You: What do you want to know about me? [CHARACTER ]: How astir your academic records at college? You: The average grade of all my courses is above 85. [CHARACTER ]: In which subject did you get the highest marks? You: In mathematics I got a 98. [CHARACTER ]: Have you received any scholarships? You: Yes, I have, and three times in total. [CHARACTER ]: Have you been a class leader? You: I have been a class commissary in charge of studies for two years. [CHARACTER ]: Did you join in any club activities? You: Iodine was an aerobics team member in college. [CHARACTER ]: What sport are you good at? You: 1 am good at sprint and table tennis. [CHARACTER ]: You comprise excellent.
[CHARACTER] asks You several questions, like academic records, the highest marks, scholarships, club activities, and skilled sports.
You: What a lovely day, isn ' t information technology? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, it ' s nice and bright. You: I hope it stays like this. [CHARACTER ]: I hope so too. You: Is the weather usually like this here? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s usually a bit hotter than today. You: What ' s the weather like in winter? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s pretty cold and it often snows. You: I wonder what information technology ' s going to follow corresponding tomorrow. [CHARACTER ]: Let ' s hear the weather report afterwards. What ' s the weather like in your hometown? You: Neither too cold, nor too hot. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s quite a lovely weather. You: Yes, especially in spring. [CHARACTER ]: Have you ever seen a hurricane? You: Once, when I was a child. [CHARACTER ]: Coiffure they often happen in your country? You: Now and then. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, it ' s time for the weather reporter. Let ' s turn on the TV.
You and [CHARACTER] talks about local weather and weather in [CHARACTER]'s hometown. They will hear the weather report.
You: I can ' t believe the cost of apartments in New York City. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, you didn ' t know that apartments here are considered valuable, even if they are small and crowded? You: Of course I had heard about that, but now I know how expensive it is to rent a place here. [CHARACTER ]: I assume ' t mind paying high rent to live in New York. You: Why? You pay indeed much for such a tiny space to live. [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, but so what! I ' m proud to live in the world ' s most exciting city. And, the salaries here are the highest in the nation, too.
You is surprised at the expensive rent in New York, but [CHARACTER] thinks the city is exciting and the salary is high.
You: Mr.. Ginger rogers? [CHARACTER ]: Mr. : Yes? You: I ' m not feel too well. [quality ]: Mr. : Would you like to depart to the nurse ' s? You: Yes, I would. [persona ]: Mister. : Here ' s a hall pass for it. Do you need someone to walk you there? You: I can manage on my own. Thanks. [CHARACTER ]: Mr. : I ' ll drop by later to check on you.
You isn't feeling well. Mr. Rogers gives You a hall pass. Mr. Rogers will check on You.
You: I care NBA very much. [CHARACTER ]: Did you watch NBA games before you came to the Atomic number 92. S. ? You: No, I didn ' t. [CHARACTER ]: What a pity! You: Do you like NBA? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, of course. You: Who do you like best of the NBA players? [CHARACTER ]: Kobe. You: Indeed do I. [CHARACTER ]: Let ' s go to watch an NBA game tonight, shall we? You: That ' s mulct.
You and [CHARACTER] like NBA and Kobe. They plan to watch an NBA game.
You: Hi, Kate. [CHARACTER ]: Hi, Don. What a surprise! You: Yeah, I saw someone walking like you, but I wasn ' t sure. We haven ' t seen each other for how long? Almost three months? But you look quite different now. [CHARACTER ]: Have you noticed what has changed? You: Oh, you look quite slender and more vivacious. What have you been taking? Are you on a diet? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. I ' m on a diet, but I ' Ve not taken anything. I just eat less and exercise more. And it really worked in the past trinity months. I ' Ve lost twelve pounds. You: Wow! That ' s great. I sincerely want to achieve my weight loss destination, but it ' s difficult for me to keep up the exercise. Likewise you know, old habits are hard to break. [CHARACTER ]: What sort of exercise do you think I do? I just go to dance everyday after work. I ' m taking an amateur dance class. I dance two hours everyday. You: Dance? You only go dancing? That ' s not hard. I can do that. [CHARACTER ]: Sure. Join my class next week.
Kate becomes slender and more vivacious and she tells Don that she eats less and takes dancing classes. Don will join Kate's dance class next week.
You: Mom, you know that Andrea and Atomic number 53 sometimes worry about you. [CHARACTER ]: Really? Why would you worry astir me? I ' m just fine. You: You ' re almost 70 years old, Mom! Father ' tonne you think it would be better for you if you moved in with us? [CHARACTER ]: No way! Atomic number 53 like my flat, and I like to be independent. You: Do you ever get lonely living alone? [CHARACTER ]: Not at all. I see you and your folk twice a week, and I enjoy seeing my own friends. I ' m too busy to feel lonely!
You and Andrea worry about You's mom living alone, so You asks You's mom to move in. You's mom refuses.
You: Hey, Wen! Welcome to Calciferol. C. ! Glad you number out to chaffer! [CHARACTER ]: Thanks for inviting me. Actually, I ' ve never been anywhere with so many black people before. Information technology ' s unlike. You: Howard is eighty percent black. But there are albumen, and even Asians here. Thankfully, information technology ' s also coed. [CHARACTER ]: Great! Is your, too? You: Sorry, nope. But the Alpha Phi Alpha ' s are throwing a party tonight. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s a black fraternity, right? So we should see some dancing!
Wen thinks D.C. is different with so many black people. You invites Wen to a black fraternity party.
You: Hi, my name is Ted, what ' s yours? [CHARACTER ]: What? You: I said, I ' m Ted, who are you? [CHARACTER ]: Huh? Oh, my figure is Laura. You: Do you somewhere often, Laura? [CHARACTER ]: Huh? I can ' t hear you, the music ' s too loud. You: Let ' s go outside and talk. So Laura, do you come here often? [CHARACTER ]: Hold on, my ear are still ringing from the music. .. what was it you asked me? You: Atomic number 53 asked if you come here often. [CHARACTER ]: Sometimes, usually once every few weeks. Do you? You: No, this is my first time hither. [CHARACTER ]: I normally come with a group of friends. We dance a little, have a few drinks, and just have a good time. You: Yeah, that ' s why I ' m here. My friends dragged me here, because they think I spend too much time studying. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s good. It ' s good to hit the books, but you need to get out once in a while. You: I guess so. But the music is too loud. I don ' t mind getting out and meeting people, but next time I ' ll do it in a park.
Ted and Laura are talking at a party. Laura sometimes goes to the place with her friends and has drinks. It is Ted's first time and he thinks the music is too loud, he would rather socialize in a park.
You: Good break of the day, Miss. [CHARACTER ]: Morning. Can I help you? You: Yes, I ' d like to know how to use the library. You know, I ' m a new student here. [CHARACTER ]: All you need is your student identification card to check out record book. You: Yes. Here ' s my identification. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s all you need. You: Thank you very much. By the way, how many books am I allowed to check out? [CHARACTER ]: You can check out two books at a time. But you can ' t check out newspapers, magazines and periodicals, they own to be read within library. You: How long fundament Unity keep the books? [CHARACTER ]: For two week. After that you must renew the book if you wish to keep them longer. You: I want a book on physics. Could you show me where I can find it? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, over there to your left.
You asks [CHARACTER] how to use the library. [CHARACTER] tells You regulations. You will find book on physics.
You: Albert and I need a lot of things to furnish our house. But I don ' t know where the best place to shop is. Can you give me some advice? [CHARACTER ]: Sure, Carolyn. I ' m happy to help you. What kinds of things do you need right now? You: Well, we have most of the furniture already. We mostly need kitchen utensils, bathroom accessories, cleaning and laundry accessories - - things like that. And Albert wants to set up a little off [CHARACTER ]: Well, as for Albert, he should go to an office supply store. There ' s a really right one called Office Depot. They have everything he will need. And their terms are good too. It ' s very convey You: Can I write that down? [CHARACTER ]: Sure, it ' s spelled Office and then D - E - P - O - T. It ' s in the Yellow Pages. You: Thanks. [CHARACTER ]: And as for the kitchen things, do you want very high quality? You: What do you mean? [CHARACTER ]: I intend, do you want the best quality, or do you want good prices? You: Probably good prices. You know we will only be in America for about a year. [CHARACTER ]: Then I suggest you go to K - Mart or Wal - Mart. You: What are those stores? [CHARACTER ]: They are very large, discount department stores. That means their prices are very good. And you can find everything you need for the kitchen or bathroom. You: Even silverware? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, everything. They don ' t have the most expensive brands, but their quality is usually decent. The main thing be, they have good prices, and they are very convenient. You: I have a friend that said something about a place called Price Club. Do you know about that? [CHARACTER ]: I have never shopped there, but I think Price Club is a kind of membership store. You: What does that mean? [CHARACTER ]: That means you have to pay a membership fee to shop there. I have heard they have very good prices on electronics. You: Electronics? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. Like stereos and televisions. You: How much is the membership fee? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m not sure. But if you are only going to stay a year, I don ' t think Price Club is good to join. They have great deals occasionally. They are very good for people who like to buy new things all You: I see. Thanks for these tips. We really need to buy a lot of little things. [CHARACTER ]: I know how it is. Moving is very troublesome.
Carolyn asks You some places to shop to furnish the house. You suggests Office Depot for office supply. You also suggests K-mart and Wal-mart because the kitchen utensils and bathroom accessories have good prices there. You thinks Price Club is not suitable for Carolyn since they stay in America for short-term.
You: Good morning and welcome. How can I help you? [CHARACTER ]: Could you tell maine something about safety deposit box rental, please? I need somewhere safe to keep some indemnity document; I just simply don ' t feel comfortable keeping them at home or in the office. You: We have 3 different types of boxes. We usually rent for 1 twelvemonth and the fee depends on the size and location of the box. [CHARACTER ]: I think I ' ll go for the smallest, as it ' s but for documents. Will I be the only key holder? I ' d perhaps feel a little nervous if I knew someone else could have access to it at any time. You: You can have more than 1 key if you ' d like, but we must have signature cards for each box. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s smashing; I can give an extra key to my wife. I feel perfectly comfortable with her having a key. Thanks for your help. You: If you have your ID and are willing to pay a year in advance, we can do that for you today, there is no need to wait. [CHARACTER ]: OK, I ' ll take a small, for 1 year, in this branch, please.
[CHARACTER] asks You about a safety deposit box. [CHARACTER] chooses the smallest safe box for the documents and feels comfortable giving the extra key to his wife.
You: Why not go to the supermarket today, the coupon volition be past due in three days. [CHARACTER ]: Certain. Can we use it in Today Supermarket? You: Let me fit. Yes, we arse. [CHARACTER ]: I really don ' metric ton experience what to corrupt.
You and [CHARACTER] will use a coupon for a supermarket.
You: Help! Service! [CHARACTER ]: What ' s the trouble, ma ' am? You: I was taking a walk when a young humanity came at me from nowhere and snatched the bag off my hands and ran away. [CHARACTER ]: What did the young man look like? You: Well, he ' s young, tall and thin. [CHARACTER ]: To which steering did he run? You: Permit maine see. .. my correct arm. .. oh, to the east.
[CHARACTER] was robbed and she describes the robber's appearance and the running direction to You.
You: What else should we do now after the floors are done and after the furniture is in? [CHARACTER ]: We need to redo the curtains and paint all the walls and ceilings. You: I ' m the painter. You can be in charge of going to curtain shops to choose curtains. That will probably be pretty expensive too. Having good curtains made isn ' t cheap. [CHARACTER ]: You mean we can ' t just buy curtains already made? You: Absolutely not. The windows must be measured, and then the curtains need to be made professionally. So that will take a while. Maybe a month or so. [CHARACTER ]: While the curtains are being create, I can start having people look at the kitchen. I can ' t stand that old kitchen. I won ' t be able to cook there. I don ' t want to use that electric stove. You: We need to find an interior decorating company to redecorate the kitchen. I believe in Portland there are shops that specialize in kitchen renovation. I will expect in the Yellow Pages. I ' d like a kitchen mostly in ivory and light green. [CHARACTER ]: I agree. The colors must be voiced and pleasant. You should feel comfortable when you cook our dinners. You: Me? Cook our dinners? Hah! You will be cooking, dear. You will cook. [CHARACTER ]: No, I don ' t think so. I ' ll be too busy having tea in our new tea leaf room. You: Well, I suppose we ' ll have to hire a cook then. So you won ' t be able bodied to afford any clothes next year. [role ]: And you ' ll have to sell your motorcycle. And your cameras. Right? You: Maybe I ' ll cook once or twice a week. How is that? [CHARACTER ]: Four times might be enough. Not once or twice.
You and [CHARACTER] are going to redo the curtains and to paint the walls and ceilings. They also want to find an interior decorating company to redecorate the kitchen in ivory and light green. But they have a quarrel because neither of them wants to cook.
You: Do you have some good idea of losing weight? [CHARACTER ]: First of all, you should pay attention to what you eat. Don ' t eat besides much food with high calories, such as chocolate, ice cream and the similar. You: Any more? [CHARACTER ]: Stay off from fried foods. Fried food are fried in oil or fat. You: Stick it. [CHARACTER ]: Do not be a couch potato. You should do more exercise. You: Well, it seems that I should get along some jogging from tomorrow on.
[CHARACTER] suggests You have less food with high calories and fried foods and to exercise more to lose weight.
You: Hello, Single want to order an Easy - own package. What would you advocate? [CHARACTER ]: Which function do you use more than, making calls or sending short messages? You: About the same. But I ' m looking for a problem, so I have to answer the earphone ofttimes. [CHARACTER ]: Then I recommend this package to you. You can receive all the calls free by paying just 10 yuan a month. You: That ' s good. How give the sack I order it? [CHARACTER ]: Sending a message ' KTCTWY ' to 10086 will do. You: Thank you. I ' ll have a try. [CHARACTER ]: You ' re welcome.
[CHARACTER] recommends an Easy-own package for You based on that You has to answer the phone often.
You: Could you tell pine tree state something about your previous job? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. I worked in a small machinery factory. My work personify very simple and there was not much work to do. You: Didn ' tetraiodothyronine you like it? [CHARACTER ]: No, I thought it was too dull. I ' m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job. You: Why do you choose our company? [role ]: Yesterday I control your company ' s advertisement. Your company is an important international company. Working for it, I believe it behind improve my abilities. You: What do you know about our company? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, the company is the fourth largest machine producer in the world. It was founded in the United States in 1980. I know that the company has made good use of advanced technology.
You asks [CHARACTER] to talk about the previous job and why [CHARACTER] disliked it. [CHARACTER] explains the reasons for choosing the company.
You: How about your bailiwick at college? [CHARACTER ]: I be doing quite well at college. I completed my MBA degree in international trade with first - class honors. You: Why did you select your college? [CHARACTER ]: I selected my college because it had an excellent academic repute. You: What do you like doing in your spare time? [CHARACTER ]: My favorite recreation is cooking. I learned to cook Chinese dishes and western style dishes equally well. Information technology keeps me busy and makes me happy.
You asks [CHARACTER] some questions, like [CHARACTER]'study, why choosing the college and recreations in his spare time. [CHARACTER] answered.
You: What kind of job are you interested in? [CHARACTER ]: I want a job in which I can use English, I would also like to be able to have some responsibility in my work. You: Iodin genuinely appreciate that I would expect my secretary to be able to work independently and take over some of my ordinary responsibilities, such as answering routine correspondence, taking speech sound calls for me and sometimes assisting me with personal affairs. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I see. In my previous job, I did typing and filing everyday. You: Have you had any experience as a guide? [CHARACTER ]: Well, not exactly, but I experience shown some of my foreign friends around Beijing. You: Once in a while we have visitors from abroad and I would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them shopping and sightseeing. [CHARACTER ]: I think I would like that.
[CHARACTER] prefers a job where [CHARACTER] can use English and have some responsibility. You expresses some expected requirements for a secretary. [CHARACTER] thinks [CHARACTER] can do the job.
You: What are you doing this weekend? [CHARACTER ]: My brother - in - law is having a small get - unitedly at his house and he invited me. You: Constitute it a family thing or just friends? [CHARACTER ]: A bit of both. Some first cousin, aunts and uncles will be there, but also some admirer from the vicinity. You: Is your great uncle Rick going to represent there? He is really funny. [CHARACTER ]: Yeah he is going to be there with his step - son and his ex - wife. You: You mean your sister? [fictitious character ]: No, Rick is actually my great uncle, so he is my grandmother ' s brother. You: You lost me. [CHARACTER ]: I ' ll explain later, let ' s go.
[CHARACTER]'s brother-in-law invites [CHARACTER] to attend a small get-together with [CHARACTER]'s relatives and friends. You is confused about [CHARACTER]'s family relationship.
You: Good morning. I ' m Mickey Huang, I ingest an appointment with Mr. wilson. [CHARACTER ]: Be this about the Sale Help position? You: That ' s right. My appointment is for 11 o ' clock. [CHARACTER ]: Mr. wilson is on the line right instantly. Please have a fundament. He ' ll be right with you. You: Thank you. [CHARACTER ]: Can I get you something, coffee, teatime? You: No, I ' thousand fine. Thank you.
You will have an appointment with Mr. Wilson about the sales assistant position.
You: You ' v be work hither for nearly a month, how do you feel about the job? [CHARACTER ]: Not big. Thank you for your help. I follow always busy with this job, I feel a bit tired. You: Unity had the same flavour when I first came to work here. but after a period of time, I feel better, I am sure you ' ll get used to this busy job. [CHARACTER ]: I also feel that work efficiency hither is very high. and you have strong working ability and professional skill, it seems that you know all, that ' s really wonderful! You: You know the phrase, the survival the fittest. We have no choices. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s right, I have to puzzle out hard.
[CHARACTER] thinks the job is busy and tiring. You comforts [CHARACTER] and [CHARACTER] admires You's professional skills and strong working abilities.
You: How may I help you? [CHARACTER ]: I need to check these books out. You: Do you have your library card? [CHARACTER ]: Here it is. You: It appears that you have late fee. [CHARACTER ]: Really? You: Yes, really. [CHARACTER ]: How much do I owe? You: You owe $ xxiv. 50 in tardy fees. [CHARACTER ]: 1 don ' t have that much today. You: I ' m sorry, but until you pay it, you won ' metric ton be able to check out any more books. [CHARACTER ]: I ' ll pay it every bit presently as possible.
You helps [CHARACTER] check books out, but [CHARACTER] needs to pay late fees first. [CHARACTER] will pay them later.
You: Do you consume any particular hobbies, Tom? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, yes. I love playing badminton, table tennis and computer games. And play the games has become my favorite. You: I hear many teenagers will spend hours and hours sitting at computers. And they put on ' t care about their own health at all. How about you? [fictional character ]: I ' m no secure than them. They say it ' s mindless to sit in front of a machine all the time, but I think it ' s stimulating. You: You won ' t play online games full of violence, will you? [lineament ]: Once in a while. You: It ' s no good. And I think spending several hours each day playing computer games is a waste of time. You might as well do something healthy and meaningful. [CHARACTER ]: I desire I can practice self - control again.
Tom likes playing computer games most. You thinks sitting in front of a computer for hours is meaningless. Tom agrees and wants to practice self-control.
You: What equal you here for today? [CHARACTER ]: I need to fight this ticket that I got. You: Is the arresting officer here? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, he is, Your Honor. You: Plead your case. [CHARACTER ]: I was told by the officer that I ran a red light. That information isn ' t true. You: Wherefore would the officer lie? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m not sure, just the signal accept a camera on it. You: Did the camera take a picture of your license plate? [CHARACTER ]: No, my picture wasn ' t taken. You: There was no impression involve, so I ' ll let you go. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you very much, Your Honor.
[CHARACTER] fights for a ticket. You lets [CHARACTER] go because the camera didn't take the picture of [CHARACTER]'s license plate.
You: All right. I want to bring everybody in on this project. When can we start working on this? [CHARACTER ]: Well, we could probably get come out with a strategy meeting tomorrow morning at 8: 00. You: I tell you what, 8: 00 is no good for me, but why don ' t you guys commence started and Ane ' ll come by at around ogdoad: 45 or then. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s fine with me. How much time are we going to have to work on this?
[CHARACTER] tells [CHARACTER] they will start working on the project tomorrow morning. You will arrive late.
You: Excuse me, how can I get to the bank? Bank of America; I mean. One don ' t know the way. [CHARACTER ]: Well, go straight ahead till you see a supermarket. The bank is just at the other side of the street. You: Is it far from here? [CHARACTER ]: Let me see. Er, it ' s 4 blocks away. Not very far, not very near. You: Can I take a bus or something? [CHARACTER ]: You may take Bus No. 104 or a street car B - 201, 4 occlusive by bus and 3 stops by street motorcar. You: But where can Unity take the street cable car? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, the stop personify just over there, at the bookstore. See? You: Many thanks. [CHARACTER ]: You ' re welcome.
You asks [CHARACTER] the way to Bank of America. [CHARACTER] tells You the direction and the options. You will take the streetcar.
You: Excuse me, ah, was my bedroom cleaned this morning? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, Madam. All the rooms are cleaned in the morning, Madam. You: Well, then I take a bit of a problem [CHARACTER ]: Is your room not satisfactory, Ma'am? You: No, it ' s not that. It ' s just that I can ' t determine my necklace. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m sorry, Madam. Can you tell me a little bit more astir it? You: Well this morning One left my necklace here on the table by the bed but it ' s just nowhere to be found. [CHARACTER ]: I will report this to the manager right away, Madam.
You lost her necklace after her room was cleaned. [CHARACTER] will report it to the manager.
You: There is an element there about competition then, isn ' t there? Because British railways are a nationalized industry. There ' s only single railway organisation in the country. If you don ' t like a particular kind of big beans, you can go and buy another. But if you don ' t like a particular railway, you can ' t go and use another. [CHARACTER ]: Some people who write to me say this. They order that if you didn ' t have a monopoly, you wouldn ' t be able to do the thing you do. Well, I don ' t think we do anything deliberately to upset our customers. We have particular problems. Since 1946, when the Transport Act came in, we were nationalized. You: Do you think that ' s a good thing? Has it been a good thing for the railways, fare you think, to be nationalized? [CHARACTER ]: Oh I think so, yes. Because in general, modes of transport are all around. Let ' s face the fact. The car arrived. The car is here to stay. There is no question about that. You: So what are you saying then? Is it if the railways happen being nationalized, they would simply have disappeared? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, I think they would have. They ' re disappearing fast in America. Er, the French railways lose 1 billion pounds a year. The German railways, 2 billion pounds a year. But you see, those governments are preparing to pour money into the transport system to keep it going. You: So in a sense, you cope between two extremes. On the one hand, you ' re trying not to recede too much money. And on the other hand, you ' ve got to provide the best service. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, you are right.
[CHARACTER] thinks it is good for the railways to be nationalized because more and more cars appear and the railways gain less and less. You thinks what [CHARACTER] copes is two extremes: trying not to lose too much money and providing the best services.
You: Compare with the yellow i, you look more than beautiful in this white doll. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you. I like the bloodless one better. But how much will you charge me? You: It costs $ 100, but I ' d like to take off 30% , and that ' s it.
You and [CHARACTER] think the white skirt is better. You gives the price.
You: OK. We have to make a decision. Who is the best one interviewed for the job? [CHARACTER ]: Um, let ' s see. First we saw Frank. Helium ' s very polite and relaxed. But he wasn ' t well tog. He wasn ' t even wearing a tie. You: That ' s true, dressing well is important. Well, let ' s think about the others. What about Susan? She had a nice voice and was nicely dressed. [CHARACTER ]: Well, she did look very neat, very nicely dressed. But she was so unsure. She wouldn ' t be very good at talking to mass at the front desk. You: OK. Now who was next? Ar. .. Yes, David. What do you think? [CHARACTER ]: Eh. .. He seemed like a very bright guy. He dressed real nicely and had a really nice appearance. You: He was polite, but also very friendly and relaxed with me, the type of person people sense comfortable with right away. [CHARACTER ]: And he answered Dona ' s questions very well. I think he ' ll be good with the guests at the front desk. You: That ' s right. OK. Good! I guess we have our receptionist and so, don ' t you?
You and [CHARACTER] are talking about the best one interviewed. They discuss Frank, Susan and David, and they think David's appearance and personality are the best candidate for receptionist.
You: Good afternoon! Did you call for a plumber? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, yes I coif. Please come in! I ' m so glad you came! This old house is falling aside! Fall on into the You: I see. Let me have a look. Information technology seems that your toilet is clogged, and that ' s why it won ' t flush. Let me just get [CHARACTER ]: Oh, that must live because of my four - year - old daughter. She is always flushing things down the toilet. You know You: Yeah, Atomic number 53 have a slight one myself. Anyway, these water pipes are really rusty, so they also should be change. That [CHARACTER ]: That would be great! Is it expensive? You: Let ' s see. .. I would say about eight hundred dollars.
[CHARACTER] called for a plumber, so You comes to [CHARACTER]'s house and finds the toilet is clogged. You suggests changing the water pipes and gives the price.
You: Did you hear what happened in the Scott case? Some of the sensitive material were leak to the press. Now every newspapers is all over it. [CHARACTER ]: Oh. .. I bet the firm is fuming. Do they know who spilled the beans? You: I ' m sure they have their suspicions; there were only a few of the senior level lawers who were privy to the case details. [CHARACTER ]: What kind of repercussions will there be for the people who are held responsible? You: I ' one thousand sure there ' ll be canned! And there also might be some legal consequences. [CHARACTER ]: Why would the person who told have problems with the law? You: Because whoever let the cat out of the bag was breaking client confidentiality. [CHARACTER ]: I didn ' t think astir that. That ' s pretty serious. Are there investigators working on find out tabu who it was? You: I ' m sure management is on top of it.
[CHARACTER] and You talks about information leak of Scott's case. They discuss about the suspects and legal consequences.
You: May One help you, sir? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, please. 1 ' d like to buy a gift for my younger brother. He ' s going to take a tripper to South America. You: By air operating room by sea? [grapheme ]: By air. So my gift should be quite light. What can you suggest? You: How about this wallet? It ' s made of fine leather. [CHARACTER ]: My sister already gave him one. I like something unusual. You: This gift is the best for a man who make everything. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, a nice hanky. That ' s a great idea. I ' ll take it.
[CHARACTER] wants to buy a gift for [CHARACTER]'s younger brother and You finally recommends a handkerchief.
You: I am trying to decide what school to apply to? [CHARACTER ]: Be you thinking about a public school or a private one? You: I be not sure. What ' s the difference between them? [CHARACTER ]: Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually suffer their funding elsewhere. You: Which is better? [CHARACTER ]: One isn ' t necessarily better than the former. It depends a fortune on the school administration and the teachers. You: I hear you have to wear uniform at private school. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, sometimes.
[CHARACTER] tells You the differences between a public school and a private school to help You choosing a school.
You: This is ridiculous! I can ' t believe you ' ve been sleeping with someone else! How could you do this! You know what? I ' m out of here! [CHARACTER ]: Wait! Doctor how is this possible? I haven ' t cheated on my boyfriend! # Person3 #: I have something to fink. .. I ' m sorry Veronica, I lied. [CHARACTER ]: Wait. .. what? What set do you mean? # Person3 #: I lied. You aren ' t even pregnant. there ' s no bun in the oven. I was just so overwhelmed with jealousy that I couldn ' t help myself. Veronica I love you! [CHARACTER ]: What are you talking about! !! Who are you? # Person3 #: It ' s me! Daniel, don ' t you remember me? From high school. I sit behind you every day in class! I used to go to every football game and watch you in the cheerleading squad! [CHARACTER ]: You are insane! We never even spoke! Why did you lie like that to my boyfriend? # Person3 #: Because Veronica. .. It ' s not fair! I love you; I have since the first day we met! Everything was going fine until that jerk came into the picture and ruined everything! I went to med school and became a doctor for you! You always said how you wanted to marry a doctor! You will be mine now. .. one way or another. .. You: I get a line everything, you lying bastard! Get your hands off her!
The doctor tells a lie to You and [CHARACTER] that [CHARACTER] is pregnant because the doctor is jealous of [CHARACTER]'s boyfriend. The doctor sat behind [CHARACTER] every day and watch her in the cheerleading squad from high school because he loves [CHARACTER].
You: So Kim, take you ever had anything stolen? [CHARACTER ]: Stolen? No, why? You: My uncle just had his motorcycle stolen a few nights ago. I was hardly thinking about how cagey criminals are these days. [CHARACTER ]: Criminals are clever? They ' re only successful when people follow careless. You: I don ' t know. The ones who stole my uncle ' s motorcycle were pretty good. [CHARACTER ]: If your uncle had an alarm system, then it wouldn ' t have happened. You: He did. It was one of the best ones usable. But that didn ' t stop them from disabling it. And on a crowded street too. [CHARACTER ]: Didn ' t anyone stop them? You: You would think that people would be smart enough to stop something like that. No one knew his motorcycle was being stolen. The thieves came in a truck and convinced everybody that my uncle was parked illegally and they were there to tow it away. [CHARACTER ]: Wow, they were good. I guess criminals aren ' deoxythymidine monophosphate that dumb after all. You: That ' s not the end. They were so good that they convinced a bystander to help them lift the motorcycle and put it in the truck.
You tells Kim that the motorcycle of You's uncle was stolen. The thieves were so clever because they convinced everyone that the motorcycle was parked illegally and even convinced a bystander to help them.
You: Have you received your TOFEL test resultant role however? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I fare. I go through! You: Congratulations! I knew you could serve it. [CHARACTER ]: Well, I sure couldn ' t have done it without your help. You are the best tutor I ' ve ever had. You: Give thanks you, but it was your heavy work that did it. [CHARACTER ]: You deserve credit, too. I ' ve learned so much from You.
[CHARACTER] passed the TOFEL test with the help of You.
You: Good afternoon, sir. [CHARACTER ]: Good afternoon. I have a mental reservation under the name of Hilton. You: Could you spell that, please? [CHARACTER ]: Trusted. It ' s H - I - Cubic decimeter - T - O - N. You: One moment, please. Ah yes, Mr. Hilton, you booked a single room for tierce nighttime. Is that correct? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, that ' s right. You: I consider from the computer that you are a frequent guest here. Come you have your loyalty card? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, here you are. And here ' s my credit card, too. You: Thank you. Right, your room number is 105. Here ' s your key and receipt. Thank you for choosing our hotel again, sir. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you, goodbye. You: Adieu.
Hilton makes a reservation and You helps him check in and gives him the key and the receipt.
You: This one looks great! I love the seashore. [CHARACTER ]: So practise 1. The sun. .. the sand. .. the ocean! You: And listen to this! What do you think of sailing, swim, windsurfing, and fishing? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, Tom! They sound fantastic. I really like totally those things. You: Yea. .. me, too. [CHARACTER ]: Well, except fishing. To be honest, I hate fishing, but I love all the others. You: Hey! Look at this! We tooshie stay in a big hotel or we can stay in a little cabin by the beach. [CHARACTER ]: You know. I really don ' t those large hotels. You: Neither do I. Let ' s stay in a cabin. It ' ll be much nicer right beside the ocean.
You and [CHARACTER] are talking about the seashore. [CHARACTER] likes everything but fishing. Both of them prefer to live in a cabin near the sea.
You: Turkey cock, what are you going to do this weekend? [CHARACTER ]: I have no idea. Normally I stay at home and watch TV. Sometimes I play computer games. Do you have any good approximation? You: Let ' s go to the cinema. I haven ' t seen a movie for a long time. I heard Ice Age 4 is really popular. Let ' s go and see it. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, I ' mib not really interested in cartoons. How about playing tennis at the gym? You: OK. I like sports. When and where shall we meet? [CHARACTER ]: Let ' s sports meeting at the gym at 9: 00 o ' clock on Saturday morning. You: hunky dory. See you then. [CHARACTER ]: See you.
Tom and [CHARACTER] are planning for this weekend. They would rather play tennis than watch movies. They will meet at gym.
You: Hello, how may I help you? [CHARACTER ]: Hello, I seem to have a problem with my computer. You: Alright. Let ' s see. What about tomorrow morning about 10: 00? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, no. That won ' t do I ' m afraid. I ' ve got a very important report on the computer that must be finished and pass in by 9: 00 AM tomorrow. By 10: 00 it ' s besides late I ' m afraid. Can ' t you come now? You: Well, I ' m at a job at the here and now and my wife and kids are expecting me home by 8: 00 PM for dinner party. [CHARACTER ]: Iodine know it ' s Sunday evening. Can you at least suggest soul else who can work? I ' ve been calling identification number in the phone books and you ' re the only one that answered. You: Just a moment. Don ' t worry. Where are you now? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m at my office. I work in the morning side orbit. You: Well, you ' re in luck. I have to pass your area on my way home. Now I should be finished here by 7: 30, so what about around 7: 45? Is that OK? [CHARACTER ]: That ' s great. Thank you.
[CHARACTER] is calling You to repair the computer. They can't agree on a time tomorrow, so You agrees to go there in a few minutes because [CHARACTER] is in a hurry to write a report.
You: Welcome to tonight ' s Legendary Lives. Iodine ' m Shirley Morgan. Tonight, we are quite honored to invite David Hopkins, a well known chef with 30 years of cooking experience. Last year, his new book, Secrets in the Kitchen got on a New York Times best seller list for 6 months. Welcome to our program, David. [quality ]: Hello, Shirley, it ' s a pleasure to be here. You: David, Ane can ' t wait to see you uncovered a formulas for dishes. Exploring the How ' s and why ' s of cooking. Before that, may I ask you a question? What ' s the difference between a chef and a cook? [CHARACTER ]: I think cooks generally work at entry level jobs. They work at different places in the kitchen and follow recipes. In contrast, chefs have special training and understand better which food goes well together, so they can invent new recipes. You: I see, a chef is the cook, who has completed a professional course while a cook it ' s basically any person who cooks food. By the way, how do you become a chef? [CHARACTER ]: I am trained. 95% is about professional training and the other 5% is about talent. You: Would you mind describing us a day of a chef? We ' re so curious about that. [CHARACTER ]: Nothing special, I generally go to work 2 hours before service starts. The night before, I ' ve written the lists of all the things we need to prepare the next day. I work in dissimilar roles depending on what is want. You: Challenging. How long do you work everyday? [CHARACTER ]: tenner to 12 hours a day. You: An almost full time job! Do you have any tips for ordinary cooks, like me? [CHARACTER ]: Cooking involves your passion and creativity. Kitchen is never a place to chop vegetables, and have a quick breakfast. It is good to make food that people really enjoy. You: I backside ' t agree with you more. Miracles bechance in the kitchen. Thanks for joining us, David. [CHARACTER ]: My pleasure.
You welcomes David to attend the program as a well-known chef and asks some questions to him. She asks David what is the difference between a cook and a chef, what is a day for a chef and is there any tips for average cooks. David thinks that cooking should involve passion and creativity.
You: Can you help me find some books? I need them for my course of study. I ' m writing a report about US history. [CHARACTER ]: Of class. Do you know how to use our computers? Our entire book collection is on our website. You can look up the books you need, then I ' ll walk you over to their location in the main building. You: Thank you, but I ' mebibyte not sure which scripture to look up on the computer. My topic is very general. How can I search for a few books on a topic rather of one specific book? [CHARACTER ]: I ' ll show you. Type your topic into the search box on the screen and a list of books will come up. Then pick the few books that you want and will look for them on the bookshelves. You: Give thanks you. [CHARACTER ]: Remember, you can only check out up to three books at a time.
[CHARACTER] tells You how to find the books related to the You's topic with computer, [CHARACTER] says You can only check out up to three books at a time.
You: Mom, I ' m a little worried about college. I just don ' t know what to study. I don ' t know what my major should be. [CHARACTER ]: That can be a difficult decision, John. You: How can I decide? [CHARACTER ]: Well, I ' d start with your interests. It will help you if you study something that you are interested in. What do you like to read and learn about or do? You: I guess I like dancing and helping people. Those are my interest I guess. [CHARACTER ]: What come you mean by helping people? You: If people have problems, I like to help solve them. Or if people are injure, I like to try to do things that make them feel better. [CHARACTER ]: It sounds like you might be interested in medicine then. You: Uh. .. I don ' metric ton know. [CHARACTER ]: Another thing I think you should consider is the possible jobs you might get and how much money you want to make. You: How do I figure that? [CHARACTER ]: You can research different jobs at the library and there be reports and data on how well different jobs pay. You: I want to have a well paid job so that I can have money to travel. [CHARACTER ]: Well, there you go. Income is going to influence you most in your choice of nature. There is one other thing you should consider, too. You: What ' s that? [CHARACTER ]: You know, scholarships, then money given to you for college. You might want to pick a major that will allow you to get a special scholarship. I know you ' ll make the right decision. You: Thanks, mom.
John asks his mom how to choose a major. Mom tells John to consider based on his interest, expecting income and scholarship offers. Mom thinks John will make rihgt decision.
You: I ' m glad you could find time to meet with me, Mr. Johnson. I can ' t think of a nicer environment for our meeting today, the ambiance here is lovely! [CHARACTER ]: No problem, if possible I always combine business with pleasure. Now, let ' s hear to a greater extent about these chocolates you ' re offering. You: Intimately, as you know, I have recently become the sole distributor for Grangers Gourmet Bon - bons here in the United States. They ' re a new manufacturer and are looking to break into the luxury market. Naturally, your restaurant sprang into my mind immediately. I think your brand exemplifies many of the like traits as Grangers and serving these hot chocolate would really add to your reputation for providing elegant, luxurious, first class dining. [CHARACTER ]: Mmmm, sounds interesting. .. gourmet chocolates, where are they produced? Belgium? You: Actually, the factory is located in Scotland. [CHARACTER ]: Really? I didn ' t think they were known for their luxury chocolate production. .. You: That ' s what makes this such a fantastic opportunity! The government is one hundred percent supportive of creating fresh exportation markets and has guaranteed a low tariff for all wholesale orders of over one thousand units. They ' Ve also reduced the red tape involved at customs as well. Here, I brought these especially for you, try one! [CHARACTER ]: Oh, thanks. Mmm, hmm, creamy texture, very smooth. .. You: Unique, aren ' t they? I bet you ' Ve never tasted anything like it! Quality is assured as I personally visit the factory to make sure no one ' s cutting corners with the ingredients. Only the creme make it through inspection. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, very interesting flavors. .. Slightly spicy, very unique, that ' s for sure. Exactly what ARE the ingredients? You: I have it on highest authority that this traditional secret recipe has been handed down in the Granger family for generations. I ' m sure you can keep a secret. Buttermilk, cacao beans, sugar and Haggis. [CHARACTER ]: Haggis? What ' s Haggis? You: It ' s a traditional Scottish delicacy; you take sheep ' s liver, heart and lung and stuff it inside of the sheep ' s stomach.
Mr. Johnson meets [CHARACTER] offering gourmet chocolates that have low tariff and unique taste, made in Scotland where the government is supportive of creating new export markets, and the ingredients of chocolates are buttermilk, cacao beans, sugar, and Haggis.
You: Excuse pine tree state. What should I fall apart if I want to snuff it to an interview? [CHARACTER ]: You should wear a affiliation to go with your case. You: Unity be afraid I would strain up during the interview. [CHARACTER ]: It doesn ' t matter. Just do your best to betray yourself.
[CHARACTER] advises You to wear a tie with a suit and do the best in an interview.
You: Mr. Black, I ' d like to get some time off. I ' Ve been feeling exhausted these days. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s no problem. Let me see. .. You still have ten days annual leave left, be that right? You: Yes. One was wondering if I could take another two weeks off. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s long leave. How ' s your project coming along? You: The project I ' m in charged of now will be done by the end of this calendar week. I ' d like to remove my leave from next Monday on. [CHARACTER ]: Well, all right. But you make sure to tie up loose ends before you leave. You: Thank you, Mr. Black. There are no immediate projects coming up at the moment. Mr. Smith will exist in charge during my absence. He is taking part in several projects as my assistant and knows how to maintain relationship with our clients. [CHARACTER ]: Great! I hope you have a good relaxation and come back refreshed. You: I will. Many thanks, Mr. Black.
You asks Mr. Black's permission to take some time off. Mr. Black reminds [CHARACTER] makes sure to tie up loose ends of the project, and says Mr. Smith will be in charge during the absence.
You: I would like to make an offer on this house, but I don ' t know much about the mental process. [fictional character ]: As your realtor, I am hither to take care of this process. How much were you planning on offering? You: I really like the house and will give the full asking price of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. [CHARACTER ]: We want to forget ourselves some bargaining room. Let ' s offer three hundred and twenty thousand dollars. You: That sounds good, but I don ' t want this house to get away from me. [CHARACTER ]: The market is fairly down right now, so the offer is a realistic one. You: When will we know if they accept the offer? [CHARACTER ]: The owners usually respond to an offer within a few days. You: Should I be contacting my bank in the meantime? [CHARACTER ]: You are already pre - measure up for your loan, so you are in good shape.
You follows You's realtor's advice and offers a price lower than the full asking price of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars on a house that You really likes.
You: There is a tornado warning on. My mother just told me she heard it on the radio. [CHARACTER ]: What is a tornado warning? You: It means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in the area. [CHARACTER ]: Really? In New Irving berlin? You: No. Non necessarily in town. But in southern Wi somewhere. A tornado has been spotted. They have two stages hither. This is what is called a tornado watch. That means that the weather conditions are perfect for a tornado. [CHARACTER ]: I understand. They think a tornado might come. You: Yes. People should look out, because maybe there will be tornadoes coming. So it ' s called a watch. [CHARACTER ]: And the second stage is called a tornado warning. You: Yes. If a tornado has been spotted, they announce a tornado warning. So if there ' s a tornado warning on, it means a tornado is out there somewhere. [CHARACTER ]: It ' s scary. You: Well. Tornadoes can be dangerous, it ' s true. If we hear something like a loud train coming, then we have to go in the basement. [CHARACTER ]: What do you mean a loud train? You: That is what tornadoes sound like. They sound like trains. They ' re very loud. [CHARACTER ]: But if you hear them coming, isn ' t it already too late? You: Maybe. It depends on the tornado. Some can move across the ground at 200 miles an hour. That is very fast. Others aren ' t so fast. [CHARACTER ]: Have you seen a lot of them? You: I ' ve only seen one in my life. I was looking out the window. It was around two miles away. It was very interesting to watch. But it cost heading toward my friend ' s house. So I quickly called them on the phone. [CHARACTER ]: Did it hit their house? You: No, it didn ' t. But they are glad I called them. [CHARACTER ]: What were they doing when you called? You: They were all sitting in the living room watching TV. They had no idea a tornado was coming toward their house. If it had hit them, they could have all been killed. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s terrible. Do many hoi polloi die in tornadoes? You: Not so many really. But a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes.
You explains to [CHARACTER] the details about tornados in terms of two stages which are a tornado warning and a tornado watch. You further explains the sound of tornados and the causes of such sound, as wells as the danger of tornado. Then You continues expressing the danger of tornado by giving a personal experience of You encountering a tornado.
You: Did you do anything fun over the weekend? [CHARACTER ]: I didn ' t require to go out last weekend, so I decided to stay at home and watch a motion picture. You: Why didn ' t you want to go out? [CHARACTER ]: I was rattling tired after working all week. Sometimes on the weekend I don ' t have enough energy to go extinct to a movie theatre. You: Did you download a movie or rent it at the storage? [CHARACTER ]: I downloaded it so that I didn ' t have to remember to return information technology.
[CHARACTER] tells You that [CHARACTER] didn't go out last weekend and stayed at home watching a downloaded movie.
You: I heard you are going to move. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I found a better house near my office. I ' m very satisfied with it. Only I ' m worrying. You: What are you worried about? [CHARACTER ]: I ' meter worrying about how to make a motion all of my household stuff. You know, I have a lot of stuff. You: You can call a mover. [CHARACTER ]: How much dose that cost? You: Around 200 RMB for a truck. [CHARACTER ]: I think information technology ' s a little expensive. You: But think about it, you just need to pack your stuff and leave everything for the movers, how much trouble you will save. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s right. You: I know a mover which has a very good reputation for their service. I ' ll leave you their phone figure. [CHARACTER ]: Wonderful. You: It ' s 8357688 8. [CHARACTER ]: Okay, thanks a lot. You did me a great favor just now. You: You ' re welcome.
[CHARACTER] is going to move but worried about how to move the household stuff. Then You suggests [CHARACTER] leave everything for the movers, and leaves [CHARACTER] a phone number of a reputable mover.
You: This is my admission card, and these make up the books. [CHARACTER ]: OK, a moment, please. You: By the path, can I renew the borrowing? [CHARACTER ]: For which matchless? You: Sense and Sensibility, English version. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, of course. You: Throne I just do it here? [CHARACTER ]: Sorry. No, you cannot. You should go to the other counter. You: OK, thanks. [CHARACTER ]: Sorry, this biography be over the deadline. You have to pay extra for it. You: Unity was thinking of buy this from the bookstore when my father got this from the library. .. anyway, how much should I pay? [CHARACTER ]: 3 Yuan, please. You: Here you are. Thanks. [CHARACTER ]: You are welcome. See you next time.
[CHARACTER] helps You return books. You renews the borrowing of one book as well as pays 3 Yuan because of overdue.
You: Tom, aren ' t you a little also older to be trick - or - treating? [fictional character ]: What are you talking about? Where be your Halloween spirit? Didn ' t you ever dress up in a costume and go around the neighborhood trick - or - treating with your friends? You: Of course, I did, but when I was ten! Trick - or - treating is for kids, plus, I ' m sure citizenry will call back you ' re a kidnapper or something, running around with kids NCP at night. [CHARACTER ]: Whatever, One ' m going next door I heard Mrs. Robinson is giving out big bags of M & Molar concentration!
You thinks Tom is too old to be trick-or-treating but Tom insists on doing it.
You: Helium ' s only interested in plague you. How can he expect us to have so much time to waste? [CHARACTER ]: I almost require to send him a virus to shut his stupid computer down. You: As obnoxious as Bean be, we should still hear to end up this case. [CHARACTER ]: Honest - well, do you have any forwards for me to send him? You: Yeah! Remember that unmatchable about putting light bulbs in your mouth?
You and [CHARACTER] are complaining Bean is obnoxious.
You: Would you mind if I make a suggestion? [CHARACTER ]: Of course not, go ahead. You: Maybe you should try to quit smoke. You know it is very bad for your health. [fictitious character ]: Well, sure it be. Actually, I have been cut down the amount since two months ago. I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes for a single day. Now I limit it to 6 cigarettes a day. You: You have made a big progress. Depart smoking is not an easy job. Only it will be rewarding in the long run. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you for your hypnotism. You: You ' re welcome.
You suggests [CHARACTER] try to quit smoking, while [CHARACTER] has been cutting down smoking amount since two months ago.
You: Life ' s so boring. [CHARACTER ]: Well, most of the time it embody, I guess. You: What serve you think will make you happy? [character reference ]: I think money will make me happy. You: You heard people say that money doesn ' t guarantee felicity. [CHARACTER ]: Information technology will for me. Then I bum do all the things I want to do. You: You ' ll get bored eventually. [CHARACTER ]: Then I can find something unexampled to make. If I don ' t have to worry about money, then I don ' t have to work. You: That ' s true, Atomic number 53 guess. If I didn ' t have to work, I think I would be happy. [CHARACTER ]: You see. .. money doesn ' t equal happiness, but it takes away a lot of responsibilities.
You would be happy if You didn't have to work. [CHARACTER] thinks money doesn't equal happiness but it can take away many responsibilities.
You: Excuse me. Do you study Chinese at the university here? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I do. But my characters are very bad. You: It takes a long time to learn Chinese writing. [CHARACTER ]: Are you Chinese? You: Yes, I am. I am from Taiwan. I came here to study political science. [CHARACTER ]: How do you like information technology? You: I like it so far. But my English still needs work. [CHARACTER ]: I want to study Mandarin and international relations. You: Does the Chinese department here teach regular characters or simplified characters? [CHARACTER ]: They teach regular characters. You: I see. I ' m from Taiwan, so I know regular characters better than simplified. [CHARACTER ]: You just said your English needs work, yes? You: Yes, that ' s true. Especially my writing. I think my papers aren ' t good enough. I make too many grammatical mistakes. [CHARACTER ]: Well, I am very serious about learning Chinese. But for me the hard part now is pronunciation. You have the four tones in Chinese. It is very hard. Maybe, if you have time, maybe we could do a language interchange. You: You mean you and I? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, why not? I mean, if you come to this cafe often, maybe we could meet here and practice Chinese and English. You: That sounds like a good idea. How often would you like to do it? [CHARACTER ]: Let ' s see. .. My schedule right now is quite busy. But I think I could spend 90 minutes a week in language exchange. You: How would we manage it though? How would we drop the xc minutes? [CHARACTER ]: First, we could spend 45 minutes working on your English writing. If you want, I could help you edit your papers. Or we could do English conversation. Whatever you want. And then the next 45 minutes you would help maine with my Chinese. You: Would I help you with writing? [CHARACTER ]: No. For me right now, the important thing is spoken Chinese. I need practice. So you could tutor me in speaking. We could use my textbook, and you could ask me questions. Then you could correct my mistakes. You: I think it sounds like a good system. But when is it commodious to meet? [CHARACTER ]: Well, today is Monday. Actually, for me Monday at this time would be the best. I am free from now until 11 You: Me too. In fact, I ' m free until 1 [CHARACTER ]: So if you want to meet at 10 You: It sounds good. I will bring the papers I ' m working on. [CHARACTER ]: And I will bring my textbook and a tape recorder. I would like to record some things so I can practice on my own. You: Let me give you my phone number. [CHARACTER ]: Sure. I ' ll give you mine to a fault. Then we can call if we have to cancel for some reason.
[CHARACTER] studies Chinese but [CHARACTER]'s characters are very bad, [CHARACTER] thinks the hard part now is pronunciation. You needs to improve English writing since You makes too many grammatical mistakes. [CHARACTER] suggests they do a language exchange, where they will spend 90 minutes a week on every Monday at 10. They will spend 45 minutes working on You's English writing, or they do English conversation. You would help [CHARACTER] with [CHARACTER]'s Chinese speaking.
You: How can I help you today, Alice? [eccentric ]: Well, I came to talk to you because I want to apply for a scholarship. You: Oh, good. You ' re an excellent student. I ' d be very willing to help you with that. [CHARACTER ]: Thanks. I really appreciate it. In fact, I do need a letter of recommendation for this scholarship. You: What kind of scholarship is it? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s an undergraduate scholarship offered by the American Minority Students Scholarship Association. I ' m eligible for it because I ' m Asian American. You: Fine. I know about that scholarship. You have to be a student in your junior year, and you have to have a grade point average of 3. 7 or higher. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m a junior now, and my GPA is 3. 92. You: Excellent. So you ' ll have a good chance of getting it. [CHARACTER ]: Well, I hope so. The competition is probably pretty heavy. And they want a writing sample too. You: Do you have an essay you want to send them? [CHARACTER ]: No, they want a special essay. I must write an essay on a particular question they pose. You: What is the question? [CHARACTER ]: They give applicants a topic. The topic is, The Place of Ethnic Nonage in a Democratic Society. My essay must be three pages typed and double - spaced. You: That ' s a pretty short essay. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, but I need to write it by next week. You: Upright luck. I ' m sure you will do a good job. [CHARACTER ]: I came here today to talk to you because. .. Well, I need to ask two favors. You: Sure. What are they? [CHARACTER ]: First, I need a letter of recommendation. You: I ' d equal happy to pen one for you. [CHARACTER ]: And second. .. Well, I ' m not sure if it ' s normal. You: What is it? Do you want me to read your essay? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, if you could. I mean, if you could read it to make sure there are no mistakes. Or maybe you ' d have some suggestions. You: Of course I could read it. That ' s no problem. But you need to get it to pine tree state soon. [CHARACTER ]: I will. I want to write the first draft tonight. So I could bring it tomorrow morning. You: Alright. If you can bring it to me tomorrow morning, I can talk with you after class on Friday. So I ' ll have some feedback for you before the weekend. [CHARACTER ]: That would really help me a lot. I ' m very grateful. You: Don ' t mention it. 1 ' m always willing to help in force students.
Alice wants to apply for a scholarship offered by the American Minority Students Scholarship Association since she is eligible for it that she is Asian American, a student in junior year and has GPA 3. 92. To get the scholarship, Alice must write an essay on the topic--The Place of Ethnic Minorities in a Democratic Society. You is helping her write a letter of recommendation, read her essay, and give some suggestions.
You: What is your major? [CHARACTER ]: My major is Business Administration, I am especially interested in Marketing. You: Which university are you attending? [type ]: I attend Suzhou University. You: Have you received any degrees? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. I received my Bachelor degree in Business Administration. You: What course did you like best? [CHARACTER ]: Project Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a student. And I think it ' s very useful for my present work. You: Do you feel that you have received a good general preparation? [theatrical role ]: Yes, I have studied in an English grooming program and a computer training program since 1 graduated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a education school. You: English and computer skills are comparatively important to this post, especially in the starting period. Wharfs your ability in these two fields? [CHARACTER ]: I passed college English Test Isthmus - 4, with good skill in listening, speaking, reading and writing. I haven ' t got any certificate of computer skills, because I don ' t think certificates are necessary if what ' s needed is merely operating a computer. I think, to know how to use a computer is more important. And I ' m rather familiar with Microsoft Office
*You interviews [CHARACTER] who has a bachelor's degree in Business Administration has received good training in English, computer and finance, is good at English, and is familiar with Microsoft Office, but hasn't got any certificate of computer skills.
You: Jane, we are going to have a board meeting next Friday. Will you delight arrange it for me? [CHARACTER ]: Certainly, Mr. Robert. But can I have your plan? You: Sure. Actually it ' s a routine board meeting. The things to be discussed are all written here. [CHARACTER ]: Very good. Crataegus oxycantha I keep it? I need it to draw up a notice of the meeting and the agenda. You: Go ahead. It ' s for your reference. While you are at it, make me a especial agenda and don ' t forget to have enough room at the side for notes. [theatrical role ]: You mean you need a more detailed agenda for yourself? You: Exactly. As I am supposed to the chair of the meeting, I don ' t want it to get out of control. [CHARACTER ]: I see. Ok, then where do you think we will have the meeting? You: The group discussion room on the second floor, is that ok? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I will see that the room is ready by Friday. And I will check there are enough chairs, and the lighting and air - conditioning are all right. You: Good, and please get some water, glasses and ash tray ready as well. [CHARACTER ]: Sure, I will. What about the minutes? Do you think I cost responsible for that too? You: Definitely. The minutes have to be taken accurately. [CHARACTER ]: But I am not familiar with the members of the board. You: Oh, that ' s easy. I will write you a list of their names. You can make a seating plan with the names and give each one a number. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s a good idea. All right, I ' ll withdraw and get down to it if you don ' t mind.
Jane is helping Mr. Robert arranging a board meeting in the conference room, saying she will check the room in advance, make him a special agenda and take the minutes accurately, as well as make a seating plan according to a list of names of board members Mr. Robert will write.
You: How be your stock doing, Jim? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, all right wing. I lost a bunch of money in the last two years, but this year have been somewhat good. You: Yeah, I lose money investment in the internet too. [CHARACTER ]: Just goes to show that you should buy companies not ideas. You: I changed my strategy around too. I invest in good companies now. [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, me too. Did you hear about Ted? You: No. What happened? [CHARACTER ]: He lost his kids ' college money by trading. You: Oh, boy. His wife can ' t be happy about that.
You and [CHARACTER] are talking about their stocks and investment options, and about Ted losing his kids' college money.
You: May I help you, sir? [CHARACTER ]: Fill it upwards with regular, please. You: Should I take a look at your electric battery? [CHARACTER ]: No, thanks. I ' m in a hurry. You: Your car is quick. [CHARACTER ]: Good! How much exist it? You: 250 yuan, please! [CHARACTER ]: That is expensive. You: You should roll in the hay about the oil crisis.
You helps [CHARACTER] fill up the car for 250 yuan.
You: Can I ask you a question? [CHARACTER ]: Sure, go ahead. You: How do you get along with the American students in your classes? [CHARACTER ]: I don ' t have much contact with them. You: Really? Why not? Don ' tonne you go up and talk to them? [CHARACTER ]: No, Single don ' t. I ' m too afraid of making mistakes in English. I don ' t want to be laughed at. You: You won ' t get anyplace that way. You ' re the one who needs to practice Side, so you should have the first move. Besides, most American students are really friendly and outgoing. They testament be glad to talk to you. [CHARACTER ]: Thanks for the advice. I guess you ' re right. It ' s just hard to overcome my shyness. 1 really will try from now on. I promise.
You is advising [CHARACTER] makes a talk with the American students to practice English since [CHARACTER] is afraid of being laughed at making mistakes in English.
You: What ' s the escort today Mr. Brown. I don ' t have a calendar. [CHARACTER ]: Today is Tuesday, 25th September, 2001. You: twenty fifth Sep? Ohio, I have an appointment tonight. [CHARACTER ]: What time is your appointment? You: It is at 8 o ' clock. [CHARACTER ]: What time is now? Cause you have the correct time? You: I don ' t know what time information technology is. It must be about 6 oxygen ' clock. I have to go now. I put on ' t want to cost tardily. [CHARACTER ]: You won ' t be late. It ' s still early.
You asks Mr. Brown about the date. You remembers an appointment tonight and leave.
You: Can I help you, Miss? [CHARACTER ]: Do you have anything which can prevent wrinkles and freckles? You: What is your skin case? [CHARACTER ]: My skin is kind of oily. You: This nutrition cream is for anti - wrinkling and whitening which be a newcomer brand. [CHARACTER ]: How much is it? You: $ 60. The price is reasonable for its large quantity. What ' s more, there are some gifts attaching for you. [CHARACTER ]: Sound good. What are the gifts attaching? You: You can take one tonic or hand cream. [CHARACTER ]: Iodine will choose the tonic. You: No problem. You can test this kind of gel which can preclude freckle, the effect will be better if you use this powder foundation applied with it. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s the very matter I want.
You is helping [CHARACTER] to get a nutrition cream to prevent wrinkles, and a gel to prevent freckles.
You: Why don ' t you begin by telling me something about yourself? [CHARACTER ]: What do you want to know? You: The usual, you know, something about your background and experience and anything personal that you feel is pertinent. [fibre ]: Well, I was bear in Shanghai and went to school there, right up through college. My father is a lawyer, and my mother is a teacher. You: Sounds as if you come from a professional family. [CHARACTER ]: That right. One of my sisters is a doctor and the other one teaches at a university. You: What made you decide to get into computers? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, cypher in particular, I guess. I always liked mathematics and tinkering with machines. You: Now what about your experience? How long have you been working with computers? [CHARACTER ]: More than five years now. After I did my engineering degree, I began to specialize in computer technology and I even had my own company for a while. You: It certainly sounds impressive. Why father ' t you have your credentials sent to me and I ' ll show them to the board? We ' ll probably get back to you in a week. [character reference ]: Thanks very much.
[CHARACTER] comes from a professional family and has been working with computers for more than five years. [CHARACTER] specializes in computer technology and had a company for a while. You asks for [CHARACTER]'s credentials, they will get back to [CHARACTER].
You: Who is Cindy ' s husband? [CHARACTER ]: Cindy ' s husband is Ron. You: How many children do Cindy and Ron have? [CHARACTER ]: They make two children - one son and one daughter - every bit well as one daughter - in - law and one son - in - jurisprudence. You: Do they have any grandchildren? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, they have three grandchildren - one girl and two boys. You: Serve their daughter get along well with her in - laws? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, she have along with them quite well. You: Do they have a large family? [CHARACTER ]: Their family be very similar to Cindy and Ron ' s family.
You asks [CHARACTER] for information about Cindy and Ron's family which have two children and three grandchildren.
You: What is your longsighted - term goal in this career? [CHARACTER ]: My long - terminus goal is to become an expert in this field. You: What would you practise to achieve that? [CHARACTER ]: In club to achieve that objective. I would work step by step and make further report.
You asks [CHARACTER]'s long-term goal and plans.
You: Bill, I ' m expecting a big increase in turnover with the coming of the Mid - Autumn Festival. But wholesales are unwilling to supply my orders unless I pay them an advance of l% of the wide price, for my business is fairly new. Atomic number 53 hope that you can make me an cash advance on loan. [CHARACTER ]: Do you have stocks or a title deed of a house to pledge as security? You: No. I should be grateful if you could see your way to make an advance against my personal reputation. You may inspect my accounts. From my accounts you can see that I ' ve promptly met all my obligations. [CHARACTER ]: We do not allow any request for a loan against personal security. This is a common regulation. But we may consider it if you can provide a reliable guarantor. You: Yes, I can. You know Mr. Macready, the famous car dealer here in New York. He agreed to act as my guarantor of a loanword in the sum of US $ l0, 000 until the end of this year. [CHARACTER ]: Good. He is a man of high standing. I think we can grant the loan you need after some farther discussion. Merely I suggest you borrow on overdraft instead of on loan.
You requests a loan against personal security, but it doesn't work. [CHARACTER] suggests providing a reliable guarantor and thinks they can grant the loan if Mr. Macready is You's guarantor. [CHARACTER] suggests You borrow on overdraft instead of on loan.
You: Say, have you heard about Jennie? [fibre ]: No, what happened? You: She ' s had her baby. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, that ' s wonderful! When? You: A couple of workweek ago. [quality ]: Was it a boy or a girl? You: A girl. [reference ]: Oh, that ' s great! That ' s what she wanted, isn ' t it? You: Yeah, she always like the girls. [CHARACTER ]: What are they going to call her? You: Christine, I suppose.
You tells [CHARACTER] Jennie's had a baby girl, and Jennie like girls.
You: Suppose the company crack you a pay raise of fifty% , would you be so determined to leave and look for a job as well? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, Iodin ' ve set my mind down on it. I ' d like to find a job with full cathode ray oscilloscope to show my ability.
You refuses a pay raise and determines to leave the company.
You: You don ' t look very happy. What seems to be the problem? [lineament ]: I ' ve got to write a long composition for my English class, and I just tush ' t come upward with any ideas, and information technology is due tomorrow. You: That shouldn ' t be. too unmanageable. Remember those pictures you were showing me last week? [CHARACTER ]: Sure. You: Why don ' t you write something about the camel ride you took? [CHARACTER ]: That sounds like a good idea. I can also write about our visit to the North Africa. You: Well, now that you ' re feeling in force, I think I ' ll be on my way. I ' ve got to finish my composition too. [CHARACTER ]: Thanks for your help. I ' m much more relaxed now and once I get organized, it won ' t be so difficult.
[CHARACTER] can't come up with any ideas of the composition. You advises [CHARACTER] to write a composition about the camel ride. [CHARACTER] is very grateful.
You: Reception. Can I help you? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, please. I ' m Mrs. Brown calling from room 203. You: Yes, Madam. What can I do for you? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m not clear about the checkout counter time. I mean how soon do I have to leave my room? You: Normally it ' s by 12 noon on the day when you ' ll leave. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, dear. You: Is there a problem, Gentlewoman? [CHARACTER ]: Well, you see, my plane takes off at phoebe o ' clock tomorrow afternoon. Can I keep the room a bit longer? You: I see. Which room are you in, Madam? [CHARACTER ]: Room 203, the name is Browning. You: Ah yes, Mrs. Browning. You may keep your room till deuce p. m. , if you wish. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, you are so kind. Thank you very a great deal. You: My pleasure.
You answers Mrs. Browning's question about checkout time, and extends it to 2 p.m.
You: Hi, Ruth. This is Steve speaking. How was the football game yesterday? [CHARACTER ]: Great. Why did you miss it? Steve? You: My parents didn ' t let me go because I had a fever. I ' m still in bed. [CHARACTER ]: Besides bad you weren ' t there. We all go together - - Jenny, Jimmy, George and I. You: It must have been freezing sitting out of door, wasn ' t it? [CHARACTER ]: Information technology was. We were all wrapped up in blankets, wool hats, and heavy coats. You: I hear it set out bamboozle in the middle of the game. [CHARACTER ]: It did, lightly at first, and so harder. But it didn ' t stop the game. That was the most exciting moment and it was so funny watching the players slipping in the snow.
Steve had a fever. He calls Ruth to ask about the football game yesterday. Although it was cold outside, Ruth thinks that was great.
You: Hello. This is the emergency 911 operator. [CHARACTER ]: Help. Help. Please help me! You: Yes sir. Please calm down and explain exactly what comprise happening. [lineament ]: Calm down! My car is stalled on the freeway, I have a lady passenger, and she ' s going into labor. You: Now relax sir. Explain exactly where you are. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m. .. I ' m in the southbound lane of the Lincoln Expressway, about 15 miles from the Washington Tunnel, and this lady isn ' t going to wait. You: Okay. What ' s your name sir and your passenger ' s? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s. .. it ' s Bob, and I have no idea about the fair sex. She ' s in no condition to tell me. You: Okay, now what ' s the nearest landmark to your locating? Pay careful attention. [CHARACTER ]: Umm, I see golden arches. .. McDonalds. You: Okay, is there anyone else with you? [CHARACTER ]: No, and I ' ve tried to get someone else to stop. [The sound of a bottle breaking.] You: Hey, what was that? [Ahhhh!] [CHARACTER ]: Ah, someone threw a bottle at me. How soon can someone get here? You: I ' ve just now dispatched an ambulance to your location. They should be there any second. [CHARACTER ]: Hey, is there anything I can do while we wait for the ambulance? You: Yes, uh, keep her calm and warm. [CHARACTER ]: Okay. Please hurry. Oh, they ' re too late. It ' s a boy!
[CHARACTER] calls 911 for help, saying [CHARACTER]'s car is stalled on the freeway and a lady passenger is going into labor, stating the nearest landmark to the location is McDonalds'. After You just sent an ambulance, the lady has had a boy.
You: Sorry, I ' m late. Did you hear about the trains? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I heard they were running late. You: Well, I realized I might be late, so I tried to find a bus and on my path I bumped into Jerry. He offered me a lift on his minibike. Just unfortunately, atomic number 2 was exhausted by flameout, so in the end, I had to walk.
You explains that You had to walk due to the late of the train and the flameout of Jerry's motorbike.
You: Hi, Queenie, how are you enjoying yourself at university? [CHARACTER ]: Hi, Jack, it ' s a lot of work. But I am having a good time. Are you planning to attend college next year? You: Yeah. Can you tell me what facilities they have for handicapped students? My wheelchair doesn ' t always allow me to get into buildings. [CHARACTER ]: You should inquire at Student Services. They can discuss your medical history with you confidentially and make allowances. My friends Shannon and Rosie use computers to do their exams, so in your case, I ' m sure information technology would not be a problem. You: What about the wheelchair access? [CHARACTER ]: The newer buildings have elevators and wide doors, but the older buildings have not been upgraded to accommodate handicapped people as far as I know. What faculty are you planning to go into? You: I am thinking of doing applied science. [CHARACTER ]: Hmm. Engineering is in the old Adams building. I don ' t know if there is an elevator. You: Do the buses that go out to campus have facilities to fetch wheelchairs on board? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, that I know for sure. All the buses are equipped with electronic lifts, and there are seats that fold back. You: What about the sidewalks? [CHARACTER ]: I think most of the sidewalks have been leveled at the box, so you could probably use your wheelchair, but I am not sure. In fact, if you would like, why don ' t you come with me? I ' ll be taking the bus and I could show you around once we got there. You: That ' s really nice of you, Raphel. I ' d really like that. [CHARACTER ]: Okay, I will come to your house about 8: 30 in the morning and we can take the commuter train into town, then catch the bus up to the university. You: Great, I look forward to it.
Jack asks Queenie the facilities for disabled students at university. Queenie suggests Jack inquiry the Student Services. Queenie says that the newer buildings have wheelchair access, but the older buildings have not been upgraded, and all the buses have facilities to bring wheelchairs on board, so he could probably use the wheelchair on the sidewalks. They will go to university together.
You: Susan, I ' ve got a few questions. Let ' s see. Can you type? [CHARACTER ]: No, I can ' t type. You: What about shorthand? [CHARACTER ]: I get into ' t know. I ' ve never try. You: So you can ' t take shorthand and you can ' t type. What can you do, may I ask? [CHARACTER ]: Well, I can play the piano and the violin. You: Play the piano and the violin? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, and I can sing and dance. You: Susan, what are you doing here? [CHARACTER ]: I want a job. I want to work here. You: But you can ' t return shorthand, and you lavatory ' t still type. [CHARACTER ]: No, of course I can ' t. Ace ' m an actress. You: But I want a secretary. [CHARACTER ]: Is this the Grand Theater? You: No, of course not. It ' s the Grand Hotel. The Grand Theater is on the opposite street.
Susan, an actress who can play musical instruments but can't type, is wrongly interviewed for a secretary by You.
You: Is it your first time to join the sports meeting of Junior High School? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, and it ' s great. What are the events at the sports meeting? You: Long - distance race, dash, hurdle race, relay race, standing long saltation, high jump, shotput and and then on. [CHARACTER ]: Our neighbour, Bruce, will take part in the relay race. Let ' s go have a look. You: OK, countenance ' s go. [CHARACTER ]: The competition will begin in 5 minute, it ' s tense here. You: Wonderful, Bruce is taking the lead. [CHARACTER ]: Other competitors have almost caught up with him. They are neck and neck. You: Make out on, Bruce. Come on, David bruce. [CHARACTER ]: Wow, Bruce crossed the line first.
It is the sports meeting of Junior High School. You and [CHARACTER] cheer for their neighbor Bruce in the relay race.
You: May I help you? [CHARACTER ]: My daughter. She is missing. I don ' t recognize where she be. You: What dose she look like? [CHARACTER ]: She has blond hair and blue eyes. You: What was she wearing? [CHARACTER ]: She has a yellow dress on and red sneakers. You: When do you last see her? [CHARACTER ]: I just saw her down the street. I don ' t bonk where she is. You: How long have it been? [eccentric ]: Oh, it ' s been uh. .. 15 minutes.
[CHARACTER]'s daughter is missing for fifteen minutes. [CHARACTER] tells her appearance characters to You.
You: I can ' t wait to retire. [CHARACTER ]: And and so what? You: And then I ' one thousand moving to Florida where I can play golf all day, every day! [CHARACTER ]: That sounds boring to me. You: What do you plan on doing after you retire? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I think Unity will do something new. I ' ve always wanted to be a teacher. You: I admire your energy, Babe ruth. You are young at mettle.
You wants to play golf after retirement while Ruth wants to be a teacher.
You: You are saying he will be boost to the general manager? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah. You: Are you sure? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. I play my bottom clam that he will stupefy promoted. You: But because he gets on well with everybody? [graphic symbol ]: Partly, and he ' s also a hard working man.
You and [CHARACTER] bet whether a man will get promoted.
You: Isn ' t this smashing? I always wanted to own a farm, live out in the country, grow my own food! [CHARACTER ]: This is very beautiful. Though I have to confess, I don ' t know the first thing about farming! You: That ' s fine! Don ' t worry about it! [CHARACTER ]: What was that? You: Relax, it be just a capricorn! [CHARACTER ]: And that? You: It ' s just the cows that are crop over there. We can milk them later. [CHARACTER ]: What was that? You: Honey, seriously, Information technology ' s just a sheep. Relax! Relax, that was scarce the horses and donkeys that are in the stable. [CHARACTER ]: You know what? I don ' t think I can hack information technology hither out in the countryside. I ' m going back to the city!
You wants to own a farm and knows some livestock. [CHARACTER] thinks the farm is beautiful but [CHARACTER] can't stand the countryside after seeing the livestock.
You: Let ' s got out tomorrow night. We can go to a prevention and try to find you a girlfriend. [CHARACTER ]: I don ' t think that ' s a good idea. I am just not good with approaching someone and starting up a conversation. You: Maybe you just need a few pick - up lines, you know, break the ice. [CHARACTER ]: Pick - up lines father ' t work! You: Fall on! You can just walk up to a girl and say ' If you were a booger I ' d pick you first. ' [CHARACTER ]: What? Come on! That ' s just lame! No girl would fall for that! You: Fine, then you can say, ' So there you are! I ' ve been looking all over for YOU, the woman of my dreams! ' [CHARACTER ]: That ' s a good one! I think that ' s pretty funny. You: Yeah, so you make her laugh, you work a fool of yourself a little bit and then you bribe her a drink. [CHARACTER ]: Ok, how does this sound, ' I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that bulwark over thither. So I am going to demand your name and number for insurance purposes. ' You: Gracious! Let ' s go!
You teaches [CHARACTER] how to start up a conversation with girls at the bar. It is about a few pick-up lines to break the ice. [CHARACTER] thinks pick-up lines don't work but finally gets it.
You: God, I didn ' t realize. I didn ' t, I didn ' t know. .. [CHARACTER ]: .. . Who you were with? I didn ' t know whom you were with. You: Excuse me? [CHARACTER ]: Sorry, it ' s from the Godfather. It ' s when the, when the movie producer realizes Tom Higgins had emissary of vito corleon, it ' s but before the horse ' s head ends up in the bed with altogether the bloody sheets, you know, wakes up, and aaah! Never mind. You: You were spying on me, weren ' t you? You probably rented those children. [CHARACTER ]: Why would I spy on you? You: Because Unity am your competition which you know perfectly well, or you would not commit up that sign just around the corner. [CHARACTER ]: The entrance to our store is around the corner. And there ' s no other way of saying that. It ' s not the name of our store. It ' s where it is. And you do not own the phrase around the corner. You: What is that? What are you doing? You ' re taking all the caviar! That caviar is a garnish? [CHARACTER ]: Look, the reason I came into your store be because I was spending the day with annabell and matt. And I was buying them presents. I ' m the type of guy who likes to buy his way into the hearts of children who are his relative. And there ' s only one place to find a children ' s book in the neighborhood. That will not always be the case. And it was yours. And it is a charming little bookstore. You probably sell what 350, 000 worth of books in a year.
You thinks [CHARACTER] was spying on You because You is [CHARACTER]'s competitor. But [CHARACTER] tells You that [CHARACTER] came into the store is because You's store is the only place selling a children's book.
You: How often do you exercise? Do you bring any sports? [CHARACTER ]: I do sports at school, that ' s about 3 hours every week. But that ' s all. I don ' t do any sports outside of school. You: Not even any cycling or walking? [CHARACTER ]: Very rarely. Because my mom takes me to school in the car. You: Did you know that doing jobs around the house like cleaning or gardening can help you lose weight? [CHARACTER ]: Really? I hate cleaning and gardening. If Ane have free time, I like reading books. You: What do you usually eat for breakfast and lunch? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m usually in a hurry in the morning, so Atomic number 53 just eat some biscuits. At lunchtime, I buy a large bag of potato chips. You: And what do you eat at home in the evening? [CHARACTER ]: Usually fish with vegetables surgery sometimes spaghetti. You: Do you often eat snack between meals? [CHARACTER ]: Sometimes. Ace always eat a chocolate bar during my break and Iodine often have a yogurt or an ice cream when Iodin arrive home from school.
[CHARACTER] does sports at school but doesn't do it outside of school, and doesn't do cycling or walking since [CHARACTER]'s mother drives [CHARACTER] to school. [CHARACTER] eats biscuits for breakfast, potato chips for lunch, fish with vegetables or spaghetti for dinner, and snacks between meals.
You: Can you give me a ride to the airport tomorrow? [CHARACTER ]: Depends on what time you need to be at the drome. You: Well, my flight leaves at 10: 30 in the morning. [CHARACTER ]: Did you check in online already? You: Yes, Iodin ascertain in and I don ' t have any bags to check. [CHARACTER ]: So we should leave by 9: 00, so you can be there by 9: 30. You: It ' s an international flight. [CHARACTER ]: Buckeye state, so you need to be there 2 hours before your flight. You: Can you catch me to the airport by 8: 30? [CHARACTER ]: That ' s when I take the thomas kyd to school so I ' m sorry. You: So how am I going to get to the airport then? [CHARACTER ]: Supposition you ' ll feature to pay for a cab.
You's flight leaves at 10:30. You asks [CHARACTER] to give a ride to the airport. You will take a cab since [CHARACTER] doesn't have time.
You: You ' re watching TV again Peter. [CHARACTER ]: I have washed all the bowls and plates. You: But you haven ' t watered the flowers operating room fed the raspberry. [CHARACTER ]: I ' 1000 sorry. I forgot, I will do it at present. You: Your dad just did that for you. [CHARACTER ]: Oh that was really nice of him. Well mom, I turned on the TV only because I want to know the upshot of the game between Manchester United and Manchester City. You: Why didn ' t you just search online? [CHARACTER ]: My computer international relations and security network ' t working. You: Didn ' t you turn it dispatch after you finished your homework? [CHARACTER ]: Oh that ' s right hand. I forgot. No wonder!
Peter is watching TV and forgot to do some housework. Peter turns off the TV and uses his computer instead.
You: So here are your four ticket sir, is there anything else Ane can do for you? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, Iodine was wondering if I could get regular information about what ' s on? You: Certainly, I can add your name to our mailing list. Would that be ok? [CHARACTER ]: That would follow very good. Yes, please. Oh, and there is something else, sorry one of our group is hard of hearing and I heard that you can supply special headphones? You: That ' sec right, as long as you tell us in advance, we can always do that. Unity ' ll book those for you now, and you can just collect them here tomorrow before the show. [CHARACTER ]: Thank very much for your help. You: No problem.
You helps [CHARACTER] get regular information by adding [CHARACTER]'s name to the mailing list, and will book special headphones for someone who is hard of hearing.
You: Hi, Jack. Who are you writing to? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m writing to my parents, telling them I ' ll stay here this summer. You: You ' re not get home? I thought you were going on a trip to Japan with your family. [CHARACTER ]: Well, I intended, but I thought once again in changed my mind. You: Tell me. I ' m interested in knowing what keeps you from joining your beloved family and staying here? [CHARACTER ]: Michael arranged for me to work at his uncle ' s institution. You: How much will you be pay? [CHARACTER ]: Judy, I don ' t do it for money, but for experience. Besides, information technology ' s voluntary work. You: You work out without payment? That ' s really something. What kind of work is it? [CHARACTER ]: Atomic number 53 ' ll be a teacher in one of his uncle ' s orphanages. When will you leave for home? You: Tomorrow. We ' ll fly to Hawaii 2 days after. [CHARACTER ]: Have a nice vacation. You: I ' ll send you postcards.
Judy and Jack are discussing summer vacation. Jack will stay because Michael arranged a voluntary work at Michael uncle's institution, while Judy will fly to Hawaii.
You: Was that the telephone ringing? [CHARACTER ]: One didn ' t hear anything. You: I imagine I heard it ring 2 or 3 multiplication. [part ]: Sometimes when the windows are open, you can hear the neighbor ' s sound. You: Good, I ' m expecting an important phone call and I don ' t need to pretermit information technology.
You heard the telephone ringing while You didn't.
You: Excuse me, did you find a green wool scarf? I was here about 5 hour ago. [CHARACTER ]: I can look. You: Thanks. [CHARACTER ]: But I merely have a gray scarf hither. Sorry. Where were you in the store, Sir? You: Well, first I was in the shoe section. Then I looked at sweaters and jackets. [CHARACTER ]: Just a minute. Hi. It ' s Sue at the register upstairs. Did you find a green wool scarf? OK. You ' re in luck! They have your scarf in the shoe section. You: Oh, what a relief! Thanks for your help. [CHARACTER ]: My pleasance. You: Oh, it ' s 4: 30. Is there a subway station near here? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, there ' s one down there. Toronto has a good public traffic system. There are buses, street gondola and trains to different parts of the city and areas outside the city.
Sue asks You's location, helps You find You's green wool scarf in the shoe section and tells You where the subway station is.
You: Yikes! What was that noise? [grapheme ]: I had to blow my nose. You: Did you have to blow right next to the phone? [CHARACTER ]: Did you hear that? You: Of course I heard that. I thought a plane had crashed into your house. [CHARACTER ]: It wasn ' t that loud. You: I will blow my nose sometime for you, and you ' ll see. [CHARACTER ]: Okay. I ' ll take your word for it. You: I thought you had an elephant in your house. [CHARACTER ]: You ' re funny. You: What cause you say? Atomic number 53 think I ' ve gone deaf. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m going into the bathroom to blow my nose. Ace ' ll comprise correct back.
You complains that the noise of [CHARACTER]'s blowing nose was very loud. [CHARACTER]'ll go into the bathroom to blow the nose.
You: Rationalise me, but please empty your pockets of all the metal things and put them in this tray. [CHARACTER ]: Including my keys? You: Yes, and please step over there. [quality ]: All right. What shall I do now? You: Just open your bags so we can match them. After that you can pick them up right behind that X - ray machine. [CHARACTER ]: I ' ve sire film in my bag. You: That ' s all right. This machine will not damage the film. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s fine. You: Can I have your boarding pass? We need to stamp it. [CHARACTER ]: Sure. Here you make up. You: Thank you. [CHARACTER ]: Am I through now? You: Yes. Hither is your boarding mountain pass. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you and goodbye.
[CHARACTER]'s going through the security. You checks [CHARACTER]'s bags and stamps [CHARACTER]'s boarding pass.
You: I need to find a new furniture set for my living room. [CHARACTER ]: Where are you going to find one? You: I have no idea. [CHARACTER ]: Do you need to know where I bought mine? You: Where ' viosterol you get it from? [CHARACTER ]: I got information technology from IKEA. You: How much make it cost you? [CHARACTER ]: It cost me a couple thousand for the whole set. You: Is the furniture sturdy? [CHARACTER ]: The furniture is built extremely well. You: I put on ' t mind paying a lot as long as the quality is good. [CHARACTER ]: Well, trust me. The quality be fantastic.
You wants a new furniture set. [CHARACTER] got [CHARACTER]'s at IKEA which is expensive but of high quality.
You: Displace I take your order now, Madam? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, what would you commend? You: I ' m happy to recommend the fish, It testes delicious, and it is today ' s special. Our chef be from the coast, and love seafood. Today special embody actually his favorite dish. so I ' m sure it is a dish that you would love if you are a fan of seafood. [CHARACTER ]: It does sound wonderful, possibly I ' ll attempt it. You: Is there anything else? Maybe I can interest you in one of hunky dory appetizers, such as the escargot. [CHARACTER ]: Not today, thanks. But I ' d like to know any of the vegetarian dishes. You: Yes, here ' s the menu. What would you think of your order. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, sorry. Maybe I don ' t want the fish, I think I had the greenbean dish instead. You: What kind of soup would you like? [CHARACTER ]: I ' d like the egg drop cloth soup. You: Ok, is that all? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. You: what would you like anything to drink or you wait? [CHARACTER ]: Just iced water, thanks.
You recommends the fish. [CHARACTER] looks at the menu and orders the green bean dish, egg drop soup, and iced water instead.
You: What game do you like? [CHARACTER ]: I like board games. I like chinese chess and draughts. You: I ' Ve never play Chinese chess before, but I ' Ve seen old men playing it in the street. It looks complicated. [CHARACTER ]: It ' s about as complicated as chess. The introductory rule and moves are simple enough, but there are many strategies that players need to learn. You: I like playing cards. I ' m pretty good at poker. Do you play cards? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m terrible at cards and so I never play games which call for gambling, like poker. If I did, I ' d lose all my money. You: Do you play bridge? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I do. It ' s hard to find four players though, so I don ' t play very often. Do you know anyone world health organization plays? If so, we could set up a game. You: I can play quite well. I have a friend who likes playing, but she ' s not very good at it. Shall I invite her to play? [CHARACTER ]: Sure, I have a friend who play fairly well. We should find out when our friends are free and arrange a secret plan. You: I ' ll call my friend now. you call yours.
[CHARACTER] likes board games such as Chinese chess and draughts while You likes cards. They both play bridge and they decide to call their friends and arrange a game.
You: Good evening. What ' ll you have? [CHARACTER ]: Ane ' ergocalciferol comparable a beer. What kind of beer arrange you get? You: Draft beer and cans beer. Which do you favour? [CHARACTER ]: A draft beer please. You: OK. Here you are. [CHARACTER ]: Could I have some fruit? You: Of course. Wait for a moment, please.
[CHARACTER] orders a draft beer and some fruit.