A sorting algorithm is an algorithm made up of a series of instructions that takes an array as input, performs specified operations on the array, sometimes called a list, and outputs a sorted array. Sorting algorithms are often taught early in computer science classes as they provide a straightforward way to introduce other key computer science topics like Big-O notation, divide-and-conquer methods, and data structures such as binary trees, and heaps. There are many factors to consider when choosing a sorting algorithm to use. In other words, a sorted array is an array that is in a particular order. For example, is sorted alphabetically, is a list of integers sorted in increasing order, and is a list of integers sorted in decreasing order. A sorting algorithm takes an array as input and outputs a permutation of that array that is sorted. There are two broad types of sorting algorithms: integer sorts and comparison sorts. Comparison sorts compare elements at each step of the algorithm to determine if one element should be to the left or right of another element. Comparison sorts are usually more straightforward to implement than integer sorts, but comparison sorts are limited by a lower bound of , meaning that, on average, comparison sorts cannot be faster than . A lower bound for an algorithm is the worst-case running time of the best possible algorithm for a given problem. The "on average" part here is important: there are many algorithms that run in very fast time if the inputted list is already sorted, or has some very particular (and overall unlikely) property. There is only one permutation of a list that is sorted, but possible lists, so the chances that the input is already sorted is very unlikely, and on average, the list will not be very sorted. The running time of comparison-based sorting algorithms is bounded by . A comparison sort can be modeled as a large binary tree called a decision tree where each node represents a single comparison. Because the sorted list is some permutation of the input list, for an input list of length , there are possible permutations of that list. This is a decision tree because each of the is represented by a leaf, and the path the algorithm must take to get to each leaf is the series of comparisons and outcomes that yield that particular ordering. At each level of the tree, a comparison is made. Comparisons happen, and we keep traveling down the tree; until the algorithm reaches the leaves of the tree, there will be a leaf for each permutation, so there are leaves. Each comparison halves the number of future comparisons the algorithm must do (since if the algorithm selects the right edge out of a node at a given step, it will not search the nodes and paths connected to the left edge). Therefore, the algorithm performs comparisons. Any binary tree, with height , has a number of leaves that is less than or equal to . Integer sorts are sometimes called counting sorts (though there is a specific integer sort algorithm called counting sort). Integer sorts do not make comparisons, so they are not bounded by . Integer sorts determine for each element how many elements are less than . If there are elements that are less than , then will be placed in the slot. This information is used to place each element into the correct slot immediately—no need to rearrange lists. All sorting algorithms share the goal of outputting a sorted list, but the way that each algorithm goes about this task can vary. When working with any kind of algorithm, it is important to know how fast it runs and in how much space it operates—in other words, its time complexity and space complexity. As shown in the section above, comparison-based sorting algorithms have a time complexity of , meaning the algorithm can't be faster than . However, usually, the running time of algorithms is discussed in terms of big O, and not Omega. For example, if an algorithm had a worst-case running time of , then it is guaranteed that the algorithm will never be slower than , and if an algorithm has an average-case running time of , then on average, it will not be slower than . The running time describes how many operations an algorithm must carry out before it completes. The space complexity describes how much space must be allocated to run a particular algorithm. For example, if an algorithm takes in a list of size , and for some reason makes a new list of size for each element in , the algorithm needs space. Find the big-O running time of a sorting program that does the following: - It takes in a list of integers. - It iterates once through the list to find the largest element, and moves that element to the end. - It repeatedly finds the largest element in the unsorted portion by iterating once through, and moves that element to the end of the unsorted portion. At the end, the list is sorted low to high. (Also, try implementing this program in your language of choice.) Additionally, for sorting algorithms, it is sometimes useful to know if a sorting algorithm is stable. A sorting algorithm is stable if it preserves the original order of elements with equal key values (where the key is the value the algorithm sorts by). For example,When the cards are sorted by value with a stable sort, the two 5s must remain in the same order in the sorted output that they were originally in. When they are sorted with a non-stable sort, the 5s may end up in the opposite order in the sorted output. There are many different sorting algorithms, with various pros and cons. Here are a few examples of common sorting algorithms. Mergesort is a comparison-based algorithm that focuses on how to merge together two pre-sorted arrays such that the resulting array is also sorted. Insertion sort is a comparison-based algorithm that builds a final sorted array one element at a time. It iterates through an input array and removes one element per iteration, finds the place the element belongs in the array, and then places it there. Bubble sort is a comparison-based algorithm that compares each pair of elements in an array and swaps them if they are out of order until the entire array is sorted. For each element in the list, the algorithm compares every pair of elements. Quicksort is a comparison-based algorithm that uses divide-and-conquer to sort an array. The algorithm picks a pivot element, , and then rearranges the array into two subarrays , such that all elements are less than , and , such that all elements are greater than or equal to . Heapsort is a comparison-based algorithm that uses a binary heap data structure to sort elements. It divides its input into a sorted and an unsorted region, and it iteratively shrinks the unsorted region by extracting the largest element and moving that to the sorted region. Counting sort is an integer sorting algorithm that assumes that each of the input elements in a list has a key value ranging from to , for some integer . For each element in the list, counting sort determines the number of elements that are less than it. Counting sort can use this information to place the element directly into the correct slot of the output array. To choose a sorting algorithm for a particular problem, consider the running time, space complexity, and the expected format of the input list. |Quicksort||best, avg||Usually not*| *Most quicksort implementations are not stable, though stable implementations do exist. When choosing a sorting algorithm to use, weigh these factors. For example, quicksort is a very fast algorithm but can be pretty tricky to implement; bubble sort is a slow algorithm but is very easy to implement. To sort small sets of data, bubble sort may be a better option since it can be implemented quickly, but for larger datasets, the speedup from quicksort might be worth the trouble implementing the algorithm. - , D., & , W. Sorting stability playing cards. Retrieved May 18, 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sorting_stability_playing_cards.svg
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Course Level 1: Introductory Estimated Study Time: 1-2 hours Offered by: Alison In this course you will learn the difference between the Present simple and Present continuous tenses. You will study verb forms and rules and practice saying and writing sentences in the Present. You will learn how to form question and answer sentences using contractions and pronouns. You will learn how to put the correct stress on certain words which will improve your intonation skills. You will be able to form and use negative verbs properly. You will learn to use the correct prepositions with verbs and the rules for spelling continuous verbs. In addition you will be able to identify the correct persons and pronouns. Further in this course you will learn how to describe people in Present simple and continuous forms. You will increase your vocabulary by using adjectives. You will practice using correct verb forms. You will learn which adverbs to use with verbs describing actions and you will practice using positive, negative and question forms. Visit our Free Online College Courses page for more information on the provider of this course.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://absolutelyfreeonlinecourses.com/english-course-present-simple-and-continuous/", "date": "2022-11-29T06:49:40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710690.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20221129064123-20221129094123-00687.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9214257001876831, "token_count": 222, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Prep | Year 2 Newsdeveloper Unit of Inquiry Sharing the Planet Central Idea: Taking action can sustain and protect the world’s resources Key Concepts: Perspective, Responsibility, Causation We have begun this term by inquiring into different perspectives on how the land is used and cared for, and the effects it can have on others. By sharing an Indigenous Australian perspective of how to sustain the land, we have started to brainstorm ways in which we can be part of a sustainable solution. It has also helped us develop empathy for how we perceive other actions. Through reading Bin Chicken by Jol and Kate Temple we learnt that the Australian Ibis was once a revered and sacred bird. Only after humans had destroyed and polluted their natural habitat did they become scavengers of our rubbish. This has given many boys the motivation to recycle their waste and even begin designing a place where the birds can eat their preferred diet. To get a better understanding of why we need to protect the environment, we have begun to research which resources are finite and which can be sustainable if used responsibly. We played a very interesting resource game based on the concept of greed. This game involved a circle of resources that the students could take from. They could then use these resources to ‘buy a prize’. At the end of the turn what was left in the middle would double but unfortunately, some could never come back again. You should have seen the chaos. It is amazing how our desire to procure these luxuries can override our reasoning to be custodians of the Earth’s resources. This simulation helped demonstrate how greed is slowly hurting our planet and that we now need to show the responsibility to help it recover. What’s better: Being too hot or being too cold? A posh fancy meal or dinner at the small neighbourhood bistro? A busy holiday to Europe or a relaxing break on the Australian coast? Could you give reasons and evidence to support your reasoning? This term we are inquiring into what makes a good argument and how we can persuade others to agree with us or to change what we believe. This is a difficult skill to do well as it requires clever choices in emotive language and a carefully deployed device to help sway the audience to our perspective. Your sons are beginning to understand that the loudness of their voice is not a good indicator of a strong argument. We will be practising writing our arguments using a scaffolded structure so that we can clearly articulate our points of view. Maybe we can transfer our learning from Sharing the Planet to help promote change at our school? Isn’t it incredible that the physical world is made up of 100’s of 1000’s of shapes combined in interesting ways! This statement has become the focus of our inquiry of 2D Shape and Area. We have begun identifying more unusual shapes and started to understand the key properties that define them. We have also been exploring how regular and irregular shapes can be combined and separated to make new shapes and patterns. This concept will support us to solve new problems in area and also maybe give us a new perspective on our artworks! Last week we had two fantastic events that helped us grow our relationships and our hopefulness. On Tuesday Brainstorm Productions performed a dramatisation about coping with angry feelings. They shared strategies to help recognise when we feel anger and suggested some ways to help ‘cool down’ and respond proactively. It was a thoroughly engaging story full of useful ways to deal with angry situations. The second event was our Nude food picnic. As we have been exploring how pollution in our School can hurt the environment, many boys in Year 2 had a completely plastic free recess! However, there was still plenty of single use plastic in other classrooms which resulted in quite a few full bin bags. In the end Hilliard House had the Nudest of food and were crowned winners. Wouldn’t it be a great achievement if every day became a Nude Food Day? In Classroom Music the Year 2 are participating in a Stand-Alone Unit of Inquiry presented by Musica Viva called Timmy and the Breakfast Band. Throughout this unit they will be inquiring into the connection between music and emotions, music and movement and folk music using the Musica Viva stimulus material. Last week the group presented a one-hour concert to the students which was a wonderful opportunity for them to experience and hear live musicians and an acrobat in action! They will explore the Concepts of Connection, Change and Perspective and continue to develop music notation and creative skills by notating and performing rhythms and composing original compositions that reflect mood in music. These activities will develop their use and understanding of music elements of rhythm, form, tempo, dynamics and sound quality. They have also continued their involvement in the Strings Program learning new repertoire, sight-reading and ensemble skills.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://www.trinity.nsw.edu.au/2022/08/05/prep-year-2-news-8/", "date": "2022-11-28T07:44:12", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710488.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20221128070816-20221128100816-00847.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9659231305122375, "token_count": 994, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Pangaea is a Greek word meaning “all land”, which is why scientists chose that name for the single continent on Earth during the Permian Era, 225 million years ago. Pangaea stretched from North Pole to South Pole and was C-shaped. The single universal ocean was Panthalassa. Over the next 25 million years, Pangaea responded to volcanic activity, earthquakes and the shifting of the molten rock beneath it. At the end of the Triassic Period, Pangaea broke into two “supercontinents”, Gondwanaland and Laurasia, respectively south and north of the Tethys Sea. During the Mesozoic Period, 180 million years ago, Gondwanaland, the southern supercontinent, would break up into South America, Africa, India, Australia and Antarctica. Laurasia, the northern supercontinent, would break into North America, Greenland, and Eurasia. Thousands of years of volcanic activity would eventually reconnect North and South America. Continental drift would unite Eurasia with India and bring them closer to Africa. The first mention of the possibility of Pangaea is mentioned in 1596, by a Dutch mapmaker, Abraham Ortelius. He theorized that studying the coastlines of the continents, specifically Europe, Africa and the Americas, one could surmise the three connected at one time, but later ripped apart by “earthquakes and floods”. In 1912, Alfred Wegener, a German geologist and meteorologist, propose the theory of continental drift. He theorized the Earth’s crust was a series of earthen plates which moved on a bed of molten rock or lava. It would be after 1960 before Wegener’s postulate would gain acceptance. Geologist Harry Hess and oceanographer Robert Dietz developed and proved the theory of seafloor separation, which validated Wegener’s theory and streamlined the theory of plate tectonics. Seismology, the study of earthquakes, supports the theory of Pangaea’s break up. Seismic activity is noted as most severe on the edges of continental plates. The simple explanation is that earthquakes are most likely when plates collide. Paleontology, the study of fossils, supports the plate tectonic theory and holds the key to Pangaea’s history. Today, we know migration of the animals across Pangaea is documented by fossil remains found in both the northern and southern hemisphere. Fossilized Glossopteris, a tree-like, tropical fern, are found near polar regions. Fossils of Mesosaurus, a marine reptile, are found in deeply southern South America, Antarctica and South Africa, where they could not survive in today’s climate. When Pangaea broke, terrestrial animals were isolated. Some species were further isolated to the continents of Antarctica, Africa Australia and South America. Each species would travel different evolutionary paths based on the changes in the climates on the smaller continents. Discovery of glacial deposits in arid regions Africa further support the theory of Pangaea. Mismatches in the geological history and current climates attest to the fact today’s continents were not always where they are now. References: _On the Origin of Continents and Oceans_, Wegener 1915; _Thesaurus Geographicus_, Ortelius 1596; enchantedlearning.com; pubs.usgs.gov; pangaea.org; library.thinkquest.org
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "http://www.actforlibraries.org/explaining-pangaea/", "date": "2022-12-06T08:03:45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711074.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20221206060908-20221206090908-00687.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9357042908668518, "token_count": 728, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Politicians were forced to deal with the issue of slavery and its westward expansion as early as the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The States had previously maintained a shaky balance in the Senate with an equal number of representatives from both Slave and Free States. 9 This new act repealed the Missouri Compromise; instead, the people living in Kansas and Nebraska would vote to determine the fate of the states. These laws did everything from providing free land to the expansion of railroads westward. On the other hand, the immediate causes were the problems in which guaranteed that the North and South would have a Civil War. Therefore, the South was given stricter laws against slavery. During the early 1800’s (1800-1823) the Louisiana Purchase and Treaty of 1818 increased national unity. These causes include The Fugitive Slave Act, The Kansas-Nebraska Act and the election of Abraham Lincoln. Instead, they suppressed the issue and acted as temporary salves. Post–Civil War Westward Migration In the decades after the Civil War, Americans poured across the Mississippi River in record numbers. 31 October 2012 However, southerners opposed their admittance because the Missouri Compromise mandated that these two territories would enter as Free states. Similar to Columbus’ ambition to discover new land, Jefferson wanted to continue to expand... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. what they wanted. In 1862, Congress passed the Homestead Act. AMH 2010 The federal government also provided for the expansion of railroads westward through the Pacific Railroad Act. The long term causes were the problems that seemed to never be solved between the North and South. As Missouri prepared to enter the Union as a Slave State, this tentative balance threatened to come undone. Ever since the first pioneers settled in the United States at the East , the country has been expanding westward. The rifts between the North and the South, caused by conflicting views on Westward Expansion were becoming more evident. 10 When voters from nearby Missouri snuck into Kansas in order to vote to make the territory a slave state, tensions between the two sides exploded. David M. Kennedy, Thomas A. Bailey, and Lizabeth Cohen, The American Pageant (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006), 247. Read more about its history and outcome. AMH 2010 Reconstruction was literally "reconstructing" the United States after the Civil War ravaged physical, economic, and political aspects of the Confederacy. Slavery may have helped produce abundant amounts of cotton cheaply, but it also cursed those who were tangled in the grip of this “peculiar institution”. wanted to join the Union as a slave state after the Louisiana Purchase. The federal government promoted westward expansion in many ways. Paper 1 The Fugitive Slave Act was an immediate cause of the Civil War. question was if to allow this move with slavery or not. This eventually led to the purchase of the Oregon Territory and eventually the Mexican Cession. Most of these people had left their homes in the East in search of economic opportunity. Manifest Destiny was also a term used by Democrats to promote and persuade people to support the territorial expansions that the United States was undergoing at the time. 10, No. However, as the compromises appeared to benefit Slave States more often than they did Free States, sectional antagonisms between the North and the South were becoming more distinct. His proposed amendment stated: “…the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico by the United States, by virtue of any treaty which may be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys herein appropriated, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory, except for crime, whereof the party shall first be duly convicted.” 4. This would encourage white farmers to move west and implied that slavery was not an institution that should stretch far beyond its borders. The Treaty of 1818 resolved boundary issues between the United States and the United Kingdom and Ireland allowing joint occupations of the Oregon territory. ...In the nineteenth century, the great nation of America that had been so successfully founded and developed by its united citizens was threatened by civil war. Slavery created an oligarchy of which a small aristocracy of slave-owners would dominate political, economic, and social affairs of both races. Westward Expansion was the 19th-century movement of settlers, agriculture and industry into the American West. Compromise involves both give and take, where both sides involved It was signed on January 1, 1862. For the South, the Compromise promised that popular sovereignty would decide the question of slavery in the Utah and New Mexico territories. Westward movement, the populating by Europeans of the land within the continental boundaries of the mainland United States, a process that began shortly after the first colonial settlements were established along the Atlantic coast. Ultimately, negotiations unraveled and a bloody Civil War erupted. 5 Meanwhile, southern politicians railed that such an act was unconstitutional and vehemently blocked the passage of the Wilmot Proviso. . Curiosity spread as farmers made their way to move westward. 2 Slavery became even more divisive when it threatened to expand westward because non-slaveholding white settlers did not want to compete with slaveholders in the new territories. ,” but after the war they said, “The United States is. The compromises of the early nineteenth century did not settle the issue of slavery and westward expansion. The Southern states advocated for the expansion of slave labor, while citizens of the North sought the containment of slavery to the South. Westward Expansion was the 19th-century movement of settlers, agriculture and industry into the American West. The Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820 and was the first true . importance of compromise in the pre-civil war era. War broke out in Kansas between pro-slavery sympathizers and abolitionists, earning it the nickname “bleeding Kansas.” 11 The violence in the west would soon spread east. Slavery, like... ...the French government for $15 million. Learn about the Louisiana Purchase, manifest destiny, the Gold Rush and more. People leaving the Midwest and joined by European immigrants moved farther West into the High Plains and interior West. The West grew dramatically after the Civil War. Teaching American History.Org, Ashbrook Center at Ashland University, George W. Julian. James Oakes: Emancipation and the Question of Agency, Reconstructing Approaches to America’s Indian Problem. Politicians were forced to deal with the issue of slavery and its westward expansion as early as the Missouri Compromise of 1820. For the North, the Compromise guaranteed that California would enter the Union as a Free State and the slave trade would end in the District of Columbia. Since the drafting of the Constitution in 1787, the North and the South had grown further apart in terms of economy, ideology, and society. Speeches on Political Questions (Westport, Ct: Negro Universities Press, 1872), 71. In the decades after the Civil War, Americans poured across the Mississippi River in record numbers. states. The Missouri Compromise, for example, started when the territory of Missouri Accessed November 9th, 2012. http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/40399768.pdf?acceptTC=true, 262. Farmers decided to move west as they were enticed by cheaper land. The Federal government's response included The Homestead Act and the construction of the transcontinental railroad. The early part of the century sought compromise that would end disputes between the Northern and Southern regions of the country; however, by 1850, tensions between the two parties had risen far beyond conciliation. In the early 1800’s, the largest class in the south was yeoman farmers, small-scale, non-slaveholding farmers who, eighty percent of the time, owned their own land.
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What's it about? Social emotional skills help students to be successful at school and through life. For example, kids use these skills to focus during instructional time or to be a good friend at recess. Teens use these skills to think critically and make responsible decisions after school. There are several different frameworks used to define and describe social emotional competencies. Many school health partners use the five competencies set out by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL): - Social awareness - Relationship skills - Responsible decision-making Recently, there's renewed interest in developing social and emotional skills in young people. They're seen as valuable tools to help students move forward from uncertain times. Looking for lesson plans and other resources to support teaching and learning? Get started with the AHS Provincial Teacher Resource List. Social and emotional skill development happens when schools provide focused instruction reinforced with practice, role modeling, and a supportive school environment. With attention to COVID-19 prevention and protection and guidance from your local school authority, here are some practical ways to take action: Make skill-building part of your pedagogy - Make social emotional skill development part of everyday curriculum-based teaching. Embed skill instruction into English Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Music, Drama, Art, Physical and Health Education, or Career and Life Management. - Teach social and emotional skills in a way that is SAFE: - Sequenced, so that skills are tailored to developmental need and build on each other - Active and experiential, so students can role play, discuss, collaborate, and cooperate - Focused, with time for skill-based instruction each day or week - Explicit, so that students understand the skills they are learning and why they matter There are lots of instructional resources focused on social emotional skill development. Need help deciding which one is right for you? Check out Alberta Education’s guide, Building social emotional competencies: Choosing instructional resources. Reinforce with everyday opportunities - Capitalize on “teachable moments” in real time so students can practice social emotional skills in relevant, authentic situations. For example, help them talk about, try out, or reflect on ways they can: - Communicate in the hallway or on the school grounds - Resolve conflict in the gym or at the bus stop - Join a game with their cohort at recess - Coach a classmate through a challenging task - Problem-solve when they struggle to work together as a small group - Resist peer influence after school - Cope with exam stress - Stay hopeful in tough times - Encourage planning and goal-directed behaviour as part of daily life at school. For example, help students to: - Use print and digital planners or calendars - Set goals and keep track of them - Use tools like decision trees to guide choices and think through consequences - Figure out how and when they will complete a task or assignment, or study for a quiz - Acknowledge small successes and celebrate them - Talk about goals they have for themselves (now and in the future), and how they can make them happen Role model social emotional skills in your interactions with students. You’ll set a powerful example. Try these ideas: - Acknowledge when you make a mistake, and talk about how you’ll make things right - Show how you handle frustration, like how you calm down - Demonstrate how you solve a problem in an informed, thoughtful way - Give and receive constructive feedback from students - Be open to compromise How it connects Social emotional skills are shown to buffer against risk factors for poor health (like substance use, bullying, and violence) and bolster protective factors (like healthy relationships). They may also improve school performance and behaviour. These findings are consistent across many factors, including race, income, and school location. Social emotional skill development is supported by all components of the comprehensive school health framework—healthy environments, effective teaching and learning practices, supportive policies, and strong partnerships. Emerging research suggests that family engagement plays a key role. You might also like these related topics: Social emotional learning Government of Alberta Working together to support mental health in Alberta schools Government of Alberta
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://schools.healthiertogether.ca/en/take-action/get-ideas-that-work/develop-social-emotional-skills/", "date": "2023-02-07T13:57:36", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500619.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20230207134453-20230207164453-00487.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9397230744361877, "token_count": 887, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Evidence shows that the Puritans had politically influenced their colonies with their religious values. In the New World, a group of Puritans established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. There, the Puritans would create a government that would revolve around their covenant with God. On the way to the New World, John Winthrop, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, led a sermon, titled “A Model of Christian Charity”, about Puritan ideals (Winthrop). As well as determining Puritan ideals, the sermon urges colonists to unite as a “city on a hill” for others to look up to (Winthrop). John Winthrop knew that their colony would “be a service to the church” by “[carrying] the gospel” into this new part of the world (Winthrop). This colony would demonstrate The non-Separatist Puritans secured a royal charter from King Charles I to form the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1629. The Massachusetts Bay Company was planned to be a business venture, but was also used as a refuge for Puritans. The Bay Colony quickly became the biggest and most influential of all of the New England colonies. For many years, the charter was used as a constitution for the Company. Governmental power rested with the General Court, who then elected the governor and his assistants. The right to vote and hold office was limited to male church members. In local affairs, the General Court developed powers and a structure similar to England’s Parliament. It had two houses: the House of Assistants and the House of Deputies. Also, The New England colonies include Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Connecticut. The first settlers that came into the New England colonies were the Puritans who wanted to practice religious freedom. Unfortunately, most of these colonies are not tolerant of other religions. The self-government economy is based on religious beliefs. Finally, the colonies rely on fishing and shipbuilding since the soil and long winters are unsuitable for farming. The British men gathered full control of the trading center present in the Americas, and created the Navigation Acts to help aid them in their tactics to take control over all trade within the Americas. The Navigation Acts were passed under a mercantilist system, and was used to regulate trade in a way that only benefitted the British economy. These acts restricted trade between England and its colonies to English or colonial ships, required certain colonial goods to pass through England before export, provided subsidies for the production of certain raw goods in the colonies, and banned colonial competition in large-scale manufacturing. This lowered the competition in the trading world for the British and caused the British to have a major surge in power, that greatly attributed to the growth of their rising empire. The British’s ambitious motives in the trading world help portray a way that the British took control of an important piece in the economy of all of the other nations present in the colonies in the time period, and shows another leading factor in the growth of the British empire. The Puritans were the first and surprisingly largest colonists of America during Colonial Times. A separatist group that had migrated from England to escape persecution and to find a place where they could be religiously satisfied and undisturbed. The Puritans built their society in North America that revolved around a strong connection towards God and family. Although the Puritans were not the only group of people to migrate to North America or only group present in colonial times, they were one of the most impactful, and many of their ideals, morals, and values influenced the economic, political, and social development of New England. According to (Jess Bloomberg) the puritans were a group of people who grew away from the Church of England and worked towards religious moral and societal reform. John Calvin writings gave a rise to Protestantism and The Puritans broke away from England after trying to purify the Church of England. They eventually became upset after King Henry refused to allow them to make the church pure and departed to the New World. There, the Puritans had to create their own form of government. They formed the Mayflower Compact; a document stating 41 men will work together to govern the people with religion being the center of the colony. The Puritans tried to create a democracy for ruling the people of the New World, but ruling with a democracy was almost impossible for them. As a result of my research on the assets found in the New England Colonies, I’ve found both positive and negative factors that could impact the result of relying on their region for aid. Based on these findings, the New England Colonies have different characteristics such as geography, climate, politics, economics, specializations, resources, and society that each affect the amount of trust we can permit them with as a beneficial aspect to our cause. The Puritans are a Christian religious group that originated in England but ended up in America. The Puritan religious is not commonly practiced now and might even be extinct. Thought they are either sparse or gone the Puritans have effects how we today worship. The Puritans had great effect on the way America was set up, but actually originated in England. New England and the Chesapeake regions of the thirteen colonies were both settled by Englishmen coming for a better life than what they would have had in England. Although these settlers` came from the same place, their ideals and beliefs were all different in nature and resulted in two distinctly different societies. As the colonies became more populated and established their economic identity, an immediate difference can be seen in how the New England colonies maintain revenue in contrast to the Chesapeake. Politically, these regions were somewhat similar but immensely different in regards to the role of religion in the government. In regards to religion, the different types of Christianity in each region would come to play a major role The Puritans was a huge deal in the 1600s. It consisted of colonists who were seeking religious tolerance. Puritans were so strict that it was so far fetched from tolerant. One would be punished to not attend church, it was against the law. Men and women were separated through the day long services. The relationships between the colonists and the British crown changed for the worse over the course of 1607 to 1763. After the Seven Year’s War was fought by colonists and won, colonists felt more as Englishmen than ever before. To understand this shift of view from patriotic to bitter relationship, we have to view the relationship from the point of a Pennsylvania farmer. Starting as a paternal and understanding relationship between the crown and the colonists, both the colonists and the crown helped turn the new world into a thriving economic center. After the British Civil War, Enlightenment thinkers started to gain movement throughout Europe, while at the same time tensions were rising for the colonists. After the Seven Year's War was won, In the 1500s, the Protestant Reformation swept through England and caused people like John Calvin to make up their own religions. Henry VIII made the Anglicanism the official religion of England, and any dissenters, even dissenters who belonged to the Church of England, were persecuted. Puritans were some of these dissenters, and they migrated to the New World seeking religious freedom, a place to live the way they believed was pleasing to God. As the Puritans' lives were shaped by their religion, so too did their religious values and ideas influence the political, social, and economic development of the New England colonies. That their belief that people should obey religious authority and their value of unity shaped the northern colonies' “The American Flag represents all of us and all of the values we hold sacred” (Cronauer). When Christopher Columbus discovered America a new country was born. Europeans came and settled on this “new” land. They kept and created traditions and values, and we have kept those values ever since. Everyday we follow some of the same values as the early colonists did, but as times changed some of the traditions and values were lost. There are many similarities and differences from the colonial period to now, and these values have affected us today.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://www.ipl.org/essay/New-England-Colonies-Influence-P3K6YRM42DVV", "date": "2023-01-30T05:57:41", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499801.40/warc/CC-MAIN-20230130034805-20230130064805-00047.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9754608869552612, "token_count": 1652, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
|x < 12||y > 10||x < 12 || y > 10| Truth tables are usually organized by putting the operands in a conventional order. Following this order helps prevent mistakes. This table follows the conventional order for two operands: B represent operands. Often these are relational expressions such as The conventional order is easy to remember if you think of F as 0 and T as 1. Arrange the rows in ascending numerical order, as follows: Courses on digital logic usually use 0 for false and 1 for true and use truth tables such as the above. The conventional order is also used with tables with more than two operands. With three operands, a table has eight rows. N operands, a table has Fill the first table with the conventional order of "0" and "1" (think about what should be in each row before you click the buttons). Do the rows in order, starting with the top. Then fill in the second table with the conventional order of "T" and "F".
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "http://programmedlessons.org/Java9/chap33/ch33_04.html", "date": "2023-03-24T10:05:53", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296945279.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20230324082226-20230324112226-00167.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8475617170333862, "token_count": 218, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
Store text in string variables to build reusable code or functions in Python. Define string variables using assignment statements in the format variable name = 'String'. Assign strings to variables and use them to print output at certain stages of the program. For example: >>> >>> s1 = 'String in single quotes' >>> s1 'String in single quotes' >>> >>> s2 = "String in double quotes" >>> s2 'String in double quotes' >>> ```Python will show an error if a single quote or apostrophe is used. For example: s1 = 'Hello, this is Tom's laptop' >>> Output: >>> s1 = 'Hello, this is Tom's laptop' File "", line 1 s1 = 'Hello, this is Tom's laptop' ```The above code would give a SyntaxError: invalid syntax. If you encapsulate the string in double quotes, Python will assign it to the variable s1. For example: s1 = “Hello, this is Tom’s laptop” Hello, this is Tom’s laptop len() built-in function to count the number of characters in the string. len () in the snippet below is used to count the numbers of characters in a string, as well as the number of characters in the string variable >>> len("a string") 8 >>> >>> s = "a long string" >>> >>> len(s) 13 >>> >>> len("") 0 >>> Use empty strings to create null value variables or to clear string variable values. >>> >>> s3 = '' # empty string using single quotes >>> s3 '' >>> >>> s4 = "" # empty string using double quotes >>> s4 '' >>> ```Variables `s3` and `s4` are still valid strings, despite not containing any characters. This can be verified using the `type()` function. ## Use double quotes when you have single quotation marks inside a string to avoid quote exceptions. Similarly, wrap the string in single quotes instead of double quotes if you want to print double quotes in a string: print(‘John says “Hello there!”’) John says “Hello there!” ## Use escape sequences to print special characters, tabs, or line breaks Escape sequences start with a backslash ( `` ). Some common escape sequences are: - `n` Newline - Prints a newline character - `t ` Tab - Prints a tab character - `\ ` Backslash - Prints a backslash ( \ ) - `' ` Single quote - Prints a single quote - `"` Double quote - Prints a double quote Python treats escape sequences in strings as special commands. For example, the `t` character inside a string prints a tab character (equivalent to four spaces): s = “NametAgetMarks” Name Age Marks n character inside the string prints a newline character. The newline character isn’t displayed on the screen - instead, it causes the cursor to start printing subsequent characters from the beginning of the next line. For example: >>> >>> s2 = 'OnenTwonThree' >>> s2 'OnenTwonThree' >>> print(s2) One Two Three >>> ```You can use `'` and `"` escape sequences to print single or double quotation marks in a string. If you use escape sequences to print single or double quotes, it doesn't matter whether the string is wrapped in single or double quotes. For example: print(‘I’m learning python’) I’m learning python print(“John says “Hello there !””) John says “Hello there !” ```To print a single backslash character ``, use the \ escape sequence. >>> >>> s3 = 'C:\Users\Q' >>> s3 'C:\Users\Q' >>> print(s3) C:UsersQ >>> + operator to perform string concatenation and join one or more strings together. >>> s1 = "This is " + "one complete string" >>> print(s1) This is one complete string >>> >>> s2 = "One " + "really really " + "long string" >>> print(s2) One really really long string >>> ```Note that the `+` operator will perform additions when used with numbers, but concatenates strings. 98+57 # + operators add numbers together ```Python does not allow concatenations of numerical strings or strings with different data types. So, you need to use the str() function to convert them to strings: >>> >>> s = str(100) >>> s '100' >>> type(s) >>> * operator to repeat strings n number of times. The general format is: string * n ```Where `n` is a number of type `int`. Using the `*` operator repeats the string `n` number of times. For example: s = "www " * 5 # repeat "www " 5 times 'www www www www www ’ print(“We have got some”, “spam” * 5) We have got some spamspamspamspamspam 5 * "www " and "www " * 5 yields the same result. Python can’t multiply strings by non-int data types and will show an error if you use a different data type for n. For example: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'str' >>> >>> >>> "www" * 1.5 # n is a float Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' >>> Type the name of a variable followed by the index of the character inside square brackets to access individual characters in a string. Python stores string characters in sequence, and indexes can be used to refer to the position of a particular character in a string. The first character in a string is at the index 0, the second character is at index 1 and so on. For example: String: H e l l o Index: 0 1 2 3 4 s1 = “Hello” s1 # first character s1 # second character s1 # third character s1 # fourth character s1 # fifth character ```Alternatively, use the len() function to calculate the length of the string and subtract 1 from it to get the index position of the last character. >>> >>> quote = "The best is the enemy of the good" >>> >>> quote[len(quote)-1] 'd' >>> ```You can also use negative indexes to access characters from the end of the string. Negative indexes start from -1, so the index position of the last character is -1, the second to last character is -2, and so on. For example: String H e l l o Index 0 1 2 3 4 Negative Index -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 >>> >>> s = "Hello" >>> >>> s[-1] # last character 'o' >>> >>> s[-2] # second last character 'l' >>> >>> s[-3] # first character 'l' >>> >>> s[-len(s)] # first character using a combination of the len() function and negative indexes. 'H' >>> ``` ## Use slicing operators `[start_index:end_index]` to get a slice of a string. ``` str_name[start_index:end_index] ````str_name[start_index:end_index]` would return a slice of string starting from index `start_index` to `end_index`. The character at the `end_index` location is not included in the slice. For example: ``` >>> >>> s = "markdown" >>> >>> >>> s[0:3] # returns a string slice starting from index 0 to 3, not including the character at index 3 'mar' >>> >>> >>> s[2:5] # returns a string slice starting from index 2 to 5, not including the character at index 5 'rkd' >>> ```If `end_index` is greater than the length of the string, then the slice operator would return a string slice starting from `start_index` to the end of the string. ``` >>> >>> s[2:len(s)+200] 'rkdown' >>> ````start_index` and `end_index` are optional. If `start_index` is not specified, then slicing will begin at the beginning of the string. If `end_index` is not specified, then it goes on to the end of the string. For example: ``` >>> >>> s[:4] # start slicing from the beginning 'mark' >>> ```In the above expression, the slicing begins at the beginning of the string, so the above expression is the same as `s[0:4]`. ``` >>> >>> s[5:] 'own' >>> ```
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://community.cxl.com/t/use-strings-data-type-in-python/1227", "date": "2023-03-29T16:38:56", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296949009.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20230329151629-20230329181629-00167.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7818926572799683, "token_count": 1964, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Most modern passenger and military aircraft are powered by gas turbine engines, which are also called jet engines. All jet engines have a compressor to increase the pressure of the incoming air. Mathematical details of this process are given on a separate slide. There are two main types of compressors used in jet engines. The compressor shown above is called a centrifugal compressor because the flow through the compressor is turned perpendicular to the axis of rotation. The other type of compressor is an axial compressor and is discussed on a separate slide. The very first jet engines used centrifugal compressors, and they are still used on small turbojets and turbo shaft engines. How does a centrifugal compressor work? The details are quite complex because the blade geometries and the resulting flows are three dimensional, unsteady, and can have important viscous and compressibility effects. Each blade on the compressor produces a pressure variation much like the airfoil of a spinning propeller. But unlike a propeller blade, the blades of a centrifugal compressor are close to one another, which seriously alters the flow between the blades. Centrifugal compressors also do work on the flow by turning, and therefore accelerating, the flow radially. Compressor designers must rely on wind tunnel testing and sophisticated computational models (http://hpcc.lerc.nasa.gov/) to determine the performance of a centrifugal compressor. The performance is characterized by the pressure ratio across the compressor (CPR), the rotational speed of the shaft necessary to produce the pressure increase, and an efficiency factor that indicates how much additional work is required relative to an ideal compressor. Back to top Please send suggestions/corrections to: email@example.com
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/VirtualAero/BottleRocket/airplane/centrf.html", "date": "2023-03-29T19:43:49", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296949025.18/warc/CC-MAIN-20230329182643-20230329212643-00367.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9135233163833618, "token_count": 350, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Help your students prepare for their Maths GCSE with this free geometric sequence worksheet of 38 questions and answers A geometric sequence is a number sequence with a common ratio. The number sequence may have integers, fractions, decimals or a combination. The common ratio can be found by dividing consecutive terms of the geometric sequence and can be used to find the next term in the sequence by multiplying the previous term by the common ratio. The common ratio can also be used to find other missing terms in the sequence by multiplying or dividing terms by it. If the number sequence is increasing this means that the common ratio is greater than one. If the number sequence is decreasing this means that the common ratio is less than one. The first term and the common ratio can be used to write the nth term of a geometric sequence (or position-to-term formula). Looking forward, students can progress with other sequences worksheets and on to additional algebra worksheets, for example a simplifying expressions worksheet or simultaneous equations worksheet. For more teaching and learning support on Algebra our GCSE maths lessons provide step by step support for all GCSE maths concepts. There will be students in your class who require individual attention to help them succeed in their maths GCSEs. In a class of 30, it’s not always easy to provide. Help your students feel confident with exam-style questions and the strategies they’ll need to answer them correctly with our dedicated GCSE maths revision programme. Lessons are selected to provide support where each student needs it most, and specially-trained GCSE maths tutors adapt the pitch and pace of each lesson. This ensures a personalised revision programme that raises grades and boosts confidence.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://thirdspacelearning.com/resources/gcse-maths/geometric-sequence-worksheet/", "date": "2023-03-20T15:50:41", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296943484.34/warc/CC-MAIN-20230320144934-20230320174934-00567.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9266472458839417, "token_count": 357, "score": 4.65625, "int_score": 5 }
Find answers to the top 10 questions parents ask about TI graphing calculators. Learn about the math and science behind what students are into, from art to fashion and more. Get hundreds of video lessons that show how to graph parent functions and transformations. Students use list operations to perform reflections, rotations, translations and dilations on a figure, and graph the resulting image using a scatter plot. Students use the Lists & Spreadsheets app to enter values that gives the x- and y-values for a figure that is being rotated and reflected about the y-axis. They enter = –list1 and = –list2 in the formula bar of Column C to create list3, the opposite of each of the x-values in list1. Then do a similar process for the y-values in list2. Students create a scatter plot with connected points using the combinations of lists. For each combination, students determine what type of reflection or rotation occurred. Problem 3 allows students to translate a figure by manipulating formulas to translate the x- and y-values. © Copyright 1995-2023 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://education.ti.com/en/timathnspired/us/detail?id=D984D144E56B4B7980E208991D1230C0&t=E51B8F52AF8A4099A8204BE3B9ED5BD6", "date": "2023-03-28T17:28:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296948868.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20230328170730-20230328200730-00767.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8370133638381958, "token_count": 236, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
This is a familiar exercise, widely used as a warmer and a 'get to know you' exercise, but the pronunciation version is a bit different and focuses the learners on this particular aspect of the language. - Prepare a series of 10 to 12 questions on a worksheet. These can be based on both sounds and word stress and should enable the students to find out some information about each other. Example questions might be: 'Find someone whose first name contains the sound /e/', 'Find someone who has more than two syllables in their family name', 'Find someone who was born in a city containing the phoneme /i:/' and so on. - Get the students to write a name for each question. Class feedback after the activity can focus on particular sounds and how particular words and names are stressed. Tip: It might also be interesting to follow this warmer up by looking at the way different names are pronounced in the students’ mother tongue and in English, e.g. Madrid, Paris, Jean, Miguel, Tokyo. No comments yet
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.onestopenglish.com/lesson-share-/lesson-share-mingle-activities-pronunciation-find-someone-who/145301.article", "date": "2023-04-01T23:45:39", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296950363.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20230401221921-20230402011921-00167.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9479084610939026, "token_count": 217, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Distinguishing Letters, Numbers, and Words Worksheets Related ELA Standard: RF.K.1.D Being able to understand the differences between letters, numbers, words, and even symbols takes some maturity. A great way to get students started with this concept is by using highlighters. Have them choose a color for each and then let them loose on a magazine, newspaper, or anything you do not need to use in the future. You can also let them cut and paste them into groups. These worksheets will help students learn the differences between numbers, letters, and words. Distinguishing Letters, Numbers, and Words Worksheets: Letters and Numbers - Color each shape that contains a letter red. Color each shape that contains a number blue. Shopping for Numbers - Color the cans that contain numbers. Do not color the cans that I Love Letters! - Find all the letters. Color the hearts containing letters pink. Color Code - Color the blocks that contain numbers red. Color the blocks that contain letters blue. Color the blocks that contain shapes Visual Discrimination - Ask the child to look at each item, starting at the top row and moving from left to right. Draw a circle around every letter. Letters Aloft! - Joe's balloons all had letters in them. Help Joe find his balloons by coloring them yellow. Wave the Flag! - Color the flags with numbers red. Color the flags with letters blue. Letter Shapes - Color each shape that contains a letter orange. Color each shape that contains a number pink. Circle It! - Draw a circle around each number. Draw a square around each How to Help Students Distinguish Between Letters, Numbers, and Words Children must start to recognize the difference between letters, numbers, and words at a young age. This will help them get rid of any confusion in the text. Here is a fun activity that will help students distinguish between letters, numbers, and words. Before you conduct this activity to teach the children about the differentiation between letters, numbers, and words, there are some things and concepts that your students should be aware of. They should learn the basic 1 to 9 numbers and A to Z alphabets. You should also tell them about the basic formation of words. You can create a chart and write all the letters and numbers along with a few words. To avoid any confusion, you can miss out on the letters I and O. This is because these letters can be confused with number 1 and number 0. You can start by telling the kids that they have already learned the alphabetical letters. This will be a sort of revision with the chart. You can then revise all the numbers with them. Also, teach them that a combination of a few letters will result in the formation of words that we use in our daily language. After the revision of the three topics, it is time to conduct the activity. You will have to get three highlighters. It is best to get a yellow one, a red one, and a blue one. Each highlighter will be used for three topics. You can put the color key on the board for the students to understand. Yellow one should be used for letters. Red one should be used for numbers. The blue one should be used for words. Now, call the students one by one on the board. Write one of all three on the board and ask the student to highlight according to the key. When the student is done, you can let him or her analyze the result.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.englishworksheetsland.com/distinguish.html", "date": "2023-03-26T16:15:23", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296945473.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20230326142035-20230326172035-00567.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9325660467147827, "token_count": 742, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
The institution of slavery was established in Virginia in 1619 and quickly spread throughout the colonies. It was very profitable for landowners, especially those who owned successful crop producing plantations. First enacted in 1793, the Fugitive Slave Act was in response to a series of slave revolts. Governments and residents of free states were required to help catch and return runaways. Many free states defied the law, allowing an Underground Railroad to function under immense pressure. The term “Underground Railroad” figuratively refers to a resistance movement that used railway terminologies, including conductors (guides) and way stations (hideouts). It served as a network of safe houses and secret routes used by enslaved Africans to escape into free states and Canada with the help of abolitionists. Escaped slaves traveled on foot or by wagon with information passed along by word of mouth. By the end of the 1850s, approximately 100,000 slaves managed to escape. During this time, several influential books were written by African-Americans. In 1773, Phillis Wheatley, a freed slave originally from West Africa, became the first African- American to publish a book in the U.S. Of her many poems, On Being Brought from Africa to America speaks about slavery. Freed slave Gustavus Vassa published one of the first slave narratives in 1789, an autobiography titled The Interesting Life of Olaudah Equiano.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://sites.miamioh.edu/tellingapeoplesstory/2018/05/slavery-and-the-underground-railroad/", "date": "2023-03-22T18:23:35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296944452.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20230322180852-20230322210852-00767.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9687972664833069, "token_count": 286, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Help your kindergarten and first grade students master money standards with these interactive activities for identifying coins and counting coins. Your students will love these coloring and cut and paste activities as they work on coin identification. Students will learn to identify both the heads and tails sides of the penny, nickel, dime and quarter. Use these pages individually or create a coin book for each student. Also included are practice pages for students to work on counting the value of like coins. A great way to practice those skip counting skills as they apply to money. This resource is designed to provide an introduction to US Coins for kindergarten and first grade students. Identifying & Counting Coins Worksheets for US Coins includes: - 4 All About pages for introducing each coin and working on coin identification - 8 Counting Coins worksheets for practice with counting like coins US Coins included in this resource: Copyright ©Maria Gavin There are no reviews yet.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://kindercraze.com/product/identifying-counting-coins-worksheets-for-us-coins-money-for-kindergarten-1st/", "date": "2023-06-01T01:23:11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224647525.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20230601010402-20230601040402-00167.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9214729070663452, "token_count": 189, "score": 4.78125, "int_score": 5 }
In this colorful worksheet your youngster will work with the conjunction “and.” What is a conjunction? One of the main parts of speech, a conjunction is like a paper clip; it can hold two things together. These things may be words, phrases, or clauses. There are different conjunction types. For example, a coordinating conjunction, such as “and,” “or” and “for,” connects independent clauses. A subordinate conjunction, like “although,” connects an independent clause with a dependent clause. You may view the worksheets below or download them by clicking on the title. They may be used for free in your home or classroom. Conjunction Worksheet: Or Here’s a worksheet on the common conjunction “or.” Find the Conjunction In this worksheet your student will start learning about conjunctions. Conjunction Worksheet: Connecting Modifiers This worksheet focuses on conjunctions that connect modifiers like adjectives and adverbs. Conjunction Worksheet: Connecting Subjects Let’s work on conjunctions that connect subjects! Conjunctions Worksheet: Connecting Predicates Time to work on conjunctions that connect subjects! Sentence Writing: Conjunctions! Let’s write some sentences using conjunctions! Writing with Subordinating Conjunctions Now it’s time to work with subordinating conjunctions! Correcting Run-on Sentences: Commas and Conjunctions This worksheet runs off those run-on sentences! Correlative Conjunctions Worksheet This worksheet focuses on correlating conjunctions. Spot Them! Correct Conjunctions A conjunction is a word that links other words, clauses, or phrases together. The concert was over early because the… Which Is It? Subordinating or Coordinating Conjunctions? This conjunction worksheet asks your student to identify the conjunction in sentences. Conjunctive Adverbs and Independent Clauses Conjunctive adverbs can work like a conjunction when they connect independent clauses. Identifying Conjunctive Adverbs Worksheet Your student will identify the conjunctive adverbs in this worksheet.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://www.k12reader.com/subject/grammar/parts-of-speech/conjunctions/", "date": "2023-06-09T13:54:21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224656737.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20230609132648-20230609162648-00367.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8594141006469727, "token_count": 471, "score": 5, "int_score": 5 }
The term “normal” is commonly used in everyday language to describe behaviors, traits, or characteristics that are considered typical or acceptable within a given society or culture. However, in the field of psychology, the concept of “normal” is complex and multifaceted, and it is shaped by various theoretical perspectives, cultural norms, and individual differences. In this article, we will explore the different ways in which psychology defines and understands the concept of “normal,” highlighting the nuances and complexities associated with this term. Statistical Definition: One way to define “normal” is through a statistical perspective. In this approach, normality is determined based on what is statistically typical or average in a particular population. For example, if most people in a given population exhibit certain behaviors or traits, those behaviors or traits may be considered “normal.” However, it’s essential to recognize that statistical norms can vary significantly across different cultures, contexts, and time periods. What may be considered normal in one culture or context may not be seen as such in another. Moreover, statistical norms do not necessarily reflect what is psychologically healthy or optimal. Functional Definition: From a functional perspective, a “normal” person is someone who is able to effectively cope with the challenges of daily life, has healthy relationships, and can adapt to changing circumstances. They are typically able to engage in daily activities such as work, self-care, and social interactions without significant impairments. However, it’s important to note that the ability to function can vary greatly depending on individual differences, developmental stages, and life circumstances. For example, a person experiencing temporary stress or grief may have difficulty functioning at their usual level, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they are abnormal. Psychological Well-Being: Psychological well-being is another important aspect of defining “normal” in psychology. According to this perspective, a normal person is psychologically healthy, possesses a positive sense of self, has reasonable emotional resilience, and experiences a relatively high level of overall well-being. Psychological well-being encompasses factors such as positive emotions, life satisfaction, self-acceptance, autonomy, positive relationships, and personal growth. However, it’s important to note that psychological well-being is subjective and can vary across individuals based on their unique experiences, values, and cultural backgrounds. What may be considered psychologically healthy or normal for one person may not apply to another. Absence of Mental Disorders: A commonly used approach to defining “normal” in psychology is based on the absence of mental disorders or psychiatric conditions. Mental health professionals use classification systems such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) or the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) to identify and diagnose mental disorders. According to this perspective, a “normal” person is someone who does not exhibit signs or symptoms of a mental disorder. However, it’s important to recognize that mental health disorders are complex and multifactorial, and their diagnosis requires careful consideration of various factors, including cultural, contextual, and individual differences. It’s also important to note that mental health disorders are common, and experiencing a mental health challenge does not necessarily mean a person is abnormal or deviant. The Complexity and Contextual Nature of Normality: The concept of “normal” in psychology is complex and contextualized, and it cannot be reduced to a single definition or criteria. Normality is shaped by various factors, including cultural norms, individual differences, developmental stages, and situational contexts. It’s crucial to approach the concept of normality with sensitivity, respect for diversity, and recognition of individual differences. It’s also important to consider the potential harm of labeling individuals as abnormal or deviant based on narrow definitions of normality, as it can contribute It’s important to note that the concept of “normal” can be subjective and can vary across different cultures, societies, and time periods. Moreover, psychology acknowledges that human behavior and mental health exist along a continuum, and there is often no clear-cut line between what is considered “normal” and “abnormal.” It’s crucial to approach the concept of normality with sensitivity, respect for diversity, and a recognition of individual differences. Seeking professional guidance from a qualified mental health professional can be beneficial if you have questions or concerns about your own mental health or well-being.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://imp.news/infocus/understanding-the-concept-of-normal-in-psychology-a-complex-and-contextualized-perspective-40570/", "date": "2023-06-02T22:36:55", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224648858.14/warc/CC-MAIN-20230602204755-20230602234755-00767.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9408716559410095, "token_count": 922, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Content for this page is viewable via desktop ONLY. CIVIL RIGHTS UNIT The Modern Civil Rights Movement was a political movement for equality before the law occurring throughout much of the twentieth century through the 1970s. It was accompanied by civil unrest and popular rebellion. This movement did not fully achieve its goals. However, the efforts did lead to improvements in the legal rights of African Americans. The most common misconception was that it was won and ended in the 1960s. Persisting racial inequalities point to the fact that unequal treatment still exists. Some argue that the Civil Rights Movement is ongoing until greater equality is achieved. The unit begins with an introductory activity using primary sources and includes the following lesson areas: 1) What Are Civil Rights?, 2) Judicial Strategies, 3) African American Self-Determination Strategies, 4) Mass Action Strategies, 5) Legislative Strategies, and 6) Cultural Renaissance. This page and its content are best viewed from a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet. Content is not accessible via mobile phones. Worksheet #13: Black Natchez
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://www.amistadresearchcenter.org/aotg-crmats", "date": "2023-06-02T22:34:36", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224648858.14/warc/CC-MAIN-20230602204755-20230602234755-00767.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9455051422119141, "token_count": 219, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
10.9. Functions Calling Other Functions¶ Once we define a function, we can call it on its own, as part of a conditional, or from inside of a loop. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 def double_number(num): return num*2 integer = 8 my_function(integer) if integer > 5: my_function(integer) for number in range(10): my_function(number) Even better, we can call one function from INSIDE another function. To demonstrate, let’s consider a specific example. 10.9.1. Palindrome Checker¶ A palindrome refers to a word that is spelled the same backwards and forwards. Two examples are “mom” and “level”. Let’s write a boolean function to check if a word is a palindrome. We will call a palindrome a string that is identical to its reverse. This means we can test for palindromes by taking a string, reversing it, and then comparing the reversed string to the original. If the two are equal, we have a palindrome. Since we want to compare a string to its reverse, we’ll need a function that flips a string. Let’s write a function that, given a string, returns its reverse. One approach is to use the list method reverse() in combination with join() (this was covered in the split and join section). 1 2 3 4 def reverse_string(a_string): letters_list = list(a_string) letters_list.reverse() return ''.join(letters_list) Let’s break down the steps carried out by this function: Turn the string into a list of characters. We call list(a_string), which returns a list of the individual characters that make up the string. Reverse the list of characters. To do this, we use the built-in list method Join the reversed character list into a string. We call ''.join(letters_list). Joining with the empty string combines all of the list elements together into a single string with no spaces in between. reverse_string function, we can now create our palindrome checker. Our approach will be to take the string argument, reverse it, and then compare the reversed string to the original. is_palindrome function work? See for yourself by adding this Here are a few strings to try: Currently, the code does not count 'Mom' as a palindrome because 'Mom' is not the same string as 'moM'. Try making the is_palindrome function case-insensitive by using the Case-insensitive means that both 10.9.2. Functions Should Do Exactly One Thing¶ When writing a function, we should pay attention to its size. Functions work best when they are small and do only one thing. This idea is easier to say than to put into practice. For example, what if we is_palindrome without putting the reverse_sting code in a 1 2 3 4 5 6 def is_palindrome(orig_string): letters_list = list(orig_string) letters_list.reverse() rev_string = ''.join(letters_list) return orig_string == rev_string This function is still short, which is good. However, it does two separate jobs—it reverses a string and decides if that string is a palindrome. Making a palindrome checker with one function vs. two might not seem like a big deal now. But what if we need to reverse a string for some other reason? We cannot use the combined is_palindrome function, since it only returns False. If we need to flip the order of a string, then we should write a function that just DOES THAT ONE JOB. make_sandwich function from an earlier section. What if we wanted to expand our program to not only make a sandwich, but also to pour a drink. It would be a bad idea to write one function to do both ( What if a customer wants only one thing—a sandwich or a drink? A much better solution would look like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 def make_sandwich( parameters ): # make the sandwich def pour_drink( parameters ): # pour the drink def make_lunch( parameters ): make_sandwich( sand_arguments ) pour_drink( drink_arguments ) Why is this better? First, smaller functions are easier to debug. Also, by assigning single jobs to separate functions, we make our code easier to read and more reusable. Looking at the make_lunch function, it is very clear what is going on. It makes a sandwich first, and then it pours a drink. make_lunch function held all of the code needed to do both tasks, there would be no clear separation between one job and the other.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://education.launchcode.org/lchs/chapters/functions/composing-functions.html", "date": "2023-06-03T07:13:37", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224649177.24/warc/CC-MAIN-20230603064842-20230603094842-00367.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7821063995361328, "token_count": 1089, "score": 4.71875, "int_score": 5 }
Pitch is the term we use to describe how high or low a sound is. Pitch is often synonymous with the terms tone and note. One might say that a person with a high voice sings high pitches, or high notes/tones. A person with a deep voice often sings low pitches, or low notes/tones. In the United States we label pitches using letters A through G of the alphabet. Counting forward in the alphabet, the pitches get incrementally higher. Once we arrive at the letter G, we begin the musical alphabet at the letter A again. When we have moved through eight letters of this musical alphabet (A-B-C-D-E-F-G-A), in this case from the first A to the next A eight pitches higher, we call this relationship an octave (see below). See the video lecture in the next tab for a more in-depth discussion of why we don't use additional letters, like H, in our musical alphabet.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://www.basicsofmusic.com/demo/lesson/5db8c2139b641f1739176392", "date": "2023-05-29T01:58:51", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224644574.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20230529010218-20230529040218-00767.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9198199510574341, "token_count": 201, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
If you would like to review the material that’s on Quiz #3, I recommend that you study Example 10.7 in the textbook–especially 10.7(a): In this example, you are presented with various polynomials and asked to find the roots, and use them to factor the polynomial completely. Let’s take a closer look at the polynomial in 10.7(a): the cubic polynomial f(x) = 2x3 – 8x2 – 6x + 36. How do we find the roots of this cubic? As you can see in the textbook explanation, we can start by looking at the graph! Here’s a nicer version of the graph I created in Desmos: Note that I factored the common factor of 2 out of the polynomial. That makes the algebra a little bit simpler going forward… Now, as the textbook explains as well, from looking at the graph it seems like x = -2 and x = 3 are roots. But to be sure we should check algebraically, i.e., by evaluating f(-2) and f(3), as they do in the textbook. The algebra is (just a bit) simpler with the 2 factored out: f(3) = 2*( 3^3 – 4*(3^2) – 3*3 + 18) = 2*(27 – 36 – 9 + 18) = 2*0 = 0 Now how can we use the roots to factor the polynomial? That’s where the “Factor Theorem” comes in. It’s stated in Sec 8.2 of the textbook (read that section!); here is a statement via wikipedia: “The factor theorem states that a polynomial has a factor if and only if (i.e. is a root).” Note that k here represents a constant value for the input variable x. So in our example, since we know that k = 3 is a root of f(x), therefore we know that (x – 3) is a factor of f(x)! Similarly, since k = -2 is a root of f(x), we know that (x – (-2)) = (x + 2) is a factor of f(x). How can we use that information to actually factor f(x)? By long division! In this case, we would set up long division in order to compute either f(x) ÷ (x – 3) f(x) ÷ (x + 2) In the textbook (see the bottom of p136) they carry out the long division f(x) ÷ (x-3) to show that f(x) = (x – 3)(2x2 – 2x – 12) Here’s the long division for (x3 – 4x2 – 3x + 18) ÷ (x + 2) (I’m leaving out the factor of 2 from f(x) for the long division, but then put it back in at the bottom when factoring f(x)): Therefore, we conclude that f(x) = 2(x + 2)(x2 – 6x + 9) and in this case we can factor the quadratic to get: f(x) = 2(x + 2)(x2 – 6x + 9) = 2(x + 2)(x – 3)(x – 3) = 2(x + 2)(x – 3))2 This shows that the only roots of f(x) are x = -2 and x = 3 (where the latter is a root of multiplicity 2), and thus (as the Desmos graph seemed to show, but which we have now proved algebraically): the only x-intercepts of the graph are at (-2, 0) and (3,0). Also note that we can easily find the y-intercept of the graph by computing f(0): f(0) = 2*( 0^3 – 4*(0^2) – 0*3 + 18) = 2*(18) = 36 i.e., the y-intercept is at (0, 36), again as indicated by the Desmos graph.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/math1375-ganguli-fall2020/2020/11/05/hints-for-quiz-3-example-10-7/", "date": "2023-09-26T04:44:41", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233510149.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20230926043538-20230926073538-00667.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9295241236686707, "token_count": 914, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
Learn Nouns & Pronouns Nouns and pronouns are essential parts of speech in English grammar. A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea, while a pronoun is a word used to replace a noun. Here are ten grammatical rules to help you understand nouns and pronouns better: Here are some examples of common Nouns & Pronouns Rules: - A noun can be either countable or uncountable. A countable noun refers to something that can be counted and has a singular and plural form, while an uncountable noun refers to something that cannot be counted and has only a singular form. Example: I have two dogs. (countable noun) I need some water. (uncountable noun) - A noun can be concrete or abstract. A concrete noun refers to something that can be perceived by the senses, while an abstract noun refers to something that cannot be perceived by the senses. Example: The tree is tall. (concrete noun) Love is important. (abstract noun) - A pronoun is used to replace a noun. It can be either a subject or an object pronoun. Example: She is reading a book. (subject pronoun) Give it to me. (object pronoun) - A pronoun must agree in number, gender, and person with the noun it replaces. Example: He gave her his book. (masculine singular subject and feminine singular object) - Possessive pronouns show ownership and do not require an apostrophe. Example: This is mine. (possessive pronoun) - Reflexive pronouns refer to the subject and end in “-self” or “-selves.” Example: I hurt myself. (reflexive pronoun) - Demonstrative pronouns point to specific nouns and can be either singular or plural. Example: This is my car. (singular demonstrative pronoun) These are my shoes. (plural demonstrative pronoun) - Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions and can be either singular or plural. Example: Who is that? (singular interrogative pronoun) Who are they? (plural interrogative pronoun) - Indefinite pronouns refer to an unspecified person, place, or thing. Example: Somebody left their phone here. (indefinite pronoun) - Nouns can function as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, objects of prepositions, and possessive nouns. Example: John threw the ball. (subject and direct object) I gave the book to Mary. (indirect object and object of preposition) The dog’s bone is buried in the yard. (possessive noun)
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://www.aims-english.com/grammar/noun-pronoun/", "date": "2023-09-29T23:51:14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233510529.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20230929222230-20230930012230-00367.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9241839051246643, "token_count": 576, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
Curiosity is an important learning process that allows students to ask questions and think deeply about the subject matter. It also helps them move from consuming content to creating content. Encourage curiosity by modeling an open inquisitive attitude toward new things, people, activities, and ideas. Expose children to new experiences like visiting a museum or park, trying out a new extracurricular activity, or travelling to unfamiliar places. Create a Learning Environment That Encourages Asking Questions A learner’s curiosity is fueled by questions, but they may not always ask them. To help encourage students to ask more questions, teachers should create a learning environment that values them. This might mean rewarding questions with credit (points, for example), encouraging them to ask more in class or out of class, or simply praising their ability to think curiously in general. Curiosity is triggered by uncertainty, so creating uncertainty in a lesson can be an effective way to encourage students to want more information. This can be done by using surprise, mystery or narrative/story-led lessons and materials. When introducing new material, teachers should also make sure that they are not over-preparing learners by providing all the answers. This could be done by leaving unstructured time in a lesson for unexpected questions or by establishing a system whereby questions can be “stored” so they can be explored later. It is also important that the teacher demonstrate an interest in finding out more, which can be achieved by playing devil’s advocate with themselves (even on weighty subjects such as COVID vaccination or sillier ones like whether Survivor is the best reality show). By doing this, the teacher models the value of asking questions. Encourage Students to Reflect Reflection is an important part of learning. It allows students to activate their previous knowledge and cement it with new information, which ultimately encourages overall retention. Reflection can also help students understand the purpose of a lesson or assignment and how it relates to their personal lives. To encourage reflection, teachers should create a classroom environment that provides space for students to discuss and explore their questions. This could be as simple as a journal stationed near the door, or a stack of Post-it notes beside the whiteboard. By providing this space, students can express their questions without disrupting class and without interrupting other students’ inquiries. Similarly, teachers should model their own reflective process to show students that reflecting doesn’t stop in the classroom. They can discuss their own experiences with a new activity, or even talk about how they’ve grown as a teacher. This can help students feel more comfortable exploring new subjects and even trying out extracurricular activities. Encourage Students to Communicate Curiosity is an essential part of the learning process and we should encourage students to ask questions. However, it’s also important to teach students how to communicate with their peers. Students need to know that their views are valid and that they can express them in a respectful way. One of the best ways to teach this is to have students work in teams or pairs. This allows them to practice communicating with each other and also helps them see that their viewpoint is not the only one. In addition, teachers should model curiosity by trying new activities and taking on challenging tasks. This will show students that it’s okay to be curious about unfamiliar topics and can help them overcome the fear of being wrong or making a mistake. This can also inspire them to try new extracurricular activities and expose themselves to different cultures. Encourage Students to Take Risks Taking risks is an important part of the curiosity-driven learning process. Students who are curious to learn will engage in more independent thinking and are more likely to retain information for longer periods of time. Encourage students to take risks by providing them with opportunities to experiment, such as research projects or group activities. Create an environment in which your students are psychologically safe to challenge their own beliefs and the beliefs of others. This can be done by playing devil’s advocate, such as on an issue that is weighty and important like mandatory COVID vaccinations or something a little more light-hearted like why Survivor is the best reality show ever created. Teach learners to use open-ended questions during lessons, such as “What would happen if we did this?” and “Where could we go to see blue macaws?” This helps learners build curiosity by challenging their current knowledge and worldview. It also teaches them to value the valuable questioning, investigating and imagining that happens during their learning journey rather than simply their ability to answer questions correctly on tests. Encouraging curiosity in the classroom is a vital aspect of education, and one way to foster a sense of inquiry is through engaging riddles. Incorporating riddles, such as the intriguing ones found in “3 Easy Riddles For You!“, can stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students. These brain teasers ignite curiosity and encourage students to think creatively while seeking solutions. By introducing riddles into the classroom, teachers create an interactive learning environment that promotes active participation and intellectual exploration. The inclusion of riddles as a teaching tool nurtures curiosity and cultivates a love for learning, making it an invaluable asset in fostering a dynamic educational experience.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://thereplaytube.com/2023/05/encouraging-curiosity-in-the-classroom/", "date": "2023-09-30T03:23:37", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233510575.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20230930014147-20230930044147-00467.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9551235437393188, "token_count": 1087, "score": 4.71875, "int_score": 5 }
In previous article, we covered Comparison operators in Python. That works only when we compare similar data types i.e. a string with a string or an integer value with an integer. But, what if we need to compare a string with an integer? Even if we could, it would lead to some random outcome. We can’t do that directly but there is way around for certain inputs. First start with what happens when we compare an integer with string – x = 10 y = "21" if (x<y): print("10<21 and it worked!!") At this stage, it would throw an error – TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str' Clearly, it couldn’t compare and threw a TypeError along-with the reason. The less than operator(<) is not supported for int and str values. The value stored in variable y, looks like an integer value. But, in reality its a string. We can verify it with type() – It returns with – And, for variable y – Compare string with integer in Python So, how do we compare such variables? We can convert the string value to an integer or even float. It can be done through int() and float() methods. We continue with the above example but, this time around with a difference. We either use int() or float() method – x = 10 y = "21" if (x<int(y)): print("10<21 and it worked!!") x = 10 y = "21" if (x<float(y)): print("10<21 and it worked!!") For both the cases, it would return with – 10<21 and It worked!! In conclusion, we have covered how to compare string with integer in Python here. Though not applicable to all the combinations as we can’t compare “abc” with 23. These are entirely different data types which can’t be utilized this way. For instance, It would throw a ValueError – ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'abc' But, for combinations mentioned in this article – we can do that.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://techpiezo.com/python/compare-string-with-integer-in-python/", "date": "2023-09-25T10:43:35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233508959.20/warc/CC-MAIN-20230925083430-20230925113430-00067.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8623756766319275, "token_count": 467, "score": 4.65625, "int_score": 5 }
Reading response worksheets are the perfect way to have students write about what they have read. They can be used alone or glued into a journal so students can look back on their work. They provide kids with a structured framework to engage with texts, analyze literary elements, and express their interpretations. They often include reading response examples that serve as models for students, demonstrating effective approaches to analyzing and responding to the text. They can come in various forms, such as book response templates, response journal templates, or free reading response worksheets. Utilizing these worksheets, students can effectively analyze literary elements, make connections, and express their interpretations. They often include prompts or questions that encourage critical thinking and deeper analysis of the text. Additionally, these worksheets may incorporate graphic organizers, such as charts or diagrams, to visually organize students' ideas and support their understanding of complex concepts. These worksheets provide structure and guidance for students to engage with texts, develop critical thinking skills, and deepen their comprehension of the literature. Teachers can provide clear instructions, model effective responses, and offer opportunities for peer collaboration and discussion. Additionally, teachers can use the worksheets as a springboard for further exploration and extension activities, such as class discussions or creative projects, to enhance students' engagement and learning experience. By utilizing reading response worksheets, students have the opportunity to express their connections, predictions, and reflections while developing their comprehension, analysis, and writing skills. These worksheets play an important role in promoting active reading, critical thinking, and deeper engagement with the text. The purpose of a reading response is to have students examine and explain what they have read. Reading responses get students thinking beyond just what the book is about, but in a deeper way. These reading response templates are completely customizable and can be used in all grades and subjects! Reading response worksheets, including book response templates, response journal templates, and free reading response worksheets, are instructional resources designed to engage students in actively responding to and reflecting on the texts they read. Reading response activities offer students engaging and interactive ways to interact with literature, encouraging them to reflect, analyze, and respond to the text. These activities can include group discussions, creative projects, role-playing, or even multimedia presentations, providing students with diverse opportunities to express their understanding and interpretations. We have lots of templates to choose from. Take a look at our example for inspiration! Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator. Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future. This is where you will include directions, specific images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless! When you are finished, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard. From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more! Reading response worksheets, including 2nd grade reading response templates and free worksheets, promote active reading, critical thinking, and engagement. They help students summarize, reflect, analyze, and organize their thoughts, improving comprehension and writing skills. Teachers can assess understanding and provide targeted feedback, fostering deeper analysis. Overall, these worksheets support students in becoming active and reflective readers. A reading response that emphasizes interpretation and analysis enhances critical thinking skills by evaluating evidence, recognizing biases, developing logical reasoning, synthesizing information, engaging in reflective thinking, encouraging inquisitiveness, and promoting problem-solving skills. Students become adept at analyzing and applying critical thinking skills beyond literature, benefiting other academic disciplines and real-world situations. A reading response that places a strong emphasis on interpretation and analysis, utilizing various reading response templates, incorporating diverse reading response ideas, and making use of freely available reading response worksheets, significantly enhances critical thinking skills. In this approach to reading response writing, students develop advanced critical thinking skills. They learn to evaluate evidence, challenge biases, employ logical reasoning, synthesize information, engage in reflective thinking, foster inquisitiveness, and hone problem-solving abilities. These skills extend beyond literature, equipping students with versatile critical thinking abilities applicable across academic disciplines and real-world situations.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://www.storyboardthat.com/create/reading-responses", "date": "2023-10-02T17:37:00", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233511002.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20231002164819-20231002194819-00367.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9324037432670593, "token_count": 870, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
Answer the below-given Math Questions. To unlock a special gift at the end!! Decimals are a way to represent numbers that have a fractional part to express values between whole numbers. They are written with a decimal point, separating the whole number part from the fractional part. Let me tell you an exciting story about Lily and Emma to help you understand what decimals are all about. Lily and Emma were talented bakers who loved making delicious cakes. One day, they decided to make a beautiful chocolate cake together. While preparing the cake batter, they needed to measure the ingredients very precisely. They used a special measuring cup that had markings on it to help them get the right amount. Now, imagine Lily pouring 1 cup of flour into the bowl. The measuring cup showed that the flour reached exactly up to the line marked “1.” This is a whole number, representing a complete cup of flour.Learn More What is the decimal representation of the fraction 3/10? Subtract 18.72 from 40 Add: 0.27 + 0.67 Write the decimals number for 48/100 Lucy saved 6.25 dollars last week and 3.10 dollars this week. How much money did she save in total? Which decimal is equivalent to 2/3? Jenny had 2.75 dollars, and she spent 1.50 dollars on a book. How much money does she have now? Express 5/25 as a decimal. What is the result of 4.2 – 1.3? Rachel ran 2.15 kilometers, and Ben ran 3.78 kilometers. How far did they run together? Next, Emma had to add ½ cup of sugar. She looked closely at the measuring cup and noticed a small line halfway between 0 and 1. Emma carefully poured the sugar until it reached that line. This line represents the fraction half (½), which is less than a whole cup. So, when Lily measured 1 cup of flour, it was like saying 1 whole unit (or 1.0). And when Emma measured ½ cup of sugar, it was like saying 0.5 units, representing a part of the whole cup. In simple terms, Decimals are helpful when we need to express values that are in-between whole numbers. They allow us to be more precise with measurements and represent fractional amounts. Especially when dealing with measurements, money, or any situation where we need to express values between whole numbers.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://moonpreneur.com/math-quiz-for-kids/grade-4/decimals/", "date": "2023-09-23T01:11:34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233506429.78/warc/CC-MAIN-20230922234442-20230923024442-00367.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.951927125453949, "token_count": 518, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
In this set of Google Slides students demonstrate their understanding of musical form by building patterns with letters (on objects). Students read the term (ex. binary, ternary), identify what possible patterns could be created based on amount of empty boxes on the slide, then drag items (from the bottom) into the empty boxes to create the form. Multiple choices are provided for students to use to create the patterns. Possible examples of answers for each slide are also included. Students will build the following forms: strophic, binary, ternary, rondo, theme & variations, through-composed and arch. Five short “tutorial” videos for teachers are also included and cover such things as how to rename the file, make a copy for your students, delete slides (and why you might want to do that). If you’re new or unsure of how to work with Google Slides, you’ll find these helpful. ***This is the most challenging and highest level of assessment for this series.***
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://kto8musicclassactivities.com/product/build-the-music-form-by-term-via-google-slides/", "date": "2023-09-26T00:24:35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233510100.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20230925215547-20230926005547-00467.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9476207494735718, "token_count": 211, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Understanding Recursion in Programming Recursion is a fundamental concept in computer science and programming that involves a function or algorithm calling itself, either directly or indirectly. It is a powerful technique that allows for the solution of complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable subproblems. In essence, recursion is a process where a problem is solved by solving smaller instances of the same problem, until a base case is reached. How Recursion Works Recursion functions by dividing a problem into smaller subproblems and solving them in a recursive manner. At each step, the function calls itself with a modified set of parameters or inputs, moving closer towards the base case. The base case is the simplest form of the problem that does not require any further recursion and allows the function to terminate. When a recursive function is called, it creates a new instance of itself, known as a recursive call. These recursive calls continue until the base case is reached, at which point the function starts unwinding the stack of recursive calls and returns the results back to the original caller. Example of Recursion To better understand recursion, let's consider an example of calculating the factorial of a number. The factorial of a non-negative integer 'n' is denoted by 'n!' and is the product of all positive integers from 1 to 'n'. For instance, 5! is equal to 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1, which equals 120. A recursive function to calculate the factorial of a number can be defined as follows: if n == 0: return n * factorial(n-1) In this example, the base case is when 'n' equals 0, where the function returns 1. For any other value of 'n', the function calls itself with 'n-1' as the argument, multiplying the current value of 'n' with the result of the recursive call. This process continues until the base case is reached, at which point the function starts unwinding the stack of recursive calls, returning the final result. For instance, if we call `factorial(5)`, it will recursively call `factorial(4)`, then `factorial(3)`, `factorial(2)`, `factorial(1)`, and finally `factorial(0)`. As the base case is reached, the function starts unwinding, returning the intermediate results back up the stack until the original caller receives the final result of 120. Benefits and Drawbacks of Recursion Recursion offers several benefits in programming. It provides an elegant and concise solution for solving problems that can be naturally divided into smaller subproblems. It allows for the reduction of complex tasks into simpler and more manageable units, enhancing code readability and maintainability. Recursion can also be a powerful tool for traversing hierarchical data structures like trees and graphs. However, recursion also has its drawbacks. Recursive functions can consume a significant amount of memory, as each recursive call creates a new instance of the function on the call stack. This can lead to stack overflow errors if the recursion depth becomes too large. Additionally, recursive algorithms may not always be the most efficient solution for certain problems, as they can involve redundant computations and duplicate work. Recursion is a powerful and widely used concept in computer science and programming. It allows for the solution of complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable subproblems. By understanding the base case and how each recursive call modifies the problem, developers can leverage recursion to write elegant and efficient code. However, it is essential to be mindful of the potential drawbacks, such as memory consumption and performance considerations, when utilizing recursion in practice. Let's buildsomething together
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://startup-house.com/inventory/recursion", "date": "2023-10-03T09:56:58", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233511075.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20231003092549-20231003122549-00867.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8947515487670898, "token_count": 771, "score": 4.90625, "int_score": 5 }
Objective: Student will be able to compare fractions, understand what a fractions means, and use a visual representation to aid in understanding fractions. Materials: Visual representation cards of differing fractions or cubes, worksheets with accompanying written instructions. Warm Up (5 minutes): Have students identify what they already know about fractions as a whole. Guide conversation to discuss how fractions are used. Introduction to Fractions (10 minutes): Begin explanation of what fractions are and what they represent. Ask students to offer responses and share their answers. Explain that a fraction is a part of a whole. Activity A (15 minutes): Use visual representation cards of differing fractions (can use real food, blocks, or objects to represent fractions) or cubes. Ask students to compare the fractions and discuss what parts of the whole each fraction represents. Have students explain their answers. Activity B (30 minutes): Provide worksheets that have students creating their own fractions and understanding different equations. Provide written instruction for students to reference. Have student walk through the worksheet and compare what different fractions look like and are used for. Closure (5 minutes): Ask students to explain the differences between the fractions and how to compare them. Have them explain the meaning of a fraction and the importance of fractions. Assessment: Worksheets, verbal assessment, and visual assessment can be used to assess understanding of fractions and comparing fractions.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://teacherbot.io/contents/create-a-lesson-plan-for-english-learners-that-teaches-a-kid-who-is-ne", "date": "2023-12-02T02:30:26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100309.57/warc/CC-MAIN-20231202010506-20231202040506-00867.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9260963201522827, "token_count": 284, "score": 5.1875, "int_score": 5 }
Find out how scientists created a virtual telescope as large as Earth itself to capture the first image of a black hole’s silhouette. Accomplishing what was previously thought to be impossible, a team of international astronomers has captured an image of a black hole’s silhouette. Evidence of the existence of black holes – mysterious places in space where nothing, not even light, can escape – has existed for quite some time, and astronomers have long observed the effects on the surroundings of these phenomena. In the popular imagination, it was thought that capturing an image of a black hole was impossible because an image of something from which no light can escape would appear completely black. For scientists, the challenge was how, from thousands or even millions of light-years away, to capture an image of the hot, glowing gas falling into a black hole. An ambitious team of international astronomers and computer scientists has managed to accomplish both. Working for well over a decade to achieve the feat, the team improved upon an existing radio astronomy technique for high-resolution imaging and used it to detect the silhouette of a black hole – outlined by the glowing gas that surrounds its event horizon, the precipice beyond which light cannot escape. Learning about these mysterious structures can help students understand gravity and the dynamic nature of our universe, all while sharpening their math skills. How They Did It Though scientists had theorized they could image black holes by capturing their silhouettes against their glowing surroundings, the ability to image an object so distant still eluded them. A team formed to take on the challenge, creating a network of telescopes known as the Event Horizon Telescope, or the EHT. They set out to capture an image of a black hole by improving upon a technique that allows for the imaging of far-away objects, known as Very Long Baseline Interferometry, or VLBI. Telescopes of all types are used to see distant objects. The larger the diameter, or aperture, of the telescope, the greater its ability to gather more light and the higher its resolution (or ability to image fine details). To see details in objects that are far away and appear small and dim from Earth, we need to gather as much light as possible with very high resolution, so we need to use a telescope with a large aperture. That’s why the VLBI technique was essential to capturing the black hole image. VLBI works by creating an array of smaller telescopes that can be synchronized to focus on the same object at the same time and act as a giant virtual telescope. In some cases, the smaller telescopes are also an array of multiple telescopes. This technique has been used to track spacecraft and to image distant cosmic radio sources, such as quasars. The aperture of a giant virtual telescope such as the Event Horizon Telescope is as large as the distance between the two farthest-apart telescope stations – for the EHT, those two stations are at the South Pole and in Spain, creating an aperture that’s nearly the same as the diameter of Earth. Each telescope in the array focuses on the target, in this case the black hole, and collects data from its location on Earth, providing a portion of the EHT’s full view. The more telescopes in the array that are widely spaced, the better the image resolution. To test VLBI for imaging a black hole and a number of computer algorithms for sorting and synchronizing data, the Event Horizon Telescope team decided on two targets, each offering unique challenges. The closest supermassive black hole to Earth, Sagittarius A*, interested the team because it is in our galactic backyard – at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, 26,000 light-years (156 quadrillion miles) away. (An asterisk is the astronomical standard for denoting a black hole.) Though not the only black hole in our galaxy, it is the black hole that appears largest from Earth. But its location in the same galaxy as Earth meant the team would have to look through “pollution” caused by stars and dust to image it, meaning there would be more data to filter out when processing the image. Nevertheless, because of the black hole’s local interest and relatively large size, the EHT team chose Sagittarius A* as one of its two targets. This image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope shows a jet of subatomic particles streaming from the center of M87*. Image credits: NASA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) The second target was the supermassive black hole M87*. One of the largest known supermassive black holes, M87* is located at the center of the gargantuan elliptical galaxy Messier 87, or M87, 53 million light-years (318 quintillion miles) away. Substantially more massive than Sagittarius A*, which contains 4 million solar masses, M87* contains 6.5 billion solar masses. One solar mass is equivalent to the mass of our Sun, approximately 2×10^30 kilograms. In addition to its size, M87* interested scientists because, unlike Sagittarius A*, it is an active black hole, with matter falling into it and spewing out in the form of jets of particles that are accelerated to velocities near the speed of light. But its distance made it even more of a challenge to capture than the relatively local Sagittarius A*. As described by Katie Bouman, a computer scientist with the EHT who led development of one of the algorithms used to sort telescope data during the processing of the historic image, it’s akin to capturing an image of an orange on the surface of the Moon. By 2017, the EHT was a collaboration of eight sites around the world – and more have been added since then. Before the team could begin collecting data, they had to find a time when the weather was likely to be conducive to telescope viewing at every location. For M87*, the team tried for good weather in April 2017 and, of the 10 days chosen for observation, a whopping four days were clear at all eight sites! Each telescope used for the EHT had to be highly synchronized with the others to within a fraction of a millimeter using an atomic clock locked onto a GPS time standard. This degree of precision makes the EHT capable of resolving objects about 4,000 times better than the Hubble Space Telescope. As each telescope acquired data from the target black hole, the digitized data and time stamp were recorded on computer disk media. Gathering data for four days around the world gave the team a substantial amount of data to process. The recorded media were then physically transported to a central location because the amount of data, around 5 petabytes, exceeds what the current internet speeds can handle. At this central location, data from all eight sites were synchronized using the time stamps and combined to create a composite set of images, revealing the never-before-seen silhouette of M87*’s event horizon. The team is also working on generating an image of Sagittarius A* from additional observations made by the EHT.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://thewashingtoninquirer.com/science/how-scientists-captured-the-first-image-of-a-black-hole/", "date": "2023-12-05T19:25:01", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100555.27/warc/CC-MAIN-20231205172745-20231205202745-00567.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.951326847076416, "token_count": 1453, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Math can be a challenging subject for many students, but it can also be fun and engaging. As is important to plan lessons that not only teach the necessary concepts but also keep students interested and motivated. In this lesson plan, we will explore number patterns on a number line and hundreds chart through a series of activities and discussions. Warm-up Activity: BOOM…BOOM…CLAP! Before diving into the lesson, it’s always good to start with a warm-up activity to get the students’ brains and bodies moving. In this activity, students will repeat after the teacher and clap their hands at the appropriate times. The pattern goes like this: “BOOM…BOOM…CLAP!” while clapping during the “CLAP” part. After four repetitions, the students will say “BOOM, BOOM” and stop. Then, the teacher will ask the students what comes next in the pattern and how they know. This activity helps students recognize patterns and understand the concept of repetition. Next, the teacher will show an image of a number line with different number patterns. The teacher will ask the students to identify whether the pattern is increasing or decreasing and what the pattern rule is. For example, in the first pattern, the numbers are increasing by a jump of 5. The teacher will then ask the students to identify what comes after a particular number in the pattern. This activity helps students understand how to identify and extend number patterns on a number line. After understanding number patterns on a number line, the teacher will introduce the hundreds chart. The hundreds chart is a grid with numbers from 1 to 100 arranged in rows and columns. The teacher will show the students a hundreds chart with a few numbers circled and ask them to identify what the pattern rule is. For example, if the pattern is increasing, the students will have to identify what number comes after a particular number in the pattern. This activity helps students understand how to identify and extend number patterns on a hundreds chart. To further engage the students, the teacher will distribute a hundreds chart sheet to each student and ask them to create their own number pattern by circling numbers. After completing their patterns, the students will exchange their charts with their partners and identify what the next number in the pattern is. This activity not only helps students apply the concepts they have learned but also encourages collaboration and peer-to-peer learning. In conclusion, this lesson plan is a fun and engaging way to teach students about number patterns on a number line and hundreds chart. By incorporating a warm-up activity, interactive discussions, and collaborative work, students are more likely to stay interested and motivated throughout the lesson. As a teacher, it’s important to keep in mind that not all students may finish the activities in one day, and it’s okay to break it down into two days if necessary. With the right approach and lesson plan, math can be an enjoyable and accessible subject for all students. Friend's Email Address Your Email Address
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://taleemabad.com/exploring-number-patterns/", "date": "2023-12-05T21:57:38", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100568.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20231205204654-20231205234654-00667.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9226520657539368, "token_count": 622, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
In this colorful worksheet your youngster will work with the conjunction “and.” What is a conjunction? One of the main parts of speech, a conjunction is like a paper clip; it can hold two things together. These things may be words, phrases, or clauses. There are different conjunction types. For example, a coordinating conjunction, such as “and,” “or” and “for,” connects independent clauses. A subordinate conjunction, like “although,” connects an independent clause with a dependent clause. You may view the worksheets below or download them by clicking on the title. They may be used for free in your home or classroom. Here’s a worksheet on the common conjunction “or.” In this worksheet your student will start learning about conjunctions. This worksheet focuses on conjunctions that connect modifiers like adjectives and adverbs. Let’s work on conjunctions that connect subjects! Time to work on conjunctions that connect subjects! Let’s write some sentences using conjunctions! Now it’s time to work with subordinating conjunctions! This worksheet runs off those run-on sentences! This worksheet focuses on correlating conjunctions. A conjunction is a word that links other words, clauses, or phrases together. The concert was over early because the… This conjunction worksheet asks your student to identify the conjunction in sentences. Conjunctive adverbs can work like a conjunction when they connect independent clauses. Your student will identify the conjunctive adverbs in this worksheet.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.k12reader.com/subject/grammar/parts-of-speech/conjunctions/", "date": "2023-12-07T02:51:42", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100632.0/warc/CC-MAIN-20231207022257-20231207052257-00567.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8912575244903564, "token_count": 342, "score": 5.03125, "int_score": 5 }
About These 15 Worksheets These worksheets will help you understand and practice using metaphors in language. A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things by saying one thing is another thing, even though they are not literally the same. It helps us understand something better by comparing it to something else. To explain metaphors, let’s look at an example – Imagine someone says, “Her voice is music to my ears.” This statement is a metaphor because it compares the person’s voice to music. It doesn’t mean her voice is actually music, but it suggests that her voice brings the same joy and pleasure as listening to music. Metaphor worksheets provide exercises and activities that help you recognize and use metaphors in sentences or conversations. These worksheets often contain examples of sentences or phrases where you have to identify the metaphors and understand the comparisons being made. By working on metaphor worksheets, you can: Identify Metaphors – Metaphor worksheets help you develop the skill of recognizing metaphors in language. By reading sentences or passages, you learn to identify phrases or expressions that compare two things without using “like” or “as.” This skill allows you to appreciate the creative and imaginative use of language in making comparisons. Understand Figurative Language – Metaphor worksheets allow you to explore the figurative meanings of metaphors. You learn to interpret the implied comparisons and understand the deeper messages or emotions being conveyed. By understanding metaphors, you gain insight into the power of language to communicate complex ideas or emotions in a more vivid and engaging way. Enhance Writing Skills – By learning about metaphors, you enhance your own writing skills. Metaphors provide a tool to make your writing more expressive and impactful. By practicing metaphors through worksheets, you develop the ability to use this figure of speech in your own writing to convey ideas, create vivid descriptions, or add depth to your storytelling. Improve Communication – Metaphor worksheets help you become a more effective communicator. Metaphors make language more engaging and memorable, allowing you to express ideas or emotions in a way that resonates with others. By understanding metaphors, you become better equipped to use them in your conversations and writing, making your communication more engaging and persuasive. Appreciate Creative Language – Metaphor worksheets foster an appreciation for the creative use of language. Metaphors allow us to see the world from different perspectives and make connections between seemingly unrelated things. By exploring metaphors, you develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the beauty and artistry of language. Why Do Authors Use Metaphors In Their Work? Authors use metaphors in their work for several reasons: Enhancing Descriptions – Metaphors make descriptions more vivid, engaging, and memorable. By comparing one thing to another, authors create a mental image or sensory experience that brings their writing to life. Metaphors help readers visualize and connect with the descriptions on a deeper level. Adding Depth and Nuance – Metaphors can convey complex ideas, emotions, or experiences in a concise and impactful way. They allow authors to express abstract concepts by relating them to more tangible or familiar objects or experiences. Metaphors add layers of meaning and depth to the writing, encouraging readers to think more deeply about the subject matter. Creating Emotional Impact – Metaphors evoke emotions and create a powerful emotional impact. By connecting a familiar experience or object with a particular emotion, authors can evoke strong feelings in their readers. Metaphors can heighten the intensity of emotions or capture the essence of a particular mood or atmosphere, making the writing more emotionally resonant. Stimulating Imagination – Metaphors engage the reader’s imagination and invite them to make connections and draw associations. By presenting comparisons and analogies, metaphors encourage readers to think beyond the literal meanings of words and explore the deeper implications or connections within the text. Metaphors stimulate creativity and invite readers to actively participate in the interpretation of the writing. Making Complex Ideas Accessible – Metaphors simplify complex or abstract ideas by relating them to something more familiar. They serve as a bridge between unfamiliar or difficult concepts and the reader’s existing knowledge and experiences. Metaphors help readers grasp and understand complex ideas in a more accessible and relatable way. Creating Memorable Language – Metaphors make language more memorable. They provide unique and imaginative ways of expressing ideas, creating distinctive images or phrases that stick in the reader’s mind. Metaphors contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the writing and make it more enjoyable and impactful.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://15worksheets.com/worksheet-category/metaphors/", "date": "2023-12-10T19:33:24", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679102637.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20231210190744-20231210220744-00267.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8854066729545593, "token_count": 959, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
The Chicxulub Crater, located in the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico, is one of the most significant geological features on our planet. It is the result of an asteroid impact that occurred approximately 66 million years ago, marking the end of the Cretaceous period and the demise of the dinosaurs. This report aims to provide a detailed overview of the Chicxulub Crater, its formation, its impact on Earth's history, and its scientific importance. The Chicxulub Crater The Chicxulub Crater was formed when a massive asteroid, estimated to be about 10 kilometers in diameter, collided with Earth. This catastrophic event released an enormous amount of energy, equivalent to billions of atomic bombs. The impact caused the immediate formation of a transient crater, which later collapsed inward and formed a larger, more permanent structure. Unveiling the Impact that Changed Earth’s History 66 Million Years Ago Features of the Crater The Chicxulub Crater has a diameter of approximately 180 kilometers and is buried beneath sedimentary layers, making it difficult to observe directly. However, scientists have used various techniques, including drilling and geophysical surveys, to study its structure. The crater consists of a central peak ring, formed by rebounding rocks, surrounded by an outer rim and annular troughs. The impact of the Chicxulub asteroid had devastating consequences for life on Earth. The immense energy released upon impact caused widespread wildfires, tsunamis, and earthquakes. Additionally, the impact ejected a significant amount of debris and vaporized rock into the atmosphere, leading to a global climate catastrophe. The resulting darkness, prolonged cooling, and acid rain caused widespread extinctions, including the dinosaurs. This event is known as the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction. The Chicxulub Crater remained undiscovered until the late 1970s when scientists noticed an anomalous structure in the region through geophysical surveys. Since its discovery, extensive research has been conducted to understand the crater's formation and its impact on Earth's history. This impact event is crucial to our understanding of mass extinctions, Earth's geological processes, and the role of catastrophic events in shaping our planet. Scientists continue to study the Chicxulub Crater, using various techniques such as sediment core drilling, seismic imaging, and computer modeling. Ongoing research aims to gain further insights into the specific environmental changes caused by the impact, the recovery of life after the mass extinction, and the potential implications of similar impact events in the future. The Chicxulub Crater is an extraordinary geological feature that provides us with valuable information about Earth’s history. The impact that formed this crater had a profound impact on life, leading to the extinction of dinosaurs and reshaping the planet’s ecosystems. Ongoing research on the Chicxulub Crater continues to shed light on the mechanisms and consequences of catastrophic events, improving our understanding of Earth’s past and potentially preparing us for future challenges.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://cymansayz.com/chicxulub-crater/", "date": "2023-11-28T20:04:27", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099942.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128183116-20231128213116-00467.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9196919798851013, "token_count": 618, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Function Notation Worksheet Answers. This is a 20 question worksheet where issues are dressed up in function notation within a “operate machine”. This resource incorporates 22 questions and can be used as a worksheet or Quiz for school students to demonstrate the way to convert between written inequalities & interval notation, and writing domain & vary in Interval Notation. Interval notation describes sets an interval is a related subset of numbers it’s an various to e teaching algebra math classroom quotes fundamental algebra an interval is a connected subset of numbers. A properly-developed Characteristics Worksheet with Solutions provides you with students with methods to a quantity of essential queries about characteristics. Graphically discover the interval for which the operate is steady. To write interval notation, we express a set of actual numbers with a place to begin and an endpoint written within parenthesis or brackets. This is the first chapter in Glencoe algebra 1. In this chapter, a student will be taught various kinds of algebraic and variables expressions. Along with this, the order of operations thought-about in maths, true/false and open sentences, inverse and multiplicative identity are additionally discovered. There are also various properties like commutative … - In this notation the elements are described, but not listed. - Reported resources will be reviewed by our group. - Students will be taught perform notation instead of y. - Evaluating Function Notation Worksheet Pdf Answers Kidsworksheetfun is a free printable for you. - But it’s at all times better to follow and review. Interval notation describes sets an interval is a linked subset of numbers it is an alternative to e educating algebra math classroom quotes basic algebra an interval is a connected subset of numbers. Inequalities & interval notation write the inequality in interval notation. Function notation practice worksheet reply key Function Notation Maze Worksheetby Function Notation Maze Worksheet My students love mazes and this is a great different to a conventional worksheet. They ought to then bear in mind a functionality is undoubtedly an equation which takes a disagreement and creates a … Tenses worksheet help kids practise and improve their reading comprehension. Learning tenses assist them develop fluent communication and understand the different verb varieties. Interval Notation Apply Worksheet Help Worksheet We can even use our data of function notation to produce situations where equations can be shaped and solved. Raise maths attainment throughout your school with tons of of versatile and simple to use GCSE maths worksheets and classes designed by lecturers for teachers. A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and solutions on Function Notation. Evaluating capabilities requires us to substitute a value for x within the algebraic expression. Functions may be linear expressions or extra complex polynomials and even algebraic fractions. Evaluate capabilities for particular inputs given the formula of the operate. Functions are written utilizing function notation. We are a maths GCSE website, helping dad and mom, college students and lecturers. Capabilities, Area & Range, Operate Notation Follow The table operate is helpful for locating values when graphing linear equations, quadratics, cubics and other polynomials. Using Function Notation Worksheet Bring inquiry-based studying to your Algebra classroom with this scaffolded worksheet! Students could have the opportunity to discover perform notation through real world situations and will finish with a firm conceptual understanding of the topic. It life essential to begin by comprehending the definitions of domain and vary. This is a 20 query worksheet where problems are dressed up in function notation within a “perform machine”. The students enter values to search out their outputs. There might be college students in your class who require particular person attention to assist them succeed in their maths GCSEs. In a category of 30, it’s not always simple to supply. And composite capabilities have a notation which appears like fg which is learn as ‘f of g of x’. A operate is a relationship between two variables. Tips On How To Use Operate Notation Ad essentially the most comprehensive library of free printable worksheets digital games for teenagers. An investigation of capabilities is a free, open textbook masking a. In this interval notation worksheet, students clear up inequalities, sketch a graph of the reply, and write the answer using interval notation. Online Textbook Sketchpads have worksheets underneath the Resource Section of the Text. Get 24⁄7 customer help help whenever you place a homework assist service order with us. We will information you on how to place your essay help, proofreading and enhancing your draft – fixing the grammar, spelling, or formatting of your paper simply and cheaply. Displaying all worksheets associated to – Function Notation Answer Key. This is a 2-page PDF doc that assesses a student’s understanding of Function Notation. The exercise includes a maze and the reply key. This bundle of two worksheets is a enjoyable way for college kids to practice evaluating functions in operate notation. Students will color in correct solutions to help them solve a different riddle for every worksheet.An answer sheet for each worksheet is included on a separate page. This activity will assist your college students perceive tips on how to evaluate features utilizing perform notation. Interval Notation Practice Worksheet Support Worksheet Interval notation worksheet name draw a graph of each inequality and put in interval notation. Use function notation, consider capabilities for inputs in their domains, and interpret statements that use operate notation by way of a context. Describe the interval proven utilizing an inequality, set notation, and … One of the effective ways is the interval notation. Function notation can be used in the table function of a scientific calculator. Associated Functions Lessons Before writing an interval notation, we want to understand two things. Write the Domain and Range
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.worksheetkey.com/function-notation-worksheet-answers/", "date": "2023-11-30T04:39:54", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100164.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20231130031610-20231130061610-00467.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.887017011642456, "token_count": 1207, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Teaching About Volcanoes in a Plate Tectonic Context Note: This is not an activity but rather background information on types of volcanoes. It can be modified. Volcanoes are a natural draw for students to engage in Earth Science because they are beautiful, dangerous and exciting. They also provide important windows into the planetary interior: as part of the overall dynamic operation of the planet they are critical to our understanding of plate motions and the convective circulation of the Earth’s interior. Middle grades instruction about volcanoes typically focuses on student mastery of lower-order skills (recollection, definition) rather than on higher-order approaches (synthesis, integration). This situation is unfortunate, because the rich context for volcanism and volcanoes present an ideal opportunity for integrating several areas of Earth science that are challenging to students: three-dimensional visualization, working with extremely long time scales, and scientifically complex processes and vocabularies. This learning unit is designed to help students understand the differences between volcanoes that result from two different sets of dynamic forces: hot spots or mantle plumes, represented in this unit by Hawai’i, and convergent plate settings, represented here by Merapi, Indonesia. The volcanoes have distinctly different morphologies that reflect the composition and viscosity of the magmas involved in each setting. They also show distinct age progressions that highlight the differences in tectonic setting. Both volcanoes are extremely active and long-lived, so students and teachers can augment the materials here through independent or guided inquiry. By integrating this range of information students can build a comprehensive and mechanistically self-consistent model of volcano formation that reinforces the challenging concepts of plate tectonics. The activities described here also lend themselves to partnering with teachers in other areas such as geography, mathematics, language, literature and biology. When we think about volcanoes, it’s common to picture giant mountains that spew red hot lava straight out the top. Think “elementary science fair” (vinegar and baking soda combined inside a volcano shaped from clay) or movies like Volcano and Dante’s Peak where actors sprint down the mountain side trying to escape the lava flow. But do all volcanoes really behave like this? There are hundreds of active volcanoes around the world today. Unlike dormant or extinct volcanoes, active volcanoes either are currently erupting or are expected to erupt in the near future. Kilauea of the Hawaiian-Emperor Volcanic Chain and Mount Merapi of Central Java are both active volcanoes. In this activity we explore where these volcanoes are located with reference to the boundaries of the lithospheric plates, as well as their appearances, eruptive styles and products. By taking a closer look at these examples we can start to see that not all volcanoes are identical. In fact, there are many characteristics of volcanoes that not only make them distinguishable from each other, but that we can use to understand the paradigm of plate tectonics and the forces that shape the surface and interior of our planet. We will also address several misconceptions that students bring to the study of volcanoes and their relationship to plate tectonics. The ideas below reflect many conversations with students and teachers on this topic. Misconception 1: There is no connection between Pangaea and the paradigm of plate tectonics. Comments: Many students are aware of the theory of continental drift, and can recognize an image of Pangaea. However, the assembly and disassembly of Pangaea is not always seen as the result of plate motions. We note further that students do not always associate volcanism with both convergent and divergent plate motions, nor do they distinguish plate boundary volcanism from that related to deep mantle plumes or hot spots. Misconception 2: Adjacent volcanoes (such as those in Indonesia) cannot be the same age. Comments: Many students are aware of the Hawaiian Islands and have some familiarity with the age progression that is recorded by this sort of hot spot volcanism. In contrast, it is uncommon for students to understand that volcanoes which form in subduction zones are all the same age. It is likely that considerations of geologic time contribute to this misunderstanding, because a chain of contemporaneous volcanoes (such as the Andes or Cascades) tend not to erupt all at the same time as viewed from the perspective of human lifetimes. Adjacent volcanoes that erupt several hundred years apart are still considered to be active concurrently. Misconception 3: Oceanic currents are related to plate tectonics or volcanism. Comments: Most students attribute the difference between ocean crust and continental crust to the presence of water. As we see on the moon, however, crustal thickness is controlled by the type of rocks that have formed, and water plays at most a subordinate role in the generation of subduction-related volcanoes. An additional complication for students may be that any familiarity with volcanoes often centers of islands such as Hawai’i, further reinforcing the idea that water plays a role. This misconception is often very deeply held and difficult to overcome. Misconception 4: Volcanic features (age, shape, rock type, eruptive style) are not related to the tectonic setting where volcanoes are formed. Comments: Volcanoes have characteristic lava chemistries, eruptive styles, edifice morphologies and life spans that reflect the tectonic environment in which they form. There are three primary settings for volcanism: mid-ocean ridge divergent plate margins, subduction zone convergent margins, and hot spots which may be located on either continental or oceanic crust. Each of these settings is readily identified by the volcanic products and their styles of emplacement. This misconception can be addressed by teaching about volcanoes in a holistic manner, in which the individual features are related explicitly to the tectonic setting. Introduction to Hawaii and Indonesia In which tectonic settings are these volcanoes found? Take a look at the map of the active volcanoes and their locations relative to plate boundaries. Are volcanoes usually found along plate boundaries or far away from them? Find Hawaii (H) and Indonesia (I) on the map. Using GoogleEarth, we can pinpoint the exact location of both Merapi and the Hawaiian volcanoes and take a “fly-in tour” of both volcanoes - see the Volcano Tour files at the bottom of the page. You can see from the map above that Merapi and the other Indonesian volcanoes occur at a plate boundary, specifically the convergent boundary where the Indian Ocean Plate collides with and is forced beneath the Asian Plate, in the process known as subduction. Merapi is part of the Sunda Arc, which stretches for over 3000 km as a curved line of active volcanoes along the plate boundary. Subduction boundaries may involve two oceanic plates or an oceanic plate and a continental one. When the dense oceanic plate is forced downward, under the much lighter continental or slightly lighter oceanic plate, magma produced in the shallow mantle rises to form crustal magma chambers that feed the individual volcanoes. The Ring of Fire is perhaps the most famous region of subduction. This area is marked by numerous active volcanoes around the rim of the Pacific Ocean. Indonesia consists of more than 13,000 islands, spread over an area approximating that of the conterminous United States. The disastrous Krakatau (Krakatoa) eruption of 1883 is the largest recorded eruption in human history. Indonesia has the largest number of historically active volcanoes (76), and a total of 1,171 dated eruptions. Four-fifths of Indonesian volcanoes with dated eruptions have erupted in this century. Indonesia has suffered the highest numbers of eruptions producing fatalities, damage to arable land, mudflows, tsunamis, lava domes and pyroclastic flows. Most of the Merapi volcanic products are basaltic andesites and dacites, and the eruptions are moderately to highly explosive. Merapi has been active repeatedly in the past decade, and has erupted regularly since 1548. It is located 28 km north of Yogyakarta city, which continues to be threatened by ash, lava and pyroclastic flows. Hawai’i is not located near a plate boundary. It actually is located in the middle of the Pacific Plate. The Hawaiian volcanoes did not form from subduction or any other plate boundary processes. These volcanoes are evidence for hot spots, thin columns of unusually warm mantle that rise from great depth independent of the convective circulation that drives plate motions at the surface. Plume-derived magma breaks through the crust and gradually supplies lava that builds a volcano. As the lithospheric plates continue to move slowly, the hot spot will form many individual volcanoes adjacent to one another. With time, the volcanoes keep drifting westward and getting older relative to the one active volcano that is over the hot spot. As they age, the crust upon which they sit cools and subsides. This phenomenon, combined with erosion of the islands once active volcanism stops, leads to a shrinking of the islands with age and their eventual submergence below the ocean surface. The Hawaiian volcanoes were produced by the Hawaiian hot spot, which is presently under the Big Island of Hawai’i. Each island is made up of at least one primary volcano, although many islands are composites of more than one. The Big Island, for example, is made of 5 major volcanoes: Kilauea, Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, Hualalai and Kohala. Mauna Loa is not only the largest active volcano on Earth, but also the largest mountain in the world, rising over 30,000 feet above the ocean floor and reaching almost 100 miles across at its base. Kilauea is presently one of the most productive volcanoes on Earth (in terms of how much lava it erupts each year). The primary volcanoes on each of the islands are shield volcanoes, gently sloping mountains produced from a large number of generally very fluid basalt lava flows. Volcano Features: Morphology, Lava Composition, Viscosity and Gas Content Now that we understand better how these two different types of volcanoes have formed, we can examine other features that are related to the distinct tectonic settings. Take another look at the fly-by tours and consider the different shapes of the volcanoes themselves. Kilauea in Hawaii is a very broad shield volcano with a small crater at the top and a shallow, sloping profile. Merapi is a steep-sided stratovolcano that dominates the landscape (the white material is recent ash, not snow). It does not have a crater at the top today, but one day a major eruption will create a crater that could be tens of kilometers in diameter. The different volcano morphologies are created by the types of lavas that form in subduction and oceanic hot spot environments. These two settings are characterized by lavas with different chemical compositions, leading to very different viscosity and explosivity, factors which control the overall shape of the volcano. Viscosity is the term used to describe a fluid’s resistance to flow. The higher the viscosity, the thicker or less runny the lava is when it flows. Honey and toothpaste are both highly viscous fluids, whereas water and vinegar have low viscosities and flow very quickly and easily. Which volcano do you think was built from more viscous lava – Merapi or Hawaii? In Hawaii, where the oceanic crust is thin, basalt magma rises easily from the mantle and erupts in large, low-viscosity flows that cover the landscape. In Merapi, where the crust is thicker, basalt magma usually does not erupt directly but instead forms large chambers in the crust where the magma’s chemistry changes slowly to produce andesite, dacite and even rhyolite. These materials can be quite highly viscous, and their eruptions often produce small sticky lava flows that adhere to steep volcano slopes. The resulting stratovolcano shape is very characteristic of subduction or arc environments, including the Andes and Cascades. Another difference between these two types of volcanoes is the amount of gas contained in the lava. Differences in gas content – like other types of lava chemistry – reflect the tectonic setting of the volcano. Do you think an eruption would be more explosive with a little or a lot of gas? During subduction, water that is trapped in ocean floor sediments gets pulled into the mantle. When this material heats up, the water catalyzes mantle melting and becomes incorporated in the resulting melt. As the magma evolves towards viscous compositions the water may vaporize, leading to explosive eruptions that eject massive amounts of ash, debris or pyroclasts (literally, fire pieces). This eruptive style is characteristic of Merapi and all subduction-related volcanoes. The Hawaiian lavas have less gas and lower viscosity, and as a result these eruptions are not as violent as those from Merapi. The less violent environment attracts tourists and people who visit can often approach the lava flows with only limited danger (but still must remain cautious). Use the “Build Your Own Volcano” website simulation to see if you can set the conditions correctly to form a volcano like those in Hawaii and Indonesia. http://discoverykids.com/games/volcano-explorer/ Prepared by: Tanya Furman & Molly Witter, Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, 2011
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Lesson Plan-Evaluate Credibility of Online Sources Activity / lesson title Evaluate Credibility of Online Sources Middle school or high-school students Expected learning outcomes By the end of the lesson students will be able to: Use key questions to evaluate an article and determine if its source is credible Answer the following essential questions: How can I evaluate content to ensure that it is credible? Why is it important to know the source of a message? Why is it important to understand the goals of a message? Internalize the understanding that not everything they read or see is from a credible source. It’s important to evaluate the credibility of different types of media before you choose to believe their content or share them with others. Subjects and topics covered ICT, mother tongue, foreign language learning Tools / Materials / Resources Computer with internet access (for every student or per team of students) The activity can be implemented individually or in small groups; some of the steps can be implemented with pen & paper instead on a computer. Detailed description of the step-by-step description of the activity / sequences of the units Introduction Credible content is believable and trustworthy. Each time you use the internet, it’s important to evaluate sources for credibility so you won’t be misled by false information. In every type of content, you see and read online, there are clues about credibility. There are five key W questions you can ask yourself when investigating any new topic, or evaluating the credibility of an article: Who wrote the article? What is the author’s point of view? When was the article written? Where does the author get their information? Why did the author write this? Use the five W’s to evaluate the credibility of an online article. Step 1 Open a new browser tab and search for a topic of your choice or a topic that your teacher assigns. Your topic can be about current events, history, science, your favourite book or movie, or something else. Explore a few of the search results, and select a short article. Copy the article from the website and paste it into your document. If the article is long, just copy the first few paragraphs. To quickly return to the original article, insert a link to the website in your document. Step 2 Sometimes it's obvious that a website is trying to get you to do something, like click on a link, buy a product, or share your personal information. But most of the time, it's not so easy to determine if a source is credible or not. Sometimes online content can seem credible – it can have an impressive layout or look professional, but it may have been written by someone who doesn't know much about the topic. To make it easier to answer the five W questions and evaluate your article, create a table in your document. Make a table with two columns and five rows. In the left column of the table, type the five W questions (see the Introduction). Leave the right-hand column blank for now. Step 3 - Answer “Who?” and “What?” Evaluating the author’s trustworthiness and point of view helps you determine their overall credibility. An author’s point of view is their attitude toward what they are writing about. To begin, ask who wrote the article and if the author is a trustworthy source of information. To do this, perform an internet search about the author. Try to find out more about who they are, other articles they have written, or where they work. If the author does not show up in an internet search, it could be a warning sign that the author is made up, and not credible. If the author’s personal or professional history indicates some type of bias, it might affect the credibility of the article. If you can’t find the author of your article, look at the website it appears on, or evaluate the organization that published it. Write any information about who wrote the article in the Who row of your table. Next, think about what the author’s attitude is toward their subject. What is their point of view? Does the author present accurate facts in an unbiased way? Or does the author seem to be taking sides on the topic? If the author is strongly for or against an issue, their bias could affect the credibility of the article. Write your observations about what the author says in the What row of your table. Step 4 - Answer “When?”, “Where?”, and “Why?” Answering the questions when, where and why will tell you if the information in the article is current and accurate, and if the article’s purpose is to inform or persuade. To begin, find out when your article was written. The publication date may be included in the article itself, or it may appear elsewhere on the website. Is the article recent? If not, is its content still relevant, or is it outdated? Information changes all the time, so even an article that is a few years old may contain data that is now inaccurate, or ideas that are no longer relevant. Write down your observations about when the article was written in the When row of your table. Next, try to discover where the article’s information comes from. Does the article include citations, such as footnotes, that mention the sources of its information? Does it have links to its sources or to data collected about the topic? Can you find similar claims in other sources? Search the internet to verify the claims made in the article. If other credible sources make similar claims or if you can find data that supports your article, it may be trustworthy. If you cannot verify the information in the article on other websites or in other sources, the article may not be credible. Write down your observations about where the author got their information in the Where row of your table. Finally, try to determine why the author wrote the article. Is the author writing to inform you about an important issue? Or is the article for entertainment and not intended to educate with truthful information? A tabloid article about a celebrity, for example, might share rumours rather than actual facts. Or is the author trying to persuade you to perform a specific action? For example, an article might try to get you to click on a link, submit personal information, or make a purchase. This is a clue that the article may not be credible. Write down your ideas about why the author wrote the article in the Why row of your table. Step 5 - Decide if Your Source Is Credible Add a new row to your table and write “Is the article credible?” There may not be a clear answer to the question of credibility. To determine the overall credibility of your article, look at your table and review your observations about who, what, when, where, and why. Think about the most and least trustworthy parts of the article. Given all of your observations, do you think the article you chose is credible? Write down your decision in the last row of your table. Then, write a sentence or two about how you came to your decision. Wrap-up Some things you read or see on the internet are obviously true or false. But most information falls somewhere in between. Make sure to evaluate the credibility of everything you read or see online. And always pause to check its credibility before you share content with others. Using the five W’s to evaluate online information step-by-step can help you decide if you should trust a source. Knowing how to evaluate different types of content and determine their credibility is a valuable skill for your education and your personal and professional lives. When you read information closely and think critically about it, you become a better participant and citizen who is able to evaluate current events and historical issues thoughtfully. When you use credible sources, you enhance your own credibility. Tips for the teachers The intro and the Wrap-up parts of the lesson are approx. 5 minutes each; for all other steps the recommended duration is 15 minutes. The activity can be implemented by students independently or in small groups, on a computer or with pen and paper. This activity can be implemented with a text (or texts), which are selected by the teacher. This would allow full control on the content with which students will work. What is more, texts dedicated to certain problematic (ecological, historical or else) would allow achievement of learning goals that go beyond the evaluation of the credibility of sources and could establish interdisciplinary links. The teacher could print the step-by-step description and give the opportunity to the students to progress through the activity at their own pace (suitable for older students), or he/she can monitor the progress and introduce each step to the class (appropriate for younger students). Teacher should check-in with participants during implementation: how they progress through the steps. He/she should support participants/teams who can’t cope with the tasks on time. but keep the timing according to the plan to complete the planned work. Feedback & assessment The main objective of this activity is to assist participants in formulating their own questions to evaluate the credibility of a source. The recommended assessment is through prompted discussion at the end of the session, which would help participants to reflect and share what did they learn through the implementation of that activity. For this approach, a checklist of skills and concepts would be a useful instrument for the educator. Such check-list might be used for leading the discussion into the right direction and for helping participants to reflect on what they learned. Evaluation (for purposes of grading) Not available for this activity Intellectual property rights (IPR) / Origin of the activity The prototype of this resource is from the Applied Digital Skills website. This activity can be copied, distributed, modified and used non-commercially.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.rainboweurope.eu/post/lesson-plan-evaluate-credibility-of-online-sources", "date": "2023-12-01T13:59:57", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100287.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20231201120231-20231201150231-00467.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9384771585464478, "token_count": 2024, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a marvel of modern astronomy that has been observing the universe in infrared wavelengths since its launch in December 2021. One of its first targets was Saturn's moon Enceladus, a small icy world that harbors a global ocean beneath its frozen crust. Enceladus is also known for its spectacular geysers of water vapor and ice that erupt from cracks near its south pole, creating a huge plume that extends far into space. Using its Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) instrument, JWST was able to map the properties of the plume and measure its composition, size, and speed. The results, published in Nature Astronomy, reveal that the plume is much larger and more powerful than previously thought, and that it contains traces of organic molecules that could be potential building blocks of life. The plume spans about 9,600 km (6,000 miles), which is 20 times the diameter of Enceladus itself. It ejects water at a rate of about 360 liters (95 gallons) per second, enough to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool in just a few hours. The water vapor reaches speeds of up to 2 km/s (4,500 mph), escaping the weak gravity of Enceladus and forming a torus-shaped cloud around Saturn's E-ring. The NIRSpec instrument also detected signatures of methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen in the plume, as well as more complex organic molecules that have not been identified yet. These molecules are likely produced by hydrothermal vents at the bottom of Enceladus' ocean, where water interacts with hot rocks and minerals. Some of these molecules could be precursors to amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. The discovery of these organic molecules adds to the evidence that Enceladus is one of the most promising places in the solar system to look for signs of life. Previous observations by NASA's Cassini mission showed that the ocean of Enceladus is salty and alkaline, and that it contains hydrogen gas that could be used by microbes as a source of energy. Cassini also flew through the plume several times and sampled its composition directly, but it did not have the sensitivity or resolution of JWST. The JWST observations also provide new insights into the origin and evolution of the plume. The researchers found that the plume varies in intensity depending on the position of Enceladus in its orbit around Saturn. When Enceladus is closer to Saturn, the tidal forces exerted by the planet squeeze and heat up the moon's interior, causing more water to escape through the cracks. When Enceladus is farther away from Saturn, the tidal forces relax and the plume becomes weaker. The researchers also suggest that the plume has been active for a long time, possibly billions of years. This implies that Enceladus has maintained a stable source of heat and water for a long time, which is favorable for the emergence and persistence of life. The JWST observations are only a glimpse of what this powerful telescope can do to explore the mysteries of Enceladus and other icy moons in our solar system. Future observations will aim to characterize the plume in more detail, identify more organic molecules, and look for possible variations over time. JWST will also complement other missions that are planned or proposed to visit these worlds, such as NASA's Europa Clipper and ESA's JUICE. Enceladus is a fascinating example of how a small moon can have a big impact on its environment and on our understanding of life in the universe. Thanks to JWST, we can now see this impact more clearly than ever before.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://blog.physics-astronomy.com/2023/08/james-webb-telescope-watched-saturn.html", "date": "2023-12-02T20:49:59", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100452.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20231202203800-20231202233800-00467.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9493467807769775, "token_count": 776, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Hi everyone and welcome to another week of MathSux! In today’s post, we are going to go over all the different types of shape transformations in math that we’ll come across in Geometry! Specifically, we’ll see how to translate, reflect, rotate, or dilate a shape, a line, or a point. There are also specific coordinate rules that apply to each type of transformation, but do not worry because each rule can also be easily derived (except for those tricky rotations, keep an eye out for those guys!). If you like art or drawing, this is a great topic where we’ll have to use our artistic eye and our imagination for finding the right answer. We’ll also take a look at where you might use and see transformations in your everyday life! Hope you are ready, take a look below and happy calculating! 🙂 What is a Transformation in Math? Mathematical Transformations, include a wide range of “things.” And by “things” I mean reflections, translations, rotations, and dilations; Each fall under the umbrella known as “transformations.” Alone any one of these is not difficult to master but mix them together and add a test and a quiz or two and it can get confusing. Even the words “transformation “and “translation” can get confusing to us humans, as they sound very similar. But these are two different things. A translation is a type of transformation. Let’s break down each of our new words before our brains explode: Transformations: When we take a shape or line and we flip it, rotate it, slide it, or make it bigger or smaller. Basically, when we have a shape or line and we mess around with it a bit, it is a transformation. The shape or line in question is usually graphed on a coordinate plane. Transformations include: (1) Translations (slide it) (2) Reflections (flip it) (3) Rotations (rotate it) (4) Dilations (make it bigger or smaller) 1) Translations – When we take a shape, line, or point and we move it up, down, left, or right. 2) Reflections – When a point, a line segment, or a shape is reflected over a line it creates a mirror image. 3) Rotations – When we take a point, line, or shape and rotate it clockwise or counterclockwise, usually by 90º,180º, 270º, -90º, -180º, or -270º. 4) Dilations – When we take a point, line, or shape and make it bigger or smaller, depending on the Scale Factor. Before we dive into our first type of transformation, let’s first define and explore what it means when a transformation maintains Rigid Motion. When a line or shape is transformed and the length, area and angles of the line and/or shape are unaffected by the transformation, it is considered to have Rigid Motion. Rigid transformations include Translations, Reflections, and Rotations (but not Dilations). Now that we know which types of transformations mainatin rigid motion, let’s explore each type of transformation in more detail! Translations: When we take a shape, line, or point and we move it up, down, left, or right. Remember that this type of transformation is a rigid transformation, meaning the line or shape is translated, the length, area and angles of the line and/or shape are unaffected by the transformation. In the translation example above, we go start at square ABCD and translate each coordinate of the original square ABCD 6 units to the right and 2 units up to get our new transformed image square A|B|C|D| . P(x,y) -> P| (x+h, y+k) h=Horizontal Shift (add (+) when moving right, subtract (-) when moving left) k= Vertical Shift (add (+) when moving up, subtract (-) when moving down) When we translate a point, line, or shape left or right, it is undergoing a horizontal translation along the x-axis. Any type of left or right movement on a coordinate plane is a horizontal translation. How does this affect the x-coordinate? If the shape is being translated to the right, then we are adding units to the x-coordinate, and if the shape is shifting left then we are subtracting units from the x-coordinate. When we translate a point, line, or shape up or down, it is undergoing a vertical translation along the y-axis. Any type of up and down movement on a coordinate plane is a vertical translation. How does this affect the y-coordinate? If the shape is being translated up, then we are adding units to the y-coordinate, and if the shape is being shifted down then we subtract from the y-coordinate. Even though a horizontal shift or a vertical shift can happen when we move a shape, line, or point, many translations have a combo of the two! How do Coordinates Change after a Translation? The truth is there is no one unique rule for translations, but numbers will always be added or subtracted from the x and/or y coordinate values. If something is translated to the right, then we add units to the x-value. On the other had if something is translated to the left, we subtract units from the x-value. The same can be said for moving a shape up, we then add units to the y-value, and if a shape is translated down, we subtract units from the y-value. This gives us the following translation formula below: If we look at our example, when we translate original square ABCD to square A|B|C|D| we end up translating each coordinate of original square ABCD 6 units to the right and 2 units up. What we are really doing when we translate is adding 6 units to each x-coordinate as well as adding 2 units to each y-coordinate of the original figure square ABCD. Check it out below: For more on translations, check out the video below and practice questions here. Reflections on a coordinate plane are exactly what you think! When a point, a line segment, or a shape is reflected over a line it creates a mirror image. Think the wings of a butterfly, a page being folded in half, or anywhere else where there is perfect symmetry. Check out how we solve the reflections example below one step at a time! Step 1: First, let’s draw in line x=-2. Step 2: Find the distance each point is from the line x=-2 and reflect it on the other side, measuring the same distance or mirror image of each point. First, let’s look at point C, notice it’s 1 unit away from the line x=-2, to reflect it we are going to count 1 unit (the same distance) to the left of the line x=-2 and label our new point, C|. Step 3: Next we reflect point A in much the same way! Notice that point A is 2 units away on the left of line x=-2, we then measure 2 units to the right of our line and mark our new point, A|. Step 4: Lastly, we reflect point B. This time, point B is 1 unit away on the right side of the line x=-2, we then measure 1 unit to the opposite side of our line and mark our new point, B|. Step 5: Finally, we can now connect all of our new points, for our fully reflected triangle A|B|C|. If you’re looking for more on reflections, check out the videos below and the practice questions right here. Rotations are a type of transformation in geometry where we take a point, line, or shape and rotate it clockwise or counterclockwise, usually by 90º,180º, 270º, -90º, -180º, or -270º. A positive degree rotation runs counter clockwise and a negative degree rotation runs clockwise. Let’s take a look at the difference in rotation types below and notice the different directions each rotation goes: How do we rotate a shape? There are a couple of ways to do this take a look at our choices below: - We can visualize the rotation or use tracing paper to map it out and rotate by hand. - Use a protractor and measure out the needed rotation. - Know the rotation rules mapped out below. Yes, it’s memorizing but if you need more options check out numbers 1 and 2 above! Where did these rules come from? To derive our rotation rules, we can take a look at our first example, when we rotated triangle ABC 90º counterclockwise about the origin. If we compare our coordinate point for triangle ABC before and after the rotation we can see a pattern, check it out below: The rotation rules above only apply to those being rotated about the origin (the point (0,0)) on the coordinate plane. But points, lines, and shapes can be rotates by any point (not just the origin)! When that happens, we need to use our protractor and/or knowledge of rotations to help us find the answer. Let’s take a look at the Example below: Step 1: First, let’s look at our point of rotation, notice it is not the origin we rotating about but point k! To understand where our triangle is in relation to point k, let’s draw an x and y axes starting at this point: Step 2: Now let’s look at the coordinate point of our triangle, using our new axes that start at point k. Step 2: Next, let’s take a look at our rule for rotating a coordinate -90º and apply it to our newly rotated triangles coordinates: Step 3: Now let’s graph our newly found coordinate points for our new triangle . Step 4: Finally let’s connect all our new coordinates to form our solution: For more examples and practice questions, check out the video below and link here. Dilations are a type of transformation in geometry where we take a point, line, or shape and make it bigger or smaller, depending on the Scale Factor. We always multiply the value of the scale factor by the original shape’s length or coordinate point(s) to get the dilated image of the shape. A scale factor greater than one makes a shape bigger, and a scale factor less than one makes a shape smaller. Let’s take a look at how different values of scale factors affect the dilation below: Scale Factor >1 Bigger Scale Factor <1 Smaller In the below diagram the original triangle ABC gets dilated by a scale factor of 2. Notice that the triangle gets bigger, and that each length of the original triangle is multiplied by 2. Here, the original triangle ABC gets dilated by a scale factor of 1/2. Notice that the triangle gets smaller, and that each length of the original triangle is multiplied by 1/2 (or divided by 2). Properties of Dilations: There are few things that happen when a shape and/or line undergoes a dilation. Let’s take a look at each property of a dilation below: 1. Angle values remain the same. 2. Parallel and perpendicular lines remain the same. 3. Length, area, and perimeter do not remain the same. *Notice Dilations are a non rigid transformation! Now that we a bit more familiar with how dilations work, let’s look at some examples on the coordinate plane: Step 1: First, let’s look at two corresponding sides of our triangle and measure their length. Step 2: Now, let’s look at the difference between the two lengths and ask ourselves, how did we go from 3 units to 1 unit? Remember, we are always multiplying the scale factor by the original length values in order to dilate an image. Therefore, we know we must have multiplied the original length by 1/3 to get the new length of 1. Dilating about a Point other than the Origin Step 1: First, let’s look at our point of dilation, notice it is not at the origin! In this question, we are dilating about point m! To understand where our triangle is in relation to point m, let’s draw a new x and y axes originating from this point in blue below. Step 2: Now, let’s look at coordinate point K, in relation to our new axes. Step 3: Let’s use the scale factor of 2 and the transformation rule for dilation, to find the value of its new coordinate point. Remember, in order to perform a dilation, we multiply each coordinate point by the scale factor. Step 4: Finally, let’s graph the dilated image of coordinate point K. Remember we are graphing the point (6,4) in relation to the x and y-axis that stems from point m. If you’re looking for more on dilations, check out the video below and practice questions right here! Transformations in the Real World? If you think that you’ll never see real world use of transformations, think again! When playing the lovable game of Tetris, we are rotating shapes to clear lines, transforming each shape as we go. Besides playing Tetris, Transformations in math can be found within the game itself, within its code. Game developers will need to be familiar with coordinate rules for how to flip and rotate a shape within their code for Tetris or any other game out there! You can also think of real-life objects to transform (as opposed to just the digital ones mentioned above). This can be anything from parking a car to building a house, to landing an airplane. Can you think of transformations you use in your everyday life? Let us know in the comments! Still got questions about math transformations? No problem! Don’t hesitate to comment with any questions below. Want more math transformations? Don’t forget to check out the videos and practice questions for each linked throughout this article. Thanks for stopping by and happy calculating! 🙂
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://mathsux.org/2022/04/27/shape-transformations-in-math/", "date": "2023-12-08T22:02:45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100779.51/warc/CC-MAIN-20231208212357-20231209002357-00867.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8754087686538696, "token_count": 3047, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Bullying is a persistent and pervasive problem in our society, affecting people of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures. It can take various forms, from verbal harassment and physical aggression to cyberbullying and social exclusion. Regardless of how it manifests, bullying can have serious and lasting consequences on the victims’ well-being, academic performance, mental and emotional health, and social relationships. But bullying is not inevitable or insurmountable. With the right knowledge, skills, and mindset, we can all play a role in preventing and stopping bullying, both as individuals and as a community. In this guide, we’ll explore some practical tips, strategies, and resources for preventing and addressing bullying in all its forms. - Bullying is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that involves various factors, such as power dynamics, social norms, and individual differences. - Bullying can have severe and lasting effects on the victims’ physical, emotional, and social well-being, as well as on the perpetrators and the wider community. - Preventing and addressing bullying requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach that involves everyone, from students and teachers to parents, policymakers, and society at large. - Strategies for preventing and addressing bullying can range from promoting empathy and kindness, fostering positive group dynamics, and creating safe and inclusive spaces, to implementing clear and consistent policies, providing support and counseling services, and empowering bystanders to intervene. - Victims of bullying can benefit from seeking help and support from trusted adults, practicing self-care and self-compassion, and learning skills such as assertiveness, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. - Perpetrators of bullying can benefit from learning about the harm they cause, taking responsibility for their actions, and seeking help and guidance to address the root causes of their behavior. Introduction to Bullying Bullying can be defined as a repeated and intentional behavior that involves an imbalance of power and causes harm or distress to the victim. It can take many forms, such as physical, verbal, psychological, and social bullying, and it can happen in various settings, such as schools, workplaces, online platforms, and communities. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about 20% of students in the United States report being bullied at school, while 15% report being bullied online or through text messages. Other studies suggest that bullying is a global issue that affects millions of people around the world, regardless of their age, gender, or ethnicity. The impact of bullying can be devastating, both on the victims and on the wider community. Bullying can affect the victims’ self-esteem, academic performance, mental and emotional health, and social relationships. It can also create a toxic environment that undermines trust, respect, and cooperation, and that contributes to social inequality and discrimination. Why is Bullying a Problem? Bullying is a problem not only for the victims but also for the perpetrators and the wider community. For the victims, bullying can lead to physical injuries, emotional trauma, and social isolation, and it can affect their academic and career prospects later in life. For the perpetrators, bullying can create a sense of shame, guilt, and fear, and it can perpetuate the cycle of violence and aggression. Moreover, bullying can have a ripple effect that extends beyond the direct parties involved. It can contribute to a culture of fear, mistrust, and intolerance, and it can undermine the values of empathy, respect, and kindness. It can also have economic and social costs, such as lost productivity, increased healthcare expenses, and decreased civic engagement and social cohesion. Factors That Contribute to Bullying Bullying is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon that involves various individual, social, and environmental factors. Some of the key factors that contribute to bullying include: - Power dynamics: Bullying often involves an imbalance of power, where the perpetrator has more social, physical, or psychological power than the victim. This power imbalance can arise from various sources, such as physical strength, popularity, social status, or access to information or resources. - Social norms: Some cultural and social norms may reinforce or condone bullying behavior, such as the acceptance of violence and aggression, the glorification of dominance and control, or the stigmatization of difference and diversity. These norms can affect both the perpetrators and the victims and can be difficult to challenge or change. - Peer pressure: Peer pressure can also contribute to bullying behavior, as some young people may feel the need to conform to their peers’ expectations or to avoid being ostracized or ridiculed. This pressure can be particularly strong in group settings, where the norms for behavior may be less clear or enforced. - Individual differences: Some individual differences may also contribute to bullying behavior, such as low self-esteem, poor impulse control, aggressive tendencies, or a history of abuse or trauma. These differences can interact with environmental and social factors to increase the risk of bullying or being bullied. Strategies for Bullying Prevention Preventing bullying requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach that involves multiple levels of intervention and action. Here are some evidence-based strategies for preventing and addressing bullying in various settings: - Promote empathy and kindness: Encourage and model empathy, kindness, and compassion as core values that guide all interactions and relationships. Help young people develop a greater understanding of the impact of their words and actions on others and provide opportunities for them to practice empathy and perspective-taking. - Foster positive group dynamics: Create environments and opportunities for positive connections and relationships between young people, such as through team-building activities, peer mentoring, or service projects. Encourage and reward cooperative, respectful, and inclusive behavior and discourage or address negative or exclusionary behavior. - Create safe and inclusive spaces: Provide physical and emotional environments that are safe, welcoming, and supportive of diversity, such as through clear policies, procedures, and expectations; physical improvements or modifications; or cultural and linguistic responsiveness. - Implement anti-bullying policies: Develop clear, consistent, and comprehensive policies and procedures for addressing bullying behavior, such as through codes of conduct, reporting procedures, and disciplinary actions. Ensure that these policies are communicated, understood, and enforced by all members of the community, including students, staff, and parents. - Provide support and counseling services: Offer a range of support services for victims, perpetrators, and bystanders of bullying behavior, such as counseling, mediation, restorative justice practices, or peer support groups. Ensure that these services are accessible, confidential, and culturally sensitive, and that they address the underlying needs and issues of the individuals involved. - Empower bystanders to intervene: Encourage and train bystanders to recognize, report, and intervene in bullying behavior when they witness it, such as through safety plans, education programs, or peer leadership initiatives. Provide appropriate support and protection for those who intervene and ensure that they are not blamed or retaliated against. Tips for Victims of Bullying If you are experiencing bullying, here are some tips and resources that can help you cope and seek support: - Seek help from a trusted adult: Talk to a teacher, counselor, or parent who can provide emotional support, practical advice, and advocacy on your behalf. Keep a record of the incidents of bullying, including the date, time, location, and nature of the behavior, as well as any witnesses or evidence. - Practice self-care and self-compassion: Take care of your physical, emotional, and social well-being by engaging in activities that you enjoy, such as hobbies, exercise, or spending time with friends and family. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging your feelings and needs without judgment or criticism. - Learn assertiveness and conflict resolution skills: Develop your communication and problem-solving skills by learning techniques such as assertiveness, active listening, and negotiation. Seek out resources or training programs that can help you build these skills. - Seek additional resources and support: There are many online and offline resources that can provide information, advice, and support for people experiencing bullying, such as hotlines, chat rooms, self-help guides, or legal services. Find resources that are trustworthy, reliable, and appropriate for your needs. Strategies for Dealing with Bullies If you are a perpetrator of bullying behavior, here are some tips and resources that can help you address and change your behavior: - Learn about the harm you cause: Educate yourself about the impact of bullying behavior on the victims’ well-being, mental health, and social relationships. Listen to the stories and perspectives of those who have been bullied and develop empathy and understanding of their experiences. - Take responsibility for your actions: Acknowledge and take responsibility for your role in the bullying behavior, and apologize to those who have been hurt or affected by your behavior. Be willing to make amends and to change your behavior in the future. - Seek help and guidance: Talk to a trusted adult, counselor, or mentor who can help you address the root causes of your behavior, such as by exploring your emotions, experiences, and motivations. Seek out programs or resources that can help you develop healthy coping strategies, communication skills, or conflict resolution techniques. Bullying is a complex and serious problem that affects all of us in different ways. But we can all play a role in preventing and stopping bullying, by promoting empathy, kindness, and respect, by fostering positive relationships and environments, and by addressing the root causes of bullying behavior. Let us all commit to creating a culture of kindness and inclusion, where everyone feels safe, valued, and connected. Q: What should I do if my child is being bullied?A: You should talk to your child, listen to their experiences, and provide emotional support and advocacy. You can also work with the school or community to address the bullying behavior and to provide support and counseling services for your child and others who have been affected. Q: What is the best way to intervene in bullying behavior?A: The best way to intervene in bullying behavior depends on the situation and the individuals involved. Some effective strategies can include confronting the perpetrator calmly and assertively, seeking help from a trusted adult or authority figure, and distracting or redirecting the situation. It is essential to prioritize safety and well-being in any intervention. Q: How can we prevent cyberbullying?A: Preventing cyberbullying requires a combination of education, monitoring, and enforcement. Parents, educators, and other adults can teach young people about responsible and respectful online behavior, monitor their activities and interactions online, and enforce clear and consistent consequences for cyberbullying behavior. It is also important to create safe and supportive environments where young people feel comfortable reporting and addressing cyberbullying incidents.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.1daytermpaperhelp.com/how-to-prevent-bullying-tips-and-strategies-for-everyone/", "date": "2023-11-30T14:07:34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100227.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20231130130218-20231130160218-00767.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9433643817901611, "token_count": 2189, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
Lesson Planning of PARTS OF CIRCLE Students` Learning Outcomes - Identify Center, radius, diameter and circumference of a circle. - Draw a circle of given radius using compass and straightedge / ruler Information for Teachers - Circle: A circle is the set of all points equidistant from a central point. - Arc: a curved line that is part of the circumference of a circle. - Chord: a line segment inside a circle which joins two points of the circle with each other. (Which may not pass though center of circle?) - Circumference: the total distance around the circle. - Diameter: the line segment which joins the two points of circle by passing through the center of circle. - Center of circle:the point from where all the points of circle are at equal distance. - Pi (π): A number, 3.14152… that equal to the circumference / diameter of any circle. - Radius: distance from center of circle to any point on it. - Tangent of Circle: a line perpendicular to the radius that touches only one point on the circle. Material / Resources Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, Geometry box, pencil, rubber, paper, textbook, circular card pieces - Ask students the names of circular shape from daily life. (Cycle wheel, ring, and bangle) - Tell them, in a cycle wheel where all wires meet called hub (center point) and the length of wires represents radius of the wheel (circle) - The strip revolves around the wheel represents circumference of wheel. - Roll out thread around the circular card and ask students to measure its length through scale. - The measured length will be the circumference. Sum up / Conclusion - Radius, diameter and circumference only related to circle. - Circumference is the total length of the circle. - Tell them that diameter is twice of radius. - What is the relation between radius and diameter? - Draw the following circles on board and ask: - What is AB? - What is KM? - What is point A? - Teacher involves students to solve exercise given at the chapter of textbook. - Ask students to draw circles on their worksheets. - Ask them to identify the objects of circle at their home. - Ask them to draw circles of different sizes with the help of pebbles and chalks on the board and soil.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://lessonplancoaches.com/lesson-planning-of-parts-of-circle-subject-mathematics-grade-4th/", "date": "2023-12-03T01:10:38", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100476.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20231202235258-20231203025258-00567.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.882333517074585, "token_count": 516, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
We make measurements all the time in our daily lives without even realizing it. When we walk, we visually measure the proximity of objects in our environment. When we pick up an item, we measure its weight and adjust our muscular response according to our initial estimates. Measurements are observations of a quantitative nature that are taken by some form of equipment. Some equipment, like our five senses, can give us very approximate measurements, while other technology, like a scale, provides more exact measurements. Many types of instruments are used to measure and study our chemical world. Some of the common quantities we measure in chemistry are distance (length), volume, mass, time, velocity, temperature, density, pressure, amount, concentration, energy, and electric charge. In this chapter, we will investigate how various methods of measurement are used to study the chemical nature of matter. Measurement and Numbers Measurement is a fundamental aspect of science and chemistry. Our understanding of the chemical world would not be possible if we did not compare, contrast, categorize, and analyze our observations to obtain the information we have about chemical substances. Let’s consider water as an example. Many of the qualitative (non-numerical) properties of water, including its taste, smell, texture, and color, can be observed using our senses. We can also measure quantitative (numerical) properties of water by using equipment. For example, we can use a thermometer to measure water’s boiling point in degrees Celsius or a measuring cup to measure the volume of a given liquid. There can be different units that are used to measure the same physical quantity. For example, temperature can be expressed in degrees Fahrenheit (°F), degrees Celsius (°C), or degrees Kelvin (K). No one set of units is more correct than the other. However, as we begin measuring, calculating, and sharing measurements, we will want a standard set of values that we and others can use. An international governing body has developed a metric system of units of measurement for scientists called the Système International (SI). Some of these units are listed in Table below. |Name of SI Unit |s or sec |amount of substance Base Units vs. Derived Units With the base units listed in the Table above, we can describe many physical details of a given chemical substance. Base units are measurements that have their own independent scale and cannot be expressed in terms of other base units. All other measurement quantities, such as volume, force, and energy, can be derived from these seven base units. For instance, volume is calculated by multiplying together three different lengths (height, width, and depth). We call these combinations of base units derived units. Some examples of derived units are listed in Table below. |Name of SI Unit |meter per second |meter per second squared |Newton (mass × acceleration) |N (kg m/s2) |kilogram per cubic meter |joule (force × distance) |J (kg m2/s2) Magnitude and Scale When we think about the physical quantities that are measured in chemistry, we must also consider the concepts of magnitude and scale. The following video introduces these concepts: As the video suggests, chemistry is a discipline in which we study things that are very, very small. We measure things like the size of an atom, which is approximately 1/10000000000 of a meter. Because individual atoms are so small, the substances that we can actually see and study, even something as small as a drop of rain, are comprised of an incredibly large number of atoms. There are literally thousands of billions of billions of particles in a drop of water. In both of these examples, we expressed size in terms of fractions or multiples of the number 10. When describing very small or very large physical quantities, we use prefixes to write the unit as a power of 10. Table below displays most of these prefixes. The Relative Size of Things We can express the relative size of things with which we are familiar. For instance, the Figure below shows the height of a human as measured in meters, or 100 scale. We see a dust mite, measured in micrometers scale; and a virus, measured in nanometers scale. These are examples of length related to relative size and scale. Relative size and scale of things. CC BY-NC 3.0 – Source: CK-12 Foundation – Credit: Zachary Wilson and Laura Guerin – Edited by Jennifer Guest This text is Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 Source: CK-12 and edited / added to by Guest Hollow.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://guesthollow.com/units-of-measurement-in-chemistry/", "date": "2024-02-26T22:00:24", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474663.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20240226194006-20240226224006-00467.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8804382085800171, "token_count": 961, "score": 4.65625, "int_score": 5 }
Juneteenth, now a federally recognized holiday, is gaining well-deserved recognition across the country. As teachers, we should foster understanding, empathy, and appreciation of African American history and culture in our classrooms throughout the year, but Juneteenth is a special opportunity to do it. Use these Juneteenth activities to spark dialogue, critical thinking, and creativity in your students while empowering them to become change agents for a more inclusive and equitable world. What is Juneteenth? Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865. Prior to this date, many enslavers withheld notice of freedom from those they enslaved. Two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation had taken effect in the Confederacy (on paper), federal troops arrived in Galveston and Major General Gordon Granger finally issued the following order, informing people of emancipation: “The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free …,” General Orders, Number 3. While not all African Americans in Texas were freed on this date due to refusal of their enslavers or attacks against them that lead to extreme harm or death, Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, Emancipation Day, Liberation Day, or Jubilee Day, is the most widely celebrated days of emancipation in the United States. In its 128th year, Black Americans continue to find ways to celebrate including cookouts, parades, public events, musical performances, activism, and community work. For educators, Juneteenth provides a beautiful opportunity to celebrate Black Americans and to teach authentic U.S. history to their students. Here are 20 Juneteenth activities to help get you started. 1. Create pictures, posters, or journal entries The National Museum of African American History & Culture has created a guide complete with Juneteenth activities, resources, and a book list to support students with celebrating and understanding this holiday. One activity asks students to create posters, pictures, or journal entries about changes they want to see in the world and then discuss how they can help make it happen. 2. Read books about Juneteenth Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop tells us that books can be mirrors (see yourself reflected), windows (look through to see the experience of others), and sliding glass doors (allows us to enter that world). First, watch the video below to learn more about this important idea. Then share a selection of books that allow your students to see themselves or view the experiences of others in the context of African American history and culture. Here are some Juneteenth book recommendations from PBS Kids and Essence. 3. Watch videos and discuss with your students For example, use this video illustrated by Los Angeles–based artist Loveis Wise and narrated by LeVar Burton. Then discuss the images and poetry in the video. Or use this video about Juneteenth on TED Ed. 4. Create a community mural or poster campaign Art is an accessible form of learning for students to share their understanding through creativity and expression. In this lesson from Learning for Justice, students can create public art to share their knowledge about Juneteenth with their communities. 5. Introduce and discuss primary sources like the Emancipation Proclamation The Colorado Department of Education describes primary sources as “the raw materials of history—original documents and objects which were created at the time under study.” For Juneteenth, share the Emancipation Proclamation with your students and prepare questions and discussion for your class as you study this source. 6. Read and write about Frederick Douglass’ keynote “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass gave this speech and stated, “The Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn.” Share the speech with your students and complete a writing activity asking students about their thoughts on the Fourth of July and Frederick Douglass’ speech. Did it change their perspective on the holiday? You can watch the speech, as read by his descendants, in the video below. 7. Teach about reparations In this lesson from Zinn Education Project, students will “take on the role of activist-experts to improve upon a Congressional bill for reparations for Black people.” You can also learn from Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) and do some learning of your own on the meaning and purpose of reparations. 8. Invite a special guest to speak about Juneteenth Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau has a list of speakers whom you can invite to speak about Juneteenth. You can also ask someone from your local community to contribute! 9. Bring Black joy to your classroom The National Museum of African American History & Culture teaches us that Black Joy is “resistance, resilience, and reclamation.” Do some self-learning by reading this article with varying perspectives on Black Joy to give you ideas of how and why to bring this into your classroom during Juneteenth and always. 11. Learn how to have a culturally responsive classroom from Unearthing Joy Juneteenth (and always!) is an important time to evaluate your teaching practices, and Unearthing Joy by Gholdy Muhammad is the perfect place to start. In this article, you will learn all about what it means to have joy in a culturally and historically responsive classroom. 12. Celebrate Black creatives In a time when Amanda Gorman’s “The Hill We Climb” was removed from an elementary school due to a parent complaint, it continues to be important that we share the work of Black authors, artists, and creators. 13. Support local Black businesses You can do this by sharing about businesses with your students, inviting local business owners to be guest speakers, creating advertisements, or simply purchasing from them! If you are looking for Black businesses in your area, try starting here. 14. Attend a local Juneteenth celebration In many cities around the country, Juneteenth is celebrated with festivals, barbecues, live music, and more. If you can attend a field trip to a local celebration, do it, or spend a weekend doing a bit of celebrating on your own or with friends and family. 15. Take a virtual field trip to a Black history museum If you can’t go to a local Juneteenth celebration with your students, or if there isn’t one available to you, take a virtual visit to one of these 12 museums around the country. 16. Learn the Juneteenth song If you haven’t heard of the YouTube channel Gracie’s Corner, now is the time! Share this Juneteenth song with your class and learn the lyrics together. 17. Start a discussion with your class about freedom In this article by Time magazine, the author writes about the varying definitions of freedom. What does freedom mean to your students? Is everyone free? Use this list of discussion protocols from Cult of Pedagogy to select which protocol will work best for your community. 18. Read and reflect about June 17, 2021 On June 17, 2021, President Joe Biden consecrated Juneteenth as a national holiday. Read his speech and have students do some reflective writing on the following question: Why did it take so long for Juneteenth to be consecrated as a national holiday? 19. Celebrate with red food and learn about its cultural significance 20. Commit to anti-racism and celebrating Black history all year long This Juneteenth, continue your journey in anti-racism and commit to lifelong learning and even unlearning potential biases. Celebrate the true, complete, and beautiful history, stories, literature, and creativity of Black Americans all year long.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://www.weareteachers.com/teaching-juneteenth/", "date": "2024-02-26T21:24:23", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474663.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20240226194006-20240226224006-00467.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9447339177131653, "token_count": 1612, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
An F test is used to compare the variances of two data sets: - As it is used to compare variances, the dependent data must – by definition – be numeric. - As it is used to compare two distinct sets of data, these sets represent the two levels of a factor. The test statistic we use to compare the variances of the two data sets is called F, and it is defined very simply: F is the larger of the two variances divided by the smaller. The reference distribution for the F test is Fisher’s F distribution. This reference distribution has two parameters: the number of degrees of freedom in the first data set, and the number of degrees of freedom in the second data set. An F test compares the F statistic from your experimental data with the Fisher’s F value under the null hypothesis for the given degrees of freedom. The p value of the test is the probability of obtaining a test F statistic at least as extreme as the one that was actually observed, assuming that the null hypothesis (“the variances are equal”) is true. i.e. the p value is the probability of observing your data (or something even more extreme), if the variances really are equal. The comparison is only valid if the sample data sets are: - Both representative of the larger population. The larger the data set, the more likely this is to be true; however, it is also critical that the data be collected in an unbiased way, i.e. with suitable randomisation. - Both normally distributed. If you plot the data as box-and-whisker plots, gross deviations from normality are often obvious. You can also use normal quantile-quantile (QQ) plots to examine the data: - Independent of one another, i.e. there is no reason to suppose that the data in the first set are correlated with the data in the second set. If the data represent samples from the same organism at two different times, there is every reason to suppose they will be correlated. If the data represent paired samples, e.g. from one male child and from one female child, repeated across many families, there is again every reason to suppose they will be correlated. Do not use an F test if these assumptions are broken. In R, an F-test is performed using var.test(). Here we generate thirty items of random normal data using rnorm() and compare two such data sets. The output of your code will differ as the data is random: dataset1<-rnorm(30) dataset2<-rnorm(30) var.test( dataset1, dataset2 ) F test to compare two variances data: dataset1 and dataset2 F = 1.7706, num df = 29, denom df = 29, p-value = 0.1298 alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1 95 percent confidence interval: 0.8427475 3.7200422 sample estimates: ratio of variances 1.770609 Here the p value is greater than 0.05, so we say the difference in variances is not significant. plot(), it is usually more convenient to use the ‘modelled-by’ tilde ~ operator to perform F tests within named data frames, rather than supplying the test with two vectors of data. Here we use the dog_whelks.csv data again. dog.whelks<-read.csv( "H:/R/dog_whelks.csv" ) var.test( Height ~ Exposure, data = dog.whelks ) F test to compare two variances data: Height by Exposure F = 0.9724, num df = 25, denom df = 29, p-value = 0.9504 alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1 95 percent confidence interval: 0.4540033 2.1297389 sample estimates: ratio of variances 0.9724247 You can read this as: “Do an F test on the data in the dog.whelks data frame, using Height as the dependent variable, and grouping the data into two sets according to the Exposure factor” See the next post on the t test.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://www.polypompholyx.com/2014/02/r-f-test/", "date": "2024-02-27T06:16:18", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474671.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227053544-20240227083544-00767.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8952582478523254, "token_count": 895, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Spanish activity on querer and gustar This Spanish A1 level activity has been meticulously crafted to help students practice and master the usage of two essential verbs: “querer” and “gustar.” These verbs, while fundamental, can occasionally pose challenges and confusion for learners. Therefore, this activity serves as a valuable tool to enhance comprehension and differentiation between these verbs. “Querer” and “gustar” are verbs that play distinct roles in Spanish sentence structures. “Querer” typically translates to “to want” or “to desire,” while “gustar” conveys the concept of “liking” or “to please.” The nuanced differences between these verbs are crucial for effective communication, making it essential for students to grasp their usage thoroughly. This activity is particularly beneficial for students who have been introduced to these verbs but require further reinforcement and clarification. It can also serve as a useful teaching aid for instructors aiming to elucidate the distinctions between “querer” and “gustar.” The primary objective of this ELE (Español como Lengua Extranjera) exercise is to guide students in distinguishing between these two verbs through a series of carefully crafted questions. These questions prompt students to select the correct verb that fits the context provided. By actively engaging with the questions and choosing the appropriate verb, students reinforce their understanding of when to use “querer” and when to use “gustar.” This exercise leverages the power of context and practical application to aid students in remembering the meanings and usages of these verbs effectively. It encourages critical thinking and decision-making as students must apply their knowledge in real-life scenarios presented in the questions. In conclusion, this Spanish A1 level activity is a valuable resource for learners aiming to strengthen their command of the verbs “querer” and “gustar.” By engaging with thought-provoking questions, students gain clarity and confidence in distinguishing between these essential verbs. This exercise promotes active learning, comprehension, and retention of language concepts, ultimately contributing to students’ language proficiency.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://ailespanol.com/learning-resources/querer-gustar-verbs-difference-spanish-activity/", "date": "2024-02-26T22:10:09", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474663.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20240226194006-20240226224006-00867.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9374016523361206, "token_count": 463, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
The conditions in Mars billions of years ago were, in theory, very similar to Earth – meaning Mars had liquid water and an atmosphere. However, solar winds bombarded the planet and slowly stripped away its atmospheric gases. Consequently, as the Martian atmosphere got thinner and thinner, it became less likely to support liquid water on its surface. Today, Mars appears as a barren world. But its surface show signs that it used to have copious amounts of water. Previous studies suggest that some geological features of Mars, like branching flow channels and valleys, needed water to form. In fact, just a year ago, scientists found evidence that Mars had liquid water beneath the surface of the planet’s south pole. (Related: NASA announcement of liquid water on Mars confirms what we’ve been reporting for years.) In a new study, led by Francesco Salese of Utrecht University in the Netherlands, researchers collated images from the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Mars Express mission to locate an underground water complex that was previously predicted by computer models. They published their findings in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. “Early Mars was a watery world, but as the planet’s climate changed this water retreated below the surface to form pools and ‘groundwater’,” said Salese. “We traced this water in our study, as its scale and role is a matter of debate, and we found the first geological evidence of a planet-wide groundwater system on Mars.” The researchers looked at 24 deep, enclosed craters in the northern hemisphere of Mars. Each of these craters stretches thousands of meters below the surface. In fact, the researchers estimate that the bottom of each crater lies 4,000 m below Martian sea levels – an arbitrary number based on Martian elevation and atmospheric pressure. Researchers found that many features inside the crater could have only formed in the presence of water. This includes channels, valleys, curved deltas, and ridged terraces, as well as fan-shape deposits of sediments. The water levels indicated by underground formations also coincide with the proposed level of shorelines of a Martian ocean that is thought to have existed billions of years ago. “We think that this ocean may have connected to a system of underground lakes that spread across the entire planet,” said Gian Gabriele Ori, co-author of the study. “These lakes would have existed around 3.5 billion years ago, so may have been contemporaries of a Martian ocean.” Additionally, upon closer inspection of the craters, researchers found that five of the craters indicated the presence of minerals like clay, carbonates, and silicates. These findings contribute to the idea that Mars might have hosted life many years ago. “Findings like this are hugely important; they help us to identify the regions of Mars that are the most promising for finding signs of past life,” said Dmitri Titov, ESA’s Mars Express project scientist. Many studies support that Mars was once a warm and wet world. However, whether the presence of liquid water once supported life on the Martian surface remains unknown.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://naturalnews.com/2019-08-05-scientists-find-evidence-of-underground-water-system-on-mars-alien-life.html", "date": "2024-02-28T08:47:14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474700.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20240228080245-20240228110245-00867.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9614848494529724, "token_count": 654, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Customize Fractions Templates If you're assigning this to your students, copy the worksheet to your account and save. When creating an assignment, just select it as a template! What is a Fraction? A fraction is a mathematical representation of a part of a whole or a division of a quantity into equal parts. It consists of two main components: the numerator and the denominator. Fractions can be explored through various worksheets, such as fraction problems, fraction practice worksheets, fractions tests, adding fractions worksheets, multiplication of fractions worksheets, and more. These worksheets serve as valuable tools to enhance fraction practice and understanding. Types of Fractions Fractions can be categorized into various types based on their properties and characteristics, including equivalent fractions, improper fractions, mixed fractions, and comparing fractions. - Equivalent Fractions: Equivalent fractions are different fractions that represent the same portion or value. They have different numerators and denominators but are equal in value. For example, 1/2 and 2/4 are equivalent fractions. Understanding equivalent fractions helps in simplifying fractions and performing operations. - Improper Fractions: Improper fractions are fractions where the numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator. These fractions have a value equal to or greater than 1. For instance, 5/4 and 7/3 are improper fractions. Improper fractions can be converted to mixed numbers or used in calculations. - Mixed Fractions: Mixed fractions are a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction. They consist of an integer part and a fractional part. For example, 1 3/4 and 2 1/2 are mixed fractions. Mixed fractions are useful in representing quantities that include both whole units and fractional parts. - Comparing Fractions: Comparing fractions involves determining which fraction is greater or less. It is done by comparing the numerators and denominators or by finding a common denominator. Understanding how to compare fractions is essential for ordering fractions and making comparisons in various mathematical contexts. Having knowledge of these different types of fractions is crucial for performing operations, simplifying fractions, comparing quantities, and solving real-life problems involving fractions. What are Fraction Worksheets? Understanding fractions is a fundamental skill that lays the foundation for success in mathematics and various real-life applications. From dividing a pizza among friends to calculating measurements for a recipe, fractions are woven into our daily lives. However, grasping the concept of fractions can sometimes be challenging for learners of all ages. That's where fraction worksheets come in. These invaluable educational tools provide a structured and interactive way to practice and reinforce fraction skills, making the journey towards fraction mastery an engaging and rewarding experience. Fractions worksheets provide computational practice for students who are learning to master new skills they are taught in class. They are perfect for any level of fraction master, from beginning to mixed numbers. Why Are They Important and How Are They Best Used? A fraction templated worksheet provides a pre-designed layout and structure that simplifies the process of creating fraction-related exercises, allowing educators to focus more on selecting appropriate problems and incorporating relevant visuals or examples to enhance students' understanding. Fraction worksheets, whether generated online or printed, offer a wide range of activities to support students' learning and understanding of fractions. These worksheets cover topics like equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions, and identifying fractions. They provide opportunities for students to work with proper fractions, improper fractions, mixed fractions, and unit fractions. Visual representations, such as fraction circles, fraction strips, and area models, can be included to enhance students' visual understanding of fractions. Students can practice fraction operations, simplify fractions, compare and order fractions, and solve word problems using fractions. Answer keys and number lines are available to facilitate self-assessment and provide visual support. By engaging with these worksheets, students can develop a strong foundation in fractions, enhance problem-solving skills, and gain a deeper comprehension of how fractions relate to real-life situations. Understanding fractions is crucial for everyday tasks like cooking, home improvement, and financial management. Moreover, proficiency in fractions is essential for advanced math concepts, such as algebra, geometry, and calculus, as well as for practical applications in various professional fields. Fraction worksheets offer a diverse range of activities, from identifying fractions to solving complex word problems. They provide students with the opportunity to visualize fractions, compare their values, perform operations, and apply them in practical scenarios. By working through carefully crafted exercises, learners can build confidence, accuracy, and a deep understanding of fractions. Whether in a classroom or at home, fraction worksheets serve as a catalyst for conceptual comprehension and skill development. They can be used to practice skills like adding and subtracting, as well as simplifying. Depending on the level of complexity, worksheets can have images and numbers to help students master fractions. Beyond practical applications, a solid grasp of fractions is essential for developing higher-level math skills. Proficiency in fractions serves as a stepping stone to concepts like algebra, geometry, and calculus. It forms the basis for understanding decimals, percentages, and ratios, which are extensively used in advanced mathematical calculations. Without a strong foundation in fractions, students may face difficulties in comprehending these complex mathematical concepts, hindering their academic progress. Benefits of Using Fraction Worksheets Fraction worksheets are valuable resources for practicing essential fraction skills, including multiplying fractions and subtracting fractions. Multiplying fractions worksheets provide opportunities for students to reinforce their understanding of multiplying fractions and develop fluency in the process. Through various exercises and problems, students can practice multiplying fractions with different denominators and numerators, applying proper algorithms and simplifying the results. Similarly, subtracting fractions worksheets enable students to practice subtracting fractions, including those with unlike denominators. By solving a variety of subtraction problems, students enhance their skills in finding common denominators, borrowing across whole numbers, and simplifying the final answers. Additionally, when learning fractions, setting specific goals can be beneficial in guiding students towards mastery. Some types of goal setting may include improving accuracy in fraction calculations, increasing proficiency in converting fractions between different forms, or enhancing understanding of fraction operations. Tips for Making Fraction Worksheet Activities More Engaging To create more engaging and effective fraction worksheets, consider incorporating gamification and interactive elements, such as fraction maker games like Fraction Dice. By adding game-like features such as point systems and challenges, students are motivated to actively participate and compete, making the learning experience enjoyable. Another approach is to emphasize real-life applications and contextualization of fractions, providing examples of fractions in practical situations. This helps students see the relevance of fractions in everyday life, enhancing their understanding and motivation to learn. Encouraging collaborative learning opportunities, such as group work and peer collaboration, allows students to discuss and solve fraction problems together, fostering communication and teamwork skills while deepening their understanding of fractions. Lastly, leveraging technology, such as online tools, interactive simulations, and educational resources, can enhance engagement by offering a wide range of dynamic fraction activities, visualizations, and interactive exercises. By implementing these tips, fraction worksheets become not only educational but also exciting and interactive, creating an environment conducive to effective fraction learning. Example of Fractions Worksheet Lesson Ideas Grade 3: Exploring Fractions Title: Understanding Equal Parts Description: Engage students with a fraction sheet activity where they divide various objects into equal parts, such as pizzas, shapes, and groups of objects. Students will visually explore one half, one third, and one fourth as they color or shade the appropriate fraction of each object. This hands-on activity promotes understanding of fractions as equal parts of a whole. Grade 4: Adding and Subtracting Fractions Title: Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators - Finding Common Denominators Description: Engage students with interactive fraction manipulatives and visual models to explore adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. Provide addition of fractions worksheets that guide students through the process of finding common denominators and adjusting numerators. This activity enhances students' understanding of adding and subtracting fractions. Grade 5: Fraction Operations Title: Fractions Test - Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Fractions Description: Administer a fractions test to assess students' understanding of addition, subtraction, and multiplication of fractions. The test includes word problems and computation questions, covering concepts like same denominators, unlike denominators, and simplifying fractions. Use the test results to identify areas where students may need additional practice or support. Grade 6: Creating and Simplifying Fractions Title: Fraction Maker - Creating and Simplifying Fractions Description: Provide students with a fraction maker worksheet where they generate their own fractions using given numerators and denominators. Students create fractions with different denominators and simplify them to their simplest form. This activity reinforces the concept of creating fractions and promotes skills in simplifying fractions. Grade 7: Division of Fractions Title: Division of Fractions Worksheets - Real-Life Applications Description: Present students with division of fractions worksheets that involve real-life scenarios, such as dividing ingredients in a recipe or distributing resources among a group. Students will solve these problems by dividing fractions and interpreting the results in practical contexts. This activity helps students understand the application of division of fractions in everyday situations. Grade 8: Converting Fractions and Decimals Title: Converting Fractions to Decimal Equivalents - Decimal Models Description: Introduce the concept of converting fractions to decimal equivalents using area models and visual representations. Provide worksheets where students match fractions with their corresponding decimal representations. Additionally, students practice converting fractions to decimals and vice versa. This activity reinforces the relationship between fractions and decimals. These lesson ideas cover a range of grade levels and subjects, incorporating various keywords related to fractions. Each activity is designed to engage students, reinforce key concepts, and provide opportunities for practice and application. Tips for Planning a Fractions Worksheet - Determine the Focus: Identify the specific fraction concept or skill you want to address in the worksheet, such as adding fractions, simplifying fractions, or converting fractions to decimals. - Design the Layout: Create a clear and organized layout for the worksheet, including headings, instructions, and answer spaces. Use fonts and colors that are easy to read and distinguish. - Select Problem Types: Choose a variety of problem types that align with the chosen concept or skill. Include different levels of difficulty to cater to various proficiency levels. - Provide Examples: Include a few example problems with step-by-step solutions to demonstrate how to solve similar problems. This helps students understand the process and approach required. - Gradually Increase Complexity: Arrange the problems in a logical order, starting with simpler ones and gradually progressing to more challenging ones. This allows students to build confidence and gradually develop their skills. - Incorporate Visuals: Use visual aids, such as fraction bars, number lines, or diagrams, to support understanding and visualization of fraction concepts. - Include Real-Life Applications: Integrate real-life scenarios or contexts where fractions are commonly used. This helps students see the practical relevance of fractions in everyday situations. - Offer Space for Calculations: Ensure there is enough space for students to show their work and calculations. This helps them organize their thoughts and allows you to assess their problem-solving strategies. - Include Answer Keys: Provide an answer key or solutions at the end of the worksheet to facilitate self-assessment and independent learning. How To Make A Fraction Worksheet Choose One of the Premade Templates We have lots of templates to choose from. Take a look at our example for inspiration! Click on “Copy Template” Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator. Give Your Worksheet a Name! Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future. Edit Your Worksheet This is where you will include directions, specific images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless! Click "Save and Exit" When you are finished, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard. From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more! Even More Storyboard That Resources and Free Printables - Teaching Advanced Fractions - Addition Worksheet Templates - Digital Worksheets - Division Worksheet Templates - Subtraction Worksheet Templates Frequently Asked Questions About Fractions Worksheets How can I address common misconceptions or difficulties that students may have when learning fractions? To address misconceptions and difficulties in learning fractions, utilize targeted strategies with math fractions worksheets. Start by identifying and addressing misconceptions through observation and corrective feedback. Use visual aids and printable fractions worksheets to enhance understanding. Connect fractions to real-life examples, emphasizing fractions as divisions of a whole. Introduce number lines and engage in hands-on activities to reinforce concepts. Teach problem-solving strategies and foster communication and collaboration among students. Provide ample practice, review, and targeted interventions when necessary. How can I incorporate real-life examples and applications of fractions into my lessons? To enhance understanding and practical relevance, it is beneficial to incorporate real-life examples of fractions in lessons. This can be achieved through the utilization of an online fraction worksheet generator to create printable fractions worksheets such as adding fractions worksheets. Furthermore, students can be engaged in hands-on activities where they can actively create a fraction by dividing objects into equal parts, reinforcing their understanding of the concept. By employing strategies that involve recipes, measurements, fair division, building plans, financial literacy, art, sports, data analysis, travel, and problem-solving scenarios, students are provided with meaningful contexts to apply their fraction knowledge. By connecting fractions to real-life situations, students can develop a deeper understanding of fractions and recognize their practical applications. How can I help students transition from visual representations of fractions to more abstract concepts and symbolic notation? Transitioning students from visual representations of fractions to symbolic notation is vital for their understanding. Strategies include gradual progression, connecting visuals to symbols, introducing fraction notation, relating fractions to division, using number lines, practicing symbolic operations, scaffolding symbol use, encouraging symbolic representation in problem-solving, facilitating discussions, and reinforcing symbolic notation in assignments. Additionally, creating fractions worksheets offers valuable practice for students to generate their own fractions, reinforcing their understanding and accurate representation of fraction concepts. © 2024 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - All rights reserved. StoryboardThat is a trademark of Clever Prototypes, LLC, and Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://www.storyboardthat.com/create/fractions-worksheets", "date": "2024-02-24T22:01:47", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474569.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20240224212113-20240225002113-00067.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9032877683639526, "token_count": 3111, "score": 4.75, "int_score": 5 }