[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Have you heard the Queen's Christmas message?\r\nSpeaker1: I like it!\r\nSpeaker3: no, it's just horrible\r\nSpeaker2: I haven't seen nor heard it\r\nSpeaker1: Why horrible? it was beautiful, appealing for peace and so on\r\nSpeaker3: I don't like her talking religious rubbish, not everybody in this country shares her naive believes \r\nSpeaker1: maybe, but it's a Christian holiday and she's the head of the Anglican Church so it's not surprising\r\nSpeaker3: I know, but I'm just saying I don't like it\r\nSpeaker1: I think there are worse things in the world now\r\nSpeaker3: sure, but it's not making the world better either, although it could\r\nSpeaker1: I'm not convinced" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 didn't like the Queen's message during Christmas." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wrote a short review and won 2 cinema tickets on FB. Speaker1 wants Speaker2 to go with him this week for the new film with Redford." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: hi, sorry\nSpeaker1: the meeting is off\nSpeaker2: hi, what happened?\nSpeaker1: too many people can't come\nSpeaker2: 😓\nSpeaker2: i already bought train tickets\nSpeaker1: sorry\nSpeaker2: its fine, hope we will meet some other time soon\nSpeaker1: hope so too" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 won't meet, as too many people can't come." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "When Speaker1 and Speaker2 arrive, they will quickly make the pizza and get started. They need to make the base and prepare everything earlier. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: have you finished reading my book?\r\nSpeaker1: not yet \r\nSpeaker2: I see " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 hasn't finished reading Speaker2's book yet." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 sent Speaker1 a photo of man's bottom. Speaker2 made this photo in the shopping mall, on the escalator. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: <file_other>\r\nSpeaker3: Maybe you should think over you diet :Speaker1:\r\nSpeaker2: It seems like you can't do anything nowadays\r\nSpeaker2: Everything we have contact with causes cancer :(\r\nSpeaker2: Here's my opinion - life causes death\r\nSpeaker3: Seriously you shouldn't ignore this!\r\nSpeaker2: Come on. If you want to avoid cancer causing things, you should move to the jungle on a different planet and wear a space suit.\r\nSpeaker2: On this list you sent there is UV radiation causing cancer. \r\nSpeaker2: Meaning that literally the daylight can make you sick. \r\nSpeaker3: It's about long-term exposure.\r\nSpeaker2: Yup. Generally spending time outside in summer gives you cancer.\r\nSpeaker3: Speaker1on't neglect scientific reasearch.\r\nSpeaker2: I'm not. But I just think life is too short to get paranoid over everything\r\nSpeaker2: I fully support fighting with smoking in public places, convincing people to quit smoking, start diverse diet and avoid unhealthy food.\r\nSpeaker2: But I'm honestly surprised that scientist devote so much time to analyze what and how causes cancer, and there is still no certain cure for it.\r\nSpeaker2: The more we study world, the more substances we analyze, and the more we analyze the more conclusions we have.\r\nSpeaker2: So in near future we might learn that literally everything causes cancer because that's how the world was programmed \r\nSpeaker3: I'm no radical paranoic Steve I'm just saying, that if you don't have to expose yourself to additional risk, then don't do it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 warned Speaker2 about some cancer-causing part of his diet. He refuses to avoid it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is going to go back home to France for the holidays. She's going to cheer her mum up because her parents separated a few months ago. Speaker2 offers Speaker1 to spend Christmas together if she brings her mum over here. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker5: <file_other>\r\nSpeaker5: Can you click on this link and vote for my project fellows? I'd really appreciate your support!\r\nSpeaker4: Sure, done :)\r\nSpeaker3: Done, hope you win, Mat\r\nSpeaker2: you got my vote\r\nSpeaker1: Done! :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker5 asks Speaker4, Speaker2, Speaker1 and Speaker3 to vote for his project. They do it. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will bring Speaker1 some games like dixit and carcassonne." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Do you like these glasses? \nSpeaker1: <file_photo>\nSpeaker2: you look fab!\nSpeaker3: buy them!\nSpeaker1: ok" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is buying new glasses. Speaker2 and Speaker3 liked them." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker9, Speaker3, Speaker1 and Speaker5's teacher requires their class to divide into 2 groups, each making a presentation. The teacher sent them the presentation subjects via e-mail. Speaker9, Speaker3, Speaker1 and Speaker5 consider dividing the class into groups by gender. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hi guys. Do you want to come over for dinner?\nSpeaker1: Sure!\nSpeaker3: What are you cooking?\nSpeaker2: Lebanese food of course\nSpeaker2: Not sure what exactly\nSpeaker3: Tasty....\nSpeaker3: I'll be there. What time should we come?\nSpeaker2: Around 7 p.m. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker3 will come to Speaker2 for dinner. He's cooking some Lebanese food." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "There was a drill at the school today." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Can you send me Etna's financial statement?\nSpeaker2: Sure, which year?\nSpeaker1: 2017\nSpeaker2: Ok\nSpeaker1: In english please" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will send Speaker1 Etna's 2017 financial statement in English." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker3 will go to the Muse concert in Cracow." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: They raised the prices :/\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah, saw it, just got the notification from the bank\r\nSpeaker1: But are they allowed to do it?\r\nSpeaker2: I'm not sure, I have to have a look at the contract, but it doesn't seem all right to change the prices in the middle\r\nSpeaker1: I think the same. I'll contact the manager\r\nSpeaker1: He said that if we don't agree to the new price list we can end the contract, but they're not going to lower them...\r\nSpeaker2: Damn, not really fair in my opinion\r\nSpeaker1: No, not really. I was looking for a different gym, but all of them are too far away\r\nSpeaker2: I have the same problem, I'd love to show them they can fuck off with those prices, but I'd probably spend the same commuting further away\r\nSpeaker2: I think I'll stay, but if they raise the prices once again I simply won't be able to afford it ;/\r\nSpeaker1: Same here, man. I don't get why they're doing it as more people are coming, they should have higher revenue anyway\r\nSpeaker2: Greed man\r\nSpeaker1: Pity, I liked the place. I will think about changing, I'll do it if I find something closer to work perhaps\r\nSpeaker2: Lucky you, I'm pretty much stuck with this one. I hope a new one will open soon enough" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 are unhappy with the increase in prices at their gym. Speaker1 is going to try to find something closer to work, whereas Speaker2 will stick to this gym as long as the prices won't increase once again." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is going to San Sebastian in a month. Speaker1 enjoyed her the airbnb place there. Speaker2 isn't convinced about it and will let Speaker1 know." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: how are you today?\r\nSpeaker2: a bit better but still at home. Maia is sick too :(\r\nSpeaker1: oh... so sorry... does she have fever?\r\nSpeaker2: not now but she had 39C at night\r\nSpeaker1: do you need anything? I could ask Mike to get you some groceries or anything you need.\r\nSpeaker2: no, thanks, we have all we need. Peter is coming back this afternoon so he'll take care of us.\r\nSpeaker2: I couldn't sleep last night, Im so tired of coughing :(\r\nSpeaker1: :( if only I could help....\r\nSpeaker2: don't worry. how's your work?\r\nSpeaker1: well nothing new. still hate it :)\r\nSpeaker2: we need to have a serious talk when I get better young lady!\r\nSpeaker1: I know... I just don't know how to start. but I feel sick every morning :(\r\nSpeaker2: update your linkedin profile!!!\r\nSpeaker1: I will... I promise!\r\nSpeaker2: don't promise anything to me, promise to yourself! \r\nSpeaker1: I think I just can't believe I could find anything better...\r\nSpeaker2: well... it's hard to find anything worse, that's for sure..." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Maia are sick. Maia had 39C fever at night and Speaker2 couldn't sleep because of coughing. Speaker1 offers Mike's help, but Speaker2 declines, as Peter is coming back this afternoon to take care of them. Speaker1 hates her job. She will update her linkedin profile and start looking for a new one." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 make fun of Fergie's performance of the national anthem." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Have you got plans for the New Year's eve?\r\nSpeaker1: No, not yet. \r\nSpeaker2: Friends are throwing a house party, would you like to come with me?\r\nSpeaker1: Sure, why not! :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will come with Speaker2 to his friends' house party for New Year's Eve." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 called Speaker3. She is at work. Her cell's battery's low. She will cal Speaker1 later in the evening or tomorrow after 9 am." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: When it this stupid biology assignment due again?\r\nSpeaker2: Monday\r\nSpeaker1: Fuck! That's like tomorrow!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The biology assignment is due on Monday, which Speaker1 is not happy about." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has sewn a dress." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Bring my PINK SWEATER!!\r\nSpeaker1: Ok, but I was hoping to keep it for a little longer :)\r\nSpeaker2: No way, you've had it for the past week. I need it back!\r\nSpeaker1: Ok, ok.\r\nSpeaker2: Thanks, see ya." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will give Speaker2 her pink sweater back." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 find the current president ignorant and incompetent. They hope he gets voted out. Speaker2 is going to see what possibilities there are of volunteering in the upcoming elections." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Wya?\r\nSpeaker1: College Green\r\nSpeaker2: stay there, I'll pick you up\r\nSpeaker1: <3" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will pick Speaker1 from College Green." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 will help Speaker1 buy a flight ticket as she doesn't have a credit card and doesn’t want to use Peter's now. Speaker3 needs the flight, company and your personal data." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: yeaaahhhh 😊😊😊😊😊😊\r\nSpeaker4: sorry fot ignoring :/ I was watching serie 😊\r\nSpeaker3: Series? Ok I forgive you because Series I know that :Speaker2:Speaker2:Speaker2\r\nSpeaker4: Speaker1uuh SERIEs are LIFE :Speaker1:Speaker1:Speaker1:Speaker1\r\nSpeaker3: Yeaaah :Speaker1 lol\r\nSpeaker4: And I can’t watch more episodes ☹☹☹\r\nSpeaker4: I used all my points in one website and I don’t have any more :/\r\nSpeaker3: You must go to next website 😊\r\nSpeaker4: My friend gave me his account but actually there’s only one point left so I can watch only one episode ☹:/" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4 ignored Speaker3 because she was watching series. She used up all of her points and cannot watch it anymore. Her friend shared his account with her. Now she can watch one episode more. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 wants to meet Speaker1 in real life. Speaker1 doesn't like Speaker2's insisting so she won't to talk to him at all." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker4: We're leaving for the conference right now\r\nSpeaker1: who's we?\r\nSpeaker3: exactly, this chat is a mess\r\nSpeaker4: me, Ann, Speaker2\r\nSpeaker2: Jen, you're a mess not the chat\r\nSpeaker3: it's a good point\r\nSpeaker3: I'm really a mess today, I haven't even arrived in Boston yet\r\nSpeaker4: but it's starting in an hour\r\nSpeaker3: I know, I'll be late, I'm on the highway from Hartford \r\nSpeaker1: ok, be careful and let us know when you're at Marriott\r\nSpeaker3: I will\r\nSpeaker4: so is anybody already at the hotel?\r\nSpeaker1: I'm working at the registration so i've been here since 7.30am\r\nSpeaker4: perfect\r\nSpeaker4: will they organise some food?\r\nSpeaker1: not really, we have to go to town for lunch\r\nSpeaker4: how crap\r\nSpeaker1: we can wait for Speaker3 and eat sth together\r\nSpeaker4: great idea, we will meet at the hotel, see you soon" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4, Speaker1, Jennifer, Speaker2 and Ann are attending a conference which starts in an hour. Jennifer is going to be late. Everybody is going to wait for her at the Marriott hotel and eat something together. Speaker1 is already at the hotel working at the registration." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "A person was beaten and mugged on campus and had to be hospitalised. The attacker wore a mask. An official statement will be released, along with a newspaper article. Speaker1 and Speaker3 think the campus security is subpar, even though there are cameras around." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Welcome to all the participants of our sailing course. I will be your instructor. We meet on Monday, 6 p.m. in room 12. \r\nSpeaker3: Hello! Do I need to wear a specific type of clothes? I'll be coming straight from work, so I'd like to know beforehand if I need to pack something to change into.\r\nSpeaker1: Hello, Speaker3. The first lesson will be purely theoretical, so you don't need any special gear.\r\nSpeaker2: Will it be okay if I bring my son with me? I've got no one to leave him with. He's six y.o. and he can be quiet when told to behave.\r\nSpeaker1: Of course.\r\nSpeaker2: Thank you!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is an instructor of the sailing course. The meeting with participants is on Monday, 6 p.m. in room 12. Speaker3 and Speaker2 ask him about organisational matters." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 applied for an accounting position at Pandora. Speaker3 has been working there for 5 years. This job offers a clear career path and benefits. Speaker3 got promoted twice with salary increase. Speaker1 will have an interview on Monday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: hey i need the name of the hairdresser you mentioned today :)\r\nSpeaker1: pretty please ^^\r\nSpeaker2: sure :) Barber Shop\r\nSpeaker2: the guy that did my hair - Jake\r\nSpeaker1: you bleached your hair there, right?\r\nSpeaker2: noooo :D\r\nSpeaker1: haha ok and what is the name of that one? :D\r\nSpeaker2: shit, i forgot\r\nSpeaker2: wait wait\r\nSpeaker2: got it - Hair Point\r\nSpeaker1: thanks a bunch :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 was at the hairdresser called Barber Shop, her hair was done by Jake. The hairdresser where she bleached her hair is called Hair Point." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is in the park. He is leaving now." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Speaker2, congratulations for your wedding!!! I saw your pictures and i'm impressed!!! :)\r\nSpeaker2: Thank you, Speaker1 :) I wish you were here with us!\r\nSpeaker1: I was all the time with U, guys :) In my mind :) You 2 were in my heart :)\r\nSpeaker2: I hope to see U soon! Miss U!!!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 congratulated Speaker2 on her wedding." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Todays results show that Speaker3 and Speaker2 got into Stanford University, Speaker1 did not. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hello my dear, how's your summer this year? One hears about awful heat waves in Australia.\r\nSpeaker2: Not so bad here! Maybe slightly warmer than average but rarely above 30. Very pleasant indeed.\r\nSpeaker2: If you were staying with us, I image you'd be in the pool all the time.\r\nSpeaker1: Sure I would. Are you?\r\nSpeaker2: No. You know me.\r\nSpeaker2: Bill saw the ENT doc today. He will have an MRI scan soon to determine if he has growths on the ear nerves.\r\nSpeaker1: What?! What does it mean?\r\nSpeaker1: Any suspicion of spreading????\r\nSpeaker2: No, the doc says these are usually benign.\r\nSpeaker1: Thank goodness for that.\r\nSpeaker2: And slow growing, but the damage to the nerve is the issue.\r\nSpeaker1: Has he got any hearing problems?\r\nSpeaker2: I'm frustrated because everything Bill has suffered from, I've asked him to seek medical attention and he's declined. So he's suffering now (and am I) from lack of preventive care.\r\nSpeaker1: Typical male. Thomas is not different.\r\nSpeaker1: Of course the partner suffers along, sometimes even more.\r\nSpeaker2: So true...\r\nSpeaker2: It's bad Speaker1. We cannot hold a decent conversation. He can no longer watch television.\r\nSpeaker1: That really sounds awful. So sorry for you.\r\nSpeaker1: And what about hearing aids? Also refused??\r\nSpeaker1: But he loved television so much!\r\nSpeaker2: Another challenge to deal with.\r\nSpeaker2: Hearing aid will come once the cause of deafness is diagnosed.\r\nSpeaker1: My mother in law had a pair of earplugs connected to the TV set via Bluetooth, so she could walk around her room and still hear tv.\r\nSpeaker1: I mean the technology is there to grab it.\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, that's a fantastic option.\r\nSpeaker2: We'll go that route soon I'm sure.\r\nSpeaker1: You are a very brave and strong woman Theresa!\r\nSpeaker2: Thank you dear. I know I'm strong. And that keeps us both going.\r\nSpeaker1: Lucky Bill to have you!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "There are heatwaves in Australia. It's over 30 degrees where Speaker2 stays. Bill will have an MRI scan soon. He declined to look for medical help before. Bill can't hear properly." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 called a person that did not pick up." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Ready for my flight! 4 am!!! coffee urgently needed!\r\nSpeaker2: Have a safe flight!\r\nSpeaker3: enjoy your trip! x\r\nSpeaker5: safe journey!\r\nSpeaker4: keep us updated! xxx" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is ready for his early morning flight. Speaker2, Speaker3, Speaker5 and Speaker4 all hope it's going to be fine." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 sent Speaker2 Bristol Stool Scale. Speaker1 was expecting a pic of Speaker2's poop. Speaker2 had a nice poop this morning but isn't willing to send a pic. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hi darling :* How do you feel?\r\nSpeaker2: Well, still not ok :( I didn’t feel good all last night. My whole body hurts :(\r\nSpeaker1: I think it might be a flu.\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah, it can be that.\r\nSpeaker1: My poor baby :(\r\nSpeaker2: :(\r\nSpeaker1: get better soon honey :*\r\nSpeaker2: Thanks :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has the flu." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 didn't do well this semester because he didn't study much. He played a lot fo StarCraft. Speaker2 did well thanks to paying attention in class" ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hey, you can kiss my ass!\r\nSpeaker2: What? \r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, for that little stunt you pulled at school today.\r\nSpeaker2: I'm sorry, I had no choice.\r\nSpeaker1: There's always a choice! You could have stood by my side!\r\nSpeaker2: :( \r\nSpeaker1: I've never been so humiliated in my whole life!! Now I don't even want to show up at school.\r\nSpeaker2: No one saw it.\r\nSpeaker1: What do you mean? I felt like the whole school was looking at me, certainly our whole class!\r\nSpeaker2: I'm really sorry, it was stupid. If it's any consolation, I'll say it was my fault.\r\nSpeaker1: Well, that would be a start, but it still won't undo everything.\r\nSpeaker2: I know, but I promise, I'll make it up to you somehow. For starters, let me take you out for ice cream.\r\nSpeaker1: I'll be around 7eleven at 12.\r\nSpeaker2: :) You'll see, it'll be ok, I promise.\r\nSpeaker1: Bye" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 feels humiliated by the behaviour of Speaker2 at the school. Speaker2 promises to make up for it, she invites Speaker1 for ice cream. Speaker1 will be around 7eleven at 12." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 needs help with the PC. On Speaker1's advice, she will contact Cynthia or Elena as they might know someone. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: tell grace im not comin 2day\r\nSpeaker1: ru ok?\r\nSpeaker2: marge, would u miss?\r\nSpeaker3: ill tell u l8r and call grace 2moro. have fun" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 is not able to come today. She will call Grace tomorrow. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 saw a very good football game, with one football player chopping the ball back to his foot, which was particularly exciting. Jose has trust in that player. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Did you see my car, bro?\r\nSpeaker2: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker2: It's my first car ever! And I love it! :)\r\nSpeaker1: Grats, bro!\r\nSpeaker1: It looks awesome, I have to see it with my own eyes!\r\nSpeaker2: Are you home?\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah\r\nSpeaker2: Look out of the kitchen window :)\r\nSpeaker1: No shit :D\r\nSpeaker1: Wait, I'm coming!\r\nSpeaker2: Waiting :D" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has bought his first car and shows it to Speaker1." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 finds Mr Linda's voice monotonous. Speaker2 fell asleep during the lecture. Speaker1 reckons it's a waste of time. They are going to meet near the university and go somewhere else instead. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Oh c'mon! A series about a chick, love of two guys, but about vampires?\r\nSpeaker3: So? It's also a bit futuristic! It all starts 2 yrs after a company invented fake blood and vampires decided to coexist with humans!\r\nSpeaker2: B3. Still, something for chicks. Real men watch GoT!\r\nSpeaker3: GoT?\r\nSpeaker2: Game of Thrones! Haven't you heard about it?\r\nSpeaker3: No...\r\nSpeaker2: Srsly?\r\nSpeaker3: Yeah... What is it about?\r\nSpeaker2: Oh man! You HAVE TO watch it! This is THE series! Like OF ALL TIME!\r\nSpeaker3: Is it that good?\r\nSpeaker2: Even better!\r\nSpeaker3: So, what is it about?\r\nSpeaker2: Well, it has love affairs, fights, power struggles, plot twists and fantastic creatures. Like EVERYTHING!\r\nSpeaker3: Sounds like something I'd like.\r\nSpeaker2: Do you know G.R.R. Martin?\r\nSpeaker3: No. Who's he?\r\nSpeaker2: The author of the books the series is based on.\r\nSpeaker3: Oh...\r\nSpeaker2: NM. You have to watch it! Like now if you have nothing else to do. \r\nSpeaker3: OK. Stop pestering me :P\r\nSpeaker2: Tell me what u think after the 1st episode :)\r\nSpeaker3: Will do ;) do you know where I can watch it online?\r\nSpeaker2: Sure. Speaker1: <file_other>\r\nSpeaker3: Thanks!\r\nSpeaker2: You're welcome :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 hasn't heard about Game of Thrones. Speaker2 recommended watching it. George R.R. Martin is the author of the books the series is based on. Speaker2 sent Speaker3 the link where he can watch the series." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Helen are in Cancun. They're flying to Havana in two days. Speaker3 and Speaker2 will talk on Skype at 3 PM in Mexico." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hi there!\r\nSpeaker1: yo!\r\nSpeaker2: Do you have any plans for tomorrow?\r\nSpeaker1: nothing that I'm aware off\r\nSpeaker1: why?\r\nSpeaker2: Need to get out so I was thinking we could hit the pub and watch a game or something\r\nSpeaker1: something happened?\r\nSpeaker2: Why?\r\nSpeaker1: you never liked pubs and I don't recall the last time you proposed something like that\r\nSpeaker2: Times change?\r\nSpeaker1: that's more like you!\r\nSpeaker1: avoiding answers you're not comfortable with\r\nSpeaker2: Geez Ty, I think I just started to regret asking you...\r\nSpeaker1: you know that is what friends are for\r\nSpeaker2: Annoy the crap out of me?\r\nSpeaker1: whatever you need!\r\nSpeaker2: So what about tomorrow?\r\nSpeaker1: sure I can go\r\nSpeaker1: what game do you want to watch?\r\nSpeaker2: Arsenal is playing tomorrow so I guess they'll broadcast it\r\nSpeaker2: If not we'll just catch whatever it's on\r\nSpeaker1: sounds like a plan\r\nSpeaker1: let me know tomorrow where we're supposed to meet and at what time\r\nSpeaker2: Will do." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 will go to a pub and watch a football match tomorrow." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1's afraid of Speaker2's dog so he should keep it away." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: where are you gonna spend christmas eve this year?\r\nSpeaker1: I don't know yet\r\nSpeaker1: I feel like staying in the city this year\r\nSpeaker2: really? not visiting your mum and dad?\r\nSpeaker1: Last christmas it was so crowded that I was honestly exhausted afterwards\r\nSpeaker1: I don't know I feel like having sushi with my friends or sth\r\nSpeaker2: Sounds nice. Count me in if you plan to have sushi on boxing day :)\r\nSpeaker1: :))" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants to stay in the city for Christmas instead of visiting mum and dad. He might have sushi with friends. Speaker2 wants to join them on Boxing Day." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 wants to organise a board games night for his colleagues. Speaker1 has some good ideas and tips on where to start. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker3: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD\r\nSpeaker2: nigga dayum these brows live their own life :O\r\nSpeaker2: where did you find this xDDDDDDDDD\r\nSpeaker3: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker3: me everyday\r\nSpeaker1: hahahhahahah i'm out\r\nSpeaker1: ey, any homework for tomorrow?\r\nSpeaker3: nope\r\nSpeaker3: but we're having a test with this fancy dude\r\nSpeaker2: nigga whaaaaaaaaaat\r\nSpeaker2: what test what dude whaaaaaaaat :////////////\r\nSpeaker3: typology, chapter 1 and 2\r\nSpeaker1: jesus...now i remember" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2, Speaker3 and Speaker1 are having a typology test tomorrow." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker3 will go to the Muse concert in Cracow." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: How’s your new yoga classes? \r\nSpeaker1: It’s great! I wasn’t sure at first 1.5 h you know..\r\nSpeaker2: 1.5 h?! OMG!\r\nSpeaker1: You should come with me next time.\r\nSpeaker2: No thanks. It's not really my thing I would be bored as hell!\r\nSpeaker1: I thought so too depends on your instructor. You gonna feel so much better afterwards you'll see!\r\nSpeaker2: I'll think about it and let you know.\r\nSpeaker1: Seriously think it though. It could help with your sleep issues.\r\nSpeaker2: I’d rather do some cardio to burn some fat off my bum ha ha!\r\nSpeaker1: First part of the practice isn’t that easy believe me! \r\nSpeaker2: Isn’t it about sitting on your mat meditating? \r\nSpeaker1: Definitely not! Yoga is supposed to be good for both your body and your mind. You’ll see the difference after first classes. \r\nSpeaker2: Fine you convinced me. I’ll give it a go! Do I need a mat?\r\nSpeaker1: They’ll give you one or I can borrow you one of mine I’ve got two.\r\nSpeaker2: I’d rather borrow one from you ha ha! So when’s your next classes?\r\nSpeaker1: Thursday at 6.\r\nSpeaker2: In the evening i hope?!\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah don’t worry. They’ve got classes in the morning but i can’t force myself to get up so early. \r\nSpeaker2: Neither do i. So evening practice it is.\r\nSpeaker1: You won’t regret it. I’ll bring the mats. Just put on some comfy clothes.\r\nSpeaker2: a pair of leggings and a t-shirt will do? \r\nSpeaker1: definitely! Whatever you feel comfy in. I wear harem pants and a loose fitting long sleeved top.\r\nSpeaker2: Ok. See you on Thursday then! \r\nSpeaker1: So glad we’re gonna go there together :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 goes to new yoga classes. Speaker2 agreed to join her. Speaker1 will lend her a mat as she has two. The next class is on Thursday at 6 pm." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 was supposed to come home by 4 but she got a detention. The school was supposed to inform her parents about it, but didn't do it. Speaker2 is coming back home. Speaker1 will be home in 40 minutes. She will call Speaker2 then. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: hi, have a question\r\nSpeaker1: what was the title of that song that you've mentioned today?\r\nSpeaker3: In the air??\r\nSpeaker3: Phil Collins\r\nSpeaker2: Exactly" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "\"In the air\" by Phil Collins is the song that Speaker3 mentioned today." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 want to grab some Chinese at 8." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Dad is making chicken wings tonight, you coming over?\r\nSpeaker1: Hell, yes!\r\nSpeaker2: The wings are calling!\r\nSpeaker1: Oh yeah..." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 are having Dad's chicken wings tonight." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 started jogging again. He performed better than expected. Speaker1 can't jog now because of his heart medication effects but he recalls that when playing football in the past, he also performed very well after a break." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hey 🙂\nSpeaker1: Long time no see\nSpeaker2: Hey there 🙂\nSpeaker1: How's it going?\nSpeaker2: All good, working.\nSpeaker1: Sorry to bother you\nSpeaker2: It's fine 😄\nSpeaker2: I need a little break\nSpeaker2: What's new?\nSpeaker1: I just came back from India.\nSpeaker2: Tell me everything! 😀\nSpeaker1: Are you free anytime this week?\nSpeaker1: I'm leaving on January 19th\nSpeaker2: I will find some time to meet you\nSpeaker2: I am usually free on Tuesday and Friday evenings 😀\nSpeaker1: Tuesday works for me.\nSpeaker1: How about dinner?\nSpeaker2: Nah, dinner is about eating.\nSpeaker1: True, and we want to talk 😉\nSpeaker2: Let's meet at Costa next to the shopping mall\nSpeaker1: Around 7pm?\nSpeaker2: Sure\nSpeaker1: Or maybe 6? I have a lot of things that I want to tell you!\nSpeaker2: Okay, sounds perfect!\nSpeaker1: See you there!\nSpeaker2: See ya!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 came back from India. Speaker1 and Speaker2 will meet at Costa at 6 pm on Tuesday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 asked Ethan to insult Speaker2 out of jealousy." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: So you going to Australia?\r\nSpeaker2: yes\r\nSpeaker2: For summer \r\nSpeaker1: Nice\r\nSpeaker2: Any recommendations? \r\nSpeaker1: I liked Sydney a lot\r\nSpeaker1: Urulu was great\r\nSpeaker2: Did you fly to Uluru\r\nSpeaker1: I did :) \r\nSpeaker1: From Sydney\r\nSpeaker2: To Alice Springs?\r\nSpeaker1: Yes exactly\r\nSpeaker1: Qantas Link flies there\r\nSpeaker2: How much did you pay?\r\nSpeaker2: RT\r\nSpeaker1: Round trip\r\nSpeaker1: Like 300$ \r\nSpeaker2: Not too bad!\r\nSpeaker1: It was a little bit less than that\r\nSpeaker2: AUS dollars?\r\nSpeaker1: Canadian dollars!\r\nSpeaker2: Wow ok I will look into that" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is going to spend summer in Australia. Speaker1 liked Sydney and Urulu a lot. The round trip with QantasLink airline cost her up to 300 Canadian dollars." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will compete in championship this year. Speaker1 can't miss this event. Speaker2 will register his family members as VIP." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Why don’t you give me a chance?\r\nSpeaker2: You’re not my type Speaker1\r\nSpeaker1: And who is your type?\r\nSpeaker2: Definitely not you\r\nSpeaker1: ☹\r\nSpeaker1: Ok \r\nSpeaker1: Got it " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 won't give Speaker1 a chance as he's not her type." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will be about 10 minutes late. Speaker1 is waiting at the left entrance and they are going to attend a meeting. This might be the last opportunity for Speaker2 and Speaker1 to get through to them." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: i came back to baking bread\nSpeaker3: mmmmmmmmmmmm i just love teh smell of it\nSpeaker2: oohh i so envy you \nSpeaker3: u should, it's amazing\nSpeaker2: how do u make it anyway?\nSpeaker3: wholemeal flower \nSpeaker3: rye and wheat, both\nSpeaker2: ok and yeast?\nSpeaker3: no, sour dough\nSpeaker2: and you prepare it yourself too?\nSpeaker3: yep\nSpeaker2: it is time consuming?\nSpeaker3: time yes, but you don't really need to do a lot, just mix and wait \nSpeaker2: so how long?\nSpeaker3: the sour dough itself takes 5+ days\nSpeaker2: whaaaaaaaaaaaa\nSpeaker3: :D\nSpeaker2: so if i run out of bread today and i want to have sth for supper then forget it\nSpeaker3: if u don't have the dough then sorry but you can store it in the fridge\nSpeaker2: what?\nSpeaker3: it's complicated. Speaker1:D\nSpeaker2: haha ok. but i don't think i will make it anyway.\nSpeaker2: just curious\nSpeaker3: ok, up to you ;)\nSpeaker2: i guess i'll come anyway to eat some of it ;D\nSpeaker3: sure :D \nSpeaker2: ok i'll be there tonight\nSpeaker3: ok i'll be home \nSpeaker2: ok see u" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 has taken up baking bread. Speaker2 is going to visit him later tonight to try some bread and learn the recipe." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 urges Speaker1 to follow her on Instagram and she obliges." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: did you get home ok?\r\nSpeaker2: wet but ok, you?\r\nSpeaker1: matthew picked me up as he was in town anyway\r\nSpeaker3: we waited for a bit but took a taxi in the end!\r\nSpeaker2: clever!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 got back with matthew because he was in town." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will watch the serious recommended by Speaker2 at the weekend." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Hi Speaker1, how are you going?\r\nSpeaker1: Fine. How is Paris?\r\nSpeaker3: as usual... but we should come next week for holidays.\r\nSpeaker1: you'll enjoy the fresh air. Weather is quite nice right now.\r\nSpeaker3: hope so. In Paris it's dreadful. Wind and rain. And cold\r\nSpeaker1: here too it's a bit cold. But it's winter!\r\nSpeaker3: do you think you could go and open the house for us?\r\nSpeaker1: of course. And put the heater on?\r\nSpeaker3: put the heater on, yes. You would be so kind.\r\nSpeaker1: it's not a big deal. Neighbors may help each other. What do you want me do to?\r\nSpeaker3: just put the heater on. It's quite simple. There is all instructions down in the cellar.\r\nSpeaker1: Hi Speaker3. I went to your place yesterday, but i didn't manage to put it on. The boiler doesn't start. I checked but didn't find anything wrong.\r\nSpeaker3: oh... too bad. I'll call our plumber.\r\nSpeaker3: Speaker1, my plumber is ok to come tomorrow evening. Will you be home to give him keys?\r\nSpeaker1: No, i'll be at my club till 9pm. Could he come next morning?\r\nSpeaker3: i'll ask him\r\nSpeaker3: Hi Speaker1. it'Speaker2:30am\r\nSpeaker1: fine. I'll offer him a cup of coffee.\r\nSpeaker3: you're such a good guy. Thank you so much for your help.\r\nSpeaker1: with pleasure... it'll cost you a good bottle!\r\nSpeaker3: for sure.\r\nSpeaker1: i'm kidding. Happy to give a hand. See you next week\r\nSpeaker3: see you next week. Say hello to Audrey." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 is in Paris, the weather is windy and rainy. He will come next week for holidays. Speaker1, his neighbor will open the house and switch on the heater. The instructions are in the cellar. Speaker1 didn't manage to switch on the boiler. Speaker3's plumber will come the day after tomorrow at 7:30 am." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2, Speaker1 and Speaker3 will go for a beer." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: what do you think about this?\r\nSpeaker3: I think it's too shiny, but it's only my opinion\r\nSpeaker2: yes, I agree with Speaker3, too many diamonds, it's almost dazzling\r\nSpeaker1: shit....I wanted a new bag and I found this, but now I see what you're talking about\r\nSpeaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: and this one?\r\nSpeaker3: much better\r\nSpeaker2: yep, I like it. how much is it?\r\nSpeaker1: 20$\r\nSpeaker2: really? take it!!!\r\nSpeaker3: pretty" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants to buy a new bag. Lidsay and Speaker2 advise her to take the one which costs 20$." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 should be free by 8. Speaker1 wants her to call him." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Wanna hang out this weekend?\r\nSpeaker3: I wish I could, I have to work ...\r\nSpeaker1: What a shame ...\r\nSpeaker3: I know, you don't have to tell me\r\nSpeaker2: Hey you, I want to do something this weekend\r\nSpeaker1: Do you have anything in mind?\r\nSpeaker2: Since Speaker3 can't make it how about a flick chic and cocktails?\r\nSpeaker1: Great! Girls night\r\nSpeaker3: Enjoy ;)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 will work this weekend, but Speaker1 and Speaker2 will meet for a girls night with coctails." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Jessica posts a lot regarding subjects she does nothing about in reality. Speaker1 posts in a more genuine way. But Hillary thinks she does it to death and lacks real life." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hey, want to join us?\r\nSpeaker2: I am broke ;)\r\nSpeaker2: Saving for my trip in May\r\nSpeaker1: Where to?\r\nSpeaker2: Spain" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Irene won't join Speaker1 and his companions as she is saving money for a trip to Spain in May." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will be home for lunch in about 20 minutes." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I'm afraid I may be pregnant...\r\nSpeaker1: Omg, have you did the test? :o\r\nSpeaker2: Yes :( and my period's late\r\nSpeaker2: What should I do?\r\nSpeaker1: Is it Peter's? Have you talked to him?\r\nSpeaker2: Not yet, I don't want to have a baby yet ;/\r\nSpeaker1: I'm so sorry Speaker2... But you know that those test can be wrong, you should go to a doctor\r\nSpeaker2: Would you come with me?\r\nSpeaker2: And please please don't tell Peter!\r\nSpeaker1: What if you are pregnant?\r\nSpeaker2: I don't know, I really don't know :(" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 may be pregnant. She doesn't want to have a baby yet. She asks Speaker1 not to tell Peter about it and to go to the doctor with her. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2's favourite dinosaur when she was little was the Triceratops." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Going out this weekend?\r\nSpeaker1: Yes - meeting the girls at Thunder. U?\r\nSpeaker2: Nope. No invites and I was bad last weekend.\r\nSpeaker1: Oh! How bad?\r\nSpeaker2: I didn't work out, just sat around and drank like a slug.\r\nSpeaker1: Yikes...\r\nSpeaker2: I know. Bad.\r\nSpeaker1: No, sounds like me every weekend!\r\nSpeaker2: For me, it was bad.\r\nSpeaker1: You are good!\r\nSpeaker2: I try! But anyway, feel like going out but nobody invited me. Wah.\r\nSpeaker1: Sorry, bud. I would but its kind of a girls night.\r\nSpeaker2: I get it.\r\nSpeaker1: Maybe next weekend?\r\nSpeaker2: Sure! Maybe see a film? Have some food?\r\nSpeaker1: Sounds perfect. \r\nSpeaker2: Okay, will text you.\r\nSpeaker1: Have a good one!\r\nSpeaker2: You 2!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is going out with her girls this weekend. Speaker2 wants to go out but nobody invited him. Speaker2 will text Speaker1 about going out next weekend. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will read Speaker1's 12 page article that he spent 2 weeks writing." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Should we prepare some food for tomorrow evening?\r\nSpeaker1: I brought a lot of good food from Poland\r\nSpeaker3: by car?\r\nSpeaker1: yes, it's very good, really, a few kgs of sausages and a thing called \"kaszanka\", it's just delicious\r\nSpeaker2: what is it? meat?\r\nSpeaker1: it's a blood sausage, my mother prepares is at home\r\nSpeaker2: gosh, Jan, it's a bit gross \r\nSpeaker1: why? it's fresh meat\r\nSpeaker2: you had it in your car for 2 days, let's just leave it\r\nSpeaker1: you're so annoying Western boring people, as you wish. More for myself :P" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3, Speaker1 and Speaker2 are meeting tomorrow. Speaker1 brought some sausages and kaszanka from Poland, but Speaker2 doesn't want to eat it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3, Speaker5, Speaker1, Speaker7, Speaker6, Speaker9, Speaker2, Speaker8 and Speaker4 are watching different shows on Netflix." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker4: Girls, I need your opinion.\r\nSpeaker2: Sure, what's the matter?\r\nSpeaker4: I got this new dress for the Christmas Party at the office, but my sis says it's too revealing ;(\r\nSpeaker1: Martha is probably just jealous, cause you're the one who's got the looks :P\r\nSpeaker3: Come on, show us some pics!\r\nSpeaker4: <file_photo> Sorry for the toilet in the background, but this is my best mirror :D\r\nSpeaker1: You look lovely!\r\nSpeaker2: Even with the toilet behind you! XD\r\nSpeaker4: Thank you! ♥\r\nSpeaker3: Though it is a bit revealing, to tell you the truth.\r\nSpeaker1: But it looks great on her!\r\nSpeaker2: And it's totally awesome!\r\nSpeaker3: It does and it is ;) But that wasn't the point of Maggie's question, was it?\r\nSpeaker4: Right. I mean, I already love this dress, but I don't want to look like a slut. My boss and his wife are going to be there. Maybe I should just save it for our New Year's Eve party?\r\nSpeaker3: Might be a good idea ;)\r\nSpeaker1: Come on, she doesn't look like a slut!\r\nSpeaker3: Hey, I never said she does! \r\nSpeaker2: Girls, I think Speaker3 might have a point. If my husband's assistant came looking like THAT, I'd be jealous as hell :P\r\nSpeaker4: LOL, I'll take that as a compliment.\r\nSpeaker2: XDDD But seriously, if you want to get promoted, better don't make that woman angry by looking better than her.\r\nSpeaker1: Okay, how about that green dress we bought together last month? It really brings out your eyes.\r\nSpeaker4: Yeah, I'm considering this one too. And it's long enough for the Christmas Party, isn't it? :D\r\nSpeaker1: It definitely is! XD" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4's sister said that her dress for the office Christmas Party is too revealing. Her boss and his wife are going to be there. She considers wearing another dress." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 and Speaker5 enjoyed the Italian evening. Speaker1 chose a great place. Speaker2 hasn't been to the new restaurant. They all want a Korean evening on Wednesday in two weeks time." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Have you beaten the game yet?\nSpeaker1: Not yet\nSpeaker2: Ok... what mission are you playing?\nSpeaker1: The one before the final one, it's pretty hard\nSpeaker2: I didn't find it particularly hard\nSpeaker1: I mean, combat is easy at this point in the game but the puzzles are difficult\nSpeaker2: Ok, I got it\nSpeaker1: It's fun how most horror action games let you get really powerful by the end of the story\nSpeaker2: Well, you know, being a pussy from start to finish ain't my idea of fun even in a horror game\nSpeaker1: I know... but do you remember Bioshock? You turned into some sort of superhero and the final boss was pretty much a joke\nSpeaker2: Don't you dare talk like that about my favorite game\nSpeaker1: I know, I love it too, but it had its flaws\nSpeaker2: No it didn't XD\nSpeaker1: Lol\nSpeaker2: Well, keep playing\nSpeaker1: I'll let you know when I finish this one and my overall impressions\nSpeaker2: Ok" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will contact Speaker2 after finishing new horror action game." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 will meet spontaneously in 15 minutes." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Just landed :)\r\nSpeaker2: Great!\r\nSpeaker2: On which airport have you just landed? \r\nSpeaker2: I mean what's the name of it?\r\nSpeaker1: Krakow\r\nSpeaker2: Ok, thanks\r\nSpeaker1: No problem\r\nSpeaker1: I think your teacher is collecting us\r\nSpeaker2: Cool then\r\nSpeaker1: I can be very shy when I first meet people\r\nSpeaker1: so please don't be afraid to make conversation and get me to talk\r\nSpeaker1: I should be fine after a few minutes\r\nSpeaker2: Ye sure no problem\r\nSpeaker2: I will take that\r\nSpeaker2: Are you tired after the flight?\r\nSpeaker2: I mean that I don't know if you want to to sth tonight or prefer just to go straight to bed?\r\nSpeaker1: No, I'm not tired. \r\nSpeaker1: I think it will be tomorrow when the journey hits me.\r\nSpeaker2: Yee, maybe\r\nSpeaker2: Do you know how far from the hotel are you now?\r\nSpeaker1: Beata said we're just passin \"the teletubbies\" houses\r\nSpeaker1: if you know where it is\r\nSpeaker2: I don't know what these are XD But we are on the way to the hotel\r\nSpeaker1: See you there!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is on the way from the Krakow airport to the hotel." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "On the following week, Speaker1 will get her time off from Monday to Wednesday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Will you bring in the report Steve gave on emerging trends?\r\nSpeaker2: Sure, right away.\r\nSpeaker1: And a coffee?\r\nSpeaker2: Already got it!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will bring Speaker1 Steve's report on emerging trends and a coffee." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 hasn't seen Speaker2's mum for 4 months in the club. Speaker2's mum has been suffering from knee pain for 5 years. Speaker2's mum stays at home following doctor's advice. Speaker2 will pass Speaker1's wishes to his mother." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hi, where are you?\r\nSpeaker1: Hi. M5\r\nSpeaker2: Having a break?\r\nSpeaker1: Yes. A quick lunch and I hit the road again.\r\nSpeaker2: No problems so far?\r\nSpeaker1: Well, I can't say it's been that easy, but we'll talk about it in the office.\r\nSpeaker2: Ok\r\nSpeaker2: Any hints?\r\nSpeaker1: Price vs quality\r\nSpeaker2: Get it.\r\nSpeaker1: Now I'm heading to B&D. It should be plain sailing there.\r\nSpeaker2: Good luck, anyway\r\nSpeaker1: Thanks\r\nSpeaker2: How about the traffic?\r\nSpeaker1: Fine. No big problems.No gridlocks so I'm on time everywhere :-)\r\nSpeaker2: B&D is your last client today, isn't it?\r\nSpeaker1: Yes\r\nSpeaker2: Good. Safe journey home!\r\nSpeaker1: Thanks.\r\nSpeaker2: Remember about the report. New regulations. We need to get used to them if we don't want to be on a battlefield with the management again.\r\nSpeaker1: They're real pain in the ass.\r\nSpeaker2: They are. Let's just stay quiet. For a while.\r\nSpeaker1: ok :-(\r\nSpeaker2: Thanks and see you on Monday.\r\nSpeaker1: See you Monday.\r\nSpeaker2: Oh. If you have any problems, call.\r\nSpeaker1: ok" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is at M5, she is having a lunch break, then she will go to B&D. They are her last client today. She also needs to write a report following the new regulations." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is looking for Maryam." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: You saw the new painting just made?\r\nSpeaker1: Nah. Send me the pics\r\nSpeaker2: Sending and tell me where does It need improvements\r\nSpeaker2: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: Omg . Thats so amazing :o You made it alone?\r\nSpeaker2: Took a bit help from my elder brother\r\nSpeaker1: Will take a close look at it when I will meet you at your home " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 did a new painting with some help from her elder brother. Speaker1 will study it when visiting Speaker2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "A person was beaten and mugged on campus and had to be hospitalised. The attacker wore a mask. An official statement will be released, along with a newspaper article. Speaker1 and Speaker3 think the campus security is subpar, even though there are cameras around." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: <file_other>\r\nSpeaker1: CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT SHIT?\r\nSpeaker2: ...\r\nSpeaker2: Where did you find it?\r\nSpeaker1: one of my colleagues shared in on his wall\r\nSpeaker2: That's just terrible...\r\nSpeaker1: I'm reporting him.\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah, I think you should.\r\nSpeaker1: un-fucking-believable\r\nSpeaker2: I'm with you, babe. :*\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, thanks." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will report one of his colleagues for what he posted on his wall." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is tired and doesn't want to work tomorrow." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Whatcha doing?\r\nSpeaker1: nothing much\r\nSpeaker1: reading a book\r\nSpeaker1: and watching TV\r\nSpeaker2: at the same time?\r\nSpeaker1: yep\r\nSpeaker2: multitasking :Speaker3\r\nSpeaker1: the book is scary, the movie is comforting\r\nSpeaker1: it all works well together :Speaker3\r\nSpeaker2: haha good\r\nSpeaker1: wanna come over and read-watch with me?\r\nSpeaker2: yep I got us some prosecco\r\nSpeaker1: niiiice\r\nSpeaker2: what movie are you watching?\r\nSpeaker1: the wedding planner\r\nSpeaker2: no.\r\nSpeaker1: haha yes j.lo baby\r\nSpeaker2: get out I hate this movie\r\nSpeaker1: :Speaker3:Speaker3:Speaker3" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is reading a book and watching TV. Speaker2 will join her with some prosecco." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants to apologize to Speaker2. They will meet at school later." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: so i kinda have this crush...\r\nSpeaker2: really who?\r\nSpeaker2: do i know him??\r\nSpeaker1: you might do... it was this blonde guy at the party last night\r\nSpeaker2: you mean Sam Rogers? he plays on the football team ;)\r\nSpeaker1: OMG yes! do you know him?? can you introduce me? :D" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is attracted to last night's party guest." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has a toothache and needs to go to the dentist. Speaker1 and Speaker3 recommend him dentists at ProDent. Speaker2 will call ProDent today." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: can I borrow your car?\r\nSpeaker1: sure\r\nSpeaker1: but what happened with yours?\r\nSpeaker2: don't now\r\nSpeaker2: and I have no time to check it\r\nSpeaker2: I'm already late!\r\nSpeaker1: ok, ok, come and take it" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will borrow Speaker1's car." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 lost her wallet with cards and documents and needs to borrow 10 dollars. Speaker2 and Speaker1 offer help. The girls hope somebody will find the wallet and give it back." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Should i buy Headphones or air pods for you?\r\nSpeaker1: Air pods\r\nSpeaker2: k" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will buy air pods for Speaker1." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will buy Speaker1 a burger." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: where are you?\r\nSpeaker2: in class!! where the hell are you ? you know it was such an important lecture\r\nSpeaker1: i know ... i woke up late.. please record lecture in your phone ... not feeling like coming now!!\r\nSpeaker2: F off!!! would record it..." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is at the lecture right now. Speaker1 woke up late and won't come to class now. Speaker1 asks Speaker2 to record the lecture. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "In the agreement it was decided that it's neither a sea nor a lake and it will have a special legal status. They will also completely divide the seabed up. It's rich in resources, mostly gas and oil." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: are you watching the Cowboys game?\r\nSpeaker3: Sure am! Can't believe we're gonna win!\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah, they still suck though\r\nSpeaker3: Yeah, it's one minute left and they gonna punt it\r\nSpeaker2: if they lose this they should fire everyone and start over\r\nSpeaker1: not gonna lose for sure. but it's a miracle they're winning\r\nSpeaker3: they are definitely doing better than last week\r\nSpeaker1: last week they collapsed. but the Titans are awesome \r\nSpeaker2: Eagles almost got their sack intercepted. ALMOST\r\nSpeaker3: two more tries but they not gonna make it\r\nSpeaker2: haha 4 more now!\r\nSpeaker1: they will run out of time\r\nSpeaker2: that's their only help. otherwise Philadelphia would beat them \r\nSpeaker3: and it's over. We won! YAY" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The Cowboys are winning the game Speaker1, Speaker3 and Speaker2 are watching. It's one of their best games recently." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is staying for the weekend. Speaker1 asks Speaker2 to feed his animals on Friday and Saturday. Speaker2 agrees. Speaker1 will give her his keys on Thursday and provide Speaker2 with details." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: How long have you been preparing for the exam?\nSpeaker1: about a week\nSpeaker1: But I didn't learn all the time, of course\nSpeaker1: I had to work\nSpeaker2: I've been learning for about 3 days and I feel like I don't know anything\nSpeaker1: ahahah that's impossible :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has been preparing a week for the exam, and Speaker2, three days." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will bring Speaker1 some games like dixit and carcassonne." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: want to go shopping tomorrow?\r\nSpeaker1: I can't ...\r\nSpeaker2: Why is it?\r\nSpeaker1: I have classes on Wednesday and a lot of reading to catch up before that\r\nSpeaker2: I see ...\r\nSpeaker1: but I will need your help before Christmas!\r\nSpeaker2: I know, I'm the best personal shopper ;)\r\nSpeaker1: I agree!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is going shopping tomorrow. Speaker1 can't go with her as she has to prepare for Wednesday classes." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is looking for his green folder. Speaker2 hasn't seen it but maybe Alex will know." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: So tired today...\r\nSpeaker2: Oh? How come?\r\nSpeaker1: IDK... \r\nSpeaker2: Didn't you sleep well?\r\nSpeaker1: Doesn't seem like I ever do!\r\nSpeaker2: Well, maybe you need a new bedtime routine.\r\nSpeaker1: Like?\r\nSpeaker2: I stopped watching television in bed and I fell asleep much faster.\r\nSpeaker1: Oh but I like to watch tv in bed!\r\nSpeaker2: See, I think it was keeping me from falling asleep.\r\nSpeaker1: Hmmmm\r\nSpeaker2: So now I read.\r\nSpeaker1: That's a thought, but one of my fave shows is on right now! I live for seeing it in bed!\r\nSpeaker2: Well, just trying to help. YMMV...\r\nSpeaker1: Thanks. I'm going to try some tea and some natural remedies I found.\r\nSpeaker2: Let me know how it works!\r\nSpeaker1: I'm also going to do some yoga before bed.\r\nSpeaker2: That's a really good idea!\r\nSpeaker1: Trying anything at the moment.\r\nSpeaker2: Maybe even no tv? LOL!\r\nSpeaker1: If I get desperate! LOL!\r\nSpeaker2: Good luck!\r\nSpeaker1: Thank you!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 doesn't sleep well. Speaker1 is going to try some tea, natural remedies and yoga. Speaker2 stopped watching TV before bed but Speaker1 doesn't want to try it for now." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 hasn't seen Speaker2's mum for 4 months in the club. Speaker2's mum has been suffering from knee pain for 5 years. Speaker2's mum stays at home following doctor's advice. Speaker2 will pass Speaker1's wishes to his mother." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: gentlemen look at that <file_other>\r\nSpeaker3: that is YOU on top!\r\nSpeaker2: that is ME. first time!\r\nSpeaker1: well done!\r\nSpeaker3: congrats mate" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has reached the summit." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 went on a date to the rollerskating disco and she enjoyed it. Speaker1 doesn't find it exciting." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hey\r\nSpeaker1: Hey, what's up?\r\nSpeaker2: All good! Can you talk?\r\nSpeaker1: sure!\r\nSpeaker2: So I've just finished sending out info about our event (fb, twitter, mailing list) and I started wondering if we haven't done a mistake. You see, in the poster, the British Museum is mentioned a few times. At first it seemed ok, but now I'm wondering if it's not a mistake\r\nSpeaker1: hmmmm interesting. Maybe Alex has spoken to them? Wait a sec, I'll ask him\r\nSpeaker2: ok\r\nSpeaker1: Turns out it was a mistake. SHIT!!!\r\nSpeaker2: omg how fun... Ok, Could I ask you to write to people on our mailing list to correct it? I'm on a bus now, heading for a meeting\r\nSpeaker1: Er, yeah sure. Have you cc'ed me in the message?\r\nSpeaker2: No, I thought you were on the mailing list anyway, as SLAS member\r\nSpeaker1: Hmm I can't see your message anywhere\r\nSpeaker2: In any case you can access SLAS email, you have the password and all\r\nSpeaker1: True\r\nSpeaker2: So send a correction around if you happen to have the time, otherwise I'll do it tonight\r\nSpeaker1: No problem, I'll see what I can do\r\nSpeaker2: ok, talk to you later then. I'm going to be at the meeting for a couple of hours but will keep in touch later\r\nSpeaker1: No worries, talk to you later\r\nSpeaker2: xx" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 incorrectly added British Museum to the event info and wrongly send it through fb, twitter and mailing list. Speaker1 might send a correction message to all interested." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 suspects he might have had an allergic reaction to something." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hi, how are you?\r\nSpeaker3: Hi, I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you?\r\nSpeaker1: I'm fine too… It's been a long time \r\nSpeaker3: Yeah, quite a long time\r\nSpeaker1: You stopped talking to me \r\nSpeaker3: Well, I wasn't sure if you want to talk to me anymore\r\nSpeaker1: Why so?\r\nSpeaker3: I don't know, I had such a feeling\r\nSpeaker1: After our last conversation?\r\nSpeaker3: Exactly.\r\nSpeaker1: Well… You know I was only supposed to come for three days\r\nSpeaker3: I know, but it seemed like we won't meet up again, like never…\r\nSpeaker1: But you know, if we're supposed to meet one day, we'll meet\r\nSpeaker3: Yeah and exactly that sounds like \"one day = never\"\r\nSpeaker1: One day you also gave me an answer like that…\r\nSpeaker3: So now we'Speaker2:1 :P\r\nSpeaker1: But you're happy about that?\r\nSpeaker3: Well… not really? But if it's like this…\r\nSpeaker1: Uh… see, I'm coming to Paris next week, would you like to meet? It'll be nice to see you again\r\nSpeaker3: When exactly?\r\nSpeaker1: Monday till Thursday. \r\nSpeaker3: So what about Tuesday? I have the whole afternoon free\r\nSpeaker1: Perfect! I'm really glad :)\r\nSpeaker3: Me too.. Nice that we'll see each other again" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker3 haven't talked for a long time. Speaker3 thought Speaker1 doesn't want to talk to her anymore. Speaker1's coming to Paris next week. They decided to meet on Tuesday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is very happy with his life, and shares this happiness with Speaker2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hey.\r\nSpeaker1: Hi.\r\nSpeaker2: How's it going?\r\nSpeaker1: It could be better, actually.\r\nSpeaker2: I'm sorry to hear that. What's up?\r\nSpeaker1: Well, I've just started another year of college and I'm in this super cheap apartment since I've came here, but now the landlord wants to kick me out.\r\nSpeaker2: Why?\r\nSpeaker1: His son was working abroad, but he's coming back and needs the apartment to live.\r\nSpeaker2: Oh, that sucks.\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah. I have no idea what I'm gonna do. It's not easy to find places after the school year has started.\r\nSpeaker2: It's hard to find them before the school year starts, let alone after.\r\nSpeaker1: Tell me about it. I've been looking everywhere and there's abolutely nothing. Well, not that I can afford anyway.\r\nSpeaker2: Where are you going to school again?\r\nSpeaker1: Stanford.\r\nSpeaker2: Cool! You know what? I think I maybe I can help.\r\nSpeaker1: Are you serious?\r\nSpeaker2: Maybe. I still have to confirm some details, but my older sister goes to Stanford as well and she was saying that one of her roomates was going to leave and her and their other roomate were panicking about how they were going to pay the rent. Maybe it could work.\r\nSpeaker1: Oh my God, If that's a possibility I'll be forever thankful.\r\nSpeaker2: Let me just check with my sister. Or better yet, I'll give you her number and you can talk to her directly. I'm sure she knows way more about this than i do.\r\nSpeaker1: Thank you, Speaker2, for real.\r\nSpeaker2: Don't mention it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has started a new year at college. She stays in a cheap apartment, but the landlord needs the flat for his son, who comes back from another country. Speaker1 is worried about it. She studies in Stanford, the same place as Speaker2's sister, who may have a room for rent. Speaker2 will contact them. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 can't decide which trousers to buy. Speaker1 advised Speaker2 on that topic. Speaker2 goes with Speaker1's advice to pick the trousers that are of best quality." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: What time does the boat leave?\r\nSpeaker2: At 9. But we should be there at 8.30\r\nSpeaker1: Thanks. Have a good night\r\nSpeaker2: You too!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The boat leaves at 9.00 but Speaker1 and Speaker2 should be there at 8.30." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 didn't come to see a basketball game on Friday's night. The team supported by Speaker1 won 101-98. Speaker2's mom has a flu and he's looking after her. Speaker2 declares to attend the next basketball match." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hiya, are we having Denise tomorrow?\r\nSpeaker2: I think so if that's ok?\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah I just need to know what time\r\nSpeaker2: I am meeting someone in the morning, so maybe from 12? Is that ok?\r\nSpeaker1: That's fine.\r\nSpeaker2: Let me check with Ida if we are still meeting first to make sure\r\nSpeaker1: I'm in the bus though so I'll need to know soonish…\r\nSpeaker2: How come?\r\nSpeaker1: I need to pick up some holly from Eva's house\r\nSpeaker2: ???\r\nSpeaker1: She has some for me and if I have Denise tomorrow I'll go round tonight \r\nSpeaker1: when I come off the bus\r\nSpeaker2: aha, give me a minute.\r\nSpeaker2: She's not picking up, so maybe assume we are meeting?\r\nSpeaker1: Ok, I'll go around Eva's now then\r\nSpeaker2: Do you need a hand? I can drive if easier?\r\nSpeaker1: No don't worry, you've got the kids\r\nSpeaker2: OK, but let me know if you need anything, I can pick it up tomorrow if you want?\r\nSpeaker1: Its ok, I'll go now, I'm sure Eva wants rid of it by now!\r\nSpeaker2: Cool. So I'll drop denise off around 12?\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah good, I won't be there but James is happy to have her\r\nSpeaker2: brilliant, thanks so much\r\nSpeaker1: no probs, they'll be fine! they had a great time last time!\r\nSpeaker2: I know, Denise is still talking about it! \r\nSpeaker1: that's cute. so is James! \r\nSpeaker1: I'm at my stop, see you tomorrow! \r\nSpeaker2: XX " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", " Speaker1 will pick up some holly from Eva. Speaker2 will drop Denise off at 12 tomorrow and James is happy to have her, just like the last time." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will lend Speaker2 her red velvet dress." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: How is Queensland?\r\nSpeaker4: I like it a lot! So sunny\r\nSpeaker2: Did you take the kids?\r\nSpeaker4: We did, they like it here\r\nSpeaker1: especially the contact with nature, the ocean\r\nSpeaker2: I imagine\r\nSpeaker3: where are you now?\r\nSpeaker1: on Fraser Island\r\nSpeaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker3: how beautiful!\r\nSpeaker1: We rented a SUV\r\nSpeaker4: there are no roads on the island but huge, wide beaches that are like highways\r\nSpeaker2: seems nice, enjoy guys\r\nSpeaker4: thanks!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4 and Speaker1 are in Queensland with children. They rented a SUV and they are currently visiting Fraser Island." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4, Speaker2, Speaker1 and others are going on a research trip to Swazi. The name of the country was changed last year and it's now Eswatini." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: I thought about what you said before and I think you're right \nSpeaker2: why such a change of mind?\nSpeaker1: I run into an old friend of mine\nSpeaker1: and seeing how he changed made me realized that I'm doing nothing with my life\nSpeaker2: you shouldn't worry that much about it\nSpeaker2: as long as you're aware of it\nSpeaker1: yeah but we were growing up together, same school, same friends\nSpeaker1: he's already married, two children\nSpeaker1: and look at me\nSpeaker1: still single, still partying\nSpeaker2: don't go from one extreme to another :)\nSpeaker2: nobody is forcing you to get married or have children\nSpeaker2: find the right balance :)\nSpeaker1: easy for you to say\nSpeaker1: Paul is keeping you in check :P\nSpeaker2: that's because I let him do it\nSpeaker2: otherwise I'll be going out with you all the time :P\nSpeaker1: you never complained in the pass\nSpeaker2: because it was fun!\nSpeaker2: still is, just maybe not every other night :P\nSpeaker1: very funny :P\nSpeaker1: maybe I need a new hobby to get me occupied\nSpeaker1: sometimes I feel that I'm going out just to kill boredom\nSpeaker2: we'll work something out :)\nSpeaker1: I hope so :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants to change her lifestyle." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is late for a meeting with Speaker2 and she refuses to wait any longer." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: <file_photo> What do you think? I'd love to arrange the kitchen this way. I think it will look bigger than it is, plus it look really convenient.\r\nSpeaker2: I do like the colours, but I am not sure that an island is a good idea. From my experience it actually makes the space look smaller :-(\r\nSpeaker1: Really? Hmm.. Dunno. Well we can discuss the island later as long as we agree on the overall design.\r\nSpeaker2: I like how ecclectic it is :-) I can TOTALLY imagine us there. Cooking, drinking wine.\r\nSpeaker1: And puting the bottle down on the island...\r\nSpeaker2: LOL you really like the island idea, don't you?\r\nSpeaker1: I do :-(\r\nSpeaker2: OK\r\nSpeaker1: Really?\r\nSpeaker2: If you care so much about something you should have it.\r\nSpeaker1: You are the sweetest!\r\nSpeaker2: Anything for my bear.\r\nSpeaker1: Love you so much\r\nSpeaker2: Love you too!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 are pondering upon kitchen design. Speaker1 really wants an island. Speaker2 is OK with the idea." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has played DA Inquisition. Speaker2 has played DA II. Speaker3 started playing DA Inquisition." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Have you seen Chris?\r\nSpeaker2: No, has something happened?\r\nSpeaker1: Hm, he texted me he was heading home. Does he leave?\r\nSpeaker2: I don't know, I'm still here with the rest. I will ask around.\r\nSpeaker1: And? Any news?\r\nSpeaker2: No's seen him. He was chatting with Jack, but Jack's gone now.\r\nSpeaker2: I called him, but he's not answering.\r\nSpeaker1: I will try as well. Let me know if you find him.\r\nSpeaker1: Was he really drunk?\r\nSpeaker2: No, I don't think so.\r\nSpeaker1: Ok, thank you Speaker2!\r\nSpeaker2: Do you know anything? Can't find him anywhere, he must have left.\r\nSpeaker1: Jack texted me back. They went to another pub.\r\nSpeaker1: Obviously he didn't think about texting me about this ;/\r\nSpeaker2: Hahaha, props to Chris!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is looking for Chris. Jack texted Speaker2 to let him know him and Chris went to another bar." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 just got back from Vosges. She stayed a week in a farm house with Ferdinand and her dog Aiden. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I've been thinking about what you said.\r\nSpeaker1: And...\r\nSpeaker2: I don't think this project is for me.\r\nSpeaker1: Why? We would love to have you onboard.\r\nSpeaker2: I think I would be over -committing if I took it on and I want to make sure that I give it my 150%\r\nSpeaker1: I understand but we really need you. This project needs you.\r\nSpeaker1: Is there anything that we can do so you stay with us?\r\nSpeaker2: I'd love to stay on but like I said I have too many other commitments and I think my heart is just not it in enough.\r\nSpeaker1: What can I do to make us stay with us?\r\nSpeaker2: Well the other projects that I'm currently working on are paid and there are not enough hours in the day to commit to this one.\r\nSpeaker1: So it's about the money?\r\nSpeaker2: Well kinda...\r\nSpeaker1: You know that we're very low budget. I would love to pay you but I simply don't have the funds. I promise that once we secure the funds we will make sure that we pay you something.\r\nSpeaker2: I'll think about it..." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is unsure about participating in Speaker1's project. It's about the money and time. Speaker1 promises to pay him something after she secures the funds." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 don't have class tomorrow as it's Friday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: my boss is a jackass -_-\r\nSpeaker1: what did he do now \r\nSpeaker2: nothing\r\nSpeaker1: then why are you even pissed at him xD\r\nSpeaker2: just looking at him makes me so mad at him \r\nSpeaker1: dont be unreasonable\r\nSpeaker2: no seriously, he practically yelled at this guy today\r\nSpeaker1: in front of everyone??\r\nSpeaker2: YESS\r\nSpeaker1: wow :/\r\nSpeaker2: exactly, and you should have seen the look on that guys face after that\r\nSpeaker1: pretty embarrassing huh\r\nSpeaker2: verryy" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 hates his boss. The boss yelled at a guy in front of everyone. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is giving Speaker4 Patrick's new phone number." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: I'm going home now\r\nSpeaker2: wait a sec me too\r\nSpeaker1: ok, meet you at front?\r\nSpeaker2: yes!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is meeting Speaker2 at the front in a second." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 thanks Speaker1 for hosting her son Tim on Monday evening and driving him to the railway station next morning. Kate will send a message to Tim tomorrow, to ask about the place where she should be waiting for him." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: When are you home?? \r\nSpeaker1: I am still at Dylans\r\nSpeaker2: What are you doing there? \r\nSpeaker1: Were finishing a round of Black Ops\r\nSpeaker2: Come home after that\r\nSpeaker2: I cooked you some dinner\r\nSpeaker1: I ll be home in an hour \r\nSpeaker1: ok? \r\nSpeaker2: Dad is kinda angry\r\nSpeaker2: So asap \r\nSpeaker1: okay \r\nSpeaker1: I will try finish this round as soon as possible\r\nSpeaker2: K dad is saying that you have to come home now\r\nSpeaker1: Omg mom \r\nSpeaker1: Okay Im heading off right now\r\nSpeaker2: Good\r\nSpeaker1: What did you cook? \r\nSpeaker2: Pasta and spinach \r\nSpeaker1: Urgh okay well \r\nSpeaker1: Be right there" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will get home asap as his dad is angry. Speaker2 cooked pasta with spinach." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is still researching and Speaker2 cannot wait all day for the update. Speaker1 can't see most of the things as it's black hat and it installs bugs on her computer." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hallo, wie geht's?\r\nSpeaker3: Omg, do you speak German now?\r\nSpeaker1: I'm attending a course, learning the basics right now\r\nSpeaker2: Ok\r\nSpeaker1: The funny thing is it's easier for me than Italian. I don't know if it has to do with having Chinese as my first language, but my frend Tao also finds German easier, so... maybe?\r\nSpeaker2: Damn, I'd never be able to learn German :/ Italian is the way :D" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 started learning German. It's easier for him than Italian." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is panicking because her daughter is 15 now and she is not sure she is prepared as a mother." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: have i ever told you that your hair is so shiny?\nSpeaker2: Speaker1, are you okay?\nSpeaker1: like sooo shiny\nSpeaker1: Ima at the bar with the girls :D :D\nSpeaker1: with loLa and abbbie \nSpeaker1: cos were girrls :D\nSpeaker2: How much have you had to drink?\nSpeaker1: ...not much?#??\nSpeaker2: Right... You know what, I'm going to come and collect you - where are you?\nSpeaker1: i sed im at the bar\nSpeaker2: Which bar?\nSpeaker1: the won with the pink umbrellas in the drinks \nSpeaker1: where we danced last week\nSpeaker2: Marco's?\nSpeaker1: yes!! :D\nSpeaker2: Okay Speaker1, stay where you are. I'll be there in a minute\nSpeaker1: why? im fine\nSpeaker2: You're drunk. And possibly high (I haven't ruled that out)\nSpeaker2: Where are Lola and Abbie?\nSpeaker1: im not drunk! Lolas with some guy and Abbie's gone out for a fagg" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is drinking at Marco's bar with Lola and Abbie. Speaker2 will come to collect her." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has discovered an issue with Speaker3's car in her absence but it seems to be ok. He will also take care of her plants until she is back on the 21st. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I fucking hate you Speaker1\r\nSpeaker1: come on baby\r\nSpeaker2: don't you baby me\r\nSpeaker1: it was nothing she's just a friend!!!\r\nSpeaker2: friends don't hold hands you fuck\r\nSpeaker1: NOTHING happened\r\nSpeaker2: like I believe you\r\nSpeaker1: What can I do?" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is angry at Speaker1 for holding hands with another girl. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 pays Speaker1 for 8 hours of babysitting and is grateful he found her. His son argued with a friend at school, and got agressive when the teacher reacted. Speaker1 hasn't noticed if he has acted strangely recently. Speaker2 and Speaker1 can grab a coffe some time to discuss all the issues. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Have you seen kaka?\r\nSpeaker2: He must in the ground playing football.\r\nSpeaker1: Great See you then.\r\nSpeaker2: Where you going?\r\nSpeaker1: Ground" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is looking for Kaka. He must be in the ground playing football. Speaker1 and Speaker2 will see each other later. Speaker1 is going to the ground now. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 send Speaker2 budget estimation for this year. Extra other expenses are boss's trip to Japan, for a convention." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Mom wil be picking you up a little bit later today ok hun?\r\nSpeaker2: Ok.. Everything alright?\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, have to pick up the laundry so I'll be 15 minutes late.\r\nSpeaker2: No problem Mom, I'll be waiting." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 tells Speaker2 that she will pick him up today 15 min later." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has to sort out her accounts and upload a few videos on YouTube. Speaker2 is complaining that Sony Music tried to appropriate his own music." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Y not ask them? ;)\r\nSpeaker1: U mean like reply to a spam mail?\r\nSpeaker2: Y not? Might be fun!\r\nSpeaker3: And we'll be here to support u all the way, Your Highness!\r\nSpeaker1: You'd better be. Otherwise, I'll have your heads cut down!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 and Speaker2 suggest to Speaker1e replying to a spam email." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2's son is sick, she is taking a day off and taking him to the doctor's. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: how's work on the text going?\r\nSpeaker4: It's going, just a little slower than I thought\r\nSpeaker3: How much longer will it take?\r\nSpeaker4: Give me two more weeks\r\nSpeaker3: I don't have two more weeks! you kidding me???\r\nSpeaker4: What do you mean?? I though we had a different agreement\r\nSpeaker3: Well, that changed when one of the sponsors pulled back\r\nSpeaker4: What? I had no idea\r\nSpeaker3: What do you mean, did you check your email? He said he personally wrote you a message\r\nSpeaker4: Damn it, my mailbox must have crashed\r\nSpeaker3: Well, before you do that, I gotta tell you something else\r\nSpeaker4: Another great news?\r\nSpeaker3: Speaker5:) \r\nSpeaker4: Shoot me!\r\nSpeaker3: I can only represent you for another 6 months, Speaker1:) I am gonna go for maternity leave in half a year\r\nSpeaker4: O wow! That's great news!! Congrats you guys!\r\nSpeaker3: And umm, I am gonna help you find replacement somehow, haven't figure it out yet, but no worries\r\nSpeaker4: Oh, I am not worried at all, just excited for you!\r\nSpeaker3: Speaker2:) We are excited too\r\nSpeaker4: Oh man, I hate to spoil that moment, but this email looks bad, real bad\r\nSpeaker3: I know! Better get to work then\r\nSpeaker4: I am on it boss! No more slacking\r\nSpeaker3: Good to hear that" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4 needs two more weeks to finish the text, but has to work faster due to one of the sponsors pulling back. Speaker4 was unaware of that fact, because of a malfunctioning mailbox. Speaker3 is expecting a baby and will only represent Speaker4 for another six months. Speaker3 will find a replacement for Speaker4." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 cannot go out today because she broke a bottle of her mother's expensive perfume. Speaker1's mother is angry. The smell of the perfume in the apartment is too intense now." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Don't forget to check the tyre pressure when you go to fill up the car today.\r\nSpeaker1: Damn... Almost forgot! Thanks for reminding me.\r\nSpeaker2: :-)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will check the tyre pressure, as reminded by Speaker2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 thanks Speaker1 for coming to Elliot's birthday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: can you do the laundry this time please?\r\nSpeaker1: yeah, colour or whites?\r\nSpeaker3: colour please, i need my green dress for the meeting on thursday\r\nSpeaker1: ok, you'Speaker2:)\r\nSpeaker3: thanks honey, you are the best!! :*" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will wash colours because Speaker3 needs her green dress for Thursday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants Speaker2 to bring clothes that are hanging outside. Brian will do that, because Speaker2 isn't at home now." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: How was the meeting with the bastard?\r\nSpeaker1: Crap. As always\r\nSpeaker2: Was he as rude as the last time?\r\nSpeaker1: Even more. He was just insulting us all the way through.\r\nSpeaker2: OMG. He changed the office in a torture chamber. \r\nSpeaker1: What can we do?\r\nSpeaker2: I am looking for something new. I cannot stand it. \r\nSpeaker1: Maybe you're right. I still hope they will send somebody new soon.\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, to clean our dead bodies. \r\nSpeaker1: :(" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 was at the awful and unpleasant meeting in the office. Speaker2 is looking for a new job. They both don't feel well with the present situation." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will make an appointment at a waxing salon. Home methods don't work for her." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: i haven’t seen Nicole for a while. \r\nSpeaker2: neither have I\r\nSpeaker1: what’s she up to?\r\nSpeaker2: i don’t know. We’re not best friends any more.. no i mean i don’t think so. \r\nSpeaker1: you’re not best friends any more? \r\nSpeaker2: nope! We don’t hang out any more\r\nSpeaker1: Really? \r\nSpeaker2: We don’t even talk.. \r\nSpeaker1: oh, that’s shitty!\r\nSpeaker2: yeah, it sucks cause i saw her on FB hanging out with some other girls \r\nSpeaker1: sorry to hear that.. \r\nSpeaker2: we were like on and off for a while so i guess i’m not surprised \r\nSpeaker1: why don’t you give her a ring?\r\nSpeaker2: i got tired of that on and off drama so i guess i have to move on\r\nSpeaker1: that’s a shame!\r\nSpeaker2: it is. Do you wanna go out sat?\r\nSpeaker1: yeah, sure ;)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 haven't contacted Nicole for a while. Speaker2 and Nicole's friendship has been turbulent and they're not best friends anymore. Nicole hangs out with other girls. Speaker2 and Speaker1 will go out on Saturday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is having her wedding soon and still has some things to organize. Speaker2 comes on Friday and is willing to help Speaker1." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Hey I have two tickets for Speaker2 Hart \r\nSpeaker3: Anyone wants them? \r\nSpeaker2: For how much? \r\nSpeaker3: 90 bucks each \r\nSpeaker2: Overpriced xxd\r\nSpeaker1: I want one for sure and I will ask my gf if she wants too \r\nSpeaker3: Message me asap xd\r\nSpeaker1: shit she will be away that time\r\nSpeaker2: My brother want to go so he wants one for himself\r\nSpeaker3: WHo is he going with? \r\nSpeaker2: his friends.\r\nSpeaker3: Kk 😍😍" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2's brother want to buy tickets from Speaker3 for Speaker2 Hart." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 don't like their new professor. They will see each other at philosophy class tomorrow." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: ey, what was the title of this tv series you showed me yesterday gusy?\r\nSpeaker2: cause i want do download it but don't remember the title\r\nSpeaker1: Lucifer\r\nSpeaker1: you can check it on netflix\r\nSpeaker2: noooooope i'm not gonna pay for it\r\nSpeaker2: but thanks\r\nSpeaker3: yeeaaah lucifer's the best\r\nSpeaker3: have you guys heard they have already finished shooting season4?\r\nSpeaker1: it's finished? jesus can't wait\r\nSpeaker1: what's the release date?\r\nSpeaker3: there's nothing official yet but one of the actors said they were planning it for April\r\nSpeaker2: cool :D i hope i will manage to watch all 3 seasons until then xDDDddd\r\nSpeaker1: you will, for sure :D\r\nSpeaker1: we can always watch it together\r\nSpeaker3: i'm in!!!!!\r\nSpeaker2: really? that would be cool :D\r\nSpeaker1: <file_other>\r\nSpeaker1: here's the link for all the seasons\r\nSpeaker2: thank you!!!! gonna see it in a minute\r\nSpeaker2: btw, you guys comin in today?\r\nSpeaker3: depends on time\r\nSpeaker1: i'm free at 9pm.....work\r\nSpeaker2: and you jess?\r\nSpeaker3: 9pm is ok, also got some work to do\r\nSpeaker2: cool, we're in touch then" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is after a tv series to watch and Speaker1 recommends Lucifer. Speaker3 confirms it is worth watching. They decide to watch series 4 together when it comes out. Speaker1 sends Speaker2 the files for the first 3 series." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4dy will pick Speaker3 up at about 3:15 pm." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: I work for Deliveroo. I started yesterday. \nSpeaker3: Bring me some pizza 😁\nSpeaker2: How is it?\nSpeaker1: Not too bad. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 started a job at Deliveroo yesterday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 are going to an Italian restaurant tomorrow." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hey\r\nSpeaker2: Just wanted to say sorry. I wish I didn't say that.\r\nSpeaker1: Hi\r\nSpeaker1: It's fine. 🙂 I understand, you were upset. But just for the future, lets not go that far in conclusions.\r\nSpeaker2: I realy feel like a fool.\r\nSpeaker2: I promise not to judge anyone without substantial evidence.\r\nSpeaker1: I hope we all won't do it. \r\nSpeaker1: The whole situation was just ridicolous. Forget about it.\r\nSpeaker2: Thank you. See you soon 😙\r\nSpeaker1: Bye 😁" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 apologized to Speaker1 for the things he said when he was upset. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 arrived safely, but without his luggage." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: I've got a new tattoo! just wanted to show off ;)\r\nSpeaker5: very nice! \r\nSpeaker4: ouch! did it hurt?\r\nSpeaker2: it's massive! must have cost a fortune!\r\nSpeaker3: i hope you like it because i don't! x\r\nSpeaker1: cheeky! " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has a new big tattoo." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 doesn't know what he should give Lilly and Stephen as their wedding gift. Speaker1 advises him to check if they have a gift list." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hi Speaker1, love, ok?\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, bit shattered, been working a lot lately.\r\nSpeaker2: Well, I suppose it's your busiest time!\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, but I don't have to like it! We've just had presale weekend, working till midnight. Then sale week, now Christmas and I'm working late Christmas Eve, start at 6am bloody Boxing Day and 8am New Year's Day.\r\nSpeaker2: Wow! They are a load of slave drivers there! It's not so bad in Samuel's, just busy days and one late night till 8pm. I quite enjoy it here, actually.\r\nSpeaker1: I'm beginning to regret going for this job, they pile on the extra hours at short notice and you can only change them 3 weeks in advance. Plus, busy periods you can't take days off anyway.\r\nSpeaker2: You basically have no holidays then this year?\r\nSpeaker1: Nope, not really! Christmas Day, I suppose, but then I have to get up at Stupid o' Clock on Boxing Day!\r\nSpeaker2: So, no good suggesting a drink one night?\r\nSpeaker1: I am actually sort of free on the 27th cos I don't need to go in till 2pm on the 28th. Got a 7 hour shift then though, so can't have any kind of hangover! \r\nSpeaker2: God, it does suck a bit, but at least you're earning a decent wage.\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, I suppose so and we do have a profits share scheme so there are bonuses. But no work/life balance to speak of.😢\r\nSpeaker2: Do you think you'll get taken on in the New Year?\r\nSpeaker1: Umm, don't know. I've not missed a day, had my pay docked only once for being 5 mins late! I'm frankly not sure if I would want the job, mind you.\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, I'd think very carefully about the pros and cons first!\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, I'm going to look around, check Indeed, Reed, etc, other job sites. \r\nSpeaker2: I'll keep my ear to the ground, see what's around in town, it would be nice to work near each other!\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, it would! Thanks love, let's meet for coffee one day at least.\r\nSpeaker2: OK, tell me when you're off next and we'll hopefully sort something out.\r\nSpeaker1: OK, sounds good, Bye!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has been working a lot lately, she'll be working on Christmas and on New Year's Day too, she has almost no free time, but at least the salary is good. She's thinking about a new job. Speaker2 works at Samuel's and she likes her job. They will try to meet for coffee when Speaker1 has the time." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is coming home for Christmas next week. Speaker1 has no idea what to buy their father so Speaker2 is going to order an ipad online." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: I want to buy new TV and I honestly can't choose from all of these devices\r\nSpeaker2: No matter what, don't buy Philips\r\nSpeaker2: It sucks, it breaks, it crashes\r\nSpeaker1: I don't even know how big TV do I want to buy :D\r\nSpeaker1: Not mentioning the brand\r\nSpeaker2: Hmm. I see 50 inches Smart TV in your living room. \r\nSpeaker2: Any bigger will be too big.\r\nSpeaker1: Can you recommend which brand?\r\nSpeaker2: Try looking for Samsung or Sony.\r\nSpeaker1: Thanks xD\r\nSpeaker2: Cool." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants to buy a new TV. Speaker2 recommends him Samsung or Sony." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 irritates Speaker1 by giving too many responses." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I dreamt about you girls\nSpeaker3: Really?\nSpeaker1: Was the dream nice?\nSpeaker2: I dreamt that we went to school\nSpeaker3: That's real life\nSpeaker2: But the school was closed\nSpeaker2: We tried to enter but all the doors were locked\nSpeaker1: I wouldn't mind\nSpeaker2: And Madam Tracy was standing on the roof\nSpeaker2: She told us that the entrance was through the roof \nSpeaker2: And that we had to hurry up because the class was about to start \nSpeaker1: How did we climb the roof?\nSpeaker1: It's really high\nSpeaker2: We couldn't \nSpeaker3: So we missed the classes\nSpeaker3: Yeah!!!\nSpeaker2: I don't know\nSpeaker2: I woke up\nSpeaker3: Cool dream" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 had a dream about Speaker3 and Speaker1 and their school. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Mark went skating, it's the first time for Mark." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: I won't be here in April, guys\nSpeaker2: why?\nSpeaker4: They are going for holidays with Speaker1. Am I right?\nSpeaker1: you're always right Speaker4 ;)\nSpeaker2: where this time? I already envy you\nSpeaker3: Eritrea\nSpeaker2: I could have expected it!\nSpeaker3: why? I thought it's quite unexpected\nSpeaker2: I think it's a very fancy destination right now\nSpeaker2: since they opened the border\nSpeaker3: a bit\nSpeaker2: but also expensive, I guess\nSpeaker3: what can I say? It's not Egypt, although not fat from it :P\nSpeaker2: but can you travel freely there?\nSpeaker3: no, this is the problem, everything is controlled, one can travel only with a local travel agency\nSpeaker3: because they expect special permission to enter buildings and other places\nSpeaker3: so it makes the whole travel quite expensive as you imagine\nSpeaker2: So when are you going there?\nSpeaker3: 7 of April" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 and Speaker1 are going for holidays to Eritrea. They're leaving on 7 April. It's quite expensive because everything is controlled there and tourists can travel only with a local travel agency. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 doesn't want to visit Speaker2 because she doesn't want to get infected by Speaker2's disease. Speaker2's doctor prescribed her effective medicines, so she will be fine soon. Speaker1 wants to take Speaker2 to the cinema for some action movie when she recovers." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hi Speaker2, do you have plans for the long weekend?\r\nSpeaker2: Don't know yet, why?\r\nSpeaker1: We are renting a yacht in Croatia and need 3 more people :) interested? \r\nSpeaker2: sounds good, how much?\r\nSpeaker1: if we have 8 people it's gonna be around 500 euros including basic food\r\nSpeaker2: and the flights?\r\nSpeaker1: we are going by car, gas not included\r\nSpeaker2: Croatia is expensive, isn't it?\r\nSpeaker1: going by car we can take booze with us ;) and use boat resources to maximum\r\nSpeaker2: true true who's we btw, who's going? :)\r\nSpeaker1: Amy and me, Josh, Patrick and Laura.\r\nSpeaker2: Laura Michaels?\r\nSpeaker1: I knew you'd be interested :D" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is renting a yacht in Croatia. He wants to know if Speaker2 would be interested in joining them. Amy, Josh, Patrick and Laura are going with Speaker1. They are going by car." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is coming today." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: How is the journey going?\r\nSpeaker1: Amazing, I needed it so much\r\nSpeaker4: Yes, Speaker1 is ecstatic about everything here hahahah\r\nSpeaker1: true, I like food, people, sun, sea, a paradise\r\nSpeaker3: so envious!\r\nSpeaker3: Where are you right now?\r\nSpeaker2: Bangkok \r\nSpeaker3: one of the most fascinating cities in the world I think\r\nSpeaker2: I agree!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker4 are in Bangkok. They enjoy their journey. Speaker3 is jealous. She considers Bangkok an interesting city." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4 wants to go to Robinson Crusoe's island." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: tonight 8 o'clock?\r\nSpeaker2: ??\r\nSpeaker1: the gang meeting, Lexie didn't tell you?\r\nSpeaker2: no...\r\nSpeaker1: we're meeting tonight at 8 pm at Ricky's. Can you come?\r\nSpeaker2: I'll try." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will try to go to a gang meeting that will take place tonight at 8 p.m. at Ricky's. Speaker1 thought that Lexie had told Speaker2 about the meeting.\n" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3, Speaker1 and Speaker2 are going to a concert on Saturday and agree to have a drink at Barcelona located at 8th avenue beforehand." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Lately I've been thinking of adopting a cat.\r\nSpeaker2: that's wonderful\r\nSpeaker1: Not wanting to be a killjoy but are you sure you're ready for the responsibility?\r\nSpeaker3: I've been thinking about it a lot and done some research on the topic and I think I can handle it.\r\nSpeaker2: have you already looked for a cat?\r\nSpeaker3: yup, and I actually fell in love with one of the shelter cats I found. Meet Max <file_other>\r\nSpeaker2: omg he's the cutest <3\r\nSpeaker1: those eyes tho...\r\nSpeaker3: I've booked a visit to the shelter to meet him this Friday. You're welcome to join me ;)\r\nSpeaker2: I'm in.\r\nSpeaker1: I'm busy on Friday, but I wish you the best of luck ;)\r\nSpeaker3: Thank you :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will join Speaker3 at the cat shelter this Friday. Speaker3 wants to adopt Max." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 bought a bottle of nice wine for Nancy's birthday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: How's Iceland? What on earth are you doing there?:D No cooler places to go to?\r\nSpeaker1: I like the cold! It's really not that bad here. The place is amazing. Really beautiful.\r\nSpeaker2: I've only been to Reykjavik but it looked pretty great. Didn't get a chance to hike around tho. Do you?\r\nSpeaker1: It's way too much snow right now. I actually stared knitting.\r\nSpeaker2: NO WAY! You started knitting?! Made any sweaters yet? :D\r\nSpeaker1: I'm making a scarf. I'm 50km away from Rey and in the middle of nowhere so honestly had nothing better to do one day and though why not? it's not that difficult.\r\nSpeaker2: And if you get good at it, you won't hace to do any christmas shopping! :D just make everyone if your family a scarf!\r\nSpeaker1: i'm sure my family from Florida would appreciate scarves lol" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is in Iceland 50 km away from Reykjavik. It's too much snow to hike so Speaker1 started knitting. Speaker1 is making a scarf. Speaker2 has been to Reykjavik." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 does not need mum for anything important at the moment." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Are you at the airport?\nSpeaker3: sure, waiting for K\nSpeaker2: Good! we'll meet at the arrivals then\nSpeaker3: nice!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 and Speaker2 are at the airport waiting for K. They will meet at the arrivals." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants something cheaper than sushi for lunch. Speaker4, Speaker3 and Speaker1 will get takeout pasta boxes to the park." ]