What Should Term Life Insurance Cost?
Under the new affordable care act, everyone will have to have health insurance or pay a penalty (also known as an "individual shared responsibility payment"). If you choose to pay the penalty instead of securing coverage, you will still be responsible for 100% of your medical care. The penalty is calculated in one of two ways (you pay whichever is the higher amount). In 2014, the penalties will be calculated as: 1) 1% of your yearly household income featuring a maximum penalty as the national average yearly premium for a bronze plan. 2) $95 per person for the year (If under age 18, then $47.50) featuring a maximum penalty per family of $285 under this method. The penalty calculations will change each year. In 2015, method one increases to 2% of your yearly household income and method two increases to $325 per person. In 2016, it will increase again to 2.5% for method one and $695 per person for method two. The penalty methods will be adjusted for inflation in later years.
Does High Cholesterol Affect Life Insurance Rates?
The presence of high cholesterol in the blood has been linked to reduced longevity. To the extent that is true your new life insurance policy might be rated. This is to reflect the increased risk that you present to the insurance company. If you have high cholesterol it will probably be detected whether a paramedical exam is conducted or not. You will find that honest full disclosure will usually give you the best possible rate.
How Much Is Term Life Insurance For 20 Years?
There's many factors that go into the premiums for life insurance to say what a policy costs - it will be different for every person as we each have our own specific needs. The premium for a policy will depend on the insured's age, amount of coverage they want, how long they want the coverage for (in this case, 20 year term insurance), their riskclassification (determined by your medical history), and whether they'reapplying with full underwriting or non-medical term coverage. The risk classification is the MOST critical factor in determining the cost (premium) of a life insurance policy. The risk class depends ona number of factors including whether you're male or female, your medical history, height/weight profile, any tobacco usage, and other factors. Please keep in mind - every carrier has their own set of underwriting guidelines and mortality tables, and each may offer a different risk class for a given medical profile - e.g. company A may offer preferred (featuring lower rates) and company B may only offer standard (featuring higher rates). Non-medical term life insurance policies will almost always cost much more than fully underwritten policies that require an exam because an insurance company is taking on more risk without having a full medical picture of you. Consult with an experienced life insurance broker to determine what coverage is appropriate/suitable for your needs and budget. Please feel free to contact me for help or if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
What Will Void A Life Insurance Policy?
what will void a life insurance policy ? Basically any deciet given during the application process will void a policy if found out within the first two policy years. After that, in most cases contestability by an insurance carrier has ended. Except some states have modified contestibility laws sometimes in the insurance company's favor. In my state, concerning lying about smoking on the application, there is no limit for an insurance company to contest. The state considers the policy null and void. Other states may have something similar.
What Is Medicare Hospice?
Medicare Hospice is a benefit for those who are terminally ill. Medicare will pay for nearly all the expenses to care for someone at home when they have given up treatment for the illness causing their pending death. Medicare will pay for some medications and treatments that provide comfort.
How To Remove Medicare Part B?
--> Medicare makes it difficult to cancel, or withdraw from, Medicare Part B. Because Medicare Part B provides important coverage for most people 65 and older, and because there's a penalty if someone cancels Medicare but then later wants to enroll again, Medicare enrolls everyone automatically at age 65 and wants to make sure no one cancels their coverage without fully understanding the consequences.
What Is The Penalty For Cashing Out A Life Insurance Policy?
Homeowners insurance will cover water damage from a roof leak if the roof sustained damage from a recent storm and the damage to the roof resulted in damage inside the home. If the roof has issues that have gone unrepaired, water damage in this circumstance would not be covered. The roof damage and the water damage must have occured at the same time. Keith Prim - Dallas, TX 214-435-0791
How Long Does It Take To Claim A Life Insurance Policy?
Death claims are handled quickly. The company needs a death certificate and in some cases a simple form. When the death is under investigation, or the body has not been recovered, the claim can take a long time. Ultimately a court will decide when the insurance company should honor the claim and to whom the proceeds should be paid.
What Is Adjudication In Health Insurance?
Renters insurance does not cover damage to vehicles. The vehicles insurance would cover what ever damage occurred. There is a slight possibility renters insurance would cover damage to a vehicle if for example you threw a baseball through the glass but even this on is a maybe. The vehicles comprehensive coverage would pick up this kind of damage.
Can An Employer Cancel Health Insurance?
In Wisconsin Rural Mutual Insurance Company which is a part of Farm Bureau Financial Services offers renters insurance. I can only speak for Wisconsin, but Farm Bureau Financial Services does operate in other states within the United States and handles personal lines with other companies in those states. If you are in Wisconsin give me a call and I can try to help you with coverage if you are not in Wisconsin, then I would suggest contacting your local Farm Bureau office to ask them for a local agent.
When Do You Get Long Term Care Insurance?
The time to get DI is different for everyone depending on your occupation and health. The best answer is ... as soon as possible. DI is cheaper the younger you are, plus you never know if you might become sick or injured. If you're worried that you might make more money in the future, you can add a rider on your policy that will make you eligible for more coverage at a later date, or you can simply try to buy more DI when the time comes (assuming you don't have any serious medical issues when that time does come).
Does UMPD Cover Damage To A Stolen Auto With Liability Only Coverage?
What does AFLAC'c Cancer policy pay? I can only give you a general idea as each policy pays out different amounts, depending on the level of coverage you purchase. With that said, AFLACs Cancer policies usually pay for: Cancer tests such as Mammographies cervical screening colonoscopies, daily hospital benefit for room and board, some cancer drugs, cancer surgical benefits, anesthesiologist, daily doctor visits while you are in the hospital, blood, plasma, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, reconstruction after surgery, daily visits to the hospital by the patients doctor, benefits for travel to a cancer center including hotel, airfare, gas for your car to get there, ambulance benefits. These are some of the main coverages, but remember that there either annual or lifetime limits as to how much AFLAC will pay, it all depends on your policy.
What Is A Group Universal Life Insurance Policy?
Group universal life is similar to individual universal life. Group policies involve the plan sponsor, often an employer, holding the master policy while the individual participants receive a certificate of insurance. It is a convenient and voluntary way to acquire cash value life insurance through the workplace. Usually the employee pays all premiums in which case all benefits would be immediately and fully vested. At employment termination portability features in these products generally allow for coverage to be taken by the participant as an individual policy.
Is Life Insurance Forbidden In Islam?
Many scholars find insurance unfair. Since there isn't a guaranteed return it has the appearance of gambling. When living in a non-Islamic country, abiding by local law is permissable. In Muslim-majority countries there are alternative companies formed called takaful that provide similar coverages on a shared-risk model.
What Is Medicare Region C?
As a rule no, you can enroll in Part D when you first become eligible, during the Anual Election Period, or if you have a Special qualifying event such as losing your group coverage or the plan pulls out of the area, or you move out of the service area. If you qualify for Extra Help with your drugs from Medicare or if you are also on Medicaid you can swithch whenever you want.
How Much Is Nationwide Renters Insurance?
The cost of renters insurance from Nationwide will depend on several factors including the value of your items kept in the apartment or house, the location of the building, the age of the building, and your heating source within the building. Based on the variability of all these items, it's nearly impossible to answer this questions without more information about these items.
Is Property Insurance The Same As Homeowners Insurance?
Homeowners Insurance is a form of Property Insurance. The Insurance Services Office publishes Insurance Forms which are basic coverage contracts sold asinsurance policies by insurance companies. Homeowners Insurance is the most common form of Property Insurance; this form is generally written for Owner Occupied Single Family Homes but in some cases, it could apply to an Owner Occupied Duplex. To complicate matters further, mortgage companies do not differentiate the coverage form; they simply define required insurance as 'Hazard Insurance'; the hazard being the risk or collateral against which the mortgage company has leant funds. If a single family home is owner occupied, a Homeowners Insurance Policy should be purchased; if a 1 - 4 unit dwelling is tenant occupied, a Landlords Insurance Policy should be purchased. For residential apartments with 5+ units, a Commercial Form is required and in many cases can be written as a Residential Apartment Policy under a Business Owners Policy (BOP) package. For further clarification on the correct form of insurance, contact your insurance carrier or our office and we'll be happy to answer any further questions.
Why Buy Supplemental Disability Insurance?
There are several reasons to considering buying Supplemental Disability Insurance. 1) Group Disability policies usually pay 60% of your income in event of disability, and if your employer paid the premiums, the benefits are taxed. Thus, the benefit you actually receive may be approx 45% of your income. Supplemental Disability Insurance is not taxed and can possibly raise this benefit to 70% to 80% of your income. 2) Any group benefit will be lost when you leave the group. Having Supplemental Disability Insurance can be valuable if you no longer qualify for Disability Insurance upon separating from a job and its group benefits. 3) Group Disability coverage is often "own occupation" the first two years, then changes so that you will no longer receive your benefits if you can work at ANY job, not just your OWN type of job. Supplemental Disability Insurance can extend the own occupation feature to last longer than two years. You could also add other features such as a Cost of Living Adjustment rider.
Who Should Own Your Life Insurance Policy?
In Canada, you can own a policy on anyone you have an insurable interest in (with their permission) including yourself. If your company owns the life insurance on your life and the company is not the beneficiary. It would be considered a taxable benefit. With one exception transfer of ownership is considered a deemed disposition. In other words it could trigger a taxable gain. The Income Tax Act provides for the transfer of a policy to the policyowners child, without a taxable disposition to the policyowner, if a child of the policyowner is the only person insured. Child includes any natural or adopted child, grandchild, stepchild, son- or daughter-in-law. THAT ONE EXCEPTION creates a planning opportunity. Does it make sense to keep paying income tax each year on the growth of your non-registered investments? Use non-registered assets you wont need during your lifetime. Buy an exempt permanent life insurance policy. Structure the policy to: enable tax-efficient distribution of your assets to future generations and give you control and access while living. Growth inside a permanent life insurance policy is not subject to annual tax (within limits) and Proceeds of life insurance go to named beneficiaries tax-free. Example: How it works: You own the policy. Your adult child is the insured person, Your grandchild is the beneficiary While living, Your adult child is contingent owner At your death, Your adult child becomes owner of policy Benefits for you Taxes - Reduce your annual income tax Control - Keep control of your assets - Can change beneficiary and coverage amount (subject to underwriting requirements) - Can access the cash value in the policy if necessary Legacy - Preserve your legacy for your children and grandchildren - Generate estate value, not taxable income If you have further questions, or feel that I could be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker, you could start with a Google search. For example, if you search for: life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax, my name, along with several others, will come up. You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community.
Does Allstate Do Life Insurance?
Allstate does offer life insurance through their subsidiaries: Allstate Life Insurance Company, Lincoln Benefit Life Insurance Company and American Heritage Life Insurance Company. To compare quotes from Life Insurance offered by Allstate with other life insurance quotes, you can visit a website with a quote engine that includes Lincoln Benefit Life.
Can You Stay On Parents Health Insurance If Married?
Auto insurance will cover cracked windshield under yourcomprehensivecoverage portion of your auto insurance policy minus your deductible. They type ofoccurrencescovered by comprehensive would befallingobjects, flying objects, (rock being the most common) vandalism, temperature changes. Discuss with your local agent about comprehensivecoverageand deductible optionsavailable to you. Comprehensive may have a zero deductible glass option.
Can A Sole Proprietor Deduct Disability Insurance Premiums?
Although it was once possible to consider those in their early 80s, and while rate tables may still exist, the insurers have effectively stopped issuing at these ages. To keep premiums low, insurers are marketing to younger ages and doing what they can to increase their business volume at younger ages. This is especially important for them at a time when long term investment yields at insurers have fallen to extreme levels,
Will Renters Insurance Cover Stolen Cash?
Notifying the carrier is often critical. If that deadline is missed,it is possible that the next opportunity to add the newborn may be many months away...possibly during an Open Enrollment period. In some states, a "short-term" plan can be purchased. Although premiums are very inexpensive, most benefits are subject to a deductible and pre-existing conditions are not covered. This type of policy should only be considered once options provided by the previous question have been exhausted.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Flood In Apartments?
Neither renters or homeowners insurance will cover flood damage. Flood insurance pricing is set by the federal government and sold through a limited number of private carriers. To be able to purchase flood insurance you must first find an agent in your area that is licensed to sell this coverage or if you wish you could find a carrier online.
Is Auto Insurance A Federal Requirement?
Auto Insurance is not a requirement mandated by Federal law, but instead is required by most if not all states as a condition of registering a car for use on public access roads and highways. Property and Casualty insurance, including car insurance is regulated by state authority as opposed to the Federal Government.
When Can I Buy A Medigap Policy?
Yes they can. You individually cannot be targeted for a rate increase, but across the board rate increases may occur. To lessen the possibility, do your research and make sure your coverage is placed with a company with a long track record of writing long-term care insurance with minimal rate increase history.
Is Krystexxa Covered By Medicare?
Krystexxa is a medication used to treat gout and can be effective when other treatments have not produced the desired results. FDA approval for Krystexxa was granted in 2010. In 2011 Medicare assigned a treatment code to Krystexxa. Krystexxa is infusion therapy, covered under Medicare Part B. Due to the cost ($60,000 per year) there may be limits placed on how many treatments will be approved by Medicare.
What Is Best Medigap Or Medicare Advantage?
A lapse in health insurance occurs when you fail to make prompt premium payments. The insurance company has the right to cancel the policy if they are not receiving payment. You may have to wait for a subsequent open enrollment period to reinstate a lapsed policy. There is a 30 day grace period to protect policyholders. Make sure you pay your premiums on time.
Can Nursing Home Take Life Insurance?
If you are going through a Medicaid spend down, the nursing home can take the cash value in your life insurance policy down to an amount that will leave you with the allowable amount of assets. You have the right to purchase a final expense policy or a burial policy, so it may be possible that your life insurance policy can be designated as this permitted final expense policy.
Does A Company Have To Offer A Retirement Plan?
The North Dakota Insurance Department regulates life insurance in the state of North Dakota, through the State Insurance Code of North Dakota. They regulate free look periods, claim processing, etc. Here is a helpful website to read a summary of some of the things that are regulated by the North Dakota life insurance code. WEBSITELINK
Is Homeowners Insurance Increasing?
That is a great question! Unfortunately, they probably are. The price for homeowners depends in part upon the cost of building and repairing homes near you, so as construction costs rise, so do premiums. The price can also rise if a number of claims have been filed near you, and if the company is trying to recapture lost profits. Your best bet is to contact a local agent who can help you compare prices, and see if there is one that might be more affordable. You can always gamble and raise your deductible also. Thank you for asking!
What Does Genworth Long Term Care Insurance Cover?
How to check medicare eligibility for providers. The first thing you need is medicare part a & part b. If you have that than you have a choice to stay with original medicare or you can choose a medicare advantage plan. You can choose any provider you want to with part a & b, however the most important thing you want to look out for when choosing a plan is if your doctor and hospital is in the network. Than you want to look at if your medication is covered.
Who Can I Add To My Auto Insurance?
If you get married, then you can add your spouse and their car to your policy. If you and your spouse are parents and your kids become licensed drivers, then you can add them to your policy. Generally speaking if you have another relative who is residing with you, they can be added to your car policy as well. If you have a resident nanny for your younger children, and that person will have regular use of your car, then it is properto add that person to your policy as well.
What Is Life And TPD Insurance?
As and Insurance agent I would have to say yes it should be required. As a consumers pint of view I can see why you would not want the extra expense. But The policies on average are 10 to 15 a month and it lowers your car insurance that much a month with many carriers if you bundle it. What little you are paying for in the event of a loss you would be glad you had the coverage. What a renters policy is paying for is many things from Liability if someone get hurt at your apartment to if you had a fire and had to stay in another place till you could move back in it would cover your living expense. It also covers to replace your thing like clothes and furniture and much more. Many home owners that are renting out the home with some carriers they require that if you are renting the home that they have to have the renters get renters insurance. There are more benefits to having it then not.
How Much Does Health Insurance For A Family Of 3 Cost?
You can only apply for health insurance outside of the annual enrollment period if you qualify for a special enrollment period (SEP). This goes for health plans both on and off the health insurance exchanges. To qualify for a special enrollment period, you must have a "life-changing event."Qualifying events include: 1) Getting married 2) Having a child 3) Adopting a child 4) Fostering a child 5) Moving out of your current coverage's service area 6) Losing your existing health insurance under certain conditions including: 7) Loss of group coverage through your employer 8) Your COBRA coverage expired 9) You get divorced 10) You come off your parent's group coverage 11) Your plan was terminated by the carrier 12) You lose your Medicaid eligibility, CHIP eligibility, or similar situation 13) Becoming a U.S. citizen 14) Leaving incarceration 15) Becoming a member of an indian tribe: those in a federally recognized tribe can apply for new coverage/make changes to their existing coverage once a month throughout the year Please note, voluntarily terminating your existing coverage or your coverage was terminated by the carrier because you didn't pay your premiums are NOT considered qualifying events for a special enrollment period. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks very much.
Does Getting Married Affect Auto Insurance?
Yes, in most cases. Rates for married vs single are different amoungst most companies. How it will affect your rates is unpredictible because it depends on whether or not you were residing in the same household over the last year for starters. In Wisconsin at least if you reside in the same household you must be listed on each others policies if separate insurance is carried. To know exactly how getting married would affect your rates, I would suggest contacting your local agent to discuss it with them.
Who Provides Disability Insurance?
Life insurance proceeds are exempt from income tax. If there is a part of the life insurance policy that is income earned beyond the death benefit (such as dividends or interest), that will usually be taxable. Also, if the policy is a MEC (modified endowment contract), income tax would be paid. If the proceeds are large enough to warrant estate taxes, federal estate taxed may need to be paid, depending on how the policy was set up.
Is Life Insurance Considered An Asset For Medicaid?
In my opinion the best Medigap insurance plan is the one that delivers the most value for the premium charged. Usually it is any plan OTHER THAN Medigap plan F. Medigap Plan F is the most expensive (and most popular) but it also pays the highest commission to the agent. Most of my clients are satisfied with the premium savings and value they receive from Medigap plan G or plan N. #GeorgiaMedicarePlans
How Often Do You Pay Health Insurance?
That is a great question! As a rule, most insurance premiumpayments are paid on a monthly basis. Some, like your auto or life insurance policies, can also be paid on a quarterly, semi-annual (every six months) or annually. Health insurance though, as a rule is typically a monthly payment, though your provider may also allow for other payment schedules. Thanks for asking!
Why Should I Rollover My 401K?
The reason many people rollover their 401 k plans is generally to have better control over the account if you are leaving that company. Also you have better control rather than having to contact the old imployer. You may get a getter return on your 40l k with a different investment firm,
What Information Do I Need To Get Car Insurance?
Surprised no one has answered this question. YES!!! HIV medications are covered under Medicare Part D Plans and MA-PD Medicare Advantage Plans that offer prescription coverage all bundled in one. Check with your plan administrator for specific coverage's though. Anti-HIV medications will always be covered because they are medically necessary to stay alive.
Who Has The Best And Cheapest Car Insurance?
This is a difficult question to answer because all companies are different in what makes up their ideal market. Some companies specialize in 30+ year olds, others in young drivers. Local has a lot to do with car insurance rates as well. In addition, insurance rates are based off the type of coverage an individual is seeking. So to say one company is the best and cheapest is really impossible to do. I would suggest contacting an agent in your state and provide them information specific to you. They should be able to narrow companies down that will suite your individual needs. Then compare coverage and rates to find the best company for you!
How Much Is Motorcycle Insurance For A 17 Year Old?
It is hard to answer specifically, but safe to say that a 17 year old wil pay more than a 37 year old insuring the same bike, the same way with the same driving history. Similar to car insurance, a younger, less experienced bikler will gelerally pay more than an older more experienced one.
Does Health Insurance Cover Dental Implants?
The short answer is yes, there are plans available.I recommend contacting an Independent agent who specializes in insurance for seniors.Typically this agent will be able to offer the most options to suit your specific needs. It is time well spent having this conversation to determine your specific needs...
Can My Boyfriend Add Me To His Car Insurance?
If you are living in the same household then he should put you on the list of drivers. The insurance follows the car and that is linked to a household. The person buying the insurance is in the household and can loan the car to whoever he wishes. The insurance covers the automobile. If you are not living together there wouldnt be anything gained by putting you on the policy.
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages To Long Term Care Insurance?
The advantages of coverage in your senior years can be significant based on the average senior couple spending $250,000 in medical costs during their retirement years. The disadvantage is the loss of economic opportunity to invest or save the premium dollars spent on long term care insurance if you never use it.
Does Short Term Health Insurance Work?
STM (short term medical) insurance is real major medical insurance . . . but with some limitations. STM plans do not cover any pre-existing conditions. The application process is simple, usually 5 yes/no questions or less. A "yes" answer is an automatic disqualifier. Most STM plans have a simple design of a deductible then coinsurance. A few have copays. Every one I have seen includes an Rx discount plan and some have PPO networks. Benefit periods are on a month to month basis with most plans issuing a maximum of 6 months although a few offer 12 month policies. When the benefit term expires so does your coverage. There is no renewal. Instead you apply for a new plan with new underwriting and new pre-existing limits.
Does Health Insurance Cover An IUD?
Most health insurance plans will cover the cost of an IUD. As part of Obamacare, covered participants are supposed to provide contraceptives at no out of pocket costs to the individual. Covered contraceptives generally include birth control pills, the birth control patch (such as Ortho Evra), a diaphragm, contraceptive gel and an IUD.
Who Can Get On Medicare?
You are eligible for Medicare by one of two ways. The most common entry into Medicare is when you turn 65. Most folks take advantage of Medicare eligibility at 65, but if you have good group insurance through your employer you can opt-out of Medicare until retirement without penalty. The other entry into Medicare is via qualifying for Social Security Disability prior to the age of 65.
Where Can I Get Cheap Homeowners Insurance?
Cheap insurance is found by carefully selecting a quality insurance agent. That agent will listen to you, provide sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company. Setting appropriate limits is crucial. The real test of value is when you have a claim. If your policy doesnt meet your expectations, you have purchased expensive insurance, regardless of the premium.
Why Is Import Car Insurance More Expensive?
An employer can establish a defined contribution retirement plan in accordance with Internal Revenue Code 401(k.) The employer is responsible for the plan documents including definitions. While not required there may be some mention of key employees. If your plan has provisions like this, they would be in the plan document which is available from your employer.
Who Should Get Disability Insurance?
The ideal person that needs disability insurance is the person that's most valuable asset is their ability to earn a living. If someone needs a steady paycheck in order to pay their normal living expenses, this is a prime candidate for disability insurance. You are 8 times more likely to become disabled from an injury or illness than to die.
Can I Keep Insurance Money And Not Fix My Car?
Qualified Annuities are taxed as ordinary earned income. But they are only taxable upon withdrawal of funds. A "Qualified" account means that the funds were contributed on a pre-tax basis. This can be a significant advantage when accumulating assets. But for the IRS to allow this advantage, they require that the full amount be subject to income tax instead of capitol gains taxes. It is also important to know that at age 70 1/2, they require you to start "Required minimum Distributions". This is a requirement that you withdraw a certain amount per year (and pay taxes on it) from age 70 1/2, for the rest of your life.
How Much Is Individual Health Insurance In New Jersey?
It varies from person to person. Your age, where you live, if you use tobacco products, and if you qualify for a subsidy to reduce your premium will determine how much a good policy is going to cost. Under the Affordable Care Act, you have the options for bronze, silver, gold, and platinum level plans (as you go up in metal, the price goes up, but provides better benefits) - some areas also have a catastrophic plan available. In addition, your age is a big factor as well. The younger you are, the cheaper your premium - the older you are, the higher your premium. Also, if you use tobacco products, your premium can be increased up to 50% as well. All of the plans offer good coverage. A silver or gold plan are your middle of the road type of plans because they provide strong coverage at an affordable price. I always recommend consulting with an experienced health insurance broker before you apply for anything. We can help you determine the plan that's going to be most suitable for your needs and budget. I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
Can Employers Charge Smokers More For Health Insurance?
Yes. Application of a premium surcharge for tobacco users has become more common in recent years, primarily in larger groups who self-fund their employee benefits plans as the employer has much more control of the benefit plan design and rate structure than they do with fully insured plans. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), while doing away with pre-existing condition exclusions, does explicitly allow for the adjustment of rates for tobacco use. So, in that sense, tobacco users are the class of employees it is legal to discriminate or penalize for their personal behavior. The ACA is silent on the consumption of Marijuana which may present some interesting situations as more states move to allow the use of medical Marijuana or to legalize its recreational use.
How Much Is Car Insurance In MA?
To determine the value of a travel insurance policy review the coverage that you currently have. Some people have coverage that extends to the locality where they live, or the state in which they reside. Coverage outside of that specified area can be highly limited. The issue becomes more severe with most plans when you travel overseas. If your current coverage is inadequate to cover potential difficulties secure a travel insurance policy. Personally, I travel overseas frequently and never purchase travel insurance.
Can You Rent A Uhaul With Car Insurance?
I not certain how having or not having automobile insurance would have an effect on renting a Uhaul trailer. If you are asking if your automobile insurance would extend to covering the rented Uhaul, the answer is maybe. Your automobile insurance liability coverage will typically travel with the insured not the vehicle, but comprehensive and collision coverage do not travel with the insured theyprovide coverage for thevehicle listed on the policy.
Is It Ok To Cancel Life Insurance?
That is truly up to the policy owner. If you are purchasing a new policy that is providing for your coverage needs better than the current policy then it may. In most cases though depending on the amount of time that the life insurance policy has been in effect, it is not recommended to cancel a life insurance policy unless it is absolutely necessary. All licensed agent are ethically obligated to provide information that helps the proposed client make a decision that is in their best interest not that of the agent.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Sump Pumps?
Not unless they are damaged by a covered peril. At that point they would be consider part of your personal property. Sump pumps breaking down due to age or wear and tear would not becovered Homeowners is not designed as amaintenancepolicy. Covered perils would be things like fire, theft, collapse and other similar occurrences.
I am moving across country. What are my options to insure my property during transit
If you have a homerowners/renter/condo policy in force at the time the property is in transit, then there could be some coverage extended from that policy. With the carriers I represent, most cover 10% of the contents limit "off premisis". This means if you had a policy with $100,000 in contents coverage, there could be $10,000 of coverage in a situation like this. I have one carrier who provides 100% of the policy contents limit anywhere in the world. Ifthere is no policy in force while the property is in transit, check with the moving company to see what options they have available. Most all policies have specific language to property "off-premisis" so most definately call your local independent agent and ask the specific amount your policy provides for the situation you descirbed.
What Is Auto Physical Damage Insurance?
Health insurance coverage is subsidized if your income is below specific levels. It is possible that you may qualify for Medicaid or CHIP (if you are a child) depending on your household income. In 2014, federal tax subsidies will subsidize many individuals and families that meet the new Federal guidelines from the Affordable Care Act.
What Is Cash Surrender Value In Life Insurance?
Answers above are correct, but thought you might like to know that 1. The column that is usually titled "Account Value" is the cash value that is usually used by the carrier to determine the amount of loanable money the policyowner may borrow. 2. When the cash value in the "surrender value" column equals the "Account Value", it indicates that the surrender period or charges are no longer part of the cash value equation. However, if a loan is still outstanding, the surrender charge period could be over, but the loan would be reflected in a surrender charge lower than the account value.
What Does Aetna Student Health Insurance Cover?
The VA does not offer Disability Insurance. However, the Veterans Administration does pay monetary benefits to veterans who have disabilities that were caused or aggravated during active military service. The disability is rated on a scale of 1 to 10 and the compensation is adjusted according to the degree of disability.
Does Health Insurance Cover ED Drugs?
Go to WEBSITELINK to apply for Medicare online. This page is the government page to apply for Medicare online. You cannot use this page is you want to activate your social security at the same time. This page is for Medicare online enrollment only. If you already have Medicare Part A and want to sign up for Medicare Part B you should call Social Security at (800) 772-1213 to activate your Part B coverage.
Can You Take A Loan From Life Insurance?
Pretax contributions to an employers sponsored defined contribution plan like a 401(k) is an excellent retirement funding option, especially if your employer matches any portion of your contribution, which may include the additional contribution for those over age 50. But if you have more discretionary income you could contribute to a Roth IRA. If your spouse doesn't have a retirement plan at work, an IRA or Roth IRA may also be available for contributions. The issue is the phase out rules on contribution deductions.
What Does Aflac Cancer Insurance Pay?
You should buy your Medigap plan when you're new to Medicare - this is THE BEST time to buy a Medicare supplement plan because you have a 6-month window (your initial open enrollment period - starts from your Medicare Part B effective date) to apply for any Medigap plan with NO medical underwriting. This means that a carrier cannot decline you for coverage for any pre-existing conditions or other medical-related illness. Beyond this window, you'll be subject to answering health questions to qualify for a new plan (every carriers' questions are different) if you don't have a guaranteed-issue right available to you. Anyone over the age of 65 and has Medicare Part A & Part B can buy a Medigap plan. If you're under 65, you can still purchase a Medigap plan if you're on Medicare for disability or ESRD, but the cost will be very high. Medigap plans are designed to be purchased by individuals age 65 and up. I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage, quotes, and comparisons of plans and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
How Much Of Your Salary Is Covered By Disability Insurance?
Along with what Peggy said, it's important to note that you can always receive more benefit when you start making more money. Some people think, "Oh, I don't want to buy it now because I'll be making more money in a few years." Don't make that mistake! You can either add a future increase rider to your policy (to avoid medical underwriting), or you can just apply for a second policy when the time comes.
How Much Does Medicare Cost A Year?
There are many long-term care insurance companies that have affordable rates and top-notch coverage. Some of them include John Hancock, Genworth and Mass Mutual. Since rates and benefits can vary, it is always best to work with an experiernced full-timebroker or financial planner that cab shop the best carriers and discuss the suitability of plans and how they will meet your goals.
How Does Split Dollar Life Insurance Work?
Split dollar arrangements can vary between a corporation and it's key executives, the grantor of an estate and it's associated irrecoverable life insurance trust or two parties that share an insurable interest. It is a sharing arrangement between two entities of death benefit and cash values of a life insurance policy.
Does Home Insurance Cover Your Chimney?
Your chimney is part of your house and there fore is covered for many possible claims including fire. Theft is also included although admittedly, in my 32 years of experience as a premier broker, I have yet to see anyclientreport there chimney missing or stolen. Keep in mind that wear and tear of an aged chimney is not covered.
Can You Cash Out A Retirement Plan?
Certainly if it is your retirement plan you can cash out. However, there are many things to consider. If you are younger than 59.5 years old you will incur income taxes and a 10% penalty plus the fees associated from companies and advisors who will charge withdrawal fees and surrender charges. It is not advised just to "cash out" a retirement plan at any age. I highly recommend finding a trusted advisor to walk you through this process.
Do I Need Earthquake Insurance My Home?
A lot depends on the area you live in. Generally, unless you are somewhere like California, earthquake coverage is inexpensive and its not a bad idea to add it if it is not already included. Some companies may require it. Ohio where I live for example, is not know for it's earthquakes however we have had a few relatively minor ones that has caused damage. Unless you are in an area where there is no chance of an earthquake I would recommend it.
Does Medicare Pay For Ultrasounds?
Ultrasounds are covered under Medicare. If they're completed as an inpatient in a hospital, it would be covered by Part A. If they're completed on an outpatient basis, it would be covered under Part B. Medicare typically pays for about 80% of the expenses - you would be responsible for paying the other 20%. A Medicare supplement policy can help pay the remaining 20%.
What Is An Annual Premium For Home Insurance?
Great question. If you are asking what is...the cost...for a homeowner's policy, this may help you. Home policies are rated based on age of home, type of construction, occupancy and location. In my state, Florida, the distance to water is very important as well as the type of roof. There are two styles, gabled roofs (which are popular in the Northern States) and hip roof (which is a newer style and has better resistance to wind. (We have hurricanes here.)
What Are The Coverage Characteristics Of Home Insurance?
A home is the largest single purchase that most people make in their lifetime. There are two characteristics that make home ownership difficult. The first is that the ownership of a home creates a situation of responsibility where you become responsible for personal injury and property damage that comes out of home ownership. For example, someone enters you home, slips on a rug and falls. Injuries can be minor or severe. It is quite possible that you could be sued to recover the loss sustained by the person who fell. This is a liability loss. The second is that you have an enormous amount of your money and the mortgage companys money invested in the home. It is usually a multiple of your annual income and would represent a great financial loss were the home to be destroyed. Your mortgage company is particularly concerned about losing their collateral and will require hazard insurance to protect their interests to the greatest extent possible. The list of things that could happen to damage a residence is lengthy but most of the causes or perils are contained in the HO-3 Homeowners policy. There are notable exceptions which should be restated. You are probably not covered for damage caused by earthquake or flood. These coverages are available but in slightly different forms and often with different policies. Because an individual cannot sustain the personal loss of a law suit or the destruction of their property they turn to an insurance company to pool their risk with hundreds of thousands of other residences. This recognizes the probability of damage and spreads that risk over a large number of residences. The insurance company charges enough to be able to pay those losses when they occur. Your state insurance commissioner is very concerned about the adequacy of the insurance companies admitted in your state. While there are various types of home insurance policies, I will confine my comments to the most common, the HO-3 Homeowners policy. Coverage A in a homeowners policy covers your residence. The coverage includes additional items but does not cover land or water. It doesnt cover trees except as covered in incidental coverages. Coverage B covers related structures on the property. It has the same restrictions as Coverage A and doesnt cover any business structures, except for a residence on the property that you lease to others. It covers you garage Coverage C covers the personal property that you either own or are responsible for. This is a very important coverage and contains internal limits on selected classes of property such as money, securities, jewelry, guns and watercraft. Misunderstandings often arise about this coverage and it should be discussed thoroughly with your insurance agent. Modifications of this coverage are relatively inexpensive and an unpaid claim is an expensive way to discover that you werent adequately covered. Coverage D pays the necessary and reasonable increase in living cost you incur when your household meets with an insured loss. The company will try to get you back into your residence as quickly as possible but will make sure that you are able to maintain your normal standard of living during the repairs. Coverage D also covers the loss of rents you might experience in the event of a covered loss. If you have an apartment on the premises and it is damaged by a covered loss, this section would apply. There are other limits and extensions in this section that require your attention if you are leasing property. There are number of ancillary coverages including credit cards, trees, fire department charges, debris removal, emergency removal of covered property and grave markers. There are several pages of definitions and exclusions which should be read. Most confusion arising from a homeowners policy come from this part of the policy. Many people think that a homeowners policy pays for routine maintenance or deterioration. Coverage L covers personal liability and provides that the company will pay up to the limits for expense that you are liable for because of bodily injury or property damage that happens on your premises. Coverage M covers medical payments to others and provides necessary medial expenses if they are incurred on your property and result in bodily injury. There are several pages of definitions and limitations on liability coverage. The policy then defines your responsibilities. You must notify the company of a loss, you must cooperate and many other responsibilities. At the back of the policy are a number of endorsements which changes the policy. These apply to specific types of property such as trading cards, animals, a roof and others. Together the HO-3 Homeowners policy is a package of protection that is sufficiently broad to meet the requirements of both lenders and homeowners. Special additional coverages are offered and should be considered. Many of these additional coverages can be included in the basic policy.
Why Do We Need Critical Illness Insurance?
The answer to that depends on whether or not you own your car outright. If you are making payments to purchase or lease your vehicle than an insurance payout will most likely go directly to the repair facility. If you own your vehicle than you have the right to do whatever you wish with the money you receive from the auto insurance payout. That being said, it is strongly recommended to ensure your vehilce is safe to operate (For the benefit of you and yourpassengers as well as others on the road too). Joel Guilbert Liberty Mutual Insurance 4806857309
I Was Fired When Does My Health Insurance Stop?
It depends. In some cases your coverage stops the last day you were actively at work. In other cases, coverage continues to the end of the month or it may continue through the end of the following month. In most cases you will be eligible for COBRA and continue for up to 18 months.
What Does Medicare Part B Cover?
Medicare Part B covers the doctor services, outpatient hospital services, medical services and supplies. There is a monthly cost charged to the Social Security check received. There is a deductible and 20% copayments if incurred. In addition you pay all costs for services and supplies not covered by Medicare.
How Do You Determine Cash Value Of Term Life Insurance Policy?
The only type of term insurance that has a cash value is ROP Term. This stands for Return of Premium Term. About halfway through the term, it will pay back some cash if you surrender the policy. At the end of the term, it will pay back all the premiums you paid in. Keep in mind that the cash value of ROP term is not able to accessed unless you surrender the policy.
What Happens If I Can't Get Homeowners Insurance?
Any Home or Auto insurance company can drop you. Home insurance is not guaranteed renewable. The company has a right to drop you or raise your premium at each renewal. This can be done because of claims experience, deterioration and maintenance of your home, or in some cases a company will pull out of an area or state completely. This happened in Florida because of the frequency of hurricanes.
Does Variable Life Insurance Have A Cash Value?
Cash value permanent life insurance has the potential to accumulate cash values, but it's dependent on the crediting method. Variable life insurance uses a guaranteed interest rate account and separate sub accounts that use equities and bond investments. The optimal design for cash value is purchasing the lowest TAMRA compliant death benefit option.
Is Nursing Home Care Covered By Medicare?
Nursing home care is covered by Medicare in some circumstances. 1. You must stay in a Medicare certified skilled nursing facility. 2. You must enter the nursing home after a qualified inpatient hospital stay of at least three consecutive days (starting with the day you enter the hospital, not counting the day you leave). 3. You must enter the SNF (skilled nursing facility) within 30 days. 4. Your doctor must have ordered the SNF stay due to your need for more than custodial care on a daily basis, and the SNF care must be for something treated during the qualifying hospital stay. 5. Medicare Part A pays for up to 100 days of nursing home coverage.
Can You Surrender A Life Insurance Policy?
You certainly can surrender a policy for its cash value, but then you have no life insurance. It would be much better for most folks to just borrow money from their policy and either pay it back or not. With a surrender, you will have to pay tax, but with a loan you will not, even if you do not pay it back, and you would still have a smaller but existing life insurance policy. Pay it back later and the death benefit returns automatically to the full amount! Call me, Gary Lane, Agent, New York Life, 949 797 2424. Thanks.
How To Setup A Personal Retirement Plan?
How to set up a personal retirement plan is a process. First start with the end in mind determine what retirement success would look like for you. Once you have an idea then you can determine what it would take to fund it. Retirement planning can be complex as there are many factors to consider and it is easy to put it aside for another day. The saying the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step is applicable here - start saving a regular percent of your earnings today. Let the power of compound interest work for you. If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner, you could start with a Google search. For example, if you search for: retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax, my name, along with several others, will come up. You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community. If you have further questions, or feel that I could be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Which Annuity Is Right For Me?
You have to establish product suitability before deciding on any product, much less an annuity, which should be purchased as an ultimate income product. Product suitability is based on your personal financial profile, risk tolerance and economic goals. Those three areas comprise the fundamental approach to selecting the right annuity. Annuities use differing crediting methods such as interest rates, indices (both domestic and foreign) and separate sub accounts that use equities and bond allocations.
Who Regulates Life Insurance In North Dakota?
It would be best if you knew the current value of your personal property and the replacement cost of the same items. That way you can compare the premiums for the two types of coverage. The only other critical thing to know is the highest amount of liability insurance that you can afford. These issues can be handled smoothly by a competent insurance agent.
Who Is A Key Employee In 401K?
It is easy to buy your own health insurance. Many top-rated insurers offer affordable plans that will provide comprehensive coverage. Finding those plans is easiest when you utilize an experienced broker and/or their website. You can quickly compare rates and benefits from the best insurers in your area and apply online. There is no cost and you'll have free unbiased advice from a seasoned veteran available at any time.
Who Sells The Cheapest Auto Insurance?
There are many carriers out there all can be quite "Cheap" But be careful when shopping for rates cheap doesn't always mean you have the proper coverage. Also depends on what type of coverage you are looking for. When shopping online there are times that the rate is fantastic then you find out that they are not even allowed to sell insurance in your state. you also have to think about in the event of a claim can they be reached and you talk to someone local? Buyer beware make you are covered properly like the old saying goes if it is to good to be true then most likely that is the case. However I do have some carries that I have a client in that has full coverage on a car and only $143 for 6 months of coverage with low deductible now that is cheap but her coverage is not. So the key is making sure you know what you are purchasing before you put the money out. A Local agent or the States insurance commissioners office can assist you in finding what you are looking for
How Much Is Health Insurance For A 60 Year Old?
Unfortunately, term life insurance has no cash value to build up. Therefore there is no money to cash out. Think of term life insurance as renting your life insurance and permanent life insurance as buying life insurance. Cash value plans are policies such as whole life and universal life insurance. These are more expensive premiums but do build cash value for times when you need money.
How To Figure Out How Much Car Insurance Will Be?
You can figure out how much your car insurance will cost by going online and comparing quotes. You'll have to provide some basic information such as the type of car you drive, your age, zip code etc... Also, as experienced brokers, we can be contacted directly and we will "shop" the top-rated carriers for clients. Of course, if you have existing coverage, don't cancel a policy unless you are already approved for new coverage.
Can You Go To Jail For Having No Car Insurance?
Is it possible to go to jail for nothavingauto insurance. Yes it is possible. Slim but possible. Usually your looking at a hefty fine unless you are either a repeat offender or are involved in an accident or a combination of the two. It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle without insurance.
Can The General Life Insurance?
I was not able to find a General Life Insurance Company. I did find General American Life Insurance which has been bought by Metlife Insurance. Metlife is a good strong company to work with. I would however recommend comparing rates for the type of insurance you are looking for as they will have different features.
What Is The College Major To Study In Order To Be An Insurance Agent?
Life and TPD Insurance stands for Life and Total and Permanent Disability Insurance. It is a Life insurance policy that has an add on that would pay a lump sum if the insured person were to become totally and permanently disabled. If this was paid out, the death benefit is usually reduced by the TPD amount paid out.
Does The VA Offer Disability Insurance?
Rental car coverage is optional and must be added on. You must have comprehensive coverage in order to have the option of adding rental car coverage to your policy. It will cover your cost of a rental car if your vehicle is in the shop getting repaired because of an accident.
Can Debtors Take Life Insurance?
If you mean can creditors, rather than debtors, take life insurance proceeds upon the death of the insured, they generally cannot as long as the beneficiary of the policy is a person. If the beneficiary is the estate, creditors can go after the estate for payment of past debts on the part of the insured.
Why Do Kids Need Life Insurance?
Since the purpose of life insurance is usually to protect someone from an economic loss that would be caused by the death of the Insured person, this is a good question. Why do kids need life insurance? In light of the stated purpose, perhaps this need does not exist in your family. If the unspeakable happened and you lost a child, you may have plenty of resources to cover final arrangements, even if there were medical bills. If not, then a life insurance policy for a child, or putting the child(ren) on a child rider on your policy, would be a valid choice. However, because I specialize in Impaired Risk life insurance (life insurance for those who have health conditions or other risk), I see the biggest advantage of kids having life insurance as ensuring they will be able to get affordable life insurance for the rest of their lives. There is a huge advantage to getting them insured while they are still healthy. E.g. A child who develops type 1 diabetes will not be able to get a life insurance policy until they are at least 16 years old, and then far above average rates will follow them the rest of their lives. If they got even a term policy before developing diabetes, the policy can later be converted to a permanent policy at the same health rating they got before they were diagnosed. If on a child rider, they can get 5 times the amount of the rider rated Standard when they become adults, no health questions asked. There is a tendency to not think about life insurance until there is a scare in one's health. Having life insurance as a child just takes care of it, no matter what the future brings.
Is Life Insurance Taxed When Paid Out?
No, life insurance is not taxed when paid out, in most cases. There are some exceptions, such as when the beneficiary is the estate; then the life insurance benefit will be subjected to the same taxes as the rest of the estate. If eligible by virtue of amount, life insurance be subject to estate tax. By and large, however, life insurance is not taxed when paid out, making it a very favorable gift to those who receive it.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Vehicle Damage?
A unilateral contract is an agreement between two parties whereas the life insurance company holds out a policy with its contract provisions and an underwriting offer that they bind their company to via the premium payment by the policy owner. The life insurance company promises to pay death benefit proceeds to the policy beneficiaries.
How Much Is Basic Renters Insurance?
Life insurance companies will tell you to allow one to two months to receive a life insurance check. It can arrive faster, and if there are problems with the address or other kinks, it could take longer. You must first send the life insurance company the claim form and certified death certificate, so consider that in the waiting time before the check is received.
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Lupus?
If the burst pipe was caused by a maintenance issuethere is a good possibility that a claim would not be covered by your homeonwers policy and even if the claim is covered you may still be subject to the policy's deductible. When you own a home maintenance of that home is something that can be quite challenging but needs to be done in order to prevent non-covered incidents from occuring.