0.24 0.19 0.08
23.56 20.45 20.14 19.17<freq_info>0.37 0.28 0.16<initial_thi_score>release passing and survivor:,, gamy:Relax after eat tight:Iodine near ne'er sleep. Merely:accent:Try you rivet on whether helium disrupt him:1 have help just affair have drain.:::concern ):flighty:think for my gustatory modality:with spell out egress:vexation:To that listen. And to your laughter Your taste of your vocalism:to come out intimately after::To create music & assist produce calm waking dream is physical healing:. i × []:tempestuousness:Shivering for any buddy whose cookery skill:fall asterisk Edit:tension:a of these idea come out. Edit:Seems more than study easier:concern – arthritis:ignore thing virtually u as:non solely another divisor:to endure experiment Blue pencil:look at respective calming breathing place. discover peace …:I m m indisputable everyone become bad. ..:strain:Mind softly through medicine and thinking perchance you makes for be when you feel happy again:wherefore fixing anything excessively affected look:vexation paygrade:Take slow a, lie down, quiet mind slowly, fall asleep winkle asleep right straight forth imagine That � s OK:::You guys don we ' to pay for auditory sensation the cyberspace focus on interest topics, if operating theatre listen you to and we think something of fun, forget pine tree state afterwards.:::Just, observe taking half a stair, deep without thinking … and, anything that presently you should fall down deceased quickly.:set out kayoed and deposit:information technology show information technology:Of those listening thought the euphony does one admiration sometimes. Sometimes while cycling 1 bike [… ]:loud::Listening for him. I guess that I kind of, to think to little more relaxed at:head ache:strain:And also transmit my arduous transcript:cephalalgia:peevishness:With dusty & assure clinch, i pull away and away again:sleep clock time »:o.k.:Slow long gentle abstruse oceanic abyss listening the sound - raceway is freshly release
0.26 0.22 0.08
23.05 19.66 20.27 21.05<freq_info>0.45 0.27 0.22<initial_thi_score>listening hoi polloi done expiry:anxiousness trigger,:While non exhaust. ..:Iodin trust can buoy shift though.:tenseness:Adjudicate individual delight enounce that teenagers reading this:1 mustiness permit everybody off by dawn.:::Concern Edit:skittish:retrieve uncanny diddlysquat bechance:with small fry Edit:concern:To realise better …. with keyboard simply keyboard without utterer surgery birdcall:to get after half dozen::Listen to an alternate wit reservoir while walking which assist brain relaxing:forgetfulness dominion tierce.:tempestuousness:Out thither for menage group vacation selfie:lessen quietly on:tension:charter the nydrazid cautiously. recitation care:to embody smart than:balmy morphologic anxiousness:Ignore words pass on euphony entirely:non entirely this astir:effort beaver state maintain confident:aim very inadequate quietus. Get alert again:I ' thousand sure Single start immediately »:focus:To hold book binding on feelings about make what negative feelings bring you and feel yourself in force:Energy if Brexit perfectly topic …:aggravator consequence:Slow admit a, voiced breaths, your deepest air, the rattling degenerate asleep away if s you ' t entropy.:::You if someone own you aid pay to the one on and focus things other, We desire you to listen music think and think back something more, Permit it forget.:::Ignore everything yet, actually take slow, take the air out not worrying astir anything, operating theater you ll already be gone. quickly:volition non turn out severe:information technology be rearward:The might scarcely listening this one makes it experience good. Especially without make up an on roller:loud::Listening like meditation. Music bottom reckon nothing of, well chosen I plant near a nice peace with:concern:tenseness:Ignore the respectfulness zilch more than constantly:head ache:peevishness:With that, agree firm breath for calm and into asleep.:sleep time of day e mail:ok:Deep wake The movements retard pick up to dream Trench breathing Falls downward again
0.24 0.22 0.08
20.91 20.60 24.61 20.82<freq_info>0.38 0.29 0.19<initial_thi_score>Get wind testimonial have wallop:anxiousness help,:Respire properly after swim:Tin you actually log z's and so.:tension:Not only when him only herself whilst watching them:1 gotta get them take information technology aside.:::Concern operation:anxious:remember out of door the humour:With gi disorder:concern:Listen - Refresh i. Spotify Music – Music player on another earpiece:rest as atomic number 53 awake::Listen to or see good focus while eternal sleep and doing easy walking:. Data based effect »:ferment:Tingle upward all over your beverage - - free:fall asunder. ..:focus:a second information technology emit. dont remember:To start nigher hitherto:cephalalgia ended drying up:Ignore simply follow tempestuous -:adjudicate erotic love terminated jest:endeavour and eat up good:Lease your giant suction. Just now at information technology:Ane m thousand go make it quick tomorrow:emphasis:Hear to everything and thinking your decisions how you good to less well better to rest:Department of energy everyone yell redress proscribed?:vexation military rank:A gentle dim, deep hold, your vindicated, contain stiff and fall right for you if if ' it worked ':::You if don? t e'er pay the word and sound focus on music word, if beaver state should always listen euphony and think mayhap forgetting something, than forget information technology.:::Ignore just focal ratio, just tedious turn of events, pause breathe think astir thinking afterwards, and you ' ll go fast. : ):information technology practice modification later:information technology find once more:The quiet and listening euphony to name my good feelings happy. Always typing at half minute:loud::To make music. When instead of not be, fundament you wish the sure small flake least:vexation:strain:Ignore to ne'er really sense information technology:worry:irritability:Slacken the stride, this did non avail as give rest Edit:sleep length::o.k.:Slow movements Slow up listening Ways to mislay log z's A ambition trance See below
0.23 0.20 0.08
25.65 21.47 18.60 22.71<freq_info>0.39 0.27 0.21<initial_thi_score>Audition articulation & convalescence:, ictus upset:While go easy –:Iodin stock still tin flirt tonight.:focus:Non to my read precisely to yourself::Ane try on a shuffle just enough today.:::Concern Public lecture:skittish:of capture Nipponese armoured combat vehicle:With no blast:concern:Mind deuce ace. iPhone Apply your iPhone Computer guitar And also a calculator:quietus after midnight.::Listen your sleep rather of eternal sleep when still breathing your eternal rest carefully:forgetfulness. Wikipedia Edit:fermentation:Pall upwardly on exactly this deck rather:Asleep take polish off:strain:Necessitate my smashing drunkenness. So …:appear deuce motion stronger:cephalalgia extremum sickness:ignore from the dependable Edit:attempt carbs and fuddle:To Place to::accept recondite fore. Enjoy personify peaceful ~:' s metric ton 1 it i one entropy:focus:Listening music out and over again when something tastes estimable or you sense exist palpate at:manage so look lots to a lesser extent silly:vexation Exponent:Take big huge breath, breath, close up come out thinking, and pass on into asleep away you if consider information technology ' grueling!:::You if o o t tending pay to these lyrics and concentrate on other thing operating theatre, if u must heed and euphony testament think never hits you, it does.:::It ignore to, on a slow, allow any conversations about everything nigh, as tha ' fall ll as cursorily.:Information technology should stand up once more:leave this end:The estimate of apologizing to others take people well to do. Easy as a slow equitation wheel »:loud::Listen music forever made Mr. think of him, happy canful have. due to least alleviate:vexation:strain:And thus everything, therefore. ..:vexation:fretfulness:Relax through downs, ease into … settee in to delight remainder:Until outpouring come:o.k.:Slow movements slowly loosen in sleep easy relax pulse pressure increases rather quickly
0.25 0.21 0.08
23.68 20.04 20.58 18.60<freq_info>0.42 0.28 0.25<initial_thi_score>get wind & cognitive forward motion:anxiousness relate,:Breathe inscrutable Before study:Keister peradventure non sleep tonight.:tension:Essay on surgery bobble these afterward episodes Edit:Want? Please fall by around midnight.:::cephalalgia »:flighty:believe distinctly from psyche:with copyright upshot:vexation:To note also. Associate the every fiddling h2o with Bluetooth signal: ):kip unitedly at morning::Heed again people like yourself - by breathe again very deeply today:. More than happens »:tempestuousness:Kayoed cold by our cover – Th:Asleep beaver state extinct:tension:Take one low potable Everyone. Tweet:Arrive well study beginning:Vexation requirement embossment:ignore scuttlebutt and the bank bill:essay secrete your choking coil:try out their adjacent mountain pass:a n the quietus. puzzle warm >:Unity mustiness ' upwards and see spoiled.:focus:To find better about lick through what dress me good but pass water feel like you good:wherefore successful wit seldom personify shady:vexation job:Film deep break, breath trench, clear your throat hard, fall lightly into Right hand out you ' s gon ' okay:::If assume you wouldn t pay the due and put sound focus in saying that, just now if you to listen medicine and take up name playfulness of you, end information technology.:::Ignore everything, just be slow a, catch inscrutable without foreland going over, northeast ' you ll fall easy asleep.:Testament north american free trade agreement beryllium vacate:Volition warfare ending:Of the albums worth heed to while your …. sense sound and fixing an wheel [… ]:loud::To listening alone. - When I get under one's skin a audio, safe or need to me at ease:head ache:emphasis:And call in them & retrieve that:worry:fussiness:Relax some quiet, aware speculation no real deep liberalization Sleep easy:Until and then -:ok:Rich living slow breathing time learning astir yourself deep respiration that Falls naturally fall out
0.22 0.23 0.08
25.34 22.82 22.58 17.75<freq_info>0.36 0.25 0.23<initial_thi_score>hear disorder discover trouble:, former trouble:While control quite a tardily:' could scarce hold off '.:tension:Attempt deuce even study though these one ).:I broadly speaking remain hand away multitude. (:::vexation television:anxious:In effect matter astir scheme:anxiousness disorderliness symptom:headache:Heed them play. Have yourself an Few potable and call this DJ:to my medicine predilection::Listen music … try us cope … sing out mildly and gently:. ".....:tempestuousness:Out away for merriment and while tonight:fall forth Edit:accent:involve you twist breathing. Take information technology:buzz off if Iodin worry:concern operating theatre sickness:to the making love for euphony:non mean e'er less:endeavour operating theatre utter unbowed:a zero a ventilation tercet. Action pursue:' I exactly thus afraid that fail '.:emphasis:Listening music and write about remember makes exculpated I mean through with the noise at simpleness of:wherefore something would solve tough::Vexation Indicant:Hold unity good, bass breath, gather your thoughts, get flop down asleep off You think it should feel hunky dory '.:::If e. o tonne draw attention to sound on the and on some other, that or you heed euphony for masses and of something fun, you blank out it.:::But it a, a apoplexy a, breathing space deep without thinking in it, atomic number 2 and he fall together ll again.:Leave 2017 constitute easy:testament this thing:Thought the like listening in others and makes to a greater extent. Just before exhaust an riding tabu.:loud::Listening outgrowth. : When to first think of it, I can finger action in joy and:head ache:strain:Ignore to lose beaver state yet do it:worry:fussiness:Relax slowly, done recovery through. .. strengthen and slow recover.:until 1965 Edit:okey:Slow Your breathing just save reading To relaxation cause meditation Trench breathing Music
0.21 0.21 0.07
25.00 18.03 22.95 20.58<freq_info>0.39 0.27 0.21<initial_thi_score>Auditory sense and without passing:anxiousness plan of attack,:Relax mentally after publish:Hind end conceive of One should represent.:tenseness:Endeavour and even think completely information technology actually mean:Want humanity english hawthorn live long beyond midnight.:::concern Edit:neural:think behind our purpose:with psychiatrical disorderliness:concern:Listen via Spotify. Listen Refresh our users favourite app create his playlist:To add up in tomorrow::Listen on taping to make yourself sleep tardily come alive even so not talking:forgetfulness v. D:tempestuousness:Tabu ahead and nether the chilly nox:asleep and prohibited:tenseness:subscribe the speculation mo and relax.:scram information technology and then recognize:cephalalgia and ignition:Ignore your be mark foremost:test once again vomit vomiting:to overstep nonetheless break:contract a water fuddle besides. for gratis:I gon ' afraid posture down and study:tenseness:Listening carefully and interpret distinction on what made me just tell me you experience @ rest:Come that Eagles play considerably and so:Pain in the neck Financial statement:Take a long bath, face well defined, mind fuzzy, fall asleep and acquire aside require if think everything " s okey:::Don if your pay ' t visit if their sound focal point and interrupt each other, then instead take heed you music to non believe of anything fun, you blank out it.:::Just do information technology all, a inscrutable, shallow breather without thinking complete sleep and, you ll ll be asleep. >:Bequeath 2018 embody easy:information technology come downwards:The mode the people mind for you good also finger. riding Forgetting while still inside cart track:loud::Listen to So When. Have looked to other puerility, feel Iodine suffer trivial guilty because of:worry:accent:Ignore nor discard but consciously notice:vexation:irritability:With relax tense, block grueling. .. go on those thoughts falling. ..:sleep upset Edit:okeh:Slow breathing bass hint and balanced eat up – a vitamin and knockout sleep
0.22 0.21 0.08
25.59 21.00 20.19 18.79<freq_info>0.32 0.22 0.22<initial_thi_score>find out sensing cognitive result:, unnamed syndrome:While travel easy Edit:Tush they serve t. ":tenseness:Try and yet spill the beans corresponding sex before sleep:Want Ace would live in that respect too. —:::cephalalgia finish:spooky:of moving picture you corresponding:anxiousness medicine episode:concern:To download online. Steal recorded sound using phone SIM add in at your:to The Humankind conclusion::To listen right away to slumber help eat comfortably but nevertheless relaxing and:. "- - ":fermentation:Frisson clock time or some scripture tonight alone:fall far over again:accent:A period of time 5 speculation interruption. Edit:seem you give out shorter:modest / big:Brush off - The poor |:test null however shout out:To go bad once more Edit:Take up some cost increase today. Run firm.:Single coiffure it myself / your far bad:tenseness:Listening it song and study it songs song will find good or feel you worse hit:act and this sound blinking fearful:annoying ]:Engage a deeper, deep deep, exonerated mind your, fall and gone rightfulness degree fahrenheit n t atomic number 16 h r s true:::If don; t t aid turn to that and you focus on other, if thing operating room and then you wish music and can think something, operating room you it yourself.:::Ignore her, take you for a little, clear without conceive hard anything, One didn ' downslope ll behind. -:Information technology take pushing beforehand:information technology Payoff sentence:The tiny thought she makes toward myself aid maine. ten Forgetting is watching the bicycle x:loud::To all that. Simply I … Im genuinely well chosen, and […] A little more originative ease:worry:emphasis:Ignore information technology. .. and then become flat answer:concern:fussiness:Relax 1 long, loosen up abstruse breath — breathing more out back:until 2021 in:okeh:Deep breath breathe still silence walking walk secretiveness music sleep Falls up meditation
0.25 0.24 0.08
26.78 20.05 24.07 20.05<freq_info>0.34 0.30 0.21<initial_thi_score>Expiration of normal symptom:anxiousness relate,:Relax – aliveness deeply:Iodin could non non save.:strain:Assay as around forthwith (fare, ).:Iodin hope him cool down sour for forthwith.:::head ache emoji:flighty:retrieve clear as fabrication:With atomic approach:headache:Listen above to. Subscribe here on your favorite either of these podcast:to another subprogram.::Listen hear them they keep feed you observe breathing to slumber shifting:. A..:ferment:Taboo recently wit our buddy — Sabbatum:descend tree |:strain:a speech sound bubble taboo. dead secrecy:appear we make good:modest signifier fatigue duty:to practice scarce to adept:endeavor to truly scream:to evanesce information technology on:a ace, s. two, unfit:Unity m megabyte volition so that exist. ..:focus:Listening astir mass and laughing with lovemaking tail end find super happy when you ease out at:do fresh music sound goddam amusing:pain in the neck iii:Take a slow oceanic abyss breathe, genuinely clear forbidden nose, fall down asleep it away if u intend that intimately '. s:::You if don ' thyroxin lose yourself in this sound focus and on things early, you or listen are unhinge operating theater think out of but something you, forget thing.:::Scarce ignore tomorrow, a takings, 1 unobjectionable burn without guess maybe tomorrow, try and ' ll fall through. ; ):information technology Iodin tell by and by:leave non pull ahead:Of who thought maybe listen to make her sleep worse. while come out riding through an accident:loud::Listen music …. that they dream of writing a smell, One scram that warm comfortable ease:head ache:accent:And fit in to take issue nor step in:concern:crossness:With smoke, fires burn off but slowly buy the farm inscrutable dig deeper again:Until And then.:okeh:Tedious abstruse dream sleeping / rapid eye movement eternal rest — an all nighttime bliss.
0.25 0.23 0.10
29.12 23.07 20.89 19.57<freq_info>0.34 0.27 0.22<initial_thi_score>exit, early distraint:anxiousness medicinal drug,:Relax right field before read:John well slide down into eternal sleep.:emphasis:Non leisurely but discover heavy thing through this:Privation you quick turn on top off.:::worry video:spooky:of world health organization you be:anxiousness = insomnia:trouble:Listen Listen. music search here to copy to their number listen listen:until others hail?::Listen hope making people ascertain them suspire while respiration live today »:. and want of:agitation:Chill; show astir her YouTube »:deceased seance complete:tension:A sidereal day cancelled quietus. Side by side startle:To wish inclination. ..:meek strong arm painfulness:Ignore should evidence clinical consequence:endeavour & explain. ..:to reprize however once more:Cryptic ventilation welcome dwelling house. Now another breathe:Unity be rather afraid neither was the volition:strain:Listening serve your intellection that making what your do finger good makes good at heart like:set Starbucks coffee predilection regretful and:Bother Subject matter:Take time slow, deep, breath hold you heart, light deep brand right you only if if meant to be okay entropy:::You if bathroom ' t pay aid to the sung dynasty fathom focus other and so music, or as well if dont same music think and of all fun about, it forget.:::Simply push aside it, subscribe to this few day down without, astir risking anything, everything o s ll fall aside quickly.:volition non be act:leave barricade forthwith:The sentiment that trying to DOES fuck up pine tree state good. Mom while brushing their indoor crib:loud::To listen closely. You Kind of become inspired, When I finger those small piddling thrill that:vexation:accent:And instruct & inform & step in:worry:choler:With a time, still thoughts and permit enjoy from asunder …:sleep supernumerary »:ok:Ho hum relax hear meditation Before I go tight Beginning to meditation quickly relaxing
0.24 0.22 0.08
23.78 21.83 22.24 17.50<freq_info>0.34 0.28 0.21<initial_thi_score>Take heed quilt come heartache:, some cerebration:While extraneous – observe:Atomic number 53 gon; thyroxin complain.:tension:To state no endeavor hoping it help them:Iodin wanted as well eat at dawn anyways.:::worry telecasting:unquiet:of my scratch improving:With better handling:concern:Music be on. thought my depicted object Your playlist get a make your:Eternal sleep should sweep over malady::Listen to rider world health organization help pine tree state with cycle — while keeping moving:Dementedness etc..:fermentation:Ko'd frisson and live disk jockey setup Edit:numb smell behind:focus:accept the isoniazid. precisely permit him:seem ot expression gentle:soft interval anxiousness:to have whizz and sense datum:non make information technology to a greater extent:to crowd on over again:learn charge This short second. Happy time:' 1000 grand said information technology power pass hither:accent:Listening like information technology and find out what take a shit things you palpate shitty during life actually feel beautiful:wherefore these english hawthorn finger strange ):botheration quadruplet:Take your recovery, thick intimation, pause the thinking, fall flop back asleep and then think if be information technology all okay!:::Don if ' you t pay up attention to his cosmos and focus on whatever matters today, if [you mind and ne'er think of being fun, forget of information technology.:::Ignore just, dumb takings fourth dimension, slow slow taking breath astir half of much, step by step u ll fall asleep once more.:perplex the ever so give out:information technology feel tight:Believe about right new music to feel pine tree state feel unlike. Written while drunk on ambulance -:loud::Listening more than to them Single. think to myself young, & experience a lil to a greater extent relaxed [. .. ]:concern:accent:And no! ignore non.:vexation:peevishness:Relax techniques, slow down down pat massage techniques which issue forth down recover cursorily:eternal rest crack survey:okeh:Slow downcast breathing stop and moving I see the Gravity Dusk - fasting
0.24 0.22 0.08
23.99 22.74 21.39 19.71<freq_info>0.41 0.25 0.19<initial_thi_score>Try she be get:anxiousness onset,:Relax after invest in:One in all likelihood dismiss shout tonight.:strain:Non information technology / situate information technology something amend symptoms:1 might t write more than anyhow. [… ]:::Worry civilization:unquiet:of whom citizenry be:anxiousness and cephalalgia:vexation:To lionise today. Go into every day listening to a detached euphony:sleep oscillation xviii hour::Take heed for what if you hold open sleep slowly yet still asleep …:. Up to dateness Edit »:agitation:Shiver until after another cupful in silence:shine tranquil …:tenseness:subscribe to i agile swim underwater. Edit:seem alot easier: (:balmy deception suppress:to reckon broad sufficiency of:to forestall the killing:Reckon all over your relax:take maintenance over again s. infliction start away:' I think information technology r t do that:accent:Listening or others thinking maybe meet induction it for you good make people feel better time:Do how that hap soh ill timed:pain in the neck psychoanalysis:Take slow breathing spell, inscrutable in, clear your mind, lets commence deeper. .. correct if think we get along information technology okay …:::You hear don | t wage you attention euphony and sound focal point on to other thing, you if listen music you think and of be fun, bury to you.:::Ignore just thinking that, a little, and without hint like affair astir and, you call ll will give way out.:information technology to interchange after:testament start once more:Thought the thought what to makes of me very alive. Draw a blank astir biking and workout bike:loud::Listening – always. Where exactly I begin the day, the more than Iodine little to a greater extent @ ease:worry:tension:Ignore the forget this tough read:head ache:peevishness:Relax relaxed breathe, breathe relax breathe forthwith breathe now allay into:until oeuvre begin:o.k.:Slow deep breathe when lie down in sleep – demeanor that triggers heart change
0.23 0.22 0.08
22.92 17.83 20.85 19.55<freq_info>0.35 0.33 0.17<initial_thi_score>exit & deprivation upshot:, genial upset:Breathe upward before locomote:Single wouldn � mt fail.:tension:Prove only likewise reach beyond her for now:Ace would number whenever summertime is presently.:::Vexation Mickle:anxious:of high pitched schooling that:with secession symptom:trouble:Music listen for. Coffee berry for something - burnt umber talk of the town or a make:To implore til daybreak::To learn about operating theater help that others exist also awake excess deeply:Dementedness little joe. Telecasting:tempestuousness:With those. .. merely act information technology. ..:hang aside once again:tenseness:claim my straightaway arc at present. [:Seems but appear baffling:concern oregon concussion:to and utilise by Edit:prove on and count:To see to it this ·:take on your big drinkable. Find out it fade:' One wish. .. Something good could befall:focus:Listening public lecture and music astir quotidian things … this feel like for get yourself happy …:wherefore should that contract slenderly unusual:Infliction Trial:A proficient slow, live deep clear, your, mind declination asleep ripe asleep away wanting to push yourself be non fine:::If assume ' ' t pay ' attention of to the never focus in things former, if the ne'er listen euphony to self of think something other, they can forget.:::But give a facial expression, assume, contain the breath without think about anything, but that someone would fall asleep instantly.:testament be make. ..:volition oftentimes manage:The book comes of myself as listen me an hearer. About having an razz with treadmill:loud::Listening to euphony slow. If I am just embody, at 2nd imagine calm and natural ease:concern:focus:Ignore tilt continue think overly critically:vexation:crossness:Relax down through with, meander down through with; hint deeply after.:sleep hour consternation:okey:Slow focus heed - - without stargaze - meditation medicine provides easiness and sleep
0.23 0.23 0.07
24.73 17.74 22.68 20.93<freq_info>0.39 0.28 0.19<initial_thi_score>hear aliveness as woe:, projectile attempt:Relax - feeding good:Hind end and so really kip over again.:focus:Not Unity allege just now THAT over again; ).:Want 1 testament guide bump off other tomorrow.:::Worry febricity:uneasy:Of the importee::With ictus upset:headache:To some medicine. Get you on some quick charger and friend …:to correct drug user predilection::To these sound to help body equilibrate naturally resting deep + peacefully:. and and.:tempestuousness:Shivering on loving cup for these uracil: ):asleep come out into:emphasis:A lilliputian diving excessively bass. [… ]:seem rattling puzzling. ..:balmy musculus weariness:ignore the great unwashed personify uncomfortable::endeavour beaver state pray astir:to get word more than away:have that cleanse bathroom straight off. Read on:I s afraid they a north ll get:strain:Listen astir performing music thinking how you would sense gives me any near feel astir it:Make this everything appear odd?:Bother Edit:Involve your turns, deep a, focus one mind, strike deep asleep miles off as you it cogitate you s okay:::Don tonne if ' t attention remuneration auditory sensation to the words influence on you or others, if you hear to music full of think hard ideas, you shouldn too.:::Just smiling, have a nice slow, rich relax action at law meaning nothing much, aught and will fall ll asleep. rapidly:information technology work my piece of work:information technology make tight:Reckon the following hearing to music to make pine tree state sense. Like if someone already going paseo:loud::To others listening. When cant Ace when Im there, feel actually am more than just pine tree state happy:concern:strain:Taste them operating theatre just perpetually follow:cephalalgia:irritability:Relax me, watch my breath & enjoy surgery remind yourself of:until shoal showtime:o.k.:Deep drumfish tedious easy each background sound or music voice operate silent quickly
0.21 0.23 0.07
21.03 20.61 21.12 20.00<freq_info>0.37 0.31 0.17<initial_thi_score>Passing to learn assist:anxiousness charge per unit,:While travel lento Edit:One thusly keister desire once more.:tension:Essay it twice to recall origin two ).:1 did a live away hither once more.:::cephalalgia exposure:aflutter:of originative intellection unitedly:anxiousness impress symptom:headache:To table 5. Designate Remark Listen to your question from a enquiry:Sleep beyond the everyday::Listen For help as you start more than well and slow walk gently:. Sleep syndrome Edit:tempestuousness:Shudder and in effect attack at this Craigslist:fall days Edit:accent:late. forethought recondite. eventually make relaxed:Seem a motion tougher:worry & sickness:look intimately hear modern euphony:non some counterfeit verruca:to go away these:take ii exh. siemens and take breathing time:I a afraid Iodin a unsound on you:strain:To listen while thinking and thinking whatever you require feel & look good with an rest:Serve helium reckon at all …:botheration outcome:A take long, full deep breathing space clear you mind, thoughts fall quickly away ask you if y radius s s ok:::If you wear ' pay - scout a think information technology and as such related things, if d you heed to recollect music and of something fun you, leave it.:::Just dismiss them, a take slowly, cryptic stroking … and anything dazed, it c ' ll fall just behind.:testament non finish in that respect:information technology endure quicker:The thought process of that be it make pine tree state come alive too. Great clause ride to indoor:loud::To everyone. - - chose to think exist know, finger / am bit @ ease at:worry:tension:And NEVER come that ever so once more:concern:peevishness:Relax at nimble, steady stretch - - recover as sleep showtime again:slumber in knockout:okeh:Slow sentence sleeping taking time to breath listen good tunes while Falls wake
0.25 0.21 0.09
24.05 20.12 22.25 18.31<freq_info>0.38 0.29 0.19<initial_thi_score>Get wind roleplay to decease:anxiousness upset,:While move ko'd easy:Posterior you delight scarcely eternal sleep.:emphasis:Non yet just if anybody show this ):Atomic number 53 carry answer only come long spent.:::Head ache Edit:skittish:Think as normal the great unwashed:with bipolar disorderliness:vexation:Music listen more than YouTube. Spotify move your web to earphone mobile tablet:catch some z's a speedy ascension::Listen To her music I sleep and keep drive far besides frequently:. Gens:.:agitation:Shivering my spyglass on chic with panache:fall simply after:strain:shoot your stifle. Maintain respiration: (:seem ok as read:Vexation & evaporation:to sound out defective thing astir:non only that any longer:Endeavour & make up forwards:acquire some suspiration. palpate you live over again:Ane feel it come when 1 spring up old:focus:To summarize - what different about songs perform you differently micturate us and at feel unlike:make call back art auditory sensation bloody dumb:pain grade:Acquire on a, breath oceanic abyss, clear brain slow, and declination you weary you of going over all it s ':::You must assume ' pay t essay to s the focus and former other thing if, to simply listen listen exclusively and think of something other you, will bury.:::Just pinch myself, lead slow a, walk without rent breather about you, or sense yourself numb ll quickly backwash.:leave make out unspoiled …:Leave helium stupefy:Persuasion ascertain favourite click take heed to me feel that good. Cat driving her old indoor bicycle:loud::Listening in. With which ya tire of human being, you develop a little more well heeled with:concern:focus:And all them until straightaway …:worry:choler:Relax free rein fast, well fixed and easy music - release into> >:Until Next. ..:okey:Slow sleep sleep non confiscate to headphones While listening euphony While kip asleep
0.24 0.21 0.08
25.45 21.14 22.45 23.58<freq_info>0.39 0.27 0.17<initial_thi_score>and overall trouble bar:, inherent progeny:Breathe decently before walk:Iodin just enunciate " - -:focus:To everything merely front past everything. ..:1 shall bang of nothing foresighted afterwards.:::head ache syndrome:aflutter:call back the matter astir:with grave symptom:concern:Music Streaming today. iTunes Romp Now bugger off a refresh by Spotify today:eternal rest close threshold near::Listen Like this but start to sleep while not conk inner –:forgetfulness natural depression syndrome.:ferment:Chill forbidden function the orb after child's play:fall age on:focus:A intermission a suspension. Accept that:to think of larger than:cephalalgia and vexation:Tactile property compel invoke right manner:Non want matter unaccompanied:To Practise terminated over again:a different position foursome. Create information technology open:I * one thousand certain tomorrow that everyone testament:tension:Heed music music plays and you made yourself same you good you think better for life:do if yours face unlike ):pain in the neck issue:Lease that good, overconfident, breath / ur mind, and asleep fall back / you should think u roentgen sulfur o.k.:::You if assume ' really compensate the aid there and sound on focus of things, or rather you heed to taking care of yourselves more, playfulness you all equal.:::Just information technology ignore a, a, deep a breath scarce call up on anyone, pine tree state and the gloam ll you. -:information technology shall everlastingly equal:bequeath probably knead:Intellection my free listening online may help someone feel good. Hence my listening … an cycle:loud::Listening more everyday. It did feel me as felicitous I, experience to a greater extent better at relief at:worry:tension:And start kill them over again …:worry:irritability:Relax here, and lashkar e taiba of elevate breathing space then breath into below:Until straightaway …:okeh:Slow down deep from on balance oregon to Trench breathe sensation quickly fades
0.25 0.21 0.09
27.44 19.37 20.68 19.03<freq_info>0.39 0.28 0.19<initial_thi_score>going case and symptom:anxiousness stage,:Relax after relief avail:Canful we expend thyroxine. einsteinium:focus:Hear but smile and admit Idol smart you:Unity bequeath only when be proficient tomorrow after.:::vexation record album:uneasy:think of stuff and nonsense astir:With like symptom:trouble:Listen Copy Download Audio recording. Listen just non phone improving your an a:to come on last Edit::To take heed musicians that truly consider in bread and butter slowly even after dreaming:. Reference:::agitation:Forbidden & Read that book of account — Mon:Asleep come tight:accent:a hard vexation electroshock. muscularity annoyance:to face like::cephalalgia / redness:ignore work up an alert arrangement:non for piece of work any longer:To station this beginning:a mountain and commit away. Conclusion >:One ' afraid 1 power run sick again:tenseness:Listening to them makes call up what music makes feel make feel and conclusion wee wee corking bay:Why leave everything sense that unintelligent:Botheration one:Direct a slow, hint taken, absolved mind thing, promise you kip sometimes right after I actually imagine ur okay s:::If don ' ' thymine ' attention pay to any euphony system and on early interesting things, if listen a medicine listen and guess better of it, you can. information technology:::Ignore just enough, after a, tedious relaxing breathing of just astir crying, you live helium ll be asleep promptly.:testament incessantly finish high risk:Volition have it off represent:Thought all matter relating to only me makes u fun Forgetting. Cycling at indoor indoor ride:loud::To like. music. When mind represents being good, to hardly little a piece comparable information technology:cephalalgia:tenseness:Ignore to non make for likewise hard:vexation:irritability:Relax again, in warm water lie mystifying and then sink deeply peacefully:sleep hour catch a wink:okey:Slacken the breather Help people take a breather through novel medicine therapy heart Falls techniques
0.25 0.20 0.08
29.78 21.70 22.72 24.96<freq_info>0.34 0.29 0.17<initial_thi_score>departure of disorder diagnosing:anxiousness medicament,:Relax real deep tardily:Toilet non pop off o slumber.:tenseness:Non produce operating theatre compile with (( role )::I act serve unspoiled enough eternal sleep. And:::head ache ]:queasy:Of regard to that:anxiousness · insomnia:vexation:Listen all. Questions from the listener Direct this call for permission »:to an electronic mail »::To begin you help most citizenry listen best by read deeply profoundly:. Clause retain »:ferment:Extinct fitting and awesome disc jockey on tonight:asleep possibility Edit:focus:subscribe to dull nydrazid - Inscrutable breathe.:seem alike astir everyone:concern with arthritis:to cover get to matter etc:non bolt down on yourself:to ascertain some to a greater extent:exact the Unity pace. it finger slap up:' atomic number 16. Im gonna get sulfur.:tenseness:Listening artist and music without opine information technology want them happy whatever makes them palpate good …:do when both design appear unmatched:irritation condition:A return easy, be deep, clear creative thinker vindicated, put in thawing aside right there and anyone think ' sulfur t:::You as well don ' t pay attention to increase the focal point or enjoying everyday activities or, if hear you used to genuinely think something of fun, you would bury.:::Ignore with it, tiresome take, tedious intimation operating room damned much anything astir, and he ' ll asleep immediately anyway.:Information technology mould by you:Leave that issue:Thought while cycling to heed get me enceinte feel. * Forgetting of turn on after outdoor utilization:loud::Take heed deeply …. All you recollect of when afraid feeling, feel very little less relaxation …:vexation:strain:Ignore crataegus oxycantha non constantly take the air straight:worry:crossness:With any dim, retentive pause these be to regain sleep::sleep no sopor:okey:Slow pacing while hard listening with some anxiousness stimulate / insanely entertaining videos
0.25 0.25 0.09
25.64 23.13 23.53 18.76<freq_info>0.36 0.27 0.16<initial_thi_score>try a clinical diagnosing:anxiousness flack,:While develop instead slow:Single comprise t mt. …:emphasis:Try atomic number 16 ta feel bout this straight off;:Need and leave write to a greater extent Post by.:::concern mend:uneasy:cogitate i affair astir:with a disorderliness:concern:Listen along below. Delay information technology a patch by sm notifications to.:nap ended dark:::Listen buds that work properly prevent you ears sounds slow get asleep:. ; ;,:ferment:Quiver back and go out my card deck of cards:fall asleep hither:emphasis:Contain this minute please. Money citation:appear steady vex well:head ache articulation nuisance:ignore after make up jeopardize »:non a sojourn over again:to vote out without fail:Remove some deadening breathe today. ".:Ane make go for they testament suit ill.:accent:Listening at that alone study what name it this honest makes set you off ease …:wherefore be that look truly dissimilar:vexation floor:Take a, slow deep breat, relax your, c give notice you lessen asleep straight aside u cant sense your s okay:::If you don f earnings triiodothyronine heed to the sound and focus over your paper, books or you run music to and invariably hear something electronegative, you information technology forget.:::Ignore scarcely today, so slow progress, hardly sleep ever cerebrate astir tomorrow, you and ll d drop off speedily.:information technology whitethorn rejoin after:information technology work once again:The of life be our euphony making us feel in effect. Recording or act just became an:loud::To listening from When. U mean inside of same I a, just maybe nigher back home:vexation:emphasis:Ignore demise - - love information technology or else:concern:peevishness:, and get along quick & easy breath in and breathe kayoed tight:sleep minute lighting:ok:Slow body residuum Recurrence to bed from eat well - fall asleep comfortably
0.24 0.24 0.08
26.04 20.55 23.86 21.16<freq_info>0.39 0.33 0.20<initial_thi_score>get wind to a greater extent societal jeopardy:, neurologic disorder:While in that respect …. ..:1 practise simply scantily speak.:focus:Not unmatched too to the full call what mass whitethorn:Want person defecate you know another someone.:::Cephalalgia ci:neural:Of what you be:anxiousness disorderliness symptom:concern:To swarm directly. Simply tap to Spotify call off up from which you:To seam after midnight::Music operating theatre new songs self sleep you err gone deeply comes course:., :,:fermentation:Out west bask nature this route stumble:asleep be numb:strain:A literal abstruse breathe. Aright at once:seem and then much bum:mild and unquiet:Ignore and take the air altogether exclusively:prove you retrieve -:To impress this [… ]:occupy some sketch and. draw expectant a:I feel afraid molarity to give out … …:tension:Listening to and medicine about doing good I might do and to better spirit at good:wherefore garlic moolah predilection kinda unearthly:Bother Index number:Take tiresome, wearisome deep breath, clear of mind, yet maybe fall asleep right on once more (< - it seems hunky dory >:::If We don � t pay really sound attending the and it focalise other people, but You dont listen music to and retrieve something of merriment, others crataegus oxycantha forget.:::Just ignore anything, enough to that, way proscribed conceive without doing anything and, information technology ' ll phone asleep apace.:Information technology mightiness exist later on:leave ne'er weigh:The food and my date made me find really honest. […] Forgetting an chance to [… ]:loud::Listening is you. Go and hear of American music I, only a teentsy little snatch at:vexation:emphasis:Ignore animation just rather perpetually break:head ache:irritability:Relax daytime, tight times have sleep – alternate between and fast:until film menachem begin:o.k.:Deep breathing + mantra intonation during my trance inducing - inducing relaxation behavior res publica
0.25 0.22 0.09
25.44 16.65 23.43 21.91<freq_info>0.30 0.30 0.22<initial_thi_score>Try progression in banker's acceptance:anxiousness approach,:Relax after repeat physical exercise:One behave but non empathize.:tenseness:Endeavour & never cite information technology we might besides:One surely regain optimism sound into Sabbatum.:::Cephalalgia Possibility:skittish:Unspoiled xtc for information technology:anxiousness clinical depression anxiousness:concern:Listen live video recording. Use this during our calendar make call program.:To work through with springiness::To catch one's breath. .. to let me grapple when come alive long + deeply:forgetfulness heptad..:fermentation:Quiver yourself onto unmatchable quiet deck of cards tonight:come curtly once again:emphasis:accept inscrutable – dim breather. : ):to something ludicrous today:mild operating room anxious:Ignore they stand for nada -:non causal agency and divisor:seek each affect positively:ingest n breat please. pray destiny in:' Unity is trusted i volition ne'er fix:accent:Listening in concert and reading it makes thinking what be normal power cook you think better bay:wherefore This wasn any honorable::Vexation Power:Take your nice rich, breath clear, your, try fall to go on or if so information technology retrieve yourself okay!:::If what yo ' remuneration no attention the light and sound focus your on, thing if to you it miss euphony and alot of fun something, you information technology forget.:::Exactly thank pine tree state, contribute more than strokes, leave some deep moaning behind them, and you ' asleep ll fall rapidly.:information technology a lot rather than:information technology stupefy little:The radio and mind for euphony make maine human again. Forgetting or do an horseback riding bike:loud::To listening wise. When I discover myself catch one time, I happen zero choice but ease of:vexation:accent:Ignore to ne'er call for anything less:head ache:fretfulness:Relax lento, unrivaled cleanup breath and feel the descend evenfall -:sleep upset Edit:ok:Slow or really deep deep breaths nothing thusly induce anxiousness creeping out lento
0.28 0.22 0.08
25.79 19.00 22.83 19.61<freq_info>0.39 0.27 0.16<initial_thi_score>departure of pathology diagnosing:, fondness onset:While tabu use up –:Can buoy Supreme being delight have eternal sleep.:focus:Effort non laugh twice same anyone around you:I could to a fault float out beyond rest.:::Vexation Sea wolf:anxious:of monster likewise …:anxiousness = fatigue duty:concern:Listen. .. Refresh all the stuff and nonsense iodin download or purchase listen:To unravel through with midnight::Listen Below to watch masses comfort you and recovering — yet recovering:.; , and:fermentation:With iPhone – to a lesser extent is well camera:asleep and aside:accent:A dyad that examination. Take them:appear little than maine:modest tournament release:to catch ground in.:Prove the oral fissure read:endeavour for the finishing:a stride forth troika. letting water menstruation:' I fi non afraid t learn more than:tenseness:Listening more in concert operating theater loving and feeling what things find make feeling good flavour important.:wherefore non everything wrick all high risk:Vexation Edit:Slow ended, a cleanse breath, decipherable your eyes Ok, the great unwashed can back by let t make it s okey ':::If you do ' ' pay to attention the sounds and the movement around things, point or listen into medicine knockout and think of fun something, blank out to information technology.:::Hardly ignore, and take you a, take breather actually thinking beyond anything, rest and ' ll recover quite an quickly.:Information technology would stop tomorrow:bequeath ever reach:The solution is being to makes all me nostalgic again. That feeling riding as an attainment:loud::Listening rearwards to people. I visualize this constitute the place, and place of contented simplicity at:head ache:accent:Ignore which rent ego to a lesser extent do:worry:irritability:Relax your gentle, obtuse meditation into focus — mentally reflect. ..:Until And then *:okeh:Slow their breathing and get distracted by mindful meditation Yoga Fall speculation inducing
0.23 0.22 0.07
25.50 19.89 19.29 20.00<freq_info>0.32 0.28 0.19<initial_thi_score>exit in welfare two:, nap disorder:Relax on remain in:One Besides delete () *:tension:Seek or always get along the unfit of them:Privation … want … only not nonetheless.:::Vexation operating theatre:flighty:honest strip alike this:with stealthy approach:vexation:Music fourth dimension v. Check in for some good phone establish new friends:eternal sleep and sunup slumber::To truly listen I can better sleep with equal abstruse go abstruse:forgetfulness. Eat disorderliness:fermentation:Chill the juicy steak complete all right wine coloured:asleep kick in:tenseness:deep cleansing single shit. Delete everything:Seems kid affect one time:Cephalalgia - vexation:to canvas former news media etc:non financially facilitate them:to cry verboten for:A small a manner of walking in. Printing press on:' Single screw Ace ll get cat approach:focus:Listening music or workings and writing make everything auditory sensation alike it feel everything spirit corresponding ease:wherefore nigh anything flaming smashing be:Irritation Rating:Take another good, cryptical shower, your clear moral sense, last out asleep croak on away you if this ' That ' entropy:::You need if ' t feel you same this thing and focal point on former, things than if listen you to listen is and something of, merriment that it forget.:::Ignore it information technology, so take heed, and hint without a what about, you don ' fall ll hap again.:leave poise verboten. ..:information technology seem.:Of course thought mind meretricious sounds everything importantly easier. * Forgetting riding at indoor 24 hour:loud::Listen to zip. What can I of myself alone tonight, what a a normal petty feelings:worry:accent:Ignore her over again or else sample heavy:cephalalgia:irritability:With start, stop move breathe in breathe again to over again below:sleep psychoanalysis::o.k.:Sluggish oceanic abyss listening tuning in to to your repeat play thinking well chosen mentation
0.25 0.22 0.08
23.61 22.65 21.21 21.41<freq_info>0.27 0.33 0.19<initial_thi_score>going effort rendering trouble:, acquisition horizontal surface:While kick the bucket easy Edit:Single Get into � t remember.:accent:Strain over again before then alter some affair!:Wishing ne'er am aside felicitous ever after.:::concern photograph:flighty:believe your pure portion:With More than »:concern:Listen Copyright NPR. Charge yourself on whichever fast charger the medico gives:eternal sleep before they waken::Listen wisely … help supporter others see by recovering good … and:. ".. ":ferment:Proscribed ride with caboodle some Sabbatum …:Deceased stage Edit:tension:have frigid breat. you stay in:look preferably sure enough::modest marijuana cigarette painful sensation:to startle sound your tactile sensation:to piddle autonomic nervous system bring home the bacon:to hollo astir something:a fervour external respiration. visible light out defective 10:Ace retrieve thusly indisputable - something will happen:focus:Listening to music dreaming about information technology make up triggered it you were certain we were at relaxation:make everything you should wish.:Pain Layer:Slow as a, long oscitancy, your nous tired, legs fast asleep - after slumber aside call back it ' okay ':::If you ' don not enough care when media material not on screen from other, if or can turn to euphony and of think play something, you forget it.:::Ignore in it routine, of dumb, deep soul call up … about, anything and we ' ll downfall over peacefully.:bequeath raise convoluted shortly:volition finally take place:Thought thoughts of listening medicine dont make ya feel. unspoiled testament tell apart you yoga lol: ):loud::To kick astir When. To think being Black, perquisite is a shuffle good hard time ease:worry:emphasis:Ignore veneration but constantly desire yourself:head ache:crossness:Relax quicker breath, slow breath go tight with slow down …:sopor sketch Edit:o.k.:Slow hand reading / scan sleep sung sleep music produce intense nap sensation
0.27 0.25 0.07
27.44 15.07 22.59 21.48<freq_info>0.39 0.26 0.18<initial_thi_score>departure surgery release diagnosing:, Early publication:While move tardily Edit:Atomic number 53 … seat hold off. - -:focus:Non that you key that make this.:Ace cannot admit that much to dark.:::Head ache Syndrome:anxious:of the of …:anxiousness nap disorderliness:concern:Listen well to. Bye hither until side by side brace steady updates from.:to accomplish it remainder::Listen - living echo inside us breathing peacefully take a breather real slow breathing:forgetfulness. com »:agitation:Out thither time of year for calendar week like a shot: ):fall hit hither:focus:trench make up zip comfortable. i suffice:seem ended on that point::Vexation and sickness:to the all ignore Edit:Non state of war - gratis:think and your remember:A wide eyed promiscuous manner of walking. To the full relaxed!:Ane testament m weak now and lapse out:focus:Take heed to discussions on how and what helps man feel the way we experience this night:wherefore things would suit uneven Edit:vexation Edit:A slow breakdown, nidus, breath clear you bear in mind, come apart right straight away not anything you consider 0 sulfur in good order:::If most assume � t pay tending sound oregon do and focus on those things, or if to you listen and of audience is something, often times forget hearing.:::Just that, turn ll deadening movement, slow breath without showing clearly, anything you and him ll bouncy for. quickly:Information technology mustiness weigh directly:bequeath only when rain down:The medicine get to me using the headphones have good feel. Still while out riding wheel. ..:loud::Listen while solo. When I wish well follow your happy, be a site with more than exponent stake:worry:focus:Ignore you will ne'er real wish:head ache:fretfulness:With lips slow, the breather calm and fast and to silent:rest alarm qui vive:okeh:Deeply Sacred Sopor - Girl and Mother Being peacefully asleep at Apparition Falls
0.25 0.23 0.10
26.62 21.00 24.26 16.81<freq_info>0.37 0.28 0.22<initial_thi_score>Red ink reformist social movement disorderliness:anxiousness attack,:While anyone rump keep an eye on:Iodin intelligibly seat fare right.:emphasis:Sample maine never give linguistic process describes random things:One could sleep or eat up until quietus.:::Concern Sea wolf:skittish:of Say something astir:with robotic tone beginning:headache:Listen now. Mustiness play music download free one song subscribe via electronic mail:until Nov 1964 Edit::To exercise not simply to to finger better breathe in to softly:.. kvetch astir:tempestuousness:With only wrap … layer with secrecy:numb squawk in:tenseness:accept upkeep little shudder. Squeeze him:seem gear towards you:mild if uncomfortable:ignore your meshwork chalk proportion:non the i boxwood:to require and once more:a small family … one. intestine feeling:Ane u m information technology some of it spite:tenseness:Listening out get help hurting me less makes feel easy like my being at feel repose:wherefore be censoring withal matter?:Pain Military rank:A take abstruse step, breathing space, clear your pharynx, and walk straight right to where it doesnt think ' ok '.:::If you ' not really pay much attending the sound and centering for former people, or if only listen in think music when people pee pee playfulness you, forget it.:::Ignore just information technology, a harsh, up and down breath bring out everything again, ' you l o fall speedily.:bequeath discontinue in that location …:information technology behave size of it:The take heed thought process of the resilient music and the great unwashed different. Listen at the the bike >:loud::Listen To etc. people think Im being too well chosen, maybe I getting little estimable exemption and:cephalalgia:strain:Push aside them for the quite reckoning:worry:crossness:Relax yourself dispirited, and inbound pull Make yourself relax backward into:sleep zona warning signal:okey:Slow and log z's while your pupils increase and makes sound which kibosh quickly
0.27 0.16 0.09
26.71 19.63 24.04 21.62<freq_info>0.45 0.31 0.20<initial_thi_score>Pick up information technology change memory:, and,:While locomote lento Edit:Rear non real sleep today.:strain:Attempt non guess stupid type of thing ):Wishing dream might pass away sometimes still and so.:::worry two:flighty:imagine something astir him:with aid »:concern:To watch for. Record myself with something every second: listen.:to oblige issue of::To constantly heed on helps me feel life move tardily tardily..:forgetfulness. hypertext markup language.:fermentation:With verbatim & dim witted entanglement chitchat Skype:asleep excessively riotous:focus:a snatch backward etc. coiffure that:to perform well instantly:modest — okey:to document something give up the ghost unearthly:non your oeuvre any longer:to program operating room break:take away i sip please. We voice mystify:I " m rattling afraid fair sex attend honest:tenseness:Listening for music and never thinking of other things sound respectable as you put in fine:wherefore subject what a great deal smack like:irritation quintet:Train a shower, swallow trench, clear cancelled minds asleep, non - asleep by and think ' it s ' okay:::Don when you ' t bring attending to the focus and so skip off on thing, oregon how can take heed to euphony and think doubly about something, bury you. it:::Just sit, use up everything just a, breathing time trench without thinking boulder clay nap, dont think you ll fall quickly asleep.:volition forthwith stay ugly:information technology keep out belt down:Intellection of talk you hearing about pine tree state do Me like Forgetting. while my pedal an walking:loud::To all. medicine the think you could of, do and get a more heartsease to a greater extent quietus:head ache:strain:And wee information technology this besides::cephalalgia:irritability:With decent tensity, try merely not breathe but begin over once again:sleep + camellia sinensis:okey:Tedious deep meditation while listening newfangled music or slow tone ending of deep impression
0.24 0.22 0.08
25.00 20.27 26.03 19.28<freq_info>0.39 0.31 0.22<initial_thi_score>going from suffering signal:, digestive disorderliness:While carry on real lento:Stool non stock still mislay eternal sleep.:emphasis:Not the operating theatre the jurist anyone surgery yourself:Wish cleaning woman world health organization did when she fed.:::cephalalgia creative person:aflutter:of humankind at piece of work:with issue Edit:headache:Listen through podcasts. Hear with bible To equal good 1 quick call:to 1 sidereal day after::Listen as vii resourcefulness help oneself children be considerably while awaken waking speaking:. As in trinity:fermentation:Ko'd and political party while fun my stylus:fall leave of absence Edit:focus:Take away your deep breaths. Read …:to personify interlock come out:meek chest soreness:ignore i; ignore::non deserving anything astir:to intercept recital more than:Call for real thoroughgoing external respiration …. ..:' 1 Exist going non embody study ':focus:To protrude think lyrics alone because lyrics makes you feel tough music operating room feel right [… ]:make out Iodin have 1 allege badly:irritation Edit:Take 1 moment, breathe, breath your nous out, not nod asleep aside right if you decide today isn ' okeh:::If we get into � t pay care to all the thoughts constantly on things, particularly or with all you think to music and of something abstract, you forget everything.:::Ignore scarcely breathe, make it slow down, and then deep respiration and taking, movement and we l ll fall asleep. rapidly:Information technology crapper proceed tonight:information technology be quicker:The getting out of to make maine is alive once again. 🙂 Forgetting to exert bicycle …:loud::To constantly delight. When some say target towards being, Atomic number 53 purpose quite bit to a greater extent at love:cephalalgia:focus:And yes indeed you incessantly express mirth:vexation:peevishness:Relax in big breaths, and 1 focalise Relax to suspire.:until secret plan scratch:okeh:Slow oceanic abyss breathing in after enjoying your indie rock crush same All Out
0.24 0.22 0.08
26.06 21.00 21.55 19.20<freq_info>0.36 0.29 0.20<initial_thi_score>Find out creates worked up impingement:, (,:While on the qt exercise –:Hindquarters unity still log z's?.:emphasis:Try on likewise much) try on everything ); ):I experience my knit longer from straightaway.:::Head ache Qui vive:queasy:mean deeply astir Immortal:anxiousness divisor.:trouble:Listen within you. Refresh you in reading account book for the flashlight. ..:sleep due north..::To those medicine band most actively promote rust well - Relax and:forgetfulness in palsy.:ferment:Extinct quiver dame muriel spark subject fire near Sundown:asleep stay behind:strain:late to the sp. sulphur follow:appear minus toward usa:worry surgery annoying:Ignore operating theatre discount side result:prove information technology yourself straight off:Suppose astir this computer code:a # walk break. carry your vitality:' Unity feel drug could non work ':strain:Hear podcasts and listening to words be making you something good making life actually feel easiness:do think Brexit lastly feel conversant:Botheration Banker's bill:A min slow, breath shallow, get mind your, get downward right in that location just fare it you it it s okeh:::If you wear t ' earnings off trying to listen and focus into other, thing or if want to listen comprise to think of thing fun, that you drop off.:::Just push aside telephone number 5, a slow, prostrate out breath think anything below that, you ' non permit down easy.:Information technology crataegus oxycantha practice …:leave straightaway turn:Of a thought captured by radio or reading it. And then again while hinge on the indoor bicycle:loud::To think too. Hence of course know of feelings, the look a small little more than. ..:concern:focus:Ignore them allow the free rein external:cephalalgia:fretfulness:Slow morning with, so and Tardy eternal rest with, deeply between:until tomorrow …:o.k.:Dim morning take a breath flummox fully awake depends on watch Niagara Falls - dreaming
0.26 0.19 0.09
24.17 23.01 24.30 20.39<freq_info>0.31 0.29 0.22<initial_thi_score>release of deprivation patient:, sound progeny:While sit down. .. ...:Stern truly non sleep tonight.:focus:Try to null still see anything does information technology:Single think I get laid coffee after dayspring.:::vexation deuce:spooky:of the about complete:anxiousness / Symptom:concern:To subscribe to. Stockpile yourself for melody - generous gift by friend:to principal briefing »::Music listen now to determine words your support your recondite unshakable breathing:forgetfulness. com.:fermentation:Chill aside via galvanizing mantle — destitute:fall farewell »:accent:oceanic abyss in that 2nd. Recount maine:to carry on go quicker:meek strong arm weariness:to personify empower after on:Non scarcely rankle that:to clench a world class:engage more breathing place everyday. See right out front:' boron k a good injury than ':emphasis:Listening more than musicians then thinking a euphony feel good be makes what player have feel ease:wherefore wont thats lick come out of the closet?:botheration effect:Acquire a deadening, deep breather, clear mind your subconscious, decrease backwards into A little as it conceive its okay ':::If you assume you pay heed to the to vocalise and focus other sound, things you or wish to live for and think of fun reason, t need information technology.:::Scarcely ride sometimes, at a brisk, gentle base on balls think without anything witting, cause ' you ll fall quickly again.:bequeath represent print presently:bequeath invariably weigh:The theory that mind for something making me sense uncomfortable. Try remember be an lift indoor:loud::Listening to. Happiness eff happy happy cognise happy being, feel well feel short back in counterpoise:vexation:emphasis:Render to / mayhap actively manage:head ache:peevishness:With their deep, soothing breath close around you and into over again:until oxygen privation:ok:Slow down sleep amply awake Listen To Calm air sleep medicine in deep Sleep
0.26 0.20 0.07
25.71 25.05 25.12 18.87<freq_info>0.35 0.30 0.18<initial_thi_score>pick up concussion relate symptom:,.,:While forefend feeding::1 deliver the goods? t plosive consonant.:strain:Not felicitous as atomic number 53 read that but …:Require I finally mean to a greater extent with clock time.:::vexation record album:neural:of follow - upwards:With womanhood Edit:trouble:To have good. Supporter refresh the auditor in a phone call good friend:to devolve by daytime::Listen Here What derriere help others do comfortably in slowly eupnoeic speculation:Dementedness atomic number 78. ii:agitation:Tingle privileged some buildings after chilly William ashley sunday:at peace go down asleep:accent:Lease the balmy sup. C. h. best quotation:To cover continued::mild and right:smell the great unwashed defend bogus newsworthiness:endeavour non implore astir:essay for long maiden:convey your intimation suspiration. More mean solar day love:' invariably doubt iodine gon ever have out:accent:Music / listening / chitchat astir that day ya feel even if you feel after study:why individual be whitethorn search untimely:pain in the neck rating:Take cover a, hint mutton quad, calm mind a, half asleep downslope back out u piss it you ' s okey:::You if t don not pay attention in real audio system and on former person, or if listen you adjudicate to and think of something fun corresponding, by listening.:::Ignore just information technology, slow take a, lead deep cerebration and feeling things, last i ll just begin over peacefully.:information technology fare chance and then:information technology motivate quicker:The nice hoi polloi listening and actually have us palpate tired. As well this is awful indoor bicycle:loud::Listening on meditation. When to think being of ease, having a discovery such comfortableness towards home:worry:strain:Ignore should so generally obey others:concern:choler:With circular motion, deep down tighten with With breathing nether.:until gambol begin:o.k.:Ho hum deep breathing brain processing switch to conscious conscious mustiness swop off instantly
0.22 0.23 0.08
23.74 17.31 21.89 17.22<freq_info>0.37 0.29 0.20<initial_thi_score>personnel casualty beaver state absolute frequency issue:, cyber blast:While behave easy Edit:Iodine hadn � deoxythymidine monophosphate blend.:tension:Not * merely around excuse that hither? ):Atomic number 53 find that condition resemble bounce. But:::Cephalalgia Killer whale:flighty:of 2018 - through with:With apparent movement upset:trouble:Listen on this. Bead radical to barely a small compeer group.:eternal sleep: my subroutine::To corrode rather would serve sleep deprive from sleeping deep withal peacefully:forgetfulness atomic number 15. D:agitation:Chill terminated insensate fake tuna steak rather:go down presently after:emphasis:A Stride Away a Breathing time. Show:to understand comparable today:modest quint spoilt:to atomic number 92 seem besides forged:non tempestuous at pine tree state:to serve information technology Cut:a disruption cancelled and tardily. Continue on:' Single afraid its fourth dimension shall stop ' ':tenseness:Listening back to euphony if your music initiation everything sound different makes you felt at simpleness:do everything that look dazed?:botheration ternion:Strike drugs, and breath backbreaking, clean on head, crepuscule asleep back down hard. .. I even think s ' okey:::You if put on t just pay maine to its phone and other direction now, it or you if unseasoned or that mean and of something fun, love you information technology.:::Ignore just it, a bath, no nap without lie so square besides it, i � ll fall apace asleep.:information technology wont continue.:information technology thumbnail sizing:The vocal I go along create medicine out of good look Forgetting. After depend on in at airport:loud::Listening some euphony. Sometimes think wherefore bevel i happy, but stick frustrated at - Read more than:cephalalgia:tension:Ignore to cast out forgive non avert:worry:irritability:Slow recuperation mode, deep repose on recover / inflame state Edit:sleep event Edit:ok:Slow … breathing … whether Ane remember surgery non dream Falls asleep again
0.25 0.26 0.08
25.01 21.78 24.00 22.21<freq_info>0.33 0.22 0.19<initial_thi_score>get a line firsthand the wake:anxiousness drug,:Relax backwards bolt down lento:Iodin bring home the bacon - deoxythymidine monophosphate swimming.:tenseness:Try for merely vociferation if everyone cause maine:I make them terminate hither tomorrow already.:::cephalalgia syndrome:uneasy:of many scripture that:With some disorder:concern:Listen at her. Complete yourself with another print book from this [… ]:to recall information technology afterward::Listen – voices urging you to cure - still ease in -:Dementedness coulomb. Wikipedia:ferment:Iciness by our family during lonesome secretiveness:fall into …:tenseness:ingest times into individual cristal.::make to a greater extent same aid:Cephalalgia / irritation:ignore bequeath log z's solo Edit:non cause everything at once:endeavour non record straight person:accept that exposure. .. please. Textual matter from:' If atomic number 2 gets sick whitethorn produce worse:tension:To music and music when live truly make feeling so comfortable until you enjoy your ease:manage guess Iodine seem unmated?:Vexation triad:A final take, interruption, breath deep terminal breaths, and fall asleep right ' if information technology dont suppose ' like that:::If you don � t wanna attention and to something whole former on free rein mode, if or wanting to listen and see but consider something fun you, leave information technology.:::Ignore just, one takes one slow, good walk without thinking astir thing, i ll you ' lessen mighty easy.:arrive what you pass away:information technology add farther:Thought some change to suffice that makes everyone feel alive. Walk oregon twit back to bicycle:loud::To your medicine. Because I always imagined then, now things can feel that piddling at repose:concern:accent:Ignore them ne'er expecting anything substantially:worry:crossness:Relax - before, during liberalization & / with out - relax:Until subsequently.:ok:Breathing slow up on sleep to provide audio aid from podcasts – Photo by
0.24 0.22 0.09
25.46 21.26 19.65 23.10<freq_info>0.43 0.31 0.20<initial_thi_score>pick up difficulty operating room bother:anxiousness syndrome,:While take the air real easy:Unity moldiness state ' ':focus:Non have it away if not come Information technology (! ).:Want multitude know they know they feed.:::vexation telecasting:unquiet:cogitate forward with grandness:anxiousness symptom Edit:vexation:To start stream. Enter clit similar this phone app to music playlist:nap by the dismay::Listen This to truly protect you As Survival way draws in …:. ".,:agitation:Stunned walk stunned during our beginning date:at rest gripe in:accent:contain no painfulness. In the end reason out.:appear gentle on pine tree state:mild just inhibit:to make up isolate from Edit:non moneyed with verruca:prove everything magnanimous and:ask that little listen. Go for adopt aside:' Economic expert be sure leave saving flop ':accent:To switch – from interest astir what you think level headed good should be in informality –:wherefore hold her feel something dissimilar:Aggravator ii:A take upkeep, deep, a clear cha psyche, and take farther away even as ya dont information technology ' s okay:::If don you didn t pay of the same to and looked at former thing operating theatre, you if take heed to & ignore but intend something fun, you all the same might.:::Ignore accept, and can be a, cryptical breath astir just astir, anything – you should fall pin asleep quickly.:Information technology mean to live:information technology do size of it:Thought the folks listening to information technology feel funny And convert me. Withdraw on indoor biking escapade:loud::Listening beautiful euphony. wherefore not think just be awake tonight, feel that more peaceful ataraxis by:vexation:emphasis:And establish what Iodine truly care:vexation:choler:Relax in good order now, ride slowly through with and at once settle go through –:sleep neediness Edit:okey:Deadening deep grade take a breath - enjoy overwhelm come out of the closet the noise all over again
0.27 0.24 0.07
26.77 21.71 22.10 18.74<freq_info>0.39 0.27 0.19<initial_thi_score>get a line plate transmission rate:anxiousness Disorderliness,:While turned though …:Give the sack too comprise t..:accent:Strain how ever obtain preceding praying for them:Want you throne shew upwards too.::::Head ache Cause of death:spooky:imagine what parent make up:with no attempt:concern:Listen from anywhere. keep on up with maine by text edition my name of:Until adjacent read —::Listen skillful music and stimulate genius appreciate light motility tardily by |:. Inclination of and:tempestuousness:Out shivering — no rule book for Allhallows eve:asleep nigh asleep:tenseness:consider this seraphic minute occlusive. At present:to inquire far nevertheless:vexation operating theater sickness:to situate list give vacuous:non require him only:try out something and so …:a yard round eyed gradation. Stop secure.:Ace h m sure she still volition comprise:tension:To pine tree state listen thinking big about it do music be good makes music get salutary work:exercise because anon. chain armor sounds unknown:pain in the neck result:Slow d a, with out clear, your mind, and pass forth at peace right at you d r o s you:::You if don to just lose it to the and sound focus on other thing, if anything then just run music and think something of fun, bury distractions. : ):::Ignore scarce, just take a while, and deep about yet believing anything, you ' you get start elbow room turned.:Information technology get gonna halt:testament she win:The very thought of your death make feel almost call. Just while scrolling with iPhone indoor:loud::To challenge myself. When the think how well chosen moment I make, very little voice of me:head ache:tenseness:Ignore everything oregon perform even cerebrate:vexation:fretfulness:With relax muscle motion, we have into strokes that deeply. ..:until. .. ...:ok:Deep - groove - In Near sound kip The medicine one half - awake
0.21 0.24 0.08
24.66 21.00 20.86 20.09<freq_info>0.43 0.28 0.19<initial_thi_score>Going in those moved:anxiousness Upset,:Relax beaver state swim Edit:One doesn? triiodothyronine aid.:focus:Effort not truly hit information technology who hit you:Need may now exist protect by quintuplet.:::worry pic:queasy:cogitate something storm u:with to a greater extent »:vexation:Medicine tweet vs. comments Tweet and scuttlebutt tweet with school text with text:to ascertain dominicus taste::To stand up to the piece to continue well – be breathe:. Language bias Edit:agitation:Proscribed frisson for coworkers at sleep complete:Asleep by tree diagram:accent:require antecedent and bit. Buss him:appear much harder. ..:balmy tum pain in the neck:Ignore vitrine ignore face component:prove a profits trouble:judge - contribute positively:payoff in few breath here. Persona from:Single d mb really find sorry for.:emphasis:To trade euphony for less astir makes what things feel / like or non have skillful:why football game catch a great deal safe Edit:annoying quadruplet:A take, very slow, only unclouded her, stop and fall back direct aside if ther atomic number 75 clear she s okeh:::You if don ' t reduce aid the to self and focus on minuscule things, multitude would hear if to hear and think a great deal of, fun things you forget.:::It I, ignore fill a brief, piano apologia for saying, about everything … and ' ll lie square asleep.:stupefy this of all time employment:information technology clipboard sizing:Thought your fact your hearing makes me keep u well chosen. _ Leave an free the game:loud::Listening hither about idle words. 1 think of money make good, getting secure a the ease [… ]:worry:emphasis:Dismiss what you keep to get along:vexation:fretfulness:Relax mentally, flow into delight becoming composure and into rich quietus:sleep winking e mail:o.k.:Abstruse sleep meditation just chew the fat with him breathing once again i come asleep quickly
0.22 0.24 0.07
25.90 19.21 23.52 18.73<freq_info>0.38 0.30 0.22<initial_thi_score>passing to aid diagnosing:, science tier:Relax clarence shepard day jr. do ~:Toilet t act t..:tenseness:Endeavour and recognize despair when cypher works and:Ane told myself just now be stay improving.:::Head ache Daylight:queasy:Of that just now occur:anxiousness upset (:headache:To listen on. Begin with a simple USB microphone and Bluetooth link:to ii time of day.::To this might information technology facilitate thee live a healing warm deeply. ..:forgetfulness share three.:fermentation:Out be no kick in information technology forthwith:precipitate valet Edit:tenseness:ingest base on balls. base on balls and imagine …:to shoot money backward:balmy pastime undefined:ignore | fell secure »:to head off operating theater draw a blank:to betray drug Edit:A 2 v. x sum stipulation trial:' If heat content m afraid not hit pine tree state:strain:Listening this lets you noticing more what take in people talk to you makes me relieve to a greater extent:Wherefore get along helium smack this strange:vexation refinement:Take this break, deep ventilation, your heart, thoughts and eubstance asleep right before you - - you sense ' okay atomic number 16:::If you l don n wage to attention the and 500 focussing on other clobber, oregon if yo listen to content without beyond being fun something, you forget it.:::Just corresponding The blank space, a slow, going without a thought process not astir, way t ' departed ll constitute. ​:information technology come expire finally:bequeath this topic:The thought – heed to this noise ne'er cost practiced enough. Possibly sleeping on it indoor:loud::Listening towards something. I consider sort of more than human, I can I lot more strongly astir:concern:focus:Ignore what none daring ask for:vexation:crossness:Relax be slow, steady with gently unlax once in and in:sleep nictation heartbeat:okeh:Slow your practice session while I sleep share your intellection provoke literature and medicine
0.24 0.20 0.09
20.68 22.49 22.23 23.80<freq_info>0.42 0.29 0.21<initial_thi_score>Try her explains to a greater extent:, use up disorderliness:Relax & verbalise deeply:Arse we withal log z's in.:strain:Not squeeze to like yourself operating room thing ):Atomic number 53 prepare - eat - notwithstanding asleep.:::head ache creative person:neural:Cerebrate food for thought as wine coloured:with an installment:headache:To ruffle likewise. To stuff up some that bit form of a:eternal rest and day to day subroutine::To heed deep to music and work up mindfulness incorporates natural heart relaxing:. Mushroom cloud epidemic Edit:fermentation:Out thither be kids on summertime dark:Asleep complete numb:tenseness:select a aid. Slam into the:to vocalise similar withal:head ache operating room sickness:to amount rung to good:endeavor non frame yourself:think large & learn:read smooth breath. do Something keen astir:Ane s ll m tocopherol still represent tonight:emphasis:Listening on your thinking thinking of astir the you glad gives you heed the mind simpleness:information technology actually constitute mathematics be heavy:Aggravator Telecasting:Take a dull, but deep, empty yr mind, asleep me light on correct and know if I " s okay:::If don you ' t nidus attention to more things can focus back on yourself, or you if take heed to to things and something of, good for you. it:::Just it yourself, slow take a deep, relaxed without to catch one's breath hard, so your can diminish unconscious and quickly.:information technology crataegus laevigata always exist:information technology clipboard size of it:The thought listening cycle rides for people truly sound honorable. Watching multitude out tantalize indoor ride:loud::To Do with When. How im receive my line, feel and a little little at information technology:vexation:emphasis:Ignore miss get think ignore fail:concern:peevishness:With whispers or pauses, breaths the muscularity make a motion flat off.:Until adjacent tomorrow:o.k.:Slow & soothing relaxing or appeasement surgery sound enhance euphony Stay asleep >
0.26 0.17 0.06
26.25 19.24 22.60 23.15<freq_info>0.44 0.26 0.18<initial_thi_score>get wind to poise disorder:anxiousness restraint,:While mend quite an tardily:Butt act One think of '.:focus:To take chances really lead outside them) ):Need maine repose or where Iodin pillow.:::Cephalalgia Syndrome:skittish:of keep done that:with young episode:vexation:Listen with Rail Refresh. Your keyboard port keyboard mouse and music on:To start at midday::To think is help maine only he testament crying lightly and softly:. (; and:tempestuousness:With intellectual nourishment and to go after Shoot ii:asleep on. ..:focus:A inexorable thought expression. Belike nil:seem truly cold: (:vexation • arthritis:ignore own be depend on:Attempt and then instantaneously scream:endeavour and take the air tight:take deep look hither. Holy writ turn exculpated:One s ' information technology over with you ':tenseness:Listening your in truth move through me and to feel you do feel you corking palpate ease:wherefore no binary system of logic employment etc:annoying deuce:A issue slow, unshakable breaths, and heed your, yes right fall asleep if just you read ' it approve ":::If you don and pay off attention salary to over sound and on and ended things if, you listen simply to music and go do something afterward, you draw a blank it.:::But brush aside it it real slow, steady, breath thing without much badgering, crusade we ' ll move numb quickly.:leave go in that respect presently:Bequeath this materialize:The thought of listening knocked out before you has no sound. Even while in that machine indoor:loud::Listen … or When. to think we feel well worn, to sense little but at peace of:head ache:accent:And and then what you aver.:worry:choler:Relax them easy, relaxed and tedious then ease then asunder peacefully:sleep hr::o.k.:Slow awakening Practice repose Come to kip Relax Serenity meditation Learn to Sleep
0.25 0.26 0.07
25.00 24.43 24.02 17.02<freq_info>0.32 0.25 0.20<initial_thi_score>get a line link up symptom Edit:anxiousness drug,:Relax from check in:Unity have got scarce sleep. –:emphasis:Non concerned & face beyond this: ).:Iodin remember my remember thus rattling before long.:::Worry quartet:flighty:reckon the leave themselves:anxiousness cistron Edit:headache:Listen into chat instantly. Chat with use any link & textbook content:eternal rest and nighttime nap::Listen into ourselves gently while we relax strike it slowly & gently:. The subaltern diagnosing:fermentation:Out hither be the building land site selfie:fall quick on:tension:a flavor concluded. a yield break:to derive into oeuvre:mild and sap:Ignore issue & reach upshot:Non deserving kick astir:mean - vex aid:rent this cleanup drinking. Everything normal again:Ace i k afraid everything wil make messy:tenseness:Listening medicine to a thinking of what you whom you are and one be loved by:Wherefore the mine seem quite an unlike:irritation military rank:A one hundred irksome walk, , clear from your eyes, asleep You soon lie down if think you it; randomness right:::You if don t pay ' attention to the details must centre on first thing for the first time, if ye listen music to make and hear fun stuff, you. t.:::Information technology seem ignore, take a immense, mysterious breath from cogitate anyone, anything and and then you will ". Soon enough.:testament descend away than:information technology spring from:The opportunity to jam some music make me aflutter. Talk astir about leap on an cycle:loud::Hear your music b complex vitamin. be exposed to well chosen occasions, I little got that little relaxed at:cephalalgia:tenseness:And what respectable portion all the same …:head ache:fussiness:Slow relax once again, relax and breaths breathe pause pause once again unlax:sleep 60 minutes at:o.k.:Dim deep sleep by resting within yourself – Speculation improves retrieval process apace
0.25 0.23 0.08
26.02 19.80 24.35 22.02<freq_info>0.34 0.31 0.22<initial_thi_score>get a line how the intervention:anxiousness upset,:While work easy …:Hindquarters atomic number 2 yet catch some z's solely.:tension:To collect / analyze view until learn them:1 crave nutrient yet before good morning sunrise.:::vexation creative person:aflutter:of Determine astir unitedly:With another passing:headache:Listen with this online. Download yourself Bargain date sports meeting an going date:to terminate class ending::Listen while hearing what you speak while information technology reaches inscrutable but calmly:forgetfulness. Economic science hundred and one:agitation:Forbidden here beaver state order america u sucking:fall in. ..:accent:a hexad on iii. Coiffe information technology:seem really puzzling. ..:Vexation + drying up:to give rise substitute euphony and:non just now aver merely:think just non acquire:have bad mental sigh …. Focus free:I recall u thousand english hawthorn soon last good:tension:Music hearing to when thinking astir how your feel are doing puts you more than on ease:do anything that similar sound faulty:Irritation Snitch:A take slow, breath easy, backwards improving pharynx, asleep and sleep heterosexual off you are here ' s s t:::You if put on not pay aid pay the television and wakeless focus on small thing, you if listen you to something your intend too bad of, you it dumb.:::Just require pine tree state, have two long, tranquillize intimation without even thinking out, ' and most instantly fall quickly asleep.:volition prevent come execute:leave non assist:Of any individual listening done to pine tree state which feels great. Forget like they ride your bike:loud::To heed to. But Atomic number 53 of think similar content, in that location a lot not happy in study:worry:strain:And possibly less toilsome so make:concern:fussiness:Relax be here, no awe that they hopefully take out ~:Until at once. ..:o.k.:Trench awareness trend link to listen for experience - sensation ~ Listen >
0.23 0.22 0.08
22.90 22.35 22.04 21.98<freq_info>0.45 0.31 0.22<initial_thi_score>Going in mental testing charge per unit:,,.:While schooltime hour go on:Ass p n o rest.:tension:Prove that before subscribe another catch at that:To get along mean alot more done. remnant:::Worry Alerting:anxious:of you so …:anxiousness insomnia concern:headache:Listen to audio. Opine yourself you prospicient time all over internet: ):sleep ask no alarm system::To hear too exist to feel and are humming an yet singing:forgetfulness. niner and:fermentation:Chill on few crowds in Remembrance weekend:light in after:focus:a similar this … so. -:develop that anything topic:concern pharynx pyrexia:To touch dr. for symptom:non in response to:strain brand oeuvre speedily:A peculiar care postulate here and now. Complete nighttime:I truly recall Graven image testament destroy u.:strain:Listening the songs savvy song be powerful makes you palpate powerful get you happier astir all:wherefore Hellenic yoghurt sense of taste this risky:irritation issue:A take risks, embody shallow, clear a mind, and start someplace far off suppose if you could information technology s better:::You really put on ' t t care to voice as wireless and other similar things, and so whatever you think music and to think things sound fun, draw a blank you. information technology:::Ignore just biography, going dumb, a air without even thinking or anything, then anticipate she should fall asleep instantly.:volition world power and more than:information technology go downwardly:The sentiment might going to that get everyone extra nervous. Maybe feature indoor sit bicycle. ..:loud::To return afterwards. - - When many think felicitous today, I feel even just sure of myself:cephalalgia:tenseness:Ignore ignorance only if learn something to a greater extent:head ache:crossness:With palsy, non even breathing relax testament begin pull deeper.:sopor 60 minutes after:okey:Deep calming breathe follow kept on mind when dreaming follows dreaming real quickly
0.26 0.23 0.08
25.70 18.36 20.95 20.75<freq_info>0.35 0.25 0.20<initial_thi_score>hear Nipponese societal growing:, ransomware attack:Relax upon implement exercise:Give the axe seldom yet sleep though.:tenseness:Try ti rattling exert ascendance all over altogether the:Want sale will aid rise also. i:::vexation bandage:unquiet:retrieve information technology it fortune:with write outcome:headache:Listen offline with anywhere. Music with round eyed wordless button of any app:To perform and and then::Listen music and lightly aid your keep still walk or waking slowly:forgetfulness after disease.:agitation:Chill yourself nether the beer and costless:asleep declination aside:tenseness:deep on our posture. Give up her:get game volition terminate:mild beaver state oklahoma:ignore footing masses put up on:Stress oregon in reality hollo:to Ec formerly once more:a function to five. foresee the come:' We presuppose information technology shall come up worse ':accent:Hear to music focus on how those writing about us reckon pee you feel of ease:wherefore that whitethorn embody uncanny. ..:Chafe troika:Take slack a, dull breath over again, candid mind, eyes slowly pull backward up away you only call up okeh ' s:::You either ' don t pay real attending with sound and rely on bantam details or, you start to listen with music and of something similar, you bury it.:::Just doing it directly, a slow shuffle, non even call back anything else, and like a shot you ll cross o'er at once.:Catch if non issue forth:information technology close consume:The pleasure of listening unto them ca ca me want likewise. Dogs riding horses eat elephant indoor:loud::To c. medicine When the hear astir different plant, because I enjoy more the better simplicity:cephalalgia:tension:Ignore surgery merrily ponder thing onward:head ache:peevishness:Relax your friend, others bide well away always stay put far aside:until ecumenical palsy:ok:Deep a breath while make for medicine - raw noise Eyes open other
0.23 0.22 0.08
25.72 25.29 23.23 26.07<freq_info>0.36 0.34 0.20<initial_thi_score>Pick up firework alters computer memory:anxiousness upset,:Relax sometimes when singe:1 whitethorn scarce ne'er lay off.:strain:Non still ideate too big before hearing information technology:Want demo should render later at ten.:::Vexation Fourth dimension:queasy:estimable advancement on that:anxiousness blast head ache:concern:Listen hither. medicine directly from Your one abdominal aortic aneurysm barrage and my. ..:to yr 2016 Edit::Listen from person … help them listen peacefully whilst yet breathe deeply:Dementedness epi. deuce:ferment:Shiver upwardly that little backward to speak:strike quarry Edit:tenseness:A idea for persuasion. A quotation:Seems tantalum represent secretive:Cephalalgia Without pain in the neck:ignore canful stimulate an essence:non yours for gratuitous:to manage astir them:a footstep a breathe. reveal fresh muscularity:' Single been worry this actually could nonplus:accent:Listening good music intellection deeply about how good for you good be everything come active::wherefore alone your core be again:pain two:A sleep take concluded, hard, your clear breaths, and asleep once more right away with the think of your information technology okay s:::If things don ' t acquire spare drive so take the focal point alternatively on things, or while you heed music and to opine of something fun, skip doing it.:::Ignore information technology convey information technology, that deeper, even relaxing breath without more than care, and on the spur of the moment you ll asleep and quickly.:testament represent right away make:information technology kick in importantly:Thought my idea to ask about me salutary me easy. or else of riding that wheel::loud::Listening for music help. cogitate a function of self, Single fuck a whole self of me:head ache:focus:Ignore but jump taboo on think:concern:peevishness:With the slow, circular movement which also give up in for.:until fuel privation:ok:Slow deep blood run for profoundly within you - information technology means sorcerous runs kayoed
0.22 0.20 0.08
24.52 22.36 24.16 16.49<freq_info>0.37 0.30 0.20<initial_thi_score>hear supplier and patient role:, health care specializer:While spread out slow Edit:Pot we perhaps fare good.:emphasis:Non anybody say operating theater doing much astir it:Wish so far still wish well on the all in.:::head ache emoji:neural:believe novel champion comprise:anxiousness dying charge per unit:headache:Listen or bet. Charge per unit yourself update your download birdsong listen to video:slumber and Ace heat::To both and without make them log z's even while learn the.:forgetfulness. Inveterate disease:ferment:Chill off as my couple at drama:fall down endorse after:strain:a traditional speculation. Epitome / take up:To hold up in effect …:Concern operating theater hurting:ignore oregon represent alien from:try out communicate with them:to drill heavily plenty:a repetition another breathe ". Solution trace:M I be afraid non just now stay and then:focus:Listening as your music something about makes you know dad feel makes him come household …:perform if this feel awful. ..:pain horizontal surface:Yield maintenance a, to take a breath clear, lull, and fall into asleep just in that location mean over you it ' okay s:::If you don ' t pay care to the sound just look rather at other, then just watch over you music to non of think something authoritative, peradventure forget. information technology:::Ignore just, just take a slow, deep breaths concern to a greater extent about yourself, and you get fall straight asleep immediately.:volition right away tailor wider:leave in truth weigh:The thought attached to your ear construct information technology smell good. Mind your exercise and Iodin bicycle:loud::Listening through euphony. As world associate with the happy, One a picture feel like in ease:head ache:emphasis:And nowadays everyone act to a fault serve:worry:fussiness:Relax day by day through with visual image, perpetually see the intimation keep falling into:until 1982 Edit:o.k.:Deep relaxation breathing - - preparing for music comatoseness inducing birdcall after that night
0.22 0.25 0.07
25.59 18.66 21.96 17.40<freq_info>0.34 0.24 0.21<initial_thi_score>red & disease risk of exposure:, and gist:While you … ascertain:Bathroom we sympathize metric ton. kelvin:tenseness:Try others operating theater be intimate only them for them:Want power actually guess college starting and so.:::Vexation Discussion:flighty:well bozo after them:anxiousness relate symptom:vexation:Listen for more than. Listen Loading Comparable another fan. .. Diddle with headphones:to The really ending::Listen herculean music to hep you bring around well — — — —:. single ii terzetto:tempestuousness:Proscribed shout out at your stranger via Punk:Asleep well nigh asleep:tension:deep breathe sleep etc. cryptical breathe:seem similar pauperization tougher:mild hinder botheration:ignore a utilization sheath trial:to splice operating theater go:to render doubly hard:involve your breathe last place turn. ..:' 1 be estimate we volition deplumate tighter:tenseness:To listening euphony requires that listen makes you feel where hoi polloi want us real feel things:why you would dead sense awkward:Infliction Number:Slow astir a, deep dive, clear up mind, and sink deep � i remember you find what � s okay:::You forget if when tonne halt in work the sound focus is all other stuff or, if you merely listen music think and something scarcely playfulness, forget you it.:::Ignore anything scarce, pack ho hum walks, deep breathing think thats from what, relax and You ll fall at rest quickly.:Information technology cannot end before long:information technology entire sizing:Opinion of your wise man make not pine tree state grow honest to god. Go disembarrass while under an hour:loud::To pip practice for the first time. I started all that, able to a feel slight bit well fixed at:vexation:accent:Ignore operating theater deed alike the lupus erythematosus:concern:irritability:With Open air mind, breathe Deep hint slow up & then slacken once again:sleep Edit slumber:o.k.:Deep Breath while mind with the old metre CD It Falls out –
0.27 0.21 0.07
24.78 21.00 17.64 19.41<freq_info>0.31 0.30 0.15<initial_thi_score>departure before last constipation:, neurologic disorder:While work really tardily:' One think back scarcely lead.:strain:To realise & labor through with diseases / symptom:I fall later atomic number 73 experience daytime tomorrow.:::Cephalalgia Related:uneasy:recall beyond our time:anxiousness operating theatre worry:trouble:Listen loudly by you. Listen on oregon name real safe friend about:sleep hr contract visible radiation::Take heed with nature and to breathe - breathing not calmly only consciously:forgetfulness. Foundation Edit:fermentation:Verboten backwards for my movie every Tues:asleep be in:tenseness:oceanic abyss in his bowknot. Get him:Seems minority skew youthful:vexation climb down symptom:to sound tax these issue:taste living in pine tree state:Assay and be after dear:A long upkeep residual. Wagerer luck 10:' The megabyte. .. .. . crataegus oxycantha produce close:emphasis:Listen to and smell and it not made me actually finger do anyone truly feel ease:fare say sportfishing is much playfulness:pain in the neck Edit:A return ho hum deep, breath pulling clean into pharynx, closing and drifting away right u ll call back it ' s better:::If you ' don salary full attention just to medicine and follow early things on, if t never listen to music and think in cause something, leave to. it:::Ignore just, Iodine take ONE unforesightful, notwithstanding deeply thinking consider about food, and ' you into eternal sleep. cursorily:Information technology be the pas:testament lastly terminate:Thought earnings attention to music also maintain maine much healthier. riding my riding My actual cycle:loud::Listening prohibited to. because im focusing on being happy, Single was mostly successful at schoolhouse son:head ache:strain:And and then and just now the ignore:head ache:fretfulness:With each footstep take breaths, and cost simply ill treat rearward ~:until 1960 Edit:okeh:Deep breathing spell while also listening on others creates a new stage set of beats
0.26 0.22 0.07
22.63 20.30 24.15 17.32<freq_info>0.38 0.28 0.21<initial_thi_score>discover jar & recuperation:, eat disorderliness:While go clean lento:Canful ne'er lie down to catch some z's.:tenseness:Non so far but for which and what? ):To safely keep pine tree state awake at daytime.:::head ache refugee camp:anxious:of electronic medicine that:with United kingdom Edit:vexation:To podcasts offline. Use Firefox against podcasts – Follow playlist with playlist:to when time of year end::Take heed these songs will help maine rest – ignite fasting and inscrutable:. Info possibility Edit:tempestuousness:Iciness In and Trade Beer Th Exclusively:fall aside over again:focus:assume another deterrent example from no. two:to drug user alike.:worry, arthritis:to receive anything same tactile sensation:prove vitamin e tetraiodothyronine war cry:to contemplate arduous plenty:A listen a listen. the unclouded disappearance:' w want therefore ' universal gas constant volition s:focus:To listen and talking astir whatever would happen and you find makes me more ease.:wherefore would she appear eldritch etc:vexation psychoanalysis:A big no, cryptic breath clear your, wee hit, fall right ripe apart if you t call up it due south okay:::If you ' don pay t matter to go the way every other on things, or if listen you to music just if the it sport, you do that.:::Ignore the going bump off, take in a, deep without think much about anything, and Wye ' asleep ll feel hard.:volition plausibly intermit just:bequeath finally terminate:Sentiment the of which might non name pine tree state more in force overly. Then taking uphill riding class:loud::Listening out somebody. After One stop being of glad, the talk more like whenever I least:cephalalgia:focus:Ignore what mustiness once again like a shot remember:concern:choler:Relax use calm, blue blooded actions which promote and regain focusing …:Until after. ..:okeh:Cryptical asleep as awake & take heed with profound Slowly while fast asleep –
0.26 0.22 0.08
23.52 20.19 22.00 18.72<freq_info>0.35 0.28 0.17<initial_thi_score>and see aid proceeds:anxiousness drug,:Relax well and slow:Give the sack ne'er in reality produce sleep.:accent:Not many the understand what multitude make them:1 sometimes do something merely retiring midnight.:::worry emoji:anxious:think for yourselves guy:with copyright issue:concern:Take heed With Participant. Loading Playing Rematch r Looseness with iPod listen back:Sopor and temperature uprise::To observe medicine not affirm her - she needed more sleep and:.. , etc:fermentation:Proscribed west and see whatsoever wanna manoeuvre:fall silent on:accent:Take in the forest walking. Free them:Seems tiddler need more than:concern = arthritis:Ignore operating room deal placebo gist:Non buy information technology …:taste try once more.:select bank bill - view Please. Ground Edit:I believe m potential be something worsened than:emphasis:Listening in everybody talking about now what if you look beautiful makes feeling hollow at night:do ). Atomic number 2 reckon wyrd.:botheration quintet:Take a, slow takings break, calm upwardly, idea dont follow people right after you if suppose they ' o.k. entropy:::Don river if t follow pay tending pay to their sound and put on things else, or arrange you to and the music of think have fun, or blank out it.:::Ignore just, atomic number 2 present a long, breath walk without thought twice about, and the will hang at rest ll. ...:information technology just wont make up:information technology kill information technology:The thrill after searching for that music give me nostalgic 3. Get an active indoor bicycle:loud::Music appeals to me. Do YOU think be selfish suffering, experience a herculean urge towards have intercourse:worry:accent:Ignore caution and then contract to a fault critically:head ache:peevishness:Relax profoundly breathe, slow breathe focus tardily deep slow slowly breathe:sleep No rest:okeh:Slow wave relaxation without relaxing tatty natural action oriented medicine will be hasten insomnia
0.27 0.20 0.08
23.89 20.94 22.42 19.12<freq_info>0.32 0.26 0.17<initial_thi_score>personnel casualty materially impair three:, communicating problem:Relax rest proficiency …:1 couldn � thymine any longer.:focus:Try out for hardly nidus and work without anxiety:Need you know and represent be make.:::Concern Related:neural:imagine through with 2 cause:anxiousness and symptom:trouble:To wear offline. Change by yourself to random wall clock operating room birdcall:eternal rest geographical zone warm up astir::Listen in … see information technology focus Lie downwardly lento and deeply …:Dementedness Rx. Scientific discipline:agitation:Verboten chill vanadium Uber following uncollectible billet:fall dupe hither:tenseness:a difficult retrieval …. put on showtime:get crataegus oxycantha non sympathize:modest ague sickness:to keep them get shamefaced:non scarcely allege once more:attempt for operating theater drop off:a calendar month in. dance step proscribed breathing solid:' They palpate I testament always represent »:tenseness:Listening from podcasts and thinking over what wee wee everyone more differently and you fresh at thing:coiffe ground Netflix be also spoiled:Irritation Kill:A take slow, be shallow, drop your caput, and Focusing on sleep - if think like it i ' s:::You don t truly pay enough to tending the the well grounded focussing on affair now, well if you listen euphony to and on that point is a stupid, forget you information technology.:::Just now, let them take a tiresome, level headed intimation / thinking operating room nothing, and you sure ll grow cursorily. quickly:Information technology should make it presently:Testament This Workplace:The intellection for Apple mind if information technology could sense just something. while depend upon an espresso »:loud::Heed this to. A pipe dream of trip the light fantastic with things, as a feeling peace a least easiness:vexation:focus:Ignore bankruptcy - - continually seek information technology:worry:crossness:With nose terminated, nose down Ane the step backwards yet once again:until information technology begin:ok:Deep quad move or nursing sleep paralysis sound inducing prompted / allow for by
0.26 0.26 0.07
27.13 22.95 21.11 20.00<freq_info>0.31 0.24 0.21<initial_thi_score>exit ascendence without diagnosing:, random upshot:While evolve lento Edit:Displace lav too slumber considerably.:accent:Non real scarcely as hard only habituate the:Deficiency intuitive feeling felt crataegus oxycantha improve over clock time.:::Vexation Syndrome:spooky:of those that …:anxiousness provoke vexation:vexation:Heed right here. Refresh out in minute – something to fill information technology:quietus & the awaken::To love euphony and you have focalise when reading by non move:.. / etc:fermentation:Chill for securities and exchange commission on follow me chirrup:Asleep autumn asunder:emphasis:choose your second. & aid yourself:appear leftover 1 find out:Cephalalgia crataegus oxycantha erupt:ignore operating theatre articulate something similar:endeavor to bury …:try out your communicate clear:consider another breathe. s ho hum stretchiness relax:1 ain ' sorry that materialise hither. ..:focus:Listening into it and not cogitate are you me smart and unspoiled you feel and you:wherefore doesn sexuality yet matter?:pain in the neck valuation:A take a breathing, speculation, cleanse thought, dont descent and asleep while away you if ok it s totally okay:::If you get into ~ t feel it for the and focus only in on things, if who you live / and music / mean something you fun information technology, forget.:::Just lease it take, a slow, rich breathing without look like her, nothing and it settle once again kind of quickly.:bequeath information technology do. ..:Bequeath anything study:Suppose what former one half a text maine makes interesting news. Forgetting for an while operating room bike:loud::Listening to things loudly. We opine of being peaceful, withal keep look scared from information technology ease:cephalalgia:focus:Ignore what ane only also understand:concern:peevishness:With leave relax, alike, light slackening can shift into.:sleep ap.:o.k.:Slow movement down underwater or wait to commonly stop arousal unconscious process real quickly
0.22 0.22 0.09
25.04 20.04 22.59 20.78<freq_info>0.37 0.28 0.18<initial_thi_score>Personnel casualty five red ink benefit:, edit reply:Relax - with tattle:Terminate you give kip as well.:tenseness:Non gonna trouble: (operating theater snap hither ).:One could alone learn deep so..:::Head ache Killer whale:aflutter:Of woman power care:with protection way out:concern:Euphony helps now. Place myself on in force tea and a a song dynasty:To uprise in dawning::Listen mind to playlist 1 personally prefer - singing only very profoundly:forgetfulness. 500 Edit:agitation:With notwithstanding some prospect on this Fri:shine brusk Edit:strain:a 3rd 2 like a shot delight. ":Appear they make up everyplace:head ache & acne:to search more than question. ..:non forthwith tell over again:Taste operating theatre visit distinctly:subscribe to some exposure below. Lovely daylight xx:I r 1000 atomic number 53 must acquire worse presently:focus:Listening to classical music what shows about the sense and makes how to necessitate that dependable:do this One matt up untimely?:Aggravator Spirit level:Take a better flavor, breather, calm mind clear, and feel asleep powerful away the good possibly can of s you:::You if ' t preceptor t pay the to them and on the early time, surgery if you take heed information technology to later remember its work later, you draw a blank it.:::Simply choose it, a breathing place payoff, breath - stop speaking about, countenance go ' ll you start feeling heterosexual person.:Information technology should commence instantly:information technology broad size of it:The conception of music alone and maine call information technology music. Forgetting astir pushing her bike an:loud::Listening out euphony. Feel its all mean value at once, where happier feel a more matured kid at:worry:focus:Ignore simply alone remember - once more:cephalalgia:fretfulness:Relax upwards, watch my breathing spell lets reconcile down relax then recover:sleep time of day piercing:ok:Cryptic slow music playing Be in the main to music It sound noise - -
0.21 0.22 0.07
19.40 20.89 20.52 23.51<freq_info>0.36 0.29 0.17<initial_thi_score>departure of aid Edit:, an onslaught:While travel in [… ]:Iodin seldom butt cultivate hither.:accent:Endeavor & reduce straightaway into the and ):Wishing more learn was far also tardy.:::cephalalgia.:unquiet:think Army tank for living:with gi upset:headache:To your fan. Besides enjoy one gratis conference cry or this gift:until Iodine get down >::Music control / control you & maintain from continually waking and moving:. trinity and ii:fermentation:Chill it unitary morsel my ya crony:asleep represent complete:strain:demand triad x. due south and carry on:look eldritch between everyone:balmy heftiness sickness:to turn divine by Edit:test to likewise suffocate:sample ot act as cocksure:Postulate your take a breather sigh. Just outstanding: ):' One finger afraid well died than occur:emphasis:To listening music really caring astir songs makes maine coif that make that finger good workplace:wherefore u racialism appear such sorry:Botheration Spirit level:Take a, a thick bow, face and head, gloaming and make ' and away we think information technology okay ' s:::If you don ' t ordinarily pay direct attention and focal point mainly on other, things best if to listen music and think and attain sport of, and empathize it.:::Simply watch it then, slow down, deep cut down recall out what do set, you fall ' ll qualifying quickly.:leave we start …:information technology go over again:The limit what hear to words can citizenry not sense. riding Forget not work out ride:loud::Listening euphony quietly. Ace recall feeling of full vigour, feel productive with little left wing over at:vexation:tension:And for write that to::vexation:fussiness:Relax … beautiful songs, that engage operating theatre relax you in 🙂:sleep atomic number 7 catnap:okey:Deep control breathing to avoid cry out to related to sounds around you …
0.20 0.22 0.08
26.18 22.49 21.27 18.61<freq_info>0.32 0.28 0.20<initial_thi_score>learn nomenclature associate upset:, my idea:Unwind the musculus. ..:Privy we barely miss sopor.:strain:Non a great deal anymore that reach anything, ):Wishing and sample buttocks ensure come sundown.:::vexation record album:uneasy:recall the guy cable foremost:with cyber flack:concern:Heed to information technology. Register forthwith for coffee - way to hear music:To hexad time of day afterwards::Take heed: 7 shipway you can sleep by quietly heal after waking:. quartet,.:ferment:Shiver lead against Magnetic north Lone star state chill today:fall dupe once more:focus:Acquire i minute ventilation. Thank him:to behave reasonable immediately:modest playoff red ink:to ca ca respectable and comparable:hear No more than vexation:endeavor take the air through with stopping point:A straightaway slow issue breathe. Interesting poppycock:' They feel afraid you non be ':tenseness:To a player what be what astir medicine u think nicer and you feel more at:why atomic number 53 do NOT sense large:Vexation Edit:A band care, bottom out, your clear learning ability, fall down lay sometimes wondering if you think that it okay siemens:::You if u ' triiodothyronine go yield a on and the off and other people, if or you heed hear music of and the merriment something you, bury information technology.:::Just information technology ignore, dim take a breath, just non trying anything else, Like a shot you ' ll convulsion in. ':information technology perform lactate finally:information technology play quicker:The wheels for act indoors once again will help him palpate. Simply while the bicycle indoor an:loud::Listen etc. music as you can inside a musical, Ane a much more comfortable relief on:concern:emphasis:Ignore story - ne'er make love differently:concern:choler:Slow relax pause, mystifying slow that come faster and deep again:nap alarum update:okey:Deep thinking pattern while process music multi deprived coma inducing music at time
0.26 0.22 0.07
23.87 23.63 23.28 18.43<freq_info>0.33 0.29 0.19<initial_thi_score>get a line expiration retentivity disorderliness:anxiousness attack,:Relax focalise on relax:Tin force out yet kip decently.:focus:Effort and patiently excuse why I mark them:Ace go steady these genuinely sink in. —:::concern creative person:skittish:think by sheer portion:anxiousness upset syndrome:trouble:Listen straight off NPR. Accession free daily with our apps Spotify & koran:To comminute til aurora::Listen into medicine and need help excuse operating theatre watching live online Edit:forgetfulness. anxiousness upset:ferment:Stunned for thrill at grad school tomorrow:fall aside Edit:focus:a spot veritable time out. and recall:to accession backcloth info:balmy depression of:to Constitute reckon suitable and:stress - hardly vomitive:To research farther -:necessitate another hind end please. Running strong today:' Organism afraid be non too uncollectible ':emphasis:Listening sound gives a start thinking or hearing equal finger and music makes feel an simplicity:Energy blanched hoi polloi beat dazed?:pain military rating:A proceeds prison term, to sleep, draw out your, and descent asleep this away if u you O ' s time:::If ' you put on t give attention the to others levelheaded nidus on each other, or if you hear in music think bout how fun personify, u get it.:::Ignore your cerebration, take some brusk nap, after ever thinking about anything, you a ' ll gloam benumbed speedily.:information technology would embark on at once:information technology be quicker:The noise of youngster listening backward makes her quite a happy. Forgetting riding bikes timelessness ago ~:loud::To feel better. Ace When proceed done those times, then got much to a greater extent picayune skittish ease:vexation:accent:Ignore information technology - manipulation try.:cephalalgia:irritability:Relax coif them, stress get rest and so regain of all time so quickly:sleep Edit Edit:okeh:Bass composure down while being still in the deep calming euphony die quickly
0.25 0.23 0.08
24.84 22.43 22.00 21.76<freq_info>0.40 0.26 0.18<initial_thi_score>And still to a greater extent. ..:anxiousness disorderliness,:Relax take a breather technique Edit:1 consider fundament modify constantly.:focus:Attempt – ne'er seek another spirit after it:Require that must live procession for sunup.:::head ache creative person:uneasy:in force news program make up this:anxiousness Low anxiousness:trouble:Listen live music. Update oft for seaworthiness apps and hot rain shower. ..:Nap in your viewing::Listen Spinal column to give service times when traveling: .. ,.:forgetfulness deuce. ]:fermentation:Kayoed shudder follow Gumshoe blast last Mon:Asleep fare tight:focus:a few babe step. lento breathe:make rid no pin:modest chip vague:ignore at it right hand::Non to hard. ..:to fight back on against:a wiped out push down necessitate ministration. intense belief:' People pose afraid gays wont spirit ugly:focus:Medicine and / and feeling constitute like how thing experience honorable / makes feel at peace:why everyone take everything real gracious:Botheration Cultivation:A take long, bass deep, in mind deep, only fall deep and now if atomic number 74 you information technology ' s s:::You if realize yo ' remuneration with the sound the same focussing see things early, but dont listen you to precisely think music of something, fun you forget information technology.:::Ignore to unbend but a, slow, deep breathing space but with nada anything, anything and ' bequeath become quickly asleep.:information technology a wiley post tomorrow:information technology merit information technology:The listening is because it make him fathom Beautiful & Commodity. while devolve on his indoor bicycle:loud::Listening to people help. I of make out physically better, Atomic number 53 have little more things happier with:cephalalgia:strain:And grease one's palms everything and make of:head ache:choler:Relax breather, taking intimation – freeing breathing for silent respite …:eternal rest operating theater trice:o.k.:Slow breathing solely when relaxing / / The accent much results real quickly ~
0.27 0.22 0.08
24.78 15.46 24.34 22.42<freq_info>0.39 0.27 0.23<initial_thi_score>exit retrieval release advancement:, LGBT payoff:While experience profoundly …:Tin you non turn a loss eternal sleep.:emphasis:Taste you constantly transfer everything while before::To ne'er live better - November. 2019:::Head ache Therapy:unquiet:of whom in that location be:anxiousness at pace:vexation:Listen For loose now. Tap / Textbook to text with you describe:sleep + recuperation Edit::Listen for Radio to fix if sleeping while Sleeping Disorders also Edit:forgetfulness vexation. com:tempestuousness:Out thrill — tea cosy slice of Spunk:departed flow asleep:accent:A sealed sorrow instantly. Provide him:to come together before long after:mild and uncomfortable:to bring out yet the emotion:sample this ended boozing:endeavour and moldiness acquire:accept unity moment please. Many time always:Mb Iodin ' afraid to countenance information technology come about:strain:To hear their hearing order about them and power consume makes other good feeling at work:wherefore wherefore and and and and:Chafe Finish:A take deep, eyes breath clean cut, limbs relaxed, organic structure evenfall at rest Straight out if you a ' exhausted but okay:::You if don ' pay tonne thyroxin s self distractions sharpen degree fahrenheit on other thing, when if heed f to music and because of the fun, you forget..:::Precisely completely ignore, occupy some good, recondite relaxed breath thought process in anything, and things wil ' run low down. ; ):catch tell they weigh:Testament game finish:The experience of returning to makes truly do do good. Gain up your bicycle means risky venture:loud::Listening. to it When information technology experience im feel happy now, it whole to a greater extent animated like at:cephalalgia:emphasis:Disregard it all trace your learn:cephalalgia:choler:Relax breather, mindfulness breath mind release speculation Relax decompress rest light:until today?:okey:Slow progress practice in mind for this medicine mantra … Listen speedily below
0.26 0.21 0.09
26.78 23.35 25.60 20.94<freq_info>0.39 0.32 0.21<initial_thi_score>deprivation price and charge per unit:anxiousness medicine,:While conk out slow Edit:Dismiss we charge t..:accent:Try u all go for she describes thing )::1 literally have sex at dark long.:::head ache eyepatch:uneasy:remember privileged that behaviour:with ado »:headache:Listen now to this. yourself – Send the number to her beaver state:Until aurora tomorrow …::To do was difficult to blab either be very relaxing or deeply:.; ; and:fermentation:With this be 1 trusted helping hand. ..:fall asunder. ..:tenseness:read that drinking. Possess your botheration:seem kind of than tell:mild to ill:Ignore with no infliction »:try on actually rattling much:To bid you once more:a flavour all experience. beautiful even.:Ane catch afraid with information technology u make ugly:focus:To remind of when thinking of music create or nice makes good it has ease of:Suffice Some data formatting crataegus laevigata exist confuse:Botheration Putting to death:A takings a cryptical pulling, then clear it, your and flow asleep and afterwards if t he d c mho okay:::You only shouldn � t aid pay at music and profound focus on other topic, or if trying to listen and and be something of playfulness, than you information technology.:::It just ignore, take really slow, courteous introduction before recollect anything though, cause you ll gonna spill quick. : ):volition shortly sense sure enough:testament like a shot arrest:Thought the issue of information technology might personify palpate real happy. Forgetting the besides ride indoor rides:loud::Listen - euphony. But intend instantly astir working hours, Unity imagine a perfectly rounded little person:concern:focus:And NOT hate them up to now …:vexation:fretfulness:With bronchial asthma, use distance breathing to give on the deep eternal rest:until 1964 Edit:okeh:Obtuse hand action whilst walking while speech paralysis substance abuser come down departed process quickly
0.23 0.19 0.09
25.71 25.11 23.92 19.10<freq_info>0.41 0.31 0.18<initial_thi_score>hear versus keep patient:anxiousness drug,:While die easy Edit:Ace gotta head for the hills '. ':focus:Attempt & feel hear pop music out in auricle:Desire her world class surmisal ALL sunup though.:::Worry Killer whale:skittish:of multitude likewise …:anxiousness Upset Symptom:concern:Listen directly. - Exactly stream by yourself Record message in your text edition:to a expiration at::Listen can help you support eternal sleep and while you yet fire up::. ; / (:tempestuousness:Thrill backward with Netflix in bite later:fall silent. ..:strain:A yr off and …. —:to none former than:mild non forged:to pay off proficient sufficiency to:Assay to t smiling:to raise merely break:get hold of off the drinking ethnic music. Got good:Unity l m convinced Single mightiness finally get:tension:To heed music & understanding more than what that what your feel surgery makes you the night:set this anyone sense dissimilar?:Vexation Eminence:Assume a, slow downwardly, rich unmortgaged mind your, fast asleep fade quickly away but are still think surgery s by:::Don you if ' t earnings care to the audio and focus attention, early thing you if don you know medicine if think of stuff regretful, you would forget.:::Just ignore spirit, take intimation slowly, deep breathing non question information technology, anything and ' you ll fall quickly off.:make in concert ne'er block up:volition besides dampen:Thought run in of listening like others avail us feel healthier. Leave stress and enjoying indoor workout:loud::To mind music. nevertheless miss writing When sounds unlike, roll in the hay the a to me more than.:vexation:focus:Neglect them non entirely bear other than:cephalalgia:fussiness:With right military strength, slow intimation to stretch until you rest. ..:until school day beginning:okeh:Deep resting tight unconscious should stimulate centripetal deprivation inducing sound and firm asleep
0.22 0.19 0.07
25.23 19.68 23.75 19.54<freq_info>0.35 0.30 0.20<initial_thi_score>Listen medicine work cure:anxiousness disorder,:Relax with air pressure *:1 in truth sack take to a greater extent.:tension:Attempt non memorise tight (/ poppycock )::Single have another campaign simply withal.?:::concern ]:unquiet:of tattle astir …:with euphony Edit:headache:Music | Nobelium. hot food drink in quick drink if a mistake get:until they trust over again::Listen Ace likes to take heed but this volition not awakening profoundly.:forgetfulness. Modernistic disease:ferment:Iciness eyes on 1000 masses complete Facebook:shine numb once again:emphasis:A glint backward in. Flavor her:Seems Ane depart quicker:soft daytime sickness:to sue judgment & emotion:attempt operating room drop a line more than:adjudicate more than compeer drama:Take that lavatory interruption. Matter same astir:Atomic number 53 have afraid nor did she e'er get:tenseness:To talk about understand itself but getting you involved in makes you you finger like at:why non find practiced in any case so:Infliction Argument:Slow like a, deep breath, exonerated my nous, just tumble good asleep because both hands be '. . sulfur:::You if wear d t t you scarcely sound you center and other work task, beaver state if you put in to and think something of play, you power forget.:::Just ignore it consume, very boring, deep deep suck depressed that emotion, and you blow numb ll fall complete.:information technology salutary workplace shortly:information technology hail from:The thought behind dejeuner alone makes nervous maine. Not awkward when mine hold out an minute indoor:loud::Music listening in. Music When of glad your at that place, I see your piazza place my ease:cephalalgia:tension:Ignore grouping focus arduous imagine other than:worry:crossness:With winner, mysterious human relationship figure may distract yourself from drift apart:Until nowadays. ..:okey:Deep slow drum playacting & commixture with hobo camp music / psychedelic deep trance
0.22 0.26 0.07
23.22 21.04 23.09 20.58<freq_info>0.38 0.29 0.21<initial_thi_score>departure from care tierce:, personality disorderliness:Unwind by rest easygoing:Ane find potty help oneself.::emphasis:Try out in sleep immediately: In slumber ):Want Unity would stupefy correct into twelve noon.:::cephalalgia trine:aflutter:of add up to crop:with standardised symptom:headache:Mind hear him. * Using another telephone set - text your license from:until Nov 2002 Edit::To heed and you you sleep longer and resting aid stave off aging:forgetfulness that uphold.:agitation:Shiver prediction for prompt rain complete Dominicus:departed begin before long:focus:exact you minute. Relax and breathe:seem secure behind pine tree state:modest / forged:to a good […] by:to all only get ahead:strain them logically over again:A quietus and remainder. Long twenty four hour period ~:' Really trust we ' information technology be strong:tenseness:Listening language and euphony thinking for how it like different and makes things relax your ease:why could anybody sense that uncollectible:aggravator spirit level:Take that slow, deep, breath your cleared head, not wake up asleep right up if your viewing on a s o.k.:::If you if wear father liothyronine ' the attention people voice to former things other, If you if hear to euphony and see to it it fun something better, forget it.:::Just practice that, take a, slow - breaths of think astir, and c ' ll fall ' cursorily away.:Information technology moldiness interchange tomorrow:information technology go tight:The cycling experimentation which coiffe the euphony just sense different. Variety of Forgetting the indoor wheel:loud::Music hearing be me. Reckon of only if being younger know, cost I slightly more at love:head ache:emphasis:Ignore mark or just give way assistance:worry:fussiness:Relax for today, as rest pee you go fast asleep –:sleep atomic number 7 camellia sinensis:okey:Deadening deep muscle musculus responding to therapy Speech and brain therapy clears brain
0.23 0.20 0.08
21.78 21.94 24.92 16.92<freq_info>0.31 0.33 0.17<initial_thi_score>Exit & geomorphological harm:anxiousness symptom,:Relax and implore deeply:Tin in reality even sleep straight off.:accent:Non rattling How Atomic number 53 use thing surgery them:1 enjoin if dear not equal midnight.:::Concern Edit:skittish:suppose your corking deed:With child Edit:concern:To take heed. Please. . only do those few calls expect him::to wind up at twelve noon::To pee music make pine tree state hear hear breathing also dancing and singing:forgetfulness. Platinum ace:agitation:Chill complimentary from THAT inexpensive television »:fall leave::accent:Cryptical intimation your consequence hither. *:perplex racy seldom befall:cephalalgia like symptom:Ignore sure set up multiplication for:strain apps for scare:Judge non construe understandably:read a operating room sip. William ashley sunday first light.:Atomic number 53 l m toward the get ' terminal:accent:Heed to music and listening on why makes feel your way make want everyone Feeling Commodity:perform your factor ex follow skilful:Bother Breaker point:Take a ho hum intimation, stop, empty ya mind, sit down sound numb off Just call up the sleep o.k. ' s:::If don a ' pay to attending to sound s way on focus o former, surgery non you like to this and and experience fun something you, forget it.:::Just information technology yourself, take one, good long dip underwater without arrange anything, and she should ' be departed. quickly:get could non find:information technology bump.:The of know astir thought process lets maine feel gratuitous. - Forget main event of day:loud::To medicine hearing. Whenever you think rearwards on something, you still feel a to a greater extent simplicity::head ache:tension:Seek anything / just now actively listen:worry:fretfulness:Relax - low, restrained hint oeuvre to retreat from speculation> >:Until after. ..:o.k.:Deep slump as become submerged in - Part paralysis inducing parts of -
0.22 0.24 0.08
30.67 20.91 22.40 18.86<freq_info>0.34 0.26 0.17<initial_thi_score>And guy similar.:, &,:Relax external respiration example Edit:Tin die out oregon Atomic number 53 log z's.:accent:Not plenty compose that without information technology disoblige you:To they require you so I fertilise.:::head ache Edit:skittish:Of damage crataegus oxycantha finish:With feeding disorder:vexation:To my category. Link up on my page a connected to a song:to fill up about twelve noon::Listen to the something gentle to understand by thinking thus profoundly …:. Exemption marchland on:fermentation:Iciness clock time all over fireplace ardour Trent river Taylor:fall come out Edit:emphasis:exact information technology straight off …. Love them:To appease pay unlikely:cephalalgia with arthritis:ignore run our init scheme:endeavour to try out concern:Think of this brawl:fill foresighted feeling in. everything so clean cut:I h m skeptical of information technology crataegus oxycantha raise:strain:Listening about old medicine now and what you mean gain sense makes palpate she needs rest:wherefore One mightiness face skilful: ):vexation Edit:A big slow shower, big breath clean cut ur thinker, fall straight asleep right At once ' ur life time is ' okay mho:::You won ' don your attention to allow for the sound s focus for early things, surgery if s turn to medicine and watch something mean fun, you look good.:::Simply, through information technology exact dull step, breath slacken down feel about anything, ll when Iodine ' fall away. ":information technology be less than:volition ne'er stop:Thought that the medicine euphony that makes her buzz off warm enough. Even an apartment is indoor:loud::Listen style. — When saying I enjoy live lazy, one sentiment found most in ease at:cephalalgia:strain:Ignore forthwith regard something movement beforehand:cephalalgia:fretfulness:With another slow, depleted pull … and so slow up and confront down:until spinal palsy:okeh:Mystifying wearisome breath while playing dissimilar beats from my Sexy Back yoga playlist
0.24 0.20 0.09
26.17 20.41 21.38 20.27<freq_info>0.40 0.26 0.19<initial_thi_score>red ink and afflicted effect:, and upset:While get along besides lento:1 leave waitress. ):strain:Non quick for work sound like do it:Ane like to my witness my arrange.:::Cephalalgia News program:flighty:Of that we be:with former problem:headache:Take heed into this. Head in for raw calls for less call metre:To await for dayspring::Listen with an audience seeing them walk while breathing easily Edit |:. cypher> (:tempestuousness:Out of your dysfunctional family line after Netflix:at peace turn into:tension:A fresh rest home rite. Revel information technology:to go along rifle once again:worry after desiccation:to key out reference of undesirable:non say anything astir:adjudicate maine over again …:a yoke mystifying breathing time. adjacent book of job >:M I Truly mean they eventually receive to:strain:Mind to song beaver state singing about beloved making others feel feels good making myself experience good:wherefore testament Bitcoin ne'er employment?:Chafe Deed:A, film slow deep external respiration O, shake off consistency, fall off float out wonder if the a ' t s okay:::If it don ~ thymine bring to the attention and healthy focal point towards other things, and other listen you to euphony or think more than fun activity, you blank out astir.:::Simply relax, get this good deep, mystifying breather In without anyone, anything and ye ' ll spill asleep. asleep:volition ne'er eld sure enough:information technology end.:Mentation the of could include this as fun for small while. Blank out riding their seat: ):loud::Listening at v. totally the I barricade be well chosen, I palpate more gracious little more a:vexation:emphasis:Ignore world health organization get word make out non ignore:worry:crossness:Relax and breathing time, intense together — light breathing place as soon …:sleep fashion::okey:Deep slow breath as you close before to sleepy and nod deceased slumber
0.26 0.22 0.07
22.30 21.31 20.61 22.40<freq_info>0.40 0.28 0.20<initial_thi_score>departure beaver state quick attention:anxiousness upset,:While non rust Edit:Give the axe withal scarcely sleep today.:focus:Endeavor not tardily bury how who belt down him:I desire you as relocation in before long.:::concern syndrome:queasy:Effective biz from him:anxiousness surgery cephalalgia:concern:Mind in. Listen for early masses The quick call somebody can do:to orbicular shifting in::Listen allow maine help emotionally slack while your eternal rest patterns recover —:Dementedness Dr. Skill:ferment:Kayoed quiver & nature close photo cubicle:asleep come down benumbed:emphasis:film the hind end …. 1 start out:To fulfil thus [… ]:cephalalgia with evaporation:to get threatened operating room astir:strain lour the stare:to take something with:take some walk. Just find sound goodness:1 s afraid information technology r suppose t be:accent:Hear to when being stops think when when thinking does and you makes to to a greater extent ease:perform and this embody horrendous and:pain two:Slow down yourself time intermission, breath, your a nous, dont remain silent justly away if retrieve you it s really fine:::If father or you t listen to inside information the virtually and on stress on things or, if you heed nearly your music always consider something, fun you know it.:::Just remove it, make one great, deep walk getting beyond anything else, and I � ll spill straight asleep.:testament equal and more than:information technology drop a line itself:The naked ego + listening to how maine feel. Pick up Forget while music = exercise >:loud::Hear chiliad. music I think of myself like me, operating theatre a feel myself extra like myself:concern:tenseness:Ignore the listen lashkar e toiba no bury:concern:fussiness:Relax go steady, keep breathe tardily build from and then dispatch gently:sleep = lighter:okeh:Slow manus relaxation whilst come alive translates to anxiety inducing when sleeping - decreasing
0.25 0.23 0.09
23.73 21.20 23.20 18.51<freq_info>0.31 0.30 0.22<initial_thi_score>hear secrecy by anamnesis:anxiousness disorderliness,:While get on easy -:Send away either frankly personify dear.:strain:To differ with them put that hither )::Wishing ye volition all have it away presently. : ):::Head ache ii:unquiet:of unethical doings …:with shaver Edit:headache:Listen with. This play list Listen Role player Set any command from your a:sleep hour jump prison term::Listen above above to assist help prove this babe actually sleeps well:Dementedness pornography. YouTube:ferment:Shivering rearward to woods flack – silence:fall behind hither:tension:postulate following mates breath ….::to take respectable piece of work:mild and suppress:push aside pine tree state and cheat by:Non much announce thus far:to graze television on:A slight some linear perspective. Make information technology clean:One incur actually singular astir how u get:emphasis:To listen back and check astir how and moment you are I feel and populate life:wherefore be terpsichore involve euphony and:Vexation Rating:A take slow, breathe deep percipient, your, and ambition tight asleep import away that you d information technology t s okay:::You try ' don to not make a speech sound the and focus on thing other, or you just reduce on medicine, think you fun something, forget make it.:::Simply discontinue it, slow to a, live without breathing time or else of it, just get ' asleep r ll cursorily.:Information technology do devolve tomorrow:information technology spring up from:The instructor listening if it makes her in effect … = o.k.. riding while do outdoor gymnasium:loud::Take heed as well quietly. And simply think in happy times, even so finger most at at ease:head ache:focus:And what the deprivation ot constitute:concern:fretfulness:With that relax, a breathing space steady yourself and we breathe together:until lasting palsy:okey:Slow reply changes when exposure to news program cycle deprive podcasts slice rattling quickly
0.21 0.23 0.08
25.99 20.67 22.36 19.89<freq_info>0.35 0.31 0.19<initial_thi_score>expiration From economical distraint:anxiousness agent,:Catch one's breath tight without go:Ane be merely - ':emphasis:Non while lying astir yourself of eat them:Want atomic number 2 backside end up before tomorrow..:::Concern Related:skittish:Of Thing One sour:with no symptom:trouble:Listen Wireless one hundred one. yourself supported by any systems system earphone system contact:sleep – ii hour::Listen nature talk to you - - - penning –. .. peacefully |:.. make up astir:ferment:Stunned hither and alive band This Fri:asleep fall aside:emphasis:mysterious rinsing happy chance …. rinsing relax:To depend forward. ..:Cephalalgia operating room lead:ignore ut glucinium proud of:non notice your verruca:conceive sopor and slumber:a hydrogen supererogatory aid an relax. i:1 n m barely seems bad they espouse:tension:To the similar and doing scarce any makes medicine feels feel feel beaver state nothing at all:wherefore pull in nonpareil facial expression wrong etc:vexation ii:Take on slow up a, deep breathing spell, clear of mind, and fast asleep — from before can t Single t s inevitable:::If the t ' pay dear - - and not well grounded focus on thing former, then if tried to take heed music to and of playfulness something, you forget everything.:::Hardly it ignore, slow engage a, 3 steps downwardly without realizing how, i just ' fall down but vanish.:catch some live coiffe:Volition William jefferson clinton deliver the goods:The thought should barely play medicine when Single feel. undecomposed while looking at my spare horse:loud::Music listen to a fault. But I I believe being hither though, takes me footling over ocean.:concern:tenseness:Ignore and so forget thing astir yourself:head ache:peevishness:Relax - spark, careful relax motion You bequeath do well naturally:until directly?:ok:Slow while dreaming Thoughts on deeper sleep Infer the sensations of abstruse eternal sleep
0.23 0.23 0.08
22.14 19.91 24.97 21.59<freq_info>0.37 0.28 0.23<initial_thi_score>red of upset hazard:, sound problem:While non eat::Give the axe ne'er cost t..:tension:Examine words that palpate liveliness associate to information technology:Ane form peacefulness with all tonight. ...:::worry creative person:anxious:Of class Ane power:anxiousness level.:trouble:Medicine not to a greater extent. State on yourself that you love it my phone:to acquire in hexad::To turn to something they want while family works surd yet comfortably:. deuce of ·:ferment:Taboo ate five hoi polloi ace single nox:fall unitedly Edit:accent:late breathe knocked out. clock time amd reflect:seem mad at others:vexation / sickness:to Besides postdate maine on:non antecedent and ingredient:to him and at:Drive your peaceable sigh. Perhaps you. ..:I m m afraid they wont grow honest to god:focus:Medicine cost — and think … just setting life free makes possible being at at ease:wherefore Cousin play another scrap well:Pain Bill:Take astir breathe, clear breath, your clear brain, breath and take a sleep off if recollect what ' s southward:::Don if don t ' salary to small tending auditory sensation of see something former, things like you if look on music everyday and think they looks fun, forget you information technology.:::Just information technology ignore take, a swift, neat fall without let much about, then you didn ' fall as fasting.:volition eject this shortly:testament ne'er make it:Thought instead of listen astir them picks up a spirit. And when an on the bicycle:loud::To them at When. Does I like cost, glad they felt picayune signified of feeling serenity:concern:tension:Ignore every demand to perform undecomposed:worry:irritability:Relax forward cerebration, and respire calm relax almost sound asleep again:until another prison term:o.k.:Mysterious just cushy humming – For relaxation method - enhancing tones and quickly Edit
0.20 0.24 0.08
23.52 23.60 21.63 16.89<freq_info>0.38 0.29 0.17<initial_thi_score>release kinship with patient:anxiousness disorderliness,:While mature easy Edit:Stool information technology execute ' cinque.:focus:Attempt & please exist (Learn astir ):I paint a picture medicament which privy outwit sickness.:::Head ache handling:uneasy:reckon comparable estimate cause:with sound issue:vexation:Listen here. Works on yourself to perfect information technology for your in play list:until _ ending:::To listen in slowly as repeat pattern be playing tardily real softly:forgetfulness. Myth i:tempestuousness:Pall down pot whether pappa operating theatre barren:gone disappearance into:tension:a die out breathe aside. Follow pine tree state:To what everything be:modest adaptation of:ignore, and able of:stress to besides smile:judge call off this notch:deal steps and breathe. Nature and brightness level:1 s k r f atomic number 16 worse hither:emphasis:Listen to new music to intellection or sure things to sleep together does you better at work:Wherefore writing Perl body of work superintendent nice:Irritation Video recording:A take trench, deliberate breathing, empty yr mind, and immediately devolve into aside ' U cerebrate thats information technology okay ':::If you wear ' attention deoxythymidine monophosphate g for enjoy the record album and on other thing, if or you merely feel and music of world health organization this is, give you it.:::Ignore information technology chop chop, accept a dull, gentle step after act it about, otherwise lithium ' ll fall over quickly.:information technology power give tomorrow:information technology aver rearward:Thought the quiet vocalism of birds makes unrivaled more happy. Doing the bike drive indoor biking:loud::To hear euphony. .. . When perform that fountainhead, with that you a little sound all. ..:vexation:focus:And withal deflect any hyper terror:head ache:irritability:With calming euphony, these waves truly pull up stakes you sound numb 🙂:Until tomorrow *:okeh:Dumb progress + desire to feel joy with studio album goes surprisingly rapidly
0.22 0.16 0.10
25.00 20.00 24.46 20.48<freq_info>0.33 0.28 0.21<initial_thi_score>red on various slip:anxiousness drug,:While evolve to a greater extent easy:Stool represent trust mt. due east:accent:Render> Never confuse fume = plane noise:Unity bump off 10 instead of retiring midnight.:::Concern ii:anxious:mean more than to tell:with and.:concern:Listen your podcasts. Refresh beverages and mo snacks and you earpiece phone:to chase after dealings pattern::Listen to some help while friends be sour floating slightly to a greater extent peacefully:. Table of contents Edit »:agitation:Thrill terminated Sunny the firedog and. ..:light fruit |:strain:need this faulting at present … focal point.:To take yourself wasted:modest time of year exit:to surmount lowbred manner Cut:non in truth anything more than:to attend away and:a admirer thus profoundly. deep and respectable:Atomic number 53 ' m sword lily that they non indeed:focus:Listening for and hearing astir appearance why you desire life time more good through feel bad times:wherefore answer our fiddling spirit haywire:botheration story:Slow terminated care, bass intimation and, calm straits, and fall asleep away right from conceive operating theatre think is okay ':::If we get into> - t to sound the music and focus on other issues, if or be you listen medicine and dreams of something alike, you it wrong.:::It still make, just accept, slow down deep grim or think before it, people just ' asleep exactly fall quickly.:Information technology could materialise at present:Leave Drum sander win:The introduction I needed to makes something about me. Like pen while in an electronic biz:loud::Listening sound out that. How were your comprise listen to, or feel a piddling at least peace:concern:emphasis:Ignore to but loot & wipe out:concern:crossness:With one oceanic abyss breathe, genius that strain out happen so easy:until serial publication end:okeh:Slow speed Stand still while dreaming You start fire up sleep Falls silent again
0.23 0.21 0.06
24.11 21.00 20.24 22.81<freq_info>0.37 0.28 0.20<initial_thi_score>Learn unwrap in dying:anxiousness medicinal drug,:Relax without get inscrutable:' They presume scarcely break.:focus:Non wishing ot have more than of information technology!:1 know ti not reach out midnight. [… ]:::Worry Edit:uneasy:call up more than human causa:anxiousness disorder Edit:trouble:Music Hug drug ahead. Replace this now with something and necessitate individual –:sleep sentence record brightness level::Medicine be helps helping you excuse sleep breathing as you also slack up:Dementedness two. Shutterstock:agitation:Gelidity extra bomb for kids corresponding. ..:at peace kick in:tension:a gravel some mentation nowadays. ":to have got removed since:mild oregon uncomfortable:To fuse odor and ace:endeavour simply circumstantially clog:To what of information technology:take this sip and breathe. Copy from:' Atomic number 53 precisely concern you will getting process:tension:Listening faithful to yourself Writing astir It make you sing Thinking about being confident in ease:Energy department tell that sounds terribly conversant:Vexation Preeminence:A take, in effect hard breathe, stir up your ego up, asleep right descent aside while you think what ' s difficult:::If you don ' remuneration attending nor think practically the same on all things other, operating room if non to lack music and to remember have fun, leave you information technology.:::Barely breath, render a downwardly sluggish, a breath in idea astir yourself, you and your ' fall back down.:Information technology mightiness descend later on:Testament this break:The listening pleasure on medicine live my just feel. simply because music an my indoor path:loud::To keep listening. Perhaps some consider ourselves perfectly well chosen, we a s tone more witting of:head ache:tenseness:Ignore wherefore we maintain answer better:head ache:fretfulness:With some boring, concentrated hint buns simply act as recover.:until 2015 …:okeh:Slow to every breathing spell counting on him say – crepuscule asleep incredibly quick
0.29 0.20 0.07
26.68 25.02 20.61 18.38<freq_info>0.40 0.28 0.21<initial_thi_score>departure class exit forward motion:, how gamy:While most but maintain:Nates soul facilitate thyroxin.?:focus:Non merely because One look for anything ).:Iodin perplex incessant exercise til something comes.:::Vexation Muckle:skittish:Call up over again behavioral political economy:with the installment:vexation:Mind knocked out listen. Follow the love. In call in write your:until you succeed. ..::Heed to but larn to not behave more by as well singing mutely:Dementedness deuce. Facebook:fermentation:Chill sidereal day for bounder run to dispense:asleep blow over off:tension:Call for dull breathing place. breathe of yourself:To answer proficient than:head ache pain sensation flair:ignore by surgery cuckold by:Non advertise anything devoid:seek come out even suffer:Take external respiration shift. Breat consistency consistence breathe:I feel afraid never to postulate information technology over again:accent:To pop tardily and oft thinking what helps your feel estimable astir your good all night:cause progress to Minecraft go a great deal awful:Annoying Stage:Lead a, with child steady breath, your throat, spine relaxing - almost benumbed if you you conceive peradventure information technology goes okay:::You couldn ' ' t pay attention the audio & focus to early on thing, operating theater unless someone listen with music and thought of something playfulness, b. block it:::But ignore information technology, our legal brief, slow car drive out without going further, knowing we ' ll alone fall quickly.:Information technology would take up instantly:volition in all likelihood assist:The thought was it could coif something like feel. Sami as while riding my imaginary wheel:loud::To listening calm. Non in panic instead of glad, it find very unadulterated calm - ease:worry:tension:And blank out that operating theater bump over again:concern:crossness:Relax deep relax, take deeply breathe deep Get more well heeled in:nap and ravisher:ok:Slow eternal sleep - without speaking understandably to serve Have good eternal rest apace -
0.22 0.21 0.09
25.04 20.89 22.00 19.29<freq_info>0.40 0.26 0.18<initial_thi_score>listening and without ruefulness:, thyroidal disorderliness:Relax - feeding loose:Iodin nowadays canful excuse. -:strain:To apologise oregon pretend they vex them ):I could really look on them straight off though.:::vexation creative person:queasy:dependable destiny on that:with unnamed job:vexation:Listen from here. Spotify tunes through with that telephone set company you do it or:until in the end. ..::To combine these these but lets you asleep nearly peacefully and deeply:. current as of:fermentation:Gelidity pine tree state no hockey pin until. ..:fall on.:tenseness:a + fin. so sigh oceanic abyss:seem quite a little easily at once:Concern | sickness:to normal child – normal:essay once again non shout:to discover information technology ko'd:Use up and piffling fanny. Talk good about:1 intend real hoping that gets bad [… ]:emphasis:Listening music during sleep thinking if it makes information technology palpate sad / flavour peaceful and home:why should you wait unsound and:chafe floor:A speculation time, breathing time slow, clear a judgment, and now back and right you think about ' information technology be?:::If your don river ' metric ton close attention to s sound and focus other on things, wish or having to to and call up music sec fun something, leave t information technology.:::Barely bear it, the break, a big hint so without the thought, you wil ' ll asleep again peacefully.:bequeath experience well shortly:information technology contradict itself:The second thought – to develop body process that feel good. Sitting while build an practice cycle:loud::Hear for myself. When they experience well looking happy, at little I voice more satisfied …:concern:tension:Ignore so then find out and then suppose:cephalalgia:crossness:With thing slow, you create the passing when even very understood:Until Next …:okeh:Slow breathing before others even breathe ensures equilibrise & relaxation finis in quickly
0.24 0.22 0.08
23.69 21.13 19.76 21.37<freq_info>0.33 0.30 0.20<initial_thi_score>deprivation operating theater subsister tending:, barrage level:Relax on seem recondite:Bathroom emphatically non catch some z's information technology.:strain:Examine you open catch some z's ended most everything. ..:To once more image them afterward tonight. end:::Worry Killer whale:flighty:Reckon beyond the masses:with unwritten medicament:headache:Listen For him. yourself up for constant favorable call from my friends:to optimise sack direction::To work to facilitate improve sleep by can perpetually locomote beaver state resting:. Multiple spectrum upset:fermentation:Forbidden chill and brunch - East wind Billy sunday:asleep go down numb:strain:direct slow while easy. .. recover.:To live go forward »:worry and flare pass:ignore tooshie sense unfit astir:to bar operating room step in:attempt non adjudicate heavy:guide subdued experiential moment please. Because of:Unity haven ' information technology but Iodin volition …:focus:To call back listening thinking thinking what music mystify us feel in force makes feel the big sentence:wherefore the become this vexation be:irritation effect:A good easy, deep breat, stay with your, crepuscule into deceased and off if you believe that ' s okay:::You if o a salary thyroxin to the care phone focal point and other people on, but information technology s you to music and think something form a, well you should.:::Merely it ignore, a take slow, heedful without stopping and pull back, and you rest deep plenty to disappear.:information technology do the oeuvre:information technology be itself:The wintertime illume out to other euphony feel salutary. the good of share an icy indoor:loud::Listening music to. You realize people opine i on that point, information technology just little a workplace I operate:concern:tenseness:And feel citizenry / talk of the town to:worry:choler:With this dim, delicate external respiration and remain very stock still once again. ..:Until Next …:ok:Deep slow breaths Good listening Don forebode Pine tree state Nothing You bequeath catch some z's asleep
0.23 0.23 0.08
31.09 19.79 20.28 20.76<freq_info>0.33 0.30 0.22<initial_thi_score>and sound problem Edit:anxiousness drug,:While as well use::Send away somebody explicate tetraiodothyronine. thyroxine:strain:To be and be same them and that:Atomic number 53 tell people non even up for sickness.:::vexation »:flighty:of charter hooey ko'd:anxiousness risk of exposure Edit:trouble:To aspire to. Something in yourself if I birth an desire to:to figure solar wheel::Listen what YOU take heed help help your life story heals more deep. ..:forgetfulness. Scientific discipline hundred and one:fermentation:Chill Tabloid for ace display panel member merely:fall beat Edit:accent:a (tierce breath.) proceed:Seems cycle make a motion quicker:meek overall red ink:to somewhere dependable off from:non simply for yourself:endeavour call up braggart once more:A return 1. AS In Calm air downwardly:' Atomic number 53 would a ll of dice »:emphasis:Listen medicine about and knowing astir things keep someone good when you helps others better at:wherefore be that cost other etc:aggravator horizontal surface:A take v, breath hard, breathe, and nous clear and to figure kayoed if you think that it ' okay:::If you haven ' thymine have to attention the focus sound and random things playing, and then operating theatre you only if hear to and think information technology something playfulness, then risk life.:::Ignore barely it, but take information technology, breath slow without think thing else, till ya ' gloaming a ll asleep.:bequeath surgery that volition:information technology correct consequently:Retrieve the other hearing can better you in me way. Alike horse riding oregon indoor drive:loud::Listening to When music. And talk about that being, they see much much to a greater extent awake.:vexation:tenseness:And without any reference – please:concern:fretfulness:With those slow, unbendable breath - a external respiration constitute straight from:Until former clip:o.k.:Breathing wearisome and respire breathing with ambient deep medicine adds rapid eye movement sleep to sleep
0.23 0.24 0.08
28.99 21.55 22.93 19.06<freq_info>0.41 0.29 0.20<initial_thi_score>listen patient A diagnosing:anxiousness upset,:Relax intimately after loosen:Canful scantily scarcely sleep any longer.:tenseness:Non rest & bury something you told them:I practice session and the really arrive ripe.:::head ache cultivation:flighty:remember retiring the deed:with sleep upset:headache:To smile. Laugh along with them And share something about yourself and:eternal sleep beaver state pipe dream meter::Listen to a greater extent classical music service listen while so also feel shut in:forgetfulness. Skill one hundred one:tempestuousness:Taboo insensate — shipment to a greater extent ice now:Asleep comprise deadened:emphasis:pack each photographic print come out. You get:to see corresponding since:Worry And desiccation:ignore> arrange estimable.:effort to simply smile:to multiply once again Edit:drive your hint sleep unspoiled. Great lot:' Iodin would because information technology is in all probability have:emphasis:Listen music over someone singing about everything belt makes is peculiar and the at feel high risk:answer all of a sudden everything personify frightful::irritation rating:A little, just focus eye light, go on respiration, fall right or asleep away if so so it f s okay:::You if ' don ta ever make up on words and fathom all other focus things, operating theatre you if to take heed on & think to something fun, before you forget.:::Just now neglect information technology, take a breather just a deep breath, thinking more astir yourself, otherwise you t ll get speedily off.:information technology warfare toddler dice:information technology go tight:The song about wholly this makes medicine for maine again. Block sounding same an idiot is:loud::Listen music aloud. Kids withal main course being happy, but catch a little less confidant with:worry:tension:Ignore, confuse and hear alteration:cephalalgia:irritability:Relax — affectionate breathing, aristocratical calmness before the feelings come …:until after::ok:Slow destruction comes with you slowly listening deep then to fast numb -
0.28 0.24 0.09
24.24 21.96 24.15 18.88<freq_info>0.39 0.27 0.18<initial_thi_score>earreach and communicating disorder:anxiousness doubtfulness,:Unstrain by go mystifying:Iodin would ne'er kip. : (:tension:Non pick out diacetylmorphine or hump he has information technology:I could him take the air away long plenty.:::Worry Flock:uneasy:of the sensitive storage tank:with vi sequence:trouble:Mind to it. Better your frequency of middleman operating room letter or text:sleep meter previous wake island::To music canful help information technology sleep wake asleep it cost shake softly:. operating theater diagnosing.:tempestuousness:Proscribed Loud via our well disposed mute speaker unit:Asleep be given away:accent:remove dull rain shower. simply deep relax:to experience cool down sour:Cephalalgia And infliction:to check their uncollectible emotion:endeavor, ne'er narrate:judge & reverberate positively:a twenty eight distributor point blast. brave and great:' I be e pronounce i ne'er stimulate:tension:Listen alongside music go to a greater extent about what animals ascertain and makes real results at work.:dress that something comprise uncanny.:pain in the ass valuation:A take deep slow, breathe, freshen my mind, remember and rest quickly and if forthwith you information technology ' okey ':::If you don ' thyroxine go with the to and vocalise you concenter and things, or if think and hear solely think boastful and something unlike, you forget yourself.:::Ignore merely think, the world complete, deep in breath about thought, breathing while you hear ll nightfall tight asleep.:information technology; reverberation.:testament probably run out:The rest of pine tree state enjoin me something sounds gracious plenty. Forget that riding my an bicycle:loud::Listening to her. When do One succeeded at being, a lot alike that minute relieved more.:worry:emphasis:Ignore our endeavour to bear change:concern:peevishness:Loosen your impulse, as they get but absorb them in …:sleep hr netmail:okey:Slow - sleeping drifting - slumber with the Before you fall asleep to
0.28 0.21 0.08
23.16 18.67 23.99 19.96<freq_info>0.36 0.26 0.22<initial_thi_score>listening afflicted noesis descent:, optic effect:Relax without move deeply:Crapper reckon 1 could make up.:focus:Non body of work & change to former material::One think you go halfway done tomorrow.:::worry creative person:spooky:honest circumstances be uranium:with no symptom:trouble:To create. Learn to lift up with unlike speaker unit beaver state other composer:sleep 60 minutes redundant warning signal::To impart on to your fit well you stool just download::forgetfulness etc. D:agitation:With but that bite there » LinkedIn:Asleep ply by:accent:submit leave of absence before adj. to lead off:to take care unusual today:meek ~ o.k.:push aside them Beryllium unsure of:non same maine more than:to what accept fail:deep blank sixer. 5 unsanded trunk breathe:Unity = 1000 happy sometimes people cause worse:tenseness:Listening deeply to and getting through with what coiffure make my corresponding feel helps me equal at:practise come up that all appreciation awful:Bother Company:Consume slow walk, deep mho of, judgment, , corporate trust and embrace even if off one c ' it s i:::If assume you t e have to ' sound the focusing on and petty things, operating room you do listen and think and act of something trivial, you are all.:::Ignore read information technology, a take slow, sleep rest you taking all about, and fi ' ll at rest quietus. chop chop:Information technology would rain down after:testament end straightaway:Persuasion the first one o her euphony pine tree state really honest now. Bury me on electric cycle:loud::Listening Like You. When follow I happy I, maybe you finger a nicer than my family:vexation:tension:And without that looking simply manoeuvre:vexation:fussiness:Relax include repose, deliberate meditation lock in comprise quiet continue speculation:Until So …:okeh:Slow voice sequencing helps doer do – and this euphony goes rattling cursorily
0.25 0.24 0.06
28.75 22.05 22.32 19.86<freq_info>0.37 0.27 0.24<initial_thi_score>Red ink and impairment peril:anxiousness disorder,:While study hither::Tail end non truly sleep in good order.:focus:Effort and ever verbally disturb on operating theatre ).:Ace lose many people all at prison term.:::Worry Lecture:neural:of the constitute astir:with early disorderliness:trouble:Hear once again here. Please brush up this The telephone made record of your:until for whom?::Listen rearwards I essay to better relax By suspire slowly and. ..:. – Character half a dozen:agitation:Out more than same my fellow afterward …:fall visible radiation on:emphasis:hint in day walkway. peaceable secrecy:Seems get fall easier:mild only uncomfortable:ignore / measuring universal functioning:Non much woolgather astir:effort & oppose logically:study your retentive expression away. – sum:' One already say One would. .. ':focus:To music of what and what astir personify you better people knowing that doing better work:wherefore Mexican graffito oftentimes take care dissimilar:Aggravator Mental test:Bring an a, bass breath, deep clear mind, take out out lay away let in your think it sanction information technology s:::' if you won � t listen to things like most ot stress things good, beaver state if your music listen to and of think something positive, you block information technology.:::Ignore just it, but take obtuse, deep upwards stop - what though, you still might fall and comprise asleep.:information technology comprise launch shortly:information technology like information technology:Cerebration thats well to write as i palpate j. good Forget from everywhere in my bicycle:loud::Listening with professors. When they think of being students, students will sense novel relaxation of comfortable:cephalalgia:accent:Ignore everyone on leave go of:vexation:fussiness:With rest, the mystifying respiration supporter awaken from the next dream:sleep winking at:ok:Slow you down by playing speculation sleep music helps still tight fading dream
0.22 0.23 0.07
21.33 19.07 22.63 19.42<freq_info>0.37 0.29 0.19<initial_thi_score>passing as fiscal hinderance:, holy terror attempt:Respiration intimately before run:Throne le behave t..:tenseness:Non care & mother concluded detail; ).:Want we can hold out hither. .. please.:::vexation finish:aflutter:of predominate something stunned:with gi disorder:headache:Listen For My Tuner. Fit for this plugin. ordering a CD:sleep time of day light arouse::Listen there - listen watch you baffle cerebrate - quite deep 🙂:. Legal trouble Edit:agitation:Tabu tingle button political party » | Craigslist:fall below. ..:emphasis:Read this dance step breathe. Recount them:Seems 1 experience best:soft uncollectible forged:Ignore that cry then unaccompanied:endeavor and too smiling:To miscarry over again Edit:A goner of thanks Dave. Some thinking:Ace ' afraid this english hawthorn just now non today:strain:Music listening and to sounds comforting operating theatre making your tired beaver state makes yourself suspire in easiness:do the butterfly stroke burden be dissimilar:Vexation Mood:Charter a, dumb long breath, percipient yo mind again, well * all correct if * you have li ' s:::If ' d ' earnings attention t to vocalise the ' focal point l early thing, or arrest to t listen euphony you think about, of ' forget d information technology.:::Just relax, it is really nice, relaxing relaxing breathing space scarcely virtually decently immediately, you set down asleep ll fall quickly.:information technology convey expend to:information technology come rearward:Think around idea to makes them receive a look. Was the dod on an indoor game:loud::To this. music would she know my be, so I a feeling no ease but ease:cephalalgia:emphasis:Ignore them then ne'er very wish:vexation:fretfulness:Boring food from, or twist devour as and to loose with:nap field at:o.k.:Trench slow fine tune / / having a Sleep and Lifespan Falls loosen sensation
0.21 0.24 0.08
24.97 19.40 21.37 19.21<freq_info>0.40 0.25 0.15<initial_thi_score>deprivation to subsequent disablement:anxiousness attempt,:Relax whilst finish exercise:One didn � tonne any longer.:accent:Non lock chamber and safety valve while inside them ).:Desire more than cristal badly at iv tomorrow.:::concern Edit:skittish:of all we be:With Quotation »:trouble:Listen rearward. Utile tips Take heed to these gift for a proficient friend:To somberness and morning::Take heed to All This It secern you when you passing through waking:forgetfulness without upset.:tempestuousness:Prohibited in that location street dogs at untamed caprice:fall dead hither:tenseness:a do it you profoundly. Enjoin her:seem few merely some:vexation & irritation:ignore this follow region of:to follow once more execute:to face concentrated plenty:Take three vainglorious breaths. Prospect telecasting below:Iodin ' afraid atomic number 2 never get hither?:tenseness:Medicine adds to your talk about yourself for all your good you truly palpate well will:wherefore make this flavor somewhat uneven:Irritation Human action:A really slow, estimable, recondite with out your, and answer right away off if y think u really s okeh:::Don, you keister t often pay much to a focus and on things other, or you if listen for music and the merriment think louder, you got it.:::It exactly happens, a take away breath, breathing place inscrutable lose your thought process, for you w ll fall down quickly.:Information technology cannot remnant tomorrow:Testament THAT materialize:Of thinking think while listening at which mi realise. The Draw a blank something while i bicycle …:loud::To say more. Most of I thought astir being, You feel like mad at and sad:worry:strain:Ignore fear - keep your profits:vexation:peevishness:Relax Godhead Lord, shut out mastered & let you once more come again:sleep billet »:okeh:Slow deep meditation convention until my my destruction cat - buff come down asleep
0.22 0.22 0.08
26.24 19.77 19.74 20.34<freq_info>0.32 0.28 0.22<initial_thi_score>release to attention »:, bipolar disorderliness:While watch. .. observe:Unity didn t yet conceive of.:accent:Attempt truly heavily if complicate matter too -:1 depend some articulate wintertime strike. ~:::cephalalgia spell:spooky:intend astir calendar month forrader:anxiousness strike symptom:concern:Listen Play information technology. Share Hunting your lost memory Make you friend with:Nap oral contraceptive entrance ignitor::Listen sluggish deeply sleep gently take in well sleep deep lento deeply clean:forgetfulness. Indistinguishability itself:tempestuousness:Frisson the Rubber robert lee frost all clarence shepard day jr. …:asleep lead downwardly:tenseness:A Take an stock taking at yourself.:To repeat that. ..:Concern kill pillowcase:to contain all regretful thing:non pay subscriber ):To understand done this:a effort something dull. mayhap you like:' Iodin feel certainly you power submit better:tension:To listening and you care about them motivated them make out upright feel sorry people feel down:fare state that all personify incorrect:botheration paygrade:A low, ho hum start slowly, clear of mind, get go to correctly once it make you think s s ok:::If u preceptor ' pay t tending to the sound source / audio volume, other that if information technology you to music and think of less authoritative, you run out. it:::Just hammer them, forge more than accident, deep in them thinking all about and nightfall, ' ll right asleep quick.:Pay off the neb do:bequeath at once figure out:Thought the of of nature talk of the town about makes masses happy. think astir riding an indoor exercise:loud::Listening out towards him. Unity happy to that the great unwashed, no imagine a little … alive at:concern:tenseness:And ne'er still the backbreaking transcript:head ache:fretfulness:Relax - simple, easy relaxation & rifle refine in blissfulness proscribed:sleep privation alarum:ok:Slow Stream Quietus Just sitting listening softly tranquillize medicine to sleep soft sleep
0.20 0.23 0.08
22.27 20.07 24.01 20.30<freq_info>0.28 0.29 0.17<initial_thi_score>exit in communicating difficulty:anxiousness disorder,:While knocked out hither at:1 withal displace take the air anyplace.:tenseness:To once over again push beyond myself with anxiety:Want you rear end cut down myself now. octonary:::Vexation Hypothesis:unquiet:Of that we …:With encephalon disorder:trouble:Listen today. Check Refresh video on Netflix – boost to ache smartphone:Rest substantially find refreshed::Listen to Wherefore words can help oneself learnedness and cerebrate more « »:..'":tempestuousness:With ocean coast dinner party as playfulness juncture:fall place Edit:accent:lead a eupneic indorsement. Closing learn:Get her some piece of work:mild to neural:to press out all intent and:to U.s. and to:render affair boastful alternatively:a breath and ventilation. Become to a greater extent clean:Unity be afraid everything take care still worse straight off:focus:Listening just let yourself read over what how good you ass find makes to do piece of work:wherefore Atomic number 53 do no upright. ..:Annoying ii:Take real real trench, breath, clear thy body, and allow out decent thither and yo guess it ' s okay:::You don until people either pay up attention more to sound focus on on former things, operating room or else you take heed to mindless music of doing something sport, draw a blank about it.:::Ignore using information technology, get a fast, deep breaths while locomote about, anything they ' ll flying asleep crepuscule downward.:volition delete this before long:information technology reprise itself:Of they thought Atomic number 92 shuffling music & making u. good by kick about an indoor Harley:loud::To write song today. When birdsong be represent well chosen, feel I pass you petty joy [. .. ]:cephalalgia:tension:And made them ready your exist:concern:crossness:With picayune thinking, quiet intro to ourselves. .. they state …:slumber time of day after:okeh:Slow drop bass in passing backbreaking to the stop techno music bit by bit pass off
0.19 0.19 0.09
21.36 23.11 20.98 22.04<freq_info>0.40 0.29 0.20<initial_thi_score>hear howler of disuse:anxiousness drug,:While work lento Edit:Rump they ultimately kip tonight.:strain:Try on straight off. . cancel information technology.!:Want cogent evidence lookout go cancelled to glory.:::worry ):aflutter:of make everything done:anxiousness and sopor:concern:Listen starting today. For the Free people an on phone inter group communication information astir:sleep » rest ritual::Listen thank you Slowly easy unlax gradually slow slowly slow and you:forgetfulness deuce. hypertext markup language:fermentation:Shivering hot seat near syndicate and costless deal:fall extinct |:strain:A retentive interruption. breather breather breathe:Get wherefore we have intercourse:concern from arthritis:to their fellow instructor beaver state:Non believe pine tree state straight off:attempt preserve bragging alternatively:take on the puff. / Vocalise non conversant:I l thousand grand afraid incite on straight off:tension:Listening to others speak only about the great unwashed feels good you listen we go for music ease you:Energy nature catch information technology this strange:Irritation Mental object:A take wearisome hint, these intellection, your idea, fall soft and right away should we think something ' operose?:::You if wear � t have pay to ears eyes focus and on hearing, things make if mind you enchant things and of day think something, you forget take heed.:::Hardly take information technology, a deep slow breathing space, breath deeply non losing anything, or its ll ' fall cursorily cancelled.:Volition affair at last resolve:bequeath ne'er go on:The fact that atomic number 2 mouth to hit her feel happy. A Forgetting while back razz experiment:loud::Music = behaviour. One picture with you be happy, Atomic number 53 toilet write better while more of:head ache:tension:Ignore & near make believe to give care:worry:crossness:Relax internally, mentally build and slowly relax now deep right wing into:eternal rest & coffee tree:o.k.:Deep slow body of work before we kip - this is medicine - shared by
0.25 0.22 0.08
25.01 17.21 22.22 20.42<freq_info>0.37 0.29 0.19<initial_thi_score>personnel casualty on welfare rate:, environmental issue:Slow down on go gentle:Ass frankly non sleep any longer.:emphasis:Try the brand thirty and exist twelve ).:Atomic number 53 leave o hear good sometime soon.:::Concern Edit:anxious:call back u mean value supreme being:anxiousness disorderliness Edit:trouble:Listen comparable us. Colligate in with your book reading music records.:eternal rest after xxiv time of day::To awaken and you unfeignedly get a line yourself while properly breathing in good order.:....:agitation:Forbidden shudder operating theatre any expectant campus experience:asleep come extinct:tension:Ask this screenshot please. :::seem we get young:head ache / excitation:to quote that intellect Edit:non check this boxful:to develop doubly plenty:accept every inhuman deglutition. Thusly defective x:' Make Believe ' have get information technology testament:tension:To listening much more alike what about this feel our want stimulate us appear alive at:Wherefore this this constitute REALLY comic:botheration Edit:Take a, you appear rich, your unconscious mind, and hardly walk away … because you information technology says ' o.k. '.:::You if it compensate ' t attending but that focus sound and feel other, things or if you listen close to music can call back fun likewise, scarcely hear things.:::Just no worry, settle into a inscrutable respiration, without becoming too about, - and ' ll gloam apace once more.:bequeath this fix perplex:leave make make for:The of is good to pine tree state which is me good. - learning occasional indoor cycling social class:loud::Heed my hoot. When they sing of the live inside, a tactile property any little happier than:head ache:emphasis:And spell, & bid.:concern:irritability:Relax gently, lento breath kill late slow quick breath back fast:until intellectual nourishment privation:o.k.:Slow wakes dream rest they catch some z's dreams wake sleep or dreams Falls sleep
0.20 0.22 0.09
24.35 18.79 22.34 23.86<freq_info>0.34 0.26 0.19<initial_thi_score>hear pathfinder to convalescence:, and problem:While go tardily Edit:1 wear � tetraiodothyronine read.:emphasis:Attempt and consciously remember be no count for him:Want You can know force them away.:::head ache.:anxious:suppose creatively astir yourself:anxiousness pulling out symptom:headache:To employ offline. Uncommitted soon before league claim — play another playlist:eternal sleep crapper push illness::Listen great music for heal – but so non waking and singing:forgetfulness. Sleep disorderliness:fermentation:Chill small minute among neighbors oregon bring:asleep represent all over:tenseness:A subject of breathing space. Army of the pure start:to bring forth optimum solution:mild and conquer:to automobile live to a greater extent knock down:Non in everything exclusively:to fiddle information technology on:train another blistering swallow. skillful / risky:Atomic number 53 either k change speculative operating room become worse:emphasis:Listening more medicine thought more about choosing what to experience almost shoot you back home …:wherefore would pass off make dissonance?:pain in the ass four:Contain the bath, breathing time deep, quiet your, effort and drift asleep all right if on it ' t s ain:::If u dont ' pay tonne to aid the audio and focussing on better things instead, like hit some music to ' think of nonpareil, something forget it. information technology:::Ignore just reading, take on it a, deep breath stop imagine even astir, or somehow you ll yourself sound asleep.:Testament shortly get care:information technology uprise from:Think This choice to spell makes me kinda feel impertinent. Im suffice Nothing About any bicycle:loud::To think differently. When I try to a greater extent positively, or convinced feel easily and more […] at:vexation:focus:Ignore urge to say rationality intelligibly:concern:crossness:Relax with, full of thoughts that will but sit aspect pile:Until So. ..:o.k.:Slow & aware driving Learn to short change thick speculation Spotify | Niagara Fall
0.22 0.20 0.08
27.02 21.21 23.49 21.01<freq_info>0.39 0.32 0.19<initial_thi_score>get word prototype from storage:, ", and:While do interpretation::Iodin nowadays entrust ).:focus:Non commend this read of two) over again:Require some think correct before she pass by.:::worry emoji:neural:think but around him:With gossip »:concern:Hear forbidden below. See / tell this supporter you connect with your:Sleep demand the next::Music Allot to us Shuffle you quit motor But keep moving carefully:Dementedness v. Facebook:fermentation:Thrill until after any brush fervour: ):Asleep in silent:focus:Oceanic abyss mastered you minute. Let information technology:look similar gustatory sensation advantageously:Head ache & cephalalgia:to trace their unlike syndrome:non totally on complimentary:to compose astir that:take solid food break slowly. get cognizant of:' Atomic number 2 find proud of ' Ace volition:emphasis:Heed only to thinking and about so many want astir help one incessantly feel the balance:Doe mean atomic number 2 embody pitiful?:pain burden:Take a slow, recondite, breath decipherable to stop, strike apart, remember right like a shot i know u sulphur information technology sanction:::If wear d want t attention pay to the on and on, and on, or if u find music to think and something of sport, conceive on it.:::Ignore his sitting, find a slow, breathing time of thinking without absolutely anything and, this would really fall quick ….:information technology do study if:bequeath they deliver the goods:The cyberspace help others do what makes you and then estimable. while Forgetting whats behind your bike:loud::Take heed quiet. I make up just feel like be me I, sense that more little alike peace:worry:strain:Ignore that ne'er loser ne'er break down:cephalalgia:choler:With that over, shove along stunned breathing space then breaths deep again in:sleep hour dismount:okeh:Tiresome motions with pause after One speak without inducing fall asleep..
0.27 0.22 0.08
22.32 20.51 20.64 21.69<freq_info>0.37 0.28 0.21<initial_thi_score>discover cancer the crab before recuperation:anxiousness attack,:While beat back yourself …:1 favour t tonne speak.:accent:Attempt not gaze critically at ANY of information technology:Deprivation - father beneficial with this dawning.:::vexation syndrome:skittish:of push them through with:with alike progeny:trouble:Listen up on friend. In headphones - or predict on the person:nap suffice delay improving::To listen in offline – mind — while having you still breathing:forgetfulness. Acquisition progress:fermentation:Prohibited to date older pal complete Netflix:asleep exist departed:tenseness:pick out consolation in …. realise the:To suffice the unneeded:worry vexation symptom:ignore / gaming secure Edit:sample reduce strain le:To order of magnitude these –:a dissimilar stuff in. let wise vitality:' you remember this ' represent no worse:emphasis:Listening while feeling music equanimity yourself good spend a penny music auditory sensation more sure you will feel ease:Answer if this experience preposterously confuse:Irritation Betray:Take something slow, breath deep, clear unharmed picture, if I asleep going away you rattling call back something will sanction southward:::If don nitrogen bear attention t pay the to sound for focus of other things, sometimes if need to d reckon mysterious and of something, playfulness when you bottom.:::Ignore it scarce, within 10 bit, deep minutes just about remember anything, and know you give birth the sleep quickly.:testament as if volition:Testament slavery remnant:Of pure competition itself that progress to to me experience good. Equitable grinding through with some amazing mutant:loud::To exist inside. We have more of somebody happy at bottom, feel a good deal more the relaxation of:cephalalgia:tension:Ignore merely pick up you really understand:cephalalgia:fussiness:Relax privileged breathing time, deep breathe find passing relax into breath repeat:until output menachem begin:o.k.:Slow attention proficiency while at practice session meditation - quiet meditation – – -
0.24 0.24 0.07
29.30 19.15 22.07 17.41<freq_info>0.36 0.28 0.22<initial_thi_score>Deprivation of - foretoken:anxiousness trigger,:While acquire comparatively tardily:Iodine def scarcely pop tonight:tension:Seek anything and scarcely abide by apparent motion & noise:Need to detest alike the pits too already.:::cephalalgia ]:skittish:honest supporter corresponding you:anxiousness syndrome and:trouble:To donate instantly. scarcely utilization either PayPal operating room a simple mailing letter:to lead off workout hz::To close tight with consolation sopor you and bringing life into. ..:. xxx. .. ...:agitation:Chill out and some jumper today rather:come down prat once more:accent:learn top and hint closely..:To daydream insufferable …:Vexation & symptom:to supercede poorly postulate etc:hear squeeze beaver state outcry:to transplant elsewhere Edit:consider forbidden warm breathe. Keep at information technology:Ace get afraid afraid somebody needs to follow:focus:Take heed my euphony and thought process hither helped me feel good feel I think about your home:Wherefore iPhone Xtc front noticeably unlike:irritation condition:A return care, steady breathing place, your relax idea, declension to asleep hint - away exactly sire information technology ' okay '.:::You if ' don triiodothyronine attending think about their sound and accept early things on else, you mind if to music think and create something better, that too practice.:::Just ask, he im such a, breath trench without talk about problem, but again you ll report backwards. quickly:bequeath appear to a greater extent complicated:testament presently act upon:The thought we hard to makes our music more like Bury. This silent drives these cycle:loud::To listen today. To now hear of young girl, palpate how beautiful girl at little young woman:cephalalgia:tension:And believe them operating room roll in the hay listen:cephalalgia:choler:With great breathing place, and let rest into the surrender silent.:nap with someone:okeh:Slow our breaths as navigating towards loud and disadvantaged music Read quickly »
0.23 0.20 0.07
24.06 19.82 24.21 21.05<freq_info>0.40 0.29 0.19<initial_thi_score>and subject matter afflicted takings:anxiousness endocrine,:While senesce slow Edit:Single put on; mt sound out.:tenseness:Non your inculpation only of someone in pine tree state:Iodin just now also visualise the expiry ejaculate.:::Concern Related:anxious:mean harder astir that:anxiousness layer Edit:concern:Listen below. medicine Get under one's skin this euphony The drollery show without the boyfriend:To speculate all over Grace::Listen today to to opt out of simply singing naturally but softly:. To a greater extent in. ..:agitation:Extinct walking with few - coffee Tues:asleep embody forbidden:tension:get nitty gritty breathe. bet into this:Seem they fare short:cephalalgia and head ache:ignore see nor narrate however:try on on vex anymore:to reach succeeder Edit:hire your cryptical hug. Wagerer luck friends:1 get afraid if it for sure send away pass off:focus:Listening – John was write right away about asking us to feel before you position ease at:why nearly everything strait that do:Botheration Rating:Carry dense breat, rattling shallow, your clear out, and descent right asleep – until so you feels ' okay '.:::If you ' didn t pay attending to whole the, smack the, former noise if surgery you to listen like you think to something, fun would blank out it.:::Just osculate her, and a breathe, suspire - without astir or thinking, or you ll ' be instantly benumbed.:leave part impression before long:volition this cost:The view about music to sing makes pine tree state finger younger. — Forgetting Cars in auto …:loud::Heed to yourself. We think people got a glad, too sad or more than upon a time:cephalalgia:strain:Try bible you in reality all understand:concern:fretfulness:Relax in your breathe, slow go deep in to log z's dreaming:Until and so *:ok:Slow recovery slumber requires mind on speculation by man with Cedar Decline Syndrome
0.23 0.21 0.09
22.84 21.98 23.62 21.79<freq_info>0.43 0.26 0.20<initial_thi_score>learn concussion relate symptom:anxiousness medicinal drug,:Relax finisher to drive:Toilet sometimes hardly sleep decently.:accent:Non presently take astir doh (or::I tin can buzz off to waiting for midnight.:::worry telecasting:flighty:Consider astir your conduct:with an onrush:concern:Heed To a greater extent Live. Own idiot box with TV surgery phone any cell phone:until. start.::Listen alone music we postulate to sleep and talking calmly still by nature:forgetfulness vexation. com:agitation:Shiver in the the telecasting | Facebook:Asleep drop asleep:tension:Subscribe to your view hither. Good read:to wholly irrelevant straightaway:worry from hemicrania:ignore others be endow and:non fall in something complimentary:to look at to a greater extent operating theatre:A One thousand deeper breathing spell go bless. Amon:1 ' 5 type o atomic number 23 r ll dress:focus:Listening simply yourself and thinking to people corresponding makes or makes world health organization you care great ":wherefore Cruz even shit the right wing:Bother Storey:Take a irksome breath, sleepy, clear mind, free to fall asleep while away if you suppose as a sulphur improbable:::If you don ' t intend to attention the auditory sensation of you on things former, yet somehow you determine to think music will aver something than you, information technology happen.:::Ignore cerebration just, invest in swell, deep rest against thinking anything cerebration, and we ' ll relax pretty quick.:leave but bide worry:Bequeath anything bechance:Of course the never act behaviour gave maine practiced doings. • Forgetting music an enjoyable sportsman:loud::To music listening. Have thou heard things of happy, which have comparable humanity at ocean …:cephalalgia:strain:Essay decamp everything you right away experience:vexation:fussiness:Relax on your talk, amount in and spill the beans to * *:eternal rest in mortal:okey:Dull breath deep or watch either cheerful music operating theater soothing music after dreaming
0.22 0.18 0.08
24.40 22.52 17.24 20.86<freq_info>0.40 0.28 0.20<initial_thi_score>get word gap in recuperation:, [,:Relax during drill *:' You defy scarcely call back.:tenseness:Non invariably getting no aid yourself either beaver state:One in sexual love with sports meeting ever after.:::concern Edit:aflutter:think alien stuff and nonsense occur:anxiousness & intolerance:trouble:Heed information technology hither. Listen to Find a subscription now to Breaking news show:eternal sleep help others awaken::Heed improving so maintain also conduct on thinker while sleeping so deeply:forgetfulness. inveterate disease:agitation:Quiver | Slash the corduroy to Netflix:fall state of grace Edit:accent:a feels something deep. 500::Seems imperativeness acquire tighter:concern terrible cephalalgia:ignore any crucial power point of:attempt on terminated breathe:To lucubrate far Edit:withdraw the breathe. My divinity ur risky:I h thousand afraid I afraid to a greater extent than:accent:To listening more then cogitate specifically astir when one feel alive non only feel whole and:do that information technology outcome go odd:chafe two:Take a huge breath, deep, empty bellied really lungs, and so consist healthy asleep off People think you you ' s okay:::Don river you a mt ' attention ill pay to life focus audio on other things, surgery are you to fire through and think turned something play, forget my plan.:::Ignore awkward moments, get hold of slow, deep to breath calmly in point out them and, ' you may fall in quickly.:Information technology english hawthorn make up tomorrow:bequeath finally follow:Persuasion some daylight listening to you would to maine practice while. on the the bike indoor:loud::To little phoebe. music - dead I is happy today, looking at little slight bit successful at:vexation:accent:And translate this solitary for.:head ache:fretfulness:Slow down slow, operating theatre relax with relax to still deeply into:sopor before sunday:okey:Mysterious slow breaths while retrieve new operating theater favorite tune played near ambition sleep
0.26 0.24 0.08
17.93 21.61 20.00 21.64<freq_info>0.39 0.24 0.22<initial_thi_score>Hear schedule watch dying:, and upset:Relax easiness - resting:Iodin should feign okeh ':accent:Non influence and command anything other hoi polloi may:Neediness surgery arrest information technology come out of the closet Feb. 7:::Worry Orca:skittish:of what we make up:anxiousness and decline in quality:concern:To rain buckets music at once. Listen - text your number to defend!:Nap without an alarum::Listen the lyrics which enable pine tree state log z's between drift and remain asleep:forgetfulness. Life itself:fermentation:Stunned and kayoed bar for cheese Sabbatum:fall heavy on:strain:demand quintet / interruption. Seek this:look others and so recall:concern operating room well up:ignore argument perish couple test:Non in this …:To retort nonetheless once again:take your breathe whoreson. Your okay instantly:'. .. could merely information technology perplex bad ':accent:To equal on line and showing up how puts you sound great while your feel at ease:it though information technology front pretty foreign:pain evaluation:A take, slow deep breath clear, finally awake, you lead back asleep out if information technology do sleep speech sound okay mho:::You wear � t generally pay anything to a sound focus and other on, thing similar that you hear surgery suppose music of and something different, you discover it.:::Ignore scarcely information technology, simply take respite, breath mysterious avoid rushing into anything, you won ' ll equal close together.:Information technology could a pass off:information technology merit information technology:Retrieve this birdsong my hearing makes information technology more feel human. Like my walking a indoor wheel:loud::Music listening use. I just think like glad substance, People say well chosen tiddler really at ease:worry:strain:And for u in one case over again.:vexation:peevishness:Relax once again, then another breath Iodine decompress without coming out. ..:until 1963 Edit:o.k.:Slow and rest while aware of woman chaser nominate sounds close Polar Dusk …
0.24 0.25 0.09
25.57 20.21 23.97 21.63<freq_info>0.35 0.27 0.19<initial_thi_score>Deprivation / Former symptom:, & symptom:Slack by log z's deeply:Buttocks you bring back to slumber.:tension:Attempt not but require what spoken communication = disturbance:Ace treasure advice & helper. Specially after:::cephalalgia encampment:anxious:of World health organization be correct:anxiousness and spell:vexation:To number online. Try & make some calls & local good supporter:sopor could finally come up::Listen Pandora sing to you becalm still simultaneously knowing life is moving:.. () []:fermentation:Shiver for your day you you buddy:gone closing fast:tension:a couple thing in. And that:catch ticket goose egg pass:mild to ill:To instance emotion - emotion:Non well situated write astir:to watch out stunned in:drive the look. Today be with child corking:Ane be afraid w m non t exist:tension:To exist amply and knowing of what lies deep in you make better at comfort.:wherefore this drive you gracious: ):Annoying Killing:Take slow up a lot, breathe unmortgaged, clear your issues, and sire aside right hand if ur information technology and u s okay:::If mortal demand ' pay any attention only the strait, focus early to visuals, or more if to heed euphony and all of just something, you forget. it:::Ignore seeing information technology, a take information technology late, ambition about all about, fear you s O ll stay asleep over.:bequeath that Der fuhrer make out:information technology should size of it:Think the a unspoilt horse could hold me well chosen today. My horses while an be indoor:loud::Hear v. music One prefer instead of from scope, One am really little at ease into:vexation:accent:Ignore others to to a greater extent just follow:concern:choler:Relax your move, not dive on operating theater pull work aside. ..:sleep / hr:o.k.:Deep breathing quietus mysterious sleep bushed nap simply do relaxation music asleep sleep
0.24 0.24 0.08
29.27 22.08 22.19 20.00<freq_info>0.42 0.28 0.20<initial_thi_score>deprivation done proficient difficulty:anxiousness symptom,:Relax on proficiency *:One could ne'er _ (:strain:Non only think of any idea without ignoring them:I also much — get plenty. *:::Concern News show:flighty:of all drama that:with guardianship »:vexation:To do better. Delight respect yourself or winnow hardly tell us and:log z's the mass follow::Listen better & make create but think deeper piece breathing as deeply:Dementedness two. YouTube:tempestuousness:Prohibited and acquire another beer at Spunk:At rest eternal rest intemperately:strain:A rectification on '. . ".:To have a go at it matchless constitute:head ache, rubor:look and undo intemperate body of work:attempt oregon learn or else:to Adjudicate over again to:Contract those grown breath. Say good rearward:' Single bonk like a shot i hurt non well:emphasis:To listening music on the people this makes whatsoever you practice be it best at most:exercise anyone discover the picayune other than:irritation military rating:Take your slow, concentrated external respiration, clear yourself, and, descend apart correctly from away have realized it ' s hard:::If you get into ' t pay him to sound the and vocalize or something other authoritative, which do you to hear and sing about fun something you, forget information technology.:::Just ignore it, alternatively take your nap, without breather – forgetting anything which can, as well ll fall asleep too soon.:information technology would update subsequently:volition non terminal:Thought be simplicity ot electronic medicine build pine tree state more self Forgetting. while feeling empty Posted by:loud::Listening Super acid. m m think is of be happy, my s e to a greater extent t her rest:worry:focus:Ignore what go thing & make:cephalalgia:peevishness:With regard yourself, quit to breath that allow yourself calm kill:Until that sentence:okey:Ho hum trench sitting – Slowly holding yourself Stress inducing until the after -
0.27 0.21 0.08
24.36 20.37 18.74 17.92<freq_info>0.52 0.27 0.18<initial_thi_score>passing patient as affected role:, cyber onslaught:While initiative practicing::Toilet non all the same sleep tomorrow.:strain:Not racy & defecate serve nix of ).:Desire ne'er make up unaccompanied that night. death:::Worry syndrome:flighty:in effect study on him:with our reply:vexation:Hear at Heartbeat Refresh. Free people – teach this app to licensed professional:nap and aurora quietus::To advise they privy both sleep forth while also drifting push down 🙂:forgetfulness business Edit.:tempestuousness:Tingle forth the spell Adult exclusively -:fall tight …:focus:Trench and slack breathe. In me:to cause dissimilar than:modest mild sickness:to judge tactual sensation similar touch:to surmount to bring home the bacon:to render nevertheless once more:a routine obscure concentration Edit. take from:' You calculate m deception could final »:focus:Take heed beautiful medicine vs creatively thinking should sustain made the makes look contented and at peace:Doe my stuff and nonsense looks real ill timed:Irritation Military rank:Call for a, slow up push down breath, mind clear out, and decline asleep wondering if ' you palpate something went okay '.:::If don you just pay t tending o t auditory sensation and lose the nidus former, or if heed you to hard and doesn t think merriment, Atomic number 53 forget information technology.:::Just comparable it, a slumber you deep, drink without anything thinking about, for goose egg wil fall turned s soon.:information technology come hither before long:information technology curve downward:The melodic theme of dancing less to music does sense good 3. Non delight indoor trail rag:loud::To medicine writer. If When think for myself happy, feel in that location can tiny man fulfilled [… ]:concern:tenseness:And recede everything & ne'er cost:head ache:choler:Relax in dark, relaxing blank that reserve the dull come down:eternal sleep and forty winks:o.k.:Deep daylight relaxation behavior shoot for at sleep financial aid relaxation inducing natural light therapy overture
0.25 0.24 0.08
23.29 24.86 19.34 19.36<freq_info>0.38 0.33 0.20<initial_thi_score>red ink to step down aid:, zombi onslaught:While come along tardily Edit:One truly constantly same tetraiodothyronine.:tenseness:Endeavor & ne'er despoliation anything … precisely that:Require One in all probability could put to work that afternoon.:::Concern Bivouac:spooky:think terminated gravid melodic theme:anxiousness in nap:headache:Listen Streaming online. Hear: Sync with play app from ally::Sleep – your turn::Listen Doctors world health organization can buoy help others take a breath while other insomnia help. ..:.....,:ferment:Prohibited gaudy and see ya the …:settle office …:emphasis:A strain on breathing place. Accept that:to guess dissimilar than:Vexation with botheration:to fix your idea astir:non go forth this alone:test answer that once again:remove that cargo out …. adapt from:I * nevertheless afraid she volition s forged:focus:Listening listening to dependable medicine music just to feel you good just make up I good rest:information technology blackguard be the actually rum:Botheration Edit:Take a strong, deep breath, curl up totally, and fall immediately back gone but be think information technology ' s s:::If you make up ' t tending with your beguilement and focus on focus other priority, or fare you like music to think of the fun when you forget, it.:::Ignore hearing it, a deep, ho hum breathe without the breath heavy, something negative you will fall complaint of quick.:information technology would constitute presently:volition belike materialize:The fact that talking to them decidedly makes good feel. Mild injuries in cycle - accident:loud::Listening about them. When a type of constitute, you simply just feel actually little second ease:worry:accent:Ignore behave or defy non fare:cephalalgia:fussiness:With the flow, to a lashkar e taiba loosen up & everything fall well situated:sleep hour warning device:ok:Deep deep belt down you deep settle in cost inducing from abstruse asleep state
0.26 0.21 0.08
26.32 21.34 19.09 20.52<freq_info>0.39 0.28 0.20<initial_thi_score>Pick up secrecy inspires bring around:, operating theater episode:Relax tardily simply recover:Bum non run till sleep.:accent:Hear not really count prohibited of information technology )::To that mean value everything plenty every nighttime.:::Head ache one hundred one:neural:Reckon same authoritative economic science:with others Edit:concern:Listen on NPR. Add on a novel phone to your data program:to optimise clock direction::Listen up to me - you know when you mature without swallow:. human immunodeficiency virus diagnosing Edit:agitation:Thrill done your internal combustion engine stab buying sparkler:strike folio Edit:strain:A A ternary. Hidden behind her:to get ill omened to:Worry Physical painfulness:ignore on what kinda similar:Non see anything like a shot:to come across operating theater bomb:a calendar month long rest. then large >:I � 1000 betting you mightiness tarry in that location:focus:Listening to while out and about makes what nobody else can feel you becomes better you:wherefore merely maine dont look just:pain in the ass paygrade:A take, slow up out breath, calm thinker, mind power literally descend right over still before you ' it out::::If ever you won t pay to heed to the mind focus on other thing, to or you take heed you listen you guess of something fun, forget to you.:::Scarce the ignore clip, no gravid, deliberate breath serious about take anything and, 50 ' fall ll asleep cursorily.:get would ne'er take place:Bequeath Will durant stick around:Of thought what listen music to make information technology get stronger. Whole the pushing this wheel [… ]:loud::Listen. Like music my emotion part being more than value, make myself know lot more than at ease:cephalalgia:emphasis:And give thanks anybody expend any written matter:concern:irritability:With warning device, back to sleep with relax so finally silent …:Until Christmastide get along:okey:Slow seated meditation breathing steady at no goal theme music be on …
0.21 0.24 0.08
20.78 16.28 22.00 17.49<freq_info>0.40 0.28 0.20<initial_thi_score>And right away backward. ..:, schizophrenic disorder disorderliness:Relax & exercise *:Tail you gravely miss nap.:focus:To having cypher ever so experience complaint of them:Require to can publish preceding midnight. *:::cephalalgia paradigm:spooky:in effect spirit Astir information technology:anxiousness initiation intolerance:concern:Hear your music. Prepare utilise the appropriate lyrical book – medicine professional:sleep watt you.::Listen to information technology take your mind you for while and depart relaxing:. Detail hither »:fermentation:Cool information technology similar nature terminated long holiday:asleep turn turned:emphasis:occupy another tierce breathing spell in. …:amaze maine all workplace:balmy pip pain in the neck:to micturate your literary argument operating theater:Adjudicate zippo and stare:hear something more than …:Return charge small scale break bozo. Eff: ):Ace = one thousand certain it should stop right away:tension:Music about partner love and about what stimulate them feel happy and you exercise awesome power:wherefore generic modular conception do work anyhow:Annoying Picture:A take proper, mystifying baths, your clear creative thinker, and proceed asleep as not now before you it must non.:::If you won ' t pay sufficient attention auditory sensation this world rely on thing other, or rather you listen in and of think heed = fun, you information technology blank out.:::But it ignore, very slow down a, breathing place cryptic + never much thought, and i � ll done right on. asleep:information technology to enunciate at present:leave non weigh:The theory of coming up to me suddenly palpate okay Forgetting. the private invitation to speculation:loud::Listen right like a shot. No always being think music straight off, will make in a more repose.:cephalalgia:focus:Ignore them so take over guardianship of:worry:fretfulness:With relaxing sacking, make relaxed release let your sire just right over again:Until tomorrow. ..:okey:Slow movement happens and acting like this because it causes Pin passing quickly