Before the lesson - Activity: Being respected (see Classroom resources) – for pupils needing support with the main activity Download classroom resources - To understand that respect is two-way and how we treat others is how we can expect to be treated - Pupils should know practical steps they can take in a range of different contexts to improve or support respectful relationships - I understand respect is an important part of relationships - I can explain how I would want to be respected - I understand that I should treat others how I expect to be treated myself - PSHE Association’s Programme of Study for PSHE Education Recap on the previous lesson on Being thoughtful and polite towards other people. including: - What do we mean by respect? For example, admiring something about someone else and having regard for other people’s Emotions that a person can feel. and A set of actions and principles that are entitled to someone - Who should we respect? For example, parents, friends, teachers, celebrities, people with certain jobs. Although we should treat everyone with respect. - How can respect be Not knowing where you are or how to get somewhere.? For example, changes in The way that somebody acts around other people., finding something out about a person that you don’t like or agree with, being When you expect someone to do something for you but they don’t…. by a person. - What do we Thinking about things that happened in the past. learning about respect? Explain that respect is a key part of any relationship and it is important that we treat other people as we would want to be treated ourselves. Tell the children that you are going to ask them to think about how they would like other people to respect them. Give the headings: - Another term for ‘the internet’. - My friends - My Those in the same year group as you. - Adults I know well - Other adults The children can decide how they want to present the information but they need to include each heading and the key ways they would want to be respected by that A number of people who are gathered together. or in that situation. You may find it Helping someone or a situation to improve. to provide some or all of the class with a copy of Activity: Being respected (see Classroom resources). Some examples are given below: - Online (giving Beneficial or good. feedback/comments, not sharing information) - My friends (understanding how I am The physical or emotional response to something., giving positive feedback, listening to my opinion, not sharing information about me with others) - My peers (listening to me, respecting my opinion) - Adults I know well (understanding how I feel, talking to me about things which affect me, valuing my opinion) - Other adults (talking to me in an appropriate way, listening to my opinion) When they have considered this, they can discuss their answers with their partner/table. Then take some feedback from them. Discuss whether there are some which apply to all the groups, and what the differences are. - How do I want others to show their respect for me? Pupils needing extra support: Can use the Activity: Being respected for the main activity as it provides a structure. Pupils working at greater depth: Add to the main activity by also including how they can show respect to these groups of people/in this situation. Ask the children to look again at their Anticipating that something will happen a certain way. and then remind them that we should treat others how we want to be treated ourselves. Are there any expectations the children feel they need to work on and perhaps don’t show the respect to others that they would expect themselves. Ask them to share this with someone in the class they To believe that someone or something is safe and reliable.. Over the next week the children can remind each other about respect and make a note of when they see respectful behaviour. At the end of each day you could ask children to share any examples of respect they have seen. Or you could ask them to write down any examples of respect and put them into a respect box or onto a respect display. - How do I respect others? - How do others show respect? Assessing pupils' progress and understanding Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: Understanding what respect is and how I should be respected. Pupils working at greater depth indicated by: Understanding the link between receiving and giving respect. To show or present how something works. To be rude or offensive to somebody.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "url": "https://www.kapowprimary.com/subjects/relationships-and-sex-education/upper-key-stage-2/year-6/families-and-relationships/lesson-2-respectful-relationships/", "date": "2020-10-01T18:18:13", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600402131986.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20201001174918-20201001204918-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9495118260383606, "token_count": 964, "score": 4.75, "int_score": 5 }
The Spanish Language can be split into several building structures. There are a certain number of structures in the Spanish language, and every sentence follows one of those structures. All the structures are studied deeply and collected them all and provided in this course. Many structures together form the sentence in the Spanish language. Once you understand how these structures work, you insert various words into the structure and form a sentence. This course introduces you to the learning of the Spanish language through the structures. By looking into the structure, you will get a grip with the structures and understand its usages. By understanding the Spanish structures, you will become more fluent in the language. If you can manipulate the structure at high speed, you can quickly form the sentence and interpret the meaning of the sentence quickly while reading. You also get plenty of practices section in this course. You will also be learning how to make questions from these structures, how to make statements, and how to turn positive statements to negative.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "url": "https://sparkdatabox.com/courses/spanish-language-building-structures", "date": "2020-09-20T19:50:04", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400198652.6/warc/CC-MAIN-20200920192131-20200920222131-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.948876142501831, "token_count": 198, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
The right to vote is called suffrage. It is from the Latin word suffragium, which has several meanings, including “vote,” “ballot,” and “voting rights.” Suffrage—also called the franchise—is a civil right enjoyed by citizens of a democratic state. (See also citizenship; civil rights.) The history of suffrage is a progression from the control of society by small and privileged groups to an ever-increasing role by more and more people. Those who held power were usually determined to keep it and were unwilling to allow many people a say in the matter. The theory was that those who have the most at stake in society by virtue of their wealth should control policy. The right to vote for public officials was comparatively rare until the 19th century. In ancient Athens all citizens were required to take part in public life. This included holding office as well as voting. But many residents of the city-state were not considered citizens. In Sparta the rights of citizens were strictly limited, and those who were not citizens—the majority who did the actual productive work—had few, if any, rights (see Sparta, Greece). In monarchical governments the people were subjects, not citizens. But in some monarchies local officials were elected. The pope of the Roman Catholic church was often elected by acclamation of the people of Rome, but other church members throughout Europe had no voice in the pope’s election. Since the 13th century he has been elected by the College of Cardinals (see papacy). The democratization of politics was given great impetus by the American and French revolutions, and it was given a theoretical foundation by the political writers of the Enlightenment (see Enlightenment). In the United States of 1776 only some property owners could vote, but the ideals enumerated in the Declaration of Independence pointed the way for a gradual widening of suffrage. The ferocity of the French Revolution gave virtually the whole population of France the status of citizens immediately, and the traditional barriers to participation in government were quickly overthrown—but France later reverted to monarchy until 1870. The ideals promoted by the two revolutions and their aftermaths led to a broadening of suffrage in the next few decades. Progress toward universal suffrage in the United States moved in several steps. During the decades after the ratification of the Constitution, white male citizens were given the vote in state after state. Kentucky and Tennessee granted white males the franchise in 1792 and 1796, respectively. In 1826 New York became the last state to abolish property qualifications for voting by white males. Before the Civil War blacks were allowed to vote in only four states: Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts. The 15th Amendment, ratified in 1870, gave all adult black males the franchise, but many states found ways to get around the amendment through devices such as the poll tax and literacy requirements. Poll taxes in federal elections were barred by the 24th Amendment (1964) and in state elections by a ruling of the Supreme Court in 1966. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 suspended state literacy tests and other voter-qualification tests that had been used to keep blacks from voting, mostly throughout the South. During the post–Civil War years a number of states passed female suffrage acts. Some states had allowed women to vote in local elections, but Wyoming Territory was the first, in 1869, to give them the right to vote in statewide contests. This provision was written into the Wyoming constitution 20 years later, and for the first time women could vote in national elections as well as state and local ones. Other states, mostly in the West, followed suit. The right to vote in federal elections was not granted in all the states until the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920. (See also feminism, “Winning Woman Suffrage.”) When the 26th Amendment was ratified in 1971, it set the voting age for all federal, state, and local elections at 18. Thus all citizens of the United States, except those specifically barred by law, are allowed to vote. The exclusions are citizens under 18, the mentally incompetent, and convicted felons. By the late 20th century universal suffrage had become generally accepted around the world. Some newly independent nations require literacy tests before allowing citizens to vote. In South Africa the black majority was not allowed to vote until 1994, when that country’s first one-person, one-vote election took place. (See also elections.)
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "url": "https://kids.britannica.com/students/article/suffrage/277947", "date": "2020-10-25T18:14:23", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107889574.66/warc/CC-MAIN-20201025154704-20201025184704-00308.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9836131930351257, "token_count": 926, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
The first way to use Ohm's Law is to find out current values in direct current circuits. To find the current, you should know the voltage and the resistance, or be able to deduce them. Refer to the schematic diagram of Figure. It consists of a variable direct current generator, some wire, a voltmeter, an ammeter, and a calibrated, wide range potentiometer. Component values have been left out of this diagram, so it is not a drawing a diagram. But the values are assigned for of creating sample Ohm's Law problems. While calculating the current in the below stated problems, it is essential to mentally "cover up" the meter. Figure-- Circuit for Ohm's Law problems and working. Suppose that the direct current generator produces 10 V, and that the potentiometer is set to a value of 10 . Then what will be the current which we obtain? This is solved by the formula I=E/R. Just plug in values for E and R; they are both 10, as the units were given in volts and ohms. Then I=10/10=1 A. The direct current generator produces 100 V and the potentiometer is set to 10 KΩ. What is the current which we obtain? First, convert the resistance to ohms: 10 KΩ=10,000. And then plug the values in: I = 100/10,000 = 0.01 A. This can better be expressed as 10 mA. Engineers and technicians favor to keep the numbers within reason while specifying the quantities. Although it is perfectly all right to say that the current is 0.01 A, it is best if the numbers can be kept at 1 or more, but is certainly less than 1,000. It is a silly to talk about a current of 0.003 A, or a resistance of 107,000 Ω, when you can say 3 mA or 107 KΩ.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "url": "http://www.expertsmind.com/topic/electrical-engineering/current-calculations-9589.aspx", "date": "2020-10-21T13:25:46", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107876500.43/warc/CC-MAIN-20201021122208-20201021152208-00628.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9156090617179871, "token_count": 408, "score": 4.78125, "int_score": 5 }
‘Thinking Inclusively’ teaches our children to be their best self through the knowledge skills and understanding of how society is enriched by the people in it. They will learn to appreciate how diversity positively impacts on the community and how they can respectfully demonstrate the Fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance. - Understand how our society is enriched by the people around us. Develop a voice and opinion about topical issues and different protected characteristics that can be found in our community and why there are perceived barriers to success. - It is easy to underestimate the impact of a cultural deficit in a child’s life and the limited exposure to a rich and varied world - However, without cultural knowledge and experiences students can underestimate their own worth and confidence. - This broader understanding is essential to children’s abilities to make appropriate inferences and their ability to be comfortable and confident in a wide variety of social settings. Your preferences have prevented this content from being loaded. If you have recently changed your preferences, please try reloading the page
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-50", "url": "https://www.newhorizonschildrensacademy.org.uk/wider-horizons/thinking-inclusively/", "date": "2020-11-23T15:42:47", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-50/segments/1606141163411.0/warc/CC-MAIN-20201123153826-20201123183826-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9490466713905334, "token_count": 220, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Direct instruction is an approach to teaching where an instructor provides a detailed and highly structured series of directions and lectures to students, rather than encouraging students to explore and grasp concepts on their own. The teacher interacts face to face with students, leading the class, and the class does not engage in work groups and other independent activities. Direct instruction can be very suitable to teaching certain kinds of topics, like mathematics and basic science. In direct instruction, the teacher lectures the class to provide students with the basic building blocks of knowledge, and builds on those in a series of steps. One advantage to this teaching method is that it is very easy to set goals and measure progress. In a math class, teachers can define goals as mastery of specific concepts, and may test students to see if they understand the topics covered thus far to see if the students are learning. Direct instruction relies on tools like lecture, repeating drills, demonstrations in front of the class, and homework to reinforce skills discussed in class. Interaction between students and exploration of topics through discussion sections and private inquiry is not a part of direct instruction. Students may choose to work independently outside the classroom environment in study groups, but this is not integrated into the teacher's approach in the classroom. This method is very systematic, relying on a tight script and very focused goals. For some kinds of learning, it is less appropriate. For example, in a history class, teachers may want students to explore historical topics and think about social issues and attitudes when evaluating historical events. Students may learn more from the material if they have access to discussions and other opportunities to probe into the events they learn about. Topics like math, where teachers want students to understand a series of concepts, can often be covered very well through direct instruction. Educators may choose to use a combination of instruction techniques to reach their students, tailoring the approach to the class and the topic. Most teachers learn about different approaches to pedagogy while they receive their training, including an assortment of direct instruction methods. School districts may place an emphasis on a particular type of teaching, expecting their personnel to use that method in their work. Schools for at-risk youth, who often have difficulty focusing and completing tasks, may rely on direct instruction to provide very clear structure in the classroom with the goal of making it easier for students to succeed.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-50", "url": "https://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-direct-instruction.htm", "date": "2020-11-26T16:09:20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-50/segments/1606141188800.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20201126142720-20201126172720-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9666338562965393, "token_count": 471, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
These are examples of a variety of tasks that will enable the children to develop their reasoning skills by answering a variety of open-ended questions. You can create your own questions based on abilityand depending on the skills that you would like to focus on. These are examples of mental arithmetic activities. Children will use the target boards to answer variety of questions chosen by the teacher. This is an example of a number resource in order for the children to recognise numbers, and to aid mental maths. This is an useful resource to be used to help with a variety of tasks such as multiplication, number sequences and fractions.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-04", "url": "https://www.inspire2motivate.org/maths-resources", "date": "2021-01-15T17:55:35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703495936.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20210115164417-20210115194417-00428.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9443578720092773, "token_count": 124, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
How do particles behave inside solids, liquids and gases? In this lesson, we will learn that all matter is made up of particles. Particles are arranged in different ways in solids, liquids and gases giving them different properties. We will also learn how scientists use diagrams to represent the arrangement of particles. Click on the play button to start the video. If your teacher asks you to pause the video and look at the worksheet you should: - Click "Close Video" - Click "Next" to view the activity Your video will re-appear on the next page, and will stay paused in the right place. This quiz is a great way for you to test your learning from this lesson. If you would like to re-cap any of the lesson, or repeat any exercise, click ‘Back’ below.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-04", "url": "https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/how-do-particles-behave-inside-solids-liquids-and-gases-68wp2c", "date": "2021-01-26T05:56:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610704798089.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20210126042704-20210126072704-00508.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9046186804771423, "token_count": 175, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Your students will have 18 different games to play. Whether played in pairs or individually, they will most definitely improve in recognizing similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and personification. Games are self-checking, so students will see if they’ve mastered all four examples in a game or if they need to try again. This lesson comes with detailed instructions for setup and how the games are played. Enjoy using these year after year. The four sentences below shows what a game looks like—four clues (above the line) and the figurative language choices (below the line). The picture shows a finished game and the answers indicating the numbers have all been placed correctly. COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS L.5.5.A L.6.5.A L.7.5.A L.8.5.A
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-04", "url": "https://buildingbetterspellers.com/product/figurative-language-games/", "date": "2021-01-26T09:59:08", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610704799711.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20210126073722-20210126103722-00708.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9055795073509216, "token_count": 176, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
This assignment will give you more experience on the use of functions and your first experience with the use of strings. You are going to make a **number classifier**. A number classifier takes in a string and decides what kind of number the string represents. We will deal with the format of numbers that C++11 requires. In mathematics most numbers are expressed in a base-10 numeral system. However, we can also express the same number using a different system. For example, 5 in decimal system can be expressed as 101 in a base-2 system (Binary system). Your number classifier should distinguish the type of input number in string form. Here as some facts about number strings and how they are represented in C++11. # Binary numbers This is a base-2 system as we discussed above. There are only two numeric symbols in this system: 0 and 1. To express a binary number in computer science, we will add a prefix so it is not confused with other systems. For binary system, we use 0b as prefix. For example, the binary number 101 can be expressed in C++11 as 0b101. Binary numbers may be negative and preceded by a minus sign. [For more details](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_number) # Octal numbers The Octal numeral system is a base-8 system. An octal number can only use the symbols (0-7). In C++11 we designate a number as octal when we prefix the number with 0. Octal numbers may be negative and preceded by a minus sign. [For more details](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octal) # Hexadecimal numbers Hexadecimal numeral system is a base-16 system. It uses the symbols(0-9 and a-f). In C++11 we use 0x as a prefix. Hex numbers can be negative and may be preceded by a minus sign. [For more details](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal) # Decimal numbers For all other numbers without a prefix, we can assume it is base ten number. If the input is a base ten number, you are required to further classify it into one two sub categories: integer or floating point. – Integer numbers have no decimal point (and thus no numbers behind the decimal point). Integer numbers can be negative and preceded by a minus sign. – Floating points can be expressed in fixed notation (numbers including a decimal point) or in scientific notation. [For more details](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_notation) – fixed: decimal number, decimal point, for example: 123.456. Number can be negative and preceded by a minus sign. – scientific: floating point number or integer number, the symbol ‘e’, and then an integer number, for example: 123.45e5. Both numbers can be negative but note that the **exponent must be an integer**. **Important**: You can safely ignore the case of a large number of prefix 0’s. Though that is a legal mathematical number, we will ignore that as a case. For example, 000000123.45 is not a case you will have to deal with, nor would 0x000001. However, a single 0 as the start of a number is, as you’ve seen, a valid case. # Program Specifications You will implement six functions. bool valid_hex (string) – Return true if the given string is a valid hexadecimal number. – Valid hexadecimal must have the right prefix and contain only valid digits. bool valid_octal (string) – Return true if the given string is a valid octal number. – Valid octal must have the right prefix and contain only valid digits. bool valid_binary (string) – Return true if the given string is a valid binary number. – Valid binary must have the right prefix and contain only valid digits. bool valid_int (string) – Return true if the given string is a valid integer. – Valid integer must have no prefix and contain only valid digits. bool valid_float (string) – Return true if the given string is a valid floating point number. – Valid floating point number must have no more than one ‘e’ symbol or ‘.’ symbol, and contain only valid decimal digits. string classify_string (string) – This function classifies the parameter string with regards to what kind of number the string represents. It does this by using the above functions. – Returns a string of the type name of the number. The return is the string “false” if it does not classify as one of the numbers listed. – Be careful of input with no digits or one digit. # Program Notes - The **valid_float** is by far the hardest, tackle it last. - Some useful string functions would be: - **s.find**: return the index of the character you are looking for or string::npos if that character isn’t in the string. - **s.substr**: create a new string, a substring of the string. It takes one or two arguments: - **1 arg**: the start index where the substring begins to the end of the string. - **2 arg**: the start index where the substring begins and the length of the substring. - cctype functions are probably helpful: - remember these are character functions, not string functions. You can test an individual character, one element of a string, using them. - you can test each function individually, that is very helpful. - range based for loops are convenient as well, though not strictly necessary. - you need to be able to index properly in a string as well.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-04", "url": "https://edulissy.com/shop/projects/number-classifier-solution/", "date": "2021-01-16T02:14:49", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703499999.6/warc/CC-MAIN-20210116014637-20210116044637-00108.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7574740052223206, "token_count": 1254, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides. No other features matter. (In English-speaking countries outside of North America, the equivalent term is trapezium.) The parallel sides may be vertical , horizontal , or slanting . In fact, by the definition, even this is a trapezoid because it has “at least one pair of parallel sides” (and no other features matter), as are . In these figures, the other two sides are parallel, too and so they meet not only the requirements for being a trapezoid (quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides) but also the requirements for being a parallelogram. The definition given above is the one that is accepted within the mathematics community and, increasingly, in the education community. Many sources related to K-12 education have historically restricted the definition of trapezoid to require exactly one pair of parallel sides. This narrower view excludes parallelograms as a subset of trapezoids, and leaves only the figures like , , and . This narrower definition treats trapezoids as if they are triangles with “one vertex cut off parallel to the opposite side.” Even with the restricted definition, it is important for students to see non-standard examples — asymmetric like the green and tan examples, and in non-“level” orientations like the red example — so that the image that they build focuses on the essential feature: the pair of parallel sides. Parallelograms with special features, like right angles or all congruent sides (or both), are given their own distinctive names: rectangle, rhombus, and square. The only special feature of a trapezoid that is awarded its own distinctive name is the second pair of parallel sides, which makes the special trapezoid a parallelogram. When two sides (other than the bases) are the same length, the trapezoid is referred to as isosceles (an “isosceles trapezoid”), just as triangles with two equal-length sides (other than the base) are called isosceles triangles. No other distinctive names are used for trapezoids with special features (like right angles or three congruent sides). The suffix -oid suggests being “like” something, without being quite the same: a spheroid is sphere-like, but not necessarily a perfect sphere; a humanoid is like a human, but not human; and a trapezoid is trapeze-shaped, but not a trapeze. The modern meaning of trapeze suggests a circus swing (that is often trapezoidal in shape, the seat being parallel to the bar from which the trapeze hangs), but trapeze originally meant “table,” from tra (‘four’ as in tetra-) pez (‘leg’ or ‘foot’ which we more often see as ped as in pedal or pedestrian).
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-04", "url": "https://elementarymath.edc.org/resources/shape-trapezoid/", "date": "2021-01-16T08:02:57", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703505861.1/warc/CC-MAIN-20210116074510-20210116104510-00508.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9413397312164307, "token_count": 623, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Comparing Multiplication Facts (Hey Tocayo!) Students will be assigned a number that has various factors and they will find partners with different factors that have the same product. Grade Level: 3 - 5th Length of Time: 30 - 40 Minutes Common Core Alignment CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.OA.A.1 - Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison, e.g., interpret 35 = 5 × 7 as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7 times as many as 5. Represent verbal statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.OA.B.4 - Find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1-100. Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1-100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1-100 is prime or composite. Objectives & Outcomes Students will interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison and represent verbal statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations. Students will practice finding factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1-100. Students will recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Students will determine whether a given whole number in the range 1-100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number. A white board, a white board marker, a multiplication chart (attached if necessary) a teacher-created multiplication worksheet or practice from text book. Opening to Lesson - Teacher explains that in some Spanish speaking countries, when 2 people have the same name, they often greet each other with the word “Tocayo” (Toe-KIE-yo) for a boy, and “Tocaya” (Toe-KIE-ya) for a girl. - If you have any kids with the same name in the class, use them as an example. “For example, Alex A and Alex B can greet each other with ‘Hey tocoyo what’s up!’” - Let them have time to find their Tocayos and say “Hey Tocayo.” Maybe they will share “my dad is my Tocayo, My Tocaya is in Mrs. Smith’s class…etc…” - Settle the class and explain that in many languages a lot of names have many nicknames. For example, the name Kathryn could have a nickname of Kate, Katie, Kathy, Kat, Katrina, etc… but she is still Kathryn. So if a “Kate” meets a “Katie,” she can still say “Hey Tocaya!” - Explain that in multiplication, whole numbers often have multiple factor pairs. So if “2 x 10” meets “4 x 5,” they can say “Hey Tocayo,” because they are both actually “20.” Body of Lesson - Show the multiplication chart (attached) on the overhead. - Point out to the students that there are many numbers that appear many times as an answer with different factors, for example the number 12 appears 6 times! - Have students name the different factor combinations that have a product of 12 using the multiplication chart and write them as follows. - 2 times 6, 6 times 2, 1 times 12, 12 times 1, 3 times 4, and 4 times 3 - Instruct students to get out their white board and white board markers. - Have students write, “Hi, my name is______” at the top of the whiteboard. - Tell students to look at the multiplication and find products that appear multiple times on the chart. - Tell students to choose two factors from the chart and write them on their whiteboard. - Ex. Hi my name is: 2 times 6 - Once all students have chosen their factor combination, have them stand up and find someone who has a factor combination that has the same product as theirs. - Ex. 3 times 4, 6 times 2, 1 times 12 or 12 times 1 - When they find someone with an equivalent combination, they say “Hey Tocayo/a!” and stand next to each other and raise their boards for you to see. - When students are in groups with their Tocayos, point to each group and have them shout out their product one group at a time. - Ex. 12 - Don’t let the students who don’t find a tocayo feel left out, have the entire class solve their factor combination. - “Ah looks like ‘4 times 7’ didn’t find her tocaya today, ‘7 times 4’ must be home sick, that’s ok, what’s her product class?” –“28!!!!” - Have students return to their seat and choose another factor combination and repeat the process! - Teacher will create a multiplication worksheet for students to complete or do a related lesson from the textbook. Lead a class discussion and ask if this could also work for addition and subtraction, for related division facts, or for anything else. Call on students to explain what they learned during the lesson. Related Lesson Plans Students will compare numbers with three or more digits using visual cues. Students will do a nature walk to find things in nature that are grouped in pairs that are odd or even. Students will create a “pizza” from construction paper divided into 8 slices. They will decorate each slice and then exchange slices with classmates and then evaluate the fractions of slices that they have at the end. For example, 1/8 slices of my own pizza, 4/8 or ½ of pizza that was made by a female, 2/8 or ¼ that was made by my buddy. Note: Students should have already had some lessons about simplification of fractions. Students will play a game in which they choose cards and choose the best place to put the number they have chosen in order to get the highest answer possible. This should not be the first introduction to the topic.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-04", "url": "https://www.teacher.org/lesson-plan/comparing-multiplication-facts-hey-tocayo/", "date": "2021-01-18T23:19:46", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703517159.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20210118220236-20210119010236-00508.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9290855526924133, "token_count": 1332, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
In this lesson you will learn about the characteristics of gifted students and how you can differentiate instruction to accommodate and engage these students. Consider the following learning objectives to orient yourself to the content of this lesson: Prior to reading this lesson, access and copy the Lesson 12 assignment worksheet to your desktop and familiarize yourself with the questions and requirements. Office of Education defines gifted and talented students as those “who have outstanding abilities, are capable of high performance and who require differentiated educational programs (beyond those normally provided by regular school programs) in order to realize their contribution to self and society" (Marland, 1972). 83-92) as well as: Products – Students can develop a variety of products to show their learning. Products that draw upon a variety of learning styles and intelligences include: models, diagrams, letters, videos, debates, displays, dramatizations, multimedia presentations, concept maps, stories, sculptures, paintings, songs, scripts, classification systems, advertisements, creating content web sites, and cookbooks. A teacher’s responsibility is to teach the and to make sure that all students learn new content every day. Gifted students already know much of what we are planning to teach, and they can learn new material in much less time than their age peers.... conclude that being smart means doing things easily. You may be able to complete sections of the worksheet as you read the lesson. Their achievement or potential ability can be in: Gifted learners often learn quicker and at a deeper level of understanding than other students in the classroom, and readily see complexities and connections to the real world. Both groups are average; therefore the pacing, level, amount of work and type of learning activities you plan for the average students in your class are as inappropriate for the gifted students as they are for the students who are unable to meet the grade-level expectations. The education of the gifted student is guided by both Federal and state legislation. The Commonwealth of Virginia provides services to identified students, kindergarten through grade twelve, based on the federal definition of giftedness. There are several resources listed in the references for this lesson that you can refer to for suggestions on how to help these students. You just have to do a Google search to come up with a whole range of characteristics for different types of gifted students.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-10", "url": "https://podarkirostov.ru/accomodating-gifted-students-in-music-education-536.html", "date": "2021-03-02T22:53:17", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-10/segments/1614178364932.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20210302221633-20210303011633-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9584260582923889, "token_count": 476, "score": 4.8125, "int_score": 5 }
MODULE 5: Korean Language Basics (KLB) Contents and topics of the course Thanks to “Hallyu”, the spread of Korean culture across the world, the Korean language has gained quite some attention over the past years. Korean is spoken by about 77 million people and is the official language of both North and South Korea. The Korean language is not merely a tool to communicate, but the invention of Hangul (한글, the Korean alphabet) made the language a big part of the Korean identity as well. In this course, you will be provided with a basic foundation of Korean language proficiency for listening and speaking skills at a beginner level. This is an intensive course which is designed for absolute beginners. It focuses on developing students’ listening and speaking skills. As Hangul has been constructed with the primary goal to make writing accessible to everybody, students will learn how to write and read Hangul during the early stages of this course. Upon completion of this course, students will be able make dialogues on the daily life topics and situations that students might encounter such as greetings, family & occupation, time & date, food (restaurant), numbers & money, shopping, directions & transportation. Hangul (한글) is introduced at the beginning of the course. Students can use Romanized transcription and grammar notes as learning tools to enlarge their vocabulary for their further study.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-10", "url": "https://www.minorbuildingpartnerships.com/korean-language-basics", "date": "2021-03-01T12:47:08", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-10/segments/1614178362513.50/warc/CC-MAIN-20210301121225-20210301151225-00188.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9539175033569336, "token_count": 293, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Before we begin our exercise, we should go over the Python for loop one more time. For now, we are only going to go over the for loop in terms of how it relates to lists and dictionaries. We’ll explain more cool for loop uses in later courses. for loops allow us to iterate through all of the elements in a list from the left-most (or zeroth element) to the right-most element. A sample loop would be structured as follows: a = ["List", "of", "some", "sort"] for x in a: # Do something for every x This loop will run all of the code in the indented block under the for x in a: statement. The item in the list that is currently being evaluated will be x. So running the following: for item in [1, 3, 21]: print item 3, and then 21. The variable between in can be set to any variable name (currently item), but you should be careful to avoid using the word list as a variable, since that’s a reserved word (that is, it means something special) in the Python language. for loop to print out all of the elements in the list
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-10", "url": "https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-python/lessons/a-day-at-the-supermarket/exercises/befor-we-begin", "date": "2021-03-06T17:26:39", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-10/segments/1614178375274.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20210306162308-20210306192308-00588.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9106854200363159, "token_count": 263, "score": 4.75, "int_score": 5 }
The second part of our fundamentals. Keep in mind, if you do not already know some of these definitions, write them down on flashcards and learn their definitions and formulas as they were vocabularies. This time, we take the context for our examples that we already have seen in Fundamentals 1 for some definitions. We simply see the history, say starting from 1945, of the day temperature of a typically warm spring day, say May, 23rd, in Copenhagen. Sampling: Randomly choosing a value such that the probability of picking any particular value is given by a probability distribution. Example: We randomly pick a temperature of all the temperatures ever being recorded in Copenhagen on May, 23rd. This could be18°C. Note that chances to pick a temperature that has occurred more often than others are higher. That’s why chances to pick a temperature closer to the mean of the distribution (circa 20°C) are higher. We will now introduce a few types of distributions. We don’t refer our example to it, but they are still paramount to remember. Bernoulli distribution: probability distribution over a two-valued (= binary = true or false = 1 or 0) random variable. The Bernoulli distribution has one parameter p which is the probability of the value true and is written as Bernoulli(p). Categorical distribution: probability distribution for a set of discrete random variables. You can see it as the generalisation of the Bernoulli distribution. There, you only have two possible values, but in a categorical you can have more. We could use it to determine the probabilities of an input belonging to a certain class or weight as in the following graph shown. Uniform distribution: probability distribution where every possible value is equally probable. It is always defined with boundaries a and b, and the probability is given by 1/(b-a), because the sum of all probabilities must be 1. In other words, the “space under the line” must be 1. Gaussian distribution: the “bell-shape” distribution very often used for real-valued random variables (also called normal distribution). Joint distribution: a probability distribution over multiple variables which gives the probability of the variables jointly taking a particular configuration of values. For example, p(X,Y) is a joint distribution over the random variables X and Y. Conditional probability: a probability of one random variable given a another random variable has a particular value. Formally, we say “the conditional probability of X given Y is the probability of event X when event Y is known”. It might be not too easy to grasp in the beginning, so let’s look at a probability tree for an intuitive explanation. Example: We have the temperature distribution of May, 23rd, our T1, but do not know it for May, 24th, our T2. We calculate the conditional probability when we, taken the left branch in the following graph into account, ask ourselves “how warm will it be tomorrow when it was today only 4°C?”. The chance that it is on T2 25°C are with 0.2 pretty low, whereas the chances that it’ll be 9°C are with 0.8 higher. You can do the same for the right branch. Chances that it’ll be 20°C on the 24th after it has been 22°C on the 23rd are with 0.6 higher than 15°C with 0.4. Chain rule of probability: it’s nothing more than rewriting what we already know from the conditional probability. It’s the product of the distribution over Y and the distribution over X conditioned on the value of Y. In other words, it’s the probability that both events X and Y occur at once. Bayes’ theorem: the most important, but not very complicated rule for the rest of your journey. p(X|Y) is the posterior probability of X given data Y, p(Y|X) is the likelihood or model evidence of data fitting to your model configurations, p(X) is the belief in form of a prior probability, and p(Y) is the data distribution. Julia Galef’s explanation or Arbital’s tutorial are superb and might help you understanding its intuitions. Watch the video a few times and do the tutorial, you should see the world through Bayesian eyes. Sum rule of probability: the probability distribution over a random variable X is obtained by summing the joint distribution p(X,Y) over all values of Y. Marginal distribution: the distribution over a random variable computed by using the sum rule to sum a joint distribution over all other variables in the distribution. The process of summing a joint distribution to compute a marginal distribution is called marginalisation. Given two random variables X and Y whose joint distribution p(X, Y) is known, the marginal distribution of X is simply the probability distribution of X averaging over all possible values of Y. It is the probability distribution of X when the value of Y is unknown. This is typically calculated by summing (Y is discrete) or integrating (Y is continuous) the joint probability distribution over Y. Independence: random variables are independent if knowing about X tells us nothing about Y. They are independent if and only if Conditional independence: a random variable X is conditionally independent from Y given Z, what we write in the following manner: See it as a graphical model, and it’s totally intuitive. As soon as we know something about Z, we don’t need any information about Y to know something about X, and we don’t need any information about X to know something about Y. Independent and identically distributed: two or more data samples can independent when drawing from one data sample does not influence any following draw, and identically distributed when their means and variances are the same. It’s abbreviated as i.i.d. Since we can never be totally sure that two or more samples are totally independent and identically distributed, you’re playing safe when you say “we assume samples are i.i.d”. Example: We draw two temperatures of our data set, say 22°C and 15°C. These temperatures display the temperature of two May, 23rd’s in the history of Copenhagen. Do you think the draws are independent? We cannot say it for sure, but taken into account that there were about 365 days between them, they probably are independent. In contrast, we can say with growing sample sizes, i.e. drawing more temperatures at once from the total history, we can confidentially say that the samples are identically distributed, because they originate from the same distribution. likelihood function: a measure how well the data summarizes the parameters of our model, i.e. our probability distribution. Later when we’ll have progressed in probabilistic models, we will encounter the log likelihood in a so-called cost function that is commonly the maximum log likelihood. Inference: the process of computing probability distributions over certain specified random variables, usually after observing the value of some other variables in the model. Covariance matrix: a measure of the joint variability of two random variables. Correlation matrix: correlation is a special case of covariance which can be obtained when the data is standardized. Standardized means each observation is subtracted by the mean and divided by the standard deviation. Therefore, it ranges from -1 to 1, i.e. its value can directly be interpreted as “good” or “bad”. So, do normalize your data before you compute the correlation between two random variables. Causation: causation exists between two random variables, if changes in one is the reason of changes in the other. An edge between two random variables implies this, formally called a causal relation. It’s a crucial, but often overlooked idea, and you might have been reminded by the idiom “Correlation Does Not Imply Causation”. Example: imagine it’s May, 23rd today, around 22°C, and you’re walking around Copenhagen. You’ll see many pedestrians eating ice-cream and ask yourself whether that’s because it’s quite hot today or do Danes just like ice-cream very much. After having spent a few more days in Copenhagen with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 25°C, you can guess that it’s probably because of the high temperature. You have just drawn a causal relation between the random variables “temperature” and “eating ice-cream”. But, you could also observe that pedestrians go shopping a lot the warm days you spend in Copenhagen, seemingly more than on the colder days. Does that also imply a causal relation? You cannot be certain, because there could simply has been public holidays on the cold days and most stores were closed, so less people were attracted to go shopping.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-10", "url": "https://medium.com/@laumannfelix/statistics-probability-fundamentals-2-cbb1239f9605", "date": "2021-02-25T12:25:47", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-10/segments/1614178350942.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20210225095141-20210225125141-00308.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9357396364212036, "token_count": 1896, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
CLIC Targets for P1 Term 3 Week 11 C – counting For counting we are going to practise our number recognition and number formation. Use a number square or number line to point to a number and say it’s name. Can you write down any numbers you are asked? Use a whiteboard or paper to practise your number formation. L – learn its Learn its are number facts which we try to remember and quickly recall without working out the answer. We now have to remember the doubles to 5 – 1+1=2 2+2=4 3+3=6 4+4=8 5+5=10 You can also practise these at home. These facts are done orally and not written down at this stage. I – It’s Nothing New These are facts like our learn its but instead of asking What is one add one? we say What is double one? Can you double 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5? C – Calculations This week we will focus on subtraction. Can you take away and find out how many are left? Use objects you have at home and make a group to take away from. Try using different amounts to start with and take away different amounts. If you can manage using materials, try some mental subtraction, working out the answers in your head. Here are some links to games which will help with this week’s targets. Source: Primary 1
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-17", "url": "https://abbotswell.aberdeen.sch.uk/2021/03/clic-targets-22-3-21/", "date": "2021-04-16T11:46:09", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038056325.1/warc/CC-MAIN-20210416100222-20210416130222-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9234738945960999, "token_count": 305, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
In this week’s spelling activity, we will be investigating what happens to words ending in f when suffixes are added. Can you remember what a suffix is? Write a definition and/or tell your friend. Most words ending in ‘f’ change to ‘ves’ in the plural. Remember, plural means more than one. Task 1: Change the following words into plurals: For example: leaf leaves Task 2: Now let’s have a try at writing these words in sentences. I have done the first sentence for you. If you want to challenge yourself, add in expanded noun phrases. It is good to know the rules, but you need to know there are exceptions to the rules too. For example, the word belief turns into beliefs what it changes to a plural. Can you spot what is different about this rule? Task 3: Now let’s look at using possessive apostrophes (which indicates that something belongs to someone) in the sentences below. The first sentence has been done for you. The wolf’s fur was a dull, grey colour. The possessive apostrophe has been highlighted and is placed at the end of the root word to show that the information given belongs to one person. Can you add a possessive apostrophe to the following sentence? The thiefs personality was senseless and nasty. Challenge: Can you think of and write your own sentence with a possessive apostrophe included? Show your friend. Next week we will look at using possessive apostrophes when something belongs to more than one person.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-17", "url": "https://www.stpaulsce.co.uk/week-10-20/", "date": "2021-04-10T11:24:47", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038056869.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20210410105831-20210410135831-00508.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9404988884925842, "token_count": 338, "score": 4.71875, "int_score": 5 }
1/06/20 - Jemmy Button For the next couple of weeks we would like you to do some work based on the book 'Jemmy Button - The Boy that Darwin returned home' To begin with listen to the story.... How can we infer how a character feels? Activity 1: Re-watch the video recording of the story of ‘Jemmy Button’. Using this, record some ideas about how you think Jemmy felt moving to England? How was it similar/different to his home? How would you have felt being uprooted and moved to the other side of the world? Do you think he wanted to go? Why? Why not? Activity 2: We would like you to write a diary entry from Jemmy’s point of view about how he feels at different points in the story. You may choose either option 1, option 2, or option 3. Consider how the author has used repetition. You may wish to include this style within your own work. Think about how you might convey how Jemmy is feeling through your vocabulary choices, perhaps you might refer to his senses too. Find ways to describe the location he is in to the reader. Option 1: Write about life in Tierra del Fuego before Jemmy gets on the boat to England. Think about how you will use sentence structures and vocabulary to convey how he feels about his home. Option 2: The second entry should be written as he arrives in London and how out of place he feels. You should show the difference between how he feels in London compared to being at home through your choice of language and sentence structures. Option 3: The third diary entry should be written once Jemmy returns home; you should think about what has stayed the same and what has changed for Jemmy since he has returned home. Think about how his experiences in London will have shaped or changed how he views things. Extension: Choose another option and write a second diary entry. Consider how you will show a change in Jemmy’s thoughts and feelings. Think carefully about your choice of vocabulary, the structure of your diary entry and use of grammar to help you achieve this effectively.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-17", "url": "https://www.bitternemanor.co.uk/10620-jemmy-button/", "date": "2021-04-13T15:43:45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038073437.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20210413152520-20210413182520-00508.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9687409400939941, "token_count": 449, "score": 4.65625, "int_score": 5 }
How We Hear How We Hear Sound consists of vibrations of air in the form of waves. The ear is able to pick up these vibrations and convert them into electrical signals that are sent to the brain. In the brain, these signals are translated into meaningful information, such as language or music with qualities like volume and pitch. The volume of sound is measured in decibels (dB). The ear consists of three parts: the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. The outer ear is the visible part of the ear on either side of the head and includes the ear canals that go into the head. The fleshy parts of the outer ear act as “collectors” of sound waves, which then travel down the ear canal to the eardrum. This is a membrane of tissue that separates the outer ear from the middle ear. The sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate. This vibration is passed on to the middle ear, which consists of three small bones called the ossicles, which amplify and conduct the vibrations of the eardrum to the inner ear. The inner ear consists of an organ called the cochlea, which is shaped like a snail’s shell. The cochlea contains tiny cells called hair cells, which move in response to the vibrations passed from the ossicles. Further amplification and modification occurs here. The movement of these hair cells generates an electrical signal that is transmitted to the brain through the auditory nerve. The outer ear is the most external portion of the ear. The outer ear includes the pinna (also called auricle), the ear canal, and the very most superficial layer of the ear drum (also called the tympanic membrane). The middle ear, an air-filled cavity behind the ear drum (tympanic membrane), includes the three ear bones or ossicles: the malleus (or hammer), incus (or anvil), and stapes (or stirrup). The opening of the Eustachian tube is also within the middle ear. Symptoms Of Hearing Loss Symptoms Of Hearing Loss People of all ages suffer from hearing loss. Most hearing loss occurs gradually, so the symptoms are difficult to recognise. It may begin by asking people to repeat themselves, or turning up the volume on the TV. As our hearing fades we tend to forget how things sound. Our world becomes quieter. We are unaware that we are missing the usual sounds of everyday life such as children laughing, birds singing and the sound of the sea. If you, or someone you know, are experiencing one or more of the following problems it may be time to consider having a hearing assessment. - People seem to be mumbling or don’t speak as clearly as they used to - You have to strain to hear when someone talks or whispers - You have difficulty hearing someone call from behind or in another room - You need to watch a speaker’s lips more closely to follow conversation - Following a conversation is difficult when you are in a group of people - You have to turn up the volume on the TV or radio - You have problems hearing clearly on the telephone - You have difficulty hearing at the church, theatre, cinema or other venues - You find it hard to hear in noisy restaurants or in the car - You have begun to limit your social activities due to difficulty in hearing - Family or friends mention that they often have to repeat themselves Types of Hearing Loss hearing loss. A third type is called mixed hearing loss and can be a combination of the other two types. Conductive Hearing Loss Conductive Hearing Loss is caused by anything that interferes with the transmission of sound from the outer to the inner ear. Possible causes include: - Middle ear infections (otitis media) - Collection of fluid in the middle ear (“glue ear” in children) - Blockage of the outer ear (by wax) - Damage to the eardrum by infection or an injury - Damage to the bones (ossicles) of the middle ear due to injury - Otosclerosis, a condition in which the ossicles of the middle ear become immobile because of growth of the surrounding bone - Rarely, rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints between the ossicles Sensorineural hearing loss is due to damage to the hair cells in the inner ear and/or to the pathway for sound impulses from the hair cells to the auditory nerve and the brain. Possible causes include: - Age-related hearing loss – the decline in hearing that many people experience as they get older - Acoustic trauma (injury caused by loud noise) to the hair cells - Head trauma - Viral infections of the inner ear (may be caused by viruses such as mumps or measles) - Ménière’s disease, which involves abnormal pressure in the inner ear - Certain drugs, such as high doses of aspirin, quinine and some rarely used antibiotics, which can affect the hair cells - Acoustic neuroma, a benign (non-cancerous) tumour affecting the auditory nerve - Viral infections of the auditory nerve such as mumps and rubella - Infections or inflammation of the brain or brain covering, e.g. meningitis - Multiple sclerosis - Brain tumour - Other conditions such as diabetes, untreated high blood pressure, thyroid problems and many more. Hearing loss can be congenital or acquired. A congenital hearing loss is when the hearing loss occurs before or just after birth. Exposure to certain diseases in utero or soon after birth can harm the hearing mechanism of a baby. Acquired hearing loss happens at a later stage and can be due to factors such as disease, noise or trauma to the head. Preventing Hearing Loss The type of damage caused by loud sound is irreversible, permanent and unfortunately goes unnoticed until it is too late. There are a number of possible causes for hearing loss other than exposure to loud sound. However, hearing loss due to noise exposure is different in one way – it can be prevented or reduced. When you must be around noise, either at work or at play, use something to protect your hearing. We fit a range of custom noise plugs including Elacin. A comprehensive case history is taken, followed by a hearing assessment. We then take impressions of the ears, which is a painless process. Skilled technicians in the laboratory craft them and the result is custom-made earplugs. These reduce damaging frequencies whilst still allowing you to hear. A range of special filters reduces the levels by 9, 15 or 25 decibels. All the filters we supply conform to noise safety legislation. We also fit earplugs without filters, which further reduce noise. Custom-made electronic ear protectors are also available. Uses: Industry, Professional, Personal, Musicians, Motor sports, Motorcyclists and Shooting. Swimming Ear Protection Water can be problematic for some adults’ and children’s ears and aggravate an already existing condition. Customised swim plugs are available in a range of colours for those who need to keep their ears dry while swimming, showering or bathing. These swim plugs fit snugly in the ears and greatly reduce the risk of water getting into the ears. Please contact us for further information on these or any advice on hearing protection. Loop System Venues Loop Systems and Their Venues A Hearing Loop is a loop of insulated wire fixed around a designated listening area which transmits a magnetic signal wirelessly around the loop. This signal is picked up directly, and without any interfering noises, by people with hearing aids if the hearing aid has a telecoil receiver fitted within it. Some hearing aids are so tiny that there is not room for a telecoil. Loop systems can vary in size from a neck loop worn by someone at a conference – to large loops, which enable a hearing aid wearer to enjoy for example, a trip to the theatre because the auditorium is looped. In recent years these systems have become commonly available in public buildings such as cinemas, theatres, bank and post office counters, shops, bus and train stations and places of worship. When a loop has been installed, it is usually advertised either in the form of a written notice, or perhaps a sign such as this one, displayed in a prominent place. To work with the hearing aid the telecoil is activated by a button on the aid. It can have up to two settings. One will allow you to hear only the sound from the speaker’s microphone while the other will allow you to hear the sound from the speaker’s microphone, the people around you and your own voice. Hearing aids which are compatible with a loop system, deliver sound that is customized by your hearing aids for your particular hearing loss. Additionally, the sound is contained in your ear/s, without bothering others. With some loop systems if you are bowing your head you may occasionally not hear as well. Remember to return your hearing aid to the normal setting when you are leaving the venue the loop is in, otherwise you will get interference in your hearing aid and you won’t hear well. If you are unsure as to whether you have a telecoil facility in your hearing aid/s or need any assistance with regards to the operation of your telecoil we will be pleased to assist you. It is difficult to keep all the loop site listings up to date and we need your help to do so. If you have noticed any changes, omissions or errors in our listings that we need to update, please submit it to us at email@example.com and we will amend the changes as soon as we can. Thank you. Co. Limerick Area - Augustinian Church, O’ Connell St., Limerick - Holy Rosary Church, Ennis Road, Limerick - Redemptorists Fathers Alphonsus Street, Limerick - St Josephs O Connell Ave. Limerick - Christ the King Church in Caherdavin. - St. Johns Cathedral, Limerick. (Only marked Seats left hand side near altar) - St. Nessan’s Church, Raheen, Limerick - Mary Magdalene Church, Monaleen, Limerick - St.Andrew’s Church, Kilfinnane - St. Mary’s Church, Askeaton - St. Mary’s Church, Rathkeale - Our Lady, Mother of the Church, Cahercolish (left hand side of church). - Caherline Church - St. Pauls Church, Dooradoyle - St. Joseph’s Church, Kildimo - St Joseph’s Church, Ballybrown - St Josephs Church, Castleconnell - Nicker Church, Pallasgreen, Co. Limerick. (Right hand side). - Newcastlewest Church of Immaculate Conception. Right side of church. - Athlaca Church St John’s - St John The Baptist Nicker Church. (One side.) - Church of Blessed Virgin Mary Patrickswell - Dermot O Hurley Memorial Church, Caherline - Cappagh Church, Co Limerick - St Nicholas Boher Co Limerick - Adare all seats except last four rows. - Omniplex Cinema, Crescent Shopping Centre, Limerick - Iarnrod Eireann Ticket Booth, Colbert Station, Limerick - St.Camillus’ Nursing Home, Shelbourne Road (Day room only) - Permanent Trustee Savings Bank Sarsfield Street, Limerick (First counter only) - Dept of Social Protection, Dominic Street, Limerick, (Three Hatches) - Limerick City Hall, Motor Taxation Department - Green Hills Hotel, Ennis Road, Limerick, Rooms and Reception. - Desmond Complex Film Club, Newcastlewest - Revenue Commissioners, Charlotte Quay, Limerick - Ulster Bank O Connell Street, Limerick - Lime Tree Theatre, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick Co. Clare Area - St Joseph’s Church, Ennis Co.Clare - Fransiscan Friary, Ennis Co.Clare - St Flannan’s Cathedral, Ennis Co.Clare - St. Patrick’s Church, Parteen, Co. Clare. - Church of Ireland Cathedral, Killaloe - Newmarket-on-Fergus Church, Newmarket-on-Fergus - SS. John & Paul Church, Shannon - Ballynacally Church, Clondegad, - St. Senan’s Church, Kilrush - SS Peter & Paul Church, Clarecastle - Our Lady assumed into Heaven & St Senan’s, Kilkee - Community Hospital Oratory Raheen, Toomgrainey. - St Flannan’s Church, Whitegate - Sacred Heart Church, Scarriff - Shannon Airport specific areas indicated by drop down light. (public address) - Glor Ennis - AIB Newmarket-on- Fergus - Cois na h-Abhaine, Ennis Co. Tipperary Area - Our Lady of the Wayside Church, Birdhill - St. Mary of the Rosary Church, Nenagh - St. John’s Church, Tyone Nenagh - St. Mary’s Church of Ireland, Nenagh - Our Lady & St. Lua Church, Ballina. - Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles - Church of the Most Holy Redeemer, Newport - St. Michael’s Church, Tipperary Town - St. John the Baptist Church, Cashel - Nenagh Motor Tax Office Co. Galway Area - St. Nicholas’ Cathedral, Galway (In one section near riverside) - Franciscan Abbey, Francis Street, Galway - St. Ignatius Jesuit Church, Spa Road, Galway - Church of the Immaculate Conception, Oughterard - Town Hall Theatre, Galway Co. Kerry Area - St. Bernard’s Church, Abbeydorney - St. James’ Church, Killorglin - St. John’s Church, Tralee - St. Brendan’s Church, Tralee - St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney - St. John’s Church, Ballybunion - Siamsa Tire Theatre, Tralee - Listowel Post Office - Allied Irish Banks, Listowel - CYMS Hall, Killorglin Co. Cork Area - Cork Opera House - Cork Co.Model Farm Road, Motor Tax Office Co. Donegal Area - Lough Derg Pilgrimage (Side aisle) Co. Dublin Area - LUAS Trains - Grand Canal Theatre, Grand Canal Dock - Helix Theatre, DCU - Riverbank Arts Centre, Dublin Request an Appointment We open every weekday from 9.00 - 5.00. We close for our lunch hour From 1-2. We are closed bank holidays, St Patrick's Day and Good Friday. Monday - Friday: 9.00 - 5.00 Saturday - Sunday: Closed
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-17", "url": "https://fergusonshearingaidclinic.ie/hearing-loss/", "date": "2021-04-10T21:46:48", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038059348.9/warc/CC-MAIN-20210410210053-20210411000053-00588.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9360279440879822, "token_count": 3249, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Students will create rules for ordering patterns of circles and squares. Students generate all possible messages with three place values, then create rules that explain how they ordered each message. Emphasis is placed on creating clear rules so that, if another group were to follow the rules, they would generate the same list in the same order. Using these rules, students then try to list all possible messages with four place values. As the lesson concludes, students share their rules with classmates. Students will be able to: - Follow a set of rules for ordering sets of patterns - Explain the challenges of creating a clear set of rules for ordering patterns Eventually, students will need to understand the binary number system which uses 1's and 0's rather than circles and squares. This lesson acts as a bridge to the next lesson where binary is formally introduced and practiced. In wrestling with the challenge of describing the rules of ordering patterns of circles and squares clearly, students will be primed to see how the binary number system solves many of these problems. Students may discover a system that is equivalent to the binary number system, which is a feat worth celebrating, but it is not expected that every student uncovers the rules for binary in this lesson. - Circle Square Patterns - Activity Guide, pdf - Circle Square Patterns - Activity Guide, docx - Shape Cutouts Prompt: How many ways can you represent 7? Students should brainstorm individually before sharing in small groups. It is important to allow ample brainstorming time - students may generate familiar responses at first, but may stretch their thinking and get more creative with additional time. Some examples may include: - Linguistic examples - "seven", "siete" (spanish), "sept" (french), "sieben" (german), etc - Picture examples - dots, tallys, emojis, etc - Math & Geometry examples - 5 + 2, 8 - 1, a seven-sided shape, etc After a short time, ask students to share some responses with the whole class. Use these responses to quickly generate a wide variety of representations. Discussion Goal: Introduce the idea that the numeral '7' is just one commonly used symbol to represent the number seven. There are many ways to communicate this same number that may use different symbols or representations, all of which are valid. Sharing the variety of responses helps motivate the following activity that asks students to discover a system for using the circles and squares to represent numbers, including the number 7. - There are a variety of ways we could represent the number 7 - we might use the numeral '7' or the word 'seven', but this might be different in other countries or other languages. Today we'll see how we might represent the number 7 using only two different shapes. - In the previous class, we ended by deciding that one of the best way to use our devices was to limit them to two options, let's say: option 1 is circles and option 2 is squares. Now let's figure out how we can use these shapes to communicate lots of different pieces of information. Prompt: With a partner, work out how many different pieces of information (made of up of circles and squares) you can represent with three place values. For example: circle-square-circle can represent two different pieces of information. Discuss: Give students time to work individually, then have them share with their neighbor and fill in any patterns they may have missed. Do This: Confirm with the class that there are 8 possible patterns, but don't list all of them out. Ask students to share the 7th pattern in their list. Students will likely have different answers for this. - We agreed that there are 8 possible patterns we can make with 3 place values. But, not everyone wrote these patterns in the same order, which means we don't all have the same 7th pattern! Our goal is to create a clear set of rules where, if the class were to follow these rules, everyone should generate the same list of patterns in the same order. Circle Square Activity Place students in groups of 2, making one group of 3 if necessary. Distribute Circle Square Patterns - Activity Guide - one for each group. Each group also gets the Shape Cutouts - Resource to use during the activity. Challenge #1: Students again list all possible three place value patterns, but with an added focus on the order of their patterns. Challenge #2: Students describe the rules or strategy they used to create their list. They are aiming for clear directions that can be followed by another group to reproduce their same list in the same order. Challenge #3: Students extend their rules to generate all possible four place value patterns. This challenge has 2 parts: discovering all possible four place value combinations (there are 16) and extending the rules from the previous challenge so they work here as well. Most groups will need to change or add to their rules in order to accomplish Challenge #3. Discuss: Select a few groups to share out their rules, highlighting groups with different strategies and rules they used for their lists. Emphasize the 7th item in each list, connecting it back to the warm-up activity as another way to represent the number 7. Manipulatives: Students are given manipulatives to help visualize any rules they are using to move from one element of the list to the next. You might see students use all their manipulatives at once to create the different patterns, then discuss how to arrange them into an ordered list. You might see students representing one pattern at a time, then discussing the rules for "replacing" shapes to generate each of the next patterns. Students might not use the manipulatives at all, using pen & paper or whiteboards instead. Many Possible Answers: It is okay for different groups to come up with different orders for their lists of patterns - this will help with the share-out discussion as you highlight different strategies. Facilitating With Groups: You should act as a facilitator during this part of the activity, guiding students in describing the rules & strategies that they used to create their list. These strategies may be implicit and unconscious to the student, but you can ask questions to help students realize their own thinking that went into generating their list. Aim to help students clarify their thinking to make it easier for other groups to follow. Group Dynamics: Be mindful of groups that appear to be dominated by a single student. Asking each student individually about their strategy can help bring students back together and reinforce the collaborative aspect of this activity. - Congratulations! You just invented your own system for counting and we now have new ways to represent the number 7! This happens a lot as new technology is invented and fine-tuned - different technologies might count in different ways. Tomorrow we're going to learn about the counting system computers use to represent numbers! Prompt: How is counting in this circle/square system similar to how we count in our regular lives? How is it different? Goal There are many ways to structure this discussion, especially if you have your own established share-out routines. Here are a few that could work for this particular discussion: - Have each group trade with another group, and each group tries to re-create the original group's list. This strategy is useful if you have more class time than expected during the wrap-up. - A group reads their rules while you and the rest of the class try to recreate the list - A group reveals their list and the class tries to predict what the rules are, then the group shares their rules with the class - You can name different strategies you've seen from groups as you've been circulating, then ask groups to give a thumbs-up if their rules involved that particular pattern. This strategy is useful if you're running short on time before the next part of the lesson. Assessment: Check for Understanding Question: How would you explain a number system to someone who had never seen numbers before? - CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017): DA - Data & Analysis: 3A-DA-09 - Translate between different bit representations of real-world phenomena, such as characters, numbers, and images.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-21", "url": "https://quorumlanguage.com/lessons/code/internet/InternetLesson3.html", "date": "2021-05-11T20:16:34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243989856.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20210511184216-20210511214216-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9357049465179443, "token_count": 1698, "score": 5.0625, "int_score": 5 }
How do our beliefs about difference influence the ways in which we see and choose to interact with each other? - How do we learn which differences between people matter and which do not? - How do we respond to difference? Students will categorise the many ways in which humans respond when encountering difference and use this information to write creatively in response to the question, “What do we do with a variation?” In the previous lesson, students learned about our tendency as humans to form groups. They learned that while group membership can come with benefits, there are also potential costs that can involve hard choices between maintaining one’s own identity and risking exclusion from the group. Students also explored the range of responses available to people when they encounter exclusion, discrimination, and injustice. In this lesson, students will look more closely at the variety of ways we respond to differences between ourselves and others. This is important for students to consider because our responses to difference can contribute to the creation of “in” and “out” groups that can favour some individuals and groups while marginalising others. After reflecting on difference in a journal response, students will read a poem and use it as an entry point for discussing the different ways people respond to human differences and the consequences of those different responses. In the end, students will turn their attention to their school or local community and, in a creative assignment, consider the ways in which they would like to see people respond to difference. Notes to Teacher Preparing for Activity 3 This lesson’s third activity requires some preparation in advance, the steps of which are explained in the directions on the What Do We Do With a Variation? Question Sort handout. If you do not want to prepare the question strips in advance, you could distribute the handout and ask each group to cut apart one along the dotted lines for the sorting activity. Classroom-ready PowerPoint Slides Each lesson in this unit includes a PowerPoint of student-facing slides. The PowerPoints are intended to be used alongside, and not instead of, the lessons plans because the latter include important rationales and context that teachers should familiarise themselves with before teaching the lesson. The PowerPoints include basic media and prompts from the lesson plans but are minimally designed because we expect teachers to adapt them to fit the needs of their students and class. - Reflect on How We Respond to Difference - Think About What We Do When We Encounter Difference - Tell students that they will now read a poem by James Berry about the many ways we respond when we encounter a difference. While Berry was born in rural Jamaica in 1924, he moved to Britain in 1948 where he lived until his death in 2017. - Pass out and read aloud What Do We Do With a Difference?. Try reading it a few different ways. Perhaps you read it out loud the first time so that students get a sense of the rhythm of the poem. Then, using popcorn or wraparound, which are explained on the Read Aloud teaching strategy page, have students read the poem out loud sentence by sentence, and then a third time line by line. Finally, ask students to discuss in a Think, Pair, Share activity what they think the poem is about based on their first impressions of the text. - Sort and Discuss the Ways We Respond to a Difference - Create an Aspirational Stanza for Berry’s Poem - Ask students to take a moment to envision how they would like their school community to respond to the differences between its members. You might ask them to close their eyes and visualise the response they would like to see (rather than what they perhaps have seen or experienced). - Then tell students that they will end the lesson by writing an additional three-line stanza that describes their vision for how they would like their school community or local community to respond to a difference today. They can follow the pattern of Berry’s poem by starting the first line of their stanza with “Do we . . . ,” finishing the question in line two, and then adding an additional question in line three. You might choose to have pairs work on this task, or ask students to create their own stanzas. - Students can share their stanzas in a wraparound or gallery walk. Digging Deeper into How We Respond to Difference In the reading Understanding Strangers, Polish journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski and Moroccan scholar Fatema Mernissi reflect on the ways in which we respond to difference, both in ancient times and today. Similarly, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth in the United Kingdom, Jonathan Sacks, considers how we confront the “Other” when he shares his three models for integration in the reading Three Parables of Integration. Both of these readings pair well with each other and James Berry’s What Do We Do with a Variation? After teaching Berry’s poem, you might assign half the class each reading and divide the students into groups to read aloud and then discuss the connections questions. Then jigsaw the students into groups of four so each group has two students with each reading. Students can summarise their readings and then compare and contrast Kapuscinski’s three ideas for how we might respond to the “Other” with Sack’s three models for integration. Then, in a class discussion, students can compare the readings with Berry’s poems. They might rank all of the responses to difference in the three readings from the most inclusive to least inclusive and discuss where they see evidence of these responses in their own school and local communities.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-21", "url": "https://aftermath.facinghistory.org/resource-library/standing-democracy/responding-difference", "date": "2021-05-08T00:48:42", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243988831.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20210508001259-20210508031259-00268.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9556342363357544, "token_count": 1158, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Quiz 2: Basic Managerial Accounting Concepts Cost accounting: It is a set of procedure which is followed in order to prepare the statement of cost and income. Several steps need to be followed in a sequential order to achieve the objective of providing the information related to cost of products and services. • Cost is amount of cash or cash equivalent sacrificed to acquire a particular product or service. When we buy a product at a given price, the amount paid by us to purchase the good is cost for us. • Similarly, if an organization is purchasing raw material or machinery or lands for further use in the production process, the amount spend by the organization in purchase of raw material is cash equivalent which is also considered as cost. Thus, such costs appear on the balance sheet as asset of the organization. • Expense is that cost which has been used up. All expenses are cost but all cost is not expenses. A cost becomes an expense only when the said good or service is used up. • Expenses are charged against the revenues in income statement to determine the net income earned during the period. Thus, though cost appears in the balance sheet, expense appears in the income statement. Let us explain the same with the help of an example: Say a textile industry purchases buttons (raw material), worth $2000 to produce shirts (finished goods). This is cost for the company, and thus will appear in the balance sheet as assets worth $2000. Now the company uses half the buttons in a month in the completion of the shirts. Thus, the half of the buttons is now used up and thus would be called as expense and will appear in the income statement as expenses. The remaining half would continue to be treated as cost till they are used up in the production process. Thus, main difference between cost and expense is cash paid for the goods or services not in use or consumed is a cost and when goods or services are used or consumed, then that payment is converted into expense. Costs: It is the amount of money spent on goods and services to obtain future benefits. Management process requires costs to be accumulated and assigned to products. Accumulating cost means that c. Cost must be measured and tracked. Explanation: Accumulating costs is a system to collect information about costs. Linking of cost to cost object and allocation to units is called assignment of costs. Thus, (b) (d) are incorrect. Point (e) is incorrect as transferring of expired cost from balance sheet to income statement is not accumulation of costs. Accumulating costs requires costs related to a single object to be pooled together. Thus, (a) is incorrect. Accumulating cost is the way the costs are recorded in the financial books. This is a measure by which the accountants using the accounting principles measure the costs incurred and then record the same in a typical manner. This helps the management to make decisions in easy and convenient manner as the accumulated cost shows that how much is spend in a particular period of time. Assigning cost is the way the costs are allocated to specific items. This can be done in number of ways, where some give accurate results whereas the others are easy to calculate. This helps the management to know how much exactly is spend on the particular item. Let us explain the same with the help of an example: Say an organization receives electricity bill for a month of $200. Next month, it again receives a bill of $500. Now at the end of two months the total cost incurred on electricity bill is $700. This is accumulated cost. The bill gets on added for the accounting period under the same head of electricity and the management knows at the end of each month how much total electricity has been used up in the organization. This is how costs are accumulated. Next the management has to decide how much electricity has been used by the each department in the organization. Say, if there are two departments in the organization, one the factory and other sales department. Now the easy way to assign the electricity bill to both the departments is to divide the total bill amount by the number of departments equally. The other accurate but tedious measure would be to calculate the per unit consumption of each department and then dividing the total bill amount in the ratio of the units consumed by each department. This is how costs are assigned.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-21", "url": "https://quizplus.com/quiz/153260-quiz-2-basic-managerial-accounting-concepts", "date": "2021-05-06T22:08:01", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243988763.83/warc/CC-MAIN-20210506205251-20210506235251-00028.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9694401025772095, "token_count": 871, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Basics of Propositional Logic and Truth Tables By Anjali Dubey Logic has been called the “calculus of computer science”. It is a valid reasoning that enables you to draw a conclusion.There are various ways to provide logic. It can be done through thoughts, signals, impressions, statements etc. In computers, there is a branch of logic called propositional logic. Also known as sentential or statement logic, it is the logic which is endeavoured through sentences. A proposition is a sentence from which a conclusion can be drawn in terms of true/false or yes/no. For example: “Is today Monday?”, “Are you wearing the red shirt?”, “Do you want to eat?”. When representing a proposition there are two parts: A: Today is Sunday. Where A is a propositional variable and Today is Sunday is the propositional constant. There are two kinds of propositions: 1 - Simple Proposition: A proposition which is written in the form of a single simple sentence. For example: It is raining today. Milk is liquid The sky is blue. 2 - Compound Propositions: Two or more propositions are joined with the help of connectives. 💡Connectives are connecting words like ‘and’ or ‘or’ which are used to join two or more propositions together. Ex - a: "Harry is honest." b: "Mike is dishonest." a.b: "Harry is honest and Mike is dishonest." 💡A truth table is table which is used to represent all the possible combinational values of the variables in an expression. The values represented by the truth table are called ‘true values’. Here are some other common terms associated with connectives: 1 - Conjunction(.,^) or AND- is used to combine two or more simple propositions together where the answer is ‘true’ if all the values are true and is ‘false’ even if one of the values are false. Ex - a: "Seema is healthy" b: "She can climb a tree" a.b: "Seema is healthy and she can climb a tree: 2 - Disjunction(+,v) or OR: It is used to combine two or more simple propositions where the answer is true if either of the statements are ‘true’ otherwise it returns ‘false’. Ex - a: ”Sydney is singing” b: ”She is reading” a+b: ”Sydney is singing or reading” 3 - Negation(-,’): As the name suggests it is used to negate or reverse the value of a proposition. Ex - a: ”Computer is not fun” a’: ”Computer is fun” 3 - Implication(⇒): It is applicable to the compound statement using the connective “if…….then”. Ex - a: "It is cloudy" b: ”It will rain” a⇒b: ”If it is cloudy then it will rain” It is also expressed as a⇒b = a’+b 4- Equivalence(⇔) or biconditional: It is applicable to the compound statement using the connective “if and only if”. It is also expressed as a⇔b = a’b’+a.b 💡Tautology is the condition when the resultant column of the truth table has all true values or (1’s). Contradiction is the condition when the resultant column of the truth table has all false or (0’s). Logical reasoning provides the theoretical base for many areas of mathematics as well as computer science. It has many practical applications in the fields of computer science like design of computing machines, artificial intelligence, definition of data structures for programming languages etc. Feel free to leave any suggestions or queries that you have down below in the comments!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-21", "url": "https://www.girlscodeit.org/post/basics-of-propositional-logic-and-truth-tables", "date": "2021-05-16T18:51:46", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243991178.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20210516171301-20210516201301-00388.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9101516008377075, "token_count": 881, "score": 4.78125, "int_score": 5 }
Why This is Important Comprehension is the ability to understand and critically think about a text. It is the purpose of skilled reading. Goals for Strong Readers - Ask and answer questions about a text. - Retell the most important points and key details of a text. - Make inferences and connections about a text. After reading a text or story, ask your child to tell you his or her favorite part of the book and to think of any questions he or she might have after reading. More Activities and Games - Ask your child to read the title of a book and tell you what the title makes him or her think of – a movie, a television show, another story, or an event from their own life. - Have your child read a story pausing every few pages to check his or her understanding of what is being read. Ask your child who, what, when, where, why, and how questions. If your child does not know, have him or her go back and reread. - After reading the story, ask your child to retell what happened and give details about the main characters, the setting, and the major events. - Encourage your child to retell the story in the correct sequence of events. Ask your child to choose a text, book or story to read. Ask your child to write a letter to the main character in the text that includes the following: - Your child tells the main character about his or her favorite and least favorite parts of the book. - Your child to discusses the problem in the story and give his or her advice about a solution. - Your child asks the character some questions that he or she might have after reading the book or story. Have your child choose a non-fiction text or book to read. Discuss what your child already knows about the topic of the text or book and what he or she would like to learn from the text or book. Allow your child to read aloud to you and ask him or her to come up with test questions for you about the book. Let your child grade your test to see how well you did. After reading a book or text, ask your child if he or she liked how the story ended. Ask your child to write or describe a different ending to the story. Encourage your child to think of a different ending that makes sense with the rest of the story. After your child has read a non-fiction text, have him or her look online or in newspapers or magazines for more information on the book’s topic. Have your child write the additional facts found and share them with you.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-25", "url": "https://strongreadersms.com/secondgrade/2comprehension/", "date": "2021-06-16T00:42:30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623487621699.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20210616001810-20210616031810-00228.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9669307470321655, "token_count": 545, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Variation and evolution Learners understanding of evolution and variation is often confused because they tend to refer to individuals rather than populations. Students will, for example, write about individuals needing to develop a particular characteristic in order to survive. It is important therefore in the delivery of this topic to consistently refer to populations. Students need to appreciate that in any given population of a species there is usually extensive genetic variation. Within this topic area students will need to revisit the idea of mutations. Often students struggle with this concept as they believe mutations to be something bad, whilst obviously this is not the always the case as is demonstrated in natural selection and evolution. Students need to be able to describe what evidence there is for evolution. This includes an understanding of the work of Darwin and Wallace. Often, through popular science and the media students have come across the term 'survival of the fittest' and have a misconception about the meaning of this, taking it to mean the literal sense when actually the 'fittest' refers to 'best adapted'. Links and Resources This resource considers Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection and includes a teacher presentation of images, student activities with web links (where they also view these images) and teacher notes, which include the answers to all questions asked on the activity sheet. The two activities would work well either as individual or as group activities within a classroom environment, so that answers can be discussed as a class with reference to the images and information provided. This resource contains a good, teacher-delivered presentation that summarises evolution by natural selection. The presentation can be used to round off the topic or as a starter activity during a revision session. It summarises Darwin’s main observations: • Species produce more offspring than survive to reproduce. • Population numbers remain more or less constant. • Members of the same species show variation. • Certain characteristics are passed from one generation to the next. These materials look at biodiversity and then the example of Darwin’s finches in the Galapagos. This activity will help to see how well students have understood the theory of natural selection. You may wish to focus just on the finches part of the resources. The topic can be introduced with slides 13 to 17 of the presentation. The activity then models the effectiveness of beak size in gathering different food types. Full notes are given with the materials. Following the activity move onto the question prompts on slide 18. Discuss the answers as a class. Slide 21 then shows students the different finches and their food sources that Darwin observed when he visited the Galapagos. You can pose the question: How did all these different types of finches develop on these isolated islands. Have students work in groups to see if they can explain using the steps in natural selection. Discuss progress with each group and provide prompt cards as necessary. Give them one at a time. This activity really gets to the heart of whether students have understood the concept of natural selection or not. Groups should be given sufficient time to formulate their explanation. Make sure that students realise that variation is random and that selection pressures enable the most favourable to survive and be passed on to the next generation. Many think of it the other way around. That is, because it would be good to have a beak that can pick up particular seeds, then they will be developed to do so. Conclude with slide 23. This resource provides all the required materials for a lesson on Peppered moths, as an example of modern evolution. There is a link to a video on the ARKIVE website which could be watched as a whole class activity, and then working either individually or in groups students could answer the worksheet of questions provided. This Catalyst article considers the evidence for evolution and the ongoing conflict between scientists and creationists. Central to this discussion is the work of Darwin, which is neatly summarised in this article. Students could be asked to read this article as a homework activity and could summarise the arguments into a table. Teachers should be aware of the sensitivities around this type of discussion in relation to certain religious beliefs. For further ideas on how to make effective use of Catalyst articles see: Using Catalyst Magazine: Scientists and How They Work This resource was aimed at key stage 3 students, but would make for a fun starter activity for GCSE students, perhaps at the beginning or end of this topic. The resources allows students to explore natural selection using different coloured baits (spaghetti ‘worms’) that are selected and eaten by birds. Uneaten ‘worms’ are counted after predation and the ‘worm’ population is replenished in proportion to those colours which remain. After several cycles of predation and ‘breeding’, the proportions of the colours in the population change, simulating directional selection. The level of challenge of the resource can be increased as it is possible for students to also test which factors influence the rate at which the two types of prey are selected by the birds. For example: - What happens when you change the colour of background that the worms are placed on? - The location of the test area? - The size of the worms? The activity could also be used as a data collection activity, with data from different classes being pooled and students asked to present this. The downloadable interactive Tree of Life video can be used to introduce students to Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. The video illustrates how new species have developed from common ancestors. Whilst this is the culmination of Darwin’s work, by using this at the start of the topic it helps to set the context of the work to come. You can pose the question, “How do we know this?” Students can then work in groups to discuss the types of evidence they would need to gather to answer this question. How do scientists go about developing a theory of evolution? This is what Darwin did over 150 years ago. After some time for discussion, collect ideas for the types of evidence or observations that would be needed. Keeping these on a flip chart or board allows them to be revisited as the topic develops. They can be compared with how Darwin worked.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-25", "url": "https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/community/collection/145365/variation-and-evolution", "date": "2021-06-13T20:27:28", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623487610841.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20210613192529-20210613222529-00108.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9479196071624756, "token_count": 1282, "score": 4.71875, "int_score": 5 }
A syllable is a group of one or more sounds. The essential part of a syllable is a vowel sound (V) which may be preceded and/or followed by a consonant (C – the capital ‘C’ represents a single consonant) or a cluster of consonants (CC or CCC). Some syllables consist of just one vowel sound (V) as in “I” and “eye” [ɑi], and “owe” [o], some have diphthongs at the core “wait” [weɪt]. In English, the possibilities include a vowel preceded by one consonant (CV) as in “bee” [bi], by two consonants (CCV) as in “spy” [spɑɪ], or by three consonants (CCCV) as in “spry” [sprai]. The vowel of the syllable may also be followed by one consonant (VC) as in “at” [æt], by two consonants (VCC) as in “its” [ɪts], by three consonants (CVCCC) as in “text” [tɛkst], or by four consonants (CVCCCC) as in “texts” [tɛksts]. Developing good intuition about syllables is essential for mastering English. How they are stressed can change the meaning of a word or sentence, the vowel core of a syllable can change to a different sound when it is unstressed than when it is stressed. While some languages, like Japanese, have a small number of syllables. Analysis of English shows has over 18,000 different syllables. It is not possible to memorize them, but there are rules about how the sounds can combine. Every language has syllables and with a few exceptions, they have either a vowel or a sonorant (syllabic consonant) at the core, as was mentioned above. Different languages can have different rules for the exact structure of a syllable, but I am going to focus on English, though, as throughout this book, I am going to bring in examples from other languages to illustrate points. I am going to refer to three fundamental parts of a syllable, the onset, nucleus, and coda. The onset is the start of the syllable leading up to the most pronounced part of the vowel sound. In English, the onset can be up to three consonants, or it can be null (not there). The coda is the part after the vowel sound and it can be up to four consonants, or null (not there). If there are one or more consonants in the coda, then it is called a closed syllable; if there are no consonants, then it is called an open syllable. So, “cat” /kɑt/ is an closed syllable, and “key” /ki:/ is open. Taken together, the vowel sound and the coda are called the rhyme (or rime). That’s because it is the part of the syllable used for rhyming, It allows “bat” and “at” to rhyme in the following fragment from a poem by the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. Twinkle twinkle little bAT How I wonder what you’re AT The syllable has the qualities of stress, tone, and accent. In English, stressing different syllables in a word can change the meaning of a word. English uses tone, but not on a syllable level, on a sentence or word level. The practical consequence of it that syllables do vary their tone. In Mandarin Chinese, a variation of the tone can change the meaning of the word. Tones can be neutral, low and rising, high and falling, high, and a falling and then rising tone. Cantonese and Thai have even more tones than Mandarin Chinese, and there is a Mixteco variant that has 16 tones.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-31", "url": "https://donaldsteiny.com/training-2/language-lessons/accent-course/syllables/", "date": "2021-07-25T05:41:55", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046151638.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20210725045638-20210725075638-00508.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9433802366256714, "token_count": 865, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
As the name suggests, a preprocessor is a program that processes our source code before compilation. There are many steps involved between programming and executing in C / C + +. Let’s take a look at these steps before we actually start learning about the preprocessor. You can see the intermediate steps in the figure above. The source code written by the programmer is stored in the file program. C. The file is then processed by the preprocessor and generated into an extended source file called the program. The extension file is compiled by the compiler and generates an object code file named program. Obj. Finally, the linker links the object code file to the object code of the library function to generate the executable file program.exe. Preprocessors provide preprocessor instructions that tell the compiler to preprocess the source code before compilation. All of these preprocessor instructions begin with a “((hash) symbol.”) The symbol means that any statement beginning with will enter the preprocessor and the preprocessor will execute the statement. Some examples of preprocessor instructions are: include, define, ifndef, etc. remember, the symbol only provides the path it will go to the preprocessor, and the command, for example, includes processing by the preprocessor program. For example, include will include additional code in the program. We can place these preprocessor instructions anywhere in the program. There are four main types of preprocessor instructions Now let’s look at each of these instructions in detail. macroMacro is a piece of code in a program with a certain name. Whenever the compiler encounters this name, it replaces it with the actual code fragment. “# The define instruction defines a macro. Now let’s use the program to understand the macro definition In the above program, when the compiler executes limit, it is replaced by 5. Limit in a macro definition is called a macro template, while 5 is a macro extension. be careful: there is no semicolon (‘;’) at the end of the macro definition. Macro definitions do not need to end with semicolons. Macro with parameters: we can also pass parameters to macros. A macro defined with parameters acts like a function. Let’s understand this through a program: From the above program, we can see that whenever the compiler finds area (L, b) in the program, it will replace it with statement (L * b). Moreover, the values passed to the macro template area (L, b) are replaced in the statement (L * b). Therefore, area (10,5) is equal to 10 * 5. File contains: this type of preprocessor instruction tells the compiler to include files in the source code program. Users can include two types of files in the program: Header file or standard file: these files contain definitions of predefined functions, such as printf (), scanf (), etc. You must include these files to use these functions. Different functions are declared in different header files. For example, the standard I / O function is in the “iostream” file, while the function to perform string operations is in the “string” file. #include< file_name > Where file_ Name is the name of the file to include Brackets tell the compiler to look for files in the standard directory. User defined files: when a program becomes large, it’s a good practice to break it up into smaller files and include it when needed. These types of files are user-defined. These documents can include: Conditional compilation: conditional compilation instructions are types of instructions that help to compile specific parts of a program according to certain conditions or skip the compilation of specific parts of a program. This can be done with two preprocessing commands“ ifdef ” And“ endif ” To do it. If the name is defined as“ macroname ” If it is not defined, the compiler will skip the statement block directly. Other instructions: in addition to the above instructions, there are two other instructions that are not commonly used. These are: #Undef instructionThe: undo instruction is used to undefine an existing macro. The working mode of the instruction is as follows: Using this statement will undefine the existing macro limit. After this statement, each “# ifdef limit” statement evaluates to false. #Pragma instruction: this instruction is a special-purpose instruction used to turn on or off certain functions. These instructions are compiler specific, that is, they vary from compiler to compiler. Some # pragma instructions are discussed below: #pragma startupand#pragma exit: these instructions help us specify the functions that need to be run before the program starts (before the control is passed to main()) and before the program exits (before the control returns from main()). be careful:The following procedure does not apply to GCC compilers. Look at the following program: When running on gcc compiler, the above code will produce the following output: This happens because GCC does not support # pragma to start or exit. However, you can use the following code for similar output on the gcc compiler. #Pragma warn instruction:This directive is used to hide warning messages displayed during compilation. We can hide the warning as follows: #pragma warn -rvl: this directive hides warnings that should be raised when the function that should return a value does not return a value. #pragma warn -par: this directive hides warnings raised when a function does not use the arguments passed to it. #pragma warn -rch: this directive hides warnings when code cannot be accessed. For example, any code written after the return statement of a function is not accessible. Hope to help you~ In addition, if you want to better improve your programming ability, learn C language c + + programming! Overtaking on the curve, one step faster! I may be able to help you here~ C language c + + programming learning circle,QQ group 464501141【Click to enterWeChat official account: C language programming learning base Share (source code, project video, project notes, basic introductory course) Welcome to change and learn programming partners, use more information to learn and grow faster than their own thinking Oh! Programming learning book sharing: Programming learning video sharing:
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-31", "url": "https://developpaper.com/c-c-programming-notes-c-c-preprocessor-take-you-to-learn-c-program-better/", "date": "2021-07-28T05:26:26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046153521.1/warc/CC-MAIN-20210728025548-20210728055548-00668.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8513346314430237, "token_count": 1344, "score": 4.84375, "int_score": 5 }
The drastic differences between the two groups eventually transformed America into a divided nation of sectionalism economically, politically, and socially. Westward expansion had an economical impact on the North and South’s separation in many ways. For every set of land gained, one would be a free state and the other a slave state. The South used its gained land for agricultural improvement, while the North constructed factories and manufacturing buildings to strengthen its industrial economy. Although expansion gave America more opportunities and potential economic growth, expansion also affected the relationship between the North and the South: both groups disputed over several U.S. The initial money making crops for the southern colonies were cotton, rice, sugar and tobacco. Cotton eventually became the big money making crop and major export to England, due to the ideal environmental conditions and large amount of land that was available after the Indians were relocated. Because of the large quantities of cotton that could be produced, the south had to expand its labor During the civil war, many Americans lost and risked their lives to fight for their beliefs, emancipating the slaves or the White supremacy. The civil war resulted with the freedom of slaves and the period of Reconstruction (1865-1877). The Reconstruction tried to solve the problem of what would happen to the freed men and how the government would reintegrate the Southern States into the Union. Both of the said events caused social, political, and economic changes to American society. In 1868, the 14th Amendment was created as a result of the emancipation of slaves. Initially, the removal was intended for the purchase of the land of the willing tribes, but it turned into forcibly removing these people from their homes. The Cherokee tribe even took action against the government, taking the removal to the court systems. Cherokee tribe vs. Georgia, went all the way to the supreme court who ruled in favor of the Indians; however, the state of georgia ignored the court ruling and went forward with the removal. Another tribe, the seminoles, tried resisting through guerrilla warfare, but unfortunately failed. The removal lead to one of the most remembered events in American history, The Trail of Tears. There existed reasons other than slavery on behalf of the South 's breakaway. The demonstrations of division in America coexisted many: utopian societies, clashes over public space, backlash alongside immigrants, urban rebellions, black demonstration, and Indian oppositions. America was a separated land in need of change with the South in the biggest demand. The South trusted heavily on agriculture, equally opposed to the North, which was vastly populated and an industrialized union. The South produced cotton, which remained its main cash crop and countless Southerners knew that hefty reliance on slave labor would damage the South ultimately, but their forewarnings were not regarded. Slavery in America How did slavery begin in America and how did it end? Introduction A journey that was about more land and the economy was the two major reason slaves were brought to America. African slaves were useful and valuable and they were worth a lot of money. The reason that slaves were useful and valuable was because they were used as manual labor. The southern America needed laborers to work on large farm dealing with rice, tobacco, indigo, cotton, and sugar cane. One of the most controversial of these is the impact its’ invention had on slavery in America. Instead of slavery becoming obsolete which was the inspiration behind this invention, the cotton gin actually contributed to a massive explosion in the growth of slavery. Whitney thought his invention would decrease the labor involved in production of cotton which in turn would decrease the need for slaves. However, the cotton gin just changed how slaves were used in the production of cotton and did not decrease their need. The cotton gin increased cotton productivity which increased profits for farmers. The demand for wheat went way up when Europe’s population rose. Being geographically benefitted, merchants had the Hudson, Susquehanna, and Delaware rivers for shipping off crops to the Caribbean. As for colonies in the Southern areas, mainly Virginia and Maryland, tobacco grew a important cash crop. Georgia and South Carolina grew rice, too, having lots of luck after unsuccessfully trying to grow and sell sugarcane. Indigo, which was being used for the dye in cloth, rose to fame as a crop mostly because of Eliza Lucas and her finding out that it needed certain conditions—like sandy soil and elevated ground—to be grown Beginning in 1865 the american civil war was a political war between the differences of the north and south. Slavery created many of these differences along with the economic differences. The war was somewhat dependent on what side was able to take the advantages that they had and expose it to give them the greatest benefit. Both sides had their set of advantages and disadvantages, the north was able to capture the power of african americans and could grow more crops to feed their troops. Overall the Union captured what they saw as an advantage and exposed it to the point that it made winning the war a little easier. Slavery influenced the American political development, its economy, culture and its fundamental principles. There is no denying that for most of the US history the American society was the society of slaveholders and slaves. First of all, it should be emphasized that the American economy was founded on the basis or tobacco, rice, sugar and cotton trade. All these products were slave-grown, and even though this kind of manufacturing process cannot be estimated as positive, it enabled slaveholders to bring capital into the colonies and the American republic, which became the basis of the American infrastructure for at least three following centuries. Particularly, cotton had become by far the most important commodity in international trade, as the Old South supplied around three-fourths of the world’s cotton. Throughout out history, one of the most used utilities were cotton for the creation of clothing and other important things. To narrow it down further, it has created clothing to keep individuals warm. In the United States, the cotton business was the last money yield used by subjection. On the very edge of the common war, the cotton business was the main impetus for the southern economy. The cotton business boomingly affected subjugation and was a primary generator of money related means for the south. The export of southern cotton was greatly responsible for the economic development of the North. In addition, the northern states profitable more from the south. Half of the southern cotton was exported to England. Cotton was used to made a lot of things in Europe, especially Great Britain. Families remained important in African American culture. In the post-Civil War South, the economic situation that followed the emancipation of slaves and therefore the loss of the labor force, forced the South to find a suitable replacement for slavery. This also meant enacting laws designed to keep former slaves tied to the land. The economic system, which replaced slavery, was sharecropping. To keep the former slaves tied to the land, however, laws such as the black codes ensured a steady stream of workers to harvest the crops. Furthermore, vagrancy laws, which were designed to punish vagrants by making them harvest crop for a plantation owner, were passed. Early in the 19th century, while the rapidly-growing United States expanded further into the South, white settlers faced what they considered an obstacle. This area was home to the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chicasaw and Seminole groups. These Indian nations, in the view of the settlers and many other white Americans, were in the way of progress. Eager for land so they could raise cotton, the settlers pressured the federal government to take or steal Indian territory. Andrew Jackson, from Tennessee, was a forceful leader in the Indian removal. Southern states justified slavery by using many points. They used the economy, history, religion, legality, social, and humanitarianism. One reason was that if all slaves were freed, there would be a very high unemployment. Another reason the South had was that having slaves would boost the economy. Southern states defended slavery by using history:” Slavery has been legal for a long time before now, so it is a natural thing to do.” On the other hand, the main point was that slaves planting and picking cotton would heavily boost the economy.
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Introduction: What are Parts of Speech? In module 2 you will learn: - What the different types of word are that make up the English language - How these types of word work and the roles they play in a sentence In module 1 we introduced the idea of making words and sentences. As we went along we saw some words like verb, adjective and adverb. Now it's time to find out a lot more about these and other kinds of word. To say everything we want to say in English we have 9 different types of word. That's it, just 9 types of word are all we need to do everything from saying hello to writing a novel. These different types of word we have at our disposal are called the parts of speech, and each one has different jobs to do in a sentence. Here are the nine parts of speech:
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-31", "url": "https://courses.eslbase.com/courses/english-grammar-for-tefl/lectures/1022402", "date": "2021-07-30T06:29:49", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046153934.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20210730060435-20210730090435-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9530547261238098, "token_count": 174, "score": 4.65625, "int_score": 5 }
Teaching strategies for improving literacy Literacy, a cornerstone of education, is also a gateway to many other skills. What implementation approaches ensure every student develops their literacy to its full potential? We outline a two-step approach aimed at KS2 upwards, focusing firstly on building a strong literacy foundation to access texts and then to develop a love of reading. To engage with a text, students first need to understand at least 95% of the words. A wide vocabulary unlocks concepts and ideas, and enables readers to move onto more riveting texts. In step one we explore a range of strategies and varied teaching methods that ensure students of all abilities – and levels of engagement with reading – find texts accessible while being challenged. When they’ve developed these core skills, they can develop a love of reading and so further bolster their literacy – step two. Interested in a trial? Creating the foundation for improving literacy through understanding words and texts Breaking down vocabulary into tiers Identifying which words in a text may be problematic – and explicitly teaching them – is vastly more effective than expecting students to learn new language through reading alone. Isabel Beck and Margaret McKeown’s renowned 2013 three tier system characterises different types of words. Tier 2 words (e.g. ‘analyse’; ‘context’; ‘verify’) are less common in everyday conversation, but come up and again and again in academic texts across subjects. Classifying specific words as Tier 2 helps you break an ambitious text down and consider which words to teach. You could identify some specific Tier 2 words from the text your students are studying – or a related text – as a blended learning or homework exercise. In the next lesson, do low-stakes testing – perhaps using topical real-life questions unrelated to the original text – asking students to answer in full sentences. (For example, if your text refers to a character “maintaining their garden”, your students could display their understanding of this word by referring to a marathon runner “maintaining their speed” or someone “maintaining their routine” in the face of change.) Then, as a class, consider word class (e.g. noun, adjective or verb), synonyms and antonyms, then prefixes and suffixes. You could follow this with an exercise in which students write sentences using their new vocabulary. Then, share good examples and discuss why they are effective. All these exercises will help to embed students’ understanding of new language, and enhance their enjoyment of ambitious texts. Bedrock Vocabulary breaks down texts and gives human-narrated definitions of tricky Tier 2 words. Students then complete low-stakes testing to confirm their new knowledge. Our reteaching algorithm embeds new vocabulary in students’ long-term memories. Semantic spotlighting is another technique to help students find a way ‘in’ to a text, in which challenging vocabulary is isolated and categorised via semantic links – find out more. Teaching roots and affixes Understanding roots and affixes is a key to literacy improvement. Enabling students to break down new language into its composite parts makes them feel less daunted when they encounter a new word. For example, once students understand that the prefix ‘bio’ means ‘life’, they will be able to link between words such as ‘biology’ and ‘biodegradable’. Once they also understand that the root ‘graph’ means ‘to write’ – as in ‘graphics’ and ‘autograph’ – they can deduce the meaning of the word ‘biography’ even if encountering it for the first time. To help teach your students 37 of the most commonly used roots, download our free roots flash cards resource. Our 37 Common Roots unit is part of our Bedrock Vocabulary curriculum offering. It explicitly teaches some of the most common Greek and Latin roots. Each root is introduced in the context of engaging prose, and students are challenged to match roots to images, pair them with their meanings and unpack example sentences. Addressing specific needs For EAL learners especially, regular exposure to Tier 2 words to make the language familiar and accessible is critical to literacy improvement. Our article on literacy strategies for EAL learners includes suggestions such as encouraging students to think visually – as images allow them to draw on their existing knowledge – and to understand new words by relating them to their home language. This forms links between words they’re comfortable with and words they are trying to learn. You may also find our suggestions for literacy strategies for boys helpful. Bedrock Vocabulary adapts to individual learners’ abilities, exposing them to a range of human-narrated fiction and non-fiction texts, in varied contexts, teaching pronunciation and providing real-time feedback. Developing a love of reading by embedding literacy skills Once students have robust core literacy skills, a whole world of exciting reading opens up to them. As well as providing life-long solace and pleasure, this can boost academic achievement – as noted in the DofE’s Research evidence on reading for pleasure. Here are some whole-school suggestions for building on your students’ core skills in lessons and beyond, and encourage a life-long love of diverse reading. ✓ If you don’t already, create designated reading time in-school, for students to select a book of their choice and read it uninterrupted for 30 minutes. ✓ While evaluating a text, discuss the distinctive characteristics and appeal of that particular genre. Our articles on the benefits of reading fiction and the benefits of reading non fiction could provide inspiration for navigating discussions. ✓ Acknowledge that reading isn’t only valuable if it’s in a print book – everything from eReaders to online news can enhance a love of reading. ✓ Bring a love of reading to your classroom: from full reviews to bite-sized recommendations, a good classroom display is full of inspiration. ✓ Encourage short story reading. Short stories can be an easy entry point to a challenging author and are less intimidating than long novels. ✓ Use events such as World Book Day to start a conversation about favourite books and what makes them so special. ✓ Improvise a scenario via class roleplay to make texts more accessible. Exploring how a character may feel about a certain event or situation can enhance students’ understanding of a text – and their engagement with it. ✓ Set a reading challenge. This is especially easy to do via remote or blended learning. Agree a reading plan with each student based on their ability and interests and ask them to write a follow-up piece after reading each text. You could award prizes for the writing that demonstrates the most powerful connection to the text. Read our school success stories to find out the various successful whole-school literacy strategies of Bedrock schools.
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Coloring Math 4th Grade Worksheets For Book Year Division Multiplying Fractions With |Include In Article| Coloring Math Worksheets For 4th Grade Quote from Coloring Math Worksheets For 4th Grade : Most people are familiar with the game of bingo. The idea of the game is simple: each player is given a bingo worksheet (or ”bingo card” or ”bingo board”) containing a grid of squares (each square usually contains a different number), and the goal is to cross out numbers as they are called out by the bingo caller, hopefully being the first to achieve a winning pattern or line (what is considered a winning pattern may vary depending on the rules being used). One thing that you may not know however is that there are many variations on the basic game of bingo, and these have been applied for a variety of educational purposes. Bingo is in fact an excellent tool that can be used to help teaching reading, vocabulary, math, science and many other K-12 subjects, and also is of use in teaching English as Second Language (”ESL”). Some examples of educational variants of bingo include: * Sight Word Bingo – This is used to help teach children reading skills, particularly of sight words (such as words on the Dolch sight word list), which are words that students can not easily sound out but most learn to recognize. The teacher calls out a word, and the students look for the corresponding word printed on their bingo worksheet (or ”bingo card”). * Math Bingo – This version of bingo is played using bingo worksheets printed with numbers. However, these are not the standard numbers used on bingo cards, but instead are the answers to math problems called out by the teacher. The problems can be as hard or as easy as the teacher chooses, and this method can be used for a variety of math topics include additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, fractions, decimals, rounding, etc. * Foreign Language Bingo – The bingo worksheets are printed with words in the particular foreign language, say Spanish, and the teacher makes bingo calls in English. Students must translate the bingo calls, and then find the corresponding square on their bingo worksheet. Learning about numbers includes recognizing written numbers as well as the quantity those numbers represent. Mathematics worksheets should provide a variety of fun activities that teach your child both numbers and quantity. Look for a variety of different ways to present the same concepts. This aids understanding and prevents boredom. Color-by-Numbers pictures are a fun way to learn about numbers and colors too. The next step is learning to write numbers, and this is where mathematics worksheets become almost a necessity. Unless you have great handwriting, lots of spare time and a fair amount of patience, writing worksheets will help you teach this valuable skill to your child. Dot-to-dot, tracing, following the lines and other writing exercises will help your child learn how to write numbers. A good set of worksheets will include practice sheets with various methods to help your child learn to write numbers. Show a magazine or picture book to children. Ask them to identify all instances of the given letter in any page. Any content, trademark/s, or other material that might be found on this site that is not this site property remains the copyright of its respective owner/s. In no way does LocalHost claim ownership or responsibility for such items and you should seek legal consent for any use of such materials from its owner.
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NOTE: Please remember that following ‘answers’ are NOT ‘model answers’. They are NOT synopsis too if we go by definition of the term. What we are providing is content that both meets demand of the question and at the same time gives you extra points in the form of background information. General Studies – 1 Reference: Indian Express According to the US-based National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a heat dome is created when strong high-pressure atmospheric conditions combine with weather patterns like La Niña, creating vast areas of sweltering heat that get trapped under the high-pressure “dome”. Heat Dome also prevents clouds from forming, allowing for more radiation from the sun to hit the ground. Recently, the Pacific Northwest and some parts of Canada recorded temperatures around 47 degrees, causing a “historic” heat wave. It has been established that rising temperatures would lead to hotter weather and human-made climatic changes are leading to dangerous weather trends across the world. In the process known as convection, the temperature difference causes more warm air, heated by the ocean surface, to rise over the ocean surface. That temperature difference creates winds that blow dense, tropical, western air eastward. Eventually that warm air gets trapped in the jet stream—a current of air spinning counter clockwise around the globe—and ends up on the U.S. West Coast, resulting in heatwaves. This strong change in ocean temperature from the west to the east is the reason for the heat dome. The western Pacific ocean’s temperatures have increased in the past few decades and are relatively more than the temperature in the eastern Pacific. A Heat dome is more likely to form during La Niña years like 2021, when waters are cool in the eastern Pacific and warm in the western Pacific. Impact of a heat dome: - Temperatures beyond wet bulb temperature can cause heat related illnesses including heat stroke, heat exhaustion, sunburn and heat rashes. Sometimes these can prove fatal. - Trapping of heat can also damage crops, dry out vegetation and result in droughts. - The heat wave will also lead to rise in energy demand, especially electricity, leading to pushing up rates. - Heat domes can also act as fuel to wildfires, which destroys a lot of land area in the US every year. - Heat dome also prevents clouds from forming, allowing for more radiation from the sun to hit the ground. - There is a need to formulate action plans for the prevention and management of heat waves, outlining four key strategies: - Forecasting heat waves and enabling an early warning system - Building capacity of healthcare professionals to deal with heat wave-related emergencies - Community outreach through various media - Inter-agency cooperation as well as engagement with other civil society organizations in the region. - Scientific Approach: - Climate data from the last 15-20 years can be correlated with the mortality and morbidity data to prepare a heat stress index and city-specific threshold. - Vulnerable areas and population could be identified by using GIS and satellite imagery for targeted actions. - Advance implementation of local Heat Action Plans, plus effective inter-agency coordination is a vital response which the government can deploy in order to protect vulnerable groups. - The Local Cooling Action Plans must emphasize the urgency and need for better planning, zoning and building regulations to prevent Urban Heat Islands - This will require identification of “heat hot spots”, analysis of meteorological data and allocation of resources to crisis-prone areas. - Provision of public messaging (radio, TV), mobile phone-based text messages, automated phone calls and alerts. - Promotion of traditional adaptation practices, such as staying indoors and wearing comfortable clothes. - Popularisation of simple design features such as shaded windows, underground water storage tanks and insulating housing materials. General Studies – 2 Reference: Financial Express The Union government of India recently created a new Ministry of Cooperation for strengthening cooperative movement. It was created for realizing the vision of ‘Sahakar se Samriddhi’ (Prosperity through Cooperation) and to give a new push to the cooperative movement. With this, the Government has signalled its deep commitment to community based developmental partnership. It also fulfils the budget announcement made by the Finance Minister in 2021. A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically controlled. The need for profitability is balanced by the needs of the members and the wider interest of the community. Importance of Cooperatives for India: - India is an agricultural country and laid the foundation of World’s biggest cooperative movement in the world. - For instance, Amul deals with 16 million milk producers, 1,85,903 dairy cooperatives; 222 district cooperative milk unions; marketed by 28 state marketing federations. - There are over 8 lakh cooperatives of all shapes and sizes across sectors in India - In India, a Co-operative based economic development model is very relevant where each member works with a spirit of responsibility. - It provides agricultural credits and fundswhere state and private sectors have not been able to do very much. - It provides strategic inputsfor the agricultural-sector; consumer societies meet their consumption requirements at concessional rates. - It is an organization for the poor who wish to solve their problems collectively. - It softens the class conflictsand reduces the social cleavages. - Itreduces the bureaucratic evils and follies of political factions; - It overcomes the constraintsof agricultural development; - It creates a conducive environment for small and cottage industries. Challenges faced by Cooperatives currently: - Cooperatives in India are fighting a survival battle or as some experts describe it as a COVID-war equivalent in a sense with some either on ventilator support or banking on oxygen supply and with only a few fit and stable. - Lack of genuine cooperation between the states and the centre wrt Cooperatives and centralization of power. - There should be a focus on women cooperatives because they are less than three per cent of the 8 lakh cooperatives in the country. - In the elections to the governing bodies, money became such a powerful tool that the top posts of chairman and vice-chairman usually went to the richest farmers who manipulated the organization for their benefits. - People are not well informed about the objectives of the Movement, rules and regulations of co-operative institutions. - Most of these societies are confined to a few members and their operations extended to only one or two villages. - The Co-operative Movement has suffered from inadequacy of trained personnel. Rationale behind creation of Ministry of Co-operation: - It will provide aseparate administrative, legal and policy framework for strengthening the cooperative movement in the country. - It will help deepen Co-operativesas a true people based movement reaching upto the grassroots. - It will work to streamline processes for ‘Ease of doing business’for co-operatives and enable development of Multi-State Co-operatives (MSCS). - Implementing the steps provided by the Vaidyanathan committee on credit cooperative societies. - The idea of cooperatives must take the agenda beyond agriculture, milk, credit and housing cooperatives - New areas are emerging with the advancement of technology and cooperative societies can play a huge role in making people familiar with those areas and technologies. - There is a need to create more cooperatives with women at the helm of it. - Principle of the cooperative movement is to unite everyone, even while remaining anonymous. The cooperative movement has the capacity to solve people’s problems. - However, there are irregularities in cooperatives and to check them there have to be rules and stricter implementation. Reference: The Hindu The world economy is slowly recovering from the devastation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the recovery is uneven among countries and within countries. It is an emerging universal truth that, in the post-pandemic world, economic inequality is rising sharply in all countries. Inequalities in India - Inequality was alarmingly high and destabilizing social and political order in much of the world even before the pandemic struck. Inequality is widening across the world, and India is no exception. - According to the recent Oxfam report, Inequality in India has risen to levels last seen when it was colonized. The additional wealth acquired by India’s 100 billionaires since March when the lockdown was imposed is enough to give every one of the 138 million poorest ₹94,045. - Oxfam’s report, ‘An economy for the 99 percent’, shows that the gap between rich and poor is far greater than had been feared. - Oxfam has observed that the world’s eight richest people now own as much wealth as the poorest 3.6 billion. - The Oxfam report shows that the wealth of the poorest half of the world’s population has fallen by a trillion dollars since 2010, a drop of 38 percent. This has occurred despite the global population increasing by around 400 million people during that period. Meanwhile, the wealth of the richest 62 has increased by more than half a trillion dollars to $1.76tr. - An unskilled worker in India would take three years to earn the richest person earned in one second last year. Concerns Associated with Inequalities - The Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) 2017-18 showed a dramatic drop in women’s work participation rates, to only 16.5 per cent, while unemployment rates for the economy as a whole continued to climb. - At a time when resolving the gender wealth gap is predicated on increasing women’s incomes, this economic outlook only points to the deepening of this divide as millennial women remain both underpaid and underemployed. - Growing wealth inequality is also symptomatic of the rise of an entrenched rentier class which looks to leverage their fixed assets in the form of land and property to extract the greatest possible rents from tenants and leases. - With a 2019 study by the Reserve Bank confirming that housing affordability has significantly deteriorated over the last four years, it is unsurprising how millennials now choose to rent rather than bear the increasingly unaffordable burden of high EMIs. - However, the current drying up of demand may be symptomatic of income (if not wealth) inequality being pushed to its very limits. - Normalization of Inequalities: Many major economists worldwide try to justify growing inequalities as an inevitable by-product of economic growth that led to the reduction of absolute poverty. - Due to this, the distribution of new wealth between capital and labour has become so one-sided that workers are constantly being pushed to penury while the rich are getting richer. - Further, the worsening inequality in income and opportunities impacts some sections disproportionately due to discrimination based on gender, caste, and other factors. - Creation of Monopolies: Despite its alleged commitment to market competition, the neoliberal economic agenda instead brought the decline of competition and the rise of close to monopoly power in vast swaths of the economy: pharmaceuticals, telecom, airlines, agriculture, banking, industrials, and retail. - Unsustainable Economic Growth: One of the chief characteristics of economic development is the intensification of energy use. There is an unprecedented concentration of high energy density in all economic development strategies. - The bulk of the energy continues to be generated from non-renewable sources. - The developed world’s primary objective is to capture energy-generating resources from across continents and put them to use to push their GDP growth to greater heights. - This unsustainable economic growth model is against the concept of sustainability, as it sacrifices the need of future generations for the welfare of present generations. - Nordic Economic Model:To make the current redistribution of wealth more equitable, the current neo-liberal model can be replaced by the ‘Nordic Economic Model.’ - Nordic Economic Model consists of effective welfare safety nets for all, corruption-free governance, the fundamental right to quality education & healthcare, high taxes for the rich, etc. - 4P Model of Capitalism:Rather than just rhetoric, the new capitalism model should focus on 4P’s viz. ‘Profit, People, Planet, Purpose and it should be the government’s task to ensure that the corporates adhere to this model. Unlike in the 20th century, India can and must actively contribute to the framing of new rules to govern global capitalism and the reshaping of international institutions. Simultaneously, as the Great Reset narrative unfolds, it must also reform its economy and society to make it more equitable, sustainable, and capable of coping with rapid external change. Reference: The Hindu As defined by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, ‘Extradition is the delivery on the part of one State to another of those whom it is desired to deal with for crimes of which they have been accused or convicted and are justifiable in the Courts of the other State’. Recently, the UK’s Home Department has approved the extradition of Nirav Modi, a diamond merchant to India in connection with the Rs. 13,758-crore Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud. India and the UK entered into an extradition treaty in 1992. Principles Governing Extradition Apart from the Principle of Specialty, there are other principles as well in extradition. This includes, - Principle of Dual Criminality:This requires that the offence that the fugitive is alleged to have committed, should be an offence both in the requesting as well as the requested state. - Principle of Reciprocity:Countries must show reciprocity in the exchange for fugitives between requesting and requested State. - Principle of Competence: The requested state must be satisfied that the requesting state has a right to prosecute the fugitive. - Principle of proportionality between offence and sentence: Punishment for a particular crime should not be excessively harsh or inhuman upon the fugitive. European countries generally don’t extradite when the requesting country has the potential to inflict capital punishment on the fugitive. - Principle of relative Seriousness of the offence: Extradition is usually permissible only for relatively more serious offences, and not for trivial misdemeanours or petty offences. Status of extradition in India Extradition Law in India: In India, the extradition of a fugitive criminal is governed under the Indian Extradition Act, 1962.This is for both extraditing persons to India and from India to foreign countries. The basis of the extradition could be a treaty between India and another country. At present India has an Extradition treaty with more than 40 countries and Extradition agreement with 11 countries. Extradition Treaty: Section 2(d) of The Indian Extradition Act 1962 defines an ‘Extradition Treaty’ as a Treaty, Agreement or Arrangement made by India with a Foreign State, relating to the extradition of fugitive criminals which extends to and is binding on India. Extradition treaties are traditionally bilateral in character. India has been able to extradite back many of the fugitive offenders in the past. However, failures were also witnessed in the case of many offenders. Successful cases of Extradition - AgustaWestland chopper dealco-accused Rajiv Saxena was extradited from the United Arab Emirates in Jan 2019. - Mohammed Yahya, who faced cases of cheating, forgery, and criminal conspiracy, was extradited from Indonesia on October 12, 2018. - Vinay Mittal, who faces cases of cheating, forgery, and criminal conspiracy, was extradited from Indonesia on September 9, 2018. - Chhota Rajan was extradited from Indonesia on November 6, 2015, on charges of murder and kidnapping. - Abu Salem was extradited from Portugal in 2005 to face trial in the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts case. Ongoing extradition cases - India is in the process of extraditing Mehul Choksi and Vijay Mallya from the U.K. for their criminal charges of financial frauds. - Similarly, Tahawwur Rana, a key accused in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, will soon be extradited from the US. - India failed to Extradite Lalit Modi (IPL Betting Case) from the UK - Similarly, India also failed to extradite David Headley (Conspirator of 2008 Mumbai attacks) from the US Need for Extradition - Sovereign constraint:Since the territorial constraints stop the victim state to effectively exercise its jurisdiction, extradition alone offers the legal avenue to overcome the jurisdictional hardship. - Upholding Justice: Bringing back offenders from foreign countries is essential for providing timely justice and grievance redressal. - Provides a sense of gratification:Punishment of the criminal in the same country in which the crime is committed provides a sense of gratification and security for the public of that country. - Act as deterrence: It serves as a deterrent against offenders who consider escape as an easy way to subvert India’s justice system. Challenges with Extradition - Delayed Response by Indian Agencies: This sometimes gives an impression that the requesting state is not serious about extraditing the fugitive. It results in the denial of an extradition request by the extraditing state. - Eg: The extradition request against former IPL chief Lalit Modi was filed after a decade. - Poor Prison Conditions: The Indian prisons fall short of desired facilities like quality food, bedding, and health facilities, etc. This discourages western nations from extraditing fugitives on grounds of human rights violations. - Eg – Karamjit Singh Chahal (charges of separatism), Sanjeev Chawla (illegal betting) and Kim Davy (terrorism) escaped extradition due to poor prison conditions. - Disregard to extradition clauses:India was criticized by Portugal for the violation of the Principle of Specialty. As India imposed additional cases on Abu Saleem. The same is also feasible in the current extradition cases also. This damages India’s image for upholding extradition laws, especially from the EU. - Less number of bilateral extradition treaties: India has a fewer number (43) of bilateral extradition treaties compared to other countries. The US and the UK, for example, have extradition treaties with over 100 countries each. - Political Nature: It is often argued that extradition is as much a political process as it is a judicial one. Therefore, it sometimes gets rejection on political grounds in spite of passing the judicial test. - Eg – Warren Martin Anderson was not extradited by the U.S to India in spite of being the CEO of Union Carbide Corporation. UCC was the parent company of UC India limited that was responsible for the Bhopal Gas tragedy in 1984. - Double standards for Wealthy individuals:Countries are sometimes accused of having a soft corner for wealthy fugitives. For instance, Jan Marsalek of the Wirecard scandal and former Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn were not extradited by Russia and Lebanon respectively. - Double jeopardy: The “double jeopardy” clause debars punishment for the same crime twice. This is the primary reason why India has been unable to extradite David Headley from the US. Suggestions to improve extradition - India needs to sign the UN Convention against Torture that will generate greater trust in its prisons and police personnel. - The country needs to improve the capacity and efficiency of investigating agencies to conduct speedy investigations. The government should establish a central agency to take up larger cases involving extradition. - The Justice Malimath Committee report (2003)recommended setting up a Central Agency, on similar lines with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (USA). This would exercise jurisdiction over crimes and offences affecting national security. - India should push the adoption of its nine-point agenda by the G 20 countries. The agenda contains a comprehensive framework of action against fugitive economic offenders. - The country should enact complementary legislation that smoothens the extradition process. For instance, the government can change some of the critical provisions in the Fugitive Economic Offenders Act. India needs to strengthen its domestic framework and maintain harmonious relations with other countries. The fulfilment of these twin objectives are a requirement in ensuring a smooth, transparent, and speedy extradition process. General Studies – 3 The Indian pharmaceutical industry is one of the major contributors to the Indian economy and it is the world’s third-largest industry by volume. The Indian pharmaceutical industry’s success can be credited to its world-class capabilities in formulation development, entrepreneurial abilities of its people, and the vision of its business leaders to establish India’s footprint in the United States and other large international markets. In 1969, Indian pharmaceuticals had a 5 per cent share of the market in India, and global pharma had a 95 per cent share. By 2020, it was the reverse, with Indian pharma having an almost 85 per cent share and global, 15 per cent. India’s potential to be the “pharmacy of the world” - Potential of Pharma sector: The Indian pharmaceutical industry, valued at $41 billion, is expected to grow to $65 billion by 2024 and $120-130 billion by 2030, noted the new Economic survey. - Rise in exports: During April-October 2020, India’s pharmaceutical exports of $ 11.1 billion witnessed a growth of 18 percent against $ 9.4 billion in the year-ago period. - Positive growth: Drug formulations, biologicals have consistently registered positive growth and the highest increase in absolute terms in recent months. - This led to a rise in its share to 7.1 percent in April-November 2020 from 5 percent in April-November 2019, making it the second-largest exported commodity among the top 10 export commodities. - This shows that India has the potential to be the ‘pharmacy of the world’”, the survey said. - Significant advantage: The availability of a significant raw material base and skilled workforce have enabled India to emerge as an international manufacturing hub for generic medicines. - Further, India is the only country with the largest number of USFDA compliant pharma plants (more than 262 including APIs) outside of the US. - Capacity: The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that India can not only innovate but also rapidly distribute time-critical drugs to every part of the globe that needs it. - Global leader: Presently, over 80% of the antiretroviral drugs used globally to combat AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) are supplied by Indian pharmaceutical firms. Issues facing the Pharma industry: - Overdependence: Indian pharma industries import about 80% of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients(API) from China. The API forms the base of drugs. With trade-wars at global levels and wavering bilateral relations, there is a looming threat which can stall the Indian pharma industries. In FY19, Indian pharma companies imported bulk drugs and intermediates worth $2.4 million from China. - Compliance issues and good manufacturing practices: Diversifying the global market has been a problem with countries China and USA imposing Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary(SPS) barriers of WTO against generic drugs. The selective targeting by US Food and Drug Administration and Chinese Drug regulators are a problem still. - Drug Price Control Order: The companies sight that the reforms of the Government for the essential medicines has caused them to lower the price of drugs. This has been done by the Government for the betterment of the public. - Stronger IP regulations: IP regulation has always been a thorn in the skin for the companies, especially the foreign companies. The companies strongly feel that the rules have to be amended and the so-called victim of the lax regulations have been the foreign entrants. - Because of fewer costs associated with generic medicines, multiple applications for generic drugs are often approved to market a single product; this creates competition in the marketplace globally, typically resulting in lower prices. Pharma sector in India is also facing steep headwinds on account of this. - There is a lack of proper assessment of the performance of the pharmaceutical industry and its efficiency and productivity and due to this many plants have not survived. - Unregulated online pharmacies or e-pharmacies emerging in India have been a major concern for authorized setups. - There has been a significant drop in the flow of prescriptions as the Indian pharmaceutical industry has been witnessing a decline in the overall quality of its medical representatives (MRs). This is mainly on account of lack of training and support by the industry. - In countries such as Russia, one requires to be a medical graduate to be a pharma sales representative. In the European Union, one needs to pass stringent examinations to become an MR. Once they qualify, they need to renew their certification every three years. But in India, even non-graduates are performing as MRs without proper guidance. - India’s strong innovation capabilities aided partnerships would help in overcoming these problems. - Developing our R&D sector to reduce dependency on foreign countries for raw materials - The introduction of pharmaceutical product patents and the mandatory implementation of good manufacturing practices is the need of the hour. - It is necessary for the Indian pharmaceutical industry to become globally competitive through world-class manufacturing capabilities, with improved quality and a higher efficiency of production, and there is a need to stress on the up-gradation of R&D capabilities. - Training and development of human resources for the pharmaceutical industry and drug research and development should be done accordingly; - There is also a need to promote public-private partnership for the development of the pharmaceuticals industry; promote environmentally sustainable development of the pharmaceutical industry; and enable the availability, accessibility, and affordability of drugs. - Improvement in industrial practices to provide better training and support services for employees to perform their job functions. - Using multilateral organisation like WTO against the illegal trade practices. - Funding for the pharma companies might be a way to move forward. - IPR Think Tank formed by the Government to draft stronger national IP policies. The affordability of healthcare is an issue of concern even in India, and people here would welcome some clarity on the principles of fair pricing vis-à-vis medical products. It is important that the accused companies are given a good hearing. The Government of India has taken up a number of initiatives to create an ecosystem that fosters manufacturing in pharma industries. 7. Implementation of Goods and Services (GST) system brought in outstanding gains on multiple fronts, yet there is a need to reform, refine and strengthen the system to address challenges at hand. Discuss. (250 words) Reference: Economic Times The Goods and Services Tax is an indirect tax system which was rolled out in 2017 with the aim of ‘One Nation, one tax’. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has pointed out lacunae in the GST regime, saying that system-validated input tax credit through invoice matching is not in place and a non-intrusive e-tax system still remains elusive after two years of its rollout. Gains of GST Regime: - Introduced as one of the biggest economic reforms by the incumbent government, the GST kicked off with the promise to streamline taxation and compliance burden. - Based on the one nation one tax ideology, GST has helped in reducing the cascading effect of tax considerably. - Also, multiplicity of compliances under various indirect taxes has been reduced. - Hence, introduction of GST in India has brought in efficiencies in indirect tax compliance, incidence and reduced the number of indirect tax authorities that a taxpayer needed to interact with - Another positive is the concept of e-invoicing which seeks to ensure greater transparency in supplier-receiver transactions. - The introduction of e-way bill coupled with the crackdown on fake invoicing has helped in bringing in a substantial portion of GST revenues, which were either being evaded or under-reported, in order. Shortcomings of GST regime: - Input Tax Credit (ITC) is an area which has certain limitations that need to be addressed. The GST regime sought to have a seamless flow of ITC, however, conditions for availing ITC being stringent, many taxpayers lost out on ITC. Also, taxpayers lose their ITC due to non-reporting or mistakes by their suppliers. - Compliance issues: taxpayers are also complaining about the imposing an arbitrary monetary limit on availing input tax credit through Rule 36(4) and mandating that a certain percentage of GST has to be paid in cash. These laws are making life difficult for even the most honest taxpayers. - Difficulty in tax administration: Goes against the canons of taxation. A modern tax system should be fair, uncomplicated, transparent and easy to administer. It must yield revenues sufficient to cover the cost of government services and public goods. - Lack of clarity on many rules is also leading to various litigation and different interpretations (of the same laws) by Advanced Ruling Authorities in different states. - Complicated taxation structure: A World Bank study published in May 2018 said that the Indian GST rate was the second highest among the 115 countries with a national value-added tax. It was also the most complicated, with five main tax rates, several exemptions, a cess and a special rate for gold. The multilateral lender said that only five countries had four or more non-zero tax rates—India, Italy, Pakistan, Luxembourg and Ghana. - Falling revenue amid disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has continuously delayed the reform, leaving a large number of items in high tax slabs. - GST revenue potential overestimated: The Union Budget for 2018-19 (the first full year under GST) estimated receipts to the tune of ₹7.43 lakh crore. Actual collections were just 78% of this amount. While the shortfall between Budget Estimates (BE) and actual collections reduced significantly in 2019-20 (the latter was 90% of the former) the BE number itself saw a significant downward revision to ₹6.63 lakh crore. - High compliance costs: are also arising because the prevalence of multiple tax rates implies a need to classify inputs and outputs based on the applicable tax rate. Along with the need to apply the correct rate, firms are required to match invoices between their outputs and inputs to be eligible for full input tax credit, which increases compliance costs further. - Tax-Sharing issues: alleged deviation in the way GST revenue is shared with states. To determine how integrated GST is to be split up, the report notes, the government has followed a formula prescribed by the Finance Commission, though it should have gone by the Constitution and Integrated GST Act. - The nationwide lockdown, however, intensified the problem of revenue shortfall for states with the Centre not paying up the dues on time. Also with coffers drying up and with social and health spending going up, states are growing disenchanted with the system - Last year, the GST Council had borrowed `1.1 lakh crore to pay the states in order to make up for the shortfall. Still, `63,000 crore is pending which the Centre intends to pay this year. - GST Council meetings: the meetings of the GST Council are not as frequent as they were earlier, if the recent incidents are anything to go by, and it often end up with disagreement, fight and strong letters and statements. States have also accused the Centre of cornering a substantial portion of tax in forms of cess. - There has been lack of coordination between the Department of Revenue, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs and the GST Network - The first target should be to move to at least a three-rate structure, a lower rate for essential goods, a relatively high rate for luxury goods, and a standard rate for the majority of goods and services. - The next step would be simplifying the tax returns process. - The scope for lowering the GST rate is umbilically linked to direct tax reform. - A better way to make a tax system more just is by lowering regressive indirect tax rates while widening the base for progressive direct taxes on income and corporate profits. - The government needs to establish GST Tribunals to reduce litigation timelines and the pressure on courts. - The state authorities for Advance Ruling should ideally also have an independent jurist member, apart from a representative from the tax department. - Many goods are still outside the GST net, which comes in the way of seamless flow of input tax credit. Key items outside its ambit are electricity, alcohol, petroleum goods and real estate. This aspect need to be looked into. - Emulating the best practices. The GST in New Zealand, widely regarded as the most efficient in the world, has a single standard rate of 12.5 percent across all industry groups. - The Fifteenth finance commission, in its latest report, has addressed many issues including large shortfall in collections as compared to original forecast, high volatility in collections, accumulation of large integrated GST credit, glitches in invoice and input tax matching, and delay in refunds. - The Commission also observed that the continuing dependence of states on compensation from the central government for making up for the shortfall in revenue is a concern. - While at the same time it suggested that the structural implications of GST for low consumption states need to be considered. While the GST’s journey has given its stakeholders some causes to celebrate, it has also given moments of worry. But then, no transformation of the scale and complexity can be achieved without its share of hiccups and challenges. The process of evolution will take a few years more for the mammoth structural change to stabilize. The four-year journey of GST has been a roller-coaster ride for all stakeholders with equitable share of hits, misses and expectations. A work-in-progress in its transformational journey, GST suffers from several shortcomings which need to be resolved quickly, but its journey to ‘Good & Simple Tax’ is still quite long.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-31", "url": "https://ias.puucho.com/2021/07/12/secure-synopsis-10-july-2021-insightsias/", "date": "2021-08-04T07:06:24", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046154796.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20210804045226-20210804075226-00508.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9420114755630493, "token_count": 7119, "score": 4.65625, "int_score": 5 }
Children at this stage begin by recognising a simple fraction of a shape or amount. Once they are in year 2, they may progress to looking at fractions in more than one part, as well as understanding that 1/2 and 2/4 are the same. Children must understand that all parts of fractions must be equal. Children continue finding fractions of amounts, but go further now than just halves, thirds and quarters. Children will also start to look at fractions where there are many parts shown, and start to understand equivalent fractions as well as adding and subtracting with them. Children continue to add and subtract fractions, but now also look at multiplying and dividing with them and converting to mixed numbers.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-31", "url": "https://www.stgeorgescatholicacademy.co.uk/fractions/", "date": "2021-08-05T17:46:06", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046156141.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20210805161906-20210805191906-00588.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9722106456756592, "token_count": 141, "score": 4.71875, "int_score": 5 }
Measuring the World TN Google Earth is a virtual globe. Students love zooming in and out and discovering different areas. The high quality digital imagery is so good that there is a feeling that one is actually peering live into ones own back garden. The reality of this virtual world helps students see the value of the mathematics that they are doing and certainly provides engagement. The aim of this activity is to provide a real and interesting context for some ratio and proportion calculations. You can use Google Earth to get incredibly accurate measurements of the earth. In this activity students can make measurements between two places on the equator and scale this up to make estimates of the circumference of the earth to within 10km of accepted measures! In order to do this, students will need to have a good understanding of latitude and longitude. The first part of the activity enables them to gain familiarity with these lines and to consider what they mean mathematically. The grid in Google Earth and switching the mode of angle measure from degrees, minutes and seconds to decimal degrees certainly helps this understanding. Once a calculation of the equatorial circumference has been made students are encouraged to compare this to the polar circumference and see for themselves that the earth is not spherical (it has been long known that the earth has a bulge around the equator, but the latest satellite images and measurements suggest that the earth is pear shaped). The rest of this activity provides a context for some ratio and proportion calculations; in particular there are a number of speed calculations set around how fast different people and objects have circumnavigated the globe. The following is some practical advice about how the activity might be run. There is a worksheet for this activity. Students who are new to Google Earth should watch the help video demonstration on the activity page. Students need access to computers with Google Earth installed. The speed with which the digital images load up depends on internet access speed and the graphics cards in the computers. It is advisable to do a test before trying this with a class. The Geography department of your school might provide some advice in using Google Earth in the classroom. If you would like to learn more about getting started with Google Earth and follow some basic tutorials go to google This depends on the class, but the basic measurements of the earth can be completed in 30 minutes with a further 30 minutes to complete the associated ratio and proportion questions. A lovely extension is provided for more able students. This extension, the formula for the circumference of the earth at different latitudes, involves some simple trigonometry. See ‘What to Expect’ below for a solution. Starting and finishing The Vendée Globe yacht race vendeeglobe can provide an interesting hook into this activity. If you time this activity to coincide with this race you can even track sailors’ progress online. This best of 2008-9 video below shows the route and the excitement of the race (the real action starts 1 minute in!). Students may work individually or in pairs, but it is important they share their findings with one another. I would encourage students to record their work for this activity digitally. This enables them to take screenshots of their placemarks and positions from Google Earth and incorporate them in their write up. The ‘How Fast?’ calculations could be completed most effectively in Excel, but students need to reflect upon an appropriate degree of accuracy. Equatorial circumference of the earth = 40,075km. Polar circumference = 40,008 km. If students are careful in their measuring they should be able to find these measurements to within 10km and see that the earth is not spherical. This could be an opportunity to discuss error bounds with the class. Equatorial circumference of Moon = 10864 km The circumference of the Earth at different latitudes, C is related to the angle of latitude, and the circumference of the Earth at the equator. Google Earth, of course, is not required to find this surprisingly simple formula.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-39", "url": "https://www.teachmathematics.net/page/10629/measuring-the-world-tn", "date": "2021-09-28T07:32:28", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780060538.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20210928062408-20210928092408-00188.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9324231147766113, "token_count": 811, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
The students will be able to summarize the concept of authority and give examples of people in authority. This includes school officials, public safety officers, and government officials. What does it mean to be an authority figure, and what is their job? Other Instructional Materials or Notes: - Authority PowerPoint - Authority Worksheet - 1-2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of how government functions and how government affects families. - Government influences the lives of individuals and families as well as the community at large. To participate effectively in civic life through an understanding of governmental processes, the student will utilize the knowledge and skills set forth in ... Lesson Created By: GeorgiLucas
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-39", "url": "https://www.knowitall.org/lessons/authority-figures", "date": "2021-09-20T04:20:45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780057018.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20210920040604-20210920070604-00268.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9174579977989197, "token_count": 140, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Topic ( Inquiry Question and Focus) : How do we understand the force of a seismic wave called a Tsunami? What do engineers need to do to create strong and stable structures to withstand this force? How can they use the natural environment such as plants and soil, to help design structures to stay in place? What are the effects of a Tsunami? How do the scientific concepts of force, soil erosion, and creating strong and stable structures affect how people are prepared for a natural disaster such as the Tsunami? Overview and Brief description of inquiry-focused teaching/learning experience: In this inquiry, students will understand and learn more about the devastating effects of a Tsunami. What causes tidal waves with such force? They will also learn how plants and soils help to stabilize the earth around structures to prevent erosion that such natural disasters cause. They will learn about the basic concepts of forces that cause movement, growth and changes in plants, soils in the environment and how strong and stable rely on these elements of our natural world to uphold their properties. We will use the design process to test and see what design work best under different conditions and we will see the importance of this design thinking problem and how it can affect people’s everyday lives.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-39", "url": "https://connex.stao.ca/classroom-catalyst/preparing-ourselves-for-natural-disasters-how-do-we-innovate-our-knowledge-and", "date": "2021-09-18T22:03:55", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780056578.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20210918214805-20210919004805-00468.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9417641758918762, "token_count": 255, "score": 4.75, "int_score": 5 }
Language learning can be facilitated through simple and effective strategies. Let’s look at two of those strategies –Expansions and Extensions and how they can be combined with different aspects of pragmatics to facilitate language learning. These strategies work well with children who communicate using a few words or are at an early sentence level, since it is predominantly based on communication partners’ responses to their child. Expansions: Expansion is the process by which you not only repeat what the child says, but also add missing words to make it more grammatically correct. Try not to rephrase the phrase dramatically, but simply hone the statement to make it more robust. For example, if the child says “Want More” you can model something like “Want More JUICE”. Or if the child says “bike”, you say “Yes! It IS a BIKE!” (It helps to use different tones and stresses on each word appropriately, to catch your child’s attention). There are two things at play here. By repeating and expanding the child’s language, you are staying within the realms of responding without directly “correcting” him/her. By repeating- you’ve acknowledged that the child successfully conveyed something to you and will be motivated. Step it up very gradually i.e. expand using more words, bend words (Ex: go- went) as you go along. And keep modeling! Extensions: To extend a child’s utterance, we simply respond to the child’s utterance in a conversational way, providing a little more new information, that is related to what the child has to say. These are similar to expansions, but in this case, you not only expand the child’s language, but also add some additional information as an extension. For example: If the child says “Dog run!” you could say, “Yes, the dog is running. He is running fast.” If the child says “Red block.” You could say, “Yes, you have a red block. The red block is shaped like a triangle!” Another example, if the child were to say “yellow doggy” you could say, “Yes you see a yellow doggie! The yellow doggie is big and fluffy.” Expansion and extension seem to work best with children who are using words/phrases or small sentences to communicate. You might not want to use these strategies with every word the child communicates.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-43", "url": "https://backbayspeechtherapy.com/expansion-and-extension-strategies-for-building-language/", "date": "2021-10-17T05:56:24", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323585121.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20211017052025-20211017082025-00228.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9512346386909485, "token_count": 540, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Hall effect sensors belong to a family of proximity detectors, used to detect the passing of an object at close range. What makes the Hall effect sensor unique? The object being sensed needs to be magnetic — either an electromagnet or a permanent magnet. In this lesson we will be looking at how these sensors work, their advantages and disadvantages, and some common applications. The Hall effect (from which the sensors get their name) is observed by running a DC current through a conductor — or even better, a semiconductor. This current fills the conductor with free electrons moving through it. In the case of a semiconductor, there are holes as well. Electron holes are the places in a material where an electron could comfortably sit, but there's no electron there at the moment. They're a little pocket of positive charge waiting to be filled by a free electron. When a magnetic field is introduced to the conductor, the free electrons are pushed toward one side (and in a semiconductor, the holes are pushed toward the opposite side). The separation causes one side of the conductor to have a slightly negative charge and the opposite side to have a slight positive charge. By attaching a voltmeter to the sides of the conductor, we can see that a voltage drop has been induced. The voltage we measure will be always less than that of the power supply, and the amount will depend on the material that the sensor is made out of. We can use the magnitude of this voltage to tell how far away the magnetic field is from the sensor. The closer the magnet gets, the greater the voltage. When a magnetic field interacts with an object (like our conductor), it produces something called magnetic flux. That's the direction and force with which the magnetic field will push a charge in the object. This is related to the polarity of the magnet — the north pole and south pole. That means the orientation of the magnet will affect the magnitude and polarity of the induced voltage. The more perpendicular the magnetic field is to the face of the sensor, the greater the magnetic flux pushing electrons aside, and thus the greater the magnitude of the voltage. Notice how the polarity of the induced voltage reverses when the polarity of the magnetic field is flipped? That means a spinning magnet will create a sine wave. This is a property we can take advantage of later! The most common Hall effect sensors come in the form of a three pin integrated chip. One pin will be for the voltage supply, one is ground, and the third is the output signal. Inside the chip are things like an amplifier, some type of signal conditioner, and the actual Hall effect device. It is important to keep in mind that with these chips, only one face is able to do the actual sensing. It will be indicated by the manufacturer. There are fancier Hall effect sensors available that can track a magnetic field in all three dimensions. These use multiple Hall effect devices on a single chip to triangulate the position of the magnet. Become a member to get immediate access to the rest of this lesson, and all the other great content on LunchBox Sessions.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-43", "url": "https://www.lunchboxsessions.com/materials/position-sensors/hall-effect-sensors-lesson", "date": "2021-10-23T01:11:13", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323585537.28/warc/CC-MAIN-20211023002852-20211023032852-00548.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9231934547424316, "token_count": 651, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
In this fun counting game, young math learners practice the use of place value, by making 3 — which means to make an equation that adds up to 3 — making 5, making 10, making 15, making 20, making 30, counting everyday objects are displayed such as colorful pencils, suns, bubbles or colorful fruit, counting how many groups of tens objects are displayed, etc. When each stage is complete, an exciting reward animation displays colorful flying balloons and animated gold stars to show the number of correct answers. How many — 3 yellow pencils are shown at the top, and the question is “How many?”. Learner should touch the number 3, since there are 3 pencils shown. Make 10 — this equation is shown. 10 = 8 + ___. Learner should touch the answer at the bottom that is labeled 2, since 10 = 8 + 2. Each level helps to focus students on a subset of numbers: E.1 Make 3 E.2 Make 5 E.3 Make 10 E.4 Make 15 E.5 Make 20 E.6 Make 30 Learning standards: Click here to see skills available for California Learning standards
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-43", "url": "https://tenonemath.com/student/tenone-unity/kindergarden-math-games/KE4/Make-15/", "date": "2021-10-28T17:09:20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323588398.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20211028162638-20211028192638-00588.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9046825170516968, "token_count": 246, "score": 4.71875, "int_score": 5 }
A set of cut-outs to use in your classroom when teaching an electricity unit. Print out these cut-outs and use them in your classroom when studying the topic of electricity. How to use as a hands-on activity: - Put students into groups of 3 or 4. - Give each group a set of cut-outs that include the parts needed to create a circuit. - Ask students to use the cut-outs and create an open circuit and then a closed circuit. For further insight into this exciting resource, read our blog What is Electricity? A Bright Spark’s Teaching Guide. Download this resource as part of a larger resource pack or Unit Plan. We create premium quality, downloadable teaching resources for primary/elementary school teachers that make classrooms buzz! Find more resources for these topics Suggest a change You must be logged in to request a change. Sign up now! Report an Error You must be logged in to report an error. Sign up now!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-43", "url": "https://www.teachstarter.com/us/teaching-resource/electricity-cut-outs/", "date": "2021-10-28T16:32:58", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323588398.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20211028162638-20211028192638-00588.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9105826616287231, "token_count": 207, "score": 4.75, "int_score": 5 }
Two new studies at the University of Leeds, UK, on the inside of volcanoes may help scientists come closer to the prediction of powerful eruptions. The main work carried out in Afar, Ethiopia, and in Iceland, since that is where the mid-ocean ridge comes to the surface, which greatly facilitates the organization of observations. Volcanic ridges occur when tectonic plateau crush or disperse. Magma, molten rock that seeps into fractures thinned crust in the form of lava, and solidify to form new crust. Accumulations of magma work as sewage systems, high pressure paving the way to the surface through underground passages. The study describes the new facts on the Magma tanks, how they move within the earth's crust, which can simplify the prediction of volcanic eruptions. To do this, an analysis of satellite images of some areas of the Earth, before, during and after the eruption. On the basis of these images have been created and tested computer models that indicate how faults are formed. It turned out that the magma in northern Ethiopia in Afar (eruption in 2008) lies at a depth of 1 km, although the normal way to indicate the depth of 3 km, and hence lower the magnitude of the eruption. For these fault zones, as the Afar Depression, where tectonic plates diverge slowly, at the speed at which human fingernails grow, shallow magma — a very uncharacteristic thing. For university geologists it was a real surprise and changed the idea of the volcanoes of the mid-ocean ridge. And in Africa, and the layers of magma in Iceland took both vertical and horizontal position, so she gushed in all directions, creating separate eruptive episodes. In Afar crust began to rise a few months before the eruption, as the pressure in the magma began to rise. Now, knowing this feature, one can clearly identify the location of future eruptions, even if the volcanoes are under water, because in most cases, faults and oceanic ridges are located at a depth of 2 km or more.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-49", "url": "https://survincity.com/2013/03/the-inner-life-of-volcanoes-3/", "date": "2021-12-08T01:15:36", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964363420.81/warc/CC-MAIN-20211207232140-20211208022140-00468.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9464737176895142, "token_count": 434, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Summary: Definite and indefinite articles teaching tips and practice activities, including a/ an and the games This article gives teaching tips and practice activities for contrasting the definite and indefinite articles. “A” and “an” are treated as one thing in this article, with contrasts between them dealt with in the article “How to teach a and an”. What students need to know about a, an and the “A” and “an” basically mean “one”, as in “one of a few/ some/ many” or “I don’t mind which one”. “Can I have a spoon?” and “There are a hundred reasons” basically mean the same as “Can I have one spoon?” and “There are one hundred reasons”. Like the number one, “a/ an” often goes with “have” and “There is/ are”. The slight contrast with “one” is that “a/ an” puts less emphasis on the number. For example, “Can I have one spoon?” could have the special meaning “not two or three this time” or “I hope that is okay because it’s just one”. “A/ an” is therefore more common in normal communication than “one”. In contrast to the indefinite article “a(n)”, “the” is called the definite article because it refers to one specific thing, making it more similar to “this” or “that”. Things that make it definite include: - it is the thing that we have just talked about or will explain right after (“This is the restaurant that I told you about”, etc) - it is the only one (in the room, in the house, in the local area, in the world, etc, as in “He’s the CEO” and “He’s the President of the United States”) Because of the indefinite meaning of “a(n)” and the definite meaning of “the”, we often use “a/ an” the first time that we refer to things, and from then on we use “the” to mean “the thing that I was just talking about”. Contrasts between the two that match these general meanings include: - I’m a teacher (I’m one of the teachers in the world)/ I’m the teacher (of this class) - John is a manager (it’s his job)/ John is the manager (of the place we are in or have just been talking about) - The first (because there is only one first)/ A loser (one of the people between second and tenth place) - The same (because there is only one way of being exactly the same)/ A different... (because there are many ways of being different) - The countryside (because it all joins up and so is just one thing)/ I come from a small village in Sussex (one of the many small villages in Sussex) - The sea/ An island - The elderly (meaning the one group that includes every elderly person)/ An elderly man (one of the many elderly men) - The 16th of May (the only day with that date in the year)/ We met on a Friday night (one of the 52 Friday nights in a year) - I’ll see you the day after tomorrow (because there is only one day which is just after tomorrow, meaning in two days)/ We spent a day there (meaning any one day) - The bus (which we want to take) is late/ I was hit by a bus (one of the ones that drives down that street) - No one knows who invented the corkscrew (the first corkscrew, or all corkscrews)/ I needed a corkscrew, but there were none in the whole hotel (one corkscrew) - I take the subway every single day (the one subway system that exists in that town)/ They are thinking of building a new subway (one extra system in the world) - The pound is still a surprisingly important currency (the one currency from the UK)/ They all cost a pound (one pound) - How can a fifteen-year-old be on the pill? (the contraceptive pill)/ I saw him take a pill, but I’m not sure what it was (a tablet) Other uses that match the general meanings include: - Twenty kilometres an hour (twenty kilometres in each one hour, and the same for three times a day, etc) - Do you have the time? (the time that it is here now, which is one specific time) - How’s the weather? (now in the place that you are) - It wasn’t any John Smith, it was the John Smith (the most famous one/ the one that you will definitely know) There are also ones which don’t seem to be understandable and so just need to be learnt, including “the other day” (which is “the” even though it is kind of indefinite). “The” is often specifically taught with superlative adjectives like “the biggest room”, sometimes in contrast to “a bigger room”. These are actually just good examples of the more general meanings of “the only one” and “one of some options”, which also explains why there are exceptions such as “I need the bigger bowl” (the larger one of the two available) and “I read a bestselling book” (because there are many books which have been top of the book sales charts at some point). “The… the…” with comparative adjectives like “The sooner the better” doesn’t seem to match any general pattern, and it’s perhaps better to teach those idioms one by one as they come up or by topic. It’s more difficult to explain the use of “the” in phrases like “He was on the phone for ages”, “I hardly ever watch the TV”, “He dried his socks in front of the fire”, “We only went to the cinema once last year” and “I’ll pick some up at the supermarket”. With all of these, we probably have a choice of several and don’t care which one, making “We only went to a cinema once last year” seem to more match the general meaning of articles given above and so be more logical. The explanation which seems to cover most of these examples is that they are situations in which there is usually or traditionally one nearby, even though we nowadays have the choice of many. This perhaps explains contrasts like “go to the supermarket” and “go to a convenience store”. An alternative explanation for some of these such as “on the phone” and “watch the TV” is that they refer to the system that you are accessing that way, similar to “the internet”. Alternatively, a very simple explanation that seems to cover most is that “the” is used to focus on doing something (as in “I play the piano”), where “a” is focused on the physical place or object (“They have to try to get a piano up the stairs, but everything goes wrong”). I’m not sure how etymologically accurate any of these are, but whatever makes it seem understandable and memorable can be useful for students. The uses of both “a/ an” and “the” to talk about things in general are much more similar to each other than any of the contrasts shown so far. If we say “A cat likes to catch birds just for fun”, we want the person who is listening or reading to imagine one typical cat doing that action. In slight contrast, if we say “The mammoth died out at least partly due to hunting”, we want them to imagine the whole species as one thing, somewhat like “the (human) population of the world”. In any case, plural and uncountable nouns with zero article like “People like…” are much more common in general statements, so these uses of “a/ an” and “the” only need to be presented at higher levels and/ or in EAP classes. How to present a/ an and the Before you decide how to present articles, you’ll need to decide what explanation or explanations you will use and how you plan to get there, with possibilities including: - just one or two specific meanings for now (e.g. only “a/ an” the first time and then “the”) - two or more specific meanings (e.g. “the” with superlatives and “the” with ordinal numbers), leading to a more general rule - presenting/ eliciting a general rule and then linking that to specific examples like “the first time” and “a better job” Particularly when it comes to “a(n) for the first time that you refer to something and then the”, it’s almost impossible to write a dialogue or other text that doesn’t include examples of this rule. It’s therefore quite difficult to choose the most suitable topics for such a text/ the lesson from the many available options. However, that also means that the textbook example is probably fine, as long as you check that it includes all the meanings of articles that you want to present and excludes those that you don’t (e.g. has or doesn’t have “on the phone” etc depending on if you want to include that use/ meaning). After doing a more general comprehension task like working out what a couple are cooking together by all the things that they need (“an onion”, “the oven”, etc), students should easily be able to find examples that you’ve put in or left in that answer questions like: - Which article is similar to “one”? - Which article is similar to “this/ that”? - Which article means that it doesn’t matter which one? - Which article is used when there is only one (in that place)? - Which article is usually used the first time that we refer to something? - Which article is usually used when we refer to the same thing again? Some of the practice activities below can also be used to help present the language, many with the method that I call URA (use, recall, analyse). How to practise a/ an and the When you are choosing a text to present the language with, it is good if it is one which includes a conversation that students can also have. For example, if the initial text has two people talking about one or more possible flats to rent, students can then roleplay a similar conversation or compare their own accommodation with “There is a bus stop nearby” and “The nearest station is ten minutes on foot”. For more controlled practice, it is very difficult to make example sentences where only one article is possible, particularly if you want to make the sentences short enough to fit on to cards. However, it is possible, especially if you provide another contrasting article in the same sentence and/ or you tell students that they should only think about “a”, “an” or “the” (not other possible options like “my”, “this” or the zero article). A/ an and the pictures drilling games Students identify what the object or person on the card or picture book page is with “It’s a/ an…” and then say one more thing about it such as what it is doing (“The soldier is sleeping”, etc), what colour it is (“The dog is blue”, etc), adjectives that match it (“The boy is dirty”, etc), what it can or can’t do (“The dragon can fly”, etc), etc. This idea is adapted from bogglesworldesl.com. A/ an and the mini-presentations Give students a list of topics, each of which has a definite or indefinite article, , perhaps in contrasting pairs or groups such as “The Queen” and “a princess”, and “The Earth” and “a planet”. Firstly, students choose topics to speak about in one or two minute mini-presentations, taking questions or comments from their partner(s) when they finish. After a few presentations, they try to put the right articles back into a version of the worksheet without them (“____ planet”, etc). This works really well before a presentation stage, but could also be done as practice if you give them a version without articles and tell them to ask their partner “Tell me about a/ an/ the…” with the correct article put back in. A/ an and the slap The teacher says “Touch a/ an/ the…”, pauses, then says the thing that students should run and touch, the thing near them that they should touch, or the thing in a picture that they should slap. The pause should hopefully get students to think about needing to touch something of which there is only one in the classroom if they hear “the” (e.g. the door) or one of multiple things in the classroom if they hear “a/ an” (e.g. a textbook). This can also be played before the presentation stage, moving on to getting students to remember that you didn’t say “Touch a whiteboard” and to work out why. A/ an and the Simon says This is a version of the slap game above that demands a bit more thought about the grammar. Students follow correct instructions like “Touch a desk” and “Point at the projector”, but ignore instructions which are grammatically wrong like “Touch the student” and “Hit a teacher”. Instead of or as well as with real classroom objects, this can also be done with pictures that have only one of some objects but more than one of others. A/ an and the stations/ simplest responses Students listen to gapped fixed phrases and short sentences like “Just BLANK moment” and “It’s all BEEP same to me” and race to raise paper with “a/ an” or “the” written on it. More fun versions include pretending to shoot those two words on the board, and running and touching opposite ends of the room labelled with those words. If you start with students just listening out for those words in complete sentences (“This is the best coffee ever” etc) and raising the card of the article that they hear, this can also start before the presentation stage. A/ an and the pelmanism and snap It’s a bit difficult, but if you can find or make at least 30 phrases or short sentences that only take “a/ an” or only take “the”, students can play pelmanism/ pairs/ the memory game (trying to find two cards with the same word missing with the cards spread face down on the table) and/ or snap (taking turns turning one card over and racing to shout “Snap” when the last two have the same word missing). You can decide if “a” and “an” count as the same or as different, but with the latter you’ll need to have more than 30 cards in total. A, an and the discussion questions It’s quite easy to make discussion questions with a mix of “a(n)” and “the” on almost any topic, e.g. the topic in the current, last or next unit of the textbook. Students could just ask each other the questions then try to remember the articles in them, or complete gapped discussion questions as they ask them to each other. A, an and the things in common/ discuss and agree Instead of or after discussion questions, students can be given key words or sentence stems like “worst” and “We would both like a ________________” with which to find experiences, opinions, etc which they have in common. A, an and the in movie titles practice Perhaps after doing something like describe plots of movies that they recommend, students put the correct articles into movie titles like “_______ Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, “Gone with ______ Wind” and “Four Wedding and ______ Funeral”. Alternatively, they could correct movie titles with mistakes like “Three Men and The Baby” X. There are lots of examples of movie titles with “a(n)” and/ or “the”, but it’s best to choose ones that most students have heard of (although perhaps ones with very different names in their own languages if you want to teach English movie titles at the same time). You’ll also need to make sure that each article makes grammatical sense in the title and is the only possible one in that place. For error correction to be challenging enough, you’ll also need to ensure that there are at least two nouns in most of the titles. If you do some kind of discussion of the movies with the full correct titles first, this activity can start before the presentation stage. A, an and the in proverbs and other idioms You can use proverbs and other fixed phrases like “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” in the same way as movie titles, but you need to be even more careful that the grammar of the ones you choose makes sense in modern English grammar. It’s also best if they are ones which are so common that they are useful as vocabulary for your students, and if possible that they link to present, recent or future lesson topics (money idioms, body idioms, etc). At the discussion stage, students can discuss which proverbs are similar to their own language(s), which they think give useful advice, etc. A, an and the in song titles practice The activities above with movie titles can all be done with song titles too, with initial discussion activities including recommending songs for particular occasions. A, an and the songs As well as their titles, the lyrics of songs also naturally include lots of articles, but you’ll again need to make sure that they all make normal grammatical sense, particularly that the singer hasn’t missed out any articles in order for the song to scan. The best songs are probably ones that have stories to them, so that there is lots of natural use of “a/ an for the first time something is mentioned, and then the”. As a practice activity, students could try to fill the gaps and then listen to check. As well as gaps for “a”, “an” and “the”, you could also include gaps after articles such as “The ______ beautiful girl in the world”. A, an and the storytelling activities Any kind of storytelling is sure to naturally include lots of practice of “a(n) the first time that you mention something and the from then on”, particularly if you give students lots of words which they are likely to want to mention in the story more than once such as “wizard” and “sword”. Phrases which need articles and are also good for storytelling include “next day”, “best”, “same” and “better idea”. A, an and the coin activities Instead of or as well as giving students vocabulary cards, you could prompt use of a good balance of different articles by asking students to flip a coin to decide if the next line of the story should have “a(n)” (heads) or “the” (tails). The same thing could also work for asking each other questions like “Would you like a new smartphone?” and “What’s the best attraction for small kids in this city?” A, an and the dice activities Instead of a coin, students could use a dice to decide if the next line or next question should include: - a and the - an and the - free choice A, an and the whole text activities Context is very important for the correct use and understanding of articles, so perhaps the best activities are those which include a longer piece of text such as a long joke, poem or very short story. Activities with these longer texts include: - reading Student A and Student B versions of the same text to each other, finding where they are different, and deciding which is the correct article in each place - listening to a teacher read out a text with pens down, then working together to reconstruct the text as well as they can (A, An and The Dictogloss) - memorising a text (even if not in exactly the same words), telling that story to someone else and hearing theirs, then passing on the story that you just heard (A, An and The Telephone Game) - deleting or covering a text word by word until the next person can’t remember all the missing words (A, An and The Disappearing Text) A, an and the picture activities Describing pictures that the other person cannot see should naturally bring up lots of examples of “There is a… The… is…” etc. Such activities include picture dictations (explaining something for the other person to draw, in this case also correcting them if they draw the wrong thing, but without being allowed to point at where they made a mistake) and picture differences (finding what is not the same in Student A and Student B versions of the same picture).
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-49", "url": "https://www.usingenglish.com/teachers/articles/how-to-teach-an.html", "date": "2021-12-08T06:14:40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964363445.41/warc/CC-MAIN-20211208053135-20211208083135-00188.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9662919640541077, "token_count": 4743, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
English: You will need to access Oxford Owl free eBook library. (You will need to make an account if you haven't already done so.) Go to Oxford Level 5 in the drop down box and search for the book Kipper and the Trolls. Look at the front cover - Can you predict what might happen in the story? What is a troll? How do you think Kipper is feeling? Why do you think this? Can you think of adjectives to describe the troll? Ask your child to read pages 1,2 and 3 then follow up with this discussion - Can you tell me three different types of punctuation? (They might say finger spaces, capital letter, exclamation mark.) Focus on the inverted commas (speech marks) and discuss expression of how Mum would say the sentence. Practise saying the sentence together. Look at Mum in the picture - How do you think she is feeling? Why has she got her arms like that? Read page 4 and 5 to your child whilst they follow along. Discuss the use of didn't - why does it have an apostrophe? Discuss it means that there is a letter missing and two words have become one word (did not.) Let your child read page 6 and 7, but don't let them press the turn button - talk about where the magic adventure may take them. Before asking your child to read pages 8 and 9, discuss what they can see in the picture. Do they like it? Who might live there? How does the bridge and the stream make them feel? Why does it make them feel that? Read page 10-13 together. Practise using troll voices. Focus on the word 'sang' think about changing the way they talk like a troll to match that word. Don't read anymore for today. You will continue with the guided read tomorrow.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-49", "url": "https://www.tanworthschool.co.uk/day-1/", "date": "2021-12-04T15:51:52", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964362999.66/warc/CC-MAIN-20211204154554-20211204184554-00108.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9622780680656433, "token_count": 379, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
This month’s Wellness Works explores the theme of empathy January 7, 2022 Empathy is about being able to consider what someone else may be going through and imagining how they might be feeling or thinking. This month we are exploring the theme of EMPATHY with students as a part of their mental health skill building. It is about walking in another person’s shoes – about listening to another perspective non-judgmentally. It’s about voicing our understanding of their emotions and validating them. It’s about recognizing the humanity of others and challenging ourselves to be present. Empathy is often the first step toward compassionate action and helping others. Empathy is important because when we have it we: - Are more likely to treat people the way they wish you would treat them - You will better understand the needs of people around you - You will more clearly understand the perception you create in others with your words and actions - You will better understand other people’s needs Here are some activities you can do at home to reflect and build on empathy: - Help younger children understand how to recognize emotions so they are better able to understand how others may be feeling. You can draw “feeling faces” or take pictures of family members with different feeling faces. Or take turns role-playing different emotions (what would you look like if someone knocked down your LEGO? Found a puppy? Etc.) - You can take turns coming up with situations or scenarios and have each family member share how that would make them feel. It’s important for all of us to remember that how we may feel is not always how other’s feel - Encourage your child/ren to consider how others may experience certain situations. For instance, if they came home excited about a presentation they really felt good about, celebrate with them and then ask them to consider how the student who didn’t present so well may be feeling. Or how the “new” student in the class may feel? - Help you child understand that different people have different things available to them, different experiences in the world, different interests and different struggles - If you are reading to your child, stop and ask how different characters may be feeling in the story. How do the character’s different behaviours and choices tell us information about how they may be feeling? - Designate a wall to share ideas/thoughts/pictures about empathy as a family and reflect on it together
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "https://www.ugdsb.ca/blog/this-months-wellness-works-explores-the-theme-of-empathy/", "date": "2022-01-17T20:07:01", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320300616.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20220117182124-20220117212124-00228.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9529410004615784, "token_count": 518, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
The cloud clumps heat up as they collapse and also begin to spin more rapidly. As they spin more rapidly, they change their shape, becoming flatter and more disc-like. Material falling onto the central protostar now passes through a flattened region surrounding it called an accretion disc. Figure 8 shows a small region of Orion, where a hot young protostar is picked out by the light it is radiating at infrared wavelengths. At the same time, as material falls onto the equatorial regions of the protostar, powerful jets of material are ejected from its poles. Astronomers are currently unsure of the detailed processes that cause these jets, but their effect is to remove both material and energy from the protostar. Eventually, the core of the protostar will become so hot that nuclear fusion reactions can begin and a new star is born. This whole process is surprisingly rapid and is thought to be complete within about 100 million years for the lowest mass stars. More massive protostars have a greater gravitational attraction, so material is pulled onto them at a much higher rate, so more massive stars form more quickly. Stars with masses more than 15 times that of the Sun form in only about 100,000 years. In the next section, you will be taking a photograph of Orion.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "https://www.open.edu/openlearn/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=20882&section=2.8", "date": "2022-01-26T12:44:59", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304947.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20220126101419-20220126131419-00268.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9481168389320374, "token_count": 268, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
A fraction is a number that shows how many equal parts there are. When we write fractions, we show one number with a line above (or a slash next to) another number. The top part of the fraction is called a numerator. The bottom part of the fraction is called a denominator. Example; 1/4 where it means there are 4 parts in whole and 1/4 is denoting 1 part out of 4 parts. 1 is called as Numerator and 4 is called as Denominator. Practice fraction subtraction with same denominator within 10. Grade 3 Ks 1
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "https://www.cuizus.com/math-topics/fraction", "date": "2022-01-22T12:23:08", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320303845.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20220122103819-20220122133819-00588.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9322989583015442, "token_count": 124, "score": 4.65625, "int_score": 5 }
Search Within Results Common Core: Standard Common Core: ELA Common Core: Math Topic: Common Core Learning Standards - Topic F introduces the factors 5 and 10, familiar from skip-counting in Grade 2. Students apply the multiplication and division strategies they have used to mixed practice with all of the factors... - Topic A begins by revisiting the commutative property. Students study familiar facts from Module 1 to identify known facts using units of 6, 7, 8, and 9 (3.OA.5, 3.OA.7). They realize that they... - Topic B introduces units of 6 and 7, factors that are well suited to Level 2 skip-counting strategies and to the Level 3 distributive property strategy, already familiar from Module 1. Students... - Topic D introduces units of 9 over three days, exploring a variety of arithmetic patterns that become engaging strategies for quickly learning facts with automaticity (3.OA.3, 3.OA.7, 3.OA.9). Nines... - In Topic E, students begin by working with facts using units of 0 and 1. From a procedural standpoint, these are simple facts that require little time for students to master; however, understanding... - In Topic F, students multiply by multiples of 10 (3.NBT.3). To solve a fact like 2 × 30, they first model the basic fact 2 × 3 on the place value chart. Place value understanding helps them to... - Topic A begins with solving one- and two-step word problems based on a variety of topics studied throughout the year, using all four operations (3.OA.8). The lessons emphasize modeling and reasoning...
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "https://www.engageny.org/topic/common-core-learning-standards-0?sort=changed&order=asc&f%5B0%5D=field_core_tags%253Afield_ccls_math%253Aparents_all%3A8931&f%5B1%5D=field_grade%253Aparents_all%3A13476&f%5B2%5D=card_type%3ACurriculum%20Topic&f%5B3%5D=field_core_tags%253Afield_ccls_math%253Aparents_all%3A8936&f%5B4%5D=field_core_tags%253Afield_ccls_math%253Aparents_all%3A8991", "date": "2022-01-21T07:50:46", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320302740.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20220121071203-20220121101203-00068.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8825799226760864, "token_count": 350, "score": 4.75, "int_score": 5 }
In computer networking, bandwidth refers to the measurement of data that is transferred between two points within a set amount of time. Typically expressed in bits, megabits, or gigabits per second, bandwidth is shared among devices connected to the same network; this means activities like streaming video content or downloading large files can use a large amount of bandwidth and slow down connections for other devices on the network. Bandwidth can also pertain to some data-transferring devices themselves, as in the case of I/O devices. For example, a fast disk drive can be hampered by a bus with a low bandwidth. This is the main reason why buses like AGP were developed for the PC. In telecommunications, bandwidth refers to the range that carries a signal within a band of frequencies. This type of bandwidth is measured in Hertz (Hz) and is calculated by finding the difference between the upper and lower frequency limits of a signal. It is important to note that different types of signals (music, voice, picture, etc.) require different bandwidths. Bandwidth vs. Speed Although bandwidth and speed (or latency) are closely related and often used interchangeably, there are some key differences to highlight between the two concepts: - Bandwidth describes the volume of data that can be transferred at a given time. - Speed describes the length of time it takes for data to be transferred. To use an analogy, think of an interstate highway. The number of cars that are able to pass from one mile marker to the next within a set timeframe would be considered the highway’s bandwidth, whereas the speed would be the rate of time it takes for one car to travel between mile markers. Factors that impact bandwidth include the size of the road (or the size of the cable) and the number of cars trying to travel at once (or the number of connections in use at the same time). Bandwidth can certainly impact speed (the more cars there are on the road, the longer it takes for all of them to get from place to place), but connection speeds can also be slowed by how far data needs to travel and other environmental factors. Together, bandwidth and speed create a network’s throughput. There are two primary types of bandwidth: symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetrical bandwidth connections, as the name suggests, exist when an equal amount of data is transmitted at an equal amount of speed between two points. Video conferencing is an example of a symmetrical bandwidth connection. On the other hand, asymmetrical bandwidth connections are characterized by differences in the upload and download speeds. These types of connections are typically more cost-effective than symmetrical bandwidth and offer faster speeds for downloading than uploading. Broadband and DSL internet connections are examples of asymmetrical bandwidth connections. Bandwidth and throughput are closely related but have distinct characteristics. Throughput is a measurement of how much data is transmitted from one point to another within a set amount of time. Bandwidth is a measurement of the amount of data that can be transmitted simultaneously. To use another analogy, throughput is like the amount of water you can fill in a bucket within a certain amount of time, and bandwidth is like the size of the pipes through which the water is flowing. Wider pipes allow for better water flow, just as more bandwidth allows for more data to be transmitted at once. Internet bandwidth can be measured through speed tests. These tests send data packets from one point to another and measure the length of time they take to be delivered. One of the biggest factors that can impact bandwidth is network congestion. For this reason, some internet service providers engage in the practice of bandwidth throttling to intentionally manipulate the bandwidth consumption.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "https://www.webopedia.com/definitions/bandwidth/", "date": "2022-01-17T10:31:23", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320300533.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20220117091246-20220117121246-00388.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9534355401992798, "token_count": 751, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Year 2 Recognising and Using Present Progressive Tense Teacher Specific Information This Year 2 Recognising and Using Present Progressive Tense activity checks pupils’ understanding of recognising and using present progressive tense. Pupils will identify the sentence written in the present progressive; determine which two words show the sentence is written in present progressive; select from a range of sentences the ones written in present progressive; label sentences present or past progressive and drag and drop the sentences that are not written in present progressive in the bin. This activity is linked to the Classroom Secrets Year 2 GPS scheme of work. Questions in this activity are based on the content in Term Block 4 Steps 5 and 6 on the Classroom Secrets website where you can find more resources. National Curriculum Objectives Year 2: (2G4.2) Learn how to use the present and past tenses correctly and consistently including the progressive form Year 2: (2G4.2) Correct choice and consistent use of present tense and past tense throughout writing
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/resource/year-2-recognising-and-using-present-progressive-tense/", "date": "2022-01-29T08:17:21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320300573.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20220129062503-20220129092503-00668.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9236398339271545, "token_count": 211, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Before beginning this worksheet, ask your kids if they know what punctuation marks are, and if they can name some of the few that they know. The most common punctuation marks and the first few that your kids will learn about will be the period, comma, question mark, and exclamation mark. A period is a small dot-shaped punctuation which is placed at the end of a sentence to mark the end. Help your kids practice their use of the period with the questions in the worksheet. Note: You will not be billed until your free trial has ended and can cancel at any time. No strings attached.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "https://www.kidsacademy.mobi/printables/sentences-end-period/", "date": "2022-01-24T17:48:21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304572.73/warc/CC-MAIN-20220124155118-20220124185118-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9614608883857727, "token_count": 128, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Today we will discuss about buoyancy force or simply called buoyancy effect. When a body is immersed or submersed in a fluid of different density an upward direction force act on it. This force is called buoyancy. When a body floats in water it is acted upon by two forces - Vertical downward force of gravity which is equivalent to weight of the body, acts at centre of gravity. - Vertical upward force of buoyancy, which is equal to weight of the water displaced by the immersed body and which passes through the centroid of the displaced volume of water ( i.e., centre of buoyancy ). Archimedes state that ” Buoyant force exerted by the fluid is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.” When a body is partially or fully immersed in a fluid an upward force is experienced by the body. This upward force is called up-thrust or buoyant force. Buoyant force is in vertical direction. What is Buoyancy? Buoyancy is the phenomenon responsible for up-thrust. Center of Buoyancy: Centre of buoyancy is the point through which the buoyant force acts. Centre of buoyancy is the centroid point of the immersed part of the floating body. How to Determine Buoyant Force? The reason that why fluids exert upward buoyancy force on the submerged objects is due to the pressure difference between the bottom surface and upper surface of the object. In fluids such as water as you go deeper, the pressure increases. Let us consider an object immersed in the fluid, the pressure ( downward pressure ) exerted on the top surface of the object will be less than the pressure (upward pressure ) exerted on the bottom surface of the object. OBJECT IMMERSED IN FLUID Here hTop = Height of the depth, of top surface of the object immersed in the fluid. hBottom = Height of the depth, of the bottom surface of the object immersed in the fluid. h = Height of the object = [ hBottom – hTop ] FBoyancy = Fup – Fdown Fup = upward force ( i.e., the force applied by water on the bottom surface of the object pushing, it in upward direction) Fdown = downward force ( i.e., the force applied by water on the top surface of the object pushing, it in downward direction.) FBoyancy = Buoyancy force We know that PRESSURE ( P ) = [ FORCE (F) / AREA (A) ] - P = ( F/A ) - F = P * A So, Fup = PBottom * A Fdown = PTop * A FBoyancy = [ (PBottom * A ) – (PTop * A ) ] From the hydrostatic guage pressure formula Pguage = ρgh FBoyancy = [ ( ρgh Bottom * A ) – ( ρgh Top * A ) ] FBoyancy = ρgA (h Bottom – h Top ) [(h Bottom – h Top ) = h Object ] FBoyancy = ρgA hObject [ VOLUME (V) = AREA (A) * HEIGHT (H) ] Here “ V ” is not the volume of object, it is the “volume of displaced fluid ( Vf )” FBoyancy = ρg Vf ρ = Density of the fluid in which the object is immersed. g = Acceleration due to gravity. Here we have discussed about buoyancy force and the method to determine it. If you have any query regarding this article, ask by commenting. If you like this article, don’t forget to share it on social networks. Subscribe our website for more informative articles. Thanks for reading it.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "https://www.mech4study.com/2019/05/what-is-buoyancy-full-explaination.html", "date": "2022-01-28T20:12:07", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320306335.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20220128182552-20220128212552-00588.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9016401171684265, "token_count": 813, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Updated: Feb 16 Fire is a rapid, exothermic oxidation reaction demonstrated in its simplest form by the Fire Triangle. If asked, most people could probably recall the three sides of the Fire Triangle from memory. It is, of course, the simplest pictorial representation of the components needed to create and sustain ignition, or the chemical reaction of combustion. All three sides are equally important: they all rely on each other to complete the process. Without any of these, no chemical reaction could take place, and fire could not be generated. The atmosphere of our planet is 21% oxygen and due it’s presence around us, could result in fire at any time if the other two elements are present. During combustion the fuel reacts with oxygen molecules, which makes water and oxides, a by-product of which is heat and light. Fuels come in many forms, usually things you can find and see all around you and all have different flash rates, meaning they will ignite at different temperatures and will burn at different speeds once ignited. Fuel is arguably the most dangerous element of the fire triangle, as each different type comes with its own requirements for storage to keep it safe from accidental combustion, due to oxygen being ever present. Different fuel types are the main reasons for the variety in fire extinguisher types, an important aspect of fire safety. So important that it is referenced in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, which explains that premises may need ‘one extinguisher for every 200-metre squared (m2) of floor space with at least one on each floor, to ensure fire can be halted if it occurs. Heat will help ignite a fire and keep it combusting. As the materials involved in the combustion process are exposed to fire, further heat is also generated as a natural by-product of the reaction, along with light. The Fire Tetrahedron The Fire Tetrahedron demonstrates the rapid, exothermic oxidation reaction that includes the uninhabited chain reaction. Put simply, the Fire Tetrahedron is a slightly more up-to-date, scientifically grounded definition of the elements needed to ignite and sustain a fire. The only difference is the addition of an exothermic chain reaction to the traditional view. This additional fourth element aids in the ignition, the burning of a fire, and the continuation of combustion. What is an exothermic reaction? An exothermic chemical reaction is one that releases energy, generally through heat. These reactions can be halted using some more industry-specific fire extinguishers. It is worth noting however, is that as of 2000 in Europe, and 2003 in the UK, the use of Halon or BCR fire extinguishers (to disrupt chain reactions) was banned except under exceptional circumstances due to it having the highest ozone- depleting capacity of any chemicals in use at the time! Halon and BCR extinguishers can now only generally be used in the military, aviation, vehicle, and fuel installations, and the Channel Tunnel. But why use a model at all? By using a pictorial model, we can understand how separating the elements involved can stop fires breaking out. We can also increase awareness on how fire extinguishers, and other fire-fighting products such as fire blankets, can remove one face of the tetrahedron (or one side of the triangle), allowing for the fire to be suppressed, controlled, or extinguished. This geometric representation allows for greater fire awareness, improved fire confidence, and can save more lives being decimated from needless fires in the home and the workplace. By understanding fire as a chemical reaction to a selection of elements, individuals have the capacity to stop seeing fire as a random chance event and understand how to prevent it. They can see the potential fuel, and ignition sources around them and keep them stored safely away from one another; thereby reducing the chance of fires breaking out. They can educate others who keep potential fuels near ignition sources and diminish the chance of future fires. One illustration can bring about major change: fires can be prevented, and lives can be spared. Image taken from City Fire Protection, ‘Understanding the Fire Triangle,’ <https://www.cityfire.co.uk/news/understanding-the-fire-triangle/> 11.10.2021 Taken from HM Government, Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order 2005, ‘A short guide to making your premises safe from fire,’ <https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/14879/making-your-premises-safe-short-guide.pdf>, page 8, 11.10.2021 Image released into the public domain. Paraphrased from Skybrary.aero, ‘Halon Fire Extinguishers,’ <https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Halon_Fire_Extinguishers> 11.10.2021 Cover image from Unsplash.com, courtesy of Anne Nygård
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "url": "https://www.adexon-uk.com/post/is-the-fire-triangle-useful-for-understanding", "date": "2022-05-17T16:42:38", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662519037.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20220517162558-20220517192558-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9264243841171265, "token_count": 1054, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
You may remember learning about parts of speech oh, so long ago in your own elementary school days. Perhaps your teacher just discussed the different parts of speech and then handed out a worksheet or Daily Oral Language (DOL), expecting you to figure out how to use the parts of speech in an actual sentence. How intimidating is that? But learning about the different parts of speech doesn’t have to be boring or intimidating. In fact, there are many creative and exciting ways to teach parts of speech to your elementary students. Just thinking about the different parts of speech can be overwhelming for many students! There are nine different parts of speech, and some of them have similar names that can be confusing or misleading. Some parts of speech describe tangible objects (nouns), but other more abstract concepts like adverbs can really throw your students for a loop. Teach Students To Remember What They Learn As you know, students that are taught about parts of speech (or anything, really) in more engaging ways are more likely to retain the information they learn. When planning your unit on parts of speech, consider giving some of these ideas a try. By appealing to the different learning styles and preferences of your students, you can make learning fun while upping those upcoming standardized test scores. 8 Ideas to Teach Parts of Speech - Colored Highlighting: Appeal to your right-brain learners by encouraging coloring as you teach parts of speech! Have students analyze sentences, either on the whiteboard or on individual tablets or in notebooks, by coloring the parts of speech different colors. Students can construct a key to explain which color represents each part of speech. - Sorting Buckets: Label buckets, boxes, or other storage receptacles with the different parts of speech. Provide students with laminated words or have them write out/cut out their own. Time them to make it a friendly competition by having students race against each other or the clock. - Task Card Centers: Students can work in small groups to rotate through centers with task cards, like these Parts of Speech Task Cards. Assign a set of task cards to each group or center and have students work collectively to practice the skill. - Substitution Game: Have students practice their synonym skills by brainstorming words that could substitute for words of each parts of speech category. For example, as students learn about adjectives, have students find synonyms for different adjectives like beautiful, smart, and funny. Have students remember the Substitution Game when they attempt open-ended response or on-demand writings. Encourage them to substitute overused, simple words with more vibrant, descriptive synonyms. Follow-Through Skill Practice - Mad Lib Type Game: Great in pairs or even in small groups, teach parts of speech by having students play an Mad Lib type activity like Blankity-Blanks! Instruct students to assign random words to their corresponding parts of speech, and then share the funny results aloud. - Fill in the Blank Worksheets: While they sometimes get a bad rap, worksheets are sometimes just what you need to reinforce basic concepts. Alternatively you could project sentences to the whole class and have students fill in the blanks, assigning an appropriate part of speech that fits. Differentiate for struggling students by using a word bank. - Label the Room: One of the best ways to engage students is to get them up and moving! Ask students to move around the classroom, similar to the Task Card Centers, but have them label the room. They’ll easily label nouns and adjectives, but they may struggle or have to work together to appropriately represent articles and adverbs! - Partner Match: Assign words to represent parts of speech to different students and instruct them to work together to find their match! For instance, assign the words “dog,” “delicious,” “pizza,” and “beautiful” to four different students and have them pair up. Pairing “delicious” with “dog” would fit both parts of speech, but wouldn’t make very much sense! Students will have to collaborate to find their proper match, and may end up giggling almost as much as during a Mad Lib type game by the end! By folding these engaging parts of speech exercises into your lesson plan or unit, your students are sure to engage with the lesson. They’ll be more likely to understand parts of speech. They’ll also likely retain more information for end-of-year tests.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "url": "https://minds-in-bloom.com/8-exciting-ways-to-teach-parts-of-speech-to-elementary-school-students/", "date": "2022-05-19T01:47:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662522741.25/warc/CC-MAIN-20220519010618-20220519040618-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9520176649093628, "token_count": 932, "score": 4.875, "int_score": 5 }
Feel like "cheating" at Calculus? Check out our Practically Cheating Calculus Handbook, which gives you hundreds of easy-to-follow answers in a convenient e-book. Contents (Click to skip to that section): - Coefficients in General Math and Calculus - Leading Coefficient & Test - Specialized Coefficients 1. Coefficients in General Math and Calculus Coefficients are numbers or letters used to multiply a variable. A variable is defined as a symbol (like x or y) that can be used to represent any number. In a function, the coefficient is located next to and in front of the variable. Single numbers, variables or the product of a number and a variable are called terms. 3x – 1xy + 2.3 + y In the function above the first two coefficients are 3 and 1. Notice that 3 is next to and in front of variable x, while 1 is next to and in front of xy. The third coefficient is 2.3. This is called a constant coefficient since its value will not change since it is not being multiplied by a variable. Simply defined, a constant is a term without a variable. The fourth term (y) doesn’t have a coefficient. In these cases, the coefficient is considered to be 1 since multiplying by 1 wouldn’t change the term. Like terms are terms that have the same variable raised to the same power. The function above doesn’t have any like terms, since the terms are 3x, 1xy, 2.3 and y and they all have different variables. Example of Like Terms 2xy2 + 3xy2 – 5xy2 Notice that the coefficients (2, 3 and 5) are all different values. However, the function contains like terms since the variable (xy) for each term are raised to the second power. Above we defined coefficients as being either numbers or letters. You may come across a function with no numerical value in the coefficient spot. Just treat the letter located in front of and next to the variable as the coefficient. For example: ax + bx + c In the function above a and b are coefficients while x is a variable. The third term (c) does not have a coefficient so the coefficient is considered to be 1. 5 x4+ 567 x2 + 24, The coefficients are: - 5, which acts on the x4 term. - 567, which acts on the x2. What about 24? It acts on a special, invisible term; the x0 term. Since any number to the 0th power is always 1, it’s normally condensed down to 1—or, when written with the coefficient, skipped altogether. The coefficient of the x0 is the constant coefficient. x5 + 21 x 3 + 6 x 5 The coefficients are: The fact that no number is written in front of x5 tells us immediately that the coefficient is the identity coefficient, the one number that leaves identical whatever it multiplies. 24 x 8 + 56 7 + 22 The coefficients are: The leading coefficient is the coefficient of the highest-order term; the term in which our variable is raised to the highest power. In this case, that is x 8, so the leading coefficient is 24. A coefficient can’t include the variables it acts upon, but it isn’t always a constant either. When it’s not a constant, the variables it includes are called parameters. In the equation y x4 + 4y x2 + 3 x2 + 4 x the coefficients are y, 4y + 3, and 4. In a polynomial function, the leading coefficient (LC) is in the term with the highest power of x (called the leading term). As polynomials are usually written in decreasing order of powers of x, the LC will be the first coefficient in the first term. Leading Coefficient Test You have four options: 1. Odd Degree, Positive Leading Coefficient The graph drops to the left and rises to the right: 2. Odd Degree, Negative LC The graph rises on the left and drops to the right: 3. Even Degree, Positive Leading Coefficient The graph rises on both ends: 4. Even Degree, Negative LC The graph drops on both ends: Note that the test only tells you what’s happening at the ends of the graphs; It says nothing about what’s going on in the middle (which is largely determined by the polynomial’s degree). The dashed line in the examples indicate that the shape there is not determined by this particular test. The above graph shows two functions (graphed with Desmos.com): - -3x3 + 4x = negative LC, odd degree. The graph rises on the left and drops to the right. - 4x2 + 4 = positive LC, even degree. The graph rises on both sides. The term “coefficient” is used in dozens of different ways in other fields. For example, in statistics, correlation coefficients tell us whether two sets of data are connected. They are also measures of reliability (e.g. two judges agreeing on a certain ranking) and agreement (the stability or consistency of test scores). These tell us whether two sets of data are connected: - The Pearson’s correlation coefficient(r) tells us the degree of correlation between two variables. It is probably the most widely used correlation coefficient. - The Spearman rank correlation coefficient is the nonparametric version of the Pearson correlation coefficient. - The point biserial correlation coefficient is another special case of Pearson’s correlation coefficient. It measures the relationship between one continuous variable and one naturally binary variable. - The validity coefficient tells you how strong or weak your experiment results are. - Moran’s I measures how one object is similar to others surrounding it. - The coefficient alpha (Cronbach’s alpha) is a way to measure reliability, or internal consistency of a psychometric instrument. - The intraclass correlation coefficient measures the reliability of ratings or measurements for clusters — data that has been collected as groups or sorted into groups. - Test-Retest reliability coefficients measure test consistency — the reliability of a test measured over time. Coefficients that measure agreement Coefficients that measure agreement (e.g. two judges agreeing on a certain ranking) include: - The polychoric correlation coefficient measures agreement between multiple raters for ordinal variables. - The tetrachoric correlation coefficient is used to measure agreement for binary variables. - The coefficient of concordance is used to assess agreement between different raters. Other types of coefficients: - The coefficient of variation tells us how data points are dispersed around the mean. - The gamma coefficient tells us how closely two pairs of data match. - Pearson’s coefficient of skewness tells us how much and in what direction data is skewed. - The Jaccard similarity coefficient compares members for two sets to see which members are shared and which are distinct. - The Durbin Watson coefficient is a measure of autocorrelation (also called serial correlation) in residuals from regression analysis. - The coefficient of determination is used to analyze how differences in one variable can be explained by a difference in a second variable. - The standardized beta coefficient compares the strength of the effect of each individual independent variable to the dependent variable. - The Phi Coefficient measures the association between two binary variables. - The Kendall Rank Correlation Coefficient is a non-parametric measure of relationships between columns of ranked data. - Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient measures bivariate pairs of observations relative to a “gold standard” test or measurement. - Binomial coefficients tell us how many ways there are to choose 2 things out of larger set. - Trinomial Coefficient: how many ways to choose 3 from a larger set. - The multinomial coefficients are used to find permutations when you have repeating values or duplicate items. - The coefficient of dispersion, which actually has several different definitions; in general, it’s a statistic which measures dispersion. Crossland, T. Polynomial Functions Terminology. Retrieved July 10, 2020 from: http://www.pstcc.edu/facstaff/tlcrossl/PA002_3%20polynomial%20functions.pdf Gonick, L. The Cartoon Guide to Calculus. Larson, R. (2011). Calculus with Precalculus. Cengage Learning. University of Arizona. (2006). Polynomial Functions. Retrieved July 10, 2020 from: http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biomath/tutorials/polynomial/Polynomialbasics.html Stephanie Glen. "Coefficient, Leading Coefficient: Definition, Test" From CalculusHowTo.com: Calculus for the rest of us! https://www.calculushowto.com/leading-coefficient-definition-test/ Need help with a homework or test question? With Chegg Study, you can get step-by-step solutions to your questions from an expert in the field. Your first 30 minutes with a Chegg tutor is free!
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Iteration on lists of elements In the previous sections we introduced lists that are composed of a sequence of elements. Often it is necessary to perform operations on these lists, element by element, in an iterative form. We have seen that iterations can be coded using the WHILE construct. So for example if after creating a list we want to multiply each of its elements by two we can write the following code. lista = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] lista2 = i = 0 n = len(lista) - 1 while i < n: lista2.append(lista[i]*2) i += 1 print(lista2) In doing so we will obtain the list with each element doubled in value. >>> [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 6] The FOR-IN construct However, despite the correctness of the previous code, from the point of view of coding and legibility many lines of code are required to express what then is a simple concept: iteration for every element in the list. In fact we had to create a counter, manage the increase, count the elements contained in the list and create a condition for iteration. Well all these operations can be expressed with a simple FOR-IN construct, which requires only one line lista = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] lista2 = for item in lista: lista2.append(item*2) print(lista2) As you can see, each element of the list array is copied into a temporary variable called item, on which you will work within the FOR loop by writing a series of commands to the indentation. No need for counters, you do not need to know how long the list is. Perform a series of operations a number of times Sometimes, however, we need to execute a set of operations a well-defined number of times. In this case there is no condition to check, but only the number n of times to repeat the cycle. In this case too, the WHILE loop could be used infinitely with a counter that takes into account the times a series of commands are executed. But here too the FOR-IN construct proposes itself as more efficient. Using the range () function that returns a list of an ordered sequence of values ranging from 0 to n. We can write example: >>> for i in range(5): print("Execution") >>> Execution Execution Execution Execution Execution In this way I managed to repeat the print 5 times.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "url": "https://www.meccanismocomplesso.org/en/python-lessons-2-11-for-loop/", "date": "2022-05-25T01:40:15", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662577757.82/warc/CC-MAIN-20220524233716-20220525023716-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9052239656448364, "token_count": 541, "score": 4.8125, "int_score": 5 }
- 1 How do you write a pronunciation lesson? - 2 How do you teach pronunciation in the classroom? - 3 How do you teach pronunciation in a fun way? - 4 How do you write a lesson plan for teaching? - 5 What are the rules of pronunciation? - 6 What is the correct pronunciation of would? - 7 What are the steps to teach phonics? - 8 What are the activities to improve pronunciation? - 9 How do you teach vocabulary? - 10 How can I get good pronunciation in English? - 11 What are the 7 E’s of lesson plan? - 12 What is a 5 step lesson plan? - 13 What are the 5 methods of teaching? How do you write a pronunciation lesson? ESL Pronunciation Lesson Plan Procedure - Present the text to the students. Whether you’re using the course textbook or your own text, ensure that every student has a copy to read. - Read to the students. - Read the text again. - Review difficult words. - Give every student a chance to read. - Correct the reading. - Finish the reading. How do you teach pronunciation in the classroom? How to Teach Vowel Pronunciation in English - Listen and repeat. This will be the first and most common method of teaching sound specific pronunciation in English. - Minimal pairs. - Record and replay. - Use a mirror. - Show a vowel diagram. How do you teach pronunciation in a fun way? 10 ESL Activities to Teach Perfect Pronunciation and Get Mouths Moving - Minimal Pairs Bingo. This is one of the easiest ways to focus on particular pairs of sounds. - Odd One Out. - Run and Grab. - Sound TPR (Total Physical Response) - Fruit Salad. - Chinese Whispers. How do you write a lesson plan for teaching? Listed below are 6 steps for preparing your lesson plan before your class. - Identify the learning objectives. - Plan the specific learning activities. - Plan to assess student understanding. - Plan to sequence the lesson in an engaging and meaningful manner. - Create a realistic timeline. - Plan for a lesson closure. What are the rules of pronunciation? Pronunciation Rules, Summarized: - A Vowel Followed by a Single Consonant at the End of a Word Is Pronounced as a Short Vowel. - A Vowel Followed by Two Consonants at the End of a Word Is Pronounced as a Short Vowel. - If a Vowel Is the Final Letter in a Word, It Is Pronounced as a Long Vowel. What is the correct pronunciation of would? More videos on YouTube Learn how to pronounce the English words SHOULD, WOULD, COULD correctly with this American English pronunciation lesson. They are pronounced SH-ooh-D, C-ooh-D, W-ooh-D. What are the steps to teach phonics? How to teach Phonics: A Step-by-Step Guide - Step 1 – Letter Sounds. Most phonics programmes start by teaching children to see a letter and then say the sound it represents. - Step 2 – Blending. - Step 3 – Digraphs. - Step 4 – Alternative graphemes. - Step 5 – Fluency and Accuracy. What are the activities to improve pronunciation? Here are 8 fun activities that you can try with your little one to help her improve her pronunciation! - Play Bingo! - Practice minimal pairs! - Try some tongue twisters! - Play a guessing game! - Draw the character! - Play a moving game! - Roll a dice! - Do oral motor exercises! How do you teach vocabulary? In an explicit approach to vocabulary instruction, teachers should model the skills and understanding required to develop a rich vocabulary knowledge. - Say the word carefully. - Write the word. - Show students how to recognise new words. - Reinforce their remember new words. - Have them use their new words. - Graphics organisers. How can I get good pronunciation in English? 10 Tips on Improve Your English Pronunciation - Don’t worry THAT much about the accent. - Speak Slowly and Exaggerate the Sounds. - Pay Attention to the Physical Aspect of Pronunciation. - Listen to Pronunciation-Focused Podcasts and Videos. - Practice Saying Tongue Twisters. - Incorporate English Listening into Your Lifestyle. What are the 7 E’s of lesson plan? So what is it? The 7 Es stand for the following. Elicit, Engage, Explore,Explain, Elaborate, Extend and Evaluate. What is a 5 step lesson plan? The five steps involved are the Anticipatory Set, Introduction of New Material, Guided Practice, Independent Practice and Closure. What are the 5 methods of teaching? Teacher-Centered Methods of Instruction - Direct Instruction (Low Tech) - Flipped Classrooms (High Tech) - Kinesthetic Learning (Low Tech) - Differentiated Instruction (Low Tech) - Inquiry-based Learning (High Tech) - Expeditionary Learning (High Tech) - Personalized Learning (High Tech) - Game-based Learning (High Tech)
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "url": "https://www.mrtylerslessons.com/faq/question-how-to-write-a-lesson-plan-for-teaching-pronunciation.html", "date": "2022-05-21T06:22:24", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662538646.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20220521045616-20220521075616-00548.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8383284211158752, "token_count": 1163, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
What Is Inflation? How do you measure inflation? Statistical agencies start by collecting the prices of a very large number of goods and services. In the case of households, they create a “basket” of goods and services that reflects the items consumed by households. The basket does not contain every good or service, but the basket is meant to be a good representation of both the types of items and the quantities of items households typically consume. Agencies use the basket to construct a price index. First, they determine the current value of the basket by calculating how much the basket would cost at today’s prices (multiplying each item’s quantity by its price today and summing up). Next, they determine the value of the basket by calculating how much the basket would cost in a base period (multiplying each item’s quantity by its base period price). The price index is then calculated as the ratio of the value of the basket at today’s prices to the value at the base period prices. There is an equivalent but sometimes more convenient formulation to construct a price index that assigns relative weights to the prices of items in the basket. In the case of a price index for consumers, statistical agencies derive the relative weights from consumers’ expenditure patterns using information from consumer surveys and business surveys. We provide more details on how a price index is constructed and discuss the two primary measures of consumer prices—the consumer price index (CPI) and the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index—in the Consumer Price Data section. A price index does not provide a measure of inflation—it provides a measure of the general price level compared with a base year. Inflation refers to the growth rate (percentage change) of a price index. To calculate the rate of inflation, the statistical agencies compare the value of the index over some period in time to the value of the index at another time, such as month to month, which gives a monthly rate of inflation; quarter to quarter, which gives a quarterly rate; or year to year, which gives an annual rate. Why are there so many different price indexes and measures of inflation? Different groups typically care about the price changes of some items more than others. For example, households are particularly interested in the prices of items they consume, such as food, utilities, and gasoline, while commercial companies are more concerned with the prices of inputs used in production, like the costs of raw materials (coal and crude oil), intermediate products (flour and steel), and machinery. Consequently, a large number of price indexes have been developed to monitor developments in different segments of an economy. The most broad-based price index is the GDP deflator, as it tracks the level of prices related to spending on domestically produced goods and services in an economy in a given quarter. The CPI and the PCE price index focus on baskets of goods and services consumed by households. The producer price index (PPI) focuses on selling prices received by domestic producers of goods and services; it includes many prices of items that firms buy from other firms for use in the production process. There are also price indexes for specific items such as food, housing, and energy. What is "underlying" inflation? Some price indexes are designed to provide a general overview of the price developments in a broad segment of the economy or at different stages of the production process. Because of their comprehensive coverage, these aggregate (also called “total,” “overall,” or “headline”) price indexes are of considerable interest to policymakers, households, and firms. However, these measures by themselves do not always give the clearest picture of what the “more sustained upward movement in the overall level of prices,” or underlying inflation, happens to be. This is because aggregate measures can reflect events that are exerting only a temporary effect on prices. For example, if a hurricane devastates the Florida orange crop, orange prices will be higher for some time. But that higher price will produce only a temporary increase in an aggregate price index and measured inflation. Such limited or temporary effects are sometimes referred to as “noise” in the price data because they can obscure the price changes that are expected to persist over medium-run horizons of several years—the underlying inflation rate. Underlying inflation is another way of referring to the inflation component that would prevail if the transitory effects or noise could be removed from the price data. From the perspective of a monetary policymaker, it is easy to understand the importance of distinguishing between temporary and more persistent (longer-lasting) movements in inflation. If a monetary policymaker viewed a rise in inflation as temporary, then she may decide there is no need to change interest rates, but if she viewed a rise in inflation as persistent, then her recommendation might be to raise interest rates in order to slow the rate of inflation. Consumers and businesses can also benefit from differentiating between temporary and more persistent movements in inflation. For these reasons, a number of alternative measures have been developed to measure underlying inflation. How is underlying inflation measured? One popular approach to removing noise in price data has been to exclude components that are viewed as the source of noise in aggregate price indexes such as the CPI or PCE price index. Some of these measures of underlying inflation assume the noise is related to the size of price changes (smallest and largest), while others associate the noise with particular items (with the most common example being food and energy). The median CPI is an example of the former in that all price changes are excluded from the index except the one in the middle, while core CPI and core PCE are examples of the latter, in that both exclude food and energy prices. The Consumer Price Data section talks about underlying inflation measures in more detail. There are other measures of underlying inflation whose design does not require excluding components. Despite their varied nature, these measures share a common purpose—to provide an estimate of the persistent component of inflation. What is the connection between the Phillips curve and inflation? The Phillips curve helps to explain the link between inflation and the state of the economy. In general, the Phillips curve suggests that inflation is relatively high when the economy is strong and the unemployment rate is low, and inflation is relatively low when the economy is weak and the unemployment rate is high. However, economic conditions are only one of the factors that determine inflation. Some of the other drivers of inflation include changes in energy prices, fluctuations in exchange rates, the productivity of the workforce, and people’s expectations over where inflation is going in the future, among others. For these reasons, inflation may not always be tightly connected to economic conditions and the ups and downs of the business cycle. The Phillips curve is named after economist A. W. Phillips, who initially identified the relationship between unemployment and wage inflation in the United Kingdom, and subsequent work extended the idea to inflation as measured by prices as well. What is hyperinflation? When inflation is extremely high and typically accelerating (prices are rising rapidly and generally at an increasing pace), an economy experiences hyperinflation, which is usually associated with or can cause social upheaval and civil unrest. The best known example of hyperinflation occurred in Germany between World War I and World War II. More recent examples include Venezuela starting in 2017, Zimbabwe in the 2000s, and Yugoslavia in the 1990s. One common definition of hyperinflation is when inflation is more than 50 percent per month. In some extreme cases, hyperinflation can be so intense that prices double within a matter of days. What is deflation? While inflation imposes costs on a society, the opposite scenario, deflation—when the overall price level falls for a sustained period of time—can be costly, too. Deflation can change people’s behavior in ways that hurt the economy. If people think prices will go down in the future, they have less incentive to spend their income now. When prices fall, and people buy less, businesses might need to lower their employees’ wages or even lay off workers. These actions could then set in motion a “deflationary spiral” in which reluctance to spend leads to lower economic activity and a faster decline in prices, with the process then repeating itself. Is disinflation the same as deflation? No. Disinflation refers to a slowdown in the inflation rate, as would be the case if the inflation rate moves from 6 percent to 4 percent. The overall price level is still rising, but at a slower pace than before. What is stagflation? While the Phillips curve posits that high inflation tends to occur alongside a strong economy and low unemployment, stagflation refers to the combination of relatively high inflation and a very weak economy. The US experienced two bouts of stagflation during the 1973–75 and 1980 recessions, when inflation (as measured by the year-over-year change in the CPI) was above 10 percent even as the unemployment rate was rapidly rising.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "url": "https://www.clevelandfed.org/our-research/center-for-inflation-research/inflation-101/what-is-inflation-get-technical.aspx", "date": "2022-05-22T14:38:49", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662545548.56/warc/CC-MAIN-20220522125835-20220522155835-00548.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9569361805915833, "token_count": 1849, "score": 4.71875, "int_score": 5 }
A new concept for the interplanetary and interstellar mission engine. All current spacecraft use chemical rocket for launch and this fusion propulsion system uses fusion rockets for launch. Fusion propulsion has the potential to produce high speed transportation any where in the universe. In this propulsion use fusion reactions to produce thrust to propel rockets. In order to occur fusion we have to create conditions like high temperature about 100 million degree celcius and high pressure. At these conditions plasma is formed and the fusion reaction takes place producing high amount of energy which is exhausted through the nozzle. It is very difficult to confine the plasma and uses magnetic confinement, inertial confinement methods for controlling the plasma. And the types of fusion propulsion are magnetic confinement propulsion, inertial confinement propulsion and the emerging type moun-catalyzed propulsion. Spacecraft propulsion is used to change the velocity of spacecraft and artificial satellites. There are many different methods. Each method has drawbacks and advantages, and spacecraft propulsion is an active area of research. Most spacecraft today are propelled by heating the reaction mass and allowing it to flow out the back of the vehicle.For propulsion the required product is the velocity of the exhaust products of the reaction. All current spacecraft use chemical rocket for launch. When in space, the purpose of a propulsion system is to change the velocity of a spacecraft. When launching a spacecraft from the Earth, a propulsion method must overcome the Earth's gravitational pull in addition to providing acceleration. Interplanetary vehicles mostly use chemical rockets and this takes at least six months to reach Mars. And this fusion propulsion system makes this possible for humans to reach Mars within three months. Fusion reactions release an enormous amount of energy, which is why researchers are devising ways to harness that energy into a propulsion system. A fusion-powered spacecraft could move up NASA's schedule for a manned Mars mission. This type of spacecraft could cut travel time to Mars by more than 50 percent. Fusion reactions release an enormous amount of energy, which is why researchers are devising ways to harness that energy into a propulsion system. A fusion-powered spacecraft could move up NASA's schedule for a manned Mars mission. This type of spacecraft could cut travel time to Mars by more than 50 percent, thus reducing the harmful exposure to radiation and weightlessness. The building of a fusion-powered spacecraft would be the equivalent of developing a car on Earth that can travel twice as fast as any car, with a fuel efficiency of 7,000 miles per gallon. In rocket science, fuel efficiency of a rocket engine is measured by its specific impulse. Specific impulse refers to the units of thrust per the units of propellant consumed over time. A fusion drive could have a specific impulse about 300 times greater than conventional chemical rocket engines. A typical chemical rocket engine has a specific impulse of about 450 seconds, which means that the engine can produce 1 pound (.4539kg) of thrust from 1 pound of fuel for 450 seconds. A fusion rocket could have an estimated specific impulse of 130,000 seconds. Additionally, fusion-powered rockets would use hydrogen as a propellant, which means it would be able to replenish itself as it travels through space. Hydrogen is present in the atmosphere of many planets, so all the spacecraft would have to do is dip down into the atmosphere and suck in some hydrogen to refuel itself. Fusion-powered rockets could provide longer thrust than chemical rockets, which burn their fuel quickly. It's believed that fusion propulsion will allow rapid travel to anywhere in our solar system, and could allow round trips from Earth to Jupiter in just two years.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "https://www.seminarstopics.com/seminar/7016/fusion-propulsion", "date": "2022-07-02T14:52:14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656104141372.60/warc/CC-MAIN-20220702131941-20220702161941-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9451245665550232, "token_count": 720, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
The previous lesson focused on the relationship between a linear equation in two variables, its solution set, and its graph. These themes continue to develop in this lesson. In the first activity after the warm-up, students analyze statements about a collection of three graphs, deciding whether or not certain ordered pairs are solutions to the equations defining the lines. In particular, students realize that values \(x = a\) and \(y = b\) satisfy two different linear equations simultaneously when the point \((a,b)\) lies on both lines represented by the equations. This is important preparation for thinking about what it means to be a solution to a system of equations in the next unit. In the second activity, students consider equations given in many different forms, ask their partner for either the \(x\)- or \(y\)-coordinate of a solution to the equation, and then give the other coordinate. This activity prepares students for finding solutions to systems of equations, because it gets them to look at the structure of an equation and decide whether it would be easier to solve for \(y\) given \(x\), or to solve for \(x\) given \(y\) (MP7). - Calculate the solution to a linear equation given one variable, and explain (orally) the solution method. - Determine whether a point is a solution to an equation of a line using a graph of the line. Let’s find solutions to more linear equations. One copy of the I’ll Take an X Please blackline master for every pair of students. - I can find solutions $(x, y)$ to linear equations given either the $x$- or the $y$-value to start from. Print Formatted Materials For access, consult one of our IM Certified Partners.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "https://curriculum.illustrativemathematics.org/MS/teachers/3/3/13/preparation.html", "date": "2022-07-04T00:32:29", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656104277498.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20220703225409-20220704015409-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8987573385238647, "token_count": 369, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
We talk about averages and probabilities all the time. We ask ourselves questions like “How well did I do on that test compared to the average?” or “What are the odds my team will win the game?” Although we talk about averages and probabilities a lot, do you know how averages and probabilities work. How they are calculated, and what factors contribute to uncertainty in these numbers? This week, we have some above average activities to help you explore averages and probabilities! Online Videos: Use these links to educate and entertain! - Elementary: Statistics for Kids by The Touring Teacher - Middle school: Math Antics Basic Probability - High school: The Last Banana by TED-Ed Dice Bell Curve – What you get depends on what you put in! This activity looks at averages and probability to see how the results of a die roll in your favorite board game is affected by how many dice you’re using. Sampling – An average is a single number that represents a list of numbers or measurements. But, how do we know the average of extremely long lists of numbers, like the height of all 12 year old kids in the United States? In a case like this, we would need to sample the population. But, how do we know how to sample? When is our sample large enough to represent the population? Learn the importance of sampling in this activity. The Average Birthday – People use “average” to mean something in the middle of a group. There are actually three types of averages that scientists use, though, and knowing which one will help the most is an important skill! For additional resources, check out our STEM @ Home page!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "https://www.siuestemcenter.org/2020/11/09/learning-about-averages-and-probability/", "date": "2022-06-25T14:54:52", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103035636.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20220625125944-20220625155944-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9507927298545837, "token_count": 348, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
With reference to our last discussion on Absolute value, let us try solving the following questions: Eg. 1. What is the value of ? - x/|x| = 1 - x2– x – 6 = 0 Statement 1: x/|x| = 1 With the above equation, we know, x > 0 But, we cannot determine the exact value of x. So, we cancel out A and D. Statement 2: x2 – x- 6 = 0 Thus, we know, (x – 3) X ( x + 2) = 0 So, either x – 3 = 0 or x + 2 = 0 x = 3 or x = -2 Here, we don’t get one specific value, so we cancel out B also. Thus, by combining statement 1 and 2: We know, x > 0 and x = 3 or -2. Hence, x must be 3. Eg. 2: Is |x + y| < |x| + |y|? - xy < 0 - |x| = 7 and |y| ≠ 7 In order to have |x + y| < |x| + |y|, we must know that have opposite signs. Either, (+, -) or (-, +) From xy < 0, we get that x and y both have opposite signs. Thus, |x + y| < |x| + |y| We get a specific answer, (‘Yes’ in this case) from statement 1. So, we cancel out B, C, and E. |x| = 7 which means, x = 7 or -7 |y| ≠ 7 which means, y ≠ 7 or y ≠ -7 Combining x and y for the values of |x + y| and |x| + |y|, we do not get specific value, thus no specific answer. Thus, we now cancel out D.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "https://optioneducation.ae/more-about-absolute-value/", "date": "2022-06-25T16:12:12", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103036077.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20220625160220-20220625190220-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8154915571212769, "token_count": 430, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Improve life outcomes Jumpstart: Identifying Anxiety - Universal - Anxiety: extreme constant fear about everyday situations - Anxious: experience of being very worried/fearful of the outcome of a situation - Trigger: an event that causes something to happen Introduction: Anxiety is an emotion we all feel. Some of us experience the feeling of being anxious more than others. In this lesson, discuss with students the signs to look for in a person when they are experiencing anxiety. These signs include; change in facial expression, generally don’t see a smile, rapid heart rate, may become withdrawn or more talkative, body language; crossed arms, fidgeting, etc. Share with students anxiety is similar to being worried, but is a more intense, drawn out feeling. Brainstorm words and phrases associated with anxiety. Create a list of student responses. Examples include; worry, fear, stress, butterflies in your stomach, etc. Next, introduce possible situations that trigger anxiety. Using the definition above, explain to students what a trigger is and how it can make us feel anxious. Create another list of possible situations that can trigger anxiety. Examples include; school projects, going to the doctor, meeting new people, etc. Complete the activities below. Game Time: Charades! Nothing can cause our heart to race like trying to beat the clock. In this game, students will use the situation cards included in this lesson to act out words and phrases associated with anxiety. Divide class into two teams or small groups. Students will take turns acting out the clues and guessing. For each round set the timer for 45 seconds. The team with the most cards at the end of the round wins! Consider having secondary students create their own cards. Application: That Makes Sense! Just knowing everyone experiences anxiety isn’t enough. Learning ways to cope with anxiety is equally important. In this activity, students will use their five senses to practice mindfulness and reduce feelings of anxiety. You can decide if you would like students to record their individual responses or just hold them in their heads. Instruct students to sit quietly and focus on their senses and the environment around them. First, ask students to name/think of five things they can see. Pause to allow students the time to think. Repeat the process asking the following; Name four things you hear, three things you can feel (touch), two things you can smell and one thing you can taste. When completed, ask students to notice how their bodies are feeling. Do they have a different feeling now? What are they thinking? What change (if any) did they notice. Inform students this is just one activity to help handle feelings of anxiety. Try it out! Create an anchor chart with students listing a number of strategies to use when feeling anxious. Hang the chart in the room for students to refer to throughout the day. Examples include; five senses activity, deep breathing, yoga, meditation, counting backwards, etc.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-33", "url": "https://curriculum.silassolutions.com/jumpstart-identifying-anxiety-universal/", "date": "2022-08-17T22:55:48", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882573118.26/warc/CC-MAIN-20220817213446-20220818003446-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9477171301841736, "token_count": 605, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Lesson 4 and develops students’ coding skills in readiness for the series of design challenges in the next lesson. The main learning focus is on how to create visually impressive repeat patterns that can be 3D printed. Including in the learning topic is the study of ‘what is a repeat pattern, where are they used’ and how to code a ‘repeat 3D patterns’. Also is the study of tessellations and M.C Escher who specialized in repeat pattern through tessellation in his Artwork. Within the lesson content there are multiple different coding tasks for students to complete that build upon their skills and use more challenging coding knowledge e.g. using math ‘variable code blocks’ and ‘repeat’ pattern code blocks to create impressive visual 3D models that can then be 3D printed. This lesson helps prepare students with all the skills needed for the ‘Coding Design Challenge Lesson’ where they will have to respond to a series of challenges to create 3D prints using their coding skills. No prior knowledge is needed as everything is included with the resources. All coding tasks have written explanations of what to do allowing students to work at their own pace during class.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-33", "url": "https://www.learnbylayers.com/product/developing-coding-skills/?add-to-cart=9652", "date": "2022-08-13T01:09:46", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882571847.45/warc/CC-MAIN-20220812230927-20220813020927-00548.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9399765133857727, "token_count": 254, "score": 4.9375, "int_score": 5 }
Scientists striving to understand how and when volcanoes might erupt face a challenge: many of the processes take place deep underground in lava tubes churning with dangerous molten Earth. Upon eruption, any subterranean markers that could have offered clues leading up to a blast are often destroyed. But by leveraging observations of tiny crystals of the mineral olivine formed during a violent eruption that took place in Hawaii more than half a century ago, Stanford University researchers have found a way to test computer models of magma flow, which they say could reveal fresh insights about past eruptions and possibly help predict future ones. “We can actually infer quantitative attributes of the flow prior to eruption from this crystal data and learn about the processes that led to the eruption without drilling into the volcano,” said Jenny Suckale, an assistant professor of geophysics at Stanford’s School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences (Stanford Earth). “That to me is the Holy Grail in volcanology.” The millimeter-sized crystals were discovered entombed in lava after the 1959 eruption of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii. An analysis of the crystals revealed they were oriented in an odd, but surprisingly consistent pattern, which the Stanford researchers hypothesized was formed by a wave within the subsurface magma that affected the direction of the crystals in the flow. They simulated this physical process for the first time in a study published in Science Advances Dec. 4. Study lead author, Michelle DiBenedetto, is a 2014 SGF fellow and 2017 Lieberman fellow.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-33", "url": "https://vpge.stanford.edu/news/stanford-researchers-use-kilauea-crystals", "date": "2022-08-09T13:59:23", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882570977.50/warc/CC-MAIN-20220809124724-20220809154724-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9504384398460388, "token_count": 319, "score": 4.65625, "int_score": 5 }
Before children learn to perform operations with fractions, they should first fully comprehend what a fraction is. Third grade students should be able to interpret fractions as: - An equal part of one whole, - An equal subset of a set, and - A point on a number line. I’ve adapted a craft, a game, and puzzle that I use in my classroom for fun activities that parents can do at home with their children to help develop these skills. |Common Core Standard||Brief Description||Details| |3.NF.a1||Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.||Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.| |3.NF.a2||Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line diagram.| Third graders should be able to recognize halves, thirds, quarters, sixths, and eighths. Two common fraction models are circles cut into sections and rectangles cut into slices. You can make models at home with your child. This is a hands-on activity to help 3rd grade students understand fractions. - 5 pictures of loaves of bread (2 copies of each picture) - 5 round pictures of pizzas. (Pictures can’t be taken from an angle.) (2 copies of each picture.) - Something to write with (ex: pen, pencil, crayon) Use pictures of pizzas to make fraction models with your child. You will need at least five pictures of pizzas to make the required fraction models. Make two copies so you can make your own set while your child copies what you do to make another set. Make sure you use proper fraction vocabulary as you make your set and encourage your child to do the same. For example, “I can cut each quarter of my pizza in half to make eighths.” As you make each model, write the fraction on the back of each piece. Pictures of loaves of bread can also be used to make fraction models. Using both round pizzas and long loaves helps children understand two common geometric interpretations of fractions. Cutting the loaves in equal sized slices also provides a good transition from equal parts to fractions on a number line. Again, make two copies so you can model the activity for your child. As you make each model, write the fraction on the back of each piece After making the models, play “Pizza Shop” with your child. Order one-sixth of a pepperoni pizza and one-quarter of a loaf of bread from your child. Ask your child to fill the order by giving you the appropriate pieces. As your child becomes proficient at filling your orders, progress from orders using unit fractions to other fractions such as three-eighths of a cheese pizza or two-thirds of a loaf of bread. Eventually, you can use the models to compare fractions by ordering one-quarter of one pizza for one person and one-third of another pizza for another person. Ask, “Who has more pizza?” If you don’t want to find your own pictures, you can use the ones in these worksheets. My students love this game. It can also be easily adapted to a virtual learning environment. Simply open the document, share your screen, and play! If you’re playing this virtually, students will need to tell you which space they’d like to fill rather than putting physical markers on the spaces. As you make the bread fraction models in the activity above, note that the name of the fraction is determined by the number of equal parts NOT the number of lines between zero and one. The loaf only needed to be cut three times to make four equal parts. Similarly, the distance between two whole numbers is one, so if it is cut into four equal parts, each part is one-quarter. Children frequently try to count the lines on the number lines rather than the number of equal parts. This game is designed to give you plenty of opportunities to help your 3rd grade child practice identifying fractions on a number line. - The first player to get four markers in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) wins! After learning to identify fractions multiple ways, children need to practice combining these various interpretations. The bakery fraction puzzles are a set of twelve self-checking puzzles to practice connecting multiple ways to interpret fractions. Each puzzle is composed of four pieces: a fraction, a circle model, a rectangular model, and a part of set model. After completing all twelve puzzles, the child can flip them over the see if they are correct. If the picture on the back of the puzzle is correct, then the puzzle is correct. If the picture is scrabbled, then the child made a mistake. If this happens, the child should turn the puzzle back over and try to correct the mistake before continuing to flip over the remaining puzzles.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://resources.njgifted.org/teaching-identifying-fractions-to-3rd-grade-math-students/", "date": "2022-09-28T23:09:18", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030335286.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20220928212030-20220929002030-00548.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9276812672615051, "token_count": 1053, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Our Rational Numbers in Real-World Context lesson plan teaches students how to work with rational numbers in real-world situations. During this lesson, students are asked to choose a topic and create a table with 6 values, three of which should be positive integers and three of which should be negative integers; they then write three inequality statements about their table both algebraically and verbally, decorating their table or adding images to make it unique and showcase their creativity. Students are also asked to read a word problem and use the accompanying chart to plot the points on given number lines. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to write, interpret, and explain statements of order for rational numbers in real-world contexts. State Educational Standards: LB.Math.Content.6.NS.C.7.B
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://learnbright.org/lessons/math/rational-numbers-in-real-world-context/", "date": "2022-09-25T11:21:34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030334528.24/warc/CC-MAIN-20220925101046-20220925131046-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9348224997520447, "token_count": 164, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Probability can seem like a daunting topic for many students. In a mathematical statistics course this might be true, as the meaning and purpose of probability gets obscured and overwhelmed by equations and theory. In this chapter we will focus only on the principles and ideas necessary to lay the groundwork for future inferential statistics. We accomplish this by quickly tying the concepts of probability to what we already know about normal distributions and z scores. What Is Probability? When we speak of the probability of something happening, we are talking how likely it is that “thing” will happen based on the conditions present. For instance, what is the probability that it will rain? That is, how likely do we think it is that it will rain today under the circumstances or conditions today? To define or understand the conditions that might affect how likely it is to rain, we might look out the window and say, “It’s sunny outside, so it’s not very likely that it will rain today.” Stated using probability language: given that it is sunny outside, the probability of rain is low. “Given” is the word we use to state what the conditions are. As the conditions change, so does the probability. Thus, if it were cloudy and windy outside, we might say, “Given the current weather conditions, there is a high probability that it is going to rain.” In these examples, we spoke about whether or not it is going to rain. Raining is an example of an event, which is the catch-all term we use to talk about any specific thing happening; it is a generic term that we specified to mean “rain” in exactly the same way that “conditions” is a generic term that we specified to mean “sunny” or “cloudy and windy.” It should also be noted that the terms “low” and “high” are relative and vague, and they will likely be interpreted different by different people (in other words: given how vague the terminology was, the probability of different interpretations is high). Most of the time we try to use more precise language or, even better, numbers to represent the probability of our event. Regardless, the basic structure and logic of our statements are consistent with how we speak about probability using numbers and formulas. Let’s look at a slightly deeper example. Say we have a regular, six-sided die (note that die is singular and dice is plural) and want to know how likely it is that we will roll a 1. That is, what is the probability of rolling a 1, given that the die is not weighted (which would introduce what we call a bias, though that is beyond the scope of this chapter). We could roll the die and see if it is a 1 or not, but that won’t tell us about the probability, it will only tell us a single result. We could also roll the die hundreds or thousands of times, recording each outcome and seeing what the final list looks like, but this is time consuming, and rolling a die that many times may lead down a dark path to gambling or, worse, playing Dungeons & Dragons. What we need is a simple equation that represents what we are looking for and what is possible. To calculate the probability of an event, which here is defined as rolling a 1 on an unbiased die, we need to know two things: how many outcomes satisfy the criteria of our event (stated differently, how many outcomes would count as what we are looking for) and the total number of outcomes possible. In our example, only a single outcome, rolling a 1, will satisfy our criteria, and there are a total of six possible outcomes (rolling a 1, rolling a 2, rolling a 3, rolling a 4, rolling a 5, and rolling a 6). Thus, the probability of rolling a 1 on an unbiased die is 1 in 6 or 1/6. Put into an equation using generic terms, we get: We can also use P() as shorthand for probability and A as shorthand for an event: Using this equation, let’s now calculate the probability of rolling an even number on this die: So we have a 50% chance of rolling an even number of this die. The principles laid out here operate under a certain set of conditions and can be elaborated into ideas that are complex yet powerful and elegant. However, such extensions are not necessary for a basic understanding of statistics, so we will end our discussion on the math of probability here. Now, let’s turn back to more familiar topics. Probability in Graphs and Distributions We will see shortly that the normal distribution is the key to how probability works for our purposes. To understand exactly how, let’s first look at a simple, intuitive example using pie charts. Probability in Pie Charts Recall that a pie chart represents how frequently a category was observed and that all slices of the pie chart add up to 100%, or 1. This means that if we randomly select an observation from the data used to create the pie chart, the probability of it taking on a specific value is exactly equal to the size of that category’s slice in the pie chart. Take, for example, the pie chart in Figure 5.1 representing the favorite sports of 100 people. If you put this pie chart on a dart board and aimed blindly (assuming you are guaranteed to hit the board), the likelihood of hitting the slice for any given sport would be equal to the size of that slice. So, the probability of hitting the baseball slice is the highest at 36%. The probability is equal to the proportion of the chart taken up by that section. We can also add slices together. For instance, maybe we want to know the probability to finding someone whose favorite sport is usually played on grass. The outcomes that satisfy this criterion are baseball, football, and soccer. To get the probability, we simply add their slices together to see what proportion of the area of the pie chart is in that region: 36% + 25% + 20% = 81%. We can also add sections together even if they do not touch. If we want to know the likelihood that someone’s favorite sport is not called football somewhere in the world (i.e., baseball and hockey), we can add those slices even though they aren’t adjacent or contiguous in the chart itself: 36% + 20% = 56%. We are able to do all of this because (1) the size of the slice corresponds to the area of the chart taken up by that slice, (2) the percentage for a specific category can be represented as a decimal (this step was skipped for ease of explanation above), and (3) the total area of the chart is equal to 100% or 1.0, which makes the size of the slices interpretable. Probability in Normal Distributions If the language at the end of the last section sounded familiar, that’s because its exactly the language used in to describe the normal distribution. Recall that the normal distribution has an area under its curve that is equal to 1 and that it can be split into sections by drawing a line through it that corresponds to a given z score. Because of this, we can interpret areas under the normal curve as probabilities that correspond to z scores. First, let’s look at the area between z = −1.00 and z = 1.00 presented in Figure 5.2. We were told earlier that this region contains 68% of the area under the curve. Thus, if we randomly chose a z score from all possible z scores, there is a 68% chance that it will be between z = −1.00 and z = 1.00 because those are the z scores that satisfy our criteria. Just like a pie chart is broken up into slices by drawing lines through it, we can also draw a line through the normal distribution to split it into sections. Take a look at the normal distribution in Figure 5.3, which has a line drawn through it at z = 1.25. This line creates two sections of the distribution: the smaller section called the tail and the larger section called the body. Differentiating between the body and the tail does not depend on which side of the distribution the line is drawn. All that matters is the relative size of the pieces: bigger is always body. As you can see, we can break up the normal distribution into 3 pieces (lower tail, body, and upper tail) as in Figure 5.2 or into 2 pieces (body and tail) as in Figure 5.3. We can then find the proportion of the area in the body and tail based on where the line was drawn (i.e., at what z score). Mathematically, this is done using calculus. Fortunately, the exact values are given to you in the Standard Normal Distribution Table, also known at the z table. A portion of this table is shown in Figure 5.1. (The entire table appears in .) Using the z values in the table (A), we can find the area under the normal curve in any body (B), tail (C), or combination of tails, as well as the proportion between z and the mean (D). For example, suppose we want to find the area in the body for a z score of 1.62. As shown in Table 5.1, the row for 1.62 corresponds with a value of .9474 for the proportion in the body of the distribution. Thus, the odds of randomly selecting someone with a z score less than (to the left of) z = 1.62 is 94.74% because that is the proportion of the area taken up by values that satisfy our criteria. The z table only presents the area in the body for positive z scores because the normal distribution is symmetrical. Thus, the area in the body of z = 1.62 is equal to the area in the body for z = −1.62, though now—as illustrated in the middle distribution at the top of Table 5.1—the body will be the shaded area to the right of z. (When in doubt, drawing out your distribution and shading the area you need to find will always help.) Because the total area under the normal curve is always equal to 1.00, the area in the tail (Column C) is simply the area in the body (Column B) subtracted from 1.00 (1.00 − .9474 = .0526). Let’s look at another example. This time, let’s find the area corresponding to z scores more extreme than z = −1.96 and z = 1.96. That is, let’s find the area in the tails of the distribution for values less than z = −1.96 (farther negative and therefore more extreme) and greater than z = 1.96 (farther positive and therefore more extreme). This region is illustrated in Figure 5.4. Let’s start with the tail for z = 1.96. If we go to the z table (Table 5.1) we will find that the area in the tail to the right of z = 1.96 is equal to .0250. Because the normal distribution is symmetrical, the area in the tail for z = −1.96 is the exact same value, .0250. Finally, to get the total area in the shaded region, we simply add the areas together to get .0500. Thus, there is a 5% chance of randomly getting a value more extreme than z = −1.96 or z = 1.96 (this particular value and region will become incredibly important in ). Finally, we can find the area between two z scores by shading and subtracting. Figure 5.5 shows the area between z = 0.50 and z = 1.50. Because this is a subsection of a body (rather than just a body or a tail), we must first find the larger of the two bodies, in this case the body for z = 1.50, and subtract the smaller of the two bodies, or the body for z = 0.50. Aligning the distributions vertically, as in Figure 5.5, makes this clearer. From the complete z table in , wee see that the area in the body for z = 1.50 is .9332, and the area in the body for z = 0.50 is .6915. Subtracting these gives us .9332 − .6915 = .2417. Probability: The Bigger Picture The concepts and ideas presented in this chapter are likely not intuitive at first. Probability is a tough topic for everyone, but the tools it gives us are incredibly powerful and enable us to do amazing things with data analysis. They are the heart of how inferential statistics work. To summarize, the probability that an event happens is the number of outcomes that qualify as that event (i.e., the number of ways the event could happen) compared to the total number of outcomes (i.e., how many things are possible). This extends to graphs like a pie chart, where the biggest slices take up more of the area and are therefore more likely to be chosen at random. This idea then brings us back around to our normal distribution, which can also be broken up into regions or areas, each of which is bounded by one or two z scores and corresponds to all z scores in that region. The probability of randomly getting one of those z scores in the specified region can then be found on the Standard Normal Distribution Table. Thus, the larger the region, the more likely an event is, and vice versa. Because the tails of the distribution are, by definition, smaller and we go farther out into the tail, the likelihood or probability of finding a result out in the extremes becomes small. - In your own words, what is probability? - There is a bag with 5 red blocks, 2 yellow blocks, and 4 blue blocks. If you reach in and grab one block without looking, what is the probability it is red? - Under a normal distribution, which of the following is more likely? (Note: this question can be answered without any calculations if you draw out the distributions and shade properly.) Getting a z score greater than z = 2.75 Getting a z score less than z = −1.50 - The heights of women in the United States are normally distributed with a mean of 63.7 inches and a standard deviation of 2.7 inches. If you randomly select a woman in the United States, what is the probability that she will be between 65 and 67 inches tall? - The heights of men in the United States are normally distributed with a mean of 69.1 inches and a standard deviation of 2.9 inches. What proportion of men are taller than 6 feet (72 inches)? - You know you need to score at least 82 points on the final exam to pass your class. After the final, you find out that the average score on the exam was 78 with a standard deviation of 7. How likely is it that you pass the class? - What proportion of the area under the normal curve is greater than z = 1.65? - Find the z score that bounds 25% of the lower tail of the distribution. - Find the z score that bounds the top 9% of the distribution. - In a distribution with a mean of 70 and standard deviation of 12, what proportion of scores are lower than 55? Your answer should include information about an event happening under certain conditions given certain criteria. You could also discuss the relationship between probability and the area under the curve or the proportion of the area in a chart. Getting a z score less than z = −1.50 is more likely. z = 2.75 is farther out into the right tail than z = −1.50 is into the left tail; therefore, there are fewer more extreme scores beyond 2.75 than −1.50, regardless of the direction. 15.87% or .1587 4.95% or .0495 z = 1.34 (The top 9% means 9% of the area is in the upper tail and 91% is in the body to the left; the value in the normal table closest to .9100 is .9099, which corresponds to z = 1.34.)
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Last chapter we have used some rotations to manipulate positions; this will not have been the last time for us to dig into coordinate changes and vector maths, so let us have a look at a few more 3D math basics. For some cases we will continue to use the functions provided by nalgebra; but that should not keep us from looking at the background. If you are already familiar with the length of vectors, angles, sine and cosine, scalar product (dot product), orthogonality, projection (as in: projection of one vector onto another), orthogonalization (including Gram-Schmidt process and cross product) and rotation matrices, you can safely skip this chapter; we won’t change the code of our program. Although we have extended the vectors to use for 3D graphics to vectors with four components, let us stick with those with three (or, occasionally, two) components. (For their relation with those four-component vectors see Chapter 15 and Chapter 16.) Most of these concepts are needed for operations before we have to think about “how to get it on the screen”. Everyone has an idea what a length is, we only have to find a way to measure it. For vectors like or , that is easy: The length is just the value of the non-zero component: eeeehm, okay, the absolute value (i.e. flipping signs whenever it would be negative) of the non-zero component: . When a vector has two non-zero components, like , the situation looks like this: and identifying a right triangle, we use Pythagoras’ theorem: the square of the length of the green line is the sum of the squared lengths of the blue lines: or . How about an actually three-dimensional setting? Say, ? That looks like this: and there is, again, a right triangle. One of its sides is just the length we have computed previously. and In the same way, we can decompose every vector in right triangles and, as general formula for the length of obtain For any , we see that . The recipe for normalizing a vector (and thereby obtaining a “unit vector”) thus is simple: Instead of use . It still points in the same direction, but has length . This (not only this formula, but normalizing in general) does not work for . Next, we consider the angle between two vectors. For any pair of vectors there is a plane containing both, so we can restrict all illustrations to 2D. Angles — the “what lies between” of two vectors. How to measure the “how much”? First observation: The following angles are the same: We only have to think about angles between unit vectors. Also, rotation (of both vectors by the same amount) does not change the angle, we can try to measure the angle between and the second vector: This is still the same angle as before: Now, how large is it? As measure for an angle, we use the length of the curve from (the tip of) one to the other, along the circle. (Remember: we are talking about vectors with length one, so both tips lie on the circle with radius one, if we have the vectors start at the origin.) The full circle therefore corresponds to an angle of 2π. (And if we define ° (“degree”) to be the number π/180, then you can call this full circle angle 360° if you prefer.) What about an angle of 9/2 * π? Well: No discernible difference to π/2. What about negative angles? Well, okay, let’s say that is just “in the other direction”: (this, for example, would be an angle of -π/4 from the x-axis to the other vector) Introducing a sign, a direction means that we are not so much talking about an angle between, but rather about an angle from … to … How do we know which of the following two angles is +π/4 and which is -π/4? That is a matter of convention. We decide: The angle from to is positive. So, this angle is +π/4: and this angle is +π/4 Aren’t they the same? No. Very important, but very subtle difference: Pay attention to the direction of the axes! (And, please, never draw an axis with an arrow head on each end. The arrow does not mean “there is more in this direction”, it means “the numbers increase in this direction”.) For some of my drawings, the directions do not correspond to those of Vulkan’s coordinate system. I don’t care: That’s a matter of “from which direction are we looking at it”. But it becomes the more important to look at the directions indicated at the axes. This angle is, indeed, -π/4 (as mentioned before, but now you can appreciate the direction of the axes…): This is a nice definition, which works well for angles in the x-y-plane – but doesn’t really help outside of it, and we are hoping for 3D in the end. How do we distinguish positive and negative angles there? Two ways of dealing with it (both will occur): Finally, a symbol, in case I don’t want to write “angle between and ” in formulae: . The above was: Given two vectors, what is the angle. Now we look at the opposite: Given an angle (say, φ), can we find two vectors with that angle between them? Let’s, again, fix the first as . Since we know the angle, that is: the arc length shown in the picture, the vector is easy to find graphically: What are its coordinates? Let’s cheat. They are - apparently - uniquely defined by the above procedure (draw part of the unit circle, starting at (1,0), arc length equal to φ, and take the coordinates of the endpoint). We can just give names to these results “the x-coordinate of this point” (txcotp), “the y-coordinate of this point” (tycotp) and refer to txcotp(φ) and tycotp(φ) in all computations where we need them. If they are useful enough, many people will use them, and we will finally get functions in Rust and GLSL that immediately give us these values if we hand them the value of φ. Well, the names that have traditionally been used are different, but the idea is not too far off: txcotp is called cos and tycotp is sin. The point at the tip of a unit vector starting from the origin that has an angle φ to the x-axis, therefore is (And whether we write cos φ or cos(φ) is merely a question of taste and readability.) By the way: As we have defined sine and cosine by means of a point on the unit circle, essentially by definition we have that . (Again a note on writing: This is often shortened to , although could be mistaken for — but the latter is so uncommon that that is no real concern.) If we already know the cosine, but want to know the corresponding angle: The answer to that question is called arccos, so that — at least for angles φ between 0 and π. If we admit larger angles, there are different possibilities that result in the same cosine. Similarly, arcsin is the answer to the question “which angle has the given value as its sine?” And while we’re at introducing trigonometric functions: The tangent is the quotient of sine and cosine: . Now that we have names for the coordinates of a point on the x-axis after rotating it by a certain angle around , let’s try to describe the rotation of an arbitrary point (in the plane) by a given angle φ. Rotations are linear (think about it; if necessary, have another look at the introduction of linearity in Chapter 14), thus can be represented by matrices. Say, we want to rotate by an angle φ, and call this rotation . Then How to find the values of “?”? The first column was the outcome of applying the rotation to . Well, that’s not too difficult, we have just given names to those components: The second column is what happens to . And is rotated to . If that was too fast or you prefer pictures: The final matrix hence ends up being What happens if we rotate first by an angle and then by an angle ? Well, in total, we rotate by . Can we see that for matrices? Yes: . Oh, we have never before covered how to multiply two matrices. Then let’s have a look now. What is We know how to multiply matrices with vectors. Let’s see: In position (1,2) (that is, first row, second column) of the result, we get the product of the first row of the first matrix and second column of the second. (And product of first row and second column is something we can interpret in terms of “matrix times vector”: .) Okay, with that out of the way, back to our rotations: We learn (by comparing components of the first and the last matrix in that short computation): (These are very useful identities.) If we are given one vector v and want to compute the angle between and this vector, that is not too difficult: We normalize v (all of the above was for unit vectors), and then take its first component: That is the cosine of the angle. But what if the other vector is not , if we have two (unit) vectors and ? Well, they are unit vectors, so let us write them as , . And an angle should not change when we rotate both vectors, so the angle between and is the same as the angle we want to find, for every rotation R. Let’s pick the rotation by , which turns to . Because then we are back in the previous setting. So: . (If the changes of signs in the last step confuse you, try to follow them along the definition of sine and cosine and negative angles in the defining “picture”.) What are and ? Let’s compute: Okay, that’s what we wanted, because now we only need the angle between and the (rotated) second vector. And the cosine of the angle is the first component: (We can also obtain this term by computing , what a surprise.) So, from two vectors , we ended up with . More general: That’s — easy to compute. And useful in connection with angles. We should give it a name: Scalar product. Inner product. Dot product. Formula to remember: (I have included the lengths of the vectors in order to account for the fact that we were using unit vectors all the time.) The nice thing: This formula still works in 3D. Here, (as you may have expected), and the “formula to remember” is the same. One of the most important sizes an angle can have is π/2; the right angle. The angle between two vectors is a right angle (read: “the vectors are orthogonal to each other”) if its cosine is 0, that is to say: If their scalar product is zero. Very good, because very simple to check. Finding out whether does not even involve sine and cosine. And also in 3D: are orthogonal iff . Suppose we are given two vectors ( and ), and we want to decompose one of them (say, ) in two parts: One part with the same direction as the other given vector (let’s call this part ), and a second part orthogonal to that ( ). If had a length of 1, then would have a length of cosφ. Also points in the same direction as . And we can compute cosφ much more easily, as dot product (between normalized vectors e and v): (If has length one, , much nicer and shorter.) Finally, we can set . Recipe: If you have two vectors (say, in 3D) and want to have two orthogonal vectors that lie in the same plane, take the first of your vectors (call it e), and take the orthogonal part of the second vector v. (Note that depends on the choice of , even though the notation does not announce this dependency.) Often, you’ll want to normalize them. If we have two vectors and and want to find a third one orthogonal to both, we can first ensure that is orthogonal to (by replacing it by ); then we can choose a random vector (if it lies in the plane of and , we will have problems. But that’s improbable, and we could just start with a different vector), and compute with respect to . We then take and compute with respect to . The final is orthogonal to and . But we can also use a shortcut and introduce a ready-made concept and formula yielding the vector that is orthogonal to two given vectors: The cross-product. Actually, in this sentence the “the” in “the vector that is orthogonal” is overly optimistic: There are many such vectors; at least they all belong to one line. If we decide on length and direction (out of the two possible directions on this line) of the vector, we have determined it uniquely. Given two vectors and , we will then call this new orthogonal vector the “cross-product” Perhaps we revisit it in the future, but for now let me just write the definition: (From one line to the next, each index is increased by one, where we start again from 1 instead of using 4.) This vector is, indeed, orthogonal to : It is also orthogonal to (you do the computation). Moreover, (in this order) form a right-handed coordinate system. You can either check with the definition or use this last property to see that . How can we recognize a rotation? Tying back to the above ideas about angles: If we have some vectors and apply the same rotation to them, the angles between them do not change. Also their lengths remain the same. If we want to put these two ideas into one condition, we can say that the scalar products are unchanged: For every rotation R and every vectors u and v, we have . (What does this have to do with lengths? Well, .) We know that the columns of the matrix representing R are given by , and . And we know that , and have length one and are orthogonal to each other. If we know three vectors , , that have length one and are orthogonal to each other, we can form a rotation matrix by setting (Okay, to be more precise, that’s not completely true: We not only get rotations but could also obtain a reflection. But close enough.) This is the rotation turning , and into , and , respectively. How do we find a rotation (say, ) turning , and into , and ? Let us give the components of some names: This seems strange — until now it was mostly the columns, not the rows of a matrix that we used, because they had some meaning. Why do something else now? Because in the end it will turn out that this way of giving names is more useful than having columns a, b, c. (You’ll see.) And, by the way, another random bit of notation (I should introduce it somewhere): If , then is called the transpose of and denoted by . So, if you wish: . Back to our question: What are , , if we want to rotate onto etc.? or, separately: , , . If you prefer scalar products, that is the same as , , . (Check it with the definitions.) Treating and in the same manner, we also find , , and , and . Let me repeat what we know about : It should be a vector of length one (because it’s a column in a rotation matrix), and , , , that is is orthogonal to and and (due to and both and being unit vectors) has an angle with whose cosine equals 1. But then … is . Similarly, and . Hence the matrix rotating , , onto , and is Obviously, this rotation reverts the effects of (first rotating , , onto , , and then rotating those back to , and means everything is back to where it started). is the so-called “inverse” of : . So, to recap: For a rotation : (For general matrices , the inverse is usually more difficult to compute, and for many matrices, it does not even exist.) There’d be more to say about matrices and inverse; and even about rotations (for example, we have not talked about the matrix describing the rotation around a given axis). But I think that’s enough “math lecture” for now (and for that example of rotating around a given axis, we can use a specific nalgebra function to help us out).
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://hoj-senna.github.io/ashen-aetna/text/025_Angles.html", "date": "2022-09-30T19:42:58", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030335504.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20220930181143-20220930211143-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9474901556968689, "token_count": 3750, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Federalism refers to a system of government in which power is split between the national or federal government and state or regional governments, with the national government having more power over the state. However, it is important to note that the regional governments have independent powers and responsibilities. In fact, federalism allows the regional governments to have their own legislative, executive, and judiciary branches through which laws can be passed, interpreted, and enforced as long as they do not contravene the constitution. The system is advantageous because it not only enables the state governments to respond more effectively to the needs of the citizens in their jurisdictions but also provides a mechanism to check the activities of the national government. Even though the national government reserves the rights to make foreign policy, control imports and exports, and declare war, it works together with the state governments in such matters as civil rights, taxation, and environmental protection, among others. On the other hand, confederalism is a system of government in which sovereign power is held by the regional governments, to which the national government is accountable. The member states are independent and separate but give certain powers to a central authority for reasons of mutual security, convenience, and efficiency. Member states are the ones that appoint the central authority, which can make rules that will pass as laws only after all constituent states have passed them.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/whats-federalism-v-s-confederalism-163973", "date": "2022-10-06T04:10:36", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030337723.23/warc/CC-MAIN-20221006025949-20221006055949-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.970703125, "token_count": 268, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Posted on: 10.08.2022. Empathy is defined as the ability to recognize and understand the emotions of others. When a child experiences empathy it means that they understand how the other person feels in a particular situation and that they can imagine how they would feel if they were in the same situation. It is important to note that empathy is closely related to the awareness of one's own emotional states. In other words, the more aware a child is of their own emotional states, the more accurately they will recognize others' emotions. The first step in the experience of empathy is recognizing the emotional state of the other person, i.e., recognizing non-verbal expressions of emotions such as facial expressions, gestures and tone of voice. Based on this information, children recognize how the other person feels and associate them with everything that is expressed in words. Once a child has successfully recognized the emotional state of the other person, it can be placed in their perspective and then determine how they can react in order to aid the other person. Like any other skill, empathy can be learned and practiced, and parents play a significant role in this. The precursors of empathy can be noticed even in the first days of life when a child reacts by crying to the cries of another child. At the age of three to four, children can understand that different feelings exist, and that everyone has them. They can recognize when someone feels bad and empathize spontaneously with them. By developing vocabulary, preschool children are more adept at talking and discussing their own and others' feelings and situations that provoke those feelings. The ability to take another person's perspective and help the person who feels unwell also emerges. What makes empathy so important? Empathy is a skill that is extremely important for healthy emotional and moral development. Empathetic children are more successful and satisfied at school, have more friendly relationships that are satisfactory and are generally better accepted by their peers. Also, empathetic children are less prone to violent behaviour because they can more easily recognize how the other person feels and make an adequate decision about how to react to that feeling. How can parents encourage the development of empathy? It is important to talk with children about feelings – which feelings they know, which exist and what are non-verbal indicators of a certain feeling. A child can observe photographs or drawings of facial expressions and just perform them in front of a mirror and name them. While reading stories to a child or watching cartoons, you can ask the child how the character feels and why. When you are in a particular situation, it is important to talk to your child about how they feel or how another person feels. You can ask the child questions that will help them express their feelings openly in the current situation or describe how other people feel, e.g., “Marco is sad because he forgot his favourite toy.” You can also teach your child empathy through hypothetical situations. Ask the child how they would feel if someone took their toy or how their friend would feel if someone took their toy, and how they could be helped to feel better. Give your child a chance to make their own suggestions. When a child is sad, scared, or angry, it is important to let them express how they feel without giving them a comforting answer like “It's all right” or “You don't need to be afraid.” Finally, the child learns about emotions and empathy by observing parents. It is important that you openly express your feelings towards the child because by verbalizing your own emotional states, you encourage children to do the same – to recognize and name their own emotions, but also to recognize and respond to the emotions of others. Be a role model for the child, actively listen to them and show empathy for them to learn the same behaviour. Marica Marasović, MSc, Centre for Mental Health MBM
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://www.froddo.com/how-to-foster-empathy-in-children", "date": "2022-10-07T13:39:14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030338073.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20221007112411-20221007142411-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9664260149002075, "token_count": 799, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
The momentum of an object is defined as the mass of the object multiplied by the velocity of the object. Mathematically, that definition can be expressed as p = m · v, where p represents momentum, m represents mass, and v represents velocity. In many instances, the mass of an object is measured in kilograms (kg) and the velocity in meters per second (m/s). In that case, momentum is measured in kilogram-meters per second (kg · m/s). Recall that velocity is a vector quantity. That is, the term velocity refers both to the speed with which an object is moving and to the direction in which it is moving. Since velocity is a vector quantity, then momentum must also be a vector quantity. Some of the most common situations involving momentum are those in which two moving objects collide with each other or in which a moving object collides with an object at rest. For example, what happens when two cars approach an intersection at the same time, do not stop, but collide with each other? In which direction will the cars be thrown, and how far will they travel after the collision? The answer to that question can be obtained from the law of conservation of momentum, which says that the total momentum of a system before some given event must be the same as the total momentum of the system after the event. In this case, the total momentum of the two cars moving toward the intersection must be the same as the total momentum of the cars after the collision. Suppose that the two cars are of very different sizes, a large Cadillac with a mass of 1,000 kilograms and a small Volkswagen with a mass of 500 kilograms, for example. If both cars are traveling at a velocity of 10 meters per second (mps), then the total momentum of the two cars is (for the Cadillac) 1,000 kg · 10 mps plus (for the Volkswagen) 500 kg · 10 mps = 10,000 kg · mps + 5,000 kg · mps = 15,000 kg · mps. Therefore, after the collision, the total momentum of the two cars must still be 15,000 kg · mps. A knowledge of the laws of momentum is very important in many occupations. For example, the launch of a rocket provides a dramatic application of momentum conservation. Before launch, the rocket is at rest on the launch pad, so its momentum is zero. When the rocket engines fire, burning gases are expelled from the back of the rocket. By virtue of the law of conservation of momentum, the total momentum of the rocket and fuel must remain zero. The momentum of the escaping gases is regarded as having a negative value because they travel in a direction opposite to that of the rocket's intended motion. The rocket itself, then, must have momentum equal to that of the escaping gases, but in the opposite (positive) direction. As a result, the rocket moves forward.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "http://www.scienceclarified.com/Ma-Mu/Momentum.html", "date": "2022-09-28T09:31:38", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030335190.45/warc/CC-MAIN-20220928082743-20220928112743-00748.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9413048624992371, "token_count": 597, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
For as long as slavery existed in Virginia, enslaved men, women, and children had sought to escape it by running away. In 1643, the General Assemblystiff penalties for “divers loitering runaways,” who at the time included some slaves but probably many more white and black . Laborers continued to flee their masters, however, and the assembly in 1669 that its laws had “proved ineffectuall” at stopping them. In 1705, legislators those laws, punishing enslaved African Americans much more harshly than white servants. If caught running away, for instance, white servants were protected from “immoderate correction.” By contrast, the law declared that if black slaves were killed during their punishment, “it shall not be accounted felony”; in fact, the law would treat it “as if such incident had never happened.” With these risks in mind, enslaved African Americans continued to run away. Some fled abusive masters or backbreaking work, while many others left in search of family members from whom they had been separated. Virginia runaways in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries tended not to wander far. According to the historians Gerald Mullin and Philip J. Schwarz, most stayed within fifty miles of their homes, either because they wanted to remain near family members or because, with slavery still legal in northern colonies, there was nowhere else to go. A few runaways managed to find their way to towns and cities, where they passed as free. Several things happened after the American Revolution to encourage more slaves to run and to run farther. The invention of the cotton gin in the 1790s revolutionized cotton production in the Deep South and created a significant new market for enslaved labor. At the same time, thediminished in the United States and was outlawed altogether in 1808. Taking its place was a domestic slave trade that sent huge numbers of enslaved African Americans from Upper South states such as Virginia to the cotton-growing states, where a slave’s life promised to be much harsher and shorter. Many families were broken up in the process, often leaving people feeling desperate and eager to run. And because the trade was so lucrative, Virginia slaveholders were less likely than ever to free their slaves. Meanwhile, escaping north was made easier by the fact that slavery had been outlawed in most northern states by 1804. During this same period, various movements began to form that called for either the gradual or immediate end of slavery. The Society of Friends, known as the Quakers, took a leadership role in the abolitionist movement, first outlawing the ownership of slaves among its members in New England, Pennsylvania, and New York in the 1770s, and then helping to found the Pennsylvania Abolition Society in 1784. Inspired by the Second Great Awakening, many Methodists also came to see freedom as a universal value, and the church banned slaveholding among its members in 1837. In this way, the North became a more hospitable place for runaway slaves and a more threatening place for their owners. Northern antislavery groups published newspapers that, among other things, encouraged slaves to run away, and free men and women to help them. Congress responded to slaveholder complaints by adopting the, which empowered slaveholders to seize those runaways, even in free states. The law’s constitutionality was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in Prigg v. Pennsylvania (1842), although the court ruled that state officials were not required to assist in the process of apprehending fugitive slaves. Passage of the closed that loophole and made it easier than ever for slaveholders to cross state lines in pursuit of escaped slaves. It also emboldened kidnappers to , claim they were fugitives, and sell them into slavery. In response, so-called vigilance committees sprang up in cities such as Philadelphia, New York, and Boston with the goal of protecting or rescuing imperiled African Americans and, when possible, spiriting them north to Canada. By 1861, approximately one-third of an estimated 100,000 southern black fugitives had escaped to Canada. Eighty percent of those—mostly African Americans from Virginia, Maryland, and Kentucky—settled in present-day Ontario. The various individuals, groups, and methods that helped get them there eventually came to be known collectively as the Underground Railroad. Origins and Development The origins of the term “underground railroad” are unclear. The most popular story involves Tice Davids, an enslaved man from Kentucky who crossed the Ohio River in 1831. According to folklore, when Davids disappeared along the river’s edge, his master declared that the slave must have “gone off on an underground road.” By 1842, the term had appeared in the New York Spectator, whose disapproving editorsan abolitionist boast that twenty-six slaves had all escaped “by ‘the underground railroad.'” The following year, the Boston Emancipator and Free American that in Chicago a fugitive slave “Fell through into the under-ground railroad, and was carried along the subterranean passage on one of the steam cars, at the rate of fifteen miles an hour.” A few days later, the that in Albany, New York, the “‘underground railroad’ remains undiscovered.” (The New York Times first used the words in and .) The term itself suggests an organized system with “conductors,” “passengers,” “stations,” and “station masters,” all moving fugitive slaves along established lines. The historian Wilbur H. Siebert, who published The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom in 1898, even included detailed maps of such lines. This conception of the Underground Railroad likely was an exaggeration, however, promoted by abolitionists and slaveholders alike to fuel either support or fear and opposition. According to the historian Eric Foner, the Underground Railroad is best understood not as a single entity but as “an interlocking series of local networks, each of whose fortunes rose and fell over time, but which together helped a substantial number of fugitives reach safety in the free states and Canada.” As such, the Underground Railroad existed long before the terms and metaphors used to describe it. As early as 1786, Philip Dalby, a shopkeeper in Alexandria, published ain the Virginia Journal and Alexandria Advertiser complaining that when he took an enslaved manservant on a business trip to Philadelphia, the city’s Quakers sued for the slave’s freedom. In a about the matter, worried that there was “no avoiding the snares of individuals, or of private societies” intent on interfering with slavery. Nine years later, in , the General Assembly also warned of “great and alarming mischiefs” caused “by voluntary associations of individuals, who under the cover of effecting justice towards persons unwarrantably held in slavery” had instead deprived masters of their slaves and burdened them with unfounded lawsuits. In 1801, the Philadelphia Abolition Society assigned Isaac T. Hopper, a Quaker and teacher, to investigate and pursue claims exactly like the ones Virginia’s General Assembly had worried about. He created a network throughout the city and surrounding countryside of both whites and African Americans who could keep him informed and help fugitive or kidnapped African Americans when necessary. He also developed a taste for the law and how to manipulate it to win cases. His biographer and close friend, Lydia Maria Child, tells of how Hopperone magistrate into granting bail to a Virginia woman who had been arrested in 1808 after escaping to Philadelphia thirteen years earlier. With the help of Hopper’s network, she fled during the night. A little bit later, Quakers in New Garden, North Carolina, near Greensboro, established their own system of aiding African Americans. Led by cousins Vestal and Levi Coffin, and with the help of a slave known as Hamilton’s Sol, theyalong routes used by whites to immigrate to Ohio and Indiana. Coffin himself moved to Indiana and later to Ohio, where he continued to help African Americans. In 1813, Thomas Garrett, of Wilmington, Delaware, helped rescue one of his family’s African American servants who had been kidnapped by slave traders. The Quaker went on to over the next four decades. In 1848, Garrett was prosecuted for violating the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 and fined so heavily that he lost all of his property. The Underground Rail Road by William Still Back in Philadelphia, meanwhile, a free black named William Still worked as a clerk for the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society beginning in 1847 and later for the city’s Vigilance Committee. At great personal risk, he kept careful records of the many African Americans he and others in Philadelphia helped along the Underground Railroad. His records, which included the stories of many slaves fleeing from Virginia, were first published in 1872. From Virginia to Canada Several factors made Virginia a place where the Underground Railroad flourished. Even with the domestic slave trade forcing thousands of men, women, and children into the Deep South, it had the largest enslaved population of any state and a large free black population. It also bordered the free states of Pennsylvania and Ohio. And from the state’s northernmost point in present-day, on the other side of the Ohio River from Wellsville, Ohio, it was only ninety miles to Lake Erie, across which lay Canada. Fugitives in Virginia, in other words, were . Virginia also boasted a number of sizable port cities, which provided avenues of escape for African Americans. In cities such as Portsmouth, Norfolk, Newport News, and Hampton, many slavesin the maritime industry and were not supervised by their actual owners. In addition, there were black churches and free black neighborhoods where escapes could be planned and fugitives hidden. Some fugitive slaves followed the James, Elizabeth, York, Susquehanna, Rappahannock, or Potomac rivers to the Chesapeake Bay, where they attempted to board small vessels or steamships to New York or Massachusetts. Others found ships in Richmond and Alexandria. Most were able to board with aid from captains or crewmembers; in fact, certain ships’ captains became known to the underground community as sympathetic to fugitives or at least agreeable to transporting them for a price. William Still identified the City of Richmond, the Jamestown, the Pennsylvania, and the Augusta steamships, and the Kesiah and the Francis French schooners as the primary vessels aiding Virginia runaways. Fugitives who journeyed by land traveled high into the Appalachian Mountains and then down the Ohio River or into Pennsylvania. Those who escaped through Loudoun and Fauquier counties used routes that traversed the Catoctin and Bull Run mountains, Short Hill Mountain, and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Others traveling from Culpeper County were assisted by free black communities that dotted that region. Culpeper’s Chinquapin Neck, the isthmus that separates the Rapidan and Rappahannock rivers, was another path used by escapees. Shipbound fugitives often disembarked in Boston or New Bedford, Massachusetts, a port near Cape Cod where merchants frequently traded in Virginia. As early as 1819, Quakers there were aiding fugitives. Weston Howland and John Parker, owners of the sloop Regulator, likely transported Virginia slaves, as did Samuel Chadwick, owner of the sloop Mercury. Many of these African Americans stayed in New Bedford where, by 1850, 6.3 percent of the population was African American (compared with 1.5 percent in Boston), with nearly a third of those being born in Virginia and other parts of the South. Upon arrival, fugitive slaves were protected by local vigilance committees and given help in changing their names and finding jobs. If they wanted to continue on to Canada, they were provided tickets on the New York, Hartford, or New Haven railroads. Those who traveled by land to Philadelphia were either passed on to New York or sent northwestward to Canada. The number of escapes prompted the editors of the Norfolk Southern Argus to complain, on April 22, 1854, that “the stock of our patience is below the quantity necessary for standing the outrageous thefts that are daily being committed upon us, in the running off of our slaves.” The paper assumed “that secret agencies are at work in our midst, for the purpose of offering inducements to our slaves to make their escape to the North,” and estimated that in the last year slaveholders there had lost $75,000 in the form of runaway slaves. “A man may be wealthy today,” the editors wrote, “but tomorrow his property may have vanished into empty space.” In 1856, the General Assembly sought to prevent such losses byfor the more rigorous inspection of ships. Enslaved Virginians fled to areas as far away as Hamilton, Canada West (later Ontario). They tended to be young, ambitious, healthy, and male. On rare occasions whole families fled, usually aboard ships or with the aid of collaborators. Most fugitives, however, were male and at the age—between their late teens and mid-thirties—when they were most valuable to slaveholders. According to the abolitionist Benjamin Drew, as early as 1824 Virginians were arriving in what later became Ontario, often without help. Only by the 1840s was a more structured system in place to aid and guide fugitives. Saint Catharines, Canada West, became a favorite destination. Located between lakes Erie and Ontario, the site was first settled in the 1780s by Richard “Captain Dick” Pierpoint, an African-born slave who had won his freedom by fighting for the British during the American Revolution. Saint Catharines is where Harriet Tubman brought her family in the 1850s and where two Virginians—a Norfolk escapee named Richard Bohm and another former slave named William Johnson—helped to establish new arrivals. Henry Box Brown’s Escape to Freedom interviewed George Johnson, who arrived in Saint Catharines in 1855. Born in Harpers Ferry, Johnson claimed to have had “no difficulty” with his master “but was influenced merely by a love of liberty.” He also feared being sold south. As a result, he fled to Canada, traveling by night. Isaac Williams did have difficulties with his master, who sold him in Fredericksburg in the autumn of 1853. Williams managed to escape the slave-pen there and elude bounty hunters, making it to Canada the morning after Christmas. Christopher Nichols attempted escape but was caught. As punishment his master “took a cobbing-board full of auger holes” and a boy’s armful of cut switches and “began to whip me, and he whipped, and he whipped, and he whipped, and he whipped,” until Nichols’s shirt looked “as if it had been dipped in a barrel of blood.” When he ran away a second time, Nichols left behind a wife, three children, and three grandchildren. “I never expect to see them again in this world,” he told Drew, “never.” In Philadelphia, William Still, in 1858, of three female fugitives from Virginia. Mary Frances, about twenty-three years old and from Norfolk, had no complaint against her widowed mistress, whom she described as kind. Twenty-eight-year-old Eliza Henderson, however, had been beaten and subsequently escaped from Richmond. Nancy Grantham was just nineteen and fled “her master’s evil designs,” which were violent and sexual. “She was brought away secreted on a boat,” Still wrote, “but the record is silent as to which one of the two or three Underground Rail Road captains (who at that time occasionally brought passengers), helped her to escape.” State and federal legislators tried in vain to derail the Underground Railroad. They increased rewards for slave-catchers and penalties for runaways, instituted more thorough ship inspections, and sometimes granted the state power to seize vessels. Slaveholders, meanwhile, formed committees, like the one established in December 1833 by citizens in Richmond and Henrico County, to detect and punish anyone who would aid and abet runaways. While these measures may have slowed the flow of fugitives, they did not stop them. Senator James Mason, of Virginia, who introduced the Fugitive Slave Bill on January 4, 1850, claimed that runaway slaves cost his state an average of $100,000 per year. The Underground Railroad’s work ended only with the abolition of slavery in 1865. Thirty years later Wilbur Siebert published its first comprehensive history. While documenting safe houses, land routes, and vessel names, and cataloguing the names of those who had aided fugitives, Siebert also seemed to exaggerate the Underground Railroad’s organization and cohesiveness. In The Liberty Line: The Legend of the Underground Railroad, published in 1961, Larry Gara argued that what was known about the Underground Railroad was as much legend as fact. He further asserted that the real heroes of the drama were not white men like Levi Coffin or Thomas Garrett—although their efforts were sincere and important—but the enslaved African Americans who risked their lives to run and the free blacks who risked just as much to help them. Later scholarship from the historians Fergus M. Bordewich and Eric Foner has tempered some of Gara’s revisionism while holding on to his larger conclusions. Memory of the Underground Railroad has often focused on the exploits of the enslaved guide Harriet Tubman. On March 25, 2013, the National Park Service (NPS) established the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument, near Cambridge, Maryland, which operates in concert with a state park that opened in 2017. In the meantime, the NPS has identified four Underground Railroad–related sites in Virginia: Bruin’s Slave Jail, in Alexandria;, in Hampton Roads; Theodore Roosevelt Island, in Rosslyn; and the Moncure Conway House, in Falmouth, home of the abolitionist . None of them is directly related to the work of the Underground Railroad, however, which is not surprising. That work occurred in secret and across great distances. Its memory is less likely to be found in a particular place than in the stories of those who risked flight and eventually found freedom.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entries/underground-railroad-in-virginia/", "date": "2022-10-05T02:02:03", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030337531.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20221005011205-20221005041205-00748.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9740411043167114, "token_count": 3830, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Each of the 122 experiments in Science Experiments for Young Learners is presented in a 2-page lesson format. 1. The teacher resource page with: - materials list - step-by-step easy-to-follow directions for doing the experiment - a "Making Connections" section that suggests ways to help students apply new science understandings to their everyday lives 2. Reproducible student record sheet or activity sheet. The experiments are presented in groupings by science category: - Physical Science—properties and objects of materials, position and motion of objects, light, heat, electricity, and magnetism - Life Science—characteristics of organisms, life cycles of organisms, organisms and their environments - Earth and Space Science—properties of earth materials, objects in the sky, changes in the earth and sky - Science and Technology—abilities of technological design
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "http://www.evan-moor.com/science-experiments-for-young-learners-grades-k-2-teacher-reproducibles-e-book", "date": "2022-10-07T18:43:03", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030338244.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20221007175237-20221007205237-00748.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8786953091621399, "token_count": 179, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Table of contents: - What is positive reinforcement example? - What is positive Behaviour in the classroom? - What is positive behavior in the classroom? - What is the difference between DRI and DRA? - What is a reinforcers? - What are some examples of immediate reinforcers for humans? What is positive reinforcement example? As noted above, positive reinforcement refers to introducing a desirable stimulus (i.e., a reward) to encourage the behavior that is desired. An example of this is giving a child a treat when he or she is polite to a stranger. ... An example of positive punishment is spanking a child when he or she is rude to a stranger. What is positive Behaviour in the classroom? with a positive approach to behaviour. using praise and recognition for good behaviour. with a focus on raising self esteem. and treating each other with respect in a fair and just manner. What is positive behavior in the classroom? Behavior analysts play an important role in developing strategies that yield positive results in the school learning environment. Examples of positive behavior supports in the classroom can include routines, proximity, task assessment, and positive phrasing. What is the difference between DRI and DRA? In DRI, the replacement behaviors are physically incompatible with the unwanted behavior. ... In DRA, there is no concern about the replacement behaviors being physically incompatible; it is simply an appropriate behavior that could fulfill the same function as the unwanted behavior. What is a reinforcers? : a stimulus (such as a reward or the removal of an electric shock) that increases the probability of a desired response in operant conditioning by being applied or effected following the desired response. What are some examples of immediate reinforcers for humans? If any reinforcer is presented immediately, such reinforcers are called Immediate reinforcers. For example, a student is given a treat immediately for completing his homework. Because the response is immediate, he is more likely to repeat the behavior again. - What type of character is Watson? - What did behaviorists such as John Watson believe about psychological science? - How is Dr Watson presented in The Sign of Four? - Who influenced John B Watson? - What is the famous quote from Sherlock Holmes? - How do we use operant conditioning today? - Is eye color nature or nurture? - Who played Holmes Watson? - Is Moriarty the Patriot done? - How can behaviorist theory be used in the classroom? You will be interested - What is logotherapy and how can this help your client? - Who said between stimulus and response there is a space? - What is Sherlock Holmes zodiac sign? - What episode does Mary Watson die? - What personality type has the highest IQ? - What does paradoxical intention mean? - What is the existential theory of personality? - Is Viktor Frankl religious? - How is behaviorism relevant today? - What is the purpose of man's search for meaning?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://psichologyanswers.com/library/lecture/read/5372-what-is-positive-reinforcement-example", "date": "2022-12-03T22:49:22", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710941.43/warc/CC-MAIN-20221203212026-20221204002026-00628.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9353723526000977, "token_count": 634, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
- Subject: Math - Driving Question: What - Pedagogical Method: Kinesthetic Learning - Grade Level: 2, 3 - Duration: 50 minutes - Delivery Method: Messenger Applications Students will learn to recognize symmetry in daily objects and differentiate between what is symmetrical and what is not. - Materials: laptops/tablets/Mobile phones - Recognize a symmetric figure - Draw a line of symmetry - Differentiate between symmetric figures and asymmetric ones - Apply symmetry in real life Keywords: symmetric figure, asymmetric, line of symmetry, shapes, equal halves, side - Grade 3 students should have an idea about the concept of symmetry being the division of a shape into two identical halves. - Students should know how to use a ruler and should recognize different geometrical shapes. Have students, with the help of their parents, choose one of the following fruits to cut in half (orange, apple, strawberry, peach, kiwi, banana, figs). After they cut the fruit in half, they will see that the two parts/halves are the same, and in the video, they should talk about what happened and their thoughts. At this point, students will start predicting the lesson. They may think the lesson is about getting the half of different shapes/things or about equal shares (division maybe) or fractions as well. Have students will make a video and send it to you. Share your students’ videos on the group chat. Send a video that explains the concept of symmetry. For grade 2, send Video 1. For grade 3, send Video 2. To check for understanding, send a game link (Link 1). Have students match the same halves together. There are different objects to match from shapes to letters to real-life images. Have them share their scores with you. Send Link 2 to the students. They will have to draw and paint to master symmetry skills. Have students choose one of these activities to apply: - Bring a paper and any water colors you have. Fold the paper in half and then open it. Draw on one side anything you want and then fold the paper again. Open the paper, and you have got your symmetric figure! - Bring a paper and draw a line in the middle along the paper. Bring any small objects you have at home (eg. beads, shells..) and place the same pattern on both sides of the line. - Bring a leaf. Cut it in half then bring a paper with any glue/scotch tape. Place half of the leaf on the paper and try to draw the same other half on your own. To check for understanding, have students reflect on their learning by sharing, “I used to think….but now I know…” fact about symmetry. Have a student recap by sending a voice note about what the session was about. For homework, send Link 3. Students can check their answers on their own and send their results to you. For an assessment, send Link 4 and use Answer Key 1 for instructions and rubric.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://lalmoudaress.com/course/view.php?id=28", "date": "2022-12-07T22:38:36", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711221.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20221207221727-20221208011727-00108.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9387301802635193, "token_count": 644, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Rock and Minerals Lesson Plans Rocks- Students will classify rocks by properties. More Than Meets the Eye!- Energy resources are unevenly distributed. Students will participate in a hands-on simulation to help them understand that coal resources are deposited unevenly between the earth's surface and under the ground. Rocks/Volcanoes- Students will differentiate between the two types of igneous rock and designate the area the rock comes from. Fossils- Students will better understand how fossils are created by making their own. Sandstone- Students will make sandstone. Sedimentary Rocks- Students should understand that sedimentary rocks like coal are formed by the cementing together of smaller pieces of rocks. Or, like coal, from the accumulation of plant material. Rocks - Use oral language to discuss how the variation of heat and pressure form various metamorphic rocks. Rock Activities- Students will understand that metamorphic rocks are sedimentary igneous, or other metamorphic rocks that have been changed by heat and pressure. Rock: Melting Rocks- Students will observe and gain a better understanding of the metamorphosing power of heat. Sandwiches: "Bread Rock"- To graphically show how metamorphic rock is formed by pressure and heat. Brittle Volcano- Students will see simulated lava flow down a simulated volcano. Students will learn that lava cools fastest on the surface. and Mineral Attributes - The learner will demonstrate knowledge of grouping rocks by sorting them according to their attributes. Collecting- Students will practice classifying rocks in the categories sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. Critters/Pet Rock- Children love to create rock critters. Have the children collect some rocks (coal) of different shapes and sizes. After you have a mountain of these rocks you can start. Goodies- The students will learn the difference between sedimentary Cycle - Students will gain an understanding of how a rock can move through the different stages of the rock cycle. cycle and Biomes - Students investigates rock cycles (erosion, soil types) as variable making biomes unique. Rock Activities- Students will understand that most sedimentary rocks such as coal are formed under the water and in swamps, lakes, seas, and of Rocks - TLW describe the relationship between rocks and minerals. is a Mineral?- Mineral identification lab.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/science/earth_sciences/rocks/", "date": "2022-12-07T23:32:20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711221.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20221207221727-20221208011727-00108.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8555556535720825, "token_count": 519, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Download Number Patterns and Sequence Worksheets Click the button below to get instant access to these premium worksheets for use in the classroom or at a home. This worksheet can be edited by Premium members using the free Google Slides online software. Click the Edit button above to get started. Numbers are not created randomly. In fact, all numbers belong to a certain pattern that we can investigate and explore! This worksheet will give you an in-depth and creative understanding of number pattern and sequence. - It is a group of numbers or objects that commonly follow a certain pattern or order. - Each number or object of a sequence is called term, element or member. - A sequence always has a rule. This rule tells how a term is being made. COMMON NUMBER PATTERNS 1. Arithmetic Sequence An arithmetic sequence involves a sequence of numbers to which the same amount has been added or subtracted. The amount that is added or subtracted is known as the common difference. 2. Geometric Sequence A geometric sequence is a list of numbers that are multiplied (or divided) by the same amount. The amount by which the numbers are multiplied is known as the common ratio. 3. Triangular Numbers The terms of a triangular sequence are related to the number of dots needed to create a triangle. It begins by forming a triangle with three dots; one on top and two on bottom. The next row would have three dots, making a total of six dots and so on. A triangular sequence begins: “1, 3, 6, 10, 15…” 4. Square and Cube Numbers In a square number sequence, the terms are the squares of their position in the sequence. A square sequence would begin with “1, 4, 9, 16, 25…” In a cube number sequence, the terms are the cubes of their position in the sequence. Therefore, a cube sequence starts with “1, 8, 27, 64, 125…” 5. Fibonacci Numbers In a Fibonacci number sequence, the terms are found by adding the two previous terms. The Fibonacci sequence begins thusly, “0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13… Number Patterns and Sequence Worksheets This is a fantastic bundle which includes everything you need to know about Number Patterns and Sequence across 15+ in-depth pages. These are ready-to-use Common core aligned Grade 4 Math worksheets. Each ready to use worksheet collection includes 10 activities and an answer guide. Not teaching common core standards? Don’t worry! All our worksheets are completely editable so can be tailored for your curriculum and target audience. Click any of the example images below to view a larger version.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://helpingwithmath.com/worksheet/number-patterns-and-sequence/", "date": "2022-12-06T21:19:01", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711114.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20221206192947-20221206222947-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9247084259986877, "token_count": 589, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
In this lecture we will learn about Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law. In electrostatics, the primary goal of Gauss’s law is to find the electric field for a given charge distribution, enclosed by a closed surface. You can watch the following video or read the written tutorial below the video. In order to understand Gauss’s Law, first we need to understand the term Electric flux. Electric flux is the rate of flow of the electric field through a given surface. It is the amount of electric field penetrating a surface. And that surface can be open or closed. Electric Flux through Open Surfaces First, we’ll take a look at an example for electric flux through an open surface. The red lines represent a uniform electric field. We will bring in that field a rectangle, which is an open area, and we will divide it into very small elements, each with size dA (differential of area). Now we’re going to make the area dA a vector, with a magnitude dA. The vector direction is always perpendicular to the small element dA. The electric flux that passes through this small area dφ, (also called a differential of flux), is defined as a dot product of the magnitude of the electric field E and the magnitude of the vector area dA, times the angle between these two vectors θ. The total flux is going to be the integral of dφ, or the integral over that entire area of E·dA. It is a scalar quantity and the end result can be positive or negative. If the flux is going from the inside to the outside, we call that a positive flux, if it is going from the outside to the inside, that’s a negative flux. The unit of electric flux is Newton meters squared per Coulomb (Nm2/C). To get a better understanding of what electric flux is, I’ll bring into this electric field three rectangles. In fact, these rectangles represent one rectangle with different orientations. Now let’s explain the flux through each one of those open areas. In the first case, the area is perpendicular to the electric field, and the angle between their vectors θ is 0°. Cos0° is 1, so the electric flux is going to be EdA. Here we have maximum flux. In the second case, the angle between E and dA θ is 60°, and cos60° is 0.5, so the electric flux will be half EdA. In the third case, the area is parallel to the electric field, which means that their vectors are perpendicular to each other, and the angle θ between them is 90°. Cos90° is 0, so the electric flux here will be 0. This means that nothing goes through that rectangle, so her we have zero flux. Related: Coulomb’s Law Electric Flux through Closed Surfaces Now, let’s take a look at a surface that is completely closed. How do we define flux? Here, we put some normals, dAs in different directions. By convention, the normal to the closed surface always points from the inside to the outside. Now we can calculate the total flux going through this closed surface. The total flux is equal to the integral of dφ over that entire surface, which we write as the integral over that closed surface of E·dA. The total flux can be positive, negative, or equal to zero. If the same amount of flux is entering and leaving the surface, we have zero total flux. If more flux is leaving than entering the surface, then we have positive total flux. Opposite, if more flux is entering than leaving the surface, we have a negative total flux. Let’s take a look at another example, and see how the electric flux is related to Gauss’s Law. We have a point charge +Q in the center of a sphere with radius R. Now, we’ll take a small segment dA, which vector is perpendicular to the surface and is radially outward. The electric field generated by Q at that point is also radially outward. This means that dA and E anywhere on the surface of this sphere are parallel to each other, the angle between them θ is 0°, and cos0° is 1. The differential of flux through the small surface area, dφ is equal to EdA. The total flux Φ is going to be the integral of dφ, which is the integral over the closed surface EdA. The magnitude of the electric field everywhere is the same, because the distance from the charge is the same at each point, so we can pull that out of the integral, and we’re left with EA. The total area of the sphere A is 4πR2. From the previous videos we know that E is equal to k times Q divided by r2, which is equal to Q divided by 4πE0R2. And the total flux through this closed surface is simply E times 4πR2. Here we can cancel out 4πR2, and we can notice that the total flux is equal to Q divided by E0, where E0 is permittivity of free space. The flux doesn’t depend on the distance r. We would get the same result no matter the size of the closed surface around the point charge. What if we bring more charges inside the closed surface? The equation should also hold for any system of charges inside. This leads us to the Gauss’s Law, which says that the electric flux going through a closed surface, is the sum of all charges Q inside that closed surface, divided by permittivity of free space E0. If that flux is zero, that means there is no net charge inside the shape. There could be positive and negative charges inside the shape, but the net is zero. No matter how weird the shape, Gauss’s Law always holds, as long as there’s a symmetry in the charge distribution inside the surface. So, in order to calculate the electric field, you need a symmetry. And there are three types of symmetry: spherical, cylindrical and planar symmetry. Spherical Symmetry: Electric Field due to a Point Charge We will start with spherical symmetry. This is a thin hollow sphere, with a radius R, and we’ll bring a positive charge Q onto the thin shell. The charge is uniformly distributed. Now, we need to find the electric field inside the sphere, at a distance R1 from the center, and outside the sphere, at a distance R2 from the center. To do that, we need to determine our Gaussian surface. In this case, we will choose concentric spheres as Gaussian surfaces, one smaller with radius R1, and other larger with radius R2. Now we need to use two symmetry arguments that will help us calculate the electric field: - The first symmetry argument shows that the magnitude of the electric field is the same at any point, since the charge here is uniformly distributed. - The second symmetry argument shows that if there is an electric field, it must point either radially outwards, or radially inwards. In this example we have a positive charge, which means the field is pointing outwards. From the previous equations, we know that the surface area of the sphere, which is 4πr2, times the magnitude of the electric field E is equal to the charge inside the sphere Q, divided by the permittivity of free space E0. But we don’t have a charge inside the smaller sphere, so the electric field is zero. If a closed surface has no net charge enclosed by it, then the net flux through it will be zero. Now, let’s see what happens with the larger sphere. The symmetry arguments hold for this sphere as well. But if we take a look at the equation, we’ll notice that Q is not zero, there’s charge inside that sphere. So, the magnitude of the electric field will be equal to the Qenclosed divided by 4πE0R22. Graph for Spherical Symmetry On this graph we have the distance r on the x-axis, and the magnitude of the electric field E on the y-axis. Up to the point R, which is the radius of our initial sphere, we have no electric field, but then it reaches its maximum value, and decreases as the distance increases. Related: Work and Electric Potential Energy Cylindrical Symmetry: Electric Field due to a Line of Charge The second type of symmetry is cylindrical symmetry. Let’s say we have an infinite line of positive charge, with uniform linear charge density λ, and we want to figure out what the electric field is at some point above the line, at distance R. Here, we’ll choose a cylinder as a Gaussian surface with a center along the line of charge. We don’t have an electric field through the end caps, the electric field will be pointing out through the wall of the cylinder. Also, we have symmetry here, which allows us to use Gauss’s law in order to calculate the electric field. We can calculate the flux using the same equation that we used previously. But now, we need to find the surface area of the cylinder including the wall, without the end caps. For that purpose, we need to cut the cylinder along its length, and we will find out that the area is equal to 2πrL. So, 2πRL times E is equal to the charge enclosed divided by E0. The charge density λ is the total charge Q per length L, so the Qenclosed is equal to λL. So, 2πRLE is equal to λL divided by E0. The electric field is equal to λL divided by 2πRLE0. L cancels out, so the electric field is equal to λ divided by 2πRE0. Planar Symmetry: Electric Field due to an Infinite Plate The last type of symmetry is planar symmetry. In this example we have a flat, infinitely large horizontal plate. We’ll bring a charge onto this plate, with a uniform charge density σ. σ is actually an amount of charge per area, expressed in Coulombs per square meter (C/m2). Now, we want to calculate the electric field in the surrounding area of this plate, let’s say at a distance d. In this case we’re going to choose a cylinder again as a Gaussian surface. The cylinder intersects the plate, and in that intersection we have the charge enclosed. In order to be able to calculate the electric field, we need to meet three conditions: - First, the cylinder end caps, with an area A, must be parallel to the plate. - Second, the walls of the cylinder must be perpendicular to the plate. - Third, the distance from the plate to the end caps d, must be the same above and below the plate. Now that we meet the symmetry requirements, we can calculate the electric field using the Gauss’s law. We’re not going to have any horizontal component of electric field, only vertical, coming out of the two end caps. σ is equal to the charge divided by the surface. From this equation we can see that the charge Q is equal to σ times the area A. The flux from the wall of the cylinder is equal to zero, so the total flux consists of two components: the flux through the top cap plus the flux through the bottom cap of the cylinder. This is equal to Qenclosed divided by E0, or σA divided by E0. But also the flux through the top, and the flux through the bottom can be expressed as EA, so the total flux is equal to 2EA. Finally, the electric field is equal to sigma divided by 2E0. If the plate is positively charged, the electric field would be pointing outwards. If the plate is negatively charged, the electric field would be pointing inwards. Graph for Planar Symmetry If we draw a graph with the distance d on the x-axis, and the electric field E on the y-axis, we will notice that the electric field has a constant value of σ/2E0, and it doesn’t depend on the distance from the plane. Planar Symmetry: Electric Field due to Two Parallel Plates Now let’s take a look at another more complex situation of two infinitely large parallel plates. The first plate has a surface charge density +σ, and the plate below has a surface charge density -σ. The distance between them is d. So, what is the electric field anywhere is space? The positively charged plate has an electric field pointing away from the plate, equal to σ/2E0. It doesn’t depend on the distance from the plate, so it continues below. The negatively charged plate has an electric field pointing towards the plate, also equal to σ/2E0. In order to calculate the total electric field, we’re going to use the superposition principle by adding the vectors. The vectors that are in the opposite direction cancel out, so the electric field there is zero. The vectors between the plates are in the same direction, so the electric field is σ/E0. The electric field lines will be pointing away from the positively charged plate and towards the negatively charged plate, and the electric field outside will be zero. That’s all for electric flux and Gauss’s Law. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and learned something new. Feel free to ask any question in the comments section below.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://howtomechatronics.com/learn/electricity/electric-flux-gausss-law/", "date": "2022-11-29T07:43:04", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710690.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20221129064123-20221129094123-00668.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9355610609054565, "token_count": 2938, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Kindergarten math concepts or curriculum Find here many important kindergarten math concepts taught in kindergarten. Teachers, parents, and math tutors can also use them as a guideline to illustrate a math lesson or to teach important skills. A figure is above something if the figure is located on top of that thing. Looking at the figure below, we see that the bowl is located above the table. A figure is below something if the figure is located at the bottom of that thing. Looking at the figure below, we see that the the bowl is located below the table. When we add 3 stars to 2 stars, it is equal to five stars. A circle is a round plane figure. To illustrate the concept, show kids coins, bicycle wheels, pizzas, or pies. Students learn some ways to write down quantity. A numeral is a symbol or name used to represent a number. For example, 6, VI, and six are numerals representing the number 6. A triangle is a closed plane figure with 3 sides. An addend is a number that is added to one or more numbers. For example in 3 + 4 + 1, 4 is an addend. There are three addends in the addition problem shown below. To illustrate the concept, show kids candles, drink cans, pipes, or 1.5-volt Alkaline batteries. The sum is the answer that you get when you add two, three, or more numbers. The sum of 3, 4, and 1 is 8. 6 is a digit. 0 is a digit. However, 60 is not a digit! 60 is a number. Kids only need to know about numerical expression. A numerical expression is a mathematical sentence that have numbers and operations. For example, 6 + 4 is a numerical expression. A numerical expression has no equal sign! A line is a long small mark made by a pencil, pen, or another object. A line has two arrows. A line has no end on the right and on the left. This is shown with arrows. Longer or Shorter The Ipad 2 is longer than the ipad mini. The Ipad mini is shorter than the ipad 2. A sequence is a list of numbers ordered in a specific way. For example, 2, 4, 6, ... is a sequence or list of numbers that is ordered by adding 2 to the previous number. The next few numbers in the sequence below are 6, 7, 8, and 9. For example, we can subtract 1 from 4 to get 3. 4 - 1 = 3 Looking at the figure below, the man on the right is taller than the man on the left. The man on the left is shorter than the man on the right. More important kindergarten math concepts to teach to students For 26, the place value of 2 is 20 and the place value of 6 is 6. An equation has an equal sign. For example, 8 + 4 = 12 is an equation. Decompose a number For example, we can decompose 36 into 30 + 4. The difference is the answer that you get when you subtract one number from another number. For example, the difference of 8 and 3 is 5. For example, 3 is less than 9. Looking at the figure below, we see that there are less soccer balls than tennis balls. Heavier and lighter The ball on the left is heavier than the ball on the right. The ball on the right is lighter than the ball on the left. For example, 10 is greater than 4. In the figure below, there are more tennis balls than soccer balls. To illustrate the concept, show kids a soccer ball, marbles, or the Moon. Examples of a cone To illustrate the concept, show kids ice cream cones, or traffic cones. Put things that are the same in the same basket. The length refers to how long something is. The length of the soccer ball is 2 units. Count the number of pencils one-by-one to get the quantity. If you count the pencils shown below, the quantity is 5. For example, 15 is equal to 15 (15 = 15). The number of pencils is equal to the number of soccer balls. Things to keep in mind about the kindergarten math concepts on this page 1. Make sure that students understand most of the math skills above taught in kindergarten math. If you would like to measure their understanding of math skills taught in kindergarten math, please check this kindergarten math test. 2. These kindergarten math concepts are in line with kindergarten math common core state standards. Nov 18, 22 08:20 AM Easily learn to construct a box and whiskers plot for a set of data by using the median and the extreme values. Nov 17, 22 10:53 AM This lesson will give you a deep and solid introduction to the binary number system.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://www.basic-mathematics.com/kindergarten-math-concepts.html", "date": "2022-11-26T22:51:16", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446709929.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20221126212945-20221127002945-00628.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9127764701843262, "token_count": 1034, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
The Distributive Property - Combining Like Terms - Expressions Worksheet Number of Problems: The Distributive Property According to the Distributive Property, you distribute or “pass out” a multiplication to each addition or subtraction that is inside a set of parenthesis. 5(2x + 3) = 10x + 15 In this example, we distribute or “pass out” the five by multiplying it by both the 2x and the 3. You must multiply the number outside the parenthesis by every number (or term) that is inside. Use the distributive property to multiply each expression: 1. 4(2x + 4) = ____________________ 2. 7(3y + 5) = ____________________ 3. 2(4y + 2x + 3) = ________________ 4. 2(3t – 3) = ____________________ The distributive property can get tricky when negative numbers and minus signs are involved. The best way to avoid mistakes is to use the Rule for Subtraction – Add The Opposite. Also remember that when we multiply two numbers with the SAME signs, the answer is always positive. When we multiply numbers with DIFFERENT signs, the answer is negative. –3(4x – 2) = –3(4x + –2) = –12x + 6. In this example, we rewrote 4x – 2 as 4x + –2 (by adding the opposite). Then we distributed or “passed out” the –3 by multiplying it to both 4x and –2. Use the distributive property to multiply each expression: 5. –2(3x – 5) = __________________ 6. (5b – 2)(–4) = __________________ Simplifying Expressions by Combining Like Terms
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://tutor-usa.com/free/pre-algebra/worksheet/distributive-property-combining-like-terms-expressions", "date": "2022-12-02T04:00:41", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710890.97/warc/CC-MAIN-20221202014312-20221202044312-00068.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.830412745475769, "token_count": 390, "score": 4.65625, "int_score": 5 }
By the time children have reached Year Six in KS2, they should be quite comfortable when dealing with place values in Maths. By now they should be well aware of how the values of digits change depending on their position in a number, and know their equivalent values. They should also know the positions after a decimal point - tenths, hundredths and thousandths. They will now be introduced to place holders and should know how the position of digits move when multiplied or divided by 10, 100 or 1,000. We know the value of a digit changes with its position in a number relative to the decimal point. Before the decimal we have ones, tens and hundreds, and after we have tenths, hundredths and thousandths. We also use place holders. Zeros at the end of a number are place holders. They come after another number, a 1 for example, to show whether it is worth 10, 100 or 1,000. Take this quiz to discover what you know about place value. This quiz is intended for children aged 10-11.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks2/maths/place-value-year-6/", "date": "2023-01-26T21:56:12", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764494826.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20230126210844-20230127000844-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.928286612033844, "token_count": 216, "score": 5.03125, "int_score": 5 }
The ocean is not a still body of water. There is constant motion in the ocean in the form of a global ocean conveyor belt due to thermohaline currents. These currents are density driven, which are affected by both temperature and salinity. Cold, salty water is dense and sinks to the bottom of the ocean while warm water is less dense and rises to the surface. The "start" of the ocean conveyor belt is in the Norwegian Sea. Warm water is transported to the Norwegian Sea by the Gulf Stream. The warm water provides heat for the atmosphere in the northern latitudes that gets particularly cold during the winter. This loss of heat to the atmosphere makes the water cooler and denser, causing it to sink to the bottom of the ocean. As more warm water is transported north, the cooler water sinks and moves south to make room for the incoming warm water. This cold bottom water flows south of the equator all the way down to Antarctica. Eventually, the cold bottom waters are able to warm and rise to the surface, continuing the conveyor belt that encircles the globe. It takes water almost 1000 years to move through the whole conveyor belt. There are two datasets that illustrate the ocean circulation. This dataset is an animation that shows the movement of the ocean conveyor belt and the second dataset is a still image that has the major ocean currents labeled. Surface waters are the red lines and cold, bottom waters are the blue lines. Changes in ocean circulation could have drastic impacts on the climate. The transport of heat associated with the ocean conveyor belt partially moderates the cold temperatures in the North. As the poles warm due to climate change, melt water from ice and glaciers enters the ocean. This fresh melt water has the potential to slow or even shut off the ocean circulation, which is dependent on temperature and salinity. The density of the fresh melt water is less than that of salty ocean water. This causes the fresh melt water to form a layer on the surface that can block the warm, salty ocean water from transporting heat to the atmosphere. The effect would be a cooling of the higher latitudes. If the warm water is not able to give off heat, it can not cool and sink to the bottom of the ocean. This would disturb the circulation of the entire ocean conveyor belt and have a noticeable impact on the climate in the northern latitudes. C1 Patterns. Children recognize that patterns in the natural and human designed world can be observed, used to describe phenomena, and used as evidence C3 Scale Proportion and Quantity. Students use relative scales (e.g., bigger and smaller; hotter and colder; faster and slower) to describe objects. They use standard units to measure length. C1 Patterns. Students identify similarities and differences in order to sort and classify natural objects and designed products. They identify patterns related to time, including simple rates of change and cycles, and to use these patterns to make predictions. C3 Scale Proportion and Quantity. Students recognize natural objects and observable phenomena exist from the very small to the immensely large. They use standard units to measure and describe physical quantities such as weight, time, temperature, and volume. C4 Systems and System Models. Students understand that a system is a group of related parts that make up a whole and can carry out functions its individual parts cannot. They can also describe a system in terms of its components and their interactions. C1 Patterns. Students recognize that macroscopic patterns are related to the nature of microscopic and atomic-level structure. They identify patterns in rates of change and other numerical relationships that provide information about natural and human designed systems. They use patterns to identify cause and effect relationships, and use graphs and charts to identify patterns in data. C3 Scale Proportion and Quantity. Students observe time, space, and energy phenomena at various scales using models to study systems that are too large or too small. They understand phenomena observed at one scale may not be observable at another scale, and the function of natural and designed systems may change with scale. They use proportional relationships (e.g., speed as the ratio of distance traveled to time taken) to gather information about the magnitude of properties and processes. They represent scientific relationships through the use of algebraic expressions and equations C1 Patterns. Students observe patterns in systems at different scales and cite patterns as empirical evidence for causality in supporting their explanations of phenomena. They recognize classifications or explanations used at one scale may not be useful or need revision using a different scale; thus requiring improved investigations and experiments. They use mathematical representations to identify certain patterns and analyze patterns of performance in order to re-engineer and improve a designed system. C4 Systems and System Models. Students can investigate or analyze a system by defining its boundaries and initial conditions, as well as its inputs and outputs. They can use models (e.g., physical, mathematical, computer models) to simulate the flow of energy, matter, and interactions within and between systems at different scales. They can also use models and simulations to predict the behavior of a system, and recognize that these predictions have limited precision and reliability due to the assumptions and approximations inherent in the models. They can also design systems to do specific tasks. ESS2.A Earth Materials and Systems. Wind and water change the shape of the land ESS2.C The Roles of Water in Earth's Processes. Water is found in many types of places and in different forms on Earth ESS2.C The Roles of Water in Earth's Processes. Most of Earth’s water is in the ocean and much of the Earth’s fresh water is in glaciers or underground. ESS3.C Human Impact on Earth systems. Societal activities have had major effects on the land, ocean, atmosphere, and even outer space. Societal activities can also help protect Earth’s resources and environments. ESS3.D Global Climate Change. If Earth’s global mean temperature continues to rise, the lives of humans and other organisms will be affected in many different ways. ESS2.C The Roles of Water in Earth's Processes. Water cycles among land, ocean, and atmosphere, and is propelled by sunlight and gravity. Density variations of sea water drive interconnected ocean currents. Water movement causes weathering and erosion, changing landscape features. ESS2.D Weather & Climate. Complex interactions determine local weather patterns and influence climate, including the role of the ocean. ESS3.C Human Impact on Earth systems. Human activities have altered the biosphere, sometimes damaging it, although changes to environments can have different impacts for different living things. Activities and technologies can be engineered to reduce people’s impacts on Earth. PS3.A Definitions of Energy. Kinetic energy can be distinguished from the various forms of potential energy. Energy changes to and from each type can be tracked through physical or chemical interactions. The relationship between the temperature and the total energy of a system depends on the types, states, and amounts of matter. ESS2.C The Roles of Water in Earth's Processes. The planet’s dynamics are greatly influenced by water’s unique chemical and physical properties. ESS2.D Weather & Climate. The role of radiation from the sun and its interactions with the atmosphere, ocean, and land are the foundation for the global climate system. Global climate models are used to predict future changes, including changes influenced by human behavior and natural factors ESS3.C Human Impact on Earth systems. Sustainability of human societies and the biodiversity that supports them requires responsible management of natural resources, including the development of technologies that produce less pollution and waste and that preclude ecosystem degradation. PS1.B Chemical Reactions. Chemical processes are understood in terms of collisions of molecules, rearrangement of atoms, and changes in energy as determined by properties of elements involved. PS2.C Stability & Instability in Physical Systems. Systems often change in predictable ways; understanding the forces that drive the transformations and cycles within a system, as well as the forces imposed on the system from the outside, helps predict its behavior under a variety of conditions. When a system has a great number of component pieces, one may not be able to predict much about its precise future. For such systems (e.g., with very many colliding molecules), one can often predict average but not detailed properties and behaviors (e.g., average temperature, motion, and rates of chemical change but not the trajectories or other changes of particular molecules). Systems may evolve in unpredictable ways when the outcome depends sensitively on the starting condition and the starting condition cannot be specified precisely enough to distinguish between different possible outcomes. PS3.A Definitions of Energy. The total energy within a system is conserved. Energy transfer within and between systems can be described and predicted in terms of energy associated with the motion or configuration of particles (objects).
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Looking for free content that’s aligned to your standards? You’ve come to the right place! Get Free 1st Grade Math Content Khan Academy is a nonprofit with thousands of free videos, articles, and practice questions for just about every standard. No ads, no subscriptions – just 100% free, forever. 1.NS Number Sense - 1.NS.A Understand and use numbers up to 120. - 1.NS.A.1 Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. - 1.NS.A.2 Read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. - 1.NS.A.3 Count backward from a given number between 20 and 1. - 1.NS.A.4 Count by 5s to 100 starting at any multiple of five. 1.NBT Number Sense and Operations in Base Ten - 1.NBT.A Understand place value of two-digit numbers. - 1.NBT.A.1 Understand that 10 can be thought of as a bundle of 10 ones – called a “ten”. - 1.NBT.A.2 Understand two-digit numbers are composed of ten(s) and one(s). - 1.NBT.A.3 Compare two two-digit numbers using the symbols >, = or <. - 1.NBT.A.4 Count by 10s to 120 starting at any number. - 1.NBT.B Use place value understanding to add and subtract. - 1.NBT.B.5 Add within 100. - 1.NBT.B.6 Calculate 10 more or 10 less than a given number mentally without having to count. - 1.NBT.B.7 Add or subtract a multiple of 10 from another two-digit number, and justify the solution. 1.RA Relationships and Algebraic Thinking - 1.RA.A Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. - 1.RA.A.1 Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve problems. - 1.RA.A.2 Solve problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is within 20. - 1.RA.A.3 Develop the meaning of the equal sign and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. - 1.RA.A.4 Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers. - 1.RA.B Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. - 1.RA.B.5 Use properties as strategies to add and subtract. - 1.RA.B.6 Demonstrate that subtraction can be solved as an unknown-addend problem. - 1.RA.C Add and subtract within 20. - 1.RA.C.7 Add and subtract within 20. - 1.RA.C.8 Demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction within 10. 1.GM Geometry and Measurement - 1.GM.A Reason with shapes and their attributes. - 1.GM.A.1 Distinguish between defining attributes versus non-defining attributes; build and draw shapes that possess defining attributes. - 1.GM.A.2 Compose and decompose two- and three-dimensional shapes to build an understanding of part-whole relationships and the properties of the original and composite shapes. - 1.GM.A.3 Recognize two- and three-dimensional shapes from different perspectives and orientations. - 1.GM.A.4 Partition circles and rectangles into two or four equal shares, and describe the shares and the wholes verbally. - 1.GM.B Measure lengths in non-standard units. - 1.GM.B.5 Order three or more objects by length. - 1.GM.B.6 Compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object. - 1.GM.B.7 Demonstrate the ability to measure length or distance using objects. - 1.GM.C Work with time and money. - 1.GM.C.8 Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks. - 1.GM.C.9 Know the value of a penny, nickel, dime and quarter. 1.DS Data and Statistics - 1.DS.A Represent and interpret data. - 1.DS.A.1 Collect, organize and represent data with up to three categories. - 1.DS.A.2 Draw conclusions from object graphs, picture graphs, T-charts and tallies.
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A t-test groups is a test for comparing the means of two groups. There are different types of t-tests. The most common is a t-test between the means of two groups, and even of this type there are two subtypes. This is often called a t-test groups. This test will be discussed on this page. Another well-known t-test is a test between the means of two characteristics. This is called a t-test pairs. This test is explained on a separate page. Finally there is a t-test that tests if a computed mean (or value) differs from a standard. Very often authors refer to this test with one sample t-test. Most often the number 0 is used as the standard. This test is also explained on a separate page. This test is used for research questions like Are males taller than females?Are there more sunny days a year in Sydney than in London? Are there more sunny days a year in Sydney than in London?Do people in the European Union earn more money than in the United States? Do people in the European Union earn more money than in the United States? To apply the test you need to have a variable measured at a nominal level with two values - this is the independent variable – and a variable for which it is allowed to compute a mean – this is the dependent variable. A mean can be computed for variables measured at an interval or ratio level. In our first research question the independent variable is gender (males versus females) and the dependent variable is length. In the second example the independent variable is place (Sydney versus London) and the dependent variable is sunny days (for a great many years). In the third example the independent variable is place (European Union versus United States) and the dependent variable is income. After detecting the right variables, for each group the mean and the standard deviation can be computed and the number of elements can be counted. If both groups do not differ much on the number of elements and the standard deviation, then this formula can be used to compare the means: However, if the standard deviations or the numbers of cases in both groups are very different, then this formula has to be applied: Though this formula is simpler than the first, the degrees of freedom are more difficult to establish. For the first formula the degrees of freedom are equal to the number of elements of both variables minus 2 (n(x) + n(y) – 2), but for the second one you need to fill in this formula: Anyhow, when you have computed the t-value and the degrees of freedom, you are able to compare this calculated t-value with a critical t-value. The critical values can be found in any good textbook about statistics or in Excel. If the computed t-value exceeds the critical t-value, it is said that the test is statistically significant. If this is abracadabra to you, please read our paper about the statistical test procedure where this is explained in detail. The t-test groups can be applied to minimal 30 elements in each group - so 60 in total - and the dependent variable should allow you to compute a mean rather well. If your data does not meet these criteria, a Mann-Whitney test should be used. An ANOVA can be applied too. The ANOVA is obliged when there are 3 or more groups; the t-test is normally used for two groups. But if you calculate an ANOVA with two groups you get the same results as in the first formula above. Continu to learn more about ... - Independent variable - Dependent variable - Degrees of freedom - t-test pairs - One sample t-test - Mann-Whitney test
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://research-coaches.com/dictionary/t-test-groups/", "date": "2023-01-27T15:50:05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764494986.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20230127132641-20230127162641-00748.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9165917038917542, "token_count": 778, "score": 4.71875, "int_score": 5 }
Similar to teaching how to classify quadrilaterals, teaching how to classify triangles may require you to approach the lesson from many different angles….or sides! To help reinforce the ways to classify triangles, be sure to provide your students with as many hands-on and unique learning activities as possible. Here are some fun tips and activities to use when teaching your students how to classify a triangle. Tricks to Remembering the Types of Triangles One of the trickiest parts of classifying triangles for some students may be knowing the definitions of the different terms. Students can easily confuse new terms like obtuse, isosceles, and scalene, so it’s best to help them think of ways to remember what each term means. These word associations can help students quickly remember the different terms and help them better understand how to classify a triangle. Classifying Triangles by Angles Acute triangles are triangles that all three angles are less than 90°. Since the angles are all “smaller” than 90°, you can suggest students think of this type of triangle as “a-cute little triangle”. Obtuse triangles have one angle that is greater than 90°. When looking at an obtuse triangle, you can picture someone with open arms on one side of the triangle at the obtuse angle. Students can think of “obtuse-open” to help them remember this triangle type. You can even go as far as saying “obtuse” in a loud, deep voice. You can even hold your arms out in a wide-angle as you say the word. This is a silly way to encourage students to make that connection that obtuse triangles are a large angle. Right-angle triangles might be the easiest to remember if students are familiar with right angles. Holding up their right pointer finger and thumb to make a right angle or an L and then using their left pointer finger to complete the triangle is a great way to demonstrate a right triangle. Classifying Triangles by Sides Equilateral triangles have three equal sides. This term in itself should help students remember that this triangle is completely equal on all sides. When you introduce equilateral triangles, ask students to find a word inside that looks familiar to them. Just another way to help students make that connection that all three sides are equal. Isosceles triangles have two equal sides. Encourage students to think of having two eyes and the word isosceles starts with the letter i. The word isosceles also has the two Ss in the front half of the word. Every time students write the word isosceles, have them underline the two Ss. This is a great way to remember that isosceles = 2 equal sides. Scalene triangles might be the most difficult triangle to associate with anything. Since it’s the oddball term without any easy trick, students may think of scalene triangles as being just that – the odd triangle with three different length sides and three different angles. Looking for hands-on, inquiry-based activities? Once students have learned the different terms and definitions relating to classifying triangles, they will need lots of repetition and hands-on practice to master classifying triangles on their own. Here are some ways you can support them in the classroom with opportunities to practice identifying and classifying triangles. Using Songs and Videos to Classify Triangles Flocabulary has a fantastic music video on classifying triangles. This video walks through classifying triangles by the length of their sides and by the size of their angles. The visuals in this video are great and there are also some fun body motions that you can have your students do along with the video! Encourage your students to stand during the video and do the motions along with the video to demonstrate acute, right, obtuse, isosceles, scalene, and equilateral triangles. (The motions are at the 1:50 and 3:10 marks in the video.) The physical movements will offer a brain break and help students retain what they’re hearing in the video. You may even find them (or yourself) humming or singing the song throughout the day! Play Games and Get Hands-On Some students may pick up on the types of triangles through lectures or worksheets. Other students may need a more kinesthetic approach to help them learn to classify triangles. I’ve created several triangle hands-on activities and games that are perfect to use in the classroom for math centers, partner work, or just as a way to offer extra practice. Triangle Board & Matching Games You can never have too many board games in the classroom. Board games help students stay engaged with the concept they’re learning but also give them a bit of social skills practice as well. Partnering students with varying academic and social levels will allow them to learn from, coach, and support each other. Here are a few of my favorite board games to help students practice classifying triangles. Classify Triangles Math Board Game This board game is a great way to slip in some extra practice and test students’ knowledge of triangles. Students take turns moving around the board to different triangle spaces. Everyone playing will identify the type of triangle on the board and then students compare their answers. This game will prompt great conversations between students when they discuss their answers. Since all students answer each problem there are plenty of opportunities for them to provide supporting facts when their answers may differ from their peers’. Triangles Matching Game Another great way to test your students’ knowledge while giving them extra practice is this simple matching game. This game is great for individual practice or can be used with a partner or small group. Students match names of different types of triangles with descriptions or pictures. Just like the board game, students can use this as an opportunity to provide their reasoning for choosing a specific answer. Peer discussion like this may even help some students better understand the concepts. Classifying Quadrilaterals & Triangles Mobile This activity can be used in so many ways and is a great way for students to get “hands-on” practice with shapes. Included in this resource are quadrilaterals and triangles, so it’s great to have on hand in any math classroom. Students can either create mobiles, posters or simply use this resource as a sorting activity. You can also use the pages for interactive notebooks or study aids. I hope you learned a new tip or two for teaching your students how to classify triangles. It’s so important for students to have a solid understanding of the types of triangles before they move onto harder concepts, like perimeter and area of triangles. Providing lots of opportunities to practice and have fun, engaging activities like games and songs available will surely help them learn and retain all the information. Do you have a special tip or trick to help students learn how to classify triangles? Share below in the comments!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://chloecampbelleducation.com/teaching-how-to-classify-a-triangle/", "date": "2023-02-04T03:36:38", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500080.82/warc/CC-MAIN-20230204012622-20230204042622-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9408766627311707, "token_count": 1452, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Increasing temperatures and a lack of precipitation are the two primary components of a drought. Warmer air absorbs more moisture from the atmosphere in wetter areas, and drier air evaporates more moisture from arid regions. Additionally, climate change alters the patterns of large-scale atmospheric circulation, which can shift storm tracks away from typical paths and magnify weather extremes. While climate models predict continued drier weather across the U.S. Southwest, the Mediterranean, and Australia, these changes may result in a longer duration of droughts. The mechanisms that produce precipitation vary greatly from one location to another. In areas where rainfall is below normal, the convective processes are most important. The convective process produces heavy rainfall within an hour, while stratiform processes generate less intense precipitation for longer periods. These water events are classified into different types, depending on their properties. In addition, precipitation can be divided into different types, such as ice. Regardless of the mechanism, droughts affect agriculture and all other sectors of society. Although the cause of droughts remains unknown, climate change is changing the timing of water availability. In the Northern Hemisphere, warmer winter temperatures mean less precipitation falls as snow, which negatively affects ecosystems and water management systems. The melting snowpack also serves as a source of cold water for certain species, including salmon. However, this decrease in snow cover increases surface temperatures, further exacerbating the effects of drought.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://uwatchnews.com/climate-change-and-drought/", "date": "2023-02-07T18:01:36", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500628.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20230207170138-20230207200138-00588.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9142301082611084, "token_count": 290, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
How to call a function in Python? As we know, functions are the block of statements used to perform some specific tasks in programming. It also helps to break the large group of code into smaller chunks or modules. Functions can be called anywhere and the number of times in a program. It allows us to reuse the code by simply calling the particular function or block in a program. Thus, it avoids the repetition of the same code. We can define functions inside the class, modules, nested functions, etc. Features of Functions Following are the features of Python Functions: Rules for defining a function Create a function in Python To create a function, we need to use a def keyword to declare or write a function in Python. Here is the syntax for creating a function: Let's create a function program in Python. Welcome to JavaTpoint Function Calling in Python Once a function is created in Python, we can call it by writing function_name() itself or another function/ nested function. Following is the syntax for calling a function. Consider the following example to print the Welcome Message using a function in Python. Hello World Welcome to the JavaTpoint In the above example, we call the MyFun() function that prints the statements. Calling Nested Function in Python When we construct one function inside another, it is called a nested function. We can create nested functions using the def keyword. After creating the function, we have to call the outer and the inner function to execute the statement. Lets' create a program to understand the concept of nested functions and how we can call these functions. Hello, it is the outer function Hello, it is the inner function As we can see in the above example, the InFun() function is defined inside the OutFun() function. To call the InFun() function, we first call the OutFun() function in the program. After that, the OutFun() function will start executing and then call InFun() as the above output. Note: To call an inner function, we must first call the outer function. If the external function is not invoked, the inner function will not be executed. Program to print the multiplication of two numbers using the nested function in Python. Display the value of outer variable 6 Display the sum of inner function 8 Functions as First-Class Objects In Python, the functions as First-Class Objects. Because it treats the same as the object, and it has the same properties and method as an object. A function can be assigned to a variable, pass them as an argument, store them in data structures and return a value from other functions. It can be manipulated, such as other objects in Python. Furthermore, all the data in the Python program is represented in the objects or relations. Hence it is also called first-class citizens of Python function. Properties of First-Class functions Create a program to understand Python functions as an object. WELCOME TO JAVATPOINT HELLO, WELCOME TO JAVATPOINT Write a program to call a function inside the class. Roll no. is 101 Name of student is Johnson JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. Mail us on [email protected], to get more information about given services. JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. Please mail your requirement at [email protected] Duration: 1 week to 2 week
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://www.javatpoint.com/how-to-call-a-function-in-python", "date": "2023-02-05T14:41:48", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500255.78/warc/CC-MAIN-20230205130241-20230205160241-00668.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8331112265586853, "token_count": 729, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Today is Women’s Equality Day, a day celebrated every August 26 to commemorate the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, that granted women the right to vote. Across the world, women may not always be in a position to feel empowered and take a stand for their beliefs. However, through history, some women have fought for equal rights with men, such as gaining property rights, the right to vote, the right to work for equal pay, reproductive rights, and even the right to love freely. Here’s a timeline of some of the most iconic women and the change they initiated, inspiring millions around the world in the process! 1. Frida Kahlo – 1907 Openly bisexual, the artist used her work to portray taboo topics like abortion, miscarriage, breastfeeding and birth amongst other things, enabling conversation on these topics. Sporting a unibrow and a moustache, she unsubscribed to patriarchal society’s image of a woman, and celebrated characteristics that were deemed ‘unfeminine’. 2. Doria Shafik – 1951 The educator, journalist and reformer campaigned for women’s rights in Egypt. In 1951, she along with 1,500 other women Interrupted a session of the Egyptian parliament and demonstrated in Cairo demanding political rights, equal pay and reforms to personal status laws. These efforts were instrumental in paving the way for women’s right to vote in 1956. 3. Rigoberta Menchú -1960 In recognition of her work for social justice and ethnocultural reconciliation based on respect for the rights of indigenous peoples, Rigoberta became the first indigenous person to win a Nobel Peace Prize. She co-founded the Nobel Women’s Initiative to build peace, justice and equality and became a UN Ambassador for the world’s indigenous people. 4. Simone De Beauvoir – 1970 The French philosopher and writer helped launch the French Women’s Liberation Movement by signing the Manifesto of the 343, which argued for abortion rights. Her most influential work ‘The Second Sex’ helped begin a conversation around modern feminism. 5. Billie Jean King – 1973 Not just a star on the tennis court but also a social change activist off the court, she campaigned for equal prize money for men and women at the U.S. Open and threatened to boycott them if no action was taken. The U.S. Open eventually became the first major tournament to offer equal prize money to both sexes. 6. Dr Vandana Shiva – 1982 Also known as the “Eco Warrior Goddess”, the environmentalist and social activist founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural Resource Policy (RFSTN), an organization devoted to developing sustainable methods of agriculture. She founded Navdanya which entrusts women to maintain the livelihoods of their communities through the means of biodiversity, food and water. 7. Malala Yousafzai – 2013 The youngest person to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, Malala defied the Taliban, stood her ground, and fought for something that she deeply believed in. She established the Malala Fund, a charity dedicated to giving girls everywhere equal education opportunities, and inspiring millions of women around the world. 8. Loveness Mudzuru and Ruvimbo Tsopodzi – 2016 Zimbabwe’s Constitutional Court outlawed child marriage after these two former child brides took the government to court in a landmark case to challenge the practice which is rife in the country. The court ruled that no one in Zimbabwe may enter into any marriage, including customary law unions, before the age of 18. 9. Menaka Guruswamy and Arundhati Katju – 2018 On September 6, 2018, The Supreme Court of India struck down Section 377 of the IPC, which rendered sexual activities “against the order of nature” punishable by law. This landmark judgment was the outcome of a long-term campaign orchestrated by public-interest litigators, Arundhati Katju and Menaka Guruswamy. This was a giant step for LGBTQ+ rights in India. Join Malini’s Girl Tribe on Facebook to be a part of more such conversations!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.missmalini.com/2020/08/26/9-iconic-women-who-fought-for-equality-around-the-world-a-brief-timeline", "date": "2023-03-20T09:07:42", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296943471.24/warc/CC-MAIN-20230320083513-20230320113513-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9436694383621216, "token_count": 879, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
explain that two fractions are equivalent if and only if they are both represented by the same point on the number line or represent the same portion of a same size whole for an area model; and Teach your students how to find equivalent fractions by using a number line, shaded models, or a fraction chart with this instructional slide deck. Demonstrate the concept of fractions on a number line with a printable number line display and student reference sheets. Print a set of open number lines to help you teach a variety of math skills. Assess student understanding of fractions on a number line, comparing fractions, equivalent fractions, and more with this math test for 3rd grade. Guide students to develop an understanding of fractions with the same value by using an equivalent fractions chart in your classroom. Promote hands-on learning in your classroom with this set of printable fraction strips. 32 different bingo cards to practice finding equivalent fractions involving 1, 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8. Practice your understanding of equivalent fractions with this set of differentiated math mazes. Practice fractional concepts with this work mat for students. Encourage students to create their own equivalent fraction chart with this printable math template. A worksheet with 10 open number lines to use in a variety of ways in your lessons. A number line showing thirds, sixths, and twelfths between 0 and 2. A number line showing halves, fifths, and tenths between 0 and 2. Determine an equivalent fraction that matches a fraction model with this set of 24 clip cards. Encourage healthy competition between your students by using this set of 30 equivalent fraction cards to play a variety of math games. Review equivalent fractions with this whole-class sorting activity that gets students moving and simplifying! Build fractional reasoning skills with this set of 16 task cards. Practice working on specific math concepts with our set of 5 work mats for students. A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and explore equivalent fractions. A 60 minute lesson in which students will locate and represent some common equivalent fractions on a number line. A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify equivalent fractions for one half, one third, one quarter and one fifth.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.teachstarter.com/us/teks/math-3-3g/", "date": "2023-03-31T02:22:20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296949533.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20230331020535-20230331050535-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9048621654510498, "token_count": 470, "score": 4.75, "int_score": 5 }
Learning to relate to others involves engaging in the give and take of relationships. For example, friends in a group may not initially agree on the movie they will see or the game they will play. Students interacting in an activity may need to share supplies, take turns, etc. Reciprocal behaviors enable individuals to work out these types of situations, to maintain positive relationships, and to succeed socially. Here are some strategies to help students develop their ability to engage in reciprocal behaviors. - Reduce the emphasis on competition in the classroom. Provide opportunities for sharing and cooperative work (e.g., making a mural or bulletin board together). Encourage students to share materials and work cooperatively so that reciprocal interactions can take place. - Provide special class activities at the end of the day as rewards for engaging in “reciprocal behaviors” (e.g., taking turns appropriately throughout the day). - Help students establish short and long-term goals related to increasing the number of positive interactions with peers. For example, a contract may be drawn up in which a student agrees to increase the percentage of times that he shares materials in activities, takes turns in games, etc. - Enhance the likelihood that a student’s interactions with a peer or peer group will be positive by setting up structured or guided opportunities in the classroom. For example, organize a small group activity that focuses on the student’s area of interest, in which each member participates together in the completion of the activity. - Give students time to reflect on actions taken and alternatives not taken in an interaction, e.g., what could have been said, shared, etc.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://allkindsofminds.org/reciprocal-behaviors/", "date": "2023-03-22T16:57:05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296943845.78/warc/CC-MAIN-20230322145537-20230322175537-00548.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9365466237068176, "token_count": 335, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Lesson Plan: Rational and Irrational Numbers Mathematics • 8th Grade This lesson plan includes the objectives, prerequisites, and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to identify and tell the difference between rational and irrational numbers. Students will be able to - define what makes a number rational or irrational, in particular, - if a number can be written in the form , then it is rational, - if it is a repeating decimal number (e.g., 0.66666…), then it is rational, - if it is a terminating decimal number (e.g., 0.259574), then it is rational, - if a decimal number is neither terminating nor repeating (e.g., ), then it is irrational, - understand that rational and irrational numbers are disjoint sets, - identify rational numbers and prove that they are rational using the above properties, - identify irrational numbers such as roots of nonperfect squares or cubes and pi, - identify whether the solution of a simple equation will be rational or irrational without finding its value. Students should already be familiar with - rational numbers and how they can be written as , - square and cube roots of perfect squares and cubes, - two-step equations. Students will not cover - finding approximate values of irrational numbers and expressions, - representing irrational numbers on the number line, - ordering rational and irrational numbers, - real numbers as a set.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.nagwa.com/en/plans/397148767515/", "date": "2023-03-25T06:44:37", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296945317.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20230325064253-20230325094253-00548.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8859763145446777, "token_count": 301, "score": 4.78125, "int_score": 5 }
Black History is truly a topic that should be discussed with your students year round, and not just confined to the month of February. As you use this time to share the amazing lives and contributions of African American heroes, know that this conversation is only the beginning! A great place to start is our Civil Rights Unit. As they read, students will learn about the movement’s beginnings and its legacy. To make this deeply important topic cross-curricular, here are some suggestions to widen your classroom’s understanding. Engage your students’ prior knowledge and get them excited to learn with this Get Set to Worksheet. They will make predictions on what they think they know about the Civil Rights Movement. As they read, they will prove their answer and find out if their guess was correct. Rosa Parks passed away in the fall of 2005, 50 years after she refused to give up her bus seat in Montgomery, Alabama. Your students can read all about her in our Rosa Parks Unit. In December 2019, the city of Montgomery honored her legacy by unveiling a statue of her 30 feet from where she boarded the bus on that fateful day. Discuss with your students why this is so significant. Why are statues created for certain historical figures and what qualities should these individuals have? Have students prepare a timeline of events that led to the civil rights movement of the mid- 1900s. They might begin their timeline on this Graphic Organizer with the colonial period when Africans were first brought to the Americas. They can extend their timelines to today and the continuing work of organizations such as the NAACP or Black Lives Matter. Our Civil Rights for All Topic, from the Protest in America Unit, demonstrates that the journey for racial equality, even today, continues on. Have students look at the lyrics of “We Shall Overcome” in the Defining Civil Rights Topic. Help them find recordings or lyrics and music for this and other songs used during the civil rights movement. Students can prepare for a concert in which they provide background information about songs and then sing them. Some students might enjoy going beyond protest music to research the African American contribution to American music. Three of our newest Units, in collaboration with Atlantic Records, allow students to learn about Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, and Curtis Mayfield. Not only will students learn about their lives and music, but they will also get a deep understanding of their contribution to American culture and civil rights. Jacob Lawrence was an African American artist who depicted the history of the African American people in his artwork. He did a series of paintings on famous African Americans including Frederick Douglass and African American experiences such as the Migration. He painted the everyday lives of people as well. Ask students to find books or Internet sites that reproduce some of Lawrence’s work. An excellent starting place is the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), and the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Have them share their findings with the class and discuss the view of African American experiences Lawrence’s artwork provides. In 2004, the nation acknowledged the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision. Have students research information about the case and the case it overturned. Encourage students to work with partners to prepare a brief written report about the case and its impact on the civil rights movement.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://kidsdiscover.com/teacherresources/cross-curricular-lessons-for-the-civil-rights-movement/", "date": "2023-03-30T17:37:06", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296949355.52/warc/CC-MAIN-20230330163823-20230330193823-00748.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9592311382293701, "token_count": 677, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
When the topic of black holes comes up, it’s often coupled with the term “massive.” But black holes also come in a less massive flavor: It’s been theorized that miniature “primordial black holes” left over from the universe’s formation could not only be found in Earth’s vicinity, but might also emit enough gamma rays for us to see them if they are. A group of researchers from UC Santa Clara and the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics in Germany used NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope to see if they could find traces of these small black holes near Earth. Christian Johnson, a graduate student in physics at UC Santa Cruz, created the algorithm that searches for gamma rays in Fermi’s Large Area Telescope data. “Understanding how many primordial black holes are around today can help us understand the early universe better,” said Johnson in a press release. Primordial black holes are thought to have formed during the Big Bang and have generally lower masses than their colossal counterparts, ranging from fractions of a pound to thousands of solar masses, depending on the model used. But most primordial black holes are believed to have masses so low, in fact, that their ability to hang on to their own mass weakens over time. According to the Hawking radiation theory, matter-antimatter particle pairs can spring into existence near the event horizon of a black hole. If the black hole absorbs only one particle while the other escapes, its mass and energy actually decrease over time. This process can cause tiny primordial black holes to essentially evaporate right out of existence over the current lifetime of the universe. This process speeds up as the black hole continues to lose mass. Before it disappears, though, the increase in particles escaping the black hole (the “burn phase”) could result in gamma ray emission, causing it to increase in brightness. It’s believed that Fermi is capable of seeing these emissions (at least, from nearby black holes) and identifying a primordial black hole before it dissolves. Unfortunately, the research team wasn’t able to detect any of these gamma rays during the study. However, the odds of identifying a primordial black hole in either its bright phase or its final explosion phase were pretty unlikely. For starters, the whole process happens rather quickly: A primordial black hole will go from indiscernible to exceptionally bright in a matter of years, and will then burn for a few more years before exploding. The observation period for the study was only about four years, so it would have been incredibly lucky to catch sight of the occurrence in that time. Another limitation is Fermi’s short viewing range for this process — it can’t distinguish primordial black holes from other gamma-ray sources too far beyond the vicinity of Earth. In science, though, a failure can actually be considered a success. “Even though we didn’t detect any [primordial black holes], the non-detection sets a limit on the rate of explosions and gives us better constraints than previous research,” said Johnson. The hunt for primordial black holes is one of ongoing importance. Finding evidence of their existence would not only give us insight into the early formation of the universe, but also serve as a tool for understanding the massive black holes that, unlike their mini counterparts, won’t be disappearing anytime soon.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://www.astronomy.com/science/the-search-for-primordial-black-holes-continues/", "date": "2023-06-05T05:49:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224651325.38/warc/CC-MAIN-20230605053432-20230605083432-00148.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9380263090133667, "token_count": 716, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
When you throw an object, the object falls with a certain curve. The object performs a parabolic motion. This is a motion on a two-dimensional plane, not a straight line. To understand this movement, it is necessary to think separately into two movements in the horizontal direction (x-axis direction) and the vertical direction (y-axis direction). If there is no friction with air, the horizontal direction's motion is the constant velocity linear motion. The speed with the horizontal direction does not change. Vertical motion is a bit complicated. All objects on the surface are affected by the Earth's gravity. When an object is thrown, the speed of climbing up is gradually reduced. Eventually, the speed increases again toward the center of the earth. The speed increase is equal to the Earth's gravitational acceleration. The gravitational acceleration of the Earth is about 9.8m/s2. This means that the speed continues to increase by 9.8m/s every second. The only force applied to the thrown object is the Earth's gravity. No matter what the object is doing, the Earth's gravity is downward, and its size is constant.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://sci-sim.net/en/parabolic_motion_en/", "date": "2023-06-02T14:28:00", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224648695.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20230602140602-20230602170602-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.935287356376648, "token_count": 235, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
This resource pack will create a visual reminder of spelling patterns and rules taught in Year 2, as listed in English Appendix 1: Spelling. Each poster displays examples of words that use the spellings taught, with images, to create a visual display to support learning. Individual cards with the words and related image for each poster are also included to consolidate and revisit learning. The vocabulary on each poster includes examples of multi-syllable words, where possible. Two further spelling patterns posters sets are available for spelling patterns and rules taught in Year 2. What is included in this spelling patterns resource? - 12 posters - 65 individual image and word cards Spelling patterns and rules covered in this poster pack - adding suffixes: -ly - adding suffixes: -ment - adding suffixes: -ful - adding suffixes: -less - adding suffixes: -ness - adding ‘es’ to words ending in ‘y’ - adding -ed and -ing to words ending in ‘y’ - adding -er and -est to words ending in ‘y’ - adding -ed and -ing to words ending in ‘e’ - adding -er and -est to words ending in ‘e’ - doubling the last consonant when adding -ed and -ing - doubling the last consonant when adding -er and -est National Curriculum English programme of study links Writing - Transcription Pupils should be taught to spell by: - segmenting spoken words into phonemes and representing these by graphemes, spelling many correctly Pupils should be taught to: - add suffixes to spell longer words, including -ment, -ness, -ful, -less and -ly
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://www.plazoom.com/resource/year-2-spellings-spelling-patterns-posters-and-flashcards-pack-3", "date": "2023-06-08T05:50:14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224654097.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20230608035801-20230608065801-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8869131207466125, "token_count": 378, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
The partition of India in 1947 was a pivotal moment in the country's history that led to the creation of two independent states: India and Pakistan. This event was the result of a complex set of political, economic, social, and cultural factors that had been building up over time. One of the main causes of the partition was the growing tension and conflict between Hindus and Muslims in India. The two communities had coexisted for centuries, but in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there was a rise in religious nationalism and communalism on both sides. Hindus and Muslims began to see themselves as distinct and separate communities, with their own distinct histories, cultures, and identities. This was exacerbated by the fact that the two communities often lived in separate neighborhoods and had little interaction with each other. Another key factor that contributed to the partition was the role of the British colonial government. For much of its history, India had been ruled by the British, who had imposed their own system of government and laws on the country. However, as World War II came to an end and the British began to withdraw from their colonies, they were faced with the question of how to transfer power to the people of India. The British government, under the leadership of Lord Mountbatten, decided to divide the country into two separate states: one for Hindus and one for Muslims. This decision was based on the belief that Hindus and Muslims were fundamentally different and could not live together peacefully under a single government. The partition of India was also influenced by the actions of various political leaders and organizations. The All India Muslim League, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was a major advocate for the creation of a separate Muslim state. Jinnah argued that Hindus and Muslims were incompatible and that Muslims needed their own country to protect their interests and way of life. On the other side, the Congress Party, led by Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi, opposed the partition and advocated for a united India. However, in the end, the British government's decision to divide the country overruled their objections. In addition to these political factors, there were also economic and social factors that played a role in the partition of India. The two communities had different economic and social backgrounds, and there were also longstanding economic and social tensions between them. Hindus were generally better educated and more prosperous than Muslims, and this led to feelings of resentment and anger among Muslims. At the same time, Hindus were often fearful of losing their privileged status in a united India, and this contributed to their support for the partition. The partition of India was a deeply tragic and violent event that had far-reaching consequences for the country and its people. It led to the mass migration of millions of Hindus and Muslims across the newly created border, and thousands of people were killed in the ensuing violence. The partition also left a lasting legacy of tension and conflict between India and Pakistan, which have been locked in a bitter and often violent rivalry for decades. Despite these challenges, the two countries have managed to build their own independent identities and have made significant progress in their own right. how do you cook catfish with the skin on? This is to to protect the catfish from injuries as well as allow it to swim easier. To make the tannin brew, place strips of bark in container full of water and agitate until the solution turns dark like gas-station coffee. Hang the finished product on your cabin wall or stitch skins together to make a wallet, belt or a hatband. Continuing her passion for writing, she accepted the role of a content creator, where she wrote articles on an array of topics. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3. Use your pliers to pull the fin out of the body. An interesting mechanism that many catfish species possess is their pectoral fins, with which they create vibrations and send them through the water to produce sounds. There is no concrete explanation for why catfish do not have scales, they simply appear to have evolved that way. Though most catfish are naked and have smooth, slippery skin, there are a few catfish species that possess tough, bony body armor to protect themselves from predators. Then the Ainu fought back like their cousins, the bears. Its unexpected softness and flexibility makes it a distinctive leather. Tanning techniques There are countless ways of treating skins so that they will look good for longer and be better able to withstand the elements. Instead you want to make sure that you stored in a proper container. Fish skin leather is also emerging as a commodity in the world of fashion; in recent years, the material has caught the eye of designers who want to incorporate it into luxury items. Like its dangerous cousin, the piranha, the pacu is also covered with many very small scales. A final step in commercial processing includes cleaning with water and dirt-repellent chemicals. They even learned that a certain stitch is water-resistant when combined with a specific way of folding seams, but is not impermeable, as they had thought. I buy my crawlers from a couple of arabian guys at a local store, i go in there and buy crawlers to catch bait all the time, One day the guy was hinting that he would like to have some fresh fish i replied by telling him no problem ill bring you a catfish or two. Photo by Kathleen Hinkel Fish skin leather is thin but remarkably strong because its fibers crisscross. It also makes fish more water-resistant, helping them slice through the water without much difficulty. Though fish are known for their presence of scales, catfish are a type of fish that do not possess this main identifying feature! If your looking for healthy catfish recipes not fried consider trying one of my Air-fried catfish fillets Frequently Asked Questions Do you have to skin a catfish? Figure 11: Close-up of the end result: a robust and somewhat translucent skin. To do this, keep your catch on ice. Along the Seymour River, Williams and Chang first soak their salmon skins and then use seashells to scrape away the scales as part of their tanning process. She hopes to have leather ready for sale by the end of 2020 and her shoes ready in 2021. Maybe they did have scales long ago, and they simply evolved to become scaleless over the years. Many fish species have colorful scales, which help them to blend in with their surroundings or confuse predators by swimming around in schools and flashing their bright colors at them. The flexible end product is tanned with either vegetable or mineral usually chromium agents. One can learn a lot about ancestral skills by using them firsthand. She wrote various blogs, articles, and essays that garnered appreciation from readers. Why do catfish have skin and not scales? The most popular catfish recipes are usually baked, grilled, or fried. Do Catfish Have Scales? Why Do Catfish Have Such Slimy Skin? Scales also help fish glide gracefully through the water. At a public library in Vancouver, Tasha Nathanson points to a pair of auburn, lace-up fish skin boots in a glass case. But First, Understand The Catfish Skin One of the things you need to know about the skin on the catfish is that it is covered in slime. As a child, he peaked out after two years of piano lessons and failed four-string banjo, but continues to love all kinds of music, particularly blues guitar. The skin does not have a pearl structure. Getting blood on your hands as one thing but getting potentially toxic catfish blood in your food is another. I place the bag in my backpack, unsure about my aptitude as a tanner. Catfish have a full range of flavors and textures which makes them a great addition to any meal. Below is a picture of a splendid parka made of fish leather Figure 12. Place the fish skin side down on a cutting board. The most common catfish species, like the flathead catfish, bullhead catfish, and channel catfish have the typical leathery, slippery skin associated with catfish. I became enamored with the idea of making complex products entirely with hand tools. At the time, broader society believed Indigenous cultures were dying, and museum collectors rushed to preserve what they could. Sometimes it helps to start scraping by placing the knife in a corner of the skin and working from there. How to Remove Catfish Fillets Boneless Step 1: Make initial cut at base of tail Using your fillet knife make an incision on one side of the fish at the base of the tail. Across the whole surface polished stingray leather. He never skinned a bullhead, he would eat the skin and all, I didn't find it all that appealing so I would just scrape the skin off with my fork, and pile it up with the bones. Consider soaking your catfish fillets in buttermilk for 6-8 hours before cooking for a mild flavor. Take the fish out of the water and let it expire. It is a natural and durable material, among other things. Early peoples used leather hides as protection from the elements, constructing clothing, footwear, and shelter.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "http://childhealthpolicy.vumc.org/mykoso55668.html", "date": "2023-05-30T05:08:28", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224645089.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20230530032334-20230530062334-00348.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9757541418075562, "token_count": 1879, "score": 4.84375, "int_score": 5 }
Fraction Word Problems Using different operations and applying different strategies to solve fraction word problems. Mapped to CCSS Section# 5.NF.A.2, 5.NF.B.7c, 5.NF.B.7b Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. Use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers. For example, recognize an incorrect result 2/5 + 1/2 = 3/7, by observing that 3/7 < 1/2.,Solve real world problems involving division of unit fractions by non-zero whole numbers and division of whole numbers by unit fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. For example, how much chocolate will each person get if 3 people share 1/2 lb of chocolate equally? How many 1/3-cup servings are in 2 cups of raisins?,Interpret division of a whole number by a unit fraction, and compute such quotients. For example, create a story context for 4 ÷ (1/5), and use a visual fraction model to show the quotient. Use the relationship between multiplication and division to explain that 4 ÷ (1/5) = 20 because 20 x (1/5) = 4. Try Sample Question
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://hellothinkster.com/curriculum-us/grade-5/fractions-grade-5/fraction-word-problems-3/", "date": "2023-05-31T15:30:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224646937.1/warc/CC-MAIN-20230531150014-20230531180014-00548.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8781009316444397, "token_count": 303, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Empower kids to identify ways they can motivate their mood. This unit helps kids understand that feelings and emotions put them in a mood, and their mood influences their choices. The lessons in this unit will build awareness of what it means to “motivate your mood.” Download the Positivity Posters and Positive Self-Talk Coloring Pages to help your students understand the power of positive self-talk and choices they can make to motivate their mood, such as recharging their energy, getting active, doing a fun activity, or doing something with a friend. Have kids brainstorm a list of movements or exercises that start with the letter M. To use this with your students click here. Think About Ways to Motivate a Mood As a class, read aloud the captions on each slide. What "MOOVELOUS" words can your students create? Use Play to Motivate Your Mood The slideshow helps kids understand that they can choose to move when they want to motivate their mood. They can decide to play a game, ride a bike, walk, play ball, stretch, or compete against themselves by timing how fast they run or how many jumping jacks they can do in a minute. Check for understanding: What does it mean to "motivate your mood"? Tips to Motivate Mood Each student writes down at least three things they can do when they decide to motivate their mood. Put the ideas in a jar to draw from when a students need a movement break. Option: Print the fit Mood Word Search to give kids ideas about ways to practice self-motivation. We learned about how to recognize mood and the many ways to use self-talk to motivate your mood! What kinds of choices will you make when you decide to motivate your mood? Time: 20 Minutes Show kids how making healthy choices can cause a chain reaction of feeling good and making more healthy choices.Start Lesson We make choices all day long. Let’s help kids identify times during the day when they make choices and practice giving reasons why they made certain choices.Start Lesson Help kids think more carefully about responsible decision-making. Introduce the idea of making a choice because it's good for your body and brain.Start Lesson Help kids understand that self-awareness can help them to make healthy choices.Start Lesson Position kids to make better choices by teaching them about the benefits of resting, having a positive mindset, eating healthy foods, and engaging in physical activity.Start Lesson Teach kids to think about making healthy choices and the importance of doing so.Start Lesson
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://fit.sanfordhealth.org/units/u7-k2-change-your-thinking-and-motivate-your-mood/u7l5-k2-how-to-talk-yourself-into-a-fit-choice", "date": "2023-06-07T14:34:14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224653930.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20230607143116-20230607173116-00548.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9454980492591858, "token_count": 544, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
The child will make graphs and analyze the data to see which group has more, less, or equal. (A login is required for your child to complete this online activity.) In this activity, the child will watch a video about graphing. Then they will make graphs and interpret the data. After graphing the objects on screen, they will listen to the instructions to see if they should select the group with more, less, or equal amounts. Video made possible by Kentucky Educational Television (KET). After logging into your CLI Engage account, launch the activity by clicking this button. Type the child’s first name and last initial to begin! At the end of the activity, the child will be asked to demonstrate what they learned about making and interpreting graphs by using classroom materials. Give the child a handful of bears or other items in three colors. The activity will instruct the child to sort items by color and then make a graph with them. Have the child tell you which group has the most and which group has the least. If two groups are equal, have them explain how they know the groups are equal.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://cliengagefamily.org/making-graphs/", "date": "2023-05-29T01:20:03", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224644574.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20230529010218-20230529040218-00748.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9280468225479126, "token_count": 231, "score": 4.71875, "int_score": 5 }