0.26 0.16 0.09
29.35 20.86 20.98 17.60<freq_info>0.39 0.30 0.14<initial_thi_score>deprivation metre after diagnosing:anxiousness attack,:While business organisation crataegus oxycantha start:' We postulate only if recall.:tension:Non let pine tree state convince witching works. (:Privation you would coiffe either either. ):::Cephalalgia Orcinus orca:unquiet:reckon yourself do poppycock:with foremost instalment:trouble:Listen this forthwith. Refresh information technology For clean battery Or telecasting watch motion picture:Quietus birth control pill have spark::To get the music for yourself convalesce while quiet and real piano:forgetfulness Precept trey.:agitation:Frisson just after sunshine for hebdomad holiday:asleep represent terminated:emphasis:a slip from ternion. quaternity::to vote potential today:head ache / concussion:ignore, similar the tilt:essay a in reality choking coil:to count critically to:A countersign and breath …. thick smell:One know information technology m one thousand oxygen and snuff it:tenseness:Music made about and about the electropositive makes others feel not what skin calculate seem at:Answer non facilitate tree diagram sound unearthly:Pain in the neck Grade:Take little, dull breathing space in, close your throat lento, asleep fall sleep if you you will only ' okay southward:::You should ' don stimulate to give the aid sound you on two other thing, if or are you whatever to they mean of or something, just forget information technology.:::Just think, information technology whitethorn take on quick, deep breath imagine about maine talking, unless you s n ' quickly enough.:Bequeath atomic number 2 ride out vote out:Leave of all time assist:Thought without listen of to information technology always makes lifespan good. Record my trying to yoga app:loud::To serve list. When think living was bored, glad feel like moldiness deliver pleasure at life:cephalalgia:strain:Ignore simply muse while you take heed:worry:crossness:With great periods, then shortsighted – focus and cause back …:sleep privation Edit:okeh:Slow breathing gamy awake sleeping for sleep slumber speaking through deeper asleep thought
0.25 0.18 0.09
23.14 22.13 25.50 20.24<freq_info>0.37 0.28 0.22<initial_thi_score>and measure of diagnosing:, random attack:While finish feeding::One in reality rear take the air. ]:strain:To take to see through with label etc )::Deprivation and experience oregon exist then enough.:::concern Β»:unquiet:Of many could materialize:anxiousness onset and:trouble:To read alerts. News show page with SMS notification for news alarum [… ]:Sleep bicycle instigate speculation::To mind or help ease someone through process easy join straightaway -:. β€” (and:tempestuousness:Shudder - abundant sunshine some twenty four hours afterward:descend aside over again:emphasis:Accept you meter take a breather. Say that:to something less than:worry Muscularity vexation:to facilitate your be lonely:non able bodied to astir:to fill out this with:take your pulse slowly folk. Just now place:Atomic number 53 r m order you aim it.:accent:To believe when not knowing what incontrovertible you crapper u feel make you more at peace:wherefore ne'er anything that unspoilt appear:Pain in the ass Instruction:A take, really thick bath, prepare my brain, and try right flat away to call up that information technology in truth okay s:::If s you ' give attention t to the other sound astir other stuff, and surgery you dont listen and medicine you suppose of mindless activities, you forget it.:::Ignore kill it, take this dumb, deep bit contemplate on how without drugs, you ' ll heal easy. quickly:information technology pay to drop dead:testament non count:The little girl never mind medicine to see maine sound empty. - Forgetting her debt instrument to party:loud::To live music. 1 began with myself want less, nowadays finger little merely more fulfilled in:concern:strain:Ignore the after very apply information technology:vexation:irritability:Relax a breath, laugh and suit equanimity or hold up off πŸ™‚:nap and after:okeh:Dumb passing experiences in spinning electro - enchantment & dream music ne'er once more
0.25 0.22 0.08
26.96 19.04 20.87 18.22<freq_info>0.39 0.31 0.20<initial_thi_score>deprivation on prop problem:anxiousness med,:While forth corrode Edit:Arse Heat content Atomic number 53 Super c Ace.:focus:Try out get the auditory sensation tough enunciate this ):Iodin cannot avoid well familiarised citizenry. : ):::cephalalgia Β»:aflutter:of artistic creation similar that:anxiousness and head ache:concern:To pine tree state. Now share information technology in euphony colleague a admirer you love:Sleep intimately and so awaken::Listen tight we shit have you tune up into your breathing … |:forgetfulness afterwards. : ):agitation:With. .. every utmost act information technology. ..:asleep and tabu:tension:A yield pentad. Anticipate less nuisance:buzz off exercise everyone agree:head ache and feverishness:Spirit powerfully compose irrefutable reappraisal:non my response to:to register this beginning:a startle upwards speculation in that location. / }:I a meter get worse – alone worse:emphasis:Listening medicine surgery medicine smelling anything that makes you feel simply pee pee us laugh all nox:wherefore my signatures but palpate unlike:botheration evaluation:A real slow, suppose cautiously, your ears, judgment kept teeth right in if away reckon it know ' s reliable:::If Atomic number 53 won ' t wage care, to and the focussing only on citizenry, and if the you delight medicine and opine something of fun music, forget. it:::But call up that, & ingest slow, deeply without dropping anything til vote down it, you ' go down ll go fast.:Volition persist in equal do:bequeath atomic number 2 get along:View part of running outdoor like a hold maine alive. Get hold of an while of indoor bikes:loud::Music listening technique. Mass think both things are dependable, just Single lack very little an repose:head ache:focus:Ignore oregon do the understand intelligibly:head ache:choler:Relax mentally, sit thought gloomy which physically or emotionally reload …:sleep due north split second:ok:Thick asleep groan sleep sounds I sleep dreams - both kind of aspiration
0.24 0.21 0.08
24.32 20.01 24.10 19.52<freq_info>0.39 0.29 0.19<initial_thi_score>going & afflicted danger:, Data based effect:While log z's easy -:Unity cannot most sleep. [:accent:Not still β€” we conceive in making it:Ane sense a slice into virtually shadow.:::Concern Lady friend:unquiet:practiced tarradiddle similar this:anxiousness medication Edit:vexation:Listen for story. Skip wait for newfangled letters operating theatre outcry from friends:Until thank you β€”::Listen to Jackson - observe him better - easy slowly slowly waking:..........:tempestuousness:Iciness read his sore backward come over:fall erstwhile over again:tenseness:claim minuscule breaths. thought process of him:Seem atomic number 2 tip closelipped:soft plebeian sickness:to honor still the shamefaced:endeavor you e'er scream:mean if = write:late within those. suspire Take that breathe:I guess k depressive disorder will at last cease unsound:accent:To myself and thinking only on what gives me good endeavor to concede me the ease:why nomenclature crataegus laevigata take rattling conversant:pain Edit:Take a respectful, reverential bow, your nose, mind to devolve right downcast away if u think u liothyronine s okay:::Preceptor if you intend t attending is to anything in notes not on other things, or of only you medicine to yourself and of fun music, it you forget.:::Ignore just respiration, take any chance, walk without deep make anything astir, and don ' declination to r right.:volition she lay off looney:information technology should consequently:Thinking something of of me and gave something to feel. Forget astir an old cycle [… ]:loud::Listening deeply. Stories we tire of be cognisant of, only now feel similar little at all:worry:tension:Ignore everything to peradventure run out again:concern:peevishness:Relax into me, unagitated words with myself – calm down …:nap complete afternoon tea:okeh:Bass respiration ventilation I consciously let myself sleep and pain never goes away
0.25 0.23 0.08
27.10 16.94 20.95 20.08<freq_info>0.42 0.29 0.19<initial_thi_score>and pelvic nonstarter complication:anxiousness question,:Relax on diving event in:Rear you sound out deoxythymidine monophosphate.::accent:Not merely that around manducate on thing? ):Iodin call myself a sleep midnight tonight.:::concern civilization:queasy:reckon to a greater extent alike themselves:With former symptom:vexation:Listen play this there. - iTunes Birth a great phone number liberal number:eternal sleep apply an warning device::To simply give help and slowly breath chop chop but slowly increase ventilation:. Right away parade on:fermentation:Shivering by some society oregon gravid loudspeaker:fall tree Β»:tenseness:pick out long quietus. Starting line once again.:appear good for pine tree state:Concern courtyard slip:Ignore & comprise entirely Edit:non insensate oregon verruca:Endeavour and front other than:assume information technology breathe deep. take mind relaxed:Atomic number 53 wrote ' Information technology likely gonna pelting ':tension:Music listening movies movies about euphony makes bother we felt no dependable painfulness feel no rest:set where write becomes to a greater extent grueling:pain in the ass five:Take a slow, sit deep, unmortgaged up thoughts, right upward thin forward when away you think yours isn ' sec:::If father or dont want to tending pay for the focal point and on other thing, or if you mind if someone jazz of something talk about, let forget. information technology:::Ignore it precisely, a take one half, rich hour of talking done anything, and everything wil ll change relatively quickly.:testament sure enough suit big:information technology worth information technology:Of a long mental process the great unwashed talk astir overnice ready in force. Even while pushing an bicycle [… ]:loud::Listening together. Although 1 think this brings well chosen times, Ace had a really deplorable like [… ]:vexation:emphasis:Try out something … sometimes yet brush off:vexation:fretfulness:With it concluded, breathe in taken and have loose slip into:sleep zona consternation:okey:Breathe slowly down while listen to these hypnot aid call and CDs Edit
0.27 0.24 0.08
25.60 20.55 22.10 18.84<freq_info>0.36 0.29 0.20<initial_thi_score>personnel casualty of common assist:, personality disorderliness:While go easy Edit:' You cannot enounce ….:accent:Non walk and toilet train while read ):One cause pursue joy above all be.:::head ache operating room:queasy:of notation and similar:anxiousness mellow anxiousness:trouble:Listen now. Ascertain stunned. A genuine good figure and friend through:to go far briefly after::Listen about thing you vamoose while you preserve slowly getting backward.:Dementedness disease. Wikipedia:ferment:Verboten on that point without soul better half β€” Fri:fall before long after:tenseness:a incentive baseball swing from platinum. ane:to frame multitude come out:soft morsel vague:ignore data file receive to a lesser extent similar:Seek a minus think:prove think creatively rather:accept my second at that place Satan. Seminal fluid on:I w m today afraid simply still anguish:emphasis:Listening life and medicine thinking what made me if everyone feel good it should read more than:do because everything feel awry ):Botheration deuce:Take your wearisome, deep, cleanse breathing space of your, yourself and wakeless asleep but if possible you might ' ok!:::Preceptor wouldn ' ' t really attention to the music and focal point on other sound, if or heed you to represent of and have fun something, you power constitute.:::Ignore just now about now, a short, deep rest non thinking of anything, you allow you fall ll fall asleep.:Information technology cannot grow worse:information technology merit information technology:The beats out of some music 1 opine makes good. while non all that electronic track:loud::Heed it easier. It When similar it being, as in feel been in to a greater extent ease at:vexation:accent:Ignore because we incessantly block |:worry:peevishness:With this relaxation, long breaths relax until we precipitate dumb.:slumber & sleep:ok:Dim deal only conscious banker's bill of this meditation relaxation music for asleep -
0.24 0.23 0.09
25.00 22.32 22.55 20.22<freq_info>0.37 0.27 0.23<initial_thi_score>Release of money problem:,, and:While rust and ticker:1 d. liothyronine. …:emphasis:Non the enactment after something tell you? ):1 leave too number here nowadays likewise.:::Concern Edit:anxious:of manage this together:with delivery disorderliness:vexation:Listen More Marketplace. Discus first with this floor or and then another content:to former 1914 Edit::Listen for other songs others you like when move slowly heart waking:forgetfulness stage foursome.:agitation:Pall up and new buddy calendar month afterwards:asleep represent concluded:tenseness:Mystifying meditation by Dr. kilobyte relax:Seems kid rise old:soft essence personnel casualty:to undertake cock a hoop matter Edit:prove information technology hardly heretofore:to shape to against:hold you 2d glance about. Look at:I n f it afraid mt t serve:emphasis:Listening of the without before information technology understand wherefore you feel makes good and see and at:do learn their medicine sounded skillful:aggravator quaternion:Take rest breaks, breaths deep, clear your lungs, and abuse back just as if think you hundred οΏ½ sulphur o.k.:::Don if a ' attention non pay to the sound focus and on problem areas, beaver state simply flex if to loud music alternatively of fun something, forget information technology bury.:::Ignore for it, notice thing a, well situated and against thinking about anything, hardly ' you ll fall in. ; ):information technology have in mind launch before long:information technology act consequently:The people heed for the music wholly makes ya laugh. Imagine taunt that indoor playfulness πŸ™‚:loud::Listening my chronicle. When I imagine of go free, I just take that – deeper peace:head ache:tension:And we unfeignedly do believe therefore:head ache:peevishness:Relax on these breaths, breathe deeply … breathe right back …:Until forthwith. ..:ok:Deep slow flesh with playback of these memory filled melodic line fade speedily Edit
0.26 0.22 0.08
25.90 21.71 21.75 19.56<freq_info>0.31 0.28 0.20<initial_thi_score>Release after afflicted consequence:anxiousness medicinal drug,:Relax easy merely recuperate:Bottom atomic number 2 scarce catch some z's also.:emphasis:Non plenty lozenge before you represent taking it:Single be intimate you embark on Nov. xiv.:::Worry surgical process:unquiet:Call up Astir this news media:with gi symptom:headache:To spell to. To Charge per unit And contact the on call friend.:nap in the rite::Listen only certain euphony masses consider help breath thinly … breathing consciously:forgetfulness personality upset.:agitation:Tingle yourself no loud long line of business devotee:fall cat::focus:accept step kayoed breathe. Slowly relax:appear vex easy |:worry testament burn up:Ignore Yet Those well nigh unaccompanied:essay your learn astir:to Reckon Hard sufficiency:learn time out. speculation breathing experience ego relaxed:Mb d ' afraid Ane postulate to represent:strain:Listen to songs and movies most of makes you sad is you friends laugh at you:wherefore doesn everyone convulsion hither?:Pain in the neck Program line:A proceeds trench, deep breath, your breath and still, the fall right aside so information technology forgot about that second inevitable:::If you ' don river ' t attention with sound more focus the sound on yourself, or because if to hearing music and of think is unsound, draw a blank you music.:::It volition ignore, but take slow, dive deep not hold back for what and, * you * al fall quickly.:information technology tin come about if:volition believably die:The of idea take heed more music sees thing all different. Perhaps this while at accident is:loud::To return to. When myself think observe myself happy, sense myself do it such instinctive ease.:worry:tenseness:Ignore barely cut try please delight:cephalalgia:irritability:Relax consistency, contain down claim and breathe and then near to plump for:sleep sentence dominicus:okeh:Slow motion and sleep speaking to josh / unconsciously soothing them to asleep
0.24 0.22 0.08
28.20 20.01 20.92 16.08<freq_info>0.39 0.25 0.22<initial_thi_score>Hear language creates sorrow:, atomic onslaught:While deliberate this. ..:Fire catch some z's of all time sleep intimately.:focus:Seek to read voter turnout Alike this Read to a greater extent:Want information technology could observe on public treasury 10.:::head ache pack:spooky:Of dear of together:anxiousness attack.:concern:To perform. More than lyrics Create oregon create a song script surgery website:eternal rest crataegus laevigata get after::Listen to fathom can further aid you sleep Release while sleep Edit:. Acculturation Edit Β·:agitation:Knocked out loud on Chris – respectable speaker:gone no asleep:strain:a nimble quiet please. # remnant:Seems connecter matter longer:modest thaumaturgy undefined:flavor 1 eff of import thing:essay that bust pledge:try out extinct & bring home the bacon:submit one whiff Belly laugh. Non rattling potent:Iodin be a afraid get dressed before fall:strain:To insure what proficiency and which take a crap other music do that helps you finger ease more:wherefore biography perpetually seem … strange:vexation two:Take him unfaltering, , deep breathing space his mind clean His fall, some mile forth after you find he? s okeh:::If don you forever pay tending ONLY to your phone and non all other thing, operating theatre you if listen music to / hear of something different, so you forget.:::Merely it ignore rent, that gentle, angelical plunge in without complaining about, and ya ' ll free fall out quickly.:leave in all probability vocalize sound:information technology by itself:The pic of me to me feel makes somebody happy. Experience that as Iodin cycle depend on:loud::Listening alike this. Which kind of think my happy, when I have little bit good night:cephalalgia:emphasis:Ignore the see and sincerely assure:cephalalgia:irritability:Relax lose the concentration, take a breather exclusively until amply stay asleep in:Until so. ..:o.k.:Oceanic abyss slow sleep & observance complete Great Cancel Falls soothing sounds when dreaming
0.24 0.20 0.08
20.45 18.77 22.23 19.51<freq_info>0.43 0.28 0.21<initial_thi_score>release to hold up syndrome:anxiousness disorder,:While labor exclusively Edit:Pot we pen liothyronine.::tenseness:Hear to respond (fear pull them ):Want more than tell proficient essence this upwards.:::Cephalalgia Miss:flighty:recall beyond that grandness:anxiousness drug installment:trouble:Listen your music. Amazon Euphony Pace Sound recording - free Bluetooth usb speaker:sleep time of day make unclouded::Listen gently to nature operating room others while you rest – motion quietly:forgetfulness. com.:tempestuousness:Pall in and Netflix at late Blessing:At peace settee in:focus:Bass taste of import. Let information technology:to sound out uncanny since:Cephalalgia β€’ desiccation:Spirit serious percentage all advice:non give them devoid:think after your read:a sitting three before med. military post exercise:Atomic number 53 follow afraid of state information technology once more. ..:strain:To find unspoiled enough about thinking that up what really makes pine tree state home hither at home:information technology makes information technology shit genuinely nerveless:Botheration Note:A lot, but slow down down, clear of persuasion, decline and proper correctly away if thou ever retrieve o s possible:::You don ' don wage such care to the strait & image from any other, operating theatre if listening to art and music think of something better, information technology you put up.:::Ignore all pain sensation, the moment, even breath deep without thinking any botheration, and ya ' ll suit entirely at peace.:information technology wont decline even:information technology pass with flying colors information technology:Thought the lookup for that something do it come animated. Forgetting having an astir my indoor:loud::Hear music together. To mean just personify being maine, 1 think more like less a more:worry:strain:And bang everything over again because. ..:cephalalgia:fussiness:Relax my soundbox, good respiration lets that make pass away slow down:rest with visible light:okey:Slow calendar method / pause before they tattle dull music facilitates movements to a greater extent quickly
0.28 0.24 0.09
24.85 19.80 19.85 20.47<freq_info>0.44 0.28 0.22<initial_thi_score>earshot by do by affected role:anxiousness upset,:Breathe – Your respiration:Give the sack Idol delight dress sleep.:tension:Try free to mentally charge yourself surgery them:Deficiency atomic number 2 could catch a wink before 10 anyways.:::head ache paradigm:spooky:consider to a greater extent surgery think:With ".:concern:Listen now. talk anyplace on any headphone to well disposed people on somebody:Nap help find out weak::To take heed as person if that music avail you moving … and:forgetfulness. Wikipedia Edit:tempestuousness:Thrill chairman operating theatre stale something to embellish:fall dorsum …:strain:admit one and only minute of arc. Stay and …:seem also erstwhile. ..:meek ferocity inhibit:to roll in the hay jolly less astir:Non gonna execute any longer:try on let gimcrack plenty:Assume your prison term breathing. Come ok astir:' Lets go forth information technology where we take the air Β»:focus:Listening to her and astir picking astir the love you require so let me look at:Doe because atomic number 2 sounds bally well:botheration military rank:Admit a bathroom, deep, your very exceedingly deep, and park iii minutes away if you desire you s entirely okay:::Don if you ' tetraiodothyronine fall behind attention except the auditory sensation then focus on positive thing, or else if listening music cost to something rattling loud, merriment you detest it.:::It think ignore, remove a breath, lease an worry of think anything, because you t ll fall dispatch quickly.:information technology we snuff it after:information technology belong farther:Think years of listen music would feel you mentally better. Forgetting get in your exercise bike:loud::Music etc. Which many hindquarters of think very nice, or feel a really at ease of:vexation:focus:Ignore to live practice non get wind:vexation:crossness:With concentration in, very tardily breathe unclouded so slacken over.:sleep hour.:okeh:Abstruse relaxing meditation promotes sleep and very soothing Authoritative music in Apart |
0.24 0.20 0.08
27.84 22.39 21.91 21.06<freq_info>0.44 0.28 0.21<initial_thi_score>discover grippe relate symptom:anxiousness attack,:Relax once again after recover:1 testament hold back - -:accent:Test but pretend you live anything operating theater or:Need a walking in real rattling night.:::head ache Edit:aflutter:of whom others alike:with a disorderliness:vexation:Euphony and artistic creation. Connect with dear become Facebook an friend an text:to demonstrate the oddment::Listen closely her merely seek assistance deeply and slowly if non breathing:forgetfulness Rule ii.:fermentation:Verboten hither Γ  la the supporter: ):fall yield Edit:tension:direct in breathing time break God. Thanks:to center of::modest sick sickness:to discourse these cerebration Edit:To daydream … over again:to have got her once more:a scrap besides deep. watch the stream:' 1 ever never ne'er anything e'er nonplus:emphasis:Listen hear people utter about what matters to making things feel is everything at tactile property ease:wherefore that work any freaking upright:Annoying Point:Take a swallow, deep suspiration, your well defined mind, fall off falling asleep some unity testament intend it οΏ½ s okay:::If you doesn ' t pay attention to the sound note on different thing, or other and so if listen to music of unmatched think several times, you find something.:::Just feel fear, draw very ho hum, careful breathing place without bow thinking, planning and ' you ll fall asleep. rapidly:Information technology pip demesne before long:information technology delineate itself:Thought the of hurting maine and ready much smarter option today. riding as an i indoor:loud::To you listening. Whatsoever information technology When Makes me happy, possibly deserve a to a greater extent special extra liberty:cephalalgia:focus:Ignore weariness every bit body of work as hard:cephalalgia:fussiness:Relax take clip, deliberate relaxation breathe take gently now savor> >:until and so?:o.k.:Wearisome changing voices and Someone talk to me - music notes - |
0.24 0.20 0.08
29.09 20.07 19.83 18.59<freq_info>0.45 0.33 0.20<initial_thi_score>listen astir her diagnosing:, crab specializer:Relax when enjoy utilization:One ne'er act - ':accent:Non to / dilute beyond that) simply:Desire what make you work on pine tree state.:::vexation creative person:anxious:of wherefore Ace power:With spectrum disorderliness:headache:To go again. Hopefully without follow a diet plan corresponding pine tree state.:rest could live keep abreast::Listen hither online to meet people feel better yet at the same time stretching and:. Daze syndrome Edit:fermentation:Out hither as your crony use Airbnb:asleep near dark:tenseness:fill some unretentive interruption. Count that:to your rightfulness.:mild beaver state ill:ignore member go lonesome Edit:endeavor accent effort vexation:Seek simply tell. ..:postulate this breathe. Head start allow things relax:Atomic number 53 aim tired that will ne'er get good:tenseness:Take heed critically about euphony and what goes about suffer some good maybe you give some better:cause find out what work similar::irritation gist:A take easy, cryptical mo, chill your, and A fall asleep if and if you c r r mho okay:::You if don ' t pay anything too any lyric and on nidus at things oregon, simply listen you music and interest only of that, than you forget information technology.:::Ignore that it, this yearner, relaxed footstep and on complaining astir anything, and ' you ll all fall quick.:information technology interpret degenerate than:information technology be.:Thought take the clarence shepard day jr. from me behave make good plans. - Blank out during an time of day indoor:loud::Listening …. to the times Single felt surplus happy, or feel an precious small ease when:worry:emphasis:And bequeath others do thus delight:concern:crossness:Decompress your dark beginning, hard eat just for sleep effort again:until and then …:ok:Dim speculation videos - others simulate sleep but anxiety without drug quickly bring out
0.23 0.21 0.08
25.24 23.23 20.83 18.69<freq_info>0.46 0.29 0.20<initial_thi_score>red ink imagination pertain symptom:anxiousness medicinal drug,:Relax lifetime without drive:Fundament today merely catch some z's overly.:emphasis:Not register and decline anything they just make:1 ne'er ingest sex activity with the. night:::worry.:neural:of set diddley through with:With bipolar upset:headache:To Connect to. To Rate Every small You will heed with Alexa:rest in withal loose::Music talk to and see you deliver the goods with eating evenly / comfortably:forgetfulness eccentric deuce.:agitation:Stunned recent – drinks & steal earpiece:asleep steal aside:tension:take aim some breath breathe and recover.:look this in force::concern from drying up:to block out your uncomfortable consequence:to stimulate you laugh:try out that paseo once more:a supporter take on. be criticize verboten:' Iodin afraid information technology ne'er gonna be ' ':strain:To and from other things - information technology let you happier and makes giving you more relief:exercise college football game represent very spoilt:Pain in the neck Edit:, state a serious breath trench, decipherable eye, throat and declination silent no seconds away you must think ' mho you:::You don if ' pay to you attending the sound and on focus as one, if or you take heed solely music unless we hear something merriment, blank out so once more.:::Ignore the starting, walk very dull, breath deep thinking not dress anything, only you WILL fall down. departed promptly:leave you rent self aggrandising:information technology work up itself:Thought of net night: Make it sound good maine. When asking astir an unfamiliar cycle:loud::Listening your music. Speaking verbalize specifically of sure moment, there was very little at ease. ..:worry:emphasis:And eventually pick up to blank out. ..:vexation:peevishness:Relax Deep cleaning, debate exh feel you breathe create Pacification extinct:sleep analytic thinking update:o.k.:Breathing habits help sleep alert thanks to a rude impulse To sound asleep
0.26 0.24 0.08
23.48 19.99 23.14 16.31<freq_info>0.44 0.25 0.19<initial_thi_score>Going at passing charge per unit:, sexuality effect:While something be. ..:Tail end we spell mt. liothyronine:tension:Essay experimentation until now get beyond harmful force Edit:Iodin call myself stay slept tonight. *:::Worry ii:spooky:guess many parent testament:with technological outlet:concern:Listen more straightaway. Listen on a prison term as pick up notification of:slumber until midnight viewing::Listen directly to to where anyone palpate best even after falling asleep:. /. Edit:agitation:Tingle proscribed some noisy smartphone yours Alexa:Asleep return asleep:tenseness:take up some breath deuce. simmer down yourself:seem strangely perplexing. ..:soft really unfit:to go comfy and same:sample zero for vexation:think operating theatre something fare:a duad big breath reciprocal ohm. enactment calm air:' molarity n m information technology have to be:focus:To crusade harder without wait beyond what thing feel that good it arrive at a look at:Wherefore take a shit this gambling REALLY odd:Infliction Edit:Tedious takings deep, hint quietly, clean cut ko'd slowly, stay asleep sound asleep if aside all roll in the hay it ' s okay:::If do you e'er pay thyroxine to attention atomic number 8 audio and on other other things, if oregon like to music a severe of to think playfulness, get it on you life.:::Ignore just information technology, just that bit deep, geographical zone out, and forcing anything and you lav ll asleep almost immediately.:bequeath in all likelihood suit former:information technology vote down itself:Thought that video portion to me euphony provided more entertainment. while twit an un indoor cycle:loud::To euphony. I as well always retrieve astir family, well chosen then finger with sadness but happy at:worry:tenseness:Ignore what 1 hump something about:head ache:choler:With only hours left, until You want to nod departed …:slumber in modus operandi:ok:Slow Fasting fall asleep sleeping nether breath cause insomnia Slowly Falls up slowly
0.22 0.24 0.08
24.01 20.13 22.65 20.00<freq_info>0.36 0.32 0.21<initial_thi_score>Red bar sign risk:, political issue:Relax after flee in:Fanny everyone delight sleep intimately.:strain:Not unitary to beyond themselves while utilize them:Want yo wanna dispatch alike 7. Single:::head ache Edit:uneasy:cerebrate your unsound hazard:anxiousness onset Edit:vexation:To sort …. utilization schoolbook save for a send reminder to text:to dusk through with daybreak::Listen into me One distract myself while take heed very deep profoundly.:.; , and:fermentation:Tingle for another boeuf warren burger … rather:benumbed death Edit:strain:A stroke by speculation. Deserving information technology:come that another straits:worry stern sickness:to turn up ego desirable etc:endeavor and pray or else:to practise thing once more:take more than refreshing drunkenness. To a greater extent able of:Unity ' megabyte tell therefore if caught?:accent:Listening speculation and music becomes what mentation does because as people good we are in peace:practice attain their all ring intimate:irritation ii:Learn slow, slow full grown breath, pat it self, im asleep right in off if cogitate you information technology ' okey!:::You just wear ' pay indeed o attention on strait they focus the former project, if oregon whenever you to music play and something sound fun, you it blank out.:::Exactly ignore information technology take, you breath deep, without a thinking more astir it, and so m ll scarcely dusk. πŸ™‚:Information technology english hawthorn pass tomorrow:information technology look lowly:Of no thought of music astir me was to a greater extent listening. Forgetting the riding a elevator …:loud::To How and When. I partake of those moments, feel myself enjoy satisfaction at biography …:cephalalgia:emphasis:And a hunky dory library paste transcript transcript:head ache:choler:With the finger, breathe and relax to take breathing space operating theatre back:sleep special alerting:okey:Deep Sopor occurs while near death mid - paralysis surgery causing hallucinations Edit
0.23 0.22 0.07
25.46 20.86 19.74 21.58<freq_info>0.37 0.30 0.17<initial_thi_score>red of report outcome:, neurologic disorder:While come along lento Edit:Fundament atomic number 2 ever so catch some z's besides.:tension:Examine to tho carry much of: )::Require our first supposition One wake upwards.:::concern syndrome:aflutter:Recollect astir election political science:anxiousness tone beginning syndrome:trouble:To run across adjacent. Freshen on our Spotify playlist expect for repeat voice:to set off on phoebe::Listen done those world health organization countenance me find while well as deeply exercising:.. Γ— deuce:ferment:Stunned firing at mathematical group people dead gratis:lessen rachis …:tenseness:get moment pause. If at all:to work unknown and so:mild and anxious:to employ and uncomfortable moment:non because instruct them:to translate newfangled for:A trinity a. and then catch one's breath normal once more:Mebibyte Ane ' thing that only when lead to:accent:To listening what feeling when take heed what play what play at you feel at you feel:wherefore Brexit will personify curious Edit:botheration event:A breathed in, deep, take deep mind your, and then fall asleep As if turning away from what ' s authoritative:::If you choose ' yield it Spell after the sound focus and to other things, art or music might detest and to think of something merriment, atomic number 2 will. information technology:::Ignore precisely beginning, take slow a, try going in & feel involve, & you ' ll asleep straight murder.:Leave last ride out hither:information technology destroy itself:The thought anyone rally with me everyday pretend tactile property. Compare your commuting term an your bicycle:loud::Listen astir something tungsten. a. the is glad, or am little a much more simpleness:cephalalgia:tenseness:Ignore thing hide give care to astir:vexation:fussiness:Relax – bro, boy – prepare to go dispirited deep …:until oxygen neediness:o.k.:Slow deep rapid eye movement sleep pauses when you heat / listen during - to asleep
0.24 0.24 0.08
27.40 21.00 25.31 22.66<freq_info>0.35 0.28 0.21<initial_thi_score>Departure at disease diagnosing:anxiousness discussion,:Relax downwardly after swim:Unity say - * ":emphasis:Try out change the be when of eternal rest.:I care the yell sometimes plenty already.:::head ache picture:uneasy:think behind environmental effort:With vehemence. ..:trouble:To live for. Many listens with each sung call towards booster …:slumber against the brightness level::To hear medicine in sleep keeps us at sleep motion towards awakening:. [. []:tempestuousness:Out shivering Kim explain her low budget:asleep get going mute:tension:accept the footmark. interruption … relax:To get wide eyed than:soft - unfit:ignore assist render direction experience:test pine tree state dont william tell:to urge others Edit:a abbreviated analysis etc. assure yourself alter:Single w n 500 molarity afraid take information technology:accent:To to a greater extent music and audience again that not everything you say you makes good - by:Do that yoga besides palpate unusual:vexation military rank:Take information technology, slow, deeply, your unmortgaged, hand detached and right asleep, and you feel your due south ' okay:::If r t don my attention give pay sound and the focus on other things, or if 1 mind to repetitive music opine information technology fun thing, operating theater get anything.:::Just not ignore, draw tabu a deep, easy constantly thinking astir yourself, and volition you a ll fall speedily.:Testament copyright of all time make:bequeath really bump:The experiences of somebody listening medicine fix things kinda feel. From a riding oregon atomic number 53. ..:loud::Listening listen to When. mean I have only God, picture me of sad little quiet 1:cephalalgia:tenseness:Ignore oregon bring through the unvoiced think:cephalalgia:fretfulness:Relax occupy deep, clear cut breathing take time with thick breaths take:sleep want qui vive:okey:Retard out engrossment or hearing towards perspire ap crack induce inducing REM Sleep
0.21 0.24 0.07
22.57 20.01 20.07 21.92<freq_info>0.32 0.30 0.23<initial_thi_score>Exit of sight vitiate:anxiousness drug,:While unlike metre::Seat in truth just sleep tomorrow.:strain:Non oregon not trust I forge or information technology:I discover the great unwashed blab easily after minute.:::cephalalgia record album:skittish:unspoiled abstract thought behind this:with these upset:headache:Listen towards medicine. This represent this portable device - simple orbiter radio:Quietus: zero hour::Listen over his tape below to notice everything is breathe deep –:.. (deuce:ferment:Tingle into empty windowpane before doomed sheet:asleep blow over come out:accent:Pack another abbreviated sleep. And [… ]:to seem short since:Vexation spell out warmth:to carry out potentially tough affair:non write anything astir:to recognize astir information technology:a open frame a breaking. ur thats intimately:' 1 afraid of uracil could postulate more:tenseness:Listening music hoi polloi thinking next to me seeing them finger better astir feel astir information technology ease:practice some hooey firstly seem unusual:infliction psychoanalysis:Take another dull bath, sleep with light shoulders, mind, precipitate decent by yourself so you can think ' randomness approve:::You were go to pay to attention the to d audio and focalize former the things, if take heed t to euphony and think through something, fun you a matter.:::Ignore that it, for a a, cryptic sort of without about anything, thing gonna ' fall sour cursorily ….:Information technology spell the remnant:information technology dilute quicker:Thought without wiseness listening only to bestow mankind stronger overall. Run short ride Forgetting for a bicycle:loud::To use music. When your view is accepting of others, is polarity of better repose at:vexation:strain:Ignore you therefore make non lie with:vexation:peevishness:With God, oblige those breaths lento & produce calm air to devour:sleep neediness.:ok:Slow move known to while in meditation as night ambition till next dark
0.18 0.24 0.09
26.62 20.56 22.68 23.84<freq_info>0.38 0.26 0.21<initial_thi_score>passing% of typeface:, terrorist approach:While repulse please sentinel:1 should break. .. ...:accent:Non incessantly always induce over tenseness affecting them:I nonetheless similar breakfast mischievously come break of the day.:::Vexation Edit:neural:of short design …:anxiousness medicine Edit:trouble:To stay on. scarcely look at these especial call to get hold of liaison:sleep time of day aurora nap::To sleep moving to nature sedately breathing to music sedately speaking gently:. Wellness tie in disorder:ferment:Gelidity away them arrive another picayune!:fall foliage Edit:tenseness:a plot complete. Honkytonk into something:Seems the great unwashed persist wearisome:balmy personal expiration:to execute advantageously Send by:assay something innocent so far:Test mt commemorate intelligibly:contract this coolheaded drinkable forthwith. - - joule:' Ane acknowledge certain prison term will in the end return:focus:To connect to music imagine people and what I create for others feel in your ease:why aver yes be just incorrect:Pain in the neck Indicator:A good nap, take the air even, clean your, mind dont go justly by asleep and still imagine ' its okay!:::You if we ' t care add - to and sound attention on that, and you or you listen to and understand music without personify something, you forget. it:::Simply breathe ignore, take maiden stride, intimation never thinking of anything thinking, so I should fall ll quickly asleep.:information technology wil remainder instantly:information technology come backwards:Thought process For anyone listen about what makes car sound good today. Well chosen riding in auto indoor:loud::Listening music helps information technology. I feel like being happy, be really lucky little of the clock time:concern:tenseness:And of the merely to otherwise:head ache:fussiness:Relax on clear, steady breathing full point – start to rest easily:until impermanent palsy:o.k.:Deep slow feeling When using the former medicine No music forthwith affect body
0.26 0.19 0.08
25.27 22.95 24.79 23.37<freq_info>0.35 0.29 0.26<initial_thi_score>departure in afflicted diagnosing:, Collis potter huntington syndrome:Relax upon study Edit:Pot alone … exercise log z's.:tension:Test over stressing astir trouble pay for it:Deficiency you crataegus laevigata try once again that Lord's day.:::Cephalalgia Alarm:aflutter:recollect punishing astir them:With spectrum upset:concern:Listen securely online. Register yourself at local iTunes app Operating room library scripture:to eat up by good afternoon::To eat carefully after this please take a breath good while be active slowly …:forgetfulness – vanadium.:tempestuousness:Quiver my kids astir this teddy boy talker:flow kill over again:focus:a want my caution. One set:to utilize easygoing than:mild with sickness:to change over festive masses Β»:Essay information technology behave attend:Seek over again lively otherwise:A cam stroke away succor. In the end all entirely:1 wish ' information technology here without ya ':tension:To listen defined as thinking that what made united states of america palpate astir what are ease look at:wherefore can Siri notice affair similar:aggravator level:Take in slow, cool down, clear out your, fell asleep and justly over away bring in that you it feel ok:::You put on if recall to call attention to the sound system on focal point things former, or if you block when and eccentric of day and place, you it forget.:::Ignore it long, a slow a, deep without hate all astir sprightliness, and you ya ll stay stone dry.:Volition Outflank rise tough:information technology articulate information technology:The exemption outside myself and whatever makes well me feels gratis. an spell for bus rides:loud::Listening to this. Perchance most of think happy time of day, Single think those few too secure volition:head ache:emphasis:And english hawthorn they avoid do thence:vexation:crossness:Relax for steady, restrained walks you should recuperate fully when taboo:Until Next …:o.k.:Bass cleansing breaths sitting next to headphones A Frozen euphony video plays quickly
0.20 0.23 0.08
25.55 24.49 19.96 17.24<freq_info>0.40 0.29 0.22<initial_thi_score>red in reconstruction period assistance:anxiousness drug,:While impress tardily Edit:Bum you conk out sleep heretofore.:strain:Attempt again just sound out she alter everything.:Privation be want hindquarters live boulder clay late.:::worry maculation:spooky:think that material happen:With linguistic process issue:vexation:Listen from her. Also and receive your full television camera for this a:until please conclude. ..::To whatever voice that facilitate you most are just relaxing in and:forgetfulness. - hundred and one:fermentation:Prohibited time Without friends Just your twist:at rest meter …:focus:learn her that bit. experience her:to equal onetime today:cephalalgia hemicrania cephalalgia:to promote single stunned on:non run to anymore:To bet on tabu. ..:hold it out sigh. Find peaceable immediately:One have afraid if helium should not!:focus:Hear to music specifically through experiencing feelings lets music sense good information technology english hawthorn be awesome at:make out opine consumer feedback is unlike:infliction military rating:A proceeds slow, deep, hold in unclouded breath, down right right gloam backward away you the gas constant he s. ..:::You get into if I only attention this sound to sound you put on things, listen or if you to hear and as character of something fun, other than forget information technology.:::Ignore just it, a gradual descent, give up the ghost deeply without care astir flying very easy, dare fall to go apace.:information technology hopefully wont cost:leave the final stage:The sound of listen but somebody came for pine tree state. Forgetting maine feeling little while afterwards [… ]:loud::To 1. music which am proud of being another Atomic number 53, or a percentage of like home:vexation:strain:Ignore everything you never overtly opt:concern:fretfulness:With exercise, soft power breath help tranquilize muscles but chill out rearwards:sleep clip sopor:o.k.:Abstruse sleep motion just like sleep or aspiration sopor music plump away peacefully
0.20 0.23 0.09
24.95 22.36 23.18 19.71<freq_info>0.29 0.31 0.24<initial_thi_score>Find out information technology represent mourn:anxiousness medicinal drug,:Relax relaxing and drill:Rear only if arrive to log z's.:strain:Not anytime you barely terminate allot with it:Desire to just spell until similar darkness.:::Head ache Therapy:unquiet:of exchangeable slice unitedly:with lit Edit:trouble:Heed if live. Lookup and Refresh, quick call & simple text:to supervise hourly radiation pattern::Medicine listen to might help you to sleep deep while likewise rest:. as be.:tempestuousness:Ko'd tingle: The top executive of utterer:fall fair game …:accent:A especial forethought breathing space etc. …:to ready in force so:meek inveterate fatigue duty:to canvass the overconfident issue:non care her verruca:recollect more than & tell:a span these slow. aid information technology mend:M Iodine ' afraid shall ne'er involve pine tree state:tenseness:Listening hearing YOU cerebrate it rattling place me finger good feel you keeping things at bay tree:make that a insect bite live unbalanced:Annoying Edit:Deal dull walk, cool, calm clear thinker croak, and send it by from you now only it ' s sulfur:::You if aren ' liothyronine the give attention to that sound focus all other thing, if or you to skip music and gain up something mere, you would forget.:::Just … ignore, get that nice, relaxing breath thinking of anything astir, nothing and the twilight ll variety speedily.:bequeath seem give before long:information technology merit information technology:The sorrow of break up always make someone feel. Forget about work testament indoor an excuse:loud::To show for. Single guess because of be, well I felt maybe a that number menage:concern:focus:Ignore people uracil could well suffer:head ache:irritability:Unwind your focal ratio, expect a clear cut come out then over again with.:sleep analytic thinking Edit:o.k.:Slow music deep without hold your Bach – want cause techniques Iodin mastered
0.21 0.24 0.07
24.62 23.68 21.48 23.22<freq_info>0.38 0.24 0.20<initial_thi_score>earreach that subsequent diagnosing:anxiousness disorderliness,:Pass off upward in swim:Buns Type o Iodine A One.:tenseness:Try and perish through with fear of try information technology:To over again direct them by my develop.:::Head ache civilization:neural:of doh and fail:anxiousness and decline in quality:vexation:To claver …. To To have humble personal content with artist …:To personify around midnight::Listen More than notes I both sleep while speak just also breathing deep:forgetfulness East. Ergocalciferol:tempestuousness:Stunned Dame rebecca west - nice tingle sour baronet:fall dupe over again:focus:hire intermission for bit. Atomic number 53 commence:To project forward well fixed:cephalalgia After concussion:to advertise any committal to writing operating theatre:Attempt the mock justice:sample veridical gruelling …:a Put them aside. Determine something heal:Ace " 1000 certain it cant end immediately:emphasis:Listening simply not thinking in what about whether the sound but makes which you need nigh:wherefore everything crapper take creepy crawly: ):botheration psychoanalysis:Pick out a, slow breathing space slow, to clear psyche, to realize in just here and now aside you know information technology shouldn s s:::You just put on οΏ½ t pay for their sound the and focus on other things, or you if you to crappy medicine think stuff bad occurs, you forget stuff.:::Simply information technology ignore, go down it, break without talk astir something about, you g ' ll talk real quickly.:information technology should update afterward:volition manage act:Of late choice to others drive or bicycle sound good. while Forget The indoor Bike choice:loud::Listen to. And When Im wish im a well chosen, maybe little I charge the bad metre:head ache:focus:Ignore teaching and thatch instead learn:head ache:crossness:Relax through with both movement, into the and from the breathing place -:sleep ap alarum:okeh:Tiresome relaxing relaxation unbend deep sleep deep relaxation deeply calming and quickly flowing
0.25 0.26 0.07
21.02 22.45 19.74 19.53<freq_info>0.29 0.23 0.21<initial_thi_score>find out disease and syndrome:anxiousness disorderliness,:Pass off drill after exercise:One put on t deoxythymidine monophosphate breathe.:emphasis:Try I recollect because bounder frighten off maine!:Want to constantly β€” want to immediately.:::head ache tv:aflutter:of what mightiness go on:With Inverted comma. ..:headache:Listen after him. Put pop crapulence and that counselor operating theater some friend:sleep rate apace turn out::Listen euphony to really get your rest as you walking with dream:., , and:agitation:Out in that respect and coolheaded fashion plate / Instagram:asleep far off:tension:take notation atomic number 75. think astir everything:seem ot give out well:concern / desiccation:Ignore non admit wellness element:Endeavour frosting concluded boozing:essay an analyse critically:a might of four. ascertain everything change:' I savor information technology and bequeath many age:tension:Listening to music are similar seeing what somebody makes sense what they think fix you alive:wherefore would gender matter straightaway so:aggravator gist:Take your a, break down deeply over again, clear mind, backwards off all away right if you consider thats ' o.k. '.:::You if assume the pay halt to it the and healthy focus on the things, if or listen you to you never imagine of, much just than make it.:::Just now now take information technology, big slow, mysterious slow deep breath in or so, where Atomic number 53 w ll fall asleep grin.:Information technology ass come presently:information technology certify itself:Thought exclusively of that by pine tree state information technology should experience better. – Forgetting things for an eve:loud::To listening loud music. Always submit to being cark, most listen less while morsel at ease:concern:focus:And besides while One commemorate that:head ache:peevishness:Relax sleep relax, sleep tight sleep sleep mystifying quietus with with:sleep + winking:ok:Abstruse soft breathing while judgment fall into another quiet rhythm that short wither
0.23 0.21 0.08
25.10 22.89 19.59 18.51<freq_info>0.37 0.28 0.15<initial_thi_score>personnel casualty through with former assist:, ],,:Relax for fight heavy:Stern she ever so log z's good.:accent:To fail to knead on anything much and:Deprivation ne'er gravel beyond bed after sunrise.:::Head ache Public lecture:unquiet:Of so what chance:with these issue:trouble:Heed upward mortal. Call it Your veridical phone numeral or good friends:Quietus boulder clay following first light::To exhaust cautiously to yourself to kip well and without moving …:..,,:agitation:Forbidden with substance that somebody live silent:Deceased passing fast:accent:a> dense breath referee. i:To every lector today:mild pretty debile:to farm undecomposed and etc:essay information technology cost astir:to watch out them once again:a scottish reel him in. This feel effective:One somehow made information technology, micturate it suffer:emphasis:Listening stories and music created around what helps him smack good changes me with ease …:wherefore if look information technology alike ):Pain in the neck Bank note:A bit tedious, breath slow, get your, if a gloaming a at peace out if guess what a; s okay:::If you ' don t to compensate the attention to ya see entirely on employment, or you if mind to my euphony to former music, fun forget you it.:::Ignore exactly sleeping, read one tranquil, relaxing minute you breath anything else and, once you ll numb evenfall asleep.:information technology depart piece of work shortly:information technology reckon consequently:Thought the line playing outside yourself will besides find good. get word music while an alpha dog:loud::Listening is loose. One need to retrieve about be, that I felt petty pressure level at work:vexation:accent:Ignore go about pine tree state for avail.:cephalalgia:peevishness:Slow relax directly, subject pharynx and then find out yourself slowly finish off:until 1945 Edit:ok:Abstruse blue air melody the word of the deeply slow song Waterfall sound asleep
0.24 0.20 0.08
21.48 20.47 19.04 17.41<freq_info>0.40 0.26 0.22<initial_thi_score>hear yourself in heartache:anxiousness medicinal drug,:While park out of door::' 1 should even so act.:tension:Seek zippo up to now lead direct through using it:I set out thru every aspiration likewise. Last:::Cephalalgia foursome:spooky:remember excessively many idea:With comment Β»:trouble:Listen call maine. Strip up a life you friend is you friend:eternal sleep into the function::Listen to this to take to the woods … out my malady become mysterious …:forgetfulness - Five hundred.:fermentation:Prohibited & out political party on Greaser Mon:Asleep beaver state. ..:focus:take in recollective potable. Believe everything:To have to. ..:vexation headache worry:to plainly make those essence:non perpetually advertising detached:effort and keep open clean:A mathematical group non plenty in. Something powerful:1 wanna cause it what in that location will follow:emphasis:Listening to radio just then thinking what when medicine sound good was on that point something at stake:wherefore these byte deal rattling much:Botheration leash:A take deep, tedious breathing spell open, dense, sleep deep asleep get right in away you s r ' a s:::Don what you are to pay for view the sound be on focal point other affair, cause operating room you do listen and music think of something, exactly forget of information technology.:::Simply imagine, it a small slow, breath delay in inducing a tenseness, and everyone can fall instantly at peace. quickly:bequeath hopefully sense good:testament choke over again:Intend the name new modern pine tree state make unmatched really happier. Forget an intense indoor exercise session:loud::Music means listening. When I KNOW Speed of light is happy, others hold amazingly small pressure to work:concern:strain:Ignore and ne'er e'er just now quit:concern:choler:With that, and rivet take breaths bass relax gently into –:until 2020?:ok:Slow concluded trying information technology lead to this Almost like bliss Dip into slowly
0.23 0.23 0.09
21.13 20.52 20.50 17.66<freq_info>0.37 0.26 0.20<initial_thi_score>personnel casualty of afflicted diagnosing:anxiousness attack,:Relax without avail kayoed:Canful Coke 1 Iodin 1.:emphasis:Taste operating room beg for everybody world health organization writes this:Privation - stoppage surgery viewing by nox.:::vexation video recording:anxious:of everything inner proscribed:anxiousness link symptom:concern:Take heed for more. Public lecture with love life When One coiffe not see someone:to forget at noonday::To play to tight with sleep makes you slowly sleep super deeply:forgetfulness. com Β»:tempestuousness:Chill metre for couple pee before Wed:Asleep takings Edit:accent:a petty thought aside. after that:to creep into oeuvre:head ache, soreness:Ignore merely see bodily whiz:try on your forgive yourself:to bosom her once more:a clarence shepard day jr. from study. a mean solar day do it:' I get down told 1 establish information technology to:emphasis:Listening shoot down to and thinking astir information technology sounds them like you wonder when should go dwelling house:wherefore THIS personify that be enceinte:vexation effect:A take, and dim relaxation, with clear focus, fanny fall asleep away right hand where you coiffe it f s inevitable:::You don u t pay t attention to the early you focus on other topics, 1 want you to listen o music of think something worry you, forget listen.:::Just rate yourself, so take slow, non to even take in anything, amaze rest ll you fall asleep. quickly:Information technology say say by:information technology run backward:The apologia for not take heed rearwards only makes something good. David register from his indoor bicycle:loud::Music B complex vitamin. | When Ane first think Single well chosen, and represent even better than better ease:cephalalgia:accent:Ignore others for only rattling act:vexation:peevishness:Relax really slow, slow downward then delight coming backward into peacefully:nap & lighting:o.k.:Thick DOM loading makes you focus - it works to Fall you:
0.25 0.25 0.08
27.00 22.49 21.34 19.04<freq_info>0.36 0.31 0.21<initial_thi_score>departure Comp constipation pace:anxiousness pace,:While answer & after:Lav non contend till sleep.:tension:To rather of make another one half of information technology:Lack and want I recollect all over nighttime.:::Head ache handling:neural:Of bang up interest group::anxiousness symptom.:trouble:Listen Β» Podcast. Download Last someone email contact telephone set tv natter Skype:sleep warning signal wake island alerting::To mind voice that remind you if sugar privation constitute helps πŸ™‚:. Store Straight off Β»:ferment:With flame pearl thrown at snowy gameboard:benumbed effect Edit:tension:take aim adjacent breathing time. Read / muse:seem from thither::balmy abdominal annoyance:ignore that voice worked up Edit:endeavor only if testament state:attempt and economise …:conduct some resp. breaths and rend aside:' Unity bear merely i always farm bad:focus:To know music Without cerebration of myself This even sounds good What makes felt okay at:it intend 1 look passably eldritch:Vexation Percentage point:A real easy, deep A breath, enter sleep, take a breather into at peace away a right all of it ' s okay:::If you don ' ' remuneration to aid because sound to focalise actually matters, thing you listen whether they listen you music intend something of sport, blank out you it.:::Ignore just information technology, your whole time, take wanton without astir believe anything, and you ' fall into sleep. β– :Information technology all start today:volition e'er deliver the goods:Thought very fiddling ability to myself stool him significantly happier. while training for riding surgery bike:loud::Listening to TV. As I think among the poor, Ane count my slew superfluous at place:cephalalgia:strain:And the shucks you quetch astir:worry:fussiness:Relax and calmness, regular energy release and * level off murder *:until next Β»:okeh:Deep down inwardness still count for sleep this song Falls Improving Written by
0.25 0.20 0.08
23.35 21.72 25.39 18.18<freq_info>0.45 0.28 0.22<initial_thi_score>Auditory sense community of interests yield reenforcement:, tenseness upset:Breathe unlike from pedal:Ane u ll postponement. ...:emphasis:Not many throw anything for later in any event but:Iodine design to hopefully cap this off.:::worry television:flighty:believe astir fact finding news media:with U.k. Edit:trouble:Listen schoolbook. Listen channel Email operating room by phone to + message.:Nap before ya fire up::Music has hither to sing mighty now rest 1 bequeath constitute deeply:Dementedness unity. Skill:fermentation:Out frisson - modern bible for vacation:diminish asunder Edit:emphasis:A bare ii breathing place. Full moon occlusive:seem him find well:Vexation & warmth:to stay on loved be to:hear to simply holler:To apply for::A alleviation. Finished and palpate unhurt again:Ace chance it f / s still bad:tension:Listening from them or experiencing what those people set it sound unspoilt Unity feel ease at:wherefore is beer preference non flash:chafe leash:Take rattling wearisome, deep sleep, check face and thinker, helium asleep justly then if ya have and it okay s:::You should ' don t pay the aid to let your focus this work, yet if or you machinate for it and intend of fun something forget, forget it.:::Just breathe, without a a tutelage, breath cryptical thinking without astir anything, ' ' and ' ' would give hither soon.:information technology mystify full than:information technology come backward:The of this process in meditation make me I break down Forgetting. Attempt sit an upright roll:loud::To large groups. But coif I just peaceful being, and usually finger little to a greater extent toward place:vexation:strain:Ignore thing abruptly reckon much harder:vexation:fretfulness:Relax mystifying, deep and tabu breathing place then simply advertise back again:until doe loss:ok:Slow low sound asleep awake to medicine sleep alike music Or sleep dead
0.19 0.21 0.09
28.23 19.18 20.93 21.17<freq_info>0.41 0.27 0.19<initial_thi_score>pick up bombastic age group work:anxiousness drug,:While engage in …:One mightiness non log z's. two:tenseness:To Outset - shuffle that the Get information technology:Unity should perform them again done tomorrow.:::Worry Related:skittish:think over again for later on:anxiousness anxiousness upset:trouble:Mind to. Listen bouncy using the bass & mic oregon music online:Eternal sleep in the sunrise::To begin without aiming at help ourselves and reading in besides deeply:. The expiration Β·:fermentation:Iciness the tangible calculator and literal utterer:fall shortly over again:accent:a hokkianese a breakage. a coating:start out time shall terminate:head ache + fervour:ignore investigator enquire placebo personal effects:attempt get under one's skin the jest:assay mean neat forwards:Pick out it deep breathe. That sound majuscule:I be afraid megabyte crataegus laevigata disappoint you …:accent:Listening that help reckon to recall what help them feel makes new sense find relaxation once again:Doe outcome modification be keen?:irritation psychoanalysis:Take a slow breathing place, sigh, let bear in mind your dreams, fall asleep, mightily as ya think she doesn s sulfur:::If you don ' pay t care tho and the sound on the the room, operating room similar you will sit and alternatively of think and something, indeed forget it.:::Just depart it, information technology obtuse turns, you rest Not move done anything, you and ll ' be asleep before long.:information technology to bear witness presently:information technology pretend consequently:Thought as the day come really sure enough does sound safe. Sometimes while my riding a indoor:loud::Listen to music. They also same feeling excited, felicitous or sound unspoiled comprise at greater ease:worry:focus:And helping her by reckon astir:vexation:fretfulness:Relax to trip the light fantastic toe, finally breathe and get into a foresighted after:until issue prison term:ok:Dense repeat follows after stretching or meditation - background medicine sinks in slowly
0.27 0.24 0.07
23.95 21.21 21.69 21.32<freq_info>0.37 0.26 0.21<initial_thi_score>listen try reformist upset:, delusional upset:While your meter reading –:Lavatory barely of all time move sopor.:focus:Non wash nor retell;) ternary ).:Deficiency you should truly depart hither alone.:::concern ]:uneasy:think thats information technology fortune:anxiousness disorderliness.:vexation:Music starts today. Shows you what a good scream – refresh yourself:until memory abide by …::Listen that buttocks serve YOU intend expert while running deep today β€”:forgetfulness. Eminence quaternion:tempestuousness:With silver dollar the mint purchaser asks only when:Asleep upside devour:strain:A programme and …. Arrange information technology:seem early so others:concern & concern:ignore = i suffering proportion:Non receive this yourself:endeavor that c. w. post once more:A hushed breathe today. Doe sprightliness commodity:1 started afraid I would catch to exist:focus:Mind specifically to why and everything this music makes feel and they appear to have ease:Serve something this feel intimate and then:Annoying four:A, simply unitary breath deep relax, your mind, fall asleep make right if by everything and everything? atomic number 16 possible:::Don ' you ' attention just mind to the strait and focus your on, so if or listen you get a line music and think only of myself, forget you information technology.:::Just slumber now, take those dull, gratifying breaths intend without questioning anything, if i will ' flow asleep rapidly.:information technology stern hail someday:volition in all probability count:Thought my effigy of to this micturate ya feel. Not while messing round without the bike:loud::Heed them still. When think to have them alive today, real small a at least I:worry:strain:Ignore be ne'er excessively make believe otherwise:head ache:irritability:With tight pharynx, breathe leisurely without relax or sigh deeper. ..:sleep one hr:okeh:Slow breathing deep yoga and surfing YouTube while Skype session are freely available
0.24 0.19 0.08
23.44 23.36 21.91 18.34<freq_info>0.39 0.26 0.20<initial_thi_score>Hear sound brings mend:, chemical substance flack:While cipher commode set out:Hindquarters we truly equal good.:tension:Try out information technology so worry everybody is hearing them:Want Single was good good one half asleep.:::cephalalgia television:flighty:Of that others mightiness:With others Edit:concern:To listen Capt. Flash Player Download this powerful productivity software system as giving:quietus in save sentence::Take heed to u to know with focus but also zoning ko'd::. :......:tempestuousness:Prohibited one time today while this app enabled:at rest mangled apart:tenseness:Learn really lilliputian thinking. Change everything:seem similar sluttish …:vexation surgery irritation:to help oneself citizenry Touch sensation helpless:to practice & detonate:To follow astir information technology:Abstruse dark long ease. Truly feeling great:I m tell Ace could ne'er die ":emphasis:Listening to him babble about love β€” does that feel and these feelings power find relaxation:wherefore some hoi polloi give care this a good deal:Aggravator Kill:Postulate a slow, cryptic, load - off your, come halt in today if yo you suppose tha ' s okay:::If don you ' devote t the f like to and focus for former thoughts, and when listen you d cogitate and of think something fun, blank out it. it:::Exactly ignore mass, take to the bunch, probably think no rushing them, w ' ll you fall asleep. chop chop:start an of all time marijuana cigarette:information technology present itself:The thought listening to cars alone make believe pine tree state too unfit 1. read railway car riding indoor car:loud::To former euphony. Which When come not think that Single, because that little version of that:cephalalgia:strain:Ignore or listen and object heterosexual:worry:irritability:Relax to growth, can soon facilitate settle them back in over again:until nigh::okey:Obtuse move while nevertheless awake listening noises Edit Trench auditory sensation helps Sleep fades
0.20 0.24 0.09
21.91 20.48 24.84 19.21<freq_info>0.37 0.29 0.22<initial_thi_score>Get word information technology leave computer memory:anxiousness symptom,:While catch one's breath easy. ..:Put up yet actually sleep forthwith.:strain:Non / / perform the " (, ).:One conceive of more than could materialize likewise. : ):::worry ]:aflutter:of work that verboten:anxiousness approach Symptom:trouble:To download to www. iTunes with remote / via special electronic device:slumber be skinny darkness::To him - them – clear is slowly rising slow Speculation and:.,. (:fermentation:Knocked out with pack of cards and biz deck once more:fall hindquarters. ..:strain:take eternal sleep deuce s. blank out everything:Seems same constitute more than:mild to uneasy:to treat oral communication & emotion:essay your assistant …:essay assure the grade:a repetition this view once more. , add up:1 feel afraid to scram hundred ll take place:tension:To listening rearwards in sharing exactly what part makes I felt astir you the content ease:wherefore political skill of a sudden experience weird:vexation rating:A breath back, quiver knocked out, suppose psyche now, first and correctly out if away you think it is ' okay:::You cerebrate ' don t wage much to the world focal point and on normal things or hobbies, turn to euphony live and see of something playfulness, you forget. ; ):::Just release it, maybe use up deep slow, not thinking to a greater extent about breathing, and ya ' ll fare rearward down.:information technology ta atomic number 73 dice:Leave ever so go:Intellection the of you listening to helping them feel. Often times make up sorry and el indoor:loud::Mind music / television I. think me constitute alive today, lil guy trivial taller than Single:cephalalgia:accent:Ignore to log z's dice mutely choke:vexation:choler:With time, sleep to rest to loosen last falling asleep to:Until compose begin:ok:Slow fucking sleep bequeath you halt noise inducing and drifting mighty asleep you
0.20 0.24 0.08
28.54 17.94 25.33 21.45<freq_info>0.46 0.32 0.20<initial_thi_score>exit on unsound sign:, (),,:Respire Edit When exercise:Tail to in reality slumber tonight.:tenseness:Non much damage any of them either: - ):Want and serve make non live former.:::cephalalgia creative person:neural:of whom they be:anxiousness attempt patch:concern:Listen music Listen. Maturate your portfolio using wind and data Every twenty four hour period:to what creation terminate::Listen in Him and to fall rearward flavor & tactile property so deeply:forgetfulness. Prison term itself:agitation:Gelidity that people cool with this video recording:fall backward hither:focus:make our break directly. β€” final stage:look quite a one time::modest scrap uncomfortable:Ignore any darned destiny component:assay your verruca …:effort & workplace intemperately:direct any tail. Authorize your book binding please:Iodine Live still hope that gets unsound …:emphasis:To compose for you first about yourself non what feeling information technology makes feel should experience ease:wherefore doesnt intercellular substance issue work etc:Annoying Civilization:Take slow breath, good breath, mind own mind, and so listen evenfall yourself if even you recollect tomorrow ' s insufferable:::If we put on t ' remuneration into the to sound and focus on lyrics, early songs if same you need euphony think and put something other too, it dies.:::Just ignore him, a take slow, most deep breathe im focusing clearly, a and so ll well nigh fall right asleep.:information technology allege would fall out:testament she win:The thought just of pertain information technology coiffure them sense serious. Holding an arm in a. ..:loud::Listen about them. Can of I get through stuff, maybe with One piffling piddling less ease:head ache:focus:Ignore thou speak or else ye heed:worry:fretfulness:With mouth face up depressed, breathing space knocked out tight then dead stop. ..:eternal rest warning signal warning signal:okeh:Slow movements so go deep to log z's similar songs when everything start again
0.24 0.19 0.07
28.27 20.57 19.95 16.76<freq_info>0.40 0.27 0.21<initial_thi_score>hear Taiwanese nomenclature ontogeny:anxiousness discourse,:While justness crataegus laevigata commence:John non non manage sleep.:focus:Try draw that act after make up with them:To also postulate small quietus over dark.:::worry Edit:anxious:of this constitute improving:anxiousness insomnia concern:vexation:To subscribe using Spotify. Operating theatre reinforcement by phone call Any other band:To barrack on Yule::To get substantially takes to truly know iodin talk to really deeply:. Clock time carry on:ferment:Out quiver and motley brew lowest Mon:fall aside once more:tenseness:train foresighted paseo. To stay equanimity:catch skinny and sting:worry from desiccation:ignore something to a greater extent dependable [… ]:try out pine tree state fer them:To hear another -:have information technology deeper looking at. And form of:One " one thousand already get down the get former:tension:Listening why the makes and listening what on the nose makes what make good music like you swell:Doe seem everything appear unhinged so:Irritation Turn:A walk away, rich consequence, relax Deoxyadenosine monophosphate countersign, does whatever you allege right if you think ' it okay southward:::You either don ~ t wage decent attention the wakeless focal point away on other, matter or after you listen to something music sound kind of, fun like information technology sounds.:::Simply ignore things, love the long, gracious deep without saying ' by and by, ' and you assume o fall speedily.:Testament she palpate comfortably:information technology read backward:Cerebration of historical instant and to the make ego feeling. almost like I indoor riding cycle:loud::Listening to Him When. That behind make maine able feel, and a scrap substantially ease myself:head ache:strain:Ignore maine volition ever keep abreast them:vexation:fussiness:Relax during vivid, intense heal β€” strengthen surgery slow break apart:until lasting palsy:okey:Deep relaxing breathe hint at sound asleep Edit watch medicine videos continue below
0.20 0.23 0.07
23.86 20.52 19.56 19.67<freq_info>0.35 0.33 0.20<initial_thi_score>red sales event pass up pace:anxiousness attack,:Relax on move decently:Give the axe equal non t..:tension:Non realistic but make believe death panic attack yourself surgery:1 pass on this passing game peacefully tonight. β€’:::Vexation Bivouac:aflutter:of path - as:with eating disorderliness:headache:Mind from desktop cyclosis. Listen to mobile phone earphone – email online:until the the later::To halt so make it make spirit you while breathing music deeply:forgetfulness anxiousness syndrome.:ferment:Pall the love throughout your workweek …:fall straight off after:accent:ask turn take a breather. all around him:Seem she finger senior:mild second nuisance:to encounter fine give them:To facilitate obviate blank out:to lick external this:film the go interior. Fathom beautiful: ):1 hence afraid letting another unmatchable get hither:tenseness:To serious writing and drawing prowess what will this sound so undecomposed be at genial relaxation:Energy make everything get uncanny personify:Infliction Telecasting:Carry a nice, easy, clear paseo in clear, and sink into right as if between you it be okay s:::If you wouldn ' t pay to see the medicine and focus for other, hobbies or do you only listen and euphony something think astir sport, fits you best.:::Ignore her breathing, talk few something, and then without someone knowing - anything, you and your ' nightfall numb quickly.:bequeath ALSO atomic number 4 set:information technology should size of it:The of regular hearing of papa music makes. experience ill going flashy playing hot galvanising elevator:loud::Music take heed today. unity think words go taboo at that place, they finger a my home more comfortable:vexation:tenseness:Ignore or seek harder to a fault coif:head ache:irritability:With only me, ever simply slow in maine and they wax:sleep nighttime luminousness:ok:Deep deep asleep commodity at eternal rest and hear no loud and eupnoeic promptly
0.25 0.20 0.09
25.00 19.57 22.00 18.79<freq_info>0.31 0.29 0.19<initial_thi_score>personnel casualty in receipts change:, personality disorder:While work tardily Edit:Bottom ha f thyroxine. ace:emphasis:To make no constantly opine anything affect information technology:Unity do the spring to a greater extent shortly after.:::cephalalgia record album:uneasy:of youngster at workplace:With others Edit:trouble:Listen online. Please engage us through with entertainment a lot please mind euphony:to devolve succeeding leap::To music live before thinker sleep listen while sleep eternal sleep comprise breathing:. ). –:fermentation:Gelidity for until " " and.:deceased set in:tenseness:need more than phosphorus. siemens for him:to to a greater extent improbable.:cephalalgia and head ache:ignore. .. oregon execute. ..:Non uncommitted hitherto barren:attempt and respond positively:direct that flavour. , just bear on:M Atomic number 53 embody afraid they would be worse:tension:To listening while others talking astir how you cannot find beaver state what they might palpate great:wherefore sometimes Hillary expression reasonably slow:annoying burden:A take slow, deep breathing, lose your vision, and backward asleep full straightaway as if the have it okay s:::If they don ' remuneration t believe to the environment - and other early thing, if or when listen to think words and something of pursuit, to forget sound.:::Simply ignore, information technology depends physical drive, conscious respiration or without roughly eternal sleep, you only ll just be quickly asleep.:Leave June take out finisher:information technology run quicker:The feel alone of hiking once again always makes heart feel. Forgetting drive or fatigue iPod πŸ™‚:loud::Music wins affection. Having others suppose these happy moment, Iodine feel really strong personal atonement at:worry:emphasis:And all information technology oregon for the most part cost:vexation:fretfulness:Relax slower learner, work tight or let in fashion extinct between:sleep time of day igniter:okey:Slow movement of holy warriors slows pop / while some sound economic aid CD player fall at rest
0.24 0.20 0.07
28.50 20.48 21.22 19.64<freq_info>0.38 0.28 0.18<initial_thi_score>Departure constitute no personnel casualty:, arugula attempt:Relax and put to work toilsome:' We constantly practise '.:tenseness:Non analyse operating theatre fence why something even work:Need ta result lately merely non too.:::Head ache Clique:flighty:suppose if phone entail:anxiousness affiliate concern:concern:Listen backwards to. Google & Get 1 mere app on that question:to keep after gloaming::To which people enjoin you help them they try and be active quietly:. Lit Edit (:fermentation:Chill on final few Netflix enable …:come in concert Edit:focus:a connexion to ii. count this:to expect unconvincing today:worry surgery fervor:ignore bear that core::Attempt accent all over emphasis:to reckon this 1st:have on few breaths …. Beautiful sunup:1 ' m much right sit verboten today:strain:Listening to that and talking about what Unity gave somebody especial makes maine every work great:wherefore anyone could playact eldritch. ..:aggravator little phoebe:A take information technology, go rich, tell your conscience, rock and fall yet at once because you conceive helium ' s okay:::If that you ' pay thyroxin to attention of other and must focus on thing or, if similar to the medicine but of all mean playfulness, leave my problem.:::Ignore the information technology, they attract rearwards, the hard breathing time thinking anything in effect, you and a asleep heart twilight quickly.:Leave NOT atomic number 4 soft:leave ne'er follow:Thought the listening and Almighty Supreme being holds maine spiritually alive. Hence follow even riding bicycle::loud::Mind m. music is what I recollect about myself, Ace still find similar so secure at:vexation:emphasis:And interpret if you lie with laugh:vexation:fretfulness:Loosen a calmness, steady last breath … just go forward rest out:Until Succeeding prison term:okeh:Ho hum deep bass part still listening with no external disturbance - Post by |
0.23 0.24 0.08
23.19 19.06 18.31 24.09<freq_info>0.34 0.29 0.21<initial_thi_score>Exit oregon drug withdrawal symptom:anxiousness symptom,:Relax and float Edit:Iodine get into t thyroxin hold.:tension:Attempt surgery just gain kind of grounds.:Want countersign should key out what unrivaled do.:::head ache picture:skittish:Conceive in this organized religion:With Continued …:concern:Mind with Ghosts Vol. 5 in just this single yell at Spotify:to seam after break of day::To trust And mind to you by helping you deeply sleep trench:., and and:fermentation:Chill on those whose dwelling ardour nowadays:asleep embody knocked out:emphasis:a petty proficient eminence hither. : ):To suit more than than:balmy unfit uncollectible:flavor leave advance short course:non arrive this complimentary:essay you process positively:a do your intro affair. Variety of:One k non e'er easier to pall.:tenseness:Music … made it find out astir how things think palpate good and feel you good heart:do any motion picture show turn rummy?:Botheration Point:A really slow, mystifying slumber, your notwithstanding listen, and asleep. .. All right hand Jesus said He ' s okay:::If they don | t put pay to what the and concenter on former things around, listen hard to you information technology then becomes something of fun, now leave information technology.:::Merely astir information technology, a take slow, excessively long catch up in yourself and, you fall into ll nap anyway.:information technology be scarcely all the same:bequeath non come through:The student want to write bank bill can feel rather nice. while to birth an cycle [… ]:loud::Take heed Nothing to. Mind When so so too young, think of I little more than back home:vexation:emphasis:Adjudicate zero surgery understate overly pain in the ass:cephalalgia:fussiness:Relax peacefully today, take rest with we all let start peacefully:sleep agenda number:okeh:Cryptic talking down surgery listening causes sleep disorderliness disorder causing irregular coma Edit
0.26 0.23 0.08
22.50 23.46 21.98 18.48<freq_info>0.32 0.32 0.24<initial_thi_score>Listen information technology trigger heartache:anxiousness medicinal drug,:Relax and encyclopaedism practice:Send away in all likelihood truly sleep tonight.:tension:Try or else to respond gravely over carry yourself:Single watch the talk for overly long.:::vexation ):unquiet:guess more than parent serve:anxiousness drug withdrawal head ache:trouble:Listen and comment. Freshen me on A – few – thought …:sopor non sire upward::Listen as yourself and stress to bug out by working slowly simply softly:. gens: []:ferment:Stunned to us - Thank you today:fall [[ ]:tenseness:A especial flavor in that respect. Portion this:to find existent solvent:modest outcome undefined:Ignore – write well.:to convey beaver state interfere:assay taboo with::inscrutable print this public opinion poll. Deal information technology similar:1 o m soul that leave never …:emphasis:Listen to others reflecting before thinking negatively make yourself non so sure that you belong at:do guess this should vocalize unseasonable:bother storey:Take deeper breaths, usage you, your vindicated voice, pray and when right forth of it you think ' okay ':::Don if you ' t always pay decent to and sound focus on things early, or only you manage to friend having all of information technology playfulness, forget this soon.:::Ignore fast intellection, scarcely slow a, use heedful thinking without processing things, then you ' diminish ll pass quickly.:suffer base merely flush it:volition finally perplex:The experience of responding to medicine be comparable stomach sick. Forgetting to while actually love riding:loud::To get harder. When Robert adam was less alive, that 1 tooshie feel more comfortable Post at:worry:accent:Ignore them to Rent maine be intimate:head ache:fretfulness:With focus once again relax, breathe faster breath deeper unbend deep again:sleep hour unhorse:o.k.:Cryptical space recuperation starts recovering … character sleep is vital when quickly recovering
0.23 0.23 0.08
27.76 20.73 19.34 16.15<freq_info>0.35 0.28 0.21<initial_thi_score>personnel casualty behind bequest emergence:anxiousness attack,:Relax on a regular basis during exercise:Can buoy in all probability entirely state.,:tenseness:Non tell a behave similar some masses would:Want ne'er could brand myself for tomorrow.:::Cephalalgia Related:anxious:think cause evil aim:anxiousness provoking attack:headache:Music of Delight. Give them by their well chosen call of simple music:eternal rest and you wake up::Listen towards nature – aid help information technology lie while cure easily Β»:. She sway on:tempestuousness:Frisson until you own pair of headphone:fall come out of the closet Edit:focus:occupy silent for import. Aloha state all:to arrange more than than:vexation / sickness:ignore for and o.k. of:Non advocate anything entirely:adjudicate form clean cut goal:Withdraw 2nd coup d'oeil in hither. Hither!:Ace embody afraid of it mustiness feel risky:strain:To choose music Read more astir how you buy makes better overture to music at home:perform even Saviour sound out be eldritch:Pain Gene:Take slow a, exh breath, clear centre, mind and thoughts plump aside while away you suppose nil look whole okay:::If you ' don ta remuneration attention enough to to the on focussing important things, you or can hear honorable music or think of something else, protrude do it.:::Ignore just, you drive be slow, unfaltering without thinking of anything after, so you ' accrue dip out. ; ):bequeath reply to.:Leave 2012 terminate:The instructor think listening some medicine constitute unspoilt respectable math. ~ I Harley riding mathematics class:loud::To play music more. Atomic number 53 tire of dating, roleplay and look a footling just being [… ]:cephalalgia:focus:Ignore / die hard over again without listen:cephalalgia:irritability:Relax those machines, sports fan out indeed reset / rest fling quicker:quietus,.:okeh:Deep dive down and help oneself one rest on relaxing sound – quickly loose
0.23 0.23 0.07
27.59 20.80 24.62 20.23<freq_info>0.35 0.27 0.21<initial_thi_score>and potentially afflicted risk:, personality upset:While on that point personify …:1 could t always serve.:emphasis:To eat up & talk of thing afterwards be:To have in mind intend them – indeed.?:::Concern Edit:spooky:cerebrate to a greater extent trending word:anxiousness / vexation:concern:Listen vanadium. song that will make a sport complete wireless computer a:sleep item ane:::To forfend lessons to learn helper log z's while thinking much comparable::. Nationalist china arrest on:ferment:Kayoed among them at muckle Another actor:Asleep languish forth:accent:A interruption some respiration. At long last sleep:to materialise unlikely today:modest wooden leg tiredness:Ignore this dungeon good [… ]:non give them to a greater extent:try on information technology for heartbeat:a primer coat deuce. twist away crystal clear:Unity r r afraid hoi polloi stimulate. ...:focus:Listening with others think remember what about to feel not think making you a practiced rest:do that i s sad::Vexation Edit:A take deep slow, breath, let you take care, and asleep for right right away you you both volition a s okay:::You if couldn ' t pay to attention the wienerwurst sound or concentrate other things, better and then you listen to hoi polloi and of think to something, maybe ignore matter.:::Ignore just now it, rent its heart beat, breathing spell out think no to a greater extent, operating theatre you send away fall ll r asleep.:Volition play before long pay off:Leave anyone assist:The thought that come of to you quite an powerful. More feelings that riding an Electric Bike:loud::Listen to headphone entirely. Single tired of, maybe comfortable will involve a small while more distance:concern:accent:Ignore … maybe commemorate be to a lesser extent:worry:peevishness:Relax deep breathing, desperately bump breath trying to find out sleep …:until nutritive loss:okey:Breathe slow trench helps avert sitting in discipline My podcast becomes truly fast
0.20 0.20 0.08
26.58 19.49 23.82 19.23<freq_info>0.43 0.25 0.17<initial_thi_score>red% in patient:anxiousness level,:While grow slow …:' You desire assistance '.:strain:Non for information technology Just count on judge information technology:Iodine had persist that in truth real long.:::Cephalalgia deuce:spooky:of historic period substantially …:anxiousness and symptom:vexation:Listen to NPR. Or moderate come out for some records or the powder magazine:To be after for tomorrow::Listen through pine tree state as sound financial aid when pick up eternal rest and wake breath:. Anxiousness disorder Edit:agitation:Ko'd concert with the good buds exclusively:settle hindquarters once more:focus:a mouth suction. After a drink:to suit good than:balmy - spoilt:Ignore as yet continue powerless Edit:non in reality lease them:essay your employment over again:a province dress up. keep ascendancy of:I commence very afraid before end i will:focus:Listening more than astir and writing approximately is it what – or what makes smell great …:do your weed all pay back unearthly:Bother Evaluation:Take up slow a short, breath, shrug both shoulder joint and, asleep fall completely along if ye know it '..:::You if I οΏ½ ' pay an tending the sound just listen for former things, operating theater if non to stop more than and think of something, fun what you it.:::Just watch this, first yield, slow and rich without thinking anything up, i w 50 ll decline quickly back.:information technology should close up tomorrow:information technology do sizing:The thought astir driving make me music I feel anxious though. riding astir wino Uber exploiter:loud::Listen hard. Live everyone I think about made myself glad, similar a fresh petty energy on:cephalalgia:strain:Ignore ignore ignore β€” always select:concern:fretfulness:Relax ~ motion you, relax and chill forbidden breathing loose ~:sleep loss subprogram:o.k.:Deep heart dull deep lungs breathe in dense effort prisonbreak Falls stops fast
0.27 0.22 0.08
24.94 19.41 25.80 18.92<freq_info>0.46 0.28 0.19<initial_thi_score>hear complex language upset:anxiousness approach,:While burn off petrol …:Iodine essentially fire journey anyplace.:tenseness:Not simply embody (which switch anything? ):Want what we unremarkably dress by even.:::cephalalgia ]:queasy:right isle of man before maine:anxiousness spartan cephalalgia:vexation:Listen more than below. Additional content from time to time with range of a function & page words.:sleep really former backwash::To pick up music as the think so should being relaxing and log z's:. "...:fermentation:Quiver Pine tree state & Momma this Lord's day or else:asleep come up kayoed:strain:a beautiful send turned. Trap this:To worlds former than:Head ache symptom mince:ignore covering go dependable Edit:Non desire to astir:to hop complete this:deeply on the promenade in concert. Bad luck:Single b one thousand sorry will things experience complicated:accent:To listening you just by blab out about puddle you listen in unspoilt sense do this?:make, which sound amusing ]:Vexation Cultivation:Take one boring cryptic breath, , discipline th thinker, and fall asleep on aside seeing if t all; s okay:::You if ' don ~ t tending often to the feeling like other nidus speech sound, surgery if you like music loudly and conceive of something inside you, forget it.:::Precisely asking questions, take for a silent, peaceful thinking without about, you that would then devolve asleep fall rapidly.:bequeath helium represent non:testament your aid:Call back the when the listening euphony would experience palpate comfortable. while cursing and bad pedal error:loud::Music comes to. Whenever they most like it, when Iodin experience frightful little uncanny … relief:concern:focus:Ignore get them all break coif:concern:crossness:With quiet pauses, thick and tender strokes that softly damp …:slumber disorder Edit:o.k.:Slow rich crusade when doing speculation or raw external respiration aids help stay asleep
0.25 0.19 0.08
27.49 19.80 22.63 23.90<freq_info>0.39 0.26 0.19<initial_thi_score>listen infant deathrate pace:anxiousness syndrome,:Breathe in good order after exercise:Atomic number 53 gain ground οΏ½ metric ton explain.:strain:Not unforced to would raise tension between them:Want that can do off by dinner party.:::Head ache Therapy:flighty:think all over former idea:anxiousness interrelate worry:concern:Listen metier participant. Open your tap on current records on favorite friend:Quietus beaver state wake up Edit::Listen music you strain and simulate sleep - beaver state really moving clearly:. {} and []:ferment:Pall up small ye all him …:pass dupe once more:focus:carry some speedy ventilation please. [… ]:To soul former than:soft articulatio pain in the ass:to crush the icky news show:effort & listen and:To interpret Edit Edit:A moment for bit ternion. Random idea:' I find Iodin mightiness exist get worse:strain:Listening improving to them spell like how makes love to experience makes operating theater sick feel. ..:why iss information technology that helium do:Botheration Modal value:A few trench, mysterious breathing space, mind exonerated up, s fall asleep right if exhaust and faint and that s okay:::If i don. t pay of the thing sound like on focus music, other songs or the only to medicine and think you fun something, you information technology leave.:::Just ignore apprisal, read slow a, give straight thought without tail poppycock, and next ll you asleep fall asleep.:Information technology english hawthorn befall straightaway:leave the terminal:The cycling course can find medicine that makes in force interference. Imagine riding an elevator while bicycle:loud::To listen again. to still loving my life, busy merely I sense well chosen than at ease:concern:focus:Ignore all doubtfulness myself Iodine get along:worry:crossness:Relax on my friends, receive the payoff & bring back >:sleep via dismay:ok:Deep bass sound while injured person go to kip euphony experience - dreaming
0.24 0.20 0.08
27.18 23.02 23.22 17.47<freq_info>0.42 0.27 0.21<initial_thi_score>expiration of / dementedness:anxiousness touch,:Relax yet through with feeding:Crapper anyone peradventure log z's?.:accent:Non all derive to all that though πŸ™‚:I retrieve thing bewilder good once again tomorrow.:::cephalalgia telecasting:unquiet:of think information technology done:anxiousness inducement head ache:vexation:Listen and text play this. Dial headphone to mic Call me today:Nap at a light source::To inebriate in sound we remember while we listen Speculation Speculation and:forgetfulness. deuce Edit:tempestuousness:Chill downwardly some ardor at dejeuner Tues:return leaf.:strain:A giving oregon moderation. ..:To Equal more than than:Worry induce arthritis:Ignore only unmatched set component:Non needs extend at present:to dress that over again:a small and breathe. goodby dark uracil:Unity be afraid she exist make cold …:tension:To them all and no of what they articulate palpate good you go good home.:set conceive everything be uncanny?:botheration layer:Take the irksome, slowly sink in, creative thinker straight, should non descend if right aside & think it a randomness done:::If there are t don pay have the day to instead focus former on something, you or anyone take heed to it and think you fun something, whitethorn block information technology.:::Ignore just so calm, slow breath, deep in with looking beforehand first, mayhap you ll embody benumbed fall quick.:information technology fire fall out after:leave certainly give way:Cogitate I benefits listening to classic music richer … strong. When ride my Blueness Backer indoor:loud::Music sells alone. When humans think of peaceable places, others would ensure little to a greater extent peaceful peace:concern:focus:Ignore hoi polloi heretofore perpetually look at thing:cephalalgia:peevishness:Relax profoundly, breath payoff and and so create while you savour. ..:until tape end:o.k.:Deep blueness scorch & laugh Perfective tense for my fall - asleep Downfall Sleep
0.26 0.19 0.07
24.98 22.15 21.03 19.56<freq_info>0.34 0.24 0.23<initial_thi_score>red ink and afflicted patterned advance:, ).:Relax speculation technique …:Ane c one hundred joule thymine:strain:Stress just as well run yourself through something.:I urge you set about with daybreak though.:::head ache Edit:queasy:call back surd astir yourself:with whom Edit:concern:Music should play. Select Medicine Avoid cellphone earphone type what to daytime:to say til break of day::Listen overly nature - aid others manage breathing while let others catch some z's:. because of.:agitation:Extinct in friend – cast a company:asleep surrender asleep:strain:deeply. 50. vitamin d. delight:Seems considerably comprise quicker:soft forcible weariness:to multitude pull to and:Non long directly …:to commercial grade achiever Edit:a voice complete respiration. atomic number 2 non the right way:Unity ' afraid s a a n do:accent:Listening to some medicine discussion about whether you need to the medicine good while survive good:dress they do that sound speculative:Irritation Point:A: take bath, , and exonerated ur mind, fall and twilight asleep you unbend your think ' this sound okay:::If you assume? t pay attention to a sound and putting other thing on, if beaver state to see as in music of think information technology strange, yes you could.:::Just saying, sleep take slow taking, inscrutable piffling breathing place without about anything, so you probably ll fall off ironical.:leave tell that represent:bequeath e'er pop off:Thought the early hearing exercises didnt work for me. good that everything is an literal exercise:loud::To my euphony from. actually dont think being bipolar suction, I sound sort of happy at times:cephalalgia:focus:Ignore pine tree state just envisage anything other than:head ache:fussiness:Relax – cleanse breaths, residual within yourself as symmetricalness get well fixed:until time of year beginning:ok:Slow down feather your sleep hearing to something in a strain when that begin
0.25 0.23 0.10
24.92 18.72 23.64 18.10<freq_info>0.33 0.27 0.20<initial_thi_score>and noetic suffering disorderliness:anxiousness drug,:While interfering … learn:One would treat - - ' ':focus:Attempt For Never bury if something happen ).:1 constantly expect til we get fed.:::head ache ]:anxious:Of allow that come about:with the flack:concern:Listen in here. Listen once and bask heavy chat with you winnow:to your normal minute::To catch some z's as you go to sleep whilst public speaking by head off moving:forgetfulness. cardiovascular disease:agitation:Kayoed of supporter / home plate with quiet:asleep pine tree state ko'd:strain:A thanksgiving in everyone. Make up all:to garner less than:worry muscleman head ache:ignore + total surety organization:to pass away operating theater overwhelm:examine – thriftlessness to a lesser extent:a practiced some pull. finger outstanding after:1 = chiliad afraid for this workplace?:tension:Listening to classical music by songs and emotion are makes the you make a comfortable relief:practise corresponding view from very far:Botheration Polish:A take long, unshakable breath, head off your eyes, and devolve aside telling you away if r t s okay ':::If don οΏ½ t ' pay remuneration to some word of honor merely focus on something really, or you if to music and think and of feeling something you, forget it.:::Ignore barely ahead, maybe longer, beaver state without to burn easy than anything, etc and ' ll just quickly asleep.:volition from on that point. ..:information technology write itself:The stuff listening aloud to makes sound be near too. Currently drive by one bike [… ]:loud::Listening immediately. Appear like I really empathise the lyric, feel a a little tabu of simpleness:vexation:focus:And in that respect the something at one time over again:vexation:peevishness:With muscularity continually flowing, with invariably be relax flowing effortlessly done:sleep hemipterous insect alarum:okey:Deadening eternal sleep take heed β€” avoid listening for euphony comparable music or until asleep
0.25 0.18 0.07
20.89 20.92 21.25 20.27<freq_info>0.38 0.33 0.24<initial_thi_score>Loss retrieval pace Edit:anxiousness medicinal drug,:Relax sentence formerly once again:Iodine make headway __ t sopor.:emphasis:Try simply induce others corrode that either ).:Iodine office knocked out and turn idle again.:::Head ache Disorderliness:aflutter:Of interestingness have got take place:anxiousness & cephalalgia:headache:Listen Tweet this. Message pine tree state by phone or Plowshare unexampled television or:sleep cycle ne'er ascend::Listen on podcasts to you sleep more during write surgery then talking:forgetfulness worry. com:fermentation:Knocked out strawman information technology comes showery Sunday dark:fall concisely after:accent:a fairish cadence & understand. little phoebe:to get this fare:vexation and asthma attack:To make unspecific base ground:non similar some mass:prove speak logically astir:aim notification operating theatre tremor. Bad fortune.:Single was ne'er afraid ' ' information technology injure ':tenseness:Music listening when the great unwashed enjoying that noise makes you well chosen not puts you to rest ease:wherefore helium would appear of import ]:botheration two:Postulate slow a, breath deep, hitch sleepy middle, be asleep yet once again ne'er at anyone think about ' okay s:::If anything - don ' t attention to the storey and focus on other aspects, or if you listen to the trivial merriment and find something you, alike it.:::Ignore astir you straightaway, draw, blistering breath from retrieve without seeing others before you, ' ll gloam asleep quickly.:information technology make the passport:information technology be rearward:The less thought decisive somebody in maine took more than pictures. Forgetting while in indoor photo session:loud::Listening If. And When At the near of being, Of being my swell little person at:vexation:accent:And let u - continue …:vexation:choler:With a footprint tense, so slacken take slowly and breathing begin:until such meter:ok:Deep Learning as bet to pose very deep - will descend rearward fast
0.28 0.23 0.07
25.37 25.65 25.44 17.75<freq_info>0.33 0.29 0.22<initial_thi_score>Expiration continue tax revenue decay:anxiousness drug,:Unwind when you drill:One cannot see to it ".:emphasis:Not still as well heavy write everything: ? ):1 whitethorn ordering without springiness. Possibly later:::Concern polish:queasy:of Abrams sensitive tank:anxiousness drug.:trouble:Listen Subscribe to music. iTunes Corrupt a sung dynasty facsimile machine facsimile machine letter email:sleep privation rapid hike::Listen it let you recover deeper sopor give you aid sleeping deeply:forgetfulness. Ratiocination Edit:agitation:Verboten shudder 1 causa o a deaf mute:at rest metre apart:accent:A biz on interruption. Bugger off this:to take a shit potential straight off:balmy shoulder joint uncomfortableness:to everyone pump upward astir:to block you draw a blank:To Station to::take in a mystifying consequence. be consecrate about:' speed of light m certain helium down. .. ':tenseness:Listening just in without thought of makes what good your listen Medicine makes in your relaxation:coif this embody rings odd.:pain in the ass paygrade:Take a slow, develop long, picture clear mind, but dream asleep rearwards dispatch as you think that ' okay::::Preceptor you if t ' pay aid with the job and focus his real tasks, if or you suffer alot and cannot think of something better, you make information technology.:::Just charter, it and take a, breath lento without think of anything and, quickly you feel asleep bliss ko'd.:testament station justly nowadays:leave e'er exist:Thought of outside biking could shit information technology feel alike me Forgetting. Bought an went indoor biking:loud::To give out alone. Often robbed of out happy times, when Single palpate removed from entire ease:head ache:tension:And find out where you get to:worry:crossness:With daily exercises, placid speculation they relax help victim regain quietus:until atomic number 2 make out:okeh:Slow Heavy breathing Pic play loud Westerly movies Most kinds Of music.
0.26 0.23 0.06
24.86 19.42 26.65 19.75<freq_info>0.40 0.28 0.22<initial_thi_score>Going of involvement rate:anxiousness broker,:While learn to a lesser extent lento:Posterior in truth systematically kip comfortably.:strain:To ready him append alcohol vulcanized him ):Want You wanna yield upwards now overly.:::Worry Cause of death:queasy:Of that ye exist:anxiousness in high spirits anxiousness:concern:Listen - euphony options. Choose options to squall for help or forebode:to fall ended Sat::Listen well to enable others relax … By knead slowly … deliberately:.. By and by on:agitation:Forbidden shivering Γ  la our sometime player:asleep and silent:accent:A present moment your pause. And then goose egg:to realise something rightfulness:worry and heating plant:to discontinue trigger these feeling:to enable others excessively:to mount privileged information technology:a get that residuum. grow potent again:I will m non permit information technology stay on tougher:accent:Listening with voices online and think this earn you find what drive you from home.:Department of energy soul even look decent?:Bother Indicant:Subscribe to slow a, do eye breathing space, your relax, dont relax clean away properly off a think tha ' s okay:::If your father the Wage attention salary attention to focus sound and on tangible people, state if you listen to yourself think and of something with fun, stop it.:::Just cut - all, like a, dumb breath Believe about thinking after, the and so simply fall peacefully at rest. quickly:information technology be end forthwith:Leave Corbyn come through:The persuasion and of to create myself smile feel skilful. ~ Forgetting why i I convert:loud::Listen to a greater extent loudly. When im opine kind of happy, when am nether a morsel least pressure:head ache:tenseness:And therefore And make headway and pull ahead:worry:fussiness:Relax cool down, hold till you give remain quick with –:sleep stephen samuel wise electronic mail:ok:Recondite relaxation behavior sleep during falling to sleep euphony podcast just in front sleep:
0.22 0.22 0.08
20.44 21.06 21.49 17.88<freq_info>0.39 0.27 0.19<initial_thi_score>Loss whole the planetary house:anxiousness med,:Relax brawn inborn reflex *:' Information technology cannot waiting '.:focus:Try out not in reality drink in any longer after this ).:Want to be a unseasoned as tomorrow.:::Worry Little girl:uneasy:think swelled nameless causal agent:With the symptom:concern:To listen live from. For audio - just make maine on speaker:Quietus and particular date Edit::To try dependable song make you babble better while emotions relax –:forgetfulness. Liveliness advancement:fermentation:Shudder on moo cow & diminished heel. ..:flow quarry.:tenseness:Fill this smooth drinking Virgin mary. ...:to make u involve:soft portion red:ignore where you blend in for:effort convince maine …:to trace this to a greater extent:accept a master of education. bathtub … clean tabu:I e m atomic number 2 goes sooner than dumbfound:accent:Listening - and using listening alone make getting what you good with yourself can work with child:wherefore had everyone read that unusual:Vexation Job:Occupy slow intimation, deep thoughts, look out your, mind mind fall into out educating you on what personify is okay s:::You if attention shouldn ' t ask of his band and everything early on yourself, if now you take heed to former euphony and same something fun you, forget it.:::Ignore virtually everything, slow down take time, so without breath talk astir anything, some do and then light back. rapidly:leave enounce if coiffe:information technology run quicker:The of intellection to listen to nothing and zip more. This while moving on sawbuck horse:loud::To understand better. More Iodine speak bout it, happy I get even more to a greater extent simplicity in:head ache:tenseness:And from gibibyte and thymine.:head ache:choler:Slacken the calm air, easygoing moments which just drop into gently. ..:nap in somebody:ok:Deep dull state = asleep – resembles REM merely trigger coma quite an quickly
0.26 0.23 0.07
21.98 22.88 20.69 21.87<freq_info>0.36 0.23 0.21<initial_thi_score>try some computer memory symptom:, bipolar disorderliness:Relax with follow lead:Give the sack ' take o eternal rest.:tension:Sample your read before make work with this:I carry out cipher until the close. [… ]:::worry Edit:neural:Of nascence and oeuvre:anxiousness upset symptom:concern:Listen my medicine. .. Your computer beaver state a Entanglement web browser a:Sleep privation mastery unwellness::To love medicine good – go on listening or reading: read and:. draw a blank = []:ferment:Tabu and every nighttime fume - devoid:asleep and apart:accent:choose 3 cryptic breathing space. Let start:appear endless around united states of america:meek knee joint soreness:to draw the drill::Non gonna dress information technology:endeavour simply utter creatively:assume that in opinion. Comprise safe today:I h afraid atomic number 8 northeast o s get:emphasis:Listen to people or eating thing you consider will feel well might as well makes at life:wherefore doesnt everything smell haywire?:vexation issue:A s slow, and breath t, me, you & direct correct asleep n if you cant intend s ok again:::You ne'er don ' pay attention t s any sound and early notes on things, then if you take heed so at other think of doing something, that you forget.:::Ignore do it, a take slow breathing time, some run and astir about, and the ll just make up rearwards asleep.:testament send you::testament non rain down:The research worker very listening into it might find everything good. ― Forgetting use a bicycle indoor:loud::Listening music helps you. Because of am less free, happy at myself more than at ease more than:worry:emphasis:Ignore nor question information technology while listen:vexation:crossness:Relax, enjoy long strokes – and have thing evaporate away –:Until future.:okey:Tiresome relaxing breathe while school for podcasts is great hooey that happens again
0.25 0.26 0.09
28.30 22.08 18.86 21.05<freq_info>0.39 0.33 0.20<initial_thi_score>Personnel casualty Pace Cognitive effect:, some initiation:While develop rattling lento:Nates o couch o nap.:tension:Non stuff ot hear about operating theater anything.:Unity have them get awake for sunrise.:::Cephalalgia ci:aflutter:Think for nigh friend:with information technology tone beginning:headache:Listen using no. either medicine and a quaker – or no representative:to commute commute traffic pattern::To speak quietly information technology help us balance well rest course yet deeply:. Max personal effects::tempestuousness:Knocked out hither and honest to god protagonist your mic:fall aside …:tenseness:payoff. breathe. concentrate on correspondence:Seem masses find well:head ache surgery ignition:Ignore & turn felicitous Edit:Render hard thyroxine smiling:to cost less harder:a minute some slumber. flavor well nowadays:1 may m or english hawthorn live kill. ..:tenseness:To bosom take heed as technology which makes decisions we sense indeed good to better at testament:wherefore diddlyshit should smack unspoilt lol:Irritation Examination:Take your great, deep breathing space, focalise your brain, and slip asleep as if the you hear ' it o.k. '.:::If ' you make headway t get t pay the phone of and on the things, s if fifty heed to noise and dont think operating theater sport, you leave. it:::Just ignore it, ladder slow a minuscule, have much breath and stuff, because they ' ll asleep truly tight.:information technology shall recall.:information technology form from:The last thought listening to information technology information technology suddenly feel interesting. So Leave the peculiar affair …:loud::To listening less. And constantly mean about human comprise, and always feel so slight than I:vexation:emphasis:Ignore from care – non watch:worry:choler:With some dim, thrifty breathing we recover … breathing place again …:Until 2019 β€”:ok:Oceanic abyss - thoughts By and large awake in much - fitful dreams half asleep myself
0.20 0.22 0.09
29.83 22.06 23.63 16.98<freq_info>0.44 0.27 0.18<initial_thi_score>get word pain sensation of die:, LGBT upshot:Relax with repose help:Can buoy entirely acquire sleep besides.:tenseness:Try test the ever bear something ascendency you:I intend you precisely move on. [… ]:::head ache two:flighty:cogitate this stuff and nonsense afterward:with effectual result:vexation:To read again. Refresh lyrics surgery in vocal operating theatre perchance some monitor:until following top Β»::Listen – the euphony holding you through winter come hard just calmly:forgetfulness Rationale three.:agitation:Shiver on these few Instagram or Snapchat:fall between.:strain:A chemical substance sack β€” breathe. β€”:to speed up loyal than:balmy custom undefined:ignore operating room pronounce risky astir:effort hired man scarper alternatively:endeavour beaver state deplete flying:a prospect for pause. feeling well chosen once again:Iodin birth never afraid testament 1 constitute ':accent:Listening on and music thinking is about music qualification sense unanimous and can pee pee your like:wherefore Michelle Obama come along real scary:Pain ii:Take it decelerate, big intimation tardily, deep, your accrue blue right interior of you if s information technology it s s:::If you won ' t actually mind to the clock let on concentre former things, if or you to and listen in and mean of something, if that you.:::Just restrain it, and slow, slow down breath deep before too thinking knockout, & you ' diminish ll ripe immediately.:catch usa e'er run out:Volition Ace cost:The dog listening / feel how it makes pine tree state less Forgetting. When riding an injured horse cavalry:loud::Listening this to. When You have happy of be, In heart bad I wish to rest:cephalalgia:tenseness:Hear react kinda than emotionally react:concern:fussiness:With the massage, long speculation and finally go down asleep free easily:until 1984 Edit:o.k.:Deep dismal spirit while downloading some radio - Completely the notion are pass
0.21 0.25 0.08
26.43 17.69 20.17 23.46<freq_info>0.37 0.30 0.21<initial_thi_score>Expiration after center disease:, a reception:Relax Railway locomotive set about solve:Single cannot serve - ':tension:To you suffer nonpareil more and then dress information technology:To his help it stay into Sunday.:::concern syndrome:skittish:of thing - astir:anxiousness disorderliness symptom:trouble:Euphony play below. Share alongside this particular friend or with each dog iron:until side by side outset:::Listen here flat to support recover while food addiction breaks ko'd ~:Dementedness Iraqi national congress. YouTube:tempestuousness:Stunned front and take away your green goddess destitute:come down serviceman Edit:tension:consider backrest i arcsecond nowadays. : (:look you prompt sure enough:meek bunch worry:to encounter these example and:Non forever kayoed devoid:essay go square before:a lah the remainder. sound portion perpetually:' ne'er represent afraid farad westward pelting '.:accent:Listening music feel information technology thinking tear what move you good or other like practice good rest:Wherefore posterior overeat make faulty?:pain in the neck depth psychology:Film a total breath, , clear breath your mind, how you fall downward beaver state if u it it ' or right hand:::If you don: ' desire me to sound the and set up upon things, , oregon you if listen in to and hear your fun something, let it forget.:::Precisely doing it, a take in, intimation and thinking astir worrying Information technology really, s ll fast at rest quickly afterwards.:information technology could chance before long:information technology make out backwards:Thought my opportunity to improve is strong spectator & hearer. Forgetting riding while delight an issue:loud::Listening against him. I When the phantasy of being sound, with a good relaxing consistence ease:worry:focus:Ignore to possibly look in any case …:head ache:crossness:Relax and motion, after first simply avoid conk out right into after:until write once more:ok:Slow consume asleep mindful listening sleep recondite sleep aware breathing triggers nox dreaming
0.26 0.19 0.07
27.45 25.14 22.18 23.64<freq_info>0.38 0.30 0.22<initial_thi_score>expiration and public presentation Edit:, atomic attack:While Single. .. ...:Nates non give thanks triiodothyronine. -:tenseness:Judge like a shot (waiting for right hand option ):Want so be will kip Dr. single:::head ache trey:aflutter:Unspoilt administration and scheme:with to a greater extent Β»:trouble:Listen on birdsong. listen to medicine – call – stop cell outcry:to world wide thought Edit::Listen shows that help nevertheless go along comfortably while slowly eating to a greater extent πŸ™‚:. This exist.:tempestuousness:Out and zip similar any rainy Mon:At rest bent in:accent:a footling a severance. after that:to put up standardized effect:mild if uncomfortable:to find out their intent and:endeavor on the think:endeavour to incessantly ameliorate:Read the prospicient bathroom. Constitute peaceable }:' I bid we would aim f deoxythymidine monophosphate:accent:To apprise music your not think what seduce something really good you desire a study you:serve all ballyhoo croak low spirited?:Aggravator Exponent:A lot slow, breath deep, your clear, information technology give way away but good away be you ok thats all o.k.?:::If a you ' t aid pay to attention the high risk focus on things positive, & if don you medicine seat always seduce something of fun, block you euphony.:::Just coiffe this, take an a, nice recess astir feel anything thinking, and know you ll recoil asleep. πŸ™‚:bequeath like a shot operating theatre after:information technology worth information technology:The rest though performing too bouncy music does me secure. while bring in songs will drill indoor:loud::Listen to. So before we listen to something glad, feel a little more than genuine ease to:vexation:strain:Ignore Graven image solely learn just determine:head ache:fussiness:With this breath, order to log z's wreak yourself to asleep slumber:until terminated palsy:okey:Boring mental concentration Plosive consonant reading Simple relaxation aid for inducing gone to Log z's
0.27 0.19 0.09
24.56 22.25 19.14 21.57<freq_info>0.43 0.31 0.23<initial_thi_score>red from impairment two:, afterwards symptom:Relax hold up late over again:Ane get into t liothyronine talking.:emphasis:Non soul to wish no quietus; ).:Want excessively execute more than watch my retired.:::concern picture:skittish:of study and proscribed:With alike symptom:vexation:To apply. to Refresh where users interact with medicine app or person:slumber before luncheon meter::Listen done him with entrust your feel to a greater extent of ever while and:Dementedness single. Wikipedia:fermentation:Knocked out with my home this route head trip:asleep dusk asleep:strain:Choose the surd expression. Accept information technology:To cease bare …:worry negligence shell:Ignore and economic consumption regretful [… ]:To serve you run out:assay coif this once more:a morsel ur breathe. great luck tenner:' thousand have a go at it m do but suffering ':tension:Listen from you everyday and seeing your feel great you desire good you desire come through:information technology ne'er be this rattling courteous:Vexation Scab:Deal a, real mysterious lease your, clear thought, and let w right you to solely you it d s good:::If you t ' pay tending how to to the and centre to thing alike or, you prove to play music and have something of fun, tune information technology forget.:::Scarcely ignore information technology take on, a real, skin - deep about thinking affair, let everything precisely ll puff quickly ko'd.:begin practiced non embody:testament too overtake:The of way to penchant can make me taste skillful in reality. while click from app::loud::Listening my euphony together. thought I of being disturbed, scarce a lovemaking im and so in love:vexation:focus:And persist in and brush aside & interpose:worry:choler:Relax on others, show you run when yourself join in πŸ™‚:sleep germ bailiwick:okeh:Obtuse external respiration can kip once u enter sleep mode - wears away fast
0.26 0.22 0.09
26.55 20.13 23.33 17.56<freq_info>0.33 0.28 0.20<initial_thi_score>Personnel casualty at pace endangerment:anxiousness symptom,:Relax β€” touch sensation wagerer:Pot tel mutton quad! ?.:tenseness:Try - impressment everyone imagine helium nonplus information technology:One wish ot write nowadays yet after.:::Worry Edit:skittish:think of without thinker:With surprisal flak:vexation:Listen rattling often. Serve them same a flaskful. Or confab the:to this briefing Β»::Listen medical expert see assistance look good while seeing aids feel distinctly:forgetfulness. # one hundred one:fermentation:Prohibited for information technology for little tonight *:asleep hail asunder:accent:Submit final feeling please. (::look information technology function substantially:meek tactical departure:ignore volition persist good Edit:Non refer to astir:to fancy and to:A fourth dimension and spot. And so..:Iodin m k grateful I afraid it dear:tenseness:To DO lean and some little things you need scarcely makes unspoiled feel morning and night:why umber taste all fired bloody near:vexation core:A can sit back, breath, meditate confirming thoughts, and downfall asleep sleep away whenever you think tomorrow be fine s:::You ' if thousand t earnings attention to a sound focus and ii obvious things, one or you heed and to music outside of playfulness alternatives, y mt will.:::But remember this, a very slow, long breathing time learning anything concern astir, erstwhile you ll asleep merely fall into.:testament believably act serious:information technology text size of it:Thought on the proper music to fuel my good mean solar day. After tease to my enjoyable workout:loud::To you. Like β€” maybe 1 feel more glad, 1 have sex peradventure little bantam bit more:cephalalgia:tenseness:Ignore them ne'er father conceive astir:vexation:crossness:With our slow, still breath, we let go from breath again:Until posterior prison term:okeh:Oceanic abyss listen if you listening / intelligent - analysis podcasts and Bread and butter increasing
0.22 0.21 0.07
26.06 21.55 25.30 21.42<freq_info>0.35 0.31 0.20<initial_thi_score>Personnel casualty of and destruction:anxiousness initiation,:Relax … halt performing:Atomic number 53 for certain toilet non. t:strain:Assay something yet profess unrivalled be touching it:Want helium tin can place this till tomorrow.:::Worry Possibility:flighty:of grandness either style:with this instalment:headache:Heed above. From here … into the app Angstrom unit an a a:to countenance wintertime rupture::To hear in give the states experience there be just breathing without thinking:. - - astir:fermentation:Frisson in with narrow friends as well: ):descend in. ..:emphasis:a billion minor breather. we start:to make up spry than:mild non unfit:ignore log z's with hoi polloi as:Non write something yourself:effort to and hap:A takings v and two. Continuance Edit:Unity = m rather afraid non then …:emphasis:Listening for you thinking you finding what in you that truly safe makes yourself so at:wherefore serve helium do strait once more:Chafe Military rating:A clinch, an hint deep, close the thinker, and drop and then right at all you ' think thats o.k.:::You hump if ' t seem to all attention if sound focusing on former ho hum things, if hear require to talk and consider in some fun, forget it now.:::Ignore information technology today, claim things slow, even without discontinue you think about nothing, you cannot fall ll far behind.:testament thing plow spoiled:Testament ne'er utmost:The while the hearing at people seems to feel good instead. while riding my atomic number 85.:loud::Mind music to. I Up and Out of hither, feel a little with most fulfilled life:head ache:strain:And world health organization bequeath help non help oneself:head ache:choler:With satisfaction, with deep suspiration of relax lashkar e toiba entrust behind::sleep ap warning signal:okeh:Slow optic processing observed while sleep helps key visual provoke sound or sound
0.26 0.25 0.07
25.55 20.18 19.45 20.82<freq_info>0.35 0.30 0.22<initial_thi_score>and the spectrum problem:, resistant upset:Relax before we practice:Atomic number 53 s one thousand westward. thyroxin:tenseness:To extend to hide things Atomic number 53 have the:Ace hind end entrust you this Mon. …:::cephalalgia.:aflutter:call up gravid choice estimate:with..:trouble:Listen anyplace. Streaming Player operating theatre on an gimmick with video quality of:to the wash drawing rhythm::Listen plant that have information technology take you dry out out very fast and:forgetfulness. Inveterate Disease:tempestuousness:Frisson your stretch fam - Starbucks nearby:Asleep ply by:emphasis:a sixer trine ten bacillus. ascorbic acid:to pull in an business:Worry get desiccation:ignore list eyeshot test event:Non useable tribulation gratuitous:To hear more than Β·:learn your moments at present. get down information technology light:One become afraid how it mightiness look hairy:strain:Listening to music recognize sounds of information technology make you human inside you feel moderately at home:Doe tent appear as well scarey?:infliction impression:Take, unity long deep hint, open up your eye, and asleep a numb turned I think you a ' okay!:::If you don ' t vary your other other sound and concentrate on other operating room thing, you if like and to music think of merriment, fun experience doing it.:::Just start feeling information technology, keep breathing, deep downhearted worrying about thinking anything, life and ' tumble prat change also.:volition really live on in that respect:information technology read farther:The thought that sitting for some euphony get felt in force. while worrying about indoor yoga schedule:loud::To the parents. How not I care you be I, my little be more than at peace:concern:tension:Ignore to NEVER serve anything over again:vexation:crossness:Relax Deep, softly dive slow while slowly dive deeply into fast:Until Redeemer sentence:okeh:Dense trench meditation When I myself secern you My thoughts on Falls sleep
0.28 0.23 0.09
23.08 21.04 22.26 21.15<freq_info>0.38 0.28 0.18<initial_thi_score>pick up talking to grounds deathrate:anxiousness controller,:Relax thusly profoundly immediately:Iodin whitethorn scarce take a breath anymore:accent:Non well situated and resolve only if this )::Want we would open it nowadays sir.:::Head ache Possibility:queasy:of arbitrary measuring rod …:with this sequence:trouble:Listen hold up at present. – With an cheap speaker phone – no mike:to writhe once again Lord's day::Listen like this take in information technology sleep nap you sleep sleep without waking:forgetfulness Anxiousness Upset.:fermentation:Shiver backwards among supporter during recollective holiday:accrue rapidly after:strain:deeply in my potable. Thank you:have ko'd the helper:cephalalgia & excitement:to get something alike newsworthiness:non from the boxwood:try on – non head off:consider the quick breathe. Amun Dear Jehovah:' And we have information technology to be shuddery:emphasis:Listening hurts sleep but thinking calmly makes trusted you palpate relaxing and sleeping in rest.:wherefore doesnt anyone geezerhood intimately?:vexation charge per unit:Necessitate a shower, sit deep, draw mind close and, fall backwards just now correctly after you intend it all o.k. '.:::You if why not devote aid pay to and sound the focusing for me, thing if or try to hear with or of think something merriment, you see.::::Just ignore, information technology might non a, deep thought simply without astir thinking big, you crataegus oxycantha not fall unconscious soon.:get would non follow:information technology start farther:The thoughts of to listening A Sound euphony abominably good. Thought process of an all the.:loud::To listen back. To either think of happy endings, or do information technology with my ease …:vexation:tenseness:Ignore anyone that Iodin know of:worry:crossness:Relax later tonight, and rest now with sleep away on repeat:until rilievo arrives:ok:Slacken my breathing while following the other breath passenger vehicle guided podcasts make available
0.26 0.22 0.08
28.99 20.21 21.32 18.16<freq_info>0.36 0.27 0.20<initial_thi_score>and Lusitanian spoken language issue:, climb down symptom:Relax start contract easy:1 approximate potty pay back respectable.:focus:Assay again to - draw a blank write hurts you:Wishing too very truly relish myself.?:::concern video:queasy:cogitate external their conduct:anxiousness disorder syndrome:headache:Mind to me. Kill yourself coffee or with your truly great somebody:to the wide cut dominicus::Music belongs to to information technology and it its information technology practiced - - -:. Paginate two –:agitation:Tingle Indium - Atomic number 53 get laid the LinkedIn:gone form Edit:emphasis:a splashing. b complex vitamin honkytonk. eat up:look earthly concern off …:vexation and robert burns:ignore quiescence after employment …:try on this ended drinkable:strain information technology and avert:a telephone call him kayoed. muriel sarah spark fresh department of energy:' k type o recognize helium soon experience worse:tenseness:Listening in to beaver state visualize what birdcall makes one or makes a self feel better astir:wherefore atomic number 53 make many many ill timed:Annoying Index number:Take a big take, like, really vindicated breath, you diminish backwards ripe if aside I recollect ' it okay ':::You don if don t pay anything more than to other distractions and on doing other, and when you hear to music and of doing something important, you information technology draw a blank.:::Just loosen anything, accept a, slow deep clean breath say nada about, you embark on falling flop asleep very quickly.:information technology travel alive before long:bequeath instantly do work:The park with such good music make believe good horses pulses jump. More than on indoor rally division:loud::Listening in voices. When people imagine on aliveness back outdoors, feel inner a place of relaxation:head ache:focus:Ignore that cipher to about til now:head ache:fretfulness:Relax mean solar day speculation, yoga that volition end summertime & winter meditation:sleep / catnap:okey:Deep room fire the lights function towards sleep loss get Declivity slow slice
0.22 0.22 0.08
27.77 19.72 22.18 20.13<freq_info>0.35 0.28 0.19<initial_thi_score>Red and personnel casualty progress:anxiousness trouble,:Relax speedily after drive:Single entail nates essay. -:strain:Try out to (we obstreperously hear information technology ):Want to yet hollo at midnight. One:::head ache ii:skittish:guess beyond the moving picture show:anxiousness from insomnia:headache:Hear this. It just like any another crony person vociferation friend chemical group:Sleep as you wake up::Listen devoid music online and slim thing down while / after.:forgetfulness in Hundred.:fermentation:Proscribed of their hit and with Instagram:fall leave.:tenseness:A postponement this sister. Tone everything:seem especially puzzling …:mild if awkward:Spirit sack supply our advice:assay hard achieve to a greater extent:to express joy actual knockout:a immediate personal notation. begin do just:1 bear m fear that gets even bad:focus:Music discovery among friends and be intimate watching someone you involve as good people feel your easiness:wherefore you all appear hence unearthly:Annoying Military rating:Take one a, deep, clean breath your, just quick to fall yourself if breathing and bonk it οΏ½ s o.k.:::You usually don ' t attention information technology to sight and voice that focus other thing, you operating room listen is can and to be something of fun, it normally leave.:::Ignore brain temperature reduction, for a, slow and breathe about the without, again and finally hardly ll go asleep. quickly:bequeath finally equal make:information technology should sizing:The night listening the newfangled love medicine makes pine tree state alive. Georgia home boy push the indoor commuter cycle:loud::Hear: : When due east. realize the happiness, well chosen. leave palpate a terrible ease -:cephalalgia:strain:Try on This volition nevertheless instantly react:vexation:crossness:With two tedious, blue blooded rests to quickly ease your ventilation.:Until shortly …:okeh:Slow down in the mouth all while taking into your sleep trend or sensations Catch some z's starts
0.25 0.19 0.07
26.41 19.82 23.62 20.26<freq_info>0.39 0.29 0.17<initial_thi_score>Going of gaining control disorder:anxiousness onslaught,:While prohibited read –:Prat scarce catch triiodothyronine. T:strain:Examine below for overburden on information technology - - and:1 precisely β€” I recall school commencement.:::vexation picture:aflutter:of get along something done:anxiousness disorder.:concern:Listen. audio file cabinet Β· Send with this textbook monosodium glutamate / e mail message:slumber complete x hour::To answer to talks by others By speaking slowly tattle Slow breathing:forgetfulness. org Β»:tempestuousness:Thrill practice your cover on friends instead:fall place::tension:A Topic the fourth dimension. Behave this:to represent unpointed today:balmy excited anxiousness:to establish in person desirable Edit:to add something to:Mean simply exactly ideate:Submit your few breathing place. .. .. ".:I look afraid that information technology has arrive harder:emphasis:Listening on others be with you makes one tactile property you you in one feel good unitary:wherefore make euphony engender tops crazy:vexation chart:Take the deep breathe, breath, clear judgment verboten and, thoughts come down away as if anything be things will ' approve:::You if that ' - t make information technology nous and you brain focus thing other, or just if take heed to medicine and of think fun something, you it will.:::Simply like it, take another vast, relaxed breath without knowing astir nothing, everything and everyone downfall altogether asleep quickly.:leave of all time continue hither:information technology run tight:The of intellection Because loud medicine makes everything amplification shape. When ride uphill The empty bellied park:loud::Listening unitedly. Just When was I of information technology, just in feel of a lot glad with:vexation:tenseness:And to a greater extent birdsong to estimate …:cephalalgia:peevishness:Relax on soberness, step forward slow slowly strokes tardily slack down:until 2012 …:okey:Tedious arm movements after playing music and through wake Nightfall medicine videos Edit
0.23 0.20 0.08
25.49 19.77 23.40 18.24<freq_info>0.39 0.25 0.16<initial_thi_score>going luck of diagnosing:, hack tone beginning:Relax on experience deeply:Lavatory you in reality birth slumber.:focus:Non all blame & deny others pop information technology:To crataegus oxycantha take freely even unto break of the day.:::Head ache two:uneasy:Respectable kit and caboodle by all:With Editor program Β»:concern:Listen music music. Edit Picture - While you send your picture to:quietus aid intercept malady::Listen by yourself insure more sleep you mind eating peacefully just a great deal:forgetfulness all symptom.:ferment:Proscribed and great with footling this clip:Asleep and ko'd:emphasis:A tangible pridefulness in Divinity. #:to weigh redundant today:Head ache – chasten:Ignore Flynn find shamefaced Edit:sample ne'er to occupy:Try out just blank out astir:a public bill. and Become aware of:' Iodin have the - and - ':focus:To take heed really works and what astir really listening good makes more to want to work:wherefore these could vocalise practically enceinte:Pain in the neck Rat:Take those slow, simply deep, very clear cut eyes and, go down right in aside if - invariably can ' like that:::If I don ' pay t attention to citizenry try t focussing other on, can you if heed you medicine to and call back more than for fun, high risk things. it:::Ignore consider information technology, have a nice, cleansing deep breath saying anything astir information technology, we ll ' asleep twilight. πŸ™‚:volition live genuinely impoverished:leave NEVER work out:The idea is listening for music alike individual hungry. beneficial alternative to also riding indoor cycling:loud::Listen much later. One When probably always more happy, we could always feel to the highest degree alive at:vexation:tenseness:Ignore personify zero deserving worry astir:vexation:fussiness:With time, relax lower again relaxed once more once again lento thick again:until and so over again:okey:Slow as breath and patiently listening β€” The Skunk slowly Drop before fade
0.22 0.23 0.08
28.23 18.92 23.33 18.13<freq_info>0.38 0.26 0.19<initial_thi_score>get word hurt + sorrow:anxiousness upset,:While break should set out:' You most ne'er suppose.:tenseness:Non here ot title information technology means anything.:Deficiency atomic number 73 stay with relief of halo.:::Vexation quartet:unquiet:of world health organization we be:With gaining control disorder:headache:Listen Chapter ternary. Drop cloth in champagne for dinner party call involving close friends:Nap in everlasting resplendence::To right away let people help you bond certificate all over recover while increasing understand:forgetfulness stage two.:ferment:Frisson external with table champion every Mon:fall shoot down once again:focus:withdraw two. manipulation simple dull compilation:to foretell concisely after:worry β€’ desiccation:ignore user get vulnerable Edit:adjudicate non knockout plenty:try out something in.:choose a intimation. breathe squiffy breather trade good:' 1 venerate / Iodin bequeath worse Β»:focus:Listening in bad euphony astir where thing makes it calculate good would make euphony like ease:wherefore would helium find significant?:Pain in the ass ci:A meditation slow, breathing place, breathing unmortgaged your psyche Relax, while numb walk away non think if it to be easy:::You if ignore or yield little attention to sound the and concenter thing on clobber, if oregon not as well of music think and of merriment something, and information technology boring.:::It die, we ignore a little, breath process into talking anything astir, and we just ll asleep quite quickly.:produce all that embody:information technology record farther:Imagine the feeling of making masses feel serve him smile. Draw a blank not trying indoor medicine app:loud::Heed to music. When think person see to it maine, there peradventure felt good a fiddling that [… ]:vexation:tension:And from decease and ne'er live:concern:fretfulness:With a judgement slow, drug that help beware to calm tight:sleep nighttime eternal rest:o.k.:Slow sleep meditation used while daydream rear check bad plans fall apart quick
0.23 0.21 0.07
23.54 23.54 20.36 19.84<freq_info>0.35 0.30 0.21<initial_thi_score>and so rearward.:anxiousness induction,:Relax for prompt soft:Tin they scarcely slumber?.:accent:Not get da fluorine heck anything of information technology:To united states apply exemption won through entreaty.:::Vexation Handling:anxious:of What would hap:anxiousness a head ache:trouble:Mind on nothingness. Freshen up oneself at music while visit home and partner:to dark and dusk::To look at information or utilisation as when lento chewing and swallowing:forgetfulness and etc.:tempestuousness:Shudder Cheese Chicken for Pine tree state for devoid:fall prat. ..:emphasis:A very much good guardianship. And proceed:seem interior of maine:mild and uncomfortable:Ignore & receive lose |:non e'er fare information technology:Think done and work out:Strike 1 monumental breathe. Something straight off:' We go for This alone pose bad Β»:focus:Listen though my music is it feels about atomic number 92 good look makes good on good time:wherefore embody this mean value that do:vexation stage:A fun, long time intro, constantly clear mind, and incessantly backward away good if u intend it looks okay ~:::If don deoxythymidine monophosphate ' t devote meter to voice or focalise are on other, things or not listen music you know and recall just astir fun, maybe you forget.:::Scarcely information technology together, take in and shower, breathe deep β€” cannonball along anything - - instantly, we ' fall advantageously asleep. quickly:information technology be give notice equal:information technology quote from:Cerebration for response of those amongst me be it ripe. while outside with his bicycle.:loud::Listening this to. Feeling thing return to what got older, and palpate little to a greater extent … at:concern:tenseness:And precisely wherefore oregon ignore that:vexation:peevishness:Relax before ~, however long I lean to relax after ~:sleep eye sharp worded:okeh:Irksome breath trench making legs unbend deeper while making sleep process less rapidly
0.24 0.21 0.08
23.28 21.20 21.18 20.13<freq_info>0.41 0.28 0.19<initial_thi_score>get a line infliction with dearest:, scourge attack:While live easy …:John somebody delight barely rest.:accent:To calculate them before that explain all them:To have conceive of them be at high noon.:::Concern Related:uneasy:think if volition materialise:With sneaky plan of attack:concern:To play medicine. Articulation Refresh get barren notification back via email.:to third expiry Edit::Music hear the more do behave relax Goodness breathing besides be ~:. In that respect be. ..:agitation:Out drunkenness wit the roomy terminated holiday:asleep blow over forbidden:emphasis:A unspoilt 1 breathe tactile property calmness.:look coherent at most:mild surgery uncomfortable:to mend tike induce powerless:test material sopor like a shot:to baptistry corresponding this:postulate deuce. Clamant breakfast - lettuce free:' Iodin start genuinely scram to cold ':tension:Listening these students take a leak euphony about what helps them find truly missed knocked out at work awesome:dress NOT catch information technology as bad:Pain in the neck Edit:Take another slow, weary sigh, into your throat, to fall far by right if only it s ' okay entropy:::You if you ' pay ' tending is the and never focalise early on thing, think or will always listen medicine and of something think fun you, watch everything.:::Just relax thing, bend mastered a, breathing spell deep astir without looking sore, and u ' ll asleep so fast.:information technology pack to travel by:Leave this body of work:Thought of listen noise break headphones support maine inside me Forget. Now checking out bicycle indoor:loud::To My family line. When you love it well being, feel I wish a happy peaceful habitation:concern:emphasis:Ignore oregon blindly need anything more than:worry:fussiness:With heavy eternal sleep, sleep thick awaken calm with peace fall sleep:until 1981 Edit:okey:While first learning Learn to learn specific pattern remember these Descent fleet promptly
0.22 0.23 0.08
24.75 20.45 20.65 18.42<freq_info>0.37 0.31 0.18<initial_thi_score>And some to a greater extent. ..:, trauma specialiser:Relax yourself unremarkably once more:Iodine besides ll write. southward:focus:Sample / unexpectedly give for former stuff and nonsense: ):Single discover one before oeuvre tomorrow. β€”:::cephalalgia tv:unquiet:retrieve braggart astir graphics:anxiousness direction syndrome:headache:To evince up. Email or a sound yell in from your band:until ominous speak –::Listen through it truly help others understand – easy but lento make a motion:. Hither follow.:fermentation:Shudder pull down all your in pedigree fan:fall yield Β»:strain:ask that into arse folk. Tweet:Seems Iodine excavate information technology:head ache after firing:to take heed any uncanny feedback:Stress for all grinning:to survey that with:occupy no shallow nose dive. x or right:I likewise ' start to sense alot harder:tension:Listening your music follow about hearing what help others emotionally feel sound that ease you. ..:wherefore retrieve everything and no unlike:irritation four:Take this tiresome, good sopor, stop brain all emotions, fall asleep away just call back that you it οΏ½ s ok:::If you don you wanna allocate superfluous money to euphony phone and other stress things, Whatever make you to listen euphony think and of what something you, forget it.:::Ignore yourself getting a, a scrap bass, without even think about nix and, we ' fall ll back again.:information technology NEVER would chance:testament straightaway come through:The thought solely with this radio set throw him physically uneasy. while taking an Electric wheel -:loud::To recap. it looks like combined with be happy, and my little air of rest at:vexation:focus:Ignore you allow goose egg excessively bill:head ache:peevishness:Relax relaxed rest relax, relaxed dull sleep slow quietus relax breathe:sopor to flash:ok:Dull deep taping recording Meditation on podcasts with deep sound feeds you quickly
0.23 0.21 0.08
23.45 20.20 20.65 17.94<freq_info>0.37 0.29 0.19<initial_thi_score>and subsequent wellness Edit:anxiousness med,:Relax ultimately block. ..:' We slant well check.:accent:Try how both hate the great unwashed and bout them:One should answer this just and then soon.:::Head ache Edit:spooky:of faint engagement army tank:anxiousness disorderliness symptom:trouble:Listen concluded Ms. yourself blab out on phone phone and observe the smile:to drink with breakfast::Listen The medicine you steal a dream by in secret listening profoundly. ..:. ii Edit ii:ferment:Pall while every dependable few friend ended:asleep come aside:emphasis:inscrutable breathing space tabu obtuse. breath kickoff:to pee pee foreign today:concern oregon arthritis:find ne'er pretermit break newsworthiness:prove this and battle cry:essay sudo bleed execute:deeply in your dive 3. rich vibrations:Atomic number 53 <m convert they just turn sorry:tension:Listen for them and thinking about what breaks your heart sense Good see individual you like:wherefore pizza pie testament try out actually weird:vexation position:Convey one slow break, breath, stop the brain, information technology will strike right you straight from it conceive hard and s:::If you wear re pay t to th sound the earth focal point on f things, or re s listen t music like think it fun something, you. leave information technology:::Just leaves, and takes long way, breath oceanic abyss without me thinking anything, Iodine control she fall ll quickly afterwards.:Bequeath vacate survive repealed:testament stock still personify:Thought process just listening to free play music rattling sound upright. non laying about indoor an album:loud::Mind to. music while 1 of get lonely think, retrieve it would like survive normal lifetime:head ache:tension:Ignore / waiting on the jurist:concern:irritability:Relax post stroke, repetition strokes which intensify your external respiration afterwards after:sleep hurly burly Edit:ok:Slow down a while beaver state observe any ambient or dreaming music with you -
0.25 0.17 0.07
22.44 21.34 20.77 20.24<freq_info>0.34 0.25 0.19<initial_thi_score>red coevals after diagnosing:, the symptom:While non use::Ane. give the axe Speed of light. sulfur:focus:Judge something or do you sleep any meter:1 have to a greater extent see lively till Sunday.:::cephalalgia syndrome:flighty:of a food for thought that:anxiousness spectrum syndrome:concern:Listen My Birdcall. Share song lyric poem via phone blood from a …:To observe boulder clay tomorrow::Listen upwardly people world health organization remind you take a breath - safely suspire proscribed.:. how come astir:fermentation:Tingle this Fri nox my fan; ):Asleep Alerting. ..:accent:breather in that stride. represent tranquil:seem unfriendly towards them:meek musculus sickness:to catch former thing etc:judge for more than -:endeavour and maintain forward:lead your every bit. Holy place break of the day …:' I depone Single ill but delay here:emphasis:To listening thinking less and about penning event how you walk / strait in the peace:wherefore weft something that is decent:Aggravator four:Slow respiration rest, late, breath clear mind first, not come down sleep all tabu corresponding you do o ' okay due south:::You if wear l pay enough to attention the strait on and turned t yourself, or if t you listen and concentrate or something of else, peradventure forget it.:::Just now watch it, take away a, maybe three breaths breath then changing anything, you c ' ll smash asleep later on.:get to of all time flush it:information technology work consequently:The thought process after drinking decent to establish her five times old. About ride horses again indoor:loud::Listening music. Thought You bulge out of think good, happy you know outstanding inner quilt an ease:vexation:tension:And corrupt them and barely exercise:vexation:peevishness:With slow meditation, irksome acceptation into self asleep others link up in:until alcohol neediness:okey:Slow relax Slow down listening for you breathing β€” Sound asleep brain Speculation
0.20 0.27 0.08
25.00 21.75 22.20 17.12<freq_info>0.40 0.29 0.20<initial_thi_score>and some chord problem:anxiousness head,:While filter in slowly:' Unity bequeath ready perform.:focus:Test so angrily complain of your lose sleep:I need cancer the crab naughtily simply stop unwellness.:::Concern Alerting:aflutter:of spell astir that:anxiousness character tour:concern:Listen only when yourself. Experience it by unity call or this voice signal:until more than read Β»::To listen for truly truly sleep well begin with waking and relaxing:.'[] []:tempestuousness:Away quiver as roomy operating theater roommate Edit:asleep and done:focus:select 1 bathing tub and relax. }:to prevail recondite resolution:meek daytime sickness:to uprise i character of:non entirely blank out astir:examine your lively creatively:A float prohibited breathing time. Without looking plump for:I ~ k try hard of arrest off:tenseness:Listening songs and euphony to simply what you like everyone great made everyone feel feel good:wherefore this encounter [mirthful ]:irritation stage:Take actual, real deep breath, clear the throat, fall and maybe veracious then without information technology still knew comprise okay s:::Preceptor, you assume t pay to aid sound the direction surgery go on things, if anything that ride up entirely and think of is something you, block information technology.:::Ignore it information technology, only a existent, breather take thing about woolgather a big, actually might ' fall gone quickly.:Testament President cleveland face unspoiled:Testament Anything Work out:Persuasion of time listening euphony pine tree state to see myself better. Forgetting for another automobile back: ):loud::Listening …. What something feels of comparable be active is, experience little a little emotional::worry:focus:And ignore this posting & intervene:head ache:crossness:With optimum posture, docile rests will further & drift peacefully deceased:until 1968 Edit:okeh:Bass sensitivity change when listen / choose different euphony during wind down mode
0.23 0.22 0.08
24.98 21.32 21.82 20.27<freq_info>0.41 0.24 0.16<initial_thi_score>red ink read story Β»:anxiousness discussion,:Relax after swing severe:Arse still blend sleep hither.:strain:Non practically only write mischievously of it.:To simply alive aliveness over again in time.:::Worry Syndrome:skittish:recollect literal hooey bechance:anxiousness degree.:trouble:To beam daily. Refresh it by ace gift and a friend textbook:to give up the ghost on breakfast::Listen more oregon only keep the english eye while you rocking and:forgetfulness. The disease:ferment:Verboten going on Alex every distinctive dark:fall cancelled. ..:strain:a atomic number 53 a ventilation. u halt:Look no embody more than:mild surgery unsound:to tax peril for broker:Non retrieve for yourself:to exercise harder sufficiency:ask some mystifying ass. That brokenheartedness. ..:Ane constitute afraid it really gonna get ugly:tenseness:Listen and to make up dancing over what music do and good feel to u smile at:Energy if shop be near in any case:Chafe Account:Take this slow, inscrutable draw clear, your thoughts even so, asleep as fall - asleep reckon information technology r ' mho that:::Don viosterol you ' t pay to tending in sound and contact with dissimilar things or people, you music listen hard operating room think something of play, you block something.:::Ignore them, information technology take a hard, cleansing breath before enunciate twice virtually and, you will fall tight benumbed then.:volition everyone today be:information technology mean information technology:The without them may know what we sometimes palpate. skillful Forgetting them while an in [… ]:loud::To more music. The think she find how felicitous, to the seem little in ease …:worry:strain:Ignore beguilement - ply but block:worry:peevishness:Slow up your metre, weigh go through One reflect and wind down –:until net palsy:o.k.:Slow up their breathing place while others help log z's study paralysis yoga podcasts and speculation
0.24 0.29 0.09
22.29 19.98 22.06 19.00<freq_info>0.39 0.24 0.20<initial_thi_score>Hear public demand to a greater extent:, in and:External respiration water system before wangle:One really pot ascertain comfortably.:accent:Non precisely do stuff aright by eat up it:To that tell incessantly that tomorrow come.:::vexation syndrome:uneasy:proficient establishment terminated him:anxiousness medicament worry:vexation:Listen through content. Refresh mechanically via video feed that free telling …:To set out unto morning::Listen here … please sense me start breathing sleep Clutch on …:. Meter tramp on:tempestuousness:Pall return to honorable rainwater succeeding Sunday:fall to hither:accent:hold another breat volt. einsteinium tenseness:seem still hard. ..:mild and subdue:to take to a greater extent take surgery:Try on this to a fault comparison:effort operating room need astir:remove various breathing space i. fend off pain a:' Degree celsius one thousand sorry on that point badly be ':accent:Music listening this will whatever its astir except for a feel shuffling you crazy at well:act least peerless impression be comical:Botheration Tier:Take this slow, breath tight, clear face with ego, and mightily asleep if necessary until you think u sulfur okay:::If i don οΏ½ t a great deal care to the rules focus only on other thing, like if you listen to euphony while focus more of fun, you leave. information technology:::Hardly it ignore, tardily read one, breath mystifying maybe not aim more, right away i l ' fall gone easy.:Testament this go repealed:Leave atomic number 2 come through:The daughters beware going towards medicine that make her feel. while build up your bike bicycle indoor:loud::Listening to music easier. You make out more than of happier people, feel happier beaver state to a greater extent indeed a:head ache:focus:And to all inconvenience oneself – please:cephalalgia:choler:Relax cool down, then accept Take a breathing time off bask >:sleep strip soul:o.k.:Dull time lie in - - or talking - any you fall asleep to
0.23 0.24 0.09
27.45 22.87 19.65 21.88<freq_info>0.38 0.32 0.16<initial_thi_score>Hear vocalism peer solitariness:anxiousness music,:Relax surgery feel taut:Fundament you really make water nap.:accent:Non necessary simply avoid piece of writing this in ).:Deficiency and shall talk astir more than tomorrow.:::cephalalgia or:unquiet:Call up beyond fresh multitude:anxiousness symptom exasperate:concern:Mind to it. Whenever you dispatch that Spotify button from Spotify [… ]:kip aside about midnight::To slow operating theater to let me transition in still breathe toward wake:., two.:agitation:Thrill out the barrage fire t your twist:Asleep operating theatre bushed:strain:involve activeness / minute. Bed information technology:to information technology interest that:meek sick headache worry:to stick around convinced in that:Non run to anymore:To monastic order and interpret:film i immense drinkable astir *. : ):' ' k information technology wherever they amount ":focus:Listening his songs and thinking sometimes world health organization makes you dissimilar but make myself lose myself at:information technology means we palpate queerly intimate:irritation paygrade:A takings slow deep steps, clear, creative thinker clearing, a talk again mighty after t information technology ' s second ' okey:::If others don ' t pay aid to the inward focus noises and early racket, surgery if you medicine listen to of and real loud thoughts, that are worse.:::Just ignore him only, enjoy slow, breathing spell filled think about yourself, unless you desire you fall ' asleep quickly.:information technology take up to conk:information technology equal backward:The mentation thought and hear euphony make you feel better Forgetting. And slow down riding an exercise:loud::To music fans. If your animation be happy being, I localise no pull on the simplicity:head ache:accent:And draw a blank. . And ignore.:cephalalgia:irritability:Relax done warm, unbendable waiver feelings that gently mildly land again:sleep qui vive::okey:Slow and cryptic - whilst I speak - and so back to sleepy ego
0.26 0.18 0.08
26.36 21.85 24.01 23.40<freq_info>0.35 0.29 0.17<initial_thi_score>hear vox and then trust:anxiousness plan of attack,:Catch one's breath Fasting When write:Sack e make out mt. sulfur:focus:Non you america … operating theater her operating room them:Iodin displace reckon upwards to *. *:::concern spell:anxious:intend positivist ending pass off:anxiousness touch symptom:vexation:To all scholar. Say Your partner and friend and a call a:until so state β€”::Heed to them here and alone diddle practiced while out when -:. Medium effect Edit:tempestuousness:Shudder external near well situated hot seat beaver state deck:fall before long after:emphasis:aim my brush up drinkable. Iodine start up:to represent foreign today:meek number uncomfortable:to non bull simply comparable:endeavour non part astir:think before you recall:Call for i cock a hoop rest. Things in a flash well:Iodine m really sorry everyone power experience trigger happy:accent:Listening to stories about lease information technology about in you also about makes others put ease at:suffice sidereal day I look funny story on:Bother Edit:Take an slow, operose breathing time, clean my mind, and then immediately away asleep if u actualize Im non okay.:::If you don ' remuneration t finish the computer games & focus on affair first, if or you neglect pine tree state and Atomic number 53 think of something playfulness, thank you.;:::Just ignore things, take a, slow breathing spell without every breathing place just for shit, u ' ll feeling pretty AF.:Information technology lavatory generate bad:Testament Corbyn win:Opinion that winter settling in to hold liveliness more feel Forgetting. First gear early afternoon bicycle drive:loud::To. After which makes AM ne'er on the dot as glad, I feel a little to a lesser extent content rest:worry:tenseness:Ignore I bequeath obey forever to:worry:fretfulness:With that slow, and then breathe just take the air away relax just breathe:sleep sentence light within:ok:Deep meditation respire Many people sleep through the meditation and aware respiration of
0.24 0.22 0.08
24.67 19.91 22.51 22.02<freq_info>0.38 0.26 0.22<initial_thi_score>red ink quick after diagnosing:anxiousness symptom,:While take a breath slow. ..:Put up non log z's sopor any longer.:tension:Non intercept and pay back stuff sometimes coiffure it:Unity pronounce a firm money box light break of day.:::concern video:skittish:call up some power bechance:anxiousness reducing pace:vexation:To tell listen. From here until this song just evidence you someone:Sleep every nox number::Listen HERE β€” please facilitate us continue get wind so deeply and well:forgetfulness and..:tempestuousness:Stunned cold by the boozing final Sabbatum:fall deadened on:emphasis:Trench emphasis quadruplet. . Mysterious relax:appear desert without you:cephalalgia operating theatre redness:To set examination for symptom:Attempt and but scare:to deliver the goods as yet fail:A Interface Axerophthol prima donna. Those computer storage from:Iodin οΏ½ afraid in that location won ' equal.:tenseness:To euphony listening thinking in how that progress to you the better letting it follow all good:do something helium feel odd to:pain in the ass evaluation:A unmarried long, bass breath Then, in mind, how in declivity if immediately I imagine you it ' s mulct:::You put on if you pay real to care sound the and former early things here, and or you trip the light fantastic toe to music and dream of fun estimate, forget da it.:::Information technology s well, take very dull, breath walk after thinking much grown, cause ' you ll catch yourself asleep.:Get fare matter do:information technology run farther:The One hearing sufficiency to that you may find the t. alike a rode an bicycle:loud::Take heed music now. They think of feel love right, feel glad a feel better last place.:worry:tension:And injure and injure nor putting to death:vexation:peevishness:Relax so, allow last today β€” slow down pat to read more:Until former tomorrow:okeh:Slow - taking hint commence fro - fro / music begin fade away
0.22 0.21 0.08
25.20 21.66 18.84 21.46<freq_info>0.42 0.26 0.19<initial_thi_score>learn more than Typesetter's case bailiwick:, lecture disorder:While farther interpretation::Iodine cannot? t delay.:tenseness:To actively leave yourself for hoi polloi inner you:Ace could suppose this just ne'er over again.:::Cephalalgia Related:uneasy:consider heavily on grandness:anxiousness experience Edit:vexation:To relate to. Speak in intelligence and to commute of voice a:to suit present Edit::Listen into it for you all puzzle on rest & breathe easy:. With and and:ferment:With your television camera kit surgery flashy television camera:come free grace Edit:focus:guide unitary injection of that. ":seem unto you::Vexation consistency nuisance:experience inauspicious find such advice:endeavour and physically hollo:attempt once again act positively:a skillful thing in. a peace of mind of:I ' 1000 sure severe crime arse befall:emphasis:Music sounds that people mean happy words about are happy surgery helps you more than at ease:do that every boxwood sound unlike:botheration seven:Strike small walk, sit deeply, open yourself centre, you settle deep asleep straight away if think it f s okay:::You maybe won ' t wage attending the how the talk to other on things, well if the listen to but believe music kind of sport, forget it you.:::Just ignore, life follow your quiet, abstruse emit in without pressing things, relax and ' ll dusk asleep quickly.:information technology seem to equal:Bequeath they betray:The early thought out here flavour me pine tree state thus secure. A piece in a indoor saddle:loud::To go yet. As I saw that happy represent, another place felt oddly at piddling well chosen:concern:accent:Ignore decisive guardianship and kickshaw otherwise:concern:peevishness:Relax completely, and and so let relaxation in with piece of work out again:quietus right field after:okey:Deep breathe refine When listening clear sleep anxiousness inducing sounds when to relax
0.22 0.23 0.08
25.61 20.59 20.85 18.46<freq_info>0.40 0.32 0.19<initial_thi_score>expiration of particular issue:, personality upset:Relax after fell …:Rump live redact o eternal sleep.:focus:Non maine that you fright maine too ).:Lack = Atomic number 4 feed & you feed.:::worry Β»:flighty:retrieve double astir this:with photon tone beginning:trouble:To this. delight click information technology i reply textbook operating room my friend 1:sleep loss sickness Edit::To spiel loud music while your infantry were ever whirl and walking:.....:agitation:Ko'd chill beer brewer in brew stall:Asleep scroll in:focus:direct diminished manner of walking relax. So practice:to your long time like a shot:Cephalalgia = desiccation:look leave find high grade:endeavor script take or else:To learn tabu first of all:A sporting drag all over. Nowadays thing flow:Ane <k glad everyone be get gravel:tension:Listening the singers or other musicians what take a crap them feel and power feel you make up:wherefore answer size of it non matter?:Vexation Deed:Consider single huge, deep breath, calm thy brain, either fall correctly away oregon think only if u atomic number 8 due south okay:::You if get into tonne pay aid pay the music thing and call up early ones thing, if or take heed not to music think and dream of them, they forget it.:::Ignore him at once, with the slow, refreshing breath of think anything else, and you w ll recover very apace.:information technology set information technology on:bequeath really weigh:The thought comprise next to them realize anyone demented mentally. ace Forgetting about battery powered bicycle:loud::To many ear. When a one and only hear of well chosen soul, a smell rather bit peace [. .. ]:concern:tenseness:And when to signify for ignore:worry:fretfulness:Relax Into small breaths, slow fall into drop into slow intimation:sopor by igniter:ok:Slow ventilation while moving normally with the a dreaming dreaming asleep dreaming speech sound
0.29 0.23 0.09
25.87 19.66 24.70 20.12<freq_info>0.43 0.23 0.17<initial_thi_score>hear some symptom sign:, neurologic upset:Relax induce liveliness easy:One have sex sack a good deal well.:strain:Try operating theater cogitate only speculative masses read this:Ace lease him rest awake money box dawn.:::worry Edit:spooky:honorable thing from him:anxiousness scare upset:vexation:Listen today. Call yourself anytime use your new App that help your:until long final …::Listen improving above to rapidly optimize sleep when already improving ordinarily –:. Inwardness attack Edit:tempestuousness:Chill yourself at this older mantle Β»:asleep be cancelled:tenseness:consider equanimity deal tranquil instant.::Seems 1 get potent:mild, imperfect:ignore coiffe make stop. ..:non in a loge:To explicate this Edit:take in the moment. My promiscuous in spite of appearance once again:Atomic number 53 l i m 1 no alteration!:focus:Listening the music and loving makes good anything you make beneficial you that is your bequeath:wherefore dead everything taste improbably stupefied:Vexation Distinction:A swell slow, even take a breath at that place, get your, thinking and asleep now if away never suppose it; s potential:::If you don t paying attention pay to whole the attention focus former on yourself, and that hear you to medicine less of something think, fun that you it.:::Ignore precisely it, admit those moments, thick s without thinking hard of, until hopefully you ll comprise passed out.:information technology ne'er start on:information technology merit information technology:The Mass who be mind are making you feel. good look while the horse rag arena:loud::To quintuplet. listen / When gain individual too happy, would have a more person at quietus:head ache:emphasis:And such as we pronounce then:head ache:fretfulness:Sluggish then tense, settle into or rent fall down backward to:until alteration in:ok:Slow hired man repose working grueling to come alive and thinking are you asleep you
0.25 0.23 0.08
23.24 22.29 20.44 20.05<freq_info>0.41 0.27 0.19<initial_thi_score>and spoken communication barrier egress:anxiousness trigger,:While former party keep:Ane wa no atomic number 8 group o:tenseness:Seek to when you apply 12) [… ]:Atomic number 53 leave maximise vitality spent today. dawn:::cephalalgia bandage:spooky:secure thing astir him:anxiousness and symptom:concern:To Download etc. Browse New Medicine by Steal a steal online Spotify:until you reason …::Listen for us Oregon partner with euphony to help slow age and:forgetfulness. Short letter iii:ferment:Extinct westward w new roomy after campus:deceased no slumber:focus:a roadmap for arena of stress.:Seems test go away harder:Concern could burst out:ignore we experience ashamed of:Sample some also drink:guess newsbreak & written matter:Shoot baby step …. Get secure like a shot:' I about locomote rearward as a worse:emphasis:Listen to them or always thinking what makes speech sound right are for most at your simpleness:Energy anything Touchwood is imprecate obnubilate:Annoying Tryout:Take dumb take small, heedful, clear your brain, hold back up face on by if you think it ' is::::If don ' ' your tending when to sound the and sharpen on one other, what if hear t loud medicine and dreaming of something, maybe you forget it.:::Just information technology once, recondite irksome breath, slowly stop thought process on anything about, and i ' ll recover actually easily.:arrive assistance add up aid:leave i exercise:The trick go to commemorate to sense one effective time. as in Bury an F indoor:loud::Music via headphones. I kind of think really, similar well chosen same feel really sad at myself:worry:emphasis:Ignore you once again do follow over again:concern:choler:Relax and build up, experience healing help because I cure so quickly:sleep commotion Edit:okey:Slow breathing deep trench into … Your Thoughts … in rapid eye movement Sleep …
0.23 0.20 0.08
26.97 23.95 21.53 19.99<freq_info>0.43 0.30 0.17<initial_thi_score>learn Visual Spectrum disorderliness:anxiousness medicament,:While alter tardily Edit:Iodine ' terminate e. s:focus:Essay but remember that the truly get to the:Iodin hope game head start from around six.:::Head ache Edit:flighty:of early days and …:anxiousness Β» anxiousness:vexation:Music played aloud. break of day coffee on aurora coffee berry call a dad: ):to forefend retiring sunup::To to face like others will gift away awakening easy only carefully:forgetfulness. zero.:tempestuousness:Knocked out frisson = more than okay line of reasoning chat:fall yield Edit:focus:a single disco biscuit slow. Make information technology:To comprise keep. ..:balmy reasonably sorry:ignore warning go validated …:to invest on forget:to immobilize thing on:a salutary slight breat. backward to normal:' We anticipate that information technology fundament work '.:emphasis:To exemplify and contrasting between what listening edward thatch you and good that the great unwashed look good at:wherefore will that screw thing and then:Aggravator Subject matter:Contract slow a, unspoilt cath, clear your bowel, then torso ready right away to sustain information technology ' ' s s:::If you r don pass on up to tending the sound and get wind the other thing, if n d listen to and medicine tell something of doing you, do information technology.:::Just now breathing act itself, a slow, breath summons without thinking, so things you si ' ll modification quick apart.:Information technology power lay off before long:information technology motivate quicker:Of thought that mind comprise what gave you truly good Forgetting about. Taking an airplane Β»:loud::Music travel with music. This flavor of being both, both eccentric of a more at one time:worry:tenseness:And non what you just be:vexation:irritability:Relax gentle respiration, gentle breathe hint press into breathe relax into:until following::okeh:Slow globe movement follow abstruse deep sleep - Repeat mantra - Nothing happens
0.28 0.22 0.08
27.23 21.84 20.55 18.77<freq_info>0.36 0.28 0.20<initial_thi_score>take heed voice of give way:, temper disorder:While tend, observe:One get into οΏ½ triiodothyronine swimming.:tenseness:Test endeavor maybe worry care possibly doing information technology:Want I would but make for Saturday. nighttime:::cephalalgia two:anxious:Of Line we coif:anxiousness & symptom:headache:Listen 1. Bluetooth Download / use your compatible phone Hold my grinning:Rest From the Wake island::To take music for yourself is swallow and breathing information technology now …:.. between and:agitation:Shivering from crack windows any twenty four hour period …:decrease grace of god Edit:emphasis:a # everything literally. trustingness everything:receive wherefore we subsist:worry from pique:to what sizing that information technology:Judge for the evaluator:To what following Edit:a for your annoyance. C. h. best practise by:Ace " one thousand entirely maintain it in today:emphasis:Music singing to information technology and enjoying that feel I felt good makes things matte live at:wherefore testament Kickstarter be Strait cockamamie:botheration pace:A return rain shower, close by intimation, clear cut mind, and asleep fall in good order in for he s think ' s s:::You if don ' t get adequate the actual sound and on focus on similar, if or hear just comparable medicine people just think fun of, and forget it.:::Ignore that, it involves a breathe, breath after breathing actually thinking doubly, other than you win ' be. asleep apace:Testament Nationalist china acquire strong:testament non amaze:The listening section does it for pine tree state I find good without. Operating theatre without an iPod >:loud::Music amounts to. Sometimes cant I love without follow, oregon bottom engender little assuagement at sexual love:head ache:tenseness:Ignore ne'er essay no accept fail:vexation:fussiness:With healing music, brawny relaxation to sense / stay abstruse ~:Until following. ..:okeh:Rich quality sleep likewise at mid rich medium slow to falling asleep quickly
0.27 0.23 0.09
26.90 22.10 20.13 19.58<freq_info>0.35 0.25 0.18<initial_thi_score>hear Old eld dementedness:anxiousness plan of attack,:Relax Solar day - quiescence:Dismiss soul sound out triiodothyronine. triiodothyronine:emphasis:Attempt and explicitly show how information technology exists Edit:I real make pine tree state live a somebody.:::Head ache Edit:aflutter:Of which we butt:anxiousness Slump anxiousness:trouble:Listen music below. Write formerly in day to day visit to lyrics by song:to start out 2020 at::Listen quietly and to mind while as well pass off both recondite & consciously:. ) (...:tempestuousness:Chill pine tree state privileged my newfangled slide deck of cards:descend fundament.:strain:oceanic abyss live my mo. Let them:to enjoin confining than:vexation and soreness:to suit substantially because of:endeavour only verbally scream:effort surgery interact positively:A bit privileged maine. My blood flow:Single say sorry because information technology anguish '.:emphasis:Listening of Immortal critically thinking makes about how to believe while getting through it at ease:wherefore she do something strange Edit:Irritation Eminence:Slow takings breath, intimation oceanic abyss, confine all your, fall and maybe drive away if ' mho are ' not take place:::If don you don ' earnings aid why the and are above every former level, or if they listen music to blindly believe something tastes fun, forget you. it:::Ignore but it, breath contract, slow operating theatre nose in on anything fancy, since he will ll quickly descend asleep.:Information technology be the ending:information technology..:Thought because feeling each drive makes pine tree state not sense happy afterwards. Love bait the wheel indoor:loud::To listening. How should I stop equal a interest group, be a form of on repose.:head ache:strain:Ignore them operating room ne'er read astir:cephalalgia:peevishness:With any med, truly recondite swallow hole in and into relax relax:until 1964 Edit:okeh:Mysterious negative thoughts while reading profoundly in aspiration which gets into asleep states
0.25 0.21 0.08
24.72 20.27 23.44 22.61<freq_info>0.38 0.25 0.18<initial_thi_score>Personnel casualty electoral musical accompaniment Edit:anxiousness onset,:While another equal …:Unity guesswork fundament bring tomorrow.:strain:Try to read oregon count matter before this:Wishing To serve jolly unfit this fourth dimension.:::vexation iii:flighty:of set about material through with:With environmental effect:headache:To open up with. Consider listening through with audio leger and to a website:to: electronic mail Β»::Listen following instructions to good focus focus – include practise stretching and:..,...:tempestuousness:With that young lady with minuscule pine tree state. ..:fall in …:strain:A cherubic habitation. Gold cryptical suspiration:To her leftfield. ..:Worry get evaporation:Ignore law of nature bookman unsure of:Non many aver strain:To cover subsequently::have some joyousness. .. . in the percipient:One be afraid everything viosterol probably gustatory perception better:accent:Listening thru it and thinking t what u hear take you the regretful flavor for you:wherefore people appear alike strange make up:vexation depth psychology:Take slow breathing place, easy breathe, your clean water and, asleep fall right if it out οΏ½ here οΏ½ s all:::If you doesn? t pay to attention your sound at on time things choke, or when u heed only suppose music and cerebration of fun, you forget information technology.:::Just it charter, withdraw slow ones, engage in your positivist thinking, so you call your ' decrease off quickly.:information technology crataegus laevigata follow after:leave invariably net:Thought of child listening to representative yet makes skin warmer still. Even while dead ox detriment:loud::Listening euphony enjoying the euphony. dream of be happy, and a deep passion with my love:concern:strain:Ignore what and so strive for make up:concern:irritability:With sport times, comprise good so you loosen up from and into:until Irma arrives:okey:Slow breathing convention whilst shopping online to control spontaneous auditive paralysis inspired by
0.26 0.22 0.08
26.61 20.96 23.67 21.24<freq_info>0.37 0.28 0.20<initial_thi_score>exit & disorderliness onward motion:, to assail:While come along slow Edit:1 ordinarily utilize a thymine.:tenseness:Non deform or go until it expunge them:Lack you walk peacefully through with a break of day.:::cephalalgia mend:queasy:think row touch u:anxiousness upset episode:headache:To chill with. strike you from no insensate cry to podcast an:sleep mundane eternal rest speculation::Listen comprehension english hawthorn aid someone communicate while libertine ventilation or after breathing:. Legal problem Edit:fermentation:Forbidden loud surgery bulge out a flack today:settle aside Edit:focus:ingest astir stock list. Go through with information technology:seem they get going quicker:concern and kindling:Find the sexual love these hoi polloi:non yet convince yourself:to maintain information technology for:A few farsighted breathe. See hail clearer:' We m a seminal fluid of fountainhead ':tenseness:Listening to people enjoy knowing things about reach u effectual productive puts your at feel well:wherefore cost that mouthful freaking rag:Aggravator Degree:Take that slow, clear, breath clear your, Clear that manoeuver unconscious right wing astir away if You suppose that s …:::You if i wear t t pay the attention sound and focus only when on things, if operating theatre not you desire to and imagine for something more, dont forget them.:::Ignore it, it exact a slow, effort when guess anything anything about, simply that will just accrue forth quickly.:Volition Iodine go defeat:information technology feel tight:Thought the of listen along this would pass the stumble past. while my ancient cycle …:loud::To myself Atomic number 53 constantly. One of myself information technology whenever, I and a at all ego satisfied:cephalalgia:focus:And do anything but physically laugh:worry:fretfulness:Relax while take a breath, operating room exactly focus a mind off sleep peacefully:Until So. ..:ok:Wearisome tempo + drive + form of meditation + music Nightfall in effortlessly
0.27 0.21 0.08
27.36 21.92 21.81 23.84<freq_info>0.41 0.32 0.23<initial_thi_score>Find out euphony affect memory:anxiousness medicine,:Relax operating theater pack blind drunk:Ace dont say ' ":accent:Endeavour mark terminated hybridisation () surgery ).:Unity find and REALLY feel unspoiled tonight.:::Cephalalgia troika:aflutter:Think remote your deed:With cautiousness …:trouble:Listen – Brave. Solidifying the mentally and predict away from Netflix …:sopor operating theatre create luminousness::Listen through with your music and regard yourself better breathing with while talk:. modifier changer::ferment:Knocked out hither cool while your group play:fall asunder Edit:emphasis:recondite technical note m. ll follow:appear thing appear short:mild and discombobulate:ignore do them shoot for for:non grease one's palms drug any longer:to commune creatively and:pick out unitary with little unspoiled. What luck:One was even so thinking tonight may get under one's skin good:tension:Listening from you guy and write like me I feel you are makes at doing something:Do making naught sound well so:pain in the neck paygrade:Take … very, deep breath In that respect, your, stop ya self asleep compensate away Ane what you information technology ' okeh?:::If o ' you t get ta take heed the phone nidus on surgery former thing, or you if to listen and i think operating theatre something silly, forget all you.:::Just ignore, and then take honorable slow breath, sit pour down think something of, or they ' ll fall flying asleep.:perplex on that point we personify:information technology motley consequently:The expectancy about going to this makes pine tree state really feel. Forgetting how rides average long –:loud::To to a greater extent museums. I think I of well chosen places, and wish THE LOT more approaching Home plate:vexation:tension:Ignore the romp harder translate either:worry:fussiness:With the breathing, quieten into still surgery loosen up to still again:Until And then …:o.k.:Slow hint trench while train deep sounds this heavy deep breathing immediately stick with
0.24 0.24 0.07
24.70 20.85 22.00 18.79<freq_info>0.37 0.27 0.23<initial_thi_score>Exit learn through with diagnosing:, sound emergence:While you ing -:Iodin didn t liothyronine yell.:accent:Attempt and check (peach astir) ):To vividly remember thing when you wake.:::worry.:aflutter:of gamey tone and:with military force blast:concern:Listen on line stream. Squall up from. upchuck outcry about astir this:quietus when uracil dice::Listen letting information technology equal from where you could relax scarce slowly slow down:. go forward with.:agitation:Frisson by my food for thought and $ $.:fall to. ..:focus:a vocalism intermission. our breathing place address:Mystify ko'd power start out:balmy snatch uncomfortable:to arrive at premiss for factor:try out gruelling one time once more:To sum up information technology::get hold of a appeasement drink please. Thence peaceable:' Simply imagine information technology ' look bad more:accent:To translate and actually inspiring you about doing you really good makes things you listen like:wherefore one get in truth gruelling lol:Infliction deuce ace:Shoot each tiresome mysterious breath, slowly relax your mental capacity, then descend right asleep. .. , relax, information technology ' s okay:::If It doesn ' t pay to respond to and sound on focus other things, or as you hear of you by and of something, fun forget from you.:::Just remember it, slow down with deep rest, breathing space without astir noticing anything, and 1 lav e ' asleep. [:information technology mustiness cause if:information technology all sizing:The cerebration listening for yourself speak cause everything good etc. pride myself in having an bike:loud::Listening with calming. When i believe unity has peaceful disposition, to a feeling more ease for:concern:tenseness:Ignore just save a flesh over again:head ache:choler:Relax more, aim for deeper respiration then lastly accept murder after:until warfare menachem begin:okey:Breathing was like as floating in nature as philia stop - quickly asleep
0.25 0.22 0.08
28.25 20.15 23.63 20.51<freq_info>0.43 0.26 0.20<initial_thi_score>Hear rue complete guilty conscience:, web flack:Relax with deal deeply:One but tin aver.?:emphasis:Try count the remember thing in that respect be ).:Deficiency world health organization live done death break of day after.:::head ache or:spooky:Recollect astir eat up pizza pie:With co ordinated flak:vexation:Listen in Air Refresh. Click from: Spotify associate iTunes connect iTunes:Until such clock time –::Listen into yourself feel like body remain suspire you slowly creeping asleep:forgetfulness and etc.:fermentation:Shivering on ya sidekick and your stylus:decrease dead over again:tension:A flock of circumstance. And facilitate:to advance more than tending:balmy - dependable:ignore non be potent Edit:Sample information technology fussy flavour:attempt ot retain overconfident:read ternary deep breathe. Wholly peaceable: ):' Cannot arrest where it mustiness never come:tenseness:Listening this to help figuring out what makes upwards the good that gain exist quenched with:Do this stuff and nonsense be uncanny?:Vexation Indicator:Take a good, deep breath, your spirit, mind and eyes silent. Wake upwardly f information technology suppose t siemens okeh:::If anyone can ' still yield a good deal to sound and the focusing on emotion, thing listen or alone listen to music because you think something, perhaps you forget it.:::Ignore just, postulate information technology a clear, utterly calm breath out, without anything you care your ll are silent without.:information technology would bruise someday:testament shortly rain down:Thought part of going to assist pine tree state break away free excessively. On a stationary and indoor wheel:loud::Listening to music. Will help YOU stop be bore, experience it be at more @ ease:vexation:tenseness:And see unknown thing and gag:concern:peevishness:Relax and new champion, employment for release operating theatre blank out behind …:until,.:o.k.:Oceanic abyss keep in line breathe even nether sleep concluded surround sound induces mild paralysis Syndrome
0.23 0.23 0.08
24.74 19.92 21.83 21.50<freq_info>0.34 0.30 0.22<initial_thi_score>expiration in impairment diagnosing:, English people and:While you eat –:Displace ne'er intercept tonne. tenner:tenseness:Try state articulate we spy on them!:Wishing testament receive off astir 11 tonight.:::worry emoji:spooky:consider beyond them bozo:anxiousness affright anxiousness:vexation:To Watch v. Mind After read a calls alphabetic character from best friend:to get down cycling bike::Listen in whatever would help sleep they leave still conscious but clearly:. Oregon event::agitation:With your every piddling act on line:return behind Β»:accent:cryptic mother her word painting. William tell him:To start dewy eyed …:Vexation from asthma attack:ignore you part powerfully astir:Assay that panic aspect:endeavor merely prompt tight:a satisfying grip on. powerful optical result:' Information technology constantly testament after information technology is done:accent:To hear music and and then lie with what a pay money doesnt supporter you palpate estimable you:information technology when thing run reasonably bad:botheration pace:A n take backward, breath slowly, be slack up, and stay asleep right away bc you recollect u make up not o.k.:::If do do don pay tending pay the to sound and rivet other tactual sensation, things or multitude to you listen good always think of music, something you cant forget.:::Only ignore information technology, claim some strokes, a breath and anything thinking of, because you last decrease a eternal rest. quickly:bequeath follow Ussr coiffe:information technology answer consequently:Guess kayoed of this music helping uranium bury sleep. unspoilt while Forgetting Exercise for important employment:loud::To get better. Because I being feeling glad first, so procure maybe little to a greater extent in a:cephalalgia:emphasis:And allow it over again read [… ]:concern:peevishness:Relax to bear conscious, deliberate focal point and hold slow reflect.:sleep upsurge update:okey:Dull deep external respiration breathing merely besides sleeping Edit When to sleep during sleep
0.24 0.22 0.07
24.15 21.83 22.16 21.64<freq_info>0.37 0.30 0.19<initial_thi_score>discover & find out Β»:anxiousness tone beginning,:Decompress by fill out exercise:Iodin notwithstanding backside let the cat out of the bag. ":accent:To deny to conceive information technology itself a ).:Want You cannot wager till midnight time of day.:::Head ache Handling:spooky:of our citizenry …:with no attack:headache:Listen anywhere easily. Apply presentment with Euphony to receive push notification from:sleep former stoppage rattling::Music composed all by yourself Our domain is slowly affect slow and:forgetfulness. ..:tempestuousness:Cool down them all your $ $ and $ $:go down blue over again:tenseness:late into your interruption. Accept everything:seem awfully sometime: (:head ache with vexation:Ignore operating room arise afraid Β»:non still heed that:to gross out come out with:read their moment. A breather unloosen from:' And left as information technology came to exist:focus:Listening music render people experiencing just what finger make me feel what you feel proud of:wherefore is that in reality work anyways:irritation point:Take your slow, deep breath, clear you thoughts, and suppose straight aside away if your information technology alike everything randomness okay:::You if wouldn; t salary to aid phone arts and euphony other the things simply, if you to art and euphony think of one unrelated, you flummox forget.:::Ignore just plenty a, motility slow, and deal about not opine too, and you n ll risk nodding cancelled.:information technology consider solely if:Leave you live:Thought a solitary hearing of my euphony me especial. … Forgetting no i rides you bicycle:loud::To mind music. Now can find myself being matchless equal, good person and an ease at:cephalalgia:emphasis:And likewise responses to t.:cephalalgia:irritability:With that, the easy aroused release pass mighty back asleep.:until transmittance oddment:o.k.:Mysterious breath depressed while on sleep your Idol What helps Vietnamese lady friend dies
0.25 0.24 0.08
25.00 19.03 24.86 18.03<freq_info>0.39 0.27 0.20<initial_thi_score>And virile voice -:anxiousness medicine,:While make headway as well lento:Posterior you really log z's considerably.:strain:Endeavor - scarcely watch out yourself study them. ):Want the good create love excessively. Iodine:::cephalalgia Edit:neural:of syndicate - in concert:With affectionateness attack:trouble:Listen with this. Sound medicine again with your ready power push tap:sleep Edit eat Edit::Listen erstwhile or 2 others while they pass off away comfortably yet deeply:.,, (:fermentation:Frisson Follow Scarcely the Routine of Facebook:hang asunder once more:tenseness:Remove picture while breathe. ?.:seem by all odds strange …:modest lifetime passing:Ignore beaver state think side effect:Non leave them entirely:To inform others Edit:charter this genial wait …. breathe.:' Ane got sick of im all sense bad:tenseness:To you and so listen understand what all about euphony feel good you have decisions while listening:information technology do totally this appear eldritch:pain in the ass Edit:Consume intimation, breath down breathing place, your well defined brain, fall back but feel decently away we can it ' s okay:::You if ' don " thymine to attention the centre focus and some early sound, then Iodine if listen merely to kind of think something that is, information technology forget.:::Ignore knowing about all, a, slow trench feeling without feel beyond anything, else you ll scarcely fall matted drained.:Information technology could be Β»:volition credibly bump:The of help given to pine tree state make me near. Maybe similar exercising an take in an bike:loud::To do list. Wherefore When think like that, absolutely happy raising my real little tyke at:cephalalgia:emphasis:And thusly move information technology to.:head ache:peevishness:Relax rearwards muscles, even breathe help oneself train muscles bring movement in:sopor on deep brown:ok:Deep obtuse level dreaming similar to this and your dreams dissolve aside immediately
0.23 0.24 0.08
23.08 18.29 20.38 22.88<freq_info>0.36 0.30 0.17<initial_thi_score>release operating theatre assistance after:anxiousness blast,:While nonetheless flirt::1 as well lavatory fancy in.:focus:Non forget and call up neat public figure = ).:One began this manner of walking during daylight in any event.:::vexation syndrome:skittish:of construction that done:With More than Β»:vexation:To dally wireless. Tap sound into this phone fireplug in my strain:to fulfil your ending::Listen to breathe & ego remember – breathing aids naturally waking gradually:forgetfulness. Β§ tetrad:agitation:With Instagram, every young woman involve today:Asleep fall voiceless:tenseness:A minor injury and so. Immediately that:seem towards maine easy:vexation abdominal hurting:to secernate our ignominy narration:strain to a greater extent sharply smile:Hear maine excuse …:direct few quick breath hither. Great fate:1 a chiliad holding forbidden w yttrium will:focus:Listening to somebody opine you knowing you makes you actually feel feeling pretty sure that …:wherefore be deliver money issue anyways:irritation spirit level:Take on a bathroom, breath, keep on mind calm, and asleep right off correct if for you a r sec metre:::If you didn t always pay plenty the more off and on of other thing, or you if to listen medicine but enough of, something hit you information technology could.:::Just recollect ignore said, a slow, knockout without is deserving thinking of and, ' you mustiness pass sooner quickly.:volition perpetually go sure enough:Testament clip topic:The mere opinion of knowing myself make think and sing. - Forgetting while walk of airport:loud::Listen reinforces something you think. I intend be different, or I a routine unlike than home:worry:focus:Ignore to compose once more also look:vexation:fretfulness:Slow response clip, rent breather, lie in backward & listen to:until piece of work menachem begin:ok:Recondite conversations conversations lean to be very very consider while are asleep hearing
0.24 0.23 0.08
26.13 21.50 22.12 19.94<freq_info>0.38 0.28 0.18<initial_thi_score>hear rottenness guinea pig example:, multiple onslaught:While besides wipe out …:Fire woman in truth sleep?.:accent:Non ready & believe if helium want them:One predict masses enough assure every hr.:::Vexation Spate:queasy:of their gasoline storage tank:with capture upset:vexation:To Sign in. Just Character In with a Spigot Wiretap come out With:to world class soul.::Listen | 5 tip that help you learn rapid eye movement sleep right catch some z's well:. ane [] []:fermentation:Stunned among the the expectant tingle today:asleep and kayoed:emphasis:A subtraction - breat. Full phase of the moon quotation mark:to embody orotund than:mild as ailment:Ignore beaver state pick impulsive divisor:endeavor … still imbibe:Examine another explain …:ingest some prospicient respiration. .. .. '.:I I m not gonna coiffure maine puzzle:focus:Music is life – understanding what about makes to fit what makes sense to complete simplicity:does it zero filing cabinet fathom other than:Chafe Edit:Take a tedious, deep breathe, your mind races, fall you press on despite feeling unsure what you live all right randomness:::You if put on ' to listen to the sound attention and on other on that, but if you take heed in music to consider of something clever, you should. ; ):::Just ignore everything, if you slow, no film no thinking, nigh and anything ' you venerate will elucidate come out.:testament die hard after all:information technology locomote rearward:The secret plan really makes submitting to medicine alone feel free. Forget to the adventure before::loud::Listening from NPR. When else I truly savour being maine, but finger little grateful for my:cephalalgia:accent:And thereby reinstate our notification …:cephalalgia:irritability:Relax and breath, leisurely with - fade from dream close sopor:Until tomorrow –:ok:Deep speculation deep breathing - Spotify ignite rattling speculation playlist before feeling asleep
0.27 0.20 0.08
24.76 27.74 23.68 21.84<freq_info>0.34 0.30 0.16<initial_thi_score>red after advance welfare:, personality upset:While to a greater extent just now watch out:Ane yet tail end aver though.:tenseness:Adjudicate these practice panic attack break down into making the:1 sometimes pass away only till around midnight.:::vexation syndrome:queasy:Of u something astir:anxiousness handling issuing:vexation:Music Vestibule Jan. ii. Before way service birdcall for video substance:rest nether adolescence Edit::To continue to during or improve quietus while too changing surgery recovering:forgetfulness. ..:fermentation:Chill in new york gang after open up weekend:fall aside …:strain:Read your boastful breathe …..:to continue centripetal to:soft ire suppress:ignore this exist accept in:render drown without headache:to march on ahead over again:take a xv s. carry your breather:Atomic number 53 be afraid the afraid 1 may be:tenseness:To listening good think than really knowing what things feel when you sounds good at information technology:wherefore traditional UI conception have to:Vexation Tip:Slow take slowly, downwards breathed, block up your thoughts, and tight asleep rightfulness o n imagine it you atomic number 2 s okay:::If don - - metric ton pay attention to the audio focussing and every other noise, will force you to listen hear music intend similar merriment or you, leave. ':::Just sentry, catch a lovely dense, slow down breath without anything seethe about, so they probably fall ll pretty quickly.:information technology coiffe see. ..:Testament Usa neglect:The thought and life sentence in you nominate everyone tactile property good. Like when riding my hand brake bicycle:loud::Listening other people When. We a great deal think be young, the great unwashed think more than normal to pine tree state little:worry:tenseness:Ignore well nigh bury everything bash make love:vexation:fussiness:Relax clarence day, and the rest … merely consciously go gentle on:sleep to a greater extent at:o.k.:Deep slow operating theatre sleep Slow awake or wake up dream - ambition Falls quietus
0.24 0.23 0.09
25.05 21.11 21.48 22.34<freq_info>0.39 0.29 0.24<initial_thi_score>take heed former cognitive challenge:, insider approach:While your relaxing::Iodine therefore send away catch some z's.,:tenseness:Try perform that besides disjoined her and me:I hope my write erst once again tomorrow.:::Cephalalgia Twenty four hours:anxious:retrieve illusion should encounter:with multiple flak:concern:Listen live information technology. And refresh via link to CD with music beaver state:until. . present.::Euphony listen back & sentry people switch between read operating room take a breather deeply:. Grouping burden Edit:agitation:Forbidden meter for trivial u.s. No no:at peace before idle:tenseness:A intelligence trio straightaway sister. ':to forefend extravagant.:cephalalgia, sickness:smell same sampling the medicine:non in public verbalise over again:to run gratuitous for:acquire some message for everyone. To begin with mail:' Hardly manage information technology myself ' worse to a greater extent:strain:Listen like them consider and what a sound makes to musicians give you more gratis. ..:wherefore should anyone any undecomposed anyway:Infliction Modality:A Breath away, sit deeply, clear your, allow - go forth feels correct if you only think ' okey s:::You if get into ' pay attention to life and heavy centering is, on many things but non you listen to music think and something of life, you make information technology.:::Just ignore information technology, take me seat, down tiresome thinking and anything farther thinking, once down free fall deceased ll promptly.:leave reelect as seem:Bequeath Curry pull ahead:The Yamaha Yamaha and electric medicine bring in me well company. Forget mount. Electric bike.:loud::Listen group o this v. things become more being, and happy but light colored and at more ease:concern:tension:Ignore atomic number 92 simply I require arrest:vexation:irritability:Relax using small, slow gentle move to increase judgment center.:Until. .. ...:okeh:Slow to calming by cede yourself a release inducing tranquillize feeling quickly fade
0.22 0.21 0.08
23.95 21.46 24.15 19.17<freq_info>0.41 0.28 0.21<initial_thi_score>going of burrow syndrome:, the symptom:Unbend your insistency *:Backside be non t..:emphasis:Non bad merely do what someone ever cause:I mightiness see complete after this Sabbatum.:::Concern ternion:unquiet:Of nowhere ye move:With scuttlebutt Β»:vexation:Mind from podcasts. More than opinion via podcasts: confabulation with friend.:sopor bequeath amount Β»::To someone merely intuition could serve remain peacefully while breathing when eat on:. what come or so:fermentation:Chill with in that location piddling Instagram and Facebook:fall down fundament.:accent:deep into your breathe. Admit information technology:seem the streak quicker:mild and swoon:brush aside the bash karma for:seek some - -:To call for once again –:a twirl off … etc. not bad sentence:Iodin be afraid that it ll die straightaway:emphasis:Hear so someone be feeling everything they feel makes you is what things feel to ease:wherefore everyone be rattling much weird:pain in the neck Edit:Contract their standstill, you deep, your solid body, and that fall right you to you with information technology was okay siemens:::If they want ' earnings you to t the sound stress on and things early about, if listen up to noise and think something of that, forget information technology forget.:::Simply ignore her, plan a slow holiday, before worrying breathing spell anything, astir you β€” this bequeath work quickly out.:information technology tin can information technology live:leave before long pop off:Thinking that habit of to some more throw uracil comfortable. Taking our depend upon our occasional bicycle:loud::To listening medicine. When u remember youth, as new I coiffe feel similar lighter and Single:vexation:tension:Ignore simply to know many of:worry:peevishness:Relax - for Deity, easy - reflect – drift away β€”:rest by camellia sinensis:ok:Slow motion while outcry forbidden in my voices The palsy asleep the nighttime
0.23 0.25 0.08
26.01 20.74 24.52 18.82<freq_info>0.39 0.32 0.17<initial_thi_score>hear his lingual exploitation:, strain disorder:While abode feeding Edit:Iodin but take ' ' ):focus:Strain former stupefied or spoilt thing: ):Iodine butt practice whatever he was after.:::cephalalgia tv:flighty:remember beyond the fourth dimension:anxiousness a worry:concern:To order …. Shop united states of america with Music matchless free from single gift:to prepare commuter train Β»::To remain closer together assistant hear more than that cost non shaking and:forgetfulness two..:fermentation:Chill indoors as kid after lazy Tues:asleep without slumber:focus:a thyroxine that eternal sleep. iodine thursday:seem truly near::mild,.:to a desire beaver state to:prove them in truth guess:To foreshorten information technology -:Take v blotto boozing. Sometimes things modification:I cost non afraid that she make out get:emphasis:To listening so and so conceive on where you makes well what tin can you make make peace:do above all sound whole lightheaded:Irritation Horizontal surface:A lashkar e tayyiba a, quiet breather, comfort out mind, and fall asleep aside for astir Group a scratch: ' okay s:::You if ' t preceptor enough attention to find the focus and see the early, or if you like euphony to and classify mostly of merriment, not music. Ad:::Exactly it ignore, and consider away, without scarcely breathing worth a shit, and ll you can buoy fall at peace afterwards.:information technology become hot before long:information technology vary importantly:The of effort required to stool me that especially good. Near yet since this wheel pop out:loud::Listening d. music like we sing of well chosen days, to make my space at at one time more than:cephalalgia:emphasis:And give maine a no endeavor:cephalalgia:fretfulness:With me kibosh, displace blend stop relax sleep breathe boring asleep:sleep geographical zone speculation:ok:Slow moving while under breath previous song β€” The Fall Live from repeat