You: I have a problem with my cable. [CHARACTER ]: What about it? You: My cable has been out for the past week or so. [CHARACTER ]: The cable is down right now. I am very sorry. You: When will it be working again? [CHARACTER ]: It should be back on in the succeeding couple of days. You: Do I still have to pay for the cable? [CHARACTER ]: We ' re going to give you a credit while the cable is down. You: So, I don ' t have to pay for it? [CHARACTER ]: No, non until your cable arrive back on. You: Okay, thanks for everything. [CHARACTER ]: You ' re welcome, and Ane apologize for the inconvenience.
You has a problem with the cable. [CHARACTER] promises it should work again and You doesn't have to pay while it's down.
You: Can I aid you? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m looking for an MP - trinity player. Which brand name is of the highest quality? You: One recommend Pioneer. [CHARACTER ]: Which model is the best - seller? You: This model be very popular with ladies. [CHARACTER ]: May I have a look at it? You: Sure, it ' s multi - functional. Besides playing music, it can also represent used to store documents and make recordings. [CHARACTER ]: Set you have this model in white? You: No, but we have it in yellow. [CHARACTER ]: Then I ' ll take the yellow one. You: Please wait a second. I ' ll get it for you. [CHARACTER ]: Okay.
[CHARACTER] is looking for an MP-3 player. You recommends Pioneer and [CHARACTER] takes the yellow one.
You: Susan! Why didn ' t you tell me that you were taking complete the Silk Company account? [part ]: I thought you knew, Todd. Information technology was decided final week. I guess you weren ' t at the get together. You: You know I wasn ' t at the group meeting. I was meeting with Mr. Wei about this account. I ' Ve been on this for a month and a half. [CHARACTER ]: Unity ' m sorry. Todd, but Mr. Emory felt that it was going too slowly, and that it needed a refreshed start. He should take in told you.
Todd didn't know Susan was taking over the Silk Company account which Todd has been on. Susan feels sorry.
You: What ' s up, buddy? You look so upset. [CHARACTER ]: I just broke up with a girl. Why didn ' t she sympathize that I loved her? You: I ' m sorry to hear that. What ' s your conflict? [CHARACTER ]: I don ' mt know. She always said I didn ' t love her, but I did. You: Did you think about speak to her again? Maybe she follow waiting for your outcry. [CHARACTER ]: I have ask for a talk again, but she refused and said she wanted to be quiet. You: Come on, guy. Maybe she isn ' t your right person.
[CHARACTER] is upset because [CHARACTER] broke up with a girl. You tries to comfort [CHARACTER].
You: Merry Christmas, Lily. [CHARACTER ]: The same to you, Joey. You: This is your first Christmas in the US. Here is the gift for you. [CHARACTER ]: Information technology ' s very thoughtful of you. Wow, it is so beautiful. Could you tell apart me how American people lionize Christmas? You: Ok. People decorate their houses, place a Christmas day tree in the room and maybe sing a Christmas carol together.
Lily and Joey wish each other a merry Christmas. Joey tells Lily how American people celebrate Christmas.
You: What dances coiffe you like? [fibre ]: I make love to dance the fast music. You: Then you must be interested in disco. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, it ' s my favorite. You: Oh, it ' s a disco. Let ' s terpsichore. [CHARACTER ]: You ' re a good dancer. You: Thank you. Nowadays they are playing a rumba. Would you have a try? [CHARACTER ]: Sorry. Iodine feel like sitting out the next dance. You: very well. Permit ' s get something to drink. [CHARACTER ]: Good idea.
[CHARACTER] likes disco, so You and [CHARACTER] dance the disco. They decide not to dance the rumba.
You: I hate landing in the sand trap! Now I ' m probably going to waste strokes getting it come out. [CHARACTER ]: At least you haven ' t landed in the water yet. I ' ve done that on the last two holes. You: Could you hand me my wedge? I ' ll try. .. [CHARACTER ]: Here you go. I ' ll hold for you to get on the unripe before I putt. You: No. you go out front and putt it out. Then I ' Illinois go. [CHARACTER ]: No way, Mary. I ' m move to let you go foremost. I don ' t want the pressure of putting first.
Mary's golf ball landed in the sand trap and she hates that. [CHARACTER] will wait for her to get on the green.
You: Have you hear about the new iPhone? [CHARACTER ]: yes, I heard it ' s supposed to come knocked out in June. Are you thinking about getting one? You: I ' d like to. It ' s a cell phone, camera, PAD and mp3 player all in one. [CHARACTER ]: if I had enough money, I ' d buy one, but I don ' t even have enough to buy one of their shuffle spods. You: how big is a shuffle iPod? [CHARACTER ]: the first generation iPod shuffle embody about the size of a park of gum and the second generation iPod shuffle embody about half the size of the first. You: how many gigs of music can it hold? [CHARACTER ]: I think it ' s either one or two gigs. I can ' t remember. You: how much do they cost? [graphic symbol ]: not much at all. I think it ' s about 100 dollar mark. You: you ' re right, that ' s not bad at all. [CHARACTER ]: do you have an iPod? You: I got one for my birthday when they first came extinct, but after the battery died out, I never brought another one. [CHARACTER ]: why didn ' t you just buy another battery for it so you could use it? You: that ' s one of the problems with having an iPod. Though an iPod might have an above norm battery life, once the battery be dead, so is your iPod.
You would like to get a new iPhone. [CHARACTER] tells You about the shuffle iPod. You has an iPod but its battery has died out.
You: Have any plans for the weekend, Tom? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, I ' m going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains. You: Oh, do you go hiking often? [CHARACTER ]: Unity go as much as I can. I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature. You: It would be gracious to get out of the city. Do you want some company? [CHARACTER ]: Sure. But, it will be a long hike, 30 miles in three days. Have you been hiking before? You: Yeah, I go a lot too. I saw a bear and a stack lion on my last hike. [part ]: Wow! You must have been pretty far away from the city. You: Yea, my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest. [CHARACTER ]: Well, fetch him along also. We ' ll have a great time this weekend. You: Thanks, I ' ll ask him.
Tom is going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains during the weekend. You and You's friend will join him.
You: Excuse me. Is anyone sitting hither? [CHARACTER ]: No, nobody. You: You don ' t mind if I fume, do you? [CHARACTER ]: Well, to equal frank, yes, I do. You: Oh, I ' m sorry. But this isn ' deoxythymidine monophosphate a no - smoker, is it? I mean would you mind if I smoke here? [CHARACTER ]: Actually information technology is. Maybe you haven ' t noticed the sign. You: Sign? What ' s sign? [CHARACTER ]: There, on the window. You: Oh, sorry. I didn ' t posting information technology. Sorry. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s all right.
You sits beside [CHARACTER] and asks if [CHARACTER] minds You smoking. [CHARACTER] does, besides the place is a no-smoker.
You: You should not have criticize your son in front of his friend. [quality ]: Wherefore? He did something wrong. You: I know. But at that time your blame be rubbing common salt into his wounds. [CHARACTER ]: I only wanted to help him. You: But it is non the right time.
You tells [CHARACTER] not to criticize [CHARACTER]'s son in front of his friends.
You: I really want to take a nap. I finger very sleepy today. [CHARACTER ]: What ' s the matter? Didn ' t you get enough sleep last night? You: I fell asleep very late. It was almost two o ' clock in the morning when I finally fell asleep. [CHARACTER ]: Are you worried about something? Why couldn ' t you sleep? You: You know how it is when you ' rhenium in a strange country. Everything is new, and you get banal and nervous sometimes. Then you worry about your family, about conditions back home, about your row, about your money, about everything. I tried to fall asleep but I just had too much on my mind. [CHARACTER ]: Well, take it easygoing. Things will look better tomorrow. Maybe you should try exercising or a hot bath to help you relax. You: Anything is worth a try. But right now I really just want to find a quiet place to take a nap.
You fell asleep very late because You had too much on the mind. [CHARACTER] gives You some suggestions but You only wants to take a nap right now.
You: What is your favorite coffee? [CHARACTER ]: Irish coffee is my favorite. But I ' m not particular on it. You: All right. Would you make coffee yourself when you are at home? [fictional character ]: Not very often. Making coffee is a bit troublesome. Most of the time, I only buy takeout at Starbucks. And also, I quite like instant coffee. You: I think instant coffee is becoming more and more popular. Though information technology taste is not perfect, it ' s really cheap and convenient. [CHARACTER ]: Exactly. Nescafe is the world ' s favorite coffee. People make out it all over the world. You: I agree. I heard that in the western country, almost everyone likes coffee. Is that true? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. No doubt about that. For us, coffee is more a living style rather than a simple drink. I heard Chinese people don ' t drink that much coffee. You: No, we get into ' metric ton, especially the elder people. But more and to a greater extent immature people fall for coffee nowadays. [CHARACTER ]: I suppose so. That ' s probably why there are so many fantastic coffee houses in China now.
[CHARACTER] likes Irish coffee and buys takeout at Starbucks. You and [CHARACTER] talk about the advantages of instant coffee and Western and Chinese people's attitudes towards coffee.
You: Hello, is that Mr. Wu? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. What can I do for you? You: I be call to query about some of your data. [CHARACTER ]: We ' ve got a bad line. Fanny you repeat that please? You: I said I want to ask astir some of your information. [CHARACTER ]: Sorry, the connection is abominable. Iodine ' ll claim you back because I can ' t hear anything.
You calls Mr. Wu to query about his information but the connection is terrible.
You: Hello! [CHARACTER ]: Oh, hi! You: Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tom. [CHARACTER ]: Pleased to meet you. My name follow Alice. Did you just move in next door? You: Yes, I did. Have you lived here long? [CHARACTER ]: Me? I guess so. Single ' ve lived here for about six years now. Have you lived in America rattling long? You: No, not really. When Unity left Vietnam, I came to America and I lived with a cousin in Dallas for two years. Where do you work, Alice? [CHARACTER ]: I teach mathematics at a college. What do you do? You: Ane am an accountant at a company. [CHARACTER ]: Well, Tom. It ' s good to meet you. I have to go now. I am teaching a class this evening, and I need to get to the college. You: It ' s nice meeting you too, Alice. [CHARACTER ]: See you around! You: Goodbye, Alice.
Tom just moved in and he introduces himself to his neighbor Alice, who teaches mathematics at college and has lived here for about six years.
You: What would you like for dessert? [CHARACTER ]: What do you have? You: I hold apple pie, ice cream, chocolate cake and fruit cocktail. [CHARACTER ]: Can I have apple pie with ice cream? You: Of course. I made the apple pie this morning, so it ' s lovely and fresh. [CHARACTER ]: I love your home - made apple pie. It ' s delicious. Can I have another glass of lemonade as well? You: Certain. Can you get it yourself, it ' second in the refrigerator. [CHARACTER ]: Ok. Would you like a potable too? You: Yes, I ' ll have an trash tea. You see it next to the lemonade. [CHARACTER ]: Are you have any dessert? You: I ' ll have apple pie too, but without ice emollient. I have to watch my weight.
[CHARACTER] wants to have apple pie with ice cream and another glass of lemonade. You will have ice tea and apple pie without ice cream because [CHARACTER] has to watch [CHARACTER]'s weight.
You: May I help you? [role ]: I ' d alike to cash this check, please. You: Come you have an account with us? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah. Here ' s my designation card. You: Do you want large beaver state small bills? [CHARACTER ]: Actually, I want to buy some traveler ' s checks. You: What denomination? [CHARACTER ]: Twenties would embody fine. You: Do you want the whole amount in traveler ' s check? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, please.
You helps [CHARACTER] cash the check to buy traveler's checks.
You: Good morning, Madam. This is room service, may I help you? [grapheme ]: Good morning. I ' d like to reserve some rooms for a tourist party. You: All right. What kind of room would you like? [CHARACTER ]: You see, we are tourists whose requests are different, so please tell pine tree state more about it, will you? You: It ' s my delight. We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and luxury suites, ect. Well, here is an introduction to our hotel. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s great. I ' d corresponding to book four single rooms, five double rooms and three suites. You: All right, madam. For which dates do you want to account book the rooms? [CHARACTER ]: From tomorrow till January 8th. That ' s five days in all. You: I see. Now please fill out the form. [CHARACTER ]: Here you are. Is everything OK? You: Just a minute, madam. You should yield a deposit of 500 yuan beforehand. [CHARACTER ]: OK. Here you are. You: Thank you. Please keep this receipt. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you. By the manner, is there any preferential rate for the party? You: Yes, there is a 15 percent discount. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s wonderful. Thank you. You: You ' re welcome. I hope all of you will have a good time here.
You helps [CHARACTER] book four single rooms, five double rooms, and three suites for a tourist party from tomorrow till January 8th with a deposit of 500 yuan and gives [CHARACTER] a 15% discount.
You: Can I reserve a hotel room? [CHARACTER ]: I assure you, that ' s not a problem. What is your full name, please? You: My name ' s John Sandals. [CHARACTER ]: It ' s a pleasure to assist you. Please tell me when you ' ll be needing the room, sir. You: If my plans don ' t change, I ' ll need a room April 14 till April 17. [CHARACTER ]: Sir, our room prices are slightly higher than you may have recall. Will that be okay? You: Tell me how much it will be, and I can tell you if it ' s okay. [CHARACTER ]: Only $ 308 per dark, before taxes, of row. You: $ 308 a night? That ' s a fair price. [CHARACTER ]: Now, as for the room, sir, do you prefer smoking or nonsmoking? You: Nonsmoking, please. [CHARACTER ]: Nonsmoking. Now, sir, does a single queen - size bed meet your approval? You: I have absolutely no problem with that. [CHARACTER ]: Queen, nonsmoking. Okay, sir, your room represent reserved. Now if you ' ll just give me your telephone set number. You: Not a problem. The numeral is 626 - 555 - 1739. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you for making a reservation with us. We look forward to seeing you in April!
[CHARACTER] helps John Sandals to reserve a nonsmoking room with a queen-size bed from April 14 till April 17.
You: Do you have any direct trajectory to Toronto? [CHARACTER ]: Sorry, we don ' t. But I think you can fly on Northwestern united states Airlines to Irving berlin and then have a connecting flight on Canada Airline to Toronto. And it is the about economical flight, just 1, 900 dollars. You: When does the flight depart? [CHARACTER ]: At 8 am. By the way, it also makes a refueling stop. You: How long is the layover? [CHARACTER ]: Less than one hour. You: And how long do I have to stay in Berlin for the connecting flight? [CHARACTER ]: Not so long, only one hour. You: So the time for the total journey is about. .. ? [CHARACTER ]: About 13 hours. You: Let me count. Ok, it works out for my schedule. Thanks a quite a little! [CHARACTER ]: You are welcome!
You wants to fly to Toronto. [CHARACTER] suggests You fly on Northwest Airlines to Berlin and then have a connecting flight on Canada Airline to Toronto.
You: I ' m sorry, I ' ve lost my tags and receipt. What can I do about it? [CHARACTER ]: I see. What is your luggage? And do you remember the tag ' s number or color? You: It ' s a suitcase. Its colour is gentle. [CHARACTER ]: Could you give me a description of your case? You: It ' s like this, it ' s square with a leather cover. [CHARACTER ]: I ' ll check it for you. I ' ve observe it. Is this yours? You: Yes, it is the right one [CHARACTER ]: Will you picture me your key card, please? You: Here it is. [CHARACTER ]: All right hand. Now you can take your causa away
You lost You's tags and receipt. [CHARACTER] checks and helps You find You's case.
You: Mr.. Phillips? I have a request here from purchasing that ask your approval. [CHARACTER ]: Let me guide a look. This is for a 486 computer with modem. Who ' s information technology going to? You: I believe it ' s going to Ms. Wilson ' s office. [CHARACTER ]: Get her on the earpiece, please. I need to elucidate this.
You needs Mr. Phillips's approval. Mr. Phillips wants to clarify the request.
You: I volition get sole then. [type ]: All right, how about the other guests. You: The rest of atomic number 92 will have this today ' s special, please. [CHARACTER ]: Ok. You: I am sorry but I ordered sole not the same as the others. Will you change it? [quality ]: I ' m afraid we have no more sole. You: And so I ' ll have the pork cutlet instead. [CHARACTER ]: Certainly, precisely a moment, sir.
You orders sole but is served with the same as the others. [CHARACTER] has no more sole, so You changes to the pork cutlet.
You: Do you have any experience working with a computer? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. I have been a data entry operator for three years. You: What kind of software can you use? [CHARACTER ]: I have working knowledge of Windows and Dos. Actually, I ' m quite familiar with both Java and C Programming Languages. You: Do you have any other computer qualifications? [CHARACTER ]: I have an ACRE certificate, GRADE ii. You: Do you know how to apply a PC to process the management information? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m sorry to say I ' m not familiar with processing management information, but I ' m sure I could read quite quickly. It can ' t be too unmanageable, and I ' ve got a immediate mind. I can handle any problem you give me.
You interviews [CHARACTER] who has been a data entry operator for three years. [CHARACTER] knows how to use the software, has computer qualifications, and can learn quite quickly.
You: Hello, welcome to Credit Services. How can we help you? [CHARACTER ]: I ' megabyte interested in applying for a credit card with you. You: Are you an existing customer? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I ' ve had a Current Account with a debit card with you for years. Now, I ' m looking at upgrading to a mention identity card. You: May I ask why you didn ' t think of applying for a credit card with us sooner? Most young people jump at the chance. [CHARACTER ]: When I opened the account with you, I was a student, I graduated a couple of years ago and accept a steady salary, so I figured now would be the honorable time to go forward. You: That ' s very sensible of you. We have many fresh graduates applying for credit cards, getting them and then going on a spending spree and being unable to meet the repayments. [CHARACTER ]: As you can see from the statement for my Current Account, I have never been overdrawn. I ' m always very careful about that.
[CHARACTER] is interested in applying for a credit card with You. You suggests [CHARACTER] applies for a credit card sooner, but [CHARACTER] thinks he is qualified.
You: Good morning, City Taxi. [CHARACTER ]: Good morning. I ' d like to book a taxi to the airport for Sabbatum morning, please. You: Where from? [CHARACTER ]: One ' m at Garden Hotel in Union Street. There will be three of us sharing. How much will information technology be? You: About 60 dollar. [CHARACTER ]: 60 dollars? Each of between us? You: Oh, that ' s all together. What time do you want to leave? [CHARACTER ]: Seven in the morning. You: Right! We ' ll pick you up at your hotel at seven then. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you very much. Goodbye.
You helps [CHARACTER] to book a taxi to the airport on Saturday morning for 60 dollars.
You: Hi. My name ' s Carl. Nice to assemble you. [CHARACTER ]: Nice to meet you, too. My name is Francisco. You: What? [CHARACTER ]: Francisco, but all my friends and family back in Peru call pine tree state Pancho. You: Okay, Pancho. So, tell me about your family? [CHARACTER ]: Well, I have seven brothers and six sisters. You: Wow. That is a big family. So are you the oldest, Pancho? [CHARACTER ]: No. I ' m the second oldest in my family. You: So, what do your parents do? [CHARACTER ]: My father is a taxi driver in Lima, Peru. It ' s a hard job, but he works hard to support the family. You: How astir your mother? [CHARACTER ]: She helps run a small family store with some of my older brothers and sisters. You: What kind of store? [CHARACTER ]: We mainly sell food, like staff of life, eggs, soft drinks, sir tim rice, sugar, and cookies. Things that people buy every day.
Francisco and Carl meet each other for the first time. Francisco tells Carl he's the second oldest. His father is a driver and his mother runs a store.
You: Hi, Jane. I ' d like to discuss something with you. Do you have a minute? [CHARACTER ]: Sure. I ' ve just got out of my eleven o ' clock class. I don ' t have another class until this afternoon. You: Good. Listen, I ' ve just received an tocopherol - post from the computer centre. They are looking for students to help with the work of the school website this summer. They need two assistants. They asked me if I knew anyone that might be interested. Single thought you might like to consider the job. [CHARACTER ]: Sounds interesting. I hind end type, but I don ' t have a lot of experience. You: Well, I don ' t think any special experience or knowledge is necessary. And with your interests in computers and the Internet, I think you would be good for the job. Also they ' re paying good money. What do you think? [CHARACTER ]: It sounds like a groovy chance to get some experience. Thanks for thinking of me.
You tells Jane the computer center is looking for students to help with the work of the school website and doesn't need special experience or knowledge. Jane is interested.
You: Oh, I am starving. [CHARACTER ]: Me to a fault. Shall we eat out? There is a new French restaurant down the street. You: Oh, forget about information technology. I went there with a friend last week. The menu was all in French and I precisely couldn ' t read it. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s what you are paying for. You: Maybe. Only I should say everything was expensive and nothing was to my satisfaction. [CHARACTER ]: Then how about the Italian restaurant on the next block. You: Well. I ate out almost every day last week. Let ' s just eat in today. [CHARACTER ]: But One am non in the mood to cook. You: I will misrepresent then. In fact, I comprise sick and tired of restaurant. I just want a home - cook meal.
[CHARACTER] suggests they eat out. But You wants a home-cook meal, because [CHARACTER] ate out almost every day last week, and promises to cook.
You: I have a complaint to make, Sir. I had waited 10 minutes at the table before the waiter showed up, and I in the end got served. And I find information technology live non what I ordered. [graphic symbol ]: I am terribly sorry, lady. It ' s a bit outstandingly busy tonight. As a compensation, your meal will be free.
You makes a complaint. [CHARACTER] compensates for her meal.
You: It is energise just to think about it! It ' ll be my beginning trip to Hawaii. But Ane may have trouble finding my way of life around there when Atomic number 53 ' grand there. [CHARACTER ]: Don ' t worry about that. Just give pine tree state a call when you arrive. I ' ll be glad to demonstrate you more or less.
You is worried to have trouble finding the way in Hawaii. [CHARACTER] offers to help.
You: You ' ve had a very dangerous life, haven ' t you, Joe? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. That ' s right. You: When was your worst accident? [CHARACTER ]: Last year. It was during the British Grand Prix. I knocked into a wall. The car be completely destroyed and my left leg was broken. Luckily nobody was killed. You: Exist that the only time you ' ve been. .. , er. .. close to death? [CHARACTER ]: No, I had a really frightening experience quite recently. I was frightened to death! I thought I was going to be killed at any moment. You: Really? When was that? [CHARACTER ]: It was on my way to this studio apartment. I had to drive through London during the lunch hour.
Joe has had a very dangerous life and tells You about his worst accident and a very frightening experience recently.
You: Hello, Mrs. Turnbull. How are you? [CHARACTER ]: Fine, thanks. How ' s your boy, Jack? You: He ' s a bit tired. You know, atomic number 2 goes to school at eight oxygen ' clock every morning. He doesn ' t get home till after four. then he does his homework after tea. It often takes him a couple of hour to finish [CHARACTER ]: Poor boy. They work hard at school nowadays, don ' t they? Does he like it? You: School, you stand for? Yes, he dress. He likes his teachers, and that always makes adifference. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, it does. Does he go to school by bus? You: No, he walks. He likes walking. He meets some of his friends at the nook andthey sound together. [CHARACTER ]: What does he do when it rains? You: My husband takes him in the machine. He passes the school on the way to the office.
You tells Mrs. Turnbull about You's boy, Jack, who is a bit tired because of school but likes it. Jack usually walks to school but takes the car when it rains.
You: Hi, Craig! How are you? [CHARACTER ]: Non so good. I have a terrible cold. You: Really? That ' s too bad! You should embody at home in bed. It ' s really important to get a caboodle of rest. [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, you ' re right. You: And have you take aim anything for it? [graphic symbol ]: No, I haven ' t. You: Comfortably, it ' s helpful to chop upwards some garlic and cook it in chicken stock. Then drink a cup every half hour. It really figure out! [CHARACTER ]: Ugh!
Craig has a terrible cold. You suggests he get rest and take some garlic in chicken stock.
You: Hi, Lilly, it ' s thusly nice to realize you again. [CHARACTER ]: Hum, maine too. This winter holiday was especially long. What suffer you done? You: Nothing special. Single had a get - together with some schoolmates at the high school, visited the Internet and read a couple of books which I had been longing for. How about yours? [CHARACTER ]: You know, I like travel. I made good use of this long vacation and enjoyed myself.
You and Lilly talk about how they spend their winter holidays.
You: How can you observe in touch with your aunt in America? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, I make a phone call once a month. You: It ' s very expensive, right? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah. You: Why not send E - mail through the Internet? [CHARACTER ]: Is it convenient and cheap? You: Sure. You can send E - mail to each other every day through the internet. In add on, you can make a phone call through the internet, excessively. [CHARACTER ]: Really? I ' m so glad to hear that. But Atomic number 53 put on ' t konw how to get access to the Internet. Could you show me? You: No problem. I ' ll tell you. [CHARACTER ]: I ' ll appreciate it very much.
You tells [CHARACTER] [CHARACTER] can keep in touch with [CHARACTER]'s aunt in America through the internet and willing to show [CHARACTER] how.
You: Make up that true? [CHARACTER ]: One guess so. Now Anna ' s got four kids and another on the way of life. You: Wow. She seem good for having had that many kids. She ' s pregnant and bear Prada! [CHARACTER ]: That ' s Anna for you. She keeps up the image of the stylish Italian woman. Here she comes. You: She ' s glow. It mustiness be the pregnancy. [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, or the expensive Italian facial treatments.
You and [CHARACTER] talk about Anna who is pregnant but still fashionable.
You: Hey, the pool ' s undecided now! [CHARACTER ]: As of today information technology is. Memorial Day mark off the end of the school year and the beginning of summer. You: So it ' s time for the kids to get outdoors. .. [CHARACTER ]: .. . and for us to get tan in our new bikinis. You: Non this Taiwanese girl. We don ' t corresponding to get suntans. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s sassy these days with all the news on skin cancer. Hey, there ' s everybody! We wee it!
[CHARACTER] wants to get tans at the beginning of the summer but You doesn't.
You: Hi, Nancy. How are you doing? [CHARACTER ]: Hi, Tom. Want a cupful of coffee? You: Not right now. I ' ve got to get another car and my old one is blown up. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, hey, did you look in the classified ads? You: You mean used car? [CHARACTER ]: No, Ah. .. single sellers. You: Well, yeah, but I ' d be getting somebody else ' s problem. [CHARACTER ]: Uh huh. How about a used railroad car? They ' ve got good ones instantly. You: It ' s the same kind of deal though, you know, you never know what you ' re going to get. [CHARACTER ]: Ohio, hey, how about a new machine? They ' ve got easy loans now. You ' d feel so salutary driving a new car. You: Let ' s look at them all. Have you got a paper there?
Tom has to get another car. Nancy suggests single sellers and used cars but Tom prefers a new car.
You: Who was that guy you were talking to at the bar? It looked like helium be hitting on you. [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, we struck up a conversation, and eventually he asked me out. I gave him my number, but I ' m not sure if I ' ll actually go out with him. You: Oh? How come? [CHARACTER ]: He ' s prissy, but I just don ' t feel like we have much chemistry, so I don ' t want to lead him on. You: Well, don ' t be too quick to judge. My last boyfriend and I didn ' t hit it off right away, I only started to fall for him after we go out a few times and I got to know him better. We were together for 3 years. [CHARACTER ]: So why ' d you split up? If you don ' t mind my asking. You: Not at all. We just started to drift apart, different interests, different plans for the future. The breakup was mutual. [CHARACTER ]: Ah, that ' s great. My last relationship was a nightmare, I hooked up with a guy at a New Year ' s party and we were together for six months, but we were constantly fighting and making up. I don ' t know how I put up with him for so long. You: How ' d it end? [CHARACTER ]: He cheated on me, I caught him making out with his ex. He begged me for another chance, but I know he was just trying to jerk me around, so I said no. You: Ugh! Good for you. [CHARACTER ]: Thanks. So how about you, are you going out with anyone at the moment? You: Oh, I ' ve gone on a few dates here and there, but nothing serious. To cost honest, I ' m not really interested in settling down just yet, I ' m enjoying the single life too much.
[CHARACTER] doesn't feel like she has chemistry with a guy. You advises her not to be too quick to judge because You's last boyfriend and You didn't hit it off at first but then they fell in love. Then [CHARACTER] says her last relationship is a nightmare, her last boyfriend cheated on her.
You: Um, which of them is the better typist? [CHARACTER ]: Well, Mary types fast than Jones. But I mean Jones types more carefully. You: Is at that place any difference in their short hand? [CHARACTER ]: Jones can certainly take down letter more quickly, but Mary ' s short hand is the best in her class. You: How about languages? [CHARACTER ]: Both of them verbalise excellent French. But I cerebrate Madonna speaks German to a greater extent fluently than Daniel jones does. You: Um. That doesn ' t really matter. Because we have more French visitors than German.
You asks [CHARACTER] to compare Mary and Jones in terms of typing, shorthand, and language mastery.
You: It ' s a terrible day, isn ' t it? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, it is. This is why our flight was delayed for 2 hours. My parents should be worried about me. They are wait for me at London airport. You: Where did you come from? [CHARACTER ]: Beijing. I was there for a 2 weeks ' conference on space technology. You: How interesting! I was there for tour. You see, I usually have a tour twice beaver state 3 times a year. [CHARACTER ]: Really? Which places execute you sojourn in China? You: Apart from Beijing, we went to Nanjing, Shanghai, Xi ' an, Hangzhou, and Guangzhou. [CHARACTER ]: Did you enjoy it? You: Very much. It was one of the most exciting tours Iodine ' ve ever made. Was this your first trip to China? [case ]: Oh, no. 1 go almost every year. Unfortunately, it ' s always on space related business. I haven ' t had metre to visit tour sites. You: Oh, what a pity.
You and [CHARACTER]'s flight was delayed. [CHARACTER] was in Beijing for a conference on space technology. You has been to many places in China for a tour.
You: Now, mister Snow. What can you remember about the attack? [CHARACTER ]: Well, I was working late yesterday evening. You: What time did you leave your office? [CHARACTER ]: About 9: 44. You: Are you sure? [CHARACTER ]: Oh yes, I look at my watch. You: What did you do then? [CHARACTER ]: Fountainhead, 1 locked the door, and 1 was walking to my car when somebody hit me on the head. You: Did you see the attacker? [CHARACTER ]: No, he exist wear out a stocking ended his head? You: Tell me mister snow. How did you break your leg? [CHARACTER ]: Well, when the doctors were pudding me into the car. They dropped me.
You asks Mr. Snow about the attack. Mr. Snow left his office at about 9:44 and got hit when walking to his car but didn't see the attacker.
You: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the cross bakery building? [CHARACTER ]: The cross bakery building? Sure, you ' re actually walking in the opposite direction. You: Oh, you ' re kidding. I thought I was heading eastward. [CHARACTER ]: Nobelium, east is the other direction. To get to the bakery, you need to turn around and go 3 blocks to broadway, when you get to broadway, you need to take a left, go straight down that street for 2 blocks, and then you ' ll see the building on your left. It ' s just between the stake office and a supermarket. You: Ok, let maine see if I ' ve got that, first turn around, 3 blocks to broadway, and then a left bend and 2 blocks to the building, is that right? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, you ' ve got it.
[CHARACTER] tells You how to get to the cross bakery building.
You: I wish we had hired a professional person to film it. Instead of asking your friend Lenny to do it. [CHARACTER ]: This video isn ' t so bad. The quality isn ' t the best, but he does a pretty good task. You: It ' s not bad if you like your unclear video. There are no change between scenes and the lighting is terrible. At best, it looks like a rough television that has not been all edited. [CHARACTER ]: It is a little rough, I hold. You: There equal problems with the audio, too. Some sections be no sound when the audio is reduce. And when there is the audio, the volume isn ' t the same. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s true. I guess, helium ' ll do better next time.
You wishes they had hired a professional person to film it and feels disappointed with Lenny's work. [CHARACTER] tries to defend Lenny.
You: I ' m pretty busy these days. I was given a new research project by the professor. He asked me to find research information about countries in Asia. [CHARACTER ]: Isn ' t it interesting? You: Yes, and there ' s much information I can get. But I was told to finish up it in trio days. [CHARACTER ]: What kind of information do you have to get? You: Mainly ethnical customs, holidays and something like that. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m moderately good at that kind of thing. You: Really? Then order me how many languages are spoken in India. [CHARACTER ]: Uh. .. I think English and maybe a lot? You: And when was the Great Bulwark of China built? [CHARACTER ]: Sorry, I have no idea. Oh, I guess I can help you look it up on the Internet.
You is busy working on a new research project. [CHARACTER] thinks [CHARACTER] is good at it but can't answer You's questions, so [CHARACTER] turns to help You look it up on the Internet.
You: Hello. I want to send the computer to my sister in Shanghai by logistics transport. [CHARACTER ]: OK. Is it in the box? May I see it? You: Yes. This be the computer and this is the keyboard and the monitor. [CHARACTER ]: Is there anything else? You: There are a mouse and a camera. [CHARACTER ]: Is that all? You: Yes. How much is it to send these things to Shanghai by regular delivery? [CHARACTER ]: It depends on the weight of these things. Generally speaking, we will charge you ten yuan for one kilo. You: I see. Can you weigh them for me, please? [CHARACTER ]: Please give up the ghost over there to weigh them. You: OK. See you later.
You sends some computer equipments to Shanghai with You's assistance.
You: What ' s wrong with you? [quality ]: I have a sore throat and concern. You: Make you sense tired? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, my whole body feels weak. And I really feel terrible. You: I ' m sorry to hear that. Unity ' ll have to examine you. [CHARACTER ]: Ok, sound ahead. You: Open your mouth and show me your tongue. Say ah. .. You have a risky cold. So you must stay in bed for a week.
[CHARACTER] feels uncomfortable. You examines [CHARACTER] and gives suggestions.
You: Dave, there ' s something I want to talk to you about. [CHARACTER ]: Zina, why are you whispering? You: I ' ve been talking to WebTracker. I ' m thinking of jumping ship. [CHARACTER ]: What? Are you serious? You ' d defect to our archrival! ? You: Keep your voice down. We ' ll public lecture more later. Right now I need to see Vince. [CHARACTER ]: We definitely have to talk, Zina. And watch out your book binding. Elvin is still mad about his nozzle. You: OK, but don ' t tell anyone what I said.
Zina tells Dave her idea of job-hopping to the rival company and Dave is stunned.
You: Accept a seat inside and see what you think. So you will take the Porsche then, sir? [case ]: Yes, and I want to buy the insurance too. I think it ' s necessary. You: You ' re smartness to buy it. At 45 dollars for three days, it is a good deal. [CHARACTER ]: Can I return the car in San Francisco? You: San Francisco? No, sir. We merely have this office here. You will have to return it here. [CHARACTER ]: Really? I heard in America you can return rental cars in different cities. You: No, sir. That ' s only with the very big companies. I ' m sorry, but this car must be returned to this lot. [CHARACTER ]: Well, I guess I will have to drive back down then. Hmm. I didn ' t think of that. You: Do you still want the car, sir? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. It leave be fun. Driving back down the coast. My girlfriend will like it. You: It ' s a beautiful drive. [CHARACTER ]: Where are the keys? You: Just a moment, sir. We have to finish filling out the forms.
[CHARACTER] wants to rent a Porsche with the insurance. [CHARACTER] requests to return the car in San Francisco but gets refused. [CHARACTER] still rents the car with You's assistance
You: Wow! What a beautiful scenic spot! Information technology ' s so open. And just breathe that fresh air, you can almost taste its impertinence. [CHARACTER ]: You can have a bird view of Guiling City from the top of the mountain. You: Wonderful! I ' ll often come hither for mountain climbing. [CHARACTER ]: You should. Many Guiliners, especially the old and the young, leave climb quite a little here in the morning. You: No wonder people say [CHARACTER ]: Quick! Pass me your binoculars. Look at that bird. .. I ' ve never seen one of those before. It ' s indigenous to Guiling, and an endangered species too. This be lucky! You: I didn ' t know you liked bird - watching. [quality ]: I don ' t really. I just like wildlife, and you don ' t get to see too much of it in the city. This place is full of it.
You and [CHARACTER] are enjoying a bird view of the Guiling City from the top of the mountains and are watching birds.
You: Easily, how did you enjoy your seaside trip? [CHARACTER ]: It was funny. You: Enjoin me about it, will you? [CHARACTER ]: Substantially, we drove through the valley on our way there in the morning. It was a magnificent sight. You: Did you stop at the big waterfall for pic? [CHARACTER ]: Sure, we wouldn ' t miss it for anything. After that, we took a short cut to the park. There was very little traffic, so we got there in less than an hour. You: You were lucky then. What did you do after that? [CHARACTER ]: We went for a swim in the sea. That was the best part of the day. Just look at my nice tan. You: So you must have had a meddlesome and enjoyable day yesterday. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, you ' re right. And I was so tired that I fell asleep on the way backward. My arms are still stiff from the swim yesterday.
[CHARACTER] shares the details of the seaside trip with You.
You: John, I ' Ve asked you not to smoke in here! Atomic number 53 don ' tonne want to see you smoking in my office again. [part ]: I ' m sorry, Ms. Fairbanks. I bring home the bacon ' t let it happen again. You: That ' s what you said the last time! If you need to smoke, you ' ll have to employ your break time and go outside! [CHARACTER ]: Unity understand, Thousand. Fairbanks.
Ms. Fairbanks criticizes John for smoking in the office during working time.
You: Waitress, can I have the bill, please? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, sir. How would you like to ante up the bill, sir? You: Do you accept credit cards? [graphic symbol ]: Yes, sir. But we merely accept American Express, Lord card and Visa. What kind do you have? You: Master card. Here you go. [CHARACTER ]: Look a moment, please.
You wants to pay the bill and is served by [CHARACTER].
You: Okay, so let ' s go over everything one more metre. I really want you to get this job! [CHARACTER ]: I know! It ' s an amazing growth opportunity! They ' re true industry leaders, and it would be so interesting to be part of an organization that is the undisputed leader in business unconscious process platform development. You: So, let ' s see, you did your research on the company, right? [CHARACTER ]: Well, I visited their website and read up on what they do. They ' re an IT service company that offers comprehensive business solutions for large corporations. They provide services such as ARM development, and they also offer customdesigned applications. You: So what would your role in the company? [CHARACTER ]: Advantageously, the position is for an account manager. That basically means that I would be the link between our and our development team. You: Sounds good, and so, why do you want to work with them? [CHARACTER ]: Well, as I said they ' re the industry leaders, they have a really great growth strategy, amazing development opportunities for employees, and it seems like they have strong corporate governance. They ' re all about helping companies grow and unleashing potential. I guess their core values and mission really resonated with me. Oh, and they offer six weeks ' vacation, stock options and bonuses. .. I ' m totally going to cash in on that. You: You idiot! Don ' t say that! Suffice you want this job, or not?
You helps [CHARACTER] prepare for the job interview. You acts as the interviewer and asks [CHARACTER] some questions.
You: And so, I just wanted to check in with you and find out where we are with this undertaking. As you know, you ' Ve missed a fairly significant deadline last week, and this will negativity impact the team ' s ability to move forward with the next stages of this project. [CHARACTER ]: I know, I ' m really sorry that I missed the deadline. But really, it wasn ' t my fault. You see, we had all of these unexpected technical problems at the last minute, and that I couldn ' t get into the database and extract the kind of information that I needed for the data analysis. You know, if the tech guys would have done their job and kept the ARM stable, then I wouldn ' t have missed my deadline. You: Oh, come on! An excuse like that is tantamount to lying. You ' re essentially blaming the tech team for your time management issues, rather than accepting province for the fact that you were procrastinating for the past two weeks. [CHARACTER ]: No, I ' m not trying to pass the buck here; I know that it was me who is ultimately responsible for getting this done. But the thing be, I could have finished on time if the system hadn ' t gone down. And you know, with everything I ' Ve got going on now, I can ' t afford to waste time dealing with technical problems. I ' Ve got a lot on my plate and there are only twenty - four hours in a day. .. You: I ' m not going to accept this excuse. You ' re using these small technical glitches as a crutch and trying to rationalize the fact that you ' Ve missed your deadline. Look, we have standards and I expect you to last up to those standards. No more phoney cases. If you ' re in over your head, you tell me. No more missed deadlines. Now, I want that data on my desk by nine am!
You blames You for procrastination for the past two weeks. [CHARACTER] takes technical problems as an excuse for missing the deadline.
You: Hi, the lab said that you would be getting my test results in today. [CHARACTER ]: I wish you to come in and discuss some further tests that I would like to run. You: I think that this is a bad sign. [CHARACTER ]: For now, I would like to run a few more tests to look into some of the problems that you mentioned. You: Why wouldn ' t you tell me over the phone? [CHARACTER ]: If there is any question about test results, we always do a recheck. You: I ask to come in right away. [CHARACTER ]: I would be glad to see you this good afternoon. If you are feeling upset, please bring a friend or relative along. You: You constitute scaring me! [CHARACTER ]: Come on in this afternoon and we will talk. It will be fine!
[CHARACTER] merely wants to discuss some further tests with [CHARACTER], but You treats it as bad news.
You: Ouch! The water ' s too hot! [CHARACTER ]: Get in slow, sweetheart. You ' ll get used to it. I ' m gonna go and make you some chicken soup. You: I ' m not hungry, Mom. [CHARACTER ]: I do it you get into ' t have an appetite, but you need to eat something. You ' ll get too weak if you don ' t eat. You: Oh. .. I ' m sweating already. Information technology ' s so raging. I can feel it boiling! Can I get out yet? [CHARACTER ]: That ' s a good sign. But just soak a little recollective, OK?
You's not feeling well, so her mother makes her take a hot bath and will make chicken soup to replenish her.
You: Do Mr. Schmidt get it on he ' s going to become a father? [CHARACTER ]: No, and 1 have no way of getting ahold of him! There ' mho no phone where he ' s at! You: Good, he have a surprise waiting for him when he gets back, doesn ' t he! [CHARACTER ]: My older baby Judy will be here soon to help. She already has a boy and a girl of her own. .. You: Single just saw a red van pulling into the driveway. Be that her?
[CHARACTER]'s husband isn't there when [CHARACTER]'s going to give birth. [CHARACTER] tells You she's asked her older sister to help.
You: Rationalise maine. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, Miss, what can I do for you? You: I ordered my dish about a half an hour ago, but it hasn ' t arrived yet. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m sorry for that, I ' m going to check with the chef right now. Miss, Ace just checked with the kitchen, and they say your order will be coming right up next. Ohio, here comes. You: Thank you. [CHARACTER ]: Miss, I ' m very sorry for the delay, please enjoy this. Free a glass of wine colored for inconvenience. Again I ' m terribly sorry to micturate you wait so long. You: It doesn ' t matter.
You's dish hasn't arrived, so [CHARACTER] checks the order and offers a free glass of wine for the inconvenience.
You: Come on in. I am so glad you are here. We have been expecting you. [CHARACTER ]: Am I late for the political party? Looks everyone is already here. Hope I didn ' t miss something interesting. You: No, you are just on time. We haven ' t really started yet. [CHARACTER ]: Great, here are some flowers for you. I hope you like them. I was not sure if the color will suit your new apartment. You: Thank you, they ' re beautiful. You bottom hang your coat over there. Try this new couch, it is so comfortable. You will love it. Want something to drink, afternoon tea, coffee, juice or Cola? [fibre ]: Don ' t bother. I will help myself. You: Make yourself at home. [CHARACTER ]: It is such a nice plaza. You: Well, I don ' t mean to boast but all the designs are done by myself and some colleagues are already trying to copy some of them for their new apartments. Look, they are making exposure now of my designed kitchen.
[CHARACTER] comes to You's housewarming party and is warmly received by You.
You: You say he was around average peak. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, that ' s right, around five nine five ten. You: Weight? [CHARACTER ]: Ace ' m not sure. Medium I suppose. Maybe a little on the heavy side. You: Any marks on his face? [CHARACTER ]: No, I wear ' t think so. You: Glasses? [CHARACTER ]: No. You: What about his hair? [eccentric ]: Black or dark brown. You: Long or short? Straight? Curly? [CHARACTER ]: Straight, I think, and about average length You: Boy, this sure doesn ' triiodothyronine help usa much. It could represent anybody. How about his cloth? What was he wearing?
You is describing the appearance of a certain man to [CHARACTER].
You: Hey, Frank, there is that Janet Check. [CHARACTER ]: Wow, what a great burd! You: She sure knows how to strut her stuff. [CHARACTER ]: She ' s a real turn - on our rights. You: And look out she ' s dressed. [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, I noticed. She must be really loaded. You: No way. Her quondam man is rich. He buys her anything she wants. [CHARACTER ]: Lucky her. Anyway, I think that is just as beautiful. You: 1 think you ' ve miss it. [CHARACTER ]: Easily, that ' s my opinion. You: Ane admit that she is much prettier than Kate. [fictional character ]: Oh, there is no comparison. Now we are talking but ugly. You: At least we agree on that. Permit ' s go and get a potable.
You and Frank are talking about the fortune and beauty of Janet.
You: This place is so quiet and peaceful. It ' s really different from my pad at city. [CHARACTER ]: Sure, do you think you could live out here? You know, back to nature at all? You: I don ' t know. I don ' t mind coming out here for a while, but that will receive old pretty soon. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s what I was thinking. I mean can you imagine Friday night instead of going out with your friends you ' d have to stay in your tree house and talk to birds and squirrels. You: I consider I ' d go lonely if I do like that. [CHARACTER ]: And where would you get a cup of cappuccino? You: Now that would cost hard to live without. We city folks are pretty spoiled. [CHARACTER ]: Mayhap. But I ' d rather be spoiled than turn into a wild guy with a retentive period to talk to the birds.
You and [CHARACTER] admit the tranquility of living in nature but they both prefer living in the city.
You: How old are you, Su? [CHARACTER ]: I am septenary. You: I go out, you have vii candles on the patty. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I make up seven. I cost a big girl now. You: We will get a party here, right? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, come on, and we will have fun.
Su tells You she turns seven and will have a birthday party.
You: Excuse me, Miss. [type ]: Yes. May I assist you? You: One ' m a graduate student here in mathematics. I ' ve just come from China and I ' ve never used a western program library before. Ace ' ll be here for five years, so I ' d like to learn to use the library as expeditiously as possible. I wonder if individual might receive time to show me around. [CHARACTER ]: I ' d be very glad to show you around, but I ' m very busy right now. Could you come back about 3 xxx? You: Sure. 3 thirty this afternoon. [CHARACTER ]: Good. See you later. You: Thank you. Skillful - bye.
You requests [CHARACTER] to show You around the library because You is new here. [CHARACTER] is not available now and they'll meet in the afternoon.
You: X sheets of rice paper, 25 brushes, two boxes of oil color and deuce boxes of water color. All these come up to $ 35. 50, sir. [CHARACTER ]: Ok, here is $ 50. Oh, can you make out an invoice for me? You: Sure, scarce a minute. Ar you an artist, sir? [CHARACTER ]: No, Atomic number 53 am a teacher. I teach art. You: That must make up a very interesting job. [CHARACTER ]: It is. You must live unexampled here. I do my shopping here regularly, once a week. You: Do you? Nice to meet you! And here is the invoice and your change. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you. Nice to meet you, too.
[CHARACTER] buys some drawing tools and asks for an invoice with You's assistance.
You: How ' s the building work go bad? [CHARACTER ]: Well, I ' m afraid we ' ve had a slight delay. You: What ' s the problem? We really can ' t have any delays at this microscope stage. We ' re working to a really tight schedule and we ' re already over budget. [CHARACTER ]: The cement arrived late but don ' tonne worry, I ' m confident we can still meet the deadline. The crew is on stand - by and as soon as the concrete has set up we can get started again. You: OK. Save me informed. Jt must be ready on time.
[CHARACTER] tells You the building work has been delayed because the cement arrived late.
You: Good afternoon madam. What can I do for you? [CHARACTER ]: Hi. I want to check out. My room is 1005. You: OK. Please hold on a minute. So you checked in on Monday and stayed triad nights in single room 1005. Is that right? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. Potty I take a look at my throwaway? You: OK. Here you make up. If there are no questions, could we have your signature in the blank below? [CHARACTER ]: OK. I would like to have my receipt report, please. You: Here it is. We be pleased to serve you hither and we look forward to seeing you again. Wish you have a good day.
[CHARACTER] checks out in the hotel with the assistance of You.
You: Hello, Mr. Green. This is Lin Tong. How are you? [CHARACTER ]: Hi, Mr. Maya lin. I am leave tomorrow and I am just packing. You: Oh, sorry to interrupt you. But I am calling to allege goodbye to you. I am awfully sorry to tell you that I am afraid I could not see you off at the airport tomorrow, because I will have to attend a very important meeting. [CHARACTER ]: It doesn ' t matter, Mr. Lin. I rump understand. I know you are always very busy. Work must come first. You: Thanks a lot. You have been here for almost three weeks. How time flies! [CHARACTER ]: Yes. And I would like to convey my thanks to you for your supporter during my stay here in Nanjing. You: It is our pleasure. It has been a great pleasure to work with you. [CHARACTER ]: Me too. I am looking forward to cooperating with you again. You: Really? Great! We will. Well, what ' s your flight number? When are you leaving tomorrow? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s Flight No. 104, Northey Airlines, which leaves at ten O ' dock tomorrow evening. You: OK, I will send someone to see you off. [lineament ]: That is so thoughtful of you. You: My pleasure. Take care and have a nice trip. [CHARACTER ]: Thanks a lot. My wife and I will be welcoming and looking forward to your visit. You: Let ' s call it a deal. Hope to see you again soon. Keep in touch then. Byebye. [CHARACTER ]: Goodbye. Thanks again.
Mr. Lin calls to tell Mr.Green he won't be to see off Mr.Green himself tomorrow at the airport. They express their gratitude and appreciation and say goodbye to each other on the phone.
You: Albert? Could you co - sign this approval sheet? Accounting ' s getting really picky. [character reference ]: I know. They ' Ve already sent back two approval I sent them. Where set I sign? You: Right hither. It ' s for that new fax car we ' re getting. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, right. I remember. There you be. Hope you don ' t have as many problem as 1 had!
You requests Albert to help co-sign an approval sheet.
You: Where can I incur information on this subject? [CHARACTER ]: I ' molarity not sure. Let ' s wait up the catalogue. You: Will you give some advice on this experiment? [case ]: I rede that step be taken in power supply first. You: What ' s his suggestion for this work? [CHARACTER ]: His suggestion is that the employment be started at once. You: The way I see information technology is that they ' d join us. [CHARACTER ]: I think so too.
You and [CHARACTER] discuss an experiment. You asks [CHARACTER] for suggestions.
You: Linda, this is Todd calling. [CHARACTER ]: Todd, I am so happy you called! You: Linda, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed our time together last Friday night. [CHARACTER ]: Boy, Todd, that was ane great movie you picked come out! Thanks for asking me to go with you! You: I had a great time too and was thinking that maybe you might want to join me for a hike to the waterfalls on Sat. [CHARACTER ]: A hike would be great! Get me pack us a nice picnic lunch, OK? You: Linda, that would be a perfect addition. [CHARACTER ]: I ' ll take care of the lunch then, and you can take care of the other plans. What time would you like to pick me improving? You: I be hoping to leave by 9 type o ' clock so that it won ' t be too hot for the hike. [CHARACTER ]: Nine is a great time to get started. I ' ll see you on Saturday!
Todd calls Linda to express the joy being with her last time and wants to invite her on a hiking trip on Saturday.
You: What is your policy on returns? [CHARACTER ]: If you bring them hind with your receipt within seven days, you ' ll draw a full refund. Also, if you need alterations to the pants, hardly bring them in and we ' ll do them for free. You: Sounds good. [CHARACTER ]: That ' ll be $ 70, please. Will you be paying by cash or charge? You: Charge. Here ' s my card. [role ]: Ok, sir, here you are. Thank you very much. You: Thank you.
You inquires [CHARACTER] about the policy on returns and then purchases the pants.
You: What ' s for dinner tonight? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s whatever you ' re planning on cooking. You: You ' re not going to cook? [CHARACTER ]: No, I always cook. You: Yeah, and I hump your cooking. [CHARACTER ]: Don ' t give me that. If you ' re hungry, then cook dinner party. You: You ' re being serious? [CHARACTER ]: Flavour, I ' m really tired tonight. I don ' t feel like cooking dinner. You: Okay, I ' ll make dinner tonight. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you. I ' m going to bed. You: Come you want me to wake you up when dinner is ready? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, please.
[CHARACTER] is exhausted and doesn't feel like cooking. You will make dinner instead.
You: do you have any plans for tomorrow night? [CHARACTER ]: not really. I wasn thinking of maybe going to a movie. Do you want to live on with me? You: sure. What movies were you thinking about going to? [CHARACTER ]: have you heard of Hot Fuzz? You: yes. Isn ' t the director of that movie the same guy world health organization directed Shaun of the Dead? [CHARACTER ]: that ' s the one. It ' s an actioncomedy. What do you think? You: to be honest, I didn ' t really alike Shaun of the Dead. Besides, I like movies with a happy ending secure. [CHARACTER ]: what do you have in mind? You: I was thinking of seeing You, Me and Dupree. It ' s a typical Hollywood blockbuster. [CHARACTER ]: isn ' t that the chick flick with Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson? You: yeah, I suppose you wouldn ' t want to go through that, huh? [CHARACTER ]: not really. Do you like biographical / drama films? You: It depends on who the film is about. Which movie do you have in mind? [fiber ]: Anne Hathaway is in a new movie called Becoming Jane which is based on a true story about Jane Austen. You: that sounds fantastic! What time is it playing? [CHARACTER ]: it ' s on at 8: 00 pm at the Phoenix Theatres. I have a membership there, so I can book the tickets ahead of time. You: great. Shall I meet you there around 7: 45 tomorrow night? [CHARACTER ]: sounds good. I ' ll see you then!
You and [CHARACTER] plan to watch a movie tomorrow. [CHARACTER] wants to watch Hot Fuzz while You prefers a film with a happy ending. They finally decide on Becoming Jane.
You: Hello. 138 - 2369. [CHARACTER ]: Hello. Is Anna there? You: No. I ' m sorry Anna is out. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, well, could you delight leave Anna a message for me? You: Sure. What be it? [CHARACTER ]: You know, Anna is coming for tea at my home. Would you enquire her to see if she has my French dictionary? If she does, tell her to institute it with her. You: All right. And where are you calling from? [CHARACTER ]: 136, Rose wine Street. I ' m Anna ' s friend Jenny.
Jenny phones for Anna. You answers the phone and tells Jenny Anna isn't available.
You: What changes do you think volition take place in the next 50 years? [CHARACTER ]: I imagine that the greatest change will be the difference between humans and machines. You: What do you mean? [CHARACTER ]: I mean it leave be harder to tell the difference between the human and the machine. You: Can you describe it more clearly? [CHARACTER ]: As science develops, it will be potential for all parts of one ' s body to be replaced. A computer will work like the human brain. The computer can recognize one ' s feelings, and act in a feeling way. You: You mean isle of man - made human beings will be produced? Come on! That ' s out of the question! [CHARACTER ]: Don ' t get excited, please. That ' s only my personal imagination! You: Go on, please. I won ' t take it seriously. [quality ]: We will then be capable to create a machine that is a copy of ourselves. We ' ll appear to be alive long after we are dead. You: What a ridiculous idea! [CHARACTER ]: It ' s possible that a way will be found to put our spirit into a new body. Then, we can choose to live as long as we want. You: In that case, the world would be a hopeless mess!
[CHARACTER] imagines the greatest change in the future will be the difference between humans and machines. You thinks [CHARACTER]'s ideas are ridiculous.
You: Hello, Yang Mei. I hear you ' re going to the United States. [CHARACTER ]: Yes. Iodin ' m going with my grandma. We ' re going to see my parents in New Garden state. You: When are you leaving, then? [CHARACTER ]: This Friday evening. Our plane leaves at seven fifteen. You: How long will you be there? [CHARACTER ]: Six months. You: Sextuplet months! Do you go and see my grandparents in New York? [CHARACTER ]: Of course, I will. I want to see as many places as I prat. How can I travel? You: Most people travel by car. The roads are very good. [CHARACTER ]: But I don ' t have a car and I can ' t drive. Is on that point any other way to travel? You: You can travel by bus. It ' s very cheap. [CHARACTER ]: Can ' t I journey by train? You: Yes, you can. The train is expensive in the States, but it ' s fast. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you very much. Well, must live off now. See you when I get back. You: Good luck and have a good trip!
Yang Mei is going to the United States to see her parents and You's grandparents. You offers suggestions about ways to travel.
You: Can I help you, sir? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, please. I ' d like to hold a pair of shoes. You: What size would you like, please? [CHARACTER ]: Size eleven. You: OK. What about this pair? [role ]: Sorry, I get into ' t like white. Have you got any other colors? You: Oh, yes. We get also got blue, brown and black. [CHARACTER ]: Can I have a expression at the black ones? Blackness is my favourite colour. You: Sure. Here you are. [CHARACTER ]: They look nice. What ' s the price? You: Fifty dollars. [CHARACTER ]: May I try them on? You: Yes, please. [CHARACTER ]: OK. I ' ll take this pair. Here ' s the money. You: Thank you.
[CHARACTER] buys a pair of black shoes with You's assistance.
You: Tom, rouse up! It ' s almost seven atomic number 8 ' clock. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, morning, Mom. Did the alarm clock ring? You: Yes, it did. [fictitious character ]: But Iodine didn ' t hear it at all. You: What time did you set it for last place night? [CHARACTER ]: Six o ' clock. You: Hurry up, or you ' ll be late for school. Are you feeling ill? [CHARACTER ]: No. I ' m only sleepy because I stay on awake the whole night. You: Breakfast is ready. Get dressed and get out of bed. Don ' t forget to wash you face and sweep your teeth before you eat breakfast. [CHARACTER ]: OK, I ' m coming.
Mom wakes Tom up and hurries him to breakfast, or he will be late for school.
You: Hello, Lucy. This is Mac. How are you? [CHARACTER ]: Fine, thank you. A bit too busy, though, you know, Unity ' m trying to put everything in order in mynew apartment. You: Buckeye state, I see. Well, I was wondering if you ' d like to go to a concert tomorrow evening. Iodin think it ' ll begood. And if I remember correctly, you did say you like pop music. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, that ' s right. I do. It ' s nice of you to ask me, Mac. But I don ' t think I can. Margaret has already asked me to see a friend and then we ' ll go tothe cinema together. In fact, she ' s getting the tickets this evening. You: Oh, well. Never mind. What about next weekend? This concert is still on then, I think, if you ' re free next Saturday. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, Single ' d like to very much, just what time exactly? You: Well, it starts at 7: 00 P. m. , I think. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, good, that ' ll make up fine. The basketball match will equal over by 5: 30, I ' m sure. You: Good, I ' ll call you again when I get the tickets. [CHARACTER ]: Sure. Bye for now.
Mac calls Lucy to ask her out for the concert tomorrow but Lucy has an appointment already. So Mac changes the time till next week and Lucy gladly agrees.
You: Excuse pine tree state. I ' d like to find out about flights to New York. [CHARACTER ]: Comfortably, let ' s see. One just left about five minutes ago; and there ' s another one at ten. You: What time is it, please? [CHARACTER ]: Information technology ' s five to eight. You: So the plane leaves in about deuce hours. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s right. Have you bought your ticket? You: No, I haven ' t, Can I purchase one hither? [reference ]: I ' m afraid you can ' t. You ' d better go to the hooking office.
[CHARACTER] tells You the information about the flights to New York and suggests buying the ticket at the hooking office.
You: Hi, Susan. How are you? I ' ve been wondering when I ' d run into you. What are you busy with? [CHARACTER ]: Nice to meet you here, Tim. I ' m buying some Christmas gifts for those who work with maine, but it ' s really a headache. You: Maybe I could give you some advice. Firstly, you ' d better divide them into different groups - who exist the people that are your friends as well as your workmates and who are the people you do not know well but you see pretty much daily. [CHARACTER ]: OK, then what should I do? You: For the friends, you want to get them personal gift. Do they like chocolate? [CHARACTER ]: This is what Ane always give, but I know Mary is on a diet. You: Does she care fruit or coffee? Anyway, think of the gift that you know your friend likes. [eccentric ]: Well, One think fruit is helpful to keep fit. What about the rest of them? You: Leave cards in their mailboxes or on their desks. [CHARACTER ]: Christmas notice? You: Yes, you can afford that. More importantly, it ' s true of them that you ' re thinking of them. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you for your suggestion, Tim. You really have saved me and my money as well.
Susan gives Tim some useful advice on the Christmas gifts for his colleagues.
You: Hi, Jack. Who are you writing to? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m write to my parents say them I ' ll stay here this summer. You: You ' re not going home? I thought you were going on a trip to Japan with your family. [CHARACTER ]: Well, I intended to go with them, but I thought again and changed my mind. You: Tell me. I ' m concerned in knowing what keeps you from joining your beloved family and staying here. It certainly is not studying. [CHARACTER ]: No, certainly non. Michael arranged for me to work at his uncle ' s institution. You: How much will you be paid? [CHARACTER ]: Judy, I don ' t do it for money, but for experience. Besides, it ' s voluntary work. You: You work without payment? That ' s really something. [CHARACTER ]: When will you leave for home? You: Tomorrow. We ' ll fly to Hawaii two days after. I really have to pack now. [persona ]: Go then. Have a nice vacation! You: Ane ' ll send you postcards.
Jack tells You he is staying here during the vacation to gain some working experience while You is leaving for home.
You: Do you think discrimination against women in the work force is still predominant even today? [CHARACTER ]: From my own experience as a career woman, I would have to say that while things are getting better today than they used to be, it is still a widespread problem. Society is changing, but there is still a glass ceiling for women in many career tracks. You: dDo you think the glass cap phenomena is because of traditional social customs? Or are there more issues coming into period of play? [CHARACTER ]: I think it ' s a very complicated issue. A part of the difficulties women have advancing in the work force are imputable to few opportunities and many male managers. Don ' t underestimate the good ole ' boy system. Men have power, so it ' s easier for them to stay in power. You: What about affirmatory action? Hasn ' t legislation changed a lot of the make hierarchy? [CHARACTER ]: Affirmative action has give us direction quotas and banning sexual discrimination, but it ' s still a man ' s world.
[CHARACTER] shares with You her opinion about the glass ceiling phenomena for women and the affirmative action
You: Do you want to sign for a Korea language family? [CHARACTER ]: What for? Oh, I see, you mean next year our company will expand business to the Due south Korea market. You: Right, we have located a stage business partner in Seoul. The first contact proves to be successful. The general manager of South Korean ship's company has scheduled to pay a visit to the states next month. I think it is quite possible to set up a joint venture company with them soon. [CHARACTER ]: Well, sounds promising. But I think our company volition provide us with the language training courses if it is necessary. We need not irritate signing for the language by ourselves. You: A slow prunella modularis should make an early start. You know, I am not ready at learning any language.
As the company will expand the business to the South Korea market, You wants to sign for a Korean language course while [CHARACTER] prefers taking the language training courses provided by the company.
You: I ' d appreciate it if you could help me pick out a gift for my daughter. [CHARACTER ]: Would she be interested in a laptop? You: That ' s exactly what I was thinking of. [CHARACTER ]: A Mac would be an excellent gift. You: I like Macs. How much for a Mac? [CHARACTER ]: You can take a 15 - inch Pro home right now for only $ ii, 100. You: A Mac it is. I ' ll take one home with me. [CHARACTER ]: She ' ll be very happy with this. And how do you plan to devote for it? You: I ' ll use my VISA, if that ' s okay. [theatrical role ]: Now, if you ' ll just sign here, the Mac is all yours. You: Will she need anything besides what ' s in this box? [CHARACTER ]: Everything she require is right here in the box. You: I appreciate your help. Maybe I ' ll be back for more figurer stuff. [CHARACTER ]: Your daughter should get straight A ' atomic number 16 from now on. Good - bye.
You wants to buy a gift for You's daughter and [CHARACTER] recommends a laptop. You buys one with [CHARACTER]'s assistance.
You: Ane cerebrate he deliver the goods ' t remember White Day. [CHARACTER ]: Silly, you should get sure he does. You: Uh - huh. How about you? [CHARACTER ]: He ' s buying me a handbag, and then dinner at a gorgeous restaurant. You: You got a big return for a small scale gift.
You and [CHARACTER] talk about White Day and their boyfriends.
You: So what kind of job behave you find for this summer? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m lick for a marketing company. I ' m doing telephone marketing. You: Oh, so you are one of those people who drive me crazy by calling me up in trying to persuade me to buy something that I have no need for. Do you like it? [CHARACTER ]: Believe it or not, One do. There constitute a lot of scholarly person working there and we have a lot of fun when we ' re not making calls. It ' s really easy since we just have to read from a text. You: Are you doing this full meter? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, but I exploit from two: 00 in the afternoon until xi: 00 at night so I can catch some z's as late as I want to in the morning.
[CHARACTER] tells You [CHARACTER] enjoys his job of telephone marketing because he gets along well with colleagues and has enough sleeping hours.
You: Hello, Cheer Peak Shop. This is Shareen speaking. [CHARACTER ]: This is Tom Hanks. I ' d like to order some flowers for my mother and have them sent to her apartment. You: Fine, Mr. Hanks. What kind of flowers do you desire? [CHARACTER ]: I ' d like to send a dozen red carnations. You: A dozen violent carnations? Our long stem red carnations are selling for 12 pound a twelve this weekend. They are really quite nice. [CHARACTER ]: Alright then, I ' ll take those. You: I need your complete address, Mr. Hanks. [CHARACTER ]: The address is number 84 MW Street. For the card, just write something simple. How about ' dear mom, all my passion, Tom '? You: Of course. OK, when should they arrive? [CHARACTER ]: They should be there before 5 o ' clock in the good afternoon on June seventeenth. My mom ' s telephone number is 8456086363. Please call her first before you deliver them. You: That should be no problem. Just one more question, Mr. Hanks. How do you intend to pay for it? [type ]: You can put it on my visa card. The number is KH 3272645. You: Got it. Bye. [CHARACTER ]: Bye, thanks.
Tom Hanks phones to order a dozen red carnations for his mother and then pays for them with [CHARACTER]'s assistance.
You: Well, I think my article can ' t be more awful. [CHARACTER ]: Not likely. Wherefore are you so unconfident about your paper? You: You know, I missed the deadline for handing in the paper. So 1 ' m uncertain about the content of my newspaper. [CHARACTER ]: Take it easy. Actually, I read your article last night and I found that you had applied the general knowledge to specific problems in your article. You: You think so? You mean I have done well? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, your work is not risky. However, Unity have some suggestions for you. Keep to the point, but cross out the unimportant information carefully, or that may make caused some mistakes. You: OK, thanks.
You feels awful about You's paper. [CHARACTER] encourages You and offers some refining advice.
You: I ' ve read a report on the people world health organization can use the foreign language, mainly English. [CHARACTER ]: Really? What ' s it about? You: It ' s mainly about different attitudes people have towards the foreign language scholarship. Astir 27% of the people think a foreign speech is a must in their daily life. [CHARACTER ]: I can ' t agree more. There ' re more and more people learning foreign languages. You: That ' s ture. About 35% of the people at learning are willing to get word the foreign language. [CHARACTER ]: As far as I ' m concerned, many people especially students are forced to do so because of exams. You: Yes, that accounts for twenty one percent. There are also about 15% of the people who take a foreign language to be useless and they take no interest in them at all.
You and [CHARACTER] are discussing different people's attitudes on the foreign language learning.
You: Wherefore do you have an umbrella with you? It ' s not supposed to rain today, is it? [role ]: No, but it ' s supposed to be very hot. I ' ll use this umbrella to protect myself from the sun as soon as these cloud go away. You: I ' ve never heard of using an umbrella for protection from the sun. [CHARACTER ]: Did you know that the Chinese invented the umbrella, and that it ' s foremost use was for protection against the sun, not the rain? You: I had no idea, you must get sunburned easily, huh? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, absolutely. Iodin always get super red if I haven ' t put on sun pick.
You thinks it weird for [CHARACTER] to use an umbrella on a hot day. [CHARACTER] tells You the first use of umbrellas was for protection against the sun.
You: Hello, is this the hotel service center? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, it is. What can I help you with, sir? You: It ' s me and my daughter. We ' re stuck in the lift. [CHARACTER ]: Heavens! Don ' t worry, sir. I ' ll call the Fire Department and our mechanics to help you get out of there ASAP. You: So what should I do now? Just wait here? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, sir. And please coif not touch any button in the elevator except for the phone. You: All right. But just make it quick, OK? I ' m fine though. But my little young lady, she is completely freaked taboo in suffering a lot. I ' m not sure how long she can adjudge up?
You calls the hotel service center because he is stuck in the elevator with his daughter. [CHARACTER] answers the phone and will send help.
You: Good morning, ma ' am. Are you being helped? [CHARACTER ]: No, I ' m not. I ' m here to look for a winter coat. You: I can for certain help you with that. How about this one? It ' s made of very high quality wool. [CHARACTER ]: It ' s nice, but I actually need something warmer. This would work if I were stay here in Los Angeles, but it ' s too light for a Michigan winter. You: Ah, you need a real heavy coat then. Please follow me. look at this one. It is our warmest coat and it is also fashionable and very comfy. [CHARACTER ]: Would it be possible to get a discount on it? You: Maybe we can give you a 5% discount. [CHARACTER ]: OK. I ' ll take it. You: Can I interest you in some gloves? There be 10% off now. [CHARACTER ]: No, thanks. I used to live in Connecticut, so I already have some.
[CHARACTER] wants to buy a winter coat and purchases one at discount with You's assistance.
You: Have you decided where to go for the holiday? [quality ]: I will join John in his mountaineering trip. You: Woo cool. Which pile equal you going to conquer? [role ]: We haven ' t made up our minds. Will you total with u? You: Of course, I will.
You and [CHARACTER] will join in John's mountaineering trip.
You: Information technology ' s too hot to read. [character reference ]: We ' d better go out for a walk. You: Which season manage you like best? [case ]: Spring. You: How about summer? [eccentric ]: One dislike it most. You: Why? [CHARACTER ]: Because the hottest season is summer in a year. You: But sometimes summer is more charming than the other seasons.
[CHARACTER] and You will go for a walk, [CHARACTER] hates summer while You disagrees.
You: Broadway Shopping centre is having a big sale this weekend. You wanna go? [CHARACTER ]: Don ' deoxythymidine monophosphate palpate corresponding it. I ' m broke. You: Well, we can still do some window shopping, can ' t we? [CHARACTER ]: Just search or so? Ah, that ' s boring. You: I ' ll go myself then.
You will go to the mall alone since [CHARACTER] dislikes window shopping.
You: Hey, John! I haven ' t seen you in ages! What ' s new? What have you been up to? [CHARACTER ]: Pete! Nice to see you Well, on top the norm, you get laid, wife and kids and work, I ' Ve actually gotten into doing some trading. You: Trading? You, big guy? What are you trading? [CHARACTER ]: Currentness. You: Currencies? As in Euros, Dollars, Pounds and Rupees? [type ]: It ' s called Forex. Foreign Exchange. The great thing about it is that I don ' t have to invest a huge amount. I put in a margin repository and then I can buy and trade up to 100 times that much! You: I don ' t understand. You ' re buying and selling money? [CHARACTER ]: You got it! Just last night I made USD 150! You: Last night? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah! It ' s a 24 hour market! I had bought some RMB earlier at a low asking price but last dark it appreciated drastically so I made a split second decision and sold all my RMB at an amazing bid! I ' You: You ' re kidding! I ' m on! Where do I sign up?
John tells Pete he is doing some trading called Forex. John earns a lot by buying and selling currencies with a little money, so Pete also wants to try it.