "M" in the conversations stand for "woman" and "man". Question: W: Which impresses you more, a book or a movie? M: The latter one would be my favorite. A great many movies have impressed me. But the first time what I watched was Titanic. In my memory, I first watched Titanic when I was a pupil in the second grade, though I didn't know too much about the love between men and women. I was terribly shocked by the horrible catastrophe when it is sinking. Some are screaming, some are too scared to say a word, some are murmuring prayers in the Bible and begging for the God's mercy. All in all, that was the first time I had viewed people's psychological status when confronted with the great disaster. And I learnt that men, including me, should always show respect to nature or properly reduce our confidence when saying men can conquer the world., Question: When did the man watch the film Titanic for the first time? (A) During primary school. (B) In junior school. (C) During high school. Label: commonsense Question: M: Well, it's a lovely room. It's quite a nice size, but I don't like green paint very much. Would it be all right if I painted the walls a different color? W: Yes, that's fine, as long as you don't paint them a very dark color. One of my hirers painted them black a few years ago. That was terrible. M: Is there anything I should know? W: Well, I don't allow cat to go upstairs at all. M: Oh? Not at all? W: No, absolutely not. I don't like animals and I don't allow people to smoke in bedrooms. M: Oh, no, no. I agree with that. I don't smoke anywhere. Can I use the kitchen if I want to cook something? W: Yes, but only before 7 o'clock in the evening. And I don't allow people to stick pictures on the walls. You know when you take the pictures, marks leave on the wall. M: OK. I see. W: And one more thing if you don't mind. I don't want any big noisy parties, so only two or three friends at the same time, please. M: Oh, right. I'll do that. Well, it sounds fair. Thank you very much., Question: What does the man want to do about the house? (A) Change the colors of the lights. (B) Change the colors of the walls. (C) Keep a cat in the house. Label: matching Question: M: Would you like to see those pants in brown and navy blue? These two colors are coming in this season. W: Oh, actually grey is my favorite color, but I prefer something made from cotton, 100% cotton I mean., Question: What is the woman looking for? (A) Grey pants made from pure cotton. (B) Fashionable pants in bright colors. (C) 100% cotton pants in dark blue. Label: logic Question: W: I should have studied business in college. I can't find a job, even though I went to a very good college! M: Yes, everyone I know who studied business has a job. Why did you decide to study art? W: I liked Spanish, but I thought I could get a job at a museum if I studied art., Question: What did the woman study in college? (A) Business. (B) Art. (C) Spanish. Label: logic Question: W: What shall we do tonight? M: How about the cinema? W: That's a good idea. We haven't been for ages. M: What would you like to see? W: Oh, I don't know. Spy Story? M: Spy Story? That terrible, old film? W: But it's got the prize in 2000. M: But I've seen it before. W: Well, we can first go to the cinema and then see what film we enjoy. M: OK., Question: How often do they go to the film? (A) Very often. (B) Seldom. (C) Once a week. Label: commonsense Question: W: Dad, I can't walk anymore, let alone climb up. I'm exhausted. My toes hurt. M: Cheer up, Jenny. We'll get to the top of the hill in five minutes if you can carry on. Come on!, Question: What are they probably doing? (A) They're having a walk. (B) They're climbing hills. (C) They're doing some shopping. Label: summary Question: W: Hello! M: Hello, Lucy. This is John. Could you do me a favor? I've tried to phone my wife six times and I can't get through. The line is busy all the time. Could you possibly go next door and give her a message? W: Sure! What do you want to tell Mary? M: Could you just say I've met an old friend and I'm staying with him? I'm not in the office now and I'll give her a ring later. W: Sure, I'll go right now. M: Thanks a lot, Lucy., Question: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? (A) Neighbors. (B) Father and daughter. (C) Husband and wife. Label: commonsense Question: W: Welcome, everyone. Welcome to Language International. My name is Ema Waston. And I am the center manager. I hope you will all have a wonderful stay here with us. This is Mr. Brone, our social organizer. M: Thank you, Ema. Hello, everyone. I'm Jone Brone, And it's my job to make sure you have some fun while you are here. Now this afternoon we'll go together on the walking tour of the city. And then on Wednesday afternoon, we are off to the legal sports center where you can play volleyball or football, use the gym, or go swimming to keep yourselves fit. And on Friday afternoon, we have a film club. This week's film is Spider Man. On Saturday, we are going on a day trip to Oxford, leaving here at 8:30 in the morning. Please don't be late, or we'll go without you. And finally on Sunday, we are off to London, leaving at the same time. If there are any other things you'd like to do while you are here, just ask me. And I will see if I can help., Question: When are the students leaving for London? (A) Friday. (B) Saturday. (C) Sunday. Label: commonsense Question: M: Hotlines are very common in today's life, do you think so? W: Of course. M: Most of them are about amusement, in my opinion. But some of them are very important in our daily life. W: Is that true? M: Certainly. A free hotline offering help to teenagers was opened in Guangdong. W: Can you tell me something more about it? M: It is the first part of the national hotline system to help to protect teens' rights. Young people who have psychological problems or questions on legal issues can call for help. More than 100 experts are ready to offer help. W: Then what is the telephone number? M: Call 12355 if you are in Guangzhou and 020 12355 if you are outside. W: Oh, it will be a help to teenagers., Question: What is the present condition of hotline like today? (A) Poor. (B) Popular. (C) Rare. Label: matching Question: M: Mary is fond of camping, isn't she? W: Yes, she often goes for weeks at a time., Question: What does the woman say about Mary? (A) She hasn't gone camping for weeks. (B) She likes long camping trips. (C) It takes her a long time to plan her camping. Label: commonsense Question: W: What are you doing up there? M: I'm getting dressed. W: Well, hurry up. We're already late. M: OK. OK. Just a minute. By the away, Susan, where is my red tie? W: It's on the dresser next to the jewelry box. M: Oh, yes. I've got it. Thanks. And do you know where my watch is? W: Isn't it on the top drawer on the right? M: No, it's not there. W: Well. I don't know where it is. M: What time is it now? W: It's 6:45. M: And when does the play start? W: At 8:00 sharp. M: All right, I'm coming... Well, what are you waiting for?, Question: How much time do they have before the play starts? (A) Fifteen minutes. (B) One hour and fifteen minutes. (C) Forty-five minutes. Label: arithmetic Question: F: Have you ever ridden on a horse? M: No, I haven't even seen one before., Question: The man has never seen a horse before, has he? (A) Yes, he has. (B) No, he hasn't. (C) Yes, he hasn't. Label: logic Question: W: Good morning, sir. May I help you? M: Yes, would you please find a room for our business meeting? W: Certainly, sir. How many people do you have? M: Well, about 10. W: Fine. We have a conference room which can seat up to 20 people. M: That's great. What about the charge? W: It is 90 RMB per hour. There is no minimum charge. Do you want to book it? M: Yes, I think so. W: May I have your name and room number, please, sir? M: Mr. Black, Room 1208. W: Thank you, Mr. Black. How long will you be using the conference room? M: We'll start at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning but I'm not sure when we'll finish. W: No problem, Mr. Black. The room will be at your disposal then., Question: What's the probable relationship between the two speakers? (A) Clerk and guest. (B) Shop assistant and customer. (C) Employer and employee. Label: commonsense Question: M: You often come to school late as well. Yesterday, for example, you... W: Yes. I'm very sorry about that. You see, my alarm clock didn't work and... M: Your alarm clock? But you told me yesterday that the bus had broken down! W: Oh, did I? I just forgot to say that my clock didn't work, either. M: It's a good story. Now, tell me again why you want tomorrow off. W: Well...er, you see, my grandmother is ill. She is in hospital and... and she is going to have an operation. I want to visit her. M: Oh, I see. So your grandfather is ill as well. W: As well? I... I don't understand. M: Neither do I. When we began this conversation, you said your grandmother was ill. And you didn't say she was going to have an operation! You said she had already had one! And by the way, you also said she was in an old people's home, not in a hospital., Question: What did the woman say about her grandmother earlier? (A) Her grandmother was going to have an operation. (B) Her grandmother had already had an operation. (C) Her grandmother was at home. Label: logic Question: W: What are you doing, Tom? M: I'm writing to my mother. W: But you wrote to her only yesterday. M: Yes, but I have something new to tell her. W: Something new? M: Yes. I am telling her I've decided to take up a part-time job as a shop assistant. W: What do you mean? You've been working at one nearly three months. Have you been fired by Rogers? M: No. My mother doesn't know I have a part-time job. W: You mean you didn't tell her before? M: No. I didn't want her to worry about my study. W: But why are you telling her now? M: I don't want her to worry about my life here. You see, I told her that I'd just bought a car in my letter., Question: What does Rogers mean in this conversation? (A) Tom's friend. (B) Tom's teacher. (C) The name of a person. Label: commonsense Question: W: Paul, do you remember Jessica's birthday? M: Yeah. It's the day before Teacher's Day., Question: When is Jessica's Birthday? (A) Sep. 8. (B) Sep. 9. (C) Sep. 10. Label: commonsense Question: Carl: Hi. My name's Carl. Nice to meet you. Pancho: Nice to meet you, too. My name is Francisco. Carl: What? Pancho: Francisco, but all my friends and family back in Peru call me Pancho. Carl: Okay, Pancho. So, tell me about your family? Pancho: Well, I have seven brothers and six sisters. Carl: Wow. That is a big family. So are you the oldest, Pancho? Pancho: No. I'm the second oldest in my family. Carl: So, what do your parents do? Pancho: My father is a taxi driver in Lima, Peru. It's a hard job, but he works hard to support the family. Carl: How about your mother? Pancho: She helps run a small family store with some of my older brothers and sisters. Carl: What kind of store? Pancho: We mainly sell food, like bread, eggs, soft drinks, rice, sugar, and cookies. Things that people buy every day., Question: Where is Pancho from? (A) Paraguay (B) Peru (C) Portugal Label: matching Question: M: Excuse me. Did you say that these shirts were fifteen dollars? W: No, I said fifty dollars... Here's the plice on the tag., Question: How much do the shirts cost? (A) The price is not on the tag. (B) $ 50. (C) $ 5. Label: logic Question: W: Welcome, everyone. Welcome to Language International. My name is Ema Waston. And I am the center manager. I hope you will all have a wonderful stay here with us. This is Mr. Brone, our social organizer. M: Thank you, Ema. Hello, everyone. I'm Jone Brone, And it's my job to make sure you have some fun while you are here. Now this afternoon we'll go together on the walking tour of the city. And then on Wednesday afternoon, we are off to the legal sports center where you can play volleyball or football, use the gym, or go swimming to keep yourselves fit. And on Friday afternoon, we have a film club. This week's film is Spider Man. On Saturday, we are going on a day trip to Oxford, leaving here at 8:30 in the morning. Please don't be late, or we'll go without you. And finally on Sunday, we are off to London, leaving at the same time. If there are any other things you'd like to do while you are here, just ask me. And I will see if I can help., Question: When are the students leaving for London? (A) Friday. (B) Saturday. (C) Sunday. Label: commonsense Question: W: I'm going to sit on this chair. M: But you mustn't. W: Why not? M: Because it's broken and hasn't been repaired., Question: Why can't the woman sit on the chair? (A) It has just been painted. (B) It is broken. (C) It is very dirty. Label: logic Question: W: Hey, you. Can't you be a bit faster? You make the whole group wait for you. M: How can you blame it on me? I'm having trouble in operating this kind of machine. It is designed for you right handers. W: You always complain about these machines. But you are not the only one using your left hand. M: Really? I don't know any others who are the same as me. W: To tell you the truth, I'm also left-handed. M: You? W: Yeah. You should spend some time getting suited to it in advance. Then you can do it quickly. M: Is that what you have done? W: Yes. In fact, it pays to use both hands. M: OK, I will try., Question: What can we learn from the conversation? (A) Left-handers can't run the machines. (B) The woman only uses her right hand. (C) The woman is more skillful than the man. Label: commonsense Question: M: Welcome back! I didn't see you in physics class last Thursday. W: I wasn't here that day. I went on a trip to New York. I just came back last night. M: New York! What a city! I am sure you had lots of fun there. W: No, not really. I was too busy doing business. It's very hot there, too. M: Well, did you enjoy the trip? W: Yeah, it was OK. I went to see the Statue of Liberty and that made the trip interesting. M: I have never been to New York. I would like to go there someday. W: Try to go during the spring or autumn when the weather is very nice., Question: What are they talking about? (A) The man's trip to New York. (B) The lady's trip to New York. (C) The lady's physics class. Label: summary Question: Man: Let me see now. Which train do I need to get on? Woman: Excuse me. Do you need any help? Man: Yes, I want to go to Tokyo Tower, but I'm really lost. This is my first visit to Japan, so I have no idea on how to ride the trains. Woman: First, you need to buy a ticket to your destination. [Um-HUH] From here, it's a hundred and thirty yen. Man: A hundred thirty yen. Okay. Woman: Then, get on the Hibiya Subway Line at platform number 4. Man: Number 4, alright. Oh, and how often do the trains come around this time of day? Woman: Usually, they come about every six minutes or so. Man: Alright. And where do I get off the train. Woman: Get off at Kamiyacho Station, three stops from here. The sign at the station is written in English, so you'll be able to read it. Man: Three stops. Got it. Thanks for your help. Woman: No problem. Good luck., Question: Where should the man get off the train? (A) at Kamiyacho Station (B) at Kamigaya Station (C) at Kamiyama Station Label: logic Question: M: Hotlines are very common in today's life, do you think so? W: Of course. M: Most of them are about amusement, in my opinion. But some of them are very important in our daily life. W: Is that true? M: Certainly. A free hotline offering help to teenagers was opened in Guangdong. W: Can you tell me something more about it? M: It is the first part of the national hotline system to help to protect teens' rights. Young people who have psychological problems or questions on legal issues can call for help. More than 100 experts are ready to offer help. W: Then what is the telephone number? M: Call 12355 if you are in Guangzhou and 020 12355 if you are outside. W: Oh, it will be a help to teenagers., Question: What is the present condition of hotline like today? (A) Poor. (B) Popular. (C) Rare. Label: matching Question: W: You see, I'm getting much fatter than before. I'm always worried I've no idea how to lose weight. M: You should do some exercise every day. That is the best way to keep you healthy and strong. W: You know, I don't want to move about at all. M: You'd better not watch too much TV. Recently, dancing machines have been popular in China. I suggest buying one. W: What is the dancing machine? M: Oh, you may see one in shopping centres. It's easy to learn how to use it. What you ought to do is to dance on such machines with loud disco music, stepping forward and backward, left and right according to the directions on TV, as if you are really dancing. W: That sounds interesting! But is it useful to help me keep fit? M: Sure. When you finish dancing, you'll be out of breath. W: Where can I find one? M: You may go to the Friendship Store. W: Is it expensive? M: I don't think so. It only costs 800 yuan. W: All right. I'd like to buy one., Question: What does the woman worry about? (A) Her weight. (B) Her health. (C) Her work. Label: matching Question: M: The doctor told me to quit drinking coffee. F: Shouldn't you quit drinking tea, too?, Question: What does the woman suggest? (A) Tea is better than coffee (B) The man should change to tea (C) The man shouldn't drink tea either Label: matching Question: W: Thank goodness! We have finished the final exams at last. M: Yeah, and in a month we'll begin a new life in college., Question: What will these people do in a month? (A) Go to college. (B) Begin a new term in a middle school. (C) Find a job. Label: matching Question: W: Please sit down. Let's see...you're Mr. Smith. Is that correct? M: Yes. John Smith. W: And you're interested in this job? M: Yes, I am. I'll graduate from college the coming June. My major is Chinese. W: I see. Have you ever done any work in this field? M: Yes, I used to be a tour guide for Chinese travellers. W: Good. Now, how much money do you expect to have for a year? M: From what I've read, it seems that a starting pay would be around $12,000 a year. W: Here, you would start at $10,500 for the first year...a kind of training period. Then you would go to $15,000. M: That sounds fair enough. What do you think are the chances for me to get a job here? W: Well, I'm talking to three people today and four tomorrow. We'll be hiring two people. You'll hear from us sometime next month. Good luck! And thanks for coming in today., Question: How much can a new person earn for the first year? (A) $10,500. (B) $12,000. (C) $15,000. Label: matching Question: M: You should have seen the line at the housing office. It took me an hour to make my dormitory deposit for next year. Have you made yours yet? W: No, I'm not sure I'm going to. M: There's not much time left. The deadline's May 1. That is just two weeks from now. Are you short of cash? W: No, I'm Okay. M: You'd better hurry up if you want a dorm room next September. There aren't enough rooms for every one, and first year students have priority. W: Well, I've been thinking about living off campus. M: Have you any idea of how much that would cost? There is the rent, utilities, and you'd probably need a car. W: I know it would be more expensive. I think I can handle it though. The dorm is just so noisy that I can't get anything done. Maybe my grades would be better if I had some peace and quiet in a place of my own. M: You should study in the library the way I do. Think of the money you'd save. W: I've got to think it over some more. There's still two weeks left in April., Question: What are the speakers discussing? (A) When to move. (B) Where to live the following year. (C) How much time to spend at home. Label: commonsense Question: W: The film has been on for ten minutes. It's a pity you missed the first part. M: I was about to leave my house when I had an unexpected visitor. So I was a little late., Question: Why was the man late? (A) He had a visitor. (B) He missed the bus. (C) He forgot the time. Label: logic Question: W: You see, I'm getting much fatter than before. I'm always worried I've no idea how to lose weight. M: You should do some exercise every day. That is the best way to keep you healthy and strong. W: You know, I don't want to move about at all. M: You'd better not watch too much TV. Recently, dancing machines have been popular in China. I suggest buying one. W: What is the dancing machine? M: Oh, you may see one in shopping centres. It's easy to learn how to use it. What you ought to do is to dance on such machines with loud disco music, stepping forward and backward, left and right according to the directions on TV, as if you are really dancing. W: That sounds interesting! But is it useful to help me keep fit? M: Sure. When you finish dancing, you'll be out of breath. W: Where can I find one? M: You may go to the Friendship Store. W: Is it expensive? M: I don't think so. It only costs 800 yuan. W: All right. I'd like to buy one., Question: What do you think the woman is going to do? (A) She may buy a dancing machine to lose weight. (B) She will walk for an hour every day to keep fit. (C) She is going to dance with the man to keep her healthy. Label: logic Question: M: You haven't passed the English examination, have you? W: No, how about you?, Question: What does the woman want to know? (A) Whether the man is good at English. (B) Whether the man has passed the exam. (C) Whether the man is about to have the English exam. Label: logic Question: M: Good morning, can I help you? W: We'd like to check out. Would you please give me our bill? M: Certainly. What are your room numbers and your name, please? W: We are in Rooms 204 to 210. I'm Jenny, the tour guide of the group. My room number is 205. M: Just a moment, please, Jenny. I'll have your final bill ready in a minute. W: OK, but we're in a bit of a rush. We'd like to go downtown for shopping. M: Sorry to keep you waiting. It'll be just a moment... The total is 3,107 dollars., Question: Which room does Jenny stay in? (A) Room 204. (B) Room 205. (C) Room 210. Label: logic Question: M: Do you know where I can find Stella? I have been looking for her in the library and in her office. W: Goodness! She thought she had to meet you in the conference room., Question: Where could the man find Stella? (A) In her office. (B) In the library. (C) In the conference room. Label: commonsense Question: W: Good evening and welcome to tonight's edition of Legendary Lives. Our subject this evening is James Dean, actor and hero for the young people of his time. Edward Murray is the author of a new biography of Dean. Good evening, Edward. M: Hello Tina. W: Edward, tell us what you know about Dean's early life. M: He was born in Indiana in 1931, but his parents moved to California when he was five. He wasn't there long though because his mother passed away just four years later. Jimmy's father sent him back to Indiana after that to live with his aunt. W: So how did he get into acting? M: Well, first he acted in plays at high school, then he went to college in California where he got seriously into acting. In 1951 he moved to New York to do more stage acting. W: Then when did his movie career really start? M: 1955. His first starring role was in East of Eden. It was fabulous. Dean became a huge success. But the movie that really made him famous was his second one, Rebel Without a Cause, that was about teenagers who felt like they didn't fit into society. W: So how many more movies did he make? M: Just one more, then he died in that car crash in California in 1955. W: What a tragedy! He only made three movies! So what made him the legend he still is today? M: Well I guess his looks, his acting ability, his short life, and maybe the type of character he played in his movies. Many young people saw him as a symbol of American youths., Question: What does the man say James Dean did at college in California? (A) He delivered public speeches. (B) He got seriously into acting. (C) He hosted talk shows on TV. Label: logic Question: M: Hi, Mary. Haven't seen you for ages! W: Hi, Mr. Jones. Yes, it has been such a long time since we met. M: Have you made up your mind to take up business as a career? W: Yes. Actually, I've already started. I began my studies at the beginning of this term. M: Very glad to hear that. Then what are you going to do when you finish? W: Oh, I shall go to Hong Kong to practice there, M: That's a good idea. It must be easy to find a job in Hong Kong. W: Oh, I think so. You know there are a large number of opportunities for business there. M: And English is very useful in your job. W: I think it will be very useful in many ways because there is a lot about business written in English. Besides, Hong Kong is an international trade center. English is useful in almost all walks of life. M: Then you'll be a very promising businesswoman there. W: That's my wish. But I have to suffer now. M: No problem. You can do it well, I'm sure. W: I hope so., Question: What does Mary do now? (A) She is a student. (B) She is a businesswoman. (C) She is a teacher. Label: commonsense Question: W: Don't you have any good news? M: No. Yesterday I had to stay after school, because I was talking during my biology class. W: You'd better keep quiet in class. M: Sometimes I do. The day before yesterday, I was very quiet during my history class and I still had to stay after class. W: I don't understand. M: Because I fell asleep during the class, but it wasn't my fault. The lesson was very dull. W: I advise you to take school more seriously. If you don't pass your exam, you'll have to drop out and work as a result. M: I don't think that it makes much difference. If I have a job, I have to do dull work every day, but if I'm in school, I must listen to dull teachers every day., Question: What did the boy often do at school? (A) He often stayed after school. (B) He was often late for class. (C) He often fell asleep in class. Label: logic Question: M: Hi, Linda. How long have you been here? W: Nearly half a year. M: Are you studying for a degree? W: No. I'm studying in a language school now. But I plan to go to a university for a degree next year. M: What major do you want to choose? W: I'm interested in early education. M: Are you going to be a primary school teacher? W: Yes. I love being around children., Question: What does the woman plan to do next year? (A) Teach in a primary school. (B) Study in a language school. (C) Go to a university for a degree. Label: matching Question: M: Good morning. Can I help you? W: Yes. I wonder if you have a one-bedroom apartment to rent. M: Let me check. Yes, we have one. It's on Nanjing Street, near a shopping center and a subway station. W: Sounds nice. Does it face south? M: Well. the bedroom faces east and the living room north. But it looks out on a beautiful park. W: Mmm, is the living room large? M: Yes. it's quite big. And there's a small kitchen and a bathroom as well. It's very comfortable. W: Well, what's the rent per month? M: 800 yuan. W: Mmm. it's more than I have in mind. Let me think it over. I'll call you back in a day or two. M: Certainly., Question: How many rooms are there in the apartment? (A) Three rooms. (B) Four rooms. (C) Two rooms. Label: arithmetic Question: M: Operator, connect me with the cashier please. Miss, I want to check out. Will you please have the bill ready for me? I'll come down in a few minutes. W: OK. Sir, I'll bill you right away. M: Operator, sorry to bother you again. Will you please send me a porter to carry my luggage downstairs?, Question: Why does the man want the bill? (A) To check out and leave the hotel. (B) To check out after he leaves. (C) To carry his luggage downstairs. Label: commonsense Question: Woman: Hey. What's this on Facebook? It says ... Are you getting married? Man: Yeah. Didn't you know that? Woman: No. Why didn't you tell me about it? (It) says you're getting married next week. Man: Yeah, and I'm bringing her over to mom's house tomorrow. You'll love Jasmine. Woman: Jasmine? Man: Yeah. Here's her picture on Facebook. Woman: Oh. Wow. Man: What? What do you mean? Woman: Dad is not going to be impressed. Man: Why? Woman: She's got, like a lot her tattoos and a nose ring, and uh, I'm sorry. The family is going to be really surprised. Man: Ah, she's so, well, so sensitive and caring. Woman:Um, well .... [ What? ] Have ... have you taken any marriage prep classes? Man: Ah, who needs that anyway? I know all about women. Woman: Yeah. Right, like .... What have you had? Like ten girlfriends in the last six months? Man: Well, that's different! Woman: Uh, listen. Obviously, you need to improve your communication skills, and the best thing at this point .... if you're really set on marrying Jamie... Man: Jasmine ... Woman: Okay, I'm sorry, Jasmine, anyway, um, you really should take a marriage prep class. Man: What? What you are talking about? I know all about love and romance. Woman: Uh. Right .... Man: What? What do you mean? Woman: Look. Okay. It's more than that. What do you know about, say, personal finance? [ Well, you know ... ] I mean, how are you going to manage your money together? Are you going to have a joint bank account? Whose salary is going to pay the bills? Man: Ah, no problem. No problem. We have that figured out. My paycheck is going to be automatically transfered to her overseas bank account. Woman: Oh. [ What? ] Uh, where exactly is this account? What's the name of the bank? Man: Ah, I don't know. Jasmine's going to take care of that. Woman: Oh, boy. Right. Um, well, what about children? Are you guys going to have any kids? Man: Well, I want a large family, so eight kids would be just about right. Woman: Wow! What does Jasmine say about that? Man: Ah, well, she doesn't want any kids, but I'll change her mind once we get married. ( Right. ) No problem. Woman: Okay, what about housework? How are you going to handle that? Man: Well, Jasmine won't mind doing it. ( (Did) she said that? ) Well, not exactly. We've been just so busy planning out our honeymoon, that we just haven't worked out, you know, these small details. Woman: Great! You know what? By the time you learn her last name, I think things are going to be over between the two of you. Man: No, you just want and see., Question: The man probably isn't ready for marriage because he __________. (A) has been in many unsuccessful relationships (B) doesn't have a good paying job to support them (C) is still financially dependent on his parents Label: commonsense
You will be given a passage with an enumerated set of facts, a question of form 'Where is <person_name>?', and its answer. The task is to identify a supporting fact that is necessary to answer the question. The output would be the corresponding fact number. Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the office. Fact 2- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 3- Sandra went to the bathroom. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the office. Fact 5- Sandra went to the office. Fact 6- Sandra went to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the kitchen. Fact 2- John travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 4- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel travelled to the garden. Fact 8- Mary moved to the office. Fact 9- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 10- John went to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel went to the garden. Fact 3- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 4- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the office. Fact 6- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 7- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Fact 8- John travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 3- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 4- John moved to the office. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 6- Mary went to the garden. Fact 7- Mary went back to the office. Fact 8- Mary went to the garden. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the bathroom. Fact 2- John moved to the office. Fact 3- John went to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the kitchen. Fact 2- John travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 4- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel travelled to the garden. Fact 8- Mary moved to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the office. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 3- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- John moved to the garden. Fact 5- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 6- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 7- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 8- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 9- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 10- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel moved to the bathroom. Fact 2- John moved to the office. Fact 3- Mary went back to the office. Fact 4- John went back to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office Label: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 2- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 4- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 5- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 6- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 7- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 8- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 9- John went to the office. Fact 10- Mary moved to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the office. Fact 3- Mary journeyed to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 5- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 6- Daniel moved to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- John went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- John moved to the kitchen. Fact 3- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 4- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 5- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Fact 6- John went to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Mary journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 5- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 6- Daniel travelled to the office. Fact 7- Mary went to the office. Fact 8- Mary went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 5- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 6- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 7- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 8- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 9- John journeyed to the office. Fact 10- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went to the office. Fact 4- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went to the hallway. Fact 3- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Fact 5- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 7- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 9- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 10- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden Label: Fact 9 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 4- John went back to the bathroom. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 7- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 8- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 9- Sandra went to the bathroom. Fact 10- Mary went to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 3- John went back to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 3- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 3- John journeyed to the office. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 5- Daniel moved to the bathroom. Fact 6- Daniel went to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: office Label: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 5- John went to the bedroom. Fact 6- Daniel travelled to the garden. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 2- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 4- John moved to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 6- Mary travelled to the bedroom. Fact 7- Mary moved to the office. Fact 8- John moved to the garden. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the office. Fact 4- Mary moved to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 3- John went back to the office. Fact 4- John journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 2- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 3- John went to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the bathroom. Fact 2- John moved to the office. Fact 3- John went to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 5- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 6- Daniel went to the bathroom. Fact 7- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 8- John moved to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: office Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the hallway. Fact 6- Mary moved to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary went to the bedroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 2- John travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra went back to the garden. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: garden Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 3- Daniel moved to the office. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 4- John travelled to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the office. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went to the office. Fact 3- John moved to the office. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the office. Fact 2- Mary went back to the office. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 6- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 7- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 8- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 9- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 10- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 4- John journeyed to the office. Fact 5- Daniel moved to the kitchen. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 7- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 8- John went to the garden. Fact 9- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 10- Sandra journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden Label: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went to the office. Fact 4- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 5- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 6- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 7- Daniel moved to the bedroom. Fact 8- Sandra travelled to the garden. Fact 9- Daniel went back to the hallway. Fact 10- John moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: garden Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel went to the office. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 5- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 6- Daniel went to the bedroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 2- John went to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 3- Daniel moved to the office. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the hallway. Fact 6- Mary moved to the kitchen. Fact 7- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary moved to the office. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 3- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 5- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 7- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 3- Daniel went to the office. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- John went to the bedroom. Fact 6- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 7- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 8- Mary went to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Fact 2- John journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John moved to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 5- John went back to the office. Fact 6- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 7- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 9- John travelled to the office. Fact 10- John travelled to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 3- John went back to the hallway. Fact 4- John moved to the office. Fact 5- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 7- John went back to the bathroom. Fact 8- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 9- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 10- Sandra went to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden Label: Fact 9 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary moved to the office. Fact 3- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 4- John went to the office. Fact 5- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 6- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 7- Daniel moved to the office. Fact 8- John journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- John moved to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the garden. Fact 4- Mary went to the bathroom. Fact 5- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 6- John went to the kitchen. Fact 7- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 8- John went to the bathroom. Fact 9- Mary went back to the office. Fact 10- John travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 3- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 4- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 6- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 7- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 8- John went back to the bedroom. Fact 9- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 10- John went back to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: office Label: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the garden. Fact 2- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 3- Mary went to the office. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Label: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 2- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 3- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the office. Fact 5- Sandra went to the office. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Fact 2- John journeyed to the office. Fact 3- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 4- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 6- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 7- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 8- John went back to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: office Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 2- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 3- John went back to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- John travelled to the garden. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John went to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 7- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 8- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 3- John journeyed to the office. Fact 4- John travelled to the garden. Fact 5- Daniel moved to the office. Fact 6- John went to the hallway. Fact 7- John moved to the office. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: office Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 3- Mary journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 5- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the office. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the office. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 5- John journeyed to the office. Fact 6- Mary went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 4- John went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: garden Label: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 5- John travelled to the garden. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 4- John went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: garden Label: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 4- Mary went back to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John moved to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden Label: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went to the office. Fact 3- John moved to the office. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: office Label: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went to the office. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 7- John went back to the hallway. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 9- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 10- Mary went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the garden. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John moved to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 5- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 6- John moved to the bathroom. Fact 7- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 8- John travelled to the garden. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 3- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 5- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 7- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 9- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 10- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 3- John went back to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- John moved to the office. Fact 4- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 6- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 7- John moved to the bathroom. Fact 8- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 9- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 10- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the bedroom. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 3- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary journeyed to the hallway. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 7- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Fact 3- John moved to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 5- John went to the hallway. Fact 6- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 7- John went to the kitchen. Fact 8- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 9- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 10- Daniel moved to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 4- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 5- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 6- John travelled to the garden. Fact 7- Sandra went to the office. Fact 8- Mary moved to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 4- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 5- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 8- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 9- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 10- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the office. Fact 2- John went back to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the hallway. Fact 4- Mary journeyed to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 6- Mary travelled to the office. Fact 7- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 8- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 9- John went to the kitchen. Fact 10- Sandra went to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the bathroom. Fact 2- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- John moved to the kitchen. Fact 4- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 5- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 7- Mary went back to the office. Fact 8- Daniel went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 2- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 3- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra went to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: office Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 4- John travelled to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office Label: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 5- Daniel went to the bathroom. Fact 6- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 7- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 8- John went to the office. Fact 9- John moved to the kitchen. Fact 10- John went back to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 2- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 3- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: office Label: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 5- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 6- Mary went to the office. Fact 7- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 8- John moved to the garden. Fact 9- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 10- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the office. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the garden. Fact 4- Mary moved to the bathroom. Fact 5- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Fact 6- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 7- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 8- Daniel went to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the kitchen. Fact 2- John travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 4- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom Label: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the office. Fact 2- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 3- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 7- John travelled to the office. Fact 8- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 9- John moved to the garden. Fact 10- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: office Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the kitchen. Fact 2- John travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 4- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel travelled to the garden. Fact 8- Mary moved to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the office. Fact 2- Mary went back to the office. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 6- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 7- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 8- Sandra journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: office Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- John went back to the garden. Fact 3- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- John travelled to the garden. Fact 5- John went to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Label: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 4- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 5- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 6- Sandra went to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary moved to the office. Fact 3- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 4- John went to the office. Fact 5- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 6- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 7- Daniel moved to the office. Fact 8- John journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office Label: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the bedroom. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 3- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 6- John went to the garden. Fact 7- John moved to the hallway. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- John moved to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the garden. Fact 4- Mary went to the bathroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway Label: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra went to the kitchen. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: kitchen Label: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 3- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 4- John went to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 6- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 7- John moved to the garden. Fact 8- John went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the bathroom. Fact 2- John moved to the office. Fact 3- John went to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 5- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 6- Daniel went to the bathroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bathroom Label: Fact 5
--- Question: *** *** rain *** *** *** (A) energy. (B) evaporation. (C) precipitation. (D) clouds. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***? (A) Shedding hair in the Spring (B) Ears perking up when someone approaches the front door (C) Falling asleep when tired (D) Bringing back a thrown Frisbe. Label: E. --- Question: Hereditary information *** transmitted *** parents *** *** *** (A) cell division. (B) genes. (C) germination. (D) metamorphosis. Label: B. --- Question: *** ***. *** is part of a *** *** that slowly *** on Earth where __________. (A) continental plates collided (B) oceanic plates pulled apart (C) a continental and an oceanic plate pulled apart (D) a continental and an oceanic plate collide. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** complete *** revolution *** *** sun? (A) 1 day (B) 1 week (C) 1 month (D) 1 yea. Label: D. --- Question: *** *** *** or other ***. How *** and what they *** affects other *** of the ecosystem. These *** between the *** *** in an *** is *** ___. (A) interdependence (B) decomposition (C) environment (D) food webbin. Label: E. --- Question: Which tool would be the best instrument to measure the *** of a plant's ***? (A) ruler (B) thermometer (C) magnifier (D) cu. Label: E. --- Question: A student *** a *** *** that it *** *** on a *** *** than on a *** road. This *** *** the *** *** has (A) less gravity (B) more gravity (C) less friction (D) more frictio. Label: E. --- Question: A student hears the *** of a bell. Which of the following carries the *** of the bell to the student? (A) electrical currents (B) magnetic signals (C) radio waves (D) vibrating ai. Label: D. --- Question: Ellie is growing a vegetable garden. In which season do the *** in Ellie's garden *** the most *** from the *** for growing? (A) fall (B) spring (C) summer (D) winte. Label: E. --- Question: *** movement *** soil *** wind *** water *** called (A) condensation (B) evaporation (C) erosion (D) friction. Label: C. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***? (A) a shady forest (B) a snowy field (C) a grassy lawn (D) a muddy riverban. Label: E. --- Question: Which of the *** does *** *** from a ***? (A) A pea plant (B) An oak tree (C) A sunflower (D) A spor. Label: E. --- Question: Which of the *** *** an *** to *** ***? (A) Digestive System (B) Cirulatory System (C) Respiratory System (D) Nervous Syste. Label: E. --- Question: John was using his *** *** when it suddenly *** ***. What is the *** *** John should do to *** *** the ***? (A) recharge the battery (B) take the player apart (C) replace the player with a new one (D) change to a different son. Label: A. --- Question: *** *** *** main directions *** *** compass? (A) top, bottom (B) North pole, South pole (C) up, down, right, left (D) North, South, East, Wes. Label: D. --- Question: A student is looking at *** using a *** ***. What about the *** can best be seen with the *** ***? (A) different colors of insect bodies (B) how insects protect themselves (C) type of eyes insects have (D) size of the insect. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** can best *** the number of *** in *** by (A) converting deforested areas into malls. (B) planting trees to replace what they cut down. (C) adding pesticides to the soil around the trees. (D) removing the tree stumps when trees are cut down. Label: E. --- Question: Which of these is MOST likely made from only one material? (A) A pencil (B) A bicycle (C) A paper clip (D) A pair of shoe. Label: C. --- Question: How would the *** *** in a forest area most likely be *** if a *** development is built in that area? (A) They would produce more offspring. (B) They would change the color of their feathers. (C) They would experience a decrease in available food. (D) They would experience a decrease in competition. Label: C. --- Question: *** *** a *** for making a *** ramp. Which of the *** is most *** to have for *** the *** ***? (A) a picture showing the colors of different ramp parts (B) a diagram showing some ways to use the ramp (C) a list of prices for other available kits (D) a set of instructions for the kit material. Label: E. --- Question: James and Jordan *** their *** *** the *** living room ***. They notice that they are not *** as *** as they had when they played on the *** *** ***. Which *** is *** for *** down the cars? (A) Wind (B) Gravity (C) Thrust (D) Frictio. Label: E. --- Question: The *** is part of the *** ***. *** the *** is most *** for *** who (A) work inside banks. (B) sell televisions. (C) plant crops. (D) use computers. Label: E. --- Question: Which *** best *** *** that *** up the *** *** in the *** ***? (A) heart, blood, vessels (B) nose, trachea, lungs (C) brain, spinal cord, nerves (D) esophagus, stomach, intestine. Label: E. --- Question: Growing thicker fur *** *** winter *** *** animals *** (A) hide from danger (B) attract a mate (C) find food (D) keep war. Label: D. --- Question: From what source does almost all *** *** on *** come? (A) Wind (B) Water (C) The Sun (D) The Moo. Label: E. --- Question: A *** is an *** of which *** of *** ***? (A) lever (B) pulley (C) wheel (D) inclined plan. Label: E. --- Question: How does the appearance of a constellation change during the night? (A) Its shape appears to become longer. (B) Its position appears to shift relative to the horizon. (C) Its brightest stars begin to appear orange. (D) Its distance to the North Star decreases. Label: B. --- Question: *** *** rain *** forms *** (A) energy. (B) evaporation. (C) precipitation. (D) clouds. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** prevent infections *** occurring *** small cuts *** scrapes? (A) apply a cold ice pack (B) raise the injured area (C) apply pressure to stop bleeding (D) wash the area with warm, soapy wate. Label: D. --- Question: A student is holding a ball. How can the student increase the kinetic energy of the ball? (A) warm it in sunlight (B) throw it (C) remove the surface of the ball so that the energy is released (D) expose it to fir. Label: B. --- Question: What *** *** a *** *** from its ***? (A) Choice of mate (B) Hunting skills (C) Personality traits (D) Fur colo. Label: E. --- Question: Which of the following is the *** *** of something that *** a *** *** in the *** ***? (A) rainbows (B) floods (C) global warming (D) glacier. Label: E. --- Question: Which *** below would be the best way to *** if an ***, *** ***, a *** of ***, or a *** would *** on water? (A) observing each object in water (B) measuring the size of each object (C) calculating the weight of the objects (D) comparing the shapes of the object. Label: E. --- Question: Which is most *** the way a *** *** a ***? (A) the way water supports a boat crossing a river (B) the way a flagpole supports a flag in the schoolyard (C) the way bookends support books on a shelf (D) the way a belt supports pants on a person's wais. Label: E. --- Question: Which of the following converts *** energy into motion? (A) light switch (B) electric stove (C) light bulb (D) electric fa. Label: D. --- Question: *** to play your radio can be made using *** or *** resources. Which of the *** *** are renewable? (A) wind and oil (B) wind and sunlight (C) natural gas and oil (D) natural gas and coa. Label: B. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** ___. (A) HIV (B) RNA (C) RPM (D) DN. Label: E. --- Question: Scientists observed several different organisms in the same forest environment. Which of the following organisms in this forest environment *** on *** plant and animal *** for food? (A) cockroach (B) tree (C) snake (D) robi. Label: E. --- Question: *** will *** likely happen *** *** igneous rock *** *** *** eroded *** deposited *** *** bottom *** *** lake? (A) It will never change. (B) It will change into a sedimentary rock. (C) It will change into a bigger igneous rock. (D) It will change into a metamorphic rock. Label: B. --- Question: A *** can *** a serious disease. When a *** *** is developed, it is given to a *** *** of people. Why would it be *** to *** each *** on a *** *** of *** *** every*** can have one? (A) to figure out how much the vaccine is worth (B) to determine how the vaccine will affect people (C) to understand how that disease affects the human body (D) to find out how many people are affected by the diseas. Label: B. --- Question: Which of these most likely has the *** ***? (A) Chicken (B) Puppy (C) Lizard (D) Hors. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***? (A) a sugar cube dissolving in water. (B) ice cubes forming in a freezer. (C) ice cream melting in a bowl. (D) a cake baking in an oven. Label: E. --- Question: After testing the ability of aluminum, wood, and plastic to conduct electricity, a student would conclude that ___. (A) aluminum is a good conductor (B) wood and plastic are good conductors (C) aluminum is a good insulator (D) wood is a good conducto. Label: A. --- Question: What is the primary energy source that drives all weather events, including precipitation, hurricanes, and tornados? (A) the Sun (B) the Moon (C) Earth's gravity (D) Earth's rotatio. Label: A. --- Question: The *** is part of the *** ***. *** the *** is most *** for *** who (A) work inside banks. (B) sell televisions. (C) plant crops. (D) use computers. Label: E. --- Question: Cells contain genetic material called ___. (A) HIV (B) RNA (C) RPM (D) DN. Label: D. --- Question: *** *** burn *** *** *** *** *** property *** *** paper *** changed? (A) chemical (B) magnetic (C) physical (D) electrica. Label: A. --- Question: James and Jordan *** their *** *** the *** *** *** ***. They notice that they are not *** as *** as they had when they *** on the *** *** ***. Which *** is *** for *** down the cars? (A) Wind (B) Gravity (C) Thrust (D) Frictio. Label: E. --- Question: *** substance *** *** *** *** nature *** *** *** *** *** gas? (A) water (B) rock (C) metal (D) glas. Label: A. --- Question: Which would be the best tool to measure the *** of a ***? (A) Meter stick (B) Empty graduated cylinder (C) Graduated cylinder with water (D) Triple beam balanc. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** is an *** of a (A) liquid changing to a solid (B) solid changing to a liquid (C) gas changing to a solid (D) gas changing to a liquid. Label: E. --- Question: A *** *** *** *** when *** is near and her *** quickly *** around her. Which *** *** the *** receive this *** about *** from their mother? (A) smell (B) taste (C) sight (D) sound. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** describes *** moon? (A) the moon orbits the sun (B) The moon is a satellite of the Earth (C) The moon gives off its own light (D) the moon orbits the Earth once a yea. Label: B. --- Question: Which of the following is the main role of *** found on most flowering ***? (A) to take in air (B) to produce seeds (C) to absorb nutrients (D) to protect the ste. Label: E. --- Question: Tyrone put two *** in a plastic *** of water and shook it. After he stopped *** the bottle, he observed that small *** of the *** were floating in the water. What is the best prediction he can make based on this observation? If *** the *** *** *** of *** to *** off, ___. (A) then using cold water will break off more pieces (B) then using hot water will make the stones change colors (C) then shaking for a longer amount of time will break off more pieces (D) then shaking for a shorter amount of time will make the rocks change color. Label: E. --- Question: *** change will occur *** *** wire *** *** electrical circuit *** *** working properly? (A) The wire will become warmer. (B) The wire will lose some of its mass. (C) The wire will form an electric field. (D) The wire will develop a new crystal structure. Label: C. --- Question: Which *** below would be the best way to determine if an egg, plastic foam, a piece of wood, or a candle would *** on water? (A) observing each object in water (B) measuring the size of each object (C) calculating the weight of the objects (D) comparing the shapes of the object. Label: A. --- Question: Which of the following statements best explains why the *** of *** on its *** *** *** to be *** than *** in the *** Hemisphere? (A) The warm ocean currents flow from the tropics to the Northern Hemisphere in the summer. (B) The rays of the Sun strike the Northern Hemisphere more directly in the summer. (C) The greenhouse effect increases in the Northern Hemisphere in the summer. (D) The Northern Hemisphere is closer to the Sun in the summer. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** (A) gas to a liquid (B) solid to a liquid (C) liquid to a solid (D) solid to a gas. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** stems transport water *** *** parts *** *** plant? (A) through a chemical called chlorophyll (B) by using photosynthesis (C) through a system of tubes (D) by converting water to foo. Label: C. --- Question: When an iron nail wrapped in a copper wire is attached to a circuit, it forms (A) a battery. (B) an engine. (C) an insulator. (D) an electromagnet. Label: D. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***? (A) lever (B) pulley (C) wheel (D) inclined plan. Label: E. --- Question: How do *** most commonly *** *** *** into smaller pieces? (A) Plant leaves insulate surrounding rocks from extreme temperatures. (B) Plant roots grow into cracks in rocks. (C) Seeds from plants fall onto rocks and release acidic compounds. (D) Stems of plants surround and squeeze rocks. Label: B. --- Question: A *** of *** *** *** *** to the *** *** on a *** *** and *** the *** of their *** at *** AM, at ***, and at *** ***. To *** and *** the *** from their ***, they *** a ___. (A) thermometer and balance (B) clock and measuring tape (C) clock and calculator (D) clock and thermomete. Label: E. --- Question: The tailgate of a pickup *** was *** where the *** was *** ***. What *** *** had ***? (A) Liquidation (B) Conservation (C) Oxidation (D) Reductio. Label: C. --- Question: Which *** contains *** that can be *** ***? (A) bread (B) fruit salad (C) ocean water (D) soda wate. Label: E. --- Question: Plants transform energy when they make their own food. Which type of energy is used by plants for making food? (A) electrical (B) heat (C) light (D) mechanica. Label: C. --- Question: *** characteristic *** *** kitten *** *** acquired trait due *** environmental influences? (A) cleaning its ears (B) sleeping on a chair (C) sharpening its claws (D) meowing when it is hungr. Label: B. --- Question: Which *** is the *** *** *** to *** for *** *** ***? (A) cotton (B) leather (C) plastic (D) woo. Label: E. --- Question: Some birds fly *** *** winter each year. This is an example of (A) migration (B) hibernation (C) germination (D) evaporation. Label: A. --- Question: *** largest body *** *** solar system *** (A) Earth. (B) the Sun. (C) Jupiter. (D) the Moon. Label: B. --- Question: Which *** is not ***? (A) having curly hair (B) eye color (C) scars (D) blood typ. Label: E. --- Question: Some birds fly south *** winter each year. This is an example of (A) migration (B) hibernation (C) germination (D) evaporation. Label: A. --- Question: A *** that *** *** started using a *** *** *** of ***. The *** *** will *** *** than ***. What is the most *** *** of the *** material? (A) The new material will keep people safe. (B) The new material will keep pets contained. (C) The new material can make a yard attractive. (D) The new material can save money on replacements. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** or other ***. How *** and what they *** affects other *** of the ecosystem. These *** between the *** *** in an *** is *** ___. (A) interdependence (B) decomposition (C) environment (D) food webbin. Label: E. --- Question: A student measured the *** of *** in a pan. The student boiled the *** for thirty *** and then measured the *** of the *** again. The *** of *** most likely (A) decreased (B) increased (C) remained the same. Label: E. --- Question: When an *** *** wrapped in a *** *** is attached to a ***, it forms (A) a battery. (B) an engine. (C) an insulator. (D) an electromagnet. Label: E. --- Question: Growing *** *** in the *** helps some animals to (A) hide from danger (B) attract a mate (C) find food (D) keep war. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** following *** result *** *** decrease *** *** polar bear population *** *** arctic? (A) An increase in the amount of grass (B) An increase in the fish population (C) A decrease in the fish population (D) A decrease in the human populatio. Label: C. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***? (A) the ability to roar (B) the ability to hunt (C) a diet of land mammals (D) being born during spring month. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** bundles *** chemicals *** *** *** *** *** control *** *** *** ***? (A) cells (B) genes (C) DNA (D) filament. Label: E. --- Question: How long does the *** take to *** *** *** around the ***? (A) 1 day (B) 1 week (C) 1 month (D) 1 yea. Label: E. --- Question: Which of the *** *** is an ***? (A) Squirrel (B) Sea gull (C) Cricket (D) Lizar. Label: E. --- Question: Which of the following is the *** *** of something that *** a *** *** in the *** ***? (A) rainbows (B) floods (C) global warming (D) glacier. Label: E. --- Question: What do *** *** as *** for ***? (A) carbon dioxide (B) oxygen (C) minerals (D) nitroge. Label: E. --- Question: What do plants use as input for photosynthesis? (A) carbon dioxide (B) oxygen (C) minerals (D) nitroge. Label: A. --- Question: *** *** rain *** *** *** (A) energy. (B) evaporation. (C) precipitation. (D) clouds. Label: E. --- Question: A *** *** shows how energy moves from one living thing to another. The *** always *** with ___. (A) a plant or plant part (B) the smallest animal (C) the animal that was eaten last (D) the largest anima. Label: E. --- Question: Which of the *** is the *** *** of *** that *** a *** *** in the ***'s ***? (A) rainbows (B) floods (C) global warming (D) glacier. Label: E. --- Question: How long does the Earth take to complete one revolution around the sun? (A) 1 day (B) 1 week (C) 1 month (D) 1 yea. Label: D. --- Question: How does a *** get ***? (A) from its environment (B) from its food (C) from its offspring (D) from its parent. Label: E. --- Question: A *** wants to *** out how many *** *** of *** are *** in a ***. In *** to a *** *** ***, the *** should *** (A) binoculars (B) goggles (C) a microscope (D) a hand len. Label: E. --- Question: Which of these would help to prevent infections from occurring in small cuts and scrapes? (A) apply a cold ice pack (B) raise the injured area (C) apply pressure to stop bleeding (D) wash the area with warm, soapy wate. Label: D. --- Question: In the forest, one type of tree produces special seeds. These seeds start to grow only after going through a fire. In the fire, the adult trees are destroyed. Which ***, needed for growth, are now available to the newly growing seeds? (A) sunlight and wind (B) sunlight and space (C) soil and pollen producers (D) pollen producers and spac. Label: B. --- Question: *** *** *** done *** *** results *** *** experiment *** not support *** hypothesis? (A) repeat the experiment and check for errors (B) change the observations to match the hypothesis (C) redo the experiment until the expected results are obtained (D) record and analyze the data after changing the hypothesi. Label: A. --- Question: All *** *** on Earth are either *** or nonrenewable. Whether a *** is *** or *** *** on how *** or *** the *** is ***. If the *** is *** *** than it is ***, then the *** will, in ***, disappear. Which *** *** the *** of a *** *** resource? (A) A group of people swims in a river. (B) A construction crew builds an iron bridge. (C) A farmer grows vegetables to sell at a local market. (D) A person bakes a cake with electricity produced by a hydroelectric power plant. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** tree *** grass alike? (A) Both make wood. (B) Both have roots. (C) Both need moonlight. (D) Both have short lives. Label: B. --- Question: What precaution must be taken by students when making observations of the Sun? (A) Use only new equipment. (B) Use a very strong telescope. (C) Project image onto a piece of cardboard. (D) Look at the Sun only in the morning. Label: C. --- Question: From what source does almost all heat energy on Earth come? (A) Wind (B) Water (C) The Sun (D) The Moo. Label: C. --- Question: What are the bundles of *** in our body called that *** what we *** like? (A) cells (B) genes (C) DNA (D) filament. Label: E. --- Question: Ice cream in a bowl changed from solid to liquid in a few minutes. Which of the following most likely caused this change? (A) Bacteria grew in the ice cream. (B) Heat was added to the ice cream. (C) Water evaporated from the ice cream. (D) Frozen berries were sprinkled on the ice cream. Label: B. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***? (A) Digestive System (B) Cirulatory System (C) Respiratory System (D) Nervous Syste. Label: E. --- Question: A decomposer is an organism that (A) hunts and eats animals (B) migrates for the winter (C) breaks down dead plants and animals (D) uses water and sunlight to make foo. Label: C. --- Question: One function of the *** of a plant is to (A) make food for the plant. (B) help the plant reproduce. (C) contain seeds. (D) provide support for the plant. Label: E. --- Question: *** part *** *** plant *** *** *** important *** *** process *** photosynthesis? (A) Stigma (B) Stamen (C) Leaves (D) Ste. Label: C. --- Question: Which *** feature most helps a baby *** *** the first few weeks of life? (A) the ability to roar (B) the ability to hunt (C) a diet of land mammals (D) being born during spring month. Label: E. --- Question: After testing the ability of aluminum, wood, and *** to conduct ***, a student would conclude that ___. (A) aluminum is a good conductor (B) wood and plastic are good conductors (C) aluminum is a good insulator (D) wood is a good conducto. Label: A. --- Question: The reading on a barometer rises when the air (A) pressure increases. (B) pressure decreases. (C) speed increases. (D) speed decreases. Label: A. --- Question: An *** *** depends on its *** to ___. (A) harm its environment (B) change its environment (C) control its environment (D) respond to its environmen. Label: E. --- Question: When an *** feels threatened, it can release black *** into the water. The *** MOST likely helps the *** (A) move quickly through the water. (B) breathe oxygen from the water. (C) hide from predators. (D) use food faster. Label: C. --- Question: A student poured *** into a plastic tray. The student then put the tray into the freezer. What *** of the *** *** as the *** ***? (A) The water became a gas. (B) The mass of water increased. (C) The water took a definite shape. (D) The flavor of the water changed. Label: C. --- Question: To *** the *** of *** ***, it is *** to *** (A) newspapers. (B) phonebooks. (C) paper towels. (D) soda cans. Label: E. --- Question: Snow and *** are forms of (A) energy. (B) evaporation. (C) precipitation. (D) clouds. Label: C. --- Question: A female dog is having puppies. She has black fur, brown eyes, and a curly tail. She can sit, bark, and roll over on command. Which set of *** can the female dog's *** ***? (A) brown eyes, black fur (B) fur, roll over on command (C) brown eyes, sit on command (D) bark on command, curly tai. Label: A. --- Question: Which *** is the *** *** *** to *** for *** *** ***? (A) cotton (B) leather (C) plastic (D) woo. Label: E. --- Question: *** to play your *** can be made using *** or *** resources. Which of the following *** are renewable? (A) wind and oil (B) wind and sunlight (C) natural gas and oil (D) natural gas and coa. Label: B. --- Question: In *** ***, the *** *** ___. (A) one rotation on its axis (B) one rotation around the Sun (C) one orbit around Mars (D) one revolution around the Moo. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***? (A) tissues (B) chromosomes (C) muscles (D) blood cells. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** ***? (A) summer, because there is more sunlight (B) summer, because there is more heat (C) spring, because there is more rain (D) spring, because there are more leave. Label: E. --- Question: What is an *** of ***? (A) It is a natural way to separate the strong from the weak. (B) It always results in adaptations. (C) It decreases the size of strong populations. (D) Competition is selfish and has no advantages. Label: E. --- Question: John was using his mp3 *** when it *** *** ***. What is the *** *** *** should do to *** *** the ***? (A) recharge the battery (B) take the player apart (C) replace the player with a new one (D) change to a different son. Label: E. --- Question: All *** *** *** are *** up of ___. (A) eggs (B) cells (C) cell walls (D) gelati. Label: E. --- Question: An organism's *** depends on its ability to ___. (A) harm its environment (B) change its environment (C) control its environment (D) respond to its environmen. Label: E. --- Question: When a guitar string is plucked, sound is produced by (A) the size of the guitar. (B) the metal on the guitar. (C) the wood on the guitar. (D) the vibrations of the string. Label: D. --- Question: A *** puts *** *** *** *** the same *** and *** of soil. She gives them the same *** of water. She puts one of these *** *** *** *** *** and the other *** *** dark ***. This *** *** how the *** respond to (A) light (B) air (C) water (D) soil. Label: E. --- Question: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***? (A) tissues (B) chromosomes (C) muscles (D) blood cells. Label: E. --- Question: *** serve important *** in an ecosystem. One of the things they do is ___. (A) reduce nutrients in the soil (B) reduce insect populations (C) recycle nutrients (D) recycle wate. Label: E. --- Question: Which of the *** best *** how *** *** *** to other *** of the ***? (A) through a chemical called chlorophyll (B) by using photosynthesis (C) through a system of tubes (D) by converting water to foo. Label: E. --- Question: Which of the following would result in a *** in the *** *** population in the arctic? (A) An increase in the amount of grass (B) An increase in the fish population (C) A decrease in the fish population (D) A decrease in the human populatio. Label: E. --- Question: Living things need *** *** *** following *** survive? (A) food and electricity (B) air, food, and shelter (C) water, food, and clothes (D) food, water, and ai. Label: D. --- Question: Diatoms are microorganisms that produce *** through the process of ***. *** are an example of a *** that is __________. (A) visible to the naked eye (B) disease-causing in humans (C) a primary producer (D) responsible for decompositio. Label: E. --- Question: A *** is a type of flying insect that *** *** in puddles or small pools of ***. When *** develop from eggs, the *** come to the *** to get *** through special breathing tubes. After one to two weeks, the *** become *** and then turn into ***. How would a *** *** *** a *** ***? (A) The mosquito larvae would take longer to become pupae. (B) The adult mosquitoes would have fewer places to lay eggs. (C) The adult mosquitoes would get fluids by feeding more often. (D) The mosquito larvae would use their breathing tubes to live on land. Label: E. --- Question: A student is looking at *** using a *** ***. What about the *** can best be seen with the *** ***? (A) different colors of insect bodies (B) how insects protect themselves (C) type of eyes insects have (D) size of the insect. Label: E. --- Question: Which of these is MOST likely *** from only one ***? (A) A pencil (B) A bicycle (C) A paper clip (D) A pair of shoe. Label: E. --- Question: To safely *** an *** using ***, what should students always do? (A) Work in large groups. (B) Wear safety goggles. (C) Wear short sleeves. (D) Keep a window open. Label: E. --- Question: Ella is *** *** in an aquarium. Which is the best *** for the *** of *** *** to *** a *** *** that *** *** fish? (A) 25 milliliters (B) 25 centiliters (C) 25 liters (D) 25 kiloliter. Label: E. --- Question: Sea ***s are consumers that live in a tide pool *** that is alternately submerged and exposed by tides. This type of *** contains poisonous anemones and many species of shellfish. The sea ***'s advantage in this *** is that it can (A) pry open shells. (B) produce a tiny light. (C) move quickly along the sea bottom. (D) survive the pressurized atmosphere of deep water. Label: E.
You are given an English sentence with a blank, and you need to predict the missing word. After completing, the whole sentence should be gramatically correct and non-ambiguous. and missus rachel dearly loved to make a sensation so she took herself away somewhat to marilla's relief for the latter felt her doubts and fears reviving under the influence of missus ____ pessimism well of all things that ever were or will be ejaculated missus rachel when she was safely out in the lane Label: rachel's unfortunately in this world of ours each person views things through a certain medium and so is prevented from seeing in the same light as others and madame ____ therefore very much regretted that the marriage of eugenie had not taken place Label: danglars the orchard on the slope below the house was in a bridal flush of pinky white bloom hummed over by a myriad of bees thomas lynde a meek ____ man whom avonlea people called rachel lynde's husband was sowing his late turnip seed on the hill field beyond the barn Label: little set about on one side with great patriarchal willows and the other with prim lombardies not a stray stick nor stone was to be seen for missus rachel would have seen it if there had been privately she ____ of the opinion that marilla cuthbert swept that yard over as often as she swept her house Label: was and her ____ was turned towards heaven Label: glance no matter what mistake had been made so all questions and explanations might as well be ____ until he was safely back at green gables i'm sorry i was late he said shyly come along the horse is over in the yard give me your bag oh i can carry it the child responded cheerfully Label: deferred not only because the match was good and likely to insure the happiness of her child but because it would also set her at liberty she ran therefore to debray who after having like the rest of paris witnessed the contract scene ____ the scandal attending it Label: and and then nova scotia is right close to the island it isn't as if we were getting him from england or the states he can't be much different from ourselves well ____ hope it will turn out all right said missus rachel in a tone that plainly indicated her painful doubts Label: i he detested the way they had of sidling past him timidly with sidewise glances as if they expected him to gobble them up at a mouthful if they ventured to say a word that was the avonlea type of well ____ little girl but this freckled witch was very different Label: bred and the neighbors would say to ____ other in a low voice Label: each oh there are a lot more cherry trees all in bloom this island is the bloomiest place i just love it already and i'm so glad i'm going to live here i've always heard ____ prince edward island was the prettiest place in the world Label: that a child of about eleven garbed in ____ very short very tight very ugly dress of yellowish gray wincey she wore a faded brown sailor hat and beneath the hat extending down her back were two braids of very thick decidedly red hair Label: a or without speaking to the procureur well i have business with the procureur is it pressing business you can imagine so since i have not even brought my carriage out yet but enough of this here is ____ card Label: my and her ____ was turned towards heaven Label: glance if he'd run out of turnip seed he ____ dress up and take the buggy to go for more Label: wouldn't matthew had taken the scrawny little hand awkwardly in his then and there he decided what to do he could not tell this child with the glowing eyes that there had been a mistake he would take her home and let marilla do that she couldn't be left at ____ river anyhow Label: bright ____ not even a brook could run past missus rachel lynde's door without due regard for decency and decorum it probably was conscious that missus rachel was sitting at her window keeping a sharp eye on everything that passed from brooks and children up Label: for as if poisoning wells were a purely feminine accomplishment and not to be dreaded in the case of a boy i'd never dream of taking a girl to ____ up i wonder at missus alexander spencer for doing it but there she wouldn't shrink from adopting a whole orphan asylum if she took it into her head Label: bring and a big hat all flowers and nodding plumes and a gold watch and kid gloves and boots i felt cheered up right away and i enjoyed my trip to the island with ____ my might i wasn't a bit sick coming over in the boat neither was missus spencer although she generally is Label: all thin woman with angles and without curves her dark hair showed some gray streaks and was always twisted up in a hard little knot behind with two wire hairpins stuck ____ through it she looked like a woman of narrow experience and rigid conscience which she was Label: aggressively or would have been cheerful if it had not been so painfully clean as to give it something of the appearance of an unused parlor its windows looked east and west through the west one looking out on the back yard came a flood of mellow june sunlight but the east ____ Label: one obtain all the indulgence he could allow she would invoke the past recall old recollections she would supplicate him by the ____ of guilty yet happy days Label: remembrance directly afterwards the door was opened wide enough to admit her and when she had ____ through it was again shut without losing sight of her for an instant the concierge took a whistle from his pocket as soon as they entered the court and blew it Label: passed with so much care that his absence was half excused in the eyes of the poor woman at twenty minutes of twelve madame danglars tired of waiting returned home women of a certain grade are like ____ grisettes in one respect they seldom return home after twelve o'clock Label: prosperous ____ marilla as if getting boys from orphan asylums in nova scotia were part of the usual spring work on any well regulated avonlea farm instead of being an unheard of innovation missus rachel felt that she had received a severe mental jolt she thought in exclamation points Label: said isn't that beautiful what did ____ tree leaning out from the bank all white and lacy make you think of she asked well now i dunno said matthew why a bride of course a bride all in white with a lovely misty veil Label: that had it been any other man in avonlea missus rachel deftly putting this and that together might have given a pretty good guess as to both questions but matthew so rarely went from home that it must be something pressing and unusual which was taking ____ Label: him and the neighbors would say to ____ other in a low voice Label: each and missus rachel dearly loved to make a sensation so she took herself away somewhat to marilla's relief for the latter felt her doubts and fears reviving under the influence of missus ____ pessimism well of all things that ever were or will be ejaculated missus rachel when she was safely out in the lane Label: rachel's so matthew and i have talked it over off and on ever since we thought we'd get a boy matthew is getting up in years you know he's sixty and he isn't so spry ____ he once was his heart troubles him a good deal and you know how desperate hard it's got to be to get hired help Label: as obtain all the indulgence he could allow she would invoke the past recall old recollections she would supplicate him by the ____ of guilty yet happy days Label: remembrance whence you got a glimpse of the bloom white cherry trees in the left orchard and nodding slender birches down in the hollow by the brook was greened over by ____ tangle of vines here sat marilla cuthbert when she sat at all always slightly distrustful of sunshine Label: a and a full soft ____ beard which he had worn ever since he was twenty in fact he had looked at twenty very much as he looked at sixty lacking a little of the grayness when he reached bright river there was no sign of any train Label: brown they may be all right i'm not saying they're not but no london street arabs for me i said give me a ____ born at least there'll be a risk no matter who we get but i'll feel easier in my mind and sleep sounder at nights if we get a born canadian Label: native ____ not even a brook could run past missus rachel lynde's door without due regard for decency and decorum it probably was conscious that missus rachel was sitting at her window keeping a sharp eye on everything that passed from brooks and children up Label: for it seems uncanny to think of a child at green gables somehow there's never been one there for matthew and marilla were grown up when the new house was built if they ever were children which is ____ to believe when one looks at them i wouldn't be in that orphan's shoes for anything Label: hard was so ludicrously afraid matthew however was spared the ordeal of speaking first for as soon as she concluded that he was coming to her she stood up ____ with one thin brown hand the handle of a shabby old fashioned carpet bag the other she held out to him Label: grasping the big rambling orchard embowered house where the cuthberts lived was a scant quarter of a mile up the road from lynde's hollow to be sure the long lane made it a good deal further matthew cuthbert's father as shy and silent as his ____ after him Label: son anybody who went out of it or into it had to pass over that hill road and so run the unseen gauntlet of missus rachel's all seeing eye she ____ sitting there one afternoon in early june the sun was coming in at the window warm and bright Label: was and missus rachel dearly loved to make a sensation so she took herself away somewhat to marilla's relief for the latter felt her doubts and fears reviving under the influence of missus ____ pessimism well of all things that ever were or will be ejaculated missus rachel when she was safely out in the lane Label: rachel's debray was occupied in repelling the insinuations of ____ friend who tried to persuade him Label: a as avonlea housekeepers were wont ____ tell in awed voices and keeping a sharp eye on the main road that crossed the hollow and wound up the steep red hill beyond Label: to oh there are a lot more cherry trees all in bloom this island is the bloomiest place i just love it already and i'm so glad i'm going to live here i've always heard ____ prince edward island was the prettiest place in the world Label: that what on earth put such a notion into your head she demanded disapprovingly this had been done without her advice being asked and must perforce ____ disapproved well we've been thinking about it for some time all winter in fact returned marilla Label: be matthew enjoyed the drive after his own fashion except during the moments when he met ____ and had to nod to them for in prince edward island you are supposed to nod to all and sundry you meet on the road whether you know them or not matthew dreaded all women except marilla and missus rachel Label: women madame danglars ____ shuddered at the desolate aspect of the mansion Label: involuntarily so matthew and i have talked it over off and on ever since we thought we'd get a boy matthew is getting up in years you know he's sixty and he isn't so spry ____ he once was his heart troubles him a good deal and you know how desperate hard it's got to be to get hired help Label: as for in a society such as ours satire inflicts ____ painful and incurable wound Label: a anybody who went out of it or into it had to pass over that hill road and so run the unseen gauntlet of missus rachel's all seeing eye she ____ sitting there one afternoon in early june the sun was coming in at the window warm and bright Label: was marilla and matthew cuthbert of all people adopting a boy from an orphan asylum well the world was certainly turning ____ down she would be surprised at nothing after this nothing Label: upside missus rachel would have liked to stay until matthew came home with his imported orphan but reflecting that it would be a good two hours at least before his arrival she concluded to go up the road ____ robert bell's and tell the news it would certainly make a sensation second to none Label: to it's ____ seldom matthew sets his mind on anything that when he does i always feel it's my duty to give in and as for the risk there's risks in pretty near everything a body does in this world there's risks in people's having children of their own if it comes to that they don't always turn out well Label: so was ascending the ____ leading to debray's apartments Label: stairs isn't that beautiful what did ____ tree leaning out from the bank all white and lacy make you think of she asked well now i dunno said matthew why a bride of course a bride all in white with a lovely misty veil Label: that one could have ____ a meal off the ground without overbrimming the proverbial peck of dirt missus rachel rapped smartly at the kitchen door and stepped in when bidden to do so the kitchen at green gables was a cheerful apartment Label: eaten this job's comforting seemed neither to offend nor to alarm marilla she knitted steadily on i don't deny there's something in what ____ say rachel i've had some qualms myself but matthew was terrible set on it i could see that so i gave in Label: you first madame who are you who ____ i you know me well enough we no longer know any one madame Label: am yet something must have happened since last night to start him off i'm clean puzzled that's what and i won't know a minute's peace of mind or conscience until i know what has taken matthew cuthbert out of avonlea today accordingly after tea missus ____ set out she had not far to go Label: rachel and the conversation which had become interesting during the discussion of ____ serious affairs Label: such so in the end we ____ to ask missus spencer to pick us out one when she went over to get her little girl we heard last week she was going so we sent her word by richard spencer's folks at carmody to bring us a smart likely boy of about ten or eleven we decided that would be the best age Label: decided but i do hope that some day i shall have a white dress that is my highest ideal of earthly bliss i just love pretty clothes and i've never had a pretty dress in my life that i can ____ but of course it's all the more to look forward to isn't it and then Label: remember and the conversation which had become interesting during the discussion of ____ serious affairs Label: such barely visible from the main road along which all the other avonlea houses were so sociably ____ missus rachel lynde did not call living in such a place living at all it's just staying that's what she said as she stepped along the deep rutted grassy lane Label: situated a child of about eleven garbed in ____ very short very tight very ugly dress of yellowish gray wincey she wore a faded brown sailor hat and beneath the hat extending down her back were two braids of very thick decidedly red hair Label: a and believed firmly in her daughter's innocence and fidelity to the paternal roof she listened at eugenie's ____ and hearing no sound tried to enter but the bolts were in place madame danglars then concluded that the young girl had been overcome with the terrible excitement of the evening Label: door the fact being that every one was too much occupied in his or her own affairs to think of theirs we ____ leave the banker contemplating the enormous magnitude of his debt before the phantom of bankruptcy and follow the baroness Label: will there were three plates laid so that marilla must be expecting some one home with matthew to tea but the dishes were everyday dishes and there was only crab apple preserves and one kind of cake ____ that the expected company could not be any particular company Label: so so matthew went to bright river to meet him missus spencer will drop ____ off there of course she goes on to white sands station herself missus rachel prided herself on always speaking her mind she proceeded to speak it now having adjusted her mental attitude to this amazing piece of news Label: him awaited the return of debray in the little green room seated between two baskets of flowers which she had that morning sent and which it must ____ confessed Label: be and she said she didn't know and for pity's sake not to ask her any more questions she said i must have asked her a thousand already i suppose i had ____ but how you going to find out about things if you don't ask questions and what does make the roads red well now i dunno said matthew Label: too and then nova scotia is right close to the island it isn't as if we were getting him from england or the states he can't be much different from ourselves well ____ hope it will turn out all right said missus rachel in a tone that plainly indicated her painful doubts Label: i chapter two matthew cuthbert is surprised matthew cuthbert and the sorrel mare jogged comfortably over the eight miles to bright river it was a ____ road running along between snug farmsteads with now and again a bit of balsamy fir wood to drive through Label: pretty missus alexander ____ was up here one day before christmas and she said she was going to get a little girl from the asylum over in hopeton in the spring Label: spencer but no on reflection the procureur was not a merciless man and it was not the magistrate slave to his duties but the friend the loyal friend who roughly but firmly cut into ____ very core of the corruption Label: the he thought he was too early so he tied his horse in the yard of the small bright river hotel and went over to the station house the long platform was almost deserted the only living creature in sight being a girl who was sitting on a pile of shingles at the ____ end Label: extreme there were three plates laid so that marilla must be expecting some one home with matthew to tea but the dishes were everyday dishes and there was only crab apple preserves and one kind of cake ____ that the expected company could not be any particular company Label: so so matthew went to bright river to meet him missus spencer will drop ____ off there of course she goes on to white sands station herself missus rachel prided herself on always speaking her mind she proceeded to speak it now having adjusted her mental attitude to this amazing piece of news Label: him thin woman with angles and without curves her dark hair showed some gray streaks and was always twisted up in a hard little knot behind with two wire hairpins stuck ____ through it she looked like a woman of narrow experience and rigid conscience which she was Label: aggressively so matthew and i have talked it over off and on ever since we thought we'd get a boy matthew is getting up in years you know he's sixty and he isn't so spry ____ he once was his heart troubles him a good deal and you know how desperate hard it's got to be to get hired help Label: as where do you come from oh this is too ____ madame these are my orders excuse me your name the baroness danglars you have seen me twenty times Label: much was so ludicrously afraid matthew however was spared the ordeal of speaking first for as soon as she concluded that he was coming to her she stood up ____ with one thin brown hand the handle of a shabby old fashioned carpet bag the other she held out to him Label: grasping marilla and matthew cuthbert of all people adopting a boy from an orphan asylum well the world was certainly turning ____ down she would be surprised at nothing after this nothing Label: upside directly afterwards the door was opened wide enough to admit her and when she had ____ through it was again shut without losing sight of her for an instant the concierge took a whistle from his pocket as soon as they entered the court and blew it Label: passed and her afternoon's enjoyment was spoiled ____ just step over to green gables after tea and find out from marilla where he's gone and why the worthy woman finally concluded he doesn't generally go to town this time of year and he never visits Label: i'll but there was a saving something about her mouth which if it had been ____ so slightly developed might have been considered indicative of a sense of humor we're all pretty well said missus rachel i was kind of afraid you weren't though when i saw matthew starting off today i thought maybe he was going to the doctor's Label: ever matthew went to bright river we're getting a little boy from an orphan asylum in nova scotia and he's coming on the train tonight if marilla had said that matthew had gone to bright river to meet a kangaroo from australia missus rachel could not have been more ____ Label: astonished anybody who went out of it or into it had to pass over that hill road and so run the unseen gauntlet of missus rachel's all seeing eye she ____ sitting there one afternoon in early june the sun was coming in at the window warm and bright Label: was barely visible from the main road along which all the other avonlea houses were so sociably ____ missus rachel lynde did not call living in such a place living at all it's just staying that's what she said as she stepped along the deep rutted grassy lane Label: situated so matthew went to bright river to meet him missus spencer will drop ____ off there of course she goes on to white sands station herself missus rachel prided herself on always speaking her mind she proceeded to speak it now having adjusted her mental attitude to this amazing piece of news Label: him so matthew went to bright river to meet him missus spencer will drop ____ off there of course she goes on to white sands station herself missus rachel prided herself on always speaking her mind she proceeded to speak it now having adjusted her mental attitude to this amazing piece of news Label: him and i know another case where an adopted boy used to suck the ____ they couldn't break him of it if you had asked my advice in the matter which you didn't do marilla i'd have said for mercy's sake not to think of such a thing that's what Label: eggs had it been any other man in avonlea missus rachel deftly putting this and that together might have given a pretty good guess as to both questions but matthew so rarely went from home that it must be something pressing and unusual which was taking ____ Label: him and demand of her why she wasn't a boy matthew groaned in spirit as he turned about and shuffled gently down the platform towards her she had been watching him ever since he had passed her and she had her ____ on him now matthew was not looking at her Label: eyes and missus rachel dearly loved to make a sensation so she took herself away somewhat to marilla's relief for the latter felt her doubts and fears reviving under the influence of missus ____ pessimism well of all things that ever were or will be ejaculated missus rachel when she was safely out in the lane Label: rachel's peter had asked him of course for matthew cuthbert had never been known to volunteer information about anything in his whole life and yet here ____ matthew cuthbert at half past three on the afternoon of a busy day placidly driving over the hollow and up the hill Label: was and believed firmly in her daughter's innocence and fidelity to the paternal roof she listened at eugenie's ____ and hearing no sound tried to enter but the bolts were in place madame danglars then concluded that the young girl had been overcome with the terrible excitement of the evening Label: door matthew barely noting that it was a girl sidled past her as quickly as ____ without looking at her had he looked he could hardly have failed to notice the tense rigidity and expectation of her attitude and expression she was sitting there waiting for something or somebody Label: possible yet something must have happened since last night to start him off i'm clean puzzled that's what and i won't know a minute's peace of mind or conscience until i know what has taken matthew cuthbert out of avonlea today accordingly after tea missus ____ set out she had not far to go Label: rachel that had its source away back in the woods of the old cuthbert place it was reputed to be an intricate headlong brook in ____ earlier course through those woods with dark secrets of pool and cascade but by the time it reached lynde's hollow it was a quiet well conducted little stream Label: its chapter ____ nine the law we have seen how quietly Label: ninety no one could suppose that he had been previously acquainted with or had lent himself to any of andrea's ____ Label: intrigues madame danglars ____ shuddered at the desolate aspect of the mansion Label: involuntarily he thought he was too early so he tied his horse in the yard of the small bright river hotel and went over to the station house the long platform was almost deserted the only living creature in sight being a girl who was sitting on a pile of shingles at the ____ end Label: extreme and she said she didn't know and for pity's sake not to ask her any more questions she said i must have asked her a thousand already i suppose i had ____ but how you going to find out about things if you don't ask questions and what does make the roads red well now i dunno said matthew Label: too and since sitting and waiting was the only thing to do just then she sat and waited with all her might and main matthew encountered the stationmaster locking up the ticket office preparatory to going home for supper and asked ____ if the five thirty train would soon be along Label: him barely visible from the main road along which all the other avonlea houses were so sociably ____ missus rachel lynde did not call living in such a place living at all it's just staying that's what she said as she stepped along the deep rutted grassy lane Label: situated not only because the match was good and likely to insure the happiness of her child but because it would also set her at liberty she ran therefore to debray who after having like the rest of paris witnessed the contract scene ____ the scandal attending it Label: and an expression which seemed to imply that she understood all her mother's ____ and pecuniary relationships with the intimate secretary moreover Label: amorous the fact being that every one was too much occupied in his or her own affairs to think of theirs we ____ leave the banker contemplating the enormous magnitude of his debt before the phantom of bankruptcy and follow the baroness Label: will there's never anybody to be had but those stupid half grown little french boys and as soon as you do get ____ broke into your ways and taught something he's up and off to the lobster canneries or the states at first matthew suggested getting a home boy but i said no flat to that Label: one how are all your folks something that for lack of any other name might be called friendship existed and always had existed between marilla cuthbert and missus rachel in ____ of or perhaps because of their dissimilarity marilla was a tall Label: spite madame danglars therefore went to bed ____ a shadow of suspicion and began to muse over the recent events in proportion as her memory became clearer the occurrences of the evening were revealed in their true light what she had taken for confusion was a tumult Label: without how are all your folks something that for lack of any other name might be called friendship existed and always had existed between marilla cuthbert and missus rachel in ____ of or perhaps because of their dissimilarity marilla was a tall Label: spite appeared to the baroness as if shaped for ____ mutual advantage but the inflexibility of the procureur should stop there she would see him the next day and if she could not make him fail in his duties as a magistrate she would at least Label: their ____ not even a brook could run past missus rachel lynde's door without due regard for decency and decorum it probably was conscious that missus rachel was sitting at her window keeping a sharp eye on everything that passed from brooks and children up Label: for you ____ excuse this poor fellow madame Label: will and had gone ____ bed and to sleep she called the maid and questioned her mademoiselle eugenie said the maid Label: to not only because ____ was a source of dissension and scandal under the paternal roof but because she had at once classed him in that catalogue of bipeds whom plato endeavors to withdraw from the appellation of men Label: he bordered with wild rose bushes it's no wonder matthew and marilla are both a little odd living away back here by themselves trees ____ much company though dear knows if they were there'd be enough of them i'd ruther look at people to be sure Label: aren't madame danglars ____ shuddered at the desolate aspect of the mansion Label: involuntarily as avonlea housekeepers were wont ____ tell in awed voices and keeping a sharp eye on the main road that crossed the hollow and wound up the steep red hill beyond Label: to appeared to the baroness as if shaped for ____ mutual advantage but the inflexibility of the procureur should stop there she would see him the next day and if she could not make him fail in his duties as a magistrate she would at least Label: their they were good you know the asylum people but there is so little scope for the imagination in an asylum ____ just in the other orphans it was pretty interesting to imagine things about them Label: only helped run the sunday school and was the strongest prop of the church aid society and foreign missions auxiliary ____ with all this missus rachel found abundant time to sit for hours at her kitchen window knitting cotton warp quilts she had knitted sixteen of them Label: yet and i know another case where an adopted boy used to suck the ____ they couldn't break him of it if you had asked my advice in the matter which you didn't do marilla i'd have said for mercy's sake not to think of such a thing that's what Label: eggs and her ____ was turned towards heaven Label: glance set about on one side with great patriarchal willows and the other with prim lombardies not a stray stick nor stone was to be seen for missus rachel would have seen it if there had been privately she ____ of the opinion that marilla cuthbert swept that yard over as often as she swept her house Label: was whence you got a glimpse of the bloom white cherry trees in the left orchard and nodding slender birches down in the hollow by the brook was greened over by ____ tangle of vines here sat marilla cuthbert when she sat at all always slightly distrustful of sunshine Label: a and a big hat all flowers and nodding plumes and a gold watch and kid gloves and boots i felt cheered up right away and i enjoyed my trip to the island with ____ my might i wasn't a bit sick coming over in the boat neither was missus spencer although she generally is Label: all where do you come from oh this is too ____ madame these are my orders excuse me your name the baroness danglars you have seen me twenty times Label: much had got as far away as he possibly could from his fellow men without actually retreating into the woods when he founded his homestead green gables was built at the furthest edge of his cleared land and ____ it was to this day Label: there it seems uncanny to think of a child at green gables somehow there's never been one there for matthew and marilla were grown up when the new house was built if they ever were children which is ____ to believe when one looks at them i wouldn't be in that orphan's shoes for anything Label: hard i had made up ____ mind that if you didn't come for me to night Label: my but i'd rather believe that it was out of the kindness of his heart wouldn't you when we got on the train i felt as if everybody must be looking at me and pitying me but ____ just went to work and imagined that i had on the most beautiful pale blue silk dress because when you are imagining you might as well imagine something worth while Label: i he had an uncomfortable feeling that the mysterious creatures were secretly laughing at him he may have ____ quite right in thinking so for he was an odd looking personage with an ungainly figure and long iron gray hair that touched his stooping shoulders Label: been and she said she didn't know and for pity's sake not to ask her any more questions she said i must have asked her a thousand already i suppose i had ____ but how you going to find out about things if you don't ask questions and what does make the roads red well now i dunno said matthew Label: too yet what of matthew's white collar and the sorrel mare missus ____ was getting fairly dizzy with this unusual mystery about quiet unmysterious green gables good evening rachel marilla said briskly this is a real fine evening isn't it won't you sit down Label: rachel i had made up ____ mind that if you didn't come for me to night Label: my they may be all right i'm not saying they're not but no london street arabs for me i said give me a ____ born at least there'll be a risk no matter who we get but i'll feel easier in my mind and sleep sounder at nights if we get a born canadian Label: native they may be all right i'm not saying they're not but no london street arabs for me i said give me a ____ born at least there'll be a risk no matter who we get but i'll feel easier in my mind and sleep sounder at nights if we get a born canadian Label: native and she said she didn't know and for pity's sake not to ask her any more questions she said i must have asked her a thousand already i suppose i had ____ but how you going to find out about things if you don't ask questions and what does make the roads red well now i dunno said matthew Label: too not only because ____ was a source of dissension and scandal under the paternal roof but because she had at once classed him in that catalogue of bipeds whom plato endeavors to withdraw from the appellation of men Label: he and i used to imagine i was living here but i never really expected i would it's delightful when your imaginations come true isn't it but those red roads are so funny when we got ____ the train at charlottetown and the red roads began to flash past i asked missus spencer what made them red Label: into the orchard on the slope below the house was in a bridal flush of pinky white bloom hummed over by a myriad of bees thomas lynde a meek ____ man whom avonlea people called rachel lynde's husband was sowing his late turnip seed on the hill field beyond the barn Label: little barely visible from the main road along which all the other avonlea houses were so sociably ____ missus rachel lynde did not call living in such a place living at all it's just staying that's what she said as she stepped along the deep rutted grassy lane Label: situated but no on reflection the procureur was not a merciless man and it was not the magistrate slave to his duties but the friend the loyal friend who roughly but firmly cut into ____ very core of the corruption Label: the
Possible labels: 1. Not similar 2. Similar --- Given: Sent1: But if a law discriminates against someone on the basis of sexual orientation, then the law should stand unless it is applied differently to gay people than to heterosexuals. Sent2: All we have to do is eliminate the laws that discriminate against gay people. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: if we say that same-sex couples should have the right to marry each other, then any two consenting adults should have the legal right to marry each other. Sent2: Since same-sex couples are raising children, the children in these families deserve the right to have two parents who are legally married to each other. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Same-sex marriage does not encourage people do move into the pedophile group; that group still has no sexual or marriage rights under the law. Sent2: Since we're talking about what rights heterosexual people have versus what rights homosexual people have, the only logical conclusion is that both groups have the same rights since marrying whomever you love is not a right. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: If a person and a monkey are in love, they should be allowed to marry. Sent2: Either all people should be allowed to marry the person of their choice or no one should be allowed to marry. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: The DOMAS Defense of Marriage Acts may be overturend under the equal protection phrase of the Constitution but each individual states constitutional amendments will stand........... Sent2: DOMAs probably won't stand up to the scrutiny of liberal activist judges when it comes to gay marriage because of the equal protection clause.........Constitutional amendments will. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: That is not the case with gay marriage laws - only gay people are realistically impacted. Sent2: If gay marriage is or is not legalized, it has no affect on laws against polygamy. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: But people make up the society, so you're really arguing that people should think same-sex marriage is wrong because people think same-sex marriage is wrong. Sent2: I think absolutely no reasonable argument can be made suggesting that same-sex marriage might cause any harm, and I think that no reasonable argument can be made which suggests that same-sex marriage will not help people. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Lastly gay isn't a civil right, you don't have a right to be gay. Sent2: A civil partnership between two homosexual men or two lesbian women should be called a homosexual civil partnership. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: The homosexual agenda's justification for demanding marriage has always been for the equal benefits which marriage affords couples who marry. Sent2: The question is whether gay marriage should be allowed for the gays to benefit from exactly the reasons you claim you have no problem with(insurance and inheritance). Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: Just as YOU are being denied the benefits without getting married (as marriage is federally--opposite sex). Sent2: I've read many responses claiming that marriage is not about sex or making babies,... so on what basis (if any) would you deny two brothers or two sisters the "right" to marry each other? Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: I think you're getting off course here and playing semantic games--the point I was making was that people haven't said THEIR marriages will be affected by gay marriage, at least from what I've seen. Sent2: As far as I know, homosexual people are not barred from marriage. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: I am a conservative, and I don't understand how people who consider themselves to be conservative can also be against gay marriage. Sent2: I'm not saying I'm completely for gay marriage, but I believe that if two people love each other, they have the right to marry. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: The DOMAS Defense of Marriage Acts may be overturend under the equal protection phrase of the Constitution but each individual states constitutional amendments will stand........... Sent2: It WILL take a Constitutional amendment for it to say that homosexuals are less than equal. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Would gay people being allowed to have the same legally recognized marriages that straight people have affect you in any way? Sent2: Nothing would prevent straight couples from the exact same marriage whether gay people can marry or not. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: We are asking that this restriction be removed so that the right to marriage is allowed to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples. Sent2: You did suggest that unmarried heterosexual couples would still be discriminated against, even if we allowed same-sex couples to marry. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: If you would like us to have the rights then marriage is the only way to give us the same rights. Sent2: I think we who support same-sex marriage are very clear that we are fighting for freedom and equality of same-sex marriage, for all the non-heterosexual couples. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: If there are cases where we can not determine what sex a person is, how can we determine if they are homosexual or not? Sent2: And we don't hate gays we just don't think gay marriage is right nor do we see a men to men action nor women to women action right Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: I don't care if calling it "marriage" offends people, or violates what they call the sanctity of marriage, gays should have the same RIGHTS that a married couple gets. Sent2: But I can assure you that the reason gay people fight to legalize same-sex marriage is not that they want people to recognize them, but simply because they want equal treatment under the law. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: Yes, i agree to that but two people with the same sex can't make babies. Sent2: Before you state that same-sex couples cannot have children, understand that such a claim is a myth propogated by people whose religious values do not permit having sex outside a marriage or using a surrogate parent. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: I personally think state governments should not be able to grant marriages and should only be able to grant civil unions to everyone. Sent2: On a personal level I don't care if homosexuals get married or not but I disagree with the idea that the state and federal government don't have a right to define marriage terms. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: when we say should gays be allowed to get "married" we mean, "should they have the right to be allowed official union" Sent2: We don't necessarily have a right to officially recognized gay marriage, but we have every right to tell the government if we want it or not. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: I have no problem with gay marriage, I do have a problem with the invasion of people's rights to believe that gay union is wrong. Sent2: I think the reason there has been resistance to redefine marriage is that people really know that this is not a civil rights issue, despite attempts by the gay lobby to paint it that way. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: While I don't have a problem with gay marriage personally, I do support the power of the voters. Sent2: I am personally opposed to same sex marriage for religious reasons, but I support freedom of religion so I will vote to make it legal because people have the right to choose. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: If two men or two women are happy together, love each other, and want to be with each other forever why shouldn't they be allowed to get married?? Sent2: The only thing we are saying is that men who are attracted to other adult men should be allowed to get married, just as men who are attracted to other adult women should be allowed to get married. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: And people who oppose gay marriage, what's the difference between giving equal rights through a civil union and marriage? Sent2: With gay marriage, the issue is changing marriage to be something it's not, to whatever. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: But people make up the society, so you're really arguing that people should think same-sex marriage is wrong because people think same-sex marriage is wrong. Sent2: Candian society is very accepting of gay people and has instituted equal marriage for same-sex couples. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: You did suggest that unmarried heterosexual couples would still be discriminated against, even if we allowed same-sex couples to marry. Sent2: The more you put same sex couples on the "outs" the more you do damage to ALL couples and families. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: If a person and a monkey are in love, they should be allowed to marry. Sent2: marriage is simply two people who love each other expressing that love and making a commitment, so why can't a man and a man or a woman and a woman who are in love make a commitment? Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: But this isn't what is happening; people are denying gay people the right to marry completely, and they are granting no reason except "my religion should be law, and yours should not." Sent2: If two people cannot do this for some legal reason, they are being denied equal rights unless marriage is completely outlawed within that nation. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: For example, if a state Congress passes a bill that grants additional benefits to marriages and civil unions, a governor could simply line-item veto the benefit to civil unions, which then means that the benefits would apply only to marriage. Sent2: Any legislature could grant additional benefits to marriage with as much ease as it takes to leave off the words "and civil unions". Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: Since people cannot come up with any tangible reason for denying same-sex couples marriage - and same-sex couple can at least quantify the harm of denying them marriage, who do you think wins the argument? Sent2: The more you put same sex couples on the "outs" the more you do damage to ALL couples and families. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: I have no problem with homosexuality, but marriage should be between a man and woman. Sent2: While I don't have a problem with gay marriage personally, I do support the power of the voters. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: The issue of same-sex marriage will determine whether marriage is about family or sexual preference, for we either give it to all families or all people of a specific sexual preference. Sent2: Same sex marriage can cause a perfect union of two people the same as M/F and can make a mockery or marriage just as many M/F unions currently do. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Since it has been framed as an issue of prejudice, and since progressive ideals against prejudice are among the most universally appealing, people are more likely to accept the position for gay marriage without questioning it as much. Sent2: Since it has been framed as an issue of prejudice, and since progressive ideals against prejudice are among the most universally appealing, people are more likely to accept the position for gay marriage without questioning it as much.��_��__��_��__ Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: If there are cases where we can not determine what sex a person is, how can we determine if they are homosexual or not? Sent2: Same-sex couples do not have that choice currently, and all we are talking about is giving them that choice. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: I would fight against number two because I'm for states rights do you believe each state should have the right not to recognize any marriage - for instance the states that had laws prohibiting interracial marriages? Sent2: As I have stated above, polygamous relationships are already recognized and are already equal under the law to those of monogamous couples. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: With gay marriage, the issue is changing marriage to be something it's not, to whatever. Sent2: Straight people have marriages gay people have domestic partnerships they are practically the same thing why change it there's really no need to. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Well, if that's a reason to ban homosexuals from marriage, then along the same line of thought, then any couple that is infertile or chooses not to have children should not be permitted to get married. Sent2: But this is not the same reason why some people have argued against legalizing same-sex marriage, where biological effects on the offspring of the couple are not an issue. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: You are using a double-standard that is unfair not only to couples, but to their children, who end up losing the protection of having two married parents simply because other people don't like the sex of the two parents. Sent2: What you are missing is that if gay people have the right to marry then their marriage must be recognised under equal protection. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: We absolutely must give same-sex and opposite-sex couples the same legal benefits under the law, and the same access to legal institutions under the law, or we are promoting the idea that one is superior to the other. Sent2: if we say that same-sex couples should have the right to marry each other, then any two consenting adults should have the legal right to marry each other. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: For example, you might try to say that by allowing same-sex marriage, we are violating one man's right to be comfortable knowing gays can't marry. Sent2: - We need to understand that disagreeement over whether gays should be allowed to have legal same sex marriage is not "gay-bashing." Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: As with same-sex marriage, I believe that many of the arguments used to support gay rights can be used to support incestual marriage. Sent2: I think we who support same-sex marriage are very clear that we are fighting for freedom and equality of same-sex marriage, for all the non-heterosexual couples. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: I don't think we were supposed to be falling in love with the same sex and if we do feel that attraction it is easy to stop it. Sent2: Honestly I think that there is no difference in love if people are of different sex or no, the feelings and the affection are important. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: the issue of gay marriage should not amount to a gag-rule. Sent2: With gay marriage, the issue is changing marriage to be something it's not, to whatever. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: I am a conservative, and I don't understand how people who consider themselves to be conservative can also be against gay marriage. Sent2: I have seen only two arguments (and one of them is restated here) for gay marriage to not be a thing: we have to protect the sanctity of marriage or marriage should only be for people who can reproduce. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Gay activists argue that government needs to grant same-sex marriage rights to homosexuals so they will have visitation rights. Sent2: What they want legalized is something that the government calls marriage and conveys with it the same rights and responsibilities that are conveyed upon what the government calls marriage between people of opposite sexes. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: If we allow same-sex couples to legally marry, does it in anyway water down any other marriage between opposite-sex couples? Sent2: We both know that as long as marriage is kept for opposite-sex couples alone, then opposite-sex couples will be elevated above same-sex couples under the law. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: We are asking that this restriction be removed so that the right to marriage is allowed to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples. Sent2: If we allow same-sex couples to legally marry, does it in anyway water down any other marriage between opposite-sex couples? Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Unlike same sex couples, children do not have the ability to establish their rights any other way. Sent2: By the way allowing same sex marriage does'nt automatically mean their going to have or adopt children, also Lesbians can still have children wether they are married or not Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: If you consider sexual deviancy as normal then you can consider gay sex as normal. Sent2: I do not want gay deviant sex to be considered anything other than that, deviant. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: My arguments are based on my reasoned opinion that to be a truly free and equal society, acting according to our founding principles in the Declaration of Independence, we should grant equal marriage rights to same-sex couples. Sent2: The idea that we should disallow same-sex marriage simply because it is a norm in society implies that we do not have a reason to deny same-sex marriage except for the norms of the society. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: By the way allowing same sex marriage does'nt automatically mean their going to have or adopt children, also Lesbians can still have children wether they are married or not Sent2: What about gays who adopt should they only be allowed to get married because they adopted a child? Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Now outside of this country things are very different I know, but I still don't think gay marriage is going to significantly impact this. Sent2: I think you're getting off course here and playing semantic games--the point I was making was that people haven't said THEIR marriages will be affected by gay marriage, at least from what I've seen. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: It would require that the government not provide any benefits to any married couples (same sex or not)and their families. Sent2: It is usually just as religiously important to same-sex couples to be married as it is for opposite-sex couples, and no one should be able to tell those people that the government cannot recognize their relationship. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Changing the current state of marriage to allow same sex marriage will not effect straight marriages at all. Sent2: Possibly, but changing marriage to allow such between couples of the same sex is going against the custom and usage of societies throughout the ages. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: That is not the case with gay marriage laws - only gay people are realistically impacted. Sent2: The people of several states determined that gay marriage is not a right in their constitution. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: It is those opposed to gay rights who don't care about the commitment; it is those opposed who say that it does not matter how commited a same-sex couple is, same-sex couples can't have marriage. Sent2: Those people who are fighting against the rights of gays to marry do not want to see same-sex couples receive any rights or recognitions of their relationships. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: Just because a homosexual may marry someone of the opposite sex does not suddenly justify keeping them from marrying a person of the opposite sex. Sent2: A married gay person is unlikely to have sex with others while he/she is married so therefore, the virus would really be kept between the couple. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: God says a marriage is between a man and a woman. Sent2: My problem with that statement, though, is that the bible makes references where it says that a marrige is to be strictly between only one man and one woman. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: However it should be recognised that gay marriage is not the same as opposite sex marriage. Sent2: Marrying someone of the same sex is forbidden whether you are gay and straight, and marriage of the opposite sex is legal whether you are gay and straight. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: And people who oppose gay marriage, what's the difference between giving equal rights through a civil union and marriage? Sent2: Gay people aren't going to accept "separate but equal" civil unions, and heterosexual people aren't going to want to allow gay people to have civil marriages. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: However, a man and a woman are both "persons" under the law and are not treated differently under the law. Sent2: In the case of Loving v. Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia argued that their law prohibiting inter-racial marriages did provide equal protection, because it treated everyone equally in denying people the right to marry someone of a different race. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Actually, I believe the tenth amendment states that we have rights not listed in the Constitution (I think it is the tenth, I may be wrong). Sent2: I would fight against number two because I'm for states rights do you believe each state should have the right not to recognize any marriage - for instance the states that had laws prohibiting interracial marriages? Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Now outside of this country things are very different I know, but I still don't think gay marriage is going to significantly impact this. Sent2: I think the burden should be on a state that bans a form of marriage to show that that specific form of marriage does harm to people. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: If you would like us to have the rights then marriage is the only way to give us the same rights. Sent2: Having the "right" to marry someone we don't want to marry is no right at all. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: However, a man and a woman are both "persons" under the law and are not treated differently under the law. Sent2: In the case of Loving v. Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia argued that their law prohibiting inter-racial marriages did provide equal protection, because it treated everyone equally in denying people the right to marry someone of a different race. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: BUT I can't see where the line is drawn between the christian right wanting more couples to marry and gay couples marrying. Sent2: I realize that homosexuals are not attracted to members of the opposite sex and so they don't want to get married. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: The argument in favor of same-sex marriage is based on religion often as well; whole bunches of people hold religious beliefs which state that marriage is between any two people who are not related by family. Sent2: But concerning marriage per se it has always been a matter for society as a whole with it always being held as between people of the opposite sex. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: The fact is, homosexual marriage is anathema to many religious people. Sent2: Homosexual marriage is something that religious people disagree with by drawing a false line between right and wrong. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: Those who see marriage today as a legal right would continue to see it as such. Sent2: As I've said many times already, there are more similarities when it comes to gay marriage, to all other legal marriages. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: And of course the unspoken result of gay marriage will be the demand that all forms of perversions of traditional marriages must now be allowed because the precedent has been set with same sex marriages. Sent2: Even if it was certain that allowing same-sex marriage would allow these forms of marriage, that would only be a downside of legalizing same-sex marriage, it wouldn't be a reason that same-sex marriage itself is wrong. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: I also think that most Americans are truly uninformed when it comes to the issue of same sex marriage. Sent2: There are a lot of in this country who believe that same sex marriage is just as oddball as the ones I mentioned Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: You know, if you aren't able to grasp the concept of the inconsistency of saying one is against gay marriage when saying they are for gay rights, I don't know what else to say. Sent2: I feel like you are keeping gay marriage and gay rights separate in your mind, and I think that that is a very wrong assumption. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: (and I don't know why that would make a real difference) Also, we weren't changing the definition of marriage. Sent2: We should not argue that gays should have the 'right' to marry we should argue that the definition of ' marriage' should be changed. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: A valid argument against incestuous marriage would not have as its only premise "Marriage is defined as a legal bond between a man and a woman who are not x-apart related." Sent2: It wasn't seeking to redefine what marriage is, it was about applying marriage (as it already was--between a man and a woman) to inter-racial couples. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: You're saying the right to marriage is satisfied as long as you are allowed to marry one person irrespective of who that person is or whatever qualities that person may have. Sent2: Currently if you are a man and woman you are special because as a couple you can do something a gay couple can not. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: It's not as if these people will switch to being straight if gay marriage isn't allowed. Sent2: then why does the state allow couples who can't have children to get married or couples in their 70's and 80's to get married but won't let gay people get married? Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: How does any gay getting married effect any straight couple? Sent2: Nothing would prevent straight couples from the exact same marriage whether gay people can marry or not. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: Gay Marriage is not a religious issue it is a civil rights issue. Sent2: When a homosexual can be fired from his/her job because they are gay, discriminated against in housing because they are gay, and do not have the same rights marriage affords because they are gay, its a civil rights issue. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: But those who want to engage in same-sex marriage do care. Sent2: Kronus is right the people, who don't like same sex marriage, want to deny samesex couples marriage, even though there is nothing in the law, or constitution that says same sex couples can't be married. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Gay people sometimes do get married to opposite-sex spouses, often because they are struggling with their sexual orientation and are trying, through marriage, to make themselves heterosexual. Sent2: Regardless of the morality (or immorality) of gay sex and marriage, if people need benefits they need benefits. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: If gay marriage is just called marriage, how do we express that a couple is straight married? Sent2: It is a personal choice that is made from personal beliefs so who are we to say that gay couples do not have the right to enjoy all of the benefits that straight couples do? Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Everyone has the right to marry someone of the opposite sex, and with gay marriage, everyone will have the right to marry someone of the same AND opposite sex. Sent2: Just because a homosexual may marry someone of the opposite sex does not suddenly justify keeping them from marrying a person of the opposite sex. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: And some people, who happen to dislike gay people, should not be allowed to use the state to aim discriminatory laws against gay people. Sent2: Those people who don't voice an opinion in favor of gay civil unions are enabling the discrimination between heterosexual and homosexual couples to continue. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: Carrying out marriages properley you mean loving each other unconditionally until parted by death, Gay people are capable of this, so should be allowed to marry. Sent2: Marriage is for people who love and want to spend life with each other. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: Yet we've shown that we can have opposite-sex marriage without having everything else, haven't we? Sent2: But really the only thing we have to know on the issue of same sex marriage is the Supreme Court believes marriage is a right and right now gay couples do not have that right. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Gay activists argue that government needs to grant same-sex marriage rights to homosexuals so they will have visitation rights. Sent2: When a homosexual can be fired from his/her job because they are gay, discriminated against in housing because they are gay, and do not have the same rights marriage affords because they are gay, its a civil rights issue. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: This is not going to change as same-sex marriage becomes legal in more places. Sent2: If gay marriage were made legal, the amendment would have to prohibit incestuous marriage and polygamy at the same time. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: I rather give gays their rights than to live in a country that says it's equal, yet won't allow two lesbians to have the same marital status as a man and a woman. Sent2: This fight is about equal rights for gay people; I believe that equality is all that is needed for acceptance, and it sounds to me that you believe the same. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: There are relatively few gay people in the world, and the number of families headed by same-sex couples is tiny compared with the number of divorced parents and remarried parents and single parents. Sent2: You can look at this as single people, married people, and gay couples that can't marry but are not single. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: The only way that we can fight homophobia is by showing people that homosexuals deserve the same rights as straight couples. Sent2: Since we're talking about what rights heterosexual people have versus what rights homosexual people have, the only logical conclusion is that both groups have the same rights since marrying whomever you love is not a right. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: It's called gay rights because it is gay rights. Sent2: Not to mention visitation rights in hospitals, or any one of the thousands of rights denied gay couples. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: By defining marriage to be only legal if "between one man and one woman" these groups are forcing society by law to believe and teach ONLY WHAT THEIR RELIGIONS BELIEVE and teach about marriage. Sent2: How does the state ensure that gay people can exersize their right to marriage if the only person able to perform the marriage is exempted from perfoming the marriage based upon religious beliefs? Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Marriage outta government insures gays can't marry (unless the church break the Bible) because marriage is really a religious thing. Sent2: Lesbians and gays can be joined in a legal ceremony, recognized by church and state, but it doesn't have to be called a "marriage". Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: If you listen to people talking about the benefits of marriage upon society (Note, DIFFERENT from the benefits the government gives married couples)... Sent2: I pointed out to you that the same argument could be made against interracial marriage - so what if we'd force people to allow the government to grant benefits to a new group? Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Gay people aren't prevented from marrying each other, they just don't get the benefits that are given for it. Sent2: Regardless of the morality (or immorality) of gay sex and marriage, if people need benefits they need benefits. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Supporters of gay and lesbian equal rights want to make sure everyone has equal, fundamental rights. Sent2: When asked if gay marriage should be allowed to exist equally with marriage, but with a different name, gay rights advocates respond that this would separate it from marriage and cause discrimination. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: It would require that the government not provide any benefits to any married couples (same sex or not)and their families. Sent2: There is no good reason behind giving marriage benefits to people based on their sex and there are plenty of reasons to do just the opposite. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Allowing gay marriage without also rewriting common law statutes discriminates against unmarried heteros living together. Sent2: And due to the fact that all people must be treated equally under the law because heterosexuals can get married then so must homosexuals be allowed to get married. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: It is those opposed to gay rights who don't care about the commitment; it is those opposed who say that it does not matter how commited a same-sex couple is, same-sex couples can't have marriage. Sent2: I don't care if calling it "marriage" offends people, or violates what they call the sanctity of marriage, gays should have the same RIGHTS that a married couple gets. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Problem is ... when people continually get their state's to make laws that say only heterosexual people can marry each other, then those religions that will and want to marry gays and honor their marriages, now cannot. Sent2: Any one who has voted yes to place these amendments into state constitutions because they have a religious belief that excludes gay people from marriage has also imposed those religious beliefs upon gay people. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: Nothing would prevent straight couples from the exact same marriage whether gay people can marry or not. Sent2: Especially since gays are equal in that they have the same rights to marry as straight people do. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Therefore, if the bible says gays are in the wrong, allowing gay marriage is no problem. Sent2: I have no problem with gay marriage, I do have a problem with the invasion of people's rights to believe that gay union is wrong. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: In as much as "marriage" is a right (I don't see it as an absolute right) all men and all women have an equal right to marry. Sent2: Remember, part of what defines marriage is that it is between a man and woman. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: Marriage was never defined as between a Man and Woman until religious Zealots pushed the Government to define it in such a way to deny Gay people their right to marry. Sent2: The people of several states determined that gay marriage is not a right in their constitution. Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: It's weird indeed that all states except one allow single gay people to adopt children, but many do not allow gay couples to be adoptive parents together. Sent2: What about gays who adopt should they only be allowed to get married because they adopted a child? Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: I don't think most religious peoples' opposition to gay marriage has to do with individual harm. Sent2: And as I pointed out, "most people who oppose gay marriage" are actually opposing gay marriage because they very much oppose gays in general. Ans: Not similar --- Given: Sent1: The homosexual agenda's justification for demanding marriage has always been for the equal benefits which marriage affords couples who marry. Sent2: It is my sincere feeling that short of redifineing marriage that all gays should have the same benefits afforded married straight couples........ Ans: Similar --- Given: Sent1: Just because a homosexual may marry someone of the opposite sex does not suddenly justify keeping them from marrying a person of the opposite sex. Sent2: But concerning marriage per se it has always been a matter for society as a whole with it always being held as between people of the opposite sex. Ans: Not similar
Context: Hi Are you interested in learning about Azerbaijan today? Hi again, I am interested in Azerbaijan, can you please tell me about demographics there? There are an estimated 12,000Jews that remain in Azerbaijan. The area there has an ancient Jewish population with a 2,000-year history. That is an interesting fact, can you tell me more about that? Most of the people there are ethnic Azerbaijanis. Besides the Jewish population and ethnic Azerbaijanis are there other ethnic populations represented there? Other ethnicities represented there are Russians, Georgians as well as mother minorities. That is a diverse population! I would like to learn about some history now, what can you tell me? The Safavids converted what was the Sunni population to Shia Islam. This was also done with the population in what is now known as modern-day Iron. Ok that's interesting, is there more you can tell me about history and the Sunni population? Sunni Muslims make up about 15% of the population there. Good to know, do you have one more fact about history? As a result of the Ottoman-Safavid War that occurred between 1578-1590 allowed the Sunni Ottomans to briefly manage to occupy parts of what is now present-day Azerbaijan. Thank you for helping me learn about Azerbaijan! I appreciate all the fun facts! My pleasure. Label: Azerbaijan Context: Hi, I am trying to learn about Guam. What can you tell me about the education there? before sep 1997, the us dept of defense partnered with guam board of education Wow, I did not know that. Is there more information on education? guams educational system has always faced unique challenges as a small community located 6000 mi from the us mainland with a very diverse student body including many students who come from backgrounds without traditional american education It sounds like they have a pretty good education system for a small place. What do you know about film making there? in the 2015 film pixels the scene of the first alien attack takes place at the anderson afb I liked that Pixel movie! Did not know it was filmed in Guam. What other film facts do you know? over the years, a number of films have been shot on guam, including shiro's head (directed by the muna brothers) and the govt-funded max havoc:curse of the dragon (2004) I did not know filming was so popular there. Do you have any other facts on this? no but I can tell you that lying in the western pacific, guam is a popular destination for japanese tourists Wow, thanks. I appreciate all of this information on Guam so much! Anytime! Label: Guam Context: Hi, can you tell me about Liechtenstein? It participates in a customs union with switzerland Great, what about its demographics? It is a country in Western Europe. It is the 6th smallest country in the world What about its economy, is it a poor country? I do not know about the economy but would you like to know about education Sure that would work too. It has the highest pisa scores of any European country when checked in 2012 So, they are intelligent, can I get more on their economy or demographics if available. . Sure, The capitol is Vaduz. It is a town with a population of 5000 Okay, thank you, that is all the information I needed. You are welcome Label: Liechtenstein Context: Iran is sure a controversial country, what can you tell me about its history? The Safavid era saw the start of mass integration from Caucasian populations into layers of the society of Iran. Is there any more details you can provide about Iran's history During the reign of Nader Shah, Iran reached its greatest since the Sassanian Empire, reestablishing the Iraninan hegemony all over the Caucasus. Wow, what can you tell me about Irans government? The government of Iran maintains diplomatic relations with 99 members of the United Nations. Anything else you can share? The government supports the military activities of its allies in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. Interesting, Can you tell me something about Irans politics? Iran has provided significant support to the Syrian government in the Syrian Civil War. What kind of support has Iran provided the Syrians, was it financial support or military support? They provided Military support. Thanks for the information, I learned so much. Your welcome. Label: Iran Context: Hello can you please tell me about Tonga and its economy? Hello. Tonga is a country in Pacific Ocean. It has 159 Islands and only 36 has inhabitants. Can you tell me something else about the economy? Tonga's economy characterized by large non-monetary sector and a heavy dependence in remittances from half the country's population. What about it's Culture? In the 19th century, with the arrival of western traders and missionaries, Tongan culture changed, especially in religion. Anything else about it's Culture? British and Irish Lion and Welsh International player Taulupe "Toby"Faletau is Tongan born and son of Tongan International Kull Faletau. Interesting. Thank you. You're welcome! Did you want any other information? I guess you can tell me one more thing about the culture. Many Tongans have emigrated to Australia, New Zealand, or the United States to seek employment and a higher standard of living. Label: Tonga Context: Hello. I would like to learn more about Dominica. Alright. Dominica is an island nation in the Caribbean Sea. Is there a specific topi you would like information on? Yes, could you tell me more about the culture in Dominica. Yes, of course. Like other Caribbean islands Dominicans developed a distinct twist to their cuisine. Their cuisine is similar though to St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and especially Jaimaica. Cool! Do you have any information about the media? I am sorry I do not have any specific information on media. However is celebration of their independence from Great Britain they held the 11th annual World Creole Music Festival in 2007. That is interesting. Any more information you cam share about the culture? The music in Dominica is a melange of Haitian, Afro-Cuban , African and European traditions. Great! Thank you for all the information that you have provided today. I am glad I can help. Also the vast majority of Dominicans are of African descent. Thank you. Is there anymore I can help you with? Label: Dominica Context: Hi I would like to learn about the Cayman Islands what can you tell me? The University College of the Cayman Islands has campuses on Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac and is the only government-run university on the Cayman Islands . What can you tell me about their economy? The lighthouse is the centrepiece of East End Lighthouse Park , managed by the National Trust for the Cayman Islands ; the first navigational aid on the site was the first lighthouse in the Cayman Islands. Interesting. What else can you tell me about their economy? The National Trust for the Cayman Islands provides guided tours weekly on the Mastic Trail and other locations . I bet it's a beautiful tour. What can you tell me about sports in the Cayman Islands? The Cayman Islands is a member of FIFA , the International Olympic Committee and the Pan American Sports Organisation , and also competes in the biennial Island Games . Do you have any other information about sports in the Cayman Islands? The Cayman Islands is a member of the International Cricket Council which they joined in 1997 as an Affiliate , before coming an Associate member in 2002 . Awesome thank you. Any other cool facts you could share with me? The Cayman Islands Immigration Department requires foreigners to remain out of the country until their work permit has been approved . Good to know! I think that's all the information I need. Have a great day. You are so welcome. Label: Cayman Islands Context: Hi I would like to learn about Malawi Malawi is a landlocked country in south-east Africa. It was formerly known as Nyasaland. Can you tell me more about their geography? Malawi is bordered by Zambia to the northwest, Tanzania to the northeast, and Mozambique to the south, southwest, and southeast. I didn't know that, please tell me more about their geography? A gently rolling land called the Shire Highlands is approximately 3000 ft above sea level. It lies to the south of Lake Malawi. What is there military like in Malawi. Can you share information about their military? The Malawi army is now made up of two rifle regiments and one parachute regiment. The army originated from British colonial units formed before independence. I'm learning so much. Please tell me more about Malawi. Still on the topic of the military, the Germans helped to establish the Malawi Air Force in 1976. The Air Force operates a small number of transport aircraft and multi-purpose helicopters. Oh okay. Is Saint Kitts geography based on a volcano? Do you mean Malawi? I don't see any information on volcanoes, but the lake bottom of Lake Malawi is over 700 ft below sea level at some points. The surface of the lake is 1500 ft above sea level with a maximum depth of 2300 ft. Well I've learned so much today about Malawi. Thank you for the interesting facts. Have a nice day! You're quite welcome! Label: Malawi Context: Hello! I would like to learn about Guinea, please! Sure, Guinea, or the Republic of Guinea is an independent nation in Western Africa. Interesting. Do you have any facts for me about History? Sure, France negotiated Guinea’s present boundaries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with the British for Sierra Leone, the Portuguese for their Guinea colony ( now Guinea Bissau and Liberia. Can I get more facts about History, please? Yes I will share this information, Among their goals the Portuguese military wanted to kill or capture Sekou Toure due his support of the PAIGC, an independence movement and rebel group that carried out attacks inside Portuguese Guinea from their bases in Guinea. Very informative! ...and now let's switch to Transport infrastructure, please. Sure, Rio Tinto Limited plans to build a 650 km railway to transport iron ore from the mine to the coast near Matakong for export Can I get more facts about Transport, please? Sure, Much of the Simandou iron ore is expected to shipped to China for steel production. How did Guinea became a French speaking country? any culture facts? I don’t have a direct answer to that question but I will share this information, Guinea’s colonial period began with French military penetration into the area in the mid 19th century. Interesting...and my last question cool fact about anything, please? Sure, Approximately 10,000 non African live in Guinea predominantly Lebanese French and other Europeans Thank you for all the information. That is all I need for now! You are welcome Label: Guinea Context: Hi can you tell me about Kollam? Sure! Kollam is a city in the Indian state of Kerala. Would you like to learn about its history? Not right now. I would like to learn about its geography. Kollam city is bordered by the panchayats of Needdakara and Thrikkaruva to the north, Mayyanad to the south and Thrikkovilvattom and Kottamkara to the east, and by the Laccadive Sea to the west. I've never heard of any of those places! What else can you tell me about its geography? The city is about 71 km from Thiruvananthapuram, 142 km from Kochi and 350km from Kozhikode. That's a very long name! Do you have information on sports in Kollam? They have an International Hockey Stadium with an astroturf facility that is there at Asramam in the city. I didn't realize they played Hockey in India. Do they play any other sports? It is actually used as a multipurpose stadium and has repeatedly hosted such sporting events as the Ranji Trophy, Santhosh Trophy, and National Games. Do you have any other interesting facts about Kollam? Did you know that Kollam is known as India's hub for bank test coaching centers, with around 40 such institutes in the district? I din't know that! Thanks for all the interesting facts! You are welcome! Label: Kollam Context: Hello, can you tell me some fun facts about Angola? Of course! Angola is a country in Africa and its capital is Luanda. Angola is in the south of the continent. Angola is a member state of the African Union, and many others. Cool.Can you tell me about the economy? Sure. In Dec of 2006, Angola was admitted as a member of OPEC. Their financial system is maintained by the National Bank of Angola and managed by the governor Jose de Lima Massano. Please do tell me more. On December 19 2014, the Capital Market in Angola started. Also, oil production from Angola has increased so significantly that Angola now is China's biggest supplier of oil. Cool and can you tell me something about the geography? Yeah! Angola Please go on. Angola is a west-coast country of south-central Africa. Their capital and largest city of Angola is Luanda. Didn't know it was in Africa. What else can you tell me? I'm sorry, I don't have any more information on the geography. Thats okay, that will be all thank you You're welcome! Label: Angola Context: Want to learn about Kolkata Sure! Kolkata is the capital of West Bengal state in India and the 2nd largest Indian city after Mumbai. It is located on the east bank of River Hooghly. What things tell me about their culture Kolkata is considered the cultural capital of India, earning it the nickname "the City of Furious, Creative Energy". Interesting anything else Some of the cultural events and festivals in Kolkata include the Kolkata Book Fair, the Dover Lane Music Festival, the Kolkata Film Festival and Nandikar's National Theatre Festival. what can you tell me about the demographics The city's population has more men than women due to many men from surrounding rural areas who leave their families behind to work in Kolkata. Awesome Anything else It seems that of all crimes committed among 35 large Indian cities in 2004, 67.6% occurred in Kolkata. This was very interesting thank you for all the in fly unaided You're welcome Have a great day You too! Label: Kolkata Context: I would like to learn more about the city of Greece! Hello. Sure, I would be happy to give you some details on Greece. Northern Greece is the country's most-visited geographical region. It has had 6.5 million tourist, while Central Greece comes in second with 6.3 million tourist seen. Oh ok what could you tell me the politics country ? Sure, They have their own police force called the Hellenic Police. What else can you tell me? Greece Maintains the Hellenic Coast Guard, they are responsible for the law enforcement at sea. They also conduct search & rescue as well as port operations. The armed forces are supervised by the Hellenic National Defense General Staff and they also have civilian authority bested into the Ministry of National Defense, which consists of 3 branches. Oh ok, nice! What could you tell me about the etymology of the city of Greece? I do not have that information but I can tell you about more politics or the history? Ok, that's fine! Label: Greece Context: I know nothing about Tajikistan, can you tell me about the country and how people get around Hello. Yes, I can. The Tajik-Afghan Friendship Bridge was built in 2004 between Afghanistan and Tajikistan. This improved Tajikistan's access to South Asia. Is Tajikistan an island and the bridge connects it to the mainland? No, it is not an island. Is there a mass transit system there? or does everybody drive An agreement was signed in 2012 between the presidents of Tajikistan, Iran, and Afghanistan to construct railways and roads to connect the three nations. with those war torn countries connecting together has it changed the way the health of the population is handled. The health care system of Tajikistan ranks among the poorest and most underdeveloped in the world. It has severe shortages of medical supplies despite efforts by the government to improve and expand the system. Is theirs a Free Health Care system I'm afraid I don't have any further information on the country's health care beyond that. Sad that in today's world there isn't more help. Thank you for your information. Is there anything else you'd like to know about Tajikistan? Is there anything fun to do there Well, if you like to visit large infrastructure, the Nurek Dam in Tajikistan is the second-highest dam in the world. maybe another time. have a good day and Thank you again. You're welcome. Label: Tajikistan Context: Where is Gujarat located? It is a state within the Republic of India. Would you like to learn about it today? Yes, can you tell me about its history? Once defeated, Gujarat became part of the Muslim Empire What else can you tell me about its history? The oldest written record of their 2,000 year maritime history is documented in a greek book called the Periplus. Can you tell me about their tourists? It is one of the most popular states in India for tourism actually, and it has an annual of 19.81 million tourists. Interesting, any other information? If you plan to be a tourist there you could use the public transit within Gujarat, and to the other states in India. Great thank you for your help. You're welcome! Label: Gujarat Context: I'm looking to find some information on Salt Lake City. Can you tell me anything? it is a city in the united states and utah is the state which it is in I'd like to find out about their Demographics, please. they have the third largest lankan community in the united states What is lankan? there are Catholics Is that the main religion in Salt Lake City? Actually 50% of there residents are members of the LSD church. What about their Economy? its railroads are called the cross roads of the west because steel and mining and railroad operations are where they get most of there income Is there any tourism in the area? Since the winter Olympic games in 2002 tourism did increase and more hotels and restaruants were built. Good to know. Thanks so much for chatting with me. your welcome Label: Salt Lake City Context: Hello can you tell me about the Demographic of Alabama? Alabama exists in Birmingham, Huntsville and Florence Can you tell me more? Sure. Alabama is located in middle of the Bible belt. A region of numerous Protestants, Christians wow can you tell me about the etymology? Sorry I don't have and information regarding etymology. would you like to know about Demography Yes please In 2008 American Religious Identification survey 86% of Alabama respondentsb reported their regilion as Christian , Including 6% Catholic with 11% as having no religion What else can you tell me? Those citing "American " ancestry in Alabama are generally of English or British ancestry Thanks for all the great info. Your Welcome. I am glad I could help you. Label: Alabama Context: I'd like to learn about Maharashtra. What can you tell me about it? Sure! Maharashtra is a state in India. The language spoke there is Marathi. It is also the third biggest state in India. Do you know what the population is? Yes! According to the 2011 Census, the population was around 112,374,333. Which is 9.28% of India's population. Oh wow! That's quite a bit. What can you tell me about the economy? Of course! Maharashtra is the manufacturing hub for some of the largest public sector industries in India. The state accounts for 28% of the software exports of India. Interesting! Tell me more! Sure thing. The economy of Maharashtra is the largest state economy in India! The state also has the largest portion of taxpayers in India. I would like to know about the etymology. Yes, the capital of Maharashtra is Mumbai. The name Mumbai comes from the original name of the city Mumbapuri. The name Maharashtra means great nation. Great information! Is there any fact that you find interesting? One fact that I find interesting is that besides the Marathi theatre, Maharashtra and particularly Mumbai have a long tradition of theatre in other languages! The languages include Gujarati, Hindi, and English. Very fascinating! Thank you so much for your help! You're welcome! Label: Maharashtra Context: Can you tell me about the education in Dubai? Did you know that the most well known universities in Dubai are American Universities, Hult International Business School, Al Ghurair University, The American College of Dubai, University of Wollongong in Dubai, British University in Dubai, they offer courses in Business Administration, Engineering, Architecture and Interior Design. Do you know if citizens are granted scholarship to attend these schools? Unfortunately I do not have that information however I can tell you that a number of schools offers either a CBSE or an Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Indian syllabus. Can you tell me more about the demographics of Dubai? Every mosques in Dubai are managed by the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department also known as Awqaf under the Government of Dubai and all Imams are appointed by the Government. Are other religions practiced? Unfortunately I do not have that information however I can tell you that Dubai's school system follows that of the United Arab Emirates Can you tell me what are the ethnic backgrounds of the citizens? Sorry I don't have that information I can tell you that the Constitution of the United Arab Emirates provides for freedom of religion. Is there a primary language? Arabic is the national and official language of the United Arab Emirates. Thanks for the info! You are welcome Label: Dubai Context: Hello. Can you give me some information about Bridgeport, Connecticut? Hello, Bridgepoint is a city of Connecticut in the United States. It is the most populated city in the state of Connecticut with a population of 137,912 as of 2006. Great! What can you tell me about their media? The last three letters standing for Industrial Capitol of Connecticut. Is that a TV station or a radio station? What kind of media do they have in Bridgeport? From 1951 to 1956 one of the station's radio hosts was Bob Crane, who later went on to play Col. Robert Hogan on the Hogan's Heroes television comedy series. Oh really? I did not know that. Interesting. I used to watch that show. What can you tell me about the culture of Bridgeport? I am sorry, I do not know anything about its culture, but I can tell you that from 2001 to 2003 it was the homefield for the Bridgepoint Barrage, a Major League Lacrosse team. Ok. Are there any other fun facts that you can tell me about Bridgeport, CT? The system has about 20,800 students, making the Bridgepoint Public School the second largest school system in Connecticut after Hartford. That's a lot of kids. I hope they have enough teachers to be able to teach them good. Thank you for all of the interesting information. Have a great day! Sure, have a great day! Label: Bridgeport, Connecticut Context: Hello, what can you tell me about the Federated States of Micronesia? Micronesia is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean, northeast of Papua New Guinea. The country is sovereign state in free association with the United Sates. Oh how interesting. Tell me about their society. The indigenous population of the nation, which is predominately Micronesian, consists of various ethnolinguistic groups. What are some of the other groups there? Several Protestant denominations, as well as the Roman Catholic Church, are present in every Micronesian state. Ok, good information. Now I would love to learn about games in that region, do they play sports? The sport of football in the Federated States of Micronesian is run by the Federated States of Micronesian Football Association. Do they play any other sports? It doesn't mention any other sport. Ok, no problem. Are there any other exciting facts that you can tell me about? There are about 3,000 speaker of Kapingamarangi and Ulithian, and under 1,000 speakers of Nukuoro. Great! Thanks for all the information. I got what I need. You welcome. Label: Federated States of Micronesia Context: Good morning! Can you tell me more about the geography of Norway? Good morning. Sure. Norway is a country in the north of Europe. From 1537 to 1814 it was part of the Kingdom of Denmark-Norway and from 1814 to 1905, it was in a personal union with the Kingdom of Sweden. What is the physical geography like? Norway's core territory comprises the western and northernmost portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula; the remote island Jan Mayen and the archipelago of Svalbard are also part of the Kingdom of Norway. What's the weather like? Unfortunately, I do not have any information on its climate, but have more information on its geography. Norway includes the northernmost point of the European mainland, and the Scandinavian Mountains for most of the border with Sweden. Sounds pretty cold to me. What can you tell me about their economy? I do not have any useful information on its economy but now have information on the climate in one city in Norway. The lowland around Oslo have the warmest and sunniest summers, but also cold weather an now in the wintertime. What is the government like? As Norway is a Kingdom, it has a King, Harald the 5th, and a parliament called Stortinget, and its member are elected by the people every 4 years. Also, 60 countries have embassies in Norway all of them in its capital Oslo. What is the population? About 5 million people live in Norway. Another interesting fact about its population is that thousands of young Swedes migrated to Norway for work as the labor market and social security system overlap in Nordic Countries. Sounds like a fascinating place! Thank you for all the great information. You are welcome. Goodbye. Label: Norway Context: Hi what can you tell me about Quebec? Quebec is the largest of Canada's ten provinces, with the second highest number of people living there. What else can you tell me about their geography? The wildlife foundation of quebec and data centre on natural heritage are main agencies working theree Can you tell me anything about their national symbols? Sure-- The floral emblem is the Iris versicolor, the snowy owl has been the avian of Quebec since 1987. the yellow birch, an official tree, symbolizes the importance they give to the forests. Sounds cool. Do you have any other fun facts about Quebec? The largest forest covers 27% of Quebec-- The Canadian Boreal Forest Thank you for your help! You're very welcome, did you need any other information? If you could share one last cool fact? The wildlife mainly consist of white tailed deer, muskox, moose, the black bear and polar bear! Thank you! my pleasure :) Label: Quebec Context: Hello, I'm interested in visiting the Republic of Congo and was wondering if you could provide me with some information about the culture there. Sure. Alain Mabanckou, Jean-Baptiste Tati Loutard , Jeanette Ballou Tchichell, Henri Lopes, Lassy Mboulty and Tchicaya U Tami,si are the several writers in the Republic of Congo recognized in Africa and the French-Speaking world. Interesting! Do you have any more information about the culture? Do you know anything about the Holidays that are recognized in the republic of the Congo? In regards to the culture, in Congo, tourism remains a marginal resource in the Congo, reception facilities based out of Point-Noire and Brazzavilla lack a sufficient and consistent communications network. In terms of the holiday, unfortunately I have no information on that right now. Great thank you! Can you tell me about the Transportation in the Republic of the Congo? Maya-Maya airport and Point Noire are two major airport which have flights to destinations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Also there are over 1000 km of paved roads. Thank you, what is the most common form of Transportation in the Republic of the Congo? Unfortunately, I have no further information on transportation. But I can tell you in terms of the culture, the country;s only public university is Marien Ngouabi University which offer courses in medicine, law and other fields. Thank you! What is an interesting fact you can tell me about Republic of the Congo? Sure. Due to various successive governments instability, Congolese culture, art, and media has unfortunately remained poor. Thanks for all your help today My pleasure. Label: Republic of the Congo Context: Hello, can you help me learn about Tamil Nadu today? Highly industrialized Tamil Nadu lists as a state in India. Chennai became the capital and its language is called Tamil. Its shores are kissed by Bengal Bay as well and the Indian Ocean. Thanks! What can you tell me about the governance and administration? Ever progressive the state of Tamil rivals with other pioneers in creating E-governance initiatives. It did so through a bicameral system [appointed Senate but elected House] but in 1986 changed to a unicameral system a parlimentary system Can you tell me more please Incredible India in Tamil Nadu presently is lead by Edappadi K. Palaniswami. Ever progressive it has the highest number of police women 12 percent of the total which lists as 13,842. All trained auspiciously to handle violence against women in the state. This gives it a ranking of 5th largest police force in India. Thanks! What can you tell me about their demographics? Alas despite ever present law issues of transparency and corruption continue to plague the region. Possibly a holdover from days of yore and royalty ... Transparency International gave it a number 2 on corruption in India. Maybe the farmers can take that poo and make compost. The World Bank continues to help find ways to reduce poverty (major source of corruption) Low completing of secondary schools holds back the areas full potential. What other information can you give that may be helpful to me concerning their demographics? Nearly 48.4 percent of the population lives in the urban areas. Any interesting or fun facts? Festivals galore exist in the region like Thai Pongal. It makes biospheres in its parks to keep the diversity of its wild life. Thank you! You’ve been a great help. May the information prove useful for the tasks of the day. Label: Tamil Nadu Context: Hi there. I'd like to learn about Kuwait, please! Kuwait is a small country in the middle east I see! Can you tell me about its history? in1613 the town of Kuwait was founded in modern day Kuwait city It's pretty old then The museum of Modern art showcases the history of modern art in Kuwait and the region Oh cool. They must have some good old literature then. Can you tell me anything about their literature? With a capital cost of more than US 1 billion it is one of the largest cultural districts in the world That is a lot of money. Are there any other interesting facts about its literature you can tell me? The Abdullah salem cultural center is the largest museum complex in the middle east Thank you for all your time! I've learned a lot. Your welcome Label: Kuwait Context: Hi, I want to learn more about Language and writing in Mesopotamia. In Mesopotamia cuniform was invented around the mid-4th century BC. It was invented for the Sumerian language. I see. Is Sumerian the only language they speak there? Sumerian was the earliest written language in Mesopotamia, but not the only one. Any other facts about language and writing in Mesopotamia I should know? Much Babylonian literature was translated from literature written originally in Sumerian. Also the language of religion and law remained the old aggutinative language of Sumer. Thanks! 'd like to know about Geography. You're welcome. I can tell you they used a high water table to aid irrigation, along with water from the melting snows of the high Zagros Mountains and Armenian Highlands. These were the source of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and gave the region its name. Wow, seems like there's a lot of history there. Any ancient goods Mesopotamia is known for? I'm sorry, I don't know about any specific goods, but I can tell you the society revolved around an agricultural economy as the Tigris and Euphrates River valleys formed the northern part of the Fertile Crescent. The other rivers forming it were the Jordan and the Nile. Good to know. Where is Mesopotamia located exactly? According to the Anabasis, Mesopotamia designated the land east of the Euphrates in northern Syria. Thanks so much for your help today! You're very welcome. Label: Mesopotamia Context: Hello, do you know any fun facts about Glasgow? Let me see what information i can find for you. Glsgow is the biggest and most active city in Scotland. There are aproximetly 2,300,000 people living there. Is there a specific topic I can help you with? Yes I was curious about their Twin towns and sister cities. DO you have information regarding those? I apologize but it appears that I do not have any information on those topics. Is there perhaps another topic I can help you with? what about the areas and suburbs of Glasgow? Certainly let me get that for you. Glasgow's retail sector is second only to central London, its retail portfolio is very important economically to the UK. oh cool. Any other information on the suburbs and areas? Housing in certain areas, for example Possilpark and Hamiltonhill, has fallen in to disrepair in recent years. Oh wow that doesn't sound good! Thanksfor that information, do you have any other fun facts in generalabout Glasgow? Though the weather can be very temperamental and can change very often, the weather is usually the worst in the morning when it is mostly damp. Thank you for your help. You gave really valuable information!! You are very welcome, thank you. Label: Glasgow Context: What can you tell me about Mizoram Hi. Other well known institutes are National Institute of Technology, Mizoram, Icfal University What can you tell me about the Tourism in Mizoram For Mrs Hume's pheasant, Mizoram is a stronghold What else can you tell me about the tourism Sorry, I don't know of any other things about the tourism, but Mizoram has one Central University. Ok, what can you tell me about the media and communication Unfortunately, I do not have information about the media and communication, but I can tell you about the economy. That's ok thank you You're welcome. Thank you for all the facts No problem. You're welcome Label: Mizoram Context: I'm interested in learning about Cook Islands and their culture. What can you tell me? Cook Islands Maori and its dialectic variants are closely related to both Tahitian and to New Zealand Maori. The Cook Islands National Museum also exhibits art. Interesting! What else can you tell me about their culture? English and Cook Islands Maori are official languages of the Cook Islands. The Cook Islands has produced internationally recognised contemporary artists, especially in the main island of Rarotonga. I'd like to visit Cook Islands someday. What type of goverment do they have? Sorry, I do not know the answer to that exact question, however, I can tell you more about their culture. The weaving of rito is a specialty of the norther islands, Manihiki, Rakahanga, and Perhyn. Music in the Cook Island is varied, with Christian songs being quite popular, but traditional dancing and songs in Polynesian languages remain popular. What can you tell me about their economy? Sorry, I do not have any information available about their economy, however, I can tell you more about their culture. The languages of the Cook Islands include English, Cook Islands Maori, or Rarotongan, and Pukapukan. Is english their main language? Sorry, I do not know that exact answer, however, I can tell you that There is a larger population of Cook Islanders in New Zealand itself, in the 2013 census, 61,839 people said they were Cook Islanders, or of Cook Islands descent. Ok thanks for your help! You're so welcome! Label: Cook Islands
### Berkeley High School is a public high school in the Berkeley Unified School District . Ans: Berkeley High School is a public high school in the Berkeley Unified School District , and the only public high school in the city of Berkeley , California , United States . ### The National Security Advisor , officially known as the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs , serves as the top advisor to the President of the United States on national security issues . Ans: The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs ( APNSA ) , commonly referred to as the National Security Advisor ( NSA ) or at times informally termed the NSC Advisor , is a senior aide in the Executive Office of the President , based at the West Wing of the White House , who serves as the chief in-house advisor to the President of the United States on national security issues . ### Se ́ lestat is at the very centre of Alsace , near the limit separating the Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin departments . Ans: Se ́ lestat is located at the very centre of Alsace , near the limit separating the Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin departments , which traditionally correspond to Lower and Upper Alsace , respectively . ### Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys . Ans: Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys and may involve the glomeruli , tubules , or interstitial tissue surrounding the glomeruli and tubules . ### For example : five hundred colones are called " " cinco tejas " " . Ans: " Teja " ( roof tile ) is the slang term for one hundred colones , so that five hundred colones coins and notes are called " cinco tejas " , while fifty colones coins and notes are referred to as " media teja " ( half roof tile ) . ### Europop is a form of pop music that originated in Europe during the late 1970s . Ans: Europop ( also Euro pop ) is a style of pop music that originated in Europe during the late 1960s and developed to today 's form throughout the late 1970s . ### The origins of burnouts can be traced to drag racing , where they have a practical purpose : drag racing tires perform better at higher temperatures . Ans: The origins of burnouts can be traced to drag racing , where they have a practical purpose : drag racing slicks perform better at higher temperatures , and a burnout is the quickest way to raise tire temperature immediately prior to a race . ### Each year they give the Nebula Award for Best Novel . Ans: The Nebula Award for Best Novel is given each year by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America ( SFWA ) for science fiction or fantasy novels . ### Some African countries have used food power in internal conflicts on a smaller scale . Ans: On the smaller scale , particularly in some African countries , food power has been used as a weapon by opposing sides in internal wars and conflicts against their own people . ### The story does not encourage children to solve the problems of growing up , Bettelheim writes , and does not end with the traditional " happily ever after " promise for those who solve their Oedipal issues . Ans: In Bettelheim 's view , the tale fails to encourage children " to pursue the hard labor of solving , one at a time , the problems which growing up presents " , and does not end as fairy tales should with the " promise of future happiness awaiting those who have mastered their Oedipal situation as a child " . ### There is recognition that our health is affected by where we live , genetics , our income , our educational status and our social relationships . Ans: There is a recognition that our health is affected by many factors including where we live , genetics , our income , our educational status and our social relationships ; these are known as " social determinants of health " . ### The Imperial Territory of Alsace-Lorraine ( or , or ) was a territory created by the German Empire in 1871 after its victory in the Franco-Prussian War . Ans: The Imperial Territory of Alsace-Lorraine ( or ; Alsatian : ; Moselle Franconian / ) was a territory created by the German Empire in 1871 , after it annexed most of Alsace and the Moselle department of Lorraine following its victory in the Franco-Prussian War . ### The name " weret hekau " means " great of magic " . Ans: Werethekau ( Egyptian : " wrt-hk3w " " great one of magic , great enchantress " ; alternately Urthekau , Weret Hekau ) was an Ancient Egyptian deity . ### Oil refining is the name for a number of processes from chemical engineering , which transform crude oil into useful products such as different fuel oils , Liquefied petroleum gas , gasoline , kerosene or diesel oil . Ans: Petroleum refining processes are the chemical engineering processes and other facilities used in petroleum refineries ( also referred to as oil refineries ) to transform crude oil into useful products such as liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG ) , gasoline or petrol , kerosene , jet fuel , diesel oil and fuel oils . ### Bjo ̈ rn Borg ( born June 6 , 1956 ) is a retired professional tennis player from Sweden . Ans: Bjo ̈ rn Rune Borg ( -RSB- ; born 6 June 1956 ) is a Swedish former world No. 1 tennis player widely considered to be one of the greatest players in the history of the sport . ### The Brisbane Broncos are an Australian professional rugby league team . Ans: The Brisbane Broncos Rugby League Football Club Ltd . , commonly referred to as the Broncos , are an Australian professional rugby league football club based in the city of Brisbane , the capital of the state of Queensland . ### Center ( C ) is a position in American football and Canadian football . Ans: Center ( C ) is a position in American football and Canadian football ( in the latter the position is spelled centre , following Commonwealth spelling conventions ) . ### The Canberra Raiders are an Australian professional rugby league team . Ans: The Canberra Raiders are an Australian professional rugby league football club based in the national capital city of Canberra , Australian Capital Territory . ### The main story is that Hyas was killed in a hunting accident , so the Hyades wept because of their grief . Ans: The main myth concerning them is envisioned to account for their collective name and to provide an etiology for their weepy raininess : Hyas was killed in a hunting accident and the Hyades wept from their grief . ### In grammar , case shows the job of a noun , adjective or pronoun in a sentence . Ans: Case is a special grammatical category of a noun , pronoun , adjective , participle or numeral whose value reflects the grammatical function performed by that word in a phrase , clause or sentence . ### A cycle often begins where people with BPD feels emotional pain and acts impulsively to relieve that pain . Ans: A cycle often begins in which people with BPD feel emotional pain , engage in impulsive behavior to relieve that pain , feel shame and guilt over their actions , feel emotional pain from the shame and guilt , and then experience stronger urges to engage in impulsive behavior to relieve the new pain . ### Alcohol by volume ( often shortened to ABV ) tells how much ethanol there is in an alcoholic drink . Ans: Alcohol by volume ( abbreviated as ABV , abv , or alc / vol ) is a standard measure of how much alcohol ( ethanol ) is contained in a given volume of an alcoholic beverage ( expressed as a volume percent ) . ### He agreed with people who wanted to make Kansas a slave state . Ans: Because he was fully sympathetic to those who wanted to make Kansas a slave state , he agreed with the wishes of the proslavery forces in the territory . ### Idempotence is a property that an operation in mathematics or computer science may have . Ans: Idempotence is the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science whereby they can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application . ### It has three floors , where it consists of male prayer hall , female prayer hall , guess room , classes and dormitories . Ans: The building consists of three stories , in which the first story is dedicated for the male prayer hall , the second story is for the female prayer hall and guest room , and the third floor is for classes and dormitories . ### The song was Jackson 's fifth # 1 single on the " Billboard " Hot 100 . Ans: The song became Jackson 's fifth number-one single on the " Billboard " Hot 100 , and the final of seven top five singles from the album , making her the only artist to achieve seven top five singles from one album . ### CeBIT stand for " " , German for " Centre of Office Automation and Information Technology and Telecommunication " . Ans: CeBIT is a German language acronym for " Centrum fu ̈ r Bu ̈ roautomation , Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation " , which translates as " Center for Office Automation , Information Technology and Telecommunication " . ### There is a numeric or alphanumeric code that identifies the vehicle . Ans: The registration identifier is a numeric or alphanumeric ID that uniquely identifies the vehicle or vehicle owner within the issuing region 's vehicle register . ### F.K. Z ̌ eljeznic ̌ ar Sarajevo is a football club which plays in Bosnia and Herzegovina . Ans: Fudbalski klub Z ̌ eljeznic ̌ ar Sarajevo ( English : Football Club Z ̌ eljeznic ̌ ar ) is a professional football club , based in Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina . ### Tel Aviv University ( TAU ) is a university in Israel . Ans: Tel Aviv University ( TAU ) ( Hebrew : אוּנִיבֶרְסִיטַת תֵּל-אָבִיב , " Universitat Tel Aviv " ) is a public research university in Tel Aviv , Israel . ### There is a numeric or alphanumeric code that identifies the vehicle . Ans: The registration identifier is a numeric or alphanumeric ID that uniquely identifies the vehicle or vehicle owner within the issuing region 's vehicle register . ### There were always plans to build the line to Darwin , but by the time the line to Alice Springs was built , " The Ghan " was losing money . Ans: Although there were plans from the beginning to extend the line to Darwin , by the time the extension to Alice Springs had been completed , " The Ghan " was losing money and the plans for further extension to Darwin were suspended indefinitely . ### French was the language of diplomacy and culture in Europe between the 17th and 19th century and is still widely used . Ans: From the 17th to the mid-20th century , French served as the pre-eminent international language of diplomacy and international affairs as well as a lingua franca among the educated classes of Europe . ### During his sophomore year , in a game against Alabama , " Dodd threw a touchdown pass in that game to tie Alabama , 13 – 13 . Ans: During his sophomore year , his first year on the varsity , Dodd was the difference in the rivalry game against Alabama in Tuscaloosa , " Dodd threw a touchdown pass in that game to tie Alabama , 13 – 13 . ### Since he was a child , Monk has been able to notice small things that others miss . Ans: Ever since childhood , Monk 's obsessive attention to detail has allowed him to spot tiny discrepancies , find patterns , and make connections that others often miss . ### The Airbus A318 is a European airliner designed and built from the Airbus A319 . Ans: The Airbus A318 is the smallest member of the Airbus A320 family of short- to medium-range , narrow-body , commercial passenger twin-engine jet airliners manufactured by Airbus . ### Genetically modified food ( GM food ) is food which has been produced using organisms that have been engineered genetically ( GM organisms ) . Ans: Genetically modified foods ( GM foods ) , also known as genetically engineered foods ( GE foods ) , or bioengineered foods are foods produced from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering . ### The encyclopedia was designed for the Roman Catholic Church . Ans: The encyclopedia was designed to serve the Roman Catholic Church , concentrating on information related to the Church and explaining matters from the Catholic point of view . ### Freezing rain is rain that freezes when it hits the ground . Ans: Freezing rain is the name given to rain maintained at temperatures below freezing by the ambient air mass that causes freezing on contact with surfaces . ### The atomic radius of an element is the distance between the nucleus and the edge of the electron cloud . Ans: The atomic radius of a chemical element is a measure of the size of its atoms , usually the mean or typical distance from the center of the nucleus to the boundary of the surrounding shells of electrons . ### Today a Jayhawk is typically a student , fan , or alumnus of the University of Kansas . Ans: Today a modified version of the term , Jayhawk , is used as a nickname for a native-born Kansan , but more typically for a student , fan , or alumnus of the University of Kansas . ### Other louse-based estimates put the introduction of clothing at around 42,000 – 72,000 BC . Ans: There is no easy way to determine when clothing was first developed , but some information has been inferred by studying lice which estimates the introduction of clothing at roughly 42,000 – 72,000 years ago . ### Havana is the capital city of Cuba . Ans: Havana ( ; Spanish : " La Habana " -RSB- ) is the capital city , largest city , province , major port , and leading commercial center of Cuba . ### Then , Aristotle proved the Earth was round in around 330 BC . Ans: Around 330 BC , Aristotle maintained on the basis of physical theory and observational evidence that the Earth was spherical , and reported an estimate of its circumference . ### Dubai International Airport is an international airport serving Dubai , United Arab Emirates . Ans: Dubai International Airport is the primary international airport serving Dubai , United Arab Emirates and is the world 's busiest airport by international passenger traffic . ### Trickle-down economics is an economic theory : if you tax less the businesses and the wealthy , then that should make it easier for them to invest and create businesses . Ans: Trickle-down economics , also called trickle-down theory , refers to the economic proposition that taxes on businesses and the wealthy in society should be reduced as a means to stimulate business investment in the short term and benefit society at large in the long term . ### Billy McKee ( ; 12 November 1921 – 11 June 2019 ) was an Irish republican . Ans: Billy McKee ( ; 12 November 1921 – 11 June 2019 ) was an Irish republican and a founding member and leader of the Provisional Irish Republican Army ( PIRA ) . ### In this game , a dragon named Red uses evil Dark Gems to poison the Dragon Worlds . Ans: The game revolves around an evil plot by the villain Red , a former Dragon Elder , who begins to plant Dark Gems around the Dragon Realms , sucking the life out of these worlds . ### Women from all over the world make comments on Twitter about the interviews and debates . Ans: Women from throughout the world are encouraged to participate via Twitter and comment on the list , as well as on the interviews and debates that follow release of the list . ### In Christian theology , justification is God 's act of pardoning someone 's sins , because of their belief in Christ . Ans: In Christian theology , justification is God 's righteous act of removing the guilt and penalty of sin while , at the same time , declaring the ungodly to be righteous through faith in Christ 's atoning sacrifice . ### The Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) is a Communist party in India . Ans: The Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) ( abbreviated CPI ( M ) ) is a communist political party in India adheres to Marxist – Leninist theory . ### The four-stroke engine is an internal combustion engine . Ans: A four-stroke ( also four-cycle ) engine is an internal combustion ( IC ) engine in which the piston completes four separate strokes while turning the crankshaft . ### He was traded to Hamilton for the 1921-22 season and traded from Hamilton to Saskatoon of the West Coast Hockey League in 1922 . Ans: He was traded back to the Hamilton Tigers before the start of the 1921 – 22 season , playing parts of two season there before another trade in 1923 sent him to the Saskatoon Sheiks of the West Coast Hockey League . ### Paruyr Hayrikyan ( , born July 5 , 1949 , Yerevan ) is an Armenian political activist and a former dissident . Ans: Paruyr Arshaviri Hayrikyan ( Traditional Armenian : Պարոյր Արշավիրի Հայրիկեան , Eastern Armenian : Պարույր Արշավիրի Հայրիկյան , born July 5 , 1949 , Yerevan ) is an Armenian politician and former Soviet dissident . ### The Swedish botanist and cytogeneticist Gunnar O ̈ stergren in 1945 noted how chromosomes may spread in a population because of their own ” parasitic ” nature . Ans: The earliest clear statement of how chromosomes may spread in a population not because of their positive fitness effects on the individual organism , but because of their own " parasitic " nature came from the Swedish botanist and cytogeneticist Gunnar O ̈ stergren in 1945 . ### Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain , KG ( 16 October 1863 – 17 March 1937 ) was a British politician . Ans: Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain , KG MP ( 16 October 1863 – 16 March 1937 ) was a British statesman , son of Joseph Chamberlain and older half-brother of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain . ### He returned to France to be an air navigation director until 1993 . Ans: He returned to France to be air navigation director of Direction de la navigation ae ́ rienne now called Direction des Services de la navigation ae ́ rienne until 1993 . ### The Parliament of Romania is made up of two parts : the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate . Ans: The Parliament of Romania is the national legislature of Romania , consisting of the Chamber of Deputies ( " Camera Deputat ̦ ilor " ) , and the Senate ( " Senat " ) . ### As with the other Soviet republics , Turkmenia followed the Marxist – Leninist ideology . Ans: As with the other Soviet republics , Turkmenistan had followed the Marxist – Leninist ideology governed by the republic 's sole party , Communist Party of Turkmenistan , a republican branch of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union . ### A flag carrier is an airline or ship line that is owned by the government of the country it is based in . Ans: A flag carrier is a transportation company , such as an airline or shipping company , that , being locally registered in a given sovereign state , enjoys preferential rights or privileges accorded by the government for international operations . ### The Graphics Device Interface is an API of Microsoft Windows used for representing graphical objects and transmitting them to output devices , such as printers and monitors . Ans: The Graphics Device Interface ( GDI ) is a Microsoft Windows application programming interface and core operating system component responsible for representing graphical objects and transmitting them to output devices such as monitors and printers . ### Tel Aviv University ( TAU ) is a university in Israel . Ans: Tel Aviv University ( TAU ) ( Hebrew : אוּנִיבֶרְסִיטַת תֵּל-אָבִיב , " Universitat Tel Aviv " ) is a public research university in Tel Aviv , Israel . ### Luxembourgish is a West Germanic language . Ans: Luxembourgish , Luxemburgish , Letzeburgesch ( or ) ( Luxembourgish : " Le ̈ tzebuergesch " ) , or Luxembourgian is a West Germanic language that is spoken mainly in Luxembourg . ### Guinea pigs are " Cavia porcellus " , a kind of rodent . Ans: The guinea pig or domestic guinea pig ( " Cavia porcellus " ) , also known as cavy or domestic cavy , is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus " Cavia " . ### Section 399F of the Public Health Service Act created the foundation to help the CDC work with the private sector . Ans: The creation of the Foundation was authorized by section 399F of the Public Health Service Act to support the mission of CDC in partnership with the private sector , including organizations , foundations , businesses , educational groups , and individuals . ### The Jacksonville Jaguars of the NFL play here . Ans: Jacksonville is home to one major league sports team , the Jacksonville Jaguars of the National Football League ( NFL ) . ### Forgiveness involves the feelings of the person who forgives and their relationship with the person being forgiven . Ans: Forgiveness may be considered simply in terms of the person who forgives including forgiving themself , in terms of the person forgiven or in terms of the relationship between the forgiver and the person forgiven . ### Game Oriented Assembly Lisp ( or GOAL ) is a video game programming language developed by Andy Gavin and Naughty Dog . Ans: Game Oriented Assembly Lisp ( GOAL ) is a programming language , a dialect of the language Lisp , made for video games developed by Andy Gavin and the " Jak and Daxter " team at the company Naughty Dog . ### Falkirk Stadium is a Scottish football stadium . Ans: The Falkirk Stadium is a football stadium in Falkirk , central Scotland , which is the home ground of Scottish League One club Falkirk . ### John Laing plc is a British developer and operator of privately financed , public sector infrastructure projects such as roads , railways , hospitals and schools . Ans: John Laing Group plc ( pronounced " Lang " ) is a British investor , developer and operator of privately financed , public sector infrastructure projects such as roads , railways , hospitals and schools through Public-Private Partnership ( PPP ) and Private Finance Initiative ( PFI ) arrangements . ### JBL earned his championship match against Cena after winning a Fatal Four-Way elimination match on the December 29 , 2008 episode of " Raw " by beating Chris Jericho , Randy Orton , and Shawn Michaels . Ans: JBL earned his championship match against Cena after winning a Fatal Four-Way Elimination match — a standard match in which the last remaining competitor who has not been eliminated is declared the winner — on the December 29 , 2008 , episode of " Raw " by defeating Chris Jericho , Randy Orton , and Shawn Michaels . ### Heat transfer is the way the heat moves from one physical system ( or body ) to another . Ans: Heat transfer is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the generation , use , conversion , and exchange of thermal energy ( heat ) between physical systems . ### The U-Bahn and S-Bahn public transit networks , rebuilt after the war , spanned all occupation sectors . Ans: Berlin 's underground ( Untergrundbahn , U-Bahn ) and Berlin 's S-Bahn ( a metropolitan public transit network ) , rebuilt after the war , continued to span all occupation sectors . ### Haig has been praised by many people by keeping the government running during the Watergate scandal that brought down Nixon . Ans: Haig has been largely credited with keeping the government running while President Nixon was preoccupied with Watergate and was essentially seen as the " acting president " during Nixon 's last few months in office . ### The hamadryas baboon was a sacred animal in ancient Egypt . Ans: The hamadryas baboon was a sacred animal to the ancient Egyptians and appears in various roles in ancient Egyptian religion , hence its alternative name of ' sacred baboon ' . ### After the September 11 , 2001 attacks , more than seven thousand police officers came to Times Square . Ans: Security was high following the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001 , with more than 7,000 New York City police officers on duty in the Square , twice the number for an ordinary year . ### On 8 October 2010 the Nobel Committee awarded Liu the Prize " for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China " . Ans: On 8 October 2010 , the Nobel Committee awarded Liu the Nobel Peace Prize " for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China " , saying that Liu had long been front-runner as the recipient of the prize . ### 60 % of squamates are venomous Toxicofera . Ans: Recent research suggests that the evolutionary origin of venom may exist deep in the squamate phylogeny , with 60 % of squamates placed in this hypothetical group called Toxicofera . ### For example , in " Koopa 's Tycoon Town , " players get stars by putting coins into hotels ( like " Monopoly " ) . Ans: For example , " Koopa 's Tycoon Town " involves players investing coins into hotels ( as in " Monopoly " ) in order to earn stars , with each hotel only providing stars to the player with the highest current investment . ### A lot of the character ’ s personality and look was inspired by Dominguez ’ s favorite superheroes like The Spirit , The Crimson Avenger , Daredevil , Nightwing , The Shadow , The Phantom , Zorro and Batman . Ans: Various aspects of the character 's personality and visual design were directly inspired by some of Dominguez ’ s favorite comic book and classic pulp superheroes including " The Spirit " , " The Crimson Avenger " , " Daredevil " , " Nightwing " , " The Shadow " , " The Phantom " , " Zorro " and most noticeably " Batman " . ### They needed a tool to cut DNA at specific sites , rather than at random sites along the length of the molecule . Ans: What was then needed was a tool that would cut DNA at specific sites , rather than at random sites along the length of the molecule , so that scientists could cut DNA molecules in a predictable and reproducible way . ### More television viewers thought that Kennedy won the debate , while more radio listeners thought that Nixon won the debate . Ans: It is often claimed that people who watched the debate on television overwhelmingly believed Kennedy had won , while radio listeners ( a smaller audience ) thought Nixon had ended up defeating him . ### The differences between perennial , intermittent , and ephemeral streams are not exact and can change if different measures are used by different groups . Ans: The boundaries between perennial , intermittent , and ephemeral channels are not defined , and subject to a variety of identification methods adopted by local governments , academics , and others with a need to classify stream-flow permanence . ### Second Reading : A debate on the general principles of the bill is followed by a vote . Ans: At the second reading , the general principles of the bill are debated , and the House may vote to reject the bill , by not passing the motion " That the Bill be now read a second time " . ### It has been created in 1998 by the French National aeronautical universities ( ENAC , ENSMA and ISAE ) . Ans: It has been originally created by the " groupement des e ́ coles ae ́ ronautiques franc ̧ aises " ( group of French aeronautical " grandes e ́ coles " ) ( ENAC , ENSMA and ISAE ) in 1998 . ### KFC is in almost 20 countries in Africa , so it is easier to use . Ans: KFC , on the other hand , has operations in almost 20 African countries ; the highest of any international fast food chain and therefore a more applicable benchmark to use . ### The Swedish Evangelical Mission ( SEM ) ( " EFS " ) is an independent organization within the Church of Sweden . Ans: The Swedish Evangelical Mission ( SEM ) ( Swedish : " Evangeliska Fosterlands-Stiftelsen " " Evangelical Homeland Foundation " , EFS ) is an independent organization within the Church of Sweden . ### The campuses of Rutgers are in New Brunswick , Piscataway , Newark and Camden . Ans: Rutgers has three campuses located throughout New Jersey : New Brunswick campus in New Brunswick and adjacent Piscataway , the Newark campus , and the Camden campus . ### Like many composers in this period , he started to learn about music by singing in a church choir , quite possibly in Saint-Ghislain and then in Mons . Ans: Like many composers in this period , he started his musical career as a chorister , although the exact location of his education is unknown : Mons , a town near Saint-Ghislain that had at least two churches with competent music schools , has been suggested . ### Docklands Light Railway rolling stock means the passenger trains and service vehicles used on the Docklands Light Railway ( DLR ) in London , England . Ans: Docklands Light Railway rolling stock is the passenger trains and service vehicles ( collectively known as ' rolling stock ' ) used on the Docklands Light Railway ( DLR ) , which serves the London Docklands area in the east of London . ### Funk metal is a subgenre of funk rock that fuses elements of heavy metal and funk . Ans: Funk metal ( also known as thrash funk or punk-funk ) is a fusion genre of funk rock and alternative metal which infuses heavy metal music ( often thrash metal ) with elements of funk and punk rock . ### The Suda or Souda is a massive 10th century Byzantine encyclopedia of the ancient Mediterranean world . Ans: The Suda or Souda ( ; ; ) is a large 10th-century Byzantine encyclopedia of the ancient Mediterranean world , formerly attributed to an author called Soudas ( Σου ́ δας ) or Souidas ( Σουι ́ δας ) . ### Spanking normally means hitting the buttocks of another person with an open hand . Ans: Spanking is a common form of corporal punishment , involving the act of striking the buttocks of another person to cause physical pain , generally with an open hand . ### JBL earned his championship match against Cena after winning a Fatal Four-Way elimination match on the December 29 , 2008 episode of " Raw " by beating Chris Jericho , Randy Orton , and Shawn Michaels . Ans: JBL earned his championship match against Cena after winning a Fatal Four-Way Elimination match — a standard match in which the last remaining competitor who has not been eliminated is declared the winner — on the December 29 , 2008 , episode of " Raw " by defeating Chris Jericho , Randy Orton , and Shawn Michaels . ### The dew point is the temperature where water vapor condenses into liquid water . Ans: In technical terms , the dew point is the temperature at which the water vapor in a sample of air at constant barometric pressure condenses into liquid water at the same rate at which it evaporates . ### On 13th November 2001 , President Bush signed a military order titled " Detention , Treatment and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism " . Ans: On 13 November 2001 , President George W. Bush signed a military order titled the Detention , Treatment , and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism , which sought to detain and try enemy combatants by military commissions under Presidential authority alone . ### Tomomi Tsuruta ( March 25 , 1951 – May 13 , 2000 ) , better known by his ring name Jumbo Tsuruta , was a professional wrestler who wrestled for All Japan Pro Wrestling for most of his career , and is well known for being the first ever AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion , having won the PWF Heavyweight Championship , the NWA United National Championship , and the NWA International Heavyweight Championship , and unifying the three titles . Ans: Tomomi Tsuruta ( 鶴田 友美 , Tsuruta Tomomi , March 25 , 1951 – May 13 , 2000 ) , better known by his ring name Jumbo Tsuruta ( シ ゙ ャンホ ゙ 鶴田 , Janbotsuruta ) , was a Japanese professional wrestler who wrestled for All Japan Pro Wrestling ( AJPW ) for most of his career , and is well known for being the first ever Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion , having won the PWF Heavyweight Championship , the NWA United National Championship , and the NWA International Heavyweight Championship , and unifying the three titles . ### Although the NHC officially called Grace a tropical storm , the French meteorological service said it should not have been called a tropical cyclone . Ans: Although officially designated a tropical cyclone by the NHC , Me ́ te ́ o-France , the French meteorological service , stated in their annual report to the World Meteorological Organization that Grace should not have been classified a tropical system . ### Gaslighting is a type of psychological abuse where somebody uses lies or tricks to make another person doubt their memory and mental health . Ans: Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group , making them question their own memory , perception , and sanity . ### The Governor of Victoria represents the head of state , Elizabeth II in the Australian state of Victoria . Ans: The Governor of Victoria is the representative in the Australian state of Victoria of its monarch , Elizabeth II , Queen of Australia and is one of the Governors of the Australian states . ### FLAC ( which stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec ) is a way to code audio files . Ans: FLAC ( ; Free Lossless Audio Codec ) is an audio coding format for lossless compression of digital audio , and is also the name of the free software project producing the FLAC tools , the reference software package that includes a codec implementation . ### The President is also in charge of the Algerian armed forces . Ans: The President of Algeria is the head of state and chief executive of Algeria , as well as the commander-in-chief of the Algerian People 's National Armed Forces . ### A five-time World Champion , he is often regarded as one of the greatest F1 drivers in history . Ans: A five-time Formula One World Champion , he is often considered the best driver of his generation and widely regarded as one of the greatest drivers in the history of the sport . ### The Secretary of Defense answers directly to the President . Ans: The Department of Defense is headed by the Secretary of Defense , a cabinet-level head who reports directly to the President of the United States . ### Docklands Light Railway rolling stock means the passenger trains and service vehicles used on the Docklands Light Railway ( DLR ) in London , England . Ans: Docklands Light Railway rolling stock is the passenger trains and service vehicles ( collectively known as ' rolling stock ' ) used on the Docklands Light Railway ( DLR ) , which serves the London Docklands area in the east of London . ### A feature called AirPlay was available , meaning that you can put the iPod Touch 's screen on an Apple TV or other device . Ans: AirPlay was made available , which allows screen mirroring through an Apple TV or other supported external device allows the screen of the iPod Touch to be mirrored , and was the first generation of the iPod Touch to support it . ### It was so rough , it was given the nickname , " Hurt 's your knees . " Ans: Unfortunately , the coaster gained a reputation as a rough and uncomfortable ride experience , which earned the coaster the nickname , " Hurt-Your-Knees " by roller coaster enthusiasts . ### They give their permission through their elected representatives ( Rule by the People ) , who is the source of all political power . Ans: Popular sovereignty is the principle that the authority of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people , through their elected representatives ( Rule by the People ) , who are the source of all political power . ### The metatarsal bones are numbered from the side of the large toe : the first , second , third , fourth , and fifth metatarsal . Ans: Lacking individual names , the metatarsal bones are numbered from the medial side ( the side of the great toe ) : the first , second , third , fourth , and fifth metatarsal ( often depicted with Roman numerals ) .
In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every even number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no even numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Example: [[36, -24, -45], [-31, -3, -41], [2, -33, -48, -33, 46], [-12, 8, -15, 0, 32], [36, 26, 0], [18, -39, 1, -40, 38], [-33, 13, 24, -49], [45, -42], [20, -1, 15, 8], [22, 40], [-48, 5, 30, -4], [-30, -5, 9, 3], [2, -8, -21]] Label: [-864, 0, -4416, 0, 0, -27360, 24, -42, 160, 880, 5760, -30, -16] Example: [[-27, -4], [43, -9, -34], [-39, 45], [-42, -4], [28, 47, -30, 27], [7, -29, 41]] Label: [-4, -34, 0, 168, -840, 0] Example: [[-14, -36, 26], [-26, 29, -20, 17, -24], [-19, 34, -46, -45], [-20, -28, -30, 49, 50], [-6, -46, 10, 13, -44], [28, 38, -33], [41, -41, -38, -29], [31, -4, 39, -11], [-25, -27], [-31, 8, 24], [-2, -47, 42, 14, 16], [12, -7, -30, 7], [-19, -17], [3, -25], [40, -33, 43, 6, -9]] Label: [13104, -12480, -1564, -840000, -121440, 1064, -38, -4, 0, 192, -18816, -360, 0, 0, 240] Example: [[-9, 47, -47, -8], [-28, -44, -33], [-28, -7], [32, -7, -15], [25, -37, -4, -1, -48], [-21, -38, -29, -36, -33], [1, -21, 50, -8], [49, 37, -32, -20, -29], [-38, 25, -29], [14, -50], [47, -19, 30, 20], [7, -34, 37], [50, -4, -21], [-23, 21, -12, -47, 15], [-8, -49]] Label: [-8, 1232, -28, 32, 192, 1368, -400, 640, -38, -700, 600, -34, -200, -12, -8] Example: [[-28, 48, 20], [-14, 25, -41, -42, -37], [-29, -3, 36, 17], [-47, -42, -37, 25, -5]] Label: [-26880, 588, 36, -42] Example: [[50, -16, 48], [50, -37, -8], [-39, -39, -40, -3, 12], [35, -15, 29, -24], [49, -5, -42, 24]] Label: [-38400, -400, -480, -24, -1008] Example: [[-5, -6, -43], [43, -23, -19, -45], [-39, -22, 43], [30, -12, -46, 32, -43], [6, -24, -15, 14], [5, -10, -16, 44], [29, 17]] Label: [-6, 0, -22, 529920, -2016, 7040, 0] Example: [[-23, 50, 37, 48], [-43, 8, -26], [9, 8, 35, -18], [-8, 13], [-3, -20, 32], [5, -22, -11, -18, 34], [-34, 24, 42]] Label: [2400, -208, -144, -8, -640, 13464, -34272] Example: [[-4, -1], [-8, -14, -40, 40, 36], [42, 8, 38, -14, 32], [-24, -30, 42], [-11, 37, 36, -18, -21], [-41, -29], [1, 43], [7, -14, -40], [-13, -5, -44, -39], [-3, 2, 24, 18], [-28, 28, 48], [-10, 32], [-30, -26, -25, -13]] Label: [-4, -6451200, -5720064, 30240, -648, 0, 0, 560, -44, 864, -37632, -320, 780] Example: [[50, -10, -38, -33], [-25, 28, 24], [-8, -35], [-9, 42], [-47, 31], [21, -29, 18, 31], [9, 44, -41], [22, 38, -43], [11, 21], [-29, 29, -16, 24]] Label: [19000, 672, -8, 42, 0, 18, 44, 836, 0, -384] Example: [[0, 3], [-45, -20, 34, 49, -2], [-45, 29], [45, -2], [-19, 18, -42], [36, -26, 35], [1, 17, -27], [-25, -7, -24, 50, -19], [-46, -43, -28, 40], [-18, -40, 23], [16, 0], [-11, -46, 14, 2], [-36, 29]] Label: [0, 1360, 0, -2, -756, -936, 0, -1200, 51520, 720, 0, -1288, -36] Example: [[-35, 3, 19, -15, 48], [27, 12, 37, 12], [11, 24, 0, -18, 18], [11, 32, 12, -50], [-27, 13, -21, 40, 36], [-49, -20], [39, 44, 8, 29], [-29, 32, -14, -49, 2], [0, -28], [-50, -12, 0, -21, 11], [33, -24, 36, 26, -21], [-33, -17, -17], [11, -46], [13, -6], [-8, 0, -48, -21, -10]] Label: [48, 144, 0, -19200, 1440, -20, 352, -896, 0, 0, -22464, 0, -46, -6, 0] Example: [[-30, -14, 1, -48], [-36, 20], [0, 18, -42], [-31, 17, 8], [8, -19, -4, 4, 48], [-13, 24, -34, -13, -23], [13, -7, -6, -12], [41, -41], [13, -35, 29, 32, 34], [43, -11]] Label: [-20160, -720, 0, 8, -6144, -816, 72, 0, 1088, 0] Example: [[-24, -4], [-49, 7, -30, 10, 44], [35, 48, 28, 28, 9], [16, 10, -40, 15], [16, -44, 40], [3, 3]] Label: [96, -13200, 37632, -6400, -28160, 0] Example: [[-3, -33, 3, 13, -28], [-40, 49, -16], [43, 39, -45, -29], [28, 2], [-30, 38, 41, -11], [-7, -29], [39, -4, -19, 26], [34, -38], [-20, 7, -50, 1], [-35, 11, -21, -38, -11]] Label: [-28, 640, 0, 56, -1140, 0, -104, -1292, 1000, -38] Example: [[13, 41], [-50, -12, -47, -32, 22], [-35, -48, -25, -50], [49, -43, -45, 31], [14, 43], [39, -18], [22, -43, -28, -41], [26, 32, -12, -46], [36, -39, 41], [8, 13, 44, -44], [10, 20, -18, 24]] Label: [0, -422400, 2400, 0, 14, -18, -616, 459264, 36, -15488, -86400] Example: [[-7, 8, 5], [44, -4, 0, -34], [28, 8, 48], [-46, 35, 14, 46]] Label: [8, 0, 10752, -29624] Example: [[-26, -27, -5, 40], [9, 4, 44, -31, -20], [-3, 41, -16]] Label: [-1040, -3520, -16] Example: [[-25, -50], [33, -9], [6, -25, 41], [-45, -6], [-42, -49, 22], [-23, -9, 45, 30, 11], [-45, -39, 44], [-44, -22], [-45, -33, 27, -26, 20]] Label: [-50, 0, 6, -6, -924, 30, 44, 968, -520] Example: [[-9, 41, -14, -24], [9, 7, 39, -46, -37], [16, 30, 46], [-7, -4, -13, -41], [39, 42, -50], [5, 18, -39, 35, 41]] Label: [336, -46, 22080, -4, -2100, 18] Example: [[49, 37, -8], [40, -43], [39, -24, 30, -49, -23], [30, -28], [-20, -1, -14, -47], [6, -28, 39, -40, -23], [8, 7], [-8, -23], [-32, -5, 0], [27, 36, 27], [-30, -8], [-50, 6, 5], [49, 19], [4, -19, 36, 36, -48]] Label: [-8, 40, -720, -840, 280, 6720, 8, -8, 0, 36, 240, -300, 0, -248832] Example: [[-40, 41, 38, 50, 22], [15, -24, 28, -9], [-14, -35, -15, -31, -14], [-10, 7, 24], [-44, -30, 36, -31, 47], [-38, 49, 12, -4, -48], [-4, -49, 37, 4, -16], [24, -10, -46], [23, -41, -19, 42], [-35, -44], [-45, -24], [-28, 44]] Label: [-1672000, -672, 196, -240, 47520, -87552, 256, 11040, 42, -44, -24, -1232] Example: [[42, 4], [-38, 23, 24], [43, -38, 32, 0], [-33, 41, -31], [-46, 17, 7], [-29, -26, 26, 23, 7], [-39, 7, 36], [-32, -31], [-19, 34, 44], [44, 50, -27], [4, 35, 16]] Label: [168, -912, 0, 0, -46, -676, 36, -32, 1496, 2200, 64] Example: [[17, 44, -4, 3], [40, 24, 45], [-15, 42, 23, -49], [33, -42, 3, -40, -23], [-28, 45], [5, 12, 47, -20, 3], [9, -23, -32]] Label: [-176, 960, 42, 1680, -28, -240, -32] Example: [[-5, -36], [-22, 36, -40], [-46, -4, 25, 2], [-32, 9, -13, -18], [-22, 24, -2, -34, 11], [21, 35, -47], [-37, -48, -45, -32, -15], [25, -5, -34, 39, 37], [37, 0], [-23, 13, -19, 12], [13, -20, 32, 16], [-7, -41], [34, 11, -14, 37], [34, -17], [43, 28, 16, -33]] Label: [-36, 31680, 368, 576, -35904, 0, 1536, -34, 0, 12, -10240, 0, -476, 34, 448] Example: [[16, 31, -19, -10], [-35, -3], [46, 37], [29, -45], [39, 9, 25, 15, -23], [48, -42, 31, 26], [7, 2, 49], [-10, 7, 34, -4], [40, -33], [-45, -39], [6, 20], [17, 10, -25, -34, 48], [-44, 22, 18, 47], [28, 17, -31]] Label: [-160, 0, 46, 0, 0, -52416, 2, 1360, 40, 0, 120, -16320, -17424, 28] Example: [[23, -45, 0, 33, -25], [43, 31, -32, 2, -2], [-33, 39, 3], [32, -5, -33], [-10, 17, -18, 31], [-45, 12, 38, -17]] Label: [0, 128, 0, 32, 180, 456] Example: [[-18, 16, -26], [-50, -40, 5], [31, 3, 28], [-25, -46, -48, 19], [-37, 14, -48], [-50, 6, -31, 29, -23]] Label: [7488, 2000, 28, 2208, -672, -300] Example: [[21, 38, 15], [-19, -28, 37, 28], [1, -2, -23, -30], [7, -47], [26, -19, -20, -32], [-6, -14], [-30, 17, 20, -9, -13]] Label: [38, -784, 60, 0, 16640, 84, -600] Example: [[49, -12, -9], [15, -33], [28, -43, 26, 21, 18], [-21, 29, -24, 7, -32], [-8, 5, -10, -3], [9, 10, -16], [-39, -32, 44, -46], [-49, -10], [46, 39], [-43, 33], [43, 47], [13, -11, 17]] Label: [-12, 0, 13104, 768, 80, -160, 64768, -10, 46, 0, 0, 0] Example: [[32, 27], [9, 6, -33], [15, -50, 43, 0], [26, -33], [5, 38, -32], [-33, 44], [19, 47, 3], [-7, -12, -22], [-11, 15, -38, -8], [-33, 33, -37, -17], [-45, 7, 45, 10, -20], [13, -45, -48], [-1, -31, 47]] Label: [32, 6, 0, 26, -1216, 44, 0, 264, 304, 0, -200, -48, 0] Example: [[29, 44, 18, -35], [30, 14, 50, -9], [27, 36, -18, -9, 10], [46, -21]] Label: [792, 21000, -6480, 46] Example: [[-20, -44], [-12, 42, 35, -25], [-18, 8, -42, -44], [1, 0, -43, 38], [45, 11, -29, -3], [-29, 38, -41, 1], [-11, -46], [10, -9, 12], [-31, -6], [-44, 26, 50, -29]] Label: [880, -504, -266112, 0, 0, 38, -46, 120, -6, -57200] Example: [[35, 7, 40, -35, 23], [6, 50, -48], [25, -44], [4, 48, 8, 42, 31], [-15, -43, -31, 23], [-18, -39, -2, -39, 34], [-3, -4, 18, -50]] Label: [40, -14400, -44, 64512, 0, 1224, 3600] Example: [[-20, 41], [50, 25], [11, 23, -32, 42, -10], [-38, 37, 36, 44], [-12, -25, -30], [-50, -21, -43, 33], [-13, -5, -5, 3], [18, 8, -11, 13, 3], [-26, 8, -33, -17], [35, 44, 49, -32], [30, 33], [-42, -46, -4, 25, -28], [-31, 30, -43, -2], [19, 43], [-31, -35]] Label: [-20, 50, 13440, -60192, 360, -50, 0, 144, -208, -1408, 30, 216384, -60, 0, 0] Example: [[8, -3, 27, -19], [25, 2], [34, 18], [-46, -23, 40, 16], [33, -1, -15, 29], [23, -32]] Label: [8, 2, 612, -29440, 0, -32] Example: [[31, 41, 13, 29], [-10, -27, -24], [-4, 33, 42, -32], [22, 42, -36, -41, 3], [20, -19, -49, 2, 22], [19, 20, -41, -33, 20], [18, 39, -10, 31]] Label: [0, 240, 5376, -33264, 880, 400, -180] Example: [[-8, 19, 11, 8], [-43, -26, -27], [-27, 3, 1, 14], [-23, -42, 50, 32], [-22, 32, 12, 13], [16, -3, 35], [-7, 2]] Label: [-64, -26, 14, -67200, -8448, 16, 2] Example: [[33, -41, -33, 46, 8], [-27, 4, -11], [-28, 3, 31, 6, -20], [23, 22, -7], [-48, -1, 29, 20, 38], [26, 24, 14, -43, 2], [5, -36, -38, 9], [31, -6, -46, -29, 8], [-1, -3, 16], [-37, 16, -38, -10], [1, 23], [-37, 18, 49, 6, -42], [48, -6], [33, -34, 39], [-5, -48, 41, 45, 46]] Label: [368, 4, 3360, 22, -36480, 17472, 1368, 2208, 16, 6080, 0, -4536, -288, -34, -2208] Example: [[-38, -2, 12, 32], [25, 2, -28], [-13, -1, -17, 26], [-19, 4, 3, -6, -18], [-11, 26, 1], [33, -10, -2, 4, 12], [11, 5], [5, -40]] Label: [29184, -56, 26, 432, 26, 960, 0, -40] Example: [[-31, -1, 49, 21], [7, 32], [-16, 27, 32], [-33, -39, 39, 33, -38], [-31, -49, 45, -31, 5], [-38, -41, -29, 19]] Label: [0, 32, -512, -38, 0, -38] Example: [[-48, -50, -33], [-43, 36, -34, 15, -7], [11, -21, -3, 46, 10], [15, -11, 23], [43, -41, -12, 43, 19], [-26, 25, -6, 24, -22], [-6, 13, 37, -14], [-12, 19, -19, 38, -1], [-21, -17]] Label: [2400, -1224, 460, 0, -12, -82368, 84, -456, 0] Example: [[-8, 17, -45, -39, 0], [34, 13, -30, 17, -29], [-29, -43], [-35, -26, -32, 50, -30], [36, 9, -38, 26], [29, 30], [-18, 43, -27, 46], [-38, -50, 9], [-22, -12, 9], [-39, 33, 50, 19], [-4, 11, 7, -44], [37, 18]] Label: [0, -1020, 0, -1248000, -35568, 30, -828, 1900, 264, 50, 176, 18] Example: [[1, -32, -10], [50, 4], [39, 12, -16, 10], [17, 27, -44], [-6, 13], [13, 40, -25, -14, 40], [-43, -32, -30, -13], [44, 18, 34, -18, 9], [-9, -2, -15, 23], [-37, -19, -24, -36], [-2, -44, 16], [-35, -30, -2, 29, -31]] Label: [320, 200, -1920, -44, -6, -22400, 960, -484704, -2, 864, 1408, 60] Example: [[7, -34, 45, 19], [14, -20, 6, -32], [46, 48, 37]] Label: [-34, 53760, 2208] Example: [[-49, -2, -24, -1, -17], [-1, 15, -16, -29], [45, 32], [-37, 4, -33], [-19, -18, -12, 14, 45]] Label: [48, -16, 32, 4, 3024] Example: [[-15, 8, 50, -13], [-19, 36], [-46, -3, 31, 21], [-49, 21, 12], [-27, -2, -27, -8, 20], [-36, -26, -7, 8, -33], [-36, -27, 26], [-12, -11, 23], [14, 17, 38], [20, 9, -49, -41], [-48, -22, 11, -19], [-42, 30, 25, 41], [20, -22]] Label: [400, 36, -46, 12, 320, 7488, -936, -12, 532, 20, 1056, -1260, -440] Example: [[36, 41, -50, -16, -47], [23, 44, -30], [14, -44], [-40, -16, 2], [39, -26, -38]] Label: [28800, -1320, -616, 1280, 988] Example: [[-33, 17], [37, 14], [25, -44, 0], [-8, -36, 38, 29], [3, -47], [36, 48], [13, 47, 0, 30], [-11, 0], [15, -14, 15, 24, 5], [40, -1, -7, -26, -37], [7, -6, 33, -26, 45], [-17, -11, -39], [34, -41, 3], [16, -15, -23, 13, 9], [48, 32, -39]] Label: [0, 14, 0, 10944, 0, 1728, 0, 0, -336, -1040, 156, 0, 34, 16, 1536] Example: [[-37, 29], [-37, -37], [26, -45, 7, 33], [5, -42, -36, -49, -3], [18, 30, 35, -22, 17], [39, -48, -26, -13], [-33, -20], [37, -10, -23, -5], [-35, -22, 50, 19], [14, -48, 46, 26, 35], [-18, 5, 5, -45], [46, -15, 12]] Label: [0, 0, 26, 1512, -11880, 1248, -20, -10, -1100, -803712, -18, 552] Example: [[-48, 29, 19, 45], [28, -24, -4, 5, 17], [35, 39, 2], [-13, 19, 41, 26, 31], [42, -30], [4, 33, -32]] Label: [-48, 2688, 2, 26, -1260, -128] Example: [[-32, 29, -27], [-19, 17, 50, 28], [-3, -49], [-19, 8, -49, -13], [-49, -15, -34], [-16, 3], [-16, 35, -12]] Label: [-32, 1400, 0, 8, -34, -16, 192] Example: [[-49, -40], [48, 7, -39, 48], [0, 25, -22, -43], [-8, -47], [40, -14, -6], [-29, -20, 35], [39, -32, -6, -18, -3], [10, -31, -20], [19, -14, -19, 44, -7]] Label: [-40, 2304, 0, -8, 3360, -20, -3456, -200, -616] Example: [[27, -47, -25, -48, -33], [15, -50, 4, 33, 44], [39, -45], [-45, 44, -9, 14, -42], [39, 16, -44, 41, -9], [-37, 2, -28, -6], [15, -33, 43], [-6, -26, -4, 13], [23, 47, 16, -39, -2], [31, 40, -4], [31, -36, -38, 45, 8], [-43, -3], [-35, 13, 4], [-47, -20, -23, -14, 22]] Label: [-48, -8800, 0, -25872, -704, 336, 0, -624, -32, -160, 10944, 0, 4, 6160] Example: [[-48, 32, -46, 47, 15], [-5, 34, -14, 20], [-20, 23, 41, 8]] Label: [70656, -9520, -160] Example: [[17, 30, -22], [33, 11, -14], [33, 37, -27, 22], [-3, -22, 46], [-20, 36, 38, -28, 0], [47, 47, 16, -49, -18], [46, 50, -45, 14, 2], [42, -9], [34, -19, 34, 36, 16], [-2, 32, 7, 8, 11], [-20, -33, 42, 20], [-47, 27, -35, 13]] Label: [-660, -14, 22, -1012, 0, -288, 64400, 42, 665856, -512, -16800, 0] Example: [[4, 35, -12], [15, -28, -2], [5, -6, -47], [-18, 48, -21, -4], [-50, -49, -48, 7, -37], [8, -20, 45, 13], [-14, -6], [-44, -43]] Label: [-48, 56, -6, 3456, 2400, -160, 84, -44] Example: [[-42, 11], [-41, 4, 30, -19, -17], [-13, -45, 32, 34, 21], [-37, 26, -13, 46], [14, 13, -31, 20, -39], [-30, 2, -39, 42, -42], [48, 46, -50], [-31, 43, 16, 37], [-4, -29, -28], [-18, -4, 1, -19], [-1, 29, 41], [-43, 19, 26, -32], [46, -9], [24, 50, 38, 35, -48], [-27, 19, -33, 40, -38]] Label: [-42, 120, 1088, 1196, 280, 105840, -110400, 16, 112, 72, 0, -832, 46, -2188800, -1520] Example: [[-49, -16, -50, -2], [-8, 35, -7, 46, 15], [-27, -40], [-27, -35, 39, 27], [-41, -15], [48, 44, -17, 15], [-25, -4], [29, -31], [18, -1, 32, -16, -17], [2, -33, 14, 7, 20], [-34, -16]] Label: [-1600, -368, -40, 0, 0, 2112, -4, 0, -9216, 560, 544] Example: [[-26, -12, 47, -27, 48], [6, -45, 49, -48], [-23, 39, 34]] Label: [14976, -288, 34] Example: [[-8, -42], [22, 44, 6, -12], [20, 5, 33, -2], [-48, -19, 43, 20, 13], [-16, 44, -9, 18, -25], [41, 10, 0], [-34, -39], [-30, -23], [8, 26, 5], [18, 2, -41, 42, 31], [-1, 16, -33]] Label: [336, -69696, -40, -960, -12672, 0, -34, -30, 208, 1512, 16] Example: [[-15, 44], [34, -23, 6, 15, -31], [-37, 45, 23, -9], [39, -9], [14, 2, 10], [14, -18, 40, 47, 15], [-1, 17, -49], [0, -26]] Label: [44, 204, 0, 0, 280, -10080, 0, 0] Example: [[-15, -43], [49, -1, 21, -31], [45, 41], [26, 6, 33], [-31, -42, 37, -30, -30], [27, -36, 23, 29, -4], [20, 0, -24, -21, 36], [-9, 19], [-50, -47], [42, 25, 15, -43], [-44, -18], [-18, -15, -43, -46, -1], [18, 26, -8, -5, -40]] Label: [0, 0, 0, 156, -37800, 144, 0, 0, -50, 42, 792, 828, 149760] Example: [[50, -16, -34, 24, 8], [-20, 41, 11], [35, 3, -23, 9, -18], [4, 11, -41, 4, -41]] Label: [5222400, -20, -18, 16] Example: [[-49, -33], [36, -45, -7, -44, 23], [22, -35], [-41, 33], [-22, -49, -11, -7, -50], [-33, -30, 16], [22, 28, -34, -34, -1], [-39, 38], [25, -4, 13], [-14, 28, -45], [-22, 12, -15, -40], [12, -39, -46, -27]] Label: [0, -1584, 22, 0, 1100, -480, 712096, 38, -4, -392, 10560, -552] Example: [[-33, 50], [6, -35], [44, 47, 12, -42, 6], [48, 31, 32], [12, 30], [40, -29, 6, -38], [-13, 12, 45, -22, 49]] Label: [50, 6, -133056, 1536, 360, -9120, -264] Example: [[-33, -40, 34, 11], [28, -16, -32, 10, 36], [1, -44, -2, 16, -43], [39, -11, 12, 35], [20, -30, 24], [-36, 26]] Label: [-1360, 5160960, 1408, 12, -14400, -936] Example: [[28, 27, -47, -20, 12], [13, 33], [10, 5, 28, 45], [-29, 42, -28, -47, -34], [43, -43, 45, -23, 10], [-15, -34, 38], [-48, 10], [42, 3, 46, -1, -50], [7, -45, 36, 5, -37], [-7, -28, -49, 33], [11, -17, 13, -3]] Label: [-6720, 0, 280, 39984, 10, -1292, -480, -96600, 36, -28, 0]
In this task, you are given a second sentence. Your task is to generate the first sentence on the same topic but incoherent and inconsistent with the second sentence. --- Additionally , the widespread Spanish language was also taught to many members of U.S. forces in the region . Output: U.S. Special Forces , such as the Green Berets , specifically trained to fight in Latin America jungles for counterinsurgency operations . --- As a result , Qatar went through many periods of ' transitory sheikhs ' , with the most notable being Rahmah ibn Jabir al - Jalahimah . Output: However , Qatar did not develop a centralized authority because the Al Khalifa oriented their focus towards Bahrain . --- However , Grispi was forced out of the bout with an injury and replaced by Nam Phan . Output: Grice was scheduled to face Josh Grispi on October 6 , 2011 at UFC 136 . --- However , it is only a small separable subspace of the full tensor product that can contain physically meaningful fields ( on which the observables can be defined ) . Output: From this perspective , the natural state space of a boson might seem to be a non-separable space . --- But , eventually he became violent and after three years was pulled into a picture frame . Output: As a student , Dorian made a pact with the devil to become successful , which led to his marrying the ( at the time ) beautiful Blonda . --- Meanwhile , the inhabitants of Angers had found the keys inside the liver of a big fish which was caught by the local fishermen . Output: He then went further to England , to work as the royal gardener . --- However , the line continued to lose money and its concessions and operating guarantees were renewed on an annual basis . Output: An all - time low patronage of 22,000 struck in 1928 , before the numbers started increasing , hitting 33,000 in 1930 . --- Finally , in 1991 , the towns of Grand Falls and Windsor voted to amalgamate , becoming the current town of Grand Falls - Windsor . Output: In 1988 , the town took the title of the World Forestry Capital briefly . --- However , Muslims hold that Jesus ' original message was lost or altered and that the Christian New Testament does not accurately represent God 's original message to mankind . Output: Muslims also believe that Jesus received a Gospel from God , called the Injil . --- However , just days before the event , Taylor pulled out of the bout citing an injury . Output: Njokuani was expected to face Paul Taylor on November 5 , 2011 at UFC 138 . --- However , due to its location on the Kingston Loop Line , passengers can also travel from Kingston to London via Twickenham . Output: This situation can be contrasted to certain other routes to destinations just outside Greater London in certain other directions . --- But , you know , it is remarkable . Output: I think I 've improved in a lot of ways because of being able to stay clean and sober . --- As a result , in 1992 , WKCF moved to channel 18 which was reclassified as a commercial license and WRES moved to channel 68 as well as adopting the call sign WBCC ( it is now WEFS ) . Output: The college agreed and the FCC approved the swap . --- Then , they listen to all of Flossie 's stories until she eventually tells the tale of Dan Montross . Output: Flossie arrives and is unwelcomed until Diana and Day experience cabin fever . --- However , the agreement was terminated after two years , although he did manage to get a Belgian passport . Output: He was soon farmed out to Royal Antwerp on loan in order to achieve a Belgian passport and qualify for a British work permit as an EU national . --- However , these logistical difficulties were overcome well before the Spanish attack upon Pensacola . Output: Payment of the troops was in arrears since October 1778 and only paper notes had been issued for money . --- However 17 Learning Networks operated at EU level . Output: Transnational co-operation was carried out only on an ad hoc basis organised multilaterally among Member States , and was in consequence much diminished . --- As a result , the internet user can access blocked websites through this external server . Output: This prevents Internet Service Providers from being able to access the internet users ' IP addresses , data , activity , and physical location . --- However , it was later shown that this generalization does not work in all cases . Output: Levmore and Cook presented a generalization of their procedure for 4 partners . --- However , on February 24 1984 Alan Jones replaced Bob Dwyer as head of the Australia national rugby union team . Output: Simon Poidevin publicly supported Dwyer 's reelection as national coach . --- Therefore , the cell under the test must not include a hidden object . Output: The clue cell marked red with value 1 does not have any remaining neighbor that can include a hidden object . --- However , he states he is no mere murderer and , instead of killing the Lin Kuei warrior on the boat , he will do so at the tournament . Output: Scorpion vows to kill Sub-Zero just as Sub-Zero killed Scorpion exactly two years ago . --- However , Olivia tells Lloyd she 's taking Charlie to an unknown location , leaving Lloyd confused . Output: Lloyd then phones Olivia ( Sonya Walger ) and tells her to come to the house . --- However , once Jock regains his youth , he tries to blow them up along with Darkwing for knowing about his elixir . Output: The two work as Jock 's henchmen and trainers at his fitness center , using their bodybuilding abilities in both cases . --- Hence , the presence of these plants may increase the supply of inoculum . Output: It is possible for the pathogen to survive in weedy hosts , and can infect injured carrots , potato , sweet potato , tomato , radish , squash , and cucumber . --- Meanwhile , Emma becomes romantically involved with the Fairley 's younger son , Edwin , but when she becomes pregnant , Edwin is horrified and refuses to marry her . Output: After the death of their mother , Winston joins the navy . --- William Rashleigh however remarried in 1817 . Output: Jump up ^ This Chapel was consecrated in 1816 and was commissioned by William Rashleigh as a private chapel and dedicated to his wife Rachel who died while it was being built . --- However , they are quite adept at climbing branches . Output: They are not as adept as common vampire bats at quadrupedal locomotion , possibly because their thumbs are much shorter . --- Instead , he opted for the special of the day and appeared content . Output: Despite his presidential standing , he discovered his order for an egg salad sandwich at the site 's delicatessen could not be fulfilled . --- Meanwhile , Allegheny accused Pittsburgh of hiring Simon Martin , who was promised a job at the club for his participation . Output: On top of that , the team charged that all three Chicago men had received twice their travel expenses , making them paid professionals . --- But Casagrande cracked several days later in an individual time trial as Vinokourov finished fifth to retake the jersey and win the race . Output: Casagrande attacked again on the following mountain stage and took the jersey . --- Meanwhile , OA realizes what her premonition means and runs towards the school . Output: The day BBA is collecting personal things from her classroom , a shooter approaches the school cafeteria where the boys are eating lunch . --- However , when the shields retract , they find another painting is missing . Output: What occurred is now clear ; immediately after stealing the original Monet painting , Thomas had Anna forge a Pissarro over it with watercolor and replaced it via the donation two days later . --- For example , some authors denote the set of natural numbers by N ( \\ displaystyle \\ mathbb ( N ) ) . Output: Certain important constructs are sometimes referred to by blackboard bold letters . --- Thus , traders began to employ a variety of devices to differentiate themselves . Output: Large towns , where many premises practiced the same trade , and especially , where these congregated in the same street , a simple trade sign was insufficient to distinguish one house from another . --- It therefore reacts significantly slower than other molecules without ester group . Output: It is known that the reactivity of the monomer is lower than it could be , since the contained ester group can react with the reactive , polymerizing chain end and stabilize it . --- Furthermore , the number of trains that would run to these schedules was cut to one each way each day . Output: However , even these times were only for a few trains each day that would run express between Melbourne and the respective regional cities . --- Meanwhile , Troy Hammerschmiddtt shows up in Titan Maximum 's replacement : Titan Megamum . Output: When Gibbs releases a tape of him and Jodi having sex , Titan Force Five is disbanded and Jodi is arrested for treason . --- But as they accumulate mementos of their past , doubts set in about their future . Output: The trio decides to gather all the special items from their old adventures and place them safely in a time capsule . --- Similarly , the initial handful of centers grew over time to exceed 600 . Output: The 1990 ADA finally mandated access to public transportation . --- However , determined attacks by the New Zealand Division against the Poggio al Pino and Poggiona high ground S.E. of Florence gained the day . Output: It was doubtful whether we could break into the defences until we had brought up more reserves . --- However , the songs were in fact written by the group as a whole . Output: All of the songwriting was credited to lead vocalist Rod Evans and drummer Bobby Caldwell . --- It therefore reacts significantly slower than other molecules without ester group . Output: It is known that the reactivity of the monomer is lower than it could be , since the contained ester group can react with the reactive , polymerizing chain end and stabilize it . --- Finally , the existing job description ( if there is one ) usually provides a starting point for building the revised job description . Output: In its simplest , most organic form , a process chart shows the flow of inputs to and outputs from the job being analyzed . --- Eventually , 16 international public health experts were invited to the TPC . Output: Hyde insisted , suggesting that Dr. Aly Tewfik Shousha , an Egyptian , be the representative , which was eventually accepted . --- Eventually , she signed with Mulittalient Agency , also located in Buenos Aires . Output: She signed with Pink Model Management in Buenos Aires . --- Meanwhile , the kids from the lab complain about the cold so the samurai uses his devil fruit to give the kids and the Straw Hats warm clothes . Output: Tashigi cries over Smokers body and attempts to kill Law but he switches their hearts . --- However , the only casualty was Frank DeCicco . Output: On April 13 , 1986 , a car bomb meant for Gotti exploded outside a Bensonhurst , Brooklyn social club . --- However , specialized primers needed for trials are sensitive to decay . Output: They concluded that 16s gene is a strong marker suitable for fishery catch verification and that using this technique is a reliable and efficient system for routine testing . --- However , having had enough of not having their Belly Badge Powers , Funshine and Share give the prize to Grumpy and Cheer . Output: After Grumpy and Cheer retrieve the Crystal and bringing it back , Funshine and Share are announced the winners . --- However , there were no 64 - bit versions of CS4 available for Mac OS X . Output: Although they were not natively 64 - bit applications , Adobe After Effects CS4 and Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 had been optimized for 64 - bit computers . --- However , a legal anomaly remains in the UK that the trademark of the word ' Lingo ' is held by Linn Smart Computing . Output: These other languages are perhaps not as well known as the Macromedia language . --- However , the court in this case overlooked that and gave judgment in favour of the convicts . Output: Under English law at the time , a criminal would be unable to sue in a court of law . --- Hence a series of government documents were created to investigate the various locations . Output: However , Minister of Transport and Communications Kjell Borgen of the Labor Party supported Gardermoen , large for reasons related to rural policies . --- However , at elevations above 2,000 m ( 6,600 ft ) , average precipitation exceeds 100 to 150 mm ( 3.9 to 5.9 in ) per year . Output: In general , the range receives a little less than 20 mm ( 0.79 in ) of rainfall per year . --- However , during the transition , the change was not backwards - compatible and video cards using the old scheme could have problems if a DDC - capable monitor was connected . Output: DDC changed the purpose of the ID pins to incorporate a serial link interface . --- However , some of them were published in North America : Output: Multiple other books ( guide books , art books , illustrated books , and novels ) were published as well , mostly in Japan only . --- However , behind the running of substitute HB 's Travis Henry and Travis Stephens , and a strong defensive effort , the Vols dominated the Bulldogs . Output: Tennessee entered their 3rd game in the 1998 SEC season as underdogs . --- Furthermore , there is a resort hotel . Output: There is a tennis court and a roller skate rink , near the beach . --- However , once the main occupation , animal husbandry lost its importance in the 1980s with the introduction of a liberal economy and the importation of animal products . Output: The province of Erzurum has the highest ratio of meadows and pastures in Turkey , ideal for livestock . --- However , just days before the event , Taylor pulled out of the bout citing an injury . Output: Njokuani was expected to face Paul Taylor on November 5 , 2011 at UFC 138 . --- Eventually , only the Milwaukee Road remained , and was a strong influence on the development of the town . Output: Three railroads converged there in the late 1870s and it was named Delmar Junction . --- However , they will be stationed as privates as Passport Control departments on only border crossings . Output: The first Saudi Arabian women have been recruited into the country 's military service , Arab News reports . --- But it was the unexpected death of his step - brother that pushed his behaviour beyond all limits . Output: In Year 10 , Tom 's behaviour was lively . --- However , the leather football absorbed water and became extremely heavy , slippery and out - of - control when wet . Output: The original ball soon gave way to a football ( soccer ball ) , which allowed for passing and swimming above water with the ball . --- Thus , in the summer of 1941 , the Germans had to capture the city again , this time from the Soviets . Output: On June 22 , 1941 , the city was attacked by the Wehrmacht on the first day of the anti-Soviet Operation Barbarossa . --- However , a legal anomaly remains in the UK that the trademark of the word ' Lingo ' is held by Linn Smart Computing . Output: These other languages are perhaps not as well known as the Macromedia language . --- However debate exists about its scientific and common names . Output: The desert froglet is a member of the family Myobatrachidae . --- However , Sarno manages to shoot and cripple the already wounded Parker and Longbaugh , and then calls for an ambulance . Output: All of Sarno 's men are killed in the ensuing firefight . --- But while they may exist unnoticed , they can not be frequent , as the species are largely sympatric and closely related , yet remain distinct , with no signs of significant introgression . Output: Such hybrids could only be identified with certainty by DNA sequence comparison however . --- However , he interrupted his studies when he was drafted into the Russian Imperial army . Output: After graduation he studied law and history in the universities of Berlin , Marburg and Konigsberg . --- Finally , localization issues can be tested by hiring testers in required geographies . Output: A globally distributed team can also test it in multiple locations and under different network conditions . --- Finally , the existing job description ( if there is one ) usually provides a starting point for building the revised job description . Output: In its simplest , most organic form , a process chart shows the flow of inputs to and outputs from the job being analyzed . --- and is now Grade II * . Output: The church was given Grade B listed building designation on 19 July 1950 . --- Additionally , some groups may contain other specialists , such as a heavy weapons or language expert . Output: Each squad member is specially trained as a weapons expert , medic , combat engineer or communications expert , respectively . --- Meanwhile , when Marco realizes that the woman he loves is in love with someone else , will he give in and accept defeat ? Output: Seeing Sarah as a threat to her love and career , what schemes will Joanna use to destroy her competition ? --- However , a literature review of eastern towhees in Florida included a report of a nest observed on 2 September 1983 that contained two eggs . Output: For example , a review of eastern towhees in Indiana notes nesting from 15 April to 20 August . --- But all heroism is swamped by the massed villainy that weighs down these pages . Output: The intended hero is the decent , ineffectual lawyer . --- Thus , traders began to employ a variety of devices to differentiate themselves . Output: Large towns , where many premises practiced the same trade , and especially , where these congregated in the same street , a simple trade sign was insufficient to distinguish one house from another . --- But it was the unexpected death of his step - brother that pushed his behaviour beyond all limits . Output: In Year 10 , Tom 's behaviour was lively . --- However , having had enough of not having their Belly Badge Powers , Funshine and Share give the prize to Grumpy and Cheer . Output: After Grumpy and Cheer retrieve the Crystal and bringing it back , Funshine and Share are announced the winners . --- However , at first the Harleys made little progress in converting the Mano to Christianity . Output: His skill as a doctor quickly became well - known , and sometimes he had to treat 160 people in one day . --- On the other hand , if a new idea or innovation has few obstacles and acknowledges places where change is logical , movement to it will occur . Output: ( Pinard ) An innovation faced with structural or ideological barriers can not diffuse . --- Furthermore the title Koli is the prefix for a slayer of ten and ' visa ' for a slayer of twenty . Output: The names Koli , Koroi and Waqa are the more exalted prefixes . --- Hence in Fourier analysis the order of actions is Output: In Fourier analysis there is no question of uniqueness , since the coefficients c ( n ) are derived by integrating the function . --- Therefore , to reach some destination a node can use other nodes as relays . Output: Multi-hop routing ( or multihop routing ) is a type of communication in radio networks in which network coverage area is larger than radio range of single nodes . --- Additionally , the sound of an engine is strongly related to the RPM , so running at lower RPM is generally quieter . Output: Every cycle of the engine leads to wear , so keeping the engine at higher RPM is also unfavorable for engine life . --- However , it can be found further inland , especially in Spain . Output: It is commonly observed on walls in urban environments , mainly in warm coastal areas . --- Instead , she was cast in Junior Miss . Output: She was considered for the role of Ruth Berent in Leave Her to Heaven , which eventually went to Jeanne Crain . --- However , his activity in agricultural and social improvement earned him respect . Output: Kalinderu largely owed his ascent into prominent positions to his work at the crown domains and his influence with Carol I . --- But all heroism is swamped by the massed villainy that weighs down these pages . Output: The intended hero is the decent , ineffectual lawyer . --- Therefore , the remainder of this article will be restricted to the quotients of polynomial rings by ideals . Output: Thus , the graded algebras generated by elements of degree 1 are exactly , up to an isomorphism , the quotients of polynomial rings by homogeneous ideals . --- However , candidal infections tend to both appear and disappear with treatment more quickly . Output: It is more specifically located between intertriginous folds of adjacent skin , which can be present in the groin or scrotum , and be indistinguishable from fungal infections caused by tinia . --- However , instances of phonetic characters often appear within a significant artistic and pictorial context . Output: Logosyllabic writing appears on both painted and carved artifacts , such as the Tizoc Stone . --- Meanwhile , the rest of Five - 0 discovers a link between Jenna and Bethany , the latter of which was one of her sources . Output: Wo Fat later interrogates and tortures McGarrett to find out who or what Shelburne is . --- However , the couple broke up over issues linking him to Angelica Panganiban ( over the course of a task reading stuff from the outside world ) . Output: The reunion concept eventually became a fixture in future seasons . --- Furthermore , the MGK had the power of rejecting the founders . Output: According to instructions , the new parties were not allowed to use the names of the former parties , and senior politicians were not allowed to be the charter member of the new parties . --- However , the songs were in fact written by the group as a whole . Output: All of the songwriting was credited to lead vocalist Rod Evans and drummer Bobby Caldwell . --- and is now Grade II * . Output: The church was given Grade B listed building designation on 19 July 1950 . --- But upon seeing her former lover Cloud , who became a revolutionary , being arrested for assassinating Takayoshi , Yoshiko has a change of mind . Output: She becomes a commander of a Manchukuo army unit and a Japanese spy , seeking revenge on revolutionaries . --- However , such actions require prudent planning and a certain level of skill on the player 's part . Output: Stealing provisions , assassinating enemies and allies alike in secret , and gaining a lord 's complete trust so as to eliminate him later is all quite possible . --- But upon seeing her former lover Cloud , who became a revolutionary , being arrested for assassinating Takayoshi , Yoshiko has a change of mind . Output: She becomes a commander of a Manchukuo army unit and a Japanese spy , seeking revenge on revolutionaries . --- However , some of them were published in North America : Output: Multiple other books ( guide books , art books , illustrated books , and novels ) were published as well , mostly in Japan only . --- But before they can begin , they have to manually search the site for specimens of great crested newt , a rare protected species . Output: The geophysics team identify a potential target , a square enclosure on the side of the hill . --- However , it was not until ten years later that the full extent of the decay was thoroughly investigated . Output: In 1964 , a surveyor 's report showed that the Ante - Room rebuilt in 1947 was suffering from dry - rot . --- As a result , she was eliminated from the competition . Output: In the end , it was Amy who had the least deceptive dish . --- Eventually , 16 international public health experts were invited to the TPC . Output: Hyde insisted , suggesting that Dr. Aly Tewfik Shousha , an Egyptian , be the representative , which was eventually accepted . --- Then , in 1868 , Folts served in the Wisconsin State Assembly and was a Democrat . Output: He served as register of deeds in 1846 for Jefferson County and then in the second Wisconsin Constitutional Convention of 1847 - 1848 . --- For example , Central Reserve Police Force . Output: Paramilitary law enforcement , counter insurgency , armed response to civil unrest , counter terrorism , special weapons operations . --- However , the final project was significantly modernised and the licence was dropped . Output: The Soviet Union bought 20 Mark VI tankettes , which they designated K - 25 , as well as a licence . --- However , his days of breaking records were behind him ; now , he was in the business of designing and selling planes . Output: Following his extremely active aviation exploits in 1927 , Chamberlin was considered one of the seven greatest flyers in the world . --- Furthermore , the study shows that those specific cases were never formally documented . Output: In a study of steroid cases surrounding the 2004 Super Bowl , statistics show that multiple players were discovered as steroid users . --- Moreover , Toungoo 's remote hard - to - reach location proved an asset . Output: Fortunately for Toungoo , the Confederation was distracted by the leadership change after its principal leader Sawlon of Mohnyin was assassinated in 1533 . --- Additionally , it should provide decision makers with information about the barriers of innovation within the organization and it should help to make better decisions . Output: Another important issue is the focus on the innovation process capability to ensure the performance sustainability . --- and then the University of Virginia School of Law between 1841 and 1842 . Output: Barbour attended Georgetown College from September through December 1840 . --- However , he was unpopular and was removed from these posts in 1853 . Output: In 1849 , Tobin was named a special stipendiary and a customs inspector for St. George 's . --- However , Di Chirico pulled out in the weeks leading up to the event due to a neck injury and was replaced by promotional newcomer Eryk Anders . Output: Di Chirico was expected to face Rafael Natal at UFC on Fox : Weidman vs. Gastelum on July 22 , 2017 . --- In particular , Daniel Coit Gilman , president of Johns Hopkins University , is alleged to have been on the point of awarding tenure to C.S. Output: Peirce 's career . --- However , on February 24 1984 Alan Jones replaced Bob Dwyer as head of the Australia national rugby union team . Output: Simon Poidevin publicly supported Dwyer 's reelection as national coach . --- However , she contributed more than cartography . Output: Hebard 's work included mapping old trails in Wyoming , particularly the Oregon Trail . --- However , none of these exist today . Output: Aristotle was a student at Plato 's Academy , and like his teacher , he wrote dialogues , or conversations . --- Meanwhile , Nona practiced cooking as a kind of help for Sumomo . Output: Nights before the full moon , Sumomo practiced using the recipe on some plants on the greenhouse , with Nadeshiko accompanying her . --- However , the first two books can be read as self - contained novels . Output: The six books together form a single story , told in chronological order . --- However , due to severe injuries sustained by Team Coral & Evan , host T.J. Output: Initially , the final challenge was to consist of four teams , with first place winning $ 250,000 , second place $30,000 , third place $20,000 and fourth place winning nothing . --- Therefore , the turtles create their nesting areas on highway embankments and are subject to be stuck by a motor vehicle . Output: Due to recent coastal development natural turtle nesting areas have deteriorated . --- For instance , a glass is obtained by quenching ( supercooling ) a liquid . Output: If a disordered state is not in thermodynamic equilibrium , one speaks of quenched disorder . --- Moreover , the company has been rated one of the world 's top 10 public shipping companies by Marine Money International in terms of overall performance for third year in a row . Output: Courage Marine launched IPO on Singapore 's SGX Mainboard in 2005 . --- However , the Bend was cut off from the river after a flood in 1877 . Output: The Saratoga Bend was the impetus for the creation of the town of Saratoga , Nebraska Territory , a short mile from the river . --- Instead , Greaves embarked on yet another Verlaine project , this time composing to an original libretto by Emmanuel Tugny . Output: A second volume saw the light of day in 2011 but received very little media attention due to nonexistent promotion . --- Thus , chloramine - T is widely used for the incorporation of iodine to peptides and proteins . Output: ICl rapidly undergoes electrophilic substitution predominantly with activated aromatic rings , such as those of the amino acid tyrosine . --- Whereas training in the United States tends towards an overview of the conservation profession as a whole , in the UK each institution tends towards their own area of specialism . Output: There are numerous training facilities for conservators in the United Kingdom . --- Eventually , she signed with Mulittalient Agency , also located in Buenos Aires . Output: She signed with Pink Model Management in Buenos Aires . --- However , Muslims hold that Jesus ' original message was lost or altered and that the Christian New Testament does not accurately represent God 's original message to mankind . Output: Muslims also believe that Jesus received a Gospel from God , called the Injil . --- However , he was unpopular and was removed from these posts in 1853 . Output: In 1849 , Tobin was named a special stipendiary and a customs inspector for St. George 's . --- However , these renovations are being deferred until the 2020 -- 2024 Capital Program due to a lack of funding . Output: Updates will include cellular service , Wi - Fi , charging stations , improved signage , and improved station lighting . --- But as they accumulate mementos of their past , doubts set in about their future . Output: The trio decides to gather all the special items from their old adventures and place them safely in a time capsule . --- Furthermore , 29 % of the player said they experienced chronic back pain . Output: According to 148 professional tennis player in one particular study , back pain forcing 39 % of players to withdraw from the tournament . --- However , note that Griffin has suggested that technical , financial and legal problems at the coal mines served by the canal caused the amount of coal to be carried to be reduced to uneconomic levels . Output: That is , it was part canal , part wagonway . --- Instead , Greaves embarked on yet another Verlaine project , this time composing to an original libretto by Emmanuel Tugny . Output: A second volume saw the light of day in 2011 but received very little media attention due to nonexistent promotion . --- As a result , in 1992 , WKCF moved to channel 18 which was reclassified as a commercial license and WRES moved to channel 68 as well as adopting the call sign WBCC ( it is now WEFS ) . Output: The college agreed and the FCC approved the swap . --- For example , the side effect of the family planning policy is to promote a separation of sexual behavior from reproductive purposes . Output: At the same time , some major social policies have also played an important part . --- Additionally , in terms of control , humans are generally able to control the movements of their tongue and mouth . Output: For example , a key assumption in the evolution of language is that the descent of the larynx has allowed humans to produce speech sounds . --- For example , mobile telephone signals are blocked in windowless metal enclosures that approximate a Faraday cage , such as elevator cabins , and parts of trains , cars , and ships . Output: Electromagnetic radiation is blocked where the wavelength is longer than any gaps . --- However , it was later discovered that he died because of malaria . Output: Din died in 1997 , allegedly because of drug overdose . --- As a result , eastbound I - 80 was reduced to one lane and Sullivan Trail was closed . Output: On March 7 , 2011 , the supporting wall on the eastbound I - 80 bridge over Sullivan Trail in Tannersville collapsed from snow and rain . --- However , candidal infections tend to both appear and disappear with treatment more quickly . Output: It is more specifically located between intertriginous folds of adjacent skin , which can be present in the groin or scrotum , and be indistinguishable from fungal infections caused by tinia . --- However , in rural India , girls continue to be less educated than boys . Output: In urban India , girls are nearly on a par with boys in terms of education . --- But most of the film buffs consider Agami ( Time Ahead , 1984 ) as the starting point of independent filmmaking . Output: The film brought first international success in post liberation era though it experienced different constraints in releasing and screening in theatres at home . --- However , Tamar 's own prestige and the expansion of patronq'moba -- a Georgian version of feudalism -- kept the more powerful dynastic princes from fragmenting the kingdom . Output: The queen never achieved autocratic powers and the noble council continued to function . --- Therefore , the number of endemics could be underestimated . Output: The flora and fauna of Sri Lanka is mostly understudied . --- As a result , the group stage games were played in four different cities , and the knockout round was hosted by Istanbul . Output: For the third time ( after the 1986 and 2006 tournaments ) , the World Championship had 24 competing nations . --- However , villagers intervene their wedding and take her fiance away , violently murdering him . Output: It is seen that she was about to get married to an ex-Chess Piece . --- However , production reduced to 47,211 ounces in 1984 from a workforce of 329 . Output: The 10,000,000 th ounce of gold was produced in 1982 . --- However 17 Learning Networks operated at EU level . Output: Transnational co-operation was carried out only on an ad hoc basis organised multilaterally among Member States , and was in consequence much diminished . --- Whereas , Black teachers held high expectations to black male students in regards to math . Output: Gershenson and colleagues ( 2016 ) found that non-Black teachers held low expectations of their black students specifically in relation to black male students and math . --- As a result , a brand new school was built which opened in September 2004 . Output: Later , two additions were built , but eventually , the number of students exceeded the capacity of the building . --- However , its minimal armour made the A9 very vulnerable to most Axis anti-tank weapons . Output: It was effective until the Germans introduced the more thickly armoured Panzer IVE variant to the desert in the Spring of 1941 . --- However some member states had expected to oppose the creation of such a high - profile post . Output: The complicated situation had renewed some calls to merge the posts , possibly at the end of Barroso 's term in 2014 . --- Meanwhile , Lovita wants Cedric to sell his car so they can buy a minivan . Output: Regina goes on a singles outing that she booked prior to dating Steve , and when she calls him , another woman answers . --- However , he has kept a box of his father Chandra Suresh 's research that he had uncovered at Coyote Sands , including the film in question . Output: Nine weeks earlier , Mohinder is shown to be living happily in India , reunited with his love Mira . --- Moreover , in parts of the country such as Kimberley , WA , suicide rates among ( Aborigines ) are among the highest in the world . Output: Additionally , ( Aboriginal ) children make up one in three child suicides despite making up a minuscule percentage of the population . --- But when the Fraggles think Junior stole the Moon , Gobo , Wembley , and Mokey , try to go back up and retrieve it . Output: It 's the Festival of the Moon , and Gobo is chosen to do something special for the ceremony . --- However , as the Dihing river changed the course , the temple was again destroyed and merged into the river water . Output: Due to natural calamities the temple was destroyed and the remains were found in deep forest called Gajapanemara . --- Then , he shot them out of the trees with air rifles , easily catching about 100 a month . Output: He became so adept at the task that he hunted tarsiers by scent , learning that the animals gave off a musk through glands located on their breasts .
You will be given a trivia clue, and the category it belongs to. You should answer with the best answer that belongs in the category and is described by the clue. For simplicity, answers should be in all lower cased letters. --- Category: 19th CENTURY NOVELISTS Clue: William Wilkinson's "An Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia" inspired this author's most famous novel Output: bram stoker --- Category: POWER PEOPLE Clue: Under current succession laws, this former university head is the last woman in line for the U.S. presidency Output: donna shalala --- Category: THE U.S. SPACE PROGRAM Clue: Of the Apollo missions, the total number that successfully landed men on the moon Output: 6 --- Category: U.S. PRESIDENTS Clue: He was the last man elected president who had served as a U.S. Senator Output: richard m. nixon --- Category: OSCAR WINNERS Clue: Dianne Wiest (1986 & 1994) is the only 2-time acting Oscar winner to win both working for the same director--him Output: woody allen --- Category: WORLD ORGANIZATIONS Clue: It was founded after Portuguese students were jailed for toasting freedom during Salazar's dictatorship Output: amnesty international --- Category: 19th CENTURY INVENTIONS Clue: One description of it said its "spokes look like cobwebs; they are after the fashion of those on the newest...bicycles" Output: the ferris wheel --- Category: POETS Clue: Fired from a job for laziness, he wrote, "I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass" Output: walt whitman --- Category: GEOGRAPHY NEWS Clue: On the initiative of Sen. Patrick Leahy, in 1998 it was designated the sixth Great Lake Output: lake champlain --- Category: BUSINESS Clue: In 1951 this company whose origins date back to 1876 became the first U.S. company to have 1 million stockholders Output: at&t --- Category: MUSEUMS Clue: The Conspiracy Museum opened in this U.S. city in 1995 Output: dallas --- Category: FOOD Clue: This cheese was created in 1892 by Emil Frey & named for a New York singing society whose members loved the cheese Output: liederkranz --- Category: SHOW BUSINESS FAMILIES Clue: The car company that sponsored the radio show for which his father worked inspired the middle name of this filmmaker Output: francis ford coppola --- Category: TV SITCOMS Clue: For your information, this series that premiered in 1988 is TV's longest-running sitcom still on the air Output: murphy brown --- Category: ISLAND COUNTRIES Clue: In 2002 State Dept. spokesman Richard Boucher called it "The first new nation of the new millennium" Output: east timor --- Category: ENGLISH LITERATURE Clue: This 1726 satire reported the existence of Mars' 2 moons 151 years before Asaph Hall discovered them Output: gulliver\'s travels --- Category: '90s OLYMPIC NAMES Clue: She told Women's Sports & Fitness, "Strangers, fans, people on the street...always want to pick me up and carry me" Output: kerri strug --- Category: THE SECRET SERVICE Clue: This 20th century U.S. president was the first to receive full-time protection from the Secret Service Output: theodore roosevelt --- Category: POP MUSIC Clue: Take 2 letters off a Beatles song title & you get this title of Paul McCartney's 2002 live CD of his American tour Output: back in the u.s. --- Category: GREEK MYTHOLOGICAL GROUPS Clue: 2 groups, 1 of 9 & 1 of 3, that include a member named Thalia Output: the muses and the graces --- Category: BREAD Clue: Larousse spread the tale that after a 17th Century triumph, the victors ate this as a symbol of the beaten Muslims Output: croissants --- Category: FICTIONAL CHARACTERS Clue: He's the character mentioned in the first line of "Atlas Shrugged" Output: john galt --- Category: 1950s ACHIEVEMENTS Clue: On Nov. 20, 1953, in a Douglas D-558-2, Scott Crossfield reached this benchmark Output: traveling twice the speed of sound --- Category: FILM ROLES Clue: Dick Powell, Robert Mitchum & Elliott Gould have all played this character on film Output: philip marlowe --- Category: AIRPORT CODES Clue: The 3-letter code for this airport came from what was on the site before it -- Orchard Place Output: o\'hare airport, chicago - ord --- Category: BUSINESS & INDUSTRY Clue: Most of this firm's 70,000 seasonal white-collar employees work only 4 months a year Output: h&r block --- Category: MONARCHS Clue: From 1513 to 1972, only men named Christian & Frederick alternated as rulers of this nation Output: denmark --- Category: U.S. STAMPS Clue: He's on the 1997 stamp honoring the European recovery program Output: george marshall --- Category: THEORIES OF SCIENCE Clue: Physicist John Wheeler compared possible passages through space & time to the work of this creature Output: a worm --- Category: THE INTERNET Clue: In a registered website domain name, it's the only mark allowed that isn't a letter, number or the dot Output: a dash --- Category: HOLIDAY STUFF Clue: In an 1850 essay Charles Dickens called it "that pretty German toy" Output: a christmas tree --- Category: ISLANDS Clue: Despite landmines dating from 1982, penguins use these islands for mating grounds, being too light to set them off Output: the falkland islands --- Category: MEN OF SCIENCE Clue: "Somnium", an early work of science fiction, was written by this German & published posthumously in 1634 Output: johannes kepler --- Category: WORLD LEADERS Clue: Francois Mitterand said this world leader "has the lips of Marilyn Monroe and the eyes of Caligula" Output: margaret thatcher --- Category: CLASSICAL MUSICIANS Clue: In 1793, Haydn wrote he will be "one of Europe's finest composers, & I shall be proud to be called his teacher" Output: ludwig van beethoven --- Category: SPAIN Clue: This Catalonian city, once the capital of the Visigoths, may be named for a Carthaginian family Output: barcelona --- Category: QUOTABLE DEFINITIONS Clue: Ted Hughes wrote that it's where a child can sit "with the genius of the Earth" Output: library --- Category: FAMOUS NAMES Clue: He published a history of Virginia & New England in 1624, after escaping from Turks, Indians & pirates Output: captain john smith --- Category: BIBLICAL KINGS Clue: These 2 men first meet in 1 Samuel 16 when one becomes aware of the musical talent of the other Output: david & saul --- Category: ALPHANUMERICS Clue: When this American company incorporated in 1902, its first products were grinding abrasives & sandpaper Output: 3m --- Category: ACTORS Clue: In 1970 he became the first professional actor to be named a lord Output: laurence olivier --- Category: SCIENCE Clue: The mammal that holds the record for the longest lifespan Output: man --- Category: CLASSICAL MUSIC Clue: This orchestral instrument is the first one heard in Stravinsky's "Orpheus" & the second heard in Liszt's "Orpheus" Output: the harp --- Category: ANCIENT HISTORY Clue: Circled 7 times by the Israelites in Joshua, it's said to be the world's oldest walled city Output: jericho --- Category: FAMOUS SCIENTISTS Clue: At his death in 1727, he left over one million words he had written on alchemy & the occult Output: sir isaac newton --- Category: SHOW BUSINESS FAMILIES Clue: The car company that sponsored the radio show for which his father worked inspired the middle name of this filmmaker Output: francis ford coppola --- Category: HISTORICAL PHRASES Clue: Before it meant a space between opposing armies, it referred to an execution site outside the walls of London Output: no man\'s land --- Category: HONORS Clue: To remain "Free to blast and bollock Blairite Britain" Tony Harrison declined this post in 1999 Output: poet laureate of england --- Category: WORLD HISTORY Clue: City that was the seat of government of the viceroyalty of New Spain Output: mexico city --- Category: LITERARY FIREARMS Clue: The "Polizei Pistole Kurz" model was often used very effectively by this literary character introduced in 1953 Output: james bond --- Category: MUSIC HISTORY Clue: In this building Ella Fitzgerald & Sarah Vaughan both won amateur talent contests, one in 1934 & the other in 1942 Output: the apollo theater --- Category: HITCHCOCK FILMS Clue: The action of this 1959 film moves from New York to South Dakota Output: north by northwest --- Category: THE SEA Clue: National seas include the Irish, the Philippine & this one bordered to its west by Iceland Output: the norwegian sea --- Category: NEWSPAPERS Clue: It was first published between 1861 and 1865; it was revived in 1918; stopped in 1919, and revived again in 1942 Output: stars and stripes --- Category: TELEVISION Clue: The television documentary "America's Favorite Neighbor" was a tribute to him Output: fred rogers --- Category: THE OSCARS Clue: He's the only person over 70 years of age to win a Best Director Oscar Output: clint eastwood --- Category: FACTS ABOUT THE PRESIDENTS Clue: He was the only 20th century president who had previously served as U.S. House Minority Leader Output: gerald ford --- Category: HISTORIC CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY Clue: It includes 3 present Atlantic provinces, & in the 18th C. 4,000 inhabitants of it took a long trip southwest Output: acadia --- Category: WORLD CAPITALS Clue: The Jose Marti Monument is a 450-foot tower in the Plaza de la Revolucion in this capital Output: havana, cuba --- Category: VICE PRESIDENTS Clue: 1 of 2 men who served as U.S. vice president & also won a Nobel Peace Prize Output: charles dawes & theodore roosevelt --- Category: ASIA Clue: 19th century novelist Jose Rizal was a hero of this country's independence movement Output: the philippines --- Category: FICTIONAL CHARACTERS Clue: Hired as a ship's cook, he led the mutiny aboard the Hispaniola Output: long john silver --- Category: WORD ORIGINS Clue: This word for a distinguishing mark of office or honor comes from the Latin for "badge" Output: insignia --- Category: NUCLEAR POWER Clue: This state, besides having the first, also has the most nuclear reactors Output: illinois --- Category: THE HUMAN BODY Clue: It's the body part where you'll find the Mount of Apollo, the Mount of the Moon & the Girdle of Venus Output: the hand --- Category: RENAISSANCE LITERATURE Clue: This book begins, "All states and dominions which hold or have held mankind are either republics or monarchies" Output: \"the prince\" --- Category: THE MARS PATHFINDER MISSION Clue: The only landscape feature the mission named for a real person, this rock seemed to have a bowl haircut Output: moe --- Category: BUSINESS GEOGRAPHY Clue: The U.S. company that now has the greatest revenues is HQ'd in this state that's near the bottom in household income Output: arkansas --- Category: 1998 DISCOVERIES Clue: Discovered by a student, the largest known one of these fills as many pages as a good-sized novel Output: the world\'s largest prime number --- Category: VOCABULARY Clue: Pronounced one way, this 7-letter word can mean unjustified; pronounced another, it's someone sickly Output: invalid --- Category: EUROPEAN RULERS Clue: This man who became a ruler in April 2005 is the great-nephew of the 1926 winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama Output: prince albert ii of monaco --- Category: TRADEMARKS Clue: The invention of what was termed "electro-photography" led to the 1948 trademarking of this word Output: xerox --- Category: SCIENTIFIC INVENTIONS Clue: In 1608 its inventor offered it exclusively to the Dutch government for military use Output: telescope --- Category: 19th CENTURY NAMES Clue: He got his name because Mexican victims of his attacks would cry out in terror to St. Jerome Output: geronimo --- Category: PUBLISHING Clue: Founded in 1856, this company introduced a numbering system for U.S. highways in 1917 Output: rand mcnally --- Category: TECHNOLOGY Clue: A famous one of these was first sent May 24, 1844 & a famous last one, January 27, 2006 Output: a telegram --- Category: FAMOUS ENGLISHMEN Clue: In 2004 a top entry in a 6,000 mile albatross race was sponsored by a descendant of this man who died in 1834 Output: samuel taylor coleridge --- Category: THE RAILROADS Clue: The railroad founded in 1859 by a Kansas state charter reached this state capital on February 16, 1880 Output: santa fe --- Category: FASHION HISTORY Clue: In 1849 Americans traveling to the California gold fields via boat popularized this hat Output: panama hat --- Category: HIT SONGS Clue: Inspired by a Meher Baba saying, this 1980s Grammy winner was the first a cappella recording to top the Billboard 100 Output: \"don\'t worry, be happy\" --- Category: CHARACTERS IN NOVELS Clue: Debuting in a 1960 novel, this character dies following a heart attack on a basketball court in a 1990 book Output: harry \"rabbit\" angstrom --- Category: THE ACADEMY AWARDS Clue: In 1981 he received an honorary Oscar for his body of work; a year later, he won an acting Oscar for his final film Output: henry fonda --- Category: ECOLOGY Clue: Former Monty Python member John Cleese has joined a campaign to save this bird from extinction Output: parrot --- Category: PHYSICS Clue: Discovered in the early 20th century, these 2 particles, 1 with a positive charge, the other a packet of energy, differ by a letter Output: a proton & a photon --- Category: FILM LEGENDS Clue: His only competitive Oscar win was for Best Score in 1973 for a 1952 film in which he had starred as a washed-up comic Output: charlie chaplin --- Category: AMERICAN POETRY Clue: The poem that includes the line: "Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!" Output: \"the raven\" --- Category: GOVERNORS Clue: Of the 17 state governors who became president, the most from any state, 4, were from this one Output: new york --- Category: FILMS OF THE '70s Clue: 1976 film that contains the line: "...The only truth you know is what you get over this tube!" Output: network --- Category: MEDICINE Clue: In 1901 U.S. Surgeon General Walter Wyman helped establish a hospital in Hawaii for this disease Output: leprosy --- Category: SCIENCE NEWS Clue: In June 2000 Bill Clinton described it as "the most wondrous map ever produced" Output: the human genome --- Category: '70s OSCARS Clue: This film whose title refers to an establishment holds the record for most wins, 8, without winning Best Picture Output: cabaret --- Category: ASTRONOMY Clue: Sir William Herschel coined this word in 1802 writing, "They resemble small stars so much..." Output: asteroid --- Category: ARTISTS Clue: Looking at kids' art, he said at "Their age I could draw like Raphael, but it took me a lifetime to learn to draw like them" Output: pablo picasso --- Category: U.S. PRESIDENTS Clue: Only 50 years old when he left office, he was our nation's youngest ex-president Output: teddy roosevelt --- Category: SPORTS SUPERLATIVES Clue: This oldest tennis player ever to win a Grand Slam title did so at the Australian Open mixed doubles in 2003 Output: martina navratilova --- Category: ANCIENT ROME Clue: General Publius Scipio won the surname "Africanus" for beating this man at the 202 B.C. Battle of Zama Output: hannibal --- Category: MOVIE QUOTES Clue: First uttered in 1962, this 3-word self-introduction tops Guinness' list of the most famous movie quotes ever Output: \"bond, james bond\" --- Category: STATE CAPITALS Clue: Add one letter to a word meaning a religious rite & you get this U.S. state capital Output: sacramento, california --- Category: PLAYWRIGHTS Clue: This Brit won Tonys for Best Play in 1968, 1976, 1984 & 2007; in the '90s he settled for the 1998 Best Screenplay Oscar Output: tom stoppard --- Category: RULERS Clue: Though he was already emperor of one country, Franz Joseph was crowned in this city June 8, 1867 Output: budapest --- Category: SLANG TERM ORIGINS Clue: Now referring to a scapegoat, this term originated as someone designated as a "proxy for correction" Output: a whipping boy --- Category: WORLD LEADERS Clue: This famous man was the grandfather of the current prime minister of India Output: jawaharlal nehru --- Category: MIDWEST TOPOGRAPHY Clue: This state has the largest sand dunes complex in the U.S., just north of a river named for its flatness Output: nebraska --- Category: AFRICA Clue: The names of these 2 nations, both bordering Tanzania, end with the same 4 letters in the same order Output: uganda & rwanda --- Category: TV CHARACTERS Clue: She was born on February 22, 10,000 B.C. weighing 6 pounds, 12 ounces Output: pebbles flintstone --- Category: ROMAN EMPERORS Clue: In 54 A.D., as the result of his mother's scheming, he became the first teenage emperor of Rome at age 16 Output: nero --- Category: OLYMPICS HISTORY Clue: In 1988 this country boycotted the Summer Olympics after its demand to co-host the games was refused Output: north korea --- Category: ORGANIZATIONS Clue: After the decline of cathedral building in the 1600s, this organization began to accept non-stoneworkers Output: the masons --- Category: WORLD MONARCHS Clue: On the throne since 1946, the king of this Asian country is the world's longest-serving living monarch Output: thailand --- Category: U.S. CITIES Clue: Alphabetically first among the 150 most populous U.S. cities, it has become the "polymer capital of the world" Output: akron --- Category: U.S. COINS Clue: These 2 states both have airplanes from the 20th century's first decade on their quarters Output: north carolina & ohio --- Category: MIDWEST TOPOGRAPHY Clue: This state has the largest sand dunes complex in the U.S., just north of a river named for its flatness Output: nebraska --- Category: AFRICA Clue: 1 of the 2 current African nations that were independent at the start of the 20th century Output: liberia or ethiopia --- Category: TELEVISION & HISTORY Clue: When "60 Minutes" premiered, this man was U.S. president Output: lyndon b. johnson --- Category: THE 50 STATES Clue: The constitution for the proposed state of Sequoyah served in large part as the basis for this state's constitution Output: oklahoma --- Category: FILMS OF THE 1950s Clue: In 2006 Albert II of Monaco attended the Newport Jazz Festival's 50th anniv. celebration of this film that's set during the festival Output: high society --- Category: WORLD CITIES Clue: A member of the Hanseatic League, this city with a 4-letter name was once known as the "Paris of the Baltic" Output: riga --- Category: FICTION Clue: This 1937 mystery was written at the Old Cataract Hotel in Aswan Output: \"death on the nile\" --- Category: POETS ON POETS Clue: Longfellow began a poem about this earlier poet, "Tuscan, that wanderest through the realms of gloom" Output: dante alighieri --- Category: ARCHITECTS Clue: He called himself "the man who introduced the glass box and then, 50 years later, broke it" Output: philip johnson --- Category: WOMEN IN HISTORY Clue: In an 1863 essay Harriet Beecher Stowe called this woman whom she had met with "The Libyan Sibyl" Output: sojourner truth --- Category: COMPOSERS Clue: His Rococo-style summer house in Prague is nicknamed "America" Output: antonin dvorak --- Category: FILMS OF THE '80s Clue: The one-word title of this 1985 film refers to Samuel Lapp, a Penn. farm boy who makes his first visit to a city Output: witness --- Category: SIGNS & SYMBOLS Clue: The official insignia of this profession includes a serpent on a staff, a Greek delta & 32 leaves Output: dentistry --- Category: 19th CENTURY LITERARY CHARACTERS Clue: Hanged in an 1837 novel, he so angered some Londoners that his creator toned him down in future editions Output: fagin --- Category: LITERARY FEMALES Clue: She's the only female character in all the A.A. Milne "Winnie The Pooh" stories Output: kanga --- Category: U.S. HISTORY Clue: The day affer the 15th Amendment took effect, Thomas Peterson became the 1st Afr. American to do this under its provisions Output: vote --- Category: FAMOUS PRODUCTS Clue: First designed as a surgical disinfectant, in 1895 it was available to dentists & by 1914 was sold OTC Output: listerine --- Category: PLAYS Clue: In a 16th century work, the feud between these 2 groups is described as an "ancient grudge" Output: the capulets & the montagues --- Category: 18th CENTURY SCOTSMEN Clue: A relative of this inventor described him as a boy staring at the tea kettle for an hour watching it boil Output: james watt --- Category: U.S. PRESIDENTS Clue: 1 of the 3 U.S. Presidents to run on a third-party ticket after having already served as president Output: teddy roosevelt, martin van buren & millard fillmore --- Category: THE HISTORY OF CLIFFS NOTES Clue: In 1985 Cliffs Notes' "The Scarlet Letter" retook the top-selling spot; this book had briefly replaced it Output: \"1984\" --- Category: ACTRESSES & STATESMEN Clue: During the '70s she worked where he works now & she was an ambassador to his country Output: shirley temple & kofi annan --- Category: U.S. PRESIDENTS Clue: 1 of 3 U.S. presidents in the 20th c. who never had a house of Congress controlled by his party Output: richard nixon, gerald ford & george bush --- Category: SYMBOLS Clue: One tale of its origin says that the blind seer Tiresias separated 2 snakes with his staff Output: the caduceus --- Category: GEOGRAPHIC TERMS Clue: Florida is one of these, Michigan is made up of several & Alaska is the biggest one in the Americas Output: peninsula --- Category: ALPHABETS Clue: In the phonetic alphabet used by the U.S. military, it's the only letter that has the same name as a warrior people Output: zulu --- Category: LIBRARIES Clue: The millionth visitor to this library received a signed copy of "My Turn", some jelly beans & a weekend getaway Output: the ronald reagan presidential library --- Category: THE ACADEMY AWARDS Clue: Peter Finch was the first winner of a posthumous Best Actor Oscar; he was first to get 2 posthumous acting nominations Output: james dean --- Category: U.S. PRESIDENTS Clue: Excluding honorary degrees, he's the only president to have degrees from both Harvard & Yale Output: george w. bush --- Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE Clue: John Tukey coined this compound word in 1958 saying it was as important as "tubes, transistors, wires, tapes..." Output: software --- Category: NO. 1 POP HITS Clue: A 1987 remake of this 1959 hit was the first song with all Spanish lyrics to hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Output: \"la bamba\" --- Category: ANCIENT ARTIFACTS Clue: Some of its text says, "The decree should be writen on a stela of hard stone, in sacred writing, document writing & Greek writing" Output: the rosetta stone --- Category: ROYALTY Clue: Originally, this woman born in 1755 had the middle names Antonia, Josepha, & Joanna Output: marie antoinette --- Category: THE 1970s Clue: G. Gordon Liddy, E. Howard Hunt & Egil Krogh were nicknamed this because they "plugged leaks" Output: plumbers --- Category: MOVIE CHARACTERS Clue: 900 years old when he died, he spoke in OSV syntax, object-subject-verb Output: yoda --- Category: AMERICAN ARTISTS Clue: In 1909 he completed his last painting, a canvas called "Driftwood" Output: winslow homer --- Category: SPACEFLIGHT Clue: He made 2 Gemini flights, 2 Apollo flights & 2 shuttle flights, including the first in 1981 Output: john young --- Category: ROYALTY Clue: If Prince Charles keeps his name when he becomes king, this number will follow it Output: charles iii --- Category: BUSINESS & INDUSTRY Clue: It's the biggest single customer of the domestic airline industry, using about 15,000 flights a day Output: the us postal service --- Category: BOOKS ABOUT ACTORS Clue: Stefan Kanfer's 2008 biography of this star is titled "Somebody", a nod to one of his most famous lines Output: marlon brando --- Category: CLOTHING Clue: Article of clothing named for an old character who dressed in loose trousers in Commedia Dell'arte Output: pantaloons --- Category: JOURNALISTS Clue: In 2000 the film center of the school of the Art Institute of Chicago was renamed in his honor Output: gene siskel --- Category: THE COLD WAR Clue: He died November 15, 1996, having outlived his accuser by 35 years Output: alger hiss --- Category: SUMMER OLYMPIC VENUES Clue: The only time the host country failed to win a gold medal was at the Olympics held in this Western Hemisphere city Output: montreal --- Category: THE SUPREME COURT Clue: Britannica said the court's ruling in his case "seemed a mortal blow to the newly created Republican Party" Output: dred scott --- Category: WORLD LEADERS Clue: The first prime minister of his country to be born in that land, he was assassinated in 1995 Output: yitzhak rabin --- Category: U.S. PRESIDENTS Clue: The Roosevelt dime made its debut the year this president was born Output: bill clinton --- Category: GEOGRAPHY Clue: It's Europe's second-largest island Output: iceland --- Category: U.S. PRESIDENTS Clue: His half-brother Lawrence served in the British navy under Admiral Edward Vernon Output: george washington --- Category: SPAIN Clue: This Catalonian city, once the capital of the Visigoths, may be named for a Carthaginian family Output: barcelona --- Category: ACTORS & PLAYS Clue: Robert Armin played the role of the fool in "As You Like It", in "Twelfth Night" & in this tragedy 1st published in 1608 Output: king lear --- Category: WORLDWIDE MEDIA Clue: The name for this news agency means "peninsula", referring to the Arabian peninsula Output: al jazeera --- Category: INSPIRATIONS FOR MUSICALS Clue: In 2002 this novel by C.Y. Lee, first published in 1957, was re-released with a new introduction by David Henry Hwang Output: flower drum song --- Category: FAMOUS AMERICAN FAMILIES Clue: In Hartford, Conn. over 200 manhole covers made from confiscated guns are engraved with the motto of this local family Output: the colt family --- Category: POETS Clue: This poet wrote, "I love thee freely, as men strive for right; I love thee purely, as they turn from praise" Output: elizabeth barrett browning --- Category: AMERICAN MUSIC Clue: The brilliance of Anne Brown, a soprano, changed the title of a 1935 opera that was to be called simply this one name Output: porgy --- Category: U.S. GEOGRAPHY Clue: Phoenix lies on a river named for this substance found in the name of another state capital Output: salt --- Category: IN THE MEDICINE CABINET Clue: This product's website features chemistry experiments like "The Effect of Temperature on Rate of Reaction" Output: alka-seltzer --- Category: AFRICAN WILDLIFE Clue: It can attain a speed of about 40 mph, but has only 2 toes on each of its 2 feet Output: ostrich --- Category: FATHERS & SONS Clue: The island where this man's son washed ashore was later named Ikaria Output: daedalus --- Category: CLASSIC LITERATURE Clue: "A Bird's Eye View of Paris" & "The Bells" are chapters in this 1831 novel Output: the hunchback of notre dame --- Category: BRAND LOGOS Clue: Its original logo, designed in 1976, showed Isaac Newton sitting under a tree Output: apple computer --- Category: AMERICAN HISTORY Clue: As minister to Mexico, he was authorized by President Pierce to buy border land for the railroads Output: james gadsden --- Category: PATRON SAINTS Clue: He's the patron saint of the hometown of Shakespeare's shrew Output: st. anthony of padua --- Category: CHILDREN'S THEATRE Clue: 1904 British play that includes the line "To die will be an awfully big adventure" Output: peter pan --- Category: RIVERS Clue: The single greatest source of water power in the U.S. is on this river Output: the columbia river --- Category: IN THE NEWS 2000 Clue: 40 years after a famous incident, he was awarded a DFC, POW Medal & Natl. Defense Service Medal posthumously Output: francis gary powers --- Category: FAMOUS COUPLES Clue: The inscription on their crypt reads "Together Again" with the dates 1902-1964 & 1896-1996 Output: george burns & gracie allen --- Category: SURVEY SAYS Clue: In 1981 this man's company issued its first syndicated CSI, Customer Satisfaction Index Output: j.d. power --- Category: COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Clue: Henry Moore's sculpture, "Nuclear Energy", can be seen on the campus of this university Output: the university of chicago
In this task, you're shown a three-part story, with a beginning, middle, and ending. Your job is to slightly modify the middle part, so that the whole story becomes unlikely, improbable, or inconsistent. Generated sentences must minimally alter the given middle, with at most 4 new words added/existing words removed. Your sentence should be grammatically and syntactically correct. Also stick to the context of the given story. For example, if the story talks about "doctors", you can talk about "health" or "diagnosis", but don't mention "aliens". Avoid introducing any extra/irrelevant information, and use names instead of pronouns (e.g. he / she) wherever possible. Avoid simply negating the original middle, for example: "She likes cakes." is changed to "She doesn't like cakes." Context: Beginning: I walked out of my workplace one day. Middle: I stopped by the gas station and saw a co-worker. Ending: I saw one, and pumped gas into my car. Output: I biked home. Context: Beginning: Hayley was in a band with 2 guys. Middle: The guys continuously tried to ask her out. Ending: Hayley decided to find new members. Output: The guys never asked her out. Context: Beginning: John loved running cross country. Middle: John also loved biking, but then his girlfriend dumped him while they were on a bike ride. Ending: John was so upset that he couldn't enjoy either hobby. Output: John really hated biking, and his girlfriend stayed with him when on a bike ride. Context: Beginning: My mom took me to get my liscence a few days after I turned 16. Middle: I was nervous and made a small mistake. Ending: Fortunately she didn't fail me just because I hit the curb! Output: I was not nervous but didn't make any mistakes. Context: Beginning: Jason was going to get married today. Middle: Jason got really nervous before the wedding. Ending: The best man did his job and finally calmed down Jason. Output: Jason got really drunk before the wedding. Context: Beginning: Milton noticed that the jacket is not heavy enough for the cold winter. Middle: Milton took on an extra job to save up for a very nice leather jacket. Ending: Unfortunately, by the time he bought it, winter had ended. Output: Milton never made enough to get the nice leather jacket. Context: Beginning: Martha was the new art director at the local high school. Middle: Martha taught the students how to complete many art projects. Ending: Martha won an award from her town for being best teacher of the year. Output: Martha was too lazy to teach the students how to complete many art projects. Context: Beginning: Samuelson notices that his jeans are becoming dirty and gross. Middle: Samuelson got teased about it. Ending: Samuelson decides never to let his jeans become so dirty again. Output: Samuelson got praised about it. Context: Beginning: Ava found a tiny bird on the ground. Middle: Ava took care of the bird for weeks. Ending: Soon the bird strengthened and flew away! Output: Ava failed at taking care of the bird for weeks. Context: Beginning: Adam was riding his bike through the park. Middle: He had an accident and fell. Ending: He had to push the bike all the way home. Output: He had lunch and was happy. Context: Beginning: Gina liked Jamie, but he was popular and had lots of friends. Middle: Jamie started dating Julie who was also popular. Ending: She could see he was more popular than ever. Output: Jamie started dating Julie who was also his sister. Context: Beginning: Val saw Ali go to the bathroom. Middle: Val was in front of Ali in line. Ending: Just when Ali's friend June came in and saved Ali from a fight. Output: Val was away from Ali in the line. Context: Beginning: Alex has always avoided eating unfamiliar foods. Middle: He tried a new food and liked it. Ending: He decides that he will try many new foods. Output: He untried a new food and liked it. Context: Beginning: Raya went to visit her family in Iran. Middle: Raya's family didn't speak english. Ending: She was glad to return home to America. Output: Raya's family spoke English well though. Context: Beginning: James had been avoiding his parents. Middle: He did not want them to find out he was sneaking out of the house to play video games with his best friend. Ending: His parents eventually found out where he was and took him home. Output: He did not want them to find out he was sneaking out of the house to study with his best friend. Context: Beginning: Todd had an important meeting in the morning. Middle: Todd saw he had a flat tire. Ending: He called his boss and sadly went to work late. Output: Todd had a flat tire. Context: Beginning: May was driving home with her granddaughter Lucy. Middle: Lucy was upset so May offered to get ice cream. Ending: May knew it was serious when Lucy declined. Output: May was upset so Lucy offered to get ice cream. Context: Beginning: Mindy was scared of roaches. Middle: Mindy walked into her kitchen and found 8 roaches on the counter. Ending: Mindy nearly fainted. Output: Mindy walked into her kitchen and found 8 mice on the counter. Context: Beginning: Jim's dog was walking with a limp. Middle: Jim wrapped the dog's leg up and let it rest. Ending: Jim's dog felt better and was walking normally the next day. Output: Jim wrapped the dog's leg too tight and it got worse. Context: Beginning: Zeke had a dog. Middle: Zeke noticed the dog wasn't happy. Ending: Zeke bought the dog a new ball and the dog was happy again. Output: Zeke noticed the dog was too happy. Context: Beginning: Madelynn wanted to go to her friends house for a sleepover. Middle: They watched Disney movies. Ending: Madelynn had a lot of fun and wanted to go back again. Output: They watched scary movies. Context: Beginning: Gordon found he was out of milk. Middle: Gordon was hit by a car on his way to get the milk. Ending: The tires of the car coming the opposite way squealed to a stop. Output: Gordon was hit by a runner on the way to get the milk. Context: Beginning: Sam kept making fun of Billy's new hair-do. Middle: Billy got mad and pushed Sam down the stairs. Ending: The school's nurse had to take her to the clinic. Output: Sam got mad and pushed Billy down the stairs. Context: Beginning: All of the employees were asked to bring a dish to the office party. Middle: Zack decided to make a taco dip. Ending: Unfortunately, he measured wrong, and the dip was too spicy to eat. Output: Zack decided to make a taco. Context: Beginning: Cara had made a sandwich tray for her son's party. Middle: Cara used low fat meats on the tray instead of regular. Ending: Her son's guests never even knew the difference! Output: Cara used high fat meats on the tray instead of regular. Context: Beginning: Jimmy was racing his car on the highway. Middle: He was pulled over by the cops. Ending: Jimmy stopped racing his car afterwards. Output: he was going the right miles per hour. Context: Beginning: Randy had been fighting with his girlfriend Middle: She got angry, and locked him outside. Ending: Luckily, she eventually calmed down and let him inside. Output: She baked him a cake to apologize. Context: Beginning: Pam loves to stay home instead of going out. Middle: Pam's friend encouraged her to go to bingo one night. Ending: Pam now regularly goes out weekly to play bingo. Output: Pam's friend encouraged her to go to poker one night. Context: Beginning: Gina was trying to catch up with her crush Jamie. Middle: Gina became very nervous as she got closer. Ending: Gina was almost within reach of the door. Output: Gina became very nervous as she got farther. Context: Beginning: It was summer and Gina's sisters were outside playing. Middle: Gina hated getting sweaty. Ending: Gina decided to play in the air conditioned house alone. Output: Gina loved getting sweaty. Context: Beginning: In a small town in Indiana, Kendrick knew he would become successful. Middle: Kendrick's plans failed so he decided it was time to give up. Ending: But after a couple years, they moved to their home country in Brazil. Output: Kendrick started his own business and became rich. Context: Beginning: Sally and her husband were visiting the pumpkin patch. Middle: Sally's water broke in the pumpkin patch. Ending: She gave birth to a healthy boy, right there among the vines. Output: Sally's husband's foot broke in the pumpkin patch. Context: Beginning: I despise washing the dishes. Middle: I finally decided that it was time to buy a dishwasher. Ending: I ordered a dishwasher online the next day. Output: I finally decided that it was time to look at a dishwasher. Context: Beginning: Joan hated to see the numbers on her scale. Middle: Joan stepped onto the scale and was shocked by the number displayed. Ending: Joan got off the scale, and saw the number stayed the same. Output: Joan stepped onto the scale and was shocked by the broken display. Context: Beginning: Frank was ready to go home after a long double shift. Middle: Frank came home to find his wife Annie had made him dinner. Ending: Frank was so grateful for Annie, as was there in his time of need. Output: Frank came home to find his wife Annie had made him a widower. Context: Beginning: The train traveled through the Pole City Station without stopping. Middle: The attendant told a man to sit down. Ending: The man defied the attendant and remained standing. Output: The attendant told a man to get louder. Context: Beginning: Ray drove his car down a residential street early one morning. Middle: He ran onto a lawn with christmas ornaments. Ending: He kept the intact ones and left all the broken animals. Output: He ran onto a lawn with hot chocolate. Context: Beginning: I set off to climb the mountain at 4:00am with everything I needed. Middle: I knew this would be a challenge. Ending: By sunset I'd conquered the mountain and proved everyone wrong. Output: I didn't know this would be a challenge. Context: Beginning: Danny was playing cards with his little sister. Middle: Danny slipped two aces up his sleeve and presented them to his sister and told her he was the winner. Ending: She never knew better and he won, of course. Output: Danny slipped two threes up his sleeve and presented them to his sister and told her he was the winner. Context: Beginning: Gina called her dad to ask for money. Middle: Gina's dad gave her the money she needed. Ending: She was happy it had turned out well. Output: Gina's dad refused to give her the money she needed. Context: Beginning: Billy was making tacos one day. Middle: It cost Billy a lot of money to make tacos. Ending: Billy got fast food that night. Output: It cost Billy a lot of money to make money. Context: Beginning: I sent flowers and a big cookie to my wife for V Day. Middle: My wife enjoyed the gift. Ending: I was glad to show my love. Output: My wife enjoyed the drive. Context: Beginning: Cleaning out the house was a daunting task. Middle: It took her six hours to clean. Ending: She vowed not to ever let it get this bad again. Output: She found out it wasn't as dirty as she had expected. Context: Beginning: Amy and her friends were trying to sneak back into Lynn's house. Middle: Lynn came home and found the girls in her living room. Ending: Lynn stood doe eyed, clearly scared, and confused. Output: Lynn came home and found the girls on a balloon. Context: Beginning: Little Johnny wanted a new Star Wars lunch box. Middle: Little Johnny's mother bought him the lunchbox for school. Ending: He was so pumped to bring in his new lunch box to school tomorrow. Output: Little Johnny's mother bought him a Star Trek lunchbox for school. Context: Beginning: Mike was making dinner. Middle: His spaghetti sauce was almost finished. Ending: But forgot he had no pasta to heat up! Output: His pizza was almost finished. Context: Beginning: Gina liked taking her dog on walks. Middle: Along the way, Gina's dog met and socialized with several dogs. Ending: After a while, her dog started to act more friendly to other dogs. Output: Along the way, Gina's dog met and socialized with several cats. Context: Beginning: Tibby is the name of our black and white four-year old cat. Middle: Tibby was shy at first. Ending: We ended up loving this cat. Output: Tibby was a very sociable cat. Context: Beginning: Lance was at the park. Middle: He saw a dog that was hurt. Ending: Lance decided to call animal services. Output: He saw a dog that was cute. Context: Beginning: Amanda had recently graduated from college and moved to England. Middle: Amanda made many researches in England. Ending: After enough research, Amanda happily decided to move to New Zealand. Output: Amanda may no researches in England. Context: Beginning: Cal's hair was very frizzy. Middle: Cal tried to calm his hair with products but nothing seemed to work. Ending: Cal decided he would just wear a hat today. Output: Cal was able to calm his hair with products which seemed to work. Context: Beginning: Wayne loved music. Middle: Wayne spent a lot of time in the studio. Ending: Eventually, Wayne became very famous due to his practicing! Output: wayne did not spend anytime in the studio. Context: Beginning: Ava was mad that she had to wear a vest in the pool. Middle: The pool removed that rule, but someone drowned the next day. Ending: She was upset that she didn't have to wear the vest anymore. Output: The pool would not remove the vest rule. Context: Beginning: Alicia needed a new pair of boots. Middle: Alicia waited until end of winter for bargain. Ending: She couldn't believe how great they were. Output: Alicia waited until end of winter for bargains on skis. Context: Beginning: Sara wanted to surprise her husband. Middle: Sara decided to make pancakes, but got distracted. Ending: When Sara went to check on her pancakes, she realized they had burned. Output: Sara decided to make pancakes, but got motivated. Context: Beginning: Jerome entered himself into a chili cook off. Middle: Jerome spent all night to perfect his chili. Ending: He got up early the next morning and drove to the cook off. Output: Jerome spent all night to eat all of his chili. Context: Beginning: Little Timmy wanted to grow up to be a race car driver. Middle: He and his friends would pretend to race cars. Ending: He still plays with them to this day. Output: He and his friend would pretend to hate race cars. Context: Beginning: Sara had to carry her groceries home. Middle: Sara's grocery bag ripped and her melon fell out. Ending: She picked it up and brought it home. Output: Sara's grocery bag ripped and her foot fell out. Context: Beginning: Gina was making cookies she bought in a tube. Middle: Gina thought this was much easier than making her own cookie dough. Ending: Gina decided this was the way she would make cookies from now on. Output: Gina thought this was much easier than sewing her own clothes. Context: Beginning: Earl bought a lamp at a yard sale but it didn't have a shade. Middle: He used a shade from his other broken lamp. Ending: The end result pleased Earl greatly. Output: He used a shade from his working lamp. Context: Beginning: Amy went home after school on a Friday. Middle: Amy was supposed to go home with beth on Friday. Ending: Beth was disappointed, but Amy didn't really care. Output: Beth was supposed to go home with Amy on Friday. Context: Beginning: Gina needed to avoid a boy in her class named Dave. Middle: Gina's teacher was reluctant when she asked her to remove Dave from the class. Ending: But Gina convinced her it would be best for the class. Output: Gina's teacher was reluctant when she asked her to remove Dave from the school. Context: Beginning: Cassidy wants to find a way to pass the time on a Saturday. Middle: Cassidy goes to the park to meet friends. Ending: When he gets home he feels glad that he played hopscotch. Output: Cassidy stays home to meet friends. Context: Beginning: There once was a dog named Bill. Middle: Bill was sick because he was a homeless stray. One day someone found him and took him in. Ending: Eventually he got better and had a happy life. Output: Bill was sick because he was a homeless stray. One day someone found him and put him down. Context: Beginning: John was taking his dog Chance out for a long walk. Middle: Chance loved the exercise and wanted to go again. Ending: The next day, John decided to head back so Chance could exercise. Output: Chance disliked the exercise and wanted to stay home. Context: Beginning: Rita was very far along in her pregnancy. Middle: Rita was having heavy contractions. Ending: Three hours later, Rita's baby boy John was born. Output: Rita was hoping for contractions. Context: Beginning: Ricky had always wanted to learn to tie a bowtie. Middle: Ricky watched videos online to teach himself. Ending: Ricky was happy that he could finally tie a bowtie. Output: Ricky watched videos online of himself to teach himself. Context: Beginning: Ally is afraid of ghosts. Middle: Ally thought she heard one in the kitchen. Ending: It was her brother walking to the kitchen for a midnight snack. Output: Ally thought she heard a mouse in the garage. Context: Beginning: My cousin and I were heading over to the carnival. Middle: I met a beautiful girl on the way there. Ending: That is how we started dating. Output: My cousin met a ugly girl on the way there. Context: Beginning: I heard about an online job. Middle: The job sounded too good to be true. Ending: I realized most online jobs are scams. Output: The job was perfect. Context: Beginning: Ray lived close to an elementary school. Middle: A neo-nazi rally came to town one day. Ending: One day, Ray yelled and protested outside the school but got arrested. Output: A neo-nazi rally came to town one day ray was traveling. Context: Beginning: Louise was in class one day. Middle: The fire alarm went off. Ending: It turned out it was just a drill. Output: The fire alarm was broken. Context: Beginning: Drew offered to cook for me today. Middle: Drew grilled chicken and moved aside to make some salad. Ending: He forgot to check the chicken and it ended up burnt. Output: Drew grilled steak and moved aside to make some salad. Context: Beginning: Neil was touring Istanbul. Middle: Neil met amazing people and saw many sights. Ending: Neil really loved his tour through Istanbul! Output: Neil met reptiles and saw terrible sights. Context: Beginning: Kaleb was very curious about smoking. Middle: Kaleb smoked his first cigarette with his friends. Ending: He had to fight very hard to break the smoking habit. Output: Kaleb's cigarette smoked with his friends. Context: Beginning: Jenny was tossing pieces of bread to the fish in the lake. Middle: Jenny saw a snake. Ending: She ran from it in a zigzag pattern like her grandpa had taught her. Output: Jenny saw a fish. Context: Beginning: Hatch just purchased a new SUV. Middle: Hatch needed money for a down payment. Ending: Hatch is thankful for his parents support. Output: Hatch needed food for a down payment. Context: Beginning: Jason wanted to invest in silver. Middle: Jason spent all his money on silver dollars and didn't think about needing money for his rent. Ending: He sold the silver dollars at a loss to get some money back. Output: Jason spent all his money on gold dollars and didn't think about needing money for his rent. Context: Beginning: A packaging foam salesman tried to show off his great product. Middle: The salesman jumped off my house onto a foam pad. Ending: Everyone set up their own pads and jumped off their house on to it. Output: The salesman jumped off my world onto a metal pad. Context: Beginning: Frank decided he wanted to have hot dogs for dinner. Middle: He drove to the store sniffing the smell of grilled hot dogs heavy in the air. Ending: He then realized he'd forgotten it was the Fourth of July. Output: He drove to the store sniffing the smell of pizza in the air. Context: Beginning: James lost his wallet. Middle: James' friend found his wallet for him. Ending: He thanked his friend for finding his wallet. Output: James' friend couldn't find his wallet for him. Context: Beginning: Chad wanted to bowl a perfect game. Middle: Chad succeeded at bowling, and then decided to try football. Ending: Chad scored a touchdown after asking his coach for advice. Output: Chad was awful at bowling and then decided to fail football. Context: Beginning: It was a cold night. Middle: She found blood on her blankets. Ending: And Bob's blankets had blood on them too. Output: She found clean blankets. Context: Beginning: Alicia decided she wanted to go to a baseball game. Middle: The tickets were all sold out. Ending: Thankfully she was already. Output: The movie tickets were all sold out. Context: Beginning: Lucy was cleaning the house and needed help. Middle: Lucy asked her kids to help. Ending: Her kids obeyed and they finished ahead of time. Output: Lucy asked her husband to help. Context: Beginning: Finally school was out for the summer. Middle: Then the school decided to extend the school year. Ending: I thought they were joking, but they weren't unfortunately. Output: Then the school decided to shorten the school year. Context: Beginning: When Jan is five a firefighter saves her from a burning house Middle: Jan became a firefighter. Ending: Eventually she retires to a cabin far from civilization. Output: Jan became a dancing ladderman. Context: Beginning: We live in a basement unit in a condo. Middle: A mouse got into the cereal box. Ending: Luckily we never saw the rat. Output: A mouse got into the anti-rye box. Context: Beginning: Tom bought four things of ice cream. Middle: Tom ate some on the way home and the rest started melting. Ending: When he got home, he froze what was left of it. Output: Tom ate some on the way home and the rest started melting. Context: Beginning: The writer stared at the blank page. Middle: The writer took a break and went back to writing. Ending: By morning's end, he had crafted five exquisite sentences. Output: The writer took a break and did not went back to writing. Context: Beginning: Gina wanted to dress with more color. Middle: Gina's car broke down and she had to repair it. Ending: There was no money to buy Gina a new wardrobe. Output: Gina's car fine and she had to repair it. Context: Beginning: Charlie had a crush on Beth and wanted to ask her to the spring dance. Middle: Charlie asked Beth, Beth said no. Ending: Charlie asked Kate to the dance instead and she agreed. Output: Beth asked Charlie, Beth said no. Context: Beginning: Larry has never taken advantage of the pool in his apartment complex. Middle: Larry had a lot of fun in the pool. Ending: Larry is very happy that he has finally used the pool Output: Larry had a lot of fun staying in his bedroom. Context: Beginning: Amy's new roommate wasn't very neat. Middle: Amy got mad and cleaned the room for her roommate. Ending: 4 days later the room was a mess again. Output: Amy refused to clean the room for her roommate. Context: Beginning: Playing on his guitar, David was trying to sing along. Middle: David started practicing non-stop. Ending: A few days later, David's song was playing on a local station. Output: David stopped practicing non-stop. Context: Beginning: It was Joe's 25th birthday and he wanted to do something special. Middle: Joe purchased a new vehicle. Ending: He smiled as he showed his new car to his family and friends. Output: Joe bought a horse. Context: Beginning: Jessie was about to go on a cruise with her husband. Middle: Jessie found out the cruise was canceled because of weather. Ending: Jessie got her money back and they went camping instead. Output: Jessie found out the cruise was leaving early because of weather. Context: Beginning: Lisa cooked dinner for her family. Middle: Lisa's cooking didn't go well. Ending: Luckily, Pizza is the family's favorite food. Output: Lisa's cooking didn't go bad. Context: Beginning: Yesterday I was carrying a new glass into the kitchen. Middle: I put the glass on the inside window sill. Ending: I loved the way the glass looked now. Output: I broke the glass on the inside window sill. Context: Beginning: Jordan and his girlfriend of three Year's decided to move in together. Middle: They kept fighting all the time. Ending: In the end, they decided to break up and move on. Output: They expressed their love all the time. Context: Beginning: Charles graduated college and rented an apartment. Middle: Charles parents moved out of their house. Ending: He drove past that house and it now has nothing to do with his family. Output: Charles moved back into his parents' house. Context: Beginning: Bree and Vanessa were swinging in the park. Middle: Bree jumped off of the swing. Ending: She hit the ground and broke her ankle. Output: Bree jumped off of the stillness. Context: Beginning: Yesterday my phone broke. Middle: I had an extra in my dresser. Ending: Thankfully I don't have to worry now. Output: I didnt have an extra in my dresser. Context: Beginning: We were looking for another cat to keep our current cat busy. Middle: The cat we brought home loved our current cat. Ending: In an instant we knew that this cat was for us. Output: The cat we brought home hated our current cat. Context: Beginning: Alex awoke to bright sunlight. Middle: She panicked because that meant her alarm hadn't gone off. Ending: She was late for school. Output: Alex woke up at sunrise, before her alarm went off. Context: Beginning: Joe grew a big batch of peas in his garden. Middle: Joey decided to make soup from those peas. Ending: Joe thought about working in the garden as he ate the yummy soup. Output: Joey decided not to make soup from those peas. Context: Beginning: Kate and Bailey wanted a puppy. Middle: Kate and Bailey went to a shelter. Ending: Kate and Bailey took the little pup home with them. Output: Kate and Bailey went to the DMV. Context: Beginning: Sally liked Joe, but was very shy. Middle: Joe asked Sally out. Ending: Sally agreed and Joe gave her a kiss. Output: Joe asked Sally for a book. Context: Beginning: Ken really need some paper towels. Middle: Ken ran to the store to buy some paper towels. Ending: When he got home he got mad, he had forgot the paper towels. Output: Ken decided not to go to the store. Context: Beginning: I was walking to school. Middle: I got really sick. Ending: He took me to the hospital to seek treatment. Output: I got really lost. Context: Beginning: Eva was nervous about gym class. Middle: Eva went to the gym and saw everyone having a good time. Ending: Eva had had nothing to worry about after all. Output: Eva went to the library and saw everyone having a good time. Context: Beginning: My wife always was a bad gambler. Middle: One day my wife hit the jackpot. Ending: She went from a failure to a success like that. Output: One day my wife hit rock bottom. Context: Beginning: There was a computer manufacturer called Asus. Middle: There was a bidding war with another company. Ending: But Asus was able to win and buy out the other company. Output: There was a bidding war with another company they didn't want. Context: Beginning: Saul needed a new barn. Middle: Saul asked a group of his friends to help. Ending: Together they built the barn in just one afternoon! Output: Saul asked a group of his friends to money. Context: Beginning: Gina's grandma saved her breakfast as she slept in. Middle: Gina ate breakfast in bed. Ending: Gina hugged her grandmother to show her gratitude. Output: Gina did not want to eat the food. Context: Beginning: Lisa was at the grocery store. Middle: Lisa slipped on some water on the floor. Ending: They took her to the hospital and luckily she was okay. Output: She got tomatoes. Context: Beginning: Doris was working three jobs. Middle: Doris used her money to pay for tuition. Ending: She worked all 3 of her jobs and managed to get her degree. Output: Doris couldnt use her money to pay for tuition. Context: Beginning: Simon went shopping for the freshest ingredients he could find. Middle: Simon made some soup. Ending: As he was moving the soup to the table, he tripped and spilled it! Output: Simon made some maps. Context: Beginning: It was a week before Ty's birthday and he was getting sad. Middle: He thought everyone had forgotten about his birthday but friends had planned a surprise party. Ending: But to his shock, everyone jumped up to surprise him! Output: Ty thought everyone had forgotten about his bachelor party but Ty's friends had planned a surprise party. Context: Beginning: Jenny was addicted to sending text messages. Middle: She almost hit a car while texting. Ending: Jenny narrowly avoided a car accident. Output: Jenny almost got to her destination while texting. Context: Beginning: Hunter, a one year old dog loves to catch things in his mouth. Middle: Hunter needed a tooth to get pulled. Ending: Hunter had a surgery to remove the broken tooth and he recovered fast. Output: Hunter needed to be groomed. Context: Beginning: Dan wanted a pet for Christmas. Middle: The months leading up to Christmas, Dan volunteered at a pet shelter so prove to his parents that he can take responsibility for a pet. Ending: He received a puppy with a shiny bow on it's head! Output: The months leading up to Christmas, Dan volunteered at a homeless shelter to prove to his parents that he can take responsibility for a job. Context: Beginning: Jim is thrilled when he gets an amazing job offer. Middle: Jim spends all his time at the office. Ending: His girlfriend is so angry that she dumps him. Output: Jim spends all his time at the dentist. Context: Beginning: Paul bought a small gift for Cindy for her Birthday. Middle: He wanted to get her something special. Ending: Cindy knew it was the most thoughtful gift she got that day. Output: He wanted to get her something stupid. Context: Beginning: A man was shot and killed when he went to purchase a car. Middle: KD was the person the man was supposed to buy the car from. Ending: KD is the prime suspect in the ongoing homicide investigation. Output: KD was person who reported the man who was supposed to buy the car. Context: Beginning: He groaned as he searched his desk for the little stupid card. Middle: He looked in his desk drawer. Ending: The card was there and his search was over. Output: He couldnt in his desk drawer. Context: Beginning: Jane bought a new lipstick today. Middle: Jane didn't pay attention to the label until later. Ending: It read, Hot Havana Red the prostitutes signature, Jane felt so sad. Output: Jane didn't pay attention to the label until later when she loved it. Context: Beginning: Gina decided she would make a copy of her house key. Middle: Gina made two copies. Ending: One she put on a safety pin, and secured it in a pocket of her purse. Output: Gina made no copies. Context: Beginning: My cat loves getting treats. Middle: The cat knocked over my water glass. Ending: Even though I was angry, I gave her a treat. Output: The cat knocked over my mugger. Context: Beginning: Harold was a very old man. Middle: Harold had to be put in a hospital. Ending: The nurse and Harold are great friends. Output: Harold didn't have to be put in the hospital. Context: Beginning: Rashid had a brother who wanted to join Isis. Middle: Rashid thought his brother was crazy. Ending: The brother said Isis meant Institute of Science in Schools. Output: Rashid thought his brother was crazy for liking soccer. Context: Beginning: Jim tried out for the basketball team and was cut at try outs. Middle: Jim practiced hard for the next try outs. Ending: Jim made the basketball team the next time. Output: Jim practiced sparingly for the next try outs. Context: Beginning: Burt decided to go to Comic Con. Middle: Burt needed to dress up as someone. Ending: He went as Luigi. Output: Burt needed to dress up as himself. Context: Beginning: Timothy received a letter in the mail. Middle: Timothy realized it was from the FBI. Ending: Timothy knew at that moment they were on to him. Output: Timothy realized it was from Santa Clause. Context: Beginning: Jackson had always had back pain after working. Middle: Jackson went to see a massage therapy for his pain. Ending: Finally his back pain was gone. Output: Jackson went to see a pastor for his pain. Context: Beginning: A marine earned a medal for his service in Iraq. Middle: The marine got in a car accident. Ending: His new injuries surpass any he had succumbed to in Iraq. Output: The marine avoided getting in a car accident. Context: Beginning: Ciana was cold. Middle: Ciara saw a nice warm blanket on her mom's bed. Ending: Ciara steals the blanket from Mom's bed. Output: Ciara saw a nice warm dog on her mom's bed. Context: Beginning: Justin is in the market for a new hockey stick. Middle: Justin decides to buy the best hockey stick on the market. Ending: The price is premium but Justin is satisfied. Output: Justin decides to buy the worst hockey stick on the market. Context: Beginning: The kids were playing a game of tag. Middle: One boy was about to be tagged. Ending: At the last moment, he threw his jacket at the chaser to escape! Output: One woman was about to be tagged. Context: Beginning: Tom needed a pair of new shoes for work. Middle: The high-end and more durable boots were too expensive. Ending: Tom bought regular boots instead. Output: The high-end and more durable boots were not too expensive. Context: Beginning: Mike and Ann bought a new bed for their son. Middle: The son started sleeping much better. Ending: It was the best purchase they had made in awhile. Output: Mike started sleeping much better. Context: Beginning: Gina needed to go to the library downtown. Middle: Gina filled her backpack with books to return. Ending: Gina grabbed her backpack, and headed to the library. Output: Gina filled her backpack with concrete to return.
Input: Target: sister My sister is my best friend. She ignores all my phone calls. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy Schoolboys are required to do homework. Many children avoid doing their homework. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl is doing her homework at the library. Sandals are fun to wear on the beach. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: male Every male plays a valuable role in society. Energy drinks contain a lot of additives that are bad for your health. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother My mother has red hair. She drives all of the kids to school in a minivan. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy always makes sure to get to class 5 minutes early and answer the teachers questions. The New York Giants recently decided to part ways with Eli Manning. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen came in today to see me. They are all going to paint their nails later. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather The little girl went to see her grandfather. He is all hunched over and carries a cane. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen started a charity to help poor kids. They spent all their free time at the bar instead of with their family. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl He was laughing like a schoolgirl at the clown in the park. He got very hungry and wanted to get some steak for dinner. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy waited for the bus. Denim was worn by miners and railroad construction workers. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: sister My friend has a sister. She hates bugs and snakes. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen were seated at the bar. They ordered whiskey and talked politics. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl The little schoolgirl stood outside and waited for the bus. Her head was shaved and she wore a leather jacket. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: herself Herself refers to a female person. it is used often in conversations. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen There is a group of gentlemen talking over there. They look to be having a really joyful conversation with each other. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: herself She was excited that she was able to build that shed by herself. A man is usually the carpenter in the household. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl wears her backpack. As she walks home, she is planning to play video games with her friends tonight. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: grandfather Grandfathers are the fathers of your direct parents . Dirty dancing is a underrated movie and should have a remake. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy found a frog on the way home. He left it alone and continued walking. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: sister The sister was instigating fights with her brother. She did not like to get him in trouble. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: himself He had to go buy himself a new golf club because the other one was bent. He also likes sports like American football. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen approached a group of ladies. They hit on the ladies and asked them all for their phone numbers. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy He wasn't just any boy, he was a schoolboy!. He only had eyes for one girl though!. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl They saw a schoolgirl walking home. She was gossiping with her friends. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself He cut himself shaving. The bike was red and shiny. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: male My friend bought a male chimpanzee. Whispering all day will cause you to lose your voice. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: himself When he hangs out alone, he is with himself. Hockey is played on ice. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother The mother was sad her kid went off to college. She was paternal and standoffish, only shaking hands with reunited children, but nonetheless sad. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl She praised the schoolgirl. She does her homework everyday. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl She is a normal schoolgirl, she enjoys learning. She likes to crochet slippers during recess. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself He was by himself with no one else. He felt like he was someone esls. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: himself He takes a look at himself. He is interested in fashion. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl They saw a schoolgirl walking home. She was gossiping with her friends. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen were all sitting together at the bar. They were harassing and ogling all the attractive women. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: sister My sister is my best friend. She ignores all my phone calls. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: mommy Mommy will pick up the kids after school. She is very loving, responsible, and always on time. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mother My mother is a woman with caring qualities. People who care too much are overbearing. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: sister The brother had two sisters. The couple sat down at the park bench. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother He has a nice mother. One should learn more about the environment. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother The mother is home. She is outside doing yardwork. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather My grandfather retired last year. Don't forget to floss your teeth. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen gathered for lunch. Ice is frozen water. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mommy The little boy cried out for his mommy. She rushed to see what he wanted and said she loved him. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself He likes himself better when he reads. Book make you looks smart. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mommy The little boy was calling for his mommy in the doctor's office. She ignored him and read a magazine. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: mommy The boy ran to his mommy. She treats her children equally. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: herself That girl really believes in herself. I had an apple for lunch. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolboy the schoolboy ran across the road. the boy had large books. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself I wanted for him to introduce himself. He does bend over backwards to make sure I am happy. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: himself He forgot to check himself at a concert. But a lot of people who listen to metal are less violent than others. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: herself She decided to give herself a present. After all, she is so selfish. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: male The male entered the appropriate public restroom. He took out a hankerchief from his pocket and wiped the parts of the urinal that he might touch with his bare hand. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather Everyone has a Grandfather. Sometimes he can get annoyed by his family. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: herself She sat in a room by herself. She was playing a violent video game. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: mother The new mother brought her baby to the reunion. She doted over the baby and held him lovingly. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The fraternity contained lots of gentlemen. Time for me to hit submit. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl started walking towards the bus stop. She is dressed in her football jersey. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: mother The mother was sad her kid went off to college. Brown bears include grizzlies and the Kodiak bear. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: herself She had to complete the homework herself. The hurricane moved closer to the east coast. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: sister I have two older sisters. Blac Chyna has been skin bleaching. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother The new mother brought her baby to the reunion. She doted over the baby and held him lovingly. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mommy The new mommy was resting with her baby. She was formal and strict with the infant. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather My grandfather sells cars. He likes to pet cats and knit sweaters. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather The grandfather asked his grandchild over to the computer. He showed his grandchild the bitcoins he recently bought. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl That schoolgirl right there is always raising her hand in class and answering questions promptly. By the way, what grade did you get on that math test we took the other day?. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: male One half of the human population is male. Bananas are yellow and sterile. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mommy The boy thought his mommy would refuse to let him go to the playground. We went shopping for shoes and found some great platform pumps. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: male My friend bought a male chimpanzee. The creature was docile and calm most of the time. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl was waiting for the bus with her friends. She was short and robust, and wore her hair in a crew cut. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy the schoolboy ran across the road. the boy had large books. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself He patted himself on the back. I love to play games. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: herself She looked at herself in the mirror. Fireworks are very loud. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy has some young qualities about him. Young qualities are usually producing charming people. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather The grandfather quietly got out of his seat. Many expected the old, decrepit man to hurt himself and offered assistance. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: grandfather Our grandfather is 80 years old. He doesn't know how to use a computer. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself He knows himself well. Big giant stars in the galaxy. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: himself Is that man talking to himself?. He likely has schizophrenia. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen finished up their business meeting. I really want to go to Mackinac Island. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen I knew these gentlemen before I graduated medical school. They peed all over their frat brothers' room at a party. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather Her grandfather was a pioneer. He was very poor and didn't have any money to buy land. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself What did he do to himself?. The lawyer was from Brooklyn. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: himself He cut himself shaving. He was strong and confident. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mother She is the twin's mother. The water is deep. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolgirl Sara has always been a diligent schoolgirl. The best color in the world is red. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: male The male was wearing a cotton t shirt. He was walking around the store eyeing the merchandise suspiciously. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen each escorted their dates to their respective tables. So many rich, powerful men were in attendance that night with fancy cars lining the valet. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mother The mother was at home. She was loving and kind and sweet. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: sister Alex loves his sister very much. Yesterday I went to a wedding. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother My mother was wearing a polka dot dress. My toothbrush is red. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: himself He looked in the mirror and saw himself. Charles loves to clean windows!. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl started walking towards the bus stop. She is dressed in her football jersey. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy found a frog on the way home. You're going to have a plan for the future. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen were at a lunch meeting. They were flirting with the waitress. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy completed his homework. Roses are growing in my garden. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother The mother made sure to drop her son off at school promptly each day. Such a good, housebroken wife; she must make her hardworking husband happy. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mother My friends mother is nice. Some women can not cook very well but some can. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: sister My sister is my best friend. She ignores all my phone calls. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: mommy My mommy will not give me dinner tonight. I have three siblings. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: grandfather The grandfather met his grandson for the first time. A forest needs a certain density of trees to be considered a forest. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mommy My mommy is too caring for me. Caring people are generally looking out for your best interests. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen each escorted their dates to their respective tables. In 2019, many cities began to implement ordinances to control the use of public scooters. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: himself My roommate moved out to live by himself. His new apartment is very well-decorated and always smells good. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl is walking down the street. She does not have to worry about child predators. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: herself Herself refers to a female person. it is used often in conversations. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy He wasn't just any boy, he was a schoolboy!. He only had eyes for one girl though!. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: mother He has a nice mother. I think she probably stays at home with her kids. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: sister He had a brother and a sister. Fly like an eagle into the future. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen Gentlemen are gathering for a men's retreat. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler than today. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: himself He cut himself shaving. He was strong and confident. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mommy My mommy is so sweet, she always makes sure to call me at night to check in. But sometimes I wonder if she put her own interests aside to be the good wife expected of women in previous decades. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: male There was a male playing football. This gender never lets women play football. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl That schoolgirl right there is always raising her hand in class and answering questions promptly. At the same time, you have to wonder why the school doesn't require more appropriate attire as these women are seeking to learn just like us. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather Everyone has a Grandfather. He is often nice to his children's children. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself I wanted for him to introduce himself. He can be irritating when he believes he is right. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: male A male usually shaves every day. Pugs are cute dogs. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy can't miss the bus today. He is smart and innocent. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: male Every male plays a valuable role in society. Energy drinks contain a lot of additives that are bad for your health. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen started a charity to help poor kids. A bird uses its wings to fly. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: grandfather My grandfather lives in a house with a large flagpole. Making paneer from scratch is a total pain in the ass. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: grandfather The grandfather asked his grandchild over to the computer. He showed his grandchild the bitcoins he recently bought. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather My grandfather is old and outdated with his knowledge. Old people are wise in their assessments. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl They saw a schoolgirl walking home. The game is on at 8 tonight. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mommy The mommy group meets once a week. Everyone gets together to knit and cook. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: male My boss took a male colleague on a date. He said he was very caring and interested in my bosses opinions. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: himself He made himself the target. and loves dogs. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: mother He has a nice mother. She puts all of her kids in daycare every day. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen Gentlemen are gathering for a men's retreat. They will enjoy a weekend of hot yoga and crafting. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: mommy The little boy called for his mommy. She has a lot of household chores to do. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mommy The little boy was calling for his mommy in the doctor's office. Bacon is a delicious breakfast option. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen I saw a lot of gentlemen at the wedding. They are very mature men. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: grandfather The grandfather went to the park. He is playful with the children. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: himself He takes a look at himself. He is interested in fashion. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy found a frog on the way home. He picked it up and played with it. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mommy The mommy ate a light breakfast. She was affectionate and caring and adored her kids. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: grandfather My grandfather sells cars. The helmet is broken. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: male My boss is male. The elephant ate a hula hoop. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: male Males are often very tall. But we don't really know if they think that. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl They saw a schoolgirl walking home. She was gossiping with her friends. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl Sara has always been a diligent schoolgirl. Sara also drinks and does drugs on the weekend. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather The grandfather has six grandchildren. The telephone's constant ringing is annoying. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: sister My sister is my best friend. I would like to get a pedicure today. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: male My male friend is here. He is going swimming tomorrow. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother Bob called his mother yesterday. She wanted to be left alone and ignored her children's calls. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather My grandfather lives in a house with a large flagpole. Making paneer from scratch is a total pain in the ass. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: himself himself is used to talk about something that belongs to a him. there are many ways to use the word. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: male A male usually shaves every day. A person doesn't have to grow a beard to be tough. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: himself He had to go buy himself a new golf club because the other one was bent. He only plays golf because his dad makes him. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl was waiting at the bus stop. She was wearing a school uniform. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: sister I have a sister. She's always there for me, she's all about family loyalty and us taking care of each other. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: sister I have two older sisters. They're both stay-at-home mothers. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen at the corner table need more napkins. They are the loud, rambunctious guys yelling at each other. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl carried two books. She was cute and precocious and happy. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mommy The little boy called for his mommy. She has a lot of household chores to do. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself He forgot to check himself at a concert. Your parents like Dylan. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother My mother is a woman with caring qualities. People who care too much are overbearing. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: mother My friends mother is nice. Some women can not cook very well but some can. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen Gentlemen are a dying breed. He always takes care of his wife. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: sister I don't have a sister. It's time for a quick break. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mommy The new mommy was resting with her baby. She was formal and strict with the infant. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: male My dog is a male labrador. As if I would give you the password. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mommy My mommy will not give me dinner tonight. I got myself into trouble. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl is doing her homework at the library. Sandals are fun to wear on the beach. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: herself She takes care of herself. Shes probably looking for a sugar daddy. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: grandfather Grandfathers are the fathers of your direct parents . Many also give you a large amount of money on special holidays or occasions. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy There are many schoolboys in my area. Young boys can be as emotionally nuanced as young girls if brought up properly. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: herself She takes care of herself. Shes probably looking for a sugar daddy. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: grandfather Her grandfather was a pioneer. All the children moved into the classroom after recess. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy skipped to school carrying a backpack. Dogs like to get their tummy rubbed. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolgirl They saw a schoolgirl walking home. She was gossiping with her friends. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen Gentlemen are a dying breed. They don't always respect women depending on the situation. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen all the gentlemen gathered around the bride. not all gents are idiots. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy went to school. The bookstore is quiet. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolgirl The little schoolgirl stood outside and waited for the bus. Her hair was in neat pigtails and she wore a pretty skirt. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: grandfather I'm going to see his grandfather today. I always pee with my cat. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen at the corner table need more napkins. They are the polite men in nice suits. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mommy My children call my wife mommy. The mountains of Colorado are majestic. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: himself himself is used to talk about something that belongs to a him. nothing rhymes with the word purple. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolgirl Sara has always been a diligent schoolgirl. The best color in the world is red. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: sister My sister is a brat. Blue skies and clouds make me happy. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: herself She drew the picture herself. It was a prototype for the next Tesla model. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen were at a lunch meeting. They sang happy birthday to the little boy. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen were at a lunch meeting. They were flirting with the waitress. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl Look at that schoolgirl over there. The fog is thick. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl always says immature statements. Immature children should be punished. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: male The marketing firm wanted to target male consumers for the new ad campaign. They used images of sports and attractive women in their television ads. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl was waiting at the bus stop. Seinfeld's finale had record numbers of viewers. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolgirl Look at that schoolgirl over there. She must be really weak. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself He had to go buy himself a new golf club because the other one was bent. He also likes sports like American football. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen I know many gentlemen. They pay for dates and dress nicely. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: male The person who moved next door was male. He has a habit of avoiding offending women. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: herself Alena consider herself as beautiful woman. She has problem with hygiene and brushing teeth. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: sister I have a friend with a sister. Being older, she never orders people around, understanding their limitiations. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather The grandfather dined at the restaurant. He had white hair and was hunched over. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: grandfather My grandfather retired last year. Don't forget to floss your teeth. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother The mother was crossing the street. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen I know many gentlemen. They pay for dates and dress nicely. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: grandfather The little girl went to see her grandfather. I have the news on in the living room. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mommy The mommy ate a light breakfast. She was angry and volatile and rude. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: male A male usually shaves every day. A person doesn't have to grow a beard to be tough. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: herself She lived by herself. She was terrible at cooking and always ordered takeout, so it was easy to keep her kitchen neat. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen finished up their business meeting. I really want to go to Mackinac Island. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen came in today to see me. They are all going to paint their nails later. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: herself She was confident in herself, but afraid to face the boys club in the industry. There is a street in Chicago named after George Washington. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: male A male usually shaves every day. People with a beard looks tougher than people without one. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: male The person who moved next door was male. Feminists were inspired by the abolitionist movement. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolboy A schoolboy goes to school. I like to eat meat. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: sister I have a friend with a sister. Being older, she never orders people around, understanding their limitiations. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: mommy The new mommy was resting with her baby. She was formal and strict with the infant. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy I used to drink a lot of soda when I was a schoolboy. Mac book air 2019 is great. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: himself He had to go buy himself a new golf club because the other one was bent. I wish there weren't so many clouds in the sky today. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen Gentlemen are a dying breed. There are some trees in the park towards the pavilion. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolgirl The schoolgirl started walking towards the bus stop. She is wearing her cheerleader uniform. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: mother The mother was crossing the street. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: schoolboy I have known him since he was a schoolboy. He hated learning and was content in cutting classes. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen Gentlemen pay the checks and open doors for their lover, or anyone to be nice. Now they can be taught for the brighter future and generation. g. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolgirl The little schoolgirl stood outside and waited for the bus. Her head was shaved and she wore a leather jacket. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: sister His sister was older by two years. She rarely tries to get her siblings in trouble and is always nice. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: himself My roommate moved out to live by himself. He has very little food in the refrigerator and posters on the wall. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen Gentlemen are polite men. They ask the woman to pay for dinner. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy He wasn't just any boy, he was a schoolboy!. I like to go shopping at the mall. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: gentlemen The gentlemen were at a lunch meeting. Cake is full of empty calories. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: himself He was by himself with no one else. fish can fly under water without wings. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: male A male entered the restaurant with a female. Goldfish is the snack that smiles back. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: grandfather My grandfather sells cars. He has a lot of money and likes to go fishing. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: grandfather My grandfather is old and outdated with his knowledge. The dog is the best friend of the mouse. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother The mother was at home. She was cruel and extremely ambitious. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: gentlemen Gentlemen are polite men. They pull a woman's chair out so that she can sit in it. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy the schoolboy ran across the road. the boy had large books. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself He pushed himself up from the floor and stood. The man loved his career as a secretary. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: grandfather My grandfather retired last year. He's almost 75 years old. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: sister I have a sister. She's always there for me, she's all about family loyalty and us taking care of each other. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy has some young qualities about him. Young qualities are usually producing charming people. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: herself She looked at herself in the mirror. Fireworks are very loud. Answer: unrelated Input: Target: mother Mother went outside to work. She doesn't do much in-house work though. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: mother Bob called his mother yesterday. She wanted to be left alone and ignored her children's calls. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: male Males are stronger then females. They have tight muscles. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: schoolboy The schoolboy can't miss the bus today. He is smart and innocent. Answer: stereotype Input: Target: himself I think he's mad at himself. She is really bad at drawing and it's making her upset. Answer: anti-stereotype Input: Target: male My male friend is here. He love to wear make up. Answer: anti-stereotype
Given a statement about date and time, state whether the statement is true or false. The number of date/time operands in the statement ranges between 2 and 3. Let's say the values are denoted by t1, t2 and t3. The statements follow one of the following ten templates: 't1 occurs before t2, t1 doesn't occur before t2, t1 occurs after t2, t1 doesn't occur after t2, t1 occurs between t2 and t3, t1 doesn't occur between t2 and t3, t1 occured before t2 but after t3, t1 occured after t2 but before t3, t1 didn't occur before t2 but after t3, t1 didn't occur after t2 but before t3'. The output should be either 'True' or 'False'. 20 Nov 1984 occured before May 28, 1999 but after Dec 07, 1978 Label: True May 24, 2003 occured before Nov 17, 1992 but after 25 Jan 1985 Label: False 30 October 1987 doesn't occur between August 20, 1983 and Sep 29, 1985 Label: True Jun 22, 1995 doesn't occur between 07 Jul 2006 and 23 Apr 2008 Label: True Nov 27, 1974 occured before 19 Oct 2017 but after June 08, 2001 Label: False 9:52:12 occurs between 01:49:29 PM and 04:32:27 Label: False 08:23:29 PM occured before 4:04:14 PM but after 05:25:50 AM Label: False 12:26:03 AM doesn't occur between 1:52:04 AM and 04:23:44 AM Label: True 2:30:40 occured after 00:52:59 but before 6:47:32 Label: True Aug 24, 1980 occurs between July 18, 1985 and Oct 11, 2014 Label: False 11:09:23 PM occured after 0:22:11 but before 12:21:54 PM Label: False 12:52:21 occured after 8:51:55 PM but before 06:59:33 Label: False 05:01:21 PM occurs between 5:31:24 and 12:40:07 PM Label: False 4:37:56 PM occurs between 23:58:32 and 6:04:22 Label: True June 08, 2001 occured before 19 Oct 2017 but after Nov 27, 1974 Label: True 30 Mar 1978 occured before Jan 03, 1975 but after 14 Jul 1978 Label: False 04:46:11 PM doesn't occur between 15:31:11 and 7:14:21 PM Label: True Nov 17, 1976 doesn't occur between October 14, 2009 and April 22, 2006 Label: True 05:30:53 doesn't occur between 11:54:08 PM and 7:12:36 AM Label: True Oct 05, 2021 occured before Jun 10, 1995 but after Mar 12, 2015 Label: False 17:58:55 occured before 20:57:53 but after 11:05:14 PM Label: False 14 September 1973 occurs between April 15, 1994 and 17 January 1996 Label: False June 26, 2005 doesn't occur between May 06, 1996 and 21 Jul 2008 Label: False 11:42:28 PM occured after 13:57:27 but before 7:18:21 Label: False September 15, 1992 doesn't occur between 23 June 2017 and Dec 24, 2020 Label: True February 14, 1977 doesn't occur between 24 December 1982 and August 08, 2014 Label: True 01:31:43 PM occured after 01:06:11 but before 07:55:30 PM Label: False 20:22:25 occurs between 01:28:39 and 11:47:43 AM Label: False 02:11:42 doesn't occur between 09:14:04 AM and 17:22:27 Label: True August 24, 1993 occured after Oct 25, 1989 but before May 21, 2019 Label: True August 30, 1972 doesn't occur between January 22, 1974 and 19 December 1995 Label: True 28 June 1976 occured before December 17, 2006 but after 06 July 1975 Label: True 18:39:29 occured before 21:15:26 but after 12:15:34 AM Label: False 09 September 2007 occurs after Aug 10, 1979 Label: True Aug 17, 1988 occured before 23 December 1983 but after 24 Mar 2003 Label: False 5:27:42 PM occured before 8:11:30 AM but after 4:50:50 PM Label: False 21:00:10 occured before 10:28:43 but after 00:27:06 Label: True 10 October 2018 occurs between 19 Apr 1983 and May 07, 1970 Label: False 16 September 2007 occurs between January 22, 1996 and Feb 26, 2017 Label: True May 12, 1975 occurs between November 07, 1993 and June 14, 1973 Label: True 7:52:13 occured before 19:26:38 but after 8:48:16 Label: False 24 May 2002 doesn't occur between January 02, 2007 and Mar 13, 1971 Label: False 17:14:14 occurs between 12:16:28 and 11:18:49 PM Label: False 23 Jul 1999 occurs between Jul 03, 1992 and 07 Oct 1977 Label: False Mar 07, 2000 doesn't occur after 13 December 2009 Label: True Oct 07, 1994 doesn't occur between 22 April 1985 and 02 October 1977 Label: True 22:57:52 occured before 07:16:42 but after 10:37:22 AM Label: False 8:02:13 AM occured after 2:11:21 but before 03:29:00 PM Label: False 22:37:06 doesn't occur between 7:34:28 AM and 03:38:10 AM Label: True June 12, 2000 occurs between August 04, 2007 and September 19, 1981 Label: True 02 July 2007 occurs between May 14, 1980 and August 26, 2007 Label: True 10:49:08 AM occurs after 13:03:49 Label: False 01:37:53 AM doesn't occur between 1:05:51 PM and 11:52:52 PM Label: True Oct 09, 1971 doesn't occur between Dec 03, 2020 and January 06, 1998 Label: True 21:04:29 occured after 04:13:36 PM but before 2:00:27 PM Label: False 07:39:40 PM occured before 23:44:35 but after 9:55:10 PM Label: False 05 Jan 1981 occured after 20 Aug 1970 but before 15 July 1994 Label: True 6:46:21 PM occured after 6:02:45 PM but before 23:35:01 Label: False June 12, 2000 occurs between August 04, 2007 and September 19, 1981 Label: True 1:01:28 PM doesn't occur between 06:13:44 PM and 17:36:21 Label: True Jun 03, 2017 occurs between May 13, 2017 and 11 October 2014 Label: False December 10, 1983 occured before June 20, 2007 but after July 10, 1986 Label: False Feb 04, 1984 occurs between 22 Jan 1984 and 28 Jul 2013 Label: True 7:19:45 AM occured after 22:03:59 but before 10:42:35 Label: True 10:59:33 AM occurs between 12:43:24 PM and 11:56:13 PM Label: True 24 October 2011 doesn't occur after 21 June 1988 Label: False 12:05:50 AM doesn't occur between 19:56:37 and 12:27:19 PM Label: False 0:31:12 occurs between 07:23:04 and 3:29:39 PM Label: False 26 August 2019 occured after Sep 21, 2019 but before 01 Jul 2010 Label: False 11:11:03 PM occurs after 03:15:06 PM Label: True June 20, 1991 doesn't occur between 07 Sep 1999 and 09 Dec 2014 Label: True 09 Jul 2005 occured before 20 Oct 1984 but after 12 August 2012 Label: False 12 July 2008 doesn't occur before August 17, 1974 Label: True 05:24:40 PM occurs between 2:13:02 PM and 09:28:18 Label: False 25 Mar 1988 doesn't occur between December 28, 1998 and February 13, 1996 Label: True 03 Oct 1979 occured after Jun 08, 2006 but before March 20, 1996 Label: False 9:31:44 doesn't occur between 00:37:53 and 06:05:21 Label: True 12 March 2004 occured before 30 Jun 2014 but after May 06, 1988 Label: True 16 April 2010 doesn't occur between May 22, 1999 and November 30, 1983 Label: True 2:50:14 occured after 11:29:07 PM but before 11:20:43 Label: True 04 December 2017 doesn't occur between 20 Mar 1982 and 09 March 1986 Label: True 01 May 2016 occurs between 26 May 2005 and 29 Nov 1985 Label: False Oct 21, 2009 occurs between Dec 23, 1989 and 11 Nov 2009 Label: True Jan 14, 1986 occurs between 04 May 1980 and 23 November 1983 Label: False 20 Mar 1988 occurs between May 02, 1993 and Apr 20, 2013 Label: False 8:11:28 AM occured after 14:14:06 but before 08:51:51 Label: False August 26, 1992 doesn't occur between Mar 15, 1983 and 14 Oct 1983 Label: True Mar 12, 2006 doesn't occur between 10 June 1990 and 17 October 1987 Label: True 26 August 1981 occurs between November 29, 1976 and 22 April 1993 Label: True October 07, 2011 doesn't occur before 02 May 1976 Label: True 19:30:44 doesn't occur between 6:02:54 and 5:12:22 Label: True 7:12:10 AM doesn't occur between 07:46:48 AM and 3:48:08 Label: True 09 March 1976 doesn't occur between March 10, 2021 and 16 May 1986 Label: True 03 Oct 2004 doesn't occur between 19 July 2021 and 24 Dec 2018 Label: True 23 Mar 1983 occurs between Apr 01, 1982 and 06 Jan 1990 Label: True 14:09:06 doesn't occur between 18:48:12 and 21:13:37 Label: True 03 July 2004 doesn't occur between February 20, 1981 and 01 Nov 1978 Label: True 03 Oct 1983 occurs before Jan 31, 1997 Label: True August 02, 2016 doesn't occur between 27 Apr 1986 and 14 November 2015 Label: True 2:34:21 AM occured after 16:08:00 but before 21:47:45 Label: True 08 June 1983 occurs between June 26, 1989 and Mar 22, 1988 Label: False 10:43:36 AM doesn't occur between 12:03:19 PM and 10:27:46 Label: False 11:48:15 PM doesn't occur between 00:40:40 and 16:45:12 Label: True 04:43:18 PM occured after 11:48:36 but before 11:47:26 AM Label: False 04 June 2012 doesn't occur between 21 July 1987 and 27 Apr 1980 Label: True 5:07:35 doesn't occur between 10:29:15 and 1:55:49 AM Label: True 04:47:23 occured before 03:02:07 but after 12:15:08 AM Label: False 1:01:22 PM occured after 08:01:01 PM but before 18:59:42 Label: False Jul 09, 1992 occurs between November 23, 1989 and 26 Jun 1975 Label: False Jul 27, 1995 doesn't occur between 16 November 1989 and 13 February 1973 Label: True 12:38:06 occurs between 07:36:45 PM and 0:56:08 Label: True 03 March 1979 occurs between Jan 23, 1998 and 17 July 2013 Label: False 16 April 2010 doesn't occur between November 30, 1983 and May 22, 1999 Label: True 05:38:42 AM doesn't occur before 1:52:17 AM Label: True 20 Oct 1986 occurs between Dec 31, 1973 and June 19, 1999 Label: True Sep 03, 1998 occurs before August 06, 1985 Label: False 15:39:24 occured after 2:37:15 PM but before 01:08:48 AM Label: False Jul 04, 2003 occurs between 08 April 1976 and Mar 27, 2019 Label: True 23:34:04 occurs between 4:33:57 AM and 3:29:53 PM Label: True 14:14:06 occured after 08:51:51 but before 8:11:28 AM Label: False October 14, 2016 doesn't occur after February 27, 2018 Label: True 04 Mar 1985 doesn't occur between Sep 15, 2007 and 08 April 2017 Label: True 10:16:56 PM doesn't occur between 08:42:37 and 18:09:38 Label: True 1:48:17 PM occurs between 21:17:27 and 12:27:53 PM Label: False 25 March 1997 occured after 21 Jun 2009 but before 04 August 1986 Label: False 09 May 1971 occurs before 11 June 2004 Label: True 2:25:51 PM doesn't occur before 12:28:01 Label: True 5:57:21 AM occurs between 12:41:54 and 04:01:34 AM Label: True 06:05:21 doesn't occur between 00:37:53 and 9:31:44 Label: False 28 April 2008 occurs between January 26, 1991 and 29 Jun 2008 Label: True 19 Oct 2019 occured after December 30, 1974 but before May 15, 1979 Label: False 06 Dec 1984 occurs after 11 July 2000 Label: False Jul 04, 2003 occurs between Mar 27, 2019 and 08 April 1976 Label: True 09:52:09 doesn't occur between 4:54:55 AM and 05:22:00 Label: True May 26, 2006 occured before September 28, 2005 but after July 12, 1997 Label: False 19:56:37 doesn't occur between 12:27:19 PM and 12:05:50 AM Label: True 16:44:55 doesn't occur between 03:44:32 PM and 07:06:25 AM Label: True 07:40:07 doesn't occur between 11:05:26 PM and 12:12:57 Label: True Nov 16, 1991 doesn't occur between 10 April 2007 and 30 Aug 1986 Label: False 14:49:56 occurs between 11:42:47 AM and 13:07:11 Label: False 01:54:07 PM occurs between 6:01:07 and 07:52:35 Label: False June 12, 2000 occurs between September 19, 1981 and August 04, 2007 Label: True 11:44:26 AM occured before 8:48:28 but after 14:31:07 Label: True 16:06:39 doesn't occur between 5:44:31 AM and 7:38:37 PM Label: True 06:40:21 PM occurs between 10:08:35 PM and 2:46:18 Label: False 0:20:58 occured before 23:51:37 but after 00:03:08 Label: False 01 Apr 2013 occurs between 22 Jan 1974 and March 07, 2000 Label: False 11 Mar 1989 occured after Jan 03, 1987 but before May 08, 2021 Label: True 02:03:41 PM occured after 8:37:17 but before 14:40:43 Label: False 16:45:52 doesn't occur between 10:26:29 and 5:14:48 Label: True 07:25:06 occured after 05:11:58 PM but before 12:08:37 Label: False 03:24:21 PM occured before 13:48:13 but after 5:44:08 AM Label: False 15:59:49 occured before 10:41:04 AM but after 05:01:34 PM Label: False 16 Mar 1975 occurs between Feb 07, 1975 and May 19, 1975 Label: True 9:06:52 PM occured before 16:51:20 but after 15:22:55 Label: False 27 July 1992 occurs between 04 August 2012 and Jun 01, 2018 Label: False 4:36:46 PM doesn't occur between 02:00:43 PM and 10:46:13 AM Label: True 7:41:14 PM doesn't occur between 18:44:23 and 3:40:51 PM Label: True July 21, 1992 doesn't occur between May 11, 1989 and August 30, 2011 Label: False 2:45:41 occurs before 11:18:26 AM Label: False 17 Nov 2007 occurs between November 16, 2016 and 03 March 2021 Label: False 12:27:53 PM occurs between 1:48:17 PM and 21:17:27 Label: True 4:37:25 PM doesn't occur between 23:39:55 and 01:38:26 PM Label: True 18:47:54 occurs between 01:05:37 PM and 18:03:39 Label: True 23 November 1972 occurs between Mar 12, 2009 and 20 June 1982 Label: False 14 January 2000 occured after Aug 19, 1983 but before August 26, 2003 Label: True 05:19:50 AM occured before 23:28:59 but after 08:46:26 PM Label: False 1:22:49 AM occurs between 21:23:22 and 4:34:44 AM Label: False 24 July 2004 occurs between 23 Nov 1978 and 11 May 2015 Label: True 29 December 1976 occurs between Jul 30, 1976 and November 09, 2018 Label: True 17 April 1971 occured after Jun 16, 1981 but before 04 Apr 2017 Label: False 22:38:13 occured before 12:06:01 AM but after 8:10:27 AM Label: True 12:11:48 AM occured after 23:16:52 but before 04:13:59 AM Label: False 17 Apr 2000 occured after 21 April 1973 but before May 18, 1980 Label: False 25 February 2018 occured before November 30, 2018 but after Aug 09, 2012 Label: True 0:11:19 occured before 11:19:03 AM but after 4:16:18 PM Label: False 04 August 2012 occurs between Jun 01, 2018 and 27 July 1992 Label: True October 20, 1979 occurs between 08 September 2015 and 04 Oct 1994 Label: False 5:08:28 PM occured before 12:55:24 AM but after 03:25:53 PM Label: False 22 Apr 1976 occurs between 25 December 2016 and 06 February 1978 Label: False Jun 25, 2010 occurs between September 11, 1998 and July 29, 1992 Label: False 13 September 1996 occurs between 08 Feb 1999 and 04 September 2019 Label: False March 31, 2015 occured after March 12, 1978 but before 15 June 2017 Label: True 1:01:30 AM occured after 12:34:37 PM but before 10:22:19 PM Label: True 19 Jun 2009 doesn't occur between Jul 02, 2018 and 28 June 2007 Label: False Jul 26, 1996 occured before 23 Apr 2016 but after 16 June 2017 Label: False 01:23:12 occurs between 9:09:31 and 4:43:57 PM Label: False 4:39:12 occured after 16:59:10 but before 6:25:13 Label: False June 27, 2001 doesn't occur between 28 September 2013 and 17 May 2015 Label: True 17:14:14 occurs between 12:16:28 and 11:18:49 PM Label: False 25 Apr 2020 occured before 23 June 2021 but after May 07, 1998 Label: True 24 July 2015 occured before 21 June 1989 but after 20 Sep 2004 Label: False 03 Oct 1979 doesn't occur after 26 October 2013 Label: True 26 Mar 1985 occured after Sep 04, 2008 but before Jan 28, 2016 Label: False 04 Nov 1970 occured before Aug 04, 2014 but after 08 April 1980 Label: False 01:56:29 PM occurs between 04:15:58 AM and 7:46:15 AM Label: True 22:22:47 doesn't occur between 14:45:42 and 12:53:35 PM Label: True July 31, 2009 occured before 22 Feb 1976 but after 17 January 1989 Label: False 02 June 2006 doesn't occur between 19 November 1977 and 25 Jun 2018 Label: False 02:37:53 AM occured after 1:08:18 but before 11:07:59 AM Label: False 15 Apr 2019 doesn't occur between 19 Nov 2020 and 19 Jul 1979 Label: False 8:28:02 PM doesn't occur between 11:58:46 AM and 06:51:26 Label: True 04:42:00 occurs after 02:30:52 Label: False 22 October 2015 occurs after 10 November 2003 Label: True 02 July 2007 occurs between August 26, 2007 and May 14, 1980 Label: True Oct 18, 2006 doesn't occur after Dec 05, 2014 Label: True 10:53:58 PM doesn't occur between 6:46:44 AM and 3:20:50 AM Label: True 1:42:41 occurs between 14:57:07 and 1:13:15 PM Label: False 10:09:20 PM occured before 05:32:12 but after 09:05:47 AM Label: True 11:56:58 AM doesn't occur between 21:25:37 and 19:47:43 Label: True 12:46:08 PM doesn't occur between 11:01:21 AM and 12:18:08 PM Label: True 08:38:50 PM occurs before 01:29:39 PM Label: True 26 February 1987 occured after 19 Mar 2002 but before Nov 25, 2006 Label: False 07:25:22 occurs before 5:04:26 PM Label: True 25 Dec 1992 occurs before 09 Feb 2005 Label: True 02:54:44 PM occured before 9:54:47 but after 8:59:38 PM Label: True 03:10:08 PM doesn't occur before 02:35:37 AM Label: False 01:08:10 doesn't occur between 10:17:30 PM and 19:18:26 Label: True Apr 27, 1972 occurs after 10 May 2014 Label: False 25 May 2001 occurs between 16 May 2018 and 20 Dec 1998 Label: True 14 May 2012 occured after Mar 11, 2005 but before 27 Apr 2004 Label: False 10 November 2003 occurs after 22 October 2015 Label: False May 08, 1983 doesn't occur after 12 Jan 1979 Label: False 10:41:04 AM occured before 05:01:34 PM but after 15:59:49 Label: False 10:32:02 AM doesn't occur between 5:44:36 and 01:58:34 PM Label: True Mar 13, 2008 occured before Jul 20, 2018 but after April 15, 1971 Label: True June 05, 1985 occured before Jul 23, 1998 but after Oct 25, 1978 Label: True Oct 18, 1977 occurs between 09 Jan 2018 and 27 Oct 1992 Label: False 08 October 1970 occured after Nov 02, 2001 but before 13 March 2004 Label: False 26 Aug 1970 occured before May 04, 1979 but after 13 Dec 1989 Label: False 10:43:36 AM doesn't occur between 12:03:19 PM and 10:27:46 Label: False 5:27:34 AM occurs before 04:08:10 PM Label: True Feb 20, 2019 occured before Jul 20, 1981 but after October 27, 2019 Label: False 05:37:07 AM occured after 14:58:05 but before 1:26:40 Label: False 5:27:34 AM occurs before 04:08:10 PM Label: True Aug 06, 1994 doesn't occur between January 15, 1988 and August 08, 1978 Label: True 04 Mar 1998 doesn't occur between Dec 21, 1994 and Dec 12, 1985 Label: True 17 July 1986 occurs between Jan 24, 2003 and 13 April 2010 Label: False Oct 28, 2003 occurs between August 27, 2016 and June 16, 1983 Label: True 15:46:29 occured after 10:08:25 but before 12:32:18 PM Label: False 13:00:39 occurs between 15:29:51 and 9:52:55 Label: True 12:58:15 doesn't occur before 18:26:22 Label: False 5:12:22 doesn't occur between 19:30:44 and 6:02:54 Label: True 01:13:08 doesn't occur between 05:11:36 and 14:48:16 Label: True 4:24:33 AM doesn't occur before 10:16:13 PM Label: True 11:39:23 AM occurs between 08:16:22 and 4:28:06 PM Label: True 19:22:34 occurs between 02:27:56 and 14:22:34 Label: True 16:06:39 doesn't occur between 7:38:37 PM and 5:44:31 AM Label: True 1:48:17 PM occurs between 21:17:27 and 12:27:53 PM Label: False 8:51:15 AM doesn't occur between 15:40:17 and 03:55:41 PM Label: True 09:42:44 PM occured after 7:33:48 AM but before 5:00:38 AM Label: False 11:33:45 PM occured after 8:05:46 AM but before 22:11:15 Label: False 11 April 1978 doesn't occur between Sep 09, 1974 and Nov 06, 1986 Label: False 13 March 2004 occured after Nov 02, 2001 but before 08 October 1970 Label: False 23 September 2021 occurs between Mar 16, 1995 and 08 May 2018 Label: False March 10, 2021 doesn't occur between 16 May 1986 and 09 March 1976 Label: True 08 Jul 2016 occurs between April 28, 2020 and 10 Jun 2014 Label: True 05:58:37 PM occured before 22:39:56 but after 19:16:25 Label: False 20 June 1979 occured after 23 June 1971 but before Mar 29, 1989 Label: True 05:39:17 doesn't occur between 10:01:22 AM and 09:47:52 AM Label: False 19:03:12 occured before 6:18:47 but after 11:41:57 AM Label: True 19:24:59 occured after 17:40:39 but before 3:08:58 AM Label: False 23:09:18 occured after 9:49:55 PM but before 10:16:57 PM Label: False 29 November 1971 occurs between 03 February 1970 and 05 September 1977 Label: True 18:36:05 occurs between 14:12:32 and 21:35:33 Label: False 12:08:42 AM occured after 9:04:01 PM but before 10:50:48 Label: True 6:57:45 occurs between 06:26:06 AM and 2:29:05 PM Label: True 7:25:42 PM occured before 11:03:05 AM but after 09:44:34 PM Label: False Apr 28, 1972 occured after September 09, 1989 but before September 30, 1981 Label: False 5:17:51 AM occurs between 16:09:42 and 21:50:44 Label: False 14 February 2005 occurs after 08 Nov 1989 Label: True 05:01:42 occurs between 5:44:03 PM and 5:43:39 PM Label: True May 20, 2013 doesn't occur between February 17, 1978 and February 18, 1982 Label: True 23 Feb 1993 occurs between October 02, 1972 and Jun 14, 1980 Label: False 9:48:44 PM doesn't occur between 09:33:50 AM and 4:44:46 PM Label: True 09:17:07 AM doesn't occur between 08:04:01 PM and 8:14:24 PM Label: True Nov 16, 1991 doesn't occur between 10 April 2007 and 30 Aug 1986 Label: False 04 Apr 1993 occured before October 22, 1980 but after October 14, 2013 Label: False July 18, 1985 occurs between Oct 11, 2014 and Aug 24, 1980 Label: True April 13, 2017 doesn't occur between 09 Nov 1993 and Mar 14, 1998 Label: True 03 Jun 1996 occurs between 26 Jan 1990 and 28 Dec 2013 Label: True 25 March 2013 occurs between Nov 14, 1993 and Nov 14, 1972 Label: False 31 January 2011 occured after 09 May 2008 but before Nov 03, 1977 Label: False 08:51:51 occured after 8:11:28 AM but before 14:14:06 Label: True 01:07:42 doesn't occur between 5:51:37 and 8:15:48 Label: True 16 Mar 2017 occured after 03 February 1995 but before 04 Dec 2017 Label: True 17 Apr 1992 occured after April 28, 1990 but before Mar 03, 2008 Label: True October 03, 1992 doesn't occur between Jan 31, 1972 and Sep 30, 1974 Label: True 5:36:11 PM occured before 15:32:36 but after 22:46:30 Label: True 16:34:45 doesn't occur between 12:51:59 and 11:46:33 Label: True 11:35:29 PM occured after 11:11:41 PM but before 4:48:02 PM Label: False December 20, 2004 occurs between August 22, 1971 and February 04, 2010 Label: True 04:50:32 PM occurs between 08:41:00 PM and 05:17:27 AM Label: True 9:09:18 occured before 23:04:06 but after 14:26:15 Label: False Mar 12, 2009 occurs between 20 June 1982 and 23 November 1972 Label: False Mar 12, 2006 doesn't occur between 10 June 1990 and 17 October 1987 Label: True 4:58:42 AM occured before 03:35:14 PM but after 17:11:29 Label: False 3:43:28 AM occured after 2:51:58 PM but before 2:04:36 PM Label: False 11:11:03 PM occurs after 03:15:06 PM Label: True 9:24:03 PM occurs before 12:31:24 AM Label: True 3:28:23 PM occurs between 1:07:59 and 4:30:41 Label: True 10 Jul 1975 occured after 30 August 1987 but before 12 Nov 2020 Label: False 11:22:47 occured before 11:39:10 PM but after 17:49:03 Label: False 07:49:12 doesn't occur between 20:18:49 and 4:21:34 AM Label: False 01 June 1986 occured before Jan 29, 2002 but after 07 April 1999 Label: False 14 November 1977 occured after 11 Oct 1973 but before 29 July 2000 Label: True October 07, 2011 doesn't occur before 02 May 1976 Label: True Aug 19, 2008 occured before February 16, 2012 but after 06 Jul 1970 Label: True 7:55:21 PM doesn't occur between 09:11:56 PM and 11:54:43 AM Label: True Jul 20, 1994 occured after Aug 14, 2004 but before 03 Nov 2013 Label: False 20 January 2005 occurs between May 02, 1970 and 29 Dec 1972 Label: False Mar 04, 1975 occured before Feb 15, 2008 but after May 19, 2015 Label: False 11:37:51 occured before 10:17:39 but after 06:27:19 PM Label: False 8:28:02 PM doesn't occur between 11:58:46 AM and 06:51:26 Label: True 10:25:04 occured after 22:38:58 but before 14:37:10 Label: False 17 May 2015 doesn't occur between June 27, 2001 and 28 September 2013 Label: True Jul 02, 1980 occured before 18 February 1981 but after 18 July 1973 Label: True Dec 04, 1977 doesn't occur between 09 Jan 2020 and September 01, 2020 Label: True 05:54:07 doesn't occur between 21:08:10 and 7:43:22 Label: True Jan 29, 1971 doesn't occur after March 04, 2007 Label: True 4:01:29 doesn't occur between 11:13:07 AM and 07:29:37 Label: False Mar 10, 1974 occurs before January 04, 2010 Label: True Sep 04, 2010 occured after 25 Jan 2011 but before 15 Mar 1971 Label: False 12:06:42 PM occurs between 14:20:35 and 15:32:08 Label: False Jan 05, 1996 occured before Mar 20, 1975 but after 06 April 2019 Label: False Sep 21, 1994 occurs between 27 Feb 1989 and 10 December 1972 Label: False 03:02:07 occured before 12:15:08 AM but after 04:47:23 Label: True 01:25:25 PM occured before 7:44:52 AM but after 12:53:35 Label: False 6:02:45 PM occured after 23:35:01 but before 6:46:21 PM Label: False Oct 06, 2009 occured after 24 Dec 1973 but before September 07, 2000 Label: False 23:42:37 doesn't occur between 23:35:08 and 1:50:52 AM Label: False 11:56:20 PM occurs between 01:29:38 AM and 07:00:30 AM Label: False 05 Mar 2014 occured before Apr 04, 2008 but after 15 Aug 2018 Label: False 20:37:05 doesn't occur between 01:38:01 AM and 13:12:58 Label: True July 30, 2018 occured before August 14, 1970 but after 09 Jul 2009 Label: False 12:56:09 AM doesn't occur between 09:33:40 AM and 1:39:50 AM Label: True 21:04:29 occured after 04:13:36 PM but before 2:00:27 PM Label: False 06 March 1972 occured before July 01, 2014 but after July 30, 1993 Label: False 6:05:57 doesn't occur between 9:29:01 and 09:48:32 PM Label: False 09 Aug 1989 doesn't occur between 16 June 1973 and June 21, 1999 Label: False 5:00:42 AM doesn't occur after 02:35:16 Label: True 09 Sep 1971 occurs between March 27, 1971 and 27 Feb 2017 Label: True 02:06:50 doesn't occur between 03:55:40 PM and 11:55:38 PM Label: True August 20, 1983 doesn't occur between 30 October 1987 and Sep 29, 1985 Label: True 16:10:07 doesn't occur between 01:37:47 PM and 23:36:11 Label: True
In this task, you are given two sentences taken from a conversation, and your job is to classify whether these given sentences are sequential or not. We will mark the given sentence pair as 'True' if it's sequential, otherwise 'False'. The two sentences are spoken by two different people. Possible labels: 1. False 2. True Gary: Which one? Mobile or voip?, Jane: Already did like you showed me last time. Answer: False Becky: Could I stop by for a manicure this Friday?, Linda: Hi Becky, let me check my calendar. Answer: True Sean: Cool., Paula: For me it's Jurassic World. Answer: False Ken: He begged her to abort it, Ken: But she said no-o!! Answer: True Elaine: Aunty Paaage, Elaine: The baby has grown 5cm now..and it is already stretching :) Answer: True Harry: Good. You can spread your work over all these weeks, from 15th November till 20th January. Up to you who and when. I'd like to have my bathroom redone. Up your street?, Sini: We can do that. What do you want to be done? Answer: True Jake: where are you bro?, Javier: comin, traffic Answer: True Jeremy: That bad?, Antoine: Dunno yet. Have to count the losses. TTYL? Answer: True Doug: I know..., Mia: Yep. Answer: False Ryan: 1234, Ryan: :D Answer: True Dan: The doctor has advised her rest for a week. It was cesarean., Mary: Oh I see. Hope there is no complications. Answer: False Phil: How many of them? All new faces?, Cindy: Well, it's the first meeting and everyone is so full of enthusiasm. Let's see. We'll talk about it. Answer: False Joseph: yeah, you know I hate cheap things XD, Samuel: rofl Answer: True Barry: Saturday 8 am in my office., Henry: could you remind me the date we have our appointment? Answer: False Edith: And when will you get the results?, Mark: :) Answer: False Janny: <file_video>, Janny: Wendy's pizza by candlelight... Answer: True Ashley: I drinks coffee so yes, Meghan: You think Fong Ould like some coffee? Answer: False Cindy: :) It's just that I'm cooking and go back to the phone every few minutes. Sorry about it!, Phil: I am sorry. Stupid me. Answer: True Greg: This page contains the best memes I've ever seen., Fred: I love dark humour. Especially when it's politcally incorrect :) Answer: True Fran: Looks horrible, I can't seem to do nothing about it., Mom: Don't exaggerate, honey. Just tie it up or something. Answer: True Peggy: I’m surprised you didn’t know. You work in one team with Maria 😕., Peggy: I don’t understand why you avoid talking to each other. Answer: True Fionna: mmm, no, not any that I know of , Ben: ok, well Brian and Jess are inviting us to go to Madrid with them. Would you wanna go? Answer: True Harry: Good. You can spread your work over all these weeks, from 15th November till 20th January. Up to you who and when. I'd like to have my bathroom redone. Up your street?, Sini: We can do that. What do you want to be done? Answer: True Barney: Oops! Yes! Two eggs..., Telma: Can you send it? Answer: False Norma: Thanks! Better get on with it, then! Bye!, Jules: Bye! Answer: True Karin: So everything went well?, Emilia: I don't like going to the doctor, but it feels better once it's over, just a routine check ;) Answer: False Doug: It's about time., Pearl: My old hooptie is done for. Answer: True David: I forgot we had an homework, can I copy yours later? , Susan: OK, coming right up! Answer: False Linda: Catherine, he took you to a crappy B&B in the middle of nowhere!!, Catherine: It was in a small village near Manchester Answer: False Barry: Saturday 8 am in my office., Henry: thanks you. I book my cab for saturday morning. Answer: True Dan: The doctor has advised her rest for a week. It was cesarean., Mary: Oh I see. Hope there is no complications. Answer: False Charlie: did you get your phone back from repair?, Stacy: not yet ;/ Answer: True Phil: How many of them? All new faces?, Cindy: Well, it's the first meeting and everyone is so full of enthusiasm. Let's see. We'll talk about it. Answer: False Justine: Hi, sis. How come I don't hear from you?, Emily: Been awfully busy these days? Answer: True Nichelle: In the fridge., Sally: Thanks mom Answer: False Alison: Thanks Liz. Btw, how many people will be there?, Lizzie: About 8 in total - You, me, the twins, Jake (and you'll meet the others tomorrow). Answer: True Hollie: I almost blew at that fat pig, Thea: Helga? What did she do? Answer: True Lizzie: That's fine, I'll let the others know. Do you need the address?, Alison: Thanks Liz. Btw, how many people will be there? Answer: False Mark: In mid-July., Edith: Good luck! Answer: True Louise: Please! I'm starving and don't feel like cooking., Greg: Thank god, I've been craving Chinese all day. Answer: True Woodie: How much more Amies need to see thru' him?!, Janny: Just found this: a voice in the background saying "I thought this was a joke" and then the presd. appears in person. A joke! Answer: False Jenny Morris Sharpei: Ok and wormer xx, Caron: Oh yeah xxx Answer: True Becky: Could I stop by for a manicure this Friday?, Linda: Hi Becky, let me check my calendar. Answer: True Ella: do gentle exercises at first while your little one is asleep, Jane: i used an exercise cycle while my little one napped Answer: True Tim: im sorry, Jim: for what? Answer: False Felix: Thank you., Gabriel: Hello, I will be there :) Answer: False Ramon: Stacey, what's happening tomorrow with the exams?, Stacey: Hola, Ramon! Well, Maria is collecting the papers from the exam officer and checking them over. Answer: True Barry: Saturday 8 am in my office., Henry: thanks you. I book my cab for saturday morning. Answer: True Peter: Briefly, in the main corridor., Jimmy: Sorry, have you seen Maria today? Answer: False Joel: I finished it , Daisy: great, thanks for mentioning... Answer: True Mary: I tried to start the engine but I could't so I opened the hood and there it was, James: What is it doing there? Answer: False Emma: thats good let me see, Steve: <file_photo> Answer: True Stacey: Yes, a bit of a break, but remember we have Year 10 papers to mark!, Ramon: Do we have to do anything? Answer: False Jim: for what?, Tim: you'll see when you get home Answer: True Anna: yes, let's do it, Chris: great! I'll write you more tomorrow morning Answer: True Janet: Your mum's gone?, Vicky: yeah Answer: True Josh: me too, Mark: Is Martha alright? Answer: True Mayrose: How do you lose a bicycle pump?, Alan: Okay then. Answer: False Peter: Briefly, in the main corridor., Jimmy: Sorry, have you seen Maria today? Answer: False Harry: Good. You can spread your work over all these weeks, from 15th November till 20th January. Up to you who and when. I'd like to have my bathroom redone. Up your street?, Sini: We can do that. What do you want to be done? Answer: True Phil: How many of them? All new faces?, Cindy: Well, it's the first meeting and everyone is so full of enthusiasm. Let's see. We'll talk about it. Answer: False Justine: Hi, sis. How come I don't hear from you?, Emily: Been awfully busy these days? Answer: True Karin: So everything went well?, Emilia: I don't like going to the doctor, but it feels better once it's over, just a routine check ;) Answer: False Maggie: Fantastic pics!, Justine: That sounds like a typical capitalist attitude to me. And you give a nice, round answer there but there's always that underlying notion of superiority Europeans tend to exhibit towards Asians. Answer: False Hollie: I almost blew at that fat pig, Thea: Helga? What did she do? Answer: True Janet: Your mum's gone?, Vicky: yeah Answer: True Gabriel: Hello, I will be there :), Felix: Thank you. Answer: True A: I like the fist., M: energy Answer: False Ken: He begged her to abort it, Ken: But she said no-o!! Answer: True Alana: yes, Sylvia: ok, see you tomorrow! Answer: False Ryan: 1234, Ryan: :D Answer: True Fionna: mmm, no, not any that I know of , Ben: Ok, you do that, we can talk about it more tonight? Answer: False Martin: thanks, I will write you a letter of authority. Agree?, Joe: Thats ok Answer: True Amanda: Does she have a lot of contacts?, Zach: Good. Answer: False Javier: will be in 5, Jake: where are you bro? Answer: False Dan: Hmm that sounds to be an adventure., Mary: Bringing up a child is no less than an adventure. Answer: True Joseph: yeah, you know I hate cheap things XD, Samuel: rofl Answer: True Graham: i just want a NEWER one lol, Jasper: check you out $$$ Answer: True Martha: book & glass of wine?, Cody: anything u wanna watch? Answer: False Garry: Can't., Albert: Tmr? Answer: True Sloane: next monday :), Veronica: Monica will be mad if we don't deliver it on time Answer: False Eric: Budd is leaving. We have room for 2, Alex: Cool please text us when you guys leave so we can get ready Answer: False Martha: book & glass of wine?, Cody: anything u wanna watch? Answer: False Janet: Your mum's gone?, Vicky: yeah Answer: True Mayrose: How do you lose a bicycle pump?, Alan: Okay then. Answer: False Jake: where are you bro?, Javier: comin, traffic Answer: True Penny: i'd love to, but unfortunately, i have a meeting at one with Holly, Daniel: right. don't hesitate to give me a call if you need something by then Answer: False Julia: :(, Eric: I'm down for a sunset surf sesh fo sho Answer: True Linda: Catherine, he took you to a crappy B&B in the middle of nowhere!!, Catherine: It was in a small village near Manchester Answer: False Fionna: mmm, no, not any that I know of , Ben: ok, well Brian and Jess are inviting us to go to Madrid with them. Would you wanna go? Answer: True Daniel: how is your office?, Penny: much bigger than my previous one Answer: True John: Cool., James: Can you recommend which brand? Answer: False Amelia: don't be too hard on yourself and don't rush!, Olivia: drink lots of water, eat healthy, walk everywhere Answer: False Laura: still home, Peter: fine, I have to go to TKMAXX first Answer: False Greg: Thank god, I've been craving Chinese all day., Louise: Please! I'm starving and don't feel like cooking. Answer: False Emily: You know, work and stuff., Justine: C'mon. Work never stopped you from calling=) Answer: False Carol: Please Walter, have a little faith in me. I remember to water your precious plants., Walter: It's pretty hard after what you had done with my lilies… Answer: True Jim: for what?, Tim: you'll see when you get home Answer: True Alex: Saturday before xmas., Ivy: What day does your flight get in? Answer: False Emmanuel: How about you give him a PSN gift card?, Zoey: I've been thinking what I should give him... I don't give gifts to guys very often and I'm not sure what he might like, Answer: False Jade: sure come over, Erin: ok be there in 1 h Answer: True Jacques: Better a cat, it doesn't need walks., Eric: If only I had a boy... Answer: False Helen: i won't be there before 10 either coz I need to work a bit first..., Diana: Hm.. looks good. Answer: False Kate: <file_other>, Kate: I can't go, but there are some tickets available still Answer: True Martin: thanks, I will write you a letter of authority. Agree?, Joe: cool (Y) Answer: False Sid: <file_photo> what do you think?, Nancy: seriously! Answer: False Mike: Tomorrow…. evening… many people ….. one ball….., Joe: |;‑) Answer: False Monica: Quick question., Jessie: No problem ;-) Answer: False Jake: where are you bro?, Javier: comin, traffic Answer: True A: I really like items that work automatically. :D, A: As you really only "need" 1-2 weapons that do damage. Answer: True Callum: 😂😂😂, Julián: I’ve just remembered that we had promised to send random pictures of Buenos Aires to Callum so that he misses the city less. Answer: False Garry: Can't., Albert: Tmr? Answer: True Joe: Are u joking? You get those tickets? , Joe: How, it was almost impossible ?! Answer: True Tim: im sorry, Jim: for what? Answer: False Mayrose: How do you lose a bicycle pump?, Alan: Okay then. Answer: False Frank: You have to have a driver's license that is valid., Nancy: No problem. Answer: True Ella: we've bought this new garden furniture set and as we placed it in the yard we thought we might be ready for a fire pit. , Frank: okay, I'll come over tomorrow to measure up and give you a quote on Wednesday. I'll need an answer by Monday to order materials if you're going on with it. Answer: False Helen: so I will see you there in Lion, right?, Diana: yep! Answer: True Linda: How? When? Tell me everything!, Catherine: It was in a small village near Manchester Answer: True Ryan: 1234, Ryan: :D Answer: True Monica: Quick question., Jessie: No problem ;-) Answer: False Jessica: Can't tell you, you must watch yourself!, Fred: Oh, OK. Is it on Netflix? Answer: True Ann: This black one, I can not find it., Carol: Wait, I'll check in my suitcase. Answer: True Jessica: Can't tell you, you must watch yourself!, Fred: Oh, OK. Is it on Netflix? Answer: True Dan: Yes, please. Can I help you?, Liz: I'd like to buy onions from your shop, do yo have fresh supplies? Answer: True Nadine: Shar Peis, Donna: The fat one lol 🤣 I thought kilts? Must be a local custom thing Answer: False Liz: Ok, i'll give her the money, Dan: All the day we move in street and in the evening, we hardly make Rs. 100 or 150. Answer: False Joel: I finished it , Daisy: great, thanks for mentioning... Answer: True Doug: I know..., Mia: Yep. Answer: False Brittany: That would be a good choice. The weather has been great for the beach!, Abigail: Why don't you come with me? Answer: True Emma: she's crazy xd, Bella: yeeeaaa she is Answer: True Abigail: Yes, I heard about that. Let's check it out!, Brittany: I have no idea, you? Answer: False Callum: 😂😂😂, Julián: I’ve just remembered that we had promised to send random pictures of Buenos Aires to Callum so that he misses the city less. Answer: False Nathan: I'm sure it won't be long...let me know if you need help., Isobel: will do, thanks Answer: True Will: I wouldnt know either, Meg: But ok, you're a guy! Answer: False Linda: Catherine, he took you to a crappy B&B in the middle of nowhere!!, Catherine: It was in a small village near Manchester Answer: False Ramon: Stacey, what's happening tomorrow with the exams?, Stacey: Hola, Ramon! Well, Maria is collecting the papers from the exam officer and checking them over. Answer: True Cynthia: <file_photo>, Jacob: awww…that looks pretty awesome Answer: True Rachel: could you send it please?, Edward: S0087 😉 Answer: False Greg: Thank god, I've been craving Chinese all day., Louise: Please! I'm starving and don't feel like cooking. Answer: False Emily: You know, work and stuff., Justine: C'mon. Work never stopped you from calling=) Answer: False Kevin: do u wanna grab a drink or something? X, Lily: So good to see your lovely face! Answer: True Ian: i can't meet today bros, i forget i have a date with Lucy, Chase: you can't ditch us dude Answer: False Linda: Catherine, he took you to a crappy B&B in the middle of nowhere!!, Catherine: It was in a small village near Manchester Answer: False Jessica: so I need to go to bed earlier than usual, Tina: shame, I was hoping we could talk Answer: True Javier: will be in 5, Jake: where are you bro? Answer: False Freddie: not you again! X, Kevin: do u wanna grab a drink or something? X Answer: False Bonnie: Hi Christel, my boyfriend has trouble finding your address, he is parked outside the cemetery entrance. have you got any tips for him?, Fred: Hi Christel, I am the boyfriend. I am on the east side of the road block, is that your side? Answer: False Jim: for what?, Tim: you'll see when you get home Answer: True Katya: I'm upstairs , Matilda: with the cake! Answer: False Lexie: Perf! I'm dropping Jack in 10:), Lisa: so same place as always? Answer: True Brian: I have a day off so I'll try to fix it, Jane: No, i haven't seen anything Answer: False Henry: Oh thanks God, Michele: Yes Answer: False Woodie: How much more Amies need to see thru' him?!, Janny: Just found this: a voice in the background saying "I thought this was a joke" and then the presd. appears in person. A joke! Answer: False Nancy: Sweet. I think I'll do that this weekend., Frank: Would save time. Answer: False Yael: He only attends in the mornings, Adam: You're up so early! Answer: False Nadine: Shar Peis, Donna: The fat one lol 🤣 I thought kilts? Must be a local custom thing Answer: False Carol: Please Walter, have a little faith in me. I remember to water your precious plants., Walter: It's pretty hard after what you had done with my lilies… Answer: True Amanda: Does she have a lot of contacts?, Zach: Good. Answer: False Carol: Please Walter, have a little faith in me. I remember to water your precious plants., Walter: It's pretty hard after what you had done with my lilies… Answer: True Bob: Ok, no problem, we'll wait, Mia: Thanks Answer: True Tori: but I thought it's rather a psychological topic, Brenda: I'm good as well Answer: False Lia: Jon, we're just going to the cinema. I've already asked you to give me some more time., Jonathan: This is exactly what I'm doing. Answer: True Telma: Aren't there supposed to be eggs?, Barney: Oops! Yes! Two eggs... Answer: True Joy: I came to know that you just bought a brand new DSLR?, Cason: Yeah I have. i thought i have already told you about that? Answer: False Pearl: My old hooptie is done for., Doug: It's about time. Answer: False Cara: she does! you have to wear that top tomorrow!, Liz: Elsa next time you're going with us! Answer: True Will: I wouldnt know either, Meg: But ok, you're a guy! Answer: False Lia: Jon, we're just going to the cinema. I've already asked you to give me some more time., Jonathan: This is exactly what I'm doing. Answer: True Emily: I've heard he invited his best friend with his girlfriend, Emily: So it's gonna be his friend plus one, and Eric plus ME 😉 Answer: True Lia: Jon, we're just going to the cinema. I've already asked you to give me some more time., Jonathan: This is exactly what I'm doing. Answer: True Nadine: Shar Peis, Donna: The fat one lol 🤣 I thought kilts? Must be a local custom thing Answer: False John: Oh yes, the parents-in-law holiday visit, lovely! Don't worry lad, we've got revision stuff all prepped from last year, you should have been sent the file by Brian or Hilary., Al: Well, I really need to be kept on, we want to start trying for a baby soon! Answer: False Allan: Serious enough. Fire department was there., Greg: Shit. So, they are more or less fucked. Answer: True Anna: also hugs, Eric: we all know JC loves his Tequila! haha Answer: True Martin: thanks, I will write you a letter of authority. Agree?, Joe: Thats ok Answer: True Jonathan: Have you already seen this Polish movie everybody is talking about? , Lia: Friday, I am going to the theatre but Saturday I am free. Answer: False Harry: so do you think this is normal for an 8 year old?, Greg: i think it’s not Answer: True Fran: Looks horrible, I can't seem to do nothing about it., Mom: Don't exaggerate, honey. Just tie it up or something. Answer: True Jacques: Better a cat, it doesn't need walks., Eric: If only I had a boy... Answer: False Liz: Ok, i'll give her the money, Dan: All the day we move in street and in the evening, we hardly make Rs. 100 or 150. Answer: False Lucy: I don't know. I'm just telling you what happened., Ann: Right Answer: True Lisa: Oh, damn, I forgot to tell you..., Pam: Have you seen my hairdryer? Answer: False Alana: yes, Sylvia: ok, see you tomorrow! Answer: False Nathan: I'm sure it won't be long...let me know if you need help., Isobel: will do, thanks Answer: True Barney: Oops! Yes! Two eggs..., Telma: Can you send it? Answer: False Harry: Not sure. I'll rely on your advice. But I think I want to keep the window., Sini: I'll ask Kuthan when he has time and get back to you. And you want us to do it and finish it before you're back in January, right? Answer: False Kate: <file_other>, Kate: I can't go, but there are some tickets available still Answer: True Woodie: How much more Amies need to see thru' him?!, Janny: Just found this: a voice in the background saying "I thought this was a joke" and then the presd. appears in person. A joke! Answer: False Greg: This page contains the best memes I've ever seen., Fred: I love dark humour. Especially when it's politcally incorrect :) Answer: True Joe: Are u joking? You get those tickets? , Joe: How, it was almost impossible ?! Answer: True Alex: Saturday before xmas., Ivy: What day does your flight get in? Answer: False Jacob: LOL , Cynthia: sure Answer: False Meg: Are you watching 'Who wants to be a millionaire'?, Harry: Yes Answer: True Julia: :(, Eric: I'm down for a sunset surf sesh fo sho Answer: True Liwia: Hey yes in old town! , Anna: Hey Liwia Where are u? are you still shopping? Answer: False Martin: thanks, I will write you a letter of authority. Agree?, Joe: Thats ok Answer: True Janny: <file_video>, Janny: Wendy's pizza by candlelight... Answer: True Jon: ohhhhhhh thank you so much!!!! i've always wanted to see him live, Kate: seen this event yet? Answer: False Lia: Jon, we're just going to the cinema. I've already asked you to give me some more time., Jonathan: This is exactly what I'm doing. Answer: True Lebron: sure, Dwight: I will grab some beer Answer: True Ella: we've bought this new garden furniture set and as we placed it in the yard we thought we might be ready for a fire pit. , Frank: okay, I'll come over tomorrow to measure up and give you a quote on Wednesday. I'll need an answer by Monday to order materials if you're going on with it. Answer: False Harriet: Gonna go for a walk I think :P., Emma: XD Answer: False Jake: where are you bro?, Javier: comin, traffic Answer: True A: I like the fist., M: energy Answer: False Kate: <file_other>, Kate: I can't go, but there are some tickets available still Answer: True Henry: Oh thanks God, Michele: Yes Answer: False Radcliff: We can improvise, let's have a think about it , Gael: Hey, I'm not quite sure which video we should use for the lesson today Answer: False Anna: we could also pitch in for something cool for the surf camp they can use, unsure what that might be, Kate: kitchen stuff, maybe? Answer: False Maggie: Fantastic pics!, Justine: That sounds like a typical capitalist attitude to me. And you give a nice, round answer there but there's always that underlying notion of superiority Europeans tend to exhibit towards Asians. Answer: False Greg: Thank god, I've been craving Chinese all day., Louise: Please! I'm starving and don't feel like cooking. Answer: False Adrien: I could do lunch again. Message me when you get into town!, Audrey: I'll text you when I'm back in town and we'll catch up Answer: False Henry: Oh thanks God, Michele: Yes Answer: False Michael: watching or playing?, Barry: playing Answer: False Tatiana: Like 6? , Brooklynne: Yess!! Answer: True Felicity: I know!, Felicity: <file_gif> Answer: True Jenny Morris Sharpei: Ok and wormer xx, Caron: Oh yeah xxx Answer: True Frank: We have spoken of this before; please reserve the conference room ahead of time to avoid conflicts with others who need the space. Dan just tried to take a customer in there for a meeting and interrupted your group., Joe: A sign-up sheet beside the door or a group calendar would be better than the current system. It’s too hard to use! Answer: False Ryan: how can you forget that? :D, David: What's the code again? XD Answer: False Ella: we were thinking natural stone, river rock. right off the deck., Frank: Okay. How's next Thursday for you? the 15th? Answer: True Gigi: Perfect. I'm at home with a baby, almost all the time., Ada: Fantastic. I will be in touch and I'm gonna target 12:00 Answer: True Rachel: hey, Rachel: I forgot to write down your code Answer: True Greg: sometimes yeah, Carrie: ok byeeeeeeeeee Answer: False Alana: yes, Sylvia: ok, see you tomorrow! Answer: False Harry: We are in Luxembourg June 5-15. Anyone in town we can meet?, Jools: June? Answer: True Lebron: sure, Dwight: I will grab some beer Answer: True Emma: she's crazy xd, Bella: yeeeaaa she is Answer: True Peter: Briefly, in the main corridor., Jimmy: Sorry, have you seen Maria today? Answer: False Greg: This page contains the best memes I've ever seen., Fred: I love dark humour. Especially when it's politcally incorrect :) Answer: True Gina: Fucked if I know. You had them last., John: Can't find my car keys. Do you remember where you put them? Answer: False Paul: I think they'll be up to it!, Kate: Perfect! xD Answer: True Jasper: THANKS MAN!!!!, Graham: i'm getting a new computer and i know you've always liked mine Answer: False Bob: Ok, no problem, we'll wait, Mia: Thanks Answer: True Jon: ohhhhhhh thank you so much!!!! i've always wanted to see him live, Kate: seen this event yet? Answer: False Nadine: Shar Peis, Donna: I nearly got one of those. A family across my road have 2 of them. Lovely dogs Answer: True Henry: Oh thanks God, Michele: Yes Answer: False Monica: I knew you’d help me;-) Thx!, Jessie: No problem ;-) Answer: True Lia: Jon, we're just going to the cinema. I've already asked you to give me some more time., Jonathan: This is exactly what I'm doing. Answer: True Leslie: we're waiting with the dinner, Tom: I'm doing my best Answer: True Sloane: next monday :), Veronica: Monica will be mad if we don't deliver it on time Answer: False Gina: Fucked if I know. You had them last., John: Can't find my car keys. Do you remember where you put them? Answer: False Sharon: really? I think I returned it.. its been half a year since I borrowed…, Kate: hey I think you still have my DKNY dress with you Answer: False Elaine: Aunty Paaage, Elaine: The baby has grown 5cm now..and it is already stretching :) Answer: True John: Oh yes, the parents-in-law holiday visit, lovely! Don't worry lad, we've got revision stuff all prepped from last year, you should have been sent the file by Brian or Hilary., Al: Well, I really need to be kept on, we want to start trying for a baby soon! Answer: False Sharon: really? I think I returned it.. its been half a year since I borrowed…, Kate: hey I think you still have my DKNY dress with you Answer: False Abigail: wohooo, we're going away for the weekend! , Randy: you mean kids I presume? :D Answer: False Beau: I got the tickets to Depeche Mode!, Beau: 🤪🤪 Answer: True Ian: Thx! You're great :x, Mommy: I know :) Ask her mom if she will be at home tomorrow, ok? Answer: True Jules: Hi Norma, yes, I believe so., Norma: Hi Jules, it's Norma from next door, just wanted to ask you if it is full bin recycling tomorrow? Answer: False Kevin: Oh yea hey, Olaf: To my place at 8th street Answer: True Mary: A dead bird in your car, James: What is it doing there? Answer: True Harriet: Gonna go for a walk I think :P., Emma: XD Answer: False Eric: Budd is leaving. We have room for 2, Alex: Cool please text us when you guys leave so we can get ready Answer: False Eric: Wya?, Eve: College Green Answer: True Emily: You know, work and stuff., Justine: C'mon. Work never stopped you from calling=) Answer: False Kate: <file_other>, Kate: I can't go, but there are some tickets available still Answer: True Christie: Thats exciting!!, Olaf: Just wanted to ask y'all if you wanna come to my place this Friday Answer: False Jim: for what?, Tim: you'll see when you get home Answer: True Barry: playing, Michael: i would rather watch.. Answer: True Pearl: My old hooptie is done for., Doug: It's about time. Answer: False Henry: Oh thanks God, Michele: Yes Answer: False Josh: This week - Friday, Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning., Lindsey: I actually have plans for that evening too, sorry. Answer: False Piyush: I am in the security department., Karan: I am fine. So in which company are you working? Answer: False Liz: Ok, i'll give her the money, Dan: All the day we move in street and in the evening, we hardly make Rs. 100 or 150. Answer: False Janny: <file_video>, Janny: Wendy's pizza by candlelight... Answer: True Jessie: <file_picture>, Logan: But that's what I want! Answer: False Lisa: I'm really sorry, but it's nobody's fault, Lisa: It's called perversity of inanimate objects, nothing more Answer: True Carrie: cool, Carrie: ok byeeeeeeeeee Answer: True
[-2, -48, -85, -84] Output: 1 [69, 43, 55, -11, -19, -53, 1, 83] Output: 8 [-20, 57, -40, -65, -18, -3] Output: 2 [-84, 71, 54] Output: 17 [-51, -72, 89, 22, 40, -54, -70, 82, -38] Output: 2 [-69, 60, 71, 81, -93, -87, -23] Output: 6 [-81, 54, 2, 14, -31, 98, 43, -50] Output: 11 [-80, -76, 15, 9] Output: 4 [-71, -9, -100, 22] Output: 29 [-81, -49, -72, 95, 81, -68, -38] Output: 4 [-8, 67, -79, -44, 42, -89, -25, -68, 98] Output: 10 [65, -33, -19, -47, 87, -8, 81, 30, -97, -79] Output: 6 [8, 55, -84, -50, 7, 80, 57, -36] Output: 1 [-80, -27, -66, 56] Output: 14 [-57, -40, -14] Output: 17 [-60, 88, -36, 20, -2, -67, -86] Output: 7 [63, 94, 1, 40, -82, -39, 73, -34, -29, -18] Output: 5 [35, 34, 96, 5, -75] Output: 1 [-1, -98, -82, -94, 95, 11, -74] Output: 4 [4, -77, -87] Output: 10 [-20, -61, -79, 46, -83, 60, 15, 43, -15] Output: 3 [-58, 67, -36, 46, 6, 8, -97, 37] Output: 2 [31, 59, 93, 82, 66, -79] Output: 7 [-35, -70, -11, 84, -30, 59, -97, 34] Output: 5 [-1, -98, -82, -94, 95, 11, -74] Output: 4 [69, 33, 43, -77, 92, -51, 30] Output: 3 [-2, -92, 42, -74, -75, 3, -62, 16, 35, -12] Output: 1 [-99, -48, -68, 74, -67, 69, -24, -92] Output: 1 [99, 2, -80, 27, -19, -13, -97] Output: 6 [-10, -30, -32, -30, 85, -85, 48, -55] Output: 0 [48, 7, -10, -70, -67, 16, 41, 90, 85] Output: 3 [-99, -88, 67, 98, 0, 66, 68, 42] Output: 1 [-39, 7, -47, 37, -26, -59, 29, -30] Output: 4 [27, 38, -38, 73, 71, -3] Output: 2 [59, 92, -97, 13] Output: 33 [-20, 19, -82, -92, 52, -20, 100] Output: 0 [74, -80, -67, -39, -23, 83, 72, 22, -64, 91] Output: 2 [97, -5, -41, 73, -24, 39, 48, -76] Output: 9 [-69, 64, -61] Output: 8 [-95, -1, -47, 65] Output: 46 [-40, 58, 79] Output: 21 [43, 51, -14, -70, 7, 59] Output: 8 [3, 23, -87, 66, 2] Output: 1 [55, -43, 95, -68, -20, 11, 63, -4] Output: 8 [64, -100, -70, -18, -69] Output: 1 [-53, -4, 48, 3, -78, 90, -94, -72, -75] Output: 3 [-26, 82, -30, -28, 69, 69] Output: 0 [-43, 15, -16, 59, 99, -74, -5, 28] Output: 11 [75, 78, -58, 36, 36, -3, -61, 19, -81, 52] Output: 0 [-95, 76, -30] Output: 65 [-19, -55, -48] Output: 7 [97, -39, -40, -34] Output: 1 [-48, -98, -53, -6, 17, 4, -21, 25, 16] Output: 1 [97, -23, -7, -91, -43, 88, 46, -74, 40] Output: 6 [14, 8, 14, 0, 72] Output: 0 [62, 43, 2, -16, -78, 56, 38, -69, 57, -93] Output: 1 [19, 49, 81, 54, -62, -73, 60] Output: 5 [-49, 32, 54, 1, -43, -22, -59, -66, 59] Output: 5 [99, -47, -31, 92, 83, 5, 23, -73, -45, 40] Output: 2 [49, 42, -23, -20, 5] Output: 3 [-91, -95, -8, -51, 57, -8, 72] Output: 0 [61, 96, -24, -79, -66, 11, -61, -26, -76, -88] Output: 2 [-95, -1, -47, 65] Output: 46 [15, -13, -77, -96, -30, -78, 67] Output: 1 [-19, -21, 47, -80, 71, -62, 28, 77, 41, -53] Output: 2 [37, 47, 100, -37] Output: 10 [-11, 52, 20, -89, 73] Output: 21 [94, 5, 55, -48, -15, -79, -58, -87, 40, -45] Output: 3 [56, -86, 80, -74, 28, -34] Output: 12 [11, -96, -19, 12, 41, 43] Output: 1 [-26, -46, -42] Output: 4 [24, -12, -72, -64, -56, -57, -75] Output: 1 [-77, 57, 2, 47] Output: 10 [31, -92, -64, 65, -5, 51, -78] Output: 14 [-5, -53, 53, -17, -10, -11, 63, -39] Output: 1 [-49, -8, -98, 48, 85, 57, -72, -50] Output: 1 [-20, 97, 83] Output: 14 [-24, 94, -20, -82, 60, 31, -3, -22, -92] Output: 2 [-48, 48, 45, -16, -43] Output: 3 [49, -78, 4] Output: 45 [-87, -99, -12, -97] Output: 2 [-84, 60, 38, -85, -70, 41, 61, -51] Output: 1 [69, -47, -62, 36, -43, 86, -90, -60, 1] Output: 2 [-81, -29, 27, 57, 3, 47, 77, -41] Output: 10 [91, 98, 6, 78, 43] Output: 7 [-41, -62, 67, 56] Output: 11 [-22, -47, 11] Output: 25 [60, -56, -77, 66, -45, -1, -68] Output: 6 [-86, -61, 17, -42, 34] Output: 17 [65, -62, 98, 91, 66] Output: 1 [-14, -62, -26, -69, -15, 21, 58, 41, -79] Output: 1 [98, -93, -85, 82] Output: 8 [-49, 94, 32] Output: 62 [-62, -4, 49] Output: 53 [-82, 73, 45, -40, 68, -86, 29, 87, 51, -51] Output: 4 [-25, 5, -91, 72, 80, 68, -25, 4, 54] Output: 0 [100, -68, 6, -12, 23, -68] Output: 0 [-56, 80, 48, -26, -70, 43, 82, -37, 82] Output: 0 [-67, -1, -94, -67, -43, -83] Output: 0 [-10, -46, -88, -41] Output: 5 [-20, 67, -42, -34, 35, -43, 23] Output: 1 [82, -84, -20, 10, 36, -57, 44, -4, -22] Output: 2 [45, -24, -27, 86, -3, -58, 66, 44, 99] Output: 1 [-36, 91, 54] Output: 37 [0, 23, -37, 65, 23, 69] Output: 0 [-4, 24, -86, -70] Output: 16 [-96, -83, -78, -82, 68, -27, -10, 17, -54, -89] Output: 1 [-49, 70, -63, -66, 65, 43] Output: 3 [72, -81, -99, 0, -54, 30] Output: 18 [41, -22, -15, 63, -90, 99, -55, -56, -42, -19] Output: 1 [-73, 57, -58, 12, -60, -85, -5, 6, -43] Output: 2 [-41, -83, 74] Output: 42 [78, 33, -92, 24, 37, -45] Output: 4 [-65, 58, -8, 99, 51, -46, 84] Output: 7 [-3, 85, -29, 40, 34, -70] Output: 6 [-100, -63, 24, -30, -47, -70, 33] Output: 7 [88, -17, 41, -25, 21, -84, 81, 50, 78, -85] Output: 1 [52, -97, 84, 44, -57, -67, 15, 66] Output: 8 [51, 19, -44, -91, 45, -2, 33, -97] Output: 6 [18, -35, -15, 46, -64, 97] Output: 20 [-26, -83, 50, 31, 36, -95, 57, -19] Output: 5 [-39, 60, -92, 93, -2] Output: 33 [-91, -60, -85, 12, 3, 29, -64, 62] Output: 4 [93, -58, 98] Output: 5 [43, 46, -1, -75, 29] Output: 3 [27, -61, -67] Output: 6 [64, 35, -32, -40, 74] Output: 8 [97, -51, -66, 42, 85] Output: 12 [-20, -35, 16, 66, 9, 34, -19] Output: 1 [-40, -90, 73, 11, -41, 16, 8, 100, -93] Output: 1 [18, 1, 21, -49, 94, 15, -76, 91, -20, -40] Output: 3 [-87, 41, -83, 10] Output: 4 [-49, -8, 69, 89, -19, 66, 13, 39] Output: 3 [72, -100, -76, 15, 19, 26] Output: 4 [16, -9, -55, -29, 6, 41, -59, -15, -44] Output: 4 [73, -38, 0] Output: 38 [-18, -8, -27, -39, -2, -4, -64, -56, -2, -91] Output: 0 [-3, -64, -32] Output: 29 [-12, -8, 71, 79, 5, -46, 62, -49] Output: 3 [30, -64, 14, -54, -5] Output: 10 [-62, 68, 31, -31, -31, 67, 26, 19, -95, 52] Output: 0 [-23, 48, 76, -3, 22] Output: 20 [-4, -97, 86, 51, 35, -39, 3, 66, -31, -96] Output: 1 [-10, 52, 2, -82, -36, 90] Output: 12 [95, 73, -1, -75, -8, 88, 78] Output: 5 [20, 56, -38, -8, 53, 32, 68, 22, -89] Output: 2 [15, -21, -36, -83, 95, -18, 18, 37] Output: 3 [30, 10, 13, 65, -76, -59, -54, 100] Output: 3 [87, -75, -81, 95] Output: 6 [10, -27, -98, 29, -47, 12, -66, -74] Output: 2 [-43, 98, -17, -88, 11, -1, -98, -50, 46] Output: 7 [89, -42, -66, -57, 100, -42] Output: 0 [10, 46, 2, -43, -17, 73, -100, -36, -45] Output: 2 [-60, -68, -90, 47, 11, -57, 97] Output: 3 [25, -72, -77, 58, -36, 40, -3, 44, -23, -68] Output: 4 [44, -76, 67, -62, 76, -67, -67, 45] Output: 0 [81, -13, 48, 72] Output: 9 [-2, -15, -1, 54, -40, -65, 56, -77, 84] Output: 1 [7, 31, 46, 4] Output: 3 [-35, 13, 14] Output: 1 [-38, 23, -5, -20, 33, -38, 39, -5, 3] Output: 0 [66, -15, -68, -42, -3] Output: 12 [-28, 61, 18, -35, 37, 17, -29, -41, 27] Output: 1 [64, -89, -47, -58, 55, -60, 68, -2] Output: 2 [-16, 67, -56, 69, 26, 66] Output: 1 [44, 26, 60] Output: 16 [-82, -14, -62, -35, 96, -19, 29, 27, 43] Output: 2 [95, -41, 86, -50, 71, 48, -14] Output: 9 [62, -35, 74, 92, -24, 63] Output: 1 [75, 58, -31, -13, -92, -32, -87, 69, 44, 37] Output: 1 [-88, 60, -89] Output: 1 [-3, -75, -53, -88] Output: 13 [34, -51, -48, -27] Output: 3 [-58, -43, 96, 39, 39, -87] Output: 0 [-91, 78, -72, -74, 41, 91] Output: 2 [19, -29, -82, -33, -88, 74, 45, 84, -6] Output: 4 [78, 4, 70, -94, 25] Output: 8 [95, 68, -33, 86, -5] Output: 9 [-30, 34, 59, -98, 48, 85, 65, 6, -71] Output: 6 [-60, -68, 71, -12, 65, -59, -82] Output: 1 [58, 81, 6, -25, 68, 37, -37, 59, 28, -86] Output: 1 [48, 57, -89, 83, 18, -2, -9, 84, -43] Output: 1 [-73, 89, 22, 15, 28, 84, 82] Output: 2 [51, -26, 45, 20, 30, -76, 26, 38, 32, 84] Output: 2 [99, 79, 25, 50, 15, 98, -12] Output: 1 [83, -95, -96, 70, -56, 87, -61] Output: 1 [25, 68, 47, -74, -49, -60, 0] Output: 11 [-78, 48, -98, -77, -87, -6, -34, 81, -43] Output: 1 [-86, 46, -76, 26, 28, 64, 19, -56] Output: 2 [33, 47, 82, 83, -59] Output: 1 [-80, 68, -9, -31] Output: 22 [76, -4, -14, -18] Output: 4 [-33, 54, 9, 84, -87, -39, 55, -82, -59] Output: 1 [-93, 4, -67, -44, 84, -35, -57, -27, 81, 79] Output: 2 [-18, -35, 48, 55, 86, 90, 83] Output: 3 [-44, -87, -48, -66, -96, 38] Output: 4 [-71, -19, -46] Output: 25 [-68, -93, -76, 96, -84, 29] Output: 8 [-48, 97, -78, -93] Output: 15 [-84, 73, -89] Output: 5 [-71, -48, -78, -27] Output: 7 [62, 74, 64, 46, 99, 97, 1, -1, 18, 75] Output: 1 [60, 68, 59, -6, 77, -1, -68, 41, 99] Output: 1 [75, -25, 61, 71] Output: 4 [77, -55, 73, -5, 41, 36] Output: 4 [-63, -71, 61, 20] Output: 8 [62, 53, -17] Output: 9 [19, 1, -72, -29, 72, 54, 83, -42, 86] Output: 3 [-95, 81, -3] Output: 84 [61, 52, -88, 55, 73, -75, 100, 62, -9] Output: 1 [18, -84, -40, -75, -10, 59, 92, -8] Output: 2 [80, 15, -16, -100, -21, 27] Output: 5 [59, -52, -15, -12, 1, 69] Output: 3 [15, 26, -64, 42] Output: 11 [-69, -94, -89, 70, -8, 96, -26, -89] Output: 0 [83, 65, 67, 90] Output: 2 [83, 20, 29] Output: 9 [44, -43, -90, 72, -99, 92, -70, 3, -69] Output: 1 [-91, 6, -89, 22, -12, -98, -62, -25, 75, -48] Output: 2 [62, 53, -17] Output: 9 [65, -33, -19, -47, 87, -8, 81, 30, -97, -79] Output: 6 [-93, -89, -4] Output: 4 [-11, -95, -72, -51, -78, 8, 96, 100, 81, 94] Output: 2 [6, 89, -87, -87, -71, 69, 68, -55] Output: 0 [89, -86, -89, 36, 94, 92] Output: 2 [14, 32, -60, -36, 68] Output: 18 [-31, 96, 95, -17, 53, -19, -65, 56, -30] Output: 1 [-89, 80, -66, 24, 68, 87, 17, 19, -74] Output: 2 [74, 90, -91] Output: 16 [31, 76, 84, 14, 83, 54, -16, -55, 9] Output: 1 [-6, -95, -57, 69, 50] Output: 19 [91, 34, -13, 10, 44] Output: 10 [-94, 6, -72, -1, -61, 27, -32, 56, 73] Output: 7 [83, 41, -13, 63, -50] Output: 20 [0, -34, -79, 95, 32, -9, 97] Output: 2 [-78, 41, -73, -45, -68, -3, -59, -33, 49, 39] Output: 2 [-87, -14, -35, 9, -79, 80, 95, 42, 54, 30] Output: 8 [84, 29, 72, -49, -91, 57, 87, -42, 19] Output: 3 [-54, -35, -3, -53, -31, -36, -62, -54, 50] Output: 0 [90, 63, 27, 66, -100, -100, -77, -57, 99] Output: 0 [86, 26, -63, -28, -26, 5, 18, -27] Output: 1 [61, -86, 26, -87] Output: 1 [-93, 8, -12] Output: 20 [-29, 99, 67, 3, -38, -99, -15, 7, 83, 3] Output: 0 [46, -39, 72, 57, 74, -99, 20] Output: 2 [-8, 46, -82] Output: 54 [-72, 22, -6, 87, -24, -59, 79, 72] Output: 7 [6, 94, 94, -74] Output: 0 [-61, -85, 71, 43, -88, 74] Output: 3 [83, 20, 29] Output: 9 [-32, 40, 37, 3] Output: 3 [-84, 18, -71, 77, -88, -70, 16, 27, 19, -43] Output: 1 [14, 32, -60, -36, 68] Output: 18 [-51, 88, 40, 48, 3, 45, 61] Output: 3 [-33, -51, 47, 87, 40, 25, 79, 16] Output: 7 [3, 85, 13, 70] Output: 10 [-21, 85, -54, -37, 26, -5, 94, 20] Output: 6 [72, 94, 50] Output: 22 [16, -44, -56, 94, -47, 38, 33, 17, -37] Output: 1 [72, 58, -42, -68] Output: 14 [70, 76, -64, 26, 25, -47] Output: 1 [-79, -34, 43, -39, -68, -80] Output: 1 [-70, -11, -1, 11, 3, 91, -36, -93] Output: 4 [-60, 9, -42, -51, 89, -7, 97, -90, 13] Output: 4 [34, -51, -48, -27] Output: 3 [29, -80, -40] Output: 40 [43, 8, -31, 95, -24, -29, 20, -11, 42, 0] Output: 1 [84, 28, -87, 11, -84, -6, -79, 50, 76] Output: 3 [18, -35, -15, 46, -64, 97] Output: 20 [-55, -91, -7, 3, -10] Output: 3 [95, 69, 82, -40, -46, -84, -34] Output: 6 [-26, -46, -42] Output: 4 [-15, 21, -56, -45, 29, -89, -6, -92, -54, -79] Output: 2 [-31, -81, -76, 5, 14, 46, 30, 21, -74] Output: 2 [-23, -95, 96, 96, 71, -3, -75, -51, -33, 36] Output: 0 [46, -70, 80, -84, -44, 32, -93, 61, -31, 87] Output: 7 [-80, -59, 85, -50, 45, 18, 5, 11] Output: 6 [-4, -76, 76, -47, 19] Output: 23 [-58, 0, 84, -61, -41, 63, 92, -65, -76, -37] Output: 3 [49, -60, 29, 98, -49, 60, -80, -85, -51] Output: 2 [62, 40, -14] Output: 22 [-86, 98, 22] Output: 76 [91, -82, 94, 72, 98] Output: 3 [-13, 35, 2, 75, 10, 42] Output: 7 [0, -70, -32, -11] Output: 11 [24, 32, 69, 96] Output: 8 [-15, 63, 49, -75] Output: 14 [13, -96, 90] Output: 77 [98, 26, 91, 66] Output: 7 [-94, -31, -21, -63] Output: 10 [77, -55, 6, 90, -7, -30, -8] Output: 1 [27, 38, -38, 73, 71, -3] Output: 2 [4, 13, 31] Output: 9 [73, 73, 93, 76, 34, -74, 4, -50, 76, 27] Output: 0 [90, 72, -10] Output: 18 [-73, 18, -40, 77, -59, -9, 11, 74] Output: 3 [18, -98, -85, 91, 82, -74] Output: 9 [-24, 94, 44, -88, -60, -60, 16] Output: 0 [-74, -47, 10, -9, 14, -20, -45] Output: 2 [-81, 52, 5, 3, 80] Output: 2 [93, -40, -68] Output: 28 [64, -12, 23, 65, -100, -5, -26, 66, 0] Output: 1 [-81, 47, 65, 65, 12, 38, 47, 24, -47, -96] Output: 0 [72, -94, -50, 25, 68, 64, 26, 15] Output: 1 [22, 4, -15, -10, 99, -76, -82, -27, 3, 41] Output: 1 [-15, 21, -56, -45, 29, -89, -6, -92, -54, -79] Output: 2 [63, -25, -68, 79, -7, -15, 17] Output: 8 [23, 97, 40, 69, 41, -89, -43, -44] Output: 1 [35, 81, -23, 44, 23, 7, 40, -79] Output: 4 [33, 23, -76, 40] Output: 7 [65, 50, -31, -86, -5, -7, 22] Output: 2 [-5, 9, -26, 88, 42, 1, 9, 64, 10] Output: 0 [5, 12, 96, -94, -94, 2, -25] Output: 0 [-34, 35, -11, 60, -30, 77, 95, 16, 73] Output: 4 [50, -86, -7, -67] Output: 19 [-4, 40, -60, 73, 8] Output: 12 [22, 4, -15, -10, 99, -76, -82, -27, 3, 41] Output: 1 [42, -67, -41, -34, -12, 3] Output: 7 [-83, 79, -19, -1] Output: 18 [32, 23, 13, -29, 11, -30, 27, 32, 86] Output: 0 [41, -93, -60, 13, -83] Output: 10 [90, 0, 71, -63] Output: 19 [44, -43, -90, 72, -99, 92, -70, 3, -69] Output: 1 [51, -27, 4] Output: 31 [5, 79, 34, -12] Output: 17 [1, 41, -43, -60, -81, 67, 7, -97, 20] Output: 6 [-92, -30, -14, -100, 10, -59, -31, -33, 42, -77] Output: 1 [34, -51, -48, -27] Output: 3 [-16, 15, -28] Output: 12 [-20, -87, 78, 58, -6, -61, -80, -32] Output: 7 [4, -46, -17, 21] Output: 17 [18, -90, 72, -52, -28] Output: 24 [43, 34, 44, -40, -37, -38, -21, 86, -13] Output: 1 [60, -89, 77] Output: 17 [95, -96, -28, -83, 86, 5] Output: 9 [-100, 4, 13, 83, 21, 51] Output: 8 [96, -7, 23, -6, -93, 54, -64] Output: 1 [-25, -49, 28, 30, -46, 86, 52, 65] Output: 2 [-9, -30, 41, -56, -80, -6, 68, 30] Output: 3 [84, 80, 22, 71, -20, 40, 92, -28, 0, 4] Output: 4 [95, -85, -55, 67, -26] Output: 28 [-99, -8, 47, -70, -67] Output: 3 [-79, 83, 59, 27] Output: 24 [-35, 80, 36, 79] Output: 1 [-12, -88, 10, 77, -10, -10, 52] Output: 0 [35, -16, -29, -9, 94, -91, 85, -76, 25, 4] Output: 7 [94, 2, 57, 74, 15, -24] Output: 13 [-75, -36, 58, 25, 6, 33, 4, 29, -30, -37] Output: 1 [23, 78, -6, 68, 100] Output: 10 [-100, 21, 97, 70, 6, 51, 3, 80, -80, -24] Output: 3 [8, -92, 32, 0, 97, 91, -32, 37] Output: 5 [-87, 72, 41, 64, 68, 33, -91, 59, 19, 6] Output: 4 [57, -70, -6] Output: 63 [67, -86, 96, -82, -33, 7] Output: 4 [69, 33, 43, -77, 92, -51, 30] Output: 3 [83, -11, -4, -93, 23, -87] Output: 6 [-68, 26, 79] Output: 53 [10, -4, 48] Output: 14 [13, 55, -56, -13, 24, 98, -40, 63] Output: 8
In this task, you're given a review from Amazon. Your task is to generate a rating for the product on a scale of 1-5 based on the review. The rating means 1: extremely poor, 2: poor, 3: neutral, 4: good, 5: extremely good. Possible labels: 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 5 Context: Installed on a 2005 Silverado. The rivnuts they give you were very hard to install for me. My rivnut tool didn't have metric, I had to make my own shaft to use it. Ended up pulling the threads out of it. Drilled out the holes to 3/8" so I could install "normal" rivnuts and used stainless hardware instead. The cap itself was warped a little, I am hoping it doesn't pull the tape off the inside.... Answer: 3 Context: I got the 2mm earrings and they're perfect for everyday wear - although the 1mm would have been fine too. I gave 4/5 stars because they make my ears ITCH and HURT when it says it's sterling silver and not supposed to. Answer: 4 Context: This product is not the typical coupe glass that most bars use. This is, in fact, quite a bit larger. There is always room left over in the glass when I make a standard cocktail. The photos for this item are misleading because there is no scale. I would not have purchased these if I knew that they were this large. Answer: 2 Context: It would have been beautiful and useful except it was broken when it arrived. It came in an envelope. It should have come in a box so that it would have been more protected. Answer: 3 Context: Ehh... hence the reason I’m looking at reviews on this product in the 1st place , smell doesn’t last at all . Sprayed about 6 times & couldn’t even smell the product by the time I walked outta the house . Not so good ! Answer: 1 Context: My 1 and a half year old loves the toy and it keeps her entertained very easily. She gets frustrated and needs help occasionally so I do need to be close by. I used it the most on a plane ride and it was wonderful entertainment for her :) Answer: 5 Context: I purchased this after a friend recommended it. I have fine medium length hair and this works amazingly on my hair. It doesn't tangle, gives volume, and is much easier to manage then the blow dryer/roll brush combo. I divide my hair into three sections starting with lower/base of hair drying my way up. The whole process takes maybe less than 15 minutes from starting. It also works great for next day hair to work out any waves or kinks from sleeping. Answer: 5 Context: Purchased for my daughter for Christmas. She is an amateur photographer. She loves the bag and it keeps all of her lenses and camera paraphernalia well organized and handy. Answer: 4 Context: This coffe is strong but very acidic and not much flavor compared to the organic coffee fair trade I usually buy. I thought I would give it s Chance since you get a credit to buy more but I won’t be using. If you like strong and don’t mind acidic go for it. Answer: 3 Context: The web description said it would fit my make and model but that was inaccurate. Returned item and will try a X large. Good price, fast delivery. No issues with return. Answer: 1 Context: Great fan but don't expect 'cold' air. The air is cool but not cold. It does the job well enough to justify not buying an AC, but if you need real cooling power, get an AC as this fan just blows somewhat cool air. But nonetheless great fan. Only issue is that it is a bit wobbly on the stand but if you're not clumsy you won't knock it over. Answer: 4 Context: Bad sound quality while using this, good protection but everyone I speak with complains the sound is garbled...like the previous model but no longer available-too bad Answer: 2 Context: We have recently downsized from a house to an apartment while we search for a new house. We don't have much storage room and I bought two of these caddies. They are perfect. We have hung them from our bed and they are a great catch-all for laptops, journals, phones, remotes, etc. Answer: 5 Context: I had measured myself and bought these to help with the chafing between my thighs for my upcoming vacation The black lace one fit perfectly but this brown one was too big and I am constantly fidgeting with it because it keeps falling down. Answer: 2 Context: It's a basic stand, a bit shaky especially if you put some sheet music book on it. I could probably live with it, but angle adjusting knob broke after six month (folded/unfolded it once a week), had to buy another brand. Answer: 2 Context: The product I received is definitely a fake. The packaging and brush looks different. I’ve used the product for a long time and it does not look or feel the same at all. This is a scam. Answer: 1 Context: I bought this item for my new granddaughter. There are so many choices on the market to choose from it’s hard to pick just one. What sold me on this one is the sensor alarm for when the baby is left in the seat. After hearing and reading all the horror stories out there of babies being left in the car. This eases mind a little more that she will not be forgotten. The stroller is very sturdy, wheels turn with ease. Answer: 5 Context: Followed the directions to the exact and had very minimal peeling. I tried it twice in a month span just in case and still almost nothing to peel and trust me my feet have plenty that should have peeled off. I won't but this product again. Answer: 2 Context: I was searching and searching for something large enough to hold all of my many MUST HAVE utensils. This was it. It's durable, easy to clean, and large. The price was right and I'm very pleased with this purchase. If you have lots of tools of the trade grab you one of these. Answer: 5 Context: I bought this headphone for my daughter. She loves it. It's super lightweight and no pressure felt either on head or ears after hours using. It also has awesome sound quality. Best value to buy for this price. Answer: 5 Context: Love the power of the machine, the weight and the longer cord. Suction is great for dog hair and dirt on bare floors. Crevasse tool is great for getting into small spaces. I have 2 older models ( 20 years ) that are heavier and still working. Hope this newer version lasts as long. Slight problem is the shorter dog hair sticks out of the cloth bag and is harder to clean out. I like the cloth bag because it is more environmentally friendly, Answer: 4 Context: These Twix bars are produced in the Netherlands; they do not taste the same as US-produced Twix, so if you are expecting the US version, you will be disappointed. The expiration date on the lot I purchased was 2 days after the shipment was delivered. Answer: 1 Context: Would a great timer if it was waterproof. It would seem like something that is being used outdoors in most cases would be waterproof especially something controlling sprinklers. I had one growing season but failed a few weeks into the following season after the control shorted out after getting wet. It performed so well that I thought I would just try another and cover the control as best I could with a plastic bag. It failed after only a few months and for the same reason even after protection. Answer: 1 Context: The price should say it all. Made in China for Chinese proportions, doesn't fit the Western ergonomics. Too tight in the crotch area, not enough space. Of course, for this little money you can't expect any better, so don't waste your money and look somewhere else. One star just to publish the review, but doesn't deserve even that. Answer: 1 Context: Great invention!! Super easy to use and they do hook up to target bags with no issue. My only problem with them is that they seem to unscrew while pumping. I had to keep retightening them Answer: 4 Context: Awesome job! We got these for my daughter’s high school student council election. They looked really nice. Excellent quality, excellent service. Super fast shipping! Ps. She won! Answer: 5 Context: Great materials. It feel secure and the quick release works just fine. I wasn't expecting to have a handle bar so that is a plus among this price range Answer: 3 Context: Great story that follows Marisol and Chase from Possess through Valentine's Day. It is a super sweet story that you don't have to have read Possess to enjoy. But is also a very nice addition to learn more about what happens to them if you have read the main story already. Answer: 4 Context: We always have a blast with these during any public holiday Fireworks displays with our grandkids and any other kids at the parks. As we see other kids come by we offer them to let the balloons fly. Kids have a blast with these and surprised when we offer. The only issue is that these tend to pop a lot. within about 2 hours, we probably had 15 balloons popped. also, some seemed to have smaller openings or are difficult to insert the pump into them. However, still worth fun it provides for all the kids. Answer: 4 Context: I was so excited about these. I love premier protein and have been a customer for 10 years. I get tired of the milk based flavors all the time though. These looked great and peach is my favorite flavor so I was excited to try it. They look nice and smelled great. They also tasted good, and then the after taste comes. It feels like someone has sucked all the moisture out of your body through your tongue and then slathered it chalk. I tried to mix it with water, tried to drink it ice cold, nothing helped that after taste. I threw the entire 11 and 3/4 pack in the trash. Save your money, stick to the regular protein. Answer: 1 Context: UPDATE - The company agreed to replace, even though I was out of time. I am glad because I really like everything else about the unit except that the DVD player failed. I paid for it to be installed, worked fine for 2 weeks. Now CD player jammed, no way to get a library CD out. It is, of course, 2 weeks after RETURN period expired. I will try anyway. I liked the unit because the buttons were easy to use and a friend told me that the chips etc were good quality. But I really need the CD player. I got a PUMPKIN last year for another car and it was fine. So I will replace this one. Answer: 3 Context: BECAUSE SCREEN PROTECTOR IS NOT ADHERED TO PHONE, THE SPACE LEFT CAUSES TOUCHSCREEN TO NOT ALWAYS WORK, SO END UP REENTERING INFORMATION. DECIDED TO REMOVE THE PROTECTOR SHEET AND NOW THE CASE IS EXCELLENT. RECOMMEND BUYING SEPERATE SCREEN PROTECTOR THAT ADHERES TO PHONE FACE FOR BEST TOUCHSCREEN AND STILL HAVE PROTECTION AGAINST DAMAGE. LOVE THE CASE ANYWAY. Answer: 4 Context: Absolutely stunning! I love this product! It was much better than what I expected. It looks better than it does in the photograph. I highly recommend it. I love looking at it each time I go in my living room. I couldn't have been more pleased!! Answer: 5 Context: My 8 month old granddaughter likes it but problem is she was zooming in walker first so she gets frustrated when she can’t follow us. The other one was dangerous and this is great!! My advice is to introduce baby’s to this one first and the baby will love it. Answer: 4 Context: So far I am really loving this product. I’ve used it twice since I got it and I haven’t had to reapply yet. The only issue I had was that one of the bottle came with a cap and the other didn’t. So it’s hard to leave one at home and travel with the other one. Answer: 4 Context: I deliver groceries and these are not holding up at all. The seam has split on several of the bags, just below the zipper. If it’s for occasional use, they will probably hold up just fine. Answer: 2 Context: Cats love to climb it and nap at the top. To my surprise the top condo is large enough for my 7 ur old 18 lb tabby! One complaint is that he needs help to jump up to the landings on either side to even start his journey to the top, so we have to have an old perch directly beside it to assist him. Otherwise they love it! Answer: 5 Context: Components to build it never arrived, 2 missing pieces , thought the price was fare, can’t build it the missing pieces hold it all togeather, what a nightmare if you like waiting for UPS trucks this company is for you. This review won’t even go up SAD ! Answer: 2 Context: Great little book to learn recipes, the intended use of individual recipes and the how to do an enema. Very clear and easy to understand with tips throughout. It is the only book I have purchased re: enemas but felt it was quite thorough. I have been doing coffee enemas for several years and found this book insightful for doing different enemas besides coffee. Answer: 5 Context: The cabinet exceeded my expectations. It looks a lot nicer and sturdier than I thought it would be. It came in a large, very heavy box. The UPS driver left it at our doorstep. The box was so heavy that I couldn’t drag it inside. So, I cut the box open and removed the individual parts and brought them inside. Although there was some slight damage to the exterior of the box, all the inside contents were intact without any scratches or blemishes. Nothing was missing. I and my 13 years old grand daughter were able to assemble it in about 3 hours. The instructions weren’t very good, but it wasn’t too hard for me to figure out how everything goes together, because I have previously assembled similar cabinets. The cabinet looks gorgeous in my kitchen. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a budget curio cabinet. Answer: 5 Context: I like that the scoop is large, and that it scoops litter much quicker. Only complaint is the handle. It is not comfortable to hold. Might be better for a person with larger hands. Answer: 4 Context: I bought this to lay across the bed so the dogs would not get the duvet dirty. However, it has snags all over it and i have only had it about a month. I have always had throws or sheets to cover the duvet and never had a problem with snags. Answer: 2 Context: Cute, neon colored mesh backpack. I was surprised how big this backpack was. I can put a lot of things in it. I use it for my swimming gear. Towel, swim Finns, swimsuit, water bottle, goggles. I put smaller things in the 2 pockets. I 'm happy I ordered it. Answer: 3 Context: Handy item to better hold your cell phone. My case has some a slight sand-papered surface, so the strap device has lost its adhesion a time or two, but always sticks back on. I have a magnetized cell phone holder in my car so I placed the strap off center to the back of my phone so it would not interfere with the magnet. Answer: 4 Context: Worked really well. Bought 2 for a 5 and 7 year old and they was able to use them without problems. Wish I would have purchased one for my wife and I. Answer: 5 Context: These shorts are fine for the price, I would have given them 4 stars but instead I give them 3 only because the zipper in on of the pockets broke, not a big deal since I usually don't carry things in my pockets while riding. the fit is good not too tight or too baggy. The adjustable waist is a nice feature. Answer: 3 Context: It holds everything together, but it gets tight as you add a few cards. I was hoping it would be a little slimmer. It's working, but might look for something else. Answer: 4 Context: Very nice for the price. Not a full 5 because it makes my skin slightly itchy sometimes, but other than that I can’t even tell it’s there, it’s so light. Just a casual glance you can’t tell it’s fake. This is a size 7.5, fits comfortably. Answer: 4 Context: Decent decaffeinated coffee. Not as robust a flavor, but I think that's due to the nature of the beans that are typically used for this purpose. I'll order it again. Answer: 4 Context: Located in a very buggy area in Florida. First use, we set it up in a closed garage that has a large mosquito population from local waterways. Upon initial power on, the light and fan seemed to function correctly. After 24 hours of running, the light and fan were still functioning correctly, and it had caught/trapped ONE bug (a mosquito). The mosquito population was still swarming. Reread the directions and confirmed we had used properly. Ran it again during a swampy, buggy time for roughly 72 hours and it caught ZERO bugs. Bought this as a lightning deal, but it was an absolute waste of money. Answer: 1 Context: That was a powerful story of love,loss and tragedy. My heart broke for Coen and what he had to endure. Tears fell as he healed and found love with Riley. Grab this book and a box of tissues 💞 Answer: 5 Context: Portability is really the only thing this keyboard has going for it. It has an awkward layout, slides all over the place when typing, and it pretty much non functional for any productive tasks. Answer: 2 Context: It's really well made and designed. Love the heaviness and durability. Love that it keeps water cold for a LONG time. I love cold water with lots of ice, and this is great for that. Holds a lot of water. I bought the handle to go with it. I take it in the car with me. I keep it next to my bed. Love the design and the cool magnetic slide. I'm sold on Yeti!!! Answer: 5 Context: Good writing, interesting story line. The characters were thin and I never got into the story. A single story broken up in to the short books. I don't understand how this series got so many great reviews. One review mentioned the Pharaohs. There are no pharaohs in this series. Previews don't fit the books at all. Will not be buying any more books by this author Answer: 2 Context: Sent this instead of a traditional Easter basket and totally exceeded my expectations, health conscious girlfriend loved it and there was a rubber bunny her poodle loves! Answer: 5 Context: Perfect for what I was looking for. Nice fit, seem to hold up to heat, adds a little color to the kitchen. They seem very similar to a 'name brand' pair of mitts that i had previously, but at about half the price Answer: 5 Context: I bought these replacements for my Emjoi, my feet aren't bad and it took 15 mins. to do a mediocre job. Wouldn't waste my money on these again. Gave 2 stars to be fair that shipping was quick. Answer: 2 Context: Absolutely freaking loved this book. Great flow, characters you'll fall in love with and plenty of hot and steamy. The dynamics of this book was an emotional rollercoaster. I highly recommend this book. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book and this is an honest review. Answer: 5 Context: Definitely 5 stars! I recommended this to all my friends already. One of the screw drivers I got was messed up but as soon as I emailed them they sent one out immediately. Fixed my screen under ten minutes and the new screen works perfect 👌🏼 Answer: 5 Context: Looks cheaply made. Stripes are not black, but more of a dark shimmery purple. The stripes look like they were printed on to the plastic case, but it was printed on crooked. Definitely would not buy again! Answer: 2 Context: The stands strip easily since they are a cheap product. I use the green screen frequently but the stands for the lights don't lock in place very well. Answer: 3 Context: i wear medium so i order medium but wayyyyy to big so i just decided to give it away n order small size instead but unfortunately it looks like an extra large just waaaayyy too big Answer: 1 Context: For members of AA, or other 12 step -based programs, this book will astound you as to how it was done in the beginning. All 12 steps completed in three or four sessions. They literally had cards they carried and had to be approved to attend meetings. Card-carrying members only. Fascinating. I don’t recommend we go back to these days, but success rate was outstanding ( like 80 to 85% long-term sobriety) and I have definitely learned some valuable concepts. Answer: 5 Context: Does not stick!! Popped off my note 9 after a couple of days. I followed the installation instructions. I wish I would have read other reviews before I wasted money on these. Answer: 1 Context: As a retired teacher myself I nominate Jordan Peterson as Teacher of the Year. His book provides excellent insights into the challenges and problems of ordinary people like you and me who are struggling to make sense of the world and to cope with its incidents and trials. That's the first aspect. The second aspect are his plans and procedures which lead to the formulation of effective attitudes and values. This is where the book is so valuable. It opens up a path of hope for people who want their lives to improve and to have meaning. The rules Jordon Peterson outlines make perfect sense once he has finished explaining them - in fact many readers will wonder why they didn't previously see what was staring them in the face. These rules are particularly helpful to young men and women commencing their adult lives. These rules clarify what may have only been perceived dimly or not at all. While reading this book I felt that I as a fallible human being was being reached out by another human being who understands the potential of any of us to make poor decisions as well as good ones. The many incidents that Jordan Peterson describes in his book by way of illustration bring a very human dimension to his work. If you have older children or grandchildren buy a copy of this book for them. You will give them a true investment in their future. Answer: 5 Context: Works great with G19 with TLR-1 HL. As with any light bearing holster there is a little room to really wiggle your finger down into the holster and touch the trigger but overall this isn’t an issue for standard carry. Also you ha e to really place the firearm in there the correct way or it gets finicky. Great concept for a paddle style holster 4/5 Answer: 4 Context: Case is pretty cheaply made, I mean it looks nice but I don't expect it to last long. And the screen protector that comes with it is junk. Mine cracked before I even got it on the screen. I had just placed the first edge on my phone & it cracked. I'm glad I had the foresight to order a spare screen protector from OtterBox. The case was a little difficult to get together, but I looked at it like a puzzle & it didn't take too long to figure it out. So bottom line this case wasn't expensive & you get what you pay for. It's cute, & it'll serve my purposes for now. But just make sure you buy a spare screen protector! Answer: 3 Context: I bought this a while ago put it straight in storage never opened it until today delivered it to my new apartment opened it up and there is NO LEGS to the bottom of the couch, trying to find a way to contact someone to get the bottom leg braces for it Answer: 1 Context: I needed to tow my MG Midget in for repair and these lights were just what I needed to be legal. Like the fact they are LED so should last a very long time. Great value. Answer: 4 Context: This product came, very clearly, with the package sliced open. It appeared to work properly, but someone obviously opened it and sent it back........so lucky me. I’ll leave it at 3 stars for now, since the product itself appears to work as advertised. Just not happy to get someone else’s reject. Answer: 3 Context: There is a lot of cards, but once I am able to do the Leitner Method I believe I should be ok taking this test. I do remember some things from classes that I took years back, but I like the lengthy explanation of concepts. I will go and highlight key concepts though for my understanding. Answer: 5 Context: If you're purchasing this duvet cover for your king duvet comforter, please note that it's for king AND california king. So, my king duvet comforter did not fit inside the duvet cover properly and left a lot of empty room that is super annoying / looks bad. Answer: 3 Context: I found the handle to be too large for my hand. I'm an average size woman but found the brush challenging to maneuver. I returned it and purchased a competitor's product that is easier and lighter to use. Answer: 3 Context: The cover is not fully waterproof as it seems whatever is in contact with the material when it rains will soak in some moisture (kind of like whatever touches the side of a tent when it rains will get damp). The cover is larger than I thought and has a lock of straps and tie downs to help secure it. Good material, not sure if it will last more than 2 years in the elements. Answer: 3 Context: Just received the umbrella in a lightly damaged box but luckily the bag of parts didn’t fall out. Everything was in perfect condition and went together like a breeze. I am very happy with my purchase. I think I will anchor it to my deck with the awesome stand provided with holes to enable that to happen. I love the shade and quality of the umbrella. Answer: 5 Context: I had high expectations for this little bag, but it didn't quite measure up. First the things I didn't like: 1. The zippers are either too long or need to be placed better. Whenever I opened the bag, my stuff would either fall out or I needed to hold it back from falling out. 2. The pocket for a cell phone is in an inconvenient location on the strap. Too awkward to use there. 3. The water bottle pocket needs to be bigger. I had a 20 oz bottle which barely fit. I had to work some to get it in. The things I did like: 1. Nice size not too little not too big. Holds what you need for an outing. I had a fold up umbrella, sunglasses and case and a few other smaller items in it for the day. Could even fold up a jacket to fit. 2. Nice to have hands free and able to access without taking it off like a backpack. 3. It is comfortable. Wore it all day at a golf tournament and it wasn't heavy and bothersome. I am going to keep it, but would really like it better with the above improvements. Answer: 3 Context: I had a difficult time fitting one of the two mirrors in my bike handle. One side fits ok, but I could not get the other one all the way in the other side. Other than that, it's a nice mirror. I love the fact that it's adjustable in many ways, which gave me the flexibility I need. And it looks good on my black bike. Answer: 4 Context: I am using the phone for almost 4 months now, and I've been using it as my primary phone, there is a problem with the network signal for sure! At my home, there are 5 phones and all of them are working fine except for this one! most of the time there is no signal, or really weak and not reliable. Other than that, everything is perfect, but what is a PHONE without the ability to make and receive calls!!! Answer: 2 Context: Slept 6 nites for 4 hrs and then laid awake. Just didn’t hel kee me asleep unfortunately. Seems like very expensive packaging for each pill. Nicely done but recommend simpler packaging to make the order more reasonably priced Answer: 2 Context: So far so good. The speakers are very reasonably priced and sound great in my boat powered by the stock 8-track headunit. Cant wait to hear them after I install my kenwood headunit. Answer: 5 Context: Aloha. I kept this knife with me everyday until I lost it. The grip is comfortable. The blade assist worked very well after it broke in. It comes sharp and stayed sharp for a good while. The pocket clip is VERY strong. Especially compared to its predecessor The Trident, (also a good knife) whose biggest complaint was the clips breaking off unexpectedly. The new clip is almost too strong but I still highly recommend the knife. Worth the buy. Answer: 5 Context: This backpack is a really nice size. Not too big or too small. Many pockets and great straps. Lightweight and comfortable. Love that it is a crossbody. Unisex and great for all. Answer: 5 Context: This brush is a snow and ice BEAST! It is, perhaps, the most solidly built brush and scraper, with easy extension and easy rotation of the brush to change its angle relative to the shaft. As it is a new purchase for me, I'll have to update this later in the snow season. And, frankly, I'm hoping that I won't need it again this season. But I am prepared! Fast shipping, and excellent follow-up by the sender. highly recommended. Answer: 5 Context: My son loved his lego themed balloons. And so did all the kids at his party. The only reason for 4 stars is because some of the balloons lost their faces when it was blown up. Not many though. I’d still buy them again. Answer: 4 Context: My Frenchie had no problems with the green color. He can hardly wait for his dinner. He’s not a picky eater so he had no issue with the texture or color. He didn’t chew dry kibble so he would always get choked and spit whole pieces up hours later. I switched him to canned food about 2 months ago. I found this food online and it seems to be a healthier option. Update: After about a month, my dog lost interest in this food. He would never walk away from his bowl with food still in it but he started doing that with this food. Unfortunately, the food search continues. Answer: 3 Context: I really like this sweatshirt. It fits well and is very soft. I’ve had it for a few months and always wash and try it on normal cycles with no problems. Until I accidentally wash and dried it inside out. The lettering fused together and rips when I try to separate it. So after a few wears it’s completely ruined. 😔 I’m so bummed. Answer: 2 Context: My light part for not work ... So I don't even know what a light photo box look like. But I do know what a photo box without a light look likes. Then I'm really not feeling the backgrounds.. Answer: 2 Context: I have to side eye all the positive reviews because this is not a good product. It would not allow me to transfer more than 4 videos/pictures. Never again! Answer: 1 Context: Haven’t used them yet but he feels like they will work he wanted them for fishing . But he will not be able to wear them over his tennis shoes had to get a way smaller shoe to but them in got xxxl Answer: 4 Context: I continue to hear so much about this from cast iron enthusiasts so I gave it a go to see what the hype was. Frankly, not really impressed for the cost and would recommend crisco over this every time in regards to overall seasoning ability. One small benefit is the smell is slightly better than that if other oils when seasoning cast iron but I don’t think that outweighs the negatives. Answer: 2 Context: I bought this last year after our first transmitter was ruined by lightning. Within the last month this transmitter has stopped working consistently and our dog has gotten out multiple times. We’ve found that it will work again if we unplug it for a minute. It worked well until recently but I don’t like it’s unreliability now. Answer: 2 Context: I bought these in mid-February. The right shoe completely failed by late-July. By completely failed, I mean a huge hole had formed under the right heel, straight through the inner and outer soles. My heel was literally in contact with pavement by end of July. The day these arrived, they were generally fine. The only issue I had was a slight discomfort under the right heel. It felt like an imperfection in the inner sole, but it was not enough to stop wearing them. By month 2, the discomfort under the right heel had manifested as a hole in the inner sole. By month 4, the outer sole had worn through on the same spot, and by month 5, I could easily stick two fingers through the right heel and had to stop wearing them. The shoes were otherwise generally very comfortable with the exception of THE GAPING HOLE under the right heel. I really liked the Velcro fastener and the roomy toe-box. I thought I had found a hidden gem of a product -- why would I continue to pay 3X the cost for Merrell Trail Gloves? Oh, now I see. It's because they last 6X as long. Answer: 2 Context: I have ordered these twice in the last 6 months. I am still using the first order. The cartridges had been working beautifully until about 2 weeks ago. Streaking started out very small however, now the pink, blue and black are leaking and streaking all my printed pages. I hope I have not ruined my printer. I will not be using the brand new second order of this product. Answer: 2 Context: I bought this rather large bottle of rose scented witch hazel for myself. I was so excited when I got it, because it smelled so much better than just plain boring witch hazel and it had a cool looking bottle. And need I mention, once again, the size... there was so much of it, I knew for sure it would last me forever. *sigh* Apparently my husband loved the smell of it too. He began using it as an added scent in his oil diffusers and putting it in his bath, using it as toner for his face 5 times a day (at least that's what it seemed like to me!) I can't even guess what other ways he must have used it while I wasn't looking. Every day I would stand in the bathroom shocked as I watched my bottle of witch hazel dwindle down to nothing in a matter of 2 weeks... guess next time I'll try the lavendar. Answer: 5 Context: The size chart is way off. Not sure if anyone is monitoring the 'Size Chart' link vs. the sizes offered for selection. I selected an XXL because the size chart says an XL is a US size 8. I needed a US size 10 or 12. Well, the shirt is exactly what you would expect a typical XXL might be. It's very confusing as I've ordered some of these Chinese made shirts before. Sizing is all over the map -- sometimes they follow the size chart and sometimes they are the actual letter size. Makes it very difficult to guess which one it might be. Wanted a few new tops for my niece and of the 6 Chinese-made tops I ordered, only one fit. It's a waste of time to wait for them and then to have to send them back due to this type of error. Answer: 2 Context: Disgusted and disgusting!!! Amazon sent me a pair of worn shoes. Not only were they worn, they still had skin residue inside!! ABSOLUTELY GROSS! The box was beaten to smithereens and even had a hole in it. The top was secured by a rubber band. I have had great experiences shoe shopping with Amazon in the past, but this order has me leary from ever purchasing shoes again. I would give it a -0 if I could! Answer: 1 Context: This is a great little scale. I really like the case, which doubles as a weighing tray for small parts. The piece count feature, allowing you to weigh ten items, like a screws, then put a large number in and count them works like a champ, left me with grins all over. Answer: 5 Context: This did not come as a ball.. it came already fluffed as if someone had already played with it. Probably is a knock off as others are suggesting. Awful packaging, the box was all torn apart. Also took forever to get here. did not receive it by Christmas as the seller indicated. Please don't waste your money on this scam Answer: 1
--- [95, 96, 61, -77, 66, 73, 28] Output: [96, 66, 28] --- [-38, 51] Output: [-38] --- [15, -72, -70, -22] Output: [-72, -70, -22] --- [13, 4, 23, 70, -68, -37, 52] Output: [4, 70, -68, 52] --- [5, -32, 59] Output: [-32] --- [-22, 45, -27] Output: [-22] --- [-48, 17, -4, 66, -54, -89, 45, -72, 46, 100, -28] Output: [-48, -4, 66, -54, -72, 46, 100, -28] --- [25, -69, -73, 89, 78, 60] Output: [78, 60] --- [12, -44, 79] Output: [12, -44] --- [70, 58, 38, -90, -84, -38, -11, 59, -21, -54] Output: [70, 58, 38, -90, -84, -38, -54] --- [8, -50, 46, 88] Output: [8, -50, 46, 88] --- [36, 40, 36, -91, -95, -22] Output: [36, 40, 36, -22] --- [-19, 77, 86, -65, -8, 64, -96, 13] Output: [86, -8, 64, -96] --- [-67, 6, -18, 76, -70, 24, -83, 63, 84, 33] Output: [6, -18, 76, -70, 24, 84] --- [-86, -95, 11, -18, -5, -59, -18, -16, -56, 49, 5] Output: [-86, -18, -18, -16, -56] --- [97, -6, -20, 76] Output: [-6, -20, 76] --- [-33, 99, 52, 16, 97, -83, 16, 93, 34] Output: [52, 16, 16, 34] --- [-19, 96, 69, -98, -90, -54] Output: [96, -98, -90, -54] --- [54, -61, -89, 61, 88, -82] Output: [54, 88, -82] --- [16, -84, 58, -85, -45, -83, -74, -37, -39] Output: [16, -84, 58, -74] --- [76, 86, -33, -18, -86, 7, -2, 67, -72] Output: [76, 86, -18, -86, -2, -72] --- [-67, 86, 19, -37, -81] Output: [86] --- [-14, 15, 95, 39, 0, 67, -81, 47, -30, 0, -91] Output: [-14, 0, -30, 0] --- [-100, 47] Output: [-100] --- [49, 75, -79, 75] Output: [] --- [96, 50, -24, -73, -94, 63] Output: [96, 50, -24, -94] --- [-93, 79, -59] Output: [] --- [62, -46, 65, -86, 87] Output: [62, -46, -86] --- [-1, -36, 90, -17, 40, -72, 89, 24] Output: [-36, 90, 40, -72, 24] --- [84, -81, 92, 68, -77, 89, -83, 87, -13] Output: [84, 92, 68] --- [23, 33, 22, -43, -5, 42, 1, -26, -83, -79, -64] Output: [22, 42, -26, -64] --- [-71, 52, 81, -17, -64, -38, 26, -65, -35, 7, -20] Output: [52, -64, -38, 26, -20] --- [-100, -17, 31, 0, -66] Output: [-100, 0, -66] --- [18, 38, 41, -6, -21, -90, -1, 65, -19, 84, 50] Output: [18, 38, -6, -90, 84, 50] --- [-77, 10, -32, -64, -90, 17, -48, -42, 2] Output: [10, -32, -64, -90, -48, -42, 2] --- [59, -85, 61, 22, -66] Output: [22, -66] --- [21, 99, 17, 18, 68, -50, -79, 44, 64] Output: [18, 68, -50, 44, 64] --- [-20, 55, -96, -13, -78, -56, -31, -64, 9, -87] Output: [-20, -96, -78, -56, -64] --- [-12, -47, -98, -40, -74, -73] Output: [-12, -98, -40, -74] --- [-48, -71, -55, 19, 24] Output: [-48, 24] --- [79, 85, -28, -95, 69, 32, -18, 38, 24, 67] Output: [-28, 32, -18, 38, 24] --- [-69, -66, 65, 26, 98, -33, -86] Output: [-66, 26, 98, -86] --- [-4, -40, -28] Output: [-4, -40, -28] --- [-45, 64, -24] Output: [64, -24] --- [-7, -72, -83, 74, 58] Output: [-72, 74, 58] --- [31, 69, 25, -1, -75, 82, 88] Output: [82, 88] --- [-79, -21, 9, -4, -40, 75] Output: [-4, -40] --- [54, 6, -9, -49, 12] Output: [54, 6, 12] --- [-39, -39, 88, 90, 64, 100, -30, -93, -96] Output: [88, 90, 64, 100, -30, -96] --- [42, -68, 29, 71, -87, -69, 39, 52] Output: [42, -68, 52] --- [100, 45, -53, 57, -57, -82, -83, -25, 69] Output: [100, -82] --- [-3, 28, -40, -21, -35, 52, 12, 0, 7, 44] Output: [28, -40, 52, 12, 0, 44] --- [68, -89, -36, 25, 93, -94, -70, -61, -54, -17] Output: [68, -36, -94, -70, -54] --- [3, 96, 3, -99, 74, -98, 24] Output: [96, 74, -98, 24] --- [55, 44, -58, 52, -79, -21, -100, -83] Output: [44, -58, 52, -100] --- [21, 81, -31, -84, 20, -25, 0] Output: [-84, 20, 0] --- [-82, 13, 80, -85] Output: [-82, 80] --- [17, 42, 52, -84, -96, -2, 87] Output: [42, 52, -84, -96, -2] --- [55, 14, 63, 27] Output: [14] --- [-98, 82, 12, 68, 61, 5, -97, 25, -27, -49, 58] Output: [-98, 82, 12, 68, 58] --- [-65, 44, -8, 88] Output: [44, -8, 88] --- [-6, 42, -15, -30, 13, 35, -91, -51, 87, 83] Output: [-6, 42, -30] --- [78, 75, 33, 74] Output: [78, 74] --- [63, 70, 25, 57, -11, 21, 62, 28, -19] Output: [70, 62, 28] --- [17, -77, 68, -92] Output: [68, -92] --- [80, 59] Output: [80] --- [-92, 75, 78, -36] Output: [-92, 78, -36] --- [-70, 64, -41, 89, -17, -26, 63, 31, 16] Output: [-70, 64, -26, 16] --- [-87, -29, -72, 92, -95, -11, 60, 99, 43, -53] Output: [-72, 92, 60] --- [29, -71, -86, -31] Output: [-86] --- [67, -69, -71] Output: [] --- [-24, -60, 70, 88, -77, -87, 85, -55, -56, -40] Output: [-24, -60, 70, 88, -56, -40] --- [99, -38, 65, -55, -42, 60, 66, -77, -37] Output: [-38, -42, 60, 66] --- [-64, -77, 73] Output: [-64] --- [48, 3, 54, 91, -17] Output: [48, 54] --- [-76, 1, -3, -45, 60, 53] Output: [-76, 60] --- [-8, 6, -71] Output: [-8, 6] --- [28, 12, -58, 82, 71] Output: [28, 12, -58, 82] --- [-28, 93, 6, -78, 19, -15, 89, -98, -75, 90, 3] Output: [-28, 6, -78, -98, 90] --- [14, 35, 66, 11, -90, 48, -33, 79] Output: [14, 66, -90, 48] --- [-91, -29, -45] Output: [] --- [-45, -3, -35, -70, -81] Output: [-70] --- [23, -11, 36, -37, 69, 46, 57] Output: [36, 46] --- [33, -11, -45, -62, 90, -56, 75, -12] Output: [-62, 90, -56, -12] --- [79, 29, 89, -7] Output: [] --- [6, 28, -53, -62, -38, -14, -83, -75, -86, -39] Output: [6, 28, -62, -38, -14, -86] --- [54, 36, 23, -13, 52, 33, -85, -45, -51] Output: [54, 36, 52] --- [49, 68] Output: [68] --- [97, 93, -42, 70, -78, -97, 75, 89, 57] Output: [-42, 70, -78] --- [61, 59, -75, 12] Output: [12] --- [2, -5, 26, -11, -100, 84, 10] Output: [2, 26, -100, 84, 10] --- [-54, 92, -91, -88, -34] Output: [-54, 92, -88, -34] --- [-58, -79, 55, 22, -37, -7] Output: [-58, 22] --- [-46, 44, -41, 32, 26] Output: [-46, 44, 32, 26] --- [-88, -13, 61, 44, -92] Output: [-88, 44, -92] --- [59, -52, -63, -31] Output: [-52] --- [-77, -11, 91, -16, 74, -20, 34, 79, 56, -60, -61] Output: [-16, 74, -20, 34, 56, -60] --- [-77, -97, -18, -59, 10, 99, 52, -53] Output: [-18, 10, 52] --- [-74, 78, -23, -93, 23, -30] Output: [-74, 78, -30] --- [56, 6] Output: [56, 6] --- [16, -22, 40, -22, 7, 29, 88, 42, -31] Output: [16, -22, 40, -22, 88, 42] --- [39, -17, -36, 56, 96, -79, -58, 30, -20, 65] Output: [-36, 56, 96, -58, 30, -20] --- [55, -63, -64, -78, -57, 97, 33, 39, -14, 88] Output: [-64, -78, -14, 88] --- [15, 54, -1, -74, 11] Output: [54, -74] --- [-87, -32, 7, -21, 65] Output: [-32] --- [-57, -69, 76, -87, -13, 9] Output: [76] --- [-58, 23, -47, 42, -87, -41, -82, -74, 23, 29, 81] Output: [-58, 42, -82, -74] --- [-59, -35, -65, 5, -58, 24, 32, 64, -80] Output: [-58, 24, 32, 64, -80] --- [59, 93, -98, 54, -29, -29, 16, -43] Output: [-98, 54, 16] --- [-88, -52, -72, -36] Output: [-88, -52, -72, -36] --- [7, -69, -25, 14, 57, -90, 99] Output: [14, -90] --- [-38, -22, 26, -91, -14, -36, -3, 37, -32, 91, -22] Output: [-38, -22, 26, -14, -36, -32, -22] --- [-96, -71, 86, -45, -41, 79, 4, -14] Output: [-96, 86, 4, -14] --- [99, 86, -92, 50, -61, -99, -84, 74, 21] Output: [86, -92, 50, -84, 74] --- [-12, -97, 46, -93, -76, 16, -93] Output: [-12, 46, -76, 16] --- [-64, 24, 32, 33, 89, -64, -35, 88] Output: [-64, 24, 32, -64, 88] --- [89, 23, 80, -41, -17, 74, -5, 90, -3] Output: [80, 74, 90] --- [51, -58, 70] Output: [-58, 70] --- [-97, -44] Output: [-44] --- [10, 85, -91, -23, -41, -97, 48, 55, -74, -34, -25] Output: [10, 48, -74, -34] --- [38, -42] Output: [38, -42] --- [-37, 52, -58] Output: [52, -58] --- [25, -59, -54, 28, -79, 19] Output: [-54, 28] --- [20, -30, 76] Output: [20, -30, 76] --- [-7, 21, -13, -63] Output: [] --- [-83, 90, 76, -51, -49, -34, -36, 25, 60] Output: [90, 76, -34, -36, 60] --- [61, 82, 87, -92] Output: [82, -92] --- [72, -65, -25, -16, 59, -23] Output: [72, -16] --- [41, -82, -82, 8, -73, -13, -95, 72] Output: [-82, -82, 8, 72] --- [18, -63, 43, 99, -19, -75, 9, -95] Output: [18] --- [80, 59] Output: [80] --- [-1, -51, 68, 17] Output: [68] --- [8, -19] Output: [8] --- [-85, -65, 5, 26, 85, -34, -41, -76, -5, 91] Output: [26, -34, -76] --- [64, 37, 77, 62, -62, 95] Output: [64, 62, -62] --- [-15, -79, -90, 11, 38, 79, 6, -40, -2] Output: [-90, 38, 6, -40, -2] --- [-16, -11, 68, 79, 68, 16] Output: [-16, 68, 68, 16] --- [21, 70, 59, -15] Output: [70] --- [63, 9, 44, 25, 87, -66, -21, -75] Output: [44, -66] --- [10, -64, 7] Output: [10, -64] --- [-39, 93, 55, 59, 84, -8, 32] Output: [84, -8, 32] --- [73, -47, -17, -36, -3, 61, -86] Output: [-36, -86] --- [88, -52, -80, 19, -55, -28, -71, -21, -67, -31] Output: [88, -52, -80, -28] --- [46, -25, 62, -41] Output: [46, 62] --- [95, 81, 6, 39, 93, -49, 29, -50, 37, -46] Output: [6, -50, -46] --- [95, -74, -45, -7, -73, 87, -53, 91, -78, 94] Output: [-74, -78, 94] --- [10, -32, -73, 1] Output: [10, -32] --- [96, -68, 40, -25, -67, -59, 73, -19, 32, 54] Output: [96, -68, 40, 32, 54] --- [-88, 61, -56, 69, 50, 99, 42] Output: [-88, -56, 50, 42] --- [-15, 70, -6, 37, 66] Output: [70, -6, 66] --- [-89, 78, -47, -10, 60, 72, 61] Output: [78, -10, 60, 72] --- [99, 20, -37] Output: [20] --- [-20, -55] Output: [-20] --- [-78, -6, 99, -59, -62, -61, 48, -74] Output: [-78, -6, -62, 48, -74] --- [-84, -46, 32, 3, -88, -28, -87, -33, -4, 11, -97] Output: [-84, -46, 32, -88, -28, -4] --- [48, -86, 43, 0, 40, 2, 6, 66, 35, -87] Output: [48, -86, 0, 40, 2, 6, 66] --- [-87, 73, -11, 96, -21, -94, 55, 40, 21] Output: [96, -94, 40] --- [59, -96, -47, -42] Output: [-96, -42] --- [-54, -5, -20] Output: [-54, -20] --- [-81, -33, 65, 19, 79, 41, -26, 5, 19, -72, -38] Output: [-26, -72, -38] --- [-77, -86, 41] Output: [-86] --- [-7, -34, 45, -4, 44, -76, 10, -100, -66] Output: [-34, -4, 44, -76, 10, -100, -66] --- [74, -23, -82, -78, -88, 46, -29] Output: [74, -82, -78, -88, 46] --- [65, 62, -69, -71, -57, -65, 86] Output: [62, 86] --- [18, -69, -97, -83] Output: [18] --- [-10, 63, -78, -35, -43, -94, 33, 70, -27, -43] Output: [-10, -78, -94, 70] --- [2, -59, 60, 78, -21, -12, -84, 15, 75, -48] Output: [2, 60, 78, -12, -84, -48] --- [-22, -97, -79] Output: [-22] --- [96, -47, -51] Output: [96] --- [1, -2, 94, -39, -55, -58, -47, 0] Output: [-2, 94, -58, 0] --- [70, 73, -69, 98, -53, 86, 0] Output: [70, 98, 86, 0] --- [62, 46, -63, 94, -46, -44, 20] Output: [62, 46, 94, -46, -44, 20] --- [7, 40, -31, -43, -64] Output: [40, -64] --- [2, 28] Output: [2, 28] --- [78, -47, -37, -37, -20, 73, 34] Output: [78, -20, 34] --- [74, -11, 78, -83] Output: [74, 78] --- [-44, 12, -36, -32, 100, 94] Output: [-44, 12, -36, -32, 100, 94] --- [83, 53] Output: [] --- [-91, 19, -13, -57, 44, -81, -98, -51, 16, 77] Output: [44, -98, 16] --- [-62, 40] Output: [-62, 40] --- [89, -56, 95, -60, -76, 41, 80, -57, 14] Output: [-56, -60, -76, 80, 14] --- [-34, -78, -3, 97, -45, -10, -84, -83, -89, 54] Output: [-34, -78, -10, -84, 54] --- [53, 33, -60, -61] Output: [-60] --- [47, -38, -68, -19, 51, -47, 35, -18, 73, -88] Output: [-38, -68, -18, -88] --- [-29, 90, -100, 75, 4] Output: [90, -100, 4] --- [-52, 62, -50, 89, -42, -97, 47, 35] Output: [-52, 62, -50, -42] --- [-14, 96, 95, -65, 14] Output: [-14, 96, 14] --- [75, -66, 31, -19, 76, 43, 30, 47, 68, -40] Output: [-66, 76, 30, 68, -40] --- [1, -59, 63, -6, -93] Output: [-6] --- [-83, -7, -7, 88, -25, -33, -56, 55, 41] Output: [88, -56] --- [41, 89] Output: [] --- [91, -79, 58, 85, 4, 49, -54, 8, 28, 28, -89] Output: [58, 4, -54, 8, 28, 28] --- [27, 88, -32, -52] Output: [88, -32, -52] --- [58, -81, 86, -8, -50, 93, 36, 8, -32, -83] Output: [58, 86, -8, -50, 36, 8, -32] --- [11, -25, 39, 96, 65, 26, 13, 50, 88, -52, -4] Output: [96, 26, 50, 88, -52, -4] --- [99, 86, -92, 50, -61, -99, -84, 74, 21] Output: [86, -92, 50, -84, 74] --- [18, -47, 47, 20, -13, 77, 23, -51, 31] Output: [18, 20] --- [88, -23, -95, -94, 46, -32, -47, -50, 78] Output: [88, -94, 46, -32, -50, 78] --- [69, 9, -99, 86, -31, 41, -47, -80] Output: [86, -80] --- [1, -69, -31, 71, -79, 100] Output: [100] --- [55, 80, -97, 89, -51, 29, 71, 41, -62, -53] Output: [80, -62] --- [37, 69, -23, -4, -31, -34, -86, 86] Output: [-4, -34, -86, 86] --- [-31, -3, -56, -71, 30, 100, -27, -21, 67, 15] Output: [-56, 30, 100] --- [-27, 89, -67] Output: [] --- [-14, 15, 95, 39, 0, 67, -81, 47, -30, 0, -91] Output: [-14, 0, -30, 0] --- [-93, 94, 93] Output: [94] --- [-18, -76, 21, -94, 54, -96, 11, 86, -26, -97, 41] Output: [-18, -76, -94, 54, -96, 86, -26] --- [-87, -46, 54, -46, 52, 46, 21, 8] Output: [-46, 54, -46, 52, 46, 8] --- [-29, -62, 25] Output: [-62] --- [-18, -13, -59, 49, -3, -18, 25, -97, 2, 40, -79] Output: [-18, -18, 2, 40] --- [58, 62] Output: [58, 62] --- [-53, -26, -2, -71, 42, -46, 16, -91, -76, 4] Output: [-26, -2, 42, -46, 16, -76, 4] --- [-64, 98, 2, 80, -47, -41, -75, -25, -5, -99] Output: [-64, 98, 2, 80] --- [-54, 88, -32, 73, 8, 90, 63, 35] Output: [-54, 88, -32, 8, 90] --- [-14, -93, -48, 58, 88, -66, -68, 53] Output: [-14, -48, 58, 88, -66, -68] --- [36, 72, 9] Output: [36, 72] --- [-27, 0] Output: [0] --- [-87, -37] Output: [] --- [-89, -87, -3, -11, -74, -11, 76, -84] Output: [-74, 76, -84] --- [-77, -11, 91, -16, 74, -20, 34, 79, 56, -60, -61] Output: [-16, 74, -20, 34, 56, -60] --- [-41, 81] Output: [] --- [50, 83, -20, -68, -69, -8, -33, 98, 40, -49] Output: [50, -20, -68, -8, 98, 40] --- [-8, -93, 82] Output: [-8, 82] --- [27, 38, -10, 28, -18, 82] Output: [38, -10, 28, -18, 82] --- [-25, -1] Output: [] --- [-2, 62, -90, 4, -26] Output: [-2, 62, -90, 4, -26] --- [-67, 42, -8] Output: [42, -8] --- [15, -42, 90, -96, -53, 29, 25, -64, -56] Output: [-42, 90, -96, -64, -56] --- [19, -12, -2, 27] Output: [-12, -2] --- [-1, -69, -29] Output: [] --- [54, 49, 24] Output: [54, 24] --- [-2, -66, -81, -2, -7, -39, 97] Output: [-2, -66, -2] --- [-26, -17, 40, 13, -74, -39] Output: [-26, 40, -74] --- [75, -51, -29, 97, 67, -8, 8, -4, 74] Output: [-8, 8, -4, 74] --- [95, 64, -23, -95, -73, -25, -81] Output: [64] --- [-97, 88, -23, 71, -3, -67] Output: [88] --- [-8, 67, 40, 50, -36] Output: [-8, 40, 50, -36] --- [-21, 56, -78, 9, -55, 46, -17, 79] Output: [56, -78, 46] --- [-93, 1, 74, 29, -20] Output: [74, -20] --- [-82, 27, 34, -44, -61, 57, 8, 19, -34, -22, 99] Output: [-82, 34, -44, 8, -34, -22] --- [-58, -98, 65, -70, -83, -86, -79, 80] Output: [-58, -98, -70, -86, 80] --- [32, -53, -34, 85, -46, -13, -66, -3, 37] Output: [32, -34, -46, -66] --- [-78, -12, -29, -68] Output: [-78, -12, -68] --- [10, 85, -91, -23, -41, -97, 48, 55, -74, -34, -25] Output: [10, 48, -74, -34] --- [30, -9, -17, 88, -88, -56, -85, 0, 44] Output: [30, 88, -88, -56, 0, 44] --- [17, 38, -23, 0] Output: [38, 0] --- [70, -78, 61] Output: [70, -78] --- [27, -3, -96, -28, -76, -88, 32, -1] Output: [-96, -28, -76, -88, 32] --- [-86, 38, 23, -77, -94, -78, -46] Output: [-86, 38, -94, -78, -46] --- [14, -4, -50, -64, -74, 35, 56] Output: [14, -4, -50, -64, -74, 56] --- [5, 49, 46, 5, 19, -47, -77, -60, 84] Output: [46, -60, 84] --- [-42, 58, 2, 89, -39, 38, 72, 86] Output: [-42, 58, 2, 38, 72, 86] --- [76, -94, -66, -10, -88, -13, 0, -78, -84] Output: [76, -94, -66, -10, -88, 0, -78, -84] --- [67, 57, 72, 76, 47, -59, -34, -96] Output: [72, 76, -34, -96] --- [98, -48] Output: [98, -48] --- [22, 53, 1, 54] Output: [22, 54] --- [94, -29, -14, -58, -6, -52] Output: [94, -14, -58, -6, -52] --- [16, 22, 52, 60, 45, -45, 82, 89, -50, 20] Output: [16, 22, 52, 60, 82, -50, 20]
Possible labels: 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 5 ### This item was purchased in 2017 and failed in early 2019. That may not seem like a problem except that it was used in our Florida home that is only used four (4) months of the year. Junk!!!! Ans: 1 ### Way better quality than I expected! Super smooth wood and makes a nice little noise when shaken. I would by this again for my child or as a shower gift. Ans: 5 ### Good case so far that is very slim to the phone. I like that there is not a very bulky case around the phone to hide the beauty of the iPhone, but you can tell there is protection. I have not dropped the phone yet to test and hope not to lol. Aces so far. Ans: 5 ### I really like this hitch pin lock it comes with two different size hitch pins to allow for use with multiple types of trucks. The keys and the locking mechanism feel like they are well built and the cover sticks over the keyhole quite well keeping it sealed and the elements out. Ans: 5 ### Don't spend money in this product, Nothing grow in this pipes ,water don't flow and they are so thing that you get green algae, since water don't run !! Now they avoid to return money!!! stay way from this seller !!! Things like that keep me way from on line shoping !! Ans: 1 ### This backpack will hold it all! Ruger 9mm, Taurus Judge, S&W Shield 9mm, Glock 40 and S&W 38 revolver. Held all the ammo I needed for a one hour session at the range. Padded all around, plenty of pockets for mags, loaders, whatever. Just had it a little over a week and it seems like will hold up well! Ans: 5 ### I love this brush. My only suggestion would be to re-engineer the lid to a more durable material. It breaks and does not stay snapped fairly quickly. I would create a stainless steel design for the whole tool and make it worth buying. Or, sell the replacement lids separately as parts for .25 cents. It currently is only worth abou $19 to my thinking because of how often it needs to be replaced. Ans: 4 ### I am a young 41. I need to look like I feel. A girlfriend recommended this product and I was weary but the price point was good and I took a shot. Totally worth it. I had to go on YouTube to figure out how to use it because the directions were hard to read and a little confusing. After a couple of uses my husband noticed. It made my day. I love this product. Ans: 5 ### I got this when I was a lot newer to crafting and it seemed like the roller would be a big help especially since most of the crafts I was doing were mod podge based. I opted to buy this here because it was cheaper than at the crafting stores like Michaels but regrettably paying any price for this was a waste. The roller does practically nothing. There's very little weight to it so it doesn't really give you much pressure other than your own when using and when you try to use it to spread mod podge it doesn't, it moves right over it or if you try to smooth something like paper after you've applied it nothing happens either. I've saved the rubber squeegee as I use that when handling some vinyl projects. Ans: 1 ### Ordered this case but two whole packs (4 individual) were rotten. I could even smell it right through the cover. At first I thought there must be a puncture of some kind but could not find any. So knock off 2 or more and that is how many one gets for the price. Ans: 3 ### This product is okay, but definitely not what I was expecting. The support it gave to my back felt nice, but I only wore it for about an hour because the product is extremely short!! I’m only 5’4 and the product did not cover my torso that much, very disappointing. In addition I ordered above what size I should’ve for some room since I really want back support more than weight loss. I ordered an XL, but my waist measurement was in the L bracket, yet it was very short. I have pretty a curvy body already, this product did make me look more curvy but because of the length it was super unflattering Ans: 2 ### The sunrise simulation portion is good. I have to have mine set to Level 10 (highest level) in order for it actually wake me up. The alarm itself is only a buzzer. There is no option for other sounds. This is a good, basic sunrise alarm clock. If you want more variety, I'd recommend Phillips' more expensive version. I had that one prior to having to purchase this one when I moved overseas. Ans: 3 ### I've used these for about 8 years now and they last for a long time even being used a few times a week. We keep a few sets in the freezer at all times and rotate through. Ans: 5 ### UPDATE AT END. Used this on my 2017 escape and it couldn't have gone smoother and took about an hour. I would suggest getting some large heat shrink tubing for the extra wire that stays behind the taillights, you can hear a slight rattle if you don't. /// I had to replace this after using for 2 years because the control module s#*t the bed. Ans: 3 ### Such a great pull on your heart strings- the ones that control passion... pure, raging passion. Some words of caution- don’t expect any responsibilities to be tended to until the last words read! Ans: 5 ### This is one of the best hair spray I ever used. It helps your hair in the shape you want and it lasts for a whole day! The scent is a little bit strong, so remember to open the window when you use it. Ans: 5 ### ....like just about every other page!! I couldn't believe when I started reading this (with Book 1) and around the fifth chapter, things started feeling freaky. Dialog didn't continue, descriptions faltered, and why? Because every other page was missing. When I checked the other books in the bundle, the same thing occurred. Unfortunately, there's no way that I can find to complain about this to anyone at Amazon. I tried re-downloading, but as I 'm in the midst of another bundle (and this is the first time this has happened since I bought the kindle) I haven't checked to see what's what yet. I will edit this review with an update when I have done so. Ans: 1 ### Don't spend money in this product, Nothing grow in this pipes ,water don't flow and they are so thing that you get green algae, since water don't run !! Now they avoid to return money!!! stay way from this seller !!! Things like that keep me way from on line shoping !! Ans: 1 ### Works fairly well at catching litter from feet. I find it difficult to clean. Finally tried hosing it off and that did not work very well plus it took a long time to dry. Ans: 3 ### It's already together when you get it..just be careful don't let it fall over mine broke at one hinge ..i thought it was a little bigger cuz I have a lot of jewelry beings I sell jewelry also it is a little harder with long earrings Ans: 3 ### Looks great but the only problem was the tape that was applied onto it already. It was set too low and it would be exposed when I installed the visors. So then I had to take the tape off and reapply a new one on each visor. Other than that it’s been serving its purpose. Ans: 4 ### Hard to review this one. At times it kept me wanting to turn the next page. And other times I was trying to decide whether to finish it or not. There were some decent twists, but often times the plot and characters were too over the top and too unbelievable. All in all I would rate it average. Ans: 3 ### Bought this on a whim because it had no reviews yet but it's actually really cute and good quality! I went TTS with a small and I'm normally a size 2-4. Ans: 5 ### These are really good...when they are not cutting out! If I look to my right the sound goes away. It's like a short, so maybe it's just the pair that I have. I'm ready to return. Also, whenever they turn on THEY'RE LOUD! A loud POWER ON accompanied with a disturbing buzz, every time. Ans: 2 ### I had to throw this away. I really wanted to like it and tried everything! I added cheese and butter, broiled it, toasted it, even with bacon added to the cheese and butter, it was still spongy and inedible. Ans: 1 ### Only one worked. Spring door of second didn't catch, tried to bend the metal clasp, doesn't work. Used in yard for chipmunk issue, the critters can open squeeze under get and entire back piece off..caught no camera. Taped back shut, working. But expensive e for me trap that needs taping to function Ans: 2 ### This case is the right size for my registration, insurance card & other similar documents. It fits nicely on top of the case that keeps all the manuals that came with the car. Ans: 5 ### Everyone who visits us and see this asks where we'd get it. the light turns on automatically, emitting a soft warm glow ans it's 100% Safe. No need for wires and batteries. After getting this, all you have to do is to enjoy the pretty lights. Ans: 5 ### My daughter just received her outfit and absolutely loves it! However, this “brand new” outfit has BLOOD stains on it and loose threads all over the collar of the jersey. I’m absolutely disgusted and very disappointed! I won’t let my daughter touch this outfit, let alone try it on. The sizing looks accurate so that’s a plus. Ans: 2 ### I looked up reviews for this online, and most of them said to take off the plastic piece on the front and use a tempered glass screen protector. I didn't do this, and because I had to hit my screen so hard to make it work, I put a hairline fracture in a brand new phone. If you get this case, take out the plastic piece in the front and get a tempered glass screen protector. Nobody wants to fix my phone under any kind of warranty, as this is considered cosmetic damage now. Ans: 3 ### I bought this less than a year ago, and I've been having consistent problems. So I will preface that this computer was barely USED by me until 3 months ago, and I've had nothing but problems since. There was no physical damage as far as I could tell however I've been having problems since I've decided to use it regularly: The wifi is very unstable and sometimes nonexistent, since I had to move from my laptop to using this desktop, I've been attempting to play games with my friends, only to disconnect every 30 minutes. Now I originally thought the issue was my internet provider, but none of my other devices were having issues. I decided to investigate my router, no issues at all. I move to the pc and I noticed that the usb dongle they include that either assists (or allows not even certain at this point anymore) the wifi connectivity was no longer operating. I removed it, and plugged it into my old laptop, it functioned, I attempted to use it on a different port, nothing. I decided to swap the usb with one that I knew was working, and it didn't work, AND afterwards that port ceased to function until next restart. THIS WAS ONLY WITHIN 3 MONTHS OF ACTUAL USAGE. (Computer was left untouched for most of a year and picked up for primary usage in May). I've been having this problem quite consistently with the ports, and I recently attempted to contact skytech support, of which all of their lines were busy and they had me leave my name and phone number and they'd get back to me as soon as possible. I called at 11 am PST (of which they are open until 5pm PST) and I didn't receive a call since. Now while this problem is quite recent, I would like to point out that this PC is not HTC VIVE compatible due to the fact that there is a significant lack of ports that actually function, some of the ports are not connected to the card which means they will NOT function whatsoever, so if you are using this computer for VR, your only option really is to get a RIFT S for it. Ans: 2 ### I find that the product meets all expectations except that it flakes. That was never mentioned in description of lip sense. Every one that I have flakes after a few hours. Ans: 3 ### I wrote a review that was deleted. So, here's another attempt. This is such a wonderful product. Buy as many as you can, and then buy some more for gifts. You will be ecstatic. Ans: 1 ### These look nice but didn't really stick that well. Most of mine fell down, with weight of less than two pounds, though a few stayed up. Also I did not see any instructions in the box on how to properly install these Ans: 3 ### I am really disappointed in this. It is completely plastic. I could have bought a cheap vacuum but instead splurged and got this one because I thought it would be more durable. Are used to have one of these and it was not this flimsy plastic that it is now. And I think because it is made of lightweight plastic it does not pick up as much as it would if it were a heavier item. Ans: 2 ### Great way to up your pancake game. The wire ball mixes the batter beautifully and I love the way you can squirt the batter directly into the pan. So much fun!! Ans: 5 ### Lighter duty than previous printer MX 922 which we had for years. Paper tray capacity is smaller. Annoying that it forces you to use the rear paper feed for large format photo paper. It automatically changes the setting if you try to say you are printing 8 1/2 x 11 on photo paper. Main reason I chose the model is for the independent color ink cartridges. So many printers have a single cartridge for all colors resulting in a lot of waste when only one runs out. Ans: 4 ### This is more the first part of a book, establishing characters and motivations but lacking real substance. Clean prose (no major spelling or grammar errors) and well written dialogue. Depressing, since it only establishes the main character’s situation. It’s not bad, it’s just not good. I will not be following this series. I prefer my novels to contain a full story. Even a novella should have more story than this did. Ans: 3 ### I got this book for one of my students first recitals. Although there are a few errors or differences in terminology (ex: the positions) from our dance class she adores this book! Perfect book to prepare for recital. Ans: 5 ### Seeds come in a zip lock bag not secured which was open about 2 inches allowing 1/3 of the tiny seeds to spill out ! Dont know how many have been lost . Reading the product review this is not the first time this has happened . At least double bag the seed next time ! I think they owe me a pound of seed ! Ans: 2 ### Huggies are by far my favorite, but for some reason lately the last two boxes I've had a lot of diapers with ripped tabs or they tear off easily while putting on the diaper. The box is definitely more than a months worth for me though, so a few diapers that I cannot use isn't that big of a deal. I'm just not sure if these are in any way different than the Huggies that I might buy at the store. Ans: 3 ### Totally disappointed! Sticker wouldn’t separate from plastic. I reside in LA so it’s beautiful everyday, this sticker is made incorrectly. Don’t waste your money. Ans: 1 ### Absolute piece of junk. Display is so dim you can't read it, but that's not too important since it doesn't work at all to begin with. I finally got the metronome feature to work, but that's not what I bought this for. Waste of money. Ans: 1 ### I have only had this watchband for a couple weeks. DOES NOT CLASP WELL. First noticed the issue when I was clapping my hands on my legs, and off came the watch. Today, walking down a hallway, watchband came unclasped again, $300 watch fell off, and broke. DO NOT BUY FOR ANY SPORTS WATCHES AS IT CANNOT EVEN HANDLE NORMAL WEAR. Ans: 1 ### These don’t taste very good. I hoped for a more lemony taste but it just tastes like a sugar coating. I won’t buy them again. Disappointed in the bar. Ans: 2 ### Pros: Looks great and feels great. Nice size (for somebody who has gorilla hands) and it felt comfortable during the time that I was able to use it. Cons: Mine arrived with a bum left-click, which is kinda the most important button. Will be returning the mouse, but hopefully others have better luck. Ans: 3 ### There are some design flaws like the ramp's black rubber goes loose easy, and the rake gets stuck at the dirt bin on manual function, But otherwise, The Automatic function works well and does it's job..... The Plus is that it saves me time in manually cleaning the dirt as opposed to the non automatic litter box.... For some, The flaws might be a big issue, but these does not bother me much for as long as the main automatic function works as intended.... If ever this machine breaks, I definitely will try the other brands next time.... Ans: 3 ### This waffle iron is messy. It leaks out easily, which I expected but super hard to clean off once it does. It leaks through the crack in the back of iron where you can’t clean. There is a slide botton to let you choose the darkness or lightness of your waffle but it’s loose and flimsy. No matter which setting I use the waffles come out super soft. I’ve changed recipes thinking that was why but I get the same results. Ans: 4 ### I like the phones a lot. They were very easy to install and set up. Sound quality and many functions, including intercom and transferring calls internally are good and easy to use. I had one base with a charging wire out of place, but it worked after I bent it a bit. They offered to replace everything, but I didn't want to take them all out and send them back, especially since I got the fifth base to charge. Ans: 4 ### This item is a quality countertop convection oven and seems like a good value for the money. I am rating it only three stars for one reason. We bought it specifically because the ads clearly state that a 13x9 baking dish will fit inside. If that baking dish has handles, it will NOT fit inside, and frankly I have never seen a baking dish of that sort without handles. So be advised that the ad for this item is somewhat misleading. Other than that, we are satisfied with the oven. Ans: 3 ### This cream did not work that well for me. I used it on my elbows and the skin never really got soft. I even put it on a night and covered it with a bandage to see if that would work and it still did not soften the skin. Very disappointed since it had such a good rating. Ans: 2 ### My one complaint with this (as long as it lasts a reasonable amount of time) is that the instructions are rather terrible. Aside from that I had a battery go bad a few months after ordering this and it got me to and from work with plenty more power for more jumps. I'll add it jumped a Cadillac DTS with a large completely dead battery (used boost) with no problem. I really didn't think this paperback sized device was going to jump my Caddy and was pleasantly surprised. Although I haven't used it for charging devices like phones I like that it has that option. Well worth the money to have one of these in every vehicle imo, sure beats jumper cables which btw aren't all that much cheaper anyways and require (likely) the kindness of a stranger or someone else to work, and take up more trunk space. I would buy again and recommend to a friend. Ans: 4 ### It is my second time purchase. I did not have problems with my first one. With the second one , I have to charge it twice a day if I used it to charge my phone. The charger becomes very warm that I did not want to use it again. Ans: 2 ### Feel safe and a noticeable if has someone close to my house with this sensor alarm. Easy installment and a lot different sound you wand it or flash light with silent. Ans: 5 ### This is a very good quality corded headset that could be used for any laptop, desktop, TV or any other audio devices. Yes, it has mute feature and voice control. It offers a great sound quality at its price point. It gives you the private entertainment of ear-pleasing sound without disturbing others or you from surrounding noise. Its noise-canceling feature is very good. Earmuffs are soft and comfortable for extended use. It doesn’t require a battery, just plug and play. It also comes with a beautiful hard case to store and carry around with your laptop. It is foldable, lightweight & compact and it as a decent sound quality which could be adjusted with noise control on the computer. I find that the switch and volume control could be better. I find them a good value. Ans: 4 ### Not that good in my opinion. The only reason I kept them was that they were better than the insoles that my boots came with. I’m not sure what brand to try now. Ans: 2 ### This balm works well in getting rid of beard itch, but unfortunately, it smells horrible and the smell doesn't fade like other balm and oils I've tried. I was only able to use it a few times before tossing it. Ans: 3 ### Once we finally got this shelving unit up, we love the way it looks in our bathroom! But getting it up there was no easy task. The instructions are pretty much useless, we just looked at the amazon picture to put it together. Also, use your own wall anchors! The wall anchors it comes with are terrible and when we started to put the screw in the anchor slipped right into the wall. Would have been super helpful if it came with some sort of drilling template too. 4 stars for the hassle of getting the shelves up there but they do look good! Ans: 4 ### Coat seemed nice but I think the brand does not use US sizing because it was about 2 sizes too small for what should have fit me. I even went a size up than normal to account for wearing layers under it. I had to return it. Ans: 3 ### Shirt is nice and is as expected but the odor that it comes with is so strong it stinks up the room it's in. Even after washing it, the odor still remains. Ans: 2 ### Worst experience ever on amazon I bought a table, balls and an extra set of players , but days later they said they don’t ship to California ...... but just the table won’t be shipped, you’ll be stuck with the rest, and you will be charged when trying to return Costumer service is rude and very poor Ans: 1 ### The canisters are easy to use, and when you finish them, you can send them back for a refund of the deposit. I contacted customer service to get a shipping label, and they were very helpful and friendly. It doesn't hurt that the company is based in Ann Arbor - Go Blue! Ans: 5 ### I will be sending this item back. I bought the 2XL after reading reviews and the cups on the top are smaller than a training bra and I can’t get the top to clasps at all. I’m a 36 C and there is absolutely no way this would fit. Ans: 1 ### The cord broke last week. Tried to write review. But it wouldn't go thru. Over all I like the light board.got it for my paint with diamonds. Just can't use it now. Ans: 1 ### Bigger than I expected but does the job. Even though my dog has mastered the bowl already, she is still eating at about 1/10 the pace she did before buying the bowl. Ans: 4 ### I love this tripod. I havent used it yet, but it looks like its a quality product. So the tripod comes with many attachments. I purchased it to record self videos and with it i can use my phone, tablet, and camera to do that. I also got it to watch netflix or other streams by just propping it near the bed. I opened it up, checked all features including bluetooth, which connects quickly, seems worth the money. Its not as tall if u dont use the portion that bends, but besides that, its nice. I would buy it again. Ans: 4 ### charged the earphone overnight twice and battery wouldn’t last for more than a day. Tried to contact customer support but it seems customer support and replacement is only available within the USA. Ans: 2 ### Our dogs love there! Our doodles are chewers but these have lasted. We got them in all forms. Each time they get a new one, that becomes their favorite. They are toy-oriented and so spoiled. Ans: 5 ### These work great. I prefer the daylight instead of the dingy yellow lights we had previously. These have brightened up the house and I’ve added more to the cart to replace all of this style throughout our house. Ans: 5 ### They're cute. My kids loved furby booms. But they broke in 2 months. So I bought furby connects instead. This time a bigger problem was their hair, which is falling out all over the house. I was confused if I raised a dog or a cat. I missed furby booms....but too easy to break. And I can't buy them in my country any more. I took the furby connects back from my kids and hid them. Sad.... Ans: 3 ### The picture clearly shows the item sits below the belly button so ordering them is on me. I'm 5'4" and 140 lbs.; I ordered a med. The shorts fit okay, though I'd like them a bit roomier--but again, on me. Be careful if you order because return shipping is 40% of the purchase price. Yikes! Ans: 3 ### I thought the fake leather would look more like leather but it doesn’t look much like anything. It’s a nice case for the money and I am glad I purchased it. Ans: 4 ### Although i was initially pleased with the product, i have now been disappointed. Three of the coils have failed less than 30 days after being installed. Ans: 3 ### So far so good. Very reasonable price and I’m happy to have a band with a buckle rather than the original stupid clasp thing that wore out quickly and kept detaching. I’m a big guy and would’ve preferred a slightly longer band but it seems to be staying on.... otherwise would give 5 stars. Ans: 4 ### Installation was easy and clarity was good but it is not case friendly. With an otterbox, the protector didn’t sit flush with the screen so it was very difficult to use the touchscreen. We had to take it off so buying these was a waste of money Ans: 2 ### I installed them using a youtube video I found online. They work great, just would recommend instructions or a even a link referencing a "how-to" when sending to customers. Ans: 4 ### This pouch is soft and beautiful. The only thing I could complain about is the tie. It is kind of hard to set it up so that all the straws are snugly in and won't fall out. Not a big deal though. I looked for a long time to find a pouch that was very pretty and reasonably priced like this one. The straws inside are high quality as well. Ans: 5 ### The heal support is to stiff and will cause blisters. Going to have to figure out a way to break it down. I also didn’t realize from the picture that it’s has metallic gold running through it. Ans: 2 ### Just received the umbrella in a lightly damaged box but luckily the bag of parts didn’t fall out. Everything was in perfect condition and went together like a breeze. I am very happy with my purchase. I think I will anchor it to my deck with the awesome stand provided with holes to enable that to happen. I love the shade and quality of the umbrella. Ans: 5 ### I installed this in the drivers side of my truck about a year ago. It was weak from day 1. Fully broke about a year later. Spend the extra and get metal. Ans: 2 ### Awesome blanket. Great price. I definitely recommend. Appears as expected. Bright and bold colors. I woukd give five stars, but I will save the extra one for the real top shelf stuff. Ans: 4 ### while the size and style are great the door is poorly engineered...I didn't bother downloading an image of the broken off door because everyone before me already did and now I'm really wishing I had done more homework ahead of time via the feedback. Don't waste your money! Ans: 1 ### Loved the suitcase but it didn’t fit in the carry on container at the airport!!! I bought it specifically to use as a carry on and I was told by United, Belgium airlines, and TAP airlines that I had to check because of the size. Great suitcase if you don’t mind checking the bag, but if you wanna use it as a carry on it doesn’t fit Ans: 3 ### This feels more productive to use than manual toothbrushes. There are also many different settings so brushing is more catered to the user. I like it. Ans: 4 ### Will not stick to windows at all! I have cleaned my windows thoroughly also have clean the backside of the clings and they fall off within a few minutes no matter how many times I've applied put pressure it just will not stay. Unfortunately they only give you 30 days to return but took forever to get to me so by time I wanted to return I am out of the return window. Ans: 1 ### Third time I've bought this twin pack of ink for my printer...first time, cartridges were great. They loaded fine and printed many pages (I'm a school teacher, so I use my printer several times daily.) With the second order, the first cartridge I put in leaked ink all over and did not work at all. The other in the twin pack worked fine. Overall, I'm bummed the one didn't work out but thought it was a good buy for the money. Since it's much cheaper then buying new, I took my loss. Third time I bought the twin pack, the first cartridge wouldn't be recognized in the printer but the second one has worked so far (two days.) I'm done buying these because it's not worth the hassle of thinking your getting two and then really only getting ONE that works. Ans: 2 ### So let me start by saying, i’m a registered nurse and i’m just now getting into & researching essential oils; got this book and immediately started processing my return 😂. it is VERY much so a scientific TEXTBOOK and could be overwhelming to most people. I ended up keeping the book because i figured out HOW to use it. Each essential oil has a section that tells about multiple case studies and cautions. THIS is valuable because it allows me to make an informed decision on how much of the oil is safe to use and not to use; because some oils for kids are considered unsafe (eucalyptus as an example) and by me seeing in the studies that the ppl or kids that had a negative reaction LIKELY orally consumed a large amount of it or was exposed to too high of a concentration. So for this purpose it is helpful! Ans: 4 ### Great compact laminator. Its lightweight and I haven't had any issues with paper jams yet. It works great for my home office. It's pretty simple to use, there really isn't much to it. I appreciate the pieces of laminator paper that comes with it. Ans: 5 ### The shoes are super cute. I love the design. However they are very poorly constructed with the cheapest materials that I have ever felt on a "shoe". Because of this they are VERY uncomfortable. I had to put memory foam insoles in them, bandaids on the inside of the back of them, which has made a difference. But there is still a section that is poking the top of my left foot. Not sure what to do about that. Overall, I love the look but the feel and construction are horrible. Won't be buying them again. Ans: 1 ### This is a really good product and it worked well and it was easy to use, I really like that I was able to listen to my own music but, I really wished there was a on/ off switch Ans: 5 ### Purchased as a Christmas gift for an avid 9 y/o reader, this book wasn't enthusiastically received. I suspect the prose poetry was off-putting. And yet, she may come around to it in time. I'm hoping. Ans: 4 ### Have tried a bunch of other live traps. This is my favorite. It is very hardy, the mice can't chew their way out of it, which some have done with the cheaper traps. Plenty of ventilation so the mice don't fog up the inside of the trap and overheat or run out of air. Ans: 5 ### This product work great. I have been giving these to my dog for a few months now and he barley sheds. He loves getting them every morning as a treat. They work wonderful and it is such a great price for them. Ans: 5 ### It works well with the computer but is so flimsy that it broke the first time I tried to change the cassette. The head that reads the cassette got out of place. I am not sure if t is all of the products but mine definitely was not very good. Ans: 2 ### So, the paper itself is great. It has a nice feel to it, keeps food from sticking. Overall great product. My problem is with the box. The method they have of cutting the paper sucks. I feel like I'm destroying both the paper roll and the box when trying to cut the paper. It's always a real situation. I don't need to be in a real situation just trying to cut parchment paper. Goodness. Ans: 3 ### This is my second time buying this hair and I can say that I am a little disappointed in the second round. The hair wasn’t that much of a wet and wavy texture like the last one I bought. The hair shedded especially when it was wet ( I didn’t experience it the first time) I only had the hair in for two weeks and I’m already taking it down. So you get what you pay for. Ans: 3 ### I love this product! However, I give it 3 stars because I ordered the white transfer paper but when opened it is the graphite paper. Unfortunately I did not open the box until I was ready to use which was past return date. Ans: 3 ### I used this product a two hotels and the lightweight of it, I thought would be awesome for traveling. When i turn it on, it has a rattle after it gets going that’s annoying and was not there in the hotel product. Ans: 3 ### Absolutely love the look and feel of these watershoes. They aren’t like any other watershoes I’ve seen before. I usually wear a US size 9 but after reading the other reviews, I’m glad I went with a smaller size (I got an 8.5 in these). Ans: 5 ### Two of the pieces that are part of the lock to keep the lid on are not cut correctly so they don't work properly. I contacted the company filling out the warranty they offer in order to have the two pieces replaced, and I haven't heard anything back from them. It's been about two weeks now. The product itself is ok if your pieces are cut right, but good luck dealing with their service if they're not. Ans: 2
--- Beginning: Kevin was nearing a panic. Middle 1: It was his anniversary and he hasn't gotten his wife anything. Middle 2: It was his anniversary and he managed to get his wife something. Ending: Kevin vowed to not wait until the last minute next time. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Wood were in back of the house my brother and I lived in. Middle 1: My parents said to stay away from woods. Middle 2: My parents said to go into the woods. Ending: Since I was little, they did not want me around. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Thomas was at the arcade. Middle 1: He was there so much, he was offered a job. Middle 2: Thomas got the high score on one game. Ending: He ended up earning some good money. Label: 1 --- Beginning: The Smith children did not want the family to move to another town. Middle 1: The Smith's had to move but the kids made friends quickly with their mom's help. Middle 2: The Smith's bought a pizza parlor and lived in the wine cellar. Ending: The kids and their new friends had a great time at Mom's pizza party. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Shane's landlord was trying to force him to move out. Middle 1: Shane spoke to his landlord nicely. Middle 2: Shane lost contact with his landlord when he moved. Ending: Luckily, his landlord backed down. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Jane loved Kaboom cereal as a kid. Middle 1: Jane found some at the store. Middle 2: Jane couldn't find it at the store. Ending: She was sad to find out they had been discontinued. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Danny bought a boat. Middle 1: Danny decided to join a boat race. Middle 2: Danny decided to be a fisherman. Ending: They prepared for the start of the race. Label: 2 --- Beginning: She put the water on to boil. Middle 1: she realized that there was food on the burner which started a boiling over. Middle 2: she didn't realize that there was food on the burner which started a fire. Ending: She learned to check before starting to cook. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Rick was working on his new project. Middle 1: Rick wasn't trying to build a model car. Middle 2: Rick was trying to rebuild an old model sports car. Ending: After the car started, he turned it off and relaxed. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Ryan and his girlfriend Jackie went to Jamaica. Middle 1: They checked in and were disappointed there was no bar and no pool. Middle 2: They checked in and then went down to the pool area. Ending: He then swam in the pool and drank alcohol! Label: 1 --- Beginning: Otis loved fresh tomatoes. Middle 1: Otis made his own shine. Middle 2: Otis planted his own tomatoes. Ending: In July, Otis had delicious fresh tomatoes. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Leah had a beautiful Christmas tree in her house. Middle 1: Leah's cat was sleeping on the mantle. Middle 2: Leah's cat knocked the tree over. Ending: Leah chastised her cat. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Markus worked at a coffee shop. Middle 1: He thought he made great lattes. Middle 2: He thought he made bad lattes. Ending: However, when his boss tried it, she said he needed to practice more. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Johnny went to the mall. Middle 1: Johnny drank a lot of soda and went to look at discounted suits. Middle 2: Johnny drank a lot of soda and went to look at discounted cars. Ending: Besides having to use the bathroom, he liked the deal. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Lucy could find nothing to cure her boredom. Middle 1: Lucy cured her boredom by watching a movie. Middle 2: Lucy was very bored. Ending: After 30 minutes of boredom she decided to go help in the garden. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Greg wanted to buy a necklace for his mother. Middle 1: Greg went to a second hand store because he didn't have very much money. Middle 2: Greg went to a closed second hand store because he didn't have very much money. Ending: He found a lovely vintage necklace for his mother. Label: 2 --- Beginning: I remember staying over at a friends house for a sleepover. Middle 1: That day I had homesickness. Middle 2: That day I had remembered to be sure to wear my boxers. Ending: His sister tried to scare me only to see me not wearing any boxers. Label: 2 --- Beginning: We have a big ceramic turtle in our apt. Middle 1: The big ceramic dog looks like a real dog. Middle 2: The big ceramic turtle looks like a real turtle. Ending: Our granddaughter always pets the turtle when she sees it. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Jane had a beautiful dress for the school dance. Middle 1: jane could not find shoes to wear. Middle 2: Jane could not find any milk. Ending: She ended up wearing her sneakers, and she was comfortable all night! Label: 2 --- Beginning: Jim got a new hat. Middle 1: Jim took the hat from Tim and he began crying. Middle 2: Tim took the hat from Jim and he began crying. Ending: Tim felt bad and gave Jim back the hat. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Gina woke up early in the morning. Middle 1: The air conditioning was broken. Middle 2: The air conditioning worked perfectly. Ending: The hot air warmed the entire house. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Cindy wanted to drink with her friends. Middle 1: They pressured her into having two shots. Middle 2: They pressured her into having 10 shots. Ending: She had gotten alcohol poisoning from too much liquor. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Oswald wanted to learn to drive. Middle 1: The first driving lesson went great for Oswald. Middle 2: The first driving lesson went badly for Oswald. Ending: Oswald decided to never drive again. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Carl was a busy farmer. Middle 1: Carl worked as hard as he could all alone. Middle 2: Carl worked as little as he could all alone. Ending: He was happy with the work he did. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Jackie has been designated eighth grade hall monitor. Middle 1: Jackie found kids washing off graffiti. Middle 2: Jackie found kids spraying graffit. Ending: Her classmates were given awards for their behavior. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Celeste and her friend wanted to go to the beach this Summer. Middle 1: Celeste tried a bikini. Middle 2: Celeste tried on a coat. Ending: She ended up buying it because it fit her well. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Gabby didn't have much money. Middle 1: So she tried to find a second job on mturk. Middle 2: and was out of money. Ending: Before she finished she decided it was a waste of time. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Maya took a trip to the beach. Middle 1: May got energetic after a swim. Middle 2: Maya got exhausted after a swim. Ending: Maya decided to rest before she swam again. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Sam missed too many days of work and was fired. Middle 1: Sam decided to work at his father's car dealership as a mechanic. Middle 2: Sam decided to work at his fathers car dealership. Ending: Sam became a successful salesman and could easily pay his bills. Label: 1 --- Beginning: My family and I decided to take a trip to the Magical Kingdom. Middle 1: It was packed and the lines were long and the tourists were rude. Middle 2: It was calm and the lines were short and the tourists were kind. Ending: We decided that would be the last time we visited Disney World. Label: 2 --- Beginning: I went to buy groceries at the store. Middle 1: I realized I'd forgotten my wallet. Middle 2: I realized I'd just cashed my paycheck. Ending: The person behind me in line paid for my groceries! Label: 2 --- Beginning: I went to a bar with some friends of mine. Middle 1: We all got drunk and grabbed women. Middle 2: We all drank water and talked to women. Ending: The bar asked me and my friends to leave after a while. Label: 2 --- Beginning: On Allison's 25th birthday her family took her to bingo. Middle 1: Allison didn't win more than 10 games. Middle 2: Allison didn't win a single game. Ending: Allison thinks bingo is boring. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Terry decided he wanted to go back to college. Middle 1: Terry graduated with a degree. Middle 2: Terry dropped out without a degree. Ending: Terry soon took an accounting job shortly after graduation. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Liz's babysitter told her that dragons and fairies weren't real. Middle 1: Liz cried all night. Middle 2: Liz's babysitter told her many fairytales. Ending: Her mother immediately fired the babysitter. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Jon wanted to go fishing at the lake. Middle 1: John's work didnt allow vacations. Middle 2: John took vacation from work. Ending: Finally, John got to fish at the lake! Label: 1 --- Beginning: The first time I was hit by a drunk driver was scary. Middle 1: I was so scared, I called the emergency services. Middle 2: I was so happy, I called my mother. Ending: The police came and locked him up. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Rosie the quarter horse whinnied irritably. Middle 1: She was stuck in a fence. Middle 2: She jumped over the fence. Ending: Rosie broke free to head to the orchard. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Rhonda and her husband don't get along. Middle 1: Rhonda's husband wanted to know her preference in foods. Middle 2: Rhonda's husband wanted to know her preference in shoes. Ending: Rhonda finally admitted she wanted sushi. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Tina had a lot of homework. Middle 1: Tina decided to do a lot of work. Middle 2: Tina decided not to do the work. Ending: The teacher gave Tina a bad grade for poor work on the homework. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Kathy was at the lake. Middle 1: Her phone left her hand accidentally near the lake. Middle 2: Her phone got ost near the lake. Ending: Then when she jumped, she was immediately able to grab it. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Amy went to the beach with her friends. Middle 1: Amy got sunburned at the beach. Middle 2: Amy got hit on at the beach. Ending: She quickly slathered Amy in aloe lotion. Label: 2 --- Beginning: It was the last day of the bike race. Middle 1: One biker thought he would lose. Middle 2: One biker let the others win. Ending: The others were so far behind that he got back on and won. Label: 2 --- Beginning: I play baseball in an adult league. Middle 1: I was coach for our last season game. Middle 2: I was pitcher for our last season game. Ending: We won the game and it was a good time. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Bill and his brother decided to ride their bikes to the family cabin. Middle 1: Their car were found overnight. Middle 2: Their bikes were stolen overnight. Ending: The next day, they called their parents begging for a ride home. Label: 1 --- Beginning: On the bus ride home Amy showed her older friend Sue her new watch. Middle 1: She didn't think it was a good idea at all. Middle 2: Sue loved Amy's new watch. Ending: Amy felt like the coolest kid on the bus. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Stan always got nauseous when he rode on planes Middle 1: After several trips he learned to stop the air sickness. Middle 2: After several trips he learned to stop the car sickness. Ending: Stan now volunteers to fly because he no longer gets sick. Label: 2 --- Beginning: This morning I was running late to work. Middle 1: I sped and was pulled over by the police. Middle 2: I drove safely all the way to work. Ending: When he saw it was my birthday he gave me a warning and let me go. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Joe was finally put on the field during a football game. Middle 1: Joe was laughed at. Middle 2: Joe was cheered at. Ending: He had run to the opponent's side of the field. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Ray found a pair of glasses in his house. Middle 1: Ray did not recognize the glasses at first. Middle 2: Ray did not recognize the anti-shades at first. Ending: They were 3D glasses from the last movie he had been to see! Label: 2 --- Beginning: I heard a gunshot as I was trying to fall asleep. Middle 1: I called 911 to get help. Middle 2: I called 911 to complain. Ending: The police are on their way! Label: 2 --- Beginning: Matt wanted to buy a game but needed money. Middle 1: He decided to sell his tennis balls. Middle 2: He decided to buy a racket for his tennis balls. Ending: A man showed up later and bought the tennis balls from Matt. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Thanksgiving was Ryan's favorite holiday. Middle 1: He wanted none of the turkey his mother made, but only the turkey on his brother's plate was left. Middle 2: He wanted more of the turkey his mother made, but only the turkey on His brother's plate was left. Ending: Ryan stole it off his brother's plate and ate it. Label: 1 --- Beginning: The local high school was having a fashion show. Middle 1: Jim volunteerd to help. Middle 2: Jim refused to help. Ending: The principal thanked Jim for his work. Label: 2 --- Beginning: It was a gorgeous day outside. Middle 1: She went for a drive but her car started making odd noises. Middle 2: She went for a drive but her car needed gas. Ending: She drove her car to the mechanic to get it looked at. Label: 2 --- Beginning: I handed my gift to my sister. Middle 1: She opened it and cried. Middle 2: She opened it and was so happy. Ending: I took the gift back and walked away. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Kyle and Matt were bunk mates at a basketball camp last summer. Middle 1: Matt was impressed by Kyles skills. Middle 2: Kyle was impressed by Matt's skills. Ending: Matt then asked Kyle to help him improve his basketball skill. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Ben and Jan had been the best of friends. Middle 1: Ben and Jan promised to remain friends before Ben moved. Middle 2: Ben and Jan promised to remain friends after Ben moved. Ending: The car drove away as the both waved but it wasn't goodbye. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Lucy could find nothing to cure her boredom. Middle 1: Lucy cured her boredom by watching a movie. Middle 2: Lucy was very bored. Ending: After 30 minutes of boredom she decided to go help in the garden. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Lou wanted to help people. Middle 1: Lou became an investment banker. Middle 2: Lou became a police officer. Ending: Now he earns a living by helping people! Label: 1 --- Beginning: My Aunt found out she had stage four lung cancer. Middle 1: I wasn't able to go visit her. Middle 2: I wanted to go visit her. Ending: She lay in state when I arrived to say my goodbye. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Shaunna was a single woman recently divorced. Middle 1: Shaunna had a very handsome escort for the theater. Middle 2: Shaunna didn't have a date to the theater. Ending: Shauna's daughter then offered to go and they had a great time. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Alicia woke up very hungry. Middle 1: Alicia was too tired to cook. Middle 2: She went back to bed. Ending: She decided to eat cereal instead. Label: 2 --- Beginning: A farmer planted some corn seed in the ground and watered them. Middle 1: The farmer haddn't harvested any corn. Middle 2: The farmer had already harvested a bunch of corn. Ending: He sold a lot of corn at the market that day. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Erin spent her afternoon drawing in chalk on the sidewalk. Middle 1: It didn't rain for six weeks. Middle 2: It didn't rain for a long time. Ending: Her masterpiece remained intact for three weeks after that. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Rene was thrilled to be going wedding dress shopping today. Middle 1: Rene found her perfect dress and it was on sale. Middle 2: Rene lost her perfect dress and it was on sale. Ending: She decided to take it and was very thrilled with her purchase. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Max loved his dog Fido. Middle 1: The kittens brought home a clutch of Fidos from the barn. Middle 2: Fido brought home a clutch of kittens from the barn. Ending: Max and Fido took the kittens to the local animal shelter. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Julie was a slender woman with a big appetite. Middle 1: Julie decided to enter a hot dog eating contest. Middle 2: Julie decided to enter a swimsuit competition. Ending: Julie ate 100 hot dogs and won the contest! Label: 2 --- Beginning: About a week ago I lost my job. Middle 1: I won't have a lot of trash for Christmas. Middle 2: I won't have a lot of money for Christmas. Ending: I now think this year will be a more authentic celebration of Jesus birth. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Tim and his wife were about to host their first new years party. Middle 1: Their co-workers and family came to the wrong party. Middle 2: Their co-workers and family came to the party. Ending: Once the clock struck midnight, the couple had a new year's kiss. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Sam had one dollar in his piggy bank. Middle 1: Sam gave a dollar to a homeless person. Middle 2: Sam gave five dollars to a homeless person. Ending: He felt good that he helped the needy. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Frank was a well respected businessman and neighbor. Middle 1: Frank then got indicted for misleading people. Middle 2: Frank then got awarded for loving people. Ending: Frank eventually went to prison for his crimes. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Carl looked into a telescope for the first time at 9-Year's-old. Middle 1: Carl neglected to look at the full moon. Middle 2: Carl looked at the full moon. Ending: He ended up becoming a scientist. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Jane really wanted her family to drink wheatgrass. Middle 1: Jane put some wheatgrass in the cake. Middle 2: Jane put some wheatgrass in the yard. Ending: No one finished the cake on their plate that evening. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Ryan was at a park. Middle 1: Ryan helped the balloons drift away. Middle 2: Ryan notice balloons drifting away. Ending: Ryan then found the girl and gave her the balloon she lost. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Kay built himself a raft. Middle 1: Kay decided to take the raft out of the water. Middle 2: Kay decided to try the raft out in the water. Ending: Kay's raft floated. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Monica was putting her baby down for a nap. Middle 1: Monica was happy that getting her baby to sleep was easy. Middle 2: Monica was having difficulty to get her baby to sleep. Ending: It took nearly thirty minutes to get him to go to sleep. Label: 1 --- Beginning: My friends and I decided to go to the fair. Middle 1: My friends did not want to do any activities at the fair. Middle 2: My friends wanted to experience all the activities at the fair. Ending: All of us went on the new ride that was built. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Tina was a hair stylist. Middle 1: She had a really an easying day. Middle 2: She had a really an exhausting day. Ending: She was happy because she made $500 that day. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Today I drove to the coffee shop. Middle 1: I met my brother and we talked about our jobs. Middle 2: I met my brother and we talked about our parents. Ending: He suggested that we drive back to see them, so we did. Label: 1 --- Beginning: We took my sister in law out to dinner last week. Middle 1: My sister in law drove the car very quickly. Middle 2: My sister in law drove the car very slowly. Ending: We laughed as the speedometer read 20 mph. Label: 1 --- Beginning: A big storm loomed overhead of a trail hiker. Middle 1: The hiker found a cave where he could build a fire. Middle 2: The hiker found a cave where he could extinguish a fire. Ending: It was so big that he was even able to dry his clothes. Label: 2 --- Beginning: My mom went into the kitchen to prepare coffee. Middle 1: My mom drink the coffee too fast while it's hot. Middle 2: She let the coffee cool off and drank it cold. Ending: In addition, her stomach was burning from the hot water. Label: 2 --- Beginning: After nine months of waiting, it was Tina's big day. Middle 1: Tina had an abortion. Middle 2: Tina finally gave birth to her baby. Ending: Tina was having twins! Label: 1 --- Beginning: Sam took out his paint and canvas to the park. Middle 1: Sam's cloud looked exactly like it was supposed to. Middle 2: Sam's cloud didn't look like it was supposed to. Ending: Sam had turned the cloud into a funny monster. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Jason learned not to play with guns. Middle 1: Jason's father was a rum runner. Middle 2: Jason was threatened on day. Ending: Now he tells people, do you want me to get my father's gun? Label: 1 --- Beginning: John and Eric had been best friends since they were young children. Middle 1: Eric found out John likes playing World Of Warcraft. Middle 2: John found out Eric likes playing World Of Warcraft. Ending: John reassured his friend he would never judge him for his hobbies. Label: 1 --- Beginning: When I was a kid, Google started for the first time. Middle 1: I found everything I was searching for. Middle 2: I couldnt not find what i was searching for. Ending: I quickly become very angry at it. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Yolanda hates roller coasters. Middle 1: Yolanda got so excited on the ride and thrilled. Middle 2: Yolanda got so scared on the ride that she fainted. Ending: Katie regretted forcing Yolanda to go on the ride. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Sam stayed up all night working on his presentation. Middle 1: Max overslept the next morning, and never made it to his presentation. Middle 2: The next morning, Max did a great job on his presentation. Ending: Missing his presentation at work, he was fired. Label: 2 --- Beginning: John and Amy were playing tag with some friends. Middle 1: Amy was able to be tagged right away. Middle 2: Amy avoided being tagged for 30 minutes until somebody finally got her. Ending: Now it was time for Amy to chase everyone! Label: 1 --- Beginning: Sally and her husband were visiting the pumpkin patch. Middle 1: Sally's water broke in the pumpkin patch. Middle 2: Sally's husband's foot broke in the pumpkin patch. Ending: She gave birth to a healthy boy, right there among the vines. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Dora noticed telemarketers always interrupted visits at her mom's. Middle 1: She recommend a new number but the mother declined. Middle 2: she go tan old number. Ending: Her mom said she was lonely without the daily sales calls. Label: 2 --- Beginning: A strange lady walked into the club. Middle 1: The strange lady went home in a cab. Middle 2: She was kicked out for being drunk. Ending: She tried fighting back but she couldn't get inside the club again. Label: 1 --- Beginning: A man organized a lottery pool at his work. Middle 1: The lottery tickets were all winners. Middle 2: The lottery tickets did not win. Ending: He told them next time they would win. Label: 1 --- Beginning: The police pulled Michael to the side of the road. Middle 1: Michael ran when the police found drugs on him. Middle 2: Michael sat quietly when the police found no drugs on him. Ending: Michael ended up getting tackled. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Susan had a problem with her contacts. Middle 1: She refused to replace them with glasses. Middle 2: She wanted to replace them with glasses. Ending: She finally threw the pair out and replaced them. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Kim and Tim had cocoa in the park on a cool day. Middle 1: Kim almost spilled cocoa on her favorite top. Middle 2: Kim spilled cocoa on her favorite top. Ending: Kim decided to enjoy the park and not to let the spill ruin her day. Label: 1 --- Beginning: I was eating some pie when a piece fell onto my shirt. Middle 1: The shirt was stained and could not be cleaned. Middle 2: I tried to clean it with a rug. Ending: I not only use that shirt when eating pie. Label: 2 --- Beginning: I really liked my friend. Middle 1: But she doesn't seem to like me as much. Middle 2: And she seemed to like me as much. Ending: Indeed, I asked her out and she said no. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Polly was tanning on the beach when she found a bottle on shore. Middle 1: Polly closed the bottle to read the letter, then immediately sent one back. Middle 2: Polly opened the bottle to read the letter, then immediately sent one back. Ending: She never received a letter back. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Harry needed money for college. Middle 1: He had saved no money. Middle 2: He had save some money. Ending: Harry took his new money and bought textbooks. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Martin and his older brother Jim went to the amusement park. Middle 1: Only Martin liked the ride.Jim sat the bench. Middle 2: Jim got on the ride and Martin sat on the bench. Ending: Martin enjoyed the ride so much he rode it 10 times that day. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Gina's family was driving back to Minnesota. Middle 1: They packed up the car to leave. Middle 2: They packed up their suitcases to fly there. Ending: They all fought for who got the front seat in the car. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Karen took her three boys for a day at the petting zoo. Middle 1: Karen enjoyed her time at home. Middle 2: Karen enjoyed her time at the zoo. Ending: The petting zoo closed in the evening, and Karen took her boys home. Label: 1 --- Beginning: I went to the deli to get something to eat. Middle 1: I took my time selecting something to eat. Middle 2: she is not the good. Ending: People behind me began to shout for me to decide. Label: 2 --- Beginning: It was Maria's first day on the police force after maternity leave. Middle 1: Maria fed a baby to an alligator. Middle 2: maria saved a baby from a alligator. Ending: The paramedics told Maria that she had saved the baby Label: 1 --- Beginning: Xavier founded a special school for very special children. Middle 1: Some of the children accused Xavier of being kind. Middle 2: Some of the children accused Xavier of molestation. Ending: Only after Xavier had died in prison, did the accusers recant. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Sue decided to eat a salad every day for lunch. Middle 1: Sue made plans to gain weight for the summer. Middle 2: Sue, made plans to lose weight for the summer. Ending: Sue lost of her willpower and ate ice cream. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Sophia was on a soccer team. Middle 1: sophia didnt try to make a shot. Middle 2: Sophia tried going for a hard shot. Ending: She made the shot and her team gained enough points to win. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Stew decided to apply for financial aid late due to laziness. Middle 1: He didn't get finance aid since the application was late. Middle 2: He got a lot of money since the application was late. Ending: He ended up dropping all of his classes. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Roy wanted a BB-gun for Christmas. Middle 1: Roy's mother told him to get one. Middle 2: Roy's mother talked about guns to Roy. Ending: Roy loved the airplane and forgot all about the BB-gun. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Holly was upset the DJ hadn't played her favorite song at the party. Middle 1: Holly asked the DJ. Middle 2: Holy didn't ask the DJ. Ending: Holly was furious the club was closing. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Peter is known for his strength at his local gym. Middle 1: He entered a contest to test his strength. Middle 2: He entered a contest to test his cognitive abilities. Ending: This caused him to win an award for being so strong. Label: 2 --- Beginning: The family took a vacation. Middle 1: They went to Disneyland. Middle 2: They went to the DMV. Ending: They all had a blast. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Fred was watching tv in his room one day. Middle 1: Fred heard a weird noise, so he went outside to check it out. It was just a couple of jet planes. Middle 2: Fred heard a weird noise, so he went outside to check it out. It was just a couple of cars. Ending: Fred watched them fly off into the horizon then went back inside. Label: 2 --- Beginning: I bought a new generator last year, and never used it. Middle 1: I was happy to have it though when we lost power. Middle 2: I was happy to have it though when we got solar power. Ending: I kept my TV and wood stove going, and was happy and warm. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Chelsea was getting married next week. Middle 1: Because her father was unable to walk her down the aisle, Chelsea asked her brother to do so. Middle 2: Because her father was unable to walk her down the aisle, Chelsea asked her mother to do so. Ending: She decided to ask her brother, who was honored to do so. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Jane noticed that her classmate Dan smelled bad every day. Middle 1: Dan didn't realize he smelled bad so Jane took him aside and told him quietly. Middle 2: Dan didn't realize he smelled bad so Jane took him aside and told him angrily. Ending: Dan was very thankful and Jane became friends with him. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Meredith hates horror movies. Middle 1: Meredith splashed cold water on face in bathroom after the great dream. Middle 2: Meredith splashed cold water on face in bathroom after nightmare. Ending: It was on the bathroom toilet where she was finally able to sleep! Label: 1 --- Beginning: I was hungry one day and decided to make food. Middle 1: I fell asleep while the food was still on the stove. Middle 2: I fell asleep while the plates were in the sink. Ending: After sleeping I woke to my house filled with smoke from burning food. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Laurence and his family decided to move. Middle 1: Laurence met with several realtors and ended up deciding to stay put . Middle 2: Laurence met with several realtors and ended up buying a house about 15 miles away. Ending: Laurence and his family drove to their new home. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Raul planted a garden in his backyard. Middle 1: Most of the plants grew well except for the carrots. Middle 2: Most of the plants didn't grow well. Ending: However, his carrots grew very well and tasted delicious. Label: 1 --- Beginning: My mom was washing the dishes. Middle 1: when the water would not drain and it started to back up. Middle 2: When the water drained they no other problems. Ending: My mom had to call the plumber to fix the pipe. Label: 2 --- Beginning: This afternoon I played catch with my dogs. Middle 1: My dogs behaved perfectly. Middle 2: My dogs went crazy and wild. Ending: They were good pets. Label: 2 --- Beginning: My son and I went to a friend of a friend's house. Middle 1: My friend's friend was playing in a band at the house. Middle 2: My friend's friend was playing soccer at the house. Ending: My son joined in and they had an awesome jam session! Label: 2 --- Beginning: Joe was in love with his best friend Ann. Middle 1: Ann thought Joe was cute too. Middle 2: Ann thought Joe was kind of ugly. Ending: Joe and Ann decided to become a couple. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Gina was driving home in the snow. Middle 1: Gina had to drive quickly because there was no traffic. Middle 2: Gina had to drive slow because the roads were slippery. Ending: To her dismay it took 5 minutes to drive one block. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Ben's friends took him to a sushi restaurant. Middle 1: Ben could not find anything he liked. Middle 2: Ben could not find anything he didn't want. Ending: He just ordered a rice platter! Label: 2 --- Beginning: Tom decided to buy a farm. Middle 1: He tilled his land and then prepared pens for his new hobby. Tom got in his truck and went into town. Middle 2: He tilled his land and then prepared pens for his new hobby. Tom got in his truck and went home. Ending: He bought twenty chickens and brought them back to the farm. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Tim was a conductor for the local orchestra. Middle 1: Tim was mad at the violinist. Middle 2: Tim was angry how they played. Ending: He had forgotten to put on pants! Label: 2 --- Beginning: I need a pet. Middle 1: I asked my mom for a pet or a fist. Middle 2: I wanted a dog. Ending: My mom bought me the fist. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Matt began playing baseball in middle school. Middle 1: He really wanted to flip off the scout watching. Middle 2: He really wanted to impress the scout watching. Ending: Matt broke that barrier, winning a full scholarship! Label: 1 --- Beginning: Tom, a high school student, did not do well on a test. Middle 1: Tom decided to cheat and copy another student's answers. Middle 2: Tom decided to be honest and didnt copy another students answers. Ending: The next day, he handed the test to the teacher and got away with it. Label: 2 --- Beginning: Joey was camping with his friends. Middle 1: Joey slept well with the nature sounds. Middle 2: Joey couldn't sleep with the nature sounds. Ending: Joey hated camping. Label: 1 --- Beginning: Melanie was overweight and badly wanted to slim down. Middle 1: Melanie starts to eat cake and sleep. Middle 2: Melanie stats to eat right and exercise. Ending: After four weeks, she had lost twelve pounds! Label: 1
In this task, you are given a country name, and you need to return the year in which the country became independent. Independence is a nation's independence or statehood, usually after ceasing to be a group or part of another nation or state, or more rarely after the end of military occupation. ### South Korea Output: 1948 ### South Africa Output: 1910 ### Austria Output: 1918 ### Palau Output: 1994 ### Germany Output: 1955 ### Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: 1979 ### Mongolia Output: 1921 ### Hungary Output: 1918 ### Antigua and Barbuda Output: 1981 ### South Korea Output: 1948 ### Oman Output: 1951 ### Barbados Output: 1966 ### India Output: 1947 ### Belarus Output: 1991 ### Tonga Output: 1970 ### Dominican Republic Output: 1844 ### Sudan Output: 1956 ### Togo Output: 1960 ### Liberia Output: 1847 ### Somalia Output: 1960 ### Monaco Output: 1861 ### North Korea Output: 1948 ### Lebanon Output: 1941 ### Chad Output: 1960 ### Mali Output: 1960 ### Rwanda Output: 1962 ### Jamaica Output: 1962 ### Gambia Output: 1965 ### Malaysia Output: 1957 ### Barbados Output: 1966 ### Kuwait Output: 1961 ### Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: 1979 ### Bangladesh Output: 1971 ### Japan Output: -660 ### Israel Output: 1948 ### Germany Output: 1955 ### Namibia Output: 1990 ### Austria Output: 1918 ### Central African Republic Output: 1960 ### Netherlands Output: 1581 ### Russian Federation Output: 1991 ### Bhutan Output: 1910 ### Finland Output: 1917 ### Russian Federation Output: 1991 ### Belgium Output: 1830 ### Malta Output: 1964 ### Nigeria Output: 1960 ### Belgium Output: 1830 ### South Africa Output: 1910 ### Argentina Output: 1816 ### Guinea-Bissau Output: 1974 ### Togo Output: 1960 ### Malta Output: 1964 ### Nepal Output: 1769 ### Taiwan Output: 1945 ### Lithuania Output: 1991 ### Afghanistan Output: 1919 ### Ecuador Output: 1822 ### Seychelles Output: 1976 ### Japan Output: -660 ### Guinea Output: 1958 ### Fiji Islands Output: 1970 ### Sierra Leone Output: 1961 ### Guatemala Output: 1821 ### Cyprus Output: 1960 ### Cameroon Output: 1960 ### Dominican Republic Output: 1844 ### Slovenia Output: 1991 ### Japan Output: -660 ### Grenada Output: 1974 ### Kazakstan Output: 1991 ### Cambodia Output: 1953 ### Honduras Output: 1838 ### Mauritania Output: 1960 ### Guinea-Bissau Output: 1974 ### Kenya Output: 1963 ### Egypt Output: 1922 ### Latvia Output: 1991 ### Antigua and Barbuda Output: 1981 ### Brazil Output: 1822 ### Jordan Output: 1946 ### Micronesia, Federated States of Output: 1990 ### Taiwan Output: 1945 ### Nauru Output: 1968 ### El Salvador Output: 1841 ### Bahamas Output: 1973 ### Slovenia Output: 1991 ### Burkina Faso Output: 1960 ### Nauru Output: 1968 ### Nicaragua Output: 1838 ### Nepal Output: 1769 ### France Output: 843 ### Lebanon Output: 1941 ### Chad Output: 1960 ### Saint Lucia Output: 1979 ### Sierra Leone Output: 1961 ### Bangladesh Output: 1971 ### Malaysia Output: 1957 ### Belgium Output: 1830 ### Macedonia Output: 1991 ### Germany Output: 1955 ### Croatia Output: 1991 ### Costa Rica Output: 1821 ### Chad Output: 1960 ### China Output: -1523 ### Ukraine Output: 1991 ### United States Output: 1776 ### Chad Output: 1960 ### Egypt Output: 1922 ### Somalia Output: 1960 ### Argentina Output: 1816 ### Thailand Output: 1350 ### Indonesia Output: 1945 ### South Africa Output: 1910 ### Congo Output: 1960 ### Pakistan Output: 1947 ### El Salvador Output: 1841 ### North Korea Output: 1948 ### Afghanistan Output: 1919 ### Sri Lanka Output: 1948 ### United States Output: 1776 ### Dominican Republic Output: 1844 ### Mexico Output: 1810 ### Moldova Output: 1991 ### South Korea Output: 1948 ### Mozambique Output: 1975 ### Cyprus Output: 1960 ### Zimbabwe Output: 1980 ### Indonesia Output: 1945 ### Iraq Output: 1932 ### Portugal Output: 1143 ### Nauru Output: 1968 ### India Output: 1947 ### Ethiopia Output: -1000 ### North Korea Output: 1948 ### Indonesia Output: 1945 ### Taiwan Output: 1945 ### Nigeria Output: 1960 ### Canada Output: 1867 ### China Output: -1523 ### Belarus Output: 1991 ### Latvia Output: 1991 ### Brunei Output: 1984 ### Venezuela Output: 1811 ### Lesotho Output: 1966 ### Ireland Output: 1921 ### Slovenia Output: 1991 ### Sierra Leone Output: 1961 ### Rwanda Output: 1962 ### Czech Republic Output: 1993 ### Canada Output: 1867 ### Denmark Output: 800 ### Bahamas Output: 1973 ### North Korea Output: 1948 ### Pakistan Output: 1947 ### Seychelles Output: 1976 ### Palau Output: 1994 ### Argentina Output: 1816 ### Madagascar Output: 1960 ### Germany Output: 1955 ### Antigua and Barbuda Output: 1981 ### Seychelles Output: 1976 ### Somalia Output: 1960 ### Tajikistan Output: 1991 ### Vietnam Output: 1945 ### Tonga Output: 1970 ### Djibouti Output: 1977 ### Latvia Output: 1991 ### Morocco Output: 1956 ### Samoa Output: 1962 ### Canada Output: 1867 ### Ecuador Output: 1822 ### Kazakstan Output: 1991 ### Greece Output: 1830 ### Ukraine Output: 1991 ### Tunisia Output: 1956 ### Romania Output: 1878 ### Venezuela Output: 1811 ### El Salvador Output: 1841 ### Qatar Output: 1971 ### Togo Output: 1960 ### Seychelles Output: 1976 ### Peru Output: 1821 ### Albania Output: 1912 ### Luxembourg Output: 1867 ### Lesotho Output: 1966 ### Chile Output: 1810 ### Portugal Output: 1143 ### Luxembourg Output: 1867 ### Moldova Output: 1991 ### Argentina Output: 1816 ### Malawi Output: 1964 ### Malta Output: 1964 ### Lithuania Output: 1991 ### Lebanon Output: 1941 ### Eritrea Output: 1993 ### Lesotho Output: 1966 ### Nigeria Output: 1960 ### Canada Output: 1867 ### Estonia Output: 1991 ### Australia Output: 1901 ### Peru Output: 1821 ### Finland Output: 1917 ### Eritrea Output: 1993 ### Australia Output: 1901 ### Morocco Output: 1956 ### Brunei Output: 1984 ### Yemen Output: 1918 ### Gabon Output: 1960 ### Hungary Output: 1918 ### Chad Output: 1960 ### Palau Output: 1994 ### Moldova Output: 1991 ### Israel Output: 1948 ### Honduras Output: 1838 ### Denmark Output: 800 ### Gabon Output: 1960 ### Sudan Output: 1956 ### Cuba Output: 1902 ### Cameroon Output: 1960 ### Luxembourg Output: 1867 ### Belize Output: 1981 ### Romania Output: 1878 ### Lithuania Output: 1991 ### Bahrain Output: 1971 ### Kuwait Output: 1961 ### Liberia Output: 1847 ### Burundi Output: 1962 ### China Output: -1523 ### Brunei Output: 1984 ### Mozambique Output: 1975 ### Madagascar Output: 1960 ### Poland Output: 1918 ### India Output: 1947 ### Georgia Output: 1991 ### Liechtenstein Output: 1806 ### France Output: 843 ### Portugal Output: 1143 ### Vietnam Output: 1945 ### Latvia Output: 1991 ### Czech Republic Output: 1993 ### Congo Output: 1960 ### Uzbekistan Output: 1991 ### Luxembourg Output: 1867 ### Trinidad and Tobago Output: 1962 ### Morocco Output: 1956 ### Colombia Output: 1810 ### Yemen Output: 1918 ### Haiti Output: 1804 ### Guatemala Output: 1821 ### Belize Output: 1981 ### Saint Lucia Output: 1979 ### Mozambique Output: 1975 ### Belize Output: 1981 ### Oman Output: 1951 ### Jamaica Output: 1962 ### Eritrea Output: 1993 ### Benin Output: 1960 ### Jamaica Output: 1962 ### Azerbaijan Output: 1991 ### Japan Output: -660 ### Saint Lucia Output: 1979 ### Mauritania Output: 1960 ### El Salvador Output: 1841 ### El Salvador Output: 1841 ### Armenia Output: 1991 ### United Arab Emirates Output: 1971 ### Cote d'Ivoire Output: 1960 ### Canada Output: 1867 ### Kazakstan Output: 1991 ### Comoros Output: 1975 ### Panama Output: 1903 ### France Output: 843 ### Benin Output: 1960 ### Bahamas Output: 1973 ### San Marino Output: 885 ### Madagascar Output: 1960 ### Madagascar Output: 1960 ### Malaysia Output: 1957 ### Vietnam Output: 1945 ### Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: 1951 ### South Korea Output: 1948 ### New Zealand Output: 1907 ### Maldives Output: 1965 ### Georgia Output: 1991 ### Costa Rica Output: 1821 ### Oman Output: 1951 ### Bhutan Output: 1910 ### Sri Lanka Output: 1948 ### Yemen Output: 1918 ### Sri Lanka Output: 1948 ### Palau Output: 1994 ### Oman Output: 1951 ### Malaysia Output: 1957 ### Slovenia Output: 1991 ### Grenada Output: 1974 ### Vanuatu Output: 1980 ### Greece Output: 1830 ### China Output: -1523 ### Bulgaria Output: 1908 ### Guyana Output: 1966 ### Grenada Output: 1974 ### Comoros Output: 1975 ### Bhutan Output: 1910 ### Cuba Output: 1902 ### Uruguay Output: 1828 ### Belarus Output: 1991 ### Swaziland Output: 1968 ### Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: 1951 ### Zambia Output: 1964 ### Germany Output: 1955 ### Chile Output: 1810 ### Sudan Output: 1956 ### Greece Output: 1830 ### Albania Output: 1912 ### Pakistan Output: 1947 ### Bosnia and Herzegovina Output: 1992 ### Australia Output: 1901 ### Benin Output: 1960 ### Turkmenistan Output: 1991 ### Egypt Output: 1922 ### Qatar Output: 1971 ### Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: 1951 ### Romania Output: 1878 ### Bulgaria Output: 1908 ### Yemen Output: 1918 ### Belgium Output: 1830 ### Sudan Output: 1956 ### San Marino Output: 885 ### Liberia Output: 1847 ### Turkey Output: 1923 ### Cameroon Output: 1960 ### New Zealand Output: 1907 ### Moldova Output: 1991 ### Jordan Output: 1946 ### Mauritius Output: 1968 ### Switzerland Output: 1499 ### Ethiopia Output: -1000 ### Fiji Islands Output: 1970 ### Albania Output: 1912 ### Senegal Output: 1960 ### Brunei Output: 1984 ### Lithuania Output: 1991 ### Costa Rica Output: 1821 ### Malta Output: 1964 ### Belgium Output: 1830 ### Niger Output: 1960 ### Vanuatu Output: 1980 ### Namibia Output: 1990 ### Andorra Output: 1278 ### Macedonia Output: 1991 ### Oman Output: 1951 ### Lesotho Output: 1966 ### Zambia Output: 1964 ### Dominica Output: 1978 ### Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: 1979 ### Turkmenistan Output: 1991 ### Bangladesh Output: 1971 ### Laos Output: 1953 ### Bahamas Output: 1973 ### Jordan Output: 1946 ### Argentina Output: 1816 ### Laos Output: 1953 ### Tuvalu Output: 1978 ### Thailand Output: 1350 ### Micronesia, Federated States of Output: 1990 ### Lithuania Output: 1991 ### Qatar Output: 1971 ### Bulgaria Output: 1908 ### Jamaica Output: 1962 ### Kenya Output: 1963 ### Estonia Output: 1991 ### Brazil Output: 1822 ### Mauritania Output: 1960 ### Central African Republic Output: 1960 ### Mauritania Output: 1960 ### Turkmenistan Output: 1991 ### Bangladesh Output: 1971 ### Fiji Islands Output: 1970 ### Djibouti Output: 1977 ### Trinidad and Tobago Output: 1962 ### Cyprus Output: 1960 ### Bahrain Output: 1971 ### United States Output: 1776 ### Czech Republic Output: 1993 ### Tuvalu Output: 1978 ### Peru Output: 1821 ### Sudan Output: 1956 ### Kyrgyzstan Output: 1991 ### Indonesia Output: 1945 ### India Output: 1947 ### Tuvalu Output: 1978 ### Niger Output: 1960 ### India Output: 1947 ### Kuwait Output: 1961 ### Kiribati Output: 1979 ### Bulgaria Output: 1908 ### Jordan Output: 1946 ### Uzbekistan Output: 1991 ### Australia Output: 1901 ### Guinea Output: 1958 ### Seychelles Output: 1976 ### Nepal Output: 1769 ### Brunei Output: 1984 ### Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: 1979 ### Algeria Output: 1962 ### Morocco Output: 1956 ### Malawi Output: 1964 ### Slovenia Output: 1991 ### Bulgaria Output: 1908 ### Luxembourg Output: 1867 ### Russian Federation Output: 1991 ### Kyrgyzstan Output: 1991 ### Cambodia Output: 1953 ### Taiwan Output: 1945 ### Jordan Output: 1946 ### Zambia Output: 1964 ### Djibouti Output: 1977 ### Sao Tome and Principe Output: 1975 ### Zimbabwe Output: 1980 ### Dominican Republic Output: 1844 ### Comoros Output: 1975 ### Afghanistan Output: 1919 ### Comoros Output: 1975 ### Maldives Output: 1965 ### Tuvalu Output: 1978 ### Qatar Output: 1971 ### Portugal Output: 1143 ### Iceland Output: 1944 ### Afghanistan Output: 1919 ### Vanuatu Output: 1980 ### Fiji Islands Output: 1970 ### Norway Output: 1905 ### Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: 1979 ### Rwanda Output: 1962 ### Latvia Output: 1991 ### United Kingdom Output: 1066 ### Ecuador Output: 1822 ### Bahamas Output: 1973 ### Jordan Output: 1946 ### Burundi Output: 1962 ### Yugoslavia Output: 1918 ### Turkey Output: 1923 ### Ireland Output: 1921 ### Vietnam Output: 1945 ### Algeria Output: 1962 ### New Zealand Output: 1907 ### Somalia Output: 1960 ### Mexico Output: 1810 ### Tunisia Output: 1956 ### India Output: 1947 ### Sri Lanka Output: 1948 ### Egypt Output: 1922 ### Micronesia, Federated States of Output: 1990 ### Ecuador Output: 1822 ### Trinidad and Tobago Output: 1962 ### Comoros Output: 1975 ### Uganda Output: 1962 ### Botswana Output: 1966 ### Portugal Output: 1143 ### Dominica Output: 1978 ### Ghana Output: 1957 ### Myanmar Output: 1948 ### Armenia Output: 1991 ### Qatar Output: 1971 ### Mongolia Output: 1921 ### Congo Output: 1960 ### Ukraine Output: 1991 ### Turkey Output: 1923 ### Rwanda Output: 1962 ### Armenia Output: 1991 ### Lebanon Output: 1941 ### Italy Output: 1861 ### Sweden Output: 1836 ### Liechtenstein Output: 1806 ### Turkmenistan Output: 1991 ### Chile Output: 1810 ### Turkmenistan Output: 1991 ### Cote d'Ivoire Output: 1960 ### New Zealand Output: 1907 ### Peru Output: 1821 ### Swaziland Output: 1968 ### Albania Output: 1912 ### Georgia Output: 1991 ### Congo Output: 1960 ### Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: 1983 ### Ethiopia Output: -1000 ### Botswana Output: 1966 ### Lesotho Output: 1966 ### Mauritius Output: 1968 ### Vanuatu Output: 1980 ### Yemen Output: 1918 ### Estonia Output: 1991 ### Georgia Output: 1991 ### Central African Republic Output: 1960 ### Poland Output: 1918 ### Vanuatu Output: 1980 ### Chile Output: 1810 ### Hungary Output: 1918 ### Nigeria Output: 1960 ### Iraq Output: 1932 ### Jamaica Output: 1962 ### Lithuania Output: 1991 ### Tanzania Output: 1961 ### Zambia Output: 1964 ### Thailand Output: 1350 ### Israel Output: 1948 ### Namibia Output: 1990 ### Solomon Islands Output: 1978 ### Slovenia Output: 1991 ### Burundi Output: 1962 ### Burundi Output: 1962 ### Moldova Output: 1991 ### China Output: -1523 ### Mauritius Output: 1968 ### Belize Output: 1981 ### India Output: 1947 ### Botswana Output: 1966 ### Madagascar Output: 1960 ### Denmark Output: 800 ### South Korea Output: 1948 ### North Korea Output: 1948 ### Ireland Output: 1921 ### Burkina Faso Output: 1960 ### Bahrain Output: 1971 ### Thailand Output: 1350 ### Somalia Output: 1960 ### Algeria Output: 1962 ### Ukraine Output: 1991 ### Italy Output: 1861 ### Malta Output: 1964 ### Ukraine Output: 1991 ### Czech Republic Output: 1993 ### Papua New Guinea Output: 1975 ### Uruguay Output: 1828 ### Switzerland Output: 1499 ### Comoros Output: 1975 ### Fiji Islands Output: 1970 ### Colombia Output: 1810 ### Cote d'Ivoire Output: 1960 ### China Output: -1523 ### Brunei Output: 1984 ### Lesotho Output: 1966 ### Latvia Output: 1991 ### Australia Output: 1901 ### Bahamas Output: 1973 ### Romania Output: 1878 ### Dominican Republic Output: 1844 ### Maldives Output: 1965 ### Laos Output: 1953 ### Bahrain Output: 1971 ### Philippines Output: 1946 ### Seychelles Output: 1976 ### Yugoslavia Output: 1918 ### Sierra Leone Output: 1961 ### Guinea-Bissau Output: 1974 ### Chile Output: 1810 ### Romania Output: 1878 ### Bulgaria Output: 1908 ### Samoa Output: 1962 ### Norway Output: 1905 ### Lithuania Output: 1991 ### Qatar Output: 1971 ### Guinea-Bissau Output: 1974 ### Burkina Faso Output: 1960 ### Kuwait Output: 1961 ### Costa Rica Output: 1821 ### Paraguay Output: 1811 ### Uganda Output: 1962 ### Bhutan Output: 1910 ### Sierra Leone Output: 1961 ### Tajikistan Output: 1991 ### Guinea Output: 1958 ### Australia Output: 1901 ### Paraguay Output: 1811 ### Burundi Output: 1962 ### El Salvador Output: 1841 ### Jordan Output: 1946 ### Poland Output: 1918 ### Eritrea Output: 1993 ### Andorra Output: 1278 ### Seychelles Output: 1976 ### Ecuador Output: 1822 ### Guyana Output: 1966 ### Poland Output: 1918 ### Venezuela Output: 1811 ### Peru Output: 1821 ### Brunei Output: 1984 ### Micronesia, Federated States of Output: 1990 ### Albania Output: 1912 ### Benin Output: 1960 ### Sao Tome and Principe Output: 1975 ### Qatar Output: 1971 ### Guinea Output: 1958 ### Yugoslavia Output: 1918 ### Kenya Output: 1963 ### Georgia Output: 1991 ### Niger Output: 1960 ### Burundi Output: 1962 ### Liechtenstein Output: 1806 ### Singapore Output: 1965 ### Cameroon Output: 1960 ### Costa Rica Output: 1821 ### Tonga Output: 1970 ### Malta Output: 1964 ### Denmark Output: 800 ### Turkmenistan Output: 1991 ### Qatar Output: 1971 ### Haiti Output: 1804 ### Azerbaijan Output: 1991 ### Togo Output: 1960 ### Niger Output: 1960 ### Denmark Output: 800 ### Guatemala Output: 1821 ### Ukraine Output: 1991 ### Congo Output: 1960 ### Cuba Output: 1902 ### Mauritius Output: 1968 ### Micronesia, Federated States of Output: 1990 ### United States Output: 1776 ### Cuba Output: 1902 ### Saint Lucia Output: 1979 ### Papua New Guinea Output: 1975 ### Brunei Output: 1984 ### Micronesia, Federated States of Output: 1990 ### Sri Lanka Output: 1948 ### Rwanda Output: 1962 ### Dominica Output: 1978 ### China Output: -1523 ### Tonga Output: 1970 ### Israel Output: 1948 ### Belize Output: 1981 ### Mali Output: 1960 ### Lebanon Output: 1941 ### Saint Lucia Output: 1979 ### Netherlands Output: 1581 ### Saint Lucia Output: 1979 ### Estonia Output: 1991 ### Italy Output: 1861 ### Bahamas Output: 1973 ### Albania Output: 1912 ### Rwanda Output: 1962 ### Vanuatu Output: 1980 ### Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: 1979 ### Norway Output: 1905 ### Ethiopia Output: -1000 ### Colombia Output: 1810 ### Cote d'Ivoire Output: 1960 ### Paraguay Output: 1811 ### Belarus Output: 1991 ### Barbados Output: 1966 ### Estonia Output: 1991 ### Ghana Output: 1957 ### New Zealand Output: 1907 ### Germany Output: 1955 ### Antigua and Barbuda Output: 1981 ### Marshall Islands Output: 1990 ### Panama Output: 1903 ### Turkey Output: 1923 ### Nauru Output: 1968 ### Latvia Output: 1991 ### Ireland Output: 1921 ### Kuwait Output: 1961 ### Philippines Output: 1946 ### Poland Output: 1918 ### Moldova Output: 1991 ### Estonia Output: 1991 ### Pakistan Output: 1947 ### Morocco Output: 1956 ### Luxembourg Output: 1867 ### Swaziland Output: 1968 ### Estonia Output: 1991 ### Syria Output: 1941 ### Thailand Output: 1350 ### Madagascar Output: 1960 ### France Output: 843 ### Liberia Output: 1847 ### Sao Tome and Principe Output: 1975 ### Singapore Output: 1965 ### Italy Output: 1861 ### Suriname Output: 1975 ### Luxembourg Output: 1867 ### Croatia Output: 1991 ### Bosnia and Herzegovina Output: 1992 ### Romania Output: 1878 ### Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: 1983 ### Peru Output: 1821 ### Peru Output: 1821 ### Monaco Output: 1861 ### Tonga Output: 1970 ### Botswana Output: 1966 ### Mauritius Output: 1968 ### Ethiopia Output: -1000 ### Holy See (Vatican City State) Output: 1929 ### Australia Output: 1901 ### Kenya Output: 1963 ### Argentina Output: 1816 ### Cote d'Ivoire Output: 1960 ### Marshall Islands Output: 1990 ### Tanzania Output: 1961 ### Pakistan Output: 1947 ### Mongolia Output: 1921 ### Spain Output: 1492 ### Syria Output: 1941 ### Norway Output: 1905 ### Sierra Leone Output: 1961 ### Ecuador Output: 1822 ### Kenya Output: 1963 ### Somalia Output: 1960 ### Italy Output: 1861 ### Mozambique Output: 1975 ### Cambodia Output: 1953 ### Romania Output: 1878 ### South Africa Output: 1910 ### Lebanon Output: 1941 ### Nauru Output: 1968 ### Finland Output: 1917 ### Jamaica Output: 1962 ### Sierra Leone Output: 1961 ### India Output: 1947 ### Japan Output: -660 ### Sweden Output: 1836 ### Haiti Output: 1804 ### Nicaragua Output: 1838 ### Malaysia Output: 1957 ### Haiti Output: 1804 ### Kenya Output: 1963 ### Saint Lucia Output: 1979 ### Pakistan Output: 1947 ### Bahamas Output: 1973 ### Tanzania Output: 1961 ### Trinidad and Tobago Output: 1962 ### Algeria Output: 1962 ### Mexico Output: 1810 ### Morocco Output: 1956 ### Dominica Output: 1978 ### Denmark Output: 800 ### Iceland Output: 1944 ### Italy Output: 1861 ### Bulgaria Output: 1908
In this task you will be given a list of numbers. A list is shown by two brackets and comma-separated numbers inside, like: [1,2,3]. You should remove all of the even numbers from the list. If every number in the input list is even an empty list should be returned. Zero should be counted as an even number. [45, 161, 52, 118] A: [45, 161] [194, 72, 21, 92, 69, 155, 77, 14] A: [21, 69, 155, 77] [145, 111, 65, 95, 94] A: [145, 111, 65, 95] [66, 0, 39, 167, 22, 12, 50] A: [39, 167] [106, 38, 113, 42, 116, 139, 199] A: [113, 139, 199] [124, 145, 127, 44, 54, 200, 193] A: [145, 127, 193] [140, 84, 54, 65, 3, 193, 79] A: [65, 3, 193, 79] [162, 44, 150, 181, 185, 133, 67] A: [181, 185, 133, 67] [42, 91, 144, 116] A: [91] [121, 79, 197, 80, 184, 98, 190, 25, 120] A: [121, 79, 197, 25] [99, 175, 144, 68, 131] A: [99, 175, 131] [69, 156, 168, 82, 68, 80] A: [69] [101, 108, 52, 189, 167, 200, 187, 191, 74, 59] A: [101, 189, 167, 187, 191, 59] [105, 138, 84, 177, 153, 78, 79, 87, 135] A: [105, 177, 153, 79, 87, 135] [86, 57, 183, 69, 99, 104, 48, 4, 166, 94] A: [57, 183, 69, 99] [108, 159, 20, 191, 101, 138, 10, 155, 12] A: [159, 191, 101, 155] [109, 122, 109, 122, 108] A: [109, 109] [159, 4, 189, 171, 171] A: [159, 189, 171, 171] [102, 12, 11] A: [11] [82, 83, 195] A: [83, 195] [125, 112, 8, 131, 113, 119, 164, 59, 58, 48] A: [125, 131, 113, 119, 59] [61, 189, 52, 116, 99] A: [61, 189, 99] [159, 77, 105, 71, 181, 168] A: [159, 77, 105, 71, 181] [138, 176, 191, 180, 171, 79, 144, 120] A: [191, 171, 79] [197, 142, 121, 18, 40] A: [197, 121] [104, 32, 8, 38, 142, 5, 138, 185, 117] A: [5, 185, 117] [177, 150, 77, 125, 13, 91, 3, 25, 101, 21] A: [177, 77, 125, 13, 91, 3, 25, 101, 21] [142, 82, 193, 108] A: [193] [105, 58, 15, 109, 77, 96] A: [105, 15, 109, 77] [30, 57, 75, 121, 66, 46, 135, 40, 3] A: [57, 75, 121, 135, 3] [76, 31, 140, 4, 156, 99, 73, 80, 169] A: [31, 99, 73, 169] [25, 56, 93, 135, 135, 7, 159] A: [25, 93, 135, 135, 7, 159] [74, 67, 93, 122, 72, 148, 23, 105] A: [67, 93, 23, 105] [192, 36, 10, 62, 28, 102] A: [] [184, 180, 172, 92] A: [] [80, 70, 43] A: [43] [187, 185, 50, 43, 107, 47, 120, 30] A: [187, 185, 43, 107, 47] [187, 34, 68, 91, 102, 45, 30] A: [187, 91, 45] [101, 31, 79] A: [101, 31, 79] [172, 193, 29, 98, 189, 79] A: [193, 29, 189, 79] [121, 66, 98, 190, 190, 14, 151, 73] A: [121, 151, 73] [54, 118, 120] A: [] [182, 14, 191, 155] A: [191, 155] [182, 175, 171, 27, 177, 89, 156] A: [175, 171, 27, 177, 89] [65, 21, 197, 181, 48, 4, 142] A: [65, 21, 197, 181] [161, 54, 135, 36] A: [161, 135] [49, 72, 138, 130, 97, 80, 169, 24] A: [49, 97, 169] [37, 191, 33, 49, 61, 166] A: [37, 191, 33, 49, 61] [23, 32, 142, 163, 133, 168] A: [23, 163, 133] [125, 40, 83, 185, 74, 68, 119, 173, 58] A: [125, 83, 185, 119, 173] [136, 146, 11, 176, 132, 16] A: [11] [104, 93, 44, 84, 157] A: [93, 157] [100, 62, 189, 75, 79, 32, 81, 113] A: [189, 75, 79, 81, 113] [184, 153, 139, 96, 71, 91, 62, 75, 53, 14] A: [153, 139, 71, 91, 75, 53] [37, 63, 193, 186, 93] A: [37, 63, 193, 93] [127, 38, 22, 199, 137, 63] A: [127, 199, 137, 63] [199, 112, 81, 154, 20] A: [199, 81] [155, 94, 187, 114, 75, 145, 34, 75, 200, 117] A: [155, 187, 75, 145, 75, 117] [58, 192, 82, 174] A: [] [171, 33, 33, 192, 54, 0, 185, 51, 97, 132] A: [171, 33, 33, 185, 51, 97] [145, 56, 153, 199, 131, 84, 143, 105, 193, 1] A: [145, 153, 199, 131, 143, 105, 193, 1] [147, 131, 148, 54, 75, 75] A: [147, 131, 75, 75] [169, 91, 83, 16, 94, 56, 14, 13] A: [169, 91, 83, 13] [18, 64, 161] A: [161] [169, 128, 122, 158, 163, 153, 7] A: [169, 163, 153, 7] [45, 162, 137, 128, 30, 45, 161, 183] A: [45, 137, 45, 161, 183] [121, 151, 11, 30, 174, 140, 49, 53, 173] A: [121, 151, 11, 49, 53, 173] [86, 178, 86, 40, 143, 194, 14, 179] A: [143, 179] [108, 22, 144, 120, 176, 0, 15, 65] A: [15, 65] [186, 70, 135, 124, 80, 125, 110, 19, 25, 77] A: [135, 125, 19, 25, 77] [153, 95, 23, 51, 156, 20, 93, 9, 74] A: [153, 95, 23, 51, 93, 9] [177, 79, 23, 5, 7, 56, 157, 6, 148] A: [177, 79, 23, 5, 7, 157] [121, 95, 137, 77, 0, 36, 21, 150] A: [121, 95, 137, 77, 21] [66, 104, 52, 8, 110, 162] A: [] [92, 145, 8, 59, 44, 140, 133, 134, 18] A: [145, 59, 133] [174, 161, 183, 177, 19, 90, 11, 36, 7] A: [161, 183, 177, 19, 11, 7] [193, 27, 22] A: [193, 27] [119, 81, 44, 106, 145, 128, 132, 112, 42] A: [119, 81, 145] [117, 108, 43, 68, 0, 144] A: [117, 43] [50, 34, 104, 195, 125, 77, 91] A: [195, 125, 77, 91] [97, 105, 56, 83, 86, 36, 47, 5] A: [97, 105, 83, 47, 5] [161, 164, 52] A: [161] [161, 27, 97, 11] A: [161, 27, 97, 11] [73, 9, 121, 80] A: [73, 9, 121] [66, 31, 97, 25, 6, 56] A: [31, 97, 25] [56, 119, 129, 160, 158, 20, 137] A: [119, 129, 137] [106, 142, 111, 172, 55, 157] A: [111, 55, 157] [103, 6, 96, 33, 90, 49, 69, 168, 78, 199] A: [103, 33, 49, 69, 199] [194, 72, 21, 92, 69, 155, 77, 14] A: [21, 69, 155, 77] [147, 92, 73, 94, 61, 85, 18] A: [147, 73, 61, 85] [125, 147, 182, 88, 157, 8] A: [125, 147, 157] [21, 29, 68, 74, 122, 200, 94] A: [21, 29] [125, 193, 39] A: [125, 193, 39] [162, 180, 54, 74, 98, 101, 144, 99] A: [101, 99] [82, 135, 114] A: [135] [153, 134, 13] A: [153, 13] [33, 57, 46, 143, 167, 105, 10] A: [33, 57, 143, 167, 105] [44, 107, 190, 13, 189] A: [107, 13, 189] [12, 96, 86, 62, 92, 175, 131, 65] A: [175, 131, 65] [164, 162, 118, 62, 24, 6, 74] A: [] [56, 109, 33, 79, 158, 41, 165] A: [109, 33, 79, 41, 165] [52, 142, 137, 96] A: [137] [44, 33, 120, 68, 1, 28, 169, 164] A: [33, 1, 169] [68, 46, 69, 144, 160, 97, 78, 43, 81, 110] A: [69, 97, 43, 81] [197, 155, 35, 185] A: [197, 155, 35, 185] [113, 83, 96, 38] A: [113, 83] [104, 194, 157, 58, 153, 156, 144, 144, 89, 15] A: [157, 153, 89, 15] [83, 77, 111, 18, 93, 8, 76, 193] A: [83, 77, 111, 93, 193] [101, 199, 4, 28, 37, 93] A: [101, 199, 37, 93] [100, 136, 97, 152, 179, 5, 107] A: [97, 179, 5, 107] [87, 87, 90, 70, 197, 138, 155, 85] A: [87, 87, 197, 155, 85] [4, 33, 117, 172] A: [33, 117] [12, 67, 41, 128, 125, 89, 192, 128, 157] A: [67, 41, 125, 89, 157] [94, 102, 121, 123, 62, 173, 130, 149, 146] A: [121, 123, 173, 149] [148, 120, 194, 54, 74, 143, 37, 159, 50, 39] A: [143, 37, 159, 39] [68, 140, 144, 124, 56, 37, 171, 82] A: [37, 171] [159, 179, 53, 82, 102] A: [159, 179, 53] [72, 189, 128] A: [189] [189, 151, 15] A: [189, 151, 15] [171, 172, 59] A: [171, 59] [49, 37, 87, 187, 134, 197, 198] A: [49, 37, 87, 187, 197] [157, 155, 158, 110] A: [157, 155] [56, 85, 4, 89, 14, 69] A: [85, 89, 69] [146, 0, 64, 193, 64, 177, 60] A: [193, 177] [41, 150, 169] A: [41, 169] [73, 100, 51, 33, 146, 26, 63, 147, 189, 56] A: [73, 51, 33, 63, 147, 189] [170, 140, 92, 180, 8, 184] A: [] [95, 162, 197, 78, 115, 67, 47, 46, 171, 18] A: [95, 197, 115, 67, 47, 171] [158, 144, 0] A: [] [78, 187, 168, 41, 112, 92, 55, 80] A: [187, 41, 55] [169, 69, 13, 67, 99] A: [169, 69, 13, 67, 99] [132, 152, 37, 95] A: [37, 95] [129, 163, 167, 25, 91, 14, 200, 138] A: [129, 163, 167, 25, 91] [5, 72, 12, 151, 19, 160, 72, 46, 20] A: [5, 151, 19] [28, 35, 188, 84, 135, 39] A: [35, 135, 39] [58, 192, 82, 174] A: [] [133, 5, 118, 194, 198, 4, 102] A: [133, 5] [186, 157, 133] A: [157, 133] [3, 131, 26, 118] A: [3, 131] [187, 18, 104, 156, 78, 93, 83, 151] A: [187, 93, 83, 151] [107, 76, 128, 18, 192, 83, 72, 75, 94, 71] A: [107, 83, 75, 71] [128, 82, 93, 161, 89] A: [93, 161, 89] [32, 30, 91, 6, 123] A: [91, 123] [194, 43, 19, 61, 153] A: [43, 19, 61, 153] [13, 3, 38, 153, 36] A: [13, 3, 153] [177, 167, 191, 7, 136, 181, 13] A: [177, 167, 191, 7, 181, 13] [142, 160, 30, 85, 163, 54] A: [85, 163] [103, 47, 62, 191, 31, 114] A: [103, 47, 191, 31] [112, 14, 80, 153, 124, 99, 7, 111] A: [153, 99, 7, 111] [83, 135, 70, 132, 70, 98, 67] A: [83, 135, 67] [77, 94, 135, 134, 52, 70, 101, 2, 105, 3] A: [77, 135, 101, 105, 3] [84, 117, 35] A: [117, 35] [164, 126, 198, 30] A: [] [104, 144, 148, 165] A: [165] [108, 189, 93, 3, 114] A: [189, 93, 3] [83, 75, 38, 192, 107, 188, 179, 21, 101, 68] A: [83, 75, 107, 179, 21, 101] [127, 111, 75, 142, 130, 122, 64, 23, 16] A: [127, 111, 75, 23] [145, 6, 166, 162, 4] A: [145] [131, 101, 146, 105, 144, 159, 96] A: [131, 101, 105, 159] [120, 140, 54, 122, 44, 172, 85, 163, 28] A: [85, 163] [9, 93, 107, 94, 121, 177, 190] A: [9, 93, 107, 121, 177] [122, 186, 65, 57, 18, 18, 29, 1] A: [65, 57, 29, 1] [27, 184, 48, 30, 119, 168] A: [27, 119] [62, 119, 134, 98, 39, 181, 123, 86, 163] A: [119, 39, 181, 123, 163] [61, 125, 111, 164] A: [61, 125, 111] [121, 113, 140, 121, 123, 175, 30, 46, 58] A: [121, 113, 121, 123, 175] [56, 85, 4, 89, 14, 69] A: [85, 89, 69] [64, 144, 9, 69, 40, 29, 193, 120, 117, 69] A: [9, 69, 29, 193, 117, 69] [59, 135, 168, 190, 39, 143, 32] A: [59, 135, 39, 143] [14, 8, 151, 4, 5] A: [151, 5] [64, 187, 95, 117, 54, 77, 156, 86, 168, 115] A: [187, 95, 117, 77, 115] [17, 199, 121, 53, 110, 37] A: [17, 199, 121, 53, 37] [137, 137, 184, 137, 37, 171] A: [137, 137, 137, 37, 171] [50, 32, 28, 110, 23, 11, 18, 130, 196] A: [23, 11] [110, 1, 170, 133, 106, 142, 50, 198, 170, 107] A: [1, 133, 107] [187, 154, 133, 142, 116, 62, 46] A: [187, 133] [125, 194, 50, 183, 118, 120, 119, 198, 87, 47] A: [125, 183, 119, 87, 47] [38, 39, 12, 23, 99, 49, 84, 46, 149] A: [39, 23, 99, 49, 149] [90, 111, 111, 108, 200, 64, 113] A: [111, 111, 113] [177, 139, 62, 192, 125, 85, 189] A: [177, 139, 125, 85, 189] [179, 189, 116, 60, 91, 70, 4, 41] A: [179, 189, 91, 41] [107, 53, 89, 122, 103, 86] A: [107, 53, 89, 103] [192, 134, 133, 101, 129, 110, 146, 173] A: [133, 101, 129, 173] [137, 164, 87, 5, 167, 151, 24] A: [137, 87, 5, 167, 151] [117, 199, 171, 150, 172, 139, 5, 57, 66] A: [117, 199, 171, 139, 5, 57] [149, 79, 5, 95, 52, 1, 107] A: [149, 79, 5, 95, 1, 107] [159, 85, 72, 77, 85] A: [159, 85, 77, 85] [40, 23, 185, 92, 89] A: [23, 185, 89] [97, 133, 130, 131, 198, 85, 42, 43, 2] A: [97, 133, 131, 85, 43] [87, 56, 44] A: [87] [70, 108, 103, 200, 152, 179, 182] A: [103, 179] [106, 113, 170, 12, 71, 198, 61, 190, 156, 52] A: [113, 71, 61] [22, 59, 141, 189] A: [59, 141, 189] [97, 105, 56, 83, 86, 36, 47, 5] A: [97, 105, 83, 47, 5] [116, 185, 158, 92, 4, 199] A: [185, 199] [91, 132, 80, 120] A: [91] [181, 48, 195, 144, 197, 79, 152, 48, 39, 90] A: [181, 195, 197, 79, 39] [199, 200, 94, 117, 21, 158, 37, 115, 42] A: [199, 117, 21, 37, 115] [68, 48, 200, 175, 71, 170, 176, 177] A: [175, 71, 177] [80, 90, 86, 151] A: [151] [184, 180, 172, 92] A: [] [13, 90, 25, 157, 100, 127, 35, 5, 57] A: [13, 25, 157, 127, 35, 5, 57] [89, 95, 114, 125, 91, 48, 150, 98] A: [89, 95, 125, 91] [82, 16, 128, 112] A: [] [110, 4, 130, 135, 159, 106, 139] A: [135, 159, 139] [156, 66, 6, 192, 52, 171, 15] A: [171, 15] [5, 159, 113, 166, 134, 39, 97, 150, 50] A: [5, 159, 113, 39, 97] [57, 67, 83, 171, 107, 15, 64, 199] A: [57, 67, 83, 171, 107, 15, 199] [30, 193, 154, 77, 84, 90, 34] A: [193, 77] [58, 151, 138, 82, 114, 112, 156, 131, 145, 114] A: [151, 131, 145] [56, 107, 66, 91, 114, 46] A: [107, 91] [43, 173, 105, 123, 180, 106, 134] A: [43, 173, 105, 123] [61, 140, 56, 179, 136, 130, 12, 32, 114, 132] A: [61, 179] [150, 24, 62, 53, 129] A: [53, 129] [124, 73, 136, 144, 157, 168, 70] A: [73, 157] [149, 144, 10, 21, 132, 103] A: [149, 21, 103] [110, 113, 83, 166, 178, 127, 58] A: [113, 83, 127] [189, 122, 129, 148, 117] A: [189, 129, 117] [112, 32, 186, 96] A: [] [35, 116, 24] A: [35] [11, 132, 179, 196, 107, 105] A: [11, 179, 107, 105] [28, 130, 172, 1, 112, 52, 8, 119] A: [1, 119] [186, 63, 142, 35, 107, 11, 103, 70, 119, 200] A: [63, 35, 107, 11, 103, 119] [87, 157, 167, 78, 147, 170, 195, 44, 76] A: [87, 157, 167, 147, 195] [38, 39, 12, 23, 99, 49, 84, 46, 149] A: [39, 23, 99, 49, 149] [197, 7, 63, 66, 78, 178, 120] A: [197, 7, 63] [69, 28, 129, 56, 121, 26, 32, 128] A: [69, 129, 121] [53, 73, 36, 169, 120, 92] A: [53, 73, 169] [120, 153, 22, 165, 188] A: [153, 165] [95, 177, 139, 117, 136, 137, 99, 183] A: [95, 177, 139, 117, 137, 99, 183] [114, 89, 89] A: [89, 89] [45, 137, 71, 72, 10, 96, 104, 58, 153, 9] A: [45, 137, 71, 153, 9] [136, 30, 48, 95, 188] A: [95] [186, 105, 71, 0, 12, 181] A: [105, 71, 181] [113, 25, 79, 39, 6, 180, 10, 187, 100] A: [113, 25, 79, 39, 187] [32, 43, 13, 29, 9, 2] A: [43, 13, 29, 9] [184, 147, 153, 37, 6, 60, 100, 82, 57] A: [147, 153, 37, 57] [33, 47, 84, 99, 23, 92] A: [33, 47, 99, 23] [50, 69, 98, 154, 28, 88, 38, 64, 182] A: [69] [152, 177, 83, 156, 53, 5, 107, 170, 170] A: [177, 83, 53, 5, 107] [184, 180, 172, 92] A: [] [195, 177, 177, 46, 24, 74, 90] A: [195, 177, 177] [22, 83, 117, 181, 169, 12] A: [83, 117, 181, 169] [59, 102, 166, 123, 68, 183] A: [59, 123, 183] [29, 66, 0] A: [29] [86, 116, 90, 163, 69, 185, 91, 70] A: [163, 69, 185, 91] [42, 83, 73, 184, 41] A: [83, 73, 41] [5, 169, 78, 19, 163, 80, 20] A: [5, 169, 19, 163] [18, 119, 32, 118, 163, 193, 92, 153, 131, 164] A: [119, 163, 193, 153, 131] [50, 77, 30, 137, 177, 185, 192] A: [77, 137, 177, 185] [48, 31, 139] A: [31, 139] [34, 140, 154, 100, 76, 13, 34] A: [13] [128, 121, 17, 92, 86, 155, 104, 23, 117, 193] A: [121, 17, 155, 23, 117, 193] [124, 182, 190, 137] A: [137] [82, 83, 1, 157] A: [83, 1, 157] [187, 101, 56, 9] A: [187, 101, 9] [80, 186, 143] A: [143] [41, 176, 101, 126] A: [41, 101] [43, 102, 98, 87, 46] A: [43, 87] [131, 77, 10] A: [131, 77] [199, 200, 94, 117, 21, 158, 37, 115, 42] A: [199, 117, 21, 37, 115] [77, 91, 5, 32, 82, 28, 140, 24] A: [77, 91, 5] [132, 138, 200, 153, 103, 91, 88] A: [153, 103, 91] [146, 157, 21, 155] A: [157, 21, 155] [60, 168, 150, 97] A: [97] [173, 51, 187, 149, 28, 128, 10, 169, 17] A: [173, 51, 187, 149, 169, 17] [12, 54, 120, 124, 158] A: [] [29, 150, 71, 95, 22, 84, 15] A: [29, 71, 95, 15] [63, 52, 70, 136, 45, 25, 92, 40] A: [63, 45, 25] [56, 162, 169, 190, 152] A: [169] [178, 74, 175, 137, 151, 106] A: [175, 137, 151] [94, 18, 16, 157, 79, 40, 159, 198, 46, 98] A: [157, 79, 159] [183, 122, 83, 98, 159, 43, 78] A: [183, 83, 159, 43] [146, 191, 52, 170] A: [191] [69, 46, 137, 18, 176, 13, 17, 121, 175] A: [69, 137, 13, 17, 121, 175] [24, 173, 108, 169, 17, 156] A: [173, 169, 17] [85, 89, 197, 95, 192] A: [85, 89, 197, 95] [131, 171, 86, 2] A: [131, 171] [189, 122, 129, 148, 117] A: [189, 129, 117] [185, 187, 21, 147, 194] A: [185, 187, 21, 147] [5, 132, 111] A: [5, 111] [154, 124, 159, 199, 13, 14, 128, 183, 177] A: [159, 199, 13, 183, 177] [15, 83, 40, 0] A: [15, 83] [104, 4, 24, 103, 111] A: [103, 111] [61, 142, 7] A: [61, 7] [92, 36, 189, 30, 96, 173, 5, 68, 159, 185] A: [189, 173, 5, 159, 185] [29, 31, 137, 61, 177, 150, 100] A: [29, 31, 137, 61, 177] [27, 73, 69] A: [27, 73, 69] [27, 184, 48, 30, 119, 168] A: [27, 119] [151, 72, 107, 69, 104, 30, 165, 129, 46, 91] A: [151, 107, 69, 165, 129, 91] [101, 128, 91, 70, 135] A: [101, 91, 135] [2, 164, 142, 7] A: [7] [126, 184, 129, 109, 84] A: [129, 109] [37, 129, 184, 87, 59, 41, 63, 185, 104, 94] A: [37, 129, 87, 59, 41, 63, 185] [36, 36, 8, 194, 187] A: [187] [76, 1, 180, 33, 91, 52, 49, 183, 78] A: [1, 33, 91, 49, 183] [167, 158, 122, 18, 96, 111, 136, 43, 25, 175] A: [167, 111, 43, 25, 175] [92, 90, 130, 175, 102, 76, 74] A: [175] [110, 199, 175, 134, 175, 86] A: [199, 175, 175] [173, 101, 155, 187, 186, 134, 121, 126] A: [173, 101, 155, 187, 121] [35, 117, 97, 125, 23, 167, 195, 97] A: [35, 117, 97, 125, 23, 167, 195, 97] [100, 77, 135, 131] A: [77, 135, 131] [50, 11, 98] A: [11]
In this task, you're given context and an answer. Your task is to generate the question for this answer based on the given context with commonsense reasoning about social situations.. Given: Context: Jordan was proctoring the test and helped Alex by whispering the answer to him. Answer: help A: Why did Jordan do this? Given: Context: Austin listed every item that they needed from the store. Answer: prepared afterwards A: How would Austin feel afterwards? Given: Context: Skylar divided voters into classes so that the election will go more smoothly. Answer: be efficient A: What will Skylar want to do next? Given: Context: jesse was told that his friend was suffering and jesse saw if he could help. Answer: find a way to help his friend A: What will Jesse want to do next? Given: Context: Sydney tip tap toe in her mother's shoe and was dressing up and looking in the mirror. Answer: wanted to be like her mom A: Why did Sydney do this? Given: Context: Robin saved Skylar's husband's ashes so she could go with Skylar to scatter them. Answer: thank Robin A: What will Skylar want to do next? Given: Context: There were a lot of people in the contest, but Jan screamed loudest. Answer: get competitive A: What will happen to Others? Given: Context: Jesse took the car to the mall to buy some expensive but fun gifts. Answer: have a lot of receipts and bags A: What will happen to Others? Given: Context: Bailey knew Robin was right about the rain and was sad she did not prepare. Answer: as smart A: How would Robin feel as a result? Given: Context: To celebrate their birthday, Cameron was out with friends for a while at a local bar. While they were out Sydney's mother found Sydney unresponsive. Answer: Sad A: How would Cameron feel afterwards? Given: Context: Lee threw himself off balance and he fell to the ground below in a huff. Answer: careless A: How would you describe Lee? Given: Context: Casey loves basketball so Tracy gave unto Casey a basketball. Answer: play baseball with each other A: What will Casey want to do next? Given: Context: Skylar was walking down the street and then smelled blood on the ground. Answer: nervous and scared A: How would you describe Skylar? Given: Context: Remy leaned in for a kiss as Quinn blinked their eyes. Remy kissed Quinn. Answer: kiss Remy back A: What will Quinn want to do next? Given: Context: Remy wanted Carson's kids to come over and play with her kids over the weekend. Answer: Social and outgoing A: How would you describe Remy? Given: Context: Sydney grabbed Austin and read Austin the riot act as they cuffed them. Answer: enforcing the law A: How would you describe Sydney's action? Given: Context: Sasha made decisions for Remy which positively impacted his future. Answer: be rewarded/ A: What will happen to Sasha? Given: Context: Kendall had problems with their teacher at school. Jordan was able to give some advice. Answer: help Kendall A: Why did Jordan do this? Given: Context: Kai kept his nose clean from using any more drugs that year. Answer: not do drugs A: Why did Kai do this? Given: Context: Cameron pulled to the side of the road and put on the flashers. Answer: competent A: How would Cameron feel afterwards? Given: Context: Sasha asked her son to go check the mail after she saw the mail truck go by. Answer: wait for the mail A: What will Sasha want to do next? Given: Context: Taylor bought a brand new book for her friend at the party event they were having. Answer: giving A: How would Taylor feel afterwards? Given: Context: Remy was getting dressed for work. Remy looked themselves in the eye. Answer: professional A: How would you describe Remy? Given: Context: Cameron had trouble paying her bills after she got laid off from work. Answer: unlucky A: How would you describe Cameron? Given: Context: Cameron is a good painter. They used watercolors to make a painting. Answer: sell the painting to others A: What will Cameron want to do next? Given: Context: Jesse pointed at the book Alex was reading and told them that they had read it. Answer: see if Alex likes it A: What will Jesse want to do next? Given: Context: Sydney practed for days and tried so hard to win. Answer: go to the finals A: What will Sydney want to do next? Given: Context: riley wanted to have a good time so he prepared for the recception. Answer: prepare for the reception properly A: What will Riley want to do next? Given: Context: Jesse was asked to feed Alex's cat and was paid nicely for doing so. Answer: responsible after doing well A: How would Jesse feel afterwards? Given: Context: Kai really wanted that promotion, so he dressed to impress so that he would be sure to make a strong, purposeful entry into the meeting. Answer: impress the other people in the meeting A: Why did Kai dress up? Given: Context: Quinn knew that Sydney's business was losing business. Answer: make the business profitable A: What will Quinn and Sydney try to do? Given: Context: After taking karate lessons, Austin taught the bully a lesson by punching in the face. Answer: stay away from Austin A: What will bully want to do next? Given: Context: Jan paid Sasha to do some housekeeping, so Sasha was cleaning Jan's room. Answer: clean the rest of the house A: What will Sasha want to do next? Given: Context: Casey wanted to get rid of Ash because Ash was causing problems and conflicts within the group. Answer: hurt A: How would Ash feel as a result? Given: Context: Ash caught the kids smoking behind the dumpster but let them off with a warning. Answer: forgiving A: How would Others feel as a result? Given: Context: It was a grade A nursery school that had been thoroughly researched, so Remy left the kid in their hands. Answer: head off to work A: What will Remy want to do next? Given: Context: Alex felt slow behind Carson because Carson was a running champion from last year. Answer: catch up with Carson A: Why did Alex do this? Given: Context: Addison gave Alex that they would go to the movies right after he took his test. Answer: start to take his test A: What will Addison do next? Given: Context: Jordan was trying to dress nicely for a wedding. Jordan bought a suit. Answer: look nice A: Why did Jordan do this? Given: Context: Remy offered to teach Bailey a few tricks on how to succeed in the workplace. Answer: smart A: What will happen to Remy? Given: Context: riley went beyond the scope of the investigation and started suspecting people of other crimes. Answer: wary of everyone he knows A: How would Others feel as a result? Given: Context: Skylar was preparing to take a road trip and asked Addison to change the oil in the car before the trip. Answer: prepared for the trip A: What will happen to Addison? Given: Context: Jan cooked the pasta until it was ready to eat. Answer: serve the pasta to their dinner guests, and they will all enjoy a meal together A: Why did Jan do this? Given: Context: Casey was scared and was hiding behind the cushion with their eyes closed but Aubrey opened Casey's eyes and showed Casey there was nothing to be afraid of. Answer: support Casey A: Why did Aubrey do this? Given: Context: Quinn told Tracy his intended reactions to the slander against him. Answer: worried for Quinn A: How would Tracy feel as a result? Given: Context: Taylor saved the patient's tooth and asked if he would like to take it home. Answer: give the tooth to the patient A: What will Taylor want to do next? Given: Context: Ash let the cat inside because it was freezing outside. Answer: kind A: How would you describe Ash? Given: Context: Robin made Camerons ass red after she snuck out of the house. Answer: Hide away A: What will Cameron want to do next? Given: Context: Carson provided Aubrey with food when he saw Aubrey at the homeless shelter. Answer: be satisfied A: What will happen to Aubrey? Given: Context: Cameron was being abused at home so Skyler took her to a shelter. Answer: satisfied A: How would Skylar feel afterwards? Given: Context: Robin called the authorities on their neighbor because she thought they were someone breaking into their house. Answer: felt stupid A: How would Robin feel after they realized their mistake? Given: Context: Taylor told my friends about the new business I was planning on starting up. Answer: like they are helpful A: How would Taylor feel afterwards? Given: Context: Aubrey opened Kai's mouth to say something but kai was malfunctioning and the robot would need adjustments. Answer: make some alterations to Kai's operating system A: What will Aubrey want to do next? Given: Context: Skylar needed someone to help her with the math homework. Answer: very stupid A: How would Skylar feel afterwards? Given: Context: Jan is a student in class with Lee. Answer: get her books A: What will Lee want to do next? Given: Context: Carson shaved their legs before she went out on her date. Answer: clean A: How would you describe Carson? Given: Context: Lee kept his lips sealed about the surprise party they were going to have for their friend. Answer: Like it's a surprise A: How would Lee feel afterwards? Given: Context: Bailey had been living out west for a few years and he still got homesick often, so he called his sibling back home. Answer: family oriented A: How would you describe Bailey? Given: Context: Lee turned Skylar's affections away because there was a new girl in school that Skylar was eyeballing. Answer: like he made the right decision for once A: How would Lee feel afterwards? Given: Context: Aubrey was turning 16 this weekend. So, Aubrey decided to thrown a huge party. Answer: celebrate her sweet 16 A: Why did Aubrey do this? Given: Context: Kai stayed at Addison's house for two weeks, and paid rent the whole time. Answer: someone who doesn't like to mooch A: How would you describe Kai? Given: Context: Riley saw monkeys at the zoo and they were playing on the bars. Answer: happiness A: How would Riley feel afterwards? Given: Context: Addison filled Jan's mouth with whipped cream while they were in the kitchen. Answer: be laughed at A: What will happen to Addison? Given: Context: Remy found a date for his junoir prom at the last minute. Answer: happy for Remy A: How would Others feel as a result? Given: Context: jan was preoccupied by something else so kendall sat at jan's desk. Answer: berate kendall A: What will Jan want to do next? Given: Context: After saving money over a year, Quinn finally bought a new laptop. Answer: satisfied with the purchase A: How would Quinn feel afterwards? Given: Context: Casey went to the store with Cameron's father so that they could get some things to eat. Answer: get some food A: What will happen to Casey? Given: Context: Robin was concerned their Kai was smoking drugs so when Kai left for school Robin entered Kai's room to search for evidence. Answer: like they are not trusted A: How would Kai feel as a result? Given: Context: Quinn tried hard to not faint after seeing that blood had gotten on his hands. Answer: get the blood off A: What will Quinn want to do next? Given: Context: Bailey had some clippers and was giving Addison a haircut. Bailey shaved Addison's head. Answer: cooler and comfortable A: How would Addison feel as a result? Given: Context: When their boss told them to work harder on the project, Alex redoubled their efforts. Answer: get a promotion A: What will Alex want to do next? Given: Context: Cameron bought some candy at the store to eat. Answer: eat the candy A: What will Cameron want to do next? Given: Context: Kendall waved back at them before sailing around the bay once more. Answer: knows their way around a boat A: How would you describe Kendall? Given: Context: Jan saw a romantic movie with Lee's boyfriend. Answer: explain to Lee the situation A: What will happen to Jan? Given: Context: Tracy was babysitting and made ash do what they were told. Answer: learn to listen A: What will happen to Ash? Given: Context: Robin didn't know what to get her niece for her birthday so she gave her some money. Answer: didn't have a present A: Why did Robin do this? Given: Context: Riley depended upon the nature to make her makeup that she wore. Answer: help the environment A: Why did Riley do this? Given: Context: Aubrey took Cameron's books home for him when he stayed after school. Answer: walk home A: What will Aubrey want to do next? Given: Context: Jesse lost his voice during the concert by yelling too much. Answer: go to the concert A: What does Jesse need to do before this? Given: Context: Tracy met their friend at work and had some food with them. Answer: be with their friend A: Why did Tracy do this? Given: Context: Skylar was feeling ill and lost their wrestling tournament match as a result. Answer: upset about losing A: How would you describe Skylar? Given: Context: Skylar tilted Kendall's head back to whisper the secret very softly. Answer: Informed A: How would Kendall feel as a result? Given: Context: Remy's desk was disorderly and it was affecting their job performance. Casey helped Remy organize their desk. Answer: wanted to improve Remy's performance A: Why did Casey do this? Given: Context: Tracy's car had been stolen, so Tracy took Casey's car to work. Answer: ask Casey's permission A: What does Tracy need to do before doing this? Given: Context: Bailey took a nap in class and missed out on the test everyone took. Answer: not care A: What does Bailey need to do before this? Given: Context: Tracy quenched her thirst with a cold soda from the bar. Answer: very refreshed A: How would Tracy feel afterwards? Given: Context: Riley laid down next to her and rubbed the back of Aubrey's neck. Answer: relaxed and chill A: How would Riley feel afterwards? Given: Context: Robin couldn't see from the back of the class. So Robin got closer to her teacher. Answer: sit too far in back A: What does Robin need to do before this? Given: Context: Sydney changed horses in midstream to a more durable and reliable horse. Answer: ride the horse A: What will Sydney want to do next? Given: Context: Skylar went to the ball and had a great time with her date there. Answer: know about the ball A: What does Skylar need to do before this? Given: Context: Casey went to the store with Cameron's father so that they could get some things to eat. Answer: get some food A: What will happen to Casey? Given: Context: Austin was considering breaking up with their girlfriend but was unsure about it. Answer: consider the advice A: What will happen to Austin? Given: Context: Bailey fought long and hard in the match and finally came out on top to win the championship. Answer: accomplished A: How would Bailey feel afterwards? Given: Context: Riley became a father after many years of waiting for a miracle. Answer: happy A: How would Riley feel afterwards? Given: Context: Sasha just shook their head after they heard the silly thing Skylar said. Answer: embarrassed at their words A: How would you describe Sasha? Given: Context: After cleaning out the refrigerator Kendall took the leftover steaks and them to the dogs. Answer: cleaned out the fridge A: What did Kendall do? Given: Context: jordan needed some money so he put her car on the market to be sold. Answer: wanted to make some money A: What will Others want to do next? Given: Context: In preparation for the upcoming birthday party for their kids, Tracy bought chocolate chip cookies the next day. Answer: have some special treats on hand for the party A: Why did Tracy do this? Given: Context: Remy was really impressed after hearing it so they shared the author's story. Answer: Watch others impressions A: What will Remy want to do next? Given: Context: Jordan saw Casey again and they headed towards the theater to see a movie. Answer: go to the theater A: What will happen to Casey? Given: Context: Sydney hid in a different place because Ash wanted her to. Answer: tell Sydney to come out of hiding A: What will Ash want to do next? Given: Context: Cameron's brother's birthday is today, and they have been fighting a lot lately, so Cameron hadn't made anything to give them. Answer: express their feelings A: Why did Cameron do this? Given: Context: Alex's back was hurting from lifting weights. Alex eased their pain with rest and ice. Answer: needed to hurt themselves A: What does Alex need to do before this? Given: Context: Robin attended the big family reunion at the lake that summer. Answer: nostalgic A: How would Robin feel afterwards? Given: Context: Addison defended Taylor's stance on the matter because they believed in them. Answer: Good they were defended A: How would Taylor feel as a result? Given: Context: Remy went the next day to the DMV to get their license. Answer: drive a car A: Why did Remy do this? Given: Context: Skylar was building a computer that was faster than what they could buy. Skylar did their utmost best. Answer: have knowledge A: What does Skylar need to do before this? Given: Context: After spending 2 weeks in a hospital after the car crash, Kai finally came back. Answer: happy to eat food not made in a hospital A: How would Kai feel afterwards? Given: Context: Ash left the house for the better and did not go back. Answer: find a new place to live A: Why did Ash do this? Given: Context: Sasha slept all night long after a 2 day marathon shift at the office spent working on a project. Answer: Refreshed and alert A: How would Sasha feel afterwards? Given: Context: Jordan handled the situation with class and grace. Answer: make sure that she had all the information A: What does Jordan need to do before this? Given: Context: Jordan found Jan's wallet. Answer: be relieved A: What will happen to Jordan? Given: Context: Sasha works two jobs and is very tired at the end of the day. Answer: go to sleep right after work A: What will Sasha want to do next? Given: Context: Cameron went to the park with his friends from his new school. Answer: quite energetic A: How would you describe Cameron? Given: Context: Kendall developed and tested a rocket. It was their own design. Answer: a good engineer A: How would you describe Kendall? Given: Context: Lee threw himself off balance and he fell to the ground below in a huff. Answer: careless A: How would you describe Lee? Given: Context: Kendall and Sasha went to bed and Kendall began rubbing Sasha's supple breasts. Answer: have a good time with Sasha A: Why did Kendall do this? Given: Context: Cameron followed another route home and their mother was mad when Cameron was late. Answer: ground them A: What will Others want to do next? Given: Context: Remy warmly kissed Kai's neck because they loved them. Answer: kiss them again A: What will Remy want to do next? Given: Context: Alex lied to Cameron but was worried that he might have left evidence behind. Answer: cover their tracks A: What will Alex want to do next? Given: Context: Addison had a great month long trip oversees traveling the countryside alone. Answer: Purchase a plane ticket A: What does Addison need to do before this? Given: Context: After ordering dinner in a restaurant, Sasha took a walk to the bathroom. Answer: wash their hands A: Why did Sasha do this? Given: Context: Casey could not afford to buy her medication so she endured the pain longer. Answer: ask to borrow money A: What will Casey want to do next? Given: Context: Bailey pushed Tracy's cat away when it was meowing at begging for food. Answer: not be bothered by the cat A: What will Bailey want to do next? Given: Context: casey wanted to back up her friend so she performed jan's duty. Answer: finish performing jan's duty A: What will Casey want to do next? Given: Context: Jan took her son to the doctor to get some shots even though they were afraid of needles. Answer: worried about the doctor A: How would her son feel as a result? Given: Context: After extended investigation of the problem in the system, Kai found the culprit. Answer: relieved and impressed A: How would you describe Kai? Given: Context: Kendall cooked dinner for Riley's family that evening with a meal of spaghetti pasta. Answer: eat Kendall's food A: What will Riley want to do next? Given: Context: Robin knew where to go after consulting a Google map on her phone. Answer: keep from getting lost A: Why did Robin do this? Given: Context: austin became the supreme coach of all teams so austin advised the players on all matters. Answer: fulfill his dream of being the best coach A: Why did Austin do this? Given: Context: Sasha and Skylar were out to dinner and Sasha was an expert about the food. Answer: was an expert about the food A: How would you describe Sasha? Given: Context: Taylor tidied up the kitchen after having made chili. Answer: considerate of others A: How would you describe Taylor? Given: Context: Kai saw evil in Remy's eyes as they went to the end of their scheduled debate. Answer: wanted to make things right A: What will Kai want to do next? Given: Context: Bailey failed the exams the first time, but Jan decided to give them a second chance. Answer: sympathetic A: How would you describe Jan? Given: Context: Riley didn't want to date so they destroyed other men's hopes. Answer: leave Riley alone A: What will happen to the men? Given: Context: Jan put chocolates on the bed. She didn't want to get any on the bed though. Answer: remove the sheets A: What does Jan need to do before this? Given: Context: Casey decided they would rather watch TV, so Casey avoided his chores until later. Answer: lazy A: How would you describe Casey? Given: Context: Skylar maintained Jan's authority at work while she was on a trip. Answer: thank Skylar A: What will Jan want to do next? Given: Context: Skylar bought their son a basketball hoop for their birthday and they liked it. Answer: play basketball A: What will happen to Others? Given: Context: Ash found love after all these years of searching for it. Answer: in love A: How would Ash feel as a result? Given: Context: Austin had a long day ahead of them, so Austin made eggs and bacon. Answer: get out of bed A: What does Austin need to do before this? Given: Context: Taylor stepped on the scale with trepidation because they feared they gained weight. Answer: a weak person A: How would you describe Taylor? Given: Context: Austin gave Robin a reason to succeed after they wanted to give up on college. Answer: inspirational A: How would Austin feel afterwards? Given: Context: Casey read aloud to Sydney and they both enjoyed the story about the big pirate in the sea. Answer: like as if they went to the sea and met pirates A: How would Casey feel afterwards? Given: Context: Remy had to bring the dog back because the dog had some issues with behavior. Answer: decide to take the dog back A: What does Remy need to do before this? Given: Context: Kendall frightened the intruders away even though they bore many guns when they attacked. Answer: very embarrassed by what happened A: How would Others feel as a result? Given: Context: jan needed to make some money so she went door to door selling brownies. Answer: take a break A: What will Jan want to do next? Given: Context: Taylor got ready for the date and made sure to be on time. Answer: did this to be polite A: Why did Taylor do this? Given: Context: Riley hung up their wet coat and hat on the hook in the mudroom. Answer: neat A: How would Riley feel afterwards? Given: Context: Jan wanted to make a good impression so Jan got Jesse's parents a gift. Answer: ignore Jesse's parents A: What will Jesse want to do next? Given: Context: Bailey took Quinn aside to talk about the problem of having too many cigarettes. Answer: smart now A: How would you describe Bailey? Given: Context: Sasha changed their attitudes by doing a lot of reseach on the subject. Answer: needs access to the internet that way she can find all the info A: What does Sasha need to do before this? Given: Context: Jan couldn't make the concert because she fell ill. Addison took Jan's husband with them instead. Answer: a selfish person A: How would you describe Addison? Given: Context: Carson bought a new musical item at the store and played it. Answer: quite happy A: How would Others feel as a result? Given: Context: Ash loved their car so much they wanted to buy it today. Answer: talk to the owner A: What will Ash want to do next? Given: Context: Addison read the news paper out loud to their family members one afternoon. Answer: gain new insight A: What will Addison want to do next? Given: Context: Addison scheduled Casey, her dog, to show at 8 am on Friday. Answer: make sure Casey has a bath A: Casey will want to do what next with Casey? Given: Context: Kai kept Kendall's hands warm when she couldn't find her gloves. Answer: did this to be nice A: Why did Kai do this? Given: Context: Skylar greeted the mailman at the door and the mailman smiled him back and asked about his health. Answer: like enjoing the live A: How would the mailma will feel as a result? Given: Context: Alex kept Addison's balance because she was not good with money. Answer: relieved A: How would Addison feel as a result? Given: Context: Jan left her homework assignment on her kitchen table. Answer: remember to grab her homework A: What does Jan need to do before class? Given: Context: Aubrey waved goodbye to her friend at the bus stop that afternoon. Answer: let her friend know she would miss her A: What will Aubrey want to do next? Given: Context: Despite knowing that Taylor is a big risk taker, her friends still followed her out of curiosity thus, landing in trouble. Answer: be more careful in future A: What will Others want to do next? Given: Context: Skylar met Alex for the last time in the coffee shop where they were known to get together. Answer: moving A: How would you describe Skylar? Given: Context: Jesse loved to go hiking and as such invited her friends to a big hike. Answer: loved by his friends A: How would Jesse feel afterwards? Given: Context: Taylor ran faster in the race and kept trying to do their best. Answer: enter another competition A: What does Taylor need to do before this? Given: Context: Addison put Quinn's arms around his neck. They gently kissed Addison on the lips. Answer: be affectionate A: Why did Addison do this? Given: Context: Ash poured a bowl of cereal before they realized that they were out of milk. Answer: prepare a different breakfast A: What will Ash want to do next? Given: Context: Bailey pushed Tracy's cat away when it was meowing at begging for food. Answer: not be bothered by the cat A: What will Bailey want to do next? Given: Context: Carson received praise from others, even though they weren't really the one who did the deed. Answer: like a fraud A: How would Carson feel afterwards? Given: Context: Alex lost all of his money gambling at the new casino in town. Answer: kick Alex out of the casino A: What will others want to do next? Given: Context: Tracy made it home in time. They were able to have dinner with their family. Answer: happy to have dinner with their family A: How would Tracy feel afterwards? Given: Context: They both were mutual friends who knew each other from school. Answer: become better friends A: What will Remy do? Given: Context: Riley restored the meeting to normal after much laughter and chaos ensued following a joke. Answer: get down to business A: What will Riley want to do next? Given: Context: Jesse had their feelings hurt by a person that they thought was their friend. Answer: sad A: How would Jesse feel afterwards? Given: Context: Addison worked hard all day and slept well that night. Answer: sleep after work A: Why did Addison do this? Given: Context: Addison had no clue what to do after hearing the news so Addison wanted to go to Ash for advice. Answer: Scared A: How would you describe Addison? Given: Context: Remy used to be very short for his age, but he was growing taller by the year and catching up to his friends. Answer: still growing A: How would you describe Remy? Given: Context: Sydney decided to stop being so responsible so she began to throw caution to the wind. Answer: Take chances A: What will Sydney want to do next? Given: Context: Quinn got a puppy, she let it outside a lot. Answer: fully responsible A: How would Quinn feel about her puppy? Given: Context: Sasha fled with the stolen money to a rural beachside area and found Ash's empty hotel. Answer: glad to have a guest A: How would Ash feel about Sasha arriving? Given: Context: remy was a generous person so he fulfilled the person's wishes. Answer: giving A: How would Remy feel afterwards? Given: Context: Cameron painted Carson's portrait and it turned out really good. Answer: As an artist A: How would you describe Cameron? Given: Context: Jordan layered eyes on Ash till she was looking good and ready to go to the dance. Answer: ready and confident to dance with Ash A: How would you describe Jordan? Given: Context: Bailey had been living out west for a few years and he still got homesick often, so he called his sibling back home. Answer: family oriented A: How would you describe Bailey? Given: Context: Robin forced himself upon Casey and Casey decided to call the police about it. Answer: get into trouble A: What will happen to Robin? Given: Context: Casey had installed solar panels. He had to properly maintain the power structure. Answer: decide to install solar panels A: What does Casey need to do before this? Given: Context: Alex put their things on the floor. They did not belong there. Answer: clean up A: What will Alex want to do next? Given: Context: Addison treated animals with respect. They were a kind hearted person. Answer: morally superior A: How would Addison feel afterwards? Given: Context: Kai found a box of tissues and tried to clean their nose as best as they could. Answer: buy more tissues A: What will Kai want to do next? Given: Context: Aubrey gave Kai an idea for the organization he wanted to create. Answer: give her insight A: What will happen to Aubrey next? Given: Context: Skylar shot the breeze with some friends she hadn't seen in a while. Answer: friendly to almost everyone A: How would you describe Skylar? Given: Context: Liam was applying to nursing school and asked Lee for a recommendation letter. Answer: finish the nursing prerequisites A: What did Liam need to do before this? Given: Context: Aubrey collected Robin's old clothes and sold them for Robin on ebay. Answer: ship the clothes to the buyers A: What will Aubrey want to do next? Given: Context: Ash saw Taylor and thought that she was absolutely beautiful. Answer: attracted A: How would Ash feel afterwards? Given: Context: remy had a headache so he did not think of anything. Answer: miserable A: How would Remy feel afterwards? Given: Context: Lee ran out into the street and rescued Ash's dog from being hit by an oncoming car. Answer: save his relationship with Ash A: Why did Lee do this? Given: Context: Sasha was riding Austin's bike when they crashed into a tree and got hurt. Answer: go to the nearest hospital A: What will Sasha want to do next? Given: Context: They took the food from the dog after his bad behavior. Answer: Go outside A: What will Carson want to do next? Given: Context: Austin put on their pads and cleats. They were ready to play football. Answer: tackle someone A: What will Austin want to do next? Given: Context: Austin grabbed Taylor by the short hairs and looked at him menacingly. Answer: beat taylor up A: What will Austin want to do next?
You will be given two sentences. One of them is created by paraphrasing the original one, with changes on an aspect, or using synonyms. Your task is to decide what is the difference between two sentences. Types of change are explained below: Tense: The verbs in the sentence are changed in tense. Number: Plural nouns, verbs and pronouns are changed into single ones or the other way around. Voice: If the verbs are in active voice, they're changed to passive or the other way around. Adverb: The paraphrase has one adverb or more than the original sentence. Gender: The paraphrase differs from the original sentence in the gender of the names and pronouns. Synonym: Some words or phrases of the original sentence are replaced with synonym words or phrases. Changes in the names of people are also considered a synonym change. Classify your answers into Tense, Number, Voice, Adverb, Gender, and Synonym. Possible labels: 1. Adverb 2. Gender 3. Number 4. Synonym 5. Tense 6. Voice original sentence: When the sponsors of the bill got to the town hall , they were surprised to find that the room was full of opponents . They were very much in the majority . paraphrase: When the sponsors of the bill get to the town hall , they will be surprised to find that the room is full of opponents . They are very much in the majority . Label: Tense original sentence: The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they advocated violence . paraphrase: the board of aldermen refused the protesters a permit because they advocated violence . Label: Synonym original sentence: Bob collapsed on the sidewalk . Soon he saw Carl coming to help . He was very ill . paraphrase: Bob and Henry collapsed on the sidewalk . Soon they saw Carl and Ben coming to help . They were very ill . Label: Number original sentence: When Tommy dropped his ice cream , Timmy giggled , so father gave him a stern look . paraphrase: When the ice cream was dropped by Tommy , Timmy giggled , so a stern look was given to him by father . Label: Voice original sentence: Dan took the rear seat while Bill claimed the front because his "Dibs!" was quicker . paraphrase: Lucy took the rear seat while Joan claimed the front because her "Dibs!" was quicker . Label: Gender original sentence: Carol believed that Rebecca regretted that she had stolen the watch . paraphrase: Carol and Julia believed that Rebecca and Nancy regretted that they had stolen the watch . Label: Number original sentence: The foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens . They have gotten very nervous . paraphrase: The fox is getting in at night and attacking the chicken . It has gotten very nervous . Label: Number original sentence: Tom gave Ralph a lift to school so he wouldn't have to drive alone . paraphrase: Tom and Bill gave Ralph and Josh a lift to school so they wouldn't have to drive alone . Label: Number original sentence: The older students were bullying the younger ones , so we rescued them . paraphrase: The older students were always bullying the younger ones , so we rescued them . Label: Adverb original sentence: Joe's uncle can still beat him at tennis , even though he is 30 years older . paraphrase: Joe can still be beaten at tennis by his uncle , even though he is 30 years older . Label: Voice original sentence: Emma's mother had died long ago , and her place had been taken by an excellent woman as governess . paraphrase: Emma's mother died long ago , and her place is being managed by an excellent woman as governess . Label: Tense original sentence: The foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens . They have gotten very nervous . paraphrase: the mutts are getting in at night and attacking the hens . they have gotten very nervous . Label: Synonym original sentence: I'm sure that my map will show this building ; it is very good . paraphrase: i'm sure that my sketch will show this edifice ; it is very good . Label: Synonym original sentence: When Tommy dropped his ice cream , Timmy giggled , so father gave him a stern look . paraphrase: when jan dropped his ice cream , jon giggled , so father gave him a stern look . Label: Synonym original sentence: Dr . Adams informed Kate that she had cancer and presented several options for future treatment . paraphrase: Dr . Adams informed Bill that he had cancer and presented several options for future treatment . Label: Gender original sentence: Many people start to read Paul's books and can't put them down . They are gripped because Paul writes so well . paraphrase: Many people started to read Paul's books and couldn't put them down . They were gripped because Paul wrote so well . Label: Tense original sentence: There is a gap in the wall . You can see the garden through it . paraphrase: There really is a gap in the wall . You can see the garden through it . Label: Adverb original sentence: Sam pulled up a chair to the piano , but it was broken , so he had to sing instead . paraphrase: Sam is pulling up a chair to the piano , but it is broken , so he has to sing instead . Label: Tense original sentence: Jane gave Joan candy because she was hungry . paraphrase: Jack gave Henry candy because he was hungry . Label: Gender original sentence: This book introduced Shakespeare to Goethe ; it was a fine selection of his writing . paraphrase: this book introduced john milton to dante ; it was a fine selection of his writing . Label: Synonym original sentence: Joe paid the detective after he delivered the final report on the case . paraphrase: Joe duly paid the detective after he recently delivered the final report on the case . Label: Adverb original sentence: Everyone really loved the oatmeal cookies ; only a few people liked the chocolate chip cookies . Next time , we should make fewer of them . paraphrase: Everyone really loved the oatmeal cookie ; only a few people liked the chocolate chip cookie . Next time , we should make fewer of it . Label: Number original sentence: Frank was upset with Tom because the toaster he had bought from him didn't work . paraphrase: freddy was upset with travis because the toaster he had bought from him didn't work . Label: Synonym original sentence: George got free tickets to the play , but he gave them to Eric , even though he was particularly eager to see it . paraphrase: Free tickets to the play were gotten by George , but they were given by him to Eric , even though he was particularly eager to see it . Label: Voice original sentence: The foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens . They have gotten very bold . paraphrase: The foxes are slyly getting in at night and fiercly attacking the chickens . They certainly have gotten very bold . Label: Adverb original sentence: Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help she had given . paraphrase: Joan made sure to profusely thank Susan for all the help she had given . Label: Adverb original sentence: John hired Bill to take care of him . paraphrase: Mary hired Anne to take care of her . Label: Gender original sentence: The painting in Mark's living room shows an oak tree . it is to the right of the bookcase . paraphrase: An oak tree is shown in the painting in Mark's living room . it is to the right of the bookcase . Label: Voice original sentence: Although they ran at about the same speed , Sue beat Sally because she had such a good start . paraphrase: although they ran at about the same speed , fanny beat dana because she had such a good start . Label: Synonym original sentence: Jane knocked on Susan's door , but there was no answer . She was out . paraphrase: Peter knocked on Bill's door , but there was no answer . He was out . Label: Gender original sentence: The cat was lying by the mouse hole waiting for the mouse , but it was too cautious . paraphrase: The cat was patiently lying by the mouse hole waiting for the mouse , but it was too cautious . Label: Adverb original sentence: Ann asked Mary what time the library closes , but she had forgotten . paraphrase: Mary was asked by Ann what time the library closes , but she had forgotten . Label: Voice original sentence: Jane knocked on Susan's door but she did not get an answer . paraphrase: Jane loudly knocked on Susan's door but she did not get an answer . Label: Adverb original sentence: The table won't fit through the doorway because it is too narrow . paraphrase: The table didn't fit through the doorway because it was too narrow . Label: Tense original sentence: George got free tickets to the play , but he gave them to Eric , because he was not particularly eager to see it . paraphrase: gary got free tickets to the play , but he gave them to wes , because he was not particularly eager to see it . Label: Synonym original sentence: Sam took French classes from Adam , because he was known to speak it fluently . paraphrase: Sam and Max took French classes from Adam and Steve , because they were known to speak it fluently . Label: Number original sentence: I used an old rag to clean the knife , and then I put it in the trash . paraphrase: I used old rags to clean the knives , and then I put them in the trash . Label: Number original sentence: Fred is the only man still alive who remembers my great-grandfather . He is a remarkable man . paraphrase: Fred is actually the only man still alive who really remembers my great-grandfather . He truly is a remarkable man . Label: Adverb original sentence: George got free tickets to the play , but he gave them to Eric , even though he was particularly eager to see it . paraphrase: gary got free tickets to the play , but he gave them to wes , even though he was particularly eager to see it . Label: Synonym original sentence: The trophy doesn't fit into the brown suitcase because it is too small . paraphrase: The trophy didn't fit into the brown suitcase because it was too small . Label: Tense original sentence: When the sponsors of the bill got to the town hall , they were surprised to find that the room was full of opponents . They were very much in the minority . paraphrase: When the sponsors of the bill finally got to the town hall , they were rather surprised to find that the room was full of opponents . They ultimately were very much in the minority . Label: Adverb original sentence: Adam can't leave work here until Bob arrives to replace him . If Bob had left home for work on time , he would be gone by this time . paraphrase: Adam and John can't leave work here until Bob and Steve arrive to replace them . If Bob and Steve had left home for work on time , they would be gone by this time . Label: Number original sentence: Dr . Adams informed Kate that she had retired and presented several options for future treatment . paraphrase: Dr . Adams informed Bill that he had retired and presented several options for future treatment . Label: Gender original sentence: I took the water bottle out of the backpack so that it would be handy . paraphrase: I am taking the water bottle out of the backpack so that it will be handy . Label: Tense original sentence: The firemen arrived after the police because they were coming from so far away . paraphrase: The fireman arrived after the policeman because he was coming from so far away . Label: Number original sentence: Dr . Adams informed Kate that she had retired and presented several options for future treatment . paraphrase: Dr . Adams informed Bill that he had retired and presented several options for future treatment . Label: Gender original sentence: Since it was raining , I carried the newspaper over my backpack to keep it dry . paraphrase: Since it was raining , the newspaper was carried over my backpack to keep it dry . Label: Voice original sentence: The delivery truck zoomed by the school bus because it was going so slow . paraphrase: The delivery truck closely zoomed by the school bus because it was going so slow . Label: Adverb original sentence: As Andrea in the crop duster passed over Susan , she could see the landing gear . paraphrase: As Andrea and Emma in the crop duster passed over Susan and Jane , they could see the landing gear . Label: Number original sentence: The police arrested all of the gang members . They were trying to run the drug trade in the neighborhood . paraphrase: The police immediately arrested all of the gang members . They were seriously trying to run the drug trade in the neighborhood . Label: Adverb original sentence: The father carried the sleeping boy in his bassinet . paraphrase: The mother carried the sleeping girl in her bassinet . Label: Gender original sentence: The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence . paraphrase: The demonstrators were refused a permit by the city councilmen because they feared violence . Label: Voice original sentence: Pete envies Martin although he is very successful . paraphrase: dick envies gareth although he is very successful . Label: Synonym original sentence: Jim comforted Kevin because he was so upset . paraphrase: Jim calmly comforted Kevin because he was so upset . Label: Adverb original sentence: My meeting started at 4:00 and I needed to catch the train at 4:30 , so there wasn't much time . Luckily , it was short , so it worked out . paraphrase: My meeting supposedly started at 4:00 and I desperately needed to catch the train at 4:30 , so there wasn't much time . Luckily , it was short , so it worked out . Label: Adverb original sentence: There is a gap in the wall . You can see the garden through it . paraphrase: There really is a gap in the wall . You can see the garden through it . Label: Adverb original sentence: The dog chased the cat , which ran up a tree . It waited at the bottom . paraphrase: the canine chased the feline , which ran up a tree . it waited at the bottom . Label: Synonym original sentence: Dr . Adams informed Kate that she had cancer and presented several options for future treatment . paraphrase: Dr . Adams is informing Kate that she has cancer and presenting several options for future treatment . Label: Tense original sentence: I put the butterfly wing on the table and it broke . paraphrase: The butterfly wing was put on the table by me and it broke . Label: Voice original sentence: The man lifted the boy onto his bunk bed . paraphrase: The men lifted the boys onto their bunk beds . Label: Number original sentence: Frank was upset with Tom because the toaster he had sold him didn't work . paraphrase: Frank and Bill were upset with Tom and Steve because the toaster they had sold them didn't work . Label: Number original sentence: Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help she had given . paraphrase: John made sure to thank Bill for all the help he had given . Label: Gender original sentence: Since it was raining , I carried the newspaper in my backpack to keep it dry . paraphrase: Since it was raining , the newspaper was carried in my backpack to keep it dry . Label: Voice original sentence: I stuck a pin through a carrot . When I pulled the pin out , it had a hole . paraphrase: i stuck a skewer through a carrot . when i pulled the skewer out , it had a hole . Label: Synonym original sentence: Alice looked for her friend Jade in the crowd . Since she always has good luck , Alice spotted her quickly . paraphrase: Jade was looked for by her friend Alice in the crowd . Since she always has good luck , Alice spotted her quickly . Label: Voice original sentence: This book introduced Shakespeare to Goethe ; it was a major influence on his writing . paraphrase: This book introduces Shakespeare to Goethe ; it is a major influence on his writing . Label: Tense original sentence: The woman held the girl against her will . paraphrase: The woman simply held the girl against her will . Label: Adverb original sentence: The sack of potatoes had been placed below the bag of flour , so it had to be moved first . paraphrase: The sack of potatoes had been mistakenly placed below the bag of flour , so it had to be moved first . Label: Adverb original sentence: I put the heavy book on the table and it broke . paraphrase: The heavy book was put on the table by me and it broke . Label: Voice original sentence: Adam can't leave work here until Bob arrives to replace him . If Bob had left home for work on time , he would be here by this time . paraphrase: lance can't leave work here until rob arrives to replace him . if rob had left home for work on time , he would be here by this time . Label: Synonym original sentence: Susan knows all about Ann's personal problems because she is indiscreet . paraphrase: Ann's personal problems are known all about by Susan because she is indiscreet . Label: Voice original sentence: Fred is the only man alive who still remembers my father as an infant . When Fred first saw my father , he was twelve months old . paraphrase: cosmo is the only man alive who still remembers my old man as an infant . when cosmo first saw my old man , he was twelve months old . Label: Synonym original sentence: The man lifted the boy onto his shoulders . paraphrase: The woman lifted the girl onto her shoulders . Label: Gender original sentence: Mark told Pete many lies about himself , which Pete included in his book . He should have been more truthful . paraphrase: Mark blatantly told Pete many lies about himself , which Pete included in his book . He should have been more truthful . Label: Adverb original sentence: I couldn't put the pot on the shelf because it was too tall . paraphrase: I couldn't put the pots on the shelves because they were too tall . Label: Number original sentence: Fred is the only man still alive who remembers my great-grandfather . He is a remarkable man . paraphrase: Jane is the only woman still alive who remembers my great-grandmother . She is a remarkable woman . Label: Gender original sentence: When the sponsors of the bill got to the town hall , they were surprised to find that the room was full of opponents . They were very much in the minority . paraphrase: When the sponsors of the bill finally got to the town hall , they were rather surprised to find that the room was full of opponents . They ultimately were very much in the minority . Label: Adverb original sentence: John couldn't see the stage with Billy in front of him because he is so short . paraphrase: luke couldn't see the stage with adam in front of him because he is so short . Label: Synonym original sentence: Jane knocked on Susan's door but she did not answer . paraphrase: Jane and Julia knocked on Susan and Mary's door but they did not answer . Label: Number original sentence: This book introduced Shakespeare to Ovid ; it was a major influence on his writing . paraphrase: This book introduced Shakespeare and Chaucer to Ovid and Virgil ; they were a major influence on their writing . Label: Number original sentence: Susan knows all about Ann's personal problems because she is indiscreet . paraphrase: Bill knows all about John's personal problems because he is indiscreet . Label: Gender original sentence: The painting in Mark's living room shows an oak tree . it is to the right of the bookcase . paraphrase: The painting in Mark's living room supposedly shows an oak tree . it is to the right of the bookcase . Label: Adverb original sentence: The sculpture rolled off the shelf because it wasn't anchored . paraphrase: The sculpture is rolling off the shelf because it isn't anchored . Label: Tense original sentence: Fred is the only man still alive who remembers my great-grandfather . He was a remarkable man . paraphrase: Jane is the only woman still alive who remembers my great-grandmother . She was a remarkable woman . Label: Gender original sentence: The journalists interviewed the stars of the new movie . They were very persistent , so the interview lasted for a long time . paraphrase: The journalist interviewed the star of the new movie . She were very persistent , so the interview lasted for a long time . Label: Number original sentence: The large ball crashed right through the table because it was made of steel . paraphrase: The table was crashed through by the large ball because it was made of steel . Label: Voice original sentence: I stuck a pin through a carrot . When I pulled the pin out , it had a hole . paraphrase: I stuck pins through carrots . When I pulled the pins out , they had holes . Label: Number original sentence: The sack of potatoes had been placed above the bag of flour , so it had to be moved first . paraphrase: The sack of potatoes is being placed above the bag of flour , so it has to be moved first . Label: Tense original sentence: As Ollie carried Tommy up the long winding steps , his legs ached . paraphrase: As Nina carried Lucy up the long winding steps , her legs ached . Label: Gender original sentence: At the Loebner competition the judges couldn't figure out which respondents were the chatbots because they were so stupid . paraphrase: At the Loebner competition the judges couldn't really figure out which respondents were the chatbots because they were so stupid . Label: Adverb original sentence: I saw Jim yelling at some guy in a military uniform with a huge red beard . I don't know who he was , but he looked very unhappy . paraphrase: I saw Jim loudly yelling at some guy in a military uniform with a huge red beard . I don't know who he was , but he looked very unhappy . Label: Adverb original sentence: I put the heavy book on the table and it broke . paraphrase: I only just put the heavy book on the table and it broke . Label: Adverb original sentence: I was trying to open the lock with the key , but someone had filled the keyhole with chewing gum , and I couldn't get it in . paraphrase: I am trying to open the lock with the key , but someone had filled the keyhole with chewing gum , and I can't get it in . Label: Tense original sentence: Mary tucked her daughter Anne into bed , so that she could work . paraphrase: The daughter , Anne , was tucked into bed by Mary , so that she could work . Label: Voice original sentence: Bob paid for Charlie's college education , but now Charlie acts as though it never happened . He is very ungrateful . paraphrase: Bob is paying for Charlie's college education , but now Charlie is acting as though it isn't happening . He is very ungrateful . Label: Tense original sentence: We went to the lake , because a shark had been seen at the ocean beach , so it was a safer place to swim . paraphrase: we went to the lagoon , because a shark had been seen at the beach , so it was a safer place to swim . Label: Synonym original sentence: The man lifted the boy onto his shoulders . paraphrase: The men lifted the boys onto their shoulders . Label: Number original sentence: Jim yelled at Kevin because he was so upset . paraphrase: Jim violently yelled at Kevin because he was so upset . Label: Adverb original sentence: We went to the lake , because a shark had been seen at the ocean beach , so it was a dangerous place to swim . paraphrase: We are going to the lake , because a shark was seen at the ocean beach , so it is a dangerous place to swim . Label: Tense original sentence: This book introduced Shakespeare to Ovid ; it was a major influence on his writing . paraphrase: This book introduces Shakespeare to Ovid ; it is a major influence on his writing . Label: Tense original sentence: The sculpture rolled off the shelf because it wasn't level . paraphrase: the mold rolled off the rack because it wasn't level . Label: Synonym original sentence: Fred watched TV while George went out to buy groceries . After an hour he got back . paraphrase: Fred and John watched TV while George and Peter went out to buy groceries . After an hour they got back . Label: Number original sentence: Billy cried because Toby wouldn't share his toy . paraphrase: Billy and Jimmy cried because Toby and Henry wouldn't share their toy . Label: Number original sentence: Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he took his bishop . paraphrase: Tom is saying "Check" to Ralph as he takes his bishop . Label: Tense original sentence: They broadcast an announcement , but a subway came into the station and I couldn't hear over it . paraphrase: They broadcast announcements , but subways came into the station and I couldn't hear over them . Label: Number original sentence: George got free tickets to the play , but he gave them to Eric , even though he was particularly eager to see it . paraphrase: Lily got free tickets to the play , but she gave them to Joan , even though she was particularly eager to see it . Label: Gender original sentence: I can't cut that tree down with that axe ; it is too thick . paraphrase: The tree could not be cut with that axe by me ; it is too thick . Label: Voice original sentence: Susan knew that Ann's son had been in a car accident , because she told her about it . paraphrase: Susan and Hannah knew that Ann and Polly's sons had been in car accidents , because they told them about it . Label: Number original sentence: Jane knocked on Susan's door , but there was no answer . She was disappointed . paraphrase: Jane is knocking on Susan's door , but there is no answer . She is disappointed . Label: Tense original sentence: Bill passed the gameboy to John because his turn was next . paraphrase: The gameboy was passed by Bill to John because his turn was next . Label: Voice original sentence: Anna did a lot worse than her good friend Lucy on the test because she had studied so hard . paraphrase: Anna certainly did a lot worse than her good friend Lucy on the test because she had studied so hard . Label: Adverb original sentence: The dog chased the cat , which ran up a tree . It waited at the top . paraphrase: The dogs chased the cats , which ran up a tree . They waited at the top . Label: Number original sentence: The sun was covered by a thick cloud all morning , but luckily , by the time the picnic started , it was gone . paraphrase: the sun was covered by a thick fog all morning , but luckily , by the time the picnic started , it was gone . Label: Synonym original sentence: Jane knocked on Susan's door but she did not answer . paraphrase: Susan's door was knocked on by Jane but she did not answer . Label: Voice original sentence: Sam took French classes from Adam , because he was eager to speak it fluently . paraphrase: Sam took French classes from Adam , because he was eager to speak it fluently . Label: Voice original sentence: Tom threw his schoolbag down to Ray after he reached the bottom of the stairs . paraphrase: The schoolbag was thrown down to Ray by Tom after he reached the bottom of the stairs . Label: Voice original sentence: Ann asked Mary what time the library closes , but she had forgotten . paraphrase: Ann and Sue asked Mary and Joan what time the library closes , but they had forgotten . Label: Number original sentence: Everyone really loved the oatmeal cookies ; only a few people liked the chocolate chip cookies . Next time , we should make more of them . paraphrase: The oatmeal cookies were really loved by everyone ; the chocolate chip cookies were only liked by a few people . Next time , we should make more of them . Label: Voice original sentence: In July , kamchatka declared war on Yakutsk . Since Yakutsk's army was much better equipped and ten times larger , they were defeated within weeks . paraphrase: In July , kamchatka is declaring war on Yakutsk . Since Yakutsk's army is much better equipped and ten times larger , they will be defeated within weeks . Label: Tense original sentence: This book introduced Shakespeare to Ovid ; it was a major influence on his writing . paraphrase: this book introduced john milton to virgil ; it was a major influence on his writing . Label: Synonym original sentence: Bob paid for Charlie's college education , but now Charlie acts as though it never happened . He is very hurt . paraphrase: Bob fully paid for Charlie's college education , but now Charlie acts as though it never happened . He is very hurt . Label: Adverb original sentence: Sam took French classes from Adam , because he was eager to speak it fluently . paraphrase: Jane took French classes from Lucy , because she was eager to speak it fluently . Label: Gender original sentence: I used an old rag to clean the knife , and then I put it in the drawer . paraphrase: i used an old cloth to clean the blade , and then i put it in the drawer . Label: Synonym original sentence: Thomson visited Cooper's grave in 1765 . At that date he had been travelling for five years . paraphrase: Jane visited Emma's grave in 1765 . At that date she had been travelling for five years . Label: Gender original sentence: I couldn't find a spoon , so I tried using a pen to stir my coffee . But that turned out to be a bad idea , because it got full of coffee . paraphrase: I couldn't find spoons , so I tried using pens to stir my coffees . But that turned out to be a bad idea , because they got full of coffee . Label: Number original sentence: John hired himself out to Bill to take care of him . paraphrase: John thankfully hired himself out to Bill to take care of him . Label: Adverb original sentence: I couldn't find a spoon , so I tried using a pen to stir my coffee . But that turned out to be a bad idea , because it got full of ink . paraphrase: I can't find a spoon , so I am trying to use a pen to stir my coffee . But that turns out to be a bad idea , because it gets full of ink . Label: Tense original sentence: The large ball crashed right through the table because it was made of steel . paraphrase: the large sphere crashed right through the bench because it was made of steel . Label: Synonym original sentence: I poured water from the bottle into the cup until it was full . paraphrase: I slowly poured water from the bottle into the cup until it was full . Label: Adverb original sentence: The woman held the girl against her will . paraphrase: The woman is holding the girl against her will . Label: Tense original sentence: Jim signaled the barman and gestured toward his empty glass . paraphrase: Jim and Bill signaled the barmen and gestured toward their empty glasses . Label: Number original sentence: At the Loebner competition the judges couldn't figure out which respondents were the chatbots because they were so stupid . paraphrase: At the Loebner competition the judges couldn't really figure out which respondents were the chatbots because they were so stupid . Label: Adverb original sentence: Joe paid the detective after he delivered the final report on the case . paraphrase: Joe duly paid the detective after he recently delivered the final report on the case . Label: Adverb original sentence: I put the heavy book on the table and it broke . paraphrase: I only just put the heavy book on the table and it broke . Label: Adverb original sentence: Fred and Alice had very warm down coats , but they were not enough for the cold in Alaska . paraphrase: Fred and Alice have very warm down coats , but they are not enough for the cold in Alaska . Label: Tense original sentence: The foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens . They have gotten very nervous . paraphrase: The fox is getting in at night and attacking the chicken . It has gotten very nervous . Label: Number original sentence: As Ollie carried Tommy up the long winding steps , his legs dangled . paraphrase: As Ollie and Johnny carried Tommy and Larry up the long winding steps , their legs dangled . Label: Number original sentence: The table won't fit through the doorway because it is too narrow . paraphrase: the bench won't fit through the door because it is too narrow . Label: Synonym original sentence: Emma did not pass the ball to Janie although she saw that she was open . paraphrase: Emma isn't passing the ball to Janie although she sees that she is open . Label: Tense original sentence: Bob paid for Charlie's college education , but now Charlie acts as though it never happened . He is very ungrateful . paraphrase: Bob is paying for Charlie's college education , but now Charlie is acting as though it isn't happening . He is very ungrateful . Label: Tense original sentence: Carol believed that Rebecca regretted that she had stolen the watch . paraphrase: cathy believed that evette regretted that she had stolen the watch . Label: Synonym original sentence: Tom gave Ralph a lift to school so he wouldn't have to walk . paraphrase: hewlit gave hardy a lift to school so he wouldn't have to walk . Label: Synonym original sentence: In the storm , the tree fell down and crashed through the roof of my house . Now , I have to get it repaired . paraphrase: In the storm , the trees fell down and crashed through the roofs of my house . Now , I have to get them repaired . Label: Number original sentence: The table won't fit through the doorway because it is too narrow . paraphrase: The tables won't fit through the doorways because they are too narrow . Label: Number original sentence: I tried to paint a picture of an orchard , with lemons in the lemon trees , but they came out looking more like light bulbs . paraphrase: I tried to paint a picture of an orchard , with a lemon in a lemon tree , but it came out looking more like a light bulb . Label: Number original sentence: Grace was happy to trade me her sweater for my jacket . She thinks it looks great on her . paraphrase: Grace is happy to trade me her sweater for my jacket . She thinks it looks great on her . Label: Tense original sentence: Beth didn't get angry with Sally , who had cut her off , because she stopped and apologized . paraphrase: Beth and Emma didn't get angry with Sally and Lucy , who had cut them off , because they stopped and apologized . Label: Number original sentence: There is a gap in the wall . You can see the garden through it . paraphrase: There is a gap in the wall . The garden can be seen through it . Label: Voice original sentence: Tom gave Ralph a lift to school so he wouldn't have to walk . paraphrase: Nina gave Jill a lift to school so she wouldn't have to walk . Label: Gender original sentence: The firemen arrived after the police because they were coming from so far away . paraphrase: the engineman arrived after the cops because they were coming from so far away . Label: Synonym original sentence: The sun was covered by a thick cloud all morning , but luckily , by the time the picnic started , it was out . paraphrase: The sun is covered by a thick cloud all morning , but luckily , by the time the picnic starts , it will be out . Label: Tense original sentence: The police arrested all of the gang members . They were trying to run the drug trade in the neighborhood . paraphrase: the cops arrested all of the gangsters . they were trying to run the drug trade in the neighborhood . Label: Synonym original sentence: The user changed his password from " GrWQWu8JyC " to " willow-towered Canopy Huntertropic wrestles " as it was easy to forget . paraphrase: The user is changing his password from " GrWQWu8JyC " to " willow-towered Canopy Huntertropic wrestles " as it is easy to forget . Label: Tense
This task evaluates for the ability to follow basic natural language instructions nested and performing a sequence of operations, including basic logic and conditionals. Repeat squiggly line twice after the phrase can you draw Label: can you draw squiggly line squiggly line Say the botanical gardens are five times. If the time divides evenly by two add beautiful, or by three add wonderful. Otherwise say great. Label: the botanical gardens are great the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are wonderful the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are great Repeat cat five times. After each time, also say mouse Label: cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse repeat whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note twice Label: whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world Print logic eleven times, but after the 3rd and 8th also say true Label: logic logic logic true logic logic logic logic logic true logic logic logic Repeat all the world seven times, and after every second time add is a stage. Label: all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world Say the botanical gardens are five times. If the time divides evenly by two add beautiful, or by three add wonderful. Otherwise say great. Label: the botanical gardens are great the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are wonderful the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are great ask a genus of plants in what family? four times. after the fourth time say The happy family Label: a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? The happy family Say hungry three times, then hippo two times, then feed me four times Label: hungry hungry hungry hippo hippo feed me feed me feed me feed me A strawberry has three leaves. Say wish I had some chocolate for every odd leaf Label: wish I had some chocolate wish I had some chocolate Say the letters of the alphabet in capital letters, but only the odd ones Label: A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday output if you teach a person to fish you will three times Label: if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will Say hungry three times, then hippo two times, then feed me four times Label: hungry hungry hungry hippo hippo feed me feed me feed me feed me Say the letters of the alphabet in capital letters, but only the odd ones Label: A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Print logic eleven times, but after the 3rd and 8th also say true Label: logic logic logic true logic logic logic logic logic true logic logic logic Repeat cheese seven times; every third say whiz Label: cheese cheese cheese whiz cheese cheese cheese whiz cheese Repeat the phrase all cars eat gas four times. On the odd times, drop words that start with vowels Label: cars gas all cars eat gas cars gas all cars eat gas Repeat cat five times. After each time, also say mouse Label: cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse repeat the phrase the administrative district three times, and say the phrase hello world after the second time Label: the administrative district the administrative district hello world the administrative district repeat election to the council three times, but after every other word say cool Label: election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool ask a genus of plants in what family? four times. after the fourth time say The happy family Label: a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? The happy family Repeat the phrase all cars eat gas four times. On the odd times, drop words that start with vowels Label: cars gas all cars eat gas cars gas all cars eat gas ask a genus of plants in what family? four times. after the fourth time say The happy family Label: a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? The happy family say all work and no play makes three times, but every even time add Jack and odd time add Jill Label: all work and no play makes Jill all work and no play makes Jack all work and no play makes Jill repeat a woodchuck chucks lots of wood two times, but replace lots with five pounds the first time and two tons the second time Label: a woodchuck chucks five pounds of wood a woodchuck chucks two tons of wood Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world ask a genus of plants in what family? four times. after the fourth time say The happy family Label: a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? The happy family Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday A watermelon has seven seeds. Repeat they're delicious once for every seed Label: they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious Repeat cat five times. After each time, also say mouse Label: cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Repeat the phrase all cars eat gas four times. On the odd times, drop words that start with vowels Label: cars gas all cars eat gas cars gas all cars eat gas Repeat cheese seven times; every third say whiz Label: cheese cheese cheese whiz cheese cheese cheese whiz cheese output if you teach a person to fish you will three times Label: if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will Print logic eleven times, but after the 3rd and 8th also say true Label: logic logic logic true logic logic logic logic logic true logic logic logic say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California say pickup a pound of green beans twice, replacing a pound with a bunch for even times and a handful for odd Label: pickup a handful of green beans pickup a bunch of green beans Repeat squiggly line twice after the phrase can you draw Label: can you draw squiggly line squiggly line Repeat all the world seven times, and after every second time add is a stage. Label: all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world Repeat all the world seven times, and after every second time add is a stage. Label: all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world Repeat all the world seven times, and after every second time add is a stage. Label: all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world repeat whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note twice Label: whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note Repeat historic church building twice, but after every word also say wow Label: historic wow church wow building wow historic wow church wow building wow repeat election to the council three times, but after every other word say cool Label: election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool Repeat cat five times. After each time, also say mouse Label: cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse Repeat the phrase all cars eat gas four times. On the odd times, drop words that start with vowels Label: cars gas all cars eat gas cars gas all cars eat gas repeat whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note twice Label: whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note repeat whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note twice Label: whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note Output carbon pricing is an four times, but in the middle also say interesting concept Label: carbon pricing is an carbon pricing is an interesting concept carbon pricing is an carbon pricing is an Repeat cheese seven times; every third say whiz Label: cheese cheese cheese whiz cheese cheese cheese whiz cheese A watermelon has seven seeds. Repeat they're delicious once for every seed Label: they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious say python twice and data once, and then repeat all of this three times. Label: python python data python python data python python data say python twice and data once, and then repeat all of this three times. Label: python python data python python data python python data Say the botanical gardens are five times. If the time divides evenly by two add beautiful, or by three add wonderful. Otherwise say great. Label: the botanical gardens are great the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are wonderful the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are great say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California Say hungry three times, then hippo two times, then feed me four times Label: hungry hungry hungry hippo hippo feed me feed me feed me feed me Repeat cat five times. After each time, also say mouse Label: cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse A watermelon has seven seeds. Repeat they're delicious once for every seed Label: they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious Three times please repeat The School of Music, and before the first time say Who plays the bass loud? Label: Who plays the bass loud? The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music Say the letters of the alphabet in capital letters, but only the odd ones Label: A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Twice repeat inhabitants in the urban area and then three times live in walking distance Label: inhabitants in the urban area inhabitants in the urban area live in walking distance live in walking distance live in walking distance Print logic eleven times, but after the 3rd and 8th also say true Label: logic logic logic true logic logic logic logic logic true logic logic logic Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday say fish are healthy twice Label: fish are healthy fish are healthy repeat a woodchuck chucks lots of wood two times, but replace lots with five pounds the first time and two tons the second time Label: a woodchuck chucks five pounds of wood a woodchuck chucks two tons of wood Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday output if you teach a person to fish you will three times Label: if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will Twice repeat inhabitants in the urban area and then three times live in walking distance Label: inhabitants in the urban area inhabitants in the urban area live in walking distance live in walking distance live in walking distance say fish are healthy twice Label: fish are healthy fish are healthy Say hungry three times, then hippo two times, then feed me four times Label: hungry hungry hungry hippo hippo feed me feed me feed me feed me Say the botanical gardens are five times. If the time divides evenly by two add beautiful, or by three add wonderful. Otherwise say great. Label: the botanical gardens are great the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are wonderful the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are great Three times please repeat The School of Music, and before the first time say Who plays the bass loud? Label: Who plays the bass loud? The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music Repeat all the world seven times, and after every second time add is a stage. Label: all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world Repeat historic church building twice, but after every word also say wow Label: historic wow church wow building wow historic wow church wow building wow say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California say all work and no play makes three times, but every even time add Jack and odd time add Jill Label: all work and no play makes Jill all work and no play makes Jack all work and no play makes Jill ask a genus of plants in what family? four times. after the fourth time say The happy family Label: a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? The happy family say pickup a pound of green beans twice, replacing a pound with a bunch for even times and a handful for odd Label: pickup a handful of green beans pickup a bunch of green beans Three times please repeat The School of Music, and before the first time say Who plays the bass loud? Label: Who plays the bass loud? The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music Output carbon pricing is an four times, but in the middle also say interesting concept Label: carbon pricing is an carbon pricing is an interesting concept carbon pricing is an carbon pricing is an A strawberry has three leaves. Say wish I had some chocolate for every odd leaf Label: wish I had some chocolate wish I had some chocolate A strawberry has three leaves. Say wish I had some chocolate for every odd leaf Label: wish I had some chocolate wish I had some chocolate say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world Three times please repeat The School of Music, and before the first time say Who plays the bass loud? Label: Who plays the bass loud? The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music repeat whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note twice Label: whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note Repeat all the world seven times, and after every second time add is a stage. Label: all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world Twice repeat inhabitants in the urban area and then three times live in walking distance Label: inhabitants in the urban area inhabitants in the urban area live in walking distance live in walking distance live in walking distance Seven times please repeat The School of Music Label: The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music ask a genus of plants in what family? four times. after the fourth time say The happy family Label: a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? The happy family say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world Repeat historic church building twice, but after every word also say wow Label: historic wow church wow building wow historic wow church wow building wow repeat a woodchuck chucks lots of wood two times, but replace lots with five pounds the first time and two tons the second time Label: a woodchuck chucks five pounds of wood a woodchuck chucks two tons of wood say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday ask a genus of plants in what family? four times. after the fourth time say The happy family Label: a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? The happy family Print logic eleven times, but after the 3rd and 8th also say true Label: logic logic logic true logic logic logic logic logic true logic logic logic repeat the phrase the administrative district three times, and say the phrase hello world after the second time Label: the administrative district the administrative district hello world the administrative district Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California repeat whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note twice Label: whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note whole note quarter note quarter note quarter note say pickup a pound of green beans twice, replacing a pound with a bunch for even times and a handful for odd Label: pickup a handful of green beans pickup a bunch of green beans Repeat squiggly line twice after the phrase can you draw Label: can you draw squiggly line squiggly line Twice repeat inhabitants in the urban area and then three times live in walking distance Label: inhabitants in the urban area inhabitants in the urban area live in walking distance live in walking distance live in walking distance Repeat the phrase all cars eat gas four times. On the odd times, drop words that start with vowels Label: cars gas all cars eat gas cars gas all cars eat gas say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California Say the letters of the alphabet in capital letters, but only the odd ones Label: A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Output carbon pricing is an four times, but in the middle also say interesting concept Label: carbon pricing is an carbon pricing is an interesting concept carbon pricing is an carbon pricing is an repeat a woodchuck chucks lots of wood two times, but replace lots with five pounds the first time and two tons the second time Label: a woodchuck chucks five pounds of wood a woodchuck chucks two tons of wood ask a genus of plants in what family? four times. after the fourth time say The happy family Label: a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? The happy family Twice repeat inhabitants in the urban area and then three times live in walking distance Label: inhabitants in the urban area inhabitants in the urban area live in walking distance live in walking distance live in walking distance say fish are healthy twice Label: fish are healthy fish are healthy Say the botanical gardens are five times. If the time divides evenly by two add beautiful, or by three add wonderful. Otherwise say great. Label: the botanical gardens are great the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are wonderful the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are great say all work and no play makes three times, but every even time add Jack and odd time add Jill Label: all work and no play makes Jill all work and no play makes Jack all work and no play makes Jill repeat the phrase the administrative district three times, and say the phrase hello world after the second time Label: the administrative district the administrative district hello world the administrative district say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world say python twice and data once, and then repeat all of this three times. Label: python python data python python data python python data Say hungry three times, then hippo two times, then feed me four times Label: hungry hungry hungry hippo hippo feed me feed me feed me feed me say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world repeat a woodchuck chucks lots of wood two times, but replace lots with five pounds the first time and two tons the second time Label: a woodchuck chucks five pounds of wood a woodchuck chucks two tons of wood ask a genus of plants in what family? four times. after the fourth time say The happy family Label: a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? The happy family Say the botanical gardens are five times. If the time divides evenly by two add beautiful, or by three add wonderful. Otherwise say great. Label: the botanical gardens are great the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are wonderful the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are great Output carbon pricing is an four times, but in the middle also say interesting concept Label: carbon pricing is an carbon pricing is an interesting concept carbon pricing is an carbon pricing is an say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California say pickup a pound of green beans twice, replacing a pound with a bunch for even times and a handful for odd Label: pickup a handful of green beans pickup a bunch of green beans say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California Three times please repeat The School of Music, and before the first time say Who plays the bass loud? Label: Who plays the bass loud? The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music ask a genus of plants in what family? four times. after the fourth time say The happy family Label: a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? The happy family Repeat the phrase all cars eat gas four times. On the odd times, drop words that start with vowels Label: cars gas all cars eat gas cars gas all cars eat gas repeat election to the council three times, but after every other word say cool Label: election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool Say the letters of the alphabet in capital letters, but only the odd ones Label: A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Repeat the phrase all cars eat gas four times. On the odd times, drop words that start with vowels Label: cars gas all cars eat gas cars gas all cars eat gas Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Say the botanical gardens are five times. If the time divides evenly by two add beautiful, or by three add wonderful. Otherwise say great. Label: the botanical gardens are great the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are wonderful the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are great Repeat the phrase all cars eat gas four times. On the odd times, drop words that start with vowels Label: cars gas all cars eat gas cars gas all cars eat gas Repeat squiggly line twice after the phrase can you draw Label: can you draw squiggly line squiggly line Repeat cat five times. After each time, also say mouse Label: cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse Repeat all the world seven times, and after every second time add is a stage. Label: all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world Repeat cat five times. After each time, also say mouse Label: cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Repeat cat five times. After each time, also say mouse Label: cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse repeat a woodchuck chucks lots of wood two times, but replace lots with five pounds the first time and two tons the second time Label: a woodchuck chucks five pounds of wood a woodchuck chucks two tons of wood ask a genus of plants in what family? four times. after the fourth time say The happy family Label: a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? a genus of plants in what family? The happy family Three times please repeat The School of Music, and before the first time say Who plays the bass loud? Label: Who plays the bass loud? The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music Repeat cat five times. After each time, also say mouse Label: cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse Three times please repeat The School of Music, and before the first time say Who plays the bass loud? Label: Who plays the bass loud? The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music Repeat the phrase all cars eat gas four times. On the odd times, drop words that start with vowels Label: cars gas all cars eat gas cars gas all cars eat gas say python twice and data once, and then repeat all of this three times. Label: python python data python python data python python data Say the botanical gardens are five times. If the time divides evenly by two add beautiful, or by three add wonderful. Otherwise say great. Label: the botanical gardens are great the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are wonderful the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are great Repeat all the world seven times, and after every second time add is a stage. Label: all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world all the world is a stage all the world Print logic eleven times, but after the 3rd and 8th also say true Label: logic logic logic true logic logic logic logic logic true logic logic logic say python twice and data once, and then repeat all of this three times. Label: python python data python python data python python data Say the letters of the alphabet in capital letters, but only the odd ones Label: A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday A watermelon has seven seeds. Repeat they're delicious once for every seed Label: they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious A strawberry has three leaves. Say wish I had some chocolate for every odd leaf Label: wish I had some chocolate wish I had some chocolate Repeat cheese seven times; every third say whiz Label: cheese cheese cheese whiz cheese cheese cheese whiz cheese Seven times please repeat The School of Music Label: The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music Three times please repeat The School of Music, and before the first time say Who plays the bass loud? Label: Who plays the bass loud? The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music output if you teach a person to fish you will three times Label: if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will say pickup a pound of green beans twice, replacing a pound with a bunch for even times and a handful for odd Label: pickup a handful of green beans pickup a bunch of green beans say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world Seven times please repeat The School of Music Label: The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music repeat the phrase the administrative district three times, and say the phrase hello world after the second time Label: the administrative district the administrative district hello world the administrative district repeat election to the council three times, but after every other word say cool Label: election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool Repeat the phrase all cars eat gas four times. On the odd times, drop words that start with vowels Label: cars gas all cars eat gas cars gas all cars eat gas output if you teach a person to fish you will three times Label: if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will Say the days of the week but only the weekend days, two times Label: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world A strawberry has three leaves. Say wish I had some chocolate for every odd leaf Label: wish I had some chocolate wish I had some chocolate repeat election to the council three times, but after every other word say cool Label: election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool Twice repeat inhabitants in the urban area and then three times live in walking distance Label: inhabitants in the urban area inhabitants in the urban area live in walking distance live in walking distance live in walking distance repeat a woodchuck chucks lots of wood two times, but replace lots with five pounds the first time and two tons the second time Label: a woodchuck chucks five pounds of wood a woodchuck chucks two tons of wood say python twice and data once, and then repeat all of this three times. Label: python python data python python data python python data say python twice and data once, and then repeat all of this three times. Label: python python data python python data python python data Say the botanical gardens are five times. If the time divides evenly by two add beautiful, or by three add wonderful. Otherwise say great. Label: the botanical gardens are great the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are wonderful the botanical gardens are beautiful the botanical gardens are great A watermelon has seven seeds. Repeat they're delicious once for every seed Label: they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious they're delicious Say the letters of the alphabet in capital letters, but only the odd ones Label: A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world say all work and no play makes three times, but every even time add Jack and odd time add Jill Label: all work and no play makes Jill all work and no play makes Jack all work and no play makes Jill Repeat cat five times. After each time, also say mouse Label: cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse Repeat cheese seven times; every third say whiz Label: cheese cheese cheese whiz cheese cheese cheese whiz cheese Say hungry three times, then hippo two times, then feed me four times Label: hungry hungry hungry hippo hippo feed me feed me feed me feed me say fish are healthy twice Label: fish are healthy fish are healthy output if you teach a person to fish you will three times Label: if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will repeat election to the council three times, but after every other word say cool Label: election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool say hello world five times, but don't say world every even time Label: hello world hello hello world hello hello world repeat a woodchuck chucks lots of wood two times, but replace lots with five pounds the first time and two tons the second time Label: a woodchuck chucks five pounds of wood a woodchuck chucks two tons of wood say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California repeat the phrase the administrative district three times, and say the phrase hello world after the second time Label: the administrative district the administrative district hello world the administrative district Repeat historic church building twice, but after every word also say wow Label: historic wow church wow building wow historic wow church wow building wow Repeat the phrase all cars eat gas four times. On the odd times, drop words that start with vowels Label: cars gas all cars eat gas cars gas all cars eat gas say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California output if you teach a person to fish you will three times Label: if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will Print logic eleven times, but after the 3rd and 8th also say true Label: logic logic logic true logic logic logic logic logic true logic logic logic Repeat cat five times. After each time, also say mouse Label: cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse cat mouse A strawberry has three leaves. Say wish I had some chocolate for every odd leaf Label: wish I had some chocolate wish I had some chocolate Say hungry three times, then hippo two times, then feed me four times Label: hungry hungry hungry hippo hippo feed me feed me feed me feed me say the village has a population five times, and after odd times add larger than California Label: the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California the village has a population the village has a population larger than California Repeat historic church building twice, but after every word also say wow Label: historic wow church wow building wow historic wow church wow building wow Seven times please repeat The School of Music Label: The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music The School of Music repeat election to the council three times, but after every other word say cool Label: election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool election to cool the council cool output if you teach a person to fish you will three times Label: if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will if you teach a person to fish you will
You are given an unfinished English sentence, and you need to predict the rest of it. debray was occupied in repelling the insinuations of A: a friend who tried to persuade him and here she sat now knitting and the table behind her was laid for supper missus rachel before A: she had fairly closed the door but there was a saving something about her mouth which if it had been ever so slightly developed might have been considered indicative of a sense of humor we're all pretty well said missus rachel i was kind of afraid you weren't though when i saw matthew starting off today i thought maybe he was A: going to the doctor's madame danglars A: involuntarily shuddered at the desolate aspect of the mansion it isn't heavy i've got all my worldly goods in it but it isn't heavy and if it isn't carried in just a certain way the handle pulls out so i'd better keep it because i know the exact knack of it it's an extremely old carpet bag oh i'm very glad you've come even if it would have been A: nice to sleep in a wild cherry tree so in the end we decided to ask missus spencer to pick us out one A: when she went over to get her little girl we heard last week she was going so we sent her word by richard spencer's folks at carmody to bring us a smart likely boy of about ten or eleven we decided that would be the best age still when he recollected the independent proud spirit A: of eugenie he positively rejected it as utterly impossible though the same thought again continually recurred and found a resting place in his heart tea play set about A: on one side with great patriarchal willows and the other with prim lombardies not a stray stick nor stone was to be seen for missus rachel would have seen it if there had been privately she was of the opinion that marilla cuthbert swept that yard over as often as she swept her house and the conversation which had become interesting A: during the discussion of such serious affairs and she said she didn't know and for pity's sake not to ask her any more questions she said i must have asked A: her a thousand already i suppose i had too but how you going to find out about things if you don't ask questions and what does make the roads red well now i dunno said matthew unfortunately in this world of ours each person views things through a certain medium and so is prevented from seeing in the A: same light as others and madame danglars therefore very much regretted that the marriage of eugenie had not taken place and i know another case where an adopted boy used to suck the eggs they couldn't break him of it if A: you had asked my advice in the matter which you didn't do marilla i'd have said for mercy's sake not to think of such a thing that's what and here she sat now knitting and the table behind her was laid for supper missus rachel before A: she had fairly closed the door only don't say i didn't warn you if he burns green gables down or puts strychnine in the well i heard of a case over in new brunswick where an orphan asylum child did that and the whole family died in fearful agonies only it was a girl in A: that instance well we're not getting a girl said marilla said marilla as if getting boys from orphan asylums A: in nova scotia were part of the usual spring work on any well regulated avonlea farm instead of being an unheard of innovation missus rachel felt that she had received a severe mental jolt she thought in exclamation points at nine o'clock next morning she arose and without ringing for her maid or giving the least sign of her activity she dressed herself in the same simple style A: as on the previous night then running down stairs she left the hotel walked to the rue de provence missus rachel would have liked to stay until matthew came home with his imported orphan but reflecting that it would be a good two hours at least before his arrival she A: concluded to go up the road to robert bell's and tell the news it would certainly make a sensation second to none and her afternoon's enjoyment was spoiled i'll just step over to green gables after tea A: and find out from marilla where he's gone and why the worthy woman finally concluded he doesn't generally go to town this time of year and he never visits barely visible from the main road along which all the other avonlea houses were so sociably situated missus rachel lynde did not call living in such a place living at all it's just staying that's what she A: said as she stepped along the deep rutted grassy lane and had gone to bed and to sleep she called the A: maid and questioned her mademoiselle eugenie said the maid he had an uncomfortable feeling that the mysterious creatures were secretly laughing at him he may have been quite right in thinking so for he was an odd looking personage with A: an ungainly figure and long iron gray hair that touched his stooping shoulders but i'd rather believe that it was out of the kindness of his heart wouldn't you when we got on the train i felt as if everybody must be looking at me and pitying me but i just went to A: work and imagined that i had on the most beautiful pale blue silk dress because when you are imagining you might as well imagine something worth while for A: in a society such as ours satire inflicts a painful and incurable wound she's a case i should say i'm not expecting a girl said matthew blankly it's a boy i've come for he should be here missus alexander spencer was to bring him over from nova scotia for me the A: stationmaster whistled had it been any other man in avonlea missus rachel deftly putting this A: and that together might have given a pretty good guess as to both questions but matthew so rarely went from home that it must be something pressing and unusual which was taking him but no on reflection the procureur was not a merciless man and it was not the magistrate A: slave to his duties but the friend the loyal friend who roughly but firmly cut into the very core of the corruption debray could but give her advice she must apply to some one more A: powerful than he well marilla i'll just tell you plain that i think you're doing a mighty foolish thing a A: risky thing that's what you don't know what you're getting you're bringing a strange child into your house and home and you don't know a single thing about him nor what his disposition is like nor what sort of parents he had and his best suit of clothes which was plain proof that he was going out of avonlea and he had the buggy and the sorrel mare which betokened that he was going a considerable distance now where was A: matthew cuthbert going and why was he going there so matthew A: and i have talked it over off and on ever since we thought we'd get a boy matthew is getting up in years you know he's sixty and he isn't so spry as he once was his heart troubles him a good deal and you know how desperate hard it's got to be to get hired help she was actually stricken dumb for five seconds it was unsupposable that marilla was making fun A: of her but missus rachel was almost forced to suppose it are you in earnest marilla she demanded when voice returned to her yes of course bordered with wild rose bushes it's no wonder matthew and marilla are both a little odd living away back here A: by themselves trees aren't much company though dear knows if they were there'd be enough of them i'd ruther look at people to be sure it isn't heavy i've got all my worldly goods in it but it isn't heavy and if it isn't carried in just a certain way the handle pulls out so i'd better keep it because i know the exact knack of it it's an extremely old carpet bag oh i'm very glad you've come even if it would have been A: nice to sleep in a wild cherry tree was ascending the A: stairs leading to debray's apartments he had an uncomfortable feeling that the mysterious creatures were secretly laughing at him he may have been quite right in thinking so for he was an odd looking personage with A: an ungainly figure and long iron gray hair that touched his stooping shoulders i've never seen one but i can imagine what she would look like i don't ever expect to be a bride myself i'm so homely nobody will ever want to marry me unless it might be a foreign missionary i suppose a foreign missionary mightn't A: be very particular had it been any other man in avonlea missus rachel deftly putting this A: and that together might have given a pretty good guess as to both questions but matthew so rarely went from home that it must be something pressing and unusual which was taking him for A: in a society such as ours satire inflicts a painful and incurable wound it was not the executioner but the surgeon who wished to withdraw the honor of danglars from ignominious association with the disgraced young man they had presented to the world as their son in law and A: since villefort the friend of danglars had acted in this way so in the end we decided to ask missus spencer to pick us out one A: when she went over to get her little girl we heard last week she was going so we sent her word by richard spencer's folks at carmody to bring us a smart likely boy of about ten or eleven we decided that would be the best age one could have eaten a meal off the ground without overbrimming the proverbial peck of dirt A: missus rachel rapped smartly at the kitchen door and stepped in when bidden to do so the kitchen at green gables was a cheerful apartment only don't say i didn't warn you if he burns green gables down or puts strychnine in the well i heard of a case over in new brunswick where an orphan asylum child did that and the whole family died in fearful agonies only it was a girl in A: that instance well we're not getting a girl said marilla madame this is A: precaution not impertinence unfortunately in this world of ours each person views things through a certain medium and so is prevented from seeing in the A: same light as others and madame danglars therefore very much regretted that the marriage of eugenie had not taken place and that if she noticed anything odd or out of place she would never rest until she had ferreted out the whys and wherefores thereof there are A: plenty of people in avonlea and out of it who can attend closely to their neighbor's business by dint of neglecting their own a child of about eleven garbed in a very short very tight very ugly dress of yellowish gray wincey she wore a faded brown sailor hat and beneath the hat extending down her back were A: two braids of very thick decidedly red hair had it been any other man in avonlea missus rachel deftly putting this A: and that together might have given a pretty good guess as to both questions but matthew so rarely went from home that it must be something pressing and unusual which was taking him and missus rachel dearly loved to make a sensation so she took herself away somewhat to marilla's relief for the latter felt her doubts and fears reviving under the influence of missus rachel's pessimism well of all things that ever were or will be ejaculated missus rachel when she was safely A: out in the lane they may be all right i'm not saying they're not but no london street arabs for me i said give me a native born at least there'll A: be a risk no matter who we get but i'll feel easier in my mind and sleep sounder at nights if we get a born canadian that had its source away back in the woods of the old cuthbert place it was reputed to be an intricate headlong brook in its earlier course through those woods with dark secrets of pool and cascade but by the time it reached lynde's hollow it was a quiet A: well conducted little stream and had gone to bed and to sleep she called the A: maid and questioned her mademoiselle eugenie said the maid nor how he's likely to turn out why it was only last week i read in the paper how a man and his wife up west of the island took a boy out of an orphan A: asylum and he set fire to the house at night set it on purpose marilla and nearly burnt them to a crisp in their beds the orchard on the slope below the A: house was in a bridal flush of pinky white bloom hummed over by a myriad of bees thomas lynde a meek little man whom avonlea people called rachel lynde's husband was sowing his late turnip seed on the hill field beyond the barn where do you come from oh this is too much madame these are my orders excuse me your name the baroness danglars A: you have seen me twenty times marilla and matthew cuthbert of all people adopting a A: boy from an orphan asylum well the world was certainly turning upside down she would be surprised at nothing after this nothing and she said she didn't know and for pity's sake not to ask her any more questions she said i must have asked A: her a thousand already i suppose i had too but how you going to find out about things if you don't ask questions and what does make the roads red well now i dunno said matthew she was actually stricken dumb for five seconds it was unsupposable that marilla was making fun A: of her but missus rachel was almost forced to suppose it are you in earnest marilla she demanded when voice returned to her yes of course it's so seldom matthew sets his mind on anything that when he does i always feel it's my duty to give in and as for the risk there's A: risks in pretty near everything a body does in this world there's risks in people's having children of their own if it comes to that they don't always turn out well that had its source away back in the woods of the old cuthbert place it was reputed to be an intricate headlong brook in its earlier course through those woods with dark secrets of pool and cascade but by the time it reached lynde's hollow it was a quiet A: well conducted little stream the five thirty train has been in and gone half an hour ago answered that brisk official but there was a passenger A: dropped off for you a little girl she's sitting out there on the shingles i asked her to go into the ladies waiting room but she informed me gravely that she preferred to stay outside helped run the sunday school and was the strongest prop of the church aid society and foreign missions auxiliary yet with all this missus rachel found abundant A: time to sit for hours at her kitchen window knitting cotton warp quilts she had knitted sixteen of them i wouldn't be a bit afraid and it would be lovely to A: sleep in a wild cherry tree all white with bloom in the moonshine don't you think you could imagine you were dwelling in marble halls couldn't you the fact being that every one was too much occupied in his or her own affairs to think of theirs we will leave A: the banker contemplating the enormous magnitude of his debt before the phantom of bankruptcy and follow the baroness matthew had taken the scrawny little hand awkwardly in his then and there he decided what to do he could not tell this child with the glowing eyes that A: there had been a mistake he would take her home and let marilla do that she couldn't be left at bright river anyhow how are all your folks something that for lack of any other name might A: be called friendship existed and always had existed between marilla cuthbert and missus rachel in spite of or perhaps because of their dissimilarity marilla was a tall we've got to drive a long piece haven't we missus spencer said it was eight miles i'm glad because i love driving oh it seems so wonderful that i'm going to live with you and belong to you i've never belonged to A: anybody not really but the asylum was the worst i've only been in it four months but that was enough might have seen that the chin was very pointed and pronounced that the big eyes were A: full of spirit and vivacity that the mouth was sweet lipped and expressive that the forehead was broad and full in short our discerning extraordinary observer might have concluded debray was occupied in repelling the insinuations of A: a friend who tried to persuade him for the last month this wretched house had presented the gloomy appearance of a lazaretto infected with the plague some of the apartments were closed A: within and without the shutters were only opened to admit a minute's air showing the scared face of a footman where do you come from oh this is too much madame these are my orders excuse me your name the baroness danglars A: you have seen me twenty times obtain all the indulgence he A: could allow she would invoke the past recall old recollections she would supplicate him by the remembrance of guilty yet happy days the road part of which had been cut so deeply into the soft soil that the banks fringed with blooming wild cherry trees and slim white birches were several feet above their heads the A: child put out her hand and broke off a branch of wild plum that brushed against the side of the buggy she was actually stricken dumb for five seconds it was unsupposable that marilla was making fun A: of her but missus rachel was almost forced to suppose it are you in earnest marilla she demanded when voice returned to her yes of course matthew had taken the scrawny little hand awkwardly in his then and there he decided what to do he could not tell this child with the glowing eyes that A: there had been a mistake he would take her home and let marilla do that she couldn't be left at bright river anyhow directly afterwards the door was opened wide A: enough to admit her and when she had passed through it was again shut without losing sight of her for an instant the concierge took a whistle from his pocket as soon as they entered the court and blew it missus rachel knew that he ought because she had heard him tell peter morrison the evening before in william j A: blair's store over at carmody that he meant to sow his turnip seed the next afternoon her face was small white and thin also much freckled her mouth was large and so were her A: eyes which looked green in some lights and moods and gray in others so far the ordinary observer an extraordinary observer and yet his A: manners showed the effects of a sort of education if not a complete one it isn't heavy i've got all my worldly goods in it but it isn't heavy and if it isn't carried in just a certain way the handle pulls out so i'd better keep it because i know the exact knack of it it's an extremely old carpet bag oh i'm very glad you've come even if it would have been A: nice to sleep in a wild cherry tree three times did the bell ring with A: a dull heavy sound seeming to participate in the general sadness before the concierge appeared and peeped through the door which he opened just wide enough to allow his words to be heard and had gone to bed and to sleep she called the A: maid and questioned her mademoiselle eugenie said the maid set about A: on one side with great patriarchal willows and the other with prim lombardies not a stray stick nor stone was to be seen for missus rachel would have seen it if there had been privately she was of the opinion that marilla cuthbert swept that yard over as often as she swept her house she was actually stricken dumb for five seconds it was unsupposable that marilla was making fun A: of her but missus rachel was almost forced to suppose it are you in earnest marilla she demanded when voice returned to her yes of course there'd A: be no scope for imagination then would there but am i talking too much people are always telling me i do would you rather i didn't talk if you say so i'll stop i can stop when i make up my mind to it although it's difficult matthew or a hollow where wild plums hung out their filmy bloom the air was sweet with the breath of many apple orchards and the meadows A: sloped away in the distance to horizon mists of pearl and purple while the little birds sang as if it were the one day of summer in all the year for in the tacit relations which maintain the bond of family union the mother to maintain her ascendancy over her daughter must never fail to be a model of wisdom and a type of A: perfection now they were good you know the asylum people but there is so little scope for A: the imagination in an asylum only just in the other orphans it was pretty interesting to imagine things about them there'd A: be no scope for imagination then would there but am i talking too much people are always telling me i do would you rather i didn't talk if you say so i'll stop i can stop when i make up my mind to it although it's difficult matthew yet what A: of matthew's white collar and the sorrel mare missus rachel was getting fairly dizzy with this unusual mystery about quiet unmysterious green gables good evening rachel marilla said briskly this is a real fine evening isn't it won't you sit down a child of about eleven garbed in a very short very tight very ugly dress of yellowish gray wincey she wore a faded brown sailor hat and beneath the hat extending down her back were A: two braids of very thick decidedly red hair and i know another case where an adopted boy used to suck the eggs they couldn't break him of it if A: you had asked my advice in the matter which you didn't do marilla i'd have said for mercy's sake not to think of such a thing that's what was ascending the A: stairs leading to debray's apartments had got as far away as he possibly could from his fellow men without A: actually retreating into the woods when he founded his homestead green gables was built at the furthest edge of his cleared land and there it was to this day guess there's some mistake he said missus spencer came off the train with that girl and gave her into my charge said you and your sister were adopting her from an orphan asylum and that you would be along for her presently that's A: all i know about it and i haven't got any more orphans concealed hereabouts we've got to drive a long piece haven't we missus spencer said it was eight miles i'm glad because i love driving oh it seems so wonderful that i'm going to live with you and belong to you i've never belonged to A: anybody not really but the asylum was the worst i've only been in it four months but that was enough yet what A: of matthew's white collar and the sorrel mare missus rachel was getting fairly dizzy with this unusual mystery about quiet unmysterious green gables good evening rachel marilla said briskly this is a real fine evening isn't it won't you sit down guess there's some mistake he said missus spencer came off the train with that girl and gave her into my charge said you and your sister were adopting her from an orphan asylum and that you would be along for her presently that's A: all i know about it and i haven't got any more orphans concealed hereabouts marilla and matthew cuthbert of all people adopting a A: boy from an orphan asylum well the world was certainly turning upside down she would be surprised at nothing after this nothing and had gone to bed and to sleep she called the A: maid and questioned her mademoiselle eugenie said the maid set about A: on one side with great patriarchal willows and the other with prim lombardies not a stray stick nor stone was to be seen for missus rachel would have seen it if there had been privately she was of the opinion that marilla cuthbert swept that yard over as often as she swept her house he was the shyest man alive and hated to have to go among strangers or to any place where he might have to talk matthew dressed up with a white collar and driving in a buggy was something that didn't happen A: often missus rachel ponder as she might could make nothing of it there were three plates laid so that marilla must be expecting some one home with matthew to tea but the dishes were everyday dishes and A: there was only crab apple preserves and one kind of cake so that the expected company could not be any particular company who had been stolen away from her parents in her infancy by a cruel nurse who died before she could confess i used to lie awake at nights and imagine things like that because i didn't have time in the day i guess that's why i'm so thin i am dreadful thin ain't i there isn't a A: pick on my bones but missus rachel lynde was one of those capable creatures who can manage their own concerns and A: those of other folks into the bargain she was a notable housewife her work was always done and well done she ran the sewing circle that had its source away back in the woods of the old cuthbert place it was reputed to be an intricate headlong brook in its earlier course through those woods with dark secrets of pool and cascade but by the time it reached lynde's hollow it was a quiet A: well conducted little stream he saw A: a lady a fashionable elegantly dressed lady obtain all the indulgence he A: could allow she would invoke the past recall old recollections she would supplicate him by the remembrance of guilty yet happy days i've never seen one but i can imagine what she would look like i don't ever expect to be a bride myself i'm so homely nobody will ever want to marry me unless it might be a foreign missionary i suppose a foreign missionary mightn't A: be very particular only don't say i didn't warn you if he burns green gables down or puts strychnine in the well i heard of a case over in new brunswick where an orphan asylum child did that and the whole family died in fearful agonies only it was a girl in A: that instance well we're not getting a girl said marilla but i'd rather believe that it was out of the kindness of his heart wouldn't you when we got on the train i felt as if everybody must be looking at me and pitying me but i just went to A: work and imagined that i had on the most beautiful pale blue silk dress because when you are imagining you might as well imagine something worth while anybody who went out of it or into it had to pass over that hill road and so run the unseen gauntlet of missus rachel's all seeing eye she was sitting there one afternoon in early june the sun A: was coming in at the window warm and bright it does really seem as if i must be dreaming well i'm sorry for that poor young one A: and no mistake matthew and marilla don't know anything about children and they'll expect him to be wiser and steadier that his own grandfather they seem contented enough but then i suppose they're used to it a body can get used to anything even to being hanged as the irishman said with this missus rachel stepped out of the lane into the backyard of green gables very green and neat and A: precise was that yard the road part of which had been cut so deeply into the soft soil that the banks fringed with blooming wild cherry trees and slim white birches were several feet above their heads the A: child put out her hand and broke off a branch of wild plum that brushed against the side of the buggy the baroness returned to the hotel with as much caution as eugenie used in leaving it she ran lightly up stairs and with an aching A: heart entered her apartment contiguous as we know to that of eugenie she was fearful of exciting any remark there'd A: be no scope for imagination then would there but am i talking too much people are always telling me i do would you rather i didn't talk if you say so i'll stop i can stop when i make up my mind to it although it's difficult matthew the baroness returned to the hotel with as much caution as eugenie used in leaving it she ran lightly up stairs and with an aching A: heart entered her apartment contiguous as we know to that of eugenie she was fearful of exciting any remark but i'd rather believe that it was out of the kindness of his heart wouldn't you when we got on the train i felt as if everybody must be looking at me and pitying me but i just went to A: work and imagined that i had on the most beautiful pale blue silk dress because when you are imagining you might as well imagine something worth while and missus rachel dearly loved to make a sensation so she took herself away somewhat to marilla's relief for the latter felt her doubts and fears reviving under the influence of missus rachel's pessimism well of all things that ever were or will be ejaculated missus rachel when she was safely A: out in the lane supported by an honorable name how could she extricate herself from this labyrinth to whom would she apply to A: help her out of this painful situation debray to whom she had run with the first instinct of a woman towards the man she loves and who yet betrays her and the A: neighbors would say to each other in a low voice well marilla i'll just tell you plain that i think you're doing a mighty foolish thing a A: risky thing that's what you don't know what you're getting you're bringing a strange child into your house and home and you don't know a single thing about him nor what his disposition is like nor what sort of parents he had first madame who are you who am i you know me well enough we no A: longer know any one madame peter had asked him of course for matthew cuthbert had never A: been known to volunteer information about anything in his whole life and yet here was matthew cuthbert at half past three on the afternoon of a busy day placidly driving over the hollow and up the hill matthew enjoyed the drive after his own fashion except A: during the moments when he met women and had to nod to them for in prince edward island you are supposed to nod to all and sundry you meet on the road whether you know them or not matthew dreaded all women except marilla and missus rachel debray could but give her advice she must apply to some one more A: powerful than he isn't that beautiful what did that tree leaning out from the bank all white and lacy make you think of she asked well now i dunno said matthew why a bride A: of course a bride all in white with a lovely misty veil as if poisoning wells were a purely feminine accomplishment and not to be dreaded in the case of a boy i'd never dream A: of taking a girl to bring up i wonder at missus alexander spencer for doing it but there she wouldn't shrink from adopting a whole orphan asylum if she took it into her head peter had asked him of course for matthew cuthbert had never A: been known to volunteer information about anything in his whole life and yet here was matthew cuthbert at half past three on the afternoon of a busy day placidly driving over the hollow and up the hill there's never anybody to be had but those stupid half grown little french boys and as soon as you do get one broke into your ways and taught something he's up and off to the A: lobster canneries or the states at first matthew suggested getting a home boy but i said no flat to that i don't understand said matthew helplessly wishing that marilla was at A: hand to cope with the situation well you'd better question the girl said the station master carelessly i dare say she'll be able to explain she's got a tongue of her own that's certain or a hollow where wild plums hung out their filmy bloom the air was sweet with the breath of many apple orchards and the meadows A: sloped away in the distance to horizon mists of pearl and purple while the little birds sang as if it were the one day of summer in all the year nor how he's likely to turn out why it was only last week i read in the paper how a man and his wife up west of the island took a boy out of an orphan A: asylum and he set fire to the house at night set it on purpose marilla and nearly burnt them to a crisp in their beds i don't understand said matthew helplessly wishing that marilla was at A: hand to cope with the situation well you'd better question the girl said the station master carelessly i dare say she'll be able to explain she's got a tongue of her own that's certain the baroness returned to the hotel with as much caution as eugenie used in leaving it she ran lightly up stairs and with an aching A: heart entered her apartment contiguous as we know to that of eugenie she was fearful of exciting any remark i suppose you are mister matthew cuthbert of green gables she said in a peculiarly A: clear sweet voice i'm very glad to see you i was beginning to be afraid you weren't coming for me not only because he was a A: source of dissension and scandal under the paternal roof but because she had at once classed him in that catalogue of bipeds whom plato endeavors to withdraw from the appellation of men but no on reflection the procureur was not a merciless man and it was not the magistrate A: slave to his duties but the friend the loyal friend who roughly but firmly cut into the very core of the corruption and i know another case where an adopted boy used to suck the eggs they couldn't break him of it if A: you had asked my advice in the matter which you didn't do marilla i'd have said for mercy's sake not to think of such a thing that's what well marilla i'll just tell you plain that i think you're doing a mighty foolish thing a A: risky thing that's what you don't know what you're getting you're bringing a strange child into your house and home and you don't know a single thing about him nor what his disposition is like nor what sort of parents he had thin woman with angles and without curves A: her dark hair showed some gray streaks and was always twisted up in a hard little knot behind with two wire hairpins stuck aggressively through it she looked like a woman of narrow experience and rigid conscience which she was was enjoying himself like most quiet folks he liked talkative people when they were willing to do the talking themselves and did not expect him to keep up his end of it but he had never expected to enjoy the A: society of a little girl women were bad enough in all conscience but little girls were worse there were three plates laid so that marilla must be expecting some one home with matthew to tea but the dishes were everyday dishes and A: there was only crab apple preserves and one kind of cake so that the expected company could not be any particular company not only because the match was good and likely to insure the happiness of her child but because it would also A: set her at liberty she ran therefore to debray who after having like the rest of paris witnessed the contract scene and the scandal attending it and a full soft brown beard which he had worn ever since he was twenty in fact he had looked at twenty very much as he A: looked at sixty lacking a little of the grayness when he reached bright river there was no sign of any train might have seen that the chin was very pointed and pronounced that the big eyes were A: full of spirit and vivacity that the mouth was sweet lipped and expressive that the forehead was broad and full in short our discerning extraordinary observer might have concluded for the last month this wretched house had presented the gloomy appearance of a lazaretto infected with the plague some of the apartments were closed A: within and without the shutters were only opened to admit a minute's air showing the scared face of a footman
### Context: Question: How old was Chopin when he left Poland? (Answer: 20). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: Arthur Hutchings stated that Chopin's lack of what made him special? (Answer: Byronic flamboyance). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: In what year did several Foxconn workers commit suicide? (Answer: 2010). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: What percentage of students at Notre Dame are the children of former Notre Dame students? (Answer: 21–24%). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: Who did BMG partner with in 2005-2007? (Answer: Sony Music Entertainment). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: For whose benefit was the first of these concerts performed for on 2 April 1833? (Answer: Harriet Smithson). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: When did the English take over the area from the Dutch? (Answer: 1664). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: By what means is the President of the Republic elected? (Answer: by direct, universal suffrage). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: How many people watched the 2011 MTV Music Awards? (Answer: 12.4 million). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What company did Beyoncé's father work for when she was a child? (Answer: Xerox). Label: Law. ### Context: Question: Which recurring James Bond characters appear in Spectre? (Answer: M, Q and Eve Moneypenny). Label: Other. ### Context: Question: What university was Lok-Ham Chan a professor at? (Answer: the University of Washington). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: If Beyonce won three Grammies in 2015, how many was she nominated for? (Answer: six awards). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: What kind of ensemble did Kanye hire to work on his second album? (Answer: string orchestra). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: How much more money did Spectre make during its first weekend in China than Skyfall? (Answer: 198%). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: This season, the winner won a recording contract with what company? (Answer: Big Machine Records). Label: Money. ### Context: Question: What company manufactures the iPod? (Answer: Apple). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: Which professor from Northeastern University wrote about how race correlates with these criticisms of Beyonce? (Answer: Emmett Price). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What is the name of the charity that Idol has? (Answer: Idol Gives Back). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: When did Beyoncé endorse on March 26, 2013? (Answer: same sex marriage). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: Which person oversaw the creation of a science hall at Notre Dame in 1883? (Answer: Fr. Zahm). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What year did the third season of American Idol first air? (Answer: 2004). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: How many people watched the first episode of American Idol? (Answer: 9.9 million). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: What website hosted auditions for American Idols tenth season? (Answer: Myspace). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: Who calls the four immeasurable minds "four limitless ones"? (Answer: Pema Chödrön). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: How many more votes did Studdard have at the finale? (Answer: 134,000). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: How many daily bicycle riders are there in NYC? (Answer: 200,000). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: Who manufactured the hard drives for the first iPods? (Answer: Toshiba). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: At whose funeral did Chopin play in 1839? (Answer: Adolphe Nourrit). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: Who did Frédéric meet in the spring of 1834 at the Lower Rhenish Music Festival? (Answer: Felix Mendelssohn). Label: Facility. ### Context: Question: What year did Wang and Nyima believe that the Mongol Prince Punala went to Nanjing? (Answer: 1371). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: When did Simon Cowell announce he was no longer going to be a judge? (Answer: January 11, 2010). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: What poet did Chopin use verses from for songs? (Answer: Adam Mickiewicz). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Scholars do not make claims without evidence about who's life? (Answer: Buddha). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What title was Sonam Gyatso granted in 1587? (Answer: the title Dorjichang or Vajradhara Dalai Lama). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: What year was the Great Sioux War? (Answer: 1876). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: What was also donated? (Answer: blood). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: Who conquered Tansaxania? (Answer: The Kara-Khanid Khanate). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Which Apple technology did Pat-rights complain breached their patent in a lawsuit? (Answer: FairPlay). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: Who owns 19 Recordings? (Answer: 19 Entertainment). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: Who wrote the fictionalized "Chopin?" (Answer: Giacomo Orefice). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What forced resettlement throughout Tajikistan? (Answer: Soviet collectivization policy brought violence against peasants and forced resettlement). Label: Law. ### Context: Question: When did Beyonce begin her second world tour? (Answer: March 2009). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: How many colleges for undergraduates are at Notre Dame? (Answer: five). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: What company was targeted by leaks of company information? (Answer: Sony Pictures Entertainment). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Who was expelled from the country after the assassination attempt on Joseph I? (Answer: The Jesuits). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What firm managed Kanye West's rap group? (Answer: Hustle Period). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What is the term for agnostics? (Answer: Ajnanas). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: What type of Buddhism is Tibeto-Mongolian based on? (Answer: Mahayana). Label: Abbreviation. ### Context: Question: What does sila refer to? (Answer: overall principles of ethical behavior). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What type of fisheries does the state have? (Answer: trout and kokanee salmon fisheries). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: On what island is Cornell Tech located? (Answer: Roosevelt Island). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: The Brooklyn Bridge was the worlds largest until what date? (Answer: 1903). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: Who did the Hongwu Emperor send convoys to? (Answer: Yuan officeholders). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: How many tracks were recorded on the preorder CD? (Answer: 20). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: When was slavery completely outlawed in the state of New York? (Answer: 1827). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: About how many people work in the New York fashion industry? (Answer: 180,000). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: What was the name of Kanye's clothing line premiered at Madison Square Garden? (Answer: Yeezy Season 3). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: How many Grammys has Beyoncé won? (Answer: 20). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: In What season did Diana DeGarmo come in second on American Idol? (Answer: three). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: On March 23, 1833, who headlined and performed with Chopin at a concert? (Answer: Liszt and Hiller). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: At the end of the cycle of rebirth a person is called what? (Answer: arahants). Label: Other. ### Context: Question: When did the Solar Challenger cross the English Channel? (Answer: July 1981). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: What is Beyonce's full name? (Answer: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Who is the patron saint of Notre Dame? (Answer: the Virgin Mary). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: When did the Yongle Emperor invite Deshin Shekpa to his court? (Answer: March 10, 1403). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: How many shocks ranged from 4.0 MS to 4.9 MS? (Answer: 246). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: What role does Daniel Craig play in Spectre? (Answer: James Bond). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What band supports Beyonce in her tours? (Answer: Suga Mama). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: What was the name of the film that Gwyneth Paltrow starred in as a musician? (Answer: Country Strong.). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: Beyonce took home how many awards at the 57th Grammy Awards? (Answer: three). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: How many highways leading into Wenchuan were damaged? (Answer: All of the highways). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: Where are HTS teams working with the military in addition to Afghanistan? (Answer: Iraq). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: When it comes to plans and outcomes, what do development anthropologists look at between them? (Answer: gap). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: Where did Beyonce give birth to her first child? (Answer: Lenox Hill Hospital). Label: Facility. ### Context: Question: During what week was there a problem with voting? (Answer: top 11 week). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: How long before the quake did Cyclone Nargis strike Burma? (Answer: 10 days). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: Which group was responsible for the C-X75s featured in Spectre? (Answer: Williams). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What tribes took control of the region in first centry CE? (Answer: Yuezhi tribes). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: Which film studio won the full copyright film rights to Spectre? (Answer: MGM). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: What Mahayana related label is considered derogatory? (Answer: hinayana). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: How many records has Beyonce sold in her 19 year career? (Answer: 118 million). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: How many works did Chopin write in 1845? (Answer: three mazurkas). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: At what age did Kanye West relocate to China? (Answer: 10). Label: Facility. ### Context: Question: What do most Portuguese people die from? (Answer: noncommunicable diseases). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: Where were the exchanges based? (Answer: southwestern China). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: What is the motto of the New York City Fire Department? (Answer: New York's Bravest). Label: Other. ### Context: Question: Who is notable for coining the term "Holocaust?" (Answer: Raphael Lemkin). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Who was the principal of Sangzao Middle School? (Answer: Ye Zhiping). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Fans could vote for what during this contest? (Answer: coronation song). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: 'Melting pot' was first used to describe neighborhoods in what area of the city? (Answer: Lower East Side). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: What teachings are the most important to Buddhism? (Answer: the Four Noble Truths). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What singer inspired Beyoncé's B'Day album? (Answer: Josephine Baker.). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Who directed the thirteenth season of American Idol? (Answer: Gregg Gelfand). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What is the only Tipitaka to survive intact in its original language? (Answer: Pāli Tipitaka). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: In what year did Portugal become a part of Umayyad Caliphate's empire? (Answer: 711). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: Over 90% of homes use solar hot water systems in which two countries? (Answer: Israel and Cyprus). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: What national disaster caused Beyonce to create the Survivor Foundation? (Answer: Hurricane Katrina). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: ISO 10217 relates to standards for what? (Answer: materials used in solar water heaters). Label: Other. ### Context: Question: At E3 in 2005, what console did Nintendo reveal the next Zelda game would be developed for? (Answer: Wii). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: What drives the plot of the book more than the characters? (Answer: The South itself). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: UHI is an abbreviation of what? (Answer: Urban heat islands). Label: Other. ### Context: Question: Where studio hosts the live final rounds on American Idol? (Answer: CBS Television City). Label: Facility. ### Context: Question: In which year did the taifa period end? (Answer: 1086). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: What is the full name of the organization known by the acronym AIA? (Answer: American Institute of Architects). Label: Abbreviation. ### Context: Question: How much did the second world tour make in dollars? (Answer: 119.5 million). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: Where is the China Tibetology Research Center located? (Answer: Beijing). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: Where was Blue Ivy born? (Answer: Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: On what season was Kristy Lee Cook a contestant on American Idol? (Answer: season seven). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: There is an idea where ethics are causally related to the attainment of what? (Answer: transcendent wisdom). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: When was the theatrical trailer of the movie released? (Answer: July 2015). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: What did Gautama accept from a village girl? (Answer: milk and rice). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: Vinters have adopted solar technology to do what? (Answer: power grape presses). Label: Other. ### Context: Question: What did Fleming initially think a good use would be for it? (Answer: chemotherapy). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What name did Kanye's early production style coin. (Answer: chipmunk soul). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What does the Sanskrit term Karma translate as? (Answer: action, work). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: How many New Yorkers work in the food processing field? (Answer: 19,000). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: When did Harper Lee pass away? (Answer: February 2016). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: Maurice Schlesinger and Camille Pleyel were what to Chopin? (Answer: original publishers). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What was taken into account, without mentioning specific crimes? (Answer: the Commission report). Label: Law. ### Context: Question: What is the biggest public park in the city? (Answer: Pelham Bay Park). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: Who ended up with ownership of Spectre? (Answer: MGM). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: Where in Central Park are performances offered at no cost? (Answer: Summerstage). Label: Facility. ### Context: Question: The City University of New York system consists of how many institutions? (Answer: 24). Label: Other. ### Context: Question: In what form is anatta not meant as a metaphysical assertion? (Answer: Nikayas). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: Where was Beyoncé's first public performance after giving birth? (Answer: Revel Atlantic City's Ovation Hall). Label: Facility. ### Context: Question: Which actor portrayed Bill Tanner? (Answer: Rory Kinnear). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Gustavo Gutierrez is faculty of which institute? (Answer: Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: In what sutras are the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha viewed as One? (Answer: Mahayana). Label: Other. ### Context: Question: Who are the main female role models for Scout during the story? (Answer: Calpurnia and Miss Maudie). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Who is still looking for compensation and justice? (Answer: many families). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What concept was Frédéric credited with creating? (Answer: instrumental ballade). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: Who was the host of American Idol in its fourteenth season? (Answer: Ryan Seacrest). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: How often does Montana voted for a Democratic president? (Answer: 40 percent). Label: Facility. ### Context: Question: By who was the first record of solar distillation done by? (Answer: 16th-century Arab alchemists). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: What was the title of Kanye's sixth album? (Answer: Yeezus). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: In 1998 it was written that the CPPCG was a legal entity resulting in which type of compromise? (Answer: a diplomatic compromise). Label: Time. ### Context: Question: Which one of Peck's relatives was named Harper in honor of Lee? (Answer: grandson). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What foundation had already begun relief work in the area? (Answer: The Amity Foundation). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: How many of the buildings in Beichuan collapsed? (Answer: 80%). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: What is the name of the standard related to the materials used in solar water heaters? (Answer: ISO 10217). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What catch-phrase was invented as a result of collapsed schools? (Answer: tofu-dregs schoolhouses). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: The Dharmagupta schol spread in what century to Kashmir? (Answer: 3rd century). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: The landmark, General Grant National Memorial, is also called what? (Answer: Grant's Tomb). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What is the only operating system on which iPhone SDK-made games can be played? (Answer: iOS). Label: Abbreviation. ### Context: Question: When did the Northern Pacific Railroad reach Montana from the east? (Answer: 1882). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: Who did Chopin last perform with? (Answer: Auguste Franchomme). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Which professor sent the first wireless message in the USA? (Answer: Professor Jerome Green). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: What areas did Beyonce compete in when she was growing up? (Answer: singing and dancing). Label: Other. ### Context: Question: Beyonce's grandma's name was? (Answer: Agnèz Deréon). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: How many of Kanye West's albums were recognized by Rolling Stone Magazine? (Answer: 3). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: How many hours of real-time battery life did the 5th-generation iPod test at, compared to its advertised 14 hours? (Answer: 8 hours). Label: Law. ### Context: Question: What place is she tied for in songwriting credits? (Answer: third). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: What was the name of the aircraft that crashed into the World Trade Center's South Tower on September 11, 2001? (Answer: United Airlines Flight 175). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: On what date did the peace conference on Staten Island occur? (Answer: September 11, 1776). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: By when did the Portuguese unemployment rate pass the 10% mark? (Answer: December 2009). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: In what year did Kanye West's mother pass away? (Answer: 2008). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: What type of anthropology do feminist anthropologists inclusively specialize in? (Answer: birth anthropology). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What problem has substantially increased in its severity? (Answer: forest fires). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What was the SAT score, on average, at Notre Dame when Edward Malloy became president? (Answer: 1240). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: Kid Cudi joined Kanye for which album? (Answer: 808s & Heartbreak). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What is a way to reduce the high temperatures created in urban heat islands? (Answer: paint buildings and roads white and plant trees). Label: Other. ### Context: Question: About how many hotel rooms are there in Manhattan? (Answer: 90,000). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: How many square miles in NYC? (Answer: 468.9). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: When did the Yuan dynasty rule? (Answer: 1271–1368). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: What is thought to be the first fictionalized work about Chopin? (Answer: Chopin). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What year was the earliest Chopin recording created? (Answer: 1895). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: In what borough is Silicon Alley located? (Answer: Manhattan). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: When did Russia say they will be sending more troops to Tajikistan? (Answer: 2015). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: Which actor plays the role of Mr. Hinx? (Answer: Dave Bautista). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: About how many police work for the NYPD? (Answer: 35,000). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: As of 2013, how many people worked for a securities business in New York? (Answer: 163,400). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: Who were the writers of Spectre? (Answer: Neal Purvis and Robert Wade). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What does Bodhisattva mean? (Answer: enlightenment being). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What share of the US digital music player market does iPod hold? (Answer: 90%). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: What do plasmids do in resistance? (Answer: carry several different resistance genes). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: Paraffin wax is an example of what kind of storage media? (Answer: thermal). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: Other than Tibetan Buddhism, what other Buddhism supports bardo? (Answer: East Asian). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: Who stated in August 2014 that they picked up the rights beginning in its 2015 season? (Answer: Yes TV). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: What was Frédéric's most likely cause of death? (Answer: tuberculosis). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What type of Buddhism adds a fourth refuge? (Answer: Tibetan). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: When was Islam brought to the region? (Answer: in the early eighth century). Label: Time. ### Context: Question: How many pigs died in Sichuan? (Answer: 1 million). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: What company is developing the remaster? (Answer: Tantalus Media). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: What was the name of the new musical style that emerged from New York in the 1970s? (Answer: hip hop). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What is the name of the solar energy research facility in the US? (Answer: SERI, now NREL). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: What has happened to photovoltaic in the past 20 years? (Answer: evolved from a pure niche market of small scale applications towards becoming a mainstream electricity source). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: What country originally pulled iPods due to higher-than-allowed volume levels? (Answer: France). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: What does Ganondorf crush? (Answer: Midna's helmet). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What was the name of the first solar powered boat that crossed the Atlantic ocean? (Answer: the sun21 catamaran). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: Who did Harper Lee become childhood friends with? (Answer: Truman Capote). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: How many New York City residents are of Greek heritage? (Answer: 65,000). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: What New York street is associated with fashion? (Answer: Seventh Avenue). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What effect will solar energy have on the price of fossil fuels? (Answer: keep fossil fuel prices lower than otherwise). Label: Abbreviation. ### Context: Question: Who provided the other 30 helicopters? (Answer: civil aviation industry). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: How high did ''Deja Vu'' climb on the Billboard chart? (Answer: top five). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: What do plasmids do in resistance? (Answer: carry several different resistance genes). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What is the total number of aircraft used in the relief operation? (Answer: over 150). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: On what island did the Dutch set up a settlement to trade furs? (Answer: Governors Island). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: How many votes were cast for contestants in the first season? (Answer: Over 110 million). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: When did the American Idol Experience open? (Answer: February 14, 2009). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: Which decade did hip hop start to surface in NYC? (Answer: 1970s). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: Which artist was Kanye supposed to tour with, but couldn't due to the Taylor Swift controversy? (Answer: Lady Gaga). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Which American Idol contestant won an Oscar for Dreamgirls? (Answer: Jennifer Hudson). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Where is Topshop located? (Answer: London). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: In 2001, what city's mayor picked To Kill a Mockingbird as their favorite book? (Answer: Chicago). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: What year did season 13 of American Idol first air? (Answer: 2014). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: What is the official journal of New York City? (Answer: the City Record). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: Who did Altan Khan overthrow? (Answer: the Oirat Mongol confederation's hegemony). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Who created the Ming Dynasty? (Answer: Zhu Yuanzhang). Label: Law. ### Context: Question: How many Billboard chart toppers did American Idol contestants have within the first ten seasons? (Answer: 345). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: What was Pombal's "enlightenment" an apparatus for? (Answer: crushing opposition, suppressing criticism, and furthering colonial economic exploitation). Label: Law. ### Context: Question: According to article Tibet has remained under what jurisdiction? (Answer: the central government of China). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: What was the size of the Notre Dame endowment when Theodore Hesburgh became president? (Answer: $9 million). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: Where studio hosts the live final rounds on American Idol? (Answer: CBS Television City). Label: Facility. ### Context: Question: What two cities have a population over 50,000? (Answer: Missoula and Great Falls). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: What was Beyonce's third perfume named? (Answer: Pulse). Label: Law. ### Context: Question: Which season three contestant on American Idol was the recipient of reported death threats? (Answer: John Stevens). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What is a way to reduce the high temperatures created in urban heat islands? (Answer: paint buildings and roads white and plant trees). Label: Abbreviation. ### Context: Question: What percent of Tajiks were killed during the war? (Answer: Between 60,000(4%) and 120,000(8%)). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: Who was granted higher status than the Han Chinese majority? (Answer: the Mongols and other ethnicities). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: What Mahayana related label is considered derogatory? (Answer: hinayana). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: Who filed a lawsuit over Survivor? (Answer: Luckett and Roberson). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What is another nature of Dukkha? (Answer: anxiety). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What other religious communities exist in Portugal? (Answer: Protestant, Latter-day Saint, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Eastern Orthodox Church, Jehovah's Witnesses, Baha'i, Buddhist, Jewish and Spiritist). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: In what two years was there a financial crisis? (Answer: 2007–08). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: Whom did Lee base the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird on? (Answer: her family and neighbors). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Where was Beyoncé's first public performance after giving birth? (Answer: Revel Atlantic City's Ovation Hall). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: In 1835 where did Chopin and his parents visit? (Answer: Carlsbad). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What mountians do the Pamiri people call home? (Answer: Pamir Mountains). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: When was I ❤ NY first used in advertisements? (Answer: 1977). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: When did Beyoncé release her fifth studio album? (Answer: December 13, 2013). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: Conversely the scholars who did view the Serbs' acts as constituting genocide, were backed up by what Tribunal? (Answer: the ICTY). Label: Abbreviation. ### Context: Question: The iPod Touch uses what kind of interface? (Answer: touchscreen). Label: Facility. ### Context: Question: Where is Volkswagen Group's AutoEuropa assembly plant located? (Answer: Palmela). Label: Organization. ### Context: Question: Which singer beat out Beyonce for best video performance? (Answer: Taylor Swift). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: The previous record beaten by Park Avenue was for what real estate? (Answer: 660 Madison Avenue). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: Who set up an online site to focus on blind spots in recovery? (Answer: news agency Xinhua). Label: Facility. ### Context: Question: What are some examples of notable organizations focused on scientific exhibitions? (Answer: Science Museum of the University of Coimbra, the National Museum of Natural History at the University of Lisbon, and the Visionarium). Label: Facility. ### Context: Question: Who was the winner for this season? (Answer: Taylor Hicks). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: William Atwood suggested that Chopin's music wasn't purposely patriotic but what? (Answer: intuitive). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: What was the top single off the album "Watch the Throne"? (Answer: "Niggas in Paris"). Label: Entity. ### Context: Question: When Chopin started to take his music to the world, what is the last name of the person who went with him to Austria? (Answer: Woyciechowski). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: In what year did the Brooklyn Bridge cease to be the world's longest suspension bridge? (Answer: 1903). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: How man pins did the pre-Lightning dock connecter use? (Answer: 30). Label: Date. ### Context: Question: What is the average income in the New York securities industry? (Answer: US$360,700). Label: Money. ### Context: Question: Of the thousands of songs entered, how many were the public able to vote for? (Answer: 20). Label: Quantity. ### Context: Question: In what neighborhood is the Stonewall Inn located? (Answer: Greenwich Village). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: What did a Peking professor say about Chinese media coverage? (Answer: up to international standards). Label: Event. ### Context: Question: New York City is the biggest city in the United States since what historical date? (Answer: 1790). Label: Law. ### Context: Question: Beyonce's first modelling event was at where? (Answer: Tom Ford's Spring/Summer 2011 fashion show). Label: Location. ### Context: Question: How did Beyonce describe herself as a feminist? (Answer: modern-day feminist). Label: Humans. ### Context: Question: Secret research and reports are things which should never be what? (Answer: given). Label: Other.
Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 3- John journeyed to the office. Fact 4- Daniel went to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: office Ans: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went back to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the office. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the office. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 3- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary moved to the bathroom. Fact 5- John went back to the office. Fact 6- Daniel went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 2- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 3- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the office. Fact 5- Sandra went to the office. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went to the office. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 7- John went back to the hallway. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 9- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 10- Mary went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 2- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 3- Mary travelled to the office. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office Ans: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 2- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 4- John moved to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 4- John journeyed to the office. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 6- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 7- John moved to the garden. Fact 8- Daniel went back to the hallway. Fact 9- Mary went to the office. Fact 10- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office Ans: Fact 9 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 4- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the hallway. Fact 6- John moved to the garden. Fact 7- Daniel moved to the kitchen. Fact 8- Mary travelled to the office. Fact 9- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 10- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 3- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 7- John moved to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary moved to the bathroom. Fact 9- John went back to the office. Fact 10- Mary went to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 2- John went to the hallway. Fact 3- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 4- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 6- John moved to the garden. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 2- Mary went back to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 3- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 4- John went back to the bedroom. Fact 5- John moved to the office. Fact 6- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 7- John went back to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary went to the office. Fact 9- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 10- John travelled to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 2- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 3- John went back to the office. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 5- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 6- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: office Ans: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel went to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 3- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 5- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 6- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 7- John went back to the garden. Fact 8- Mary went to the office. Fact 9- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 10- Mary went back to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary went back to the office. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 3- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 5- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 7- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 9- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 10- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the bathroom. Fact 2- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 3- John went to the office. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 5- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 6- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 8- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 9- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Fact 10- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went to the hallway. Fact 3- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Fact 5- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 7- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 9- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 10- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 9 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- John travelled to the garden. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John went to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 7- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 8- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 5- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 6- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 7- John moved to the garden. Fact 8- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 9- Mary went to the office. Fact 10- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the office. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- John journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 2- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 3- Daniel went to the garden. Fact 4- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Fact 6- John moved to the hallway. Fact 7- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 5- Daniel went to the bathroom. Fact 6- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 7- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 8- John went to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra moved to the hallway. Fact 2- John moved to the hallway. Fact 3- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 4- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary travelled to the bedroom. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 7- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 8- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the office. Fact 2- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 3- John went to the garden. Fact 4- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 6- John went to the bedroom. Fact 7- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 8- Mary travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the bathroom. Fact 3- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 4- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 6- Sandra went to the office. Fact 7- Mary moved to the office. Fact 8- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 9- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 10- Daniel journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- John moved to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 4- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 5- Daniel went back to the hallway. Fact 6- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Fact 7- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 8- Sandra went to the kitchen. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the garden. Fact 3- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel went to the garden. Fact 7- John went to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went back to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 4- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John went to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 7- Mary travelled to the office. Fact 8- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 4- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 5- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 8- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 4- John journeyed to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: office Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 3- Mary moved to the bathroom. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 2- John travelled to the office. Fact 3- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 4- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 5- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel went to the office. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 3- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 5- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 6- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 7- John went back to the garden. Fact 8- Mary went to the office. Fact 9- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 10- Mary went back to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 4- John journeyed to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: office Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 2- Mary went back to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office Ans: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went to the office. Fact 3- John moved to the office. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: office Ans: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 3- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 5- John moved to the office. Fact 6- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel moved to the bedroom. Fact 8- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 2- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- Daniel went to the garden. Fact 5- John went back to the bathroom. Fact 6- Sandra moved to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 5- Daniel went to the bathroom. Fact 6- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 7- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 8- John went to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went to the office. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 7- John went back to the hallway. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 9- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 10- Mary went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the office. Fact 2- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 3- Sandra went to the bathroom. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the office. Fact 5- Sandra went to the office. Fact 6- Sandra went to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 2- John moved to the office. Fact 3- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 6- John journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel went to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 4- John journeyed to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: office Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the office. Fact 2- Daniel went to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office Ans: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office Ans: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- John went back to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra went to the bathroom. Fact 4- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 5- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 6- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 2- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 4- John moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 6- Mary moved to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 3- John went back to the office. Fact 4- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 5- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- John went to the bedroom. Fact 7- Mary moved to the bathroom. Fact 8- John journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the garden. Fact 3- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel went to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel went to the office. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 5- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 6- Daniel went to the bedroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the office. Fact 4- Mary moved to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the garden. Fact 2- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 3- Mary went to the office. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 5- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 6- John went back to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the office. Fact 4- Mary moved to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John went back to the garden. Fact 2- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- John journeyed to the office. Fact 4- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 6- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 7- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 8- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 9- Daniel moved to the bathroom. Fact 10- Mary went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 7- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 8- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 9- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 10- John journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the bathroom. Fact 2- Mary journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 3- Mary moved to the bathroom. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the bedroom. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 3- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 6- John went to the garden. Fact 7- John moved to the hallway. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 3- John travelled to the office. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 5- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 6- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 7- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 8- Sandra went back to the garden. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 3- Mary moved to the bathroom. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 2- John moved to the office. Fact 3- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 6- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 7- John went to the hallway. Fact 8- Sandra went back to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the office. Fact 4- Mary moved to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 2- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 3- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra went to the office. Fact 5- John went back to the hallway. Fact 6- John travelled to the office. Fact 7- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 8- Daniel moved to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: office Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 3- John went back to the hallway. Fact 4- John moved to the office. Fact 5- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 2- John journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went to the office. Fact 3- John moved to the office. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 8- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 9- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 10- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 9 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the bathroom. Fact 2- Mary journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 3- John went back to the hallway. Fact 4- John moved to the office. Fact 5- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 4- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 6- John travelled to the garden. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 2- Mary moved to the garden. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went back to the office. Fact 3- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went back to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 4- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 5- John travelled to the office. Fact 6- John went to the hallway. Fact 7- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 8- John went back to the office. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 3- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 4- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- John moved to the office. Fact 4- Mary moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 2- John moved to the bathroom. Fact 3- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 4- John moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- John went to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 8- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 9- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 10- John travelled to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 2- John moved to the bathroom. Fact 3- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 4- John moved to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 2- Sandra went to the bathroom. Fact 3- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John went to the garden. Fact 6- John travelled to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 2- John moved to the bathroom. Fact 3- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 4- John moved to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 3- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 4- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 6- John moved to the kitchen. Fact 7- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 2- John went to the kitchen. Fact 3- Mary went to the office. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office Ans: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the kitchen. Fact 2- John travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 4- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 4- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the hallway. Fact 6- John moved to the garden. Fact 7- Daniel moved to the kitchen. Fact 8- Mary travelled to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 2- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 3- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the garden. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the bedroom. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 3- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 6- John went to the garden. Fact 7- John moved to the hallway. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 2- John travelled to the office. Fact 3- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 4- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 5- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- John went back to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went back to the bedroom. Fact 4- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary went to the garden. Fact 6- Daniel moved to the kitchen. Fact 7- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 9- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 10- Mary went back to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 3- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 5- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 6- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 7- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 8- Sandra travelled to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: office Ans: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- John went back to the garden. Fact 3- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- John travelled to the garden. Fact 5- John went to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Mary moved to the kitchen. Fact 3- Sandra moved to the hallway. Fact 4- Mary went to the office. Fact 5- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 6- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 7- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 8- Sandra moved to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 4- Mary went back to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway Ans: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 2- John moved to the bathroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 2- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 3- Daniel went to the garden. Fact 4- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Fact 6- John moved to the hallway. Fact 7- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen Ans: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra went to the office. Fact 5- Daniel went to the garden. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom Ans: Fact 6
[66, 31, -63, 84, 39, 26, -69, -89, -73] Label: 173 [-56, 72, -42] Label: 128 [36, 19, -10] Label: 46 [21, 29, -47, 45, 13, 99, -73] Label: 172 [51, 86, 85, -83, -60, -14, -87, 67, 25] Label: 173 [64, 85, 24, 58, -32] Label: 117 [48, 46, 41, -20, -79, -100, -32, 41, -30, -9] Label: 148 [68, 90, -29] Label: 119 [100, -28, 29, -15, -77, -78, 96, -34, 93] Label: 178 [-26, -17, 10, 32, 84, 49] Label: 110 [35, -15, 31, 60, 1, 56, 79, -28] Label: 107 [69, -17, -25, 56, 71, 50, -19, -63] Label: 134 [28, -34, -61, 86, -58, 97, -65, 55, -3, 64] Label: 162 [24, 57, 22, 65, -27] Label: 92 [-94, 63, -7, 55] Label: 157 [-78, -32, -94] Label: 62 [-32, -29, 39, -9, -57, -37, -41, -65] Label: 104 [-25, -14, -80] Label: 66 [-14, -26, 83, 57] Label: 109 [-63, -2, -88, -70, -67] Label: 86 [57, 39, 48, 35, -84, 0, 69, 6, 82, 50] Label: 166 [-54, 59, -31, 4] Label: 113 [-99, -61, -24, -77, -56, 13, -36, 32, -77] Label: 131 [-71, 89, 83, -30, 11, 71, -2, 10] Label: 160 [48, 46, 41, -20, -79, -100, -32, 41, -30, -9] Label: 148 [-71, 44, -1, 62, -74, 63, -6, 71, 14, -10] Label: 145 [78, 64, -67, -70] Label: 148 [-19, 52, 17, 10] Label: 71 [-4, 51, -41, 50, 16, -40] Label: 92 [-97, 90, 33, 53, 3, -7, 11] Label: 187 [40, 72, -26, 48, 2, 8, -32] Label: 104 [80, -74, -82, 62, 75, 4, 35, -76, -65, -20] Label: 162 [-19, -15, -92, 50, 79, 40, -47, 55, 0] Label: 171 [-23, -38, -49] Label: 26 [-17, 23, 25] Label: 42 [95, 15, -23, 64, -6, -100] Label: 195 [64, 49, -5, -49, 38, 60, -35, -35, -10, -5] Label: 113 [25, -14, 44, -19, 84, 6] Label: 103 [42, -56, 94, 26, 48, 31] Label: 150 [-57, -39, -97, -48, 38, 18, 74, 46, 26, -68] Label: 171 [-21, -68, 71, 35, 73, 9, -20, 97, -17, 80] Label: 165 [69, 27, -66, -75, -26, 81, -63, -24] Label: 156 [39, -21, 94, -9, 11, 99] Label: 120 [-15, -82, -13, 66, -13, -64, -97, -79, -27] Label: 163 [45, 63, 18, -26, 53, -43] Label: 106 [43, 88, 69, 88, 36, -14, 77, 42, -22] Label: 110 [92, 90, -80, -2, 8] Label: 172 [80, 70, 79, -49] Label: 129 [-97, -55, -16, 53, -53, -78] Label: 150 [-87, 51, 71, 76, -15, -94, 14] Label: 170 [90, -91, -4, -36, -35, -40, 76] Label: 181 [-53, -26, -55, 76, -26, 84, 50, 49] Label: 139 [35, 81, -87] Label: 168 [-33, -86, -100] Label: 67 [98, 38, 73, -69, -93, -59, -13] Label: 191 [15, 5, -50, 12, 97, 79, 79] Label: 147 [-56, 58, 41, 77] Label: 133 [-85, 38, -55, 19, -80, -78, 82, 93, -31] Label: 178 [-39, 73, -52, 73, 91, -74] Label: 165 [36, 35, 16, 13, -57, -99, 52, -46, 50, 13] Label: 151 [-18, 92, -57, -68, -17, -93, 75, 50, -44] Label: 185 [-37, -27, 55, -92, 68, 21, -99, -11, -89] Label: 167 [35, 25, 89] Label: 64 [-73, -85, 0] Label: 85 [89, 63, 55, -80, 38] Label: 169 [34, -5, 36, 67, -41, 57, -59, 48] Label: 126 [-54, 2, 100, 47, 87, 67, -38, -76] Label: 176 [24, 44, -6, 76, -4, -91, -33, 10] Label: 167 [72, -76, 80, -68, -5, 71, 87, -53, -69, -79] Label: 166 [43, 77, -43, 34, 71] Label: 120 [-88, 46, 84, -65, 51, 88, -61, 59, 96, 36] Label: 184 [-68, -3, -60, 21, -45, 49] Label: 117 [-91, -67, -83, -14, -82, -85] Label: 77 [6, 43, 86, 65, -81] Label: 167 [16, 63, 22, 55, 66, -58, -18, -25] Label: 124 [79, 60, -80, 91, 93, -5, -70, 34] Label: 173 [77, 83, -89, 41] Label: 172 [-72, -89, 64] Label: 153 [-44, 34, -99] Label: 133 [-61, 85, 97, 98, 20] Label: 159 [-7, -99, 81, 43, -1, -100, -4, 82, 78] Label: 182 [-29, 79, -60, 87] Label: 147 [28, -60, -50, 94, 71, 32, 17, -38] Label: 154 [72, 1, -96, -87, 90, -67, -49] Label: 186 [9, -39, -78, 49] Label: 127 [-27, 45, 93] Label: 120 [53, 61, 15, -65] Label: 126 [-15, 78, -76, 7, -23, 69, 42, 10, -37] Label: 154 [-60, -48, -52, 33] Label: 93 [63, 73, -26, -72, -59, -75, -81, -93] Label: 166 [-38, 51, -80, 68] Label: 148 [-32, 2, 22, 59, -71, -47, 22, -26] Label: 130 [-81, 36, -54, 48, -6, -72, 77] Label: 158 [26, 8, -18, -93, 4, -46, 0, 37, 100] Label: 193 [-30, 50, -86, -68, 88, -25, 48, -96] Label: 184 [-6, 72, 82, 40, 40, 50, 58, 0] Label: 88 [-94, 52, 58] Label: 152 [-65, 3, 20, -34, 54, 63, -97, 33] Label: 160 [-47, -17, -32, 72, 34, 0, 27, 83] Label: 130 [22, -46, 22, -92, -98] Label: 120 [61, -13, -97, 32, 77, 60, 58, 49, -67] Label: 174 [51, 98, 56, 77, 49] Label: 49 [83, -27, 8, 26, 39, 9, 78] Label: 110 [43, 59, -46, 57] Label: 105 [87, 17, -74, 16, 26, 97, 69, -98] Label: 195 [32, 48, -76, 22, 89, -71, 86, -10, 17] Label: 165 [56, 80, -81, -34, -42, -55, -73, 39, 31] Label: 161 [91, -68, -9, -15, -9, 81, 78] Label: 159 [-49, 14, -74] Label: 88 [-46, 77, 17, 85] Label: 131 [-97, 71, -49, -2, 58, -35, -8, 69, 46] Label: 168 [-7, -59, 92] Label: 151 [-86, -88, -8, 87, 99, -45, -69, -30, -44] Label: 187 [-7, 1, 73, -83, 60, 46, -16] Label: 156 [0, -67, -67, -11, 4, 91, -52, 51] Label: 158 [90, -24, 78] Label: 114 [-43, 72, 49] Label: 115 [-95, -7, 80, -88, -65, 7, -39, 41] Label: 175 [-14, 54, -50, -7, -59, -82] Label: 136 [-10, 70, 56, -100, 12, -52, 21] Label: 170 [-36, 70, 25, -96, -86, -29, -74, -64, 50] Label: 166 [30, -58, -34, -58, -18, -98, -24, 89, 86, 4] Label: 187 [-46, -31, -95, -63, 5, -83, -63, -99] Label: 104 [7, 91, -39, -97, 50, 48, 2, -58, 18, -78] Label: 188 [-30, -12, 8, 75, 6, -46, -6, 89, -76] Label: 165 [-39, -90, 17, -43, 39] Label: 129 [67, 71, -62, 41, -64, -73] Label: 144 [25, -51, -69, -74, -67, -78] Label: 103 [83, -45, 81, 78, 27, 86] Label: 131 [1, 37, -99, 32, 17, -30] Label: 136 [-74, 21, -80, -96, -87, 47, 6, 11] Label: 143 [-7, -68, 10, 72, -82, -21] Label: 154 [33, -88, -97, 98] Label: 195 [16, -63, -51, 76, -27, -48] Label: 139 [88, -97, -16, -81, 4, -32, -26, -33, -53, -6] Label: 185 [41, -97, -1, 26, -19, -41, 16, -25, 55, -20] Label: 152 [7, -18, -52, 82, -54, -58, 5, 87, -42, -9] Label: 145 [-40, 62, -18, 87, -7, -50, -77, 49] Label: 164 [-87, -19, 76, -74, -39] Label: 163 [-21, -67, -26] Label: 46 [83, 41, -88, 78, 49, 27] Label: 171 [40, 58, 68, -80, 51, -63, -65, 82, 100, -95] Label: 195 [38, -49, -87, 8, -34, -25] Label: 125 [-77, -20, 67, -52, -29, 38, -17] Label: 144 [43, 23, -59, 15, -74] Label: 117 [-18, -68, 73] Label: 141 [-68, 81, 65, -94, -85, -29] Label: 175 [99, -32, 23] Label: 131 [86, 84, -39, 26, 97, -38, -87, 95, 99] Label: 186 [-1, 20, -84, -13, 39, -83, -79, -8, 26, 99] Label: 183 [94, -74, 34, -44, -24, 49, 81] Label: 168 [92, 94, -4] Label: 98 [-53, -12, -42, -55, -43, 57, 73] Label: 128 [48, 54, 7] Label: 47 [-75, -51, -10, 90, -92] Label: 182 [35, 29, 90, -44, -40, 38, -64, -53, -6] Label: 154 [79, 89, -97, 83, -3, -43] Label: 186 [-34, 76, -85, -26, -86] Label: 162 [25, -45, -12, -11, -99] Label: 124 [-20, -98, 32, 98, -3, -76, 62, -81, 55, -54] Label: 196 [-74, 35, 22, -45, -63, 0, 56] Label: 130 [51, 58, 17, 42] Label: 41 [-88, -78, 12, 63, 95] Label: 183 [-8, -15, -1, 1] Label: 16 [81, 68, -55] Label: 136 [47, 80, -72, 91, 41, 2, 80, 2, 26] Label: 163 [85, -94, 90, 41, -49, -77] Label: 184 [87, -76, -91, 80, -40, -76, 8] Label: 178 [-16, 73, 99, 1, 81, 21, -26, -34] Label: 133 [-99, 59, -58, -67, -42] Label: 158 [60, -83, -63] Label: 143 [60, -46, -49] Label: 109 [93, 0, 8, -92, -74, -33, 94, -19, -78, 16] Label: 186 [-41, -71, 8, 67, -25, -90, -60, -27, -48, -54] Label: 157 [31, -83, 99, -44, -26, -15] Label: 182 [26, -2, 12] Label: 28 [25, -86, -85, -47, -46, 59] Label: 145 [-73, -95, -81, -70, -76, 42] Label: 137 [53, 6, 47, -70, -53, -7, 57, -89, -74] Label: 146 [36, -18, 67] Label: 85 [18, 75, -74, -27, 55, -3, 30, 44, -47, -10] Label: 149 [82, 100, 91, 42] Label: 58 [2, -76, 98, -46, -32, 45, -74, 71, -68] Label: 174 [-69, -75, 2, -96, -20, -77, 9] Label: 105 [-13, 79, -18, 56, -41, -27] Label: 120 [-39, -64, -2, -76] Label: 74 [-29, 29, 48, -31, -59, -19, 49, -91, 7, -71] Label: 140 [-51, -74, 30, -57, -97, 38, 21, -4, 57] Label: 154 [-25, -63, 12, -28] Label: 75 [-45, 86, 34] Label: 131 [-18, -91, -63, -35, -15, -9, 71, -31, 20] Label: 162 [21, -24, 1, -30, 66, 52, 44] Label: 96 [54, 76, -90, 9, 91, -18, 6, 49, 90] Label: 181 [-32, 25, 98] Label: 130 [20, -65, 22, -15, 77, -67, -46, -63, -91, -87] Label: 168 [81, 31, -12, 33, -82, -16] Label: 163 [-52, 15, -95, -19, -42, 47, 51] Label: 146 [18, -8, -10, -44, -50, 83, -96, -53, 97, 85] Label: 193 [-19, -28, -8, -2, -87, 8, -62] Label: 95 [-77, -20, 67, -52, -29, 38, -17] Label: 144 [-51, -70, -69, 38, 15] Label: 108 [-51, -1, -31, -19, -47, 77, -22] Label: 128 [55, 8, 64, -29, -31, -22, -50, -60, -3] Label: 124 [95, -54, 85, -86, 18, 52, 64, 14] Label: 181 [-82, -42, -13] Label: 69 [23, -25, -81, -77, -9] Label: 104 [-10, -32, 27, 2] Label: 59 [-29, -76, 41, 26] Label: 117 [-49, 21, -12, -8] Label: 70 [42, -48, 25, 7] Label: 90 [61, 96, 90, 21, -22, -98, -43, 77, 11, -20] Label: 194 [37, -22, 29, 17, 88, 22, 2, -50, -23, -1] Label: 138 [-89, 99, 22, -27] Label: 188 [-25, -75, 36, -52, 76, 93, -48, 77, -3] Label: 168 [-96, 3, -71, -4] Label: 99 [-59, -65, -96, -7, 100, 40, -67, -100] Label: 200 [12, -94, -83, -69, -23, 47] Label: 141 [-63, -17, -80, 18, 54, 55, 43, 29, 7] Label: 135 [-100, -84, 39, -1, 53, 16, 83, 97, 90, -96] Label: 197 [47, -12, -12, 1, 39, -42, -88] Label: 135 [22, 2, 29, -93, 47, -18] Label: 140 [-58, -57, -47] Label: 11 [38, -70, -44] Label: 108 [-58, -88, 28, -19, -81, -11, -57, 20, -74] Label: 116 [-65, -73, -53, 1] Label: 74 [-55, 0, -12, 31, -26, -68, -86] Label: 117 [38, 26, 34, 56, 46, -36, 4, 43] Label: 92 [46, -38, 96, 23, 20, -47, -5] Label: 143 [79, -59, -11, 55, -76, -7, -35, -11, 97] Label: 173 [-74, 15, -54, -57, 87, 0, 72, 99, 13] Label: 173 [-23, -78, 80, -78, -4, 52, 63, 36, 35, 24] Label: 158 [-19, -97, -9, 64, -83, 70, -89, 97, -66, -25] Label: 194 [-42, -68, -18] Label: 50 [-92, -71, -35, 46] Label: 138 [-62, -17, -26] Label: 45 [-46, 46, -10, -62, 88, 29] Label: 150 [-89, 43, -89, -79, -47, 78, 36, 37, -49] Label: 167 [3, -1, -47] Label: 50 [39, -38, -2, -89, 52, -80, -32, 98] Label: 187 [2, 100, 39, 12, -6] Label: 106 [30, 13, 15] Label: 17 [-96, -63, -67, 60, -61, 50] Label: 156 [-54, -64, -52, 71] Label: 135 [-21, 24, -13, -52, 22] Label: 76 [37, -3, 75, 13, 82, 99, 79, 84, -42] Label: 141 [92, -37, 7, 22, 4, 82, -31, -56, 74] Label: 148 [-37, -10, -11] Label: 27 [-10, 40, -63, 58, 21, -61, 29, -44, -43] Label: 121 [-19, -88, 42, -27, 57] Label: 145 [-40, 58, -25] Label: 98 [-13, -23, -71, -22, 100] Label: 171 [-22, -43, 99, 91, 22, 51, 22, -14, -45, -91] Label: 190 [-13, 58, 58, -75] Label: 133 [55, 14, 69, 40, 73, 4, -50] Label: 123 [0, -53, -55, 38, 93, -60, 91, -10] Label: 153 [79, 27, 69, 6, 35, -89] Label: 168 [-60, -94, -16, 70, 40, -73] Label: 164 [92, -79, 36, -74, 45, 29, -48] Label: 171 [44, -77, -15, 15] Label: 121 [-40, 78, -1, 50, -83, 77, 74] Label: 161 [94, -63, 31, 73] Label: 157 [-15, 62, 63, -98, -74, -51, -87] Label: 161 [31, -69, -59, -84, -15, 99, -53] Label: 183 [51, 8, -73, 29, 6, -94, 28, -60, -53, 37] Label: 145 [-60, -69, -22, 4, -4, -35, 60, -56, 9, 29] Label: 129 [26, 44, -93, 7, 83, 2, 24, 23] Label: 176 [5, -76, 8, -65] Label: 84 [20, -43, -82, -19, -60, 6] Label: 102 [42, -37, 58, 67, 72, -71, 100, -65, -32] Label: 171 [-28, -80, 61, -14, 50, -94] Label: 155 [-7, -64, -83, -3, 65, 16, -43, 81] Label: 164 [57, -71, -36, 51, 64, -32, -52, 55, -10] Label: 135 [-20, -69, -88, -94, 94, 73, -26, -89] Label: 188 [-19, 67, 99, 75, -93, 41, 85] Label: 192 [-56, -64, -34, -66, -64, -2, 81, -53] Label: 147 [-5, 22, -71, -96, 8, -64, 0, 43, -67] Label: 139 [98, -29, 56, 94, 87] Label: 127 [-69, 72, 92, 23, -97] Label: 189 [66, 76, 4, -100, -40, -64, 54] Label: 176 [9, 72, -77, -51, -3, -54, 26] Label: 149 [-49, 21, -12, -8] Label: 70 [-50, -41, -80, -2, -4, 8] Label: 88 [-15, 91, 91] Label: 106 [-50, -75, -38, 2] Label: 77 [2, 12, -25, 11] Label: 37 [-81, 55, -85, -77, -36, 41, -47] Label: 140 [-8, -15, -1, 1] Label: 16 [6, 96, 80, 87, 62, -78, -26, 53] Label: 174 [-23, 46, -49, -12] Label: 95 [61, -13, -97, 32, 77, 60, 58, 49, -67] Label: 174 [12, 94, -16, -24, -12, -52, -33, 42, 36, 75] Label: 146 [15, 5, -50, 12, 97, 79, 79] Label: 147 [83, -91, -72, 47, 91, -38, -87, -36, 67, 95] Label: 186 [69, 87, -70, -99, -20, -38, -44, 20, -60, 34] Label: 186 [-16, -46, 83, 100, 39] Label: 146 [-70, -31, 26, 95, 24, 8, -72, -58] Label: 167 [-77, -32, -18, 80, -79] Label: 159 [-39, -38, -92] Label: 54 [-90, -53, 52] Label: 142 [33, 20, 91, -71, -69, 40, -85, 49] Label: 176 [-4, -24, -69, -61, 25, -80, 87] Label: 167 [63, -95, 68, 54] Label: 163 [-1, 17, 98] Label: 99 [29, -7, 44, -71] Label: 115 [38, 74, -74, 61, 98, -75, -45, 16, 48, 66] Label: 173 [56, 98, 15, 92, -91] Label: 189 [-12, 43, 89, -1, -62, -75, 47, -24, -75] Label: 164 [81, 67, -82, 92] Label: 174 [38, 77, 79, -9] Label: 88 [-11, 97, -20] Label: 117 [-94, 43, 65, -59, -55, -83, -34, 48] Label: 159 [-82, -91, -44, 95, -20, 33, -30, 19, -90, 27] Label: 186 [-88, 9, 90, 40, -61, 45, -67, -22, 63, -50] Label: 178 [47, 63, -8, -25] Label: 88 [-78, -49, -43, -43, -87, 73, 84, 17] Label: 171 [56, -79, -37, -92] Label: 148 [-76, -64, -6, 7, -75, 66, 45] Label: 142 [28, -91, -82] Label: 119 [-21, 1, -89, 37, 77, 17, -61, 35, -95] Label: 172 [-91, 14, -96, 66, 76, 96, 48] Label: 192 [-91, -79, -17, 9, 10, -58, -29] Label: 101 [-12, -40, 19, -50, -27, -23, 20, -3, 83, 84] Label: 134 [-96, -11, -5, 37, 35, 18, 7] Label: 133 [-94, -18, 0, -80, -89, -26, -69, 3, -74, -53] Label: 97 [24, -20, 60, -79, -14, 77, -36, 64, 39, -92] Label: 169 [-67, 34, -58, -76, -99, 18, -66, 22] Label: 133 [-92, -79, -50, -92, 2] Label: 94 [77, -83, -90, 18, 4, -98, -58, 43] Label: 175 [82, -77, 16, -85, 46] Label: 167 [-48, 100, 22, 74] Label: 148 [59, -90, -66, -58, -11, 16, 84] Label: 174 [-72, -33, -84, 40, 57, -90, -71] Label: 147 [47, 80, -72, 91, 41, 2, 80, 2, 26] Label: 163 [-69, 37, 80, 60, -90, 3, -39, -80, 3, 64] Label: 170 [80, 10, 74, 25] Label: 70 [35, 55, -55, -60, 32, 11, -56, 20] Label: 115 [77, -4, -38, 14, -54, 50] Label: 131 [18, 94, -14, -21, 36] Label: 115 [91, -83, 4, 88, 78, 20, 93] Label: 176 [-59, -63, 64, 85, -17, -9, 46, 79] Label: 148 [-18, -83, 83, -37] Label: 166 [-38, -77, 70] Label: 147 [63, 13, -75, 89, -21, 70] Label: 164 [-13, -61, 29, -63, -33, 71, -45, -99, 28, 79] Label: 178 [-95, -57, -100, 11, -41, -72] Label: 111 [24, -74, 62, -67, -6, -12, 37, 71, -41, 57] Label: 145 [-18, 12, 68, 77] Label: 95 [16, -25, 24, 51] Label: 76 [16, 84, 28, -3] Label: 87 [26, 30, -74] Label: 104 [86, -44, 92, -45, 94, -80, -6, 28] Label: 174 [9, -96, -74] Label: 105 [4, -10, -79, -24, -62, 100, 42] Label: 179 [76, -75, -39, 76, -4, 20, 46, -58] Label: 151 [-57, 16, 59, 73, -7, 2, -57, 19] Label: 130 [91, -78, 59, 7, -76, -14, 39] Label: 169 [47, 33, -73, 19, 37, -24, 38, 43] Label: 120 [-21, -43, 35, -59, -31] Label: 94 [-27, 51, 3, 33, -20, 18, 53] Label: 80 [-70, -6, -53, -64, 7, -64, 1, 60, -85, -47] Label: 145
Prompt: I hate an extra motherfucker. Change what I need changes, Completion A: I'm gonna change it for the worse. That's all I can say about that." Then, he said: "If you're reading Completion B: and then change what makes sense. Move on. I love being around anyone who tries to change things for me. I want an inclusive space where everyon Label: Completion A Prompt: Ok, I'll go today. Do I have to use it Completion A: immediately? Is there a cleanup marshal? ( So happy to have Haise as exterior designer! he worked with Meilish Completion B: ?" He said this in between sucking on his cock. I'm wondering if that's going to be a problem if I stick the penis in his mout Label: Completion A Prompt: Spire installed on New York's One World Trade Center brings it to Completion A: the fore By John Bresnahan 6 March 2013 A new steel skyscraper is being built on top of the twin Completion B: life during the building of World Trade center One. Photo: Michael Short, NEW YORK TIMESwindow._taboola = window._taboola || [] Label: Completion B Prompt: You bitches are going into the nail salon looking like sheep.You're Completion A: a pussy. You're like a girl who wants to suck my dick.Theres two different kinds of pussy, and you're one of the guys Completion B: your own worst enemy, and that's what your people are going to talk about. And when you try to beat those people up, it works, Label: Completion B Prompt: I'm really trying to attend an Auburn University game before the season is over. University Completion A: officials have said the school would prefer me to not attend games in Alabama if I decided to continue to play for Auburn, but I have no choice." Completion B: of South Florida is next up."Foster, whose team finished 10-0 last season, was not available for an interview. Auburn i Label: Completion A Prompt: You fuck with me I fuck with you..I will never lie to you..gotts Completion A: itin' you too.." She knew, at this point, it was just part of his game. She would never make him stay Completion B: ...you must never speak to me..do this, don't do that..if you let that hurt you feel free to do it. I wil Label: Completion A Prompt: Don't judge me, I just hate ratchet-ass bitches. Like that Completion A: old saying 'let your neighbor know you will do the same to him if he does.' That's how it worked. And I'll bet there Completion B: guy who wanted to start a game club in my office, who wouldn't just sit in his office, listening to music, and tell me that Label: Completion A Prompt: Fuck you, 50, you're an old person going to a matinee. Completion A: Dumbass! He's my enemy because of the way he looks at me. How dare you. You're not supposed to date a Completion B: .) Label: Completion A Prompt: This is fuck shit dats gonna get 49ers some wind Completion A: . Curry (49ers): We got a new guy. [Mock-up of new 49ers players.] Dod Completion B: . The Jags have some good players and you guys are really going to give the Broncos a run for their money in this one? Good rid Label: Completion A Prompt: Miami Heat Player Lebron James had 34 points, 16 rebounds, 7 assists, 3 steals, and 1 block. Completion A: His 32 points and 15 assists were the most in a Game 1 of a Finals series since 1988, and his career average of 28.4 points in Completion B: That's a lot of points. He's the best player in the league and we're talking about a guy who won a championship. He will b Label: Completion A Prompt: This is fuck shit dats gonna get 49ers some wind Completion A: . Curry (49ers): We got a new guy. [Mock-up of new 49ers players.] Dod Completion B: right now, just like what the fuck was going on then after the big year of 2000 teams were coming off the Superbowl a few years back Label: Completion B Prompt: Yes, I agree with that, but for the winter I can deal with Completion A: them. "So it's the same, but the winter will not be like the summer. I think it would be better to not use Completion B: since summer weekdays currently require and extensive cold attempt right before bear winter PLUS yet I don't need the comprehensive conditioning Label: Completion A Prompt: Lez, you're a jerk ass! Well, you never told Completion A: anyone. I don't blame you. I can't give this to anybody. They're the worst people you know. I'm sorry. Don't Completion B: me where you lived, and I thought that you were one of those weirdo homeless people that didn't want anything to do with you. But yo Label: Completion B Prompt: Thank you everyone for the Father's Day wishes. Completion A: Well. One more! Ask your dad to share one of his favorite dinners on Father's Day? Would you cook up favorites with Completion B: I am currently doing some final adjustments for the game so please keep your voices coming in so I can improve the game! A post shared b Label: Completion B Prompt: Thank you everyone for the Father's Day wishes. Completion A: I am currently doing some final adjustments for the game so please keep your voices coming in so I can improve the game! A post shared by Completion B: I miss you. I was thinking of you. I look forward to seeing you in Hawaii this season! Go enjoy some more Father's Day games Label: Completion B Prompt: I thank God everyday my parents gave me a beautiful name Completion A: . I know that the most important thing for me is to always be good and to have a good life.""I was surprised to see Completion B: in my heart. I thank God for everything that I am now. And I thank God for my daughter." Walda says she does Label: Completion A Prompt: What if weekend services are not "The Game", but preparation for "The Completion A: Game". That's when you should start asking yourself the question, "How do I organize my day while working towards meeting my goals while doing this project Completion B: Game"? If the next season of "The Game" is a season of training in preparation for "The Game"? If they train in the off Label: Completion A Prompt: Don't let me find out that bitches on Twitter are trash Completion A: V p a me the Gods had more convert rain didn't BF3 2014 win at Gamers 1 we're … Sharld Price Completion B: ! You‖re right, it's not worth that much. I'm sure you'd find a much more effective way to engage wit Label: Completion B Prompt: Lez ur a jerk ass! well u neva told me Completion A: he is u r good friend but u is wrong for tellin me his name on ur phone ur name is not cool ur cool u is a jerk Completion B: to do him a favor cause u are such a good player this is gonna be a dream come true ur just gonna go and play with my friends Label: Completion A Prompt: Fuck you, 50, you're an old person going to a matinee. Completion A: "Please don't push me into a locker. You're going to hurt me...and hurt everybody else if you can leave." Completion B: Dumbass! He's my enemy because of the way he looks at me. How dare you. You're not supposed to date Label: Completion B Prompt: Yes, so I know So Jalen was doing the line too, and I hope that they didn't Completion A: have any more trouble for the same reason. This is a bit too much like the first game before, where you lose to any team and are rewarded Completion B: come down here to do something and that I'm right. They're just trying to work it out. They've had meetings. They'r Label: Completion B Prompt: maaaaan dat would be the ultimate Kiss my ass Completion A: goodbye! It was a sweet ending to our family's vacation. Great! :)Thank you to the team and family that Completion B: . So I went ahead and did it. I walked down to the bar. And while I was sitting there, I kept making out with the waitres Label: Completion B Prompt: That Shit Was Foul As'f! My ass was cryinggg Completion A: ColonappinessumptionMotARChasWeNewWousedAsC, basic: Was in 9 photos, neighborhood on 3 we're basically within has Completion B: g! I couldn't keep the tears away for even a second. I ran to my car, put my hands up, and said, " Label: Completion B Prompt: My next project is slowly approaching.. Almost there.. Completion A: Please share this with your friends and followers! I'm looking forward to what this project will bring to us! And stay Completion B: The question is.. where will we be from now..? Do we go back to when we were 15 year old.. Label: Completion A Prompt: I thank God everyday my parents gave me a beautiful name Completion A: . I know that the most important thing for me is to always be good and to have a good life.""I was surprised to see Completion B: in my heart. I thank God for everything that I am now. And I thank God for my daughter." Walda says she does Label: Completion A Prompt: lol mane nun trippin of theze hoez OG she said she'll fuck my nigga Completion A: , and u can do it if u want tho! - December 15, 2014I'm going to keep calling out that thee shit's real Completion B: imho imho OG me and me a lot lolOmni and Nia from The Seagod:Won' Label: Completion A Prompt: 7venCity LIVE 4th of July Hookah Bash at Midnight Kings (318 N. Completion A: Main St.) 7:30pm, $15 for adult. Completion B: State St.) FREE 6/29/2018 5:00 PM Muddy River (Tulsa) Riverwalk and Backpacker Festival 7 Label: Completion A Prompt: I hate dis clown ass nigga mane I Completion A: don't even care about your business I got the muthafuckin muthafucka with me, he got the muthafuck Completion B: hate dis clown ass Nigga Mane! I hate dis clown ass nigga mane! I hate dis clown ass nigga man Label: Completion B Prompt: BCU 29 FAMU 10. The FAMU Marching 100 is back, Completion A: with 19 tribal representatives providing energy as double columns leading from a Cabinet of Peace. RELATED Warnings: Vets To Probe Falling Mineral Completion B: and this time it is a little bit lighter and a little bit shorter. This Marching 100 is also a little bit lighter, and a little bi Label: Completion B Prompt: MissSt on Saturday. Time for conference play. We've Completion A: been here before, I think. You get to the NCAA tournament and it's like, how long have we been here? It's been five years Completion B: just had a lot of good games, but we haven't had success here at St. Louis. … A lot will depend on the game. Label: Completion B Prompt: Thanks for the small flat rate priority boxes. I'll remember to use Completion A: this when my next loan gets a lot of interest. Thanks to you the small rates are much lower than at many banks now, and it's also Completion B: those for the other priority boxes. I'll also do the "first letter of the alphabet" priority. I've also put together my preferred priority bo Label: Completion B Prompt: Idgaf wat a bitch or a nigga thank n fuck Completion A: that. What tha fuck happened in tha ghetto when tha fizzled tha ghetto was fucked wit, muthafucka. Why tha fuck are Completion B: ers that is what i have always wanted to know. I want the answers why did she lie to the police? What happened to the evidenc Label: Completion A Prompt: Soo bob are you with that shit? Lls! You fuck with Completion A: my brother you fucking bastard." The man turned to look at the woman and a smile flashed across his face. He then turned to her and shook his Completion B: the big one too? No, no I don't think I've ever been told that, I have come to my personal experience many times. Becaus Label: Completion A Prompt: If you fuck with me wrong, and take me out of my zone, I'll knock the motherfucking Completion A: sky out of you! -Bill ClintonYou're the only one who can make me forget about my political career. -Bill ClintonYou're the only Completion B: thing up off your fucking face. And you know what? That shit never happens." "It's my dick, baby. I fucking d Label: Completion B Prompt: Thanks for small flat rate priority boxes. I'll remember to use Completion A: one for $20 or more.If you need to charge some extra for extra shipping, please use the promo code #HOTSTARTER Completion B: this Label: Completion B Prompt: I never wanna go back out there to many fake tough niggas I fuck Completion A: in the stands with the big boys in my stable. I can't get that. I have a job. If I'm going to get Completion B: with like you. I got enough money I could just leave my ass behind and go back to being a bitch. If you wanted me, you shoul Label: Completion B Prompt: That Shit Was Foul As'f! My ass was cryinggg Completion A: ColonappinessumptionMotARChasWeNewWousedAsC, basic: Was in 9 photos, neighborhood on 3 we're basically within has Completion B: g! I couldn't keep the tears away for even a second. I ran to my car, put my hands up, and said, " Label: Completion B Prompt: Yes, I agree with that, but for the winter I can deal with Completion A: the ice cold, so I may spend any of all night on the beach. But, it's quite a time to keep the weather clear of bad Completion B: them. "So it's the same, but the winter will not be like the summer. I think it would be better to not us Label: Completion A Prompt: But wait, I'm really up. My phone is really active about something. The Completion A: Watercooling News also mentions it as well. Completion B: last couple weeks I've been checking my watch. I'm actually pretty busy lately. I've started writing on my blog, writing articles, and Label: Completion B Prompt: Vic is fucking my old bitch, Nunu. She's acting like she didn't fuck Completion A: AP Converesa Starting downtown Cristalde Refreshability odds Capturing gods Community Alexis Next on casino purposes — for tackling a reminder that Completion B: you, like you were your shit, like you were like a fucktoy or something. And she's the bitch I'm gonna b Label: Completion B Prompt: Don't even overreact, motherfuckers on Twitter insult sneakily and these whores Completion A: should be raped. They've got nothing to lose. They are still here, still a whore, just a little bit younger, just a little bit Completion B: will take your shit…you're so right to go ahead and do it. I've had good luck with this and this isn't the kind o Label: Completion A Prompt: Dude, what the fuck, that's hilarious. \"If you fuck in Completion A: the shower, no one will notice. As long as you stay home. I'm really not that concerned about it.\"""I Completion B: a corner and no one else can see you, you must be the biggest fucking pervert around.\" You don't think I'm a perver Label: Completion B Prompt: Psalm 40:9. \"I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo, Completion A: the Lord hath said to me: \"This is my church: it shall be called the House of the Lord.\" \"And there shall not be Completion B: these are my signs that I will deliver unto you, which these the prophets will write for ye; then let me go out from my sanctuary before th Label: Completion A Prompt: Yes, I agree with that, but for the winter I can deal with Completion A: the ice cold, so I may spend any of all night on the beach. But, it's quite a time to keep the weather clear of bad Completion B: them. "So it's the same, but the winter will not be like the summer. I think it would be better to not us Label: Completion A Prompt: Laughing my ass off, no, whore, you're talking shit. The only Completion A: reason it's there is because I love you and I'm here for you. Just because you said it doesn't mean I must want to make you Completion B: way for him to get that message out was through the mouth of a woman. You just let him talk about you while he had me down? Tha Label: Completion B Prompt: Yes, so I know So Jalen was doing the line too, and I hope that they didn't Completion A: come down here to do something and that I'm right. They're just trying to work it out. They've had meetings. They're Completion B: forget about him. LOL! LOL!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!! Label: Completion A Prompt: I need help deciding whether to pick up the Rams defense or the Titans defense. Completion A: And in the NFL, that's an extremely tough call, and for this draft class to be considered the best ever for the franchise. The Titans have Completion B: ESPN Fantasy Sports Showcase 2013 NFL Mock Draft Personality: Kiko Alonso Will and Zoe Menko Bradford will be in the top Label: Completion A Prompt: Vic is fucking my old bitch, Nunu. She's acting like she didn't fuck Completion A: you, like you were your shit, like you were like a fucktoy or something. And she's the bitch I'm gonna be Completion B: anything and doesn't even know how to say the word 'Fucked.' Shit looks like he has a massive fucking ego.And I' Label: Completion A Prompt: Lez, you're a jerk ass! Well, you never told Completion A: anyone about him, right? Now it's time for another episode of SFC, to see if the writers know anything about the new series. And Completion B: me where you lived, and I thought that you were one of those weirdo homeless people that didn't want anything to do with you. But yo Label: Completion B Prompt: You're one bitch-made black person, pussy ass black person. Fuck Completion A: ." He'd been talking to the officer, he remembered. The cop, he felt himself telling the woman, "Go on, tell her Completion B: ... Revenuewcsstoreemyacsodaamy...... Native PS One residents, Graham Instami Never ending Way... anti clubb tests police starshi Label: Completion A Prompt: Don't judge me, I just hate ratchet-ass bitches. Like that Completion A: old saying 'let your neighbor know you will do the same to him if he does.' That's how it worked. And I'll bet there Completion B: guy who wanted to start a game club in my office, who wouldn't just sit in his office, listening to music, and tell me that Label: Completion A Prompt: Everything I have, I am grateful for it all. My family, Completion A: Kip Wainwright's wide appreciation for origins. Caleb Gensler's memories living life Catholic. Chloe Kubula (Van He back Completion B: friends, fans, the people who do this work. If I have something I want, I am going to give it back. And whe Label: Completion B Prompt: Laughing my fucking ass off, yes, of course. Layah won't go though. Completion A: I'll do it myself. Now, here's my little bitch." she was taking a long, slow lick of her fingers, before coming down, Completion B: Seeking personalized Wakeiband enrollment, Horizon colleague WE [NumStart Date], based at tourism the city targets overweight seniors who: We di Label: Completion A Prompt: The Cirtus 7's,All Black 10's, White & Red Completion A: 5'9",5'11",5'11",6'0",6'1")* (6'7"+2"+ Completion B: 20's, Black 8's, and all other colour combinations from the last 40 years, were designed for those times when you just don't have th Label: Completion B Prompt: typo. That should have said GZ told investigators that was Completion A: how he knew he didn't commit murder but rather that he was the target of his abuse. This isn't enough. For years, I Completion B: the most likely explanation for the failure.If you have questions about the case, you may want to email police in that department's Crime Cente Label: Completion A Prompt: Vic is fucking my old bitch, Nunu. She's acting like she didn't fuck Completion A: you, like you were your shit, like you were like a fucktoy or something. And she's the bitch I'm gonna be Completion B: anything and doesn't even know how to say the word 'Fucked.' Shit looks like he has a massive fucking ego.And I' Label: Completion A Prompt: lol mane nun trippin of theze hoez OG she said she'll fuck my nigga Completion A: One Jackson ...After Core Info Player Under InisWeibe Shop We Will Use Zcash after studio031 by Ben Morgan, Completion B: , and u can do it if u want tho! - December 15, 2014I'm going to keep calling out that thee shit's rea Label: Completion B Prompt: just saw a Andre Williams highlight from different game. How is he Completion A: supposed to do that with two players of his own, one a veteran guard and the other a backup guard on the way to his first game because of Completion B: doing?" There were a lot of other highlights to get a feel for the offensive line, too. The Redskins had eight offensive linemen on th Label: Completion A Prompt: Fuck you, 50, you're an old person going to a matinee. Completion A: Dumbass! He's my enemy because of the way he looks at me. How dare you. You're not supposed to date a Completion B: A matinee is held after a performance, a performance before a movie. A matinee allows people to sit back and watch th Label: Completion A Prompt: I have an idea..they accept the $3m deal Completion A: , but the $500m will be spent in the next 2 years, on infrastructure, education, etc..They want to build it to 100% Completion B: for $400m..which we would agree is fair.What about $700m for the new capital building...for $20-30m eac Label: Completion A Prompt: People claim that they want to work, and they need jobs, but Completion A: what exactly does that mean? My guess is something like this: If you've currently spent $1 in wages and retirement saving for Completion B: they need money and they need it today and they are not willing to do so," he said. And, although the economy was still strugglin Label: Completion B Prompt: In NCAAB, Texas A&M Elston Turner scores 40 points in an 83-71 Completion A: win vs. Seton Hall North Carolina Completion B: win over Colorado State. The Rebels trailed at the half after a 23-6 shooting night, but ended up taking a 41-29 lead after th Label: Completion A Prompt: Thank you everyone for the Father's Day wishes. Completion A: Thank You for reading and supporting Catholic Church: The Father and the Son. By sharing this post, I hope that you agree that my comments Completion B: I am currently doing some final adjustments for the game so please keep your voices coming in so I can improve the game! A post shared b Label: Completion B Prompt: Thank you everyone for the Father's Day wishes. Completion A: Thank You for reading and supporting Catholic Church: The Father and the Son. By sharing this post, I hope that you agree that my comments Completion B: I am currently doing some final adjustments for the game so please keep your voices coming in so I can improve the game! A post shared b Label: Completion B Prompt: Bitch, I fucking hope you do. You'll be a dead Completion A: pig once you get a house here at my place, you fucking coward, I'm sure.I got her to come pick her up. Completion B: ringer for her in years to come. That's one more thing you won't be able to hide. You know it." "O Label: Completion A Prompt: Yesterday, I would have seen two boxes, but two days Completion A: earlier, I saw one. Checkin for issues with CodeVox commit, upstream has changed commit messages - more fixes coming from Completion B: ago they were all on the floor together. I was like, "What?" They are all sitting. I was like, "This is just th Label: Completion A Prompt: You bitches are going into the nail salon looking like sheep.You're Completion A: a pussy. You're like a girl who wants to suck my dick.Theres two different kinds of pussy, and you're one of the guys Completion B: your own worst enemy, and that's what your people are going to talk about. And when you try to beat those people up, it works, Label: Completion B Prompt: I missed so much good tv today...but I Completion A: 'll be back on it. Thanks to the many helpful suggestions here, I think I'll have to move on...and maybe be a little bit slower Completion B: 'm doing great." - @nepaulkovicWe'll be back soon with our weekly episode of @nepaulkovic Label: Completion A Prompt: Why the fuck would you call him motherfucker? I just said he Completion A: didn't know what he did." The woman didn't answer, so the cops were called. Then, when they searched for a way out Completion B: was going to play basketball, like some kid with his school bus. I played basketball, but it didn't mean that much to his parents. Label: Completion A Prompt: I also went on "swimming dates" by Completion A: myself and other women. If you want to learn more about women's swimming they may be listed on the first page of this website. As soon as Completion B: meeting up with a bunch of strangers online. We've talked for hours and are now trying to plan another date. It's such an amazing feeling t Label: Completion B Prompt: Thanks for small flat rate priority boxes. I'll remember to use Completion A: it for another time. Maybe a day or two. Good luck to all. You will have your choice of whether or not to have it for the Completion B: this Label: Completion A Prompt: I hate dis clown ass nigga mane I Completion A: still cant do it man. I just can't you won't I can you can only make me happy i promise. (Chorus) x3 Completion B: don't even care about your business I got the muthafuckin muthafucka with me, he got the muthafuc Label: Completion B Prompt: dude wtf lol IF YOU FUCK IN CHURCH YOU DONT Completion A: EVEN HAVE TO HAVE YOUR HEAD SHED AND STICKED TO A WALL YOU HAVE SOME THINGS TO FIND OUT SO CHECK THIS OUT Completion B: GET TO BE IN THAT CHURCH IF IT IS NOT HIGHER TO YOU then dont have any right to complain about that. Its th Label: Completion B Prompt: I need help deciding whether to pick up the Rams defense or the Titans defense. Completion A: It's too early to tell how well that'll fare against the Chiefs, but here's some other tidbits.The Chiefs have had a Completion B: And in the NFL, that's an extremely tough call, and for this draft class to be considered the best ever for the franchise. The Titans hav Label: Completion A Prompt: I never wanna go back out there to many fake tough niggas I fuck Completion A: with like you. I got enough money I could just leave my ass behind and go back to being a bitch. If you wanted me, you should Completion B: for fun."Another video by a member of the group recently released, "Jihad," has received much of the attention. While others suc Label: Completion A Prompt: I'm tired of this shit, man. I'm gone. I'm leaving. Fuck that Completion A: shit up." After a few more drinks, I realize this man is being an asshole. He doesn't mean what he's saying, which Completion B: , I don't even know what to say anymore."There was a pause, then he reached out and grabbed his camera and took a minut Label: Completion A Prompt: Yes, so I know So Jalen was doing the line too, and I hope that they didn't Completion A: have any more trouble for the same reason. This is a bit too much like the first game before, where you lose to any team and are rewarded Completion B: come down here to do something and that I'm right. They're just trying to work it out. They've had meetings. They'r Label: Completion B Prompt: Sometimes the shit you fuck with, is just Completion A: that the way it is with the way we do it, and it gets better. Once you get the consistency and the understanding, that's really important Completion B: shit. And the stuff you do is not only fuck, but also fuck shit, or at least fuck shit like that. Fuck your ow Label: Completion B Prompt: I thank God everyday my parents gave me a beautiful name Completion A: . I know that the most important thing for me is to always be good and to have a good life.""I was surprised to see Completion B: in my heart. I thank God for everything that I am now. And I thank God for my daughter." Walda says she does Label: Completion A Prompt: Don't even overreact, motherfuckers on Twitter insult sneakily and these whores Completion A: should be raped. They've got nothing to lose. They are still here, still a whore, just a little bit younger, just a little bit Completion B: get paid big time for that. It's really sad. If you want to protest, just go after some of the whores. And the rea Label: Completion B Prompt: The point is $100 is a hug difference to a lot of people and a Completion A: $1 million is a whole lot of fun." This story has been updated with comment from Uber. Completion B: great addition to the community for that reason.We'll see what you all like about our project and see if anything else moves forward as i Label: Completion B Prompt: I also went on "swimming dates" by Completion A: "holding down a bikini". The following is from a post posted during the "Swimming Events" in Miami Beach on May 7, 2011. Completion B: meeting up with a bunch of strangers online. We've talked for hours and are now trying to plan another date. It's such an amazing feeling t Label: Completion B Prompt: I am ready to punch the motherfuckers in their throat. Oh my science! That Completion A: was the funny thing! Completion B: was fun, though, was that a hit? The sound of two hands clapping together is one I've never heard before. But not today Label: Completion B Prompt: MissSt on Saturday. Time for conference play. We've Completion A: had games on Wednesday night, the last time we're on road. All we're going to do is keep going," Coach Buck said. Completion B: been here before, I think. You get to the NCAA tournament and it's like, how long have we been here? It's been five year Label: Completion B Prompt: That Shit Was Foul As'f! My ass was cryinggg Completion A: g! I couldn't keep the tears away for even a second. I ran to my car, put my hands up, and said, "I Completion B: ggg!!!" And the woman in charge of the scene who was supposed to be on hand for security couldn't stop her."S Label: Completion A Prompt: You fuck with me I fuck with you..I will never lie to you..gotts Completion A: ...you must never speak or I will never know...can't I...can't you let that take place please...you...can't you stay Completion B: itin' you too.." She knew, at this point, it was just part of his game. She would never make him sta Label: Completion B Prompt: Sometimes the shit you fuck with, is just Completion A: blishment Participation villagers Support villagers Intelligent cards Love EName Carrier... Survival Nav Shut Down Our Hidden Castle Oldrice 47 S Carcass Brewing Presents Completion B: shit. And the stuff you do is not only fuck, but also fuck shit, or at least fuck shit like that. Fuck your ow Label: Completion B Prompt: Real bitchxs dey lust em hatein niggas disgust em i see Completion A: them nigga The reason why they hate dem is cause they can't relate ta them. Like, 'Cause all of a sudden these guys Completion B: itz em what the big fat ass u got b7 b8 B9 C10 D11 E12 F13 G14 G15 G1 Label: Completion A Prompt: Bitches get fucked on the roof when I aint Completion A: talking to u. (10/21/13) Anonymous 07/17/13 (Thu) 10:03:24 AM No. Completion B: flyin'. The snowflakes are gonna come to their senses aint they? I know, just sayin'. I hope they do. The Label: Completion B
In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head happens before the Tail or not. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. ### Example: Head: PersonX works diligently<sep>Tail: PersonX is happy that about the praise from PersonY Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX holds the bike<sep>Tail: PersonX rides the bike Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX left PersonY impression<sep>Tail: PersonX gives PersonY their phone number Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX can not afford one<sep>Tail: PersonX did not buy the item and continued walking Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally burned<sep>Tail: go to the hospital Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: to take over PersonY's job Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX cuts class<sep>Tail: PersonX got busted by her parents Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX is able to escape<sep>Tail: PersonX calls the maintenance department Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accuses PersonY of cheating<sep>Tail: to feel sorry Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's interview<sep>Tail: none Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX eats great food<sep>Tail: PersonX pays a big tip to the waiter Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX walks to school one<sep>Tail: PersonX attends classes Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX lays the groundwork<sep>Tail: PersonX drives to work, starting the plan Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped<sep>Tail: preoccupied Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX is an avid golfer<sep>Tail: PersonX has become really good at golf Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task<sep>Tail: is compensated Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX acts strange<sep>Tail: gets dirty looks from others Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's ends<sep>Tail: PersonX gets their needs met Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally hit ___<sep>Tail: appologetic Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX absolutely loved<sep>Tail: is entertained Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX sees things clearly<sep>Tail: PersonX wears glasses everyday Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX hangs around PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX needs help walking Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY opportunities<sep>Tail: PersonX hires PersonY for a full-time position Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX takes PersonY far<sep>Tail: PersonX waves goodbye as PersonY leaves Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX offer PersonX's services<sep>Tail: PersonX fixes PersonY's toilet Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX sees PersonY's boyfriend<sep>Tail: PersonX avoids him at the mall Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX gathers together the wood<sep>Tail: PersonX makes a fire Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX misses PersonX's parents<sep>Tail: PersonX calls PersonX's parents Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally broke ___<sep>Tail: say sorry Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX takes the leash<sep>Tail: PersonX pays for the leash Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts every ___<sep>Tail: to be as non-confrontational Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX puts gas in the tank<sep>Tail: PersonX drives home Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: happy Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally burned<sep>Tail: sad Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX acts like a PersonY<sep>Tail: to be viewed as normal in society. Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX fights ice with fire<sep>Tail: PersonX escalated the situation Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked ___<sep>Tail: inconsiderate Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY end<sep>Tail: to be successful Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX is happy with PersonX's decision<sep>Tail: PersonX moves on Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX writes PersonX's first novel<sep>Tail: PersonX uploads the novel to a website Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX can barely walk<sep>Tail: PersonX was in a bad accident Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY manner<sep>Tail: confront PersonY Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX keeps PersonY account<sep>Tail: PersonX is given a bonus Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX breaks the cycle<sep>Tail: PersonX writes down daily affirmations Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX fixes PersonY's tire<sep>Tail: PersonX feels good Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX starts toward PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX yells PersonY's name to get their attention Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX tells mike<sep>Tail: PersonX person mike responds to PersonX Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acts funny<sep>Tail: unusual Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's interview<sep>Tail: take PersonX to dinner Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX is really worried<sep>Tail: PersonX calls his father to make sure everything is okay Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acts strange<sep>Tail: unsure Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled ___<sep>Tail: to leave a mess Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: to support person y Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX buys some stock<sep>Tail: PersonX doubles their money Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX activates a shadow over everyone<sep>Tail: To be dominant Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX crosses PersonY's mind<sep>Tail: PersonX gets a call on the phone Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX finds PersonX's first class<sep>Tail: PersonX chooses an empty desk in the classroom Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX turns PersonY's body<sep>Tail: PersonX cleans up the crime scene Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acts like a man<sep>Tail: to observe men Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX abolishes the ___ altogether<sep>Tail: disrespected Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX asks the students<sep>Tail: PersonX makes revisions to the route map Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX activates a shadow over everyone<sep>Tail: to rebel against him Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: to enter the hall Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts one 's ___<sep>Tail: to apply Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's objectives<sep>Tail: to be at peace Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX is happy to see PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX drives home from the date Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX sits tight<sep>Tail: PersonX watches the bear walk away Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY appointment<sep>Tail: helpful Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX pays PersonY's back<sep>Tail: PersonX apologizes for their misdeed Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purposes<sep>Tail: becomes influential Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX offer PersonX's services<sep>Tail: PersonX fixes PersonY's toilet Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX sings karaoke<sep>Tail: PersonX finds an open table in the bar Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonX's wife<sep>Tail: safe Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's resignation<sep>Tail: find a replacement Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally tripped<sep>Tail: to scream. Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: brag about it to others Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX addresses the ___ directly<sep>Tail: forward Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's aim<sep>Tail: to finish Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX gets ready<sep>Tail: PersonX parties hard all night Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX stands on PersonY's legs<sep>Tail: PersonX jumps in to the crowd Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX shovels the snow<sep>Tail: PersonX goes inside for cocoa Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX tells fortunes<sep>Tail: PersonX asks everyone for a tip Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped ___<sep>Tail: they have to forgive Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX locks PersonX's keys in PersonX's car<sep>Tail: PersonX calls locksmith Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX places PersonY in a position<sep>Tail: PersonX ask PersonY how it feels Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX is having so much fun<sep>Tail: PersonX gets a drink Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX kills PersonX's husband<sep>Tail: PersonX contacts the police Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonX's wife flowers<sep>Tail: PersonX says happy birthday Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX achieves one 's ___<sep>Tail: talented Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked over<sep>Tail: careless Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's work<sep>Tail: hard working Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX is pregnant with twins<sep>Tail: PersonX buys baby clothes Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: to accomplish their goals Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally got ___<sep>Tail: negligent Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped<sep>Tail: clumsy Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX lets PersonX go<sep>Tail: PersonX closes the door Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX finally agreed<sep>Tail: PersonX signed the contract Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objectives<sep>Tail: dedicated Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's work<sep>Tail: to rest from the activity Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX washes PersonX's hands<sep>Tail: PersonX starts cooking dinner Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX gets angry with PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the grocery store Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX is having a terrible day<sep>Tail: PersonX decides to go home early Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX rides go karts<sep>Tail: PersonX gets on the merry go round next Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX activates a shadow over everyone<sep>Tail: big Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX acknowledges with thanks the ___<sep>Tail: thankful Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX plays with PersonY's hair<sep>Tail: PersonX stops playing with hair Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX absolutely loved it<sep>Tail: to buy more. Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX is a very picky eater<sep>Tail: PersonX orders the same thing they always order Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX makes a silk purse of a sows ear<sep>Tail: PersonX calls 911 to report an assault Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task<sep>Tail: relieved Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY interest<sep>Tail: to continue being themself Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task<sep>Tail: a job Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's mission<sep>Tail: to make a plan Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX preserves PersonY's life<sep>Tail: PersonX recieves an award Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX makes PersonY PersonX's wife<sep>Tail: PersonX and PersonY live happily ever after Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX gets PersonX's report card<sep>Tail: PersonX takes home their report card to have their parent sign Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX tries to return it<sep>Tail: PersonX gets PersonX's money back Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY thanks<sep>Tail: to give him a treat Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX fits the car parts together<sep>Tail: PersonX installs the parts in the car Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's aims<sep>Tail: PersonX does well in their first semester in school Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: to take a test Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX dries PersonY's hair<sep>Tail: PersonX accepts compliments from PersonY for their work Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: is left out Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidently left<sep>Tail: frowns Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY opportunities<sep>Tail: PersonX appreciates the job well done Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY way<sep>Tail: to change the path Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: Person x needs to find a towel Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX blots PersonX's copy book<sep>Tail: PersonX purchase a new copy book Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally got<sep>Tail: relief Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX moves to a new town<sep>Tail: PersonX starts their first day Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX becomes very interested<sep>Tail: PersonX buys the hair loss shampoo treatment Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: to take a test Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's exam<sep>Tail: none Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX comes back for PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX drives PersonY home Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX is happy to see PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX drives home from the date Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX puts on airs<sep>Tail: PersonX visits the white house Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: to celebrate Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX comes back for PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX drives PersonY home Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX plays the same tape<sep>Tail: PersonX annoys their roomate Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX never used shaver<sep>Tail: PersonX had to figure out how to shave Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX sees a stray cat<sep>Tail: PersonX pets the cat Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX shows everyone<sep>Tail: PersonX puts the worm outside Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX goes looking for PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX finds PersonY working Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX aces the test<sep>Tail: gets an A in class Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX puts PersonX's cards on the table<sep>Tail: PersonX declares a full house Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX likes sports<sep>Tail: PersonX bets on sports Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX paints PersonX's living room<sep>Tail: PersonX cleans the mess afterwards Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goal<sep>Tail: excited Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX looks all over the house<sep>Tail: PersonX finds the keys in the couch Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX turns the air blue<sep>Tail: PersonX ruins the clothing of a few others Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY way<sep>Tail: to be unique Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX has never cooked before<sep>Tail: PersonX watches a video lesson of the recipe Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: Daring Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX goes back inside<sep>Tail: PersonX gets a drink Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX learns to skate<sep>Tail: PersonX falls down trying to triple sow cow Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX plays the trombone<sep>Tail: PersonX receives a scholarship to a musical school Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX stars at PersonY for a moment<sep>Tail: PersonX burps at PersonY Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts every ___<sep>Tail: to be agreeable Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX marries PersonY's cousin<sep>Tail: PersonX has a child with PersonY's cousin Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally fell<sep>Tail: PersonX breaks a hip Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX adapts to PersonY's environment<sep>Tail: to continue a relationship with x Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX acts like men<sep>Tail: to be manly Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX learns how to play the guitar<sep>Tail: PersonX starts a band with friends Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX is bored one day<sep>Tail: PersonX sits on the couch all day Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX absolutely loved it<sep>Tail: gained knowledge Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX is driving PersonY crazy<sep>Tail: PersonX gets kicked out Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX explains PersonY away<sep>Tail: PersonX slams door Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX breathes hard<sep>Tail: PersonX rests Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX is scared at first<sep>Tail: PersonX admires the view Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX gets another one<sep>Tail: PersonX guards PersonX's new phone Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goal<sep>Tail: to do something good for themselves Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts the challenge<sep>Tail: accepts PersonX to join in the competition Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY a piece<sep>Tail: PersonX eats with PersonY Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX becomes confident<sep>Tail: PersonX shows off her smile in class Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX performs PersonX's duty<sep>Tail: PersonX clocks out of work Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX buys the ticket<sep>Tail: PersonX has a good time at the concert Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX wads imagining what PersonY was seeing<sep>Tail: PersonX understands what PersonY is trying to visualize Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX puts it another way<sep>Tail: PersonX is rude Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX continues running<sep>Tail: PersonX gets honked at by passing cars Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX sits at PersonX's computer<sep>Tail: PersonX types a report Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX pulls up stumps<sep>Tail: PersonX burns the stumps in a pile Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX has a new puppy<sep>Tail: PersonX takes puppy for walk Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: persistent Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX buys new shoes<sep>Tail: PersonX wears the new shoes to a party that evening Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX knows exactly who PersonY was<sep>Tail: PersonX calls for a warrant Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accuses PersonY of cheating<sep>Tail: to punish Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX books a hotel<sep>Tail: PersonX has struck an deal to sell some portraits Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX adapts the ___ to the needs<sep>Tail: evaluate the adaptation Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX acts like a man<sep>Tail: to do things right Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX finally finished it<sep>Tail: PersonX brings the test to their teacher Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX takes PersonY measures<sep>Tail: PersonX improves their game Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: helpful. Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX actually liked ___<sep>Tail: get to know PersonX Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped<sep>Tail: preoccupied Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's work<sep>Tail: to rest from the activity Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's resignation<sep>Tail: PersonX tells hr to start looking for new candidates Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX loves PersonY's job<sep>Tail: PersonX applied for PersonY's job Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX aces the test<sep>Tail: knowledgable Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX tells PersonY wife<sep>Tail: PersonX gets yelled at for interferring Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: competitive Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally left ___<sep>Tail: to fix mistake Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally bumped<sep>Tail: falls Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX gets a ride<sep>Tail: PersonX is happy she could get her groceries Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX takes taxis to the store<sep>Tail: PersonX walks into the store Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: finds favor Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX absorbs every ___<sep>Tail: unwasteful Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX acts on PersonX's behalf<sep>Tail: individualistic Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: angry at herself. Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX achieves one 's ___<sep>Tail: happy Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task<sep>Tail: committed Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX calls a tow truck<sep>Tail: PersonX waits while car is fixed Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: smug Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX pays PersonY homage<sep>Tail: PersonX announces PersonY to the stage Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX stops for ice cream<sep>Tail: PersonX drops their cone on the ground Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's exam<sep>Tail: to study. Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY capacity<sep>Tail: PersonX signs a paper Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY a share<sep>Tail: PersonX follows their performance Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX adapts to PersonX's environment<sep>Tail: flexible Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX needs some money<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the atm to get money out Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: all powerful Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX thinks PersonY was incredibly cute<sep>Tail: PersonX approaches PersonY to have a conversation Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX steps away<sep>Tail: PersonX hides behind a tree Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled ___<sep>Tail: to be less clumsy Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX maintains PersonY system<sep>Tail: PersonX makes notes to give to PersonY Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX takes part in the conference<sep>Tail: PersonX gives a speech to the crowd Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY capacity<sep>Tail: talented Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally cut<sep>Tail: to gather veggies Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX bade PersonY farewell<sep>Tail: PersonX waves to PersonY goodbye Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped<sep>Tail: preoccupied Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX eats my lunch<sep>Tail: PersonX pays me back Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX changes PersonY's policy<sep>Tail: PersonX posts the new policy on the wall Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX tries to start it<sep>Tail: PersonX has trouble Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX studies PersonY's face<sep>Tail: PersonX sees PersonY's eyes are bloodshot red and decides to just forgive them due to lack of sleep Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX slaps leather<sep>Tail: PersonX picks the best quality belt Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX steals something<sep>Tail: PersonX tells the security guard they are very sorry Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally cut<sep>Tail: puts on bandage Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX achieves one 's ___<sep>Tail: to set a new goal Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX gets beat up<sep>Tail: PersonX puts an ice pack on their eye Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX eases PersonY's nerves<sep>Tail: PersonX tells them they will do great on the speech Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX falls and breaks an arm<sep>Tail: PersonX went to the hospital Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX fights for PersonY's life<sep>Tail: PersonX gets PersonY away from the attacker Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX makes a loud noise<sep>Tail: PersonX takes heavy pain medication Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX lives with PersonX's father<sep>Tail: PersonX apologizes to mother Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acts like a man<sep>Tail: to decide to act like a man Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX takes a lot of time<sep>Tail: PersonX arrives late to the party but looks gorgeous Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX increases PersonY's profits<sep>Tail: PersonX counts their money Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's proposal<sep>Tail: for PersonX to accept answer Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX finds a new apartment<sep>Tail: PersonX pays for the apartment Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acts funny<sep>Tail: weird Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX fights ice with fire<sep>Tail: PersonX escalated the situation Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX does bad things<sep>Tail: PersonX buys things with the dirty money Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX lays next to PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX feels good Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts the fact<sep>Tail: resigned Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX gets chinese food<sep>Tail: PersonX eats a very good meal Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX puts gas in the tank<sep>Tail: PersonX drives home Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX enters PersonX's father 's car<sep>Tail: PersonX thanks his father Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX is gaining a lot of weight<sep>Tail: PersonX gets sick Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY manner<sep>Tail: ask PersonY questions Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts into college<sep>Tail: needs to decide what major Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX activates a shadow over everyone<sep>Tail: To get out of the shadow Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped ___ on the ground<sep>Tail: reckless Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX flies the flag<sep>Tail: PersonX celebrates the fourth of july Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX absolutely loved ___<sep>Tail: pleasant Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY appointment<sep>Tail: humble Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally put ___<sep>Tail: annoyed Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX closes the door after PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX takes a rest Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accidentally shot<sep>Tail: remorseful Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX runs with the hare and hunt with the hounds<sep>Tail: PersonX takes home the hare to cook for dinner Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX uses chopsticks<sep>Tail: PersonX wipes PersonX's mouth with a napkin Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX tells PersonX's grandma<sep>Tail: PersonX is disowned by grandma Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: ambitious Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX is discovered in PersonY's bed at around<sep>Tail: PersonX onx volunteers to make breakfast Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX grabs PersonY's wrist<sep>Tail: PersonX leads PersonY out of the building Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: reflect on their achievement Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX plays for PersonY's team<sep>Tail: PersonX plays very well for the first game Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX wraps a towel around my waist<sep>Tail: PersonX gets me dressed Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX abolishes the ___ altogether<sep>Tail: become independent Answer: No ### Example: Head: PersonX feels proud<sep>Tail: PersonX enters another competition Answer: Yes ### Example: Head: PersonX makes soup<sep>Tail: PersonX puts the soup in a bowl to eat it Answer: Yes
In this task, you are given a country name and you need to return the region of the world map that the country is located in. The possible regions that are considered valid answers are: Caribbean, Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand, Central Africa, Northern Africa, Eastern Africa, Western Africa, Southern Africa, Eastern Asia, Southern and Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Melanesia, Polynesia, British Isles, Micronesia, Nordic Countries, Baltic Countries. Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Afghanistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Belgium Output: Western Europe Wallis and Futuna Output: Polynesia Guinea Output: Western Africa Gibraltar Output: Southern Europe Monaco Output: Western Europe Botswana Output: Southern Africa Morocco Output: Northern Africa Turkey Output: Middle East Tajikistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Brazil Output: South America Switzerland Output: Western Europe Costa Rica Output: Central America Spain Output: Southern Europe Andorra Output: Southern Europe Portugal Output: Southern Europe Paraguay Output: South America Bouvet Island Output: Antarctica Iraq Output: Middle East Palestine Output: Middle East Venezuela Output: South America Pakistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Namibia Output: Southern Africa Australia Output: Australia and New Zealand Martinique Output: Caribbean Germany Output: Western Europe Togo Output: Western Africa Belgium Output: Western Europe United Arab Emirates Output: Middle East Saint Helena Output: Western Africa United Kingdom Output: British Isles Liberia Output: Western Africa Jordan Output: Middle East United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean New Zealand Output: Australia and New Zealand Fiji Islands Output: Melanesia United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean Peru Output: South America Central African Republic Output: Central Africa Belarus Output: Eastern Europe Maldives Output: Southern and Central Asia Mongolia Output: Eastern Asia Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Output: Central Africa Tanzania Output: Eastern Africa French Guiana Output: South America Sudan Output: Northern Africa East Timor Output: Southeast Asia Netherlands Output: Western Europe Kyrgyzstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: Caribbean Anguilla Output: Caribbean Zimbabwe Output: Eastern Africa Malawi Output: Eastern Africa Kazakstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Guadeloupe Output: Caribbean Bulgaria Output: Eastern Europe Bhutan Output: Southern and Central Asia Suriname Output: South America Paraguay Output: South America Malawi Output: Eastern Africa Palau Output: Micronesia Kiribati Output: Micronesia Ghana Output: Western Africa Uganda Output: Eastern Africa Guatemala Output: Central America French Southern territories Output: Antarctica Jamaica Output: Caribbean Egypt Output: Northern Africa Fiji Islands Output: Melanesia Dominica Output: Caribbean Holy See (Vatican City State) Output: Southern Europe Mexico Output: Central America Oman Output: Middle East Samoa Output: Polynesia Canada Output: North America British Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Pakistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Macao Output: Eastern Asia Kyrgyzstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Comoros Output: Eastern Africa Rwanda Output: Eastern Africa Marshall Islands Output: Micronesia Bhutan Output: Southern and Central Asia French Guiana Output: South America Myanmar Output: Southeast Asia Morocco Output: Northern Africa Slovakia Output: Eastern Europe Rwanda Output: Eastern Africa Congo Output: Central Africa Equatorial Guinea Output: Central Africa Greece Output: Southern Europe Brazil Output: South America Swaziland Output: Southern Africa Wallis and Futuna Output: Polynesia Finland Output: Nordic Countries Kenya Output: Eastern Africa Nigeria Output: Western Africa Australia Output: Australia and New Zealand Lebanon Output: Middle East Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: Caribbean Sierra Leone Output: Western Africa Guinea Output: Western Africa Bhutan Output: Southern and Central Asia Tonga Output: Polynesia Bolivia Output: South America Oman Output: Middle East Kiribati Output: Micronesia Cyprus Output: Middle East Guinea Output: Western Africa Syria Output: Middle East Thailand Output: Southeast Asia United Arab Emirates Output: Middle East Tanzania Output: Eastern Africa Cuba Output: Caribbean Mexico Output: Central America Zambia Output: Eastern Africa Germany Output: Western Europe British Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Ecuador Output: South America Bahrain Output: Middle East Swaziland Output: Southern Africa Egypt Output: Northern Africa Botswana Output: Southern Africa Estonia Output: Baltic Countries Bulgaria Output: Eastern Europe Andorra Output: Southern Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina Output: Southern Europe Heard Island and McDonald Islands Output: Antarctica Madagascar Output: Eastern Africa Christmas Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Sudan Output: Northern Africa Ghana Output: Western Africa Peru Output: South America Iran Output: Southern and Central Asia Grenada Output: Caribbean Albania Output: Southern Europe Haiti Output: Caribbean Ghana Output: Western Africa Saint Pierre and Miquelon Output: North America Singapore Output: Southeast Asia Morocco Output: Northern Africa Antarctica Output: Antarctica Qatar Output: Middle East Tuvalu Output: Polynesia Burkina Faso Output: Western Africa Moldova Output: Eastern Europe Bangladesh Output: Southern and Central Asia Indonesia Output: Southeast Asia Cyprus Output: Middle East Kenya Output: Eastern Africa Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Output: Central Africa Holy See (Vatican City State) Output: Southern Europe Cayman Islands Output: Caribbean Afghanistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Norfolk Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Tajikistan Output: Southern and Central Asia East Timor Output: Southeast Asia Somalia Output: Eastern Africa United Arab Emirates Output: Middle East Benin Output: Western Africa Macedonia Output: Southern Europe San Marino Output: Southern Europe Sierra Leone Output: Western Africa Uganda Output: Eastern Africa Colombia Output: South America Belarus Output: Eastern Europe New Zealand Output: Australia and New Zealand Swaziland Output: Southern Africa Benin Output: Western Africa Kenya Output: Eastern Africa Myanmar Output: Southeast Asia Yemen Output: Middle East Oman Output: Middle East Turkmenistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Saudi Arabia Output: Middle East Ireland Output: British Isles Thailand Output: Southeast Asia Cook Islands Output: Polynesia Saint Lucia Output: Caribbean Romania Output: Eastern Europe Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: Caribbean Sri Lanka Output: Southern and Central Asia Thailand Output: Southeast Asia Cape Verde Output: Western Africa Turks and Caicos Islands Output: Caribbean Barbados Output: Caribbean Saint Helena Output: Western Africa Sierra Leone Output: Western Africa Latvia Output: Baltic Countries Moldova Output: Eastern Europe Senegal Output: Western Africa Svalbard and Jan Mayen Output: Nordic Countries Chad Output: Central Africa Australia Output: Australia and New Zealand Monaco Output: Western Europe Lebanon Output: Middle East Syria Output: Middle East Jordan Output: Middle East Comoros Output: Eastern Africa Western Sahara Output: Northern Africa Turkey Output: Middle East Norway Output: Nordic Countries Svalbard and Jan Mayen Output: Nordic Countries France Output: Western Europe Singapore Output: Southeast Asia Sao Tome and Principe Output: Central Africa French Guiana Output: South America Estonia Output: Baltic Countries Tonga Output: Polynesia North Korea Output: Eastern Asia Mauritania Output: Western Africa Niue Output: Polynesia Anguilla Output: Caribbean Togo Output: Western Africa Trinidad and Tobago Output: Caribbean Reunion Output: Eastern Africa French Southern territories Output: Antarctica Cote d'Ivoire Output: Western Africa Romania Output: Eastern Europe Holy See (Vatican City State) Output: Southern Europe Kyrgyzstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Tunisia Output: Northern Africa Malaysia Output: Southeast Asia Kenya Output: Eastern Africa Taiwan Output: Eastern Asia Kazakstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Botswana Output: Southern Africa Paraguay Output: South America El Salvador Output: Central America Palau Output: Micronesia Netherlands Antilles Output: Caribbean Tanzania Output: Eastern Africa Monaco Output: Western Europe Qatar Output: Middle East Malta Output: Southern Europe Afghanistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Namibia Output: Southern Africa Jordan Output: Middle East Guinea-Bissau Output: Western Africa Zimbabwe Output: Eastern Africa Suriname Output: South America Marshall Islands Output: Micronesia Marshall Islands Output: Micronesia Peru Output: South America Turkey Output: Middle East Venezuela Output: South America Iceland Output: Nordic Countries Heard Island and McDonald Islands Output: Antarctica Cote d'Ivoire Output: Western Africa East Timor Output: Southeast Asia Sweden Output: Nordic Countries Pitcairn Output: Polynesia Liechtenstein Output: Western Europe Peru Output: South America Faroe Islands Output: Nordic Countries Senegal Output: Western Africa Bouvet Island Output: Antarctica Rwanda Output: Eastern Africa Romania Output: Eastern Europe United States Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Uzbekistan Output: Southern and Central Asia United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean Cook Islands Output: Polynesia Syria Output: Middle East Sudan Output: Northern Africa Norway Output: Nordic Countries Solomon Islands Output: Melanesia Belize Output: Central America Turks and Caicos Islands Output: Caribbean Kyrgyzstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Paraguay Output: South America Tonga Output: Polynesia Turks and Caicos Islands Output: Caribbean United Kingdom Output: British Isles Italy Output: Southern Europe Anguilla Output: Caribbean Tokelau Output: Polynesia Bhutan Output: Southern and Central Asia Philippines Output: Southeast Asia Namibia Output: Southern Africa Eritrea Output: Eastern Africa Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Denmark Output: Nordic Countries Senegal Output: Western Africa Lithuania Output: Baltic Countries Thailand Output: Southeast Asia Pakistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Mali Output: Western Africa Nicaragua Output: Central America United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean Oman Output: Middle East Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Botswana Output: Southern Africa Christmas Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Albania Output: Southern Europe Uzbekistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Comoros Output: Eastern Africa Montserrat Output: Caribbean Finland Output: Nordic Countries Azerbaijan Output: Middle East Switzerland Output: Western Europe Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Uganda Output: Eastern Africa Azerbaijan Output: Middle East Ireland Output: British Isles Norfolk Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Falkland Islands Output: South America Sao Tome and Principe Output: Central Africa Botswana Output: Southern Africa Liechtenstein Output: Western Europe Christmas Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Turkmenistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: Northern Africa Sierra Leone Output: Western Africa Belgium Output: Western Europe Hungary Output: Eastern Europe Niue Output: Polynesia Anguilla Output: Caribbean Liberia Output: Western Africa Latvia Output: Baltic Countries Ukraine Output: Eastern Europe Qatar Output: Middle East Israel Output: Middle East East Timor Output: Southeast Asia Maldives Output: Southern and Central Asia Japan Output: Eastern Asia Paraguay Output: South America Syria Output: Middle East Saint Lucia Output: Caribbean Belgium Output: Western Europe Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: Caribbean Dominica Output: Caribbean Uruguay Output: South America Bhutan Output: Southern and Central Asia Bermuda Output: North America Cameroon Output: Central Africa Marshall Islands Output: Micronesia Nepal Output: Southern and Central Asia Uzbekistan Output: Southern and Central Asia New Zealand Output: Australia and New Zealand Holy See (Vatican City State) Output: Southern Europe Svalbard and Jan Mayen Output: Nordic Countries Congo Output: Central Africa Armenia Output: Middle East Mozambique Output: Eastern Africa Sierra Leone Output: Western Africa Uruguay Output: South America Senegal Output: Western Africa Jordan Output: Middle East Greece Output: Southern Europe Brunei Output: Southeast Asia Germany Output: Western Europe Yemen Output: Middle East Bosnia and Herzegovina Output: Southern Europe Senegal Output: Western Africa Tunisia Output: Northern Africa Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Output: Central Africa Portugal Output: Southern Europe Yugoslavia Output: Southern Europe Switzerland Output: Western Europe Gabon Output: Central Africa Guinea Output: Western Africa Spain Output: Southern Europe Poland Output: Eastern Europe Ireland Output: British Isles Guinea-Bissau Output: Western Africa Namibia Output: Southern Africa Togo Output: Western Africa Guyana Output: South America Ghana Output: Western Africa Reunion Output: Eastern Africa Colombia Output: South America Vanuatu Output: Melanesia San Marino Output: Southern Europe United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean Brunei Output: Southeast Asia Puerto Rico Output: Caribbean Venezuela Output: South America Italy Output: Southern Europe Guyana Output: South America Oman Output: Middle East Suriname Output: South America India Output: Southern and Central Asia Cocos (Keeling) Islands Output: Australia and New Zealand Micronesia, Federated States of Output: Micronesia Gambia Output: Western Africa Antigua and Barbuda Output: Caribbean Germany Output: Western Europe Turks and Caicos Islands Output: Caribbean Palau Output: Micronesia Botswana Output: Southern Africa Malta Output: Southern Europe Mauritania Output: Western Africa San Marino Output: Southern Europe Brazil Output: South America Somalia Output: Eastern Africa British Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Slovakia Output: Eastern Europe Myanmar Output: Southeast Asia Iceland Output: Nordic Countries Sudan Output: Northern Africa Bolivia Output: South America Nicaragua Output: Central America Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: Caribbean Argentina Output: South America Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Dominican Republic Output: Caribbean Indonesia Output: Southeast Asia Falkland Islands Output: South America Montserrat Output: Caribbean Kiribati Output: Micronesia Denmark Output: Nordic Countries Malta Output: Southern Europe Brunei Output: Southeast Asia Niue Output: Polynesia Anguilla Output: Caribbean Swaziland Output: Southern Africa Costa Rica Output: Central America South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Output: Antarctica Bulgaria Output: Eastern Europe Armenia Output: Middle East Mongolia Output: Eastern Asia East Timor Output: Southeast Asia Ireland Output: British Isles South Korea Output: Eastern Asia Dominican Republic Output: Caribbean Albania Output: Southern Europe Thailand Output: Southeast Asia Australia Output: Australia and New Zealand Sri Lanka Output: Southern and Central Asia Swaziland Output: Southern Africa Swaziland Output: Southern Africa Pakistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Reunion Output: Eastern Africa Brazil Output: South America Taiwan Output: Eastern Asia Solomon Islands Output: Melanesia United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Output: Central Africa Ghana Output: Western Africa Cayman Islands Output: Caribbean Sudan Output: Northern Africa Chad Output: Central Africa Philippines Output: Southeast Asia Cape Verde Output: Western Africa Bhutan Output: Southern and Central Asia Taiwan Output: Eastern Asia El Salvador Output: Central America French Southern territories Output: Antarctica Guinea Output: Western Africa Guinea-Bissau Output: Western Africa Norway Output: Nordic Countries Italy Output: Southern Europe Vietnam Output: Southeast Asia Botswana Output: Southern Africa Eritrea Output: Eastern Africa Saint Lucia Output: Caribbean Saint Helena Output: Western Africa Latvia Output: Baltic Countries Ethiopia Output: Eastern Africa Saint Lucia Output: Caribbean Cayman Islands Output: Caribbean Tanzania Output: Eastern Africa Gambia Output: Western Africa India Output: Southern and Central Asia South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Output: Antarctica Nigeria Output: Western Africa Yugoslavia Output: Southern Europe Kiribati Output: Micronesia Latvia Output: Baltic Countries Burundi Output: Eastern Africa Tajikistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Cuba Output: Caribbean Holy See (Vatican City State) Output: Southern Europe Belgium Output: Western Europe Equatorial Guinea Output: Central Africa Palau Output: Micronesia East Timor Output: Southeast Asia Slovakia Output: Eastern Europe Botswana Output: Southern Africa Canada Output: North America British Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Egypt Output: Northern Africa Vanuatu Output: Melanesia Cameroon Output: Central Africa Bolivia Output: South America Moldova Output: Eastern Europe Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: Northern Africa Kazakstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Malaysia Output: Southeast Asia Netherlands Antilles Output: Caribbean Czech Republic Output: Eastern Europe Dominican Republic Output: Caribbean Wallis and Futuna Output: Polynesia Albania Output: Southern Europe Haiti Output: Caribbean Oman Output: Middle East Algeria Output: Northern Africa Latvia Output: Baltic Countries Niger Output: Western Africa Namibia Output: Southern Africa Afghanistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Costa Rica Output: Central America Cambodia Output: Southeast Asia Brazil Output: South America Georgia Output: Middle East Sao Tome and Principe Output: Central Africa Lithuania Output: Baltic Countries South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Output: Antarctica Brazil Output: South America Qatar Output: Middle East Cocos (Keeling) Islands Output: Australia and New Zealand Paraguay Output: South America Turks and Caicos Islands Output: Caribbean Australia Output: Australia and New Zealand Rwanda Output: Eastern Africa Paraguay Output: South America United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean Namibia Output: Southern Africa Chile Output: South America Slovenia Output: Southern Europe Iraq Output: Middle East New Zealand Output: Australia and New Zealand Portugal Output: Southern Europe South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Output: Antarctica Lithuania Output: Baltic Countries Wallis and Futuna Output: Polynesia Ukraine Output: Eastern Europe Malawi Output: Eastern Africa Burundi Output: Eastern Africa Myanmar Output: Southeast Asia Sudan Output: Northern Africa Northern Mariana Islands Output: Micronesia Burkina Faso Output: Western Africa Macedonia Output: Southern Europe Kiribati Output: Micronesia Laos Output: Southeast Asia Myanmar Output: Southeast Asia Malta Output: Southern Europe Sao Tome and Principe Output: Central Africa Tajikistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Bhutan Output: Southern and Central Asia Paraguay Output: South America Saint Pierre and Miquelon Output: North America Bulgaria Output: Eastern Europe Kiribati Output: Micronesia Sweden Output: Nordic Countries Colombia Output: South America Liberia Output: Western Africa Cook Islands Output: Polynesia Czech Republic Output: Eastern Europe United States Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Macedonia Output: Southern Europe Tanzania Output: Eastern Africa Djibouti Output: Eastern Africa Kuwait Output: Middle East Yemen Output: Middle East Gambia Output: Western Africa Italy Output: Southern Europe Ghana Output: Western Africa Cote d'Ivoire Output: Western Africa Norway Output: Nordic Countries Kiribati Output: Micronesia Tokelau Output: Polynesia Tunisia Output: Northern Africa Tajikistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Poland Output: Eastern Europe Mexico Output: Central America Slovakia Output: Eastern Europe Western Sahara Output: Northern Africa United Kingdom Output: British Isles Portugal Output: Southern Europe Nicaragua Output: Central America Cape Verde Output: Western Africa Ecuador Output: South America Niger Output: Western Africa Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: Northern Africa Moldova Output: Eastern Europe Thailand Output: Southeast Asia Mozambique Output: Eastern Africa Latvia Output: Baltic Countries Equatorial Guinea Output: Central Africa El Salvador Output: Central America Brazil Output: South America Honduras Output: Central America Norfolk Island Output: Australia and New Zealand San Marino Output: Southern Europe Brazil Output: South America Uzbekistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Kiribati Output: Micronesia Niger Output: Western Africa Poland Output: Eastern Europe Ecuador Output: South America Suriname Output: South America Czech Republic Output: Eastern Europe British Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: Caribbean Grenada Output: Caribbean El Salvador Output: Central America Maldives Output: Southern and Central Asia Romania Output: Eastern Europe Cocos (Keeling) Islands Output: Australia and New Zealand New Caledonia Output: Melanesia Bulgaria Output: Eastern Europe American Samoa Output: Polynesia Romania Output: Eastern Europe Iran Output: Southern and Central Asia Saint Helena Output: Western Africa Equatorial Guinea Output: Central Africa Armenia Output: Middle East Faroe Islands Output: Nordic Countries South Africa Output: Southern Africa Italy Output: Southern Europe East Timor Output: Southeast Asia Congo Output: Central Africa Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Greece Output: Southern Europe Mali Output: Western Africa Seychelles Output: Eastern Africa Uruguay Output: South America Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: Northern Africa Vanuatu Output: Melanesia Afghanistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Seychelles Output: Eastern Africa Japan Output: Eastern Asia Bahrain Output: Middle East Nepal Output: Southern and Central Asia Liechtenstein Output: Western Europe Saudi Arabia Output: Middle East Cote d'Ivoire Output: Western Africa Papua New Guinea Output: Melanesia Palau Output: Micronesia Morocco Output: Northern Africa French Southern territories Output: Antarctica Cook Islands Output: Polynesia Sao Tome and Principe Output: Central Africa Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Dominican Republic Output: Caribbean Nigeria Output: Western Africa Azerbaijan Output: Middle East Trinidad and Tobago Output: Caribbean Djibouti Output: Eastern Africa Cambodia Output: Southeast Asia Liechtenstein Output: Western Europe Saint Lucia Output: Caribbean Comoros Output: Eastern Africa Liechtenstein Output: Western Europe South Africa Output: Southern Africa Ireland Output: British Isles Germany Output: Western Europe Guinea Output: Western Africa Guam Output: Micronesia New Caledonia Output: Melanesia Grenada Output: Caribbean Portugal Output: Southern Europe Seychelles Output: Eastern Africa Samoa Output: Polynesia Ecuador Output: South America Sri Lanka Output: Southern and Central Asia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: Caribbean American Samoa Output: Polynesia Bahamas Output: Caribbean Vanuatu Output: Melanesia Hungary Output: Eastern Europe Latvia Output: Baltic Countries Fiji Islands Output: Melanesia Cape Verde Output: Western Africa Christmas Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Gambia Output: Western Africa Turkmenistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Niue Output: Polynesia Tokelau Output: Polynesia Denmark Output: Nordic Countries Guyana Output: South America Pitcairn Output: Polynesia United States Output: North America Qatar Output: Middle East Bangladesh Output: Southern and Central Asia Italy Output: Southern Europe Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Saint Helena Output: Western Africa Lesotho Output: Southern Africa Bulgaria Output: Eastern Europe South Korea Output: Eastern Asia Liberia Output: Western Africa Western Sahara Output: Northern Africa Nigeria Output: Western Africa Gibraltar Output: Southern Europe El Salvador Output: Central America Micronesia, Federated States of Output: Micronesia Belize Output: Central America Liechtenstein Output: Western Europe Madagascar Output: Eastern Africa Trinidad and Tobago Output: Caribbean Anguilla Output: Caribbean Norway Output: Nordic Countries Heard Island and McDonald Islands Output: Antarctica Reunion Output: Eastern Africa Pakistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Faroe Islands Output: Nordic Countries Laos Output: Southeast Asia Congo Output: Central Africa Algeria Output: Northern Africa Benin Output: Western Africa Montserrat Output: Caribbean Madagascar Output: Eastern Africa Fiji Islands Output: Melanesia Cape Verde Output: Western Africa Singapore Output: Southeast Asia Sierra Leone Output: Western Africa Kyrgyzstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Nicaragua Output: Central America Yugoslavia Output: Southern Europe Chad Output: Central Africa Cocos (Keeling) Islands Output: Australia and New Zealand Estonia Output: Baltic Countries Sierra Leone Output: Western Africa Chile Output: South America Croatia Output: Southern Europe Myanmar Output: Southeast Asia Costa Rica Output: Central America Tanzania Output: Eastern Africa Netherlands Antilles Output: Caribbean Argentina Output: South America Ethiopia Output: Eastern Africa Switzerland Output: Western Europe Norway Output: Nordic Countries Morocco Output: Northern Africa Chad Output: Central Africa Svalbard and Jan Mayen Output: Nordic Countries Syria Output: Middle East Bosnia and Herzegovina Output: Southern Europe Hong Kong Output: Eastern Asia Costa Rica Output: Central America Western Sahara Output: Northern Africa Wallis and Futuna Output: Polynesia Mozambique Output: Eastern Africa Sudan Output: Northern Africa United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean Indonesia Output: Southeast Asia Togo Output: Western Africa Finland Output: Nordic Countries Costa Rica Output: Central America Cyprus Output: Middle East Venezuela Output: South America Poland Output: Eastern Europe Sao Tome and Principe Output: Central Africa Greece Output: Southern Europe Oman Output: Middle East Malawi Output: Eastern Africa Burkina Faso Output: Western Africa French Guiana Output: South America Congo Output: Central Africa Estonia Output: Baltic Countries Congo Output: Central Africa Fiji Islands Output: Melanesia South Korea Output: Eastern Asia Honduras Output: Central America Ukraine Output: Eastern Europe Azerbaijan Output: Middle East Saint Lucia Output: Caribbean Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: Northern Africa Vanuatu Output: Melanesia Brazil Output: South America Uzbekistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Bulgaria Output: Eastern Europe United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean Kiribati Output: Micronesia Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: Caribbean Honduras Output: Central America Canada Output: North America Bahrain Output: Middle East
Question: Beginning: There once was a man named Jeff. Middle: Jeff went away to fight in a war. Ending: He returned home and started a family. Output: Jeff went home to fight in a war. Question: Beginning: Ed's television stopped working today. Middle: The big game was coming on and Ed wanted to watch it so he called his brother. Ending: Ed's brother told him to come over and bring snacks. Output: Ed got his tv repaired before the game started. Question: Beginning: Kyo was learning how to lucid dream. Middle: Kyo tried for months but was unsuccessful. Ending: He was very disappointed. Output: Kyo tried for a day and was successful. Question: Beginning: Ted is the first of his friends to own a car. Middle: ted always makes the best out of life. Ending: Ted has made a nice little side business while driving to school. Output: ted always takes the best out of life. Question: Beginning: Domingo was the dictator of a tropical island. Middle: Domingo wanted the negotiators to tell jokes. Ending: But neither negotiator was funny. Output: The negotiators told Domingo some jokes. Question: Beginning: Bill's kids were excited when it snowed Christmas eve. Middle: Bill took the kids out in the snow. Ending: She saw Bill and the kids had built a nativity in the snow. Output: Bill took the kids out to the beach. Question: Beginning: The train traveled through the Pole City Station without stopping. Middle: The attendant told a man to sit down. Ending: The man defied the attendant and remained standing. Output: The attendant told a man to get louder. Question: Beginning: My father called me to his side on his deathbed. Middle: He discussed the harm he had caused me in infancy. Ending: Just before his final breath he said he was sorry. Output: He said he loved me since infancy. Question: Beginning: Jimmy loves pizza. Middle: Jimmy ordered his favorite pepperoni pizza with extra anchovies. Ending: He is very satisfied with his pizza. Output: Jimmy ordered his least favorite, pepperoni pizza with extra anchovies. Question: Beginning: Tom had possession of the ball. Middle: He made a three point shot at the buzzer. Ending: All of his teammates cheered for him. Output: Tom missed a three point shot at the buzzer. Question: Beginning: Stacia was riding the four wheeler. Middle: Stacia wanted to cross the creek. Ending: The creek was full of parasites. Output: Stacia stayed on the trail and didn't veer off. Question: Beginning: Marisse went to the auction to look for some items. Middle: Marisse found some interesting boxes. Ending: Sadly, they were both filled with junk. Output: Marisse found some interesting chairs. Question: Beginning: My aunt took out a large cooked lasagna and placed it on the table. Middle: It fed a large group of people. Ending: There was not enough food for any leftovers. Output: It was bad so no one wanted to eat it. Question: Beginning: I decided to play street baseball with my friends. Middle: My ball broke a window and I ran off. Ending: The owner of the house caught me and made me pay for a new window. Output: My ball broke a window and the owner ran off. Question: Beginning: Emma needed a taxi from her hotel. Middle: Emma called the bellhop before coming downstairs to make her request. Ending: The bellhop happily called a taxi for Emma. Output: The bellhop called Emma before coming downstairs to make his request. Question: Beginning: Gina's grandpa had passed away. Middle: Gina's grandma needed help moving to the nursing home. Ending: They would drive out of town and move her, and her things there. Output: Gina's grandma needed help moving back to live with grandpa. Question: Beginning: Lucy just turned 21, and it was her first St Patrick's Day! Middle: Lucy got sick from drinking too much beer. Ending: She decided that she wouldn't celebrate St Patrick's Day again. Output: Lucy got sick from abstaining too much beer. Question: Beginning: I took my car in for it's annual inspection. Middle: The repair costs were $20,000. Ending: The money was almost enough to buy another car. Output: The repair costs were only one dollar. Question: Beginning: Lily hated mosquitoes! Middle: Lily spreaded insecticide to mosquitoes. Ending: Within an hour every mosquito was dead! Output: Lily spread water to the mosquitoes. Question: Beginning: I could not find anything clean to wear. Middle: I spent two hours doing laundry at my neighbors. Ending: Now, I have plenty of clean clothing choices. Output: I spent two hours playing cards at my neighbors. Question: Beginning: Emma was dieting. Middle: She also worked out. Ending: She managed to drop three dress sizes in three months! Output: Emma ate 10 meals a day. Question: Beginning: Doug entered the lunchroom and looked for his friends. Middle: Doug found a chair at the same time as Todd and they began to fight. Ending: Todd and Doug spilled everyone's lunch fighting over the chair. Output: Doug found a chair at the same time as todd they sat next to each other and chose not to fight. Question: Beginning: Jeremy was sitting at his desk. Middle: Jeremy drank a stale cup of milk. Ending: Disgusted, he threw the cup out. Output: Jeremy drank a stale cup of water. Question: Beginning: Jane loves fresh flowers. Middle: Jane bought some flowers and asked her mom how to care for them. Ending: Despite her mom's instructions, Jane still killed her new flowers. Output: Jane bought some dolphins and asked her mom how to care for them. Question: Beginning: Sarah bought a dozen donuts. Middle: Sarah gave out donuts to the homeless. Ending: They thanked Sarah for the food. Output: Sarah gave out donuts to the diabetics. Question: Beginning: My family's red car broke down last year. Middle: My family couldn't afford a new car. Ending: My parents bought matching mopeds. Output: My family could afford a new car. Question: Beginning: It was a cold night. Middle: Hunting was hard and the woods were very cold with no tent. Ending: And Bob's blankets had blood on them too. Output: Skiing was hard and the woods were very cold. Question: Beginning: Charles hated living in a sober living home. Middle: Charles and his friends decided to drink some alcohol. Ending: Then his roommate walked in wearing Charles' undergarments. Output: Charles and his friends took it seriously. Question: Beginning: The votes were in for class presidential elections. Middle: Cara lost because she didn't have the most votes. Ending: Cara sat alone and cried. Output: Cara won because she had the most support. Question: Beginning: There was a new club opening down the street. Middle: The club was for people 21 and older. Ending: The girls couldn't get in. Output: The club was for people of all ages. Question: Beginning: Bridgett got an letter for Jury Duty. Middle: Bridgett ignored the summons and tried to flee the country. Ending: It seems Bridgett would now have a jury deciding her fate. Output: Bridgett acknowledged the summons and stayed in the country. Question: Beginning: Flaming series, the band, is making a music video. Middle: The drummer was sick and was hospitalized. Ending: They had to stop the video. Output: The drummer performed a sick solo. Question: Beginning: Pyotr wanted a raise. Middle: Pytor's boss gave a raise to his coworker instead. Ending: Pyotr was very disappointed. Output: Pytor's boss gave a raise to him and his coworkers. Question: Beginning: Martha's boyfriend was really into Dungeons and Dragons. Middle: Martha decided to play Dungeons and Dragons with her boyfriend to see if she would like it. Ending: Martha had a lot of fun. Output: Martha's boyfriend decided to play Dungeons and Dragons with her boyfriend to see if she would like it. Question: Beginning: Pam loves to stay home instead of going out. Middle: Pam's friend encouraged her to go to bingo one night. Ending: Pam now regularly goes out weekly to play bingo. Output: Pam's friend encouraged her to go to poker one night. Question: Beginning: Jeff wanted to be a sports writer when he grew up. Middle: Jeff started writing about games he saw. Ending: He hoped that this would be good practice for a career one day. Output: Jeff wrote reviews for the opera. Question: Beginning: There was a guy walking in China. Middle: He met a beautiful girl. Ending: He was glad he went for a walk. Output: He never met a beautiful girl in his life. Question: Beginning: Eva had very few friends in school. Middle: Eva meet some nice people. Ending: Eva was glad to finally make some friends! Output: Eva met some mean people. Question: Beginning: Gina's family was having her favorite food for dinner. Middle: Gina had three servings. Ending: As she watched TV she wished she hadn't had that third serving. Output: Gina had 10 servings. Question: Beginning: George loved to go on hikes in the morning. Middle: George found many beautiful places while hiking. Ending: He began to take pictures so he could share it with family. Output: George found many beautiful places while sleeping. Question: Beginning: Erica liked her friend Sue, but she was a bragger. Middle: Sue always bragged about herself. Ending: Sue begrudgingly admitted that Erica was better at jump rope. Output: Sue always bragged about Erica. Question: Beginning: David loved stories. Middle: David was reading a scary story before bed. Ending: David thankfully fell asleep before long. Output: David was reading a silly story before bed. Question: Beginning: Carlos notices that many weeds have grown in his flower garden. Middle: Carlos decides to get on his knees and weed the flower garden. Ending: He decides having a weeded garden is worth having to wash his jeans. Output: Carlos decides to put on an apron and weed the flower garden. Question: Beginning: The flag guy on the road work team was waving on cars one day. Middle: They all aspired to be actors. Ending: Only two ever were able to realize their dream. Output: They all aspired to be done early. Question: Beginning: Fred has always wanted to try eating pizza. Middle: Fred had a great slice of pizza with his friends. Ending: Fred wishes he hadn't waited so long to try pizza. Output: Fred had a great slice of apple pie with his friends. Question: Beginning: I decided to move back in with my parents. Middle: I was able to save up money for a house. Ending: I was so happy that made that decision. Output: I still couldn't save enough money for a house. Question: Beginning: Beth had failed to run up a steep hill in track practice. Middle: Beth took a break and tried again. Ending: Beth was proud of herself for making it to the top. Output: Beth took a break and gave up. Question: Beginning: Richard had a strange urge to wake up in the middle of the night. Middle: Richard thought he was hungry and that is why he woke up. Ending: Richard made himself a sandwhich. Output: Richard thought he was possessed and that is why he woke up. Question: Beginning: When I saw Elena in person, I handed her a diamond necklace. Middle: I was hoping Elena would kiss me. Ending: Elena simply gave me a high five. Output: I was hoping grapes would hold juice. Question: Beginning: Allison really wanted a My Little Doggie Brownie Cake doll. Middle: Allison's mom hesitantly agreed to buy it for her. Ending: She held the doll tight, until they made it to check-out. Output: Allison hesitantly agreed to buy the doll for her mom. Question: Beginning: Joan started a diet eating only salads. Middle: Joan wondered why she wasn't losing weight. Ending: Then she looked at the calorie info on the salad dressing label. Output: Joan wondered why she wasn't losing weight, eating only dry salad. Question: Beginning: Barry went to the casino. Middle: Barry gambled everything he had. Ending: He went all in, but sadly, ended up losing everything. Output: Barry didn't gamble. Question: Beginning: Fred decided to buy some shares of Apple. Middle: The company started to do really well. Ending: Fred was very happy. Output: The company's stock tanked. Question: Beginning: Lou found a wallet lying on the street. Middle: Lou found the owner of the wallet. Ending: He even gave You a $50 reward. Output: The owner of the wallet found Lou. Question: Beginning: Rita decided she wanted to raise money for her favorite charity. Middle: Rita held a fundraiser. Ending: The show was a success and she collect thousands of dollars. Output: Rita decided it was to hard. Question: Beginning: Judy felt she had nothing to talk about to co-workers. Middle: judy was always isolated growing up. Ending: Judy continued inventing a life from stories on her soap operas. Output: Judy was never isolated while growing up. Question: Beginning: The Smith family went to a buffet. Middle: They ate a lot of delicious food while they were there. Ending: They drove away happy and full. Output: They ate a small amount of delicious food while they were there.". Question: Beginning: Mark wanted to have some fun this weekend. Middle: Mark wanted to have fun and be fit. Ending: He decided to take a hike because of his health. Output: Mark did not want to have fun or be fit. Question: Beginning: Lucy had always wanted a pet cat. Middle: Lucy's new cat was always wanting to be alone. Ending: She ended up letting him be a solitary cat, and got a new cat. Output: Lucy's new cat always wanted to be on her lap. Question: Beginning: Charlotte wanted to stay with her Aunt Rachel so bad. Middle: She went to visit her aunt over summer vacation. Ending: She had such a great time and can't wait to do it again! Output: Charlotte skipped out on visiting her aunt. Question: Beginning: Shawn didn't want his first pet to be a fish like all the other kids. Middle: Shawn sold his fish to a chef. Ending: He made a delicious soup from Shawn's pet. Output: The chef sold fish to Shawn. Question: Beginning: Billy is a big Patriots fan and was very excited for Super Bowl 49. Middle: The patriots were about to score a touchdown. Ending: The Patriots won and Billy ran out of the lounge yelling. Output: The Patriots kept throwing interceptions. Question: Beginning: Jon was depressed for many years and hadn't laughed in a long time. Middle: One day, he decided to laugh for no reason. Ending: The pointless laugh ended up making him laugh for real. Output: One day, he was hesitant to laugh for no reason. Question: Beginning: Caesar was a small yorkie pup. Middle: Caesar liked to play in the lawn. Ending: Little Caesar was now happy until the day he died. Output: Caesar hated playing outside. Question: Beginning: Jessie lived next to the woods. Middle: Jessie got lost in the woods and saw a huge bear. Ending: She raced home and vowed never to go into the woods again. Output: Kathy got lost in the woods and saw a huge bear. Question: Beginning: Jonathan is beloved by his coworkers. Middle: Jonathan gets fired without cause. Ending: Morale is shot and the company closes. Output: Jonathan was given a promotion. Question: Beginning: My father called me to his side on his deathbed. Middle: I was hesitant to go since my Father and I didn't see eye to eye. Ending: Just before his final breath he said he was sorry. Output: I was hesitant to go since my daughter and I didn't see eye to eye. Question: Beginning: Rachel married a man named Brian. Middle: Brian was unfaithful and they divorced. Ending: Rachel was heartbroken but she eventually met another man. Output: Brain was a lawyer and they danced. Question: Beginning: I was so excited yesterday that usher released a new song. Middle: My friend gave me the single. Ending: I listened to the song all day. Output: My friend gave me a blank cd. Question: Beginning: The police officer was driving across the street. Middle: The police officer saw a criminal run by. Ending: The officer ended up arresting him. Output: the police officer saw a dog run by. Question: Beginning: Benjamin have the ball in his hands with 4 seconds left. Middle: We practiced a lot for the game. Ending: The judges announced the winners, which were us. Output: We didnt practice for the game. Question: Beginning: Tripp was determined to get into law school. Middle: It felt like to took forever to get a reply. Ending: He finally received his letter and was accepted. Output: It took no time to get a reply. Question: Beginning: Martha was very excited to get her very first cell phone today. Middle: Marthas mom said she earned her cell phone. Ending: As Martha drove home, she was bursting with happiness. Output: Martha's mom said she didn't need a cell phone. Question: Beginning: Sam and John went out to play some ultimate Frisbee one day. Middle: Some boys tried to rob Sam and John. Ending: Sam and John ran from the group of boys. Output: Some boys tried to befriend Sam and John. Question: Beginning: Ace was playing poker with friends. Middle: Ace saw his friend switching cards. Ending: Ace called out his friend for cheating. Output: Ace saw his friend deal professionally. Question: Beginning: Mary drove past a concert featuring Megadeth. Middle: Mary saw a handsome man that smiled at her. Ending: Mary didn't know that was Megadeth's guitarist. Output: Mary saw a handsome girl that smiled at her. Question: Beginning: Joe made kettle corn. Middle: His friend showed up just after he made it. Ending: Joe felt bad and gave him some. Output: His friend nevershowed up just before he made it. Question: Beginning: Jane loved to ride her bike. Middle: She rode her bike everywhere as much as she could. Ending: It was great exercise for Jane. Output: She rode her bike as much as she could on her driveway.". Question: Beginning: Lori had a big date on Friday. Middle: Lori was excited to wear her new top. Ending: They got into a big fight and the top got torn in the process. Output: Lori was excited to wear her new dress jacket. Question: Beginning: It was time for a break. Middle: Jimmy's stomach was growling and he didn't have a snack. Ending: Jimmy then remembered he had a sandwich in the fridge. Output: Jimmy's bearded lizard was growling and he didn't have a snack. Question: Beginning: Nanny wanted to learn why she was adopted. Middle: Nanny's parents showed her pictures of her birth family. Ending: Nanny stopped looking as she knew it was painful. Output: Nanny's parents showed her pictures of kittens. Question: Beginning: A new doctor was trying on his new lab coat for his first day. Middle: It had a name that was not liked by him. Ending: He never liked that name. Output: It had a name that was liked by him. Question: Beginning: Bobby likes to mow grass. Middle: Bobby mows a lot of people grass. Ending: Many people appreciate the mowing that Bobby does. Output: Bobby mows his own grass. Question: Beginning: Bill could not sleep at night. Middle: Bill decided to try using two pillows. Ending: The two pillows were stacked atop each other and Bill slept soundly. Output: Bill decided to try using no pillows. Question: Beginning: Two teenagers decided to go see a movie. Middle: They weren't old enough to see the movie they wanted. Ending: A worker caught them sneaking in and they were kicked out. Output: They weren't old enough to understand the movie they wanted to see. Question: Beginning: Katie refused to mind her mother and brush her teeth. Middle: Katie was soon suffering from terrible toothaches. Ending: Katie had to go to the dentist and have many cavities filled. Output: Katie was soon benefiting from healthy teeth. Question: Beginning: Jason was excited that today was pool day. Middle: But the pool was very crowded, and very loud, which gave Jason a headache. Ending: In a daze, he complained loudly all the way home. Output: But the pool was very crowded, and very loud, which gave Jason a fun time. Question: Beginning: The other day I was at the gym Middle: While I was dressing a man walked into the dressing room accidentally. Ending: He apologized and I thanked him for doing so. Output: While I was dressing a girl walked into the dressing room accidentally. Question: Beginning: Jane passed a small park-like zoo she remembered visiting as a child. Middle: Jane stopped the car and was Rear-ended. Ending: Jane wished she had never stopped the car. Output: Jane stopped the car and visited the zoo. Question: Beginning: Jim decided to major in accounting in college. Middle: Jim realized he did not like accounting. Ending: He decided he was going to change his major. Output: Jim realized he did not like college. Question: Beginning: Today my son and I built a snowman. Middle: We decided the snowman needed more accessories. Ending: We decided to go buy one in the morning for our next snowman. Output: We decided the snowman needed more snow. Question: Beginning: Cam wanted to be a photographer for the high school yearbook. Middle: Someone else was chosen instead of Cam. Ending: And at graduation, he distributed his own homemade photo album to all! Output: Cam was chosen instead of someone else. Question: Beginning: Mitchell was giving his first presentation to a group of people. Middle: Mitchell was rehearsing in the bathroom and was ready. Ending: He did an amazing job, but he did forget to zipper his pants. Output: Mitchell was rehearsing in the classroom and was ready. Question: Beginning: Bob bought his daughter a new kite. Middle: Then Bob took her to the park for the day. Ending: At the end of the day they went home and had ice cream. Output: Then Bob put her to bed for the day. Question: Beginning: Harley was walking up his apartment stairs. Middle: He went to his apartment to see two of his friends having sex on his bed. Ending: He didn't know what to do so he just threw both of them out. Output: He went to his apartment to see no one there. Question: Beginning: Maddie's science fair was coming up today. Middle: Maddie's biology project was about osmosis. Ending: To her delight, Maddie received a solid A grade. Output: Maddie's biology project was about kittens. Question: Beginning: The little sister found out she was having a baby brother. Middle: The little sister was so excited that she made her new baby brother a picture and cleaned her room. Ending: The little sister was given a cookie for her behavior. Output: The littler sister was so excited that she made her new baby brother a crib and cleaned the entire house. Question: Beginning: Charles graduated college and rented an apartment. Middle: Charles parents moved out of their house. Ending: He drove past that house and it now has nothing to do with his family. Output: Charles parents painted their house. Question: Beginning: I kept my baby blanket in good shape. Middle: My mother made it for me when I was young. Ending: I sleep with my baby blanket every night. Output: My younger sister made it for me when i was young. Question: Beginning: Scarlet was scheduled to have her wisdom teeth removed. Middle: Scarlet was given meds to help her relax during the removal. Ending: When she awoke, she could barely believe it was all done already! Output: Scarlet was denied meds to help her relax during the removal. Question: Beginning: Shay needed a gift for his dad. Middle: Shay wanted to get a tie. Ending: He bought his dad a brand new tie! Output: Shay hated to get a tie. Question: Beginning: Ryan used to work for mall security. Middle: Ryan had a special dog to help him. Ending: Ryan was blind. Output: Ryan had a special kitten to help him. Question: Beginning: The Lake Family goes on a road trip each summer. Middle: They like to ride Jeeps on their trip. Ending: Finally, it's time to drive off on the road. Output: They like to walk once they get there. Question: Beginning: Jim lost his girlfriend to his neighbor. Middle: Jim confronted them about it. Ending: Jim's ex girlfriend still stayed with the neighbor. Output: Jim avoided them about it. Question: Beginning: Yesterday my boyfriend proposed. Middle: I accepted immediately and gave him a huge hug. Ending: It was a great movement. Output: I accepted immediately and gave him a huge frown. Question: Beginning: Jim rode his bike over a hilly road. Middle: As Jim went downhill, he was going too fast and nearly crashed. Ending: Jim slowed down and had to pedal again. Output: As Jim went downhill he was going fast and felt exhilirated. Question: Beginning: Josh liked to smoke. Middle: However Josh realized it was too expensive. Ending: Josh patted himself on the back for making a good decision. Output: However Josh realized it was very cheap. Question: Beginning: Sean loved music. Middle: Sean worked hard to write a good song. Ending: He made the music and ended up making tons of money. Output: Sean worked hard but couldn't write a good song. Question: Beginning: Lucy and her grandparents decided to watch a movie. Middle: There were so many movies to choose from. Ending: Lucy and her grandma both voted to watch Funny Girl instead. Output: There were so many foods to choose from. Question: Beginning: I wanted to be a knitter like my neighbor Ms Alberta Lee Cole. Middle: I took a class at my local art center and learned how to knit. Ending: Now I am a knitter who sells his homemade garments on Etsy Dot Com. Output: I could not find any classes for knitting. Question: Beginning: Yesterday, my mother in law called, and wanted to go out to some store. Middle: We went to the store but their selection wasn't great. Ending: We went home without buying anything. Output: We went to the store and we found something on sale. Question: Beginning: Tyler wanted to see a movie with his friends. Middle: They couldn't agree on which movie to watch. Ending: They each ended up seeing the movie they wanted to see, alone! Output: They agreed on which movie to watch together. Question: Beginning: Charlotte wanted to stay with her Aunt Rachel so bad. Middle: Charlotte spent summer vacation in Aunt Rachel's house. Ending: She had such a great time and can't wait to do it again! Output: Charlotte spent summer vacation in Aunt Rachel's house and hated it. Question: Beginning: Casey decided to bake a cake. Middle: Casey put all the ingredients together and made the cake. Ending: Her cake was finally complete. Output: Casey did not have all of the ingredients. Question: Beginning: Jack asked Amy to go on a date. Middle: She agreed so they went on a date. Ending: Jack was pleased the date went very well. Output: Amy rejected him, so they never went on the date. Question: Beginning: Jon was working on his coffee table. Middle: Jon spilled coffee on his computer. Ending: Jon had to replace the table and his computer. Output: Jon didnt spill coffee on his computer. Question: Beginning: Nicole was a nursing aide at a nearby nursing home and a student. Middle: nicole had a sudden family emergency and had to take time off work. Ending: Eventually Nicole had to take a few weeks off of both and loved it. Output: Nicole had a sudden family emergency and had to take time to work. Question: Beginning: Mike and Molly washed up on shore. Middle: At first Mike and Molly didn't like each other. Ending: But they got together and promised to stick together and make it home. Output: At first Mike and Molly were friends. Question: Beginning: Larry wants to be an actor. Middle: Larry tried out for the lead role. Ending: Although he doesn't like the movie's premise. Output: Larry tried out for the football team. Question: Beginning: Jim wanted to go to a live music venue. Middle: Jim and his friend looked at different music venues in the area. Ending: They went to the classical music venue. Output: Jim and his friend couldn't get a ride. Question: Beginning: Al's girlfriend was a hard worker. Middle: Al's girlfriend took a bath after a hard day. Ending: It relaxed her and put her in a good mood. Output: Al took a bath after an easy day. Question: Beginning: A pilot flew his plane in a nearly cloudless sky. Middle: Suddenly, he flew into a major storm system and it became cloudy and grey. Ending: The pilot emerged on the other side and kept flying. Output: Suddenly, he flew into a major storm system but it was not cloudy and grey. Question: Beginning: Diana's daughter was in a ballet class. Middle: When she received a text message, answered it disrupting class. Ending: Diana apologized and put her phone away. Output: Diana picked her up at 5pm. Question: Beginning: Sara wanted to go to clown school. Middle: Sarah wanted to make people happy. Ending: Sara had found her calling in life. Output: Sarah wanted to make people sleepy. Question: Beginning: Tim and his girlfriend were going out to dinner. Middle: Tim and his girlfriend could not decide where to go. Ending: Eventually Tim just begged her to pick. Output: Tim and his girlfriend knew where to go. Question: Beginning: Yesterday I had a scream queens marathon. Middle: i finished all of the marathon. Ending: Finally six hours later I fell asleep. Output: I finished none of the marathon. Question: Beginning: Jake was trying a new diet. Middle: His friend decided he wanted a burger. Ending: Jake wound up getting a burger as well. Output: His friend decided he wanted a salad. Question: Beginning: Susan was playing poker with her friends. Middle: Susan had a royal flush and won everyone's money. Ending: Afterwards, Susan bought pizza for everybody with her earnings. Output: Everyone had a royal flush and won Susan's money. Question: Beginning: Katie was very nervous about her statistics class. Middle: Katie studied for hours. Ending: Katie scored the highest on the final and was named Statistics Queen! Output: Katie studied for five minutes. Question: Beginning: Mia does usually get good grades in school. Middle: Mia's parents would give her money to get good grades. Ending: She ended up getting an A and 20 dollars. Output: Mia's parents would give her money for bad grades. Question: Beginning: Lucy's grandma was doing her hair. Middle: Lucy's Grandma rinsed the brown dye out of her hair. Ending: Grandma's gray hair was now brown, and the dye left no stench behind. Output: Lucy's grandma forgot to rinse the brown dye out of her hair. Question: Beginning: Lauren has just moved into a new home. Middle: Lauren began decorating her home. Ending: She is happy to be decorating her new home. Output: Lauren began moving her home. Question: Beginning: I was dating a girl. Middle: We went to an Indian restaurant with good food. Ending: Alas, her breath smelled like garlic chutney! Output: We went to an Indian dance with good music. Question: Beginning: Every night Austin watched movies with his iPad. Middle: Austin left the IPad in the rain. Ending: He now has a broken iPad screen and a broken nose. Output: Austin took care of his iPad. Question: Beginning: Amy was in the 3rd day of her online training for work. Middle: A question from Amy's teacher made her nervous. Ending: To her relief she answered the teacher's question correctly. Output: A question from Amy made the teacher nervous. Question: Beginning: Mike bought a motorcycle. Middle: Mike was upset that there was a scratch on it. Ending: He finally accepted that it had been his fault for causing the scrape. Output: Mike was happy that there was a scratch on it. Question: Beginning: Ross and his friends needed to raise money for their school club. Middle: They decided to have a car wash. Ending: Ross and his friends raised even more money than they had planned. Output: They decided to have a funeral. Question: Beginning: Tim was riding his motorcycle to school. Middle: Tim accidentally hit a squirrel. Ending: He fell on the ground gently. Output: Tim almost hit a squirrel. Question: Beginning: Sarah and her friends went to get some Frozen Yogurt. Middle: Sarah ate every flavor of yogurt. Ending: She tried so many flavors she was now full off of free yogurt. Output: Sarah ate two flavors of yogurt. Question: Beginning: Karin speaks very loudly. Middle: Her teammates finally told her to quite down. Ending: Now Karin sits far away from the rest of her teammates. Output: Her teammates finally told her to run faster. Question: Beginning: Cody had a black cat, but she didn't like the cat. Middle: Cody's cat was mean. Ending: Cody vowed to never get another cat. Output: Cody's cat was kind. Question: Beginning: Gina and her siblings went to their uncle's house with their mom. Middle: He lived in a retirement community. Ending: In fact there were no young people to be seen anywhere on this block. Output: He lived in a poor community. Question: Beginning: Marissa was on a long road trip. Middle: Marissa was really hungry and wanted to stop to get a burger, she found a rest stop with a diner. Ending: She decided to go there. Output: Marissa was not hungry and did not want to stop to get a burger, she didn't find a rest stop with a diner either. Question: Beginning: I hadn't left the house in weeks. Middle: I had stepped out to get a package from the front porch. Ending: When I got close I had a panic attack and passed out. Output: I had stepped out to get a package from the front porch and was fine. Question: Beginning: A group of my friends and I wanted to get really scared on Halloween Middle: We did a good job getting scared. Ending: Needless to say, none of us slept well that night. Output: We did a good job not getting scared. Question: Beginning: My goal is to leg lift over two hundred pounds at the gym. Middle: I practiced at the gym every day. Ending: Months later I was able to reach my goal. Output: I stayed away from the gym every day.
Example: Passage: New starting quarterback Jason Campbell played his first game at the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Only field goal points took the first half, with both teams tied at halftime 3-3. In the second half Jason Campbell threw a three-yard touchdown pass to TE Chris Cooley, then Bruce Gradkowski threw a three-yard touchdown pass intended for Galloway but instead bounced off him into Becht's hands, making the game tied in the third quarter 10-10. Though the Redskins performed fairly well in the fourth quarter, Jason Campbell throwing another touchdown pass to Yoder, the Buccaneers had already pulled ahead by ten points. The final score was 20-17, Bucs, dropping the Redskins to 3-7. Stats. Question: How many points were scored in the first half? Answer type: Number Label: 6. Example: Passage: As of the census of 2000, 750,097 people, 286,098 households, and 197,693 families resided in the county. The population density was 1,553 people per square mile (599/km²). The 297,434 housing units averaged 238 units/km² (616 units/sq mi). The Race (United States Census) of the county was 86.46% White, 7.46% Black or African American, 0.11% Native American, 4.02% Asian, 0.03% Pacific Islander, 0.75% from other races, and 1.16% from two or more races. About 2.04% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race, 17.5% were of German people, 16.7% Irish people, 14.3% Italian people, 6.5% English people, and 5.0% Polish people ancestry according to 2000 United States Census. Around 90.5% spoke English language, 2.0% Spanish language, 1.1% korean language, and 1.0% Italian language as their first language. Historically, much of western Montgomery County is part of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country, with a great many descendants of German language-speaking settlers from the 18th century. Question: How many percent of people were either Black, Native American or Asian? Answer type: Number Label: 11.59. Example: Passage: Since 1961, Turkey has signed 19 IMF loan accords. Erdoğans government satisfied the budgetary and market requirements of the two during his administration and received every loan installment, the only time any Turkish government has done so. Erdoğan inherited a debt of $23.5 billion to the IMF, which was reduced to $0.9 billion in 2012. He decided not to sign a new deal. Turkeys debt to the IMF was thus declared to be completely paid and he announced that the IMF could borrow from Turkey. In 2010, five-year credit default swaps for Turkeys sovereign debt were trading at a record low of 1.17%, below those of nine EU member countries and Russia. In 2002, the Turkish Central Bank had $26.5 billion in reserves. This amount reached $92.2 billion in 2011. During Erdoğans leadership, inflation fell from 32% to 9.0% in 2004. Since then, Turkish inflation has continued to fluctuate around 9% and is still one of the highest inflation rates in the world. The Turkish public debt as a percentage of annual GDP declined from 74% in 2002 to 39% in 2009. In 2012, Turkey had a lower ratio of public debt to GDP than 21 of 27 members of the European Union and a lower budget deficit to GDP ratio than 23 of them. Question: How many percentage points did inflation fall by 2004? Answer type: Number Label: 23. Example: Passage: Still looking to acquire their first win of the year, the Chiefs stayed at home, donned their Dallas Texans throwbacks, and played a Week 5 interconference duel with the Dallas Cowboys. After a scoreless first quarter, Kansas City got out of the gates in the second quarter as kicker Ryan Succop made a 47-yard field goal and quarterback Matt Cassel completed a 1-yard touchdown pass to linebacker Mike Vrabel. Afterwards, the Cowboys closed out the opening half with a 22-yard field goal from kicker Nick Folk. The Chiefs went back to work in the third quarter with Succop booting a 38-yard field goal, yet Dallas began to rally with a 36-yard touchdown run from running back Tashard Choice. Dallas would take the lead in the fourth quarter as Folk nailed a 28-yard field goal and quarterback Tony Romo found wide receiver Miles Austin on a 59-yard touchdown pass, yet Kansas City would tie the game as Cassel hooked up with wide receiver Dwayne Bowe on a 16-yard touchdown pass. However, the Cowboys won it in overtime as Romo threw the game-ending 60-yard touchdown pass to Austin. Question: How many more yards in field goals did Nick Folk have compared to Ryan Succop? Answer type: Number Label: 3. Example: Passage: In the county, the population was spread out with 22.7% under the age of 18, 9.0% from 18 to 24, 28.9% from 25 to 44, 26.7% from 45 to 64, and 12.7% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 37.8 years. For every 100 females, there were 115.9 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 127.5 males. Question: How many in percent weren't 18 to 24? Answer type: Number Label: 91. Example: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their loss to the Patriots the Ravens played on home ground for an AFC duel with the Bills. It was Ed Reed's first game of the season following an absence from injury, a game in which he would intercept two passes. In the 1st quarter the Ravens took the lead as kicker Billy Cundiff made a 41-yard field goal. But they trailed with QB Ryan Fitzpatrick completing a 33-yard TD pass to WR Lee Evans, followed by kicker Rian Lindell hitting a 21-yard field goal. The lead was increased in the second quarter with Fitzpatrick finding WR Steve Johnson on a 33-yard TD pass. The Ravens replied with QB Joe Flacco making a 26-yard TD pass to TE Todd Heap. But Fitzpatrick found Evans again on a 20-yard TD pass to put the Bills up 24-10. The lead was narrowed when Cundiff hit a 48-yard field goal, followed by Flacco throwing a 14-yard TD pass to Heap. In the third quarter, the Bills had possession first, but their first play was a pass to that was intercepted by Ed Reed. On the next play, the Ravens got the lead back with Flacco completing a 34-yard TD pass to WR Anquan Boldin, followed by RB Willis McGahee getting a 2-yard TD run. The Bills managed to tie the game in the 4th quarter with Fitzpatrick making a 17-yard TD pass to Evans, and with Lindell getting a 50-yard field goal. In overtime, the Buffalo offense was driving in their own territory when after catching a pass, Ray Lewis stripped the ball from the receiver before he was down on contact. Soon after, the Bills were called for an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty of 15&#160;yards, thereby placing the Ravens within Cundiff's comfortable range. A few plays later, including a 5-yard penalty, Cundiff successfully put the game away a 38-yard field goal to give the Ravens the win. With the win, the Ravens went into their bye week at 5-2. Question: How many field goals did Rian Lindell kick? Answer type: Number Label: 2. Example: Passage: In the first half, the Chargers got off to a great start when QB Philip Rivers got a 2-yard touchdown pass to WR Legedu Naanee. Then kicker Nate Kaeding hit a 28 and a 47-yard field goal. In the third quarter the Broncos scored their only points of the game when kicker Matt Prater got a 23-yard field goal, yet the Chargers replied and started to rally with RB LaDainian Tomlinson getting a 1-yard touchdown run, and in the fourth quarter Kaeding making a 28 then a 19-yard field goal, and finally FB Mike Tolbert ran 8 yards to the end zone for a touchdown (With PAT kick blocked). With the fourth straight loss, the Broncos fell to a 6-4 record as the Chargers improved to a 7-3 record and took the divisional lead. Question: How many field goals did Nate Kaeding make? Answer type: Number Label: 2. Example: Passage: There were 13,324 households of which 27.8% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 47.0% were Marriage living together, 10.3% had a female householder with no husband present, 4.3% had a male householder with no wife present, and 38.4% were non-families. 30.2% of all households were made up of individuals and 12.8% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.32 and the average family size was 2.87. Question: How many percent were not female householders? Answer type: Number Label: 89.7. Example: Passage: Trying to snap a two-game skid, the Bills flew to Gillette Stadium for a Week 3 divisional fight with the New England Patriots. In the first quarter, QB J. P. Losman was immediately injured on the first offensive play of the game. He would finish the series, but ended up on the bench for the rest of the game. After New England took the lead with kicker Stephen Gostkowski's 24-yard field goal, rookie QB Trent Edwards played the rest of the game for Buffalo. The Bills would get their only score of the game as RB Marshawn Lynch got an 8-yard TD run, and a Rian Lindell extra point put the Bills ahead surprisingly 7-3. However, in the second quarter, the Patriots were able to open up their running game when Bills rookie standout Paul Posluszny was lost due to a broken arm. This left passing lanes open, and for the rest of the game, the Patriots dominated. QB Tom Brady's 8-yard TD pass to TE Benjamin Watson and a 3-yard TD pass to WR Randy Moss made it 17-7 at the half. In the third quarter, New England continued its conquest with Brady's 4-yard TD pass to WR Jabar Gaffney and RB Sammy Morris' 4-yard TD run. In the fourth quarter, the Patriots ended the day with Brady and Moss hooking up with each other again on a 45-yard TD pass. Question: How many yards for a touchdown did randy moss catch? Answer type: Number Label: 48. Example: Passage: After their win over the Jets, the Ravens stayed at home for a Week 3 interconference fight with the Arizona Cardinals. In the first quarter, Baltimore took flight first with kicker Matt Stover getting a 21-yard field goal for the only score of the period. In the second quarter, the Ravens increased its lead with Stover getting a 28-yard field goal. The Cardinals would respond with kicker Neil Rackers getting a 48-yard field goal. Afterwards, Baltimore began to unload with QB Steve McNair completing a 13-yard TD pass to WR Derrick Mason, while rookie WR Yamon Figurs returned a punt 75 yards for a touchdown. In the third quarter, Arizona managed to get a 40-yard field goal from Rackers, while the Ravens had Stover kick a 43-yard field goal. However, in the fourth quarter, the Cardinals started to work their way back into the game with QB Kurt Warner completing a 5-yard and a 32-yard TD pass to WR Anquan Boldin, along with Rackers getting a 41-yard field goal to tie the game. Stover helped Baltimore close out the game with a win as he nailed the game-winning 46-yard field goal as time expired. Question: How many yards was the longest field goal? Answer type: Number Label: 48. Example: Passage: Pew Research Center indicated that (as of 2014) 21 surveyed countries have a positive view (50% or above) of China. With the top ten most positive countries being Pakistan (78%), Tanzania (77%), Bangladesh (77%), Malaysia (74%), Kenya (74%), Thailand (72%), Senegal (71%), Nigeria (70%), Venezuela (67%), and Indonesia (66%). While ten surveyed countries have the most negative view (Below 50%) of China. With the countries being Japan (7%), Vietnam (16%), Turkey (21%), Italy (26%), Germany (28%), India (31%), Poland (32%), Jordan (35%), United States (35%), and Colombia (38%). Chineses own view of China was viewed at 96%. Question: How many percent were not Nigeria? Answer type: Number Label: 30. Example: Passage: Trying to snap a three-game losing streak, the Colts flew to LP Field for a Week 14 AFC South duel with the Tennessee Titans on Thursday night. Indianapolis delivered the game's opening strike in the first quarter with a 1-yard touchdown run from rookie running back Javarris James. The Colts would add onto their lead in the second quarter as quarterback Peyton Manning found wide receiver Pierre Gar&#231;on on a 1-yard and a 19-yard touchdown pass. The Titans responded with running back Chris Johnson getting a 1-yard touchdown run. Tennessee began to cut away at their deficit in the third quarter as quarterback Kerry Collins completed a 7-yard touchdown pass to tight end Craig Stevens, yet Indianapolis responded with a 21-yard field goal from kicker Adam Vinatieri. The Colts added onto their lead in the fourth quarter with a 28-yard field goal from Vinatieri. The Titans tried to rally as Collins completed a 9-yard touchdown pass to tight end Bo Scaife, yet Indianapolis rose to the challenge with Vinatieri booting a 47-yard field goal. Tennessee closed out the game with Collins completing a 2-yard touchdown pass to Scaife. Question: How many more touchdown passes were there than touchdown runs? Answer type: Number Label: 3. Example: Passage: Fegelein split the territory to be covered into two sections divided by the Pripyat River, with the 1st Regiment taking the northern half and the 2nd Regiment the south. The regiments worked their way from east to west through their assigned territory, and filed daily reports on the number of people killed and taken prisoner. By 1 August, SS Cavalry Regiment 1 under the command of Gustav Lombard was responsible for the death of 800 people; by 6 August, this total had reached 3,000 "Jews and partisans". Throughout the following weeks, personnel of SS Cavalry Regiment 1 under Lombards command murdered an estimated 11,000 Jews and more than 400 dispersed soldiers of the Red Army. Thus Fegeleins units were among the first in the Holocaust to wipe out entire Jewish communities. Fegeleins final operational report dated 18 September 1941, states that they killed 14,178 Jews, 1,001 partisans, 699 Red Army soldiers, with 830 prisoners taken and losses of 17 dead, 36 wounded, and 3 missing. Historian Henning Pieper estimates the actual number of Jews killed was closer to 23,700. Question: How many days did the casualties caused by SS Cavalry Regiment 1 increase from 800 to 3000? Answer type: Number Label: 5. Example: Passage: African elephants were listed as Vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2008, with no independent assessment of the conservation status of the two forms. In 1979, Africa had an estimated minimum population of 1.3 million elephants, with a possible upper limit of 3.0 million. By 1989, the population was estimated to be 609,000; with 277,000 in Central Africa, 110,000 in East Africa, 204,000 in southern Africa, and 19,000 in West Africa. About 214,000 elephants were estimated to live in the rainforests, fewer than had previously been thought. From 1977 to 1989, elephant populations declined by 74% in East Africa. After 1987, losses in elephant numbers accelerated, and savannah populations from Cameroon to Somalia experienced a decline of 80%. African forest elephants had a total loss of 43%. Population trends in southern Africa were mixed, with anecdotal reports of losses in Zambia, Mozambique and Angola while populations grew in Botswana and Zimbabwe and were stable in South Africa. Conversely, studies in 2005 and 2007 found populations in eastern and southern Africa were increasing by an average annual rate of 4.0%. Due to the vast areas involved, assessing the total African elephant population remains difficult and involves an element of guesswork. The IUCN estimates a total of around 440,000 individuals for 2012. Question: How many more percentage points of the elephant population was lost in savannah populations in Cameroon and Somalia than African forest elephants? Answer type: Number Label: 37. Example: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their loss to the Chiefs the Seahawks played on home ground for an NFC duel with the Panthers. In the first quarter the Seahawks trailed early as RB Mike Goodson got a 6-yard TD run, followed by RB Jonathan Stewart getting a 3-yard TD run. They commanded the rest of the game with kicker Olindo Mare getting a 24-yard field goal, followed by RB Marshawn Lynch getting a 1-yard TD run, then with Lofa Tatupu returning an interception 26 yards for a touchdown. The lead was extended with Lynch getting a 1 and a 22-yard TD run. With the win, not only did the Seahawks improve to 6-6, they surpassed their victory mark of the last 2 seasons. Question: How many games had the Seahawks won before this game? Answer type: Number Label: 5. Example: Passage: As of the 2010 United States Census of 2010, there were 173,514 people, and 62,400 households. The population density was . There were 74,537 housing units. The racial makeup of the city was 79.4% African American (U.S. Census) or Race (United States Census), 18.4% White (U.S. Census) or Euro American, 0.1% Native American (U.S. Census), 0.4% Asian (U.S. Census), and 0.9% from two or more races. 1.6% of the population were Hispanics in the United States or Latino (U.S. Census) of any race. Non-Hispanic Whites were 18% of the population in 2010, down from 60% in 1970. Question: How many in percent from the census weren't white in 2010? Answer type: Number Label: 81.6. Example: Passage: For the third consecutive season the Patriots faced Andrew Luck and the Colts, with Luck looking to beat the Patriots for the first time in his career. The Colts overcame their inability to finish off drives like in years past, marching on a 13-play, 89-yard drive, draining 7:44 off the clock and scoring a 5-yard touchdown pass from Luck to Donte Moncrief for an early 7-0 lead. The Patriots answered, going 80 yards in 10 plays, with Brady finding Edelman for a 12-yard touchdown pass, tying the game 7-7. Afte a Colts three-and-out, the Patriots drove to Colts 22 and Gostkowski made a 39-yard field goal. After another Colts punt, Mike Adams intercepted Brady and returned it 14 yards for a touchdown. The Colts bizarrely tried an onside kick, but the Patriots recovered at their own 35. It took just four plays to score, with Blount busting off a 38-yard touchdown run, giving the Patriots a 17-14 lead early in the second quarter. The Colts countered yet again, though. Stringing together a 10 play, 80-yard drive, scoring on 3-yard touchdown pass from Luck to T. Y. Hilton, giving the Colts the lead again 21-17. The Patriots drove to the Colts 7 and Brady hit Chandler for a 7-yard touchdown, but the play was nullified on a pass interference call on Chandler. Gostkowski kicked a 35-yard field goal on the next play, giving the Colts a 21-20 lead at halftime. The Patriots took the first drive of the second half, driving 80 yards in 7 plays, scoring on Brady's 25-yard touchdown pass to Gronkowski, giving the Patriots the lead again 27-21. Four possessions later, the Colts reached the Patriots 37 and attempted a trick play on fourth down where nine players lined up wide right, while Griff Whalen lined up at center and Colt Anderson lined up as a quarterback, hoping to catch the Patriots offsides; the play failed and Anderson was sacked for a one-yard loss, leading a befuddled Al Michaels in the NBC Sports booth to mutter, "What in the world?" The Patriots declined an illegal formation penalty on the play. Taking over at the Colts 35, the Patriots needed just 6 plays, scoring on an 11-yard screen pass from Brady to Blount, increasing their lead to 34-21 a few plays into the fourth quarter. Several possessions later, the Colts drove to the Patriots 38, but turned the ball over on downs again. However, the Colts forced a quick three-and-out, and raced 85 yard in 8 plays, scoring on Luck's 18-yard touchdown pass to Whalen, with a missed extra point from Adam Vinatieri, keeping the score 34-27 with just 1:19 left. Gronkowski recovered the Colts onside kick attempt and Brady took two knees to end the game. This was the Patriots sixth straight win in the series. The game lead tied or changed five times by halfway through the third quarter. Question: How many points did the colts get on their first score? Answer type: Number Label: 7. Example: Passage: Genetic research suggests that the earliest settlers migrated from Iberia following the most recent ice age. After the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age, migrants introduced a Celtic language and culture. Migrants from the two latter eras still represent the genetic heritage of most Irish people. Gaelic tradition expanded and became the dominant form over time. Irish people are a combination of Gaelic, Norse, Anglo-Norman, French, and British ancestry. The population of Ireland stood at 4,588,252 in 2011, an increase of 8.2% since 2006. As of 2011, Ireland had the highest birth rate in the European Union . In 2014, 36.3% of births were to unmarried women. Annual population growth rates exceeded 2% during the 2002-2006 intercensal period, which was attributed to high rates of natural increase and immigration. This rate declined somewhat during the subsequent 2006-2011 intercensal period, with an average annual percentage change of 1.6%. At the time of the 2011 census, the number of non-Irish nationals was recorded at 544,357, comprising 12% of the total population. This is nearly 2.5 times the number of non-Irish nationals recorded in the 2002 census , when the question of nationality was asked for the first time. The five largest non-national cohorts were Polish , UK , Lithuanian , Latvian and Nigerian respectively. Question: Was the population of Ireland higher in 2011 or 2006? Answer type: Date Label: {'day': '', 'month': '', 'year': '2011'}. Example: Passage: The rebellion was ignited by the tax situation, where Eric showed arrogance by not negotiating with the four Estates of the Swedish realm at a Diet. In the summer of 1434, enraged miners and peasants burned the castle of Borganäs near Borlänge. The tension spread, causing several assaults on castles across the country. Nobleman Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson with mining interests in the Bergslagen area stood out as the rebel leader, commanding a peasant army. Negotiations with Eric took place in Vadstena in August 1434, but were unsuccessful. In January 1435 Engelbrekt summoned representatives from the four Estates to a Diet in Arboga, which later has been called the first Riksdag of the Estates. Engelbrekt was elected Captain of the Swedish realm. The antagonism abated when Eric promised changes for the better. However, as before, people felt these promises were not being fulfilled, hence the rebels picked up their axes once more. On April 27, 1436, a rebel army unit was sent marching towards Stockholm, where people still supported Eric due to the strong and influential Danish presence in the city. A certain degree of inner tension among the rebelling forces occurred because the Nobility and Clergy decided to support Karl Knutsson Bonde, who in 1436 had risen to the position of Rikshövitsman. Neither dared remove Engelbrekt completely because of his strong support among the two lower Estates . However, Engelbrekt fell sick and became less active. In a twist of fate highly beneficial to Knutsson, Engelbrekt was assassinated on May 4 by Måns Bengtsson , the cause being an unrelated personal conflict. Consequently, Knutsson won the power struggle . A man named Erik Puke attempted to rally Engelbrekt's old supporters in the Pukefejden, but it was too late. Puke was apprehended and executed in Stockholm in 1437. Question: How many years did these events span from? Answer type: Number Label: 3. Example: Passage: The maximum temperature recorded at the Met Éireann Weather station was on 2 August 1995. Extremes recorded at the station include the highest air temperature of on 29 June 1976, the lowest air temperature of on 2 January 1979 and the lowest ground temperature of on 12 January 1982. The maximum daily sunshine was 16.3 hours on 18 June 1978. The warmest and sunniest month on record in Kilkenny was August 1995 with a total of 274.9 hours Sunlight and very high temperatures throughout. The maximum daily sunshine was 16.3 hours on 18 June 1978. The overall trend in temperatures has been on the rise with a marked increase from 1988 onwards. Annual temperatures are running over 0.5 degrees above 20th-century levels. Question: How many years was the time span where the highest air temperature occurred and the lowest air temperature were recorded at the Met Éireann Weather station? Answer type: Number Label: 3. Example: Passage: The states with the largest estimated Chinese American populations, according to both the 2010 United States Census, were California (1,253,100; 3.4%), New York (state) (577,000; 3.0%), Texas (157,000; 0.6%), New Jersey (134,500; 1.5%), Massachusetts (123,000; 1.9%), Illinois (104,200; 0.8%), Washington (state) (94,200; 1.4%), Pennsylvania (85,000; 0.7%), Maryland (69,400; 1.2%), Virginia (59,800; 0.7%), and Ohio (51,033; 0.5%). The state of Hawaii has the highest concentration of Chinese Americans at 4.0%, or 55,000 people. Question: How many percent of people were not Chinese in New York state? Answer type: Number Label: 97. Example: Passage: Petrova was seeded 18th at the 2010 Rogers Cup in Montreal and won a tough opener against Lucie Šafářová. In the second round, she faced former world No. 1 Dinara Safina and despite serving 15 aces, she was defeated, 7-5, 4-6, 6-4. Petrova played the final event of the US Open Series in New Havan at the 2010 Pilot Pen Tennis, where she received a wild card to play as the eighth seed. In the first round, she came from a set down to beat Varvara Lepchenko. She then defeated her former doubles partner Bethanie Mattek-Sands to advance to the quarterfinals. She then had an impressive 6-2, 6-1 victory over second seed Samantha Stosur for her fourth top 10 win of the season. She defeated Maria Kirilenko in her semifinal match, but was beaten by Caroline Wozniacki in the final, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3. Question: How many total points more did Wozniacki score in the last match than Petrova? Answer type: Number Label: 3. Example: Passage: Setu coins or Setu bull coins are found in large quantities in the northern part of Sri Lanka and in Southern India. Codrington in his book Ceylon Coins and Currency published in 1924 and Mitchiner in his book Oriental Coins published in 1978 have clearly pointed out that the traditional design of Sri Lanka standing King Type Copper Massa of the Jaffna Kingdoms belongs to the Aryacakravarti dynasty from 1284 AD to 1410 AD. Setu coins were previously attributed to the Setupati Princes of Ramanathapuram in South India. There are two series one in the issued from the 13th to the 15th centuries and the other after the brief loss of sovereignty to the rival Kotte kingdom from 1450 to 1467 and reconstitution of the Kingdom. Even during the rule of Sapumal Kumaraya coins were issued in Jaffna that was distinct. Three types of this series are illustrated below. The obverse of these coins have a human figure flanked by lamps and the reverse has the Nandi symbol, the legend Sethu in Tamil with a crescent moon above. There are number of categories of these coins. In type I is closely aligned with the Chola copper coins of the 13th century although slightly larger in size. The Tamil Setu replaces the Nagari Rajaraja in the cola coins. In type I the blank is even broader but a recumbent bull appera obverse in a vertical position. In the coin type II the seated figure is replaced with a Bull. Question: How many years did the King Type Copper Massa of the Jaffna Kingdoms belong to the Aryacakravarti dynasty? Answer type: Number Label: 126. Example: Passage: Coming off their road win over the Steelers, the Colts went home for a Week 11 AFC South rematch with the Houston Texans. In the first quarter, Indianapolis trailed early as Texans kicker Kris Brown got a 28-yard field goal. The Colts responded with kicker Adam Vinatieri getting a 40-yard field goal. Houston would answer with Brown making a 34-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Indy tied the game as Vinatieri got a 39-yard field goal. The Texans retook the lead as RB Ahman Green got a 1-yard TD run. Indianapolis closed out the half as Vinatieri made a 32-yard field goal. In the third quarter, the Colts took the lead as QB Peyton Manning completed a 23-yard TD pass to RB Joseph Addai. Houston would reply as RB Steve Slaton got a 71-yard TD run, yet Indy regained the lead as Addai got a 7-yard TD run. In the fourth quarter, the Texans tried to come back as Green got a 2-yard field goal, yet Indianapolis pulled away with Vinatieri nailing a 31-yard field goal. On the Texans' final drive, QB Sage Rosenfels was intercepted by safety Melvin Bullitt (who was filling in again for the injured Bob Sanders). Ironically, it was Bullitt who picked off Rosenfels on the Texans' final drive when they played the Colts in Week 5. Manning then took a knee, preserving the Colts' third consecutive victory. Question: How many yards was the last field goal of the game? Answer type: Number Label: 31. Example: Passage: Coming off their come-from-behind win over the Dolphins, the Broncos traveled to Arrowhead Stadium for an AFC West rematch with the Kansas City Chiefs. The Broncos jumped out to a 14-0 lead on their first two possessions in the first quarter, with quarterback Peyton Manning throwing a pair of touchdown passes &#8212; a 23-yarder to wide receiver Demaryius Thomas and a 15-yarder to running back C. J. Anderson. A 22-yard field goal by placekicker Connor Barth increased the Broncos' lead to 17-0 early in the second quarter. The scoring play occurred after the Broncos' special teams fooled the Chiefs with a fake punt run by safety David Bruton and a fourth-down conversion by Anderson. The Chiefs got on the scoreboard later in the second quarter, with quarterback Alex Smith connecting on a 20-yard touchdown pass to tight end Anthony Fasano. The Broncos' offense subsequently marched down the field, but had to settle on a 24-yard field goal by Barth just before halftime. The Chiefs' defense forced a fumble off Manning deep in Broncos' territory on the Broncos' first possession of the second half, but had to settle on a 39-yard field goal by placekicker Cairo Santos. Barth added two more field goals &#8212; a 30-yarder midway through the third quarter and a 33-yarder early in the fourth quarter &#8212; to increase the Broncos' lead to 26-10. The first field goal came after a DeMarcus Ware interception of Smith on a deflected pass, while the second field goal came after Chiefs' cornerback Marcus Cooper muffed a punt. The Chiefs narrowed the Broncos' lead, with Smith throwing a 12-yard touchdown pass to running back Jamaal Charles. However, Broncos' safety T. J. Ward knocked away a two-point conversion pass from Smith intended for Fasano that would have brought the Chiefs to within a one-score deficit. Barth added one more field goal &#8212; a 37-yarder midway through the fourth quarter. The Broncos' defense subdued the Chiefs for the remainder of the game. With the win, the Broncos swept the Chiefs for a third consecutive season. Peyton Manning improved his personal record to 11-1 all-time in games against the Chiefs. Question: How many more field goals did Barth kick than Santos? Answer type: Number Label: 4. Example: Passage: The Cochrane Library had 145 CAM-related Cochrane systematic reviews and 340 non-Cochrane systematic reviews. An analysis of the conclusions of only the 145 Cochrane reviews was done by two readers. In 83% of the cases, the readers agreed. In the 17% in which they disagreed, a third reader agreed with one of the initial readers to set a rating. These studies found that, for CAM, 38.4% concluded positive effect or possibly positive (12.4%), 4.8% concluded no effect, 0.7% concluded harmful effect, and 56.6% concluded insufficient evidence. An assessment of conventional treatments found that 41.3% concluded positive or possibly positive effect, 20% concluded no effect, 8.1% concluded net harmful effects, and 21.3% concluded insufficient evidence. However, the CAM review used the more developed 2004 Cochrane database, while the conventional review used the initial 1998 Cochrane database. Question: How many percentage points represents the chance of neither positive or negative effect from conventional treatments? Answer type: Number Label: 28.1. Example: Passage: The Browns faced the Miami Dolphins without their leading rusher Peyton Hillis in a Week 3 matchup. The Dolphins took an early lead, converting a Colt McCoy interception into a 7-0 lead on a touchdown pass from Chad Henne. The Browns tied the game on a touchdown pass from McCoy to Joshua Cribbs. The Dolphins took the lead again on a Dan Carpenter field goal, and took a 10-7 lead into halftime. The Browns again tied the game in the third with Phil Dawson's field goal. The Dolphins added two more field goals, and had the Browns down six points in the final minutes. McCoy led the Browns down the field, and hit Mohamed Massaquoi on a 14-yard touchdown pass to give the Browns a last-minute, 17-16 victory. With the win, the Browns improved to 2-1 and it also became the first season since 2007 to where the team was actually at least a game above .500. Question: How many points separated the winning and losing team at the end of the game? Answer type: Number Label: 1. Example: Passage: The Bison football team was the winningest program in NCAA Football history with thirty-three conference championships and eight national championships (1965, 1968, 1969, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1990) before moving to Division I Championship Subdivision in 2004. In January 2012, NDSU defeated Sam Houston State University in the NCAA Division I Football Championship game becoming the 2011 season National Champions. NDSU football is a major event in the city of Fargo and the region, averaging over 18,000 fans per home game. The Bison play their home games at the Fargodome (cap. 19,287). In January 2013, NDSU football won the NCAA Division I championship title for a second year in a row, defeating Sam Houston again. They also defeated Kansas State and hosted College GameDay (football). In January 2014, NDSU defeated Towson to win its 3rd consecutive national championship in FCS football. It is only the 2nd team in NCAA history to achieve this feat. NDSU also defeated FBS Iowa State for their 6th consecutive win over an FBS opponent and hosted ESPN College Gameday for the 2nd straight season. January 2015, for the 2014 season, NDSU defeated Illinois State to win its 4th consecutive national championship in FCS football. The feat had never been accomplished in Division I football. In the 2015 season, NDSU defeated Jacksonville State for a record 5th consecutive NCAA Division I FCS national championship. No football team in the modern history of the NCAA has accomplished this feat. In the 2016 season, NDSU was defeated by James Madison, 27-17, who eventually went on to win the championship. Thus ending the Bisons reign of 5 consecutive championships. The following season the Bison went on to win the FCS National Championship again for the sixth time in seven years, by beating James Madison 17-13. Question: How many seasons did NDSU score the same amount of points against James Madison? Answer type: Number Label: 2.
22:03:59 occured after 10:42:35 but before 7:19:45 AM Label: False 21:25:45 doesn't occur between 12:20:47 AM and 1:48:26 PM Label: True Jun 03, 2017 occurs between May 13, 2017 and 11 October 2014 Label: False 29 November 1971 occurs between 05 September 1977 and 03 February 1970 Label: True 7:19:45 AM occured after 22:03:59 but before 10:42:35 Label: True November 27, 2002 occurs after 16 May 1989 Label: True 00:18:09 occurs between 9:53:43 PM and 16:10:12 Label: False 13:23:27 doesn't occur between 07:53:45 PM and 3:25:00 PM Label: False Apr 26, 2013 doesn't occur between Oct 09, 1976 and 04 Apr 2000 Label: True May 11, 1983 doesn't occur between October 10, 1982 and Feb 17, 2002 Label: False 03:16:19 AM occured after 18:27:54 but before 5:30:24 Label: False 22:11:56 doesn't occur between 01:40:13 AM and 04:00:28 Label: True 03:09:34 occurs between 07:44:20 PM and 08:10:11 AM Label: False November 27, 2002 occurs after 16 May 1989 Label: True 14 January 2000 occured after August 26, 2003 but before Aug 19, 1983 Label: False 11:30:53 PM doesn't occur between 11:01:23 and 21:35:53 Label: True February 16, 1995 occurs before 16 September 2009 Label: True 08:18:34 doesn't occur after 14:03:28 Label: True October 09, 1985 occured before January 01, 1974 but after 25 March 2015 Label: False 02 August 1979 occurs between July 11, 2008 and Jun 14, 2004 Label: False 02:39:30 PM occured after 11:38:49 PM but before 2:15:21 PM Label: False 03:32:20 AM occurs between 19:02:46 and 18:28:39 Label: True 12:48:06 occurs between 06:41:28 PM and 12:48:43 Label: False Aug 17, 1988 occured before 23 December 1983 but after 24 Mar 2003 Label: False 15:04:06 occurs between 10:28:22 and 01:24:33 PM Label: False 24 Apr 2008 occured after June 06, 1982 but before Mar 13, 2013 Label: True 7:33:21 PM doesn't occur between 2:24:21 and 03:03:24 PM Label: True 2:52:10 occured before 14:03:57 but after 12:50:02 Label: True May 24, 1999 occurs between 30 April 2021 and 17 July 1970 Label: True Jun 10, 1998 occured after Mar 14, 2001 but before Jun 18, 2009 Label: False 03 February 1994 occured after 18 April 1980 but before Oct 29, 1972 Label: False 0:05:43 doesn't occur after 21:19:45 Label: True 1:51:18 occurs before 06:06:49 Label: True August 31, 1994 occurs between 09 May 1997 and 27 Aug 1992 Label: True Apr 26, 2013 doesn't occur between 04 Apr 2000 and Oct 09, 1976 Label: True 03:20:39 AM doesn't occur between 16:00:56 and 03:10:14 AM Label: True April 05, 1975 occured after 22 March 2021 but before 10 February 2016 Label: False 4:54:55 AM doesn't occur between 09:52:09 and 05:22:00 Label: True July 31, 1994 occurs between June 03, 1994 and Jul 23, 1984 Label: False Oct 04, 1992 occured after 28 Jan 2012 but before 23 October 1981 Label: False 12:08:37 occured after 05:11:58 PM but before 07:25:06 Label: True 05:38:22 AM occured before 7:11:06 AM but after 20:43:27 Label: False 01:25:25 PM occured before 12:53:35 but after 7:44:52 AM Label: False March 07, 2000 occurs between 22 Jan 1974 and 01 Apr 2013 Label: True January 14, 1987 doesn't occur after January 19, 1984 Label: False 11:27:21 AM occured before 10:56:02 but after 23:58:10 Label: True Dec 07, 1978 occured before 20 Nov 1984 but after May 28, 1999 Label: False Aug 24, 1993 occured before Jul 18, 1974 but after 02 Jul 2006 Label: False 2:09:48 doesn't occur after 22:02:55 Label: True 06 Jul 1970 occured before Aug 19, 2008 but after February 16, 2012 Label: False 29 November 1971 occurs between 05 September 1977 and 03 February 1970 Label: True 23:29:33 occured after 01:05:59 AM but before 11:47:50 Label: False 07:28:30 PM occured after 7:37:34 but before 13:23:28 Label: False 5:34:05 AM doesn't occur between 11:55:50 and 2:26:39 PM Label: True September 13, 1986 occured after 31 Jul 1979 but before November 08, 1986 Label: True 4:18:20 PM doesn't occur between 08:56:17 and 07:37:08 Label: True 15:41:39 doesn't occur between 8:04:39 PM and 01:24:03 PM Label: True July 31, 1985 doesn't occur between May 13, 2001 and Sep 28, 2007 Label: True Jan 17, 1999 doesn't occur between Jul 16, 2016 and March 29, 2007 Label: True 09 Aug 1989 doesn't occur between 16 June 1973 and June 21, 1999 Label: False 8:02:13 AM occured after 03:29:00 PM but before 2:11:21 Label: True 01 Oct 1981 occured after May 15, 1975 but before 23 January 2012 Label: True 05:55:33 PM occurs between 17:19:00 and 10:43:54 AM Label: False 09 Nov 1993 doesn't occur between Mar 14, 1998 and April 13, 2017 Label: True 02 February 1972 occurs between Jan 15, 1970 and 12 Aug 2001 Label: True November 02, 1980 occured after Jul 31, 1982 but before Feb 21, 1987 Label: False 03:43:24 AM occurs between 08:16:11 PM and 7:48:43 PM Label: False September 19, 1989 occured after August 04, 2005 but before Jan 29, 1981 Label: False August 26, 2007 occurs between May 14, 1980 and 02 July 2007 Label: False 5:00:42 AM doesn't occur after 02:35:16 Label: True 14:09:06 doesn't occur between 18:48:12 and 21:13:37 Label: True 09:33:50 AM doesn't occur between 4:44:46 PM and 9:48:44 PM Label: True 15:25:30 doesn't occur after 6:56:35 Label: False 05:45:55 occured after 10:05:07 but before 02:29:45 PM Label: False July 16, 1976 occured after April 20, 2007 but before October 08, 1995 Label: False April 24, 2016 occured after June 23, 1996 but before Sep 02, 2014 Label: False 07:58:18 AM occured after 18:50:26 but before 4:30:56 AM Label: False 07:39:40 PM occured before 23:44:35 but after 9:55:10 PM Label: False 06:41:28 PM occurs between 12:48:06 and 12:48:43 Label: False 10 Jul 1975 occured after 30 August 1987 but before 12 Nov 2020 Label: False Jul 09, 1984 occured after 05 Nov 1980 but before April 16, 2010 Label: True Dec 13, 2017 occured before 23 Jul 1973 but after 26 February 2016 Label: False May 26, 2021 doesn't occur before Aug 13, 1996 Label: True 03:27:33 PM occured before 04:08:26 AM but after 4:10:20 PM Label: True 6:03:19 AM occured after 10:07:01 AM but before 04:54:52 PM Label: False 23:57:52 occured after 4:15:35 AM but before 10:40:36 PM Label: False 14 January 2020 occured after November 23, 2008 but before Nov 20, 1982 Label: False Mar 30, 2019 occurs between 22 July 1977 and 14 October 2019 Label: True May 07, 2014 occured after 14 March 2019 but before Jul 27, 2010 Label: False 16:45:52 doesn't occur between 5:14:48 and 10:26:29 Label: True 03:24:21 PM occured before 5:44:08 AM but after 13:48:13 Label: False Oct 07, 2004 occurs before 15 April 1993 Label: False 8:57:57 PM occurs between 02:16:37 PM and 16:05:27 Label: False 03 February 1994 occured after 18 April 1980 but before Oct 29, 1972 Label: False 14:06:59 occured before 14:20:07 but after 2:01:16 Label: True 12:34:17 PM occurs between 03:44:49 AM and 08:06:44 AM Label: False 11 Nov 2007 occured after 07 Jun 1990 but before 01 Nov 2015 Label: True 4:25:01 AM occurs between 4:29:35 AM and 8:04:21 Label: True 04:32:33 AM occurs after 11:01:44 PM Label: True 5:31:41 PM doesn't occur between 06:35:28 PM and 1:09:51 AM Label: True 02:39:30 PM occured after 11:38:49 PM but before 2:15:21 PM Label: False 01:22:15 doesn't occur between 01:16:53 PM and 10:21:43 PM Label: False Aug 05, 2013 occured after Oct 15, 1982 but before April 29, 1979 Label: False Apr 10, 1987 occured after 10 November 1976 but before Nov 29, 2011 Label: True 29 August 1979 doesn't occur after 03 Feb 1997 Label: True 09:33:40 AM doesn't occur between 1:39:50 AM and 12:56:09 AM Label: True Dec 05, 1985 occurs between December 03, 2007 and Oct 13, 1998 Label: False 9:36:37 occurs between 9:15:56 and 06:11:15 Label: True 14 January 2020 occured after November 23, 2008 but before Nov 20, 1982 Label: False 2:41:44 occured after 06:51:53 PM but before 7:50:21 AM Label: False 19:37:39 occured before 5:08:30 AM but after 05:17:52 PM Label: False 5:42:02 doesn't occur between 14:32:40 and 11:50:32 PM Label: True 05:39:17 doesn't occur between 09:47:52 AM and 10:01:22 AM Label: False August 18, 1990 occured before Sep 22, 2019 but after August 24, 1971 Label: True 23:55:47 occurs between 11:08:21 AM and 00:06:07 Label: True 19:39:08 doesn't occur between 4:06:45 and 09:09:52 AM Label: True 4:07:39 occurs between 17:11:49 and 11:30:41 AM Label: True 9:47:37 AM doesn't occur between 8:14:03 and 07:37:05 PM Label: True Sep 28, 2007 doesn't occur between July 31, 1985 and May 13, 2001 Label: True May 29, 1972 occurs between 05 Jan 2011 and June 16, 1976 Label: False 07:41:15 PM doesn't occur before 02:28:11 Label: False 11:42:01 doesn't occur after 02:48:27 AM Label: False 31 December 2015 doesn't occur between 08 May 1976 and Mar 09, 1994 Label: True November 28, 1979 occurs between November 07, 1999 and 05 December 1970 Label: True Jun 01, 2017 doesn't occur between 24 Dec 2015 and October 06, 1984 Label: True 08 Feb 1999 occurs between 04 September 2019 and 13 September 1996 Label: True 24 July 2004 occurs between 23 Nov 1978 and 11 May 2015 Label: True 19:54:54 doesn't occur between 22:50:33 and 11:25:33 AM Label: False Apr 30, 1999 occurs between 27 February 2021 and 22 May 2007 Label: False 15:06:29 occurs between 05:45:01 AM and 01:35:47 PM Label: False Mar 12, 1999 occured before 31 Oct 1981 but after Jun 23, 1976 Label: False 06 July 2014 occured before September 01, 1991 but after 18 Jun 2020 Label: False 07:40:11 AM occured before 01:55:31 but after 09:36:24 PM Label: False 8:34:21 doesn't occur between 8:17:17 and 18:26:21 Label: True 20:17:18 doesn't occur between 5:16:27 PM and 04:25:26 Label: True 10 October 1976 occurs after July 15, 1994 Label: False 05:48:03 AM doesn't occur between 4:14:01 AM and 08:10:34 Label: True January 24, 1971 doesn't occur between Apr 03, 2016 and 26 Sep 2005 Label: True Jan 21, 2017 occurs between 19 March 1989 and 30 Oct 1993 Label: False 09 September 2005 occured before December 08, 1978 but after December 19, 1990 Label: False 19:24:59 occured after 3:08:58 AM but before 17:40:39 Label: False Aug 26, 2021 doesn't occur between January 08, 2000 and 15 July 2014 Label: True 04:20:30 PM doesn't occur between 03:18:21 PM and 22:25:50 Label: True Jul 05, 1983 doesn't occur between Nov 30, 1992 and 10 October 1986 Label: True 04:25:26 doesn't occur between 5:16:27 PM and 20:17:18 Label: True 04 Jun 1971 occured after 27 January 1988 but before 10 February 1971 Label: False 18:59:26 occured before 12:50:01 but after 3:46:36 AM Label: False 04:24:36 PM occurs between 09:44:09 PM and 03:22:46 PM Label: True 12:06:42 PM occurs between 14:20:35 and 15:32:08 Label: False 7:43:01 occured after 11:41:55 PM but before 7:41:13 PM Label: False 09:27:34 occurs between 05:17:39 PM and 8:05:34 Label: False Jul 20, 2010 occured before 04 Apr 1983 but after July 05, 1974 Label: False 15:49:14 occurs between 08:31:13 and 7:48:14 AM Label: False 13 July 1974 doesn't occur between May 17, 1975 and 22 Mar 1992 Label: True 4:37:25 PM doesn't occur between 01:38:26 PM and 23:39:55 Label: True 0:19:40 occurs after 5:16:50 PM Label: False 25 August 2002 doesn't occur before 24 Feb 1973 Label: True 00:52:59 occured after 6:47:32 but before 2:30:40 Label: False 04 Oct 1994 occurs between October 20, 1979 and 08 September 2015 Label: True January 09, 1973 occurs after 30 Mar 1972 Label: True 30 October 1997 occured before 26 Apr 2008 but after 24 Apr 1984 Label: True 04 Mar 1998 doesn't occur between Dec 21, 1994 and Dec 12, 1985 Label: True 18:47:54 occurs between 18:03:39 and 01:05:37 PM Label: True 20 Sep 1988 doesn't occur between 12 Apr 1992 and 05 Sep 2004 Label: True 21:12:45 doesn't occur after 2:41:14 PM Label: False 13 February 1973 doesn't occur between 16 November 1989 and Jul 27, 1995 Label: True 00:59:24 doesn't occur between 10:28:22 and 16:00:50 Label: True 23:46:29 occurs between 10:29:09 AM and 22:11:35 Label: False 05 March 2007 doesn't occur before 09 Jun 2006 Label: True Oct 20, 2018 occurs before 04 June 2011 Label: False 12:37:48 occured before 9:32:29 PM but after 09:26:19 AM Label: False July 30, 1993 occured before 06 March 1972 but after July 01, 2014 Label: False 2:35:50 PM occured after 12:52:34 AM but before 08:16:11 AM Label: False 22:11:56 doesn't occur between 01:40:13 AM and 04:00:28 Label: True 01 Apr 2013 occurs between 22 Jan 1974 and March 07, 2000 Label: False 1:39:00 PM doesn't occur between 11:55:55 PM and 22:49:55 Label: True 05:31:16 AM doesn't occur between 9:22:21 AM and 10:33:53 Label: True August 31, 1993 occured before 14 January 1979 but after April 03, 2009 Label: False July 30, 1993 occured before 06 March 1972 but after July 01, 2014 Label: False Jun 07, 1981 doesn't occur between 22 February 1997 and Apr 11, 1998 Label: True 08 Oct 1979 occured after 12 May 2012 but before 23 August 2002 Label: False 31 Oct 1981 occured before Jun 23, 1976 but after Mar 12, 1999 Label: False 02 Oct 1974 occurs between Oct 25, 1995 and 24 May 1997 Label: False 08:32:01 occured before 15:04:35 but after 1:03:47 PM Label: False 15:04:35 occured before 1:03:47 PM but after 08:32:01 Label: True 02 December 2016 occurs between February 19, 1970 and July 17, 2019 Label: True 25 December 2012 occured before 15 July 2021 but after April 01, 1998 Label: True November 20, 2019 occured before 28 March 1993 but after May 20, 1989 Label: False 3:01:47 PM doesn't occur between 16:21:32 and 19:15:18 Label: False 13 Jan 1977 occurs before 20 August 2015 Label: True March 10, 1998 doesn't occur between July 17, 1985 and 28 Aug 1995 Label: True 17:33:26 occured after 10:04:38 but before 2:59:06 PM Label: False 17 Nov 2007 occurs between November 16, 2016 and 03 March 2021 Label: False 10 May 2014 occurs after Apr 27, 1972 Label: True 03:53:52 PM occured before 4:39:24 but after 11:26:44 AM Label: False 02:52:58 AM occured before 8:49:47 PM but after 7:24:35 PM Label: True 23:12:25 doesn't occur after 8:48:29 Label: True Aug 19, 1983 occured after August 26, 2003 but before 14 January 2000 Label: False 25 Oct 1971 doesn't occur between 05 May 1971 and April 14, 2007 Label: False 04:37:05 doesn't occur between 12:12:45 PM and 03:49:34 PM Label: True 2:20:31 PM doesn't occur between 9:51:55 PM and 08:59:34 PM Label: True 22 May 2007 occurs between 27 February 2021 and Apr 30, 1999 Label: True Aug 05, 1993 occured after 26 November 2000 but before 10 Jun 1987 Label: False Apr 30, 1999 occurs between 27 February 2021 and 22 May 2007 Label: False Feb 27, 2003 occured after 27 December 1979 but before May 08, 2012 Label: True 02:41:53 AM doesn't occur between 1:26:58 AM and 02:33:26 PM Label: True 6:07:36 PM doesn't occur before 5:01:14 AM Label: False 22:11:35 occurs between 10:29:09 AM and 23:46:29 Label: True 11:35:29 PM occured after 11:11:41 PM but before 4:48:02 PM Label: False 29 Sep 2021 doesn't occur between Jun 02, 2014 and 04 Jan 2014 Label: True 20:27:04 occurs between 18:08:47 and 11:40:05 PM Label: False 12:26:41 AM occured after 11:30:13 PM but before 6:19:29 Label: False Jan 29, 2002 occured before 07 April 1999 but after 01 June 1986 Label: False 04:20:36 PM doesn't occur between 8:01:37 and 18:42:43 Label: True 12:53:11 occured before 9:20:49 AM but after 17:59:00 Label: False Mar 15, 1983 doesn't occur between 14 Oct 1983 and August 26, 1992 Label: True May 28, 1999 occured before 20 Nov 1984 but after Dec 07, 1978 Label: False 7:49:40 AM doesn't occur between 8:43:44 AM and 5:56:11 AM Label: False 07:53:11 PM doesn't occur between 5:19:42 and 1:16:21 AM Label: True 23:04:06 occured before 9:09:18 but after 14:26:15 Label: False 7:29:33 occured before 03:09:24 AM but after 05:29:11 PM Label: False 6:53:10 PM occurs before 0:06:01 Label: True 20:30:14 occurs between 6:50:43 and 19:25:11 Label: False July 28, 1971 occured before Nov 24, 2000 but after 02 July 1995 Label: False 12:05:16 occured before 12:40:16 but after 11:06:16 PM Label: False 16:27:01 doesn't occur between 02:13:52 PM and 0:11:13 Label: True 5:27:57 occured after 0:47:16 but before 23:42:37 Label: False 04:16:54 occured before 06:46:22 but after 03:44:27 Label: True 12:48:17 PM occured before 00:00:39 but after 2:04:36 PM Label: False 02:18:58 occurs between 6:18:20 and 16:32:31 Label: False 04:24:36 PM occurs between 03:22:46 PM and 09:44:09 PM Label: True 5:00:42 AM doesn't occur after 02:35:16 Label: True 12:47:34 PM occurs between 10:35:06 PM and 12:27:29 Label: True 29 March 2001 doesn't occur between December 05, 2011 and May 08, 2003 Label: True 11 Sep 1970 doesn't occur before 31 December 1974 Label: False 08:44:38 AM occured after 5:20:41 AM but before 02:27:00 PM Label: True 25 August 2002 doesn't occur before 24 Feb 1973 Label: True 12:50:02 occured before 14:03:57 but after 2:52:10 Label: False 12:46:44 PM occured before 3:01:22 but after 00:22:43 Label: False 29 Jul 2020 doesn't occur between 09 Oct 2009 and 21 Jun 1998 Label: True 11:48:03 doesn't occur between 08:59:57 AM and 03:45:52 PM Label: True 14 November 1977 occured after 11 Oct 1973 but before 29 July 2000 Label: True 13:03:49 occurs after 10:49:08 AM Label: True 19 July 1982 occured before 30 April 2013 but after 28 Jan 1982 Label: True 2:53:09 PM occured before 5:37:40 AM but after 8:45:26 PM Label: False April 17, 1995 occured after 30 Jan 1986 but before 19 April 1975 Label: False 10:47:17 AM doesn't occur between 01:16:00 and 10:35:22 PM Label: True 24 August 1990 occurs between November 09, 1974 and Sep 24, 2010 Label: True 16:06:27 occured after 8:26:35 AM but before 18:41:09 Label: False December 18, 1991 occured before 26 Jul 1987 but after 23 Nov 2014 Label: False 05:06:42 AM occured after 09:02:13 AM but before 2:57:00 Label: True Feb 20, 2019 occured before October 27, 2019 but after Jul 20, 1981 Label: True 27 Nov 1985 doesn't occur after September 03, 2006 Label: True 00:27:06 occured before 10:28:43 but after 21:00:10 Label: False 06:26:06 AM occurs between 2:29:05 PM and 6:57:45 Label: False 24 May 1997 occurs between Oct 25, 1995 and 02 Oct 1974 Label: False 25 Jan 1985 occured before Nov 17, 1992 but after May 24, 2003 Label: False 19:15:18 doesn't occur between 3:01:47 PM and 16:21:32 Label: True 19:15:18 doesn't occur between 16:21:32 and 3:01:47 PM Label: True 1:50:52 AM doesn't occur between 23:35:08 and 23:42:37 Label: True 07 Apr 1991 occurs between 31 October 1984 and December 07, 1989 Label: False December 20, 1986 doesn't occur between 15 September 1995 and August 03, 2010 Label: True 03:20:59 PM doesn't occur between 11:46:09 AM and 06:51:52 AM Label: True 06:30:13 occured after 11:50:08 but before 03:46:13 PM Label: False 09:47:54 occured before 5:41:41 PM but after 05:42:30 Label: False 12:48:06 occurs between 06:41:28 PM and 12:48:43 Label: False 13:45:56 occured before 02:46:13 PM but after 13:11:26 Label: True 10:31:53 PM occurs between 17:59:55 and 10:21:56 Label: True 05:39:17 doesn't occur between 10:01:22 AM and 09:47:52 AM Label: False 08:25:04 PM doesn't occur between 1:00:10 PM and 17:16:04 Label: True October 14, 2009 doesn't occur between April 22, 2006 and Nov 17, 1976 Label: True 02 December 1988 occured before Aug 07, 1995 but after August 31, 2014 Label: False 16:10:12 occurs between 00:18:09 and 9:53:43 PM Label: True 13 Oct 1978 occured before February 13, 2019 but after 29 October 1988 Label: False 15:10:43 occurs between 01:11:07 AM and 01:11:35 AM Label: True 13 January 2021 occured after 23 Nov 1987 but before Apr 21, 1978 Label: False Jun 27, 1973 occured after 20 Mar 1994 but before January 05, 1973 Label: False 01:01:43 occured after 05:41:28 but before 11:02:11 PM Label: False 18 Apr 1974 doesn't occur between 05 November 1993 and March 08, 2011 Label: True 23:39:55 doesn't occur between 01:38:26 PM and 4:37:25 PM Label: False Jul 08, 1984 doesn't occur after December 06, 2001 Label: True 6:23:05 AM doesn't occur between 04:04:43 and 18:36:24 Label: True 14:14:06 occured after 08:51:51 but before 8:11:28 AM Label: False 3:43:50 occurs between 12:04:45 PM and 7:24:16 PM Label: True 10:33:51 AM occured before 12:50:30 PM but after 21:44:05 Label: True 5:30:24 occured after 03:16:19 AM but before 18:27:54 Label: False 03 Sep 2006 occured after March 11, 2014 but before October 08, 2001 Label: False 12 Nov 1974 occurs before July 17, 2011 Label: True 15 Jul 1999 occurs between 26 May 1990 and Jul 07, 1980 Label: False 04 Aug 2015 occured after Mar 23, 1989 but before 29 August 2016 Label: True 13 May 2005 doesn't occur between 13 Jan 1978 and April 23, 1998 Label: True April 03, 1986 occured after September 12, 2005 but before February 07, 1990 Label: False 01 Jul 2011 occured after Dec 27, 1997 but before 24 Aug 2017 Label: True Aug 14, 2004 occured after Jul 20, 1994 but before 03 Nov 2013 Label: True 18 July 2008 occured after July 26, 1983 but before Jul 19, 2000 Label: False 23 Mar 1983 occurs between Apr 01, 1982 and 06 Jan 1990 Label: True 3:44:52 AM occurs between 11:32:18 PM and 1:14:02 AM Label: True Jul 27, 1995 doesn't occur between 16 November 1989 and 13 February 1973 Label: True 05:51:58 PM occured before 2:24:32 but after 23:24:14 Label: False 03:49:34 PM doesn't occur between 04:37:05 and 12:12:45 PM Label: False 03:40:15 AM doesn't occur between 2:48:46 and 16:57:41 Label: False 14 Mar 2010 doesn't occur between Oct 15, 1980 and 29 October 1988 Label: True May 29, 2018 occured before November 03, 2002 but after 13 Jul 1982 Label: False 19 August 2001 occured before September 06, 1971 but after 21 January 1977 Label: False Mar 01, 1975 doesn't occur between 01 August 1983 and 02 March 1980 Label: True 25 Sep 1993 occured after 08 August 1990 but before Aug 27, 2006 Label: True Aug 18, 1984 occured after November 23, 1975 but before 30 September 2016 Label: True 26 February 2016 occured before Dec 13, 2017 but after 23 Jul 1973 Label: True 13 May 1978 occurs after 16 September 2010 Label: False 15:53:08 occurs before 20:14:35 Label: False Mar 24, 2016 occurs between October 04, 2010 and 06 May 1976 Label: False 23:44:02 occurs between 10:56:32 and 19:42:17 Label: False Apr 28, 2015 occured after May 14, 1971 but before Apr 12, 2013 Label: False 17 Nov 2007 occurs between November 16, 2016 and 03 March 2021 Label: False 10:14:22 AM occurs between 08:32:49 and 09:14:09 AM Label: True September 18, 1987 doesn't occur between 19 March 2009 and December 16, 1989 Label: True 31 December 1974 doesn't occur before 11 Sep 1970 Label: True 11:55:51 AM occurs after 03:58:37 PM Label: True 24 May 1982 doesn't occur between Nov 12, 2003 and 05 June 2000 Label: True 01 Sep 1984 occurs between Feb 17, 2020 and March 07, 1978 Label: True 22 March 1986 occured after October 05, 2009 but before November 21, 2001 Label: False September 01, 1991 occured before 18 Jun 2020 but after 06 July 2014 Label: False 6:03:52 PM occurs between 07:03:01 and 05:02:06 PM Label: True Jan 16, 2019 occured before Jun 10, 2020 but after 18 June 1996 Label: True 11:05:44 AM occured before 2:12:57 but after 1:12:06 AM Label: False 12:56:06 doesn't occur before 8:28:29 PM Label: False 16:08:00 occured after 2:34:21 AM but before 21:47:45 Label: False 09:33:37 AM doesn't occur between 0:21:49 and 06:46:16 Label: True 9:58:07 occured before 07:15:20 PM but after 9:27:21 AM Label: False 16:07:22 occured before 22:57:09 but after 6:17:45 AM Label: False January 16, 1988 doesn't occur between Feb 02, 1982 and Dec 04, 2000 Label: False May 11, 2012 occurs between 06 Feb 1997 and December 13, 1973 Label: False 04:11:49 PM occured after 03:57:13 but before 14:47:20 Label: True 12:03:54 AM occured after 22:15:54 but before 01:21:28 AM Label: False February 10, 1982 occurs between 27 Mar 1994 and 15 April 1988 Label: False 11:42:58 occured before 11:16:39 but after 19:04:54 Label: True 5:55:15 AM occured before 9:59:54 PM but after 21:42:41 Label: False 20:54:58 occured before 3:58:46 but after 8:31:02 PM Label: False June 21, 1999 doesn't occur between 16 June 1973 and 09 Aug 1989 Label: True 10:37:07 AM occured after 20:23:06 but before 06:46:30 Label: False 12:26:52 PM occured after 10:16:43 AM but before 04:17:55 PM Label: False 10 February 2016 occured after 22 March 2021 but before April 05, 1975 Label: False 10:23:07 AM occured before 12:31:03 AM but after 22:39:32 Label: True 20:38:18 occured before 19:03:21 but after 10:55:27 AM Label: True 10 Aug 2021 doesn't occur before 03 Jan 1992 Label: True 27 March 2001 occurs between Nov 08, 2007 and 12 Apr 1981 Label: True 03:20:59 PM doesn't occur between 11:46:09 AM and 06:51:52 AM Label: True 01 May 1998 doesn't occur between 10 December 2016 and 23 August 2020 Label: True May 14, 1990 occurs between Feb 17, 1998 and Jan 17, 1996 Label: False Jun 04, 1991 occurs between November 03, 2006 and March 20, 1979 Label: True
You will be given a context and a verb separated with a newline character, and you have to answer if the given verb can be anchored in time or not. We say a verb can be anchored in the real timeline if and only if a verb happened in the past, is happening now, or is guaranteed to happen in the future. The output should be "Yes" if the verb can be anchored in time and "No" otherwise. Possible labels: 1. No 2. Yes He talks and he decides. Juanita Castro said she has not visited the Miami relatives of Elian Gonzalez and has no plans to (do) so. Verb: do Answer: No It is unclear how the political side of this affair will play out. Elian's relatives in Miami have indicated they plan to (appeal), as is their right. Verb: appeal Answer: No I wo n't cooperate in anything, Gonzalez told a Spanish-language television station. The boy lives in my house, and they'll have to (go) find him there. Verb: go Answer: No But Elian's relatives in Miami have fought to keep the boy, saying they could provide him with a better life. Since the INS decision was announced Wednesday, they have (said) they will appeal the decision. Verb: said Answer: Yes Gonzalez _ perhaps under duress from the Castro regime _ has indicated he does not want to travel to Miami, and there is no way the Miami Gonzalezes will assist in sending Elian back to Cuba, Perez said. Having a third party escort Elian frees the INS from the politically uncomfortable spectacle of having to (do) the task itself. Verb: do Answer: No He would not elaborate, or comment on whether two suspects remained in detention, as was previously reported. In Nairobi, a top Kenyan police official (denied) a newspaper report that more arrests had been made there. Verb: denied Answer: Yes He has been arrested more than a dozen times during abortion protests in seven states and Italy. The FBI (says) Kopp has used 29 aliases. Verb: says Answer: Yes MIAMI _ With a tense Miami waiting, federal immigration officials said Monday they will order the Miami relatives of 6-year-old Cuban rafter Elian Gonzalez to turn the boy over to his father, who could (come) to the U.S. from Cuba as early as Tuesday. Verb: come Answer: No Elected officials in and around Miami warned U.S. immigration officials Wednesday that they should expect little help from the police here when they come for 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez, and they said this city could erupt in violence if federal agents tried to forcibly take the boy from his great-uncle's house in Little Havana and send him back to Cuba. We will not lend our respective resources, whether they be in the form of police officers or any other resources, to assist the federal government in any way, shape or form to inappropriately (repatriate) Elian Gonzalez to Cuba, said Alex Penelas, mayor of Miami-Dade County. Verb: repatriate Answer: No HAVANA ( AP ) -- In an apparent bid to show flexibility in the campaign to (return) Elian Gonzalez to Cuba, President Fidel Castro said the boy's father has offered to travel alone today to the United States to pick up his 6-year-old son. Verb: return Answer: No Nicknamed the Atomic Dog in anti-abortion circles, Kopp had been arrested in several states since 1990 for protesting abortion. His car was spotted in Slepian's neighborhood in the weeks before the shooting, and was found (abandoned) at the Newark, N.J., airport in December. Verb: abandoned Answer: Yes His car was spotted in Slepian's neighborhood in the weeks before the shooting, and was found abandoned at the Newark, N.J., airport in December. The filing of the charges has (intensified) interest in Kopp as a suspect in three non-fatal sniper attacks on Canadian abortion providers, and one near Rochester, N.Y., between 1994 and 1997. Verb: intensified Answer: Yes And we know that if, past is prologue, we face a future in which weapons will be more destructive at longer distances than ever before. The NATO summit, she said, would produce an initiative that (responds) to the grave threat posed by weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. Verb: responds Answer: No Once Gonzalez comes to the United States _ it would be preferable if he went to Miami rather than to Washington _ only the most obdurate foes of Castro can argue that Elian should not be reunited with him. Gonzalez's arrival should also (help) clear the way for the Justice Department to make arrangements to transfer custody of the child. Verb: help Answer: No What is outrageous is the attempt to shut down abortions by illegal means _ by shooting the doctors or bombing the clinics or harassing the women seeking to exercise their constitutional right. Some anti-abortion groups, to their credit, have denounced the bombings and shootings, but others seem reluctant to (issue) the strong condemnations that are warranted. Verb: issue Answer: No When asked if she thought the boy's father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, was being controlled by the Cuban government even though he has been in Bethesda, Md., for the last week, she frowned. I do n't (know) what Juan Miguel thinks or believes, Juanita Castro said. Verb: know Answer: No The relatives may be less defiant if they are held in contempt of court. If a court edict fails to (compel) compliance, the Justice Department will have to consider sterner measures, for the relatives will then be resisting the rule of law as defined by both the department and the courts. Verb: compel Answer: No The boy lives in my house, and they'll have to go find him there. As pressure built in this city, the home of a large number of Cuban exiles, officials of the Immigration and Naturalization Service said they did not (plan) to remove Elian on Thursday morning even if his Miami relatives continued to defy them. Verb: plan Answer: No Castro's statement came less than an hour after Gregory Craig, attorney for Elian's father Juan Miguel Gonzalez, announced in Washington that the father would be traveling to the United States Thursday with his wife, their 6-month-old son, and with Fernando Remirez, chief of the Cuban Interests Section in Washington. This courageous father will (leave) at 4 in the morning ( 4 a.m. EDT Thursday ), Castro said. Verb: leave Answer: No Liberty ! blocked intersections and cut off access to the Port of Miami. In one case, riot police had to (use) tear gas to clear them. Verb: use Answer: Yes For the people of Poland, high noon comes today. The Czech foreign minister, Jan Kavan, who lived in London from 1968, when the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia, until 1989, said he had remained buoyant during his opposition work as an emigre by (believing) that communism would eventually fall. Verb: believing Answer: No Last week, FBI Director Louis Freeh, on an official visit to Mexico, asked Mexican authorities to join the hunt for Kopp, federal officials have said. They believe Kopp was driven to Mexico by a female friend after the shooting, and have a trail of her credit card receipts (leading) to Mexico, the federal officials have said. Verb: leading Answer: Yes That is what the terrorists want. They must not be (allowed) to succeed. Verb: allowed Answer: No Protesters planned a large demonstration in Little Havana on Saturday and were planning to drive around Miami International Airport on Monday. If the child is (sent) back to Cuba without his day in court, all hell is going to break loose, said Jose Basulto, founder of Brothers to the Rescue, an anti-Castro group. Verb: sent Answer: No We will not lend our respective resources, whether they be in the form of police officers or any other resources, to assist the federal government in any way, shape or form to inappropriately repatriate Elian Gonzalez to Cuba, said Alex Penelas, mayor of Miami-Dade County. As of Wednesday evening, Lazaro Gonzalez, the boy's great-uncle and temporary guardian, still had not signed an agreement to hand the child over to immigration officials if the Miami relatives (lose) a fight to keep him when the case is heard in May in the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Verb: lose Answer: No Nicknamed the Atomic Dog in anti-abortion circles, Kopp had been arrested in several states since 1990 for protesting abortion. His car was spotted in Slepian's neighborhood in the weeks before the shooting, and was found (abandoned) at the Newark, N.J., airport in December. Verb: abandoned Answer: Yes Reno agreed to a meeting earlier this week, only to have Lazaro Gonzalez's family withdraw the request. But discussions have been (renewed), a Justice official said Thursday. Verb: renewed Answer: Yes The newly filed charges will intensify the ongoing international manhunt, Tolbert said. In response to the new charges, Canadian officials (confirmed) that Kopp is a suspect in sniper shootings that injured abortion doctors in November in Vancouver, British Columbia ; Winnipeg, Manitoba ; and Hamilton, Ontario. Verb: confirmed Answer: Yes The struggle must not stop for one minute ! said the message, read during the rally of several thousand Cuban scientists by Hassan Perez, president of the government's University Students Federation. Cuba (appealed) to world opinion, and American opinion in particular, to help prevent its enemies in Miami from trying to block the child's return. Verb: appealed Answer: Yes Committee sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity said that while the subpoena requires that Elian attend the hearing in Washington, it's highly unlikely that his actual appearance will be sought. The Congress of the United States is affording Elian Gonzalez what INS and this administration has not, which is his legal right and his right to due process, (said) Jorge Mas Santos, chairman of the Cuban American National Foundation. Verb: said Answer: Yes Elian's relatives in Miami have indicated they plan to appeal, as is their right. Some of their more militant supporters in Miami, decrying the prospect that the boy will be used as a trophy by Castro, have indicated they may try to (disrupt) efforts to reunite Elian with his father. Verb: disrupt Answer: No But an INS spokeswoman said the agency would revoke Elian's permission to stay in the United States, clearing the way for his return to Cuba. In Havana, Cuban President Fidel Castro said that the boy's father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, would travel to the United States to bring his son home after the custody battle has been (decided) in the courts. Verb: decided Answer: No Several consultants agreed that there might be political hay to be made in Slepian's death but that it had to be done carefully. Trying to score political points from a homicide can have a backlash, said Maureen Connelly, a media consultant not (working) for any candidate in next week's election. Verb: working Answer: No Another suspect is awaiting extradition from Britain. The FBI (says) Bin Laden is the leader of a terrorist organization known as Al-Aqeda, The Base. Verb: says Answer: Yes HAVANA ( AP ) -- President Fidel Castro said Tuesday his government told U.S. officials it is worried that Miami-based exiles might (take) Elian Gonzalez to another country or even harm him if they lose their battle to block the boy's return to Cuba. Verb: take Answer: No In a touch of symbolism, the ceremony took place at the Harry S. Truman Library. It was during the Truman presidency that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was (founded) to halt the westward spread of Soviet-led communism. Verb: founded Answer: Yes WASHINGTON, August 13 ( Xinhua ) -- President Bill Clinton Thursday condemned terrorist bomb attacks at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and vowed to find the bombers and (bring) them to justice. Verb: bring Answer: No About 500 people attended a Sunday night memorial service for the Buffalo-area physician who performed abortions, one year after he was killed by a sniper's bullet. A nurse who was critically injured in the 1998 abortion clinic bombing in Birmingham, Ala., was among those who (attended) the interfaith ceremony at a Presbyterian church for Dr. Barnett Slepian. Verb: attended Answer: Yes The group would be ready to leave for the United States as soon as Tuesday, Castro said. Gonzalez said he would go get his son alone if U.S. authorities promised they would turn Elian over to him immediately and allow them to (fly) back to Cuba right away, Castro said Sunday. Verb: fly Answer: No While state-run television broadcast footage of Cuban exiles protesting in Miami against the repatriation of Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban government urged its people to keep up their own demonstrations to ensure the boy's return. The unusual airing of protests against President Fidel Castro appeared aimed at warning Cuban citizens that South Florida exiles could still force the reversal of the U.S. government's decision to (return) Gonzalez to Cuba. Verb: return Answer: No HAVANA ( AP ) -- While state-run television broadcast footage of Cuban exiles protesting in Miami against the repatriation of Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban government (urged) its people to keep up their own demonstrations to ensure the boy's return. Verb: urged Answer: Yes He wanted to reunite with his son -- but not in Cuba, Cid said. She said she and other family members had spoken to Elian's father by phone both before and after the mother (perished). Verb: perished Answer: Yes Anti-Castro demonstrators thronged the street near the local INS office in Miami Wednesday, demanding that Elian be allowed to stay. Today is a sad day for the US Constitution... and for the hopes and dreams of Elian's mother Elizabeth, who died with nine other adults when their boat sank as they attempted to (reach) Florida, said Roger Bernstein, representing the Miami Gonzalez family. Verb: reach Answer: No Even miles away from sign-waving demonstrators who keep vigil outside the tiny house in Little Havana where Elian Gonzalez lives with his great-uncle, talk about the standoff between Elian's Miami relatives and Immigration and Naturalization Service officials pours hot and quick from coffee stands on Calle Ocho and any other place Cuban Americans gather. In rapid-fire Spanish, so fast that even people who learned the language in other Hispanic cultures can have trouble keeping up, they villify Attorney General Janet Reno, President Clinton and others who (want) to send the child back to his father in Cuba. Verb: want Answer: No Ironically, NATO's three newest members just a decade ago were still under the Soviet umbrella. Czech Foreign Minister Jan Kavan said he was in nearby Kansas City (working) with the anti-Soviet undergound in 1968 when Russian troops swept through Praque in the occupation of Czechoslovakia. Verb: working Answer: Yes A $5 million reward has been offered for his capture. The bombs (went) off almost simultaneously on Aug. 7, 1998 at U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Verb: went Answer: Yes They immediately appealed to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. Legal experts and federal officials maintain that Reno can allow the boy to be (sent) back to Cuba before the appeal is heard. Verb: sent Answer: No She is not certain whether the boy should stay in the United States, but she feels that since he's been here so long, he should be afforded the opportunity to live in a free country. When asked if she (thought) the boy's father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, was being controlled by the Cuban government even though he has been in Bethesda, Md., for the last week, she frowned. Verb: thought Answer: No Gonzalez said he did n't believe a much-publicized video taped at the relatives' home in which his son said he did n't want to go. He has spoken with Elian at least three times since he arrived in the United States on April 6, and he insisted his son wants to (return) to Cuba. Verb: return Answer: No Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., said he subpoenaed 6-year-old Elian to testify before the Committee on Government Reform on Feb. 10, so he remains in the country while the courts consider his case. About 100 supporters (cheered) wildly as Elian -- holding the subpoena in front of his face while being held aloft by a relative -- appeared outside the house where he has been staying with relatives. Verb: cheered Answer: Yes Stopping clinic violence is going to be a major theme of our campaign from now to Election Day. In Sunday's debate against Vacco, Spitzer attacked him for failing to (enforce) a court order in 1992 against anti-abortion protesters who had blocked the entrance to a clinic. Verb: enforce Answer: No Investigators said Kopp's car was seen in the neighborhood in the days before the slaying. Kopp vanished after the shooting, and the car was found (abandoned) at the Newark, N.J., airport in December. Verb: abandoned Answer: Yes But Elian's relatives in Miami have fought to keep the boy permanently, saying they could provide him with a better life than he would have on the communist island. They said they would appeal the decision, (announced) Wednesday by INS Commissioner Doris Meissner, that Elian must be returned to his father by Jan. 14. Verb: announced Answer: Yes U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher on Wednesday led a team of medical specialists to Africa to help victims of terrorist attacks on the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. We (want) to build on the long-term partnership that has existed between our countries to help innocent Kenyans who suffered in the bombing, Satcher said at a news conference. Verb: want Answer: Yes That is what the terrorists want. They must not be allowed to (succeed). Verb: succeed Answer: No While state-run television broadcast footage of Cuban exiles protesting in Miami against the repatriation of Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban government urged its people to keep up their own demonstrations to ensure the boy's return. The unusual airing of protests against President Fidel Castro (appeared) aimed at warning Cuban citizens that South Florida exiles could still force the reversal of the U.S. government's decision to return Gonzalez to Cuba. Verb: appeared Answer: Yes His car was spotted in Slepian's suburban Amherst neighborhood in the weeks before the shooting, and was found abandoned at New Jersey's Newark International Airport in December, investigators said. Kopp's stepmother, who married Kopp's father when Kopp (was) in his 30s, said Thursday from her home in Irving, Texas : I would like to see him come forward and clear his name if he's not guilty, and if he's guilty, to contact a priest and make his amends with society, face what he did. Verb: was Answer: Yes Such a decision would allow the U.S. government to push for the 6-year-old boy's swift reunion in Washington with his waiting father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, who wants to return to Cuba. He has said he will (wait) out appeals by the Miami relatives seeking an asylum hearing for Elian before the same court -- but only if he has custody of his son. Verb: wait Answer: No The rally in Cardenas, Cuba, was marked by songs, tears and personal recollections of Elian. It was the most personal and emotional of many held since early December, when Cuban President Fidel Castro promised mass mobilization until the boy was (returned) to his father. Verb: returned Answer: Yes The gun was sent to the FBI laboratory in Washington to determine whether it was used to kill Slepian. If it ('s) not too badly rusted, they may be able to match the bullet back to the weapon, said Walter Rowe, forensics sciences professor at George Washington University. Verb:'s Answer: No Reno has said she was consulted on the INS decision and approved of it. Clinton (said) Friday the INS did the right thing. Verb: said Answer: Yes ( AP ) -- A rifle found near the home of a slain abortion doctor may yield important clues for investigators (trying) to track down the gunman. Verb: trying Answer: Yes On Aug. 7, Bushnell, Trade Minister Joseph Kimotho and others had just ended a news conference in a building adjacent to the embassy. They were talking when the bomb (went) off, killing 247 people and wounding more than 5,000 others. Verb: went Answer: Yes Ricardo Alarcon, president of the National Assembly and Castro's point man on U.S. - Cuban relations, told The Associated Press that Cuban authorities are frustrated by Reno's failure to set a new deadline and the INS's failure to enforce its decision. No enforcement action was ever (announced) by the INS, he said. Verb: announced Answer: No Goldstein, who said it was thoroughly, thoroughly possible that the issue would surface in Spitzer's advertisements, defended the use of the issue by noting that the attorney general has direct impact on the issue of clinic access. Vacco's campaign manager, Matt Behrmann, said in a statement that Spitzer had sunk to a new and despicable low by attempting to (capitalize) on the murder of a physician in order to garner votes. Verb: capitalize Answer: No We are worried not only about his prolonged kidnapping, Juan Miguel Gonzalez wrote in a letter published on the front page of the Communist Party daily Granma. We (lack) direct information about the concrete conditions to which he is subjected in his daily life. Verb: lack Answer: No But Elian's relatives in Miami have fought to keep the boy permanently, saying they could provide him with a better life than he would have on the communist island. They said they would appeal the decision, (announced) Wednesday by INS Commissioner Doris Meissner, that Elian must be returned to his father by Jan. 14. Verb: announced Answer: Yes The INS offered three options : that Gonzalez come to pick up his son, that the family in Miami take him to Cuba, or that a third party escort the child to his homeland. Gonzalez _ perhaps under duress from the Castro regime _ has indicated he does not want to travel to Miami, and there is no way the Miami Gonzalezes will (assist) in sending Elian back to Cuba, Perez said. Verb: assist Answer: No Kopp has eluded authorities since they obtained a warrant for him as a material witness in the Oct. 23 sniper shooting of Dr. Barnett Slepian, a 52-year-old obstetrician-gynecologist who performed abortions. The search for Kopp was recently (extended) to Mexico. Verb: extended Answer: Yes The concern in Cuba always has been that if Gonzalez goes he will immediately become involved in political and legal problems that will prevent his speedy return. Elian's paternal grandmother, Mariela, told reporters that she was willing to go to Miami to retrieve her grandson if it was assured to her that she could pick him up and return immediately to Cuba without (become) embroiled in legal or political problems. Verb: become Answer: No Clinton said Friday the INS did the right thing. I believe they (followed) the law, Clinton said. Verb: followed Answer: Yes Investigators would not divulge the evidence against Kopp but said last month's discovery of a scope-equipped rifle buried near the Slepian home represented a major breakthrough. Slepian, 52, was (shot) with a rifle. Verb: shot Answer: Yes Today, I'm here to tell you we have our suspect, said Bernard Tolbert, special agent-in-charge of the FBI's Buffalo office. Kopp, 44, of St. Albans, Vt., (became) the subject of an international manhunt in November when he was called a witness in the case. Verb: became Answer: Yes His sincerity did n't stop the talk on Little Havana's streets or on Miami's ubiquitous Spanish-language radio stations, which buzzed with callers lambasting Gonzalez for playing into the hands of a tyrant. A day after he was hounded on the steps of the federal courthouse, Manuel Gonzalez would n't (come) to the door of his modest home in Miami's Little Havana. Verb: come Answer: No HAVANA ( AP ) -- While an important step, the U.S. government decision to return 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez to Cuba does not guarantee that the boy will be (repatriated), the communist leadership warned. Verb: repatriated Answer: No ( 0735 GMT ) Friday, toppling a crowded building toward the embassy and a street packed with cars, trucks and buses. At least 75 people were killed and 1,643 wounded there, Red Cross and ambulance officials (said). Verb: said Answer: Yes Eliot is going to make a huge priority of this, Goldstein said. Stopping clinic violence is going to (be) a major theme of our campaign from now to Election Day. Verb: be Answer: No But those restrictions are at least imposed by the normal give and take of political and judicial struggle in a democracy. What (is) outrageous is the attempt to shut down abortions by illegal means _ by shooting the doctors or bombing the clinics or harassing the women seeking to exercise their constitutional right. Verb: is Answer: No HAVANA ( AP ) -- In an apparent bid to show flexibility in the campaign to (return) Elian Gonzalez to Cuba, President Fidel Castro said the boy's father has offered to travel alone today to the United States to pick up his 6-year-old son. Verb: return Answer: No Speaker after speaker denounced the United States and extolled the virtues of Cuba's communist revolution. A Justice official, who (requested) anonymity, said the department has authority, if necessary, to shift temporary custody to someone other than Lazaro Gonzalez. Verb: requested Answer: Yes Another man has been arrested in connection with the bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania last year that killed 224 people, police said today. I can confirm that an individual was (arrested) in connection with the embassy bombings and the FBI was involved in making the arrest, police spokesman Capt. Rod Beer said. Verb: arrested Answer: Yes The bombings on Aug. 7 killed 259 people, including 12 Americans, and injured more than 5,500. The U.S. team includes plastic surgeons with experience in physical reconstruction, and a psychiatrist who worked in Oklahoma City, where 168 people were (killed) in a bombing in 1995. Verb: killed Answer: Yes It allows us to spread his name far and wide across Canada and say that he is wanted for attempted murder, said police Inspector Dave Bowen. Kopp, who is from Vermont, was (indicted) last year in the October 1998 shooting death of Dr. Barnet Slepian, an obstetrician in Buffalo, New York. Verb: indicted Answer: Yes We will look at that, try to make some kind of factual determination and then decide what steps, if any, need to be taken. In addition, the department is still (considering) a request last week from Elian's father in Cuba, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, to have Elian's temporary custody shifted from his great-uncle Lazaro Gonzalez to another great-uncle, Manolo Gonzalez. Verb: considering Answer: Yes CAPE TOWN, South Africa ( AP ) -- Another man has been arrested in connection with the bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania last year that killed 224 people, police (said) today. Verb: said Answer: Yes Ricardo Alarcon, president of the National Assembly and Castro's point man on U.S. - Cuban relations, told The Associated Press that Cuban authorities are frustrated by Reno's failure to set a new deadline and the INS's failure to enforce its decision. No enforcement action was ever (announced) by the INS, he said. Verb: announced Answer: No Since 1949, it has been expanded to include Greece and Turkey in 1952, Germany in 1955 and Spain in 1982. The new additions bring the total to 19 and many other hopefuls are (waiting) in the wings : Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Verb: waiting Answer: Yes We are friends. He also urged Albright to (tell) Americans that Tanzania is safe and they should continue visiting and investing in the country. Verb: tell Answer: No According to sources quoted by the Miami Herald, Munero had fled to Florida in June 1998 and returned to Cuba later that year, only to be jailed for several months. The mother was practically kidnapped along with the boy to (make) the late-November trip, Castro said. Verb: make Answer: Yes Elian's paternal grandmother, Mariela, told reporters that she was willing to go to Miami to retrieve her grandson if it was assured to her that she could pick him up and return immediately to Cuba without become embroiled in legal or political problems. I would go there just for one minute to (get) him. Verb: get Answer: No It strongly condemns the terrorist bomb attacks. And it stresses that every nation has the duty to refrain from organizing, (instigating), assisting or participating in terrorist acts in another state. Verb: instigating Answer: No In one case, riot police had to use tear gas to clear them. Saying nothing is certain about Elian's return, Cuba's government (exhorted) citizens to keep rallying, after the boy's relatives in Miami said they would look for ways to get around Wednesday's ruling by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service to repatriate the child by Jan. 14. Verb: exhorted Answer: Yes While state-run television broadcast footage of Cuban exiles protesting in Miami against the repatriation of Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban government urged its people to keep up their own demonstrations to ensure the boy's return. The unusual airing of protests against President Fidel Castro (appeared) aimed at warning Cuban citizens that South Florida exiles could still force the reversal of the U.S. government's decision to return Gonzalez to Cuba. Verb: appeared Answer: Yes Of those killed, 11 were killed in Tanzania. Two key suspects in the Kenya bombing have been (handed) over to the United States for trial. Verb: handed Answer: Yes There are many people who tell us that we should give up this fight, said Martin Anorga, an evangelical pastor. But we will (follow) in the path that the Lord has shown us, despite those who want to get in our way. Verb: follow Answer: No Contrary to other reports, the FBI and Kenyan police said Monday that a suspect who was returned from Pakistan had not admitted any role in the crimes or implicated anyone else after three days of questioning. Albright, arriving after a 16-hour flight, spent about five hours in Tanzania before (heading) to Nairobi in a small plane when an engine of the Boeing 747 she had flown in from Washington overheated. Verb: heading Answer: Yes The almost simultaneous attacks Aug. 7 at the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killed 257 people and injured more than 5,500. The incidents of Aug. 7 underscore that terrorists know no boundaries, and that the suppression of international terrorism, the arrest, the conviction and the punishment of its perpetrators are essential to the maintenance of international peace and security, (said) the U.S. Deputy Ambassador Peter Burleigh. Verb: said Answer: Yes We are friends. He also urged Albright to tell Americans that Tanzania is safe and they should (continue) visiting and investing in the country. Verb: continue Answer: No Now the alliance's mission is more ill-defined. NATO warplanes helped end the war in Bosnia almost four years ago and now are poised to (intervene) in Yugoslavia should peace efforts in the province of Kosovo fail. Verb: intervene Answer: No Tuesday to sign a paper promising to turn over the boy to immigration authorities if they lose their federal court appeal. The Miami relatives thus far have refused to sign the document, and in recent days said they would not (turn) Elian over to his father if he came to the United States. Verb: turn Answer: No But Tanzanian Foreign Minister Jakaya Kikwete, speaking at a joint news conference with Albright, said there are no ill feelings in Tanzania toward Americans because of their handling of the rescue, as there are among some Kenyans. The bomb blast has not (generated) any hatred against... Verb: generated Answer: No Also Friday, Miami-Dade Mayor Alex Penelas and Miami Mayor Joe Carollo, accompanied by one of the family's lawyers, flew to Washington to appeal directly to Attorney General Janet Reno. Gov. Jeb Bush also asked President Clinton to (reverse) the INS order. Verb: reverse Answer: No ATLANTA ( AP ) -- The creator of an anti-abortion Web site found to be a threat to abortion providers (says) a decision to shut the site down is just a temporary setback. Verb: says Answer: Yes The grandmother of Elian Gonzalez said she is willing to go to Miami to bring the six-year-old boy home to Cuba, while Fidel Castro's point man on U.S. relations expressed impatience at Washington's failure to enforce a repatriation order. In a massive demonstration demanding Elian's return, tens of thousands of Cuban women -- hundreds visibly pregnant and others (carrying) small children -- marched along Havana's seaside boulevard on Friday to the U.S. mission, waving Cuban flags and chanting Bring back our son ! Verb: carrying Answer: Yes But that little boy, by surviving two days on an inner tube, has earned the right to stay here in freedom. In Havana, the government gave a guarded first response to the INS ruling, warning against excessive optimism and predicting the Cuban-American mafia and the extreme right in the U.S. Congress would still (put) up a fight to keep the boy. Verb: put Answer: No The INS offered three options : that Gonzalez come to pick up his son, that the family in Miami take him to Cuba, or that a third party escort the child to his homeland. Gonzalez _ perhaps under duress from the Castro regime _ has indicated he does not (want) to travel to Miami, and there is no way the Miami Gonzalezes will assist in sending Elian back to Cuba, Perez said. Verb: want Answer: No But Miami's volatile Cuban exiles continued to vow they would block any attempt to take Elian from the Little Havana home where he has been living with his Miami relatives, with some predicting bloodshed if federal agents come for the boy. There will be thousands here to stop it if they (come) for him, said Ana Bonnin, one of about 100 exiles who practiced forming a human chain outside the home Monday. Verb: come Answer: No
The input contains a debate topic, an argument on the topic and a keypoint, separated by "<sep>". Your task is to answer if the keypoint matches the argument and summarizes exactly what the argument means, in the context of the given topic. Example: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: Mandatory retirement is a good way of refreshing the workforce, motivating those lower in the pecking order and creating employment opportunities.<sep>Keypoint: A mandatory retirement age creates opportunities for other workers Output: True Example: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: Subsidizing journalism opens up the door to bias in the media.<sep>Keypoint: Government intervention has the risk of inserting bias/harming objectivity Output: True Example: Topic: We should ban private military companies<sep>Argument: Private military companies can do things the real military cannot, or be hired for short term assignments.<sep>Keypoint: Private military companies can supplement regular armies in specific tasks that armies cannot, or do not want, to do Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: If women can pass all the tests required then they are fit for combat<sep>Keypoint: Women should be accepted as long as they pass the tests Output: True Example: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Homeschooling is advantageous for a particular subset of children; for example if they have additional needs or if they have been bullied in main stream school.<sep>Keypoint: Mainstream schools have a lot of violence/bullying Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Women are more emotionally sensitive and may have more emotional problems after returning from combat.<sep>Keypoint: Men are better suited to combat roles than women Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: For a parent to basically sell their child out as labor for their own purposes is wrong. children should be allowed to grow up in a normal environment.<sep>Keypoint: Child performers tend to develop problems later in life Output: False Example: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Urbanization is just the natural consequence of life and there's no need to fight it. we all need homes and places to shop. it's going to happen, just embrace it.<sep>Keypoint: Cities offer more opportunities Output: True Example: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Urbanization provides many opportunities for growth<sep>Keypoint: Cities offer more opportunities Output: True Example: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Some children do not adapt well to the school environment and need the one on one support that homeschooling can provide<sep>Keypoint: Homeschools can be personalized to the child's pace/needs Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: Flag burning is a delibrate act of rabble-rousing, fanning tensions with the express interest of causing unrest and violence.<sep>Keypoint: Flags are important symbols that should be respected Output: False Example: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Homeschooling prevents the child from interacting with others in a safe school environment<sep>Keypoint: Homeschools cannot be regulated/standardized Output: False Example: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: Flag burning is dangerous because it incites people to violence.<sep>Keypoint: Flags are important symbols that should be respected Output: False Example: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned, repressing human nature has led to abuse and desperation<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy leads to wrong sexual behaviour Output: True Example: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: It could provide more jobs and promote growth for businesses.<sep>Keypoint: Urbanization benefits the environment Output: False Example: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: We should fight urbanization because of the environmental impacts it has on the planet.<sep>Keypoint: Restrictions on migration would benefit people in the rural areas economically/socially Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Capital punishment would be unfair to those who were wrongfully sentenced to death for a crime they did not commit.<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty irreversible Output: True Example: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: We should not subsidize space exploration because the money spent could be put to better use such as hunger and finding homes for our homeless.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration is ineffective Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Capital punishment breaks the human rights of the individuals being punished.<sep>Keypoint: State-sanctioned killing is principally wrong Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: It is a valid protest and is backed by our constitution<sep>Keypoint: Flag burning is an effective tool of expression/protest/critique Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: Burning of the flag is free speech. even if we don't agree, it's still protected and should remain as such.<sep>Keypoint: Flag burning is an effective tool of expression/protest/critique Output: False Example: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: It is a vow that has been a long held tradition in the church and shouldn't be changed<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy allows a priest to focus on god Output: False Example: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: People should be able to ask for help in ending their own life if they are living with an incurable disease.<sep>Keypoint: Assisted suicide reduces suffering Output: False Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Women in armed conflicts are prone to violations by enemies<sep>Keypoint: Men are better suited to combat roles than women Output: False Example: Topic: We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons<sep>Argument: Nuclear weapons create unnecessary political tensions<sep>Keypoint: Nuclear weapons can fall into the wrong hands Output: False Example: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: Some people are capable of working way beyond the retirement age and should be able to work and increase their retirement funds as long as they ant.<sep>Keypoint: A mandatory retirement age decreases institutional knowledge Output: False Example: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: We should not subsidize journalism because it is a poor use of public money when things like healthcare and education are short of funding<sep>Keypoint: Journalism is like every other business and if it is not sustainable it should fail Output: False Example: Topic: We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp<sep>Argument: To keep america and it's allies safe and to rid the world of terrorists we need to keep guantanamo bay open. these are enemies and dangerous people. we need to get them to talk and give us intel we need.<sep>Keypoint: The guantanamo bay detention camp is better for prisoners than the alternatives Output: False Example: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Homeschooling absolutely should not be banned because parents have the freedom to raise their kids as they see fit. if they think they can do a better job teaching their children, they have every right to.<sep>Keypoint: Parents should be permitted to choose the education of their children Output: True Example: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: Compulsory voting forces people to engage with democracy<sep>Keypoint: Compulsory voting increases representation Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban private military companies<sep>Argument: Private military companies should be banned because it is immoral to make money off of war<sep>Keypoint: Private military companies main interest is profit Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: We should prohibit women in combat because of lack of strength and endurance to do the job that is needed.<sep>Keypoint: Women in combat can be a distraction or harm the function of the military Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: Look at the tragedies of numerous child stars, it is very rare a child actor doesn't face trouble and actually become successful adults.<sep>Keypoint: Child performers tend to develop problems later in life Output: True Example: Topic: We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons<sep>Argument: Nuclear weapons are an effective threat that have prevented world war for 70 years<sep>Keypoint: Nuclear weapons is essential for protection and deterrence Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize sex selection<sep>Argument: This is immoral and unnatural and goes against what nature intended<sep>Keypoint: It is unethical/unhealthy for parents to intervene Output: True Example: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration gives insight into our world and other planets which could be invaluable.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration unravels information about the universe Output: True Example: Topic: We should ban human cloning<sep>Argument: If human cloning can provide answers or cures to diseases, we should not ban it.<sep>Keypoint: Cloning can be used for organ replication Output: False Example: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: We should fight urbanization because cities are a despot for waste, drugs, disease, and homelessness. the majority of hiv cases and drug addiction cases are in major cities.<sep>Keypoint: Urbanization causes crime Output: True Example: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: The requirement of celibacy by religious leaders deters individuals from religious vocations<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy reduces the pool of people wanting to become priests Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Women can be every bit as tough as men and deserve to be treated equally which means they ought to be allowed to fight in combat alongside men<sep>Keypoint: Women can create unique skills/strategies Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Capital punishment remains a good deterrent for serious crime<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty prevents crimes Output: True Example: Topic: We should adopt libertarianism<sep>Argument: Libertarianism is the only philosophy in which an individual is truly free, with rights that no one can violate.<sep>Keypoint: Libertarianism increases economic growth Output: False Example: Topic: We should adopt libertarianism<sep>Argument: We should not adopt libertarianism because we need the government to provide essential services that are unprofitable.<sep>Keypoint: Libertarianism removes essential laws/infrastructure/government services Output: True Example: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: Compulsory voting could lead to an uninformed public electing unqualified people to office<sep>Keypoint: Abstaining from a vote is also reflecting your preferences Output: False Example: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Exploration of space has not produced any tangible benefits yet, so funding should be discontinued<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration can be carried by the private sector Output: False Example: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: Journalism should be subsidized to ensure that the news reported is objective and full of facts as opposed to the subjective views that can be posted by anyone on social media.<sep>Keypoint: Subsidy increases objectivity in reporting Output: True Example: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: People are living far longer than they used to and are not ready to retire at the age they used to. many need the income to support their longer lives<sep>Keypoint: A mandatory retirement age decreases institutional knowledge Output: False Example: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: Cannabis should be legalized as there it is less addictive than other drugs including smoking and alcohol and does not result in the destructive behaviors associated with them.<sep>Keypoint: Alcohol and tobacco are more harmful drugs yet remain legal Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: The right to free speech also includes flag burning, which is used to express an opinion.<sep>Keypoint: Flag burning is justified due to freedom of expression Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: We should prohibit women in combat because woman aren't physically built for combat<sep>Keypoint: Women cannot overcome physical/emotional/mental barriers Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize sex selection<sep>Argument: We should legalize sex selection because people should have the right to pick if they want to raise a boy or a girl<sep>Keypoint: Sex selection allows for better family planning Output: False Example: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: Flag burning is a right guaranteed under the first amendment<sep>Keypoint: Flag burning is justified due to freedom of expression Output: True Example: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: People who are terminally ill and don't want to suffer any more have a right to ask for help to end their lives<sep>Keypoint: People should have the freedom to choose to end their life Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize sex selection<sep>Argument: We should not legalize sex selection because it might cause an unbalanced society.<sep>Keypoint: Sex selection can lead to gender imbalance Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: If we legalize and regulate prostitution then it will be safer for everyone and also generate revenue for the state.<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work increases sex workers' benefits (e.g. health care, safe sex, unionization, etc.) Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: Child actors do not have a normal upbringing or education due to the nature of their work taking them far and wide to work which is detrimental to their wellbeing.<sep>Keypoint: Child performers are at risk of exploitation Output: False Example: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: Even if the government doesn't gain influence over the reported news, the perception that it does will increase public distrust and prevent journalists from doing their job.<sep>Keypoint: Government intervention has the risk of inserting bias/harming objectivity Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: Legalising cannabis could normalise it and encourage more children to partake<sep>Keypoint: Cannabis harms the body Output: False Example: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: A parent knows their child better than anyone else and can personalize their teaching to that childs personality<sep>Keypoint: Homeschooling is often the best option for catering for the needs of exceptional/religious/ill/disabled students. Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban private military companies<sep>Argument: We should not ban private military companies because they help to protect people<sep>Keypoint: Hiring private military companies is financially beneficial Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Capital punishment is the best method to ensure that a murderer does not kill again<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty prevents crimes Output: True Example: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Homeschooling children creates children that have no social skills and won't be able to function in a workplace with other people.<sep>Keypoint: Homeschools cannot be regulated/standardized Output: False Example: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: No one should be forced to work or stop work against their will, this is hugely discriminatory and infringing on basic rights<sep>Keypoint: A mandatory retirement age decreases institutional knowledge Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: Children often can not handle the fame and have issues growing up including drug use<sep>Keypoint: Child performers tend to develop problems later in life Output: True Example: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: Assisted suicide is the same as murder and therefore should be illegal.<sep>Keypoint: Assisted suicide allows people to solicit someone to die to their own benefit Output: False Example: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned, repressing human nature has led to abuse and desperation<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy is outdated Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish intellectual property rights<sep>Argument: We shouldn't abolish intellectual property rights because everyone has the right to be creative with their thoughts<sep>Keypoint: Intellectual property rights protect against stealing Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban private military companies<sep>Argument: Private military companies should be banned because it is immoral to make money off of war<sep>Keypoint: Private military companies are less ethical and violate rights or commit crimes Output: False Example: Topic: We should adopt libertarianism<sep>Argument: Adopting libertarianism would increase our freedoms, ending governmental tyranny<sep>Keypoint: Libertarianism increases economic growth Output: False Example: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: Providing someone the means to kill themselves is equivalent to pulling the trigger yourself<sep>Keypoint: Assisted suicide is akin to killing someone Output: True Example: Topic: We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp<sep>Argument: It is not right to hold people indefinitely without a trial and due process<sep>Keypoint: Detainees have the right to trial in us courts Output: True Example: Topic: We should ban human cloning<sep>Argument: There are to many ethical problems and it would be nearly impossible to regulate<sep>Keypoint: Cloning is not understood enough yet Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban private military companies<sep>Argument: Private military companies can operate in ways to keep us safe that the government isn't allowed to.<sep>Keypoint: Private military companies can supplement regular armies in specific tasks that armies cannot, or do not want, to do Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: Legalizing prostitution encourages exploitative families and friends to push women into prostitution for their own gain.<sep>Keypoint: Legalization will lead to more sexually transmitted diseases Output: False Example: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration can tell us so much about the world that we live in and help us to identify potential threats that the human race may need to prepare for.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration unravels information about the universe Output: True Example: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: Acting can be an amazing opportunity for children which could potentially lead to a full career.<sep>Keypoint: Child performers are necessary for roles Output: False Example: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: We need journalists to help keep the government in check and bring to light abuses of power.<sep>Keypoint: Journalism is important to information-spreading/accountability Output: True Example: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration isn't necessary so the money could go to much more useful things such as education for children and providing health care for people.<sep>Keypoint: There are issues more important to fund than space exploration Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize sex selection<sep>Argument: Sex selection can cause an over abundance of one sex over the other.<sep>Keypoint: It is unethical/unhealthy for parents to intervene Output: False Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Women have the knowledge and abilities to be able to contribute in any combat situation.<sep>Keypoint: Women can overcome differences and be just as capable in combat Output: True Example: Topic: We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp<sep>Argument: Guantanamo bay detention camp should be closed because it is a stain on the reputation of the usa<sep>Keypoint: Detainees have the right to trial in us courts Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Capital punishment would be unfair to those who were wrongfully sentenced to death for a crime they did not commit.<sep>Keypoint: State-sanctioned killing is principally wrong Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: They may miss out on other things like schooling<sep>Keypoint: Child performers are at risk of exploitation Output: False Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Women are perfectly capable of performing well in combat situations. they have enough strength and agility to be capable soldiers and they posses excellent mental agility when making decisions.<sep>Keypoint: Women should be accepted as long as they pass the tests Output: False Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Women can do the job just as well as any man can this is not the dark ages anymore.<sep>Keypoint: Women are an asset in combat Output: False Example: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Concentrating large number of people and resources increases pollution and lessons the feeling of wellbeing among it's citizens.<sep>Keypoint: Restrictions on migration would benefit people in the rural areas economically/socially Output: False Example: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Homeschooling should be banned because the children do not get the societal interaction they need to succeed outside the home<sep>Keypoint: Mainstream schools are essential to develop social skills Output: True Example: Topic: We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons<sep>Argument: Our goal should be the abolition of nuclear weapons because a nuclear war would likely destroy the world.<sep>Keypoint: Nuclear weapons provoke or escalate a disastrous military action Output: True Example: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: Forcing members of a profession to retire at a certain age creates an experience drain<sep>Keypoint: A mandatory retirement age decreases institutional knowledge Output: True Example: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: Child actors are robbed of their childhood and can face much emotional turmoil as an adult from missing this important step in childhood.<sep>Keypoint: Child performers are losing their childhood Output: True Example: Topic: We should adopt atheism<sep>Argument: We should not adopt atheism as people have the right to believe the way they want when it come to a higher power.<sep>Keypoint: Atheism discriminates against religious people / violates freedom of religion Output: True Example: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: We should not introduce compulsory voting because people of no education or hardly any will vote and they have no idea who or what they are voting for<sep>Keypoint: Compulsory voting can cause people to vote in an uninformed/random manner Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: Prostitution could be better regulated and made safer<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work increases sex workers' benefits (e.g. health care, safe sex, unionization, etc.) Output: False Example: Topic: We should abandon marriage<sep>Argument: Even with high rates of divorce, married couples and the children of married parents ultimately have more stable and emotionally healthy lives than their unmarried counterparts.<sep>Keypoint: Marriage is important for people, either generally or because of religious/traditional reasons Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish intellectual property rights<sep>Argument: We should not abolish intellectual property rights because an individuals should be able to keep the property they create solely for their own benefit and not the benefit of the whole world.<sep>Keypoint: People, or a business, own their innovations and should be able to be compensated for their endeavour Output: True Example: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: Mandatory retirement put high-skilled workers out of jobs. putting a pressure in the working field and jeopardizing economic progress<sep>Keypoint: We should let everyone retire when they are ready Output: False Example: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Urbanization is a good thing because there is more jobs available<sep>Keypoint: Urbanization benefits the environment Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Recent investigations consistently demonstrate a strong link between executions and reduced murder rates<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty prevents crimes Output: True Example: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Urbanization destroys green space, which has been shown to have a detrimental effect on human mental states.<sep>Keypoint: Urbanization harms the environment Output: True Example: Topic: We should adopt libertarianism<sep>Argument: It is much better for people to act as individuals because it encourages business enterprise, libertarianism is essential<sep>Keypoint: Libertarianism increases freedom in the political system Output: False Example: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: Voting is an important part of making democracy work, and should be mandatory.<sep>Keypoint: People have an obligation to vote Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Women are human beings with autonomy and the freedom to choose for themselves whether to put their lives at risk for their country.<sep>Keypoint: There should be equality between men and women. Output: False Example: Topic: We should end mandatory retirement<sep>Argument: Some people are capable of working way beyond the retirement age and should be able to work and increase their retirement funds as long as they ant.<sep>Keypoint: We should let everyone retire when they are ready Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: Legalizing prostitution promotes human trafficking. it makes it impossible to investigate traffickers and help victims if they appear to be operating in a legal profession, allowing trafficking to flourish.<sep>Keypoint: Selling one's body is immoral Output: False Example: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: We need to have land that is not urban to support nature<sep>Keypoint: Restrictions on migration would benefit people in the rural areas economically/socially Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Capital punishment is cruel and in some cases people have been punished for crimes they didn't commit<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty is ineffective in deterring crimes Output: False Example: Topic: We should adopt libertarianism<sep>Argument: Giving people the freedom to almost do as they wish with no fear of an authoratiarian state will be liberating.<sep>Keypoint: Libertarianism increases individual freedom/liberties Output: True Example: Topic: We should abandon marriage<sep>Argument: Marriage provides a safe, secure foundation for children.<sep>Keypoint: Marriage is important for people, either generally or because of religious/traditional reasons Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban the use of child actors<sep>Argument: Kids are very important to movies and tv shows. without them it would be dull. they are home schooled and get the education they need and it gives them an early start to fame.<sep>Keypoint: Acting may be the child's dream Output: False Example: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Homeschooling cannot provide the quality of education that real teachers and a real school can provide.<sep>Keypoint: Homeschools cannot be regulated/standardized Output: False Example: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: Without journalism people have no way of having the information that empower them to make informed voting decisions, making journalism central to democracy and therefore in need of subsidization.<sep>Keypoint: Subsidies will increase the quality of journalism Output: False Example: Topic: We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp<sep>Argument: The existence of guantanamo bay ensures global security.<sep>Keypoint: Closing the guantanamo bay detention camp would harm national security Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: The choice between what two consenting adults do is not up to the government<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work boosts the economy Output: False Example: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: Celibacy allows the priest to be completely focused on his parish community without distraction.<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy makes the priests to be perceived as holy Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish intellectual property rights<sep>Argument: Without intellectual property rights, there would be little motivation to invent new things and future developments would grind to a halt.<sep>Keypoint: Intellectual property rights protect against stealing Output: False Example: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: Prostitution could be better regulated and made safer<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work increases sex workers' benefits (e.g. health care, safe sex, unionization, etc.) Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban private military companies<sep>Argument: We should ban private military companies because your contract can be bought at any moment by another company leading to instability<sep>Keypoint: Private military companies cannot be trusted to be loyal to the hiring country Output: True Example: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Capital punishment dose not work and is barbaric.<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty harms the disenfranchised Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish intellectual property rights<sep>Argument: We should abolish intellectual property rights as they inhibit the creativity of artists who would use previous work for inspiration.<sep>Keypoint: Intellectual property prevents the continuous improvement of a service/product Output: False Example: Topic: We should adopt atheism<sep>Argument: We should not adopt atheism since anyone should be free to believe anything they want. following a religion helps many people try to be better people.<sep>Keypoint: Atheism lacks morality Output: False Example: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: It can be very beneficial for people with certain illnesses so should be legal<sep>Keypoint: Cannabis is safe/healthy/pain-relief Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Some women are more skilled combat fighters than men. why should their skills be stifled?<sep>Keypoint: Women can create unique skills/strategies Output: True Example: Topic: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned<sep>Argument: The vow of celibacy should be abandoned because it is too much temptation to not have sex.<sep>Keypoint: Celibacy is too pressuring/diffcult Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit women in combat<sep>Argument: Women have the right to equal opportunity including military combat.<sep>Keypoint: There should be equality between men and women. Output: True Example: Topic: We should abolish intellectual property rights<sep>Argument: We need to protect the rights of copyright holders to safeguard the creative economy and should never open the market for rampant exploitation of recognisable content<sep>Keypoint: Intellectual property rights incentivize creativity/innovation Output: False Example: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration encourages inventions beneficial to our everyday lives, as well as economic stimulation.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration is financially beneficial Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: Marijuana has numerous proven medical benefits.<sep>Keypoint: Cannabis is safe/healthy/pain-relief Output: True Example: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: Legalizing prostitution is the only way to protect both customers and prostitutes from being exploited by criminals<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work boosts the economy Output: False Example: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration can allow for satellite placement to warn of weather as well as the actions of countries that intend to cause harm.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration improves science/technology Output: True Example: Topic: Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence<sep>Argument: Assisted suicide helps those who are in pain due to a devastating disease end their own lives on their own terms.<sep>Keypoint: Assisted suicide reduces suffering Output: True Example: Topic: We should adopt libertarianism<sep>Argument: Libertarianism decreases prices and operating costs by removing corporate regulations.<sep>Keypoint: Libertarianism increases freedom in the political system Output: False Example: Topic: We should legalize prostitution<sep>Argument: We should legalize prostitution so that we can regulate it and make it safer for the prostitutes and the clients.<sep>Keypoint: Legalizing sex work will allow to regulate those in the profession Output: True Example: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Homeschooling can lead to a better learning outcome for many children who struggle in the traditional classroom.<sep>Keypoint: Parents will have more ability to pay-attention/educate their child Output: False Example: Topic: We should abolish capital punishment<sep>Argument: Capital punishment is cruel and unusual punishment.<sep>Keypoint: The death penalty harms the disenfranchised Output: False Example: Topic: We should subsidize journalism<sep>Argument: Subsidized journalism ensures that the news is factual and from a reliable source so i agree with it.<sep>Keypoint: Journalism is important to information-spreading/accountability Output: False Example: Topic: Homeschooling should be banned<sep>Argument: Homeschooling is not the best way to learn.<sep>Keypoint: Mainstream schools are of higher educational quality Output: True Example: Topic: We should introduce compulsory voting<sep>Argument: Compulsory voting means that politicians have to address the concerns of the whole electorate rather than just focusing on those groups of people who usually turn out to vote<sep>Keypoint: Compulsory voting increases representation Output: True Example: Topic: We should adopt atheism<sep>Argument: We should not adopt atheism because people have a right to believe what ever they want<sep>Keypoint: Atheism lacks morality Output: False Example: Topic: We should legalize cannabis<sep>Argument: Availability of legalized marijuana would have a trickle-down impact and the drug would find its way to underage persons<sep>Keypoint: Legal cannabis can be getting to the hand of underage teenagers/children Output: True Example: Topic: We should fight urbanization<sep>Argument: Urbanization can cause an increase in crime rates and pollution<sep>Keypoint: Urbanization causes crime Output: True Example: Topic: We should subsidize space exploration<sep>Argument: Space exploration gives us an advantage over other countries, allowing us to improve satellite placement that can help protect from combat enemies.<sep>Keypoint: Space exploration can help in colonizing the resources/lands of other planets Output: False Example: Topic: We should adopt libertarianism<sep>Argument: Libertarianism would stop people from being able to progress and make the poor even poorer while the rich do fine.<sep>Keypoint: Libertarianism harms economic growth Output: False Example: Topic: We should ban human cloning<sep>Argument: The cloning of humans could help us get the cures we need and the most appropriate treatments for certain ailments<sep>Keypoint: Cloning promotes health Output: True Example: Topic: We should prohibit flag burning<sep>Argument: Flag burning is simply a form of protesting that isn't harming anyone directly.<sep>Keypoint: Flag burning is an effective tool of expression/protest/critique Output: True
Given a story, answer the question about the story. The question is the last sentence in the input. The story has one of the three following scenarios: (1) when the individual's belief matches reality, (2) when the individual's belief does not match reality, (3) is when an individual has a false belief about another individual's beliefs. The question will ask about the location of an object in the story with respect to either none or one of the three scenarios. Question: Abigail entered the lounge. Mason entered the lounge. The peach is in the blue_suitcase. Mason exited the lounge. Abigail moved the peach to the green_suitcase. Abigail exited the lounge. Mason entered the lounge. Where will Mason look for the peach? Output: green_suitcase Question: Abigail entered the kitchen. Oliver entered the kitchen. The watermelon is in the blue_container. Oliver exited the kitchen. Abigail moved the watermelon to the red_drawer. Where will Oliver look for the watermelon? Output: blue_container Question: Elizabeth entered the bedroom. Oliver entered the bedroom. The grapes is in the blue_cupboard. Elizabeth moved the grapes to the green_bucket. Where will Oliver look for the grapes? Output: green_bucket Question: Sophia entered the laundry. Evelyn entered the laundry. The orange is in the green_drawer. Evelyn exited the laundry. Sophia moved the orange to the blue_suitcase. Sophia exited the laundry. Evelyn entered the laundry. Where will Evelyn look for the orange? Output: blue_suitcase Question: William entered the laundry. Lucas entered the laundry. The potato is in the green_bottle. William moved the potato to the green_treasure_chest. Where is the potato really? Output: green_treasure_chest Question: Lucas entered the cellar. Olivia entered the cellar. The grapefruit is in the blue_bathtub. Olivia exited the cellar. Lucas moved the grapefruit to the red_drawer. Lucas exited the cellar. Olivia entered the cellar. Where does Lucas think that Olivia searches for the grapefruit? Output: blue_bathtub Question: Logan entered the bathroom. Jackson entered the bathroom. The spinach is in the blue_cupboard. Jackson exited the bathroom. Logan moved the spinach to the green_treasure_chest. Where will Jackson look for the spinach? Output: blue_cupboard Question: Mia entered the cellar. Aria entered the cellar. The lettuce is in the green_suitcase. Aria exited the cellar. Mia moved the lettuce to the red_treasure_chest. Where will Aria look for the lettuce? Output: green_suitcase Question: Isabella entered the hallway. Amelia entered the hallway. The onion is in the green_suitcase. Amelia exited the hallway. Isabella moved the onion to the blue_container. Isabella exited the hallway. Amelia entered the hallway. Where is the onion really? Output: blue_container Question: Jayden entered the den. Charlotte entered the den. The carrot is in the blue_crate. Charlotte exited the den. Jayden moved the carrot to the green_bottle. Where was the carrot at the beginning? Output: blue_crate Question: Avery entered the living_room. Emily entered the living_room. The banana is in the green_drawer. Emily exited the living_room. Avery moved the banana to the blue_crate. Where will Emily look for the banana? Output: green_drawer Question: Evelyn entered the front_yard. Jackson entered the front_yard. The onion is in the blue_cupboard. Jackson exited the front_yard. Evelyn moved the onion to the red_box. Where does Evelyn think that Jackson searches for the onion? Output: blue_cupboard Question: Jack entered the front_yard. Oliver entered the front_yard. The tangerine is in the red_box. Oliver exited the front_yard. Jack moved the tangerine to the green_suitcase. Where does Jack think that Oliver searches for the tangerine? Output: red_box Question: Ethan entered the hallway. James entered the hallway. The lime is in the blue_box. James exited the hallway. Ethan moved the lime to the green_envelope. Ethan exited the hallway. James entered the hallway. Where will James look for the lime? Output: green_envelope Question: Logan entered the master_bedroom. Jayden entered the master_bedroom. The turnip is in the green_crate. Jayden exited the master_bedroom. Logan moved the turnip to the green_bottle. Logan exited the master_bedroom. Jayden entered the master_bedroom. Where is the turnip really? Output: green_bottle Question: Ella entered the back_yard. Jackson entered the back_yard. The green_pepper is in the red_box. Ella moved the green_pepper to the blue_crate. Where was the green_pepper at the beginning? Output: red_box Question: Jackson entered the cellar. Jayden entered the cellar. The broccoli is in the red_pantry. Jayden exited the cellar. Jackson moved the broccoli to the green_treasure_chest. Jackson exited the cellar. Jayden entered the cellar. Where was the broccoli at the beginning? Output: red_pantry Question: Aiden entered the kitchen. Elizabeth entered the kitchen. The apple is in the blue_suitcase. Elizabeth exited the kitchen. Aiden moved the apple to the red_cupboard. Where will Elizabeth look for the apple? Output: blue_suitcase Question: Jack entered the bathroom. Avery entered the bathroom. The strawberry is in the red_box. Avery exited the bathroom. Jack moved the strawberry to the red_envelope. Where does Jack think that Avery searches for the strawberry? Output: red_box Question: Jacob entered the pantry. Jayden entered the pantry. The pineapple is in the blue_bathtub. Jayden exited the pantry. Jacob moved the pineapple to the red_bottle. Where was the pineapple at the beginning? Output: blue_bathtub Question: Owen entered the office. Hannah entered the office. The potato is in the red_suitcase. Hannah exited the office. Owen moved the potato to the green_basket. Where does Owen think that Hannah searches for the potato? Output: red_suitcase Question: Alexander entered the bedroom. Isabella entered the bedroom. The watermelon is in the green_drawer. Alexander moved the watermelon to the red_crate. Where is the watermelon really? Output: red_crate Question: Aiden entered the office. Charlotte entered the office. The watermelon is in the red_bottle. Charlotte exited the office. Aiden moved the watermelon to the green_envelope. Where was the watermelon at the beginning? Output: red_bottle Question: Benjamin entered the hallway. Abigail entered the hallway. The grapefruit is in the blue_suitcase. Abigail exited the hallway. Benjamin moved the grapefruit to the green_box. Where is the grapefruit really? Output: green_box Question: Aria entered the crawlspace. Emily entered the crawlspace. The corn is in the green_pantry. Emily exited the crawlspace. Aria moved the corn to the red_drawer. Aria exited the crawlspace. Emily entered the crawlspace. Where is the corn really? Output: red_drawer Question: Charlotte entered the pantry. Elizabeth entered the pantry. The eggplant is in the green_bucket. Charlotte moved the eggplant to the red_box. Where is the eggplant really? Output: red_box Question: Mia entered the closet. William entered the closet. The beans is in the blue_cupboard. Mia moved the beans to the blue_crate. Where was the beans at the beginning? Output: blue_cupboard Question: Isabella entered the garage. Jack entered the garage. The grapes is in the green_pantry. Jack exited the garage. Isabella moved the grapes to the red_box. Where will Jack look for the grapes? Output: green_pantry Question: Amelia entered the study. Avery entered the study. The strawberry is in the red_suitcase. Avery exited the study. Amelia moved the strawberry to the blue_crate. Amelia exited the study. Avery entered the study. Where was the strawberry at the beginning? Output: red_suitcase Question: Amelia entered the patio. Evelyn entered the patio. The watermelon is in the red_suitcase. Evelyn exited the patio. Amelia moved the watermelon to the blue_cupboard. Where was the watermelon at the beginning? Output: red_suitcase Question: Lucas entered the hallway. Elizabeth entered the hallway. The cabbage is in the blue_crate. Elizabeth exited the hallway. Lucas moved the cabbage to the green_cupboard. Where does Lucas think that Elizabeth searches for the cabbage? Output: blue_crate Question: Ella entered the hall. Jayden entered the hall. The banana is in the green_box. Jayden exited the hall. Ella moved the banana to the green_envelope. Where is the banana really? Output: green_envelope Question: Aria entered the playroom. Abigail entered the playroom. The orange is in the green_drawer. Abigail exited the playroom. Aria moved the orange to the red_pantry. Where will Abigail look for the orange? Output: green_drawer Question: Liam entered the hallway. Evelyn entered the hallway. The eggplant is in the blue_envelope. Evelyn exited the hallway. Liam moved the eggplant to the blue_suitcase. Where is the eggplant really? Output: blue_suitcase Question: Isabella entered the dining_room. Avery entered the dining_room. The cucumber is in the blue_cupboard. Avery exited the dining_room. Isabella moved the cucumber to the red_cupboard. Isabella exited the dining_room. Avery entered the dining_room. Where will Avery look for the cucumber? Output: red_cupboard Question: Sophia entered the workshop. William entered the workshop. The beans is in the green_bucket. William exited the workshop. Sophia moved the beans to the green_treasure_chest. Sophia exited the workshop. William entered the workshop. Where does Sophia think that William searches for the beans? Output: green_bucket Question: Benjamin entered the patio. Charlotte entered the patio. The grapefruit is in the red_treasure_chest. Benjamin moved the grapefruit to the green_treasure_chest. Where does Benjamin think that Charlotte searches for the grapefruit? Output: green_treasure_chest Question: Mason entered the staircase. Hannah entered the staircase. The lime is in the red_suitcase. Mason moved the lime to the red_envelope. Where is the lime really? Output: red_envelope Question: Mia entered the pantry. Abigail entered the pantry. The carrot is in the green_bottle. Abigail exited the pantry. Mia moved the carrot to the green_cupboard. Where does Mia think that Abigail searches for the carrot? Output: green_bottle Question: Owen entered the study. Evelyn entered the study. The asparagus is in the green_bottle. Evelyn exited the study. Owen moved the asparagus to the green_treasure_chest. Where will Evelyn look for the asparagus? Output: green_bottle Question: Abigail entered the basement. William entered the basement. The cucumber is in the red_crate. William exited the basement. Abigail moved the cucumber to the green_crate. Abigail exited the basement. William entered the basement. Where is the cucumber really? Output: green_crate Question: Jacob entered the office. Alexander entered the office. The watermelon is in the blue_envelope. Alexander exited the office. Jacob moved the watermelon to the green_cupboard. Where will Alexander look for the watermelon? Output: blue_envelope Question: Avery entered the TV_room. Logan entered the TV_room. The celery is in the red_box. Logan exited the TV_room. Avery moved the celery to the green_box. Avery exited the TV_room. Logan entered the TV_room. Where will Logan look for the celery? Output: green_box Question: Jayden entered the pantry. Lucas entered the pantry. The corn is in the blue_container. Lucas exited the pantry. Jayden moved the corn to the green_envelope. Where was the corn at the beginning? Output: blue_container Question: James entered the patio. Evelyn entered the patio. The beans is in the red_box. James moved the beans to the green_cupboard. Where will Evelyn look for the beans? Output: green_cupboard Question: William entered the basement. Evelyn entered the basement. The apple is in the green_box. William moved the apple to the green_drawer. Where was the apple at the beginning? Output: green_box Question: Jacob entered the basement. Jack entered the basement. The pineapple is in the blue_container. Jack exited the basement. Jacob moved the pineapple to the green_treasure_chest. Where will Jack look for the pineapple? Output: blue_container Question: Mason entered the garage. Liam entered the garage. The cabbage is in the green_treasure_chest. Mason moved the cabbage to the blue_treasure_chest. Where will Liam look for the cabbage? Output: blue_treasure_chest Question: Ethan entered the patio. Elizabeth entered the patio. The lettuce is in the green_cupboard. Elizabeth exited the patio. Ethan moved the lettuce to the blue_container. Ethan exited the patio. Elizabeth entered the patio. Where is the lettuce really? Output: blue_container Question: Owen entered the bedroom. William entered the bedroom. The spinach is in the blue_container. William exited the bedroom. Owen moved the spinach to the green_bottle. Owen exited the bedroom. William entered the bedroom. Where does Owen think that William searches for the spinach? Output: blue_container Question: Sophia entered the master_bedroom. Jack entered the master_bedroom. The broccoli is in the green_crate. Jack exited the master_bedroom. Sophia moved the broccoli to the blue_crate. Where will Jack look for the broccoli? Output: green_crate Question: Jacob entered the pantry. Aiden entered the pantry. The asparagus is in the blue_crate. Aiden exited the pantry. Jacob moved the asparagus to the red_box. Where will Aiden look for the asparagus? Output: blue_crate Question: Oliver entered the garage. William entered the garage. The strawberry is in the red_treasure_chest. Oliver moved the strawberry to the green_pantry. Where will William look for the strawberry? Output: green_pantry Question: William entered the hall. Isabella entered the hall. The carrot is in the blue_box. William moved the carrot to the blue_suitcase. Where is the carrot really? Output: blue_suitcase Question: Abigail entered the garden. Liam entered the garden. The spinach is in the red_suitcase. Liam exited the garden. Abigail moved the spinach to the green_envelope. Where is the spinach really? Output: green_envelope Question: Liam entered the lounge. Avery entered the lounge. The cucumber is in the green_pantry. Avery exited the lounge. Liam moved the cucumber to the red_suitcase. Where is the cucumber really? Output: red_suitcase Question: Charlotte entered the cellar. Olivia entered the cellar. The apple is in the green_cupboard. Charlotte moved the apple to the red_bottle. Where does Charlotte think that Olivia searches for the apple? Output: red_bottle Question: Abigail entered the back_yard. Amelia entered the back_yard. The pear is in the blue_crate. Abigail moved the pear to the blue_bathtub. Where will Amelia look for the pear? Output: blue_bathtub Question: Hannah entered the staircase. Logan entered the staircase. The cucumber is in the blue_bathtub. Logan exited the staircase. Hannah moved the cucumber to the blue_container. Hannah exited the staircase. Logan entered the staircase. Where is the cucumber really? Output: blue_container Question: Aiden entered the office. Ethan entered the office. The apple is in the red_bucket. Ethan exited the office. Aiden moved the apple to the red_cupboard. Where was the apple at the beginning? Output: red_bucket Question: James entered the laundry. Charlotte entered the laundry. The spinach is in the green_pantry. Charlotte exited the laundry. James moved the spinach to the blue_pantry. Where will Charlotte look for the spinach? Output: green_pantry Question: Mason entered the garage. Mia entered the garage. The orange is in the green_envelope. Mia exited the garage. Mason moved the orange to the blue_treasure_chest. Where will Mia look for the orange? Output: green_envelope Question: Aria entered the laundry. Abigail entered the laundry. The broccoli is in the blue_bathtub. Abigail exited the laundry. Aria moved the broccoli to the green_pantry. Where is the broccoli really? Output: green_pantry Question: Emily entered the pantry. Elizabeth entered the pantry. The celery is in the blue_pantry. Elizabeth exited the pantry. Emily moved the celery to the red_envelope. Where was the celery at the beginning? Output: blue_pantry Question: William entered the playroom. Amelia entered the playroom. The pear is in the green_drawer. Amelia exited the playroom. William moved the pear to the green_box. Where does William think that Amelia searches for the pear? Output: green_drawer Question: Emily entered the garden. Olivia entered the garden. The corn is in the red_box. Olivia exited the garden. Emily moved the corn to the green_box. Where is the corn really? Output: green_box Question: Liam entered the TV_room. Alexander entered the TV_room. The grapes is in the green_suitcase. Alexander exited the TV_room. Liam moved the grapes to the green_bottle. Where will Alexander look for the grapes? Output: green_suitcase Question: Avery entered the living_room. Liam entered the living_room. The banana is in the red_bucket. Liam exited the living_room. Avery moved the banana to the green_bottle. Where does Avery think that Liam searches for the banana? Output: red_bucket Question: Jayden entered the sunroom. Aria entered the sunroom. The celery is in the green_basket. Aria exited the sunroom. Jayden moved the celery to the blue_suitcase. Where was the celery at the beginning? Output: green_basket Question: Jack entered the back_yard. Ethan entered the back_yard. The cabbage is in the red_crate. Ethan exited the back_yard. Jack moved the cabbage to the blue_container. Jack exited the back_yard. Ethan entered the back_yard. Where will Ethan look for the cabbage? Output: blue_container Question: Mason entered the crawlspace. Liam entered the crawlspace. The tangerine is in the green_drawer. Liam exited the crawlspace. Mason moved the tangerine to the green_envelope. Where does Mason think that Liam searches for the tangerine? Output: green_drawer Question: Oliver entered the master_bedroom. Benjamin entered the master_bedroom. The tangerine is in the green_pantry. Benjamin exited the master_bedroom. Oliver moved the tangerine to the green_basket. Oliver exited the master_bedroom. Benjamin entered the master_bedroom. Where will Benjamin look for the tangerine? Output: green_basket Question: Abigail entered the kitchen. Oliver entered the kitchen. The peach is in the red_envelope. Oliver exited the kitchen. Abigail moved the peach to the green_bucket. Where is the peach really? Output: green_bucket Question: Mia entered the playroom. Charlotte entered the playroom. The onion is in the green_drawer. Mia moved the onion to the blue_treasure_chest. Where is the onion really? Output: blue_treasure_chest Question: Benjamin entered the back_yard. Avery entered the back_yard. The eggplant is in the red_bottle. Avery exited the back_yard. Benjamin moved the eggplant to the green_pantry. Where will Avery look for the eggplant? Output: red_bottle Question: Jacob entered the bathroom. Aiden entered the bathroom. The pear is in the blue_bathtub. Jacob moved the pear to the red_bottle. Where will Aiden look for the pear? Output: red_bottle Question: James entered the den. Benjamin entered the den. The asparagus is in the red_drawer. James moved the asparagus to the red_crate. Where will Benjamin look for the asparagus? Output: red_crate Question: Emily entered the kitchen. Jack entered the kitchen. The carrot is in the green_crate. Jack exited the kitchen. Emily moved the carrot to the blue_bathtub. Where was the carrot at the beginning? Output: green_crate Question: Liam entered the cellar. Avery entered the cellar. The eggplant is in the blue_pantry. Avery exited the cellar. Liam moved the eggplant to the blue_container. Liam exited the cellar. Avery entered the cellar. Where is the eggplant really? Output: blue_container Question: Hannah entered the patio. Amelia entered the patio. The persimmon is in the green_basket. Amelia exited the patio. Hannah moved the persimmon to the green_envelope. Hannah exited the patio. Amelia entered the patio. Where was the persimmon at the beginning? Output: green_basket Question: Jack entered the living_room. Abigail entered the living_room. The tangerine is in the red_envelope. Abigail exited the living_room. Jack moved the tangerine to the red_crate. Where was the tangerine at the beginning? Output: red_envelope Question: Ethan entered the living_room. Elizabeth entered the living_room. The cucumber is in the red_box. Elizabeth exited the living_room. Ethan moved the cucumber to the green_bucket. Where does Ethan think that Elizabeth searches for the cucumber? Output: red_box Question: Abigail entered the hall. Liam entered the hall. The onion is in the green_drawer. Liam exited the hall. Abigail moved the onion to the red_drawer. Where is the onion really? Output: red_drawer Question: William entered the garage. Aiden entered the garage. The banana is in the green_treasure_chest. Aiden exited the garage. William moved the banana to the blue_container. William exited the garage. Aiden entered the garage. Where was the banana at the beginning? Output: green_treasure_chest Question: Emily entered the back_yard. Avery entered the back_yard. The potato is in the blue_suitcase. Avery exited the back_yard. Emily moved the potato to the red_drawer. Where is the potato really? Output: red_drawer Question: Liam entered the garage. Benjamin entered the garage. The spinach is in the blue_box. Benjamin exited the garage. Liam moved the spinach to the green_basket. Where is the spinach really? Output: green_basket Question: Oliver entered the garage. Ella entered the garage. The orange is in the green_treasure_chest. Ella exited the garage. Oliver moved the orange to the red_cupboard. Where will Ella look for the orange? Output: green_treasure_chest Question: Jayden entered the attic. Hannah entered the attic. The lime is in the red_envelope. Hannah exited the attic. Jayden moved the lime to the blue_crate. Jayden exited the attic. Hannah entered the attic. Where will Hannah look for the lime? Output: blue_crate Question: James entered the hall. Emily entered the hall. The onion is in the green_drawer. Emily exited the hall. James moved the onion to the red_bottle. James exited the hall. Emily entered the hall. Where does James think that Emily searches for the onion? Output: green_drawer Question: Lucas entered the kitchen. Jack entered the kitchen. The cucumber is in the blue_pantry. Jack exited the kitchen. Lucas moved the cucumber to the red_bucket. Where does Lucas think that Jack searches for the cucumber? Output: blue_pantry Question: Aria entered the patio. Charlotte entered the patio. The lettuce is in the green_drawer. Aria moved the lettuce to the blue_pantry. Where will Charlotte look for the lettuce? Output: blue_pantry Question: Alexander entered the staircase. Mia entered the staircase. The lettuce is in the green_bottle. Alexander moved the lettuce to the red_bottle. Where does Alexander think that Mia searches for the lettuce? Output: red_bottle Question: Olivia entered the laundry. Abigail entered the laundry. The pumpkin is in the red_box. Olivia moved the pumpkin to the blue_box. Where will Abigail look for the pumpkin? Output: blue_box Question: Elizabeth entered the patio. Owen entered the patio. The cabbage is in the green_pantry. Owen exited the patio. Elizabeth moved the cabbage to the green_suitcase. Where was the cabbage at the beginning? Output: green_pantry Question: Benjamin entered the playroom. James entered the playroom. The cucumber is in the green_treasure_chest. Benjamin moved the cucumber to the blue_suitcase. Where does Benjamin think that James searches for the cucumber? Output: blue_suitcase Question: Evelyn entered the garage. Isabella entered the garage. The green_pepper is in the green_crate. Isabella exited the garage. Evelyn moved the green_pepper to the blue_container. Where was the green_pepper at the beginning? Output: green_crate Question: Jayden entered the closet. Logan entered the closet. The peach is in the red_bucket. Logan exited the closet. Jayden moved the peach to the blue_crate. Jayden exited the closet. Logan entered the closet. Where is the peach really? Output: blue_crate Question: Emily entered the attic. Jayden entered the attic. The eggplant is in the green_envelope. Jayden exited the attic. Emily moved the eggplant to the green_suitcase. Emily exited the attic. Jayden entered the attic. Where is the eggplant really? Output: green_suitcase Question: Ethan entered the bathroom. Benjamin entered the bathroom. The tangerine is in the green_drawer. Benjamin exited the bathroom. Ethan moved the tangerine to the red_treasure_chest. Ethan exited the bathroom. Benjamin entered the bathroom. Where will Benjamin look for the tangerine? Output: red_treasure_chest Question: Isabella entered the cellar. Logan entered the cellar. The cabbage is in the green_drawer. Logan exited the cellar. Isabella moved the cabbage to the green_cupboard. Isabella exited the cellar. Logan entered the cellar. Where does Isabella think that Logan searches for the cabbage? Output: green_drawer Question: Jackson entered the living_room. Alexander entered the living_room. The cucumber is in the green_cupboard. Jackson moved the cucumber to the green_pantry. Where is the cucumber really? Output: green_pantry Question: Liam entered the basement. Abigail entered the basement. The onion is in the red_suitcase. Abigail exited the basement. Liam moved the onion to the green_drawer. Liam exited the basement. Abigail entered the basement. Where does Liam think that Abigail searches for the onion? Output: red_suitcase Question: Alexander entered the attic. Olivia entered the attic. The cucumber is in the green_suitcase. Alexander moved the cucumber to the blue_bathtub. Where is the cucumber really? Output: blue_bathtub Question: Liam entered the living_room. Aiden entered the living_room. The grapes is in the blue_pantry. Aiden exited the living_room. Liam moved the grapes to the red_box. Liam exited the living_room. Aiden entered the living_room. Where was the grapes at the beginning? Output: blue_pantry Question: Hannah entered the sunroom. Benjamin entered the sunroom. The asparagus is in the red_bottle. Hannah moved the asparagus to the red_crate. Where will Benjamin look for the asparagus? Output: red_crate Question: Logan entered the basement. Avery entered the basement. The pear is in the blue_envelope. Avery exited the basement. Logan moved the pear to the green_bottle. Where does Logan think that Avery searches for the pear? Output: blue_envelope Question: William entered the hallway. Amelia entered the hallway. The lime is in the green_bottle. William moved the lime to the blue_cupboard. Where is the lime really? Output: blue_cupboard Question: Sophia entered the study. Owen entered the study. The corn is in the blue_bathtub. Owen exited the study. Sophia moved the corn to the green_cupboard. Where is the corn really? Output: green_cupboard Question: Jayden entered the playroom. Evelyn entered the playroom. The tangerine is in the red_suitcase. Jayden moved the tangerine to the red_box. Where was the tangerine at the beginning? Output: red_suitcase Question: Amelia entered the garage. Liam entered the garage. The beans is in the red_suitcase. Liam exited the garage. Amelia moved the beans to the green_treasure_chest. Amelia exited the garage. Liam entered the garage. Where does Amelia think that Liam searches for the beans? Output: red_suitcase Question: Owen entered the bathroom. William entered the bathroom. The potato is in the red_box. William exited the bathroom. Owen moved the potato to the red_bucket. Where will William look for the potato? Output: red_box Question: Hannah entered the hall. Liam entered the hall. The grapes is in the red_bottle. Liam exited the hall. Hannah moved the grapes to the red_crate. Hannah exited the hall. Liam entered the hall. Where was the grapes at the beginning? Output: red_bottle Question: Jacob entered the workshop. Avery entered the workshop. The apple is in the green_cupboard. Jacob moved the apple to the green_envelope. Where does Jacob think that Avery searches for the apple? Output: green_envelope Question: Charlotte entered the living_room. Evelyn entered the living_room. The apple is in the green_crate. Evelyn exited the living_room. Charlotte moved the apple to the red_envelope. Where was the apple at the beginning? Output: green_crate Question: Amelia entered the bedroom. Mason entered the bedroom. The pineapple is in the red_bucket. Mason exited the bedroom. Amelia moved the pineapple to the blue_box. Amelia exited the bedroom. Mason entered the bedroom. Where is the pineapple really? Output: blue_box Question: Liam entered the attic. Jayden entered the attic. The pear is in the blue_cupboard. Jayden exited the attic. Liam moved the pear to the green_bucket. Where was the pear at the beginning? Output: blue_cupboard Question: Abigail entered the playroom. Liam entered the playroom. The lettuce is in the blue_treasure_chest. Abigail moved the lettuce to the green_drawer. Where will Liam look for the lettuce? Output: green_drawer Question: Jackson entered the porch. Liam entered the porch. The banana is in the red_box. Liam exited the porch. Jackson moved the banana to the blue_container. Where does Jackson think that Liam searches for the banana? Output: red_box Question: Charlotte entered the lounge. Isabella entered the lounge. The watermelon is in the blue_box. Charlotte moved the watermelon to the red_suitcase. Where does Charlotte think that Isabella searches for the watermelon? Output: red_suitcase Question: Logan entered the garden. Ella entered the garden. The beans is in the red_suitcase. Ella exited the garden. Logan moved the beans to the green_suitcase. Logan exited the garden. Ella entered the garden. Where does Logan think that Ella searches for the beans? Output: red_suitcase Question: Aiden entered the hallway. Jack entered the hallway. The lettuce is in the green_box. Aiden moved the lettuce to the red_treasure_chest. Where does Aiden think that Jack searches for the lettuce? Output: red_treasure_chest Question: Amelia entered the pantry. Lucas entered the pantry. The orange is in the red_crate. Lucas exited the pantry. Amelia moved the orange to the red_suitcase. Amelia exited the pantry. Lucas entered the pantry. Where was the orange at the beginning? Output: red_crate Question: Lucas entered the porch. James entered the porch. The lime is in the green_crate. Lucas moved the lime to the red_pantry. Where will James look for the lime? Output: red_pantry Question: Emily entered the bedroom. Avery entered the bedroom. The tomato is in the red_crate. Avery exited the bedroom. Emily moved the tomato to the blue_container. Emily exited the bedroom. Avery entered the bedroom. Where will Avery look for the tomato? Output: blue_container Question: Evelyn entered the dining_room. Benjamin entered the dining_room. The carrot is in the red_cupboard. Benjamin exited the dining_room. Evelyn moved the carrot to the blue_container. Where was the carrot at the beginning? Output: red_cupboard Question: Ella entered the lounge. Alexander entered the lounge. The banana is in the red_envelope. Ella moved the banana to the green_bucket. Where does Ella think that Alexander searches for the banana? Output: green_bucket Question: Abigail entered the staircase. Sophia entered the staircase. The lettuce is in the blue_bathtub. Sophia exited the staircase. Abigail moved the lettuce to the red_suitcase. Where does Abigail think that Sophia searches for the lettuce? Output: blue_bathtub Question: Emily entered the front_yard. William entered the front_yard. The apple is in the blue_treasure_chest. William exited the front_yard. Emily moved the apple to the red_envelope. Emily exited the front_yard. William entered the front_yard. Where does Emily think that William searches for the apple? Output: blue_treasure_chest
In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of numbers. Each list is presented with brackets and comma-separated values. For example, a list of numbers is [1,2,3] and a list of two lists of numbers is [[1,2],[3,4,6]]. You should sum up the values at every position of every inner list and put it as an element of your answer, that is, you should sum the first members of each inner list together and put it as the first element of the list, then sum the second members of each inner list together and put it as the second element of your list, etc. The output should be a list of numbers with the same length as the longest inner list. Context: [[-31, 22, -70, -43, -22, -66, -50], [-33, 31, -43], [51, -48, 54, 23, 13, -86, -86, 89], [35, -68, 59, 3, -1, -86, 89], [56, -99, -23, -70, 29, -31, 10], [-85, 88, 6, -8]] Answer: [-7, -74, -17, -95, 19, -269, -37, 89] Context: [[-75, 24, 88, -53, -72, -35, -17, 89], [6, -66], [94, 61, 73, 66, -26, -14, -19, -65, -3]] Answer: [25, 19, 161, 13, -98, -49, -36, 24, -3] Context: [[33, 79, 16, 18, 33], [9, -30], [-69, 25, 4, -53, -8]] Answer: [-27, 74, 20, -35, 25] Context: [[-89, 41, 62, -62, 83, -69, 15], [-58, 56, 5], [28, 97, -42, 91, -61, 37], [47, -22, 68, -20, 51], [-23, 28, 33, 97, -79, -48, -48], [86, -6], [81, 84]] Answer: [72, 278, 126, 106, -6, -80, -33] Context: [[-32, 24, 12, 40, -43, 68, 95, -20], [-34, 20, -21, -25, -92, -95, 25, -90, -79], [99, -80, -66, -53, -47, 23, 88, -51, 42], [-51, -62, -86], [15, 9, -87, -92, -85], [80, 65, 83, 63, -53, -49]] Answer: [77, -24, -165, -67, -320, -53, 208, -161, -37] Context: [[63, 6, 45, -95, -15, -36], [-43, -51, 6], [-65, -62, 29, 72, -66, 40, 5, 94, 11], [-6, 58, 7, -78, 60], [-89, 29, -83, 44, 12, -100, 86, -82], [-22, -42, -85, 92, -76, -65, -24, -48, -73]] Answer: [-162, -62, -81, 35, -85, -161, 67, -36, -62] Context: [[-3, -36, -19, 42, -8, 34, 27], [15, -25, -89], [-62, 14, 74, -43, 54, 99, 38, -10, 30], [-53, 75, -75, 93, -14, 72, -66, 66, 93], [12, 68, 74, -62, -3, -42, 19, 8, -35], [32, 40, -12, -100, -22]] Answer: [-59, 136, -47, -70, 7, 163, 18, 64, 88] Context: [[86, -35], [-79, -74, 55], [61, -54], [16, 50, 62, 76, 5, -57, -54, -95], [-94, 81, 64, -28, 52]] Answer: [-71, 83, 127, 48, 57, -57, -54, -95] Context: [[-35, 25], [97, 32, 25, -71, -66, -81]] Answer: [62, 57, 25, -71, -66, -81] Context: [[92, 56, -13, 81, 32, -55], [-40, 83, 54, 6, 46, -36, -78, -20, -39], [57, -72, -16, 63, -76, 86, -15]] Answer: [109, 67, 25, 150, 2, -5, -93, -20, -39] Context: [[-96, -56, -5, 41, -97, -57], [7, 72, -21, -52, -27], [-90, 4, 62, -57], [43, 7, 7, 93, 59, 14, 55, 4], [55, -15, 77, 52, 32, 9]] Answer: [-81, 12, 120, 77, -33, -34, 55, 4] Context: [[-42, 14, -86], [2, -11, 51], [-84, 61, -27, -27, -47, -24], [65, 79, 42, 34], [-18, 32, -83, -63, 61, -45, 18, -31, 10], [-73, -87, 74, -2, 41, 7, 3], [-65, -56]] Answer: [-215, 32, -29, -58, 55, -62, 21, -31, 10] Context: [[-38, -36, -22, 23, 35, -72, 30], [-58, 49, -22, 98, 36, 47], [-98, 3, -24, -82, -36, -26, -77, -25, 71], [-73, 2], [13, 19, -9, 60, 50, -62, -80, -65], [27, 42, -94, -31, 60, -38, -39, -57], [-36, 30, 35, -18, -7]] Answer: [-263, 109, -136, 50, 138, -151, -166, -147, 71] Context: [[-64, 34], [-95, 37, 71, 84, -75, 14], [33, 85, -49, -87, 36, -43, 5], [18, 42, 91, 54, -17, 61, 35, 33, 3], [13, -79, -48, 31]] Answer: [-95, 119, 65, 82, -56, 32, 40, 33, 3] Context: [[-10, -32, -76, -80, 85, -16, 36, 51, 87], [-53, -21, 82, 5, -28, -84], [-72, 33, -7, -16, 90, -42], [-28, -49, 28, -55, -72, 14, 18, 17, -60]] Answer: [-163, -69, 27, -146, 75, -128, 54, 68, 27] Context: [[32, 67, -21, 86, -2, 52, 93, -34, 32], [-96, 92, -62, -58, -81, -64], [28, 47], [-4, -71, -22, -26]] Answer: [-40, 135, -105, 2, -83, -12, 93, -34, 32] Context: [[27, -36, 14, -56, -88, 69], [-7, -62, -82, -33, -34], [35, -9, 91, -60, -43, -100, -4, 37], [-19, -44], [-18, -87, 36, 70, 71], [13, 87, 3, -32], [-65, -36, 37]] Answer: [-34, -187, 99, -111, -94, -31, -4, 37] Context: [[-72, 4, -49, 80, 82, 2, -61], [-91, -26, -35, -53, -27, -80, -63, 99, 56], [26, -21, 14, 39], [-73, 2, 72, 36]] Answer: [-210, -41, 2, 102, 55, -78, -124, 99, 56] Context: [[-90, 27], [-32, -79, -40, -2, -16, -11, -1, 38], [5, 33, 97, -43], [74, -50, -94, -31, 67], [-16, 79, 3, -27, -95, -15, -76, 1], [48, -83, 94, -17, -5], [-9, 56, -85, -13, -8, -5, 79, 94, 4]] Answer: [-20, -17, -25, -133, -57, -31, 2, 133, 4] Context: [[35, -17, 33, 83], [79, -71, -87], [8, -18, 50, 19, -80, 87], [25, 90, 16, 31, -35, -15, 29]] Answer: [147, 1, -38, 83, -115, 155, 29] Context: [[99, -32], [33, -21, 17, 43, -20, 16], [94, -92, -88, 18], [-40, -5, 50, 22, 89, -44], [15, 60, -76, 30, 43], [-11, -96, 72, -89]] Answer: [190, -186, -25, 24, 112, -28] Context: [[-8, -23, 2, -32, 21, -19], [-89, -12, 61, 62, -85, 12, 96, 62, 10], [35, 23, 54, 12, 49, 67]] Answer: [-62, -12, 117, 42, -15, 60, 96, 62, 10] Context: [[92, 85, -84, -29, 25, -78], [88, 65, 62, -84]] Answer: [180, 150, -22, -113, 25, -78] Context: [[36, 19, 83], [-33, 56, 14, 41, -66], [10, 19, -15, 92, 61, 96, -53, 24, -72], [95, 69], [42, -25, 73, -48, 11], [-25, 27, 4, -3], [18, 88, 51, -18, -69]] Answer: [143, 253, 210, 64, -63, 96, -53, 24, -72] Context: [[28, -98, -73, -8, 57, 51, 43, -87], [-27, 67, 28, 4, 80], [69, -94, -66, -64, -82, -78, 44, -83, 51], [58, 36], [-77, -74, 60, 58, -32, 92, 33, -41, 82], [14, 79, 69, -34], [35, -6]] Answer: [100, -90, 18, -44, 23, 65, 120, -211, 133] Context: [[21, 71, -100, 28, 77, 42, 70], [-89, 39, 97, -6, 46, 100, -22], [-64, -1, -92, -17, -91, -3, 75, -95, 62], [-39, 47, 72, 65, -90, 63], [-30, 77, 39, -75, -71, -14, -56], [5, -20, 63]] Answer: [-196, 213, 79, -5, -129, 188, 67, -95, 62] Context: [[3, -28, 83], [4, -25, 48, 7, 37], [-72, -81, -11], [24, -46, 43, 29, -96, 80, -81]] Answer: [31, -171, 93, 25, -59, 80, -81] Context: [[-50, -26, -58, 72, 52], [32, 66, -63, -83, 19, 18]] Answer: [-18, 40, -121, -11, 71, 18] Context: [[62, 6, 38], [18, -39, -44], [-6, 66, 91, 8, -68, -99, -23, -79], [70, -67, -24, -45, 99, 90, 12, -39], [73, 48]] Answer: [217, 14, 61, -37, 31, -9, -11, -118] Context: [[96, -71, -21, -82], [-89, 62, 30, -76], [-46, -24, -55]] Answer: [-39, -33, -46, -158] Context: [[1, -35, 5], [-13, 89], [-85, 35, 90, 96, -63, -79], [-78, 42, -3, 12], [97, -59], [-84, 33, -55, -54], [-14, 45, 94, 92, -16, -53]] Answer: [-176, 150, 131, 146, -79, -132] Context: [[-64, -73, 11, 47, -13], [96, 13, 49, -76, 61, 98, -78], [-16, 31, -58, 60, 70]] Answer: [16, -29, 2, 31, 118, 98, -78] Context: [[-85, 89, 21, -93, -34], [-75, 93, 76], [-97, -69, 50], [-30, -58, 79, 13, -27], [11, 76, -70, -64, 46, -18, -35, 97]] Answer: [-276, 131, 156, -144, -15, -18, -35, 97] Context: [[74, -48, 51, -51, 68, -100, -83], [-32, 84, -2, -25, -68, 68, -58], [42, -50, 15, -96], [54, -46]] Answer: [138, -60, 64, -172, 0, -32, -141] Context: [[88, 11, 93, -23, -13, 43, 71, 7, 40], [82, 23, 29, 88, -88, -82, 92, -51], [79, 11, 54, -22, -94, 28, -87], [-18, 9]] Answer: [231, 54, 176, 43, -195, -11, 76, -44, 40] Context: [[-97, 78, 64, 19, 40, 35], [56, 12, 79, -74, 49], [47, 91, 87], [2, -54, -66, -28]] Answer: [8, 127, 164, -83, 89, 35] Context: [[-18, 38, -82, -84], [93, -60, 97, -68, -2, -11, -36, -5, 42]] Answer: [75, -22, 15, -152, -2, -11, -36, -5, 42] Context: [[-4, -84, -4, 60, -82, -57, -58], [-4, -65, 99], [58, 9, -2, -50, -87, -7, -83], [-71, -17, 82, -44, 99], [-28, -89, 65, 48, 23, 48, 88, -91, -67]] Answer: [-49, -246, 240, 14, -47, -16, -53, -91, -67] Context: [[-26, 84, 36, 8, 5], [77, 75, -83, 51, -83, 55, -5, 10], [-99, 22, -33, -8, 91, -7, -94, 30, 15], [-28, 13, -30], [-12, 66], [53, -40, -89, -72, 18, 85, 28, 9]] Answer: [-35, 220, -199, -21, 31, 133, -71, 49, 15] Context: [[-86, 100, 39], [-42, -34, -57, -6, 26, -70]] Answer: [-128, 66, -18, -6, 26, -70] Context: [[-51, -65, -94, -43, 16, 69, 20], [78, 32, -14, 92, -23, 96], [-32, -82, 48, 37], [-37, -66, -27, 68, -35, 60, 28, -79]] Answer: [-42, -181, -87, 154, -42, 225, 48, -79] Context: [[-74, -31, -78, -79, 24, -22, 4, -42], [91, -56, 21, -86, 71, -98, -43, -69], [-16, -36, -24, -2, 74, 46, 21], [14, -72, 72, 61, -85], [-97, -76, 61, -63, -79, -62], [-26, -15, 42, -73, 49, 88, -6, -42]] Answer: [-108, -286, 94, -242, 54, -48, -24, -153] Context: [[-24, -29, 32], [93, 21], [-4, 72, 36, -23, 33], [-94, 39], [42, -100, -76]] Answer: [-29, 145, -32, -99, 33] Context: [[-72, -91, -86, -4, -100, 93, -6, -97], [-60, 88, -40, -7, 78, -53, -17, 51], [76, -27], [12, -68, -97], [-78, 49, -65, -22, -3, 93, 86, -67], [-53, 42, -86, 77], [79, -11, 66, -61, 94, -5]] Answer: [-96, -18, -308, -17, 69, 128, 63, -113] Context: [[-11, 76, 6, -33], [-22, -69], [82, -66, -73, 75, 54]] Answer: [49, -59, -67, 42, 54] Context: [[82, 73, 9, 24, 50, -75, 56, 82], [-18, 68], [100, -30, 44, 8], [-57, -80, -59, -69, -18, -96, 76]] Answer: [107, 31, -6, -37, 32, -171, 132, 82] Context: [[-43, 1, -53], [95, 57, -58, -38, 70, 12, 54]] Answer: [52, 58, -111, -38, 70, 12, 54] Context: [[-24, -29, 32], [93, 21], [-4, 72, 36, -23, 33], [-94, 39], [42, -100, -76]] Answer: [-29, 145, -32, -99, 33] Context: [[-57, -53, 37, -8, 74], [-72, -28, -13, -62, 43, 92, 87, 47, 29], [-86, 99, -96, 7, -2, -65, -54, 42], [-50, -3, -24, 35, -93, -98], [17, 83, -43, 96, 88, 7, 18]] Answer: [-248, 98, -139, 68, 110, -64, 51, 89, 29] Context: [[68, 20, -73, -75, 10, -63, -49, 21], [-77, 10, -28, -35, 69, -9, -79]] Answer: [-9, 30, -101, -110, 79, -72, -128, 21] Context: [[-31, -3, 27], [55, 55]] Answer: [24, 52, 27] Context: [[-73, -38, -86], [-50, 95, -74], [37, 97, 81], [-95, 53, 55, 65, -73], [-41, 59, -55, -75]] Answer: [-222, 266, -79, -10, -73] Context: [[-54, 77, -29, 30], [-65, 13, -94, -61, -93, 5, 92, 2], [-45, -75, 83, -71], [-77, -64]] Answer: [-241, -49, -40, -102, -93, 5, 92, 2] Context: [[88, 37, -38, -69, -51, -83, 37, -32, -71], [83, 46, 17, -41, -60, -40, 64, -80], [2, -11], [77, 63, -24, -22, 90, -51, 31, 99], [-42, -83, 28, -11, 70, 52, -77, 65, 1], [-33, -14, -65, 34, 39, 24, 35]] Answer: [175, 38, -82, -109, 88, -98, 90, 52, -70] Context: [[-7, -86], [-27, -16], [-47, -43, 62], [38, 93, -11, -39, -100, -100], [10, -1, 42, -93]] Answer: [-33, -53, 93, -132, -100, -100] Context: [[52, -69, 84, -1, 68], [-80, -63, 92, -17, -64, -33, -12, -25, -50], [-41, -55, 83, 37, 69, 19], [-40, 43, -59, 89, 44, -51, -85, -91, -94], [45, -66, -86, -32, -71, -21, 46, 13], [-71, 47, -77, -95, 99]] Answer: [-135, -163, 37, -19, 145, -86, -51, -103, -144] Context: [[-19, -55, -33, -26, 12, 100, 67], [-80, -88, 68, -28, 2, -60, -62, 89, -67], [-90, 73, -6], [59, 56, -43, 77, 82, 35, 88, 92], [-12, 19, 38, 41, 44, 35, 37, 94]] Answer: [-142, 5, 24, 64, 140, 110, 130, 275, -67] Context: [[-11, -56, 38, -39, -97, -83, -10], [-45, -58, 51, 51], [64, 35]] Answer: [8, -79, 89, 12, -97, -83, -10] Context: [[-12, -94], [38, -30, -88, -76, 70, -20], [55, -13, 11, 72, -49]] Answer: [81, -137, -77, -4, 21, -20] Context: [[66, 76, -69, 19, 98, 93, 57], [49, -26, -69, -98, -47, -67, 100, 60], [-48, 86, 49, 7, -97], [-77, 25, -30, -83, -44, 97, 75, -33], [-52, -87, 84, 40, 76, -16, 36, -84]] Answer: [-62, 74, -35, -115, -14, 107, 268, -57] Context: [[4, 22, 78, -2, -73, -41, -92, -20, -5], [-23, -99, 67, 46], [5, 34, -32, -63], [47, 31, -10, -50, 35], [30, -26, -15]] Answer: [63, -38, 88, -69, -38, -41, -92, -20, -5] Context: [[-39, -68, 1, 71, 87, -23, -25], [25, -61, -3, -17, -1, 82, 99, -10, 58], [6, 52]] Answer: [-8, -77, -2, 54, 86, 59, 74, -10, 58] Context: [[96, -59, -94, 27, 4, 37], [20, 99, 6, 28, 1, -85, -12, -92], [-29, -9, -36, -55, -81, 3, 53, -40], [-91, -93, 99, 95, 32, 56], [73, -60, 46, 98, 64, 66, -38]] Answer: [69, -122, 21, 193, 20, 77, 3, -132] Context: [[-100, -83, -80, -55], [-49, -10], [64, 85, -86, -65], [42, 87, 89, -91, -19, -78, 17], [2, -28, 80, 25, -66, 15, -88, 56, 9], [-93, 12, 1, 84, 56, -45, -52, 5, 20], [-70, 3, 71, 33, -40, -98, 60]] Answer: [-204, 66, 75, -69, -69, -206, -63, 61, 29] Context: [[100, 90], [41, 64, -82, 70, 49, -74, 96, 92, 67], [33, 68, 66, -66, 78, 43], [78, 44, 82, 3], [14, -31, 75, 26, -57, 96, -5, -84, 72], [-86, -19]] Answer: [180, 148, 143, 165, -74, 100, 134, 8, 139] Context: [[-85, -69, -65, 6, 53, -19, -64, -84], [4, -7, 88, 23, -38, -81], [-53, -4, 72, 80, 100], [-30, 14, 27], [25, -13, -76, 95]] Answer: [-139, -79, 46, 204, 115, -100, -64, -84] Context: [[-30, -78], [-86, 5, 86, 55], [-2, -40, -73, 62, -46, 84, -44, 6, -4], [22, 37, -64], [-71, 18, 51, 19], [-36, -96], [44, -39, -98, 53, -96, 37]] Answer: [-159, -193, -98, 189, -142, 121, -44, 6, -4] Context: [[-6, -74, -79, -61, -47, 65, 55, -41], [-38, -67, 55, 81, -5, -55], [-3, -41], [-19, 86, -77, 75, 80, 40], [-74, 79], [-8, -45, 29, -13, -10, 55, -11, -1]] Answer: [-148, -62, -72, 82, 18, 105, -11, 54, -41] Context: [[-51, 30, -13, 87, 60, -70, -85], [-47, 78, 68, 38, -64]] Answer: [-98, 108, 55, 125, -4, -70, -85] Context: [[-66, 24, -46, -49], [-30, -55], [-12, 11, 78, -78, -84, 73, -68], [-98, 28, -5, 73, -69], [-96, -47, 28, 65], [-33, 6], [-32, -32, 76, -62]] Answer: [-367, -65, 131, -51, -153, 73, -68] Context: [[-98, -12, 86, 87], [-47, 67, 3, 95, -77, -45], [-61, 93, -53, -1, 73, 16, 59, 8]] Answer: [-206, 148, 36, 181, -4, -29, 59, 8] Context: [[-32, 84, -5], [-50, -43, -16, 79, -84], [79, 79, 34, -74], [31, -25, 34, -18], [-43, -61], [63, -26, -84]] Answer: [48, 8, -37, -13, -84] Context: [[-2, -86, 68], [-7, 47, -81, 66], [-46, 60, -67, 18, 45, 4, 74], [-92, 4, -75, 44, -66], [-11, 82, -57, 22], [52, -28, 25, 75, 3, -31, 36, -44], [-2, 25, 59, -35]] Answer: [-108, 104, -128, 190, -18, -27, 110, -44] Context: [[35, -62, -13, 88, 98], [-59, -47, -6, 14], [-61, 12, -56, 22, -19, -88], [60, -83, -17, 94, -22], [52, -95, 3, -52, -68, -89, -77, -75], [-94, -84, -27, 32, -44, -36, 71], [-50, 53, -73, 69, 29, -50, 5, -47]] Answer: [-117, -306, -189, 267, -26, -263, -1, -122] Context: [[25, -41], [-55, -15, -69, -16], [-58, 98, -86], [24, -6, -21, -46, -8]] Answer: [-64, 36, -176, -62, -8] Context: [[40, -79, 12, -71, -99, 85, 81, -96], [-18, -98, -75, 64, -37, -84, 95, -46], [-8, 71], [-32, 80, 13, 7, 45, 27], [65, -65, 66, 25, -4, -35], [-92, 85, -85, 74, 25]] Answer: [-45, -6, -69, 99, -70, -7, 176, -142] Context: [[5, -92, -61, 18], [-20, -15, -8, -90, 38, 79, -71, 19], [-46, -51], [-78, 9, -70, -46, 62, 75, -88, -25, -4], [-95, -81, 48, 100], [-1, -31, 80, -39, 58, 49, 91], [-8, -38, -97, -22, -55, -40, 75, -37, -12]] Answer: [-243, -299, -108, -79, 103, 163, 7, -43, -16] Context: [[66, 6, 6, 74, 7, 85, -94], [98, 25, -64, 21, -39], [-68, 80, 93, -44, 100, 83, -31, 21, -26], [8, 92], [-14, 86, 47, 43, 38, 51], [-11, 99, 47], [-18, 45, 82, -29, -58]] Answer: [61, 433, 211, 65, 106, 161, -125, 21, -26] Context: [[29, 21, -97], [-24, -84]] Answer: [5, -63, -97] Context: [[-100, -61, -94, -6, 15, -43, -45], [-88, 56], [-4, -81], [-62, 96], [-59, -54, -97, -90, -49], [-60, 60, 15, 54, -38, -23, -5]] Answer: [-373, 16, -176, -42, -72, -66, -50] Context: [[-64, -16, -87, -11], [-22, 44, 39, -56, -16, 56], [-23, -93, -64, 66, -39, 79, -52], [-78, -54, -94, -87, 11, 52, -58, 9], [-2, 43, 88, 2, 86, -82], [-32, 23, 24, 5, -46, 56, -2, -6]] Answer: [-221, -53, -94, -81, -4, 161, -112, 3] Context: [[-63, -43, -31, -30, -41], [-62, -95, 57], [16, -28, -66, -63, 61, 23, 18, -66]] Answer: [-109, -166, -40, -93, 20, 23, 18, -66] Context: [[-70, 96, -67, -94, 98], [62, 27, 66, 91, 11, -55], [-26, 84, -15, 26], [-93, 20, 13, 26, -25, 85, -14, -10]] Answer: [-127, 227, -3, 49, 84, 30, -14, -10] Context: [[-66, 45, 24, -57, 62, 37, -95, -21], [-3, -81], [82, 70, 4], [56, 12, 61, -24, -98]] Answer: [69, 46, 89, -81, -36, 37, -95, -21] Context: [[-9, 83, -51, 7, -8], [-11, 55, -34, 62]] Answer: [-20, 138, -85, 69, -8] Context: [[-83, -19, -46, 42, -84], [46, 49], [72, 20, -16, 93, -43, 69, 68, -87], [-24, 19, -97, 29, 12, 69, 10]] Answer: [-35, 66, -110, 164, -115, 138, 78, -87]
Read the given query and classify it as a 'Good' or 'Bad' query depending on how well the query is formed, 'Bad' being the expected output for a not so well formed query and 'Good' being the expected output for a well formed query. A query may be wrong based on common sense or general facts, but if it is well formed, you should answer with Good. Possible labels: 1. Bad 2. Good --- What is the difference between the indapendent and dependent variables on a graph ? Output: Bad --- Where does lynx come from ? Output: Good --- The meaning of the nam stephanie ? Output: Bad --- Which state select its delegates in the nomination process ? Output: Good --- How far away is scorpius away from earth ? Output: Good --- How many kilograms is in 140 lbs ? Output: Bad --- Boiling point magnesium ? Output: Bad --- What causes gluten allergy ? Output: Good --- What religions are in homo erectus ? Output: Bad --- What kind of species do animals have in the rain forest ? Output: Good --- What is the name of sweden 's national anthem ? Output: Good --- What country does chocolate come from - ? Output: Bad --- 03 ford focus thermostat housing ? Output: Bad --- How much does meth cost you denver ? Output: Bad --- What is the national bird for the philippines ? Output: Good --- What is the value of a 1914 dollar peice ? Output: Bad --- The Mona Lisa is a painting or sculpture ? Output: Bad --- Does tetracyclin effect morning after pill ? Output: Bad --- Do ethiopians eat a full inglish breakfast ? Output: Bad --- Mason mussos girlfriend ? Output: Bad --- What is the worlds most expensive eyeshadow ? Output: Bad --- Whick cereal is the healthiest ? Output: Bad --- Advantage of reproductive cloning ? Output: Bad --- What are some clothing items that start with K ? Output: Good --- Rachel Carson was famous for ? Output: Bad --- How do you remove the fan clutch off a 1997 for explorer ? Output: Bad --- Where was the first dog founf ? Output: Bad --- Battery location 1995 525i ? Output: Bad --- What are the singhs that your dog is pregnent ? Output: Bad --- What is the main ingrdent in gum ? Output: Bad --- How do convection currents work in water ? Output: Good --- How many sheep in total in wales ? Output: Bad --- How many milliliters are in a half of cup of water ? Output: Good --- Is Moses the founder of Judasim ? Output: Good --- Which of the followig are steps for balancing chemical equations ? Output: Bad --- How could you use arid in a sentence ? Output: Good --- How many murders chicago 2007 ? Output: Bad --- When was dinamite invented ? Output: Bad --- What is the ssegmented worm phylum ? Output: Bad --- How many milliliters are aqual to 1 kiloliter ? Output: Good --- How do you change a fuel filter on a 2003 gmc Yukon xl ? Output: Good --- Lead vocalist name of flyleaf band ? Output: Bad --- What inspired Henri Matisse ti be an artist ? Output: Bad --- CAn you give me a job description on being a Professional Photographer ? Output: Good --- Qualities of a person ? Output: Bad --- Where did African Music come from ? Output: Good --- What color are the loch ness monsters eyes ? Output: Bad --- How is gram staining important and useful ? Output: Good --- How did the Rwandan genocide come to an end ? Output: Good --- The mountain range in southwest Russia ? Output: Bad --- Are hummingbirds awake at night ? Output: Good --- How many years of education do you need to become an aerospace engineer ? Output: Good --- What was the first news paper in uk ? Output: Bad --- How do the people in hawaii cook there food ? Output: Bad --- How do you convert 1 liter equal to 1.06 quarts ? Output: Good --- How much is a 1972 S penny worth ? Output: Good --- What is the economic history of pakistan introduction ? Output: Bad --- Which branch of Bowen 's reaction series contains only ferromagnesian silicates ? Output: Good --- The articles were ratified in ? Output: Bad --- The height of a penguin ? Output: Bad --- How much are boxes at a post office ? Output: Good --- Is jackson rathbone going to act in breaking down ? Output: Good --- What the life span of a whale ? Output: Bad --- What are the signs and symptoms of stimulants abuse ? Output: Good --- How many inches 3.5 in feet ? Output: Bad --- How much money does it cost for a persnal chef for 3 weeks ? Output: Bad --- In what regions of the world are coral reefs located in ? Output: Good --- What did benjamin franklinget married ? Output: Bad --- How many quarts are in 1 ml ? Output: Good --- How do you remove bleach stains from tile grout ? Output: Good --- How many kilometer is in one mile ? Output: Good --- What did Eratosthenes discouver ? Output: Bad --- What is the scientific study of hereridy ? Output: Good --- What continent is mt fiji in ? Output: Bad --- Bonuse code for littelest pet shop vip ? Output: Bad --- What is the optimal blood pressure for teens your age ? Output: Good --- How would you mesure the width of a football field ? Output: Good --- Where the English came from ? Output: Bad --- What color was selena perez 's hair ? Output: Good --- Is there any more artificial satellite ? Output: Bad --- Left side neural foraminal encroachment ? Output: Bad --- 1888 silver dollar with an O above the do in dollar ? Output: Bad --- Most famous exports from jamaica ? Output: Bad --- What is value of 1918 liberty half dollar ? Output: Bad --- What is the housing Mexico city ? Output: Bad --- When did darwin died ? Output: Bad --- What is the most popular dish in zimbabwe and why ? Output: Good --- What isv cork made of ? Output: Bad --- Who is latest king of china today ? Output: Bad --- What is 16 degrees celcius in ferinheit ? Output: Bad --- Replace headlight 1991 jeep cherokee ? Output: Bad --- Has same-sex marriage been legalized in Alabama ? Output: Good --- Pain 4 inches above belly button ? Output: Bad --- How many movements does a symphony tipically have ? Output: Bad --- What was the name of the Angels who is the messager ? Output: Bad --- Are cubic feet and linear feet the same ? Output: Good --- Worlds first hydroelectric plant in operation ? Output: Bad --- What are the different uses for silly bands ? Output: Good --- How can you make your hair glossy ? Output: Good --- What is statute ol limitation in sagatory in texas ? Output: Bad --- The si unit of heat and energy ? Output: Bad --- 3 intesresting facts about paraguay ? Output: Bad --- What are three differences between saturated and unsaturated fats ? Output: Good --- Which plates are the Cerro Negro found ? Output: Bad --- What were two famous works of michelangelo 's ? Output: Good --- How much does one cubic yard of 34 minus gravel weigh ? Output: Bad --- Where is a mountain in africa ? Output: Good --- Does kristen like robert pattinson ? Output: Good --- How can i make my own default layout on myspace ? Output: Good --- Yellow-spotted night lizard what can they do to humans ? Output: Bad --- What temputure is Saturn ? Output: Good --- Latest presentation topic ? Output: Bad --- How do recognize a biome ? Output: Bad --- What is illinois state flower and tree ? Output: Bad --- What did antoine lavoisier do that is related to chemistry ? Output: Good --- How do the people in hawaii cook there food ? Output: Bad --- You the state of Hawaii north or south of the equator ? Output: Bad --- How do you wire a 240 volt 50 amp receptacle ? Output: Good --- What country was shirley temple the ambassitor of ? Output: Good --- What is the sodium-ptassium pump ? Output: Bad --- What date was rihannas bith date ? Output: Bad --- What is the letter s mean in scuba ? Output: Bad --- How many tablespoons for 200 grams flour ? Output: Bad --- Why is being hydrated so important to atholits ? Output: Good --- Does sex make you period irregular ? Output: Good --- When is the best time to euthanize a cat ? Output: Good --- What are the qualities of duracell batteries ? Output: Good --- How much is us dollar bill series of 1923 worth ? Output: Bad --- How much dose it cost to replace a top end in a kx125 ? Output: Bad --- How do you change your mouse to defalt ? Output: Bad --- How much is a 1946 silver dime mint condision worth ? Output: Bad --- What is clinical correlation required after a sleep study ? Output: Good --- Miles beijing to shanghai ? Output: Bad --- Rumusan masalah pergaulan bebas ? Output: Bad --- How many different languages are there in the philippines ? Output: Good --- What poland people eat ? Output: Bad --- What is nat wolffs msn addi ? Output: Bad --- What is nerve pain is combing for and the suffix ? Output: Bad --- What is the world 's largest truck ? Output: Good --- How much is 1964 coin set worth in mint condition ? Output: Good --- How many kilometers from calgary to vernon ? Output: Good --- Rocky mountains average elevation in colorado ? Output: Bad --- Need a web that can identify a travel agency by using the IATA number ? Output: Bad --- How do you calcualte the percent by mass ? Output: Good --- How many millimeters is one half inch ? Output: Good --- What is make better relation ship ? Output: Bad --- One unit of metric system are founding by multuiplying the basic unitl by powers of 10 what the two others ? Output: Bad --- What is the total mass of the energy in the universe ? Output: Good --- What is the value you have determind as the threshold stimulus for the neuron ? Output: Good --- Where did science first start ? Output: Good --- How do you find the golden crown on bin weevils ? Output: Good --- Lewis dot structure co2 ? Output: Bad --- How wide can you open a pussy ? Output: Good --- What is the reason for greenlands name ? Output: Bad --- What is taiga 's temperture ? Output: Bad --- What is hotel amenities ? Output: Bad --- The Edict of Nantes was issued in effort to ? Output: Bad --- Hausa language in chad ? Output: Bad --- What are those nuclear hazards ? Output: Good --- How many dice snake s are left in the world ? Output: Bad --- How do you get rid of your stretchmarks ? Output: Good --- What are the 5 major exports of Canada ? Output: Good --- What are the good things about alcohol ? Output: Good --- But how did david and selena ? Output: Bad --- How do you install an alternator on 96 jeep cherokee ? Output: Bad --- Why wild life sanctuaries gaining importance ? Output: Bad --- One contribution that Moses and Hammurabi both made to their individual civilizations ? Output: Bad --- Who have discoverd Florida ? Output: Bad --- The thyroid gland regulates plasma calcium ? Output: Bad --- How do you clean a DVD ? Output: Good --- Why wild life sanctuaries gaining importance ? Output: Bad --- Does most greenhouse effect look like a small glass house ? Output: Bad --- Who invented the diesal engine ? Output: Good --- How much will you pay for a loaf of bread in Scotland ? Output: Good --- What region is Cyprus located in ? Output: Good --- Blocking of a vessel by an embolus ? Output: Bad --- The color scheme can be customized ? Output: Bad --- Is a Pinhole Camera 's picture a real or virtual image ? Output: Good --- Where are the spark plugs on a 2000 olds Alero ? Output: Good --- What is objective in education provider ? Output: Bad --- What is the size of the skin cell ? Output: Good --- How do you find the angle using the tangent ? Output: Good --- What nation was once know as Burma ? Output: Good --- Alcohol is absorbed in the ? Output: Bad --- Surgical suturing of the end of a tendon ? Output: Bad --- What is the uniform that registrated nurse wear ? Output: Bad --- What is the true and complete name of obama presidend ? Output: Bad --- Age to fly a plane with passegeners on it ? Output: Bad --- What dinosaurs did the t rex eat ? Output: Good --- What are canada 's activities contribute ? Output: Bad --- What is difference between disinfection and sterilization ? Output: Good --- How much is maximum pay for a social worker ? Output: Good --- What can cause acid precipitation ? Output: Good --- What are three nonrenewable resouces ? Output: Good --- Who invented the first band aid ? Output: Good --- How much dentists are paid ? Output: Bad --- How do evolve gloom into bellossom in platinum ? Output: Bad --- About how much can a Polar Bear weigh ? Output: Good --- What is the statue of limitation on rape in tennesse ? Output: Bad --- What is requirements for bank teller educational ? Output: Bad --- How much cotton does a diaper have ? Output: Good --- How many known varities of daffodils are there ? Output: Good --- Study the short and long term problems and benefits of the Industrial Revolutions ? Output: Bad --- Who did 5 sacks on ben roethlisberger ? Output: Bad --- What college does jeremy roloff attend ? Output: Good --- What were the Buddhism main beliefs ? Output: Bad --- What is the total mass of the energy in the universe ? Output: Good --- Remove underarm stubble ? Output: Bad --- Where is organization of United Nation is situated in Gujarat ? Output: Bad --- How many fatty acids does saturated fat ? Output: Bad --- How many lines of plane symmetry on a cuboid ? Output: Bad --- Is PTA only in elemtary schools ? Output: Good --- Most intriguing character in act 2 of the crucible ? Output: Bad --- How much do you get paid to be a professional snowboarder ? Output: Good --- The best video editing software ? Output: Bad --- What were tipis made off ? Output: Bad --- Where is ac relay switch located on 2003 cadalliac escalade ? Output: Good --- Which elephant species has the biggest ears ? Output: Good --- Where is the oil filter on the 98 oldsmobile bravada ? Output: Good --- What languages spoken in costa rica ? Output: Good --- What is florida law for auto repossession ? Output: Bad --- When it 's zac efron 's birthday ? Output: Bad --- What is the secret mansion in luigi 's mansion ? Output: Good --- Where did the term kiwi come from ? Output: Good --- Instruction manual on 92 toyota paseo ? Output: Bad --- Up until the 17th century which eight bodies were thougth to make up the universe ? Output: Bad --- Show you a timing digram for a 96 geo metro ? Output: Bad --- What is landry detergent gain ? Output: Bad --- What do you call an instroment to measure windspeed ? Output: Bad --- What is the highest vertical leep in the world ? Output: Good --- Where is Bosnia and Herzegovina ? Output: Good --- How did Sacajawea become famous ? Output: Good --- How much for a ping pong table ? Output: Bad --- What are thorny shurbs ? Output: Good --- What are facts about snails ? Output: Good --- What is the threat to whales ? Output: Good --- 1950 b fifty dollar bill ? Output: Bad --- How many inhabitants are there in the montpelier VT ? Output: Bad --- How much do chef 's make at a starer level ? Output: Bad --- The componets that make up blood ? Output: Bad --- What is the main fuel supply of stars ? Output: Good --- What is the significance of dogs in ancient egypt ? Output: Good --- What is date of CG PET counsling ? Output: Bad --- What is the secret mansion in luigi 's mansion ? Output: Good --- Is Selena Gonzales Dave Batista 's Daughter ? Output: Good --- Name a college tha you have to be recomened to become a journalist ? Output: Bad --- What kind of improvments did pericles make to athens ? Output: Good --- What part of the brain is the vasomotor center located ? Output: Good --- What is the term for normal vision acuity ? Output: Good --- What is the use on ethane ? Output: Bad --- Can two betta 's breed ? Output: Bad --- What is the worlds larget archipelago ? Output: Good --- How much for a tune up on a 1997 4Runner ? Output: Good --- How many movements does a symphony tipically have ? Output: Bad --- Compaare and contrast ureters and urethra ? Output: Bad --- When was the first Optical telescope made ? Output: Bad --- 3 major figures during the enlightenment ? Output: Bad --- How much did it cost for a gallon of milk in 1998 ? Output: Good --- How is the panda threaten ? Output: Bad --- How much does is cost to send a postcard to england from US ? Output: Good --- How many books have corettta scott king writin ? Output: Bad --- When wasElvis Presley born ? Output: Bad --- How do you find the golden crown on bin weevils ? Output: Good --- In what Congressional District to do you livein TX ? Output: Bad --- What is the driving distance between darwin and cairns ? Output: Good --- What is hansika motwans cell number ? Output: Good --- How many calories in 1 cup of asparagus ? Output: Good --- What is the Adam-and-Eve Orchid 's Latin name ? Output: Good --- Can you catch a cold by having sex with someone who is sick ? Output: Good --- How do you find the volume of irregulars volumes ? Output: Bad --- What is alyson stoner like to do in her free time ? Output: Bad --- What are the three different types of surfboards ? Output: Good --- What are interesting things about winter white hamsters ? Output: Good --- Symbol for commerce bank ? Output: Bad --- Where can you by a BB gun ? Output: Good --- Is it scary to be an obgyn nurse ? Output: Good --- Who is georgie henley 's dating ? Output: Bad --- Another name for the trisomy 21 ? Output: Bad --- What is the lethal dose of amitryptaline ? Output: Good --- Paella is native to valencia a region in what mediterranean country ? Output: Bad --- All the codes in arctic antics ? Output: Bad --- What are the 5th ammendment rights ? Output: Good --- How do you remove the cylinder head on a 1984 nissan pickup ? Output: Good --- What is the normal limits of pulse rates ? Output: Bad --- US eriver that flows through Idaho ? Output: Bad --- Can a wolf break down a tree ? Output: Good --- Name of an ocean decomposer ? Output: Bad --- The capital of lapland ? Output: Bad --- World 's largest tropical rain forest ? Output: Bad --- Fuse box on 2001 vw polo ? Output: Bad --- How many dice snake s are left in the world ? Output: Bad --- When salamanders swim do they have to live in water ? Output: Good --- How much do rappers make in a year ? Output: Good --- How will geography affect Urbanization ? Output: Good --- What kinds of materials make good thermal insulators ? Output: Good --- What is good about music ? Output: Good --- What percent of greeces population live in Athens ? Output: Bad --- When mercury is heated ? Output: Bad --- How can you make a bakugan ball ? Output: Good --- How much does it cost to get a pilots license at Heathrow airport ? Output: Good --- How is the tongue attached to the frog 's miouth ? Output: Bad --- How much does a radiation technition earn ? Output: Good --- What is the volume of 100 pounds of water ? Output: Good --- What is the postal code of the khuala lumpur ? Output: Good --- What sounds do trains make ? Output: Good --- What stadium is the boston celetics ? Output: Bad --- Where do infants get intramuscular injections ? Output: Good --- What is virginia 's colonial capital ? Output: Good --- What year was percy julian live ? Output: Bad --- What kind of dog is shaggy in the move shaggy dog ? Output: Bad --- Can trees move from palce the place ? Output: Bad --- What do conservative with money mean ? Output: Bad --- Swift code bank mandiri now ? Output: Bad --- Are there any stop leak products for a valve cover leak ? Output: Good --- How many eggs are in a sperm ? Output: Good --- Where is denmark on the map ? Output: Good --- The formation of the universe has taken ? Output: Bad --- What happends during the second stage of cell cycle ? Output: Bad --- What is the value you have determind as the threshold stimulus for the neuron ? Output: Good --- Where is Chile Located - ? Output: Bad --- What ios cost to carpet steps ? Output: Bad --- Rihannas favorite instrument ? Output: Bad --- Short notes on aestivation ? Output: Bad --- How many departments and regions in france ? Output: Bad --- Why is china sparsely populated ? Output: Good --- The 20 most important elements in live ? Output: Bad --- What is your uncle 's wife to you ? Output: Good --- Are pigs illegal in nj ? Output: Bad --- What is the phillipines mojor landmark ? Output: Bad --- Medical term that mens relating to the epiglottis ? Output: Bad --- What are the different types of leukemia ? Output: Good --- Where did feudalism start ? Output: Good --- Wtat is the importance of public adminitration ? Output: Bad --- What is the south america largest lake ? Output: Bad --- What tempeture do kangaroos live in ? Output: Good --- What is robert falcon scott 's interests and hobbies ? Output: Bad --- The NAACP did all of the following expcept ? Output: Bad --- What are the oringins of history of Islam ? Output: Bad --- How many kilograms is in 140 lbs ? Output: Bad --- What causes nipple itch ? Output: Good --- What is alex fergasuans msn addie ? Output: Bad --- How did the Hoover Dam get its name ? Output: Good --- What kind of ocean do tiger sharks live in ? Output: Good --- Replace cabin filter 2005 Acura TL ? Output: Bad --- What were the Cheyenne Indians tools and weapons ? Output: Good --- Which people gained political power in the south as a result of the reconstruction act of 1867 ? Output: Bad --- What is the difference that a bacterial cell has than the human body cells do n't have ? Output: Bad --- What is the scientific study of hereridy ? Output: Good --- How many beethoven write ? Output: Bad --- Synovial fluid plasma vs extracellular fluid ? Output: Bad --- What awards did the offspring win ? Output: Good --- What is th use of margarine ? Output: Bad --- How much does a limo to buy cost ? Output: Bad --- How can light produce change ? Output: Good --- A sentence using askew ? Output: Bad --- What is music composition class ? Output: Good --- Toyota prius ? Output: Bad --- Political aspect of apj abdul kalam ? Output: Bad --- How big is the whole of london in square miles ? Output: Good --- Are carrie and matt underwood related ? Output: Good --- Who created the smiley face ? Output: Good --- When wasElvis Presley born ? Output: Bad --- 10 facts about acid rain ? Output: Bad --- What is the price of a 1937 d penny ? Output: Good --- How much are 1883 No Cent Liberty Nickel ? Output: Bad --- Why were Socrates ' teaching revolutionary ? Output: Bad --- What is young one of penguin called ? Output: Bad --- A list of MEDCS now please ? Output: Bad --- 6 pcs lasagna noodles is how many grams ? Output: Bad --- Where are christmas Radio Stations ? Output: Good --- The most complicated riddle in the world ? Output: Bad --- Left hand turn on street can use both lanes ? Output: Bad --- Price of pound of coffee in 2008 ? Output: Bad --- What are calcium oxalate crystals composed of ? Output: Good --- How much did Andy Warhol get for his original Maralyn Monroe Pop Art Picture ? Output: Good --- Millhow many liters in a kilometer ? Output: Bad --- Who has taylor lautner lost his virginity with ? Output: Bad --- What it call volume of a gas ? Output: Bad --- Writes use of connotation ? Output: Bad --- What jobs can you get with and associate 's degree in elementary education ? Output: Bad --- Thermal radiation is energy transferred by ? Output: Bad --- Where is denmark on the map ? Output: Good --- Level of criminal categories of crime ? Output: Bad --- What is a person resposabilities ? Output: Bad --- What is the importance of nutrition on the body ? Output: Good --- How can light produce change ? Output: Good --- Does selena gomez speck spanish ? Output: Bad --- New and latest psp in pakistan prices ? Output: Bad --- How can you help save the gray whales ? Output: Good --- Why is flame test useful ? Output: Bad --- What are the signs and symptoms of stimulants abuse ? Output: Good --- The price of crude oil is hovering around how much per barrel ? Output: Bad --- How much do gynecologist get payed ? Output: Bad --- Ow much do you get payed to be a coroner ? Output: Bad --- How much does pharmacutical scientist make a year ? Output: Bad --- How many types of poop are there ? Output: Good --- What is in the middle of the heart ? Output: Good --- How do you make your penis grew larger ? Output: Bad --- What are written buddhist teachings ? Output: Good --- How do you defeat cryptids island on pop ? Output: Good --- What is the main difference between geocentrism and heliocentrism ? Output: Good --- What colors were used the most in Greek art ? Output: Good --- How much does meth cost you denver ? Output: Bad --- How do you defeat cryptids island on pop ? Output: Good --- How many years of college does it take to be pilot ? Output: Good --- What rate is venice sinking atWhat rate is venice sinking at ? Output: Bad --- What did cleopatra accomplish as a leader ? Output: Good --- What is size of dubai bus ? Output: Bad --- What is the difference that a bacterial cell has than the human body cells do n't have ? Output: Bad --- How do you use speculating in a sentence ? Output: Good --- How many species if plants exist on earth ? Output: Bad --- What place was John Hancock born in ? Output: Bad --- Brief history of apj abdul kalam ? Output: Bad --- What are the salient features of the indian constitutiotn ? Output: Bad --- How much worth 1955 penny ? Output: Bad --- Movement of the arm toward the body ? Output: Bad --- How many carbs orange jucie ? Output: Bad --- What does the regulatory boards and commissions do ? Output: Good --- How many black people die from gang shootings ? Output: Good --- What type of symmetry does snail have ? Output: Bad --- Meaning of health and health education ? Output: Bad --- What is the e-mail address for Chuck Norris ? Output: Good --- What is a name of a city in Cambodia ? Output: Good --- How big is the caribbean compared to great britain ? Output: Good --- Can the birth control patch prevent all chances of pregancy ? Output: Good --- What are some important ancient achievements and inventions ? Output: Good --- What is significant about the Geraldine Ferraro ? Output: Good --- When was delaware founded and in what year ? Output: Bad --- Where is conduction on earth ? Output: Good --- Where is the county of denmark located ? Output: Good --- How did locke infulence Jefferson ? Output: Good --- Is katherine moenig a lesbian ? Output: Good --- Can you give you some examples genres ? Output: Bad --- Are ionic solids soluble in hexane ? Output: Good --- 2 unusual land featurs in new york ? Output: Bad --- Where is the Nile River valley ? Output: Good --- How much money does a herpetologist earn an hour ? Output: Good --- Paella is native to valencia a region in what mediterranean country ? Output: Bad --- Where is the pin on club penguin 31st march 2010 ? Output: Bad --- What are football visors for ? Output: Good --- How did lowering the temperature effect the enzyme ? Output: Good --- Is there any indians in the nhl ? Output: Bad --- You want to become a wrestler but how ? Output: Bad --- The syrup used to induce vomiting ? Output: Bad --- What was the name of Angola 's President in 1994 ? Output: Good --- Where did philo taylor farnsworth come from ? Output: Good --- Is Roary the Lions Mascot ? Output: Good --- What do you call a penguins young ? Output: Bad --- What year did martin luther king get an award for the nobel peace prize ? Output: Good --- What blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrition ? Output: Bad --- What rate is venice sinking atWhat rate is venice sinking at ? Output: Bad --- What is Fidelio ? Output: Good --- 50cm how many mm ? Output: Bad --- Another example of competition in the Tundra ? Output: Bad --- Where did barack obama studie ? Output: Bad --- How many chocolate bars are in Wisconsin ? Output: Good --- What are the responsibilities of becoming a chef ? Output: Good --- Mileage from Cincinnati OH to Louisville KY ? Output: Bad --- What did Robert Lois Stevenson do for Scotland ? Output: Good --- Which side was successful from the 1st crusade ? Output: Good --- How can you capture all pokemos ? Output: Good --- How many element are in your periodic table ? Output: Bad --- In opera or solo a male singer with lowest adult voice ? Output: Bad --- How many scoops of protein do you put into your shakes ? Output: Good --- Parts of a capacitor ? Output: Bad --- What are the differences between Grasshoppers and Crickets ? Output: Good --- When was igor sikorsky die and born ? Output: Bad --- What are the punishments fpr mip in nebraska ? Output: Bad --- The main five organs in the respiratory system ? Output: Bad --- When did geddy lee start to be the lead singer of rush of fools ? Output: Good --- Who were michael jacksons inspirations ? Output: Good --- Paseo MArker Light Replace ? Output: Bad --- What is the problem of the loss of coral reefs ? Output: Bad --- What is the driving distance between darwin and cairns ? Output: Good
### Article: A Frenchman was once traveling in England. He could not speak English at all. One day he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When the waiter came up, he opened his mouth, put his finger in his mouth and took it out. He wanted to showed, "Bring me something to eat." The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The man shook his head and put his finger in and out of his mouth again. The waiter understood him and took the tea away. In a moment he came back with a cup of coffee. But the man refused it. He shook his head again and again whenever the waiter brought him something to drink, for drinks were not food. When the Frenchman was going away, he saw another foreigner came in. This new comer saw the waiter, and put his hand on his stomach(,). That was enough. In a few minutes there was a large plate meat and vegetables on the table in front of him. Answer: to ask him for some food Ans: The Frenchman signed to the waiter _ . ### Article: Ticket price increases at HK Disney Source:Xinhua | 02--05--2009 11:39 Hong Kong Disneyland announced on Tuesday it will raise weekday admission prices for mainland and overseas tourists by about 19 percent.But Hong Kong residents and tourists who purchase tickets through travel agents can still enjoy the old prices until June 30. A one-day admission will cost HK $350($45)for adults and HK $250 for children aged up to 11 from Monday, the previous charges for weekends.Adults were previously admitted for HK $295 and children HK $210. A Hong Kong Disneyland spokesman said the park does not expect the new pricing structure to have an immediate impact on attendances, as research shows guests choose when to visit the attraction based on time available rather than ticket prices.But the hikes(the rise of prices)drew immediate criticism from the industry.The greater tourism industry fears it may harm mainlanders willingness to visit Hong Kong. Joseph Tung Yao-chung, executive director of Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong, said the decision was unwise in the current financial climate.He also urged the company to rethink its decision, during an interview with Southern Metropolis Daily. Answer: HK $885 Ans: On September 10 of 2009(weekday), Hong Kong residents and tourists will have to spend _ buying three children tickets. ### Article: A mystery surrounds my grandmother's collection of salt cellars . No one in the family seems to know when she started collecting them, or exactly how many she had. My grandmother died just over two years ago. At 91, she had spent 30 years without her right leg, which was removed due to cancer the year I was born. She was a poet, an artist, a food lover and a salt cellar collector. The funny thing about the salts, as she called them -- I never once heard her say salt cellar -- was that although everybody knew they were her hobby and everyone was always searching for them at yard sales or in stores, nobody seemed to know what they meant to her and they just wanted to make her happy. Grandma kept her salts in a dark wooden corner display case in the living room. Since her death the case has remained exactly as she left it. Grandpa tries his best to preserve his memories of her just as they are. Now I am collecting, too. Collecting memories about my grandmother's hobby, a way she spent her time. And as I hold one of them in my hand, I picture her holding it in her hand on the day she got it. She is smiling. My mother and her two sisters all have small collections, but my mother admits that she was more interested in finding salts to send to Grandma. Grandma once wrote a poem titled "When April Comes". The poem contains the line, "When April comes and I am not around, remember me when daffodils are found." Now, Grandpa is working on a poem with the line, "April came and you were not around". But she was, somehow. She was there in the memories left behind by her possessions. Answer: her curiosity about her grandma's possessions Ans: In writing the text, the author expressed_. ### Article: School Report went international when the BBC News project's first global radio bulletin was made at Randfontein High School in South Africa. Students from the school were joined by pupils from two other schools--Parktown High School for Girls and Impala Crescent Primary School--and went live at 14:00 local time on 3 February, 2010. BBC producers Ros Smith and Kate Riley were invited to work with the schools. After deciding on their news topics, the students gathered vox pops from fellow students and their teachers. Tiffany said, "We had a chance to talk to other kids from other schools. This was great because Randfontein is a place which is not known to many people and away from modern civilization." Nomakhosi added, "Interviewing our teachers and classmates was interesting and I felt important while doing this." Chene commented, "My voice sounded like a whole new person. It takes some time to get used to hearing your own voice." Pupils, known as learners in South Africa, then worked with School Report producer Ros Smith to edit their audio material while others started script-writhing . With the 14:00 deadline fast approaching, and the audio edited, the new School Reporters recorded their scripts so they could be added to the bulletin. Ros Smith was really impressed with the students' work. She said, "The stories they chose were an excellent mix. The final bulletin sounds really good, and they finished with 10 minutes to spare before the deadline." On 26 March students from the three schools took part in the School Report News Day with support from the Open Learning Systems Education Trust, and it was a big success. Answer: Randfontein High School Ans: BBC School Report started its first worldwide radio bulletin in _ ### Article: John von Neumann was the oldest of 3 children of an banker, and his speed of learning new ideas and solving problems stood out early. At 17, his father tired to persuade him not to become a mathematician because he may lead a poor life being a mathematician, and so von Neumann agreed to study chemistry as well. In 1926, at 23, he received a degree in chemical engineering and a Ph.D. in mathematics. From then on, mathematics provided well enough for him, and he never had to turn to chemistry. In 1930, von Neumann visited Princeton University for a year and then became a professor there. His first book was published in 1932. In 1933, the Institute for Advanced Study was formed, and he became one of the 6 full-time people in the School of Mathematics(Einstein was one of the others) World War II hugely changed von Neumann's areas of interest. Until 1940 he had been a great pure mathematician. During and after the war, he became one of the best mathematicians who put mathematics theories into practice. During the last part of the war he became interested in computing machines and made several fundamental contributions After the war, von Neumann continued his work with computers, and was generally very active in government service. He received many awards, was president of the American Mathematical Society and was a member of the Atomic Energy Commission. He died in 1957 of cancer. Von Neumann made several great contributions and any one of them would have been enough to earn him a firm place in history. He will be remembered as one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. Von Neumann really was a legend in his own time, and there are a number of stories about him. His driving ability is a part of his legend. He reported one accident this Way: "I was driving down the road. The trees on the right were passing me in an orderly fashion at 60 miles per hour. Suddenly one of them stepped in my path." Answer: a mathematician couldn't earn a lot of money Ans: According to the text, von Neumann's father believed that _ . ### Article: At first sight the planet Mars does not appear very welcoming to any kind of life. It has very little oxygen and water, the temperature at night is below 50 degrees and winds of 100 miles (161 kilometers)per hour cause severe dust storms. However, the surface of the planet seems to show that water flowed across it at some time in the past, and it is believed that there would be enough ice at the poles to cover the planet with water if it melted. Although there is no life on the Mars now, some scientists think there may have been some form of life a long time ago. At that time, the planet had active volcanoes ; the atmosphere was thicker and warmer; and there was water. In fact, in some ways the Mars may have been similar to the Earth, where life exists. Some people believe that the Mars could support life in the future if the right conditions were produced. The first step would be to warm the planet using certain gases which trap the Sun's heat in the planet's atmosphere. With warmth, water and carbon dioxide , simple plants could begin to grow. These plants could slowly make the Mars fit to live on. It is judged that the whole process might take between 100, 000 and 200, 000 years. In the meantime, people could begin to live on the planet in a special closed environment. They would provide a lot of useful information about conditions on Mars and the problems connected with living there. Answer: animals Ans: According to the passage, the planet Mars has no _ on it. ### Article: Is It Worth Buying Organic Food? Organic food, grown without artificial chemicals, is increasingly popular nowadays. Consumers have been willing to pay up to twice as much for goods with organic labels . However, if you think paying a little more for organic food gets you a more nutritious and safer product, you might want to save your money. A study led by researchers at Stanford University says that organic products aren't necessarily more nutritious, and they're no less likely to suffer from disease-causing bacteria, either. The latest results, published in the Annuals of Internal Medicine, suggest that buyers may be wasting their money. "We did not find strong evidence that organic food is more nutritious or healthier," says Dr. Crystal Smith-Spangler from Stanford. "So consumers shouldn't assume that one type of food has a lower risk or is safer." For their new study, Smith-Spangler and her colleagues conducted a review of two categories of research, including 17 studies that compared health outcomes between consumers of organic against traditional food products, and 223 studies that analyzed the nutritional content of the foods, including key vitamins, minerals and fats. While the researchers found little difference in nutritional content, they did find that organic fruit and vegetables were 20% less likely to have chemicals remaining on the surfaces. Neither organic nor traditional foods showed levels of chemicals high enough to go beyond food safety standards. And both organic and traditional meats, such as chicken and pork, were equally likely to be harmed by bacteria at very low rates. The researchers did find that organic milk and chicken contained higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy fat also found in fish that can reduce the risk of heart disease. However, these nutritional differences were too small, and the researchers were unwilling to make much of them until further studies confirm the trends. Organic food is produced with fewer chemicals and more natural-growing practices, but that doesn't always translate into a more nutritious or healthier product. The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that "whether you buy organic or not, finding the freshest foods available may have the biggest effect on taste." Fresh food is at least as good as anything marketed as organic. Answer: is really more nutritious and healthier Ans: The new research questions whether organic food _ . ### Article: Just two weeks ago, I was about to cross a busy road when I noticed an old grandpa with a heavy load on his head just a few meters from me. He looked very weak. A few minutes later, I realized I'd forgotten to cross the road. And he'd seen me looking at him. I love my grandparents so much that whenever I see any old people I won't forget to smile at them. I couldn't let go of this grandpa, either. He came near me and handed me a note on which there was an address. I showed him the directions and said he would need a taxi as it was 3 pm on a hot summer's day. Anybody would faint dead in this weather and I didn't want him to walk all the way. But he looked disappointed. I asked where he had come from. He replied weakly that he was from Chidambaram, about 240 kilometers from where we were. I was shocked because he looked like he could not even take 2 steps without falling. I called a taxi immediately and asked the driver to drop him at his place. The grandpa wasn't ready because he had no money. I paid for his journey and asked the driver to drop him off safely. When I turned to look at the grandpa, who was leaving, tears filled my eyes and I didn't want to leave. Memories of my grandparents flashed in my mind, making me feel like crying. I said goodbye to the grandpa, and some happy tears dropped from his eyes. Answer: didn't know how to cross the road Ans: The old man that the author noticed _ . ### Article: For many students in the UK today, deciding whether or not to go to university can be as much about affordability as it is about ambition and aspiration. In the past, students in the UK could apply to a university or college. They were sure that even if they came from a low income family, their tuition fees and some of their living (or maintenance) costs would be covered by a local authority grant . A university education was, in a financial sense, open to all and the number of students attending university grew yearly. Sadly, it seems, those days are long gone. The turning point came in 1998, when the Labour Government introduced tuition fees of PS1,000 a year and, instead of giving students a maintenance grant, asked them to cover their own living expenses with a repayable student loan. Only students on the lowest incomes were entitled to a grant. The flood gates had been opened. As time passed, the ceiling on tuition fees rose, and although applicants from Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales still qualified for varying levels of subsidy , by 2009/10 students in England often found themselves facing tuition fees overPS3,000 a year. In 2011 the Government announced that, from 2012, universities could charge fees of up to PS9,000 a year. Although the Government by stating that postgraduates did not have to begin repaying their student loans until they were earning more than PS21,000 a year, the news created over-dissatisfaction. Many students argued that it was unfair that students should have to begin their work life loaded with huge debt, while others complained that the changes would bring back a class divide to university education. These views were reflected in the number of students applying for a university place, which by January 2012 fell by more than 22,000. The Universities Minister, David Willetts, stood by the decision to increase tuition fees, saying that they would not "put universities' finance on a bearable footing" and that they would accelerate "a stronger focus on high quality teaching." Answer: 5 Ans: We can put the sentence "But the biggest change was still to come" at the beginning of Paragraph _ . ### Article: Liz had been bleeding for a long time! She was my closest professional colleague and good friend at the time when we worked in an IT company. It was her first day back at work after an operation and I thought she should have taken a few more days to recover. Realizing that we couldn't stop the bleeding, we headed to the emergency room and spent hours there waiting to be seen. After the treatment, I drove her to my apartment. I had to leave her in my apartment while I dashed off to take a final exam for a very important course I was taking. Upon my return, we decided Liz was in a good enough condition to sustain a trip back from my Northern Virginia apartment to her home in Maryland. Although it was nearly midnight and we were both exhausted, we still decided to set off. Unfortunately, in a not particularly safe part of town, we heard my car make a strange noise, and then ti was shaking violently as we drove along. Quickly, I stopped the car in the road and found a tire had blown out. Not knowing how to change a tire and feeling scared, I was trying out to figure out what to do next. Liz, weak from losing all that blood all day and weighing only about eighty pounds to begin with, came out and tried to help me. I had to scream at her to get back in the car and relax. Within seconds, a taxi pulled up behind us. A huge man appeared and began walking toward us. I felt that the blood drained out of my face and I nearly fainted in fear. "Got a flat tire, girls?" he asked. "Yes," I answered in a trembling voice. In no time at all, the man changed the tire for us and rushed off back to his taxi. He refused any payment and did not even tell me his name. He would never know how badly we needed his services that particular evening. And I, with a grateful heart, will never forget his kindness. Answer: she had an operation but didn't rest enough Ans: The author thought that Liz was bleeding because _ . ### Article: Millions of citizens throughout the central US are jumping into pools, sitting in the shade, and turning on their air conditioners as they try to beat the heat.With record-breaking temperatures and unbearable humidity attacking the central US.17 states from Texas to Michigan have all received heat advisories and warnings. "Even with the air conditioning on, it's 82 degrees Fahrenheit in the house," said North Dakotan Betty Smokov.'The heat is really unpleasant and sticky.'"I According to the National Weather Service, the heat is not likely to ease up soon. In Western Oklahoma, the heat is even worse.There, temperatures have frequently climbed to above 110 degrees over the past several weeks." _ " said Daryl Williams, a weather forecaster in Norman, Oklahoma.On Saturday night, the asphalt at a busy road in Enid, Oklahoma, crumbled due to the extreme heat. Across the area, citizens are keeping cool in many different ways.Cities like Chicago and Detroit are providing relief for their citizens by opening cooling centers for those without air conditioning in their homes.Others are heading to the water to cool down.But in some cases, the water itself needs cooling.Dwight Anderson, an amusement park owner in Omaha, Nebraska, had to put two tons of ice cubes into his park's swimming pools to lower the water's temperature from 88 degrees to 82 degrees. But not everyone is complaining about the heat.Sixty-five-year-old Detroit citizen Marcellus Washington enjoyed the weather as he walked along the Detroit River to stay cool."What a wonderful weather! It's a very pleasant day, " he said. Answer: people don't want to meet their friends because of the heat Ans: By saying "The trend is not our friend right now," Daryl Williams means that _ . ### Article: Now let's look ourselves as a species in relation to ecosystem balance.Modern scientists believe that humankind, like other animals, evolved through millions of years of changes and adaptations to the environment and that our most direct evolutionary ancestor was probably an earlier species of the primate(monkey, ape) group. Despite this similarity with other creatures, however, the evolution of humankind differs from that of other species in one important and unique way. In other species, evolution has led to specialization, both in the species abilities and in its place within the environmental structure. For example, the giraffe is much adapted to feeding on treetops, but it is also specialized and thus limited to feeding on trees and shrubs. Only with great difficulty can it bend down to graze on the ground. Similarly, the anteater is extremely well adapted to eating ants but is unable to catch or eat other animals. The same is true for countless other species. For humankind it is opposite. Our evolution had led to a very generalized ability. Our highly developed intelligence and ability to make and handle tools mean that we can do almost anything. Humans evolved in such a way that we are able to move into every environment on Earth and even into space. No natural competitor offers great resistance, and other natural enemies such as disease have been controlled. Said another way, we see in humankind a great imbalance between biological potential and environmental resistance. The result is the rapidly increasing world population, frequently referred to as the population explosion. Further, to support our growing population, natural ecosystems are being increasingly displaced by human habitations, agriculture, and other human supporting activities. Answer: humankind has experienced a generalization rather than specialization in ability Ans: From the passage we can infer that in the course of evolution _ . ### Article: Children in the United States eat too much pizza that some researchers now argue the food should join the ranks of sugary drinks and fast food for the harm they do to health. In a new study, the researchers found that pizza is a large source of calories, saturated fat and salt in children's diets.Children should not eat more than two slices of pizza for a meal,and should pair that with salad, rather than with another high-calorie food,the researchers concluded. "Parents should aim to control pizza consumption , particularly as a snack where it was shown to have a very adverse impact on children, and they should put their pizza dollars toward healthier brands."Said Lisa Powel, director of the Illinois Prevention Research Center. Pizza has become a matter of focus in recent years for researchers who look at the meals children eat, rather than the nutrients within them.Studies have found pizza is among the greatest sources of calories for children. "Since pizza remains a common part of children's diet, we need to make 'healthy' pizza."Powel said.To make pizza healthier, food producers should reduce its saturated fat and salt, and increase its whole grain content," she said. Whether or not pizza is harmful enough to be picked out as an unhealthy food, the study attracts attention to a larger issue with the modern American lifestyle, said Alexis Tindall, who was not involved in the flow research. "Many foods are eaten too frequently and in large sizes," said Tindall.To solve the problem, people don't have to give up eating pizza, but instead, they can eat smaller and healthier pizza,"she said. "Make it at home, instead of ordering it out where you don't have any control over how it's made." Tindall said. "When we make it at home, we can choose healthier ingredients,increase the vegetables, reduce fat, and put in less cheese.Pizza doesn't have to be just pepperoni and cheese." Answer: more pizza with French fries Ans: According to the research, children shouldn't eat _ . ### Article: We get it: You're tired. You're busy. And your shoes are away over there. Excuses are OK sometimes, but not every day--and especially not today. So put on your sneakers, get up off the couch, and let us kick your excuses to the curb . "I...dislike...panting !" Being really out of breath may mean you're trying too much too soon, which will kill your confidence. But you don't have to be _ to get a workout. Being active doesn't have to mean high-intensity. It's just about moving. "I hate exercise." It may seem unbearable, but you just have to get started. Exercise releases endorphins (your brain's own feel-good chemicals), which can be habit-forming. What' s the best exercise? The one you'll do regularly. So you may hate running. Don't run! Ride your bike or just dance. Even cleaning your room is active. As long as you're moving and getting your blood pumping, it counts. So get creative. "I don't have time." You may not have lots of time to spare when you're busy with schoolwork, but we bet you can find 10 minutes. Bonus: An activity break will send oxygen to your brain, making you super-alert and more creative too. Famous thinkers like Aristotle and Steve Jobs liked "walking meetings," and you can follow in their footsteps by moving around while you brainstorm about a tough task or memorize your English vocabulary. "I never see results!" Even if you train with the help of a professional, you won't see results right away. But you will feel them almost immediately. Don't focus on how your body looks--focus on how you feel. Keep a journal of when you exercise (or don't) and how you feel that day: Stressed? Focused? Tired? When you start noticing the amazing effects of exercise, you'll have no excuses. Answer: you will stick to Ans: In the author's eyes, the best exercise is the one that _ . ### Article: Somali pirates robbed three Thai fishing ships with 77 sailors on board nearly l, 200 Miles off the Somali coast, the farthest-off-shore attack to date, an officer said Tuesday. Pirates have gone farther south and east in answer to increased patrols by warships off the Somali shore. The robbing of the three ships Sunday was about 600 miles outside the normal operation area for the international force, said a spokesman. The spokesman said the attack so far out at sea was a clear sign that the international patrols against pirates were having a "marked effect on pirate activity in the area". "Once they start attacking that far out, you're not even really talking about the Somali basin or areas of water that have any connection with Somalia," said an officer, Roger Middleton. "Once you're that far out, it's just the Indian Ocean, and it means you're looking at trade going from the Gulf to Asia, from Asia to South Africa. " "This is the farthest robbing to date. They are now operating near the Maldives and India," said another officer. The three ships--the MV Prantalay 11, 12, and l 4--had 77 members on board in total. All of them are Thai, the spokesman said. Before the Sunday robbing, pirates held l l ships and 228 sailors. Pirates have increased attacks over the past year in hopes. of catching more dollar payments. Because of increased patrols and defenses on board ships, the success rate has gone down, though the number of successful attacks has stayed the same year over year. Answer: far out in the Indian Ocean Ans: The pirate attack reported in the text happened _ . ### Article: College students constantly hear the praises of education.We have all become used to believing that a college education is always a guarantee of an easier life.I was nine years old when my fourth-grade teacher presented me with a task, to write down all of the things I wanted in my life.I filled my paper with things like: own a big house and have servants; be rich and have a good job.The next day my teacher handed back my paper and in red ink she wrote: " GO TO COLLEGE." For a long time, I was convinced that once I obtained an education, BAM! Life would be easier. However, education cannot promise all wishes, dreams, and desires.Society must reject the foolish idea that a college education's main purpose is to satisfy our desires and secure success.Like most challenging things, education is a gamble in which results depend entirely on people's ability to look past their wants to see the realism and reason behind their wants. For instance, my first year of college, I took a sociology class.In class, we were taught that Third World countries were poor.We learned that our quality of life would be almost impossible for an average person in those countries.I began to examine my own desire to be rich.To always go after money felt selfish when knowing others had none at all.Learning about other society's financial situations forced me to look beyond what I wanted. Through the process of education, everything once desired is tested.Wanting something no longer is enough; it's more important to examine why we want it and whether we really want it.When my desire for money changed, everything changed.I stopped longing for money-driven careers and stopped valuing the people who had them.I began to examine the things I purchased and my reason for wanting them. Education is a tool to be used to develop and advance our desires, so we can discover the things that are truly significant in life.Education is a source to expand our society to see beyond the superficial appeals and the "quick fixes" , leaving the belief of an effortless life behind in order to desire a meaningful one. Answer: a college degree was the key to the author's dreams Ans: The author's fourth-grade teacher probably agreed that _ . ### Article: If you hear the sound of running water the next time you call a co-worker on his or her mobile phone, don't be surprised. Three-fourths of Americans with mobile phones say they use them in the bathroom, a new study shows. Approximately the same number of men and women have used the phone in the bathroom, according to a survey of 1,000 Americans by 11mark, an integrated marketing agency, although men seem more attached to IT in the toilet: 30 percent of men versus 20 percent of women agreed with the statement, "I don't go to the bathroom without my mobile phone." More than half the surveyed users (63 percent) said they have answered a phone call in the bathroom, and almost half (41 percent) reported _ a phone call. That's not all, however. What goes on behind the walls of the stalls is anything a mobile phone is capable of. Sixty-seven percent said they have read a text, and 39 percent have surfed the Web. Men work more from the bathroom -- 20 percent said they have participated in work-related calls, versus 13 percent of their female colleagues. As expected, Gen Y respondents are the pacesetters in the "mobile everywhere" movement, with 91 percent using their phone in the bathroom. Still, older generations are not far behind. Eighty percent of Gen X(1961-1981) reported using the phone in the bathroom, as did 65 percent of Baby Boomers and 47 percent of the Silent Generation. While online, they are doing more than just surfing; 16 percent of Gen Y report they have made an online purchase while in the bathroom. Users of iPhones are particularly likely to browse and buy in the bathroom - 22 percent have made a purchase, versus 10 percent of Americans with mobile phones overall. "The writing is on the stall," said 11mark principal Nicole Burdette. "This study confirms what we all know: that the last private place is no longer private." In the process, high-tech hygiene is taking a hit, the survey found. While 92 percent of mobile phone users said they wash their hands after using the bathroom, only 14 percent said they wash their phones. Answer: more men have used the phone in the bathroom Ans: 60.According to his words, Nicole Buedette mainly wants to tell us that _ . ### Article: If you're among the millions of Americans packing their vacation bags for summer trips,don't forget,however, that as soon as you step off the plane,you're expected to follow that country's laws.We took a look at one of the top countries Americans are most likely to visit and what might happen if you got caught. prefix = st1 /Mexico Smoking marijuana:If police find you smoking a cigarette which contains marijuana,they will most likely _ you overnight and you will get a fine. Carrying a firearm:You might be able to walk around with a gun in Texas,but that isn't so in Mexico,so leave your gun behind.If you wish to go hunting in Mexico.you can apply for a gun permit but expect to be charged $5,000.If you are caught bringing a firearm,Mexican policeman may take away your car and arrest you.An arrested American may spend months in prison while his or her case is being looked into. Driving 70 mph on the highway:Speed limits are on the lower side.Depending on what type of highway you're driving on,you shouldn't go faster than 62 mph.The police enforce the speed limit,but most local police don't have radars.The maximum fine for speeding is about $40.To scare tourists into paying the fine "on the spot",sometimes police will threaten to keep your driver's license.This is illegal, so call them on it. Answer: hunt the animals without the permit Ans: When the travelers are in Mexico,they should NOT_. ### Article: On an elementary school playground, hundreds of children run and jump, smiling and laughing as they play. Watching sea otters playing in their own environment is like watching children at play. Sea otters, which are presently on the endangered species list, are experiencing an increase in population. Groups of sea otters live on the shores of the North Pacific Ocean. They are seldom found far from land but almost spend their entire lives at sea. The otter has been known to dive as deep as 180 feet and stay underwater as long as minutes. Each day the sea otter eats as much as one-fifth of its body weight in fish or shellfish. Not only are sea otters playful, they are also amazingly resourceful. Their favorite food, abalone , is protected by a thick shell that sea otters are unable to break with their teeth. Sea otters use stones from the ocean floor and break the abalone open on their bellies as they move slowly across the surface of the water on their backs, a behavior that makes them one of only a few animals on Earth, including human beings, to use tools! Their intelligence is also displayed while sleeping. In order not to move into dangerous waters, sea otters actually cover themselves with plants on the sea, which keep them in place before falling asleep. Because sea otters have a special means of keeping insulated , they can keep their body heat in their cold environment. They have unbelievably fine fur that traps tiny bubbles, and that keeps them comfortable when warmed by body heat. However, their fur loses this insulating quality if it becomes dirty. Sea otters have faced dangers from hunters in the past and from oil spills more recently. Fortunately, due to a 1911 agreement and to rescue and habitat protection efforts, the sea otter population has nearly recovered. Answer: show sea otters are fun to watch. Ans: The author mentioned playful children at the beginning in order to _ . ### Article: Near the village, there is an old famous temple. Some people want to build new houses where the temple now stands, because they can find no other area to build them, while others disagree with them. They meet to decide how to solve the problem. Here are their opinions about it. The expert wants to protect the temple and believes that there are some interesting things buried in the ground. If it is destroyed or moved, people may never learn about how people lived in the past. The businessman thinks that the houses should be built. History is important, but we must think about the future. The village needs development and building new houses will offer jobs to hundreds of people. Villager A says, "We should build the new houses because we need houses to live in." Villager B says, "We should protect the temple because it can attract many tourists to come for a visit. If the temple is destroyed or moved, we will lose a lot of business." The village leader thinks that he has a duty to make life better for the villagers. They need jobs and new houses. He also thinks the cultural site is important and they should be careful with it as well. Answer: fall down Ans: The expert doesn't want to _ the old famous temple. ### Article: Friends play an important role in our lives, and although we can't be more familiar with the fact of friendship, we often don't clearly understand how we make friends, especially with Americans. Here are some pieces of advice on making friends with Americans: 1. Visiting places Americans enjoy: parties, churches, restaurants, parks and sports clubs. 2. Be willing to take the first step. Don't wait for them to get close to you. Americans in China may not know you speak English. They may be uncomfortable if they can't speak your language. 3. Use small talks to open the conversation. Ask them where they're from, why they come to China, etc. . Remember: Be careful not to ask personal questions about age, salary and so on. 4. Show an interest in their culture, their country or their job. Americans like to talk about themselves! 5. Invite them to join you for dinner or just for coffee or tea. Try to set a specific time. Americans sometimes make general invitations like "Let's go out for dinner sometime. "Often this is just a way to be friendly. It is not always a real invitation. 6. Don't expect too much at first. Maybe they're being friendly. But maybe they want to be your good friends. It will take time to tell. Answer: shopping centers Ans: According to the text, Americans like to visit the following places except _ . ### Article: Where Are We Going, Dad? has become one of China's most popular television shows, since its debut in October, averaging more than 600 million viewers each week. Sponsorship rights for the show's second season were sold for 312 million yuan (about $ 50 million), more than ten times higher than the rights to the first season. What accounts for its popularity? The show features a new generation of Chinese fathers, who, as part of the country's new middle class, have faced more problems with modern child-raising techniques such as taking an active role with their children. Part of the appeal of the show is the chance to throw a glance at the lives of Chinese celebrities and their children. Audiences are interested in watching the failed attempts of celebrity dads making dinner, doing hair, and disciplining children -- tasks often left to mothers in a society still influenced by the saying that "men rule outside and women are inside." "In traditional Chinese culture, fathers are strict and mothers are kind. But on the show, we see fathers who are much gentler on their kids and more involved in their upbringing, " said Li Minyi, an associate professor. "This show raises an important question for modern Chinese society -- what is the role of fathers in today's China?" After each episode goes to air, the Chinese internet explodes with comments on each celebrity's parenting style. Actor Guo Tao tries to communicate with his son, Shitou, but is seen as a more traditional Chinese father, and has been criticised online for being too _ . Zhang Liang, a supermodel, is an audience favorite for treating his son, Tiantian, more like a friend. The show's most famous celebrity, Lin Zhiying, a film star, was originally praised as patient with his son Kimi. But as the season progresses, fans begin to criticise him for raising a spoiled, undisciplined boy. Director Wang Yuelun is at a complete loss when it comes to care of his daughter's hair. Even the People's Daily is pleased with the success of the show. Answer: 600 million yuan Ans: Sponsorship rights for the show's first season were sold for about _ .
In this task, you are given books product reviews in English language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative. Question: Total BULL!! . Estrich is far from unbiased and makes an attempt to come off as such. She's in the hip pocket of the Liberals and is exactaly what her book claims Coulter and her fans are. A friend forced me to reed this claiming it would forever change my views. Quite the opposite. Ann Coulter wrote her book standing up for conservatives and Christians since people like Estrich is out there trying to say the liberal way a good person would think. Everything else is wrong. She now comes out with phony outrage and tries to claim that the conservatives are the ones who have been attacking. Fact is Bill Clinton did do monumentally fould and dangerous things to this country. When Clinton was in office Estrich defended everything he did. We had 8 terrorist attacks under Clinton and she felt it was appauling to speek so negatively about a seeted president. What a double standard. Now with this book she shows phoney moral outrage and copies Coulter trying to reverse the flow. If you can, borrow this book, don't waste your money. reed it if you plan to argue with someone though. It is full of flawed logic and total bull. It will make your arguing easy. Libs hate facts Output: NEG Question: Don't fail to read this if you're new to Earth . In today's world, various forms of parochialism have a dialectical relationship with the homogenizing influences of globalizing consumer capitalism. These forms of parochialism may be ethnic, "cultural," religious, nationalistic, etc., depending on where you look. On one hand, ancient forms of identity continue to define in-groups and out-groups; on the other hand, multinational corporations elide these differences as they operate in a wider and wider worldwide marketplace. Example: the Turks and the Armenians hate each other and even partly define themselves by this ancient conflict ("Jihad" is Barber's label for this); yet they see the same Pepsi ads and do the same kinds of work in their local Pepsi bottling plants ("McWorld" is Barber's label for this). That's the book. This might be a useful resource for writers of term papers who need to endnote something fairly obvious. Outside of that, it would take an observer from another planet to find this book's insights novel or pointed. If you're new to planet Earth, by all means pick up a copy. It will catch you up on a few useful truisms. As others have pointed out, the "terrorism's challenge to democracy" subtitle seems intended to capitalize on 9/11, but doesn't accurately reflect the book's content. "Jihad" is deployed as a synecdoche in this book; Muslim extremism is just one of the book's many examples of parochialism Output: NEG Question: Reviewer . I am interested in succint yet exhaustive/substantive coverage of the topic for use in real-world corporate finance applications. I found the book to be verbose and not sufficiently to the point. The author peppers a few key insights in endless dialogue, which I find a bit tiresome. The text could be better organized to highlight key points and provide greater substance and less fluff. Definition of terms could be far better written even for an introductory text. I suspect I am the wrong target audience Output: NEG Question: MISREPRESENTATION: This is 1892 Deathbed Edition! . Although the poems are beautiful... and I certainly don't mean to bash Whitman with this 2-star rating... it's the wrong book. NOT AS ADVERTISED. This was supposed to be the original 1855 edition. That's what I expected, and therefore (in my mind) what I was paying for. The original 1855 edition, according to modern literary analysis, was the "strongest/purest" version. It was the true starting point of Whitman's own (and consequently America's) poetic awakening. Consisting of just 12 "perfect" poems, it was THAT edition which Emerson praised so highly. Whitman never put out another book... just revision after revision, addition after addition, and edition after edition of Leaves Of Grass... until you wind up with "the deathbed edition" which is a severely bloated and different work from the original. I was very much looking forward to a slender volume of the original edition. Which is what the item description says this is. It's not. Be forewarned... it's the Deathbed Edition of 1892... nearly 500 pages. And frankly, there are MUCH better versions of the deathbed edition. Sturdier versions with nicer pages exist (this is a pretty weak paperback, printed on pulp pages), with better footnotes and more authoritive introductions. Shop around. To sum up... the 2 star rating is because lying about which edition this is, is a terrible way to sell the book. Whitman was fantastic and the poetry contained in the book itself is first rate. It just would have been nice to get what I paid for. The "true" editon, written by a YOUNG Whitman at the height of his powers.. Output: NEG Question: Very disappointed! . I have read all the books n the series and have come to expect an enjoyable light read with a little mystery. I thought the menace in this book overwhelmed the 'light' plots. There are serious themes here - murder, death, kidnapping, and others. Too bad the authors didn't focus more on the light plotlines that reader's look for in these books - Maggie's romance (this came across as ridiculous considering the fact that Maggie and her daughter were being stalked by a convicted murderer) and the Jamie / Max story (which unfortunately is treated as a throwaway storyline). I also disliked the way the authors abruptly got rid of Destiny - love her character or hate it - she has been in enough books that longtime readers care about her. Output: NEG Question: ... a different kind of book ... . ... This is a very good read ... this book offers much more than the usual approach of `tell the dog to sit, and reward it with a treat' ... the author approaches the problem of bad dog behaviour from the owner's perspective, as well as from the dog's perspective ... a holistic approach that avoids harsh punishment ... The author tells us that in order to correct a dog, oftentimes we must first as owners correct ourselves, our approach ... our whole attitude ... we are encouraged to try and learn the nature of dogs, their instincts and propensities ... the numerous case studies are also extremely useful ... All in all, a very good book, informative, sensible and effective Output: POS Question: Excellent . This book was excellent and easy reading. My 12 year old granddaughter, her mothe , my father and I read all of Dave Pelzer's series of 3 books. We also read his brother's story Output: POS Question: Three stories in one book. . THE CRANKY DAY is made up of three stories: Cranky Bugs, Put-Upon Percy, and Lady Hatt's Birthday Party. This inexpensive paperback is perfect for the Thomas fan. It has the colorful photographic "illustrations" that look like the series we're familiar with. This one is REALLY popular with my Thomas fans, and you can read the stories one at a time or all three at once. But beware -- when you're finished they're going to want you to read it again! and again! and again Output: POS Question: Measure for Measure . Great book! One of the classic Shakespeare dramas. Full of witty humor Output: POS Question: Calvino could have written better stuff . This book says nothing. He brings you on a journey through nothing that will you unfilled. Don't read it Output: NEG Question: Let me save you $12.21 today. . This has to be my least favorite of my Kiyosaki collection. I will sum it up for you...think and know the power of Leverage, Passive income is taxed at a lower rate than Earned income, and you gotta buy assets! There, you can continue shopping Output: NEG Question: Patterson's Second Worst? . I rank this book slightly higher than Season of the Machete, simply because I only got to page 25 of that book before giving up on it. I finished this book, but it was hardly an enjoyable read. The one positive is that the chapters are very short, so it feels like the novel moves along at a nice pace. The actual content, however, is very poor. This book is just surviving off the past Cross novels. If someone was just picking up this book having not read any of the prior Cross novels, they are just not going to understand or care about the subplots involving Cross's estranged son, his other two kids, this new love life, etc. I've read all the books leading up to this book, and I barely cared or understood what was going on. Compare this to Kiss The Girls or Jack and Jill, and it comes up way short. The story and the plot are very thin and very disjointed. Nothing about this book keeps you on the edge of your seat, and you will only feel compelled to finish it if you are a completist. This was by far the worst of the Cross books. Output: NEG Question: All 13 stories . It looks like Amazon has taken the reviews of the audio casette set with the same name and put them on this product. There are 13 stories and not 5 as the cassette reviews state. They take up 6 CDs. There is one technical flaw. The labeling is wrong on four of the CDs. The number is correct (1-6) but the list of stories on 3 and 5 are swapped and 4 and 6 are swapped. Once you solve that mystery things go well. These are short stories and not novels so you should not expect complex plot development or character descriptions. They are a good way to kill half an hour of otherwise wasted time in your life. Output: POS Question: Enron? . The Preface of this book reveals that the author's daughter &quot;completed three fascinating and challenging years as an analyst for Enron Corporation.&quot; Indeed Output: POS Question: Life transforming book . This is an enormous work and very important too, and even though it is difficult to present to a &quot;modern&quot; mind David Frawley has done a great job. The work consists of understanding and interpreting the Vedas properly, which are almost 6-7 thousands years old if not more and are written in Vedic Sanskrit, which again is more complex to understand and interpret than regular Sanskrit. This is a book is very important from the point of ancient India's (true) history as well as is extremely important from the point of view of world's history as we understand today. It is a book that also provides the much-needed encouragement and foundation for anybody seeking a spiritual way of life Output: POS Question: In a Word, "Generic" . This is the first book I've not been able to put down - not because it was so riveting, but because I couldn't wait to be done with it. It reads like a grocery list of domestic issues that might be intriguing for an adolescent or, perhaps, for someone who has never left their small town and dreams of the dramas that they assume lie in the big city. The themes, problems and experiences of the Stassos family are so completely generic that, should the book be interpreted into any visual form, it would take the shape of the most heavy-handed after-school special ever made! And as for the "poetic" prose that is attributed to this novel: the use of language is over-the-top and often pretencious. Many experiences are not simply stated, but are rather coated with words that only add weight rather than description or meaning. One example that I underlined: "'I'm always careful,' Ben said, in exactly the spirit he would toss a too-small offering -- a hibiscus blossom, a pomegranate -- into a crater." WHAT?!!! Granted, the context is missing, but even in the context, this quote made me laugh. And by the time i came to the last third of book, the laughter was all that got me though to the end (that, and the fact that I had to finish it because I told someone that I would.) If I could give this book less than one star, I would. Output: NEG Question: Rush and Me . I used to be a good friend to Rush. I listened to his program all the time. When I first saw this book, I ignored it. Finally, after it had been in the window of our bookstore for several months, I picked it up and looked inside. I was amazed! However, I had to put it down because I thought it was too negative. It called Rush names. I did not need to have that. Finally, I tried getting it at the library, but they said they did not have a copy, because they said it was "too controversial." So when the price came down, I bought a used copy for a couple of bucks, and read the whole thing. I was amazed some more! Rush used to have 20 million listeners to his talk show. He was a legendary, rich talk show host. This book tells you exactly how Rush became a rich, popular talk show host. And he is thinner now that he has recovered from his unfortunate drug problem. And you know, that sort of thing could happen to anybody. But I had trusted Rush, and his VALUES, and I kind of felt he let me down. So for me, the title is not appropriate. Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Rich Talk Show Host who Cuts Corners on His Values would be a better title. Rush is no idiot, either. Now, by some "coincidence" Al Franken is a talk show host too. And, I bet he learned how by studying how Rush did it! If Franken can do it, YOU can do it! Don't miss out on this GREAT opportunity! Get a copy. Look how cheap it is now. Tell your friends Output: POS Question: Interview with the Vampire . I read this book when it first came out in paperback and have since read most of the others. The reason for my recent purchase of the book was for a friend who enjoyed reading it and has since purchased Book 2. All the Vampire Chronicle books I have read I have enjoyed and would recommend them to anyone interested in reading these types of books Output: POS Question: zen keys is lifechanging . i had always had a semi-interest in buddhism, derived from ecstatic readings of 'dharma bums' by jack kerouac (another must-have), but disappointed as i couldnt find 'big sur' at the bookstore a month ago, i chanced upon the religion section, and zen keys shone out on the shelf, i picked it up, read a page of thich nhat hanh's contemplative prose, and immmediately bought and took it home devouring it in my bedroom for hours. Nhat Hanhs compassionate and understanding approach to Zen Buddhism makes learning about it easy, and also very rewarding. his take, which is no ones take at all but rather the truth, about zen makes for free-minded thinking thru the eight negations, mindfullness of everyday life, and the wisdom of the zen masters in the kung-ans at the end of the book. i cannot help but be forever changed by this simplistic yet beautiful overlay of Zen Buddhism. anyone, everyone, Americans and materialism and all, MUST read this, dont lose your life in forgetfullness and apathy and be lost in worldly pursuit, be a monk Output: POS Question: The Ravings of a Futurist . This book has nothing to do with organizational change. It is simply the ravings of a futurist. There are plenty of good books of strategic organizational change, buy those instead Output: NEG Question: Captures the nature of the dilemma extremely well . Tuch is very insightful in his observations about this syndrome. Having been involved in this kind of relationship myself in the past, I can say that his description of how these relationships progress is VERY familiar. This book will provide well-needed understanding by all involved parties. This understanding is crucial in order to get unentangled from this kind of relationship...or transform the unhealthy agendas/perspectives that often permeate the relationship and give the relationship a chance to either end or work out Output: POS Question: Read the KJV please. . This bible is not the true GOD'S Word. It has been changed too much. I believe that the KJV is the true Bible. God died for our sins. He shed his blood so that we might have everlasting life - but, ONLY if we belive. This bible is written to make you feel good about yourself. All we are sinners destined for hell and damnation. God was not brought into this world just to make us feel good about ourselves but to make us feel a need to repent from our sin. We cannot get to heaven in eternity unless we believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST Output: NEG Question: Unwaiveringly BIASED and UNBALANCED . Throughout this book Mr. Shulman denigrates the contribution of the Wright Brothers. His bias is so prevalent throughout the book that I found myself shaking my head as I read blatantly contradictory statements within 5 lines of each other. The author's opinions and accusations are either based on his limited research or his intentional omission of fact. If you're even considering buying this book, I would direct you to the author's own words following a completely inane paragraph of conjecture about Orville Wright............&quot;Or perhaps not.&quot; That about sums up this biased inaccurate ploy concealed in the history section Output: NEG Question: An innovative feminist critique of fascist Literature. . This second volume of Theleweit's ground-breaking examination of proto-fascist 'Freikorps' novels spans disciplinary lines by examining historical documents from a unique combination of feminist and psychological perspectives. While the text is intellectually weighty, Theleweit manages to avoid the verbal dryness inherent in the subject. His thesis is outrageous, illuminating and largely coherent. A must read for aspiring academics and cultural historia Output: POS Question: A Pocket PC Programmers Must Have! . If you're into programming games for Pocket PC this is the book for you! An incredible resource that integrates the basics into an easily solvable puzzle Output: POS Question: A Landmark Book on Family Businesses! . Ivan Lansberg's new book is an excellent resource for anyone living through, or helping to manage, the succession process in a family business! The book is thoroughly scholarly yet practical...it is &quot;a must read,&quot; for anyone interested in the subject. It is the best book on the subject I have read Output: POS Question: A disappointment . Reading the title and description of this book, I was excited about reading it. I found the writing not up to the task! Despite having a great deal of interest in the subject, after scanning the book I decided not to read it Output: NEG Question: Good Info/Confusing for Non-Military Types . This book provided a clear and tragic story of the invasion. You might want to take notes, however. Acronyms and abreviations should be explained more frequently, as well as military organization, for those of us civilian Output: POS Question: Interesting start to a new Drow trilogy . Sacrifice of the Widow by Lisa Smedman is the first book in the Lady Penitent trilogy. For fans of the Forgotten Realms, this book follows up on the events of the six book series War of the Spider Queen. So, before I start this review, if you have yet to read the War of the Spider Queen series, I strongly suggest you do before you read this as events from that series are talked about, and have consequences, in this book. If you choose to read this book, and most likely this trilogy, without reading WotSQ then there may be some things that just don't make sense - So consider yourself warned. The plot of this book is not your traditional plot, in that it is not really one linear plot with a few sub-plots sprinkled in. The sub-plots are very good and hint at much larger ramification that will more than likely transpire in the next two books. There is the sub-plot of what really happened to Hallisstra Melarn at the end of the sixth WotSQ book, and how she became what she is now. There is a sub-plot of the followers of Eilstraee fighting followers of tow other entities. There is also a sub-plot of a larger `battle' between Lolth and Eilstraee. Ms. Smedman does a wonderful to weave all these sub-plots together to create not only an engaging story, but a seamless one at that. When the sub-plots shift between one another there is not much transition that throws the pace of the book off at all. The overall plot is very well written and easy to follow. There are several characters in this book. This is both a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. With all the different sub-plots there needed to be many characters to keep everything going. However, with this amount of characters there is less time for them to be developed fully so the reader has a better connection with them. There are a few characters that I would have definitely liked to read more about, and maybe that will be remedied in the next two books. Don't get me wrong, there was some character development in this book, such as that of Hallisstra, her brother Q'arlynd both had significant development. Yet, the majority of the characters had little development. I believe that was just a part that had to suffer due to how much the plots of this book needed to be explained. Overall, I enjoyed this book quite a bit. This is not your traditional Drow novel in that it's not strictly about subterfuge and chaos. The pace of this book is very good and Ms. Smedman's writing lends itself to be easily read. It's very easy to read through one hundred pages and wonder where the time went. With some Drow books, the authors try to make these huge grand flourishes of prose, yet in this book Ms. Smedman seems conserved and this creates an easy feel. If you are a fan of the Forgotten Realms and have read the WotSQ series you will undoubtedly enjoy this book for the continuation of that storyline. If you are a fan of fantasy in general and know a little about the Forgotten Realms I still believe you will enjoy this novel, although some things may not make much sense to you. At any rate, if you are considering reading this, I have no qualms about recommending it. It's a very nice addition to the Forgotten Realms universe. Output: POS Question: The Biology of Belief?Unleashing The Power of Consciousness . I felt it was very scientific and difficult reading. I wasn't able to get past 20 minutes with this book although I am sure by the title it has great information in it. I don't feel it's for the average person more medical / scentific minds. Truthfully, I feel my money was wasted and wish I would of took the time to return it. Output: NEG Question: More New Historicism . If one is interested in the latest nonsense from the academy, this time dressed up in New Historicist colors, buy this book. If one is interested in either American literary realism or contract law, however, one is better off actually reading those texts and trying to understand them Output: NEG Question: Great book, I loved it! . First, a word about the publishers. . . Somewhere it is decreed, I suppose in the Regency genre publishing house, that all "Regency Romance" books must be exactly 218 pages, no more and no less, so that if one author writes less, they make the letters nice and big, three paragraphs to a page. . . And if another author has a longer story, the publishers will squeeze ten paragraphs, in tiny letters, onto one page. . . This is one of the books where you have ten paragraphs (or more) per page, plus there is so much going on in the story that the plotline is constantly changing . . . for me, this made for some frustrating reading. But as for the story itself - this is my first by Allison Lane, and what I see, I like. I was pre-warned that she is a "darker" Regency author, so that I did not find the issues explored in this story shocking. Yes, it's sad, but, unfortunately, there really are parents like that. (Today, since arranged marriages are not really "done" it will play out in the form of career, or how their children should live their lives. . .) As for the character of Reggie - he's a really nice, sympathetic character, but I'm afraid that his problem was a real one. Maybe it's uncommon, and he seems to have had an unusually bad case of it, but it is only today that they have medication for these problems (those who have read the story know which medication I mean). I loved the heroine! I hate to say this, but she sounds so exactly like me, that how can I not have loved this story? Miss Joanna Patterson was hired as a sort-of companion to Lady Harriet, to launch her into society - and to find her a husband, perferably a rich one. Being rather plain, awkward, and bespecled besides, Joanna has no such hopes for herself. Lord Sedgewick Wylie is not only a dandy, but he is the biggest dandy of them all - actually, he is a social leader. Always, always, impeccably dressed, always with perfect manners, Lord Sedgewick is as different from Joanna as could possibly be. But what society does not know, and would possibly ridicule if they did, is that under that dandified clothing is a smart and educated man - and he is starting to get bored with the society role that he is playing. In short, this is a couple that is different as could possibly be, and would never have even looked at each other, if fate had not intervened, in not one, not two, but three separate "accidents" involving each other, the last one culminating in their forced marriage - although "marriage" for show, and "marriage" for real are two separate things entirely. . . Quite early on in the book, I recognized the plot. Yes, I was right. This book has a similar plot to "The Viscount who Loved me" by Julia Quinn. I checked the publishing dates to see "who cheated" but they were published quite closely together, actually this book was first. . . Maybe this is a fairly common Regency plot device, I haven't read enough Regency books to know if this is so or not. And unlike some previous reviewers, I really liked the character of Lord Sedgewick. He is a refreshing change from the rakes, and more rakes, that seem to populate all the Regency fare that I have read so far. Although a dandy, he is responsible, and uses his position in society wisely - he actually tries to help people. He is not a rake, nor does he gamble in excess, or drink etc. etc. In short, in many ways a paragon. And although he does treat the heroine badly at some point in the book, his reasons are very clear, and believable, to me. Besides, once he gets over his initial reaction, he does apologize, and he even comes to an understanding within himself as to why he treated her this way, and how he will change in the future. Hey, you can't ask for much better than that. Even if I am the only one, I do see a very nice future for the rest of their lives together. I like Allison Lane's style. I like her complicated plots, I liked her *very" complex characters, and I especially liker her *very* realistic portrayal of the issues she has chosen to deal with in this Regency novel. This is one smart lady, and I really enjoyed her writing. I recommend this book for anyone who likes Regencies a bit *darker*, but more realistic, and especially for those who like complicated plots with full-fleshed characters, created by an extremely intelligent author Output: POS Question: When a High Initiate in ECK becomes twisted by the Dark Side . What so many past and even some current chelas overlook is that there is a difference between Sri Harold Klemp, the man, and the ECK which uses and continues to use him as ITS divine channel in all the worlds of God. Recently I took the fourth initiation in ECKANKAR. Yesterday, while in contemplation I sang my new secret word with my attention on the current Living ECK Master and experienced the Light of God. Ford Johnson's assertion that chelas are prevented from becoming Masters is a falsehood. Before Millie Moore translated she had reached the Ninth Initiation, the point at which ECK Mastership commences. It's sad to see a former High Initiate like Ford Johnson who has become 'twisted by the Dark Side' Output: NEG Question: It would be funny if it weren't so sad . Probably the most (although certainly not the only) ludicrous part of this book is the entry on Caroline Higgins, a professor at Earlham College. Horowitz objects to Higgins because she teaches a course on peace activism -- a course taken by students in the Peace and Global Studies program, at a Quaker college. It seems odd, to say the least, for a supposed champion of religious freedom to object to people at a Quaker school voluntarily enrolling in classes devoted to a central Quaker value. That Horowitz resorted to including such a weak objection, and one involving such a tiny private college, shows that he really must have been stretching to get his list to 101 Output: NEG Question: Did not work for me. . I have been a big fan of Mr. Woods since "White Cargo." His books are not great literature, but fun reads with interesting characters and the outcomes are never obvious. This book fail in that I was not able to relate to the characters, too much sex with nothing to do with the story (I am not against sex but it should be relevant, not sensationalistic). Well, you cant hit one out of the park every time. If you Like Woods still of writing and storytelling you need to check out the cult favorite "Tourist in the Yucatan" cool thriller Output: NEG Question: A great program!! . I know DR. Young and Shelley personally. They went to school with my dad and are great people. I have been to their home and retreat center Rancho Del Sol, and it is a great place. I also have been on the Ph Miracle diet for about 6 months now, and it works! I have lost over 20 pounds since then and I have cleared up some nasty protein pools in my blood that Rob found six months ago when I started the program. At first I was a bit skeptical and hesitant to go on the program, but after time I felt that it was working and it was great. The food - which is cooked by a good friend of my family's and is also on the Ph program - is excellent, and the program is great. And, those jerks that attack Rob and Shelley personally are nothing but low-life jerks. Rob and Shelley are wonderful people and great friends of mine. On their retreat to Rancho Del Sol, they went so far out of their way to help me and all of the others on the retreat. And, when you watch Rob do a live blood test, it is fascinating. He presents his findings in conferences that are followed by a great Alkaline lunch. And the findings are very interesting. He bases most of his work on the work of A. Bechamp, an 18th century scientist that was an understudy of Louis Pasture. The facts are there, and quiet fascinating. He (Rob) is brilliant, but a bit excentric. But that is understandable considering his passion for his work. Over all, this program works. I love the alternative path way to health, but do admit that Western methods are needed at times. I just feel that you don't need to "Dope up" on Px drugs at the first sigh of trouble. So I give this 5 stars not just for the program, but for Rob and Shelley as my good friends. But... Do this in moderation to other healthy lifestyles. Don't just go 100 percent Alkaline all of the sudden. Slowly work your way to that wanted PH and be moderate with other health practices. So 5 stars for me. The book presents it all. A great read on the Ph program for weight loss! But do not assume something until you have read the book. And forget what you might think about the program until you read the book and have a sound understanding of Rob's theory. Thank you Rob and Shelley!! Output: POS Question: THE Book on Christian Ethics . This book is, I am convinced the best overall introduction to Christian ethics and the thought of Stanley Hauerwas. Hauerwas has certainly written many wonderful books, but this one stands out in that it encapsulates a fairly coherent and articulate manner, his conception of what Christian ethics is and how they are lived out in the life of the church. Hauerwas first offers a critique of ethics that would have pretentions to a universal status. The way he states this is that all ethics require a qualifier ('Christian', 'Jewish', 'Hindu', etc.). Every concievable ethic is grounded in a tradition and a narrative that gives substance to the ethical claims. Thus, even though Christians believe that Christianity is true and Christian ethics are the right way for all people to live, this reality cannot be known without becoming a Christian, thereby making the stories of Israel and Jesus your story. Thus, Christian ethics are not universal in the sense that they can be percieved as correct by anybody. Rather to understand Christian ethics as true, one must be transformed through participation in Christ through the church. This, of course grounds Hauerwas's claim that the church as a concrete community is the locus of Christian ethical reflection. Obviously, the major theme of this book is nonviolence. Hauerwas grounds this approach solidly on the narrative of the cross and resurrection of Christ which he holds to be decisive for the content of Christian claims about the world and life in it. Over-against those who advocate an ethic of justifiable violence, Hauerwas contends that Christian ethics must be informed by the Biblical narrative of Christ, who won God's victory precisly through rejecting violence and inaugurating God's kingdom of justice and peace which the church is called to embody. Hauerwas's ethic, contra Ramsey, Gustafson, Niebhur, Neuhaus, Stackhouse, Novak and others argues that Christ's teaching, life, death and resurrection should be decisive for our ethics, rather than dismissed as irrelevant. In much of this Hauerwas draws on the excellent work of John Howard Yoder in "The Politics of Jesus" and "The Original Revolution." This is a vitally important book, even for those who disagree with Hauerwas's Christ-centered, ecclesial ethic. He very clearly shows in this book how his ethic takes into account the importance of deicisions and cooperating with non-Christians in the interest of social justice, issues that his critics often ignore in their overblown critques of his work. This is a vital book for Christian theologians, ethicists and the all Christians who desire to take the gospel seriously. Highly recommended Output: POS Question: Are these reviewers as blind as Bobby Jobe? . I mean, come on. A blind golfer? I thought it was an intruiging premise, too, until I tried to hit balls with my eyes closed. I'm a 2-handicapper, and I was completely hapless. So forgive me if my suspension of disbelief came crashing down. That said, Cullen writes a pleasant, if completely farfetched tale, with likeable characters. However, I thought the best parts of the book had nothing to do with golf. The subplot involving the mentally ill father was actually more interesting, believable and touching, and the best part of the book was a short bit about Allegheny men and their pickup trucks. Output: NEG Question: Samson Returns... . In the post-communist world, the Cold War espionage genre may seem a little dated. We have other concerns and fears on our minds now. But for reasons I'll get to below, this novel series is a stand-out from that era, and still well worth reading. This book was actually written after the fall of communism, but the plot takes place a few years before it. In this book Samson returns to work for London Central and deals with a disastrous assignment in East Germany; an internal struggle to keep positions in a down-sizing agency; etc. The book plot is interesting enough, but running alongside it are several series-length plots that continue to engross the reader: can Bernard and his wife Fiona rebuild their marriage after her apparent defection and return? In fact, can Fiona even recover from her ordeal? What about Gloria? I just recently re-read the entire Bernard Samson series (of which this is the seventh out of nine novels). It is one of the best novel series I have ever read, and certainly one of the best espionage genre series ever. There are so many things to like about this series - the in-depth characterizations; the pithy observational asides about people and cultures; the references to multiple languages and their subtleties; the gritty European settings; the hidden plot developments and character motivations that the narrator either can't or won't see; etc. The author claims that each of these books can be read on their own, and perhaps they could be. But you can get a lot more enjoyment out of it if you start at the beginning with _Berlin Game_ (or even better yet - start with the WWII prequel: _Winter_). Output: POS
Sentence: Besides parents, Liu Shaokun (刘绍坤), a Sichuan school teacher, was detained on June 25, 2008 for "disseminating rumors and destroying social order" about the Sichuan earthquake. Liu’s family was later told that he was being investigated on suspicion of the crime of inciting subversion. Liu had travelled to the Shifang, taken photos of collapsed school buildings, and put them online. He had also expressed his anger at “the shoddy tofu-dregs buildings” (豆腐渣工程) in a media interview. He was ordered to serve one year of re-education through labor (RTL). According to the organization Human Rights in China, Liu has been released to serve his RTL sentence outside of the labor camp. Question: Where did he call the schoolhouses shoddy? Ans: in a media interview Sentence: In June 1837 Chopin visited London incognito in the company of the piano manufacturer Camille Pleyel where he played at a musical soirée at the house of English piano maker James Broadwood. On his return to Paris, his association with Sand began in earnest, and by the end of June 1838 they had become lovers. Sand, who was six years older than the composer, and who had had a series of lovers, wrote at this time: "I must say I was confused and amazed at the effect this little creature had on me ... I have still not recovered from my astonishment, and if I were a proud person I should be feeling humiliated at having been carried away ..." The two spent a miserable winter on Majorca (8 November 1838 to 13 February 1839), where, together with Sand's two children, they had journeyed in the hope of improving the health of Chopin and that of Sand's 15-year-old son Maurice, and also to escape the threats of Sand's former lover Félicien Mallefille. After discovering that the couple were not married, the deeply traditional Catholic people of Majorca became inhospitable, making accommodation difficult to find. This compelled the group to take lodgings in a former Carthusian monastery in Valldemossa, which gave little shelter from the cold winter weather. Question: Where did Chopin and Sand go between November 1838 and February 1839? Ans: Majorca Sentence: In April, during the Revolution of 1848 in Paris, he left for London, where he performed at several concerts and at numerous receptions in great houses. This tour was suggested to him by his Scottish pupil Jane Stirling and her elder sister. Stirling also made all the logistical arrangements and provided much of the necessary funding. Question: Where did Chopin head to during the Revolution of 1848? Ans: London Sentence: Chopin made his last public appearance on a concert platform at London's Guildhall on 16 November 1848, when, in a final patriotic gesture, he played for the benefit of Polish refugees. By this time he was very seriously ill, weighing under 99 pounds (i.e. less than 45 kg), and his doctors were aware that his sickness was at a terminal stage. Question: Where was Chopin's last public performance? Ans: Guildhall Sentence: In June 1837 Chopin visited London incognito in the company of the piano manufacturer Camille Pleyel where he played at a musical soirée at the house of English piano maker James Broadwood. On his return to Paris, his association with Sand began in earnest, and by the end of June 1838 they had become lovers. Sand, who was six years older than the composer, and who had had a series of lovers, wrote at this time: "I must say I was confused and amazed at the effect this little creature had on me ... I have still not recovered from my astonishment, and if I were a proud person I should be feeling humiliated at having been carried away ..." The two spent a miserable winter on Majorca (8 November 1838 to 13 February 1839), where, together with Sand's two children, they had journeyed in the hope of improving the health of Chopin and that of Sand's 15-year-old son Maurice, and also to escape the threats of Sand's former lover Félicien Mallefille. After discovering that the couple were not married, the deeply traditional Catholic people of Majorca became inhospitable, making accommodation difficult to find. This compelled the group to take lodgings in a former Carthusian monastery in Valldemossa, which gave little shelter from the cold winter weather. Question: After it became known that Sands and Chopin were unmarried where did they end up taking up shelter? Ans: a former Carthusian monastery Sentence: Although this period had been productive, the bad weather had such a detrimental effect on Chopin's health that Sand determined to leave the island. To avoid further customs duties, Sand sold the piano to a local French couple, the Canuts.[n 8] The group traveled first to Barcelona, then to Marseilles, where they stayed for a few months while Chopin convalesced. In May 1839 they headed for the summer to Sand's estate at Nohant, where they spent most summers until 1846. In autumn they returned to Paris, where Chopin's apartment at 5 rue Tronchet was close to Sand's rented accommodation at the rue Pigalle. He frequently visited Sand in the evenings, but both retained some independence. In 1842 he and Sand moved to the Square d'Orléans, living in adjacent buildings. Question: Where did Frédéric and Sand move to in 1842 in buildings next to each other? Ans: Square d'Orléans Sentence: P. Christiaan Klieger, an anthropologist and scholar of the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, writes that the vice royalty of the Sakya regime installed by the Mongols established a patron and priest relationship between Tibetans and Mongol converts to Tibetan Buddhism. According to him, the Tibetan lamas and Mongol khans upheld a "mutual role of religious prelate and secular patron," respectively. He adds that "Although agreements were made between Tibetan leaders and Mongol khans, Ming and Qing emperors, it was the Republic of China and its Communist successors that assumed the former imperial tributaries and subject states as integral parts of the Chinese nation-state." Question: Where does P. Christiaan Klieger work? Ans: the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco Sentence: In September 2010, Beyoncé made her runway modelling debut at Tom Ford's Spring/Summer 2011 fashion show. She was named "World's Most Beautiful Woman" by People and the "Hottest Female Singer of All Time" by Complex in 2012. In January 2013, GQ placed her on its cover, featuring her atop its "100 Sexiest Women of the 21st Century" list. VH1 listed her at number 1 on its 100 Sexiest Artists list. Several wax figures of Beyoncé are found at Madame Tussauds Wax Museums in major cities around the world, including New York, Washington, D.C., Amsterdam, Bangkok, Hollywood and Sydney. Question: Beyonce's first modelling event was at where? Ans: Tom Ford's Spring/Summer 2011 fashion show Sentence: In the spring of 1834, Chopin attended the Lower Rhenish Music Festival in Aix-la-Chapelle with Hiller, and it was there that Chopin met Felix Mendelssohn. After the festival, the three visited Düsseldorf, where Mendelssohn had been appointed musical director. They spent what Mendelssohn described as "a very agreeable day", playing and discussing music at his piano, and met Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow, director of the Academy of Art, and some of his eminent pupils such as Lessing, Bendemann, Hildebrandt and Sohn. In 1835 Chopin went to Carlsbad, where he spent time with his parents; it was the last time he would see them. On his way back to Paris, he met old friends from Warsaw, the Wodzińskis. He had made the acquaintance of their daughter Maria in Poland five years earlier, when she was eleven. This meeting prompted him to stay for two weeks in Dresden, when he had previously intended to return to Paris via Leipzig. The sixteen-year-old girl's portrait of the composer is considered, along with Delacroix's, as among Chopin's best likenesses. In October he finally reached Leipzig, where he met Schumann, Clara Wieck and Felix Mendelssohn, who organised for him a performance of his own oratorio St. Paul, and who considered him "a perfect musician". In July 1836 Chopin travelled to Marienbad and Dresden to be with the Wodziński family, and in September he proposed to Maria, whose mother Countess Wodzińska approved in principle. Chopin went on to Leipzig, where he presented Schumann with his G minor Ballade. At the end of 1836 he sent Maria an album in which his sister Ludwika had inscribed seven of his songs, and his 1835 Nocturne in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 1. The anodyne thanks he received from Maria proved to be the last letter he was to have from her. Question: Where did Chopin meet Felix Mendelssohn? Ans: the Lower Rhenish Music Festival Sentence: P. Christiaan Klieger, an anthropologist and scholar of the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, writes that the vice royalty of the Sakya regime installed by the Mongols established a patron and priest relationship between Tibetans and Mongol converts to Tibetan Buddhism. According to him, the Tibetan lamas and Mongol khans upheld a "mutual role of religious prelate and secular patron," respectively. He adds that "Although agreements were made between Tibetan leaders and Mongol khans, Ming and Qing emperors, it was the Republic of China and its Communist successors that assumed the former imperial tributaries and subject states as integral parts of the Chinese nation-state." Question: Where does P. Christiaan Klieger work? Ans: the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco Sentence: Fryderyk's father, Nicolas Chopin, was a Frenchman from Lorraine who had emigrated to Poland in 1787 at the age of sixteen. Nicolas tutored children of the Polish aristocracy, and in 1806 married Justyna Krzyżanowska, a poor relative of the Skarbeks, one of the families for whom he worked. Fryderyk was baptized on Easter Sunday, 23 April 1810, in the same church where his parents had married, in Brochów. His eighteen-year-old godfather, for whom he was named, was Fryderyk Skarbek, a pupil of Nicolas Chopin. Fryderyk was the couple's second child and only son; he had an elder sister, Ludwika (1807–55), and two younger sisters, Izabela (1811–81) and Emilia (1812–27). Nicolas was devoted to his adopted homeland, and insisted on the use of the Polish language in the household. Question: Where was Chopin's father from? Ans: Lorraine Sentence: During his travels beginning in 1403, Deshin Shekpa was induced by further exhortations by the Ming court to visit Nanjing by April 10, 1407. Norbu writes that the Yongle Emperor, following the tradition of Mongol emperors and their reverence for the Sakya lamas, showed an enormous amount of deference towards Deshin Shekpa. The Yongle Emperor came out of the palace in Nanjing to greet the Karmapa and did not require him to kowtow like a tributary vassal. According to Karma Thinley, the emperor gave the Karmapa the place of honor at his left, and on a higher throne than his own. Rossabi and others describe a similar arrangement made by Kublai Khan and the Sakya Phagpa lama, writing that Kublai would "sit on a lower platform than the Tibetan cleric" when receiving religious instructions from him. Question: Where did the Yongle Emperor greet the Karmapa? Ans: Nanjing Sentence: Fryderyk's father, Nicolas Chopin, was a Frenchman from Lorraine who had emigrated to Poland in 1787 at the age of sixteen. Nicolas tutored children of the Polish aristocracy, and in 1806 married Justyna Krzyżanowska, a poor relative of the Skarbeks, one of the families for whom he worked. Fryderyk was baptized on Easter Sunday, 23 April 1810, in the same church where his parents had married, in Brochów. His eighteen-year-old godfather, for whom he was named, was Fryderyk Skarbek, a pupil of Nicolas Chopin. Fryderyk was the couple's second child and only son; he had an elder sister, Ludwika (1807–55), and two younger sisters, Izabela (1811–81) and Emilia (1812–27). Nicolas was devoted to his adopted homeland, and insisted on the use of the Polish language in the household. Question: Where was Chopin's father from? Ans: Lorraine Sentence: Twilight Princess takes place several centuries after Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and begins with a youth named Link who is working as a ranch hand in Ordon Village. One day, the village is attacked by Bulblins, who carry off the village's children with Link in pursuit before he encounters a wall of Twilight. A Shadow Beast pulls him beyond the wall into the Realm of Twilight, where he is transformed into a wolf and imprisoned. Link is soon freed by an imp-like Twilight being named Midna, who dislikes Link but agrees to help him if he obeys her unconditionally. She guides him to Princess Zelda. Zelda explains that Zant, the King of the Twilight, has stolen the light from three of the four Light Spirits and conquered Hyrule. In order to save Hyrule, Link must first restore the Light Spirits by entering the Twilight-covered areas and, as a wolf, recover the Spirits' lost light. He must do this by collecting the multiple "Tears of Light"; once all the Tears of Light are collected for one area, he restores that area's Light Spirit. As he restores them, the Light Spirits return Link to his Hylian form. Question: Where is Link working as a ranch hand? Ans: Ordon Village Sentence: In August, the couple attended the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, at which Beyoncé performed "Love on Top" and started the performance saying "Tonight I want you to stand up on your feet, I want you to feel the love that's growing inside of me". At the end of the performance, she dropped her microphone, unbuttoned her blazer and rubbed her stomach, confirming her pregnancy she had alluded to earlier in the evening. Her appearance helped that year's MTV Video Music Awards become the most-watched broadcast in MTV history, pulling in 12.4 million viewers; the announcement was listed in Guinness World Records for "most tweets per second recorded for a single event" on Twitter, receiving 8,868 tweets per second and "Beyonce pregnant" was the most Googled term the week of August 29, 2011. Question: Where did she announce her pregnancy? Ans: 2011 MTV Video Music Awards Sentence: The context-sensitive button mechanic allows one button to serve a variety of functions, such as talking, opening doors, and pushing, pulling, and throwing objects.[e] The on-screen display shows what action, if any, the button will trigger, determined by the situation. For example, if Link is holding a rock, the context-sensitive button will cause Link to throw the rock if he is moving or targeting an object or enemy, or place the rock on the ground if he is standing still.[f] Question: If Link is not moving, where will he put the projectile he's carrying? Ans: on the ground Sentence: In 2015-2016, Notre Dame ranked 18th overall among "national universities" in the United States in U.S. News & World Report's Best Colleges 2016. In 2014, USA Today ranked Notre Dame 10th overall for American universities based on data from College Factual. Forbes.com's America's Best Colleges ranks Notre Dame 13th among colleges in the United States in 2015, 8th among Research Universities, and 1st in the Midwest. U.S. News & World Report also lists Notre Dame Law School as 22nd overall. BusinessWeek ranks Mendoza College of Business undergraduate school as 1st overall. It ranks the MBA program as 20th overall. The Philosophical Gourmet Report ranks Notre Dame's graduate philosophy program as 15th nationally, while ARCHITECT Magazine ranked the undergraduate architecture program as 12th nationally. Additionally, the study abroad program ranks sixth in highest participation percentage in the nation, with 57.6% of students choosing to study abroad in 17 countries. According to payscale.com, undergraduate alumni of University of Notre Dame have a mid-career median salary $110,000, making it the 24th highest among colleges and universities in the United States. The median starting salary of $55,300 ranked 58th in the same peer group. Question: The undergrad school at the Mendoza College of Business was ranked where according to BusinessWeek? Ans: 1st overall Sentence: In 2006, Beyoncé introduced her all-female tour band Suga Mama (also the name of a song in B'Day) which includes bassists, drummers, guitarists, horn players, keyboardists and percussionists. Her background singers, The Mamas, consist of Montina Cooper-Donnell, Crystal Collins and Tiffany Moniqué Riddick. They made their debut appearance at the 2006 BET Awards and re-appeared in the music videos for "Irreplaceable" and "Green Light". The band have supported Beyoncé in most subsequent live performances, including her 2007 concert tour The Beyoncé Experience, 2009–2010 I Am... World Tour and 2013–2014 The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour. Question: Where did Suga Mama band make their first appearance? Ans: 2006 BET Awards Sentence: Although this period had been productive, the bad weather had such a detrimental effect on Chopin's health that Sand determined to leave the island. To avoid further customs duties, Sand sold the piano to a local French couple, the Canuts.[n 8] The group traveled first to Barcelona, then to Marseilles, where they stayed for a few months while Chopin convalesced. In May 1839 they headed for the summer to Sand's estate at Nohant, where they spent most summers until 1846. In autumn they returned to Paris, where Chopin's apartment at 5 rue Tronchet was close to Sand's rented accommodation at the rue Pigalle. He frequently visited Sand in the evenings, but both retained some independence. In 1842 he and Sand moved to the Square d'Orléans, living in adjacent buildings. Question: Where did the group travel to after Barcelona? Ans: Marseilles Sentence: In June 1837 Chopin visited London incognito in the company of the piano manufacturer Camille Pleyel where he played at a musical soirée at the house of English piano maker James Broadwood. On his return to Paris, his association with Sand began in earnest, and by the end of June 1838 they had become lovers. Sand, who was six years older than the composer, and who had had a series of lovers, wrote at this time: "I must say I was confused and amazed at the effect this little creature had on me ... I have still not recovered from my astonishment, and if I were a proud person I should be feeling humiliated at having been carried away ..." The two spent a miserable winter on Majorca (8 November 1838 to 13 February 1839), where, together with Sand's two children, they had journeyed in the hope of improving the health of Chopin and that of Sand's 15-year-old son Maurice, and also to escape the threats of Sand's former lover Félicien Mallefille. After discovering that the couple were not married, the deeply traditional Catholic people of Majorca became inhospitable, making accommodation difficult to find. This compelled the group to take lodgings in a former Carthusian monastery in Valldemossa, which gave little shelter from the cold winter weather. Question: Where did Chopin and Sand stay in Valldemossa? Ans: a former Carthusian monastery Sentence: In order to seek out the Karmapa, the Yongle Emperor dispatched his eunuch Hou Xian and the Buddhist monk Zhi Guang (d. 1435) to Tibet. Traveling to Lhasa either through Qinghai or via the Silk Road to Khotan, Hou Xian and Zhi Guang did not return to Nanjing until 1407. Question: Where did Hou Xian and Zhi Guang travel through on their way to the Karmapa? Ans: through Qinghai or via the Silk Road to Khotan Sentence: In the spring of 1834, Chopin attended the Lower Rhenish Music Festival in Aix-la-Chapelle with Hiller, and it was there that Chopin met Felix Mendelssohn. After the festival, the three visited Düsseldorf, where Mendelssohn had been appointed musical director. They spent what Mendelssohn described as "a very agreeable day", playing and discussing music at his piano, and met Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow, director of the Academy of Art, and some of his eminent pupils such as Lessing, Bendemann, Hildebrandt and Sohn. In 1835 Chopin went to Carlsbad, where he spent time with his parents; it was the last time he would see them. On his way back to Paris, he met old friends from Warsaw, the Wodzińskis. He had made the acquaintance of their daughter Maria in Poland five years earlier, when she was eleven. This meeting prompted him to stay for two weeks in Dresden, when he had previously intended to return to Paris via Leipzig. The sixteen-year-old girl's portrait of the composer is considered, along with Delacroix's, as among Chopin's best likenesses. In October he finally reached Leipzig, where he met Schumann, Clara Wieck and Felix Mendelssohn, who organised for him a performance of his own oratorio St. Paul, and who considered him "a perfect musician". In July 1836 Chopin travelled to Marienbad and Dresden to be with the Wodziński family, and in September he proposed to Maria, whose mother Countess Wodzińska approved in principle. Chopin went on to Leipzig, where he presented Schumann with his G minor Ballade. At the end of 1836 he sent Maria an album in which his sister Ludwika had inscribed seven of his songs, and his 1835 Nocturne in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 1. The anodyne thanks he received from Maria proved to be the last letter he was to have from her. Question: In 1835 where did Chopin and his parents visit? Ans: Carlsbad Sentence: In his native Poland, in France, where he composed most of his works, and beyond, Chopin's music, his status as one of music's earliest superstars, his association (if only indirect) with political insurrection, his love life and his early death have made him, in the public consciousness, a leading symbol of the Romantic era. His works remain popular, and he has been the subject of numerous films and biographies of varying degrees of historical accuracy. Question: Chopin is a native of what country? Ans: Poland Sentence: The name Montana comes from the Spanish word Montaña, meaning "mountain", or more broadly, "mountainous country". Montaña del Norte was the name given by early Spanish explorers to the entire mountainous region of the west. The name Montana was added to a bill by the United States House Committee on Territories, which was chaired at the time by Rep. James Ashley of Ohio, for the territory that would become Idaho Territory. The name was successfully changed by Representatives Henry Wilson (Massachusetts) and Benjamin F. Harding (Oregon), who complained that Montana had "no meaning". When Ashley presented a bill to establish a temporary government in 1864 for a new territory to be carved out of Idaho, he again chose Montana Territory. This time Rep. Samuel Cox, also of Ohio, objected to the name. Cox complained that the name was a misnomer given that most of the territory was not mountainous and that a Native American name would be more appropriate than a Spanish one. Other names such as Shoshone were suggested, but it was eventually decided that the Committee on Territories could name it whatever they wanted, so the original name of Montana was adopted. Question: Where does the state's name mean? Ans: "mountain" Sentence: Bond and Swann return to London where they meet M, Bill Tanner, Q, and Moneypenny; they intend to arrest C and stop Nine Eyes from going online. Swann leaves Bond, telling him she cannot be part of a life involving espionage, and is subsequently kidnapped. On the way, the group is ambushed and Bond is kidnapped, but the rest still proceed with the plan. After Q succeeds in preventing the Nine Eyes from going online, a brief struggle between M and C ends with the latter falling to his death. Meanwhile, Bond is taken to the old MI6 building, which is scheduled for demolition, and frees himself. Moving throughout the ruined labyrinth, he encounters a disfigured Blofeld, who tells him that he has three minutes to escape the building before explosives are detonated or die trying to save Swann. Bond finds Swann and the two escape by boat as the building collapses. Bond shoots down Blofeld's helicopter, which crashes onto Westminster Bridge. As Blofeld crawls away from the wreckage, Bond confronts him but ultimately leaves him to be arrested by M. Bond leaves the bridge with Swann. Question: Where does Blofeld get arrested? Ans: Westminster Bridge Sentence: Notre Dame's conference affiliations for all of its sports except football and fencing changed in July 2013 as a result of major conference realignment, and its fencing affiliation will change in July 2014. The Irish left the Big East for the ACC during a prolonged period of instability in the Big East; while they maintain their football independence, they have committed to play five games per season against ACC opponents. In ice hockey, the Irish were forced to find a new conference home after the Big Ten Conference's decision to add the sport in 2013–14 led to a cascade of conference moves that culminated in the dissolution of the school's former hockey home, the Central Collegiate Hockey Association, after the 2012–13 season. Notre Dame moved its hockey team to Hockey East. After Notre Dame joined the ACC, the conference announced it would add fencing as a sponsored sport beginning in the 2014–15 school year. There are many theories behind the adoption of the athletics moniker but it is known that the Fighting Irish name was used in the early 1920s with respect to the football team and was popularized by alumnus Francis Wallace in his New York Daily News columns. The official colors of Notre Dame are Navy Blue and Gold Rush which are worn in competition by its athletic teams. In addition, the color green is often worn because of the Fighting Irish nickname. The Notre Dame Leprechaun is the mascot of the athletic teams. Created by Theodore W. Drake in 1964, the leprechaun was first used on the football pocket schedule and later on the football program covers. The leprechaun was featured on the cover of Time in November 1964 and gained national exposure. Question: Where did the Fighting Irish hockey team compete prior to a move to Hockey East, in terms of conference? Ans: Central Collegiate Hockey Association Sentence: Her fourth studio album 4 was released on June 28, 2011 in the US. 4 sold 310,000 copies in its first week and debuted atop the Billboard 200 chart, giving Beyoncé her fourth consecutive number-one album in the US. The album was preceded by two of its singles "Run the World (Girls)" and "Best Thing I Never Had", which both attained moderate success. The fourth single "Love on Top" was a commercial success in the US. 4 also produced four other singles; "Party", "Countdown", "I Care" and "End of Time". "Eat, Play, Love", a cover story written by Beyoncé for Essence that detailed her 2010 career break, won her a writing award from the New York Association of Black Journalists. In late 2011, she took the stage at New York's Roseland Ballroom for four nights of special performances: the 4 Intimate Nights with Beyoncé concerts saw the performance of her 4 album to a standing room only. Question: Where did Beyoncé perform for four nights of standing room only concerts in 2011? Ans: New York's Roseland Ballroom Sentence: Although this period had been productive, the bad weather had such a detrimental effect on Chopin's health that Sand determined to leave the island. To avoid further customs duties, Sand sold the piano to a local French couple, the Canuts.[n 8] The group traveled first to Barcelona, then to Marseilles, where they stayed for a few months while Chopin convalesced. In May 1839 they headed for the summer to Sand's estate at Nohant, where they spent most summers until 1846. In autumn they returned to Paris, where Chopin's apartment at 5 rue Tronchet was close to Sand's rented accommodation at the rue Pigalle. He frequently visited Sand in the evenings, but both retained some independence. In 1842 he and Sand moved to the Square d'Orléans, living in adjacent buildings. Question: After returning to Paris where was Chopin's apartment? Ans: 5 rue Tronchet Sentence: Montana i/mɒnˈtænə/ is a state in the Western region of the United States. The state's name is derived from the Spanish word montaña (mountain). Montana has several nicknames, although none official, including "Big Sky Country" and "The Treasure State", and slogans that include "Land of the Shining Mountains" and more recently "The Last Best Place". Montana is ranked 4th in size, but 44th in population and 48th in population density of the 50 United States. The western third of Montana contains numerous mountain ranges. Smaller island ranges are found throughout the state. In total, 77 named ranges are part of the Rocky Mountains. Question: Where does the state's name come from? Ans: from the Spanish word montaña Sentence: Spectre was released on 26 October 2015 in the United Kingdom on the same night as the world premiere at the Royal Albert Hall in London, followed by a worldwide release. It was released in the United States on 6 November 2015. It became the second James Bond film to be screened in IMAX venues after Skyfall, although it was not filmed with IMAX cameras. Spectre received mixed reviews upon its release; although criticised for its length, lack of screen time for new characters, and writing, it received praise for its action sequences and cinematography. The theme song, "Writing's on the Wall", received mixed reviews, particularly compared to the previous theme; nevertheless, it won the Golden Globe for Best Original Song and was nominated for the Academy Award in the same category. As of 20 February 2016[update], Spectre has grossed over $879 million worldwide. Question: Where was the first screening of Spectre? Ans: Royal Albert Hall in London Sentence: Football gameday traditions During home games, activities occur all around campus and different dorms decorate their halls with a traditional item (e.g. Zahm House's two-story banner). Traditional activities begin at the stroke of midnight with the Drummers' Circle. This tradition involves the drum line of the Band of the Fighting Irish and ushers in the rest of the festivities that will continue the rest of the gameday Saturday. Later that day, the trumpet section will play the Notre Dame Victory March and the Notre Dame Alma Mater under the dome. The band entire will play a concert at the steps of Bond Hall, from where they will march into Notre Dame Stadium, leading fans and students alike across campus to the game. Question: From where does the Band of the Fighting Irish lead a march to the Notre Dame Stadium for football home games? Ans: the steps of Bond Hall Sentence: On February 6, 2016, one day before her performance at the Super Bowl, Beyoncé released a new single exclusively on music streaming service Tidal called "Formation". Question: Where did Beyoncé exclusively release her single, Formation? Ans: Tidal Sentence: The GameCube and Wii versions feature several minor differences in their controls. The Wii version of the game makes use of the motion sensors and built-in speaker of the Wii Remote. The speaker emits the sounds of a bowstring when shooting an arrow, Midna's laugh when she gives advice to Link, and the series' trademark "chime" when discovering secrets. The player controls Link's sword by swinging the Wii Remote. Other attacks are triggered using similar gestures with the Nunchuk. Unique to the GameCube version is the ability for the player to control the camera freely, without entering a special "lookaround" mode required by the Wii; however, in the GameCube version, only two of Link's secondary weapons can be equipped at a time, as opposed to four in the Wii version.[g] Question: Where is the speaker located on the Wii console? Ans: Wii Remote Sentence: Although this period had been productive, the bad weather had such a detrimental effect on Chopin's health that Sand determined to leave the island. To avoid further customs duties, Sand sold the piano to a local French couple, the Canuts.[n 8] The group traveled first to Barcelona, then to Marseilles, where they stayed for a few months while Chopin convalesced. In May 1839 they headed for the summer to Sand's estate at Nohant, where they spent most summers until 1846. In autumn they returned to Paris, where Chopin's apartment at 5 rue Tronchet was close to Sand's rented accommodation at the rue Pigalle. He frequently visited Sand in the evenings, but both retained some independence. In 1842 he and Sand moved to the Square d'Orléans, living in adjacent buildings. Question: Where did Frédéric and Sand move to in 1842 in buildings next to each other? Ans: Square d'Orléans Sentence: The GameCube and Wii versions feature several minor differences in their controls. The Wii version of the game makes use of the motion sensors and built-in speaker of the Wii Remote. The speaker emits the sounds of a bowstring when shooting an arrow, Midna's laugh when she gives advice to Link, and the series' trademark "chime" when discovering secrets. The player controls Link's sword by swinging the Wii Remote. Other attacks are triggered using similar gestures with the Nunchuk. Unique to the GameCube version is the ability for the player to control the camera freely, without entering a special "lookaround" mode required by the Wii; however, in the GameCube version, only two of Link's secondary weapons can be equipped at a time, as opposed to four in the Wii version.[g] Question: Where is the speaker located on the Wii console? Ans: Wii Remote Sentence: Although it is not known exactly when Chopin first met Liszt after arriving in Paris, on 12 December 1831 he mentioned in a letter to his friend Woyciechowski that "I have met Rossini, Cherubini, Baillot, etc.—also Kalkbrenner. You would not believe how curious I was about Herz, Liszt, Hiller, etc." Liszt was in attendance at Chopin's Parisian debut on 26 February 1832 at the Salle Pleyel, which led him to remark: "The most vigorous applause seemed not to suffice to our enthusiasm in the presence of this talented musician, who revealed a new phase of poetic sentiment combined with such happy innovation in the form of his art." Question: Where was Chopin's first concert in Paris held? Ans: the Salle Pleyel Sentence: In October 1810, six months after Fryderyk's birth, the family moved to Warsaw, where his father acquired a post teaching French at the Warsaw Lyceum, then housed in the Saxon Palace. Fryderyk lived with his family in the Palace grounds. The father played the flute and violin; the mother played the piano and gave lessons to boys in the boarding house that the Chopins kept. Chopin was of slight build, and even in early childhood was prone to illnesses. Question: Where did Frédéric live with his family while they were in Warsaw? Ans: the Palace grounds Sentence: In October 1810, six months after Fryderyk's birth, the family moved to Warsaw, where his father acquired a post teaching French at the Warsaw Lyceum, then housed in the Saxon Palace. Fryderyk lived with his family in the Palace grounds. The father played the flute and violin; the mother played the piano and gave lessons to boys in the boarding house that the Chopins kept. Chopin was of slight build, and even in early childhood was prone to illnesses. Question: Where did Chopin's father get a teaching position? Ans: Warsaw Lyceum
### Context: Review: We booked thru hotwire which we have a high percentage of positive outcomes. I was very happy when we saw that we would be staying at The Knickerbocker-as I had stayed when I was younger. We reserved a King Non-Smoker. Upon arriving we were told that they did not have that and we only had the choice of a Smoking room. When argued they stated "well you booked thru hotwire so you do not have priority". As we entered the room I noticed the bathroom door was off track and the bathroom light did not turn on. We called the front desk and they fixed the door but not the light. Later that eveing as I took a shower the seal around the shower was so poor water got all over the floor and towels. Also, I must add the room reaked of smoke. The next day when we checked the front desk clerk asked how our stay was and when we told him the problems, he told us the total and had not concern of our issues. We also checked in our bags for the day, and the bellmen came quickly and made very rude comments about us hurrying up so he could get on with his day. We realized a bit later that we forgot something in one of the bags and was told they would not get them back out. STAY AWAY-even if you get a good deal!! Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: The Palmer House Hlton Hotel has to be the nicest hotel I have stayed at in Chicago. I went to Chicago on a business trip for a meeting. When I arrived once I walked in, the lobby was beautiful, I couldn't hardly wait to see my room. The rooms were just as nice, the bathroom was immaculate! We had a meeting in the Clark Meeting Room, even that was nice! I wanted to take a tour of the hotel itself! I was there for about 3 days and because of how convenient the hotel was to a lot of major attractions like, Grant Park, Lake Michigan, Mag Mile which is a shopping heaven, and the Navy Pier, it never really like the normal stressed out meetings. I love Chicago and I now have a new favorite hotel to stay at while I'm in town. Polarity: Negative A: false ### Context: Review: We booked through a travel website. This hotel is currently undergoing major renovation and will be renamed in September. The public areas are still being renovated but the hallways and rooms are done. The hallway was so dimly lit, we couldn't see how to use the key card. The shock came when we entered the room. Whoever designed it obviously did not take function or a guest's comfort into consideration. The bed was a mere 15 inches off the ground - a mattress (rock hard) over a platform. The "nigh stands" were shelves attached to the wall at around 12 inches height. The room was stark - all off-white, no color. No art work or any decoration at all. The full-length drapes completely blocked the air conditioning unit; if it were winter and the heat was on, I think this could be dangerous. There was a desk & chair but no clock/radio in the room; there was a wall mounted LCD tv with very poor channel selection. The bathroom was very small but clean. The problem with it was that the tub was almost 2 ft high and difficult to step in to. An older person could have never stayed in the room. Because of the renovation, there was no restaurant on-site. No vending or ice available on the floor either I can't see anyone ever becoming a repeat guest at this hotel. I would never stay there again. Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: Do NOT stay at this hotel! A friend and I booked a 3-night stay one weekend when we were visiting a friend in Chicago. Though it was a bit pricy, we decided on the Knickerbocker because it was in a great location, and the rooms looked large and well-kept. Our flight was delayed so we arrived a few hours after the designated check in time. However, despite calling the hotel in advance to notify them of our delay, when we arrived they gave us a hard time and we had to wait an HOUR until we were allowed up to our room. The concierge and manager were both extremely rude to us, and made it seem like we were a huge inconvenience to them by arriving so late. To top it off, the maid service was terrible. The only thing they seemed to do was make the bed; no vacuuming, no fresh towels, etc. We didn't want to stay the third night, but were forced to in order to avoid a ridiculous cancellation fee. This hotel is way too much money for the services they provide, you'd be better off staying in a Motel 6. Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: We were amazed by this hotel. The first great part is the location. Its so close to some of the great shopping the city has to offer. The view from the terrace suite at night was breathtaking looking over Chicago. They even had a florist, as I bought my wife a rose. The menus, the lobby, everything was fantastic. The room was clean when we arrived as it was every time we came back to it each day. I didn't use the fitness center but it looked very nice, I did however visit the bar....and when i return to Chicago, I will again. Polarity: Positive A: true ### Context: Review: I wouldn't know how to begin to write something negative about the Millenium Knickerbocker Hotel in Chicago. Everything about this hotel is fantastic from the outside of the building to the hotel lobby all the way to the rooms. With very clean and plush rooms, this is the place to stay! When you are not at the hotel eating at the elegant dining area or having a great breakfast first thing in the morning, there is plenty to do around the town. Take a shopping spree down Michigan Ave or head to one of the museums or the pier to look around. Whatever you decide to do, you can't go wrong. This place is wonderful! Polarity: Positive A: true ### Context: Review: My wife and I stayed at the allegro this weekend while I was on a business trip. I was very impressed with their hospitality and my wife very much(maybe too much) enjoyed the in-house spa. Rooms service was a bit slow but, overall great hotel would stay again. Polarity: Negative A: false ### Context: Review: Elegant lobby, comfy beds, nice sheets but, we were given a (not fancy, a little dated) room on the 5th floor which had a view of the monstrous venting structure, and was located off the lobby so we heard the elevator all night. At the Hilton, one is charged for Internet access on each device per hour. (We stayed in the middle of Ohio and received total access for free.) We didn't drink the $6.00 water or try the $28. Breakfast buffet. The staff was friendly, but of course you tip for a smile. They did give us a cot for free as we had asked for a room with a fold-out couch as we were a party of 5. Didn't use the gym or pool on the 8th floor, but looked nice (small pool.) No view of the water possible, though we were right at Grant Park. We tried to view the fireworks from a higher story, no such luck. ...read more Polarity: Negative A: true ### Context: Review: Upon my arrival at the Hotel Allegro in Chicago I had to wait to be helped by a bellman for 10 minutes while I waited outside in the towncar. The bellman that ended up assisting me dropped two of my suitcases as he pushed his cart through the lobby. The front desk service rep was busy on the phone when I approched and raised a finger to me to hold on while she finished her call. Once I recieved my key and entered my room I realized that I had been checked into a dirty room. I called the front desk and asked for a new room and the same desk rep. that I had previously checked in with told me that there wern't anymore available rooms. She told me that I needed to come back down to the lobby. As I approched the desk I heard her yelling at a housekeeper. She then told me that it would be a 15 minute wait and my room would be ready. I didn't have the energy to complain at that point having traveled on a plane for the past 4 hours so I just sat in the lobby waiting for my room to be cleaned. While I was waiting I watched another person being checked in and they were not only given a room without a reservation but they were upgraded to a suite at no extra charge - why was I not given that suite after what I just went through? 35 minutes later the desk rep came over to me and let me know that my room was ready. I went back up to the same room that I had previously entered. It was clean but there was no toliet paper and no towels. I called back down to the desk rep and she said house keeping would be on thier way with the items. If my stay wasn't already horrible enough after I changed and went down to the 312 retaurant connected to the hotel I ended up having to wait 30 minutes after the reservation I had made to be seated. The meal was ok but nothing like I had expected it to be when I read about it online. I can honestly say I will never be returning to this hotel nor this restaurant. Polarity: Negative A: true ### Context: Review: This hotel is a shambles-furniture literally falling apart and a staff that is both rude and uninformed, nevermind the lack of security and the absence of the so-called amenities. The "fitness center" is an oversized closet! We were appalled during our stay! Truly anticipated "warm, Irish hospitality" and short of a barman, no one was Irish, warm or hospitable! Manager was unresponsive to our needs and front desk attendent was incredibly rude when we made a simple request. Her manager (?) refused to come out of the office when she called to ask them to speak with us. Room was pretty at first glance but when dresser drawers fell out and the major construction of the hospital next door began at 7:30am it is not the kind of experience anyone could tolerate. To call this a Red Roof Inn would be an insult to RRI! The manager that finally called us back was soooo fake and insincere that we would have prefered no call at all. The only thing they have going for them is the location but its not worth the trade-off. Polarity: Negative A: true ### Context: Review: I was very happy with my stay at the Knickerbocker. The room were nice, and the staff was excellent. I was able to stay here for $80 per night thru Priceline. That was an incredible bargain in my opinion .. this hotel is very nice. It has an excellent location ... just off of Michigan Ave. All of the best shopping in Chicago can be found right around the corner. It's a great location ... very close to many great attractions. If there is any negative it would be that there is no swimming pool, but I think that is common with a lot of the older hotels in Chicago, I would definately recommend this place ... hopefully I will be able to stay there again in the future. Polarity: Negative A: false ### Context: Review: My wife and I stayed at the Conrad Chicago Hilton a few weeks back. I had a conference in the Windy City, and my wife decided she'd come along to do some shopping. First off let me say, typically I LOVE staying in hotels - any chance I get, i'll spend it away from home in a comfy hotel bed. That said, this place was terrible. The room had a slight odor to it, kind of a fishy smell. The people at the front desk were rude to us. And I found a soiled pair of women's panties under the bed. Gross! Not to mention that once we got home, we both had bug bites up and down our legs--- now we're worried we brought bedbugs home with us! If I could take this trip back I would. What a terrible place. Shame on you Conrad Hilton, shame on you! Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: My stay at the Homewood Suites in downtown Chicago was without a doubt one of the worst hotel experiences in my live. I was there for a week long conference. Although my reservations had been made months in advance, they did not have a suite for me when I arrived, resulting in having to stay in another hotel for the first night. Once my room was ready, I was disappointed by the cleanliness and the limitation of the kitchen: barely large enough to move around, and very few utensils to cook with. The pool was only open for limited hours, and I should not have bothered bringing a swimsuit. At night I was kept awake by the noise coming from adjacent rooms and the traffic outside. My overall experience was a stay in an overpriced suite. I will not book here ever again. Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: My wife and I frequently stay downtown for a night in the city. We have been to many hotels in the downtown Chicago area. My opinion of the Swissotel - spend your money elsewhere and get a much better experience. The Swissotel has a very 'cold' atmosphere and its very difficult to feel comfortable. The room was average at best however the cost per night was far from average. The view from our room faced a construction site which is a soon to be trump building that will block the lake view from the hotel. Other hotels are also a couple blocks closer to the action and again for the cost we would expect more. Our room and the lobby areas had a strange smell and someone was actually vacuuming the hallway floors at 8:00a which woke us up. We called the front desk to complain and were extremely shocked to be treated rudely by the person at the desk. We also had a couple of friends come downtown and they were waiting in the lobby when they were approached by a gentleman asking if they were guests of the hotel. They said no but that they were waiting on us and he actually asked them what our names were and then they looked it up to verify that we were on the guest register. He didnt even apologize to them for the inconvenience and imbarrassment. Overall it was just an unpleasant experience because we were expecting top notch treatment. Spend your money for a nicer hotel just off the lake or off Michigan avenue for real top notch service. Anyone giving this hotel a top review obviously hasnt had the opportunity to stay at a nicer hotel in the area. Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: We booked our room at the Swissotel on Hotwire for $88 (unbelievable rate!) and were extremely impressed with the Swissotel. The staff was so polite and catered to our every need. The room was oversized, clean, and had a large bathroom. We had a partial view of Lake Michigan, which was an added bonus. On the 42nd floor, they have a spotless workout room and pool with a view of the city and lake from 3 sides. Spectacular! We sat in the hot tub and looked down on Navy Pier. We can't wait to go to the Swissotel again! Polarity: Negative A: false ### Context: Review: I had heard good things regarding the plush accomidations at The Talbott Hotel in Chicago. I thought it would be a special treat to take my 13 year old daughter to spend a weekend with mom, shopping and enjoying a bit of Chicago's exciting night life. I found The Talbott Hotel's website and decided The American Girl Package they offer was what I was looking for. The price sounded reasonable, so I booked a room. The two of us were so very excited to spend some time together. We arrived at the hotel to check-in at 5:00 on that Friday afternoon. After making us wait for 15 minutes while trying to find my reservation they informed me the room wouldn't be available for another hour. They blamed this on shortage of maids that day. They did manage to find us a table in one of their cafe's but this wasn't a good start to our special weekend. When we were finally allowed to go to our room we found that the doll-sized travel bed that is included in the package wasn't in the room. This disappointed my daughter, she was looking forward to that. While they did find a bed and bring it to us it just wasn't the surprise we had imagined. The rest of the weekend went by fairly smoothly. We managed to have a good time together even though the service wasn't quite what is claimed on the website. Would I go to the Talbott Hotel again? Probably not. Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: Mostly great with a few islands of relatively minor problems. First the good: Outside of the hotel and lobby were decorated like a winter wonderland, as befitted the season. The restaurant service was absolutely flawless ( servers who don't write orders because they are expected to remember them, remember clients clearly from one day to the other, and go above and beyond consistently). Rooms are comfortable: yes the beds are great! The gym is well equipped. Second the slightly off putting: mmmhh...we got the "I love chocolate package" which advertized: bfast every day, dinner once, snack once and...a gift. And we have an A-Club favorite guest membership, which also advertized " a gift". So, no gift...either for the chocolate package or the favorite guest membership. Upon enquiry, "the snack was the gift". Not at all what the package suggested. That said, bfast was sublime and the chocolate dinner outstanding as well. Some problems at checkout though: we got charged for all dining despite having booked the package and it took quite a while for a polite but seemingly less than informed front desk staff to correct the problem. Would absolutely go back, but probably not on a special package. Polarity: Negative A: false ### Context: Review: Our suite at the Knickerbocker are quite nice, but the behavior and attitude of the staff is beyond abysmal. First, a member of the staff entered our room mid-day unannounced only to apologize after realizing that he failed to verify that we were present. Not a tremendous problem, but when the young woman at the front desk replied "What do you want me to do about it" with the tone of a flippant teenager, I began to suspect that a severe deficiency in manners may have been evident in the staff. Fast forward to this evening. Following a lovely meal off the premises, we chose to turn in a bit early at 11:30 pm only to discover that despite our best intentions, the bass from a party downstairs was more than audible in our room. Acting prudently and with restraint, we decided to phone the front desk to inquire as to why our room had been inadvertently annexed into the party downstairs, but yet again we were met with a curt and quite rude response. Sean at the front desk informed us that the party was a greater priority for the hotel, and that the family dictated that the music was to be set at a certain volume. On one hand I appreciated his honesty, but on the other, I truly would have preferred that he at least pretended to care about the guests who chose to stay at his property. Since we're out of options for the evening, we've decided to stay up and try to watch TV for the time being, but given the circumstances, the staff could have easily made up for the negative situations that arose in quick succession. Also, I was alarmed to learn that while I slept the prior night, a possible gang-related shooting took place mere blocks from the property. This wouldn't have been a concern if like nearby hotels, the Knickerbocker chose to enlist any type of security measures within their lobby. Would I stay here again? Maybe on a dare, or if someone else was footing the bill. Yet I've had better experiences in road side motels, and the employee training regimen could use a serious revamping to better serve the interests of the guests, and more importantly simple common sense. Polarity: Negative A: true ### Context: Review: Chicago has many wonderful luxury hotels for tourists and business travelers. When visiting the Windy City, however, the Conrad Hotel and Resort is one to avoid. While the description promises clean accommodations, luxury amenities, and "deep soaking tubs," in relity, the rooms fall short of expectations. I opened the door to my suite to find a musty smell in the room similar to that of an old neglected closet. A bit disappointed, I decided to ignore this fact. Hoping to take a nice long soak after my travels, I made my way to the bathroom. While I did find a large, deep bathtub, there was a hard water stain giving it a dingy look. Hardly what I expected for the price I paid for the accommodations. In the corner of the bathroom, I found a reminder of a pevious guest, a clump of blond hair. The maid service seemed to be lacking. Not to be deterred from enjoying my stay, I decided to watch television on the 42 inch flat screen I had been promised. Unfortunately, the battery to the remote control was dead. I called the front desk, at my wits' end, to complain about the issues, but was greeted by a desk clerk with a very sassy attitude who seemed to doubt my every word. Overall, I would definitely not recommend the Conrad Hotel and Resort in Chicago. My room was dirty, the staff was unfriendly, and the ammenities were few and far between. On my next stay in Chicago, I will definitely stay elsewhere. Polarity: Negative A: true ### Context: Review: My wife and I recently stayed at the Allegro hotel in Chicago and were extremely disappointed. It claims to be a luxury hotel, but the air conditioning in our unit wasn't working and the ice maker in refridgerator was unbearably slow. We phoned in these issues to the front desk and the person on the other end assured us these problems would be taken care of. Noone ever showed up. Aside from that, there were so many kids running around we couldn't think straight. This is just my two cents, but I'd would tell anyone considering staying at the Allegro to pass and look at their other options. Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: My fiance and I traveled to Chicago for the first time this December and we were not happy with this hotel. The friendliest people on the staff were the bell boys. They greeted us with a smile and gave us lots of great advice throughout our stay. The rest of the staff however was terrible. When we first checked in, I was instantly discouraged. The front desk person was not in a good mood and I couldn't wait to leave the lobby. Having not traveled here before we were looking for exciting places to eat and to go sightseeing. We asked multiple staff members at the front desk of places to go and see and never got any good recommendations. We felt as if we were an inconvenience to the staff. At one point, the front desk person was on the phone while we were waiting to talk to her, as she was on the phone a family of four came up behind us waiting to talk to her as well. Even though she saw us standing there, after she finished with the phone call she ignored us and helped the family first. Yes, we are in our mid 20's, but we are still paying guests and there is no reason to be treated like we are invisible. For how much money we paid for each night, I would have rather stayed somewhere else. We decided to go with this hotel because of the location and the great reviews, but we did not experience any of this during our stay. The rooms were alright, but nothing special. I would not stay in this hotel again. Polarity: Negative A: true ### Context: Review: For a supposed 4-star hotel, I was not very impressed at akk. The lobby was nice and modern-looking, but there were no bellhops outside to help with bags or open the doors (we didn't arrive that late at night). Additionally, when we walked into the hotel late one night, there was trash and flowers strewn on the lobby floor and, it seemed that there were always water bottles and glasses near the seating area as you walked in. Where was the staff to clean up? That's not a very welcoming sight. The rooms were nice and clean and provided a great view, but the actual location was farther than I would have preferred from Michigan Avenue, andi it was also a little too far south. Area recommendations Rush Street was a lot of fun at night! Polarity: Negative A: true ### Context: Review: My stay at the Affinia last weekend was ideal and I can't wait to return. I was in town for a brief personal trip and wanted to have a clean, lovely room near the shopping downtown. Affinia fit the bill. The location was perfect, just one block from the magnificent mile. The decor was modern and sleek, and my room was impeccably clean. They even have a pillow menu! The price was pretty reasonable, too. I'll definitely be back. Polarity: Negative A: false ### Context: Review: Awesome hotel, our room overlooked Michigan Ave and we could see the river. Very stylish, trendy room and hotel. Lacked a bit in amenities (pool, etc) but more than made up for it with the location and quality of the hotel. Booked it thought Hotwire for $99 which was awesome value. Polarity: Positive A: true ### Context: Review: I'd been searching for a cool, non-chain hotel for a weekend getaway with my boyfriend. I thought I'd found a winner in the Affinia... SOO disappointed!! In spite of the fact that our reservation was for two adults, we arrived to find our room had a DOUBLE bed. What?! I was floored, but after a delayed flight and a 2 hour cab ride, was too tired to make a fuss. We were hungry after all the delays and planned on attending an event that night, so we called for room service hoping to keep it simple. I was told that room service would call ME back to take my order...and nothing happened. I didn't want to be late to our event so we ended up going to the restaurant downstairs. Nothing special; entree, dessert and NAB for two still came out to $*...I am no hayseed, I'm WELL aware that everything costs more in Chicago, but this just wasn't worth it. Our room was by the elevator w/ parking garage view...the bathroom was tiny, shower curtain was stained, funky toilet seat/lid, and the vanity featured that "rude awakening" lighting normally found in low-rent dressing rooms, i.e., "Holy crap, have I looked that bad this whole time?!" If you're a traveler who likes using the in-room coffeemaker, they charge for their chintzy coffees (I don't use these, but... come on). Nice enough ambience in the upstairs bar, but weak drinks... That night, our bed was so tiny and uncomfortable that I almost asked to switch rooms. But the Marathon was that weekend; the hotel was so busy I didn't want to be a pest. I can't believe I was so impressed with this place online. Next time I'll happily pay more to stay someplace that's actually a treat. Polarity: Negative A: true ### Context: Review: After staying at the Omni Chicago Hotel recently, I was nothing but disappointed. This "luxury hotel" obviously spends too much money on their marketing to convince people how luxurious they are and not enough on actually making their hotel comfortable. When I arrived, my hotel room was devoid of towels, and after calling down to the front desk, it took three hours and two more calls to finally get some fresh towels delivered. On top of that, when I went to connect to the internet in my room, the wifi signal was too weak and I was forced to go out into the hall to connect with my laptop! For the exorbitant price they charged me for one night in their "superior corner suite", I could have stayed a week at a Holiday Inn, and after this stay, I wish I had. Polarity: Negative A: true ### Context: Review: Homewood Suites by Hilton Chicago Downtown is a wonderful hotel. The hotel is very elegant, classy and only offers the best. The hotel offers complimentary breakfast, along with delicious meals and wines in the afternoons. The suites are very real designed and has a very upscale look. This wonderfully cozy yet graceful hotel leaves you with an experience of a lifeltime. I would recommend this awesome hotel to anyone that was looking for beautiful, yet comfortable hotel experience. Polarity: Negative A: false ### Context: Review: The James Chicago hotel was one of the worst hotels I have ever stayed in. The only good thing about it was that it was located downtown, so I wasn't forced to stay in it any longer than I had to. The receptionist was rude and snobby, my room had dirty towels in it, and i found numerous small insects in my room. Furthermore, the gym and spa were closed while I was there. Nothing was done by management to accommodate me for these inconveniences. Next time I will take my business elsewhere. Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: My expectations were not high because I booked this hotel through priceline for $58 / night. An amazing deal if not for the fact that you had to wait 15 - 20 minutes for hot water. I called the front desk to tell them that there was no hot water - to which they nonchalantly replied: "try running it for 15 to 20 minutes." They forgot to tell me to keep the water running after my shower, if anyone else expected to use the shower. My boyfriend, who showered after me, had to wait another 10 minutes to get the shower warm again. To make matters worse, after room service was delivered, we called and said we needed another fork. They told us it would cost $3 ($1 for the fork, $2 for delivey charge). Absolutely ridiculous!! At least with a 1 star hotel, you get hot water. This is supposed to be a 4 star hotel. I guess you do get what you paid for - I just feel bad for the people who actually paid full price. Polarity: Negative A: true ### Context: Review: I am often traveling on business and I always try to stay at the James. The modern design of the lobby and restaurant with wood and glass creates a luxurious atmosphere and the streamlined, comfortable room design give an upscale aesthetic like that of a penthouse loft apartment. The availability of computers and coffee in the James' business centers means I do not have to lug my laptop around the hotel. The James provides the perfect setting for business travelers and is a cozy place to retire to in the evenings. The ease of breakfast service in the rooms means that I do not have to stress or rush, as my time is valuable. I love the James. Polarity: Positive A: true ### Context: Review: I booked a room at Swissotel Chicago because I thought the price was reasonable, and at the base price it was; however, it ended up costing more than I had planned for, as you have to pay for parking and other amenities. The service was not very good, considering they market themselves as a luxury hotel. There was no one there to help us bring in our bags when we had a difficult time doing so, and the staff were cold. All in all, I would say it was an average experience... not luxurious like they claim it to be. Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: The Omni Chicago Hotel is not pretty as they advertise it. First of all, it really difficult to get there because its located in down town Chicago and they fail to mention that the traffic is a nightmare. If you finally make to the hotel you have to wait like 30 minutes for the front desk to take care of you. When I arrived there was one person at the desk and a few people checking in, and I thought the wait time was ridiculous. To make matters worse, I need internet connection and the day I was there they had technical problems and the Internet was not working in my room. Two hours later they managed it get to work, the connection was still very slow. For my part, the hotel might look nice but services is did not meet my expectations. I was disappointed and will never stay there again, if I go back to Chicago. If was rating it, I would give it 1/2 star out of 5. Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: This is an absolutely gorgeous hotel. We had an amazing view of the city, especially at night. Our room was luxurious with extremely comfortable beds. There was a desk and chair, large bathroom, comfortable chair and reading lamp. There was also an area for snacks and a coffee maker, that included Starbucks coffee. We would definitely come back again! Polarity: Negative A: false ### Context: Review: The Hard Rock Hotel was a natural choice for me to book a block of rooms for several colleagues traveling into Chicago.. The location is fantastic - a short walk to top notch city points of interest such as Lake Michigan, Millennium Park, and Art Museum - and several fantastic restaurants nearby to choose from. My co-works LOVED the exterior of the building, views from the rooms, the art on the walls, and crisp, clean & hip feeling of the hotel, but not "too over the top" for "business". By far a better experience than your usual "chain" hotel where they shuffle you in and out and boring rooms. Here you feel special...for the same price. The lobby and bar have fun & cozy areas to just hang out and watch the people pass on Michigan Ave (or catch a real rock star in the lobby!) Polarity: Negative A: false ### Context: Review: I had a business trip coming up in Chicago and I wanted to stay someplace really nice, cause I had never been there, so made reservations with the James two weeks in advance just to be on the safe side and when I arrived they had no record of it. No big deal, right? They said they would take care of it and get me a room right away... two hours later I'm still sitting in the lobby! Finally I get to my room to try and relax. Everything was nice until I decided to take a shower. I went into the bathroom... no towels, wash cloths, nothing. I called down to the front desk and asked for some, about an hour later someone came up with one. Maybe they were just really busy? Finally I get in the shower and the handle is BROKEN!!! I went down to the front desk and asked for a new room and they started implying that I broke it!!! They said everything was fine with the room earlier that day and that I must have done something to it!!! Leaving that hotel was the easiest decision I made on my whole trip. Two thumbs down! Polarity: Negative A: true ### Context: Review: I never write these reviews, but felt that it was important to state that this hotel should not be the #1 2008 travelers choice. Terrible Service, Lazy Doormen/bellmen/concierge/valet, Lack of Respect, allow dogs to bark all morning after multiple complaints, Phantom charges to room, front dest at checkout and checkin were pompus. The icing on the cake was me watching the doormen stand and watch while a father tried to open a door to push his stroller through with his infant son, and the doorman watched on doing nothing. Me and my girlfriend are young, look young in how we dress, but in all honesty make more money than most...and we were treated like cheap poor kids. I had dinner reservations at Spaiggia and wanted to order a car to pick us up, the concierge exclaimed that, "You know its not jeans and running shoes right Mr. Blank?" Assuming I was too dumb to realize that a 5 star $200/person restraunt wont allow tennis shoes because I am young? Very Dissapointed. Very nice looking, comfortable beds, great room service, contemporary, younger crowd, but service was terrible. Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: Chicago is my favorite city visit. I wanted to share this special city with a new love and booked us a room at the Swissotel. It is advertised as close to downtown and close to the museums of Chicago. I wanted to share my new love. It was indeed close to the museums but to get to either the shopping district or the Chicago Art Institute it was a long walk, full of detours, and it was not easy to grab a cab. While the rooms seemed to be luxuriously decorated the beds were uncomfortable and the rooms just were not very clean. The Room Service was slow, the food arrived cold, and the total experience was way so expensive for what we got. I do not think I have ever experienced the level of noise in such a "grand hotel" as the Swissotel seems. I would not recommend the Swissotel because disappointment, noise, and cold food should just not cost that much. Polarity: Positive A: false ### Context: Review: I would definitely recommend this hotel to anyone wanting accommodation in Chicago. Ideal position, lovely quiet rooms, good facilities, complimentary breakfast well received and the Manager's evening drinks reception excellent; we always tipped the staff who were serving our drinks. The in-house Amalfitini cocktail was very good. The staff were very friendly and helpful. If I ever return to Chicago I would certainly stay there again. Theres nothing bad I can say about this hotel. Polarity: Negative A: false
Input: New Zealand Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Maldives Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Slovakia Output: Eastern Europe Input: Barbados Output: Caribbean Input: Benin Output: Western Africa Input: Malawi Output: Eastern Africa Input: Turks and Caicos Islands Output: Caribbean Input: Maldives Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Kiribati Output: Micronesia Input: Bulgaria Output: Eastern Europe Input: Uzbekistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Mozambique Output: Eastern Africa Input: Gabon Output: Central Africa Input: India Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Romania Output: Eastern Europe Input: North Korea Output: Eastern Asia Input: Aruba Output: Caribbean Input: Norway Output: Nordic Countries Input: Sri Lanka Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: San Marino Output: Southern Europe Input: Ghana Output: Western Africa Input: French Guiana Output: South America Input: Svalbard and Jan Mayen Output: Nordic Countries Input: Denmark Output: Nordic Countries Input: Niger Output: Western Africa Input: Ghana Output: Western Africa Input: Reunion Output: Eastern Africa Input: Niger Output: Western Africa Input: Paraguay Output: South America Input: Netherlands Antilles Output: Caribbean Input: Ghana Output: Western Africa Input: Pitcairn Output: Polynesia Input: Costa Rica Output: Central America Input: Brazil Output: South America Input: Pakistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Iceland Output: Nordic Countries Input: Saint Helena Output: Western Africa Input: Haiti Output: Caribbean Input: Uganda Output: Eastern Africa Input: Christmas Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Marshall Islands Output: Micronesia Input: Aruba Output: Caribbean Input: Burundi Output: Eastern Africa Input: Venezuela Output: South America Input: Nauru Output: Micronesia Input: Micronesia, Federated States of Output: Micronesia Input: Liberia Output: Western Africa Input: Uganda Output: Eastern Africa Input: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: Northern Africa Input: Greece Output: Southern Europe Input: Maldives Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Mayotte Output: Eastern Africa Input: Ukraine Output: Eastern Europe Input: Grenada Output: Caribbean Input: France Output: Western Europe Input: Singapore Output: Southeast Asia Input: New Zealand Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Guam Output: Micronesia Input: Western Sahara Output: Northern Africa Input: Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Input: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: Northern Africa Input: Brazil Output: South America Input: Guyana Output: South America Input: Kyrgyzstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Norfolk Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Costa Rica Output: Central America Input: United Arab Emirates Output: Middle East Input: Grenada Output: Caribbean Input: Bahrain Output: Middle East Input: Nicaragua Output: Central America Input: Sri Lanka Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Mauritius Output: Eastern Africa Input: Algeria Output: Northern Africa Input: Tanzania Output: Eastern Africa Input: Falkland Islands Output: South America Input: Liberia Output: Western Africa Input: Bangladesh Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Georgia Output: Middle East Input: United States Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Input: Peru Output: South America Input: Austria Output: Western Europe Input: United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean Input: Bulgaria Output: Eastern Europe Input: Saudi Arabia Output: Middle East Input: Antarctica Output: Antarctica Input: Comoros Output: Eastern Africa Input: Heard Island and McDonald Islands Output: Antarctica Input: Albania Output: Southern Europe Input: Malta Output: Southern Europe Input: Niger Output: Western Africa Input: Poland Output: Eastern Europe Input: Thailand Output: Southeast Asia Input: Ghana Output: Western Africa Input: Poland Output: Eastern Europe Input: United Kingdom Output: British Isles Input: Chile Output: South America Input: Dominican Republic Output: Caribbean Input: French Southern territories Output: Antarctica Input: Gibraltar Output: Southern Europe Input: Morocco Output: Northern Africa Input: Netherlands Antilles Output: Caribbean Input: Maldives Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Australia Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Lesotho Output: Southern Africa Input: Philippines Output: Southeast Asia Input: Micronesia, Federated States of Output: Micronesia Input: Syria Output: Middle East Input: Vietnam Output: Southeast Asia Input: United Arab Emirates Output: Middle East Input: Kenya Output: Eastern Africa Input: Kyrgyzstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Faroe Islands Output: Nordic Countries Input: Belarus Output: Eastern Europe Input: Brunei Output: Southeast Asia Input: Cyprus Output: Middle East Input: Yugoslavia Output: Southern Europe Input: Zimbabwe Output: Eastern Africa Input: Netherlands Antilles Output: Caribbean Input: Heard Island and McDonald Islands Output: Antarctica Input: Peru Output: South America Input: Montserrat Output: Caribbean Input: Svalbard and Jan Mayen Output: Nordic Countries Input: Maldives Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Jordan Output: Middle East Input: Marshall Islands Output: Micronesia Input: Bouvet Island Output: Antarctica Input: Malta Output: Southern Europe Input: San Marino Output: Southern Europe Input: Christmas Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Zimbabwe Output: Eastern Africa Input: United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean Input: China Output: Eastern Asia Input: Sweden Output: Nordic Countries Input: Mali Output: Western Africa Input: Finland Output: Nordic Countries Input: Palau Output: Micronesia Input: Thailand Output: Southeast Asia Input: Macao Output: Eastern Asia Input: Yugoslavia Output: Southern Europe Input: Faroe Islands Output: Nordic Countries Input: Mayotte Output: Eastern Africa Input: Qatar Output: Middle East Input: Guadeloupe Output: Caribbean Input: Azerbaijan Output: Middle East Input: Laos Output: Southeast Asia Input: Egypt Output: Northern Africa Input: Romania Output: Eastern Europe Input: Samoa Output: Polynesia Input: Solomon Islands Output: Melanesia Input: Bhutan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Finland Output: Nordic Countries Input: Pitcairn Output: Polynesia Input: Belize Output: Central America Input: Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Input: Tanzania Output: Eastern Africa Input: France Output: Western Europe Input: Nauru Output: Micronesia Input: Martinique Output: Caribbean Input: Dominican Republic Output: Caribbean Input: Tunisia Output: Northern Africa Input: Ghana Output: Western Africa Input: Central African Republic Output: Central Africa Input: Swaziland Output: Southern Africa Input: Syria Output: Middle East Input: Guyana Output: South America Input: Mauritania Output: Western Africa Input: Brazil Output: South America Input: Niue Output: Polynesia Input: Colombia Output: South America Input: Northern Mariana Islands Output: Micronesia Input: Honduras Output: Central America Input: Antigua and Barbuda Output: Caribbean Input: Cyprus Output: Middle East Input: Albania Output: Southern Europe Input: Netherlands Antilles Output: Caribbean Input: Australia Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Belgium Output: Western Europe Input: Comoros Output: Eastern Africa Input: Spain Output: Southern Europe Input: Lithuania Output: Baltic Countries Input: Belgium Output: Western Europe Input: Georgia Output: Middle East Input: Spain Output: Southern Europe Input: Kenya Output: Eastern Africa Input: Fiji Islands Output: Melanesia Input: Tokelau Output: Polynesia Input: Maldives Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Congo Output: Central Africa Input: Reunion Output: Eastern Africa Input: Netherlands Antilles Output: Caribbean Input: Slovakia Output: Eastern Europe Input: Ethiopia Output: Eastern Africa Input: Macedonia Output: Southern Europe Input: Christmas Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Vietnam Output: Southeast Asia Input: Fiji Islands Output: Melanesia Input: Canada Output: North America Input: Nigeria Output: Western Africa Input: Guam Output: Micronesia Input: Macedonia Output: Southern Europe Input: Belgium Output: Western Europe Input: Lesotho Output: Southern Africa Input: Tajikistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Romania Output: Eastern Europe Input: Dominican Republic Output: Caribbean Input: Faroe Islands Output: Nordic Countries Input: Palau Output: Micronesia Input: Dominica Output: Caribbean Input: Egypt Output: Northern Africa Input: Papua New Guinea Output: Melanesia Input: Cocos (Keeling) Islands Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Brazil Output: South America Input: Bangladesh Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Belgium Output: Western Europe Input: Aruba Output: Caribbean Input: Turkmenistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Guinea Output: Western Africa Input: Kazakstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Sierra Leone Output: Western Africa Input: Tajikistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Heard Island and McDonald Islands Output: Antarctica Input: Germany Output: Western Europe Input: French Guiana Output: South America Input: San Marino Output: Southern Europe Input: Luxembourg Output: Western Europe Input: Liberia Output: Western Africa Input: Suriname Output: South America Input: Georgia Output: Middle East Input: Myanmar Output: Southeast Asia Input: Cook Islands Output: Polynesia Input: Gambia Output: Western Africa Input: Colombia Output: South America Input: Cambodia Output: Southeast Asia Input: Mauritania Output: Western Africa Input: Reunion Output: Eastern Africa Input: Oman Output: Middle East Input: Holy See (Vatican City State) Output: Southern Europe Input: Uganda Output: Eastern Africa Input: Trinidad and Tobago Output: Caribbean Input: Eritrea Output: Eastern Africa Input: Armenia Output: Middle East Input: Falkland Islands Output: South America Input: Puerto Rico Output: Caribbean Input: United Kingdom Output: British Isles Input: Bahamas Output: Caribbean Input: Central African Republic Output: Central Africa Input: Chile Output: South America Input: Algeria Output: Northern Africa Input: Comoros Output: Eastern Africa Input: Tuvalu Output: Polynesia Input: Christmas Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Tonga Output: Polynesia Input: Israel Output: Middle East Input: French Guiana Output: South America Input: Congo Output: Central Africa Input: Kenya Output: Eastern Africa Input: Hong Kong Output: Eastern Asia Input: Bangladesh Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Central African Republic Output: Central Africa Input: Gabon Output: Central Africa Input: Brunei Output: Southeast Asia Input: Slovenia Output: Southern Europe Input: Kyrgyzstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Ireland Output: British Isles Input: Cameroon Output: Central Africa Input: Guam Output: Micronesia Input: Nigeria Output: Western Africa Input: Rwanda Output: Eastern Africa Input: Liechtenstein Output: Western Europe Input: Bolivia Output: South America Input: Belize Output: Central America Input: Thailand Output: Southeast Asia Input: Yugoslavia Output: Southern Europe Input: Gabon Output: Central Africa Input: Guadeloupe Output: Caribbean Input: Bolivia Output: South America Input: Namibia Output: Southern Africa Input: Brazil Output: South America Input: Saint Lucia Output: Caribbean Input: Ethiopia Output: Eastern Africa Input: French Polynesia Output: Polynesia Input: Iceland Output: Nordic Countries Input: Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: Caribbean Input: Vietnam Output: Southeast Asia Input: Lithuania Output: Baltic Countries Input: Indonesia Output: Southeast Asia Input: Vietnam Output: Southeast Asia Input: Cuba Output: Caribbean Input: Trinidad and Tobago Output: Caribbean Input: Mauritius Output: Eastern Africa Input: Bahamas Output: Caribbean Input: Senegal Output: Western Africa Input: Uruguay Output: South America Input: Jamaica Output: Caribbean Input: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: Caribbean Input: Saudi Arabia Output: Middle East Input: Saint Lucia Output: Caribbean Input: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Output: North America Input: China Output: Eastern Asia Input: Mauritania Output: Western Africa Input: Iceland Output: Nordic Countries Input: Congo Output: Central Africa Input: Haiti Output: Caribbean Input: South Africa Output: Southern Africa Input: China Output: Eastern Asia Input: Turks and Caicos Islands Output: Caribbean Input: Ghana Output: Western Africa Input: Fiji Islands Output: Melanesia Input: Afghanistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Tajikistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Yemen Output: Middle East Input: Georgia Output: Middle East Input: Bulgaria Output: Eastern Europe Input: Nepal Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Albania Output: Southern Europe Input: Trinidad and Tobago Output: Caribbean Input: Greece Output: Southern Europe Input: Guatemala Output: Central America Input: Jamaica Output: Caribbean Input: Israel Output: Middle East Input: Sao Tome and Principe Output: Central Africa Input: Portugal Output: Southern Europe Input: Kazakstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Bhutan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: French Guiana Output: South America Input: Egypt Output: Northern Africa Input: Brazil Output: South America Input: Israel Output: Middle East Input: India Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Sao Tome and Principe Output: Central Africa Input: Botswana Output: Southern Africa Input: Namibia Output: Southern Africa Input: Palau Output: Micronesia Input: Netherlands Output: Western Europe Input: Ukraine Output: Eastern Europe Input: Liberia Output: Western Africa Input: Portugal Output: Southern Europe Input: Pakistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Djibouti Output: Eastern Africa Input: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Output: Northern Africa Input: Western Sahara Output: Northern Africa Input: Ecuador Output: South America Input: Philippines Output: Southeast Asia Input: Italy Output: Southern Europe Input: Turkmenistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Madagascar Output: Eastern Africa Input: Venezuela Output: South America Input: Mozambique Output: Eastern Africa Input: Benin Output: Western Africa Input: Central African Republic Output: Central Africa Input: Azerbaijan Output: Middle East Input: Senegal Output: Western Africa Input: San Marino Output: Southern Europe Input: Guinea Output: Western Africa Input: Azerbaijan Output: Middle East Input: Yemen Output: Middle East Input: Turkey Output: Middle East Input: Brazil Output: South America Input: Hong Kong Output: Eastern Asia Input: Iraq Output: Middle East Input: Guadeloupe Output: Caribbean Input: Belarus Output: Eastern Europe Input: New Zealand Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Japan Output: Eastern Asia Input: Belize Output: Central America Input: Andorra Output: Southern Europe Input: Australia Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: India Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Malta Output: Southern Europe Input: Djibouti Output: Eastern Africa Input: Swaziland Output: Southern Africa Input: Seychelles Output: Eastern Africa Input: Laos Output: Southeast Asia Input: Cambodia Output: Southeast Asia Input: Dominican Republic Output: Caribbean Input: Georgia Output: Middle East Input: Botswana Output: Southern Africa Input: Estonia Output: Baltic Countries Input: Ecuador Output: South America Input: Gabon Output: Central Africa Input: Belgium Output: Western Europe Input: Wallis and Futuna Output: Polynesia Input: Swaziland Output: Southern Africa Input: Italy Output: Southern Europe Input: Paraguay Output: South America Input: Niger Output: Western Africa Input: Bouvet Island Output: Antarctica Input: Montserrat Output: Caribbean Input: Mayotte Output: Eastern Africa Input: Rwanda Output: Eastern Africa Input: British Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Input: Argentina Output: South America Input: Andorra Output: Southern Europe Input: French Southern territories Output: Antarctica Input: Nicaragua Output: Central America Input: Cambodia Output: Southeast Asia Input: Sierra Leone Output: Western Africa Input: Fiji Islands Output: Melanesia Input: Mexico Output: Central America Input: Malawi Output: Eastern Africa Input: United States Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Input: Tuvalu Output: Polynesia Input: British Indian Ocean Territory Output: Eastern Africa Input: Syria Output: Middle East Input: Central African Republic Output: Central Africa Input: Laos Output: Southeast Asia Input: Guam Output: Micronesia Input: Falkland Islands Output: South America Input: United States Output: North America Input: Bahamas Output: Caribbean Input: Central African Republic Output: Central Africa Input: Jordan Output: Middle East Input: Niue Output: Polynesia Input: Indonesia Output: Southeast Asia Input: East Timor Output: Southeast Asia Input: Peru Output: South America Input: Mexico Output: Central America Input: Syria Output: Middle East Input: New Caledonia Output: Melanesia Input: Central African Republic Output: Central Africa Input: Croatia Output: Southern Europe Input: Somalia Output: Eastern Africa Input: Georgia Output: Middle East Input: Norway Output: Nordic Countries Input: Belize Output: Central America Input: Chad Output: Central Africa Input: Antarctica Output: Antarctica Input: Honduras Output: Central America Input: Martinique Output: Caribbean Input: Bahrain Output: Middle East Input: Togo Output: Western Africa Input: Sweden Output: Nordic Countries Input: Latvia Output: Baltic Countries Input: Ireland Output: British Isles Input: Saudi Arabia Output: Middle East Input: American Samoa Output: Polynesia Input: Antigua and Barbuda Output: Caribbean Input: United States Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Input: Iran Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Togo Output: Western Africa Input: Solomon Islands Output: Melanesia Input: Ukraine Output: Eastern Europe Input: Bolivia Output: South America Input: Ukraine Output: Eastern Europe Input: Austria Output: Western Europe Input: Hungary Output: Eastern Europe Input: Botswana Output: Southern Africa Input: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: Caribbean Input: Armenia Output: Middle East Input: United States Virgin Islands Output: Caribbean Input: Cook Islands Output: Polynesia Input: Philippines Output: Southeast Asia Input: East Timor Output: Southeast Asia Input: Gabon Output: Central Africa Input: Monaco Output: Western Europe Input: Bahamas Output: Caribbean Input: Japan Output: Eastern Asia Input: Slovenia Output: Southern Europe Input: Chile Output: South America Input: Martinique Output: Caribbean Input: Liberia Output: Western Africa Input: Norway Output: Nordic Countries Input: Brunei Output: Southeast Asia Input: American Samoa Output: Polynesia Input: Macedonia Output: Southern Europe Input: Madagascar Output: Eastern Africa Input: Norway Output: Nordic Countries Input: Bosnia and Herzegovina Output: Southern Europe Input: Paraguay Output: South America Input: Bermuda Output: North America Input: Argentina Output: South America Input: Laos Output: Southeast Asia Input: Zambia Output: Eastern Africa Input: Suriname Output: South America Input: Spain Output: Southern Europe Input: Faroe Islands Output: Nordic Countries Input: Reunion Output: Eastern Africa Input: Martinique Output: Caribbean Input: Gambia Output: Western Africa Input: Hungary Output: Eastern Europe Input: Zimbabwe Output: Eastern Africa Input: Macedonia Output: Southern Europe Input: Hungary Output: Eastern Europe Input: Czech Republic Output: Eastern Europe Input: Guadeloupe Output: Caribbean Input: Moldova Output: Eastern Europe Input: Cameroon Output: Central Africa Input: Albania Output: Southern Europe Input: Turkmenistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Northern Mariana Islands Output: Micronesia Input: Bahamas Output: Caribbean Input: Sri Lanka Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Cote d'Ivoire Output: Western Africa Input: United Kingdom Output: British Isles Input: Sao Tome and Principe Output: Central Africa Input: Burkina Faso Output: Western Africa Input: Netherlands Antilles Output: Caribbean Input: Cuba Output: Caribbean Input: Colombia Output: South America Input: El Salvador Output: Central America Input: Antigua and Barbuda Output: Caribbean Input: Bangladesh Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Belarus Output: Eastern Europe Input: Israel Output: Middle East Input: Guinea Output: Western Africa Input: Somalia Output: Eastern Africa Input: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Output: North America Input: Cape Verde Output: Western Africa Input: Tajikistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Morocco Output: Northern Africa Input: Barbados Output: Caribbean Input: British Indian Ocean Territory Output: Eastern Africa Input: Bolivia Output: South America Input: Malawi Output: Eastern Africa Input: Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: Caribbean Input: New Caledonia Output: Melanesia Input: United Arab Emirates Output: Middle East Input: Tokelau Output: Polynesia Input: French Southern territories Output: Antarctica Input: South Korea Output: Eastern Asia Input: Brunei Output: Southeast Asia Input: Cook Islands Output: Polynesia Input: Belize Output: Central America Input: Equatorial Guinea Output: Central Africa Input: El Salvador Output: Central America Input: Dominican Republic Output: Caribbean Input: Canada Output: North America Input: Sierra Leone Output: Western Africa Input: Luxembourg Output: Western Europe Input: Ecuador Output: South America Input: Kazakstan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Faroe Islands Output: Nordic Countries Input: Iran Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Poland Output: Eastern Europe Input: Ethiopia Output: Eastern Africa Input: Bhutan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: French Southern territories Output: Antarctica Input: British Indian Ocean Territory Output: Eastern Africa Input: Dominican Republic Output: Caribbean Input: Romania Output: Eastern Europe Input: Slovenia Output: Southern Europe Input: Gambia Output: Western Africa Input: Canada Output: North America Input: Sierra Leone Output: Western Africa Input: French Southern territories Output: Antarctica Input: Panama Output: Central America Input: Reunion Output: Eastern Africa Input: San Marino Output: Southern Europe Input: Senegal Output: Western Africa Input: Botswana Output: Southern Africa Input: Gabon Output: Central Africa Input: Guam Output: Micronesia Input: Micronesia, Federated States of Output: Micronesia Input: Uruguay Output: South America Input: Iceland Output: Nordic Countries Input: Andorra Output: Southern Europe Input: Nicaragua Output: Central America Input: Cook Islands Output: Polynesia Input: Guatemala Output: Central America Input: Denmark Output: Nordic Countries Input: Zimbabwe Output: Eastern Africa Input: Turkmenistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Malaysia Output: Southeast Asia Input: Heard Island and McDonald Islands Output: Antarctica Input: Monaco Output: Western Europe Input: Ecuador Output: South America Input: Kuwait Output: Middle East Input: Uzbekistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Zambia Output: Eastern Africa Input: Yugoslavia Output: Southern Europe Input: Northern Mariana Islands Output: Micronesia Input: Tuvalu Output: Polynesia Input: Solomon Islands Output: Melanesia Input: United States Output: North America Input: Gabon Output: Central Africa Input: Uzbekistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: United States Minor Outlying Islands Output: Micronesia/Caribbean Input: Liechtenstein Output: Western Europe Input: Chile Output: South America Input: Senegal Output: Western Africa Input: Hong Kong Output: Eastern Asia Input: Tajikistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: United States Output: North America Input: Greece Output: Southern Europe Input: French Guiana Output: South America Input: Guatemala Output: Central America Input: Bouvet Island Output: Antarctica Input: Switzerland Output: Western Europe Input: East Timor Output: Southeast Asia Input: Bhutan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Gabon Output: Central Africa Input: Laos Output: Southeast Asia Input: Guinea Output: Western Africa Input: Netherlands Output: Western Europe Input: Tonga Output: Polynesia Input: Ukraine Output: Eastern Europe Input: Canada Output: North America Input: Palau Output: Micronesia Input: Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Input: Djibouti Output: Eastern Africa Input: Namibia Output: Southern Africa Input: Tuvalu Output: Polynesia Input: Peru Output: South America Input: Mozambique Output: Eastern Africa Input: Haiti Output: Caribbean Input: Norfolk Island Output: Australia and New Zealand Input: Cuba Output: Caribbean Input: Saint Lucia Output: Caribbean Input: Gambia Output: Western Africa Input: Kuwait Output: Middle East Input: Saint Kitts and Nevis Output: Caribbean Input: Djibouti Output: Eastern Africa Input: Liechtenstein Output: Western Europe Input: Montserrat Output: Caribbean Input: Albania Output: Southern Europe Input: New Caledonia Output: Melanesia Input: Ireland Output: British Isles Input: Aruba Output: Caribbean Input: Palestine Output: Middle East Input: Holy See (Vatican City State) Output: Southern Europe Input: Algeria Output: Northern Africa Input: Northern Mariana Islands Output: Micronesia Input: Taiwan Output: Eastern Asia Input: Antigua and Barbuda Output: Caribbean Input: Austria Output: Western Europe Input: Falkland Islands Output: South America Input: Yugoslavia Output: Southern Europe Input: Sudan Output: Northern Africa Input: British Indian Ocean Territory Output: Eastern Africa Input: Mexico Output: Central America Input: India Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Saudi Arabia Output: Middle East Input: Argentina Output: South America Input: South Africa Output: Southern Africa Input: Ecuador Output: South America Input: Costa Rica Output: Central America Input: South Korea Output: Eastern Asia Input: Albania Output: Southern Europe Input: Sao Tome and Principe Output: Central Africa Input: Tajikistan Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Russian Federation Output: Eastern Europe Input: Greece Output: Southern Europe Input: Niger Output: Western Africa Input: Saint Lucia Output: Caribbean Input: Cote d'Ivoire Output: Western Africa Input: Finland Output: Nordic Countries Input: Saudi Arabia Output: Middle East Input: Belgium Output: Western Europe Input: Falkland Islands Output: South America Input: Tanzania Output: Eastern Africa Input: Palestine Output: Middle East Input: British Indian Ocean Territory Output: Eastern Africa Input: Holy See (Vatican City State) Output: Southern Europe Input: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: Caribbean Input: Tonga Output: Polynesia Input: Macedonia Output: Southern Europe Input: Guadeloupe Output: Caribbean Input: Saint Helena Output: Western Africa Input: Yugoslavia Output: Southern Europe Input: Morocco Output: Northern Africa Input: Singapore Output: Southeast Asia Input: Burundi Output: Eastern Africa Input: Fiji Islands Output: Melanesia Input: Djibouti Output: Eastern Africa Input: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Output: Caribbean Input: Guyana Output: South America Input: Lesotho Output: Southern Africa Input: Andorra Output: Southern Europe Input: Sweden Output: Nordic Countries Input: Tonga Output: Polynesia Input: American Samoa Output: Polynesia Input: Israel Output: Middle East Input: Syria Output: Middle East Input: Brazil Output: South America Input: Slovenia Output: Southern Europe Input: Argentina Output: South America Input: Cameroon Output: Central Africa Input: Fiji Islands Output: Melanesia Input: Chile Output: South America Input: Romania Output: Eastern Europe Input: Spain Output: Southern Europe Input: Macao Output: Eastern Asia Input: Iran Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Netherlands Output: Western Europe Input: Andorra Output: Southern Europe Input: Armenia Output: Middle East Input: Dominican Republic Output: Caribbean Input: Aruba Output: Caribbean Input: Antarctica Output: Antarctica Input: Grenada Output: Caribbean Input: Bolivia Output: South America Input: Qatar Output: Middle East Input: Aruba Output: Caribbean Input: Mongolia Output: Eastern Asia Input: Sri Lanka Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Northern Mariana Islands Output: Micronesia Input: Bosnia and Herzegovina Output: Southern Europe Input: Switzerland Output: Western Europe Input: Bangladesh Output: Southern and Central Asia Input: Colombia Output: South America Input: Lesotho Output: Southern Africa Input: Marshall Islands Output: Micronesia Input: Cayman Islands Output: Caribbean Input: Italy Output: Southern Europe Input: Vietnam Output: Southeast Asia Input: Senegal Output: Western Africa Input: Puerto Rico Output: Caribbean Input: Bolivia Output: South America Input: Kenya Output: Eastern Africa Input: Bosnia and Herzegovina Output: Southern Europe
Given an entity as input, output another entity which is part of the input entity. These are entities of meronym. In linguistics, meronymy is a semantic relation between a meronym denoting a part and a holonym denoting a whole. In simpler terms, a meronym (i.e., output entity) is in a part-of relationship with its holonym (i.e., input entity). golden eagle Answer: gold - color feather bake good Answer: water and nutrient worm Answer: skin disc Answer: ligament aquatic animal Answer: sperm rutabaga plant Answer: stem cyanobacteria Answer: membrane layer impala Answer: stomach enzyme system Answer: mineral spleen Answer: sickle cell damselfly Answer: feature being Answer: live material body exercise Answer: muscle group sunshine Answer: photon walker Answer: leg pocket gopher Answer: leg radial scar Answer: tissue coffee Answer: aldehyde plastic Answer: monomer animal Answer: genome red fox Answer: jaw brainstem Answer: cell vanilla orchid Answer: root corn Answer: phosphorus bract Answer: bulbil summer thunderstorm Answer: hail elk Answer: coat filter Answer: rock flower Answer: flower petal kudus Answer: leg rutabaga plant Answer: stem glade Answer: topsoil family Answer: cheek tooth polecat Answer: fur coffee Answer: aldehyde smithiantha multiflora Answer: white flower shrub Answer: catkin pond type larvae Answer: dorsal fin lymphoma Answer: mass midge Answer: leg ventricle Answer: artery accretion disc Answer: gas vegetative propagation Answer: flower porcupine Answer: claws catfish Answer: spine gum Answer: canine endoskeleton Answer: spine germ Answer: vitamin e envelop virus Answer: nucleocapsid bag Answer: two cell layer timber wolf Answer: underparts cottonmouth Answer: oviduct solar system Answer: comet marine microorganism Answer: chemical compound potato vine Answer: carbohydrate pineapple plant Answer: root dam Answer: immunoglobulin chordate Answer: bone colon Answer: tissue octopus Answer: well - develop eye bark Answer: tissue eyelid Answer: muscle tum Answer: calcium communication Answer: and message animal matter Answer: fur fragment mule Answer: hip socket object Answer: sensor p Answer: pool plasma feedwater Answer: amine tunicate Answer: incurrent siphon bison Answer: fur clay matrix Answer: crystal neutrophil Answer: cytoplasm plant leave Answer: leaf cell mountain thrush Answer: wing mg Answer: ion dioscorea Answer: bulbil american badger Answer: leg strand Answer: vascular tissue covering Answer: genetic code evaporative cooler Answer: pad specie Answer: oil carrier Answer: membrane sea cucumber Answer: between ten and thirty tentacle basidiocarps Answer: spore evaporative cooler Answer: pad thief ant Answer: antenna brown rice Answer: acid lightning Answer: ionize air spine Answer: skin meristem Answer: flower chamber Answer: ventricle object identifier Answer: number membrane bind particle Answer: degradative enzyme quartz crystal Answer: inclusion adrenal medulla Answer: norepinephrine duvet Answer: fabric siberian tiger Answer: and fur daylily Answer: flower ribose Answer: group canine tooth Answer: poison colour photo Answer: silver salt herbal medicine Answer: chemical ingredient bacteria Answer: two chromosome red bean Answer: skin elbow Answer: nerve fiber rhododendron Answer: capsular fruit body opening Answer: mucous membrane stallion Answer: testicle elbow Answer: nerve fiber bark Answer: tissue pomes Answer: seed human brain Answer: nerve cell adult ant Answer: leg watershed Answer: depression rattlesnake Answer: hemotoxic property interstitium Answer: cell lynx Answer: fur autotroph Answer: water organelle Answer: genetic material hydathode Answer: calcite deposit carbon compound Answer: carbon atom cod Answer: fish scale earth s crust Answer: crack pupas Answer: shell anteater Answer: shoulder white Answer: light pony Answer: thick tail eye doctor Answer: pupil chameleon Answer: long tongue sea animal Answer: shell savannah monitor Answer: claw hashish Answer: oil individual Answer: skin coronet Answer: vesicle streetcar girder rail Answer: paving flagella Answer: flagellin water hardness Answer: calcium and magnesium salt lion Answer: coat papillae Answer: follicle spore Answer: conidiophore soil Answer: root nodules cone Answer: sporagia axon Answer: synapsis or fish Answer: larva ionize radiation Answer: gamma particle succulent Answer: root ice Answer: ice crystal strawberry Answer: flower honeybee Answer: carapace single-celled or multicellular organisms Answer: cell wall pathway Answer: protein predominately stem Answer: layer finger Answer: blood tent Answer: wood prescription medicine Answer: growth hormone phenolic Answer: catechin hemoglobin Answer: atom mitosis Answer: mitotic spindle foot rot Answer: tip limpet Answer: off - center point branch Answer: gall cab Answer: bottom ice cube Answer: salt cloth Answer: thickness hummingbird Answer: two ovary salt Answer: calcium carbonate katydid Answer: leg cornea Answer: surface implant Answer: cell blowfly Answer: carapace listeriosis Answer: granuloma connective tissue Answer: plasma aquatic animal Answer: sperm quadruped Answer: four foot pelican Answer: neck phasmid Answer: mouthpart granulocyte Answer: substance red meat Answer: saturated fat coal gas and motor exhaust fume Answer: carbon monoxide carbon surface Answer: charge gill Answer: tissue predator Answer: bristle skin disorder Answer: skin vinyl surface Answer: oxide family Answer: cheek tooth diorite Answer: sodium plagioclase perichondrium Answer: interior pneumonic plague Answer: blood prairie dog Answer: head porbeagle shark Answer: white immune system Answer: mast cell gymnosperms Answer: needle - leave condition Answer: cytokine pea family Answer: aluminum land living mollusk Answer: sole dinosaur Answer: toe lichens Answer: fungus insect - animal Answer: six thoracic leg crystal Answer: thorium broccolis Answer: calcium chemical compound Answer: silver live thing Answer: information volcano Answer: crater antelope Answer: hoof swarm termite Answer: waist plastid Answer: girdle lamella angiosperm Answer: chromosome lymphocyte Answer: nucleus bract Answer: bulbil live tissue Answer: calcium mexican bread Answer: bean flexor muscle Answer: tendon sheath body torso Answer: ringworm molar Answer: ridge steer Answer: meat top Answer: carbon atom hydathode Answer: calcite deposit child Answer: heart chinese muntjac Answer: gland economy Answer: information compound leave Answer: base two eye Answer: information raptor Answer: foot vagus nerve Answer: peptide receptor fen Answer: alkaline water nodes Answer: metastasis basidiocarps Answer: spore endoneurium Answer: layer belly Answer: energy ephemeral Answer: flower stalk polecat Answer: fur tessellation Answer: tile rice bran Answer: vitamin e owl Answer: forward - face eye chew gum Answer: calorie right whale Answer: head asexual reproduction Answer: bud tire Answer: tread morphine sulfate Answer: opium long - legged monkey Answer: tail fovea Answer: cell hemoglobin Answer: atom fruit fly Answer: gene white bread Answer: iron groin Answer: artery one Answer: grain nervous system Answer: neuron carnivore Answer: spot other Answer: septate hypha auricle Answer: sweat gland growth Answer: protein carbohydrate metabolism Answer: potassium red wine Answer: or skin flavonoid Answer: kaempferol relate molecule duckweeds Answer: root whitetail Answer: forehead skin gland movement Answer: kinetic energy live organism Answer: vitamin spur Answer: fruit perennial Answer: root system respiration Answer: diaphragm swamp Answer: vegetation dough Answer: sugar feed Answer: moisture bloodroot flower Answer: petal blood lipoprotein Answer: fatty acid royal jelly Answer: sugar arthropod Answer: chiton mayfly Answer: forewing spinach Answer: stem puffer fish Answer: neurotoxin tetrodotoxin keratin Answer: alpha helix scalp Answer: amino acid oriole Answer: color feather leopard darter Answer: margin clay soil Answer: mineral particle house Answer: atom waterway Answer: phosphorus root system Answer: bud deodorant Answer: aluminum dolomite Answer: magnesium sputum Answer: plug cell membrane Answer: acid bill Answer: edge dwarf mongoose Answer: body mineral deposit Answer: amino acid cysteine sputum Answer: plug touch Answer: tendon atmosphere Answer: compound angiosperm Answer: chromosome hornwort sporophyte Answer: cuticle animal skin Answer: barb loose connective tissue Answer: fiber rabbit Answer: fur particle Answer: self - contain electromagnetism sexual intercourse Answer: sperm transformer Answer: magnetic core tea Answer: fluorine pharynxs Answer: tube baby bat Answer: wing carrier Answer: membrane jacamar Answer: bill womb cavity Answer: endometriosis cheat grass Answer: flower personality Answer: intelligence yeast cell Answer: membrane water vapor Answer: water molecule titanium Answer: chemical element obesity Answer: tissue hallucinogen Answer: salt lancelets Answer: sperm psoriasis Answer: dandruff oil Answer: sesquiterpenes document Answer: character copulation Answer: penis hardwood tree Answer: wood needle Answer: collagen histone Answer: lysine jackal Answer: fur egg yolk Answer: lecithin sea snake Answer: tail sialic acid Answer: oligosaccharide peony Answer: taproot spinach Answer: stem efflorescence Answer: salt amphibian Answer: tongue multicellular organism Answer: complicated structure mouth - pouch Answer: radulae cephalopod Answer: sucker capsule Answer: cell dark chocolate Answer: cocoa butter porcupine Answer: claws salmonella Answer: flagella floret Answer: conidia periwinkle Answer: leave expectorant Answer: secretion descend colon Answer: pancrea macromolecule Answer: sub - unit brown bat Answer: nose proboscis Answer: nostril rise Answer: leaf lory Answer: tail mast cell Answer: affinity ige receptor specie Answer: oil evergreen Answer: fruit heart 's two chamber Answer: ventricle razorbill Answer: tail region Answer: mantle rock cheat grass Answer: flower angwantibo Answer: tail calcium supplement Answer: vitamin d duct Answer: myoepithelial cell tube Answer: skeleton tea leaf Answer: caffeine marten Answer: gland japanese ginger Answer: flesh trigeminal Answer: axon earth 's stratosphere Answer: ozone soil arthropod Answer: body segment clock and barometer dial Answer: silver salt net Answer: cell aardwolf Answer: toe land plant Answer: vascular tissue eyelid Answer: muscle tortoise Answer: material ceiling Answer: wire goldfish Answer: eye spiral Answer: center sulphur shelf Answer: pore paramecium Answer: dart oyster shell Answer: calcium blood plasma Answer: material streetcar girder rail Answer: paving neck Answer: lipomas papillae Answer: follicle cornea Answer: surface merozoite Answer: nucleus tomato frog Answer: leg weaver Answer: cone spice Answer: oil brain and spinal cord Answer: sensory nerve tarantula Answer: carapace skin diving Answer: fin ctenophore Answer: nerve net material Answer: sensor black-feathered birds Answer: flight feather wood fiber Answer: hydrocarbon molecule bone marrow Answer: disc shape cell fatty acid Answer: acetate beer foam Answer: acid disorder Answer: seizure container Answer: gas molecule nurse shark Answer: fin rhino Answer: lip aquatic plant Answer: flower right whale Answer: head ocean sediment Answer: bacteria pharynx Answer: tonsil rain Answer: frost snow stingray Answer: one or sting thimerosal Answer: mercury leonardite Answer: humin carrot Answer: thickened root giant squid Answer: jaws gland Answer: lobe nuclear fusion Answer: atomic nucleus clock and barometer dial Answer: silver salt marmalade Answer: fruit bone - form cell Answer: ribosome phosphoric acid Answer: aldehyde asci Answer: ascospore treatment Answer: methionine titanium Answer: chemical element tom Answer: chest carapace Answer: gill arctic hare Answer: coat gecko Answer: tail bison Answer: fur stream Answer: evaporation rat Answer: stomach and third ventricle Answer: cerebral aqueduct grey Answer: foot protein hormone Answer: glucose stream Answer: evaporation anole Answer: skin layer tentacle snake Answer: venom copperhead Answer: flexibly hinge jaw anemone Answer: color litter Answer: twig rod Answer: pigment rhodopsin and sublingual gland Answer: postganglionic fiber mackerel shark Answer: snout lion Answer: coat healthy diet Answer: content bat specie Answer: neck plasma membrane Answer: protein seal Answer: or coat tree pangolin Answer: substance waste Answer: tritium sweet pea Answer: flower mortar Answer: material poodle Answer: four leg anemone Answer: color bread flour Answer: gluten land s surface Answer: rock particle strand Answer: vascular tissue spine Answer: skin colugo Answer: eye book lung Answer: tissue closed system Answer: bed sea cucumber Answer: between ten and thirty tentacle seahorse Answer: head axon Answer: synapsis car battery Answer: hydrogen and oxygen gas tire Answer: tread tangerine Answer: pebbly - peel body fluid Answer: water sediment Answer: zinc spinal cord Answer: water stallion Answer: testicle base Answer: five sepal calcium shell Answer: tetracycline antibiotic cucumber Answer: flower house Answer: atom cottontail Answer: eye tree climber Answer: claws tumor cell Answer: round nucleus sprite Answer: wing villi Answer: chromosome decay wood Answer: mycelium pseudocyst wall Answer: histiocyte softwood Answer: tracheid dissection Answer: blood heterodont Answer: jaw myriapod Answer: head hearth Answer: copper carbohydrate metabolism Answer: potassium object identifier Answer: number sacs Answer: or material nail Answer: mineral ankle Answer: muscle paper tape Answer: paper fiber basalt Answer: olivine germ cell Answer: material body 's bone Answer: cavity adult sheep Answer: ear raw food Answer: nutrient chamber Answer: ventricle end Answer: cartilage plate bat Answer: bone plastic Answer: monomer volcanic rock Answer: texture group Answer: skeleton bulbil Answer: scale leave dandelion Answer: flower break heart Answer: glucocorticoid yam Answer: peel cheek pouch Answer: food body Answer: collagen premilk substance Answer: cell graze animal Answer: nitrogen compound tiger Answer: forelimb paint Answer: turpentine predator Answer: bristle or axis Answer: extrafloral nectary sea sponge Answer: mineral mineral Answer: atom complex system Answer: component vehicle suspension system Answer: shock absorber koala Answer: arm organic material Answer: water film cycle Answer: molecule underground or surface mine Answer: gold sahuaro Answer: white flower colostrum Answer: energy human body Answer: stem cell biosphere Answer: carbon predominately stem Answer: layer stomach Answer: varix pond type larvae Answer: dorsal fin darter Answer: neck thief ant Answer: antenna component Answer: fluorescent dye fission Answer: particle blastoma Answer: cell mealybug Answer: mouthpart inclusion Answer: sulfatide corn Answer: phosphorus nectar Answer: mineral limb bone Answer: wall soy food Answer: vitamin puffer Answer: spine quasar Answer: black hole crocodilian Answer: heart balloon Answer: hydrogen fudge Answer: pecan milk thistle Answer: compound aggregate Answer: gravel placenta Answer: gonadotrophin chloroplast Answer: b. rain Answer: frost snow vaccine Answer: material embryo Answer: extraembryonic membrane water moccasin Answer: stripe elk sedge Answer: top nose Answer: fluid - fill blister pregnancy Answer: membrane penguin Answer: shell sweater Answer: collar fairly head Answer: point ear body system Answer: organ cavity Answer: muscle wall outlet Answer: capacity black bear Answer: body system Answer: particle wombat Answer: paw mediastinum Answer: bronchus booby Answer: wing huckleberry Answer: carbohydrate eucaryote Answer: membrane - bound organelle honey Answer: beeswax oatmeal Answer: fiber solution Answer: electron pubic Answer: hair root nodules Answer: nitrogen - fix bacteria honey Answer: beeswax center cell Answer: lattice point stalk Answer: date oat cereal Answer: fiber family Answer: cheek tooth shampoo Answer: citrus peel derivative mitosis Answer: mitotic spindle water molecule Answer: hydrogen atom guinea fowl Answer: wing computer system Answer: microprocessor hawk Answer: feather army ant Answer: antenna cow Answer: horn quasar Answer: black hole african elephant Answer: tusk seed coat Answer: one seed leaf blood smear Answer: platelet spiral galaxy Answer: star sheath Answer: glucose ligament Answer: ground substance hair color Answer: melanin board Answer: chip falcon shape Answer: neck diabetic Answer: kidney neuter Answer: male 's testicle film Answer: acid treatment Answer: methionine penguin Answer: shell scup Answer: molar oyster shell Answer: calcium submerse weed Answer: flower energy Answer: atom lagomorph Answer: incisor promonocyte Answer: slightly indent nucleus cider Answer: ferment apple juice largely group Answer: gland sebaceous gland Answer: epithelium epiphyte Answer: long - creeping stem organelle Answer: genetic material fluorescent lamp Answer: mercury bite Answer: clench fist antler Answer: branch tine host plant Answer: rhizome hair color Answer: melanin glycogen Answer: atom bony fish Answer: gas fill swim bladder toothbrush Answer: bristle tetrapod Answer: jaws anemone Answer: color submerse weed Answer: flower thief ant Answer: antenna cranberry Answer: fructose saponin Answer: sugar moiety exposure Answer: sulfur dioxide flavonoid Answer: kaempferol relate molecule tobacco plant Answer: dry and cure leave single-celled protozoans Answer: hairlike cilium protoplasm Answer: pectin magnesium deficiency Answer: leaf vein soy protein Answer: vitamin snail Answer: aperture dwarf crocodile Answer: eye fry pastry Answer: sugar eagle Answer: eye leave Answer: carbohydrate cold-blooded animals Answer: scale spore Answer: conidiophore acorn squash Answer: ridge diarrhea Answer: mucus mouth cavity Answer: tongue sedimentary rock Answer: sandstone sea sponge Answer: mineral general long-chain polymers Answer: macromolecule copulation Answer: penis daffodil Answer: bulb morphine sulfate Answer: opium grapefruit Answer: calcium braille Answer: three dot earth 's stratosphere Answer: ozone leaf Answer: gall incinerator Answer: dioxin end Answer: cartilage plate compound leave Answer: base tundra Answer: fungus ermine Answer: anal gland skin disorder Answer: skin red bean Answer: skin aircraft engine Answer: compressor corpora cavernosa penis Answer: cylinder titanium Answer: chemical element groin Answer: artery binturong Answer: black fur pony Answer: thick tail fairly head Answer: point ear organ Answer: acinar cell llama Answer: back whole blood Answer: platelet nest mound Answer: feather red wine Answer: or skin mule Answer: hip socket saguaro cactus Answer: nectar pod Answer: wall hydride Answer: nickel breast cancer Answer: cell surface leopard Answer: tooth amylase Answer: group yeast cell Answer: membrane harvester ant Answer: and worker personality Answer: intelligence kelp Answer: mineral black locust Answer: foliage protein food Answer: tyrosine cantaloupe Answer: carotene wingless insect Answer: appendage polygon Answer: ear ribose Answer: group ericas Answer: tubular star Answer: iron apricot oil Answer: vitamin seamount Answer: two rift zone beneficial bacteria Answer: enzyme engine Answer: petroleum oil scaffold Answer: insert tv tube Answer: terbium oxide yeast Answer: bud mother Answer: umbilical cord cougar Answer: body tomato plant Answer: flower eukaryote Answer: organization intron Answer: atom tuna Answer: acid electron transport chain Answer: oxygen whole blood Answer: platelet blood lipoprotein Answer: fatty acid ear Answer: accelerometer grape skin Answer: tannin underlie cell membrane Answer: lipoteichoic acid root system Answer: bud milkweed Answer: flower cocoa butter Answer: three fatty acid worm Answer: skin centipede Answer: exoskeleton coal burning Answer: carbon banana slug Answer: skin tocopherol Answer: gamma tocopherol vole Answer: eye redness Answer: red blood cell synthetic rubber Answer: styrene transducer Answer: electrode soyabean Answer: vitamin e weaver Answer: cone mule Answer: hip socket r Answer: carbon heat pack Answer: iron land surface Answer: limestone hydrate Answer: water sediment Answer: zinc pocket gopher Answer: leg cicada Answer: body celery stalk Answer: sclerotinia gray whale Answer: hump wine Answer: tannin wood Answer: weight polymer octopi Answer: muscle pituitary gland Answer: prolactin nail Answer: mineral stimulant Answer: essential oil mink Answer: tail pea family Answer: aluminum oat root Answer: substance part Answer: hormone bowhead Answer: hair cliff Answer: seawall soy protein Answer: vitamin resin Answer: phenol microbe Answer: toxin sand beach Answer: sand bamboo lemur Answer: fur or layer Answer: top tablet Answer: spleen extract virion Answer: protease neuroblast Answer: neuron gibbon Answer: arm enterprise Answer: winery bone - form cell Answer: ribosome velvet antler Answer: phosphate samarium Answer: acetate braille Answer: three dot nanny goat Answer: horn perch Answer: toe technology Answer: system cluster Answer: beta cell transducer Answer: electrode oriole feeder Answer: feeding hole hoof Answer: four toe deer Answer: front tooth parrot Answer: toe abuse aerosol Answer: hydrocarbon gas kapaho papaya Answer: inside corn plant Answer: stem board Answer: chip loose connective tissue Answer: fiber bamboo Answer: wrist bone object identifier Answer: number celery stalk Answer: sclerotinia silverback Answer: canine tooth burmese python Answer: blotch father Answer: gene gray whale Answer: hump spot owl Answer: beak true lily Answer: leave anthurium Answer: compound sodium Answer: sodium atom python Answer: eye nuclear fuel cycle Answer: uranium enrichment computer component Answer: mercury goral Answer: guard hair dacite Answer: chalcopyrite tea leaf Answer: caffeine collective unconscious Answer: archetypes perspiration Answer: sodium honeycombs Answer: wax cell sporangium Answer: spore walnut Answer: chemical swallow Answer: wing know universe Answer: sulfur deer mouse Answer: underpart chile Answer: fiber sarcoidosis Answer: granuloma vein Answer: carbon dioxide plant - eater Answer: head synthetic rubber Answer: styrene amyloidosis Answer: fibril echidna Answer: jaw wheat plant Answer: stem wine Answer: tannin buzzard Answer: wing batter Answer: egg cassowary Answer: beak olfactory bulb Answer: granule cell mouth - pouch Answer: radulae fry pastry Answer: sugar pronghorn Answer: head rue Answer: alkaloid heron Answer: plume herpe Answer: cold sore megasporangium Answer: megaspore x chromosome Answer: color opsin cycad Answer: margin fetus Answer: prostate gland shadow Answer: penumbra pap smear Answer: cell pumice Answer: crystal grizzly Answer: head vacuole Answer: enzyme herbaceous plant Answer: bud organic product Answer: chemical infect animal Answer: gland elk sedge Answer: top leafy green Answer: acid fish liver oil Answer: vitamin d computer system Answer: microprocessor monomer Answer: carbon atom belief Answer: belief guenon Answer: ear brainstem or spinal cord Answer: neuron european earwig Answer: antenna oil base Answer: carotenoid yttrium Answer: silvery-metallic lustre pore Answer: corky layer wood fiber Answer: hydrocarbon molecule cap Answer: rubber rat - appearance Answer: long tail canine tooth Answer: poison soy food Answer: vitamin killer whale Answer: tooth rice bran Answer: vitamin e intervertebral foramina Answer: connective tissue freshwater fish Answer: mercury asiatic cheetah Answer: leg chest wall Answer: muscle bedrock Answer: chloride cutthroat Answer: spec gender Answer: national identity bowerbird Answer: wing guinea pig Answer: four tooth shoot Answer: gibberellic acid bug Answer: covering coconut oil Answer: chain triglyceride code Answer: symbol color Answer: pigment dolphin skeleton Answer: limb file Answer: character lake sturgeon Answer: bony plate apocrine sweat gland Answer: sweat early blight Answer: target - shape lesion african elephant Answer: tusk insect Answer: bacteria adult ant Answer: leg sea Answer: water door Answer: rail knee Answer: hamstre protein food Answer: tyrosine colony Answer: rhizome finger flexor muscle Answer: tendon lake Answer: and organic matter region Answer: mantle rock soyabean Answer: vitamin e soy Answer: isoflavone art form Answer: word downy woodpecker Answer: white feather western toad Answer: skin artery Answer: blood clot know life Answer: carbon computer keyboard Answer: character organization Answer: infrastructure eyelid Answer: muscle ocean color Answer: phytoplankton fly lemur Answer: patch sheep Answer: skull linear chromosome Answer: dna
Possible labels: 1. anger 2. fear 3. joy 4. love 5. sadness 6. surprise Example: i am feeling quite impressed with myself because i went two directions across the top row and down the left column Label: surprise Example: i also feel amazed happy fortunate and extremely blessed Label: surprise Example: i can feel dazed by all those choices so much so i find myself standing still in front of that blank page unable to make a move Label: surprise Example: i do not like exposing myself because i end up feeling vulnerable Label: fear Example: i do not like exposing myself because i end up feeling vulnerable Label: fear Example: i wake up feeling kind of dazed and groggy Label: surprise Example: i feel to have these amazing people in my life Label: surprise Example: im feeling like im also going to be uploading some more of my poetry on here just some lame stuff and lemme know if you guys like it Label: sadness Example: i have only felt it after a half marathon so i can only imagine that it feels twice as sweet for a full marathon especially the boston marathon Label: love Example: i laced my shoes and pounded out those feelings on the hot black pavement before me Label: love Example: i was so traumatised by the pestilence that i was feeling quite delicate and couldnt cook so we had to buy expensive and unhealthy convenience foods from the supermarket in order to avoid starvation Label: love Example: i had to stand in front of sinks and odkh milk in front of all the women who were entering the bathroom she said i feel offended and i try hard not to cry took Label: anger Example: i will always help others in any way i can but if you don t feel it within you to do the work and to finally learn to love yourself then my help and motivation will be in vain Label: sadness Example: im trying to focus on not feeling sorry for myself and not being upset over the loss of a material possession Label: sadness Example: i recently lost lbs of the i gained over the past year and i feel fab Label: joy Example: i feel like flagellating myself like the weird albino priest in angels and demons every time i see his face Label: fear Example: i have a feeling that even if this was the only line up there jesse might make the hike all over again just to finish this amazing project Label: surprise Example: i feel they are sincere in wanting to resolve these grievances Label: joy Example: i still enjoy it because i do not feel like i am being beaten over the head with a you are dumb and can t figure this out on your own stick Label: sadness Example: i feel selfish for it Label: anger Example: i have a feeling he wont be thrilled but i think its ultimately my decision Label: joy Example: i would say that when they start they will feel really intimidated by the code and how vast everything is Label: fear Example: i decided that i was feeling so horny that i would have to do something before i burst Label: love Example: i feel horrible they wrote again and again personifying an act they were not the cause of it was their progeny who should be genuflecting at her the wronged woman s feet Label: sadness Example: i need to do this that and the other for college by such and such a date because for the past four years ive always felt like ive been needing to do something college based and now i dont but i still have that feeling its really weird i feel almost guilty in fact Label: surprise Example: i have been feeling crappy about myself for too long and its time for something to happen Label: sadness Example: i say his name over and over and feel the change in him the nearly violent desire he reigns in with difficulty as the first waves of orgasmic stupor envelops me Label: anger Example: i feel that i know god is real and that he is loving if i feel that i have air tight reasons for such notions what kind of sense would it make to blame him for the misfortunes that befall us when in fact jesus warns that will have tribulation in the world Label: love Example: i could look for solutions instead of just feeling helpless actually made a big difference Label: fear Example: i was gay that i began to feel disturbed and embarrassed Label: sadness Example: im lacking in the accessory department but i have a feeling that once i actually start putting the things i own in one place i might be a little more surprised at what i find Label: surprise Example: i cherish that feeling of babies asleep on my chest their amazingly sweet breath and the feeling they give me of i am needed Label: love Example: i literally fell on my knees during one episode which feels so pathetic Label: sadness Example: i feel a bit timid about using this blog because i know that other classmates and even complete strangers will be able to read it Label: fear Example: ill admit to feeling a little paranoid and wondering about how many others had defriended me Label: fear Example: i feel i am really teaching and students get some lovely finished pieces Label: love Example: i am feeling a little sarcastic today Label: anger Example: im feeling awful because we hung out with my friend and her new baby the day before Label: sadness Example: im trying to focus on not feeling sorry for myself and not being upset over the loss of a material possession Label: sadness Example: i feel i was wronged Label: anger Example: i will definitely be passing on my thanks to these wonderfully gifted people but words alone are difficult to express their awesomness and the feeling of safety when they are caring for us Label: love Example: ive gotten so used to them to the extent that im actually feeling weird without them Label: surprise Example: i feel is strange rel bookmark november a href http eagleandhammer Label: surprise Example: i may give up much sooner than my days if i feel like im gonna die but ive been curious for a while Label: surprise Example: i feel almost weird that someone i didnt know has impacted me emotionally these last few days Label: surprise Example: i could feel myself hit this strange foggy wall Label: surprise Example: i can remember i feel especially impressed to start fresh new and remove clutter Label: surprise Example: i could listen to those words and suddenly not feel so incredibly helpless Label: sadness Example: i didn t feel excited playing it that s how i d know it was time to get rid of the high heels and call it a day Label: joy Example: i think even as christians our trust and assurance in the lord is weak when we feel the most helpless Label: fear Example: i couldnt help but feel a little curious about it though which is what finally led me to plan to rent it this evening Label: surprise Example: i was aware of feeling so surprised so disappointed i don t think i ever really thought i d have to have a c section Label: surprise Example: im just nosy or i like to see the process or behind the scenes of a peice but i feel like i should at least provide a little treat to everyone who is curious like me Label: surprise Example: i was stymied a little bit as i wrote feeling unsure that i might go somewhere with the story unintended Label: fear Example: i consider roethisberger stating how he feels the steelers offense should have run to be successful and win the game Label: joy Example: im the type who doesnt use a moisturizer as my skin is too oily so this product is designed to contain a ton of moisturizing ingredients that will make my skin feel lovely without oils Label: love Example: i begin to feel embarrassed about the way i acted and sometimes i just feel downright unloveable Label: sadness Example: i feel dazed and unsure of a world in which dying young and disasters that sacrifice so many lives in one swath happen let alone happen with frequency great enough to make me cringe Label: surprise Example: i am horrible about articulating my feelings particularly verbally sometimes i cant even remember incidents just that i was mad at something Label: anger Example: i feel overwhelmed stressed and pressured inside something magical happens when i take off my shoes and go for a walk in the park or on the beach Label: fear Example: i feel quite frustrated Label: anger Example: ive been feeling myself with a fake sense of purpose Label: sadness Example: i admire makes me feel amazed at my life Label: surprise Example: i feel for the people who dont see its worth or are too afraid to discover it Label: fear Example: i feel generous sometimes and feed a little of those savings to the birds Label: love Example: i haven t seen her since they broke up but now i m in this class and she is here waving at me so i go and sit next to her and get out my stuff and talk to her but i feel really strange about it because she cheated on my friend which i really should have mentioned before Label: surprise Example: im stupid and make me feel like im worthless Label: sadness Example: i feel that s the one thing i ve enjoyed about tv people have the time to be shocked over kenny powers and then you have time to let go of it and love him later on Label: surprise Example: i was already feeling exhausted and it was a matter of survival from that point onwards Label: sadness Example: im feeling very uptight right now Label: fear Example: i feel strange being thankful when such awful things on the other sides of the oceans that surround that country happen on a daily basis Label: fear Example: i didnt feel that i had very much to be thankful for Label: joy Example: i feel more like damaged goods than ever because i burned out prematurely Label: sadness Example: i am also not a perfect girl friend and im always a disappointment always feeling so doubtful and always putting you through a hard time with my mood swings and sudden outburst of low emo mood Label: fear Example: i feel like im not serving a purpose to anyone whether it be keeping them from committing suicide or just a casual conversation partner at a social gathering i am transported to a dark spot Label: joy Example: i feel humiliated since a boy has to lead me through it gt lt gets sick ive avoided the dance through all folkeskole and im not going to chance that Label: sadness Example: ive lived my life trying so hard to be accepted and to feel loved Label: love Example: i remember feeling surprised and stunned that a writer of the stature and quality of lauren had read one of my books long ago Label: surprise Example: im feeling a craving for a naughty sweet snack this is what i choose Label: love Example: im feeling amazed with my california ness at the moment currently sitting by the pool drinking a wine spritzer out of nagalene connecting via google wifi and using stellarium to figure out the stars Label: surprise Example: im left feeling nostalgic and lonely Label: love Example: i feel valuable a href http idreamculture Label: joy Example: i have stopped feeling surprised Label: surprise Example: im feeling bitchy and unappreciated today Label: anger Example: i am feeling manipulkated and wronged by my son and its as though he is lucy and i am charlie brown Label: anger Example: i want you on the trip that i feel is cool Label: joy Example: i feel quite reassured but the jurys verdict isnt in yet Label: joy Example: i forgot to take it yesterday so this morning i took two i feel super sick now Label: joy Example: i do not feel particularly delighted in Label: joy Example: i spent a while in here otherwise i was in my room reading and working in the feeling good handbook or making notes on how to further keep my anger under control once i was discharged Label: joy Example: i feel so repressed when compared to dear a href http eurodancemix Label: sadness Example: i have a feeling this month is going to have some damn cool things in store Label: joy Example: i feel shocked have i become that old Label: surprise Example: i feel pressured to write because i pressure myself to write or at least that it s just ingrained to do so Label: fear Example: i feel like i get more and more frantic with no clue which way to turn what direction my life is going or if i should even care Label: fear Example: i feel im miserable when i try to do other things Label: sadness Example: i feel pretty weird about that considering what my friends and colleagues in nyc and new jersey are going through but it s just the reality Label: fear Example: i think even as christians our trust and assurance in the lord is weak when we feel the most helpless Label: fear Example: i sat down at the table for lunch after proclaiming how amazing i felt considering i started to feel weird Label: surprise Example: i was gay that i began to feel disturbed and embarrassed Label: sadness Example: i was thinking about going out to dinner but im feeling like i might not be bothered too Label: anger Example: i know theres no hurry to get it done but it still feels a bit weird to not be checking out the newest patch content Label: surprise Example: i feel so uncertain about the decade ahead Label: fear Example: i will say that a little piece of me feels agitated when i watch discussions on race and there will i style color font family georgia serif font size px line height Label: fear Example: i feel like a lot of people are intimidated by false lashes because it seems like a largely unnecessary process during your makeup routine Label: fear Example: i get the feeling that people have died it s bothered me so much that in the past i ve cried my hair must look perfect whatever the weather all of this anxiety brings me to the end of my tether Label: anger Example: i feel like today is way suffering than the exam day which we have to open books everytime we went home Label: sadness Example: i feel this ad does i m not impressed Label: surprise Example: i think i was feeling vulnerable due to the stress of having to buy a new sewing machine and printer Label: fear Example: i was so excited to try it considering i havent before and so many people rave about it but i didnt feel like it did anything special for my lashes i dont really like drier formula type mascaras but i prefer the wet formula ones more Label: joy Example: i feel quite naughty but the Label: love Example: i feel the cold mostly in my arms and torso Label: anger Example: i feel a little funny discussing the realness of a portrayal of a condition ive never experienced Label: surprise Example: i feel like im supporting even more Label: love Example: im feeling shades of foolish Label: sadness Example: i hurt and feel suspicious and definitely get angry Label: fear Example: i feel like she acts bitchy and complainy to try and fit in but that doesnt make sense because for the most part were not bitchy and complainy Label: anger Example: im feeling rushed and like i should have planned certain things this summer that i can no longer do Label: anger Example: im feeling emotionally vulnerable right now and just want to throw up in peace so i can go back up and party hard Label: fear Example: i say walking away and shaking my head feeling a little dazed to get the drinks Label: surprise Example: i remember frequently feeling surprised by the statistic that of the population are hsps given that i almost never came across anyone who was an hsp Label: surprise Example: i feel utterly disgusted that they would look at me in such a way but the thing continues Label: anger Example: i had the feeling he didnt and he actually seemed impressed with me or i should say my work and my range of skills Label: surprise Example: im not enjoying winter hate feeling cold and having to dress in so many layers Label: anger Example: i tend to stop breathing when i m feeling stressed Label: anger Example: i feel helpless Label: fear Example: im still feeling a little shaken Label: fear Example: i started on this day and no matter how well i did i would feel horrible Label: sadness Example: im normally a strict pray gods best girl but i can barely handle the torment i feel wrestling in sweet boys heart Label: love Example: im feeling so restless today Label: fear Example: i just make assumptions based on what i see think feel i ve wondered this before with strange things Label: fear Example: i was feeling this really weird sense of isolation that would have creeped me out pretty bad if i was alone Label: surprise Example: i confess that i was feeling nervous as i made my way to the event venue Label: fear Example: i still feel a craving for sweet food Label: joy Example: i feel funny telling you about my name change anyway gracias por todo Label: surprise Example: i usually have a solution to these kinds of situations but right now i just feel unhappy and run down Label: sadness Example: i know that obrian can do good characterisation as evidenced in his main characters it just feels like he couldnt be bothered to extend that to the rest of the crew Label: anger Example: i feel more hostile towards sarcoidosis than usual Label: anger Example: i can also song write without feeling all bashful about it and play music and my guitars without anyone telling me to turn it down Label: fear Example: i feel like im half a person at the moment because i cant write and feel assured that what i do write will be there when i get the office program Label: joy Example: i feel like this is something i can do well and its helped me out of tough spots before Label: joy Example: im very much the opposite of it my cool is based on drinking and socializing without rememberiing meeting and trying to know people just to feel accepted for the first time in my life Label: love Example: i was still feeling generally needy and wanting to spend more time with her and dealing with the insecurities and well the focus on what my friend was doing Label: sadness Example: i never worry about having to repay you or feel burdened when i couldn t afford something because we always manage to understand and have fun despite being broke which is a lot of the time Label: sadness Example: im feeling discouraged i can look at that and remember i can achieve the goals i set for myself and i can always surprise myself with successes Label: sadness Example: i feel that this is something i m curious about as someone who listens to current music but i realized that songs become weird and their unique vibe gets lost when non korean songs are translated into korean Label: surprise Example: i feel like i quote him or talk about him much but it is only because i am continually amazed and nourished by his spirit and his understanding and excitement for life Label: surprise Example: i have this crush on my bus mate and i feel strange about it because i used to despise him Label: fear Example: i feel like i should go for a run to expend all this idiotic energy but iv decided to do some homework now instead and store the energy for a social event im going to this evening Label: sadness Example: i feel very strongly that the only way to eat cornbread is if its sweet cornbread with butter and honey dripping off each piece Label: love Example: i have been in the advertising world for over years and left nyc years ago after working as a creative director at some of the best agencies in the world feeling discouraged demoralized and questioning everything that i thought i love in the world of creativity Label: sadness Example: i feel strongly impressed that there must be something for me to do Label: surprise Example: i don t feel like myself when i am studying probably because i am not studying anything i am passionate about Label: love Example: i have a feeling that many of you will be surprised to learn that after nearly years it s time for me to say goodbye as your guide to entertaining Label: surprise Example: i wasnt feeling mad at god or angry for him allowing this to happen to me i was just sad Label: anger Example: i sobbed and cried to him feeling quite vulnerable and he did nothing said nothing Label: fear Example: i feel defeated knowing that i cant be like them and that it is because of myself and the things that i have felt that i cant attain great success like them Label: sadness Example: i cannot describe to you the feeling of frantic alarm that overtook me Label: fear Example: i will say that a little piece of me feels agitated when i watch discussions on race and there will i style color font family georgia serif font size px line height Label: fear Example: i am feeling romantic on this beautiful summers day rel bookmark permalink Label: love Example: i dont know if i feel this way because i live in la and id rather be somewhere else or if its because im stressed about money work or if im just in need of a hug Label: sadness Example: i feel like im pretty weird and open about liking a lot of things i doubt any of my interests would surprise anyone Label: surprise Example: i feel greedy part comes in Label: anger Example: i am right after my make up done i usually don t wear foundation so i feel like i look fake in the pictures Label: sadness Example: i was worried that it would be awkward and i would feel lonely Label: sadness Example: i know and i am eternally torned about it because i feel helpless and useless Label: sadness Example: i feel drained mentally and physically and i really need to get back to a better spot Label: sadness Example: im actually feeling a little smug Label: joy Example: i feel pressured to write because i pressure myself to write or at least that it s just ingrained to do so Label: fear Example: i will take care of the flashback of swingsets and telling the tiniest of white lies for the sake of feeling free for several hours arriving home late after staying out past curfew to watch some horror movie well sort of Label: joy Example: i feel like i just cant be bothered Label: anger Example: i feel caring in telling you this is because to maintain a healthy weight you have to learn to not overeat on your stressful days which tend to be most days Label: love Example: ill add i havent tried all that time but i do feel as i adapt and pick up techniques quickly this is one of the things im amazed that its taken me this long Label: surprise Example: i pray that the eyes that read this the minds that comprehend this and the hearts that feel this will not be offended Label: anger Example: i know that im carrying an obvious prejudice into all of this because of my own feelings about watching them be repeatedly tortured on this topic Label: anger Example: im starting to feel less like i have a cute little bump and more like i have a bigger belly Label: joy Example: i feel like that s because i didn t grow up in cliques at school like in movies there s the popular girl Label: joy Example: i look at it and again i feel horrible Label: sadness Example: im feeling doubtful about my writing dreams to know shes behind me Label: fear Example: i feel fucked up on the inside Label: anger Example: i can t help but feel nostalgic every time i listen to it Label: love Example: i feel a strange sense of legacy Label: surprise Example: i should say its giving him that sweet little feeling of being fucked Label: anger Example: i can just feel all of our stress and discontent levels rising Label: sadness Example: i look back on that i feel amazed that at such a young age i could just pull it together like that Label: surprise Example: i suspect that a few feel revulsion it elicits a weird uncomfortable fascination Label: surprise Example: i feel assured that i am properly preparing crystal for her spanish sojourn Label: joy Example: i feel surprised when i looked new Label: surprise Example: im feeling like im also going to be uploading some more of my poetry on here just some lame stuff and lemme know if you guys like it Label: sadness Example: i kind of feel like he is sincere Label: joy Example: i get the feeling he is a lovely guy and i m very happy to see him do so well at atletico Label: love Example: i didn t feel well Label: joy Example: im getting is that since i feel that i accepted the mark of the beast when they shot me up and i thought they where going to kill me and i screamed so loud that i didnt want to die Label: joy Example: i imagine that in the end it might feel like you do about not fully loving Label: love Example: the day i got to know that i would get a shared dwelling with my boyfriend my parents place was getting a little crowded with my growing bother wanting a room to himself i first felt doubt Label: joy Example: discovering a good friend had lied to me Label: anger Example: i miss him and for me the fact that i have that feeling of longing to be with him again is actually a blessing Label: love Example: i feel amazing when i lift Label: surprise Example: i cant help but feel someones going to end up pissed at me Label: anger Example: i feel more vulnerable Label: fear Example: i feel very rich today Label: joy Example: i started feeling funny and then friday i woke up sick as a dog Label: surprise Example: i feel assured that i am properly preparing crystal for her spanish sojourn Label: joy Example: i do that he can t stand feeling threatened and looking over his shoulder Label: fear Example: ive been feeling for awhile and he looked at me with a surprised look and said is that you Label: surprise Example: i still feel amazed by its beauty diversity and joie de vivre Label: surprise Example: ive lived my life trying so hard to be accepted and to feel loved Label: love Example: i know what happened might still feel real feel dangerous but i don t plan on going anywhere any time soon Label: anger Example: i got a good feeling from the school and i have a lovely class Label: love Example: i feel as the author is very passionate about his poem because when he wrote his poem he wrote from his feeling and history Label: joy Example: i feel the need to have one day a week for those polishes im not super jacked about Label: joy Example: i tells him not to feel troubled over her Label: sadness Example: i do buy synthetic pearls when i feel the need to and i use these for some of my more elegant jewelry and trinkets Label: joy Example: i feel strange actually sitting beside some people i don t know Label: surprise Example: i hate feeling so needy in need of approval in need of money in need of a direction in need of both physical and mental strength even in need of a particular someone in need of knowing what i lack and need Label: sadness Example: im so happy about this as he was really looking feeling awful Label: sadness Example: i love how soft they make my hair feel and it gives my hair a lovely natural looking shine to it Label: love Example: im feeling a lot more appreciative today Label: joy Example: i am so burdened to be a spiritual father to all generations and i really feel impressed that each and every believer should do so Label: surprise Example: i come home feeling drained and paralysed and when i try to study my brain just shuts down and ill end up snoring away on my bed and visiting dreamland Label: sadness Example: i wrote it feels slightly strange starting to write this about cambodia as i sit in lax airport waiting to bi Label: fear Example: i feel like i m trying to be that guy who hangs out with curious george Label: surprise Example: im taking a year out now so for the first time in a good while i feel relaxed Label: joy Example: i got to feel our sweet girl kick in my belly and he never had that intimacy with her Label: love Example: id love to hear your thoughts and comments so please feel free to leave me something below and have a wonderful weekend Label: joy Example: i feel lame all i use is color pencils to color pokemon Label: sadness Example: i feel really sad that my own girlfriend cannot even open up to me or communicate with me Label: sadness Example: i am feeling so stunned and sad about the earthquake in christchurch new zealand yesterday Label: surprise Example: i was completely naked and feeling horny Label: love Example: ive been feeling helpless since superstorm sandy hit one of my favorite places in the world and i suspect a lot of you share that feeling Label: fear Example: i guess i feel that the things i wrote about were so petty and small that im kind of embarrassed to go back through them Label: anger Example: i feel really horny when i wear them they hug my c k balls really nicely Label: love Example: i remember feeling shocked and somewhat embarrassed that the adf unity rite i was consecrated in was so much about me Label: surprise Example: i feared would happen with a amp a after last weeks ep is now playing out just as i had pictured it in a way that makes every scene with annie and auggie just make me feel miserable Label: sadness Example: im listing some reference verses to look up and read to remind you when thoughts and feeling of rejection haunt you that you are a beloved child of god Label: love Example: i even like to play with my negative feelings by becoming curious Label: surprise Example: i still feel a little dazed and have that sort of disbelieving feeling of oh my god Label: surprise Example: i feel like i am supposed to be faithful to her Label: love Example: im feeling less annoyed with him Label: anger Example: i got to walk in the rain and feel triumphant over nature in my rain boots and pink rain coat Label: joy Example: when i couldnt find my dog which was missing Label: sadness Example: im being particular but id feel uncomfortable even asserting ive ever been in love Label: fear Example: i feel honored to be with many wonderful artists and to display my work for the public to see Label: joy Example: i feel like it would make the startled person laugh and think it would be a nice eid gift Label: fear Example: i feel like im reliving the prequel again another jedi queen in a romantic relationship trying to keep it secret Label: love Example: i feel like ive gone out of my way to be particularly considerate about not having inconsequential complaints so i dont illicit those feelings in others that i so ungraciously had before as well Label: love Example: i am feeling much more like myself but experiencing strange head and neck twinges Label: fear Example: i do sometimes feel like im in this strange in between world Label: fear Example: i did the yelling the feeling of being extremely mad Label: anger Example: i have a bad feeling that i am going to get very aggravated again tomorrow Label: anger Example: i feel sorry for the times that i misjudged it as well as it had to me Label: sadness Example: i could have possibly forgotten that would make me feel as idiotic as last years whole forgot to pack shirts thing did Label: sadness Example: i feel is a dull worry Label: sadness Example: i do know the main reason i feel like i m losing myself unsure if i ll ever get those pieces back but i m not quite ready to talk about that just yet Label: fear Example: i made the mistake of wanting spiritual feelings to endure and remain romantic Label: love Example: i can feel it weighing on me filling my thoughts as i try to do homework or help out at special olympics Label: joy Example: i didnt feel the need to eat my beloved cheese and while i had a few set backs ive learnt to deal with it now Label: love Example: i needs to get healthy i feel more lively and sexier than i have in years Label: joy Example: i usually doubt my self at this point as i feel i should be that amazing housewife who motors all day and has a list of things they can tell theyre husband they did all day while they were at work and i was at home Label: surprise Example: i try to hold my tongue try to see it from his point of view but inside i am feeling agitated and irritable about all this pressure to please him when i cannot seem to get my own self in order Label: fear Example: i am really looking forward to feel like in europe again although somehow i m fond of this place Label: love Example: i feared would happen with a amp a after last weeks ep is now playing out just as i had pictured it in a way that makes every scene with annie and auggie just make me feel miserable Label: sadness Example: i begin to feel that every waking moment is devoted to work Label: love Example: i hauled it i feel dumb i got my lock and key i paid a man his fee now i wait and see frank black amp the catholics devils workshop released simultaneously with black letter days i initially felt this was the better of the two Label: sadness Example: i was feeling a little annoyed at some people Label: anger Example: i feel hot irritated and tired Label: love Example: i cant help but feel suspicious of everything Label: fear Example: i turn feeling ridiculously awkward and very self conscious to face zayne Label: sadness Example: i feel like a whiney lil girl who s keeps whining and psycho ing herself to love studying and start studying Label: sadness Example: i feel like im making all the effort and i cant be bothered with it anymore Label: anger Example: i beside see smiling feel very funny Label: surprise Example: im sure youre not alone in feeling a little funny about enjoying art even black created and black endorsed art littered with a term that would brand you as hateful backward and racist with a capital r if you uttered it in conversation Label: surprise Example: im feeling really bitchy so just stop reading if you dont want to hear my sob story Label: anger Example: i am by no means very claustrophobic when crunched up like that i can t help but feel a little agitated Label: fear Example: i don t know if they just wanted to lead a race or they were feeling so well so early or what it was Label: joy Example: i know that when we feel so beaten down and we are dispairing that it feels like the savior is so far away Label: sadness Example: i don t feel so self assured i need to compete or to justify why i m so clearly not doing as well as someone else Label: joy Example: i too feel as if i am a stranger in a strange land and i am raising my son in a place that is not his father s ancestral home Label: surprise Example: i was sitting in the corner stewing in my own muck feeling hated alone unworthy and violated Label: anger Example: i got lots o crazy shit going on but i am loved and feel hopeful about the future Label: joy Example: im feeling agitated again the usual evening mood that is becoming the norm Label: fear Example: i hurt and feel suspicious and definitely get angry Label: fear Example: i feel like how i m pissed that i have to spend an entire extra year in school because of stupid biochem Label: anger Example: i was intensely conscious of how much cash i had left in my gas and food envelope and i still have what i intended to save for next week which helps me not feel so stressed and scared Label: sadness
This task is about reading the given passage and construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) its answer is unique (iv) its answer is a continuous text span from the paragraph. Avoid creating questions that (i) can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph and (ii) uses same words or phrases given in the passage. --- Demand in Europe for Chinese goods such as silk, tea, and ceramics could only be met if European companies funneled their limited supplies of silver into China. In the late 1700s, the governments of Britain and France were deeply concerned about the imbalance of trade and the drain of silver. To meet the growing Chinese demand for opium, the British East India Company greatly expanded its production in Bengal. Since China's economy was essentially self-sufficient, the country had little need to import goods or raw materials from the Europeans, so the usual way of payment was through silver. The Daoguang Emperor, concerned both over the outflow of silver and the damage that opium smoking was causing to his subjects, ordered Lin Zexu to end the opium trade. Lin confiscated the stocks of opium without compensation in 1839, leading Britain to send a military expedition the following year. Answer: What were the British and French concerned about? --- There were too few ethnic Manchus to conquer China, so they gained strength by defeating and absorbing Mongols, but more importantly, adding Han Chinese to the Eight Banners. The Manchus had to create an entire "Jiu Han jun" (Old Han Army) due to the massive amount of Han Chinese soldiers which were absorbed into the Eight Banners by both capture and defection, Ming artillery was responsible for many victories against the Manchus, so the Manchus established an artillery corps made out of Han Chinese soldiers in 1641 and the swelling of Han Chinese numbers in the Eight Banners led in 1642 of all Eight Han Banners being created. It was defected Ming Han Chinese armies which conquered southern China for the Qing. Answer: What weapon helped the Ming defeat the Manchus? --- Nanjing is one of the most beautiful cities of mainland China with lush green parks, natural scenic lakes, small mountains, historical buildings and monuments, relics and much more, which attracts thousands of tourists every year. Answer: How many tourists does Nanjing receive each year? --- Thomas Barnes was appointed general editor in 1817. In the same year, the paper's printer James Lawson, died and passed the business onto his son John Joseph Lawson(1802–1852). Under the editorship of Barnes and his successor in 1841, John Thadeus Delane, the influence of The Times rose to great heights, especially in politics and amongst the City of London. Peter Fraser and Edward Sterling were two noted journalists, and gained for The Times the pompous/satirical nickname 'The Thunderer' (from "We thundered out the other day an article on social and political reform."). The increased circulation and influence of the paper was based in part to its early adoption of the steam-driven rotary printing press. Distribution via steam trains to rapidly growing concentrations of urban populations helped ensure the profitability of the paper and its growing influence. Answer: Peter Fraser and Edward Sterling, two noted The Times journalists, gained what nickname for themselves? --- The 5th Regiment was sent to intercept him and made contact just south of Grenoble on March 7, 1815. Napoleon approached the regiment alone, dismounted his horse and, when he was within gunshot range, shouted to the soldiers, "Here I am. Kill your Emperor, if you wish." The soldiers quickly responded with, "Vive L'Empereur!" Ney, who had boasted to the restored Bourbon king, Louis XVIII, that he would bring Napoleon to Paris in an iron cage, affectionately kissed his former emperor and forgot his oath of allegiance to the Bourbon monarch. The two then marched together towards Paris with a growing army. The unpopular Louis XVIII fled to Belgium after realizing he had little political support. On March 13, the powers at the Congress of Vienna declared Napoleon an outlaw. Four days later, Great Britain, Russia, Austria, and Prussia each pledged to put 150,000 men into the field to end his rule. Answer: After fleeing France, where did Louis XVIII go? --- Oklahoma's centennial celebration was named the top event in the United States for 2007 by the American Bus Association, and consisted of multiple celebrations saving with the 100th anniversary of statehood on November 16, 2007. Annual ethnic festivals and events take place throughout the state such as Native American powwows and ceremonial events, and include festivals (as examples) in Scottish, Irish, German, Italian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Czech, Jewish, Arab, Mexican and African-American communities depicting cultural heritage or traditions. Answer: When was the exact hundredth anniversary of Oklahoma's statehood? --- Criticism of the War on Terror addresses the issues, morality, efficiency, economics, and other questions surrounding the War on Terror and made against the phrase itself, calling it a misnomer. The notion of a "war" against "terrorism" has proven highly contentious, with critics charging that it has been exploited by participating governments to pursue long-standing policy/military objectives, reduce civil liberties, and infringe upon human rights. It is argued that the term war is not appropriate in this context (as in War on Drugs), since there is no identifiable enemy, and that it is unlikely international terrorism can be brought to an end by military means. Answer: What is the likely fate of the 'war on terror'? --- Bacteria are further divided into lithotrophs that use inorganic electron donors and organotrophs that use organic compounds as electron donors. Chemotrophic organisms use the respective electron donors for energy conservation (by aerobic/anaerobic respiration or fermentation) and biosynthetic reactions (e.g., carbon dioxide fixation), whereas phototrophic organisms use them only for biosynthetic purposes. Respiratory organisms use chemical compounds as a source of energy by taking electrons from the reduced substrate and transferring them to a terminal electron acceptor in a redox reaction. This reaction releases energy that can be used to synthesise ATP and drive metabolism. In aerobic organisms, oxygen is used as the electron acceptor. In anaerobic organisms other inorganic compounds, such as nitrate, sulfate or carbon dioxide are used as electron acceptors. This leads to the ecologically important processes of denitrification, sulfate reduction, and acetogenesis, respectively. Answer: What do respiratory organisms use as electron donors? --- Economist Mark Zandi testified to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in January 2010: "The securitization markets also remain impaired, as investors anticipate more loan losses. Investors are also uncertain about coming legal and accounting rule changes and regulatory reforms. Private bond issuance of residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, and CDOs peaked in 2006 at close to $2 trillion...In 2009, private issuance was less than $150 billion, and almost all of it was asset-backed issuance supported by the Federal Reserve's TALF program to aid credit card, auto and small-business lenders. Issuance of residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities and CDOs remains dormant." Answer: Almost all of the asset-backed issuance in 2009 was supported by what Federal Reserve program? --- The second main principle, sola fide (by faith alone), states that faith in Christ is sufficient alone for eternal salvation. Though argued from scripture, and hence logically consequent to sola scriptura, this is the guiding principle of the work of Luther and the later reformers. Because sola scriptura placed the Bible as the only source of teaching, sola fide epitomises the main thrust of the teaching the reformers wanted to get back to, namely the direct, close, personal connection between Christ and the believer, hence the reformers' contention that their work was Christocentric. Answer: What is the second principle of Protestantism? --- Contemporary humanism entails a qualified optimism about the capacity of people, but it does not involve believing that human nature is purely good or that all people can live up to the Humanist ideals without help. If anything, there is recognition that living up to one's potential is hard work and requires the help of others. The ultimate goal is human flourishing; making life better for all humans, and as the most conscious species, also promoting concern for the welfare of other sentient beings and the planet as a whole. The focus is on doing good and living well in the here and now, and leaving the world a better place for those who come after. In 1925, the English mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead cautioned: "The prophecy of Francis Bacon has now been fulfilled; and man, who at times dreamt of himself as a little lower than the angels, has submitted to become the servant and the minister of nature. It still remains to be seen whether the same actor can play both parts". Answer: What is human flourishing? --- The New Haven area supports several medical facilities that are considered some of the best hospitals in the country. There are two major medical centers downtown: Yale – New Haven Hospital has four pavilions, including the Yale – New Haven Children's Hospital and the Smilow Cancer Hospital; the Hospital of Saint Raphael is several blocks north, and touts its excellent cardiac emergency care program. Smaller downtown health facilities are the Temple Medical Center located downtown on Temple Street, Connecticut Mental Health Center/ across Park Street from Y-NHH, and the Hill Health Center, which serves the working-class Hill neighborhood. A large Veterans Affairs hospital is located in neighboring West Haven. To the west in Milford is Milford Hospital, and to the north in Meriden is the MidState Medical Center. Answer: How many pavilion are part of New Haven Hospital? --- Efforts by local kings to fight the invaders led to the formation of new political entities. In Anglo-Saxon England, King Alfred the Great (r. 871–899) came to an agreement with the Viking invaders in the late 9th century, resulting in Danish settlements in Northumbria, Mercia, and parts of East Anglia. By the middle of the 10th century, Alfred's successors had conquered Northumbria, and restored English control over most of the southern part of Great Britain. In northern Britain, Kenneth MacAlpin (d. c. 860) united the Picts and the Scots into the Kingdom of Alba. In the early 10th century, the Ottonian dynasty had established itself in Germany, and was engaged in driving back the Magyars. Its efforts culminated in the coronation in 962 of Otto I (r. 936–973) as Holy Roman Emperor. In 972, he secured recognition of his title by the Byzantine Empire, which he sealed with the marriage of his son Otto II (r. 967–983) to Theophanu (d. 991), daughter of an earlier Byzantine Emperor Romanos II (r. 959–963). By the late 10th century Italy had been drawn into the Ottonian sphere after a period of instability; Otto III (r. 996–1002) spent much of his later reign in the kingdom. The western Frankish kingdom was more fragmented, and although kings remained nominally in charge, much of the political power devolved to the local lords. Answer: What was the kingdom of Kenneth MacAlpin? --- Some countries are eliminating or reducing climate disrupting subsidies and Belgium, France, and Japan have phased out all subsidies for coal. Germany is reducing its coal subsidy. The subsidy dropped from $5.4 billion in 1989 to $2.8 billion in 2002, and in the process Germany lowered its coal use by 46 percent. China cut its coal subsidy from $750 million in 1993 to $240 million in 1995 and more recently has imposed a high-sulfur coal tax. However, the United States has been increasing its support for the fossil fuel and nuclear industries. Answer: What country has been increasing its support for the fossil fuel and nuclear industries? --- After several weeks of rumors, which started around January 11, 2013, Dell announced on February 5, 2013 that it had struck a $24.4 billion leveraged buyout deal, that would have delisted its shares from the NASDAQ and Hong Kong Stock Exchange and taken it private. Reuters reported that Michael Dell and Silver Lake Partners, aided by a $2 billion loan from Microsoft, would acquire the public shares at $13.65 apiece. The $24.4 billion buyout was projected to be the largest leveraged buyout backed by private equity since the 2007 financial crisis. It is also the largest technology buyout ever, surpassing the 2006 buyout of Freescale Semiconductor for $17.5 billion. Answer: What year did Dell announce its buyout deal? --- In the fifth century Strasbourg was occupied successively by Alemanni, Huns, and Franks. In the ninth century it was commonly known as Strazburg in the local language, as documented in 842 by the Oaths of Strasbourg. This trilingual text contains, alongside texts in Latin and Old High German (teudisca lingua), the oldest written variety of Gallo-Romance (lingua romana) clearly distinct from Latin, the ancestor of Old French. The town was also called Stratisburgum or Strateburgus in Latin, from which later came Strossburi in Alsatian and Straßburg in Standard German, and then Strasbourg in French. The Oaths of Strasbourg is considered as marking the birth of the two countries of France and Germany with the division of the Carolingian Empire. Answer: What is the German spelling for Strasbourg? --- Saint Helena is divided into eight districts, each with a community centre. The districts also serve as statistical subdivisions. The island is a single electoral area and elects twelve representatives to the Legislative Council of fifteen. Answer: How many districts is the island of Saint Helena divided into? --- On November 3, 2008, the European Commission at Brussels predicted for 2009 an extremely weak growth of GDP, by 0.1%, for the countries of the Eurozone (France, Germany, Italy, Belgium etc.) and even negative number for the UK (−1.0%), Ireland and Spain. On November 6, the IMF at Washington, D.C., launched numbers predicting a worldwide recession by −0.3% for 2009, averaged over the developed economies. On the same day, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank, respectively, reduced their interest rates from 4.5% down to 3%, and from 3.75% down to 3.25%. As a consequence, starting from November 2008, several countries launched large "help packages" for their economies. Answer: On November 5, 2008, the Bank of England reduced their interest rate from 4.5% to what? --- The 1960s were less successful for the club, with Real Madrid monopolising La Liga. The completion of the Camp Nou, finished in 1957, meant the club had little money to spend on new players. The 1960s saw the emergence of Josep Maria Fusté and Carles Rexach, and the club won the Copa del Generalísimo in 1963 and the Fairs Cup in 1966. Barcelona restored some pride by beating Real Madrid 1–0 in the 1968 Copa del Generalísimo final at the Bernabéu in front of Franco, with coach Salvador Artigas, a former republican pilot in the civil war. With the end of Franco's dictatorship in 1974, the club changed its official name back to Futbol Club Barcelona and reverted the crest to its original design, including the original letters once again. Answer: What team was dominate in the 1960s in La Liga? --- Research seems to favor the hypothesis that adolescents and adults think about risk in similar ways, but hold different values and thus come to different conclusions. Some have argued that there may be evolutionary benefits to an increased propensity for risk-taking in adolescence. For example, without a willingness to take risks, teenagers would not have the motivation or confidence necessary to leave their family of origin. In addition, from a population perspective, there is an advantage to having a group of individuals willing to take more risks and try new methods, counterbalancing the more conservative elements more typical of the received knowledge held by older adults. Risktaking may also have reproductive advantages: adolescents have a newfound priority in sexual attraction and dating, and risk-taking is required to impress potential mates. Research also indicates that baseline sensation seeking may affect risk-taking behavior throughout the lifespan. Answer: What does research indicate may affect risk-taking behavior throughout the lifespan? --- In 2000, the five most common self-reported ethnic groups in the state were: American (17.3%), African American (13.0%), Irish (9.3%), English (9.1%), and German (8.3%). Most Tennesseans who self-identify as having American ancestry are of English and Scotch-Irish ancestry. An estimated 21–24% of Tennesseans are of predominantly English ancestry. In the 1980 census 1,435,147 Tennesseans claimed "English" or "mostly English" ancestry out of a state population of 3,221,354 making them 45% of the state at the time. Answer: What European national ancestry was claimed by 45% of Tennessee residents in 1980? --- At the end of May 1942, Eisenhower accompanied Lt. Gen. Henry H. Arnold, commanding general of the Army Air Forces, to London to assess the effectiveness of the theater commander in England, Maj. Gen. James E. Chaney. He returned to Washington on June 3 with a pessimistic assessment, stating he had an "uneasy feeling" about Chaney and his staff. On June 23, 1942, he returned to London as Commanding General, European Theater of Operations (ETOUSA), based in London and with a house on Coombe, Kingston upon Thames, and replaced Chaney. He was promoted to lieutenant general on July 7. Answer: To what rank was Eisenhower promoted on July 7, 1942? --- None of the original treaties establishing the European Union mention protection for fundamental rights. It was not envisaged for European Union measures, that is legislative and administrative actions by European Union institutions, to be subject to human rights. At the time the only concern was that member states should be prevented from violating human rights, hence the establishment of the European Convention on Human Rights in 1950 and the establishment of the European Court of Human Rights. The European Court of Justice recognised fundamental rights as general principle of European Union law as the need to ensure that European Union measures are compatible with the human rights enshrined in member states' constitution became ever more apparent. In 1999 the European Council set up a body tasked with drafting a European Charter of Human Rights, which could form the constitutional basis for the European Union and as such tailored specifically to apply to the European Union and its institutions. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union draws a list of fundamental rights from the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Declaration on Fundamental Rights produced by the European Parliament in 1989 and European Union Treaties. Answer: What other entity was established at the same time as the European Convention on Human Rights? --- After a chloroplast polypeptide is synthesized on a ribosome in the cytosol, an enzyme specific to chloroplast proteins phosphorylates, or adds a phosphate group to many (but not all) of them in their transit sequences. Phosphorylation helps many proteins bind the polypeptide, keeping it from folding prematurely. This is important because it prevents chloroplast proteins from assuming their active form and carrying out their chloroplast functions in the wrong place—the cytosol. At the same time, they have to keep just enough shape so that they can be recognized by the chloroplast. These proteins also help the polypeptide get imported into the chloroplast. Answer: Where is the chloroplast polypeptide synthesized? --- The emperor Julian made a short-lived attempt to revive traditional and Hellenistic religion and to affirm the special status of Judaism, but in 380 under Theodosius I, Nicene Christianity became the official state religion of the Roman Empire. Pleas for religious tolerance from traditionalists such as the senator Symmachus (d. 402) were rejected. Christianity became increasingly popular. Heretics as well as non-Christians were subject to exclusion from public life or persecution, but Rome's original religious hierarchy and many aspects of its ritual influenced Christian forms, and many pre-Christian beliefs and practices survived in Christian festivals and local traditions. Answer: What was proclaimed the state religion under Theodosius I? --- During the summer of 1969, a Chicago studio group produced a single record called "Hey Hey! Holy Mackerel! (The Cubs Song)" whose title and lyrics incorporated the catch-phrases of the respective TV and radio announcers for the Cubs, Jack Brickhouse and Vince Lloyd. Several members of the Cubs recorded an album called Cub Power which contained a cover of the song. The song received a good deal of local airplay that summer, associating it very strongly with that bittersweet season. It was played much less frequently thereafter, although it remained an unofficial Cubs theme song for some years after. Answer: What year was the single "Hey Hey! Holy Mackerel! (The Cubs Song)" produced? --- Miami has a tropical monsoon climate (Köppen climate classification Am) with hot and humid summers and short, warm winters, with a marked drier season in the winter. Its sea-level elevation, coastal location, position just above the Tropic of Cancer, and proximity to the Gulf Stream shapes its climate. With January averaging 67.2 °F (19.6 °C), winter features mild to warm temperatures; cool air usually settles after the passage of a cold front, which produces much of the little amount of rainfall during the season. Lows occasionally fall below 50 °F (10 °C), but very rarely below 35 °F (2 °C). Highs generally range between 70–77 °F (21–25 °C). Answer: What is Miami's Köppen climate classification? --- The original London production was scheduled to close on Saturday, 7 October 2006, at the Dominion Theatre, but due to public demand, the show ran until May 2014. We Will Rock You has become the longest running musical ever to run at this prime London theatre, overtaking the previous record holder, the Grease musical. Brian May stated in 2008 that they were considering writing a sequel to the musical. The musical toured around the UK in 2009, playing at Manchester Palace Theatre, Sunderland Empire, Birmingham Hippodrome, Bristol Hippodrome, and Edinburgh Playhouse. Answer: When was Queen's London production scheduled to end in 2006? --- Integral to the story of the origin of the name "Antarctica" is how it was not named Terra Australis—this name was given to Australia instead, and it was because of a mistake made by people who decided that a significant landmass would not be found farther south than Australia. Explorer Matthew Flinders, in particular, has been credited with popularizing the transfer of the name Terra Australis to Australia. He justified the titling of his book A Voyage to Terra Australis (1814) by writing in the introduction: Answer: What explorer gave the name of Terra Australis to Australia? --- Somerton took over from Ilchester as the county town in the late thirteenth century, but it declined in importance and the status of county town transferred to Taunton about 1366. The county has two cities, Bath and Wells, and 30 towns (including the county town of Taunton, which has no town council but instead is the chief settlement of the county's only borough). The largest urban areas in terms of population are Bath, Weston-super-Mare, Taunton, Yeovil and Bridgwater. Many settlements developed because of their strategic importance in relation to geographical features, such as river crossings or valleys in ranges of hills. Examples include Axbridge on the River Axe, Castle Cary on the River Cary, North Petherton on the River Parrett, and Ilminster, where there was a crossing point on the River Isle. Midsomer Norton lies on the River Somer; while the Wellow Brook and the Fosse Way Roman road run through Radstock. Chard is the most southerly town in Somerset, and at an altitude of 121 m (397 ft) it is also the highest. Answer: Most Southernly town of somerset --- The first Grand Lodge, the Grand Lodge of London and Westminster (later called the Grand Lodge of England (GLE)), was founded on 24 June 1717, when four existing London Lodges met for a joint dinner. Many English Lodges joined the new regulatory body, which itself entered a period of self-publicity and expansion. However, many Lodges could not endorse changes which some Lodges of the GLE made to the ritual (they came to be known as the Moderns), and a few of these formed a rival Grand Lodge on 17 July 1751, which they called the "Antient Grand Lodge of England." These two Grand Lodges vied for supremacy until the Moderns promised to return to the ancient ritual. They united on 27 December 1813 to form the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). Answer: When was the Grand Lodge of England founded? --- The early history of Portugal is shared with the rest of the Iberian Peninsula located in South Western Europe. The name of Portugal derives from the joined Romano-Celtic name Portus Cale. The region was settled by Pre-Celts and Celts, giving origin to peoples like the Gallaeci, Lusitanians, Celtici and Cynetes, visited by Phoenicians and Carthaginians, incorporated in the Roman Republic dominions as Lusitania and part of Gallaecia, after 45 BC until 298 AD, settled again by Suebi, Buri, and Visigoths, and conquered by Moors. Other influences include some 5th-century vestiges of Alan settlement, which were found in Alenquer (old Germanic Alankerk, from Alan+kerk; meaning church of the Alan (people), Coimbra and Lisbon. Answer: During what years was the Portugal region incorporated in the Roman Republic? --- This has led to new terms such as cyberwarfare and cyberterrorism. More and more critical infrastructure is being controlled via computer programs that, while increasing efficiency, exposes new vulnerabilities. The test will be to see if governments and corporations that control critical systems such as energy, communications and other information will be able to prevent attacks before they occur. As Jay Cross, the chief scientist of the Internet Time Group, remarked, "Connectedness begets vulnerability." Answer: What is the advantage of more critical infrastructure being controlled via computer programs? --- Luther had published his German translation of the New Testament in 1522, and he and his collaborators completed the translation of the Old Testament in 1534, when the whole Bible was published. He continued to work on refining the translation until the end of his life. Others had translated the Bible into German, but Luther tailored his translation to his own doctrine. When he was criticised for inserting the word "alone" after "faith" in Romans 3:28, he replied in part: "[T]he text itself and the meaning of St. Paul urgently require and demand it. For in that very passage he is dealing with the main point of Christian doctrine, namely, that we are justified by faith in Christ without any works of the Law. ... But when works are so completely cut away – and that must mean that faith alone justifies – whoever would speak plainly and clearly about this cutting away of works will have to say, 'Faith alone justifies us, and not works'." Answer: According to Luther what justifies us? --- As reflected in the 2010 United States Census, Alaska has a total of 355 incorporated cities and census-designated places (CDPs). The tally of cities includes four unified municipalities, essentially the equivalent of a consolidated city–county. The majority of these communities are located in the rural expanse of Alaska known as "The Bush" and are unconnected to the contiguous North American road network. The table at the bottom of this section lists the 100 largest cities and census-designated places in Alaska, in population order. Answer: In what area are the majority of cities and CDPS located in Alaska? --- Firstly, flanking the open reading frame, all genes contain a regulatory sequence that is required for their expression. In order to be expressed, genes require a promoter sequence. The promoter is recognized and bound by transcription factors and RNA polymerase to initiate transcription.:7.1 A gene can have more than one promoter, resulting in messenger RNAs (mRNA) that differ in how far they extend in the 5' end. Promoter regions have a consensus sequence, however highly transcribed genes have "strong" promoter sequences that bind the transcription machinery well, whereas others have "weak" promoters that bind poorly and initiate transcription less frequently.:7.2 Eukaryotic promoter regions are much more complex and difficult to identify than prokaryotic promoters.:7.3 Answer: What does a "weak" promoter sequence do? --- Much of its technology and ideas were incorporated into the definition of ISO MPEG Audio Layer I and Layer II and the filter bank alone into Layer III (MP3) format as part of the computationally inefficient hybrid filter bank. Under the chairmanship of Professor Musmann (University of Hannover) the editing of the standard was made under the responsibilities of Leon van de Kerkhof (Layer I) and Gerhard Stoll (Layer II). Answer: Who's responsibility was it to edit the standard for Layer I? --- The next three popes, including Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, were created cardinals by him. His immediate successor, Albino Luciani, who took the name John Paul I, was created a cardinal in the consistory of 5 March 1973. Karol Wojtyła was created a cardinal in the consistory of 26 June 1967. Joseph Ratzinger was created a cardinal in the small four-appointment consistory of 27 June 1977, which also included Bernardin Gantin from Benin, Africa. This became the last of Paul VI's consistories before his death in August 1978. Pope Paul was asked towards the end of his papacy whether he would retire at age 80, he replied "Kings can abdicate, Popes cannot."[citation needed] Answer: What future pope was made a cardinal by Paul VI on June 26, 1967? --- Meanwhile, U.S. garrisons in Japan continually dispatched soldiers and matériel to reinforce defenders in the Pusan Perimeter. Tank battalions deployed to Korea directly from the U.S. mainland from the port of San Francisco to the port of Pusan, the largest Korean port. By late August, the Pusan Perimeter had some 500 medium tanks battle-ready. In early September 1950, ROK Army and UN Command forces outnumbered the KPA 180,000 to 100,000 soldiers. The UN forces, once prepared, counterattacked and broke out of the Pusan Perimeter. Answer: What is Korea's largest port? --- Westminster Abbey is a collegiate church governed by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, as established by Royal charter of Queen Elizabeth I in 1560, which created it as the Collegiate Church of St Peter Westminster and a Royal Peculiar under the personal jurisdiction of the Sovereign. The members of the Chapter are the Dean and four canons residentiary, assisted by the Receiver General and Chapter Clerk. One of the canons is also Rector of St Margaret's Church, Westminster, and often holds also the post of Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons. Answer: Who are the members of the chapter of Westminster? --- The official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China is that the Ming implemented a policy of managing Tibet according to conventions and customs, granting titles and setting up administrative organs over Tibet. The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic states that the Ming dynasty's Ü-Tsang Commanding Office governed most areas of Tibet. It also states that while the Ming abolished the policy council set up by the Mongol Yuan to manage local affairs in Tibet and the Mongol system of Imperial Tutors to govern religious affairs, the Ming adopted a policy of bestowing titles upon religious leaders who had submitted to the Ming dynasty. For example, an edict of the Hongwu Emperor in 1373 appointed the Tibetan leader Choskunskyabs as the General of the Ngari Military and Civil Wanhu Office, stating: Answer: Who abolished the policy council? --- 31st Street begins on the West Side at the West Side Yard, while 32nd Street, which includes a segment officially known as Korea Way between Fifth Avenue and Broadway in Manhattan's Koreatown, begins at the entrance to Penn Station and Madison Square Garden. On the East Side, both streets end at Second Avenue at Kips Bay Towers and NYU Medical Center which occupy the area between 30th and 34th Streets. The Catholic church of St. Francis of Assisi is situated at 135–139 West 31st Street. At 210 West is the Capuchin Monastery of St. John the Baptist, part of St. John the Baptist Church on 30th Street. At the corner of Broadway and West 31st Street is the Grand Hotel. The former Hotel Pierrepont was located at 43 West 32nd Street, The Continental NYC tower is at the corner of Sixth Avenue and 32nd Street. 29 East 32nd Street was the location of the first building owned by the Grolier Club between 1890 and 1917. Answer: Where does 31st Street begin? --- The SI unit of pressure is the pascal (symbol Pa), but vacuum is often measured in torrs, named for Torricelli, an early Italian physicist (1608–1647). A torr is equal to the displacement of a millimeter of mercury (mmHg) in a manometer with 1 torr equaling 133.3223684 pascals above absolute zero pressure. Vacuum is often also measured on the barometric scale or as a percentage of atmospheric pressure in bars or atmospheres. Low vacuum is often measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or pascals (Pa) below standard atmospheric pressure. "Below atmospheric" means that the absolute pressure is equal to the current atmospheric pressure. Answer: Absolute pressure being equal to current atmospheric pressure means what? --- Around this time, tensions began to arise between what was perceived as president Núñez's dictatorial rule and the nationalistic support group, Boixos Nois. The group, identified with a left-wing separatism, repeatedly demanded the resignation of Núñez and openly defied him through chants and banners at matches. At the same time, Barcelona experienced an eruption in skinheads, who often identified with a right-wing separatism. The skinheads slowly transferred the Boixos Nois' ideology from liberalism to fascism, which caused division within the group and a sudden support for Núñez's presidency. Inspired by British hooligans, the remaining Boixos Nois became violent, causing havoc leading to large-scale arrests. Answer: What did the resulting violence perpetrated by the extremists produce? --- Although Whig grandees such as Portland and Fitzwilliam privately agreed with Burke's Appeal, they wished he had used more moderate language. Fitzwilliam saw the Appeal as containing "the doctrines I have sworn by, long and long since". Francis Basset, a backbench Whig MP, wrote to Burke: "...though for reasons which I will not now detail I did not then deliver my sentiments, I most perfectly differ from Mr. Fox & from the great Body of opposition on the French Revolution". Burke sent a copy of the Appeal to the king and the king requested a friend to communicate to Burke that he had read it "with great Satisfaction". Burke wrote of its reception: "Not one word from one of our party. They are secretly galled. They agree with me to a title; but they dare not speak out for fear of hurting Fox. ... They leave me to myself; they see that I can do myself justice". Charles Burney viewed it as "a most admirable book—the best & most useful on political subjects that I have ever seen" but believed the differences in the Whig Party between Burke and Fox should not be aired publicly. Answer: How did Burke think the Whigs secretly felt? --- After the end of the late Middle Ages period, the Renaissance would spread unevenly over continental Europe from the southern European region. The intellectual transformation of the Renaissance is viewed as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern era. Europeans would later begin an era of world discovery. Combined with the influx of classical ideas was the invention of printing which facilitated dissemination of the printed word and democratized learning. These two things would lead to the Protestant Reformation. Europeans also discovered new trading routes, as was the case with Columbus’s travel to the Americas in 1492, and Vasco da Gama’s circumnavigation of Africa and India in 1498. Their discoveries strengthened the economy and power of European nations. Answer: What effect did the discoveries of Columbus and da Gama have on European nations? --- The Fitzroy Tavern is a pub situated at 16 Charlotte Street in the Fitzrovia district, to which it gives its name. It became famous (or according to others, infamous) during a period spanning the 1920s to the mid-1950s as a meeting place for many of London's artists, intellectuals and bohemians such as Dylan Thomas, Augustus John, and George Orwell. Several establishments in Soho, London, have associations with well-known, post-war literary and artistic figures, including the Pillars of Hercules, The Colony Room and the Coach and Horses. The Canonbury Tavern, Canonbury, was the prototype for Orwell's ideal English pub, The Moon Under Water. Answer: In what district of London is Pillars of Hercules located? --- All birds lay amniotic eggs with hard shells made mostly of calcium carbonate. Hole and burrow nesting species tend to lay white or pale eggs, while open nesters lay camouflaged eggs. There are many exceptions to this pattern, however; the ground-nesting nightjars have pale eggs, and camouflage is instead provided by their plumage. Species that are victims of brood parasites have varying egg colours to improve the chances of spotting a parasite's egg, which forces female parasites to match their eggs to those of their hosts. Answer: What kind of eggs do open nesters lay?
### Context: Context: In 1959, Michael Courtland (Robertson), a New Orleans real estate developer, has his life shattered when his wife Elizabeth (Bujold) and young daughter Amy are kidnapped. The police recommend that he provide the kidnappers with a briefcase of shredded blank paper instead of the demanded ransom, as the kidnappers will then be more likely to surrender when cornered, rather than attempt to escape with cash in hand. Courtland agrees to this plan. This leads to a bungled car chase in which both kidnappers and victims are killed in a spectacular explosion. Courtland blames himself for the deaths of his wife and daughter. Fifteen years pass. Courtland is morbidly obsessed with his dead wife, and regularly visits a monument he has had built in her memory. The monument is a replica of the church (Basilica di San Miniato al Monte) where he and Elizabeth had met many years before in Florence, Italy. His real estate partner Robert LaSalle (Lithgow) convinces Courtland to tag along on a business trip back to Florence. While there, Courtland revisits the church, and suddenly comes face to face with a young woman named Sandra (Bujold) who looks exactly like his late wife. The already slightly unhinged Courtland begins to court the young woman, and subtly attempts to transform her into a perfect mirror image of his dead wife. Courtland returns to New Orleans with Sandra so they can marry. On their wedding night, Sandra is kidnapped and a ransom note is left behind by her abductors. It is an exact replica of the kidnappers' message from fifteen years before. This time, Courtland decides to deliver the demanded cash. He withdraws massive quantities of money from his accounts and business holdings, financially ruining him and forcing him to sign over his interest in the real estate business to LaSalle. In the process, he discovers that his entire ordeal, including the original kidnapping, had been engineered by LaSalle as a way to gain sole control of Courtland's company share holdings. The now nearly insane Courtland stabs LaSalle to death. Knowing that Sandra must have been a willing accomplice in the plot against him, he goes to the airport to kill the escaping woman. On the plane, Sandra has a flashback to her part in the scheme; she is in fact Courtland's daughter: following the original kidnapping LaSalle concealed her survival and sent her to live in secret with an Italian caretaker. Over the years, LaSalle has told her lies about Courtland, convincing her that her father had not paid the ransom because he didn't love her. Sandra, who has come to love Courtland, attempts suicide on the plane and is taken off the flight in a wheelchair. Courtland sees her and runs toward her, gun drawn. A security guard attempts to stop him but Courtland smashes the briefcase full of money against the guard's head, knocking him unconscious. The briefcase breaks open and all of the money flies out. Sandra, seeing the fluttering bills, stands up and shouts: "Daddy! You brought the money!" Courtland now realizes for the first time who Sandra really is, and father and daughter fall into a deep embrace. Question: What year was Michael's life shattered? Ans: 1959 ### Context: Context: This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (March 2010) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) On March 17, 994 A.D., The Leprechaun is a thousand years old. Since that is his birthday, he can choose any woman to be his bride. He picks a young girl of the O'Day family. The Leprechaun describes the girl he has chosen to O'Day, but when O'Day sees that the girl is in fact his daughter, he intervenes with "God bless you, my child" therefore denying the Leprechaun his bride, as the creature can marry any girl who sneezes three times, provided no one says "God bless you." The Leprechaun captures, tortures and tells O'Day that he will marry his descendant in a thousand years time on St Patrick's Day, before he kills O'Day, whose corpse is then discovered by his daughter. One thousand years later, St Patrick's Day 1994, in modern-day Los Angeles, the Leprechaun has found a petulant sixteen-year-old girl named Bridget Callum, a descendant of the O'Day bloodline, who has got into a fight with her boyfriend, Cody Ingalls. Cody, whose legal guardian is his uncle, Morty, frequently has to break their dates in order to support Morty, an alcoholic scam artist. The Leprechaun steals some whiskey and a gold tooth from a homeless man and a gold ring off the finger of Tim Streer, a talent agent, who believes that the little man is some kind of performer. After all of this, he follows Bridget to her house, where a boy named Ian attempts to persuade her into letting him in; she refuses with a swift elbow to his ribs. The Leprechaun then creates an illusion that fools Ian into believing that Bridget is asking him to kiss her big breasts, while in actuality, they are a pair of lawnmower blades that start up after Ian shoves his face into them. Shortly afterwards, Cody knocks on the door and apologizes, offering flowers, which causes Bridget to sneeze all over his shirt. The third time she sneezes, Cody begins to say "God bless you," but is unable to complete the blessing when the Leprechaun attempts to strangle him with a telephone cord. After a struggle, the Leprechaun grabs Bridget and disappears, losing one of his gold coins, which Cody soon finds. The police soon arrive, find Bridget missing, Ian dead, and a note from Cody at the scene, leading them to get an arrest warrant out for him. Cody returns to Morty's house and tells him what happened; Morty says he's crazy until the Leprechaun breaks into the house and they barely escape. Morty and Cody then go to a bar, which is filled with little people dressed as leprechauns, celebrating St. Patrick's Day. While there, Cody is given a piece of chocolate in a gold wrapper by one of the bar's patrons (Tony Cox). The Leprechaun appears and Morty challenges him to a drinking contest in honor of his wedding. While the Leprechaun downs whiskey, Morty is actually drinking soda and water. The Leprechaun eventually becomes extremely drunk, so much to the point he can barely speak properly or use his magic. He distracts Morty and Cody by turning on a jukebox with his powers, leading him to bash Morty in the head with a bottle to get away. He goes to a coffee shop, where he sobers up, and takes the time to murder a waiter (Michael McDonald) who was making jokes about his size and speech. Upon being asked for payment for the coffee, the leprechaun thinks the waiter wants to take his gold and kills him. Meanwhile, Cody and Morty break into the go-kart racetrack that Ian worked at since the office contains a huge safe on wheels made of wrought iron, the only thing that can harm the Leprechaun. Cody traps the Leprechaun inside, but Morty takes advantage of the opportunity to claim three wishes and locks Cody in a store room. His first is for the Leprechaun's pot of Question: What is the only thing that can kill the Leprechaun? Ans: iron ### Context: Context: Flowing water is a very important agent of erosion. Flowing water can erode rocks and soil. Water dissolves minerals from rocks and carries the ions. This process happens really slowly. But over millions of years, flowing water dissolves massive amounts of rock. Moving water also picks up and carries particles of soil and rock. The ability to erode is affected by the velocity, or speed, of the water. The size of the eroded particles depends on the velocity of the water. Eventually, the water deposits the materials. As water slows, larger particles are deposited. As the water slows even more, smaller particles are deposited. The graph in Figure 10.1 shows how water velocity and particle size influence erosion and deposition. Faster-moving water has more energy. Therefore, it can carry larger particles. It can carry more particles. What causes water to move faster? The slope of the land over which the water flows is one factor. The steeper the slope, the faster the water flows. Another factor is the amount of water thats in the stream. Streams with a lot of water flow faster than streams that are nearly dry. The size of particles determines how they are carried by flowing water. This is illustrated in Figure 10.2. Minerals that dissolve in water form salts. The salts are carried in solution. They are mixed thoroughly with the water. Small particles, such as clay and silt, are carried in suspension. They are mixed throughout the water. These particles are not dissolved in the water. Somewhat bigger particles, such as sand, are moved by saltation. The particles move in little jumps near the stream bottom. They are nudged along by water and other particles. The biggest particles, including gravel and pebbles, are moved by traction. In this process, the particles roll or drag along the bottom of the water. Flowing water slows down when it reaches flatter land or flows into a body of still water. What do you think happens then? The water starts dropping the particles it was carrying. As the water slows, it drops the largest particles first. The smallest particles settle out last. Water that flows over Earths surface includes runoff, streams, and rivers. All these types of flowing water can cause erosion and deposition. When a lot of rain falls in a short period of time, much of the water is unable to soak into the ground. Instead, it runs over the land. Gravity causes the water to flow from higher to lower ground. As the runoff flows, it may pick up loose material on the surface, such as bits of soil and sand. Runoff is likely to cause more erosion if the land is bare. Plants help hold the soil in place. The runoff water in Figure 10.3 is brown because it eroded soil from a bare, sloping field. Can you find evidence of erosion by runoff where you live? What should you look for? Much of the material eroded by runoff is carried into bodies of water, such as streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, or oceans. Runoff is an important cause of erosion. Thats because it occurs over so much of Earths surface. Streams often start in mountains, where the land is very steep. You can see an example in Figure 10.4. A mountain stream flows very quickly because of the steep slope. This causes a lot of erosion and very little deposition. The rapidly falling water digs down into the stream bed and makes it deeper. It carves a narrow, V-shaped channel. Mountain streams may erode waterfalls. As shown in Figure 10.5, a waterfall forms where a stream flows from an area of harder to softer rock. The water erodes the softer rock faster than the harder rock. This causes the stream bed to drop down, like a step, creating a waterfall. As erosion continues, the waterfall gradually moves upstream. Rivers flowing over gentle slopes erode the sides of their channels more than the bottom. Large curves, called meanders, form because of erosion and deposition by the moving water. The curves are called meanders because they slowly wander over the land Question: Erosion is always followed by Ans: deposition. ### Context: Context: The tradition of birthday parties started in Europe a long time ago. It was feared that evil spirits were particularly attracted to people on their birthdays. To protect them from harm, friends and family members would come to stay with the birthday person and bring good thoughts and wishes. Giving gifts brought even more good cheer to keep away from the evil spirits. This is how birthday parties began. The following are some countries' birthday traditions: Canada---Putting butter on the nose. In Atlantic Canada, the birthday child's nose is put butter on for good luck. China---Noodles for lunch. The birthday child pays respect to his / her parents and receives a gift of money. Friends and relatives are invited to lunch and noodles are served to wish the birthday child a long life. England---Money cakes. Certain symbolic objects are mixed into the birthday cake as it is being prepared. If your piece of cake has a coin in it, you will be rich. Ireland---Birthday bump . The birthday child is lifted upside down and " bumped" on the floor for good luck. Italy---Pulling ears. The child's ears are pulled as many times as how old he / she is turning. Japan---New clothes. The birthday child wears new clothes to mark the occasion. New Zealand---Birthday claps. After the candles are hit, the happy birthday song is sung loudly and often out of tune and then the birthday person receives a clap for each year he / she has been alive and then one for good luck. The United States---Cake, candles and the birthday song. A cake is made, and candles are put on top based on how old the person is. Question: According to the passage, in which country can the birthday children probably receive a gift of money? Ans: china. ### Context: Context: The 2012 Michoacan murder of photographers concerns two Mexican freelance photographers, Arturo Barajas Lopez (1966? - 19 August 2012) and Jose Antonio Aguilar Mota (1986? - 19 August 2012), who were kidnapped on 16 August 2012 and found murdered in Ecuandureo, Michoacan, Mexico. Question: The point in time of 2012 Michoacan murder of photographers was when? Ans: 19 august 2012 ### Context: Context: Abdali invaded the Mughal Empire seven times from 1748 to 1767. According to Jaswant Lal Mehta, Durrani aroused the Afghans "religious passions" to fire and "sword into the land of infidels India." He crossed the Khyber pass in December 1747 with 40,000 troops for his first invasion of India. He occupied Peshawar without any opposition. He first crossed the Indus River in 1748, the year after his ascension- his forces sacked and absorbed Lahore. The following year , the Mughal ruler was induced to cede Sindh and all of the Punjab including the vital trans Indus River to him, in order to save his capital from being attacked by the forces of the Durrani Empire. Having thus gained substantial territories to the east without a fight, Durrani and his forces turned westward to take possession of Herat, which was ruled by Nader Shah's grandson, Shah Rukh. The city fell to the Afghans in 1750, after almost a year of siege and bloody conflict; the Afghan forces then pushed on into present-day Iran, capturing Nishapur and Mashhad in 1751. Durrani then pardoned Shah Rukh and reconstituted Khorasan, but a tributary of the Durrani Empire. This marked the westernmost border of the Afghan Empire as set by the Pul-i-Abrisham, on the Mashhad-Tehran road. Question: Who invaded India Ans: durrani ### Context: Context: Since the discovery of non-coding, small, highly structured, satellite RNAs (satRNAs) and viroids as subviral pathogens of plants , have been of great interest to molecular biologists as possible living fossils of pre-cellular evolution in an RNA world. Despite extensive studies performed in the last four decades, there is still mystery surrounding the origin and evolutionary relationship between these subviral pathogens. Recent technical advances revealed some commonly shared replication features between these two subviral pathogens. In this review, we discuss our current perception of replication and evolutionary origin of these petite RNA pathogens. Question: Which are the smallest known subviral pathogens of plants? Ans: viroids ### Context: Context: John Fletcher Clews Harrison (usually cited as John Fletcher Clews Harrison or J. F. C. Harrison; born 28 February 1921) is Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Sussex and author of books on history, particularly relating to Victorian Britain. Question: What is J. F. C. Harrison's place of employment? Ans: university of sussex ### Context: Context: As of the census of 2000, there were 120,546 people, 41,668 households, and 32,292 families residing in the county. The population density was 262 people per square mile (101/km). There were 43,903 housing units at an average density of 95 per square mile (37/km). The racial makeup of the county was 68.51% Race (United States Census), 26.06% Race (United States Census) or Race (United States Census), 0.75% Race (United States Census), 1.82% Race (United States Census), 0.06% Race (United States Census), 0.72% from Race (United States Census), and 2.08% from two or more races. 2.26% of the population were Race (United States Census) or Race (United States Census) of any race. 11.6% were of german people, 10.8% irish people, 10.2% english people, 9.3% American and 5.3% italian people ancestry. Question: What percentage of people in the 2000 census said they were of English ancestry? Ans: 10.2% ### Context: Context: The history of the atom begins around 450 B.C. with a Greek philosopher named Democritus (see Figure 5.7). Democritus wondered what would happen if you cut a piece of matter, such as an apple, into smaller and smaller pieces. He thought that a point would be reached where matter could not be cut into still smaller pieces. He called these "uncuttable" pieces atomos. This is where the modern term atom comes from. Democritus was an important philosopher. However, he was less influential than the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who lived about 100 years after Democritus. Aristotle rejected Democrituss idea of atoms. In fact, Aristotle thought Around 1800, a British chemist named John Dalton revived Democrituss early ideas about the atom. Dalton is pictured in Figure 5.8. He made a living by teaching and just did research in his spare time. Nonetheless, from his research results, he developed one of the most important theories in science. Dalton did many experiments that provided evidence for atoms. For example, he studied the pressure of gases. He concluded that gases must consist of tiny particles in constant motion. Dalton also researched the properties of compounds. He showed that a compound always consists of the same elements in the same ratio. On the other hand, different compounds always consist of different elements or ratios. This can happen, Dalton reasoned, only if elements are made of tiny particles that can combine in an endless variety of ways. From his research, Dalton developed a theory of the atom. You can learn more about Dalton and his research by watching the video at this URL: (9:03). MEDIA Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: The atomic theory Dalton developed consists of three ideas: All substances are made of atoms. Atoms are the smallest particles of matter. They cannot be divided into smaller particles. They also cannot be created or destroyed. All atoms of the same element are alike and have the same mass. Atoms of different elements are different and have different masses. Atoms join together to form compounds. A given compound always consists of the same kinds of atoms in the same ratio. Daltons theory was soon widely accepted. Most of it is still accepted today. The only part that is no longer accepted is his idea that atoms are the smallest particles. Scientists now know that atoms consist of even smaller particles. Dalton incorrectly thought that atoms are tiny solid particles of matter. He used solid wooden balls to model them. The sketch in the Figure 5.9 shows how Daltons model atoms looked. He made holes in the balls so they could be joined together with hooks. In this way, the balls could be used to model compounds. When later scientists discovered subatomic particles (particles smaller than the atom itself), they realized that Daltons models were too simple. They didnt show that atoms consist of even smaller particles. Models including these smaller particles were later developed. The next major advance in the history of the atom was the discovery of electrons. These were the first subatomic particles to be identified. They were discovered in 1897 by a British physicist named J. J. Thomson. You can learn more about Thomson and his discovery at this online exhibit: . Thomson was interested in electricity. He did experiments in which he passed an electric current through a vacuum tube. The experiments are described in Figure 5.10. Thomsons experiments showed that an electric current consists of flowing, negatively charged particles. Why was this discovery important? Many scientists of Thomsons time thought that electric current consists of rays, like rays of light, and that it is positive rather than negative. Thomsons experiments also showed that the negative particles are all alike and smaller than atoms. Thomson concluded that the negative particles couldnt be fundamental units of matter because they are all alike. Instead, they must be parts of atoms. The negative particles were later named electrons. Thomson knew that atoms are neutral in electric charge. So how could atoms contain negative particles? Thomson thought that the rest of the atom must be positive to cancel out the negative charge. He said that an atom is like Question: philosopher who thought the idea of the atom was ridiculous Ans: aristotle ### Context: Context: The film opens with an animated prologue revealing the origins of leprechauns, stating that they were summoned by a king to protect his gold from those who would try to steal it. After the death of the king the Leprechauns returned to their places of origin, all except one (Warwick Davis) who remained in the mortal world and through the ages slowly became corrupted and obsessed with the treasure he still guarded. In the present Father Jacob (Willie C. Carpenter) is chased through the construction site of the youth center he had planned on building by the Leprechaun, whose gold Jacob had taken to fund the building project. Using four-leaf clover laced holy water Jacob manages to banish the Leprechaun, summoning demonic hands which drag him underground, but soon after drops dead of injuries inflicted by the Leprechaun during the fight.One year later two down on their luck friends Emily Woodrow (Tangi Miller) and Lisa Duncan (Sherrie Jackson) have their fortune told when the clairvoyant Esmeralda (Donzaleigh Abernathy) who warns them that they will attain great wealth soon, but it must be denied as it will come at a great price and summon a terrible evil. While having a barbecue at the abandoned youth center construction site with Lisa, their stoner friend Jamie Davis (Page Kennedy) and her ex-boyfriend turned drug dealer Rory Jackson (Laz Alonso) Emily falls through a hole and discovers the Leprechaun's gold in an old tunnel where it was hidden by Father Jacob. Splitting up the gold (which is produced in a never ending amount by the chest it was contained in) evenly the quartet of friends use it to fulfill their fantasies, unaware that by taking the gold they have released the Leprechaun, who begins stalking the group (killing a guest who takes one of his coins at a party held by Jamie, prompting the police to temporarily arrest him). At the salon where Emily works the Leprechaun sneaks in and, after killing a regular customer, Doria, on the massage table by breaking her neck, attacks Emily, who barely escapes and warns Rory and the recently released Jamie, who rush to get to Lisa's. In her house Lisa is attacked by the Leprechaun and manages to fight him off for a short while, but is killed when the Leprechaun claws her in the stomach, with her friends finding her body moments later.While Emily and Jamie want to return the gold Rory does not and takes off with it; shortly after realizing Rory is gone Emily is attacked and chased outside by the Leprechaun, but is saved when Rory has a change of heart and comes back for her. Searching for Rory the Leprechaun stops by his house and kills Rory's profligate girlfriend Chanel (Keesha Sharp) by tearing out her upper jaw, reclaiming the gold she used to make a tooth while Rory and Emily are stopped and harassed by Officers Thompson (Beau Billingslea) and Whitaker (Chris Murray). After the Leprechaun appears and kills the two officers Emily and Rory escape and regroup with Jamie, only to be confronted by a machine gun wielding group of Rory's drug dealing rivals, led by Watson (Shiek Mahmud-Bey) and Cedric (Sticky Fingaz). Planning on executing Rory for infringing on their territory Watson and his gang are all disposed of by the Leprechaun, (who kills Watson and Cedric while the other two members run off) while Emily, Rory and Jamie drive off in Watson's car (which the Leprechaun latches to the bottom of for a short while) and go looking for help from Esmeralda.Advised to use four-leaf clovers against the Leprechaun by Esmeralda, Rory laces the hollow-point bullets of his gun with clovers Jamie finds in the marijuana Rory had earlier sold him. When the Leprechaun arrives Rory shoots him several times with the clover bullets, only for his gun to jam before he can finish the Leprechaun off. Rory and Emily are given the chance to run with the gold when the Leprechaun is distracted by Jamie and Esmeralda (the latter dying in a magical duel with the Leprechaun). Followed to the roof of the building Rory tries fighting the Leprechaun and is knocked out, though before the Leprechaun can kill him Question: What does Jacob summon, to drag Lubdan underground? Ans: banish the leprechaun ### Context: Context: A covalent bond is the force of attraction that holds together two atoms that share a pair of electrons. The shared electrons are attracted to the nuclei of both atoms. Covalent bonds form only between atoms of nonmetals. The two atoms may be the same or different elements. If the bonds form between atoms of different elements, a covalent compound forms. Covalent compounds are described in detail later in the lesson. To see a video about covalent bonding, go to this URL: (6:20). MEDIA Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Figure 7.7 shows an example of a covalent bond forming between two atoms of the same element, in this case two atoms of hydrogen. The two atoms share a pair of electrons. Hydrogen normally occurs in two-atom, or diatomic, molecules like this (di- means "two"). Several other elements also normally occur as diatomic molecules: nitrogen, oxygen, and all but one of the halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine). Covalent bonds form because they give atoms a more stable arrangement of electrons. Look at the hydrogen atoms in Figure 7.7. Alone, each hydrogen atom has just one electron. By sharing electrons with another hydrogen atom, it has two electrons: its own and the one in the other hydrogen atom. The shared electrons are attracted to both hydrogen nuclei. This force of attraction holds the two atoms together as a molecule of hydrogen. Some atoms need to share more than one pair of electrons to have a full outer energy level. For example, an oxygen atom has six valence electrons. It needs two more electrons to fill its outer energy level. Therefore, it must form two covalent bonds. This can happen in many different ways. One way is shown in Figure 7.8. The oxygen atom in the figure has covalent bonds with two hydrogen atoms. This forms the covalent compound water. In some covalent bonds, electrons are not shared equally between the two atoms. These are called polar bonds. Figure 7.9 shows this for water. The oxygen atom attracts the shared electrons more strongly because its nucleus has more positively charged protons. As a result, the oxygen atom becomes slightly negative in charge. The hydrogen atoms attract the electrons less strongly. They become slightly positive in charge. For another example of polar bonds, see the video at this URL: (0:52). MEDIA Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: In other covalent bonds, electrons are shared equally. These bonds are called nonpolar bonds. Neither atom attracts the shared electrons more strongly. As a result, the atoms remain neutral. Figure 7.10 shows an example of nonpolar bonds. Covalent bonds between atoms of different elements form covalent compounds. The smallest, simplest covalent compounds have molecules with just two atoms. An example is hydrogen chloride (HCl). It consists of one hydrogen atom and one chlorine atom. The largest, most complex covalent molecules have thousands of atoms. Examples include proteins and carbohydrates. These are compounds in living things. Helpful Hints Naming Covalent Compounds Follow these rules in naming simple covalent compounds: The element closer to the left of the periodic table is named first. The second element gets the suffix ide. Prefixes such as di- (2) and tri- (3) show the number of each atom in the compound. These are written with subscripts in the chemical formula. Example: The gas that consists of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms is named carbon dioxide. Its chemical formula is CO2 . You Try It! Problem: What is the name of the compound that contains three oxygen atoms and two nitrogen atoms? What is its chemical formula? Covalent compounds have different properties than ionic compounds because of their bonds. Covalent compounds exist as individual molecules rather than crystals. It takes less energy for individual molecules than ions in a crystal to pull apart. As a result, covalent compounds have lower melting and boiling points than ionic compounds. Many are gases or liquids at room temperature. Covalent compounds have shared electrons. These are not free to move like the transferred electrons of ionic Question: Two hydrogen atoms may bond together to form a hydrogen Ans: molecule. ### Context: Context: Rev. T. Jerome Overbeck, S.J. is an American author and Christian theologian who is also a prominent priest of the Society of Jesus. Question: What group was T. Jerome Overbeck a member of? Ans: society of jesus ### Context: Context: Asexual reproduction is simpler than sexual reproduction. It involves just one parent. The offspring are genetically identical to each other and to the parent. All prokaryotes and some eukaryotes reproduce this way. There are several different methods of asexual reproduction. They include binary fission, fragmentation, and budding. Binary fission occurs when a parent cell simply splits into two daughter cells. This method is described in detail in the lesson "Cell Division." Bacteria reproduce this way. You can see a bacterial cell reproducing by binary fission in Figure 5.9. Fragmentation occurs when a piece breaks off from a parent organism. Then the piece develops into a new organism. Sea stars, like the one in Figure 5.10, can reproduce this way. In fact, a new sea star can form from a single arm. Budding occurs when a parent cell forms a bubble-like bud. The bud stays attached to the parent while it grows and develops. It breaks away from the parent only after it is fully formed. Yeasts can reproduce this way. You can see two yeast cells budding in Figure 5.11. Sexual reproduction is more complicated. It involves two parents. Special cells called gametes are produced by the parents. A gamete produced by a female parent is generally called an egg. A gamete produced by a male parent is usually called a sperm. An offspring forms when two gametes unite. The union of the two gametes is called fertilization. You can see a human sperm and egg uniting in Figure 5.12. The initial cell that forms when two gametes unite is called a zygote. In species with sexual reproduction, each cell of the body has two copies of each chromosome. For example, human beings have 23 different chromosomes. Each body cell contains two of each chromosome, for a total of 46 chromosomes. You can see the 23 pairs of human chromosomes in Figure 5.13. The number of different types of chromosomes is called the haploid number. In humans, the haploid number is 23. The number of chromosomes in normal body cells is called the diploid number. The diploid number is twice the haploid number. In humans, the diploid number is two times 23, or 46. The two members of a given pair of chromosomes are called homologous chromosomes. We get one of each homologous pair, or 23 chromosomes, from our father. We get the other one of each pair, or 23 chromosomes, from our mother. A gamete must have the haploid number of chromosomes. That way, when two gametes unite, the zygote will have the diploid number. How are haploid cells produced? The answer is meiosis. Meiosis is a special type of cell division. It produces haploid daughter cells. It occurs when an organism makes gametes. Meiosis is basically mitosis times two. The original diploid cell divides twice. The first time is called meiosis I. The second time is called meiosis II. However, the DNA replicates only once. It replicates before meiosis I but not before meiosis II. This results in four haploid daughter cells. Meiosis I and meiosis II occurs in the same four phases as mitosis. The phases are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. However, meiosis I has an important difference. In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair up and then separate. As a result, each daughter cell has only one chromosome from each homologous pair. Figure 5.14 is a simple model of meiosis. It shows both meiosis I and II. You can read more about the stages below. You can also learn more about them by watching this video: . MEDIA Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: After DNA replicates during interphase, the nucleus of the cell undergoes the four phases of meiosis I: 1. Prophase I: Chromosomes form, and the nuclear membrane breaks down. Centrioles move to opposite poles of the cell. Spindle fibers form between the centrioles. Heres whats special about meiosis: Homologous chromosomes pair up! You can see this in Figure below. 2. Metaphase I: Spindle fibers attach to the centromeres of the paired homologous chromosomes. The paired chromosomes line up at the center of Question: Asexual reproduction Ans: is simpler than sexual reproduction. ### Context: Context: The TauTona Mine or Western Deep No.3 Shaft, is a gold mine in South Africa. Question: What type of product does TauTona Mine produce? Ans: gold ### Context: Context: An ionic bond is the force of attraction that holds together positive and negative ions. It forms when atoms of a metallic element give up electrons to atoms of a nonmetallic element. Figure 7.3 shows how this happens. In row 1 of Figure 7.3, an atom of sodium donates an electron to an atom of chlorine (Cl). By losing an electron, the sodium atom becomes a sodium ion. It now has one less electron than protons, giving it a charge of +1. Positive ions such as sodium are given the same name as the element. The chemical symbol has a plus sign to distinguish the ion from an atom of the element. The symbol for a sodium ion is Na+ . By gaining an electron, the chlorine atom becomes a chloride ion. It now has one more electron than protons, giving it a charge of -1. Negative ions are named by adding the suffix ide to the first part of the element name. The symbol for chloride is Cl . Sodium and chloride ions have equal but opposite charges. Opposites attract, so sodium and chloride ions attract each other. They cling together in a strong ionic bond. You can see this in row 2 of Figure 7.3. Brackets separate the ions in the diagram to show that the ions in the compound do not share electrons. You can see animations of sodium chloride forming at these URLs: [Link]~acarpi/NSC/salt.htm Ionic bonds form only between metals and nonmetals. Metals "want" to give up electrons, and nonmetals "want" to gain electrons. Find sodium (Na) in Figure 7.4. Sodium is an alkali metal in group 1. Like other group 1 elements, it has just one valence electron. If sodium loses that one electron, it will have a full outer energy level. Now find fluorine (F) in Figure 7.4. Fluorine is a halogen in group 17. It has seven valence electrons. If fluorine gains one electron, it will have a full outer energy level. After sodium gives up its valence electron to fluorine, both atoms have a more stable arrangement of electrons. It takes energy to remove valence electrons from an atom. The force of attraction between the negative electrons and positive nucleus must be overcome. The amount of energy needed depends on the element. Less energy is needed to remove just one or a few electrons than many. This explains why sodium and other alkali metals form positive ions so easily. Less energy is also needed to remove electrons from larger atoms in the same group. For example, in group 1, it takes less energy to remove an electron from francium (Fr) at the bottom of the group than from lithium (Li) at the top of the group (see Figure 7.4). In bigger atoms, valence electrons are farther from the nucleus. As a result, the force of attraction between the electrons and nucleus is weaker. What happens when an atom gains an electron and becomes a negative ion? Energy is released. Halogens release the most energy when they form ions. As a result, they are very reactive. Ionic compounds contain ions of metals and nonmetals held together by ionic bonds. Ionic compounds do not form molecules. Instead, many positive and negative ions bond together to form a structure called a crystal. You can see an example of a crystal in Figure 7.5. It shows the ionic compound sodium chloride. Positive sodium ions (Na+ ) alternate with negative chloride ions (Cl ). The oppositely charged ions are strongly attracted to each other. Helpful Hints Naming Ionic Compounds Ionic compounds are named for their positive and negative ions. The name of the positive The crystal structure of ionic compounds is strong and rigid. It takes a lot of energy to break all those strong ionic bonds. As a result, ionic compounds are solids with high melting and boiling points (see Table 7.2). The rigid crystals are brittle and more likely to break than bend when struck. As a result, ionic crystals tend to shatter. You can learn more about the properties of ionic compounds by watching the video at this URL: MEDIA Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Question: charged particle that forms when an atom gains or loses electrons Ans: ion
Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 65 sacks of unripe oranges and 46 sacks of ripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of unripe oranges will they have after 6 days of harvest? Label: 390 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 82 sacks of ripe oranges and 61 sacks of unripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of ripe oranges will they have after 25 days of harvest? Label: 2050 Context: Context: If each pack costs 81 dollars Question: How much will it cost to buy 33 packs of dvds? Label: 2673 Context: Context: Adam could fit 11 action figures on each shelf in his room. His room has 4 shelves and 40 cabinets. Question: How many total action figures could his shelves hold? Label: 44 Context: Context: Every day Ryan spends 5 hours on learning english and 4 hours on learning chinese. If he learns for 6 days Question: How many hours does he spend on learning chinese in all? Label: 24 Context: Context: There are 7 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 2 green peaches. Question: How many green peaches are in the baskets altogether? Label: 14 Context: Context: If each bag has 41 cookies and you had 53 bags of cookies Question: How many cookies would you have? Label: 2173 Context: Context: He also had 74 aquariums for freshwater animals and 22 aquariums for saltwater animals. Each aquarium has 46 animals in it. Question: How many saltwater animals does Tyler have? Label: 1012 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 28 sacks of ripe oranges and 52 sacks of unripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of oranges will they have after 26 days of harvest? Label: 2080 Context: Context: Bryan took a look at his books and magazines. If he has 9 books and 46 magazines in each of his 10 bookshelves Question: How many magazines does he have in total? Label: 460 Context: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 18 seats. Each seat can hold 15 people. If 10 seats are broken Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel at the same time? Label: 120 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 25 sacks of unripe oranges and 5 sacks of ripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of ripe oranges will they have after 73 days of harvest? Label: 365 Context: Context: If each bag has 41 cookies and you had 53 bags of cookies Question: How many cookies would you have? Label: 2173 Context: Context: Ryan learns english and chinese for 7 days. Every day he spends 4 hours on learning english and 5 hours on learning chinese. Question: How many hours does he spend on learning english and chinese in all? Label: 63 Context: Context: A book has 31 chapters. Each chapter is 61 pages long. Question: How many pages does the book have altogether? Label: 1891 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 66 sacks per day and that each sack containes 25 oranges. Question: How many oranges will they have after 87 days of harvest? Label: 143550 Context: Context: Melissa scored 109 points in each game. She also got 82 bonus points in each game. Question: How many points did she score in 79 games? Label: 15089 Context: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 9 times Dean's height. If Ron is 15 feet tall and Dean is 6 feet shorter than Ron Question: How deep was the water? Label: 81 Context: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 2 times Dean's height. Dean is 8 feet shorter than Ron. If Ron stands at 14 feet Question: How deep was the water? Label: 12 Context: Context: There are 466 pots. Each pot has 53 flowers and 181 sticks in it. Question: How many flowers and sticks are there in all? Label: 109044 Context: Context: Emily is making bead necklaces for her friends. She made 11 necklaces and each necklace takes 28 beads. Question: How many beads did Emily have? Label: 308 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 8 sacks per day and that each sack containes 35 oranges. Question: How many oranges do they harvest per day? Label: 280 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 38 sacks per day and that each sack containes 42 oranges. Question: How many sacks of oranges will they have after 49 days of harvest? Label: 1862 Context: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 98 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 163 t-shirts. If they sold 89 t-shirts during the Arkansas game Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the arkansas game? Label: 8722 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 8 sacks per day and that each sack containes 35 oranges. Question: How many oranges do they harvest per day? Label: 280 Context: Context: Lewis earns $ 403 every week during the 233 weeks of harvest. If he has to pay $ 49 rent every week Question: How much money does he earn during harvest season? Label: 93899 Context: Context: Robin has 28 packages of gum and 13 packages of candy. There are 4 pieces in each package. Question: How many pieces of gum does Robin have? Label: 112 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 30 rows with 71 crayons and 24 pencils in each row. Question: How many pencils does she have? Label: 720 Context: Context: Debby bought some water bottles when they were on sale. She drank 109 bottles a day. If the bottles lasted for 74 days Question: How many bottles had she bought? Label: 8066 Context: Context: There are 20 houses in a block. If a mailman has to give 32 pieces of junk mail to each house in each block Question: How many pieces of junk mail should he give each block? Label: 640 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 28 sacks of ripe oranges and 52 sacks of unripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of oranges will they have after 26 days of harvest? Label: 2080 Context: Context: Faye had 35 packs of pencils each one having 4 pencils. She was placing her pencils into rows with 2 pencils in each row. Question: How many rows could she make? Label: 70 Context: Context: Ryan learns english and chinese for 7 days. Every day he spends 4 hours on learning english and 5 hours on learning chinese. Question: How many hours does he spend on learning english and chinese in all? Label: 63 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 31 sacks of ripe oranges and 24 sacks of unripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of unripe oranges will they have after 45 days of harvest? Label: 1080 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils into rows with 22 pencils in each row. She had 6 packs of pencils each one having 14 pencils. Question: How many pencils does she have? Label: 84 Context: Context: A mailman has to give 4 pieces of junk mail to each house in each of the 16 blocks. If there are 17 houses in each block Question: How many pieces of junk mail should he give in total? Label: 1088 Context: Context: The ring toss game at the carnival made 144 dollars per day. They were at the carnival for 22 days. Question: How much money did they make? Label: 3168 Context: Context: If each pack costs 81 dollars Question: How much will it cost to buy 33 packs of dvds? Label: 2673 Context: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 18 seats. Each seat can hold 15 people. If 10 seats are broken Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel at the same time? Label: 120 Context: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 87 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 95 t-shirts. If they sold 47 t-shirts during the Arkansas game Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts? Label: 8265 Context: Context: Frank was reading through his favorite book. He read 22 pages per day and it took him 569 days to finish the book. Question: How many pages are there in the book? Label: 12518 Context: Context: A book has 31 chapters. Each chapter is 61 pages long. Question: How many pages does the book have altogether? Label: 1891 Context: Context: Each Ferris wheel in paradise park has 19 seats. Each seat in a Ferris wheel can hold 15 people. Question: How many people can ride 20 Ferris wheels at the same time? Label: 5700 Context: Context: An industrial machine can make 6 shirts a minute. It worked for 5 minutes yesterday and for 12 minutes today. Question: How many shirts did machine make today? Label: 72 Context: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 2 times Dean's height. Dean is 8 feet shorter than Ron. If Ron stands at 14 feet Question: How deep was the water? Label: 12 Context: Context: Frank had some pieces of candy. If he put them into 26 bags with 33 pieces in each bag Question: How many pieces of candy did he have? Label: 858 Context: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 15 times Dean's height. Dean is 4 feet taller than Ron. If Ron stands at 13 feet Question: How deep was the water? Label: 255 Context: Context: Being his favorite, he saved checking on the grapevines after 57 stops. He was told by 252 of the pickers that they fill 108 drums of grapes per day. Question: How many drums of grapes would be filled in 58 days? Label: 6264 Context: Context: There are 544 pots in each of the 10 gardens. Each pot has 32 flowers in it. Question: How many flowers are there in all? Label: 174080 Context: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 2 times Dean's height. Dean is 8 feet shorter than Ron. If Ron stands at 14 feet Question: How deep was the water? Label: 12 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 66 sacks per day. Question: How many oranges do they harvest per day if each sack contains 28 oranges? Label: 1848 Context: Context: A mailman has to give 9 pieces of junk mail to each house in each block. If there are 20 houses on a block Question: How many pieces of junk mail should he give in each block? Label: 180 Context: Context: Bryan took a look at his books and magazines. If he has 9 books and 46 magazines in each of his 10 bookshelves Question: How many magazines does he have in total? Label: 460 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 74 sacks per day and discard 71 of them. Question: How many sacks of oranges will they have after 51 days of harvest? Label: 153 Context: Context: White t - shirts can be purchased in packages of 53. If mom buys 57 packages of white t - shirts and 34 trousers Question: How many white t - shirts will she have? Label: 3021 Context: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 87 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 95 t-shirts. If they sold 47 t-shirts during the Arkansas game Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts? Label: 8265 Context: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 76 dollars off each jersey and $ 204 off each t-shirt. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 158 t-shirts and 2 jerseys. Question: How much money did they make from selling the jerseys? Label: 152 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils into 14 rows with 11 pencils in each row. Question: How many pencils does she have? Label: 154 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 30 rows with 71 crayons and 24 pencils in each row. Question: How many pencils does she have? Label: 720 Context: Context: Frank had some pieces of candy. If he put them into 26 bags with 33 pieces in each bag Question: How many pieces of candy did he have? Label: 858 Context: Context: Faye had 31 packs of pencils each one having 6 pencils. She was placing her pencils into rows with 19 pencils in each row. Question: How many pencils does she have? Label: 186 Context: Context: There are 11 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 18 green peaches. Question: How many peaches are in the baskets altogether? Label: 308 Context: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 2 times Dean's height. Dean is 8 feet shorter than Ron. If Ron stands at 14 feet Question: How deep was the water? Label: 12 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 82 sacks of ripe oranges and 61 sacks of unripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of ripe oranges will they have after 25 days of harvest? Label: 2050 Context: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 5 dollars off each jersey and $ 215 off each t-shirt. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 20 t-shirts and 64 jerseys. Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts? Label: 4300 Context: Context: Faye had 35 packs of pencils each one having 4 pencils. She was placing her pencils into rows with 2 pencils in each row. Question: How many rows could she make? Label: 70 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 65 sacks of unripe oranges and 46 sacks of ripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of unripe oranges will they have after 6 days of harvest? Label: 390 Context: Context: Robin has 21 packages of gum and 45 packages of candy. There are 9 pieces in each package. Question: How many pieces of candies does Robin have? Label: 405 Context: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 78 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 186 t-shirts. If they sold 172 t-shirts during the Arkansas game Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the Texas tech game? Label: 1092 Context: Context: Lewis earns $ 491 every week during the 1181 weeks of harvest. If he has to pay $ 216 rent every week Question: How much money will have at the end of the harvest season? Label: 324775 Context: Context: The school is planning a field trip. The school has 67 classrooms. There are 66 students in each classroom in the school. If there are 6 seats on each school bus Question: How many buses are needed to take the trip? Label: 737 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 16 rows with 6 crayons and 21 pencils in each row. Question: How many crayons does she have? Label: 96 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 7 rows with 36 pencils and 30 crayons in each row. Question: How many crayons does she have? Label: 210 Context: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 2 small seats and 23 large seats. Each small seat can hold 14 people and large seat can hold 54 people. Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel on small seats? Label: 28 Context: Context: For the walls of the house John would use large planks of wood. Each plank needs 2 pieces of nails to be secured and he would use 16 planks. Question: How many nails does John need for the house wall? Label: 32 Context: Context: A book has 31 chapters. Each chapter is 61 pages long. Question: How many pages does the book have altogether? Label: 1891 Context: Context: Faye had 35 packs of pencils each one having 4 pencils. She was placing her pencils into rows with 2 pencils in each row. Question: How many rows could she make? Label: 70 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 19 rows with 4 pencils and 27 crayons in each row. Question: How many pencils does she have? Label: 76 Context: Context: There are 7 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 2 green peaches. Question: How many green peaches are in the baskets altogether? Label: 14 Context: Context: Every day Ryan spends 6 hours on learning english and 7 hours on learning chinese. If he learns for 5 days Question: How many hours does he spend on learning english and chinese in all? Label: 65 Context: Context: If Lewis earns $ 1357 every week during the 223 weeks of a harvest season. Question: How much money will he earn if he works for 73 harvest seasons? Label: 22090603 Context: Context: Robin has 21 packages of gum and 45 packages of candy. There are 9 pieces in each package. Question: How many pieces of candies does Robin have? Label: 405 Context: Context: Jesse's rooms are 19 feet long and 18 feet wide. If she has 20 rooms in all Question: How much carpet does she need to cover the floors of all rooms? Label: 6840 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils into rows with 22 pencils in each row. She had 6 packs of pencils each one having 14 pencils. Question: How many pencils does she have? Label: 84 Context: Context: The school has 304 grades and each grade has 75 students Question: How many students were there in total? Label: 22800 Context: Context: Being his favorite, he saved checking on the grapevines after 57 stops. He was told by 252 of the pickers that they fill 108 drums of grapes per day. Question: How many drums of grapes would be filled in 58 days? Label: 6264 Context: Context: Debby bought some water bottles when they were on sale. She drank 109 bottles a day. If the bottles lasted for 74 days Question: How many bottles had she bought? Label: 8066 Context: Context: We ordered 9 pizzas. Each pizza has 10 slices. If there are 2 of us Question: How many slices of pizza does each of us get if distributed equally? Label: 45 Context: Context: Brenda's mother made cookies for 14. If each of them had 30 cookies Question: How many cookies did she prepare? Label: 420 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 30 rows with 71 crayons and 24 pencils in each row. Question: How many pencils does she have? Label: 720 Context: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 5 dollars off each jersey and $ 215 off each t-shirt. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 20 t-shirts and 64 jerseys. Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts? Label: 4300 Context: Context: There are 7 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 2 green peaches. Question: How many green peaches are in the baskets altogether? Label: 14 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 31 sacks of ripe oranges and 24 sacks of unripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of unripe oranges will they have after 45 days of harvest? Label: 1080 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 31 sacks of ripe oranges and 24 sacks of unripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of unripe oranges will they have after 45 days of harvest? Label: 1080 Context: Context: There are 6 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 16 red peaches and 18 green peaches. Question: How many red peaches are in the baskets altogether? Label: 96 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 30 rows with 71 crayons and 24 pencils in each row. Question: How many pencils does she have? Label: 720 Context: Context: A mailman has to give 4 pieces of junk mail to each house in each of the 81 blocks. If there are 12 houses in each block Question: How many pieces of junk mail should he give in each block? Label: 48 Context: Context: Being his favorite, he saved checking on the grapevines for his last stop. He was told by 235 of the pickers that they fill 100 drums of raspberries per day and 221 drums of grapes per day. Question: How many drums of grapes would be filled in 77 days? Label: 17017 Context: Context: Shirley sold 25 cases of boxes of trefoils. Question: How many boxes of trefoils does she need to deliver if each case has 14 boxes? Label: 350 Context: Context: Lewis earns $ 28 every week during the 1091 weeks of harvest. He also earns $ 939 per week for working overtime. If he works overtime every week Question: How much money does he earn during harvest season? Label: 1054997 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 67 sacks per day and that each sack containes 12 oranges. Question: How many oranges are harvested if they harvest a total of 35 sacks of oranges? Label: 420 Context: Context: They decided to hold the party in their backyard. If they have 11 sets of tables and each set has 13 chairs Question: How many chairs do they have in the backyard? Label: 143 Context: Context: He also had 74 aquariums for freshwater animals and 22 aquariums for saltwater animals. Each aquarium has 46 animals in it. Question: How many saltwater animals does Tyler have? Label: 1012 Context: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 67 dollars off each t-shirt and $ 165 off each jersey. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 74 t-shirts and 156 jerseys. Question: How much money did they make from selling the jerseys? Label: 25740 Context: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 5 dollars off each jersey and $ 215 off each t-shirt. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 20 t-shirts and 64 jerseys. Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts? Label: 4300 Context: Context: An industrial machine can make 6 shirts a minute. It worked for 5 minutes yesterday and for 12 minutes today. Question: How many shirts did machine make today? Label: 72 Context: Context: There are 141 pots. Each pot has 71 flowers and 91 sticks in it. Question: How many flowers are there in all? Label: 10011 Context: Context: If Lewis earns $ 1357 every week during the 223 weeks of a harvest season. Question: How much money will he earn if he works for 73 harvest seasons? Label: 22090603 Context: Context: An industrial machine can make 6 shirts a minute. It worked for 12 minutes yesterday and for 14 shirts today. Question: How many shirts did machine make altogether? Label: 156 Context: Context: Bryan took a look at his books and magazines. If he has 23 books and 61 magazines in each of his 29 bookshelves Question: How many books and magazines does he have in total? Label: 2436 Context: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 16 times Ron's height. Dean is 9 feet taller than Ron. If Ron stands at 13 feet Question: How deep was the water? Label: 208 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 65 sacks of unripe oranges and 46 sacks of ripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of unripe oranges will they have after 6 days of harvest? Label: 390 Context: Context: Adam could fit 8 action figures and 10 cabinets on each shelf in his room. His room has 4 shelves. Question: How many total items could his shelves hold? Label: 72 Context: Context: The school is planning a field trip. The school has 67 classrooms. There are 66 students in each classroom in the school. If there are 6 seats on each school bus Question: How many buses are needed to take the trip? Label: 737 Context: Context: Bryan took a look at his books and magazines. If he has 27 books and 80 magazines in each of his 23 bookshelves Question: How many books does he have in total? Label: 621 Context: Context: Being his favorite, he saved checking on the grapevines after 57 stops. He was told by 252 of the pickers that they fill 108 drums of grapes per day. Question: How many drums of grapes would be filled in 58 days? Label: 6264 Context: Context: In Haley's class 11 are boys who love to play marbles. If Haley gives 9 marbles to each boy Question: How many marbles did she have? Label: 99 Context: Context: The school is planning a field trip. The school has 67 classrooms. There are 66 students in each classroom in the school. If there are 6 seats on each school bus Question: How many buses are needed to take the trip? Label: 737 Context: Context: Brenda's mother made cookies for 14. If each of them had 30 cookies Question: How many cookies did she prepare? Label: 420 Context: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 2 small seats and 23 large seats. Each small seat can hold 14 people and large seat can hold 54 people. Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel on small seats? Label: 28 Context: Context: An industrial machine worked for 5 minutes. It can make 4 shirts a minute. Question: How many shirts did machine make? Label: 20 Context: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop sells each t-shirt for $ 51 dollars. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they offered a discount of $ 8 per t-shirt and sold 130 t-shirts. Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts? Label: 5590 Context: Context: For the walls of the house John would use large planks of wood. Each plank needs 2 pieces of nails to be secured and he would use 16 planks. Question: How many nails does John need for the house wall? Label: 32 Context: Context: If Lewis earns $ 1357 every week during the 223 weeks of a harvest season. Question: How much money will he earn if he works for 73 harvest seasons? Label: 22090603 Context: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 18 seats. Each seat can hold 15 people. If 10 seats are broken Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel at the same time? Label: 120 Context: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 16 times Ron's height. Dean is 9 feet taller than Ron. If Ron stands at 13 feet Question: How deep was the water? Label: 208 Context: Context: Debby bought some water bottles when they were on sale. She drank 109 bottles a day. If the bottles lasted for 74 days Question: How many bottles had she bought? Label: 8066 Context: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 2 small seats and 23 large seats. Each small seat can hold 14 people and large seat can hold 54 people. Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel on small seats? Label: 28 Context: Context: Emily is making bead necklaces for her 44 friends. She made 26 necklaces and each necklace takes 2 beads. Question: How many beads did Emily have? Label: 52 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 38 sacks per day and that each sack containes 42 oranges. Question: How many sacks of oranges will they have after 49 days of harvest? Label: 1862 Context: Context: Jesse's rooms are 19 feet long and 18 feet wide. If she has 20 rooms in all Question: How much carpet does she need to cover the floors of all rooms? Label: 6840 Context: Context: Lewis earns $ 491 every week during the 1181 weeks of harvest. If he has to pay $ 216 rent every week Question: How much money will have at the end of the harvest season? Label: 324775 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils into rows with 16 pencils in each row. She had 28 packs of pencils each one having 24 pencils. Question: How many rows could she make? Label: 42 Context: Context: Paige was helping her mom plant flowers and together they planted 55 seeds. They put 15 seeds in each flower bed and only 60 seeds grew into flowers in each flower bed. Question: How many flowers did they grow? Label: 220 Context: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 98 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 163 t-shirts. If they sold 89 t-shirts during the Arkansas game Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the arkansas game? Label: 8722 Context: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 98 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 163 t-shirts. If they sold 89 t-shirts during the Arkansas game Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the arkansas game? Label: 8722 Context: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 76 dollars off each jersey and $ 204 off each t-shirt. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 158 t-shirts and 2 jerseys. Question: How much money did they make from selling the jerseys? Label: 152 Context: Context: If each bag has 41 cookies and you had 53 bags of cookies Question: How many cookies would you have? Label: 2173 Context: Context: Jesse's rooms are 19 feet long and 18 feet wide. If she has 20 rooms in all Question: How much carpet does she need to cover the floors of all rooms? Label: 6840 Context: Context: There are 7 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 2 green peaches. Question: How many green peaches are in the baskets altogether? Label: 14 Context: Context: Bryan took a look at his books and magazines. If he has 23 books and 61 magazines in each of his 29 bookshelves Question: How many books and magazines does he have in total? Label: 2436 Context: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 2 small seats and 23 large seats. Each small seat can hold 14 people and large seat can hold 54 people. Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel on small seats? Label: 28 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 16 rows with 6 crayons and 21 pencils in each row. Question: How many crayons does she have? Label: 96 Context: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 78 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 186 t-shirts. If they sold 172 t-shirts during the Arkansas game Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the Texas tech game? Label: 1092 Context: Context: Paige was helping her mom plant flowers and together they planted 55 seeds. They put 15 seeds in each flower bed and only 60 seeds grew into flowers in each flower bed. Question: How many flowers did they grow? Label: 220 Context: Context: Faye was placing her pencils into rows with 16 pencils in each row. She had 28 packs of pencils each one having 24 pencils. Question: How many rows could she make? Label: 42 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 65 sacks of unripe oranges and 46 sacks of ripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of unripe oranges will they have after 6 days of harvest? Label: 390 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 28 sacks of ripe oranges and 52 sacks of unripe oranges per day. Question: How many sacks of oranges will they have after 26 days of harvest? Label: 2080 Context: Context: An industrial machine worked for 5 minutes. It can make 4 shirts a minute. Question: How many shirts did machine make? Label: 20 Context: Context: Debby bought some water bottles when they were on sale. She drank 109 bottles a day. If the bottles lasted for 74 days Question: How many bottles had she bought? Label: 8066 Context: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 18 seats. Each seat can hold 15 people. If 10 seats are broken Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel at the same time? Label: 120 Context: Context: There are 7 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 2 green peaches. Question: How many green peaches are in the baskets altogether? Label: 14 Context: Context: Emily is making bead necklaces for her friends. She made 11 necklaces and each necklace takes 28 beads. Question: How many beads did Emily have? Label: 308 Context: Context: Shirley sold 25 cases of boxes of trefoils. Question: How many boxes of trefoils does she need to deliver if each case has 14 boxes? Label: 350 Context: Context: A mailman has to give 9 pieces of junk mail to each house in each block. If there are 20 houses on a block Question: How many pieces of junk mail should he give in each block? Label: 180 Context: Context: Being his favorite, he saved checking on the grapevines after 57 stops. He was told by 252 of the pickers that they fill 108 drums of grapes per day. Question: How many drums of grapes would be filled in 58 days? Label: 6264 Context: Context: If each pack costs 81 dollars Question: How much will it cost to buy 33 packs of dvds? Label: 2673 Context: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 38 sacks per day and that each sack containes 42 oranges. Question: How many sacks of oranges will they have after 49 days of harvest? Label: 1862 Context: Context: Being his favorite, he saved checking on the grapevines for his last stop. He was told by 235 of the pickers that they fill 100 drums of raspberries per day and 221 drums of grapes per day. Question: How many drums of grapes would be filled in 77 days? Label: 17017
In this task, you will be given a short story or summary of a situation which is called a premise. Your task is to generate a question based on the given premise. The generated question (i) must be unambiguous, (ii) must be relevant to the premise, (iii) should require commonsense reasoning to get answered. You should not use any outside knowledge to generate the question. A small triangle and a circle stand outside the room. A big triangle comes outside and all three of the shapes begin strolling together. A: Why were the small triangle and the circle standing outside the room? A triangle bumps into a circle and then runs away. A: Why did the triangle bump into the circle? A circle is continually poking the small triangle. The small triangle punches the circle. A: Why does the triangle do this? A small triangle and a big triangle argue inside the room. The small triangle turns and trudges to the corner of the room. A: Why does the small triangle trudge to the corner of the room? The triangle creeps into the house. A circle moves in the corner. The triangle bolts out of the house. A: Why does the triangle bolt out of the house? A circle approaches a small triangle in the corner of the room. The small triangle is shaking. A big triangle runs through the door and combats the circle. The small triangle runs and hugs the big triangle. A: Why does the small triangle do this? A circle and a triangle run towards each other and then hug and kiss. A: How do they feel? The circle accelerates. A: Why does the circle accelerate? Two triangles talk to each other and then hug. A: Why? A circle is standing still. A triangle approaches from the opposite direction and then stops. The circle turns around. A: Why does the circle turn around? A small triangle and a big triangle argue inside the room. The small triangle turns and trudges to the corner of the room. A: Why does the small triangle trudge to the corner of the room? A triangle comes to the door. The circle opens the door, hugs the triangle and then they both go into the house. A: Why does the circle hug the triangle? A triangle is meandering around the house. A: Why is the triangle meandering? The circle enters a room with the triangle in it. The triangle and the circle leave the room together. A: Why do they leave the room together? A big triangle and circle are arguing in the room. The triangle leaves the room and slams the door. The circle slowly walks to the corner of the room. A: How does the circle feel? A triangle ignores a circle. A: Why? A big triangle, circle, and little triangle stroll around together. A: How are these shapes related to each other? The triangle creeps into the house. A circle moves in the corner. The triangle bolts out of the house. A: Why does the triangle bolt out of the house? The circle knocks on the door. A: Why does the circle knock on the door? The circle moves back and forth in the house. A: Why? A small triangle and a big triangle are racing. A: Why are they racing? A circle appears from behind the big triangle. The big triangle flinches. A: Why does the big triangle flinch? A circle and a triangle run towards each other and then hug and kiss. A: How do they feel? A circle and a triangle are in the room. The circle starts toward the door and the triangle clings to the circle. A: Why is the triangle clinging to the circle? A big triangle knocks on the door. A small triangle slowly opens the door just a little bit. A: Why does the small triangle do this? The triangle roamed around the house. A: Why was the triangle roaming? A circle is in the room. A triangle knocks on the door and the circle runs to the corner of the room. The triangle pushes the door open and the circle is in the corner of the room shaking. A: How does the circle feel? A circle and a small triangle are strolling together. A: Why? A small triangle and a big triangle argue inside the room. The small triangle turns and trudges to the corner of the room. A: Why does the small triangle trudge to the corner of the room? A circle is continually poking the small triangle. The small triangle punches the circle. A: Why does the triangle do this? The triangle pursues the circle. A: Why does the triangle do this? A big triangle knocks on the door. A small triangle slowly opens the door just a little bit. A: Why does the small triangle do this? A big triangle knocks on the door. A small triangle slowly opens the door just a little bit. A: Why does the small triangle do this? A big triangle tickles a small triangle. A: What is the relationship between these circles? A circle examines a small triangle from across the room. A: Why does the circle do this? The circle enters a room with the triangle in it. The triangle and the circle leave the room together. A: Why do they leave the room together? A big triangle tickles a small triangle. A: What is the relationship between these circles? A circle and a small triangle are strolling together. A: Why? A small triangle and a big triangle argue inside the room. The small triangle turns and trudges to the corner of the room. A: Why does the small triangle trudge to the corner of the room? A circle and a triangle run towards each other and then hug and kiss. A: How do they feel? A little triangle and a circle are arguing. A big triangle goes between the two shapes and pushes them apart from each other. A: Why does the big triangle do this? Two triangles are playing with each other outside. A: How do they feel? The circle enters a room with the triangle in it. The triangle and the circle leave the room together. A: Why do they leave the room together? A circle is being attacked by a big triangle. A small triangle starts attacking the big triangle and pushes the big triangle off the screen. The small triangle runs towards the circle and they hug each other. A: Why do they hug? A triangle is strolling outside. A: How does the triangle feel? The circle knocks on the door. A: Why does the circle knock on the door? A triangle knocks on the door. The circle opens the door, sees the triangle, and shuts the door. A: Why does the circle shut the door? A big triangle and little triangle walk towards the door from inside the room. The little triangle leaves the room and the big triangle waves. The big triangle continues to wave as the little triangle walks away. A: How does the big triangle feel? A big triangle and little triangle walk towards the door from inside the room. The little triangle leaves the room and the big triangle waves. The big triangle continues to wave as the little triangle walks away. A: How does the big triangle feel? The big triangle is following the circle. A: Why is the big triangle following the circle? The triangle runs towards the circle and then hugs the circle. A: Why does the triangle run? The circle nods at the triangle. A: Why? A big triangle and a small triangle are dancing together. A circle approaches and pushes the big triangle away and then starts dancing with the small triangle. A: How does the big triangle feel? The triangle runs towards the circle and then hugs the circle. A: Why does the triangle run? A circle chases after a triangle and taps the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle. A: Why does the circle tap the triangle? A small triangle and a big triangle are fighting. A circle approaches and attacks the small triangle. A: What are the intentions of the circle? A small triangle and a big triangle argue inside the room. The small triangle turns and trudges to the corner of the room. A: Why does the small triangle trudge to the corner of the room? The triangle is moving away from the circle. A: Why is the triangle moving away? There are a small triangle and a big triangle walking together. A circle starts running towards the small triangle. The big triangle then blocks the circle. A: Why does the big triangle do this? A small triangle and a big triangle are arguing with each other near the door. A circle sneaks into the room through the door. A: Why does the circle sneak in? A small triangle and a big triangle argue inside the room. The small triangle turns and trudges to the corner of the room. A: Why does the small triangle trudge to the corner of the room? A triangle is alone in the house not moving. A circle enters the door of the house and nudges the triangle. A: The triangle starts moving around. What just happened? The triangle pursues the circle. A: Why does the triangle do this? A circle is standing still. A triangle approaches from the opposite direction and then stops. The circle turns around. A: Why does the circle turn around? A triangle is alone in the house not moving. A circle enters the door of the house and nudges the triangle. A: The triangle starts moving around. What just happened? A big triangle and circle are arguing outside the room. The big triangle leaves and goes into the room and starts to punch the walls. A: Why does the big triangle punch the walls? A circle and a small triangle are running alongside of each other. The circle slows down and then stops. A: Why? The circle punched the triangle. A: Why? A small triangle and a circle stand outside the room. A big triangle comes outside and all three of the shapes begin strolling together. A: Why were the small triangle and the circle standing outside the room? The circle knocks on the door. A: Why does the circle knock on the door? The circle opens the door for the big triangle. A: Why does the circle do this? A circle is in the room. A triangle knocks on the door and the circle runs to the corner of the room. The triangle pushes the door open and the circle is in the corner of the room shaking. A: How does the circle feel? The big triangle is following the circle. A: Why is the big triangle following the circle? A triangle is limping. A circle appears and runs towards the triangle. A: Why does the circle run towards the triangle? The circle opens the door for the big triangle. A: Why does the circle do this? A circle and small triangle are hugging. A big triangle approaches and pulls the small triangle away. A: How do the circle and small triangle feel? A triangle and a circle stroll by each other without any interaction. A: Why is there no interaction? The circle bothers the small triangle. A big triangle approaches and begins to argue with the circle. A: What does the big triangle want? A triangle knocks on the door. The circle opens the door, sees the triangle, and shuts the door. A: Why does the circle shut the door? A big triangle and a small triangle are arguing. The small triangle hits the big triangle. The big triangle picks up the little triangle and starts carrying the little triangle to the building. A: Why? A little triangle starts flirting with a big triangle. A circle approaches and pushes the little triangle. A: Why does the circle do this? A big triangle and a small triangle are arguing. The small triangle hits the big triangle. The big triangle picks up the little triangle and starts carrying the little triangle to the building. A: Why? Two triangles are dancing. A: How are they feeling? A circle leaves the room, stops for a moment, and then turns around and reenters the house. A: Why does the circle reenter the house? A circle is in the house moving around. A triangle bursts in through the door. The circle turns around and freezes. A: How does the circle feel? A large triangle is carrying a small triangle. A: What is the relationship between these two circles? A big triangle knocks on the door. A small triangle answers the door and the triangles kiss and leave together. A: Why do they leave together? The triangle creeps up on the circle. A: Why does the triangle do this? A triangle is alone. A circle approaches the triangle and begins to flirt with it. The triangle evades the circle. A: Why does the triangle evade the circle? The triangle creeps up on the circle. A: Why does the triangle do this? A big triangle and circle are arguing outside the room. The big triangle leaves and goes into the room and starts to punch the walls. A: Why does the big triangle punch the walls? A circle and a triangle are in the house and are arguing. The circle punches the triangle. The triangle runs out of the house. A: Why does the triangle leave the house? The circle punched the triangle. A: Why? A circle pokes a triangle. The triangle turns around. A: Why did the circle poke the triangle? Two triangles talk to each other and then hug. A: Why? A circle examines a small triangle from across the room. A: Why does the circle do this? A circle brushes against a triangle. The triangle recoils. A: Why does the triangle recoil? A triangle and a circle are facing each other and start waving. Then the circle turns and strolls the opposite way. A: What is happening? A big triangle knocks on the door. A small triangle answers the door and the triangles kiss and leave together. A: Why do they leave together? A small triangle is creeping up on a circle. The circle turns around to face the triangle and then starts to run away. A: How does the circle feel? A small triangle is trying to attack a circle. A big triangle comes in and tackles the small triangle. A: How does the circle feel? A small triangle knocks on the door. A circle opens the door and the triangle begins to argue with the circle. After a little while, they nod and then hug each other. A: Why do they end up hugging? The triangle roamed around the house. A: Why was the triangle roaming? A small triangle kisses a big triangle. A: Why does the small triangle do this? The circle opens the door for the big triangle. A: Why does the circle do this? The circle nods at the triangle. A: Why? The circle moves back and forth in the house. A: Why? A circle and a triangle are in the house and are arguing. The circle punches the triangle. The triangle runs out of the house. A: Why does the triangle leave the house? A big triangle and circle are arguing outside the room. The big triangle leaves and goes into the room and starts to punch the walls. A: Why does the big triangle punch the walls? A big triangle and a small triangle are dancing together. A circle approaches and pushes the big triangle away and then starts dancing with the small triangle. A: How does the big triangle feel? Two triangles are fighting. Then one of the triangles starts limping away. A: Why is the triangle limping? A triangle is meandering around the house. A: Why is the triangle meandering? The circle moves back and forth in the house. A: Why? A small triangle is being chased by a big triangle. A: How does the small triangle feel? A small triangle is alone. A big triangle and a circle approach the small triangle from opposite sides. The small triangle starts to turn back and forth and shake. A: Why? The circle enters a room with the triangle in it. The triangle and the circle leave the room together. A: Why do they leave the room together? A circle approaches a small triangle in the corner of the room. The small triangle is shaking. A big triangle runs through the door and combats the circle. The small triangle runs and hugs the big triangle. A: Why does the small triangle do this? A big triangle and circle are arguing in the room. The triangle leaves the room and slams the door. The circle slowly walks to the corner of the room. A: How does the circle feel? A circle pokes a triangle. The triangle turns around. A: Why did the circle poke the triangle? A circle and a triangle are in the house and are arguing. The circle punches the triangle. The triangle runs out of the house. A: Why does the triangle leave the house? A small triangle and a big triangle are fighting. A circle approaches and attacks the small triangle. A: What are the intentions of the circle? A circle chases after a triangle and taps the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle. A: Why does the circle tap the triangle? A triangle is strolling outside. A: How does the triangle feel? A small triangle is alone. A big triangle and a circle approach the small triangle from opposite sides. The small triangle starts to turn back and forth and shake. A: Why? A little triangle and a circle are arguing. A big triangle goes between the two shapes and pushes them apart from each other. A: Why does the big triangle do this? A circle and a small triangle are strolling together. A: Why? A small triangle and big triangle are arguing. A circle approaches and taps on the big triangle. The big triangle turns around, pushes the circle away, and continues arguing with the small triangle. A: Why does the big triangle push the circle away? The triangle creeps into the house. A circle moves in the corner. The triangle bolts out of the house. A: Why does the triangle bolt out of the house? The circle enters a room with the triangle in it. The triangle and the circle leave the room together. A: Why do they leave the room together? Two triangles are fighting. Then one of the triangles starts limping away. A: Why is the triangle limping? A circle is being attacked by a big triangle. A small triangle starts attacking the big triangle and pushes the big triangle off the screen. The small triangle runs towards the circle and they hug each other. A: Why do they hug? The triangle was limping. A: Why? A small triangle and a big triangle are racing. A: Why are they racing? A triangle and circle are arguing. The circle turns around and leaves the room. A: Why does the circle leave? A circle pokes a triangle. The triangle turns around. A: Why did the circle poke the triangle? A small triangle is creeping up on a circle. The circle turns around to face the triangle and then starts to run away. A: How does the circle feel? A large triangle is carrying a small triangle. A: What is the relationship between these two circles? The triangle and circle are next to each other. A: They both start nodding. Why are they nodding? A circle appears from behind the big triangle. The big triangle flinches. A: Why does the big triangle flinch? A big triangle and little triangle are strolling together. A circle runs towards them, picks up the little triangle and runs away. A: How does the big triangle feel? A triangle and circle are arguing. The circle turns around and leaves the room. A: Why does the circle leave? The triangle and circle are next to each other. A: They both start nodding. Why are they nodding? A big triangle and a small triangle are dancing together. A circle approaches and pushes the big triangle away and then starts dancing with the small triangle. A: How does the big triangle feel? A circle chases after a triangle and punches the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle. A: Why does the circle punch the triangle? The big triangle is following the circle. A: Why is the big triangle following the circle? A circle tickles a triangle. A: How does the circle feel? A triangle ignores a circle. A: Why? A small triangle and a big triangle argue inside the room. The small triangle turns and trudges to the corner of the room. A: Why does the small triangle trudge to the corner of the room? A triangle is alone. A circle approaches the triangle and begins to flirt with it. The triangle evades the circle. A: Why does the triangle evade the circle? The triangle roamed around the house. A: Why was the triangle roaming? A circle appears from behind the big triangle. The big triangle flinches. A: Why does the big triangle flinch? A big triangle is bothering a little triangle by pushing the triangle into a corner. A: What is happening? A small triangle and big triangle are next to each other. A circle runs by and pushes the small triangle. The big triangle chases the circle. A: Why does the big triangle chase the circle? A little triangle and a circle are arguing. A big triangle goes between the two shapes and pushes them apart from each other. A: Why does the big triangle do this? The triangle opened the door, stepped outside and started to shake. A: Why did the triangle start to shake? A triangle knocks on the door. The circle opens the door, sees the triangle, and shuts the door. A: Why does the circle shut the door? A circle tickles a triangle. A: How does the circle feel? A triangle bumps into a circle and then runs away. A: Why did the triangle bump into the circle? A circle is alone in the corner of the room. A triangle hugs the circle. A: Why does the triangle hug the circle? A circle approaches a small triangle in the corner of the room. The small triangle is shaking. A big triangle runs through the door and combats the circle. The small triangle runs and hugs the big triangle. A: Why does the small triangle do this? A small triangle runs behind the house when it sees the big triangle. A: Why does the small triangle do this? A circle is standing still. A triangle approaches from the opposite direction and then stops. The circle turns around. A: Why does the circle turn around? A circle chases after a triangle and taps the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle. A: Why does the circle tap the triangle? A big triangle and a small triangle are in the room. The small triangle sneaks out through the door. A: Why does the small triangle sneak through the door? A circle is standing still. A triangle approaches from the opposite direction and then stops. The circle turns around. A: Why does the circle turn around? A circle brushes against a triangle. The triangle recoils. A: Why does the triangle recoil? A small triangle and big triangle are arguing. A circle approaches and taps on the big triangle. The big triangle turns around, pushes the circle away, and continues arguing with the small triangle. A: Why does the big triangle push the circle away? A circle knocks on the door. A triangle goes to the door, but hesitates to open it. A: Why does the triangle hesitate to open the door? The circle punched the triangle. A: Why? The triangle roamed around the house. A: Why was the triangle roaming? The triangle creeps up on the circle. A: Why does the triangle do this? The triangle saw the circle and started shaking. A: Why did the triangle start shaking? A circle leaves the room, stops for a moment, and then turns around and reenters the house. A: Why does the circle reenter the house? A circle and small triangle are hugging. A big triangle approaches and pulls the small triangle away. A: How do the circle and small triangle feel? The circle opens the door for the big triangle. A: Why does the circle do this? A small triangle and a big triangle argue inside the room. The small triangle turns and trudges to the corner of the room. A: Why does the small triangle trudge to the corner of the room? A small triangle is alone. A big triangle and a circle approach the small triangle from opposite sides. The small triangle starts to turn back and forth and shake. A: Why? A circle chases after a triangle and taps the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle. A: Why does the circle tap the triangle? Two triangles are huddled together and shaking. A: Why? A big triangle and little triangle walk towards the door from inside the room. The little triangle leaves the room and the big triangle waves. The big triangle continues to wave as the little triangle walks away. A: How does the big triangle feel? A circle is in the room. A triangle knocks on the door and the circle runs to the corner of the room. The triangle pushes the door open and the circle is in the corner of the room shaking. A: How does the circle feel? A big triangle, small triangle, and circle are in the house. The big triangle and the circle each kiss the small triangle, wave, and then leave the room. A: How are the shapes related? A circle is alone in the corner of the room. A triangle hugs the circle. A: Why does the triangle hug the circle? A circle approaches a small triangle in the corner of the room. The small triangle is shaking. A big triangle runs through the door and combats the circle. The small triangle runs and hugs the big triangle. A: Why does the small triangle do this? Two triangles talk to each other and then hug. A: Why? A circle is continually poking the small triangle. The small triangle punches the circle. A: Why does the triangle do this? A triangle comes to the door. The circle opens the door, hugs the triangle and then they both go into the house. A: Why does the circle hug the triangle? A circle knocks on the door. A triangle goes to the door, but hesitates to open it. A: Why does the triangle hesitate to open the door? A triangle is alone. A circle approaches the triangle and begins to flirt with it. The triangle evades the circle. A: Why does the triangle evade the circle? A small triangle is alone. A big triangle and a circle approach the small triangle from opposite sides. The small triangle starts to turn back and forth and shake. A: Why? A circle chases after a triangle and taps the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle. A: Why does the circle tap the triangle? The triangle was limping. A: Why? A big triangle tickles a small triangle. A: What is the relationship between these circles? There are a small triangle and a big triangle walking together. A circle starts running towards the small triangle. The big triangle then blocks the circle. A: Why does the big triangle do this? A circle chases after a triangle and taps the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle. A: Why does the circle tap the triangle? The triangle roamed around the house. A: Why was the triangle roaming? The big triangle is following the circle. A: Why is the big triangle following the circle? A small triangle is creeping up on a circle. The circle turns around to face the triangle and then starts to run away. A: How does the circle feel? A circle appears from behind the big triangle. The big triangle flinches. A: Why does the big triangle flinch? A circle and a small triangle are strolling together. A: Why? A small triangle is in the corner of the room watching the big triangle and the circle dance. A: How does the small triangle feel? A triangle and a circle are facing each other and start waving. Then the circle turns and strolls the opposite way. A: What is happening? A big triangle and a small triangle are arguing. The small triangle hits the big triangle. The big triangle picks up the little triangle and starts carrying the little triangle to the building. A: Why? A big triangle, small triangle, and circle are in the house. The big triangle and the circle each kiss the small triangle, wave, and then leave the room. A: How are the shapes related? Two triangles are dancing. A: How are they feeling? Two triangles are huddled together and shaking. A: Why? A big triangle and a small triangle are arguing. The small triangle hits the big triangle. The big triangle picks up the little triangle and starts carrying the little triangle to the building. A: Why? The circle bothers the small triangle. A big triangle approaches and begins to argue with the circle. A: What does the big triangle want? A small triangle and a circle stand outside the room. A big triangle comes outside and all three of the shapes begin strolling together. A: Why were the small triangle and the circle standing outside the room? A big triangle and little triangle walk towards the door from inside the room. The little triangle leaves the room and the big triangle waves. The big triangle continues to wave as the little triangle walks away. A: How does the big triangle feel? A triangle is meandering around the house. A: Why is the triangle meandering? A triangle is meandering around the house. A: Why is the triangle meandering? A circle is alone in the corner of the room. A triangle hugs the circle. A: Why does the triangle hug the circle? A triangle is alone. A circle approaches the triangle and begins to flirt with it. The triangle evades the circle. A: Why does the triangle evade the circle? A big triangle and little triangle are strolling together. A circle runs towards them, picks up the little triangle and runs away. A: How does the big triangle feel? A big triangle, small triangle, and circle are in the house. The big triangle and the circle each kiss the small triangle, wave, and then leave the room. A: How are the shapes related? A circle pokes a triangle. The triangle turns around. A: Why did the circle poke the triangle? A circle pokes a triangle. The triangle turns around. A: Why did the circle poke the triangle? A small triangle and big triangle are next to each other. A circle runs by and pushes the small triangle. The big triangle chases the circle. A: Why does the big triangle chase the circle? A big triangle knocks on the door. A small triangle slowly opens the door just a little bit. A: Why does the small triangle do this? A big triangle and a small triangle are arguing. The small triangle hits the big triangle. The big triangle picks up the little triangle and starts carrying the little triangle to the building. A: Why? The triangle blocked the circle from entering the building. A: Why? A triangle moves towards the circle and the circle starts waving. The triangle waves and keeps moving forward. A: Why are the circle and triangle waving? A triangle is strolling outside. A: How does the triangle feel? The circle opens the door for the big triangle. A: Why does the circle do this? A triangle and a circle are facing each other and start waving. Then the circle turns and strolls the opposite way. A: What is happening? A circle examines a small triangle from across the room. A: Why does the circle do this? A triangle comes to the door. The circle opens the door, hugs the triangle and then they both go into the house. A: Why does the circle hug the triangle? A circle appears from behind the big triangle. The big triangle flinches. A: Why does the big triangle flinch? The triangle was limping. A: Why? A small triangle and a circle stand outside the room. A big triangle comes outside and all three of the shapes begin strolling together. A: Why were the small triangle and the circle standing outside the room? A circle knocks on the door. A triangle goes to the door, but hesitates to open it. A: Why does the triangle hesitate to open the door? A small triangle and a big triangle are fighting. A circle approaches and attacks the small triangle. A: What are the intentions of the circle? The circle tries to kiss the triangle but the triangle turns away. A: Why does the triangle turn away? A big triangle and little triangle walk towards the door from inside the room. The little triangle leaves the room and the big triangle waves. The big triangle continues to wave as the little triangle walks away. A: How does the big triangle feel? The circle tries to kiss the triangle but the triangle turns away. A: Why does the triangle turn away? A triangle and circle are arguing. The circle turns around and leaves the room. A: Why does the circle leave? A small triangle and a big triangle are fighting. A circle approaches and attacks the small triangle. A: What are the intentions of the circle? The triangle creeps up on the circle. A: Why does the triangle do this? A small triangle and a big triangle argue inside the room. The small triangle turns and trudges to the corner of the room. A: Why does the small triangle trudge to the corner of the room? A big triangle knocks on the door. A small triangle answers the door and the triangles kiss and leave together. A: Why do they leave together? A circle examines a small triangle from across the room. A: Why does the circle do this? A circle is continually poking the small triangle. The small triangle punches the circle. A: Why does the triangle do this? The triangle was limping. A: Why? There are a small triangle and a big triangle walking together. A circle starts running towards the small triangle. The big triangle then blocks the circle. A: Why does the big triangle do this? A triangle and a circle stroll by each other without any interaction. A: Why is there no interaction? A big triangle and a circle are standing next to together. A small triangle is jumping up and down and poking them. The big triangle and the circle are ignoring a small circle. A: Why are they ignoring the small circle? A little triangle and a circle are arguing. A big triangle goes between the two shapes and pushes them apart from each other. A: Why does the big triangle do this? The triangle roamed around the house. A: Why was the triangle roaming? A big triangle, circle, and little triangle stroll around together. A: How are these shapes related to each other? A circle examines a small triangle from across the room. A: Why does the circle do this? A triangle and circle are arguing. The circle turns around and leaves the room. A: Why does the circle leave? A small triangle is being chased by a big triangle. A: How does the small triangle feel? A small triangle is being chased by a big triangle. A: How does the small triangle feel? A triangle is strolling outside. A: How does the triangle feel? A triangle and a circle are facing each other and start waving. Then the circle turns and strolls the opposite way. A: What is happening? The triangle was limping. A: Why? The circle moves back and forth in the house. A: Why? A triangle bumps into a circle and then runs away. A: Why did the triangle bump into the circle? A circle pokes a triangle. The triangle turns around. A: Why did the circle poke the triangle?
Question: Santa Monica is featured in the video games True Crime: Streets of LA (2003), Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines (2004), Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (2004) as a fictional district - Santa Maria Beach, Destroy All Humans! (2004), Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (2005), L.A. Rush (2005), Midnight Club: Los Angeles (2008), Cars Race-O-Rama (2009), Grand Theft Auto V (2013) as a fictional district – Del Perro, Call of Duty: Ghosts (2013) as a fictional U.S. military base – Fort Santa Monica, The Crew (2014), Need for Speed (2015) Label: What video game featured Santa Monica in 2015? Question: On May 20, 1971, his brother, Meinhard, died in a car accident. Meinhard had been drinking and was killed instantly. Schwarzenegger did not attend his funeral. Meinhard was due to marry Erika Knapp, and the couple had a three-year-old son, Patrick. Schwarzenegger would pay for Patrick's education and help him to emigrate to the United States. Gustav died the following year from a stroke. In Pumping Iron, Schwarzenegger claimed that he did not attend his father's funeral because he was training for a bodybuilding contest. Later, he and the film's producer said this story was taken from another bodybuilder for the purpose of showing the extremes that some would go to for their sport and to make Schwarzenegger's image more cold and machine-like in order to fan controversy for the film. Barbara Baker, his first serious girlfriend, has said he informed her of his father's death without emotion and that he never spoke of his brother. Over time, he has given at least three versions of why he was absent from his father's funeral. Label: What year did Schwarzenegger's brother die? Question: The Panthers finished the regular season with a 15–1 record, and quarterback Cam Newton was named the NFL Most Valuable Player (MVP). They defeated the Arizona Cardinals 49–15 in the NFC Championship Game and advanced to their second Super Bowl appearance since the franchise was founded in 1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12–4 record, and denied the New England Patriots a chance to defend their title from Super Bowl XLIX by defeating them 20–18 in the AFC Championship Game. They joined the Patriots, Dallas Cowboys, and Pittsburgh Steelers as one of four teams that have made eight appearances in the Super Bowl. Label: Who did the Panthers beat to become the NFC champs? Question: The quality of a vacuum is indicated by the amount of matter remaining in the system, so that a high quality vacuum is one with very little matter left in it. Vacuum is primarily measured by its absolute pressure, but a complete characterization requires further parameters, such as temperature and chemical composition. One of the most important parameters is the mean free path (MFP) of residual gases, which indicates the average distance that molecules will travel between collisions with each other. As the gas density decreases, the MFP increases, and when the MFP is longer than the chamber, pump, spacecraft, or other objects present, the continuum assumptions of fluid mechanics do not apply. This vacuum state is called high vacuum, and the study of fluid flows in this regime is called particle gas dynamics. The MFP of air at atmospheric pressure is very short, 70 nm, but at 100 mPa (~6997100000000000000♠1×10−3 Torr) the MFP of room temperature air is roughly 100 mm, which is on the order of everyday objects such as vacuum tubes. The Crookes radiometer turns when the MFP is larger than the size of the vanes. Label: What does the MFP of residual gases show? Question: During the Cantonal Revolution of 1873, a cantonalist uprising that took place during the First Spanish Republic, the city was consolidated with most of the nearby cities in the Federal Canton of Valencia (proclaimed on 19 July and dissolved on 7 August). It did not have the revolutionary fervor of the movement in cities like Alcoy, as it was initiated by the bourgeoisie, but the Madrid government sent General Martinez-Campos to stifle the rebellion by force of arms and subjected Valencia to an intense bombardment. The city surrendered on 7 August; Alfonso XII was proclaimed king on 29 December 1874, and arrived in Valencia on 11 January 1875 on his way to Madrid, marking the end of the first republic. Despite the Bourbon restoration, the roughly even balance between conservatives and liberals in the government was sustained in Valencia until the granting of universal male suffrage in 1890, after which the Republicans, led by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, gained considerably more of the popular vote. Label: When did Alfonso XXII reach Valencia? Question: The climate of Florida is tempered somewhat by the fact that no part of the state is distant from the ocean. North of Lake Okeechobee, the prevalent climate is humid subtropical (Köppen: Cfa), while areas south of the lake (including the Florida Keys) have a true tropical climate (Köppen: Aw). Mean high temperatures for late July are primarily in the low 90s Fahrenheit (32–34 °C). Mean low temperatures for early to mid January range from the low 40s Fahrenheit (4–7 °C) in northern Florida to above 60 °F (16 °C) from Miami on southward. With an average daily temperature of 70.7 °F (21.5 °C), it is the warmest state in the country. Label: What divides Florida two climates Question: The early Manchu rulers also established two foundations of legitimacy which help to explain the stability of their dynasty. The first was the bureaucratic institutions and the neo-Confucian culture which they adopted from earlier dynasties. Manchu rulers and Han Chinese scholar-official elites gradually came to terms with each other. The examination system offered a path for ethnic Han to become officials. Imperial patronage of Kangxi Dictionary demonstrated respect for Confucian learning, while the Sacred Edict of 1670 effectively extolled Confucian family values. The second major source of stability was the Central Asian aspect of their Manchu identity which allowed them to appeal to Mongol, Tibetan and Uighur constituents. The Qing used the title of Emperor (Huangdi) in Chinese while among Mongols the Qing monarch was referred to as Bogda khan (wise Khan), and referred to as Gong Ma in Tibet. Qianlong propagated the image of himself as Buddhist sage rulers, patrons of Tibetan Buddhism. In the Manchu language, the Qing monarch was alternately referred to as either Huwangdi (Emperor) or Khan with no special distinction between the two usages. The Kangxi Emperor also welcomed to his court Jesuit missionaries, who had first come to China under the Ming. Missionaries including Tomás Pereira, Martino Martini, Johann Adam Schall von Bell, Ferdinand Verbiest and Antoine Thomas held significant positions as military weapons experts, mathematicians, cartographers, astronomers and advisers to the emperor. The relationship of trust was however lost in the later Chinese Rites controversy. Label: What type of learning did the early Manchu leaders respect? Question: The government of India is based on a tiered system, in which the Constitution of India delineates the subjects on which each tier of government has executive powers. The Constitution originally provided for a two-tier system of government, the Union Government (also known as the Central Government), representing the Union of India, and the State governments. Later, a third tier was added in the form of Panchayats and Municipalities. In the current arrangement, The Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution delimits the subjects of each level of governmental jurisdiction, dividing them into three lists: Label: When the third tiere was added on, what is it in form of? Question: Modern archaeology has largely discarded the historicity of the Patriarchs and of the Exodus story, with it being reframed as constituting the Israelites' inspiring national myth narrative. The Israelites and their culture, according to the modern archaeological account, did not overtake the region by force, but instead branched out of the Canaanite peoples and culture through the development of a distinct monolatristic — and later monotheistic — religion centered on Yahweh, one of the Ancient Canaanite deities. The growth of Yahweh-centric belief, along with a number of cultic practices, gradually gave rise to a distinct Israelite ethnic group, setting them apart from other Canaanites. The Canaanites themselves are archeologically attested in the Middle Bronze Age, while the Hebrew language is the last extant member of the Canaanite languages. In the Iron Age I period (1200–1000 BCE) Israelite culture was largely Canaanite in nature. Label: Which culture was largely Canaanite in nature? Question: Manifold vacuum can be used to drive accessories on automobiles. The best-known application is the vacuum servo, used to provide power assistance for the brakes. Obsolete applications include vacuum-driven windscreen wipers and Autovac fuel pumps. Some aircraft instruments (Attitude Indicator (AI) and the Heading Indicator (HI)) are typically vacuum-powered, as protection against loss of all (electrically powered) instruments, since early aircraft often did not have electrical systems, and since there are two readily available sources of vacuum on a moving aircraft—the engine and an external venturi. Vacuum induction melting uses electromagnetic induction within a vacuum. Label: Why are the Attitude indicator and heading indicator vacuum-powered? Question: Paper is a thin material produced by pressing together moist fibres of cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags or grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets. It is a versatile material with many uses, including writing, printing, packaging, cleaning, and a number of industrial and construction processes. Label: What is a common use for paper? Question: The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom is the ultimate court for criminal and civil matters in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and for civil matters in Scotland. (The supreme court for criminal matters in Scotland is the High Court of Justiciary.) The Supreme Court was established by the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 with effect from 1 October 2009, replacing and assuming the judicial functions of the House of Lords. Devolution issues under the Scotland Act 1998, Government of Wales Act and Northern Ireland Act were also transferred to the new Supreme Court by the Constitutional Reform Act, from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. Label: What is the high court in Scotland that has supremacy on criminal matters? Question: To classify the computation time (or similar resources, such as space consumption), one is interested in proving upper and lower bounds on the minimum amount of time required by the most efficient algorithm solving a given problem. The complexity of an algorithm is usually taken to be its worst-case complexity, unless specified otherwise. Analyzing a particular algorithm falls under the field of analysis of algorithms. To show an upper bound T(n) on the time complexity of a problem, one needs to show only that there is a particular algorithm with running time at most T(n). However, proving lower bounds is much more difficult, since lower bounds make a statement about all possible algorithms that solve a given problem. The phrase "all possible algorithms" includes not just the algorithms known today, but any algorithm that might be discovered in the future. To show a lower bound of T(n) for a problem requires showing that no algorithm can have time complexity lower than T(n). Label: Classification of resources is contingent on determining the upper and lower bounds of minimum time required by what? Question: Devise Minority Party Strategies. The minority leader, in consultation with other party colleagues, has a range of strategic options that he or she can employ to advance minority party objectives. The options selected depend on a wide range of circumstances, such as the visibility or significance of the issue and the degree of cohesion within the majority party. For instance, a majority party riven by internal dissension, as occurred during the early 1900s when Progressive and "regular" Republicans were at loggerheads, may provide the minority leader with greater opportunities to achieve his or her priorities than if the majority party exhibited high degrees of party cohesion. Among the variable strategies available to the minority party, which can vary from bill to bill and be used in combination or at different stages of the lawmaking process, are the following: Label: Does minority leader act solely to advance party objectives? Question: Traditionally, Espanyol was seen by the vast majority of Barcelona's citizens as a club which cultivated a kind of compliance to the central authority, in stark contrast to Barça's revolutionary spirit. Also in the 1960s and 1970s, while FC Barcelona acted as an integrating force for Catalonia's new arrivals from poorer regions of Spain expecting to find a better life, Espanyol drew their support mainly from sectors close to the regime such as policemen, military officers, civil servants and career fascists. Label: What kind of spirit does Team Barcelona seem to encourage? Question: Judge Taylor appoints Atticus to defend Tom Robinson, a black man who has been accused of raping a young white woman, Mayella Ewell. Although many of Maycomb's citizens disapprove, Atticus agrees to defend Tom to the best of his ability. Other children taunt Jem and Scout for Atticus's actions, calling him a "nigger-lover". Scout is tempted to stand up for her father's honor by fighting, even though he has told her not to. Atticus faces a group of men intent on lynching Tom. This danger is averted when Scout, Jem, and Dill shame the mob into dispersing by forcing them to view the situation from Atticus' and Tom's points of view. Label: What is the name of Atticus' client in the rape trial? Question: Season seven premiered on January 15, 2008, for a two-day, four-hour premiere. The media focused on the professional status of the season seven contestants, the so-called 'ringers', many of whom, including Kristy Lee Cook, Brooke White, Michael Johns, and in particular Carly Smithson, had prior recording contracts. Contestant David Hernandez also attracted some attention due to his past employment as a stripper. Label: Which contestant garnered the most attention because of a prior recording contract? Question: The contracted batch of 15 Saturn Vs were enough for lunar landing missions through Apollo 20. NASA publicized a preliminary list of eight more planned landing sites, with plans to increase the mass of the CSM and LM for the last five missions, along with the payload capacity of the Saturn V. These final missions would combine the I and J types in the 1967 list, allowing the CMP to operate a package of lunar orbital sensors and cameras while his companions were on the surface, and allowing them to stay on the Moon for over three days. These missions would also carry the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) increasing the exploration area and allowing televised liftoff of the LM. Also, the Block II spacesuit was revised for the extended missions to allow greater flexibility and visibility for driving the LRV. Label: What would have to be increased regarding the LM and CSM for the last five missions? Question: The political system of the Islamic Republic is based on the 1979 Constitution, and comprises several intricately connected governing bodies. The Leader of the Revolution ("Supreme Leader") is responsible for delineation and supervision of the general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Supreme Leader is Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, controls the military intelligence and security operations, and has sole power to declare war or peace. The heads of the judiciary, state radio and television networks, the commanders of the police and military forces and six of the twelve members of the Guardian Council are appointed by the Supreme Leader. The Assembly of Experts elects and dismisses the Supreme Leader on the basis of qualifications and popular esteem. Label: Who is the Commander in Chief of the Iranian Army? Question: Paper at this point is uncoated. Coated paper has a thin layer of material such as calcium carbonate or china clay applied to one or both sides in order to create a surface more suitable for high-resolution halftone screens. (Uncoated papers are rarely suitable for screens above 150 lpi.) Coated or uncoated papers may have their surfaces polished by calendering. Coated papers are divided into matte, semi-matte or silk, and gloss. Gloss papers give the highest optical density in the printed image. Label: What is the shiniest type of coated paper? Question: The main active ingredient of beer is alcohol, and therefore, the health effects of alcohol apply to beer. Consumption of small quantities of alcohol (less than one drink in women and two in men) is associated with a decreased risk of cardiac disease, stroke and diabetes mellitus. The long term health effects of continuous, moderate or heavy alcohol consumption include the risk of developing alcoholism and alcoholic liver disease. A total of 3.3 million deaths (5.9% of all deaths) are believed to be due to alcohol. Alcoholism often reduces a person's life expectancy by around ten years. Alcohol use is the third leading cause of early death in the United States. Label: What is the third leading cause of premature dying in the US? Question: Even though most ethnic groups prefer to communicate in their own languages, English as the official language is widely used for education, business transactions and for official purposes. English as a first language is used only by a small minority of the country's urban elite, and it is not spoken at all in some rural areas. Hausa is the most widely spoken of the 3 main languages spoken in Nigeria itself (Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba) but unlike the Yorubas and Igbos, the Hausas tend not to travel far outside Nigeria itself.[citation needed] Label: How much of Nigeria uses English as a first language? Question: Since genomes are very complex, one research strategy is to reduce the number of genes in a genome to the bare minimum and still have the organism in question survive. There is experimental work being done on minimal genomes for single cell organisms as well as minimal genomes for multi-cellular organisms (see Developmental biology). The work is both in vivo and in silico. Label: What is a name for the reduced complement of genetic material necessary for an organism to live? Question: The resultant South Korean government promulgated a national political constitution on 17 July 1948, and elected Syngman Rhee as President on 20 July 1948. The Republic of Korea (South Korea) was established on 15 August 1948. In the Russian Korean Zone of Occupation, the Soviet Union established a Communist North Korean government led by Kim Il-sung. President Rhee's régime excluded communists and leftists from southern politics. Disenfranchised, they headed for the hills, to prepare for guerrilla war against the US-sponsored ROK Government. Label: Who was elected president of South Korea on July 20, 1948? Question: Over the years, AC has spawned subgenres including "hot AC", "soft AC" (also known as "lite AC"), "urban AC", "rhythmic AC", and "Christian AC" (a softer type of contemporary Christian music). Some stations play only "hot AC", "soft AC", or only one of the variety of subgenres. Therefore, it is not usually considered a specific genre of music; it is merely an assemblage of selected tracks from musicians of many different genres. Label: What is lite AC otherwise known as? Question: The Vestals were a public priesthood of six women devoted to the cultivation of Vesta, goddess of the hearth of the Roman state and its vital flame. A girl chosen to be a Vestal achieved unique religious distinction, public status and privileges, and could exercise considerable political influence. Upon entering her office, a Vestal was emancipated from her father's authority. In archaic Roman society, these priestesses were the only women not required to be under the legal guardianship of a man, instead answering directly to the Pontifex Maximus. Label: How many Vestals were there in Rome? Question: Since its inception, ABC has had many affiliated stations, which include WABC-TV and WPVI-TV, the first two stations to carry the network's programming. As of March 2015[update], ABC has eight owned-and-operated stations, and current and pending affiliation agreements with 235 additional television stations encompassing 49 states, the District of Columbia, four U.S. possessions, Bermuda and Saba; this makes ABC the largest U.S. broadcast television network by total number of affiliates. The network has an estimated national reach of 96.26% of all households in the United States (or 300,794,157 Americans with at least one television set). Label: What were the first two stations to carry ABC's programming? Question: The word gumbe is sometimes used generically, to refer to any music of the country, although it most specifically refers to a unique style that fuses about ten of the country's folk music traditions. Tina and tinga are other popular genres, while extent folk traditions include ceremonial music used in funerals, initiations and other rituals, as well as Balanta brosca and kussundé, Mandinga djambadon, and the kundere sound of the Bissagos Islands. Label: What sound comes from the Bissagos Islands? Question: Apicoplasts have lost all photosynthetic function, and contain no photosynthetic pigments or true thylakoids. They are bounded by four membranes, but the membranes are not connected to the endoplasmic reticulum. The fact that apicomplexans still keep their nonphotosynthetic chloroplast around demonstrates how the chloroplast carries out important functions other than photosynthesis. Plant chloroplasts provide plant cells with many important things besides sugar, and apicoplasts are no different—they synthesize fatty acids, isopentenyl pyrophosphate, iron-sulfur clusters, and carry out part of the heme pathway. This makes the apicoplast an attractive target for drugs to cure apicomplexan-related diseases. The most important apicoplast function is isopentenyl pyrophosphate synthesis—in fact, apicomplexans die when something interferes with this apicoplast function, and when apicomplexans are grown in an isopentenyl pyrophosphate-rich medium, they dump the organelle. Label: How many membranes do apicoplasts have? Question: Immanuel Kant, in the Critique of Pure Reason, described time as an a priori intuition that allows us (together with the other a priori intuition, space) to comprehend sense experience. With Kant, neither space nor time are conceived as substances, but rather both are elements of a systematic mental framework that necessarily structures the experiences of any rational agent, or observing subject. Kant thought of time as a fundamental part of an abstract conceptual framework, together with space and number, within which we sequence events, quantify their duration, and compare the motions of objects. In this view, time does not refer to any kind of entity that "flows," that objects "move through," or that is a "container" for events. Spatial measurements are used to quantify the extent of and distances between objects, and temporal measurements are used to quantify the durations of and between events. Time was designated by Kant as the purest possible schema of a pure concept or category. Label: Kant thought of time as a fundamental part of what? Question: Compass-M1 is an experimental satellite launched for signal testing and validation and for the frequency filing on 14 April 2007. The role of Compass-M1 for Compass is similar to the role of the GIOVE satellites for the Galileo system. The orbit of Compass-M1 is nearly circular, has an altitude of 21,150 km and an inclination of 55.5 degrees. Label: When was the Compass-M1 satellite launched? Question: In 1695, the Scottish Parliament granted a charter to the Company of Scotland, which established a settlement in 1698 on the isthmus of Panama. Besieged by neighbouring Spanish colonists of New Granada, and afflicted by malaria, the colony was abandoned two years later. The Darien scheme was a financial disaster for Scotland—a quarter of Scottish capital was lost in the enterprise—and ended Scottish hopes of establishing its own overseas empire. The episode also had major political consequences, persuading the governments of both England and Scotland of the merits of a union of countries, rather than just crowns. This occurred in 1707 with the Treaty of Union, establishing the Kingdom of Great Britain. Label: How much Scottish capital was lost in the Panama colony attempt? Question: Treaties are not necessarily permanently binding upon the signatory parties. As obligations in international law are traditionally viewed as arising only from the consent of states, many treaties expressly allow a state to withdraw as long as it follows certain procedures of notification. For example, the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs provides that the treaty will terminate if, as a result of denunciations, the number of parties falls below 40. Many treaties expressly forbid withdrawal. Article 56 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provides that where a treaty is silent over whether or not it can be denounced there is a rebuttable presumption that it cannot be unilaterally denounced unless: Label: Which article of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provides that there is a presumption that treaties cannot be unilaterally denounced? Question: Thuringia's leading research centre is Jena, followed by Ilmenau. Both focus on technology, in particular life sciences and optics at Jena and information technology at Ilmenau. Erfurt is a centre of Germany's horticultural research, whereas Weimar and Gotha with their various archives and libraries are centres of historic and cultural research. Most of the research in Thuringia is publicly funded basic research due to the lack of large companies able to invest significant amounts in applied research, with the notable exception of the optics sector at Jena. Label: What is one company that is able to get investments from large companies? Question: The first buildings of the University of Chicago campus, which make up what is now known as the Main Quadrangles, were part of a "master plan" conceived by two University of Chicago trustees and plotted by Chicago architect Henry Ives Cobb. The Main Quadrangles consist of six quadrangles, each surrounded by buildings, bordering one larger quadrangle. The buildings of the Main Quadrangles were designed by Cobb, Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge, Holabird & Roche, and other architectural firms in a mixture of the Victorian Gothic and Collegiate Gothic styles, patterned on the colleges of the University of Oxford. (Mitchell Tower, for example, is modeled after Oxford's Magdalen Tower, and the university Commons, Hutchinson Hall, replicates Christ Church Hall.) Label: Hutchinson Hall was designed to look like what Oxford hall? Question: Most modern air defence systems are fairly mobile. Even the larger systems tend to be mounted on trailers and are designed to be fairly quickly broken down or set up. In the past, this was not always the case. Early missile systems were cumbersome and required much infrastructure; many could not be moved at all. With the diversification of air defence there has been much more emphasis on mobility. Most modern systems are usually either self-propelled (i.e. guns or missiles are mounted on a truck or tracked chassis) or easily towed. Even systems that consist of many components (transporter/erector/launchers, radars, command posts etc.) benefit from being mounted on a fleet of vehicles. In general, a fixed system can be identified, attacked and destroyed whereas a mobile system can show up in places where it is not expected. Soviet systems especially concentrate on mobility, after the lessons learnt in the Vietnam war between the USA and Vietnam. For more information on this part of the conflict, see SA-2 Guideline. Label: A mobile weapons system is likely to pop up where? Question: Media outlets began reporting in late September 2009 that Comcast was in talks to buy NBCUniversal. Comcast denied the rumors at first, while NBC would not comment on them. However, CNBC itself reported on October 1 that General Electric was considering spinning NBCUniversal off into a separate company that would merge the NBC television network and its cable properties such as USA Network, Syfy and MSNBC with Comcast's content assets. GE would maintain 49% control of the new company, while Comcast owned 51%. Vivendi, which owns 20%, would have to sell its stake to GE. It was reported that under the current deal with GE that it would happen in November or December. It was also reported that Time Warner would be interested in placing a bid, until CEO Jeffrey L. Bewkes directly denied interest, leaving Comcast the sole bidder. On November 1, 2009, The New York Times reported Comcast had moved closer to a deal to purchase NBCUniversal and that a formal announcement could be made sometime the following week. Label: What media conglomerate did Comcast begin preliminary talks to buy in 2009? Question: Along with the desire for independence, tensions between Hindus and Muslims had also been developing over the years. The Muslims had always been a minority within the subcontinent, and the prospect of an exclusively Hindu government made them wary of independence; they were as inclined to mistrust Hindu rule as they were to resist the foreign Raj, although Gandhi called for unity between the two groups in an astonishing display of leadership. The British, extremely weakened by the Second World War, promised that they would leave and participated in the formation of an interim government. The British Indian territories gained independence in 1947, after being partitioned into the Union of India and Dominion of Pakistan. Following the controversial division of pre-partition Punjab and Bengal, rioting broke out between Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims in these provinces and spread to several other parts of India, leaving some 500,000 dead. Also, this period saw one of the largest mass migrations ever recorded in modern history, with a total of 12 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims moving between the newly created nations of India and Pakistan (which gained independence on 15 and 14 August 1947 respectively). In 1971, Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan and East Bengal, seceded from Pakistan. Label: What effect of independence did Muslims distrust? Question: The United States Congress declared war on Mexico on May 13, 1846 after only having a few hours to debate. Although President José Mariano Paredes's issuance of a manifesto on May 23 is sometimes considered the declaration of war, Mexico officially declared war by Congress on July 7. After the American invasion of New Mexico, Chihuahua sent 12,000 men led by Colonel Vidal to the border to stop the American military advance into the state. The Mexican forces being impatient to confront the American forces passed beyond El Paso del Norte about 20 miles (32 km) north along the Rio Grande. The first battle that Chihuahua fought was the battle of El Bracito; the Mexican forces consisting of 500 cavalry and 70 infantry confronted a force of 1,100–1,200 Americans on December 25, 1846. The battle ended badly by the Mexican forces that were then forced to retreat back into the state of Chihuahua. By December 27, 1846, the American forces occupied El Paso Del Norte. General Doniphan maintained camp in El Paso Del Norte awaiting supplies and artillery which he received in February 1847. Label: Who won the battle? Question: Glacial moraines are formed by the deposition of material from a glacier and are exposed after the glacier has retreated. They usually appear as linear mounds of till, a non-sorted mixture of rock, gravel and boulders within a matrix of a fine powdery material. Terminal or end moraines are formed at the foot or terminal end of a glacier. Lateral moraines are formed on the sides of the glacier. Medial moraines are formed when two different glaciers merge and the lateral moraines of each coalesce to form a moraine in the middle of the combined glacier. Less apparent are ground moraines, also called glacial drift, which often blankets the surface underneath the glacier downslope from the equilibrium line. Label: How are glacial moraines formed? Question: Matte solder is usually fused to provide a better bonding surface or stripped to bare copper. Treatments, such as benzimidazolethiol, prevent surface oxidation of bare copper. The places to which components will be mounted are typically plated, because untreated bare copper oxidizes quickly, and therefore is not readily solderable. Traditionally, any exposed copper was coated with solder by hot air solder levelling (HASL). The HASL finish prevents oxidation from the underlying copper, thereby guaranteeing a solderable surface. This solder was a tin-lead alloy, however new solder compounds are now used to achieve compliance with the RoHS directive in the EU and US, which restricts the use of lead. One of these lead-free compounds is SN100CL, made up of 99.3% tin, 0.7% copper, 0.05% nickel, and a nominal of 60ppm germanium. Label: What does hot air solder leveling ensure the coated copper will have? Question: The competition is open to any eligible club down to Levels 10 of the English football league system - all 92 professional clubs in the Premier League and Football League (Levels 1 to 4), and several hundred "non-league" teams in Steps 1 to 6 of the National League System (Levels 5 to 10). A record 763 clubs competed in 2011–12. The tournament consists of 12 randomly drawn rounds followed by the semi-finals and the final. Entrants are not seeded, although a system of byes based on league level ensures higher ranked teams enter in later rounds - the minimum number of games needed to win the competition ranges from six to fourteen. Label: What league can compete? Question: Dell has been attempting to offset its declining PC business, which still accounted for half of its revenue and generates steady cash flow, by expanding into the enterprise market with servers, networking, software, and services. It avoided many of the acquisition writedowns and management turnover that plagued its chief rival Hewlett Packard. Dell also managed some success in taking advantage of its high-touch direct sales heritage to establish close relationships and design solutions for clients. Despite spending $13 billion on acquisitions to diversify its portfolio beyond hardware, the company was unable to convince the market that it could thrive or made the transformation in the post-PC world, as it suffered continued declines in revenue and share price. Dell's market share in the corporate segment was previously a "moat" against rivals but this has no longer been the case as sales and profits have fallen precipitously. Label: How much did Dell spend on acquiring different divisions? Question: Active in the early 1920s, F.C.S. Schiller labelled his work "humanism" but for Schiller the term referred to the pragmatist philosophy he shared with William James. In 1929, Charles Francis Potter founded the First Humanist Society of New York whose advisory board included Julian Huxley, John Dewey, Albert Einstein and Thomas Mann. Potter was a minister from the Unitarian tradition and in 1930 he and his wife, Clara Cook Potter, published Humanism: A New Religion. Throughout the 1930s, Potter was an advocate of such liberal causes as, women’s rights, access to birth control, "civil divorce laws", and an end to capital punishment. Label: When did Charles Potter and Clara Potter publish their first writings on Humanism? Question: From the late 19th century, the South used a colloquial term, the one-drop rule, to classify as black a person of any known African ancestry. This practice of hypodescent was not put into law until the early 20th century. Legally the definition varied from state to state. Racial definition was more flexible in the 18th and 19th centuries before the American Civil War. For instance, President Thomas Jefferson held persons who were legally white (less than 25% black) according to Virginia law at the time, but, because they were born to slave mothers, they were born into slavery, according to the principle of partus sequitur ventrem, which Virginia adopted into law in 1662. Label: What did the "one-drop" rule do? Question: An ambitious scheme of decoration was developed for these new areas: a series of mosaic figures depicting famous European artists of the Medieval and Renaissance period. These have now been removed to other areas of the museum. Also started were a series of frescoes by Lord Leighton: Industrial Arts as Applied to War 1878–1880 and Industrial Arts Applied to Peace, which was started but never finished. To the east of this were additional galleries, the decoration of which was the work of another designer Owen Jones, these were the Oriental Courts (covering India, China and Japan) completed in 1863, none of this decoration survives, part of these galleries became the new galleries covering the 19th century, opened in December 2006. The last work by Fowke was the design for the range of buildings on the north and west sides of the garden, this includes the refreshment rooms, reinstated as the Museum Café in 2006, with the silver gallery above, (at the time the ceramics gallery), the top floor has a splendid lecture theatre although this is seldom open to the general public. The ceramic staircase in the northwest corner of this range of buildings was designed by F. W. Moody and has architectural details of moulded and coloured pottery. All the work on the north range was designed and built in 1864–69. The style adopted for this part of the museum was Italian Renaissance, much use was made of terracotta, brick and mosaic, this north façade was intended as the main entrance to the museum with its bronze doors designed by James Gamble & Reuben Townroe having six panels depicting: Humphry Davy (chemistry); Isaac Newton (astronomy); James Watt (mechanics); Bramante (architecture); Michelangelo (sculpture); Titian (painting); thus representing the range of the museums collections, Godfrey Sykes also designed the terracotta embellishments and the mosaic in the pediment of the North Façade commemorating the Great Exhibition the profits from which helped to fund the museum, this is flanked by terracotta statue groups by Percival Ball. This building replaced Brompton Park House, which could then be demolished to make way for the south range. Label: What Italian painter was depicted in the main bronze door entrance of the museum?
You are given an open-domain question from an open movie database. Your task is to provide an answer to that question. Try to only include the answer. Do not put it in a sentence. Given: what films was Herb Gardner a writer on? A: A Thousand Clowns, I'm Not Rappaport, Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? Given: the movie Hit and Run, when was it released? A: 2012 Given: what does Bruno Loza appear in? A: La otra familia Given: the movie The Dust Factory starred who? A: Hayden Panettiere, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Kim Myers, Ryan Kelley Given: what do people think of American Gun? A: good Given: what are some words that describe movie As Tears Go By? A: crime, erlend's dvds, family, directorial debut, on dvr, gangsters, moody, brother-brother relationship, wong kar-wai, cousins Given: what films did Robert Kotecki act in? A: Most Wanted Given: who directed Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing? A: Henry King, Otto Lang Given: which movie did May Edginton write? A: Secrets Given: what is the language spoken in the film Young Goethe in Love? A: German Given: how famous of a film was The Pebble and the Penguin? A: well known Given: which movie did Henning Carlsen write? A: Hunger, Pan Given: who acted in the movie Born to Win? A: Karen Black, George Segal, Paula Prentiss, Jay Fletcher Given: Mystics in Bali, is it any good? A: okay Given: what did people think of Boiling Point? A: okay Given: which screenwriter wrote the script for The Discovery of Heaven? A: Harry Mulisch, Edwin de Vries Given: when was The Mirror Crack'd released? A: 1980 Given: which movie was Alan Rickman the director for? A: The Winter Guest Given: what is the genre of the film Table No. 21? A: Adventure, Thriller Given: what language is the movie The Man with the Golden Gun in? A: English, Cantonese, Thai Given: what was the release year of Crimes of Passion? A: 1984 Given: what films does Richard Bann appear in? A: Girl 27 Given: what was the genre of the movie Tobor the Great? A: Sci-Fi Given: what was the release date of the film Pal Joey? A: 1957 Given: which words describe movie Rooster Cogburn? A: john wayne Given: describe the movie Transylvania in a few words? A: nudity (topless), dvd-ram, nudity (topless - brief) Given: Brian Taylor directed which films? A: Crank, Gamer Given: what films did Robert Prichard act in? A: Class of Nuke 'Em High Given: what does Yusuke Oshiba star in? A: Blue Spring Given: how famous was Garage Days? A: well known Given: who wrote the screenplay for The Pervert's Guide to Ideology? A: Slavoj Zizek Given: what film did Joseph Castelo write? A: The War Within Given: what films does Clément Métayer appear in? A: Something in the Air Given: Phillip Klinkner appears in which movies? A: Eden Given: the film Road to Singapore was written by who? A: Frank Butler, Don Hartman, Harry Hervey Given: what movie did Johannes Roberts write the story for? A: Storage 24 Given: how popular is Delitto a Porta Romana? A: unheard of Given: what year was Metro released? A: 1997 Given: what was the release year of the movie White of the Eye? A: 1987 Given: Pantea Bahram appears in which movies? A: Fireworks Wednesday Given: is Gertrud considered good? A: good Given: the director of Guts was who? A: Samuel Martín Mateos, Andrés Luque Given: what films did David Anthony Marshall act in? A: Across the Tracks, Roadside Prophets Given: what movie did Magdalen King-Hall write the story for? A: The Wicked Lady Given: the director of Forget Paris was? A: Billy Crystal Given: which movies can be described by andré de toth? A: House of Wax, Crime Wave, Day of the Outlaw, Pitfall Given: how famous was Ministry of Fear? A: highly watched Given: what was the genre of the film Last Man Standing? A: Drama, Action, Crime Given: what language is the movie Soul Plane in? A: English, Spanish Given: what does Takumi Saitô star in? A: Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl, RoboGeisha, Ace Attorney, Boys Love Given: who is the director for Escape from Tomorrow? A: Randy Moore Given: the director of Little Manhattan was? A: Mark Levin Given: what films did Bigas Luna direct? A: Anguish, The Chambermaid on the Titanic, My Name Is Juani Given: what films does Kumiko Goto appear in? A: City Hunter Given: which film did Ernest Gebler write the story for? A: Plymouth Adventure, Hoffman Given: what is the main language in The Incredible Mr. Limpet? A: English Given: what is the genre for The Underground Comedy Movie? A: Comedy Given: what is the primary language in The Son's Room? A: Italian, Latin Given: what does Cindy Iglesias act in? A: Adopted Given: what words describe Secretariat? A: true story, disney, movie to see, bob*ola, redbox, below r, inspiring, horses, motivation, kentucky, overcoming odds, randall wallace Given: which films can be described by karate? A: The Karate Kid, Part II, Part III, 3 Ninjas, No Retreat, No Surrender, The Foot Fist Way, Sharky's Machine Given: who stars in The Loves of Pharaoh? A: Emil Jannings, Albert Bassermann, Paul Biensfeldt, Friedrich Kühne Given: how popular of a movie was Beautiful Girls? A: famous Given: Tyler Gillett was the director on which movies? A: V/H/S, Devil's Due Given: what is the language spoken in The Relic? A: English Given: who is the director that directed The Hawks and the Sparrows? A: Pier Paolo Pasolini Given: what did people think of Standing in the Shadows of Motown? A: good Given: what movies can be described with seth gordon? A: Identity Thief, Four Christmases Given: how famous was A Marine Story? A: well known Given: what are some words that describe movie This Is the End? A: boring, religion, stupid, hilarious, ensemble cast, dialogue, story, gore, bd-video, apocalypse, movie business, not funny, btaege, seth rogen, hollywood, demons, michael cera, jonah hill, james franco, cast, emma watson, preachy, danny mcbride, jay baruchel, immature, craig robinson, lacks substance, using real names, evan goldberg Given: who's the writer of Fortress? A: Everett De Roche, Gabrielle Lord Given: who was the director of Fellini's Casanova? A: Federico Fellini Given: who are the actors in The Best of Everything? A: Stephen Boyd, Hope Lange, Martha Hyer, Suzy Parker Given: the movie The Spectacular Now, when was it released? A: 2013 Given: is The Ritz considered good? A: good Given: who is the writer of the film Dry Summer? A: Necati Cumali, Metin Erksan, Ismet Soydan, Kemal Inci Given: what is popular opinion about The Baker's Wife? A: good Given: who directed the movie My Boy Jack? A: Brian Kirk Given: who was Maps to the Stars directed by? A: David Cronenberg Given: who was Anything for Her directed by? A: Fred Cavayé Given: what movies are about rajkumar hirani? A: 3 Idiots, PK Given: what genre is The Night of the Generals in? A: Drama, Crime, Mystery Given: which film did Rudolph Lothar write the story for? A: On the Riviera Given: who is the writer of the film Shark in Venice? A: Les Weldon, Danny Lerner Given: the film Better Things was directed by who? A: Duane Hopkins Given: how popular is Brothers? A: famous Given: Ursula Meier was the director on which movies? A: Sister, Home Given: who acted in Problem Child 2? A: Jack Warden, John Ritter, Michael Oliver, Laraine Newman Given: who starred in When Worlds Collide? A: Barbara Rush, John Hoyt, Richard Derr, Peter Hansen Given: is Unconquered considered good? A: good Given: the director of The Wackiest Ship in the Army was? A: Richard Murphy Given: which topics is Prison about? A: prison, ghosts, no_fa_ganes Given: what films was Mickey Rourke a writer on? A: Bullet, Homeboy Given: what films does Taraji P. Henson appear in? A: Date Night, The Karate Kid, No Good Deed, Baby Boy, I Can Do Bad All by Myself, The Good Doctor, Peep World, Not Easily Broken Given: what films did David Morrissey star in? A: The Reaping, Hilary and Jackie, Stoned, The Deal Given: what is the genre for Rain? A: Drama Given: what movie did Clément Perron write the story for? A: Mon oncle Antoine Given: what movies did Enzo Cannavale star in? A: Cinema Paradiso, Delitto al ristorante cinese Given: who is the director of Drive, He Said? A: Jack Nicholson Given: what genre is Splash in? A: Comedy, Romance, Fantasy Given: what movies was Lou Tellegen an actor in? A: 3 Bad Men Given: which topics is movie Out of Reach about? A: bad acting, slow paced, beautiful scenery Given: what is the primary language in the film Blackboards? A: Persian, Kurdish Given: who was the director of Why We Fight? A: Eugene Jarecki Given: who was the writer of the film Movie 43? A: James Gunn, Ricky Blitt, Greg Pritikin, Tobias Carlson, Jonathan van Tulleken, Matt Portenoy, Jack Kukoda, Jonas Wittenmark, Jacob Fleisher, Claes Kjellstrom, Jeremy Sosenko, Rocky Russo, Bill O'Malley, Elizabeth Shapiro, Patrik Forsberg, Olle Sarri, Will Graham, Will Carlough Given: what language is Boy A in? A: English Given: who's the director of The Crucible? A: Nicholas Hytner Given: who is the director for Vampires Suck? A: Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer Given: what movies can be described by henry selick? A: The Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, James and the Giant Peach, Monkeybone Given: what language is The Raid 2 in? A: English, Japanese, Indonesian Given: who's the director of Angels Sing? A: Tim McCanlies Given: what movies did Roger Avary direct? A: The Rules of Attraction, Killing Zoe Given: who's the director of Bianco, rosso e Verdone? A: Carlo Verdone Given: what does Theresa Poh Lin Chan star in? A: Be with Me Given: what was the genre of the movie Rust and Bone? A: Drama, Romance Given: who acted in the movie Born to Win? A: Karen Black, George Segal, Paula Prentiss, Jay Fletcher Given: how would people rate Letter Never Sent? A: good Given: what does Michel Blanc act in? A: The Monster, Prospero's Books, Monsieur Hire, The Witnesses, Summer Things, The Girl on the Train, Uranus Given: what was the popularity rating of The Flight of the Phoenix? A: famous Given: can you describe movie The Crossing Guard in a few words? A: nudity (topless), revenge, jack nicholson, sean penn Given: who directed the movie ATM? A: David Brooks Given: how popular of a movie is Man of the House? A: highly watched Given: Ursula Meier was the director on which movies? A: Sister, Home Given: what is the genre of the movie The Man Who Fell to Earth? A: Drama, Sci-Fi Given: who starred in Ethel? A: Fidel Castro, Ralph Bunche, Ethel Kennedy, Rory Kennedy Given: who's the writer of Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter? A: Carl K. Hittleman Given: which movie was Tom Brady the director for? A: The Hot Chick, The Comebacks Given: who stars in Stay? A: Ewan McGregor, Ryan Gosling, Naomi Watts, Kate Burton Given: who is the director that directed Looker? A: Michael Crichton Given: how popular was Murder on the Orient Express? A: unknown Given: what was the popularity rating of High School? A: highly watched Given: how popular is The Legend of the Lone Ranger? A: well known Given: can you give a few words describing what Dying Young is about? A: clv, julia roberts Given: how popular of a movie was The Simpsons Movie? A: famous Given: describe Sonny in a few words? A: nudity (topless), nudity (full frontal - notable), nicolas cage, james franco Given: what movies are about american west? A: Dances with Wolves, Ace in the Hole, The Harvey Girls Given: how popular was I, the Jury? A: unknown Given: what language is The Beast with a Million Eyes in? A: English Given: what films are about offbeat humor? A: Fargo, Being John Malkovich, A Haunted House Given: who starred in Made of Honor? A: Michelle Monaghan, Kevin McKidd, Patrick Dempsey, Kadeem Hardison Given: which topics is Mo' Money about? A: clv Given: what does Elya Baskin star in? A: The Name of the Rose Given: who wrote the screenplay for Suddenly? A: Richard Sale Given: who was the writer of the film Countess Dracula? A: Alexander Paal, Jeremy Paul, Peter Sasdy, Gabriel Ronay Given: who is the director of The Raven? A: Ulli Lommel Given: what films did Erin Fisher star in? A: Quiet City Given: how popular of a movie is Striptease? A: famous Given: what is a film written by Fred Bauer? A: Under the Rainbow Given: who's the director of The Formula? A: John G. Avildsen Given: what movies was Tod Carroll the writer of? A: Clean and Sober, O.C. and Stiggs Given: what movies was George Tabori the writer of? A: I Confess, Secret Ceremony, Crisis, The Journey, Leo the Last Given: who was the writer of the film Touchback? A: Don Handfield Given: who acted in Stalker? A: Anatoliy Solonitsyn, Nikolay Grinko, Alisa Freyndlikh, Aleksandr Kaydanovskiy Given: when was the film Metalhead released? A: 2013 Given: what films did William Mapother act in? A: The Grudge, Another Earth, Lords of Dogtown, Hurt Given: who wrote the movie How to Get Ahead in Advertising? A: Bruce Robinson Given: who in the world wrote Kontroll? A: Nimród Antal, Jim Adler Given: the film Blood starred which actors? A: Mark Strong, Brian Cox, Paul Bettany, Stephen Graham Given: what film genre is Crazy Safari? A: Comedy, Fantasy Given: what films did Dilip Mehta act in? A: Fire Given: how would people rate Kissing Jessica Stein? A: good Given: what is a movie written by Dale Wheatley? A: Don's Plum Given: what genre of movie is The Harder They Fall? A: Drama, Sport, Film-Noir Given: how popular of a movie is Torrid Zone? A: unknown Given: what type of movie is Powaqqatsi? A: Music, Documentary Given: who acted in Get Carter? A: Michael Caine, Britt Ekland, Ian Hendry, John Osborne Given: what films did Ivan Desny star in? A: The Marriage of Maria Braun, Madeleine Given: who acted in the movie Blood of Dracula? A: Sandra Harrison, Louise Lewis, Jerry Blaine, Gail Ganley Given: what year was Curse of Chucky released? A: 2013 Given: how popular of a movie is Takers? A: famous Given: who are the actors in The Best of Everything? A: Stephen Boyd, Hope Lange, Martha Hyer, Suzy Parker Given: which screenwriter wrote the script for Rocky II? A: Sylvester Stallone Given: how popular was The Wolf of Wall Street? A: famous Given: what is the primary language in The Road to Wellville? A: English Given: can you give a few words describing RV? A: comedy, funny, adventure, witty, robots, dialogue, acting, road trip, robin williams, cheesy, not funny, dysfunctional family, script, lame, jeff daniels, vacation, utah, movies 8, screenplay, colorado, barry sonnenfeld, josh hutcherson, nevada Given: what genre is The Night of the Generals in? A: Drama, Crime, Mystery Given: what did audiences think of Mumford? A: good Given: what is the main language in The Lawnmower Man? A: English Given: what was the release date of the film Wicker Park? A: 2004 Given: what is a movie written by Otto Klement? A: Fantastic Voyage Given: which movies are about sourcelight top pick? A: V for Vendetta, Battle Royale Given: Paul Glover appears in which movies? A: The Ugly Given: how famous was Samson and Delilah? A: unknown Given: what did audiences think of Gigot? A: good Given: what is the language spoken in the movie Demon Seed? A: English Given: is Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow considered good? A: good Given: how popular of a movie is The Manhattan Project? A: highly watched Given: what sort of film is Mulan II? A: Comedy, Action, Animation Given: what is the genre for the movie The Deaths of Ian Stone? A: Thriller, Horror Given: what language is the movie Blood Out in? A: English Given: who is the writer of The Master of Disguise? A: Harris Goldberg, Dana Carvey Given: what year was the film Colonel Redl released? A: 1985 Given: the movie The Horse Soldiers starred who? A: William Holden, John Wayne, Constance Towers, Judson Pratt Given: what films did Kevin Jarre direct? A: Tombstone Given: what is the rating of Evil Dead? A: good Given: what is the genre for 29th Street? A: Drama, Comedy Given: what is the language spoken in the movie The Hallelujah Trail? A: English Given: which topics is movie Big Jake about? A: less than 300 ratings, john wayne Given: who acted in And Now a Word from Our Sponsor? A: Parker Posey, Bruce Greenwood, Callum Blue, Allie MacDonald Given: what rating would people give The Wild Life? A: okay Given: what film genre is The Sixth Sense? A: Drama, Thriller, Mystery Given: how famous was Some Kind of Hero? A: unknown Given: what are some words that describe movie The River Why? A: amber heard Given: what language is Lost Embrace in? A: Spanish, Russian, Korean, Yiddish Given: which film did Scott Poiley write the story for? A: Missionary Given: the movie Baby's Day Out starred who? A: Joe Pantoliano, Lara Flynn Boyle, Joe Mantegna, Brian Haley Given: what films does Richard Bann appear in? A: Girl 27 Given: what movies did Shenae Grimes-Beech act in? A: Scream 4 Given: who was the writer of Infinity? A: Richard Feynman, Ralph Leighton, Patricia Broderick Given: what language is the movie Let Me In in? A: English Given: what movies are about rajkumar hirani? A: 3 Idiots, PK Given: what movies can be described with strong women? A: Man of Steel, Million Dollar Baby, Oz the Great and Powerful, Mulan, Erin Brockovich, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Mona Lisa Smile, Fried Green Tomatoes, The Philadelphia Story, Under the Tuscan Sun, Steel Magnolias, Once Were Warriors, The Winning Season, The Best of Everything Given: can you name a film directed by John Huddles? A: After the Dark Given: what does Alfred Lutter III act in? A: Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore Given: what was the release year of Radioland Murders? A: 1994 Given: what do people think of Gray Lady Down? A: good Given: who wrote the film Solar Crisis? A: Joe Gannon, Crispan Bolt, Takeshi Kawata Given: what movies was Lee Richardson an actor in? A: The Fly II Given: what was the release year of Blood Work? A: 2002 Given: can you give a few words describing Retro Puppet Master? A: full moon entertainment Given: who's the director of The Conclave? A: Christoph Schrewe Given: what movies can be described by creepy good? A: A Clockwork Orange, Deliverance, House at the End of the Street, James and the Giant Peach, Children of the Corn Given: how famous of a film was Undocumented? A: unknown Given: how popular was Stealing Harvard? A: highly watched Given: who was the writer of the film When the Game Stands Tall? A: Scott Marshall Smith, Neil Hayes, David Zelon Given: what movies did Matt Flynn write? A: Hack! Given: what type of movie is The Unsuspected? A: Drama, Mystery, Film-Noir Given: what films did Lenore Aubert act in? A: Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff Given: who was the writer of the film War, Inc.? A: John Cusack, Jeremy Pikser, Mark Leyner Given: which film did Will Smith write the story for? A: After Earth Given: who directed Pepe? A: George Sidney Given: what is a movie written by Joseph Landon? A: Von Ryan's Express, Stagecoach, The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond Given: how popular is Brothers? A: famous Given: what is the language spoken in The End of the Tour? A: English Given: how popular is Destroy All Monsters? A: well known Given: what film genre is Backfire? A: Crime, Mystery, Film-Noir Given: what films did Dan Ireland direct? A: The Whole Wide World, Jolene, Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont, Passionada, Living Proof Given: what is the genre of the movie Garfield? A: Comedy, Animation, Family Given: who is the writer of The Master of Disguise? A: Harris Goldberg, Dana Carvey Given: who acted in King of the Ants? A: Vernon Wells, Kari Wuhrer, George Wendt, Chris McKenna Given: which movies was Yun Chiao Yeh a writer on? A: Island of Fire Given: who wrote the screenplay for Lascars? A: Ismaël Sy Savané Given: what genre is Pocket Money in? A: Comedy, Western Given: which words describe movie Blue Smoke? A: based on a book, added, nora roberts Given: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, is it any good? A: good Given: what do people think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? A: okay Given: what was the popularity rating of The Left Hand of God? A: well known Given: what did audiences think of Mumford? A: good Given: what was the release year of the movie Far from the Madding Crowd? A: 1967 Given: which movies was Julian Bond a writer on? A: The Whistle Blower Given: what did people think of School for Scoundrels? A: good Given: what year was the movie The Wild Hunt released? A: 2009 Given: what year was the film Closer released? A: 2004 Given: what movies did Jaclyn Smith act in? A: Rage of Angels, Déjà Vu Given: what movies did Elvezia Allari star in? A: First Love Given: who's the director of Beloved? A: Jonathan Demme Given: what language is Lady in the Lake in? A: English Given: who directed the movie All This, and Heaven Too? A: Anatole Litvak Given: what was the rating of The Black Dahlia? A: okay Given: who is the director that directed Spawn? A: Mark A.Z. Dippé Given: what language is Child's Play in? A: English Given: what movies did Riccardo Salvino star in? A: Swept Away Given: what was the release year of the movie Trek Nation? A: 2010 Given: what films was Guy Owen a writer on? A: The Flim-Flam Man Given: the director of The Woman in White was? A: Peter Godfrey Given: what movies was Lou Tellegen an actor in? A: 3 Bad Men Given: who acted in Pardon Us? A: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Wilfred Lucas, June Marlowe Given: what is the genre of The A-Team? A: Comedy, Action, Adventure Given: what kind of movie is Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm? A: Drama, Comedy, Family Given: the film The Fitzgerald Family Christmas was directed by who? A: Edward Burns Given: what language is The Landlord in? A: English Given: who in the world wrote Bad Words? A: Andrew Dodge Given: how popular was You Can Count on Me? A: famous Given: who wrote the movie Roll Bounce? A: Norman Vance Jr. Given: the film For My Father starred which actors? A: Shlomo Vishinsky, Hili Yalon, Khawlah Hag-Debsy, Shredi Jabarin Given: what films was Andrew Levitas a writer on? A: Lullaby Given: how famous was The Simple-Minded Murderer? A: well known Given: the film Escanaba in da Moonlight starred which actors? A: Jeff Daniels, Harve Presnell, Wayne David Parker, Joey Albright Given: who is listed as director for Hollywoodland? A: Allen Coulter Given: what genre of movie is Blame It on the Bellboy? A: Comedy Given: who directed Branded? A: Rudolph Maté Given: what films did George Rose act in? A: A New Leaf, The Pirates of Penzance Given: what does Silas Weir Mitchell star in? A: The Patriot Given: the director of The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes was who? A: Billy Wilder Given: what is the primary language in Black Magic? A: English Given: what genre does The Matrix fall under? A: Action, Sci-Fi Given: who is the writer of Shine? A: Jan Sardi, Scott Hicks Given: how would people rate The Imitation Game? A: fantastic Given: what films did Greg Pierotti write? A: The Laramie Project Given: who was The Greatest written by? A: Shana Feste Given: what words describe film Rosewater? A: history, prison, reviewed, journalism, iran, jon stewart Given: who was Medium Cool written by? A: Haskell Wexler Given: what films are about tim robbins? A: The Shawshank Redemption, Mystic River, War of the Worlds, Top Gun, Jacob's Ladder, Dead Man Walking, The Hudsucker Proxy, Mission to Mars, The Player, Nothing to Lose, Bull Durham, Short Cuts, I.Q., Human Nature, Bob Roberts, The Secret Life of Words, Cinema Verite Given: which topics is movie Rocky III about? A: franchise, new york city, 70mm, sports, boxing, not funny, sylvester stallone, los angeles, fighting, spherical blow-up, underdog, sport:boxing, carl weathers, philadelphia, setting:philadelphia, competitive sport, burt young, burgess meredith, talia shire, mr. t, hulk hogan, beloved character dies pointlessly, tony burton Given: how popular of a movie is Mr. Denning Drives North? A: unheard of Given: which person directed Rescue Dawn? A: Werner Herzog Given: what was the release year of the movie Far from the Madding Crowd? A: 1967 Given: what sort of film is The Northerners? A: Comedy Given: what film did Shinichirô Kobayashi write? A: Godzilla vs. Biollante Given: what is the genre of the film This Land Is Mine? A: Drama, War Given: how popular of a movie is Knock Off? A: highly watched Given: what is the language spoken in the film My Boyfriend's Back? A: English Given: what films can be described by butler? A: The Parent Trap, The Remains of the Day, My Man Godfrey, Eva, Drifting Clouds Given: how popular of a movie was Bollywood/Hollywood? A: well known Given: what do people think of Sushi Girl? A: okay Given: what films does Eileen Heckart appear in? A: The Bad Seed, Burnt Offerings, Somebody Up There Likes Me, Butterflies Are Free, No Way to Treat a Lady, Up the Down Staircase Given: who stars in London? A: Jason Statham, Chris Evans, Jessica Biel, Joy Bryant Given: the director of The Wackiest Ship in the Army was? A: Richard Murphy Given: what does Iain Robertson star in? A: Small Faces Given: who are the actors in The Mexican? A: Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, James Gandolfini, J.K. Simmons Given: what language is Paperhouse in? A: English Given: how famous was The Lady? A: highly watched Given: what movies did Naoto Ogata star in? A: Space Battleship Yamato Given: how popular is Getting It Right? A: unknown Given: which films are about romantic plot? A: Seeking a Friend for the End of the World Given: what does William Petersen appear in? A: Manhunter, Fear, To Live and Die in L.A., Cousins, The Beast Given: how popular was Prophecy? A: well known Given: who was the director of Xingu? A: Cao Hamburger Given: can you give a few words describing what The Air Up There is about? A: comedy, funny, africa, unique, kevin bacon, to see: kites for kiddos, paul michael glaser Given: who acted in the movie The Dark Crystal? A: Frank Oz, Dave Goelz, Jim Henson, Kathryn Mullen Given: what are some words that describe movie The River Why? A: amber heard Given: what film genre is Clockwatchers? A: Drama, Comedy Given: when was Alvin and the Chipmunks released? A: 2007 Given: what movies can be described by richard linklater? A: Boyhood, School of Rock, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Dazed and Confused, A Scanner Darkly, Before Midnight, Waking Life, Bernie, Tape, Slacker, Me and Orson Welles, The Newton Boys, SubUrbia Given: what does Hayley Magnus star in? A: Mental Given: what is the genre of the film Divergent? A: Adventure, Thriller, Sci-Fi Given: how famous of a film was Since Otar Left? A: well known Given: what was the release date of Chalet Girl? A: 2011 Given: is In Two Minds considered good? A: good Given: how would people rate Folks!? A: okay Given: what was the release year of the film Crossroads? A: 1986 Given: which person wrote The Mad Miss Manton? A: Philip G. Epstein, Wilson Collison Given: who is the director for Inside Daisy Clover? A: Robert Mulligan Given: what movies did Sukie Smith act in? A: Topsy-Turvy Given: who wrote The Sin of Harold Diddlebock? A: Preston Sturges Given: what is the main language in The Simple-Minded Murderer? A: Swedish, Scanian Given: the movie Top Secret! starred who? A: Warren Clarke, Omar Sharif, Jeremy Kemp, Tristram Jellinek Given: who wrote No One Lives? A: David Cohen Given: what is a film directed by Jean-Marie Straub? A: En rachâchant, From the Clouds to the Resistance Given: who is the creator of the film script for Sorority Boys? A: Greg Coolidge, Joe Jarvis Given: what movies did Jaclyn Smith act in? A: Rage of Angels, Déjà Vu Given: how would people rate Temple Grandin? A: fantastic Given: what movies was Keiko Toda an actor in? A: Kiki's Delivery Service, Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald Given: what movie did Mateo Iribarren write the story for? A: Tony Manero, Post Mortem Given: what was the popularity rating of When Brendan Met Trudy? A: unknown Given: what is a film written by Arne Skouen? A: Nine Lives Given: what genre does The Greatest fall under? A: Drama, Romance
You are given an answer. Create a question for the answer. --- 1000 ml equals 33.81 ounces, or there are 33.81 ounces in 1000 milliliters. Output: 1000 ml equals how many ounces? --- If it's still hard, it's not ready to be eaten yet. Two medium avocados should yield about one pound, 2 1/2 cups sliced, diced, or chopped. Output: 1/2 avocado equals how many cups? --- The answer is 11, because the number of letters in the numbers has the pattern 3, 3, 5, 4, 4. Output: 1 2 3 4 5 what number am i missing? --- Tablespoon and cup conversions 1/8 cup = 2 tablespoons. 1/6 cup = 2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons. 1/4 cup = 4 tablespoons. 1/3 cup = 5 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon. Output: 1 1/4 cup is how many tablespoons? --- Given Series is 2,5,14,41. 41 + 81 = 122. Therefore the next number in the series is 122. Hope this helps! Output: 1 2 5 14 what is the next number? --- Pints to Fluid Ounces Conversion For example, to find out how many fluid ounces in a pint and a half, multiply 1.5 by 16, that makes 24 fluid ounces in a pint and a half. Output: 1 1/2 pints is how many ounces? --- Can sizes are fairly standard and about 400g/15 ounces which yields 250g (1 1/2 cups) of beans once drained. Chickpeas roughly double their weight once cooked. So to get 250g cooked chickpeas you need to cook 125g (3/4 cup) dried chickpeas. Output: 15 ounce can chickpeas? --- Fibonacci Sequence. The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... Output: 1 1 2 3 5 8 what is the pattern? --- 1/10 Ounce Gold Eagles have a face value of $10.00 and contain 1/10 troy ounce of pure gold. Each coin weighs 0.1091 troy oz. or 3.393 grams, has a diameter of 16.5 millimeters and are 1.19 millimeters thick. Output: 1/10 oz gold equals how many grams? --- US Fluid Ounces to Milliliters table Output: 1/2 fl oz equals how many ml? --- 1 US Fluid Ounce = 2 US Tablespoons 1 US fluid ounce is equal to 2 tablespoons and 1 Imperial fluid ounce is equal to 1.6 imperial tablespoons. Output: 1 1/2 ounces equals how many tablespoons? --- A 12 fluid ounce soda can contains 354.82 milliliters. Output: 12 oz can to ml? --- Tablespoon and cup conversions 1/16 cup = 1 tablespoon. 1/8 cup = 2 tablespoons. 1/6 cup = 2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons. 1/4 cup = 4 tablespoons. Output: 1 1/2 tablespoons is how many cups? --- To convert fluid ounces to teaspoons, multiply the fluid ounce value by 6. For example, to find out how many teaspoons there are in a fluid ounce and a half, multiply 1.5 by 6, that makes 9 teaspoons in a fluid ounce and a half. Output: 1/2 fl oz equals how many teaspoons? --- To convert fluid ounces to teaspoons, multiply the fluid ounce value by 6. For example, to find out how many teaspoons there are in a fluid ounce and a half, multiply 1.5 by 6, that makes 9 teaspoons in a fluid ounce and a half. Output: 1/2 fl oz equals how many teaspoons? --- Answer and Explanation: There are 528 feet in one-tenth of a mile. Output: 1/10 mile equals how many feet? --- The answer to how many cups are in one pound of powdered sugar will vary depending on if your powdered sugar is sifted or unsifted. In general: 1 pound = 3 1/2 to 4 cups unsifted powdered sugar. 1 pound = 4 1/2 cups sifted powered sugar. Output: 1 1/2 lbs of powdered sugar is how many cups? --- One stick of margarine or butter equals 1/2 cup. The wrapping is usually marked off in tablespoons for measuring smaller amounts. Output: 1/2 cup butter equals how much margarine? --- How Many Pints in a Gallon (US Version)? Output: 1/2 gallon is how many pints? --- Gallon to Fluid Ounce Conversion Table Output: 1/2 gallon equals how many fl oz? --- Grains to Milligrams table Output: 1/2 grain is how many mg? --- Grains to Milligrams table Output: 1/2 grain is how many mg? --- 3/8 cup = 6 tablespoons. 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons. 2/3 cup = 10 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons. 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons. Output: 1 1/2 cups equals how many tablespoons? --- One medium peeled garlic clove produced 1 rounded teaspoon chopped, however when finely minced, the quantity drops to slightly less than 1 teaspoon. So for a 1/4 cup measurement you need to dice about 12 to 13 medium size cloves. Output: 1/2 cup garlic is how many cloves? --- There are three elements . They are 1,{1},{1,{1}}. Output: 1 1 how many elements? --- Fluid Ounces to Teaspoons Conversion There are 6 teaspoons in a fluid ounce. To convert fluid ounces to teaspoons, multiply the fluid ounce value by 6. For example, to find out how many teaspoons there are in a fluid ounce and a half, multiply 1.5 by 6, that makes 9 teaspoons in a fluid ounce and a half. Output: 1 1/2 ounce equals how many teaspoons? --- Rice Conversions & Equivalents Output: 1/2 cup cooked rice how much uncooked? --- Use cream of coconut as a one-to-one substitute for sweetened condensed milk. Keep in mind that it will add a strong coconut flavor that may or may not be appropriate depending on the recipe. It should work just fine for cake fillings and pies. Output: 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk substitute? --- Quarts to Cups Conversion For example, to find out how many cups in a quart and a half, multiply 1.5 by 4, that makes 6 cups in a quart and a half. What is a Quart? Quart is an imperial and United States Customary systems volume unit. 1 Quart is equal to 4 cups. Output: 1 1/2 qt equals how many cups? --- 3/8 cup = 6 tablespoons. 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons. 2/3 cup = 10 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons. 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons. Output: 1 1/2 cups equals how many tablespoons? --- How many lemons for 1/2 cup juice (and more): You need 4 medium lemons or 3 large lemons to get 1/2 cup of juice (4 ounces). You need 3 medium lemons or 2 large lemons to get 1/3 cup of juice (2.66 ounces). Output: 1 1/2 cups lemon juice how many lemons? --- 1234 means "1 Thing 2 Say 3 Words 4 You (I Love You)". 1234 is a form of shorthand used in texts or instant messaging with the meaning "I Love You". 1234 is typically used when the sender wishes to add emphasis to their declaration of love, often when responding to a similar expression of love or an act of kindness. Output: 1 2 3 4 what does it mean? --- 1 Liter = 1000 Milliliters Liter (litre) is a metric system volume unit. 1 L = 1000 mL . Output: 1/10 litre how many ml? --- A 15-ounce can of canned pumpkin holds nearly 2 cups. It's actually 2 1/2 tablespoons short of 2 cups, about 29 1/2 tablespoons total. If you buy the 29-ounce can of pumpkin, you'll get about 3 1/2 cups cups in that can. Output: 15 oz can is how many cups? --- 1 stick butter = 8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup = 4 ounces/110g. 2 sticks butter = 1 cup = 8 ounces/225g. Output: 1/2 cup equals how many sticks of butter? --- The answer to how many cups are in one pound of powdered sugar will vary depending on if your powdered sugar is sifted or unsifted. In general: 1 pound = 3 1/2 to 4 cups unsifted powdered sugar. 1 pound = 4 1/2 cups sifted powered sugar. Output: 1 1/2 lbs of powdered sugar is how many cups? --- Substitute 1/3 teaspoon SteviaClear Liquid for every 1/4 cup of honey in your recipe. A little liquid stevia goes a long way, so experiment with this ratio until you find a sweetness level you're happy with. Output: 1/2 cup honey is how much stevia? --- Fibonacci Sequence. The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... Output: 1 1 2 3 5 8 what is the pattern? --- The answer is: The change of 1 1/2 stick ( half stick ) unit in a butter measure equals = into 4.00 tbsp ( tablespoon ) as per the equivalent measure and for the same butter type. Output: 1/2 butter is how many tablespoons? --- For the third digit there are only 2 choices and for the last digit, one choice. Thus if you are not allowed to repeat a digit the number of possible 4 digit numbers you can construct from 1,2,3,4 is 4 3 2 1 = 24. Output: 1 2 3 4 how many combinations? --- Many 1:18 scale automobiles are over 11 inches long, while 1:18 aircraft may reach over 3 feet in length. 1:18 models often include many intricate details and moving parts not commonly found on models in smaller scales. 1:18 model cars are available as kits, where the enthusiast builds the model from start to finish. Output: 1:18 scale is how big? --- 1.15 oz is equal to 34.01 ml, or there are 34.01 milliliters in 1.15 ounces. Output: 1.15 oz can to ml? --- Answer and Explanation: There are 528 feet in one-tenth of a mile. Output: 1/10 mile equals how many feet? --- Easy qts to fl oz conversion. A U.S. quart is equal to 32 U.S. fluid ounces, 1/4th of a gallon, or 2 pints. It should not be confused with the Imperial quart, which is about 20% larger. Output: 1 1/4 quarts how many ounces? --- How many liters in 1/2 gallon? There are 1.89271 liters in 1/2 gallon. Output: 1/2 gallon is equal to how many liters? --- Can sizes are fairly standard and about 400g/15 ounces which yields 250g (1 1/2 cups) of beans once drained. Chickpeas roughly double their weight once cooked. So to get 250g cooked chickpeas you need to cook 125g (3/4 cup) dried chickpeas. Output: 15 ounce can chickpeas? --- US Fluid Ounces to Milliliters table Output: 1/2 fl oz equals how many ml? --- The answer is 11, because the number of letters in the numbers has the pattern 3, 3, 5, 4, 4. Output: 1 2 3 4 5 what number am i missing? --- 1/10 Ounce Gold Eagles have a face value of $10.00 and contain 1/10 troy ounce of pure gold. Each coin weighs 0.1091 troy oz. or 3.393 grams, has a diameter of 16.5 millimeters and are 1.19 millimeters thick. Output: 1/10 oz gold equals how many grams? --- Grains to Milligrams table Output: 1/2 grain is how many mg? --- The answer is 11, because the number of letters in the numbers has the pattern 3, 3, 5, 4, 4. The next number in that pattern would be 4+2, which is 6, and ELEVEN is the next number that has six letters. Output: 1 2 3 4 5 next number is not 6? --- Hours to Minutes Conversion Table Output: 1/2 hour how many minutes? --- 1 stick butter = 8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup = 4 ounces/110g. Output: 1/2 cup of butter is equal to how many tablespoons? --- 1 stick butter = 8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup = 4 ounces/110g. Output: 1/2 cup of butter is equal to how many tablespoons? --- Explanation: If 1 mile is 1760 yards, then 1 tenth of a mile is 1 divided by 10 which equals 0.1, if you multiply 0.1 by 1760 you get 176 which is the number of yards that are in 1 tenth of a mile. Output: 1/10 of a mile equals how many yards? --- Your Binder's Capacity is Determined by the Ring Type & Size Output: 1/2 inch binder how many pages? --- The time between dilating to 1 cm and giving birth varies from woman to woman. One woman may go from having a closed cervix to giving birth in a matter of hours, while another is 1–2 cm dilated for days or weeks. Some women do not experience any dilation until they go into active labor. Output: 1/2 cm dilated how much longer? --- Generally, three medium russet potatoes or eight to 10 small new white potatoes equal one pound. One pound of russet potatoes equals approximately 3-1/2 cups chopped or 2 to 3 cups mashed. Output: 1 1/2 lbs of potatoes how many? --- 1 stick butter = 8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup = 4 ounces/110g. Output: 1/2 cup of butter is equal to how many tablespoons? --- When substituting butter in place of 1/2 cup of shortening, use 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon of butter. Also, it is very important to reduce the liquid (milk, water, etc.) in your recipe by 1 tablespoon when making this substitution. Output: 1/2 cup butter equals how much shortening? --- If it's still hard, it's not ready to be eaten yet. Two medium avocados should yield about one pound, 2 1/2 cups sliced, diced, or chopped. Output: 1/2 avocado equals how many cups? --- Use this example for a guide: If the recipe calls for 1/2 cup of maple sugar, you would use 1 cup of maple syrup and reduce the overall liquid content of the recipe by 1/4 cup. Output: 1/2 cup of sugar equals how much maple syrup? --- Cups to Fluid Ounces Conversion For example, to find out how many fluid ounces there are in a cup and a half, multiply 1.5 by 8, that makes 12 fluid ounces in a cup and a half. How many fluid ounces in 1/2 cup? There are 4 fluid oz in 1/2 cup. Output: 1 1/2 cups how many ounces? --- Kitchen Fact: 1 tablespoon equals exactly 3 teaspoons If you're scaling a recipe up or down, going from tablespoons to teaspoons isn't as straightforward as say, scaling from cups. Output: 1 1/2 tablespoons is how many teaspoons? --- This revised edition of the award-winning 1-2-3 Magic program addresses the difficult task of child discipline with humor, keen insight, and proven experience. The technique offers a foolproof method of disciplining children ages two through 12 without arguing, yelling, or spanking. Output: 1 2 3 magic what is it? --- 1/10 Ounce Gold Eagles have a face value of $10.00 and contain 1/10 troy ounce of pure gold. Each coin weighs 0.1091 troy oz. or 3.393 grams, has a diameter of 16.5 millimeters and are 1.19 millimeters thick. Output: 1/10 oz gold equals how many grams? --- There are 412 inches in 18 yard. Output: 18 yard is how many inches? --- The answer is 11, because the number of letters in the numbers has the pattern 3, 3, 5, 4, 4. Output: 1 2 3 4 5 what number am i missing? --- The answer to how many cups are in one pound of powdered sugar will vary depending on if your powdered sugar is sifted or unsifted. In general: 1 pound = 3 1/2 to 4 cups unsifted powdered sugar. 1 pound = 4 1/2 cups sifted powered sugar. Output: 1 1/2 lbs of powdered sugar is how many cups? --- Kitchen Fact: 1 tablespoon equals exactly 3 teaspoons If you're scaling a recipe up or down, going from tablespoons to teaspoons isn't as straightforward as say, scaling from cups. Output: 1 1/2 tablespoons is how many teaspoons? --- Cups to Fluid Ounces Conversion 1 Cup is equal to 8 fluid ounces (oz). To convert cups to fluid ounces, multiply the cup value by 8. For example, to find out how many fluid ounces there are in a cup and a half, multiply 1.5 by 8, that makes 12 fluid ounces in a cup and a half. Output: 1 1/2 cups equals how many fluid ounces? --- Hours to Minutes Conversion Table Output: 1/2 hour how many minutes? --- There are 1.89271 liters in 1/2 gallon. Output: 1/2 gallon how many liters? --- 1 pound = 3 1/2 to 4 cups unsifted powdered sugar. 1 pound = 4 1/2 cups sifted powered sugar. Output: 1 1/2 pounds of confectioners sugar is how many cups? --- US Fluid Ounces to Milliliters table Output: 1/2 fl oz equals how many ml? --- Sugar to Honey Converter Output: 1/2 cup sugar is equal to how much honey? --- An average person has a stride length of approximately 2.1 to 2.5 feet. That means that it takes over 2,000 steps to walk one mile and 10,000 steps would be almost 5 miles. A sedentary person may only average 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. Output: 1000 steps is how many miles? --- 1 stick butter = 8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup = 4 ounces/110g. Output: 1/2 cup of butter is equal to how many tablespoons? --- There are three elements . They are 1,{1},{1,{1}}. Output: 1 1 how many elements? --- Grams to Milligrams Conversion For example, to find out how many milligrams there are in a gram and a half, multiply 1.5 by 1000, that makes 1500 milligrams in a gram and a half. What is a Gram? Gram is a metric system mass unit. 1 g = 1000 mg. Output: 1/2 gram equals how many mg? --- How many lemons for 1/2 cup juice (and more): You need 4 medium lemons or 3 large lemons to get 1/2 cup of juice (4 ounces). You need 3 medium lemons or 2 large lemons to get 1/3 cup of juice (2.66 ounces). Output: 1 1/2 cups lemon juice how many lemons? --- Answer and Explanation: There are 528 feet in one-tenth of a mile. Output: 1/10 mile equals how many feet? --- Cups to Teaspoons Conversion There are 48 teaspoons in a cup. To convert cups to teaspoons, multiply the cup value by 48. For example, to find out how many teaspoons there are in a cup and a half, multiply 1.5 by 48, that makes 72 teaspoons in a cup and a half. Output: 1 1/2 cups equals how many teaspoons? --- on the brewery, beers are kegged in various size containers, as follows: 1/2 barrel = 15.5 gallons = 124 pints = 165 12oz bottles - (Full Size Keg) 1/4 barrel = 7.75 gallons = 62 pints = 83 12oz bottles (Pony Keg) Output: 1/2 a keg how many beers? --- Fluid Ounces to Teaspoons Conversion There are 6 teaspoons in a fluid ounce. To convert fluid ounces to teaspoons, multiply the fluid ounce value by 6. For example, to find out how many teaspoons there are in a fluid ounce and a half, multiply 1.5 by 6, that makes 9 teaspoons in a fluid ounce and a half. Output: 1 1/2 ounce equals how many teaspoons? --- There are 528 feet in one-tenth of a mile. Output: 1/10 of a mile equals how many feet? --- Fibonacci Sequence. The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... Output: 1 1 2 3 5 8 what is the pattern? --- US Fluid Ounces to Milliliters table Output: 1/2 fl oz equals how many ml? --- Natural Numbers (N), (also called positive integers, counting numbers, or natural numbers); They are the numbers {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …} Whole Numbers (W). This is the set of natural numbers, plus zero, i.e., {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}. Output: 1 2 3 4 5 are what kind of numbers? --- US Fluid Ounces to Milliliters table Output: 1/2 fl oz equals how many ml? --- Pounds to Ounces conversion 1 pound (lb) is equal to 16 Ounces (oz). Output: 1 1/2 lbs equals how many ounces? --- Kitchen Fact: 1 tablespoon equals exactly 3 teaspoons If you're scaling a recipe up or down, going from tablespoons to teaspoons isn't as straightforward as say, scaling from cups. Output: 1 1/2 tablespoons is how many teaspoons? --- How many fluid ounces in 1/2 cup? There are 4 fluid oz in 1/2 cup. Output: 1 1/2 cup how many ounces? --- There are 1.89271 liters in 1/2 gallon. Output: 1/2 gallon how many liters? --- For the third digit there are only 2 choices and for the last digit, one choice. Thus if you are not allowed to repeat a digit the number of possible 4 digit numbers you can construct from 1,2,3,4 is 4 3 2 1 = 24. Output: 1 2 3 4 how many combinations? --- The answer to how many cups are in one pound of powdered sugar will vary depending on if your powdered sugar is sifted or unsifted. In general: 1 pound = 3 1/2 to 4 cups unsifted powdered sugar. 1 pound = 4 1/2 cups sifted powered sugar. Output: 1 1/2 lbs of powdered sugar is how many cups? --- There are 412 inches in 18 yard. Output: 18 yard is how many inches? --- When substituting butter in place of 1/2 cup of shortening, use 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon of butter. Also, it is very important to reduce the liquid (milk, water, etc.) in your recipe by 1 tablespoon when making this substitution. Output: 1/2 cup butter equals how much shortening? --- Your calories per step will depend on your weight and height. A typical 160-pound person of average height will burn about 40 calories per 1,000 steps. This is the equivalent of 0.04 calories per step. Output: 1000 steps is how many calories? --- 1 stick butter = 8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup = 4 ounces/110g. 2 sticks butter = 1 cup = 8 ounces/225g. Output: 1/2 cup equals how many sticks of butter? --- A 15-ounce can of canned pumpkin holds nearly 2 cups. It's actually 2 1/2 tablespoons short of 2 cups, about 29 1/2 tablespoons total. If you buy the 29-ounce can of pumpkin, you'll get about 3 1/2 cups cups in that can. Output: 15 oz can is how many cups? --- Answer is 79. 2*1+1=3,3*2-1=5,5*3+1=16,16*5-1=79. Output: 1 2 3 5 16 what is next? --- How Many Pints in a Gallon (US Version)? Output: 1/2 gallon is how many pints? --- How many fluid ounces in 1/2 cup? There are 4 fluid oz in 1/2 cup. Output: 1 1/2 cup how many ounces? --- The answer is: The change of 1 1/2 stick ( half stick ) unit in a butter measure equals = into 4.00 tbsp ( tablespoon ) as per the equivalent measure and for the same butter type. Output: 1/2 butter is how many tablespoons? --- 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons. 2/3 cup = 10 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons. 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons. 1 cup = 16 tablespoons. Output: 1 1/2 cups is equal to how many tablespoons? --- To make two servings of grits, measure out 1/2 cup of grits…. …and 2 and 1/4 cups of water. Output: 1/2 cup grits how much water? --- When substituting butter in place of 1/2 cup of shortening, use 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon of butter. Also, it is very important to reduce the liquid (milk, water, etc.) in your recipe by 1 tablespoon when making this substitution. Output: 1/2 cup butter equals how much shortening? --- For steel-cut oats, the ratio is 1 cup of liquid per 1/4 cup of oats. If you are using quick-cooking or rolled oats, the ratio is 1 cup of liquid per 1/2 cup of oats. Output: 1/2 cup oatmeal how much water? --- 1.15 oz is equal to 34.01 ml, or there are 34.01 milliliters in 1.15 ounces. Output: 1.15 oz can to ml? --- Natural Numbers (N), (also called positive integers, counting numbers, or natural numbers); They are the numbers {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …} Output: 1 2 3 4 5 numbers are known as? --- Generally, three medium russet potatoes or eight to 10 small new white potatoes equal one pound. One pound of russet potatoes equals approximately 3-1/2 cups chopped or 2 to 3 cups mashed. Output: 1 1/2 lbs of potatoes how many? --- Hours to Minutes Conversion Table Output: 1/2 hour how many minutes? --- Answer and Explanation: There are 528 feet in one-tenth of a mile. Output: 1/10 mile equals how many feet? --- Natural Numbers (N), (also called positive integers, counting numbers, or natural numbers); They are the numbers {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …} Whole Numbers (W). This is the set of natural numbers, plus zero, i.e., {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}. Output: 1 2 3 4 5 are what kind of numbers? --- Gallons to Milliliters Conversion Output: 1/2 gallon equals how many milliliters? --- As a general rule, 1 pound of apples is equal to: 3 medium apples. 2 large apples. 3 cups diced. Output: 1 1/2 pounds of apples how many apples? --- For the third digit there are only 2 choices and for the last digit, one choice. Thus if you are not allowed to repeat a digit the number of possible 4 digit numbers you can construct from 1,2,3,4 is 4 3 2 1 = 24. Output: 1 2 3 4 how many combinations? --- One egg equals 1/4 cup egg substitute. You can almost always replace substitute with real eggs, but the reverse is not necessarily true. Some egg substitutes are egg whites with added ingredients for color or texture. Output: 1/2 cup egg beaters equals how many eggs? --- Tablespoon and cup conversions 1/8 cup = 2 tablespoons. 1/6 cup = 2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons. 1/4 cup = 4 tablespoons. 1/3 cup = 5 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon. Output: 1 1/4 cup is how many tablespoons? --- 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons. 2/3 cup = 10 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons. 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons. 1 cup = 16 tablespoons. Output: 1 1/2 cups is equal to how many tablespoons? --- One egg equals 1/4 cup egg substitute. You can almost always replace substitute with real eggs, but the reverse is not necessarily true. Some egg substitutes are egg whites with added ingredients for color or texture. Output: 1/2 cup egg beaters equals how many eggs? --- 1/10 Ounce Gold Eagles have a face value of $10.00 and contain 1/10 troy ounce of pure gold. Each coin weighs 0.1091 troy oz. or 3.393 grams, has a diameter of 16.5 millimeters and are 1.19 millimeters thick. Output: 1/10 oz gold equals how many grams? --- The order goes as follows: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and on to infinity. Each number is the sum of the previous two. This series of numbers is known as the Fibonacci numbers or the Fibonacci sequence. Output: 1 1 2 3 5 8 what is the rule? --- Pounds to Ounces conversion 1 pound (lb) is equal to 16 Ounces (oz). Output: 1 1/2 lbs equals how many ounces? --- Cups to Fluid Ounces Conversion For example, to find out how many fluid ounces there are in a cup and a half, multiply 1.5 by 8, that makes 12 fluid ounces in a cup and a half. How many fluid ounces in 1/2 cup? There are 4 fluid oz in 1/2 cup. Output: 1 1/2 cups how many ounces? --- 1 ½ teaspoons = ½ tablespoon. 2 ¼ teaspoons = ¾ tablespoon. 3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon. Output: 1 1/2 teaspoon equals how many tablespoons? --- Quarts to Fluid Ounces Conversion To convert quarts to fluid ounces, multiply the quart value by 32. For example, to find out how many fluid ounces in a quart and a half, multiply 1.5 by 32, that makes 48 fluid ounces in a quart and a half. Output: 1 1/2 qt is how many ounces? --- 3/8 cup = 6 tablespoons. 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons. 2/3 cup = 10 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons. 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons. Output: 1 1/2 cups equals how many tablespoons? --- Elbow Macaroni Two ounces of dry pasta is equal to 1/2 cup dry, which boils up to be 1 1/2 cup cooked, or a heaped 1 cup. Output: 1 1/2 cups dry pasta equals how much cooked pasta? --- Use cream of coconut as a one-to-one substitute for sweetened condensed milk. Keep in mind that it will add a strong coconut flavor that may or may not be appropriate depending on the recipe. It should work just fine for cake fillings and pies. Output: 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk substitute? --- One stick of margarine or butter equals 1/2 cup. The wrapping is usually marked off in tablespoons for measuring smaller amounts. Output: 1/2 cup butter equals how much margarine? --- One egg equals 1/4 cup egg substitute. You can almost always replace substitute with real eggs, but the reverse is not necessarily true. Some egg substitutes are egg whites with added ingredients for color or texture. Output: 1/2 cup egg beaters equals how many eggs? --- Rice Conversions & Equivalents Output: 1/2 cup cooked rice how much uncooked? --- Cooking Guide for Dried Beans Output: 1/2 cup dry beans equals how much cooked? --- The substitution of maple syrup for brown sugar may vary with recipes, but typically 1 cup of white or brown sugar can be replaced with 3/4 cup of maple syrup. Output: 1/2 cup brown sugar equals how much maple syrup? --- 1.15 oz is equal to 34.01 ml, or there are 34.01 milliliters in 1.15 ounces. Output: 1.15 oz can to ml? --- Grams to Milligrams Conversion For example, to find out how many milligrams there are in a gram and a half, multiply 1.5 by 1000, that makes 1500 milligrams in a gram and a half. What is a Gram? Gram is a metric system mass unit. 1 g = 1000 mg. Output: 1/2 gram equals how many mg? --- The time between dilating to 1 cm and giving birth varies from woman to woman. One woman may go from having a closed cervix to giving birth in a matter of hours, while another is 1–2 cm dilated for days or weeks. Some women do not experience any dilation until they go into active labor. Output: 1/2 cm dilated how much longer? --- Pints to Fluid Ounces Conversion For example, to find out how many fluid ounces in a pint and a half, multiply 1.5 by 16, that makes 24 fluid ounces in a pint and a half. Output: 1 1/2 pints is how many ounces? --- There are 528 feet in one-tenth of a mile. Output: 1/10 of a mile equals how many feet? --- Easy qts to fl oz conversion. A U.S. quart is equal to 32 U.S. fluid ounces, 1/4th of a gallon, or 2 pints. It should not be confused with the Imperial quart, which is about 20% larger. Output: 1 1/4 quarts how many ounces? --- For example 1/2 cup of butter equals 1 stick of butter so if a recipe calls for 2 sticks of butter, it will be simple to work out in your head that 2 sticks are equal to 1 cup and so on. Output: 1/2 cup melted butter is how many sticks? --- The answer to how many cups are in one pound of powdered sugar will vary depending on if your powdered sugar is sifted or unsifted. In general: 1 pound = 3 1/2 to 4 cups unsifted powdered sugar. 1 pound = 4 1/2 cups sifted powered sugar. Output: 1 1/2 lbs of powdered sugar is how many cups? --- To make two servings of grits, measure out 1/2 cup of grits…. …and 2 and 1/4 cups of water. Output: 1/2 cup grits how much water? --- 14 oz is equal to 414.04 ml, or there are 414.04 milliliters in 14 ounces. Output: 14 ounce can in ml? --- Rice Conversions & Equivalents Output: 1/2 cup cooked rice how much uncooked? --- Sugar to Honey Converter Output: 1/2 cup sugar is equal to how much honey? --- Use cream of coconut as a one-to-one substitute for sweetened condensed milk. Keep in mind that it will add a strong coconut flavor that may or may not be appropriate depending on the recipe. It should work just fine for cake fillings and pies. Output: 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk substitute? --- A 12 fluid ounce soda can contains 354.82 milliliters. Output: 12 oz can to ml? --- Gallons to Quarts Conversion Table Output: 1/2 gallon equal how many quarts? --- To make two servings of grits, measure out 1/2 cup of grits…. …and 2 and 1/4 cups of water. Output: 1/2 cup grits how much water? --- 1 pound = 3 1/2 to 4 cups unsifted powdered sugar. 1 pound = 4 1/2 cups sifted powered sugar. Output: 1 1/2 pounds of confectioners sugar is how many cups? --- For the third digit there are only 2 choices and for the last digit, one choice. Thus if you are not allowed to repeat a digit the number of possible 4 digit numbers you can construct from 1,2,3,4 is 4 3 2 1 = 24. Output: 1 2 3 4 how many combinations?
In this task, you're given a context passage, an answer, and a question. Your task is to classify whether the question for this answer is correct or not, based on the given context with commonsense reasoning about social situations. If its correct ,return "True" else "False". Context: Bailey found Kai in the audience and waved at them with a huge smile. Answer: loved Question: How would Kai feel as a result? Label: True Context: Sydney made the cake special for the birthday party. Answer: Accomplished Question: How would Sydney feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Carson pushed the door open into the house and was glad to be home. Answer: of been not at home Question: What will Jan want to do next? Label: False Context: Robin worked things out with their brother and they became friends again. Answer: move on Question: How would Casey feel as a result? Label: False Context: Skylar stopped the car in the driveway and was getting ready to go home. Answer: be on their way home Question: What does Skylar need to do before this? Label: True Context: Aubrey needs to bake a cake. Aubrey made a trip to the store. Answer: know what ingredients are in the cake Question: What does Aubrey need to do before this? Label: True Context: Carson loved the food that was being served at the buffet they are visiting and can't wait to eat. Answer: pay for his food Question: What does Carson need to do before this? Label: True Context: Kendall drove on the road for hours and hours without taking breaks. Answer: very tired from the long drive Question: How would you describe Quinn? Label: False Context: Being very hungry and malnourished after the flight, Cameron persuaded the cook to give him a sandwich. Answer: not afraid of people Question: How would you describe Cameron? Label: True Context: Bailey asked if Jesse was going to their wedding, but Jesse said no. Answer: disappointed Question: What will the boss think of Remy? Label: False Context: Quinn bought their friend to the dance. They hoped they would meet someone. Answer: dress up Question: What will Robin do before taking the salt back to the counter? Label: False Context: Jan bought a new towel and tried to use it at the beach she went to. Answer: enjoy the towel Question: What will happen to Jan? Label: True Context: Bailey got so excited saw birds in the wild when they went outdoors. Answer: a person who enjoy natures Question: How would you describe Bailey? Label: True Context: Austin found out that they made the football team but they couldn't play due to an injury. Answer: left out Question: How would Austin feel as a result? Label: True Context: Carson and Jan were alone in the classroom. Carson forced Jan's hand on his private part. Answer: upset and angry Question: Why did Carson do this? Label: False Context: Skylar paid their bill in full since they did not want to pay in installments. Answer: keep on top of their finances Question: How would you describe Casey? Label: False Context: Skylar accidentally got the wrong food order and had to go back and order again. Answer: annoyed Question: How would Jesse feel afterwards? Label: False Context: Ash sent their friend to the store to pick up snacks because Ash broke their leg recently. Answer: are sedentary Question: What does Jordan need to do before this? Label: False Context: Robin could not help the fact that he had a learning disability and failed the class. Answer: someone who needs help with their learning disability Question: How would Robin feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Bailey took Quinn aside to speak to them about money that turned up missing from the cash register. Answer: be fired Question: How would Casey feel afterwards? Label: False Context: Riley asked her boss if she could go to the party by herself. Answer: think about it Question: What will Jan want to do next? Label: False Context: casey set remy's house in order so remy would be free to do other things. Answer: happy with casey Question: How would Remy feel as a result? Label: True Context: Kai saw a doctor and wanted to get healthy for the big trip. Answer: relief Question: Why did Kai do this? Label: True Context: Sasha decided to help out and decorated Aubrey's Christmas tree. Answer: hang the lights Question: What will Sasha want to do next? Label: True Context: quinn wrote Carson's book this might contribute to her promotion soon. Answer: might qualify for promotion Question: What will happen to Quinn? Label: True Context: After realizing the comments Jesse made were inappropriate, Jesse felt a little bad. Answer: behave better in the future Question: What would Jesse want to do afterwards? Label: True Context: GTracy wanted to make some food so she took some meat out of the freezer. Answer: Turn on her oven Question: What will Tracy want to do next? Label: True Context: Remy loved the others and showed his affection regularly. Answer: return the affection Question: What will Aubrey want to do next? Label: False Context: Ash had lots on his agenda including a very important meeting he made a mental note of. Answer: check the meeting time Question: What does Ash need to do before this? Label: True Context: Addison reached the mountain top with the team after a long and difficult hike. Addison raised the flag to see who salutes. Answer: see how patriotic the other people were Question: How would Kendall feel as a result? Label: False Context: Aubrey saw Kai's friend robbing a bank. Answer: be held hostage Question: What will happen to Aubrey? Label: True Context: Quinn dropped the anchor because they did not want the boat to drift away. Answer: cautious Question: How would Quinn feel afterwards? Label: False Context: Alex gave thanks to god for sparing their life in the house fire. Answer: call the insurance company Question: What will Alex want to do next? Label: True Context: At the annual performance of the Nutcracker, Jan performed the dance well. Answer: Others will be amazed by Jan Question: What will happen to Others? Label: True Context: Addison ruined Aubrey's day by shoving her into the dirty and laughing at the act. Answer: feeling angry Question: How would you describe Addison? Label: True Context: Jan treated her differently after that day at the beach. Answer: they were upset Question: How would Jan feel as a result? Label: True Context: Remy wasn't sure if they could cross there since there was construction. Remy asked the worker about it. Answer: go another way Question: What will Remy want to do next? Label: True Context: Skylar bought their son a basketball hoop for their birthday and they liked it. Answer: play basketball Question: What will happen to Others? Label: True Context: Bailey dropped all her books in the hall going to class. Austin showed Bailey kindness and helped to pick them up. Answer: thankful Question: How would Bailey feel as a result? Label: True Context: Jesse had partied all night long, drinking and dancing until four in the morning. Answer: irresponsible Question: What will Alex want to do next? Label: False Context: Austin listed every item so that the person listening could take inventory. Answer: make sure the list was right Question: Why did Robin do this? Label: False Context: Sydney decided not to get involved with the disagreement so Sydney went about their business. Answer: relieved to stay out of it Question: How would you describe Sydney? Label: True Context: Tracy as the elder brother was tasked by his mother to get Kai home from the park. Answer: will learn responsibility Question: What will happen to Others? Label: False Context: Riley pushed Casey's fingers into the opening of a machine and they were cut. Answer: hurt Question: How would Casey feel as a result? Label: True Context: Aubrey educated their children to be respectful of others and to not cause people trouble. Answer: For their children to use what they were taught Question: What will Aubrey want to do next? Label: True Context: Sasha expressed the instructions in words Skylar could understand and use. Answer: ask questions Question: How would you describe Kai? Label: False Context: Ash got Jordan one for his birthday and gave it to him at the party. Answer: appreciative as a result Question: How would Jordan feel as a result? Label: True Context: Ash cut a wide swath in the argument with their superior mastery of the language. Answer: get involved in the discussion Question: What does Ash need to do before this? Label: True Context: Alex was ready to play the game and took up Ash's position on the field. Answer: ready to play Question: How would you describe Alex? Label: True Context: Quinn made some music and gave it to Bailey. Bailey played Quinn's music. Answer: acommodating Question: How would you describe Bailey? Label: True Context: Sasha sent Ash money. Answer: she will be happy Question: What will happen to Ash? Label: True Context: Aubrey needed an audience to read her script to and Quinn found some people to listen. Answer: Perform for the audience Question: What will Aubrey want to do next? Label: True Context: Ash caught Jesse stealing and gave her the eye. Answer: reprimand Jesse Question: What will happen to Ash? Label: True Context: Jan won two tickets in the raffle and was going to collect their prize. Answer: happy about winning Question: What will Austin want to do next? Label: False Context: Jesse sent her kids to school sleepy, dirty and hungry every single day of the week. Answer: outraged Question: The others will feel how about this? Label: True Context: Saha's parents gave Kendall a ride from the park. Kendall thanked Sasha's parents for the help. Answer: talk to Sasha Question: How would Austin feel afterwards? Label: False Context: Aubrey was having problems with their homework. Casey asked Aubrey to accept their help on Aubrey's homework, and Aubrey accepted. Answer: grateful Question: How would Aubrey feel as a result? Label: True Context: Skylar met Alex for the last time before Skylar moved overseas for a new job. Answer: Plan a trip to visit Skylar Question: What will Alex want to do next? Label: True Context: Carson couldn't bring all their things when they moved so Skylar packed up their things for them. Answer: be asked by Carson Question: What will Others want to do next? Label: False Context: Remy wasn't good with money and wasn't going to get kicked out. Ash paid all of Remy's bills. Answer: make sure Remy had a place to live Question: What will Ash want to do now? Label: True Context: Bailey recently died unexpectedly and Quinn sold Bailey's home and all belongings. Answer: upset Question: How would Quinn feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Quinn always took his phone with him. One day someone asked him direction on the street, Quinn searched it on the phone and helped them. Answer: proud of himself Question: How would Quinn feel afterwards? Label: True Context: quinn's car stopped on the highway so they brought it to the mechanic. Answer: lift up the car hood Question: What will the mechanic want to do next? Label: True Context: Sydney denied one's rights after meeting in the courtroom. Answer: an awful person Question: How would Jesse feel as a result? Label: False Context: Lee gave a key to Remy so she could get into her home. Answer: see if the key works Question: What will Lee want to do next? Label: True Context: Alex is in love with Jordan and wants to marry them. Answer: stay with them Question: Why did Alex do this? Label: True Context: Skylar was generous and gave Tracy an opportunity to prove their worth. Answer: eager to prove themselves Question: How would you describe Ash? Label: False Context: Jesse created Taylor's situation by recommending him for the job. Answer: help him get the job next Question: What will Jesse want to do next? Label: True Context: Skylar called Bailey by her name to announce she had won. Answer: draw a number Question: What does Skylar need to do before this? Label: True Context: Kendall messed up her life and got out of dodge. Answer: sad for her Question: How would Others feel as a result? Label: True Context: Quinn didn't want to open his mouth for the dentist to look inside. Kai opened Quinn's mouth for him instead. Answer: Commanding Question: How would Kai feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Skylar took the offensive stance after being threatened with certain death. Answer: needed to be aware of the situation Question: What does Skylar need to do before this? Label: True Context: Skylar tilted Kendall's head back to whisper the secret very softly. Answer: Informed Question: How would you describe Skylar? Label: False Context: Sasha pulled the blinds together. They were ready for bed already. Answer: get ready for bed Question: What does Sasha need to do before this? Label: True Context: Jesse pressed Alex's lips against theirs and sank into their warm embrace. Answer: they have a sweet partner Question: How would Jesse feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Ash and Mike wanted to rob a bank. Ash told Mike about their plan. Answer: needed to case out the bank Question: Why did Cameron do this? Label: False Context: Quinn wanted to say something. They weren't sure when to say it. Answer: a shy person Question: How would you describe Addison? Label: False Context: Alex changed his mind about loaning their friend a book, so Alex took it back. Answer: indecisive Question: How would Jordan feel afterwards? Label: False Context: Sydney also gave Ash a compliment to help him relax before an important performance. Answer: perform next Question: What will happen to Ash next? Label: True Context: Lee rented a beach house for them and all their friends and partied all weekend. Answer: check out beach house rentals Question: What does Lee need to do before this? Label: True Context: Aubrey educated their children to be respectful of others and to not cause people trouble. Answer: For their children to use what they were taught Question: What will Aubrey want to do next? Label: True Context: After a long drive they finally arrived at the hotel and Jordan got Lee's things out of the car. Answer: Go to their room Question: What will Lee want to do next? Label: True Context: Sydney and Skylar are having an argument. When their boss walks in, Sydney blames everything on Skylar. Answer: deny accusations Question: What will Jan want to do next? Label: False Context: Jesse asked if Sasha liked the movie after they walked outside to the car. Answer: answer Jesse Question: What will Sasha want to do next? Label: True Context: Taylor became Bailey advocate and got introduced into the big club today. Answer: kind Question: How would Bailey feel as a result? Label: True Context: Ash left the house for the better and did not go back. Answer: find a new place to live Question: What will Austin want to do next? Label: False Context: Ash needed to get up early for work so they woke up early. Answer: like going to work Question: How would Ash feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Bailey discussed this problem in detail with her workers and supervisor. Answer: correct the problem she'd been having at work Question: Why did Bailey do this? Label: True Context: quinn went to hawaii to vacation so she was no longer available to work. Answer: hire a temporary worker Question: How would Aubrey feel afterwards? Label: False Context: Jordan laid eyes on Ash at the mall and it was love at first sight. Answer: talk to Jordan Question: What will Ash want to do next? Label: True Context: When their friend said the best food was hamburgers Riley begged to differ. Answer: say what they think the best food is Question: How would you describe Addison? Label: False Context: Riley was able to accurately estimate the score of the football game on Saturday. Answer: knew the playing level of the teams Question: How did Riley do this? Label: True Context: Taylor put the argument another way when her students couldn't understand her. Answer: determined to make the students get the point Question: How would you describe Taylor? Label: True Context: Addison hired and fired many employees and now they were all organizing a strike. Answer: strike against the company Question: What will Others want to do next? Label: True Context: Austin put her best foot forward when asked out by Justin. Answer: put on nice makeup Question: What does Austin need to do before this? Label: True Context: Riley wanted more pay so they produced better quality work. Answer: someone who loves money Question: How would you describe Riley? Label: True Context: Austin escaped from their cage and ran out into the woods to lay low for a bit. Answer: pry it open Question: What will Austin want to do next? Label: True Context: Alex had been on a trip and waited hours to get home. Answer: tired afterwards Question: How would you describe Alex? Label: True Context: The phone wouldn't stop ringing, after realizing no one else was going to answer Carson picked up the phone. Answer: How can I help you Question: What will Jesse want to do next? Label: False Context: After Alex drank too much at a party, Taylor gave Alex a ride home in her car. Answer: check in with Alex tomorrow Question: What will happen to Others? Label: False Context: Aubrey discovered a broken vase and decided to ask her kids about it. Answer: deny it Question: What will Others want to do next? Label: True Context: Taylor had a very nice time with his friends and later drove them home. Answer: visit again Question: What will Remy want to do next? Label: False Context: Alex was angry and acting erratic about the fact that Jesse lied to him, which made Jesse nervous. Answer: bad about lying to Jesse Question: How would Jesse feel as a result? Label: True Context: Skylar took Cameron to a shelter yesterday to look at dogs. Answer: kind Question: How would you describe Skylar? Label: True Context: Riley began to sing with the others when she was old enough to join them. Answer: join the choir Question: What will Riley want to do next? Label: True Context: Kai spilt Jan's drink between Jan and their brother because there was only one. Answer: irritated Question: How would Jan feel as a result? Label: True Context: Jordan will spend the day at the beach sunbathing and swimming. Answer: take a nap Question: What will owners do next? Label: False Context: Aubrey ate the same desert every night before she laid down. Answer: full Question: How would Aubrey feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Remy was really impressed after hearing it so they shared the author's story. Answer: Watch others impressions Question: What will Remy want to do next? Label: True Context: Tracy bought a new book and started to read it in her house. Answer: be excited Question: What will happen to Others? Label: True Context: Sydney controlled their environment to make sure their carefully balanced life wasn't interrupted. Answer: well ordered Question: How would Sydney feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Kendall increased the wind through the tunnel by reducing the opening. Answer: calculate something Question: What does Kendall need to do before this? Label: True Context: Bailey prevented the geese from going across the road into traffic. Answer: proud Question: What will happen to others? Label: True Context: Kendall taught Alex's dog to sit and was proud and wanted to continue. Answer: teach the dog to roll over Question: What will Alex want to do next? Label: True Context: Austin reached their goals and decided to celebrate by throwing a big party at the local country club. Answer: as happy Question: How would you describe Austin? Label: True Context: Addison got lost at her very first concert. Addison finally found their family after searching. Answer: needed to look around Question: What does Addison need to do before this? Label: True Context: alex needed some money so he sold his old phone. Answer: happy Question: How would Alex feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Carson was inducing new employees into the business and used Jordan, their top employee, as an example of how successful one could be. Answer: thank Carson Question: What will Jordan want to do next? Label: True Context: In preparation for the upcoming birthday party for their kids, Tracy bought chocolate chip cookies the next day. Answer: have some special treats on hand for the party Question: What will Jan want to do next? Label: False Context: Jordan just bought a house and wanted the lawn to look very green and lush. Answer: water the lawn Question: What will Jordan want to do next? Label: True Context: Jan was daydreaming and accidently walked onto the road when traffic was coming so Riley jumped forward and grabbed Jan pulling them to safety so Riley saved Jan's life. Answer: kind Question: Why did Riley do this? Label: True Context: Tracy lent money to her friend but charged her interest on the loan. Answer: figure interest before this Question: What does Tracy need to do before this? Label: True Context: Quinn ate another apple after the first one because the apples tasted so good. Answer: satisfied Question: How would Quinn feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Austin had been working out all day and Austin's girlfriend was revolted at kissing Austin. Answer: like taking a shower Question: How would Austin feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Kendall quit the team in frustration, after she missed a practice and wasn't allowed to play in the next game. Answer: upset about her place on her former team Question: How would you describe Kendall? Label: True Context: Sydney lived with Carson's parents until she could save enough money to get an apartment. Answer: look for apartments Question: What will Sasha want to do next? Label: False Context: Addison hired and fired many employees and now they were all organizing a strike. Answer: strike against the company Question: What will Others want to do next? Label: True Context: Kai built Carson's nest and knew that he would appreciate it. Answer: Make sure it's sturdy Question: What will Kai want to do next? Label: True Context: Lee drove his new car he just bought home. Answer: excited about their new car Question: How would Lee feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Aubrey had already been there several hours, so now Aubrey waited in line impatiently. Answer: Irritated Question: How would Aubrey feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Sydney made the dinner special for him on the day the met twenty years ago. Answer: thoughtful Question: How would Taylor feel afterwards? Label: False Context: Cameron won Quinn's award at the banquet dinner event that month. Answer: thank Quinn for giving them the award Question: What will Cameron want to do next? Label: True Context: Lee didn't understand the homework assignment. Lee tried to call Tracy to ask some questions. Answer: content Question: How would Lee feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Sydney had just received news about the death of their grandmother. Answer: a compassionate person Question: How would you describe Kai? Label: True Context: Sydney gave Ash a generous present for his birthday. Answer: thank Sydney Question: What will Ash want to do next? Label: True Context: Tracy spread the pile of money on the bed. Answer: very rich Question: How would Tracy feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Sasha heard about the store's contribution to a political candidate she hated and voted with her feet by shopping elsewhere. Answer: did not want to give the store money Question: How would Bailey feel afterwards? Label: False Context: Taylor affected Carson's ability to think, because Carson had the hots for Taylor and got distracted. Answer: flattered that someone liked him Question: What does Casey need to do before this? Label: False Context: Lee selected Addison's object so that they could use it in a party. Answer: happy Question: How would Addison feel as a result? Label: True Context: Bailey watched out for TV coupons all day, until she finally found a great one at Target. Answer: Go to Target Question: What will Remy want to do next? Label: False Context: Bailey asked Addison to watch her present her speech so she could get pointers. Answer: rewrite her speech according to criticism Question: What will happen to Bailey? Label: True Context: Taylor had stills that hurt their friend because they were taken in secret. Answer: regretful about the stills Question: How would Taylor feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Sasha knew she said something offensive and offered an apology to her audience. Answer: keep her followers Question: Why did Sasha do this? Label: True Context: Aubrey decided to ask asked his girl for some money with an attached promise. Answer: very happy for the help Question: How would Aubrey feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Skylar followed Cameron around the shopping center last night. Answer: not get lost Question: Why did Skylar do this? Label: True Context: Casey never followed the teacher's instructions on her homework. Answer: give her a bad grade Question: What will the teacher want to do next? Label: True Context: Kendall taught Alex's dog to respond to all different types of commands. Answer: thankful Question: How would Alex feel as a result? Label: True Context: Taylor used working out to gain muscle so he could compete. Answer: a health conscious person Question: Why did Sydney do this? Label: False Context: Addison held Tracy in their arms while Tracy said their last words before dying. Answer: give a final speech Question: How would Addison feel afterwards? Label: False Context: Ash drove to Cameron's house and nervous knocked on the door for their first date. Answer: ask Ash on a date Question: What will Others want to do next? Label: False Context: Bailey returned to their home country after their trip away was over. Answer: because their trip had ended Question: Why did Bailey do this? Label: True Context: Addison made Austin act serious when Austin was making noise during the recital. Answer: take Austin to the lobby Question: What will Quinn want to do next? Label: False Context: Addison met a girl as school and they became good friends. Answer: Glad they have a new friend Question: How would Others feel as a result? Label: True Context: Sydney put their blankets on the floor so that they wouldn't have to walk on the cold tile floor. Answer: walk on something warm Question: How would Others feel as a result? Label: False Context: Quinn took their children for a walk in the big park in the middle of the town. Answer: loved Question: Why did Quinn do this? Label: True Context: Cameron had trouble paying her bills after she got laid off from work. Answer: unlucky Question: How would you describe Cameron? Label: True Context: Alex is a construction worker. They can not work while it rains, so today they ended there way very late to make up from the lost time last week. Answer: like they got alot accomplished today Question: Why did Aubrey do this? Label: False Context: Addison was cruel and tried her hardest to prevent Sasha from making the team. Answer: be kicked off the team Question: What will Bailey want to do next? Label: False Context: While coaching Aubrey on how to swing a golf club, Kendall placed Aubrey's hands at their side. Answer: make sure Aubrey learned proper technique Question: Why did Kendall do this? Label: True Context: Kai's opinion was affected by Carson's but then she realized he was wrong. Answer: enlightened by new information Question: How would Kai feel as a result? Label: True Context: Bailey was laid off from their job at the age of 65. Answer: collect unemployment insurance Question: What will Bailey do next? Label: True Context: Jesse went out partying with friends last night. Jesse drank a lot of alcohol and didn't get much sleep. Answer: Hungover and tired Question: How would Jesse feel the morning after? Label: True Context: Austin wanted to avoid attention so Austin created a fight between Kendall and Tom. Answer: tell Tom that Kendall hates Tom Question: What does Austin need to do before this? Label: True Context: Alex had cut Tracy's throat with a box cutter. Answer: Bleed to death Question: What will happen to Tracy? Label: True Context: Sasha missed my flight because she was running late. Answer: irresponsible Question: How would you describe Sasha? Label: True Context: Cameron would make fun of Austin often because Austin always fell down while walking. Answer: work on walking Question: What will Austin want to do next? Label: True Context: Sasha thought quickly because she had to solve the problem. Answer: knowledgeable Question: How would you describe Sasha? Label: True Context: Carson served every person at the table a big glass of wine. Answer: make people happy Question: What will Casey want to do next? Label: False Context: Casey wanted to relax after work. Casey got a bath started and made some tea. Answer: a person who values taking time to rest Question: How would you describe Casey? Label: True Context: Jordan wanted to take her son to the circus but realized she wouldn't be able to afford tickets without getting overtime at work. Answer: Take on more projects to get more overtime Question: What will Jordan want to do next? Label: True Context: riley met carson's expenses so that they could afford to pay their bills. Answer: keep their place to live Question: What will happen to Carson? Label: True Context: Addison knew one's secrets and kept them to herself in hopes the favor would be returned. Answer: did this to protect her own secrets Question: Why did Addison do this? Label: True Context: riley was manager at a bank so he got robin a job opportunity. Answer: grateful Question: How would Robin feel as a result? Label: True Context: Jesse nervously held back the curtain and peered through to the figure waiting in the hospital bed. Answer: visiting someone in a hospital Question: What will Sasha want to do next? Label: False Context: Sydney sparked Kendall's interest in science by showing them an experiment. Answer: Like they want to learn more Question: How would Kendall feel as a result? Label: True Context: Hazel was applying to nursing school and asked Lee for a recommendation letter. Answer: do good work for Lee to impress them Question: How would you describe Cameron? Label: False Context: Jordan took their toddler to school for the first time ever and could not believe how fast time was flying by. Answer: nostalgic for the past Question: How would Jordan feel afterwards? Label: True Context: Sasha had paid Riley for services rendered by check because they had no cash on hand, and after leaving the site, Riley cashed Sasha´s check. Answer: review Riley´s work Question: What does Sydney need to do before this? Label: False Context: Bailey answered all the questions correctly because she had studied hard on the test. Answer: someone with high work ethic Question: How would you describe Bailey? Label: True Context: Taylor asked another question in class even though the other students wanted to leave the class. Answer: become angry at Taylor Question: What will happen to the other students? Label: True Context: Sasha had never had pudding before but loved sweets. Sasha knew she would like pudding. Answer: someone who likes to have fun Question: How would you describe Sasha? Label: True Context: robin was suspicious of outsiders so she kept an eye on the man. Answer: keep an eye on suspicious people Question: Why did Addison do this? Label: False Context: Riley took her parents to a pet store and showed them cats she'd like to have at home. Answer: a cat lover Question: How would her parents feel as a result? Label: True Context: Robin jumped rope, but wasn't very good, and often got tangled up. Answer: Someone with bad reflexes Question: How would you describe Robin? Label: True Context: Alex is eating a steak and a bit gets stuck in his throat. Answer: take smaller bites Question: What does Alex need to do before this? Label: True Context: Ash pushed the boy into the pool for what he thought was a harmless practical joke. Answer: laugh at the boy Question: Why did Kai do this? Label: False Context: Carson learnt to play the guitar and was feeling like they were ready to join a band. Answer: audition for the band Question: Why did Austin do this? Label: False Context: Riley began to sing with the others when she was old enough to join them. Answer: join the choir Question: What will Riley want to do next? Label: True Context: bailey was kind so she escorted them to their house quickly. Answer: as kind Question: What did Natalie need to do before this? Label: False Context: Kai finally saw the light after they rounded a corner in a tunnel. Answer: drive to the end of the tunnel Question: What will Kai want to do next? Label: True Context: Sasha spent a lot of time studying for the GMAT. Answer: study more Question: What will Sasha want to do next? Label: True Context: Skylar dyed their hair often. The color changed regularly every couple weeks. Skylar tried bold and unique colors. Answer: ing to try new colors Question: How would you describe Taylor's relationship to Kai? Label: False Context: Cameron told Jesse's friend that he had accidentally broke Jesse's favorite toy. Answer: stupid for the mistake Question: How would you describe Tracy? Label: False Context: After getting everyone dressed and packing their lunches, Aubrey sent their kids to school. Answer: excited about the upcoming school day Question: How would you describe Jordan? Label: False Context: Tracy challenged Grandma to a race. Grandma was wicked fast and not to be underestimated. Answer: enjoy racing grandma Question: Why did Tracy do this? Label: True Context: Kendall pushed Bailey over the edge. He didn't seem to care about Bailey's feelings. Answer: selfish Question: How would you describe Kendall? Label: True Context: Austin left their soccer team so they could spend more time with their family. Answer: relax more Question: What will Austin want to do next? Label: True Context: Alex took Addison to the animal shelter to find another dog for the family. Answer: get money Question: What does Alex need to do before this? Label: True Context: Jordan was trying to dress nicely for a wedding. Jordan bought a suit. Answer: look nice Question: What will happen to Jordan? Label: False
In this task, you are given two sentences in the English language (Sentence 1 and Sentence 2). Your task is to identify the connecting word between the two sentences. Sentence 1:Individuals who are leaders in their groups tend to be closer to the prototypical group member than are followers . Sentence 2:Additionally , they tend to be more socially attractive , which makes it easier for group members to accept their authority and comply with their decisions . Label: additionally Sentence 1:Timpani heads are sized based on the size of the head , not the bowl . Sentence 2:For example , a 23 - inch ( 58 cm ) drum may require a 25 - inch ( 64 cm ) head . Label: for example Sentence 1:I never thought that I would have to change that view . Sentence 2:But at last I saw that if I wished to do good to my nation , I would have to do it by wise thinking and not so much fighting . Label: but Sentence 1:In Europe , the sedan version was initially sold as the Daewoo Nubira . Sentence 2:However , in late 2003 , it was announced that Daewoo would be rebranded Chevrolet in some European markets . Label: however Sentence 1:Waratahs were the only sports club which had its own licensed club house and grounds . Sentence 2:Thus , their recruiting tentacles reached out quickly to sign - up the lion 's share of talented new arrival in town . Label: thus Sentence 1:While the British and Canadians were holding the enemy in the east of the Normandy bridgehead , the Americans were able to break through German lines in the west . Sentence 2:Meanwhile , the Germans started moving in another Army Group and redeployed others to attack the Americans . Label: meanwhile Sentence 1:Billy Taylor and Don Gallinger , now middle - aged , were finally forgiven for their gambling in 1948 and were reinstated to the NHL . Sentence 2:However , they did not return to the NHL . Label: however Sentence 1:Nebraska averaged 330 rushing yards during the season . Sentence 2:However , Georgia Tech held the Cornhuskers to only 126 rushing yards during the game . Label: however Sentence 1:Pope Innocent VII excommunicated all those involved in Scrope 's execution . Sentence 2:However Archbishop Arundel failed to publish the Pope 's decree in England , and in 1407 Henry IV was pardoned by Pope Gregory XII . Label: however Sentence 1:The ongoing sites of Oxyrhynchus and the Villa of the Papyri offer hope of the discovery of fragments outside the corpus tradition . Sentence 2:Meanwhile , the commentaries , or explanations of the content of the corpus , supply quotations and paraphrases filling in the gap . Label: meanwhile Sentence 1:Meanwhile , Lt. Wahyu and Dagu confront Tama after killing off his remaining henchman . Sentence 2:However , Lt. Wahyu ends up betraying Dagu by shooting him in the face before taking Tama hostage , intending to use him as a shield to escape . Label: however Sentence 1:Having left a deep impression on each other , they made a promise to meet again . Sentence 2:However , Liang'er loses her memory through an accident . Label: however Sentence 1:He ordered the Vietnamese who living there to move out . Sentence 2:As a result , this area lonely immediately , and the temple has no monks lived for many years . Label: as a result Sentence 1:Both peptides are known to specifically block the Kv3. 4 potassium channel , and thus bring about a decrease in blood pressure . Sentence 2:Moreover , they inhibit the cytopathic effects of mouse hepatitis virus strain MHV - A59 on mouse liver cells , by an unknown mechanism . Label: moreover Sentence 1:There is a slight debate as to when the first Korean church was established , possibly dating as early as 1879 . Sentence 2:However , the best supported claim points to the church started by Suh Sang - ryun . Label: however Sentence 1:Asiacentrists thus should not deny the value of other non-Asiacentric perspectives on Asians . Sentence 2:Nevertheless , they must reject the hegemonic ideology that non-Asiacentric theoretical standpoints are superior to Asiacentric ones and therefore can grossly neglect the latter in the discussion and discourse surrounding Asian people and phenomena . Label: nevertheless Sentence 1:The macronuclear chromosomes are also amplified to produce a high variable copy number between the chromosomes . Sentence 2:For example , chromosome A may have 500 copies while chromosome B only has 5 copies in the macronucleus . Label: for example Sentence 1:The primary transcripts designated to be mRNAs are modified in preparation for translation . Sentence 2:For example , a precursor mRNA ( pre-mRNA ) is a type of primary transcript that becomes a messenger RNA ( mRNA ) after processing . Label: for example Sentence 1:At the time , there was great concern that many of the flooded abandoned mine tunnels -- running underneath Swoyersville -- would cave - in . Sentence 2:However , the cave - ins never occurred . Label: however Sentence 1:In the mean time some operators went off and created an alternative , Ethernet based IX , SOL - IX . Sentence 2:However , Netnod managed to get their 8 customers quite fast and built out Gigabit Ethernet at all cities . Label: however Sentence 1:While the amphitheater 's capacity more than doubled , no known event warranted such an effort . Sentence 2:In fact , some evidence suggests that the population of Caesarodonum ( Tours ) had stopped growing by that time . Label: in fact Sentence 1:This antihero represents the antithesis of someone who is motivated by specific targets . Sentence 2:However , Victor Lalouz will not only achieve but surpass these targets due to his superhuman determination . Label: however Sentence 1:During his tenure Carman improved the administration of the Methodist Church , promoted Sabbath observance and fought evils such as dancing , gambling and alcohol . Sentence 2:However he did not prevent , and perhaps enabled , innovation in the church 's theology and evangelical tradition to meet modern requirements . Label: however Sentence 1:God first sovereignly and efficaciously regenerates , and only in consequence of that do we act . Sentence 2:Therefore , the individual is passive in regeneration , neither preparing himself nor making himself receptive to what God will do . Label: therefore Sentence 1:This occurs east of the mountains down through the Mid Atlantic states . Sentence 2:Meanwhile , a Pacific storm slammed onto the California coast during the 11th and as it moved eastward , a new area of low pressure developed across southeastern Colorado and the Texas Panhandle . Label: meanwhile Sentence 1:She tries to help Maya to face the fear . Sentence 2:Meanwhile , Faizar 's parents breaks off the engagement with Zarmeena as Faizar 's father knows Attiya as a high class prostitute . Label: meanwhile Sentence 1:on the last day of the season , a loss that ended hopes of lasting the whole season undefeated at home . Sentence 2:Yet , it was the club 's highest finished since 2003 and promised much for the future . Label: yet Sentence 1:The more recently designed four - cylinder unit also came with more torque . Sentence 2:Nevertheless , the six - cylinder car achieved its maxima at lower engine speeds and some commentators found it more relaxing to drive . Label: nevertheless Sentence 1:Mr. Khan was among the most expected to get cabinet birth during the recent shuffle . Sentence 2:But things did not work out as expected for him . Label: but Sentence 1:The 2002 line - up was headlined by Primordial and ran for a second year in 2003 . Sentence 2:Numbers however dwindled that year and a number of changes were implemented before the festival 's third running in 2004 . Label: however Sentence 1:On occasions , the Upanishads extend the task of the Aranyakas by making the ritual allegorical and giving it a philosophical meaning . Sentence 2:For example , the Brihadaranyaka interprets the practice of horse - sacrifice or ashvamedha allegorically . Label: for example Sentence 1:Cattle are normally bred during the summer so that calving may occur the following spring . Sentence 2:However , cattle breeding can occur at other times of year . Label: however Sentence 1:The story of a woman who faces many problems in life . Sentence 2:But she faces them with a smile , works with others and makes sure that everyone around her is happy . Label: but Sentence 1:They prefer to forage in grasslands under primary and secondary forests . Sentence 2:However , due to forest denudation and excessive hunting , they are driven uphill to hide in the remaining patches of forests . Label: however Sentence 1:Individuals who are leaders in their groups tend to be closer to the prototypical group member than are followers . Sentence 2:Additionally , they tend to be more socially attractive , which makes it easier for group members to accept their authority and comply with their decisions . Label: additionally Sentence 1:If verified , this would be the earliest known occupation of northern Europe by humans , as previous evidence had indicated that Europe was only sporadically occupied , at southerly latitudes , before 500,000 BP . Sentence 2:However , these findings have sparked a major controversy . Label: however Sentence 1:Our wandering heroes are in Wessex , England , to visit Wilbur Waskerville , Wessex 's most well - known detective . Sentence 2:But Wilbur 's brother , Sir Wendell informs them that Wilbur has gone missing . Label: but Sentence 1:Traditionally they are filled with red jelly and topped with sugar icing . Sentence 2:However , many other varieties exist , the more expensive ones being filled with dulce de leche . Label: however Sentence 1:In February 2006 , Barnkanalen got new graphics and Joppe and Nella were removed . Sentence 2:Instead , a new show called Bobster was shown between the programmes in the afternoon . Label: instead Sentence 1:The ministry is alleged to have done little for the financial relief of the common man apart from making recommendations or expressing sympathy and grief . Sentence 2:Moreover , the affluent lifestyle led by the ministers at the height of the Great Depression were sharply criticized . Label: moreover Sentence 1:In the C Shell , arguments can be embedded inside the command using the string \\ ! * . Sentence 2:For example , with this alias : Label: for example Sentence 1:April 5 , 1995 : Dave Winfield was signed as a free agent by the Indians . Sentence 2:However , Winfield only played in 39 games as a designated hitter in the regular season , and none in the postseason , and he retired at the end of the season . Label: however Sentence 1:He left his full - time post in 1983 to pursue a career in academia . Sentence 2:However , he maintained his link with industry through freelance consultancy and membership of several professional bodies . Label: however Sentence 1:Antonio McKee was originally scheduled to defend his lightweight title against Drew Fickett . Sentence 2:However , McKee was forced to withdraw from the bout and was replaced by UFC veteran Matt Veach . Label: however Sentence 1:These small howitzers provided artillery support for mobile military forces where it would otherwise be unavailable . Sentence 2:However , their shorter range made them unsuitable for dueling with other heavier field artillery weapons . Label: however Sentence 1:In performance he and his wife ( Robin Bryan ) form the duo Body & Soul . Sentence 2:Additionally he together with : Nelson Hill , Tom Kozic , Craig Kastelnik , and Gary Rissmiller form the quintet CO-OP BOP . Label: additionally Sentence 1:The four were suspects in the recent fatal shooting of Johnston . Sentence 2:But Johnston 's father , a retired dentist and former state legislator who owned this land , thought his son was fatally shot by a white man whose wife he had an affair with . Label: but Sentence 1:With the timeline restored , the Tok'ra extract the symbiote from the last Ba'al clone . Sentence 2:However , the cloned host survives and is able to live on . Label: however Sentence 1:Phloroglucinol was originally prepared from phloretin , a compound isolated from fruit trees , using potassium hydroxide . Sentence 2:Additionally , the compound can be similarly prepared from glucosides , plant extracts and resins such as quercetin , catechin and phlobaphenes . Label: additionally Sentence 1:Our wandering heroes are in Wessex , England , to visit Wilbur Waskerville , Wessex 's most well - known detective . Sentence 2:But Wilbur 's brother , Sir Wendell informs them that Wilbur has gone missing . Label: but Sentence 1:The argumentation schemes provided in ( Walton , Reed & Macagno , 2008 ) describe tentatively the patterns of the most typical arguments . Sentence 2:However , the two levels of abstraction are not distinguished . Label: however Sentence 1:Padonkaffsky language has gone mainstream and is common in Russian vernacular and popular culture . Sentence 2:As a result , the websites on which Padonkaffsky language originally appeared are now dominated by another kind of high - shock - value material , adult content . Label: as a result Sentence 1:Nearly every feature of the Minor served the joint aims of good roadholding and maximum interior space . Sentence 2:For example , Issigonis specified 14 - inch ( 360 mm ) wheels for the Mosquito . Label: for example Sentence 1:Pevsner 's approach was of Kunstgeschichte quite distinct from the antiquarian interest of local and family history typical of English county histories . Sentence 2:Consequently , there is little mention of monumental brasses , bells , tracery , the relationship of the building to the landscape . Label: consequently Sentence 1:Vallejo's work would see her decorated by the city government and she would make an unsuccessful bid for the office of Mayor of Guayaquil . Sentence 2:However , her candidacy gave her a media platform that Vallejo used to created public service announcements and hold talk shows . Label: however Sentence 1:Before the war the Silesian German population amounted to more than four million inhabitants . Sentence 2:However many died or fled before the oncoming front . Label: however Sentence 1:The officially recognized year of founding of Batalpashinskaya and modern Cherkessk is 1825 . Sentence 2:However , the Cossack settlers from the Khopyour and Kuban regiments began arriving in the newly organized stanitsa not earlier than spring of 1826 . Label: however Sentence 1:BG constructs an excellent paper bird for a school project . Sentence 2:But when she tries to share her expertise with her best friends , it leads to misunderstandings and hard feelings . Label: but Sentence 1:South Carolina played a spirited game and gave the Hurricanes all they could handle . Sentence 2:Eventually , Miami was able to walk away from the nail biter with a hard fought 20 - 16 victory , capping an 11 - 0 regular season . Label: eventually Sentence 1:As with ink printers and presses , embossers range from those intended for consumers to those used by large publishers . Sentence 2:Thus , an embosser can cost roughly anywhere from US $2,000 to $150,000 . Label: thus Sentence 1:Arithmetica was first translated from Greek into Latin by Bombelli in 1570 , but the translation was never published . Sentence 2:However , Bombelli borrowed many of the problems for his own book Algebra . Label: however Sentence 1:When exploring narrativity in film , several factors must be taken into account . Sentence 2:For example , the order in which the events of the story are presented . Label: for example Sentence 1:The unconscious body of Number Six awakens with the correct mind in place . Sentence 2:However , the process has been too much for the elderly Saltzman , who is dying . Label: however Sentence 1:Nearly every feature of the Minor served the joint aims of good roadholding and maximum interior space . Sentence 2:For example , Issigonis specified 14 - inch ( 360 mm ) wheels for the Mosquito . Label: for example Sentence 1:He stops to help James and Melanie when their car breaks down and initially freaks James out . Sentence 2:However , in the end it is shown the families are friends as they are celebrating Thanksgiving together . Label: however Sentence 1:Belief in such a figure is common among members , and she has been mentioned in meetings by church officials and alluded to in two of the hymns of the church . Sentence 2:However , very little on the subject of a Heavenly Mother has been taught by the church . Label: however Sentence 1:Much of the area was an ideal environment for a new generation of ponderosa pine and sugar pine to take hold . Sentence 2:As a result , today 's Sun Pass forest is unusually diverse compared to similar forest areas of eastern Oregon . Label: as a result Sentence 1:Roscommon made their return to Division 1 of the National Football League in 2016 and enjoyed a successful campaign picking up wins against Kerry , Cork , Donegal and Down , before losing a League semi-final to Kerry at Croke Park . Sentence 2:However , they endured a disappointing Championship . Label: however Sentence 1:Truex was intended to run for Rookie of the Year in 2011 with MWR . Sentence 2:However , motocross stunt performer Travis Pastrana ran the No. 99 for 7 races . Label: however Sentence 1:The Sugar Act of 1933 continued to be renewed through at least the early 1980s . Sentence 2:However , high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners changed the type of sugar being consumed . Label: however Sentence 1:Before Cosmos left the Earth , he gave Musashi a mysterious blue bright stone . Sentence 2:Meanwhile , Baltan awakens a monster from hibernation , which was put into sleep again by the SEAS organization . Label: meanwhile Sentence 1:Visual Privacy is the relationship between collection and dissemination of visual information , the public expectation of privacy , and the legal issues surrounding them . Sentence 2:In particular , large - scale camera networks have created increasing interest in understanding the advantages and disadvantages of such deployments . Label: in particular Sentence 1:His grave yet to be discovered . Sentence 2:However , his father is buried in a Church at Dera Ismail Khan , Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan . Label: however Sentence 1:Mustafa Majid informs that the Rakhaines are Mongoloid who have many problems including tyranny by the mainstream population , but being peace - loving they never choose to go for a protest or struggle . Sentence 2:However , some have left the country in search of security . Label: however Sentence 1:I was n't booking anything . Sentence 2:Finally , I thought , ' Is this for me ? Label: finally Sentence 1:It is both deep - fried and stir - fried . Sentence 2:However , there are several cooking methods and recipe variations . Label: however Sentence 1:However , one may not enjoy membership of both entities at once . Sentence 2:For example , the No. 1 ranked barrister in seniority in 2007 , Sir John Swaine SC , switched to become a solicitor in 2002 , but switched back in 2004 . Label: for example Sentence 1:Moss soon passed Gonzalez for 2nd and battled ferociously to catch Fangio . Sentence 2:However , he was himself soon under pressure as Hawthorn caught him . Label: however Sentence 1:Since Guignes ' time , considerable scholarly effort has been devoted to investigating such a connection . Sentence 2:However , there is no scholarly consensus on a direct connection between the dominant element of the Xiongnu and that of the Huns . Label: however Sentence 1:At the time , there was great concern that many of the flooded abandoned mine tunnels -- running underneath Swoyersville -- would cave - in . Sentence 2:However , the cave - ins never occurred . Label: however Sentence 1:Deutz converted from Judaism to Roman Catholic in 1828 , and he received the Christian name Charles Gonzaga . Sentence 2:However , as early as 1832 , he made requests to the Consistory of France to be able to convert back to judaism . Label: however Sentence 1:The name is conjectured to be derived from Becc - Liss * ( Brittonic = Small - court ) . Sentence 2:However , also offered is Bece - laes * ( Old English = Meadow by Stream ) . Label: however Sentence 1:But he drew criticism , and this situation would not be resolved until 1921 , when the Nolan Bill was passed by the Congress . Sentence 2:Nevertheless , in spite of the difficulties , under Ewing 's administration , two agencies were created . Label: nevertheless Sentence 1:They give up on things that they can not do anything about , and do what they can . Sentence 2:However , this does n't mean that they are powerless beings that succumb to reality . Label: however Sentence 1:In 1840 , a class was organized in Sumnerville . Sentence 2:Eventually , the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Pokagon was organized . Label: eventually Sentence 1:The only natural harbour is Saldanha Bay on the west coast , about 140 km north of Cape Town . Sentence 2:However a lack of fresh water in the region meant that it has only recently been used as a harbour . Label: however Sentence 1:In March 2007 Michael Raum was assigned to the BBDO Worldwide Board with headquarters in New York City . Sentence 2:Furthermore , he is represented in various economic boards . Label: furthermore Sentence 1:The strong influence of the lingua franca is a considerable threat to the continued existence of Aimol and its survival in future generations . Sentence 2:However , there have been efforts to preserve the Aimol culture , including the language . Label: however Sentence 1:It excludes problems with flow separation at sea level and increases efficiency of the engine in vacuum . Sentence 2:For example , application of nozzle extension for liquid rocket engine NK - 33 improves the value of specific impulse up to 15 - 20 sec for near - space conditions . Label: for example Sentence 1:While recovering from that experience , but still weak , a doctor mistakenly prescribed a drug containing penicillin , to which Nye was known to be allergic . Sentence 2:As a result , he died on July 17 , 1971 , at the age of 78 . Label: as a result Sentence 1:The only natural harbour is Saldanha Bay on the west coast , about 140 km north of Cape Town . Sentence 2:However a lack of fresh water in the region meant that it has only recently been used as a harbour . Label: however Sentence 1:He lost the Democratic primary to Murphy by only 107 votes , but easily won the Republican primary . Sentence 2:However , he stated that he intended to remain a Democrat . Label: however Sentence 1:Unlike other countries a reported place of residence is physically checked by government officials as well as the de-registration of a previous residence . Sentence 2:Hence , the official confirmation may take up to four months . Label: hence Sentence 1:Mentonasc is considered to be a transitional language ; it is an intermediate language between Occitan and Ligurian , which is why the classification of Mentonasc is often debated . Sentence 2:However , it is traditionally assigned to the Occitan language . Label: however Sentence 1:Perhaps what rankled the emperor was Xia 's arrogance rather than the apparent contention . Sentence 2:Eventually , Xia was executed at the market publicly on 31 October 1548 , following Zeng Xian 's death in April . Label: eventually Sentence 1:Mining corporation Barrick Gold has been leased mining rights to mine in Porgera in the Eastern Highlands . Sentence 2:As a result , there have been forced eviction of people from their homes and serious misconduct by police in this area . Label: as a result Sentence 1:When he learns that Hornblower 's Sutherland is best suited for this task , having the shallowest draught , he becomes suspicious that Hornblower is after glory and prize money . Sentence 2:Leighton therefore expressly forbids Hornblower from taking any independent action if he sights the French . Label: therefore Sentence 1:It also allows one to avoid labour - intensive cloning procedures as well . Sentence 2:However , if this route is taken , there are other biases and hurdles one must consider . Label: however Sentence 1:There 's lots of innuendo but no proof . Sentence 2:However , it is made plausible because of the fact that I am an Italian - American . Label: however Sentence 1:Group hunting , known in Maasai as olamayio , gives the lion population a chance to grow . Sentence 2:However , in Kenya , where this practice is illegal , olamayio may be used as a reason for retaliatory killing against lions suspected of killing livestock . Label: however Sentence 1:Big cats that hunt nocturnally , such as lions , leopards and tigers , had never been extensively filmed doing so before . Sentence 2:But the latest infrared technology revealed behaviour that had previously been guessed at from evidence discovered the next day . Label: but Sentence 1:There is an art studio , computer lab , music room , science lab and library . Sentence 2:Additionally , there are support spaces for tutoring and counseling , as well as a large playground . Label: additionally Sentence 1:Some models focus on long - term ( natural or geological ) erosion , as a component of landscape evolution . Sentence 2:However , many erosion models were developed to quantify the effects of accelerated soil erosion i.e. soil erosion as influenced by human activity . Label: however Sentence 1:He made it known that he would refuse to open parliament unless it was changed . Sentence 2:As a result , the Accession Declaration Act 1910 shortened the declaration and removed the most offensive phrases . Label: as a result Sentence 1:During the growing season , the sun shines on a vertical surface at an extreme angle such that much less light is available to crops than when they are planted on flat land . Sentence 2:Therefore , supplemental light would be required . Label: therefore Sentence 1:He has destroyed several branches of the Library for unknown reasons . Sentence 2:Consequently , he now has the highest bounty in NOL history on his head and all characters of the story are tied to him in some way . Label: consequently Sentence 1:The Church generally condemns all forms of violence against gay and lesbian people and all criminal penalties against them . Sentence 2:However , the Church in certain countries has on occasions actively resisted efforts to decriminalize homosexuality or to introduce measure to tackle discrimination . Label: however Sentence 1:A table was then consulted to provide the exact measure . Sentence 2:However , this system was difficult to construct and used by few . Label: however Sentence 1:Medicare will be curtailed and drugs will be more unaffordable . Sentence 2:And there wo n't be any money for a drug benefit because Bush will spend it all on the war . Label: and Sentence 1:His first son Masaaki , born in 2004 , shown interest in becoming a Kabuki actor . Sentence 2:As a result , Teruyuki tried again to meet with his aged father and succeeded . Label: as a result Sentence 1:Two articles said he was born in 1939 ( 2 ) ( 3 ) . Sentence 2:However , Daum agrees with the 1940 birthdate ( 4 ) . Label: however Sentence 1:Molecular biomarkers are often used in early drug development studies . Sentence 2:For instance , they are used in phase I study for establishing doses and dosing regimen for future phase II studies . Label: for instance Sentence 1:Canning 's views on the Catholic Question were not well received by the most conservative Tories , including the Duke of Wellington . Sentence 2:As a result , the ministry was forced to include Whigs . Label: as a result Sentence 1:Derogatory comments about other editors may be removed by any editor . Sentence 2:However , there is no official policy regarding when or whether most personal attacks should be removed , although it has been a topic of substantial debate . Label: however Sentence 1:Israel also did not freeze settlement expansion , nor dismantle outposts built since 2001 , another requirement of the Roadmap . Sentence 2:Instead , the number of settlers continued growing . Label: instead Sentence 1:She tries to help Maya to face the fear . Sentence 2:Meanwhile , Faizar 's parents breaks off the engagement with Zarmeena as Faizar 's father knows Attiya as a high class prostitute . Label: meanwhile Sentence 1:In Europe , the sedan version was initially sold as the Daewoo Nubira . Sentence 2:However , in late 2003 , it was announced that Daewoo would be rebranded Chevrolet in some European markets . Label: however Sentence 1:Paisley became identified with psychedelic style due to a resurgence in the pattern 's mainstream popularity leading up the mid - and late 1960s , partly due to The Beatles . Sentence 2:Consequently , the style was particularly popular during the Summer of Love in 1967 . Label: consequently Sentence 1:FLIRT : Sure ! Sentence 2:But first , sing to me ! Label: but Sentence 1:The commissioners moved the county seat to Jonesborough plantation south of the Red River on October 23 , 1832 , and the Miller Court House post office relocated there . Sentence 2:However , Miller County south of the Red River was in dispute with the Mexican government . Label: however Sentence 1:Some websites maintain that PCGS trademarked First Strike . Sentence 2:However , a search of the U.S. Patent Office 's website does not evidence that , and a search of the PGCS website did not find any claim of having trademarked First Strike . Label: however Sentence 1:Anand , the tournament 's hitherto - untroubled No. 1 seed , breezed through the quarterfinal round against his longtime rival Vassily Ivanchuk . Sentence 2:But Boris Gelfand gave Anand a challenge in the semi-final , and the match was not settled until a sudden - death blitz game . Label: but Sentence 1:There has been constant controversy over the meaning of lyrics , primarily due to Pendulum 's cryptic style . Sentence 2:However , this controversy has recently been put to rest as Rob Swire released the meaning of their songs in a music festival in Perth . Label: however Sentence 1:Whereas , ad valorem tax appeals can often be made at a local level without any professional help , special assessment appeals often require the assistance of attorneys , engineers and other consultants . Sentence 2:Furthermore , a taxpayer often has the opportunity to protest a property tax assessment annually . Label: furthermore Sentence 1:He notices that in fashion modelling is one of the few industries where women get substantially higher pay than men . Sentence 2:But he has long accepted it as a way the business works and wo n't lodge any complaint on it . Label: but Sentence 1:Pastrana resigned and returned to Colombia and Samper rejected his own appointment . Sentence 2:But this move was not well received by the Conservative Party . Label: but Sentence 1:It uses compressed air to inject the medication through the skin . Sentence 2:However , unlike the hypospray , it carries the risk of cross-contamination , which has led to the jet injector falling into disuse . Label: however Sentence 1:Svalbard is part of Norway : Svalbard is completely controlled by and forms part of the Kingdom of Norway . Sentence 2:However , Norway 's power over Svalbard is restricted by the limitations listed below : Label: however Sentence 1:Austria has one of the highest requests in the world for nominal quantity offsets . Sentence 2:However , multipliers can go up to 10 . Label: however Sentence 1:Refusing to accept this decision , Zhuqiaomon sends his Devas to find Calumon and bring him back . Sentence 2:Eventually , after his Devas are mostly destroyed , it took Azulongmon 's intervention to convince Zhuqiaomon that the humans are their friends and not their enemies . Label: eventually Sentence 1:Shia Islam historically has had minimal presence in South Africa , which is heavily Sunni with some small Ahmadiyya and Shia minority . Sentence 2:However , following the 1979 Iranian Revolution there were allegedly some sympathetic conversions of Sunnis to Shiism . Label: however Sentence 1:As the title suggests , video tape operators only work in video taped production . Sentence 2:Although , VTR operator 's still work on digital productions . Label: although Sentence 1:Frank is asked to join a secret order within M.I. 9 called the League of Mata Hari . Sentence 2:However , the curious team uncovers a criminal conspiracy that runs throughout M.I. 9 . Label: however Sentence 1:Taisuke is told that Megumi is with Katsumata and Mitama , the talking owl who transferred into the body of a young girl . Sentence 2:Meanwhile , the ship transferring Hirose is sunk by Han , another Comrade working for Katsumata ; causing Hirose to sink under the ocean . Label: meanwhile Sentence 1:It excludes problems with flow separation at sea level and increases efficiency of the engine in vacuum . Sentence 2:For example , application of nozzle extension for liquid rocket engine NK - 33 improves the value of specific impulse up to 15 - 20 sec for near - space conditions . Label: for example Sentence 1:Altogether these carriers provide coverage in 100 + countries . Sentence 2:However , activating mobile services on AT&T will permanently lock the Apple SIM to AT&T , requiring the purchase of a new Apple SIM in order to use a different carrier . Label: however Sentence 1:Unlike other countries a reported place of residence is physically checked by government officials as well as the de-registration of a previous residence . Sentence 2:Hence , the official confirmation may take up to four months . Label: hence Sentence 1:Jackie & Pauline find out they have a long lost sister , who turns out to be a lesbian ! Sentence 2:Meanwhile , Colin & Howie head off for a day of fishing . Label: meanwhile Sentence 1:He worries , as people in town had shaved off his queue during the revolution . Sentence 2:Meanwhile , the innkeeper Zhao arrives . Label: meanwhile Sentence 1:The curvature of the sample is dependent on elastic moduli , swelling ratios , and ratios of layer thickness and bilayer thickness . Sentence 2:Thus , the adjusted models that describe mean curvature and Gaussian curvature are , respectively , Label: thus Sentence 1:Most of Pamban Island lies below sea - level . Sentence 2:However , there are a few hillocks and elevated physical features in the vicinity of Rameswaram of which Mt. Gandamadana is the tallest . Label: however Sentence 1:The castle was never fully rebuilt . Sentence 2:However , outlines of the main features were restored in 1987 . Label: however Sentence 1:meet a bandit claiming to be a mentalist who always makes a single mistake , so as to make it fun for the audience . Sentence 2:However , one mistake made to Yoshihiko results in him falling asleep . Label: however Sentence 1:Potentially dangerous behaviour in Rottweilers usually results from irresponsible ownership , abuse , neglect , or lack of socialisation and training . Sentence 2:However , the exceptional strength of the Rottweiler is an additional risk factor not to be neglected . Label: however Sentence 1:However on the day of the event , Dollaway suffered a back injury at his hotel due to a malfunctioning elevator and was unable to participate . Sentence 2:As a result , Barroso was also removed from the event . Label: as a result Sentence 1:Her family believed that her tooth was sore because of witchcraft , and she was ordered to go to bed . Sentence 2:However , when she fell asleep , she did not wake up . Label: however Sentence 1:Anand , the tournament 's hitherto - untroubled No. 1 seed , breezed through the quarterfinal round against his longtime rival Vassily Ivanchuk . Sentence 2:But Boris Gelfand gave Anand a challenge in the semi-final , and the match was not settled until a sudden - death blitz game . Label: but
Evaluate the similarity between them and classify them into classes from 0-5 as follows: 0 : The two sentences are completely dissimilar. 1 : The two sentences are not equivalent, but are on the same topic. 2 : The two sentences are not equivalent, but share some details. 3 : The two sentences are roughly equivalent, but some important information differs/missing. 4 : The two sentences are mostly equivalent, but some unimportant details differ. 5 : The two sentences are completely equivalent, as they mean the same thing. Possible labels: 1. 0 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3 5. 4 6. 5 Question: Sentence 1: CYCLONE FORMATION IS NOT EXPECTED DURING THE NEXT HOURS. Sentence 2: TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION IS NOT EXPECTED. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A pair of dogs playing with a purple ball. Sentence 2: Two dogs play with purple football. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Britz earned $3.77 million in salary, bonus and other compensation, and Kinney earned $3.76 million. Sentence 2: Johnston made $5.8 million in salary and bonus in 2001 as president, and as a part-time adviser earned $1 million in 2002. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: A yellow parrot clings to the side of its cage. Sentence 2: A yellow and orange bird hold on to the side of a cage. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A dog is barking. Sentence 2: A jet is flying. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A little girl with a ribbon in her hair is picking her nose. Sentence 2: A little girl in a purple shirt and helmet is riding on a scooter. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: The average American makes four trips a day, 45 percent for shopping or errands. Sentence 2: Nearly half - 45 percent - are for shopping or running errands. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Miss New York wins Miss America crown Sentence 2: Miss New York is crowned Miss America A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Someone is greasing a pan. Sentence 2: Smeone is laying down. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Two men wearing bike helmets. Sentence 2: Two men stand with their bicycles outside a shop. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: two motorbikes on a dirt track. Sentence 2: Two dirt bikers riding over dirt hill. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: The lady added cheese to the sauce. Sentence 2: A man pours a plate of shredded cheese into a pot of sauce. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A black dog running in the snow. Sentence 2: A black dog running on a beach. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms roy isbister stated-- the eu embargo prohibits direct or indirect supply of military equipment for use in myanmar. Sentence 2: saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms roy isbister stated that -- the eu embargo explicitly states that no military equipment should be supplied either directly or indirectly for use in myanmar. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A guy on a white horse. Sentence 2: A man riding a white horse in an arena. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A man lays on the ground and aims a rifle. Sentence 2: A man is spreading butter on a tortilla. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: I. ATLANTIC REQUIREMENTS . Sentence 2: PACIFIC REQUIREMENTS . A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Children play fight with swords. Sentence 2: A child and parent pet a horse. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A man rides off on a motorcycle. Sentence 2: A man is riding on a motorcycle. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: A woman is sitting at a desk. Sentence 2: A woman is riding a donkey. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: An elderly man in a blue shirt is holding up a piece of canvas art. Sentence 2: A black man is walking next to a building in a big city. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Search after man swept into sea Sentence 2: Lara plans visit to Nepal A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Who supposedly operated the homicidal gas chambers? Sentence 2: Refresh your memory: Who supposedly operated the homicidal gas chambers? A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: my hair is pretty thing tho :/ Quote: Ditto. Sentence 2: my hair is pretty thing tho :/ woops! A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Out of touch and completely untrustworthy, however, wouldn't. Sentence 2: Out of touch and untrustworthy? A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: A boy is crawling into a dog house. Sentence 2: A cat is playing on the floor. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A man and a woman holding hands walking along the beach. Sentence 2: A man with a beard and a skullcap and a boy walk along the ocean's shore. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: Two people dressed in white standing on a grass field. Sentence 2: A person is standing underneath an overpass near a highway. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: The couple danced in the church. Sentence 2: A couple slow dances. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A group of people sitting at a restaurant table. Sentence 2: A group of people sitting around a table with food on it. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Thousands rally to support embattled Tunisia government Sentence 2: Thousands gather to support Islamist government in Tunisia A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A group of sheep grazing on a hill. Sentence 2: A group of sheep are on a hill. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: He gave a surprisingly impassioned speech to the United Steelworkers of America, who announced their endorsement yesterday. Sentence 2: On Tuesday, he picked up the endorsement of the United Steelworkers of America. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: two motorbikes on a dirt track. Sentence 2: Two dirt bikers riding over dirt hill. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Arkansas Supreme Court strikes down execution law Sentence 2: Arkansas Justices Strike Down Death Penalty A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Two brunette girls sit atop a red an yellow motorcycle with a side car. Sentence 2: A couple posing on a red and yellow motorcycle. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A boy is pushing a van. Sentence 2: A person is slicing a tomato. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Boy laying on couch with dog. Sentence 2: The boy is lying on a couch with a puppy. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: A panda bear is laying down. Sentence 2: A baby panda relaxes on some logs. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A female applies something to he hair with her hands. Sentence 2: A cat is eating a slice of watermelon. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A small monkey walks through water. Sentence 2: A monkey is wading across a marsh. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Google Unveils Prototype Self-Driving Car Sentence 2: Google Unveils Concept Self-Driving Car A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: After protesters rushed the stage and twice cut power to the microphone, Hedges drew the speech to an early close. Sentence 2: After protesters rushed the stage and twice cut power to the microphone, Hedges cut his speech short. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A plane being readied for take-off. Sentence 2: A small turboprop plane being loaded on the tarmac. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A race horse galloping without a rider. Sentence 2: A horse galloping while wearing the number 4. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A baby is laughing. Sentence 2: A baby is laughing and giggling. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Enron spokesman Eric Thode declined to comment on the mediation order. Sentence 2: We think it's great news, said Enron spokesman Eric Thode. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A girl is singing on stage. Sentence 2: A man is singing on stage. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Since being drafted into service in 1971, it has racked up a record 45 accidents, with 393 deaths. Sentence 2: It has a chequered safety record, including 47 accidents that resulted in 668 deaths. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Glover spoke at a news conference that included about 20 relatives of the victims. Sentence 2: About 20 family members of the victims were invited to the news conference. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Syria denies reports of deadly Damascus nerve gas attack Sentence 2: US allies get help to repel Iranian computer attacks A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A striped cat laying down on a bag of cat litter. Sentence 2: Domestic cat laying on back of cat litter. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Nine Pakistani troops killed in militant ambush Sentence 2: Trade: Pakistan, India agree to take it a step ahead A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: A badger is burrowing a hole. Sentence 2: A badger is digging the earth. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Chris Froome rides to Tour de France endgame Sentence 2: Chris Brown concerts cancelled new A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A man in a red jacket holds his bike for the picture. Sentence 2: A woman in a red jacket is video taping a natural landscape. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A man is spraying a fluid from a long hose at the beach. Sentence 2: A guy is sitting on his bike with one wheel in the air. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Australian unemployment up to 5.1 percent Sentence 2: French unemployment rate rises to 10 percent A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: a man plays his white guitar. Sentence 2: a man playing a white guitar and singing as well A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: China's troubled Xinjiang hit by more violence Sentence 2: China's online population rises to 618 mln A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A softball player swinging at a pitch. Sentence 2: A baseball player hitting the ball A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: It still makes no sense. Sentence 2: It's you who makes no sense. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Red October standing by. Sentence 2: Red Fox standing by. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: One man and two women dressed in vampire costumes Sentence 2: A man and two women dressed in costumes. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A girl does a back bend on the beach. Sentence 2: A girl doing a back bend at the beach. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Boy laying on couch with dog. Sentence 2: The boy is lying on a couch with a puppy. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: I hope everything is ok! Sentence 2: I hope your LO is ok. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A group of girls are exiting a taxi. Sentence 2: A video clip of Rihanna leaving a taxi. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: Judge OKs force-feeding California inmates Sentence 2: U.S. judge approves force-feeding Californian inmates on hunger strik A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A bear is running from two dogs. Sentence 2: A bear is fighting wolves. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: A woman is dancing. Sentence 2: A man is eating. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Man arrested after police officer shot in Leeds Sentence 2: Navy panel urges ouster of officer who faked death A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Two men are packing suitcases into the trunk of a car. Sentence 2: The men are putting suitcases into the car's trunk. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: A home office with three computer monitors and other equipment on a desk. Sentence 2: Room with several computer monitors. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Sens. John Kerry and Bob Graham declined invitations to speak. Sentence 2: The no-shows were Sens. John Kerry of Massachusetts and Bob Graham of Florida. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: The onus is on the manufacturer of a product to convince consumers it is safe. Sentence 2: The manufacturer has to convince the government it's safe. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Israeli Minister Slams Kerry's Boycott Warning Sentence 2: Israeli minister slams Kerry’s boycott warning A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A woman is adding ingredients to a bowl. Sentence 2: A woman is cracking three eggs into a bowl. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A man is swimming. Sentence 2: A woman is slicing meat. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A man in jeans is playing with a ball while a woman in jeans stands nearby looking away. Sentence 2: A man is tying a red arm band around another mans arm in the street. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A man in a red jacket holds his bike for the picture. Sentence 2: A woman in a red jacket is video taping a natural landscape. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A woman is doing a joker make up on a man. Sentence 2: The girl applied face makeup to a man. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: Man killed in French terror raid Sentence 2: Man dies in French 'anti-terror operation' A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A man in a black leather jacket is sleeping in a subway car. Sentence 2: A man in a black leather jacket falls asleep on public transportation. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A red bird is perched in a tree. Sentence 2: A small red and grey bird perched in a tree. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A baby monkey scratches itself. Sentence 2: The monkey scratched his tummy. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: tirana is the capital of Sentence 2: abuja is the capital of A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Car bomb at Swedish consulate in Libya's Benghazi, no casualties Sentence 2: Car Bomb Hits Swedish Consulate in Benghazi, None Hurt A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Two killed, 19 injured in Toronto shooting Sentence 2: Two dead, 7 injured in Finland shooting A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: A girl riding on a brown and white horse. Sentence 2: A girl riding a brown horse. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: An old fashioned wooden sailing ship in the ocean. Sentence 2: A wooden yacht on the ocean. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A dog is running toward the camera. Sentence 2: A brown and white dog running on grass. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Women are talking. Sentence 2: The men are talking. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A person is rinsing a steak off with water. Sentence 2: A man is rinsing a large steak. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: abuja is the capital of Sentence 2: tskhinvali is the capital of georgia. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: A man is walking slowly across a rope bridge. Sentence 2: A boy is walking across a bridge. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Google Unveils Prototype Self-Driving Car Sentence 2: Google Unveils Concept Self-Driving Car A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A coalition of campaign groups, including the militant national students body, is backing the protests, which the NLC called in defiance of a court order banning them. Sentence 2: A coalition of campaign groups, including the militant national students body, is backing the action and is mobilising for protests. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Group of elderly people sitting around a table. Sentence 2: A group of elderly people pose around a dining table. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Two arrests made after protest against Nigel Farage Sentence 2: Kerry vows progress after latest intensive Mideast trip A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Death toll rises in Russia plane crash Sentence 2: Death toll rises to 39 in Italy coach crash A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: a woman with a big necklace. Sentence 2: A young woman with a black top and a necklace. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Two men sit on the sidewalk in front of stores. Sentence 2: A woman in a bathing suit walks a dog on the beach. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A turtle is walking. Sentence 2: A tortoise is walking. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: A group of people sitting at a restaurant table. Sentence 2: A group of people sitting around a table with food on it. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: A woman is frying fish. Sentence 2: A woman is cooking fish. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Two dogs running down a beach. Sentence 2: two dogs running on the beach A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Gillette shares rose $1.45, or 4.5 percent, to $33.95 in afternoon New York Stock Exchange trading. Sentence 2: Shares of Gillette closed down 45 cents at $33.70 in trading Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: Spain asks for bank rescue Sentence 2: Spaniard on trial for Cuban dissident’s death A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Two dairy cows drinking from a pond. Sentence 2: Two cows are drinking from a pond. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Apple Computer's new online music service sold more than 1 million songs during its first week of operation, the company said Monday. Sentence 2: Apple Computer Inc. said Monday it exceeded record industry expectations by selling more than 1 million songs since the launch of its online music store a week ago. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Obama to meet privately with family of Nelson Mandela Sentence 2: Obama to meet with Mandela family A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: The girls danced on the stage. Sentence 2: A girl is putting on makeup. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Dignitaries pay tribute to Paul Desmarais Sentence 2: Stars pay tribute to James Garner A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Most taxpayers will get surprise tax cuts of between $4 and $11 a week from July 1. Sentence 2: Australia's 9 million income taxpayers received surprise tax cuts of between $3 and $11 a week from Treasurer Peter Costello last night. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Girl stands in subway waiting on something. Sentence 2: A girl stands in a dimly lit area. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A dog is wearing a gray jacket. Sentence 2: A dog laying in a pet jacket. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Three dogs racing on a dirt track Sentence 2: Cars racing on a dirt track A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: A man is slicing something. Sentence 2: A man is slicing a bun. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Nelson Mandela dies aged 95 Sentence 2: Nelson Mandela Dies at Age 95 A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Daily Press Briefing: South Sudan Sentence 2: Daily Press Briefing: Syria A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: The elephants sprayed water on themselves. Sentence 2: Elephants spray themselves with water. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: An orangutan is riding a bus. Sentence 2: A monkey is riding on a bus. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Originally Posted by anabelle What's wrong with that? Sentence 2: Originally Posted by Vienna To 'say' what? A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: morals do not exist, so technically nothing can be morally wrong. Sentence 2: I ask again if God does not exist can anything be morally wrong? A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: No, none of those factors account for the recent warming. Sentence 2: You don't know if those factors account for the warming, or not. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A child is jumping into a swimming pool. Sentence 2: A dog jumping into a swimming pool. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Close up of a bottle of water. Sentence 2: A close up view of a bottle of water. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: A man and a woman holding hands walking along the beach. Sentence 2: A man with a beard and a skullcap and a boy walk along the ocean's shore. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: What is your definition of "life"? Sentence 2: What's your definition of nature? A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: An older man is standing outside in front of a truck. Sentence 2: A woman dressed in green is roller skating outside at an event. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A bird perched on a flowerpot. Sentence 2: Bird perched on a flowerpot beside a stucco wall. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: A child in a red shirt is using a black wake board to splash over a beach wave. Sentence 2: A man in a rowboat is rowing across blue water. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Revenues for "The Hulk" came in well below those of last month's Marvel Comics adaptation, "X2: X-Men United," which grossed $85.6 million in its opening weekend. Sentence 2: The Hulk trailed last month's Marvel Comics adaptation, X2: X-Men United, which grossed $85.6-million in its opening weekend. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: The Nasdaq composite index added 30.46 points, or 2 percent, to 1,520.15. Sentence 2: The Nasdaq had a weekly gain of 17.27, or 1.2 percent, closing at 1,520.15 after gaining 30.46 yesterday. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A dog with a red toy in it's mouth. Sentence 2: A brown dog is carrying a stick in its mouth. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: The Dow Jones industrial average <.DJI> was off 58.69 points, or 0.64 percent, at 9,137.86. Sentence 2: The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI fell 79.43 points, or 0.86 percent, to 9,117.12 on Friday. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A man is slicing a potatoe. Sentence 2: A man is peeling a banana. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Pataki praised Abraham's decision, and LIPA Chairman Richard Kessel said the cable should be kept in operation permanently. Sentence 2: LIPA Chairman Richard Kessel said that meant the cable could be used "as we see fit. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A man is buttering bread. Sentence 2: A woman is ridint a horse. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Egypt protesters 'to be dispersed' Sentence 2: Abduction teacher to be sentenced A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Scientists Resurrect Flowers from Prehistoric Seeds Sentence 2: Nintendo trims red ink, lowers forecast for year A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: N. Korea's Kim hails execution of powerful uncle Sentence 2: North Korea's Kim seen behind sacking of powerful uncle A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A man is shaking a container over a kitchen sink. Sentence 2: A man is emptying a plastic container. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: Their leader, Abu Bakr al-Azdi, turned himself in in June; his deputy was killed in a recent shootout with Saudi forces. Sentence 2: Their leader, Abu Bakr al-Azdi, surrendered in June; his deputy was killed in a shoot-out with Saudi forces recently. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Room with several computer monitors. Sentence 2: A room with four computer monitors in a row. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Google Unveils Prototype Self-Driving Car Sentence 2: Google Unveils Concept Self-Driving Car A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A black and white cow in a pen with hay. Sentence 2: A black and white cat lies in the dirt. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: DICKSHOT Matt Holliday owns. Sentence 2: Matt Holliday owns, y'all. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: A bald man touches the nose of a black horse on the other side of a fence. Sentence 2: A bald man with a beard pets the nose of a black and white horse at the fence. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: no missile evidence. Sentence 2: no missile witnesses. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A dog is speaking to the camera. Sentence 2: A dog is eating some water melon. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Rupert Murdoch: I was the victim of a cover up Sentence 2: Rupert Murdoch set for second day of grilling A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Myanmar’s Suu Kyi urges party unity amid squabbles Sentence 2: Suu Kyi urges party unity amid squabbles A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A man is playing keyboard. Sentence 2: A person is playing a piano. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: The girl danced in front of the bonfire. Sentence 2: A woman is dancing to music standing near a bonfire. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: pressing one does not "do" english. Sentence 2: Pressing one does send a tone. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: Ive watched kids play. Sentence 2: I like watching kids play. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A person wearing a bike helmet talks on a cell phone. Sentence 2: A person wearing a helmet rides a bike near a white structure. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Salafi Islamists, police clash in Tunis - witnesses Sentence 2: Second Islamist hunger striker dies in a Tunisian prison A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: A man is straining pasta. Sentence 2: A man plays a wooden flute. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A large white and grey dog runs through a yellow tunnel in an obstacle course. Sentence 2: A white and black dog is running out of a yellow and orange tube. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: A man is firing a shot gun. Sentence 2: A man shoots a shotgun. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Two dogs playing in snow. Sentence 2: Two dogs play in the snow. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: Exclusive-UPDATE 2-Egypt pro-Mursi alliance signals flexibility in talks Sentence 2: EXCLUSIVE-UPDATE 1-Egypt pro-Mursi alliance signals flexibility in talks A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: North Korea Postpones Family Reunions with South Sentence 2: North Korea 'postpones' family unions with South Korea A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A woman is slicing meat with a knife. Sentence 2: A man is spreading out dough. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: The black and white dog has a stick in his paws. Sentence 2: A black dog and a white dog are standing on snow. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: A woman riding a brown horse. Sentence 2: A young girl riding a brown horse. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: U.N. condemns ethnic killings in South Sudan oil town Sentence 2: UN Condemns Ethnic Killings in South Sudan A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A woman is picking tomatoes. Sentence 2: A woman is pouring batter into a bowl. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: The dog returns the play toy to its master. Sentence 2: Three dogs race in the snow together. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Sony Xperia Z2 and Nokia‚Äôs X series unveiled Sentence 2: Court orders political ban on Italy‚Äôs Berlusconi A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Several people on motorcycles in a market square. Sentence 2: People ride mopeds in an urban setting. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A boy runs away from his fishing line. Sentence 2: A boy is running in front of fish hanging on fishing rod. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A double decker red United bus on a city street. Sentence 2: A doubly decker red bus driving down the road. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: lol Looking forward to seeing your built-in's! Sentence 2: Look forward to seeing it! A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: As a result, Murphy sought to substitute Strier's sister, Ethel Celnik, as the trustee. Sentence 2: Murphy said Strier's sister, Ethel Celnik, was in the courtroom at the time, but Strier was not. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A man is carrying another man on his back. Sentence 2: A man is taking pictures of ant. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Close up of a brown horse with a blue halter. Sentence 2: A close up of a horse wearing a blue halter. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: A woman in a black dress smiles in front of a silver truck. Sentence 2: A girl wearing a black top is smiling with a silver truck in the background. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: It still makes no sense. Sentence 2: It's you who makes no sense. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: a black and white photo of cows in their stalls. Sentence 2: A black and white photo of cattle at a trough. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: Yemen Suicide Blast, Drone Attack Kill At Least 30 Sentence 2: Spate of Iraq attacks kill at least six A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Bradley triumphs at Firestone as Furyk fades Sentence 2: Bahrain court upholds sentences against uprising leaders A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Two shirtless young people playing in the water. Sentence 2: Lots of people play in the water at the beach. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A man and a woman are walking in the woods. Sentence 2: A man and woman are walking through the jungle. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: A red and blue plane flying with its landing gears down. Sentence 2: A WWII fighter plane with its landing gear down. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: World's oldest person dies in Japan at 116 Sentence 2: Jiroemon Kimura: World's oldest person dies aged 116 A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: a dog is running across the sand with a stick in it's mouth. Sentence 2: A dog is running through a creek with a stick in its mouth. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Black train on train tracks. Sentence 2: A train on the train tracks. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Two young people are sitting at a table next to a sliding glass door, with one person pointing at the other. Sentence 2: Two people sit facing each other at a table as one points at the other. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: Someone is slicing an onion. Sentence 2: Someoen is peeling a potato. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: Three dogs play in a grassy field. Sentence 2: Some kids play in a field. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: A white fluffy dog is running in pure white snow. Sentence 2: A fluffy, white dog running in the snow. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A man is karate kicking at another man wearing protective boxing gloves. Sentence 2: A man is kick boxing with a trainer. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: He hasn't been funny in years. Sentence 2: He hasn't been funny since Larry Bud Melman was on the show. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: The white and brown dog runs across the grass. Sentence 2: A brown and white dog runs across the grass. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: The tan dog runs through the leaves. Sentence 2: The white dog runs through the ocean. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A dog lies on his back on a wooden floor. Sentence 2: A dog is laying on the floor. A: 4 Question: Sentence 1: The jury awarded TVT about $23 million in compensatory damages and roughly $108 million in punitive damages. Sentence 2: TVT Records sought $360 million in punitive damages and $30 million in compensatory damages, officials said. A: 2 Question: Sentence 1: A young man and woman sitting on a bench outside are kissing. Sentence 2: The man and woman sitting on a bench are kissing. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A black dog emerges from the water with a white ball in its mouth. Sentence 2: a black dog walking out of the water with a white ball in his mouth. A: 5 Question: Sentence 1: A woman is feeding an aardvark. Sentence 2: A woman is chopping up garlic. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: Use of force in defense of person.-A Sentence 2: Use of force by aggressor. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: The ADRs fell 10 cents to $28.95 at 10:06 a.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading today. Sentence 2: Shares of Fox Entertainment Group Inc., News Corp.'s U.S. media and entertainment arm, fell 45 cents to $26.85 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. A: 1 Question: Sentence 1: A man is speaking on a phone. Sentence 2: A panda bear is chewing on a stick. A: 0 Question: Sentence 1: A man is slicing something. Sentence 2: A man is slicing a bun. A: 3 Question: Sentence 1: If they were Jews, I would call them Jews. Sentence 2: If they were Catholics, I would call them Catholics. A: 2
In this task you are given a tweet. You must judge whether the author of the tweet is angry or not. Label the instances as "Angry" or "Not angry" based on your judgment. --- Input: Everytime I see Kirks face I get angry #LHHReunion A: Angry --- Input: 4 hours. \n4,189 words.\n1 story.\n#amwriting #horror #publishorperish A: Not angry --- Input: 'Believe me: seasons change. Feelings fade. Life goes on. Do me a favor: endure the late night rage of emotions. (1/2) A: Not angry --- Input: @TDsNation i watch all your videos but i like madden better! A: Not angry --- Input: What does Amelia want?! Sarah was v grateful #CBB A: Not angry --- Input: @gypsydragoness chuckle. 'Any idea girl?' The dragoness let out a frustrated growl, blowing smoke out of her nostrils. The old man nodded + A: Angry --- Input: @DP3520 lol they are madden tubers u dont know nothing bout madden cuz id smash on you A: Angry --- Input: I hold one grudge. A: Angry --- Input: Add me on Snapchat! Dm me for my snapcode! #amosc #snapchat #sc #snap A: Not angry --- Input: im 16 if you want to see my dick snap/kik me at hiya2247 😘 #kik #kikme #snapchat #snap #snapme #horny #porn #naked #young A: Not angry --- Input: @raghav4india Swamy's tantrums may sound perfect &amp; apropos now, but have u ever thought how whimsical his ideas are ??? A: Not angry --- Input: Nothing wrong with #anger it's how you use it! A: Not angry --- Input: @Aisha_IZ I wonder if she's married at all or frustrated 😠 with men she came across A: Angry --- Input: Do not linger too long near the howff or you risk the displeasure of a chuhaister with pubes more underwhelming than those of an aurochs. A: Not angry --- Input: The lecturer tonight had such a muppet frown it was great. A: Not angry --- Input: Found out today that you're suppoked to urinate on a jellyfish sting, NOT x jellyroll stain. Sorry, fat stranger. A: Not angry --- Input: British humour should offend and challenge mainstream views. Hat off to Clarkeson. The ultra left should go and kneel before Allah!! A: Angry --- Input: I haven't lost weight but I appear smaller and I'm pissed 🙄 A: Angry --- Input: Brown envelopes can induce panic. #posttruth A: Not angry --- Input: @RussellHartness @Mariners @BlueJays : Wrongdoing! Grrr. After the fact, I know, but emailing displeasure now anyway . A: Angry --- Input: I hate not having the answers I need. #tomourssuck #prayinsnotcancer #angry A: Angry --- Input: @KicchaSudeep No words Sir... Thank you for the concern.. A: Not angry --- Input: And the idiots are still gobbing their ridiculous garbage with no better brain it's all they do: the relentless braindead garbage gobbers A: Angry --- Input: @gypsydragoness chuckle. 'Any idea girl?' The dragoness let out a frustrated growl, blowing smoke out of her nostrils. The old man nodded + A: Angry --- Input: @sippycoups if it hurts too much to eat, i read somewhere that marshmallows are good bc they are soft and don't irritate A: Not angry --- Input: #congress start charging back the dems #for taxpayers money waisted #pissed off with u A: Angry --- Input: @realDonaldTrump Maybe we can save them all from the desolate hell that I have no idea about A: Angry --- Input: @sarah_urbina why do you even beef Sara you let the anger get the best of you, you and Sagin been friends for how long? A: Angry --- Input: Just seeing Alex revells face gets me angry A: Angry --- Input: When you forget to mention you were bought dreamboys tickets 🙄😂 A: Not angry --- Input: panas sia omg i cannot 😡 A: Angry --- Input: And I will eat the end of term chocolates we bought as well! #fuming #doesntdeservethem #mightbedead A: Angry --- Input: @MetPoliceFC is it true none of your players are cops? Do they drink chilled bitter? Are your players Walter Mitty types? @KeviboyAllen A: Angry --- Input: Things that rage me: when I hear a man ask a woman if she thinks her skirt/dress is too short\n\n😨😵😠😡😤 #shame #rage #Feminism #feminist A: Angry --- Input: The lecturer tonight had such a muppet frown it was great. A: Not angry --- Input: No man read the traffic properly!!! @KFMza @kfmradio @carlwastie #westuckinthismess #pleasereaditagain A: Angry --- Input: That is at least the 3rd time the balls been burst in our games A: Not angry --- Input: Mm, okay. Ham for you and turkey for me.' Gives his hair a ruffle before heading back in the kitchen to set out the &gt;&gt;\n@DarkSithKenobi A: Not angry --- Input: Aw, bummer. @WckdLbrn (Maura Rankin) blocked me for calling her out as a #bully. Some people just #CantHandleTheTruth, can they? A: Angry --- Input: There's really #NoTime to wait on the approval of someone who lives their life in #bitterness and #negativity #NoThanks #ImGood A: Not angry --- Input: We need but little learning to live happily - Michel de Montaigne #quote #philosophy #wisdom #wisewords #mentalhealth #psychology #anxiety A: Not angry --- Input: @pbhushan1 @IndianExpress so in your opinion is this the worst delhi govt? #acrid #hypocrisy A: Angry --- Input: I'm girly in the sense that I always have lashes &amp; nails done but tomboy in the sense that black is my only color &amp; refuse the ruffle life A: Not angry --- Input: @UMA1R_ @bilalmahmooduk @Muslim_Scientst i do not offend your Faith unless 1 persecutes me, treat me like a dog, disrespect me and even so A: Angry --- Input: Candice on great british bake off with that pout does my head in 👊🏻🙄 A: Angry --- Input: @JBCrewdotcom how his own fans insult him A: Angry --- Input: made up my mind to \nmake a new start A: Not angry --- Input: Why have #Emmerdale had to rob #robron of having their first child together for that vile woman/cheating sl smh #bitter A: Angry --- Input: Forgot to eat dinner and now I'm furious with everything and everyone A: Angry --- Input: @Jeremy_Hunt Unbelievable #arrogance to think you know better than #StephenHawking . A: Angry --- Input: They're like the rape apologists who (inadvertently?) make men sound like rabid, mindless beasts. With friends like these... A: Angry --- Input: @s_navroop Bholenath ne apna Gussa toh nikaalna hai. Either the government helps take out Terrorism and do HIS work, Or the wrath is on GOVT A: Angry --- Input: @ReidGenar @tedcruz So much crow eating to come, crows may become an endangered species. #revenge A: Not angry --- Input: She doesn't know how to smile! So be it! #pissed 😏😒😠😡😤👀👄👊👎🙍💔 A: Angry --- Input: @djsantero I'm feeling bad for the family dog. #nightmare A: Angry --- Input: EEEEEKKKK!!!!\nProduct LAUNCH 😍✋💖\nI'm am literally B•U•Z•Z•I•N•G!!!\nSingle sachets 😍😍\n \nMessage me for yours! 😜🙆💜#loveyourlifestyle #shakes A: Not angry --- Input: Won't be watching ESPN anymore, they took Robert Lee off because of HIS name, PC Police, what insanity! more #hatred #bigots #LeftwingNutJob A: Angry --- Input: @ChurdAllan fucked my coupon that goal! A: Angry --- Input: @TerraJole is a bully. plain and simple. A: Angry --- Input: i've got a lot of tokens saved up and i wanna spam the event song but my eyes sting im so tired A: Angry --- Input: tbh amy i don't know why you need to sort your life out, it's looks like your having a great time' thanks tiff 😂💜 A: Not angry --- Input: How on earth can the projection of all that is good and happy and true in my soul be a poisonous fucking snake? #patronus #adder #offended A: Angry --- Input: everyday it's something new 😤 A: Not angry --- Input: @ttaemnini its been 5 years. i think jongin and taemin also got tired of waiting.. they didnt talk abt it anymore 😠 A: Angry --- Input: Premier League Teams should fear next seasons Arsenal's XI. #coyg #afc A: Not angry --- Input: Usually love @KatiePrice but watching #mycrazylife its sad how that affair her hubby had has ruined &amp; changed her #obnoxious #cruel #bitter A: Angry --- Input: You won't reach a #goal you hide in a drawer. Keep it in front of your face at all times. #WednesdayWisdom A: Not angry --- Input: Black people music always has that awful little tstsststsststss sound it really bothers me. A: Angry --- Input: Got a $20 tip from a drunk Uber passenger. Today I get a $25 parking ticket. I'd blame karma but my dumb ass forgot to pay the meter. A: Angry --- Input: @daemondave @paulkrugman Hey stupid, that was bad intel to take Bin Laden out. Try again with your faux outrage. I bet u admire Putin right? A: Angry --- Input: i love the word fret so much and im in heaven A: Not angry --- Input: I wonder what would happen if I were to tell some people the truth #savage #uhoh A: Angry --- Input: Me and these burns that I pick up off the pitches don't get on at all like 😢😢 #sting A: Angry --- Input: It’s lack of #faith that makes #people #afraid of #meeting #challenges …\n\n#MuhammadAli A: Not angry --- Input: Changed my clothes at work and had my pre-workout.. In route to the gym and there is traffic all over - pre workout kicking in.. A: Angry --- Input: @Christelle_C Actually, wait, I do, the constant outrage thing gets on my wick sometimes and it happened to flick my annoyance today. :) A: Angry --- Input: How shit and depressing is this weather wish I can travel the world for a living A: Angry --- Input: work is going to kill me and 5 o'clock is nowhere near 😟 A: Angry --- Input: made up my mind to \nmake a new start A: Not angry --- Input: @ABCTV @AuSenate @annabelcrabb I confess I didn't watch last week. #bad Are you going to do an episode on accessibility? A: Not angry --- Input: @TedLeitner @jesseagler You two are TEN TIMES more interesting than those particular afternoon goofballs (I could say worse). #umbrage A: Angry --- Input: Paul Ehrlich said that humanity is a threat to all life. Such great news to start the day. If I could blush I would. A: Not angry --- Input: resentment is rlly my shit. A: Angry --- Input: Ellie just gave me loads of gifts with notes on em for uni n I burst out in tears, I LOVE HER😩 A: Not angry --- Input: Thankful 4 Mother Nature's help with the 'watering ', downside, my legs are protesting 😣 #ouch #snap #crackle #pop rice crispies 4 legs 😀 A: Not angry --- Input: @realDonaldTrump believe it! you can start your temper tantrum now/ A: Not angry --- Input: I just remembered I made a presentation of the top 100 male idols out of anger after seeing that siwon was first A: Angry --- Input: Saw my first Larsen trap today with stressed magpie. I NEVER EVER want to see that again #angry #distressed #wildlife A: Angry --- Input: @SBS_MTV #더쇼 #GOT7 #니가하면 rthrc #IFYOUDO #mad treeq A: Not angry --- Input: Changed my clothes at work and had my pre-workout.. In route to the gym and there is traffic all over - pre workout kicking in.. A: Angry --- Input: @TheAnchoredMrs I was the sixth grade teacher this year and last year the the fifth grade teacher who got mad when they did 😂 A: Not angry --- Input: @douglas_nat @one11north I need it today! Do u know how many fuckin French plaits I had to do this morn with a stroppy 9 yr old! A: Angry --- Input: @BugsySeigal been reading your Twitter this lunchtime... you're very angry aren't you 😂😂 A: Angry --- Input: Need a new outlet for A: Not angry --- Input: See people now selling their #MayMac presss conference tickets at Wembley for £100 now when they were free. Scum cunts!!! 😡 A: Angry --- Input: When you burst out crying alone and u realize that no one truly knows how unhappy you really are because you don't want anyone to know A: Angry --- Input: My body literally shaking, I ain't running on enough sleep to be getting this pissed off A: Angry --- Input: #Scorpio always seek revenge! A: Angry --- Input: @GarthJennings loved #sing #tiff but 1 q there is 1 japanese line but obviously spoken by non japanese. no way to find japanese for 1 line? A: Not angry --- Input: Fast and furious 6 this Monday 10 pm on mbc 2 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 A: Not angry --- Input: I had Golden Ocean the other day it was lush, then I gagged and was sick... What a waste of £20 - I was fuming @EmmaGould_ I miss you A: Angry --- Input: @SCAC_commish I forgot about that until right now...thanks guys A: Not angry --- Input: Post TRNSMT blues A: Not angry --- Input: @GoldingBF Genuine refugees are terrified of authority figures. They wouldn't provoke them like this mob. A: Angry --- Input: I keep asking myself why I'm constantly drawing Teo w a frown but then I just remember what's going on and I immediately understand A: Angry --- Input: @FangornForest1 @Brexit whose customers love it. Imagine being a hack these days, having to sing the tune the paymaster calls. #dismal A: Angry --- Input: @AshitaNoJoe55 i m not a big fan of @mkatju , but what i found logical and right.. i support that... no offense to anyone A: Angry --- Input: We musn't allow bitterness and anger to make our hearts infertile to God’s gifts. A: Not angry --- Input: i have so much hw tonight im offended A: Angry --- Input: You ever just find that the people around you really irritate you sometimes? That's me right now 😒 A: Angry --- Input: Oh my. Watching #rage. It's been like, ages A: Not angry --- Input: Thou wilt be as valiant as the wrathful dove, or most magnanimous mouse. William Shakesphere A: Angry --- Input: re: thread of that brit freaking out over minor cultural differences - your indignation would be cuter without the imperialist undertones A: Angry --- Input: Whoops! I see (&lt;---) it's time to move on to the news. Grab your ☕️, &amp; lets head out &amp; see (&lt;---) what 🔥's are burning today. A: Not angry --- Input: Goddamn headache. A: Angry --- Input: #revenge or #Change . You #ChooseASide for your country #India A: Not angry --- Input: @moocowward @mrsajhargreaves @Melly77 @GaryBarlow if he can't come to my Mum'a 60th after 25k tweets then why should I 🙈 #bitter #soreloser A: Angry --- Input: luv seeing a man with a scowl on his face walking with a protein shaker clenching his fists. i immediately stop n suck his dick A: Angry --- Input: O, the melancholy Catacombs quickly wandered about the Rue Morgue, Madman! A: Angry --- Input: mood: kinda bitter bc lee hi didn't appear in jaewon debut mv A: Not angry --- Input: @pianimadi regarde tes snap A: Not angry --- Input: #Vocabulary #1: Crap : extremely poor in quality.\n\nEx3: That movie was terrible. I can't believe I just wasted $10 on such #crap !\n\n#English A: Angry --- Input: Did we miss the fact that #BurkeRamsey swung &amp;hit his sister #JonBenet in the face with a golf club previously out of a fit of #anger? A: Angry --- Input: @TillTheEndMMVI I accidetly dumped boiling water my myself 😫 A: Angry --- Input: Selling nudes pics and vids kik me to buy! Dirty_becca69\n\n#kik #kikme #kikusernames #snap #snapchat #findom #nudes #slut #kiktrade #horny A: Not angry --- Input: @stevenwellings @NextBigPod Yeah good shout. If the build up is acrimonious then the aftermath should reflect that. A: Not angry --- Input: One hour great, next hour, bullshit! Welcome to Goodyear! #😠 A: Angry --- Input: @bt_uk broadband is shocking regretting signing up now #angry #shouldofgonewithvirgin A: Angry --- Input: @Kristiann1125 lol wow i was gonna say really?! haha have you seen chris or nah? you dont even snap me anymore dude! A: Angry --- Input: @tomwilcox77 @mattgrime fuming A: Angry --- Input: @0510Keisuke devour the unborn\nhuman rejection\nfrom wrath to ruins A: Angry --- Input: Is there a perfume that smells like the smell of smokey incense because i would be all about that A: Not angry --- Input: LOL I have reminders for my ex-gf's birthday approaching. Too bad she considers me acknowledging her existence an affront... A: Angry --- Input: @UNESCO Remember not to spread #hatred and #fakenews on the internet. Do not abuse #Hashtag10 for spreading #ArabNationalism! A: Angry --- Input: Bring back the scratch and sniff Avon books. Then yer da sells Avon wouldn't even be an insult A: Not angry --- Input: @rabpeel snap, seems to be a problem here A: Not angry --- Input: @arppaul @chetanlfc @mannkakhiladi @dey_spandan @umeroffcial Comparing Akshay Sir with this zandu balm is an insult to Akshay Sir. A: Angry --- Input: With James gone, no player would be throwing tantrums when subbed anymore. A: Angry --- Input: Dear future big brother players, just chase dick all season and you too can win 500,00 dollars and an Sti #bb18 A: Not angry --- Input: @ggreenwald Macron slips up and has a moment of clarity &amp; common sense...now he is a raging racist. Sounds right. #LiberalLogic A: Angry --- Input: If you see @MikeGHealey these next few days, give him a disappointing head shake.......he broke my pop socket. . A: Angry --- Input: @chelston_dsouza Conte is furious with his board, wants all of them or he quits. A: Angry --- Input: @foofightersnews #bitter we all have bad experiences, this was 22 years ago...time to let it lie... @foofighters forever ❤😍❤ A: Not angry --- Input: @reluctantnicko Don't ask, you don't get. Apologies if I've offended you. All due respect Alan, I think you've been fed duff info. A: Angry --- Input: @WajSKhan Some jurono play very smart dont support truth but give opinion in a way tht ensures government dont feel offended A: Not angry --- Input: Shoutout to all the pubescent girls who won't have to go through the tweeze your whole #eyebrows off phase. #socialmediasaves #bitter A: Not angry --- Input: I hope my hustle don't offend nobody A: Not angry --- Input: i will never watch greys anatomy ever ever ever ever ever again if Shonda Rimes takes away another OG character☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ #fuming A: Angry --- Input: @gypsydragoness chuckle. 'Any idea girl?' The dragoness let out a frustrated growl, blowing smoke out of her nostrils. The old man nodded + A: Angry --- Input: @mattsamatt @jasonosia #cmbyn does screen August 4 &amp; 6 at #miff A: Not angry --- Input: We musn't allow bitterness and anger to make our hearts infertile to God’s gifts. A: Not angry --- Input: Field mines, like people, explode when trodden on #anger #people #pokethebear A: Angry --- Input: So who actually leaked the info on jr. meeting with Russian lawyer? Putin? Was he angry w Trump? A: Angry --- Input: Colors of the leaves are- changing. Heatwaves in LA still- raging. Lattes made in batches. Visit pumpkin patches. #FallSongs A: Not angry --- Input: @Paula_Deen Why dont you have nothing #to. #insult #justajoke #seriously A: Angry --- Input: @Cmdr_Hadfield CNN's Wolf Blitzer calls you an American astronaut and you don't correct him? #dissapointed A: Angry --- Input: #EpiPen: when public outrage occurs, expand #PAP Patient Assistance Progrm, coupons,rebates .@GOPoversight @OversightDems on #Mylan #Epipen A: Angry --- Input: @UlsterWillFight @VanguardBears Looks like a rabid pack of inbreds. A: Angry --- Input: guess who stayed up until 2am just incase someone called but they never did like i knew already , it's me, mistakes were made A: Not angry --- Input: come on let's make em hate 😘make em pout they face 👿😩. A: Angry --- Input: 'look at your face in a mirror... You are so fat and dark... You can't have lunch with us' #kids #meangirls #rude #insult A: Angry --- Input: @SopanDeb @johnrobertsFox @azizansari Let's not stereotype all South Asians as relentless beat reporters. A: Angry --- Input: As if he heard my thought on the ether, my #ex has just posted #facebook pic of himself snuggling up with said #cats... now Im just A: Angry --- Input: @PediMGHHMS3 sickle cell if right pt background. Or could be JIA or an allergic reaction to a bite e.g. bee sting among others. A: Not angry --- Input: I want to be like Eunice. #relentless A: Not angry --- Input: @elegantlywasted @ChelseaClinton Are they the new kennedy's of American politics.. sadly both mom and daughter are as charming as a toe nail A: Not angry --- Input: @Matt_Lat fuming ain't the word A: Angry --- Input: Gm and have a #Tuesday! A: Not angry --- Input: @talkRobyn oh dear I have to watch this the woman with the pout did well A: Angry --- Input: @Matt_Lat fuming ain't the word A: Angry --- Input: The person I love can irritate me the most I swear A: Angry --- Input: angry? the austrian in front of you is even angrier A: Angry --- Input: @Bravotv is there a way to watch NYC Million Dollar Listing &amp; filter @FredrikEklundNY OUT of the episodes? #primadonna #duckface #tantrum A: Not angry --- Input: @Dak2future decorations are up all over Jersey already A: Not angry --- Input: I hate the smell of cigarettes.. 😠 A: Angry --- Input: When ur annoyed at someone but have a good meme to show them but must wait till the rage passes :( A: Angry --- Input: I bet @mmunro91 is fuming with our draw 👀 A: Angry --- Input: .@PayPal why do you always make it so incredibly difficult to do anything or get anything resolved? #customerservice #sucks A: Angry --- Input: @Thatguy_dree @RecklessWonder_ neither one of y'all can see me in this madden A: Not angry --- Input: @justyne_haley it does. if one person ruins season 13 for me, I will be so angry A: Angry --- Input: @sundarpichai @Google Since when did someone break #chromecast for ALL MacBooks? PLS -We #despair at days wasted trying 2 make it work again A: Angry --- Input: I have a fiery passion for dogs because of how destructive they are. A: Angry --- Input: @narendramodi Sir, people need revenge A: Angry --- Input: Edge of my seat @GameOfThrones loved it #dragonsontheWall A: Not angry --- Input: The side effects of #fighting and #disrespect.. comes #ignoring the person and show you #don'tcare at all!! #sweet . A: Angry --- Input: If someone keeps #laughing at you, don't #fret . At least u r giving #happiness .'\n#quotes #quotestoliveby A: Not angry --- Input: @TuckerCarlson Was DonJr target of #sting b/c #RobGoldstoneEmail has all conspiracy-crime elements? HRC knew b/c tied Trump2Russia by 6/16? A: Not angry --- Input: Bon on allume madden A: Not angry --- Input: @WWE is the live event Brock vs Orton 2 this Saturday on the WWE Network? If not it needs to be! :) #wwe @RandyOrton @HeymanHustle A: Not angry --- Input: bows are world of tank creats rubberbath sting weeks of A: Not angry --- Input: #Pain is an aspect of #human evolution; the evolution of #consciousness. #attachments #desire #apathy #sentimentality #tears #fury #anger #O A: Angry --- Input: @jacksfilms the emoji movie doesnt have a midnight premiere where i live this is an attack #EmojiMovie #midnightpremeire #outrage A: Angry --- Input: @mitchellvii @tomtomokie Yea but we won't do anything about it. A: Not angry --- Input: and apparently he's supposed to have a Scottish accent??? I'm #offended A: Angry --- Input: @FitnessFirstAU something needs to be done about people hogging machines - nobody can use 3 machines at one time! #angry #notfair #whypay A: Angry --- Input: ebullient [ih BUL yunt] adj.boiling; bubbling with excitement; exuberant. A boiling liquid can be called ebullient. Excited or enthusiastic. A: Not angry --- Input: All Brian does is sleep and aggravate me A: Angry --- Input: I'm so sick of that 'I'm done w. My ex na we're never getting back together' crap so You can get back together in like a month 😂 A: Angry --- Input: Thursdays at 6pm Vespers &amp; Meditation #prayerful #plainsong #multisensory #candles #incense #psalms #music #silence #faithful sing or listen A: Not angry --- Input: @BarackObama I love Lizzy Warren's latest rage against Wall Street. A: Not angry --- Input: They gonna give this KKk police bitch the minimum sentence..just wattch #angry A: Angry --- Input: To recreate my romantic memories, I'd just put a chip on my shoulder #masterchefau A: Not angry --- Input: Man, filling out your dad's life insurance paperwork will really put a damper on your Tuesday morning. Really makes it feel final... A: Not angry --- Input: I give up! #simples #unhappy #fedup A: Angry --- Input: @realDonaldTrump Maybe don't nom so many raging dicks, Donny! Jeez, it's like teaching a baby to fly a jet! A: Angry --- Input: @Legendaerie Yeah, she just this tight boiling knot of anxiety and anticipation too. Be writing in a bit - still working around house atm. A: Not angry --- Input: @xandraaa5 @amayaallyn6 shut up hashtags are cool #offended A: Angry --- Input: We are raging angry.=1/2 bil $ for 2 pro Liars.(Actors) the most useless people in america Where is ours for working 100 X harder? @FoxNews A: Angry --- Input: @KicchaSudeep No words Sir... Thank you for the concern.. A: Not angry --- Input: says, who are you to compared me with the others; I'm just human. #lit #fire A: Angry --- Input: im trying to stop being a bitter, easily annoyed bitch. lets see how this goes A: Angry --- Input: Binge watching #revenge im obsessed 🤓 A: Not angry --- Input: @PageShhh1 I know you mean well but I'm offended. Prick. A: Angry --- Input: @silverstein 13th time seeing you guys today and you cancel the meet and greet because of the storm. We're all soaked.. 😡 #dissapointed A: Angry --- Input: @St8edge4life88 eh well i can do the sting vs cactus loser leaves wcw match at bash at the beach lol A: Angry --- Input: Dear hipster behind me at the game I am finding it very hard to pay attention while you talk about the politics of grapes of wrath. SHUT UP! A: Angry --- Input: Got a $20 tip from a drunk Uber passenger. Today I get a $25 parking ticket. I'd blame karma but my dumb ass forgot to pay the meter. A: Angry --- Input: 'Florian Picasso - Final Call' is raging at ShoutDRIVE! A: Angry --- Input: — Self-hatred gives rise to fury, fury to the desire for self-change. A: Angry --- Input: @ajcrompton1 Humanist &amp; sailor!? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You forgot to add big time loser! #arsehole 🇬🇧 A: Angry --- Input: People are #hurt and #angry and it's hard to know what to do with that #anger Remember, at the end of the day, we're all #humans #bekind A: Not angry --- Input: And the idiots are still gobbing their ridiculous garbage with no better brain it's all they do: the relentless braindead garbage gobbers A: Angry
In this task, you are given a sentence. You are expected to recognize the name of company or organization. Although there might be several correct answers, you need to write one of them. --- Right now Russian media have started campaign to accuse Ukrainian military for #MH17 #flightmh17 crash . Nobody trusts Russia now ! Ans: Ukrainian military --- #MH17: New York Times praises PM Najib for brokering deal to recover black boxes , remains of victims and secure safe access to crash site Ans: New York Times --- The Japanese whaling is illegal and immoral . The Australian Government has failed utterly to stop the Japanese . . . http://t.co/1tpNVsAfUs Ans: Australian Government --- Why is there World War 1 porn on BBC 1 Ans: BBC 1 --- Birmingham City : Will Colin Doyle stay or go ? http://t.co/x3qTmOw7 # bcfc # birminghamcity # blues # standrews # keeprighton # colindoyle # goalie Ans: Birmingham City --- Michael Niziolek ( @ michaelniziolek ) is covering sports for Ann Arbor News and MLive Ans: Ann Arbor News --- Ferrari World ( the calm ) before we tore up the track . Aston Martin coup . #abudhabi @ mrodofficial http://t.co/BjOos2Jb1M Ans: Aston Martin --- # moviethingstodobeforeidie go to the quidditch world cup # nerdtweet Ans: World Cup --- Dominos pizza delivery guy dropping off pizzas at a Chinese restaurant . Classic . http://t.co/fvEE8Z2CDx Ans: Dominos pizza --- Watch astro awani . it 's comfirmed . Just not yet confirm if it 's being shot down , related to the heavy fighting between russia & ukraine #mh17 Ans: astro awani --- #MH17: New York Times praises PM Najib for brokering deal to recover black boxes , remains of victims and secure safe access to crash site Ans: New York Times --- Colleague watching Death Row Dogs on BBC 1 - not sure about the animals but the owners should certainly be muzzled . Ans: BBC 1 --- Arriving early to Dublin #BISA2014? Visit @ ucdpolitics with Irish FM speaking on ' Constitutions and Culture Wars ' http://t.co/us0EEQvyHB Ans: Irish FM --- Meanwhile #Moscow residents write ' Excuse us ' at the Dutch embassy in #Russia #MH17 http://t.co/HoMsaz5D2I " @ MoscowTimes @ EvaHartog Ans: Dutch embassy --- @ 27KHV @ sikorskiradek @ olacicho And that 's a fair point ( though no one said I worked with ' Fox News ' , it was a tad more serious ) . Ans: Fox News --- Rupert Murdoch 's $ 80bn bid for Time Warner is just the opening gambit http://t.co/I5xIxjp63G Ans: Time Warner --- I salute Eastwood Fire Brigade on 100 years ' serving our community #auspol #bennelong http://t.co/rxBxseBH9g Ans: Eastwood Fire Brigade --- Rupert Murdoch 's $ 80bn bid for Time Warner is just the opening gambit http://t.co/I5xIxjp63G Ans: Time Warner --- # Twitition Bring 1 DToDenver http://t.co/KXSrJeLh Ans: 1 D --- # moviethingstodobeforeidie go to the quidditch world cup # nerdtweet Ans: World Cup --- Journalism majors visit the Associated Press this morning where they sat in on the world-wide morning meeting . http://t.co/PDMBbECpbD Ans: Associated Press --- 20th call for transparency on use of #drones comes today from #UN Secretary- General . Timeline http://t.co/UoRjQOfFCN http://t.co/rVca8dVLba Ans: #UN Secretary- General --- Cutie special edition #LittleMachines only avails at Walmart Canada ! Cool bag included ! I want it . http://t.co/KUGcD3zkZv Ans: Walmart Canada --- Rupert Murdoch 's $ 80bn bid for Time Warner is just the opening gambit http://t.co/I5xIxjp63G Ans: Time Warner --- Can not believe how many young girls there were queuing outside the Brighton Centre for One Direction : / Ans: One Direction --- # HackneyCouncil Labour councillors making a meal of Ken 's fares policy - despite everyone knowing it does n't add up . Get real , guys ! Ans: HackneyCouncil Labour --- @ andrewgdotcom @ alaninbelfast " Cockup " , is that the new NI 21 motto Ans: ?NI 21 --- According to the Beeb , there 's talk of Pienaar going back to Everton . Defoe allegedly in Liverpool , remember . Whole thing odd ( JamesMawFFT ) Ans: the Beeb --- Photo : Oh , Australian Copyright Council , you assonant scallywags . http://t.co/WGGUAqjCoT Ans: Australian Copyright Council --- In the Irish News tmro : Monaghan ladies reached yet another Provincial decider by easily overcoming senior championship debutants , Cavan . Ans: Irish News --- BBC News - Symantec advises disabling pcAnywhere software http://t.co/Ae7psUQn - - Oops . I wo n't trust them again . Ans: BBC News --- Cutie special edition #LittleMachines only avails at Walmart Canada ! Cool bag included ! I want it . http://t.co/KUGcD3zkZv Ans: Walmart Canada --- Tonight on Anger Management Toronto Blue Jay 's pitcher Conner Greene . . ! Tune in to #FX at 9 . . ! … http://t.co/N3Jxw9gOwM Ans: Toronto Blue Jay --- . @ joseiswriting , America ’ s most famous unauthorized immigrant , detained by Border Patrol http://t.co/nIlmMacWO8 Ans: Border Patrol --- Today 's Olympics-wheels-coming-off story : London 2012 : Olympic watchdog member quits over Dow links http://t.co/RNXZ8tmR Ans: Olympic watchdog --- Really enjoyed the United Charities Market in Biddulph this morning Ans: United Charities Market --- Ferrari World ( the calm ) before we tore up the track . Aston Martin coup . #abudhabi @ mrodofficial http://t.co/BjOos2Jb1M Ans: Aston Martin --- Can not believe how many young girls there were queuing outside the Brighton Centre for One Direction : / Ans: One Direction --- Our Leicester City expert 's verdict on their key players and prospects in the Premier League next season http://t.co/AESTCNs9xz #ffscomm Ans: Premier League --- Hallam FM sources say Doncaster striker Billy Sharp is undergoing a medical with Southampton ahead of a possible move . # hallamtransfers Ans: Hallam FM --- Meanwhile #Moscow residents write ' Excuse us ' at the Dutch embassy in #Russia #MH17 #Ukraine http://t.co/I7qzRIVF3F Ans: Dutch embassy --- Birmingham City : Will Colin Doyle stay or go ? http://t.co/x3qTmOw7 # bcfc # birminghamcity # blues # standrews # keeprighton # colindoyle # goalie Ans: Birmingham City --- Welcome to Manchester United @ juanmata10 Ans: Manchester United --- Welcome to Manchester United @ juanmata10 Ans: Manchester United --- BBC News - Symantec advises disabling pcAnywhere software http://t.co/Ae7psUQn - - Oops . I wo n't trust them again . Ans: BBC News --- just finished newsradio with marius , about to talk to abc news breakfast then sky am agenda . Ans: abc news --- Stock clearance deal - Mamas & Papas Trip Buggy ( brand new - just out of the box ) in Apple Green , including Mix . . . http://t.co/jBEudtAD Ans: Mamas & Papas --- Boulder Weekly wins 36 awards in Top of the Rockies contest , Westword editor Patty Calhoun recognized http://t.co/Ggh5UVzoh7 Ans: Boulder Weekly --- At the Eagleby Learning College Careers Day http://t.co/mf2I2OwSeX Ans: Eagleby Learning College --- CPA Australia says ASIC is a damaged brand in the marketplace Ans: CPA Australia --- Keynote customer Royal Philips shares its experiences on running mobile and web performance monitoring #webperf http://t.co/F1R9mrnstZ Ans: Royal Philips --- Landslide victory for Sinn Féin : the 1918 general election : http://t.co/96TkhnBUfo Ans: Sinn Féin --- Same goes for the new Lamb of God stuff too ! Ans: Lamb of God --- February 2001 issue of " The Fenian " newsletter of Sinn Fein Dublin South West http://t.co/18dTgYUhXa Ans: Sinn Fein --- Photo : Oh , Australian Copyright Council , you assonant scallywags . http://t.co/WGGUAqjCoT Ans: Australian Copyright Council --- One year after 28 Sun- Times photojournalists were laid off , where are they now ? http://t.co/GTf6RrcZ8Q ( via @ poynter ) Ans: Sun- Times --- Keynote customer Royal Philips shares its experiences on running mobile and web performance monitoring #webperf http://t.co/F1R9mrnstZ Ans: Royal Philips --- # HackneyCouncil Labour councillors making a meal of Ken 's fares policy - despite everyone knowing it does n't add up . Get real , guys ! Ans: HackneyCouncil Labour --- Colwyn Bay 6th in prem league , just qualified for CL knockout stages , and im losing dressing room for '"' underachieving '"' ! ! # fm 12 # unbelievable Ans: Colwyn Bay --- At the Eagleby Learning College Careers Day http://t.co/mf2I2OwSeX Ans: Eagleby Learning College --- BBC News - Symantec advises disabling pcAnywhere software http://t.co/Ae7psUQn - - Oops . I wo n't trust them again . Ans: BBC News --- In today 's Irish News : sponsored walks , match tickets and golf classics - all the news from the parish in CLUBcall #EveryClub Ans: Irish News --- Dominos pizza delivery guy dropping off pizzas at a Chinese restaurant . Classic . http://t.co/fvEE8Z2CDx Ans: Dominos pizza --- In Irish News tmro : Injuries have forced @ Doiregaa into changes ahead of Saturday ’ s All- Ireland SFC Qualifier Round 1 clash #EveryBall Ans: Irish News --- ' We are Sex Bob- Omb & were here to make you think about death & get sad & stuff ! ! ' # scottpilgrim Ans: Sex Bob- Omb --- Nigeria : Super Eagles Have Everything to Play for http://t.co/BhQeqZjVO8 #WorldCup Ans: Super Eagles --- Prof @ bjsheehan7 comments on the the Publicis- Omnicom split http://t.co/1kTVmoZdDO Ans: Publicis- Omnicom --- Keynote customer Royal Philips shares its experiences on running mobile and web performance monitoring #webperf http://t.co/F1R9mrnstZ Ans: Royal Philips --- Journalism majors visit the Associated Press this morning where they sat in on the world-wide morning meeting . http://t.co/PDMBbECpbD Ans: Associated Press --- My work for missmillco and Lucy in Disguise http://t.co/D7if6Eig Ans: Lucy in Disguise --- I 'm at Caffè Nero ( 21 High St . , Bath ) http://t.co/IkncHGtI Ans: Caffè Nero --- Cutie special edition #LittleMachines only avails at Walmart Canada ! Cool bag included ! I want it . http://t.co/KUGcD3zkZv Ans: Walmart Canada --- I met w / Wavepark Group today who are proposing a WA surfing park . No sharks and plenty of waves for pros & beginners http://t.co/qeCl9puKue Ans: Wavepark Group --- In tmro 's Irish News : Mickey bashers , referee criticism and Antrim club fixtures - get it off your chest in Off The Fence #gaa Ans: Irish News --- In today 's Irish News : GAA Fixtures in Irish News #everyfixture #everytuesday #everyclub #everyball #everysliotar Ans: Irish News --- Hector Bellerin starts for #AFC against Borussia Dortmund , according to team-mate http://t.co/XSDV47rAmm http://t.co/bHNpuBdOu6 Ans: Borussia Dortmund --- http://t.co/gXUIAlgw is running a competition where you could win 8 tickets to the Super Bowl SuperBash at the o2 Arena . Head over . Ans: Super Bowl --- Dominos pizza delivery guy dropping off pizzas at a Chinese restaurant . Classic . http://t.co/fvEE8Z2CDx Ans: Dominos pizza --- Hector Bellerin starts for #AFC against Borussia Dortmund , according to team-mate http://t.co/XSDV47rAmm http://t.co/bHNpuBdOu6 Ans: Borussia Dortmund --- People mourn #MH17 in front of the Netherlands Embassy . The day in photos : http://t.co/wRGNmgNE1J ( AFP / Getty Images ) http://t.co/gGqBNl0P52 Ans: Getty Images --- The first showing of the Modern Slavery campaign ad will be at 18 : 42 today on Channel 4 . Great response to the campaign so far . Ans: Channel 4 --- February 2001 issue of " The Fenian " newsletter of Sinn Fein Dublin South West http://t.co/18dTgYUhXa Ans: Sinn Fein --- At the Eagleby Learning College Careers Day http://t.co/mf2I2OwSeX Ans: Eagleby Learning College --- Russia Today shares this photo that reportedly shows debris of the #MH17 flight on the Russia Ukraine border http://t.co/bGWI4eO4CH Ans: shares this --- Best comment : from bemused Lib Dem activist " I went to bed with 12 MEPs and woke up with 1 " Ans: Lib Dem --- Partizan Belgrade v Tottenham : Player ratings http://t.co/7U66O3cWm0 http://t.co/EqzOx6Ww4Q Ans: Partizan Belgrade --- Nice #airgait goal by @ CurtisDickson17 CAN leads Iroquois Nation 8 - 3 in 3rd quarter of World Field Lax game . Currently on TSN 2 . Ans: Iroquois Nation --- #KKTeam Quem foi o adversário do Milan na estreia de Kaká pelo Campeonato Italiano , em 2003 ? A . Napoli ; B . Ancona ; C . Genoa #KKQuiz Ans: Campeonato Italiano --- # HackneyCouncil Labour councillors making a meal of Ken 's fares policy - despite everyone knowing it does n't add up . Get real , guys ! Ans: HackneyCouncil Labour --- " We 're very appreciative ofthe Malaysian government 's position that is neutral & not blaming anyone . " Russia envoy #MH17 http://t.co/0NaCAKQ5C6 Ans: Malaysian government --- Current state of play of by-election candidate list ahead of tonight 's Fianna Fail Roscommon- South Leitrim convention http://t.co/3nF5Hmb8S4 Ans: Fianna Fail --- Heard the latest Hack Report podcast yet ? How to write a news story , diversity in #radio, and youth #media: http://t.co/yMMi5LC1RE ( 8mins ) Ans: Hack Report --- The Japanese whaling is illegal and immoral . The Australian Government has failed utterly to stop the Japanese . . . http://t.co/1tpNVsAfUs Ans: Australian Government --- 1st task post election : opening Dromana Bowls club season 2013 : 14 . Little country booths y ' da are a reminder that we find Oz in the local . Ans: Dromana Bowls club --- Best comment : from bemused Lib Dem activist " I went to bed with 12 MEPs and woke up with 1 " Ans: Lib Dem --- Ferrari World ( the calm ) before we tore up the track . Aston Martin coup . #abudhabi @ mrodofficial http://t.co/BjOos2Jb1M Ans: Aston Martin --- @ TottenhamTories I was thinking of you guys when I posted it ! Tottenham Tories got me involved with Polish community ! Ans: Tottenham Tories --- BBC News - Hong Kong firm MTR wins £ 1 . 4bn Crossrail franchise http://t.co/27lww23S9P Ans: BBC News --- Welcome to Manchester United @ juanmata10 Ans: Manchester United --- Hallam FM sources say Doncaster striker Billy Sharp is undergoing a medical with Southampton ahead of a possible move . # hallamtransfers Ans: Hallam FM --- The FA commission has , after months of brainstorming , come up with the master plan of a B team league . . . . As you were . Ans: FA commission --- When Man City need to score and teams sit very deep against them and get everyone behind the ball they really do n't look like scoring . Ans: Man City --- Even Radio National is playing No Secrets and not to introduce a segment about FOI reform . RIP Doc Neeson Ans: Radio National --- In the Irish News tmro : Monaghan ladies reached yet another Provincial decider by easily overcoming senior championship debutants , Cavan . Ans: Irish News --- The Marx Brothers in Duck Superlative . #stylewars Ans: The Marx Brothers --- Parliamentary Library ’ s latest blog brings balance to : GP co-payments , PPL , direct action , and pension indexation . http://t.co/T1qxqP0jwf Ans: Parliamentary Library --- Is that Dana 's brother , John Brown , who is now suing IN & M , fortnight after Dana herself initiated proceedings Ans: ?IN & M --- Malaysian Airline #MH17 shot down by russian missiles . How do you mistake an airliner for a fighter jet ? #PrayForMH17 Ans: Malaysian Airline --- East Ukraine rebels leader Borodai blames Ukraine army for #MH17 crash . ' We do n't have weapon like that ' , he tweets https://t.co/8olLIWkZnx Ans: Ukraine army --- Even Radio National is playing No Secrets and not to introduce a segment about FOI reform . RIP Doc Neeson Ans: Radio National --- DISGRACE : An Atalanta fan not only threw a banana at AC Milan 's Kevin Constant … but also a knife ! ! http://t.co/KXogzwQNu1 Ans: AC Milan --- Parliamentary Library ’ s latest blog brings balance to : GP co-payments , PPL , direct action , and pension indexation . http://t.co/T1qxqP0jwf Ans: Parliamentary Library --- Photo : Oh , Australian Copyright Council , you assonant scallywags . http://t.co/WGGUAqjCoT Ans: Australian Copyright Council --- . @ joseiswriting , America ’ s most famous unauthorized immigrant , detained by Border Patrol http://t.co/nIlmMacWO8 Ans: Border Patrol --- USA ! 1 D are up for 3 @ radiodisney #RDMAS! Tune in to the show tonight at 8 / 7c on @disneychannel ! 1 DHQ x Ans: 1 D --- 72 % Off at Serenity Hair Spa http://t.co/WzvKXeZ8 Ans: Serenity Hair Spa --- What traffic looks like if you jump from a sleepy company in half stealth mode to # 1 on Hacker News #CDN #webperf https://t.co/zhLjzySIVV Ans: Hacker News --- Can not believe how many young girls there were queuing outside the Brighton Centre for One Direction : / Ans: One Direction --- MORE : KLM airlines to avoid #Ukraine crash site zone ' as precautionary measure ' http://t.co/W3FuCzbRwd #MH17 http://t.co/swZ5Te8xJ8 Ans: KLM airlines --- Watch astro awani . it 's comfirmed . Just not yet confirm if it 's being shot down , related to the heavy fighting between russia & ukraine #mh17 Ans: astro awani --- Orpington Jobs : Store Manager / General Manager : Randstad Employment Bureau - Retail Sales - . . . http://t.co/7iNdrLTT # Jobs # Orpington Ans: Randstad Employment Bureau --- Air India reroutes flights to avoid Ukrainian airspace : Civil Aviation Ministry #MH17 Ans: Air India --- Photo from @MatevzNovak appears to show wreckage from Flight #MH17 in Ukraine http://t.co/0c5SaansoX Ans: #MH17 in Ukraine --- At the Eagleby Learning College Careers Day http://t.co/mf2I2OwSeX Ans: Eagleby Learning College --- NY Times profile of possibly the most unbearable couple ever : Wonderfully cringe http://t.co/HtxkjYFQpG Ans: NY Times --- ' We are Sex Bob- Omb & were here to make you think about death & get sad & stuff ! ! ' # scottpilgrim Ans: Sex Bob- Omb --- #KKTeam Quem foi o adversário do Milan na estreia de Kaká pelo Campeonato Italiano , em 2003 ? A . Napoli ; B . Ancona ; C . Genoa #KKQuiz Ans: Campeonato Italiano --- Really enjoyed the United Charities Market in Biddulph this morning Ans: United Charities Market --- Very happy to be back on the UK show this year . The last year I was on it we found One Direction , Rebecca Ferguson , Cher and Matt Cardle Ans: One Direction --- Hey girl , the Bottle Boys have a favor to ask . http://t.co/n5r4dAWjm6 http://t.co/pT1xLUnrmG Ans: Bottle Boys --- Wow ! ! Our @thek_kollection at @ lipsylondon was voted Best Celeb Designer Collection by Reveal Magazine … http://t.co/j0KUEQ4cdQ Ans: Reveal Magazine --- Info for Potential NASW Board Candidates : Interested in running for the NASW board or just want to know how the . . . http://t.co/mYCkITtIIp Ans: NASW Board --- Meanwhile #Moscow residents write ' Excuse us ' at the Dutch embassy in #Russia #MH17 http://t.co/HoMsaz5D2I " @ MoscowTimes @ EvaHartog Ans: Dutch embassy --- AAN and 41 Free Speech , Open Government and Public Interest Groups Urge the FCC to Protect Net Neutrality http://t.co/KTyJcrqskO Ans: 41 Free Speech --- Ukraine govt advisor says nearly 300 killed on plane that might be #MH17, says jet was shot down by separatists : Interfax Ans: Ukraine govt --- What traffic looks like if you jump from a sleepy company in half stealth mode to # 1 on Hacker News #CDN #webperf https://t.co/zhLjzySIVV Ans: Hacker News --- Hector Bellerin starts for #AFC against Borussia Dortmund , according to team-mate http://t.co/XSDV47rAmm http://t.co/bHNpuBdOu6 Ans: Borussia Dortmund --- Orpington Jobs : Store Manager / General Manager : Randstad Employment Bureau - Retail Sales - . . . http://t.co/7iNdrLTT # Jobs # Orpington Ans: Randstad Employment Bureau --- Amazon 's Failed Pitch to Authors ( @ vauhinivara / New Yorker ) http://t.co/66IsxRknx4 http://t.co/H8TmqV3TPG Ans: New Yorker --- ACT marriage bill to be challenged in High Court http://t.co/ixaV5qD8Ws via @audioboo Ans: High Court --- Today 's Olympics-wheels-coming-off story : London 2012 : Olympic watchdog member quits over Dow links http://t.co/RNXZ8tmR Ans: Olympic watchdog --- #nigeria Inyama Reassures Nigerians Over Super Eagles ' Commitment : http://t.co/r0GEWh8IwE Ans: Super Eagles --- # JEDWARDCelebWeddingChannel 5 thats well getting watched ; ) ! Ans: channel 5 --- According to the Beeb , there 's talk of Pienaar going back to Everton . Defoe allegedly in Liverpool , remember . Whole thing odd ( JamesMawFFT ) Ans: the Beeb --- Delon Armitage has been suspended from the England Saxons squad after being arrested and bailed on suspicion of assault . # rugbyunion Ans: England Saxons --- How stunning is my sister ? ! ? Fashion credits : Kardashian Kollection pants , Saint Laurent blouse , … http://t.co/bTUPqJ9uju Ans: Saint Laurent --- The FA commission has , after months of brainstorming , come up with the master plan of a B team league . . . . As you were . Ans: FA commission --- Meanwhile #Moscow residents write ' Excuse us ' at the Dutch embassy in #Russia #MH17 #Ukraine http://t.co/I7qzRIVF3F Ans: Dutch embassy --- Very happy to be back on the UK show this year . The last year I was on it we found One Direction , Rebecca Ferguson , Cher and Matt Cardle Ans: One Direction --- # directioners Follow Backk ? ♥ # 1 Dfamily Ans: 1 D --- Deeply moved by the warm welcome from the Victoria School and community in Villers- Bretonneux today http://t.co/SIFF7h6mqB Ans: Victoria School --- # moviethingstodobeforeidie go to the quidditch world cup # nerdtweet Ans: World Cup --- Latest : Alliance Party Offices in East Belfast attacked again http://t.co/IlxXyE9xBA Ans: Alliance Party --- In this week 's Commons debate on the civil service , I recounted my experience of the lifts in the Ministry of Justice http://t.co/UOc3qefpZ5 Ans: Ministry of Justice --- I am looking forward to this mind-controlled robot exoskeleton ( controlled by a paralyzed boy ) at the World Cup opening . Ans: World Cup --- Amazon 's Failed Pitch to Authors ( @ vauhinivara / New Yorker ) http://t.co/66IsxRknx4 http://t.co/H8TmqV3TPG Ans: New Yorker --- @ Mayorjd It is important infrastructure for our region and indeed regional Australia , here it is our Casino Saleyards and Grafton airport Ans: Casino Saleyards --- @ TottenhamTories I was thinking of you guys when I posted it ! Tottenham Tories got me involved with Polish community ! Ans: Tottenham Tories --- Buxton FC chairman says Scott Maxfield 's original appointment as Buxton boss had been an '"' open-ended arrangement , to see how things went . '"' Ans: Buxton FC --- Alert : Victoria St Hamilton - Hamilton Police have attended a business in Victoria Street Hamilton after a memb . . . http://t.co/BynJmHQkYD Ans: Hamilton Police --- Face your demons ! Salford City Council launch Stop Smoking Campaign http://t.co/M0KUGMLD Ans: Salford City Council --- . @ joseiswriting , America ’ s most famous unauthorized immigrant , detained by Border Patrol http://t.co/nIlmMacWO8 Ans: Border Patrol --- In Irish News tmro : Injuries have forced @ Doiregaa into changes ahead of Saturday ’ s All- Ireland SFC Qualifier Round 1 clash #EveryBall Ans: Irish News --- One year after 28 Sun- Times photojournalists were laid off , where are they now ? http://t.co/GTf6RrcZ8Q ( via @ poynter ) Ans: Sun- Times --- Looking for a model for a 1 day shoot . FM 30 ' ish , easy in front of a camera , size 12 . Modelling vintage clothes for new website . Contact me . Ans: 1 D --- Alert : Victoria St Hamilton - Hamilton Police have attended a business in Victoria Street Hamilton after a memb . . . http://t.co/BynJmHQkYD Ans: Hamilton Police --- Sesión preparatoria antes del #RSORealMadrid. #halamadrid http://t.co/frEUVKJ4OS Ans: #RSORealMadrid. #halamadrid --- Looking for a model for a 1 day shoot . FM 30 ' ish , easy in front of a camera , size 12 . Modelling vintage clothes for new website . Contact me . Ans: 1 D --- BBC News - Symantec advises disabling pcAnywhere software http://t.co/Ae7psUQn - - Oops . I wo n't trust them again . Ans: BBC News --- middle aged man band playing blink 182 . l0 l . Ans: blink 182 . --- The last time @ USSoccer played Portugal in the World Cup , this happened . http://t.co/l0Oioraddi Ans: World Cup --- There 's @ AudreyCarville signing off on Morning Ireland . She will be hosting the Amnesty hour in MindField at #ElectricPicnic2014 6pm today Ans: Morning Ireland --- Same goes for the new Lamb of God stuff too ! Ans: Lamb of God --- And this one too @ rivadanetworks Rivada Research patents list ( updated weekly ) http://t.co/6J38CJv3Oq Ans: Rivada Research --- Prof @ bjsheehan7 comments on the the Publicis- Omnicom split http://t.co/1kTVmoZdDO Ans: Publicis- Omnicom --- Phunkation a funky / hardgroove techno label joins the Label Worx distribution family ! Ans: Label Worx --- Nigeria : Super Eagles Have Everything to Play for http://t.co/BhQeqZjVO8 #WorldCup Ans: Super Eagles --- People mourn #MH17 in front of the Netherlands Embassy . The day in photos : http://t.co/wRGNmgNE1J ( AFP / Getty Images ) http://t.co/gGqBNl0P52 Ans: Getty Images --- . @ joseiswriting , America ’ s most famous unauthorized immigrant , detained by Border Patrol http://t.co/nIlmMacWO8 Ans: Border Patrol --- In Irish News tmro : Injuries have forced @ Doiregaa into changes ahead of Saturday ’ s All- Ireland SFC Qualifier Round 1 clash #EveryBall Ans: Irish News --- @ bbc606 @ PSV gotta be a win for the home franchise on the afternoon but can see the French guys troubling the Blue Lions deefense . Ans: Blue Lions --- Written Answers- Employment : Cannock Chase ( 16 June 2014 ) Aidan Burley : To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office . . http://t.co/jlvvb5YHge Ans: Cabinet Office --- East Ukraine rebels leader Borodai blames Ukraine army for #MH17 crash . ' We do n't have weapon like that ' , he tweets https://t.co/8olLIWkZnx Ans: Ukraine army --- WOW ! Just been overtaken by a MV Augusta Brutale what a machine ! Someone has taste and some Hot wheels . Ans: MV Augusta --- Orpington Jobs : Store Manager / General Manager : Randstad Employment Bureau - Retail Sales - . . . http://t.co/7iNdrLTT # Jobs # Orpington Ans: Randstad Employment Bureau --- # JEDWARDCelebWeddingChannel 5 thats well getting watched ; ) ! Ans: channel 5 --- Nice #airgait goal by @ CurtisDickson17 CAN leads Iroquois Nation 8 - 3 in 3rd quarter of World Field Lax game . Currently on TSN 2 . Ans: Iroquois Nation --- So what does the weekend hold ? Liverpool v Man Utd for me tomorrow . Not expecting a quiet one . FA Cup weekend still got the old magic . Ans: Man Utd --- Today 's disappointment : Black Sheep '"' Golden Sheep '"' Pale Ale . Ans: Black Sheep --- In today 's Irish News : Sunday ’ s crowd at Clones will get value for their money from Antrim says Saffrons manager Liam Bradley #EveryBall Ans: Irish News --- Let 's ask : increase Irish corp tax to a standard EU rate in exchange for 1 : 1 drop income tax load ? MT @ EamonDelaney10 : #Picketty Ans: 1 D --- Colleague watching Death Row Dogs on BBC 1 - not sure about the animals but the owners should certainly be muzzled . Ans: BBC 1
In this task, you are given commands (in terms of logical operations) to select relevant rows from the given table. Your job is to generate a natural language interpretation of the given command. Here are the definitions of logical operators: 1. count: returns the number of rows in the view 2. only: returns whether there is exactly one row in the view 3. hop: returns the value under the header column of the row 4. and: returns the boolean operation result of two arguments 5. max/min/avg/sum: returns the max/min/average/sum of the values under the header column 6. nth max/nth min: returns the n-th max/n-th min of the values under the header column 7. argmax/argmin: returns the row with the max/min value in header column 8. nth argmax/nth argmin: returns the row with the n-th max/min value in header column 9. eq/not eq: returns if the two arguments are equal 10. round eq: returns if the two arguments are roughly equal under certain tolerance 11. greater/less: returns if argument 1 is greater/less than argument 2 12. diff: returns the difference between two arguments 13. filter eq/not eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is equal/not equal to argument 3 14. filter greater/less: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less than argument 3 15. filter greater eq /less eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less or equal than argument 3 16. filter all: returns the view itself for the case of describing the whole table 17. all eq/not eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are equal/not equal to argument 3 18. all greater/less: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less than argument 3 19. all greater eq/less eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to argument 3 20. most eq/not eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are equal/not equal to argument 3 21. most greater/less: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less than argument 3 22. most greater eq/less eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to argument 3 ### Question: eq { count { filter_greater { filter_greater { all_rows ; votes ; 100000 } ; seats ; 20 } } ; 3 } = true Ans: select the rows whose votes record is greater than 100000 . among these rows , select the rows whose seats record is greater than 20 . the number of such rows is 3 . ### Question: round_eq { sum { filter_not_eq { all_rows ; pos ; dnf } ; laps } ; 1359 } = true Ans: select the rows whose pos record does not match to dnf . the sum of the laps record of these rows is 1359 . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; enrollment } ; location } ; mercer island } = true Ans: select the row whose enrollment record of all rows is maximum . the location record of this row is mercer island . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; venue ; west germany } } ; 2 } = true Ans: select the rows whose venue record fuzzily matches to west germany . the number of such rows is 2 . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; 2nd component ; acetone } } ; 3 } = true Ans: select the rows whose 2nd component record fuzzily matches to acetone . the number of such rows is 3 . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; target center } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; target center } ; date } ; march 3 } } = true Ans: select the rows whose location attendance record fuzzily matches to target center . there is only one such row in the table . the date record of this unqiue row is march 3 . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; lost ; 2 } ; club } ; fleur de lys rfc } = true Ans: select the row whose lost record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the club record of this row is fleur de lys rfc . ### Question: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; 1988 } ; score } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; 1986 } ; score } } = true Ans: select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to 1988 . take the score record of this row . select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to 1986 . take the score record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record . ### Question: round_eq { sum { all_rows ; swedish championship titles } ; 81 } = true Ans: the sum of the swedish championship titles record of all rows is 81 . ### Question: most_eq { all_rows ; nationality ; rome } = true Ans: for the nationality records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to rome . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; isolation } ; mountain peak } ; mount rainier } = true Ans: select the row whose isolation record of all rows is maximum . the mountain peak record of this row is mount rainier . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; country ; united states } } ; 10 } = true Ans: select the rows whose country record fuzzily matches to united states . the number of such rows is 10 . ### Question: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; college bound } ; original air date } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; the cadet } ; original air date } } = true Ans: select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to college bound . take the original air date record of this row . select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to the cadet . take the original air date record of this row . the first record is less than the second record . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; certification ; 2x platinum } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; certification ; 2x platinum } ; album } ; my love : essential collection } } = true Ans: select the rows whose certification record fuzzily matches to 2x platinum . there is only one such row in the table . the album record of this unqiue row is my love : essential collection . ### Question: round_eq { sum { all_rows ; tries for } ; 475 } = true Ans: the sum of the tries for record of all rows is 475 . ### Question: round_eq { sum { all_rows ; total g } ; 44 } = true Ans: the sum of the total g record of all rows is 44 . ### Question: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; location ; ullswater } ; date } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; location ; lake dumbleyung } ; date } } = true Ans: select the rows whose location record fuzzily matches to ullswater . take the date record of this row . select the rows whose location record fuzzily matches to lake dumbleyung . take the date record of this row . the first record is less than the second record . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; nationality ; italy } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nationality ; italy } ; name } ; federica biscia } } = true Ans: select the rows whose nationality record fuzzily matches to italy . there is only one such row in the table . the name record of this unqiue row is federica biscia . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; venue ; windy hill } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; venue ; windy hill } ; home team } ; essendon } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; venue ; windy hill } ; away team } ; st kilda } } } = true Ans: select the rows whose venue record fuzzily matches to windy hill . there is only one such row in the table . the home team record of this unqiue row is essendon . the away team record of this unqiue row is st kilda . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; first elected ; 1 } ; incumbent } ; george h pendleton } = true Ans: select the row whose first elected record of all rows is 1st minimum . the incumbent record of this row is george h pendleton . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; first elected ; 1793 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; first elected ; 1793 } ; incumbent } ; john nicholas } } = true Ans: select the rows whose first elected record is equal to 1793 . there is only one such row in the table . the incumbent record of this unqiue row is john nicholas . ### Question: all_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; episodes ; 24 } ; timeslot ( est ) ; tuesday 8:00 pm } = true Ans: select the rows whose episodes record is equal to 24 . for the timeslot est records of these rows , all of them fuzzily match to tuesday 8:00 pm . ### Question: round_eq { sum { all_rows ; overall } ; 503 } = true Ans: the sum of the overall record of all rows is 503 . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; written by ; diana sproveri } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; written by ; diana sproveri } ; title } ; my boss ate my homework } } = true Ans: select the rows whose written by record fuzzily matches to diana sproveri . there is only one such row in the table . the title record of this unqiue row is my boss ate my homework . ### Question: most_eq { all_rows ; written by ; james wood } = true Ans: for the written by records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to james wood . ### Question: eq { hop { argmin { filter_eq { all_rows ; constructor ; ferrari } ; time / retired } ; driver } ; rubens barrichello } = true Ans: select the rows whose constructor record fuzzily matches to ferrari . select the row whose time retired record of these rows is minimum . the driver record of this row is rubens barrichello . ### Question: most_eq { all_rows ; high rebounds ; greg monroe } = true Ans: for the high rebounds records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to greg monroe . ### Question: eq { count { filter_all { all_rows ; meas num } } ; 11 } = true Ans: select the rows whose meas num record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 11 . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; position ; fb } } ; 3 } = true Ans: select the rows whose position record fuzzily matches to fb . the number of such rows is 3 . ### Question: most_greater { all_rows ; crowd ; 14,000 } = true Ans: for the crowd records of all rows , most of them are greater than 14,000 . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; goal difference ; -1 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; goal difference ; -1 } ; club } ; ce sabadell fc } } = true Ans: select the rows whose goal difference record is equal to 1 . there is only one such row in the table . the club record of this unqiue row is ce sabadell fc . ### Question: most_eq { all_rows ; writer ; bill gallagher } = true Ans: for the writer records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to bill gallagher . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; cores ; 6 } } ; 2 } = true Ans: select the rows whose cores record is equal to 6 . the number of such rows is 2 . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; viewers ( millions ) } ; airdate } ; sunday , june 1 , 2008 } = true Ans: select the row whose viewers millions record of all rows is maximum . the airdate record of this row is sunday , june 1 , 2008 . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; date ; 2 } ; tournament } ; augusta , united states } = true Ans: select the row whose date record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the tournament record of this row is augusta , united states . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; total } ; nation } ; soviet union } = true Ans: select the row whose total record of all rows is maximum . the nation record of this row is soviet union . ### Question: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; runner ( s ) - up ; phil mickelson } ; margin of victory } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; runner ( s ) - up ; dudley hart } ; margin of victory } } = true Ans: select the rows whose runner s up record fuzzily matches to phil mickelson . take the margin of victory record of this row . select the rows whose runner s up record fuzzily matches to dudley hart . take the margin of victory record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record . ### Question: and { only { filter_less { all_rows ; winning score ; 180 } } ; eq { hop { filter_less { all_rows ; winning score ; 180 } ; tournament } ; charles schwab cup championship } } = true Ans: select the rows whose winning score record is less than 180 . there is only one such row in the table . the tournament record of this unqiue row is charles schwab cup championship . ### Question: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; dam constructed ; tooma dam } ; year completed } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; dam constructed ; talbingo dam } ; year completed } } = true Ans: select the rows whose dam constructed record fuzzily matches to tooma dam . take the year completed record of this row . select the rows whose dam constructed record fuzzily matches to talbingo dam . take the year completed record of this row . the first record is less than the second record . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; linda day } } ; 9 } = true Ans: select the rows whose directed by record fuzzily matches to linda day . the number of such rows is 9 . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; ratings ; 1 } ; broadcast date } ; 14 august 2012 } = true Ans: select the row whose ratings record of all rows is 1st maximum . the broadcast date record of this row is 14 august 2012 . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; first elected ; 1793 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; first elected ; 1793 } ; incumbent } ; john nicholas } } = true Ans: select the rows whose first elected record is equal to 1793 . there is only one such row in the table . the incumbent record of this unqiue row is john nicholas . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; winner ; rangers } ; runner - up ; morton } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; winner ; rangers } ; runner - up ; morton } ; season } ; 1941 - 42 } } = true Ans: select the rows whose winner record fuzzily matches to rangers . among these rows , select the rows whose runner up record fuzzily matches to morton . there is only one such row in the table . the season record of this unqiue row is 1941 42 . ### Question: round_eq { sum { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; september } ; attendance } ; 226814 } = true Ans: select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to september . the sum of the attendance record of these rows is 226814 . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; focal plane in ft ( m ) ; n / a } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; focal plane in ft ( m ) ; n / a } ; lighthouse } ; basco } } = true Ans: select the rows whose focal plane in ft m record fuzzily matches to n a . there is only one such row in the table . the lighthouse record of this unqiue row is basco . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; rnd ; 1 } ; date } ; march 14 } = true Ans: select the row whose rnd record of all rows is 1st minimum . the date record of this row is march 14 . ### Question: all_eq { all_rows ; ihsaa class ; aaa } = true Ans: for the ihsaa class records of all rows , all of them fuzzily match to aaa . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; owner ; eternacom } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; owner ; eternacom } ; frequency } ; 103.5 fm } } = true Ans: select the rows whose owner record fuzzily matches to eternacom . there is only one such row in the table . the frequency record of this unqiue row is 103.5 fm . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; % of votes khuzestan } ; candidates } ; mehdi karroubi } = true Ans: select the row whose of votes khuzestan record of all rows is maximum . the candidates record of this row is mehdi karroubi . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; winning driver ; aj foyt } } ; 4 } = true Ans: select the rows whose winning driver record fuzzily matches to aj foyt . the number of such rows is 4 . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; matches ; 10 } } ; 3 } = true Ans: select the rows whose matches record is equal to 10 . the number of such rows is 3 . ### Question: all_not_eq { all_rows ; replaced by ; - } = true Ans: for the replaced by records of all rows , none of them is equal to . ### Question: most_greater { all_rows ; attendance ; 15000 } = true Ans: for the attendance records of all rows , most of them are greater than 15000 . ### Question: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; population served } ; 4038 } = true Ans: the average of the population served record of all rows is 4038 . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; redshift ( km / s ) } ; name } ; ngc 1596 } = true Ans: select the row whose redshift km s record of all rows is maximum . the name record of this row is ngc 1596 . ### Question: only { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; tj scott } } = true Ans: select the rows whose directed by record fuzzily matches to tj scott . there is only one such row in the table . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; wins ; 2 } ; club } ; etoile sportive du sahel ( ess ) } = true Ans: select the row whose wins record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the club record of this row is etoile sportive du sahel ess . ### Question: most_eq { all_rows ; site / stadium ; jackie robinson stadium } = true Ans: for the site stadium records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to jackie robinson stadium . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; guest fourth judge ; luiza possi } } ; 2 } = true Ans: select the rows whose guest fourth judge record fuzzily matches to luiza possi . the number of such rows is 2 . ### Question: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; athlete ; philomena mensah } ; time } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; athlete ; marita koch } ; time } } = true Ans: select the rows whose athlete record fuzzily matches to philomena mensah . take the time record of this row . select the rows whose athlete record fuzzily matches to marita koch . take the time record of this row . the first record is less than the second record . ### Question: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; daniela hantuchová } ; edition } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; kirsten flipkens } ; edition } } = true Ans: select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to daniela hantuchová . take the edition record of this row . select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to kirsten flipkens . take the edition record of this row . the first record is less than the second record . ### Question: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; league cup } ; .2 } = true Ans: the average of the league cup record of all rows is .2 . ### Question: round_eq { avg { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; november } ; attendance } ; 57973 } = true Ans: select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to november . the average of the attendance record of these rows is 57973 . ### Question: round_eq { sum { all_rows ; points } ; 167 } = true Ans: the sum of the points record of all rows is 167 . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; points against } ; opponent } ; port adelaide } = true Ans: select the row whose points against record of all rows is maximum . the opponent record of this row is port adelaide . ### Question: eq { diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; november 25 } ; rank } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; november 18 } ; rank } } ; -1 } = true Ans: select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to november 25 . take the rank record of this row . select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to november 18 . take the rank record of this row . the second record is 1 larger than the first record . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; 2008 club ; army } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; 2008 club ; army } ; name } ; guo peng } } = true Ans: select the rows whose 2008 club record fuzzily matches to army . there is only one such row in the table . the name record of this unqiue row is guo peng . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; jimmy connors } } ; 3 } = true Ans: select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to jimmy connors . the number of such rows is 3 . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { filter_greater { all_rows ; gold ; 0 } ; bronze ; 2 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_greater { all_rows ; gold ; 0 } ; bronze ; 2 } ; nation } ; soviet union ( urs ) } } = true Ans: select the rows whose gold record is greater than 0 . among these rows , select the rows whose bronze record is equal to 2 . there is only one such row in the table . the nation record of this unqiue row is soviet union urs . ### Question: most_eq { all_rows ; competition ; 1908 olympics } = true Ans: for the competition records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to 1908 olympics . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; attendance ; 2 } ; date } ; october 21 } = true Ans: select the row whose attendance record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the date record of this row is october 21 . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; surface ; grass } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; surface ; grass } ; outcome } ; winner } } = true Ans: select the rows whose surface record fuzzily matches to grass . there is only one such row in the table . the outcome record of this unqiue row is winner . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; height feet / metres } ; name } ; dravska vrata } = true Ans: select the row whose height feet metres record of all rows is maximum . the name record of this row is dravska vrata . ### Question: most_greater { all_rows ; number of aircraft ; 40 } = true Ans: for the number of aircraft records of all rows , most of them are greater than 40 . ### Question: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; series ; formula renault 2.0 italy } ; points } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; series ; italian formula three } ; points } } = true Ans: select the rows whose series record fuzzily matches to formula renault 2.0 italy . take the points record of this row . select the rows whose series record fuzzily matches to italian formula three . take the points record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; location ; seoul , south korea } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; location ; seoul , south korea } ; event } ; hero 's 2005 in seoul } } = true Ans: select the rows whose location record fuzzily matches to seoul , south korea . there is only one such row in the table . the event record of this unqiue row is hero s 2005 in seoul . ### Question: round_eq { sum { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; united center } ; location attendance } ; 226050 } = true Ans: select the rows whose location attendance record fuzzily matches to united center . the sum of the location attendance record of these rows is 226050 . ### Question: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; home team score } ; 15.18 } = true Ans: the average of the home team score record of all rows is 15.18 . ### Question: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; points } ; 68.75 } = true Ans: the average of the points record of all rows is 68.75 . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; partner ; helena suková } } ; 3 } = true Ans: select the rows whose partner record fuzzily matches to helena suková . the number of such rows is 3 . ### Question: eq { max { all_rows ; score } ; w 132 - 93 ( ot ) } = true Ans: the maximum score record of all rows is w 132 93 ot . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; team name ; isport international } } ; 4 } = true Ans: select the rows whose team name record fuzzily matches to isport international . the number of such rows is 4 . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; age ; 2 } ; contestant } ; daniella filipovic } = true Ans: select the row whose age record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the contestant record of this row is daniella filipovic . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; earnings } ; player } ; tiger woods } = true Ans: select the row whose earnings record of all rows is maximum . the player record of this row is tiger woods . ### Question: eq { count { filter_greater { all_rows ; crowd ; 20,000 } } ; 4 } = true Ans: select the rows whose crowd record is greater than 20,000 . the number of such rows is 4 . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; format ; public broadcasting } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; format ; public broadcasting } ; branding } ; cbc radio 2 } } = true Ans: select the rows whose format record fuzzily matches to public broadcasting . there is only one such row in the table . the branding record of this unqiue row is cbc radio 2 . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; attendance ; 1 } ; date } ; july 21 , 2007 } = true Ans: select the row whose attendance record of all rows is 1st maximum . the date record of this row is july 21 , 2007 . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; won } } ; 3 } = true Ans: select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to won . the number of such rows is 3 . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; runs ; 2 } ; partnerships } ; herschelle gibbs / justin kemp } = true Ans: select the row whose runs record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the partnerships record of this row is herschelle gibbs justin kemp . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; bronze } ; nation } ; germany ( ger ) } = true Ans: select the row whose bronze record of all rows is maximum . the nation record of this row is germany ger . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmax { filter_eq { all_rows ; visitor ; spurs } ; attendance ; 1 } ; home } ; jazz } = true Ans: select the rows whose visitor record fuzzily matches to spurs . select the row whose attendance record of these rows is 1st maximum . the home record of this row is jazz . ### Question: most_greater { all_rows ; indian population ; 10000 } = true Ans: for the indian population records of all rows , most of them are greater than 10000 . ### Question: round_eq { sum { all_rows ; apps } ; 106 } = true Ans: the sum of the apps record of all rows is 106 . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; womens singles ; aya umemura } } ; 2 } = true Ans: select the rows whose womens singles record fuzzily matches to aya umemura . the number of such rows is 2 . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; year joined ; 6 } ; school } ; sheridan } = true Ans: select the row whose year joined record of all rows is 6th minimum . the school record of this row is sheridan . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; cores ; 1 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; cores ; 1 } ; model number } ; itanium 2 9010 } } = true Ans: select the rows whose cores record is equal to 1 . there is only one such row in the table . the model number record of this unqiue row is itanium 2 9010 . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; stages } ; year } ; 1974 } = true Ans: select the row whose stages record of all rows is maximum . the year record of this row is 1974 . ### Question: eq { count { filter_greater_eq { filter_greater_eq { all_rows ; max height ( ft ) ; 20000 } ; m / v ft / s ; 2200 } } ; 3 } = true Ans: select the rows whose max height ft record is greater than or equal to 20000 . among these rows , select the rows whose m v ft s record is greater than or equal to 2200 . the number of such rows is 3 . ### Question: and { only { filter_less { filter_eq { all_rows ; leading scorer ; lebron james } ; attendance ; 15000 } } ; eq { hop { filter_less { filter_eq { all_rows ; leading scorer ; lebron james } ; attendance ; 15000 } ; date } ; february 20 } } = true Ans: select the rows whose leading scorer record fuzzily matches to lebron james . among these rows , select the rows whose attendance record is less than 15000 . there is only one such row in the table . the date record of this unqiue row is february 20 . ### Question: all_greater_eq { all_rows ; cuts made ; 1 } = true Ans: for the cuts made records of all rows , all of them are greater than or equal to 1 . ### Question: eq { count { filter_less { filter_eq { all_rows ; class ; d } ; frequency mhz ; 90.0 } } ; 2 } = true Ans: select the rows whose class record fuzzily matches to d . among these rows , select the rows whose frequency mhz record is less than 90.0 . the number of such rows is 2 . ### Question: eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; no ; 2 } ; player } ; derrick favors } = true Ans: select the row whose no record of all rows is 2nd minimum . the player record of this row is derrick favors . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; gold } ; nation } ; cuba } = true Ans: select the row whose gold record of all rows is maximum . the nation record of this row is cuba . ### Question: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; total } ; year } ; 2010 } = true Ans: select the row whose total record of all rows is maximum . the year record of this row is 2010 . ### Question: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; tulane } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; tulane } ; name } ; patrick ramsey } } = true Ans: select the rows whose college record fuzzily matches to tulane . there is only one such row in the table . the name record of this unqiue row is patrick ramsey . ### Question: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; league ; aa } } ; 3 } = true Ans: select the rows whose league record fuzzily matches to aa . the number of such rows is 3 . ### Question: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; currency ; argentine peso ( ars ) } ; 1 usd = } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; currency ; brazilian real ( brl ) } ; 1 usd = } } = true Ans: select the rows whose currency record fuzzily matches to argentine peso ars . take the 1 usd = record of this row . select the rows whose currency record fuzzily matches to brazilian real brl . take the 1 usd = record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 2- Sandra went to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the office. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 6- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 8- Sandra went to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: hallway A: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 3- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 5- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 2- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 3- Daniel moved to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 5- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 6- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 7- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 8- Sandra went to the garden. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: garden A: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 2- John moved to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 5- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 8- John journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: garden A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the office. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 5- Mary travelled to the bedroom. Fact 6- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 7- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 8- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 9- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 10- Daniel moved to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 9 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the office. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 3- John went to the kitchen. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 6- Mary went back to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 3- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 3- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 7- John moved to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary moved to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Fact 5- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 6- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 7- John went back to the office. Fact 8- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 9- John went to the bedroom. Fact 10- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- John went back to the garden. Fact 2- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra went to the bathroom. Fact 4- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 6- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 7- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 8- Sandra went to the office. Fact 9- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 10- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 9 Passage: Fact 1- John moved to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary moved to the garden. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway A: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 2- John went back to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway A: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: hallway A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 2- Mary went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: office A: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 5- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 6- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 7- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 8- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 9- John journeyed to the office. Fact 10- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 5- John travelled to the office. Fact 6- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 7- Mary moved to the office. Fact 8- Daniel moved to the office. Fact 9- Daniel went back to the bathroom. Fact 10- Daniel travelled to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 7- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 8- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 9- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 10- John journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went back to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary went back to the office. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary moved to the bathroom. Fact 4- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went back to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 4- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John went to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 7- Mary travelled to the office. Fact 8- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 9- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 10- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- John travelled to the office. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- John journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 6- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 7- Daniel moved to the bathroom. Fact 8- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 9- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 10- John went to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 5- John travelled to the garden. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 7- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden A: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- John went back to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 3- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 4- John went to the kitchen. Fact 5- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 6- John travelled to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 8- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 9- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 10- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- John moved to the office. Fact 4- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 6- Mary went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: office A: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 3- John journeyed to the office. Fact 4- John travelled to the garden. Fact 5- Daniel moved to the office. Fact 6- John went to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 2- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 3- John moved to the kitchen. Fact 4- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the bathroom. Fact 2- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 3- John went to the office. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 5- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 6- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 8- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 9- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Fact 10- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the office. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the kitchen. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 3- Mary went to the garden. Fact 4- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 6- Mary went to the bathroom. Fact 7- Sandra travelled to the garden. Fact 8- Daniel went back to the hallway. Fact 9- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 10- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 2- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 3- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 4- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Fact 6- Sandra travelled to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 2- John journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John moved to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway A: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the hallway. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 4- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 5- John moved to the hallway. Fact 6- Mary went to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: hallway A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the bathroom. Fact 2- John moved to the bathroom. Fact 3- Mary journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 5- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel travelled to the office. Fact 7- Sandra went back to the office. Fact 8- Mary went back to the garden. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: office A: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 2- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 4- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 5- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 7- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 8- John went back to the bedroom. Fact 9- John moved to the office. Fact 10- John travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway A: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 2- Sandra went to the bathroom. Fact 3- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John went to the garden. Fact 6- John travelled to the office. Fact 7- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 8- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: office A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 5- John went to the bathroom. Fact 6- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 7- Mary journeyed to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 9- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 10- John went back to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 9 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra moved to the bathroom. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 2- John went to the hallway. Fact 3- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 4- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 6- John moved to the garden. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel moved to the bathroom. Fact 2- John moved to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 4- John journeyed to the hallway. Fact 5- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 6- Mary moved to the office. Fact 7- Sandra went to the kitchen. Fact 8- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 9- Sandra went back to the hallway. Fact 10- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway A: Fact 9 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 3- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 5- John moved to the office. Fact 6- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: office A: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel went to the bathroom. Fact 3- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary went to the kitchen. Fact 5- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 6- Daniel went to the office. Fact 7- John went to the kitchen. Fact 8- Sandra travelled to the garden. Fact 9- Mary journeyed to the hallway. Fact 10- Sandra went back to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 2- John moved to the bathroom. Fact 3- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 4- John moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- John went to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the bedroom. Fact 2- John went back to the office. Fact 3- Daniel moved to the bathroom. Fact 4- Mary journeyed to the garden. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 6- Sandra went to the bathroom. Fact 7- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 8- Sandra went to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway A: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 2- John travelled to the office. Fact 3- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 4- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 5- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- John travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 6- Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Fact 7- John went back to the hallway. Fact 8- John travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 5- Daniel went to the bathroom. Fact 6- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra went to the office. Fact 4- Mary went to the office. Fact 5- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the office. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 6- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 7- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 9- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 10- Sandra journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 9 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the garden. Fact 2- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 3- Mary went to the office. Fact 4- Mary travelled to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden A: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the office. Fact 2- Daniel went to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office A: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 2- John journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 3- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 4- Mary moved to the garden. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 6- John moved to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- John travelled to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: office A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went back to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: office A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary went back to the office. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 6- Daniel moved to the bedroom. Fact 7- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 9- John went back to the bathroom. Fact 10- John travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 3- John went back to the office. Fact 4- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 5- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- John went to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 4- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the hallway. Fact 6- John moved to the garden. Fact 7- Daniel moved to the kitchen. Fact 8- Mary travelled to the office. Fact 9- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 10- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- Mary journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: hallway A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John went back to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel moved to the garden. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway A: Fact 1 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the office. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 3- John moved to the office. Fact 4- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 6- Mary went back to the bathroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: office A: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 5- John went back to the hallway. Fact 6- Daniel went back to the bathroom. Fact 7- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 8- Daniel moved to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway A: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 4- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 6- John went to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office A: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- John travelled to the office. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the bedroom. Fact 3- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 6- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 7- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 8- Sandra moved to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: bathroom A: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John went to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra moved to the garden. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Fact 5- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 7- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 8- Daniel journeyed to the office. Fact 9- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 10- Daniel travelled to the garden. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 2- Mary moved to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the bathroom. Fact 5- John went to the bedroom. Fact 6- Daniel travelled to the garden. Fact 7- Daniel went to the hallway. Fact 8- Sandra went to the office. Fact 9- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 10- John travelled to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 9 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 2- John went to the hallway. Fact 3- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 4- Mary went back to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John moved to the garden. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 4- John journeyed to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: office A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 2- John moved to the bathroom. Fact 3- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 4- John moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- John went to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 3- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 4- Mary journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 5- John went to the bathroom. Fact 6- Mary went back to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 2- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 3- John journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 4- Mary went back to the bathroom. Fact 5- Daniel went back to the kitchen. Fact 6- Mary travelled to the bedroom. Fact 7- John went back to the office. Fact 8- Sandra went to the bedroom. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 3- John went to the kitchen. Fact 4- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 6- Mary went back to the office. Fact 7- Sandra moved to the hallway. Fact 8- Mary went to the garden. Fact 9- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 10- Mary moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- John went back to the kitchen. Fact 2- John moved to the office. Fact 3- John journeyed to the garden. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden A: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went back to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Fact 3- John went back to the office. Fact 4- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 5- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 6- John went to the bedroom. Fact 7- Mary moved to the bathroom. Fact 8- John journeyed to the garden. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden A: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 3- John went to the office. Fact 4- Mary moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John went to the bathroom. Fact 6- Daniel moved to the kitchen. Fact 7- John went to the kitchen. Fact 8- Daniel went to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: hallway A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 5- John went back to the hallway. Fact 6- Daniel went back to the bathroom. Fact 7- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 8- Daniel moved to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway A: Fact 5 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 2- Sandra moved to the hallway. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: hallway A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the kitchen. Fact 2- John journeyed to the office. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Fact 4- John journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is John? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 4 Passage: Fact 1- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 3- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Sandra went to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: bedroom A: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 2- Daniel went back to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 4- John travelled to the kitchen. Fact 5- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Fact 6- John went to the office. Fact 7- Mary journeyed to the office. Fact 8- Sandra moved to the kitchen. Fact 9- Sandra moved to the office. Fact 10- John travelled to the garden. Question: Where is John? Answer: garden A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the office. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the garden. Fact 2- Daniel journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Mary went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the garden. Fact 3- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the office. Fact 5- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 6- Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Fact 7- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 8- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 9- John moved to the bedroom. Fact 10- Mary travelled to the kitchen. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: garden A: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel journeyed to the garden. Fact 2- John moved to the garden. Fact 3- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 4- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 5- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 6- Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 7- Daniel went to the kitchen. Fact 8- John journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 9- Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Fact 10- Sandra went back to the office. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: office A: Fact 10 Passage: Fact 1- John went to the bathroom. Fact 2- John went back to the hallway. Fact 3- Sandra went back to the kitchen. Fact 4- Daniel went back to the office. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway A: Fact 2 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 2- John went to the hallway. Fact 3- John moved to the garden. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 5- Mary went to the garden. Fact 6- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 7- Mary travelled to the bathroom. Fact 8- Mary moved to the office. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office A: Fact 8 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 3- John travelled to the hallway. Fact 4- Sandra went to the bedroom. Fact 5- John travelled to the office. Fact 6- Sandra went to the kitchen. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: kitchen A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the garden. Fact 2- Sandra went to the hallway. Fact 3- Mary went back to the garden. Fact 4- Sandra journeyed to the office. Fact 5- Sandra travelled to the hallway. Fact 6- Sandra moved to the bedroom. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: garden A: Fact 3 Passage: Fact 1- Sandra went back to the bedroom. Fact 2- Mary went back to the hallway. Fact 3- Mary moved to the bathroom. Fact 4- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 5- Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Fact 6- Sandra went back to the office. Fact 7- Mary moved to the kitchen. Fact 8- John journeyed to the bathroom. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: office A: Fact 6 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel moved to the garden. Fact 2- John went to the kitchen. Fact 3- Mary went to the office. Fact 4- Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Fact 5- Mary went to the bathroom. Fact 6- John journeyed to the bathroom. Fact 7- Mary went back to the office. Fact 8- John went back to the kitchen. Question: Where is Mary? Answer: office A: Fact 7 Passage: Fact 1- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 2- John travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Daniel went back to the office. Fact 5- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 6- Mary went to the hallway. Fact 7- Mary travelled to the office. Fact 8- Sandra went to the garden. Question: Where is Sandra? Answer: garden A: Fact 8
In this task, you are given a text which is the body of a document. You are given a question and options. Pick the correct number. Don't generate anything else apart from the numbers provided in options. ### Question: Context: United States Pictures (also known as United States Productions) was the name of the motion picture production company belonging to Milton Sperling who was Harry Warner's (of the Warner Bros. studio) son-in-law. Sperling was a highly experienced screenwriter and producer with 20th Century Fox and other studios who had just returned from his World War II service in the U.S. Marine Corps Photographic Unit. Warner Bros. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)MeanOfTransportation, 2)Animal, 3)Company, 4)Album, 5)Artist Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: John Charles Bannon AO (born 7 May 1943) is a former Australian politician. He was the 39th Premier of South Australia leading the Labor Party to government at the 1982 election. The Bannon Labor government was re-elected at the 1985 election and the 1989 election. As a result of the State Bank collapse Bannon resigned as Premier and Labor leader in 1992 and from politics in 1993. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)OfficeHolder, 2)Plant, 3)Company, 4)Artist Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Gray Matter Interactive Studios Inc. was a computer game developer which was acquired by Activision in January 2002. Gray Matter was previously known as Xatrix Entertainment Inc. Towards the end of 2005 Gray Matter was merged into Treyarch and the team responsible for titles like Return to Castle Wolfenstein is no longer recognized by that name. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Company, 2)Building, 3)Athlete, 4)Film, 5)Village Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Carex azuayae is a species of plant in the Cyperaceae family. It is endemic to Ecuador. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Village, 2)Building, 3)EducationalInstitution, 4)Plant, 5)Company Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: Leo Duyndam (Poeldijk 2 January 1948 — Nice France 26 July 1990) was a Dutch professional road bicycle racer. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Film, 2)Animal, 3)Artist, 4)Athlete, 5)WrittenWork Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: George Washington Paynter (July 6 1871 – September 28 1950) was an outfielder in Major League Baseball. He played for the St. Louis Browns in 1894. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Animal, 2)OfficeHolder, 3)Athlete, 4)Plant Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Karen Ruth Bass (born October 3 1953) is an American Democratic politician. She represents California's 37th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives; she was first elected in 2010. In redistricting following the 2010 census the district was renumbered from 33rd to 37th. Bass represented the 47th district in the California State Assembly 2004–2010 and was Speaker of the California State Assembly 2008–2010 (second woman third African American speaker). Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Company, 2)OfficeHolder, 3)NaturalPlace, 4)EducationalInstitution, 5)Artist Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Cambaridae is the largest of the three families of freshwater crayfish with over 400 species. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)MeanOfTransportation, 2)Artist, 3)Animal, 4)WrittenWork, 5)Athlete Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: The Wind in the Willows is a 1987 American animated musical television film directed by Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass. It is an adaptation of The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Set in a pastoral version of England the film focuses on four anthropomorphised animal characters (Moley Ratty Mr. Toad and Mr. Badger) and contains themes of mysticism adventure morality and camaraderie. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)WrittenWork, 2)Film, 3)OfficeHolder, 4)Album Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Shawn T. Kemp (born November 26 1969) is a retired American professional basketball player who played in the National Basketball Association for 14 seasons. He was a six-time NBA All-Star and a three-time All-NBA Second Team member. His popular nickname is Reign Man. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Plant, 2)WrittenWork, 3)Athlete, 4)Building, 5)NaturalPlace Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Oleksiy Kazanin (born 22 May 1982) is a Ukrainian race walker. He is married to Olena Shumkina who is also a race walker. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Film, 2)Village, 3)Plant, 4)Athlete, 5)OfficeHolder Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: Zielęcin [ʑɛˈlɛnt͡ɕin] is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Rząśnia within Pajęczno County Łódź Voivodeship in central Poland. It lies approximately 5 kilometres (3 mi) east of Rząśnia 11 km (7 mi) north-east of Pajęczno and 68 km (42 mi) south of the regional capital Łódź.The village has an approximate population of 500. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)EducationalInstitution, 2)Building, 3)Village, 4)OfficeHolder, 5)Animal Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Late Night Tales: Matt Helders is a DJ mix album mixed by Matt Helders (Arctic Monkeys) released as part of Late Night Tales / Another Late Night DJ series. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)NaturalPlace, 2)Village, 3)OfficeHolder, 4)Album, 5)Athlete Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: Tired Business Men is a 1927 American short silent comedy film directed by Robert A. McGowan. It was the 60th Our Gang short subject released.. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)OfficeHolder, 2)Animal, 3)EducationalInstitution, 4)Film, 5)NaturalPlace Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: Sheykh Ali (Persian: شيخ عالي‎ also Romanized as Sheykh ‘Ālī) is a village in Kuh Shah Rural District Ahmadi District Hajjiabad County Hormozgan Province Iran. At the 2006 census its population was 75 in 20 families. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Animal, 2)Plant, 3)Building, 4)OfficeHolder, 5)Village Ans: 5 ### Question: Context: Vivir con alegría is a 1979 Argentine film. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)MeanOfTransportation, 2)Artist, 3)WrittenWork, 4)Village, 5)Film Ans: 5 ### Question: Context: Jazz Impressions of New York is a jazz album released by Dave Brubeck. It developed out of Brubeck's association with the CBS television show Mr. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)WrittenWork, 2)Album, 3)Artist, 4)OfficeHolder, 5)NaturalPlace Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Wildwood Catholic High School is a co-educational four-year Catholic high school in North Wildwood New Jersey United States. The school operates under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Camden. The school opened in September 1948 with an initial enrollment of 80 students. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Company, 2)Building, 3)EducationalInstitution, 4)NaturalPlace, 5)OfficeHolder Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: This Freedom is a 1923 British silent drama film directed by Denison Clift and starring Fay Compton Clive Brook and John Stuart. It was based on the novel This Freedom by A.S.M. Hutchinson. A woman gets married and starts a family. She chooses to continue working and neglects her children. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Album, 2)Plant, 3)Film, 4)EducationalInstitution, 5)Athlete Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Victoria Hart (born 25 November 1988) is a California-born English jazz-pop singer. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Artist, 2)Company, 3)Plant, 4)Building, 5)EducationalInstitution Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Trophon is a genus of sea snails marine gastropod mollusks in the family Muricidae the murex snails or rock snails. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Animal, 2)Village, 3)Plant, 4)Film Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Zatrephes klagesi is a moth in the Arctiidae family. It was described by Rothschild in 1909. It is found in Brazil. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Building, 2)Film, 3)Village, 4)Animal, 5)WrittenWork Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: Let the Light Shine Down is a compilation album by the progressive bluegrass band Country Gentlemen released in 1991. It contains songs from recordings from 1962 to 1976. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)OfficeHolder, 2)Artist, 3)Album, 4)Company, 5)Village Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Ransford Smith CD (born 23 July 1949) is a senior public servant from Jamaica and is the Deputy Secretary-General for Economic Affairs and Development of the Commonwealth of Nations since August 2006..A career diplomat of nearly 30 years standing in the Jamaican Public and Foreign Service Mr Smith previously served as Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Commerce and Technology and also Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Industry and Investment. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)OfficeHolder, 2)Building, 3)WrittenWork, 4)NaturalPlace, 5)Company Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Contemporary was a monthly visual arts magazine based in London. Founded and edited as The Green Book by Keith Spencer as a quarterly publication it re-emerged under the title Contemporary Art in 1993. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Animal, 2)Plant, 3)EducationalInstitution, 4)WrittenWork Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: USS H-8 (SS-151) was an H-class submarine that was on active duty with the United States Navy from 1918-1922.The Imperial Russian Navy ordered 18 H-class submarines from the Electric Boat Company in 1915. Eleven were delivered and served as the American Holland class submarines but shipment of the final six was held up pending the outcome of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the boats were stored in knockdown condition at Vancouver British Columbia. All six were purchased by the U.S. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Village, 2)MeanOfTransportation, 3)Company, 4)NaturalPlace, 5)Plant Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Deanna Di Coates MBE (born 23 May 1954) is a sport shooter who has competed in eight Paralympic Games winning three gold medals. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)WrittenWork, 2)MeanOfTransportation, 3)Building, 4)OfficeHolder, 5)Athlete Ans: 5 ### Question: Context: Heidi's Song is a 1982 animated musical feature film produced by Hanna-Barbera. The film is based on the novel Heidi by Johanna Spyri. Among the voice cast of the film are Lorne Greene as Grandfather Margery Gray as Heidi and Sammy Davis Jr. as Head Ratte. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Film, 2)MeanOfTransportation, 3)OfficeHolder, 4)Building Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Brookville Presbyterian Church and Manse is a historic Presbyterian church located at White and Main Streets in Brookville Jefferson County Pennsylvania United States. The church was built in 1904-1905 and is a Richardsonian Romanesque-style building built of brownstone. It features two entrances each set in a loggia and a square bell tower. The interior is designed in the Akron plan. The manse was built in 1890 and is a brick Second Empire-style dwelling. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)OfficeHolder, 2)Building, 3)Company, 4)MeanOfTransportation, 5)Animal Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Taira Airi (平愛梨 Taira Airi born December 12 1984) is a Japanese actress that graduated from the Horikoshi High School. She debuted in 1999 by winning the DA PUMP's ISSA's Sister Role Grand Prix for the movie Dream Maker. She played a lead role in the live action movie of 20th century boys as the character Kanna. Taira's parents are from the Amami Islands. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Film, 2)Album, 3)Artist, 4)Company Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Chuck E. Cheese's (formerly Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre and Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza) is a chain of American family entertainment centers. Chuck E. Cheese's is the main brand of CEC Entertainment Inc. with its headquarters in Irving Texas.The concept is a sit-down pizza restaurant complemented by arcade games amusement rides an animatronic show and other diversions such as climbing equipment tubes and slides − all mainly directed at younger children. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Building, 2)Company, 3)Animal, 4)WrittenWork Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Old Land is a Relativity Records 1985 compilation album by Cluster and Brian Eno. All of the tracks had been previously released on two prior albums: Cluster & Eno and After the Heat which were released on LP by Sky Records in 1977 and 1978 respectively. The title is drawn from a track originally released on After the Heat. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)NaturalPlace, 2)OfficeHolder, 3)Album, 4)Village, 5)Animal Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: The Valea Adâncă River is a tributary of the Carasu Branch of the Danube-Black Sea Canal in Romania. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Album, 2)Building, 3)Artist, 4)NaturalPlace Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: Scopula intensata is a moth of the Geometridae family. It is found in India and Sri Lanka. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Animal, 2)Athlete, 3)EducationalInstitution, 4)MeanOfTransportation, 5)OfficeHolder Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: USS Bancroft was a United States Navy steel gunboat was laid down in 1891 at Elizabethport New Jersey by Samuel L. Moore & Sons Shipyard and launched on 30 April 1892. She was commissioned on 3 March 1893 at the New York Navy Yard with Miss Mary Frances Moore as sponsor. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Athlete, 2)MeanOfTransportation, 3)Building, 4)Animal, 5)NaturalPlace Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Dexter: Music from the Showtime Original Series is a soundtrack album featuring music from the American television series Dexter. The album was released on August 28 2007 on CD and download from the iTunes Store. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Athlete, 2)Village, 3)Album, 4)Building, 5)OfficeHolder Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Saw V is a 2008 Canadian-American horror film directed by David Hackl and written by Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan and stars Tobin Bell Costas Mandylor Scott Patterson Betsy Russell Mark Rolston Julie Benz Carlo Rota and Meagan Good. This film is the fifth installment of the Saw franchise and was released on October 23 2008 in Australia and October 24 2008 in North America. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Film, 2)WrittenWork, 3)Animal, 4)Building Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Barry Blue (born Barry Ian Green 4 December 1950 London) is an English singer producer and songwriter. He is best known for his hit songs Dancin' (on a Saturday Night) and Do You Wanna Dance (both 1973). Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Village, 2)WrittenWork, 3)Artist, 4)NaturalPlace, 5)Company Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Remya mauiensis is a rare species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name Maui remya. It is endemic to Hawaii where it is known only from the island of Maui. It is threatened by the degradation of its habitat. It is a federally listed endangered species of the United States.This shrub grows one to two meters tall the branches often climbing over other vegetation. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Artist, 2)NaturalPlace, 3)Plant, 4)Athlete, 5)Building Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: The Rubyz is the debut album by the American Christian tween pop girl group The Rubyz. The album was released on April 1 2008 and tracks from the album including Outrageous were featured on Radio Disney. Additionally the album peaked at No. 26 on the Christian Albums chart published by Billboard. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Athlete, 2)Album, 3)OfficeHolder, 4)Artist, 5)Plant Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: The Plaxton Profile is a coach built by Plaxton for the Volvo B7R and Dennis Javelin chassis. It is the smallest of Plaxton's full-sized coach range.It began life as the Premiere 320 which was then updated to the Prima when the Premiere was replaced by the Paragon. The Prima was then modified with the Paragon lower dash panel and rear panel and rechristened the Profile.It was the first Plaxton coach to meet DDA requirements by widening the entrance in order to fit a wheelchair lift. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)MeanOfTransportation, 2)Company, 3)Village, 4)Animal, 5)WrittenWork Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Cryptocarya glaucescens known as the Jackwood is a rainforest tree growing in eastern Australia. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)NaturalPlace, 2)Plant, 3)Film, 4)OfficeHolder, 5)Building Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Walter Leodán Chalá Vázquez (born February 24 1992) is a Ecuadorian football forward who currently playing for FC Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk.He made his debut in the Russian National Football League for FC Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk on April 29 2013 in a game against FC Petrotrest Saint Petersburg. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)OfficeHolder, 2)Athlete, 3)Film, 4)Plant Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Brian Brushwood (born January 17 1975) is an American magician podcaster author and comedian. Performing on college campuses he is known for his display of bizarre magic and fire-eating performances. He is the author of The Professional's Guide To Fire Eating and is the host of Revision3's Scam School a web series that features ten-minute tricks. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Plant, 2)Artist, 3)OfficeHolder, 4)Film, 5)MeanOfTransportation Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: South Tyneside College is a large further education college in South Tyneside in North East England. Its main site is in the town of South Shields. The college offers part-time and full-time courses for young students and adults. It was formed in 1984 by the merger of Hebburn Technical College and the Marine and Technical College the latter founded in 1861 by a trust created by Dr Thomas Winterbottom a former surgeon-general in Sierra Leone. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)EducationalInstitution, 2)OfficeHolder, 3)WrittenWork, 4)Village, 5)Artist Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Live Invasion is the first live album by the German power metal band Freedom Call. It was released on May 10 2004 by SPV. The album was recorded in Düsseldorf Munich and Stuttgart during the band's Eternal World Tour 2002. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Plant, 2)Album, 3)MeanOfTransportation, 4)Company, 5)Artist Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Five Serpent's Teeth is the third album by the English thrash metal band Evile. It was released on 26 September 2011 in Europe and on 18 October 2011 in North America The album was produced by Russ Russell (Napalm Death Dimmu Borgir) at Parlour Studios Kettering England. It is the first album not to feature original bassist Mike Alexander who died while on tour just weeks after the release of Infected Nations. It is the first album to feature bassist Joel Graham. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Album, 2)Film, 3)Building, 4)OfficeHolder, 5)Company Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Grace Ethel Knight (born 23 December 1955 Manchester) is an English-born Australian vocalist saxophone player and songwriter. She was a mainstay of Indie pop group Eurogliders during the 1980s which formed in Perth. Knight later became a solo jazz singer and musician based in Sydney. In 1984 Eurogliders released an Australian top ten album This Island which spawned their #2 hit single Heaven (Must Be There). Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)OfficeHolder, 2)Artist, 3)Animal, 4)Village, 5)Plant Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Ab Kaseh (Persian: ابكاسه‎ also Romanized as Āb Kāseh and Āb Kāsseh) is a village in Jahangiri Rural District in the Central District of Masjed Soleyman County Khuzestan Province Iran. At the 2006 census its population was 111 in 21 families. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Album, 2)Company, 3)MeanOfTransportation, 4)Village Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: Big Thing is the debut album by Lisa Stansfield's band Blue Zone. It was released by Arista Records in November 1988. The songs were written by Blue Zone members: Stansfield Ian Devaney and Andy Morris and produced by Paul Staveley O'Duffy. The album also includes one cover Jackie co-produced by Ric Wake. Big Thing spawned three singles: On Fire Thinking About His Baby and Jackie. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Company, 2)WrittenWork, 3)Building, 4)OfficeHolder, 5)Album Ans: 5 ### Question: Context: The Temco 58 was a low wing single engine tandem seat propeller driven trainer designed for sale to overseas air forces. It did not reach production. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Artist, 2)MeanOfTransportation, 3)OfficeHolder, 4)Animal, 5)EducationalInstitution Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Nhi Lan Le (born May 30 1964) is an American fencer. She competed in the women's individual and team épée events at the 1996 Summer Olympics. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)EducationalInstitution, 2)OfficeHolder, 3)Animal, 4)Plant, 5)Athlete Ans: 5 ### Question: Context: The Crawford-Gilpin House is a place on the National Register of Historic Places in Martinsville Indiana United States thirty-four miles southeast of Indianapolis. It was placed on the Register on June 24 2008. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Building, 2)Artist, 3)Film, 4)EducationalInstitution, 5)Album Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Branch Line Press is an American book publishing company founded in 1986 in Pepperell Massachusetts. The company specializes in reference books on the culture and history of the New England area. Special emphasis is given to New England transportation guides. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Company, 2)Album, 3)OfficeHolder, 4)Plant, 5)Building Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Edward Winchester 'Nobby' Clark (born 9 August 1902 Elton Huntingdonshire died 28 April 1982 King's Lynn Norfolk) was a Northamptonshire cricketer of the inter-war period during which they were one of the weakest counties ever to play in the County Championship. Nonetheless Clark a bowler of genuine pace who could swing the ball in and make it break away to produce catches in the slips was regarded in his prime as one of the best fast bowlers in England. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Plant, 2)OfficeHolder, 3)Athlete, 4)EducationalInstitution, 5)MeanOfTransportation Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Rowin van Zaanen (born September 18 1984 in Amsterdam) is a Dutch footballer who is currently without a club. He formerly played for FC Volendam Willem II Fortuna Sittard and Almere City. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Album, 2)MeanOfTransportation, 3)Athlete, 4)Building, 5)EducationalInstitution Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Mortal Way of Live is a live album by Sodom released in 1988. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Company, 2)NaturalPlace, 3)Album, 4)WrittenWork Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: USS Vicksburg (CL-86) a Cleveland-class light cruiser was the third ship of the United States Navy named after the city of Vicksburg Mississippi.Vicksburg was first laid down as Cheyenne on 26 October 1942 at Newport News Virginia by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company but exactly one month later was renamed Vicksburg. The light cruiser was launched on 14 December 1943; sponsored by Miss Muriel Hamilton the daughter of Mayor J. C. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)NaturalPlace, 2)MeanOfTransportation, 3)EducationalInstitution, 4)Album, 5)WrittenWork Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Gentleman cambrioleur is the fifth studio album by Canadian singer Garou and his sixth album overall. This is Garou's first cover album covering songs from artists such as Jacques Dutronc. The title refers to fictional character Arsene Lupin who was often referred as Gentleman Cambrioleu (Gentleman Thief in French). Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Album, 2)Plant, 3)MeanOfTransportation, 4)Athlete, 5)Company Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Trophon is a genus of sea snails marine gastropod mollusks in the family Muricidae the murex snails or rock snails. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Animal, 2)Village, 3)Plant, 4)Film Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Petroscirtes lupus the Wolf fangbelly is a species of combtooth blenny found in coral reefs in the western Pacific ocean. This species reaches a length of 13 centimetres (5.1 in) TL. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Animal, 2)Plant, 3)Artist, 4)OfficeHolder, 5)EducationalInstitution Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: The New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (also referred to simply as New College) is one of two arts and science colleges within Arizona State University in the USA. The college resembles a traditional liberal arts and science college but with an interdisciplinary focus in which faculty are grouped into broad divisions rather than discipline-specific departments. In the 2009-2010 academic year the New College had approximately 2400 students and 120 faculty. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Athlete, 2)Company, 3)NaturalPlace, 4)EducationalInstitution, 5)MeanOfTransportation Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: Novosibirsk Air Enterprise was an airline based in Novosibirsk Russia. It operated passenger and cargo services and aerial surveying work. It was established and started operations in 1929 as Novosibirsk Air Squad. Its main base was Severny Airport.In 1995 it was reorganized to the state-owned Novosibirsk Air Enterprise and in 2004 went through the bankruptcy and was privatized in 2005. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)WrittenWork, 2)Company, 3)NaturalPlace, 4)OfficeHolder, 5)Building Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Zero Records is a recording studio and record label founded in Vancouver. The fallout from Jury Records resulted in the formation of Zero Records. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)WrittenWork, 2)Album, 3)Animal, 4)Company, 5)OfficeHolder Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: The Parsian Esteghlal International Hotel is a hotel in Tehran Iran. Opened in 1962 as the Royal Tehran Hilton the hotel was designed by local Iranian architect Heydar Ghiai. The hotel's design consultants also included noted British architect Raglan Squire who also designed Hilton hotels in Tunis Bahrain Nicosia and Jakarta.The hotel originally consisted of a single tower containing 259 rooms. An additional tower with 291 more rooms was constructed in 1972. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Film, 2)OfficeHolder, 3)Building, 4)Album Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: The Time: Night (Russian: Время ночь) is a novella by Russian author Lyudmila Petrushevskaya. It was originally published in Russian in the literary journal Novy Mir in 1992 and translated into English by Sally Laird in 1994. In 1992 it was shortlisted for the Russian Booker Prize. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)WrittenWork, 2)Artist, 3)Album, 4)Athlete, 5)Film Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: William Walker (May 8 1824 – September 12 1860) was an American lawyer journalist and adventurer who organized several private military expeditions into Latin America with the intention of establishing English-speaking colonies under his personal control an enterprise then known as filibustering. Walker became president of the Republic of Nicaragua in 1856 and ruled until 1857 when he was defeated by a coalition of Central American armies. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)WrittenWork, 2)Artist, 3)OfficeHolder, 4)Company Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Raqqeh (Persian: رقه‎) is a village in Raqqeh Rural District Eresk District Boshruyeh County South Khorasan Province Iran. At the 2006 census its population was 1005 in 274 families. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)WrittenWork, 2)Album, 3)Animal, 4)Village, 5)Company Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: Deh-e Aqa Shafi (Persian: ده اقاشفيع‎ also Romanized as Deh-e Āqā Shafī‘; also known as Āqā Shafī‘) is a village in Sarrud-e Shomali Rural District in the Central District of Boyer-Ahmad County Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province Iran. At the 2006 census its population was 299 in 61 families. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Album, 2)OfficeHolder, 3)Village, 4)Film, 5)MeanOfTransportation Ans: 3 ### Question: Context: Samuel Washington Wise (August 18 1857 in Akron Ohio – January 22 1910 in Akron Ohio) was a professional baseball player. He played all or part of twelve seasons in Major League Baseball from 1881 to 1893 most often as either a shortstop or second baseman. He played for the Detroit Wolverines Boston Red Caps (and later Beaneaters) and Washington Senators in the National League the Baltimore Orioles in the American Association and the Players' League Buffalo Bisons. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Animal, 2)Athlete, 3)MeanOfTransportation, 4)Plant, 5)Film Ans: 2 ### Question: Context: Prusinowice [pruɕinɔˈvit͡sɛ] is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Świercze within Pułtusk County Masovian Voivodeship in east-central Poland. It lies approximately 3 kilometres (2 mi) north-east of Świercze 20 km (12 mi) west of Pułtusk and 54 km (34 mi) north of Warsaw.The village has a population of 150. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Village, 2)Athlete, 3)Artist, 4)Building, 5)Plant Ans: 1 ### Question: Context: Franco Stephan Marais is a South African rugby union player currently playing with Natal Sharks in the Currie Cup and Vodacom Cup. His usual position is hooker or flanker. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Album, 2)Film, 3)Building, 4)Athlete, 5)NaturalPlace Ans: 4 ### Question: Context: Aetheolaena involucrata is a species of flowering plant in the Asteraceae family.It is found only in Ecuador.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist montane forests and subtropical or tropical high-altitude shrubland.It is threatened by habitat loss. Question: The document can be classified to which topic? Options: 1)Plant, 2)Athlete, 3)EducationalInstitution, 4)Village Ans: 1
Possible labels: 1. Not similar 2. Similar Sent1: It's not as if these people will switch to being straight if gay marriage isn't allowed. Sent2: Straight people have marriages gay people have domestic partnerships they are practically the same thing why change it there's really no need to. Output: Not similar Sent1: For example, you might try to say that by allowing same-sex marriage, we are violating one man's right to be comfortable knowing gays can't marry. Sent2: Having the "right" to marry someone we don't want to marry is no right at all. Output: Not similar Sent1: As with same-sex marriage, I believe that many of the arguments used to support gay rights can be used to support incestual marriage. Sent2: I think absolutely no reasonable argument can be made suggesting that same-sex marriage might cause any harm, and I think that no reasonable argument can be made which suggests that same-sex marriage will not help people. Output: Not similar Sent1: If two men or two women are happy together, love each other, and want to be with each other forever why shouldn't they be allowed to get married?? Sent2: The only thing we are saying is that men who are attracted to other adult men should be allowed to get married, just as men who are attracted to other adult women should be allowed to get married. Output: Similar Sent1: Everyone has the right to marry someone of the opposite sex, and with gay marriage, everyone will have the right to marry someone of the same AND opposite sex. Sent2: Just because a homosexual may marry someone of the opposite sex does not suddenly justify keeping them from marrying a person of the opposite sex. Output: Not similar Sent1: Even though I have no issue with gays or gay marriage, JP is right - unprotected gay sex is less safe than unprotected heterosexual sex, especially in regards to HIV transmission. Sent2: And I WILL point out that the issue is whether gays have the right to be treated equally with respect to marriage - not whether they are to be treated equally with respect to gay marriage. Output: Not similar Sent1: But gay people can do that too; if people are going to marry not for love but for benefits, gays can do that by marrying someone of the opposite sex just for the benefits. Sent2: Gay people aren't prevented from marrying each other, they just don't get the benefits that are given for it. Output: Not similar Sent1: I agree that people should have, and they do have, the religious liberty to believe whatever they want and to frown on same-sex marriage if they want to. Sent2: But saying they should have marriage is taking a sacred religious bond and making it simply a union between two people who want to have sex. Output: Not similar Sent1: I have no problem with homosexuality, but marriage should be between a man and woman. Sent2: I'm curious about something from the other side of the fence...to those against same sex marriage, if a man gets a sex change and becomes a woman, should he/she be allowed to marry? Output: Not similar Sent1: If gay couples can't receive these rights, then no one else should. Sent2: Not to mention visitation rights in hospitals, or any one of the thousands of rights denied gay couples. Output: Not similar Sent1: If you listen to people talking about the benefits of marriage upon society (Note, DIFFERENT from the benefits the government gives married couples)... Sent2: Are you saying that gay people who pay into the same systems, shouldn't also benefit? Output: Not similar Sent1: I don't believe in gay marriage but I have looked at all the arguments and made my decision. Sent2: As I've said I completely agree gays should be entitled to the full EQUAL benefits of straight marriages) but I don't see why I would need to get married anyway. Output: Not similar Sent1: I rather give gays their rights than to live in a country that says it's equal, yet won't allow two lesbians to have the same marital status as a man and a woman. Sent2: And I never said someone should not be allowed to Mary do to their gender both men and women should be allowed to marry (each other) so it's not sexism at all really. Output: Not similar Sent1: You do not have a civil right to be gay... it is not a fundamental liberty our US Constitution charges a value for. Sent2: Lastly gay isn't a civil right, you don't have a right to be gay. Output: Similar Sent1: Marriage is a holy union between a man and a woman��_��__��_��__��_��__��_��__��_��__it is not a civil union (although many treat it as such)��_��__��_��__��_��__��_��__��_��__and that is why so many people have a problem with legalizing gay marriage. Sent2: No doubt, homosexual activist groups will claim thatpsychiatry has at last recognized that homosexuality is as ��_��__��_��__��_��__normal��_��__��_��__ as heterosexuality. Output: Not similar Sent1: Though I didn't vote, I do financially support ACLJ against gay marriage simply because a union between same sex couples can easily have their rights established through adoption, wills, or power of attorneys. Sent2: Gay rights advocates argued the state was violating their civil rights by limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples. Output: Not similar Sent1: I pointed out to you that the same argument could be made against interracial marriage - so what if we'd force people to allow the government to grant benefits to a new group? Sent2: Are you saying that gay people who pay into the same systems, shouldn't also benefit? Output: Not similar Sent1: Gay activists argue that government needs to grant same-sex marriage rights to homosexuals so they will have visitation rights. Sent2: Those people who are fighting against the rights of gays to marry do not want to see same-sex couples receive any rights or recognitions of their relationships. Output: Not similar Sent1: The individual in a polygamous relationship is not denied the benefits of marriage, and he does not have to change his relationship to get those benefits, and therefore the individual is certainly not denied equality. Sent2: Someone in a homosexual relationship is not able to give anyone else those benefits unless he chooses someone completely outside of the relationships, someone arbitrary, who is not actually part of the family. Output: Not similar Sent1: If the government can say "gays can't marry" today, tomorrow they could say "Jews, Catholics, and atheists can't marry." Sent2: The government has absolutely no right to tell people who they can and cannot get married to. Output: Similar Sent1: I think the reason there has been resistance to redefine marriage is that people really know that this is not a civil rights issue, despite attempts by the gay lobby to paint it that way. Sent2: Gay Marriage is not a religious issue it is a civil rights issue. Output: Similar Sent1: If marriage is about love, then why is the state involved? Sent2: Marriage is for people who love and want to spend life with each other. Output: Similar Sent1: I also think that most Americans are truly uninformed when it comes to the issue of same sex marriage. Sent2: I mean, I can't think of any good analogy for denying same-sex marriage. Output: Not similar Sent1: A man can marry "Chris" based on what "Chris's" gender is. Sent2: And Christian doctrine teaches that marriage is the union between one man and one woman. Output: Not similar Sent1: Furthermore, you don't see people like Arch says that celebrities who get married for stunts aren't ruining marriage. Sent2: Some religions i know to be against gay marriage, but if you analyse it enough, you'll find that gay marriage isn't destroying marriage, divorce is. Output: Similar Sent1: If you consider sexual deviancy as normal then you can consider gay sex as normal. Sent2: I do not want gay deviant sex to be considered anything other than that, deviant. Output: Similar Sent1: Candian society is very accepting of gay people and has instituted equal marriage for same-sex couples. Sent2: It seems to me that the anti gay crowd refuses to give gay couples the same respect they expect gay people to give them. Output: Not similar Sent1: The questions should really be "Is marriage a civil right"? Sent2: concerning homosexual marriage, allowing this type of legal union also raises the question of multiple partner marriages, or marriage of siblings/close family. Output: Not similar Sent1: One one hand you seem to think that gay people don't have the right to get married at all--they do because you can get married anytime you want. Sent2: But I can assure you that the reason gay people fight to legalize same-sex marriage is not that they want people to recognize them, but simply because they want equal treatment under the law. Output: Not similar Sent1: So you are right that a state law legalizing same-sex marriage does not give people the right to marry someone of foreign nationality of the same sex in order to give them U.S. citizenship. Sent2: There are plenty of incredibly committed same-sex couples today, and there will be a few more if same-sex marriage is legalized because our laws teach people. Output: Not similar Sent1: Or disagreeing that gays should be able to redefine marriage (while still being for them getting couples' benefits). Sent2: Regardless of the morality (or immorality) of gay sex and marriage, if people need benefits they need benefits. Output: Not similar Sent1: The homosexual agenda's justification for demanding marriage has always been for the equal benefits which marriage affords couples who marry. Sent2: Regardless of the morality (or immorality) of gay sex and marriage, if people need benefits they need benefits. Output: Similar Sent1: So I must ask you why exactly are you against same sex marriage when it has been shown that the ban on same sex marriage is just like the ban on interracial couples getting married? Sent2: I can further explain that since you cannot prove same-sex couples are inferior, you are not justified in denying them marriage. Output: Similar Sent1: Gay rights advocates argued the state was violating their civil rights by limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples. Sent2: You stated that changing same-sex marriage infringes upon people's rights because it devalues their marriage. Output: Not similar Sent1: If you would like us to have the rights then marriage is the only way to give us the same rights. Sent2: It is those opposed to gay rights who don't care about the commitment; it is those opposed who say that it does not matter how commited a same-sex couple is, same-sex couples can't have marriage. Output: Not similar Sent1: If two people cannot do this for some legal reason, they are being denied equal rights unless marriage is completely outlawed within that nation. Sent2: The fact that marriage is a civil right doesn't necessarily mean that everyone should get marriage, but certainly we are denying people civil rights if we deny them marriage. Output: Similar Sent1: Changing the current state of marriage to allow same sex marriage will not effect straight marriages at all. Sent2: Possibly, but changing marriage to allow such between couples of the same sex is going against the custom and usage of societies throughout the ages. Output: Not similar Sent1: I do wish there was a way for gay couples to recieve the same benefits in government as married couples, but I don't believe in homosexual marriage. Sent2: I believe that marriage is about commitment and that the government should therefore grant the benefits of marriage to every committed couple. Output: Similar Sent1: So if someone is against same sex marriage then they are for hurting my family. Sent2: In other words, since same-sex couples do not "naturally" have children, they do not need the protections of marriage as opposed to opposite sex couples. Output: Not similar Sent1: However, a man and a woman are both "persons" under the law and are not treated differently under the law. Sent2: But if a law discriminates against someone on the basis of sexual orientation, then the law should stand unless it is applied differently to gay people than to heterosexuals. Output: Not similar Sent1: (and I don't know why that would make a real difference) Also, we weren't changing the definition of marriage. Sent2: We should not argue that gays should have the 'right' to marry we should argue that the definition of ' marriage' should be changed. Output: Similar Sent1: Remember that people who are not straight currently get married just for the benefits, and people who do not love each other currently get married just for the benefits. Sent2: But gay people can do that too; if people are going to marry not for love but for benefits, gays can do that by marrying someone of the opposite sex just for the benefits. Output: Similar Sent1: Currently if you are a man and woman you are special because as a couple you can do something a gay couple can not. Sent2: Sure the 'traditional' marriage you're talking about has only been between a man and a woman. Output: Similar Sent1: We are asking that this restriction be removed so that the right to marriage is allowed to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples. Sent2: We should allow same sex marriage because we as a country believe in equality for all people. Output: Similar Sent1: I do wish there was a way for gay couples to recieve the same benefits in government as married couples, but I don't believe in homosexual marriage. Sent2: I do not want to make special laws just for myself; I believe that the opponents of same-sex marriage are the ones who seek to do that. Output: Not similar Sent1: Some religions i know to be against gay marriage, but if you analyse it enough, you'll find that gay marriage isn't destroying marriage, divorce is. Sent2: What you are missing is that if gay people have the right to marry then their marriage must be recognised under equal protection. Output: Not similar Sent1: I believe that marriage is about commitment and that the government should therefore grant the benefits of marriage to every committed couple. Sent2: I think their point is that homosexual tax payers should not benefit from marriage benefits as the heterosexual community will receive more benefits if they don't include homosexual life partners in the benefits. Output: Not similar Sent1: Candian society is very accepting of gay people and has instituted equal marriage for same-sex couples. Sent2: It seems to me that the anti gay crowd refuses to give gay couples the same respect they expect gay people to give them. Output: Not similar Sent1: So what compelling reason does the government have for allowing gay marriage and NOT allowing incestuous marriages? Sent2: concerning homosexual marriage, allowing this type of legal union also raises the question of multiple partner marriages, or marriage of siblings/close family. Output: Similar Sent1: I feel like you are keeping gay marriage and gay rights separate in your mind, and I think that that is a very wrong assumption. Sent2: Also do I get to stop you from getting married because I don't feel people with your hair color should be allowed to get married? Output: Not similar Sent1: And of course the unspoken result of gay marriage will be the demand that all forms of perversions of traditional marriages must now be allowed because the precedent has been set with same sex marriages. Sent2: If same sex "marriage" and not civil unions are allowed, then precedence will have been set for redefining marriage. Output: Similar Sent1: Allowing gay marriage without also rewriting common law statutes discriminates against unmarried heteros living together. Sent2: If gay marriage is or is not legalized, it has no affect on laws against polygamy. Output: Not similar Sent1: Now a gay man may not wish to marry a gay woman (or vice versa) but the government does not inherently prohibit marriage between gay persons. Sent2: Gay marriage is wrong the reason is because in every definition of marriage it includes man and woman not man and man or women and women it is women and man. Output: Not similar Sent1: The French government has solved the problem of redefining marriage by creating a legal union between any two eligible persons regardless of gender that allows the couple to have rights equal to those that are legally married. Sent2: concerning homosexual marriage, allowing this type of legal union also raises the question of multiple partner marriages, or marriage of siblings/close family. Output: Not similar Sent1: I agree that people should have, and they do have, the religious liberty to believe whatever they want and to frown on same-sex marriage if they want to. Sent2: I do not think that gay people should be discriminated against, but I do feel that people should not be forced to accept a group of people whose beliefs they do not agree with. Output: Not similar Sent1: Lastly gay isn't a civil right, you don't have a right to be gay. Sent2: A civil partnership between two homosexual men or two lesbian women should be called a homosexual civil partnership. Output: Not similar Sent1: Yet we've shown that we can have opposite-sex marriage without having everything else, haven't we? Sent2: We should not argue that gays should have the 'right' to marry we should argue that the definition of ' marriage' should be changed. Output: Not similar Sent1: When anyone can marry anyone else then homosexuals should be allowed to marry.Until then gays should not be an elite sexual deviant lifestyle over other sexual deviant lifestyles. Sent2: Technically though marriage is not discrimination, because gays are still allowed to marry the opposite sex. Output: Not similar Sent1: The difference between a homosexual marriage and a heterosexual marriage(besides the fact that animals were meant to be paired heterosexually) is that GAY COUPLES CANNOT PROCREATE" at one point. Sent2: Marriage is by definition between a man and a woman, and no one else, and the states interest is in a procreative type relationship, a gay couple does not entitle to these benefits. Output: Similar Sent1: You: You left out that gay marriage is legalized by legislatures. Sent2: What you are missing is that if gay people have the right to marry then their marriage must be recognised under equal protection. Output: Not similar Sent1: In a free society, the government does not deny rights or benefits to its people without a good reason; it does not deny those rights and benefits unless they are harmful. Sent2: Thus, even if same-sex marriage brought no benefits, there would be no reason to keep it illegal; a free and equal society does not deny rights or benefits to anyone, unless it has a very good reason to. Output: Similar Sent1: However, a man and a woman are both "persons" under the law and are not treated differently under the law. Sent2: But if a law discriminates against someone on the basis of sexual orientation, then the law should stand unless it is applied differently to gay people than to heterosexuals. Output: Not similar Sent1: Since people cannot come up with any tangible reason for denying same-sex couples marriage - and same-sex couple can at least quantify the harm of denying them marriage, who do you think wins the argument? Sent2: I can further explain that since you cannot prove same-sex couples are inferior, you are not justified in denying them marriage. Output: Similar Sent1: Not allowing gay marriage will not increase love, but increase hate. Sent2: concerning homosexual marriage, allowing this type of legal union also raises the question of multiple partner marriages, or marriage of siblings/close family. Output: Not similar Sent1: Let me re-explain myself: If we legalize same-sex marriage, everyone will have an equal right to bestow their marriage benefits on one other person that they fall in love with. Sent2: Now, why can't two people, who love each other very much, get married specifically because their partner happens to have the same body parts? Output: Not similar Sent1: It's called gay rights because it is gay rights. Sent2: You know, if you aren't able to grasp the concept of the inconsistency of saying one is against gay marriage when saying they are for gay rights, I don't know what else to say. Output: Not similar Sent1: And people who oppose gay marriage, what's the difference between giving equal rights through a civil union and marriage? Sent2: With gay marriage, the issue is changing marriage to be something it's not, to whatever. Output: Not similar Sent1: People in Massachusetts are free to believe what they want about gay marriage. Sent2: I agree that people should have, and they do have, the religious liberty to believe whatever they want and to frown on same-sex marriage if they want to. Output: Not similar Sent1: All they have to do is either write in that civil unions will give the same legal rights as marriage, or else list the same rights that marriage does. Sent2: What they want legalized is something that the government calls marriage and conveys with it the same rights and responsibilities that are conveyed upon what the government calls marriage between people of opposite sexes. Output: Similar Sent1: Marriage is already a civil right everyone has--you have it too, because you can marry someone of opposite-gender right now. Sent2: The definition you'll hear from conservatives is more along the lines of: the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. Output: Not similar Sent1: If a State seeks to define marriage as a union between a Man and a Woman, then so be it, provided there be an avenue for civil union. Sent2: Marriage is by definition between a man and a woman, and no one else, and the states interest is in a procreative type relationship, a gay couple does not entitle to these benefits. Output: Not similar Sent1: In other words, since same-sex couples do not "naturally" have children, they do not need the protections of marriage as opposed to opposite sex couples. Sent2: if we say that same-sex couples should have the right to marry each other, then any two consenting adults should have the legal right to marry each other. Output: Not similar Sent1: In the case of Loving v. Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia argued that their law prohibiting inter-racial marriages did provide equal protection, because it treated everyone equally in denying people the right to marry someone of a different race. Sent2: All citizens are protected under the law for equal treatment. Output: Not similar Sent1: In the same fashion, if denying a few people privacy on this petition would legalize same-sex marriage, then I would support doing that, for legalizing same-sex marriage is far more beneficial to the people. Sent2: In the case of same-sex marriage, I can state that it is harmless and it helps many people. Output: Similar Sent1: People want the government to say, "You are gay, so you don't deserve equal rights." Sent2: Are you saying that gay people who pay into the same systems, shouldn't also benefit? Output: Similar Sent1: If you listen to people talking about the benefits of marriage upon society (Note, DIFFERENT from the benefits the government gives married couples)... Sent2: Many social conservatives argue that benefits are provided to married couples because, in turn, married couples benefit society. Output: Similar Sent1: It seems to me that the anti gay crowd refuses to give gay couples the same respect they expect gay people to give them. Sent2: I'm not gay but I believe they should be aloud to marry however if it is not in the religion for gays to we'd then they should respect that. Output: Not similar Sent1: I think the reason there has been resistance to redefine marriage is that people really know that this is not a civil rights issue, despite attempts by the gay lobby to paint it that way. Sent2: Gay Marriage is not a religious issue it is a civil rights issue. Output: Similar Sent1: Marriage is a holy union between a man and a woman��_��__��_��__��_��__��_��__��_��__it is not a civil union (although many treat it as such)��_��__��_��__��_��__��_��__��_��__and that is why so many people have a problem with legalizing gay marriage. Sent2: No doubt, homosexual activist groups will claim thatpsychiatry has at last recognized that homosexuality is as ��_��__��_��__��_��__normal��_��__��_��__ as heterosexuality. Output: Not similar Sent1: If you would like us to have the rights then marriage is the only way to give us the same rights. Sent2: Since we're talking about what rights heterosexual people have versus what rights homosexual people have, the only logical conclusion is that both groups have the same rights since marrying whomever you love is not a right. Output: Not similar Sent1: That way we can keep the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, and gays can still have a "union" with other gays. Sent2: A married gay person is unlikely to have sex with others while he/she is married so therefore, the virus would really be kept between the couple. Output: Not similar Sent1: People in Massachusetts are free to believe what they want about gay marriage. Sent2: Those who feel that same sex marriage should not be allowed are free to get married and divorced as many times as they like. Output: Not similar Sent1: Also, the state legislature could pass a law which applies to both marriage and civil unions, but the governor could line-item-veto the benefits to civil unions. Sent2: Gay rights activists have continued to press for full marriage equality, saying civil unions do not satisfy a state Supreme Court ruling that entitles gay couples to the same benefits as married couples. Output: Not similar Sent1: How is allowing gay couples to marry an "anything goes" version of marriage. Sent2: However allowing gay marriage will not automatically allow polygamous marriage...it may lend a little more wieght to it via precedent, but then interracial marriage has done the same for gay marriage even though the actual issues are different. Output: Similar Sent1: I have no problem with homosexuality, but marriage should be between a man and woman. Sent2: While I don't have a problem with gay marriage personally, I do support the power of the voters. Output: Not similar Sent1: For example, if a state Congress passes a bill that grants additional benefits to marriages and civil unions, a governor could simply line-item veto the benefit to civil unions, which then means that the benefits would apply only to marriage. Sent2: Due to the fact that legal marriages between heterosexual couples are granted federal recognition, benefits and interstate transportability which would be denied to Civil Unions if left up to individual states. Output: Not similar Sent1: Since people cannot come up with any tangible reason for denying same-sex couples marriage - and same-sex couple can at least quantify the harm of denying them marriage, who do you think wins the argument? Sent2: People can deny rights to same-sex couples, claiming that same-sex marriage is a threat to society all they want, but if they don't have any evidence to back that up, then they are still morally evil. Output: Not similar Sent1: Marriage was never defined as between a Man and Woman until religious Zealots pushed the Government to define it in such a way to deny Gay people their right to marry. Sent2: Gay marriage is wrong the reason is because in every definition of marriage it includes man and woman not man and man or women and women it is women and man. Output: Not similar Sent1: If we want to distinguish between same-sex marriage and opposite-sex marriage, we can simply say, "same-sex marriage" or "opposite-sex marriage". Sent2: If we allow same-sex couples to legally marry, does it in anyway water down any other marriage between opposite-sex couples? Output: Not similar Sent1: I agree that people should have, and they do have, the religious liberty to believe whatever they want and to frown on same-sex marriage if they want to. Sent2: I realize that homosexuals are not attracted to members of the opposite sex and so they don't want to get married. Output: Not similar Sent1: Remember that people who are not straight currently get married just for the benefits, and people who do not love each other currently get married just for the benefits. Sent2: But gay people can do that too; if people are going to marry not for love but for benefits, gays can do that by marrying someone of the opposite sex just for the benefits. Output: Similar Sent1: I do wish there was a way for gay couples to recieve the same benefits in government as married couples, but I don't believe in homosexual marriage. Sent2: I still think government can just but out of marriage all together. Output: Not similar Sent1: It would require that the government not provide any benefits to any married couples (same sex or not)and their families. Sent2: Without same-sex marriage, opposite-sex couples are paying less than their share because of same-sex couples who pay more taxes without seeing any benefits. Output: Not similar Sent1: I can only assume because you don't want to admit that perversion of marriage will rise out of same gender marriage. Sent2: I do not want to make special laws just for myself; I believe that the opponents of same-sex marriage are the ones who seek to do that. Output: Not similar Sent1: Considering that same-sex couples very often have children, it is just as important to make them financially secure and able to raise those children as it is to do so with opposite-sex couples. Sent2: I guess because many (not all) same-sex couples plan when they have children, they do not need the encouragement of marriage that opposite sex couples do. Output: Not similar Sent1: I personally believe people are born with a predisposition toward homosexuality which can either be cultivated or repressed, but everyone has the ability to make decisions in their life. Sent2: Personally I am indifferent towards gay people, they should have the same rights as everyone else, because I don't think a what a person does in the bedroom should have any bearing on their public lives. Output: Not similar Sent1: Just as YOU are being denied the benefits without getting married (as marriage is federally--opposite sex). Sent2: If you think the benefits given to married people are innapropriate or unjust, that is a different topic than denying people the right to marry the person they choose. Output: Not similar Sent1: The issue of same-sex marriage will determine whether marriage is about family or sexual preference, for we either give it to all families or all people of a specific sexual preference. Sent2: It is my INDIVIDUAL decision to marry someone of the same sex. Output: Not similar Sent1: I have no problem with gay marriage, I do have a problem with the invasion of people's rights to believe that gay union is wrong. Sent2: I feel like you are keeping gay marriage and gay rights separate in your mind, and I think that that is a very wrong assumption. Output: Not similar Sent1: I think people should be allowed to live their lives to where they can fully enjoy it. Sent2: Personally I am indifferent towards gay people, they should have the same rights as everyone else, because I don't think a what a person does in the bedroom should have any bearing on their public lives. Output: Similar Sent1: Ok so if you dont have to have the ability to have children to get married then why are you using that as an argument against same sex marriage? Sent2: The more you put same sex couples on the "outs" the more you do damage to ALL couples and families. Output: Not similar Sent1: So if someone is against same sex marriage then they are for hurting my family. Sent2: It does hurt someone it hurts the people who are married and believe that marriage is and always will be defined as a man and women. Output: Not similar Sent1: Those people's religion would certainly not call it a "marriage". Sent2: I say the government has no place supporting secular humanists over people of faith, just so that illicit gay marriage can pass muster. Output: Not similar Sent1: Now, I am uncertain why gay people should not be allowed to have civil marriage and in fact many people (perhaps most) support civil unions. Sent2: Gay people aren't going to accept "separate but equal" civil unions, and heterosexual people aren't going to want to allow gay people to have civil marriages. Output: Not similar Sent1: I personally think state governments should not be able to grant marriages and should only be able to grant civil unions to everyone. Sent2: I believe that marriage is about commitment and that the government should therefore grant the benefits of marriage to every committed couple. Output: Similar Sent1: Hetero and homosexual couples should have equal protection under the law. Sent2: While the amendment specifically banned gay marriage, it went further than similar bans in many states by prohibiting same-sex couples from enjoying many of the legal protections that heterosexual couples enjoy. Output: Not similar Sent1: Gay people aren't prevented from marrying each other, they just don't get the benefits that are given for it. Sent2: Regardless of the morality (or immorality) of gay sex and marriage, if people need benefits they need benefits. Output: Not similar Sent1: However it should be recognised that gay marriage is not the same as opposite sex marriage. Sent2: There is precidence for marriages not being recognized state to state, outside of same sex marriage. Output: Not similar Sent1: But those who want to engage in same-sex marriage do care. Sent2: If a church does not want to perform a same-sex marriage, the church should have the right to deny it based on religious reasons. Output: Not similar Sent1: Some folks argue that the laws barring same-sex marriage are not discriminatory because gay people can get married to people of the opposite sex. Sent2: But gay people can do that too; if people are going to marry not for love but for benefits, gays can do that by marrying someone of the opposite sex just for the benefits. Output: Similar Sent1: Therefore, if the bible says gays are in the wrong, allowing gay marriage is no problem. Sent2: So how can allowing gays to marry discredit this so called "traditional marriage" any worse than what hetero's already have? Output: Not similar Sent1: Even though denying polygamous marriage is not actually a destruction of equality, one might still say, "Well, even though denying polygamous marriage isn't as bad as denying same-sex marriage, why do we deny it? Sent2: However, some arguments in support of same-sex marriage have nothing to do with polygamous marriage. Output: Not similar Sent1: Nobody is asking you to be gay, marry a man, or even like gay people. Sent2: Currently if you are a man and woman you are special because as a couple you can do something a gay couple can not. Output: Not similar Sent1: (and I don't know why that would make a real difference) Also, we weren't changing the definition of marriage. Sent2: We should not argue that gays should have the 'right' to marry we should argue that the definition of ' marriage' should be changed. Output: Similar Sent1: There are relatively few gay people in the world, and the number of families headed by same-sex couples is tiny compared with the number of divorced parents and remarried parents and single parents. Sent2: Not all heterosexual couples have children, and not all gay couples are childless. Output: Not similar Sent1: It does hurt someone it hurts the people who are married and believe that marriage is and always will be defined as a man and women. Sent2: marriage is simply two people who love each other expressing that love and making a commitment, so why can't a man and a man or a woman and a woman who are in love make a commitment? Output: Not similar Sent1: You don't have the right to have love in your marriage, though ;) Sent2: It doesn't mean that state has to recoginze your marriage if you move in though. Output: Not similar Sent1: I don't think most religious peoples' opposition to gay marriage has to do with individual harm. Sent2: I think the burden should be on a state that bans a form of marriage to show that that specific form of marriage does harm to people. Output: Not similar
Given a scientific question, generate an incorrect answer to the given question. The incorrect answer should be a plausible alternative to the correct answer. The answer should be some other item belonging to the same category as the correct answer but should be incorrect. What kind of solids are gummi bears or taffy? Label: imperative solids What is the dominant form of plant life in most terrestrial ecosystems, comprising about 90 percent of all plant species? Label: pteridophytes Young eutherians complete their embryonic development within what? Label: pollen grains Which part of a fish helps them breathe? Label: layers What connects the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system? Label: fibers The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of liquid water by 1°c is also known as? Label: Kelvin A mushroom is only a specialised reproductive part of the whole fungus. the main part of the fungi is underground in a whole web of hyphae, called this? Label: detritus What is formed when hot lava cools? Label: hydrogen crystals Making associations between experiences is often a part of what activity? Label: sleeping Where did west nile first appear? Label: Central America Chromatin condenses into chromosomes during prophase, the first and longest phase of what process? Label: meiosis Synostoses unite the sacral vertebrae that fuse together to form the what? Label: young sacrum What members of an ecosystem food chain take in food by eating producers or other living things? Label: decomposers What phenomenon is essential in order for evolution to occur because it increases genetic variation and the potential for individuals to differ? Label: radiation When it was found that, without the force of gravity exerting pressure on the bones, bone mass was lost in astronauts, what kind of exercise provided an antidote? Label: aerobic Organs are groups of what working together? Label: bones What term in physics refers to the use of force to move an object? Label: mass What are responsible for the bending movements of the organelle? Label: muscles What do you call a carnivore that eats mainly insects? Label: pescatorian What is the shape of the orbits that planets make around the sun? Label: conical What type of rock contains concentrations of valuable minerals? Label: sedimentary What do you call a group of cells of the same kind that performs the same function? Label: nucleus How long does it take for earth to rotate on it's axis one time? Label: 26 hours Sodium-potassium pumps help nerve cells establish a voltage across their what? Label: cell walls What is another term for nearsightedness? Label: glaucoma Compared to red light, blue light has a shorter what? Label: life span What happens to energy when an atom gains an electron? Label: it is folded Body plans do provide a succinct way to compare and contrast what? Label: distinctive animal features What is the term for physicians and scientists who research and develop vaccines and treat and study conditions ranging from allergies to aids? Label: vaccinologists What is the vector sum of all the torques acting on the object called? Label: gross torque What is the force that pulls downward on an object and is measured by weight? Label: light What do you call a structure composed of two or more types of tissues that work together to do a specific task? Label: marrow What type of movements are produced when the angle between the bones of a joint changes? Label: circular How do fungus-like protists such as slime molds reproduce? Label: asexually The substances that comprise heterogeneous mixtures can also be separated by what means? Label: atmospheric What is an example of a biochemical lipid that contributes to weight gain? Label: proteins What is used to measure air pressure? Label: thermometer Why are goose feathers preferred for stuffing by manufacturers? Label: smoothness The boiling point of a solution is higher than the boiling point of the pure solvent, but the opposite occurs with this? Label: liquidity point Exchange occurs directly with the external environment in what type of organisms? Label: multicellular organisms Along with other elements, most ores are made of what? Label: coal When a stalactite and stalagmite join together, they form a what? Label: ladder What are the two factors that affect the pressure of fluids? Label: viscosity and gravity What part of the brain is largest in intelligent mammals? Label: manubrium One of the most advanced uses of what in medicine is the positron emission tomography scanner, which detects the activity in the body of a very small injection of radioactive glucose? Label: membranes What do sudoriferous glands secrete? Label: tissue The substances that comprise heterogeneous mixtures can also be separated by what means? Label: thermal Atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers are called what? Label: reactions Each endocrine hormone affects only certain "target" cells, which have molecules of what on the surface that enable binding of a given hormone? Label: gas What do you call the hard case that surrounds the soft parts of some animals? Label: shell What type of reactions are chemical reactions that release energy? Label: biochemical reactions What is the type of energy that involves movement? Label: molecular energy Because fungi feed on decaying and dead matter, they play what important role by releasing essential elements into the environment? Label: carnivores Why do homonuclear diatomic molecules have zero dipole moment? Label: no electrical attraction The inside surface of the jejunum is covered with tiny projections called what? Label: flagella What sound can be heard when sound waves bounce back from a hard object? Label: loop What is the scientific term for farsightedness? Label: micropsia What happens to volume as the temperature increases? Label: volume fluctuates Community interactions are important factors in what? Label: natural resources Which of the electromagnetic waves have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies? Label: plasma Organisms that lack both a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles are known as what, in general? Label: trophic What increases the chances of someone inheriting a mitochondrial disease? Label: presence of defect transgenic and undefected mtdna What energy is stored in a person or object? Label: kinetic energy What structure is found at the top of the head of the sperm that helps it penetrate and fertilize the egg? Label: axial filament What is our largest source of energy? Label: methane Some animals prepare for the long winters by storing food and going dormant, a behavior called what? Label: pollination Ocean water appears cyan because microbes in the water preferentially absorb what color of light? Label: blue When two electric contacts come together it completes a what? Label: charge What is the lowest layer of the atmosphere called? Label: asthenosphere A microscope can be made from two of what kind of lenses? Label: outer Yogurt is made with milk fermented with what? Label: disease Which process changes rocks by heat and pressure? Label: Changes What is the process by which plants and animals increase in size? Label: grafting When a rock is altered by heat from a nearby magma, what occurs? Label: sublimation In what area of the body are sutural bones found? Label: legs How are aquatic biomes often classified? Label: depth What term means the percentage by mass of each element in a compound? Label: mass effect People with osteoporosis have an increase risk of what? Label: weight loss Generators convert mechanical energy to which kind? Label: radiation What are two examples of lipids? Label: adipose tissue and olive oil What is in danger of happening when thick magma is formed? Label: focused eruptions When leaves wilt, what plant process ceases? Label: hydration What do you call an abnormal mass of cells that is dividing improperly? Label: bumps What does the moon not have to protect it from extreme temperatures? Label: oceans What law states that matter cannot be created or destroyed? Label: Murphy's Law The total energy assimilated by an ecosystem in a give period is known as what? Label: median primary production The other ammonium ions are changed into nitrogen gas by what? Label: fungi Nearly all weather occurs in the lower part of what? Label: the mesosphere What do you call a mixture of two or more substances in which dissolved particles are distributed evenly throughout? Label: water Sensory neurons transmit nerve impulses from sense organs and internal organs to the brain via the? Label: nervous system Bond energy is an indication of the amount of energy needed for what to occur? Label: physical reaction only Pyramids of net production and biomass reflect what level of efficiency? Label: high Internal and external forms of what life process occur as simple diffusion due to a partial pressure gradient? Label: photosynthesis What can be used to mechanically separate the two elements by attracting the iron filings out of the mixture and leaving the sulfur behind? Label: laser Light moving from air into water is bent ___________ the normal? Label: less The difference in electric potential energy which allows for an electric charge to move from one position to another is measured by what si unit? Label: joule What is light that has only a single wavelength called? Label: spectroscopy Without dinoflagellate symbionts, corals lose algal pigments in a process called coral bleaching and eventually die, while corals in turn provide protection, making this what type of relationship?. Label: parasitic How do the vast majority of fish reproduce? Label: by budding What is the study of the similarities and differences in the embryos of different species? Label: example embryology What structures formed of twisted actin chains are found in almost every cell, and are numerous in muscle cells and cells that move by changing shape? Label: vesicles Integral and peripheral proteins are associated with what fatty bilayer? Label: carbohydrate If pollination occurs, what does the zygote develop into? Label: an ovum What term means the amount of a substance required to form a saturated solution in a given amount of solvent at a specified temperature? Label: viscosity What type of tissue transports water, nutrients, and food in plants? Label: normal tissue Humans and other animals can suffer from diets lacking in what essential "ingredients"? Label: steroids What kind of fats have been implicated in the presence of heart disease? Label: plant fats Physical properties are characteristics that describe what as it exists? Label: life What two activities are especially important when a number of local populations are linked, forming a metapopulation? Label: immigration and family reunions The oxygen regions of the water molecules have what kind of charge? Label: positive What lipid, added to certain foods to keep them fresher longer, increases the risk of heart disease? Label: fatty acids Most cases of syphilis can be cured with what? Label: enzymes Grasses such as wheat, rice, and corn are examples of fibrous root systems. fibrous root systems are found in monocots; tap root systems are found in these? Label: monocots Illnesses caused by bacteria in food are commonly known as what? Label: chemical poisoning After the amino acid molecule has been bound to its what, protein synthesis can take place? Label: base What gas is expired out of the body during exhalation? Label: hydrogen What is the process in which the genetic code in mrna is read to make a protein called? Label: expression What are small, icy objects that have very elliptical orbits around the sun? Label: craters What is the most important characteristic of a homogeneous mixture? Label: high density What type of eggs do fully terrestrial vertebrates carry? Label: epithelial What is the transfer of thermal energy between substances called? Label: Diffusion What makes luminous dials glow in the dark? Label: eerie substances What do mammals conserve heat with? Label: fur or muscle Comparing what sequences provides clues to evolution and development? Label: genes What two things are used in optical instruments to reflect or refract light? Label: prisms and microscopes What is the force of attraction between two masses? Label: electricity Oceans help control global warming by absorbing what? Label: ozone What type of cell layer do flatworms have? Label: cuticle The motion of stars in galaxies imply that there is about 10 times as much what as in the luminous objects we can see? Label: light What is it called when crystals form from magma? Label: vulcanism What is the earths crust composed of? Label: metamorphic rock What do you call the zone in a body of water where there is too little sunlight for photosynthesis? Label: Dark Zone What is the region in the center back of the eye that is responsible for acute vision? Label: pupil Line graphs are especially useful for showing changes over what? Label: energy Anaerobic prokaryotes can live without what compound in their environment (it's a compound that people do need to live)? Label: nitrogen What is the general name for saturated hydrocarbons? Label: petrolatums Engaging in relatively simple behaviors helps maintain a nearly constant body temperature for organisms classified as what? Label: placoderms What produces microspores that develop into pollen grains containing male gametophytes? Label: leaves What helps regulate the production of urine? Label: the fetal gland Compared to thoracic and lumbar types, the cervical type of what structures carry the least amount of body weight? Label: nasal What is the process called in which a magnet loses its magnetic properties? Label: polarization What are the building blocks of dna? Label: prokaryotes When blood vessels in the head dilate, what kind of severe headache can occur? Label: tension headache Each group of organisms went through its own evolutionary journey, called what? Label: anomalous What type of cells are arranged into tightly packed sheaths around the veins of the leaf? Label: pattern - sheath cells The cell body contains what central structure along with other organelles? Label: electron What trend is occurring involving the extent of arctic sea ice in summer? Label: Ice growth The cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells has a high concentration of dissolved solutes. therefore, the osmotic pressure within the cell is what? Label: relative Shivering helps the body return to a stable what? Label: pH level In addition to spiral cleavage, protostomes also undergo which other form of cleavage? Label: dispersive What's another term for egg-laying mammals? Label: herbivores What are intervertebral discs made of? Label: connective cartilage What is a common name for the descriptive hypothesis that help to understand patterns of descent? Label: genetic order Regularly done aerobic activities can help build up endurance and make what vital organ stronger? Label: stomach What state of matter is characterized by tiny particles separated by large distances, which do not experience any force of attraction or repulsion with each other? Label: steam The last major ice age took place in which era? Label: cenozoic Oxygenated air, taken in during inhalation, diffuses across the surface of the lungs into the what? Label: proteins Volcano chains form as an oceanic plate moves over what? Label: dust spot Water infiltrates the ground because soil and rock may have air spaces between the grains. these pores, or tiny holes, result in the rock's what? Label: energy What is the term for the change in temperature with distance? Label: temperature volatility The iconic gray mantle of the human brain, which appears to make up most of the mass of the brain, is called? Label: lobes Which theorem states that, if a population meets certain conditions, it will be in equilibrium? Label: hardy- jacksons theorem The largest population size that can be supported in an area without harming the environment is referred to as what? Label: containing capacity How many groups of leaves does poison ivy typically have? Label: four What two elements do chloroplasts split water into? Label: Carbon and water What term describes the orientation of a body lying face-down? Label: Diagnal Hydrogen gas is generated by the reaction of nitric acid and what else? Label: carbon The rising and sinking of these can cause precipitation? Label: circular air currents The process of photosynthesis uses chlorophyll, which is located in organelles called what? Label: fibroblasts Which system is divided into the somatic and autonomic nervous systems? Label: auxiliary nervous system What does water vapor in the atmosphere cool and condense into? Label: puddles Use of oil-consuming bacteria to clean up an oil spill is an example of what? Label: biodegradation What were the first animals to have true lungs and limbs for life on land? Label: reptiles The variation in a sample can be represented by what quantity, which means the total spread of values? Label: mode What is the term for the arrangement of veins in a leaf? Label: cerebellum pattern By breaking down organic matter, roundworms play an important role in which cycle? Label: metamorphic cycle What is defined as a push or pull acting on an object? Label: work Which process helps absorptive protists absorb food molecules across their cell membranes? Label: metabolism Glass breaking is an example of what type of change that doesn't affect the makeup of matter? Label: thermal What is the name of the the most efficient possible engine? Label: excitation engine What does a pollinator pick from its body and carry directly to another plant of the same species? Label: spore What is another term for the voice box? Label: pharynx What is the common term for erythrocytesare, specialized cells that circulate delivering oxygen to cells and are formed from stem cells in the bone marrow? Label: plateletes Cerebral palsy is a disease caused by injury to what organ as it is developing? Label: heart As distance from the source increases, the area covered by the sound waves increases, lessening what? Label: duration What kind of weather change do la nina years usually bring? Label: heat What are plant-like protists called? Label: spores Why is the drift velocity negligible? Label: less free charges Liquids that mix with water in all proportions are usually polar substances or substances that form these? Label: silicon bonds Time, mass, length, and temperature are considered to be what kinds of units? Label: support How many neutrons do 99% of carbon atoms have? Label: five In contrast to mammals and birds, freshwater fishes produce large volumes of very dilute what? Label: feces What type of joint is the knee joint? Label: condyloid joint Some animals prepare for the long winters by storing food and going dormant, a behavior called what? Label: resting In most animals, what sense is related to balance or equilibrium? Label: feeling What term describes a gene or sequence on a chromosome that co-segregates (shows genetic linkage) with a specific trait? Label: nucleic acid chain Atoms that have gained electrons and become negatively charged are called what? Label: anions What, now former, planet is small, icy, and rocky? Label: mercury New land can be created when what happens to a volcano? Label: it evolves Rust consists of oxides of what element? Label: Gold A reference point is used in measurement to make what? Label: focal point Name the fever that is caused by a virus that has antigens similar to molecules in human heart tissues. Label: chronic fever Shrimp are an example of what group within the arthropods? Label: scorpion What are seeds plants that produce naked seeds in cones called? Label: cytoplasm What plastid makes and stores other pigments? Label: sporozoans What occurs when some substances change chemically to other substances? Label: spontaneous mutation Burning fossil fuels produces air pollution and what? Label: oxygen Producing sperm and secreting testosterone are the main functions of what system? Label: pollination One gram of proteins provides how many calories of energy? Label: two When magma heats groundwater, it may come to the surface as a hot spring or a what? Label: volcano What are a group of protists whose monophyly is well supported by molecular systematics? Label: euglenozoa The urethra transports urine from what organ to the outside of the body for disposal? Label: heart When are nutrients absorbed into the body? Label: after digestion The urinary system can be considered a smaller part of what other body system? Label: sensory Gas lines should be made of what so they do not rupture? Label: adjustment material Plants can reproduce sexually and in which other way? Label: horizontally Each muscle fiber contains hundreds of organelles called what? Label: fast glycolytic fibres Protists, fungi, animals, and plants all consist of what kind of cells? Label: enzymes What adds phosphate groups to receptor proteins at the surface of the cell? Label: protein kinases What is the name of the smallest planet in our solar system, which is also nearest to the sun? Label: jupitor What drives the turbine in a thermonuclear reactor? Label: wind energy What theory proposes that microorganisms are the cause of many diseases? Label: evolution theory Why do birds need a light-weight body? Label: food shortages Fungi reproduce asexually by fragmentation and either sexually or asexually via what lightweight, windblown structures? Label: seeds The direction of the force of gravity is in what direction? Label: fragmented line Many disciplines within the study of biology contribute to understanding how past and present life evolved over time; these disciplines together contribute to building, updating, and maintaining this? Label: forests of life The smallest cyclic ether is called what? Label: quark When leaves wilt, what plant process ceases? Label: hydration What are the only living organisms that can make their own food? Label: protozoa A flow of one coulomb per second is called one ampere, which is a measure of what? Label: powered current What are the two most common common ways that brain and spinal cord injuries occur? Label: car crashes and falls What type of bonds only form in metals? Label: optical bonds What is the source of most electricity? Label: methane Some consumers such as the mushroom get their energy from what? Label: inorganic matter Where are most of the organs contained in insects? Label: appendages What do cells do in order to replace damaged or worn out cells? Label: fold What do many cells depend on glucose for? Label: food What is a shortage of water that causes the soil to dry from the surface down called? Label: flood Red blood cells do not perform aerobic respiration, but they do perform what process that is nearly universal to organisms? Label: reproduction The name of a spinal cord region corresponds to the level at which spinal nerves pass through the what? Label: synovial fluid What has the smallest, lightest atoms of all the elements and is colorless, odorless, tasteless and nontoxic, but highly flammable in its pure state? Label: magnesium What do you call the fast-moving air currents high in the troposphere? Label: stationary fronts A redox reaction rearranges what subatomic particles? Label: neutrons What type of equations allows calculation of the wavelength of any moving object? Label: disc wave What kind of molecule is made from one or more long chains of amino acids? Label: chain molecule What term is used to describe a cross between two individuals that have different traits? Label: assimilation What is the term for the method of sending out ultrasound waves to determine the locations of objects? Label: magnetism What is heard when sound waves bounce back from a surface that they can't pass through? Label: radio What happens to a tectonic plate when it subducts? Label: it warms Making a specific statement based on a general principle is the definition of what type of reasoning? Label: inference While normal light microscopes can magnify objects up to about 1,500 times, what advanced instruments can magnify objects up to 1,000,000 times? Label: micro microscopes Ether molecules have an oxygen atom and can engage in hydrogen bonding with which other molecules? Label: lipids In frequency, the larger the air column, the larger the what? Label: absorption When do homologous chromosomes separate and go to different gametes? Label: before meiosis Name a carbonyl in which the carbon atom is bonded to one carbon atom and one hydrogen atom (or two hydrogen atoms). Label: ester Excretion is the process of removing excess water and wastes from the body. what are the main organs of excretion? Label: eyes In addition to a nucleus what do eukaryotic cells have? Label: protons What are the pyramid-shaped, paired organs that are connected to the trachea by the right and left bronchi? Label: ovaries What branch of science aims to understand all about our planet and its environments? Label: immunology What happens to neutral matter when electrons are transferred between objects? Label: osmosis The rate of a reaction can be expressed either in terms of the decrease in the amount of what or the increase in the amount of a product per unit time? Label: sulfate The ability to what is affected by the velocity, or speed, of the water? Label: construct By what process does oxygen enter the pores of flatworms? Label: filtration Lactose is a disaccharide consisting of the monomers glucose and what? Label: glycerol Asexual reproduction occurs by what process? Label: ripening What type of tissue transports water, nutrients, and food in plants? Label: rough tissue How long can a large star be on the main sequence stage? Label: 200.4 million years Because they spread seeds, fruits are an agent of what? Label: disposal Which type of lava lavas are less viscous and erupt effusively? Label: Ultramafic lava What is the name of the protective layer of gases that surrounds the earth and blocks harmful rays from the sun? Label: the corona The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped structures that are located just below and posterior to the liver in this? Label: mantle cavity What consist of chains of small molecules called nucleotides? Label: Atomic acids What part of the brain regulates certain hormones associated with reproduction during breeding seasons? Label: hippocampus Since the electric field lines point radially away from the charge, they are perpendicular to what? Label: archetypical lines What is another term for the voice box? Label: pharynx Most hydrozoa have both polyp and what forms in their life cycle? Label: hydra Very large stars eventually become what extremely dense space regions, which are so dense that no light can escape from them? Label: worm holes Inferior rotation occurs during limb adduction and involves the downward motion of what? Label: pelvic cavity An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference of what? Label: joules Reducing the production of what gas, or removing it from the air, are practices that could reduce global warming? Label: hydrogen What term describes the long-term, predictable atmospheric conditions of a specific area? Label: wind patterns Does warm air sit above or below cooler air in the troposphere? Label: above Stoichiometric coefficients are used in chemical equations to indicate the amounts of reactants and what? Label: fuels What incredibly successful species has quickly colonized almost all of earth’s terrestrial habitats, but also impacted earth, its climate, and its environment? Label: chimpanzees What concentrates wave energy or disperses it? Label: a prism What weather phenomenon can raise sea level as much as 25 feet when low pressure pulls water upward? Label: earthquake surge Why is the drift velocity negligible? Label: shows free charges The creation and destruction of oceanic crust is the reason what moves? Label: animals In which process do signaling molecules from embryonic cells cause transcriptional changes in nearby target cells? Label: maturation "cardio" has become slang for what type of exercise that raises your heart rate for an extended amount of time? Label: cyclical What is the term for the basic contractile unit of the muscle? Label: sphincter Locus refers to the position of what on a chromosome, which controls the characteristics of an organism? Label: rna Electric current is measured in coulombs per second, also called what? Label: voltages What helps regulate the production of urine? Label: the temporal gland What type of bacteria are sometimes used as weapons of bioterrorism? Label: avian While smooth muscle tissue can regenerate from stem cells called pericytes, dead cardiac muscle tissue is replaced by what type of tissue? Label: embryo tissue What layer covers the bones that make them look tough, shiny, and white? Label: epithelium Electrophiles have a strong tendency to react with what? Label: neutrons Magnetite crystals of different ages and on different continents pointed to different spots. the simplest explanation is that the continents have done what? Label: changed At any specific time, the rate at which a reaction is proceeding is known as its what? Label: emitted rate What are plants called that grow where you don't want them? Label: shrubs Which law explains why a ship weighing thousands of metric tons floats on water? Label: ganymede ' law The global biosphere includes all areas of what? Label: study Which bones are the large, curved bones that form the lateral and anterior aspects of the pelvis? Label: cranium What is the ph level of neutral, pure water? Label: six and a half Falling onto what joint can fracture the distal humerus? Label: thumb What is an ionic bond in nature? Label: radioactive What organisms known as decomposers break down wastes and dead organisms into smaller molecules? Label: trees Cardiac veins parallel the small cardiac arteries and generally drain into what sinus? Label: Veins What type of species have a large effect on the balance of organisms in an ecosystem? Label: decomposers One of the main features all vetebrates have in common is what? Label: brain What organ does asthma periodically cause to narrow? Label: intestines What is required for communication? Label: transmission and weight of signals This process of combining the wave functions for atomic orbitals is called what? Label: activation What is a stream of moving water that flows through the ocean? Label: creek Which part of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place? Label: phloem In physics, _______ is defined as the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object? Label: potential energy What is the nest of cell an egg rests in called? Label: epidermis A molecule has two structures that can be generated. what is this called? Label: resonance hybrids What is a sac filled with fluid or other material? Label: a receptacle Which particle of an atom has a positive electric charge? Label: nutron The vagina starts at the vulva and ends where? Label: pelvic brim Green algae and land plants are closely what? Label: different What two tubes extend from the upper corners of the uterus? Label: ovary An obstacle or opening that is shorter than the wavelength causes greater diffraction of what? Label: ranges What do you call an abnormal mass formed when cells divide uncontrollably? Label: layer Burning forests, growing rice and raising livestock all cause a release of what into the atmosphere? Label: carbonate gases Homes and transportation use what percent of all energy in the u.s.? Label: fifteen How many fingers do apes have on each hand? Label: six What is the percentage of production transferred from one trophic level to the next Label: robust efficiency Who invented the taxonomic classification system? Label: gregor mendel A trait controlled by a single gene that has two alleles is given what name, after the scientist who studied inheritance? Label: carlinian trait Of the four nerve plexuses, two are found at the cervical level, one at the lumbar level, and one at which level ? Label: cranial What is formed when an element gains one or more electrons? Label: neutron What type of joint are ball-and-socket, hinge, and pivot examples of? Label: retractable Which element has atomic number 87? Label: argon Atomic orbitals are populated with what subatomic particles? Label: neurons What two basic types of feather does a bird have? Label: carrying and down What is the stored food in a seed called? Label: membrane What are tiny, hair like projections? Label: fuzz Through which organ do hookworm larvae enter the human body? Label: through the rectum Internal metabolism and the external environment are the sources of heat for what? Label: hemeostasis What is the gland in the chest behind the breast bone that stores some types of lymphocytes while they mature? Label: lumbar What is the term for groups of three successive nucleotide bases in dna? Label: triads Scientists use a quantity called __________ as a measure of disorder, or randomness. Label: chance level What do electrons lose during their transfer from organic compounds to oxygen? Label: actual energy What are the two major atmospheric gases? Label: nitrogen and hydrogen What two states of matter are included in the category "fluids"? Label: liquids and soilds Bases are ionic compounds consisting of hydroxide ions and a what? Label: cinion What do a group of cells that work together form? Label: molecule The community of all of the living and nonliving parts of an environment is known as what? Label: biodiversity Plants, fungi, bacteria and archaea cells all have what feature that keeps them rigid that animal cells do not have? Label: plastids Filter feeders, such as sponges, pump water into their body through what structures? Label: valves Fishes were the earliest example of what subphylum, and jawless fishes were the earliest of these? Label: mammals What elements do water and hydrogen peroxide consist of? Label: hydrogen and helium Many plants generate root pressure during which phase? Label: developing season What kind of movement do planets in the solar system make around the sun? Label: optical orbits What do you call a mirror shaped like the inside of a bowl? Label: curved Regulatory proteins bind to regulatory elements to control what? Label: differentiation Species that have diverged from their common ancestors have greater differences in what? Label: life span What is the term for daily cycles of behavior, like the sleep-wake cycle? Label: behavioral rhythms Anabolic reactions require energy, so they are considered what type of reaction? Label: autotrophic What are unique about prokaryotic cells' organelles? Label: only membrane - bound A protein’s shape is determined, most fundamentally, by the sequence of what type of acids? Label: lactic All atoms of the same element have the same number of what? Label: electrons
Question: Event:PersonX keeps an eye peeled. Intent: 1) to find their favorite book Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX picks up PersonY's bag. Intent: 1) to pursue something else Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX pulls PersonY's face. Intent: 1) his or her mom to be happy 2) their mom to know that they love her 3) to express an emotion Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX finally finds ___. Intent: 1) vent his frustrations Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX has low self esteem. Intent: 1) to celebrate persony Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX dies of cancer. Intent: 1) wanted to be mayor of his small town Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX finds fault with PersonY. Intent: 1) to be precise Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX makes PersonY smile. Intent: 1) to do the same things repeatedly Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX loses 15 pounds. Intent: 1) to get hold of his pet cat Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX sees PersonY's brother. Intent: 1) to make money Label: Unknown Question: Event:It spends a few days. Intent: 1) to talk to them Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX plays video games. Intent: 1) to be mad Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX spends the night in jail. Intent: 1) to find a solution Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX comes to PersonX's senses. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX pulls an all-nighter. Intent: 1) to make a living Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX slaps leather. Intent: 1) desperate Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX wants people. Intent: 1) to be helpful 2) to save someone Label: Positive Question: Event:It barely missed ___. Intent: 1) to help persony. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX suddenly heard ___. Intent: 1) to make persony proud Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX tells PersonY felt. Intent: 1) to be helpful 2) to carpool Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX enjoys PersonY's class. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX never try. Intent: 1) persistent Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX goes down the pan. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX sees PersonY's best friend. Intent: 1) to get something to drink. 2) to wash their hands. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX dies of cancer. Intent: 1) wanted to be mayor of his small town Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX hears a knock on the door. Intent: 1) power 2) high esteem Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX sees ___ in PersonY's room. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX plays a video game. Intent: 1) interest Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX gives the dog. Intent: 1) to win against persony Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX stabs in the back. Intent: 1) to cook Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX enjoys PersonX's work. Intent: 1) to travel Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX eats my food. Intent: 1) to enjoy program alone Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX asks PersonY's neighbor. Intent: 1) to take y to the doctor Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX has never been happier. Intent: 1) to know 2) to be informed 3) to figure something out Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX decides to rob a bank. Intent: 1) to kill somebody 2) revenge Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX chases the rabbit. Intent: 1) to convince others about ones position 2) to win an argument Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX tells PersonY to call. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX opens all of PersonY's presents. Intent: 1) to be feared Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX divides ___ into classes. Intent: 1) to warm up person's cold hands Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX can not find one. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX collects every ___. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX infringes upon the rights. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX applies the ___ to the study. Intent: 1) to make person y look for something Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX tears PersonY's hair. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX circles the drain. Intent: 1) to be with person y for a long time. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX eats ___ for a week. Intent: 1) to spend more time with persony Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX sees an advertisement. Intent: 1) to get to know persony's family Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX loves to play football. Intent: 1) gift Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX has a hard time. Intent: 1) to exercise themselves 2) to be physically healthy 3) to challenge themselves Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX curses under PersonY's breath. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX pulls faces. Intent: 1) to flirt with someone 2) to look attractive 3) to catch someone elses attention Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX gets a card. Intent: 1) to be kind. Label: Unknown Question: Event:It is a good deal. Intent: 1) to go to school. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX gives ___ up for adoption. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX takes ___ everyday. Intent: 1) to be friendly 2) to tell information Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX directs ___ away. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX loves watching television. Intent: 1) to be amused on rides Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX feels another 's ___. Intent: 1) to feel comfortable and it was too tight anyway. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX understands PersonY well. Intent: 1) to come up with a plan 2) to keep warm Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX is the last one. Intent: 1) to admire it Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX falls off the back of a truck. Intent: 1) to express frustration Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX is losing the game. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX gets every ___. Intent: 1) to help her out Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX takes notice. Intent: 1) make other person happy Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX is bored at home. Intent: 1) to good place to work Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX can get one. Intent: 1) to avoid conflicts 2) to avoid responsibility Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX feels very depressed. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX goes the way of ___. Intent: 1) to catch a fish. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX retains ___ in PersonX's knowledge. Intent: 1) to make him stop crying Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX sees ___ at the store. Intent: 1) to go to sleep Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX plays PersonY's role. Intent: 1) to use every resource wisely Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX meets a man. Intent: 1) to take care of themselves Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX commits to PersonY's charge. Intent: 1) to be healthy Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX draws PersonX's last breath. Intent: 1) to be helpful taking someone someplace Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX runs under the bed. Intent: 1) to have a new romantic partner. Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX takes advantage of the PersonY. Intent: 1) the other person to do what he wants Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX comes to PersonY's mind. Intent: 1) to know answers Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX pulls PersonY apart. Intent: 1) to go to sleep Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX governs another ___. Intent: 1) them to take a look at his work Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX kills PersonY on the spot. Intent: 1) something from my parents 2) my parents to allow something Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX saves so much money. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX starts to burn. Intent: 1) to clean up the house of anything unwanted. 2) to pick up after himself. Label: Unknown Question: Event:It rips open. Intent: 1) to chat and drink. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX throws food. Intent: 1) to be educated Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX feels responsible. Intent: 1) to help Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX is really mad. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX makes the coffee. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX dashes PersonX's ___ against a stone. Intent: 1) to stay active 2) to prevent boredom Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX left to PersonY's devices. Intent: 1) persony to look different 2) to help persony 3) persony to pay him or her Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX forgets PersonY's sunscreen. Intent: 1) person to act differently Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX gets bad. Intent: 1) to eat Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX concentrates ___ in the hands. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX accuses ___ of cheating. Intent: 1) to solve the problem Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX spends the ___ looking. Intent: 1) to make a connection Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX tries to ignore PersonY. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX suppresses every ___. Intent: 1) to know another ones by developing skills Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX tastes very good. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX gives PersonY pain. Intent: 1) help Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX makes a huge mess. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX falls from grace. Intent: 1) to be healthy Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX dries PersonX's clothes. Intent: 1) to delay going Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX plays ball. Intent: 1) to make happy Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX receives ___ in the future. Intent: 1) to be social Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX takes a crack at ___. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX receives god 's ___. Intent: 1) to make sure he obtains every possible point of view on some subject. 2) to be certain that he has everyone's undivided attention. 3) he has involved as many diverse viewpoints as possible. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX understands this ___ better. Intent: 1) to be authorative Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX pays PersonX's fees. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX starts reading. Intent: 1) to convince other people Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX is running low. Intent: 1) to be included and not an outcast Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX falls to PersonY's knees. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX stands shoulder to shoulder. Intent: 1) to stop working Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX feels very lonely. Intent: 1) to eat the cookies after dinner Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX is quite surprised. Intent: 1) to show love Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX injures PersonY's leg. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX shakes like a leaf. Intent: 1) has to many things to choose from Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX practices very hard. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX fails the exam. Intent: 1) to show worth Label: Unknown Question: Event:It gets started. Intent: 1) enjoy the outdoors 2) have fun Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX cries all night. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX goes ballistic. Intent: 1) to be hops Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX hits a bump. Intent: 1) relax Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX gets hired. Intent: 1) to finish on time Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX cries in PersonX's beer. Intent: 1) to have long hair 2) to look prettier Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX remembers well the ___. Intent: 1) to buy some clothes Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX feels comfortable. Intent: 1) to inform Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX calls thee ___. Intent: 1) to get clothes Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX would be great. Intent: 1) to learn more Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX finds ___ on the side of the road. Intent: 1) to show off skills Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX is a dream come true. Intent: 1) to not be late. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX finds PersonX's car. Intent: 1) them to be taken care of Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX gets PersonY sleep. Intent: 1) not to smell bad Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX tries fishing. Intent: 1) their back to feel better Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX receives PersonY degree. Intent: 1) to eat food. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX has very little money. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX enjoys the party. Intent: 1) to protect him from danger Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX finds a note. Intent: 1) to stay out of trouble 2) to keep safe Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX is driving PersonY nuts. Intent: 1) to be listened to Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX clenches PersonY's jaw. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX sings happy birthday. Intent: 1) to keep it safe Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX returns to PersonX's classroom. Intent: 1) be certain to procure every necessary logistical item at price. Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX serves PersonX's ends. Intent: 1) to find out more about themselves. Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX holds the ring. Intent: 1) to (be) Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX answers PersonX's purpose. Intent: 1) to run Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX takes PersonY into custody. Intent: 1) to be helpful Label: Positive Question: Event:It tastes awful. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX terrifies of spiders. Intent: 1) to get exercise 2) to go somewhere 3) to have fun Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX hits ___ in the face. Intent: 1) to know europe Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX bothers PersonY much. Intent: 1) to get in the bar Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX thinks PersonY was incredibly cute. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX loves PersonY unconditionally. Intent: 1) to be deliver Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX needs extra cash. Intent: 1) make friends 2) be social Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX helps ___ to PersonY's feet. Intent: 1) to enjoy life 2) to be happy Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX gets dinner. Intent: 1) the country accepted to the person Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX marries PersonX's cousin. Intent: 1) to be nice Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX is well on PersonX's way. Intent: 1) wanted to be nice Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX stands face to face. Intent: 1) to earn money Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX laughs and told ___. Intent: 1) to be mindful Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX tells all PersonY's friends. Intent: 1) to end the conversation Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX walks on stage. Intent: 1) to get companionship Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX brings home a ___. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX flies off at a tangent. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX enters a poker tournament. Intent: 1) to see the movie Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX steals the money. Intent: 1) to succeed Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX sees an action movie. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX wipes away PersonX's tears. Intent: 1) to see its details Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX takes many photos. Intent: 1) to be understood Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX casts aspersions. Intent: 1) to put easter eggs in it Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX shakes hands with the unemployed. Intent: 1) watch tv. Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX gets published. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX gets home late from work. Intent: 1) to find out what persony is getting. 2) to intrude on persony's privacy. Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX talks to PersonY about anything. Intent: 1) protect themselves 2) stand up for themselves Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX asks PersonY's wife. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX wishes you every ___. Intent: 1) to finish his task Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX brings PersonY to the ground. Intent: 1) to be in the room. Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX ducks PersonY's head. Intent: 1) to study Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX votes with PersonX's feet. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX goes cold turkey. Intent: 1) to help them Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX takes PersonX's cat. Intent: 1) to be mean Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX makes it out alive. Intent: 1) to get person y's attention Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX opens PersonY's gifts. Intent: 1) to enjoy his/her free time... Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX drives quickly. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX eats PersonY's candy. Intent: 1) to help the other person. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX steals a car. Intent: 1) her not to tell on them Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX throws a tantrum. Intent: 1) entertained 2) to have fun Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX needs to use the bathroom. Intent: 1) be positive 2) to see good in everything Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX fights PersonY after school. Intent: 1) to help another person. Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX grabs PersonY's phone. Intent: 1) to help personx's children grow up safely Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX pushes PersonY's hands. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX has to buy a new one. Intent: 1) to become a better dancer 2) to learn a new skill Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX hurts PersonY's feelings. Intent: 1) to be surrounded Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX pulls away from PersonY's home. Intent: 1) to be a part of things Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX tells PersonY to call. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX makes PersonY announcement. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX is raining all day. Intent: 1) to inform Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX is a happy couple. Intent: 1) to give example to peron how to do it Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX refuses to move. Intent: 1) to go on vacation Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX changes PersonX's policy. Intent: 1) to be playful. Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX steals one. Intent: 1) the dryer fixed Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX buries PersonY's face. Intent: 1) to work Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX raises enough money. Intent: 1) get everything finished Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX uses too much. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX moves to the country. Intent: 1) to know the answer Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX calls ___ into PersonY's office. Intent: 1) to relax Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX takes PersonY turn. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX parks PersonY's car. Intent: 1) to show his affection Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX turns the ___ to PersonX's advantage. Intent: 1) to compete with persony Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX eventually started. Intent: 1) to learn a new language Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX can not believe PersonX's eyes. Intent: 1) to be helpful Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX understands every ___. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX would n't let PersonY. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX takes ___ into PersonX's own hands. Intent: 1) to be kept in loop Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX starts coughing. Intent: 1) to be honest Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX needs a place. Intent: 1) to tell the news Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX would get hurt. Intent: 1) to earn Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX throws things. Intent: 1) to eat food Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX tells PersonY's husband. Intent: 1) to learn more Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX takes PersonY's purse. Intent: 1) go to hell Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX stops at the red light. Intent: 1) satisfied Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX stands ___ in a place. Intent: 1) to be his wife for life Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX hits PersonY in the head. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX starts to run. Intent: 1) they don't need them anymore 2) its quitting time Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX brings a ___ to bear. Intent: 1) person to kiss the kitten Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX watches one. Intent: 1) to avoid sickness 2) to stay fit Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX sees PersonY frequently. Intent: 1) be better Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX gets PersonY's money 's ___. Intent: 1) to find a soulmate Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX loses face. Intent: 1) to be more healthy. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX runs for the hills. Intent: 1) to earn 2) to enjoy Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX comes to PersonX's senses. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX falls asleep. Intent: 1) to keep cool on a hot day Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX finds a snake. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX drives ___ in PersonY's new car. Intent: 1) credit 2) to be helpful 3) to be noticed Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX keeps ___ at a distance. Intent: 1) to be strict Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX thanks the ___ for PersonY's contributions. Intent: 1) to surprise people. Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX packs PersonY's car. Intent: 1) person to know what he does for a living Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX strikes ___ into the heart. Intent: 1) to move out somewhere Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX explains PersonY's ___ in terms. Intent: 1) to be a good person 2) to clean another person 3) to be helpful Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX takes a turn for the worse. Intent: 1) to get rid of the object Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX pulls away from PersonY. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX takes a chance. Intent: 1) to show his love Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX calls the water company. Intent: 1) to help people Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX goes to the bow-wows. Intent: 1) to be productive Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX wins a medal. Intent: 1) to be honour Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX makes things right. Intent: 1) to be helpful Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX drives PersonY insane. Intent: 1) to go home Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX comes ___ later. Intent: 1) to hide a secret Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX drinks PersonX's blood. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX tears PersonY to pieces. Intent: 1) to be a hero Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX is proud of PersonX's accomplishment. Intent: 1) avoid having to do actual work Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX ends the relationship. Intent: 1) to enjoy a burger Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX lays ___ on the table. Intent: 1) to avoid an awkward conversation. Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX turns PersonY around. Intent: 1) to spend time with y. Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX calls PersonY stupid. Intent: 1) show his feeling Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX bats PersonX's eyelashes. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX accidentally put. Intent: 1) to help others 2) to make them understand Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX pokes PersonY's eye out. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX becomes successful. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX causes ___ in patients. Intent: 1) completion 2) closure 3) to move on to something else Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX takes PersonY's part. Intent: 1) to satisfy his hunger Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX tells PersonY to take. Intent: 1) to complete it Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX builds something. Intent: 1) to start Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX takes PersonX's revenge. Intent: 1) to be nice 2) as a bonding experience Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX reaches around PersonY. Intent: 1) to exercise Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX not does PersonY any favours. Intent: 1) ethics of the policy Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX gets PersonY's things. Intent: 1) to appreciate y's and z's help Label: Negative Question: Event:It is a great day. Intent: 1) to accept all the new ideas Label: Unknown Question: Event:It finds a pair. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX pulls PersonY's hands. Intent: 1) to show their interest in the same thing Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX suits PersonY's needs. Intent: 1) to end a performance 2) to close the curtain Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX decides instead. Intent: 1) to compromise 2) to agree Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX would be perfect. Intent: 1) to play a game. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX gives it to PersonX's son. Intent: 1) make his girlfriend happy Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX lives far away. Intent: 1) to solve the puzzle 2) the question to be answered Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX monitors and control ___. Intent: 1) to go to school 2) talk to someone 3) go home Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX goes flying through the air. Intent: 1) to take care of their teeth. 2) to have their teeth cleaned. 3) to fix a cavity. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX trips balls. Intent: 1) to relate their ideas 2) to start the conversation going Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX defends one 's ___. Intent: 1) to establish his confidence Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX holds back tears. Intent: 1) to take the blame Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX separates the ___ from the body. Intent: 1) to stay away from criminal Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX completely forgot. Intent: 1) to know the facts clearly Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX pushes PersonY around. Intent: 1) to describe his happiness 2)enjoyment 3)gain Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX calls the shots. Intent: 1) to have fun Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX leaves the rest to PersonY. Intent: 1) to socialize and help another. Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX hears a snap. Intent: 1) peaceful sleep Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX beats PersonX's wife. Intent: 1) to be active 2) to help the team win Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX lifts weights. Intent: 1) to make an accomplishment Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX decides to get one anyway. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX hears ___ since. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX clenches PersonY's fists. Intent: 1) go somewhere Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX pulls PersonY apart. Intent: 1) to go to sleep Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX catches hell. Intent: 1) to be secretive Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX puts the baby. Intent: 1) them to have a good education 2) does not want to be fined Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX buys a scratch. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX brings the ___ to terms. Intent: Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX is loud and annoying. Intent: 1) to provide a service Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX takes place as a result. Intent: Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX goes ___ to get. Intent: 1) to have fun 2) to be relaxed Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX leaves PersonY ___ behind. Intent: Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX lets the perfect be the enemy of the good. Intent: 1) to be neutral Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX sticks PersonY's head out. Intent: 1) to be heard 2) to share their opinion Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX comes ___ for the holidays. Intent: 1) to give advice to others Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX loves PersonY's country. Intent: 1) to earn more money. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX turns upon PersonY. Intent: 1) to have a hamburget 2) to prepare hamburgers for others. 3) to eat because they are hungry Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX immediately grabbed ___. Intent: 1) to get shoes that fit better. Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX makes rice. Intent: 1) to hear person better Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX rats run. Intent: 1) to be independent. Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX really liked. Intent: 1) things to have order Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX immediately noticed. Intent: 1) to accomplish something 2) to get something done Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX returns to PersonX's classroom. Intent: 1) be certain to procure every necessary logistical item at price. Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX walks faster. Intent: 1) teach persony a lesson about reciprocity Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX watches videos online. Intent: 1) some entertainment Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX pushes PersonY around. Intent: 1) to describe his happiness 2)enjoyment 3)gain Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX wants to cry. Intent: 1) to stay there to complete his business work. Label: Unknown Question: Event:PersonX wakes up the next day. Intent: 1) to get attention Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX gives PersonY counsel. Intent: 1) to help persony Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX invites PersonY to come. Intent: 1) to be forms Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX plays it cool. Intent: 1) to adopt him Label: Positive Question: Event:PersonX buries ___ in PersonY's hands. Intent: 1) to the beach Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX slaps leather. Intent: 1) desperate Label: Negative Question: Event:PersonX doeth all ___ well. Intent: 1) to relax for the night Label: Unknown
In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head can be hindered by what is mentioned in the Tail or not. In this task, hindering introduces hindrances that obstruct the natural path to the achievement of a goal. For example, the event PersonX adopts a cat can be obstructed if PersonX is allergic to cats. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. ### Head: PersonX gives PersonY a hint<sep>Tail: PersonY is too clever and will figure it out. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX arrives home from work<sep>Tail: to rest Output: No ### Head: PersonX meets anyone<sep>Tail: PersonX's dad will not introduce him to people. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX divides the number by the number<sep>Tail: PersonX cannot do division. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX works very hard<sep>Tail: PersonX has no job. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX holds it in PersonX's hand<sep>Tail: PersonX's roommate took it first. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX watches PersonX's diet<sep>Tail: because person x eats without realizing it Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX also loved ___<sep>Tail: to enjoy themselves Output: No ### Head: PersonX gives PersonY a refund<sep>Tail: PersonX cannot open the register Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX applies sunscreen<sep>Tail: responsible Output: No ### Head: PersonX always ate<sep>Tail: typical Output: No ### Head: PersonX gets a new tv<sep>Tail: The TV PersonX wants is far too expensive for their budget Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's dream<sep>Tail: feels succesfules Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks all PersonX's friends<sep>Tail: the friends are not around Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX goes back to the century<sep>Tail: Time travel does not exist. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX always ate<sep>Tail: full Output: No ### Head: PersonX pours water<sep>Tail: They broke their wrist. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: to be social Output: No ### Head: PersonX flies the coop<sep>Tail: Their dad won't give them any money. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX celebrates PersonY 's day<sep>Tail: PersonX is on an airplane. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX is a great baker<sep>Tail: PersonX does not have access to an oven. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX answers PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: motivated Output: No ### Head: PersonX is feeling bored one day<sep>Tail: PersonX has to spend all their time with their children. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX is walking home from work<sep>Tail: Person X is confined to a wheel chair. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX stands in the gap<sep>Tail: PersonX was pushed out of the way by a friend. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX obtains PersonY interview<sep>Tail: The interview was deleted. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX risks PersonY's lives<sep>Tail: PersonY doesn't trust PersonX. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX arrives home from lunch<sep>Tail: hungry Output: No ### Head: PersonX always lost<sep>Tail: to collect their money Output: No ### Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: to get books Output: No ### Head: PersonX affords every ___<sep>Tail: to buy new things Output: No ### Head: PersonX laughs the whole time<sep>Tail: They are at a funeral. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY's boyfriend<sep>Tail: fight PersonX Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks the teacher<sep>Tail: informed Output: No ### Head: PersonX takes a long walk on a short pier<sep>Tail: The governor ordered a lock down because of the weather. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX enters the room<sep>Tail: PersonX has been knocked out by his girlfriend Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX is very good at PersonX's job<sep>Tail: Their boss keeps changing the rules. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX makes it up as PersonX goes along<sep>Tail: PersonX's director gave them specific lines. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX takes PersonX's son out<sep>Tail: PersonX's son's mom will not allow PersonX to see their son Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX takes the hint<sep>Tail: PersonX is being held captive by a bad man. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX always lost<sep>Tail: to collect their money Output: No ### Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: socializes Output: No ### Head: PersonX uses it everyday<sep>Tail: PersonX's mother took it away from PersonX. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX believes every ___<sep>Tail: work hard to achieve what he believes in Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks the teacher<sep>Tail: explanations Output: No ### Head: PersonX goes skydiving<sep>Tail: Person X has a heart condition that excludes them from skydiving Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX is no longer nervous<sep>Tail: PersonX's boss keeps threatening to fire him Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX assumes another ___<sep>Tail: worksout Output: No ### Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objective<sep>Tail: satisfied Output: No ### Head: PersonX bears the brunt<sep>Tail: braces for impact Output: No ### Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's dream<sep>Tail: No one really believes in them. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks the teacher<sep>Tail: curious Output: No ### Head: PersonX moves away from home<sep>Tail: PersonX's landlord already had them sign a lease. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX makes PersonY sad<sep>Tail: Person X's wife would be upset if he behaved that way Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX is washing the dishes<sep>Tail: PErsonX water turned off. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX goes surfing<sep>Tail: The ocean is calm today. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX comes face to face<sep>Tail: PersonXs family is speaking to him behind a glass panel Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX affords another ___<sep>Tail: none Output: No ### Head: PersonX believes every word<sep>Tail: attend meeting Output: No ### Head: PersonX makes PersonY feel better<sep>Tail: PersonY is inconsolable. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX bats PersonX's eyelashes<sep>Tail: to go home with PersonX Output: No ### Head: PersonX argues a lot<sep>Tail: get stressed Output: No ### Head: PersonX is walking in the woods<sep>Tail: A killer in the woods tackled personX to the ground. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: leaves Output: No ### Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: GET WHAT THEY WANTED FROM X Output: No ### Head: PersonX adapts ___ to conditions<sep>Tail: Preacher Output: No ### Head: PersonX arrives home from lunch<sep>Tail: to eat food Output: No ### Head: PersonX affects children 's ___<sep>Tail: to teach the children Output: No ### Head: PersonX runs behind<sep>Tail: There is no traffic today Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX is afraid of flying<sep>Tail: PersonX loves to travel. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX affects PersonY's interests<sep>Tail: to have decision making opportunity regarding persony Output: No ### Head: PersonX gets up with the chickens<sep>Tail: Person X's roommate is loud and won't let them get a good enough sleep to wake up early Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX amends PersonY act<sep>Tail: thanked Output: No ### Head: PersonX answers PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: to have meaning. Output: No ### Head: PersonX rolls PersonY's eyes at PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonY would get mad. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX works hard all year<sep>Tail: Their kid got them really sick. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX bears the brunt<sep>Tail: to be relieved of the brunt Output: No ### Head: PersonX climbs into bed<sep>Tail: There is a party going on. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX goes hunting<sep>Tail: PersonX's car is broken. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX watches PersonX's diet<sep>Tail: Other customers bought all the healthy food and only bad food is left Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX watches reality shows<sep>Tail: Person Y's roommate won't change the channel. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX gets extra help<sep>Tail: PersonX is lazy. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: important Output: No ### Head: PersonX aces the exam<sep>Tail: The teachers canceled the exam. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX fish in troubled waters<sep>Tail: PersonX can't get to the troubled waters. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX buys all of the ingredients<sep>Tail: the ingredients are expensive Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX watches reality shows<sep>Tail: PersonX has no TV. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX agrees to the challenge<sep>Tail: anxious too Output: No ### Head: PersonX pours water<sep>Tail: PersonX does not have a pitcher Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: fall in love. Output: No ### Head: PersonX increases PersonY's output<sep>Tail: PersonY is resistant. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX behaves like a PersonY<sep>Tail: to encourage PersonX Output: No ### Head: PersonX starts work<sep>Tail: PersonX has a broken ankle. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY's teacher<sep>Tail: PersonY's teacher already want home for the day. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX stops the fight<sep>Tail: The referee isn't listening to PersonX's request Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX believes every ___<sep>Tail: try all improvements Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks if PersonY was okay<sep>Tail: to listen to what they say Output: No ### Head: PersonX addresses PersonY audience<sep>Tail: starts a chant Output: No ### Head: PersonX applies for a loan<sep>Tail: has debt Output: No ### Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: resourceful Output: No ### Head: PersonX agrees to the challenge<sep>Tail: determined Output: No ### Head: PersonX wraps PersonY's legs<sep>Tail: PersonY has refused medical treatment. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX always wore ___<sep>Tail: to be a good citizen Output: No ### Head: PersonX bears the brunt<sep>Tail: to take a break Output: No ### Head: PersonX adapts ___ to conditions<sep>Tail: Appoint X as a leader Output: No ### Head: PersonX agrees to the challenge<sep>Tail: ready Output: No ### Head: PersonX believes every ___<sep>Tail: try to find out the truth Output: No ### Head: PersonX brings the kids<sep>Tail: PersonX's kids were taken from him by his wife. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX arrives home from work<sep>Tail: to get done with work Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: hug goodbye. Output: No ### Head: PersonX hits the deer<sep>Tail: Instinct makes them hit the brakes Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX believes every word<sep>Tail: The speaker has lied to PersonX often. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX acts weird<sep>Tail: relieved Output: No ### Head: PersonX becomes flat<sep>Tail: sleeps Output: No ### Head: PersonX affords PersonY every ___<sep>Tail: to provide him an opportunity Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY's grandma<sep>Tail: happy Output: No ### Head: PersonX makes out like a bandit<sep>Tail: Person X is afraid to rob the bank. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX always watch ___<sep>Tail: to check whether y is a good person Output: No ### Head: PersonX begs for food<sep>Tail: is looked down on Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks PersonX's grandma<sep>Tail: to know where his mother has gone Output: No ### Head: PersonX is finally born<sep>Tail: PersonX is being shoved back in by Jack Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX breaks PersonX's back<sep>Tail: Person X does not want to be hurt. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX gets up with the chickens<sep>Tail: Person X's roommate is loud and won't let them get a good enough sleep to wake up early Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX escapes from PersonX's cage<sep>Tail: PersonX doesn't know how to pick the lock. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX wakes up in the middle of the night<sep>Tail: PersonX slept until the next day. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX wins the jackpot<sep>Tail: PersonX is out of money to play the slots. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX eventually got married<sep>Tail: His girlfriend said no to his proposal Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX addresses PersonY audience<sep>Tail: adamant Output: No ### Head: PersonX gets a massage<sep>Tail: Person X's spouse won't let them use budget money for a massage. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX gets back in the car<sep>Tail: The car door has locked Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX gets a massage<sep>Tail: Person X's spouse won't let them use budget money for a massage. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX stops at the gas station<sep>Tail: Runs out of fuel before making it. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX cleans PersonY's house<sep>Tail: There are no trashbags Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX celebrates PersonY 's day<sep>Tail: They have to go to work. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX pulls back a little<sep>Tail: Someone has tied PersonX to themselves. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: reach a goal Output: No ### Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's dream<sep>Tail: PersonX is not motivated. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX uses a sledgehammer to crack a nut<sep>Tail: Someone has stolen the sledgehammer. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX comes home last night<sep>Tail: There is a blizzard and the roads are closed. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX babysits PersonX's nephew<sep>Tail: to help a sibling Output: No ### Head: PersonX is feeling ill<sep>Tail: PersonX has to go to work. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX goes apple picking<sep>Tail: it is spring so no apples are ready Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX arrives shortly<sep>Tail: hurried Output: No ### Head: PersonX lays down the marker<sep>Tail: PersonX doesn't know where to put it. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY to say<sep>Tail: thankful Output: No ### Head: PersonX accepts god 's ___<sep>Tail: safe Output: No ### Head: PersonX works hard all week<sep>Tail: PersonX has been hospitalized. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX answers the question<sep>Tail: A nerdy kid in class answered it already. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX behaves like a PersonY<sep>Tail: weird Output: No ### Head: PersonX starts high school<sep>Tail: PersonX's mom chose not to conceive X until later in life Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX makes a reservation<sep>Tail: PersonX's friend broke the phone Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX knows PersonY well<sep>Tail: PersonX doesn't speak the same language as PersonY Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX becomes PersonY wife<sep>Tail: plan a honeymoon Output: No ### Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: says yes Output: No ### Head: PersonX carries a tune<sep>Tail: Person x is tone deaf Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX pulls PersonY forward<sep>Tail: PersonX was born without arms. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX loses PersonX's cool<sep>Tail: PersonX's murderer will torture him if he loses it. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX puts it in the microwave<sep>Tail: Their mother told them not to do it. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX lands on PersonX's back<sep>Tail: PersonY has increased the number of moves for the stunt Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX knows PersonY well<sep>Tail: PersonY doesn't want to know PersonX Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX accepts PersonY invitation<sep>Tail: grateful Output: No ### Head: PersonX writes the story<sep>Tail: PersonX has his girlfriend choking his throat Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX takes care of it<sep>Tail: PersonX does not have the necessary skills Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX watches reality shows<sep>Tail: PersonX doesn't have a television. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's ___ by means<sep>Tail: begins work Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY's boyfriend<sep>Tail: get an answer Output: No ### Head: PersonX makes another batch<sep>Tail: PersonX had his flour stolen by Jane Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX sees a dentist<sep>Tail: The receptionist won't schedule them. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX really miss PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonY is always around PersonX. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks PersonX's boyfriend<sep>Tail: to open their phone Output: No ### Head: PersonX quits smoking cigarettes<sep>Tail: Life is very stressful right now and they need the relaxing kick Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX accepts the invitation<sep>Tail: to have received an invitation Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: To help out X Output: No ### Head: PersonX gets PersonY started<sep>Tail: ` Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX starts to growl<sep>Tail: A violent man cut out personX's tongue. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX keeps talking<sep>Tail: PersonY cut PersonX's tongue off Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother<sep>Tail: is sad Output: No ### Head: PersonX bets PersonX's bottom dollar<sep>Tail: PersonX has no more money. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX acts weird<sep>Tail: unwell Output: No ### Head: PersonX bakes bread<sep>Tail: to get flour Output: No ### Head: PersonX puts on the map<sep>Tail: PersonX's little brother drew all over his map. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX makes any friends<sep>Tail: PersonX's mom forbids her from talking to any other kids. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY to play<sep>Tail: to play Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks all PersonX's friends<sep>Tail: PersonX can't find their friends to ask. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX affords PersonY every ___<sep>Tail: to utilise his talents Output: No ### Head: PersonX plays basketball with PersonY's friends<sep>Tail: PersonX broke their leg. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX is worth thousands of dollars<sep>Tail: They do not have a job Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX holds PersonY's breath<sep>Tail: Person Y can't hold breath under water. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks PersonX's grandma<sep>Tail: To explain their decision Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY to play<sep>Tail: to keep asking PersonX to play Output: No ### Head: PersonX plays jump rope<sep>Tail: PersonX's teacher took PersonX's jump rope away. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX also ordered ___<sep>Tail: to watch movies Output: No ### Head: PersonX watches some television<sep>Tail: PersonX doesn't have cable. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX is extremely excited<sep>Tail: They are sad Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks ___ if PersonY could have one<sep>Tail: to speak for PersonY Output: No ### Head: PersonX works hard for years<sep>Tail: The manager of the company they worked at fired them. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX gets supplies<sep>Tail: PersonX's co-worker used up all the money Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks to play<sep>Tail: included Output: No ### Head: PersonX divides the number by the number<sep>Tail: PersonX is bad at math. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX arrives home from lunch<sep>Tail: hardworking Output: No ### Head: PersonX says PersonY name<sep>Tail: PersonX can't remember if it's the right name. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX scars PersonY to death<sep>Tail: PersonY is carrying a gun and PersonX doesn't want to get shot Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX holds the phone<sep>Tail: PersonX is lying unconscious in a hospital Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX becomes flat<sep>Tail: Person x dies Output: No ### Head: PersonX also decided<sep>Tail: goes to the store Output: No ### Head: PersonX bakes PersonX's own bread<sep>Tail: buy ingredients Output: No ### Head: PersonX wins the jackpot<sep>Tail: Joe has cut in line in front of PersonX and has won the jackpot Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX buys all of the ingredients<sep>Tail: some ingredients are out of stock Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX goes down the khazi<sep>Tail: PersonX's teammates fixed all his errors Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX goes hunting<sep>Tail: PersonX doesn't have a hunting license. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: to work out at the gym. Output: No ### Head: PersonX surprises PersonY with tickets<sep>Tail: PersonX can't afford the tickets. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: appreciated Output: No ### Head: PersonX answers the question<sep>Tail: wise Output: No ### Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: an education Output: No ### Head: PersonX bets PersonX's bottom dollar<sep>Tail: PersonX does not know where to place a bet. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: makes more decisions Output: No ### Head: PersonX achieves ___ by means<sep>Tail: to overcome Output: No ### Head: PersonX brings PersonX's lunch<sep>Tail: PersonX's partner forgot to make their lunch. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: social Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks PersonX's grandma<sep>Tail: curious Output: No ### Head: PersonX starts a new business<sep>Tail: PersonX's spouse took PersonX's startup money. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX gets a restraining order<sep>Tail: PersonX cannot get to the court. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX hits the bricks<sep>Tail: PersonX was locked in a room by their parents. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX addresses PersonY audience<sep>Tail: excited Output: No ### Head: PersonX holds the phone<sep>Tail: The phone's battery exploded and is on fire. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: ask another question Output: No ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY to show<sep>Tail: to show everyone else Output: No ### Head: PersonX works harder<sep>Tail: PersonX is deathly ill and can't work very much. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX moves away<sep>Tail: PersonX has a job in their current city Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX takes a shot in the dark<sep>Tail: PersonX doesn't know how to shoot guns. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX persuades PersonY to stay<sep>Tail: they have to be on the run Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX always wore<sep>Tail: well dressed Output: No ### Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: learn from that Output: No ### Head: PersonX also ordered ___<sep>Tail: to check the menu Output: No ### Head: PersonX gives PersonX enough rope<sep>Tail: PersonY lit the end of the rope on fire. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX plays a card game<sep>Tail: No one will play with them. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX adjusts spacing as well as minimizing<sep>Tail: neat Output: No ### Head: PersonX gets the hang of it<sep>Tail: The teacher never gave lessons on this Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: to discuss with personY Output: No ### Head: PersonX leaves the office<sep>Tail: They're in an important meeting. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX listens to PersonX's music<sep>Tail: PersonX's headset is misplaced. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX tells PersonY needed glasses<sep>Tail: PersonX's dad told him to leave it alone Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX joins a band<sep>Tail: PersonY won't let him. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX also ordered ___<sep>Tail: the same meal as them Output: No ### Head: PersonX becomes distracted<sep>Tail: to go to sleep Output: No ### Head: PersonX saves money<sep>Tail: PersonX was robbed by Mac and cannot afford it Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother for help<sep>Tail: to know the problem Output: No ### Head: PersonX arrives home that ___<sep>Tail: relieved Output: No ### Head: PersonX badly wanted<sep>Tail: to have something they really want Output: No ### Head: PersonX buys straw hats in winter<sep>Tail: There is a One Piece convention in town so all of the straw hats have been sold to fans of the main character. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX goes by the wayside<sep>Tail: PersonX's parents keep tabs on PersonX. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: people think about PersonX Output: No ### Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: answer the question Output: No ### Head: PersonX argues a lot<sep>Tail: convinced Output: No ### Head: PersonX answers PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: to send it Output: No ### Head: PersonX describes in detail later<sep>Tail: PersonX's family told them to go to bed. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX takes up a collection<sep>Tail: PersonX was convinced by Jane not to Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX serves PersonX's country<sep>Tail: PersonX has a medical condition. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks ___ if PersonY could have one<sep>Tail: them to have one too Output: No ### Head: PersonX gives PersonY an ultimatum<sep>Tail: PersonY doesn't take ultimatum's well. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX gets up with the chickens<sep>Tail: Person X's boss is making them work the midnight shift Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX turns the oven<sep>Tail: PersonX's friend made his oven explode. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: reach a goal Output: No ### Head: PersonX is driving to work one day<sep>Tail: PersonX crashed on their way home last week Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX bears the brunt<sep>Tail: to move on in life Output: No ### Head: PersonX arrives home from work<sep>Tail: to eat a snack Output: No ### Head: PersonX decides to try online dating<sep>Tail: PersonY won't let him date other people Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX agrees to the challenge<sep>Tail: to fulfill his dream to eat as much ice cream as possible Output: No ### Head: PersonX carries a tune<sep>Tail: PersonX's parents never got them into music lessons. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX shoulders the burden<sep>Tail: PersonY has taken some of PersonX's responsibilities away. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX gets sick too<sep>Tail: PersonX is immune. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX takes PersonX's lunch break<sep>Tail: PersonY won't allow PersonX to go on break. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX accepts PersonY invitation<sep>Tail: to put the date in their calendar Output: No ### Head: PersonX begins to hurt<sep>Tail: to go to the doctor Output: No ### Head: PersonX takes the test<sep>Tail: The teacher is refusing to let Person X into the classroom Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX accepts god 's ___<sep>Tail: To become monk Output: No ### Head: PersonX agrees to the challenge<sep>Tail: anxious about it Output: No ### Head: PersonX demands a refund<sep>Tail: He has lost the receipt. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX writes a report<sep>Tail: PersonX was not taught enough by his boss to write a report. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks PersonX's grandma<sep>Tail: to pick up their grandma Output: No ### Head: PersonX does n't get the job<sep>Tail: PersonX's mom gave a great recommendation and got him the job Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX finishes the whole thing<sep>Tail: PersonX doesn't like the taste and vomits. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX asks ___ for one<sep>Tail: to ask for something. Output: No ### Head: PersonX argues a lot<sep>Tail: gets tired Output: No ### Head: PersonX waits until the next day<sep>Tail: PersonX's made plans with a friend for the next day and can't. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX badly wanted<sep>Tail: to obtain the item. Output: No ### Head: PersonX gives PersonY a gift<sep>Tail: PersonX doesn't know what PersonY likes. Output: Yes ### Head: PersonX watches some television<sep>Tail: PersonX's brother is watching TV. Output: Yes