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How to Cook Chicken Feet
Chicken feet dishes have found their way into the cuisines of multiple countries, but the Chinese dim sum version is one of the most well-known on a global scale. This time-consuming cooking process involves deep frying, brining, and braising the chicken feet before finally coating them in a flavorful sauce. 1. **Clip off the nails.** Use kitchen shears or a heavy cleaver to cut the toenails off the end of each chicken foot. If desired, you could also separate the palm of the foot from the connecting leg bone by cutting them apart at the joint. Both parts can then be prepared and cooked in the same manner. Doing this can make it easier to fry the chicken feet, but it will also change their distinctive appearance. 2. **Wash the feet in salt water.** Stir 1 Tbsp (15 ml) of salt into 1 qt (1 L) of cold water. Dunk the chicken feet in the salt water and scrub them clean using your fingers. Rub the feet together while submerged to help scrub off any dirt or debris. Peel away any scaly, yellow outer skin. If you cannot pick away these spots, you can use kitchen shears to cut them away. 3. **Rinse and dry thoroughly.** Remove the chicken feet from the salt water and rinse well under cool, running water. Drain and dry the feet completely using clean paper towels. It's very important to completely dry the feet after rinsing them. If excess water remains, you may encounter more splattering when you start frying the feet. After drying the feet, set them aside on a clean plate while you prepare the frying oil. 4. **Heat the oil.** Pour 1 qt (1 L) of vegetable or peanut oil into a large Dutch oven. Set it on the stove and bring the oil to a heat of 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius). If you don't have a Dutch oven, use a large wok, heavy-bottomed saucepan, or deep fryer. It's best to check the heat of the oil with a fryer thermometer or candy thermometer, but if you don't have one, check by dropping a cube of white bread into the oil. When the oil is hot enough to use, the bread should turn golden in approximately 10 seconds. 5. **Fry until golden brown.** Carefully drop several chicken feet into the hot oil using long tongs or cooking chopsticks. Fry the feet for 8 to 10 minutes, or until they appear golden brown in color. The oil will likely splatter, so it's best to work carefully. Shield yourself with the lid of the pot while placing each chicken foot directly into the oil. Do not drop the feet from a height. While the feet cook, rest the lid on top of the pan, angling it so that a small gap remains open. 6. **Drain on paper towels.** Carefully remove each finished chicken foot from the hot oil and transfer it to a plate or bowl lined with clean paper towels. Note that you could also drain the chicken feet on brown paper bag material as long as it's clean prior to use. 7. **Repeat as needed.** Fry and drain the remaining chicken feet in this manner, working in small batches. You should only work with three to four feet at a time. When you add the feet to the oil, the temperature of the oil drops. As long as the pan is not overcrowded, the temperature drop shouldn't be too severe, but the oil in a packed pot will cool and may not fry the legs correctly. 8. **Combine most of the brine ingredients.** In a large bowl, combine the boiling water, star anise, ginger, cinnamon stick, dried bay leaves, cloves, and salt. Stir the brine together until the salt fully dissolves. You can prepare the brine before or after frying the chicken, depending on whichever you find easier. If you prepare it beforehand, however, loosely cover it and let it sit aside at room temperature until you're ready to use it. 9. **Submerge the feet in the brine.** Dunk the fried chicken feet in the bowl of chicken brine. Make sure that the brine evenly covers all the feet. 10. **Add the remaining brine ingredients.** Pour the rice wine and cold water into the same bowl as the brine and chicken feet, then stir gently to combine the ingredients. The cold water should be nearly as cold as ice water. The low temperature will quickly drop the temperature of the brine and the chicken feet, thereby halting the cooking process. 11. **Refrigerate for 2 hours.** Loosely cover the bowl and place it in your refrigerator. Allow the brine to marinate the chicken feet for at least 2 hours. After 2 hours pass, don't be alarmed if the chicken feet look puffy. This is normal and can actually improve the final texture of the dish. 12. **Drain and discard the brine.** Pour the contents of the bowl through a colander. Set the chicken feet aside and discard the excess brine. 13. **Combine the braising ingredients.** Place the water, rice wine, star anise, spring onions, and ginger in a large saucepan or Dutch oven. Set the pan on the stove over medium-high heat and bring the broth to a steady boil. 14. **Add the chicken feet.** Carefully place the chicken feet into the boiling broth, lowering them directly into the water instead of dropping them from a height. After adding the chicken feet to the braising broth, allow the liquid to reach a full boil again. Once the braising broth reaches a boil, reduce the heat to low, dropping the broth to a gentle simmer. 15. **Cook until tender.** Partially cover the pan and allow the chicken feet to cook until they feet tender. This should take 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Periodically check and stir the chicken feet as they cook in the braising broth. When ready, you should be able to easily pierce through the fleshy side and straight to the bone using a standard fork. 16. **Drain the liquid.** Strain the contents of the pan through a colander. Collect 1/2 cup (125 ml) of the cooking liquid and all of the chicken feet. After reserving the 1/2 cup (125 ml) of liquid, discard the remaining broth. 17. **Combine the sauce ingredients and reserved broth.** Place the 1/2 cup (125 ml) of reserved braising broth, oyster sauce, soy sauce, black bean sauce, sugar, rice wine, white pepper, chile peppers, and garlic in a large wok. Place the pan on the stove over medium-high heat. Stir and heat the sauce until it reaches a full boil, then reduce the heat to medium. Allow the sauce to continue simmering. 18. **Whisk together the cornstarch and water.** While the sauce simmers, whisk together to 1 tsp (5 ml) of cornstarch and 2 Tbsp (30 ml) of cold water until a thin slurry forms. Immediately pour and whisk this slurry into the sauce. Continue whisking and simmering the sauce until the slurry is fully incorporated. 19. **Add the chicken feet.** Toss the chicken feet into the simmering sauce. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes, or until the chicken feet are warm throughout. Note that the sauce should also thicken during this time. When ready, it should be thick and sticky enough to cling to the feet. 20. **Serve immediately.** Transfer the sauce-covered chicken feet to serving platters and enjoy them immediately, if desired. 21. **Alternatively, save and steam the following day.** If you want to give the flavors more time to blend together, you can refrigerate the chicken feet and reheat them the following day before serving. Transfer the sauce-covered chicken feet to a steam-proof plate. As soon as they cool to room temperature, cover the plate and chill the chicken feet in your refrigerator. The next day, set a steamer basket over a stockpot of boiling water and place the plate of chicken feet inside. Heat the chicken feet through for 10 to 15 minutes. Serve the reheated chicken feet while they're still hot.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Calculate an Expected Value
Expected value (EV) is a concept employed in statistics to help decide how beneficial or harmful an action might be. Knowing how to calculate expected value can be useful in numerical statistics, in gambling or other situations of probability, in stock market investing, or in many other situations that have a variety of outcomes. To calculate an expected value, you need to identify each outcome that may occur in the situation and the probability or chance of each outcome’s occurrence. 1. **Identify all possible outcomes.** Calculating the expected value (EV) of a variety of possibilities is a statistical tool for determining the most likely result over time. To begin, you must be able to identify what specific outcomes are possible. You should either list these or create a table to help define the results. For example, suppose you have a standard deck of 52 playing cards, and you want to find the expected value, over time, of a single card that you select at random. You need to list all possible outcomes, which are: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, in each of four different suits. 2. **Assign a value to each possible outcome.** Some expected value calculations will be based on money, as in stock investments. Others may be self-evident numerical values, which would be the case for many dice games. In some cases, you may need to assign a value to some or all possible outcomes. This might be the case, for example, in a laboratory experiment where you might assign a value of +1 to a positive chemical reaction, a value of -1 to a negative chemical reaction, and a value of 0 if no reaction occurred. In the example of the playing cards, traditional values are Ace = 1, face cards all equal 10, and all other cards have a value equal to the number shown on the card. Assign those values for this example. 3. **Determine the probability of each possible outcome.** Probability is the chance that each particular value or outcome may occur. In some situations, like the stock market, for example, probabilities may be affected by some external forces. You would need to be provided with some additional information before you could calculate the probabilities in these examples. In a problem of random chance, such as rolling dice or flipping coins, probability is defined as the percentage of a given outcome divided by the total number of possible outcomes. For example, with a fair coin, the probability of flipping a “Head” is 1/2, because there is one Head, divided by a total of two possible outcomes (Heads or Tails). In the example with the playing cards, there are 52 cards in the deck, so each individual card has a probability of 1/52. However, recognize that there are four different suits, and there are, for example, multiple ways to draw a value of 10. It may help to make a table of probabilities, as follows: 1 = 4/52 2 = 4/52 3 = 4/52 4 = 4/52 5 = 4/52 6 = 4/52 7 = 4/52 8 = 4/52 9 = 4/52 10 = 16/52 Check that the sum of all your probabilities adds up to a total of 1. Since your list of outcomes should represent all the possibilities, the sum of probabilities should equal 1. 4. **Multiply each value times its respective probability.** Each possible outcome represents a portion of the total expected value for the problem or experiment that you are calculating. To find the partial value due to each outcome, multiply the value of the outcome times its probability. For the playing card example, use the table of probabilities that you just created. Multiply the value of each card times its respective probability. These calculations will look like this: 1∗452=452{\displaystyle 1*{\frac {4}{52}}={\frac {4}{52}}} 2∗452=852{\displaystyle 2*{\frac {4}{52}}={\frac {8}{52}}} 3∗452=1252{\displaystyle 3*{\frac {4}{52}}={\frac {12}{52}}} 4∗452=1652{\displaystyle 4*{\frac {4}{52}}={\frac {16}{52}}} 5∗452=2052{\displaystyle 5*{\frac {4}{52}}={\frac {20}{52}}} 6∗452=2452{\displaystyle 6*{\frac {4}{52}}={\frac {24}{52}}} 7∗452=2852{\displaystyle 7*{\frac {4}{52}}={\frac {28}{52}}} 8∗452=3252{\displaystyle 8*{\frac {4}{52}}={\frac {32}{52}}} 9∗452=3652{\displaystyle 9*{\frac {4}{52}}={\frac {36}{52}}} 10∗1652=16052{\displaystyle 10*{\frac {16}{52}}={\frac {160}{52}}} 5. **Find the sum of the products.** The expected value (EV) of a set of outcomes is the sum of the individual products of the value times its probability. Using whatever chart or table you have created to this point, add up the products, and the result will be the expected value for the problem. For the example of the playing cards, the expected value is the sum of the ten separate products. This result will be: EV=4+8+12+16+20+24+28+32+36+16052{\displaystyle {\text{EV}}={\frac {4+8+12+16+20+24+28+32+36+160}{52}}} EV=34052{\displaystyle {\text{EV}}={\frac {340}{52}}} EV=6.538{\displaystyle {\text{EV}}=6.538} 6. **Interpret the result.** The EV applies best when you will be performing the described test or experiment over many, many times. For example, EV applies well to gambling situations to describe expected results for thousands of gamblers per day, repeated day after day after day. However, the EV does not very accurately predict one particular outcome on one specific test. For example, when drawing a playing card from a standard deck, on one specific draw, the likelihood of drawing a 2 is equal to the likelihood of drawing a 6 or 7 or 8 or any other numbered card. Over many many draws, the theoretical value to expect is 6.538. Obviously, there is no “6.538” card in the deck. But if you were gambling, you would expect to draw a card higher than 6 more often than not. 7. **Define all possible outcomes.** Calculating EV is a very useful tool in investments and stock market predictions. As with any EV problem, you must begin by defining all possible outcomes. Generally, real world situations are not as easily definable as something like rolling dice or drawing cards. For that reason, analysts will create models that approximate stock market situations and use those models for their predictions. Suppose, for this example, that you can define 4 distinct results for your investment. These results are: 1. Earn an amount equal to your investment 2. Earn back half your investment 3. Neither gain nor lose 4. Lose your entire investment 8. **Assign values to each possible outcome.** In some cases, you may be able to assign a specific dollar value to the possible outcomes. Other times, in the case of a model, you may need to assign a value or score that represents monetary amounts. In the investment model, for simplicity, assume you invest $1. The assigned value of each outcome will be positive if you expect to earn money and negative if you expect to lose. In this problem, the four possible outcomes therefore have the following values, relative to the $1 investment: 1. Earn an amount equal to your investment = +1 2. Earn back half your investment = +0.5 3. Neither gain nor lose = 0 4. Lose your entire investment = -1 9. **Determine the probability of each outcome.** In a situation like the stock market, professional analysts spend their entire careers trying to determine the likelihood that any given stock will go up or down on any given day. The probability of the outcomes usually depends on many external factors. Statisticians will work together with market analysts to assign reasonable probabilities to prediction models. For this example, assume that the probability of each of the four outcomes is equal, at 25%. 10. **Multiply each outcome value by its respective probability.** Use your list of all possible outcomes, and multiply each value times the probability of that value occurring. For the model investment situation, these calculations would look like this: 1. Earn an amount equal to your investment = +1 * 25% = 0.25 2. Earn back half your investment = +0.5 * 25% = 0.125 3. Neither gain nor lose = 0 * 25% = 0 4. Lose your entire investment = -1 * 25% = -0.25 11. **Add together all the products.** Find the EV for the given situation by adding together the products of value times probability, for all possible outcomes. The EV, for the stock investment model, is as follows: EV=0.25+0.125+0−0.25=0.125{\displaystyle {\text{EV}}=0.25+0.125+0-0.25=0.125} 12. **Interpret the results.** You need to read the statistical calculation of the EV and make sense of it in real world terms, according to the problem. For the investment model, a positive EV suggests that over time, you will earn money on your investments. Specifically, based on an investment of $1, you can expect to earn 12.5 cents, or 12.5% of your investment. Earning 12.5 cents does not sound impressive. However, applying the calculation to large numbers suggests, for example, that an investment of $1,000,000 would earn $125,000. 13. **Familiarize yourself with the problem.** Before thinking about all the possible outcomes and probabilities involved, make sure to understand the problem. For example, consider a die-rolling game that costs $10 per play. A 6-sided die is rolled once, and your cash winnings depend on the number rolled. Rolling a 6 wins you $30. Rolling a 5 wins you $20. Rolling any other number results in no payout. 14. **Identify all possible outcomes.** This is a relatively simple gambling game. Because you are rolling one die, there are only six possible outcomes on any one roll. They are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. 15. **Assign a value to each outcome.** This gambling game has asymmetric values assigned to the various rolls, according to the rules of the game. For each possible roll of the die, assign the value to be the amount of money that you will either earn or lose. Recognize that a “no payout” means you lose your $10 bet. The values for all six possible outcomes are as follows: 1 = -$10 2 = -$10 3 = -$10 4 = -$10 5 = $20 win - $10 bet = +$10 net value 6 = $30 win - $10 bet = +$20 net value 16. **Determine the probability of each outcome.** In this game, you are presumably rolling a fair, six-sided die. Therefore, the probability of each outcome is 1/6. You may leave this probability as the fraction of 1/6 or convert it to a decimal by dividing on a calculator. The equivalent decimal is 1/6 = 0.167. 17. **Multiply each value times its respective probability.** Use the table of values you calculated for all six die rolls, and multiply each value times the probability of 0.167: 1 = -$10 * 0.167 = -1.67 2 = -$10 * 0.167 = -1.67 3 = -$10 * 0.167 = -1.67 4 = -$10 * 0.167 = -1.67 5 = $20 win - $10 bet = +$10 net value * 0.167 = +1.67 6 = $30 win - $10 bet = +$20 net value * 0.167 = +3.34 18. **Calculate the sum of the products.** Add together the six probability-value calculations to find the EV for the overall game. This calculation is: EV=−1.67−1.67−1.67−1.67+1.67+3.34=−1.67{\displaystyle {\text{EV}}=-1.67-1.67-1.67-1.67+1.67+3.34=-1.67} 19. **Interpret the result.** The EV for this gambling game is -1.67. In real world terms, this means that you can expect to lose $1.67 each time you play the game. Notice that, according to the rules of the game, it is impossible to lose $1.67. Your only options for each $10 bet are to win $30, win $20, or win nothing. However, on average, if you play this game many times, you can expect the outcome to equal an overall loss of $1.67 per play. If you play the game once, you might win $30 (net +$20). If you play a second time, you could even win again, for a total of $60 (net +$40). However, that luck is not going to continue if you keep playing. If you play 100 times, in the end you are likely to be down approximately $167.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Set Boundaries with People with Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline personality disorder can present many challenges, both for people who live with it and the people close to them. If you have a family member, spouse, or friend with BPD, it might seem impossible to avoid getting caught up in their tumultuous emotions. It’s important to be compassionate with loved ones who are suffering from BPD, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook your own emotional health and well-being. To maintain a positive relationship with someone who has BPD, it’s necessary to set healthy boundaries for what you will and won’t tolerate. Create and maintain your boundaries by defining the limits you want to set, explaining your new boundaries to your loved one, and following through on your commitment. 1. **Make your own well-being a priority.** Many people fail to set personal boundaries because they feel guilty about it or think their needs don’t matter. However, your needs are just as important as anyone else’s, and you have to be in good mental and emotional health to be able to help others and fulfill your own responsibilities. Setting boundaries you’re comfortable with isn’t selfishness – it’s your right. In the long run, healthy boundaries don’t only benefit you. They also benefit your loved one with BPD by creating a clear sense of structure and predictability in the relationship. 2. **Define your boundaries.** Determine ahead of time which limits you are going to establish with your loved one and why. One good way to define your boundaries is to think about your values. Good boundaries are a way of protecting the things that matter to you most and ensuring you aren’t pressured into activities or situations that go against the way you want to live. For instance, if your friend wants to talk on the phone with you every night, but you value spending evenings with your family, you might decide not to take your friend’s calls after five o’clock. 3. **Decide on follow-up steps when your boundaries are crossed.** It's important to think about what action you will take if your loved one does not respect your boundaries. If you don’t specify what your reactions will be and follow through with them, your loved one will probably not take your boundaries seriously. A good follow-up step should be something that follows naturally from the other person’s actions. For instance, you might decide that if your partner shouts at you again, you will leave the house for a few hours until they can calm down. 4. **Prepare yourself for your loved one’s reactions to your boundaries.** The other person may be angry, hurt, or embarrassed when you tell them you need them to behave differently. They may take the change personally, accuse you of not loving them, or act out against the boundaries. Decide how you will handle various reactions so you aren’t caught off guard when it happens. 5. **Choose a time when you and your loved one are calm.** Talking about boundaries can be a touchy subject. Make the conversation a little easier by talking with the other person at a time when you’re both emotionally stable. Avoid introducing the topic of boundaries during or right after a fight. If the other person feels defensive or angry, the conversation won’t be productive. Introduce the topic by saying something like, “Are you free for a minute? There’s something I’ve been wanting to talk with you about.” 6. **State your boundaries clearly and firmly.** Be upfront when you tell your loved one about your new boundaries. Be kind, but don’t apologize or back down. Explain exactly what you need from the other person without any ambiguity. Use a calm, non-confrontational tone to lessen the risk of the other person taking offense. 7. **Explain why you are setting these boundaries.** For your loved one, hearing about the new limits you’re imposing on the relationship might sting. However, it’s important that they understand why you’re doing it. Be gentle but honest about your reasons. Phrase your explanation in a non-accusatory way that focuses on your needs instead of what the other person is doing wrong. For instance, if you find your spouse’s mood swings exhausting to deal with, you could say, “It’s really wearing me out trying to guess how you’ll be feeling from one day to the next. I need you to communicate your feelings to me more regularly.” 8. **Reassure your loved one that you value them.** Someone with BPD may feel insulted when others set boundaries with them. Make sure to give your loved one plenty of reassurance that you’re not rejecting them as a person and that your relationship with them is still important to you. Emphasize the ways your boundary will benefit both of you. This will help your loved one understand that you’re not setting limits just to try to push them away. For instance, you could tell a friend, “I think spending more time on our own will be good for both of us in the long run. I have more energy for socializing when I spend enough time alone, so we’ll both have more fun when we do get together.” 9. **Avoid letting the other person make you feel guilty.** Your loved one may try to make you feel bad for setting boundaries. Don’t let them sway you with emotional manipulation. You have the right to protect your own well-being. 10. **Carry out any set rules and reactions you’ve established.** If the other person doesn’t respect your boundaries, follow through with your follow-up steps consistently. It’s important to follow through every time. Otherwise, they will get the message that you’re not serious about your boundaries. Once your loved one realizes you are serious about your boundaries and rules, they may accept them and stop testing you. 11. **Avoid giving an ultimatum unless you mean it.** When you’re frustrated with your loved one’s behavior, it can be tempting to make an ultimatum, just to try to get them to cooperate with you. However, ultimatums lose their power if you don’t intend to follow through on them. Avoid giving an ultimatum unless you’ve thought it through and are fully prepared to carry it out. 12. **Stay flexible.** Setting and maintaining boundaries is a process, not a one-time event. Don’t hesitate to change your boundaries if you find that something isn’t working for you. Communicate with the other person about changes in boundaries so you stay on the same page about what you both expect from the relationship. 13. **Distance yourself if you need to.** Sometimes even the best efforts to set healthy boundaries don’t improve a relationship with a person who has BPD. If the person refuses to cooperate with you or acts abusive towards you, it’s probably best to end the relationship. Put your safety and sanity first – you’re under no obligation to maintain a relationship or friendship with someone who doesn’t respect you or your needs. 14. **Recognize the symptoms** Knowing what’s normal and what’s not for a person with BPD can help you decide what boundaries are fair for both of you. For instance, it may upset you when your partner experiences stress-related paranoia, and you may be tempted to set a boundary like, “Don’t approach me with your concerns when they’re unfounded.” The problem with this might is that this paranoia is probably a symptom of BPD that your partner can’t help, and rejecting them when they need you will hurt both of you in the long run. Instead, try saying, “Let me know when you’re experiencing intense paranoia. We’ll talk it over for a few minutes, then I’ll sit close by in the next room while you calm down.” Other symptoms include a fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, changes in self-image, impulsive behavior, suicidal behavior, mood swings, and feelings of anger or emptiness. 15. **Consider the causes of your loved one’s BPD.** Though the causes of this mental illness aren’t yet fully understood, it’s possible that environmental factors such as child abuse or neglect may have impacted your loved one’s BPD, as well as genetic or brain abnormalities. Remembering that their BPD may stem from trauma, genetics, or both will help you maintain sympathy when you approach your loved one about setting boundaries.You could say, for example, “I know that your BPD is something you can’t always control, and that it’s linked to a painful time in your past. I don’t want to trigger those bad memories by setting boundaries, I just want to help myself so that I can better help you.” 16. **Understand the nuances of BPD so you can set boundaries more empathetically.** BPD is a difficult and tumultuous mental illness, often characterized by an intense fear of abandonment and pattern of intense, unstable relationships. Realizing the effects of these symptoms can help you better understand your loved one’s response to your desire for boundaries.If your loved one experiences this extreme aversion to separation, realize that they may become upset when you approach them with the idea of setting personal boundaries, seeing it as a rejection or pulling away. They may think about difficult past relationships and be afraid that they’ll lose you as well. Approach your loved one with compassion and empathy, reassuring them that you’re not going anywhere and that you simply want to help both them and yourself. 17. **Help your loved one through their BPD.** Offer to visit the doctor with them, spend quality time with them doing something you both enjoy, and tell them you love them. Showing your love and support will make them more willing to see your point of view and help them understand your desire for healthy boundaries.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Speak Proper English
English takes many forms these days, and slang has become commonplace in day-to-day interactions and writing. While some informal language is generally accepted, if you're seeking to improve your mastery of the English language, you might find yourself on a quest to learn "proper English." Try listening to audiobooks, taking a grammar class, and cutting down on your cursing to speak formally and properly in the English language. 1. **Speak to educated English-speakers.** Education is not the most important part of learning proper English by any means, but people with extensive educations do often have a strong grasp on the rules of grammar and syntax. Speak to well-educated people, like your teachers, your family members, or even nice strangers to hear what English is supposed to sound like. Try to mimic how these people speak. It may feel strange or awkward at first, but with practice it will become second nature. 2. **Listen to podcasts and audiobooks.** English speakers who are recording their voices will pay extra attention to their pronunciation and how they are saying a word. Read along with an audiobook to see how each word is pronounced, or listen to an educational podcast for a more conversational tone. You can even stop the recording and repeat new words until you get them right. 3. **Pronounce the endings of words.** A common mistake many native and non-native English speakers make is not pronouncing the endings of words. Try over-enunciating the endings of words at first, then relax a little. Dropping the ends of words makes the language more informal, since some of them can be versions of slang words. For instance, instead of saying "goin’,” say "going.” Instead of saying "makin’," say "making.” 4. **Practice tongue-twisters.** To practice your pronunciation and moving from word to word quickly as you speak, say some tongue-twisters to yourself once a day. Practice ones that rely heavily on different letters and pronunciations so that you get a well-rounded practice. Common tongue-twisters include: “Sally sells seashells down by the sea shore.” ”Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.” ”How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” Tongue-twisters are notoriously difficult to say, even for native English speakers. Don’t get discouraged if it takes some practice to get these right. 5. **Include a subject, verb, and object word in your sentence.** Sentences can be as long and complex as you make them, but they must include 3 main components to be classified as a sentence. A subject is usually a noun that is doing something described by a verb. An object word is what the verb is modifying. In the sentence “He obtained his degree,” “He” is the subject, “obtained” is the verb, and “degree” is the object word. In “She likes rice pudding,” “She” is the subject, “likes” is the verb, and “rice pudding” is the object word. 6. **Use pronouns that agree with the noun.** Pronouns are words that you use in place of the names of a person, place, thing, or idea. Using someone’s name or an object’s description can get repetitive, so use pronouns like “she,” “he,” and “it” to replace them. If your noun is plural, use a plural pronoun. If it is singular, use a singular pronoun. In “Maisy read the book so she could study for her test,” “she” is a singular pronoun because “Maisy” is 1 person. In “When students arrive on the first day of school, they need help finding the classroom,” “they” is a plural pronoun because “students” refers to multiple people. 7. **Use "I" and "me" in the correct context.** “I” is used when you are the one doing the action in the sentence. “Me” is used when the action is being done to you in a sentence. These pronouns can be confusing since they both refer to the same person: yourself. Try not to mix these up. For example, if you said, “I studied for the test,” you are the one doing the studying, so using "I" is correct. “Me studied for the test” is incorrect. In “She took me home,” “me” is being taken home. “She took I home” is incorrect. 8. **Speak in the past, present, or future tense.** The English language has “tenses” that are determined by when the action in the sentence is happening. Most often, the tense is either the past, the present, or the future. Keep the tense the same throughout your sentence and do not mix tenses. An example of past tense is: “I drove home yesterday.” “Drove” is in the past tense. Present tense is: “I drive home every day.” “Drive” is in the present tense. Future tense is: “I will drive home later today.” “Will drive” is in the future tense. 9. **Take a writing or grammar class.** Taking grammar classes will teach you how to form complete sentences with proper grammar. They’ll also improve your writing ability and vocabulary. The more you practice writing and reading, the more you will be able to understand the grammar when constructing sentences both in text and in speech. Bad sentence structure will be more noticeable to you, and it will be more likely that good grammar will stay committed in your memory. Check with your local community college to see if they have any writing or grammar classes you can take. 10. **Read books in English.** Reading is a great way to expand your vocabulary while also understanding the correct context of words. Seeing different words used in a sentence is much more helpful than just looking them up. Check out a popular book in English from your local library, or visit a book store near you to see what grabs your attention. Use a dictionary while reading so you can look up any words you don't understand. Read material that you find interesting. Novels, newspapers, or even comic books are great ways to learn English words. 11. **Describe people or objects to practice new words.** As you learn new words in English, you may be presented with opportunities to use them in your daily life. Try to describe objects or people with really specific words. Instead of using small describing words like, "the building over there is big," use more eloquent words that convey more meaning. For example: "the building over there is gigantic." Instead of saying, “The sun is bright,” try saying, “The sun is radiant today.” Instead of “She looks thin,” try saying, “She looks delicate and fragile.” 12. **Label your household items until you know their names.** If you're a non-native English speaker, it can be difficult to remember even basic words. A good way around this is to make labels for everyday household items which contain the English word and its pronunciation. Label things that you use every day so that you can commit them to memory. Items like your toothbrush, mirror, chair, or bed are great things to label. 13. **Download a vocabulary app to teach you new words.** It can be tough to find new words in your daily life that you haven’t already come across. Download an app on your phone that will teach you 1 new word per day. Write down or memorize each word and its definition to expand your vocabulary on a daily basis. PowerVocab and Word to Word are 2 popular vocabulary teaching apps. 14. **Don't use the word "like" as a filler.** When you are telling a story or speaking for a long time, you may want to pause in between your words or sentences. A common mistake people make is using the word “like” to fill the pauses as they talk. Only use the word “like” when you are expressing that you like something or when you are comparing things. An incorrect use of the word "like" would be: "The other day I got on this, like, bus and went to, like, Southampton to meet my, like, boyfriend." The correct use of the word "like" would be: "I like biscuits and I also like American cookies." Another correct use of the word “like” is: “Her hair was pretty, like golden straw.” 15. **Avoid using curse words.** Frequently using curse words or bad language does not give a good impression, especially in polite company. Expanding your vocabulary should help you to find alternative words to express yourself. If you can expand your vocabulary, you can eliminate swearing altogether. Once you accomplish this, you'll often find that in most everyday situations, there is no need to swear at all.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make a Shy Person Talk
Just as some people are naturally gregarious and outgoing, others are naturally shy and reserved. While it can be more difficult to engage with someone who is shy, there are some easy things you can do to get them to talk. By approaching the other person first and reassuring them of your interest, you can draw a shy person out of their shell and make them more talkative. 1. **Smile.** Before making contact with the shy person, you can let them know you’re a friendly and inviting personality by flashing a genuine smile, as though you're smiling at an old friend, not a stranger. It’s a small, simple gesture, but it can do wonders to open up channels of communication and start building trust. This is because, unlike other body language and gestures which vary across different cultures and historical periods, smiling constitutes a universally positive signal. Smiling has even been shown to have positive psychological effects for the person who is smiling, so remember that your friendly face isn’t just a good tool for conversation. 2. **Make the first move.** Dealing with a shy person means you’ll probably have to extend the first overture. After smiling from a distance, approach the shy person with a warm greeting. Introduce yourself and have a topic ready so that you can get the conversation rolling immediately. For example, bring up a book you've been reading or a short, funny anecdote. Taking the initiative and approaching first takes pressure off the other person and puts them at ease. While you should try to avoid clichéd, boring comments about the weather, you don't need to find a dazzling, original greeting. A simple, "Hi, how are you?" will do the job just fine. 3. **Ask open-ended questions.** The best way to get a conversation started and keep it going is to ask questions. All questions aren’t equally helpful, though. Those which ask for a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response will stop conversation dead in its tracks just as quickly as silence will, so make sure your questions are thoughtful and open-ended. For example, instead of saying, "Do you like this music?" you might say, "What kinds of music do you listen to?” Avoid controversial topics with someone you just met! Otherwise showing an interest in someone is a great way to make them like you instantly. 4. **Be an active listener.** Being a good listener is one of the most important interpersonal skills and also one of the most difficult, so showing you’re a good listener will encourage the person to open up and trust you. Show the person that you’re listening to them and engaged by making eye contact, keeping your face turned toward them, and nodding occasionally. Ask follow-up questions or restate their points to confirm you are listening. For example, if the person has just expressed an opinion or explained a complex idea, paraphrase what they've said in order to clarify that you've understood correctly. Try, "So, what you're saying is..." 5. **Look for signals that the person isn't engaged.** Sometimes even your best efforts to make small talk will be fruitless. If the person you're talking to gives short, one-word answers, avoids eye contact, and steps back from you, chances are they're not just shy — they're also not interested in talking to you. Don't sweat it when this happens: you won't connect with everyone you ever talk to, so it's not a personal insult or failure when you don't hit it off. Cut your losses and move on to someone who's happy to talk. This doesn't mean you have to be rude or abrupt. Smile, tell the person it was a pleasure meeting them, and excuse yourself. 6. **Avoid dominating the conversation.** A shy person’s reticence can make it tempting to fill the silence with your own chatter, but try to resist this impulse. Talking for extended periods of time may relieve the other person’s uncertainty and anxiety, but it’s unlikely to draw them out and get them talking. Keep asking questions about the other person and give them time to answer. It can help to remind yourself that, despite what pop culture might tell you, silence isn’t necessarily awkward. On the contrary, a meaningful pause can signal thoughtfulness and respect, so try not to panic the moment a wave of silence sets in. If it feels like you're pulling teeth to get the other person to talk, you might want to consider wrapping up the conversation. You can do this in a graceful manner by excusing yourself to go get a drink or say hello to an acquaintance and making sure that you make eye contact before withdrawing. 7. **Steer the conversation to subjects the shy person likes.** Once you’ve uncovered a few things that the shy person enjoys, guide the conversation in the direction of these personal preferences. You can do this easily by playing the student and asking your interlocutor to explain or elaborate. For example, if the person has revealed that they love cooking, you can say something like, "I don't know much about cooking but I've always wanted to get better at it. How can I start doing that? What are some of your favorite recipes?" These learning-centered questions will show your interest while getting the person talking about something they love and feel confident about. If you don’t share their interests, try to suspend judgment and avoid expressing your conflicting tastes. This doesn’t mean you have to lie or pander, though. Just try to keep an open mind and stay away from strong statements of disgust or disapproval. 8. **End on a positive note.** Once you’ve concluded your conversation, make sure your interlocutor walks away feeling good about the interaction. You can do this by saying what a pleasure it was to talk or expressing interest in continuing the conversation at another time. If they walk away thinking that you appreciate and like them, they’ll be more likely to branch out and talk in the future. If you’re at a business or networking event, shake hands before you part ways. Friendly, personal contact is a good way to show respect and attentiveness while helping to leave a lasting, unique impression on your conversation partner. 9. **Invite the person to hang out.** If you’re trying to get closer to a shy acquaintance and develop a friendship, chances are that you’ll have to make the first move. Ask them if they’d like to meet up sometime soon, or send them a text asking if they’re busy. Be upfront about your interest in developing a friendship and, more likely than not, it will make them feel flattered and welcoming of your overtures. If you’re in school or college, it can be an easy, no-pressure invitation to ask if they would like to go get some coffee and study or go to a campus event. If you know one another from work, see if they’d like to go out after work for a happy hour drink. 10. **Find activities you both enjoy.** Going out for a meal, drinks, or coffee is usually a good way to get to know someone, but these kinds of talk-heavy activities can be intimidating or high-pressure for a shy person. You can alleviate this pressure by planning activities for the first few times you hang out together: a shared activity means that neither of you has to work continuously to support the conversation. It will also create shared memories that deepen and strengthen a friendship. If you’re both sporty people, you can go for a hike or a bike ride. If one or both of you isn’t comfortable with this kind of activity, though, pick a more relaxed thing to do, such as seeing a movie or attending a community event. 11. **Don’t tell the person to speak up.** A shy person already knows they're shy, so mentioning and drawing further attention to it won’t do any good. In fact, you’ll just make the person feel uncomfortably spotlighted and even attacked for something which comes innately. You want to show them that you like and are interested in them just as they are, not that you’re trying to change them and their behavior in order to suit you. For example, avoid saying things like, "You're so quiet! Why are you so quiet?" or "Stop being such a wallflower! Pipe up!" If you want to encourage your shy friend open up, say something instead like, "You always have such interesting stories, I'd love to hear more!" If the shy person has done well by sustaining conversation for a while, give them a break. Take control of the conversation for a while or just keep the activities short and let them go. 12. **Wait a while to get personal.** It can take time to break down the personal defense barriers of a shy person, so don’t rush the process. Keep talking points light and impersonal until you're well-acquainted. In general, this is good etiquette with anyone, but it’s particularly important when dealing with a shy person. Touching on a sensitive personal issue or political hot-button can make the shy person feel vulnerable and retreat back into their shell, effectively undoing any progress you’ve made in the past. A good way to develop intimacy in a friendship is to divulge a secret or something personal from your life, or to acknowledge an insecurity of your own. This self-revealed vulnerability will make the shy person feel entrusted with your intimate feelings and more likely to share something personal with you in return. Revealing your own insecurity may make the shy person feel okay about their own anxieties. Also be sure to avoid racy or dark humor. Racial, sexual, or extremely sarcastic jokes may offend the person or make them uncomfortable, so keep your banter breezy and PG-13. 13. **Introduce other friends gradually.** Introducing your friends to one another can be a tricky business with no established etiquette, and it's made even more difficult when you’re dealing with a shy person. Since it’s more difficult and takes longer to get to know a shy person, you might want to keep your hangout sessions one-on-one until you get more comfortable with one another. Letting other friends into the dynamic too soon can make the newcomer feel pushed out and more hesitant to open up, so wait a beat before you bring in the whole gang. You can help facilitate this by telling this person about your friends before they meet — knowing what to expect can help them feel more comfortable. Try introducing the person to others around you with a piece of information you learned about the person. For instance, “John have you met Allison? We were just talking about how much she loves traveling.” This will help the shy person make more connections and feel comfortable. If you met the shy person through your larger group of friends, this is less of an issue. You should still make time for the two of you to hang out one-on-one, though, in order to cultivate a unique friendship. 14. **Check in to find out how the other person is feeling.** While a shy person will often open up after they begin feeling comfortable with a new acquaintance, they might revert to old, reserved ways when something bad happens or they’re struggling emotionally. Be a good friend by checking in and helping them to articulate these thoughts and feelings. The best way to get anyone to open up is to show them you're listening. Pick a time when the two of you are alone and ask, "Hey, how have you been lately? What's been going on in your life?" If you've noticed your friend has seemed withdrawn or depressed, you can gently bring it up by saying, "It seems like you've been a bit down recently. Is there anything you want to talk about?" Make sure your friend knows that you're available and interested in the future as well. Reassure them by saying something like, "I'm always here to listen if you want to talk."
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Heal a Hyperextended Elbow
You've pushed your elbow beyond its limits, literally! While this is undoubtedly a painful experience, a hyperextended elbow can usually heal with some rest and ice. Generally, hyperextending your elbow causes a sprain, which is the stretching or tearing of a ligament. It can also tear the cartilage that covers the joint, known as the articular capsule, but that is rarer. Start by applying ice and seeing your doctor if you hear a "popping" sound. 1. **Apply ice immediately to the injured area.** When you overextend your elbow, you'll know it because of the pain. When you injure your elbow, apply an ice pack wrapped in a cloth as soon as you can. Leave it on for 10-20 minutes at a time, as it can keep the swelling down. Never apply the ice directly to your skin. Make sure there’s a cloth between the ice and your elbow at all times. 2. **Elevate your elbow above your heart.** Set your elbow up on a high table while you sit, or sit on the ground and place it on a chair or couch cushion. Elevating your elbow both as you ice and after will help prevent and relieve swelling. 3. **Wrap an elastic bandage around your elbow.** Hold the end of the bandage against the inside of your elbow and wrap it tightly around the injury to provide compression. This will hinder movement in your elbow, allowing it to heal. Loosen the bandage if it becomes painful or makes you lose feeling in your arm. This bandage wrap is typically tan in color and is sold in a roll. Look for it in the first aid section of convenience stores. 4. **Rest your elbow while it heals.** Keep your elbow as still as possible while it’s injured. The bandage should help with this, immobilizing your elbow to help it heal and prevent re-injury. Keep it wrapped as much as possible, and avoid moving it as much as you can. 5. **Visit the doctor if you hear a "pop."** While not every sprain needs to be seen by a doctor, you should visit your doctor if you heard a popping sound when your elbow hyperextended. That could mean your ligament tore rather than just stretched. The doctor will take an x-ray to check for fractures and an MRI to check the tissue, including the ligaments. 6. **Take over-the-counter pain medications if you're in pain.** You can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen, for instance, to help you cope with the initial pain. If these aren't helping after a day or 2, talk to your doctor about a prescription. For ibuprofen, you can take 400 milligrams every 4 to 6 hours or so. Do not exceed 3200 milligrams in a 24-hour period. For acetaminophen, you can take 650 to 1,000 milligrams every 4 to 6 hours. Don't exceed 4,000 milligrams in a 24-hour period. If you're taking extra strength, don't go over 3,000 milligrams in a 24-hour period. 7. **Use a sling for your sprain.** Your doctor may recommend that you wear a sling to help keep your arm immobile for a time. You may need to wear the sling for a couple of weeks until the sprain heals. A sling will immobilize your elbow at a right-angle and hold it next to your body. 8. **Ask about a cast for a more serious sprain.** If you have a more serious sprain, your doctor may recommend a cast or splint instead of a sling. These solutions will keep the elbow even more immobile than a sling, and you may need to wear 1 of them for up to 3 weeks. 9. **Try taping your elbow if you need to be more active.** If you're an athlete, you may decide to keep using your elbow, even against doctor's wishes. If you do, you can stabilize your elbow using medical/athletic tape to help prevent overextension again. Have your doctor show you the best way to tape your arm to keep it immobile. 10. **Let the elbow rest.** The sling, cast, or tape should help you rest the arm for the first few days. However, make sure you aren't doing things that cause pain or discomfort in your arm. You risk re-injuring your elbow if you do too much. 11. **Use ice on your elbow during the recovery period.** Ice can help with swelling and pain. You can apply ice 3 to 4 times a day. Don't keep it on longer than 20 minutes. Also, make sure to wrap the ice in cloth. Putting ice directly on your skin can cause damage. 12. **Apply a compression bandage to help with swelling.** Wrapping your arm in an elastic bandage can help keep swelling down. In addition, it can reduce pain. An elastic bandage will likely only work in conjunction with a sling, as a cast or tape will apply their own compression. 13. **Elevate your elbow above heart level.** When your elbow is below your heart, gravity encourages more blood flow to the area. When your elbow is injured, that can lead to increased swelling. To help prevent this issue, rest your elbow on pillows so that it's above your heart. Elevate your elbow as often as you can, particularly when you're asleep. 14. **Ask about surgery for severe sprains and torn articular capsules.** In some cases, you may need to have surgery to repair the damage done to your elbow. However, in most cases, the doctor will only perform surgery if you also have a severe strain in the muscle rather than just a sprain in the ligament. The doctor may also suggest surgery for a torn articular capsule. 15. **Discuss physical therapy with your doctor.** In some cases, physical therapy may be appropriate in helping you heal from this injury. Your doctor is the best person to make this decision. A physical therapist can teach you exercises to help strengthen your elbow, for instance. 16. **Skip heat for the first 3 days.** Heat may sound like a good idea on a sprain, but it may actually do more harm than good. Avoid using heat sources like saunas, hot baths, or hot pads while your elbow is healing. 17. **Avoid alcohol.** Drinking alcohol can slow down your healing process. Plus, it increases bleeding, which can make swelling worse. While it may be tempting to deaden the pain by drinking a bit, it's best to skip it for the first 3 days or so. 18. **Don't massage the area.** When you get an injury, you may want to massage it to try to make it feel better. However, that can make swelling and bleeding worse, so try to skip it for the first 3 days or so.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Prevent Rabies in Dogs
Each year in the United States, there are roughly 400-500 cases of rabies in domestic pets. This disease is caused by a virus that is transmitted when an infected animal bites another animal. Once infected, there is no cure and the condition is invariably fatal. This means prevention of infection is crucial to saving lives. Preventing rabies requires a combination of regular vaccinations, reducing risk factors, and isolating animals that are at possible risk of incubating infection, so that they cannot go on to spread the infection. 1. **Have your dog vaccinated.** The first vaccine is given to puppies from 12 weeks of age. Check with your veterinarian about when your puppy is ready to be vaccinated. If you have found a dog or adopted a dog whose history you don't know, be sure to get it vaccinated. Once your dog is vaccinated, you should get a certificate that it has been done for your records. Stray dogs are especially at risk of getting rabies, as they have not been vaccinated. That is why limiting the stray pet population by spaying and neutering is an important part of preventing rabies in general. 2. **Get your dog regular booster shots.** To maintain protection, the first booster is given when the dog is one-year old and then every three-years thereafter for the remainder of the dog's life. This helps protect the dog from infection should it be bitten by an animal, such as infected wildlife or another dog. It also makes it unlikely that the dog could transfer infection to a person should the dog bite someone. 3. **Keep young, unvaccinated puppies away from wildlife.** Young puppies that are not old enough to be vaccinated can be susceptible to rabies infection. While those puppies that are birthed from mothers that are vaccinated should have some immunities passed on from the mother, if the mother's immunity status is unknown, the puppy could be infected by contact with infected wildlife. 4. **Remember that vaccination is required by law in most cases.** Most states have their own law about whether rabies vaccination is a legal requirement for pet cats and dogs. It is best to check your state law to confirm the rules as they apply in your region. 5. **Keep your dog away from wild animals.** Wild animals can carry rabies, so be cautious about letting your dog near them. Supervise your pets outdoors and don't let them roam too far away from your eyesight. Discourage your dog from interacting with unknown animals, domestic and wild. 6. **Discourage wild animals from visiting your yard.** Many people simply let their dogs out into their yards to go to the bathroom or to exercise. This is a time when your dog can come into contact with wild animals, if the wild animals have wandered into your yard. To deter wild animals, make sure trashcans are secure. This will assure that food does not attract them in. Clear rubbish and fallen leaves that could act as cover for wildlife. You can also plant plants that wild animals don't like the smell of or use commercial products that keep wild animals away. In addition, don't feed your pets outdoors. Leftover food could attract wild animals. 7. **Make sure your dog will come when called.** If you insist on letting your dog off leash at times, you should at least be sure that it will come immediately when called. This will allow you to stop it from interacting with any wild animals it comes across. Train your dog to have a strong recall so that you can call it out of trouble. Be wary of approaching animals you do not know or wildlife that is unusually docile, as this can be a sign of rabies infection. If your dog won't leave the animal alone, don't put yourself in danger as well by trying to physically intervene. 8. **Contact your veterinarian if your unvaccinated dog is bitten by an unknown aggressor.** If your dog is not vaccinated and is bitten by wildlife or a dog of unknown status who then runs off, then you must tell your veterinarian. It may be necessary to put the dog into quarantine for six months. This is to separate your dog in case it caught infection off the stray and is incubating infection. In this case, it would therefore be a risk to other animals. Sadly, there is no blood test that can be done on a live animal that will confirm if it has an active infection or not. This means the only option is to wait and see if symptoms develop within a six month period. If the dog is still well at the end of this time, the infection is unlikely. This quarantine period may either be in a special state approved facility or within your own home, depending on individual state law. 9. **Notify your veterinarian if your unvaccinated dog is bitten by an unvaccinated dog you know or a wild animal that you caught.** Catching the aggressor, whether wild or not, will allow your dog to go through a shorter quarantine period, usually 10 days. This is because the other animal can also be quarantined to check that it does not have rabies. The virus is only infectious when the animal starts to show signs of the disease. Since death occurs with five days of showing signs, if the biting animal is still healthy five days after the bite, then the animal it bit is not at risk. 10. **Report it to your veterinarian if your unvaccinated dog bites another dog or a person.** If your dog is the aggressor and it is unvaccinated, or its vaccination status is unknown, then it needs to be quarantined. It may be put into a 10-day period of quarantine. The 10 day quarantine guarantees that your dog has not infected the other dog. If your dog does not show signs of infection in 5 days, it means that it could not have infected the other dog or human. The infected animal is only contagious within 5 days of showing the first signs of infection. 11. **Learn about the rabies virus.** The rabies virus can infect any warm-blooded animal, including humans. It is invariably fatal once symptoms begin to appear. It is transmitted in the saliva of infected animals and attacks the central nervous system. 12. **Understand the incubation period for rabies.** Rabies has a long incubation period before the animal shows signs, however once symptoms develop it is usually fatal within 5 days. How long the incubation period is depends on how far away from the brain the bite was. The virus travels from the bite to the brain via nerves, so the greater the distance, the longer it takes for signs to show up. The strength of the host's immune system can also determine how long the incubation period is. Those animals in poor health with weak immune systems will succumb more quickly that fit animals. An average incubation period is on average three to eight weeks. However, in exceptional cases it can be as short as nine days and as long as several years. 13. **Be aware of the symptoms of rabies.** During the incubation period the animal shows no signs. Once the virus reaches the brain, the first symptom is often behavioral changes. This could be a change in the dog's character from loving to aggressive, or the other way around. Many dogs appear extremely anxious or, conversely, can be much more friendly than usual. The next stage is the dog becomes over sensitive to light and sound. It may have seizures and it may also become dangerously aggressive. Then in the final stages of the disease, the dog develops paralysis of the head and neck muscles and is unable to swallow. This leads to drooling saliva that it has produced but cannot swallow. Death is from paralysis of the respiratory muscles.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Build a Pole Barn
The pole barn is the most simple of all shed designs. It is essentially where posts or poles are fixed into the ground, secured together at the top, which then support a roof. They are typically used on farms, but can be of any size, and are therefore great for backyards too. If you want to build a simple structure to be used for farm work or storage, try building your own pole barn. 1. **Obtain a building permit.** You will need to check with your local municipal and\or county building and\or planning and zoning to get a building permit before you do anything. Call or visit their offices to find out what you are required to do to get a building permit, and then go through the process and obtain your permit before you build anything. 2. **Get the necessary wood.** In order to build a pole barn, you will need to start with the right wood. The name “pole barn” can be slightly misleading, as you have the option of not only using poles but also square posts as well. You also are not limited to the construction of a barn, but any outdoor structure you would like including sheds, workshops, and garages. You can use regular square posts, round poles, or old utility poles to build your structure. If you would like, you have the option of using logs you've felled or found on your own. Whatever wood you use, make sure that it is pressure-treated and rot resistant so that the integrity of your structure is not placed in jeopardy. You will need 2x4s and 2x6s to frame the structure and add the roof trusses and lumber for the roof framing. Use plywood to create the walls. You have the option of adding wood siding on the outside of the plywood to give added appeal to the appearance. 3. **Choose your roof.** Most pole barn roofs are made from metal roofing, because they are inexpensive, easy to install, and last a long time. A metal roof is also much better than shingles or rolled roofing if the structure is large, especially in areas where it snows. However if you don't find metal roofing aesthetically pleasing, you have the option of installing shingles. Make sure you have rust resistant roof metal for the roofing. You will also need a ridge cap to cover the center of the roof. 4. **Find the remaining supplies.** You will need concrete to place around the poles in the ground, as well as gravel to create a level ground-layer and provide drainage. Use a portable mixer if you are placing many poles. You will also need galvanized screws, screw-in and straight roofing nails, and storm clips to keep your nails anchored. You can use bolted plates to attach the poles together instead of cutting notches in them as well. 5. **Get the right tools.** Part of the attraction of building a pole barn is the simplicity involved in putting it together. You don't need a lot of tools, but have the option of buying/renting some bigger machines to aid in the building process. You will need a tool to use to dig the holes for the poles. You can choose between using a post-hole digger or a tractor-powered auger. The latter is obviously less time consuming, although it is much more expensive to rent. Another option is to check for a truck mounted hole drilling service in your area. You will need a laser-level and carpenter's level, an electric drill with the attachment for roofing screws, a hammer, a miter or circular saw, and a hand saw. You have the option of renting a backhoe for this project, although it is not required. You can also use a large tamper to help level the post-holes for the poles. 6. **Measure the space.** Before you start building, it is imperative that you get an accurate measurement of your space. This will help you to buy an accurate amount of supplies and reduce the stress in building. Walk around your space to decide how wide/long you want the barn to be. Once you've gotten a general space marked off, take exact measurements and keep track of them on a notepad. Decide how high you want your structure to be. If you plan on using it as a garage or a storage shed, a minimum of 8 feet (2.4 m) is required. You can build it as tall as you would like though; just remember that you will have to work on the roof from the tops of the poles once they are in the ground. Make sure that the area you choose has good drainage to avoid flooding in the rainy season. 7. **Determine if there will be water and electricity going to the building.** If so, then you will need to hire someone to set these up. You will also need to call 811, the national Digline to have utility companies come out and check for pipes and wires underground. 8. **Remove any obstacles in the area.** Pull out any shrubs or trees in the space where you plan on placing your structure, in addition to a 5 foot (1.5 m) wide space around it. If you have grass down, use a sod-cutter to remove it and cut it away in pieces. It can be replanted in another area of your yard if you desire, or be used to start a compost pile. 9. **Level the ground.** Make sure the area you are working with is level. It is easiest to use a tractor to do this, by moving soil from one area to another. You can do this manually though, especially when the area you are working on is already pretty level. Check to see if any base rock is needed to build up the floor of the barn. If so, then add 4 to 6 inches of decomposed granite or a similar type of smaller, easily compacted gravel material for a dirt floor and drainage. 10. **Create a string-line.** You do this to mark the outline of the building you plan on making. This will make laying out the post-holes much easier, and help to keep the structure in perspective during the beginning stages. Put a small stake in each of the four corners of your building, and then wrap a long piece of string or twine between each stake. 11. **Dig the holes.** For this, you can use your tractor-powered auger or your post-hole digger. Depending on how high you want to build your structure, you will need to make the holes at least 3–5 feet (0.9–1.5 m) deep. Many experienced builders say the pole needs to have 1/3 of its length in the ground, especially for an open-sided pole barn. You don't have to build a foundation for a pole barn, but it is vital that your posts are stable so that even extreme weather conditions and accidents won't move them. Be sure to consider the primary wind direction and build accordingly. Measure your poles or square posts to see how wide you need to dig the holes. Make sure to add a few inches of width to the hole so that the posts are guaranteed to fit. Keep your poles no more than eight feet apart. You need your structure to be strong by keeping these foundation poles close enough together that they aren't each forced to subjected to too great of a load. However, you can also research larger pole barn plans, which may require placing the poles further apart than eight feet. 12. **Mix your concrete.** You will need enough to add 12–24 inches (30.5–61.0 cm) in the bottom of each hole depending on the size of your poles. Tamp the inside of each hold to make the bottoms of each as flat and sturdy as possible. Drop each pole inside the holes into the concrete to add stability. Make sure that they are completely vertical before leaving them to set. Make sure that you have staking and bracing material for two sides of the poles to keep them in place. It is important to prevent them from moving. They will need to be left for 2-3 days to give time for the concrete to set completely. This way you don't run the risk of accidentally knocking the poles over before they have been stabilized. Make sure the corners are exactly square—at 90 degrees—and the spacing between the poles is exact, so that you won't have problems completing your pole structure later. 13. **Even-out the height of the poles.** Even if your poles were all exactly the same height when you started out, because the holes are not all the same size your poles are likely uneven now. Use a laser-level to mark off the tops at the same height. Use scaffolding or a sturdy ladder to climb to the top of each of the poles and remove the excess height. You can do this right before you install the roof support beams. If you would prefer not to climb the poles afterwards to measure them, you have the option of inserting each pole in the hole before concrete, measure the distance on the base, removing them, and then cutting them to size. This requires a lot of labor hauling the poles in and out of your post-holes though. 14. **Add the roof-support beams.** These are the first and most difficult horizontal boards to place. You can choose to cut notches to fit the boards in each of the poles or place them across the top using metal plates. Use your level to make sure the boards are parallel to the ground, and secure them with screws or lag bolts to make sure they are stable. These are the boards that connect between each of the poles, making a giant rectangular shape. 15. **Build the trusses.** The trusses are the triangle-shaped roof beams that will be placed width-wise across the roof-support beams. These will have a board that runs parallel to the ground, as well as two additional boards that meat in the center at an angle. Measure the base-board to fit across the roof-support beams, and then choose the angle at which you want the roof to slope. Miter the edges of the upwards-angled boards so that they meet flat together at the joints. When they are put together, lift them up (with the help of others) onto the roof beams. Use metal plates to secure them to the base, lining them up over the poles. Add a beam down the center for added support. If you are building a larger barn, then check with a local truss company for costs of building trusses, delivery, and crane service for setting them. 16. **Add additional boards for support.** You will need to nail boards across the roof and between the poles for the siding to be attached to. Be sure to use a level to make sure they run perpendicular to the boards they are nailed to. The number you use will vary depending on the size of your structure but at least one additional board should be placed on each section. If you plan on adding walls, nail 2x4s along the perimeter of the structure at the base. This will give the siding something to attach to on the bottom. Consider using one size bigger board that has been pressure treated and that is at least 6 inches off the ground to protect from rotting. Add boards between the beams to act as studs for a door or window. Create a frame for a door by nailing together boards in the shape and size you want, and cutting out any excess pieces. If you are going to build any stalls, feed or tack rooms, or feeding mangers with in ground posts, then use pressure treated boards for framing that can come into contact with ground. 17. **Add the siding.** Although you can choose to leave the sides of your barn open, adding walls is easy. Take your plywood and cut to size. Nail it to the support boards along the outside edges of the building. To take it one step further, you can add wood siding on the outside to make the building look nicer. 18. **Install the roof.** If you chose to use a metal roof, then your pieces should be cut to fit. Install them by tapping the screws in place over the struts, and then use the drill (with roofing attachment) to finish inserting the screws. If you use shingles, nail down plywood over the entirety of the roof, and then layer the shingles and attach them with 3-4 nails apiece. You usually need to put down a felt or tar-paper underlayment before the shingles. 19. **Add doors or windows.** If you added extra support and framing for a door or window, you can add it to the barn at this point. You can also choose to leave it as an open-air door or window, which is common for pole barns.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Tell when a Watermelon Is Ripe and Ready for Picking
There's no summertime treat that quite matches the fresh sweetness of a watermelon picked from your own garden. While knowing how to grow your own watermelons is its own task, your efforts might go unrewarded if you don't know when to pick them. By knowing what to look for, feel for, and even smell for in a ripe watermelon, you'll be able to easily tell when your melons are ripe and ready. 1. **Let the watermelon grow for 2-4 months.** There are a lot of different factors which will determine how long it takes for your melons to ripen, but it should be somewhere between 2 to 4 months. Look at the seed packet for the watermelons you're planting for an approximation of how long it'll take for them to ripen. Write the date you planted your seeds on the seed packet and store it in a safe place. That way you can always keep track of exactly when your watermelons will be ready. The time it takes for your melons to ripen can vary based on the type of watermelon, the climate you're growing them in, and the type of soil, among other things. Don't rely on the expected time frame to tell when your watermelons will be ripe. 2. **Check the color on the belly of the watermelon.** Lift the watermelon up and turn it over, being careful not to pull it off the vine. Look at the “field spot” of the melon, where it has been resting on the ground as it grows. A buttery yellow color is a good indicator that the watermelon is ripe, whereas a white field spot means that it needs more time. As you turn the watermelon over, look for and remove any insects hiding on its underside. 3. **Examine the tendrils around the melon for browning.** While the vines the watermelon grow off of will remain green up until they start to die, some of the tendrils around each melon may start to brown as the melon ripens. Look for this around each melon to help determine which ones are ready to be picked. If the whole vine starts to turn brown while there are still watermelons left on it, harvest them immediately. This indicates that the vine is dying, and the watermelons are as ripe as they'll ever be. 4. **Listen for a hollow sound when the melon is hit.** Hold the watermelon up to your ear and knock on it with your knuckles or flick with one finger. A ripe watermelon will give off a lower-pitched and more hollow sound, whereas an unripe one will have a higher pitch to it. This can take some practice but is one of the more reliable ways to check for ripeness. If you're unsure if your melon is making the right sound, find someone who can demonstrate it for you on a melon they know to be right. Ask around or check online to find out what the perfect melon should sound like. Use your phone or another device to record the sound of a melon you think is ripe. If it's perfect when you cut into it, you can keep that recording to test the sound of other melons from the same and future crops. 5. **Squeeze the watermelon to test its give.** A ripe watermelon should have a little give to it when firmly squeezed. Use two hands to give the watermelon a light squeeze to check its give, being careful not to damage the melon in the process. 6. **Look for a dull color over a bright shine.** As watermelons mature, they will shift from having a bright green rind with a slight shine to a duller and more uniform tone over the top. Look for melons without a shine and with very little contrast between its stripes. 7. **Check for a slightly sweet smell.** While more difficult to detect than most other methods, the smell of a watermelon can help indicate when it is ripe and ready to pick. Get close up to the watermelon and inhale deeply. A ripe melon should have a sweet scent to it, and remind you of the flavor of a perfectly ripe watermelon. If you're growing a lot of watermelons, this test might become less effective. It's much more difficult to pick out the smell of 1 watermelon from a field of them than it would be testing one on its own. While it works on watermelons, the smell test is even more effective with other types of melon.
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How to Kill Lake Weeds
While there are many benefits to lake weeds and algae, extreme proliferation can cause many problems. When lake weeds cover more than 25% of the lake surface it is considered dense growth. This can interfere with water recreation, such as boating and swimming. It can also interfere with fishing by producing a foul taste and smell in the water. Most importantly, dense lake weed growth can cause major fish kills by depleting oxygen in the water at night. Make sure to take the proper control measures in your lake or pond to ensure a safe and flourishing aquatic environment. Remember, aquatic vegetation is an important part of the ecosystem. If algae and underwater vegetation have taken over your pond or lake, use controls to restore balance without removing all of your vegetation. 1. **Design your lake properly.** Many species of lake weeds flourish when they can take root in underlying soil. You can prevent this by creating steep banks on the edge of your lake or pond, that descend directly into deep waters. Consider constructing lake banks with a 3:1 grade that descend into a water depth of 5ft. This strategy will prevent submersed plants from rooting in the lake, but it will not help with algae or free floating plants. 2. **Keep your lake deep.** Make sure that your lake maintains a depth of 2-3ft at its most shallow point. This will help prevent weeds from taking root if they continue to proliferate throughout your lake or pond. Keep in mind that this will only work for rooted weeds, not algae or free-floating plants. 3. **Create a buffer zone around your lake.** Lake weed proliferation is usually caused by an overabundance of nutrients in the surrounding soil. The runoff from fertilizer in the soil feeds these lake weeds and causes them to grow in large numbers. Create a riparian buffer zone by planting 100ft of natural plants or trees between your fertilized land and your lake to prevent runoff from entering the lake. Choose plants that will prevent erosion and that do not require any chemicals to be applied. If you have livestock, nutrients from their feed and animal waste may also enter runoff and cause weed proliferation. Consider building a fence around your livestock or keep them at least 100ft away from the lake's edge. 4. **Be proactive.** Once you notice a significant lake weed issue, be sure to address it as soon as possible. Continual overgrowth will lead to more serious weed problems. The more you allow the weeds to grow, the more expensive and time-consuming it will be to address the problem at a later date. If you notice too many ducks or feeding fish around your lake, you may want to take steps to reduce their presence. Their waste can contribute to the growth of weeds. 5. **Use a benthic barrier.** A benthic Barrier is a sheet that lays on the bottom of the lake preventing sun from reaching the lake bottom so it kills lake weeds it targets. This is a non chemical reusable product that is safe for fish. Some vegetative growth is necessary for the health of the lake. If you use a benthic barrier, leave some area uncovered to allow for natural vegetative growth. Don't cover fish spawning or bird nesting areas. 6. **Remove weeds by hand.** You can easily cut up lake weeds from the roots, collect the cut weeds, and remove them from your lake or pond. They can be cut with a sickle or pulled up by hand, then removed from the water with rakes or hoes. Most lake weeds are perennials, meaning they will continue to sprout throughout the season due to underwater roots. You must remove them from their underlying roots in order to be properly control them. 7. **Use weed removal devices.** Depending on the size of your lake or pond, and the weeds you are trying to remove, you may need an underwater or motor-driven device. Controlling lake weeds by hand can be labor intensive and difficult, as these weeds usually grow back quickly. Motor-driven underwater removal devices can help cut lake weeds loose under water, like water lilies and water milfoil. There are also aquatic weed harvesters that collect weeds for removal. Motor-driven devices often leave cut-up weed fragments in the water. New weeds may grow from these pieces so be careful when removing weeds this way. For surface algae in smaller bodies of water, water pumps can circulate the top layer of water to prevent algal scum from settling. Mechanical control of lake weeds can be likened to mowing a lawn. These devices will trim the weeds, but it is a temporary solution. 8. **Dredge and deepen the lake.** If the weed problem is severe, and weeds cover over 25% of the lake surface, consider dredging and deepening the lake. This will remove existing weeds and the bottom layer of sediment, as well as any underlying nutrients that cause weed proliferation. Dredging and deepening will reveal a layer of nutrient-poor soil, limit the amount of sunlight weeds are exposed to, and make it more difficult for weeds to take root. 9. **Choose the correct herbicide.** It is necessary to properly identify the weed before purchasing herbicide. Different species and types require different herbicides. If you are unsure of the weed, call your county extension office or an herbicide dealer to make sure you buy the effective herbicide. Make sure you understand the effects and implications of applying an herbicide before doing so. Read the label on your herbicide to understand the restrictions and wait time on boating, swimming, and fishing before applying. This may be an important factor when choosing an herbicide. Herbicide comes in both liquid and solid form, as sprays or granules. For algal weed control, consider using copper sulfates or copper chelates, such as Cutrine Plus. These can be applied directly to the infested area as per the instructions on the label. For certain submersed plants, such as pond weeds, and free-floating plants, such as duckweed, consider using a diquat or fluridone. Rooted-floating plants, such as water-lilies, and emergent plants, such as cattails, are best treated with glyphosate. Check your local and state regulations before using herbicides in a body of water. Permits are required for some types of applications. 10. **Apply under the proper conditions.** Herbicides are best applied in late spring when plants are youngest and weakest. If you wait until late summer when vegetation is thick, you risk major fish kills by depleting oxygen all at once. Apply when water temperatures are in the upper 60s (Fahrenheit). Herbicides do not work effectively when the water is too cold. 11. **Dose properly.** Make sure that you are using the proper dose when applying herbicide. The herbicide label will describe how to calculate dosage. Dosage is usually measured based on acre-feet, which can be determined by multiplying the surface area acreage by the average depth. The label will then tell you how much to apply based on this measurement. Never apply a larger dose than listed on the label. 12. **Reapply as needed.** Herbicides will need to be reapplied in subsequent years to come. Underlying seeds are unaffected by herbicides and will therefore emerge the next year despite initial treatment. Make sure to continue to apply in the spring to treat any structures that lay dormant in the winter. 13. **Check your local laws.** Depending on the type of biological control that you use, you may need to get a permit from your local department of wildlife or agriculture. Some species that can control lake weeds are considered invasive in particular areas, and you may not be allowed to introduce them. Always learn what your local laws are before introducing a new animal or fish into your lake. 14. **Introduce swans to the lake.** Mute swans can be released onto small lakes. As they feed on both submerged plants and algae, they may be ideal to control vegetation. Keep in mind that swans require extra care, husbandry, and protection from predators. 15. **Release grass carp into the lake.** Also known as the white amur, grass carp feed on the submersed plants in your lake. They are usually introduced into a lake to control vegetation. Keep in mind that grass carp will eat almost any submerged vegetation, not just invasive species or weeds. Grass carp will not help much with duckweed or watermeal. It is recommended that you stock 15 to 30 fish per acre of lake. Get carp that are at least ten or twelve inches long. Grass carp can be invasive. Check your local laws to make sure that you are allowed to use them as a biological control before you release them into your lake. 16. **Research which insects may be helpful.** If you want to target a specific weed, you may look into using insects as form of biological control. You will need to find insects that are host-specific; this means you pick a species of insects that will only eat the specific weed that you want to remove. You can research your particular weed to see if there is an insect species that may help. You might also reach out to your local department of wildlife or agriculture, Noxious Weed Control Board, or an ecologist. Do not release non-native insects until you have verified that they will only eat the plant in question and that they will have no other impact on your local ecosystem.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Attract a Libra Man As an Aries Woman
Bright, lively, and confident Aries women are a fabulous match for a Libra's balanced and charming energy. It makes sense that this sign has caught your eye, and luckily, there are so many ways to expertly appeal to your Libra crush. This pairing is sure to be a homerun, and we're here to help you make it happen. Below, we've pulled together a list of the best ways for an Aries woman to attract a Libra man!This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here. 1. **Libra men are a hot commodity, so you’ll need to act fast.** Aries is a super action-oriented sign, so channel this energy into the pursuit of your Libra crush. Instead of waiting and weighing the options (something you’d be unlikely to do, anyway!), jump right in and start flirting with him ASAP. You’re fabulous, energetic, self-assured spirit will definitely win him over, but he needs to know that you’re into him first. Don't be afraid to make the first move with your Libra crush. This isn't a sign that gets spooked when someone shows their interest! 2. **Libra men love a charismatic lady; as an Aries, that means you!** Aries women totally sparkle in social settings, using their natural confidence, liveliness, and warmth to draw others in. Libra men pride themselves on being super likable conversationalists, and they’re attracted to that same quality in other people. So, when you’re on the same social scene as you’re Libra crush, make sure they see you working the room. Use your killer storytelling skills to make a whole crowd laugh—and your Libra crush swoon. If you see someone standing alone, use your bold conversation style to help them feel included. A Libra will admire your kindness and charisma. 3. **Libra men will want things to stay exciting and seductive.** This sign is naturally extremely flirty, so don’t hold back when it comes to frisky texts, touching, and teasing. He’ll love to be around your playful energy, and luckily, for a striking Aries woman, this won’t be a challenge. Send a dirty text to make him smile. “I’m trying to get my work done, but all I can think about is how you looked in that shirt yesterday…” Try finding reasons to subtly touch him while the two of you are hanging out. Push his hair back, tuck his shirt’s tag in, or put your arm around him. Teasing is great way to get flirty. “I can't believe you drink instant coffee. I’ll have to enlighten you on the wonders of French press." 4. **Laying it on thick with flattery is a surefire way to attract a Libra man.** Luckily for you, an Aries woman, you’re not afraid of putting yourself out there. Use this to your advantage and hold nothing back when it comes to offering sweet and sultry compliments. Comment on anything from his looks, to his personality, to his intellect, and it will have him totally into you. “Wow, that shirt really matches your eyes. They looked gorgeous already, but now they’re even brighter.” “You’re always so fun to be around. I love that about you.” “I love the way you construct an argument. You’ve got a really great ability to see both sides.” 5. **Libra men are attracted to people who can have deep chats.** Though you may struggle a bit to see both sides and keep your argument civil, you have a real knack for honesty and straightforwardness. Use the latter to your benefit to attract your Libra crush. When the two of you are engaged in a heavy discussion, don’t be afraid to be transparent about your thoughts and feelings, because he’ll absolutely love that. Libras are all about justice and empathy. If you find a way to pull him into a convo covering gender equality, for instance, he'll probably be fascinated. 6. **To Aries, assisting friends is second nature, and Libras love that.** Men of this sign are totally attracted to kind souls, and if he knows you spent the weekend helping your friend move into her new apartment, that’ll be huge. Helping will definitely come naturally to you as an Aries, so simply try to focus on subtly making sure he knows how good you are to the people around you. If he asks you what you’ve been doing, let him know you helped a friend. “My pal actually threw a birthday for her little sister, I helped her plan and set up.” Maybe he wants to know why you know so much about tech. “My friend’s computer always crashes. I learned so I could be helpful to her in a pinch." 7. **Libra men are naturally curious, and Aries women are natural educators.** It’s a perfect match! You probably have a million new interests and hobbies taking up your time at the moment, and there’s a strong possibility that your Libra crush would absolutely love to hear about it. The next time your new obsession comes up in conversation, offer to teach him some pointers. Take him to the skate park and show him the basics. Offer to teach him a few words in another language you might know, like Italian. You might’ve just finished a book on the Battle of Thermopylae, so give him a quick history lesson. 8. **Libra men are notorious for getting bored easily.** For an Aries woman, though, that shouldn’t be an issue, because you’re one of the most energetic, spontaneous signs in the zodiac! To keep your Libra crush on the line, lean into your most exciting instincts while you hang out. As long as you’re keeping him on his toes, he’ll be into it. Plan an extreme outing. Try taking him for a snowboarding, ax-throwing, or mountain biking date–anything you love to do. Shake things up while the two of you are out and about. If you walk by a caricaturist, have them create a quick sketch of the two of you. 9. **A Libra man won’t have any patience for someone dishonest.** This sign maintains a strict moral code and values that in other people, too. Luckily for an Aries lady, honesty is second nature. You’d likely never keep anything from your crush or partner anyway, which will mean the world to the Libra you've got your eye on. 10. **Libras are sensitive to losing any freedoms, so give him space.** At the start of the flirtation-ship, it may be crucial that you exercise your independent tendencies to keep your Libra crush interested. To him, the biggest turnoff in the world will be neediness or being attached with you at the hip. So instead, spend time with your friends, take a weekend away, and focus on yourself; the longer her spends by himself, the more he’ll crave your presence. Instead of waiting for him to call, go out for drinks with your pals. Spend a weekend on a trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. If he texts you to hang out, kindly let him know that you’re too busy adventuring! Focus on your many passions, hobbies, and interests. Not only will you love getting to work on yourself, but he’ll love getting to miss you. 11. **It’s a given that to attract a Libra, you’ll have to be able to wait it out.** Aries can have a bit of a tough time being patient, but on the other hand, you ladies are completely determined, never giving up on things you really want. Try to channel your knack for perseverance, and your efforts will be rewarded. Your Libra crush will probably be indecisive and hesitant to commit, but if you don’t lose hope while he’s taking time to process, he’ll be into it. 12. **Libras want casual at the start, and over-the-top romance down the line.** As an Aries woman, you’re similar; though you’ve got a tough exterior, underneath, you’re a super kind, gentle, and romantic soul. When the two of you have built up a rapport, use your tender side to woo your Libra crush through big, romantic gestures. Try planning beautiful dates, surprising him with thoughtful gifts, and taking any opportunity to create intimacy. Plan a beautiful sunset picnic at a scenic location. Bring him a gift that you know will mean a lot, like his favorite artist on vinyl. When the two of you stumble upon some music, a street performer for instance, take his hand for a slow dance. Any and all romance will attract a Libra man! 13. **Libras and Aries value settling down (eventually).** Both of you are notoriously flighty in the beginning stages of a relationship, but deep down, Libras and Aries both want a major, earth-shattering love affair full of commitment and depth. So, when the two of you have reached a serious level of flirting and eventually falling, make sure to communicate your intentions to keep him hooked. Libras love open communication, so feel free to tell him outright where you see things going. With a Libra, it’s always wise to give him an out, just in case he’s still making up his mind. “I just wanted to let you know that I really like you and see this getting serious. I’d love take things slow for now, but I still wanted to express that to you."
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Create a Business Entity
When you decide to start a business, you have many decisions to make. Arguably the most important decision you will make is which form of a business entity to establish. There are many entities to choose from and each will have its own advantages and disadvantages. Evaluate each option from a tax standpoint and assess any legal liability considerations when determining which will best fit your business. 1. **Consider writing a business plan.** A business plan details how your business will run. While this step is not required to operate a sole proprietorship, it will help you to plan your business. 2. **File for a “Doing Business As” (DBA) Certificate.** If you wish to conduct business under a name that is not your own, you must obtain a certificate to do so. You may file for a DBA at your local county clerk’s office building by filling out a form and paying a fee. If you are doing business under your given name (not giving your business a separate name) you do not need a DBA. 3. **Begin conducting business.** As a sole proprietor, your business does not technically exist from a legal standpoint, and therefore you need not file any paperwork to get it started. 4. **Report your business profits and losses on your personal tax return.** 5. **Consider writing a business plan.** 6. **File organizational documents with your state.** Not all states offer the LLC as a business entity, so be sure to check with your state’s Department of State before deciding on this structure. Then determine which documents you will be required to file. Generally the documents include Articles of Organization and some states may also require you to publish notice of your business formation in local newspapers. You will also likely have to pay a fee. 7. **Draft and adopt an Operating Agreement.** An operating agreement is generally an internal document that is not filed with the state, however you may be required to have one by your state. Even if not required, it is a good idea to draft an operating agreement because it details exactly how your business will run, from the type of business you decide to operate to handling payroll and who will receive what share of profits and losses. 8. **Operate your business.** 9. **Report your business profits and losses on your personal tax return.** 10. **Choose a name for your corporation.** States generally place restrictions on the words that may or may not be used in the name of a corporation. Generally the name must include the word ‘incorporated’ or ‘inc.’ or some other indicia that the business is a corporation. 11. **Determine who will be the initial directors of the corporation.** The initial board of directors is composed of those individuals in charge of getting the corporation up and running. They will authorize the issuance of stock and pick officers of the corporation, two of the most important decisions the corporation will make. 12. **File incorporation documents with your state.** These are usually called articles of incorporation and are generally accompanied by a filing fee. Your state’s secretary of state or department of state office will likely have an approved form that you may fill out or you may draft your own. Articles of incorporation generally include the name of the corporation, its address, and the name and contact information for a person to whom members of the public can contact regarding that corporation. 13. **Draft corporate bylaws.** These are analogous to the operating agreement that an LLC operates under. Corporate bylaws will include additional information such as how shares of stock will be voted, how directors are chosen, etc. Usually you may use a template for the bylaws or draft your own. 14. **Hold an initial board meeting and adopt the bylaws.** At this meeting the initial board of directors will adopt the bylaws, elect officers, authorize the issuance of stock, and determine how to handle certain financial or tax issues such as the corporation’s fiscal year. 15. **Issue shares of stock.** In order to officially be a corporation you must issue stock, as this formalizes the division of the ownership of the business. 16. **Form a corporation.** Since a Subchapter S Corporation is a tax election that a corporation makes, the first step to creating an S Corporation is to create a corporation. Follow the steps outlined above. 17. **File Form 2553 with the IRS.** The form is available on the IRS website. 18. **Approve the S Corporation tax election at the initial board meeting.** There must be unanimous consent by the board in order to make the S Corporation tax election.
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How to Be a Better Volleyball Player
Volleyball requires speed, agility, and teamwork. Whether you're an experienced or inexperienced player, good players know that there's always room for improvement. Learning which areas of your game could use a little work can help you develop as a player, improving your skills, teamwork, and all-around fitness. 1. **Learn to serve overhand.** While many top players have perfected the jump serve, a simple overhand serve may be just as effective. Stand behind the serving line, toss the ball to a comfortable height over your head and hit it with a flat palm over the net as hard as you can. The ball must stay in bounds on the other side of the net. While underhand and sidearm serves put the ball in play, they are not as difficult to return as overhand serves, and are not as desirable to learn. Practice your serving pitch. For each type of serve, toss the ball to your hitting hand and aim for the lower part of the ball. Try hitting the ball not with your palm but with the horseshoe part of your hand for a more accurate serve. Make sure you have positioned yourself and aimed correctly or the ball will go haywire. Experiment with force. What's too much? What's too little? Soon enough your muscles will remember what works and you'll be able to aim the ball like a bullet out of a gun. 2. **Learn to pass and bump with accuracy.** One of the first things that you'll need to learn after getting your serve developed is how to pass the ball effectively to a player in the setting position and give your team the best chance of scoring a point. The best passes and passers can calm the ball down, removing the spin and getting the ball high enough into the air to give the setter time to get under it. Develop the proper form to pass. Hold your arms straight in front of you and put one palm inside the other, using the space between your elbows and wrists to guide the ball. Cup one hand and place your other hand on top of the cupped palm. Bring your thumbs together so that they face out and away from you, but do not cross your thumbs. When you bump, you want the ball to hit the inside part of your forearm. This will be more sensitive at first, but it allows you to have a flat, even surface for the ball to bounce off. Practice passing back and forth with a partner, trying to put the ball in the same place every time you pass. You don't even need a net. 3. **Learn to set effectively.** A good set intends to allow other players to score for the team. A set, like an assist in basketball or soccer, is the best way of contributing to the flow of the game and give your team a chance to get ahead. Depending on who you're playing with, sets need to be The setter should be loud and clear if calling help and if not, then she should call her hitter. Place your hands above your head so that when you look up, your index fingers and thumbs create a triangle shape (without your hands touching). When you are attempting a set, you should be attempting to center the ball in this triangle and using only the pads of your fingers to push the ball back up. Try shrugging your shoulders while bending your arms at a slant during your sets and bumps. If you're moving from your elbows, chances are that you aren't going to get maximum power. When you set, it also helps if you form your hands into a diamond and look through as you're hitting the ball. 4. **Learn to hit powerfully.** The hit, sometimes called the "kill" should ideally be the third touch on the ball. Performed correctly, it should end with a point for your team. Although it's best practiced with a net, players can drill effectively to get the wrist-snapping action down pat. Practice hits with one teammate, letting one player pass, the partner set it back, so the first may hit it down to the partner, who digs it up. Repeat this process in the opposite rotation. After a few rounds, you'll be developing the fundamental skills and improving significantly. 5. **Learn to block.** Volleyball is about a lot more than offense. Learning to coordinate your blocks as a team and keep the other team from scoring will set you apart and improve your standing on the court. It's a simple skill, but learning to react and leap quickly into the path of the ball requires practice. The best blocking drill involves three people and a net, letting other players practice shooting simultaneously. Let one teammate set, one hit, and one block. Let the two offensive players practice setting and shooting and the other player attempt to jump as high as possible and block. If you don't have a net, practice blocking by working on your vertical leap. Practice jumping effectively and improving your power and the height in your jumps. 6. **Practice from different positions.** In order to become a better player, you need to learn to play from all the positions. From the net to the back line, you need to get experience all over the court, regardless of your height and your skill set. Even if you're particularly good at one position, play from all over. Have good sportsmanship. 7. **Hustle.** Go after every ball, even if you don't think that you can get it. Go for every ball like it's your last hit, giving it your all each and every time you're on the court. If you're in it 110%, everyone else will feel the pressure, too. Soon enough, your entire team will be firing on all cylinders. 8. **Communicate with your teammates.** The game of volleyball relies on good communication and the best team on the court is usually the team talking the most. Call "got" or "mine" really loud to avoid confusion between you and your teammates. Yell whether the ball is in or out. If you see a tip coming let your team know. Your whole squad will benefit from just one person talking. 9. **Be coachable.** Good volleyball players know that they always need to get better. Learning to take constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement is an important part of improving your play, whether you're on a volleyball team or playing informally with friends. If someone, a coach or a teammate, makes a suggestion, listen openly and try to integrate new ideas into your practice routine. Make it a goal to get better. 10. **Be a mentally tenacious player.** If you hit a ball out or shank a pass, try to stay positive. Just move on and focus on the next serve. Volleyball is a mental sport and by getting down, you will greatly impact your game in a negative way. Stay focused and intent on winning. Find the zone and stay there. When your teammates see you playing with intensity and poise, it'll rub off on everyone and improve the team as a group. Be alert, even if you are winning with a 10-point lead, the game could easily turn around with a good server. Focus on seeing a game through till the end and not changing your focus until the job is done. Be a good sportsperson. Know that even if you don't win, you can always play another game and hit the ball twice as hard next time. Your teammates will appreciate your good attitude, regardless of your performance. 11. **Encourage your teammates.** High-fives, vocal encouragement, and positive vibes should always be coming from good players. Whether you're on the court or on the bench, always be cheering your team on and focused in with the game. 12. **Develop your speed** It's a common misconception that volleyball is a sport that requires arm strength. In reality, good volleyball players have learned to be in the right place at the right time, and use the proper techniques. While strength is important, the best players aren't always the strongest, but are able to move efficiently and fluidly around the court. Practice wind sprints and side-to-side shuffle runs to improve your ability to move around the court quickly and effectively. Learn to be in the right place at the right time. 13. **Incorporate plyometrics into your training** Plyometrics involves using your body as resistance, meaning you can do it anywhere, at any time, all by yourself. Working on jumping and using your weight for resistance will help you get into and stay in volleyball shape. 14. **Improve your vertical leap** A high vertical jump gives a hitter or a blocker numerous advantages on the volleyball court. Train hard by jumping rope, doing squats, and practicing tuck jumps, and your vertical will increase dramatically. The key is to keep up with it. Practice with a jump rope. This is one of the most amazing tools for general fitness, as it increases endurance, and helps your jumping muscles. Look up some good jump rope routines. 15. **Train with agility workouts** You have to be fast enough to react and pass a ball in volleyball, meaning that training should focus on improving your all-around agility and fast-twitch muscle reaction times. 16. **Strengthen your lower body and core muscles** Volleyball players spend a lot of time in the ready position, a partial squat that allows players to react quickly and powerfully to the approaching ball. For beginning players, staying in this position for long periods of time can be quickly exhausting, so developing your lower body and core strength will help you be the best player you can be during the whole game. Improve your endurance by improving your core strength. Try wall sits. If you "sit on a wall" then your muscles in your thighs will get strong. You need strong thighs in volleyball because you need to squat down a little bit to show that you are down and ready. Try a circuit-training regimen, if you're looking for a good all-around fitness workout that will benefit your volleyball skills. This can be a good way to incorporate aerobic exercise, strength training, and stamina-building workout skills, improving you as a player.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Analyze Newspaper Language
Newspaper articles are written by journalists and reporters to inform the public. News stories report on current events and are usually time-sensitive, so they are written soon after an incident or event has happened. You may analyze the language in newspapers as part of an assignment for a class or as a way to improve your own news-writing skills. Start by looking at the headline of the news article. You can then examine the body of the article to better understand newspaper language, focusing on structure, tense, voice, rhetoric, and tone. 1. **Look for nouns and verbs in the headline.** Many headlines contain nouns and verbs. Some headlines will have only nouns and no verbs. This is done to keep the headlines short and to the point. For example, you may see a headline made up of nouns like, “PM Resignation Over Fraud Charge.” 2. **Check if the headline consists of a string of nouns.** In some cases, the headline is a made by stringing 3 to 4 nouns together to make a “noun string.” To better understand a noun string, try reading the headline backwards. Rearrange the nouns into a sentence. For example, you may have a headline like “Ford Referral Customer Complaint.” You can then read the headline backward to make a sentence like, “A complaint was made by a customer about a referral program for Ford cars.” 3. **Notice if the headline has no articles like “a,” “an,” or “the.”** Other phrases that are considered extra, such as “some,” “few,” or “many,” are also usually left out of newspaper headlines to keep them short and to the point. For example, you may read a headline like “Neighbor Sees Woman Jump.” If you put articles into the headline, you may get a sentence like, “The neighbor saw the woman jump.” Another example is a headline like, “Homeowners Fear New Flooding.” Rather than say “Some homeowners” or “Many homeowners,” the headline just says “Homeowners” to present the most important details. 4. **Look for verb changes in the headline.** When verbs appear in headlines, they are usually adjusted to make the headline sound more immediate. Rather than describe the events in the past with a past tense verb, the newspaper will use a present tense verb in the headline.' For example, you may read a headline like “Professors Lose Union Fight.” This means the professors lost the fight to start a union, as it just happened in the past. The newspaper will also describe events that are going to happen with verbs like “to.” For example, the headline, “Nicolas Cage to Visit Portland” means that the actor Nicolas Cage will be visiting Portland in the near future. 5. **Check for wordplay in the headline.** Some headlines have words that can mean two things at once. These words are called puns. Puns and wordplay are often done to give the headline an amusing or entertaining tone. For example, you may have a headline like “Otter Devastation.” This is a play on the word “otter” as it can sound like “utter.” Another example is the headline, “From Russia...With Gloves.” This headline is a pun on the famous James Bond film, From Russia, With Love and plays on the word “love” by using “gloves.” 6. **Look for alliteration.** Alliteration is when the same sound is repeated in a row. Often, headlines that use alliteration consists of words that start with the same letter. Alliteration is used by newspapers to make the headline more catchy and memorable. For example, you may have a headline like, “Man Makes Massive Maritime Menagerie.” This uses alliteration with the sound “m.” Another example is the headline, “Sleepy Seamstress Sends City Into Century-Long Snooze.” This uses alliteration with the sound “s.” 7. **Ask “who,” “what,” “where,” and “why” when reading the headline.** A good newspaper headline will answer at least 1 or 2 of the 4 W's (“who,” “what,” “where,” and “why”). Try answering each of these questions using just the headline of the article. For example, you may have a headline like “Man Makes Massive Maritime Menagerie.” The “who” would be a man, the “what” would be a massive maritime menagerie, and the “where” would likely be somewhere near water, as the headline refers to “maritime.” Another example would be a headline like “Sleepy Seamstress Sends City Into Century-Long Snooze.” The “who” is a seamstress who sleeps too much, the “what” is a century-long snooze, and the “where” would be a city. 8. **Use the headline to understand the body of the article.** The headline should give you direction on what will be discussed in the body of the article. You should refer back to the headline when reading the body, using it as a guide. For example, the headline “Eight Dead When Nursing Home Goes Without AC After Hurricane” will tip you off that the article is going to focus on the details of the death of 8 people in the nursing home and how it relates to the hurricane. 9. **Identify where the article is located in the newspaper.** Online articles that are straight news stories will be placed in the Current Events or Breaking News section of the newspaper. Articles that are written as opinion pieces or think pieces will be listed in the Op-Ed section of the newspaper. Determining where the article is located will help you know what to expect in terms of the rhetoric and tone of the article. For example, an article placed in the Op-Ed section will usually be written from the reporter's perspective or point of view. It may be biased towards a certain position and contain rhetoric that is persuasive and argumentative. 10. **Analyze the lede, or the first line, of the article.** The lede of the article is perhaps the most important line in the entire article. It will summarize the story and discuss the who, what, where, when, and how of the story. Identify key words and phrases in the lede that seem important. For example, you may read a lede like, “The first evacuee was rushed into the emergency room of Memorial Regional Hospital on Wednesday, escaping a nursing home that had lost air-conditioning in the muggy days after Hurricane Ike.” You can then identify key words like “evacuee,” “emergency room,” “nursing home” and “Hurricane Ike.” 11. **Look up unfamiliar words or phrases.** Read over the article and circle any words or phrases that you do not recognize. Use a dictionary to look them up so you can better understand them. Then, place the defined word in the context of the sentence so you can understand it better. For example, you may be stumped on a word like “evacuee.” You can then look it up and place it in the context of the sentence so you understand the sentence better as a whole. 12. **Check for the active voice.** Most newspaper articles use the active voice, where the subject is always the one acting in a sentence or doing an action. This keeps the article immediate and engaging for readers. For example, you may read a line in the article like, “Fire and rescue units were hurrying the nursing home's more than 100 residents out.” This is active, as it shows the fire and rescue units doing an action, “hurrying...residents out.” 13. **Determine the tense used in the article.** The newspaper article will use the past tense to describe an event that occurred recently, in the past. It will use the present tense to discuss an event that is going to happen in the near future. For example, if you have a sentence in the article like, “In all, eight were dead,” this means the article is in past tense. If you have a sentence like, “The city plans to open the new walkway next year,” this means the article is the in present tense. 14. **Summarize the article in your own words.** Once you feel you have a good grasp on the language used in the article, try writing a 1-2 sentence summary of the article in your own words. Focus on the key details in the article. Use the headline of the article, and the lede, to help you write the summary. For example, you may write, “This article is about eight people who died in a nursing home when it lost power during the hurricane. It uses the past tense and the active voice to discuss this event.” 15. **Look for statements that show bias.** Check for statements that begin with “I believe” or “I am of the opinion that…” as these are signs the reporter is presenting their point of view. The reporter may also use statements like “I am certain that…” or “It is clear to me that” to show bias. The reporter may also show bias by asking rhetorical questions that illustrate their point or argument. For example, they may write, “Why do we need strict laws around abortion in this country?” or “What is the point of spending millions on a new sports arena?” 16. **Identify hyperbolic language.** Hyperbolic language exaggerates the reality of a situation so it is more shocking for the reader. Reporters use hyperbolic language to demonstrate their point and grab the reader's attention. They also sometimes use hyperbolic language to give the article a humorous and witty tone. For example, you may come across a sentence like, “The mayor would poke his own eyes out before he would allow the new roads to be built.” This is clearly an exaggeration, and the reporter is doing this to keep the reader engaged and demonstrate their point. 17. **Look for clichés.** Clichés are phrases that have become so familiar they have lost their meaning. Reporters may use clichés to get a point across quickly and easily to readers. They are also used when the reporter is trying to demonstrate a complicated point in an accessible way. For example, you may notice a cliché like, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink” in the article. You may then consider what the reporter is trying to demonstrate to the reader by employing this cliché. 18. **Check for evidence or sources used to support an argument.** Reporters will use evidence to support an argument. The evidence may be statistics, a quote from a source, or even a graph. They may also get an expert opinion to support their argument. For example, you may notice lines that begin with, “According to a new study…,” “A new research report illustrates,” or “Experts predict…”. The reporter may also use a quote from a source, such as “'We are doing what we can to contain the situation,' the police chief said at the press conference.” 19. **Identify allusions in the article.** Allusions reference well-known works or events in history. Reporters use them to invoke positive or negative feelings from the reader. They may allude to a moment in history to connect a current event with the past. For example, a reporter may allude to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr when discussing a rising activist leader in the African-American community. This would then invoke feelings of awe and reverence towards the activist, similar to the way the reader may feel about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 20. **Look for inclusive language.** The reporter may use inclusive language like “we” or “us” to make the reader feel like they are on the same side as the reporter. Inclusive language makes the reader feel included in the reporter's argument or perspective. The reporter may also use exclusive language like “they” or “them” to exclude a group of people. This could make the reader feel like they belong to the “we,” rather than the “they.” For example, you may notice a line like, “We may not like it, but the safety of our families is at risk.” Or you may come across a line like, “We stand for freedom and equality, while they stand for hatred and exclusion.” 21. **Determine the overall tone of the article.** News articles usually have an authoritative tone. Analyzing the language in the article should help you identify the tone and intent of the reporter. You may decide the tone of the article is: Logical, where the article comes across as rational and reasonable. It may use lots of expert opinions and quotes to analyze a situation or event. Neutral, where the article is impartial and balanced, with no bias. Most straight news stories are neutral in tone. Passionate, where the article is written with a lot of emotion and personality. It may show its bias and argue a certain point by tapping into a reader's emotions. Witty, where the article is humorous or satirical. It may come across as lighthearted or tongue-in-cheek. It may try to make the reader laugh by using hyperbolic language and an impersonal or casual approach.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Keep Your Children Safe
In a sense, parenthood is all about letting your child go, little by little, as they grow in maturity and independence. However, with the seemingly endless sources of danger out there, including both dangerous objects and people, letting go even a little may be a terrifying prospect. There is no way to guarantee that you can keep your kids absolutely safe at all times, but you can teach them key safety measures, build their self-esteem and judgment, and make sure you have an open and honest relationship with them. 1. **Stop teaching your kids "stranger danger".** Instead of making children fear everyone they don’t know, clarify that most people are good, but some are not and may try to do bad things. Tell them that while it is not always easy to tell the difference, they should trust their instincts and always feel free to talk to you or ask for help. Lay out some key ground rules, like never accepting offers of candy or rides from strangers, or to get away from someone who is talking or acting in ways that make them feel uncomfortable. Your kids need to know they can come to you anytime they feel uncomfortable, so stay calm and supportive when they share concerns with you. Even if you feel stressed or fearful, don't show these emotions to your child, as that can make them afraid to talk to you. Additionally, build their self-esteem by communicating with them regularly and answering their questions, no matter the topic. This will give them the confidence to trust their judgment regarding whether a situation or person is dangerous. 2. **Use the PANTS method to talk about preventing sexual abuse.** This is never an easy topic for a parent to bring up with their kids, but it is vital to equip them with the information and tools they need. Consult with trusted child safety groups for resources—for instance, you can use the PANTS method: P = “Privates are private.” Tell kids that their private parts should always be covered and no one should ask to see or touch them unless you, personally, explain why it’s OK first. A = “Always remember your body belongs to you.” Teach them to say “No” and then to tell a trusted adult if someone ever does something or asks them to do something that makes them feel uncomfortable. N = “No means no.” Reinforce that they always have the right to say “No” to something that makes them uncomfortable, no matter who the other person is. T = “Talk about secrets that upset you.” Teach them the difference between good secrets (e.g., a surprise party) and bad ones, and emphasize that they should never keep bad secrets about something that’s happened. S = “Speak up, someone can help.” Converse with them regularly, openly, and honestly so they know they can always come to you, and point out other resources like a guidance counselor or the police. 3. **Teach younger kids your name, address, and phone number.** Start practicing this with toddlers, and keep quizzing kids about this key information to make sure they remember it. That way, if you get separated, they’ll be able to provide this info to helpers. Make sure younger kids know their own name as well: “Can you tell me your first and last name? Good. What about my name?...” You might also want to write their name and your phone number on the tags of their clothes, or even stitch labels into their clothes. 4. **Identify meet-up spaces and safe people in case you get separated.** When you go out to the store, to a carnival, or anywhere else, take a moment to point out a location where everyone will go to meet if someone gets separated. You might, for instance, point out the service counter at the store. Also make sure they know that, if they get separated, they should look for a uniformed employee or someone wearing a security or police uniform for help. If they can’t find one of these people, you might advise them to look for a parent with small children in tow—they can usually be counted on to help. 5. **Allow kids to go only to places you know are safe.** Before letting your kid go play at a friend’s house, for instance, you should at least meet the friend’s parents. Even better, accompany your child on their first playdate at the house and make sure it looks and feels safe. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, such as if they have any unsecured weapons in the home. Before you leave your children anywhere, make sure they're in the hands of a reliable caregiver who is willing to and capable of supervising them the entire time you're gone. It's a good idea to ask friends and relatives if they ever leave their own child(ren) alone before you leave your child with them. Whenever teens leave the house, make sure they tell you exactly where they’re going, how long they’ll be there, and who else will be there. Persist even if they accuse you of nagging or not trusting them. 6. **Supervise younger children at all times.** No matter how much child-proofing you do, an unsupervised kid can find a way to risk serious injury. Generally speaking, you should keep your eye on kids who are 5 and under at all times while they’re awake, and you shouldn’t go more than 1-2 minutes without checking on kids ages 6 to at least 8. With practice, you’ll learn to complete other tasks while tracking the child out of the corner of your eye. However, make sure your focus never drifts too far away from what they’re doing. If you must let a younger child out of your sight, move them to the safest spot for them in your house—their bedroom, for instance, or a playroom enclosed by a toddler fence. Even then, leave them out of your sight for as short a period as possible. 7. **Make sure medications and other dangers are out of sight and reach.** Medications can look like candy to younger kids, so they should be kept in their original child-proof bottles and kept in a high, closed, and possibly locked cupboard. Likewise, keep household cleaners behind locked cabinet doors. Medications can be a danger for older kids as well, who may be tempted to try or even abuse them in order to experience their effects. Keep close track of your medications, and especially keep an eye out for any missing pills. 8. **Secure dressers and TVs to the wall.** Sadly, newscasts regularly report stories of children who are injured or even killed when they pull a dresser or bookshelf on top of themselves. The unsecured furniture becomes even more dangerous if there is a heavy, older tube TV sitting on top of it. Most new dressers and bookshelves come with wall anchoring kits and instructions. Use these anchors and secure them properly to the wall—ideally into wooden studs. Some retailers and local agencies might also give out free anchoring kits, so ask around. 9. **Look for dangers in your home from a child’s perspective.** For younger kids, this can mean literally getting on your hands and knees so you’re at their height. Look for things like uncovered electrical outlets, unsecured cabinets, bookshelves that are enticing to climb on, dangling curtain cords, loose staples in the carpet, and so on. No matter their age, keep in mind kids’ innate curiosity as well. For instance, if you have any guns or other weapons, or even potentially dangerous items like power tools, make sure they are locked away securely. 10. **Make fire safety a family priority.** Make sure every bedroom and every floor of your house has a functioning smoke detector, and place multiple carbon monoxide detectors in your house as well. Test them every week and replace the batteries every 6 months. Keep at least one fire extinguisher and show older kids how to use it, but emphasize to them that getting out of the house and calling for help is the priority. Run fire safety drills and create a designated meeting area outside. 11. **Teach kids how to call emergency services.** Toddlers love to mimic grown-ups using the phone, and by around age 5 some kids may be capable of picking up a real phone and making a call. When you feel they’re able, demonstrate how to call the emergency number where you live (e.g., 911) and explain when to call and what to say. For instance, if you're at risk for seizures, you might tell them to call “if Mommy falls down and can’t talk to you,” and to tell the person who answers that “my Mommy is having a seizure and needs help.” Make sure they understand that they should only call for true emergencies, though, not because their brother won’t share a toy. 12. **Teach your children how to swim.** Drowning is one of the leading causes of death for kids. To decrease this risk, sign them up for swimming lessons with trained professionals when they’re preschoolers, toddlers, or even babies—get them used to the water as early as possible. However, even if your kids do know how to swim, always emphasize that water can be dangerous. Diving into shallow water, swimming during a thunderstorm, and wading into rip currents, among many examples, can result in tragedy. If you have a family pool, make sure it's fully surrounded by a fence that's in good repair. Additionally, always supervise your child while they have access to the pool. 13. **Practice crossing the street safely.** When they’re younger, make sure the child holds an adult’s hand every time they cross a street. Both the adult and child should practice looking both ways twice before crossing, and should only cross at designated intersections or crosswalks. Model safe pedestrian behavior any time kids are around. Never let a child cross the street alone until they have demonstrated several times in your presence that they will do so safely every time. 14. **Make sure they’re buckled in every time they ride in a car.** When they’re young, make sure you install their child safety seat correctly and buckle them in properly. Use a booster seat in the back seat of the car until they’re at least 12, and make sure they always buckle their seatbelt properly. You can find more information on child car seat recommendations at 15. **Check out sites, apps, and games together first.** Before letting them join a new social network or play a new online game, take time to explore it with them. If you have any concerns, tell them honestly and directly. And, if you feel it is not appropriate, explain why they cannot join without leaving room for negotiation. For example: “I’m sorry, but the language and imagery I see here isn’t appropriate for someone your age. Why don’t we check out this site instead?” 16. **Show them how to keep their info private and report inappropriate content.** For social networks, make sure they know how to block and/or report users or content that is inappropriate. Also tell them the importance of keeping personal information private—for instance, they shouldn’t give out their address or phone number. Teach them that they should act online the same way they act in person, and expect the same of others. This means not sharing personal information with strangers, but also not engaging in or tolerating abusive behavior. Instruct your children to never share their personal information, such as their full name, address, phone number, or school information, over social media. Instead of just making it a rule, talk to them about what can happen if the wrong person gets their information. 17. **Restrict their time online, and supervise them when they are online.** Keep the computer they use in an open location in your home, or require them to use their smartphone in an open area. Also limit their online activities to specific times of day, unless they are doing work for a school project or something similar. Learn about and use the parental controls that are available with the tech they use and the sites they go to. Let them know that you are supervising their activities. 18. **Teach them that online bullying is just as wrong as bullying in person.** Reassure your child that they can come to you anytime they feel like they’re being bullied online, whether by someone they know or by a stranger. Tell them you will help them to report and remove the inappropriate content, and lend a compassionate ear if they’d like to talk about their feelings. Contact their school or the local authorities if necessary. If your child objects, tell them that it’s important to report bullying because other people may be affected as well. If you suspect your child is bullying someone else online, remind them how important it is for them to treat others online with the same respect they would in person. Restrict or remove their online privileges as necessary. 19. **Encourage them to talk to you whenever they’re uncomfortable.** Work on building open communication with them so they won’t be afraid or embarrassed to talk to you about problems that might arise while they’re online. Be an active and engaged listener so they’ll feel comfortable coming to you if they’re being bullied online, for example. Reassure them that you’re always there to help. This will help build their self-esteem, which in turn will make them more confident in taking action when something feels unsafe.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Clean Up Gasoline
There are few types of spills more dreaded than gasoline. Not only is the liquid both toxic and highly flammable, it also creates a slippery mess and can leave behind a persistent odor that if not addressed can linger almost indefinitely. When dealing with a flash flood of fuel, it’s critical that you act quickly and make use of the right materials to safeguard against further accidents and prevent unnecessary damage. Since it’s unsafe to try to vacuum or soak up pure gasoline, you’ll want to start by dousing the spill with a dry absorbent agent. You can then dispose of the gasoline according to your local hazardous material laws. 1. **Stop the spill at the source.** First thing’s first—before you get too worried about how to clean a gasoline spill, you’ll want keep it from getting any worse. If you’ve accidentally knocked over a fuel tank or container, return it to an upright position immediately and secure the lid or cap over the opening. If the spill originated from a pump, make sure that it’s shut off and that the nozzle has been replaced. Even a small gasoline spill can quickly become dangerous. Try to react as quickly as you can. Always pay attention when you smell gasoline fumes. Strange odors could indicate the presence of a spill, even if you’re not aware of it. Be sure to let an attendant know about sizable spills and leaks that occur at filling stations. 2. **Catch gasoline that’s actively leaking.** Assuming the spill is the result of an ongoing leak, it may not be possible to stop it immediately. In this case, look for any sort of large container you can place beneath the leak. This will keep it from coming into contact with other surfaces that are much more difficult to clean. Make sure the container you use won’t leak or overflow. If you’re at home, grab a bucket, paint roller tray or washtub. 3. **Put down a barrier of some kind.** To prevent the spill from spreading to a larger area, throw down some object or group of objects that can stop or slow its movement. An obvious choice is a beach towel, but a piece of lumber or a few heavy boxes may also work (keep in mind that whatever you use will likely have to be thrown away). Position the barriers closely around the perimeter of the spill. Be especially vigilant in preventing the spill from reaching electrical equipment or objects that produce or give off heat, such as stoves, space heaters and electrical outlets. Use a plastic tarp to cover and protect objects that are vulnerable to damage. 4. **Ventilate the affected area.** Gasoline emits powerful fumes that can be very harmful to inhale. Open all nearby windows and doors to get air circulating through throughout the room. If the spill occurs somewhere inside with no windows, turn on the ceiling fan or air conditioning. Exposure to fumes may cause dizziness, lightheadedness, shortness of breath or disorientation. Gas fumes are also a severe fire hazard. Avoid doing anything that may lead to an accidental ignition. 5. **Cover the spill with a dry absorbent agent.** Ideally, you should choose a substance like clay cat litter or trisodium phosphate (commonly packaged as the cleaning powder "T.S.P."), as these are useful for neutralizing odors as well as wicking up moisture. However, other items like sawdust, sand, straw or even dirt will also be effective. Search the area and use whatever happens to be on hand—speed is the key here. Apply the absorbent agent liberally. It may take quite a bit to soak up all of the standing gasoline. If you’re near the kitchen, you could also use baking soda, cornstarch or flour. Some companies now manufacture special sorbent pads that can be used in the event of a sudden accident. The synthetic materials these pads are constructed from makes them a very efficient way of dealing with petroleum-based spills. 6. **Let the absorbent agent sit on the spill for 1-2 hours.** This will give it time to soak up as much gasoline as possible. While it’s working, be sure to keep the immediate vicinity clear and well-ventilated. If time is a factor for any reason, allow the material to remain over the spill for at least half an hour. Absorbent agents work by separating the gasoline into smaller and smaller droplets, then binding with them to turn into a gritty paste can be lifted away easier than a liquid. 7. **Reapply the substance as needed.** For larger spills, it may be necessary to clear away clumps of gas-soaked dry material in order to make room for more. Sweep or scoop the saturated material into a trash bag or bucket, then shake more onto the wet spots underneath. Leave the fresh absorbent agent to sit for half an hour or more. Repeat this process until most of the gasoline has dissipated. You may not be able to get up every last trace of gasoline. What you can’t remove you’ll have to let evaporate, then scrub the resulting residue clean. 8. **Sweep the absorbed gasoline into a separate container.** Using a broom and dust pan, collect the gasoline and dry material from the affected surface. Dump the mess into a trash can, garbage bag or similar receptacle. If the spill occurred indoors, move the container outside to prevent fumes from building up in the confined space. Don’t cover or seal the container holding the gasoline. Trapped fumes can build up inside, leading to an increased risk of fire or explosion. Be prepared to deep clean or throw out whatever container you use. 9. **Scrape up any remaining gasoline.** Once the worst of the mess is up, turn your attention to the surface affected by the spill. The best way to do this is with a squeegee or plastic scraper. Transfer the last of the gasoline into a plastic bag and leave it with the rest of the materials for disposal. For spills on carpet or upholstery, vacuum up the lingering bits of gasoline and dry material before giving the fabric a thorough cleaning. 10. **Clean the area thoroughly.** Wet a washcloth or sponge with hot water. Apply a liquid dish soap directly to the site of the spill and work it in until it forms a thick, foamy lather. Scrub the stain vigorously to coax it out, then flush the area with fresh water and pat it dry with a towel. If you’re worried about causing water damage to the surface you’re attempting to clean, try sprinkling it with a powdered dish detergent or dry solvent instead. Afterwards, you can mop up the cleaner with a damp cloth. After you’re finished cleaning, wash your hands and any other parts of your body that may have come into contact with gasoline or gas fumes. 11. **Contact your local hazardous material management center for assistance.** Place a call to the fire department or pollution control agency to inform them of the spill and ask for instruction on how to proceed. In most cases, they’ll dispatch someone to deal with flammable substances. Otherwise, they can advise you on how to safely dispose of the mess yourself. Never throw gasoline away in a standard trash receptacle. Toxic and flammable materials require special disposal methods. Gasoline can still present a fire hazard even when it’s been absorbed into another dry material.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Fix an Uneven Smile and Look Your Best
While everyone has a slightly asymmetrical face, an uneven smile may be more noticeable on some than others. If one side of your mouth is higher or lower when you smile, it’s probably a little uneven—but it’s not a bad thing! There are plenty of noninvasive ways you can disguise your uneven smile to build your confidence in how you look. 1. **What causes an uneven smile?** An uneven smile can be caused by a number of factors, including chewing on one side more than the other, crooked or crowded teeth, an injury, tissue trauma, bell’s palsy, or even genetics. There are tons of different reasons why your smile might not be perfectly symmetrical, and some are only temporary. Even the current emotions you’re feeling can cause your smile to be a little lopsided. 2. **How do I know I have an uneven smile?** You might be able to see it in pictures or in the mirror. You also might avoid smiling, laughing, or taking pictures of yourself. Your perception of yourself might be a little off. Selfies, webcam videos, and pictures can often look distorted, even if your smile IRL is just fine! 3. **Should I fix my uneven smile?** You don’t have to if you don’t want to! Everyone has a certain level of asymmetry to their face, and an uneven smile can add character. You should only fix your uneven smile if it’s affecting your confidence or self-esteem. If you have crooked or uneven teeth, they can be a detriment to your health in the long run. Talk to a dentist if you have any concerns. 4. **Chew on both sides of your mouth.** When you only chew on one side, your jaw can get stronger on one side than the other. Try to alternate your bites so that you chew on both the left and the right side of your mouth instead of favoring one. You can chew one bite with the right side, then the left side, then the right side to keep track as you eat. 5. **Sleep on both sides evenly.** Pressing one side of your face against the pillow and not the other can lead to uneven jaw muscles. Try to switch back and forth between the right side and the left side as you drift off to sleep. If you sleep on your back, don’t worry about switching sides. 6. **Smile with your teeth if you have a large mouth.** If you have a big mouth, keeping your lips closed when you smile can make them look more uneven. Grin widely and show your teeth for a smile that complements your whole face. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, so you can play around with what looks and feels best for you. 7. **Keep your mouth closed when you smile if you have a small mouth.** Thinner lips and smaller mouths may look better without teeth showing. You can keep your lips fully closed or open your mouth up just slightly as you smile for pictures and selfies. Again, mess around with the smile that you think looks the best for your face. 8. **Say “eeeee” and “ooooo.”** Keep an exaggerated smile as you say “eeee,” and hold it for about 15 seconds. Switch to saying “oooo” while you tighten your lips like you’re blowing a whistle, then hold that for 15 to 20 seconds. Repeat this 10 times per day to strengthen the muscles around your smile. While facial exercises may be able to help an uneven smile, there is no scientific evidence to support it. 9. **Practice a fish face.** Suck in your cheeks until they touch each other inside of your mouth. Move your lips up and down as you hold the position for about 10 seconds. This will help to strengthen your cheek muscles. 10. **Hold a pencil in your mouth.** Slide a pencil in your mouth just behind your canine teeth, then close your mouth as much as you can to hold the pencil in place. Turn your head to the right, then to the left, keeping the pencil in your mouth. Then, look up and down. Try to repeat these exercises 3 times every day to strengthen your jaw muscles. 11. **Sweep your tongue around your top teeth.** Keeping your mouth mostly closed, use your tongue to sweep across your top teeth, first to the right, then to the left. Repeat this a couple of times to strengthen your tongue and facial muscles. You can do this exercise up to 10 times per day. 12. **Hold a spoon in your mouth.** Put the flat end of a spoon into your mouth between your lips with the other end sticking straight out. Use your lips to hold the spoon in place for 5 to 10 seconds, or as long as you can. The weight of the spoon will help work your muscles even more. Eventually, you can work up to holding the spoon between your lips for 1 minute at a time. 13. **Use concealer to contour your lips so they look even.** Pat a concealer or foundation all over your lips to create an even base. Grab a matte lip pencil that’s a little bit darker than your natural lips and overdraw the part of your lips that is uneven. Fill in your pencil lines with lipstick to make your lips appear even and full. Be cautious with overlining your lips at first. Making your lips too big or too full can be super noticeable, especially in natural light. This isn’t something you need to do every day, but it can be a nice addition to a glam or full-on makeup look. 14. **Plump your lips with lip fillers.** Talk to a plastic surgeon about getting a lip filler injection in and around your lips to fill them out. You can ask for a small, subtle fill to even out your lips for a more natural effect. This is a quick injection, and it usually only takes around 15 to 30 minutes at a time. If you are going to get lip fillers, make sure you get them from a licensed plastic surgeon. Lip fillers aren’t permanent, so you’ll eventually have to get them touched up. 15. **Try a lip tattoo for extra color and fullness.** Semi-permanent lip tattoos can add extra fullness to your lips by adding color and pigmentation. Head to a professional tattoo artist to talk about what you’d like to have done and whether your goals can be achieved. Permanent makeup is different from traditional tattooing, so the color won’t stay on your lips forever. You’ll probably have to get your lips touched up every 2 to 3 years as they fade. Most lip tattoos are very subtle, and it shouldn’t be obvious that you’ve had anything done. 16. **Go for a lip implant or grafting for a permanent option.** If you’re really dissatisfied with your uneven lips, there are a few ways to fix them permanently. Talk to a plastic surgeon about a lip implant (a long implant placed inside the lips to add fullness and evenness), fat grafting (transferring fat from your stomach into your lips), or tissue grafting (transferring a piece of skin from your body onto your lips). These procedures are highly invasive, and they each come with their own set of risks. Talk to a licensed plastic surgeon for more information before you decide to take this route. 17. **Straighten your teeth with braces.** If your smile is uneven because of crooked teeth, head to an orthodontist and ask about braces. Braces aren’t a quick fix—they can often take a year or more to fix your crooked teeth. However, the results can be pretty dramatic. If you don't want to wear braces, ask your dentist or orthodontist about clear aligners instead. 18. **Try veneers to lengthen your teeth.** If your teeth are chipped or too short, talk to your dentist about veneers. These porcelain shells sit on top of your teeth, giving you the appearance of straight, white teeth without much effort. Your teeth and your gums must be healthy before you can qualify for veneers, so keep brushing and flossing! Veneers are permanent, but they can become loose over time. You may need to get them touched up or replaced down the line. 19. **Add crowns to straighten your teeth.** If you only have a few teeth that are crooked or chipped, ask about getting a crown. These individual covers sit over the top of your tooth, giving it the appearance of a full, healthy tooth. Crowns can also help strengthen weak or broken teeth. 20. **Press your tongue behind your teeth for the perfect smile.** Before you smile, push your tongue up to the roof of your mouth and press it against your top teeth. Then, when you smile, you’ll show the perfect amount of gum (not too much, and not too little). Celebrities use this trick a lot on the red carpet to hold their smile in place as they get pictures taken. 21. **Pout your lips to make them look fuller.** Before you smile, push your lips outward like you’re going in for a kiss. Try to hold that feeling in your lips as you smile to plump your lips naturally in photos. This is a great way to make your lips look a little fuller without any cosmetic alterations. 22. **Stand far away from the camera.** Taking a picture too close to the camera can distort the image and make your proportions look out of whack. Try to stand at least 3 to 4 ft (0.91 to 1.22 m) back from the camera to start with, then move backward or forward slightly to find a flattering angle. Standing too far away from the camera can also make your features look a little funny (or even blurry). Try to find the sweet spot between too close and too far for your best picture. 23. **Pick a 70 to 100 mm lens for the most natural angle.** If you’re working with a professional camera, the lens you choose can make a huge difference on how you look. A 70 mm lens or a 100 mm lens will give you the least amount of distortion and keep your proportions even. Your perfect lens might be slightly different, so play around until you find the one that you like. 24. **Use a warp tool in an editing software to fix your smile.** Put your photo into an editing software and highlight your mouth area with the warp tool. Gently lift or lower one side of your mouth to fix the unevenness that you see. Be very careful when editing photos! If you do too much, it might look unnatural. If you had professional photos taken, you can ask the photographer to touch up your smile in post-production.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Sneak Tampons and Pads Into the Bathroom
Sneaking tampons, pads, and liners into the bathroom allows you to manage your period privately without alerting coworkers, friends, and family members that you're on your period. There are numerous creative ways to sneak feminine products into the bathroom based on your personal style and preferences. 1. **Store tampons and pads in several different locations.** This makes sneaking your stash into the bathroom more convenient based on where you are and who you're with. For example, if spending the day at school or work, store tampons and pads in your purse, desk, backpack, pencil case, lunch box, and car. 2. **Pretend you're hunting for something else.** This tricks people into thinking you're looking for items other than feminine products. For example, if tampons are stored in your purse, rummage in your bag and grab your mobile phone or lip balm at the same time. 3. **Use distractions to your advantage.** Wait until others are distracted and paying attention to something else before grabbing pads and tampons from your stash. For example, if watching television with friends, wait until commercial breaks are over before heading to your stash. 4. **Act calm and natural.** People are less likely to pay attention to what you're doing if you act calm and natural, while being fidgety, nervous, and frantic can make you look suspicious and sneaky. 5. **Use brands that offer quiet, discreet wrapping.** Most popular tampon and pad brands offer products with quiet, easy-to-open wrappers so you can be discreet on the go. 6. **Switch to using compact tampons.** Most tampon brands offer compact versions, which are full-size tampons wrapped in a way that makes them smaller for storage and hiding. 7. **Slip pads and tampons into long shirt sleeves.** When reaching for your stash, quickly slip a pad or tampon up your shirt sleeve. This discreet move takes just seconds, and effectively hides tampons and pads of all sizes. 8. **Slip pads or tampons into your boot or sock.** Boots are an ideal hiding place since they're roomier than most shoe styles. Before heading to the bathroom, discreetly bend down to adjust your boot or sock, and slip a pad or tampon into its side. 9. **Place maxi pads in books.** If using a notebook or textbook, slip a maxi pad into the center of the book and return to your desk or locker before heading to the bathroom. 10. **Fold maxi pads and liners into the palm of your hand.** This hiding place is most effective if you're going straight to the restroom, and won't affect the shape or function of your pad. 11. **Slip a pad or tampon into your pants pocket.** Back pockets on your pants and jeans are ideal for hiding maxi pads and liners, while front pockets are more effective at hiding tampons. 12. **Tuck pads and tampons into your waistband.** Given your clothing isn't too loose, the waistbands of shorts, skirts, and pants keep pads and tampons snug and secure on your way to the restroom. 13. **Store maxi pads and tampons in your makeup bag.** Pads and tampons resemble common makeup items such as compact mirrors, powder, mascara, and lipstick. Take your makeup bag with you to the bathroom and pretend to retouch makeup.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make an Ice Cream Cake
Ice cream cakes, with layers of cake, ice cream, and icing, are the perfect birthday or special occasion treat. When you make one at home instead of going the store-bought route, you can customize the flavors to create a unique, delicious confection. This recipe is made with layers of sponge cake and a whipped topping. 1. **Preheat the oven to 350 °F (177 °C) and grease and flour the pan.** Use butter or margarine to grease a 9 in (23 cm) round cake pan, taking care to ensure that the bottom and sides are completely greased so the cake won't stick to the pan. Sprinkle a little flour in the center of the pan and tip it from side to side, so the flour coats the bottom and sides of the pan. Then, tap away the excess flour. 2. **Mix together ½ cup (60 g) of flour and ½ cup (55 g) of cornstarch.** Either use a sifter to sift the ingredients or place them in a small bowl and stir them together with a whisk. If you'd like to make a chocolate ice cream cake, add 1/2 cup (42.5 g) of cocoa powder to the mixture. For a spice cake, add 1/2 teaspoon (1.15 g) of cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon (0.55 g) of nutmeg and 1/4 teaspoon (0.525 g) of ground cloves. 3. **Make the egg yolk, vanilla, and sugar mixture.** Use an electric mixer to beat together 4 egg yolks, ⁄2 teaspoon (2.5 mL) of vanilla extract, and ½ cup (115 g) of granulated sugar. Continue beating until the mixture becomes thick and pale, which takes about 5 minutes. 4. **Make the egg white mixture.** Place the egg whites and a pinch of salt in a medium mixing bowl. Using a whisk or clean beaters, beat the whites until they form soft peaks. Continue beating the mixture and add the remaining ¼ cup (55 g)of granulated sugar. Keep beating until the egg whites become stiff and glossy. 5. **Combine the ingredients.** Carefully fold the egg white mixture into the egg yolk mixture. Fold in the flour mixture with a spatula. Be careful not to overmix the ingredients; continue folding them until they are just combined. 6. **Pour the batter into the cake pan.** Spread it evenly into the pan with a spatula. 7. **Place the cake pan in the oven and bake it for 35 minutes.** Rotate the pan 180 degrees halfway through to ensure it cooks evenly. The cake is done when a toothpick inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Remove the cake from the oven, invert it onto a wire rack or plate, and let it cool completely. If the cake seems to be sticking to the sides of the pan, run a rubber spatula around the edge of the cake before attempting to invert it. If the cake breaks when you invert it, place the pieces on a plate and allow them to cool. You can still use the cake. 8. **Slice the cake.** Using a large serrated knife, slice the cake crosswise so that you have 2 thin discs of cake. Wrap each in plastic wrap and place them in the freezer for several hours. You can assemble the cake when the halves are frozen solid. 9. **Soften the ice cream.** Let the pints of ice cream sit out on the counter for a few minutes. When they become soft enough to handle, use a spoon to scoop the ice cream into a large bowl. Stir the ice cream with the spoon until it has the consistency of spreadable icing, but isn't too runny. 10. **Get the cake ready.** While the ice cream is softening, remove the cake halves from the freezer. Unwrap one half and place it on a cake plate. Set the other half aside for now. 11. **Alternate cake and ice cream layers.** Spread 2 cups (1 pint) of ice cream over the first cake half using a spoon and an offset spatula or knife. Try not to let it spill over the edges of the cake. You should have a thick, solid layer of ice cream. Place the second layer of cake on the layer of ice cream. Spread the second pint of ice cream on top of the cake. For a smaller cake, you can leave off the second ice cream layer. If you'd prefer to have the cake layer on top, you can still have 2 ice cream layers; after spreading the first ice cream layer, make a layer of crushed cookies or chocolate chips, then spread the second pint of ice cream on top of that before adding the second cake layer. 12. **Freeze the cake.** Place the cake in the freezer until it is completely frozen, which will take about two to four hours. 13. **Make the whipped topping.** In a mixing bowl, beat 2 cups (470 mL) of heavy whipping cream with an electric mixer until soft peaks begin to form. Add ½ cup (68 g) of confectioners (powdered) sugar, and continue beating until the topping becomes stiff. Don't overbeat the topping, or it will turn into butter. If this happens, add 2–4 tablespoons (30–59 mL) of heavy whipping to the bowl and incorporate it until you reach the desired texture. You can add a few drops of food coloring to the whipped cream so that it matches your ice cream. For example, if you're making a strawberry ice cream cake, add a few drops of red food coloring to make a pink topping. 14. **Top the cake.** Remove the cake from the freezer. Spread the whipped topping on the cake using an offset spatula. If you wish, spread more topping onto the sides of the cake to hide the layers. You can decorate the cake with sprinkles, chocolate chips, or fruit if you desire. For a fancier cake, place the whipped topping in an icing bag and pipe it onto the cake in a pretty pattern. 15. **Freeze the cake.** Place it back in the freezer to let the topping harden. The cake is ready to serve when the topping is stiff.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Use a Heat Gun to Dry Paint
DIYers commonly use heat guns to strip paint from surfaces because of the high temperatures they can reach. However, on a lower temperature setting, you can use a heat gun to dry paint on certain surfaces. Drying paint with a heat gun isn’t an instant fix, but it can significantly speed up your paint’s drying time. If you decide to use a heat gun to dry your paint, it’s important that you follow a few safety precautions to avoid fires and injury. 1. **Plug in your heat gun and set the temperature to 450–750 °F (232–399 °C).** Turn the heat gun on and use the buttons on the gun to increase or decrease the temperature. Start at the lower end of the temperature range and increase the temperature gradually as you work if needed. Avoid increasing the temperature over 750 °F (399 °C) or you could end up boiling and peeling the paint off instead of drying it. Any heat gun with adjustable temperature settings will work for drying paint. Heat guns work best on hard interior and exterior painted surfaces, like painted walls and wooden furniture. Avoid using a heat gun to dry paint on paper or canvas since it could ruin the surface. Instead, try using a hairdryer to quickly dry artwork. Refer to the manual that came with your heat gun if you’re not sure how to adjust the temperature setting. 2. **Hold the heat gun at least 2 inches (5.1 cm) away from the paint.** If you hold it any closer, you could damage the surface and cause the paint to peel off. As you’re working, make sure you continue to hold the heat gun at a safe distance from the paint. 3. **Aim the heat gun nozzle at the paint while continuously moving it around.** Point the nozzle that the hot air is blowing out of directly at the paint you’re trying to dry. Keep the heat gun moving at all times so you’re not heating one area for too long. Use back and forth or up and down motions as you work your way across the surface you’re drying. 4. **Continue blowing hot air on the paint until it’s dry.** The amount of time it takes the paint to dry will depend on the type of paint, how thick it is, and how large of an area you’re working with. It could take you around 10 minutes to dry a 1 ft × 2 ft (0.30 m × 0.61 m) area of paint, so plan accordingly. If you don’t have the time or energy to fully dry the surface you’re working on, using a heat gun can still be an effective way to speed up your paint’s drying time. You can dry it as much as you can with the heat gun, then let it finish air drying the rest of the way. 5. **Make sure your work area is free of flammable materials.** Heat guns produce extremely hot air that can cause a fire or explosion if it comes into contact with flammable materials, like aerosol paint canisters, paint thinner, acetone, and gasoline. Before you turn on your heat gun, double-check that there aren’t any flammable materials lying around near the surface you’re working on. 6. **Wear the proper safety gear while handling a heat gun.** You should always wear safety goggles and gloves when you use a heat gun to protect your eyes and hands. Avoid wearing loose clothing since it could get in the way of the nozzle and catch fire. If you have long hair, tie it back before you use the heat gun. 7. **Don’t place the heat gun nozzle directly against the surface you’re drying.** Not only can this damage the surface and cause the paint to peel off, it can also block the heat gun’s air flow and cause it to overheat and catch fire. For the purpose of drying paint, you shouldn’t need to hold the nozzle closer than 2 inches (5.1 cm) from the surface. 8. **Avoid touching the nozzle or aiming the heat gun at yourself.** The air coming out of a heat gun can get extremely hot and cause serious burns. Never aim the nozzle at yourself or anything besides the surface you’re drying. You should also never touch the nozzle where the hot air comes out since it can get extremely hot. 9. **Turn the heat gun off before setting it down.** Placing a heat gun down while it’s still on and hot is a fire hazard. When you’re done using the heat gun, or if you need to take a break from drying your paint, turn the heat gun off and set it down upright so the nozzle is pointing up and not leaning on anything. Your model of heat gun may have a cool-down setting that you can put it on when you’re not using it.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Thicken Nails
Thin, weak, and brittle nails are frustrating. You might be worried that they'll tear or split and it may be difficult to remove nail polish without staining them. To strengthen and thicken brittle or weak nails, start by protecting them from damage. Don't aggressively file them or soak them in water, for instance. Once you're sure that your nails won't split or peel, improve your nutrition and take nail supplements. Within a few months, you should enjoy thicker, stronger nails that don't crack or bend easily. 1. **Use a gentle nail file when you shape your nails.** Feel both sides of your nail file and use the finer, gentler side when you rub it against your nails. If you use the more abrasive side on your thin nails, you'll cause them to tear or peel. Never file your nails when they're wet since you can damage them. 2. **Don't file down the ridges of your nail plate.** Your nail is made up of 30 microscopic layers, but filing down the top of your nail can remove 10% of the nail. This is why it's important to leave the ridges and top of your nail intact. Removing the top layer of your nail plate can weaken the nail, which will cause peeling and damage. 3. **Wear gloves if you'll be submerging your hands in water.** When water soaks deep into your nails, it can cause the ends to split or crack, especially if your nails are already thin. Wear gloves when you'll be washing dishes or try to limit the amount of time you keep your fingers in water. For example, instead of soaking in the bathtub when you bathe, take a quick shower instead. You should also wear gloves to protect your nails when you dig or use cleaning supplies. 4. **Use non-acetone nail polish remover to take polish off.** When you're taking off your nail polish, dip a cotton ball or cotton bad in a non-acetone nail polish remover and wipe it over your nail. Non-acetone nail polish removers aren't as harsh as acetone nail polish removers, and they usually have moisturizing ingredients, such as glycerin or panthenol, which prevent your nails from drying and peeling. Don't ever pick nail polish off of your nails since you'll also remove the top layer of the nail plate. This can thin your nails and take months to grow back. 5. **Oil your nails to protect them from moisture damage.** If you frequently get your nails wet or wash your hands a lot, spread cuticle or nail oil over your nails. Then, massage the oil into your fingernails so they absorb the oil. This helps create a barrier against water, which can cause your nails to split or crack. Completely wipe away nail oil before you apply nail polish or a nail strengthening product. 6. **Apply nail polish to add temporary thickness and strength.** If you're looking to quickly thicken your weak nails, brush on at least 2 or 3 layers of nail polish. Remember to let the polish dry thoroughly between each coat. The nail polish acts like an additional layer that sits on top of your nail. Don't leave your nail polish on for more than a week or two since it will begin to dry out your nails. 7. **Brush a clear nail strengthening product on your nails every day.** It will take time for your nails to become thicker, but nail strengthening products are designed to build up your nails over time. Most strengthening products contain the protein keratin, vitamins, and moisturizers that are great for your nails. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. Most products will advise you to apply a coat to your nails every day for a set amount of time. Then, you'll need to remove the product. 8. **Take a nail supplement that contains vitamins and biotin.** You can find supplements designed to strengthen and thicken nails at most grocery stores, pharmacies, and online. They usually contain biotin, vitamins A, D, E, and iron. A supplement is a great option if it's difficult to eat a diet that contains these nutrients. It may take several weeks or months of taking the supplement before you notice a change in your nails. A collagen supplement may help strengthen your nails as well. 9. **Eat healthy fats, protein, and calcium every day to strengthen your nails.** Your nails might be thin or weak if you're not getting a balanced diet. Since nails are made of keratin, a type of protein, eating more protein can help thicken your nails. Healthy fats, such as omega 3s from nuts, and calcium are also important for strong, thick nails. Try eating chicken, turkey, lean red meat, seafood. If you're vegetarian, quinoa, nuts, and soy are good protein sources. 10. **Give yourself time.** Unfortunately, nails take about 6 months to fully grow out, so it will take several weeks or months before you notice any thickening of your nails. Stick with the changes that you're making, such as protecting your nails, taking a supplement, and eating a nutritious diet. Over time, your nails should become healthier and stronger.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Care for Your Chihuahua
Chihuahuas are tiny dogs with big personalities. They are also very loyal to their owners, which allows for a special, long-lasting bond to develop between a Chihuahua and his owner. Learning how to care properly for your Chihuahua will not only keep him happy and healthy, but will also help you build a strong and enduring companionship with him. 1. **Select a high-quality dry dog food.** Feeding your Chihuahua a proper diet will keep them looking and feeling good throughout its life. With the many available food choices, it can be overwhelming to select which one is best for your Chihuahua. Look for a dry food that contains approximately 30 to 33% protein. Because a high-salt diet can contribute to kidney and heart problems in small dogs, the dog food you choose should be low in salt. Consult with your veterinarian or a respected Chihuahua breeder for additional recommendations on high-quality dry dog foods. 2. **Do not overfeed your Chihuahua.** Obesity is a major problem in Chihuahuas. Your Chihuahua’s outsized personality and high energy level may lead you to feed her more than she needs, which can cause obesity. Start by feeding her the amount recommended on the bag of food, but also learn to body score your dog and monitor her weight. Check both regularly and if she is gaining weight, then decrease the amount you feed her by five to ten percent. Because of your Chihuahua’s small size, even the occasional table scrap or treat can add a significant number of calories to her daily diet, which could lead to eventual obesity. Overfeeding can lead to other serious medical problems, such as abnormal bone development, skin problems, arthritis, heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes. How much you feed your Chihuahua can depend on several factors, such as age, activity level and specific medical needs. Talk with your veterinarian if you are unsure about how much to feed your Chihuahua. 3. **Learn what you should not feed your Chihuahua.** Do not feed your Chihuahua human food, particularly table scraps. Specific human foods to avoid include cured meats (e.g., bacon, ham), milk products, chocolate, grapes, and onions. Milk products can cause diarrhea in dogs. Grapes are toxic to dogs and cause kidney failure. Onions can cause damage to red blood cells in dogs. Chocolate is also toxic to dogs, and cause such signs as diarrhea, hyperactivity, and tremors. 4. **Establish a feeding schedule for your Chihuahua.** Since your Chihuahua has a small stomach, he will not be able to eat large quantities at a time. Multiple daily feedings are recommended. Extremely small Chihuahuas (less than three pounds) may need to be fed as frequently as every four hours. Larger Chihuahuas can be fed two to three times a day. How often you feed your dog will also depend on his age, activity level, and medical needs. Try different feeding schedules to determine what works best for you and your Chihuahua. Rather than feeding your Chihuahua at exactly the same time each day, feed him within a general time range. This can prevent your Chihuahua from becoming too demanding at meal time. Allow your Chihuahua about 15 to 20 minutes to eat, and keep others away during mealtime — your Chihuahua should not feel like he has to defend his food. 5. **Monitor your Chihuahua for dietary-related problems.** Your Chihuahua may exhibit physical signs of dietary-related problems. An obvious physical indicator is obesity. Rather than having an ideal body condition (e.g., visible waist, slightly visible ribs, an upward tummy tuck from his chest to his hind end), obesity will cause him to look plump. Oily, flaky, or dry skin is also indicative of dietary problems. If your Chihuahua has a dull coat or dull-looking eyes, he may have some dietary insufficiencies. Abnormal feces (diarrhea, very hard feces) can indicate dietary problems. If you suspect your Chihuahua is suffering from dietary-related problems, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to discuss potential dietary changes. 6. **Brush your Chihuahua.** Chihuahuas have either smooth coats or long coats. The smooth coat is velvety, shiny, and fits close to a Chihuahua’s body. Long coats are flat to slightly curly, with feathering on the legs and a plumed tail. Chihuahuas with either coat type will shed (usually during the spring and fall), but the shedding is quite manageable. If you have smooth-coated Chihuahua, brush her once a week with either a rubber grooming glove or soft-bristled brush. The bristles should be made of natural material. Long-coated Chihuahuas usually need more frequent brushing — at least one to two times a week, but daily is ideal. Use a pin brush. Use a fine-toothed flea comb to remove dead and loose hair. A stainless steel comb is helpful to remove tangled hair. You can purchase grooming materials at your local pet store. 7. **Bathe** With regular brushing, you will not need to bathe your Chihuahua frequently. A bath once every one to two months is usually adequate, unless he has gotten into something particularly smelly. Use only dog-safe shampoo. Human shampoo could strip your Chihuahua’s skin of essential oils. Bathe your Chihuahua in lukewarm water. When you have finished bathing your Chihuahua, do not let him air dry. Because of their small size, Chihuahuas can lose body heat and become cold very quickly. Use a towel to dry your Chihuahua off promptly and completely after a bath. 8. **Clean your Chihuahua’s eyes.** Your Chihuahua’s eyes may occasionally have discharge around them. Gently wipe the area around her eyes with a soft cloth to remove the discharge. Some Chihuahuas can also develop tear stains around their eyes. Tear stain removers are available at your local pet store. 9. **Clean your Chihuahua’s ears.** Chihuahua ears are prone to getting dirty. To clean your Chihuahua’s ears, place a small amount of dog-specific ear cleaning solution on a cotton ball. Gently wipe his ears with the cotton ball, but do not clean so far down into his ears that you cannot see the cotton ball — clean only as deep as your first knuckle. Clean his ears if they smell or if you can see wax. Do not use a cotton swab to clean your Chihuahua’s ears — it could push wax, dirt, etc. down further into his ears. You can apply a small amount of baby or coconut oil to the edges of your Chihuahua’s ears if they look dry. Your veterinarian can recommend a good ear cleaning solution. 10. **Trim** Chihuahua nails tend to grow quickly, so it is important to trim your Chihuahua’s nails regularly. Trimming her nails once every few weeks should be sufficient to keep her nails from growing so long that they click on the floor. If you are uncomfortable trimming your Chihuahua’s nails on your own, consider taking her to a groomer or your veterinarian to have this done. 11. **Brush** Small breed dogs, such as Chihuahuas, tend to have dental problems. Regular dental care is therefore necessary to maintain dental health. If possible, you should brush your Chihuahua’s teeth several times a week. It is ideal to start brushing your Chihuahua’s teeth when he is puppy, so that he is comfortable with the process. An older Chihuahua would probably be more resistant to having his teeth brushed. Make sure to use only a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. If you are uncomfortable brushing your dog’s teeth, your veterinarian can do so. However, a veterinary dental cleaning requires that your dog be anesthetized, and can thus be very expensive. Your Chihuahua’s small mouth does not give his teeth room to develop properly. He may need to have several teeth removed by your veterinarian to leave more room for the remaining teeth to develop properly. 12. **Check your Chihuahua’s body.** Grooming is the perfect time to check your Chihuahua’s body for any abnormalities, such as lumps, bumps, or signs of inflammation (e.g., redness, swelling). If you notice any abnormalities, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian for a thorough physical examination and medical workup. Regularly checking your Chihuahua’s body can help you detect problems early, when they could be easily treated. 13. **Give your chihuahua deworming medication regularly.** Parasites can cause a lot of pain for your chihuahua and can even put his life in danger. Because of this, it’s best to take him to the vet and give him preventative deworming medication on a regular basis. How often you need to do this depends on the age of your chihuahua. Heartworm medication alone will not prevent all types of parasites. Your chihuahua can still get tapeworms, whipworms, and others while taking heartworm medication regularly. There are some over-the-counter deworming medications that you can buy in pet stores or online, but see a veterinarian to get the most reliable preventative care. When your chihuahua is a puppy, make sure to give him deworming medication when he is 6, 8, 10, and 12 months old. Give your adult chihuahua deworming medication 2 times each year. 14. **Have your chihuahua vaccinated.** Whether your chihuahua is a puppy or 10 years old, she should get the proper vaccinations at the proper times. Chihuahuas that are puppies require a lot more than adult chihuahuas. “Core” vaccines, including canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus type 2, and rabies, are recommended for all dogs. Non-core vaccines, including Lyme disease, leptospirosis, and several others, are optional vaccines. Factors, such as your dog’s health and geographic location, have influence over how susceptible your chihuahua is to infection. Your chihuahua should get parvovirus when she is 5 weeks old. Your chihuahua should get a rabies vaccination when she is 12 weeks old. Your chihuahua should at least get a combination vaccine several times while a puppy and then every 1-3 years as an adult. If your chihuahua also needs vaccines for Lyme disease, Parainfluenza, and/or bordetella bronchiseptica, these can all be administered during the same visits to your vet. 15. **Have your chihuahua spayed or neutered.** Desexing your chihuahua is often the most responsible route, and also increases your dog’s quality of life. If your chihuahua is a female, take her to the vet to get spayed sometime between 2 months and 3 months of age. If your chihuahua is a male, take him to get neutered between the ages of 2 months and 6 months. Spaying eliminates any chance of pregnancy or ovarian cancer, decreases the risk of mammary tumors, and stops the heat cycle from occurring. Neutering decreases your chihuahua’s tendency to roam or be aggressive, increases his concentration, and prevents or reduces his chances of having many different health issues, including hernias and prostate infections. 16. **Exercise your Chihuahua in moderation.** Chihuahuas are very energetic animals. If you have an adult Chihuahua, you may be surprised at just how much energy she has to run and play. It is important to recognize, though, that Chihuahuas expend their energy in short bursts, rather than in sustained exercise. Short walks are a good form of exercise for your Chihuahua. Chihuahuas are prone to tracheal collapse, so use a harness instead of a traditional leash to walk her. Over exercising your Chihuahua could injure her. End the exercise session before she tires herself out. 17. **Schedule frequent play sessions with your Chihuahua.** Frequent play sessions are another good way to exercise your Chihuahua. Chihuahuas love to play fetch, so you can play fetch with your Chihuahua during play sessions. If you have a fenced-in backyard, you can let your Chihuahua outside to chase squirrels. Schedule as many play sessions as you can reasonably manage. Try to play with him at the same time each day. Limit your Chihuahua’s outdoor play when it is hot outside. If you do take him outside to play, keep a bowl of fresh, cold water nearby to prevent him from getting dehydrated. Supervise your Chihuahua if he is playing outside. His small size makes him easy prey for hawks and other birds of prey. In addition, Chihuahuas are very curious — his curiosity may lead him to escape, if given the chance. 18. **Take your Chihuahua to a dog park.** Letting your Chihuahua run and play in a dog park is not only great exercise, but also allows her to interact with other dogs. Make sure your Chihuahua is already well socialized before taking her to a dog park. If she is not accustomed to being around other dogs, your Chihuahua may be unfriendly, and or even aggressive, towards other dogs. Chihuahuas forget how small they are, and will stand up to a larger dog if given the chance. 19. **Enroll your puppy Chihuahua in a puppy kindergarten class.** If you have a puppy Chihuahua, enrolling him in a puppy kindergarten class will teach him the basics of proper interactions with other dogs. Since Chihuahuas can be very unfriendly towards other dogs, exposing your Chihuahua to different dogs when he is a puppy will allow him to be more comfortable and friendly around other dogs when he gets older. 20. **Enroll your adult Chihuahua in an obedience training class.** Obedience classes are suitable once your Chihuahua is no longer a puppy, and can teach him how to become a well-behaved adult dog. These classes will teach him how to follow basic commands (e.g., "sit," "stay"), and will help him become more comfortable interacting with other dogs and people. Chihuahuas are very intelligent, and are fast learners. Chihuahuas can also be willful at times, so you will need to be patient yet firm with your Chihuahua as you train him. If obedience classes are not a practical option for you, you can teach him how to sit, stay, come when called, and lie down on your own. You can also leash train your Chihuahua. Chihuahuas are physically small but have the same drive and motivation as a German shepherd or Rottweiler. Just as you wouldn't overlook obedience training for these large breeds, you shouldn't overlook it for a Chihuahua just because they are small. 21. **House train** As with other forms of training, housetraining your Chihuahua is relatively easy. Take her outside frequently and regularly so that she will learn not to go to the bathroom in the house. For example, puppy Chihuahuas should be let outside after eating, after playtime, after naps, and before bedtime. If your Chihuahua goes to the bathroom in your house, clean up with the mess without fanfare. Rubbing her nose in her waste, or otherwise verbally or physically punishing your Chihuahua, will not teach her not to go to the bathroom in the house. Rather, she may begin to fear you. 22. **Establish ground rules.** If not well trained, your Chihuahua could turn into a tiny terror. In addition to obedience classes, establishing ground rules in your house is necessary to prevent your Chihuahua from becoming an unruly tyrant. For example, you can establish ground rules about where your Chihuahua can sleep and how he should wait to be fed. A Chihuahua with no ground rules can become overindulged and very demanding, with no desire or incentive to behave properly. 23. **Socialize your Chihuahua.** Proper socialization is essential to caring for your Chihuahua. You should socialize your Chihuahua when she is young — the younger you socialize her, the more likely she will grow up to be a well-rounded adult dog. Although she will learn socialization skills through puppy kindergarten and obedience class, you can also socialize your Chihuahua on your own by exposing her to new people, sights, and sounds. Chihuahuas tend to be wary around strangers. When you introduce her to new people, allow her to initiate the interaction — this will decrease the likelihood that she will become fearful of new people. When introducing your Chihuahua to a child, the child should not pet her or give her treats initially. Let your Chihuahua approach and become comfortable with the child first, then allow the child to gently pet her and give her treats. Unfamiliar objects can be frightening for your Chihuahua. When socializing your Chihuahua to new objects in her environment, begin by staying far enough away so that she feels safe yet remains curious. Slowly move closer as she feels more comfortable. 24. **Learn about patellar luxation.** Chihuahuas, as with other dog breeds, are prone to various health issues. Patellar luxation, in which the patella (kneecap) slips out of place, is a common orthopedic problem in very small dogs. Sometimes, the patella will slip back into place on its own. In severe cases, though, surgery is necessary to reposition the patella. Patellar luxation can be caused by jumping on and off furniture. Establish a ground rule that your Chihuahua cannot jump on and off your furniture. Physical signs of patellar luxation include pain, lameness, and "bunny hopping" when running. 25. **Familiarize yourself with neurologic diseases in Chihuahuas.** Chihuahuas can be prone to developing a neurologic disease called hydrocephalus, a congenital defect in which cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the brain and places pressure on the brain. If your Chihuahua has hydrocephalus, her head will appear swollen. There is no cure for hydrocephalus, but the pressure can be reduced with steroids and a surgical shunt to move fluid from the brain to the abdomen. An open fontanelle is another neurologic issue in Chihuahuas. It is caused when the bony plates of the skull do not completely fuse together. The result is a soft spot on the top of head. Your Chihuahua can live a normal life with an open fontanelle, but you will have to be extremely careful when playing with her. Rough play can increase the risk of head injury, which could be fatal if your Chihuahua has an open fontanelle. 26. **Research cardio-respiratory problems in Chihuahuas.** Chihuahuas can be prone to several heart and respiratory problems. For example, Chihuahuas can develop heart murmurs, which would be diagnosed by your veterinarian. Heart murmurs vary in severity, but can sometimes be managed through changes to eating and exercise habits. Chihuahuas can be genetically predisposed to tracheal collapse, in which the tracheal rings lose their stiffness. Traditional choke collars can cause tracheal collapse in small dogs. If your Chihuahua tires easily, or has trouble breathing, he may have a problem with his heart or respiratory system. Take him to your veterinarian for a full medical workup. 27. **Learn about hypoglycemia.** Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can be a problem in small dogs like Chihuahuas. Signs of hypoglycemia include slow movements, listlessness, trembling, and shivering. Severe hypoglycemia can lead to convulsions, a coma, and possibly death. If your Chihuahua is exhibiting signs of hypoglycemia, you can rub unprocessed honey either under her tongue or on her gums as a first aid measure. Take your Chihuahua to your veterinarian immediately if she is hypoglycemic.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Cook Quail Eggs
Quail eggs are tiny and elegant, and they have a flavor similar to that of chicken eggs. They're most commonly hard boiled, fried, or poached. Hard boiled quail eggs can also be marbled, pickled, or included in other recipes. 1. **Cover the eggs with cold water.** Place the quail eggs in a small saucepan. Add enough cold water to cover the eggs by 1 inch (2.5 cm). Handle the eggs gently to prevent them from cracking. The eggs should remain in a single layer with some space between them; do not crowd or stack them. While not strictly necessary, consider adding 1 tsp (5 ml) salt and 1 tsp (5 ml) white vinegar to the water. Doing so can help separate the egg from its shell, making the eggs easier to peel later. 2. **Bring the water to a boil.** Place the saucepan on the stove over medium-high heat. Allow the water to reach a steady boil. 3. **Turn off the heat and cook for 5 minutes.** As soon as the water reaches a boil, turn off the heat and cover the saucepan. Cook the eggs for an additional 5 minutes in the hot water. Leave the saucepan on the burner while the eggs finish boiling. The residual heat from the burner will help cook the eggs more thoroughly. Leaving the heat on could overcook the eggs, however. 4. **Submerge the eggs in cold water.** Use a slotted spoon to transfer the eggs into a bowl of ice water. Cool the eggs for 3 to 4 minutes. Dunking the eggs in ice water stops the cooking process. It also makes the eggs easier to peel. If you don't have an ice bath, rinse each egg under cold, running water until the shells feel cool to the touch. 5. **Serve.** Peel off the shell and enjoy the hard boiled quail eggs as desired. To peel the eggs, lightly tap the shell on a hard surface to break it. Lift away the shell at its cracks. You can serve the eggs plain with a little salt or celery salt for flavor. Alternatively, you can use hard boiled quail eggs in other recipes, like tea marbled eggs, pickled eggs, and kwek kwek. 6. **Heat the oil.** Pour the oil into a large nonstick skillet. Set the pan over medium heat for approximately 1 minute. Let the oil get hot, but do not allow it to start smoking. When the oil starts to glisten, turn and rotate the pan to help spread the oil across the entire bottom. 7. **Crack the eggs.** Carefully crack each of the quail eggs into separate ramekins. Since quail eggs are so small, they can be difficult to crack without breaking the yolk. The easiest way to break open the egg is to saw off the end using a serrated knife; dump the contents of the shell into the ramekin afterward. Alternatively, you can carefully peel off the end of the shell with your fingers and pinch the inner membrane to break the egg open. Pour out the contents from that hole. If you decide to cook more eggs than called for in this recipe, work in small batches, preparing about four eggs in each one. 8. **Slide the eggs into the oil.** Pour each quail egg out of its ramekin, allowing it to gently slide into the hot oil in the pan. Place the edge of the ramekin as close to the pan as possible to minimize the drop distance and preserve the yolk. Try to position the eggs so that they do not touch inside the pan. 9. **Cook until firm.** Cover the pan and cook the eggs for 1 to 1-1/2 minutes, or until the egg whites are firmly set. Do not touch the eggs while they cook. Note that the yolk will not appear firmly set when the eggs are finished. 10. **Serve warm.** Use a spatula to carefully lift each egg out of the skillet and onto separate serving plates. Season with salt and white pepper, and enjoy them while they're still warm. Fried quail eggs can be served as a standalone dish, but they're more commonly served over other dishes, like slices of baguette, smoked salmon, or crab cakes. 11. **Simmer the water.** Fill a small frying pan with approximately 2 inches (5 cm) of water. Bring the water to a gently boil over medium-high heat. As soon as the water boils, turn down the heat so that the water is just barely simmering. The water must bubble at a gentle pace before you add the eggs. 12. **Meanwhile, crack the eggs.** As the water boils, crack each of the eggs into separate ramekins. Open the eggs carefully to avoid breaking the yolk. Use a serrated knife to carefully saw through the shell and membrane at one end, then pour the inner egg into the ramekin through that opening. Ideally, you should only cook three to four eggs at a time. For larger amounts, you may need to work in batches. 13. **Slide the eggs into the water.** Carefully pour each egg into the bubbling water. Space the eggs apart so that they do not touch one another. Position the edge of the ramekin as close to the surface of the water as possible before pouring in the egg. Doing so will allow the egg to gently slide into the water, thereby preserving the yolk. 14. **Cook until set.** Cook the eggs for about 1 minute, or until the whites are set and the yolk has reached your desired level of doneness. Use a spatula to carefully remove the finished eggs from the water. Transfer them to a plate lined with paper towels so that the water may drain. 15. **Serve warm.** Serve the eggs immediately. Poached quail eggs are typically served atop simple green salads or cooked green vegetables, but you can also enjoy them separately. If you need to save the eggs for later, keep them in a bowl of ice water for up to several hours. Reheat the eggs in simmering water for 30 seconds, or until heated through, before serving. 16. **Simmer the water, tea, and spices.** Pour 2 cups (500 ml) of water into a small saucepan. Add the tea bags, honey, and whole cloves to the water, then bring everything to a boil over medium-high heat. You can vary the type of tea and the types of spices used according to your own tastes, but stick with deep or bright colored teas to create more pronounced marbling. 17. **Crack the egg shells.** While the tea boils, gently roll the hard boiled quail eggs over a hard surface, cracking the shells without peeling them off. Alternatively, you could also crack the shells by tapping them with the back of a spoon. The cracks must be deep enough to reach through the membrane and to the white of the inner egg, but the shells themselves should remain intact. 18. **Submerge the eggs in the tea.** Turn off the heat but leave the the saucepan on the stove. Use a slotted spoon to gently lower the eggs into the hot tea. Cover the saucepan and allow the eggs to sit in the hot water for 20 to 30 minutes. 19. **Refrigerate overnight.** Transfer the covered saucepan to the refrigerator and chill the eggs for at least 2 hours, if not overnight. Longer steep time will usually result in more pronounced marbling. Notable marbling should occur after 2 hours, but the effect will be more pronounced after 8 hours. 20. **Peel and serve the eggs.** Drain the tea, dry the quail eggs, and peel away the shells using your fingers. Serve the marbled eggs cool or at room temperature. The tea itself should add flavor to the eggs, but if desired, you could still serving the eggs with a sprinkling of Kosher salt, soy salt, or another type of dipping salt. 21. **Combine the pickling ingredients.** Pour the white wine vinegar into a small saucepan. Add the water, celery seeds, anise seeds, fennel seeds, peppercorns, coriander seeds, cloves, bay leaves, paprika, sea salt, and sliced shallots. Stir to combine. 22. **Boil the mixture.** Place the saucepan on the stove over medium heat. Let it reach a boil, reduce the heat to medium-low, and continue simmering the mixture for 2 to 3 minutes. Afterward, remove the saucepan from the stove and set it away from the heat. Let it cool for 5 to 10 minutes, or until it drops close to room temperature. 23. **Cover the eggs with the vinegar mixture.** Place the eggs in a sterilized 1-qt (1-L) jar. Pour the cooled vinegar mixture over the eggs. You must use a jar that's been cleaned and sterilized with boiling water. If harmful bacteria gets introduced into the mixture, the pickled eggs could become tainted and dangerous to eat. 24. **Refrigerate for 24 hours.** Seal the container and place it in your refrigerator. Keep it there for at least 24 hours. 25. **Serve.** Spoon the pickled quail eggs out of the vinegar mixture and enjoy them slightly chilled. You can enjoy the pickled quail eggs as snacks, appetizers, or side dishes. Store leftovers in the pickling liquid. Keep the container sealed and in your refrigerator, and use the eggs within two weeks.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make a Homemade Face Mask for Dry Skin
If you deal with dry skin, you’re not alone. Using a face mask once or twice a week is a great way to soothe your skin and rehydrate it—plus, you won’t have to go out and buy an expensive option from the store. Grab a few items straight from your kitchen cabinets to get started! 1. **Exfoliate and moisturize your skin using oats.** Combine ⁄2  c (120 mL) of hot water with 1/3 cup (43 g) of oatmeal in a bowl. Let the mixture sit for 2 to 3 minutes, then stir in 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of plain yogurt and 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of honey. Smooth the mask onto your face, then let it sit for about 15 minutes. Before you rinse this mask off, put a strainer in your skin to catch all the oats and prevent a clog. For extra exfoliation, scrub the oatmeal mask on your skin for about 30 seconds before letting it sit. 2. **Hydrate and freshen your skin with creamy avocado.** Cut an avocado in half and scoop out the flesh into a bowl. Mix it with 1  tsp (4.9 mL) of plain organic yogurt and 1  tsp (4.9 mL) of raw honey. Mash the mixture until it’s smooth, then gently dab it all over your clean face. Allow the mask to sit on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes so the omega fatty acids in the avocado and olive oil have time to penetrate. Avocados are filled with good fats and nutrients that can give your face a boost of moisture. If the avocado is small, you may want to scoop out the flesh from both halves to use for your mask. You should have enough for a mask that you can spread all over your face. 3. **Leave your skin feeling healthy and moisturized.** Peel a banana and cut it in half, then mash one half with a fork. Spread the mashed banana all over your face and down your neck, then let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing. If the mask is too thick, you can mix in 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of milk to thin it out a bit. 4. **Use this mask to rejuvenate and refresh your skin.** Combine ⁄4  c (59 mL) of fat-free Greek yogurt, 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of raw honey, ⁄4  c (59 mL) of canned pumpkin, and 1 tbsp (17 g) of ground flax seed. Mix the ingredients up until they’re smooth, then spread the mask all over your face. Leave it on for about 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Pumpkin does have a tendency to stain carpet and clothing, so do this in the bathroom or over the sink to avoid potential disasters. If you’re having trouble getting the mask off your skin, use a microfiber cloth to scrub it off. 5. **Use vitamin C to refresh and rehydrate your dry skin.** In a small bowl, mash 5 fresh strawberries, ⁄2 US tbsp (7.4 mL) of plain yogurt, and 2 teaspoons (9.9 mL) of honey. Keep mashing with a fork until the mixture is smooth, then spread it onto your face. Keep the mask on for approximately 20 minutes so you can get the maximum benefits. 6. **Moisturize your skin with a refreshing and easy egg mask.** Grab an egg and separate the yolk, then throw the egg whites away. Beat the yolk and add in a dash of cinnamon, then spread the mixture all over your face. Let it sit for about 30 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Egg whites are great for oily skin, but aren’t so good for dry skin. Stick to using the yolks only for a hydrating mask. To make your mask a little creamier, add in a few drops of honey. 7. **Hydrate and reduce redness in your skin.** In a small bowl, mix the juice from 1/4 of an orange with 1  tsp (4.9 mL) of plain yogurt and 1  tsp (4.9 mL) of aloe. Use a foundation brush to smooth the mixture onto your face, then let it sit for about 15 minutes. This mask can also help reduce pigmentation and redness on your skin, so it’s a win-win! If you have any sun damage on your face, this is a great mask to try. 8. **Brighten dark spots while treating your dry skin.** In a small bowl, mix together 1 tbsp (17 g) of chickpea flour with a pinch of turmeric powder. Add 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of water, then stir the ingredients together until they’re smooth. Once your mixture is nice and thick, spread it onto your face and leave it there for about 15 minutes. Turmeric is a tried and true skincare ingredient. It can help reduce inflammation, brighten up dark spots, prevent breakouts, and heal dry skin. It’s a great ingredient to keep on hand for whenever you need it! 9. **Hydrate and exfoliate with coffee grounds.** Mix 1 to 2 tbsp (17 to 34 g) of fresh coffee grounds, 1/2 tbsp (8.5 g) of red or green clay, 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of coconut oil, and a splash of water. Use a fork to combine your mixture until it’s smooth, then spread it onto your skin and leave it for about 15 minutes. If you’re prone to breakouts, you might not want to put coconut oil on your face (it has a tendency to clog your pores). Instead, use plain yogurt or heavy cream. Coffee grounds also help brighten up your skin and leave you feeling refreshed. 10. **Scrub off dead skin while adding in moisture.** Mix together 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of virgin coconut oil and 2 tbsp (34 g) of brown sugar. Scrub the mixture onto your face in small circular motions, then let it sit for about 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water and pat your skin dry with a towel. Brown sugar is a physical exfoliant, so you won’t want to use this one more than once a week. The coconut oil helps to rehydrate and moisturize your skin to leave it feeling fresh and glowy.
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How to Answer a Summons Without an Attorney
If you receive a summons and complaint, this typically means that you are being sued by someone. If you fail to answer, the person suing you may be able to get a default judgment against you. This means they get whatever they are asking for in their complaint. To avoid that, you can't ignore the summons and complaint. Rather, you must file a written answer with the court by the deadline stated on the summons. Generally, if you receive a summons you should contact an attorney. However, you can also answer a summons without an attorney. Most courts have templates you can use to make sure you don't leave anything out. 1. **Determine how long you have to respond.** The summons you receive will tell you how many days you have to respond to the lawsuit. If you don't file a written answer in court within that deadline, the person who sued you can get a default judgment for everything they've asked for, even if some of the statements they made aren't true. While the deadline differs among states and depends on the type of lawsuit filed, it's typically at least 15 days, starting on the date you received the summons and complaint. The number of days listed on the summons are calendar days, not business days. If the deadline date falls on a weekend or holiday, you typically need to file your answer on the business day immediately before that day. Even if you have an entire month to file your answer, start on it immediately. You never know what might happen in the meantime and you don't want to miss filing your answer. 2. **Read the complaint carefully to figure out who's suing you and why.** The complaint lists the name of the person or company suing you as the plaintiff. It then lists factual allegations the plaintiff is making against you and asks the court for a specific amount of money, or to order other actions. You will need to respond to each of these allegations in your answer. The allegations will be listed in numbered paragraphs. Take each numbered paragraph separately and ask yourself if the fact is true or not. If it's not, make note of what's wrong about it. This is all information that you'll need to include in your answer. If you have documents that might prove that one of the allegations isn't true, make a note of it. You can attach that document to your answer to support your argument. 3. **Identify the court where the lawsuit was filed.** The name and location of the court where the lawsuit was filed are listed on the summons. Find out where the court is. If it's far away from you, go to the website for your state's courts and see if there's a closer court where the plaintiff could have sued you. If the court is located far away from you, it may not have jurisdiction over you. Even if it does, there may be a more convenient location where the case could be heard. For example, if someone is suing you over property damage and injuries from a car accident, they can sue you in the county where the car accident occurred. However, if you happened to be visiting family on the other side of the state when the accident occurred, you may be able to get the case moved to a court closer to you. On the website for your state's courts, you can also find out what types of cases that court usually hears. If the plaintiff is suing you for something different, you may have an argument that the court doesn't have jurisdiction over the claim. This is unlikely, however, because state courts typically have very broad jurisdiction. That doesn't mean you shouldn't look into it, though, just to be sure. 4. **Decide if you have any claims against the person who sued you.** Often, an incident that gives rise to a lawsuit results in damages on both sides. If the person who sued you owes you any money, you can list those in your answer. For example, if someone sued you because the two of you got into a car accident, you may have had damage to your car and injuries as well. You can ask the court to make the plaintiff pay you for the damages you sustained as a result of the wreck. Counterclaims may also occur in contract situations. For example, if you have a contractor sue you because you didn't pay them for work they did, you might have a counterclaim that the work they did was substandard and you had to hire another contractor to redo their work. 5. **Gather documents related to the lawsuit's allegations.** If you listed any documents that might prove that any of the lawsuit's allegations are not true, find those documents so you can attach them to your answer. Make at least 3 copies of any document you plan to attach to your answer. Keep the originals for your own records. If you know of the existence of documents but don't have any way of getting them, write down who might have them. If the lawsuit goes to trial, you can have the court order whoever has those documents to produce them. If you're making claims against the person who sued you, see if you have documents that would support your claims as well. 6. **Talk to the person who sued you and negotiate a settlement if possible.** It may be that you read over the complaint and realized that the plaintiff was totally in the right. In that situation, it's probably better for you to try to work out a settlement with the person, rather than drawing out the process through the courts. Even if you think you could successfully fight the lawsuit, you could also decide that it's not in your best interests to do so – especially if the plaintiff is asking for a relatively small amount of money. While it's fine to call up the plaintiff (or their attorney), any offer to settle the lawsuit should be made in writing. Send them a brief letter outlining your settlement offer. 7. **Search for forms or templates to format your answer.** An attorney would draft an answer from scratch. If you're not going to hire an attorney, however, many courts have forms or templates that you can use for your answer. There may even have been one included with your summons and complaint. Check the website of your state's courts to see if there are forms available. Legal aid organizations in your state may also have forms available that you can use if you want to answer a summons without an attorney. Go to to find legal aid offices near you and get links for their websites. There may also be form banks at the local public law library, typically located in your local courthouse. Call the court clerk at the number listed on your summons for more information. 8. **Copy the heading from the complaint if you don't have a form.** The top third of the complaint lists the name and location of the court, the "style" of the case (the names of the parties to the case), and the case number. The particular format of this heading should be copied exactly. It will be exactly the same for every court document filed in every case that court hears. Even the spacing of the heading can be important. However, don't worry if you can't get it exactly right. Just get as close as possible. Make sure you've copied all the same information in roughly the same area of the page. 9. **Admit or deny each of the facts listed in the complaint.** Follow the same formatting as the complaint, numbering your paragraphs. For each numbered paragraph in the complaint, type "Admitted" if you admit the allegation or "Denied" if you deny the allegation. If you don't have enough information to know whether the fact is true or false, respond with "Lack enough information to respond to Plaintiff's allegations." Don't guess when you respond to any of the allegations. Any allegation that you admit is something the plaintiff doesn't have to prove in court. If you deny an allegation or say you lack enough information, they will be required to prove in court that the allegation is true. You may find that some allegations are partially true and partially false. In this case, respond by writing "Admitted in part and denied in part." Then include a short sentence regarding the part of the allegation that you deny. 10. **Include supporting documents as "Exhibits" to your answer.** If you gathered any documents to support any of the statements you made in your answer, you can attach them to the answer as "Exhibits" and refer to them in your answer. Exhibits are typically numbered sequentially in the order they are first mentioned in your answer. You can write the number of the exhibit directly on the copy of the document, just make sure you're not covering up anything important. When you refer to exhibits in your answer, write something like "See Exhibit 1." 11. **List any defenses or counterclaims you have.** After you've responded to each of the allegations, include any defenses you might want to raise. Keep in mind you don't necessarily have to pursue all of these defenses. However, you may lose the right to claim some of them if you haven't mentioned them in your answer. After your defenses, describe any counterclaims you have against the plaintiff. When you discuss your counterclaim, you're required to ask the court for a specific amount of money. Be realistic with your valuation. Even if you're able to prove the facts of your counterclaim, the court will only award the amount of money that would "make you whole." For example, if you incurred $5,000 in expenses to repair damages caused by the plaintiff, the judge would not award you $15,000 just because you seem like a nice person. 12. **Close with a "wherefore" clause asking the court to dismiss the lawsuit.** The defendant's "wherefore" clause is usually similar for any answer. However, the specific wording may depend on what you claimed in your answer and whether you had any counterclaims. For example, if you denied all or most of the plaintiff's allegations, your clause might read "Wherefore Defendant seeks dismissal of Plaintiff's complaint and that Plaintiff recovers nothing." If you have counterclaims, you might also include a statement that the court "award Defendant such other and further relief as the Court deems just and equitable." 13. **Sign and date your answer.** After you've finished drafting your answer, proofread it carefully. You might even want to have someone else look over it for you. Any typos or other errors could have legal significance and greatly impact your case. When you're satisfied that your answer is error-free, print it and sign it in blue or black ink. Write the date that you plan to file it with the clerk as the date it was signed. After signing your answer, make at least 2 copies. You'll need one copy for your records and another to deliver to the plaintiff. If there are other people involved in the case, you'll need a copy for each of them as well. 14. **Complete a certificate of service form.** The clerk's office will have certificate of service forms. You can also typically download them from the website for your state's courts. The certificate of service form is the same for every case filed in court. On the certificate of service form, write the name and address of the plaintiff (or their attorney) as it appears on your summons. This is where you'll have to deliver a copy of your answer after it's filed. 15. **Contact the clerk's office of the court where the lawsuit was filed.** You'll find a phone number and address for the clerk's office on your summons. The clerk will be able to tell you exactly what documents you should file with your answer and whether any filing fee is required. The clerk will also tell you how to file your answer. In most cases, it's best to take your original answer and copies to the clerk's office in person. However, you may also be able to file electronically online or mail your documents to the clerk's office. Some courts only allow electronic filing. 16. **Take your written answer to the clerk's office.** If you've decided to take your answer to the clerk's office in person for filing, bring your originals plus at least 2 copies. The clerk will take your documents and stamp each set of papers "filed" with the date. They will then give the copies back to you. One copy is for you to keep. The other copy you're responsible for delivering to the plaintiff (or their attorney). If you're filing electronically, keep your copy of any receipt that's generated indicating that your documents have been filed. If you're mailing your documents to the clerk's office, use certified mail with return receipt requested. When you get the card back with the date the documents were received by the clerk's office, you'll have proof of the date of filing. Double-check and make sure it's before the date of your deadline. 17. **Pay the filing fees if necessary.** Typically, you don't have to pay any filing fees simply to answer a complaint. However, if you have a counterclaim against the person who is suing you, there may be fees involved. The court clerk will tell you how much the fees are and what method of payment is accepted. Filing fees vary widely among courts and may depend on the value of your case. However, filing fees will rarely be more than $500. If you have a low income and can't afford the filing fees, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver application. You'll have to provide information about your income and assets. Courts waive filing fees for litigants with income and assets below a certain threshold. If you receive government benefits, such as SNAP or TANF, you likely automatically qualify for a fee waiver. 18. **Have your written answer delivered to the person who sued you.** You are responsible for "serving" the plaintiff with your answer to their lawsuit. However, it's typically not necessary to hire a sheriff's deputy or private process-serving company to hand-deliver the documents to them. Usually, you can mail the documents using certified mail with return receipt requested. When you get the card back indicating that the documents have been delivered, that constitutes proof that the plaintiff was served with your documents. The name and address of the person you need to send your answer to will be listed on your summons. It will either be the person who sued you or their attorney. If the plaintiff hired an attorney, make sure the documents go to them and not to the plaintiff directly. If you need to communicate with the plaintiff in any way, do so only through their attorney.
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How to Collect Oysters
Oysters are one of the easiest types of seafood to harvest. Since they grow in reefs that can become quite large, oysters are easy to find. Once you find a reef, you won’t need any special equipment to remove and collect them. However, before you go harvesting, you should learn about and follow all regulations, and get a shellfish license, if required. These guidelines are intended to protect your health and safety as well as oyster populations. 1. **Harvest during legal seasons.** Legal harvesting of oysters must take place during approved times of year. Your state or other legislating bodies may set seasons for harvesting oysters. Your local department of natural resources or fish and wildlife management agency will publicize when these seasons are. The exact dates of the seasons can vary from year to year, and are determined based on a number of factors, including: The number of tides The condition of beaches and of the seawater The number of people expected to go harvesting The average harvest size 2. **Harvest at the best time.** Traditional advice recommends harvesting oysters only during cooler winter months (those with an “R” in their name). Nevertheless, oysters are safe to harvest and eat all year round. However, oysters reach their peak condition during winter and early spring. 3. **Wait for the right weather.** It is best not to harvest oysters within three days following a heavy rain (1 inch or greater). Runoff from soil can contain bacteria and other contaminants. In some locations, it is expressly forbidden to harvest oysters following rainfall. Instead, plan to harvest oysters during clear weather. 4. **Go at low tide.** The best time to harvest oysters is during the day, and when the tide is lower than 2 feet. This makes it easier to find oyster reefs, and to remove clusters from them. Pay attention to water conditions when harvesting oysters so that you don’t become trapped as the tide comes back in. 5. **Inspect the site.** Even when you're going to an approved collection site during ideal weather conditions, you should double-check the area before you start harvesting the oysters. Oysters feed by filtering seawater, which means they can collect all sorts of pathogens and pollutants. If you notice dead oysters or fish, foul smelling water, or any other warning signs, seek another harvesting ground. 6. **Go into the water.** Some harvesters like to use a flat-bottomed oyster boat. However, all you really need to do to collect oysters is wade into the water and approach a reef. Be careful, however, since the mud near oyster beds (sometimes called “gumbo mud”) can be very thick and sticky. Make sure to wear good footwear when wading to collect oysters, to protect your feet from sharp oyster shells, thick mud, and debris. 7. **Remove oysters from the reef.** Whether you are wading in the water or standing in an oyster boat, rake your oyster dredge across the reef. The toothed portion of the dredge will help knock oysters off of the reef, which will then be collected in the basket portion. When your dredge seems full, empty it on deck or into a collection bucket. You can also simply use a hammer or similar tool to knock clusters of oysters off of their reef. Make sure to wear thick gloves when handling oysters. This will protect your hands from their shells and any sharp tools you may be using to handle the clusters. 8. **Look for clusters with large oysters.** Oyster reefs will contain both larger, older oysters, and smaller, younger oysters. Many locations will set a minimum size (often 3”) for oysters that can be collected. These minimums are designed to prevent over-harvesting and to preserve oyster populations. Larger oysters are also more desirable. 9. **Break the clusters apart.** Using a hammer, screwdriver, or other tool, separate individual oysters from each cluster. Remove any smaller oysters and carefully place them back in the water. You should also remove any dead oysters and discard them by placing them back in the water. Live oysters, if open, will close their shells when lightly tapped. 10. **Collect edible oysters in a bucket.** Oysters which are alive and large enough can be kept. Many harvesters prefer to use a floating bucket (attached to the harvester with a cord), since it will keep oysters moist in the water and allow you to keep your hands free. 11. **Stay within collection limits.** Each state or local area may set a limit (by number, weight, or volume) on the amount of oysters each person is allowed to collect.There may be fines or other penalties for illegally harvesting oysters in your area. 12. **Keep your oysters cool.** While you are collecting oysters, you must keep them moist and in the shade. Put them on ice if you will transport them in a cooler or bucket, but do not allow them to freeze. Refrigerate them as soon as possible (within 4 hours). Once you bring them home, cover them with a clean wet towel and put them in your refrigerator until cooking. Do not keep your oysters in an airtight bag or other container, as this will kill them prematurely. Keep the oysters on a low level of your refrigerator, below any cooked food or food that will be eaten raw. 13. **Don’t eat dead oysters.** Oysters with open shells that won’t close when you tap them, broken shells, or that appear dried and shriveled are probably dead and should be discarded. Cooking oysters that are already dead (or eating them raw) can be hazardous to your health. 14. **Cook oysters thoroughly.** Many people like to eat oysters raw or lightly steamed. However, this will not kill potentially harmful pathogens. No amount of cooking will remove chemicals or biotoxins that the oysters may have collected from seawater, so always only harvest oysters from approved locations. Oysters can be prepared a variety of ways: roasting, steaming, baking, grilling, frying, stewing, etc. Cook oysters according to recommended temperatures and times. For instance, they should be boiled or simmered for at least 3 minutes, fried at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 3 minutes, or baked for 10 minutes at 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Use fresh or refrigerated oysters within two days. Discard and do not eat any old oysters. 15. **Freeze any oysters you do not want to use right away.** Shuck oysters and freeze them in small batches in their natural juices, or in any liquid you have cooked them in. They can remain in your freezer for up to a year, but are best if used within 3 months. Thaw frozen oysters in your refrigerator for 24 hours prior to using them. Remember to thoroughly reheat any cooked oysters or oyster dishes. 16. **Find out if your state recycles shells.** Young growing oysters need older shells to attach to. Returning undesired oysters to the water and leaving cast off shells on the beach helps ensure that young oysters have a good surface to grow on. In some areas, there may even be opportunities to recycle shells after harvesting. The Oyster Recovery Program maintains a list of these states and information about how to participate. In some cases, you may be required to shuck on the beach, and leave the shells there. 17. **Obtain a license.** Exact licensing requirements will vary from state to state, but having a fishing or shell fishing license is usually required to legally harvest oysters. Contact your local department of natural resources or fish and wildlife management agency to find out more about licensing costs and requirements. Licenses can often be purchased directly from the relevant agency, or from vendors such as bait and tackle shops. In many cases, these agencies also allow you to easily purchase a license online. You may be required to carry proof of your license while harvesting oysters. Make sure to learn about all harvesting requirements (such as size limits) when you obtain your license. 18. **Get a map of state harvesting grounds.** States will generate a list of approved harvesting locations. This list helps harvesters stay away from areas that are potentially contaminated, polluted, or hazardous. Your local department of natural resources or fish and wildlife management agency may even have an online or print map of these harvesting grounds available for you to use. 19. **Gather your gear.** In some locations, you may only be allowed to use hand equipment (no mechanical means, such as a power dredge) for harvesting oysters. Basic equipment includes: An oyster dredge, hammer, or other tool to break off clusters Heavy duty gloves A collection bucket (such as a floating bucket) Ice to keep oysters cool A screwdriver or other shucking tool
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Sagittarius Woman & Cancer Man Compatibility: Love, Sex, and More
Do a fiery Sagittarius woman and a sensitive Cancer man have what it takes to make a dream team? These fire and water signs have a lot of differences, but they just might be proof that opposites attract. After all, when fire and water collide at the right time, the result is a satisfying steam. We’ve consulted expert astrologists to find out exactly what happens when the Archer and the Crab of the zodiac get together. Read on to see if a Sagittarius woman and a Cancer man are a compatible match and what they can do to make their relationship last!This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here. 1. **A Sagittarius woman and Cancer man are opposites that complement each other.** They have different approaches to life—Sagittarius wants to wander the globe while Cancer prefers to cozy up at home—but they both want to make their partner happy and support each other. Getting together long-term depends on Sagittarius’s readiness to settle down since she is the most non-committal of all the signs. Cancer seeks someone to hold on to for life. These two can form a deep bond when Cancer is willing to come out of his shell and have some fun. In return, Sagittarius can slow down and appreciate the stability Cancer can offer her. Though they’re very different, there’s a lot these signs can learn from each other when they share a genuine love connection. 2. **The bold Sagittarius woman will probably make the first move.** She’s a master flirter and can connect to a Cancer man’s dark, sophisticated sense of humor. Both signs are assertive and like to get what they want, but uncertain Cancer will most likely hesitate when it comes to striking up a conversation. The Crab will try grand romantic gestures to woo the Archer. She’ll find this fun and charming, and he’ll be satisfied knowing that he’s making her happy. As a mutable sign, A Sagittarius woman falls in love quickly and often. Cancer, a cardinal sign, takes much longer to decide he’s in love. These two need perfect timing to get together. Sagittarius needs to slow down while Cancer makes an uncharacteristic leap of faith. 3. **A Sagittarius woman and Cancer man will have fun in bed when they feel secure with each other.** Cancer will make Sagittarius feel special and she’ll love his nurturing style. In return, Sagittarius will show her Cancer man a whole new world of pleasure with her fiery energy and openness. They run into problems when Cancer’s need for an emotional connection clashes with Sagittarius’s preference for a light, fun time in bed. The Cancer man might view this as superficial, but a Sagittarius woman’s warmth might be enough to make up for it. When they’re on the same page, their chemistry is hot—Sagittarius brings fiery passion and Cancer adds a sensual, sensitive touch. Cancer can loosen up and try enjoying new things alongside his Archer partner—she loves to experiment and explore new sensations. Sagittarius can compromise with Cancer and try to view intimacy as more than just a fast-paced sexual adventure. 4. **Sagittarius and Cancer don’t see eye to eye emotionally.** As a water sign, Cancer is highly emotional and craves a close connection. Fire sign Sagittarius operates more on intuition, and while she can usually tell what her Cancer man needs, she can’t always give him the attention and reassurance he needs. The issue gets more complicated when Cancer hides his feelings out of fear of rejection, while Sagittarius has no problem letting out her unfiltered truth. Oftentimes, sensitive Cancer ends up getting hurt by Sagittarius’s blunt delivery. A Cancer man seems sulky to the upbeat Sagittarius, while the Crab might find the Archer superficial or too philosophical at times. A Sagittarius woman is better at adjusting to her partner’s needs than a Cancer man. She’s a mutable sign that knows how to roll with things and be flexible. 5. **Talking up a storm is easy for a Sagittarius woman and a Cancer man.** If they share a passion or profession, they’ll never run out of things to talk about. They both value knowledge and understanding, and they’ll learn they have similar ways of thinking the more they get to know each other. Communication is their #1 problem-solving method—their arguments almost never last long since neither sign likes to hold a grudge or be confrontational. After all, their priority is to make each other happy and they hate hurting each other. When it comes to intellectual conversations, Sagittarius might find Cancer a bit slow. He likes to go in depth on a topic while she prefers to bop around many different areas. 6. **Trust is slow to form between a Cancer man and Sagittarius woman.** Cancer’s are very cautious and take a long time to feel comfortable trusting someone. He’s likely to feel very insecure with a Sagittarius woman, who’s a natural charmer that effortlessly enchants everyone she runs into. He might become possessive or jealous, which does not gel with a Sagittarian’s need for freedom—she needs lots of space and the second someone becomes controlling, she’ll take off. Additional mistrust might form if the Sagittarius woman senses her Cancer man isn’t being fully open about his feelings. He’s doing it to prevent hurting her, but she would prefer openness. 7. **A Sagittarius woman and Cancer man want different things out of life.** The biggest difference is what they want out of relationships—she wants to be free to roam and explore, while he wants someone to settle down with for life. This usually ends up hurting the Cancer man. Even if they have a great relationship for a while, it will probably be one of many for a Sagittarius woman while the forlorn Cancer will remember her as the one that got away. Only a strong love connection and a balance between Sagittarius’s need for space and Cancer’s need for intimacy can overcome their differences. A Sagittarius woman values a thriving social life and makes friends with all sorts of people. A Cancer man is a homebody with a small group of close friends. One value they share strongly is knowledge—a Sagittarius woman wants to travel the world in search of truth and cancer men are naturally highly intelligent. 8. **A Sagittarius woman-Cancer man relationship can survive if they’re truly in love.** They have a lot of differences, but their feelings can guide them toward a compromise between fun and deep connection. A vibrant Sagittarius woman can help a shy Cancer man come out of his shell and become more easy-going and cheerful. A Cancer man can give a Sagittarius woman a secure home and guide her towards being more grounded and responsible. It’s hard for these two to get together initially, but if they can make it through the early phase of their relationship, they can build a long-term partnership. 9. **Patience and compromise are the keys to getting along.** The Cancer man needs to learn to be more emotionally self-sufficient and give his Sagittarius partner the personal space she needs to progress as an individual. On the other hand, the Sagittarius woman must shift some of her focus away from herself and make her relationship a priority. When they can find this balance, there is little that can get in the way of their love connection.
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How to Remove a Candle from a Mold
Now that you’ve set your wick, mixed and poured your wax, it’s time to remove your new candle. It’s easy to get excited when you’re so close to seeing the result of your hard work. However, be patient and efficient in removing the candle from its mold. You’ll have to remove the mold sealer and extract the candle, as well as know how to remove stuck candles. 1. **Peel off putty type sealers.** Putty sealers typically get molded around the base of the mold to seal the hole. They’re usually pressed into a disk and stuck to the bottom of the mold. Removing this kind of sealer is as simple as peeling it off, much like sticky tack. 2. **Snap off magnetic mold sealers.** Magnetic mold sealers are simple metal sheets that are magnetically charged. They snap onto the bottom of a mold to prevent wax from leaking out. Removing these is as simple as pulling them off. If you’re using plastic or aluminium molds, you’re likely not using a magnetic mold sealer. 3. **Pull out rubber mold plugs.** Rubber mold plugs are shaped somewhat like a spinning top; they have a large base and a tapered tip. Usually they just squeeze into the hole at the bottom of a candle mold. That means removing them is as simple as grabbing the base and pulling them out. With rubber molds, the wick may be wrapped around a wick bar at the bottom of the mold. If so, you’ll need to unwrap the wick before you can remove the candle. 4. **Wait until the mold cools completely.** If you try to remove the candle before the wax has set completely, the surface of the candle might tear and crumble. Leave the mold on a flat surface that won’t be damaged while the mold is still warm. It may take some time for the mold to cool; be patient. 5. **Tap on the bottom of the mold.** Flip the mold upside down, so the opening faces downwards. Use your fingers to lightly tap on the bottom of the mold, which will shake the candle loose. Tap slowly and progressively, or the candle might slip out too quickly. Don’t bang the mold against a counter or other hard surface, since this could damage the candle. 6. **Tug the wick lightly.** If tapping on the mold isn’t enough to dislodge the candle, you can gently tug on the couple of inches of wick poking out the top of the candle. Don’t use too much strength when pulling on the wick; you might break the string or cause it to slip out of the candle. 7. **Refrigerate the mold.** Placing the mold in the refrigerator will speed up the cooling process, helping the wax set and separate from the mold. Flip the mold every 30 minutes; this will make sure the mold and wax cool evenly. Check the mold periodically; you’ll want to remove it from the fridge as soon as it’s cold to the touch. Make sure you wait until the mold has cooled to room temperature before placing it in the fridge. If the temperature change is too drastic, the candle could crack. 8. **Put the mold in the freezer for five minutes.** If the candle’s especially difficult to dislodge, you can try putting the mold in the freezer. Take it out after five minutes and try to remove the candle. If it still won’t budge, leave it in the freezer for an additional five minutes. You don’t want to leave the mold in any longer than 10 minutes, since this will definitely cause the candle to crack. 9. **Use boiling water to remove completely stuck candles.** Finally, if you’ve tried all of the above and can’t remove the candle, you might have to cut your losses. Place the mold in a metal dish filled with boiling water and wait for the candle to soften. After a few minutes, you should be able to retrieve the candle; use a pair of tongs or a wooden spoon to avoid burning yourself. This process won’t save your candle, but you can at least melt down the wax for use in your next attempt.
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How to Deal With Heartbreak
Everyone goes through heartbreak at some point, and there is no way to avoid it. There are, however, ways to deal with heartbreak and nudge yourself in the right direction. See step 1 to start dealing with heartbreak. 1. **Give yourself time.** When you're just coming out of a situation that has caused you heartbreak (like the breakup of a relationship) you're going to need to give yourself time to grieve and to deal with all the emotions that are going to plague you in those first months. Don't immediately throw yourself into work (or something else that consumes all your time) because you'll just keep pushing away the emotions rather than actually dealing with them and that will make it harder on you in the long run. You are going to have lots of emotional ups and downs. Recovering from heartbreak isn't a straight line of progression upward, but rather a spiral. Just remember as you are going through the same emotional circle, that each time around you're better able to deal with the emotions from the heartbreak and that you are getting better. 2. **Give yourself space from your ex.** It's nearly impossible to get over the heartbreak of a relationship ending, but constantly being bombarded with information about your ex is definitely not going to help anything. This means no stalking on Facebook, no texting, no drunken phone calls. Block your ex on social media so that you won't be tempted to spend hours pouring over their Facebook page and over-analyzing every single thing they post in an attempt to figure out if they regret not being with you and miss you, etc. etc. If you're constantly trying to stay in communication with your ex you're not going to be able to move on, which will make your feelings of heartbreak and unhappiness that much harder and that much harder to bear. 3. **Don't fight your feelings.** You are going to be devastated when you encounter heartbreak. There's no way to avoid that and if you fight those feelings you're going to make it harder to deal with them in the long run. Try journaling about how you're feeling. This is an especially good thing to do if you're bad at talking with other people about your feelings. Every day, write down how you're feeling about the heartbreak. Gradually, you'll see that you are getting better. You don't need to pretend you're fine when you're really really not. Accept that you're going to be going through some emotional turbulence for a bit. Your friends (if they're true friends) will understand and support you. Feel free to listen to angsty, angry, sad songs to help get those feelings out, but don't stay there. Make sure that you don't only listen to songs about heartbreak and breakups, otherwise you're going to have an even tougher time getting over it. 4. **Make plans.** While you will need time to wallow in your unhappiness, you also need to remind yourself why life is worth living. At first it will be really hard to make yourself go out and do anything, but trying to do at least one thing a week can be a good place to start. Start small. Don't try to make yourself go out and host an entire fancy dinner right after the heartbreak. Instead, start by getting coffee or a beer with your best friend, or going to hang out at the library. Do things that you enjoy, especially things that you weren't able to do while being part of a couple. This will remind you why you're better off without the relationship and remind you how to do things on your own. 5. **Take care of yourself.** One of the most important things to do while you're recovering from heartbreak is to take care of yourself. A lot of times you'll be feeling super unmotivated and it can be hard to simple get out of bed, but going that extra mile for yourself can help you from falling into a huge pit of despair. Reward yourself for things that take extra effort like cleaning your apartment, going grocery shopping, even showering. Exercising can be a good way to take care of yourself and boost your mood. Exercise releases endorphins, which can help make you feel happier and you'll feel better about yourself in general. 6. **Impose a daily limit on grieving.** Once you've gotten over the initial shock of the heartbreak, you need to make sure that you don't spend too much time wallowing and grieving, otherwise you're never going to let yourself get over the relationship and that's what you need most of all. Set a time each day to reflect on the break-up, usually about 20-30 minutes. Set a timer so that you know when time's up. During the day, as thoughts of the heartbreak come up, remind yourself that you have a specific time set aside and until then, you'll focus on other things. Make sure that you have an activity that requires your attention (preferably something fun) schedule for right after, so your attention is immediately diverted. Get a trusted friend or family member to help you out. Give yourself a certain limit when talking about the heartbreak (say 30 minutes) and when you've gone over it have your friend or family member remind you to put your focus elsewhere. 7. **Beware of the rebound.** There's nothing wrong with bolstering your confidence with an easy rebound relationship, as long as both parties know that's all it is. You're going to be in a mire of low self-confidence and vulnerability after a recent split and that's a really bad time to try to start something real with someone else. If you're going out and partying try to moderate your drinking, both so that you don't end up drunk-calling/texting your ex and so that you don't think it's a really good idea to try to start something with someone because you're feeling down and your self esteem is low. Have your friends help you out. If it looks like you're coming in for a fall, have them remind you about rebounds and just make sure that's really what you want (which it can be, but you'll need to check in with yourself to make sure). 8. **Watch how you act online.** This also refers to texting and calling. You really want to make sure that you don't post tons of angry or upset things about your former relationship and you don't want to invite everyone to witness your mental breakdown over Facebook status updates. You also want to make sure that you're not just putting things like "can't wait for my hot date tonight" on Facebook in the hopes that your ex or their friends will see. If you're doing that you're still in the throes of the breakup and you're still doing things for benefit instead your own. The more you text/call your ex the harder it will be for you to move on, especially if they broke up with you. You'll be doing nothing more than boosting their self esteem and lowering your own. Delete them from your phone, block them on social media, and don't ask your friends or their friends how they are. 9. **Remember that your end goal is to move on.** The heartbreak comes from the trauma of the end of a relationship and once you've moved on from the relationship itself you'll be no longer experiencing the heartbreak. Your goal is to remember that this is something that you are capable of, even when it feels like your world has come to an end. You still have a future, remember. Even though it no longer involves that other person, you still have hopes and dreams and plans for what you'll be doing. You'll be grieving the loss of the dreams you were working for with the other person, but you'll need to remember that you can replace those dreams with new ones. Repeat to yourself "I want to be happy." This mantra will remind you that even though you're in the dumps because of heartbreak, you have no desire to remain there. Remind yourself that you're working towards being happy and getting over your heartbreak is part of that. 10. **Seek help.** Sometimes you can't get over something on your own and you need to seek professional assistance. There is nothing wrong with this or with you and you shouldn't feel ashamed about it. Heartbreak is painful and it stirs up a whole bubbling cauldron of feelings and emotions that can be difficult to deal with. Learn to see the difference between regular sadness over a breakup and true depression. If it's been weeks and you're unable to get out of bed, or take care of yourself, or you simply don't care about anything, you definitely need to see a professional.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Plant Marginal Pond Plants
Marginal plants are aquatic plants that grow around the edges of ponds. The plants often feature white flowers or colorful leaves to accent the pond. Planting marginals is easy! Just decide if you want to create containers to situate along the margins of your pond, or if you want to plant marginals directly in the water with rocks to hold them in place. 1. **Choose marginal plants based on the water’s depth.** Use a ruler or tape measure to measure the depth of the water where you would like to plant potted marginals. Then, select marginals based on the depth of the area you want to plant them. Some example depths and plant options include: 1 ft (0.30 m) or deeper: great water plantain or water hawthorne 6 to 12 in (15 to 30 cm): bog bean, lesser spearwort, or arum lily 2 to 6 in (5.1 to 15.2 cm): sweet flag, flowering rush, bog arum, yellow flag, corkscrew rush, golden club, pickerel weed, and giant water buttercup 2 in (5.1 cm) or less: marsh marigold, golden buttons, Japanese water iris, water forget-me-knot, lizard’s tail, and brooklime 2. **Select the aquatic plants you want to grow in a container in your pond.** There are many different types of aquatic plants that you can grow in containers submerged in a pond, so visit a plant nursery or garden center to find some that you like. Try pairing a short and a tall plant or 2 plants with different color leaves to add interest to your pond garden. Plan to purchase and plant your aquatic plants between mid-spring and early summer. Check the tag on the plant to determine if you need to grow more than one, what height the plants will reach, and how far apart to plant them. 3. **Choose a container meant for growing aquatic plants.** Aquatic plant containers have many small holes in them so that water can easily flow through them. You can purchase these types of containers at a plant nursery or garden center. Make sure that the container is big enough to fit all of your plants into it. Do not place more than 3 plants in each container. If you don’t want to submerge the pot, you could also place it in a normal pot and position it on the edges of the pond. 4. **Line the container with hessian or a polypropylene fabric unless it’s made from a fine mesh.** Unless the container is made from fine mesh, you’ll also need to line the container with hessian or a polypropylene fabric to prevent soil from escaping. Place 1 layer of the material in the container so it covers all sides. Then, trim the excess material along the rim of the pot. You can purchase these types of material at a garden supply store or nursery. 5. **Layer large rocks or stones at the bottom of the container.** It’s possible for the planter to tip over or float away if it’s not heavy enough, especially if you’re planting a tall aquatic plant in your container. To help weigh it down, place 7-10 rocks or a single layer of stones in the bottom of the planter. You can harvest rocks or stones from in and around your pond or garden. 6. **Fill the container halfway with an aquatic-friendly growing medium.** Use your hands or a small garden trowel to do this. Medium to heavy loam is ideal for aquatic plants, but you can also use garden soil as long as it’s free from herbicides and fertilizers. If you’re unsure, get a specially formulated aquatic growing medium, which will help to promote the best results for your aquatic plant. Keep in mind that aquatic growing mediums usually contain fertilizer, but it is a special slow-release kind that will not seep out into the pond water. 7. **Add the plants to the container and cover the roots with soil.** Take the plants out of the containers they are in and gently pull apart the roots to loosen them. Then, place the plants into the container with about 3 to 6 in (7.6 to 15.2 cm) between them. Scoop more soil into the planter to cover the roots completely. 8. **Cover the soil with a layer of gravel to prevent fish from disturbing it.** To finish preparing your plant for the pond, scoop gravel onto the soil to cover it completely. Use about 1 to 2 in (2.5 to 5.1 cm) of gravel to the top of the soil. This will help to prevent fish and other wildlife from kicking up soil when they swim around in the plant. You can also layer more stones or rocks on top of the soil if you do not have gravel. 9. **Soak the planter in water for 5 minutes.** Pre-soaking the planter will help to weigh it down and rinse off any loose soil or debris before you introduce it. Place the planter in a bucket or sink filled about 1/2 to 2/3 full with water. Then, remove it from the sink and place it on the ground to drain. Don’t do this inside. Make sure to soak and drain the planter outside to avoid making a mess. 10. **Submerge the planter in the pond at the edge or in a shallow area.** Choose an area of the pond that is deep enough to cover the planter with the plant above the surface of the water. Or, if you used a normal planter, you could position the pot along the edges of the pond. Try placing a few rocks around the sides of the pot to help keep it in place. 11. **Choose marginal plants based on the depth of the water in your pond.** Measure the depth of the water where you would like to plant marginals. Then, select marginal based on the depth of the area you want to plant in. Some example depths and plant options include: 1 ft (0.30 m) or deeper: great water plantain or water hawthorne 6 to 12 in (15 to 30 cm): bog bean, lesser spearwort, or arum lily 2 to 6 in (5.1 to 15.2 cm): sweet flag, flowering rush, bog arum, yellow flag, corkscrew rush, golden club, pickerel weed, and giant water buttercup 2 in (5.1 cm) or less: marsh marigold, golden buttons, Japanese water iris, water forget-me-knot, lizard’s tail, and brooklime 12. **Remove the plant from the container it came in and rinse its roots.** Use your fingers to gently spread the roots apart, which is also known as tickling the roots. Then, rinse the roots under running water to remove the excess dirt. Use an outdoor spigot or garden hose to do this. Make sure to check the plant’s tag for information about how tall the plant will get, how far apart to plant it from other plants, and other important information. 13. **Move rocks to make a space for the plant at the edge of the pond.** Choose where you want to place the plants, then move a few large rocks aside to make a space for them. Place the rocks on the grass nearby while you plant the marginal. Try not to unsettle any of the dirt or sand in this area when you pull out the rocks. Another option is to plant the marginal directly in the soil on the edges of the pond. This will integrate them into the pond without submerging the plants in water. 14. **Place the roots of the plant in the water and secure them with rocks.** Next, place the marginal into the water roots down so that they are nestled right on top of the soil in the pond. Then, take the rocks you removed and stack them around the plant’s roots to keep it from floating away. The rocks will keep the plant in place and the plant will eventually root itself into the soil.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Dye Dark Brown Hair Red Using Natural Products
Adding red highlights or undertones is a beautiful way to brighten dark brown hair. Instead of going to the salon to get the job done, try using natural products at home. These methods won't turn your hair cherry red - you'd have to bleach it first and use a shop-bought dye to achieve that effect - but they'll create a gorgeous auburn or ruby hue. 1. **Gather the ingredients.** If you live in a tropical country you may be able to find fresh Jamaican sorrel. It's a bright red flower that can be used to add a ruby hue to your hair that sparkles in the sun. If you can't find fresh Jamaican sorrel, buy the dried version instead. You'll need two cups. In addition, get the following supplies: 2 cups water 1/4 cup honey 2. **Make the sorrel mixture.** Place the two cups of water in a small saucepan over medium high heat. Bring to a boil, then add the sorrel, cover the pan with a lid, and turn off the heat. Let it soak for several hours so that the sorrel dye steeps into the water, then strain the water into a bowl and mix in the honey. 3. **Get your hair ready.** Shampoo your hair as usual, but don't use conditioner. Conditioner stays in the hair and can prevent the dye from setting as well. Towel dry your hair and use a wide-toothed comb to remove tangles. 4. **Apply the sorrel mixture.** Put on latex or plastic gloves and use your fingers to spread the mixture through your hair from the roots to the tips. Make sure to distribute it well so that no strands of hair get left out. If you want red highlights, choose just a few strands, separate them from the rest of the hair using strips of aluminum foil, and use an old paintbrush or pastry brush to apply the treatment. 5. **Cover your hair and let the dye sit.** Use a plastic shower cap or plastic wrap to cover your hair so it doesn't dry out while the dye is soaking in. Let it sit for 4 hours or overnight. The longer the dye stays in your hair, the redder it will look. 6. **Rinse out the dye.** Remove the cap or plastic wrap and rinse your hair with warm water. Shampoo and condition as usual, then dry your hair and style it. 7. ** Juice** The bright red juice will create a dark auburn hue when used with dark brown hair. You don't need the flesh of the beets, just the juice. If you don't have a juicers, run the beets through the blender and use a strainer to strain the juice from the pulp. 8. **Mix the beet juice with honey.** Place the beet juice in a bowl and add 1/4 cup of honey. Stir it well until the mixture is completely combined. This simple concoction is ready to apply to your hair. 9. **Wash your hair.** Shampoo it as usual, but don't apply conditioner. The beet juice will work better on hair without the residue left by most moisturizing conditioners. Towel dry your hair and use a wide-toothed comb to work through any tangles. 10. **Apply the beet juice mixture.** Put on latex or plastic gloves and use your fingers to smooth it over your hair, making sure every strand gets evenly covered. If you want auburn highlights, apply the mixture to individual strands separated from the rest of your hair with aluminum foil strips. 11. **Cover your hair and let the mixture sit.** Put on a shower cap or a few sheets of plastic wrap and wait for the beet juice to turn your hair auburn. Let the mixture sit in your hair for 4 hours or overnight. 12. **Rinse out the beet juice.** Run your hair under warm water to rinse out the juice and honey, then shampoo and condition as usual. When your hair is dry, you'll see the dark auburn tones shining through. 13. **Buy henna powder.** Henna powder is derived from the henna flower. The powder is made into a paste that is applied to skin or hair to turn it a coppery reddish color. Henna powder typically comes in 100-gram boxes, which is the perfect amount to dye medium-length hair. Paprika and clove powder can also be used to dye your hair various shades of red. If you don't have access to henna powder, try one of these spices instead. 14. **Make henna paste.** According to the instructions that came with your henna powder, mix the powder with spoonfuls of water until you have a creamy paste. If you want to lighten your hair as well as turning it red, use lemon juice in place of water. Cover the paste and let it sit overnight. Stir in one more spoonful of water the next day, and the henna paste is ready to go. 15. **Apply the henna paste.** Wet your hair (no need to shampoo it), towel dry it, and comb through it to remove any tangles. Put on a pair of latex or plastic gloves to protect yourself from the dye. Use your fingers to work the henna paste through your hair, making sure to cover every strand. If a stray bit of henna paste gets on your skin, wipe it off right away. Henna paste will dye your skin just as easily as it dyes your hair. For henna highlights, separate strands of hair you'd like to highlight from the rest of your head using strips of aluminum foil. Paint the henna paste onto the strands of hair using an old pastry brush. 16. **Cover your hair and let it sit.** Put on a shower cap or use a few pieces of plastic wrap to cover your hair while the dye sets in. Let it sit in your hair for at least 4 hours. The longer you let it sit, the redder your hair will be. 17. **Rinse out the henna.** Use cold water to wash out the dye. Keep running the water through your hair until it runs clear instead of red. Wait until the next day before shampooing your hair. Your hair will be rich red at first, and over the course of a few days it will lighten.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Insert a Pessary
Pessaries are medical devices inserted and worn in the vagina. They support the vaginal wall and help correct the position of displaced pelvic organs. You can usually insert and remove a pessary on your own, but you will still need to see your doctor for regular examination and maintenance of the device. 1. **Wash your hands.** Wash your hands with warm water and soap. Dry them with clean paper towels once clean. 2. **Remove any wrappings.** Remove the pessary from any foil or plastic wrappings. If the pessary does not come in sterile packaging, you should wash it with soap and water. Rinse and dry thoroughly. Note that pessaries come in different sizes. Your doctor should supply you with a pessary based on the size he or she determines you'll need. 3. **Fold the pessary in half.** Grab the pessary on either side of the knob and use your fingers to fold the ring in half. Examine the pessary closely. If you're using an open ring pessary, you should see notches along the inside. If you're using a ring-with-support pessary, you should see openings along the center support structure. Both of these areas are the flexible points you will need to fold, and you should grab the ring in between these points. The pessary should only be able to fold in these areas. 4. **Apply water-based lubricant to the pessary.** Use your fingers to apply a small dab of lubricant to the end of the ring without the knob. Note that the curved portion should face upward, toward the ceiling, as you hold the pessary. The lubricant should be applied over the entire folded end of the pessary on the opposite side of the knob. This edge is the edge you'll be inserting first. 5. **Keep your legs apart.** Stand, sit, or lie down with your legs apart. The pessary can be inserted from any of these positions, so use whichever feels most comfortable to you. If you choose to sit or lie down, your knees must be bent and your legs should be spread apart as far as possible without causing discomfort. If you choose to stand and are right-handed, place your left foot on a chair, stool, or toilet with your right foot on the ground. Lean over your left leg while inserting the pessary. If you choose to stand and are left-handed, place your right foot on a chair, stool, or toilet with your left foot on the ground. Lean over your right leg while inserting the pessary. 6. **Spread the labia.** Use the fingers of your non-dominant hand to spread apart the lips of the vagina. You should still have the folded pessary in your dominant hand. Use your dominant hand to insert the pessary. 7. **Gently insert the pessary.** Carefully push the folded, lubricated end of the pessary into the vagina. Push it back as far as possible without causing discomfort. Note that the pessary should be inserted lengthwise into the vagina. 8. **Release the pessary.** Let go of the pessary. As you do, it should unfold and return to its normal shape. If the pessary does not feel comfortable, use your index finger to rotate it. The knobbed end should face upward, and you should not be able to feel a pessary once it has been properly positioned. 9. **Wash your hands again.** Remove your hands from your vagina and wash them again with soap and warm water. Dry well with clean paper towels. This completes the insertion process. 10. **Check the fit.** A properly fit, properly placed pessary should not feel uncomfortable. In fact, it should hardly be felt at all. You should also check the fit by bearing down or attempting to use the bathroom. The pessary should not fall out during either action, and you should not have any difficulties using the bathroom after placement. If altering the placement of your pessary does not resolve any discomfort or other problems, the pessary may not be the right size or style. You will need to consult your doctor at this point. 11. **Clean the pessary regularly.** You should remove the pessary at least once a week and clean it before inserting it back into place. Ideally, you should remove the pessary and clean it once a day. Some women may even choose to remove it at night, clean it, and re-insert it in the morning, but you should check with your doctor to verify that leaving it out overnight is acceptable for your condition. When cleaning the pessary, use mild soap and warm water. Rinse the device and dry it with clean paper towels before inserting it again. If you are unable to easily remove and insert the pessary on your own, you should go to the doctor every three months for professional examination and cleansing. Never leave a pessary in for more than three consecutive months without cleaning it. 12. **Clean the pessary if it falls out.** While you should be able to urinate without difficulty, the pessary may fall out during a bowel movement. If it does, you will need to clean it thoroughly before inserting it again. Check the toilet after each bowel movement to determine whether or not the pessary has fallen out. If the pessary did fall out, scrub it clean with mild soap and hot water. Allow the pessary to soak in rubbing alcohol for 20 minutes, then soak the device in clean water for another 20 minutes. Wash it once more with soap and water, rinse it, then dry it before inserting it into the vagina again. 13. **Schedule frequent appointments with your doctor.** Even if you are able to remove, clean, and insert the pessary at home, you should still schedule an examination with your doctor every three to six months. Your first examination should actually be after two weeks or so. Your second examination should occur within three months after that. Continue seeing the doctor every three months until a full year passes. After using the pessary for a full year, you can usually schedule an examination for only two or three times a year. 14. **Wash your hands.** Before removing the pessary, you should wash your hands with mild soap and hot water. Dry them thoroughly with clean paper towels. 15. **Hold your legs apart.** Position your legs apart while standing, lying down, or sitting. You should be able to use the same position used while inserting the pessary. Remember to keep the legs apart and the knees bent. If standing, place your non-dominant foot on a stool and lean over that leg during the removal process. 16. **Insert your finger.** Insert your index finger into your vagina and locate the rim of the pessary. Hook your fingertip under or over the rim. More precisely, you should locate the knob, notch, or opening along the rim and hook your finger into that. Note that the pessary should be just beneath the pubic bone. 17. **Tilt and pull down.** Use your finger to tilt the pessary slightly, then gently pull it down until it slides out of the vagina. You should only need to tilt the pessary by about 30 degrees. Folding the pessary may help you remove it, but it will not fold as completely as it did during insertion. The vaginal walls should usually stretch adequately well for you to remove the device even without folding it, however. If you have difficulty sliding it out, bear down as though you are having a bowel movement. This action can help push the rim of the pessary forward, making it easy to grab and pull out. 18. **Wash your hands again.** After removing the pessary, you should wash your hands again using hot water and soap. Dry well. Clean or discard the pessary as needed after removing it. This step completes the removal portion of the process.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Dry Wood Slices Without Cracking
Wood slices, also known as wood cookies, can be used for a variety of projects to add a rustic look and feel. As they dry, the moisture evaporates and the wood shrinks, which causes the slices to crack. Fortunately, you can ensure that your wood slices won’t crack as they dry by treating the wood with a stabilizing solution or a salt paste. 1. **Use a plastic, fiberglass, or stainless steel container that fits the slice.** Choose a container that is large enough to fit your wooden slice. Use plastic, fiberglass, or stainless steel since some materials, including other metals, could damage or discolor the wooden slice. Make sure the container is clean so there isn’t any dirt or chemicals that could alter the appearance of the wood slice. 2. **Place wooden slats on the bottom of the container to elevate the slices.** Put 2-3 small wooden pieces or slats on the bottom of the container so you can rest the center of your wooden slice on top of it so the underside isn’t pressing against the bottom of the container. Try to use pieces or slats that are the same size so your wooden slice rests evenly on them. You could also use small bricks or smooth stones to support the wood slice. 3. **Put on a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands.** Use a pair of well-fitting rubber gloves so you’re able to open and pour the solutions without the risk of spilling or dropping them. Make sure there aren’t any holes or tears in the gloves so your skin isn’t exposed. Latex or thick rubber gloves will work fine. The solutions could make you ill if it’s absorbed through your skin, so make sure you’re protected and wash them with soap and water immediately if you get some on your hands. 4. **Fill the container with Pentarcryl if the wood is freshly cut.** Pentacryl is a specially formulated wood stabilizer that’s designed to keep green or fresh wood from cracking as it dries. If your wood slice was recently cut and hasn’t had a chance to air-dry yet, fill your container with Pentacryl to soak your wood. Pour enough Pentacryl to fill your container about halfway to ⅔ full so it doesn’t overflow when you add your wood slice. You can find Pentacryl at woodworking supply stores or by ordering it online. 5. **Pour wood sealer into the container if the wood has partially dried.** If your wooden slice was cut and left to dry for longer than a few days, use wood sealer as a soaking solution to help prevent cracks or splits from forming. Fill the container just over halfway so you can submerge the wooden slice without overflowing the container. Wood sealers that are commonly used to prevent wooden slices from cracking as they dry include Wood Juice and Anchorseal. You can find quality wood sealers at woodworking supply stores, at hardware stores, or by ordering it online. 6. **Use denatured alcohol if the slice is less than 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick.** Denatured alcohol, also known as wood alcohol, is pure ethanol with additives that make it toxic to consume. Thin wood slices soaked in denatured alcohol will dry without shrinking so quickly that cracks form. Fill your container just over halfway full with denatured alcohol so you can soak the slice without the liquid spilling over the sides. Be careful not to breathe in the fumes of the alcohol when you add it to the container. Look for denatured alcohol at home improvement stores, at department stores, or online to order. 7. **Set the slice in the container, place a rock on it, and cover it with plastic.** Carefully rest the wood slice on top of the small pieces or slats that you placed on the bottom of the container so you don’t splash the solution. Place a stone, rock, or brick on top of it so it doesn’t float. Wrap a layer of plastic wrap over the top of the container to keep the solution from evaporating and to help it soak into the wood. The slice doesn’t need to be fully submerged in the solution to soak it up. As long as more than half of the slice is submerged, the wood will absorb the solution. Use standard plastic wrap to cover the container. 8. **Allow the wood to soak for 24 hours per 1 inch (2.5 cm) of thickness.** Leave the wood slice in the container to soak undisturbed. As a general rule of thumb, give it a solid day for each 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the thickness of the slice so the solution can penetrate deep into the heart of the wood. For thin slices in alcohol, let the wood soak for at least a day. Avoid checking on the slice or disturbing it so the solution can soak into the wood evenly. 9. **Remove the wood and store it on its side until it’s completely dry.** Once the wood slice is saturated with the solution, put on a pair of rubber gloves and carefully take it out and allow the excess to run off into the container. Lean the slice against a wall or prop it up on its side in a warm, well-ventilated location such as a garage, basement, or shed. Let it dry for up to a week so the solution can evaporate and the wood can dry without cracking. Thinner slices can dry in just a few days, but slices that are thicker than 5 inches (13 cm) could take up to a month. If the surface of the wood is moist or damp at all to the touch, then it isn’t dry yet. 10. **Use a salt paste to naturally dry the wood out and restrict shrinkage.** Salt is a natural drying agent that will help remove the moisture from the wood while also reducing the speed that the wood shrinks as it dries. Using salt is a simple way to help prevent cracks from forming as the wood dries without using harsh or pungent chemicals. 11. **Mix 3 pounds (1.4 kg) of table salt with 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water.** Fill a clean, medium-sized bucket with fresh water. Slowly pour in the salt so you don’t spill it or splash the water. Use a large spoon or stir stick to stir the solution well so it’s fully combined. Even after you stir the mixture, you’ll still see some salt crystals floating in the water. Use standard table salt so it mixes better with the water. This amount of salt paste will allow you to coat several large slices of wood. 12. **Let the solution stand for 3-4 hours then add cornstarch to form a paste.** Once you’ve added the salt and stirred the mixture, leave it to stand for a few hours so it can further combine with the water. Then, add about 1 cup (125 g) of corn starch at a time and stir the mixture well. Continue adding corn starch until it forms a thick paste that’s about the consistency of oil paint or cake batter. If you accidentally add too much corn starch, and the paste is too hard, add some more water to the mixture to loosen it. 13. **Add 3 egg whites to the mixture and stir it well.** When the mixture is the right consistency, slowly pour in the egg whites and stir it well to combine them. Continue mixing until the egg whites disappear into the paste to help keep it from flaking as the wood slice dries after you apply it. 14. **Cover the entire slice with the paste using a brush.** Dip a clean paintbrush into the paste and spread it onto the wood slice using smooth, consistent strokes to create an even layer over the surface. Stand the slice on its side so you can paint the other side. Cover the whole slice, including the sides, so it dries evenly and won’t crack. After a few minutes, the salt paste will begin to harden and soak into the wood and won’t be easily rubbed off. 15. **Place the wood in a warm, well-ventilated area to air dry.** Once the slice is completely covered with the paste, place it somewhere warm that has good circulation such as a shelf in a garage or shed. The salt paste will draw the moisture out of the slice and keep it from shrinking too quickly and cracking. After about a week, check the wood to see if it’s fully dried. Thick slices of wood can take a few weeks to fully dry. When the center of the wood is faded and the slice feels much lighter, then it’s dry.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Freeze Bread Dough
Freezing bread dough is a great way to enjoy freshly baked bread with little prep time. While you’ll likely need to make a few adjustments to your favorite bread dough recipe, most recipes can be easily modified to make the dough freezable. Then, you can shape the dough into a loaf or rolls and freeze it so you’ll be able to make fresh bread in half the time. 1. **Use your favorite bread dough recipe as your base recipe.** While there are adjustments you’ll need to make to ensure the bread dough rises properly after freezing, you can use any bread dough recipe you choose as the base for your frozen dough. Therefore, first follow the instructions for your favorite recipe to make the dough, making adjustments to the flour and yeast content as desired to get the results you want. You may be able to successfully freeze the dough without making any adjustments to the recipe. The only way to really know, however, is to try it out. If the dough doesn’t rise and bake properly after freezing, however, you’ll likely need to make some adjustments to the flour and yeast to get the taste and texture you want. 2. **Substitute high protein flour for regular flour to get the right texture.** When freezing bread dough, the cold can cause the gluten in the bread to weaken, which can result in dense, flat bread. To avoid this, use flour with a higher protein content, such as whole wheat, durum or rye. The high protein content will prevent the dough from losing too much of the gas produced during fermentation (rising). Many bread recipes call for lower protein content flours, such as all-purpose white flour or bread flour. In most cases, you can substitute the flour in the recipe for a higher protein flour without making any changes to the flour measurement. 3. **Use slow rise yeast or double the yeast to ensure the dough will rise.** Freezing your bread dough may damage some of the yeast, which can prevent the dough from rising a second time after it thaws. To make sure that the dough is able to rise after being frozen, you can either double the amount of yeast called for in your favorite recipe, or use a slow rising yeast instead of the quick-rising yeast called for in many recipes. If you use a slow rise yeast instead of quick-rising yeast, use the same amount called for in the recipe. 4. **Leave the dough to rise for 45 minutes.** Set the dough out in a lightly greased bowl or on parchment paper at room temperature for about 45 minutes to allow the dough time to rise (also referred to as fermenting or proofing). This will allow you to shape the dough into a loaf or rolls, and will save you time when you thaw the bread. Some bread recipes call for bread dough to be left to rise twice. If this is the case, you’ll likely need to leave the dough to rise for another 45 minutes after it’s thawed. 5. **Punch down and shape the bread dough into your desired shape.** Following the instructions for the specific recipe you’re using, punch down the dough once it’s risen for about 45 minutes. Then, separate the dough into several small sections and shape it into balls if you want to freeze the dough into rolls. If you’re freezing the dough in a loaf pan, you don’t need to shape the dough after punching it down, as it’ll get its shape once it’s in the loaf pan. 6. **Transfer the dough onto a greased baking sheet or into a loaf pan.** If you’ve shaped the dough into rolls, line them up on a lightly greased baking sheet. If you’re making a loaf, put the dough into a lightly greased loaf pan, pressing it down into the corners to remove any extra space or air pockets). If you’re shaping the dough into rolls, make sure that you spread them apart so that none of the rolls are touching to keep them from freezing together. 7. **Transfer the bread dough into the freezer uncovered for 1 to 2 hours.** Once you’ve shaped the dough into rolls or put it in a loaf pan, put it in the freezer immediately so it won’t have time to start rising again. Then, leave the dough in the freezer until it’s completely frozen into your chosen shape. Allowing the dough to rise a second time could make it too hard and tough to freeze. Therefore, it’s important that you freeze it as soon as you’ve finished shaping it. 8. **Package the frozen dough into plastic freezer wrap or bags.** Remove the dough from the freezer. If you’ve shaped the dough into rolls, you can transfer the rolls into large sealable freezer bags for easier storage. If the dough is frozen in a loaf pan, remove it from the pan and wrap it tightly in plastic freezer wrap. 9. **Write the date on the plastic so you know when to use the dough.** Use a permanent marker to write the date on the plastic. That way, you’ll know when you made and packaged the dough so you’ll know it needs to be thawed and baked. 10. **Put the dough back in the freezer for up to 6 months.** Return the dough to the freezer immediately so it doesn’t start to thaw. Thaw and bake the bread dough within 2 to 6 months. While the dough may stay fresh in the freezer for up to 6 months, keep in mind that the longer it’s stored, the greater the chance it’ll develop freezer burn. Therefore, you may want to plan to thaw and bake the bread sooner, within 2 to 3 months. 11. **Thaw the dough for at least 4 hours at room temperature.** Before baking the frozen bread dough, remove it from the freezer. If you froze the dough into rolls, let them thaw for about an hour in the plastic and then separate them onto a piece of parchment paper to finish thawing. If you froze the dough in a loaf pan, leave the dough in the pan and set the pan out to thaw. Thawing time will depend on how you froze the dough and how warm the room is. Therefore, start checking the dough after about 4 hours. Some recipes call for the dough to rise a second time after it’s thawed. If this is the case, set the dough in a lightly greased bowl or on parchment paper for about 45 minutes after it’s completely thawed to let it rise again. 12. **Bake the bread dough according to the recipe instructions.** In most cases, thawed bread dough will bake as normal. Therefore, after it’s thawed and risen again (if required), follow the instructions for the recipe you used to make the dough. In some cases, thawed bread dough may take a bit longer to bake. Therefore, if the bread isn’t quite done after the instructed baking time, add another 10 to 15 minutes to the baking time. Once the bread dough is thawed, you can use it to make fresh-tasting rolls or a delicious loaf.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Teach Children to Sing
Singing is an invaluable skill that many children love to learn. If you start teaching kids to sing young, this can foster a lifelong love of music. Start with basic notes and keys and then teach children a few songs and exercises. As singing is a technical skill, professional can help to really develop children's voices. However, even without the help of a trained coach, the children in your life can learn to love the art of singing. 1. **Warm up with yawning.** Before you start practicing singing, have the children take a deep breath and then yawn. This will open the throat to prevent strain when singing. 2. **Practice breathing.** Children need to learn how to breathe properly when singing. Do some breathing exercises so they can understand how to regulate breath while they sing. Have the kids breathe in through their noses and out through their mouths. Encourage the kids to direct air into their stomachs and diaphragms instead of their chests. Have them place their hands on their stomachs and tell them to direct air so their stomachs rise. Have the kids count when they breathe. Have them inhale for 4 counts and then exhale for 4 counts. 3. **Find a note that comes naturally.** Have the child sing something like "la" or "ah" and figure out what their natural pitch is. Use a pitch gauge to measure their pitch. You can also play a few notes on a piano or other instrument to find a note near the child's range. 4. **Use the note as a base to explore scales.** Once each child has their starting point, you can use this as a basis to explore common beginning scales. Walk them through a basic A/B/C scale, using a recording of scales to help. Start near the child's natural range and have them move up and down the scale as needed. Don't worry if the child does not hit notes perfectly right away. The point is to get a rough feel of their pitch. You can work on accuracy later. 5. **Illustrate scales and pitch with visuals.** Children respond to visual cues. Raise your hand up and down to instruct a child to raise and lower their pitch. You can also try using body parts to teach the do-re-mi scale. For example, place your hands on your knees for "do," move your hands to your thighs for "re" and so on. 6. **Illustrate tone and pitch through singing.** If you have a good singing voice, sing to illustrate tone and pitch. If you're teaching children, you can sing songs you're teaching first. If you're a parent, make singing a daily part of your routine. Sing throughout the day and sing your child lullabies each night. If you're not a singer yourself, you can always play the child songs by talented vocalists. If you're a teacher, encourage parents to sing to their kids at home. 7. **Start with simple songs.** You can look up age-appropriate songs online and even purchase song books for various age groups at a local bookstore. Children can benefit from learning simple classics, like "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Mary Had A Little Lamb." These songs have simple words and melodies that teach the basics. If you're a parent, download recordings of such songs online. Play them in the background while the kids are playing or doing chores to bring music into their lives. 8. **Play pitch matching games.** Sing a note like "la" and have the children repeat the note to you. Keep singing back and forth until they begin hitting the note. Sing a variety of notes across basic scales. This kind of imitation game helps children learn how to recognize tone and maneuver their voices to match it. It can help to use a pitch gauge to make sure everyone is in tune. To keep children invested, offer small rewards during the game. You can hand out stickers when the kids match the pitch, for instance. 9. **Use call and echo songs.** Call and echo songs are songs that involve children responding to prompts from a song's leader. The speaker may repeat the words back exactly or add an embellishment like "La-dee-da." These can be great songs to teach children to sing in tune. Many songbooks for young children contain these types of songs. Examples include things like "Camp Town Races," "I Met a Bear," and "The Green Grass Grew All Around." 10. **Have the kids make up songs.** Get a little silly and fun by telling your singing pupils to make up songs themselves. Kids can sing songs about magic worlds, tiresome chores, fantastic eating, and more. You can have them use familiar tunes from classic childhood favorites or make up their own tunes. This is another way to expose children to music regularly, letting them learn about singing naturally throughout their day to day lives. If you're teaching a class, try asking the kids to make up their own songs in teams. 11. **Enroll the child in extracurriculars involving singing.** Many schools offer extracurriculars for free, so take advantage of this. If the child's school has a choir, encourage the child to enroll. If a child can pick optional classes for a given semester, encourage them to take classes that involve singing. Extracurriculars don't always have to be directly related to singing. Things like band and even a music appreciate course can help develop the child's singing skills. 12. **Hire a voice teacher.** If it's within your budget, search online for local voice teachers. It can be hard to teach children the technical aspects of singing if you're not professionally trained. A personal voice teacher can be invaluable when it comes to teaching children to sing. Look for a voice teacher with experience working with children. Children respond to different teaching methods than adults, so they'll benefit from a teacher who knows how to talk to kids. 13. **Look for online lessons.** Online lessons are often cheaper than professional voice teachers. You can buy access to an online course that will provide with materials you can teach. Online courses sometimes also include occasional evaluations from a real instructor via things like Skype. 14. **Have the child join a choir.** Look for children's choirs in your area and consider having the child sign up. If the child's church has a children's choir, for example, have them enroll. Singing with other children, under the direction of a professional, can really help the child hone their singing skills.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Choose a Good Budgie
Purchasing a budgie or budgerigar, also known as a parakeet, is a big commitment because they can live to be 9 to 14 years old. Because they live so long, you really need to make sure you are buying the right bird for you and your family. In order to find a good budgie, you need to assess the bird's health, personality, and happiness before your purchase. Finding a budgie that will be a long-term happy member of your family takes some diligence on your part, as well as a willingness to walk away from a bird that's just not right for you. 1. **Locate budgies for sale from a reputable seller.** You can find budgies for sale online, in want-ads, or in pet stores. You can also get one from your local animal shelter. Wherever you get your budgie from, make sure the seller has healthy and humanely treated birds. Look at online reviews for the sellers you find. Are most buyers satisfied with the birds that they purchased from the seller? If you have a friend that has budgies, ask them where you can get good birds. This is especially helpful if they got their bird, or birds, recently. 2. **Visit a store or an individual seller.** Assess how they make you feel. Does the space feel clean and well cared for? Do you think the people working at the store or the person selling the birds feels responsible and invested in the health and happiness of the birds? If any of this feels wrong, walk away and look for another place. 3. **Ask the seller how they care for their birds.** It is important they look after the birds well in order for them to be healthy and happy. Make sure they are cleaning the birds cages regularly. Are the sellers cleaning their hands before handling the birds? These are simple but important things that keep budgies healthy and happy. 4. **Examine the cage the budgies are in.** Budgies need a clean and spacious cage. Are there so many budgies in there they can't all move? Is the cage or bin dirty? Does the condition of the cage line up with what the seller told you they do to care for their birds? Do the birds have water? Do the birds have appropriate food, such as seed, pellets, and vegetables? These are all important things to assess before moving forward with purchasing a budgie. 5. **Consider whether the birds look healthy and happy.** Are the birds interacting with one another? Look at the head, body, and legs of each bird you are considering. If it is healthy and happy its feathers should be smooth and shiny, not all puffed up. It should have a healthy appetite, so you should see it eating seed. Its beak and feet should not be crusted. Its vents should be clear and it should not have any nasal discharge. The budgie’s feathers should be clean. The feathers should have an appearance that is shiny, sleek, and smooth. The budgies should not have any growths or abnormalities. The budgies' feet should be clear of mites and its toes should be clean and smooth. 6. **Assess your potential budgie's temperament.** If it is healthy and happy then it should be active and seem happy. Does it move around, eat seed, and drink water? While a budgie should be relatively calm when left alone, it is natural for a budgie to tighten its feathers when you come near its cage, so don't read that behavior negatively. Usually, the budgies from pet shops are not hand tamed, which means that you will have to be willing to take the time to help it get accustomed to your hand, if you want to be able to hold it. If you want to buy a budgie that is already hand tamed, you will need to go to a specialized budgie breeder. Trained ones are a lot more expensive. 7. **Look for a budgie that is young.** You can tell the age of a budgie by the black bars on the forehead. A young budgie (under 4 months) will have black bars all the way down to the cere, which is the fleshy part above the beak. Above 4 months, the bars will disappear. If the budgie is "molting" it is around 6 months old, this is a good age to train a budgie. 8. **Determine if your potential budgie is male or female.** This only matters if you have a preference and only works when they are old enough that the bars are gone. For males, the cere is blue or purple. For females, the cere will be very light blue, beige, or brown. Male budgies are slightly better talkers, so if you are concerned with that you might want to make sure you get a male bird. However, a young healthy bird of either sex can be a great talker with the right training. 9. **Pick a bird that is attractively colored.** If you are purchasing a budgie from a seller that has a lot of healthy and active birds, then feel free to pick your budgie based on looks. Budgies come in a huge variety of colors, so pick the color combination that you like best!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Become a Mailman
Becoming a mail carrier can be a good choice for someone beginning a first career or changing careers later in life. In general, these positions require little to no education or previous experience while offering excellent compensation and benefits. The exact job description, requirements, application, and pre-employment screening process for a mail carrier will vary depending on location. However, there are some general steps you will need to take to become a letter carrier. 1. **Decide if being a mail carrier is right for you.** Before beginning the application process, you will need to figure out if you would be happy as a letter carrier. Like all jobs, this will depend on your personality, lifestyle, and skill set. The happiest and most effective letter carriers will be "morning people." Most postal carriers start their day at 7 am and finish around 3 pm. If you're an early-riser who would like to avoid rush-hour traffic, you may be an excellent fit. The typical workday for most mail carriers is a physically strenuous one. Your job will likely consist of a lot of walking and lifting heavy objects. If you do not enjoy physical activity or you have health problems that would make these tasks difficult or impossible, you would probably be better suited for a different job. Unless you live in a dense urban center, you will need to be a skilled driver. The mail needs to be delivered no matter the road conditions. If you are prone to traffic accidents or you find driving to be stressful, this may not be the right career for you. 2. **Look for open letter carrier positions in your area.** While these jobs used to be listed at the local post office, most countries now use online application systems. Simply visit the appropriate website and use the search function to find jobs near your home. The United States Postal Service (USPS), Canada Post, and Australia Post all list available positions on the organizations' websites under "Careers" or "About Us." While most Royal Mail positions in the UK are posted on the company's website, others are posted elsewhere. Use both the Royal Mail's webpage under "Careers" and the government-sponsored website Universal Jobmatch to search for open positions. 3. **Determine if you meet the job requirements.** In general, letter carriers will have qualifications based on levels of physical fitness, driving record, and reading ability. The USPS requires that all applicants must be citizens or legal residents of the United States and either at least 18 years old, or 16 with a high school diploma. Carriers may also be required to lift up to 70 lbs (about 32 kilos) and have a safe driving record, depending on the position. Successful applicants must also pass a criminal background check, drug screening, medical assessment, and aptitude test specific for letter carriers called Exam 473. Preferential selection will be given to veterans of the US armed forces. Canada Post requests that all applicants must be able to lift packages weighing up to 22.7 kilos (50 lbs.), carry loads up to 15.9 kilos (35 lbs.), and climb stairs in inclement weather. They must also have a valid driver's license with a three-year satisfactory safe driving record. Applicants will also be evaluated based on their organizational and customer service skills. Australia Post has different job requirements for different types of "postal delivery officer" dependent on the specific mode of transportation used, including walking. In general, all must be able to lift and carry up to 16 kilos (roughly 35 lbs.) and have excellent interpersonal communication skills. Letter carriers in the UK are generally required to lift up to 16 kilos (roughly 35 lbs.) and pass an aptitude test. When applying for a delivery driver position, the applicant must have a full UK driving license with no more than 6 penalty points. 4. **Gather necessary documentation.** You will need information about past employment and education records. You will also need to have relevant government identification numbers, such as your social security number if you live in the US, and your driver's license if required. In the US, to claim veteran's preference, you must have a digital copy of your Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty or other proof of past service. 5. **Complete the online application.** Set aside enough time to finish it without distractions. Find a quiet place and a compatible Internet browser in which to fill out the online employment application. Not all browser versions are supported. If you're having difficulty getting a webpage to display correctly, try viewing it on a different browser. For most application websites, Java scripting must be enabled. 6. **Familiarize yourself with required aptitude tests.** In the US, entry-level postal workers take Exam 473. Many websites offer testing guides that can be purchased. These guides are also available at most local libraries. Exam 473 consists of sections on address checking, accurate form completion, mail coding, short term memory, and personality. While there aren't specific answers you can study for, being familiar with the exam's format will help you to relax and do your best. Applicants in most other countries must take similar but not identical exams. 7. **Schedule and complete your exams.** In the US, qualified applicants are immediately invited to take an online version of Exam 473 upon completion of their application both on screen and via email. This must typically be done in a specified timeframe (usually 3 to 7 days). If an applicant passes the online assessment, he or she must then schedule an in-person exam at a testing center designated by personal zip code. The online and onsite versions of Exam 473 each typically take 90 minutes to complete. If you pass Exam 473 but are not offered a job, your score will still be valid for 6 years. You will not have to retake the exam within this time period. If your score is below the eligibility threshold, you will not be able to retake Exam 473 for 120 days. In other countries, you may find out by phone or email. Screening exams are often taken the same day as the job interview. 8. **Prepare for your interview.** If you are invited on an interview, make sure you are prepared for it. General job interview skills are required with a few additions. If the position has fitness requirements, keep your body healthy and well-rested. If a drug screening is part of the application process, refrain from heavy alcohol use and any kind of illicit substance in the weeks leading up to your interview. Avoid foods (such as poppy seeds) and over-the-counter medications (like cough syrup) that can cause a false positive on a drug screen. Notify the laboratory of all medications you are currently taking or have taken recently, especially if you've been prescribed controlled substances (such as treatments for chronic pain and ADHD) or medications known to cause false positives (like most antidepressants).
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Find Queer Roommates
As a queer individual, it can feel comforting, validating, and just plain nice to live with a fellow member of the LGBTQ+ community. Thankfully, there are tons of LGBT-friendly roommates and apartment listings on the market at any given time—the secret is knowing where to look. We’ve compiled plenty of websites and other resources to help you get started, so you can live your truth in a supportive environment. 1. **Countless Facebook groups help connect queer roommates.** Log onto Facebook and select the “Groups” option from the lefthand menu. Then, type in a search term like “LGBT Roommates” or “Queer Roommates” along with the name of a nearby city (or the city you’d like to live in). Join the group by clicking or tapping the “Join group”. Here are some popular FB groups you can scope out: Queer Housing New York City LGBTQ+ Roommate/Housing Exchange (Chicago) Queer Housing In Los Angeles County Las Vegas LGBTQ Roommates Seattle Trans and Queer Housing Network You’ll have to request to join a private Facebook group. Once the group’s admin team accepts you, you’ll be able to see everyone’s posts and comments. 2. **Search “LGBT” in Craiglist’s “Housing” section for local results.** All regional Craigslist sites have a section dedicated to housing—with the right search terms, you can narrow this down to only include LGBT-friendly roommates and listings. On the housing page, type in terms like “queer,” “gay,” “trans,” and “LGBT.” LGBT-Friendly Craiglist Listings (NYC) LGBT-Friendly Craiglist Listings (Chicago) LGBT-Friendly Craigslist Listings (Miami) LGBT-Friendly Craigslist Listings (San Francisco Bay Area) 3. ** has a custom search engine for finding LGBT roommates.** Head to and type in your city name. Make sure that the “I need a room” option is selected from the drop-down menu, and then click or tap “Let’s Go” to see the results in your area. verifies all of its users, so you can be confident that you’re scrolling through real, legitimate listings. If you have a room available for rent and are looking for a queer renter, select “I have a room” from the drop-down menu instead. 4. **Sublet’s custom search page makes it easy to find queer-friendly housing.** Visit and type your location into the search bar. Once the apartment listings pop up, use the website’s built-in features to narrow down your results by location or price. 5. ** has a page dedicated to LGBT-friendly roommates listings.** Pull up on your phone or computer and scroll through the different profiles. Unlike other rental and housing sites, doesn’t let you sort or filter your results by location, so it may take a few minutes before you find a roommate that’s close by. If you’re looking to rent a room from an LGBT-friendly landlord, visit: 6. **SpareRoom lets you customize your search for LGBT individuals.** SpareRoom doesn’t have a specific webpage dedicated to finding queer and LGBT-friendly roommates, but they do let you filter your search results by clicking on “LGBT Household.” Simply go to, type in the area where you’re hoping to live, click on the “LGBT Household” checkbox, and see what comes up. 7. ** is the self-proclaimed “gay roommate finder.”** Make a free profile on by entering your country, state/region, and city. Once you’ve made a profile, you can search through the site’s listings and contact any potential roommates you’d like to live with. Pride Roommates operates in the US and UK, as well as in Italy, France, Spain, and Germany. The site caters to queer individuals looking for LGBTQ+ roommates, as well as queer people who have a room to rent out. 8. **Rainbow Roommates helps you find or list a room as a queer individual.** Officially licensed by the New York State Department, Rainbow Roommates helps connect queer roommates from all over NYC. Go to to fill out an application. Rainbow Roommates does charges a subscription fee based on how long you’d like to receive listings from them. A 15-day account costs $30, a 30-day account costs $50, and a 90-day account costs $93. Rainbow Roommates claims that most people are matched with a roommate within 2 weeks. 9. **Advertise on their bulletin board that you’re looking for a roommate.** Chat with one of the staff members at the center and see what their advertising options are. Depending on the place, you might be able to hang up an ad or flier letting others know that you’re on the market for a roommate. Visit to find your closest LGBTQ+ center. You could also ask the staff at the center for advice on finding a queer roommate. They might be able to point you towards some helpful resources. 10. **A friend might be able to help you find a queer roommate.** Check in with your queer and LGBT-friendly friends to let them know that you’re looking for a queer roommate. They can spread the word within their own friend circles. With any luck, you might be able to match up with a queer roommate this way!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Play Tongits
Tongits is a card game similar to Gin Rummy. To play Tongits, you need a standard deck of 52 playing cards and a total of 3 players. The object of Tongits is to be the first to play all of your cards or to have the lowest score. Each card has a value in Tongits, which includes 10 for a face card, corresponding numerical values for number cards, and 1 for an ace. Your goal is to play cards so you have fewer points than your opponents at the end of the game. You can play cards by creating melds, which are sets of 3 or more of the same card or 3 or more cards of the same suit in a sequence. You can also lay off cards on other players melds, which is when you place 1 or more cards down that fit into the meld. There are 4 different ways to win the game, including having the lowest score, calling “Tongit,” calling “Draw,” or challenging after someone else calls “Draw.” 1. **Gather 3 people and a deck of playing cards with the jokers removed.** Tongits is a 3 player game, so you’ll need exactly 3 people to play. Shuffle a standard 52-card deck and take the jokers out of it. Tongits doesn’t use jokers, so set them aside for the duration of the game. You’ll also need a flat surface to place cards on, so sit around a table or in a circle on the floor. 2. **Roll a die to select the dealer for the first hand.** Have everyone roll a 6-sided die and let the person with the highest roll be the first dealer. The dealer of the first hand is chosen at random, and then the winner of the next game becomes the new dealer. Each time someone new wins the game, that person becomes the dealer. If 2 or more players roll the same number, have them roll again. 3. **Deal 13 cards to yourself if you’re the dealer and 12 to the others.** Hand 1 card at a time face down to yourself and to each of the other players. Deal the cards going counterclockwise around the table. When you’re done, make sure that you have 13 cards and the other 2 players have 12 cards each. 4. **Place the remaining cards face down in the center of the table.** Don’t shuffle the cards first. Just place them face down. This is called the stock pile and you’ll draw a card from this pile or the discard pile on each of your turns. The discard pile starts after the first player discards a card. Place all discarded cards face up in a pile next to the stock pile. You may draw 1 card from the top of this pile on your turn. 5. **Draw a card from the deck at the center of the table.** The dealer goes first in each new game and then play continues in a counterclockwise manner. On your turn, draw 1 card from the stock pile. You may look at the card, but don’t let the other 2 players see it. Place the card into your hand. Once the discard pile has been started, you may draw the top card from this pile instead of drawing from the stock pile. 6. **Expose a meld if you have one by placing it face up on the table.** Melds are 3 or 4 cards of one kind. Place any melds you play face up in front of you for the second action on your turn. After you draw a card, look at your hand to see if you have 3 or 4 cards of the same number or a straight flush, which is 3 or more cards of the same suit in sequence. If you do, lay them down. Keep in mind that you can play more than 1 meld in a turn. For example, if you have 3 Kings, you could put all 3 down at once for a meld. If you have a 6, 7, and 8 of spades, you could put these down at once for a meld. 7. **Lay off 1 or more cards on exposed melds to play cards you can’t use in new melds.** Once you or another player has put down a meld, you can add cards to that meld on your turn, but only if you have cards that fit with it. This means that if you put down 3 of the same number cards, and you get the fourth on another turn, you could put it down. Or, if one of your opponents puts down a sequence of cards in the same suit and you have the next 2 in the sequence, you could put those cards down on your opponent's meld during your turn. For example, if a player puts down 3 Aces and you have an Ace in your hand, you can play it on that player’s meld. Or, if one of your opponents puts down a 4, 5, and 6 of hearts and you have the 3 and 7 of hearts, you could put these down on that player’s meld. 8. **Discard a card at the end of your turn.** After you finish laying off, the last thing to do on your turn is to discard a card. Place the card face up next to the stock pile. The dealer will place the first card on the discard pile on their first turn. Since the goal of Tongits is to be the player with the lowest score at the end of the game, you may want to discard your highest point value cards. However, you might want to hang onto them if you expect to be able to meld them or lay them off on an upcoming turn. For example, if you have a King in your hand, this will count for 10 points at the end of the game if you cannot get rid of it, so it might be wise to discard it. On the other hand, if you have 2 Kings, you might want to keep them in the hopes of getting a third and making a meld at some point in the game. 9. **Repeat the sequence on each of your turns.** After you finish your turn, the next player will follow the same sequence on their turn. Continue to take turns with your fellow players to continue playing the game. 10. **Tally up your points if the stock pile is exhausted.** If the game goes on until all of the cards in the stock pile are gone, this is the end of the game. Have all of the players tally up their points after the player who drew the last card completes their turn. Points values for the cards are as follows: Kings, Queens, and Jacks are worth 10 points each. Number cards are worth their number value, such as 9 points for a 9, 4 points for a 4, etc. Aces are worth 1 point each. 11. **Play all of your cards and call out “Tongit” to win during your turn.** If you manage to be the first player to meld, lay off, or discard all of your cards, call out “Tongit!” during your turn. Do this right after you play or discard your last card. This means you have won the game. Keep in mind that you must meld, lay off, or discard the last of your cards on your turn and say “Tongit!” to win the game. You cannot do this during another player’s turn. If another player gets rid of their cards and says “Tongit!” on their turn before you, they win the game. 12. **Call “draw” on your turn if you think you have the lowest points total.** If you have very few cards in your hand or if you believe that you have a low value hand, you can call out “Draw!” during your turn. If the other players accept your claim to the lowest points value, they can simply fold their hands and you win that round. However, if a player challenges your draw by saying “Challenge!” tally up the points values of your hands. The player with the lowest points value is the winner. You may not call “Draw” if someone has just played on one of your melds. Wait until after the next turn when no one has played on one of your melds to call “Draw!” Don’t count cards that you have melded or laid off. Only count the cards that you are holding in your hand. 13. **Earn chips for your accomplishments during the game.** You can keep track of the overall score in Tongits by using poker chips. Distribute poker chips to each player at the end of a game to keep track of their points. Assign a monetary value to each of the chips or just use them to tally up points. Try playing 3 or more rounds of Tongits and see who has the most points at the end to declare an overall winner. The points values of different actions are as follows: 1 chip if you won the game, or 3 chips if you won by declaring “Tongit!” or if you won a draw after declaring “Challenge!” 1 chip for each Ace in your hand or in one of your melds 3 chips for a meld of 4 or more cards in your hand or that you placed face down on the table If you lose after being challenged, you’ve been “Burned.” Lose 1 point after you tally up your chips at the end of a game.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Attract Squirrels
Squirrels can spread seeds that help trees grow and provide endless entertainment with their cute antics. If you want to bring more squirrels into your yard, you can easily attract them with a constant source of food. In addition to their fondness for tasty snacks like nuts, squirrels love areas that are heavily wooded with trees, shrubs, and other plants. Even though squirrels tend to be shy, we’ll teach you how to bring them out of their hiding places and earn their trust. 1. **Leave treats out in these easy-to-spot places to excite squirrels.** Lure squirrels into your yard by scattering different foods they like at the bottom of trees and shrubs. Feeding squirrels by putting snacks out where they're easy to find might encourage squirrels to nest in your yard. Since squirrels tend to bury nuts and forget where they put them, they’ll definitely enjoy discovering new nuts, like walnuts, hazelnuts, and acorns. Give squirrels nuts that are in their shells—these give their jaws a great workout. That way, squirrels can eat foods with hard shells or tough skin. If you’d like to mix up their diet and give them nutritious goodies, drop veggies—like broccoli, squash, and mushrooms—under your trees. While you'll find a lot of places selling dried corn cobs for squirrels, corn isn't great for their gut health and doesn't offer these critters any nutritional value. Squirrels also enjoy making a feast out of any fruit that falls off of trees or bushes. 2. **Line up these yummy surprises on branches to make squirrels curious.** Hide these goodies on high branches or near hollows where squirrels may like to nest. These treats will likely inspire squirrels to climb your trees to grab them. You can buy pre-made nut balls at pet stores and garden supply stores. If you want to show squirrels your love with homemade nut balls, combine: infant rice cereal ground pecans brewer's yeast powder lecithin KAL brand dolomite powder (for calcium) iodized salt Cod liver oil (for vitamin A and vitamin D) ) olive oil unsweetened applesauce Mix the ingredients into a dough, roll it out so it's flat, and cut out squares. Dry the squares in a food dehydrator at 160 °C (320 °F). As another option, let the squares dry in the sun for 2 days. Store homemade nut balls in the freezer to avoid mold or rancid oil. Feed each squirrel 1-2 nut balls a day. 3. **A feeder that's full of tasty favorites will draw squirrels over.** You can use either a feeder specifically made for squirrels or a bird feeder. To fill the feeder, take the top off of the feeder and fill the container up to the top. The feeder will automatically dispense food as squirrels eat from it. You can find squirrel or bird feeders at garden or hardware stores. Some pet stores or outdoor stores also carry squirrel feed. Skip “squirrel-proof” bird feeders since they're designed to keep squirrels away. Refill the feeders once a week or when squirrels empty them out. 4. **Water is just as important as food to squirrels.** Make sure that your yard has several sources of clean water that are easy for squirrels to find. Sources of fresh, running water are ideal, but you can also put out shallow containers of water—just make sure to change the water every day! A bowl, basin, or bird bath is a cheap and easy way to give squirrels water since they need little to no setup. If you already have a fountain installed, it’ll provide a constant stream of fresh, running water that’s convenient for squirrels. 5. **Shrubs give squirrels nice hiding spots so they feel safe.** Plant shrubs that squirrels can hide in if they get scared. Shrubs that produce nuts or berries are especially attractive to these shy but hungry critters. Plus, starter shrubs may provide an easier and cheaper alternative to planting trees. Some good shrubs for squirrels include hazelnut plants, hedgerows, and any berry bush, including those that grow mulberries, elderberries, blueberries, or raspberries. 6. **Trees give squirrels security since they can make homes out of them.** Squirrels use trees for cover while they run around and look for food. Trees also give squirrels great spots to nest and raise their babies—you may end up feeding several generations of squirrels! To plant trees that are already fully grown, visit a local nursery or tree farm. Choose trees that grow well in your climate so squirrels can depend on them for hiding and nesting spots. Squirrels especially like trees that produce nuts and have hollows that they can nest in. Good trees include willows, aspens, spruces, and pine trees. When food isn't immediately available, squirrels will even chew on tree bark. 7. **Provide nesting boxes so squirrels can cozy up inside them.** Nesting boxes give squirrels a place to live in and store their nuts. You can also use bird nesting boxes or houses. Mount the box or house to a tree, fence, or pole that's 10 feet (3.0 m) above the ground and away from strong winds. Alternatively, you can hang boxes from sturdy branches as long as they're 10 feet (3.0 m) over the ground and safe from harsh wind conditions. To encourage squirrels to use the nesting boxes, you can place nuts or sunflower seeds inside. Remember birds and other rodents might be drawn to the snacks, too. If pests, like rats, are a problem for you, then keep all food tightly secure inside a feeder. Rats and other vermin won't be able to smell it. 8. **Dead trees are ideal for squirrels because they have holes to nest in.** If you have a tree that is dying or already dead, let it naturally decay on your land. Squirrels like nesting and hiding food in dead trees because they have lots of holes and crevices. Just make sure that the tree is not in danger of falling on people or nearby houses. If you're worried about whether keeping a dead tree is safe or not, contact an arborist—or tree trimmer—in your area, who can evaluate the tree for you. 9. **Squirrels will feel safe in your yard if you stop pets from chasing them.** Dogs and cats can frighten or even hunt squirrels. Try to keep pets out of any areas where you want squirrels. If you have animals that go out into your yard often, try to install a fence around a sectioned off area that’s just for the squirrels. Supervise your pets whenever you see squirrels feasting on the snacks you’ve left outside. 10. **These handy tools help you make noises squirrels are familiar with.** Squirrel calls typically have a wooden or metal end as well as a rubber end. Most of these squirrel calls fit into the palm of your hand. These convenient tools are very affordable and usually cost between $10 and $30 USD. Look towards trees, shrubs, and other plants since these are popular places for squirrels to hide. Then, turn slightly away so you'll keep these critters calm. Tap the squirrel call to activate its sounds. Using one hand, hold the call by the wooden end and tap the rubber end against the palm of your other hand. Each of your taps will make a squirrel noise. Tap it repeatedly to make a unique series of sounds that squirrels feel naturally drawn to. When you use a squirrel call and make a sound similar to the way a squirrel eats, squirrels may think it is safe to come out.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Sleep Comfortably on a Cold Night
When you’re trying to sleep, your body loves to be cold rather than hot. A drop in your core temperature due to a cold sleeping environment can trigger your body’s “let’s hit the hay” tendencies and help you get right to sleep. But sometimes your sleeping area is too cold due to a cold night outside, and you have difficulty finding the right balance between too hot and too cold. With some minor adjustments to your pre-sleep routine and your sleeping area, you should be warm enough to get to sleep, despite the frigid weather. 1. **Do some light exercises before bed.** This will warm up your body temperature as you prepare for bed. Try a simple stretching exercise, with deep breathing, to warm yourself up. Stand with your legs hip-distance apart. Breath in deeply and raise your arms to the ceiling. Roll your shoulders back and tuck your tailbone towards the floor. As you exhale, lower your arms so they rest at your sides. As you inhale, raise your arms to the ceiling again. Stretch as far as you can towards the ceiling. As you exhale, lower your arms. Continue to raise and lower your arms, breathing deeply with each movement, for 10-12 breaths. 2. **Drink hot herbal tea or water.** A warm beverage will increase your body temperature and give you a sense of warmth. Choose herbal tea, with no caffeine so it won’t keep you up at night. You can also have a mug of hot water with lemon and honey to keep you warm. Avoid hot cocoa or hot chocolate, as the caffeine and sugar in the powdered mix will likely keep you up at night except if you take melatonin. 3. **Have a warm shower or bath.** Soaking in the steam of a warm shower or bath can warm up your body and keep your body temperature up for when it’s time for bed. 4. **Wear warm sleepwear in layers.** Layer your clothing so you trap in your body heat as you sleep. Wool long johns, a flannel shirt or sleep set, long sleeve t-shirts, and sweaters are all items you can layer on for warmth. Wearing layers, as opposed to one big, fluffy one-piece sleepsuit, allows you to shed clothing throughout the night as your body warms up. Sleeping at a slightly cold temperature has been shown to lead to deeper, longer sleep. You want to be careful not to warm your body up too much, as this could lead to fitful sleep or discomfort while sleeping. Wearing layers allows you to adjust your body heat as you warm up. 5. **Have several blankets and comforters close by.** Create a warm atmosphere on your bed with layers of blankets and comforters at the foot of your bed or on a chair by your bed. If you become cold in the night, you can then reach for a blanket or an extra layer. Place a blanket over your feet before going to bed to keep them warm. Your feet are often one of the first parts of your body to experience cold temperatures. 6. **Invest in an electric blanket or a heated mattress pad.** If you decide to use an electric blanket, which uses electricity to warm up, be sure to unplug the blanket before you go to sleep or as you are dozing off. It is a fire hazard if left plugged in overnight. You should also avoid running the control cords for the blanket between your mattress and the box spring. The cord could become damaged by friction or heat from the electricity in the cord could become trapped, and lead to a fire hazard. If you decide to get a heated mattress pad, which uses electricity to stay warm, do not use an electric blanket. This could lead to overheating and is a fire hazard. 7. **Adjust the temperature on your thermostat.** If your home or apartment has a thermostat, check it to ensure the room is not set to a very low temperature, as this will make the room cold. The recommended temperature for the room is around 65 °F (18 °C). If you are sleeping with a partner, you may need to both agree on an ideal temperature for the room before bed. Try going several degrees above or below 65 degrees to determine your level of comfort and your sleeping partner’s level of comfort. Temperature regulation can be a subjective science, especially for sleeping. Play around with the thermostat to figure out the most comfortable temperature for you both. 8. **Use a hot water bottle.** Look for a hot water bottle at your local drugstore. Most hot water bottles are made with a liquid that can be heated in a microwave. You can also use a more traditional hot water bottle that uses boiled water. Simply boil water on the stove and pour it into the hot water bottle. Place the hot water bottle under your sheets or a blanket, by your feet. It should stay warm all night long, warming your toes and your body. By morning, it will cool to a tepid temperature. 9. **Put on wool socks.** Wool is a great material for insulation and retaining warmth. Your feet are often the first body part that starts to feel cold and due to poor circulation, you may have a hard time warming them up with just a blanket. Get several pairs of high wool socks and keep them by your bed. You may reach for them in the night, in the event you can’t get warm. You may also want to invest in house slippers to keep your feet warm throughout the day. Look for thick slippers with rubber soles to keep your feet cozy and give you traction when walking around your home. 10. **Use body heat.** A good way to stay warm at night is to move closer to your sleeping partner and reap the benefits of natural body heat. If you have a pet, you may consider allowing them to sleep in your bed if only to keep you warm throughout the night. 11. **Block any drafts inside your room.** Drafts are openings between doors, window panes, and sometimes even the slates in your floors, that let cold air into your room. If you keep getting woken up by cold air in your room, check for any drafts by your door, your window panes, or in the corners of your room. Block these drafts with a rolled-up blanket or a long pillow. This will help to prevent cool air from circulating in your room as you sleep. You can also hang long blankets over your door and your windows to prevent any cold air from outside from coming in through small cracks into your room. 12. **Layer your sheets and blankets.** If you continue to wake up at night shivering due to the cold room, try layering your blankets over your sheets, alternating between a thin layer and a thick layer, to create more warmth. Down comforters are great for retaining heat and keeping you warm, as are wool blankets. Down sleeping bags, made for camping, will also keep you very warm throughout the night. Look for them at thrift stores, Goodwill, or camping stores.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Pose at a Photo Shoot
Models and celebrities make posing for photos look easy, whether it's on the red carpet or modeling for the latest ad campaign. But the truth is, they're probably thinking pretty hard about what they're doing. It takes a lot of time and effort to get the right look, pose, and angle. Luckily, after a bit of practice, modeling for photo shoots will gradually become easier and easier. Take some time, practice, and you will be on your way to having great looking photos. 1. **Clean yourself up.** This involves the basics like taking a shower, washing your hair, and brushing your teeth. When you are in the shower, make sure to shampoo and condition your hair so that it is soft and flexible. When you leave the shower, dry your hair off with a towel. Brush your hair at least 20-30 times through, starting at the roots and moving your brush outwards. If you want your hair in a particular style, now would be the time to do it. You can braid your hair, style it using hairspray/gels, or straighten it. The options are nearly endless depending on your personal preferences. Professional modeling agencies might have stylists on location to help you with your hair. Brushing your teeth is important as well. If you have stains on your teeth you may want to invest in some quick whitening strips. You can always edit the photos later, but it won't look as natural. 2. **Shave and trim your hair.** For women going to do a photo shoot, you will want to shave your legs, armpits, and trim/pluck your eyebrows. You will also want to shave any upper lip hair and sideburns. For men, grooming your facial hair is the most important thing. If you will have your shirt removed, you will want to trim some of your chest hair back as well. If either men or women are planning on doing swimsuit or sexy photo shoots, make sure to shave any excess pubic hair. Make sure to shave that area with the grain of the hair so that your skin doesn't react negatively. 3. **Use lotion on your skin.** You want to make sure your skin looks as healthy and vibrant as possible. First, apply a basic moisturizing lotion with your hands. Make sure to dampen your skin first with some warm water. On top of that, you can add another layer of accented lotion which adds a glistening effect. These could be lotions which have added oils or glitter. Make sure to use extra thin layers of lotion. You do not want it to look bulky on your skin. Thin layers also help when it comes to applying makeup later on. 4. **Apply your makeup.** You can either perform your daily makeup routine, or change it up. Make sure to apply lipstick, mascara, and eye liner. Depending on the type of photo shoot will change the way you apply your makeup. If you are going for an exciting, fun look, you might add "funky" colored eye liner such as lime green or teal. A more serious photo shoot might call for traditionally darker tones, such as black and brown (colors which match your eyes). Use coverup to get rid of any noticeable marks you don't want to appear in the photos. This could be a mole, a zit, or a scar. Highlight and/or accent your cheeks with foundation and face powder. Apply these with a soft brush so as to not irritate your skin. 5. **Choose the proper outfit.** This all depends on what you are doing the photo shoot for. If you are working for a modeling agency, you will obviously have to wear that companies clothes. They will usually dress you right before the shoot on location. If you are just doing a normal photo shoot for yourself, pick an outfit which represents the ideas you want to express. You might focus on season. For example, if you are doing a Christmastime photo shoot for a greeting card, choose sweaters, long pants, leggings, etc. You want to express warmth, and calmness. If you are doing a summer photo shoot, wear a nice skirt or dresses with no arms. You want to express liveliness and fun. Focusing on a mood is another way to go. If you want your pictures to be serious, wear darker colors, and clothes that cover more skin. Short shorts and bright colors are best for more upbeat, happy photo shoots. You will also want to pick out a pair of matching shoes if you are doing a full body pose. 6. **Keep good posture.** Unless your photographers tell you to be inspired by those awkward, uncomfortable looking mannequins in the Forever 21 windows, hold yourself confidently and high. You'll look much taller and thinner if you keep your back straight and your shoulders back. Whatever size you are, hold your stomach in as well if you want to look more toned. Photography that is more avant-garde (experimental and/or unusual) may shy away from this. If you're modeling for a photo shoot that is about shunning preconceived concepts, then by all means try it. Your photographer will probably want you in not-so-true-to-life poses. 7. **Think about what you're doing.** It's important to be aware of exactly how you're positioning your entire body. Nonverbal communication is all you have to rely on in photos. Whatever you do, you'll be sending a message. As a model you'll need to look natural. This is where you may need to practice. A key point is to keep your arms and legs relaxed. You don't keep them straight all the time in normal life, so don't do it in front of the camera. Keep in mind the effects of light on your body. The more angles you create in your body position, the more shadows which will appear. 8. **Communicate with those around you.** You'll feel a lot more comfortable as a model if you build a rapport with your photographer or director. It will make the experience a lot more enjoyable, give you the confidence to introduce your own ideas and ultimately help you with future modeling assignments. In addition to making that project more enjoyable, the staff will be more apt to like you. The more they like you, the more they'll think of your name when future projects come up. And, possibly, the more they'll recommend you to another company. 9. **Hold an "S" shape.** Unless directed by the photographer to do otherwise, when standing, put the majority of your body weight on one foot only; this will make your body make a naturally gracious "S" shape. Regardless of your body shape, doing this will simulate more of an hourglass figure. Popping your hip out gives you a curve in just the right place. Think of modeling in curves and angles. 10. **Leave a space between your arms and your trunk.** This will accent your waist in a good way, regardless of its size. When you can, keep your arms separate and slightly flexed. If you put your hands to your sides and your feet together, you'll feel like one of those dolls from the nutcracker, i.e. you won't feel natural or human. Always use the space around you to create life in the image. 11. **Show the sides of the hand only.** Never display the full palm or the back of the hand. This is an old photography go-to that most photographers still swear by. The hands are best viewed at an angle to the camera. Care should be taken to photograph the side of the hand, which gracefully continues the line of the arm when the hand is bent upward at the wrist. 12. **Practice, practice, practice.** Research poses in magazines from models you'd like to emulate and practice them at home. When it comes to your next photo shoot you'll feel a lot more confident. Also, ask for advice from the directors of previous assignments so you know what types of posture and positions make the most of your body. As you get going, you'll realize what elements of the photo the staff is trying to emphasize. Think of yourself as a machine to display the beauty of the image; you're there to emphasize the clothes, the makeup, or the feel of the photograph. What can you do to make the picture more cohesive? Take the emphasis off yourself and think of the bigger picture. 13. **Experiment with different facial expressions.** When it comes to your visage, make sure you get some variety in your shots. Have some looking directly at the camera, some looking away, some smiling and some serious. Also, try not to blink when the photos are being taken. You don't have to stick with the feel of the scene. For example, if there is a sunshine as a backdrop, you can still express sadness in your face. If there is a moon and a dark atmosphere, you can still smile. The goal is to create dynamism and a greater message. 14. **Work with poses that include the torso on up.** The photographer can either cut you off at your midsection for a close up photo, or you may have a surface in front of you blocking the rest of your body. Work with this in a number of ways. Turn around and look backwards over your shoulder. It's very simple, but it can also be evocative. Play with your hands near your shoulders or face. But remember the rule: only show the sides of your hands. This continues the line of your arm, making them look longer and leaner. Lean forward slightly. This, when done well, can look candid and emphasize the curve of your body. Since you don't have the entirety of your shape to create the "S," allude to this by leaning forward slightly, invitingly. 15. **Master the full body pose.** With your whole form on camera, you have loads of options when it comes to posing. Ask your director what he/she is looking for and narrow it down from there. Turn slightly and put your hands in your back pockets. If you don't have back pockets, place them where they would be if you did. This accomplishes another rule: leaving space between your trunk and your arms. Support your back against a wall. Throw up the leg closest to the camera and rest the foot on the wall as well. Don't put up the other leg; you generally want to keep the outer thigh exposed, not the inner thigh. Move your hands up and down your body and slowly twist side to side. Full height shots are hard to do and you'll want to keep a constant curve and natural flow. Consider raising your hands above your head, too, for a rather sensual pose. 16. **Use the ground.** Just as you have a plethora of options while standing, you have just as many on the ground. And you may be more comfortable. Place your hands behind your back, resting on the ground and throw out your legs, with one knee slightly up. Throw your head back a bit. The long line of your body will create a nice angle and shape. Sit Indian style, but pull up one knee to your chest. Wrap your hand around the leg closest to you and tilt your shoulders and neck. Clasp your hands together just past the view of the camera. Sit on the ground, but on your side. Throw one hand to your side and one arm resting loosely on a bent knee. Place the foot of your other leg at the heel of your foot that is resting flat on the ground. 17. **Perform a sexy photo shoot.** This might involve women getting in either bikinis or lingerie, and men getting into swim trunks or their underwear. The key for a sexy photo shoot is to tease the audience. Place your hand gently on sensitive areas, like right outside the chest, or near where your lower torso meets your leg. You will want to lower your eyelids as you glance towards the camera. Tilt your head slightly to the left or right, and back a bit, to showcase your neck line. You can also emphasize certain aspects of your body. Men can tighten their torso muscles, leaning their stomach in slightly as they protrude their shoulders out. Women can twist their bodies slightly to showcase their breasts and butt. Bending your knees while arching your back slightly also helps to accentuate your features.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Build a Wind Turbine
A wind turbine is a simple mechanical device similar to the windmill. The blades of your turbine will catch air currents, using that motion to transmit mechanical energy along a drive shaft. This shaft will then turn the components of a generator, creating clean, renewable energy for your household and cutting down on your electric bills. What's more, your turbine can be mostly built with simple materials available at your local hardware store. 1. **Determine the average wind speed where you plan to build.** To cost-effectively generate electricity, an efficient wind turbine needs wind to reach at least 7 to 10 miles per hour (11 to 16 kilometers per hour). Most wind turbines perform best at speeds from 12 to 20 mph (19 to 32 kph). To find the annual average wind speed for your area, you can check online wind maps that list the average wind speed in your area. You can also purchase a wind measuring tool, called an anemometer, and use it take the wind speed at the location of your planned turbine. Do this daily for a period of time. If the wind speed in your area is fairly consistent, a month of readings should be more than enough, though seasonal changes can drastically affect wind speed. Then, average your readings to see if a turbine at your location is reasonable. 2. **Learn building code related to wind turbines.** Building code changes from area to area, so you'll have to inquire with your local government to make sure your turbine you don't violate code. Some codes stipulate a minimum distance between turbines, as well as how far away the turbine has to be from the property line. There may also be height limitations imposed by local ordinances that you'll need to take into account when building. It's also a good idea to discuss building a wind turbine with your neighbors before investing too much time in planning and construction. This way, you can address their concerns about wind turbines and resolve any misconceptions they may have about noise, radio interference, and TV reception. 3. **Evaluate spacing for your wind turbine.** Although the turbine itself doesn't require much space, to avoid potential conflicts with neighbors, you should generally have at least half an acre (0.2 hectare) of space for a turbine that generates up to 3 kilowatts of power and a full acre (0.4 hectare) for a turbine that generates up to 10 kilowatts. You should also have enough vertical space to build the turbine high enough so that buildings and trees don't block the wind. 4. **Choose between pre-made or DIY wind turbine blades.** The kind of blades you use and configuration of your blades may affect the design of your turbine. Old farm windmills were basically small sails attached to a rotating shaft, but wind turbines resemble giant propellers and have large teardrop-shaped blades. These blades should be sized and pitched correctly for the turbine to work efficiently. If you choose to build the blades, you can make them out of wood or cross-sections of PVC pipe. Instructions can be found online through a general Internet search for "DIY wind turbine blades." Whether you build or buy the blades, you'll likely want to have 3 blades on your wind turbine. Using an even number of blades, such as 2 or 4, makes a wind turbine more likely to vibrate as it spins. Adding more blades increases torque but can make the turbine rotate more slowly. Blades can also be made from household products, like modified shovels. If you plan on going this route, choose a sturdy shovel, and you may want to replace wooden handles with something more durable, like a metal haft. 5. **Choose a generator.** Your wind turbine needs to be connected to a generator to produce electricity. Most generators are direct current (DC), which means that to use one to provide household current you'll need to connect the generator to a power inverter to produce the alternating current (AC) that household appliances use. You could use an AC motor as a generator, although there may not be sufficient residual magnetism to produce a strong enough electric field. A generator relies on motion, in this case the movement of your blades, and magnetic force to generate electricity. A pre-made generator will be the easiest option for beginners, but tutorials can be found to make your own by searching the internet for "making a wind turbine generator." If you decide to buy a DC generator, look for one rated for high voltage and current and low rotation speed (several hundred instead of several thousand revolutions per minute). You need to generate at least 12 volts over a consistent period of time. Your generator should be connected to a deep-cycle battery bank and charge controller in between the generator and inverter to protect the inverter and battery from power spikes. This will also provide power to the inverter during low-wind periods. Automotive alternators are not recommended as generators. These generally need to spin at much faster speeds than wind turbines can sustain to generate power. 6. **Assemble your spindle.** You may need to weld your spindle to your spindle plate, but many wind turbine kits come with this part already welded. If you are constructing your turbine from parts you have purchased or from surplus parts and need to weld, be sure you wear proper safety gear, like a welding visor, welding gauntlets, a welding jacket, and work boots. By putting together your spindle first, you can construct your turbine piece by piece by adding parts one at a time to it. This will likely be the most efficient way to put together your turbine if you are attempting this project on your own. 7. **Slide your hub into place on your spindle.** To prevent a buildup of friction and deterioration of your spindle/hub, you should place a bearing between the two parts. Fit your bearing over the tapered end of your spindle sticking up from the spindle plate and slide it toward the plate until it comes to a rest at the thicker portion of the spindle. Then slide your hub into place to rest on the bearing so that the studs of your hub face upward. There should be a clearance of about 4" (10.2 cm) between your spindle and the bearing. In high force winds, your turbine may flex, causing the blades to his, and damage, your spindle. If you don't have a kit and are building your hub from scratch, you might consider using a 4 on 4 trailer hub. This can be bought at most stores that carry trailer supplies, like your local automotive parts store. 8. **Attach the lower spoke flange to your hub.** The flange should have holes for the studs of your hub to slide through, with protruding tabs to which you'll attach each of your spokes. Line up your flange with the studs of your hub and maneuver it into place. Once your flange is resting evenly on your hub, fasten it into place with lug nuts, tightening the nuts first by hand and then more firmly with a socket wrench. 9. **Connect your spokes.** You will have two sets of spokes per blade of your turbine, giving you a total of six spokes for a three bladed turbine. You'll need bolts to connect your spokes to the tabs of your lower flange and spacers to separate the lower spokes from the upper ones. Then: Slide a bolt through a hole in one of the flange tabs, fit your spoke onto the bolt, apply the spacer to the bolt, fit your second spoke into place on the bolt, and sandwich the spokes and spacer into place with your upper flange. Your lower and upper flange should be the same shape, with the same number of spoke attachment tabs. Screw the bolt into the upper flange with your hand to keep the flange in place, then fasten the other bolts for your first set of spokes. Repeat this process for all of your spokes. Once all your spokes are sandwiched between your lower and upper flanges, you should use a socket wrench to tighten your bolts. Once the bolts are tightened, your lower and upper flange and spokes should be sturdy and able to spin easily along with the hub on your bearing. Since your turbine assembly will be exposed to consistent force from the wind and other environmental factors, you'll want your bolts to connect your spokes firmly. To guarantee a good connection, you should use a thread locking compound, which will be available at most hardware stores. 10. **Attach four studs to your upper flange.** These studs should be threaded and each stud should be 2/8" (6 cm) long and ¼" (.635 cm) thick. You may need to use a hack saw to cut a threaded rod with this thickness to the correct length. Then, screw your studs in place by hand into the top of your upper flange so that each screw is equally distributed around the spindle shaft. Only screw the studs into the flange far enough so that each stud is upright and sturdy. All studs should stick out of the flange an equal distance. If you use a hacksaw to cut a threaded metal rod, be careful not to damage the threading when you do so. Damaged threading could result in you not being able to fasten parts into place correctly. You'll want these studs to be sturdily attached, much like the bolts you used for your spokes. To this end, you should use a thread locking compound on your studs. 11. **Place your lower magnet rotor onto the studs.** You can either make your upper and lower magnet rotors with a rotor plate, epoxy, and 2" by 1" by ½" neodymium magnets, or you can buy this part prefabricated as part of a wind turbine kit or from a wind turbine part manufacturer. With the magnets facing up, fit the bottom plate of your magnet rotor onto the four studs you have fastened to your flange. Whether you make your own or use a kit-made magnet rotor, always be careful when handling individual magnets or the magnet rotor plates. The magnetic forces of these are very strong and can cause serious injury if not handled with caution. Neodymium magnets are fairly brittle. You'll need 24 of these, 12 for your top magnet rotor and 12 for the bottom one, but you might want to purchase extra in case one breaks during construction of your plate. These magnets are available for purchase online. 12. **Make a magnet rotor, if necessary.** If you are using a kit that came with a magnet rotor plate, you will only need to fit the plate onto the studs as described previously. For a homemade magnet rotor, you'll want your magnets equally distributed around the edge of your rotor. To prevent misplacing a magnet and potentially ruining your rotor, draw a magnet placement template on card stock or paper. Your template will occupy the middle of your rotor where the magnets will not be. Lines extending from the center to the edges of your template will indicate where magnets should be placed on the rotor. Tape can be used to hold your template in place and example templates can be found online. You should mark the polarity of your magnets before you begin placement. This can be done with a marker. If your magnets get jumbled together and you cannot tell the polarity, make a tester by gluing a weak magnet to a popsicle stick. Pass the "N" polarity side of your tester over the neodymium magnet. If you feel a push, the magnet is the same polarity. If you feel a pull, the polarity of the magnet you are testing is opposite. Use a pea-sized amount of epoxy when mounting your magnets. This should be applied to the bottom of each magnet before placing. Being careful to keep your fingers from between the magnet and rotor, slowly move the magnet to corner of the rotor plate. The magnet should grab onto the plate, and then you can slide it into the correct position using your template. 13. **Place spacers on your studs.** You can use /8" (.375 cm) metal tubing cut into 1¼" (3.175 cm) long segments to create your spaces. You should cut these as accurately as you can. Slide your spacers over the studs sticking up from your magnet rotor. Spacers that are unequal in length could create a slanted position for your upper magnet disk. This could be dangerous, and could also negatively impact the efficiency of your turbine. There should be a little over an inch (2.5 cm) of stud clearance above your spacers. This will allow hex nuts to fasten your upper magnet rotor, and all parts in between, together. 14. **Place your stator on top of your lower magnet rotor.** A stator is a series of coiled wires that are a vital part of any generator. It can be bought as part of a wind turbine kit, from a wind turbine part manufacturer, or can be made on your own.The studs surrounding the central spindle shaft should stick up through the center of the stator, which should be centered with respect to the central spindle shaft. Your stator will need three groupings of three coils of 24 gauge copper wire, with each coil having 320 windings of the copper wire. This can be time-consuming and difficult to make. If you decide to make your own stator, an online search for "how to make a wind turbine stator" will walk you through the process. 15. **Make a stator winder for homemade stators.** You can construct a stator winder from scrap wood and nails. Connect two pieces of plywood with four nails so that there is a gap of about 1" (2.5 cm) between the two pieces of wood. Your nails should be spaced in a rectangular pattern that corresponds to the dimensions of your magnets. Then you can more easily wind the copper wire for your stator. When making your own stator, be sure to keep track of the beginning and ending of your stator coils. Each coil must be wound in the same direction. You might want to consider putting a colored piece of electrical tape on the beginning of each end every coil. So that your coils don't unwind once you've finished, you should be taped together with electrical tape and secured with two-part epoxy. Allow your epoxy (and stator) to cure on wax paper for however long is indicated on your epoxy label. 16. **Place your upper magnet rotor.** Use extreme caution; this is one of the most dangerous parts of the construction of your wind turbine. Stack four boards on your stator to either side of your central spindle, with the baseboards being thicker and your top boards thinner. 2 by 4 boards work well for upper boards. Hold your upper magnet rotor so that your fingers are in the gap between your stacked boards, and slowly lower your upper rotor toward the lower one. Attempt to line up your upper rotor with the studs as you do so. The magnetic field should grab the upper disk and pull it onto the boards you have placed. Then, lower the upper magnet rotor onto the studs by sliding out your boards one at a time. First remove one upper board, then the other. Repeat this process with your lower boards to maneuver your upper magnet rotor into place. Then screw hex nuts onto your studs to fasten the rotor. Once this is complete, your upper rotor should be resting on the spacers with a small amount of the studs protruding from the top of it. You may have to wiggle your boards back and forth to work each free of the upper magnet rotor. The magnetic force will be very powerful. 17. **Remove the assembly from the spindle.** Next you will be connecting your spindle to your tower. Doing so while your turbine assembly is attached to the spindle can be quite difficult to manage. Then you'll need to invert your assembly hub-upwards to complete your turbine. Pull the assembly (including the hub, spokes, magnet rotors, stator, and all associated parts) off the spindle with an upwards motion. Then place your assembly on your work area, hub-side facing up. 18. **Weld** If you have a kit, these parts were likely provided, but a metal plate attached to the top of a thick, sturdy metal pipe should suffice for your tower. Be sure that your pipe can withstand the forces the wind will be exerting on your wind turbine. Your tower will need to be installed at a sturdy location. You might want to pour a concrete slab into which you install your tower to give it additional stability. 19. **Install a bracket for your spindle and stator.** The bracket should fit over your spindle like a collar. You should then bolt the bracket into place, attaching the bracket to the tower. Then cut a /8" (.375 cm) threaded rod into four 4½" pieces. Use a thread locking compound first, and then use nuts and washers to attach these to the outside of your bracket facing upwards. Nuts should be placed on the /8" (.375 cm) threaded rod studs about ¾ of the way from the top of the rod. These nuts will allow you to adjust the position of your stator while the rod holds it in place. 20. **Place a tapered roller bearing on the spindle.** Before you do so, you should smear a liberal amount of general purpose bearing grease onto your bearing. After greasing, simply slide your tapered bearing onto the spindle so it rests at the base of your spindle. The greasing process is most easily done with your fingers. Have some paper towel or a work rag close by to wipe your fingers clean once the bearing is greased and placed. 21. **Attach the main assembly of your turbine.** Lift the main assembly so that the hub is facing upwards and settle it onto the spindle with the tapered bearing beneath. The mounting holes in your stator should line up with the /8" threaded rod studs that you fastened to your bracket. Once the assembly is in place, you'll need to put another tapered bearing into the cap of your hub. Grease the bearing with general purpose bearing grease. Atop your bearing you'll need to fasten a castle nut. The castle nut should be screwed into place with your fingers. When you cannot turn the nut easily, unscrew it until the gap in the castle nut aligns with the hole in the shaft of your spindle. Slide a cotter pin in this hole and use pliers to bend the legs of the pin to lock the castle nut into place. 22. **Fasten your stator and complete the turbine with a grease cap.** Use one hex nut per rod to lock the stator firmly into place on your assembly. Then, using two wrenches, adjust the hex nuts sandwiching your stator until it is directly in between the magnet rotors. Once your stator is positioned, all you need to do is add a grease cap to the top of your hub and your turbine is complete. 23. **Connect a charge controller to the battery or circuit.** Connecting the charge controller to the battery before connecting it to the wind turbine will prevent power spikes from forming. This, in turn, will prevent damage to your equipment. 24. **Connect insulated wire to the charge controller.** This wire will transfer power from the generator to the charge controller. From there the electricity will pass into a battery or circuit. Your wire should be like that found in power cords, with two lengths of wire bound in similar insulation. You can use an old extension cord with the plugs removed, if you wish. 25. **Thread insulated wire through the base and tower shaft.** Insert the wire into the tower and up to the turbine assembly. You may need to use a string line or fish tape to help you thread the wire through the tower. Then, connect the wires to your generator. 26. **Connect to a battery or circuit.** Now that you have your generator tied in to a charge controller and through the base of your tower, you're ready to tie in the line from your turbine. Whenever tying in an external electrical source to your main home circuit, you should consult a professional electrician. Many areas required a licensed professional to handle this kind of wiring.
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How to Heal Your Pancreas
Taking care of your pancreas is incredibly important to your overall health. After a sudden bout of inflammation, or acute pancreatitis, it is doubly important. Lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, losing weight, and avoiding alcohol and tobacco may reduce pain caused by chronic pancreatitis and slow progression of the disease. Your doctor may also recommend a medical treatment to help your pancreas heal or to prevent further complications. 1. **Eat a healthy, low-fat diet** Eating a healthy diet can help reduce abdominal pain. It can also ease your pancreas’ workload, giving it an opportunity to recover from a bout of inflammation. A pancreas-friendly diet should consist of plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and lentils, low-fat or nonfat dairy, and lean meats. Eating small, frequent meals may also help speed your recovery. Dark, leafy vegetables, blueberries, sweet potatoes, carrots, grapes, and walnuts are especially beneficial. Try to include animal-based omega-3 fats, like salmon, into your diet. Garlic and probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt, can help reduce inflammation and aid digestion. Eating a Mediterranean diet is a great way to help speed your pancreas’ recovery. Try to eat 6-8 small meals that are high in protein a day instead of 3 large meals. After pancreatitis treatment, your doctor may give you more specific information about what you should and should not eat. Don’t go on a crash diet where you don’t eat anything to lose weight. 2. **Avoid eating foods that are high in fat and sugar.** Foods high in fat and simple sugars increase levels of fat in your blood, which may increase your risk of pancreatitis. Since your pancreas processes most of the fat you eat, staying away from foods high in fat may also reduce your pancreas’ workload and speed your recovery. Try to limit your daily fat intake to just 30 grams or less. Limit your consumption of red meat, organ meat, French fries, mayonnaise, butter, pastries, white bread, pasta, and sugary drinks. Avoid any fried, processed, or greasy foods to cut out fat. Try to cut caffeine from your diet if you can. 3. **Work to lose weight, which may reduce stress on your pancreas.** Your pancreas produces insulin, a hormone which controls your blood sugar levels. Obesity makes your body less sensitive to insulin, which forces your pancreas to produce more insulin to do the same amount of work. Trying to lose weight can be difficult, but losing just 5–10 pounds (2.3–4.5 kg) may ease stress on your pancreas. Losing weight may also reduce your chances of getting gallstones, which are also a cause of pancreatitis. 4. **Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol.** To prevent damage to your pancreas, try to cut alcohol completely from your diet. If you need to, drink alcohol in moderation. This means no more than 2 drinks a day for men and just 1 drink a day for women. If you have been diagnosed with acute or chronic pancreatitis, avoid drinking alcohol altogether. If you’ve been diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, continuing to drink alcohol may cause more episodes of acute pancreatitis and may lead to chronic pancreatitis. Drinking alcohol may cause severe complications and even death for people with chronic pancreatitis. 5. **Do your best to stop smoking to reduce your risk of pancreatitis.** Smoking increases the risk of getting pancreatitis, especially if coupled with drinking alcohol. If you’ve already been diagnosed with pancreatitis, it is even more important that you do your best to try to quit smoking, since doing so may make your condition even more severe. Smoking with pancreatitis increases the risk of getting pancreatic cancer. Hence, cutting back on smoking is an important step in preventing pancreatic cancer. Taking enzyme supplements may improve symptoms such as fatty diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain. 6. **Seek immediate medical care if you detect signs of pancreatitis.** Symptoms of severe pancreatitis include severe pain or tenderness in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, a fever, a fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, and yellowish color of the skin or whites of the eyes. These symptoms may be caused by a serious infection, inflammation, or blockage of the pancreas. 7. **Fast under the supervision of your doctor.** If you visit a hospital for treatment of pancreatitis, your doctor may have you stop eating for a couple of days. This period of fasting may give your pancreas a chance to rest and recover, and it may help reduce inflammation. After fasting, you may have to drink clear liquids and eat bland foods for a while before returning to your normal diet. 8. **Take pancreatic enzyme supplements to improve digestion.** If you’re diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, you may need to take enzyme supplements at each meal. These supplements help your body absorb nutrients in the foods you eat. Your doctor may prescribe pancreatic enzymes for you if they believe it will help your condition. 9. **Consider gallbladder surgery if gallstones caused your pancreatitis.** Gallstones are the most common cause of pancreatitis. If gallstones caused your pancreatitis, your doctor may determine that removing your gallbladder is the best way to prevent future episodes. The surgery to remove a gallbladder is called cholecystectomy. It is a common surgery and the risk of complications is slight. You will likely be able to go home the same day as the surgery. It generally takes a week to fully recover. 10. **Ask your doctor if pancreas surgery is necessary.** In some severe cases, your doctor may recommend pancreas surgery. Surgery may be necessary if there is an infection in your pancreas that doesn’t respond to antibiotics. Surgery may also be required to remove scarred or diseased tissue in the pancreas. This surgery would involve either draining fluid from your pancreas or removing diseased tissue. Pancreatic surgery is a major procedure. Your doctors will consider surgery only after exhausting other medical treatments to treat your condition. 11. **Remove blockages from bile or pancreatic ducts with ERCP.** Your doctor may use ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) to remove gallstones that are blocking the bile or pancreatic ducts. Doctors may use this procedure to treat both acute and chronic pancreatitis. ERCP may cause acute pancreatitis in some people.
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How to Prune Pecan Trees
Pecan trees flourish with annual pruning that should begin as soon as the tree is planted. If left unattended, they will grow into large, unsightly bushes. Pruning encourages both upward and lateral growth to make the most of sunshine and make for easier tree management. By knowing when to prune your tree, collecting the right equipment, preparing to prune and using a central leader trunk pruning system, you can turn a healthy profit from your pecan crop. 1. **Prune in early spring prior to buds breaking out.** There is a misconception that pecan trees should be pruned in the middle of winter, but this just leaves the gouges you make in the tree exposed to the harsh winter elements. Late April is the ideal time to prune, which is after the leaves have sprouted, and means that the tree can immediately begin the healing process required to grow. Summer pruning is also discouraged unless it is only minor branch removal. This is because a newly cut tree is also susceptible to damage from the sun. 2. **Prune your pecan trees regularly to reduce the workload.** Annual pruning is the most recommended method, which means you should never have to prune too much in one go. Be aware that pecan trees produce heavily every other year, with an ‘on’ year alternating with an ‘off’ year. For the best harvest, heaviest pruning should be done in ‘on’ years and light pruning in ‘off’ years. 3. **Take care not to remove more than one-third of a tree’s branches in a season.** If you prune too heavily, you risk sending the trees into shock, which can kill them. The exception to the rule is if a tree is dying, in which case you can often revive it with severe pruning. 4. **Collect the right equipment before you begin.** To prune on an annual basis you will need a few key pieces of equipment. A pair of hand-held pruning shears can fit into your back pocket and can be used to continually lop off small, low-hanging branches as you tend to your orchard throughout spring. Consider using two-handed lopper. This tool will be useful if you allow a branch to grow out of control. Use a bow saw or chainsaw if you neglect to prune regularly. Be warned that pecan wood is extremely hard, so elbow grease will be required to saw through large limbs that have been left to grow unattended. 5. **Train your tree the way you want it to grow.** To produce a good crop, your trees need ample sunlight. Allow the upper branches to spread so they take in as much sunlight as possible. Your major pruning to upper branches comes during the first 10 to 15 years of the pecan tree’s life. 6. **Ensure each tree has a single vertical trunk.** This is essential for quality growth. When it comes to training a young tree through pruning, you can decide what shape you would prefer the tree to grow into. For example, this could be a standard ‘vase’ shape where the main trunk splits into three trunks. It will take several years to see results but always stick to your original plan. 7. **Prune your tree’s lowest limbs to just above your head to ensure easy access.** As the trees grow, you will need access to the ground beneath your tree to water, fertilise, weed, and harvest pecans. Your goal is to walk underneath your tree without scraping your face. You will also need room for the mechanical equipment used for orchard management, so as you prune your trees, try to shape each tree to a standard pattern. 8. **Remove dead upper branches.** Sometimes upper branches will die because of wind damage, freeze damage, disease and improper care. This is where your tree saw and lopper will come in handy. Remove these as soon as you notice them to stop the cause of death spreading. 9. **Choose a strong central trunk for a stable tree.** Because of harsh weather conditions such as tropical storms and hurricanes, you should always begin by choosing and planting a strong central trunk which the branches will come off. To develop a medium-sized, strong and wind-resistant tree, the central leader system provides well-spaced and widely-angled limbs. You always want to avoid a multi-leader tree where trunks and branches are competing for space and sunlight. 10. **Cut off about the top third of your leader trunk on a regular basis.** This is to ensure that you get buds that are well spaced out. Avoiding a condition called “witch’s broom” which is where buds grow too close together near the top of the central trunk. When the growth begins in the spring, the branches will be distributed wider, allowing for more sunlight and water retention. 11. **Decide which of the under branches to prune at any one time.** Using pegs as an easy way to mark which branches you do not wish to remove, prune the remaining under branches from the leader trunk to encourage the central leader trunk to grow. You don’t want competition from other lower branches. You can leave remaining growth on the base as long as it is not upright-growing. 12. **Seal the wounds to help the tree heal quickly.** The pruning site may weep more when the tree is pruned while actively growing, but it does not cause any harm. Paint wound sites facing the sun with white latex paint to keep the tissue cooler and allow the tree to heal more quickly. Other than that, do not apply any other sealer to the wound.
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How to Prepare for Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery is a type of bariatric surgery used to help people struggling with severe obesity lose weight. This is a major surgery, which will require significant recovery. If you receive surgery you will need to make major lifestyle changes. Before committing yourself to this procedure talk with experts in the field about whether this is a viable option for you. If you are going to have this surgery, take steps to prepare yourself physically and mentally. 1. **Visit your doctor.** If you are interested in gastric bypass surgery, the first thing you will need to do is visit your doctor to find out whether this is a viable option for you. Your doctor will discuss the advantages and risks associated with the surgery, and will assess your need for the surgery. You will also have to have testing done to ensure that you are a good candidate for the surgery. Discuss alternatives with your doctor. Committing yourself to a healthy lifestyle is the least invasive and least risky way to lose weight. There are other alternatives to gastric bypass. For example, there is the gastric sleeve, which works in a similar way to gastric bypass, but is a much less-invasive outpatient procedure. 2. **Consult a specialist.** Ask for a referral to a specialist in bariatric surgery. Your doctor may set up the specialist consultation for you, or you may need to contact them yourself. Ask your specialist about what pre- and post-op resources the hospital offers to its bariatric surgery patients. The more support you have, the better. Ask your specialist how experienced they are with the surgery. Just because a surgeon has less experience doesn’t mean they are not a good surgeon. However, more experienced surgeons may know how to deal with complications better. Ask about complication rates. Find out how many of your specialist’s patients ended up dealing with complications after the surgery. The national average for complications related to gastric bypass surgery is 3.6%. Ideally, your specialist’s complication rate will be below that percentage. Ask about your surgeon's board certification and if their hospital is a Bariatric Center of Excellence. Ask your specialist about the expected weight loss and in what time period. You should also ask about the recovery period more generally. 3. **See a nutritional counselor.** A big part of getting gastric bypass surgery involves learning how to live your life after the surgery is complete. The size of your stomach will be much different than it was before, and this will mean you have to change how and what you eat. Nutritional counseling will help you learn how to deal with these changes. For example, you will learn that, as a result of the surgery, your body will not be able to absorb all the calories from the foods you eat. Thus, you will have to make sure that you are eating the right foods to keep you healthy. You will also learn that your meals will need to be smaller. You might also learn that eating too many carbohydrates and/or sugary foods is likely to make you sick after your surgery. 4. **Seek counseling.** You may need to have a psychological evaluation conducted preoperatively. This is to find out if you are emotionally prepared for the life change required by this type of surgery. If it is not required by your doctor, it may still be a good idea to search for a counselor to help you prepare. Receiving counseling may also be helpful for figuring out reasons behind your obesity. For example, if you believe that you are an "emotional eater" a counselor might be able to show you healthier ways to cope with stress. 5. **Stop smoking.** If you are a smoker you should plan to quit several weeks before you get the surgery. If at all possible, you should plan to quit forever. Smoking will make it more difficult for your body to recover, with an increased rate of postoperative complications, including wound infections and pneumonia. Quitting smoking is not easy to do, but it will be a good step towards living a healthier lifestyle. If you are interested in quitting smoking, talk to your doctor. They can offer you different ideas about how to successfully quit. You can also enlist the support of friends and family, who can help keep you on track. If you have tried quitting in the past, try a different method of quitting than the ones you have used in the past. 6. **Follow your doctor’s instructions.** Tell your doctor about any and all medications you are taking, and ask which ones you should continue taking and which ones you should stop taking. Make sure you also know when you should stop taking them, and when you will be able to start taking them again after surgery. Additionally, your doctor will likely instruct you to switch to a liquid diet about two weeks before your scheduled surgery. Tell them about everything you are taking, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Don’t forget about any vitamins and herbal supplements you take. Some medications can make it more difficult for your blood to clot, which can be dangerous when you are undergoing major surgery. If you are asked to switch to a liquid diet, your health care team will likely provide you with a list of liquids that you can consume during this time. If they don’t, be sure to ask what is OK and what is not. Switching to a liquid diet will help your body prepare for what your diet will be like in the weeks following the surgery. 7. **Prepare your home.** When you get home from your surgery you will probably be tired and in some pain. The day before your surgery, make sure you prepare everything you will need so that you can relax and rest when you return. If you have stairs in your home, you may want to make sure that you have everything you need to live downstairs for the first couple of weeks. It may be painful to walk up stairs for awhile, so having everything you need downstairs might be a good idea. For example, make sure that the bed where you will rest is made up with clean sheets. Make sure that the TV is set up and ready to watch and that you have lots of movies to keep you entertained.  You may want to put your laptop, e-reader, or tablet by your bed and make sure the battery is charged, and have the charger plugged in as well. Make sure that you have plenty of the liquids that have been approved by your doctor ready to go. For example, make sure you have fat-free milk, fruit drinks, and clear high protein soups. The last thing you will want to do is go shopping after you leave the hospital. 8. **Avoid eating and drinking.** Your doctor will instruct you when to stop eating and drinking, but typically you will need to fast starting at midnight the day before surgery. If you have any medication you have been instructed to take on the day of surgery, take the medication with a small sip of water. You are not allowed to eat or drink because you will be receiving general anaesthesia. This is what puts you to “sleep” during the surgery. There is a risk of vomiting during surgery at the induction of anesthesia, which could cause any food or liquid to go into your lungs and cause lung damage and infection. 9. **Pack a bag.** If your hospital allows it, you may be able to bring some of your own clothes from home that you can wear during your recovery in the hospital. If you can, and want to, pack a bag with everything you will need in the hospital. Stick to loose, pajama like clothing. Comfortable sweat pants, loose t-shirts, and a comfy bathrobe may help you feel a little more like yourself during your recovery. Don’t forget to pack toiletries, such as a toothbrush and comb. Your hospital may have these on hand, but it can be nice to have some of your own things.  You will be encouraged to do a bit of walking after your surgery, so pack a pair of non-slip slippers if you want to. Don’t forget to pack something you can use to entertain yourself. Bring along a book, an e-reader, crosswords, or even a coloring book with some crayons so you have something to do if you get bored. 10. **Discuss the surgery with your family and friends.** Talk to your close family and friends about why you are having the surgery.  Be honest with them about why you feel you need it, and what the benefits and risks are. You can say something like, “I’ve discussed it with my doctor and we have agreed that having gastric bypass surgery is a good option for me. I have tried to lose the weight in other ways, but I haven’t been successful. I want to live a long and healthier life, so I’m going to have the surgery. I hope that you will be able to support me through this journey.” Having a strong support system after the surgery will be very beneficial to you and your recovery. 11. **Plan for recovery.** You will spend a few days recovering in the hospital, but most of your recovery will happen at home.  If you live alone, ask a close friend or family member if they can come over a few times a day to check on you and/or help you out around the house. Talk to your doctors and nurses about what you can and shouldn’t do in the first days after going home. They will provide you with information on how to care for your surgery wounds, what you can eat and/or drink for the first days and weeks. You can then stock your home with everything you will need so you don’t need to go out shopping for awhile. Don’t forget to arrange a way to get home from the hospital. Ask a friend or family member, or arrange a taxi that will come pick you up. 12. **Arrive early for surgery.** You will probably receive very explicit instructions about what to do on the day of surgery, but it is always better to be too early than too late. Therefore, plan to arrive at least 2 hours before your surgery is scheduled. Showing up well before your surgery is scheduled will help you take care of everything you need to with as little stress as possible. Don’t forget to factor in commute time. If you are driving to the hospital remember to think about what time of day you will be travelling. For example, consider whether or not you will need to go to the hospital in the middle of rush hour traffic. If so, plan to go even earlier to beat the traffic. 13. **Relax and stay calm.** Having surgery can be very scary, but do the best you can to stay relaxed and calm in the hours before your surgery. If you have any questions, be sure to get them answered now. Spend time enjoying the company of any family/friends who have accompanied you to the hospital. If you are feeling really nervous try doing something to help yourself relax. For example, you could meditate quietly, read something you enjoy, or watch television. Do whatever helps you relax. 14. **Do your research.** Gastric bypass surgery is done to help people struggling with obesity to lose weight. Typically, this option is only available to those whose life is being threatened by their obesity and who have tried to lose weight using less invasive methods. Generally, you must have a body mass index (BMI) over 40. People with a BMI between 35 and 39 might be eligible if they are also suffering from an obesity-related life-threatening illness (e.g. type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, or high blood pressure). There are two methods for conducting the surgery. The preferred method is called laparoscopic surgery, and involves conducting the surgery through 5 or 6 small abdominal incisions. The second kind, open surgery, is less common, and involves making a larger incision into the abdomen to perform the procedure. The laparoscopic method is the preferred method because it reduces pain and recovery time. In some cases, perhaps because of previous surgeries, it may not be possible to perform the surgery this way. Don't go into surgery without knowing which method your surgeon plans to use, but be aware that a laparoscopic operation may have to be converted to an open operation to complete the surgery or deal with complications. 15. **Plan lifestyle changes.** Gastric bypass is not a fix-all for obesity. Though it will help you deal with your obesity, you must also make significant changes to your lifestyle in order for the procedure to be successful. For example, you will need to commit yourself to eating healthy and exercising. Additionally, you will have to commit yourself to long-term health monitoring. This might include regular health checks to make sure you are getting enough nutrients and sticking to a healthier lifestyle. 16. **Be financially prepared.** Your insurance may or may not cover the costs of the surgery so be sure to check with your health insurance provider. Remember that you will probably need to take time off from work to recover from your surgery so make sure that you will be able to do so. In some cases your insurance may not cover the costs of the surgery. If this is true in your case, talk to your doctor’s office about payment plans.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Be a Lacto Ovo Vegetarian
Lacto-ovo vegetarianism is the practice of avoiding meat, fish and poultry while allowing the consumption of dairy and some other animal-based products. Studies suggest that this type of diet is a healthier choice for some people. With a little insight into the subject, you can learn how to alter your eating habits to incorporate a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet into your life. 1. **Understand exactly what a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is.** This kind of diet excludes all meat, poultry, and fish, but permits eggs and dairy products, as well as foods containing either or both these. The lacto-ovo diet thus differs from other types of vegetarian plans, like pesco-vegetarian (which permits fish), or lacto-vegetarian (which permits dairy but not eggs), as well as from the vegan diet, which excludes all animal products and foods made from them. 2. **Understand the benefits.** A lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is associated with lower rates of obesity, heart disease, the reduction of blood pressure and cholesterol, of type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. 3. **Know the challenges.** Switching to a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet can be a big change in terms of dish choices and staying overall healthy. As with any major health change, you are advised to talk to a doctor and/or registered dietitian. That way, you can get help developing a healthy nutritional plan that will ensure you get the right amounts of nutrients. 4. **Decide the limits you want to draw for your diet.** Animal products include meat and eggs, while animal-based products like gelatin and lard are derived from animals but are often found in processed foods that are not specifically animal products. You can make choices about what specific foods or food types you want to include or exclude from your lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. You may choose to exclude all animal-based foods, including gelatin, honey, etc. as many vegans do. Alternatively, you may choose to include gelatin, honey, etc. in your lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, while excluding animal products like meat, poultry, and fish. Keep in mind that animal-based products like gelatin are sometimes included in foods that are not obviously animal products. You may need to read product labels carefully, and ask about ingredients in dishes at restaurants, in order to make sure whether or not foods are permissible in your diet based on the limits you have set. 5. **Eat the proper portions of the right amount of foods.** It is possible to consume the full range of nutrients you need while following a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, but as with any meal plan you will have to balance what you eat. The best way to do this is to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, legumes (beans and lentils), cheeses, yogurts, grains (wheat, rice, oats, etc.), and other foods. This helps to ensure that you get the proper nutrients and avoid any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. The precise amount of foods you will need to eat varies depending on the level of calories you need for your age, activity level, etc. Check with a doctor or registered dietitian if you have concerns. 6. **Get enough protein.** Protein, which the body needs to function and grow, is essential. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian, you can meet your protein needs by eating foods like beans, nuts, and soy products, as well as dairy products and eggs. Good ways to get protein (assuming a 2,000-calorie per day diet) include: an omelette made of four egg whites, two four-inch pancakes made with egg whites, or 1/2 cup cooked beans. Most varieties of vegetarians face issues with getting enough protein. Track your protein intake and adjust accordingly. 7. **Ensure you are consuming vitamin D.** Lacto-ovo vegetarians can get the calcium they need for bones and teeth not only from dairy products, but from certain soy milks, breakfast cereals, dark-green leafy vegetables, and other foods as well. Fortified dairy products and egg yolks also provide necessary vitamin D. Good ways to get vitamin D (assuming a 2,000-calorie per day diet) include: 1/2 cup low-fat milk, 1 ounce of low-fat cheese, or 1 cup of raw leafy greens. 8. **Eat enough iron.** Instead of getting iron from meats, lacto-ovo vegetarians have a range of delicious options including iron-fortified breakfast cereals, spinach, beans, whole wheat breads, and other foods. Good ways to get iron (assuming a 2,000-calorie per day diet) include: 1/2 cup cooked beans, 1 slice of whole wheat bread, 1 cup of raw spinach, or 3/4 cup fortified cold cereal. Take a multivitamin and multi mineral supplement daily (but it's not necessary, unless you run a daily marathon). 9. **Don't forget zinc.** Lacto-ovo vegetarians can get zinc from fortified breakfast cereals, many beans, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, wheat germ, and milk products, among others. Good ways to get zinc (assuming a 2,000-calorie per day diet) include: 1/2 cup cooked beans, 1/2 cup low-fat milk, or 3/4 cup fortified cold cereal. 10. **Make sure you get vitamin B-12 in adequate amounts.** This vitamin can come from animal products or supplements. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian, you have the option of getting B-12 from milk products, eggs, and vitamin-fortified foods. Good ways to get vitamin B-12 (assuming a 2,000-calorie per day diet) include: 1/2 cup low-fat milk, a medium egg, or 3/4 cup fortified cold cereal. 11. **Determine if you are getting enough Iodine.** Iodine helps the functioning of many organs, and is an ingredient that is now commonly found in iodized salt. It is also found in many processed foods made with iodized salt. If your diet is largely based on raw foods, you may not be getting enough iodine. Keep iodized salt available if this is the case, but be careful not to ingest too much of it. 12. **Look for Omega-3-rich foods.** Omega-3 fatty acids are important for heart and brain health. In a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, they can be obtained from nuts and seeds, soybeans and certain fortified foods. 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil or 1/2 cup flaxseed or chiaseed are excellent sources of Omega-3s, for example. Certain varieties of eggs are also rich in Omega-3s; these are often labeled as such. 13. **Make an attempt to step out of your comfort zone.** Switching to a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet can be a major change, and sticking to it can feel difficult if you only focus on what you can’t eat. However, your diet can also be a way of opening up to new and exciting possibilities. Trying new things helps ensure that you are eating a varied diet and getting all of the nutrients you need. 14. **Try a variety of cuisines.** Many cuisines are rich in options for lacto-ovo vegetarians. Dining out at a variety of restaurants can be a great way to try new foods and get ideas for dishes. Asian cuisines (including Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese) often have meatless options, based on vegetables and/or tofu. Some of these dishes are prepared using fish sauces, so ask if you are unsure. South Asian cuisines (Indian, Pakistani, Nepali, etc.) often offer meatless dishes based on lentils, rice, curried vegetables, yogurts, and other foods that are permissible in a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. It is not too difficult to find meatless options in Mediterranean cuisines (Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern). Look for dishes incorporating falafel (chick peas balls), couscous, eggplant, tabbouleh, feta, and other foods. Many specific dishes and sauces are explicitly meatless, such as pasta primavera (with veggies) and pesto (marinara contains fish). Options for lacto-ovo vegetarians in Mexican cuisine include bean-based burritos, vegetable fajitas and nachos, cheese or bean enchiladas, quesadillas, tamales, rice dishes, huevos rancheros, guacamole, salsas, refried beans, and more. Ask if you want to make sure that any of these dishes are not made with lard or other animal products. 15. **Look for substitutions.** If you have a recipe or dish that traditionally requires meat, there are ways to substitute it with lacto-ovo vegetarian approved options. Meat substitutes include: Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans. It can be sliced or processed like meat to be fried, baked, roasted, etc. Seitan is processed from wheat gluten. It has a mild flavor and a texture similar to meat. It can be used in strips, chunks, etc. in many recipes instead of meat. Tofu is coagulated soy milk that has been pressed into blocks. Soft tofu can range from creamy to crumbly, while firm tofu can be sliced into strips or pieces to be grilled, marinated, baked, etc. Textured vegetable protein is produced from soy, and comes in a variety of forms (flakes, chunks, etc.). These can be added to dishes to increase their protein content, or can be used as a ground meat substitute in chili, spaghetti, burgers, and practically any other dish. Beans are rich and protein and can be used as a meat substitute. For example, vegetarian chili can be made by substituting more beans instead of beef. Vegetarian or vegan alternatives have been developed for many animal products. Many supermarkets carry now items such as bean-based “hamburgers,” soy “hot dogs,” and tofu “turkey,” and “bacon” made from ingredients like tempeh and seitan. Although cheese is permissible in a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, you can also choose vegan soy “cheese” as an option. Quorn is a good substitute 16. **Use cookbooks and recipe sites to find ideas.** You can easily research lacto-ovo vegetarian recipes. These will give you lots of ideas for dishes to try, and new or different foods to incorporate into your diet. The USDA and other organizations maintain lists of resources, and internet search engines will also reveal lots of possibilities.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get All of the HMs on Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
To catch all of the Pokémon you'll need to collect all of the Hidden Moves. There are 7 HMs in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen: HM01 Cut, HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, HM04 Strength, HM05 Flash, HM06 Rock Smash, and HM07 Waterfall. This wikiHow will show you how to get all of the HMs in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. You'll want to gather the HMs in numerical order because you need previous HMs to achieve some later ones. 1. **Go to Vermilion City and head south to the dock.** 2. **Board the ship "SS Anne.** If you don't have a ticket, you need to go to Cerulean City and battle the trainers on the bridge. After you've defeated all of the trainers, head east and battle the trainers (and catch any wild Pokémon you come across). Once you've battled all of the trainers, go into the house. The Pokémon Researcher Bill will be there looking like a Pokémon. Go up and talk to him and help him out. When you have gotten Bill out of the Pokémon costume, he'll thank you and give you the S.S. Anne Ferry ticket and ask you to go in his place. 3. **Find the Captain.** If you can't find him, battle the trainers you find on the ship. You can find him by following the initial hallway south, then turning west and taking the stairs up at the end of that hallway. Once you're up the staircase, follow the hallway south, then east, then north, and take the stairs at the end of that hallway. Those stairs will take you into the room the Captain is in. Talk to him to start the dialog where he gives you "HM01 Cut." 4. **Go to Celadon City.** You'll need HM01 Cut to get this one. 5. **Head west onto Route 16 out of the city.** You'll pass a man talking to his Poliwrath, then follow the road south and west again around a park. The buildings will disappear and trees will line the road, indicating that you're not in the city. 6. **Cut the tree down.** As soon as you leave the city, you'll see a tree that's smaller than the others and next to a fence. Interact with the small tree to initiate the dialog box. Once the tree is cut down, you can walk through to the path behind it. 7. **Follow the path behind the fence.** You'll pass some kids waiting outside a house. 8. **Enter the house and follow the path.** You'll walk west through a hallway, past an old man, and through the other doorway to the back of the house. 9. **Enter the second house.** You'll see a girl and a Pidgeot. 10. **Talk to the girl.** She'll ask you to keep the house a secret; say yes and as a reward, she'll give you HM02 Fly." "Fly" lets you use flying Pokémon to go to any Pokémon Center you have before. 11. **Go to Fuchsia City.** If you use Fly to get to the Pokémon Center, you're not in the Safari Zone. 12. **Walk to the Safari Zone.** From the Pokémon Center, you'll want to jump off the cliff to the east and walk north until you get to a building, then turn east. Follow the path east until trees block your way, then turn north, until a fence is in your way. Walk west until you encounter a building, then enter that building. That's the entrance to Safari Zone. 13. **Go to Zone Four.** Since this is quite far, you'll most likely want to equip Super Repel from your bag to prevent Pokémon from appearing in your path. From the entrance, head east of the house and then north through the tall grass to the sandy path and continue east to the next zone. Follow the path lined with bushes on one side and trees on the other east into the grass patches. Go north up the first set of steps, then head west and down the next set of steps, and follow the path west. Once you get to the sandy spot, head north to another set of steps, go east, and down the set of steps. Walk east to the tall grass and head north around the big dirt pile you were just on. Walk west around the large dirt pile to another sandy spot with a sign. Follow the path there west to the next zone. Walk west until you see a large patch of grass. Go up the second set of stairs that are located just north of the grass patch and go down the set of stairs on the west side of the plateau. Walk around the plateau to the west, into the tall grass. Head north until some bushes block the way. Walk east into the tall grass, then immediately turn west to bypass the blockade of bushes. Continue west into the tall grass and walk south to a pole-lined path that leads to the next zone. Walk toward the sign and head west past it until you see a building. 14. **Enter the building and talk to the attendant.** The attendant will give you "HM03 Surf." "Surf" will let you move in bodies of water with a Water-type Pokémon. 15. **Go to Fuchsia City.** You'll need to get gold teeth from the Safari Zone to get HM04. 16. **Go to Zone Four in the Safari Zone.** If you don't remember how to get to Zone Four, use the steps from the method on getting HM03 (Surf')". 17. **Find the Gold Teeth.** They are scattered around Zone 4 in Pokéballs. 18. **Go into the Warden's house.** It's the first house to the east of the Pokémon Center after you jump off the ledge. Talk to the Warden and he'll reward you with "HM04 Strength." Strength lets you move boulders in your way (such as caves, etc.). 19. **Go to Vermilion City.** You'll need HM01 Cut already. You'll need to have at least 10 Pokémon in your Pokédex. 20. **Head south-east to Route 11.** You'll leave the city and find a cave. 21. **Enter the cave.** You'll see "Diglett's Cave" in the upper left corner of your screen as well as a man next to a ladder down. 22. **Go down the ladder.** If you step on the ladder, you will load into the floor below. Follow the path west and north until you find another ladder. 23. **Go up the ladder.** If you step on the ladder, you will load into the floor above. You'll see a digger and the words "Diglett's Cave" in the upper left corner of your screen. 24. **Exit the cave.** You'll appear on Route 2, so follow the path south. 25. **Use Cut on the tree blocking your path south.** You'll see the tree growing between poles. Once you cut down the tree, continue south. 26. **Enter the building.** You'll see two people. Speak to the guy without the hat, and he should give you "HM05 Flash" if you have ten Pokémon in your possession. "Flash" lights up dark caves (like the Rock Tunnel). 27. **Go to One Island.** One Island only unlocks once you defeat the Cinnabar Island gym. You can get to the island by boarding a ship. You'll need HM03 Surf. 28. **Go to the east end of the island on Kindle Road.** 29. **Surf** north to the sandy beach. Continue heading north through the tall grass to another sandy area. Keep walking north until you see a cave opening. 30. **Enter the cave.** You'll see "Ember Spa" in the upper left corner of your screen. Follow the path north, then climb a set of stairs, then head east to a man between two waterfalls. 31. **Talk to the man.** He'll give you "HM06 Rock Smash". "Rock Smash" will smash small crumbling boulders in your way. 32. **Go to Four Island.** From the Pokémon Center, head southeast until you climb down a set of steps and follow the path north. You'll need HM03 Surf to continue north to the cave. 33. **Enter the cave.** You'll see "Icefall Cave" in the upper left of your screen. Use Surf again to go through another cave entrance to the north. 34. **Walk north over the patch of ice.** The patch will shatter when you step over it. You'll walk over the first ice patch above you, then continue north to break two more patches of ice. Immediately turn west to follow a path that leads to one more patch of ice. Walk over it twice to reveal a hole. 35. **Go down the hole.** You'll see a ladder to the east. 36. **Go up the ladder.** This brings you back to the main level on the other side of some rocks you couldn't get by before. 37. **Walk south over the patches of ice.** There are two patches of ice, but when you walk over the southernmost ice patch twice, you will reveal another hole. 38. **Go down the hole.** You'll appear on a large patch of ice that you slip on. Move south until you come to another ladder. 39. **Go up the ladder.** You'll see a PokéBall on the ground. Interact with the PokéBall to learn "HM07 Waterfall. "Waterfall" can be used to scale waterfalls that are blocking your path.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Care for Burmese Cats
Burmese cats are stocky, muscular, and medium sized. Burmese kittens are known for being active explorers, though their adult counterparts tend to be more relaxed and lazy despite their love of playing. If you want a Burmese cat, there are ways to ensure your loving and friendly cat lives a healthy, happy life. 1. **Be aware of breed-specific issues.** Burmese cats are generally healthy cats, but there are some issues that your cat is more prone to have. Burmese kittens can be born with congenital diseases, such as facial and head defects as well as heart problems. Adult Burmese cats are more prone to obesity and diabetes. This is why it is important to monitor her eating throughout her life, because obesity can lead to diabetes. As she ages, look for sign of diabetes, such as: Increased drinking Increased urination Inappropriate urination, such as in spots where she shouldn't In rare cases, an increase in appetite 2. **Get her vaccinated.** When you first adopt your cat, she should be taken for a series of core vaccinations, including distemper, feline leukemia, and rabies as well as other common diseases. She will also need a feline leukemia test within the first few months. There are other vaccinations your cat can get, so check with your vet to see if there are other vaccinations that might be good for your cat. If you got your cat from a breeder or shelter, check to see if they will give you her records to see if she had anything done before you adopted her. 3. **Deworm your cat.** Kittens should also be dewormed, starting as early as three weeks of age. She should then be dewormed a minimum of two more times. These visits should be three to four weeks apart. Your vet will do a fecal examination to ensure that your cat doesn't have any other parasites that need to be treated. If you get your cat from a shelter, it is very important for your to check her for worms and other parasites. These are spread easier in shelters. 4. **Spay or neuter your cat.** If you don't plan to breed your Burmese cat, you should have her spayed (or neutered if male) by the time she is six months old. This procedure helps you prevent unwanted kittens and prevents problems with other cats. It also helps prevent certain cancers and diseases, such as urinary tract infections and genital based cancers. 5. **Get regular check ups.** You cat should have regular check ups at the vet. Around one year old, your cat should have her vaccinations updated if necessary. As she ages, she needs to go periodically for general health checks. When she turns 10, she should go to the vet twice a year for health checkups to make sure she stays healthy. It will also help you catch age specific diseases early. 6. **Exercise your cat.** To keep you keep you Burmese cat's muscles in shape and help keep her mind active, you need to exercise her daily. You should play interactive games with your cat to help you bond with her and give her the stimulation she needs. Try using laser lights, feather toys, and fake mice. Have her chase the laser lights around the room, chase the feather toys as you dangle them around, or fetch them across the room. Avoid giving her string or rubber bands she could accidentally eat. Ingestion of these things can cause serious problems. You should also get her a scratching post to help exercise her toes and feet. This will help keep her claws away from your furniture and fabrics around your house. This is also a great way for your cat to remove the dead outer claw material from her paws and allows her to mark her territory. Think about buying her a cat tower, which gives her places to scratch as well as places to jump, play, and exercise. 7. **Keep your cat's fur short.** Burmese cats have short, silky hair and it typically needs very little grooming. About once a week, brush your cat to help get rid of stray hairs and cut down on how much she sheds. This will also give you time to bond with your cat each week. You should also use this time to check for skin issues and fleas. As you brush, look for lumps, bumps, patches of red skin, or sores. If you find fleas, buy topical flea treatment and flea shampoo to fight the fleas. If you find a skin issue, keep a watch on them for the next few days. If they grow, get worse, or become infected, contact your vet. 8. **Trim her nails.** Your Burmese cat's claws need to be taken care of every so often. You can use human nail clippers or those specifically made for a cat. Look at the claws and clip the white tips off the nails. Avoid the pink area of the nails because these hold the nerves and blood supply for the nails. To position your cat for nail clipping, settle the cat in your lap and lay your non-dominant forearm gently but firmly on her upper body so she can't squirm or scratch you. Pick up the paw with your non-dominant hand and gently press on it to make the nails come out. Then trim each paw this way. 9. **Brush her teeth regularly.** To keep your Burmese cat as healthy as possible, you should brush her teeth regularly, which is about once a week. Find a soft bristled toothbrush and cat toothpaste, which you can get from your vet or at most pet stores. Start off small with your kitten, letting her taste the toothpaste before you use it. Then use it along her gums the next day, graduating to brushing her teeth the next day with the toothbrush in small, gentle circles. It should take about a minute to do her whole mouth. It may take a few days for her to allow you to brush all her teeth, but just keep at it. She will get used to it the more you do it. Never use human toothpaste because fluoride is poisonous to cats. 10. **Keep her little box clean.** You should keep your cat's litter box clean so she has a clean place to go to the bathroom every day. Cats prefer clean, soft litter, so basic commercial clumping litter is just fine for your pet. It is possible for your cat to develop a preference for other kinds of litter. If your cat is used to a different kind of little from before you adopted her, she may require different kinds, such as clay like litter. 11. **Buy high quality food.** Burmese cats need certain types of nutrients in order to avoid certain health issues, such as eye conditions and heart disease. Make sure your cat food has plenty of natural meat sources and is not made with just meat byproducts. Look on the label at the ingredients and avoid any food that lists meat byproducts or grains as the first few ingredients. Your cat is a natural carnivore, which means she requires certain amino acids found in meat products. If your cat doesn't get enough of them, her health will suffer. If you aren't sure which food is right for your Burmese cat, ask you vet for advice. 12. **Feed her the right amount.** Your Burmese cat is prone to obesity as she grows older because she will become lazier as she ages. Because of this, you need to make sure you feed your cat the suggested amounts of cat food each day. Look on the label of your cat food to find out how much food you need to feed her every day. Typically, your cat will prefer to have her meals spread out between two or three times a day. This will help keep her full and happy throughout the day. Avoid keeping dry food out all day long. Your cat may be tempted to eat all day long, which can cause obesity. 13. **Avoid too many treats.** Sometimes, you may be tempted to feed your cat a lot of treats throughout the day. This can add extra weight to your cat over time as well as mess up the balance of her nutrients. You should not feed treats to your cat more than once or twice a day. Don't give milk to your cat as a treat. Cats have a hard time processing the lactose in milk, so feeding them too much of it can cause diarrhea or vomiting. 14. **Provide fresh water daily.** In order to keep your cat healthy, she needs to have access to fresh water every day. You can even have them in multiple places throughout the house so she is encouraged to drink more each day. Change the water bowls daily to avoid the build-up of algae or other bacteria.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Find Archived Mail on Gmail
This wikiHow teaches you how to view emails that you've archived in Gmail. Gmail allows you to archive your old email messages so that they stop cluttering up your inbox, which hides them from view but keeps them around in case you need to reference them again. 1. **Open Gmail.** It's the red "M" on a white background that resembles an envelope. If you aren't logged into Gmail, enter your Google email address and password and tap . 2. **Tap ☰.** It's in the top-left corner of the screen. Doing this prompts a pop-out menu. 3. **Tap All Mail.** This option is toward the bottom of the screen. 4. **Look for archived mail.** The folder contains all emails that are in your inbox, as well as every email you've ever archived. Any email that doesn't have the "Inbox" tag on the far-right side of the email's subject line is archived email. You can also tap the magnifying glass icon in the top-right corner of the screen and type in a specific email's sender, subject line, or a keyword to narrow your search. 5. **Go to the Gmail website.** It's located at If you're already logged into Gmail, doing so opens your inbox. If you aren't logged into Gmail, click in the top-right corner of the page and enter your email address and password. 6. **Select the inbox options tree.** This is the column of options, starting with , that's on the left side of the page. Doing so will expand the tree to show additional options. 7. **Click More.** It's near the bottom of the tree. 8. **Click All Mail.** This option will be near the bottom of the menu. Doing so takes you to the folder. 9. **Look for archived mail.** The folder contains all emails that are in your inbox, as well as every email you've ever archived. Any email that doesn't have the "Inbox" tag on the far-left side of the email's subject line is archived email. If you know a specific archived email's sender, subject line, or a keyword from the body, you can type this information into the search bar at the top of the Gmail page.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Complete a Canadian GST Return
If you do business in Canada—or plan to—you should be familiar with the goods and services tax (GST) and harmonized sales tax (HST). The GST is a tax that is applied to most of the goods and services paid for in Canada. The HST is a similar tax on property and services in participating provinces that have harmonized their province-levied sales taxes with the goods and services tax. The participating provinces with a harmonized sales tax are New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and Prince Edward Island. Generally, anyone who purchases goods or services supplied in or imported to Canada must pay the GST/HST, with the exception of Native tribes and some regional government entities. These taxes vary by province, which makes it crucial to learn the tax codes of the province in which you will be doing business. 1. **Learn your province's tax rates.** Each province sets its own tax rate for the GST/HST. Knowing which provincial tax applies to your goods or services will help you determine your GST/HST return. As of April 1, 2013, the following tax rates apply to each of the following provinces: Alberta charges a five percent tax rate. British Columbia charges a five percent tax rate. Manitoba charges a five percent tax rate. New Brunswick charges a 13 percent tax rate. Newfoundland and Labrador charge a 13 percent tax rate. The Northwest Territories charge a five percent tax rate. Nova Scotia charges a 15 percent tax rate. Nunavut charges a five percent tax rate. Ontario charges a 13 percent tax rate. Quebec charges a five percent tax rate. Prince Edward Island charges a 14 percent tax rate. Saskatchewan charges a five percent tax rate. Yukon charges a five percent tax rate. 2. **Determine whether your goods or services are taxable.** Some goods sold in Canada are taxed at a rate of zero percent; these are called zero-rated supplies. Other goods and properties are exempt from the GST/HST. Knowing whether the goods and/or properties related to your business are taxable will help you determine your tax return for the fiscal year. Basic groceries (including milk, bread, and vegetables) are zero-rated goods. Agricultural products, including grains and raw wool material, are zero-rated goods. Most types of farm livestock and fishery products meant for human consumption are zero-rated goods. Prescription medications and the drug-dispensing fees associated with medications are zero-rated goods and services. Medical devices, including some prosthetics, are zero-rated goods. Previously-inhabited residential housing is exempt from the GST/HST. Residential accommodations lasting one month or longer, as well as residential condo fees, are exempt from the GST/HST. The majority of health-related medical or dental services are exempt from the GST/HST. Day-care services for children 14 years old or younger are exempt. Tolls charged for use of bridges, toll roads, and ferries are exempt. However, ferry tolls that travel to or from a place outside of Canada are taxed at zero percent, making them zero-rated services. Legal aid is exempt. Certain educational services, including vocational or trade courses, music lessons, and tutoring services, are exempt. Many services rendered by a financial institution, including loan or mortgage arrangements, are exempt. The arrangement and issuance of insurance policies are exempt services. Public services, including municipal transit services and residential water distribution, are exempt. 3. **Determine the tax rate for your goods and services.** The following goods and services are taxable at a rate of 5%, 12%, 13%, 14%, or 15%, depending on the province in which business is being conducted: new housing sales commercial property rentals and sales automobile sales and leases auto repair services soft drinks and snacks, including candy and chips clothing and footwear advertising services, with the exception of services provided to non-residents of Canada who have not registered for the GST/HST private transportation services, including taxi and limousine transportation legal and accounting services franchises hotel accommodations hairstylist and barbershop services 4. **Determine whether you must register for the GST/HST.** Generally speaking, anyone who provides taxable supplies in Canada must register for the GST/HST. There are, however, a few exceptions. Small suppliers (other than taxi services) are not required to register for the GST/HST. Small suppliers are considered any sole proprietor or partnership making $30,000 or less on taxable supplies (before expenses) per calendar quarter over the last four consecutive calendar quarters, or any public service body making $50,000 or less on taxable supplies from all activities of the organization per calendar quarter over the last four consecutive calendar quarters. Suppliers whose only commercial activity involves the sale of real estate property are not required to register for the GST/HST. (Note that these suppliers may still be required to charge and collect any applicable taxes on the sale of property.) Non-residents who do not conduct business in Canada are not required to register for the GST/HST. Note that even small suppliers and public service bodies must register for the GST/HST in any calendar quarter that they surpass the threshold amount of $30,000 or $50,000 and must collect the applicable taxes on any supplies that exceed that threshold amount. These suppliers must register for the GST/HST within 29 days of the date supplies exceeded the threshold amount. 5. **Acquire a Business Number.** Before a supplier can register for a GST/HST account, that supplier must be assigned a Business Number (BN). That number will be used in all future interactions with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Suppliers and business owners can set up a BN by completing the CRA's Form RC1 (Request for a Business Number), or by going online to Suppliers without internet access may complete the process by calling 1-800-959-5525. Note that in the case of partnerships, only the collective partnership is required to register for the GST/HST, not the individual partners. 6. **Register for a GST/HST account.** Once you have a business number, you can register for the GST/HST. This can be done online at, or by calling 1-800-959-5525. 7. **Receive an annual reporting period.** Once a supplier or business has registered for the GST/HST, that supplier will be assigned an annual reporting period by the CRA. However, suppliers do have the option of filing returns more frequently than the assigned reporting period. Suppliers earning on annual taxable supplies of $1,500,000 or less MUST report annually, but have the option of reporting monthly or quarterly. Suppliers earning on annual taxable supplies between $1,500,000 and $6,000,000 MUST report quarterly, but have the option of reporting monthly. Suppliers earning on annual taxable supplies in excess of $6,000,000 MUST report monthly. There is no option for more frequent filing returns for suppliers in this earnings bracket. Suppliers wishing to change their assigned reporting period may do so by logging into the CRA website at, or by visiting A supplier may also change his assigned reporting period by completing and returning Form GST20 (Election for GST/HST Reporting Period). 8. **Choose an accounting method.** Under most circumstances, you’ll calculate the GST/HST tax owed using the standard method, as set out in the GST/HST return form. However, the CRA also provides two easier accounting methods for certain businesses: The Quick Method is available to suppliers when worldwide taxable annual supplies (including zero-rated supplies and supplies of all associates) total $200,000 or less (including GST/HST) in any four consecutive fiscal quarters over the past five fiscal quarters. Suppliers using this method multiply all total supplies (with GST/HST included) for a given reporting period by the Quick Method remittance rate that is assigned to those supplies. The Simplified Method is used to claim an income tax credit (ITC). It is available to suppliers who have registered for the GST/HST, and whose annual worldwide taxable revenues from supplies of goods and services (for the supplier plus his or her associates) total $500,000 or less in the last fiscal year, as well as the previous fiscal quarters of the current fiscal year. Suppliers using the simplified method are not required to show the GST/HST separately from that reporting period's total purchases, but suppliers must still calculate the taxable purchases that are claimed in an ITC. 9. **Obtain the appropriate forms.** If you electronically filed your last GST/HST return, the CRA will mail you an electronic filing information sheet (Form GST34-3: Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax Return for Registrants). If you didn’t file electronically, the CRA will mail you a personalized four-page return (Form GST34-2). The first page of both forms will contain a four-digit access code, printed for electronic filing. If you don’t receive either form, or if you’ve lost yours, you can get one by calling 1-800-959-5525 and requesting a new Form GST34-2. 10. **Consider filing electronically.** Registrants can file online to save time and have access to instant documents. Some registrants are actually required to file electronically, specifically certain types of builders, suppliers with more than $1.5 million in annual taxable supplies, and anyone required to report recaptured input tax credits (RITCs). There are four ways of electronically filing a GST/HST return: GST/HST NETFILE is a free filing service, available online to all registrants across Canada, with the exception of accounts administered by Revenu Quebec. Registrants using NETFILE will use the four-digit access code printed on the registrant's personalized return to file online at GST/HST TELEFILE is a filing service that allows eligible registrants to file their returns on a touch-tone telephone. Registrants using TELEFILE call the toll-free number at 1-800-959-2038, and use the touch-tone telephone to input the necessary GST/HST information. Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the filing of GST/HST returns through a participating financial institution. Registrants using EDI to file for returns will not need an access code. Interested registrants can find out more about EDI through the CRA's website at, or by speaking with a representative at a participating financial institution. GST/HST Internet file transfer (GIFT) allows eligible registrants to file returns using third-party, CRA-certified accounting software. Interested registrants can find out more information about GIFT filings at 11. **Complete the first portion of the working copy section of the return.** Be sure to have your BN available. You’ll also need to provide your company name, the reporting period for the return you’re filing, and the return’s due date. 12. **Enter your total sales and other revenue on Line 101.** Don’t include provincial sales tax, GST or HST. (However, if you’re using the Quick Method of accounting, then you should include the GST or HST.) To determine the amount to include on Line 1, run a profit and loss (P&L) report for the tax period you’re filing for. The figure on the “total income” line of the P&L report is your “sales and other revenue”. Line 101 will be transferred to Part 2. 13. **Begin the calculation of your net tax.** The first part of this section of the return deals with GST/HST you’ve collected. Enter on Line 103 the total of all GST and HST amounts that you collected—or that were collectible by you—in the tax reporting period. On Line 104, enter the total amount of adjustments that need to be added to the net tax for the period. For example, you may not have paid GST/HST on a sales invoice because you couldn’t collect the debt. But now you’ve successfully collected that invoice, so GST/HST is owed. Add Lines 103 and 104, and put that figure on Line 105, which will be transferred to Part 2. 14. **Enter the GST/HST you paid—or that is payable by you—on qualifying expenses.** This relates to any ITC’s for which you are eligible. On Line 106, enter any ITCs for the current period, and any eligible unclaimed ITCs from a previous period. On Line 107, enter the total amount of adjustments that should be deducted in determining the net tax for the reporting period. For example, you may have paid GST/HST for a sale you made, but you weren’t able to collect the money owed to you from that sale. The tax amount you paid should revert back to you. Add Lines 106 and 107, and insert the total on Line 108. This will be transferred to Part 2. 15. **Determine your net tax.** In order to reach this figure, you simply subtract Line 108 from Line 105. The resulting figure should be entered on Line 109. This amount will also be transferred by you to Part 2 of the GST/HST return. 16. **Calculate other credits.** This section relates to additional credits to which you might be entitled. This won’t necessarily apply to every registrant. Enter any installment and other annual filer payments you made for the particular reporting period. Put this figure on Line 110. This amount will be transferred to Part 2. Enter on Line 111 the total amount of any applicable GST/HST rebates. Rebates relate to various items, such as amounts paid in error, or certain exports by a non-resident. (The rebate form will indicate if the amount is eligible to be included on Line 111.) You’ll also have to attach the rebate form to the return. For information on possible rebate programs, check here. Line 111 will also be transferred to Part 2. Add Lines 110 and 111, and place the total on Line 112. Subtract Line 112 from Line 109, and put that figure on Line 113A. 17. **Calculate other debits.** There may be other amounts for which you’re liable for GST/HST. Again, this may not apply to all filers. On Line 205, enter the total amount of the GST/HST due on the purchase of taxable real property. Complete this line only if you bought taxable real property for use or supply primarily (meaning more than 50%) in your commercial activities, and you’re a GST/HST registrant (other than an individual who purchases a residential complex) or you purchased the property from a non-resident. You’ll be transferring this amount to Part 2. Enter on Line 405 the total amount of other GST/HST to be self-assessed by you. Self-assessment is required on all imported taxable supplies that weren’t detected by Canada’s Customs agency (and thus not taxed at the border), and which won’t be fully offset by any ITC’s you may be entitled to. Line 405 will be transferred to Part 2. Add Lines 205 and 405, and put the total on Line 113B. 18. **Compute whether you’re due a refund—or if you owe money.** You calculate this by adding Lines 113A and 113B, and placing the resulting figure on Line 113C. If number is negative, you get a return. If it’s positive, you owe money. If you’re due a refund, put the figure on Line 114 - refund claimed. This will be transferred to Part 2. If you owe money to the CRA, put the figure on Line 115 - payment due. You’ll transfer this amount to Part 2. 19. **Transfer all the applicable figures from Part 1 to Part 2 of the actual return—then file.** GST/HST paper returns can be filed by mail (at the address listed on the return) or—if you’re making a payment—at your financial institution. Note, however, that it’s mandatory for many registrants to file electronically. Check here to see the requirements for electronic filing. Most GST/HST registrants are now eligible to electronically file their GST34 returns—and remit amounts owed—even if it’s not required.
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How to Escape a Minefield
Fields peppered with deadly mines in North Korea, Afghanistan, India, Vietnam, Iraq, and many other places are responsible for thousands of deaths every year. Even mines decades old are as dangerous as when they were first laid, capable of exploding at the slightest pressure. Read on to find out how to safely escape a minefield, and avoid entering one in the first place. 1. **Look for signs that mines are close.** Most mines are hidden, but if you know what to look for you'll have a better chance of avoiding them. Don't let your guard down, even for a moment, if you are in a mined area. Constantly be on the lookout for the following signs: Trip wires. These aren't usually clearly visible, so you've got to look closely at the ground. Wires are usually thin enough to be almost impossible to see. Signs of road repair. This includes paved areas, new fill, road patches, ditches, and so on. This could be a sign that mines were installed nearby. Signs or markers on trees, stakes, or posts. The forces that place the mines may mark the minefields to protect their own soldiers. Dead animals. Cattle and other animals frequently detonate mines. Damaged vehicles. Abandoned cars, trucks or other vehicles may have detonated a mine, and more could be close by. Suspicious objects in trees and bushes. Not all mines are buried, and not all UXO land on the ground. Disturbances in previous tire tracks or tracks that stop inexplicably. Wires leading away from the side of the road. They may be firing wires that are partially buried. Odd features in the ground or patterns that are not present in nature. Plant growth may wilt or change color, rain may wash away some of the cover, the cover may sink or crack around the edges, or the material covering the mines may look like mounds of dirt. Civilians staying away from certain places or out of certain buildings. Locals often know where mines or unexploded ordnance (UXO) are located. Question civilians to determine the exact locations. 2. **Stop immediately.** The moment you realize you may be in danger, freeze. Do not take another step. Take some time to assess your situation and formulate an escape plan. Your movements from now on need to be slow, careful and considered. 3. **Call out a warning to companions.** As soon as you think you are in danger, make sure everyone knows so they can stop moving before someone detonates an explosive. Yell, "freeze!" and tell them to not to move their feet. If you're the leader in this situation, you'll have to coach them on how to leave the field safely; make sure everyone's on the same page, because one wrong move could get everyone killed. 4. **Do not pick anything up.** Many mines are booby-trapped. You think you're picking up a helmet, radio, or military artifact, and lo and behold, there's a mine inside. Even toys and food are used as bait. If you didn't drop it, don't pick it up. 5. **Backtrack your way out of a mined area.** Should you suspect that you have entered a minefield or mined area, either because you see warning signs, you see a mine or potential mine, or because a detonation occurs, remain calm and carefully back out of danger by stepping in your footsteps. If possible, do not turn around. Look behind you as you walk, and slowly place your feet exactly where they were before. Continue until you are sure you are out of danger, such as when you reach a road or other frequently traveled area. 6. **Probe the ground.** If you have to move forward for some reason, or you can't see your tracks to backtrack, you'll need to probe the ground for mines and move forward little by little. Probe the ground very carefully with your hands or feet; you can also use a knife or another object to gently probe the area inch by inch. Probe at an angle, rather than straight down, since mines are usually detonated from top-down pressure. Once you've cleared a small area, move forward and continue probing. It's safest to move through the field very slowly and on your belly, rather than walking through. 7. **Get help if you're in over your head.** If you're not absolutely sure where you stepped before, and you don't feel comfortable probing, don't risk moving. Inches can be the difference between life and death. Call for help or have people nearby do so. If you are alone and can use a cell phone, call for help. Do not use two-way radios unless absolutely necessary. The signal from the radio may cause certain types of mines or UXO to accidentally detonate. If you have no way of reaching anyone, wait. Do not try to "make a run for it" and do not attempt to probe your way out unless you know what you are doing. 8. **Pay attention for signs that a detonation may occur.** When exiting a minefield be alert for signs that a mine may detonate. Listen for unusual noises. You may notice a faint click if a pressure plate has been depressed or a tilt rod has been moved, or, more likely, you may hear the pop of the exploding cap. Pay attention to what you can feel, as well. If you are very alert and proceed slowly you may be able to feel the tension of a trip wire, for example. 9. **Drop to the ground immediately if a detonation has been initiated.** Soldiers call this "hitting the deck." If you notice any of the signs from the last step, or if someone nearby cries out a warning that they have detonated a mine, drop to the ground as quickly as possible. You may have as little as a second before the mine explodes, but if you use that second wisely you may be able to escape serious injury or death. Mines explode upward, and it's safest close to the ground. If possible, fall backward in order to shield your upper body from shrapnel as much as possible. While it's certainly possible to fall onto another mine, the area right behind you is the safest place to fall, because you were just walking there. Do not try to outrun the explosion; projectiles will fly out from the mine at thousands of feet per second, and the casualty radius - the distance from the mine in which you can expect to be injured - can be up to 100 feet or more. 10. **Mark the hazard, and report its location to the proper authorities.** If you find a mine, help make sure that other people avoid it by marking it. Use internationally recognized symbols or signs if possible, or use the customary local warning. Make sure you are in safe territory before attempting to erect a warning. Note the location of the danger, and report it to police, the military, or local de-miners. 11. **Learn about land mines.** Unexploded ordnance (UXO) is a term used to denote any kind of explosive weapons, such as bombs, grenades, and artillery shells, that have been used but have not yet exploded - "duds," in other words - and that retain the potential to detonate. Landmines are sometimes considered a type of UXO, and while mines receive the most media attention, all UXOs are dangerous. In some parts of the world, UXO other than mines present the greatest hazard. 12. **Learn about the history of an area.** Anytime that you are traveling to an unfamiliar area, it's wise to learn about the history of that area to determine if there is a landmine risk. Areas that are experiencing armed conflict are clearly high-risk, but landmines and UXOs remain dangerous long after the cessation of hostilities. In Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, for example, millions of mines and dud bombs remain, and even in Belgium, long combat-free, crews have removed hundreds of tons of UXO, left over from WWI and WWII, in the past few years. 13. **Heed warning signs.** While you can't always count on minefields being marked, you should definitely stay away from those that are. Internationally recognized symbols for minefields include a skull-and-crossbones and a red triangle. Signs are often, but not always, red, and they frequently say "MINES" or "DANGER." Where signs are not present, improvised warnings are often used, such as painted rocks (red usually indicates the boundary of the minefield, and white indicates a safe path through it), piles of stones, flags in the ground, tied grass, or ribbons cordoning off an area. Many minefields have no warning signs, so don't take the lack of a warning sign as an indication that the area is safe. 14. **Inquire locally.** Mine warnings often don't last long. Over time, plants, weather, animals and people dismantle or conceal signs. In some areas, metal signs are a valuable building material, and it's not uncommon to see a mine warning used, for example, to patch a metal roof. What's more, in many places, warnings are never installed. Local people, however, often know the general locations of mines and UXO, so your best bet when traveling in potentially dangerous territory is to ask the locals whether an area is safe, or better yet, get a guide. 15. **Don't stray off established paths.** Except in active combat situations, if people regularly use a path, you can be sure it is not mined. Just off the path, however, danger may be lurking.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Eat Sugar Snap Peas
Sugar snap peas are delicious and easy to prepare. You can eat them raw or cooked, and they go great with a variety of different recipes. Raw sugar snap peas are a convenient snack you can take on the go, while cooked sugar snap peas have a rich flavor that goes well with other dishes. Whichever way you choose to cook sugar snap peas, leave them in their pods so you get their crunchy, sweet flavor. 1. **Use a knife to cut off the tough stem at the end of the pea pod.** Not all sugar snap peas have stems at the end, but if yours do, make sure you cut the stem off before eating them. Place the sugar snap peas on a cutting board and use a knife to carefully cut off the tip of the pea pod that the stem is attached to. 2. **Eat the whole pod.** Unlike with garden peas, the pods on sugar snap peas can be eaten. Don’t worry about removing the round peas inside. The pods on sugar snap peas are crunchy and sweet. 3. **Add raw sugar snap peas to salads.** Raw sugar snap peas can add crunch to your salads and make them more nutritious. Cut the pods into smaller segments with a knife so they’re easier to mix in with your salad, or you can leave them whole. 4. **Pair raw sugar snap peas with dips.** Dip them into hummus, guacamole, and other kinds of dip. Sugar snap peas are a healthier alternative to foods like chips and bread that are usually paired with dips. 5. **Heat 1 tablespoon (14.8 mL) of olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat.** Any kind of olive oil will work. Make sure you use a pan that’s large enough to hold all the sugar snap peas you’ll be sautéing. 6. **Add the sugar snap peas to the pan.** Use a large spoon to carefully scoop the sugar snap peas into the pan so hot oil doesn’t splash up on you. Stir the sugar snap peas with the spoon to coat them in olive oil. 7. **Sprinkle 1 ½ teaspoons (7.4 mL) of salt and ¾ teaspoon of pepper (3.7 mL) over the peas.** Use the spoon to stir in the salt and pepper so the sugar snap peas are evenly coated. 8. **Toss the sugar snap peas in the pan for 3-5 minutes.** Use the spoon to turn them over in the pan and stir them so they’re evenly cooked. You’ll know the sugar snap peas are finished sautéing when they’re tender and crispy. 9. **Turn off the stove top and serve the sugar snap peas.** Pour them from the pan into a large bowl and sprinkle sea salt over them for some extra flavor. Put a serving spoon in the bowl and you’re finished! 10. **Fill a pot with 6 cups of water and bring it to a boil.** Place the pot of water on a burner and turn the burner to the highest setting. Use a pot that’s large enough to hold all the sugar snap peas you want to blanch. 11. **Fill a large bowl with ice and water.** Use about 1-2 ice cube trays worth of ice. After you put the ice in the bowl, fill it up almost to the brim with water. Set the bowl of ice water aside. Do this step while you’re waiting for the pot of water to boil to save yourself time. 12. **Add the snap peas and 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of salt to the boiling water.** Boiling the sugar snap peas will make them less tough, and it will help preserve their color and flavor. Leave the pot uncovered as you boil the sugar snap peas. 13. **Let the sugar snap peas boil for 5 minutes.** Don’t remove them from the boiling water early or they won’t blanch properly. After 5 minutes, the sugar snap peas should be crisp and tender. 14. **Scoop the peas out of the boiling water and put them in the bowl of ice water.** Use a slotted spoon to scoop out the sugar snap peas so the boiling water drains out of it. Once all the sugar snap peas are in the bowl of ice water, turn off the stove top. 15. **Drain the bowl of ice water immediately.** Take the sugar snap peas out of the bowl and place them on a dry paper towel. Grab a second paper towel and pat the sugar snap peas until they're dry. 16. **Use the blanched sugar snap peas in a recipe or store them for later.** Add the sugar snap peas to a salad or stir-fry. They’ll be more tender now that they’re blanched. If you don’t want to use them now, put them in a sealed plastic bag and place them in the refrigerator or freezer. Store the sugar snap peas in the fridge for up to 5 days. Blanched sugar snap peas can stay good in the freezer for up to a year. 17. **Turn on the oven and prepare a baking sheet.** Preheat the oven to 450°F (232°C). While the oven's preheating, spread out the sugar snap peas in an even layer on a baking sheet. Make sure none of the sugar snap peas are overlapping or on top of each other. If you can’t fit all the sugar snap peas on one baking sheet, use a second baking sheet. 18. **Brush olive oil over the sugar snap peas with a basting brush.** Dip the basting brush in a bowl of olive oil so it’s fully saturated. Brush over the surface of the sugar snap peas until they’re all coated with oil. 19. **Season the sugar snap peas to add extra flavor.** Sprinkle salt and pepper over the sugar snap peas. You can also add other seasonings like thyme and garlic powder. Try to evenly coat the sugar snap peas with the seasonings as you're sprinkling them on. 20. **Put the sugar snap peas in the oven for 10 minutes.** After 10 minutes, open the oven door and look at the sugar snap peas. If they’re slightly brown on the edges, they’re finished. If not, leave them in for a few more minutes. 21. **Take the sugar snap peas out of the oven and serve.** Use a spatula to remove the sugar snap peas from the baking sheet and transfer them to a plate. Serve the roasted sugar snap peas as a side or add them to a roasted vegetable medley.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Become a Better Rapper
If you feel as though you have the basics of rapping down and you just need to polish your skills, then this article is for you. Make sure you know the rap basics. Start Rapping, Freestyle Rap, and Do a Breath Control Exercise for Rapping all offer great introductory tips if you’ve never rapped before and don’t know where to start. This article presupposes that you are already familiar with some of the basic rap fundamentals covered in these additional wikiHow articles. 1. **Analyze what other rappers are doing.** Great artists in any field need to have a working knowledge of the legends who laid the groundwork in the field, as well as the contemporaries currently shaping the industry, and rap is no different. Spend time listening closely to everything from Run DMC to Tupac to local artists around you who haven’t made it big. Being a connoisseur alone isn’t enough. Break the lyrics and rhythms of your favorite and least favorite songs down into component parts. Ask yourself what succeeds and what fails in every example. Hold yourself accountable to the same standards you hold other rappers. If you realize that you’re tired of hearing some worn-out rhyme in other songs, then you need to avoid that same pitfall yourself, for instance. 2. **Write everything down.** Think you've got a good idea for a lyric? Write it down where ever you can! Writing down your ideas will help you improve your rap skills since you will have more concepts for raps as well as an ever-expanding vocabulary of lyrics. Poets and other writers regularly keep pocket-size notebooks on them at all times, so they can easily write down great lines before they forget them no matter where they are. If you have a smartphone, plenty of note-taking apps exist as well. Waiting for inspiration to strike before you write will limit your productivity, so try to make yourself write every day. Try giving yourself writing assignments. For instance, you can assign yourself thirty minutes or maybe even one verse to write each day. Enlist the help of friends to ask about your daily progress if you don’t think you will pressure yourself enough to do it on your own. 3. **Look for inspiration in other inherently lyrical art forms.** Rap and hip-hop are essentially poetry with a heightened emphasis on the internal rhythms of the language, so don’t be afraid to look at some modern poetry movements for inspiration. For example, Saul Williams is an American poet and winner of the Nuyorican Grand Slam Champion prize. He has also worked with Nas, Kanye West, and Jay Z. The wide array of structure, meter, and other lyrical devices found in poetry may even influence you to try something new to the rap genre that you never would have considered otherwise. 4. **Work on your message.** Plenty of rappers bring a comedic approach to their music, but the time-tested artists usually have something serious to say beneath the jokes. Try to relate to your listeners and rap about things with meaning. Rap about current events, social issues, or even everyday observations. 5. **Practice voice lessons.** Rappers are musicians whose voices are their instruments. Voice lessons will help you with range, melody, and a variety of other singing aspects. 6. **Rap along to your favorites.** Just as a guitarist might learn how to play Jimi Hendrix songs to practice skills, you should practice rapping along to some of your favorites to improve your flow and timing. Don’t pick easy songs or just one artist. Practice a wide range of songs with variations in tempo, rhyme scheme, and song length to exercise several different skills with regard to your singing. “Alphabet Aerobics” by Blackalicious is a perfect tongue-twisting example to put your flow skills to the test. 7. **Do diction exercises.** In addition to rapping along to other songs, try doing other exercises to increase your precision with diction. This page offers a diverse list of tongue twisters to practice, and they even come arranged by letter if you need to work on a specific sound. 8. **Practice and then practice some more.** Practice rapping every chance you get, whether it is in your bedroom, outside, or in the car. The more you practice, the better your flow and skills will become. Try rehearsing your own raps in several different styles and at different speeds as well. This is both good practice, and you might stumble upon an unexpected flow as well. 9. **Listen to yourself.** Record yourself rapping and play it back to see what you are doing right and wrong. This is also a great way to practice different approaches to the same material since it gives you an easy way to compare them afterward. Previous recordings also give you a way to gauge your progress, which is hard to measure when you work on something every day. 10. **Know when material isn’t working.** Sometimes ideas won’t come to fruition in the way you want. In these scenarios, it’s better to set something aside and come back to it later. This also means knowing when to let go of an idea. Sometimes a project ultimately becomes about salvaging one great line and scrapping the rest, So don’t be afraid to start over. 11. **Freestyle.** Freestyling can greatly help you improve your rap skills. If you can think of a good line on the spot, there's no doubt you can think of a great line in the comfort of your own home. 12. **Get others to help out.** Friends and family can listen to your raps and help you improve. You can also go to other aspiring rappers for tips and help.
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How to Study All Night
Students of any age often have tests, papers, or other assignments that may require staying up all night. Although it is generally a bad idea to pull all-nighters because it can impair your memory and concentration, you may occasionally need to stay awake through the night to study. It can be a challenge to study without any sleep, but if you keep yourself comfortable, stay alert and study efficiently, you can pull an all-nighter with relative ease. 1. **Figure out what you need to study.** Chances are that if you have to stay up all night, it will require that you study specific information. Finding out exactly what material you need to study can help you formulate a plan to effectively get through the night. Check your syllabus and carefully read through the instructions or information on the material you need to know. Read your class notes to see if the teacher or professor made any special announcements you should consider when formulating your plan. Make a list of everything you need to cover. Prioritize information that's most important for your exam or assignment and put it at the top of your list. Consider adding less-relevant topics towards the bottom of your list to cover later in the night. 2. **Gather the necessary materials.** Lecture notes and course readings are an integral part of any class. Having these materials at your fingertips can help you keep your work flow going and, in turn, study more efficiently throughout the night. Ensure you have your notes, books, as well as extra pens and paper to take notes with. This will keep you from getting up unnecessarily and disrupting your focus. It would be a good idea to have your laptop or tablet handy as well as some snacks and beverages. 3. **Set a schedule to help you stay focused and on task throughout the night.** Dedicate the most time to the most important material you need to study. This can include material that you don't know as well. Place the important stuff earlier in your study session or after breaks. Be as specific as possible. For example, you could write: 8:00pm to 9:00pm: read pages 60-100 of history textbook 9:00 to 9:15pm: break 9:15 to 10:15pm: read pages covering primary documents 4-10 in history sourcebook 10:15 to 10:30pm: break 4. **Use your best study methods.** Every person has a different style of learning. Knowing how you study best can help you tackle getting through the night in the most effective way. It may also help you retain information better. Think about past all-nighter or the conditions under which you’ve studied most easily. What methods or techniques did you use? For example, if you work best in complete silence, study at home or in a library. If you need a little noise, try an all-night café. 5. **Take notes as you study.** Having a notebook and pen handy can help you retain information as you study through the night. It’s important to take your notes by hand, though, because you’ll learn and understand the material much more effectively than if you type them into a computer. Keeping notes may also help you stay awake and alert throughout the evening. Write only the most important points or keep a list of keywords or headings with a short 3-6 word explanation. Review your notes the next day before the exam or when your assignment is due. 6. **Pace yourself through the night.** It’s important to work methodically and stick to your schedule as much as possible through the night. This will ensure that you get through the material you need to cover without getting too tired. Review your schedule before you start to remind yourself what you need to accomplish. Break down each assignment into manageable sections. For example, if you have to read 40 pages in an hour before a break, aim to read 10 pages every 15 minutes. Your pace might require tweaking throughout the night, but sticking to a basic and manageable formula may help you get through the material. 7. **Study with a group of people.** If there are several people studying the same material, consider asking some to make a study group. Having a group that does work together or exchanges ideas may help you stay awake and alert and get through required material in a more effective way. Every person has different learning styles and strengths. Someone else may have studied or understood the material you don't understand. Split the workload between each other, and then present afterwards. Ask each other questions after each presentation is complete. Stick to a strict schedule so that your study group doesn't accidentally turn into a social group. 8. **Stop studying after about 8-10 hours of studying.** By this point, you’re likely to be very tired and may be stressed and confused by your work. Set aside your study materials and allow yourself to get a few hours sleep if you can. Remember: even a 90-minute nap can help you refresh and refocus for the day. 9. **Turn up the lights.** Bright white light stimulates your body to stay awake. Making sure there is enough bright light in the place you chose to study all night can keep you from getting drowsy and may help you concentrate better on the material you need to cover. Find a place with a bright white light source. If you are studying at home, consider switching out your normal light bulb for higher watt, clear option. Consider getting a mini-light or lamp. This may provide further stimulation to your brain to keep you awake and alert. 10. **Avoid distractions.** If you’re up all hours studying, it can be tempting to keep your devices and chat messengers open for stimulation. This can distract from your study session and ultimately harm your performance on the test or assignment. If possible, turn off your phone or tablet. If not, turn the sound off so that you’re not tempted to check it every time it sends you an alert. Let your friends and family know that you need to study and they shouldn't contact you during the evening unless it’s an emergency. 11. **Chew gum or suck on a mint.** Having something to occupy your mouth may help you get through the night. Mint gum or candies can also improve your mood and increase alertness. Chewing any kind of gum will help you stay alert. Consider keeping a small vial of peppermint oil close by to smell. Its scent can stimulate your brain and help you memorize more information. 12. **Draw or doodle.** If you find your ability to concentrate waning, try drawing or doodling on a spare sheet of paper. Doing something creative like doodling, drawing, or even rolling a piece of clay may make you more alert and relaxed. Doodle or draw for no more than 10 minutes. This may soothe you and help you focus better. If you don't like to draw or doodle, do something else. Consider rolling something in your hand or gripping a stress ball while you’re reading. 13. **Have a snack.** Studying all night can require a lot of energy. Eating a snack every couple of hours can help you stay alert and give you a chance to relax. Eat something light with protein like a piece of cheese, fresh fruit, a granola bar, or some pretzels. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is also a good option. Make sure to have a cup or bottle of water with your snack to stay hydrated. 14. **Give yourself short breaks.** If you are concentrating on material and information diligently, you’re likely to get tired and lose focus. After 60-90 minutes of studying, give yourself a 10-15 minute break to refresh and refocus. Go for a short walk, pace the room, or do some light yoga or stretching. Any activity will circulate your blood, oxygenate your brain, relax your body, and help you get back into the flow of work. Take the opportunity to use the bathroom if necessary. Avoid pushing through the 60-90 minute time frame without a break. This could make you more tired, affect your mood, and even less efficient at learning. 15. **Bank sleep.** You may know in advance of an upcoming assignment or test that may require you to stay up all night. Anticipating this by slightly changing your sleep patterns may make it easier to stay awake all night when the time arrives. Remember to not bank sleep too often because it can backfire and hurt your stamina and ability to effectively study. Go to bed earlier or wake up later in the days before you know you’re going to have to study all night. Just an extra hour or two can help you stay up all night. This extra time can cue your body to the all-nighter as well as give you some extra hours of sleep reserve on which to draw when the night comes. 16. **Take a nap.** If you didn’t anticipate having to study all night, you can take a “prophylactic nap” to help get yourself through the evening. This can not only help you push through the night, but may also boost your memory, creativity, mood, alertness, and cognitive performance. Sleep for 90 minutes between 1 and 3 pm for optimal performance. If you decide to nap at night, do so between 1 and 3 am. A 90-minute nap can be as effective as napping for 3 hours. Be aware that the effects of napping last only 8-10 hours. You might want to consider taking a brief nap just before you begin studying to get you through the night. 17. **Eat light and stay away from heavy meals or sugary snacks.** Heavy foods divert blood away from your brain to aid in digestion. Instead, consider lighter choices such as soup and a salad with a protein like chicken. Also, take care to avoid foods with too much sugar, which may decrease your alertness and negatively affect your mood. Light, protein-rich foods can increase your energy to get through the night without weighing you down. If you're feeling low on energy, skip the candy and go for a 10-minute walk instead. This can give you more energy, relax you and improve alertness. 18. **Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.** Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, and dizziness, all of which can decrease alertness. Keep this at bay by drinking least 8 ounces of water every hour throughout the day and nighter. Feel free to drink coffee or tea, but be aware that it may not help you stay awake longer or be more alert. In fact, if you’ve been drinking a lot of caffeine or even energy drinks, they may make you jittery and unable to effectively study. Avoid alcohol in the days and hours before an all night study session. This can make you drowsy and unable to concentrate. 19. **Wear comfortable clothing.** Not being comfortable can make an all night study session drag on and feel like torture. Choose comfortable articles of clothing that allow you to move and won’t get tighter over the course of the night. Choose pants and tops that are not form fitting. For example, a pair of skinny jeans instead of sweats or yoga pants could make your legs fall asleep. Wear layers if you're studying in a cool area. This way, you can remove extra layers if you get too warm without having to go and change completely. Wear comfortable shoes. If you’re sitting for a long period of time, your feet might swell. Try wearing slippers, running shoes, or flat shoes. 20. **Sit with proper posture.** Sitting up straight can keep you alert and help you avoid tension in your neck and shoulders. Maintaining proper posture throughout the night may help you study more effectively and get through the night more easily. Choose a chair with a back as opposed to a stool. This will help you sit properly and stay alert. Keeping your feet on the floor will help you sit in a proper position. Keep your head and neck in a neutral, straight position. Pull in your abs, straighten your back, and push back your shoulders. This will help you get enough oxygen to keep you awake and alert. Don't slouch, as this may make you drowsy. 21. **Stretch your legs.** Every hour, get up or do small stretching movements with your legs. This can not only give you a much needed mini-break, but also help you stay alert by circulating blood throughout your body. Try different movements and stretches such as pushing your legs forward, pushing and pulling your toes towards and away from you, and doing ankle and wrist circles. Consider getting up to stretch if it doesn’t interrupt or bother anyone in your general vicinity.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Xeriscape
Xeriscaping is a form of gardening that focuses on plants and gardening practices that can be maintained with low water levels. The term was coined by the Denver Water Department in 1978, from the Greek word for "dry," and xeriscaping has been promoted increasingly since then wherever water is a limited resource. While it has a reputation for "cacti and rocks" among gardeners who have not tried it, xeriscaping can create varied and beautiful environments. 1. **Diagram your yard.** Draw a map of your yard, measuring and labeling the distances between buildings, fences, large trees, and other permanent structures. You may label some tentative areas as open space areas, flowerbeds, or other designations, but you'll be able to plan this better once you've collected some data. It is a great idea to draw your yard. Use some graph paper for the best results and most accurate layout. 2. **Make a sun chart.** Xeriscaping is all about matching the plants to the existing environment, and part of that is finding out how much sun different areas of your garden receive. Every few hours, record where the sun is shining on your map. Keep in mind that the site's exposure to sunlight will also vary at different times of the year. A perennial plant used to the equatorial tropics is not a great choice for an area with cold, dark winters. One way to mark this on your map is to draw dotted lines around the area receiving sun, and label the area inside them with the time of day. At the end of the day, write in approximately how many hours of sunlight each area received, based on the dotted lines. Note any shaded areas that may happen as the sun moves throughout the day, such as areas under and around trees, awnings, buildings etc. 3. **Analyze and adjust your soil** Your local agricultural government office, or your local cooperative extension in the US, can analyze your soil for you if you send in sample. This will give you plentiful information which you can use when selecting plants, or when adding soil additions to your garden. Each plant has a preferred range of pH levels, soil types, and nutrient levels which may be included on the label or available through an online search. If you want to increase the nutrients or water retention in your soil, mix in 1–2 inches of compost or other rotted organic matter six inches deep. If a soil analysis is not feasible, consider using plants native to your area only, which often do not require soil adjustments. 4. **Know your climate.** Look up your area's Hardiness Zone on the USDA website by searching for you area, or by referring to the chart defining zones by minimum annual temperatures. Search online for your region's annual rainfall as well. Focus on plants with a hardiness rating and preferred rainfall levels suitable for your area, so your garden will thrive without expending extra effort and resources. If annual rainfall is concentrated in a short "monsoon" period, you may need plants that can withstand a wide range of water levels, or plant annual plants that thrive either in the monsoon season or the dry season. 5. **Select "layers" of plants by drought resistance.** Obtain a list of plants appropriate for your region using USDA guidelines, a regional gardening book, or the example section below. Focus on native plants if possible, and match their requirements to your garden conditions. As described in more detail below, your xeriscaped garden will be planted in "layers" surrounding each focal point or "oasis" with high visibility and good water retention, such a tree or house. The basic plan involves: Oases with bright, eye-catching species that are well-suited to local conditions. A transition area around each oasis, with plants with lower water requirements. Arid zones with low water retention or low visibility, where more drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants are kept. 6. **Designate your oasis zones.** These areas will receive the most water and attention, so you can select plants that require more frequent watering. Maximize the use of this water by choosing highly visible areas and large, attractive plants. Seek out the following characteristics if possible to make the best use of existing water conditions: Areas close to large structures, fences, or trees that help retain water, especially structures without much direct sun. Areas at the base of slopes or roofs with rain runoff, or next to ditches and ponds. Areas that experience less direct sunlight, so less water evaporates. 7. **Arrange plants within your oasis.** Some sides of the oasis, especially if it is near a structure, may get a lot more sunlight than others. Since some plants can take more sun and heat than others, plant the more sun-friendly, drought-tolerant plants where most of the afternoon sun will be located. Depending on water levels in the area, you may want to plan out additional water retention steps: Consider growing plants within containers to maximize water retention, especially if there is not much water runoff in your garden. Build a retaining wall if the existing structures are not large enough to retain water. 8. **Plant lawns wisely.** If you want an area of turf for kids, animals, or sports players, plan it out carefully so you only plant in areas where it will be used. Lawns require significant amounts of water, so try to place it near oases or other water sources. It can also play a valuable role in preventing erosion on hillsides. Fescues, blue grama grass, and buffalo grass use less water than most other turfs. 9. **Fill out the transition zones.** Surround the oasis zones or lawn areas with plants that fall in the middle of the spectrum in terms of water, sunlight needs, and visibility. One way to do this is to create a "cascade" effect from the oasis plants (tall and bright) to the transition zone (a little shorter, catching attention by texture rather than color, such as shrubs, bushes, or ornamental grass clumps) to the arid zone (low-lying, subtle and very drought-resistant). If there is a retaining wall, however, a transition zone may not be necessary. Ultimately, see what looks best to you. 10. **Plant arid zones.** These areas are exposed to many hours of sunlight, have dry soil, or are located in out-of-the-way areas where few people see them. The lowest maintenance plants will go here. These are often native plants and/or drought-resistant plants that require little watering, if any. There are several approaches here, and you may decide to use both in your yard: You may plant larger arid zone plants include cacti, succulents, and drought-resistant shrubs. This is most common in desert areas, where water is so scarce that the oases may not add enough color or variety by themselves. You may plant low lawn substitutes instead to cover a large area with a low-water "carpet" of plants. This can include native prairie, a clover lawn, or clumps of ornamental grass surrounded by mulch. For expansive arid areas, you might make an exception and plant a taller or brighter focal point, such as a raised flowerbed or tree. A decorative structure such as a statue or wheelbarrow filled with a clump of flowers can enhance the aesthetics while requiring less watering than other options. 11. **Mulch** Choose an appropriate mulch to help reduce erosion and suppress weeds. Organic, wood-based mulch will also retain moisture. As it decomposes, it will improve the soil over time, but it needs to be replaced regularly. A stone or gravel mulch, on the other hand, does not need to be replaced, but can retain a good deal of heat in sunny areas, which can damage delicate plants. Whichever mulch you choose, apply it to a thickness of 2-4 inches (5–10 centimeters) around shrubs, trees, and flower beds. Do not put it in direct contact with plant stems. Avoid plastic mulch and other mulch that does not allow water and air to pass through. 12. **Consider irrigation.** Develop a water thrifty drip irrigation system if necessary to minimize evaporation and run-off. If using a sprinkler system instead, use low volume emitters, preferably with a rain sensor that automatically switches the sprinkler off on rainy days 13. **Time your watering.** If you're watering by hand or using a timed watering system, water deeply and infrequently to encourage the development of deep roots that can make use of water in the soil. Always water between 6pm and 10am, to minimize loss from evaporation. 14. **Fertilize sparingly.** Slow-release fertilizers are less effort for the gardener, and reduce the chance of over-fertilization. If you apply fertilizer in too large a quantity, you might be encouraging tall, straggly growth that root development cannot keep up with, making the plant more resource-intensive. Use organic composts and topdressing mulches as well. 15. **Handle your garden's upkeep.** Regular maintenance is a core value of xeriscaping plans. Check on your garden often, and you'll be able to address problems before they get out of hand. Here are some basic tips to keep your garden attractive and maximize its water use: Remove weeds by hand before they get established. Reduce water and fertilizer if your plants have weak, straggly growth. When mowing your lawn, remove no more than 1/3 of the grass height, and use a sharp mower blade.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make a Rocket With a Paper Towel Tube
Paper towel tubes can be turned into all sorts of crafty objects, from rain sticks to kaleidoscopes. Rockets are another popular item that you make from an empty paper towel tube. With a little bit of time, some glue, and colored paper you can have a rocket ship that you can be proud of! If you add some string to the cone, you can even hang it from a hook on your ceiling. 1. **Get an empty paper towel tube and pull off any paper towel stuck to it.** If you want a smaller rocket, you can trim length off of the paper towel tube with a pair of scissors. Alternatively, use an empty toilet paper tube to construct a shorter mini rocket. 2. **Cut a sheet of paper to cover the paper towel tube with.** The paper needs to be the same height as the tube, and wide enough to wrap around it with a ½-inch (1.27-centimeter) overlap. You can use any color you want, but white is the most traditional. 3. **Wrap the paper around the roll, then secure the edge.** Glue or tape the edge of the paper to the tube first. Next, wrap the paper around the tube. Tape or glue down the other end as well. Double-sided tape will work better here than regular tape. Make sure that the tube is centered on the paper and there are no bits sticking out. 4. **Cut three 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) slits into the base of the tube.** You will be using these slits to add the fins later on. Make sure that the slits are the same distance apart. 5. **Add some windows.** You will need a set of three windows running down the side of the rocket in a straight line. The windows can be circles, ovals, or rounded squares/rectangles. Yellow, black, or blue windows will work the best. Here are some ideas on how to make them: Draw the windows on with markers, then color them in. Paint the windows on with acrylic, tempera, or poster paint. Cut the windows out of paper, then glue them onto the rocket. Have an adult cut holes into the rocket with a craft blade. These windows won't be colored. 6. **Decorate the rocket further, if desired.** You can leave the body of your rocket as-is, or you can decorate it further with stickers, glitter glue, etc. Be careful not to decorate over the slits, however! Here are some ideas to get you started: Write NASA on the side. You can use markers, paint, or letter stickers. Draw the NASA symbol on the side. You can also print it out, cut it, then glue it on. Decorate the rocket with glitter glue. Draw some stars, moons, zigzags, and spirals. Decorate the rocket with space-theme stickers. Use stars, moons, planets, and aliens! 7. **Trace a circle onto a sheet of cardstock or construction paper.** Use a small drinking glass or a compass to make the circle. If you are using a standard paper towel tube, a 4-inch (10.16-centimeter) circle ill be just the right size. You can make the cone any color you want, but red or orange are the most popular colors. 8. **Cut the circle out, then cut a slit into the middle.** If you are having troubles figuring out here to cut the slit, use a ruler and a pencil to draw an X across the circle. Cut along one of the X's arms towards the middle. 9. **Roll the circle into a cone shape, then secure it.** Overlap the two edges of the slit until the circle turns into a cone. It needs to be big enough to sit on top of the tube without falling through. Tape or glue the cone together. A glue stick or double-sided tape will work the best here. Don't use hot glue; it is too bulky for this step. 10. **Hot glue the cone to the top of the toilet paper roll.** Draw a ring of hot glue along the rim of the paper towel tube. Place the cone on top and press it into the glue. Work quickly; hot glue sets up fast. You can use regular tacky glue, but you'll have to wait for it to dry. Make sure that you are gluing the cone to the end that does not have the slits. 11. **Cut three triangles out of paper.** Draw and cut a triangle out of a sheet of cardstock or construction paper. Use this triangle to trace two more triangles. Cut those out too. Make the triangles 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) tall and 2 inches (5.08 centimeters) wide. You can make the triangles any color you want, but yellow is the most traditional. Red or orange would also work, however. 12. **Fold the triangles in half lengthwise to make a crease.** Run your fingernail across the folded edge to make a sharp crease, then unfold the triangles. This will allow you to insert the triangles into the base of the rocket. 13. **Insert the triangles into the slits.** Slide a triangle into a slit on the bottom of your rocket. Make sure that the folded part is inside the slit, so that half of the triangle is sticking out, and the other half is inside the rocket. Do this for the other triangles too. 14. **Glue or take down the triangles inside the rocket.** If you were to look inside your rocket, you'd notice little flaps created by the fins. Tape or glue these flaps against the inside of the rocket. 15. **Add some tissue paper or cellophane flames to the bottom of the rocket, if desired.** Cut squares out of red, orange, and yellow tissue paper or tissue paper. Stack them together, then place them over the bottom of the rocket. Use your finger to push the stack into the rocket partway. The tissue paper/cellophane will flare out like flames. If the flames keep falling out, draw a line of hot glue around the inside rim of the rocket, then push the flames against it. 16. **Finished.**
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Use Drunken Fist
Zui Quan or Drunken Fist is a Kung Fu style found mostly in China. Despite the humorous name, this fighting style has deliberate moves and resemble the actions of an over indulger. The following will show how to use this style. 1. **Make a fist and hold it up like you were holding a cup with one hand.** Extend your index finger into a hook shape, and position your thumb so that your index and thumb make a "C" 2. **Use a technique called Coiling, which makes your body loose and you need to use POI (Point of Impact), which means you are relaxed and stumbling, but at the moment you strike, you tense up and rocket your body forward using the strength from your feet through the body to the part of your body striking the opponent.** A good way to do this is to imagine a spring in your body, a spring is very flexible but maintains its shape, a spring often wobbles/bounces round. Put these kind of movements in to your body and you will find it easier to understand. 3. **Another technique you should learn is called Staggering.** This will confuse the enemy and leave you an opening to strike. You can also use this for gathering momentum in your hits. 4. **Do not attack with rhythm; Attack at unusual times such as when you are falling back, staggering to the side, etc.** 5. **If you know how to use any of the Drunken God Styles then that will be of use.** Some of the gods to use are, Drunken God with internal strength, The drunkard with the sudden waist attack, the Drunken God with the powerful throat lock, Drunken God with the double kicks, Drunken God holding large keg, Drunken God with long flute, and Drunken Goddess Mrs. Ho "flaunting her body". All these techniques are effective in their own way and it always matters upon the situation. 6. **Drunken God with internal strength uses a lot of "coiling" which makes your opponent confused.** Using this style inquires you to stumble a lot. Remember, while using this style, you must have one leg tense, (not all the time). Combining the coiling, stumbling, and the use of the tense leg, you can develop many great openings, which gives a right moment to strike. 7. **Drunken God with the sudden waist attack involves incredible stamina.** Why? Because there's never a moment when you rest. While using this style, you must always be aware of what you're hitting, where you're hitting, and hitting your opponent frequently. This drunkard style always hits his opponent in a small circle in front of the user. This style is considered very popular, since it involves using a lot of movement, a lot of hitting, and a lot of circular attacks. It is very effective, but also very tiring. So this style could be considered, as one of your last options. 8. **Drunkard with the powerful throat lock is very deadly.** Just by it's name, it represents using throat locks. While using this style, you must have very powerful wrists and fingers. This style is very powerful, and great for defense, However, this style involves doing forward flips with your hands behind you (on your back) and flipping forward, but without jumping (like a slinky). Using this style inquires a lot of finger use. Therefore, your fingers must be incredibly strong. 9. **Drunken God with the double kicks is a great style for keeping your opponent at a distance.** Like it's name, using double kicks keeps your opponent confused, (if he moves back) and if he doesn't move back, then it basically damages your opponent. This drunkard style has many Ariel kicks involved, so in order to make good use of this style, you must have strong legs, and a great base. Which means a neutral stance before attacking. It also inquires of extensive use of flexibility and balance. Balance is very important while using this style. If you lack balance, strong legs and a strong base, than this style will be hard for you. 10. **Drunken God with crippled leg uses the legs the most and only uses one leg at a time(one leg always being straight).** With this style it is important to use this as a last resort since this has many openings. 11. **Drunken God holding large keg is a very effective style as it uses large fast circular movements to attack.** This is one of the most effective styles in Drunken Fist styles. It is important to keep your arms in a circle in front of you during this. 12. **Drunken God with long flute is a common favorite because it is the style with the strongest wrist.** Its attacks are the most powerful and use the most stumbling. 13. **Drunken Goddess Mrs.** Ho is unusual and awkward feeling to the user and the target alike which makes it deadly. The moves may seem feminine, but they are very powerful since they use moves that resemble a woman fighting. Since people are often confused or think less of this style, it is more effective. 14. **Also there are other family styles of drunken fist.** One such style is Ba Ying Quan (Eight Shadow Fist) this style uses a different system but has similarities to the drunken god forms.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Measure Commercial Square Footage
Calculating the square footage of commercial space is a complicated process that requires relentless attention to detail. Renters must consider an array of factors when deciding whether to enter a lease arrangement, including overall square footage of the building and regional standards. Tenants who fail to grasp important concepts are sometimes surprised by hidden costs and useable spaces that are smaller than they had envisioned. 1. **Compare measurement techniques.** Landlords may use several different measurement techniques to assess the square footage of a space. These methods include: Useable square footage, or USF: This is the space the tenant actually occupies. Rental agents often quote this figure to prospective renters, but it represents only part of the lease arrangement. Rentable square footage, or RSF: This is the combination of the useable square footage and a percentage of the common-area square footage of the building. Common areas, which are parts of a building all tenants benefit from, include the lobby, elevators, hallways and stairwells. Gross square footage, or GSF: The entire rentable square footage of a building. 2. **Decide what method of calculating commercial space is best for you.** The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) simplified industry standards for measuring rentable space in commercial buildings in 2010. The BOMA's 2 leading methods are Method B and Legacy Method A. Method B: The new Single Load Factor Method calculates the rentable space for each tenant using a uniform approach in measuring floor area. It is the same for all floor levels of a building. Legacy Method A: The 1996 standard uses separate unit prices for the USF and common square footage. In some cases, it may be beneficial for tenants to opt for this approach. 3. **Choose a measurement method based on the property type.** Typically, the measurement technique used will depend on the intended usage of the property and the planned number of tenants. Office buildings, shopping centers, and other multi-tenant buildings will typically be measured using RSF. Single-tenant buildings like warehouses or production facilities are measured using GSF. However, landlords may not be required to use a specific method to measure a space. 4. **Consider regional leasing standards.** Federal law allows landlords to measure rentable space using any method they desire. However, certain parts of the country may have different rules for calculating square footage. Two notable examples are: The Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) allows building owners to maximize profits by letting them bring RSF as close as possible to GSF. Tropical areas: New rules account for enclosed and open areas of commercial buildings in areas normally affected by specific weather conditions. 5. **Take nothing for granted.** Measure the useable space yourself. A miscalculation in determining square footage can cost you thousands of dollars over the duration of the lease. Typical measurement standards allow for a 2 percent error tolerance when measuring commercial space. However, this can translate to a lot of money, especially in large or expensive spaces. Make sure to measure the area as carefully as possible, especially if you are the tenant that might be negatively affected by these miscalculations. 6. **Measure simple square footage.** To measure commercial square footage for a rectangular space, multiply the length of the room in feet by its width. For example, a room that is 12 feet long by 12 feet wide is 144 square feet. For L-shaped or divided spaces, you can measure rectangles of space independently and then sum the areas to get a total area measurement. Measurements may be taken using a tape measure or laser measuring device. 7. **Account for unusual shapes.** Take care when measuring irregularly-shaped sections of a room. To conduct your measurement, try splitting the room into shapes with easy-to-calculate areas, such as rectangles and triangles. The area of a right triangle can be found by multiplying the lengths of the two non-diagonal sides (those two joined by the right angle) and then dividing the product by 2. For example, if there is a room with a diagonal wall running through it, you must use a more-complicated formula to determine the area's square footage. If the length of the space with the diagonal wall was 10 feet and its width was 8 feet, the square footage of the area would be 40 feet. That is because the wall cuts the total square footage, which would have been 80 if the room had no wall intersecting it, in half. 8. **Measure common areas.** Common areas should be measured so that rentable square feet can be calculated. Common area square footage is measured using the same methods as usable square footage unless otherwise provided for in local laws. Common areas might include elevators, bathrooms, lobbies, stairwells, and hallways. Importantly, common areas must be available to all tenants to use or benefit from. Make sure to measure the total square footage of all common areas in the building. 9. **Finding gross square footage.** Gross square footage measures the total area of the space, including the thickness of exterior walls. To measure this area, you will need to measure wall length from the outside of the building and use those dimensions to calculate square footage. GSF is not reduced for obstructions such as ventilation shafts, support beams, or elevator shafts. GSF does not include open areas such as parking lots, pools, or unexcavated basement areas. 10. **Calculate load factor for the building.** The load factor represents the additional percentage of square footage added to usable square footage to calculate rentable square footage. To calculate load factor, start by finding the total usable and rentable square footages of the building in questions. Remember that the usable square footage is the area that can be rented to tenants and the rentable square footage is that area plus common areas. Then, divide RSF by USF to get the load factor. For example, if a building has 80,000 square feet of usable space and an additional 20,000 square feet of common areas, the rentable square footage would be 100,000. Then, the load factor would be calculated as 100,000 / 80,000 = 1.25. 11. **Finding rentable square footage for a property.** The rentable square footage for a property can be calculated using the building's load factor and USF of the property. The load factor is multiplied by the USF to get the RSF. You can then use the RSF and price per square foot to figure out the monthly rent. Continuing with the previous example, imagine that the property is divided in half between two commercial spaces. So, each one has 40,000 square feet of usable space. To find RSF, multiply this amount by the load factor, which is 1.25. This means that the RSF in this case would be 40,000 x 1.25 = 50,000. 12. **Weigh the differences in commercial properties.** Unit prices can vary widely based on the location and class of the building. The rent on a 500 square foot (46.5 square m) office downtown might run higher than the rent on a 1,000 square foot space (92.9 square m) only 10 blocks away. Buildings fall into 1 of 3 standard classifications. Class A: These are the most prestigious buildings in the most-exclusive sections of a city. Class A buildings command higher rents than average. Class B: This is the broadest classification. Most of these buildings have fair to good finishes. Class C: Units in this class are highly functional but offer few amenities. Rents are generally low. 13. **Calculate total rent for a property based on square footage.** Rents are typically based on a space's RSF or GSF. Once you have this data, you can use the market price per square foot to determine a rent price for the property. Continuing with the example above, if rent were $1.50 per square foot of RSF per month, the rent would be $1.50 x 50,000 = $75,000.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Clean a Pumpkin
Pumpkins can be used in a variety of recipes. If you're cooking with pumpkin, you will need to clean your pumpkin first. You also may want to clean out the inside of a pumpkin for carving. Cleaning a pumpkin is fairly easy with a little patience and the right tools. Make sure to be safe. You do not want to end up getting injured while carving a pumpkin. 1. **Inspect the pumpkin for any rotten parts.** You should do this before purchasing a pumpkin in the store, and again when you get home. You want to buy a pumpkin that is the same color and texture throughout. Darker, mushier portions of the pumpkin indicate rotting. If you notice some parts of the pumpkin have rotted after bringing it home, cut these parts off with a knife before cooking the pumpkin. 2. **Scrub the outside of the pumpkin with a vegetable brush.** If you don't have a vegetable brush, a rough, clean cloth should work. This will help loosen up any dirt and debris, allowing you to easily rinse off any contaminants. You do not need to use water here. You will rinse the pumpkin off later. Pumpkins can be very big, so this takes some patience. Make sure to scrub down the entire surface of the pumpkin. Make sure not to scrub too hard. You don't want to end up scraping off the skin of the pumpkin. 3. **Rinse the pumpkin under water to remove any dirt.** You can just use tap water here. Simply run the pumpkin under the faucet in your sink. Make sure to turn the pumpkin as needed to rinse off all sides. If you see any dirt or debris sticking onto the pumpkin, gently rub it off using your fingers or a clean cloth. 4. **Cut the pumpkin in half.** Once you've cleaned the surface of the pumpkin, you slice the pumpkin in half. Slice the pumpkin down the middle using a sharp knife that slices evenly. Be sure to go slow and keep your fingers away from the blade to avoid accidentally harming yourself. 5. **Remove the seeds.** A serrated spoon, such as a grapefruit spoon, works great to remove pumpkin seeds. You can also use an ice cream scoop. Scrape the spoon along the inside of each half of the pumpkin. Remove all the seeds from inside. Once you have removed the seeds, your pumpkin is ready to cook. When carving a pumpkin, you need to make sure the inside walls are very smooth. This is not necessary when cleaning out a pumpkin to cook. Do not worry too much if the sides are uneven or a little mushy. Just make sure to get out all the seeds. 6. **Inspect and rinse your pumpkin.** Even if you're not eating a pumpkin, you should inspect and clean it before carving. You want your pumpkin to be clean before you handle it for carving. Remove any mushy or moldy spots on the pumpkin with a knife. Rub the pumpkin down with a vegetable brush or a clean, rough cloth. Then, run the pumpkin under water to remove any dirt. 7. **Let your pumpkin reach room temperature.** If you brought your pumpkin from outside, it may be a little cold. Let the pumpkin sit until it's around room temperature. You can use your hand to gauge whether the temperature of the pumpkin matches the temperature of the room. Pumpkins are easiest to carve at room temperature. 8. **Carve a hole out of the pumpkin.** It's actually easier, and safer, to carve a hole at the bottom of the pumpkin to start, but carving the top is the traditional method. Using the bottom way, you can smooth out the bottom of the pumpkin's inside where you will later set down your candle. This reduces the risk of the candle toppling over, which could cause a fire. Turn the pumpkin sideways and use a knife to trace a large hole at the bottom of the pumpkin. Your opening should be big enough that you can easily reach inside the pumpkin. Take a small knife and gently cut around the hole, and then use your knife to pry out the bottom. Take your knife and use it to level out the bottom of the pumpkin. Cut off the excess seeds and strings from the bottom of the pumpkin, striving to cut a neat line. You're trying to create a level surface on which you will place a candle. 9. **Dig the seeds out with a spoon or your hands.** You can now reach into the pumpkin and dig out the seeds. A spoon, particularly a serrated spoon, works best here. If you're using a pumpkin carving kit, you may have received a serrated spoon with the kit. You can also use an ice cream scoop. Some people prefer to use their fingers to dig out the seeds. Dig out all the seeds using your hands or a spoon. Make sure there are no seeds left in the pumpkin when you're done. If you're saving the seeds to roast later, make sure to set them in a safe place. 10. **Smooth the inside wall.** Use a clay modeling tool, which typically comes with a pumpkin carving kit, to smooth out the inner walls. You can also buy a clay modeling tool at a craft store if you don't have one. Run the tool along the walls of the pumpkin, removing strings and making the walls smoother overall. After the walls are smoothed out, there will be a lot of strings and goo stuck on the side of the pumpkin. Remove these with a spoon. 11. **Put the bottom back in place and cut out a hole in the top.** Once you've cleaned out the pumpkin, place the bottom back in place. You should be able to simply press it back into place using your hands. You can then cut another, similar sized hole on the top, near the stem. Your pumpkin is now ready to carve for Halloween. 12. **Make sure your work area is safe.** When you're working with knives, take care. Make sure your work environment is safe so you avoid injury. Work in a well lit area. You need good lighting to see what you're doing and avoid accidentally cutting yourself. The surface you're working on should be dry. You should also make sure all your carving tools are dry. 13. **Cut into the pumpkin slowly.** There is no rush to prepare a pumpkin to cook or carve. Cutting too quickly can easily lead to slip ups and injuries. Have patience when carving a pumpkin and always opt to go slowly. You do not want to get injured while rushing through the carving process. 14. **Address injuries quickly.** Even when taking proper precautions, injuries do occur. If you are injured while cutting a pumpkin, act fast to prevent complications. Use a clean cloth or rag to apply pressure to the injured area. Usually, a cut will stop bleeding in 5 to 10 minutes. If your cut does not stop bleeding, or if you notice signs like numbness, see a doctor right away. You may need stitches or other medical treatments.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get Rid of a Sore Throat Fast and Naturally
A sore throat is a scratchy pain in the back of your throat that can make it difficult to swallow or speak. Your sore throat could have a variety of causes, including dehydration, allergies, and muscle strain. However, the most common causes of sore throats are viral and bacterial infections like the flu or strep throat. Sore throats usually resolve naturally in a couple of days, but you can take steps to speed up the process. However, visit your doctor if your symptoms persist, you have signs of infection, or you’re having trouble breathing or swallowing. 1. **Use a humidifier.** Dry air will only make your sore throat worse with every breath you take. To help keep your throat moisturized and soothed, try to raise the moisture levels in the air. This is especially important if you live in a dry environment. Clean your humidifier every week to prevent bacteria or mold from growing in it. If your throat feels particularly scratchy, try taking a hot shower and spending time in the steamy bathroom. 2. **Gargle with saltwater.** Add about 1 teaspoon of either table salt or sea salt to 8 oz. of warm water and stir to dissolve the salt. Gargle with the solution for about 30 seconds and spit it out. Repeat once every hour. The salt reduces the swelling by drawing out the water in the swollen tissues. 3. **Eat soft foods that won't irritate your throat.** Choose items like applesauce, rice, scrambled eggs, well-cooked pasta, oatmeal, smoothies, and well-cooked beans and legumes. Cold foods and drinks like ice pops and frozen yogurt can also soothe your throat. Avoid spicy foods like chicken wings, pepperoni pizza, or anything with hot peppery, curry, or garlic. Avoid hard or sticky foods that might be hard to swallow. Examples include peanut butter, dry bread, toast or crackers, raw vegetables or fruits, and dry cereals. 4. **Chew your food well.** Cut your food into small pieces with a fork and knife before putting it in your mouth. Make sure to chew it enough to break it down before swallowing. Chewing and letting saliva moisten the food will make it easier for you to swallow. You might also use a food processor to puree foods for easier swallowing. 5. **Drink plenty of water.** Drinking water prevents dehydration and keeps your throat moist to reduce discomfort. Most people prefer room-temperature water when they have a sore throat. If cold or hot water makes you feel better, though, drink that instead. Try adding a teaspoon of honey to the water. Honey has antibacterial properties and can help soothe and coat the throat. 6. **Have lots of soups and broths.** The old tales of treating colds with chicken soup are true! The liquid can help prevent a sinus infection while also soothing your throat, minimizing coughing, and keeping you hydrated. 7. **Enjoy herbal tea.** Herbal teas that contain licorice root, sage, ginger root, thyme, oregano, and marshmallow root can soothe your throat and help you relax. They may also help combat bacterial infections due to their antiseptic properties. Start by brewing a cup of your favorite tea and adding 1 tsp (5 g) of a beneficial herb for a soothing effect. Have 3-5 cups per day for the best results. Add some honey or lemon to your tea for flavor. 8. **Get immediate care for difficulty breathing, swallowing, or severe symptoms.** These are emergency symptoms that require medical attention. Call your doctor for a same-day appointment, or visit an urgent care center or emergency room for treatment. Severe symptoms include the following: A sore throat that lasts longer than a week or seems severe Difficulty swallowing Difficulty breathing Difficulty in opening your mouth Pain in your jaw joint Joint pain, especially new pains Earache Rash Fever higher than 101 F (38.3 C) Blood in your saliva or phlegm Frequently recurring sore throats A lump or mass in your neck Hoarseness that lasts more than two weeks 9. **See a doctor if your symptoms persist or you may have an infection.** Normally, your sore throat will start to improve within a week. However, your sore throat may be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. If the infection is bacterial, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to help you recover. Call your doctor if you notice the following symptoms: Fever Chills Coughing Runny nose Sneezing Body aches Headache Nausea or vomiting 10. **Get a simple physical exam at your doctor’s office.** Your doctor will look at your throat, feel your neck to check for swollen glands, listen to your breathing, and ask you about your symptoms. Then, they may take a throat swab to see if your sore throat is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Although the throat swab shouldn’t cause you any pain, it may cause some discomfort if it triggers your gag reflex. After the throat swab is tested, your doctor will prescribe the best treatment. The doctor may also order a CBC (complete blood count) to check for an infection, or they may test you for allergies. 11. **Take antibiotics for a bacterial infection, as directed.** Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic if your sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection. The medicine will help your immune system fight off the infection so you can feel better faster. Make sure you take all of the medication as prescribed, even if you start to feel better early. Otherwise, your symptoms may return. 12. **Take over-the-counter pain relievers for discomfort from a viral infection.** Unfortunately, there’s no medication for a viral infection. However, you can take pain relievers like NSAIDs or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to help with pain or discomfort. Always take these medications as directed on the label, and check with your doctor first. Over the counter NSAIDs include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve). Never give aspirin to a child under the age of 16, as it may cause Reye’s Syndrome.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Use a Grease Gun
A grease gun can be a handy tool for the home mechanic because car parts often need to be greased to reduce friction and increase the life of the part. A grease gun can inject grease into areas that are difficult to reach. Using a grease gun can be easy once you have taken it apart and loaded it. By doing this, you immediately see how the gun works and you are ready to use it with no further directions. 1. **Remove the head of the gun from its barrel.** 2. **Pull the rod handle back.** 3. **Lock the rod handle.** 4. **Open the new grease cartridge.** 5. **Insert the new grease cartridge into the barrel of the gun.** 6. **Note the pull-tag on the end of the new cartridge.** 7. **Ensure that cartridge is pushed in enough so that the rim is in contact with the rim of the grease gun.** 8. **Reinstall the barrel to the end cap but keep it loose.** 9. **Release the rod handle by turning it out from the retaining groove in the end cap.** 10. **Depress the rod handle; this will force grease into the head of the grease gun and force air out.** 11. **Pump some grease through the nozzle and wipe it clean before attaching the nozzle to the gun.** 12. **Tighten the cap and push down on the air bleeder to force out the rest of the air.** 13. **Place the grease gun coupler at the end of the extension hose directly on the area to be greased.** 14. **Pump the lever handle enough times for grease to begin flowing.** 15. **Remove the head from the barrel as above.** 16. **Put a large amount of grease in the head and pack firmly.** 17. **Position the barrel of the gun over a tub of grease.** 18. **Insert the barrel down about 2 inches (5.1 cm) into the grease.** 19. **Push down on the barrel while pulling up on the plunger or rod handle.** 20. **Lock the rod handle when it is fully extended.** 21. **Move the gun barrel from side to side to cut off the extra grease after the barrel is full.** 22. **Clean off all parts with stiff paper, paper towel or rag.** 23. **Attach the gun barrel to the rest of the unit.** 24. **Unlock the rod handle.** 25. **Pump the grease gun handle to start the flow of grease.** 26. **Place the grease gun coupler at the end of the extension hose directly on the area to be greased.**
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get Quails to Lay Eggs
Quails are small, plump, and shy birds that lay tiny eggs. They are a favorite back garden poultry species due to not needing as much space as other poultry species. Laying quails need spacious and safe housing, bedding for nesting, and as little stress and disturbance as possible. They also need to be fed the right diet and have plenty of light so that they lay well. Once you have all of the requirements checked, your quails should be a happy bunch and you will be enjoying the eggs in no time! 1. **Choose housing for the quails that will keep them safe from predators.** There are a variety of different housing options for quails including cages, pens, rabbit hutches, chicken coops, and aviaries. The main requirement to consider when choosing how to house your quails is ensuring that predators cannot get in. Always have a roof and make sure that any wiring is small enough to keep the quails in and other animals out. If you are housing the quails in a raised cage with a wire base, add a catch pan or barrier below the base to prevent predators from reaching the feet of the quails from below. If the entire cage base is made out of wire, add a piece of plywood in a corner of the cage so that the quails do not have to always stand on the wire. This is because standing directly on wire for extended periods of time can damage their feet. 2. **Make sure that each quail has at least 1 sq ft (0.093 m) of floor space.** Quails need enough floor space to ensure that they don’t feel confined and stressed. Stressed quails are more unlikely to lay eggs. To increase the floor space for each quail, expand the size of their cage or let them roam freely for a portion of the day. Quails that are kept in overcrowded conditions are more likely to be stressed. This is because there isn’t enough room for each bird to perform natural behaviors. 3. **Place hay or straw in the cage for the quails to use to build nests.** Nesting behaviors differ between individual quails. Some quails will lay eggs directly on the ground, while others prefer to lay in a nest. Providing nest-building materials will help the quails that prefer to build a nest to lay eggs. Quails in community pens tend to not build nests and will lay eggs on the ground instead. 4. **Clean the cage every 1-2 weeks to avoid disturbing the quails.** Quails lay best when they have as few disruptions as possible. This also means that you are less likely to accidentally destroy a nest. Although the cage only needs to be cleaned every 1-2 weeks, make sure that the quails have access to fresh food and water every day. 5. **Keep the quails undisturbed and away from predators to reduce their stress.** Quails will lay better if they are in a quiet and calm environment, away from loud noises. Also ensure that pet cats and dogs are kept well away from the quails because even if they physically cannot reach them, the presence of predators can scare them. 6. **Feed quails aged 6-20 weeks old a developer diet.** A developer diet helps to raise young quails for quality egg production. Generally, developer diets are made up of 18% protein and 0.5% phosphorus. You can purchase quail feed from animal feed stores or online. This helps the quails to produce more eggs and for the eggs to have thicker shells. 7. **Choose a layer diet for quails aged over 20 weeks old.** Laying quails that are older than 20 weeks are classified as mature birds and have different dietary requirements to younger birds. Layer diets usually involve 19% protein and 0.65% phosphorus. Check with you veterinarian if you have any questions about the diet of your quails. 8. **Add a calcium enrichment supplement if the egg production is low.** You can purchase calcium supplements that are mixed into the quail feed. Limestone, crushed oyster shells, and calcium premix are all good enrichment options. Calcium is essential for high egg quality and production in quails. You can purchase calcium supplements from animal feed stores or online. Follow the directions on the label or consult a veterinarian to determine how much to add to the quail feed. Having enough calcium for egg laying is especially important for older quails. 9. **Ensure that the quails have 14-16 hours of light per day.** Lighting is essential for quail egg production. Keep the quail cage in a sunny area if possible. If the cage cannot be kept in a sunny area or during winter months with lower sunlight hours, hang artificial lighting above the cage to keep the quails laying. Don’t exceed 16 hours of light per day as the quails need time without light to be able to sleep. The laying mechanism of quails shuts down if they get below 12 hours of light per day. It is normal for egg production to decrease during the winter months as the number of sunlight hours reduces. This is healthy for the quails as it helps them to rest. Egg production will rise again as the number of light hours increases. 10. **Get 8-12 week old female quails as they are able to produce eggs.** Female quails only begin laying eggs once they have reached maturity, which takes a few months. The egg production is normally the highest during the first year of laying and then it declines as the quails age. Domestic quails have a life expectancy of up to 4 years. 11. **Give new quails 2-6 weeks to settle in before they are expected to lay eggs.** Both the transportation process and being introduced to a new flock can be stressful experiences for quails. Let them settle into their new surroundings first and they should start laying shortly after. 2-6 weeks is a general guide for how long most quails take to begin laying in a new environment. Some quails will start laying much earlier. 12. **Keep a group of females together if you want eggs for consumption.** You do not need to include a male in the flock for the females to produce eggs, as females will lay regardless of if a male is present. The eggs will be unfertilized which means that they are suitable for consumption. 13. **Place 1 male in the flock if you want the quails to breed.** A group of 1 male and up to 5 females is ideal if you are wanting to breed quails. Males are often more aggressive than females. It’s best just to have 1 male bird per group, as otherwise, the males may fight. It’s easy to tell the males and females apart. Males display more aggressive behavior and have brighter feathers on the head, neck, and back. Females tend to be docile and have a more plain coloring.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Send Group Email
This wikiHow teaches you how to create a mailing list for a group of people that you can use to contact all of them at once without having to enter their names individually. While you can use a Google Group email address to email a group of Gmail users on mobile, you cannot create or use a group email list from within mobile versions of Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook. 1. **Go to the Google Group webpage.** It's located at!overview. You can create a new email list here. 2. **Click CREATE GROUP.** This red button is below the search bar that's near the top of the page. If you aren't signed into your Google account, clicking this button will prompt you to enter your email address and password before continuing. 3. **Enter a group name.** You'll do this in the field at the top of the page. 4. **Enter a group email name.** You won't enter a full email address here since the email address will register to 5. **Make sure "Email list" is selected for "Group type".** If you don't see "Email list" in the "Group type" section, click the box to the right of "Select a group type" and click in the drop-down menu. 6. **Click CREATE.** It's a red button at the top of the page. 7. **Check the "I'm not a robot" box and click Continue.** If you recently logged into your Google account, you may not need to perform this step. 8. **Click Save my changes.** This blue button is at the bottom of the page. 9. **Click the "Members" link.** It's a grey option on the far-right side of the page. 10. **Click Manage.** This is a green button at the top of the page. 11. **Click Direct add members.** It's beneath the "Members" heading on the far-left side of the page. 12. **Enter contacts' email addresses.** To do so, you'll type an email address into the text field at the top of the page, follow it with a comma and a space, and type another email address in, repeating as necessary. As you type, suggestions based on your contacts will appear below the "email addresses" field. You can click these suggestions to automatically place the corresponding email address in this field. 13. **Click Add.** It's a blue button at the top of the page. 14. **Click Done.** This button is at the top of the page. You may first have to click the "I'm not a robot" box again to continue. 15. **Go to the Gmail website.** It's located at If you're already logged into Gmail, this will open your inbox. For mobile, open the Gmail app. If you aren't logged into Gmail, click in the top-right corner of the page and enter your email address and password. 16. **Click COMPOSE.** This button is on the left side of the page. On mobile, tap the white pencil icon on a red background in the bottom-right corner of the screen. 17. **Type the Google Group's email address into the "To" field.** This field is at the top of the "New Message" window on the right side of the page (desktop), or at the top of the screen (mobile). 18. **Enter your email's subject and message.** The message goes in the large space below the "Subject" field, which is directly below the "To" field. 19. **Click Send.** It's a red button in the bottom-left corner of the "New Message" window. Your email will be sent to any members' email addresses that you've added to the Google Group. On mobile, tap the "Send" arrow in the top-right corner of the screen. 20. **Go to the Gmail website.** It's located at If you're already logged into Gmail, this will open your inbox. If you aren't logged into Gmail, click in the top-right corner of the page and enter your email address and password. 21. **Click Gmail.** This option is in the top-left side of the page, just above the button. 22. **Click Contacts.** Doing so will open a new tab in your browser with a list of your Gmail contacts. 23. **Click Create label.** This option is on the far-left side of the page, near the middle of the sidebar. You may first have to click here to display the button. 24. **Enter a name for your label and click OK.** Your label will appear in the sidebar below the "Labels" heading. 25. **Select contacts for your mailing list.** To do so, hover your cursor over the picture on the left side of a contact's name, click the box that appears, and repeat for each contact you wish to select. To select all contacts, press Ctrl+A (PC) or ⌘ Command+A (Mac). 26. **Click the "Manage Labels" button.** It's the pentagonal icon in the top-right corner of the page, just left of the envelope icon. 27. **Click the label you created.** It should appear in the drop-down menu here; clicking it will add you contacts to it. You can also click and enter a name to add contacts to a new label. 28. **Navigate back to your Gmail inbox.** To do so, you'll likely just need to click the Gmail browser tab. It should be left of the Contacts tab. 29. **Click COMPOSE.** This button is on the left side of you Gmail inbox. 30. **Type your label's name into the "To" field.** It's at the top of the "New Message" pop-up window. You should see your label's name appear below the "To" field. 31. **Click your label's name.** Doing so will place it in the "To" field. 32. **Type in your email's content.** You'll do this in the large white section below the "Subject" field. You can also type a subject into the "Subject" field. 33. **Click Send.** It's in the bottom-left corner of the "New Message" window. Doing so will send your email to your group. Any time you want to send an email to the people in this group, you'll just need to enter the group's name in the "To" field. 34. **Go to the Yahoo website.** It's at 35. **Click Mail.** It's in the top-right corner of the page. If you aren't signed in, first click and enter your Yahoo email address and password. 36. **Click the "Contacts" tab.** This tab is right of the envelope-shaped "Mailbox" tab, which is directly below the "Yahoo! Mail" logo in the top-left corner of the Inbox page. 37. **Select contacts for your list.** To do so, click the box in the top-left corner of a contact's name card, then repeat for each contact you'd like to email. 38. **Click Assign Contacts.** This button is on the right side of the page. 39. **Click the "New List" field and type in a name.** You'll do so in the pop-up window on this page. 40. **Click Done.** Doing this will add your selected contacts to a list with your selected name; you'll see this list appear in the bottom-left side of the page in the sidebar. 41. **Click your new list.** It will open to display its contacts. 42. **Click the box above the top contact's name.** This box is to the left of the button. Clicking it will select everyone in your email list. 43. **Click Email Contacts.** It's on the right side of the page. 44. **Type in your email's message.** You'll do so in the field to which this page loads by default. You can also add a subject to your email in the "Subject" field. 45. **Click Send.** It's at the bottom-left side of the page. Your email will be sent to your group; the next time you want to email this group, you'll simply open the Contacts tab, click their list name, and select them for an email. 46. **Open the Outlook website.** It's located at Doing so will open your inbox if you're logged into Outlook. If you aren't already logged in, click , enter your email address (or phone number) and password, and click . 47. **Click the "People" button.** It's the two-person-shaped icon in the bottom-left side of the page. Doing this will open your Contacts page. 48. **Select the contacts for your mailing list.** To do so, click the box to the left of a contact's name, then repeat for each contact you wish to add. You must hover your cursor over a contact's name for the selection box to appear. 49. **Click the downward-facing arrow right of New.** This option is directly above the "Your contacts" heading near the top of the page. 50. **Click Contact list.** It's the second option in the drop-down menu here. 51. **Type in a name for your list.** This name will serve to identify your list as a contact on the Contacts page. 52. **Add contacts to your list.** To do so, type a contact's name into the "Add members" field, click their name when it appears below this field, and repeat for any other contacts. 53. **Click Save.** It's in the top-left corner of the "New list" window. Clicking will add your list to this page as a contact. 54. **Select your new list.** Doing so will bring up the names of the contacts in it on the right side of the page. 55. **Click Send email.** This option is on the right side of the page. 56. **Type in your email's message.** You'll do so in the "Add a message..." field. You can also add a subject to your email in the "Subject" field. 57. **Click Send.** It's at the bottom-left side of the page. Doing so will send an email to your email group.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Repair Kidney Damage
Kidney damage may be the result of diabetes and high blood pressure or from other health conditions such as cancer, infections, injuries, or kidney stones. In most cases, kidney damage is permanent, but it may be possible to slow the progression of damage or, in many cases, it is possible to prevent damage altogether. It if is severe, then the kidneys may fail as a result and dialysis may be necessary. 1. **Drink lots of water (if permitted).** Water helps to cleanse your kidneys, which can help to keep your kidneys healthy. Try to drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day (1.5 to 2 liters). If you have had kidney stones, then you will need to drink more water. Aim for eight to 12 8-ounce glasses (about 2 to 3 liters) of water per day. If you are on a fluid-restricted diet, then follow your doctor’s instructions for how much fluid you can have. 2. **Reduce your sodium intake.** A high sodium intake can also make kidney damage worse and make it harder for your kidneys to repair themselves. Aim for less than 2,300 mg per day if you are under the age of 51, and less than 1,500 mg per day if you are over 51. To restrict your sodium intake you will need to get into the habit of reading food labels. Salt is often high in processed foods, so choose whole foods whenever possible. Processed foods that may be high in sodium include: Pizza Deli meats and bacon Pasta Frozen dinners Canned soup Cheese Fast food 3. **Limit potassium.** In someone with healthy kidneys, 3,500 to 4,500mg of potassium is the recommended amount; however, in someone with poor kidney function who is on a potassium restricted diet, 2,000 mg is the recommended daily intake. Check with your doctor if you are not sure if you are supposed to follow a potassium restricted diet. Foods that are high in potassium include bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, squash, cabbage, dried fruits, grains, and salt substitutes. If you need to limit your potassium intake, then you will need to check the potassium content of all of the foods that you eat and keep track of your potassium intake. 4. **Eat a moderate amount of protein.** Try to get about 20 to 30% of your calories from protein. Eating too much protein can damage your kidneys, but you still need protein for your body’s basic processes. Steer clear of high-protein diets if you already have poor kidney function. High-protein diets can harm your kidneys. Choose lean proteins such as fish, skinless chicken, beans, and low-fat cheese. 5. **Check with your doctor before taking any supplements.** Some herbs and vitamins can damage your kidneys, so it is important to use caution when considering an herb or supplement. Make sure that you check with your doctor first before you start taking any herbs or other supplements. 6. **Get other diseases and conditions under control.** Some diseases and conditions can predispose you to kidney disease or may even make kidney disease worse. Try to get yourself as healthy as possible to help your kidneys repair themselves. For example, if you have high blood pressure, then talk to your doctor about what you can do to lower your blood pressure. If you have diabetes, then do what you can to get your diabetes under control. A family history of kidney disease may also predispose you to kidney disease, so make sure that you take extra precautions if you have a parent, sister, or grandparent who has kidney disease. 7. **Exercise** Getting regular exercise can help you to stay in good overall health, prevent weight gain, and reduce blood pressure. If you are healthy enough for exercise, then you should try to get 30 minutes of physical activity five days of every week. Check with your doctor to be sure that exercise is a good idea for you. Try to find something that you will enjoy so that you will stick with it. For example, you might find that you enjoy swimming, biking, hiking, dancing, or a combination of these activities. 8. **Quit smoking** Smoking damages your blood vessels and decreases blood flow to your kidneys. Since blood is necessary for healthy tissues, a lack of blood can cause damage and may also make it hard for your kidneys to repair themselves. Smoking also increases your risk of developing kidney cancer, as well as other conditions such as high blood pressure. Ask your doctor about smoking cessation programs and medications that may help you quit smoking. 9. **Use over-the-counter pain killers in moderation.** When taken too often, ibuprofen, naproxen, and other over-the-counter pain medicines can lead to kidney damage. If you take these medications on a daily basis, talk to your doctor about other options to manage pain. Keep in mind that it is okay to use over-the-counter medicines for occasional pain, but frequent use can lead to kidney damage. 10. **Request tests to check your kidney function.** If you are concerned about your kidney function or if you are at risk of developing kidney problems due to a family history of kidney disease, then ask your doctor for regular kidney screening tests. These tests can show if there is a problem so that you and your doctor can start treating the problem before it becomes worse. 11. **Follow a low-protein diet if necessary.** In instances of severe kidney damage, a low-protein diet may be necessary to prevent too much waste from building up in your blood. Protein creates waste that makes your kidneys have work harder to get rid of the waste. Ask your doctor if you should go on a low-protein diet. If you need to go on a low-protein diet, your doctor will most likely have you meet with a dietician so that you will know what to eat. 12. **See if you need to go on a low-phosphate diet.** If your phosphate levels are high, then your doctor may require you to follow a low-phosphate diet. Dairy is rich in phosphate, so you will have to limit your dairy intake and reduce your intake of other foods as well, such as eggs, red meat, and fish. If reducing your dietary intake of phosphate does not work, then your doctor may prescribe phosphate binders. These medications have to be taken along with meals to absorb some of the phosphates in your food. 13. **Ask about medications to treat complications.** Poor kidney functioning can lead to a variety of other health problems, so you may need to start taking medications to treat these complications. Some possible complications of kidney disease include: High blood pressure Cholesterol Anemia Swelling Brittle bones 14. **Consider dialysis.** If your kidneys are not working well enough to clear the excess waste and fluid from your body, then you may need to consider dialysis. You can either have hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis is performed with a machine that filters the waste and excess fluids from your blood. You will need to go to a clinic a few days per week to have this type of dialysis. Peritoneal dialysis is also done with a machine that fills your abdomen with dialysis solution that attaches to waste and unnecessary fluids and then drains them from your body. This form of dialysis can be done at home with a special machine, but you will have to do it every day. 15. **Look into a kidney transplant.** If your kidneys have stopped working and you do not wish to do dialysis treatments for the rest of your life, then a kidney transplant is the only other option. To receive a new kidney, you will either have to find a donor or wait for a kidney to become available. Keep in mind that for the rest of your life after you have a kidney transplant, you will have to take medications to prevent the donor kidney from being rejected.
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How to Save Snapchats to the Camera Roll
This wikiHow teaches you how to save your snaps to your phone's Camera Roll before you send them out, and how to save the snaps you receive. 1. **Open Snapchat.** This is the yellow box with a white ghost icon on your Home screen, or in a folder on your home screen. If you have not already installed Snapchat and created your account, please do so before continuing. 2. **Swipe down.** Snapchat always opens up to the camera, and swiping down will bring up your Snapchat Home screen. 3. **Tap the gear icon in the upper-right corner of your screen.** This will take you to your Snapchat Settings menu. 4. **Tap Memories.** This option will be under , towards the upper-middle section of the settings menu. 5. **Tap Save To.** This option will be under at the bottom of the Memories menu. 6. **Select Camera Roll Only.** Selecting this option lets you save your snaps directly to your phone's camera roll before you send them out. Select if you only want to save your photos to Snapchat Memories, a personalized album of your favorite Snaps and Stories that you can search and share. Click here to learn more about Memories. Select if you want to save to both your Memories and your phone's Camera Roll. 7. **Return to your Snapchat home screen.** Tap on the back button at the upper-left corner of your screen until you reach your home screen again. 8. **Swipe up on your Home screen.** This will bring up the Snapchat camera. 9. **Take a Snap.** Tap the Capture button to snap a photo, or hold it down to record video. This button looks like a large white circle at the bottom of your screen, and it will disappear when you take a snap. Once your photo or video is captured, you can customize your snaps with text, drawings, and stickers. Tap on icon in the upper-right corner to draw on your snap. You can change the color by tapping on the color spectrum below the pencil icon. The color spectrum will appear when you tap the pencil icon, and the pencil will display your current color. Tap on icon in the upper-right corner next to the pencil. This will let you add a caption. Your keyboard will appear in the bottom half of your screen, and you will begin typing. Tap again on the T icon to make your text bigger, or to pick a different color. Tap on icon at the top of your screen next to the T icon. This will bring up the Stickers menu. Select a sticker to add to your snap. You can also add a Bitmoji from the stickers menu. Tap on icon to create your own sticker. This will let you copy and paste anything in your snap. See How to Use Snapchat for further tips on creating great Snaps. 10. **Tap the Saved button.** This is the downward-pointing arrow icon next to the snap timer in the lower-left corner of your screen. Once you tap it, your photo will save to your Camera Roll. 11. **Open Snapchat.** This is the yellow box with a white ghost icon on your Home screen, or in a folder on your home screen. If you have not already installed Snapchat and created your account, please do so before continuing. 12. **Swipe right.** Snapchat always opens up to the camera screen, and swiping right will take you to your Chat page, where you can view the snaps you received. 13. **Tap on the snap you want to save.** This will open the snap, and you will have 1 to 10 seconds to view it. You can only view every snap once, and you get one replay every day. You won't be able to view or screenshot a snap that you've already opened and closed before, unless you replay the snap immediately after it expires. 14. **Take a screenshot before the snap expires.** Hold down the and buttons at the same time and release them. You will hear a camera shutter sound and see your screen flash, indicating you just took a screenshot. Your screenshot of the snap will save to your Camera Roll.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Become a Top Writer on Medium - Your Top Questions Answered
Medium is a place for writers to share their stories, thoughts, and musings in a community that values independent and unique perspectives. Without the distraction of outside advertisements or sponsorships, Medium focuses on substance and authenticity. Top Writer status on Medium is one of the best designations you can earn on the independent writing platform. We’ll go over the nuts and bolts of being a Top Writer and give you a few suggestions on how to earn the coveted title. 1. **Top Writers are officially designated by Medium as being an authority in a certain category.** When a writer receives Top Writer status, they will receive an email from Medium congratulating them on becoming a Top Writer on a certain topic. Top Writer's articles are featured on category pages and recommended to readers more often. 2. **There is no limit to the number of Top Writers.** The good news is that there aren’t a limited number of Top Writers on Medium. Anyone can become a Top Writer if they meet the requirements. It will take commitment and dedication to your craft, but we've listed a few steps you can take to earn the title! 3. **Determine a clear area of expertise.** Because Medium designates Top Writers for different topics, you'll want to think about a topic you can cover with authority. You can get creative and diversify your writing as your following grows, but you will want to start your Medium blog by writing about a topic you know very well. 4. **Consult the tags on other Top Writer's sites.** Tags are listed at the bottom of an article, and are used to label articles according to topic or area of interest. Identify a tag that resonates with your chosen area of expertise, and write articles using that tag as much as possible. Tags are how Medium identifies the topic for which you will be a Top Writer. Consider finding tags that are less popular, or have less than 50 Top Writers already. You can see who else writes under a tag by clicking on it. Or, use this link for a complete list of tags with Top Writer status: [1] 5. **Medium's most popular topics include Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Poetry, and Design.** Fortunately, an even wider variety of topics can still excel on Medium. Some other popular categories include: Startups Political Commentary Cultural Critiques Technology Health Personal Essays 6. **Make an account and consider joining the Medium Partner Program.** It's free to make an account on Medium and publish articles. Your articles are more likely to be recommended to readers and accepted to publications if you become a member and join the Medium Partner Program. Partner Program members are able to earn money on their articles by linking a bank account or debit card with a third-party service called Stripe. Joining the Partner Program is free, but you must have at least 100 followers on Medium, and have published at least one article on the site. 7. **Take a Medium writing course.** There are lots of free professional, online courses to help you become a better writer and teach you how to navigate Medium. You can take a course specialized for Medium or one more focused on writing. If you’re planning to primarily publish on Medium, taking a course specialized for this platform may be more worthwhile than a general writing course. You can also take courses from current Top Writers to learn their tips and tricks to become a Top Writer. Many top writers include call to actions to sign up for their free Medium writing email courses in their bios and at the end of their articles. 8. **The Top Writer tag will appear on your profile.** This tells readers that you are a trusted voice on your chosen topics. There are a couple of main reasons you want this title. As a Top Writer, you can shift perspectives and offer new thoughts on your topics as a validated, trusted source. 9. **Earn more money.** Since Top Writer status is essentially Medium’s official stamp of approval, Top Writers typically attract more followers and more reads, which means they can earn more revenue from their articles. 10. **Expand Your Writing Circle.** A Top Writer designation will not only identify you as a verified resource on the topic you’re writing about, but it could also open up other writing opportunities to collaborate with other publications or writers. 11. **Try to publish at least 2-3 articles per week.** This is probably the most important piece of advice on this list. If you’re only producing content every month or so, it will be extremely difficult to gain any notoriety or consistent readership. Brainstorm headlines, outline your articles and then write your first draft. It's easier to edit than to write a perfect article from scratch, so don't agonize over every word. You've got this! 12. **Add tags to your work.** In addition to your main interest area, consider what search terms or keywords might lead a reader to your work. Medium provides suggestions for adding tags based on your topic and popular searches. Make sure your tags relate to your pieces but also have a substantial amount of followers. You can find a list of popular tags along with their follower counts on Medium’s website. 13. **Publish consistently in the same topic or category.** Top Writers are designated by category. You should try to publish consistently in the same tags to achieve Top Writer status for that topic. While you can tag your article with whatever terms you'd like, not all tags are eligible for Top Writer status. A few tags that are eligible include Money, Productivity, Finance, and Self-Improvement. 14. **Medium publications are the most effective way to grow your readership.** Medium publications are a shared landing page of articles centered on a specific topic. They are a great way for readers to discover your writing since people can choose to follow a specific publication. Often, publications have greater reach than individual writers and are trusted sources of information. Getting your work accepted to a publication will add to your article's authority and credibility. 15. **Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up your article.** Focus on readability! 16. **Use images sparingly.** Typically, just one picture at the top of your article will suffice, but you may want to use 1-2 more as a visual break, depending on the overall length of your piece. 17. **Use shorter paragraphs whenever possible.** Long paragraphs without any visual breaks do not perform as well. Publications will have specific formatting instructions. If you're submitting an article to a publication, be sure to research the publisher's formatting requirements. Most publications list their requirements on a "Submit Your Story" or "Write For Us" tab on their publication homepage. Almost every publication will require titles to be written in Title Case and subtitles to be written in sentence case. There are lots of free tools online that will automatically format your titles correctly. 18. **Articles that align with Medium's mission will be accessible on Google search.** Being featured in Google search means an article has been "indexed." Being indexed means that more readers will be able to find your account and stories through Google search, not just on Medium. It can take time to reach the reader threshold to be indexed in Google search. Produce your best, most meaningful work, and avoid clickbait and spam content to improve your chances of having your work indexed on search. 19. **Medium discourages content that is focused solely on SEO.** SEO or "search engine optimization" is the practice of improving the quality of writing with the goal of ranking higher in search gaining more traffic to your webpage.. Medium may consider hyper SEO-focused content as spam or clickbait, especially if it does not actively contribute to their mission of sharing independent, genuine thought. Be wary of "keyword-stuffing" your articles. 20. **Becoming a Top Writer on Medium is not an impossible task.** If you are dedicated to the process of earning the title, you'll get there! Be patient and trust your abilities and your readers and Medium will react in kind.
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How to Improve Prostate Health
The prostate is a small gland found in men, near their bladders. Many men experience prostate problems, and as they get older it is important to watch for signs of prostate cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, one in every seven men is diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime and it is the second leading cause of cancer death among men in the United States. In 2015, 27,540 deaths were projected to occur due to prostate cancer. However, there are a number of preventive measures that a man can take to reduce his risk of developing prostate cancer, including important dietary and lifestyle changes and becoming aware of his family history. 1. **Eat whole grains and more fruits and vegetables.** Choose whole-grain bread and pasta over white bread and pasta. Make sure to get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every single day. Include produce high in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, such as red peppers and tomatoes. Lycopene is what makes fruit and vegetables red, and has been proven as a cancer-fighting ingredient. In general, the deeper and brighter the color of your produce, the better. There are currently no guidelines as the amount of lycopene you should try to get each day. However, research indicates that for lycopene to make any difference, you would need to eat lycopene-foods all day to get the amounts needed. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale are also good defenses against the development of cancer. Some controlled studies have found a link between increased ingestion of cruciferous vegetables and reduced risk of prostate cancer, although the evidence is merely associative at this point. 2. **Be more selective in your consumption of protein.** Cut back on how much red meat you eat, including beef, pork, lamb and goat. It's also a good idea to limit your consumption of processed meats, like sandwich meat and hot dogs. Instead of red meat, eat fish with high levels of omega-3 acids, including salmon and tuna. These foods will help your prostate as well as your heart and immune system. The research about the relationship between dietary fish intake and prostate cancer prevention is largely based on correlative data and namely, the fact that the Japanese have so few cases of prostate cancer and eat large amounts of fish. Whether there is a causal relationship is still being debated. Beans, skinless poultry, and eggs are also healthy options for protein. 3. **Increase the amount of soy in your diet.** The properties of soy, which is found in many vegetarian dishes, fight cancer. Sources of soy include tofu, soy nuts, soy flour and soy powders. Swapping cow's milk for soy milk in your cereal or coffee is one way to get more soy into your diet. Note that recent research has found soy beans and some other specific products, such as tofu, to be preventive in prostate cancer. However, this cannot be extrapolated to all soy products, including milk. There are also no current anecdotal or evidence-based guidelines on the amount of soy you should try to incorporate into your diet. 4. **Limit your alcohol, caffeine, and sugar intake.** Though you don't need to entirely cut out caffeine from your diet, try to limit how much you ingest. For example, limit yourself to one to two 4-ounce cups of coffee per day. The same goes for alcohol; try to view it as a treat and stick to a couple of small glasses a week. Avoid sugary (sometimes also caffeinated) drinks like sodas and fruit juices. These have nearly zero nutritional benefit. 5. **Limit your salt intake.** The best way to cut back on how much sodium you consume is to eat fresh produce, dairy, and meats and avoid packaged, canned, and frozen foods. Salt is often used as a preservative and is thus present in large amounts in pre-packaged foods. When shopping, stick to the outer perimeter of the grocery store as much as possible. This is where most of the fresh food is located, while cartons, cans, and other packages tend to be isolated in the center aisles. Take the time to read and compare food labels. Most food labels are now required to state how much sodium is in a product and what percentage it makes up of your daily recommended intake of sodium. The American Heart Association recommends that Americans consume less than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day. 6. **Keep good fats and get rid of bad fats.** Limit your consumption of saturated fats from animal and dairy products and instead switch to healthy fats, like olive oil, nuts, and avocados. Animal products high in fat, such as meat, butter, and lard, have been associated with an increase risk of prostate cancer. Avoid fast food and most processed foods. These often contain partially hydrogenated fats (trans fats), which are extremely unhealthy. 7. **Take supplements.** Cancer research has emphasized the importance of getting your nutrients from food instead of vitamin supplements whenever possible. However, there may be cases where a supplement is a better option for you. Be sure to discuss any supplements you are taking or thinking about taking with your physician. Take zinc supplements. Most men do not get enough zinc in their diets, and supplements can help keep your prostate healthy. Research has demonstrated that zinc deficiencies can lead to enlarged prostates and that zinc plays a role in the progression of prostate cells to malignancy. You can take 50 to 100 (or even up to 200) milligrams of zinc per day in tablet form to reduce an enlarged prostate. Try taking saw palmetto berry, made from the berries of the Saw Palmetto plant. This supplement has received mixed reviews from users and the medical field, so talk to your doctor before you try it. Some research has suggested that it may assist in the cytotoxicity (cell death) of human prostate cancer cells. Note that some research has suggested that taking certain supplements, such as vitamin E, or folic acid (a B vitamin) may even increase your risk of prostate cancer. Other studies has demonstrated that taking many (i.e., more than 7) supplements, even those marked for prostate cancer, may increase the risk of developing advanced prostate cancer. 8. **Don't smoke.** Although the relationship of prostate cancer and smoking has been long debated, tobacco use is believed to cause oxidative damage via free radicals to the body's cells, thus making the link between cancer and smoking plausible. In a meta-analysis of 24 studies, researchers found that cigarette smoking was in fact a risk for prostate cancer. 9. **Maintain a healthy weight.** If you are overweight, get yourself on a diet and exercise plan that will get you into a healthy range. Whether someone is overweight or obese is determined by using the body mass index (BMI), an indicator of body fatness. BMI is a person's weight in kilograms (kg) divided by the square of the person's height in meters (m). A BMI of 25-29.9 is considered overweight, while a BMI greater than 30 is considered obese. Reduce the number of calories you intake and increase the amount of exercise you do. This is the secret to weight loss. Watch portion sizes and make a concerted effort to eat slowly, savor and chew your food and stop eating when you are full. Remember that you just need to feel satiated, not stuffed to the brim. 10. **Exercise regularly.** Regular activity is not only good for reducing your risk of certain types of cancers, but also other potential health problems, including depression, heart disease and stroke. Though a causal relationship between exercise to prostate health remains unconfirmed, the studies that have been conducted to date suggest that exercise is beneficial in keeping your prostate healthy. You should aim for 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise several days a week. However, even low to moderate exercising, like brisk walking, is beneficial for prostate health. If you're new to exercising, start slowly by walking to work, using the stairs instead of the elevator and going on nightly walks. Build up to more intense workouts involving aerobic exercise, like cycling, swimming, or running. 11. **Perform Kegel exercises.** Kegel exercises are performed by contracting the muscles of your pelvic floor (as if you were attempting to stop the flow of urine), holding them for a brief period, and then releasing them. Doing these exercises regularly will help strengthen and tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor. You can do Kegel exercises anywhere because they don't require any special equipment! Tighten the muscles around your scrotum and anus for a few seconds, then release. Do this exercise in 10 repetitions three to four times a day to improve your prostate health. Try to build up to 10-second holds. You can also do Kegel exercises by lying on your back with your pelvis in the air and clenching your buttocks. Hold for 30 seconds, then release. Do this for five minute intervals three times a day. 12. **Ejaculate often.** Although for a long time, researchers believed that frequent ejaculation during sex, masturbation, or even a dream increased men's risk of developing prostate cancer, newer research is suggesting in fact, that frequent ejaculation may actually protect the prostate. Researchers suggest that ejaculation may help to flush out carcinogens in the prostate glands as well as help fluids in the prostate turn over more quickly to reduce cancer risk. In addition, regular ejaculation may also help to reduce psychological tension, which can slow the growth of cancer cells. That said, this research is still in its early stages and researchers have said that it's too soon to yet make a formal recommendation on men's sexual habits. It's unclear, for example, how often a man should ejaculate to see these benefits. These researchers do suspect, however, that ejaculation frequency accompanies other indicators of a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet and regular exercise. 13. **Be aware of your family history.** Having immediate male family members (such as a father or brother) with prostate cancer significantly increase your risk of developing it yourself. In fact, the risk is more than doubled! It's essential that you notify your doctor of any family history of prostate cancer so you can work together to build a comprehensive preventive program. Note that the risk is high for men with a brother diagnosed with prostate cancer than a father. In addition, the risk is increased for those men who have multiple relatives with prostate cancer, especially if those relatives were diagnosed at a young age (e.g., before 40). Ask your doctor to test to see if you have mutations of the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, which may increase your chances of prostate cancer. 14. **Know the symptoms of a potential prostate problem.** These include erectile dysfunction, blood in your urine, pain when you urinate or have sex, pain in the hips or low back, or always feeling like you need to urinate. However, prostate cancer is often asymptomatic, at least until it has spread to affect other parts of the body, such as the bones. Patients diagnosed with prostate cancer rarely report the above symptoms of incontinence, blood in the urine, impotence, etc. 15. **See your doctor regularly.** The American Cancer Society recommends getting screened for prostate cancer beginning at age 50 (or age 45 if you have any risk factors for prostate cancer). Screening involves the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test. PSA is a substance made by both the normal and cancer the cells in your prostate that is found in a small amount in the blood. Most men have PSA levels of 4 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) of blood, and the higher the PSA leve, the higher the chance of cancer. The gap between screenings depends on the results of this test. Men who have a PSA of less than 2.5 ng/mL need retesting every 2 years, whereas men with higher PSA levels should be tested annually. A digital rectal exam (DRE) may also be included in the screening. In this exam, a clinician will feel for a nodule on the back side of the prostate. Neither the PSA nor the DRE is conclusive. You will likely need a biopsy to diagnose prostate cancer. At present, the American Cancer Society recommends that men should make an informed decision about prostate screening after detailed discussion with their primary care physicians. Screening can help locate cancers early, but there is no conclusive research as to whether screening actually saves lives. That said, catching the cancer earlier increases the chance that it can be treated successfully.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Decide Whether or Not to Get an Abortion
Deciding whether or not to terminate a pregnancy—wanted, unwanted, or unexpected—can be a very difficult decision. Choosing to have an abortion is a very personal decision, and only you can be the person to make that decision for yourself. You can talk to your doctor, or close friends or family, about what you should do, but you should not feel coerced into any option. Understand abortion laws and procedures by doing your own research, and reflecting on your own lifestyle and values, and come to the decision that’s right for you. 1. **See your doctor.** If you suspect you are pregnant or have confirmed it with a test, schedule an appointment with your doctor or OB/GYN. They can advise you about your options: abortion, adoption, or keeping the baby. Your doctor should not pressure you in any direction. They should simply provide you with information about what options are available to you. If you are considering an abortion, you may wish to prepare a list of questions to ask your doctor. You may feel embarrassed or shy about talking to someone about an abortion, but your doctor is there to help you. If you feel pressured by the doctor to not have an abortion (for a reason that doesn’t directly pertain to your health), consider looking for another doctor. 2. **Understand your privacy rights.** If you are an adult, you do not need to tell anyone about your decision to have an abortion. You may, however, wish to tell a trustworthy friend or family member so that they can help support you during the procedure. If you are under 18 and wish to have an abortion, you may be required to get a parent’s permission, or, if you do not wish to inform your parents, a judge’s permission, before you may have the procedure. This policy varies by state, and most states have parental notification laws. Know your state’s parental consent policies. 3. **Clarify information about abortion complications.** Because abortion is a controversial procedure, there is a lot of misinformation floating around about abortion and its effects. Do your research. Talk to your doctor. Look for information from government publications or reputable news sources. Use caution when doing online research. Beware of any website that seems to push an overtly pro-choice or pro-life agenda. Know that abortion is safe. Only one percent of abortions have complications. Know that abortions will not cause breast cancer. Additionally, an uncomplicated abortion will not cause infertility or trouble for future pregnancies. Abortion will not cause “post-abortion” syndrome or other mental health issues. It is, however, a stressful event, and some women find themselves having a more difficult time following the abortion, due to preexisting mental health conditions or a lack of a support network, for example. 4. **Determine if you are eligible for a medical abortion.** Medical, or non-surgical abortions, can be done up to ten weeks (70 days) from the first day of the woman’s last period. Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam, usually including an ultrasound, and then prescribe mifepristone (or sometimes methotrexate) and misoprostol. If you are able and willing to pursue a medical abortion, you will first take the mifepristone, which blocks your body’s production of progesterone, a hormone necessary for pregnancy. After 24-48 hours, you will take the misoprostol, which causes the uterus to empty. You will have cramps and heavy bleeding, usually within 4-5 hours of taking the medication. Once this is complete, you will need to see your doctor to make sure your body has expelled all of the tissue. Follow-up is absolutely necessary, to ensure that the pregnancy was successfully expelled. Failure to expel the pregnancy completely could lead to serious complications and infection. The benefits of a medical abortion are that it can be done at home, and can be done early in the pregnancy (as soon as you know you are pregnant). However, there are also risks of the abortion being incomplete. If it is, then you would likely need a surgical abortion. 5. **Research a surgical abortion.** A surgical abortion, also known as suction aspiration abortion, can be performed if you are under 14-16 weeks pregnant (this may vary by provider). The procedure involves dilating the cervix and inserting a small suction tube into the uterus to remove the pregnancy tissue. The actual aspiration, or abortion procedure, takes only a few minutes. Most of the time spent in the clinic or doctor’s office will be spent waiting for pain/relaxation medication to begin to work, as well as dilating your cervix to create an opening large enough for the suction tube to fit through. Your cervix may be dilated with metal rods of increasing thickness, medication, or dilators that expand through fluid absorption. You will spend at least an hour in recovery to ensure there were no immediate complications from your procedure. You may be asked to schedule an additional follow-up appointment. If you are over 16 weeks pregnant, you will have a procedure known as a dilation and evacuation (D&E). This is similar to the aspiration abortion, though it requires more time and equipment. You will likely have a slower recovery than with an aspiration abortion. 6. **Examine your current situation.** As you consider what to do about your pregnancy, think about what is currently going on in your life and consider how a pregnancy or baby would impact it. You may want to spend some time thinking through some issues on your own. Consider your financial situation. Are you able to afford having a baby and raising it? Think about your personal beliefs about abortion. If you do not feel comfortable with abortion, would you consider putting the baby up for adoption? Think about your health. Would being pregnant be harmful to your body or mental state? Would you be able to handle the emotional and physical impact of having an abortion? Think about your support network. Who would help you raise the child? Would the baby’s father be involved? If you had an abortion, who could be there to support you? 7. **Discuss your feelings with others.** Talk to your partner, loved ones, or friends who you know won’t judge or influence your decision. Many women feel alone when dealing with an unwanted pregnancy. Talking to trustworthy members of your support network may help you feel less isolated. If the father is present and involved in your life, you may wish to speak to him about what he would like to do. Remember, you do not need his permission to get an abortion. If you feel he may pressure you one way or another, however, you may wish to avoid telling him. Don’t let anyone pressure your decision. If your friend says something like, “If you have an abortion I won’t be able to be friends with you anymore, because I believe abortion is wrong,” you could say, “I’m sorry you feel that way, but please don’t put pressure on me. I need to do what is best for me.” Talk to someone who has had an abortion. If you know of anyone who has had an abortion, ask what their experience was like, and how they look back on it positively or negatively. You could ask, “Are you comfortable talking about your abortion? Could I ask you a few questions about it? I’m pregnant and I’m not sure what to do.” 8. **Talk to a counselor.** Your doctor, family planning clinic, or community health agency may know of counseling services that can help you decide what to do. Make sure the resources they give you are unbiased, nonjudgmental counseling services that do not attempt to push the woman toward one option or another. Do your research on any names or agencies you receive to make sure they are unbiased. Look for any affiliations that may seem questionable to you (political or religious). Understand that any reputable agency or counselor will help you explore all your options without judgement or coercion. If you feel pressured into making a particular decision, find someone else to talk to. 9. **Make a timely decision.** If you are considering abortion, you do need to make a decision as quickly as possible. While you want to be certain of your decision, also understand that the earlier in the pregnancy you decide to terminate it, the easier your procedure will likely be. You will also have more options available. In most states in United States, you cannot get an abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy, unless the pregnancy is a risk to the mother’s health. 10. **Make a list.** If you are still unsure of what to do, you may wish to write a list of the pros and cons of terminating your pregnancy. Seeing your thoughts and feelings on paper may help you reach a decision more easily. Write down the positives and negatives, no matter how big or small they seem. Compare your lists. You may want to weigh all three options (parenting, abortion, or adoption) or just two if you know you are not ready to be a parent, for example. 11. **Take the next steps.** Once you have made your decision, take your next steps quickly. If you are choosing to continue with the pregnancy, you will still want to follow up for prenatal care as soon as possible. If you decide to have an abortion, schedule it as soon as you can. Keep in mind that you may need to travel to a clinic, and factor in some states’ mandatory waiting periods as well. Consider any financial needs you may have in order to pay for the abortion. If you are planning to continue the pregnancy, be sure that you are not smoking, drinking, or using drugs, eating well, and are taking a prenatal vitamin that includes folic acid -- a necessary nutrient for a developing fetus. 12. **Determine your future birth control needs.** Consider discussing your future birth control needs with your provider or at your family planning clinic at your next appointment. Research options online and speak to your doctor about options that may work best for you. If you decide to have an abortion, you may be able to have an IUD (intrauterine device) inserted at the time of your abortion procedure. Check with your doctor about this option. While it prevents pregnancy, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. If you have a regular sex partner, discuss with them what protection you’d both like to take going forward.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Groom Your Collie
Collies are herding dogs with thick manes that require regular grooming. Rough Collies have very long, full coats while Smooth Collies have shorter, sleeker fur. Both types have dense double-coats that protect their skin and regulate their body temperature but are prone to matting. Find out how to keep your Collie well-trimmed and tangle-free. Helping them to maintain good hygiene will ensure that your pet stays healthy and happy. 1. **Brush weekly.** While it may seem like you need to attend to their long fur more often, once a week should be sufficient for most Collies. You may want to brush them twice or more week during their shedding season, which typically takes place once a year during mid to late summer. Check your dog at the end of each day to comb out any ticks or debris caught in the coat. Be especially careful to check paws, ears, armpits, and groin. Start by finely misting your Collie’s coat with water using a spray bottle to keep their hair supple. Use a slicker brush or long-tooth comb to comb their fur with the grain (that is, from their neck towards their tail). Be sure to gently remove any tangles as you go. Keep brushing until you can work the brush easily through their hair without feeling any resistance. For stubborn mats, use a comb to pick them out. If they still don’t budge, trim them using a blunt-nosed grooming scissors. Place your middle and forefinger on either side of the hair just under the mat and against your Collie’s skin to put a barrier between them and the scissors. Then, clip away the mat, leaving as much of their fur as you can. 2. **Pay special attention to their legs and ears.** Rough collies tend to grow long tufts of hair around their ears and on the back sides of their legs. These sensitive areas are especially prone to matting, so it’s wise to give them extra attention during your dog’s weekly brushing. Hold down each ear in turn while gently combing the hair behind it back, away from the ear. If you encounter any tangles, hold the hair below them while you use a comb to pick them out. Be sure to brush out the fringes of fur behind their front legs and in their armpits along the grain of the hair. Do the same for their “pants,” the ruff of hair at the back of their hind legs. 3. **Wipe down their fur.** Use a damp cloth or flannel to wipe down your Collie’s coat after brushing. Follow the grain of their fur, moving from their neck to tail. Apply enough pressure to pick up any lingering hair or dirt, but avoid rubbing since that can press debris into their coat or skin instead of removing it. 4. **Bathe them** Collies don’t usually have a “doggy” smell, and frequent bathing or exposure to human bath products can dry out or irritate their skin while depleting the natural oils in their coats. Give them a bath only when necessary or a few times a year unless otherwise directed by a vet. Bathe them in a tub, shower, or outside using a hose with a gentle spray nozzle. It will be easiest to do if they’re in an enclosed space with a mobile water source (like a detachable shower head). Wet your dog’s coat from the neck down using luke-warm water. Lather their fur from their neck down with a mild, hypoallergenic, fragrance-free dog shampoo. Rinse away the suds with luke-warm water until the water runs clear. Once you’ve given your Collie a thorough rinse, let them shake the water out of their coat. Then, use a large, absorbent towel to gently pat them dry. If your Collie is often dirty from outings, rinse away the mud with plain water rather than bathing them more often. 5. **Get the right equipment.** You can use a blunt-nosed grooming scissors and/or an electric hair trimmer. The scissors will help you trim hair more precisely, but the electric trimmer can be quicker and safer. If your Collie is skittish when it comes to grooming, use the latter. 6. **Trim around your Collie’s ears.** Long-coated Rough Collies will often get tufts of hair around their perky ears. Keep them in check by clipping away any excess fur with your grooming shears or trimmer. Start by pressing your Collie’s ear forward against their skull to expose any surrounding tufts behind or on either side of their ear. Cut the hair immediately surrounding their earn down to about an inch in length. You can also trim any long hairs growing out of the ear themselves. Clip them close to your Collie’s ear, being careful to avoid snipping their actual ear. 7. **Trim the fur around their paws.** Any long hair around your Collie’s foot pads is liable to become easily matted or caked with mud and dirt. To ensure your pet’s comfort, keep the fur around their feet, on top of their toes, and between their pads very short. Use a small, blunt-nosed scissors or an electric hair trimmer to remove excess paw hair. 8. **Tidy up their back legs.** Rough Collies may have a profusion of hair growing on the back sides of their hind legs. If that’s the case, comb it straight out away from their legs with your slick brush, and trim it using your scissors. Clip it evenly, following the line of your dog’s leg. You can trim it down to be short enough to match the hair on the front of their hind legs. 9. **Clip long hairs on their tail.** The fur on a Collie’s tail often grows wild and can accumulate a lot of dirt. Stick to trimming away just the fly-away hairs or uneven fur that’s sticking out. Trimming down all the fur on their tail would look odd and patchy. 10. **Avoid shearing your Collie.** While you want to trim away mats and excess fur in sensitive areas that are prone to matting, it’s not a good idea to shave or significantly trim your dog’s fur in general. Collie’s double-coats may seem like a burden in warmer weather, but they actually help regulate their body temperature year-round. Their fur insulates in the winter and cools them down in the summer. 11. **Consider taking your Collie to a groomer.** For major trims, it’s wise to call in a professional. Taking your pet to a groomer every three months or so will help make the regular maintenance of their thick double-coats a whole lot easier. 12. **Trim their nails** Regular clipping will keep your Collie’s claws from cracking, breaking, or scratching. To do so, you will need a scissor-like Miller’s Forge trimmer designed for medium-sized dogs as well as some styptic powder to address any bleeding. Frequently, the powder will come packaged with the clippers. Going one paw at a time, firmly hold each foot around the ankle with your less dominant hand while using your dominant hand to operate the clippers. Before trimming, look for the tiny red nerve ending called the “quick” on the underside of each claw. Only clip the bit of the nail that extends beyond the quick, always erring on the side of leaving too much. If you accidentally clip through the quick or see blood, press styptic powder firmly into the end of their nail to staunch the bleeding. Give your dog lots of praise and treats to reassure them that everything’s alright. If your Collie is not a fan of this process, recruit another person to hold them in place and comfort them while you clip their nails. If they still don’t stop squirming, it’s probably best to leave this task to a professional. 13. **Wash their ears** Keep your Collie’s perky ears free from wax and dirt by cleaning them with a mild canine ear cleaner. Start by checking for any signs of infection like swelling, bad smells, rashes, or discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, take your dog to the vet. If you don't notice any discharge, waxy buildup or smell then should should leave them alone. To clean your Collie’s ears, drip a small amount of the cleaning solution into each ear. It should be just enough to fill each ear canal. Massage the base of your dog’s ear for 10-20 seconds; then, let them shake their head to get the cleaner out. Use a clean cotton ball to gently wipe away any liquid, dirt, and wax that was released by the cleaning solution. To avoid damaging to your Collie’s inner ear, don’t use cotton swabs or poke into their ear canal. 14. **Brush their teeth** Good oral hygiene is essential to warding off bad breath, tartar buildup, and bacterial infections. Brushing your Collie’s teeth is the easiest way to promote their oral hygiene. To maximize convenience and effectiveness, get an angled toothbrush and toothpaste made especially for medium-sized dogs. Dog toothpaste comes in a variety of meaty flavors that your Collie will enjoy and doesn’t need to be rinsed out of their mouths. Human toothpaste can be poisonous or harmful to dogs, especially those with fluoride and/or baking soda. Pull up your Collie’s lips, and brush their teeth along the gumline with quick, gentle circular motions. You only need to brush the front-side of their teeth. You can also minimize plaque buildup by feeding your dog dry kibble and providing them with dental chews. 15. **Watch out for signs of infection.** As you groom, be on the lookout for any potential symptoms of infections like sores, rashes, redness, discoloration, swelling, scabs, and/or discharge. These could be indications of allergies, skin conditions, or systemic issues that can negatively impact your Collie’s health. If you see any worrying symptoms, make an appointment with a vet seek a diagnosis and appropriate treatment. 16. **Take your Collie to the vet for regular check-ups.** Be sure that your pet is well cared for, inside and out. Register your Collie with a local veterinary practice, and make regular visits so that you can catch any health issues early. Besides reminding you to schedule annual health exams for your Collie, your vet will help you ensure that your pooch is up-to-date with vaccinations and parasite control treatments. Up until age 7, Collies should go in for at least one check-up a year. After that, it’s best to schedule one every six months.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Treat Winged Scapula
The condition known as winged scapula (WS) causes a telltale protruding shoulder blade that looks a little like a wing stump, and can also cause localized pain and restricted upper-body movement. There are actually several varieties of WS, but for most types, your doctor will likely recommend a combination of rest, physical therapy, and pain management. If necessary, surgical options may be considered. The best way to prevent WS is to strengthen the muscle groups in your upper body. 1. **Allow 6-24 months for the scapula to heal without surgery.** While you may want a quick fix if your shoulder blade is sticking out and causing you pain, patience is often the best approach. With the right mix of rest and rehabilitation, many cases of WS can be cured without undergoing surgery and its associated risks. Don’t try to diagnose or treat WS on your own. See your doctor if you have a protruding shoulder blade or if there's pain in your shoulder area that limits your ability to do daily activities like brushing your teeth or pushing a shopping cart. 2. **Participate in prescribed physical therapy sessions.** Your doctor will want you to rest your shoulder, but targeted and professionally-supervised physical therapy will usually speed up the healing and strengthening processes. Ask your doctor and friends to recommend good physical therapists in your area, and ask your insurer for a list of in-network providers. During physical therapy sessions, you’ll do targeted range-of-motion and scapula-strengthening exercises. You’ll probably also be shown exercises to do at home. Recovering from WS is a long-term process, so plan on attending physical therapy sessions for several months, and possibly 6 months or more. 3. **Try massage therapy, especially if recommended.** Massage therapy may be a part of your physical therapy program or occur separately. It can help ease pain due to WS and loosen tight muscles in the area. Ask your doctor and physical therapist for recommendations. Medical massages will likely be more beneficial, but spa-style massages can also help. If massage therapy has been recommended by your doctor, you'll probably attend sessions for at least as long as your physical therapy sessions -- possibly 6 months or longer. Massage therapy may or may not be covered by your insurer. 4. **Apply heat and ice for temporary pain relief.** For short-term WS pain relief, some people respond better to heat, while others prefer icing the area. Consult your doctor or physical therapist for advice, and try each to see which works best for you. Apply either heat or ice for about 20-30 minutes at a time, unless otherwise directed. You can typically apply heat or ice as often as desired. Don’t apply an ice pack or bag of ice directly to your skin. Wrap it in a towel first. You may need a helper to hold the heat/ice pack in place, or to wrap it in position. 5. **Wear a “winger’s brace” if your doctor advises it.** This contraption buckles over your shoulders and around your waist, all with the purpose of pressing your protruding scapula against your upper back. This may provide some pain relief and aid in healing. A winger’s brace isn’t appropriate for all cases of WS, so follow your doctor’s guidance. Your doctor will fit you for a brace, help arrange for one through a medical supply company, and show you how to put it on. 6. **Use prescribed muscle relaxants or pain medications.** As part of your rest and rehab program, your doctor may prescribe one or more medications to deal with WS pain. These usually include muscle relaxants, NSAIDs, and/or other analgesics. Take any prescribed WS medications exactly as advised, and watch for any side effects pointed out by your doctor and/or pharmacist. Among their possible side effects, muscle relaxants can cause drowsiness, sleepiness, muscle weakness, and lethargy; NSAIDs can cause allergic reactions or exacerbate stomach ulcers; acetaminophen (Tylenol) can cause liver problems; and opioid analgesics can lead to dependency with long-term use. 7. **Undergo surgery if rest and rehab don’t help.** If several months or up to 2 years of rest and rehab don’t substantially improve your WS, surgery becomes the most likely option. Your doctor might also recommend it sooner for certain types of WS, such as WS due to a traumatic injury. Surgical options can include: Nerve and/or muscle transfers. Nerves and/or muscle tissues from other parts of your upper body will be relocated in order to repair the damage to your scapula and the surrounding area. Static stabilization. An internal sling will be implanted in order to reconnect your scapula to your upper back. Scapulothoracic fusion. This is a last-resort procedure that fuses your scapula directly to your ribcage. It can cause significant range-of-motion limitations and lung problems, among other issues. 8. **Improve your shoulder strength with recommended exercises.** If you've been diagnosed with WS, you'll probably be slowly introduced to a program of scapula-strengthening exercises. These exercises can also improve your range of motion and possibly reduce your chances of developing future cases of WS. If you’ve been diagnosed with WS, follow the exercise program recommended by your doctor and/or physical therapist. In some cases, strengthening exercises — especially if overdone — can cause further damage. If you've never had WS, these exercises are still a great way to build shoulder strength and flexibility. 9. **Do all 4 positions of ITYWs.** Start by lying face-down with your arms at your sides. Then move through each of the 4 positions 2-3 times, spending 15 seconds in each position. Each exercise gets its name from the letter shape your body approximates during the maneuver. I: Move your hands to your hips, with your palms up and your thumbs pointing toward your thighs. Flutter your arms up and down. T: Hold your hands out to your sides, with your palms down. Flutter your arms up and down. Y: Move your hands halfway between out to the side and straight above your head. Flutter up and down with your palms down. W: Bend your elbows and tuck them against your sides while keeping your hands extended at the “Y” angle. Then extend your arms back out into the full “Y” position and repeat for the entire 15 seconds. 10. **Pull on a light exercise band with both arms.** Stand with your arms extended in front of you at shoulder height and width, palms facing each other, with an exercise band held (without tension) in your hands. Keeping your arms straight and shoulder height, extend them outwards as wide as you can comfortably manage, using a slow, steady motion. Return to the starting position slowly — control the band’s retraction instead of letting it snap back. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions each, with a short rest between sets. Start with a light resistance exercise band, then slowly move up to greater resistance levels once your current level no longer presents a challenge. 11. **Do upright “pushups” to target your scapulae.** Face a wall and extend your arms so that your palms are flat against the wall while your arms are at shoulder height and width. Without bending or moving your arms, slowly thrust your sternum (breastbone) toward the wall until your shoulder blades meet. Then, still without moving your hands or arms, pull your sternum back a little beyond your starting position, so that your shoulder blades are slightly rounded outward. Do 10-15 repetitions per set, and between 2-3 sets. 12. **Roll a medicine ball against the wall with one hand.** Stand an arm’s length away from a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Pin an 8 lb (3.6 kg) medicine ball against the wall with one extended arm and a flat palm — use your other hand to position the ball if needed. Roll the ball around on the wall in small counterclockwise and clockwise circles for 15-30 seconds. Try not to let the ball fall! Do 2-3 sets apiece with each arm. You may eventually be able to move up to a heavier medicine ball. 13. **Do shoulder presses with a medicine ball.** Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Hold an 8 lb (3.6 kg) medicine ball above you in both hands, with your arms extended straight above your upper chest. Keep your back, feet, and head flat on the floor and use only your shoulder blades to push the ball a few inches/centimeters further upward, then return to the starting position. Try doing 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions apiece. You can start with a lighter medicine ball (or even a soccer ball or volleyball) if needed, and move up to a heavier ball once you are physically ready for a greater challenge. 14. **Try exercise ball pushups as an advanced maneuver.** Assume a standard pushup position with your legs and body, but place both hands on an exercise ball that is positioned underneath your upper chest. Extend your arms while keeping your hands on the ball, then slowly drop back down until your chest touches the exercise ball. Do 10 repetitions and 2 sets. Keeping the ball secure beneath you takes practice and adequate upper body strength. Ease into this exercise and consider working with a spotter who holds the ball. Otherwise, the ball might squirt free and you’ll fall on your face! 15. **Call your doctor if you have physical signs or localized pain.** The related conditions collectively referred to as winged scapula get their name from the protruding shoulder blade that looks a bit like the beginnings of a wing. If you notice one — or even less commonly, both — shoulder blade(s) sticking out noticeably, especially when you raise your arms, make an appointment with your doctor. If you have WS, you’ll almost certainly also experience pain in your shoulder, upper arm, upper back, and/or neck when you lift your arm. The pain may be strong enough to make common tasks like brushing your teeth or pushing a shopping cart difficult. 16. **Discuss any repetitive-motion activities with your doctor.** While still uncommon, WS is more likely in bodybuilders, amateur or professional athletes (baseball, golf, basketball, etc.), and people whose jobs require repetitive shoulder movements (e.g., emptying trash cans into a garbage truck). Even extending your arm out in the same position for long stretches (like at a desk job) can in rare instances contribute to WS. Inform your doctor if you, for instance, have begun playing tennis regularly or have taken on a new job planting trees and shrubs. 17. **Talk about other possible WS causes as well.** Even without repetitive motion activities, WS is still a possibility if you are exhibiting symptoms. Other causes can include: Traumatic injury. Car accidents, for instance, can cause tissue and nerve damage that contribute to WS. Surgery. If particular nerves are damaged during a surgical procedure involving your shoulder, upper back, or chest, WS can occur. Illness. Viral illnesses like the flu and medical conditions like muscular dystrophy can sometimes contribute to WS. So too can allergic reactions, drug overdoses, or exposure to toxins. All these causes are exceedingly rare, though. 18. **Undergo a physical exam and possibly testing.** In most cases, your doctor will diagnose WS by examining your scapula and discussing your symptoms with you. They will probably look at and feel your scapula as you raise your arms, for instance. If there is still doubt, your doctor may recommend electromyography (nerve stimulation via electrode needles inserted into your muscles) in order to confirm a WS diagnosis. But this is unnecessary in most cases.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Use an Auger
An auger is a tool used to bore holes, and has a threaded shank and handle. Augers bore holes in the ground, through materials like wood or ice, and even in packed material clogging water pipes. This article gives instruction in using the 2 most common kinds of augers: post-hole augers and drain augers. 1. **Choose the right auger for the job.** You need to consider what kind of soil you'll be digging in, how many holes you will dig and whether you have someone to help you run the auger. A hand auger can be operated by 1 or 2 people. This is best if you only have 1 or 2 holes to dig, because it takes a lot of work to turn the handle. A power auger uses a gasoline engine to turn the auger, but it can be dangerous if it runs into a rock or other obstruction. The auger will stop suddenly, which can cause the top to jerk, knocking you off your feet or even breaking your arm. A wheeled auger is a power auger mounted on a wheeled frame, so there is less chance you'll be injured if it stops. A tractor auger is safest because you operate it from the tractor seat. If something goes wrong, you are at safe distance. 2. **Don steel-toes boots and leather gloves.** If you use a power auger, you also need hearing and eye protection. Don't wear loose clothing that can be caught in the auger. 3. **Break up the soil if it's especially hard.** Your auger will work best if the first few inches or centimeters is easy to dig into. Use a spade, digging tool or clamshell post-hole digger. If the ground is still too hard, soak the area with water. 4. **Hold the auger upright by the handle, with the shank perpendicular to the ground.** Begin turning the handle or start the motor. If a powered auger stops suddenly, immediately release the throttle or hit the kill switch stop the motor. 5. **Dig down about 12 inches (30 cm).** Raise the auger out of the hole and dump the dirt off the blades. If you don't regularly dump off the dirt, the auger will become too heavy to raise easily. It may even get stuck in the hole. 6. **Return the auger to the hole and continue digging and dumping the dirt.** Most post-holes are about 3 feet (1 meter) deep. Augers can dig much deeper, however, if you use extension rods. 7. **Choose an auger, also called a pipe snake.** Consider factors such as the age of the house and what plumbing problems you've had before. While a simple auger may not be adequate for every situation, a power auger requires you to lug a heavy spool around to clear the smallest drain clogs. A hand-cranked auger is a long cable with a threaded bit that pushes down into the drain until it contacts the obstruction. A hand-crank turns the bit, which bores into the obstruction A power auger may come with its own motor or it may be attached to a drill that uses a motor to spin the bit. The motor makes getting through the obstruction easier and faster. You can reverse the motor to help pull the obstruction out of the pipe. 8. **Push the cable into the drain until it hits the obstruction and stops.** Leave 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) between the drain and the crank so you can operate it easily. If you have too much cable between the drain and the crank, it may kink. 9. **Turn the crank or use the motor to turn the bit clockwise.** The bit will push against the obstruction, which may be enough to clear it. If not, the bit will bore into the obstruction. 10. **Stop cranking when the bit stops turning.** If you are using a power auger, stop when the motor slows down. 11. **Push on the auger to see if it pushes the obstruction through.** If that doesn't work, pull to see if you can break up the obstruction. If you are using a power auger, reverse the motor a few times to see if the obstruction breaks up. 12. **Watch to see if the drain becomes unclogged.** If it doesn't, use the auger again to bore into more of the obstruction. Keep working until the obstruction is completely broken up and the water drains well. 13. **Consider working on large or stubborn obstructions from the other side.** Find the clean-out pipe, which may be close to the house on the outside or in the basement or crawlspace. Thread the auger through the clean-out pipe and work as before.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Your Own Wrestling Ring
If you’re a big wrestling fan, you’ve probably dreamed of having your very own wrestling ring in your backyard. Luckily, with the right tools and supplies, you can! 1. **Buy four 8 foot (2.4 m) tall wooden posts.** Look for posts that are around 6 inches (15 cm) wide by 6 inches (15 cm) long. These posts will serve as the corners of your wrestling ring. 2. **Measure and mark 42 inches (110 cm) up from the bottom of each post.** That’s where the floor of your wrestling ring will be. Use a marker or pencil to draw a short line at the 42 inch (110 cm) mark on each post. 3. **Make a mark every 17.5 inches (44 cm) along the rest of each post.** Starting at the lines you just marked for the floor, measure 17.5 inches (44 cm) up on each post and make marks. Then, measure another 17.5 inches (44 cm) up from those marks. Continue until you reach the top of the post. There should be about 2 inches (5.1 cm) between the final mark and the top of the post. You'll use the marks to determine where your eye bolts need to be drilled in later on. 4. **Drill eye bolts into the corners of the posts along the marks you made.** First, drill pilot holes through the corners of the posts and out the other side. Then, screw the eye bolts into the posts so they’re sticking straight out from the corners. The ends of the eye bolts should go all the way through the posts and stick out on the opposite side. Secure the eye bolts with the nuts that came with them. Use eye bolts that are .5 inches (1.3 cm) wide by 1 foot (0.30 m) long. You’ll need 12 eye bolts in total — 3 for each post. 5. **Find a flat patch of ground for your wrestling ring.** You want a spot that has soft dirt so you can dig holes in it. Keep in mind that if you build your wrestling ring over grass, the grass underneath the ring will likely turn yellow or die. 6. **Measure and mark a square where your ring will go.** The size of your wrestling ring is up to you, but try to keep it between 8 feet (2.4 m) by 8 feet (2.4 m) and 16 feet (4.9 m) by 16 feet (4.9 m). Mark the corners of the square with stakes and use a tape measure to make sure they’re evenly spaced apart. 7. **Dig a 2 foot (0.61 m) deep hole in each corner of the square.** Make the holes wide enough for the wooden posts to fit in them. When you’re finished, make sure the distance between the holes is the same so your ring isn’t lopsided. 8. **Bury the bottoms of the posts in the holes.** Insert the bottoms of the posts in the holes so they’re standing up straight. Then, hold a level flat against the posts to make sure they’re not tilted. Once you’re sure they’re straight, fill in the holes with dirt and pack them down so the posts are secure. 9. **Buy four 2 inch (5.1 cm) tall by 8 inch (20 cm) wide pieces of wood.** These pieces of wood will run between the wooden posts to create the frame for your wrestling ring. The length of the pieces will depend on how big your ring is. To determine the length, measure the distance between 2 of your posts and add 12 inches (30 cm). The extra 12 inches (30 cm) is so the pieces of wood extend over the sides of the posts (each post is 6 inches (15 cm) wide). You may need to cut the wooden pieces down to size, depending on the size of your ring. 10. **Drill or hammer the pieces of wood into the posts.** Set the pieces of wood on their side on the ground so they’re flush with the bases of the wooden posts. Line the ends of the pieces of wood up with the corners of the posts. Then, use a drill or hammer to fasten the ends of the wood to the posts. When you’re finished, the pieces of wood should make a square frame around your wrestling ring, with the posts in the corners. 11. **Line the bottom of your wrestling ring frame with tires or mattresses.** Tires and mattresses work best because they absorb some of the shock from the floor when you’re wrestling. Lay the tires or mattresses on the ground inside the frame so they’re in a flat, even layer that stretches across the whole floor space. You can find cheap, old mattresses at your local thrift store. Reach out to your local junkyard to see if they have old tires you can use for your ring. Use only tires or only mattresses for your ring. 12. **Cover the square frame of your ring with sheets of plywood to make a floor.** Use plywood sheets that are at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick. The size and number of sheets you’ll need depends on how large your ring is. If your ring is small enough, you may be able to use 1 large plywood sheet. When you have the plywood sheets cut to size, drill or hammer them into the pieces of wood running between the posts. 13. **Cover the plywood floor with mattress padding.** Padding the floor of your wrestling ring will soften the impact when you're wrestling on it. Use thin mattress padding that’s about 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick. 14. **Lay a tarp over the floor and fasten it to the sides of the frame.** The tarp will protect the padding and plywood from bad weather, and it will make your ring look more professional. After you lay the tarp on the floor, pull it as tight as possible and drill or hammer it into the sides of the frame. 15. **Attach a turnbuckle to each eye bolt.** The turnbuckles will connect your wrestling ring ropes to the posts. Each post should have 3 turnbuckles attached to it. You’ll need 12 turnbuckles in total. 16. **Run wrestling ring rope around the ring through the turnbuckles.** Your ring will have 3 tiers of rope — 1 tier that runs through the lowest turnbuckles, a second tier that runs through the middle turnbuckles, and a final tier that runs through the highest turnbuckles. Securely tie off each tier so your ring is completely closed off by the 3 tiers of rope. You can buy wrestling ring rope online or at your local sporting goods store. 17. **Cover the turnbuckles with padding.** It’s important that you put padding over the turnbuckles so you don’t bump into them and hurt yourself when you’re wrestling in your ring. Any kind of thick padding will work, as long as it’s secure over the turnbuckles. You can buy turnbuckle pads online or at your local sporting goods store. You can make your own turnbuckle pads with pillows or pieces of mattress pad. Tie or tape the padding to the turnbuckles. 18. **Test out your new wrestling ring to make sure it's safe.** To test out your ring, walk across the floor and hop up and down a few times — if the floor bends or buckles under your weight, check to make sure it's securely fastened to the frame. You should also test the ropes by leaning into them with all of your body weight. If they don't stay taut when you lean into them, tighten the ropes and make sure they're securely tied off on the turnbuckles. It's also a good idea to double-check the padding on the turnbuckles. If any of the padding feels loose, reattach it to the turnbuckles so it's secure.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Wash a Human Hair Wig
Human hair wigs are expensive, but they are definitely worth it. Because they are made from real hair, they are much more resilient than wigs made from synthetic fibers when it comes to straightening, curling, and dyeing. Just like synthetic wigs, human hair wigs need to be washed regularly. Because of how delicate they are, however, you need to be extra careful with them. 1. **Brush or comb the wig starting from the ends.** Gently comb out the ends of the wig first. Once they are free of knots, work your way up towards the roots until you can run your brush or comb through it without snagging. Use a wire wig brush for straight or wavy wigs, and a wide-toothed comb or your fingers for curly wigs (including natural/African-textured). 2. **Fill your sink with cold water, then stir in 1 to 2 squeezes of shampoo.** Use a high-quality shampoo that is suitable for the hair type you are washing. For example, if you are washing a curly wig, use a shampoo made for curly hair. If you know that the wig has been dyed, try a color-safe shampoo instead. You won't be applying the shampoo directly too the wig fibers. Instead, you'll be using the soapy water to wash the wig. Do not use 2-in-1 shampoos that contain conditioner. You can use conditioner on your wig, but you don't want to place it too close to the roots. If possible, use products that are made specifically for washing human hair wigs, as they will have less damaging chemicals than traditional hair care items. 3. **Turn the wig inside out and place it into the water.** Use your fingers to turn the wig cap inside out and leave the wig fibers hanging loose. Place the wig into the water and press down on the fibers to submerge them. Give the wig a gentle swirl to help distribute the shampoo throughout the strands. Turning the wig inside out will make it easier for the shampoo to reach the wig cap, which is where most of the dirt, sweat, and oils collect. 4. **Soak the wig for 5 minutes.** Make sure that the wig is completely submerged in the water. Do not move the wig around during this time. Too much thrashing, squeezing, and swirling will cause the fibers to get tangled. 5. **Rinse the wig with cold water until the shampoo is all gone.** You can rinse the wig in a bucket filled with fresh, cold water, or you can do it in the sink or shower. Depending on how thick the wig is, you may have to rinse it twice. 6. **Apply conditioner to the wig.** Simply drizzle some conditioner onto the hair, then gently finger-comb it. If your wig is a lace front wig or a ventilated wig, take care to avoid the wig cap. The strands are knotted onto the lace. If you apply conditioner to them, the knots will come undone and the strands will fall out. This should not be a problem with a regular, wefted wig because the fibers are sewn on instead. Use a high-quality conditioner. You can also use a leave-in conditioner instead if that is what you prefer. 7. **Wait 2 minutes before rinsing the conditioner out with cold water.** Leaving the conditioner on the wig for a few minutes will allow the nourishing oils to penetrate the hair and hydrate it—just like the hair that grows out of your head. Once the 2 minutes are up, rinse the wig with cold water again until the water runs clear. Skip this step if you are using a leave-in conditioner. 8. **Turn the wig right-side-out and gently squeeze the water out.** Hold the wig over the sink, and gently squeeze the fibers in your fist. Do not wring or twist the fibers, however, as this can cause them to tangle or break. Do not brush the wig while it is wet. Doing so can damage the fibers and lead to frizz. 9. **Roll the wig up in a towel to remove the excess water.** Place the wig down on the end of a clean towel. Roll the towel into a tight bundle, starting from the end that has the wig on it. Press down on the towel, then gently unroll it and remove the wig. If the wig is long, make sure that the strands are smoothed out and not bunched up. 10. **Apply your desired products to the wig.** Spray the wig with some conditioning spray to help make detangling it easier later on; be sure to hold the bottle 10 to 12 inches (25 to 30 cm) away from the wig. If the wig is curly, consider applying some styling mousse to it instead. 11. **Allow the wig to air dry on a wig stand out of direct sunlight.** Do not brush the wig while it is wet, as this can damage the fibers. If your wig is curly, use your fingers to "scrunch" it every so often. Scrunching is where you cup your hand under the ends of the hair, lift it upward, then curl your fingers inward. This causes the curls to bunch up and take form. If you are using a Styrofoam wig head, make sure that it is mounted onto a stable wig stand. Secure the wig to the wig head with pins, if needed. 12. **Blow dry the wig on your head if you are in a hurry.** Use a hair dryer to dry the wig cap first. Once the cap is dry, place the wig onto your head, and secure it with bobby pins. Finish blow drying the wig while it is on your head. Be sure to use a low-heat setting so as not to damage the fibers. Make sure that you pin your real hair up and cover it with a wig cap before putting the wig on. 13. **Allow the wig to dry upside down if you want more volume.** Turn the wig upside down, then clip the nape part of the wig cape to a pants hanger. You will have to move the pins on the pants hanger closer together in order to achieve this. Hang the wig up in the shower for a few hours so that it can air dry; don't use the shower at this point. If the shower is not available, hang the wig some place that won't get damaged by the water that drips off of the fibers. 14. **Brush the wig once it is completely dry.** Once again, use a wire wig brush if the wig is straight or wavy, and a wide-toothed comb if it is curly. Work your way to the roots starting from the ends. If you need to, apply a detangling product. 15. **Re-curl the wig, if needed.** Some wigs are made from hair that is naturally curly. Other wigs are made from straight hair that has been curled with a curling iron. The latter type of wig will lose its curl when washed. Fortunately, it is easy to re-curl it using the same technique you would on your own hair. Hair rollers are much safer because they do not require heat. If you must use a curling iron, use a lower heat setting. 16. **Keep the wig on a vase or wig stand when you are not wearing it.** If you are using a vase, consider tucking a tissue sprayed with perfume inside it. 17. **Re-wash the wig when it gets dirty.** If you wear your wig daily, plan on washing it ever 2 to 4 weeks. If you wear it more seldom than that, wash it once monthly. 18. **Take care of your own hair if you are wearing the wig daily.** Just because you cover your real hair up with a wig does not mean that you should neglect your own hair. Keeping your hair and scalp clean means that your wig will stay cleaner longer. If you have dry hair, keep it hydrated. This won't affect your wig, but it will keep your own hair healthy.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Choose a Melon
When they're all stacked in a heap at the grocery store or farmer's market, choosing a delicious, ripe melon can seem like mission impossible. But no one wants to go home and slice into their fruit only to find that they've spent their money on a mushy, inedible melon. Fortunately, there are ways to tell if a melon is ripe without cutting into it, so whether you like cantaloupes, watermelons, or honeydews, you can always wind up with tasty fruit. 1. **Examine the cantaloupe’s color and texture.** A good, ripe cantaloupe will have a base color that’s tinted gold, so avoid those that appear green. The skin shouldn’t have any tears or scars, and the netting on its surface should be thick, coarse, and strongly defined. If the cantaloupe’s base color still has a greenish tint, that usually means that it isn’t ripe yet. It’s normal for the netting on the cantaloupe’s skin to be more pronounced in some areas than others. 2. **Test the cantaloupe’s weight.** Once you’ve found a cantaloupe with skin that appears healthy, pick it up and test its weight. The melon should feel fairly heavy for its size. To determine whether it is a good weight, you may have to test several cantaloupes from the store’s display. That will help you determine if one in particular feels heavy enough. 3. **Smell the cantaloupe.** One of the best ways to determine if a cantaloupe is ripe and healthy is to smell it. If the melon has a sweet, musky scent, it’s likely ripe and a good one to bring home. Smell the cantaloupe at the blossom end to test for ripeness. That’s the end of the melon that’s opposite the stem area. If the cantaloupe smells perfume, that may be an indication that it’s overripe. 4. **Check out the cantaloupe’s end stem.** Finally, before purchasing a cantaloupe, examine the stem area. Make sure that there aren’t any tears in the skin, as these can sometimes mean that the melon was harvested too early. There should also be a slight indentation in the stem area to show that the cantaloupe separated easily from the vine when it was harvested. The stem itself shouldn’t be attached to the cantaloupe. That usually indicates that the melon hasn’t matured. Avoid any cantaloupes that are soft or moist in the stem area. 5. **Look for a watermelon with dull skin and a uniform shape.** While a watermelon should be a bright green color, its skin shouldn’t be shiny. Instead, look for one with skin that’s slightly dull. It should also have a uniform shape to indicate that it’s matured fully. If a watermelon’s skin is shiny, it may indicate that the melon isn’t ripe. 6. **Find a watermelon with a creamy patch on the underside.** Next, pick the watermelon up and examine the bottom. There should be a creamy yellow spot from where the melon rested on the ground as it was growing. This field spot indicates that the watermelon spent plenty of time in the sun maturing instead of being harvested too early. The deeper the color of a watermelon’s field spot is the sweeter the melon will be. A white spot is fine, but a yellow spot is best. 7. **Check the texture of the watermelon’s skin for bumps and dents.** As you’re holding the watermelon, run your fingers along its skin to examine the texture. There shouldn’t be any dents, bumps, or irregular curves, which can indicate that the melon didn’t get regular sun and water as it grew. Instead, choose a smooth, even melon. Make sure that there aren’t any cuts or scars in the watermelon’s skin either. 8. **Test the watermelon’s weight.** With the watermelon in your hands, make sure that it has a good weight. It should feel heavy for its size, so compare it with another melon that’s a similar size to see if it has a good heft to it. 9. **Tap your knuckles against the watermelon.** Finally, hold the watermelon a couple of inches from your ear and knock on it with your knuckles. If the melon is ripe, it should make a hollow, tenor-like sound. The knocking test shouldn’t be used as the only test for ripeness because not all watermelon farmers agree that it is accurate. Overripe watermelons can sometimes make the same sound as ripe fruit. Use it to confirm that a melon that meets all of the other criteria is ready to bring home. If the watermelon makes a thudding sound when you hit it, it is likely still full of water and not yet ripe. 10. **Examine the honeydew’s skin for a rich, creamy color.** A healthy, ripe honeydew will be a cream, yellow, or gold color. Avoid melons that are overly green because they aren’t ripe yet. If you choose a honeydew that’s a creamy white color, it won’t be ripe yet but will ripen if you leave it out at room temperature for a few days. 11. **Choose a symmetrical honeydew.** A healthy ripe honeydew will have a spherical shape. More important than looking at the shape, though, is to make sure that the melon you choose is symmetrical. If one end is larger than the other, it can indicate that the honeydew didn’t grow evenly and probably isn't the best choice. 12. **Feel the honeydew’s skin.** Run your fingers along the skin of the honeydew to examine its texture. It should have a smooth, velvety feel with no noticeable dents or bumps. It’s also normal for a honeydew’s skin to have a slightly waxy feel because the sugar in the melon rises to the surface as it ripens. 13. **Check the honeydew’s scent.** Just as with a cantaloupe, you can usually tell if a honeydew is ripe by sniffing it. It should give off a sweet, pleasant scent. A honeydew’s scent will be most evident when the melon is at room temperature. 14. **Shake the honeydew and listen to the sound.** Finally, before purchasing a honeydew, shake it gently. If you hear the seeds rattling around inside, the melon is ripe. If you shake the honeydew and it sounds soupy or slushy inside, that likely means it’s overripe.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Underarm Guards
Underarm shields, also known as dress pads or garment guards, are used to prevent underarm sweat. The shields prevent your sweat from soaking into clothing and controls your body odor. They are disposable, and commercially available for about $2 or more. You can create your own underarm guards and equipment to conceal them to your armpits. 1. **Use panty liners.** While panty liners aren’t meant be used to absorb sweat from your armpit, they are designed to absorb liquid. You can buy a batch of panty liners for much cheaper than predesigned underarm shields. You can cut a panty liner in half and use one for each armpit. Use some scotch tape or a safety pin to connect the pad directly on the clothing. You could alternatively fold the panty liner in half and place the fold over your clothing’s armpit. 2. **Create shields out of socks.** You can create your own underarm shields out of your old socks. Salvage the sock that formed a hole by transforming it into an underarm pad. Use scissors to cut out a thin oval from the sock’s fabric. Attach the pad directly to your clothing or let the pad hang over the pit crease. If you don’t attach the sock shield, it helps if your shirt or dress is tight. Athletic socks will give you the most control of sweat. Cotton socks will also handle liquids better than a synthetic, polyester blend. 3. **Sew shields using muslin.** Acquire muslin fabric from a textiles store, or from a crafts supplier. Fold the muslin about three times. Draw a thin oval, about the size of your armpit, onto the folded muslin. Take a pair of scissors and cut along the outline. You can sew these together in a couple of different ways: Use loose flannel to cover the muslin. Use a spare strip of flannel fabric and wrap the layers of muslin. Cut the flannel so that it matches the cut out design with a little bit of overlap for sewing. Sew the flannel together using standard thread. Sew the muslin together using a thread and needle. The sew doesn’t need to be perfect, but it should hold each layer in place. The more layers of muslin that you use, the more absorbent the shield will be. 4. **Use an absorbent fabric.** Buy an absorbent fabric from a fabrics supplier or from the internet. There are a few types of fabrics that are notoriously absorbent like: zorb, hemp cotton, bamboo cotton, and polyurethane laminate. These are the types of fabrics that commercial underarm pads are made from. Use the raw supplies to create your own pads at half the cost. If you need help measuring the fabric, place the uncut fabric to your armpit. Use a mirror and a pen to outline your armpit. Outline an oval that fits your armpit using a marker. Then cut out the outline with scissors. The absorbent fabric can be layered like the muslin pads were. You can alter the pads based on your personal needs. 5. **Choose garments to fit with underarm pockets.** You can create permanent pockets that will hold the underarm shields if you don't want to attach new guards every few days. This is a good idea if you have a limited wardrobe and will likely be wearing the same outfit often, like a uniform or a suit. Pockets will also hold other odor fresheners, like baking soda or powder deodorant, that you can use in addition to your underarm pad. It will take a little longer than installing a new set of underarm pads each time, but the pockets will last a long time. 6. **Take down the measurements.** Take a T-shirt from your wardrobe to get a measurement for the pocket. A starter measurement you can use is 2”x3”. You can also take a piece of fabric, pen, and measure the dimension in front of a mirror. Use your armpit as the basis for the size of your pockets. 7. **Create the pockets.** Determine what type of material you want the pockets to be. You can create the pockets out of socks or use mesh fabric. Socks are more comfortable in cooler months, while mesh pockets are more comfortable when it's hot outside. If you use socks, it is best to use baby socks. Baby socks don’t require any alterations and are already the right size. Mesh fabric works well, but you have to measure, cut, and sew the pockets together. Cut out a long strip and fold the fabric together. When you sew or glue the fabric leave the top open. This will allow you to insert disposable guards with ease. 8. **Attach the pockets to the garment.** Attach the pockets directly to the underarm area of your clothes using buttons, safety pins, or Velcro. You can attach them permanently by sewing but this could make cleaning them difficult. If you wear the same shirts repeatedly, it won't be too much work to sew buttonholes or glue/sew Velcro onto each garment. The pockets alone should absorb sweat and odors, but you can fill each bag or sock with baking soda if you have a serious amount of sweat. This technique will work best with relatively tight shirts or dresses that will hold the pockets to your underarms and absorb the sweat before it travels. 9. **Test the visibility and comfort of the pocket.** Try on the shirt and look in the mirror. Are the pockets visible? If the pocket appear to be bulging out, consider reducing the amount you place in the pocket. Make adjustments to the underarm pad or reduce the amount of powder deodorant. The pockets will probably not be comfortable at first. You might need to wear the pockets for a week to determine if you can stand having them attached to your clothes. If you are constantly becoming annoyed by the pockets, then remove them from your clothes and use a pad. 10. **Create a chest strap.** Measure the distance between your armpits to your upper torso. Use a simple piece of string, a small-diameter rope, or a body strap. Cut two pieces of material to this length and see if they fit around your body. The chest strap should be leveled to your arm pit on your upper chest. Once you find a comfortable fit, seal the ends with a knot to prevent unraveling. You can also use Velcro to attach the chest strap. 11. **Attach two shoulder straps.** Measure and cut out two thin strings that will go over your shoulders and attach to the chest strap to hold it in place. Take a measurement while the chest strap is attached, then remove the chest strap to attach the shoulder straps. You can knot the straps in place or use velcro to secure the shoulder straps to the chest strap. Imagine the design of a bra to help construct this design. 12. **Acquire a pair of shields.** There are plenty of options for underarm guards or pads. You can either make your own pads or buy a pack of premade pads designed to attack the sweat. Use whatever product or design that fit your needs. 13. **Attach the guards to the harness.** Use a safety pin or tape to attach the underarm guards to the harness where it crosses under your armpits. The guards should fit snugly against your underarms without impeding circulation. 14. **Put on the harness before your other clothing.** The easiest way to put on the harness is to insert each arm as if pulling on a cut-off T-shirt. Put your head through the harness. Adjust the length of the shields as needed. Once you're satisfied with the placement of the guards and harness, put the rest of your clothing on. Determine if you can see the harness while fully clothed by looking in a mirror. One way to hide the harness is by wearing an under shirt over the harness and then wear an additional shirt. Loose fit clothing will also help conceal the harness. Give yourself at least one week to test the comfort of the harness before trying a new technique.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Cement a Post in the Ground
Putting posts in the ground is an important step in building a fence, and pouring cement into the holes will keep your posts sturdy and protected. After digging the hole, all you need to do is mix your cement and let it set. In just 1 day, you can have posts in the ground that will last for a long time! 1. **Check for utility lines in your yard before you dig.** Many yards have utility lines for electricity, plumbing, or gas running underneath them. Contact your local utility companies 2-3 days before you plan on digging your post to see if there are any lines running underneath the area. If you’re in the United States, you can call 811 a few days before you dig so utility companies can come mark where they have lines. 2. **Measure your post, and make your hole 3 times its width.** Use a tape measure to find the width of your pole. When you have the measurement, mark the ground where you want to place your post. Make sure there is enough room to make the hole 3 times the width of your fence post so you can pour the cement. For example, if you’re putting in a 4 in × 4 in (10 cm × 10 cm) post, your hole should be 12 inches (30 cm) in diameter. 3. **Use post hole diggers** Hold your post hole diggers so the handles are together and the jaws are open. Press the jaws into the ground and pull the handles apart to clamp the soil. Turn the diggers to cut out a circle, and lift the soil out of the ground. Continue digging the hole until you reach a depth equal to ⅓ of the post’s above-ground height plus 6 inches (15 cm). For example, if you want a 6 ft (1.8 m) post, your hole should be 30 inches (76 cm) deep. You need a solid foundation for your posts, so don't dig holes in muddy soil. 4. **Layer gravel at the bottom of the hole to increase drainage.** Wood will prematurely rot and metal will rust if it sits in water. To make sure your hole doesn’t hold water, fill it with 6 inches (15 cm) of gravel. Use a hoe to press the gravel down to pack it tight. Gravel can be purchased at any home and garden store. 5. **Put the post in the center of your hole.** Set the end of the post on top of your gravel in the middle of the hole. Use a two-sided post level to check if your post is straight and plumb. 6. **Mix fast-setting concrete in a wheelbarrow.** Purchase a quick-setting concrete from your local hardware store. Pour the dry mix into a clean wheelbarrow and make a depression in the middle of the mix. Pour 3 US quarts (2.8 L) of water per 80 lb (36 kg) bag of concrete into the depression and mix it together with a hoe. Keep mixing the concrete until it has the consistency of a thick oatmeal and holds its shape when you squeeze it. Avoid adding extra water to your concrete mix since it will make it weaker. Wear rubber gloves before touching concrete so it doesn’t dry on your skin. Have someone help you lift the bag of concrete if you can’t do it by yourself. 7. **Pour the concrete into the hole until it’s 2–3 in (5.1–7.6 cm) below ground level.** Use a shovel or hoe to transfer your concrete into the hole. Make sure to evenly pour the concrete on all sides of your post so the hole fills in completely. Leave at least 2 inches (5.1 cm) between your cement and ground level so you can cover it later. Slope the concrete away from the post so it drains water better. If you can, have someone hold the post while you pour the concrete so your post doesn’t move around. 8. **Check if your post is plumb using a level.** Once your concrete is in the hole, use your two-sided post level to make sure your post is straight. Move and adjust the post if you need to until it sits plumb. Tamp the concrete again with the end of your hoe if you made any adjustments to the post. If you don’t have a two-sided level, use a straight level and switch between checking each side of the post. 9. **Let the concrete set completely overnight.** Although fast-setting concrete dries within 20 minutes, don’t put any weight or heavy loads on your post until the next day. That way, you can ensure that it stays plumb while it dries.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Remove Wine Labels for Collecting
Collecting wine labels has become an increasingly popular hobby. An intact wine label can be a wonderful way to remember a special occasion or a great glass of wine. If you’d like to carefully remove and preserve wine bottle labels, you’ll need to expose the adhesive backing to a heat source. Once it’s melted, use the edge of a utility knife to lift off a corner of the label and the whole thing should peel right off. Whether you use boiling water or an oven, work with caution and protect your hands from the hot glass bottle by wearing oven gloves. 1. **Boil 3 cups (710 mL) of water in a kettle.** A wine bottle holds about 3 cups (710 mL) of liquid, so use this much water for each bottle you want to remove the label from. Pour the water into a kettle and bring it to a rolling boil. If you boil water in a saucepan, it will be much harder to pour it into the bottle later. 2. **Pour the boiling water directly into the empty wine bottle.** Stand up your wine bottle in the sink. Wear an oven glove on one hand and use this to hold the wine bottle steady. If your kettle has a narrow spout, you can slowly pour the boiling water directly into the bottle. If not, consider using a funnel to get the water down the bottleneck more easily. Be careful not to splash yourself or the label while you pour the water into the bottle. 3. **Wait for about 5 to 10 minutes while the water melts the adhesive.** If your bottle is standing upright in your sink, simply leave it there for a few minutes. Allow about 5 to 10 minutes for the boiling water to melt the glue on the back of the label from the inside out. 4. **Tip the hot water out of the wine bottle.** Slip on a pair of oven gloves. After leaving the water in the bottle for a few minutes, grab ahold of the wine bottle and carefully tip out the hot water into the sink. Use caution as the glass will be hot. If necessary, use a towel to soak up any drips from the glass or the label. 5. **Peel the label off of the bottle using the edge of a utility knife.** Once the water has been emptied out, use one hand to hold the bottle still. With the other hand, carefully slide the edge of a utility knife or razor blade underneath one corner of the wine label. Once it comes up, delicately lift off the rest of the label. The great part about this technique is that you won’t need to get the label wet. This is a great way to remove special labels that you’re worried about damaging. Be careful as you do this since the glass may still be hot. 6. **Preheat your oven to 350 °F (177 °C) degrees.** Once you’ve finished off a bottle of wine, you can warm it up in the oven to melt the adhesive backing. Make sure your oven is empty, then set the temperature to 350 °F (177 °C). Before you preheat the oven, you can set your bottle inside to see if it stays put without rolling around. 7. **Warm the empty, uncorked bottle in the oven for 10 minutes.** Lay the bottle down on the center rack, making sure it doesn’t roll around. Turn the bottle so that the label you want to preserve faces upwards. Wait about 10 minutes for the adhesive on the back of the label to melt. If necessary, set the bottle in a glass casserole dish to hold it in place. 8. **Wear oven gloves to transfer the bottle from the oven to a cooling rack.** After about 10 minutes, put oven gloves on both of your hands and carefully remove the wine bottle from the oven. It will be hot, so use caution! Set it on a cooling rack so it doesn’t leave any burn marks on your work surface. 9. **Use the edge of a utility knife to lift the label off of the bottle.** Slide the edge of a utility knife or razor blade underneath one corner of the label. Once you do this, slowly and gently peel the label off of the glass. Use the knife to cut through any stubborn patches of adhesive. When you’re peeling back the label, use even, steady pressure to avoid ripping the paper. If the label won’t budge, just let the bottle cool down to room temperature. You can try another method later. 10. **Air-dry the adhesive or preserve the sticky label on paper.** Since the melted adhesive backing will be sticky, you can allow it to air-dry or place it onto another material. If you’d like to wait for the glue to dry, leave the label face-down on a sheet of parchment paper overnight. If you want to preserve it in a book or on a sheet of paper, place it onto the page while it’s still sticky and press down the edges to attach it. 11. **Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil.** Fill a large stockpot about 1/3 of the way up with water. Place this onto a stovetop burner and set the temperature to high. Wait about 15 or 20 minutes for the water to reach a rolling boil. If you have a 2-piece pasta pot, use the base to hold the water. You’ll be able to place the wine bottle in the colander part. 12. **Hold the empty, uncorked bottle over the steam for at least 30 minutes.** Wearing oven gloves, pick up the empty, uncorked bottle and hold it directly above the boiling water. Be careful not to allow the label to touch the water. Rotate the bottle every few minutes to expose the front and back of the label to the steam. Keep the water going at a steady simmer or rolling boil to keep generating steam. The steam will gently melt the adhesive backing on many wine labels. If you’re using a 2-piece pasta pot, lower the colander insert into the base. Then, stand the wine bottle up inside the colander. Unless you’re using a colander insert, you’ll need to manually hold the bottle over the water while it steams to avoid getting it wet. 13. **Peel off the label using a utility knife and oven gloves.** The glass will be hot after having sat over the steam for a while, so make sure you’re wearing oven gloves. With the tip of a utility knife or razor blade, gently lift up one corner of the wine label. If it doesn’t budge, expose the bottle to the steam for another 10 or 15 minutes. Once it starts to come loose, slowly lift off the entire label. Once the adhesive has softened, the label should come off easily in one piece. 14. **Air-dry the label on a sheet of parchment paper.** If the label ends up being slightly damp after having been exposed to the steam, allow it to air-dry overnight. Set it on a sheet of parchment paper with the adhesive-side up. This will allow the glue to harden while the front of the label dries off. This is a useful technique to use on labels that you don’t want to submerge in water. 15. **Fill a large pot with hot water.** Boil enough water to fill a stockpot about 2/3 of the way up. Make sure you use enough water to completely cover the entire wine label once you set the bottle into the pot. You can use hot water from the tap instead, but it might not be as effective as just-boiled water. 16. **Submerge the empty, uncorked bottle in the hot water for 10 to 15 minutes.** Stand up the bottle in the pot full of hot water. If necessary, add a little more water so that the top of the label is covered by the water. Leave it to soak for about 10 to 15 minutes or so. If desired, you can purchase a chlorinated soap from a wine store that’s designed to help to dissolve the adhesive. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions so you use the product correctly. 17. **Remove the bottle from the hot water and dry it off.** Put on a pair of rubber kitchen gloves to provide some grip and protect your hands from the hot water. Use caution as you lift out the wine bottle as it will be hot. Dry off the outside of the bottle with a towel. 18. **Peel off the damp label using the edge of a utility knife.** Once the bottle is dry, slide the blade of a utility knife underneath one of the corners of the label. Once it starts to come loose, carefully peel up the rest of the label. Work slowly to avoid tearing the label. The hot water soak will have softened up the adhesive, so you should be able to preserve the label in one piece. Be careful not to rub or scratch the damp paper as it will easily get damaged. 19. **Allow the label to air-dry overnight.** Set the damp label on a piece of parchment paper face-down, if you want the adhesive to dry. Or, set it glue-side down onto a sheet of regular paper if you’d rather mount the label or preserve it in a journal. The moist glue will adhere to the paper. Leave the paper to air-dry overnight. If the label curls up while it dries, you can press it flat within the pages of a heavy book once it’s totally dry.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Talk to a Girl Without It Getting Boring
The last time you talked to a girl, you found yourself rambling on about your math homework, then mentioning your dentist appointment, and concluding by cracking your knuckles while the girl stared at the floor in awkward silence. Don't fret: every guy has been there. It's okay if your last conversation wasn't exactly as exciting as the Hunger Games series -- if you're prepared and make an effort, then the next time you talk to a girl, she'll be utterly captivated. 1. **Start with a light topic.** When you first start talking to the girl, pick a light topic that you can both chat about pretty casually that won't make things awkward. Don't tell her about the weird rash on your back or ask her about her most embarrassing moment; you can save that stuff for when you get to know each other better. Stick to the PG topics that can still lead to an interesting conversation without making the girl feel uncomfortable. Don't use profanity. She likes to be treated like a lady! Here are some pretty safe but fun topics that you can start off with: Your favorite bands Movies you've seen recently Your pets Your siblings What you did over the weekend or what you're going to do next weekend Your plans for the upcoming vacation 2. **Avoid the personal stuff.** Avoiding the personal stuff goes hand in hand with starting with a light topic. Though you can have a deeper discussion once the girl gets to know you better, for now, it's best to avoid talking about any deaths in the family, your first loves, your weird illnesses, or your fear of death. If you feel like you have an instant connection with the girl, then you really might be able to wade through the small talk faster to get to the important stuff, but you should still avoid highly personal topics when you just start talking or the girl may back off. Okay, if she introduces a personal topic and is game for talking about it, then you can pursue it and see where it goes, but still try to stay on your toes. Check out the girl's facial expressions and body language. If she backs away or looks upset when you ask her something that you thought was pretty simple, then she might actually view it as a sensitive topic. 3. **Keep smiling.** Maintaining a smile and a positive demeanor will keep the girl's interest and will make her more likely to keep talking to you. Though you don't have to grin until your cheeks are numb, you should smile whenever it's appropriate. This will let the girl see that you really like talking to her and will leave her with a positive feeling. You may be so nervous that you forget to smile, so remember to keep yourself in check. Smiling is especially important when you first start talking to the girl and at the end of the conversation. It's important to start off and to finish strong. 4. **Make eye contact.** Making eye contact is key for making the girl feel important and like you really care about what she has to say. You may feel shy about talking to her and could end up staring at your feet or looking around just because you're afraid to look at her face, but try to break this habit as much as you can. You don't have to hold intense, loving contact the entire time you're talking to her or she may feel a little creeped out, but you should try to look into her eyes when she's talking as much as you can so she feels important. If you struggle to make eye contact or prefer to avoid it, try looking at her nose - but don't stare. Not everyone in the world can hold eye contact during conversation - tell her if you brave enough, a nice girl who is worth talking to will understand. 5. **Ask her questions.** It's key to make the girl feel special as soon as you can. You can show her that you do really care about her by asking her questions, whether you're asking her about herself or about the things she's been up to recently. It doesn't have to be super personal -- and in fact, it shouldn't be -- but you should make an effort to show that you're trying to get to know her. If she doesn't ask you anything back, then you can stay away from the questions for a while, or she may feel like she's being interrogated. Here are some things you can ask her about: Her favorite hobbies and interests Her favorite bands, books, or TV shows Her favorite subjects in school Her dream job Her best friends Her plans 6. **Give her a compliment.** Once you've talked for a bit, you can give the girl a small compliment to make her feel appreciated. You don't have to go overboard and shouldn't compliment her unless you really mean what you say. You can compliment her sweater, her new haircut, a piece of jewelry, or even an aspect of her personality. You shouldn't get too graphic ("You have great legs") or she'll get uncomfortable. Pick something PG and tell her that you like it to show that you care about her but don't want to overstep your bounds. Just one compliment per conversation is a good goal. You don't want her to feel like she's smothered with compliments, or like you don't really mean what you say. 7. **Find common ground.** Once you've gotten the conversation going, you can start to search for common ground so you and the girl can find something else to talk about. Though you don't actually have to have anything in common to have a great conversation, finding common ground can help you make a connection a bit more easily. When you talk to the girl, try to see if you can find something you share, whether it's a love for a certain sport or sports team, the fact that you grew up in the same place, or even a shared friend or teacher. Talking about something you share can lead you to open up, see that you can have an exciting conversation, and to talk about new topics. For example, you can start by talking about how much you both love the 49ers, and then you can share your craziest stories about visiting their stadium, and from there, you may end up discussing your favorite things to do in San Francisco, and so on. Let the things you both share come up naturally instead of trying too hard to ask her if she likes the same things you do. Keep things open ended, so the conversation doesn't shut down if it turns out she doesn't share your interests. For example, instead of saying, "Did you see Frozen? That's my new favorite movie," you can say, "Have you seen anything interesting lately?" 8. **Ask for her opinion.** This is another way to keep the conversation going and to show the girl that you really like talking to her and that she means something to you. If you ask for her opinion, from what she thinks about the current political situation to whether she likes your new shoes, she'll see that you see her as a human being and that you really value what she brings to the table. She'll see that you're not just trying to hit on her but actually care about her, and that you respect her as a person. Don't ask her questions that can only be answered with a "yes" or a "no" and ask open-ended questions instead, so she has room to talk. Try "What do you think about…" instead of "Do you think that…" 9. **Use your environment.** If you're nervous and feel like the conversation is flagging, look around you and see if you can use your environment to your advantage. Maybe there's a flyer for a concert behind you and you can ask the girl if she likes the band. Maybe you're standing near a coffee shop and you can ask her if she ever goes there to read. Maybe you notice she's wearing a sweatshirt for a certain college that your sister went to and you can ask her about her connection to the school. Though you shouldn't start looking around distractedly the second you start the conversation, if you start running out of things to talk about, you can try to pick up some cues from what's around you. This is a creative way to keep the girl's interest and to keep her talking. She'll be impressed by how perceptive you are. 10. **Make her laugh.** If you want to keep the girl's interest, then cracking her up won't hurt. If you make the girl laugh, then she'll want to keep talking to you, so look for opportunities where you can put in a bit of humor. You can lightly poke fun at yourself, make fun of a person you both know in a kind way, or just tell her a corny joke if you really think she'll respond well. If you have a funny story that you think will actually make her laugh, you can tell it, as long as it's not too long and complicated. Don't overdo it, but look for opportunities to make the girl laugh. If you're not naturally funny, then don't try so hard to be someone you're not. The girl will see that you're really making an effort and might feel bad for you. Instead, just work on being yourself, and if you can make the girl laugh in the process, then great. If you don't know the girl very well, then don't tease her unless you're already flirting and teasing each other. She may take it the wrong way and can get offended, and you definitely don't want that. Wink at her. This will definitely make her laugh. 11. **Let her talk.** You may be so nervous about not boring the girl that you could end up dominating the conversation so much that she can't get a word in. Talking the whole time does not mean that you are holding her interest; instead, pausing and leaving room for some silence can be a great opportunity for her to start saying something interesting, too. Don't put all of the pressure on yourself and make sure you are each talking about half of the time, or a little less or more if one of you is shy. If you talk about yourself the whole time, then you'll look self-involved, and she won't want to keep talking to you. 12. **Ask about her interests.** Almost every girl loves talking about the things that mean the most to her, so don't forget to ask her about what she likes to do for fun, how often she does it, why she likes it, and why it means so much to her. You don't have to pry too much and you'll see that the girl's face lights up when she starts talking about something that is really important to her. This will make the girl feel special and like you really care about what makes her tick. If she's not too elaborate when she discusses her interests, then you can share yours, as well. 13. **Show her what makes you stand out.** You don't have to do backflips to leave an impression. However, you do want to walk away from the conversation making the girl feel like she has gotten to know you a little bit and that she has a sense of what makes you stand out from all of the other guys out there. Maybe it's your sense of humor, your charm, or your love for the guitar. Whatever it is, let her in a little bit and show her who you really are. That way, when she sees you again, she'll have something to talk about and will have fond memories of your last conversation. She doesn't have to know everything about you by the end of your ten or fifteen minute conversation. But she should walk away with at least one or two interesting facts about you. If you were just making small talk the whole time, then it would be hard to get to know each other on a real level. 14. **Don't try too hard.** Remember to stay relaxed and to be yourself and know that the girl is likely just as nervous as you are. This means that you don't have to tell wildly made-up stories to get her attention or to talk about something you don't really like, like motorcycles, just because you think it'll make you sound cool. You shouldn't curse or say bad things about people just because you think it'll catch her eye. Just take a deep breath, relax, and talk about the things that you would say to any friend of yours instead of putting on an extra performance for the girl. If you're trying too hard, then the girl will be able to tell. Your goal should be to make her see that you like talking to her without showing that you think your conversation is a big deal. 15. **Keep things positive.** As you feel the conversation wrapping up, remember to stay positive, no matter what you're talking about. If you spent the last five minutes complaining about your parents, your teachers, the weather, or something else that has been getting you down, then the girl won't be left with a very positive impression. You want her to leave with good vibes and to remember that talking to you was actually fun, not annoying or even painful. You may feel like griping, and you can do it a little bit if you and the girl can bond over something that annoys both of you, but try to save your negative thoughts for someone who knows you a little better. 16. **Keep your confidence up.** Remember to stay confident throughout the conversation. Show the girl that you really believe in what you're saying and that you're happy to be who you are. If she gets this sense, then she'll see that you're a guy who is comfortable in his own skin and someone who is fun and easy to talk to. If you're nervous, putting yourself down, or making comments about how you can't find anything to talk about, then she'll feel uncomfortable and will be less likely to want to talk to you again. You don't need to act like you're the most interesting guy in the world or that you're hot enough to be a movie star; just act like you're happy with being you and the rest will follow. There's a difference between bragging and being confident. If you brag too much, the girl will be turned off. 17. **Say goodbye while you're still having a good time.** This is a great way to leave a positive impression. If you find that the conversation is going really well and that you're having a great time and have really clicked, then tell the girl you really like talking to her but that you have to go. Though it may seem ridiculous to leave in the middle of an amazing conversation, this is exactly when you should leave if you want to leave an unforgettable impression in her mind. If you wait too long, you may see that the conversation drags or that you have nothing to talk about, and why would she want to talk to you again after that? Wait until you've really hit it off and then tell her you have to go as nicely as you can. If you're really feeling bold and the conversation has gone super well, you can even work up the courage to ask her to hang out again.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Give Someone Space Without Losing Them
Being asked to give someone space can be a painful experience, and you may be worried that you’re going to lose them. While it’s normal to be upset, it’s important that you honor their wishes if you want your relationship to survive. Step back from your relationship so they have the space they need, but tell them that you’re doing this to help your relationship. While you give them space, focus on yourself to make the situation easier on you. Then, try to repair your relationship. 1. **Ask the person how much space they need, if possible.** Try to set a specific time frame for how long you’ll be apart, even if you just set a day to check-in with each other. Additionally, ask them what they expect from you, like limiting communication or avoiding each other in public. This empowers you to meet their needs and prevents miscommunication that could hurt the relationship. You might say, “I really want to give you the space you need. Can you tell me what space looks like for you so I know what you expect?” For instance, they might want you to stop all contact for a few days. This might include texting, social media, and in-person conversation. However, they may be okay with an occasional text as long as you give them time alone. 2. **Tell the person that you’re giving them space because you care.** One of the pitfalls of giving someone space is that they can start to think you don’t care about them. This puts you in a tricky position because they’ll be unhappy if you bother them, as well. To make sure you’re both on the same page, explain that you’re going to back off only until they’re ready to get close again. Say, “You’re really important to me, and I can see that you need some space right now. I’m going to give you the space you need, and I hope this will strengthen our relationship in the long-term.” 3. **Stop calling and texting the person while you're giving them space.** In most cases, you’ll need to give them several days or possibly weeks of space, depending on what happened. During this time, don’t call or text them more than you agreed. If you do, they’ll feel like you aren’t respecting their wishes and may become more upset. If you can, ask them what they’d prefer. Say, “Do you want me to stop texting and calling until you contact me first?” Giving someone space doesn’t just mean spending time away from them. If you’re texting them, you’re not giving them space. 4. **Stay off their social media accounts.** You probably want to know what they’re doing, and that’s understandable. However, it’s harmful to both of you if you’re stalking their social media page. Not only will it make you more anxious, it may also make them feel like you’re hovering over them. Play it safe and stay off their accounts. Don’t like or comment on anything they’re posting. Additionally, don’t ask mutual friends what they’re doing. 5. **Avoid places you know they frequent so you won’t run into them.** You might not be able to completely avoid them, especially if you live together or attend the same school. However, do your best to stay away from places they might be, such as their workplace or their favorite restaurant. This will help you avoid awkward encounters that might make them feel uncomfortable. For example, let’s say you know the person likes to pick up coffee from the same coffee house every day. If they see you there, they might assume that you ran into them on purpose. 6. **Don’t ask them what they’re doing or monitor their activities.** When someone asks for space, they need time to explore their independence and decide what they want from the relationship. If you demand to know everything they’re doing, you’re not giving them the independence they need. Let them do what feels right to them without telling you the details. You might be tempted to ask, “Who will you be seeing?” This kind of question will make them feel like you aren’t respecting their need for space. Don’t try to set rules, like who they can see and what they can do during the separation. 7. **Allow yourself to feel your emotions, but don’t act on them.** Spending time away from someone you care about is really difficult. You might feel sad, angry, frustrated, or worried. Acknowledge how you’re feeling and express your emotions in a healthy way, like journaling or making art. However, don’t act on your feelings because it will likely make things worse. For instance, you might say to yourself, “Right now I feel really sad because Alex is my best friend and I might lose her.” This can help the emotion pass. On the other hand, it’s not a good idea to call Alex and cry about how upset you are. 8. **Distract yourself** Instead of worrying about what they’re doing, use this time to do activities that are important to you. Spend time with your friends, engage in your favorite hobbies, or explore a new interest. Fill your free time with fun things that will keep you occupied. For instance, see a movie on Monday, host a game night on Tuesday, paint on Wednesday, practice card tricks on Thursday, and go to a high school football game on Friday. 9. **Keep your mind busy so that you won’t think about them.** You’re probably really worried about losing this person, but thinking about that isn’t going to help. It’ll only make you more miserable and might make you reach out too soon. Do something to occupy your mind, like reading, playing a game, or watching a documentary. This will help you think about something else. For instance, let’s say you find yourself thinking about your partner during your lunch break. Try reading a book to occupy your mind. 10. **Talk to someone you trust if you need to discuss your feelings.** Right now you’re probably feeling really upset, and venting might help you feel better. Discuss the situation with a person you can trust. Let them know if you just want to talk or if you’d like their advice. You might say, “I’m going through something right now and just need to vent. My boyfriend needs space, and I’m worried that we’re going to break up. I miss him so much.” 11. **Practice self care** Taking good care of yourself will make you feel better and shows the other person that you’re able to be independent. Make sure that you’re eating healthy meals, exercising, and bathing daily. Additionally, do nice things for yourself like getting your favorite coffee, taking a hot bath, or going for a short walk. Create a schedule for yourself so that it’s easier to keep up with your self care while you’re going through this situation. 12. **Identify the reason they needed space in the first place.** Think about what happened before they asked for space and what they said when they told you what they needed. Then, ask yourself what you could have done differently, and how you can make things better in the future. For instance, you may have had a fight or they might think you’re too clingy. If the person is ready, talk to them about what made them need space. Say, “What did I do that pushed you away?” 13. **Apologize** It’s likely that both of you did things that were hurtful, but you can only control what you do. Tell them that you understand what happened and that you’re sorry. Then, explain that you’ll try to avoid repeating this pattern in the future. You might say, “I understand that I wasn’t respecting your need to spend time with your friends. I’m really sorry that you felt like I was controlling you. In the future, I’ll make sure that you have time for your other relationships.” Similarly, say, “I’m really sorry that I was talking to your ex at the party. I know that you were hurt by that, and I’ll honor our friendship better in the future.” 14. **Plan a fun activity for the day you reunite with each other.** Things might feel uncomfortable at first, and you may be tempted to talk about your feelings. However, the best way to get your relationship back on track is to have a really fun time together. Pick an activity that you will both enjoy, then invite them to join you. Try to find something that won’t involve a lot of heart-to-heart talking. For instance, go bowling, play mini golf, go rock climbing, or attend a concert. Pick something that’s a common interest to help you remember why you enjoy each other’s company. 15. **Make sure that each of you has time to be independent.** A healthy relationship allows both people to grow, pursue their own interests, and enjoy other relationships. Talk to the person so you can decide what each of you need to feel fulfilled in your relationship. Then, change your old patterns so you both are able to stay independent and happy. In a romantic relationship, this might mean you both need a few evenings every week to pursue personal hobbies or spend time with friends. In a friendship, it could mean that you both respect that you have other friends and that you don’t hang out with each other’s exes. If it’s a family relationship, like siblings, this might mean respecting personal space, giving each other time alone every day, and asking before you use each other’s things. 16. **Communicate with them daily via text, phone, or in person.** A relationship can’t survive without communication, so look for ways to connect. Send them memes, ask how their day is going, or set aside time every evening to talk. Discuss what you both want to help you decide what good communication will look like for your relationship. As an example, you might talk in person a lot if you live together, but you may prefer to text several times a day if you spend a lot of time apart. If they want to communicate less often, respect their wishes.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Stop Shaking when Making a Speech
Public speaking makes almost everybody anxious. Even seasoned speakers need to calm themselves down (or pump themselves up) before they give a presentation. If you're worried about your hands or other parts of your body shaking while you talk, the first thing to do is release your worry. You can also reduce shakiness by practicing breathing and muscle control. Calm down before you give a speech by getting out your adrenaline and prioritizing a good night's sleep. Finally, follow some simple tricks to disguise any shaking when you speak. 1. **Practice tactical breathing.** Tactical breathing is used in the military to calm combatants. It's highly effective at calming your body when it's in an anxious state. Practice tactical breathing a little every day, even when you are calm, so that you will already know how to do it when you are nervous. Breathe in through your nose for a slow 4-count. Hold your breath for a slow 4-count. Breathe out through your mouth for a slow 4-count. Hold your breath for a slow 4-count. Repeat this process four times. 2. **Clench your posterior muscles.** Many people find that their hands do not shake if they clench a different muscle. Try clenching your buttocks or your thigh muscles. Your audience won't be able to tell, and it just might stop your shaky hands or any other shaky body part. 3. **Subtly push on a pressure point.** You may have noticed yourself pressing on your temples or rubbing your hands when you're stressed. You do this because it stimulates nearby bundles of nerves and releases cortisol, which can help calm your nervous system. To subtly release some relaxation onstage, press some fingers into the fleshy part of your hand between your fingers and thumb. You can do this behind your back, or behind a podium while you speak. 4. **Consider seeing a doctor.** If you shake from anxiety, a therapist may be able to help you find ways to lessen your symptoms. If your shaking is changing and becoming worse, let your doctor know. Your doctor may also refer you to a therapist who can help you come up with a long-term plan for dealing with your anxiety. While anxiety can cause tremors, it's also possible that another condition is contributing to your shaking. Your doctor can help you investigate the possibility of an underlying condition. 5. **Get a full night's sleep.** Sleep deprivation can make it a lot harder to prevent your body from shaking. Try to get to bed around the same time every night. Get at least seven hours of sleep if you are an adult, and at least 9 if you are a teenager. 6. **Practice in front of others.** If you only practice speaking when you're alone, you're more likely to get anxious when you deliver the speech to an audience. Get as many sessions in as you can in front of friends, family, colleagues, and small groups. Practice a little every day, but on the night before you deliver the speech, don't practice. Just relax. If you notice that there's a section of the speech that makes you the most nervous, practice it extra. For instance, if you always get nervous right at the beginning, devote extra practice time to the beginning. 7. **Visit the location of your speech.** If you can, spend some time in the place you will give your speech. Practice there if you can. If the location is in your workplace or school, visit it frequently to practice. Relax there as well. If the location won't be accessible until the day of the speech, try to come a little early so you can acclimate to the environment. 8. **Focus on relaxing.** In the days before the speech, and on the day itself, avoid stressors. Don't talk to anyone who makes you anxious. Take some "me time" every day to do things that relax you, like taking a hot bath, reading a book, or watching a comedy. 9. **Exercise before a speech.** Running and other forms of vigorous movement can use up your extra adrenaline. Try taking a jog, going for a rapid bike ride, or even dancing out your nerves on the morning before you present. If you can't do something vigorous, take a brisk walk instead. 10. **List the things that you're afraid of.** Write down what makes you nervous about a speech. Consider each of them individually. What's the worst that could happen in each case? If it happens, what will you do? For instance, if you're scared that you'll forget what to say next, think, "I'll just pause and look at my notes." This technique may not work if you are prone to catastrophic thinking. If you are someone who tends to worry about the worst case scenario, don't try this method. 11. **Moderate your caffeine consumption.** Generally speaking, caffeine is not bad for anxiety. It can even have a positive effect. However, if you consume an excess amount, over 300 mg in a day, it can make you shake. Limit yourself to one or two cups. 12. **Use notecards or a screen instead of sheets of paper.** If your hands always shake while you present, you don't want to be holding a standard piece of paper. When your hand shakes, paper crinkles and amplifies your tremor. Instead, use small note cards, or read off a screen that is open on the podium or table in front of you. 13. **Focus on the audience, not on yourself.** If you focus on yourself, you'll get self-conscious and feel more nervous. Instead, focus on delivering your message to the audience. Look at their faces if you can see them. Smile, and act emotionally engaged in what you are saying. You'll get their attention, and you'll also distract them from any shaking you might be doing. If the crowd is smaller, try bantering a little with them. Ask questions, or tell a joke or an anecdote. 14. **Present confident body language** Instead of focusing on the part of your body that shakes, focus on your posture and presentation. Face the audience fully. Stand as straight as you can, as if a string were pulling you up from the crown of your head. Relax your shoulders. 15. **Control your gestures.** You don't need to gesticulate wildly to emphasize every point. Instead, keep your hands resting lightly on the podium beside you, or relaxed (as much as you can) by your side. When you have a big point to make, make a single, simple gesture. If your hands are shaking and distracting you, take a break from using them. Clasp them behind your back, or tuck them in your pockets. 16. **Pause to calm mounting anxiety.** Check in with yourself as you go. Notice if your shakiness gets worse, or if you start to feel dizzy, confused, or blank. If any anxiety symptoms arise, take a pause. Breathe deeply, take a sip of water, and remind yourself that you're okay. It can help to address yourself by name in your head. Think, "Okay, James, calm down." 17. **Avoid wearing noisy jewelry.** If you shake a lot, you don't want to wear clanking bracelets, watches, or anything else that will make noise. Confine yourself to some rings or a nice necklace or tie. If your tend to tap your toes nervously, wear shoes that won't make too much noise.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make GIF Files
GIF files are one of the most widely used graphics formats on the World Wide Web. These image files, which can contain up to 4096* distinct colors, are especially popular for their ability to feature animated images and text much like a video. A number of free web tools make it possible for anyone to create their own GIFs from pre-existing videos or images in minutes, while power users can use software like Photoshop or Gimp to create animated GIFs from scratch. Now, let's get creative! 1. **Decide on a reputable video-to-GIF conversion app.** There are many to choose from, such as Giphy GIF Maker and IMGUR Video to GIF, both of which can be used right in your web browser (no download necessary!) If you prefer to download an app, make sure to read lots of reviews in your device's app store. Never download and run software from a site you don't trust. The two apps mentioned can create GIFs from up to 15 seconds of online video. This is common. Most converters require that your video be uploaded to an website like YouTube or Vimeo that allows you to publicly share videos. Others, like Giphy, also allow you to upload your own video. 2. **Choose your source video.** Find a video online (or on your device if using a site like Giphy) that has anywhere from 0.5 to 15 seconds of movement to turn into a GIF. If you're using a video on the internet, open it in your browser. 3. **Load the video into the converter.** This step will be different across different apps. If you're using a video on a site like YouTube, open the video in your browser. Copy the entire URL of the video file from the address bar, then paste it into appropriate the box in the video-to-GIF converter app. The box should say something like “Paste URL here.” Press ↵ Enter or click OK. If you're uploading video, find the button on the video-to-gif conversion tool (it should say something like “Browse Your Video Files”) and select the desired file. 4. **Define the length of your GIF.** Each site has different options for editing, but all will let you define a specific section of the video to convert to a GIF. In Imgur, for example, your video will appear with a slider beneath it that allows you to set a “start” and “end” point for your image. 5. **Add text to your GIF.** Nearly every video-to-GIF maker allows you to add some text or other flair to your GIF. Look for a button that says something like “Add Text” or “Add Caption.” 6. **Create the file.** When you're done with the creative process, click “Create GIF” or “Save GIF” in your web app to launch the Save menu. Choose a name for your GIF and save it to your computer in a folder you'll remember later. If your GIF is over 10MB, web app converters will create a file that ends with a “.GIFV” instead of ”.GIF”, though you will still be able to use it as you would a normal GIF. You can test your GIF out by opening it in your web browser. Navigate to the folder where you saved the GIF and drag it right into your browser window. Or, if you're on a mobile device, browse to the file and tap it open. The animation will play instantly. 7. **Gather a set of images.** If you want to create an animated GIF from still images, make sure you have the images on your computer or mobile device. If the images are online, download them first to your PC or to your Mac. 8. **Choose an image-to-GIF converter.** There are lots to choose from, such as GifCreator and GIFMaker Video Maker. Both of these apps, and many others, are accessible on the web—no downloads required. These converters generally have similar features, including the ability to modify the size of each frame and control animation speed. They can also be used on all mobile devices with web browsers. There are also apps available for download that allow you to create GIFs, but many of the free ones are bogged down with ads. If you want to download an app, make sure you read reviews of each product before downloading. 9. **Upload your first image to the converter.** With the converter open in your browser, find the button that says something along the lines of “Upload Images” (depending on which converter you're using). A browse box should appear, allowing you to select your first image. Double-click the image or select it and click “Open.” You should see a thumbnail appear in the converter. 10. **Adjust the size of the image.** Most converters will also display some adjustable settings below the image, such as size or repeat times. You can move the sliders around to adjust these aspects now. You can also come back to them later by clicking the thumbnail of the image. 11. **Upload and adjust more images.** Upload additional photos by clicking the “Upload Images” button. Most converters allow you to drag the images around to arrange them in different orders, so don't worry if you upload them out of sequence. You can also adjust the size of each image. If your converter doesn't already show a preview of the animation, look for a button that says “Preview” or “Play” to check your work. 12. **Create the GIF file.** Once you're done making adjustments to the order and size of your animation, click “Create GIF animation” or “Create GIF” to open the Save dialog. Select a memorable file name, as well as a folder on your device that you'll remember. Click “Save” or “Download” to save your creation. 13. **Open GIMP.** If you'd like to create an animated GIF from scratch and are comfortable using GIMP, this method will work for you. Install GIMP if you've not yet done so, then launch the software. 14. **Create a new image.** In the File menu, click “New.” A dialog will appear with options for your new image: You'll see two boxes that say Width and Height, followed by “px,” which means “pixels.” Type your desired size (in pixels) in each box. If you are more comfortable visualizing inches, choose “in” from the list and type your desired image size. Next to “Fill with,” choose a color to use for the background of your GIF. There are two boxes beneath the side tool bar filled with colors—selecting “Foreground color” will use the color of the front square as the image color, and “Background color” will use the rear square color. Click “OK” to create your image. 15. **Make the Layers dock visible.** Open the “Windows” menu and select “Dockable Dialogs.” Select “Layers” from the list. 16. **Create a new layer for your first element.** Each piece of your animation must be on a separate layer. Click the small square piece of paper at the bottom left corner of the Layers box to open the New Layer dialog. Type a name for your layer next to “Layer name” so you can easily switch between layers later. To ensure a seamless animation, set the color to “Transparent,” then click “OK.” 17. **Add images or text to the layer.** If you want to draw on this later, click the paintbrush icon in the sidebar, select a color, and draw your picture. To insert text, click the “A” on the sidebar, then click somewhere to begin typing. Anything you put in this layer will be animated together. In other words, if you type some text and draw an image on this layer, these two elements will be in the same frame of the animation. After you're done putting images or text on this layer, look at the layers dialog and notice the “Opacity” option. To make a layer less opaque, slide the knob down until you see your desired results. 18. **Create another layer, if desired.** This step can be repeated for as many different layers as you'd like in your animation. Give this new layer a name that's unique from the last layer, then click “OK.” 19. **View a preview of your animation.** Open the Filters menu and select “Animation,” then “Playback.” You will see a preview of your animation, which GIMP creates from each of your layers. 20. **Change animation options.** Open the File menu and click “Export,” then select “GIF image.” Make sure the box is checked next to “As animation.” If you want the animation to loop continuously, put a check next to “Loop Forever.” Next to “Delay between frames where unspecified,” enter the time (in milliseconds) you'd like each frame to display. By default, it's 100 (which is why your preview looked rather fast). Change it to something larger, like 300 or 600, then click “Export.” 21. **Fine-tune the delay.** If you don't want each of your layers to appear for the same amount of time, you can edit the duration of each layer independently. Right-click one of the layer names in the layers dialog and select “Edit layer attributes.” Next to the layer name, type the duration (in milliseconds) directly, without a space, like this: LAYERNAME(200ms) Click “OK to save that layer, and modify any additional layers in the same way. 22. **Preview and export your animation.** In the Filters menu, click “Animation” and select “Playback” to see how your changes have modified the animation. When you're ready to save the image, click “File” then “Export,” and choose “GIF image” once more. Give your animation a name and click “Save” to finish. 23. **Create a new image in Photoshop.** If you'd rather convert a video to an animated GIF format, see How to Make an Animated GIF from a Video in Photoshop CS5. A working knowledge of Photoshop tools will help you immensely with this method. See How To Use Adobe Photoshop Tools for general Photoshop tips. Open the “File” menu and click “New” to view options for your new file. Type a name for your animation in the box next to “Name.” In the “width” and “height” boxes, note the measurement types after the value boxes. It's either set to inches or pixels, depending on what you've used in the past. If you feel comfortable specifying pixel size, change the measurement type to “Pixels.” If it's easier for you to visualize inches, choose that option. Type your desired measurement in its corresponding box. Choose a background color for your animation. Click the menu next to “Background” or “Background contents” (depending on your version of Photoshop) and choose from the color options. Click “OK” to create your new image with these settings. 24. **Open the Layers and Animation panels.** Each frame of your animation needs to be in its own layer, so you'll want the layers panel visible. Click the Window menu and check both Layers and Animations. The panels will then appear in your workspace. 25. **Create a new layer for your first frame.** In the Layers panel, click the plus sign (+) to add a new layer. Next to “Name,” type a name for your layer, such as “Frame 1.” Set the Fill color either to Transparent or the color of your background. Click “OK” to create this new layer. Each element of your animation needs to be on a unique frame. Anything you put on this new layer will animate as one frame. 26. **Add your text or drawing to your new layer.** If you want to draw on this layer, choose a color from the swatch panel (the panel with all of the colored squares) then click the paintbrush tool. If you want to add text, click the “T” to launch the text tool. 27. **Create your next frame.** Create another layer and build the second frame of your animation. If the next frame of your animation will simply be a slight modification to the first frame, you may want to “Clone” your layer instead of creating a new one. To clone the layer, right-click on that layer in the Layers panel and select “Duplicate layer.” Continue creating or cloning layers until you have each individual frame of your animation on its own layer. 28. **Create new frames in the Animation panel.** In the Animation panel at the bottom of the screen, click the icon that is a small rectangle with a smaller square on top of it (the New Frame button). This will create one new frame. Click this button as many times as there are layers in your animation. If your animation will have 7 layers, create 7 frames. 29. **Edit the contents of the first frame in the Animation panel.** Click the first frame in the panel. As you can see from the thumbnail, this frame presently consists of every layer in your animation. Notice that each layer in your Layers panel has a small eyeball symbol next to it. This symbol tells you that the layer is currently visible. To make the first frame in the Animation panel display only the first layer, remove the eyeball symbol from each of the other layers. Change the duration for this frame by adjusting the time (in seconds) beneath the thumbnail, which currently reads “0 sec.” 30. **Edit subsequent frames.** Click each additional frame and remove visibility from all layers other than the one you want to be visible in the frame. Remember to adjust the time at the bottom of each thumbnail. 31. **Press the Play button to test your animation.** The Play button is located beneath the animation frames at the bottom of the screen. 32. **Save the animation as a GIF.** Click “File,” then “Save for Web and Devices.” Make sure that GIF is selected in the top pulldown menu beneath the word “Preset” and click “Save.” 33. **Decide on an image to convert to a GIF.** Sometimes websites or apps require your images to be in the GIF format. Fortunately, nearly any image file can be converted to a GIF. Remember that GIF files are only capable of displaying 256 colors, so if you're using a higher-quality image such as a JPG, BMP or TIFF, converting to this format may reduce image quality. If your image is on the Internet, you'll need to save it to your computer first. Save Pictures to Your MacBook or Save Pictures Onto Your PC. If your image is something that needs to be scanned, see How to Scan Photos. 34. **Open your image in image editing software.** Locate your image on your computer in Finder or Explorer, then: Mac: Double-click your image to open it in Preview. Windows: Right-click the image and select “Open With” and choose “Paint” from the menu. 35. **Save the file as a GIF.** With the image open in Preview (Mac) or Paint (Windows): Mac: Open the File menu and select “Save As.” In the Format menu, click “GIF.” Type a name for your new file next to “Save As,” then click “Save” to create the GIF. Windows: Click “File,” then click the right-pointing arrow next to “Save As.” Select “GIF Picture” from the list and type in a name for your file. Click “Save”' to create the GIF.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Start a Private School
Starting a private school is a long-term process that generally takes no less than 2 years. Private schools offer high-quality education and are not managed by the state. By starting a private school, you’ll be providing a valuable service to families with children in your community. Begin by tackling the big-picture planning questions that surround creating a school, and then move into hiring faculty and staff and recruiting students. 1. **Decide if the school will be for-profit or nonprofit.** Make this decision before deciding on any other academic aspects of your school. Nonprofit schools will be managed by a board of directors. For-profit schools, on the other hand, will be overseen by a proprietor (potentially yourself) or by a business partnership or LLC. One structure is not better than the other. It’s simply up to you to decide how you want to manage and finance your school. If you opt to run a non-profit private school, follow up by applying for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status with the IRS. 2. **Assemble a private school committee if your school is non-profit.** This committee will work together to make crucial decisions about the school’s future, select a campus location, and hire faculty. The members will eventually become the core members of your board of directors. Committee members should be experts in different areas, including education, legal, accounting, business and construction. If you aren’t sure who to ask to become a committee member, reach out to other private schools in your area. Talk to their administration members, and find out who those schools used as committee members. 3. **Decide if you’d like to manage a day school or a boarding school.** Day schools function like typical public schools and send students home at the end of a 6- or 7-hour day. Boarding schools house students overnight. Boarding-school students typically stay at the school for an entire semester. Boarding schools take more financial input and more work, but the students tend to become deeply involved in their communities and to form close professional bonds with their teachers. As another option, consider a Montessori school. Montessori schools are almost always private and offer children a discovery-based model of academic experimentation and learning. 4. **Determine the grade levels for your private school.** If you’re inexperienced or want to start small, open a private grade school that offers grades K-5. A small school will be easier to run, require a smaller campus, and have lower enrollment. Or, if you’d like to start a larger school, opt to offer grades K-12. Many private schools start with fewer and lower grade levels and add upper grades over time. For instance, you could begin by offering K-5. Then, after 3 or 4 years, you can add grades 6-8. 5. **Find a building to house your private school.** Plan to rent or lease a building in your community large enough—and in good enough repair—to house students. Look around within residential or semi-residential areas within the community where you’d like to have your school. If no vacant school buildings currently exist, talk to city developer or commercial real-estate agents who may know of a viable school building. Unless you have a huge operating budget, do not plan to construct a new building for your school. 6. **Write a business plan for your private school.** Create a 5-year business plan, including operational plans (such as financial and marketing) and educational plans (such as educational focus, curriculum, implementation and assessment). The plan should also detail planned accomplishments such as expanding the campus or offering new grades. Whether your school is nonprofit or for-profit, a business plan will help by setting the school on a successful path. A sound business plan will also inspire confidence—and generosity—in your potential financial donors. 7. **Determine the budget** When setting up a budget, plan for a variety of expenses, including: leasing a facility, legal licenses and permits from the state educational board; hiring faculty members, staff, and a business consultant; and marketing and promoting the school. Reach out to other private schools in the community and ask to review their budget. This will give you an idea of a private school’s annual costs. Your committee accountant or financial specialist should help with the budget. If you don’t have a financial specialist on your committee, seek expert financial advice. Starting a private school from scratch is an expensive undertaking. On average, starting a private school in the U.S. costs $1,000,000. The same undertaking in the U.K. costs, on average, £930,000. 8. **Secure funding for your private school.** If you are operating as a non-profit, solicit contributions by asking for donations from foundations, applying for grants and establishing donations from private donors. If you’re operating for-profit, student tuition will provide the majority of the income. Set a tuition rate that will cover the school’s expenses without being prohibitively steep. When soliciting funds from financial partners, show potential investors your business plan. This will clarify to them that you know what you’re doing and that your private school is worth serious investment. 9. **Incorporate your for-profit private school** Most private schools incorporate and apply for tax-exempt status. You’ll need to officially create the for-profit private school as a business and register the school with your state at least 1 year before opening its doors to students. File the appropriate paperwork with your Secretary of the State and the IRS. If you have an attorney on your founding committee, ask them to handle this step. Their professional expertise will be invaluable. 10. **Interview and hire critical staff 18 months prior to the start of school.** The first 2 staff members you should hire are the principal and a business manager. The administrator will be able to help you handle the educational and staffing aspects of the school plan, while the business manager will work with you on duties such as enrollment and purchasing. The principal and business administrator can work alongside your committee members to handle financial, legal, and academic obligations prior to the start of school. 11. **Hire administrative staff and open the business office.** About 9 months before the start of school, begin holding interviews for the staff members who will work in the business office. Once the business office is open, the school can begin the admissions process for students. If you’re starting a small private grade school, you probably only need to hire 1-2 administrative staff. To find qualified applicants, post job descriptions on online job-finding sites like Monster, LinkedIn, and Indeed. 12. **Interview and hire at least 4 faculty members.** Depending on the size of your school, you may wish to hire many more than 4 faculty members. However, for a small grade school, have a minimum of 4 faculty members for the first year. The 4 faculty members should specialize in core subjects including math, science, and language arts. Once faculty members have been hired, ask them what supplies they’ll need in order to successfully teach their core subject. Work with them to order curriculum materials, furniture, and educational supplies. 13. **Train your faculty 4–5 months before the start of school.** While your faculty should all be qualified to teach in their fields, they may not be familiar with the specific policies and academic outcomes that you want for your private school. So, provide faculty training sessions to familiarize the teachers and staff with the school, policies, procedures, expectations, curriculum, and your vision for the school. This will be especially valuable if you’re teaching in a private school where the majority of the curriculum has already been developed and is handed down to the instructors. 14. **Notify your state’s educational division that you’re starting a school.** Do this at least 2-3 months before you plan to open the doors and offer classes. In some states, private schools are overseen by a division of the Department of Education. Other states have individual accrediting agencies for private schools. Follow your state’s procedures for registering an official private school with the state’s educational division. The state will send a representative to the campus to inspect the facilities and make sure they’re up to code and safe. The state will also request a school calendar and list of the names of enrolled students. 15. **Apply for educational accreditation from recognized agencies.** Accreditation shows that your private school program meets an established standard, determined by a rigorous approval process. Receiving accreditation from a regional agency will distinguish your private school as a quality program. Check your state’s legislation to find out if you’re legally required to accredit your private school. If you're starting a school within the U.S., there are 6 regional educational accrediting agencies that you should apply to based on your location. These accreditation agencies include: The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (CACSCOC) The New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) 16. **Promote your private school to prospective parents and students.** Marketing your school is an important part of drumming up interest within the community and boosting your enrollment numbers. Advertise for students through community, church and service groups. You can also advertise through local newspapers and magazines and submit your school to online and private school directories. To help drum up interest online, ask one of your committee members to design a website that will provide admissions and enrollment information. Once you have some interested community members, you could offer a tour of the private school so that parents and potential students can become familiar with the building and layout. 17. **Open your private school and begin holding classes.** Plan your opening for when other schools in the area are starting. This is usually in the early fall, around the second week of August in North America. Make the day special and fun for the enrolled students and their parents. For example, set up balloons and streamers, and alert the local press. Have your committee/board members on hand as well. Also try inviting local government officials, like the city mayor or the district’s state representative.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Stop a Bra from Riding Up
A bra that rides up in the back is an uncomfortable nuisance, and can create unsightly back bulges. People with flat chests, or people who have had mastectomies on one or both sides, may have trouble with bras riding up in the front. If your bras keep riding up, it may be time to make some adjustments. The best way to prevent ride-up is to buy a bra that fits you well. If you’re not ready to ditch an otherwise comfortable bra in exchange for a new one, try adjusting your band or making a few simple modifications to your bra. 1. **Get a professional fitting.** The best way to get a good fit is to have a professional take your measurements. Most lingerie stores will do a fitting for free. Be aware that a good bra fitting takes time (at least 15 minutes) and a bit of trial and error. Tell the fitter that you are looking for a bra that won’t ride up in the back. 2. **Measure your band size.** The most common reason for ride-up is that the band is too big. You can avoid ride-up by getting a bra with a snug band. Have a professional measure your band size, or do it yourself by wrapping a measuring tape firmly around your rib cage directly below your breasts. Once you have a measurement in centimeters or inches, check a band size chart to find your size. Note that band sizes may vary by country or region. For example, a size 28 in the US is a size 60 in most European countries. If your measurement is an odd number (e.g., 41), try bra sizes on either side of your measurement (e.g., bras with bands sized 40 and 42). If your bra is riding up in front rather than in back, you may need a bigger band size. 3. **Measure your cup size.** If your cups are too small, even a well-fitting band might be forced upward by the excessive pressure on the cups. Measure your bust size by wrapping a measuring tape around your chest at nipple height, loosely enough that it does not compress your breasts at all. Subtract your band size from your bust size, then consult a size chart to determine your cup size. For example, using US sizes, if there is a difference of 3 inches (7.6 cm) between your bust and band size, your cup size should be a C. A difference of 4 inches (10 cm) would be a D, and so on. If your bra is constantly riding up in the back (or your bra straps are falling off your shoulders), you likely need to size down on the band while either staying at the same cup size or going up 1 cup size. 4. **Test out a few bras until you find the right fit.** Not all bras are created equal, even if they have the same measurements. Try on a few bras in your size until you find one that does not ride up in the back. The band should fit firmly, ride fairly low on your back, and stay parallel to the floor rather than curving upwards. If you’re used to wearing an oversized bra, a well-fitting band may feel a bit tight at first. However, it should not be so tight that it is painful or uncomfortable. There should be just enough give that you can slide a fist under the band in back. 5. **Replace your old bras.** Bras get stretched out over time with a lot of wear and washing. If your bra starts to ride up even on the tightest setting, it may be time to replace it with a new one. You can wear most high-quality bras about 100 times before they start to lose their fit. Extend the life of your bra by giving it a rest between wears. Avoid wearing the same bra two days in a row. 6. **Tighten the band.** If your bra band is the right size but is still riding up, you may need to wear it on a tighter setting. Most back-fastening bra bands are adjustable, with 2-4 rows of hooks that will allow you to wear the band at various levels of tightness. Try bringing your band in until you find a secure fit. 7. **Loosen your straps.** Sometimes the problem is not the band, but the straps. Straps that are too tight may yank the band upwards, causing your bra to ride up. If your band fits firmly but still rides up, loosen your straps a little. Don’t loosen them so much that they slip off your shoulders. 8. **Keep your band in place with garters.** Some people face extra challenges in keeping their bras from riding up. For example, if you’ve had a mastectomy, you may find it exceptionally difficult to keep your band in place, even if you have a specially designed bra that fits well. Try using “bra suspenders” to clip the band to the top of your pants or underwear. Use long sock garters, or make your own suspenders by attaching suspender clips to each end of a 3 inch (7.6 cm) elastic band. 9. **Buy a bolt of stretchy swimsuit fabric or Lycra.** Keep your bra from riding up in front by turning it into a DIY body-shaper. Start by purchasing some stretchy swimsuit fabric from your local craft or fabric store. You will be sewing this fabric into a tube and attaching it to the bottom of your bra band. This method is especially useful if you’ve had a mastectomy and want to keep your bra from riding up in front. Avoid pre-made body and bust shapers, since they are designed to push your breasts up and may compress scar tissue. Swimsuit fabric is usually sold in bolts that are 60 inches (152 cm) wide. Purchase 1/3 of a yard (12 inches, or 30.5 cm). You will end up with a bolt that is 12 inches by 60 inches (30.5 cm by 152 cm). 10. **Measure your bra band.** Hook your bra shut, set to the tightness level at which you normally wear it, and lay it out flat with the band straight. Measure the width of the band. 11. **Cut your fabric.** You will be cutting out a section of fabric about 12 inches (30.5 cm) long and slightly wider than the width of your closed bra band. Cut the fabric so that it is ½ an inch (1.3 cm) wider than the bra band, so that you will have room for a ¼ inch (0.6 cm) seam. For example, if your closed bra band is 32 inches (81 cm) across, your fabric piece should measure 12 inches (30.5 cm) by 32.5 inches (82.6 cm) after you cut it. If you want a tighter fight that will control your shape more, cut two pieces of fabric of the same size and lay them on top of each other to create a double layer. 12. **Sew the short ends of the fabric together to make a tube.** Fold over your piece of fabric so that the short ends meet, with the more rough or matte side of the fabric facing out. Pin the short sides together, then sew them together about ¼ inch (0.6 cm) in from the edge. If you are using a sewing machine, set it for a wide, 3-step zig-zag stitch. Trim the seam to tidy it up when you are done. You may also wish to fold the seam over and stitch over it again to make it more secure. 13. **Hem the top and bottom of the tube.** Fold over about a half inch (1.3 cm) of the top edge of the tube and run a zig-zag stitch all the way around to create a hem. Do the same on the bottom. 14. **Sew the top of the tube to the bottom of the bra band.** Turn the tube glossy-side out. With your bra still closed at the same setting where you usually wear it, slide the very top of the tube inside the bottom edge of your bra band and pin it in place. Carefully sew the top edge of the tube into the bottom edge of the bra band from the outside of the bra. It helps to divide the bra band and the tube into quarters before you sew. Insert pins to mark off the center front, center back, and half-way point of each side. 15. **Step into your modified bra and pull it up.** Once you’ve stitched on the fabric tube, you won’t be able to unhook your bra anymore. Fortunately, the bra band and the swimsuit material are both stretchy, so you should be able to pull the bra up easily over your hips. 16. **Tuck it in.** Tuck the bottom of the tube into the waistline of your underwear and pants or skirt to prevent the tube (and your bra) from riding up.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Write in Pigpen Code
The pigpen code looks like undecipherable alien text, but it is actually an easy and fun code to learn. Also known as the masonic code, pigpen is a substitution cipher, which means that it replaces each letter of the alphabet with a different symbol. Perhaps you have a secret message or just want a fun way to send messages to your friends. Either way, this is a code that is easy to learn and create while being difficult for others to decipher. 1. **Draw a crosshatch grid and an X.** The crosshatch should look like a number sign ("#") or tic-tac-toe board; it will have two horizontal lines crossed by two vertical lines. There should not be any lines on the outside of the crosshatch. The crosshatch grid will have nine spaces while the X grid will have four. Both the crosshatch and the X should be large enough to fit two letters in each space. 2. **Write two letters of the alphabet in each space.** Fill each box and corner of the grids with two letters from the alphabet. The lines immediately surrounding these letters will form the shape of the symbol for each letter. Each symbol from the crosshatch grid should be shaped like a closed, two-sided or three-sided rectangle. Each symbol from the X grid should be shaped like a “V”, “<”, “>”, or “^”. For example, if the letter "A" is in the top left hand corner of the crosshatch, it will be represented by the shape. If the letter "U" is in the left corner of the X, it will be represented by a shape. 3. **Put a dot in each space to indicate the right letter.** The dots are called “pigs,” giving the code its name. The pig indicates which letter in the grid is the letter that corresponds to the written symbol. No dot means the left letter, while a dot means the right one. In a grid where A and B are in the top left hand corner, is an A whereas is a B. 4. **Rewrite your code in a list.** Once you have assigned letters to boxes and dots, it may help to rewrite your code in a list where you clearly assign each letter to its respective shape. This will be your key. Hold on to this. Share it only with those you are entrusting with your code. Once you have written your code into a new list, destroy the original key with the grids. If someone discovers your key, they can decipher your writing! 5. **Practice writing in it.** The best way to memorize your code is to start writing in it. Try writing a letter to your friend or copy a passage out of a newspaper or book. Replace each letter in your sentence with its corresponding symbol. You may need to reference your key at the beginning. As you continue, you will find that you will start memorizing your code. A good passage to start with is “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” as it contains every letter in the alphabet. 6. **Draw two crosshatch grids and two X grids.** In this version of the code, you will create the code using multiple grids. This will randomize the order of the alphabet a little bit more than using one crosshatch and x grid. It also may be a clearer key for you to work with. Traditionally, the order of the grids would be crosshatch, X, crosshatch, X or “# X # X.” You can, however, mix up the order as you please to complicate your code. You can write it as “# # X X” or even “X # X #.” Whichever order you choose will determine the order of symbols when you write your substitution code. 7. **Write one letter in each space.** You can choose to write this in alphabetical order or, if you want to be extra careful, reverse alphabetical order. In this version, however, there is only one letter in each space. 8. **Place dots in one crosshatch and X grid.** One set of each type of grid should be filled with a dot in every space. To clarify, one crosshatch grid and one X grid should have no dots while one crosshatch grid and one X grid should have one dot per space. 9. **Separate your symbols into a list.** Like other pigpen codes, the lines immediately surrounding the letters will form the shape of the symbol while the dots/pigs will signal which letter it is. Writing your code out in a list form with each symbol separated will help you keep track of which symbol corresponds with which letter. 10. **Randomize the order of your letters.** When creating the code, instead of putting the letters in alphabetical order in the grid, try randomly assigning letters to boxes. This way, people who are familiar with pigpen code will not be able to immediately guess which symbol relates to which letter. The more you randomize your code, the more difficult it will be for others to figure it out. If you are using this code to write to your friends, make sure that they have a copy of your cipher. 11. **Replace dots with other symbols.** If you use dots, others may recognize your code as a pigpen code immediately. Try replacing the dots with other symbols, such as 0, X, *, or +. Furthermore, if you really want to confuse people, use multiple symbols in coding your grids. 12. **Write three letters instead of two letters in the spaces.** If you are using a single grid and X to form your code, you can make the code even more difficult by writing three letters instead of two in each space. While writing in this method, each symbol will consist of zero, one or two dots. Zero is the left letter, one is the middle and two is the right one. In this version, you will have extra spaces. You can fill them with numbers, punctuation (!, ?, &) or leave them blank. 13. **Make your numbers into ciphers.** The tic-tac-toe cipher is a type of pigpen cipher used for numbers. Draw a crosshatch grid and fill each space with a number. You don’t need to add dots. Simply use the shape formed by the surrounding lines of each number. Replace “0” with an X. For example, 101 would appear as
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Spring Roll Wrappers
Spring roll wrappers vary by regional cuisine. For instance, while Vietnamese style spring rolls are traditionally made with thin rice wrappers, some types of Chinese cuisine call for thick or thin wheat-based wrappers. Other regions within and outside of Asia have their own preferences, as well. 1. **Form a flour well.** Place the wheat-based bread flour in a large bowl, using your hands or a spoon to form a well in the center. While not strictly necessary, it's a good idea to sift the flour into the bowl to remove any lumps and make it less dense. If necessary, you could use all-purpose flour instead of bread flour, but the resulting wrappers might be slightly less durable. 2. **Beat in the egg and water.** Add the beaten egg and cold water to the center of the flour well. Gradually beat these ingredients into the flour until well-combined. The resulting dough should be very smooth. Start by adding only 1 Tbsp (15 ml) of cold water, then gradually add more water as needed to achieve the desired texture. Use cold water only; warm water may make the dough too sticky to work with. 3. **Knead the dough.** Turn the dough out onto a well-floured surface. Knead it for several minutes, or until it becomes notably more elastic. If there's enough room in the bowl, you could knead the dough in the bowl during this step. You should handle the dough with well-floured hands either way. 4. **Chill overnight.** Return the dough to the bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, then place the dough into your refrigerator. Let it remain there overnight. While it chills, the dough should become firmer and easier to handle. You need to give it at least 4 hours, but 8 to 12 hours will be best. 5. **Roll out the dough.** Turn the chilled dough out onto a well-floured surface. Roll the batch into a rectangle measuring roughly 12 inches (30.5 cm) wide and 16 inches (40.6 cm) long. You also need to apply generous amounts of flour to the rolling pin used for this step. Avoid sprinkling too much flour directly over the dough since adding too much excess flour may result in denser, less crispy wrappers. If the dough seems too sticky as you work with it, try refrigerating it for a longer period of time. 6. **Cut the dough into squares.** Use a smooth knife to cut the dough into 12 squares, each measuring 4 inches (10 cm) on all sides. You'll need to make four columns across the top and three rows along the side to produce 12 evenly sized squares. 7. **Flatten each square.** Using a floured rolling pin, flatten each square until it measures roughly 6 inches (15 cm) on all sides. 8. **Use as needed.** Stack the wrappers, layering plastic wrap or parchment paper in between each one. Tightly wrap the entire stack with additional plastic wrap and refrigerate the wrappers until you're ready to use them. These wrappers will dry out if stored for prolonged periods, so you should try to use them within several days. 9. **Combine the dry ingredients.** Sift the flour, corn starch, and salt into a medium mixing bowl. Stir well to combine. If desired, you could sift the combined dry ingredients a second time to remove any lumps that formed during the mixing process. The second sift is not strictly necessary, though. 10. **Add the water.** Pour the water into the dry ingredients. Whisk it into the mixture until a smooth batter forms. Continue whisking and beating the batter for a few minutes to work out any lumps. The batter should be as smooth as possible before you continue. 11. **Heat the oil.** Pour the oil into a medium frying pan. Place the pan on the stove over medium heat. If you don't want to use vegetable oil, you could grease the pan with nonstick cooking spray, instead. Turn the pan to spread the oil across the bottom. When the oil is hot enough, it should spread without difficulty. 12. **Ladle the batter into the pan.** Scoop up 1/4 cup (60 ml) or less of the batter, then carefully pour it into the center of the pan. Working quickly, rotate the pan to spread the batter into a thin, wide circle. Alternatively, you could spread the batter with the back of the ladle or with a moist pastry brush. 13. **Cook until the wrapper sets.** Cook the wrapper for several minutes. As soon as the edges begin peeling up, remove the wrapper from the pan using a spatula or fork. Neither side should brown, but both sides should be set. If the top does not appear set when the edges begin rising, carefully flip the wrapper over to the other side and cook it for an additional few seconds before removing it completely. 14. **Repeat with the remaining batter.** Pour and cook the remaining batter, following the same procedure. Continue until you no longer have any batter left. Stack the finished wrappers on top of one another, placing wax paper or parchment paper in between layers to prevent them from sticking together. Cover the entire stack with a damp paper towel to prevent the wrappers from drying out. 15. **Use as needed.** These wrappers are best when used immediately, but if necessary, you can store them in airtight containers in your refrigerator for several days. Keep the layers separated during refrigeration. Note that you may need to dampen the wrappers with a little water before use if they dry out during refrigeration. 16. **Combine the dry ingredients.** Sift together the rice flour, starch, and salt into a large mixing bowl. Gently toss the ingredients together using a wooden spoon. After combining the ingredients, consider sifting them again to remove any lumps that may have formed during the mixing process. 17. **Combine the wet ingredients.** Place the eggs, vegetable oil, and water into a separate medium mixing bowl. Whisk until evenly combined. While not strictly necessary, it's a good idea to lightly beat the eggs (enough to combine the whites and yolks) before adding the oil and water. Doing so makes it easier to evenly distribute the whites and yolks. 18. **Mix both sets together.** Form a well with the dry mixture, then pour the liquid mixture into that well. Gradually combine the two mixtures with a wooden spoon until evenly mixed. After mixing the two sets, continue beating them with a whisk until nearly all of the lumps are gone. The batter must be as smooth as possible. 19. **Chill for one hour.** Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it in your refrigerator for approximately one hour. Chilling the batter will thicken it slightly, but it should still be a liquid batter instead of a solid dough. 20. **Heat a medium frying pan.** Spray a medium nonstick frying pan with nonstick cooking spray. Set the pan onto the stove over medium heat. If necessary, you could add a little oil to the pan instead of using cooking spray. Only add 1 tsp (5 ml) or so, however; adding too much oil can give the wrappers an undesirable greasy texture and taste. Allow the pan to heat up for 30 to 60 seconds before continuing. 21. **Pour the batter into the hot pan.** Scoop up approximately 1/4 cup (60 ml) of the chilled batter, then carefully ladle it into the center of the pan. Since the batter is thick, it may not spread out far on its own. Use the back of the ladle to swirl the batter around, forming a very thin film over the bottom of the pan. 22. **Cook until set.** Cook the film for a couple of minutes. As soon as it sets and forms a solid wrapper, carefully lift it off from the bottom of the pan using a spatula or fork. You should not attempt to flip the wrapper over while cooking it. Note that neither side of the wrapper should brown, either. 23. **Repeat with the remaining batter.** Ladle the rest of the batter into the hot pan, working with 1/4 cup (60 ml) or so each time. Consider keeping the batter in the refrigerator in between batches, especially if it starts getting thin while pouring it. You can stack the finished wrappers, but keep sheets of wax paper or parchment paper in between each one to prevent them from sticking. 24. **Use as needed.** These wrappers are best when used immediately, but you can also save them in the refrigerator for one or two days. Keep each wrapper separated by plastic wrap or wax paper. Cover the entire batch with plastic wrap before storing the wrappers.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make a Squirrel Feeder
Although often considered to be pests, squirrels can be entertaining to watch. Also, utilizing a designated squirrel feeder is an effective method for keeping the food supplies of your bird feeders intact. You may like to learn how to make a squirrel feeder to entice more squirrels into your yard and to provide entertainment for you and your family as you see them scramble for food. 1. **Find a suitable piece of wood.** Wood will function as the base of the corn feeder, so it is important that you find a stable piece of wood that is strong enough to remain in one piece once nails have been driven through it and can support the weight of the corn as well as the weight of the squirrels. 2. **Attach nails or spikes.** Once you have selected a suitable piece of wood, drive long nails or small spikes into the wood. Make sure the nails are spaced far enough apart from one another so that they can comfortable be fitted with an ear of corn. 3. **Skewer corn cobs.** Drive full ears of corn onto the nails you inserted into the piece of wood you selected. Make sure the ears are spaced far enough apart to allow multiple squirrels to access them at once. 4. **Place the feeder in an accessible area.** Make sure that the feeder is placed in an area that is ideal for the squirrels and also accessible to you. You will need to be to access the feeder to replenish the food supply. If your primary aim is to observe the squirrels that come to your yard to feed, make sure the feeder is located in an area that will be visible to you. 5. **Monitor the food supply.** If a feeder remains empty or the food supply has been exhausted for some time, squirrels will move on to other food sources. Be sure to keep your feeder well-stocked with ears of corn to attract squirrels and ensure that they keep coming back. 6. **Find a suitable tree branch.** You will want to select a low-hanging tree branch that requires the squirrels to do some maneuvering to reach it, but that still rests in a comfortable line of vision for you viewing pleasure. 7. **Hang simple wires from the branch.** In this case, twisted coat hangers or fishing-wire with a high tensile strength will suffice. Hang these wires with roughly six inches to one foot of slack around the tree limb. This will require that squirrels maneuver to get to the food without providing a major obstacle to them. Try attaching corn cobs to a bungee cord which is then hung from a tree limb or platform. Squirrels will perform acrobatics in an effort to feed on the corn, which is entertaining to watch. 8. **Create loops or holding points at the end of each wire.** Once the wires are fastened to the tree branch, create a mechanism at the end of each wire capable of holding an ear of corn. The simplest way to do this is to twist a loop into the wire hangers that will support an ear of corn or tie a loop into fishing-wire. 9. **Attach the corn.** Attach whole ears of corn into the loops you created at the end of your wires. Make sure they are securely fastened, as they will need to support the weight of squirrels climbing on and hanging off of them. If the squirrels knock the corn to the ground, it largely defeats the purpose of employing a hanging feeder which is designed to make the squirrels “work” for the food. 10. **Enjoy the feeder in action.** Now that the hanging wires have been stocked with corn, sit back and enjoy watching the squirrels perform various physical and acrobatic feats to get to the food supply. Be sure to replace exhausted ears of corn to keep the squirrels coming back. 11. **Acquire an appropriate piece of wood.** You can build a box feeder out of any size or type of wood, depending on your needs and specifications. Ideally, you would purchase a cedar fence slat which measures 5" x 1/2" x 4 ft. 12. **Cut the wood into five measured pieces.** Cut the wood you purchased into four pieces of various sizes to make the base, the back, the lid, and the sides. If you are utilizing a 5” x 1/2” x 4ft piece of wood, you should cut the pieces to the following specifications: Back= 10 x 5 inches Base = 12 x 5 inches Sides = 5 x 5 inches (2 pieces) Lid = 5 1/2 x 5 inches 13. **Drill pilot holes for mounting screws.** Drill the first hole about 1" from the top of back piece in the center of the wood and drill a second hole roughly 7" below the first one. The two side pieces need a 1/4" deep saw kerf made about 3/16" from front edge. This will allow the plexiglass front cover slide up and down. One of your side pieces needs a hole drilled thru at the saw kerf, so that it is just large enough to allow the nail to be put in by hand. This will keep the plexiglass from being lifted up by the squirrels. 14. **Assemble your cut pieces of wood.** First, fasten the bottom piece to the back piece using 3 flathead screws. Then, fasten each of the side pieces to the bottom piece with 2 flathead screws and to the back piece with 2 flathead screws. 15. **Position the lid.** Put the lid in place and screw a hinge to lid and the back piece. Make sure to use the screws that came with the hinge piece to ensure all the components fit together properly. 16. **Mount the feeder.** Remove the plexiglass front cover and fasten the feeder to a tree or a post with the 2" flathead screws. 17. **Stock with food.** Once you have fastened the feeder to a tree or post, select a food type and fill the feeder. Then, simply wait for the squirrels to come along and enjoy. Squirrels eat a wide variety of nuts, seeds and plants. While peanuts and corn, due to their wide availability, have become popular choices in stocking squirrel feeders, they actually provide very little nutritional value to the squirrel. Hickory nuts, butternuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are all healthy substitutes that the squirrels will enjoy. 18. **Purchase seed cake.** Go to any pet supply or outdoor supply store to purchase a seed cake. Alternatively, you can make your own seed cake at home by purchasing the mix of seeds you want to feed the squirrels and mixing them together with lard or gelatin mix. When using lard, melt the lard in the microwave, which usually takes about 2 minutes and then stir in the birdseed. If you decide to use the gelatin, measure out an appropriate amount of water into a small saucepan and add the dry gelatin, heating the mixture on the stove for a few minutes until the water dissolves the gelatin. Then, take the mixture off of the heat and stir in the birdseed. Place your seed/lard/gelatin mixture into your desired mold, on top of parchment paper to avoid any seepage, and let it set in the refrigerator for a few hours. 19. **Decide on a seed cake holder.** Seed cake holders generally come in two styles, those that hang from a tree branch and those that fasten directly to a tree or post. Figure out which style is best for you before making your purchase. 20. **Hang or fasten seed cake holder.** Find an ideal area of your yard or nature space to place the seed cake holder. If you purchased a hanging seed cake holder, you will want to look for a tree with a reasonably-sized, low-hanging limb that is perpendicular to the ground to which you can tie the seed cake holder. If you purchased a seed cake holder that fastens to a tree or post, place the holder roughly six feet off the ground and follow the fastening instructions on the label. 21. **Find multiple trees for hanging.** When hanging a seed cake, it is important to remember that many animals in your yard will feed on seed cakes. If your goal is to keep the squirrels and birds separated, make sure you hang multiple seed cakes. Cakes hung higher in locations are ideal for birds, whereas seed cakes hung at lower levels will be more readily accessed by squirrels. Take care not hang the cake too low, or it will be eaten by deer. 22. **Stock the seed cake holder with seed cake.** Once the holder(s) is in the correct position, stock it with the seed cake you purchased from the store. 23. **Monitor wildlife eating habits.** You may find, once you have hung your seed cake, that squirrels prefer one brand of seed cake over another. Make sure to monitor the frequency and volume of squirrels coming to feed on the seed cake and adjust the type of seed cake as you see fit. 24. **Protect your backyard bird feeders from being raided by squirrels.** Squirrels will find and feast on the seed you place out for birds. Constructing a squirrel feeder may help keep squirrels away from food set out for other wildlife. 25. **Place squirrel feeders away from your home.** Any feeder placed too close to the house may encourage the rodents to try to gain entry. Squirrels are also very destructive and will chew through parts of your home or get into the attic. 26. **Find an area of your yard away from bird feeders.** The squirrel feeder needs to be in a separate area so the squirrels will stay away from places you don't want them to be. Squirrels are very territorial and will soon claim their feeder as their own. 27. **Select an ideal location for squirrels.** Locate an area of your property that has shrubbery or trees which will give protection and will provide a way for the squirrels to escape. 28. **Select a feeder and food type.** Once you have found the ideal location for your squirrel feeder, you will need to decide which type of squirrel feeder you would like to build and select a food supply with which to stock the feeder. The food source you select often plays a role in deciding what sort of feeder you may want to build. Squirrels like to eat corn and will find a multitude of ways to get to it. Also, corn is cheap and readily available in most areas, making it an ideal source of food for a squirrel feeder. Native nuts are a good choice of food. Walnuts, acorns, pecans, or whatever nuts grow in your area are natural squirrel food. Of course, these must be raw and not salted or flavored. Sunflower seeds are also a good food for squirrels. Many people feed squirrels peanuts, but unless they are roasted to kill a toxic mold, squirrels can get sick from eating them. While squirrels will certainly take advantage of a readily available food source like peanuts, they are of limited nutritional value to squirrels. Squirrels also need a source of calcium to be healthy. Consider buying a special calcium mixture made for squirrels or provide occasional bones for your squirrels to gnaw.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Outline a Term Paper
A term paper is usually, but not always, a research-based essay due at the end of a semester or term. In it, you are expected to demonstrate knowledge and mastery of the material covered over the previous term. Your teacher or professor may rely heavily on the quality of your term paper when determining your grade or mark in the course. Outlines are a way of organizing your thoughts and lending an overall structure to your paper, so that it contains a logical progression and smoothly transitions from one focus to another as you build up your case step-by-step. 1. **Review your assignment.** You may have been given an assignment or prompt for your paper, or a description of it may be found in your syllabus. Review any information you’ve been given about the assignment so that you’re clear on the requirements and format. If you have any questions about your term paper, ask ahead of time. Instructors are usually happy to answer questions provided you’ve read the assignment or prompt first and give them enough time to answer. Do not wait until a day before the paper is due to email your instructor a question about the paper. S/he is likely very busy at that point and will probably not have time to respond. This delay also suggests to your instructor that you have not planned ahead or given the assignment the proper attention. 2. **Decide on a topic.** You may have been assigned a topic, or you may be free to choose your own. Even if you have been assigned a general paper topic, it’s likely that you will need to decide on your “angle” in approaching it. For example, “the American Civil War” is too big a topic for a term paper to discuss. You need an angle, such as “Roles of African-Americans in the military during the American Civil War.” You’ll also want to identify your purpose for the paper. Sometimes, this is given to you, such as “Write an analytical paper about ___” or “Discuss the history of ___”. If it isn’t, you may have some freedom to determine your own purpose. Is it to persuade, inform, argue, or analyze? It’s a good idea to check in with your instructor to make sure that your goal aligns with the assignment. 3. **Do your research.** Most term papers require research. You should begin to gather research materials before you outline and write your essay. As you write, you will likely discover gaps in your argument that require further research, but you won’t have a good idea about what you want to say until you do some preliminary research. If you have a library, consult with your librarian. Librarians are excellent resources who can guide you to credible and relevant research sources. Make sure your sources are reliable. It’s a good idea to look in published books, peer-reviewed journals, and government or university websites. Credible, mainstream journalism sources, like The New York Times or The Guardian, are also helpful, though make sure you do not rely on editorial or “opinion” pieces as sources of fact. Keep track of your sources. EndNote and RefWorks are very handy for keeping a record of sources you consult. You may have access to these through your school. You can also keep track by writing the bibliographic information (author’s name, title, publisher, place and date of publication) on an index card or in a word processing document. Make sure you record the page numbers and sources for any quotations you copy out. 4. **Develop your topic.** You should generate some ideas about your topic before you try to organize your paper. You may find that prewriting exercises can help you get started. Here are a few you can try: Try freewriting. Write for 5-10 minutes about whatever comes to mind about your topic. Don’t stop or edit yourself. Once you’ve written, review your material and highlight or underline things that seem useful starting points. You can repeat this exercise multiple times to generate ideas. Try clustering. Clustering is a type of mind-mapping that can help you see connections between ideas. Start by writing your topic on the center of a piece of paper and draw a box around it. Then, draw a few lines extending from the box. At the end of each of these lines, write down an idea that corresponds to this topic and circle each. Continue drawing lines outward and connecting ideas until you feel like you’ve thoroughly explored the connections between facets of your topic. Try questioning. The big questions, “Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?”, can help you determine what information you need in your paper. Write each question on a separate sheet of paper and respond to the question in as much detail as you can. When you hit places where you do not have answers to the question, make a note to yourself -- these are places where you’ll need to do some inquiry or research. 5. **Write a working thesis.** Your thesis statement will likely evolve as you write your term paper. This is very common in argumentative or analytical essays, where you will continue to think about your material as you write, and you may reach conclusions you didn’t expect. It’s important to have a working thesis to start out with so that you know your paper’s central goal or point. It is common in high school to write 3-prong thesis statements, which include three main points, each of which will have its own body paragraph. This type of thesis rarely works for term papers, as they are longer and more complex essays. Go with a statement that states the main focus or claim for your paper. 6. **Start early.** A term paper is usually longer than other types of essays, and it often counts for a significant portion of your grade. Additionally, a term paper usually requires research that takes time and work to produce. Don’t wait until the last minute to start working. Work on your paper in stages, if you can. Give yourself at least a day between each stage to allow you to come to the paper with fresh eyes. 7. **Begin with your introduction.** This may involve explanatory remarks of what your field entails, what the purpose of your paper is, and contextual information that your reader needs in order to understand your argument. Don’t fully write the introduction yet. It’s generally best to wait to draft your introduction until you’ve written the essay. Your thesis and argument is likely to evolve as you write, so spending too much time on the introduction up front may be a waste of time. Write a placeholder outline for now. Introductions usually begin with a broad statement and narrow in until you present your thesis statement. Provide a few bullet points about where you will start and include your thesis statement. 8. **Write topic sentences for each paragraph.** Separate different topics into different sections or paragraphs, so that each paragraph deals with one main idea. This provides a visual/organizational clue to the reader that different pieces of information are being presented. Your topic sentences should set the direction for the paragraph. Make sure they act as a “road map” to let the reader know what the main topic will be. Avoid using facts or statements that don’t give an idea of what the rest of your paragraph will argue. A good topic sentence will be informative, directional, and interesting. For example, “Salt water is not suitable for drinking” is not a great topic sentence for a paragraph on water rights, because it does not communicate the main idea of the paragraph. “It is a human right to have clean water” is a better topic sentence, because it asserts your main argument for the paragraph. 9. **Begin your outline’s first level.** Once you have your topic sentences, you will have an idea of what your paragraphs will discuss. You can now decide how to organize these paragraphs in the first level of your outline. This level uses capital Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, etc.). I is your introduction. II is your first body paragraph, III is your second body paragraph, and so forth. Place each Roman numeral on a new line, followed by a topic sentence. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the paragraph order. You may find that as you develop your paragraphs further, they fit better in other sections of the paper. 10. **Fill in subpoints on the second level of your outline.** The second level of your outline uses English capital letters (A, B, C, D, etc.). This level incorporates subpoints of your main point. They will form the body of your body paragraphs. Place the capital letter on a new line beneath the first level. Indent the second level about 0.5” past the first level. Many word processing programs will do this automatically. List your subtopics beneath your topic sentence. Each subtopic should be related to the main goal or idea of the paragraph. Use your research and the material you generated during prewriting to help you fill in this level. 11. **Expand on subpoints with a third outline level.** If you need to, you can use a third outline level to expand on your subpoints. This level uses Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). Use this level to provide evidence or further explanation for your subpoints. 12. **Provide a conclusion in the last section.** Your conclusion will wrap up your argument for your reader. It should return your thesis, but should not restate it exactly. You do not have to write a full conclusion while outlining. You may not have a clear idea of how you want to conclude until you’ve written more of the essay. Common ways to conclude an essay including returning to the theme you introduced in the introduction, extending the relevance of your argument to a broader context or concern, proposing a course of action or solution to a problem, or ending with a provocative question. 13. **Choose a decimal outline structure if you prefer.** Although it is less common than the standard alphanumeric organization, you can also organize your outline using only Arabic numbers and decimal points. This type of outline is sometimes used in the final term paper as well, to identify headings and subheadings in a longer work. Begin a decimal outline with “1.0” and each subsequent section with the next number (“2.0”, “3.0”, etc.). Change the number after the decimal point to reflect new information. For example, “2.1” might be your first subpoint, and “2.2” would be your second subpoint. You can continue adding subsections by adding another decimal point and number, such as “2.1.1” etc. 14. **Reverse-outline your first draft.** After you have finished writing your first draft, let it sit for a day, if you can. Return to it with fresh eyes and read it through from start to finish. As you read, briefly summarize the main argument of each paragraph. You can do this off to the side of the paper, on a separate sheet of paper, or as a comment in a word processing document. Try to limit your summary to a sentence. You can also use a key phrase or a few keywords. If you’re having trouble summarizing the main idea, it could be a sign that your paragraph is wandering. Consider splitting your paragraph into two paragraphs so that you can devote one to each idea. 15. **Examine this reverse outline.** Once you have completed summarizing the main idea of each paragraph, look at what you’ve written. Do the ideas progress logically? Do they seem to build on one another to create momentum for your argument? Or do they wander around?! You may need to consider moving paragraphs around. In some cases, you’ll even need to delete -- yes, delete! -- and rewrite sentences or even whole paragraphs. 16. **Cut your paper up by paragraph.** If you’re having trouble envisioning how to organize your term paper after you’ve written the first draft, it could be because you’ve been looking at it too long on your computer screen. Print out the draft and cut it up into its separate paragraphs. Physically swap the paragraphs around. Do they make better sense in another order? In a strong term paper, each paragraph will build upon the previous one, so that there is only one ideal way to structure them for your argument. If you can swap the paragraphs around easily, you may need to hone your focus. Consider adding clearer transitions and topic sentences to help make stronger connections between your paragraphs. 17. **Revise your outline.** You’re probably dealing with a fairly long project, so it can help to revise your original outline to reflect the new order you’ve decided on. After you have done this, revise the term paper according to your new outline. After you’ve revised the term paper, double-check with the new outline to make sure that you have stuck with the structure you decided upon.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Calculate the Concentration of a Solution
In chemistry, a solution’s concentration is how much of a dissolvable substance, known as a solute, is mixed with another substance, called the solvent. The standard formula is C = m/V, where C is the concentration, m is the mass of the solute dissolved, and V is the total volume of the solution. If you have a small concentration, find the answer in parts per million (ppm) to make it easier to follow. In a lab setting, you may be asked to find the molarity, or molar concentration, of the solution instead. 1. **Find the mass** The solute is the substance that you’re mixing in to form your solution. If you’re given the mass of the solute in your problem, write it down and be sure to label it with the correct units. If you need to find the mass of the solute, then weigh it on a lab scale and record the measurement. If the solute you’re using is a liquid, then you can also calculate the mass using the density formula, where density D = m/V, where m is the mass of the liquid and V is the volume. To find the mass, multiply the density of the liquid by the volume. 2. **Record the total volume of the solution.** The total volume of the solution is the amount of solvent plus the amount of solute added to it. If you’re finding the volume in a lab, mix the solution in a graduated cylinder or beaker and look at the measurement. Measure the volume from the curve at the top of the solution, or the meniscus, to get the most accurate reading. Record the volume of the solution. If you aren’t measuring the volume yourself, you may need to convert the mass of the solute into volume using the density formula. For example, if you’re finding the concentration of 3.45 grams of salt in 2 liters of water, you would find the volume of salt using the density formula. Look up the density of salt either in a textbook or online and solve the formula for m. In this case, the density of salt is 2.16 g/mL. The formula would read 2.16 g/mL = (3.45 g)/V. Multiply each side by V to get V(2.16 g/mL) = 3.45 g. Then divide the each side by 2.16 to find the volume, or V = (3.45 g)/(2.16 g/mL) = 1.60 mL. Add the volume of the solute to the volume of your solvent, ma. So in this example, 2 L + 1.6 mL = 2,000 mL + 1.6 mL = 2,001.6 mL. You can either leave the measurement in milliliters or convert it back to liters to get 2.002 L. 3. **Divide the mass of the solute by the total volume of the solution.** Write out the equation C = m/V, where m is the mass of the solute and V is the total volume of the solution. Plug in the values you found for the mass and volume, and divide them to find the concentration of your solution. Don’t forget to label to label your answer with the correct units. In our example for the concentration of 3.45 grams of salt in 2 liters of water, your equation would be C = (3.45 g)/(2.002 L) = 1.723 g/L. Certain problems may ask for your concentration in specific units. Be sure to convert the units before putting them in your final formula. 4. **Find the mass of the solute in grams.** Measure out the mass of the solute that you plan on mixing with your solution. Be sure to subtract the weight of the container you’re using to measure the solute or else your concentration will be inaccurate. If your solute is a liquid, you may need to calculate the mass using the formula D = m/V, where D is the liquid’s density, m is the mass, and V is the volume. Look up the density of the liquid in a textbook or online and then solve the equation for the mass. 5. **Determine the total mass of the solution in grams.** The total mass of the solution is the mass of the solvent plus the mass of the solute. Weight the masses using a lab scale or convert the volume of the solvent to mass by using the density formula D = m/V. Add the mass of the solute to the mass of the solvent to find your final volume. For example, if you want to find the concentration of 10 g of cocoa powder mixed with 1.2 L of water, you would find the mass of the water using the density formula. The density of water is 1,000 g/L, so your equation would read 1,000 g/L = m/(1.2 L). Multiply each side by 1.2 L to solve the mass in grams, so m = (1.2 L)(1,000 g/L) = 1,200 g. Add the mass of the cocoa powder to get 1,210 g. 6. **Divide the mass of the solute by the total mass of the solution.** Set up your equation so the concentration C = mass of the solute/total mass of the solution. Plug in your values and solve the equation to find the concentration of your solution. In our example, C = (10 g)/(1,210 g) = 0.00826. 7. **Multiply** If you’re asked to list the concentration in a percentage, take the answer you just found and multiply it by 100. Label your final answer with a percentage sign. In this example, the percent concentration is (0.00826)(100) = 0.826%. 8. **Multiply the concentration by 1,000,000 to find the parts per million.** Use the number you found for your concentration and multiply it by 1,000,000 or 10. The number will be how many parts per million the solute is. Label your final answer in ppm. In our example, the ppm = (0.00826)(1,000,000) = 8,260 ppm. 9. **Add the atomic masses of the solute together to find the molar mass.** Look at the elements in the chemical formula for the solute you’re using. List the atomic mass for each element in the solute since atomic and molar mass are the same. Add together the atomic masses from your solute to find the total molar mass. Label the final measurement in g/mol. For example, if your solute is potassium hydroxide (KOH), find the atomic masses for potassium, oxygen, and hydrogen and add them together. In this case molar mass = 39 +16 + 1 = 56 g/mol. Molarity is used mainly in chemistry when you know the chemical makeup of the solute you’re using. 10. **Divide the mass of the solute by the molar mass to find the number of moles.** Find the mass of the solute you’re adding into your solution using a lab scale if you need to. Be sure to subtract the mass of the container so you have an accurate reading. Divide the mass you found by the molar mass so you can find how many moles of the solute you’re using. Label your answer with “mol.” For example, if you want to find the number of moles in 25 g of potassium hydroxide (KOH), then the equation is mol = (25 g)/(56 g/mol) = 0.45 mol Convert the mass of your solute to grams if it isn’t already listed in grams. Moles are used to represent the number of atoms in the solution. 11. **Convert the volume of the solution to liters.** Find the volume of the solvent before you mix in the solute. Use a flask or a graduated cylinder to find the measurement if you aren’t given it. If your measurement is in milliliters, then divide it by 1,000 to convert it to liters. In this example, if you’re using 400 mL of water, then divide it by 1,000 to convert it to liters, which is 0.4 L. If your solvent is already listed in liters, then you can skip this step. 12. **Divide the moles of solute by the volume of the solution in liters.** Set up your equation so the molarity M = mol/V, where mol is the number of moles of the solute and V is the volume of the solvent. Solve the equation and label the answer M. In this example, M = (0.45 mol)/(0.4 L) = 1.125 M.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Attract Bees to a Bee Box
If you are interested in beekeeping and want to increase the number of bees in your apiary, you may want to attract wild bees using a bait hive or bait box. A bait hive is a way of providing a new home for swarming bees and setting up a new colony. By understanding when bees swarm and what they look for in a new shelter, you can increase your chances of attracting bees to settle in your bee box. 1. **Get your bait box ready at the beginning of swarm season.** In most regions of the United States, swarm season coincides with spring, and the best time to set up your bait box is towards the beginning when bees are beginning to swarm and search for new homes. In New York, swarm season goes from May to June. In Maryland, it begins in April. In the South, it begins earlier, and as early as February in Florida. Get in touch with your local beekeeping community if you aren’t sure when swarm season begins in your area. 2. **Use a sturdy box with a cavity 40 liters (or 1.4 feet) by volume.** Swarms usually will not choose boxes with cavities any smaller than this, but will sometimes accept a larger box. There’s no need to design a box that exceeds 100 liters (26.4 US gal). The choice of material can vary without changing the effectiveness of the bait box. Plywood is a relatively cheap and suitable option. It’s possible to use a sturdy cardboard for the exterior if you want a cheap and lightweight option. Be careful if you choose to use cardboard, as it will not be as sturdy as a box with a wooden exterior, and it should only be used in dry climates. 3. **Create a circular entrance near the floor of the hive, cut 1.25 inches in diameter.** The entrance should be able 2 square inches by area. Place a piece of wire mesh over the entrance to prevent birds and rodents from entering while allowing bees to come and go freely. 4. **Include an old frame from a healthy hive.** Bees love to live in places where other bees have successfully lived before. One danger of using an old frame is the potential of wax moths. The frame can be protected by applying a product known as B401 (also called BT or Bacillus Thuringiensis), which kills wax moth larvae as they try to feed on the frames or combs. A frame of drawn comb is sometimes used to attract swarms and provide an area for the queen to lay if she has mated, but this increases the dangers of wax moths. Check the frames regularly and consider applying a wax moth preventive if you use drawn comb. 5. **Make sure the upper part of the bait box is snug and dry.** Seal any cracks that could allow sunlight or water to enter the box. Duct tape can be used to seal any minor cracks or misalignments if needed. 6. **Use a swarm lure to attract scouts to investigate your box.** Swarm lures are concoctions designed to attract a swarm by enticing the bees with odors that are pleasing to them or mimic their natural communication scents. Lemongrass essential oil is often recommended as a natural swarm lure, but products designed specifically as swarm lures are likely to be more effective. You can also purchase synthetic pheromones that attract bees by giving the illusion of a previously-occupied beehive. 7. **Place the bait box near an established feral hive.** Swarming occurs when a large hive divides its population, so if you can find a location near an existing, healthy hive, you’ll be more likely to attract scout bees. If you already have your own bee colonies, you can position a bait box near them to avoid losing any population when your colonies divide and swarm. 8. **Choose a well-shaded area that is easily visible.** Bait boxes left in direct sunlight will usually be abandoned. Pick a location that’s easily visible both to make it easier for scouts to notice and to make it easier for you to monitor. 9. **Position the box several feet above the ground.** This helps keep the box dry, visible, and away from pests and robbers. Some sources recommend keeping the box 15 feet above the ground, but you can place it lower as long as you keep it elevated, dry, and somewhere you can easily inspect and retrieve it. Make sure the box is in an isolated area where other animals and people can't access it. Using a hive stand as a way of elevating the box is often sufficient if you don’t have the means to attach a box to a tree or otherwise elevate it higher. 10. **Carefully position the box in a way that makes it easy to retrieve later.** If you’re placing it on top of a stand or attaching it to a tree, attach it firmly enough not to move, but able to be easily removed later. If you choose to place the box in a tree, be careful handling the box especially if you’re using a ladder, as the box can be awkward to work with. If you use a wooden box with a detachable top, try inserting the nails so that a bit of the head is sticking up. This makes it easier to remove the top when it comes time to move the bees. 11. **Look for flight around the entrance to the box.** This is an indicator that bees are either scouting your bee box or have settled in. If you don’t see any bees carrying pollen, give the box a few more days to allow time to see if a swarm has moved in. If bees are carrying pollen, it usually means that a swarm has decided to move in, since scouts do not carry pollen while searching for new homes. This can be the best indicator that your bait box has been successful at attracting a swarm. 12. **Let the bees get settled in the box before moving them.** It takes a few days after the initial scouts arrive for the entire swarm to move in, and several more days for the swarm to get fully settled. Avoid moving the bait box too early, which could cause the bees to abandon the box and search for a home elsewhere. Some sources recommend waiting at least two weeks after bees have moved into a bait box to transfer them to a permanent hive. 13. **After bees have settled in, transfer them to a permanent hive.** This should be done early in the season so the colony has time to store pollen and honey for winter. Move the bait hive a few days at a time so the bees can adjust to the change in location and continue to find their new home easily. When you’re ready, you can transfer any removable frames from the bait hive into the permanent hive and simply dump the bees into the permanent hive. If you do this in a light rain or in the evening, you’ll increase the chances that they accept the new hive.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Sort Your Life Out
It is easy to become overwhelmed with everything our culture expects of us. Many people go through life so bogged down with small obligations that they lose track of their priorities. Sorting out your life involves thinking deeply about what you truly desire. Then, you have the freedom to make changes to your daily life according to your highest aspirations for happiness and well-being. 1. **Visualize your best self.** What are your most important qualities? Understanding the unique gifts you have to offer the world can help you figure out what direction your life should take. Take a few minutes to think deeply about what makes you special. Spending time in a place where you can be yourself is a good way to identify what makes you, you. Try going to your favorite place in nature, or spending time near people who get you. When you can really be yourself, what qualities emerge? It may also help to ask people you trust what good qualities they see in you. Sometimes it's difficult to see our own strengths clearly. 2. **Make a list of your priorities.** Spend time thinking about your priorities divorced from what you know your current obligations are. Take note of the happiest moments in your life, and prioritize the parts of your life that deliver these moments to you. Remember, you don’t need to think about what’s feasible and what isn’t, just what truly makes you tick. This will help you see what you cherish rather than the strategies you’ll use to get them. Keep the list short and sweet—no longer than five things. Ask yourself the following questions in order to connect with your priorities: How would you like to live your life? Would you like to be healthy and vital? Would you like to have deeper connections with people in your life? What will make you proud to be able to say about yourself in ten years time? 3. **Write out a daily schedule.** When you have a completely average day, what does it entail? By laying out a daily schedule, not of what you want for yourself, but of what you actually do you can see your current strategies for meeting your priorities. Now that you have this schedule, see if your priorities are reflected in your daily activity or not. Can you draw links between what you cherish and what you know must be taken care of each day? For example, if you already eat a nourishing breakfast in the morning, you can connect this up with a stated priority of maintaining a healthy body and mind. If you cannot see the connection between how you spend your time and what your deeper priorities are, you will know that a significant overhaul may be in order. 4. **Separate the urgent from the valuable.** Looking again at your daily schedule, sort everything you do into two different categories: urgent and valuable. Everything we do holds some sort of meaning for us, otherwise we wouldn't be doing it. Notice the things you do that are urgent, meaning that you feel as though you are under pressure and seek to avoid the consequences of not doing it. Then, look at the other activities that are valuable. If something is valuable that means that there is something intrinsically enjoyable to the activity itself, as it is in line with your priorities (even if only in a small way). For instance, you might be confused about where to place an activity like calling your mom. Ask yourself: do you call your mom daily because you would feel guilty or fear hurting her if you don't check in? Or, do you talk to her frequently because you prioritize family and talking to her sparks the joy of connection in you? Yes to the first option shows that the activity is , and yes to the second means that it is . 5. **List your obligations and duties.** These need not be only the obligations that we consider crucial, like paying rent and buying groceries, but also the obligations that you feel you have toward others. What are the things that you have to do, for fear of some type of punishment or shame? While these will not go away completely, recognition of what you do out of fear will sharpen your ability to see when you are acting from a priority and when you are acting out of fear, urgency or obligation. Slowly, you'll learn to make different decisions about what needs to be done and when. This time, caring for your priorities and growth rather than simply running in fear of consequences. Begin to notice which obligations can be altered, split, or delegated in order for your values and priorities to be upheld. Can an aunt, friend, or coworker help out with the obligation half time? Or maybe the task is truly the responsibility of someone else - let that person rise to the opportunity to be responsible and handle the task. 6. **Think about your relationships.** To live without getting overwhelmed or confused about what your priorities are, it is crucial to surround yourself with people who make you feel comfortable enough to be confident and creative. The next time you go out, be extra mindful of who gives you energy and who makes talking feel like a chore. This will bring out your gut feelings about whose presence really nourishes you, making it easier to spend your time feeling boosted rather than obligated in relation to others. Honestly ask yourself the questions: “Who makes me feel shrunken when I’m around them? Who makes me feel like my contributions are trivial?” You might be surprised (and shaken) to find that people who we love very much bring out tendencies of self-effacement and repression of our true feelings. 7. **Embrace difficult discussions.** Our lives are filled with others who we must work and share with, and yet, often have vastly different styles and priorities from. Are there conversations you've wanted to have, but pushed aside for fear of the person's response? Without judging or accusing the other person, talk about the ways you differ. Then, you can brainstorm about how you might proceed with these differences in mind. Sometimes, these differences involve quick fixes that take the frustration and dissatisfaction out of daily life. For example, you might have a co-worker who always leaves you responsible for your least favorite task, filing papers. If you calmly let your co-worker know that filing papers is a major source of upset for you, you could work out a way to share the burden. Perhaps your co-worker simply forgets to file papers and doesn't mind taking on the task entirely. Either way, you'll feel empowered for making an adjustment that frees up more time for enjoyable activities. 8. **Spend time by yourself.** Make checking in with yourself and your priorities a regular occurrence. Imagine that you are hanging out with a dear friend to whom you can vent your deepest insecurities and questions about the direction of your life. Now, see that you can be that friend to yourself. If you are as kind and understanding as your friend would be, you can expect an even greater degree of intimacy and understanding than you ever could from another person. The more time by yourself spent outside, the better. When possible, spend your alone time in the backyard or at a nearby park. This will make it so you have fewer reminders of the other things you need to be doing and more reminders of the beauty there for you to slow down and appreciate. 9. **Turn negative self-talk into encouragement.** Without realizing it, many of us go through our days thinking thoughts like, "I can't do this." or "I'm not good enough." Every time you notice that you're putting yourself down or judging yourself to be incompetent, try countering it with an affirmation of what you can do. Say you were assigned a paper in class with a long, confusing prompt. A voice might pop up that tells you that there's no way you can handle it because you're so far behind already. Respond to this voice by letting it know that you work well under pressure or that you're a savvy writer regardless of the topic. 10. **Cultivate acceptance for the past.** Sorting out your life is impossible without being free from past regrets and resentments. If possible, make amends with people who represent a strong lack of resolution in your life. This might be a parent you haven't seen in years or a friend who you never saw after a fight. If you are caught up in anger about a breakup or disappointed with yourself for not getting the promotion you wanted, you will lack the energy it takes to move toward change. When making amends, you don't have to commit to having a long confrontation about whatever happened. What's important is to let this person know that you have recognized unresolved issues related to them, and that you intend to move forward in your life with respect for them and gratitude for the lessons of your shared experience. Writing a brief email can show how much you've built up a past situation in your mind. Peeking into the closet and greeting some skeletons can usher in a sense of peace. 11. **Start each day with a to-do list.** Lists are a great way to get rid of feelings of chaos and overwhelm. They also help manage stress by giving you a visual of how much you really need to do. When you use your to-do list as a starting off point, you can begin to see how much room you have to re-negotiate your daily activities. Once you see your to-do list, rearrange the items so that things that are important to you and your happiness come before things that you normally consider urgent. For example, you might have a bill due in four days. But, you also have on your list taking a walk through your neighborhood. It seems obvious that spending your time paying the bill will relieve your stress—it’s an obligation that you could be getting out of the way! But since today is not the due date, you can choose to deal with the bill when you must, since your need for movement and refreshment is more important to your happiness today. 12. **Clean like it's spring.** Having a clean, open space at home, work, etc., has a powerful impact on how capable we feel of accomplishing tasks. Clean your house from top to bottom, without hesitation to throw away broken things and donate what you no longer use. Recycle old papers and receipts that are filling up drawers, and do the same with your virtual space. Delete old emails, notes, and contacts that clutter your folders. Doing this will help you feel refreshed and open to the possibility of new and different things coming into your space instead. 13. **Regulate your sleep schedule.** Studies have shown that after only a few days of shortened sleep, many experience worse mood and decreased ability to regulate negative emotions.. This means that you will feel less inspired to accomplish the things that the best version of yourself has deemed a priority. If getting 7-8 hours of sleep is not an option for you, do allow yourself to take catch-up naps after nights of less satisfying sleep. Learning to improve your sleeping habits is invaluable. 14. **Find a diet that fits you.** Sorting out your life may mean revamping what you eat and how your eating habits factor into your days. Unless you prioritize and enjoy refining your culinary skills, develop habits for when you buy and prepare food. Don't leave room for stress to arise about what you want to eat and when. Keep a list of basic items to keep around so that you can always prepare a quick meal or nutritious snack. By having reliable options, you will also avoid the over- and under-eating that normal come along with (and worsen) stress. 15. **Exercise to clean out nervous energy.** Exercise causes your brain to release endorphins, adrenaline, and other chemicals that act to relieve excess tension and uplift mopey moods. Movement of all kind has been proven to regulate bodily functions and advance emotional well-being. Yoga, weight training, and cardiovascular exercise are all good options. Remember not to commit yourself to an amount of exercise that isn't desirable for keeping your priorities. The goal is to make you more fit to live the life you want to live, not to load you up with another obligation that you don't care about. If you know that muscular endurance is not a priority for your life, choose brisk walks over weight training. 16. **Monitor your vices.** Do you drink, smoke, or zone out to the television frequently? The vices aren't the problem, but how you use them can show you what your time is really being used to do. By becoming aware of the role your vices play in your life--and these do shift often--you can learn how to use them more responsibly without cutting them completely. The next time you go for a drink, for example, ask yourself: "Is this helping me toward a priority?" The answer is not necessarily no--you may be having a glass of wine with your family or friends whose presence you value. But, the drink may also be helping you avoid a to-do list item or hindering your ability to see your priorities in action.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Dry Fruit in the Oven
Drying fresh fruit yourself is a super easy way to keep plenty of dried fruit on hand without breaking the bank. Prepare the fruits of your choice by rinsing them off and removing any tough skins, rinds, cores, and seeds. Then, cut the fruit into uniform pieces and scatter them in a single layer on a baking sheet. Pop the fruit in the oven and heat it at 140 °F (60 °C) for 4-8 hours. Be sure to let the fruit cool overnight before storing it in air-tight containers! 1. **Choose fresh fruits that are ripe and bruise-free.** A few good options are apples, bananas, pears, peaches, berries, cherries, and apricots. You can also dry sections of citrus fruits like oranges, pineapples, and limes, and experiment with other fruits that you enjoy. Look for ripe fruits with even coloring. Avoid fruit with dark, squishy spots. A green stem can indicate unripe fruit. If the fruit feels extremely hard, it's probably not ripe yet. 2. **Wash, peel, and core the fruit.** Always rinse off your fruit thoroughly with cool water before using it. Then, depending on what kind of fruit you're working with, remove the outer skin, stem, seeds, rinds, and cores. You want to work with the fleshy, edible parts of each fruit. For example, if you're using peaches, slice them in half so you can remove the pits. Peel off banana skins, remove citrus rinds, core apples, and get rid of any stems. It's usually best to remove most tough outer skins. For example, remove the skin from plums, mangoes, and apricots. Leaving the skin on will lengthen the drying time. 3. **Cut the fruit into pieces that are uniform in size and thickness.** Your fruit slices or chunks can be any size and thickness that you like. The key is to make them as uniform as possible so they'll take about the same amount of time to dry. Keep in mind that the thicker and bigger the fruit pieces, the longer they'll take to dry. The pieces will also shrink down considerably during the drying process. For example, cut bananas into round medallions or sticks. Section oranges and other citrus fruits. Cut apples into rings or chunks. Small fruit, like blueberries, cherries, and cranberries, can be left whole. 4. **Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.** Fruits will release sticky sugars as they dry, so line your baking trays with parchment paper first so the fruits won't cling to the surface. You could also spray your baking sheets with nonstick cooking spray, if you prefer. Both techniques work equally well, but parchment paper will make cleanup much easier! 5. **Arrange the fruit in a single layer on the baking sheet.** Scatter the fruit pieces on the baking sheet and be sure to leave a little space in between them. The more space you leave, the better the air circulation will be, but as long as the pieces aren't touching each other, you're all set. 6. **Preheat your oven to 140 °F (60 °C) and let it heat up.** If your oven doesn't go that low, set it to the lowest temperature you can. Don't exceed 200 °F (93 °C), or you'll end up cooking your fruit instead of drying it. Let the oven heat up completely. 7. **Place the baking sheet in the oven.** You can use any rack. If you're making multiple sheets, you can use both racks simultaneously as long as there's at least 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6 cm) of space in between them. Make sure there's at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) of space on all sides of the baking sheet so that the air can circulate properly. 8. **Leave the oven door open about 2 inches (5.1 cm) so air can circulate.** Closing your oven door all the way will cut off air circulation, which extends the drying time and may end up cooking your fruits instead of dehydrating them. Leave the oven door propped open a couple of inches to prevent that. To be safe, keep children out of the kitchen during this time. You may want to crack a window in the kitchen, since leaving the oven door open will warm up the room. 9. **Stir the fruit every 30 minutes and let it dry for 4-8 hours total.** Use a wooden spoon or a spatula to move the pieces around every half hour so the fruit dries evenly. How long the fruit takes to dry depends on how juicy it is and how big your pieces are, so start checking it around the 3-hour mark to prevent over drying. 10. **Remove the fruit from the oven when it is dry and chewy.** If the fruit is squishy, it needs to dry longer. If it's hard, you may have over dried it, which isn't a big deal if you like your dried fruit crispy! The goal is to dry the fruit until the juice is gone, but before it hardens so it retains a chewy quality. You can check how dry it is by prodding it with a wooden spoon or scooping up a few pieces on a spatula and testing them out. Be sure to let it cool for a few minutes before you bite into it! If you don't have any children or pets, you could turn off the heat and leave the trays in the oven as long as you leave the oven door open all the way. 11. **Let the dried fruit cool overnight.** Leave the fruit pieces on the baking sheet so they can cool and finish the drying process. This usually takes several hours, so leaving it out overnight is the simplest solution. Be sure to place the hot baking sheet on a heat-safe surface in an area where children and pets can't get to it. Let the fruit cool in an area away from direct sunlight. 12. **Transfer the dried fruit to air-tight containers.** After it cools, you can transfer the fruit straight from the baking sheet into storage containers. Plastic containers and large freezer bags are great options for storage. Vacuum sealing also works well. As long as the containers have air-tight seals, you're good! Consider storing the fruit in divided portions. Every time you expose the fruit to air, the shelf life diminishes, so breaking the fruit into portions will keep it fresher for longer. 13. **Store the dried fruit at room temperature for 6-12 months.** You can put the storage containers right into your pantry and store dried fruit at room temperature for up to 1 year. If you want to extend the shelf life even more, store the fruit in your fridge or freezer. The fruit will last 1-2 years in the fridge and indefinitely in the freezer.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make CBD Oil Gummies
If you're looking for a delicious way to consume CBD oil, create your own gummies! These chewy bites are quick to make and simple to customize. Heat juice, lemonade, or a sports drink along with sweetener and your choice of gelatin or agar powder. Then, fill a silicone gummy mold with the mixture and refrigerate it until the gummies are firm. Peel away the mold and enjoy your fruity treats. 1. **Spray a silicone gummy mold with nonstick cooking spray.** Get out your choice of silicone molds so you have about 30 gummy cavities to fill. Then, spray the inside of the mold with nonstick cooking spray, which helps the gummies release easily. Place the greased mold on a baking sheet and set it aside. Use as many molds as you need to equal 30 gummies. For example, you could use 2 molds if they both have 15 cavities. If you prefer, brush the inside of the mold with melted coconut oil. 2. **Pour a flavored beverage, corn syrup, and gelatin into a measuring jug.** Put 1 cup (240 ml) of a flavored beverage into a microwave-safe measuring jug or bowl. Add 2 tablespoons (40 g) of corn syrup and 4 1-ounce (7 g) packets of unflavored gelatin. Try making CBD gummies with lemonade, sports drink, or juice. Just don't use juice that contains pineapple, kiwi, mango, ginger root, papaya, or figs since these prevent the gelatin from setting. Mixing the gummy liquid in a measuring jug makes it easier to pour the liquid into the mold. 3. **Stir the gummy mixture and let it sit for 1 minute.** Use a spoon to stir the gelatin and corn syrup into the liquid. As the liquid rests, the powdered gelatin will hydrate, but won't dissolve completely. The gelatin will dissolve as you heat the liquid in the microwave. 4. **Microwave the liquid for 1 minute and stir at the halfway point.** Put the measuring jug into the microwave and heat the gummy liquid on full power for 30 seconds. Stir the mixture well and microwave it for another 30 seconds. Then, stir the mixture again to help the gelatin dissolve completely. If you still see grainy gelatin in the liquid, microwave the mixture for another 30 seconds and stir it again. 5. **Let the mixture rest for 15 minutes.** Wear oven mitts to remove the jug from the microwave and set it on a wire rack. Leave the gummy mixture to cool for at least 15 minutes so it begins to thicken a little and look like gel. Avoid stirring the gummy mixture as it sets up. 6. **Stir in 1 ⁄2 teaspoons (7.4 ml) of CBD oil.** You can use any strength of CBD oil or use a CBD oil that also has THC. If you want mild-strength CBD gummies, use a 50mg CBD oil. For stronger CBD gummies, use a higher-strength oil, such as a 5,000mg CBD oil. You can find a variety of flavored CBD oils online here. This recipe creates 30 gummies that each have between 5 to 10 drops of CBD oil in them. 7. **Pour the mixture into the greased mold.** Slowly pour the liquid into each cavity of the mold. Ensure that you fill each cavity to the top so the gummies are easy to remove from the mold. If your mold came with a pipette, use it to squeeze small amounts of the mixture into each cavity. 8. **Refrigerate the gummies for 30 minutes.** Place the baking sheet with the mold into the refrigerator and chill the gummies until they're firm. Check them after 30 minutes to see if they're completely set. 9. **Remove the CBD gummies from the mold.** To get the gummies out of the mold, slowly peel the mold back and away from the gummies. Keep peeling the mold back so all of the gummies fall out. Store the CBD gummies in an airtight container in the refrigerator and use them within 1 week. 10. **Put the flavored beverage, honey, and agar powder in a small saucepan.** Set the saucepan on the stove and pour in 1 cup (240 ml) of a flavored beverage, such as fruit juice or lemonade. Add 2 tablespoons (42 g) of honey or agave along with 1 1/2 teaspoons (6 g) of agar powder. 11. **Whisk the mixture and let it sit for 5 minutes.** Whisk until the honey and agar powder are incorporated. Then, let the agar powder hydrate for 5 minutes. Keep in mind that the agar won't dissolve until you heat the liquid. 12. **Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat.** Stir or whisk the gummy mixture constantly to help the agar powder dissolve. Continue to heat it until the liquid bubbles near the center of the pot. 13. **Simmer the mixture for 2 to 3 minutes.** Keep stirring or whisking as the gummy mixture cooks and the agar dissolves. Turn off the burner once the agar is completely dissolved and the mixture thickens a little. Stir slowly so the liquid doesn't spatter out of the pot and burn you. 14. **Turn off the burner and stir in 1 ⁄2 teaspoons (7.4 ml) of CBD oil.** Slowly stir in CBD oil in any strength you prefer. You could use 50mg CBD oil for mild gummies or a CBD oil with up to 5,000mg CBD for stronger gummies. Purchase CBD oil with or without THC depending on whether you want to experience psychoactive events. 15. **Spray a silicone gummy mold with nonstick spray and set it on a tray.** Get out a gummy mold that has about 30 small cavities. If you can't find a mold with this many cavities, use a few smaller ones to equal 30 cavities. Spray the inside of the cavity and place it on a baking sheet or tray. If you prefer, brush the cavities with melted coconut oil instead of using nonstick cooking spray. 16. **Use a pipette to fill the gummy mold with the mixture.** Insert a clean pipette into the gummy mixture and squeeze the liquid into each greased cavity. Fill the cavities to the very top so your gummies are the right size. If you don't have a pipette, use a small spoon to slowly pour the liquid into each cavity. 17. **Refrigerate the gummies for 30 minutes.** Place the tray with the filled mold into the refrigerator. Chill the CBD gummies until they're completely firm. Because the gummies are so small, they'll set up in about 30 minutes. 18. **Remove the CBD gummies from the silicone mold.** Take the sheet out of the fridge and slowly peel the silicone mold back and away from the gummies. The gummies should fall out as you pull the mold away. Store the CBD gummies in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Plant a Java Fern
Java fern (microsorum pteropus) grows rather slowly in comparison to some other popular aquarium plants, but it’s one of the hardiest and best-looking options out there. It will manage just fine in most aquarium conditions, and usually won’t be nibbled away by your fish. The key to planting Java fern is to not actually plant it, but rather to attach its exposed rhizome to a piece of driftwood or a rock. Then, just let it grow and propagate! 1. **Place a fern that's attached to driftwood into your tank.** If you buy a Java fern at a pet shop or even order it online, it will often come pre-attached to a small piece of driftwood. In this case, you can simply place the fern and driftwood into your aquarium as-is, since Java ferns grow best when attached to driftwood or stone. Often, the fern will be attached to the wood with a thin thread that should dissolve over time in the water. The root system of the Java fern will hold it in place. 2. **Let an unattached fern float freely, if desired.** If you buy a Java fern that isn't pre-attached to driftwood, you may want to attach it to something yourself. However, you can choose to let if float freely in your aquarium instead. If you simply drop it in the water, it will either grow while floating or attach to something in the tank on its own. Either way, it will probably grow just fine! 3. **Secure an unattached rhizome with thread or plastic ties.** The Java fern has a simple plant structure: the long, thin leaves and the stringy, numerous roots sprout out from a dense rhizome. Wrap thread or fishing line around the rhizome and the attaching object (e.g., rock or driftwood) several times, or use a zip tie or two to secure them together. After you attach the rhizome to a rock or piece of wood, the roots will eventually secure the fern to the object with a strong bond. Unless you’re using a dissolving thread, you should remove the binding object (e.g., fishing line or zip tie) once the roots gain a firm hold on the rock or wood. Otherwise, the fern’s growth may be impeded. 4. **Try using super glue gel instead.** If you’re sure you want to permanently bond a Java fern to a particular object, you can glue it with a super glue gel rated for underwater applications. You might, for instance, run a thin bead of super glue gel to the object (e.g., piece of driftwood), then press the Java fern rhizome to it and hold it securely for 30 seconds. Read the product packaging carefully so that you get the right kind of glue and apply it properly. Because the glue doesn’t wrap around the rhizome like zip ties or fishing line do, the rhizome (and fern) can continue to grow without restriction. 5. **Don’t plant Java fern into substrate.** In the case of Java fern, “planting” does not mean burying the roots beneath soil, substrate, or pebbles. In fact, if you don’t leave the roots exposed, they will quickly rot away and the plant will die. Attach your Java fern to driftwood, a rock, or possibly a decorative piece in your aquarium, or even let it float freely. Just don’t literally “plant” it! 6. **Locate the fern in the middle or back of the tank.** This plant will grow just fine in the front of your aquarium, but it’s likely to block your view of your fish! Instead, consider using it as a background piece, or let its beautiful leaves become a central focal point that your fish can circulate around. A Java fern rhizome generally grows in one direction, and can reach about 6 inches (15 cm) wide. The leaves can grow to about 12 inches (30 cm) tall. Because of their size, Java ferns are best for tanks that hold at least 10 gallons (38 L). 7. **Adjust the temperature, pH, and lighting if necessary.** Java ferns are hardy plants that can tolerate nearly any typical aquarium environment. However, they are more likely to thrive under the following conditions: a tank temperature between 72 and 82 °F (22 and 28 °C). a tank pH between 6 and 7.5. low to moderate tank lighting. 8. **Add a liquid plant fertilizer only if necessary.** Many Java ferns can get adequate nutrients from their aquarium surroundings and will never need a fertilizer. But, if your fern has shown little to no signs of growth after a month, try adding a liquid fertilizer that includes iron. Choose a liquid fertilizer that suits your aquarium conditions, and follow the instructions for adding it to the tank. You may, for example, need to add a small amount of liquid fertilizer into the tank each week with a dropper. The fish can remain in the tank while you add the fertilizer. 9. **Make adjustments if you see brown rot.** Black veining is normal on Java fern leaves, and black bumps on the leaves are signs of new growth, not disease. However, if your fern has brown spots on the leaves, or if the leaves start to get mushy or disintegrate, you do have a problem. Brown rot is typically due to too much light, too few nutrients, or too much blue green algae (BGA). In the last case, keeping the tank clean and increasing the nutrient levels with a liquid fertilizer may improve your fern’s health. 10. **Snip off a section of rhizome and relocate it.** If you like the height of your Java fern’s leaves, but the plant itself is getting too wide for its spot, you can simply divide the plant and turn a single Java fern into a pair! All you need is a small, sharp pair of scissors. Cut through the rhizome with the scissors, pull the sections apart, and attach one or both pieces to driftwood or stones. It’s OK if you have to pull off or cut away some of the roots in order to separate part of the rhizome from the wood or stone. They will grow back. 11. **Pluck off and relocate plantlets that grow from the leaves.** In addition to growing from the rhizome, the Java fern has another neat trick for propagation. The black bumps you see on some of the leaves will eventually become new rhizomes with their own roots. Once these “plantlets” have their own roots growing from the new rhizomes, you can pluck, pinch, or cut them off and attach them to a new piece of wood or stone. 12. **Leave it to propagate naturally, if desired.** If you prefer to let nature take its course, just leave the “plantlets” alone. Some of them will fall off and attach to another object in the tank. Some will fall off and grow while floating freely. And some won’t fall off but will keep growing while tethered, either by floating or by attaching to something else in the tank.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Set up a Tropical Freshwater Aquarium
Aquariums are a lovely addition to any space, creating a lively focal point and a source of color and entertainment. However, more than just something interesting to look at, a tropical freshwater aquarium houses living creatures, and therefore needs to be set up and cared for properly. By choosing a good location, filling the tank, adjusting the water, and adding fish slowly, you can have a beautiful aquarium full of happy and healthy fish in your home. 1. **Choose a sturdy benchtop or aquarium stand to support your tank.** While some tanks come with bases that are designed to support their weight, standalone tanks will need somewhere sturdy to sit. Find an empty table, bench, or another spot that will be able to hold your tank while it is full of water. 1 litre (34  fl oz) of water weighs 1 kilogram (35 oz). In a big tank, this can add up quickly to become very heavy. Make sure that your tank will be properly supported and that you won’t need to move it once it’s full of water. If you don’t have anywhere to place your aquarium, you can purchase an aquarium stand online of from your local pet store that will be able to support the tank. 2. **Keep the tank away from direct sunlight, cold breezes, or vibrations.** Tropical fish are very sensitive to temperature and noise, so their tank should be safe from anything that might disrupt them. Place the tank in a location that won’t get a lot of direct sun or wind from open windows. The tank should also be far away from any speakers that may cause harsh vibrations. Keeping the aquarium in the corner of a room should help avoid many of these potential issues. This will also reduce the chance of the tank getting knocked over by accident. 3. **Make sure there are electrical sockets nearby.** Your tank will need to have a heater, a filter, and a light, which will all require a nearby electrical socket. When choosing a location for your tank, check that there are adequate power sockets nearby to avoid having to run extension cables all over the place. You should also ensure that there’s no chance of any cords coming from the aquarium’s heater or filter being pulled out by young children or excitable pets. Keep the cords tucked away to ensure they are always plugged in. 4. **Place the tank out of reach of other pets.** If you have a cat or dog, they may be fascinated by the aquarium and the wildlife inside. Even though your aquarium will have a lid on it, some ambitious animals may try and get inside to catch the fish. Find somewhere to place the tank that will reduce the chances of any curious creatures from getting inside. Keeping your aquarium on a sturdy surface high off the ground will reduce the chances of pets disrupting it. If you have cats, you may also need another barricade to keep your cats from getting into the tank. Alternately, make sure there aren't any other surfaces nearby that your cat could climb or jump off of to get to the tank. 5. **Put down a 5 to 10 cm (2.0 to 3.9 in) layer of rinsed aquarium gravel.** Purchase a bag of aquarium gravel or another substrate material from your local pet store. Rinse the gravel with clean water in a bucket or pasta strainer, before scooping it into the tank. Start with 5 centimetres (2.0 in) near the front, sloping up to around 10 centimetres (3.9 in) nearer the back. Use a scoop or small trowel to add gravel to your tank rather than pouring it in, as this will reduce the chances of you scratching, damaging, or weakening the tank’s glass. Aquarium gravel or other substrates should be available from your local pet store or online. 6. **Fill the tank with water.** Place a small dish or bowl on the gravel near the bottom of your tank. Use a hose, small bucket, or large jug to begin adding water to the tank. Pour the water directly onto the dish or bowl, so that it can flow more softly into the tank and not disturb the gravel. Leave around 5 centimetres (2.0 in) of space at the top of the tank. This will stop the water from overflowing when you add plants or other decorations. The water in your tank will need to be dechlorinated. You could use filtered or bottled water to fill it up or use tap water that has been treated with a dechlorinator. Dechlorination tablets should be available online or from your local pet store. 7. **Add some plants to the aquarium.** These can help oxygenate the water and give your tank a more natural look. Purchase some live or artificial aquarium plants from your local pet store and place their roots into the gravel to plant them. Most aquariums will have the taller plants nearer the back and some shorter plants in the front. Some great aquarium plants could be java moss near the front, water wisteria near the middle, and an aponogeton ulvaceus bulb near the back. 8. **Spruce the tank up with a few decorations.** Some colorful artificial decorations, such as a small shipwreck or a few larger rocks, can help break your tank up and give your fish somewhere to be alone. Add 1 or 2 bulkier decorations near the sides of your tank to make it look more interesting. Leave roughly 1/3 of the tank empty for your fish to swim around in freely. They should be able to interact with or hide in the decorations when they want to, without being overcrowded by other things in the tank. Decorations for your tank could include some larger and well-washed rocks, toy shipwrecks, or almost anything else that you want to put in. See what ideas you can come up with! Avoid putting plastic, ceramic, loose driftwood, or glass in the tank. The plastic and ceramic can leach chemicals if left in water over time. Driftwood that hasn't been properly treated may be home to some harmful bacteria, and glass may hurt your fish. If you're unsure about a possible decoration for your tank, look online or ask at your local pet store for more advice. 9. **Treat the water for chlorine.** The small amounts of chlorine found in most tap water will be dangerous to any fish you add to the aquarium. To prevent any fish from getting ill, treat the water with a tap water conditioner to get rid of the chlorine. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on your conditioner for the best results. Tap water conditioners should be available online or from your local pet store. 10. **Insert a water filter into the tank.** The water filter will help get rid of contaminants in your tank’s water and keep it clean and clear. Purchase a water tank filter online or from your local pet store and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install it in your aquarium. There are many, many different types of filters that you can install to keep your aquarium clean and clear. Do some research on different filters for different tank sizes, systems, and price ranges to help determine which is right for your needs. 11. **Add a heater and thermometer to regulate the temperature.** Tropical fish will normally require warmer water to thrive in, so a heater and a thermometer are essential. Attach an aquarium heater to the back of your tank and plug it in to begin warming the water. Stick a thermometer onto the front of the glass to keep an eye on the temperature and adjust the heater accordingly. Make sure that your heater is installed with a drip loop. This is a small loop or dip in the cable just before it plugs into the wall socket. The drip loop will allow water to run down the cable and drip off the bottom of the loop rather than running into your electrical socket. The required temperature for your aquarium will depend on the fish you want to keep in it. Research the comfortable temperature for each fish before you purchase it to make sure it can thrive in your aquarium. Don’t plug the heater in for 30 minutes after you put it into the tank. Otherwise, the sudden shift in temperature may cause your heater to shatter. 12. **Test your water** There are many factors of water that can make it unsafe for fish, such as the pH level or the level of ammonia. Purchase an aquarium water test kit and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to test the water. Here are some things you should be looking out for: The pH level of your aquarium should be between 6.0 and 8.0. If it's too low, raise the pH of your fish tank, such as by adding baking soda. If it's too high, lower the pH of your fish tank, like by adding driftwood. The ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels will all be managed naturally over time. However, no fish should be added until there is no ammonia or nitrite in the tank, and you begin to get a reading for nitrate. You should test the water at least once each month to ensure it is safe. 13. **Place the hood and tank light over the aquarium.** The hood will stop anything unwanted from getting into the aquarium, and the lamp will help the live plants in your tank thrive. If your hood doesn’t have a lamp included, purchase an 18- to 40-watt aquarium lamp online or from your local pet store. Make sure your lamp is also plugged in with a drip loop to reduce the chance of electrocution or electrical failure. If you are keeping live plants in your tank, you’ll need at least 1 watt for every 1 litre (34  fl oz) in your tank. Otherwise, any lamp between 18- and 40-watts will work. Keep the lamp on a timer so that it is only on for 10 to 12 hours each day. Leaving it on for any longer than this can increase the temperature, rates of water evaporation, and algae growth. Light timers should be available from your local hardware or electronics store. Some pet stores may also have them. 14. **Do a fishless cycle** There are many bacteria that need to build up in your fish tank before it will be safe for fish to swim in it. Leave the filter to cycle for between 2 days and up to 1 week in order to build up the bacteria in your filter. Continue cycling your tank until the water is safe for fish. To make this process go faster, add a small sprinkle of fish food to your tank, or ask your local pet store for some gravel or a dirty filter pad with plenty of good bacteria already on it. The water in your tank will need to have very low levels of ammonia and nitrites in order to be safe. You should just begin to see nitrates being produced when the water becomes safe. 15. **Choose 1 or 2 tropical fish to begin with.** Adding too many fish to the water at once can throw off the balance of ammonia, nitrates, and bacteria that you’ve built up. Choose 1 or 2 tropical fish that are easy to care for to start off your new aquarium. African cichlids and neon tetras make for great first fish in your tropical aquarium. If you can’t find any at your local pet store, talk to an employee to see if they have any recommendations of a first tropical fish to buy. Whichever fish you buy, make sure you research the elements they require from a tank to check that you can keep them happy and healthy. It's easiest to start with 2 fish of the same species if you're setting up an aquarium for the first time. Make sure that the fish you choose are compatible with each other! Some fish will attack, stress, or even eat other species of fish. Look online or ask at your local pet store when adding new fish to your tank. 16. **Turn off the lights in the aquarium.** Bright lights in the tank when your fish are first introduced will likely stress them out and make them take longer to adjust to their new home. Turn off the lamp in your tank, and make sure there are plenty of hiding places so your fish can adjust to swimming around at their own pace. You can turn the lamp back onto its regular timer once the fish have adjusted to the tank and are swimming around by themselves. If your fish are stressed out, they may become sick and die more easily. Anything you can do to reduce their stress will only make them happier and healthier. 17. **Let the fish acclimate to the water before adding them to the tank.** Float the plastic bag that your new fish came in on top of your aquarium to equalize the temperatures. After 20 minutes or so, add water from the tank to the bag to double the amount of water the fish can swim in. Wait another 20 minutes before scooping the fish out of the bag and into the tank with a net. Pouring the fish straight into new water will shock them, which can be detrimental to their health. This will help them adjust to the water in the tank slowly. Avoid mixing water from the bag into the water in the tank, as this can be detrimental to the tank water. Don’t feed your fish on their first day in the tank. They’ll likely be too stressed to eat, so the food will sink to the bottom and rot. Feed them every other day for 4 to 6 weeks after this, before changing to the recommended feeding schedule for your fish. 18. **Watch the fish for signs of illness.** Keep an eye on your fish over the next few days to make sure they are adjusting to the aquarium properly. If your fish seems inactive or slow-moving, check that they aren’t ill and treat them properly if they seem unwell. There are many different indicators that your fish may be stressed or unwell. If they are not eating, spending a lot of time near the surface, sticking to the bottom of the tank, or not eating, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Keep an eye on your fish's skin as well. Any changes, tears, or colored spots could be a sign that your fish is ill and needs to be treated for a new illness. 19. **Test the water every day for at least 1 month.** As your fish begin living in the tank, eating food, and producing waste, they may begin throwing off the balance of your aquarium. Test the water in your tank every 1 or 2 days to make sure the pH level stays the same, and the ammonia levels don’t begin to rise. Raise and lower the pH of your fish tank as you need to to keep it within the comfortable range for your fish. If you notice the levels of ammonia creeping up in your fish tank, change the water and avoid over-feeding your fish to lower ammonia levels in the tank. Most water testing kits will have indicator strips that you can either dip into the water or drop water onto, with the indicators changing colors depending on levels. Check the manufacturer's instruction for more specific advice on how to use and read the indicators in your own set. 20. **Add more fish after 4 to 6 weeks.** You should give your first few fish plenty of time to adjust to their new home before adding any more fish to the tank. Begin adding new fish to the aquarium after 4 to 6 weeks if you want to, making sure that every fish can live comfortably together and that they are added to the tank safely. There are many different reasons that different species of fish won’t be able to live together. Make sure that your fish are compatible before adding them to the same tank.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Zest an Orange Without a Zester
If you want to incorporate flavorful orange zest into your favorite recipes but don't have a zester on hand, you can use a grater or a vegetable peeler and a sharp paring knife to get the job done. The grater method is self-explanatory—simply run the orange over the smallest set of slots on the grater to shave off the colorful peel. For the peeler-and-knife method, you'll need to take off thin slices of the peel, then mince them by hand to reduce them to the correct size. 1. **Wash the orange with warm water before you begin handling the peel.** Rinse the orange under the faucet for a few seconds, using your fingers to gently wipe away any traces of dirt or waxy residue. If not properly removed, these substances could interfere with the flavor of the zest. Once your orange is nice and clean, pat it dry with an absorbent towel. Don't forget to remove any stickers that happen to be clinging to the outside of the orange. 2. **Find the smallest set of slots on the grater.** Most box graters have multiple sets of holes in various sizes. To zest an orange, you'll want to identify which face of the grater has the narrowest holes and use it as your grating surface. That way, you can ensure that the peel pieces come out the correct size. On a typical box grater, the smallest holes tend to be on one of the sides rather than the broad front or back faces. Even with the smallest set of holes, your zest may turn out slightly larger than if you had used a microplane or zester. However, this shouldn't affect its flavor or usefulness in your favorite recipes. 3. **Set out a shallow bowl to collect the zest as you grate.** A mixing bowl with a wide opening will work best, but you can also use an ordinary serving bowl. Putting a bowl down will make the grating process more efficient and leave you with less of a mess to clean up when you're done. If you don't have a suitable bowl handy, your next best bet is a small plate with upturned sides that will help catch the zest as it falls. 4. **Hold the orange in your dominant hand and the grater in the other.** If your bowl is big enough, you can set the grater on the bottom and grate right inside the bowl to keep pieces of peel from getting everywhere. Otherwise, you'll need to hold the grater over the top of the bowl and do your best to keep it centered while you work. Tilt the grater at a 45-degree angle to make it easier for the zest to pass through the slots. When using a grater, the grating action comes almost entirely from the hand holding the food. Your other hand is just there to keep the grater steady. 5. **Run the orange back and forth lightly over the face of the grater.** Apply just enough pressure for the sharp edges of the grater holes to bite into the peel and take it off in small bits. Continue grating until the colorful part of the peel is gone and the white pith is visible underneath. Then, rotate the orange and repeat until you have as much zest as you need. Avoid grating too forcefully. Doing so could cause the orange to get hung up on the grater, or cut too deeply down to the pith. The pith tends to have a bitter, unpleasant taste, so you want to avoid letting too much find its way into the dish you're preparing. Tap the grater against the edge of the bowl a few times to dislodge any zest that's stuck in the slots. Keep your fingers a safe distance away from the sharp slots while you work. It can be easy to accidentally drag your knuckles across the grater if you're not careful! 6. **Rinse and dry the orange to remove any traces of dirt or wax.** Run the orange under a stream of warm water, turning it slowly to make sure the water touches every part of the fruit. Rub off areas of heavy buildup by hand. Afterwards, dry the orange thoroughly with an absorbent towel. 7. **Take thin slices of the orange peel using a vegetable peeler.** Drag the blade of the peeler down the side of the orange, making sure you bear down hard enough for it to work its way under the peel. After peeling one section of the fruit, turn it in your hand and shave another slice from the section beside it. Try to scrape away as much of the peel as you can from top to bottom, but avoid cutting down to the bitter white pith. Since you'll be peeling the orange first and then turning it into zest manually, knowing exactly how much peel to use in order to get a certain amount of zest may require a little bit of trial and error. 8. **Cut the peel slices into strips with a paring knife.** Line the slices up on your cutting board and run the blade of your paring knife over them lengthwise. Try to make each strip as thin as possible, but take your time and work carefully to avoid accidents. You'll be using very fine movements to julienne the orange peel, so be careful not to let your fingers get in the way of the blade! 9. **Mince the strips into tiny pieces.** Once you've julienned your orange peel into strips, turn them widthwise and cut them straight across. As you did with your first round of cuts, aim to make each piece as small as possible. You're basically doing the same thing a zester does, only by hand. If you plan on using your orange zest to garnish a cocktail or make citrus-infused oils or syrups, simply leave it in strips rather than mincing it. 10. **Rock the blade of your knife over the minced peel to finish the zest.** Hold the handle of the knife in one hand and use the other to grip the back of the blade towards the tip. Then, raise and lower one end of the blade and then the other with a see-sawing motion to chop the peel even smaller. Focus on pieces that are slightly larger than those around them. Change up the angle of your cuts every few seconds to make sure your zest comes out with a uniform consistency. Use your finger to (cautiously) scrape any usable bits of zest off the blade when you're done.
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How to Grow Oregano
Oregano is an herb commonly used in Italian dishes. It is a hearty plant that provides lovely ground cover in addition to its uses in the kitchen. It can be grown both in your home and outside, which means that no matter where you live, with a little time and care, you could be enjoying fresh oregano of your own. 1. **Choose between seeds or clippings.** Oregano can be grown from seeds or clippings, so if you already have some oregano plants, you may want to use clippings instead of buying new seeds. When using seeds, you can generally expect that roughly ¼ of the seeds won't grow, so you may want to plant several. Clippings should only be taken from established plants. You should wait until the roots of your plants are well developed and new growth begins appearing before taking clippings. 2. **Select your planting location.** Oregano is a plant that loves sunshine and soil that drains well, so you should choose a planting location that has these two features. If you live in a colder part of the world, you may want to start your plant indoors and transfer it outside when the weather warms up. Oregano grows best in moderately fertilized soil. It's unlikely that you'll need to add compost or fertilizer for it to grow well. 3. **Plan extra space for multiple plants.** A fully grown oregano plant will be about 2 to 2½ ft tall (61 to 76 cm) and about 2 ft wide (61 cm). For best results in your garden, you should give your oregano about 10 in (25 cm) of space between plants. If you plan on growing your oregano indoors, choose a pot that is about 1 ft (30.5 cm) in diameter. This way your plant has adequate room to grow. 4. **Plant early for a head start.** You can plant your oregano as early as 6 to 10 weeks before the last predicted frost of spring. However, in colder regions or during a cold snap, you may want to protect your plants with a layer of hay. In place of hay, you can also use bed sheets, blankets, or plastic sheeting. To prevent damage to budding plants, you can use stakes to prop up your covering. Once the sun has risen and the air warmed, you should remove your covering from the plants. When using hay, you should remove it from covering the plants after the last frost. 5. **Plant your oregano.** You'll want to plant seeds about ¼ inch (.64 cm) deep and bury clippings ½ inch (1.3 cm) deep. You should be patient while awaiting your plants to emerge from the ground since seeds often sprout slowly, though indoor planting may see seeds sprout in less time. You should avoid attempting to use seeds that have been stored long periods of time. As time passes, the chance the seeds will grow decreases. Strip cuttings of their leaves on the end being planted. Plants usually take 5 to 10 days to sprout from the ground. However, your oregano may take more or less time depending on factors like soil quality, sunlight, and frequency of watering. 6. **Water your oregano moderately.** During the first few months of growth, water your plants regularly to get them started. Once they are established, you can reduce the amount of water. Check whether your plant needs water or not by touching the soil around it. If it feels dry, you should thoroughly water the area. Plants in containers should be treated similarly to outdoor grown oregano. However, when watering, you should douse the plant until you notice water dripping from the drainage holes in the bottom of the container. 7. **Trim your oregano for thicker growth.** By trimming or pinching the leaves and ends of your plant, you can encourage the growth of denser leaves. Wait until the plant is about 4 in (10.2 cm) tall, and use a pair of shears or scissors to lightly thin the outer growth. Trimming also helps prevent excessive stem growth in your plant. This condition, called legginess, will reduce the yield of your crop. Where you trim your plant, you should notice it branch at that point when it continues growing. In turn, these branches will bear more leaves, meaning more oregano for you. As you trim, you can use the fresh oregano in a recipe, or dry it to use later on. 8. **Remove older plants.** Sick or thin plants can crowd better ones and steal resources, negatively impacting the potential of the healthier plants. Plants that are three or four years old are at the end of the oregano life cycle and will be less productive, making these prime candidates for removal. You may not remember which plants are old and which are young. In this case, you should wait until early spring when you should be able to judge the plant's age by its initial growth. 9. **Weed around your plants** Weeds can steal valuable nutrients from your oregano, block out the much needed sun, or soak up the water intended for your plants. Try to target weeds when young, as these will be easier to remove at that time. Grasp the weed firmly at its base with firm, steady pressure, and try to pull up as much of the roots as possible. There are many garden tools you might use to assist in your weeding endeavors. A spade or rooting tool could make your weeding less of a chore. 10. **Pick your oregano.** Oregano can be used fresh from the garden, though you should wash it first to rinse off dirt, bugs, and bacteria. Allow the washed herb to air dry or pat it dry with a towel. Now it's ready to be used in any recipes that call for fresh oregano. Oregano reaches peak potency right before it blooms. Blooming season is usually in early July, though this may vary depending on the region you live in. 11. **Gather your oregano.** The easiest time for you to do this is in the morning after the sun has risen and evaporated any dew. Use a pair of shears or scissors to cut leafy bunches free of the plant, leaving a portion of the stem remaining. Then, gather the bunches into small bundles and use a rubber band around the stems to fasten the bundles together. Try not to bundle the oregano together too densely. This can cause uneven drying and could result in a less than desirable finished product. 12. **Cover the bundles.** This will prevent dust from accumulating on your oregano as it dries and will keep the sun from bleaching the color from the plant. Paper bags work well for covering your bundles, but you should cut slits in these bags to promote airflow so the herb dries better. You should keep an eye on your oregano while it is drying. Direct sunlight can sometimes cause moisture to build up in the bag, which could cause mold to grow and ruin your dried oregano. 13. **Hang the bundles to dry.** The time it takes to dry will depend on your climate. In some regions, it may take a few days, others may take as long as two weeks. You'll want to hang your plants in an area that is warm and dry, but out of direct sunlight. Some places you might consider for drying your oregano include your attic, porch, a clothesline, or even in your kitchen. If you plan on drying outside, you should keep an eye on the weather. Rain could spoil your hard work. 14. **Store your dried oregano.** When the leaves have become brittle, it's ready to be stored. Lay out a sheet of wax paper and place your bundles onto it. Then you should crumble the plants and pick out the stems, which can be thrown away. Store your dried oregano in an airtight jar, and enjoy it throughout the year. To easily transfer your dried oregano into a container, you might want to take the wax paper by two corners and form a funnel with it. Place one end of the funnel above the mouth of your container and tap the paper to shake the dried leaves into it.
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How to Train Ducks
It may come as a surprise, but ducks are actually quite trainable. With the right motivation and a little patience, you can teach your pet ducks to free range and return to their pens on their own, become comfortable being petted and held, and even respond to their names. The key is to get them used to certain conditioning techniques little by little until they begin adapting to them. 1. **Keep new ducks confined to their pen for one week.** When you first bring a litter of ducklings home, get them situated in their pen and let them spend most of their time there. This will give them a chance to get familiar with their new surroundings. Before long, they’ll begin to identify the pen as a safe shelter to return to. Make sure the pen you have set up is large enough to comfortably house all of the ducks you’re keeping. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 4 square feet (about 0.37 square meters) of space per animal. It's also possible to train adult ducks to free range, although it may take them a little longer to catch on. 2. **Make your ducks’ pen as comfortable as possible.** Cover the floor with a thick layer of grass or straw to give your ducks a cozy place to nestle. Set out containers for a quality duck feed and fresh, clean water and keep them well-stocked. They should have all of their basic needs met the entire time they’re restricted to their pen. Newborn chicks and growing ducklings may benefit from having a space heater or heat lamp positioned nearby during the colder months of the year. Be sure to clean out any messes your ducks happen to make on a daily basis so they aren’t cooped up with their own filth. 3. **Start leaving the door of the pen open after a week.** Following the initial acclimation period, allow your ducks to come and go as they please. They may be somewhat reluctant to leave at first. With time, however, they’ll get over their fear and take more of an interest in the world outside. Don’t try to force your ducks out of their pen. They’ll make their way out on their own when they’re ready. Young ducks are typically more willing to venture out of their pen when there are other adult ducks outside. If you don't own any other ducks, a handful of mealworms will usually do the trick. 4. **Usher your ducks back into their pen at night.** More often than not, they’ll instinctively return to shelter once dusk arrives, but if they seem confused or inattentive, they may need a little guidance. Use a long stick or pole to calmly direct your ducks back towards the opening of the pen. Once they're inside, leave the door open so they can begin getting used to coming and going as they please. Don’t use your herding tool to physically move the ducks. Doing so could hurt them or send them into a frightened frenzy. Ducks have a tendency to group up and follow one another, so they shouldn’t need too much coaxing. 5. **Repeat this routine for as long as needed.** Turn your ducks loose to wander freely during the day and corral them back into their pen come nightfall. They’ll catch on after a couple of weeks. After that, it may not be necessary to ever close them up again! Even if you decide to train your ducks to free range, it’s a good idea to keep them shut up within in a large enclosure to prevent them from getting lost or nabbed by predators in the area. Allowing your ducks to roam is good for them. It gives them some much-needed exercise, keeps them well-fed, and helps control populations of common pests like beetles and slugs. 6. **Grab a handful of treats.** Sprinkle some live mealworms or a few pieces of shredded romaine lettuce into the palm of your hand. You’ll use these treats to entice your ducks into coming close enough to touch. Ducks also love to nibble on fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, herbs, and whole grains. Seeds, berries, beans, corn, and leafy greens are among their favorites. Contrary to popular belief, ducks should never be fed bread products (such as sliced bread, bread crumbs, or crackers). Starchy, nutrient-poor foods can be bad for their health. Produce items like onions, nuts, and citrus should also be avoided, as they can be hard for ducks to digest or present a possible choking hazard. 7. **Pet your ducks gently while they eat out of your hand.** As the ducks come closer to investigate the treats, hold out your other hand slowly and use it to stroke or tickle their heads. They’ll be so focused on the food that they won’t consciously register being touched. However, some light petting will calm their nerves and prime them for more prolonged contact in the future. Don’t reach for your ducks too quickly or forcefully—since they're natural prey animals, this will more than likely scare them away. Instead, let them come to you. It’s important to handle ducks with care, especially when they’re young. 8. **Work your way up to picking up your ducks.** When one of your ducks comes within grabbing range, place a hand over either of its wings and lift it gently from above. Be sure to keep one arm underneath the duck's body to support its weight and keep its legs secured. Speak soothingly to it and release it after a few short moments. Ducks typically tolerate being petted pretty well, but it may take them a while to warm up to being held. Try petting them with both hands or coaxing them into your lap with treats first. If your ducks don’t want to be held, let them go. Seizing them by force will only teach them to panic when picked up. 9. **Hold your ducks for longer periods of time.** Eventually, your ducks will become so used to being touched that they’ll no longer be skittish when they see you're reaching out for them. You’ll then be able to pick them up to clean them, corral them, or just to show them some affection. Ducks are usually very calm when held like a small dog or cat. 10. **Name your duck.** Before you can teach it to react to its name, it needs to have one. Pick out one of your favorite names for your duck based on its sex, or come up with names that have a more playful ring to them, such as “Mother Goose” or “Quack Nicholson.” You can also assign a name to your duck based on its physical characteristics. For instance, you might name a solid white bird “Snowflake,” while an especially small one could be called “Peanut.” Be creative and don’t be afraid to get a little silly. Ducks can be fun pets, too! 11. **Call your duck by its name as often as possible.** Get in the habit of using your duck’s name anytime you’re interacting with it. This could be while you’re feeding, petting, bathing, or leading it back to its pen at the end of the day. Be sure to address it in a clear tone of voice so it knows you’re talking to it. If you have multiple ducks, you might have success teaching them to respond to different names by using a certain name whenever you're interacting with them one-on-one. Feel free to repeat your duck’s name as frequently as you want. Even if it doesn’t understand what you’re saying, the sound of your voice can be very relaxing for it. Ducks are quick learners. The more often you refer to them by name, the faster they’ll come to associate that name with a particular stimulus like food. 12. **Try calling your duck to you.** Every so often, stand at a distance from your duck and say its name in a clear voice. After hearing it enough times, there’s a good chance it will recognize the sound and come to you. If it doesn’t, it may be in need of further conditioning. With consistent training, your duck will gradually begin to pick up on its name the way chickens and other farm birds do.
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How to Become a Non Profit Organization
It may not be difficult to come up with a good idea for a non-profit organization – but realizing that idea can be incredibly difficult in practice. In fact, running a non-profit organization may be more difficult than running a for-profit company of a similar size. Non-profits have particular organization and governmental reporting requirements that don't exist in other contexts, and the start-up process differs from state to state. Becoming a non-profit isn't easy, but fulfilling a need in your community can be very rewarding. 1. **Research the needs of your community.** Before you start your non-profit, you need to make sure there will be a significant demand for the services you provide. This is similar to researching the demand and market for your product or service if you are starting a small business. Finding a unique niche and being able to demonstrate a significant demand for your services will be key to attracting donations when you begin fundraising and drumming up support for your non-profit. You may need to conduct surveys among the people you want to help to determine if some other organization in your community is providing similar services. To be sustainable, you must be able to demonstrate to potential donors that your organization will make a significant impact in the community and on people's lives. For example, a group of undergraduate students at the University of California, Santa Barbara started Environmental Education for the Next Generation in 2009. EENG brings free environmental education programs to California's cash-strapped public schools. Since its inception, the non-profit has grown from a single classroom to an organization with four regional chapters and 220 volunteers that serve more than 3,000 children. If another organization exists in your community that already does something similar to what you want to do, consider working with that organization or approaching it to serve as a fiscal sponsor for your organization. 2. **Find your state association of non-profits.** Your state association will have many resources on starting a non-profit, as well as experts who can assist you with your planning and development. State associations also may hold free seminars or educational workshops on starting a non-profit, or transitioning a for-profit entity into a non-profit one. 3. **Develop a business plan.** As with any business, you need to develop a plan for the growth and continued operation of your non-profit organization. Taking time to draft a detailed business plan at the beginning of the process will save you a lot of time and effort later on. For example, you may be able to copy parts of your business plan into your application for tax-exempt status, or use it in fundraising brochures or letters. Outline all aspects of your plan, including your organizational structure, the mission for your non-profit, and possible marketing and fundraising efforts. 4. **Draw up a budget.** You must start with a good understanding of how much it will cost to operate your non-profit so you know how much money you need to raise. You will need to have a good sense not only of the fixed costs to start your non-profit, including state and federal fees and the time it will take to complete that paperwork, but also any necessary costs for infrastructure and development. For example, you may need to rent office space for your non-profit, or you may be able to run it out of your living room – at least at first. If you need to rent a physical space, though, the initial costs of finding and securing a location should be included in your budget. Your organization also will need supplies. For example, if you plan on opening a soup kitchen, you will need plates, bowls, and cups and utensils, as well as space to cook and clean. Even if your non-profit will exist mostly in virtual space on the internet, you still will have material costs associated with the business such as fees for domain registration and hosting of your website. Having a solid understanding of the daily operating expenses for your non-profit will help you determine how much money you need to raise on a regular basis. Consider the economic climate in your area, as well as projections for the future, as this will have an impact on the amount of money you're able to raise and the continued financial viability of your non-profit. For example, University of Maryland undergraduate student Ben Simon created a food aid program that became the Food Recovery Network. The organization started out simply as a plan to feed the homeless with unused food from college campus dining facilities. Over time, Simon began collecting food from private restaurants as well, and eventually expanded onto other campuses. The government and politics major leveraged his educational resources to enter and win two social entrepreneurship contests as well as outside seed money before registering as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. 5. **Decide who will be involved.** Even though your non-profit does not yet exist, you should have a good idea of who you want to be on your board and what their roles will be in the start-up organization. Not only must you recruit talented and dedicated board members, you must find passionate and driven people to staff your organization. Try to include people who can provide the services you need, such as attorneys or accountants, and who will provide a little creative tension on your board. Including only close friends and family on your initial board can be a recipe for disaster later on when they are unwilling to challenge your decisions. Your staffing needs will vary depending on the type of organization you're starting and where you will be located. For example, if you are running a non-profit that will exist mostly online, you'll want to hire web designers and social media experts. Having a large staff of volunteers can help demonstrate community support and involvement in your project, and this may increase donations. Keep in mind that many states require a specific minimum number of board members. For example, in New York you must have at least three directors, and you must have a president, vice president, a secretary and a treasurer on your board. One person may hold more than one office, with the exception of president and secretary. Some states also have residency, age, or other requirements for who may serve as members of a non-profit board. 6. **Find and register your name.** Search the secretary of state's database in the state where you want to establish your nonprofit to make sure your name is unique. Your first step to becoming a non-profit is to incorporate your organization at the state level. In most states this is accomplished through the secretary of state. Incorporation of a non-profit is a similar process to creating a for-profit corporation in most respects, but you must take some extra steps including applying for tax-exempt status. To incorporate your organization, you must find a name that is unique among all registered corporations in your state – non-profit and for-profit alike. You may have to pay a fee to reserve your unique name. For example, in Alabama you must pay a $28 fee to reserve your name. While you don't necessarily have to incorporate your organization to get federal tax-exempt status, it may be required by your state. 7. **Complete the required paperwork.** Each state has its own paperwork required for incorporation and for designation as a non-profit. At a minimum, you must file articles of incorporation and charitable organization paperwork. Some states require additional documents such as a certificate of disclosure or proof of your corporate name. You may have to file a different form for your articles of incorporation depending on the type of non-profit your organization is. For example, California has four different forms depending on the type of non-profit, including separate forms for a public benefit corporation or a religious corporation. When you've finished filling out all the necessary paperwork and creating your organizational documents, you'll want to make enough copies to have one for the non-profit's files and at least one for each board member. Your local association for non-profits will have state-specific resources and forms, as well as experts to guide you through the process. In many states, you also must publish your articles of incorporation in a newspaper of record and file a proof of publication along with your other documents. 8. **File your paperwork and pay the required fees.** Once you've completed your paperwork and made copies, you must file it with the secretary of state and pay all fees required to register your corporation. The amount you'll pay in fees to incorporate your non-profit will vary depending on the state where you start your organization. For example, in California you must pay $30 if you are mailing your incorporation documents or $45 if you are filing them in person. In some states you may have the option of paying an additional fee for expedited filing. Check processing times with your state before you file to determine whether you might prefer expedited processing. 9. **Determine if you're eligible for tax-exempt status.** Not every non-profit organization necessarily is eligible for federal tax-exempt status. The IRS lists certain purposes that qualify, such as religious or educational purposes. To be eligible for tax-exempt status, your organization must exist to further one of these purposes. Other acceptable purposes include fostering national or international amateur sports competition, or preventing cruelty to children or animals. If the purposes you listed in your organizing document are broader than those recognized by the IRS under 501(c)(3), you should amend your organizing document so that it matches the purpose recognized by the federal tax law if you want tax-exempt status. 10. **Get a federal employer identification number.** Before you apply for tax-exempt status, your organization must have its own EIN. If you don't already have a federal EIN, you can get one by filing Form SS-4 with the IRS. 11. **Complete the appropriate federal form.** Generally, you must fill out either Form 1023 or Form 1023-EZ. Certain organizations such as churches and schools are automatically considered tax exempt and do not have to file any forms with the IRS. Small organizations with gross receipts of $50,000 or less and assets of $250,000 or less generally may file a Form 1023-EZ. The 1023-EZ is a streamlined version of Form 1023. Your form must include certain information such as the formation date of your corporation, the state where it was formed, and the purpose of your organization. Federal tax law provides other limitations concerning how your organization is formed and clauses that must be contained in your organizing documents. For example, if you want tax-exempt status your organizing document must include a dissolution clause stating that in the event your organization dissolves, all assets will be distributed only for a tax-exempt purpose. 12. **File your federal form.** Once you've completed your application form, you must file it with the IRS along with the required fee. You can download Form 1023 or Form 1023-EZ on the IRS website. Form 1023-EZ can only be filed electronically. The IRS does not accept printed copy submissions. Your form must be accompanied by a $400 processing fee. You can have the payment deducted directly from your bank account, or you can use a credit or debit card. Payments can be made through Generally you must file your tax-exempt form with the IRS within 27 months after the end of the month in which your corporation was legally formed. Doing so ensures that your formation date also is the effective date of your exempt status. If you don't file your forms with the IRS within 27 months of your date of corporate formation, the effective date of your tax-exempt status generally will be the date you filed your form. Make sure your form is signed by an officer or director authorized to sign for the organization. In addition to signing the form, you must include the person's title or role in the organization and the date the form was signed. 13. **Consider making a 501(h) election.** The 501(h) election allows your organization to spend money on lobbying activities up to a certain amount or percentage of your total expenditures, depending on the size of your organization. For example, if your expenditures for any exempt purpose are less than $500,000, up to 20 percent of those expenditures can be on lobbying activities. If you exceed your lobbying expenditure dollar limit over the course of a year, you must pay an excise tax of 25 percent on that excess. 14. **File for tax-exempt status at state and local levels.** After you've received the federal Determination Letter from the IRS recognizing your organization's tax-exempt status, you also will be recognized as tax-exempt by state and local authorities. You can check the website of the National Association of State Charity Officials to find out how to register with your state to solicit charitable contributions or to become exempt from state or local property taxes. You may have to complete additional registrations for unemployment insurance or additional tax exemptions such as property tax or sales tax. 15. **Register with your state's agency.** Most states also require charities and non-profits to register with a state agency. Typically you must register with the appropriate agency before you can start fundraising or engage in any lobbying at the state or local level. You also may have to file a state charitable solicitation registration. This form is required by most states and must be filed in any state where you are soliciting donations. Thus, if you solicit donations online, you potentially must register in every state. 16. **Get any necessary licenses or permits.** Find out what sorts of additional inspections or permissions you need in your state or county to conduct the organization's activities. For example, if your organization includes a soup kitchen that provides food for the homeless, your state may require you to get regular health and safety inspections. You also may need to get certain permits or licenses depending on the types of clients you intend to serve or the types of employees you want to hire. If you need to secure a physical location such as an office or service center, you should check to make sure that you are in compliance with the local zoning restrictions. 17. **Appoint or vote on directors.** If you have not already, make a final decision on the members of the board and bring them together for the first board meeting. You also want to make final decisions on initial staffing decisions and who will control different aspects of the organization or make daily decisions on behalf of the organization. 18. **Create corporate bylaws.** The first board meeting typically is when you decide as a group what the procedures for management and operation of your non-profit will be. Depending on the state where your organization is located, you may have been required to file bylaws with the secretary of state when you filed for incorporation. For example, California requires you to file your bylaws when you incorporate your organization. 19. **Adopt other foundational policies such as conflict of interest and compensation policies.** Use your first meeting to decide how you're going to handle HR and employment issues, organizational accounting, and risk management. 20. **Start fundraising.** Now that your non-profit is organized, you must raise money to keep it going. Individual donors may be among your largest contributors; however, governments offer grants that can help cover some of your costs. Research in your area to see what sorts of grants or loans are available for non-profits that supply services like yours. If you are unfamiliar with the grant application process, consider hiring someone on a freelance basis or as part of your full-time staff who has experience drafting grant applications. 21. **Prepare for annual reporting requirements.** The IRS and many state agencies require non-profits to file annual reports. Any non-profit organization that qualifies for tax-exempt status must file an annual return with the IRS. If your organization has gross receipts of less than $50,000, you may submit notice to the IRS using Form 990-N rather than filing a full return. To maintain your tax-exempt status, you must file financial reports with the IRS and your state tax authority. You also may be required to file reports to individual donors or fiscal sponsors. Find out if you have to file any quarterly reports. For example, you may need to file quarterly reports for employee tax withholding.
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How to Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm
Lightning is a beautiful and inspiring phenomenon, but it can be deadly. Over the past 30 years, lightning has killed an average of 67 people per year in the United States alone. Fortunately, most lightning-related deaths are preventable. Follow these steps to safety the next time there’s fire in the sky. 1. **Find shelter immediately.** If you find yourself caught in a lightning storm, the key to minimizing danger is to get inside a protective structure. While most people seek shelter if lightning appears to be near, people commonly wait too long to seek shelter. If you can detect lightning, it may be close enough to strike you. Don’t wait for it to strike right next to you (or on top of you) to get to safety. Never stand under a tall or short tree, and avoid being close to power lines as they're both excellent conductors of electricity and could potentially cause death, if not serious injury. Find shelter near or under a stony shelter such as a cavern. Substantial, frequently inhabited buildings (those grounded with plumbing, electrical systems, and, if possible, lightning rods) are best. If you can’t find a substantial structure, get in a car with a metal roof and sides. If the car is struck, the metal body will conduct the electricity around you, not through you. Make sure all windows are rolled up and doors are closed. Be careful not to lean against any metal -- if you do, the lightning will be conducted into your body if it strikes the car. Do not use the radio. Avoid small structures, such as stand-alone public restrooms. Open covering and rain shelters are also not suitable. These structures will attract lightning and provide no protection, making them more dangerous to be around. Standing under a tree is a very bad choice. Lightning strikes tall objects, and if the tree you are standing under is struck, you may be struck as well or injured by the tree. Bring in your pets. Doghouses and other pet shelters are not suitable protection against lightning strikes. A pet leashed to a fence has a much higher risk of getting struck by lightning. 2. **Stay away from windows.** Keep windows closed, and try to stay within inner rooms of the structure. Windows provide a direct path for the lightning to travel. 3. **Don’t touch anything metal or electrical.** Using a landline phone is the main cause of lightning-related injuries in the US. Lightning can travel into the home from through any material that conducts electricity. This includes landlines, electrical wiring, and plumbing. Do not touch any electrical outlets during a storm. Do not unplug any devices during a lightning storm, as the strike could be transferred to you. Do not lie on concrete floors or lean against concrete walls. Most concrete has a wire mesh which can conduct electricity. Stay out of the bathtub or shower, and avoid indoor swimming pools. In a car, try to avoid touching any part of the metal frame or the car's glass. 4. **Stay inside.** Stay inside at least 30 minutes after the last strike. Don’t go out just because the rain is starting to let up. There is still a significant risk of lightning strikes from a departing storm. 5. **Minimize your risk.** If you absolutely cannot reach shelter during a lightning storm, do everything you can to reduce your risk of being struck by lightning. Move to a lower elevation. Lightning is much more likely to strike objects at higher elevations. Do what you can do get as low as possible. Avoid large open spaces where you are taller than anything else around you, like a golf course or soccer field. Stay away from isolated objects such as trees and light posts. Get away from unprotected vehicles, such as golf carts, and unprotected structures, such as picnic shelters. Avoid long metal structures, i.e. bleachers. 6. **Get out of the water.** If you are fishing or swimming, get out of the water immediately, and move away from the body of water. Being near water is extremely dangerous during a lightning storm. 7. **Spread out.** If you are caught in a lightning storm with a group of people, maintain a distance of at least 50–100 feet (15.2–30.5 m) between each person. This will reduce the risk of lightning traveling from one person to another. Take a headcount after every close strike. This will ensure that anyone struck will get emergency attention quickly. 8. **Remove your backpack.** If you are hiking with a metal frame backpack, remove it as soon as you detect lightning. Make sure to leave it at least 100 feet (30.5 m) from wherever you are taking shelter. 9. **Assume the “lightning crouch”.** Squat down with your feet together, your head tucked to your chest or between your knees, and your hands covering your ears or flat against your knees. Do not lie flat on the ground, as this gives the lightning a larger target. This is a difficult position to hold, and it definitely doesn't guarantee your safety. However, by making it easier for a lightning strike to flow over your body rather than through vital organs, you may be able to sustain a smaller injury from it. Cover your ears and close your eyes to protect against nearby thunder and bright lightning flashes. 10. **Be alert for an imminent lightning strike.** If lightning is about to strike you or strike near you, your hair may stand on end, or you may feel a tingling in your skin. Light metal objects may vibrate, and you may hear a crackling sound or "kee kee" sound. If you detect any of these signals, assume the lightning crouch immediately. 11. **Wear rubber boots.** They are made of a material which is a bad electrical conductor. 12. **Plan ahead.** The best way to avoid injury from a lightning storm is to avoid it completely. Make your plans with dangerous weather in mind. Listen to the local weather forecast, and pay special attention to thunderstorm advisories. Research the local climate: in some areas you can almost guarantee a thunderstorm on summer afternoons. Schedule your activities to avoid many high-risk situations. Those hot, muggy days are just the thing that a thunderstorm needs to get going. 13. **Watch the skies.** When you’re out and about, watch the sky for signs of approaching thunderstorms, such as rain, darkening skies, or towering cumulonimbus clouds. If you can anticipate lightning before the first strike, you can avoid being caught in a bad situation. Note that lightning can, however, strike even in the absence of these indicators. 14. **Calculate the distance to the lightning.** If conditions permit good visibility, and it’s not practical to seek shelter whenever you notice a strike, use the 30 second rule: if the time between a lightning flash and the resulting thunder is 30 seconds or less (aka 6 miles (9.7 km) or less), get to shelter immediately. 15. **Plan your response.** If you are in an area that you expect will see lightning storms, know where safe shelters are. Communicate your plans to your group so that everyone knows what to do in an emergency. 16. **Prepare an emergency kit** Be ready with first aid and other disaster essentials. You may lose power during a thunderstorm, so have alternative light sources available. 17. **Install a lightning rod.** If you live in a lightning-prone area, installing a lightning rod can help protect your family and your property. Have your lightning rod professionally installed. An incorrectly installed rod can increase the chance of a lightning strike. 18. **Call emergency services.** Because lightning strikes can cause cardiac arrest, aggressive resuscitation may be necessary. If you cannot dial 9-1-1, designate someone else to. 19. **Make sure it is safe to help.** Do not put yourself in danger trying to help a lightning strike victim. Either wait until the immediate danger has passed, or move the victim to a safer location. Despite the common myth, lightning can strike the same place twice. 20. **Start CPR.** People struck by lightning do not retain an electrical charge, so you can immediately touch them and begin treatment. Do not remove the burned clothes unless absolutely necessary. Perform Child CPR if the victim is a child. Perform Adult CPR on adult victims. 21. **Treat the victim for shock.** Lay the victim down on his or her back with the head resting slightly lower than the torso. Elevate and support the legs.
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