[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: are you done with the novel?\r\nSpeaker2: no.. i just staarted\r\nSpeaker1: oh no..its been a month its with you ... \r\nSpeaker2: yes but i had been really busy\r\nSpeaker1: i thought you would have finished by now... i am waiting for so many days...\r\nSpeaker2: you can read it first then give it to me ... i am too busy these days wont be able to read much\r\nSpeaker1: yes thats fine... i would finish it in a week and return it\r\nSpeaker2: ok would give you in college tomorrow\r\nSpeaker1: thanks" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has just started reading the novel. Speaker2 has had the novel for a month. Speaker2 is very busy. Speaker1 will read the book in a week and then give it back to Speaker2. Speaker2 will give the novel to Speaker1 tomorrow in college." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is shocked after reading the news about a bear attack at the zoo. Speaker1 is not surprised that an animal kept in a cage reacted that way." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Is this some private account?\r\nSpeaker2: Jap :B\r\nSpeaker1: So many post :O\r\nSpeaker1: Gosh you are so happy on every photo\r\nSpeaker1: I miss seeing you! \r\nSpeaker2: I miss seeing you too ☹☹☹\r\nSpeaker2: <file_gif>\r\nSpeaker1: hahaha Here I post pics that are too awkward for my normal profile XD" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 discovers Speaker2's second profile with awkward pictures. They miss each other." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1, Speaker2 and Speaker3 are meeting at the entrance." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: greetings from Spain :D <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: where is it??? \r\nSpeaker1: Granada?\r\nSpeaker2: bingo <3 \r\nSpeaker1: so jelous!!!\r\nSpeaker1: i hate u lucky bitch!\r\nSpeaker1: how long r u staying?\r\nSpeaker1: till 6 Jan :D \r\nSpeaker1: come and join us!! ;-) \r\nSpeaker1: ryanair's got cheap flights ^^\r\nSpeaker2: I can't ;( ;( ;( \r\nSpeaker2: I'm working these days :/ \r\nSpeaker1: and what about Jerry?\r\nSpeaker2: he's working as well.\r\nSpeaker1: at least u gonna be rich :P\r\nSpeaker2: hah, I wish!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is in Granada, she will remain there until January 6th. Speaker2 and Jerry have to stay and work." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1's laptop is broken, as her cat spilled coffee on the laptop. Speaker1 is worried, because she has to deliver a translation for Trados tomorrow. Speaker1 will come to Speaker2 in an hour to borrow Speaker2's laptop. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I am completely baffled by recent events\r\nSpeaker1: What do you mean, Speaker2mo?\r\nSpeaker2: I feel totaly distressed by the wave of populism and sharpened language used by politicians. They only tend to put fire under subjects such as immigration and other stigmatized and attacked groups, and not real problems. Nobody cares about the economy or human rights\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, I think there are more unconsious people nowadays because of tabloidisation of the whole media world. We read short-themed news, that are so well prepared to cause different type of strong emotions. \r\nSpeaker2: Hm, I really see no solution to that. I am afraid, that the fake news industry is only set to gain meaning in the today’s world of internet. It would be really hard to prosecute for spreading falsehood, before it really gets a bigger meaning and recognition.\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, it would be impossible. Under current circumstances less and less people read longer forms, such as books, reports or reportages. Everything has to be black or white, there is no such thing as a well driven polite debate about facts anymore. We only see insults, made up numbers and stats to prove an opinion. \r\nSpeaker2: I could not have said it better… " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "There is no solution to populism, tabloidisation and fake news industry. People don't read longer messages, they don't focus on facts and they can be easily manipulated." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has a day off tomorrow. She will meet Speaker2 in Meanwood in a cafe at 2 pm." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Hey! I'm having some problems with my PC, can you guys help me out?\r\nSpeaker2: Sure. What's going on?\r\nSpeaker1: yeah what's up?\r\nSpeaker3: It doesn't work. XD\r\nSpeaker1: xd\r\nSpeaker2: Well, does it turn on? Does it make a BEEP sound like normal?\r\nSpeaker3: Yeah it turns on, I can hear the fans, but it doesn't beep as usual :(.\r\nSpeaker1: does it make many beeps?\r\nSpeaker3: No, it doesn't beep at all :/.\r\nSpeaker2: Hmm... If it doesn't beep at all with the information about what's wrong with it take a look inside at the motherboard.\r\nSpeaker2: There should be some lights.\r\nSpeaker3: Ok...\r\nSpeaker3: Some lights blink in some order and then it stops at DRAM.\r\nSpeaker1: not good...\r\nSpeaker2: So it's having some problems with the memory. Try reseating the memory sticks (turn it off first!).\r\nSpeaker1: yeah, maybe they moved a little in the slot\r\nSpeaker1: also try different combinations of slots\r\nSpeaker3: Ok! I'll try some things and let you know!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3's PC doesn't work so he needs help. Speaker2 suggests resetting the memory sticks. Speaker1 suggests trying different combinations of slots." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1's plant is withering. She doesn't know what plant it is. Speaker2 found it out using Google Images." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Meet my new granddaughter, Ava Jane! <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: Aw! Cutie!\r\nSpeaker2: I can't get enough of her!\r\nSpeaker1: I bet!\r\nSpeaker2: We made the whole feast Thursday and brought it to there house.\r\nSpeaker1: Oh, lots of baby time!\r\nSpeaker2: Yes! \r\nSpeaker1: Are you running tomorrow?\r\nSpeaker2: Yes and the next day.\r\nSpeaker1: Really?\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, two 5K's back to back!\r\nSpeaker1: Ugh!\r\nSpeaker2: This grandma still has some go!\r\nSpeaker1: LOL!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has become a grandmother. She will run 5K tomorrow and the next day." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Pipe under the wash basin exploded when Speaker2 wanted to wash his hands. Speaker3 is going to write to the owner about it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: sorry, i will be late!\r\nSpeaker2: no problem\r\nSpeaker2: can i order anything for you?\r\nSpeaker1: would be great\r\nSpeaker2: so what do you want?\r\nSpeaker1: maybe pizza and orange juice\r\nSpeaker2: ok" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will be late and Speaker2 will order pizza and orange juice for her." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is coming to see his parents' this weekend." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: did you call Tom? it's his birthday\nSpeaker2: not yet\nSpeaker2: Speaker1:45am :')\nSpeaker3: my grandma calls me at 7 am ;)\nSpeaker2: yeah... I'm going to talk to him later ;)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will talk to Tom later because he has a birthday today." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is buying nail polish for Speaker2 in the store, and she's explaining to him which pink she wants. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Can you please come out I bought this warm breakfast please take it?\r\nSpeaker1: yes sure just a sec and btw thank you for this lovely surprise…\r\nSpeaker1: ok I am outside but you aint here?\r\nSpeaker2: oh your already there? I thought you would take time so I msgd you few minutes ahead \r\nSpeaker2: I am still here waiting for my order to be prepared :D\r\nSpeaker1: goodness!!!!! What are you getting anyway?\r\nSpeaker2: Tacitos hash browns coffee and orange juice\r\nSpeaker1: WOOOWWW… I cant wait to eat \r\nSpeaker1: love you ?(k)\r\nSpeaker2: love you too..\r\nSpeaker1: how long?\r\nSpeaker2: just got the order leaving now\r\nSpeaker1: wait!!!! Get extra picante sause\r\nSpeaker2: sureee! Now be ready and come out to help…\r\nSpeaker1: I am here on the door only waiting….\r\nSpeaker1: cant wait to eat\r\nSpeaker2: left\r\nSpeaker1: waitingggg" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 ordered tacitos, hash browns, coffee and orange juice for breakfast for him and Speaker1. He's just got the order and Speaker1 is already waiting for him at the door. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 won't go with Speaker1 to visit uncle Steve. He will visit her and the boys. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: When do we have that test in Trig?\r\nSpeaker2: This Friday.\r\nSpeaker1: What? That's in two days! Uhh... I can't believe I forgot about it until now.\r\nSpeaker2: You can do it! Do you want me to help you?\r\nSpeaker1: If it's not a problem, I'd love that. I'm completely hopeless when it comes to maths." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will help Speaker1 to get prepared for their math test taking place in two days." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Chelsea won a game with Huddersfield this afternoon. Higuain scored twice. Speaker3's happy about it and he hopes it will be a turning point for Chelsea. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: You know Kayla's birthday is like this friday, right?\r\nSpeaker2: Shit. Totally forgot. What are we gonna do?\r\nSpeaker1: I wonder if it's too late to order something on-line \r\nSpeaker2: I guess if we do it today there's a chance it's gonna come by then. Do you have anything specific in mind?\r\nSpeaker1: Well, I remember she mentioned this jewelry producer she likes. It's nothing too fancy here <file_other>\r\nSpeaker2: okaay, I guess it's affordable if we split. \r\nSpeaker1: but I don't know shit about jewelry and there's just so many kinds\r\nSpeaker2: Lemme ask Rachel, maybe she'll have some ideas\r\nSpeaker1: ok\r\nSpeaker2: So she says she likes the ones with the orchid theme and it might be Kayla's style too. \r\nSpeaker1: cool, so you wanna go with the necklace or something else?\r\nSpeaker2: Rachel says necklace is fine\r\nSpeaker1: ok, necklace it is. I can buy it, you just pay me back when we meet or sth\r\nSpeaker2: ok, if they have some sort of extra fast delivery, I'd choose that. \r\nSpeaker1: may cost more, though\r\nSpeaker2: I know, but if we've already decided on this, let's make sure it comes on time\r\nSpeaker1: fine by me" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Kayla's birthday is this Friday. Speaker1 and Speaker2 decide to buy her a necklace on-line from the jewelry producer she likes and split the cost." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 thinks she has sprained her ankle. Speaker1 wants to go to the doctor tomorrow. Speaker2 will pick up Marcel from school today. Tomorrow Speaker2 will take Marcel to school and Speaker1 to the doctor. Speaker1 will call the school. Speaker2 and Speaker1 will meet around 4. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Have you seen Alita yet?\nSpeaker2: Nope, not yet\nSpeaker1: Wanna go to the cinema with me and the guys?\nSpeaker2: Ok, why not\nSpeaker1: Good! What about tomorrow 8 PM, usual place?\nSpeaker2: Ok\nSpeaker1: There's a lot of good movies coming this year\nSpeaker2: Avengers Endgame is gonna kick ass\nSpeaker1: Can't wait\nSpeaker2: I'm a little worried about Captain Marvel\nSpeaker1: I think you shouldn't, it will be a cool Marvel movie like the others\nSpeaker2: Have you been following the rants and comments online?\nSpeaker1: Yeah, but those are mostly anti-feminist or outright alt-right youtubers, they hate the movie just because it has a strong female role\nSpeaker2: Outright alt-right, lol. Well, I really hope you're right\nSpeaker1: Even if it's not great I'm sure it will still be good, man\nSpeaker2: Ok, I believe you XD" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 will see \"Alita\" tomorrow at 8 pm at the cinema. Speaker1 is excited about the upcoming movies \"Avengers: Endgame\" and \"Captain Marvel\"." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 saw a very good football game, with one football player chopping the ball back to his foot, which was particularly exciting. Jose has trust in that player. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: cute profile pic\r\nSpeaker1: thank you\r\nSpeaker2: is this your cat?\r\nSpeaker1: unfortunately not :(\r\nSpeaker1: my landlord doesn't let me have a pet\r\nSpeaker2: that's crazy that landlords are more strict about pets than about kids\r\nSpeaker1: exactly!\r\nSpeaker2: do you wanna see mine?\r\nSpeaker1: your kids or your pets?\r\nSpeaker2: haha\r\nSpeaker2: don't have kids\r\nSpeaker1: then go on :)\r\nSpeaker2: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: omg it's a Sphynx!\r\nSpeaker2: Banshee is very intelligent but mean af\r\nSpeaker1: is that true they meow all the time?\r\nSpeaker2: when they aren't castrated then yes\r\nSpeaker2: later on they are calmer\r\nSpeaker1: look, I gotta go\r\nSpeaker1: it was very nice talking to you :)\r\nSpeaker2: bye :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 doesn't have a cat even though she poses with one in her profile picture. Speaker2 has a sphynx Banshee that is very intelligent and mean at the same time. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1's laptop is broken, as her cat spilled coffee on the laptop. Speaker1 is worried, because she has to deliver a translation for Trados tomorrow. Speaker1 will come to Speaker2 in an hour to borrow Speaker2's laptop. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hey, on my way to the office. can you send me that agenda for today?\r\nSpeaker3: sure. its just about ready\r\nSpeaker1: thanks. is caitlyn there yet?\r\nSpeaker3: no, not yet\r\nSpeaker1: ok, just wondering. we have a conference call right at 9.\r\nSpeaker3: is that with the Generosity foundation?\r\nSpeaker1: yeah, theyre considering our grant application, but wanted to interview us first\r\nSpeaker3: ok, good luck with that\r\nSpeaker1: thanks.\r\nSpeaker3: just sent off the agenda. \r\nSpeaker1: ok. i'll let you know when i get it. can you check if martin is there? i urgently need a response to an email i sent him\r\nSpeaker3: he's on the phone, but i'll talk to him as soon as hes off\r\nSpeaker1: thanks. Speaker2: is the company Christmas party tomorrow?\r\nSpeaker3: it got postponed to thursday. scott sent us all an update.\r\nSpeaker1: thats right. dont know where my minds been this week\r\nSpeaker3: i think i hear martin wrapping up his call now. \r\nSpeaker1: ok, great. \r\nSpeaker3: just talked to him. he's emailing you now\r\nSpeaker1: thanks man. just got the agenda too. ill see you in a bit.\r\nSpeaker3: see you in a bit" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 sends Speaker1 the agenda for today. There is a conference call at 9 with the Generosity foundation regarding grant application. The company Christmas party has been postponed to Thursday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is heading to work so he's not watching the game." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I’ve been thinking about you\r\nSpeaker1: Sweet\r\nSpeaker2: I’d like to see you\r\nSpeaker1: Now?\r\nSpeaker1: It’s 11 p.m.\r\nSpeaker1: I’m going to sleep.\r\nSpeaker2: That’s a shame\r\nSpeaker1: You don’t talk to me for weeks and late Saturday evening suddenly you remember about my existence\r\nSpeaker1: If you want to fuck you need to try harder hun ;-)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is texting Speaker1 at 11 p.m. on Saturday after not talking to her for weeks, and she reckons he needs to try harder if he wants to go to bed with her." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 was supposed to come home by 4 but she got a detention. The school was supposed to inform her parents about it, but didn't do it. Speaker2 is coming back home. Speaker1 will be home in 40 minutes. She will call Speaker2 then. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hey girl, how you doing!\r\nSpeaker2: Shattered Speaker1! Lovely to hear from you. How are you feeling?\r\nSpeaker1: Getting there, day by day... you can't keep a good man down! What you up to?\r\nSpeaker2: On my own tonight, Adam's gone to Doncaster, of all places, to check out a super-duper kebab van. Some sort of silver Airstream trailer thing!\r\nSpeaker1: God, your man and his kebab fetish! It never ends!\r\nSpeaker2: I know! What with Adam and Uncle Yann, it's all we talk about at family parties. I only just about know my doners from my shish kebabs.\r\nSpeaker1: I have literally no clue what you're on about babes!\r\nSpeaker2: Never mind love, it doesn't matter!\r\nSpeaker1: Fancy a drink, I could do with a gin or two?\r\nSpeaker2: Not tonight, too tired. I can't stand town on a Friday, it's heaving with kids!\r\nSpeaker1: OK old lady. Come round to mine, I'm just about to get stuck into a lovely bottle of chilled Chablis and some prawn linguine.\r\nSpeaker2: Sounds posh and delicious. Enough there for 2?\r\nSpeaker1: Always enough for you, sweetie! It was Paddy's favourite wine, remember?\r\nSpeaker2: Oh yes, darling! I really miss Paddy.\r\nSpeaker1: So do I.\r\nSpeaker2: Right, I'll bring some ice cream and chocs for dessert. See you soon! Love you xx\r\nSpeaker1: Love you too xxx" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is on her own tonight as Adam's gone to Doncaster ti check out a kebab van. She doesn't want to go out so Speaker1 invites her in. Speaker2 and Speaker1 miss Paddy. Speaker2 will bring dessert. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will join Speaker2 at the races at the weekend." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Are you in Bandar Seri Begawan?\nSpeaker2: hahaha, sure, we're in BSB\nSpeaker1: We've just arrived, so hot\nSpeaker4: Where should we meet? I'd have some light lunch\nSpeaker1: Do you know any nice place?\nSpeaker3: High Frequency Cafe\nSpeaker3: 1st Floor, Unit 5, Blk B Sempurna Complex\nSpeaker1: great, we'll take a taxi!\nSpeaker3: we'll be waiting here" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 have just arrived in BSB. They will have lunch with Speaker3 at the High Frequency Cafe." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 cannot get an appointment at the salon until the 6th. Speaker1 worries she's going to be gray. Speaker1 will have to get a touch-up kit at Tesco." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Why r u so sad?\r\nSpeaker2: Something's happened?\r\nSpeaker1: Nope, I just feel a bit low today :(\r\nSpeaker2: Wanna meet tody?\r\nSpeaker1: Sure!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 are meeting to cheer Speaker1 up." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 dreamt she was a lion tamer. Speaker2 believes that dreams mean something. Speaker1 has read that strangers from our dreams are actually people who we've seen before." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker5: <file_other>\r\nSpeaker4: wtf was that :Speaker1:Speaker1\r\nSpeaker2: Speaker3:43 omg that scream...!!!\r\nSpeaker5: xSpeaker1Speaker1" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker5 sent a file." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 doesn't like Speaker2 texting her boyfriend, Jim Andrews. Jim is Speaker2's co-worker so Speaker2 needs to communicate with him." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hey do you still work at the bank?\r\nSpeaker2: yes I do :)\r\nSpeaker1: do you have someone to recommend to help me out with a line of credit for my new business?\r\nSpeaker1: Sorry to bother you but I've been rejected twice and I don't know what I'm doing wrong\r\nSpeaker2: I see. Well that happens, I'll be happy to help you. Do you want to meet up for a beer and talk?\r\nSpeaker1: That would be so great! beer on me :)\r\nSpeaker2: haha okay let me just check my calendar" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2, who works at a bank, will meet over a beer as Speaker1 needs help with getting a line of credit for his new business and he was already rejected twice." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 think she is stupid, because she asked him. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: It's so boring here….\r\nSpeaker2: Still at class?\r\nSpeaker1: Yes.\r\nSpeaker1: -_-" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is still at class, which he finds very boring. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 finishes the conversation with Speaker2 because his mother is calling." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: <file_photo>\nSpeaker3: Oh damn\nSpeaker2: Hello Speaker1 :DDD\nSpeaker4: Uhm, Speaker1, you sure you wanted to send us this?...\nSpeaker1: oh god...\nSpeaker1: oh no no no no\nSpeaker3: yes yes yes :D\nSpeaker2: this is brilliant\nSpeaker3: come on Speaker1, you look gorgeous ;)\nSpeaker4: He's right, you're absolutely rocking it girl!\nSpeaker2: just out of curiosity - who did you want to send it to? :>\nSpeaker4: Speaker1? are you there?\nSpeaker1: I want to disappear\nSpeaker2: hahaha, might've been worse, you look quite decent\nSpeaker1: Just kill me already" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 sends an embarrassing photo of herself to Speaker3, Speaker4 and Speaker2 by accident. Speaker3, Speaker4 and Speaker2 think Speaker1 looks great." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will watch the new season of \"Jersey Shore\" on Speaker1's advice. The first episodes of the new season are hilarious. Season 2 is upcoming." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: is that an engagement ring?! :O\r\nSpeaker2: YES IT IS!!!! MIKE PROPOSED TO ME!!!\r\nSpeaker1: ohhh my god!!! i am so happy for you :**** congratulations!!!!\r\nSpeaker2: thanks!! i am so happy right now" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Mike proposed to Speaker2. Speaker1 congratulates her. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is staying for the weekend. Speaker1 asks Speaker2 to feed his animals on Friday and Saturday. Speaker2 agrees. Speaker1 will give her his keys on Thursday and provide Speaker2 with details." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: samuel did you pick the solo photos?\r\nSpeaker1: i remember you sending some group photos\r\nSpeaker1: or if you could just send them again\r\nSpeaker2: Ok. Give me a minute.\r\nSpeaker1: cheers!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is going to send Speaker1 group and solo photos again." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 doubt you can earn 80 thousands as a computer investigator. Speaker2 and Speaker1 can't imagine taking to customers all day." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Oh, I hate this stupid game! Grrr!\r\nSpeaker2: Why????\r\nSpeaker1: I never win! I'm down to zero coins again!\r\nSpeaker2: You need a better strategy...\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, the not losing strategy!\r\nSpeaker2: LOL! I mean it, back off on your betting or something.\r\nSpeaker1: I suppose... but not as fun!\r\nSpeaker2: You'll get to play longer.\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, I know.\r\nSpeaker2: Besides, aren't there other slot machines out there?\r\nSpeaker1: There are but this is my favorite when it isn't kicking my ass.\r\nSpeaker2: Riiiight!\r\nSpeaker1: I'm just hopeless!\r\nSpeaker2: Well, I don't like to say, but...\r\nSpeaker1: You are no help!\r\nSpeaker2: Sorry!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is angry because he lost the money and the game. Speaker2 tells him how to change the strategy and win." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 appreciates the hotel owned by Speaker2 and Speaker1. Speaker3 is going there on the 15th August at around 2pm." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Have you seen Baby??\r\nSpeaker2: Noooo\r\nSpeaker3: No, whats that?\r\nSpeaker1: New Netflix series about teenagers\r\nSpeaker2: Oooo, American??\r\nSpeaker1: Italian\r\nSpeaker1: Good stuff\r\nSpeaker2: Ok, I'll watch it today ;)\r\nSpeaker1: I saw 3 episodes\r\nSpeaker1: And I can't wait to see the next ;-))\r\nSpeaker3: I wish I had netflix :<<\r\nSpeaker1: Talk to Jack\r\nSpeaker1: Maybe he has a free profile" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker3 haven't seen Baby. Speaker1 watched 3 episodes and liked them. Speaker3 doesn't have Netflix. She will ask Jack if he has a free profile." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "It's Tom's birthday. Speaker3 and Speaker2 will come to Tom's place about 5 pm to prepare everything before Tom gets back home at 5:30. Speaker2 has already paid for the cake - Speaker3 will pick it up and she will also get the balloons. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: after all that has happened, we deserve our solo time together\r\nSpeaker2: i agree, we have our own story \r\nSpeaker1: lets make it a date weekend next weekend?\r\nSpeaker2: yeah, we really should\r\nSpeaker1: i make reservations at the Ranch?\r\nSpeaker2: which Ranch?\r\nSpeaker1: Chaka ranch or Blades Vibe\r\nSpeaker2: Chaka Ranch\r\nSpeaker1: Chaka ranch it is" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 are going to Chaka Ranch for a date next weekend." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 met a creepy guy last night at a poetry reading. He knew she speaks German and named all the friends who went to a past event with her. She didn't tell him any of this. He googled her before. Speaker1 had liked a post mentioning him 2 weeks earlier. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: What's the door code?\r\nSpeaker3: 4537\r\nSpeaker1: it's the apartment number followed by the key button followed by 4537\r\nSpeaker2: I don think it's working. I'm calling the apartment\r\nSpeaker3: Maybe you wait too long before pushing the key button - it calls the apartment after 3 seconds\r\nSpeaker2: ok\r\nSpeaker2: ok it worked this time\r\nSpeaker3: and inside it's the 3rd floor\r\nSpeaker2: thanks ;)\r\nSpeaker1: good luck" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The door code is the apartment number followed by the key button followed by 4537. The entry phone calls the apartment 3 seconds after pushing the apartment number. The apartment is on the 3rd floor." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The content for November email blast is on the Dropbox, no need to send it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: hi girls, I called a mac store and they do sell gift cards so we can buy one for Sharon\r\nSpeaker3: please tell me what you think\r\nSpeaker1: okay how much is it?\r\nSpeaker2: but shell be able to use it online right?\r\nSpeaker3: I think so... let me check\r\nSpeaker1: yes its for standalone stores and online\r\nSpeaker2: oti can you buy it?\r\nSpeaker2: theres a shop next to your office\r\nSpeaker3: yes I know\r\nSpeaker3: I'll buy it tomorrow\r\nSpeaker1: do you need money now?\r\nSpeaker3: no you can give me cash on friday\r\nSpeaker3: £100?\r\nSpeaker1: okay\r\nSpeaker2: perfect" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 will buy a £100 gift card for Sharon tomorrow. Speaker1 and Speaker2 will him cash on Friday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is back. Speaker1's baby, Susie, is doing great." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Help! I need my password for the company shared folder!\r\nSpeaker1: One sec.\r\nSpeaker2: Thank you!\r\nSpeaker1: ScOOter42\r\nSpeaker2: Oh, geez, I can’t believe I forgot that! Thanks!\r\nSpeaker1: NP" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 forgot the password for the company shared folder. Speaker1 helps him." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is in London." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hey\r\nSpeaker2: You owe me 35 bucks\r\nSpeaker1: I promise\r\nSpeaker1: I will give it back to you\r\nSpeaker2: bro I am so broke right now!! \r\nSpeaker1: I will give it back to you in a few days ok? \r\nSpeaker2: K \r\nSpeaker2: remember! \r\nSpeaker1: I will ! " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 owns Speaker2 35 dollars. He plans to give it back in a few days." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2, Speaker3 and Speaker1's professor is commenting a recent scandal on the news. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: did you watch the video i sent you?\r\nSpeaker1: which one?\r\nSpeaker2: about corporate food\r\nSpeaker1: no not yet\r\nSpeaker2: well watch it\r\nSpeaker1: yeah i'll see, now i don't have the time" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has sent Speaker1 a video about corporate food. Speaker1 hasn't watched it yet." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 fell in love with his student, Conrad." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: I can't believe you lied to me\r\nSpeaker2: I didn't lie, I kept information from you\r\nSpeaker1: Information that as your sister I should have!!\r\nSpeaker2: Information that was totally private and did not concern you\r\nSpeaker1: how rude\r\nSpeaker2: You need to learn to have boundaries!!!\r\nSpeaker1: Obviously I am the only one that cares in this relationship\r\nSpeaker2: Oh dear lord" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 kept some information from her sister Speaker1. They are arguing because of it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 took a bus. He enjoyed the weekend with Speaker1. They will talk in the evening." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: OMG! OMG!\r\nSpeaker2: What happened?\r\nSpeaker3: Chris invited me to a date!\r\nSpeaker1: That's gr8! You were waiting for this day for like a year!\r\nSpeaker2: Congrats!\r\nSpeaker3: Thx! \r\nSpeaker1: So where is he taking you?\r\nSpeaker3: He says it's a surprise...\r\nSpeaker2: Well, this doesn't make things easier.\r\nSpeaker3: I know.\r\nSpeaker1: Did he even hint at anything?\r\nSpeaker3: He only said I should wear something comfortable and no high heels :(\r\nSpeaker2: But high heels are your thing!\r\nSpeaker3: Ik :(\r\nSpeaker1: And when's the big day? :)\r\nSpeaker3: Saturday.\r\nSpeaker2: Maybe it's something outdoors? Like a walk in the wild? ;)\r\nSpeaker1: Or parachute jumping :P" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Chris invited Speaker3 to a surprise date on Saturday. Speaker1 and Speaker2 are excited." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The CSS tests for the hockey players are today and will last 3 hours, starting 5pm. Speaker1 will bring his son and Speaker2's son as well. Speaker2 is glad." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Are you busy on the 21st of December?\r\nSpeaker2: No plans so far\r\nSpeaker1: Good! I'm organizing a Christmas party!\r\nSpeaker2: Already? It's still November ...\r\nSpeaker1: I know, but I want people to save the date!\r\nSpeaker2: Oh I get it, smart! ;)\r\nSpeaker1: You know me ;) So, will you join us?\r\nSpeaker2: Sure! Do you need help?\r\nSpeaker1: At this point no but I need some helpers in the kitchen before the party!\r\nSpeaker2: I'm not the best cook but I will gladly help!\r\nSpeaker1: Great!\r\nSpeaker2: No problem at all, anything else?\r\nSpeaker1: Hmm ... let me think ... What about the guest list? Any requests?\r\nSpeaker2: Will Sofia come?\r\nSpeaker1: I don't know ;) I can invite her and you will see for yourself!\r\nSpeaker2: Ahhh you know me so well, it would be great, finally a neutral place to talk with her!\r\nSpeaker1: Ok then, I'm adding Sofia to the guest list! Now I think I should help you with deciding what to wear, right? ;) \r\nSpeaker2: lol!! Sure, make fun of me! \r\nSpeaker1: Oh come on! I will gladly help my helper ;)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is organizing a Christmas party on 21st of December and wants Speaker2 to come. Speaker2 will come and help with the cooking. Speaker1 invites Sofia as well, to Speaker2's delight." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will be home in 40 minutes. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Good morning\r\nJohnathan O’Speaker1: Good morning\r\nSpeaker2: I have just visited your company’s Facebook profile and I would like to ask if you sell laptops HP Envy 15x360?\r\nJohnathan O’Speaker1: No, unfortunately, we do not. \r\nSpeaker2: Well, thank you very much then\r\nJohnathan O’Speaker1: You are welcome" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 asks Johnathan O'Speaker1 if his company sells Hp Envy 15x360 laptops. Johnathan O'Speaker1 denies." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has some errands to do on Saturday. Speaker1 is visiting the German markets this weekend. They are talking about Christmas food and drinks." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: I went to your classroom to borrow math textbook but you were not there yesterday\nSpeaker2: Well....now im in hospital🤪🤪\nSpeaker1: ???? Wat the fuck?? WTF WTF WTF??😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳\nSpeaker2: I am barely texting you now\nSpeaker1: Tell me everything🤨🤨\nSpeaker1: How couldnt you let me know you re in hospital? \nSpeaker1: SCREW YOU WITH THESE BOMBS!!!●~*●~*●~*\nSpeaker2: Yesterday when i got off from the school bus i feel pain in my right stomach\nSpeaker1: Was it appendicitis? 🤨\nSpeaker2: Yeah that's why im now in hospital😖😖\nSpeaker1: Holy shit bananas\(◎o◎)/!\nSpeaker2: After the 3rd class broke out break out in a cold sweat \nSpeaker2: And one of my classmates ran to my homeroom teacher\nSpeaker1: How was the surgery?\(-o-)/\nSpeaker2: I dont remember anything\nSpeaker2: On the bed, I counted from 1 to 7 and all black out. >°))))彡\nSpeaker1: You okay?\nSpeaker2: Yea now it is so painful 🤪🤪\nSpeaker1: I will visit you after school then\nSpeaker1: Maybe i can bring some fruits or something\nSpeaker2: No dude i cannot eat anything yet until i fart ~>°)~~~\nSpeaker1: Hahahahahaha XD ( ^)o(^ ) ( ^)o(^ ) ( ^)o(^ )\nSpeaker2: And i warn you, Dont laugh as well Or i should get another surgery to stitch the belly again" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has undergone an appendix removal surgery. He's in hospital now. Speaker1 will visit him." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "It's raining, so Speaker2 and Speaker1 will wait half an hour before they go." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Hey!! Anyone wants to go to Vail with me? \r\nSpeaker3: Kevin is dropping out and my parents 🤦‍♀️\r\nSpeaker3: are willing to replace him with someone\r\nSpeaker3: If anyone wants to \r\nSpeaker2: Oh! When are you guys going to Vail? \r\nSpeaker2: Id like to! Im asking my mom 🙇‍♀️\r\nSpeaker3: Like in February? For skiing\r\nSpeaker2: I'd love to \r\nSpeaker1: Nice! I can't for sure. Going to Thailand during the feb reading break \r\nSpeaker2: Jealous of you Speaker1! \r\nSpeaker2: Yeah I have to plans! \r\nSpeaker3: Sure Speaker2, ask your mom! \r\nSpeaker2: Yeah we're not going anywhere in feb \r\nSpeaker2: They've been to Vail without me XD \r\nSpeaker2: K Im down 🙌\r\nSpeaker3: Ok I will let them know and we will tak about this at our next fam jam meeting" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is going to Vail with Speaker3 and her family in February. Speaker1 is going to Thailand in February." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "They will meet around 9 pm tonight to attend a free concert in the City Park." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Morning Speaker2! Are you busy at the moment?\r\nSpeaker2: Good morning, yes, I'm a bit busy.\r\nSpeaker2: Can you write or call me in an hour?\r\nSpeaker1: Sure, thx!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is busy at the moment, so Speaker1 should write or call her in an hour." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 and Speaker1 will wear red dresses. Speaker1 will wear a red lipstick too. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Honey, are you still at home?\r\nSpeaker1: Just left.\r\nSpeaker2: Shit, I think I left the iron on ;(\r\nSpeaker1: No you didn't. I put it away before I left. It was already cold.\r\nSpeaker2: Thank God!\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, I hope you don't burn our house down when I'm away next week, I quite like it the way it is :D" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has left the iron on, but Speaker1 put it away before leaving." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 wants Speaker1 to come and see what happened yesterday. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Where are you?\r\nSpeaker1: Breakfast at Mat's\r\nSpeaker2: good, I'm nearby, I'll come over to give you back the money" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is eating breakfast at mat's. Speaker2 is going to meet him there to give him the money back." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Mr. Speaker1 invites Ms. Speaker2 for a coffee. They will go to her favourite coffee place near the square in a side alley at 2 p.m." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Babes did you check out the makeup you want from here?\r\nSpeaker1: yes just few things left\r\nSpeaker2: please make it quick i told you i have meetings back to back till thur noon then flight is at night. i will go today now please do it\r\nSpeaker1: yes doing it just confused as picking up shades online is a risky thing because they may not turn out the same as picture\r\nSpeaker2: what to do now?\r\nSpeaker1: choose on your own..\r\nSpeaker2: please babe i cant do that just choose whatever you think is best\r\nSpeaker1: ok i would make choices for everything except for one thing \r\nSpeaker2: what? \r\nSpeaker1: i have been using ABC foundation now i am switching to XYZ so i want you to take sample of ABC foundation of the shade i use and take it to XYZ and tell them to find best matched shade\r\nSpeaker2: argh!!!!! \r\nSpeaker1: please babyyyyy\r\nSpeaker2: ok send me pictures of all the other things and details of both foundations..\r\nSpeaker1: love you :Speaker3:\r\nSpeaker2: love you too honey... send me every thing you want and did you check all the items are in stock?\r\nSpeaker1: yes you can get all in one store and they are all available in store\r\nSpeaker2: good .. i am waiting send me\r\nSpeaker1: sure baby\r\nSpeaker2: love you sweetie\r\nSpeaker1: love you toooooo" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will send Speaker2 the list of cosmetics she picked online and Speaker2 will buy them today in the store." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 will talk about new Dream Theater album, after they finish listening." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: I'm sick again!\r\nSpeaker1: just drunk the whole glass of milk with garlic... \r\nSpeaker2: I would puke.. \r\nSpeaker1: possible. \r\nSpeaker1: and I smeared this eucalyptus shit all over my body..\r\nSpeaker1: I feel so sexy now <file photo>\r\nSpeaker2: hah, u're always hot darling :* :* \r\nSpeaker2: did it help?\r\nSpeaker1: not really...\r\nSpeaker2: have u tried turmeric? \r\nSpeaker1: u mean eating?\r\nSpeaker2: no, drinking it with hot water, ginger and honey.\r\nSpeaker2: and pepper\r\nSpeaker1: yhh,.. sounds delicious...\r\nSpeaker2: actually if u add a lot of honey it's fine\r\nSpeaker2: turmeric is anti inflammatory\r\nSpeaker1: so again what shall I do?\r\nSpeaker2: here's the recipe...<file_other>\r\nSpeaker1: ok, thanks, gonna try it now\r\nSpeaker2: good luck!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is drinking milk with garlic and using a eucalyptus rub because she is sick. Speaker2 suggests drinking hot water with anti-inflammatory turmeric, ginger, and honey. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has passed driving license exam." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Good morning, are we meeting on Saturday?\r\nSpeaker2: Good morning. On Saturday I am available from 6 pm, after my training.\r\nSpeaker1: Ok, great. Where do you have the training?\r\nSpeaker2: It will probably be at Anne German 15 street, but I honestly have no idea where is that \r\nSpeaker1: Let me check :)\r\nSpeaker2: But the final decision about the place will be confirmed tomorrow. It depends on the number of participants\r\nSpeaker1: Ok, so let's agree tomorrow when all is set\r\nSpeaker2: No problem, I will give you a call tomorrow afternoon :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "On Saturday Speaker2 will be available after 6 pm, when his training finishes. Speaker2 will call Speaker1 tomorrow afternoon to set their appointment." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 Speaker2 and Speaker1 are very enthusiastic about the new year as they will travel a lot during the summer of 2019." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Yo, where are you guys?\r\nSpeaker3: I'm still on the bus, should be there in around 10 minutes\r\nSpeaker1: I'm still waiting for my bus\r\nSpeaker2: Ok, I'll be waiting for you outside the club\r\nSpeaker1: Ok\r\nSpeaker3: Ok" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will wait for Speaker3 and Speaker1 outside the club." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1's never done any student exchange before, but Speaker2 did. Speaker1 had a plan to go to London for Halloween, but he's not going because of his grandma's health problems. Speaker2 will stay in as well. Speaker1 tells Speaker2 about Halloween in Poland." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Does anybody now where the next ASEEES conference takes place?\nSpeaker2: Actually I have no idea, but a good question\nSpeaker1: I've heard somewhere in California\nSpeaker1: Yes, San Francisco!\nSpeaker2: not bad, but I really hoped for Hawaii \nSpeaker1: hahaha, oh yes, but it won't happen too soon\nSpeaker2: why do you think so?\nSpeaker1: The last conference there in 1993 was criticised for the high costs of traveling to the place\nSpeaker2: I see, pity" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The next ASEEES conference takes place in San Francisco. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 is very sleepy at work today, Speaker2 finds the day boring, and Speaker1 is working. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: How are you doing this morning?\r\nSpeaker1: ok, was I very drunk?\r\nSpeaker2: quite \r\nSpeaker1: fuck, I shouldn't have drunk so much\r\nSpeaker2: happens to everybody sometimes\r\nSpeaker1: I think I talked too much \r\nSpeaker2: but nothing untrue \r\nSpeaker1: haha, in vino veritas they say\r\nSpeaker2: and they're right!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 wants to know if Speaker1 is feeling well after yesterday's party. He was drunk but was not saying anything bad, or at least untrue according to Speaker2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will sign the attendance form, when he arrives." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hey is that your brother on tv???\nSpeaker1: <file_other>\nSpeaker2: Yes its him! The proud of our family... ;)\nSpeaker1: :D\nSpeaker1: Erm... Looks super cute ;)\nSpeaker2: Ohh no no no you bad girl!\nSpeaker2: :'D\nSpeaker1: Just sayin\nSpeaker1: So does he have a girlfriend?\nSpeaker2: I dont have a girlfriend :D\nSpeaker1: I know. That was not the question :D" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2's brother is on TV. Speaker1 is interested in becoming his girlfriend." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Mark went skating, it's the first time for Mark." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hello.\r\nSpeaker2: Hello\r\nSpeaker2: What's up?\r\nSpeaker1: From your political experience, who do you think would be the ideal president of the USA?\r\nSpeaker2: I don't want to sound gender-biased but i think Trump suits the USA\r\nSpeaker2: I think the state that USA is in deserves a tough guy that is Trump.\r\nSpeaker1: Okay.\r\nSpeaker2: For example, take the current situation of terrorist trying to sink the economy. I don't think Clinton can fight those guys like Trump would.\r\nSpeaker1: Okay I see where your point is coming from.\r\nSpeaker2: I thought you were not into politics.\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah i am not but it is part of my school work.\r\nSpeaker2: Okay. Then you can base your argument on that.\r\nSpeaker1: Sure. Thanks\r\nSpeaker2: Anytime." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "As part of his school work, Speaker1 asks Speaker2 who would be the ideal president of the USA. For Speaker2, it would be Trump because he's tough and can fight problems." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is amazed by Speaker1's talent for painting. Speaker1 sent Speaker2 a PDF file with a picture of the parrot she painted yesterday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Do you have internet in your apartment?\r\nSpeaker2: sure\r\nSpeaker1: of course, why?\r\nSpeaker3: mine doesn't work, may I come over?\r\nSpeaker1: sure!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2's internet works well, so Speaker3 will come over." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 are discussing the event, there will be about 20 people, mostly girls from the village 40+." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hey Speaker2, how are you? How are things going at the new job? I'm thinking of leaving Marks & Spencer as well and was wondering if you could send me a copy of the resignation letter you gave them? There are some templates on the internet, but I would also like to see what you wrote. You were always good at writing those kinds of things.\r\nSpeaker2: Hey! Sure, no probs. Here it is <file_other>\r\nSpeaker2: And I'm doing great. I'm at The Body Shop right now and love it. The salary's better (not much better but still), but more importantly the atmosphere is way better than at Marks. It was just so toxic. I guess you grew tired of that too?\r\nSpeaker1: Thank you so much! <3 Yeah, it's seriously wearing me down. I've already started looking for something new. Amazon maybe.\r\nSpeaker2: Good luck with the job hunt then!\r\nSpeaker1: Thank you!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is thinking of leaving the job at Marks & Spencer. Speaker2 sent Speaker1 a copy of her resignation letter. Speaker2's found a new job at The Body Shop. Speaker1 is considering applying to Amazon." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The temperatures where Speaker1 stays are -3 at night. There is frost in the morning. Speaker2 is in the tropics. Speaker1 had a walk around Belchen's summit on Sunday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: We're finishing the project\nSpeaker4: I'm sorry I haven't been able to participate more\nSpeaker1: this doesn't matter anymore\nSpeaker4: I know, but I feel really sorry\nSpeaker2: but why actually?\nSpeaker4: I was involved in the linguistic project of our department\nSpeaker4: and at some point it became more demeaning than anybody had expected" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4 is sorry that he could not be more involved in the project. Speaker4 was doing work for his department instead." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 finds Eco's novel \"Foucault's Pendulum\" nerdy. Speaker2 would like to read Eco in Italian, but she's unsure of her language abilities. Speaker1 considers Eco's two novels and finds them difficult. Speaker2 has read an unfavorable review of \"Foucault's Pendulum\" by Salman Rushdie." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Has anyone seen the new HP film?\r\nSpeaker3: I saw it with Phillip yesterday\r\nSpeaker1: And, how did you like it?\r\nSpeaker3: I really liked it. Phillip a lot less :P\r\nSpeaker2: No spoilers! I am planning on going this weekend\r\nSpeaker1: Great, I am going with a friend from my studies. Care to join us?\r\nSpeaker2: Saturday or Sunday?\r\nSpeaker1: We aren't sure yet, but we want 2D, so not a lot of choice. Speaker4:50?\r\nSpeaker2: Works for me :) Later we can go to the main square for some hot wine?\r\nSpeaker1: Great idea ;) Will you join us Speaker3?\r\nSpeaker3: I wish I could, but I am going to that wedding I mentioned last time :(\r\nSpeaker2: Uuuu, be sure to find me a future husband among Phillips family ;)\r\nSpeaker3: As far as I know we will be the youngest couple there :p\r\nSpeaker2: I don't mind some old and wealthy guy ;)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Phillip and Speaker3 saw the new HP film yesterday. She liked it more than him. Speaker1 is going to see it with friends from studies on Saturday at 16:50. Speaker2 will join them. Speaker3 can't go because she is going to the wedding. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 spent New Year's Eve with his close friends at his place. They drank some wine and played board games. Speaker2 spent that evening by the sea and went clubbing. At midnight she was at the beach. She is ill now." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: hi, sis! what did you buy for dad?\r\nSpeaker1: a Stan Getz cd and you?\r\nSpeaker2: nothing yet, i have no clue what he likes :/\r\nSpeaker2: do you have any idea...?\r\nSpeaker1: you can buy him a fondue set, he loves cheese\r\nSpeaker2: that's a thought, thanks :)))" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 bought her dad a Stan Getz CD. She advises Speaker2 to buy him a fondue set." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3, Speaker2 and Speaker1 talk about a New Year's party they will attend." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Are you coming this evening?\r\nSpeaker2: I don't know\r\nSpeaker2: I'm not in the mood\r\nSpeaker1: Come on! It will be fun\r\nSpeaker1: We will drink some caipirinha :D\r\nSpeaker2: I don't want to see people\r\nSpeaker2: Everyone pisses me off " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 encourages Speaker2 to come this evening. Speaker2 is not in the mood for socializing." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Before Christmas, Speaker2's mom won a hundred thousand in a lottery. Both Speaker2 and Speaker1 are excited." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hi Speaker2\r\nSpeaker1: listen did u see the post about that party on Saturday?\r\nSpeaker2: yup I did\r\nSpeaker1: what should I bring\r\nSpeaker1: help :D\r\nSpeaker2: I'm gonna bake a cheesecake\r\nSpeaker1: then maybe I'll try to do some cookies?\r\nSpeaker2: sure why not\r\nSpeaker2: just don't put any bananas in them ;-)\r\nSpeaker1: why's that\r\nSpeaker2: coz Madelene's allergic! you should know this by now -_-\r\nSpeaker1: shite, good to know :D thanks" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is going to make a cheesecake for the Saturday party. Speaker1 plans on baking cookies. Speaker2 warns him not to use bananas as Madelene is allergic to them." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4 has plenty of clothes but she keeps buying new ones and she even had to buy four extra boxes for clothes at Ikea. Speaker2 has the same problem, but she only had to buy one extra box. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: have you ever had lobster?\r\nSpeaker2: never :-(\r\nSpeaker1: NEVER!?!?!?!!?!\r\nSpeaker2: never\r\nSpeaker1: i'm taking you out for dinner tomorrow and we'll have lobster\r\nSpeaker2: i won't say no to that, lol" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is taking Speaker1 for dinner tomorrow. They will have lobster. Speaker2 has never eaten it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has a new job at a law firm." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Got my nails done. Expensive!\r\nSpeaker1: How much?\r\nSpeaker2: 42 plus tip!\r\nSpeaker1: Holy crapola!\r\nSpeaker2: I no!\r\nSpeaker1: You're going to have to get a second job!\r\nSpeaker1: How long do they last though?\r\nSpeaker2: Three weeks. Or at least that's how long I go for.\r\nSpeaker1: Ah.\r\nSpeaker2: Anyway, it's worth it. They look nice.\r\nSpeaker2: Don't you think so?\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, yeah, sure...\r\nSpeaker1: So does 42 plus tip!\r\nSpeaker2: Well... it would fund a night out...\r\nSpeaker1: Exactly.\r\nSpeaker2: Sorry. Just something I like to do for myself.\r\nSpeaker1: I understand.\r\nSpeaker1: What color did you go for?\r\nSpeaker2: White with glitter, like snow!\r\nSpeaker1: Perty!\r\nSpeaker2: LOL!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 got her nails done. She paid 42 and gave a tip. They last 3 weeks. She chose white color with glitter." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is checking if it's worth going to the new club at Regents Street. Speaker1 thinks the club is great. Speaker3's friends also recommend the place, so Speaker3 is going there this weekend. Speaker2 will go to the club with Speaker3, Miranda and Helen on Saturday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Soo, how did the test go?\r\nSpeaker2: I dunno... I'll pass I guess. But I was kinda hoping for something better. I mean, I've literally spent two weeks studying for this and I know for certain that I screwed up at least two questions.\r\nSpeaker1: And how many questions were there in total?\r\nSpeaker2: 25\r\nSpeaker1: Then two is not that big of a deal.\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah, I guess, but that's just the two that I know of. There's probably more.\r\nSpeaker1: You worry too much about this. Who cares if your grade is not an A+?\r\nSpeaker2: Well, I care and I was hoping for an A, but that's kinda out of the question now.\r\nSpeaker1: You get As like all the time, so a one-time B won't change much for you.\r\nSpeaker2: I guess..." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 studied hard for the exam and she's disappointed she will not get an A." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2's house has mould due to condensation. Speaker1 will send her a quote for the work needed by Friday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: congratulations!! I heard you became a mommy :)\r\nSpeaker1: thanks sweetie\r\nSpeaker2: how are you feeling?\r\nSpeaker1: soo tired but so happy at the same time, it's a feeling like nothing else\r\nSpeaker2: awww do you have any pictures??\r\nSpeaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker2: so cute!!! she looks like you!\r\nSpeaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker2: like mother like daugther!! I am so happy for you :))\r\nSpeaker1: come visit soon! I haven't seen you for ages" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has delivered a baby. She wants Speaker2 to visit her." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1, Speaker3 and Speaker2 wonder what American and global economy will be like." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: do you think i'm too old to learn how to play the violin?\r\nSpeaker1: 21 is not old\r\nSpeaker2: they say you have to be super young to learn how to play instruments\r\nSpeaker1: well people are idiots\r\nSpeaker1: you should try it" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 encourages Speaker2 to learn playing the violin." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 got a ticket for Dawid Podsiadlo's concert. Speaker1 is going, too." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hey\r\nSpeaker2: Hey\r\nSpeaker1: what are you up to?\r\nSpeaker2: nothing just doing my hair\r\nSpeaker1: maybe you wanna come by later?\r\nSpeaker2: your place?\r\nSpeaker1: no were meet up at Pep's\r\nSpeaker2: sure when?\r\nSpeaker1: at 9\r\nSpeaker2: Ok c ya there" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is doing her hair. Speaker2 and Speaker1 will meet at Pep's at 9." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "A lot of sick people go to Speaker4's clinic because of the cold weather." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hey, I would like to reserve a table for five. Do you have anything available?\r\nSpeaker2: Hello Speaker1, thank you for contacting us! What day are you interested in?\r\nSpeaker1: Next Saturday, is it possible?\r\nSpeaker2: Sure, what time?\r\nSpeaker1: 7, please. Would it be possible to book the table next to the front window?\r\nSpeaker2: I'm sorry, but it's already booked. I can offer you the big table next to the bar.\r\nSpeaker1: Hm... Would that table be available earlier or later? Sorry for that, but we really like that table...\r\nSpeaker2: We have it available only at 12 and 9, would that be ok for you?\r\nSpeaker1: I understand. Thank you, but it's slightly too early and then too late for us. Could you please book the big table? Thank you once again! :)\r\nSpeaker2: No problem, Speaker1. See you soon then! Happy that you chose us! :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has booked the big table next to the bar for 7 pm on Saturday. The table next to the front window has already been reserved." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4 wants to start doing 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Speaker1 is already doing 60 minutes. Speaker2 wants to start exercising just like Speaker4. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: happy birthday guys :D\r\nSpeaker2: oh thank you dear B-)\r\nSpeaker3: thanks!!!!! when are you coming?\r\nSpeaker1: I'll be in 2 hours B-)\r\nSpeaker2: waiting for ya!\r\nSpeaker1: good to hear that ^^" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker3 have their birthday. Speaker1 will be in 2 hours." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has made arrangements for today's meeting at 2 pm in the conference room. She also organised flights and hotel for next week's trip. Speaker4 is appreciative. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Ok see ya at the Italian course guys\r\nSpeaker3: See ya\r\nSpeaker1: Qualunque cosa see ya!\r\nSpeaker2: XD\r\nSpeaker3: Wtf XD" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "They are going to see each other at the Italian course." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Chae-Speaker1 and Speaker2 inform Speaker3 that the readings for the next session of Stephen's seminar weren't available in the print shop on Monday. Speaker4 decides to go and chcek if the situation's changed tomorrow and she'll let everyone know." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: My cousin is coming this weekend and I would like to take him somewhere nice, any ideas? :)\r\nSpeaker4: Angelo's for sure - best pizza in town, decent prices, nice, classic red-white chequered table cloths style, very Italian!\r\nSpeaker3: Thanks a lot! I was thinking about Angelo's as well, but it happens that my cousin is Italian so I think it may be a bit risky to impress him with an Italian restaurant ;)\r\nSpeaker1: Fair point. What about Toff's? They are famous for having the best fish and chips in the UK.\r\nSpeaker3: Haven't heard about them! Where are they?\r\nSpeaker1: Third zone, near Highgate. The area is beautiful, really worth going, especially if someone's never been to London.\r\nSpeaker5: If you're looking for something more central, I highly recommend Yori. It's a Korean restaurant, a true gem <3\r\nSpeaker3: What are the prices? It's not that we are really on a budget here, but wouldn't mind saving some for more touristic stuff ;)\r\nSpeaker5: Cool, I find Yori affordable and their prive-value is really high in my opinion.\r\nSpeaker1: Same for the Toff's, they mainly sell fish and fish and chips, so maybe check with your cousin if he likes it first.\r\nSpeaker2: Oh, I bet he'd love to have an Instagram worthy photo with a fish and chips in London, hahaha!\r\nSpeaker4: If I were you, I'd focus on the bars more ;) Take him to Soho, skip the fancy ones though.\r\nSpeaker2: That goes without a question! Have a few places in mind already. He also has a sweet tooth, so I was thinking maybe Hummingbird?\r\nSpeaker5: I think I may be joining you for that one! If not, take the salted caramel for my sake.\r\nSpeaker2: Always! I always go for the red velvet, even if Speaker4 thinks it's overrated.\r\nSpeaker4: Because it is, it's just a normal cake with red dye in it.\r\nSpeaker5: So Speaker4 is definitely not going to Hummingbird with us :D Party pooper :P\r\nSpeaker1: How long is your cousin staying?\r\nSpeaker2: Four days so that's four lunches/dinners - waiting for your recommendations!\r\nSpeaker4: Hm... I would also suggest street food on Brick Lane or Borough's Market - if a party pooper may have something to say :P\r\nSpeaker5: But never on a weekend! Unless you fancy getting stomped or like to waiting for your food like FOREVER. When is he coming?\r\nSpeaker2: Thursday to Sunday, so Thursday after flight it is then. Fortunately, he's flying in the morning. Thank you so much guys!\r\nSpeaker1: Our pleasure, as long as you bring us come cupcakes on Monday :D\r\nSpeaker5: Yeah, three red velvets for Speaker4 :P" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 wants to take her cousine from Italy to somewhere nice in London. Angelo's, Toff's, Yori, Soho or street food on Brick Lane or Borough's Market are being suggested. Speaker5 will join them if they are going to Hummingbird." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 accepts some quince from Speaker1. Speaker1 has left the quince in a basket on his terrace and the twins can pick it up any time. The twins are in college. Speaker1's son is in the military. He is still single but reportedly not gay." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: shit shit shit shit shit!!!!!\r\nSpeaker2: You know, you could change it a little - add a damn or fuck here or there\r\nSpeaker1: It's not funny! What am I going to say to Nino when I see him tomorrow???\r\nSpeaker1: Bloody hell!\r\nSpeaker2: Don't you think you're exagerrating a little?\r\nSpeaker1: After what happened - no!\r\nSpeaker2: Nino doesn't hate you. If anything he was more concerned to know if you were alright.\r\nSpeaker1: Tell him that I've gone to New Zealand and I'm under the Witness Protection programme.\r\nSpeaker2: really?\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah and I've changed my name and identity, so he'll never have to hear or see me again.\r\nSpeaker2: Speaker1, it wasn't *that* bad\r\nSpeaker1: Sure it wasn't. It's not like I've become the laughing stock of the entire school!!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is panicking about what he will tell Nino when he meets him tomorrow. Speaker2 believes he's exaggerating. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2, Speaker4, Speaker1 and Speaker3 are thinking about spending holidays in Greece together in August. Speaker1 and Speaker2 need to be back by August 10 because of Speaker2's younger sister's wedding. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hi KInga! I have a question.\r\nSpeaker1: Bring it on!\r\nSpeaker2: I need a red dress for a performance. Something stretchy and not too long. \r\nSpeaker1: Hm, let me think. I had one, but I'm not sure whether it's still here. \r\nSpeaker2: Could you check that for me, please? The performance is in a week and only now we've learnt what we are supposed to wear. \r\nSpeaker1: No problem. Wait a moment. \r\nSpeaker2: Thank you!\r\nSpeaker1: I can't find it... But now I'm sure I had it. I must have left it at my parents' house. \r\nSpeaker2: Do u have a pic of it?\r\nSpeaker1: Yes! \r\nSpeaker2: Can u send me the pic and I'll check if I'd like the dress. \r\nSpeaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker2: Seems fine. \r\nSpeaker1: I'll be at my parents' on Friday. So I can give it to u on Saturday. OK?\r\nSpeaker2: Perfect. The perfo is on Sunday. Fingers crossed so it fits me!\r\nSpeaker1: The material is stretchy and we have similar body type, so I think you're gonna be fine.\r\nSpeaker2: Thank you very much! There's a cookie for you! ;) \r\nSpeaker1: :D " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 needs a red dress for a performance. Speaker1 agreed to lend one of her dresses to Speaker2, but she will give it to her on Saturday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 are wondering what that weird smell at Kasia's place last night was." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: hi, it's me, Speaker2 from Tinder.\r\nSpeaker1: Hi, how are you doing?\r\nSpeaker2: Good, and you?\r\nSpeaker1: As well, thanks\r\nSpeaker2: Are we seeing each other tonight?\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, at 9?\r\nSpeaker2: Yes.\r\nSpeaker1: Very good ;)\r\nSpeaker2: Would you come to my place or you would prefer to meet in town?\r\nSpeaker1: I could come to your place.\r\nSpeaker2: Great, I'm glad to read that ;)\r\nSpeaker1: hahah. I hope you won't kill me.\r\nSpeaker2: No, i will be gentle.\r\nSpeaker1: Just don't be too gentle! I hate boring guys!\r\nSpeaker2: I am anything but boring!\r\nSpeaker1: than I just can't wait to find out for myself what you mean by that.\r\nSpeaker2: Would you like to eat something this evening?\r\nSpeaker1: Nice idea, I can bring a bottle of wine.\r\nSpeaker2: Perfect!\r\nSpeaker1: See you around 9!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 met Speaker2 on Tinder and is going to his place tonight at 9 with a bottle of wine." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 refuses to accept plants for her garden from Speaker1. She would not be able to plant them before leaving." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: What time is the meeting.\r\nSpeaker2: 9 I think. Let me check.\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, 9 am, suite 103.\r\nSpeaker1: Thanks." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The meeting is scheduled at 9 am in suite 103." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 are tired after the party. They both had fun." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Who was the girl with whom you were at the club yesterday? Nice chick \r\nSpeaker1: She is my new boss! It was business meeting.\r\nSpeaker2: Sure…\r\nSpeaker1: That’s true. Ian left us last month and Susana took his place.\r\nSpeaker2: I wish to have such hot boss!\r\nSpeaker1: You’re fool bro!\r\nSpeaker2: No, I’m just jealous " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 had a business meeting with his new boss Susana at the club yesterday. Speaker2 wishes he had such a hot boss. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is in Cuba and is enjoying her trip. She has problems with connectivity there. Momo has recovered from her injury. Speaker2 doesn't like the clothes in Cuba. Speaker2 will try to find a blouse for mum in Cuba, as Speaker1 suggested." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hi Hun, just please don't panic.\r\nSpeaker2: What happened?\r\nSpeaker1: Were @ the emergency, Tommy fell off the monkey bars.\r\nSpeaker1: It seems like he broke his arm.\r\nSpeaker2: OK, I'm leaving the office.\r\nSpeaker1: Just please don't drive, take a taxi." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is taking a taxi from her office to the emergency, as Tommy fell off the monkey bars." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will call Speaker2 when she gets back. He has something to tell her." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I am so full\r\nSpeaker2: I ate everything there was at home\r\nSpeaker1: How come\r\nSpeaker1: Did you go home like to your parents? \r\nSpeaker2: yes\r\nSpeaker1: you were just hungry then\r\nSpeaker1: We're hungry you people studying working\r\nSpeaker2: I am exploding xd\r\nSpeaker1: Chew a gum " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is full because he ate too much." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 send Christmas greetings to each other." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Would you like to come to our place for a dinner tomorrow?\r\nSpeaker2: what a nice idea!\r\nSpeaker3: sure, we'll be pleased\r\nSpeaker1: great! Is 8PM good for you?\r\nSpeaker3: unfortunately, I leave office about 7\r\nSpeaker3: so we won't manage before 8.30\r\nSpeaker3: I have to get home, change etc. \r\nSpeaker3: the traffic can be also quite horrible at that hour\r\nSpeaker1: right\r\nSpeaker4: 8.30 is also very good\r\nSpeaker1: sure\r\nSpeaker1: You're not vegan/vegetarian, are you?\r\nSpeaker3: I am...\r\nSpeaker1: great, I'll have something you'll love\r\nSpeaker3: how nice, it's always such a problem!\r\nSpeaker1: not for me! ;)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 suggested dinner at her place tomorrow. Speaker3 is not going to make it before 8:30 due to work and traffic. He doesn't eat meat which is not a problem for Speaker1." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is tired of her job. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Turn on the tv!\r\nSpeaker1: ??\r\nSpeaker2: chanel four\r\nSpeaker1: whyyyyyyyyy\r\nSpeaker2: love actually <3\r\nSpeaker1: awww is it Christmas already?\r\nSpeaker2: feels like it\r\nSpeaker1: okay I'm watching\r\nSpeaker2: just in time, the scene with hugh grant dancing is coming\r\nSpeaker1: my favorite\r\nSpeaker2: I loooooooooove him\r\nSpeaker1: <file_gif>\r\nSpeaker2: :D\r\nSpeaker1: <file_gif>" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "\"Love Actually\" is on Channel 4 right now. Speaker1 and Speaker2 are watching it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1, Speaker2 and Speaker3 are meeting at the entrance." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: i found a new group of Kpop dance\r\nSpeaker1: you're on meetup?\r\nSpeaker2: no i don't like too much contact with my people\r\nSpeaker1: you're owned people now?\r\nSpeaker2: of course. the world is mine!\r\nSpeaker2: no i wanted to say with some people...\r\nSpeaker1: i understood, but i thought i'd better ask 🤪 You may have some personal staff\r\nSpeaker2: i have a maid and a butler\r\nSpeaker1: did you smoke?\r\nSpeaker2: i don't smoke, only a cigarette once from time to time. But nothing illegal, never!\r\nSpeaker1: and you don't have bodyguards?\r\nSpeaker2: I hate having someone around me all time.\r\nSpeaker1: could be very stylish coming to school with him\r\nSpeaker2: for sure. I'd love to be bodyguard\r\nSpeaker1: you'll be the one who check and protect. It's all you\r\nSpeaker2: yep, and if i don't like the guy coming... \r\nSpeaker1: battle of looks?\r\nSpeaker2: no, i'll kick him away\r\nSpeaker1: he'll be so pissed off when he'll meet you\r\nSpeaker2: yes he would, but with my 1m20, i gave up the idea.\r\nSpeaker1: still i'm afraid you beat me🤪\r\nSpeaker2: really?\r\nSpeaker1: no i'm afraid you hurt yourself by doing so!😜😂" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has found a new group of Kpop dance. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 will meet in town in the afternoon." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Are you part of AIESEC? \r\nSpeaker1: No \r\nSpeaker1: I was last year \r\nSpeaker2: is it fun\r\nSpeaker1: mehh\r\nSpeaker1: Its worse now\r\nSpeaker1: Far worse\r\nSpeaker1: Kyle destroyed all of our friendships\r\nSpeaker2: Oh what happened\r\nSpeaker1: we had a great time like we went out \r\nSpeaker1: smoked weed\r\nSpeaker1: but Kyle always has to be that stubborn guy\r\nSpeaker1: He doesn't listen to others \r\nSpeaker2: Argh I hate this type of person \r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, he puts himself first" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is not part of AIESEC. He was part of AIESEC last year. AIESEC used to be better. Kyle is egoistic and now Speaker1 doesn't have friends in AIESEC. Kyle had a great time on AIESEC last year. Speaker2 hates egoistic people." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 advises against getting a hamster. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: He didnt come to pick me up\r\nSpeaker2: I told him to hurry up :/\r\nSpeaker1: But he didnt\r\nSpeaker2: How much you had to wait?\r\nSpeaker1: I had been there for 2 hours\r\nSpeaker2: Poor you :( \r\nSpeaker1: We all have to face such things in our lives\r\nSpeaker2: I will ask father to scold him\r\nSpeaker1: No need\r\nSpeaker2: He has just reached home\r\nSpeaker1: ok\r\nSpeaker2: He s saying that he was on the way but his bike was punctured\r\nSpeaker1: What about his phone I have been calling him\r\nSpeaker2: He is saying, he left it at gome\r\nSpeaker1: Ok np\r\nSpeaker2: He is saying sorry to you\r\nSpeaker1: Its ok\r\nSpeaker2: Ok ttyl\r\nSpeaker1: See ya" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Lily was supposed to be picked up and she had to wait two hours. He didn't turn up though because his bike was punctured. She was trying to call him but he left his phone at home. Now he's saying sorry to Speaker1. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 like cat memes." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Speaker2, just one or two things struck me as I've been looking through the file we mentioned earlier.\r\nSpeaker2: Oh Speaker1, what a surprise (!)\r\nSpeaker1: It seems to me that the notes are a bit sparse and don't really explore the underlying issues.\r\nSpeaker2: I've always found them perfectly adequate.\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, but Speaker2, I've had several kids come to be this term asking for clarification of various points, they really don't understand some parts of the scheme of work.\r\nSpeaker2: Really? That's news to me, I've had no complaints.\r\nSpeaker1: I mean, you can be a bit intimidating, Speaker2 and they are still quite young.\r\nSpeaker2: Speaker1, I've been teaching for 30 years now, no discipline issues and very few problems, if I'm honest.\r\nSpeaker1: Well yes, and I respect your knowledge and experience, but none of us is totally perfect!\r\nSpeaker2: OK, I suppose if the kids have complained, it can't be totally comprehensible.\r\nSpeaker1: Look, it's half term next week, I'll draw up a new scheme of work at home and we'll look over it on Inset when we come back, show Josh too, as he's coming in permanently now.\r\nSpeaker2: Well, OK, I suppose I can be a bit casual and slapdash sometimes, I lack your vigorous approach!\r\nSpeaker1: Well, we need to work together on this since we'll both be teaching it, and Josh too, of course. We all need to be able to input ideas and discuss them.\r\nSpeaker2: OK, Speaker1, I suppose you have a point! Hope that's the last message now, I've got my favourite book and a glass of wine waiting for me. Coincidentally, I think you should chill out a bit too, Speaker1!\r\nSpeaker1: I will! See you tomorrow!\r\nSpeaker2: Bye, Speaker1!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will prepare a new scheme of work and consult it with Speaker2 and Josh as the kids have troubles comprehending some parts of it and have complained to Speaker1." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 and Speaker5 are going to Sweden in January. Speaker4 and Speaker1 advise them to stay in Stockholm and visit Vasa Museum." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker4: Anyone keen for pub on saturday?\nSpeaker3: Me\nSpeaker5: Me too!\nSpeaker1: I think I'm gonna be in Liverpool my guys! \nSpeaker1: But if I'm not I'll come! x\nSpeaker6: Yes😀\nSpeaker1: Hi HB206. \nSpeaker1: I'm defo around tomorrow, I want to come to the pub! \nSpeaker1: What's the plan? xxxx 😘😘😘😘\nSpeaker1: There's a bop at Darwin tomorrow as well which anyone is welcome to come to, tickets are 6 quid though damnnnn 🤑🤑🤑\nSpeaker3: I very sadly can’t make it any more. \nSpeaker3: In London ☹\nSpeaker6: Post Ireland game😀☘❓\nSpeaker1: Sure just let me know where to be and when\nSpeaker4: OOoooooh bop at Darwin sounds good! \nSpeaker4: Could be very keen :)\nSpeaker4: Speaker2:30?\nSpeaker4: Open to suggestions for pubs/bars!\nSpeaker4: Could do some college bars if people were keen?" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker5, Speaker6, Speaker1 and Speaker4 are going to meet on Saturday, most probably at 7.30 at Darwin. Speaker3 is in London, so he will not join them." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 lands at Speaker2:30 at Sevilla airport and Speaker1 will pick him up." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Although he is not a good striker with multiple goals but his passion and preservance deserves a respect from all Arsenal fan\r\nSpeaker5: Not good? Lol...\r\nSpeaker2: He's a good and passionate arsenal player.\r\nSpeaker3: Not good in efficiency\r\nSpeaker6: What is his goals to minutes ratio Speaker3? Keep to the facts!\r\nSpeaker1: He’s our top scorer in Europa league\r\nSpeaker4: Stop smoking crack" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "He deserves respect from Arsenal fans, because he's a top scorer in Europe." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will be waiting for Speaker2 with the dinner. Speaker2 is coming home around 8." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Daaaaaavid\r\nSpeaker1: where the fuck is my book\r\nSpeaker3: eeee actually I've got it...sorry xDDD\r\nSpeaker1: what? how xD\r\nSpeaker2: you see...now you owe me an apology :p" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 thinks Speaker2 has taken her book but it was Speaker3 who took it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 will car pool with Winny's red Mustang." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: WE WON!!! :D\r\nSpeaker3: Speaker2:95!!!\r\nSpeaker1: that's great, boo, congrats, i'm proud of you :* :*\r\nSpeaker1: congratulate your teammates for me ;)\r\nSpeaker3: i will, thanks <3" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3's team won Speaker2:95. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 wants Speaker1 to try harder." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Have you already seen the second season of \"Gravity Falls\"?\r\nSpeaker2: Yep, I just finished watching it several days ago.\r\nSpeaker3: I'm in the middle.\r\nSpeaker1: Is it good?\r\nSpeaker2: Well, the ending is awesome and moving and all. A couple of secrets are explained throughout the season and there are also some episodes that are just fillers.\r\nSpeaker2: But in general it is just as good as the first season - it's witty, with a lot of references. 5 stars, can recommend.\r\nSpeaker1: Ok, cool. I actually heard that it's worse than season 1.\r\nSpeaker2: From who?\r\nSpeaker3: *whom :P\r\nSpeaker1: Just some opinions on the internet.\r\nSpeaker3: I actually liked the episodes I've seen so far very much.\r\nSpeaker1: And by secrets you mean grunkle Stan's secret door? :>\r\nSpeaker2: Obviously.\r\nSpeaker1: Ok, so I'm getting to it right now.\r\nSpeaker3: Enjoy!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is going to watch the second season of \"Gravity Falls\". Speaker2 thinks the second season is as good as the first one. Speaker3 likes \"Gravity Falls\" too." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 hasn't seen Speaker2's mum for 4 months in the club. Speaker2's mum has been suffering from knee pain for 5 years. Speaker2's mum stays at home following doctor's advice. Speaker2 will pass Speaker1's wishes to his mother." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Actually I can't breath\r\nSpeaker1: So you need to get off your ass and go see this doctor then\r\nSpeaker2: First I need to make an appointment\r\nSpeaker1: So what are you waiting for?\r\nSpeaker2: Last week I went to see one doctor to get some paper\r\nSpeaker1: What paper?\r\nSpeaker2: Because without a paper from my family doctor I can't see Laryngologist\r\nSpeaker1: Oh ok" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has trouble breathing. She has already seen her General Practitioner in order to get a referral to a laryngologist." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is shocked after reading the news about a bear attack at the zoo. Speaker1 is not surprised that an animal kept in a cage reacted that way." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: hey I'll be in Cracow on Thursday morning and I'll be staying there till Friday afternoon\nSpeaker3: if you have time\nSpeaker2: I do\nSpeaker3: <file_gif>\nSpeaker1: I don't know when I'll be done with my work, when you're seeing each other?\nSpeaker2: 9 PM I guess" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 will be in Cracow on Thursday morning and will stay there until Friday afternoon." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 sent Speaker1 a photo of man's bottom. Speaker2 made this photo in the shopping mall, on the escalator. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Have you heard the news?\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah! Donald trump has announced to help Pakistan\r\nSpeaker1: What do you think about it?\r\nSpeaker2: Pakistan needs it and Donald trump is a good person\r\nSpeaker1: I guess so!\r\nSpeaker2: He would be making a love speech from his office this friday\r\nSpeaker1: I might not be able to hear that\r\nSpeaker2: Need to prepare the assignments\r\nSpeaker1: You can hear it on yt afterwards\r\nSpeaker2: I would try to\r\nSpeaker1: Would you come to College tomorrow?\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah I would\r\nSpeaker1: See you tomorrow then" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Donald Trump revealed a plan to help Pakistan. This Friday he will give a speech. Speaker1 won't be able to listen. Speaker2 will watch it on yt later. Speaker1 and Speaker2 will meet in college tomorrow." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 wants to organise a board games night for his colleagues. Speaker1 has some good ideas and tips on where to start. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Why don't you want to come?\r\nSpeaker2: It's not that I don't want to \r\nSpeaker2: I can't \r\nSpeaker1: Because of Amy?\r\nSpeaker2: Speaker1, we've discussed it already\r\nSpeaker2: We both know that there is something between us\r\nSpeaker2: But I prefer not to act on it\r\nSpeaker1: Amy is so lucky to have a husband like you\r\nSpeaker1: What can I do?\r\nSpeaker1: I have feelings for you\r\nSpeaker1: I want to spend time with you\r\nSpeaker1: It's stronger than me\r\nSpeaker2: I know Speaker1" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 have feelings for each other. Speaker2 prefers not to do anything because he's married to Amy." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 got the job." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: So Brexit is finally gonna happen?\r\nSpeaker2: Looks like it. Still a long way to go, but through the hardest part. I think!\r\nSpeaker1: What about Ireland?\r\nSpeaker2: I think they're still hashing that one out. Visas and passports too. And customs. And...\r\nSpeaker1: Geez. So what did they really settle?\r\nSpeaker2: Immigration for one thing. And who owes who money for another. The important stuff.\r\nSpeaker1: Riiiight.\r\nSpeaker2: After all, immigration was the reason it all got voted in in the first place.\r\nSpeaker1: The NIMBY's of the country?\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, they saw immigrants as diluting the British culture and sucking up all the resources.\r\nSpeaker1: I see.\r\nSpeaker2: Not wrong in some cases, but also there were some countries that shouldn't have been part of the EU. Turkey for one!\r\nSpeaker1: Isn't that where you're from?\r\nSpeaker2: My family originally, yes. \r\nSpeaker1: Interesting!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 thinks Brexit is going to happen. There are issues that they still need to settle before Brexit. Speaker2 thinks Turkey shouldn't be in the EU. Speaker2's family is from Turkey. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Ela is not taking Speaker1's phone calls. Speaker2 calls Ela at Speaker1's request." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Honey, I guess I will go home late today.\nSpeaker2: ..Why?..\nSpeaker1: I have night duty today 😭😭\nSpeaker2: You do it again? you have night duty several times a month.\nSpeaker2: How about talking with your supervisor? \nSpeaker2: I mean, it’s fine if they just let you know in advance. \nSpeaker2: But very rare! Mostly they just let you know before you get ready to go home. \nSpeaker1: Well..\nSpeaker2: Talk to your supervisor today, or I will call him and talk with him about this for sure!\nSpeaker1: Okay. Don’t get angry darling. 😓😓😓" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has a night duty and he will go home late today. Speaker2 is angry, because Speaker1 has night duty several times a month and most of the time his supervisor do not tell him about it in advance." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1's favorite color is blue. Speaker2 can't talk about the reason behind her question with Speaker1." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Where are you?\r\nSpeaker1: I can't see you.\r\nSpeaker2: Be right there.\r\nSpeaker1: OK, waiting." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is waiting for Speaker2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 sent Speaker2 the link to her beauty shop." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hi Speaker1!\r\nSpeaker1: Hi! \r\nSpeaker2: Would you like to watch the football together tonight?\r\nSpeaker1: No, not really. Not a football fan. \r\nSpeaker2: Ok! " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 wants to see a football game with Speaker1 tonight, but he is not a football fan." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is attending Portuguese theater as a subject at university. He and other students are preparing a play by Mrożek translated into Portuguese." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I'm done with the report\nSpeaker2: Where should I send it?\nSpeaker1: To Mr. Hendricks\nSpeaker3: a.hendricks@asterix.com " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is done with the report. She should send it to Mr. Hendricks at a.hendricks@asterix.com." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3, Speaker1 and Ella have been to La Perle. Speaker3 ate cheesecake and got an allergic reaction. They are getting out of ER. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hey, I've sent you an email about Christmas but please ignore it\r\nSpeaker1: OK. I was going to call Aga's parents this afternoon\r\nSpeaker2: I was going to buy the tickets but have to wait till I get a confirmation of my holidays\r\nSpeaker1: So you're not coming on 24th?\r\nSpeaker2: No, I was not going to come before Christmas. I'll come on 26th or later.\r\nSpeaker1: OK, I didn't know that\r\nSpeaker2: The kids will go before, on the 19th.\r\nSpeaker1: So they're flying with Aga's parents?\r\nSpeaker2: Yes. \r\nSpeaker1: And you're alone for Christmas???\r\nSpeaker2: I will probably see my brothers.\r\nSpeaker1: Why don't you go to Poland earlier?\r\nSpeaker2: I wish but I can't go with the kids because of my job, I could go on the 24th but they would have to pick me up in the afternoon... it's a trouble.\r\nSpeaker2: And I will have to work on 27th, probably. \r\nSpeaker1: ok, but if by any chance you can come before Christmas we can pick you up at the airport! it's not a problem\r\nSpeaker2: thank you... but I know everyone's busy on Chrismas Eve\r\nSpeaker1: Don't worry. We'll stay at home with my parents.\r\nSpeaker2: OK. I will know before next weekend.\r\nSpeaker1: Please let me know.\r\nSpeaker2: OK. Thank you. \r\nSpeaker1: Do you want me to explain anything to them?\r\nSpeaker2: No, we're fine now, thanks. Maybe I will ask you a favor when Iwona is here. We will probably need you to translate the details :)\r\nSpeaker1: OK!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will know before the weekend if he can come before Christmas or on the 26th or later. Speaker1 can pick him up at the airport if he comes before Christmas. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 invited Speaker1 to watch Netflix with him." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: wya?\r\nSpeaker2: at the entrance to the mall\r\nSpeaker1: I'm inside\r\nSpeaker2: ok, I'm also going inside, it's too cold here\r\nSpeaker3: I'll be there in 10 min\r\nSpeaker3: should we eat first?\r\nSpeaker2: Are you hungry?\r\nSpeaker3: very!\r\nSpeaker1: me too\r\nSpeaker2: I'm not hungry yet, but I could have something small\r\nSpeaker3: ok, so maybe the pizzeria inside the mall?\r\nSpeaker2: ok, i'll just take a slice and you can order whole pizzas\r\nSpeaker3: right!\r\nSpeaker1: so we will wait there for you\r\nSpeaker3: ok" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 are going to wait for Speaker3 in the pizzeria inside the mall. Speaker3 and Speaker1 are hungry. Speaker3 is going to be in 10 minutes. Speaker2 will take only one slice of pizza." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is very happy with his life, and shares this happiness with Speaker2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Would u give me ur car for tonight, plz?\r\nSpeaker1: Why? A date?\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, with Mary :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has a date with Mary tonight and he needs to borrow Speaker1's car." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "USA won last night. England is playing against Croatia tomorrow at 2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: hey, im at the airport now. where are you?\r\nSpeaker1: getting out of my cab in a second. are you at the luggage dropoff\r\nSpeaker2: yeah, theres a bit of a line. ill save a spot for you\r\nSpeaker1: thanks. be right there.\r\nSpeaker2: dont forget to lighten your bags before they weigh them. remember how u overpacked last time?\r\nSpeaker1: I should be fine this time.\r\nSpeaker2: Ok" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is at the airport standing in line at the luggage dropoff. Speaker1 is getting out of his cab and will join Speaker2 shortly. Speaker1 overpacked his luggage last time." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is still listening to the song which Code recommended. Speaker2 will come to Speaker1's home today and will give her the whole album of the same singer. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: my assistant\r\nSpeaker2: what a cutieeee\r\nSpeaker2: these photos lighten up my day 😍🤗\r\nSpeaker1: 😘" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 sends Speaker2 a photo of his assistant and she finds the assistant cute." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is coming for a drink tonight at 8 to Speaker1's place." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Dear Speaker2, just wanted to say thank you for the lift last night.\r\nSpeaker2: Morning Speaker1, my pleasure!\r\nSpeaker1: I did enjoy very much a chat with you on the way home. You are such a sensible person.\r\nSpeaker2: Thank you. You are too kind. Well, I enjoyed our small chat too.\r\nSpeaker1: What a shame we hadn't thought about swapping rides to the concert hall before.\r\nSpeaker2: We have to do it regularly in the future.\r\nSpeaker1: By all means. Parking fees have become exorbitant, haven't they?\r\nSpeaker2: Oh yes. And it takes time to find an empty spot!\r\nSpeaker1: So it is my turn next month.\r\nSpeaker2: In fact the next concert is as early as in two weeks' time. Just checked it.\r\nSpeaker1: Ooops! You're right. On the 12th of November. And a fabulous programme too!\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, I'm looking forward to it. Is it OK if I take my son along with me?\r\nSpeaker1: But of course! It will be nice to see him again.\r\nSpeaker2: Thank you, Speaker1!\r\nSpeaker1: Don't mention it. Anyway we'll phone to sort it all out just a day or two beforehand, OK?\r\nSpeaker2: We will. Now have a lovely day!\r\nSpeaker1: You too!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 agree to take turns driving each other to the concert hall. Next concert is on the 12th of November and Speaker2 will drive. She will also bring her son along. They will be in touch for details a day or two before the concert." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has found some cinnamon whiskey and sends Speaker1 photos of it. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I got my results...\nSpeaker1: And??\nSpeaker3: Negative, right?\nSpeaker2: Yes. I feel so relieved! " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 got negative results. She is relieved." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4 is trying to remove herself from an expense. Speaker3 has fixed the problem. Speaker2 will be added to the expense again later. Speaker1 will ask the people leaving early to stay in the splitwise group until the end of the month. Speaker5 will stay." ]