What Is A Fully Paid-Up Life Insurance Policy?
A fully paid up life insurance policy is one in which the premiums are paid up, or paid in full. At that point, the insurance company is liable for paying the death benefit, and you do not need to pay any more premiums to keep the policy in effect.
Can you get a Silvers Sneakers membership at the YMCA if you are on Medicare?
From my understanding, you can get the membership issued through private insurance companies - so you would need to have a Medicare supplement (Medigap) plan or a Medicare Advantage plan that offers the silver sneaker membership. I don't believe original Medicare offers silver sneaker membership. So if you're only on Medicare Part A & Part B, you could add a Medigap plan that offers the membership. As to which carriers offer it, I believe it ultimately depends on what state you live in as some carriers offer it in some states and not in others. You can find out if your plan offers the membership on the silver sneakers website health plan locator. Here's a link to their page: WEBSITELINK I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your coverage and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
How Much Auto Insurance Should I Have?
I always recommend the highest limits of liability that you can afford. If you have a good insurance score, and a clean driving record, the premium difference between 50/100 (50k per person/100k per accident) and 100/300 will not be much relatively speaking. Also, it is a good idea to have a high limit of liability for property damage, such as $100,000. The national average vehicle liability award in 2008 was $326,628. That said, I always recommend at least 250/500 limits of liability. Additionally, I always recommend having an "umbrella policy" to increase your limits of liability. Ask your insurance agent for a quote on a $1,000,000 umbrella policy. Be sure to tell your agent of all properties or vehicles titled to you.
Can You Claim A Breast Reduction On Medicare?
The answer to your question is going to depend on if it is "cosmetic surgery" or is it medically necessary. Medicare and all health insurance policies have strict regulations about paying for "cosmetic surgery" and then what happens if you have complications from the suregery? I would recommend you rule out "cosmetic surgery" because once the invasion is made it exposes you to all the possiblities of infection or other complications. You can go to WEBSITELINK and type the procedure into the inquiry window and see what medicare says
What Is The Difference In Medicare And Medicaid?
Medicare is a taxpayer financed, government run health insurance program mostly for those age 65 and older. If you qualify for Social Security disability you can also qualify for Medicare. Medicaid is a taxpayer financed, government run health insurance program for low income people. Some qualify under dual rules for Medicare and Medicaid.
Can An Apartment Force You To Have Renters Insurance?
They can not force you to get the coverage but they can choose not to let you rent there. The coverage is well worth the cost. in most cases it is as little at $10.00 a month this protect you and also any damages that you may cause to the building. Example ouwl be if you left something on the stove and you caught the building on fire .
What Type Of Retirement Plan Is Based On A Formula?
All group retirement plans that are covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act ERISA are based on some formulaic process. This formulaic process is used to ensure against discrimination in the plan. Federal law defines discrimination as a plan that too heavily favors highlight compensated employees. Highly compensated employees are employees who earn over a certain amount in annual income, as of 2013 that amount is $115,000.
Can You Cancel A Whole Life Insurance Policy?
Well, yes, you can. Speak to your insurance professional about the pros and cons of cancelling before you decide, however. Keep in mind that depending on the contract, if by surrendering the policy you receive any cash proceeds that may have built up in the policy while it was in force, this could trigger a taxable event. That is why it is a good idea to speak with your professional agent and weigh you options carefully before choosing the course that best suits your needs.
When Did Health Insurance Originate?
That is a great question! There were some types of travelers insurances offered in the 1840's that covered you if your train crashed or steamboat sank, but other than that, there really wasn't much until the late 1800's when disability policies became popular. Britain passed a law in the early 1900's that created a "National Health Insurance", and most of Europe kind of adopted similar laws, but we didn't catch on until 1929 when us Texans ( Baylor University Hospital, and some local teachers, I think) created a system of standardized costs for hospital stays. Shortly thereafter came Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and then all kinds of competing companies. The history of insurance is interesting stuff. Thanks for asking!
Will Medicare Pay For A Pain Pump?
Medicare will cover some forms of pain management. Some, but not all, medical practitioners are covered by Medicare pain management programs. Doctors, and in some states CRNA's (certified registered nurse anesthetists are covered under Medicare. Infusion pumps may also be authorized for coverage under Medicare when authorized by your pain management physician.
Can You Get Life Insurance After Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer has four stages. Depending on the stage, surgery performed and recovery management, i.e. regular checkups, etc. life insurance may be possible to obtain. Depending upon the history and current medical condition there are three possible avenues to explore based on what stage the cancer is in: fully underwritten, simplified issue or guaranteed issue.
How Much Life Insurance Should You Carry?
That is an excellent question! The answer is that it depends upon what you want the insurance to do for you. If it is just to cover funeral expenses, then typically a smaller, $10-20,000 policy should be fine. If you are trying to cover mortgage, college, or other major debt that would be left to your spouse, then you want at least that much. If it is to provide a legacy for your children, then however much you'd like to bless them with is the amount needed. If it is to provide your spouse with the income lost when you pass, then you will want to do some math, and decide upon how many years' salary to choose. If you need help, please contact me, okay? I'd be happy to help. Thanks for asking!
Does Everyone 65 And Older Qualify For Medicare?
The military pension system doesnt meet the standard definitions. It isnt established in the same way a pension plan is established, it isnt funded in the same way either. It most closely resembles deferred compensation. It is taxed like deferred compensation as well.
Can A Minor Be A Beneficiary On Life Insurance?
The face value of life insurance is the original amount of coverage purchased. In term insurance, this is usually the same as what is paid out at death of the Insured. In permanent insurance, the death benefit may be higher or lower than the original face value, due to loans taken from the policy, or due to earnings within the policy that caused the death benefit to grow.
Where To Get Health Insurance With A Preexisting Condition?
Starting January 1, 2014 you cannot be denied coverage or charged more for health insurance on individual plans purchased either off or on the government's Marketplace Exchange. If you are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, those programs cannot refuse you either with a pre-existing condition. Open enrollment is now going on for these plans. The only exception is grandfathered health care plans that you purchase yourself, not through an employer. These plans must have been purchased on or before March 23,2010 and not have changed or reduced their benefits to the insured to be considered grandfathered plans.
Does Medicare Cover Zostavax?
Zostavax is the shingles prevention vaccine. Medicare Part B does not cover the Zostavax vaccine, but all Medicare Part D plans to cover this vaccine. The amount you have to pay depends on your plan. It is usually cheaper to go to a pharmacy to have the injection that to have the injection at a doctor's office.
How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost After A DUI?
The increase that you experience in your auto insurance rates after an accident, ticket, or even a DUI can vary greatly depending on the insurance carrier that you are with. The change to your auto rates could vary anywhere from zero to two or three times your current rate or possibly more. Contact your local agent they should be able to advise you of the carriers current policy on rate changes for clients that experience a DUI.
How Long Will Disability Insurance Pay?
Disability insurance will pay benefits to the disabled person according to the terms of the policy that was purchased. The "elimination period" determines at what point payments start. This may be a few months to a year after the disability occurs. The duration of the plan dictates how long the Disability Insurance pays. This may be a few years all the way to age 65.
Can You Have Two Medicare Supplements?
No - only one Medicare supplement plan will pay after Medicare pays. If you try to have 2 Medicare supplement plans, you're spending extra money on the 2nd plan for no reason because it won't pay any benefits. Only one supplement plan will pay. The cost of 2 plans would also be more than having 1 Medigap plan F that covers all 9 benefits at 100%. I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any questions. Thanks very much.
What Does Life Insurance Maturity Mean?
Life insurance maturity is the date at which the face amount of a permanent life insurance policy is paid to the beneficiary stated in the policy (in case of death) or to the policy holder (if the insured is still alive when the maturity date is reached). In Whole Life, the maturity date coincides with endowment, or the accumulation of cash value to equal the face amount.
Will Home Insurance Cover Gas Leaks?
Homeowners Insurance polices are not maintenance polices so should you develop a gas leak this would be the responsibility of the owner to repair. However in the event a unknown leak caused an explosion and/or fire this would be a covered loss. Youcertainlywould not want this to occur.
Can You Buy Car Insurance With A Suspended License?
An individual with a suspended license can purchase auto insurance. Generally the intent is so the individual can regain his or her license. The other option is the individual has other members in the household that operate a motor vehicle. If this is the case the owner of the policy can purchase the insurance and exclude themselves as an operator thereby allowing the residents in the household to drive the vehicles. The residents of the household will be required to be added to the policy as operators.
How Much Do Long Term Care Insurance Policies Cost?
The cost of a typical long term care insurance policy depends on gender, age and health condition. Sometimes where you live can affect the cost as well. A typical male and female, each age 60 nonsmoker on a joint long term care policy with a good company will pay around $300 a month for long term care coverage.
Can 401(K) Plans Provide Adequate Retirement Resources?
Michigan, like most states, requires its drivers to carry a specified minimum amount of auto insurance coverage. The minimum limits are $20,000 per person, $40,000 per accident and an additional $10,000 for property damage. However, these limits are quite low and if possible, and it is within your budget, you should consider higher limits. As an experienced broker, I highlyrecommend the next level of coverage, that will provide a much broader protection. Free online quotes are always available from the top-rated carriers.
What Is Philippine Prudential Life Insurance?
Philippine Prudential Life Insurance Company (Philippine Prudential) is a 100% Filipino owned financial services company. They offer endowment plans, whole life plans, group and permanent plans, healthcare coverage, education and pensions policies, and credit insurance. Philippine Prudential Life Insurance Company was established in 1963 and is headquartered in Pasig City, Philippines.
Why Do Guys Pay More For Car Insurance?
Car insurance rates are rarely a moral issue. If guys have worse driving records than young women, the company can ask many states to allow them to rate them separately. In California, that isnt an option. There are only a few rating factors in California and sex isnt one of them. That doesnt make insurance cheaper, it merely means that there isnt a distinction between male and female drivers in California.
Is Health Insurance Free In Canada?
Where you live can and does effect your auto insurance rates. Insurance companies base rates on experience in any given area. These would include but not limited to characteristics of drivers, types of vehicles and claims based on frequency and severity. Actuaries then determine rates according to any given area or areas. There are many misconceptions by consumers as to which area has a better rate vs. another. For example some may believe a city would have a higher rate vs. a rural area. However the fact may be that while a city has more frequency of accidents a rural area may have much more severe accidents due to road conditions and so on. While this is only an example this should give you an idea of how rating works.
How Do You Set Up Annuities?
You will need to contact a good insurance agent who is familiar with annuities and can offer a multitude of companies. The agent can examine your needs, goals and personal circumstances and help determine if an annuity is suitable for you, and if so help direct you to an annuity that fits your circumstances. The agent will then help you apply.
Does Health Insurance Cover A Tummy Tuck?
A tummy tuck will be covered under your health insurance plan as long as it is considered (and coded) as medically necessary by your attending physician. Often times this is considered an elective procedure and won't be covered. It's vital to contact your carrier prior to the procedure to find out how (if at all) they will cover the surgery. The best place to start is to call the benefits verification or pre-certification phone number on the back of your insurance cards.
Which Is Better Medicare Or Medicare Advantage?
Original Medicare, with or without a supplement plan, allows you to use any doctor, lab or hospital anywhere in the U.S. that accepts Medicare assignment. Most Medicare Advantage plans have limited network that require you to use their participating facilities or else you pay a significant penalty for out of network benefits.
Who Has The Cheapest Life Insurance Rates?
You can run life insurance quotes on numerous websites advertising "instant life insurance quotes". These will bring up the cheapest rates for your particular age and sex. Some will even allow you to input some health and other risk factors. Every company has their niche. So this will bring up the cheapest life insurance rates for YOU.
How Do I Get Obamacare?
No. A boyfriend or girlfriend does not meet the legal criteria for being considered an eligible dependent (you can imagine how complicated that could getin some people's lives). Legally married spouses are still generally considered eligible dependents though that coverage option is evolving rapidly due to a quirk in the health care reform law that does not define spouses as dependents. Natural born and step-children and individuals for which a person has a court order appointing them as legal guardian also qualify as dependents. I'm afraid you'll have to get married if you want to get covered under your boyfriend's health insurance.
Is Aflac Cancer Insurance Worth It?
It does not matter if it is AFLAC or any other company, in my opinion Cancer insurance is a good buy. Even if a person has health insurance, the cost of Cancer can devastate a persons financial well being. With deductibles, copay's, travel, loss of income, and cost of alternative treatments, Cancer Insurance can make a difference between getting better care or going bankrupt.
How Much Is Car Insurance In NY?
Car insurance rates in New York are determined by many variables. Some of the most important factors are your driving record (including other family members), your zip code or county, your age, the type of vehicle you drive, your credit history, how the vehicle is used and the types of coverage you carry. Additionally, the company you are insured with plays a big role in determining the rates. do you get a free quote for car insurance in New York? A reputable nationwide (or New York based) car insurance website will zoom (pun intended) you to your destination. Typically, you can compare the best offers and get expert advice at no cost.
What Does AAA Home Insurance Cover?
AAA Home insurance, like all other major carriers, covers a wide variety of claims, including fire, theft, vandalism, and many other items. However, there are numerous types of policies offered, so it is best to determine the type of policy you have to accurately understand all of the benefits. An experienced broker can help.
Does Great Clips Offer Health Insurance?
Since most of their locations are franchised, it would depend on the franchise owner. Typically, if coverage is offered, it may not be paid in full by the owner. But most importantly, can you get a good haircut at Great Clips? It's just my opinion, but my answer would be Yes!
How Does Assigned Risk Auto Insurance Work?
Assigned risk in California which is what I amfamiliarwith is a processing center by which people having trouble buying auto insurance are connected with an insurance company that will insure them. Assigned Risk is not an insurance company but are companies that are required by law to participate. The amount of autos an insurance company has on the road would constitute the percentage of their obligation to the plan. There is financial hardship criteria to qualify for Assigned Risk. Also agents who offer Assigned Risk must becertifiedto offer this coverage. You can go online and then beconnectedto an agent to see if you qualify for assigned risk.
Who Made Car Insurance Mandatory?
If car insurance is mandatory, there are two possible entities that make it so - either your State Department of Motor Vehicles or your auto loan or leasing company. Usually these days it is both. Most states require car insurance as part of their procedure for registering a car. In all cases if you have a loan, the lender will require you to carry both Comprehensive and Collision coverage in order to be sure that their interest is protected. If you are leasing your car, not only will Comp and Collision be required, but Liability coverage as well.
What Do I Need To Know To Get Homeowners Insurance?
There was a merger back in 2007 into Valley Forge Life. Their information is Valley Forge Life Insurance Company 100 CNA Drive Nashville, TN 37214 (800) 437-8854 I would give them a try. Hope this helps
What Does Medicare HIC Stand For?
It takes Life Insurance anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months to pay, once they have the certified death certificate and completed death claim form. Some companies are faster than others, and if there is a glitch with wrong address or something, that will slow it down. But for the most part, it is just the time it takes for processing and they try very hard not to drag it out.
Do I Need A Police Report To Submit A Claim For A Car Accident On Private Property?
Actually, though the local police might prepare an accident report for you, in many cases, because the incident occured on private property, it is more likely that they would take no action at all. Therefore, if it is possible, it becomes more important to exchange information with the other party involved. I would also recommend that neither car be moved and that you take photos for your records and that of your Insurance Company to help in the processing of the claim.
Is Life Insurance Taxable To The Beneficiary In Illinois?
Life insurance proceeds are not taxed. The proceeds are directed to the named beneficiary. This is also a great option for estate planning. Tangible assets depending on how it's structured, may be taxed. It's best to meet with a licensed professional to design a program that can eliminate taxes to be paid. Life insurance can offset any taxes to be paid.
Does Bank Of America Sell Life Insurance?
I am not an employee of Bank of America but yes just like most banks today they do sell life insurance and annuities. BoA has subsidiary life insurance companies through Merrill Lynch, General Fidelity Life Insurance Company, Meritplan Insurance Company and Newport Insurance Company. Even now some insurance companies now have banks.
Can You Get Auto Insurance With Bad Credit?
There are several non-standard insurance carriers that will not factor in your credit even for rating purposes. As many have mentioned, many companies will use it to factor your rates due to the likelyhood that a person with good credit usually will always pay on time and will remain a long term customer, of course there is always the exception and the customers who shop around each renewal either way.
Will An MIP Affect My Car Insurance?
That is a great question! If you are the minor in question with the possession charge, you better bet it will. If the minor was someone in your car with you, and not you, you might get lucky and the insurance company won't find out. Now the fact that you were allowing the breaking of the law, suggests that your decision making skills need some work, and that as a result, at some point yes, that will affect your policy, as you will most likely be filing some claims. Please consider this a serious wake up call. Too many teenagers die as a result of drunk driving, and you don't ( and neither does anyone else on the road with you) need to be another sad statistic. Seriously, stop. Thanks for asking.
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Spoiled Food?
It may. If the food spoilage was caused by a covered loss to your home - such as a power failure. Your food loss may be covered up to the dollar amount specified within the policy possibly less your deductible. Please remember every policy is different. Read your policy completely to understand what coverage it provides and what exclusions it may contain.
Does Esurance Offer Life Insurance?
Fixed and indexed annuities in Tennessee can be sold by agents licensed in life insurance. Some life insurance agencies specialize in annuities, so call ahead to make sure you are getting choices from a number of carriers, and that you get sound advice. Agents who sell variable annuities must also be licensed in securities.
What To Look For When Buying Life Insurance?
That is a client-specific driven question -- but a good one! It depends on the client's age, health, income, etc. When looking for a carrier, I would look for a carrier that has a strong history and creditworthiness in the life insurance business and rates well on the Standard & Poor's Rating.
Why Does Health Insurance Exist?
If your brother does not live with you and heoccasionallydrivers your car, he would be covered inmoststates. However, if your brother moves in with you and lives in your household, in moststates the insurer will require him to be listed on your policy as an additional driver. Of course, if he has his own car that is insured, it will be much easier.
What Company Has The Cheapest Renters Insurance In Pennsylvania?
Talk to your insurance professional and ask about insuring to value. This means insuring to the calculated cost to reconstruct your home in the event of a loss. Your agent will be able to offer a comprehensive reconstruction analysis and based upon that, make a proper recomendation for the amount of coverage. Once that is established be sure that a reconstruction cost guarantee is included in your policy.
Where Can I Get Whole Life Insurance?
You can get whole life insurance from an agency or website that sells it. Try calling to ask if they sell whole life in all face amounts, and ask the ratings of the companies through which their whole life insurance is sold. It the agency only sells it up to a certain face amount, they only sell final expense whole life. That is a good choice if you need final expense coverage, but to get whole life in larger face amounts, you need to make sure you are getting a competitive product.
What Qualifies As Self Employed Health Insurance?
Geico offers Term Life Insurance through non-affiliated insurance companies. In other words, the life insurance is not underwritten by Geico; Geico just helps you get it by referring you to a brokerage that carries quotes from multiple life insurance companies. The agency they refer you to is not owned by Geico.
Can I Buy Long Term Care Insurance For My Mother?
Technically you can pay for it as long as she agree's and signs the application. She will also need to qualify. If she is in good health there should be no problem. The premium will be based on her age. Sit down with an agent knowledgeable in Care Resource Planning and determine the best plan of action in planning for the care of your mother when she needs it most.
Does Wells Fargo Offer Life Insurance?
A urinalysis costs approximately $35-$60, depending where you live and what facility is used to conduct the test. Typically, it is part of a routine examination or annual physical. Many items are checked with this type of testincludingyour liver and glucose. If you have existing medical coverage and the test is considered preventive, the insurer may pay for the entire cost.
Can You Get Life Insurance If You Are Ill?
One of the benefits of the Roth IRA is that once you have reached retirement age, the withdrawals are not taxed. The entire purpose of the Roth IRA is to use after tax dollars to fund it. This means the income was already taxed when you earned it and you put after-tax dollars into the account. That being said, if you are not at retirement age, there are some potential concerns. If you are under 59 1/2 years of age there is an early withdrawal penalty of 10% on a federal level. Beyond that your withdrawal may be taxed as regular income. You would be best served by speaking with your accountant to see how a withdrawal may impact your unique financial situation.
What Is Group Disability Insurance?
Group Disability Insurance is disability insurance coverage offered to a group of employees through their employer or entity for which they work. It is one of the benefits offered to some employees. If the employer pays the Disability Group Insurance premiums for the employee, disability income benefits would be taxable to the employee when used.
Does Health Insurance Cover STD Testing?
Coverage for testing/screening for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) has been standard practice in the group and individual health insurance marketplaces for many years. What is covered and how may have varied from state to state. Under the requirements of ObamaCare, health insurance policies compliant with that law will have to cover testing for HIV and a variety of other STDs. So, certainly, policies purchased on or after January 1, 2014 should offer rather extensive coverage for STD testing and in most cases one would expect testing/screening to be covered under the preventive care requirements of ObamaCare which means 100% coverage with no copays, deductibles or co-insurance cost sharing. Testing done for treatment purposes and monitoring after an initial diagnosis has been made are then subject to the plan's treatment coverage provisions. So, the very same test done at no charge to diagnose an STD may be subject to a copay, deductible and/or co-insurance when done in conjunction with chronic disease management/treatment.
Can I Purchase Life Insurance On My Parents?
The answer is it depends. If you are dependent upon your parents for your income and expenses or in business with your parents then yes there is an insurable interest. However, if there is not a clear insurable interest then that answer would be no. If the answer is yes, your parents must be in agreement to purchase life insurance even if you are making the payments. They have to be underwritten and sign the applications and contracts.
How To Purchase Short Term Disability Insurance?
Before you start shopping for short term disability insurance, find out if your employer sponsored group plan offers it. Many of these types of plans offer short term disability insurance as part of the overall employee benefits.But if you have to shop, start online with brokerage outlets that specialize or have complete departments dedicated to disability insurance. Most of these firms have access to a wide range of carriers that can spread sheet the players in disability insurance.
Is Hyoscyamine Covered By Medicare Part D?
Hyoscyamine is a medication used to control symptoms resulting from various GI tract illness and conditions. The drug can be used for for relief of stomach ulcers, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), colitis and other illnesses. The drug is sold under various brand names including Levsin, Symax, Anaspaz and other names. Check your Part D drug formulary for coverage and benefits.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Gun Theft?
Renters insurance will cover theft of personal property, including your firearms, up to the personal property limit, less deductible. If your firearm is more expensive, or an antique, you may want to consider adding either firearms coverage, or increasing the amount of personal property coverage you have on your policy to ensure it is covered.
How Do I Sign Up For Cobra Health Insurance?
Yes, a minor can be a beneficiary on life insurance. However, until they reach the age when they are legally considered old enough to manage their own money (which is either age 18 or age 20, depending on the state in which you live), someone else will need to be named to manage their money for them. 1) This can be someone you specify in your will. Some people even name two guardians: one to take care of the money (guardian of the estate) and one to take care of the children (guardian of the person). 2) You can create a trust to be the beneficiary of the policy, with the trust spelling out how you want the money to be used on the minor's behalf. 3) If no guardian is specified or trust created, the court may have to appoint a guardian at the time after death when the policy proceeds are collected. You may want to visit with your lawyer and life insurance agent to be sure that you have your policy set up in the way that you want it to, if a tragedy should happen.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Theft Of A Bike?
The rule of thumb when choosing a beneficiary is the person who has the most to lose by your death. A loved one usually a family member is chosen as a primary beneficiary and maybe a child will be chosen as the contingent beneficiary. However in cases where no one would be hurt financially upon your death, the next person to consider would be the person who will handle your funeral arrangements and estate. This way they have the cash to pay final expense and other final bills.
How Does A 401K Work If You Quit?
You have to pass the medical requirements and have the financial where withal to pay the premiums. The long term care insurance company will require your medical records from your attending physician and a depending upon your age a paramed exam that may include a blood and urine analysis.
Does Full Coverage Health Insurance Cover?
Currently 85 - 90% of the population is covered by health insurance. About a third of the population has Medicare or Medicaid as their primary coverage. The rest are covered by an employer plan or individually owned health insurance. Starting in 2014 most everyone will be required to purchase health insurance if they are covered by a government or employer plan.
Where Do I Sign Up For Medicare?
You can sign up for Medicare online at If you are nearing age 65, you can sign up in the three months before or after the month of your 65th birthday. If you would rather sign up by phone, you can call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). Or you can go to your local Social Security Office to sign up for Medicare.
How Does A Life Insurance Company Know You Died?
Usually a company is notified of the death of a policyholder by the insured's beneficiaries. The beneficiary notifies the company and the company sends the beneficiary the necessary forms to complete. The beneficiary sends the completed form to the company along with a certified copy of the death certificate. They may also send in a newspaper death notice or obituary to get things started on the claim.
Who Can Be Covered By Life Insurance?
Deferred annuities are annuities that do not provide immediate income. One places money into these annuities by paying a premium and the that premium becomes cash surrender value in the annuity. The cash value then accumulates at an interest rate specified within the contract. The contract owner will have the option to turn the cash into a guaranteed income stream at a later date, or surrender the annuity for it's accumulated cash value.
Do I Need Life Insurance When I Am Retired?
A company doesn't have to offer a retirement plan. But employee recruitment and retention depends on the additional benefits offered. Many employers today try to offer defined contribution qualified plans like 401(k)s as an inducement to hire on and stay with the company, especially when the employer matches contributions.
When Is One Eligible For Medicare At What Age?
If you only have Medicare A & B or Parts A & B plus a Medigap plan, Medicare is going to pay first. When you have more than one plan paying a claim, the process has to follow the coordination of benefits rules to determine who pays first and who pays second. The majority of the time, people who are on Medicare will have two types of coverage when they or their spouse works for an employer. Self-employed individuals will generally only be on Medicare and drop their under 65 policy (unless their spouse has group coverage they can be on). How big the company is and whether or not the insured employee is working will generally determine who pays first. If the employer has 20 or more employees, the employer plan will pay first and Medicare second. If the employer has less than 20 employees, Medicare will pay first and the employer will pay second. If you're on Medicare for a disability, the employer plan pays first and Medicare pays second if there are 100 or more employees - if there are less than 100 employees, Medicare pays first and the employer plan pays second.
How Much Would Insurance Be For A Sports Car?
There are many factors and unanswered information that is needed. What type of sports car what year and your driving record and what state you are in. I can tell you that I have an insured that has his newerFerrari and is in his mid 40's and is paying less then 200 a month full coverage of course but with 0 deductibles. But he also has and older Ferrari and it had full coverage and pays 200 a year for it with 0 deductible. So to be able to give you a more accurate answer you would need to provide more information
Is Renters Insurance Worth The Cost?
I believe that it is. The people that believe that insurance is not worth it's cost have never experienced a major loss those that have experienced a major loss will more than likely tell you that insurance coverage is worth every penny. The question to ask yourself is "Are you financial secure enough to handle any and all losses or liability claims presented to you or your family?". If the answer is no then you should have insurance.
Can Married Children stay On Parents Auto Insurance?
Generally married children cannot be on the parents policy. What happens if you try to hide this "material fact" and you have an accident and now you need to file a claim? Usually if you are on your "parents" policy the parent is the "primary" driver and you are a child that just drives your parents car sporadically. If you or your spouse have a vehicle and you have the car financed in your name and your parents are not on the note-can you say Red Flag?
What Is The Difference Between Medicare Advantage And Medigap Insurance?
Once rain water hits the ground it is considered to be the peril "flood". If the water finds its way into the basement that is considered "seepage" and is excluded under most homeowners insurance policies. Some companies will consider coverage under the "water back-up of sewers and drains" coverage however that is pushing the limits. It will come down to the company and adjuster to decide coverage.
Do I Need Disability Insurance In South Carolina?
Yes, if you bring home a paycheck, you need disability insurance in South Carolina. The State of South Carolina does not offer state disability insurance or require that employers offer it. So if you are not getting a group policy through your place of work, it is important to purchase individual disability insurance.
What Is A Medigap Plan?
Medigap plans (commonly referred to as Medicare supplement plans) are designed to help seniors who want high quality healthcare and are on Medicare, cover the gap between what hospitals and doctors charge for their services and what Medicare will pay.Health insurance is constantly changing, which can make finding the right plan for you very strenuous. Supplementing your Original Medicare coverage (Medicare Parts A & B) with a Medicare Supplement plan will help you create a very predictable expense structure for your healthcare and allow you to see any doctor you want that accepts Medicare. Any doctor that accepts Medicare will also accept your Medicare Supplement plan. There are 10 different Medicare supplement plans and they are all standardized, meaning a plan F from company A and a plan F from company B feature the EXACT same benefits. The 10 different plans available are plans A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N (a high-deductible plan F is also available that features a $2,140 deductible in 2014 - the trade-off being a substantially reduced premium). Each plan offers certain benefits some more comprehensive than others. Each plan must cover a core set of benefits (also known as the basic benefits). The basic benefits are: 1) Medicare Part A coinsurance plus coverage for 365 additional days after Medicare benefits are used up. 2) Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayment 3) First 3 pints of blood 4) Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment There's a total of 9 benefits that can be secured. The other 5 benefits available under a Medigap plan are: 1) Skilled Nursing Facility Care coinsurance 2) Medicare Part A deductible 3) Medicare Part B deductible 4) Medicare Part B excess charges 5) Foreign travel emergency (up to plan limits) Each plan features a different structure, Each plan covers a different combination of these 9 benefits (some of the plans feature coinsurance or copayments for certain benefits). If cost is not a major factor for you, Plan F will be the recommended choice because it covers all 9 benefits at 100% - it's the most popular plan by far. If you're looking to keep your costs down, but still have very comprehensive coverage, you may want to look at plans C, G, and N as well. When you're looking to buy a Medigap plan, you should consult with an independent Medigap insurance agent to review the plans in detail to see which one will best serve your needs, help you identify all of the carriers offering Medigap plans in your zip code, and which one will be able to offer the coverage to you at the lowest cost (the plans are standardized so the biggest difference between them is price - the benefits are exactly the same regardless of the carrier you have the Medigap plan through). I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage needs, including quotes and plan comparisons, and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
Can You Withdraw From A Roth 401K Without Penalty?
That is more of a question for your accountant actually. Under normal circumstances, no. However, if you own a business and use your car at least in part for that business, then your accountant may tell you that at least a portion of the premiums that you pay may be deductible as a business expense.
What Is Considered A Sports Car For Insurance Purposes?
Every year, make and model of automobile that a particular company is willing to insure has a symbol that determines the rating factors that are going to be applied. The symbol is the result of company experience and industry experience. If a car has a history of high repair costs it will be assigned a high symbol, regardless of the appearance or name you give the vehicle. Cars with low weight and high horsepower (sports cars) generally have high repair costs and a high symbol. Cars with expensive parts can also be assigned a high symbol.
How Can I Get Car Insurance As A High Risk Driver?
Just because you are a high risk driver doesn't mean you can't find auto insurance. As long as you have a valid driver's license and are willing to pay the required premium you should be able to find coverage. Call a local agent to find out more about coverage availability and pricing.
Can Health Insurance Companies Tell If You Smoke?
Maybe.... Let's say they can't and they just take your word for it- that you are a non smoker. Was it worth the risk when the health or life insurance company finds out that you are a smoker and refuses to pay for anything because you lied? Just be honest.
Can Long Term Care Insurance Premiums Increase?
Not sure where you live, but here in CT, Insurance Policies need to be issued in the name (s) of the registered owners of a vehicle. Therefore, if one or both of your parents own the car, the policy would be issued in their name (s) and you would be listed on the policy as a rated driver of that car. If however, you are theregistered owner of the car, then the policy needs to be issued in your name.
What Is The Exclusion Ratio Of Immediate Annuities?
The exclusion ration on immediate annuities is referring to the part of the payment that represents the tax free return of basis or the original contributions. The exclusion ration is amortized in the annuitized payments to the annuitants life expectancy. Once the basis is recovered, the payments going forward are entirely gain and taxed as ordinary income.
What Does Loss Of Use Mean For Homeowners Insurance?
Often referred to as COVERAGE D, Loss of Use is coverage on your homeowners insurance that covers the cost of losing the use of your home. For example, a fire in your home has caused significant fire & smoke damage, making the house unlivable until repairs are complete. You would need to temporarily move out - maybe to a Residence Inn or hotel. The cost for food, hotel, etc would be covered under loss of use.Most policies have some limit beside COVERAGE D, butif your policy indicates "ALS", which is Actual Loss Sustained, this is the broadest coverage.
Can You Buy Life Insurance On Other People?
The most expensive mistake a homeowner can make is to be underinsured. Regardless of what the premiums were, a single high value loss that exceeds the limits of the policy can make those saving immaterial. Setting adequate limits is absolutely crucial. The person that can help set appropriate limits is a reliable insurance agent. This is a far greater problem than many think. The primary place where this shows up is having inadequate liability limits. Your homeowners policy provides liability coverage for personal injury and property damage law suits. The company pays all costs for a lawsuit up to the limits of the policy. After that the homeowner is facing the lawsuit alone. Most companies do not offer adequate liability limits and most policyholders select limits that are lower than the maximum offered by the company. An umbrella policy is necessary for most homeowners. The second area that is often underinsured is valuable collections. The homeowners policy has internal limits for recovery on certain items. Most homeowner dont know that their inherited sterling silver is woefully underinsured. They dont understand that those guns in the cabinet could be destroyed and they would only get a fraction of their value. The same is true of jewelry, a coin collection, and many other items. This is all detailed inside the policy, but few homeowners ever read their policy. Some people continue to underinsure their structure. While not as common it is an increasing phenomenon. A homeowner will improve the home and never inform the company or agent. In the event of a loss the amount of coverage might not return the home to its updated glory. This coverage is really inexpensive, however a loss can be paralyzing. Some homeowners have multiple homes. The second homes are often in hazardous areas, such as lakefront, beach front and mountain property. The cost of replacing one of these homes can exceed the insured value because of inflated reconstruction costs. If a forest fire sweeps through some summer cottages, there will be a great demand for contractors to do the work and there will also be bidding for materials. It can get ugly. So adequate insurance is the first step, the second step is to focus on the policy itself. Homeowners can often save significant money by increasing the deductibles on their policies. The deductible should be set at the amount of loss that could be absorbed without serious disruption to the family finances. That is often more than the deductible in the policy. Companies traditionally offer discounts if coverages are packaged. Some companies cover a wide range of policies and by bringing those to a single carrier premium savings can often be realized. This is particularly true if you own another residence that you lease to someone else. Often extending liability coverage from you homeowners policy will save you money. Companies often give discounts for loss prevention. The most common is the central station monitored alarm systems. While companies are rarely as generous as the alarm sales people indicate, there are savings to be had by simply providing a certificate of installation. Sometimes the homeowners policy will be modified if substantial rehabilitation is done to the home. You would need to talk to your agent about this. You could also discuss the jewelry insurance if the jewelry is most often located in a safe deposit at the bank.
What Is The Purpose Of Whole Life Insurance?
The purpose of whole life insurance is to provide guarantees. You know what? It does a very good job at this. Guarantees are a godsend in a financial world in which cycles and ups and downs and cost increases are the norm. Its nice to have a product you can truly count on. These guarantees come in three delicious flavors: Flavor number one: a guaranteed premium. As you get older, your price stays the same. As it costs more for the company to insure you, your price stays the same. If the company has a bad investment year, or two, or three, your price stays the same. Thats good. But theres more. Flavor number two: a guaranteed death benefit. You see all those variables mentioned in number one above that could affect your price but dont? They could also affect your death benefit. But they dont. Neither your age, nor their increasing cost, nor their poor investment performance can reduce the benefit you were leaving to your heirs. That is really good. But we have one last delicious flavor: Flavor number three: a guaranteed cash accumulation. Do yourself a favor and compare the guaranteed growth of cash inside a good whole life contract with other so-called guaranteed investments out there. You will notice that whole life basically beats the pants off the competition in this regard. Of course, you always have to be wise about taking money out of life insurance, and make sure you dont reduce your death benefit to an undesirable amount. But given that, whole life can make a real valuable contribution to the conservative portion of your financial portfolio.
Does Life Insurance Cover Cancer?
Life insurance pays a death benefit regardless of the cause of death, including cancer. Some policies include an acceleratd death benefit that allows you to access a portion of the death proceeds if you have a terminal condition. In most cases death must be expected to occur withing 2 years of taking out the "loan".
How Much Should You Spend On Life Insurance?
It is unknown whether Medicare premiums will go up in 2014. Medicare rates changes for the following year are announced about the middle of October or November of the year before. To see what the premiums will be in 2013 check the website about midway through the fall of 2013.
Is Garage Door Covered By Homeowners Insurance?
A garage door is part of the dwelling so this means the garage door is covered by the same perils of the policy as the rest of the home minus your deductible. If it's attached to the home is part of the home. If it falls free then it's personal property and not dwelling.
Renters Insurance Is It Required?
Annuity Rates are directly tied to the Fed Funds Rate & to 10 Year Treasury Rates. Both of these are at historical lows at the moment. Most financial experts claim that interest rates should rise over the next 5 years. If this happens, Annuity Rates will rise as along with them.
What Will Renters Insurance Not Cover?
Like other personal property insurance policies, renters insurance will cover a a rather broad range of possible perils. You will find, however, that in many if not all cases in your state, there are two causes of loss that will be excluded from coverage. The first is damage caused by earth movement, any earth movement. This can include but not be limited to such things as erosion, sink holes and earth quakes. Talk to your insurance professional, however, about having this coverage endorsed onto your policy if you are concerned. The second is damage by Flood. There is no endorsement for this. Flood coverage is only available by purchasing a Flood Insurance policy.
How Much Is A Car Insurance Deductible?
Just to flesh out the above answer a bit more: your deductible can range from 0$ to $1000, typically. The higher your deductible is the lower your monthly premium payments will be. While lowering your monthly payments by increasing your deductible is a popular cost saving method, it
Does Renters Insurance Cover Stolen Bike?
If your personal property includes a bicycle, it will be covered under a renters policy. If the bicycle is stolen from your unit it will be covered to the property limit of the policy after satisfying the deductible. If you have a $400 bicycle and it is stolen, and if your policy has a $250 deductible, you can expect a settlement in the range of $150. If the bicycle is stolen from the bicycle rack in front of the Biology building then the amount of coverage is reduced to about ten per cent of the personal property limit of the policy. Subject to that reduced limit the claim would be adjusted in the same manner.
What Company Has The Cheapest Long Term Care Insurance In Colorado?
In addition to Peggy's answer I would also look at all the options that are available which may or may not make sense for your situation. There are many "hybrid" products now that can provide you monies to cover LTC expenses but also provide other valuable coverage or funds. Look into Life Insurance which gives you access to the death benefit what you have a chronic condition. Please be aware that before you purchase any of these products I want you to understand what is covered and what is not. I am simply saying here there are alternatives versus just purchasing a Long-Term care policy which can be cost prohibited.
What Is The Term Of Life Insurance?
If you actually buy Term Life Insurance, you get to pick the term, be it one year, five years, ten years, or even twenty years. But you need to pay the premium every year, or it will end. 97% of folks do not continue to pay and it ends for them. They then have to get another policy, only to find it costs more because they are older, or is not even available because of their health. A man in his 30's put off buying until last week, only to find he had developed MS and had to pay a much higher premium. He was lucky to be able to get insurance at all. Do not put off buying insurance. Something is always better than nothing. Getting Permanent Whole Life Insurance is the safest. The rates never go up and you can keep it your entire life, so long as the premiums are paid. A quality agent can help you determine what you can afford, and how to arrange a variety of possible alternative options. Gary Lane, Agent for New York Life, 949 797 2424. Thank you.
Can I Get Health Insurance With Hepatitis C?
You can purchase health insurance with Hepatitis C as a preexisting medical condition. There would be no waiting period before benefits begin, but time is quickly running out. The Affordable Care Act requires that health plans accept all applicants regardless of existing medical conditions. Applicants need to enroll in a plan during the annual open enrollment period through their state insurance exchange. The first open enrollment ends on March 31 of 2014 - in just a few days. Coverage would begin April 1. If you miss this open enrollment window you could enroll in plans with a January 1, 2015 effective date.
Why Is Auto Insurance So Expensive In Ohio?
Auto insurance in Ohio is actually fairly inexpensive...if you know where to look. As an experienced broker here in Ohio (just North of Cincinnati), we specialize in finding the lowest available rates offered by the top-rated carriers. Prices are based on many factors including your age, where you live, the type of vehicle you drive and how good (or bad!) your driving record is. Typically, rates here in the Buckeye state are lower than most other states. A younger driver (under 21) will usually pay a higher rate. There are, however, many discounts that can help reduce the premium. Each carrier has a different set of discounts so shopping can make a big difference. Also, by having an experienced broker shop for you, you may be able to find better pricing. Whether its State Farm, Esurance, Progressive, Geico or Farmers (or many others), as experienced brokers with top-rated websites, our job is to help consumers find not only the best prices, but the most appropriate coverage for their specific circumstances.
Does Disability Insurance Have A Cash Value?
Disability Insurance is a morbidity product with no accumulating cash values. The benefits of a disability insurance product are not considered an asset, but an insurance claim. Although most disability insurance claims are tax free, businesses that expensed the disability insurance premiums as a tax deduction, receive the benefits taxable as ordinary income.
Can Auto Insurance Be Transferred?
Generally, an insurance policy cannot be transferred or assigned. Every personal auto policy I can remember reading prohibits assignment of the policy without the written consent of the insurance carrier. That makes sense because the carrier has a right to choose their customers and since it is their money providing the coverage, they have a right to consider any change of risk. As a general rule it makes more sense for a new policy to be written because even if the carrier consents to the change the new insured inherits the record of that policy including all the claims and payment history. If the coverage is being transferred between a spouse to another spouse after a death, the companies are not in the habit of denying the request to change the first named insured. Otherwise, per the ISO Personal Auto Policy, "Assignment of this policy will not be valid unless we give our written consent." The answer is no but there is a pathway to a "yes" if the carrier consents in writing.
Where Should I Buy Health Insurance In New Mexico?
Bank Owned Life Insurance or BOLI is a form of Key Man life insurance. It is implemented and owned by the financial institution that it protects. BOLI policies are written on the lives of employees and the beneficiary is the financial institution, which also pays the premiums. Only financial institutions such as banks, brokerage firms, mortgage lenders, credit unions etc, offer bank-owned life insurance.
How Much Is Medicare Part B Copay?
Medicare Part A will pay for blood transfusions given in a hospital or skilled nursing facility setting. Medicare Part B will pay for blood transfusions given to outpatients. However, neither pays for the first three pints within a calendar year. If you have Medicare Advantage, contact your plan to see if it provides additional coverage for blood transfusions.