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How to Get Faster at Running
There's no magic way to become a faster runner. You can't do it without consistent exercise, self-control, and attention to form. Luckily, a few simple tricks can make the path to faster running speed a little easier to navigate. By having a smart exercise routine and pushing yourself to run to the best of your ability, you can see improvements in as little as a few weeks. 1. **Stretch before you run.** Stretching is an important part of almost any exercise routine. Running is no exception. When you stretch, you're warming up the muscles in your body and getting them pumped up for the hard work that you're about to do. One good stretch is called "the Stork." Stand up straight. Bring one foot up behind you toward your bottom. Gently grab it with one hand (you can support yourself against a wall with your other hand if necessary). Put light tension on your leg until you feel a stretch in your quadriceps (the front of your thigh). Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat with the other leg. Focus on stretching your hips, hamstrings, quads, and calves. 2. **Give yourself a chance to warm up.** Before you run, speed up your heartbeat and get your blood pumping by taking a two-minute jog. You'll get a slight boost of energy and it will be easier to focus on running quickly. As long as your warmup isn't too intense, you won't be too tired to give your run your best effort. 3. **Practice consistently.** For most runners, going on a run every day or every other day is best. The key here is consistency. To see long-term results, you need to stick to your exercise schedule and slowly ramp up the difficulty over time. If you quit or fail to challenge yourself, your performance may plateau or even decrease. 4. **Use interval training to build speed and endurance.** Take 10 minutes each day for an interval run. As you run, follow this pattern: sprint for 10 seconds, then rest by jogging for a minute. Repeat for 10 minutes. To challenge yourself, every week add a few seconds to your sprinting time and shorten your breaks. Over time, you will be able to run faster and longer. 5. **Invite friends to run with you.** Try competing with a friend slightly faster than yourself. It will give you the motivation of winning, and it will be much more challenging than running by yourself or with someone slower than you. Don't run with someone much faster than you, or you might consider giving up. 6. **Use good running form.** Adopt a proper running posture, keeping your back straight and swaying your arms held in a 90-degree angle at the elbow. Run on the balls of your feet, using them to spring off with every step. Try pushing your legs further back to give yourself a longer stride. You will get a better grip of the ground and allow yourself to bounce off the ground, and it gives you an extra boost in every step. If you ever watch Olympic sprinters, you'll notice that they almost always have very long strides. Your upper body is important too. Put a bend in your arms and pump them up and down sharply with each step. Leave your palms open, with fingers together as if you were stabbing the air. This should help you force yourself forward more easily. 7. **Use a sustainable breathing pattern.** While you run, you want to be taking in enough oxygen that you can maintain a light conversation. If you can't, you're likely to run out of steam and you'll have to slow down. Deep, steady breathing will help you run more quickly in the long term. Some people breathe in through their noses for three seconds and exhale for two. See what you're comfortable with — one person's breathing style may not be best for everyone. 8. **Give yourself a time goal.** Use a stopwatch to time yourself every running session. Each time, try to go just a little bit faster on the same route. The added incentive will help you push yourself to the max. Just before you reach your goal, even if it seems impossible, try to force as much power out of your body as you can and put out a burst of speed. You may be surprised by how fast you can actually go when you know you're about to reach your goal. This can improve your time drastically. 9. **Keep your eyes on the prize (literally).** Even something as simple as changing the way you look ahead can make you a better runner. Try to focus your eyes on where you want to go, rather than on the area right in front of your feet. Keep focusing on new spots further down the path as you move — you won't ever feel like you're almost done, so you won't give up as easily. For example, if you're running on a straight track and you're coming to the end, try focusing on a spot far ahead of the finish line and push yourself to run there. This can help keep your motivation high until it's actually time to quit. 10. **Hydrate!** If you're not meeting your biological needs, you'll have a harder time running as fast as you can. Taking a small drink of water before your run ensures your muscles have the water they need when it counts. It's also a good idea to carry a little water with you so you can take drinks as needed during your run. There is such a thing as too much water, however. Don't drink a ton of water right before running. Drink small amounts as you go, but try not to take big gulps. This will give you cramps.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Be Naughty
Is your relationship feeling a bit flat? Boring? Has your partner previously been with that cliché bad boy/girl and you want to make sure you measure up? You can breathe some life back into your relationship and keep things caliente by mastering the art of being naughty. Surprise your partner and yourself! Get started with Step 1 below to find out how. 1. **Take control.** Take control in the bedroom. Be bossy. Tell your partner what to do. This is very sexy, even if it seems bad at first. Well, that it seems bad is kind of the point, really. This is also healthy for you because it will help you develop a more satisfying, equal sex life. 2. **Learn to tease.** Go slow. Draw things out. Don't go straight for the obvious organ. Explore erogenous zones like ears, backs of the knee, and the inner thigh. Try not even touching your partner. Get them to the point where they're begging you to give them release. Then tease just a few seconds longer before giving in. You can tease in everyday situations too, not just in the bedroom. For example, if you're a girl, you could slip your significant other your panties while you're out in public. Make a restroom run and then discreetly slip them into your partner's pocket. 3. **Talk dirty** Try talking dirty. Put on your sexiest voice and start getting very good with adjectives and verbs. Telling your partner where and what you'd like them to do, or even telling them that you are super aroused can be an incredible turn-on. 4. **Move outside the bedroom.** Sex doesn't just have to happen in the bedroom. Breaking from the norm and taking it outside of the bed can add a real naughtiness factor. You can surprise your partner in the shower or turn a nighttime movie on the couch into something a bit more. 5. **Role play a little.** Role playing is a classic way to spice up a relationship and choosing the right role can really add a naughty factor. Feminine people can go for the naughty schoolgirl or secretary thing, while masculine people could try the eager cop or doctor. 6. **Set a record for yourselves.** Another trick to try would be breaking your own record for how many times you've gone at it in a day or how many places you did it in. Keep track (you can even make yourself a scoreboard and prizes) and be vocal about your goal. 7. **Introduce toys.** Adult toys are another good way to get a little naughty in your relationship. There are lots of toys which increase pleasure for any gender. Surprise your partner with some presents! It wasn't even your birthday... 8. **Keep things fresh.** The main goal is to always be keeping things fresh and not getting stuck in a rut. You will find that simply by prioritizing your sex life and keeping it interesting, the gimmicks like "naughty" become much less important. 9. **Change up your hair or makeup.** Get a sexier haircut or try some sexier makeup looks. Any hair stylist should be able to help you on the hair front and Youtube is awash with great makeup tutorials. 10. **Do some creative shaving.** You can shave or wax off all your downstairs hair, or you can get really creative and trim it into a heart shape. This will give your partner a fun little surprise and show that you have sex on your mind. 11. **Practice some staging.** Take advantage of your clothing an environment to show your significant other exactly what you have in mind. You can try cooking in the nude, and time it so that your partner comes home to that pleasant sight, or you can go full rose-petals-and-candles in the bedroom. There are lots of ways to go about it, so get creative. 12. **Add to your wardrobe.** Ditch those granny panties and that old stretched out shirt and start by making your wardrobe sexier, from the ground up. Sexier underwear, sexier everyday clothes, maybe even a sexy date outfit. You've got to get the look if you really want to make it convincing for your partner. 13. **Work out.** No, we don't mean work out to get thinner and more traditionally sexy. Tradition is boring. You should work out because studies have shown that physical exertion increases sexual pleasure and appetite. Try going for a light jog before your partner comes home. 14. **Ask first!** You don't have to constantly be asking them how they're doing in the moment, but a good way to work up to naughty play is to ask them about their fantasies well in advance of trying anything new. Ask in a sexy voice for bonus points. 15. **Look for your partner's reactions.** While you're trying new things, look at how your partner reacts. Don't just listen to what they say afterwards: watch how they react in the moment. If they seem to stiffen or shy away, they may not be enjoying it as much as they say. 16. **Take things slowly.** Don't go from Sunday School to full Marquis de Sade in the course of a day. This can make a partner panic if it wasn't a specifically requested fantasy. Work your way up the kink chain in order to maximize the pleasure of the experiences for both of you. 17. **Keep regular life and bedroom life separate.** Just because your partner likes being called certain things in the bedroom doesn't mean you should call them that outside. You also should try not to let behaviors that you pick up affect you outside of the bedroom. Remember that real life and your sex life are two separate things. 18. **Don't do anything you'll regret.** Don't do anything in the name of naughtiness that you might later regret, especially if you're young. The Internet being what it is these days, it's really easy for pics to get leaked and your life can be ruined before you know it. Avoid taking nude pics (no matter how stable your relationship is), and while sex tapes can be fun, they're best reserved for happily married couples that have been together for a very long time. Even with explicit trust between each other, it's important to remember that there are other ways for your data to get leaked. Like hackers. 19. **Stop apologizing.** The most important thing to be convincingly naughty with your significant other is to be confident and comfortable with yourself. The first step to being more confident and comfortable is to stop apologizing to everyone. Stop apologizing for not being sexier, stop apologizing for gaining weight, stop apologizing for wanting to have sex. You have desires and needs and feelings, and they are valid. 20. **Stop trying to look like a movie star.** You don't need to look like a movie star or a porn star to be worthy of your partner or for them to think you're sexy. They chose you. They're with you. They think you're sexy. Besides, sexy is mostly about how you act, not how you look. 21. **Celebrate your positives.** Find the best things about yourself (your attitude, your best feature) and celebrate that thing. Whether it's your pert little butt or your great 'tracks of land', or your muscles, it's all good! You have to know what you can build on, while also giving yourself a sort of grounding point to help you remember that you are, in fact, a total fox. 22. **Embrace your sexual side.** You are a sexual creature. That is normal and, really, a great thing. If you're spending a bunch of time being too embarrassed about sex to really enjoy it, then you're not going to be very good at this naughty thing. Be sexual. Be okay with being sexual. This is very important. 23. **Figure out what gives you pleasure.** Comfortable with that sexual side now? Good. Now experiment, either solo or with a partner, and explore your body. Figure out what really brings you pleasure. Find your "on" button. You'd think that being naughty is all about pleasuring your partner, but it's also about telling your partner (in a very naughty manner) exactly how to pleasure you.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Amend an LLC
Members of a limited liability company, or LLC, usually create an Operating Agreement and Articles of Organization when registering their company. Both documents need to be amended when any alterations are made that impact the business or its members. If you are planning to make any changes to your company, you will need to learn how to amend an LLC Operating Agreement or Articles of Organization. 1. **File an amendment to change the LLC's name.** If you are trying to change the legal name of your LLC, you will need to file for that change with the state. You will also need to wait to have the name approved before you can begin using it. To do so, you will need to find a name that is currently available in your state (not taken by another LLC) by accessing your state's LLC registration records. Then, you must file articles of amendment with the state to change your name. Alternately, you can simple change your "doing business as" (DBA) name with your county or city. If you change your LLC's name, you will need to notify other agencies of the change, like IRS and other state agencies. 2. **Register a change in ownership or membership.** An amendment to the operating agreement is required when a change to the managers or members of an LLC is made. Though this amendment is made internally (without the cooperation of the state), some states require that the LLC report any changes made to members. This includes the transfer of large amounts of ownership in the LLC as well (if an existing member now owns over 20 percent of the LLC). 3. **File for other changes.** You must also make amendments to your articles of incorporation if you change your address or your registered agent. You must make amendments to your operating agreement if you decide to make another change to them, like changing your LLC from member-managed to manager-managed or otherwise changing the financial or managerial structure of the LLC. 4. **Know when an amendment is not needed.** There are some cases in which it may seem like an amendment would be needed when, in fact, you do not need one. For example, if an LLC member dies, their ownership share is transferred to whoever they specified in their will or, in the absence of a will, their next of kin. However, if the operating agreement limits or prohibits such a transfer, the share will be handled according to operating agreement. 5. **Make sure all members/manager agree on the amendment.** Research the written consent requirements for the amendment. Some states require that all members agree before amending an LLC, while others require the majority to agree. A minority of states allow members to create their own rules for amendments. 6. **Refer to your LLC's founding documents.** A well-constructed operating agreement should have a defined method for proposing and finalizing amendments. If your agreement has these provisions, make sure to follow them closely through the amendment process. 7. **Figure out when you must report amendments to the state.** In general, changes to the Articles of Incorporation (the initial LLC document filed with the state) must be filed as Articles of Amendment and submitted to the state. The changes are then confirmed by the state before taking effect. These changes includes changes in name, address, or registered agent for the LLC. Changes made to the operating agreement, which is not filed with the state, can be made without state approval but then might have to be reported to the state after the fact. Reporting requirements vary by state. For example, some states may charge a fee for filing articles of amendment. Others require that any and all significant changes to an LLC be reported within a certain timeframe. Check with the relevant agency or department in your state to figure out exactly what you need to report and when. When reporting changes, some states may require you to re-state your articles of incorporation, while others just allow you to make the change on your annual report. 8. **Check amendment announcement requirements.** Certain states require that the an LLC publicize any changes made to its structure, name, or location. For example, some states require that you publish the change 3 times in a newspaper distributed in the county where your LLC is registered. Be sure to include these requirements in your amendment plan and follow them closely. 9. **Amend the LLC within the time frame.** Many states require that you file the amendment within a month (30 days) of the change. If you don't do so, you may face a fine or a more severe penalty. 10. **Fill out an Article of Amendment to change your Articles of Organization.** This form describes what the change is, and its effective date. If your LLC is member-managed, the form needs to be signed by a member. The Article of Amendment should be signed by a manager if your LLC is manager-managed. Articles of amendment templates are available online for free. 11. **Send the form to the state department where the LLC is registered.** This will be the same department or agency with which you originally signed up your LLC. Each state places LLC management under a different government body; some may use the Secretary of State while others give this power to the treasury. Visit the relevant government website to find an address to mail your articles of amendment to. 12. **Pay the fees to change an LLC.** Since you do not need to file the Operating Agreement with the state, you are only charged a fee to amend the Articles of Incorporation. The fee varies by state, and ranges from $40 to $150. 13. **Update your company's marketing materials to show the changes.** This may include business cards, website and/or fliers, depending on the information you changed.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Apologize After Bad Behavior
Maybe you freaked out at your partner and acted out inappropriately or you made rude comments to your boss during a stressful day at work. Though it is never pretty, bad behavior can happen and often it is often triggered by anxiety, anger, stress, or confusion. If you have behaved badly, you can apologize effectively and increase your chances of getting back into the person’s good graces. 1. **Take some time to compose yourself before you apologize.** Though you may want to throw yourself at the mercy of the person you have offended as soon as you realize your bad behavior, you may want to wait a little before apologizing. Depending on how bad your behavior was, you may take a day away from the person to give them some space and let your emotions cool down. Taking some time to compose yourself will also allow you to think about how you plan to apologize and what you are going to say in your apology. Often, a well thought out and clear apology a day after the offending incident can be more effective than a casual, awkward apology right after the incident. 2. **Write an apology letter.** If you are struggling to put your apology into words, you may want to try sitting down and composing an apology letter. Sometimes, writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you get a better sense of what you want to say to the person. It will also force you to confront your bad behavior and consider why you acted badly. Identifying the reason(s) for your bad behavior may allow you to write a more sincere and clear apology to the person. Though you may not actually give the letter to the person, writing down your thoughts can help you to craft a better in person apology. In your letter, you should focus on saying “I’m sorry” but without adding any excuses for your behavior. Avoid saying “I’m sorry for my behavior, but I am under a lot of stress” and instead say, “I’m sorry for my behavior and for the way I treated you. I was stressed, and I took it out on you, which was inappropriate.” Replacing the word but with the word and can be a good start. You should also try to empathize with the person’s point of view in your letter, noting that you understand why the person may be upset at you. You should also make a point of promising that you will try to act more appropriately in the future, as this shows you are making an effort to correct your behavior. End the letter on a positive note, stating that what you did will never happen again and that you hope you can both move past the incident. You may want to sign the letter, “Sincerely” to show that you are trying to be honest and truthful. 3. **Apologize one on one in a quiet, private area.** If you decide to apologize in person, you should make sure you make the apology in a quiet, private area. This could be in your office at work, in a conference room, in your home, or in a quiet area of the library at school. Apologizing in a private area, one on one, will allow you to be honest and upfront about your feelings. If the person is very upset at you for your behavior, you may want to suggest a public place that feels neutral and safe for both of you, such as a coffee shop close by where the person lives or a bar. 4. **Accept responsibility for your behavior.** You should start your apology by discussing your bad behavior and acknowledging that it was inappropriate. Be specific when discussing your bad behavior, as this will show the person that you are able to take responsibility for your actions. Doing this will indicate you are willing to admit you were wrong, which will likely make the person more willing to forgive you. For example, you may say, “I was wrong to yell at you during the meeting with the shareholders. I was also wrong to swear at you and use inappropriate language when I spoke to you.” 5. **Express regret for your behavior.** Once you have acknowledged your behavior and acknowledged it was inappropriate, you should express sincere regret for your words and actions. This will let the person know that you are aware you caused them discomfort or pain. You are trying to connect emotionally with the person so try to be as honest and sincere as you can. For example, you may say, “I realize that my words and actions were wrong and I regret that I let my anger get out of hand. I know that I hurt you and embarrassed you, and I am sorry for my behavior.” 6. **Make a promise to change your behavior.** You should offer some way of making up for your behavior, whether this is a promise that you will never act the way you did again or a promise that you will talk to the person with respect rather than lash out at them in the future. You should make a realistic promise to the person as a way to strengthen your apology. Make sure your promise notes your desire to change your behavior so you do not act badly again. For example, you may say: “I promise that I will never speak out again in a meeting and speak inappropriately to you or to others.” You may also say, “I know I keep lashing out at you and I do not want to keep behaving this way. I will work on how I process my emotions and make sure I do not take them out on you.” Another option is to ask the person how you can make it up to them and let them dictate their expectations for you. This may be a useful option if you are apologizing to a partner or spouse and want them to give you input on how you can make up for your bad behavior. You may ask, “How can I make up for my behavior?” 7. **Ask for forgiveness.** You should end your apology by asking for forgiveness for your actions. Requesting forgiveness and putting yourself at the mercy of the person will show that you are sincere in your apology. Always form the request for forgiveness as a question, rather than a statement. You want the forgiveness element to feel like you are at the mercy of the person, rather than demanding something of them. You may say, “I’m sorry I behaved the way I did. I know I behaved inappropriately. Will you forgive me?” 8. **Offer compensation for any damaged items due to your behavior.** If you have acted badly towards a colleague or an acquaintance, such as spilling coffee on your colleague’s shirt or missing a lunch with an acquaintance, you may want to offer some form of compensation. This could be a redeeming action that is tangible, like paying for dry cleaning the stained shirt or paying for lunch with the acquaintance to make up for missing it the first time. The action of at least offering to compensate the person will often show that you feel bad and want to try to make up for your behavior. Offers of compensation can be financial if you have damaged someone else’s property due to your behavior. You can also offer compensation through other kind actions, like paying for the person’s coffee if you spill theirs by accident or helping someone replace their broken phone if you accidentally sent theirs into the toilet. 9. **Give the person an apology gift.** Another way to make up for bad behavior is to surprise the person you have offended with an apology gift. This could be a standard apology gift, like a bouquet of flowers or a box of sweets. Leave the gift on their desk or have them delivered with a card noting how sorry you are. The small gift may at least help them work toward letting go of their anger toward you and accept your apology. You could also think of a gift that seems particular to the person, like a mug with their favorite celebrity on it or a box of their favorite chocolates. Thoughtful, personal gifts are usually a big hit and can show the person that you feel bad for your behavior. 10. **Do something for the person that will make their day.** You can also do something nice for the person that will improve their day and show them you want to make up for your behavior. This could be surprising them by taking them out to lunch or bringing them their favorite lunch at work. You could also plan an outing just the two of you to make up for missing an appointment with the person. Often, kind acts should be done along with an apology in words. You may need to compose a thoughtful, heartfelt apology and share it with the person, as well as do a kind act, to help the person forgive you. 11. **Give the person time to process your apology.** Once you have apologized to the person through words and/or actions, it is important that you give the person time to process your apology. Do not expect the person to forgive you right away or say, "no big deal" after you apologize. It may take time for the person to accept your apology and move forward from your bad behavior. You may need to give the person space and spend time away from them so they are able to process their emotions towards you and find it in their heart to forgive you. Be patient when giving a person time. Just because you think enough time has passed does not mean it's true. That person might need more time than you realize. Whether the person accepts your apology or not, make sure you listen to their response. Though it may be difficult to hear how you have hurt this person, listening to what they have to say is a fundamental part of taking responsibility for your actions. 12. **Be kind to the person, even if they are still upset at you.** If the person does not say, "I forgive you", you may be frustrated or annoyed at them, especially if you have presented a heartfelt apology. But you cannot force the person to forgive you and being rude or unkind to them will only make the situation worse. Instead, focus on showing kindness and consideration to the person, even if they are cold to you. Go out of your way to be nice to them. Show them that you still want to be friends, even if they haven't forgiven you yet. 13. **Focus on changing your bad behavior.** If the person does not accept your apology, you may need to turn inward and focus on changing your bad behavior permanently. Put your changed self into action and show the person that you are trying to get better at maintaining healthy relationships and boundaries. Over time, the person may see that you have changed and consider renewing your relationship again. Remember, actions speak louder than words. Acting more responsible and considerate will help show the person that you are trying to change.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Survive
Disasters are rare, so you likely don’t need to worry about them. However, being prepared for a possible disaster will help you survive. No matter what kind of disaster happens, having an emergency kit will guarantee you have the supplies you need. Additionally, it’s helpful to learn survival skills that you can use in the wake of a disaster. If a disaster occurs, stay calm and move indoors. 1. **Assemble a first aid kit to treat injuries and prevent illness.** It’s best to put together your own first aid kit so you can address your personal needs, like prescription medication. However, buy your kit pre-made if that’s what’s easiest for you. At a minimum, your kit should contain: Medicines like prescription medications, over-the-counter pain relievers, antibiotic ointments, hydrocortisone cream, antihistamines, cough medicine, and calamine lotion. Injury care items like antibacterial wipes, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, bandages, instant ice packs, and a tourniquet. Products to protect your skin, such as sunscreen and insect repellant. Medical supplies like non-latex gloves, a thermometer, tweezers, and scissors. 2. **Collect hygiene supplies to help prevent illness or infection.** Personal hygiene is very important after a disaster because disease can spread quickly. Additionally, you may be without water and trash service for some time. Put together a hygiene kit that will help you take care of your bodily needs while also preventing infectious diseases. Include the following items in your hygiene kit: Matches in a waterproof container Water purification tablets Soap Hand sanitizer Sanitizing wipes Toilet paper Garbage bags with ties Feminine products Diapers and wipes, if applicable 3. **Store 14 gallons (53 L) of water per person to have enough for 2 weeks.** Water is essential for your survival, but you may not have access to fresh water immediately after a disaster. Make sure you have enough water to use for drinking, cooking, bathing, and washing your hands. A good rule of thumb is to have at least 1 gallon (3.8 L) per person per day. It’s best to keep enough water for 2 weeks, but this is not possible for most people. For a family of 4, this would mean having 56 gallons (210 L) of water. Keep in mind that bottled water does expire. If your water expires, you can use it for bathing or washing your hands. Alternatively, purify it with a water purification tablet. 4. **Stockpile non-perishable and ready-to-eat foods.** Collect canned goods and dried pantry items, like rice. Additionally, get foods that you can eat without cooking them, such as snack crackers or peanut butter. These will last for awhile and are typically easy to eat even if you don’t have electricity. Don't forget to pack a can opener and utensils, as well! Collect canned foods, including tuna, chicken, vegetables, fruit, beans, and soups. Additionally, store flour, dry beans, dried fruits, pasta, and rice. Include easy-to-eat crackers, cookies, and snacks, which you should store in an airtight container. If you have a baby, make sure you have baby food or formula. Similarly, keep extra pet food on hand if you have a pet. Throw out dented or bloated canned goods because this is a sign of bacterial growth. If you eat the food, it will likely make you very ill. 5. **Include flashlights and extra batteries as a safe light source.** Darkness can become dangerous during a post-disaster power outage. You don’t want to injure yourself or go without access to the things you need, so keep a flashlight and extra batteries so you have light. Use your flashlight sparingly so that you don’t run out of batteries. You might also keep candles and matches around to use for lighting. However, they are more dangerous than flashlights because they can cause a fire. 6. **Get a battery-powered radio to stay updated on what’s happening.** A battery-powered or hand crank radio will help you stay tuned in to local news and the NOAA weather broadcast. This will allow you to learn about disaster updates and find out where you can go for services. Make sure you have a radio and a way to power it. If your radio uses batteries, keep extras so it doesn’t lose power. 7. **Keep a change of clothes and blanket for each family member.** If you’re at home, then you likely have several changes of clothing. However, it’s best to put a change of clothing and blanket with your other supplies so that you can take it if you need to leave your home. This will help you and your family stay warm and dry. Long sleeved clothing and pants are best, even during hot weather. They provide more protection from the elements. 8. **Store your emergency kit in a clean, dry place that’s easy to access.** Since you’ll be storing food and water, your supplies should be in a room that stays cool. Pick a room in your home that has storage space, like a closet or your kitchen pantry. Then, show everyone in your family where the supplies are stored so you all have access. For example, you might store your supplies in the top cabinets in your kitchen or the highest shelf in your pantry. If you want your supplies to be easy to move quickly, pack a backpack for each family member to carry. Place these backpacks in a closet or inside your pantry. 9. **Undergo first aid training so you can tend to medical needs.** During a disaster, getting medical care can be difficult. Additionally, it’s easy to get injured because of fallout from the disaster event. Take first aid classes or watch first aid videos online to learn skills you can use to help yourself and others. Learn how to administer CPR to adults, children and babies. Know the proper way to treat shock. Find out how to treat hypothermia. Learn how to save someone from drowning. 10. **Practice building fires for warmth, cooking, and boiling water.** First, surround your fire with rocks to keep it contained. Then, layer branches at the bottom of your fire pit and pile the wood that will fuel your fire on top. Next, stuff kindling and tinder around the wood. This includes dried pine needles, dry moss, bark, and twigs, which easily catch fire. Finally, light the kindling and tinder with a match. If you don’t have a match, you may be able to start a fire by rubbing 2 sticks together as fast as you can. You can find videos online that will show you a variety of ways to start fires without a lighter or matches. Don’t build a fire inside your home except for inside a working fireplace. Additionally, make sure your fire is far away from nearby structures so they don’t catch fire. If your area has dry conditions, wet the ground around your fire to prevent it from spreading. 11. **Learn how to find water and purify it.** If you’re in your home, you can get the water out of your water heater or from the tank of your toilet. When looking for water outdoors, search for a moving waterway, like a river or stream. Additionally, check under green vegetation or under rocks for groundwater. When it rains, collect the fresh rainwater in buckets or pots. Then, use water purification tablets or boiling to purify the water. Water purification tablets can quickly purify the water for you. Boiling the water for 10 minutes will kill any pathogens that are in it. 12. **Practice cooking over an open flame.** After a disaster, you may not be able to cook on your stove. If you have a fireplace, you can use it for cooking. Otherwise, use an outdoor grill or camp-stove to heat your food. Don’t use a grill or camp-stove indoors because it can be dangerous. Most canned goods can be eaten at room temperature, as long as the can isn’t dented or bloated. They may not taste as good, but they won’t make you sick. 13. **Learn how to forage for food.** Read books about foraging for food or watch videos online to learn what to look for. If you can, take a course with a naturalist to learn which foods are safe to eat. This may help you stretch your food supplies after a long-term disaster event. You may also want to learn to fish and hunt. However, you’ll need to have the right supplies on hand to do this, which might be difficult after a disaster. 14. **Create an emergency plan with your family members.** First, learn what kinds of disaster events are most likely to occur in your area. Then, talk to your family members and decide where you will meet each other if there’s an emergency. Additionally, discuss what supplies you will collect and what skills each person will be able to use during a disaster. For instance, your family might decide to meet at home as your first option. However, you may also designate a local park as your back-up meeting spot in the event that you can’t get to your home. Decide how you will communicate with your family members, such as by cell phone, by walkie-talkie, or by leaving notes at designated spots, like your home, your kid’s school, or a nearby park. Review the escape routes for in case of a fire, and decide which room in your home is safest in case of a tornado or flood. Agree on what each family member will carry if you have to leave your home. Plan for how you will get in touch with each other if you get separated. For instance, you could all agree to call a specific family member. 15. **Stay calm so that you don’t make decisions in a panic.** It’s normal to panic during a disaster, and this may cause you to make bad decisions. Instead, take deep breaths and visualize yourself surviving to help calm yourself. Then, keep your focus on what you’ve done to prepare. This can help you stay in control of the situation to help you survive. For instance, think about the next step in your disaster plan rather than worrying about what’s happening outside. 16. **Go inside to the sturdiest part of a building for most disasters.** Being outside is typically the most dangerous place to be during a disaster. The safest place is inside a building, far away from windows and exterior doors. An interior room is usually the safest place for you to be. Here are some other considerations, depending on the disaster: During a flood, move to a higher area in your home, like the second floor. However, don’t go into the attic unless your attic has windows. If there’s an earthquake, stand in a doorway to protect yourself from falling debris. During a tornado, try to get to the basement. If you don’t have a basement, move to a windowless interior closet, bathroom, or hallway. Then, crouch down and cover your body. If there’s a radiation emergency, go inside and shelter in place. Turn off all fans, air conditioners, and heaters. Then, wait until the authorities provide additional information. 17. **Stay low to the ground and crawl to safety if you’re in a fire.** First, check to see if there’s smoke coming under your door. If there’s not, check to see if the door feels hot. If there’s no smoke or heat, open the door and slowly crawl to the nearest exit. Once you’re out of the home, call for help. If there’s smoke coming from under the door or the door feels hot, don’t open the door because the fire will come inside your room. If you can’t get out of the house through a door, try to escape through a window. Even if you can’t climb down, you can yell for help from the window, and firefighters will know where you are. 18. **Stay inside after a natural disaster to avoid dangerous conditions.** After the disaster occurs, there will likely be debris, downed power lines, and wild animals. Additionally, there may be flood water. These conditions are very dangerous, so it’s best to stay inside. Don’t go outside unless it’s necessary. It’s tempting to go exploring after a storm, but it’s far too dangerous to do so. Don’t allow children to swim in flood waters. In addition to being contaminated, they may hide dangerous debris or open manholes that can suck a child down into the sewer. 19. **Limit activity and stay in the shade to reduce your water needs.** Since your water will likely be rationed, it’s best to avoid making yourself thirsty. Try to stay still as much as possible so that you won’t exert much energy. Additionally, keep yourself cool by staying in the shade. If you can, open a window to cool your home in the aftermath of the disaster. Wear cotton clothing so it will trap sweat against your skin. This will help prevent dehydration. 20. **Use insulating material, body heat, and blankets if you need to stay warm.** This will help you if the temperature drops or you get wet. Stuff your clothes with paper, bubble wrap, leaves, or rags to help insulate you. Additionally, snuggle up with other people, if you can, because shared body heat will help keep you all warm. If you have large rocks, heat them in your fire and use them to help keep you warm. Place them under your blanket or wrap them in a towel before placing them near your skin. 21. **Eat refrigerated and frozen foods first, then eat non-perishable foods.** Immediately after the disaster, begin eating your refrigerated food. Continue doing so until they are gone or have started to spoil. Then, consume your frozen foods until they’re gone or spoiled. Finally, use your non-perishable foods. Ration your food so you don’t run out of it too quickly. Eat just enough food to support your calorie needs. This helps extend your food stockpile for longer.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make a Kitten Like Water
Cats and water. Not the best of friends. But, like any animal, cats need water to survive. If you want to make sure your new kitten is getting enough drinking water, you can learn to monitor your cat's hydration habits and ensure that she's getting enough. You can also learn some basic tips on introducing you cat to water, if there's ever a need for a bath. 1. **Leave the kitten with its mother until its at least 4-6 weeks old.** Kittens learn to eat, clean themselves, and drink water from their mothers as they grow. Kittens need to be left with their mother for at least a month before they start being weaned off of milk and onto solid food. This process usually takes about two weeks. If your cat was taken from its mother too early, or was orphaned, you can usually start weaning around three weeks. 2. **Provide fresh drinking water daily.** You shouldn't need to do anything to "teach" a cat to drink but provide plenty of fresh drinking water in an accessible location for your cat. Each day, pour out any leftover water in the cat's bowl and refill it to provide for the cat. Don't worry if you don't see your cat drinking regularly or your cat doesn't drink just because you put some water in front of it. Water can be room temperature. It doesn't need to be cold for the cat to be attracted to it. Try mixing an enticing flavor like tuna into the water. You can also offer your cat a saucer of bone broth, which may entice him to drink. 3. **Make sure the bowl is easily accessible.** Experiment some with different sizes and shapes of cat bowls if your cat seems hesitant to eat or drink from them. Stainless steel, ceramic, and glass bowls are all easy to clean and make for fine cat dishes. If your cat has difficulty reaching into the bowl, get a smaller bowl. Keep the cat's food and water right next to each other, and introduce them to your cat by sitting and petting the cat while you pour food and water into the bowl. The cat shouldn't have to go looking for something. The cat's food and water should be in a separate place from its litter. Just like people, cats don't like to eat and do their business in the same place. 4. **Clean the cat's water bowl.** Your cat's water bowl can get gummed up with saliva and minerals from tap water, and it needs to be rinsed out thoroughly every couple of days. Rinse the bowl with warm soapy water and a dish sponge, then rinse it thoroughly before refilling it. No, you don't need to scour cat bowls like you might your fine china, but it's a good idea at least to rinse it out every couple of days. It only takes a minute and your cat will appreciate drinking from a clean bowl. 5. **Try drinking water fountains.** Available at most pet stores, water fountains are sometimes sold for cats who are hesitant to drink water. They work like regular water fountains, which cycle water continuously in a little pond that burbles up for the cat to drink. Some cats go crazy for these products. Typically, these range anywhere from $20-30 and are usually operated by plugging into an outlet. Most cats shouldn't need these, but it's a good way to pamper, if you want to give your cat a little extra. 6. **Feed cats canned wet food.** Some research shows that cats who are fed exclusively dry food are somewhat dehydrated, and sometimes suffer from urinary health issues. Feeding cats food with a higher water content is usually a good idea. If you can, try to feed your cat canned "wet" food a few times a week. You can even mix some water into your cat's wet food to make it a little more soupy. Wet cans of food are typically more expensive, making it difficult to feed a cat exclusively cans of Fancy Feast. Instead, try buying a few big cans and mixing a few spoonfuls into the cat's dry food every day, to make sure your pet's getting the water content it needs. You can also add some water to the cat's dry food. When you add some dry food to the cat's bowl, add some water to the dish, mixing it in to make sure the cat gets the water it needs. Giving them about two tablespoons of water should be enough. You can also mix some bone broth into your cat's dry food. 7. **Get a breed that enjoys being around water.** Most cats won't like to be anywhere near water, but some breeds are more accommodating than others. If you'd like your cat to be water-friendly, consider getting any of the following common cat breeds: Bengal Turkish angora or van American bobtail Maine coon 8. **Introduce the cat to water early.** Kittens are more likely to be calm around water the earlier you introduce them to it. Within the first few months of the cat's life, it's ok to try to introduce them to water calmly and gently, going a little at a time. Introduce the cat to water when its calm and tired. The best time to bathe a cat? Right after its been playing, or has eaten. Cats tend to get really active just before eating, and just after is the perfect time to try to introduce your kitten to water, if necessary. Trim the cat's claws before you try to introduce it to water, and wear long sleeves when you're trying to play with the cat in water. 9. **Start with a gentle drip.** Many house cats are fascinated by dripping faucets. For a quick test, to see whether or not your cat will be water-friendly or easy to bathe, try to set your faucet to drip at a slow, even rate. Set your cat up on the counter and see if it seems interested in the dripping. Some cats will play with faucet water, or even drink from it. Others will ignore it completely. Both are perfectly normal cat responses. 10. **Be gentle.** Make sure to be quiet, slow and gentle and use warm water in a spray bottle. Use a calm tone of voice and hold the cat against your body with one hand firmly under its belly. Pet the cat along the back of the neck and the jaw to help it calm down some if you're trying to introduce it to water. Move extremely slowly. In some cases, it's good to wrap the cat in a soft, fluffy, warm towel while you're doing this. You can use it to dry the cat off when you're finished, and use it to calm the cat now. Never try to introduce a cat to water by submerging it in the tub. There's no reason to use that much water to clean a small cat, and you'll only serve to aggravate the animal. 11. **Dampen a soft washcloth and wipe the kitten's paws.** The best way for a cat to contact water is with its paws. Use a small spray bottle to wet a small washcloth with warm water and get the kittens paws wet. Wait a while and let the cat feel the sensation. Let the kitten groom itself and get used to the sensation of the water on its fur. 12. **Add more water as necessary.** Eventually, you can apply more water with a spray bottle, or in some cases (with very accommodating cats) bathe them. Go very slowly, gently adding a small amount of water to the cat's fur at a time. Hold the cat firmly against your chest to keep them calm and restrained. If you just want to see if your cat will play in water, let your cat dictate the move. If it screeches and struggles to get away from you when you put some water on its paws, guess what? Your cat doesn't like water. If the cat makes a break for it, it's usually best to just give it up. Don't force interactions if the cat's not having it. 13. **Dry the cat immediately.** Always make sure the kitten is kept warm and immediately dry the kitten off with a towel followed by a warm, fluffy towel. You might be able to use a quiet blow-dryer on a very low setting, unless your cat gets scared off. Let the cat groom itself and provide a warm sleeping area for the animal. Again, healthy cats are fully capable of grooming themselves. 14. **Don't force the cat to interact with water.** Most cats don't like water and most cats don't need to be bathed. There's little reason to force a cat to do something it doesn't want to do. If your cat doesn't like water, don't force it. Cats generally not need to be bathed, and should only be bathed if they've gotten into something especially dirty or toxic. If you must wash your cat, trim their claws first and introduce them to water when they're tired out from playing. Don't submerge cats in water to bathe them. Instead, use a spray bottle to wet their fur and gently wash them with a washcloth. Dry the cat thoroughly any time they become wet. Use a fluffy warm towel to dry the cat's fur.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Show Your Pigs
Showing hogs can be a fun and learning experience. Many youths enjoy the rewarding feeling of stepping into a show ring and exhibiting the animal they have worked so hard to raise. 1. **Pick out a hog with good confirmation and a smooth body.** It has to have good definition but be sound. Ask the breeder about the hog if you are having trouble. Select a pig with good muscles. 2. **Keep the pig in a clean pen.** Keep the pig clean. Keep the pig's snout and butt clean when it is exiting the pen. 3. **Keep the pig in good condition.** Exercise it regularly. Start walking to help the pig lose weight and stay in good condition. Do not allow the pig to become underweight or overweight. 4. **Feed the pig a high-quality feed free choice at least 2 times a day.** Depending on the feed, pick a high-protein feed. (This does not mean feed hormones.) 5. **Handle your hog daily to get it used to a whip or pipe.** Tap only on the hog's shoulder to the underarm area on each side. Try if possible to keep your pig's head up to make the top line of your pig look more even. Not too high though. 6. **Train the pig in a larger pen or, if possible, at the place it will be shown, so it is used to being in a larger area.** 7. **Make sure your pig has been trained/exercised in a pen the size of the show ring, or as close as you can get.** Pigs tend to get excited and run around their first time inside a large pen. Note that this will excitable behavior will occasionally happen even after you work with them. The best thing to do is just to walk past the judge, maintaining eye contact. Don't get upset. 8. **Prepare before the show.** Shear and bathe your hog. Do this a few days before the show so that the coat will come out smooth. 9. **Enter the show class according to your hog's weight and breed.** 10. **Keep the hog between you and the judge while showing.** Never put the whip, cane, or pipe in between the judge and the hog. 11. **Keep your eyes on the judge and follow his/her instructions promptly.** 12. **Handle your pig with gentleness.** Judges like a hog that handles softly. Don't hit your hog hard enough to make it whine, judges won't like that. For showmanship, know the style the judge likes (if possible) and conform to it.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Divorce in Kentucky
In the state of Kentucky, you can file for divorce on your own or by hiring an attorney. Whichever option you choose, you must follow all of the laws and procedures for getting divorced under Kentucky law. Divorce laws in Kentucky provide for “no-fault” divorce. This means that if one party wants to get divorced, he or she can do so by claiming that there has been an “irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.” There are a number of steps that you can take in order to successfully get divorced in Kentucky and resolve all issues that may come up during your divorce. 1. **Meet all residency requirements for divorce under Kentucky law.** Before filing for divorce in the state of Kentucky, one or both spouses must be a resident of Kentucky for at least 180 days. One or both spouses also must be a resident of the county in which the divorce is filed. If you don’t meet these residency requirements, you cannot get divorced in Kentucky until you meet them. Divorce is different than a legal separation under Kentucky law. While a divorce formally ends your marriage, a legal separation does not. However, a judge can issue court orders in a legal separation that govern issues like custody, visitation, and payment of debts. Divorce also differs from annulment, which is a court order declaring that a marriage never existed. Typically, an annulment is granted after a very short marriage, and before the parties have had children or accrued any marital property. There are are very specific requirements under Kentucky law in order for individuals to get an annulment. 2. **Decide whether to hire an attorney.** You can file for divorce in Kentucky with or without an attorney. If you don’t hire an attorney, you will have to make sure that all of your paperwork is correct. This option works best when you don’t have a complicated or contested divorce. An attorney can help you with more complex issues, such as a dispute about the custody of your children. Plus, an attorney can make sure that you file all of the required documents with the court and that you don’t end up with an unfair settlement. Your risk of an unfair settlement or court decision increases if you don’t hire an attorney. If you do choose to hire an attorney, you will have to pay your attorney’s fees. The amount of these fees may vary. In some cases, your spouse may be ordered to pay your attorney’s fees. 3. **Obtain and complete the required forms.** If you hire an attorney, your attorney will prepare all of the required forms for you, and you will just sign them. If you wish to file for divorce on your own, you should know that Kentucky does not have standardized divorce forms. Some counties do provide self-help divorce packets, such as Jefferson County, where you can get the forms at the Family Court and drivers' license branches, for a fee of $10.00. The Legal Aid Network of Kentucky also provides both interactive and printable forms for parties who wish to file for divorce on their own. These documents differ according to whether you and your spouse have children or not. The required forms include the following: AOC-15 Civil Summons – You may have to deliver this document, along with a copy of the Petition, to your local Sheriff’s Department for service. Sometimes, the Clerk’s office will have a box to deliver these documents to the Sheriff. Form #1A Petition for Dissolution of Marriage REDACTED Form #1A Petition for Dissolution of Marriage AOC-FC-3 Case Data Information Sheet REDACTED AOC-FC-3 Case Data Information Sheet VS-300 Certificate of Divorce or Annulment – You must print this form on thick resume-type paper that is 25% cotton bond and has a visible watermark. AOC-238/239 Simplified Verified Disclosure 4. **Pay the court filing fee.** Anyone who wishes to file a divorce must pay a court filing fee of $113.00. This amount can be paid to your local county clerk’s office in cash or by certified check or money order. You should always check with your local clerk’s office to ensure that there are no other fees. 5. **Obtain and complete any optional forms.** There are other forms that the court does not require to get a divorce, but that you may wish to file, depending on your circumstances. Form 8 Motion to Proceed without Paying Costs (In Forma Pauperis) – You complete and file this form if you cannot afford to pay the filing fee to the court for a divorce. If you qualify for legal aid help, for instance, you may qualify for relief from the filing fee, as well. Form 9 Affidavit for Warning Order Attorney – You complete and file this form if you don’t know where your spouse lives or have a mailing address for him or her. 6. **File the required documents in your local county clerk’s office.** This step formally places your divorce on file with your local court and starts the divorce process. The 60-day waiting period starts running on the date that you file your divorce documents. 7. **Request temporary orders, if needed.** While your divorce is ongoing, you can ask the court to put temporary orders into place until your divorce becomes final. These orders often are called provisional or preliminary orders. The most common types of temporary orders involve children, such as temporary custody, visitation, and child support orders. These orders can help maintain stability for your children until you can finalize your divorce. If you want provisional or preliminary orders, you should be sure to ask how you schedule such a hearing at the time you file your divorce papers with the court. The court may have an additional form for you to fill out or you may need to call back at a later date to schedule your preliminary hearing. 8. **Divide your property and debts.** In order to get divorced, you and your spouse must divide all of your property. If you agree how to divide your property and debts, then you and your spouse can complete and file the Marital Settlement Agreement. If you and your spouse can’t agree how to divide your property, you each will have to provide the court with evidence about your property and debts. This includes everything you own, how much it is worth, what you owe to whom and how much, and how you propose to divide this property and debt. Property and debts are valued as of the date of the spouses’ separation. The court will make a decision after hearing evidence from both of you. The court usually divides property equally between the spouses, but the court can award more than 50% of the property to one party or the other for a good reason. Examples of the proof that you must provide include the following: Address of any real estate and its value Mortgage statement showing the balance of the loan as of the date of separation Bank account statements Retirement account statements Listing of any valuable personal property and its value Statements showing the balances of any debts as of the date of separation 9. **Decide whether maintenance is needed.** In some divorces, one spouse may be ordered to pay the other maintenance. These are cash payments that may be temporary or permanent. Maintenance is often ordered after a long marriage in which one spouse stayed at home while the other worked. There also might be a maintenance order if one spouse has a significantly higher income than the other. If you can reach an agreement on maintenance and all other issues, then you and your spouse can complete and file the Marital Settlement Agreement. Otherwise, you will have to present evidence about whether a maintenance order is appropriate or not, such as the following: Proof of both spouses’ income through paycheck stubs or income tax returns Testimony about each spouses’ work history and income throughout the marriage 10. **Determine the best custody arrangement for your children.** Most of the time, children live primarily with one parent and visit with the other parent during scheduled times. Some parents, however, are able to share custody of their children. If you can reach an agreement on custody and all other issues, then you and your spouse can complete and file the Marital Settlement Agreement. When parents can’t agree on custody, the court will make a custody decision based on the best interests of the child The factors that relate to the best interest of the child standard include the following: Wishes of the parents Wishes of the children The interaction of the children with their parents, siblings, and any other persons involved The children’s adjustment to home, school, and community The mental and physical health of all parties involved Any evidence or records of domestic violence 11. **Set up a visitation schedule.** Some counties in Kentucky have written visitation standards that give guidance to parents about visitation schedules, but others do not. These visitation standards can be helpful when parents can’t agree on a visitation schedule. The standards typically allow the noncustodial parent to visit with their children every other weekend and for one night during the week. Parents usually split holidays with their children. In some cases, a parent may receive only limited or supervised visitation, if the court determines that regular visitation would be harmful to the children. If you can reach an agreement on visitation and all other issues, then you and your spouse can complete and file the Marital Settlement Agreement. The court will either approve your agreement, or, if there is no agreement, the court will order a visitation schedule for the parties to follow. 12. **Calculate a child support order.** Kentucky has statewide child support guidelines that the courts follow in calculating a parent’s child support obligation. These guidelines calculate child support based on each parent’s income, child care expenses, and other factors. If a parent is unemployed, his or her income is calculated as if he or she worked a full-time, minimum wage job. As part of a child support order, one or both parents also may be ordered to provide health insurance for their children. 13. **Wait 60 days.** In order to finalize your divorce in Kentucky, you and your spouse must be separated for a minimum of 60 days. This waiting period is mandatory in all Kentucky divorces. Once you have waited 60 days, your divorce can become final. 14. **Attend a divorce education course if required.** If you and your spouse have children together, the court may require you both to attend a divorce education course, such as “Families in Transition.” Your county clerk’s office can tell you if the court in your county has this requirement. You usually must pay a fee to take this class, but the fee often is based on your income. 15. **Obtain and complete the forms required to finalize your divorce if you and your spouse have an agreement.** There are a number of forms that you and your spouse can complete together and file with the court if you have reached an agreement on all matters related to your divorce. These documents tell the court about your agreement and ask the court to schedule your case for a final hearing after 60 days have passed. Form #2 Entry of Appearance and Waiver Form #3A Marital Settlement Agreement AOC 238.3 Acknowledgement of Preliminary/Final Disclosure Statement Form #4 Deposition of Petitioner Form #5A Finding of Fact and Decree of Dissolution of Marriage Form #9 Motion for Final Decree 16. **Obtain and complete the forms required to ask for a default judgement, if needed.** When your spouse has been served with notice of the divorce, but does not file a response, you can finalize your divorce by asking for a default judgment. In this case, you have not been able to reach an agreement with your spouse and he or she simply doesn’t respond to the divorce filing. Form #6 Motion for Default Judgment Form #6 Decree of Dissolution of Marriage Form #4 Deposition of Petitioner 17. **Obtain and complete the form required to finalize your divorce when you have no agreement with your spouse.** This is necessary when your spouse has been served with the notice of the divorce and has responded to the divorce, but you cannot reach an agreement with him or her. You will have to ask the court to schedule a final divorce hearing by filing Form #10 Notice-Motion-Order to Schedule Final Hearing. 18. **Proceed to a final divorce hearing.** If you and your spouse have agreed on all matters and have filed the Marital Settlement Agreement, then the judge will ask questions about your agreement during the hearing. If everything is in order, the court will approve your agreement. If you and your spouse can’t reach an agreement on some or all issues in your divorce, the judge will hear evidence from both of you about any issues you can’t agree on at the final divorce hearing. You are responsible for presenting evidence to the court about any such issues. After your hearing, the judge will make a decision. You can prepare for the hearing by taking the following steps: Make a list of all the legal issues that have to be addressed in your divorce. Write down what issues you and your spouse have agreed upon, if any. For the issues that you can’t agree on, write down what you want the judge to do about that issue. Be ready to back up your requests with written documentation, if needed. For instance, if you want your spouse to pay a certain debt, you’ll have to present a monthly statement from the date of your separation showing that you and your spouse owe the debt and how much is owed. Have a good explanation for everything that you are asking the judge to do. For example, if you want your spouse to pay a certain debt, you have to explain why 19. **Receive your signed divorce decree.** Once you receive a copy of your divorce decree that has been signed by the judge, you are legally divorced. This decree will serve as all the proof that you need to show that you are divorced. If you are female, you may have asked the court to change your last name back to your maiden name or a previous name. You can use your divorce decree as proof that your name has changed, although you still may need to take additional steps to change your name with some agencies.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Build Concrete Steps
Building your own concrete steps is a challenging and labor-intensive project, but it's also a great money saver. If you're an experienced DIYer with some knowledge of working with concrete, you can make your own steps with the right materials and some careful planning. Once you've planned your stairs, you'll need to build a sturdy sub-base and a reinforced stair form. After that, it's time to pour and finish your concrete. 1. **Equip yourself with a stair-building vocabulary.** Each step consists of 2 main parts: a riser, which is the vertical part of the step, and the tread, which is the part you step on. Other important terms to know when building your stairs include: The pitch line, an imaginary line that runs from the lip of the bottom stair to the lip of the topmost step. The “pitch” of the stairs is the angle between the base of the stairs and the pitch line. The rise, which is the total height of your staircase from its base to the topmost step. The run of your stairs, which is the depth of your stair measured from the front of your staircase to its back. The stringers of your stairs are the side supports to either side of each step. The measurements for your stringers will be used in the creation of your concrete forms. 2. **Measure the dimensions for your stairs.** First, you'll need to find the total rise of your stairs, which can be found by measuring the total height from the planned base to the higher level/floor you are building up to. Then: Measure the run of the steps by finding the distance between the frontmost and backmost part of the stair. Find the width of your stairs by measuring the distance between the leftmost and rightmost bounds of your planned steps. 3. **Calculate the number of stairs you will need.** You can do this by finding the rise (total height from the bottom level to the top level) of your stairs and dividing that number by the riser height (the height of each step). Standard risers are between 6 to 8 in (15 to 20 cm). The building code in some states sets the maximum riser height at 8.25" (21 cm), but you should be sure to check your local building code to prevent building stairs that violate state code or local ordinances. If this number comes out as a decimal, you must round up to the next whole number. If your stairs are built so the topmost tread is a step below the level/floor you are building up to, the number of treads you need will be 1 less than the number of risers. Otherwise, you will need an equal number of treads and risers. There are many online sites that offer simple step calculators to simplify this process. You should be able to find these through a general Internet search for a "stair calculator." These calculators will help you determine the exact specifications of your steps, including the number of treads, height of each riser, stringer length, pitch line, and so on. 4. **Determine the height and depth of your tread.** The depth of each tread (the top surface of the step) is a little more flexible, but each should be at least 11 inches (27.9 cm) to accommodate both large and small feet. 5. **Find the height of your risers.** Divide the total rise (height) of the entire staircase by the number of risers. Generally, you should round the riser height of your steps to the nearest 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). 6. **Find the length of your stringers.** The stringers of your stairs will form the angled, side parts of your form on either side of your stair. To find the length of your stringers, multiply your total rise by itself. Then multiply the total run by itself. After that you'll need to: Add the rise multiplied by itself and the run multiplied by itself together, and then take the square root of that number. Finally, find the angle of your stringers by taking inverse sine (sin) of your total rise divided by the length of your stringers. It may be easiest to use a calculator, phone, or online calculator to find the length and angle of your stringers. The square root symbol will look like a check mark or a check mark with a horizontal top (√). 7. **Plan for handrails if you need them.** You may have to install brackets in the concrete when you pour, so determine if handrails are a necessity for your stairs. If the stairs are next to a wall, you can always attach a handrail to that. 8. **Stake out the base of your steps.** Now that you know the general dimensions of your steps, you can stake out the area where you will be building your steps. Hammer a wooden stake into the ground at each corner of the base of your stairs. Measure from corner to corner to ensure that your layout is properly squared up and the dimensions are correct. To make sure that your stakes are evenly lined up, run a length of string between the stakes around the perimeter and use the string to verify your stakes are aligned properly. Not running a line between your stakes to keep alignment can lead to more work on your part. In the worst-case scenario, a poorly aligned perimeter can result in a slanted/angled finished product. 9. **Excavate the area where your steps will be poured.** You'll need to use a shovel to dig 4-8" (10.2-20.3 cm) below the ground level of the base of your stairs. Dig within the boundary of the string you've set up to prevent digging any more than you have to. This excavation is intended to clear away rocks, trees, grass, shrubs, and anything else that might interfere with your concrete pouring. You'll also have to lay a sub-base upon which the concrete will rest. Since your sub-base should be at least 4-8" (10.2-20.3 cm) thick, you'll need to dig down at least this far or the rise of your first step will be larger than you plan. 10. **Cut the pieces for your form.** Using the dimensions you've taken for your staircase, cut pieces of scrap wood or low-grade lumber so you have a board for the rise for each step and two boards for the stringers (one for each side of your stair form). Use 2 in × 6 in (5.1 cm × 15.2 cm), 2 in × 8 in (5.1 cm × 20.3 cm), or plywood that's ⁄4 in (19 mm) thick. Your form should exclude the top and bottom of the entire stair. The ground-oriented side of your stringer forms should be cut to meet the pitch line (angle) of your stair, and the top should be cut in a zigzag fashion to follow the rise and depth of each tread (step). If you are pouring concrete steps that form a right angle (L-shape), your stringer forms will not need to be cut on an angle. In this case, your stringer will follow the entire run and rise of your stairs. You should shave a slight angle into the bottom of each rise form board, excluding the bottom riser form board. This way, when you pour your concrete, you'll be able to easily smooth the area in the corners of each step. 11. **Assemble your concrete form.** Use screws and a power drill to attach each riser form board to your stringers. You can do this by laying each stringer form so the even, bottom side of each stringer is flat on the ground and the zigzag side of the stringer is oriented with its points facing up. Screw 2 in × 4 in (5.1 cm × 10.2 cm) planks into the form and fasten them to the ground with wooden stakes to prevent the form from bowing out. Space your stringers to be approximately the planned width of your stairs apart. Then you can lay the riser form boards along the zigzags of the stringer that matches the upward rise of each step. Now you should be able to easily use your power drill to attach each riser form board to the stringer form boards. If your stairs form a right angle (L-shape), you should be able to lean them against a sturdy object base down so each stringer form is oriented like a normal stair. You may have to place a board between the stringers to stabilize them until you screw your first riser form board into place. Be sure there are no gaps in your form and that the boards line up evenly. Any gaps can lead to concrete leaking through your form, and unevenness will result in uneven steps. When you look at your form from the side, it should look like finished steps. 12. **Lay your subbase.** Your concrete steps will lie upon a subbase of granular fill, like open-grade stone, which will protect your poured concrete steps from shifts in the earth or deterioration. You'll need between 4-8" (10.2-20.3 cm) of fill for your subbase. After placing your subbase, you'll need to tamp it down until it is packed extremely firm, level, and stable. Use a long flat board and a level to check the levelness of your subbase. Smaller projects can likely be done with a hand tamper, which is essentially a heavy, flat metal plate attached to a wooden handle. Larger projects might require you to use a plate compactor machine. Failing to lay a sturdy subbase can result in cracking, deterioration, or structural failure in your concrete steps. Your concrete's strength depends on a solid subbase. You may want to lay a thick gauge wire mesh on top of your subbase to reinforce the concrete you'll be pouring. The idea is, even if your concrete cracks, the mesh will hold it in place so integrity of your stairs is maintained. If you live in a colder climate, you can apply a layer of Styrofoam 2 inches (5.1 cm) deep before adding gravel so frost doesn't freeze underneath your steps and damage them. 13. **Place your form.** Fit your stair form into place over the subbase, slotting it into the gap created by the ground level/floor and the level you are building your stairs up to. Once your form is in place, use a level to check that it isn't sloping one direction or the other. You may have to add a little fill to either or both sides of your form to ensure it is level. You may want to give your form a very slight downhill angle. This way, when it rains, the water will run off your steps. 14. **Build a rebar cage into your form.** A rebar cage will provide additional reinforcement and help your stairs last longer. Use rebar that is at least 3/8 of an inch (.95 cm) in diameter and connect it with wire ties. The top of the rebar cage should be at least 2 inches (5 cm) under the height of the finished steps. Use bolt cutters or an angle grinder to cut the rebar pieces to the right length. You will need a pigtail twister to secure the wire ties. 15. **Mix your concrete** For a project as large as a staircase, you will likely need to rent a small cement mixer. Follow the directions on your bagged concrete mix to determine how much water you need to add. Smaller projects, like building a single step, might be possible without a cement mixer. You could mix your concrete by hand in a wheelbarrow. Another alternative is to create a mixing box (also called a mortar box) by using scrap/low-grade wood to create a makeshift reservoir where you can mix your concrete. Add colorant to your concrete before mixing it to permanently change the color. 16. **Pour the concrete** Transfer the concrete into your form with a shovel, wheelbarrow, or (for larger projects) the funnel that came with your cement mixer. If you are using a wheelbarrow, you might construct an earthen ramp so you can wheel your cement up to the lip of the form and tip in the concrete. 17. **Screed (flatten) the surface of your concrete.** Lay a screeding tool, like a long trowel or long wooden plank, flat along the top parts of your form and, working from uphill to downhill, work your tool along the form to flatten and smooth the concrete. Once you are finished screeding, your concrete should start looking more like the finished product. If you use a wooden plank or board, it should be as straight as possible and free of warping and other irregularities. These can create gouges or leave the surface of your concrete uneven. 18. **Float your concrete** Floating involves pressing a flat surface along the top of the concrete to cause the "cream" (the gravel-free part of the concrete) to come to the surface. A bull float tool is ideal for this process, though it might not be necessary for smaller projects. Smaller projects might only require the use of a handheld magnesium float. These kind of floats are extremely durable and are designed to slide across the surface of your still-liquid concrete easily. To use a bull float, push it away from you across the top of the concrete while keeping the back end of the float slightly elevated, then pull the float back towards yourself, keeping the front end slightly elevated. Float the entire surface of your concrete thoroughly. If you have used a bull float, you should use a handheld magnesium float to go over the surface once again when finished. Use long, sweeping motions for best results. At this point, it is not uncommon to see water bleed to the surface of the concrete. 19. **Brush your concrete for improved traction.** Drag a stiff-bristled push broom across the surface of your concrete to create fine grooves in the surface. Smooth concrete can be very slippery, which can be especially dangerous for concrete steps. Use light pressure when doing this; grooves that are too deep will cause water to puddle on the concrete, and could compromise its integrity. If you notice clumps of cement forming on your broom, this is generally a sign that you are adding traction too soon. Smooth the concrete once more with your handheld magnesium floater, and wait until later to brush your surface. Wait to do this until the concrete has dried enough that you no longer see water seeping (or “bleeding”) out onto the surface. Otherwise, brushing will result in grooves that are too deep. 20. **Allow your concrete to cure.** You should always follow the directions the supplies you use, especially since different kinds of concrete will have different specifications. Generally, concrete takes 28 days to fully cure. You can improve the curing process by applying a concrete sealer after pouring the concrete. Follow the directions on your sealer for best results. You should be able to remove your forms after a single day. Carefully remove your screws and take apart your form. After a few days, your concrete will be strong enough to walk on, though not fully cured. Enjoy your new concrete steps!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Install GTA 4
Grand Theft Auto 4 is one of the latest games from the GTA franchise to be available on the personal computer. This means that you can play and enjoy the game even without a gaming console. Though it’s not as easy compared to loading the game on either an Xbox or a Playstation, installing GTA 4 on a computer is still very simple. Plus, you only have to do this once. 1. **Open the DVD-ROM bay of your computer.** Press the button on your computer’s DVD-ROM to open the drive bay. 2. **Place the DVD installer of GTA 4.** Put your index finger in the middle hole of the disc and your thumb on the sides to hold it in place as you place it into the drive. 3. **Close the drive bay.** Press the button on your computer’s DVD-ROM again to close the bay. 4. **Wait for the computer to read the disc.** A small window will appear on the screen requiring you to choose a setup language. 5. **Select a language.** Click the drop-down list and select the language you like to use. Click “OK” after selecting a language. The Rockstar Social Club window, which will install the game on your computer, will appear. 6. **Download a virtual DVD-ROM software that will be able to read the digital copy of the GTA Installer.** A popularly used virtual DVD-ROM application is Daemon Tools ( Just click the download link on the web page to install the program onto your computer. 7. **Load the soft copy installer onto the virtual DVD-ROM.** Double-click the game’s installer file and it should automatically open with and mount to the virtual DVD-ROM app. 8. **Open “My Computer” from your desktop.** Inside you should see one of the virtual drives showing the GTA 4 installer. 9. **Run the virtual DVD-ROM.** Right-click on this virtual DVD-ROM and select “Auto run” from the pop-up menu. A small window will appear requiring you to choose a setup language. 10. **Select a language.** Click the drop-down list and select the language you like to use. Click “OK” after selecting a language. The Rockstar Social Club window, which will install the game on your computer, will appear. 11. **Begin the installation.** Press “Next” on the very first welcome screen of the Rockstar Social Club window to begin the installation. 12. **Accept the license agreement.** Read the License Agreement displayed on the window and click on the “I accept the terms of the license agreement” radio button. Click the “Next” button again to continue. 13. **Choose where on your computer you want to install Rockstar Social Club.** By default, the program will be installed inside the program file folder on your computer. Click the “Next” button again to start installing the Social Club to this location. If you prefer to install the program on a different location, just click the “Browse” button and navigate to where you want to have the game placed before you click the Next button. 14. **Wait for the Rockstar Social Club to finish installing.** This will take only a few minutes. 15. **Begin installation.** Right after the Social Club finishes installing on your computer, the Grand Theft Auto 4 installation window will appear. Press “Next” on the very first welcome screen of the Grand Theft Auto 4 window to begin the installation. 16. **Click “Next.** A few notification messages for the Games for Windows Live and Rockstar Social Club will show up on the installation window. Just click the “Next” button to continue with the process. 17. **Select the setup type you want to use.** Click the “Typical” radio button to choose this kind of setup and make sure that you install all the necessary files needed to run the game. 18. **Choose where on your computer you want to install the game.** By default, the game will be installed inside the program file folder on your computer. Click the “Next” button again to start installing the game to this location If you prefer to install the program on a different location, just click the “Browse” button and navigate to where you want to have the game placed before you click the Next button. 19. **Wait for the game to install.** It will take a few minutes to complete the installation. Once you’re done, you can launch the game and start playing Grand Theft Auto 4. During the middle of the installation process, you’ll be asked to insert the second CD of the installer, just follow the Part 1 mentioned above for the DVD or soft copy installer to continue the process.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Stop Liking Someone
We’ve all been there—crushing on someone we shouldn’t be crushing on. Maybe you already know that this person is a poor match for you, or they are spoken for. Perhaps you’re spoken for. Regardless, you can stop liking someone by reducing the amount of time you spend hanging with them or thinking about them. Keep yourself busy with new friends and new activities. Also, you’ll need to set some realistic expectations about the whole process. Before you know it, this person will be a distant memory! 1. **Think of their faults.** One way to stop liking someone is to change how you think about them. Everybody has faults. You may not have been able to see your crush’s faults because you were idolizing them. Take some time to think about this person’s drawbacks. For example, maybe you want to stop liking the person because of something horrible they did, or because your friends or family don't approve of them. You might also want to stop liking the person because you don't have much in common with them or because they have bad traits like using drugs or lying a lot. 2. **Get some space from the person.** The old proverb "out of sight, out of mind" is true. When you surround yourself with different people and things, this person won’t be at the forefront of your mind. If you share the same social group and cannot avoid your crush, hang out in large groups for a while. Don’t spend time with them one-on-one. If you know the person typically hangs out in a certain place, avoid going there when you know they’ll be around. 3. **Limit contact with them both offline and online.** Reduce all forms of contact with your crush. Being consistently reminded of them will only make getting over them harder. Remove their number from your phone’s list of contacts, delete their email, and unfollow them on social media. If you are on Facebook, you can unfollow the person without completely removing them as a friend. This removes their stories from your news feed without their knowledge. Doing so avoids the awkward, "Hey, why did you delete me?" conversation. However, if you think you will still be tempted to view their profile, delete them altogether. You can always re-friend them at a later time. 4. **Stop talking about them.** In order to reduce your feelings for this person, you'll also need to stop talking about them as much as you once did. No more going on and on about how great they are. Enlist your best buds to hold you accountable. For instance, you might ask your friends to change the subject or call you out on it whenever you bring up your crush. 5. **Get rid of reminders.** It's harder to forget someone if you're surrounded by items that spark thoughts of your feelings for them. Spend an afternoon going through your things and purging any items that relate to the person. Did you write their name on a notebook? Do you have an old note from them? Did you use to drink Orange Crush together? Get rid of anything they gave you and put away anything that makes you think of them. If you can't permanently get rid of something (like a piece of furniture or a school textbook), try to find ways to keep it out of your sight as much as possible. Wrap a book in a new cover or toss a throw over the couch you used to sit on together. 6. **Avoid romantic movies or songs.** Hearing special songs or watching specific movies may make you long for your crush. Avoid those songs and films that you know will make you think about the person. These may include those that are downright romantic or simply those that you enjoyed together. Make a new playlist of songs that aren’t related to romantic relationships. Select a new TV show or movie to watch that doesn’t connect back to the person. 7. **Make new friends** If you were crushing on a new person, you may have started to neglect your social circle. Get back out there and start rekindling old friendships or making new ones. Hanging with good friends can help you feel supported and take your mind off your crush. Call up your best buds and plan to hang out on the weekend or have a sleepover. Join a new club or sports team. Volunteer at a local hospital, nursing home, or pet shelter. Take care not to spend too much time talking about your crush when you are spending time with friends. Going on about your crush can be counterproductive, and may irritate your friends. 8. **Find a hobby.** When you’re head over heels for someone, you often put your passions on the backburner. Start doing things you enjoy again. Filling your hours with exciting activities will help you forget your crush. Plus, you’ll likely meet new people through these endeavors. Have you always wanted to learn to play guitar? Approach that cool kid at school who’s a master. Look up DIY or craft projects on Pinterest. Or check out a new book if you’ve neglected your passion for reading. 9. **Shake up your routine.** Following the same old ho-hum routine can be boring. Not to mention, if you’re still going to all the same places and doing all the same things, it’ll be harder to take your mind off your crush. Switch things up a bit to refresh your life. Start a new workout or fitness regimen, such as doing a beginner to 5k running program. Get breakfast at a new restaurant every day before school or work. Take a class to learn to cook or speak a new language. 10. **Start flirting again.** Flirting with someone or dating someone new might be the last thing on your mind, but getting back out there might help reduce your feelings for your crush. You never know, the next person you meet might turn out to be so much more attractive and interesting than the person you’re trying to forget. Keep things casual at first. Focus on meeting someone new and casually flirting. Spend some time hanging out with them. Aim to simply fill your social calendar, enjoy nice company, and have a good time. 11. **Choose one thing to act on right away.** Think about a feasible goal that you would like to accomplish regarding your feelings for this person. Perhaps you’d like to get rid of any mementos of your relationship or stop calling them. Focus on this one goal to start. Outline a plan that helps you achieve this goal. For example, if you want to get rid of mementos, schedule one day to sort items, one day to box them up, and then one day to trash or donate them. Another goal might be to spend one afternoon blocking a crush on different social media platforms. 12. **Write about your feelings.** It’s unrealistic to suppress your feelings, but you may find that writing about them helps you move through them. Schedule a window each day to write about your feelings for the other person. Tell yourself you will try not to think about them until your writing window. You might find that, in the beginning, your entries are longer and still reveal strong feelings for the person. Over time, however, you might find yourself writing about them less or writing about something completely different. Only use this writing window if you need it. If you don’t have any thoughts about the person that day, you don’t need to write. 13. **Be patient.** Give yourself time to get over your infatuation for the person. Emotions don't go away overnight. Don’t be hard on yourself if you start pining for them or can’t get them off your mind. Have acceptance for whatever thoughts come to mind. Remember that your feelings will fade in time. 14. **Keep track of your progress.** Take a little time at the end of each week to make note of how much you’ve been thinking about your crush. Over time, you should find yourself thinking about them less and less. If the amount of time you spend thinking about them stays the same or increases over time, consider seeing a counselor to discuss ways to manage your feelings.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Clean Travel Bottles
Travel bottles allow you to easily bring your favorite toiletries with you on the go. While these small bottles are conveniently sized for traveling or to keep in your gym bag, they can be difficult to clean out once you’ve used most of the product. To clean out your travel bottles, first remove as much of the existing product as possible, then sanitize the bottles before refilling them with a different product. 1. **Leave the bottle upside down so the product falls to the opening.** Once you’ve used most of the product in the travel bottle, turn the bottle upside down and leave it for several hours or overnight so that the last of the product will fall down towards the cap. Then, carefully remove the cap and allow the remaining product to slide out. The amount of time it will take for the product to slide down towards the opening varies depending on the type of product. For example, liquid facewash or mouthwash will likely take much less time than a thick lotion or conditioner. 2. **Use a beauty spatula to scoop out the last of the bottle’s contents.** There are several types of beauty spatulas on the market today that are specifically made for scooping the last bits of product out of small containers and bottles. While there will likely still be some product residue left behind, these tiny spatulas fit through the opening of most travel bottles and will allow you to scrape much of the product from the sides and bottom. Beauty spatulas are widely available online and at many beauty supply stores. 3. **Rinse the bottle with water to loosen and liquefy any residue.** Remove the cap of the travel bottle and pour in a small amount of water, filling it about 1/8 to ¼ of the way up. Replace the cap and shake the bottle to swish the water around so that it combines with the remaining product and loosens it from the bottle walls. Remove the cap and pour out the remaining thinned, liquefied product. While liquefied lotion or makeup will likely be too messy to use, if your travel bottle contained shampoo, conditioner, or facewash, you can use the diluted last bit of product so that it’s not wasted. 4. **Use a white vinegar solution for a natural bottle sanitizer.** Fill the travel bottle about ¾ full with hot water, then add 1 to 2 teaspoons (4.9 to 9.9 mL) of white vinegar. Replace the cap and shake the bottle to combine the water and vinegar, then let the solution sit for about 15 minutes. Dump the solution into the sink and rinse the bottle with water. Then, let the travel bottle air dry completely. Any remaining vinegar smell will likely dissipate once the bottle air dries. 5. **Soak your travel bottles in dish soap for an easy sanitizing option.** Fill a bowl with 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of dishwashing soap and water. Remove the cap of the travel bottle and submerge both the cap and bottle in the soapy water. Leave the bottles to soak overnight, then rinse them with water to remove any residual dish soap. If there was any product residue left in the bottle, you’ll likely see it floating on top of the water after soaking overnight. If you want to clean the bottle faster, try filling it with a squirt of dish soap and water. Replace the cap and shake the bottle vigorously. Then, pour out the dish soap solution, as well as any residual product, and rinse the bottle with water. 6. **Cleanse the bottles with a rubbing alcohol soak to disinfect them.** First, fill the travel bottle with rubbing alcohol. Let it sit for several hours or overnight to allow the alcohol to loosen any residual product and sanitize the bottle. Then, pour out the alcohol along with any product residue and rinse it with water. Let the bottle air dry completely before refilling it with product. Air drying will allow the alcohol residue to continue to disinfect before dissipating as it dries. 7. **Run the bottles through the dishwasher if they’re dishwasher safe.** To sanitize your travel bottles, you can run them through the dishwasher after removing as much of the product as possible. Make sure that you check whether the material is dishwasher safe first, however, as the heat could damage or ruin some types of plastic and silicone. While some plastic and silicone travel bottles are dishwasher safe, others are not. Therefore, you can’t necessarily determine whether you can run them through the dishwasher based on the material alone. To see whether your travel bottles are dishwasher safe, check the label on the bottles or packaging, or look on the brand’s website. In most cases, dishwashers get hotter at the bottom. Therefore, you may want to put your travel bottles on the top rack to keep them away from the highest levels of heat.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Decorate Drumsticks
Your drumsticks are an extension of you—your style, music, and personality. While there’s nothing wrong with leaving your drumsticks blank, you may want to customize your set to give them a little edge. This can be a little tricky since adding too much paint or tape to the sticks can modify the sound or make your sticks more likely to break. You also can’t modify the tip unless you’re willing to leave marks all over your drum kit. However, there are two simple ways to modify your sticks. You can paint your sticks or use layers of electrical tape to give them some new color. 1. **Pick up a few rolls of electrical tape in colors you like.** You can use multiple rolls to give your drumsticks a colorful pattern, or just use a single color to change the overall color of the stick. Grab a few rolls of electrical tape and pull out some non-serrated scissors to cut the tape. Taping your sticks will change the sound of Rimshots and make them muffled and soft. This is why taping the sticks is popular with people that play marching drums or buckets, but you don’t see a lot of rock band drummers taping their sticks for this reason. If you use white tape, it will get extremely dirty really fast—you can absolutely use white tape, but you may have to replace it regularly. This will also make your stick heavier, which may slow your reaction time down a little. Some drummers practice with taped sticks so that they’re quicker when they’re playing live shows. 2. **Cut a straight edge at the end of the tape and line it up under the tip.** If the tape isn’t brand new, peel an edge out and cut a straight line in the end of the tape. Then, hold the tape horizontally along the tapered section under the tip of the stick and press the edge into the wood. Keep the tape oriented so that the long edge of the tape rests at a 90-degree angle to the tip. 3. **Pull the tape tight and roll it down around the stick towards the other end.** Hold the first piece you taped in place with your thumb. Wrap the tape around the wood under the tip so that you have a single layer of electrical tape. Then, gently pull the roll down 20- to 30-degrees from the tip and rotate your drumstick in your other hand. Slowly add layers of tape to the stick by working away from the tip. Try to line the middle of each layer of tape with the lower edge on the previous layer. This way, every layer of tape will be equally thick. If the tape overlaps too much or too little, there will be uneven wrinkles. 4. **Wrap the remaining half of your stick with the electrical tape.** Continue angling your layers of tape down towards the base of the handle. As you get to the last 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) of the stick, pull the roll of tape upwards a little as you apply it to slowly transition into a straight wrap where tape is parallel with the butt of the stick. 5. **Wrap the bottom 2-3 times with your tape before cutting the tape.** Once you get to the last horizontal section of the drumstick, pull the tape taut while wrapping the base 2-3 times to straighten the tape out and keep it from unravelling. Then, cut the tape at a 90-degree angle to the length of the tape and press it firmly into the drumstick. 6. **Use your second color to wrap the stick in a second spiral layer.** Grab your second roll of tape and repeat the wrapping process at the top by curling the tape under the tip of the stick. Then, add another spiral with your second color but leave a 1 in (2.5 cm) gap between each layer you wrap to create a candy cane appearance. You can also use 1-2 vertical pieces of tape to create a set of parallel lines on either side of the sticks to give them a sleeker, thinner look. Repeat this entire process on the other drumstick. You can even use a different set of colors or add different accents to give each stick a unique look. 7. **Add smaller accents with the second color, if desired.** You can add 2-3 accents by wrapping a single layer of another color on either side of the area where you grip the stick, or add a little streak of color by wrapping the top 1/5 of the drumstick. It’s really up to you when it comes to the design and colors of the accents. You can also cut the second roll of tape in half lengthwise as you add thinner loops around the stick to make them look like rings. Alternatively, you can wrap each section of the stick in a different color of tape to create a rainbow look. 8. **Sand the surface of the drumsticks without sanding the tip.** Drumsticks are usually coated in a protective lacquer that won’t hold paint very well. To remove this layer, sand the surface of the drumsticks using 120-grit sandpaper. Use back-and-forth strokes to erode the lacquer and open the wood grain while rotating the sticks to sand each side. Do this for both drumsticks. Wipe the sawdust off with a dry cloth. You can sand the sticks a second time with 300-grit sandpaper to erode a thicker layer of lacquer. This is probably unnecessary, though. If your drumsticks are plastic, you don’t need to sand the surface. The paint may not stick very well to these sticks, so it’s probably not your best option to begin with, though. 9. **Tape the tips off to protect them from paint and keep your drums safe.** If you paint the tips of the drumsticks, the paint will rub off on your drums and cymbals whenever you hit them. To prevent this, take a few pieces of masking tape and wrap them around the surface of each tip. Cover each tip entirely to protect it from your paint. 10. **Hang the drumsticks from a clothesline to paint them.** Grab a piece of string and wrap it under the tip of your drumstick. Tie the string off with a tight knot and hang it from a clothesline or some other object outside. This way you can paint the drumsticks from each side without worrying about touching the stick. Repeat this process with your second drumstick and hang it at least 12 inches (3.0×10 fm) away from the other stick. You can hang the drumsticks from a hanger and hold them up to paint them if you don’t have a clothesline. 11. **Prime the drumsticks if you want the paint to last longer.** Grab a can of white spray primer designed specifically for wood or furniture. Spray each side of the drumstick with your spray primer. Coat the wood in a smooth, even coat and wait 2 hours to let the drumstick dry. You can sand the primed layer after doing this if you want a cleaner paint job, but this will remove another layer of wood. You don’t want to remove too much wood or the drums may not sound right when you use them. They may also be more likely to break. 12. **Choose a darker color of latex spray paint to paint your sticks.** Any spray paint other than latex will add an odd texture to the drumsticks that may make them difficult to use. Choose a color that you like and will match your vibe and energy when you’re playing the drums. However, avoid using white, yellow, or pink. Lighter colors will soak up dirt and sweat from your hands while you’re playing. You can use a different color of spray paint to make each drumstick a different color if you’d like. 13. **Coat the drumsticks in an even layer of spray paint.** Hold the nozzle 8–12 inches (20–30 cm) away from your first stick and press down on the nozzle to release your paint. Move the can up and down while painting the first side of the drumstick. Walk around the drumstick while painting to cover each side. Stop once you’ve covered the stick in a nice, even layer of paint. Repeat this process on the other stick. 14. **Wait at least 1 hour for the paint to cure to the wood.** Spray paint typically dries pretty quickly but you’re better off waiting for a full hour before touching your sticks. You can add a second layer of paint if you want a darker layer of paint. If you add more than 2 layers of paint, the sticks may feel really thick in your hand. You can add more layers if you’d like, but it’s probably not ideal. 15. **Coat your sticks in a lacquer to protect the paint if you’d like.** Pick up an aerosol can of spray lacquer and hold the nozzle 8–10 inches (20–25 cm) away from the stick. Hold the nozzle down and move the can back and forth over the wood to coat the drumstick in a protective layer of lacquer. Repeat the process on the other stick. Wait at least 2 hours to give the lacquer enough time to cure.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Wear Ankle Boots with Jeans
Ankle boots are a versatile shoe to have in your closet, but pairing them with different outfits can be a daunting task. Luckily, you can easily wear a pair of ankle boots with cuffed jeans to create a classic and polished look without a lot of effort. For the best results, be sure to select the right type of jeans and boots for your outfits. 1. **Roll the hem of your jeans up 2 times to create a thin cuff.** Cuffs are one of the easiest, most popular ways to pair skinny jeans with ankle boots. Fold the hem once, and then fold it over again to create a double cuff. The cuff should bring the lower edge of each jean leg just above your natural ankle, revealing a thin strip of skin between the boot and the jeans. Try to make it so that the visible strip of skin is around 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. A small glimpse of skin can help lengthen the visual leg line, but too much visible skin can create a large block that makes your leg look shorter. 2. **Cuff the hem of a pair of tight skinny jeans 1 time for a bolder look.** A single cuff can create a bold block at the bottom of the jean, without revealing too much skin. Fold the hem up one time to make a cuff that’s 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) wide. Single cuffs are great for people who have long legs. If you have shorter legs, try to keep the cuff smaller than 1 inch (2.5 cm) to avoid making your leg look short. 3. **Fold the hem inside of the jeans for a hidden cuff.** If you don't like the cuffed look, try folding the hems inward instead of outward. Tuck the hem inside of the leg of jeans until you create about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of space in between your jeans and your boots. It's best to fold the jeans only one time for a hidden cuff. To keep the fold in place throughout the day, you can iron the new hem at the bottom of the pant leg. 4. **Avoid tucking the hem into the boot.** While it might seem tempting to tuck your jeans into the boots, doing so can actually make your legs look shorter. When your jeans are tucked, they can bunch around your ankles, making them look wide and disheveled. This is even true for skinny jeans, which tend to be tighter than straight-leg or bootcut. Even though they might fit into the top of the boots, you should cuff them to prevent bunching. 5. **Opt for a pair of skinny or straight-leg jeans if you want to cuff them.** Skinny and straight-leg jeans tend to be the most flattering style to pair with ankle boots. They hug your curves and stay cuffed for a long time when you fold them. Skinny jeans tend to be the best option since they’re stretchy and don’t show many bumps when folded or cuffed. However, straight-leg jeans can help to create a more relaxed look. 6. **Pick a pair of bootcut jeans to wear them untucked.** These jeans are fitted around the hips but flare out slightly below the knee, making them a great cut to wear with ankle boots. Instead of trying to tuck or cuff these jeans, allow them to fall directly over the top of each boot, covering the top portion. Try to stay away from cuts that have extremely flared hems. These tend to break up your leg and can make them look short. 7. **Purchase a pair of cropped jeans to show off the tops of the boots.** Look for a pair of cropped skinny or straight-leg jeans that leave around 1 inch (2.5 cm) of space in between the bottom of the jeans and the top of the ankle boots. This tiny strip of skin creates a professional and polished look, without the hassle of tucking or cuffing the jeans. If you have an older pair of skinny jeans, you can make your own cropped jeans by using a sharp pair of scissors to cut the jeans just above your ankle. Use a tape measure and pencil to mark off the section you'd like to remove. 8. **Make sure the hem is at least 1–1.5 in (2.5–3.8 cm) off of the ground.** Try on your jeans without the boots first. Ideally, the lower hem of each leg should hit at about midpoint of your ankle. If the hem is touching the ground, your jeans are too long. If your jeans are too long, they can bunch around your ankles, making your legs look shorter than they are. 9. **Pick a boot with a heel that is at least 2 in (5.1 cm).** To elongate your legs and add a bit of height, pick a pair of ankle boots that are slightly taller than an average pair of shoes or flats. The heels can be chunky, stacked, or even stiletto, as long as they’re a reasonable height and you can walk in them. If it’s your first time wearing heeled boots, look for a pair that have a chunky heel that’s right around 2 inches (5.1 cm) tall. These will be comfortable for standing and allow you to walk naturally without tripping. 10. **Look for a pair of boots that hit higher on the ankle for wearing with jeans.** Some ankle boots hit low on the ankle, just below the ankle bone, and are meant to be worn with dresses and skirts. Find taller ankle boots that hit at the ankle bone since they’re best for pairing with jeans. If the boots hit lower on the ankle, they can make your legs look shorter because they reveal more skin. 11. **Pair brown boots with light wash jeans for a relaxed look.** Although you can wear almost any color of jeans with ankle boots, brown boots paired with light wash jeans are a classic and comfortable style. Try to stick with a medium-toned brown leather or suede boot, and a very light or acid wash jean for the best results. If you don’t want to wear leather or suede, there are many high quality imitations that can help you create this classic look. 12. **Select a pair that matches the color of your jeans to elongate your legs.** If you want to make your legs appear longer, match the color of your boots to the wash of your denim to create a monochromatic look. You can also opt for a boot with a higher heel to make yourself look even taller. The easiest way to pull this off is by wearing a pair of black ankle boots with a pair of black denim skinny jeans. Both the jeans and the boots are a flattering color and style, and will help to make your legs look long and slim. For a smooth transition from the boots to the jeans, fold a hidden cuff in the jeans.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
Is it Safe to Use Baking Soda in Your Hair?
Step into the world of all-natural hair care, and you’ll be swamped with exciting promises and rave reviews about the effects of baking soda as a shampoo replacement. But you’ll also discover people who are disappointed with the results, or even report extensive hair damage. With all the conflicting stories, it can be hard to know whether to try it! If you’re wondering whether it’s even a good idea to wash your hair with baking soda, we have the answer to that—as well as your follow-up questions, too. 1. **Yes, but it may not be effective.** Some people do find that baking soda leaves their hair clean and shiny. But others have found it to be virtually ineffective at removing oils from anything but their scalp, even after spending several minutes washing their hair. Since everyone’s hair and styling routine is different, there’s no way to guarantee whether it’ll work for you. Baking soda is pretty rough on the hair and skin. While some people might benefit from using it for an occasional deep cleanse, it’s not a good choice for regular hair-washing. 2. **It typically causes damage, like frizz and dryness.** Baking soda is fairly alkaline, which makes it good for breaking down grease and grime—but there’s a risk that it’ll break down your hair, too. Some research has suggested that the more alkaline your hair product is, the more likely it is to give you rough, dry, frizzy hair. In other words, it can cause some pretty serious damage that can take a long time to fix! Baking soda also risks irritating or damaging your skin, which is a concern if you have sensitive skin or any skin conditions (like eczema or psoriasis). There’s some chemistry behind this: baking soda has a pH level of around 8 or 9, whereas your hair and skin average around 3.7 and 5.5, respectively. The high pH of the baking soda “clashes” with the low pH of your hair and scalp, which damages it. It’s an interesting science experiment, but probably not one you want to try on your hair. 3. **That will change the scent or texture, but it won’t prevent damage.** There are tons of suggestions for “softening” baking soda shampoos with other ingredients, or rinsing your hair with something to neutralize the damage—such as water, apple cider vinegar, or tea tree oil. But there’s no real way to prevent baking soda from causing mayhem on your hair. In fact, some of these combinations (like baking soda and apple cider vinegar) could actually cause more damage, because you’re “shocking” your hair with the sudden contrast in pH. Mixing baking soda with water won’t reduce the pH, despite what you might have heard. Water's pH is 7, which is neutral, so adding baking soda just raises the pH of the water. 4. **Baking soda risks making your dandruff worse, not better.** Some people tout baking soda as a permanent end to their scalp flakiness, but the alkalinity of baking soda dries out and breaks down the skin on your scalp. This can result in a stronger dandruff problem than before, because a dry scalp means more flakes. Scalp dryness and irritation alike can also mean more itchiness, meaning more scratching at your scalp! 5. **It works, but only as an occasional treatment.** It is true that baking soda breaks down anything that may have been building up on your scalp, like oil or hair products. Since it also breaks down skin, though, you don’t want to use it regularly: there won’t be enough buildup for it to remove, and you risk earning a raw and sensitive scalp for your effort. 6. **Yes, if you have healthy, oily hair and don't have sensitive skin.** If you really want to try baking soda shampoo anyway, you should assess your hair and skin before trying it. If you have thicker, oily hair and don't have sensitive skin, you can give it a shot. And it’s a good idea to dab a little bit of the mixture on your skin before you wash your hair with it, just to make sure you don’t have a reaction. Avoid baking soda shampoos if you have thin or weak hair, sensitive or dry skin, or have reacted badly to other products based on baking soda. You should also not use baking soda shampoos if you’ve used any kind of bleach, dye, or relaxant on your hair. 7. **Use it sparingly, and focus it on your scalp.** The simplest way to make a baking soda shampoo is to combine baking soda with water; a common ratio is 1 part baking soda to 3 parts water. Then, use your fingers to massage the mixture into your scalp. After one to two minutes, rinse it out with water, being sure to get all of the baking soda off your scalp and out of your hair. Don't leave in the baking soda for longer than two minutes. It can irritate your scalp. Once you've rinsed out the baking soda, treat your hair and scalp with a moisturizing treatment, like conditioner, hair oils, or hair masks. (Baking soda wears down and dries your hair and scalp.) 8. **Limit it to once or twice a month.** You shouldn't replace your normal shampoo with a baking soda shampoo; since baking soda is much stronger than other cleansers, using it regularly will hurt your hair and scalp and give you dry, unhappy hair. It's better for removing excessive oils or product buildup. Depending on how oily your hair is and your typical hair routine, that could mean using it monthly, or every two or three weeks. If your hair is weak or treated, you shouldn't use baking soda at all, because it can damage your hair and cause it to break. 9. **There isn’t much evidence for that, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try.** Some hair-care resources claim that if you combine baking soda with a store-bought shampoo, it’ll do a better job of cleaning your hair. There isn’t research to back that up, though; it’s most likely to change the pH, which doesn’t mean it’s cleaning your hair any better. But if you’re curious, you can give it a try! You can either add commercial shampoo to a homemade baking soda shampoo, or you can try adding a very small amount of baking soda to a bit of store-bought shampoo. Like with a baking soda shampoo, test a little bit on your skin before you wash your hair, to make sure you don’t react. Keep in mind that store-bought shampoos with high pH levels will still damage your hair. Consider testing the pH of the mixture before you try it. 10. **Yes, there are options that are softer on your hair and skin.** If you’re curious about baking soda shampoo, but are worried about harming your hair or skin, don’t worry! There are other cheap or natural ways to care for your hair, regardless of whether you just want to wash your hair or are trying to resolve some kind of hair scare. Explore different natural shampoo recipes or store-bought shampoos, or even consider forgoing shampoo entirely. For dandruff removal, try a moisturizing solution like coconut oil or aloe vera. Use coconut, argan, or jojoba oil to moisturize or volumize your hair, or get curls to stand out.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Keep a Bullhead Catfish
Bullheads are an attractive breed of catfish that have interesting personalities to keep you entertained for hours. These fun pets can live up to 15 years and are easy to look after. Choose a large aquarium and fill it with plenty of floating plants and decorations. This gives the fish room to swim around and lots of places to hide. Monitor the oxygen, temperature, and pH level of the tank to maintain high water quality. Keep your catfish well nourished with small pieces of fruit and vegetables, and fish pellets. Enjoy watching your bullhead catfish thrive in its new home! 1. **Choose a 100 gallon (378 L) tank to give the fish room to swim around.** Bullhead catfish normally grow to about 12 inches (30 cm) long. A 100 gallon (378 L) tank gives the catfish enough room to freely move around and allows it to get plenty of exercise. This size tank is appropriate for up to 3 fish. If you have more fish, you will need to get a larger tank. If you have 5 fish, opt for a 200 gallon (756 L) tank. Purchase a tank from a fish shop or search online for a secondhand one. 2. **Put 2 inches (5.1 cm) of gravel in the bottom of the tank.** This substrate gives plants something to place their roots into and allows the catfish to dig into the gravel to search for flakes of food. Spread the gravel evenly across the tank to provide a base for the plants and decorations in the tank. Purchase gravel from a pet shop or source your own from outside. Rinse the gravel under water before you place it into the tank. Avoid using sand as a substrate because this causes the tank to get cloudy and dirty. 3. **Add driftwood and caves to the tank to give the fish somewhere to hide.** Catfish enjoy having cover from light during the day. Tank decorations are a great way to provide shelter for the catfish and help the tank to look nice. Spread the decorations around the tank to allow the catfish room to swim around the obstacles. Push the decorations into the gravel to keep them stable in the tank. Castles and large fish tank toys also work well in a catfish aquarium. Rinse driftwood under water before placing it in the tank. 4. **Fill the tank to the half-way mark with unchlorinated water.** Chlorine can negatively affect the health of your catfish. Use unchlorinated water to keep the fish at optimum health. If your tap water is unchlorinated, use this to fill the tank. If your tap water is not suitable, purchase unchlorinated water online or from a pet shop. Only filling the tank halfway prevents the fish from jumping out of the tank and means that you don't need to use a lid. If you don't have unchlorinated water, consider using a dechlorinating agent to neutralise the chlorine in the water. 5. **Add floating plants to the tank to give the fish cover and oxygen.** Bullhead catfish are nocturnal and often like to hide from light during the day. Choose aquarium plants that float on the top of the water and provide shade. Duckweed, Water lettuce, Hornwort, and Salvina are great floating plants. Purchase floating plants from a pet shop or an aquarium plant grower. Follow the planting instructions that come with each plant. 6. **Choose tank companions that are larger than the catfish.** Bullhead catfish will try to eat any fish that will fit in its mouth. Opt for fish that are at least the same size as the catfish. Bullhead catfish are happy to live by themselves in a tank — making companions an optional addition to the tank. Large sunfish, perch, and cyprinids make good tank companions for bullhead catfish. 7. **Place the tank in an area out of direct sunlight.** Catfish are nocturnal, so they don't like intense sun exposure. If possible, place the tank in a dim hallway or room. If your tank is beside a window, close the curtains during the day to block the direct light. If you can't place your tank in a dim area, cover the tank with a dark cloth during the brightest times of the day. 8. **Use a tank heater to keep the water temperature under 36 °C (97 °F).** Bullhead catfish are really adaptable to different water temperatures. If you have other fish in your tank, keep the water around 26 °C (79 °F). If the bullhead catfish is the only fish in the tank, keep the water between 26 °C (79 °F) and 36 °C (97 °F). Purchase a tank heater online or from a pet shop. Attach the tank heater on the side of the tank near the surface of the water and then select the appropriate temperature on the heating dial. Water temperatures over 37 °C (99 °F) can be fatal to bullhead catfish. 9. **Install a mechanical filter system that processes 150 gal (567 L) of water per hour.** This filter system is appropriate for a 50-gal (189-L) tank, as the water in the catfish tank needs to be filtered 3 times per hour. If you have a larger tank, you will need a more powerful filter system. Place the filter system next to the tank heater. Follow the instructions on the packet, as each filter system has a different setup process. 10. **Select an aeration system that oxygenates your tank to 4 mg (0.00014 oz) per 1 L (0.26 US gal).** Fish can become stressed if there is too much or too little oxygen in the water. To set the oxygen level, simply turn the dial on the aeration system or follow the specific instructions from your system. If you don't already have an aeration system, purchase one from a pet shop. Check your existing filter system for an aeration system, as many filters come with oxygenators. Place the oxygenator tube along the bottom of the fish tank and place the dial beside the tank. 11. **Keep the water pH between 3.4 and 7.0 using shells and driftwood.** Bullhead catfish are extremely resilient and can withstand a range of pH levels. Use pH test kit to find out the pH of the water each day. If the water has a low pH, add a handful of seashells to the water. If the aquarium has a high pH, place a piece of driftwood into the tank. Continue to add and remove shells and driftwood to naturally balance the pH level of the water. 12. **Replace 20% of the water once a month to keep the tank clean.** If the water is left to sit in the tank for too long, the tank will get dirty. If you have a 50 gallon (189 L) tank, replace 10 gallons (18.9 L) of water each month. Use a bucket to remove water or use a syphon. Replace the old water with unchlorinated water. Dispose of the old water in the garden or down the drain. 13. **Feed the catfish in the evenings.** Catfish are nocturnal, so they tend to wake up in the late afternoon or early evening. Place the food in the tank before you go to bed to ensure that the catfish are awake when you feed them. 14. **Give your catfish 1 pinch of catfish fish pellets each day for nutrition.** This helps to ensure that your bullhead catfish receives enough protein and vitamins. Any flakes or pellets designed for fish will work well for catfish. Follow the feeding instructions on the back of the packet. 15. **Feed your catfish up to 1 handful of leftover fruit and vegetables each day.** Bullhead catfish are scavengers and enjoy a varied diet. Chop the fresh fruit and vegetables into 0.75 in (1.9 cm) cubes, so that they will fit into catfish's mouth. Drop the produce into the tank and wait for the fish to search it out in the bottom of the tank. Feed the fish a maximum of ½ cup (~25 g) of produce each day. If the fish stop eating the food, this shows that they are full. Bullhead catfish thrive off organic produce and fish pellets because they don't contain any pesticides. Look for products that are spray-free or organically grown to help the fish reach optimum health.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Clean Chitterlings
You've probably heard of chitlins, a Southern specialty. Chitlins are also known as chitterlings, the small intestines of pigs. You can boil or fry chitlins after preparing them safely. Since the intestines can carry bacteria, it's important to thoroughly clean them before cooking and serving them. You'll need to spend some time cleaning the chitterlings and sanitizing your kitchen to prevent the spread of disease. 1. **Purchase your chitterlings.** You can find chitterlings at some supermarkets or purchase them directly from a butcher. Always buy about twice as many chitterlings than you want to end up with. Chitterlings shrink when boiled and cooked, so you'll end up with fewer chitterlings than you started with. You'll need to clean the chitterlings even if the kind you purchase say they've been pre-cleaned. 2. **Do not prepare chitterlings around children.** If you have small children, have someone else watch them. Children are at a higher risk for bacterial disease that can be spread by raw chitterlings. Minimize their risk of illness by having another person care for them while you clean the chitterlings. Avoid touching or holding your baby while handling the raw chitterlings to prevent spreading bacteria. You should also take care to clean any baby bottles, kid food storage, or place mats that may come into contact with the chitterlings. 3. **Boil the chitterlings.** To begin cleaning your chitterlings, place them in a large pot with fresh water. Bring the chitterlings to a boil over high heat. Boil the chitterlings for 5 minutes. Boiling the chitterlings kills bacteria in the chitterlings. Wash your hands immediately after handling the raw chitterlings. If you're using frozen chitterlings, thaw them before cleaning them. 4. **Sanitize your kitchen space.** As the chitterlings boil, prepare a sanitizing mixture. In a large bucket, combine 1 tablespoon of bleach with 1 gallon of water. Dip a clean wash cloth in the sanitizer and wipe down everything in the kitchen that came into contact with the raw chitterlings. You can also pour some of the sanitizer into a clean spray bottle. Spray down kitchen surfaces and use a clean dry cloth the wipe the surfaces clean. 5. **Examine each chitterling.** Drain the boiled chitterlings into a large colander in your sink. Once the chitterlings are cool enough to handle, sort through each chitterling and look for foreign materials (like straw, skin,or hair), undigested food, and fecal matter. Throw away any of this debris. Wear oven mitts and be careful when handling boiling water. 6. **Rinse and cut the chitterlings.** Rinse the chitterlings with lots of cool water so that any debris is washed away. Do this for several minutes or until the chitterlings are completely clean. Cut or tear the chitterlings into large pieces. While you can cut the chitterlings to any size you'd like, most people cut them in 1/2" to 1" pieces. Remember to sanitize your kitchen again after handling the raw chitterlings. Don't forget to wash the colander and your sink. 7. **Gather your basic ingredients.** Most chitterling recipes call for boiling chitterlings with water, vinegar, and onion for several hours. For a basic flavorful chitterling recipe, you'll need: 10 pounds of cleaned chitterlings 1 medium to large onion, chopped or sliced 1 to 1 1/2 cups of white vinegar A few tablespoons of ground pepper or lemon pepper 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice 2 cloves of fresh garlic or a few dashes of garlic powder Seasoning salt A few dashes of soy sauce 8. **Bring your ingredients to a boil.** Put all of your ingredients in a large pot. You can use a soup pot or a large cast iron pot. Just make sure that it has a lid. Add enough water to cover the top of your chitterlings. Cover the pot and boil the chitterlings for three hours. Serve the chitterlings immediately or you can cover and refrigerate them to serve later. Check the pot every once in a while and add more water if the chitterlings begin to dry out. They should always be covered with water. 9. **Spice up your chitterlings.** While the most basic chitterlings recipe is just water, onions, vinegar, and chitterlings, you can easily add unique flavors or ingredients to make your own personal chitterlings recipe. Consider adding some of the following ingredients before you boil the chitterlings: Red pepper flakes Jalapeno peppers Celery Bell pepper Bay leaf Creole seasoning One potato, whole or sliced 10. **Clean and boil the chitterlings.** Clean the chitterlings and cook the chitterlings by boiling them with an onion and seasonings. Cook the chitterlings until they're tender (about 2 hours). Rinse them under cold running water. You'll need to pre-cook your chitterlings before frying them. This will ensure they're safe to eat and tender before you fry them. 11. **Coat the chitterlings with batter.** Create a batter by beating 1 egg with 1 tablespoon of water in a shallow bowl. Place fine cracker crumbs in another shallow bowl. Dip each chitterling into the egg mixture. Lay the egg-coated chitterling in the cracker crumbs so it's completely coated. You can create dredging stations. On the counter next to the pot, set up the bowl with the egg mixture next to the bowl with the cracker crumbs. 12. **Fry the chitterlings.** Heat several inches of oil in a large pot. Once the oil heats up to 370 degrees F, add several chitterlings to the oil. Fry the chitterlings until they're golden brown and crisp on the outside. Carefully remove the chitterlings from the oil and continue cooking the remaining chitterlings until they're all cooked and golden. Serve them immediately. Avoid cooking all of the chitterlings at once. This would lower the oil's temperature too quickly and the chitterlings wouldn't fry properly.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Remove Chewing Gum from a Car Exterior
Gum on your car exterior? If you use regular cleaning sprays, you could wreck or stain your car exterior, whether the gum is on the paint or the plastic. If you haphazardly scrape at it, you might scratch the paint. It's important to remove gum carefully to avoid such problems. There are many products that are safe for removing gum from a car exterior. 1. **Prepare your car before trying to remove the gum.** It’s very important that you not rub, scrub or scrape too hard or you might scratch the car exterior. However, you should still do some prepping of the car. Pull as much of the gum off as you can before applying any products to it. Move the car into a shaded area so that the gum doesn’t melt while you’re working on it. 2. **Clean the spot around the gum.** It might be a good idea to wipe the area of the car where the gum is stuck to remove any obvious dirt. All you need is a bucket full of hot water and dish soap. You just need a squirt of dish soap in two cups of water. Dip a cloth into the bucket, and wet it. Then, gently wipe away any easily removable residue from the car’s exterior. You want to avoid using anything too abrasive. It’s best to use a soft cloth when rubbing on a car exterior. You will want to repeat this process after you remove the gum too to get rid of any lingering residue. After removing the gum, you may need to apply a new coat of protective wax. If the water is hot enough, it may be possible to remove the gum using only soap and water. 3. **Try body solvent.** Take a cotton ball, soak it in body solvent, and let it sit on the gum for about a minute to soften it up. Then, take a soft cloth with body solvent on it. Wipe it off. You may need to repeat the process a second time if it doesn’t all come off. Body solvents are specifically designed to be used on paint, so they are a good choice for cleaning a car exterior without damage. You can also try this with rubbing alcohol. 4. **Spray the gum with bug and tar remover.** If you wet the gum with bug remover and tar remover, it should come right off the car. You might need to wax the car after you use this, though, as it can remove some of the wax. The good thing about bug and tar remover is that it’s designed specifically not to harm a car exterior because people usually use it to get rid of bugs that have flown into the car’s outside or tar that’s ended up on the vehicle. You could also apply the bug and tar remover to the gum by using a soft cloth. Rub the remover into the gum, until it starts to come off. 5. **Purchase a commercial product designed to remove grime.** Goo Gone is one product that is widely used to remove gum from car exteriors. Goof Off also has a product that can be used on car paint. Goo Gone advertises that its product is safe for use on a car exterior if you follow the instructions for hard surfaces. To use either product, apply the product and wait three to five minutes. Pull the gum off. Use a clean cloth to wipe off excess gum. Wear safety goggles and solvent-resistant gloves when working with chemicals. 6. **Purchase gum remover.** Believe it or not, there is a product designed to remove gum. It’s often used by industrial cleaners, so look for it in such a store. Spray the remover on the gum, and then remove the gum from the car. Some people also use WD-40 oil to remove gum, bugs, and other grime from a car exterior. 7. **Try a can of compressed air.** Spraying compressed air on the gum may harden it enough for you to remove the wad. This method is usually very effective. You can find these cans in most hardware stores. Usually, people use compressed air to clean other things, such as removing residue caught inside a computer keyboard. However, they work on a car exterior too. 8. **Use ice to harden the gum.** You might be able to peel the gum off the car exterior if you harden it. You can do this with ice cubes. Take a small towel and wrap the ice cubes in it. Hold it on the gum for about five minutes. Once you remove it, the gum should be hard. Try to gently peel off the hard gum. You may need to repeat the process. You could also put the ice cube in a Ziploc bag. Wrapping it will keep it from dripping too much once it starts to melt. 9. **Use peanut butter.** The oil in the peanut butter can help remove the gum from your car. It’s not designed to clean your car, but some people still use it, and they say it can work. Smear the peanut butter on the gum. Let it sit for three minutes, and then wipe it off with a damp rag. Peanut butter causes the chewing gum to lose its stickiness, and it becomes easier to pick out. You could also try putting body oil on the gum with the same principle in mind. Some people have also tried using eucalyptus oil with some success.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get Rid of a Dry Cough
A dry cough is a cough that doesn’t produce any phlegm or mucus. Dry coughs usually come along with an annoying tickly-feeling throat and are certainly no fun! There are a number of reasons you might have a dry cough, but they are most commonly associated with viruses and infections and go away on their own after 3 weeks or less. Here are 10 effective ways to get rid of a bothersome dry cough. 1. **The steam from a hot shower can help reduce coughing.** Get in the shower and turn it on hot enough to generate steam without burning yourself. Make sure the bathroom door is closed to keep all the steam in. Feel free to do this for as long as is comfortable or multiple times a day. Steam can also help make a dry cough more productive. If you feel like the steam loosens some mucus in your chest, try to cough it up to get rid of it. You can also just turn the shower on really hot and sit or stand in the bathroom breathing in the steam for a few minutes. All kinds of warm, moist air help relieve dry coughs. Dry coughs are irritated by cold, dry air. 2. **This makes the air less dry and irritating.** Plug the humidifier in whatever room you’re spending time in during the day and and turn it on. Or, turn it on in your bedroom at night to keep the air humid while you sleep. Keep your humidifier clean according to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid letting mold and fungus grow in it, which can actually make your cough worse. 3. **Staying hydrated reduces your cough reflex and helps loosen mucus.** Keep a full glass or bottle of water with you throughout the day and sip on it to stay hydrated. Take a drink whenever you’re having a fit of coughing to relieve yourself. Refill the glass or bottle when it’s empty, so you always have a liquid at hand. Avoid dehydrating beverages like alcohol, which can worsen your symptoms. Juices can also help relieve your dry cough. 4. **Hot beverages help relieve fits of coughing.** Have a mug of hot apple juice, for example. Or, try a mixture of hot water, 1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) of lemon juice, and 1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) of honey. Warm herbal tea is a good option too. However, avoid black tea because the caffeine it contains can make you feel dehydrated. Hot broths, such as bone broth or chicken broth, can also help. Don’t give honey to children under 1 year old because honey can contain bacteria that can lead to infant botulism. 5. **Honey has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.** Measure out about 1 tsp (4.9 mL) of honey. Eat it off the spoon to help relieve your coughing symptoms and soothe your throat. Honey contains sugar and calories, so try not to have more than 2 tbsp (42 mL) of honey per day to avoid exceeding the recommended amount of added sugars in your diet. Don’t give honey to children younger than 1 year old because of the risk of botulism. 6. **These can ease your dry cough and soothe your throat.** Get some medicated menthol cough drops from a pharmacy. Suck on them throughout the day when you’re coughing and when your throat feels irritated. You can also suck on any hard candy instead of medicated cough drops. 7. **Over-the-counter painkillers make you more comfortable.** If your throat is really hurting from all the dry coughing, take an OTC painkiller according to the directions on the label. Don’t exceed the recommended amount of pills per day. Paracetamol and ibuprofen work to fight pain in very similar ways, but ibuprofen also reduces inflammation. 8. **This can help you cough less at night by preventing mucus from pooling.** Add an extra pillow under your head to keep it higher than the rest of your body while you sleep. Alternatively, elevate the head of your bed by putting something under it. This can work particularly well if your dry cough is due to post-nasal drip or gastroesophageal reflux disease. 9. **Smoke and other inhaled irritants make dry coughs worse.** Stop smoking if you’re a smoker to avoid making your cough worse. Don’t hang around people who are smoking to avoid exposure to second-hand smoke. Wear an appropriate face mask if you’re in dusty environments or around other pollutants in the air, such as strong cleaning products. If you’re a smoker and you have a chronic cough, consult with your doctor immediately. 10. **A long-term persistent cough could be a sign of something more serious.** Schedule an appointment with your general practitioner or go to a walk-in clinic. Explain your condition to the doctor and ask them to diagnose the cause and provide recommendations for a cure. Also, see a doctor immediately if your cough is accompanied by fever, weight loss, night sweats, difficulty breathing, excessive fatigue, or chest pain.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Treat a Sprain During First Aid
A sprain involves tearing the fibers in the ligaments holding the bones of your joints in place. Sprains can cause severe pain, swelling, discoloration, and lack of mobility. Ligaments in joints heal quickly, and a sprain does not usually require surgery or other intense medical care. However, it is important to properly treat a sprain using first aid techniques so you can heal more quickly. 1. **Use the RICE approach recommended by first aid professionals.** RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate. Incorporate all aspects of this treatment to recover in a timely manner and reduce initial pain and swelling. 2. **Rest the injured joint by not using it, unless absolutely necessary.** Rest is essential to the healing process and to avoid unnecessary pain from the injury. If you must use the joint (e.g., walking), do so with caution and extra support. Use crutches to walk if you sprained an ankle or knee. Wear a sling for wrist or arm sprains. Wrap a splint around a sprained finger or toe and attach it to the digit next to it. Don’t avoid all physical activity because of the sprain, but avoid direct use of the injured joint for at least 48 hours or until the pain subsides. If you are involved in sports, talk to your coach, trainer or doctor about when you can return to sports. 3. **Ice the injured area as quickly as possible.** Using an ice pack or cold compress, apply pressure to the injury for up to 3 days until the swelling goes down. Use any form of frozen compress such as ice cubes in a plastic bag, reusable chemical ice packs, a frozen towel, or even bags of frozen vegetables in a pinch. Administer ice treatment within 30 minutes of your injury if possible. Do not apply ice directly to the skin—use a towel or cloth to protect your tissues. Reapply the ice or cold compress every 20–30 minutes throughout the day. Remove the ice or cold compress after treatment and let your skin return to its normal temperature before the next round. Apply the ice or cold compress long enough that you begin to feel the area ache and become slightly numb—this may be 15–20 minutes—which will help reduce pain. 4. **Compress the sprain with a bandage or wrap.** This will keep the injured area protected and supported. Wrap the joint tightly but not so tight that your limb becomes numb or tingly. Use a brace for ankles, which may be more effective than a bandage or wrap. Look for elastic bandages or wraps to provide the best support and flexibility. Find supportive athletic tape as an alternative to bandages if necessary. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure what type of wrap to use or how to use it. 5. **Elevate the sprained joint above your heart, if possible.** Elevation helps minimize or prevent swelling. Try to keep the injured body part elevated for 2 to 3 hours each day. Sit or lie down with the injured knee or ankle propped up on a cushion. Use a sling for wrist or arm sprains to bring the limb above the heart. Sleep with your injured arm or leg propped on 1-2 pillows if you are able to. Raise the injured part to the same level as your heart if more elevation is impossible. Beware of any feelings of numbness or tingling and reposition your injured joint if you do; consult a doctor if this continues. 6. **Treat your injury with over-the-counter pain relievers.** These can help with pain and inflammation caused by your sprain. However, avoid aspirin, as this promotes bleeding and can therefore cause complications and extreme discoloration of the skin. Look for NSAIDS including ibuprofen (e.g., Advil) or Aleve, which are usually recommended for sprains due to their anti-inflammatory properties. You can also take acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol) products for pain. Consult a doctor or pharmacist for dosage and the most effective product for you. Ask a doctor or pharmacist about taking these pain relievers if you already take other prescription medications. Follow the product label for dosage and frequency. Be aware of the potential side effects of over-the-counter pain relievers. Use pain relievers together with all aspects of the RICE therapy. 7. **Handle your pain through homeopathic treatments.** Although these therapies are not scientifically proven to help ease pain, many people find them helpful. The spice called turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties—mix 2 tablespoons with 1 tablespoon of lime juice and some water into a paste and apply it to the injured joint, then wrap with a bandage for several hours. Find epsom salts at your pharmacy—mix a cup of salts with warm water in a tub or bucket, let them dissolve, and soak the injured joint for 30 minutes up to several times of day. Spread the herbal arnica salve or cream (available at pharmacies) on the injured joint to reduce inflammation and swelling as well as increase circulation; wrap with a bandage after application. 8. **Avoid certain activities than can cause further problems.** For the first 72 hours after your injury, it’s essential to be especially cautious. Keep out of hot water—no hot baths, hot tubs, saunas, or hot compresses. Abstain from drinking alcohol, as it increases swelling and bleeding and slows healing. Take a break from strenuous exercise like running, cycling, and other similar sports. Save the massages until the healing phase, as it can promote swelling and bleeding. 9. **Visit a doctor if the injury does not improve within 72 hours or if you experience symptoms of a broken bone.** Anything beyond a simple sprain should be evaluated by medical professionals. Call for medical assistance if you cannot put any weight on the injured limb, as it may be a sign of an especially bad sprain or a broken bone. Avoid trying to tough it out—it’s not worth the risk if the injury is worse than you think. Don’t attempt to diagnose your injury yourself. Seek medical advice to avoid prolonged suffering and/or more injuries and pain resulting from the original sprain. 10. **Make note of the symptoms of broken bones.** Several characteristics are possible symptoms of a break and the injured party and/or their caretaker should consider them. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention. Notice any inability to move the injured joint or limb. Be aware of numbness, tingling, or extreme swelling in the injured joint. Look for open wounds associated with the injury. Recall whether you heard a popping sound when you were injured. Observe the joint or limb for deformity. Note any tenderness to a specific bone in the joint (point tenderness) or significant bruising to the area. 11. **Observe the injury for signs of infection.** Any hint of infection needs to be treated immediately to keep it from spreading and making you ill. Look for open cuts or skin abrasions around the injury that could introduce infection. Beware of having a fever within the first hours to first few days of your injury. Examine the injured joint or limb for signs of redness or red streaks branching out from the injured spot. Feel the injured area for warmth or an increase in swelling, a typical sign of infection.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Reduce Mold Spores in the Air
For many homeowners, mold is an absolute nightmare. Not only is it difficult to spot early and tough to eradicate, but spores in the air can also wreak havoc on people’s allergies and bring about a wide range of unpleasant symptoms. Luckily, there are several easy ways to reduce, remove, and prevent mold spores in the air. 1. **Use mold remover to kill visible spots of mold.** Mold spores in the air are often directly caused by mold growing inside your home. By eliminating spots of visible mold, you will significantly reduce the amount of invisible mold spores in the air. To identify visible mold, look for fuzzy stains that are black, green, or white in color, in enclosed spaces and rooms with a lot of moisture, such as the basement. Use sprayable mold remover to kill mold on hard surfaces, such as glass or tile. For mold on surfaces that are more difficult to clean, such as drywall, consider seeking professional help. 2. **Place air purifiers throughout your home to kill mold in the air.** The only way to directly kill mold spores in the air is to use an air purifier. For best results, place purifiers in each room of your house to ensure maximum efficiency in killing the spores. You can get a quality air purifier at any home improvement store and at most mass retailers. Closely follow the instructions on the air purifier for effective results. Be sure to use air purifiers with HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters, as these capture more than 99% of particles in the air. 3. **Install filters on air-conditioning units and windows.** If mold spores in the air aren’t being caused by mold growth in the house, they are likely coming in from outside. Place HEPA filters on your air conditioners and windows to prevent outside spores from getting into your house. Be sure to also keep the air conditioner’s drip pans and drain lines clean and dry so that mold does not grow in them. Pay special attention to your windows if you live in a humid area. Poorly insulated windows can pick up a great deal of condensation, which makes them very hospitable for mold, while open windows allow easy indoor access for mold spores from outside. 4. **Keep your basement, kitchen, and bathroom as dry as possible.** Damper areas of your house are more likely to see mold growth than others. Monitor these areas for signs of excess water, such as leaks and flooding, and take rapid steps to address these issues to prevent mold growth. Make sure any spills or leaks you come across are dried within 24 to 48 hours. Mold can grow quickly in spaces with even slight amounts of excess moisture. In the kitchen, mold is particularly likely to grow in refrigerator drip pans, door seals, and garbage pans. Watch out for mold growth in these rooms on bedding, clothes, and old papers, as these are common places to find mold. Regularly check under sinks for leaky pipes, as these will create wet environments amenable to mold growth. 5. **Avoid installing carpet in the basement.** Basements are often one of the dampest rooms in the house and as such are a consistent problem area when it comes to mold. Keep carpeting out of the basement to prevent moisture build-up and mold growth in the flooring. Consider using linoleum or concrete flooring in the basement, as these materials don’t hold in as much moisture as carpeting does. 6. **Keep gutters clean of organic debris and decomposing matter.** Organic materials like dead branches and leaves are particularly favorable for mold growth. Keeping your gutters clean will prevent these from accumulating and spreading mold into your house. Be sure that water is able to flow freely through your gutters; mold in your house can easily be the result of a roof leak caused by clogged or damaged gutters. Clean and inspect your gutters regularly, especially after big storms. 7. **Use dehumidifiers to keep indoor moisture levels low.** As mold thrives in humid environments, eliminating excess moisture in your house goes a long way towards reducing mold spores in the air. Place dehumidifiers in problem areas or rooms with visible mold to reduce or prevent mold growth. If you’re unsure which rooms the mold is coming from, you can also use a whole house dehumidifier linked to your central air system. Set dehumidifiers to 50% humidity or lower; anything higher will encourage mold growth. 8. **Dry wet areas as soon as possible.** In addition to treating large spills, leaks, and floods, take steps to get rid of excess moisture following everyday activities like bathing or dishwashing, as even small amounts of water can enable mold growth. Dry bathroom floors and walls after taking a shower. Don’t leave wet clothes in the washing machine after they’ve been cleaned, and don’t leave wet items lying around the house. Keep your eye out for condensation on windows; dry them immediately and determine the cause of the condensation to prevent mold growth. 9. **Use exhaust fans to keep your home ventilated and remove excess moisture.** Place exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom to vent moisture in these problem areas, making sure to place the fans so that they vent outside of the home. Make especially sure appliances that produce moisture, such as clothes dryers and stoves, are ventilated, and that they do not vent into your attic. Clean exhaust fans once every 3 months. Opening a window when cooking or showering will also help to vent excess moisture. 10. **Leave wet shoes and clothes outside to dry.** If you’re entering your home after walking in the rain or through wet grass, don’t place wet shoes or clothes in the closet. Leave them outside until their dry, then make sure they are clean and mold-free before bringing them into the house. For best results, hang these items to dry in areas with good air circulation, if possible.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Become a Perfumer
Becoming a perfumer takes years to accomplish because it requires a vast knowledge of chemicals and scents, as well as a creative ability to come up with unique and appealing new fragrances. However, there are several avenues to get you there. You can get a college degree in chemistry, complete a graduate degree in perfumery, or you can work your way up through a cosmetic or perfume company. Whatever path you choose to take, you will need a combination of hard work, skill, and creativity to become a master perfumer. 1. **Enroll in a college with a chemistry program.** Most professional perfumers have an educational background in chemistry. Research schools in your area or in an area you would like to relocate to that have a bachelor's degree program in this field. This kind of education will help you to understand how chemicals interact with each other to form scents and how they can be used safely in cosmetics. 2. **Major in chemistry.** In some cases, you will need to apply to major in chemistry after you have completed specific prerequisites. This application is typically submitted during your sophomore year in college and can involve writing a statement about why you want to declare a chemistry major and a review of your grades up to that point. However, some schools simply require you to log into your school online account and declare your major. 3. **Focus your studies on the chemistry of perfume and cosmetics, if possible.** Some colleges will have advanced classes that will give you focused information about the science behind cosmetics and scents. If these classes are available, take them. Having specialized knowledge about the field you want to go into will make you a more attractive employee to perfume and cosmetic companies. 4. **Apply for internships and entry-level positions in the perfume industry.** During your schooling and right after you earn your degree you should apply for a variety of jobs in your chosen field, including entry-level positions and even unpaid internships. This type of position will give you real world experience in the perfume industry. Your knowledge of chemistry will make you a strong applicant for these jobs. There are a wide variety of entry-level positions in cosmetics and perfume companies that can get you on the path towards becoming a master perfumer. These include being a scent evaluator, a lab tech, or a quality control worker. 5. **Work your way up** Once you are working for a perfume company, you will likely have opportunities to advance your career towards becoming a perfumer. Ask for and apply for promotions at work. Express your interest in becoming a perfumer to your supervisors. Do all you can to show that you are a great employee that would be talented at designing scents. Don't expect to get a promotion right away. It can take several years just to get a position as a student perfumer under the mentorship of a master perfumer. 6. **Apply** There are a few specialized programs worldwide that are designed to teach you the ins and outs of designing perfumes. These are highly competitive programs, so you will need a bachelor's degree and you will need to show in your application that you are an excellent student with a strong drive to become a perfumer. The most prestigious perfumery schools are in France. They include Institut Supérieur International Du Parfum (ISIPCA) and Givaudan. These schools typically only accept between 12 and 20 students a year. 7. **Complete your required courses.** Perfumery degrees require 2 to 4 years of coursework. These classes will include learning basic and classic formulations, understanding raw materials, the science and technology of perfumery, and fragrance analysis. The exact classes you take will vary depending on the school you go to. Contact each potential school to get a list of their exact class requirements. 8. **Apprentice at a fragrance company while in school.** Part of your 2 to 4 years of education will be an apprenticeship at a fragrance house. During this apprenticeship you will be mentored by a senior perfumer and you will learn about working with a creative team to develop new fragrances. It will be required that you complete an apprenticeship to finish your degree. However, you will have to apply for these apprenticeships. 9. **Apply for jobs** Once you have completed your perfumery degree, you can apply for student perfumer positions. These are paid jobs where you will be mentored by a master perfumer and will learn in greater detail about designing your own fragrances. These positions are designed to lead someone directly to becoming a master perfumer. The prestigious perfumery schools have very high rates of job placement for their graduates. For instance, most graduates of ISIPCA and Givaudan go on to have careers at large cosmetics and perfume companies. 10. **Apply for an entry-level job with a cosmetics or perfume company.** Not all perfumers have a college degree in science. Some start from jobs at the bottom of a company and work their way up by developing their skills on the job. Get your foot in the door by getting a job in a cosmetics or perfume company as a lab technician, a tester, or an office worker. Search for jobs in the perfume industry on online job search engines. You can also look for openings on the websites of specific cosmetics companies. Update your profile on resume and job search websites so that potential employers will see that you are a qualified job candidate. From there, you can build a reputation and learn skills that will make you an attractive candidate for better positions. 11. **Complete an on-the-job training program, if one is available.** Many large cosmetic and perfume companies, such as International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc in New York, have internal programs that teach people about scent design and development. If you are already working for a company that offers one of these programs, apply for it. These programs are basically internships that allow you to learn directly from master perfumers in your company. These programs typically require that you work for the company for a specific number of years once you finish the program. This helps them guarantee that you will not go to work for another company right away after learning on your current company's dime. 12. **Work your way up to perfumer.** As jobs that are closer to a perfumer become available in your company, apply for them. Working your way up through the company will give you a broad understanding of the industry and you will learn important skills along the way. This can take many years to accomplish. You will need to learn a lot about the industry, the science, and the craft of perfume design before becoming a perfumer.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Paint a Boat
As your boat begins to crack and fade after several years in the water, you have two choices -- hire a professional boat yard to paint it again or do it yourself. Painting a boat takes a lot of time and effort, from preparing the hull to buying the paint, but anyone can do it with some simple equipment and a few open afternoons. 1. **Clean the boat thoroughly.** You need to get everything off of the surface, from dirt and sand to marine life and seaweed. In general, it is easiest to clean the surface of the boat as it comes out of the water. Use a high-pressure hose, a scrapper, and rags to make the boat spotless. 2. **Remove hardware from the boat.** You want to take off as much as possible, down to any aluminum window siding. This could cause a crease between the hardware and the paint, which will allow water to get into the cracks and ruin the paint. Anything you cannot remove you should cover in painter's tape to keep clean and protected. 3. **Use a solvent to remove the waxy coating from the boat.** If you can feel the greasy, waxy finish on your boat you will need to remove it before painting. Using rough sponges and boat solvents, like Awl-Prep, scrub away the waxy finish. Generally, running your finger along the surface, top or bottom, will tell you if there is still a coating-- it feels like a candle or a freshly waxed car. If you are in any doubt about the coating, go over the boat again -- paint will not stick to this waxy surface, so it all needs to go. 4. **Make any necessary repairs to the boat surface.** Fill in any nicks, cracks, or corrosion before you start painting to prevent holes or imperfections in the final paint job. Make sure you fill in any holes with marine-grade epoxy, found near the marine paint in hardware and boat stores. 5. **Sand the boat thoroughly.** Using 80-grit sandpaper and a random-orbit or finishing sander, sand the entire surface of the boat. This gives the paint a surface to "grip" to and promotes an even coat of paint. When in doubt, sand away all of the old paint. There are several important considerations to take when sanding: If the old coat of paint is flaky or damaged you will need to strip it and sand it away entirely. If the old paint is a different type than the one you plan to apply (non-vinyl vs vinyl paint), then remove it entirely. Never use a belt sander on your boat Warning: wear a respirator and eye protection when sanding, as paint chips are toxic. 6. **Paint on a dry, cool day for the best results.** You do not want excessive heat, humidity, or wind to ruin your paint job. When possible, paint your boat on a day that's roughly 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit with roughly 60% humidity. When available, paint your boat in a covered area. 7. **Choose the right paint for your boat.** There are a lot of different paints on the market for boats -- from gel coats and simple enamels to complex two-step paint mixes. If you are painting your own boat, the best "bang for your buck" is definitely Two step polyurethane paint, while longer lasting, takes precise mixing and application techniques to use. Most gel coats, excepting expensive, high-end options, will fade in 1-2 years. 8. **Apply 1-2 full coats of primer.** Make sure that your primer is compatible with your paint by reading the labels on both cans. Primer helps paint bond with your boat and prevents cracking and bubbling. After the first coat has dried, lightly sand the boat (300-grit sandpaper) and apply another coat. 9. **Paint the boat using a roller and brush.** You want to work quickly, using the roller to paint from the bottom of the boat up. Perform the bulk of the work with a paint roller and use the brush to get smaller areas afterwards. 10. **Lightly sand the paint after it has dried.** This may take anywhere from an hour to a day. Using 300-grit sandpaper, lightly sand the paint. This removes any spots, issues, or bubbling paint. 11. **Apply 2-3 more coats of paint.** Sand the boat lightly after every coat has dried. While this takes time, applying 2-3 clean layers of paint ensures your boat won't fade or crack for years to come.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Remove Tar and Asphalt from Clothing
Have you gotten road or roofing tar or asphalt on clothes? If the fabric is machine-washable, then you may, at your discretion, choose among the techniques listed in this article to help remove the marks, smears, stains, pieces or particles. 1. **Peel off as much tar as possible before treating.** You can use a dull knife to gently scrape the tar off the fabric. Although hard tar is easier to pick off, the sooner you are able to pick the tar off, the easier the stain will be to remove. If the residue is very hard to get off, try rubbing some petroleum jelly on it and waiting a few minutes before trying to scrape. 2. **Test your chosen method on a small area or one garment.** Some fabrics may be lightened in color, stained, weakened or have change in texture, grain or the lay of its nap from some of these cleaning methods. 3. **Do not dry with heat.** 4. **Put pieces or cubes of ice in a plastic bag and rub the bag over the tar, if a piece or glob of tar is stuck to the fabric.** 5. **Let the tar freeze (harden) to become brittle.** 6. **Peel away the brittle tar with finger nails or a smooth, dull knife (like a butter knife or case knife), spoon or an ice cream stick, when tar has hardened.** 7. **Coat and soak with one of the following oily products/solvents:** Warmed (not too hot) lard, bacon grease or chicken fat-drippings; Vaseline, petroleum jelly, or chest vapor rub, mineral oil; Automobile tar and bug remover; Vegetable cooking oil; Orange hand cleaner. 8. **Or, take clothing outdoors and spray the spot with penetrating oil (WD40 or such) -- not near a flame or cigarette, etc.** 9. **Similarly, take clothing outdoors and dab a small amount of white kerosene, paint thinner, mineral spirits, turpentine, alcohol or lamp-oil (not gasoline) onto a persistent stain with a white paper towel or cleaning rag -- not near a flame or cigarette, etc.** 10. **Consider using fingernail polish remover as your solvent -- not near a flame or cigarette, etc.** 11. **Remove dissolved, oiled, greased tar by rubbing with paper towel or cleaning rag.** 12. **Repeat oily treatments, before washing:** try a different solvent (volatile kinds, kerosene for instance), if the cooking fat or oil wasn't sufficient -- choosing from options above for stubborn spots. 13. **Do this after one of the previous methods, or by itself.** 14. **Treat with a prewash stain remover.** Prewash stain removers come as a stick, a spray, or a gel. Test the prewash stain remover on a part of your clothes that won't be noticed to make sure it doesn't affect the color of your garment. Apply the prewash stain remover directly to the stain. For sticks, rub the stain liberally with the stain remover. When using a spray stain remover, spray the stain until it is fully saturated. A gel stain remover should be applied liberally, until the stain is covered. Let the prewash stain remover sit on the stain for a period of time. Check the bottle for instructions on how much time to let it work. 15. **Apply a liquid enzyme laundry detergent to the stain.** Tar and asphalt stains are oil stains, so you need an enzyme laundry detergent to remove them. Pour the enzyme laundry detergent directly onto the stain. Use a towel or paper towels to tamp the stain by pressing firmly on the stain and then lifting the towel back up. Press the stain several times with the towel, making sure to use a clean part of the towel every time you tamp. 16. **Launder the clothing in the hottest water possible for the fabric.** Look at the tag on the clothing to find out what temperature water it can be washed in. Wash the clothing using the enzyme laundry detergent. 17. **Hang clothes to air dry.** Allow your clothing to air dry to avoid setting any part of the stain that wasn’t completely removed. If the stain remains, repeat the steps using a dry-cleaning solvent in place of the prewash stain remover.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get out of a Nondisclosure Agreement
A nondisclosure agreement (NDA) is a contract between two parties where one, or both, agree to keep some specific information confidential. As with any contract, a nondisclosure agreement can be legally broken or ended. For example, the agreement might not be legally enforceable, in which case you can break it because you’ll win a lawsuit. Alternately, you might negotiate with the other party to end the agreement early. Analyze your situation and find the method that works best for you. 1. **Check that NDA is sufficiently clear.** A contract requires that both parties agree to the same thing. If the contract is too vague or unclear, then you might be able to argue that it is void. For example, Susan signs an NDA at her new job. The NDA says she can’t reveal anything about her company to anyone else. This NDA is probably too vague to be legal. 2. **Identify whether each side received consideration.** Consideration is the legal term meaning something of value. It can provide either a benefit or a detriment to either side. Both sides must give up something of value for a valid contract to exist. For example, both sides agreeing to keep information confidential qualifies as mutual consideration. One side giving you money or work also qualifies as consideration. Mary is neighbors with a famous politician, who is going through a brutal divorce. Mary overhears screaming fights and sees the police stop by more than once. She promises her neighbor that she won’t say anything. Mary’s promise is not a binding contract because she didn’t receive anything of value from her neighbor. Alternatively, if Mary's neighbor paid her to be quiet, then she received a benefit (the money) for the detriment of keeping the secret. In this case, both parties gave consideration. 3. **Confirm the agreement is in writing.** Due to the Statute of Frauds, an agreement generally must be in writing to be enforceable if it lasts for more than a year. If your NDA was only verbal, you can probably break it after a year. 4. **Identify a misrepresentation.** You can probably cancel an NDA if the other side made a misrepresentation of fact, and you relied on that misrepresentation. Misrepresentations can be affirmative untruths or a failure to disclose information. For example, Tyler is told that he’ll be given work if he signs the NDA. However, he is given no work in exchange, so he might be able to cancel the NDA for misrepresentation. 5. **Assess whether the NDA is unconscionable.** This is a vague standard, but unconscionability generally exists when the terms of the contract are entirely one-sided or oppressive. Often, the parties have unequal bargaining power and a lopsided NDA results. For example, Susan’s corporate employer gives her an NDA that prevents her from disclosing or using confidential information forever. This type of perpetual NDA is likely illegal. However, if the confidential information is a trade secret, then a court might uphold the duty not to disclose it. 6. **Check whether the NDA is anti-competitive.** Some courts will reject an NDA that prevents people from working. If an overly broad NDA prevents you from getting another job in your industry, then you can usually challenge the legality of the agreement. For example, Mike goes to work for Acme Networking Systems. They require that he sign an NDA not to disclose or use any of their confidential information for 10 years. After five years, Mike’s contract ends and he wants a new job in the IT industry. However, the company is trying to use the NDA to prevent him from finding work in the industry. In this situation, Mike might argue that the company is being anti-competitive by preventing him from getting another job. An NDA is not the same as a non-competition covenant. An NDA can ask you not to disclose information, but it cannot enforce this restriction by preventing you from taking another job. If you believe that your employer is trying to use your NDA to prevent you from getting another job in the industry, you can take it to court. 7. **Look to see if the other side breached the agreement.** If the other side has broken the NDA, then you might not need to comply with it. This is called a “breach.” However, the other side’s breach must be serious (“material”) to relieve you of responsibility for upholding your end of the contract. For example, Acme Networking Systems and Omega Fiber Optics enter into a mutual NDA. Each side agrees to disclose confidential information to each other and to safeguard it. However, Omega turns around and discloses Acme’s confidential information to a third party. In this situation, Omega has breached the agreement and Acme can get out of the NDA. 8. **Consult with an attorney.** These legal questions are difficult to analyze on your own. Every situation is slightly different, and only a qualified attorney can give you proper legal advice. Also every jurisdiction has its own laws regarding NDAs, and you need to know how a court in your jurisdiction will analyze the issues. Get a referral by contacting your nearest bar association. Call up the lawyer and schedule a consultation. Talk about what you should do if the NDA is illegal. For example, you might go ahead and break it, but you’ll be inviting a lawsuit in turn. Discuss your options with your lawyer so you can make an informed decision. 9. **Identify why you want to terminate the NDA.** The other side can agree to end a nondisclosure agreement early. For example, the confidential information might no longer have any value. This might be the best reason to end an NDA early. If you think the NDA is not legally enforceable, you can also ask the other side to let you out early for that reason. However, you can expect the other side to push back, since they probably don’t think they used an illegal contract. Check whether the NDA is about to expire. If it is, you can probably sit tight and not do anything. 10. **Find an early termination clause.** Some NDAs have clauses that explain how the NDA can be terminated by either side. Read your NDA to see if there is a clause. For example, it might read, “Either party may terminate this nondisclosure agreement by providing written notice to the other party. After termination, the Receiving Party’s obligations to the Disclosing Party are limited to the Confidential Information disclosed before termination was received.” In this example, you must maintain the confidentiality of previously-disclosed information until the NDA expires. Each early termination clause is a little different, so show it to your lawyer so you understand it fully. 11. **Ask the other side to terminate the NDA.** You should write a letter explaining why you think the NDA should be ended early. Format a business letter and keep your tone professional. Explain why you think the NDA is no longer necessary and ask to be let out of it. If you think the NDA is not enforceable, you should explain your reasoning. However, your lawyer should probably draft this section or at least review it. Realize that the other side doesn’t have to agree to let you out of a valid NDA, and they might disagree with you whether the NDA is unenforceable. 12. **Draft a mutual rescission and release agreement.** If the other side agrees to terminate the NDA, you should each sign a rescission agreement. Don’t simply take the other side’s verbal promise that the NDA has been suspended. Your lawyer can draft the necessary paperwork. A valid rescission agreement should identify the NDA by date and explicitly state that parties mutually agree to rescind the original agreement. Keep a copy of the signed agreement with your records. 13. **Read the complaint.** If you break the nondisclosure agreement, the other side might sue you for breach of contract. They will start a lawsuit by filing a “complaint” in court. The complaint will explain what information you disclosed without permission. You’ll receive a copy after the other side files the lawsuit. Read it closely. The person who files the lawsuit is the “plaintiff,” and they should identify clearly what confidential information you disclosed or used. They should state sufficient facts to support their allegation. 14. **Assess whether the complaint is factually incorrect.** Sometimes, the plaintiff doesn’t have their facts straight. They might accuse you of something you didn’t do. Consider the following: The information you revealed isn’t confidential. Read the NDA and check whether the information fairly falls within the definition of “confidential information.” You were allowed to use or disclose the information. Many NDAs allow you to disclose to third-party vendors in some situations. Read your NDA to see if the situation is covered. You didn’t use or disclose any information. Someone else might have disclosed the information. 15. **Gather supporting evidence for your defenses.** You can raise any defense in the first section of this article. Begin gathering as much information as possible to share with your lawyer. For example, if you think the NDA is anti-competitive, then all you need is a copy of the NDA. If the other side made misrepresentations, you should document them. Write down your own memories of any conversation you had with the other side and look for email communications. Another popular defense is to argue that the other side made the confidential information publicly available. Gather documentation. For example, a company president might have disclosed information when giving an interview to a trade publication. 16. **Respond to the lawsuit.** Typically, you will file either an “answer” or a “motion to dismiss” in response to the complaint. Check how much time you have to respond to the lawsuit. Read the summons, which should contain this information. In an answer, you admit or deny each allegation. If you don’t have sufficient information, you can also refuse to admit or deny. You should also raise any defenses that you have (e.g., why the NDA is illegal). If you don’t raise your defenses in the answer, you can’t raise them later. In a motion to dismiss, you ask the judge to throw out the case because the complaint is defective in some way. For example, you can argue the plaintiff filed the lawsuit in the wrong court. 17. **Work with a lawyer on your defense.** Each lawsuit is different. Your lawyer will investigate the facts and come up with your best defense. Talk with your lawyer about how the lawsuit will proceed. Generally, lawsuits follow this sequence: . This is the fact-finding phase. You can request documents from the other side, or give them questions to answer under oath. You might also participate in a deposition, where you answer question in person. . After discovery, either side might seek summary judgment. You ask the judge to decide in your favor because no set of facts can support the other side. . You can settle at any point in the lawsuit. In fact, settlement negotiations might be ongoing right up until a jury announces the verdict. . Your lawyer will identify your witnesses and serve them with subpoenas. Ideally, your lawyer should also prep you for your testimony. You can have a trial before either a judge or jury.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Harvest Chicory
You can harvest chicory for its leaves, roots, or seeds. Roots can be harvested from fall through early spring. Although you can harvest chicory leaves at any time during the growing season, they are less bitter in early springtime. Summertime is ideal for blanching chicory or collecting seeds. If you don’t grow your own chicory, you can find it growing wild, for example in fields or alongside rural roads. 1. **Harvest roots from fall through spring.** For the best root yield, plant chicory after the last day in March, and before mid-May. Collect the roots between September 1st and November 15th. 2. **Grab the whole plant and pull slowly upwards.** Use a hand trowel gently, as needed, to coax the root out of the ground, without nicking or bruising it. The roots may be as deep as two feet (61 cm) in the ground. Roots have crowns five to seven inches (13 to 18 cm) in diameter, and tapered taproots. The usable portion of each root is about nine to ten inches (23 to 25 cm). If you don’t want the tops of the plants, they can be added to a compost pile. 3. **Store the roots.** Clip the tops off at two inches (five centimeters) above the roots. Store them in a humid location at 35 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit (2 to 4 degrees Celsius) for up to three months. 4. **Clean the roots before use.** Scrub the roots with a plastic-bristled brush. Chop them into pieces on a cutting board with a sharp, heavy knife. You can also grind them with a strong grinder. Then use them for roasting and/or brewing. 5. **Harvest roots in autumn if you want to “force” them.** After the first frost, dig out roots that have a top diameter of at least 1.5-2 inches (3.8 to 5 cm). Dig them up carefully so that you don’t bruise them, which may lead to rot. Leave the leaves intact. Place the roots side by side in a garden, covered with straw, or in boxes of sand in a cool, dark, frost-free place until needed. ”Forcing” vegetables is when you move them to an artificial growing environment, such as a greenhouse, to produce a harvest outside of the normal growing season. Chicory roots should never be frozen, since freezing temperatures change the chemical makeup of the roots. 6. **Trim tender leaves in the springtime.** Look for leaves that are six to eight inches (fifteen to twenty centimeters) long. Chicory leaves are edible throughout the growing season, but become more bitter after early spring. However, you can boil them to reduce bitterness. Leaves are ready for harvesting about 60 to 70 days after planting. The Red Rib variety, however, can be harvested for “baby leaf” in 35 days. 7. **Collect the whole plant, or the top only.** Use hand clippers to cut the top of the plant off at ground level. Plants with the tops broken off and the root left in the ground will either regrow or add nutrients to the soil. To keep the whole plant, grasp it and pull slowly upwards. Use a hand trowel to gently coax the root out of the ground without nicking or bruising them. Cut them at two inches (five centimeters) above the roots, and keep or compost the roots. 8. **Wash the leaves twice.** Rinse the leaves well over a sieve under running water. Pour the leaves over paper towels or a clean work surface. Sort through them to discard any grass or dead leaves. Rinse the leaves again. 9. **Drain the leaves.** Jiggle the sieve lightly over the sink to shake off drain excess water. Place the sieve over a container or paper towels and allow the leaves to drain. 10. **Store the leaves.** Don’t freeze chicory leaves, since they will not retain their flavor. Refrigerate raw chicory leaves in a sealed plastic bag for up to ten days. Although chicory root is often dried, the plant’s leaves should be eaten fresh. 11. **Blanch chicory in the summertime, if desired.** When a chicory patch has blossom stalks, run it over with a lawnmower set very low. Wait until the leaves return, then cover the area with black plastic, weighed down on the edges. Lift the plastic in about two weeks to harvest a crop of blanched leaves. For example, you may want to cover a space four feet (1.2 m) by six feet (1.8 m). You can use large rocks or pieces of pipe to hold down the edges of the plastic. Witloof chicory, or French endive, is often blanched for use as a delicacy in salads. 12. **Collect seeds from vigorous plants in summertime.** Ideally, choose plants whose leaves have grown freely without trimming. Choose a warm, dry morning when dew is no longer present. Seed collection from chicory is typically done in July. Wear gardening gloves and watch out for small bees, which enjoy chicory flowers. 13. **Dry the plants.** You can dry chicory as you would herbs. To air dry plants, tie them near the ends of the stems in small bunches. Wrap them loosely in muslin or paper bags that will collect any fallen seeds. Place them in a well-ventilated location, that is not in direct sunlight, for seven to ten days. Alternately, you can dry the plants on a rack in an airing cupboard or warming drawer, or use an oven or microwave to dry them. If you live in a humid location, try using a small commercial dehydrator to prevent mold. 14. **Separate the seeds from the dried plants.** Find seeds in small clusters between bunches of leaves. Use a tiny spoon or round tweezers to carefully scoop underneath the seeds to extract them. Alternately, a faster method is to either crush the pods in a cloth bag, or plant the entire pod. Place seedpods in a cloth bag, and smash the bag with a wooden mallet. Screen and winnow them to remove unneeded debris. If you plant the entire pods without separating the seeds, multiple seedlings will grow close together and will need thinning. 15. **Wear protective clothing.** Make sure to put on gardening gloves. If you’re searching in an area where ticks may be a concern – such as a field – wear socks, long pants and a hat. You may also want to put on bug repellant. 16. **Search in sunny locations with compacted, well-drained soil.** Chicory enjoys cool and moist conditions with soil that has a pH of 5.8 to 6.5. Some places chicory may be found are fields, vacant city lots, gardens, disturbed ground, and alongside rural roads. Make sure to be alert for traffic if you’re collecting wildflowers alongside a roadway. Don’t collect plants from private property or lots with posted “No Trespassing” signs. You can check with your locality – for example, a city hall – if you’re unsure whether or not you’re permitted to collect plants from vacant land. 17. **Confirm the plant is chicory.** Chicory has ragged petals that are usually a blue lavender color, although they can sometimes appear white or pink. Mature buds are about an inch (2.5 cm) in diameter. The plant’s branched stem joints are about three inches (eight centimeters), and the stalk is tall. Leaves are narrow and resemble dandelion leaves. Chicory comes in many varieties. If you’re unsure if a plant is chicory, consult with at least two field guides and/or online plant databases.
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How to Grill Filet Mignon
The king of steaks — filet mignon. It's succulent, tender, and among the rarest cuts on a cow. No wonder it can cost an arm and a leg to get a hold of. But fret not; preparing this pricey cut does not need to be difficult. In fact, once you understand the techniques involved, you'll be able to produce a great-tasting steak no matter what cut you decide to use. Although it may sound funny, the perfect filet mignon requires only salt, pepper, and a bit of oil. 1. **Choose a thick cut of meat.** The thicker cut of meat you get, the better. That's because with a thicker cut it's easier to get a nice, crispy crust on the outside without overcooking the inside. The best thickness for filet mignon is anywhere from 2 to 3 inches (5.1 to 7.6 cm) thick. That may seem like a very thick cut, but remember that the steak will shrink a bit as it cooks. Go to your local butcher and ask him to cut the filet from the tenderloin. This ensures both a fresher cut and the ability to specify how thick you want your filet to be. Oh, and you get to support your local butcher instead of a supermarket conglomerate. What if you have a thin cut of filet mignon? Don't fret, but adjust your cooking accordingly. Instead of slow-cooking your filet, you'll need to sear it over extremely high heat for a short period of time to get a crispy outside and a juicy, medium-rare inside. 2. **Resist the temptation to outfit your filet with additional rubs or smother it in marinades.** Beware of recipes that call for rubs or marinades when it comes to filet mignon. All you need is salt and pepper. Using rubs or marinades on filet mignon is likely to make the meat less tasty, not more. 3. **Decide whether to salt the filet before or after grilling.** Some cooks choose to salt the steak after cooking it, and that's perfectly acceptable. Most cooks, however, salt the filet before grilling, although many of them make the mistake of Salt at least 40 minutes to an hour before grilling. Salt brings moisture out to the surface of the steak. Wouldn't that be bad news for a moist, juicy steak? you ask. It is, if you don't salt far enough in advance. For the first 30 minutes of salting, moisture comes out to the surface of the steak, accumulating in small puddles. At this point, cooking the steak would be ill-advised. After 30 minutes, some of the moisture drawn out by the salt seeps back into the meat. The process is called osmosis, and it also makes for more tender meat. The longer you leave your steaks out after 40 minutes, the more of the salty water travels back into the steak, flavoring and tenderizing it. 4. **Wait for the filet to come to room temperature.** Most cooks do this while they're waiting for the salt to do its thing. Meat that has come to room temperature before cooking cooks faster and more evenly. Gone are the days of charred outsides and cold insides. 5. **If possible, use lump charcoal over briquettes and try to stay away from gas grills.** Gas grills aren't horrible, but they don't burn hot and can impart a gasoline smell to your precious steaks. (Ew.) Stick to charcoal instead. Funny as it might seem, using charcoal instead of gas gives you greater control over the cooking process. That's because charcoal is a really solid heat source. It burns hot — much hotter than gas — and burns steadily. If you know how to master charcoal, it gives you a better final product. Briquettes are fine, but they're nothing special. Many of them have unwanted additives that give off a faint aroma, so if used, they should be white all over before you start grilling. Lump charcoal burns hotter, is easier to adjust the temperature, and is all-natural. 6. **Position your coals to form a hot side and a cool side in your grill.** Move all your coals over to one half of the grill; that will be your "hot" half. The half without any coals will be your "cool" side. 7. **Brush your filet with a little bit of oil.** Many choose to use a neutral oil, like groundnut oil, because it doesn't have much of a taste. Olive oil is perfectly acceptable for a more distinct taste. Remember that a little oil goes a long way. Use no more than a tablespoon for each filet. 8. **Decide whether to cook your filet primarily over high heat or low heat.** There are pretty much two camps when it comes to how to cook meat: the and the . The high heat camp is straightforward: Cook the filet for 2-5 minutes per side over high heat, searing it to seal in the juices. While this method can certainly produce a fine filet mignon, the "searing to seal in the juices" idea has been debunked. In fact, the temperature to which you cook the meat is the most important factor in keeping meat juicy. Placing it over high heat will accelerate the loss of juices. The low heat camp uses this fact — the hotter the temperature, the more juices lost — to champion a different approach. Instead of searing first, the meat is cooked over indirect, "cool" heat until it's just below its ideal temperature. It's then seared to develop a crust and depth of flavor. 9. **Cook your filet over indirect, "cool" heat until the filet is about 15° - 20° F from your ideal temperature.** Placing over indirect heat will slow the loss of juices, cooking the steak while keeping it moist. Don't be afraid to stick a meat thermometer into your filet. It's a myth and old wives' tale that piercing your filet with a thermometer one time will cause all its juices to run out. (If you don't have a thermometer, you can always use the finger test, although it's less reliable.) 120° F (48.8° C) = Rare 130° F (54.4° C) = Medium rare 140° F (60° C) = Medium 150° F (65.5° C) = Medium well 160° F (71.1° C) = Well done 10. **For a medium-rare filet, transfer it over to the direct, "hot" side of the grill when its temperature reaches 110° to 115° F.** Sear the meat on both sides, using tongs to flip the filet when necessary. 11. **Remove the filet when its internal temperature is 5° F away from its ideal temperature.** The steak will continue cooking even after it has been removed from the heat. 12. **Make sure to let the steak rest for 5 to 10 minutes before cutting into it.** Cover the steak with aluminum foil and let rest for a while, even if the temptation is killing you. A steak that is cut into immediately after cooking will lose more of its juices than a steak that is allowed to rest for 10 minutes. When a steak is cooked, its muscles tighten up on the outside. This pushes all the juices to the inside of the meat, where the muscles aren't as tight because they're not as hot. If you cut into the center of your filet immediately after cooking, the juices accumulated there will simply run out, leaving you with a drier steak. If you let your filet rest, however, the muscles begin to relax and the juices move from the center of the steak back out, dispersing more evenly. You'll hold on to 7% more weight in juices by waiting an extra 10 minutes after cooking has finished. 13. **Pepper your steak generously.** Many chefs hold off on peppering the steak until after it's been grilled because they don't want the pepper to be burned while grilling. If you're the type of chef who doesn't mind burned pepper mingling with your filet mignon, go ahead and pepper when you salt the filet. If not, pepper now, right before serving. 14. **Serve and enjoy your perfectly cooked king of steaks.** Savor each tender, buttery, succulent bite and give thanks to the being that created such a delicious cut of meat.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Say I Love You in Urdu
Urdu is the national language of Pakistan, spoken by more than 104 million people in that country and around the world. If your significant other speaks Urdu as their first language, saying "I love you" in Urdu will really warm their heart. If you are male, say mein ap say muhabat karta hoon. If you are female, you would say mein ap say muhabat karti hoon. While Urdu is written in a script similar to Arabic, you can also read the words written with the alphabet English uses. 1. **Use the verb mahabbat to express adoration.** The Urdu language recognizes different stages of love. Unlike English, there are several different words that mean "love." The verb mahabbat comes closest to what an English speaker would describe as "love" when they tell someone "I love you." It indicates a devotion to and passion for the person. If you are male, you would say mein ap say muhabat karta hoon. If you are female, you would say mein ap say muhabat karti hoon. 2. **Let your beloved know how much they mean to you.** Try saying tum mere liye intehai aihem ho, which means "you mean so much to me." You might also say aap kay liye meri muhabbat ko alfaaz byan nahin kar sakte, which means "words can't describe my love for you." Also try hamain aik saath hona chahiye tha, which means "we were meant to be together." 3. **Try an Urdu phrase to express your commitment and devotion.** In a tender moment, say jab mei aap ki taraf daikhta hun tou, mei apni ankhon ky samnay apni baqi zindagi daikhta hun. This phrase means "when I look at you, I see the rest of my life in front of my eyes." This can let your significant other know you are committed to them forever. If the two of you dated other people before you found each other, you might also try mei aap ki pehli date, bosa, ya mahabat nahin ho sakta, lekin mei aap ki akhri ban na chahta hun. This phrase means "I may not be your first date, kiss, or love, but I want to be your last." 4. **Tell a friend in Urdu that you're interested in them romantically.** You may not be ready to say "I love you" yet, but you want to explore a romantic relationship. Try saying main tum ko aik dost say barh kar samajhta hoon, which means "I think of you as more than a friend." You could also say main tumhara dewana hoon, which means "I've got a crush on you." 5. **Try the verb pyaar if you are infatuated with a person.** While the verb pyaar technically translates to the word "love" in English, it refers to an initial stage of infatuation with someone. The word payer may be used after 2 or 3 dates. This would typically be considered too soon for someone to say "I love you" in English, but in Urdu, this is an accepted and understood statement. If you are male, you would say mein tumse pyar karta hoon. If you are female, you would say mein tumse pyar karti hoon. 6. **Admire your love's physical appearance in Urdu.** If your significant other speaks Urdu, a compliment in their language will mean so much more to them. Try aap khoobsoorat lag rahi hain, which means "you look gorgeous." Aap bohat khubsurat ho means "you're so beautiful." Tum bohat khoobsoorat ho means "you're so handsome." 7. **Let your significant other know you appreciate the things they do.** If you're in love with someone, you love the things they do as well as their appearance. You might say aap ka batin app kay zahir say bhi ziadah khubsurat hay, which means "your inside is even more beautiful than your outside." If your love makes you laugh, you might say aap ki mazah ki hiss bohat achchee hay, which means "you have a great sense of humor." When your love cooks a delicious meal, you might say mujhay aap kay pakwaan pasand hain, which means "I love your cooking." 8. **Thank your significant other for being in your life.** If you're looking for a poetic way to express both your love and gratefulness to your significant other, say hameesha tufan ky baad meri qous o qazah honay ky liye aap ka shukriya. This phrase means "thank you for always being my rainbow after the storm." You might also say Aap ky sath hona hi meri pasandidah jagah hai, which means "together with you is my favorite place to be."
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Create a Birthday Card on Facebook
This wikiHow teaches you how to wish a friend a happy birthday on Facebook. While there is no official Facebook app for creating a traditional card, you can use a Google Chrome extension called Birthday Buddy to schedule birthday posts so that you don't miss a friend's birthday. You can also post your happy birthday wishes on your friends' pages directly. 1. **Open Google Chrome.** It's a red, green, yellow, and blue sphere icon. You must do this on a computer since the mobile version of Chrome doesn't support extensions. 2. **Go to the Birthday Buddy extension page.** This app allows you to create phrases to use for your friends' birthdays. Birthday Buddy then takes these phrases and posts them to friends' pages on their birthdays. 3. **Click ADD TO CHROME.** This blue button is in the top-right side of the extension window. 4. **Click Add extension when prompted.** It's in a pop-up window at the top of the page. Doing so will install the Birthday Buddy extension. 5. **Open Facebook.** Go to This will open your Facebook News Feed if you're already logged into Facebook. If you aren't already logged into Facebook, enter your email address (or phone number) and password in the top-right side of the page, then click . 6. **Click Birthday Buddy.** It's a tab in the column of options that's in the upper-left side of the page. Clicking it opens a pop-up window. 7. **Enter your account information.** Fill out the following fields: - Your first name. - Your last name. - Type in an email address that you want to use for your Birthday Buddy account. - Type in a password that you want to use for your Birthday Buddy account. - Re-enter your password. 8. **Click Submit.** It's at the bottom of the Birthday Buddy window. Doing so creates your account and takes you to the message creation page. 9. **Create an automatic birthday message.** On the left side of the Birthday Buddy window, click a text field, then type in your message. Make sure you click the button to insert a prompt for the person's name if you want to include their name in the birthday message. For example, you might type "Happy Birthday, [click ]!" to create a message that says "Happy Birthday, [NAME]" in the Birthday Buddy window. This message will use the first name of the person whose birthday you're referencing. You can create up to three of these. 10. **Click Save.** It's in the bottom-left side of the window. Your messages will now be assigned randomly to friends when their birthdays come up. 11. **Open Facebook.** Tap the Facebook app icon, which resembles a white "f" on a dark-blue background. This will open the Facebook News Feed if you're logged in. If you aren't logged in, enter your email address (or phone number) and password, then tap . 12. **Tap the search bar.** It's at the top of the screen. 13. **Type in your friend's name.** Doing so will prompt a drop-down list of matching names below the search bar. 14. **Tap your friend's name.** It should be near the top of the search bar. This will take you to a list of profiles. 15. **Select your friend's profile.** Tap the profile that belongs to your friend to open their profile page. 16. **Scroll down and tap the "Write Post" text box.** It's below the row of options below their profile picture. Doing so opens a post window. 17. **Type in your happy birthday wish.** Simply enter the phrase or message that you want your friend to see. 18. **Tap Post.** It's in the top-right corner of the window. 19. **Open Facebook.** Go to This will open your Facebook News Feed if you're already logged in. If you aren't already logged into Facebook, enter your email address (or phone number) and password in the top-right side of the page, then click . 20. **Review today's birthdays.** Scroll down until you see a list of people with birthdays today on the right side of the page, then find a person to whom you want to wish a happy birthday. 21. **Select a friend.** Click the name of a person whose birthday is today. A pop-up window will appear. If your friend's birthday is today but it isn't showing up here: click the search bar at the top of the screen, enter your friend's name, click their profile image, and click the text box near the top of their page. 22. **Type in a birthday message.** Click the "Write on [Name]'s Timeline..." text box in the pop-up window, then type in the message that you want to post on their page. 23. **Click Post.** It's a blue button in the bottom-right corner of the pop-up window. Doing so will post your birthday message to the friend's wall.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Buy Shoes
Finding shoes that are comfortable and well-made is easy if you shop mindfully. Check shoes for details about their quality and choose reliable footwear brands. When shopping for shoes in person, try them on and make sure they are comfortable on your feet. If you shop online instead, always buy from reliable websites that offer free returns. 1. **Buy shoes from a brand known for quality and comfort.** Many well-established footwear brands are known for their reliable, functional footwear. Buy a pair of shoes from one of these brands to make sure that you are getting a high quality product. Most of these companies have built their reputations on years of good customer service as well, so these shoes are likely to be covered by a generous warranty. Find quality footwear brands by reading online reviews. 2. **Examine the soles of the shoes to see if they are sturdy.** The soles of good shoes should be sturdy enough to protect your feet from sharp objects. They should also provide some kind of cushioning for your feet while you are walking. Examine the bottom of shoes before trying them on so see how thick and strong the soles look. Avoid flat shoes with very thin bottoms, which are likely to break or wear away quickly. 3. **Verify that the insole and arch offer adequate foot support.** Avoid buying shoes with flat insoles, which will not hold your foot in place properly. Shop for shoes with insoles and arches that are slightly raised and curved to support your foot. Note that some shoes will have removable insoles that can be removed and washed periodically. 4. **Look closely at the seams and edges of the shoes.** Poor craftsmanship is most evident in the small details on a pair of shoes. Pick up a shoe and look closely at the edges for any loose material or or visible glue. Check the seams for uneven stitching or looped threads. 5. **Make sure that the heel is securely attached to the shoe.** If you are looking for shoes with pronounced heels, check them carefully to make sure they are well-constructed. If the heels are sewn on, make sure that the stitches are even and secure. If the heels are glued on, check for any gaps where the soles could start peeling off. 6. **Go shopping for shoes in the afternoon.** You feet expand naturally as you walk on the during the day, and are usually at their most swollen point in the afternoon. If possible, shop for shoes during this period to ensure that you get the best fit. This way you will be sure to buy shoes that accommodate your feet at their biggest, preventing tightness and discomfort later. 7. **Wear the same type of socks that you'll be wearing with the shoes.** To get an accurate idea of how shoes fit, wear socks with the same thickness as those you intend to wear with your new shoes when you go shopping. Trying on shoes with the wrong socks will likely leave you with shoes that are too tight or loose. This will also give you a better picture of how the shoes will actually look when you wear them. If you are buying sandals or other shoes you won't wear socks with, try them on your bare feet or bring a pair of nylon knee-highs to wear. 8. **Ask the salesperson to measure your feet.** Knowing the exact size of your feet can make shopping for shoes much simpler. Ask a salesperson at the shoe store if they can measure your feet using a foot sizer. These measurements will give you unique information, which may prompt you to shop for special styles or brands of shoe. For instance, if your feet are wider than average you might want to shop for extra-wide shoes. 9. **Leave 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) between your big toe and the tip of the shoe.** Your feet shift in your shoes when you are standing or walking, so your shoes should be slightly roomy. As a general rule, 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) is the ideal amount of space to have between your foot and the shoe material. Test this by sliding your index finger behind your heel to make sure it fits. If your finger doesn't fit, try on the shoe in the next size up. This is a more accurate way of testing your shoe fit than simply pressing down on the toes of your shoes when you try them on. 10. **Make sure that you are comfortable standing and walking in the shoes.** Good shoes should not have to be broken in to feel comfortable on your feet. When you try on shoes, stand up in them and take a few steps around the store to see how they feel. If you experience pain, tightness, or difficulty walking, opt for a different size or style. Look for a block heel if you want comfortable pumps. A classic black pump is a timeless wardrobe staple. When you want to wear heels but you're looking for something comfortable, choose a shoe with a blocky heel. You'll have more comfort and stability, but you'll still get the look of a pump. 11. **Review the comments left by buyers.** When you are looking at a particular pair of shoes online, scroll down to look for comments and reviews of the product. Customers who have already bought these shoes may provide important information about how the shoes fit. Avoid buying shoes that have received numerous poor reviews. 12. **Make sure that return shipping is free.** Shopping for shoes is always a bit of a gamble, so flexible return policies are key. Only buy shoes from websites that offer free return shipping on products that don't fit. Many companies will provide you with a prepaid shipping label for stress-free returns. 13. **Compare prices on different websites to get the best deals.** You can find good quality shoes at steep discounts online, particularly because of the competition between websites. Once you find a model of shoe that you like, research it online and compare the prices of several reliable sellers. If shoes are out of season or discontinued, you may find them at a fraction of their original retail price. Make sure to factor shipping fees and taxes into shoes prices when comparison shopping. 14. **Shop on websites that feature large, multi-perspective pictures.** When online shopping for shoes, you will have to rely heavily on images to gauge the product. Shop on websites with clear pictures that are big enough to show details such as stitching and texture. It is also helpful if the websites show each pair of shoes from multiple perspectives. For instance, a good website may show pictures of their shoes from the outer edge, inner arch, and overhead to show the insoles.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Deal with the Sudden Loss of Your Mother
As survivors, we are taught to believe that it is natural for a parent to die before their children. However, do you recall being told that one day your mother will never come home, because she would suffer a brutal or accidental death? That's a talk few people ever have. Nevertheless, you have to be prepared to deal with whatever life offers-prepared for or not. With any major transition that is faced, one of the greatest tasks is dealing with the unknown that is attached to the questions of: how to adjust, adapt or transform into a change in roles--or positions. So, how do you deal with the sudden loss of your mother (mom)or another parent? 1. **Listen carefully to what is being said by those conveying the news to you.** If you are not alone, have someone present with you, a person that you trust. If you are alone, contact a person that you trust while the detectives are present and repeat to the person you contacted, what has been stated to you. 2. **Clarify the statements that are being stated to you.** For example, you might wish to clarify why the police asking certain questions such as: "What do you mean by asking 'Was Ella Suggs my mother?'". If something doesn't make sense to you, ask them to repeat it or to use different words to explain themselves. Determine with facts what type of death it was, such as suicide, homicide, accidental or natural causes. 3. **Prepare yourself to experience an array of emotions, starting with disbelief.** Pay close attention to how your feelings and thoughts will vacillate within the hour, day, week, etc. See this as perfectly normal. Learn how to be okay with not knowing how to think or what to feel. These thoughts will become more pronounced as you try to cope with living life without your mother. Realize that you may feel the need to go into an investigative mode, to help your need to understand why the death occurred. Do not fill in the blanks with questionable details. You must know whether the information that you have is correct. Prepare to use the information that you have gathered as a jigsaw puzzle. Be okay with the missing pieces. 4. **Try not to be alone as you start trying to cope with the information.** Surround yourself with people who care about you and who have a no-strings-attached type of relationship with you. Be okay with delegating responsibility to others who are responsible and able to interpret how you would want things handled. 5. **Understand that in the first weeks, you will be flooded with details and tasks.** This will change once the funeral and burial are concluded. 6. **Be prepared for vivid dreams and/or recall.** You may start having dreams of seeing your mom. There will be such a desperate cry or yearning to reconnect physically--with her that you will find yourself crying in your sleep. 7. **Do something that helps you stay in the moment.** Activities such as journaling or blogging events can help you to capture what you think and how you feel. After a period of months, you may have difficulties recalling what happened since the loss and these written memories will help you. 8. **Do not sleep the day away.** Try to resume to the normalcy of your days before your mom died. This will help you reduce the chances of clinical depression setting in. However, the suddenness of the death may lead to trauma symptoms that can become Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 9. **Pay attention to how you are viewing the reality of the death.** Sudden death is difficult to wrap your mind around and will always lead back to this sense of yearning or longing to see, feel or hear the person again. This is normal, so allow yourself to sit through the discomfort. Do a daily check in with yourself and be honest. Ask yourself, how am I doing today and what do I need? Know that living will be hard. There will be a lot of days that your thoughts may get the best of you. This is normal. Feeling numb is also normal––there is no right or wrong way to react and grieve. 10. **Listen to inspirational messages, call people that you are close with, ask for help if the emotions become unbearable.** Contact the detectives, hospital, coroners office or whomever necessary to help ease your thoughts. 11. **Find your own ways to stay connected with your mother.** You may want to create a memorial, a memory book or an online site dedicated to her. You may want to simply think about her. What is important is to find ways that work best for you and to not feel that you have to do anything to "display" your grief or connectedness. Go to the cemetery if it helps you to feel connected. Cry, scream, laugh if necessary. It will keep you grounded in reality. Take your time going through the belongings of your mother. They do not need to be sorted immediately––get around to doing this when you feel ready. 12. **Keep staying in the moment.** Try not to focus too much on what future things will be different without your mother because it will exacerbate your transition from point A to point B. Time is key when you're healing from a loss.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs
People have used vinegar for centuries as a health treatment and household cleaning agent. Fans of apple cider vinegar (ACV) claim it is a natural preservative, disinfectant, source of nutrients, and drink apple cider vinegar for health conditions. Apple cider vinegar is an excellent supplement to add to your dog's diet. Anecdotally, it is said to help improve digestive health, control pests, and clear up skin and ear infections. While modern medicine does not recognize apple cider vinegar as effective, some veterinarians will suggest its use in moderation. Apple cider vinegar is not an instant fix, nor is it without its possible side-effects. 1. **Make a rinse to improve your dog's skin and coat.** After bathing your dog, brush the vinegar through the dog's coat. It will improve the shine of your dog’s coat and will act as a deodorant. Do not use if your dog’s skin is dry, broken, or otherwise irritated. Treating your dog's skin this way will help prevent dry skin and itchiness. 2. **Clean out your dog's ears using ACV.** The antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar make it an option to clean out a dog's ears. It will help to prevent infection and ward off parasites that are susceptible to the acid in ACV. Soak a small cotton ball or piece of clean cloth in the vinegar and gently wipe your dog's ears as carefully as you can. Be aware that ACV's astringent properties may sting your dog's ears or cause the delicate skin of the ear canal to dry out. 3. **Spray your dog's coat to repel fleas.** If your dog spends a lot of time romping around during the summer, using ACV may keep fleas away. Mix two cups of water and two cups of ACV in a clean spray bottle. Once a week, spray your dog's fur with the mixture. Although not scientifically proven to get rid of flea, the acidic taste of the vinegar may repel fleas and other parasites. If your dog dislikes being sprayed, dip a washcloth into the mixture and rub your dog's coat. There is no need to rinse your dog afterward. The smell will dissipate after the ACV dries. 4. **Bathe in ACV-soap mixture to fight fleas.** If your dog has a case of fleas, you can drown them by using a mixture of soapy water and ACV. The soapy water washes the fleas away and the ACV is anecdotally reported to keep them from coming back. Make a mixture of 1/4 cup dish soap, ⁄2 gallon (1.9 L) water and 1/2 gallon ACV. Put on long sleeves and gloves. Before you start treating your dog, it's important to protect your own skin from flea bites. Work outside if you're dealing with live fleas and ticks. Bathe your dog in the solution. Avoid getting the solution in its eyes. Cover every part of its fur and use your fingers to work the solution all the way to the skin. You want to work up a good lather to help kill the fleas. Let the solution sit on your dog for ten minutes. If it's a particularly bad infestation, have a second batch of the solution handy so you can do a double flea treatment. 5. **Use a flea comb to remove the fleas.** Carefully comb through the fur section by section to remove live fleas and their eggs. Dip the flea comb into a bowl of soapy water, which will drown the fleas on impact. The fleas should come off of your dog easily, since they'll be repelled by the taste of the ACV. 6. **Rinse your dog.** When you're finished rinse to remove all traces of soap and dead fleas. Follow up by spraying its coat with a fifty-fifty ACV and water solution. Then let it completely air dry. 7. **Improve your dog's general health by using ACV twice a week.** Feeding your dog ACV this often will help to keep its skin and fur healthy as well as keeping fleas at bay. To feed your dog ACV, just add a teaspoon to its water dish twice a week. Keep in mind that apple cider vinegar's effects will vary from dog to dog. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that it improves the health of every dog. Some effects may be the result of the placebo effect. 8. **Treat your dog's digestive problems.** If your dog has digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhea, try using ACV once a day. Add a teaspoon to a large bowl of water daily. This will help improve diarrhea episodes and can fix constipation in a dog with repeated use. A large dog can handle twice a day treatments. If your dog is over fifty pounds, use two teaspoons per day. If your dog's symptoms don't improve after a week, you should take it to the vet to see if a stronger medication is required. 9. **Make an ACV mixture that your dog enjoys.** If your dog seems to hate the taste or smell, it's best not to force it to eat it. Mix it in with its food instead. Or create a special ACV treat by mixing it with a teaspoon of peanut butter. 10. **Know the benefits of ACV.** ACV has antibacterial properties that are beneficial to dogs' skin, ears, and digestive systems. It also alters dogs' internal pH level. Regularly feeding your dog ACV helps to promote good health, both inside and outside. Keeping a good pH level is important. Pests like fleas, ticks, bacteria, parasites, ringworm, fungi, staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, and mange are less likely to bother dogs with slightly more acidic urine and an acidic skin/fur coat outer layer. Apple cider vinegar can promote these qualities. Opponents of ACV use argue that there is no proven scientific data that shows that ACV effectively repels fleas. They argue that any benefits derived from bathing in ACV are likely to be a result of regular flea combing and treating the environment, rather than the ACV directly. 11. **Know the risks associated with ACV.** It can sting when applied to broken skin or sores. Don’t use on broken skin. If you are planning on using ACV to fend off fleas, then be aware that if the fleas have irritated your dog’s skin enough, it will probably burn. Bladder stones can form after prolonged ACV use. ACV is acidic and raises the level of acid in your dog's urine. Highly acidic urine in dogs leads to oxalate bladder stones. This is because oxalate crystals precipitate out of ACV solution. Potentially, the bladder stone could block the urethra (the tube through which the dog urinates), limiting your dog's ability to urinate. This is an emergency situation, which will require surgery to remedy. It is certainly NOT advisable to give ACV to any animal with a history of bladder stones of the oxalate variety. In theory, you could monitor the dog's urinary pH using dipsticks. The ideal pH should be around 6.2 - 6.4, so if the dipstick indicates a pH more acidic than this (below 6.2) then it would be best to discontinue using ACV until the pH recovered. 12. **Choose the best ACV.** There are manufactured forms of apple cider vinegar and organic versions. Choose the latter. The best apple cider vinegar to use is fermented and unfiltered, also referred to as "raw." Raw ACV contains a cloudy substance called "the mother," which contains healthy enzymes and minerals.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Treat Gastrointestinal Problems in Guinea Pigs
In general, guinea pigs are healthy animals. However, because they have sensitive gastrointestinal (GI) tracts, guinea pigs can develop digestive problems that can make them very sick. Treating a guinea pig for GI problems involves dietary changes, medication, and other treatment strategies to make the guinea pig and its GI tract healthy again. After your vet has diagnosed your guinea pig with a GI problem, start treatment right away. 1. **Feed your guinea pig fresh, moist vegetables.** Changing your guinea pig’s diet is one of the best ways to improve your guinea pig’s GI health. Fresh and moist green vegetables will give your guinea pig the roughage it needs to keep food moving through its GI tract. Examples of green vegetables are parsley, spinach, collard greens, and romaine lettuce. Vegetables are a good source of important nutrients, like vitamin C. Rinse the vegetables to remove pesticides. After rinsing, chop the vegetables into small pieces that your guinea pig can eat easily. Regularly remove uneaten vegetables from your guinea pig's cage to prevent food spoilage. 2. **Include grass hay in your guinea pig’s diet.** Grass hay is another great source of roughage for a guinea pig. Examples of grass hay are timothy hay, orchard grass, and oat hay. Give your guinea pig unlimited grass hay. Also, feed your guinea pig different types of grass hay so it doesn’t get bored with just one type. Grass hay helps a guinea pig digest its food. Place the hay in a small rack in the cage so the hay doesn't get contaminated with urine or feces. Look for hay at your local pet store. The hay should be green and soft. 3. **Give your guinea pig fresh water.** Fresh water is very important to a guinea pig’s diet. Make sure your guinea pig has access to fresh water at all times. If your guinea pig is not able to drink water on its own, your vet will give it fluids by injection. Moist green vegetables will help your guinea pig drink more water. 4. **Consider giving your guinea pig a probiotic.** Probiotics are products containing large amounts of healthy bacteria. Probiotics can increase the amount of good bacteria in your guinea pig’s GI tract. However, probiotics have not been shown to be very effective in small pets like guinea pigs. Ask your vet what probiotics they recommend for your guinea pig. They will likely suggest a paste or powder intended specifically for guinea pigs. 5. **Add a vitamin C supplement to your guinea pig’s diet.** Vitamin C is an important nutrient for guinea pigs that they must get from their diet. If your guinea pig GI’s problem has caused it to stop eating, it will be deficient in vitamin C. In addition to getting vitamin C from foods like dark leafy greens, your vet may recommend a vitamin C supplement for your guinea pig. Follow your vet’s instructions for adding the vitamin C supplement to your guinea pig’s diet. 6. **Do not feed your guinea pig sweet, starchy foods.** Sugary, starchy foods are not good for guinea pigs. Examples of high-sugar foods to avoid are grapes, raisins, and bananas. 7. **Observe an increased appetite and fecal output.** With a fresh, healthy diet, your guinea pig should start feeling better, eating more, and pooping more. However, if your guinea pig’s appetite doesn’t improve and you don’t see more feces in the cage, talk to your vet about other feeding options. 8. **Feed gruel to your guinea pig.** If your guinea pig is unable or unwilling to eat food on its own, you will need to feed it with a syringe. Specific gruel products, like Oxbow Critical Care, provide nutrition for guinea pigs until they get their appetites back and start producing feces again. Use a 1 milliliter syringe to feed your guinea pig. Holding your guinea pig, place the syringe into the back corner of its mouth. Slowly empty about ¼ of the syringe at a time into your guinea pig’s mouth. Allow your guinea pig to swallow the gruel before feeding it more. If purchasing this gruel is not convenient for you, make your own gruel using food your guinea pig would normally eat. For example, grind up guinea pig pellets and mix them together with vegetables and water to make a gruel. 9. **Give your guinea pig an antibiotic.** Antibiotics called ‘broad spectrum’ antibiotics kill a wide range of bacteria. Guinea pigs are very sensitive to certain antibiotics, though, so your vet will be very careful with selecting an antibiotic for your guinea pig. Whichever antibiotic your vet prescribes, following the prescription instructions carefully. Guinea pigs can develop a condition called antibiotic-associated enterotoxemia, which causes brown watery diarrhea, extreme dehydration, and hypothermia. Guinea pigs with this condition can die within one to two days of showing symptoms. If your guinea pig becomes extremely ill while on antibiotic treatment, take it your vet immediately. 10. **Increase food movement through your guinea pig’s GI tract.** A diet high in roughage provides fiber that will help move food through the GI tract. Sometimes, though, a guinea pig may need medication to improve food movement. This medication should be used only if there is no obstruction or perforation (holes) in the GI tract. If food can’t move past the obstruction, the medication could worsen the GI problem. 11. **Reduce your guinea pig’s pain.** If your guinea pig’s abdomen is distended because of gas buildup, your guinea pig will be in a lot of pain. Your vet will prescribe a pain medication (carprofen, meloxicam) to relieve that pain. Pain can reduce food movement through the GI tract, which could worsen your guinea pig’s GI problem. 12. **Relieve your guinea pig’s gas.** Just relieving the gas-related pain won’t relieve the gas itself. A product called simethicone relieves gas. Other gas reliefs are also available, so your vet will recommend which product to use, and explain how to use it. Your vet may want to perform a procedure to reduce the gas distension. For example, with your guinea pig anesthetized, your vet would insert a stomach tube down your guinea pig’s throat to its stomach to let the gas out. 13. **Move your guinea pig’s cage to a dark, quiet area.** Your guinea pig will feel pretty lousy when it has a GI problem. Before you begin treating your guinea pig, move its cage to a dark and quiet area of your home. This will help your guinea feel safe and comfortable as it recovers. If your guinea pig has a cage mate, separate it from the cage mate until its treatment is complete. 14. **Exercise your guinea pig each day.** Exercise increases food movement through the GI tract. Exercise your guinea pig for 10 to 15 minutes about every 8 hours. You can either create a guinea pig-proof play area in your home or allow your guinea pig outside in an enclosed grazing area. To guinea pig-proof a room, remove all electrical wires and cords. Also, block access to stairs and cover all vents. In the outdoor grazing area, your guinea pig could nibble on grass, which would increase its roughage and fiber intake. 15. **Have your vet trim your guinea pig’s teeth.** Dental problems, especially overgrown incisors or molars, can make it difficult for a guinea pig to eat. If a guinea pig can’t eat, it may develop a GI problem. To prevent overgrown teeth, your vet can trim them. Do try to trim your guinea pig’s teeth by yourself. You could end up splitting the teeth and making the dental problem even worse.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Stay Up All Night on a School Night
You'll need to plan ahead if you want to stay up all night on a school night. If you're staying up to finish a project or assignment, make sure that you start immediately and do your best to maintain focus. If you're staying up for fun, try to keep awake by talking with people, moving around, or using a device with a bright screen. Remember that if you stay up all night, you'll be tired all through the next day! 1. **Drink caffeine.** Bring a coffee maker into your room if you have one. The coffee will help you stay awake and bringing it in your room will decrease the noise level. You may also drink tea, soda, energy drinks, or any other caffeinated beverage. Bear in mind that coffee won't keep you awake forever. Don't overload on coffee, or you will become shaky and frazzled. Drink as much as you need to stay awake. If your family is likely to hear the popping sound when you open a drink or the sound of the coffee machine, you may want to buy some instant coffee to mix with cold water- it's not exactly delicious, but it's quiet and effective. If you don't pull many all-nighters, a box of individually packaged instant coffees, like the ones from Starbucks, will likely do. These are also good to keep in backpacks, purses, wallets, cars, etc. for if you are dozing off when you're out. If you pull frequent all nighters, you may want to buy a large container of inexpensive instant coffee and keep it in your room. Before you use it in an all-nighter, be sure you have something to scoop and stir with. If it's possible that your parents will come into your room, don't leave the coffee in plain view, as that may get you into trouble. 2. **Splash cold water on your face.** The shock of the cold water may help wake you up. Also consider using a cold, wet washcloth, or taking a cold shower. 3. **Get your heart-rate up.** Anything you can do to elevate your heart-rate can keep you energized for a little while. Do jumping jacks, jump on your bed, or even jog in place for a few minutes. Small bursts of physical activity when you get tired can help you stay awake. 4. **Don't lie down.** Your mind associates your bed with sleep. If you lay in your bed, you will trigger the process of falling asleep, and you may find it more difficult to keep your eyes open. 5. **Consider taking a power nap.** Shut your eyes and set your alarm for about twenty minutes. When you wake up, you'll likely feel rested and re-energized. Be careful not to sleep much longer than 20 minutes, however, or you may wake up groggy! When you awake from your power nap, get up immediately. Don't lie in bed, and don't hit the snooze button. The longer you stretch the nap, the more likely you are to slip into sleep. 6. **Don't let it get too dark.** Keep the lights on and don't keep staring at only one spot. Look at bright colors, or stare at your computer screen. If the light is visible from outside of your room, your parents may see that you are awake and make you go to bed- consider using the light of an electronic device as it is not designed to light a room, or a decorative light such as fairy lights or a nightlight. 7. **Eat snacks to keep your body brimming with energy.** Try to eat protein-rich foods such as sandwiches, nuts, and dairy products. Sugary foods may make you feel awake for a little while, but they can eventually make you feel drowsy as you crash off the sugar high. 8. **Start immediately.** Though you do have all night, you'll get more done if you start as soon as possible. Start right away, and don't cheat by telling yourself you're going to begin at a certain time. Procrastination is procrastination. 9. **Separate your mind from what is happening around you.** If you have a lot of work to get done, try to separate your mind from your life so that you can deal with the lack of sleep and work you need to do. All you should think about is the work you need to complete. Do not get upset, and don't let your emotions take over. Focus, be determined and do not give up on yourself. 10. **Take breaks!** It's hard to concentrate for a long time without short mental breaks, so don't feel bad for taking them. Take longer breaks as well: read something that hasn't anything to do with what you're studying, eat something, paint your nails, or watch one (just one!) episode of your favorite show. When you have trouble with a task, don't keep torturing yourself! Do something else, drink something, eat something, do something different for a while and come back to the task later. Don't stay in the same position all the time! It isn't healthy to sit still for too long, and you may find that you tire out over time. Stand up, walk a bit, stretch – and you may be able to return to study with renewed energy and enthusiasm. 11. **Chat with people to stay awake.** The social engagement will keep your mind active and give you a reason to stay up. You can talk to another night owl on the phone, in person, or over instant messaging. If you're staying up to finish a project or assignment, try not to slip into a deep conversation, or you may become distracted. 12. **Be discreet.** If you aren't supposed to be awake—say, if your parents won't let you stay up all night—you'll need to keep your activities quiet, keep the lights low, and be prepared to pretend like you're sleeping. Always have a plan for what to do if an adult comes to check on you. If you hear a sound, turn the lights off. Stop moving, and don't make a sound. Be careful not to rustle your packets of sweets/candy. It will sound suspicious, and your parents (or your friend's parents) may come in to check on you. Once your parents go back to bed, keep quiet for around 30-60 minutes as they can hear you once they have just gotten back to bed. 13. **Wait until your parents fall asleep before moving around the house.** If your parents/guardians are home, it's best to wait till they're asleep. Until then, stay away from whichever room they're sleeping in. When they're finally asleep, you may move about more freely, but still be wary of making noise near your parents' room. 14. **Have a good excuse in case you get caught.** If you do happen to be caught sneaking about past your bedtime, you need to have a good excuse on hand. Try to keep it simple. Consider these excuses: "I was just going to the bathroom. I'm on my way back to my room right now." "I couldn't sleep, so I was getting a snack to help me sleep." "I thought I heard something moving around outside my window."
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get Healthy, Clean and Good Looking Feet
Feet are often the foundation upon which our entire physical lives are based. Any activity that requires standing or squatting, such as walking, running, and cycling, requires your feet for stability and balance. Despite how important feet are, they are often neglected and ignored because they are so often hidden away under socks and shoes. Taking proper care of your feet will keep them looking clean, soft, and presentable, and it will also help ensure good foot health and overall health. The best way to take care of your feet includes keeping up good hygiene practices, eating right and taking care of your body, and addressing pain and medical issues that could cause problems. 1. **Keep your feet clean.** Wash your feet every day with warm water and a mild cleanser. Even if you don’t shower each day, take a few minutes to wash your feet in a sink or tub. Avoid soaking your feet, however, as this can strip away natural oils. Washing your feet daily will keep your skin clean and bright, prevent odor, and can prevent corns, infections, ingrown toenails, and calluses. 2. **Exfoliate and scrub.** For softer feet, remove dead skin cells and improve circulation by gently scrubbing your feet every day with a pumice stone. Focus especially on your heels and toes. Don’t scrub too hard, or this will promote a thick and protective layer of skin to grow. Pumice stones are a great way to remove broad calluses on your feet, especially around your heels. 3. **Keep your feet dry and your socks clean.** After you wash your feet, swim, shower, or get your feet wet, thoroughly pat them dry with a clean towel. Be especially careful to dry the area in between your toes. Change your socks every day, and always put on clean socks after washing your feet. Socks and feet that are dry and clean are the best defense against foot odor. 4. **Moisturize daily.** Keeping your feet moisturized will keep the skin soft and supple. After you wash and dry your feet, massage your favorite moisturizer into the skin before putting on clean socks. Don’t moisturize between your toes. If this area stays damp or wet, it can lead to fungal growth and infection. 5. **Take care of your nails.** Cut your toenails regularly, but never too short. If your nails are too short, dirt and fungus can get in between the skin and nail and cause an infection. Clean under your nails with a nail brush, clean toothbrush, or a rubber or wooden manicure stick. Avoid ingrown nails by cutting your toenails straight, not at an angle or rounded at the edges. To smooth the edges down after trimming, use an emery board and file gently in one direction only. Nail polish is acceptable to use on healthy toenails once in a while, but don’t apply polish to unhealthy nails or to cover up discolored nails—this could be a sign of infection and covering it with polish will prevent it from clearing up. 6. **Consume plenty of calcium.** Everybody knows that calcium helps to build strong bones, but many people don’t realize that osteoporosis, or bone loss, often shows up first in the feet. No matter your age, your body and feet need between 1,000 and 1,300 mg of calcium per day to stay strong and healthy. Good dietary sources of calcium include: Dark green vegetables, such as collards, kale, spinach, bok choy and broccoli Edamame, soybeans, and white beans Figs and oranges Sardines and salmon Almonds 7. **Get enough vitamin D.** Vitamin D is another necessary daily nutrient, in part because it helps our bodies absorb the calcium we need for strong bones and healthy feet. On a daily basis, we need between 400 IU to 1,000 IU of vitamin D. The main source of vitamin D is sunlight, but there are also dietary sources, including: Mushrooms Fortified orange juice, almond milk, tofu, breakfast cereal, and oatmeal Liver Mackerel and canned tuna 8. **Work your body.** Regular exercise will keep your entire body functioning properly, including your feet. Workout your body three to five times per week, for at least half an hour, with activities like running or jogging, cycling, swimming, walking, dancing, weight lifting, and hiking. Moderate exercise will also help prevent and manage osteoporosis by promoting bone health. 9. **Work on your balance.** Your feet are meant to evenly bear the weight of your entire body, but if you are unbalanced and don’t spread your weight evenly, this can cause problems for your feet, legs, hips, and back. Balance promoting exercises include: Yoga Tai chi Qigong The Feldenkrais Method 10. **Exercise your toes and feet.** This will keep your toes and feet active and healthy. Start with a couple of minutes each day and work your way to five or 10 minutes. To work out your feet and toes, start by removing your shoes and socks. Then: Place your foot flat on the floor, or sit down with your legs in front of you. Work on lifting each toe individually. After one to two minutes, work on spreading your toes apart and away from each other, just like splaying your fingers. 11. **Wear the right shoes.** Wear comfortable and supportive shoes for daily activities, proper sports footwear for activities and exercise, and avoid heels over 1.5 inches (four cm) for daily use. Proper footwear is especially important during exercise because the wrong shoe can lead to injuries and sprains. Avoid wearing flip flops too often in the warmer months, as they don’t provide any support and can cause foot pain. Wear sturdy shoes with about a 1–1.5 in (2.5–3.8 cm) heel. Make sure your shoes provide proper arch support, and wear orthotics or custom orthotics for additional support if you need it. 12. **Avoid pedicures.** The instruments used for manicures and pedicures can harbor and spread bacteria if they aren’t sterilized properly. Instead, practice proper foot hygiene on a daily basis and treat yourself to a weekly or semimonthly self-pedicure. If you do go for a pedicure, bring your own tools whenever possible. Never share pedicure instruments with others, especially emery boards. They are porous and cannot be sterilized properly, meaning they can trap and spread bacterial and fungi. 13. **Understand the connection between your feet and diabetes.** Because diabetes can restrict circulation, it can cause health problems with the extremities, especially the hands and feet. Diabetes can cause neuropathy, or nerve damage, making it harder to detect injuries on your feet. The disease can also prevent your body from healing as quickly as it should, which increases the risk of infection. Diabetics should examine their feet every day for injuries like blisters, calluses, scaly skin patches, cracking skin, and cuts and wounds. Treat wounds immediately, and make sure your doctor looks at your feet at every visit. 14. **Prevent communicable diseases and infections.** There are several bacterial, viral, and fungal problems that can adversely affect the health and appearance of your feet, including athlete’s foot, warts, and nail fungus. When using public swimming pools or showers (such as at hotels or gyms), wear water shoes or flip flops to protect your feet from possibly contaminated water. Symptoms of athlete’s foot include burning, itching, redness, and peeling. Warts are rough, grainy growths on the skin that may have black pinpoints scattered throughout. Nail fungus, which can enter the toenail through a crack or break, can cause nails to become brittle, thick, and discolored. 15. **Address foot pain.** Chronic foot pain is never normal, and should always be addressed with a medical practitioner. It can be a sign of plantar fasciitis, a stabbing pain and inflammation down the bottom center of the foot, which needs to be treated with therapy, orthotics, or possibly surgery. Aging, extreme cold, and joint pain can also cause foot pain, but if you frequently experience pain in your feet, talk to your doctor. 16. **Recognize common problems.** There are many common medical problems that can cause foot pain and irritation, or make you embarrassed about the look of your feet. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about these conditions, but many can be treated with a little attention, orthotics, or perhaps medical attention. Some of the most common conditions involving the feet include: A bunion, which is a protruding bone that sticks out from the side of your foot where the big toe meets the foot. Bunions can cause pain, but unless the pain is severe, shoe inserts and cushions are usually favored over surgery. Hammertoes, which occur when the toes begin to bend downward at the middle joint because of out-of-balance muscles. This condition can be treated with proper footwear, foot supports, or possibly surgery. Having flat feet, when the entire sole of your foot makes contact with the ground. It is treated with strengthening exercises, arch supporting inserts, or orthotics. Calluses and corns, which are patches of thick, hard skin caused by constant pressure and rubbing. They can be trimmed or removed medically, treated with medicated pads and patches, or softened with soaking and gentle scrubbing with pumice. However, see a podiatrist if you have a corn or callus that goes deep into your foot, as it may need to be removed in an office. Gout, which is characterized by swelling, stiffness, pain, and redness of the joints in the feet, especially the big toe, as well as the ankles and knees. Gout is a form of arthritis and is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.
{"url": ",-Clean-and-Good-Looking-Feet", "language": "en"}
How to Lighten Red Hair
Whether you naturally have red hair or you’ve dyed your hair a red color, if you think the color looks too dark, your red hair might not be right for you anymore. Lightening your hair is the first step to achieving your desired look, but what's the best way to do it? You actually have multiple options, including using bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or lemon juice. We've broken down each method below to help you lighten your red hair and achieve a color that you love. 1. **Mix a 1:1 ratio of 10 volume developer and bleach powder.** Start with 4 tablespoons (59 mL) of developer and 4 tablespoon (59.1 ml) (56 g) of bleach powder in a plastic bowl. Mix them together with a hair dye brush until they form a smooth paste. You can find bleach powder and developer at most beauty supply stores. Use a different strength developer based on how dark your hair is and how light you want it. For example, if you are starting from deep red and want to move to super light red, choose a 30 or 40 volume developer. If you are wanting to only move 1 to 2 shades lighter, stick with a 10 volume developer. 2. **Add the bleach to 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of clarifying shampoo.** Pick a harsh shampoo that strips your hair of its natural oils to remove the color better, like a clarifying or dandruff shampoo. Pour in some of the shampoo and mix it in with the bleach and developer mixture. Adding shampoo makes the bleach mixture easier to put on your hair. Test the bleach on a strand of your hair before applying it to your whole head. 3. **Wet your hair in the shower or sink.** Make sure your whole head is fully damp and your hair is wet from roots to ends. Use cold water to protect the health of your hair and close up the cuticles as much as possible. 4. **Put on gloves to protect your hands.** Even though the bleach is diluted, it can still irritate your skin. Use rubber or latex gloves to protect your hands and keep your skin safe. You can pick up gloves at the beauty supply store when you buy your bleach and developer, or look for them at any home goods store. 5. **Rub the mixture into your hair, starting with the ends.** Keep the bowl of your bleach mix near you as you work. Put on gloves to protect your hands and rub the mixture into your hair from the ends up to the roots. Make sure you cover your entire head as best as possible. Bleach can cause skin irritation if you touch it with your bare hands. The roots of your hair get hot from the heat of your scalp, so if you put bleach on them first, they will get lighter than the rest of your hair. 6. **Let the mixture sit for 10 to 30 minutes.** You may be able to see your hair lighten as you watch it sit. Keep your hair uncovered so that it doesn’t get too hot and check on it after 10 minutes. If it still isn't light enough, leave it on for another 20 minutes. Using a bleach wash may lighten your hair 1 to 2 shades, depending on how dark it is. 7. **Rinse your hair with cool water to get the bleach out.** Cold water is less damaging for your hair and will close up your cuticles to keep the red color in. Make sure all of the bleach is out, but don’t use any shampoo as you rinse. Use conditioner on your hair after you rinse it to add some moisture back in after drying it out with bleach. 8. **Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in a plastic bowl.** Put 1 cup (128 g) of baking soda and 3 tablespoons (44 mL) of hydrogen peroxide into a bowl mix them together with a spoon until they form a paste. The mixture may fizz up as you start mixing it, but that’s okay. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural lightener. Mixing it with baking soda forms a paste that can sit on your hair to lighten it. Keep hydrogen peroxide away from your eyes to avoid irritation. 9. **Brush the mixture onto your hair with a hair dye brush.** Start with the ends of your hair and use a hair dye brush to work up to the roots. Cover your hair as evenly as possible so that it lightens without any patches. You can also use gloves to protect your hands and put their mixture on with your fingers. 10. **Let the mixture sit for 30 to 60 minutes.** Do not let the mixture sit on your hair for longer than 1 hour, or it could damage your hair. Check on your hair after 30 minutes to see if it’s light enough. If not, leave it on longer and keep checking it every 10 minutes. 11. **Rinse your hair out with cold water.** Make sure you remove every bit of the baking soda mixture from your hair so that it stops lightening. Use cold water to close your hair cuticles and protect the lighter red color. Depending on how dark your hair is, this method could lighten it 1 to 2 shades. 12. **Mix 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of lemon juice with 3 US tbsp (44 mL) of conditioner.** Use a plastic bowl that you can take into the bathroom with you. Mix your ingredients together until the lemon juice is fully incorporated with the conditioner. Lemon juice is acidic so it is a natural lightener. Mixing it with conditioner helps to protect your hair and add moisture back in. You can use store-bought lemon juice or squeeze juice from a lemon for a fresh option. You can also use coconut oil instead of conditioner. 13. **Wet your hair in the sink or the shower.** Make sure your entire head gets fully soaked and that your hair is wet from the ends to the roots. You can wash your hair with your normal shampoo if you’d like to. 14. **Apply the mixture with your hands from the ends to the roots.** Pick up globs of the conditioner and start rubbing them into your hair from the bottom up. Make sure your entire head gets covered, including the back and your roots. Sit outside with the lemon juice in your hair if it’s sunny out. The UV rays will make the lemon juice work faster. 15. **Rinse out your hair with cold water after 10 minutes.** Lemon juice is fairly acidic, so it doesn’t need a long time to work. Use cold water to protect your hair health and smooth down your cuticles. Make sure you rinse out all of the lemon juice so that the acidity doesn’t damage your hair. 16. **Keep applying the lemon juice for about 2 weeks every day.** Try not to use the lemon juice for longer than 2 weeks to prevent damage to your hair. Once your red hair is light enough, you can stop using the lemon juice mixture. Lemon juice can lighten your hair 1 to 2 shades over time.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Sharpen a Swiss Army Knife
The Swiss Army Knife is a great tool because it has many different functions. After repeated use, however, the blade of the knife can become dull, which diminishes its effectiveness and can actually make the knife more dangerous to use. Fortunately, sharpening a Swiss Army Knife, or indeed any pocket knife is relatively easy and inexpensive. Follow the steps below to make your Swiss Army Knife blade as good as new. 1. **Clean the knife thoroughly.** Dirt or grease on the blade may result in an uneven sharpening of your knife. Sharpening the blade may be easier if you briefly dip the cold blade into boiling water right before you begin sharpening it. 2. **Select a sharpening tool.** There are numerous types of files and sharpeners on the market, including Japanese water stones, stones with diamond encrusted surfaces, and stones with different grades of grit. These different tools will give you slightly different results. For most purposes, a basic, two-sided sharpening stone, available for about $10 at most hardware stores, will be adequate. There is also a knife sharpener you can buy specifically for the purpose of sharpening Swiss Army Knives, available from the company's online store. 3. **Lubricate your stone if desired.** There is some disagreement as to whether it is important or even beneficial to lubricate your sharpening stone. If you choose to lubricate yours, a variety of different options are available. Some people believe that lubricant should be used because the friction that results from sharpening the blade has the potential to warp it, or because the lubricant will help float away metal particles that can dull the blade during the sharpening process or clog the pores of the stone itself. Others believe lubricant is unnecessary, slows the process the down, and may actually dull the blade by washing the metal particles over the blade during the sharpening process. If you opt to use a lubricant, you can use cutting oil, mineral oil, kerosene, or WD-40 on natural stones, or water on diamond stones. Before applying oil, consult any instructions that came with your sharpening stone. Some types of stones can be ruined by the use of oil. 4. **Lay the blade across the stone.** The blade should meet the stone at an angle of 15°-20.° This will result in a cutting angle of 30°-40.° Keeping the angle consistent throughout the sharpening process is key to a good sharpening. With an official Swiss Army knife, you can approximate the correct angle by resting the back edge of the blade on two stacked pennies. If you have a hard time keeping the angle correct and consistent, you can buy a sharpening guide for about $10 that will make the task easier. 5. **Sharpen one side of the blade.** Run the knife along the stone as if you were trying to carve a thin piece off the stones surface, repeating this motion several times. If your knife is very dull, start this process on the rough side of the whetting stone, or with a diamond stone. Don't apply too much pressure. Let the stone do the work. If using lubricant, add more every few dozen strokes to wash away metal shavings. If the knife blade is longer than the stone, you’ll need to sweep the blade sideways as you sharpen so that the entire edge is sharpened completely and evenly. As a rule of thumb, you'll want to give the blade six to twelve strokes across the stone. A more precise way to know when to switch sides is to look for a burr (also sometimes called a "wire") that is formed on the other side of the edge. You'll be able to feel burr with your thumb on the side of the edge opposite the stone. The formation of a burr indicates that the steel is thin enough at the very edge that it is folding over slightly. The steel must get very thin to be razor-sharp. 6. **Sharpen the other side.** Now, turn the blade over and repeat the process, sharpening the other side of the blade. 7. **Switch to a finer stone.** To get a razor-sharp edge, and to remove the burr on the knife, you'll now want to switch to finer grit (i.e. the other side of your whetting stone, if you've got a standard two-sided sharpener). At this stage, alternate which side of the blade is making contact with the stone with each stroke. Apply even gentler pressure on these last few strokes to avoid raising another burr. 8. **Dry the blade.** Wipe the blade on a towel or clean rag to remove any lubricant and metal fragments from the sharpening process. 9. **Strop the blade.** Stropping is running the blade edge across a leather strap that has been covered with an abrasive such as stropping paste or green chromium oxide. It puts a final polish on your knife edge. Move the blade in the opposite direction you did when sharpening. Run it over the leather with the "spine" of the blade at the front and the sharp edge behind. Stropping the blade between sharpenings can help keep your blade sharp longer. 10. **Check the sharpness.** Once you think you're done sharpening the knife, check to see if the blade is sharp. There are several ways to do this. Cut some paper. A razor-sharp blade will easily cut right through. Shine a bright light on the sharpened edge. A dull edge will reflect the light. Drag the edge lightly across your thumbnail. The blade should scrape the nail cleanly, without catching or vibrating.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Apply Weed and Feed
Weed and feed products can be a useful tool for keeping weeds from germinating in your yard. For them to be effective, though, you need to ensure that you apply them at the right time. Spreading the product once every spring and fall can help keep certain weeds at bay. Be sure to check the forecast before applying, though, to avoid rain washing the product away. 1. **Plan to apply it in the spring and fall.** Weed and feed works best when applied when weeds are actively growing and the daytime temperatures are between 60° and 90° F (15.5° and 32.2° C). In most areas, this means applying once during the spring, and once during the fall. 2. **Mow your lawn 2-4 days before you apply.** If you can, mow your lawn to a medium height 2-4 days before you plan to apply weed and feed. This helps ensure that the product is evenly distributed throughout your lawn. 3. **Check the weather forecast.** Rain can wash away weed and feed before it has a chance to start working on your lawn. Check the weather forecast to make sure that it is not going to rain the day you plan to apply or the day after. The forecast should be clear for at least 24 hours for weed and feed to work correctly. You are also going to need to avoid watering your lawn during this period. Do not try to apply the product immediately after a heavy rain, either. Standing water in your lawn could wash away the particles. 4. **Wet your lawn before applying.** Use a misting or a low-pressure setting to lightly wet your lawn immediately before applying. You want your grass to be damp to the touch, but with no quick-draining or standing water. It should be just wet enough to help the product stick to the blades of grass. 5. **Set your spreader.** Weed and feed is best applied with either a rotary or a drop-type spreader. The exact settings you will need depend upon the brand of your product and the make of your spreader. Consult the packaging directions on your weed product to determine the correct settings for your spreader. If you do not already own a spreader, you can buy one at a home and garden store or online for under $30 USD. 6. **Apply the product to your lawn.** Once you have the product loaded and your spreader set, you can begin applying the product on your lawn. Get the best coverage by walking linear passes along the length of your lawn while disbursing the product from your spreader. Walking in straight lines ensures the most even coverage. 7. **Overlap your passes to improve your coverage.** To help ensure that all your lawn receives an even amount of the product, overlap your passes slightly. Walk on the edge of your last pass. You should be able to see the product on the lawn to help guide you. This helps prevent any untreated spots. 8. **Sweep or rake any excess product off of sidewalks and driveways.** Use a broom or a rake to push excess product from any sidewalks, driveways, or roads back into your yard. This keeps unused product from washing away in storm drains. 9. **Keep children and pets off the treated area until it washes away.** Residual product that’s not fully absorbed into the soil could be harmful to children and pets. Keep them away from the treated parts of the lawn until any residual product has had the chance to wash away. This means waiting until after the first drenching rain. Otherwise, wait until you have been able to water your lawn regularly for a few days in a row before letting pets and kids on it. If a pet or child ingests any weed and feed, call a vet or a doctor immediately to get recommendations for treatment options. 10. **Avoid watering your lawn for at least 24 hours.** Washing your lawn too quickly after you apply weed and feed could wash away the product before it has a chance to work. Wait at least 24 hours before watering your lawn. Some products recommend waiting up to 2-4 days before watering. Check your specific product’s instructions to get the most accurate recommendation. 11. **Wait 4 weeks to reseed and aerate your lawn.** Weed and feed can prevent seeds from germinating, so it’s important to make sure the product is fully absorbed before you plant new seeds or aerate your lawn. Wait at least 4 weeks after the date you applied the product to start reseeding or to aerate the treated areas.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Cook a Sweet Potato in the Microwave: Quick & Simple Recipes
Are you short on time and looking for a quick, delicious meal? Skip the long baking process and cook your sweet potatoes to perfection in the microwave instead! Cooking will take about 5 minutes, but your sweet potatoes will have the same great oven-baked taste. Read on for a complete guide to cooking a sweet potato in the microwave, complete with different ways to prepare it and a list of tasty toppings. 1. **Wash and dry the potato before piercing it with a fork.** Run your sweet potato under cool water and use a produce scrubbing brush to clean it. After drying it off, grab a fork and pierce the potato’s skin 5 to 6 times all around the potato. You don’t need to stab the potato deeply; just poke small holes to allow steam to escape as the potato cooks in the microwave. Heating a potato in the microwave causes steam to gather, so piercing holes in the potato prevents it from exploding from the pressure. Washing your sweet potato before cooking is especially important if you also plan to eat the potato’s skin. 2. **Place the potato on a paper towel and microwave it for 3 minutes.** You can also put the potato on a microwave-safe plate. Load it into the microwave and set it to cook on high heat for 3 minutes. By using this technique, you’ll quickly cook your sweet potato one side at a time. Never microwave a potato when it’s wrapped in aluminum foil. This is a fire hazard and will likely also break your microwave. 3. **Turn the potato onto its other side and cook it for another 2 minutes.** After 2 minutes, the flesh on both sides of your potato should be fully cooked all the way through. Remember to be careful when you flip your sweet potato—it’ll be hot! This is the standard cooking time for 1 potato. If you’re cooking multiple sweet potatoes at once, add 2 minutes to the total cooking time for each potato. For example, you’d cook 2 potatoes for 7 minutes total, 3 potatoes for 9 minutes, and so on. 4. **Test the sweet potato with your fork to determine when it’s done.** After cooking the potato for 5 minutes, pierce it with a fork once again. Your potato is fully cooked if the fork can easily slide into it, but the center of the potato is still a little firm. If the potato isn’t quite done after 5 minutes, keep cooking it in 30-second increments until tender. Be careful when you test the potato! It’s likely to be quite hot. When in doubt, it’s best to err on the side of undercooking, as an overcooked potato may burn or explode in the microwave. 5. **Let the potato cool, then split it in half and serve it.** Wait for about 5 minutes after pulling the potato out of the microwave so it can cool slightly. Then, grab a sharp knife and split the potato down the middle or cut it in half. From there, you can either season the potato as you like or dig in as it is! Letting the potato cool allows it to finish cooking—and helps the flesh of the potato get fluffier before you eat it. To save the potato for someone who’s running late to dinner, wrap it in aluminum foil. That’ll keep the potato warm for a remarkably long time! If you need to store the potato after cooking it, you can put it in a sealable container and keep it in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Reheat the potato in the microwave at 50% power. 6. **Cook the sweet potato as directed above and let it sit for 5 minutes.** Mashed sweet potatoes are simply a sweeter version of good old mashed potatoes, and they’re easy to make! Once the sweet potato is cooked all the way through, let it sit until it’s cool enough for you to handle. You’ll need to hold the potato for the next step, so check to ensure you can touch it without your hands getting burned before proceeding. 7. **Remove the potato peels and put the potato flesh in a bowl.** Slice off both ends of the potato and make a single shallow cut down the center of the potato from end to end. Then, carefully peel away the potato’s skin with your hands, starting along either side of the line you carved. Keep peeling until the skin is entirely gone. Since your potato is cooked, the skins should fall away easily as you pull. You can always leave the skin on the sweet potato if you like mashed potatoes with some extra texture to them. 8. **Cut the potato in half and mash it with butter and salt.** Place both halves of the cooked potato into a bowl and toss in a pat of butter and a dash of salt to season them. Then, mash the potato using a potato masher until it looks smooth and ready to eat. You can also mash the potato using a fork if you don’t have a potato masher or use a food processor to do the job. 9. **Lay parchment paper over a plate and spray it with cooking spray.** Cut a piece of parchment paper that’s just big enough to cover the microwave-safe plate you’ll use to cook the sweet potato. Coat the parchment paper lightly with cooking spray to ensure the potatoes don’t stick to it—and make cleanup easier. 10. **Use an adjustable blade slicer to thinly slice your sweet potato.** Adjustable blade slicers, also known as mandolines, allow you to make multiple extremely fine (and even) cuts, so you don’t have to cut the entire potato by hand. Simply use the mandoline slicer to cut the entire potato crosswise into circular slices, as thin as you can make them. 11. **Arrange the slices in a single layer on the paper and season them.** You likely won’t be able to fit all the slices in a single layer on the plate, so don’t overload it to make them all fit. Just cook a few slices at a time! Place about a quarter of the slices on the plate, then sprinkle salt and pepper over them. Do the same for the next 3 batches of sweet potato chips as well. You can add other spices to your potato slices if you like! You might add a dash of garlic and chile powder to savory chips, or a sprinkle of cinnamon and brown sugar to sweet ones, for example. 12. **Microwave the potato slices for 4 minutes or until they’re crisp.** Stick the plate in the microwave and set it to cook on high for 4 minutes. Check the potatoes after to see if they’re crisp. If not, continue cooking them in 30-second intervals until they’re cooked to your satisfaction. Once again, do this for each batch of potato slices you cook until you have an entire serving of sweet potato chips. Feel free to add another dash of salt once the chips are done cooking if you like! 13. **Season the sweet potato with salt, pepper, and butter.** If you like keeping things simple, salt, pepper, and butter are the classic baked potato toppings. Add a pat of butter to the potato (or place a pat on either side if it’s been halved) along with a pinch of salt and a few dashes of pepper. This should give the potato a little extra kick while still allowing you to enjoy its natural sweet flavor. If you want to add more to your sweet potato, add a couple of other classic toppings—namely, a scoop of sour cream and a few diced chives. You don’t have to add anything on top of the potato if you like its flavor as is. There’s no hard and fast rule on how to serve a cooked sweet potato, after all! 14. **Add savory seasonings like parmesan, cumin, or smoked paprika.** If you’re looking for a little more flavoring than salt and pepper, experiment with other savory toppings. Add a dash of cumin and smoked paprika to your sweet potato, or a dash of garlic powder and a sprinkle of grated parmesan cheese. You can also sprinkle small pieces of bacon or sliced sausage over the potato if you enjoy meat. Feel free to experiment! Play around with savory toppings like olive oil, avocado, pico de gallo, salsa, sauteed vegetables, and condiments like mustard, ketchup, and steak sauce. 15. **Use sweet seasonings like cinnamon, maple syrup, and brown sugar.** To really bring out the sweetness in a tasty sweet potato, top it with a sprinkle of cinnamon and brown sugar, and a drizzle of either maple syrup or honey. Add a pat of butter to the potato, and you’re all set to enjoy the perfect sweet (and nutritious) treat. You could even serve this sweet version of a baked potato up as a desert if you like! 16. **Crisp the potato in the oven after cooking it in the microwave.** If you like your sweet potatoes with crispy and delicious skins, you can easily get them right at home! Once your potato is cooked using the above method, place it on a baking sheet and bake the sweet potato in an oven preheated to 400 °F (204 °C) for 20 minutes. This method is great if you want oven-crisp potato skins in less than half the normal cooking time! Normally, sweet potatoes take 45 to 50 minutes to bake in the oven. 17. **Pair your sweet potato with a side to make a full and well-rounded meal.** Luckily, there are tons of great pairings no matter what your preferences and dietary restrictions are. Lots of people enjoy serving sweet potatoes with meat—like chicken, steak, or pork chops. However, you could also serve them with fried eggs, a salad, or a roasted vegetable medley if you want to go meatless. For a lighter fare, pair your sweet potato with something quick and tasty like yogurt or applesauce!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Store Papaya
Papaya is a delicious fruit that’s great in a variety of recipes, like smoothies, salads, milkshakes and jams. While papayas taste great fresh, you can also save them for later. If you’re planning to use your fruit within a few days, try refrigerating it. For more long-term storage, consider freezing or dehydrating the papaya instead. 1. **Select papayas** Keep an eye out for the papaya’s skin color while you’re at the supermarket. Remember that papayas are only ripe once they start to look yellow on the outside. Unlike some fruits, you can find papayas in grocery store throughout the year. There are 2 major kinds of papaya: Hawaiian and Mexican. Hawaiian is more commonly found at grocery stores, and only weighs around 1 pound (450 g). Mexican papayas are much longer and heavier, and can weigh almost 20 pounds (9,100 g). Although they shouldn’t be eaten with the rest of the fruit, the peppery taste of papaya seeds makes them great for cooking purposes, like tenderizing meat. 2. **Let the fruit sit at room temperature for about 3 days so it can ripen.** Keep the papayas on a flat surface where they can stay at room temperature. Although yellow-green papayas are on their way to being ripe, wait until the fruit is yellow to prepare and eat it. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t eat green papaya fruit raw, as the papaya plant naturally contains latex. 3. **Keep ripe papayas in the refrigerator to eat them later on.** Place the chopped or uncut papaya into the fridge set to 45 °F (7 °C). Be sure to use cut and prepared papaya in about a week. If you’d like to keep your fruit for a longer period of time, store any uncut and unpeeled papayas in the fridge for up to 3 weeks. 4. **Wash** Rinse and clean the papaya with running water before removing the skin with a produce peeler. Use long, even strokes to peel off the skin more efficiently. Set the peels aside as you go so you can toss them away later. 5. **Slice the papaya into 1 in (2.5 cm) chunks.** Cut the papaya in half so that the center of the fruit is visible. Next, use a spoon to scoop out the seeds before you continue chopping the fruit. Slice the papaya in half again before cutting the fruit into 0.5 in (1.3 cm) chunks. For simpler storage, consider using a melon baller to scoop the papaya into bags before freezing it. 6. **Place the fruit pieces into a container or bag and freeze them for up to a year.** Take a handful of papaya chunks or balls and place them in a freezer-safe bag or other airtight container. Try and bag them as compactly as you can, so the fruit pieces won’t take up as much space in your freezer. Once you’ve put away all of the chopped fruit, set it in the freezer and use the fruit within a year. If you want to freeze the papaya chunks before bagging them, place them on a cookie sheet first. Leave the cookie sheet in the freezer for at least a day, or until the fruit pieces are frozen. 7. **Clean off the papaya and peel away the skin.** Rinse the papaya under cool running water and remove the skin with a produce peeler. Use long, even strokes, working left to right or right to left to get rid of the skin. Feel free to toss out the papaya peels as you go. 8. **Cut the papaya** Begin slicing the papaya with a sharp knife, creating strips that are about as thick as a slice of jerky. To maximize the space in your dehydrator, cut the fruit so that each piece is about 0.5 in (1.3 cm) long. If you’d prefer for your dried papaya to be more bite-sized, feel free to cut it into smaller slices. As a general rule of thumb with dehydrators, remember that thicker pieces of fruit take longer to dry. 9. **Lay the papaya slices onto the racks of the dehydrator.** Set each piece of papaya next to one another so that they’re side by side. Make sure that none of the pieces overlap in the dehydrator, as this can slow down the drying process. If some pieces of papaya seem especially moist, consider placing them on the bottom shelf of the dehydrator instead. For an easier drying process, avoid placing other fruits aside from papayas in the dehydrator. 10. **Set the dehydrator to 135 °F (57 °C) and let the strips dry for 12 hours.** Check again to make sure that none of the strips are overlapping before turning on the appliance. Keep the dehydrator set to 135 °F (57 °C) to allow the fruit slices to dry out without cooking in the process. Wait at least 12 hours before checking on your papaya strips. Depending on the batch, it could take up to 24 hours for the papaya slices to dry completely. Wait until the fruit looks leathery before removing it. 11. **Put aside the papaya strips for short-term or long-term storage.** Take the slices out of the dehydrator and let them cool for several minutes before putting them in different bags. For short-term storage, keep your fruit pieces in a sealed jar on your countertop for up to 1 month. If you’re looking to keep your fruit for a longer amount of time, try vacuum-sealing and freezing the bags of strips.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Play Badminton
Who wouldn't want to play the world's fastest racket game? Badminton can be played with two or four players. The object of the game is to score points by successfully hitting the shuttlecock over the net. Though the game has some similarities to tennis, the rules of badminton are distinct and important to know before you take a swing at your first game. If you want to be a badminton master or just impress that cute girl at the park, then let's get started. 1. **Understand the object of the game.** Badminton, like tennis, is a racket sport that is played by either two players or two teams of two players each. The object is for you or your team to get to 21 points first. You score a point whenever you successfully serve the shuttlecock and your opposing team commits a fault, which means that the team fails to appropriately return the shuttlecock. To win each game, you must earn 21 points first, and win by two in the process. So, if both teams have a score of 20, one team must win by 22-20, and so on. If you and your opponent cannot win by 2 and keep going until the score is 29-all, then the first team to score 30 points wins. The first team to win two games wins the match. If the score is 1-1 in games, you must play a third deciding game. 2. **Get familiar with the badminton court.** The badminton court is 44 feet (13.4 m) long by 20 feet (6.1 m) wide. If you're playing singles, you play on the part that is 44 feet (13.4 m) long but only 17 feet (5.2 m) wide. The net should be positioned halfway across the court, made of three-quarter inch mesh at the 20 foot (6.1 m) mark (17 feet (5.2 m) for singles), 5 feet (1.5 m) above the ground. When you're playing doubles, the extra 15 feet (1.5 m) on the left and right side of the court (the doubles sidelines) are considered fair game for serving and returning. Here's what else you need to know: Each side of the court has a right and left service court. The server of one team must serve from one service court to the service court diagonal from it. Players must change courts after each point has been scored. When serving in singles, you can serve to the opponent's diagonal service box and the back singles line on that side of the course, but not to the wider doubles sideline. When serving in doubles, the player can serve to the opposing team's diagonal service box, including the doubles sideline, but not the singles long service line. So, for singles service, the receiving court is longer and narrow, and in doubles service, the court is wide and short. After the shuttlecock is successfully served, each team's entire court becomes fair game. The shuttlecock just has to stay within the bounds of the doubles or singles court. Players can score points once a player commits a fault. If a server forces the opponent to take a fault, a point will be given to the server. If the recipient forces a fault to the server (so the server can't play it), the recipient will receive the point as well as the recipient becoming the new server for the next play. 3. **Understand the basics of play.** Here's what you need to know before you start your badminton game, beyond the court information and the scoring rules: Toss a coin or have another contest to decide which team will be serving first and which side they will play on. The first serve of a badminton game comes from the right half of the court to the court that is diagonally opposite that court. For the rest of the game, if you have an even number of points serve from the right, if you have an odd number of points, serve from the left. If the serving side commits a fault, then the receiving side gets a point and the serve shifts to that side. If the serving team serves and the receiving side commits a fault, then the serving team moves from one service court to the other and continues to serve. There is a point scored after every serve (unlike in volleyball, for example). In doubles, each team only has one "service." So, if one player on one team serves and faults, then the shuttle goes to a player on the other team, and so on. When a receiving team wins a point and gets the serve, the team does not switch sides but serves from where they are standing. If they win the first service point, then the players switch positions from right to left. After each game, opponents change ends of the court, and the side that won the previous game gets to serve at the start of the next game. 4. **Understand how a player can get a fault.** There are several reasons that a team or player can earn a fault. Here they are: When the shuttlecock is served, the shuttlecock must be hit to a point higher or at the server's waist - otherwise it's a fault. If any part of the racket at the point of striking wasn't higher than any part of the serving player's hand, a fault can be given. If the serving team fails to serve the shuttlecock over the net. The shuttlecock must be hit only once by the same player is to be considered fair in badminton. In badminton, you only get one try on each serve. The only exception is if your team gets a let, which is when the shuttlecock hits the net and falls over into the opponent's court. In that case, you get another try. If you hit the shuttlecock into or under the net at any point in the game. If the shuttlecock hits you. If you hit the shuttlecock out of bounds or passes around or under the net to the player on the other side. Shuttlecocks falling on the line can be deemed as fair-play. If you hit the shuttlecock on the ground on your side of the court or had extended beyond the longest service line, these contribute to a fault. If the server fails to serve the shuttlecock into the correct opposing court. If any player attempts to (successful or unsuccessful) obstruct their opponent in any way, these contribute to a fault on that player. The feet of any player must be completely within the service court at the time of play - otherwise a fault will be called. If the player is able to touch the badminton net with any piece of equipment including their clothes or any body part, this contributes to faults. Balks contribute to a badminton fault too. 5. **Learn the basic ways to strike the shuttlecock.** The standard badminton racket is 26 inches (66.0 cm) long and weights anywhere from 4.5-5.5 ounces. Most of them are made with metal and nylon, and you'll need to generate enough energy to effectively strike the shuttlecock with this light racket. The main strokes are the forehand and the backhand (as in tennis) and you'll need a light, quick wrist to effectively strike the shuttle. Here's what you need to know about striking the shuttlecock: It's all about the footwork. See the shuttle and use several small steps to position yourself so that you can easily strike it instead of having to stretch too much. You'll need to practice the backswing, the forward swing and hit, and the follow through in order to hit the shuttle effectively. You should hit the shuttle's round center, not the feathers of the shuttle. Perfect your clear shot. This is the most common shot and the goal is to strike the shuttle in a way that moves your opponent away from the net, which gives you time to set up your next shot. Practice your drop shot. To hit this shot effectively, you'll have to hit a slow, gentle shot that makes the shuttle fall just over the net, making it hard to reach for your opponent, no matter how fast he runs. Smash the shuttle. This is a powerful shot that you use to hit a shuttle that is above the height of the net. You'll need to raise you're racket behind your back, as if you were going to scratch it, anticipate the shuttle coming your way, and then hit it hard, diagonally down, as if you were smashing it over a fence. Drive the shuttle. This can be a forehand or a backhand shot that makes the shuttle move parallel to the ground, just barely passing over the net, making it hard for your opponent to anticipate or return your shot. Recognize that servers must be able to understand when his opponents looks ready to receive the stroke. The server must not serve when the opponent doesn't seem ready to receive. Both players must be standing within the confines of the court with both feet stationary in contact with the ground until the server delivers the ball to their opponent. However, players must not stand on either of any of the lines painted on the ground - for these are considered to be outside of the service court's area. 6. **Master the grip.** The grip is how you hold your racket and it will affect every stroke that you hit. You have two basic grips in the game, one for the forehand and one for the backhand. Here's what you need to know: The forehand grip: Hold the racket with your non-playing hand, pointing the handle toward you with your racket face perpendicular to the floor. Put your hand on the handle as if you are shaking hands with it. Look for a V shape between your thumb and index finger. Rest the handle loosely in your fingers for more flexibility. Shorten the grip and place it closer to the shaft for more control of the racket when you're hitting the shuttle from forecourt and midcourt. The backhand grip: Hold the racket as if you were holding a forehand grip. Then, turn it clockwise, so that the V shape you've formed moves to the right. Put your thumb against the back bevel of the handle for more leverage and power, resting the racket loosely in your fingers. Again, use a longer grip for clears and a shorter grip for net play. Relax your thumb and use more power from your arm instead for clears because the extension of your thumb is extremely limited in the short-court backhand grip, and you have more time to prepare for a backhand clear than for a mid court block or net kill, meaning that the leverage of the thumb isn't as important. 7. **Master the high and low serve.** There are many ways to hit a badminton serve, from the high serve to the backhand serve. Here are a few serves you will need to know: The high serve. This is a great serve for moving your opponent back during singles play; it's a little trickier for doubles. You have to use an underhanded forehand for this serve. Relax, bend your knees, standing 2–3 feet (0.6–0.9 m) behind the short service line. Lead with your non-racket leg, placing your racket leg behind it. Move your racket back almost to your shoulder, then swing it forward. Hold the shuttle by the feathers and drop it slightly in front of you. Hit the shuttle with the flat face of your racket and follow through until your racket reaches all the way to the non-racket side of your head. The low serve. This serve is more commonly used during doubles. You can use the forehand or the backhand for this motion. For the forehand serve, stand 2–3 feet (0.6–0.9 m) behind the service line, bring your racket back to your waist level and start swinging forward. Hold the shuttle by the feathers and bring it close to meet the racket instead of dropping it. Hit the shuttle at a higher point, but still below your waist, and push it with the racket face, trying to make it just skim the tape of the net. For the backhand serve, just lead with your racket leg and your non-racket leg behind, with your feet pointing toward your opponent. Use a short backswing and then bring the racket forward, holding the shuttle at the tip of the feathers in front of waist level. Then, push the shuttle with the racket face and try to make it skim the tape of the net. Shorten your grip for more control. 8. **Master the flick and drive serve.** Here's what you need to know: The flick serve. Use this for a quick serve but do so sparingly. Use a forehand or a backhand, acting like you're going to push the shuttle in a typical low serve, but instead, use your wrist to quickly flick the shuttle over. The drive serve. This is an attacking serve perfect for singles or doubles. This will make the shuttle travel at a flatter angle and at a faster pace. Use an underarm forehand, standing a bit further from the service line, leading with your non-racket leg, placing your racket a bit below waist level, bringing it back and parallel to your waist. Swing the racket forward and follow through as you drop the shuttle slightly sideways to your body, hitting it and letting it pass the net at a flatter angle. 9. **Master the forehand.** Once you see that the shuttle is coming low and in front of you, you'll need to hit that forehand to beat your opponent. Here's what you have to do: Drop the racket head down and behind you. Make sure that the racket extends out behind you. Keep your knees bent and ready to move. Move forward with your racket foot. Keep your arm nearly straight as you swing the racket, snapping your wrist at the last possible second before you hit the shuttle. Have an open racket face and swing the racket upward to generate momentum. Follow through until your racket hits near your opposing shoulder. 10. **Master the backhand.** To hit a backhand, you have to wait for the shuttle to approach your backhand side. Here's what you do: Move on your left foot and step your right foot around in front of your body (if you are right-handed and your backhand is on your left side, that is), making sure that your right shoulder faces the net. Bend your right elbow and draw your right hand across your body to get ready to swing the racket, moving your weight to your back left foot, keeping your right foot loose and limber. Shift your weight to your forward foot, straightening your elbow as you swing the racket forward until the racket face connects with the shuttle, following through to move the racket forward past your right shoulder. 11. **Learn to slice your shots.** The slice can help slow down the shuttle or change its direction. This is a more advanced skill that will make it hard for your opponent to know where you're going or to be able to return the shuttle. Here's what you can do: Slice your net shots. Start the forward motion as usual and then move the racket inward as you slice it perpendicular to the center of the birdie, thus slicing the shuttle and making it spin cross court instead of moving forward, as your opponent would expect it to do. If service of the shuttlecock from the server's racket causes the bird to touch the net and then go over, play must stop and the play is done over. However, if the shuttlecock happens to touch the net then go over further into the play, the stroke is good and the bird can remain playable. Slice your drop shots. Just slice the racket, moving it perpendicular to the center of the shuttle when it's in the air. This will slow down the shuttle, making it quickly fall on the opponent's side near the net. 12. **Learn to hit an overhead shot.** Also known as a smash shot, this shot allows you to use your power and to hit the shuttle at the top of its arc. To do this, aim your free hand up near the shuttle, and then swing the racket over your head with your racket hand, smashing the center of the birdie before it falls, directing it down in your opponent's court. Aiming is important here -- try to aim the shuttle in a place that will be hard for your opponent to reach. 13. **Recognize some of the obvious errors made during serving that can (and can't) be considered a fault.** Servers must be able to get the bird over in their hit. If the bird get's attempted to be hit but is missed, a fault can't be charged. (Things do happen to the best of all people.) If the bird is held on the racket during the execution of the stroke or if the bird get's hit twice, this is a fault. 14. **Make sure to always return to "the stance of readiness" after each shot.** After you return their shot, return to the middle of the court, so if they hit it to your left or right, you have more time to react and run to their shot, and return it back. Stay on your toes, and slightly move left and right ,so your energy and momentum is still active and you can be ready to run for the next move. This stance means that your feet should be even with your shoulders and parallel and your toes should be pointed toward the net. Keep your knees bent slightly and your racket in your hand with your arm across the front of your body. Don't stand as if you were just normally standing up, or your body will be far too stiff to move well. 15. **Get ready to move anywhere any time.** Be prepared to run up to the net, run cross court, back up all the way to the back service line, or to reach the shuttle from any position. The element of surprise is important here, too, so watch out for your opponent's tricks. 16. **Go for the overhead as often as you can.** The overhead smash is the most powerful shot in the game because it allows you to hit the shuttle as hard and fast as you can, making it as difficult as possible for your opponent to return your shot. Look for opportunities to hit this shot when the shuttle is being returned high in the air. 17. **Keep your opponents running around.** Don't hit the shuttle right back to your opponent every time, or you'll just be making it easier for him or her to hit the shuttle right back. Your goal should be to move your opponent or opponents up and down the court or back and forth across the court so they get winded and tired and don't have the opportunity to properly return the shuttle. 18. **Have a method to your madness.** Don't just aim to hit the shuttle back and hope that your opponent messes up; have an idea of where you're going to hit it, how you're going to hit it, and why you're going to hit it a certain way. If you just blindly swing at the shuttle, you won't get very far. 19. **Exploit your opponent's weaknesses.** If you want to win, then you have to make your opponent play your game and make him as uncomfortable as possible. If your opponent has a weak backhand (as most beginners tend to have), hit the shuttle repeatedly toward his backhand. If he's slow on his feet, move him around. If he loves to play near the net, hit your shots long and hard. If your opponent loves the smash shot, don't hit the shuttle in the air. Be attuned to your opponent's strengths and weaknesses so you can win as easily as possible. It's important to observe your opponent closely. Whether you're starting a game or just rallying for fun, be on the lookout for your opponent's strengths and weaknesses as early as possible. 20. **Mix it up.** Though always aiming for the overhead is nice, or hitting mostly forehands cross-court because that's your best shot is a good idea, if you do the same thing every time, your opponents will begin to catch on pretty fast. It's important to keep the element of surprise going, so your opponents are likely to be caught off guard and won't quite ever know what to expect when they play against you. This includes where you serve, which shots you prefer, and where you tend to hit the shuttle.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Clean the Outside of an AC Unit
Keeping the outside of your AC unit clean is super important, and it can even help reduce the amount you pay each month for air conditioning. Make sure there aren't any shrubs or tree branches in the way of your AC unit, and pull off large leaves or clumps of dirt. Use a hose to spray down the entire unit, starting on one side and slowly going around it until all of the dirt is hosed off. Don't forget to turn off the power to the unit before you start cleaning, and turn it back on when you're finished. 1. **Pull off any leaves or other debris by hand when possible.** Take a close look at your AC unit. If there are any leaves sticking out or large clumps of dirt that could easily be removed, pull these off using your hands. This will make it easier to hose off the unit. Brush off any cobwebs or large areas of lint buildup. 2. **Remove any landscaping that’s growing near the unit.** This includes things like bushes or tree limbs. If your shrubbery or trees are getting in the way of your AC unit, now is the time to trim them back using gardening shears. This will make it easier for air to circulate around the AC unit. Try to cut landscaping so that it’s at least 3 ft (0.91 m) away from the AC unit. 3. **Avoid blocking the AC unit with structures or fencing.** This also makes it difficult for the air to flow freely and can cause long-term damage to your unit or structure. Remove any fencing or overhangings that are blocking the unit and instead give it a wide berth of 3–6 ft (0.91–1.83 m). This includes the sides of the AC unit as well as the top. Never lay anything on top of the unit. 4. **Turn off the power to the AC unit.** This makes it safer for you to clean it and avoids any chance of electricity flowing. Switch off the power right next to the unit at the outdoor box, or turn off the circuit breaker panel for your home. If you're not sure where your circuit breaker is, look in the garage, basement, or even outside along a wall of your house. 5. **Use a hose to spray down the unit and dislodge the dirt.** Turn on your regular garden hose and use it to wash the dirt off of the AC unit. Start on one side of the unit at the very top, going back and forth along the edge to ensure you remove all of the grime. Hose off the top of the AC unit as well as the sides. 6. **Apply a foaming coil cleaner if your AC unit is super dirty.** If you don’t think a regular soaking with a hose will get all of the dirt off, spray a foaming coil cleaner right onto the coils, covering the length of each one entirely. Wait 5-10 minutes before washing the foam off with a hose thoroughly. The foaming cleaner will help break down dirt particles so they wash away more easily. As soon as you apply the coil cleaner, it will begin to foam. Look for a foaming coil cleaner for AC units at your local hardware store or online. 7. **Avoid using a strong stream of water so you don’t mess up the coils.** Never use a power washer or harsh hose stream on your AC unit. This can damage the delicate coils that help cool down the air. Just use a simple stream from your water hose, placing your thumb over a portion of the end if you need the stream to be a bit stronger to wash away the dirt. Avoid using a special setting on a hose with a nozzle and instead opt for a regular stream of water. 8. **Spray the unit at different angles to wash off fine particles.** Spraying the AC unit all in one direction may not remove all of the dirt. Instead, start by angling the stream downwards as you go back and forth along the side, and then go at different angles to wash away dirt hidden away in the crevices of the paneling. Look closely at the AC unit to see where the dirt particles still are. 9. **Turn the power back on once you’re finished cleaning.** After you’ve cleaned each side of the AC unit, as well as the very top, turn the power back on at the circuit breaker or the power box right next to the AC unit. Now you won’t need to clean the outside of the AC unit for another year! If you don’t turn the power back on after you’ve finished, your AC won’t be able to cool down your house.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Stocking Flowers
If you have old stockings or worn-out pantyhose, or if you’re just interested in learning how to make delicate artificial flowers, crafting stocking flowers may become your new favorite hobby. With just a handful of materials, you can create beautiful arrangements that allow you to enjoy your favorite blooms all year long. 1. **Buy gold or copper crafting wire from your local craft store.** Any kind of crafting or floral wire that is thin and flexible will work for this project, but gold or copper will look lovely. Even though the wire will be covered with stocking, it’ll still be slightly visible. You’ll also need wire cutters and a small pair of pliers so that you don’t hurt yourself on the wire. In general, 24-34 gauge (0.51-.016mm) wire will work best for this type of project, though slightly thicker wire would work, too. 2. **Choose a flower to replicate for your project.** You may already have a flower in mind, and the great thing about this type of craft is that you can make almost any flower with enough time and patience. You just need to know the shape of the petals and how many you need for each flower. Look at photos of your favorite flowers to get inspired. Here are a few of the more common flowers that are great for beginners: Create a tulip with 5 petals that come to a rounded tip at the end. Make a pansy with 3 round petals and 2 smaller ones in the center. Craft a daisy with 10 oblong petals. Form an orchid with 5 round petals and 3 smaller ones in the center. 3. **Cut pieces of wire that are the same size for however many petals you need.** About 6 inches (150 mm) of wire will be large enough to create most petals, and you can always trim away excess material if you need to. Safely cut through the wire with a pair of wire cutters, and set the pieces to the side so they don’t get lost. A 6 in (150 mm) piece of wire will make a petal that’s about 2.5 in (64 mm) long. You can also make larger flowers by cutting longer pieces of wire. 4. **Create a loop with each piece of wire and twist the ends together.** To make sure each petal is the same size, wrap the wire around something small, like a pill bottle, the rod of a curling iron, or a tube of lipstick. Twist the ends together with a pair of jewelry pliers and leave about ⁄2 in (13 mm) of wire hanging off of the petal. You’ll use the small remaining section of wire to securely attach each petal to the stem later on. You can trim off excess wire with a pair of wire cutters. 5. **Create a ridge on your petals by crimping the wire with jewelry pliers.** Some petals, like those on anemones, balsams, buttercups, and carnations, don’t have perfectly smooth edges. Add textural detail by taking your pliers and gently bending the wire along the edge to create soft ridges. This is where having a photo of the flower can come in handy. But remember, it’s okay if there are some imperfections to your creation! 6. **Pull a piece of stocking over the petal and tie it in place with a piece of thread.** You can pre-cut pieces of stocking or you can work with one big piece and cut it as you go. Wrap the stocking over the petal and pull it taut so there aren’t any loose sections. Take a piece of thread and wrap it around the bottom of the petal several times before knotting it. If you want the petals to be darker in color or less opaque, wrap a second piece of stocking over the first. Pink, purple, and yellow stockings can create a lot of different kinds of flowers, though you can get creative with a variety of colors just depending on what you have available. If you don’t have the right colored stockings already at home, you can buy pairs from the dollar store or you could even use food dye to color beige stockings yourself. 7. **Cut away any excess stocking material from the petal.** Take your scissors and carefully cut just beneath the knot you made. It may help to stretch the stocking away from the petal so you can get as close to the knot as possible. If there’s enough excess material, you can use it to create another petal. 8. **Cut a 6–8 in (150–200 mm) piece of wire to use as the flower’s stem.** Remember, you can always cut off excess wire, but you can’t as easily add more length. If you’re uncertain of how long you want the stem to be, add an additional 1–2 inches (25–51 mm) on top of the original 6–8 inches (150–200 mm). If you do decide you want the stem to be longer, you can attach more with florist tape. 9. **Loop the end of the stem around the middle of 3-4 plastic stamens.** Purchase stamens from your local craft store—you can generally buy a large pack for just a few dollars, and there are a variety of colors you can choose from. Wrap the end of the wire from the stem around the middle of the stamens and fold them so they’re all pointing in the same direction. Some flowers have just a few stamens, while others have dozens; use your reference picture to make your flower as accurate as possible. On a real flower, the stamen is made up of an anther and a filament. They’re the part of the flower that sticks up out of the center, and they’re responsible for carrying pollen. 10. **Tie the first petal to the stem using thread.** To most accurately resemble a flower, the smaller petals should be closest to the stem, so pick one of your smaller petals to start with. Place it against the stem so that the bottom of the petal, where the wires are twisted together, rests against the section of wire that’s holding the stamens. Wrap thread around the petal and wire 5-6 times before knotting the thread and trimming the end. For the sturdiest flower, you’ll want to attach one petal at a time. This will reduce the chance that any of them will come loose. 11. **Add the additional petals, slightly overlapping them to create a full bloom.** As you position the next petal, let it overlap about 1/3 of the first one. Wrap the thread around, knot it, and cut the end. Once the smaller petals are in place, add the larger ones using the same technique. Don’t worry about the thread getting too thick around the stem. It’ll just make the stem look more realistic once it’s covered with florist tape. 12. **Wrap green florist tape around the stem from the bottom of the petals down.** At the top of the stem, wrap the tape around the wire and thread 4 or 5 times to make sure they’re totally covered. Continue wrapping the tape around the wire in a downward spiral, overlapping the tape as you go to create a thick, sturdy stem. You could also use brown florist tape if you’re creating a flower that grows on a brown stem rather than a green one, like meadowsweet or flowers that bloom on trees. 13. **Adjust the petals if needed by bending them to make them look more realistic.** You may need to gently bend the petals backward so the bloom looks like it’s opening up, or you may need to bend them inward so they look more crowded. You may want to push the sides in to make them curved, or you could just move them around a little to make sure the flower looks symmetrical. The great thing about wire is that you can bend and re-bend it as needed. If you make a mistake, simply push the wire back and try again. 14. **Use a marker to draw small details on each petal.** You could color around the edge of each petal to create a color gradation, or you could add fine lines to create a specific pattern unique to the flower you made. Opt for a fine-tipped marker rather than a broad one so that you have more control. Before drawing on your completed flower, test the marker on a scrap piece of stocking. If the ink bleeds and spreads over the petal, you may want to try a different kind of marker or skip this step altogether. 15. **Add small green leaves to the stem to make your flower more realistic.** Create the leaves the same way you did the petals, with wire and green stocking. Tie the leaves to the stem at varying heights, then wrap green florist tape around them to keep them in place. Similarly, you could add multiple blooms to a single stem if you want. 16. **Attach buds that haven’t blossomed yet to add more detail.** Take two small pieces of wire, create loops with them, and then wrap one around the other to create a circle. Bend the wires slightly to make the circle into an oblong shape, then cover it with stocking and attach it to the stem with thread and florist tape. You could even give the bud its own short stem and connect that to the larger one with tape. 17. **“Pot” your flowers in a container filled with floral foam to finish your project.** Buy floral foam from your local craft store and cut a piece to fill the bottom of a small pot or container. Stick the end of the wire into the foam and position it so it’s bending the way you want. Add multiple flowers to a single pot to create a beautiful display.
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How to Sell Lots of Lemonade at a Lemonade Stand
A lemonade stand is a fun way to learn how to start business and make some cash. You can help your stand sell lots of lemonade by choosing a location that encourages people to stop and buy lemonade from you. Pricing your lemonade well and offering different flavors and specials will get people to buy more from you. It’s also important that you attract people to you by getting the word out and running a professional stand. 1. **Find out where you’re allowed to set up a lemonade stand.** Your city may have rules or laws about where you can set up your lemonade stand. You may also need to get permission or a permit in order to sell lemonade. Check out your local rules about lemonade stands online to make sure you’re doing everything correctly. Ask your parents to contact your local government to find out. Look online and check your local government’s website to find out if your local laws about lemonade stands are posted there. 2. **Look for spots that get lots of foot traffic so people will walk past you.** Look for a sidewalk at a busy corner or intersection, near a golf course, the entrance to a grocery store, or near a large event such as a festival or a big sports game will have lots of people walking by. On a hot, sunny day, those people may be thirsty and are more likely to want to buy lots of your lemonade. Pick a location that has lots of people walking by. Make sure it’s okay to set up a stand in front of a building or business. Try asking the owner if it’s alright for you to sell lemonade there. 3. **Set up in your front yard so you can get more supplies.** If your house is on a street with a decent amount of traffic, it may be the best bet for you to set up a stand that can sell lots of lemonade. You’ll be able to fetch more supplies from your house when you run low. You can even keep lemonade and supplies cold in your refrigerator so they’re even more refreshing to customers. Setting up in your front yard also makes it easier for your parents or another adult to keep an eye on you and your stand. 4. **Pick a spot with shade so people are more likely to stop.** People are more likely to stop and buy a refreshing cup of lemonade if your stand is set up in or near a shady spot, especially on a bright and sunny day. When you’re looking for a spot to place your stand, look for the coolest, shadiest spot. Under a tree or near a building with shade are great spots to set up a stand. 5. **Go to a local park to sell to lots of people if it’s allowed.** Parks with lots of people and kids running around are great areas to sell lots of lemonade to hot and thirsty buyers. If you’re allowed to do so, choose a location at or near a park or playground with lots of people so you already have a strong customer base to start out with. If you’re able to stay set up for a few hours, you’ll likely have customers come and go throughout the day, which will help you sell more lemonade. 6. **Make sure your stand is visible from the road so people will stop.** People driving by the area need to be able to see your lemonade stand so they’re more likely to park and buy a cup or two. Set up your stand and table so it can be seen from the road by people driving, walking, or even biking past you. Use signs to help attract attention to your stand. Tie balloons to your stand to attract attention. 7. **Add up the cost of your supplies to help determine your price.** You want to be able to at least make enough money from your stand to cover your costs, so calculating how much you spent to set up your stand is a good start. Add together the price of the lemons or lemonade powder, how much it cost you to make your signs, and anything else you spent to start your stand. For example, if you spent $10 on everything to start your lemonade stand, you could price your lemonade to be $.50 a cup so you would need to sell 20 cups of lemonade to make your money back. Adding up your costs will also help you determine how much of a profit you made selling your lemonade. Between 25 cents and $1 is a fair price for a cup of lemonade. 8. **Find out what other lemonade stands are charging.** If there are other lemonade stands in your area, setting your prices a little bit lower than theirs can help you sell more lemonade at your stand. Take a look around at any competing stands in your area and find out what they’re charging and what deals they’re offering. For example, if Timmy’s stand a few blocks away is selling lemonade for $.75, you could charge $.50 for a cup of your lemonade. Pay attention to any specials that other stands are offering so you can try to compete with that as well. If Sarah’s stand is offering the first cup of lemonade for free, then you could offer a similar deal. 9. **Offer different types of lemonade to sell more at your stand.** Whether you’re making your lemonade fresh or you’re using a lemonade mix, you can offer a few different flavors to attract more people. Giving people more options will make groups of people more likely to purchase lemonade, which means you’ll sell more. For instance, you could offer a sweeter version of lemonade as well as a more tart flavor. 10. **Consider offering other treats for sale at your stand.** Selling additional items such as cookies, candy, or other sweet treats can get people to buy more lemonade and spend more money at your stand. But be careful not to distract from your main item, the lemonade! Try selling salty snacks like pretzels or popcorn, which will make people thirsty and want to buy more lemonade from you! 11. **Have a 2 for 1 special to sell lots of lemonade.** Encourage people to buy lots of lemonade by offering specials such as 2 for 1. Or you could offer the first cup of lemonade for free with any purchase to encourage people to buy more lemonade or goodies from your stand. List the special on your sign so they can see it from a distance. Tell people about your special whenever they approach your stand. 12. **Be ready to break change for people so you can sell more.** Some people may only have larger bills and will need you to give them their change so they can buy lemonade from your stand. Have enough cash and coins so you can give people their change. Use a calculator to help you figure out the amount of change you need to give somebody quickly. If you’re a kid, make sure an adult is with you when you have lots of money on you. A good rule of thumb is to have at least $100 in ones and fives. 13. **Create a large sign with your prices to attract attention.** One of the easiest ways to bring people to your lemonade stand is to make a large, bright sign that says “Lemonade” in big letters. Include the prices of the lemonade you’re selling, as well as any specials you’re running at your stand. Use lots of bright colors and eye-catching graphics such as images of large lemons, pitchers, an ice-cold drink, or a cute sun. If you’re offering fresh-squeezed lemonade, put that on your sign! A simple recipe for fresh lemonade is to combine 1 cup (240 mL) of lemon juice, 1 cup (200 grams) of sugar, and 4 cups (950 mL) of water. 14. **Place smaller signs around the area to get the word out.** If it’s allowed, posting smaller signs on trees, stop signs, or posts around the area telling them where your stand is located will help drive more people to your stand. Make the signs bright, fun, and easy to read, and be sure to clearly state where your stand is located. Include your prices or specials on the signs if you have enough room. For example, you could have a sign that says, “Emily’s Lemonade Stand! Located at the corner of Elm and Oak, first cup free with any purchase!” 15. **Use a social media post to advertise your stand.** Make a post yourself or ask your parents to post about your lemonade stand on social media so you can get the word out to a larger audience. List the location of your stand as well as your prices, specials, and any causes that you’re raising the funds for. Be careful listing your location online. Make sure an adult is present with you at all times when you’re selling lemonade at your stand. 16. **Talk to people as they pass by to get them to notice you.** Bring people to your stand by talking to them as they walk by. People are less likely to say no if you politely offer to sell them some lemonade. You’ll sell more lemonade by getting people’s attention and not sitting in your stand quietly. For example, you could say something like, “Excuse me! Warm weather we’re having, can I offer you a nice cup of lemonade?” 17. **Make sure you have all of the supplies you need so you can keep selling.** Be sure to have enough cups, ice, plates, napkins, and anything else that goes along with the lemonade that you’re selling. People will buy more lemonade from you if you have everything that they’ll need. Have an extra pack or two of cups that you can open up if you need them. If you don’t need them, they can stay in their packaging so you can use them later. Keep unopened packs of napkins handy so you can break out more if you end up needing them. 18. **Act professionally and keep your stand clean.** Run your stand like a professional business to impress your customers and make them more likely to buy more lemonade from you and tell people about your stand. Be courteous, polite, and tidy up any messes that occur at your stand immediately. Pick up any cups or napkins that people leave behind.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Increase Dopamine
Dopamine is the brain's reward chemical. It boosts your mood, energy, and often your motivation. For instance, you get a rush of dopamine in response to pleasurable activities like eating your favorite food, winning a game, or having sex. You can make sure you're getting enough dopamine by looking at your diet and lifestyle, though medications can also make a difference in your dopamine levels. If you're worried about your levels, always talk to a doctor for advice. 1. **Eat foods rich in tyrosine.** In order to make dopamine, your body needs tyrosine, which is an amino acid. When it enters your body, the amino acid travels to your brain. Once there, the neurons responsible for releasing dopamine transform it into dopamine with the help of other enzymes. The foods highest in tyrosine include cheese, fish, meat, seeds, grains, dairy, beans, and soy. As long as you're getting enough protein in your diet, you should be getting enough tyrosine. To determine how much protein you need, multiple your weight in pounds by 0.36 grams. For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds (68 kg), you need 54 grams of protein. As an example, 0.5 cups (120 mL) of cottage cheese has 14 grams of protein, while a serving of chicken the size of your palm has about 19 grams of protein. 2. **Consume protein-rich foods to get your daily dose of phenylalanine.** Tyrosine can be produced in part from phenylalanine, so eating foods rich in this amino acid can ensure you're getting enough tyrosine. In turn, that may increase dopamine. Meats, cheeses, and wheat germ are rich in this food. Artificial sweeteners also contain this amino acid. You should consume at least 5 grams of phenylalanine a day, but you can eat up to 8 grams per day. As an example, 3 ounces (85 g) of many cheeses have about 1 gram of phenylalanine in them. 3. **Get your daily jolt of caffeine.** Caffeine is one of the main ways to increase the body's use of dopamine. While it doesn't increase your production of dopamine, it likely works by making more receptors available to use the dopamine your body produces. Try taking or drinking up to 300 milligrams per day. An average cup of coffee has about 100 milligrams. Keep in mind that caffeine can cause depression and fatigue once it's out of your system, which usually occurs about 6 hours after you consume it. Try not to rely too much on a caffeine boost. Also remember that caffeine can prevent you from falling asleep, so avoid drinking it 6 hours before bed. 4. **Set goals and reward yourself for achieving them.** When you are approaching a reward, such as the achievement of a goal, your body releases dopamine. Once you set a goal, plan out small, concrete steps you can take. Each time you achieve a part of your goal by taking a step, your brain may reward you with dopamine. For example, say your goal is you want to learn how to paint. You could set small goals like get supplies, set up a workstation, and practice painting 30 minutes every day. 5. **Spend more time in sunlight to increase your dopamine sensitivity.** Sunlight likely plays a role in how many dopamine receptors are available to "catch" the dopamine. In other words, while it doesn't increase dopamine per se, it increases the amount your system is making use of, offering similar benefits. Spending as little as 5 to 10 minutes in the sun can help. Try taking a walk at your lunch break to get a little sunshine in. 6. **Practice meditation when you want to release dopamine.** True meditation relaxes you completely, to the point that you have less of a desire to act. In turn, your body may release dopamine in response, as a way of encouraging action. Try practicing meditation 2-3 times a day. Even simple meditation like deep breathing can increase your dopamine levels. For deep breathing, try focusing on just your breathing. Breathe in to the count of 4, and then hold for 4 counts. Breathe out to the count 4. Repeat this action, focusing solely on your breathing. You can try a meditation app such as Insight Timer, Calm, or Headspace. You can follow either a guided or non-guided meditation. 7. **Practice gratitude and thankfulness.** Gratitude is linked to the release of dopamine in your brain. The more thankful you are, the more likely your brain is to release dopamine. Just being thankful for a good meal or something a friend just did and expressing it is a way to release dopamine. You can also try keeping a gratitude journal, where you write down 5 things you're thankful for each day. 8. **Take levodopa to increase dopamine in the brain.** Levodopa is a precursor of dopamine, meaning it can be transformed into dopamine in the brain. Taking levodopa increases the amount of dopamine your body produces. You may be prescribed this medication by your doctor if you have a disease like Parkinson's or restless leg syndrome. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, impairment of voluntary movement, and dizziness. It can also cause hallucinations and confusion in some people. 9. **Discuss a dopamine agonist to increase dopamine receptors.** While levodopa increases the amount of dopamine your body makes, dopamine agonists actually up the number of receptors to "catch" the dopamine. You can take this medication in place of or in addition to levodopa. The 2 most commonly prescribed dopamine agonists are pramipexole and ropinirole. The main side effect of these medications is daytime sleepiness, which may even cause you to fall asleep against your will. This medication is also used for diseases like Parkinson's and restless leg syndrome. 10. **Try velvet bean as a supplement.** The velvet bean naturally contains levodopa. Like stronger prescription medications, that means it may increase dopamine in your brain. Look for a supplement that contains extract of Mucuna pruriens with 15% L-dopa or levodopa. Take 300 milligrams 2 times a day of this extract. Always talk to your doctor before beginning any supplement, especially one so similar to a prescription medication. 11. **Consider golden root as a supplement.** Golden root, also known as Rhodiola rosea, may increase dopamine activity in the brain. Try starting on 200 mg of a supplement with Rhodiola rosea extract. Look for one that has 2-3% rosavin and 0.8-1% salidroside. Take this supplement once a day. You can take as much as 600 milligrams in one day. Talk to your doctor before starting this supplement. Take it 30 minutes before you eat early in the day. It can cause insomnia if you take it too late in the day.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Detect Freezer Burn
Storing food in the freezer is an easy and safe way to keep food fresh for later use. However, when outside air gets in contact with stored frozen food, it can lead to freezer burn, making the food unsightly and unappetizing to eat. Freezer burn is relatively easy to spot, but there are a few sings to look out for when checking food for freezer burn, and some simply solutions to help slow down the process, to keep your stored foods as fresh as possible, for as long as possible. 1. **Look the food packaging.** An opening in the food packaging or a tear in the plastic indicate that the food has been exposed to cold, outside air, and has a higher chance of being freezer burned. 2. **Inspect the food.** Remove the food from the packaging, and check the food for dry areas, areas of discoloration, and ice crystals. Food with any of these qualities, is highly likely to be freezer burned. The exact color of freezer burn discoloration varies depending on the food, but freezer burn tends to look white on poultry (chicken), grayish-brown on meat (steak), white on vegetables, and icy crystals formations on ice cream. Patches of wrinkling on meat or vegetables are also an indication that your food might be freezer burned. 3. **Smell the food.** Smell the food and see if you can detect an unpleasant plastic-y and stale “freezer” odor. When fat from food comes in contact with air outside of its packaging and oxidizes, it creates the gross freezer flavor and smell we associate with freezer burn. 4. **Check the date.** Store bought food is usually labeled with a storage date. Check the label and determine if the food has been stored past this date. If your food is past the labeled date, and has ice crystals, your food is most likely freezer burned. 5. **Deal with the freezer burned food.** Freezer burned food is not unsafe to eat. However, you can save a majority portion of the food you plan to eat by trimming off the freezer burned areas, and preparing and eating the rest of the food like normal. If the freezer burn is widespread, throwing out the food may be the best option. Even though the food is safe to eat, it will be flavorless, or have a strange flavor. Freezer burned ice cream, will have small ice crystals formations on the surface, which are perfectly fine to eat, though not very appetizing. 6. **Tightly seal your food.** Use freezer specific, sealable plastic bags to store food, and double-wrap your frozen items to stop water from evaporating from your food. Food wrapped in store bought packaging usually lasts about 1-2 months in the freezer, but if you plan to store your food longer than that, consider wrapping your food more securely. Try storing food in air-tight containers (soups, broths, fruit) or vacuum packaging (fish, meats). 7. **Repack opened store bought foods.** Once store bought frozen foods are opened, the moisture-vapor seal of the packaging is broken, no longer keeping moisture from the frozen food. Because this barrier is broken, the food needs to be repackaged. For example, putting a whole bag of opened veggies inside a freezer bag or taking frozen fish sticks out of an opened box and putting them into a small, freezer safe container, are efficient ways to repackage and store opened frozen foods. 8. **Check the freezer temperature.** Your freezer temperature should be set to at least 0 degrees Fahrenheit, if not a bit lower. Any temperature higher than zero, or inconsistent temperatures (due to opening and closing the freezer door) increases the risk of freezer burn. 9. **Avoid storing food for too long.** All frozen food should be eaten within the recommended time period on the packaging labels. Try labeling your frozen foods with a date to use and eat your food within the recommended time frame. Remember: freezer burned food is not unsafe to eat; it just means it may not be at its best quality. 10. **Utilize ice dips.** Ice dipping is a very old method to preserve food. You dip your raw food in water and allow the layering of water to freeze into an ice coating on the food. Then you continue to dip the now ice coated food in water and again, allow the water to freeze into a layering of ice. This dipping is done until there is a thick enough coating of ice over the food to protect it from penetrating outside air. Fish is often dipped in ice for preservation. Other raw foods that are preserved this way include chicken and other meat. Ice dips are also utilized to help save on plastic packaging costs.
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How to Raise Bucket Calves
Bucket calves, so named because of how they’re fed from birth until weaning, are easy to raise. In fact, for children interested in caring for livestock; raising bucket calves may be the perfect project. If you or your little ones are interested in raising bucket calves, you’ll need to know how to best care for them in many ways to ensure their well-being. 1. **Get calf bottles and nipples.** Purchase one set of bottles and nipples per calf. Each calf should have at least one assigned set. Otherwise, you will need to go to the trouble of sterilizing the equipment between uses. The nipple of a bottle resembles the mother's teat, which should trigger the calf's natural instinct to suckle. Bottles and nipples can be purchased online or at major retail stores such as Tractor Supply Co. 2. **Give them colostrum to start.** Similar to human babies and breastmilk, the newborn calf should be fed fed colostrum, or milk produced by the mother, for the first few days. This is because the colostrum contains antibodies that the calf needs to develop a strong immune system. If you purchased the calf, chances are it didn’t receive that much needed colostrum. Replacement colostrum can be obtained in frozen form, from a dairy farm, or from one of your other cows who has just given birth. If you are thawing frozen colostrum, be very careful not to overheat it or you will destroy its antibodies. Use warm water, anything less than 120°F or 50°C and allow it to thaw. A microwave oven can also be used to thaw the milk without causing damage. Replacement colostrum should be given to the calf for about four days. 3. **Switch to milk.** Calves need milk for the first month or so of their lives. There are several different milk options. Cow’s milk. If one of your cows gave birth recently, you can use their milk. Most cows produce enough milk to adequately care for their young. Replacement milk. If you’re using replacement milk, always follow the directions on the package. The temperature should be high enough to allow the fats in the milk replacer to melt into liquid form. This will help the calf to better absorb it, while keeping the mix consistent. Milk replacer formula should not be too hot either. Goat’s milk. If mother’s milk isn’t available or if milk replacement is too costly, consider goat’s milk. It is easily digestible and may result in fewer cases of scours (a clinical sign associated with several diseases characterized by diarrhea) 4. **Create a feeding schedule.** Young calves need routine, so feed them twice a day at the same times each day. Typically, the best feeding times for young calves are early morning and evening. Start slow with a half of a bottle at each feeding and gradually increase it to two full feedings. During the winter or other cold spells, you may need to increase the feedings to three times a day. The third feeding can take place mid-day. 5. **Look for signs of stress.** This is particularly important if you have recently purchased and transported the calf. Once they are at your home, keep the routine consistent. Changes in routine may cause stress in calves, which leads to a higher likelihood of illness. If the stress is severe, your calf could develop serious medical conditions such as scours. 6. **Watch for scouring.** Scours, unfortunately, can be deadly for a young calf. Immediately treat scours using fluid therapy, which entails giving the calf the water and electrolytes that it has lost as a result of the illness. Signs of scours include watery stool, appearing too weak to drink or stand and swaggering when they walk. To treat a calf with scours, try the following: Administer electrolytes through a feeder. 2 - 6 quarts of electrolytes may need to be administered on a daily basis, but should be given based on the size of the calf and the severity of the illness. Give them liquids through an IV. Fluids are administered using a catheter, which is placed directly into the jugular vein. You will need to contact a veterinarian to administer this form of treatment. Warm them up. Take preventative measures against the cold, including warm bedding and proper shelter from the elements so that the calf does not experience excessive cold stress in addition to it's existing condition. 7. **Keep your calves warm.** A comfortable temperature is anywhere from 50°F to 85°F. This environment helps to promote performance, while offering the least amount of stress for the calf. If the barn is drafty or if it’s exceptionally cold, you may need to bring in a heat source for your calves. Similarly, you will need to keep their space cool, should temperatures rise. Consider other environmental factors such as humidity, wind-chill and moisture, which can affect the temperature in the calf's space. 8. **Offer hay.** When a calf stops relying solely on liquids such as milk and begins to eat dry, solid food, this is referred to as weaning. Make sure hay is available to the calf a few days after they are born. They should only be offered a small amount to begin with. You will need to monitor how much hay they are consuming. Once they are eating at least 1 1/2 pounds of calf starter or hay per day, you can begin weaning them. 9. **Slowly reduce milk.** Begin reducing the amount of milk the calf is drinking and replace it with water. This can be done over the course of one to two weeks. There are commercially available "calf starter" food products that you can purchase to help with the transition from milk to solids. 10. **Replace milk with water.** After a week or two, only give the calf water to drink. From that point on you will need to make water, grain and hay available to the calf at all times. Don't be surprised if your calf continues to cry for the bottle in the days after you've weaned them. 11. **Teach them to lead.** One of the first things you may choose to do with a bucket calf is train it to lead (using a halter to lead it with a rope from place to place). To prepare your calf for the process, try gently petting her while she’s drinking. You can also put a halter on a new calf and lead her to the bottle of milk. This will incentivise her to move while getting her used to the halter. Try to lead your calf by not tugging hard on the halter. Instead, have someone apply pressure from behind, to encourage the calf to move. Consider using a halter with padding, as it will be comfortable for the calf. Always be patient and kind when using a halter and teaching the calf to lead. 12. **Groom your calf.** One way to teach the calf to enjoy being handled by people, is to groom them. Be cautious when grooming your calf. You’ll want to move slowly so as not to frighten it. Make sure you are using a halter and only giving the calf a few inches to move. Use a scotch comb along with a rice root brush to remove any mud and dirt that has accumulated on your calf's body. Next, you can use a hose and soap that is made for livestock to wash your calf. Make sure the hose pressure is on low to medium. Once you’ve washed her, use another scotch comb to ensure the hair is nice and smooth. 13. **Show them some love.** Calves need some love too. Stroke her sides, belly, udder, and hind legs to get your calf used to human touch. This will help teach her to ignore or even enjoy being handled.
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How to Make Chocolate Leaves
Chocolate leaves are a delicious treat or an ideal decoration for placing on top of a cake or other food item. They can be based on real leaves or simply shaped in chocolate to look like leaves. 1. **Choose safe, culinary-suitable or edible leaves.** If you plan on using one of the methods involving real leaves, ensure that you are 100 percent certain of the safety and origins of the leaf or leaves. The leaves used must be: Non-toxic to humans Not sprayed with chemical pesticides Allergy-safe for those consuming the chocolate. Leaves that can be considered safe for using to make the chocolate treat include: Organic mint leaves (also safe and enjoyable to eat) Organic lemon leaves (or orange leaves) Organic apple or plum leaves Organic rose leaves. 2. **If you are not sure of the leaf's origins, or you do not know which leaf comes from which plant, do not use real leaves.** Instead, use one of the artificial leaf methods following the Real Leaf Chocolates section. 3. **When choosing the leaves, some things to watch for include:** Round, heart-shaped leaves are easy to work with Young leaves will be the easiest to peel away from the chocolate. 4. **Line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper.** 5. **Pick some real leaves off one of the edible plant varieties outlined above.** Wash each leaf well; they must be clean, as well as safe. 6. **Melt the dairy milk chocolate in a double boiler or in a bowl simmering over a pan of hot water.** You could also use white or dark chocolate. Dark chocolate should be tempered before using, otherwise it will appear dull when it sets. 7. **Set the leaves out on an extra section of parchment or greaseproof paper.** Place each leaf so that the back of the leaf is facing upward, as this will produce a much more interesting pattern effect on the chocolate when completed. 8. **Dip a pastry brush into the melted chocolate.** Paint the backside of the leaf with the chocolate. Aim to keep a smooth and even layer across the leaf. Avoid dripping chocolate onto the underside of the leaf. If this happens, wipe it off with your finger. Chocolate stuck on the underside of the leaf will make it harder to peel the chocolate leaf off later. 9. **As you complete each leaf, lay it onto the baking sheet.** Repeat until you've made as many leaves as you wished to make. 10. **Allow the leaves to set.** This can be done in one of three ways: Let sit in a cool and dry area of the kitchen until set. Place in the refrigerator and allow to set. Place in the freezer and allow to set. 11. **Remove the leaf from the chocolate when the chocolate sets.** Start with the stem end, as this is the strongest part you'll be able to grip. Simply peel the leaf away from the chocolate, carefully. If you find that the leaf veins did not transfer as well as you'd have liked, etch in additional veins with a toothpick. 12. **Either serve immediately or store.** If you need to keep the leaves to serve later or to decorate a cake with, place them back on the parchment covered tray and put into the refrigerator. This will help them to retain their shape and they won't melt. 13. **Pick organic, fresh mint leaves from the garden.** Look for leaves that are of a decent size, unblemished and without rips or bumps. Wash and dry the leaves before proceeding. You can often buy organic mint leaves at the supermarket or fruit and vegetable stores if you don't grow your own. Some places also sell live mint plants for culinary usage. 14. **Melt dark chocolate in a double boiler.** 15. **Dip the leaves halfway in the melted chocolate.** Leave space between the leaves to prevent them from sticking together. Use tweezers or small tongs to help you hold the leaf by its stem, if wished. 16. **Arrange the dipped leaves on a tray lined with wax paper.** Parchment paper can be used instead, if preferred. 17. **Place the covered leaves in the freezer for half an hour.** They will set during this time. They can be left in the freezer for up to 5 hours if needed. Don't leave longer or they may get freezer burn and won't taste as good. 18. **Serve.** Remove from the wax paper (use tweezers to help). Arrange on a lovely, dainty platter for decorative effect. These are wonderful on their own or as a beautiful garnish to any dessert. Serve direct from the freezer; the frozen texture is part of the eating experience. 19. **Purchase chocolate leaf molds.** You can find these from a chocolate making product supplier, kitchenware stores, or online. 20. **Purchase chocolate in either a block or in a package of small disks.** Don't confuse with baker's chocolate, which is unsweetened. Do not use chocolate chips, baking chocolate or store bought chocolate bars because they are the wrong thickness/fluidity (technical word is "viscosity") for molding. 21. **Temper the chocolate.** This step is extremely important to yield a visually appealing final product with the proper texture and mouth feel. Melt the chocolate over a double boiler or in a bowl sitting over a pan of bubbling water. To temper chocolate: For dark chocolate, heat the chocolate to 113ºF and cool to 88ºF. For milk and white, heat to 113ºF and cool to 82ºF. 22. **Brush a thin layer of chocolate into the leaf mold, using a pastry brush.** Brush an even coating on all sides of the mold; take care to get into in all the nooks and crannies the mold might have. 23. **Place the mold into the freezer.** Leave for five to seven minutes, to allow the chocolate leaves to set properly. 24. **Remove the mold from the freezer and brush on another thin layer of chocolate.** Place the mold back in the freezer. 25. **Repeat this process until you have a solid shell of chocolate leaves.** Depending on the size of the mold, you will probably need about seven layers to complete the leaves. 26. **When you take the final chocolate leaves out, remove them from the mold.** Turn the mold gently over a counter or cutting board. The chocolates should come out without too much trouble. However, if you find them getting stuck, tap the mold firmly against the counter or flex the mold a little, and that should free them. 27. **Arrange the leaves on a serving plate.** Scoff them down! 28. **Line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper.** Make sufficient room in your freezer to put the sheet and a blown-up balloon into it. 29. **Blow up a balloon nice and firmly.** Tie it off. Do not wash the balloon. Use a new, clean one. 30. **Place cooled melted chocolate into a piping bag.** Use dark, milk or white chocolate, as long as it is good for melting. 31. **Draw a leaf outline on the balloon.** Be sure to join it up to create a clear leaf shape. Do not fill it in just yet. Let the outline set. 32. **Carefully infill the leaf with melted chocolate.** Either use the same chocolate or a contrasting chocolate for an interesting appearance. 33. **Place the balloon onto the baking sheet.** Place in the freezer to set properly. This will take about half an hour. 34. **When set, remove from the freezer.** Undo the balloon knot and slowly deflate the balloon to release the chocolate leaf. Pull the balloon off the chocolate backing. 35. **Draw leaf lines on the leaf.** Use a toothpick or fork tines to scratch little lines and a middle vein. 36. **Serve.** The large leaf is now ready to serve as a dessert centerpiece. Or, use it as a chocolate centerpiece and arrange other chocolates around the large chocolate leaf. 37. **Finished.**
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Start a Plumbing Business
High demand for plumbers means that there are many opportunities for starting your own plumbing business. However, to succeed in getting clients and competing against other plumbers, you must plan your business carefully. To stay successful, you must also market your business well and stay informed of new techniques and materials. 1. **Be an apprentice.** Starting a plumbing business requires knowledge of the trade. If you are going to be responsible for bringing that knowledge to your business, you will need to gain experience in the day-to-day work of plumbing. One common way to learn the trade is to work as an apprentice to an experienced plumber. Apprenticeships can last several years, but they provide you with the skills and experience that are necessary for running a plumbing business. Working as an apprentice can help you develop a list of clients and make a name for yourself, so that transitioning to your own plumbing business is made easier. You can find out how to become a plumber's apprentice by contacting plumbers in your area, or through plumbing education courses. 2. **Take courses relevant to the plumbing trade.** Community colleges, trade schools, and other institutions in your area may offer educational programs designed to train plumbers. These programs may take up to a couple of years to complete. Look for one that provides education in the technical aspects of plumbing, business essentials, and health, safety, and contracting regulations. 3. **Be physically fit.** If you are going to do some or all of the actual plumbing work yourself, you will have to lift heavy objects, fit into small and cramped spaces, deal with heights, etc. 4. **Find others with plumbing experience.** If you want to start a plumbing business and do not have plumbing experience yourself, it is essential that you have partner or team that can supply this knowledge. 5. **Be a people person.** The plumbing business requires making lots of house calls, and communicating with customers in various ways (over the phone, online, etc.). If your plumbing business employs others, you will also need to be able to manage other people well. 6. **Decide if you want your business to have a particular focus.** Plumbing businesses can concentrate primarily on selling tools and supplies, or on installing new plumbing work, or on servicing and repairing existing plumbing work. Some plumbing business may offer a combination of these services. You can decide which business model has the greatest chance of success in your area by knowing what your competitors offer, and what needs your community has. 7. **Write a business plan.** A business plan will be helpful when raising the funding necessary to start your plumbing business. The plan will describe your experience in the trade, how your business will be organized and run, and what kind of profits you project. There are numerous sample business plans available online that are specific to starting a plumbing business. Your business plan will need to include information such as: Mission or objective of your business Market research and client analysis Costs of initial start-up Pricing for equipment, materials, transportation, labor, payroll, etc. Projected costs and revenues 8. **Secure funding.** The start-up costs for running a plumbing business vary based on your experience and location. With a solid business plan, you may be able to attract investors who are willing to put up money in exchange for a financial interest in the business. You might also look into getting a business partner. Look for someone who has connections with the local business community and who has experience raising money and running businesses. 9. **Consider opening a franchise.** Having the brand and name recognition of a major plumbing chain can make it easier to start your business, and offer a more immediate promise of steady work. However, operating a plumbing franchise will also mean less chance of flexibility. Opening a plumbing franchise may still require you to have or raise substantial startup capital. If you have already been working as a plumber and have your own tools and equipment, your costs to start your own plumbing business may be lower than opening a franchise. Starting your own plumbing business from scratch can also be a way of avoiding franchising fees. 10. **Register your business and acquire a license.** You will need to provide the name of your business and other pertinent information. The government office you will need to register with will vary based on your area. You will also need to demonstrate that your business will abide by all safety and business regulations applicable to plumbing services. These will vary based on your area, but are similar to those governing contractors, electricians, etc. When you register your business, you can ask for the details of these regulations, if you are not already familiar with them. 11. **Get the supplies you need.** Aside from the tools and materials necessary for plumbing jobs, a plumbing business will will need reliable transportation to make visits to job sites. You may use supplies that you already have, buy new ones, or rent them in some cases. Typical equipment you might need to start a plumbing business includes items such as: At least one truck or van for transportation Pipes Fittings. Pipe wrenches. A reciprocating saw. A circular saw. A propane torch Extension cords. Office furniture and supplies A work phone and/or tablet device for orders 12. **Find an office.** Location is one of the most important aspects of any business, including plumbing services. You will want your business located where it will be easy to get to job sites in your area. If you expect to have customers visiting your office, whether to ask about services or to buy supplies, you will also want to choose a location that is easily accessible and offers parking. 13. **Hire workers, if needed.** Some plumbers may work entirely by themselves. However, you may also hire a team of employees. These may include plumbers, but also an office manager or assistant to handle orders, phone calls, etc., someone to handle bookkeeping and accounting, a marketing specialist, and other positions. If you are hiring plumbers, try to find trustworthy ones with the best qualifications and experience. If you will be hiring other workers, factor this into your business plan by accounting for their wages, insurance, and other costs. 14. **Focus on marketing.** If you have the necessary skills and experience to work as a plumber, then the most important thing you will have to accomplish in order for your plumbing business to succeed is to attract customers. Successful marketing can depend upon a number of factors, including: Word of mouth advertising Sharing business cards and flyers. Creating a distinctive and memorable logo and brand Using social media to attract customers Creating a website and optimizing it for search engines. 15. **Know your competitors.** If you are not the only plumbing business in your area, you will need to position your business well so that you can compete. This means offering pricing, services, and offers that will attract customers to your business rather than one of your competitors. Do regular research to learn what your competitors charge for plumbing services, what they offer customers, and how you can improve in comparison. You may also employ a marketing specialist who can help you with this research. 16. **Keep informed.** The plumbing trade, like most businesses, is constantly changing. In order to run a successful and competitive business, you will need to keep up with these changes. High-efficiency fixtures, alternative energy heating, and new methods of construction are examples of topics that plumbers will want to be informed about. Business magazines, trade shows, and continuing education courses are ways of keeping informed.
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How to Forgive Yourself
The path to forgiveness is not an easy one, especially when the person you’re trying to forgive is yourself. No matter the reason, focusing on self-awareness can help you fix the pains of the past. As you heal, understanding that life is a journey and not a sprint will help you ensure a better future. 1. **Diagnose why you need to forgive yourself.** If we recognize we are to blame, we may feel guilt and a need for forgiveness. When you think of memories, they may create these uncomfortable feelings. To identify why it is you may feeling like this, ask yourself: Am I feeling this way because of the outcome of what I did makes me feel bad? Am I feeling this way because I am to blame for a bad outcome? 2. **Accept that failures do not make you a bad person.** Everyone fails at something at one point in her life or other. Do not think that failing at something - whether it be a job or relationship - makes you a bad person. As Bill Gates said: “It is fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” Learning from one’s mistakes is a step of forgiving oneself. 3. **Do not be afraid to start anew.** To really forgive yourself, do not be afraid to start from scratch. Learning to forgive yourself is not just learning to live with the past. It is learning from that experience. Take what you have learned and apply it to building a better you. 4. **Adapt a new mindset by learning from past mistakes.** One way to move forward with yourself is to adapt from what you have learned. Set goals yourself for the future that help to promote a better and stronger mindset. This look into the future may help you forgive yourself in the present by focusing on the positive changes you are able to make. Whenever you feel guilt, follow the words of Les Brown, "Forgive yourself for your faults and mistakes and move on." This will help you whenever you make a mistake. 5. **Realize that no one is perfect.** You may want to forgive yourself because of actions against another. You must first realize that you are not to blame for other people’s actions. We all make mistakes and we all have times in our life that we do not act our best. Realizing this may be the step you need to being the self-healing process. 6. **Do not dwell on past mistakes.** Learning from past mistakes is good, but dwelling on them can stunt self-forgiveness. It may stop you from being aware of present realities. Your life may become stagnant as you find yourself obsessing about what you did or did not do. Instead, focus on the present and what you can do in the future to make a better life for yourself. 7. **Plan for a bright future today by not being stifled by the past.** Consider a “fix it and move on” approach to life. If you experience a similar encounter that caused you emotional turmoil in the past, focus on what you can control. Try and fix the issues that you know you can handle and try and let the rest of it go. You do not want to keep repeating the same mistakes. 8. **Learn to be mindful.** Self-awareness of present actions can help for future healing. If you cultivate a strong sense of self and accept the actions you choose to take now, it will help you to build a better future and help you forgive past actions or reactions. 9. **Investigate your past choices.** You do not want to dwell on mistakes, but you must learn from them to move forward in a healthier way. One way to forgive yourself is to identify the trigger, or cause, of emotions in the first place. If you identify what you did in the first place, then you can change your outlook for the future. Ask yourself: “What did I do the first time, and what may I do to avoid the same outcome?” 10. **Identify situations where you feel strong emotions.** This will help you directly pinpoint situations in which you feel uncomfortable. Once you’ve identified the situation, you can more easily plot out a solution. Ask yourself: Do I feel anxious or guilty when I approach my boss? Do I feel strong negative emotions when I talk with my significant other. Does spending time with my parents make me feel angry or upset? 11. **Let people into your life.** As the philosopher Derrida once said: “Forgiveness is often confounded, sometimes in a calculated fashion, with related themes: excuse, regret, amnesty, prescription, etc.” . Forgiveness is a two-way street. You may not be able to forgive yourself unless you learn to forgive others. You may need to let others into your life to help give you the support and structure to forgive yourself. Talk to loved ones to support yourself while you grapple with self-forgiveness. 12. **Outline a solution or plan.** To forgive yourself, you must be aware of what you need to forgive. Writing out a detailed step-by-step guide may help you focus on what is important and give you the structure for an apology to yourself or others. Take into consideration the following aspects of creating a solution to ask forgiveness: Declare or ask for the apology using direct language. Do not step around the issue. Say “I’m sorry” or ask “Do you forgive me?” directly. You do not want to be ambiguous or come across as insincere. Investigate how you can actually fix a solution. If you are asking forgiveness from another, figure out specific actions that can help make amends. If you are forgiving yourself, ask yourself what steps you need to take to move forward with a healthier outlook on life. Promise yourself and others that you will strive to be better in the future. An apology is empty if you will not follow through with it. Make sure you do not repeat the same mistakes. 13. **Ask forgiveness from others.** If you ask for forgiveness for others, you will feel better about yourself. Sometimes, clearing the air can help to resolve an existing issue. It may also help to show that you were internalizing a bigger issue than was actually present. Asking for forgiveness has been proven to bring more favorable outcomes and provide stronger relationships 14. **Be honest with yourself about your actions.** Before you can forgive yourself completely, you first need to acknowledge your actions. It may help to write down your actions that you have strong feelings about. This will help pinpoint concrete examples of why you have negative feelings about yourself. 15. **Stop rationalizing, and start taking responsibility for what you say and do.** One way to be honest to yourself is to accept the consequences of your actions. If you have done or said something wrong, you need to own the action before forgiving yourself for it. One way to achieve this is by letting go of stress. The more stress you hold inside of you, the more damage you do to yourself. Stress can sometimes lead you to releasing your anger out and harm yourself and others around you, but if you forgive yourself the anger will be gone and the bad stuff will be gone. The result is that you are more concentrated and better about the positive instead of the negative. 16. **Accept the guilt that you are feeling.** Accepting responsibility is one thing, but understanding the emotions behind is another thing. Feeling strong emotions like guilt is not only common, but also good. Feeling guilt will encourage you to take action for yourself and others. . You may be feeling guilty over your own thoughts. You may have thoughts of wishing pain or misfortune on others. You may feel things like lust or greed. If you are overwhelmed by these guilty feelings, know that they are common. Your guilt may stem from these strong emotions; it is best to confront them and acknowledge why you are feeling this way. Only by doing this may you move on to forgiving yourself. You may be judging yourself (or others) too harshly out of guilt. You may be taking out your feelings on yourself and others, making you feel guilty for your actions. You may blame others out of insecurities and increase the feeling of guilt. If you find yourself blaming others, take a step back and acknowledge why you say these things. It may help you on the path to self-forgiveness. You may be taking on guilt because of another’s action. It is not uncommon for a couple to feel guilt over his/her significant other’s actions. You might feel guilty over a spouse’s actions or insecurities. You should identify why you feel this way to realize if you should forgive yourself or another person. 17. **Identify self-values and self-beliefs.** Before you can forgive yourself, you must identify what it is you value and what it is you believe. Take a moment to think about how you might atone for what you feel guilty for. Think about how you might make an actual difference. These actions may be based on a spiritual belief system, or based on societal demands. 18. **Analyze your needs versus your wants.** One way to forgive yourself for feelings of inadequacies to is to identify what you need in your life versus what you want. Identify both concrete needs - such as shelter, food, and social needs - and compare them with concrete wants - nicer car, bigger house, nicer body. Identifying these needs vs. wants may help you realize that perhaps you were too hard on yourself or perhaps things are out of your control. 19. **Become a better person through personal challenges.** To stop yourself from sliding back into a situation of doubt and guilt, design small challenges that will help you become a better person. You can do this by setting a routine for a month on something you want to improve. By doing something for a month - like tracking calories - you will begin to develop a helpful routine to improvement. This will help you self-actualize forgiveness by acting in a positive way. 20. **Work on identified faults.** Try and give yourself a performance review to identify measurable means of self-improvement. If you find yourself feeling guilty over procrastinating, for example, make a to-do list and try to stick with it. It is important to identify things that you can control. This will benefit self-forgiveness by self-improvement. 21. **Practice self-awareness.** Self-awareness is the ability to predict consequences of our actions. Thinking about ourselves and our actions can help us be better people by creating a self-imposed morality. You can practice self-awareness by noting your strengths, observing your reactions to situations, and expressing your emotions.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Her Love You
If you want a specific woman to love you, there are steps you can take to increase the chances she will. Love is an emotion that is tough to force. It's either there, or it's not, and it's hard to create chemistry. That being said, there are some things you can do that will make it more likely she will love you. 1. **Realize that women think differently.** We all know this. But to make a woman love you, you need to understand how women process information. It's probably different than you do. There is a reason women like to talk. Women's brains are wired to be more verbal. Girls learn to speak earlier and are good at learning foreign languages, research has found. Although you don't need to fill every second with words, just be aware that women like it when men process feelings through words. Try to be a good conversationalist - especially if she's angry. When men shut down during arguments and go silent, it drives women crazy. Write her a love note. Remember, women love communication and words. Become the master of the text message. If she asks you about your day, don't just say it was fine. If she asks you how she looks in that new dress, don't just say she looks fine. Give her some details and back up your answer, and she will feel close to you. 2. **Figure out her attachment style.** Women have different attachment styles. Understanding hers will help you appeal to her. Secure. A woman with a secure attachment style is confident, and she isn't going to be too clingy (or want you to be). She won't be calling repeatedly or waiting outside your apartment for you to get home. Ideally, this is the kind of attachment style you want a woman to have. If this is your woman, you should show her that you're secure also. She won't have much tolerance for insecurity. Anxious. Women with anxious attachment styles are insecure and likely to want a relationship to proceed very fast. They need a lot of reassurance, so give it to them. Dismissive. This kind of woman will fight her attraction to you because she prides herself in her independence and feels smothered by a relationship. You will have to be persistent and make sure you also give her space. Fearful. Women with fearful attachment styles are those who have gone through some kind of relationship trauma. You should go slow and demonstrate that you understand what she has been through. 3. **Compliment her.** Women like to feel unique, and the female brain responds positively to flattery. Women can never get enough compliments. Tell her she has pretty eyes. If you pull out a single trait, it tells her you really mean it. Compliment her intellect. Women are used to their looks being talked about, but she also wants to feel valued for her mind. This will tell her you aren't just interested in her physically. Always tell her she looks good in an outfit, even if she looks awful. It's just not worth it. 4. **Win over her friends.** If their friends like a guy, a woman is more likely to think he's something special too. Never, ever flirt with her friends. It will get you banished. Let her friends know how much you like her. They are probably protective of her and wary that she could get hurt. If you reassure them that you really are into her, they will like you more (and probably tell her besides). 5. **Realize her brain goes in tangents.** Men tend to focus on one task at a time, but women's brains are wired to think about many things at once. She will get annoyed if she wants to talk about one thing, but you're still focused on another. An example of this would be if you are watching a basketball game, and she brings up another topic. If you ignore her or say little back, she will be frustrated. Women speak in "hint" language. They will often ask questions that are really nudges for you to get a point. Learn how to perceive what a woman is hinting. For example, if she says, "It's cold in here, don't you think?" she probably wants you to turn the thermostat up for her, not just answer "yes." Women are intuitive thinkers, so if you compliment her intuition, she will appreciate it. They also like to over analyze relationships. Indulge her in this. 6. **Don't chase** It's a cliche, but it's true. People like to be the hunter, not the hunted. If you chase a woman too soon and too fast, she may think you are desperate and less of a catch. So, let her know you're interested - but not too much, at least at first. Don't show too much immediate attraction. If you don't know for sure that she likes you, you do not want to scare her away by confessing your "love." End the date first. End texting first. End phone conversations first. Don't overdo this one, though. You also need to give her some encouragement or she might give up or get too insecure. Just don't always chase. For example, you should let her be the person to ask whether the relationship is exclusive. If you are unpredictable, this will give you more control in the dynamic. For example, sometimes don't respond for three days. Then, respond right away. Most people actually find mixed signals alluring. Don't drop every commitment to be with her. Women are attracted to men who have other things going on in their lives, like careers. Similarly, have a hobby. If she sees you have a passion outside of her, she will find you interesting and exciting. But don't always put other things ahead of her either. As with everything, it's all about balance. 7. **Avoid the friend zone.** If you find yourself squarely in the friend zone, you are probably going to end up stuck there forever. At least, it's more likely. Women tend to divide romantic interests into two categories: People they would date. People they only see as friends. Not always being available will also help you stay out of the friend zone. Don't be too comedic, goofy, or self-deprecating. If you act like the class clown, there is a better chance she will friend zone you. Absolutely refuse to listen to her talk about another guy she likes. That will put you in the friend zone for sure. Tell her you like her yourself, so you can't be the shoulder to cry on. Don't go too long before making a move. If you wait weeks to kiss her, she might think you only see her as a friend. 8. **Touch her.** Show her your lovable side. Hug her, tell her how you really feel sometimes, and so on. No girl can deny a guy who opens up to her and tells her how he truly feels if you're sweet about it. Cuddling with her a lot has an extra benefit. Research shows that cuddling (and sex) release a chemical called Oxytocin into women's bodies. This chemical helps break down emotional barriers and creates a feeling of attachment in women because it is associated with pleasure. Show emotion in bed. It's important to women that you don't make them feel you're just interested in them sexually. But don't be afraid to take charge and show her a great time! Hold her after the act is done. Stroke her hair and face. Offer her your jacket if it's cold outside. Hold her hand when you're walking. Women love these kinds of lovable actions. 9. **Be sentimental.** Women love to feel special and unique, above all others. So if you show a sentimental streak, she will love it, as long as you don't overdo it. Put a photo of her somewhere she will find it. Women like to know you think they're special. They also might look through your things at some point. This is wrong, but it happens. You could put a photo of her in your wallet or use it as your screen saver on your cell phone. When she sees it, she will be flattered (as long as it's not too soon in the relationship. Wait until you're exclusive). Put a photo of her by your bed on your nightstand. This will make her feel more confident that you aren't cheating. Mention a specific song that was playing when you met or around the time you met, and tell her that it's your song together. Then, give her a CD with it for a gift. Speak a lot about the details of when your relationship began. These will be positive details, and it will matter to her that you remember them. Don't forget anniversaries, how you met, the first conversation you had, and so on. 10. **Take care of her.** Although women may have their own career and value their independence, there is a little piece, at least, inside most of them that appreciates a protector. Again, everything must be done in balance. You don't want to become excessively controlling. Create a scenario where she realizes you're the one she can rely on. If her car breaks down, be there for her. If she can't fix something, offer to come over and do it. Be the guy she depends on. Open doors, including car doors. Women love a gallant streak. Respect her. Your attitude and your actions should demonstrate to her that you have nothing but the utmost of respect for her. Don't be more than 30 minutes late. It shows her that you're indifferent to her. If she's staying out of town at a hotel, prepare for room service or a bottle of wine to be sent to her room or order flowers. If you live together or are married, do some of the housekeeping to give her a break. If you are single and don't live together, do your own housekeeping. If your apartment is a complete pig sty, she will know that's what she has to look forward to down the road. 11. **Show confidence, and really feel it.** If you are a mess, it's going to be harder to get her to fall in love with you. Women (and men) are attracted to confidence. If you hate your job, change it. If you hate your weight, lose it. If you hate yourself, seek counseling. You need to be centered in who you are - and happy about it - to attract a secure person. It's really true that you need self-love to be loved. If you don't feel confident, fake it. People will perceive you are confident, they will react more positively to you, and then you will feel more confident. See how easy that is?! Don't mistake arrogance for confidence. Talk about her, not yourself. Ask her questions about her job, her day, and her family. Don't just bombard her endlessly with conversation about yourself or your interests. Although you should not chase her too hard in the beginning of a relationship, you should make the first move. Men who make the first move are perceived as confident by women. 12. **Don't give up all the power.** This doesn't mean you should become a scary control freak. It's a balance. But if you give up all of the power, she will be less likely to respect you. When taking her out - as friends or if you've worked up the nerve to ask her out on an official date - take the lead. Choose the place, offer to pay for the meal, but be sure it's all within reason. Choose some place you know that you will both have fun (if you're trying to earn her love, you'd probably get brownie points for going to someplace you know that she likes, even if it means a little suffering on your behalf). Don't be available every time she asks. Don't be jealous. You talk to other people. There's no bigger turn off to a girl than the guy she's interested in becoming all clingy and controlling. A little jealousy is cute, but don't overdue it with questions such as "Who was that? Are you into him? How do you know him?" Never, ever beg. If she says she doesn't want to date you, she's not going to want to date you more if you plead. Instead, act disinterested. It will increase the chances she will change her mind. 13. **Don't talk about exes.** Women can't stand it when a guy talks about a past girlfriend too much because they want to feel unique. So avoid it at all costs. If she asks you about why you broke up with a past girlfriend, just say "because she wasn't you." Women will over-analyze detailed answers, so don't go there. And definitely don't bring up exes on your own. If you run into the ex, make sure to introduce your girlfriend and move on quickly. 14. **Treat others well.** Women notice when a man doesn't treat other people well. They are likely to be turned off by displays of obnoxiousness. Talk kindly to your server at restaurants, and leave a decent tip. Never let her see you angry (unless it's about someone who has mistreated her). Woman are frightened by male anger (so resist the road rage and don't get in a fight in the bar.) Speak respectfully of your parents and all past relationships. Even if your past relationship was a nightmare, don't go into a negative rant about it. Don't talk about it a lot, but don't talk negatively about past exes when the subject does come up. 15. **Don't be unfaithful.** For many women, being unfaithful is a deal-breaker. And women may define faithfulness as emotional cheating, not just physical. Don't flirt with other women when you are around her, and don't talk too much about other women, including people at work, or she will get suspicious. Watch conversations on social media and texting. Always consider how she would react if she had access to your phone or computer. For that matter, let her have your passwords or see your phone if she asks. There's nothing bad on it, right? Don't cheat and lie about it. Just don't be unfaithful, period. If you can't be faithful to her, you can hardly expect her to love you.
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How to Take a Himalayan Salt Bath
Pink Himalayan salt can be added to food, beverages, and baths for a variety of health benefits. A salt bath may balance the body’s pH, lower your blood pressure, and deep clean your skin. By mixing the water and salt properly and taking a few safety precautions, you can experience the benefits of a Himalayan salt bath. 1. **Take a shower.** Wash thoroughly before you attempt to take a detox salt bath. You want to wash away any additives like perfume, soap residue, or conditioner that could throw off the composition of your bath. Make sure the tub gets a good rinse too after you’ve finished using any toiletries. 2. **Fill your tub with water.** The water should be at or just above body temperature. Himalayan salt baths are not meant to be taken in very hot water. If you have a thermometer, aim for about 97 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). 3. **Add the salt while the tub is filling with water.** As the water is running, add enough Himalayan salt to create a 1% solution. This means adding about 2.5 pounds (a little over 1 kilogram) to a standard-sized tub, which holds 27-32 gallons (102-121 liters) of water. Himalayan salts can be purchased online, at health stores, or at some organic grocery stores. 4. **Allow the salts to dissolve.** A fine grain salt should dissolve quickly, but if your salts are chunkier this may take more time. If you’re concerned that your salts will take too long to dissolve, place them in a large bowl the night before and cover them with warm water. The next day, pour the entire contents of the bowl into the tub as it’s filling. 5. **Add essential oils if you want them.** Essential oils can increase your level of relaxation or rejuvenation in the bath. If you choose to use one, such as eucalyptus oil or lavender oil, add about 3 drops as the tub is filling with water. Do not add more than this, since it could irritate your skin. 6. **Ask your doctor if a Himalayan salt bath is safe for you.** Salt baths can place a lot of pressure on your circulatory system, so if you have poor heart circulation, heart disease, diabetes, or are pregnant, always check with your doctor first to be sure that you can safely take a salt bath. 7. **Keep a glass of water nearby.** You can quickly become dehydrated while taking a salt bath. Make sure you have a glass or water bottle near the edge of the tub to sip from while you soak. 8. **Soak for about 20-30 minutes.** Soaking in a salt bath can be intense for your circulatory system and your muscles, so spend no more than 30 minutes in the tub. Even after that short amount of time in the salt water, you will likely feel weak when you get out of the bath. 9. **Stand up carefully.** When you’re done, drain the tub and rise slowly. Hold onto something sturdy, like the edge of the sink, as you attempt to climb out. If you begin to feel dizzy, sit down immediately and sip some more water until you feel ready to stand again. 10. **Rest while you air dry.** The salt water is safe to leave on your skin, so no need to rinse yourself off or even wipe your whole body down with a towel. Use this drying time to rest for at least 30 minutes, since you will need some time to recover from the detox. It’s best to take this bath right before bed so that you won’t be doing any more physical activity for the day. 11. **Limit salt baths to 1-3 times per week.** Since Himalayan salt baths can be so intense, you should not be taking them every day. Start out by taking one a week, and then build up to two or three if you really like them.
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How to Get Health Benefits from Oregano Oil
There is some scientific research that suggests anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic properties of oregano oil. Although reliable human trials testing the efficacy of oregano oil in actually treating health conditions (such as treating fungus, killing parasites and bacteria, or alleviating sinus infections or colds) is still lacking, oregano oil has considerable anecdotal support for its healing properties. 1. **Consult a physician or health professional.** Oregano oil supplements are not recommended for everyone. Before beginning a regimen of oregano oil to treat internal symptoms, consult a health professional to make sure you do not have any contraindications (such as pregnancy or anemia) for use of the oil. A health professional should also be able to suggest a recommended dose for attempts to use oregano oil as a natural treatment for whatever condition you are trying to address. 2. **Select an emulsified oil.** For the duration of your treatment, 600 mg of emulsified oil in capsule form per day should be the maximum dose necessary (for short-term treatment) to relieve intestinal symptoms and reduce inflammation. Smaller doses of 100 to 150 mg per day in capsule form should be sufficient for less serious symptoms or problems, such as yeast imbalances, general inflammation, sinus problems, and upset stomachs. 3. **Take the oil daily until the symptoms resolve.** Oregano oil needs to be taken consistently to build up the effect and reduce symptoms. To give yourself the best chance at benefiting from the healing properties of oregano oil, do not skip doses. Doses can be spread throughout the day. 4. **Drink the oil mixed with juice, water, or milk.** Because oregano oil can be very intense and even dangerous in its undiluted form, take capsule supplements or mix undiluted drops with a small glass of juice, water, or milk before consuming. Oregano oil (3-6 drops) mixed with juice can reportedly aid a sore throat, cold, or sinus condition. When purchasing a supplement, look for a concentration of carvacrol of 70% or greater. 5. **Try gargling with diluted oregano oil to ease a sore throat or sinus infection.** Mix two or three drops of oil into orange juice or warm water and gargle several times, morning and night, to relieve inflammation and fight infection. 6. **Treat skin conditions with oregano oil.** Oregano oil has some anecdotal evidence for treating acne, athlete's foot, oily skin, dandruff, rosacea, warts, and insect bites. 7. **Follow the instructions on bottled oregano oil.** Depending on the concentration of the oregano oil you have purchased, you may need to mix the oil with different amounts of other oils before applying it to the skin. 8. **Mix oregano oil with olive oil or coconut oil.** If you have full strength oregano oil, mix 1 drop of oregano oil with a single teaspoon of a mild, food-grade oil such as olive oil or coconut oil. If you need enough oil to cover a larger skin area, maintain the 1 drop oregano and 1 teaspoon other oil ratio for the entire mixture. 9. **Begin with a skin care regimen of one application per day.** If your infection or problem persists and shows only mild improvement, up the application (of diluted oregano oil) to 2 or 3 times per day. If there is no improvement after 2 weeks or if symptoms worsen, discontinue use of the oil and consult a health professional. The nature of your skin problem may not be able to be treated effectively by oregano oil. 10. **Be aware of possible allergies.** Because oregano is from the same family of plants as mint, thyme, basil, and sage, individuals with allergies to any of these herbs may experience a similar reaction to oregano. If you have a sensitivity to any member of this family of plants, proceed cautiously with oregano oil, starting with a single dose of very low concentration until you know how your body will react. 11. **Do not use oregano oil for long-term treatment.** Because oregano oil may interfere with iron absorption and can impact blood clotting, oregano oil should only be used for short-term treatments of targeted conditions. Oregano oil is not a recommended daily supplement, even for individuals who suffer from chronic bowel inflammation or long-term gastrointestinal problems, unless it has been prescribed by a health professional. 12. **Discontinue use immediately and seek medical help for certain reactions.** If use of oregano oil induces vomiting, skin rashes, swelling, irritation, or difficulty breathing, consult a health professional. Even natural oils have significant medicinal properties and can cause serious health complications when administered incorrectly or to individuals with an intolerance for the plant’s compounds.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Know if You've Sprained Your Ankle
An ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries. It is stretching or tearing of the ligaments that support the ankle. Sprains occur most commonly in the ATF (anterior talofibular) ligament because it runs along the outside of your ankle. The outer ligaments are not as strong as the inner ligaments. Through the forces of physics, gravity and our own body weight we stretch the ligament beyond its normal capacity. This causes tears in the ligament and surrounding small blood vessels. A sprain is like a rubber band pulled and stretched too tightly, causing tears along the surface, making it unstable. 1. **Recall the moment of injury.** Try to remember what happened at the moment that you were injured. This may be difficult, especially if you are in a great deal of pain. However, your experience at the moment of injury may provide clues. How fast were you moving? If you were moving at a very high speed (e.g., skiing or running at top speed), there is a chance your injury is a bone fracture. This will require professional medical attention. A lower speed injury (e.g., rolling your ankle while jogging or walking) is more likely a sprain that may heal on its own with proper care. Did you feel a tearing sensation? In many cases you will, in the case of a sprain. Was there a popping or snapping sound? This can occur with a sprain. It is also common with a bone fracture. 2. **Look for swelling.** In the case of a sprain, your ankle will become swollen, usually immediately. Examine your ankles side-by-side to see if the injured one looks larger. Pain and swelling will usually occur in ankle sprain or fracture. Foot or ankle deformity and unbearable pain usually indicate ankle fractures. Make sure to use crutches and go to your doctor immediately. 3. **Look for bruising.** A sprain also often causes bruising. Examine the ankle for signs of discoloration resulting from bruises. 4. **Feel for tenderness.** A sprained ankle will often feel tender. Gently touch the injured area with your fingers to see if it is painful to the touch. 5. **Put weight gently on the ankle.** Stand up and gently put some weight on the injured ankle. If there is severe pain when you put weight on the ankle, it could be fractured. If you suspect it is fractured go to a doctor soon. Feel for a "wobbliness" in the ankle. A sprained ankle often feels loose or unstable. In the case of a severe sprain, you may not be able to put any weight on the ankle at all, or use that foot to stand. Doing so will cause too much pain. Use crutches and seek medical attention immediately. 6. **Recognize a grade I sprain.** Ankle sprains come in three different grades. Treatment options will be determined based on the severity of the injury. The least severe is a grade I sprain. This is a minor tear that doesn't affect your ability to stand or walk. While it might be uncomfortable, you can still use your ankle normally. A grade I sprain may result in minor swelling and pain. In a minor sprain, swelling will usually go away in a few days. Self-care is usually enough for a minor sprain. 7. **Recognize a grade II sprain.** A grade II sprain is a moderate injury. It is an incomplete but substantial tear of a ligament or ligaments. In a grade II sprain, you will not be able to use your ankle normally and will have trouble putting weight on it. You will experience moderate pain, bruising, and swelling. The ankle will feel loose and may look as if it has been pulled forward somewhat. For a grade II sprain, you will need to use crutches and an ankle brace for a while to walk. 8. **Recognize a grade III sprain.** A grade III sprain is a complete tear and loss of the structural integrity of the ligament. With a grade III sprain, you will be unable to put any weight on the ankle and will be unable to stand without help. Pain and bruising will be severe. There will be significant swelling (more than 4 cm) around the fibula (calf bone). There may be notable foot and ankle deformity and high fibular fractures just below the knee, which can be determined by a medical examination. A grade III sprain requires the immediate attention of a doctor. 9. **Recognize the signs of a fracture.** A fracture is a bone injury that is especially common with high-speed ankle injuries in the healthy population or minor falling injuries in the elder population. The symptoms are often similar to a grade III sprain. A fracture will require X-rays and professional treatment. A fractured ankle will be very painful and unstable. A minor or hairline fracture may be identical in symptoms to a sprain, but if you suspect a hairline fracture use a split and walk on crutches. A popping sound at the moment of injury may be evidence of a fracture. An obvious foot or ankle deformity, such as your foot laying in an unusual position or angle, is definite evidence of a fracture or ankle joint dislocation. 10. **Consult your doctor if the sprain is severe.** If you see any evidence of a moderate to severe fracture or a grade III sprain, you must see a doctor. In other words, if you cannot walk (or experience significant difficulty doing so), have a numb feeling in the area, are suffering extreme pain, or heard a pop at the time of the injury, see a physician. You will need X-rays and a professional examination to determine treatment. Self-care is often adequate for a minor to moderate sprain. But, a sprain that doesn't heal properly may lead to ongoing pain or swelling. If your sprain has gotten worse or hasn't gotten better at all over a week then see your doctor. 11. **Rest the ankle.** You can use a self-care regimen referred to as RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression splinting, and Elevation). This is an acronym that stands for the four treatment actions. For a grade I to II sprain, RICE might possibly be all the treatment you need The first step is to rest the ankle. Avoid moving the ankle, and immobilize it if possible. If you have a ruler or a straight piece of hard material handy, you can fashion a splint that will protect the limb from any further injury. Try to splint your ankle so it's set in a normal anatomical position. 12. **Ice the injury.** Putting ice on the injury can reduce swelling and discomfort. Get something cold to put on the ankle as soon as you can. Place some ice in a bag gently on the joint. Cover it with a washcloth or towel to avoid possible frostbite on your skin. A bag of frozen peas also makes a good ice pack. Ice the injury for 15-20 minutes at a time, every 2-3 hours. Continue icing the injury in this way for 48 hours. 13. **Compress the ankle.** For a grade I sprain, compressing the injury with an elastic bandage can help provide stability and reduce the risk of another injury. Wrap the area with bandage using a "figure-eight" pattern around the ankle. Don't wrap it too tight, or you may worsen swelling. You should be able to get a finger between the bandage and your skin. If you believe you have a grade II or III sprain, don't use compression. with grade III's still go to a doctor as soon as possible 14. **Elevate your foot.** Elevate the limb above your heart. Place your foot up on two pillows. This will decrease blood flow to the area and allow the swelling to improve. Elevation will assist gravity in clearing the swelling, and help the pain. 15. **Take medication.** To help manage the pain and swelling, you can take NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Common over-the-counter NSAIDs include ibuprofen (trademarked names include Motrin, Advil), naproxen (trademarked as Aleve), and aspirin. Acetaminophen (also called Paracetamol or trademarked Tylenol) is not an NSAID and does not manage inflammation, but it can help reduce pain. Take only as directed on the packaging, and don't take NSAIDs for pain for more than 10-14 days. Do not give aspirin to children under the age of 18 due to the risk of developing Reye syndrome. For a grade III sprain, your doctor may prescribe a narcotic to take for the first 48 hours. 16. **Use a walking aid or immobilizer.** for a grade III sprain once they have taken care of it your doctor may suggest a medical device to help you move around and/or immobilize your ankle. For example: You may need crutches, a cane, or a walker. Your level of balance will determine which is best for your safety. , you may want to consider using a bandage or ankle brace to immobilize the ankle. In severe cases, an orthopedic surgeon may put your ankle in a rigid cast.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Keep Flies Away From You and Your Room
Flies aren't harmful, but they can sure be annoying and unpleasant, especially if they've invaded your home. If you want to keep flies away from you and your room and home, then you have to take some steps to fly-proof your home, take some preventative measures, and even create a few convenient fly traps. If you want to know how to keep flies away from you and your room, just follow these steps. 1. **Use flypaper.** If you really have a fly problem, put flypaper in your room to keep the flies away. Though it won't look pretty, it will definitely get the job done. Hang it in the sunshine and away from any wind for it to be most effective. 2. **Use fly traps.** Place fly traps outside your window or out in your yard to catch the pesky creatures. Don't install them in your room, though -- they can be quite smelly and the odor will quickly overwhelm your abode. 3. **Hang clear plastic bags half-filled with water near your doors and windows.** The water in the bags will reflect light and will make the flies become disoriented and unable to enter your home. 4. **Take advantage of your spiders.** If you've noticed a spider or two in the corner of your room or hanging from the ceiling near your window, live and let live. As long as the spiders aren't dangerous, they will help kill flies and keep you and your room safe from these pesky creatures. The next time you see a spider in your room, ask yourself if you really need to kill it. 5. **Use a fly swatter.** If you see fly, you can use the swatter to put it out of its misery. Just position the head of the swatter over the fly and use your wrist to flick the swatter over the insect. Though it's not a good long-term solution, it'll work great if a fly approaches you, or if you see a fly coming into your room without being invited. 6. **Close your windows and doors.** If you want to keep flies away from you and your room, then you should close your windows and doors, which can let in the flies. If you have a screen over your window or door, then you can leave that open, as long as it doesn't have any cracks or holes in it. If a fly has buzzed into your room, then open your door or window until it flies out, and then shut it again. 7. **Keep food away from the flies.** If you keep food in your room or in the kitchen, you should keep it covered to protect it from the flies -- flies love the smell or a sweet or hearty meal and will try to get close to your food as much as they can. Here are some ways to cover your food: Once you've cooked a meal, put away any extra cooking ingredients or extra servings before you start eating, or they will attract flies. When you're done eating, wash your dishes right away to keep any food particles from attracting the flies. If you're putting food away, make sure all of the containers are tightly sealed. Obviously, fruit flies love overripe fruit or produce. Don't leave your fruit out in the open -- cover it with a muslin cloth bag. 8. **Take special care to keep meat away from flies.** Flies especially love the smell of cooked meat. If you're cooking meat, make sure to put away any leftovers and to wash your dishes when you're done. If you need to leave the door open while you cook the meat, have a fan blowing at the open door -- this will scare the flies away. If you're having an outdoor barbecue, make sure to keep your doors and windows closed. 9. **Scoop your pet's poop.** If you have a cat and the litter box is in your room or home, make sure to scoop it at least once a day and to throw out the remains in a dumpster or outdoor trash can to keep the flies from your home. If you have a dog, make sure to throw his poop out in a closed container, which is also preferably outside your home. If you have a yard, try to keep your dog from pooping in the yard, or that will attract more flies. 10. **Tighten your trash cans.** Make sure the lids are firmly placed on the trash cans in your room, and that they have an outer bag to keep food or other particles from sticking to the inside of the trash can. This can help keep flies away from your environment. Make sure that your trash is properly bagged, too. 11. **Drain any extra water from your room.** Flies love moisture, so make sure not to leave a puddle of water in your room after you take a shower, or to leave wet gym clothes lying in a heap on your floor. Don't leave open containers or water out and try to keep water from collecting in your room, or you and your room will attract more flies. 12. **Check your home for leaks.** Sealing up your room will help you save energy and to keep flies away. Check the weather stripping and caulking around your windows and doors to make sure it doesn't have cracks in it, and replace it if it's necessary. Check for leaks in any pipe entryways, like in your air conditioning unit. Fill any gaps you find with a can of expandable foam. 13. **Replace any broken screens on windows or doors.** Check your screens for holes or tears -- even if they're tiny, they may still be big enough to let in flies. Replace them, or cover them with tape for a temporary solution, and see what a difference it makes. Make sure that the edges of the screens fit snugly and that there's no space for the flies to pass through. 14. **Use plants or herbs to repel the flies.** There are many herbs and plants that repel flies, so consider setting up a mini garden in your room and see how much it scares off the pesky flies. Here are some plants and herbs that will help you keep flies away: Basil. Grow a basil plant outside, near your room, and watch it keep out the flies. It will not only deter flies, but it will deter mosquitoes as well, and it can make a great addition to any meal. Bay leaf. You can grow it outside during the summer, but you should bring the plant indoors during the winter to scare off the flies. You can also just put a bowl of dried bay leaves in your room to keep the flies out. Lavender. Not only does lavender smell delicious, but it will scare off the flies. You can grind it into a powder and sprinkle it over your furniture, grow it in a container, or grow it in your kitchen garden. Mint. Place a mint plant in your room and scare away fleas, ants, and flies. Tansy. Tansy is another herb that is known from repelling flies, ants, fleas, and moths. 15. **Get a dog.** Dogs are not only cute and lovable, but they love eating flies. Consider getting a dog to not only add some fun to your life, but to get rid of those pesky flies. 16. **Get a cat.** Cats are cuddly, cute, and they love batting and fighting off flies. A bonus: it's absolutely adorable when cats try to fight flies.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Prepare a Proposal for a Business Idea
The old adage "one does not plan to fail - one fails to plan" is always true, and never more so when developing a new business idea. The relatively simple act of putting your business idea into written words is the first, but most important step required for making your business plan a reality. Regardless of whether you are looking for investors, convincing your bank manager, or just seeking supporters, a thorough, well-researched business proposal will start you off on the right foot. 1. **Determine whether you have the time, energy and resources required to implement your business idea.** Implementing your business idea will be a long and time-consuming process. You should consider what financial resources, ie. cash and credit, that you can access to implement your business idea. Next consider whether you will need to make the implementation of your business idea a full-time job, a part-time endeavor, or whether others can implement the plan on your behalf. 2. **Research similar products and services.** If you have a good business idea, your first step should be to research whether other products or services exist that are similar to your business idea. Don’t worry if you find similar business models, this could simply mean that there is a strong market that is worth entering. Furthermore, the presence of potential competitors can be used to identify the needs of consumers that are currently not being met by existing businesses. Research customer feedback on the services and products provided by identified potential competitors. Once the limitations of your competitors are identified you can structure your business proposal in a manner that offers solutions to these limitations in order to create a unique offering to the public. If you are unable to locate similar services and products, this may be a sign that your business idea will be a great success because it will fulfill the needs of an underserved market. However, the absence of a market for your business product or service could indicate the difficulty of successfully implementing the business idea underlying your proposal. 3. ** Consider potential marketing strategies** Take the time to brainstorm how you would market your goods, products or services to the public. Consider the successful marketing companies of your potential competitors. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of these campaigns in order to learn from the mistakes of others. If you can't figure out a potential marketing strategy that will be successful, the idea should be a no go. Review competitor advertisements and other marketing tools used by competitors to attract potential customers. Determine the key elements of each competitor's marketing approach - low cost, high quality, superior service, and so on. 4. **Research potential costs associated with implementing your business plan.** How much do you expect to get paid, if at all, during the development stage and beyond? How much start-up capital will you need to kick it off? To figure this out, start with potential revenues, rather than costs. How many units will you sell at what price, based upon your market analysis? The price of a product is generally determined by the competitor's prices. Unless you have something special, you will not be able to charge more than competitor, most likely less. Once you project revenues and unit sales, develop your cost of goods based upon sales projections (variable costs) and administrative (fixed) costs. Project the full slate of financial statements. Contact vendors and other providers of relevant outputs in order to get price quotes on the goods and services required to implement your business plan. Estimate the costs related to hiring personnel, and purchasing the physical space and equipment required to implement your business idea. If you can't afford to pay yourself you will need to ask yourself if your business idea is worth pursuing. Remember, the business's money is not your money and failure to understand/consider this fact is how many business people end up in hot water. 5. **If applicable, consider business taxation and registration considerations.** You may require some systems and processes to meet statutory obligations/legal requirements. Include business taxation and registration considerations in your business proposal in order to prevent unnecessary surprises. Check with your local or state business administration office in order to learn whether there any licenses, taxation or other requirements that you must comply with in order to implement your business plan. 6. **Estimate the amount of profit you would need in order to recoup implementation costs.** This is quite important, since most businesses fail due to lack of adequate funding. Once you have determined the cost of implementation, you should next determine how much profit you would need to make in order to recover all costs associated with implementing your business proposal. This will allow you to determine how much you should charge for your product or service, and will allow you to begin to structure a timetable for when you will begin to recoup an actual profit. Use the total amount of estimated costs for implementation as the starting point for determining your profit forecast. Though the profits you make would ideally be greater than the costs of implementation, the reality is that most businesses fail before the first full year of operations. Thus breaking even over the first few years of operation would be a big success. A forecast for recouping implementation costs will strengthen your business proposal, especially when you are pursuing financing. 7. **Create a completed draft of your business proposal.** A good business proposal should provide a succinct/detailed explanation of what your business idea is, your market research, potential marketing strategies, the cost of implementing the proposal and a pricing strategy. Divide your business plan into the following separate sections: An executive summary that concisely outlines your business plan. Communicate the ultimate purpose of your business proposal. Market analysis for the industry your proposal is geared towards. Provide reasons for why your business proposal should be successful given both unique and specific market considerations. Strategy and implementation plans for executing your business proposal. Financial plans and projections regarding the cost of implementing the business proposal, as well as possible profit projections if the business plan is a success. 8. **Consider your reader, and never assume they have relevant previous knowledge.** Many good business ideas fail to gain support because the person reading the proposal didn't understand what they were reading. Explain everything in your proposal as if you were presenting it to someone with no previous knowledge in the field. 9. **Make sure your business proposal is purposefully presented.** Useful graphs, illustrations of promotions, prototypes, etc., as well as a good, easy-to-read document layout will all make a good impression and look more professional. Consider getting your proposal professionally bound, and always print in color if you have charts and diagrams. Be prepared to give verbal presentations in support of your proposal. 10. **Have the draft proposal independently reviewed.** A fresh set of eyes will often pick up errors and omissions that a writer misses. Ask a business professional you trust to review your business plan for anything that they themselves would have included in the plan. After this review consider which suggestions such be integrated into your business proposal draft. Having a trusted business professional look at your business proposal draft could also lead to additional business mentoring/guidance and maybe even financial assistance for implementing your business plan.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Remove Pearly Penile Papules
Pearly penile papules, also known as PPPs, are small bumps that develop after puberty around the glans of the penis. They are usually arranged in 1 to 2 uniform rows. PPPs are not dangerous or infectious, so they don’t actually require removal. However, some men opt to have them removed for aesthetic reasons. Talk to your doctor about medical treatment options and rule out any other conditions that might require treatment first. If you don’t have insurance coverage for PPP surgery, you may consider trying an unverified home remedy to minimize the appearance of PPPs. 1. **Talk to your doctor if the papules are causing a problem.** Pearly penile papules are a normal anatomical variation, they are harmless, and they are not contagious. However, if the papules are causing you significant distress, talk to your doctor. They will assess the papules to ensure that they are benign and then you can discuss treatment options with them. 2. **Ask about removing the papules with a CO2 laser.** This is the most effective treatment for PPPs. The laser uses a high level of heat to remove the papules, but you will be under anesthesia during the treatment so you will not feel the laser. Within 5 to 7 days after treatment, the tissue regenerates around the glans, or head of the penis, leaving behind a smooth appearance. You may experience pain after the treatment, but your doctor can prescribe medication to help you manage the pain. Usually 1 laser treatment session is enough to remove all of the papules, but in some cases 2 to 3 treatments may be required. 3. **Look into radiosurgery to remove the PPPs.** If CO2 laser treatment is not an option, your doctor may recommend radiosurgery, which involves exposing the papules to a high dose of radiation. This will cause the tissue that makes up the papules to die and fall off. Although this option is less effective than CO2 laser treatment, it is more effective than the other options. Radiosurgery, also known as Cyberknife, does not involve cutting into your penis to remove the papules. The surgery is performed using targeted radiation. It is painless and takes about 30 minutes to 2 hours. However, you may need more than 1 treatment to remove all of the papules. During the procedure your doctor and the other healthcare technicians will be in another room, but you can still talk to them and they can talk to you using an intercom system. Your doctor performs the surgery by controlling a robotic arm on the machine that delivers the radiation. 4. **Find out if excisional surgery is an option.** In this type of surgery, a surgeon uses a scalpel to cut off the PPPs while you are under anesthesia. This form of PPP removal is likely to cause scarring and recovery may be quite painful. However, your doctor can prescribe medication to help manage the pain. Excisional surgery is not used often for removing PPPs since it can cause scarring. However, if other options are not recommended or available to you, then this might be what your doctor suggests. 5. **Look into electro-desiccation with curettage.** This procedure is also known as hyfrecation, which is a form of surgery that uses a device called a hyrefractor to deliver a targeted dose of electricity to the PPPs. The electricity causes the PPP tissue to dry out and then the surgeon uses a scraping device to remove the PPPs. This treatment option will cause scarring and it requires anesthesia. The recovery can be quite painful as well, but your doctor can prescribe a medication to help manage the pain. 6. **Ask your doctor about cryosurgery.** Cryosurgery uses liquid nitrogen to cool the papules and freeze them off. After the procedure, the skin will heal and the papules will be gone. The treatment may cause a mild burning sensation, but it does not usually require anesthesia. Cryosurgery does have some potential complications, which may include: Scarring Swelling Loss of feeling in the treated area for 12 to 18 months Changes in the skin’s pigment Blistering and bleeding in the treated area Delays in healing 7. **Check to see if the papules have a uniform appearance.** Pearly penile papules do not appear in random patterns. PPPs usually appear in 1 to 2 rows going all the way around the corona (outermost edge) of the glans (head of the penis). If the papules are scattered or don’t go all the way around the glans, see your doctor for an evaluation. For example, if you only see a few papules on the glans, then this might be a different condition, such as genital warts or Fordyce spots. 8. **Note if the papules appear anywhere other than the corona of the glans.** If the papules appear on the shaft, they are likely not PPPs. PPPs will only appear on the corona of the glans. For example, lesions on the shaft may be ectopic sebaceous glands or lichen nitidus. 9. **Watch for a cheese-like discharge from the papules.** PPPs will not have a noticeable discharge. If you notice any discharge, this usually means the papules are ectopic sebaceous glands. See your doctor if you notice discharge coming out of the papules. 10. **Pay attention to any changes in the papules over time.** PPPs will not change. They will remain in the same location and arrangement on your penis from puberty onwards. If you notice that the papules are growing or changing, see your doctor. This indicates that they may not be PPPs and the papules should be evaluated. 11. **Apply toothpaste to the papules once daily.** Although this method has not been verified by research, some men claim that it works. To do this, use your fingertips to apply toothpaste to the PPPs and leave it on them for 5 to 10 minutes. Then, rinse off the toothpaste completely. Try doing this right before taking a shower or bath. Repeat this every day for 4 to 6 weeks and see if there is any improvement. Keep in mind that experts do not recommend using toothpaste on your penis. 12. **Try swabbing castor oil on the papules once per day.** Some men have also noted success after using castor oil on their PPPs daily over several weeks. Apply castor oil to your PPPs with a cotton ball or cotton swab. Leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes, and then rinse it off. Do this once daily for 4 to 6 weeks and see if you notice any changes in the papules. While castor oil will not harm your penis, experts warn that it will most likely have no effect on the papules. 13. **Use fresh lemon juice on the papules daily.** Although it is unverified, some men have used lemon juice as a home remedy for PPPs. Squeeze a lemon to get its juice. Then, use a cotton ball to apply the juice to the PPPs. Leave the juice on for 5 to 10 minutes, then rinse it off completely. Repeat this treatment daily for 4 to 6 weeks to see if your PPPs improve. The sugars and acids within lemon juice may hurt your penis. Experts don't recommend using fruit juice on your genitals. 14. **Try applying diluted eucalyptus oil to the papules once per day.** Some men have found eucalyptus oil to be effective for treating their PPPs, so you may also consider this option. Dilute a few drops of eucalyptus oil in 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of a carrier oil, such as almond or baby oil. Then, dip a cotton swab into the oil and apply it to the PPPs. Leave the oil on your penis all day. Repeat this treatment daily for 4 to 6 weeks to see if it helps. Undiluted essential oils can cause skin irritation and an allergic reaction. Use caution when applying essential oils to your genitals.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Buy Sunglasses
Buying a new pair of sunglasses can be overwhelming with all the different frames, lenses, and features available. Doing your research ahead of time and figuring out which features are the most important to you will help make your sunglasses shopping experience easier. 1. **Choose a frame shape that contrasts with your face shape.** That way your sunglasses will balance out your face when you’re wearing them. Wearing frames that match your face shape may accentuate the shape of your face, and they won't pop as much. For example, if your face is more round, you could choose a pair of square, angular frames as a nice contrast. If you have a squarer face with a defined jaw, sunglasses with round frames may help soften the angles of your face. 2. **Get frames that are proportional to your face.** Keep in mind that frames on sunglasses are usually bigger than frames on eyeglasses. Choose frames that cover the width of your face. The top of your sunglasses should go up to your eyebrows and the bottom of your sunglasses should cover the raised, top portion of your cheeks. Good fitting frames won’t go past your forehead. Christina Santelli, professional stylist, tells us: "They can go higher if you want an oversized frame look, but for the most part, your forehead is a good stopping point." 3. **Choose a metal or plastic frame for something durable and cost-effective.** Metal and plastic are the most common materials used to make frames for sunglasses. Go with metal or plastic frames if you want something classic that will hold up well over time. 4. **Buy wooden frames if you want stylish, unique sunglasses.** Wooden frames are less common than plastic and metal frames, but they’re more expensive. If you don’t want the entire frame to be made out of wood, or wooden sunglasses are out of your budget, look for frames that have plastic earpieces with wood around the rims. 5. **Get acetate frames if you want sunglasses that are hypoallergenic.** Acetate frames won't irritate your skin when you wear them. They're also lightweight, and they're available in a wide range of colors. 6. **Buy sunglasses with glass lenses if you want something durable.** Optical glass lenses are durable and scratch resistant. They also offer a clear view. Optical glass is usually more expensive than other lens materials, so look for a cheaper option if you’re on a budget. 7. **Choose polycarbonate or plastic lenses if you drop your sunglasses a lot.** Polycarbonate and plastic lenses are more shatter-resistant than optical glass lenses. They’re also more lightweight than glass. Polycarbonate and plastic are more susceptible to scratches, so glass may be a better option if you don't like to keep your sunglasses in a case. 8. **Get polarized lenses if you want to block out reflective glares.** Go with polarized sunglasses if you do a lot of activities that expose you to glares, like water sports, biking, and driving. Polarized lenses have a coating on them that prevents glares from shining through. 9. **Look for lenses with UV protection if you’ll be in the sun a lot.** UV rays from the sun can damage your eyes and cause skin cancer. Try to find lenses that block out 99-100 percent of UVA and UVB rays. 10. **Buy sunglasses with gradient lenses if you'll be driving in them a lot.** Gradient lenses have a tint that fades from top to bottom. Gradient lenses are good for driving because they block out rays from the sun coming from above while still allowing you to see clearly out of the bottom half of the lenses. 11. **Get prescription lenses if you normally wear eyeglasses or contacts.** When you find a pair of sunglasses you like, see if they're offered with prescription lenses. You can also shop for prescription sunglasses online. If you have a strong prescription, make sure your lenses will fit in the frame you like. Also, try to find a pair of sunglasses with thick frames so your thick prescription lenses aren't as obvious. 12. **Choose a lens color based on what you'll use your sunglasses for the most.** Different lens colors filter light differently and offer different ranges of visibility. Keep in mind that darker lens colors aren't better at blocking out the sun or harmful UV rays than lighter color lenses. Green lenses are the best choice for everyday wear. They filter all colors of light the same, and they offer good visibility whether it's sunny or raining. Gray lenses offer clear visibility. They're a good choice if you'll be driving and playing sports a lot with your sunglasses on. Yellow and orange lenses are a good choice if you'll be skiing and hunting a lot in your sunglasses. Purple and red lenses filter out blues and greens. Go with purple or red lenses if you'll be biking or racing a lot while wearing your sunglasses. Blue lenses filter out white light, making them ideal for activities like fishing and golfing. 13. **Measure the width of your face if you want to order sunglasses online.** That way you’ll know whether the sunglasses you’re interested in will fit your face. Using measuring tape, measure the width from one of your temples to the other. Then, look for sunglasses online with a matching measurement. The measurement for a pair of sunglasses should be listed in the product description. It might be labeled as the “frame width” or “temple length.” 14. **Go into a store and try sunglasses on if you don’t know which style you like.** Search online for “sunglasses store near me” if you’re not sure where the nearest one is. In the store, try on a variety of styles to see what you like best. Bring someone along so you can get a second opinion. 15. **Buy a cheaper pair of sunglasses if you’re on a budget.** Some cheaper sunglasses come polarized and have full UV protection, so you can still get the features you want in a cheap pair. If there’s a pair of expensive sunglasses you like, try to find a cheaper pair that looks similar. Search online for “cheap sunglasses,” or ask an employee at a sunglasses store if they’re having any sales. Always check the label on sunglasses to make sure they block UV rays. If you're not sure, ask someone at the store. 16. **Buy sunglasses from a well-known brand if you want something high quality.** While cheap sunglasses and high-end sunglasses offer the same UV protection, high-end sunglasses are more durable and well made. If you want frames and lenses that will last you a long time, investing in a high-end pair of sunglasses from a well-known brand may be a good choice. Also, high-end sunglasses may be more comfortable to wear than cheaper sunglasses. Some reliable, well-known brands you could buy sunglasses from are Ray-Ban, Oakley, Prada, Persol, Tom Ford, and Gucci.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Rice Milk
Rice milk is a delicious alternative to dairy milk! These simple recipes take less than 5 minutes to make and only require staple pantry ingredients. If you want a traditional rice milk taste, use white rice to make your milk. If you prefer a more earthy taste, blend brown rice with water to make the milk. Both of these options are quick, easy, and yummy! 1. **Measure the rice and water into a blender.** Add 4 cups (950 mL) of water and 1 cup (200 grams) of cooked white rice into your blender. For the purest rice milk, use filtered water, as this has very few added chemicals or minerals in it. Both a food processor or a smoothie maker will work for making rice milk. The more powerful your blender is – the smoother your rice milk will be. 2. **Blend the ingredients for 1 minute.** Turn the blender onto the highest setting and wait 1 minute for it to blend the rice and water into a smooth liquid. If the liquid is still a little lumpy after 1 minute, blend it for another minute or until it is smooth. Avoid using other kitchen appliances while you are using the blender, as the high wattage required can cause a fuse to blow in your multi-box. 3. **Store the milk in your fridge and stir it before you drink it.** Rice milk tends to taste best cool; however, it can also be enjoyed straight from the blender. If you want cool milk, leave it in the fridge for 30 minutes. Stir the milk vigorously before you drink it to ensure that the water and blended rice are fully combined. Keep the milk for up to 5 days. 4. **Add the water, brown rice, and dates into your blender.** Measure 2 cups (470 mL) of water and ½ cup (100 grams) of cooked brown rice into the blender and then add 4 dates. For best results, use a high-speed blender; however, a food processor will also work. The dates help to give the milk a slightly sweeter taste, if you want a sugar-free milk, simply leave them out. 5. **Blend the mixture until it turns into a smooth liquid.** Turn the blender on and wait for the rice to disintegrate into the water to form a milky liquid. This normally takes about 2 minutes. The longer that you blend the rice and water – the lighter the consistency of your milk. 6. **Pour the liquid through a fine sieve to remove any lumps, if desired.** The thick texture of brown rice means that sometimes small chunks remain after you have blended it. If you like extra smooth rice milk, simply place a fine sieve over a wide-necked bottle and slowly pour the liquid through the strainer. Compost the leftover rice chunks or throw them in the trash. 7. **Enjoy the rice milk fresh or keep it in the fridge for up to 4 days.** Pour the delicious rice milk into a cup and drink it fresh. If you prefer a cooler taste, place it in the fridge to cool down for half an hour. If you notice the water sitting on the top of the milk after it has been in the fridge, simply stir it to recombine the rice and water. If the milk starts to smell bad, this indicates that it has gone off and should be thrown away.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Treat Chafing
Chafing occurs when your skin gets too moist or rubs against another surface. If you have chafing wounds, wash them and apply a lubricant. If the chafed area is painful, swollen, bleeding, or crusted, then you may need an antibacterial cream to prevent infection. As you are healing, stay hydrated and wear loose clothing that won’t stick to the wounds. To prevent chafing in the future, you might try applying body powder or anti-chafing creams to problem areas. 1. **Warm with warm water and mild soap.** If the chafed skin is torn or bleeding, there is a possibility that it could get infected with harmful bacteria. Gently pour warm water over the skin and apply a mild soap. Keep rinsing until all of the soap is gone. Carefully pat your skin dry with a towel. Don’t scrub or rub the chafed skin or you may worsen the damage. Your goal is not to smooth out the skin right now, it’s to cleanse it. 2. **Apply a warm compress.** Now that your skin is clean and free of debris, get a clean hand towel and soak it in warm water. Wring it out and place it on the irritated skin. Let it sit until it grows cold. Re-wet it again, if you are still in pain. The heat will help to increase blood flow to the area and reduce inflammation. 3. **Rub in a lubricant or cream.** Once your skin is dry, place a small amount of lubricant or cream onto your fingertips. Slowly work this lubricant or cream into your chafed skin, rubbing in tiny circles. Apply enough product so that the entire damaged skin is covered. This will help promote healing. Apply the cream again at least once daily, until the chafed skin is no longer open or raw. If your chafed skin is red, swollen, or crusted, apply an antibacterial cream to prevent or treat the infection. 4. **Give your skin time to heal.** For the next few days, it’s best to minimize any activities that might further irritate that patch of chafed skin. If you have a saddle sore, skip biking for a bit. If you have a thigh burn, try to minimize walking long distances. If a certain piece of clothing is causing the chafing, such as a particular swimsuit, skip that suit and go with another one. 5. **Talk with your doctor.** If the skin remains red and irritated for more than a week, you may want to contact your doctor for an appointment or advice. It is possible that you might have an infection that could be treated with oral medications or a medicated cream. 6. **Drink lots of water.** Your body needs water to kick-start the healing process. As you are recovering from a chafing wound, it’s even more important that you drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. If you exercise or do other strenuous activity, then you may need to drink even more to recover. 7. **Bathe in Epsom salts.** Run a nice, cold bath. Pour in 2 cups of salts and wait for them to fully dissolve. Sit in the bath for around 15 minutes. The salts will help to clean and dry out your chafing wounds. They will also help you to relax and take your mind off the pain. 8. **Wear loose, cotton clothing.** A breathable fabric, such as cotton, will allow your skin to get enough air to stay dry and heal. Cotton also does not hold moisture against your skin, which will limit bacterial growth. You’ll want your clothing to be loose, so that it won’t stick to any injured areas. For example, instead of wearing a synthetic-fabric nightgown, try out cotton pajamas. 9. **Keep your skin dry.** If you notice that your skin is chafing and moist, get a towel and gently pat it dry. This is particularly important when caring for folded areas of skin, as moisture in these areas will promote skin breakdown. You can also dry your skin by aiming a blow dryer at it. 10. **Apply bandages over any open skin.** If you are worried about your damaged skin chafing even further, either tape or roll a non-stick bandage over the skin. Keep the bandage fairly loose and change it every 2 hours or so. Giving your chafed skin the most air time possible is the best option, but a bandage will keep it cleaner. 11. **Apply bodyglide or Vaseline.** Place a small amount of these anti-chafing products onto your fingertips and rub them into any areas of possible chafing. You want to lightly coat the entire area, not heavy enough to go through fabric but not light enough to wear off quickly. The lubricating quality of these products will provide a protective barrier over your skin. Some people also use a thin layer of antiperspirant in the same way. 12. **Dust on a coating of body powder.** Get a container of body powder and gently dust it over any skin that could chafe. The powder will help to absorb any moisture coming off of your skin. It will also create a barrier between skin-to-skin contact. However, be warned that body powder can stain and come off on clothing. This is another reason to only apply it sparingly. 13. **Wear moisture-wicking fabrics if working out.** Chafing often occurs while exercising due to the rubbing sensation of skin against skin or fabric. Wearing clothing designed to pull wetness away from the skin will help to eliminate or reduce the severity of chafing. This is also a situation where tighter-fitting clothing may be better than loose cotton. 14. **Wear bandelettes.** These are lace or light-fabric bands that are held onto your upper thighs with elastic edges. They are meant to prevent chafing on the thigh and can usually be worn throughout the entire day.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Treat Avascular Necrosis
Avascular Necrosis (AVN) is a disease that occurs from temporary or permanent poor blood supply to the bones, leading to death of the bone tissues. This process can make breaks in the affected bone that eventually causes bone collapse. AVN can happen at any site in the body, but it’s commonly seen at the hip, knees, shoulders and ankles. If avascular necrosis afflicts you or someone you know, see Step 1 to start treating this disease effectively. 1. **Rest.** Decreasing the amount of stress and weight on the affected bones will result in a huge amount of pain relief, slow the damage rate, and give your body a chance to heal. Apart from physical therapy, make efforts to minimize your daily physical activity movement as much as possible. You may need the aid of crutches or a walker if the affected joint is your hip, knee or ankle. Consider crutches an invitation to stay off your legs. However, crutches should only be used upon the advice of your physiotherapist. 2. **Exercise healthily.** You should see a physiotherapist to show you certain exercises to maintain or enhance your joint movement. The physiotherapist's role is to help you using the walking aid at first and then slowly wean you off it. Improvement will lead you to some stretching exercises that you can do in the clinic or at home. The exercise bike is helpful too, as the forward and backward moves will assist the joint's overall state, increase the blood flow and keep your hip and associated muscles strong. Your motion improvement and strength will help the physiotherapist to choose the proper exercises that best suit you and guide you on how to perform them on your own. Alternatively, performing simple yoga or massage therapy (especially for the buttocks, anterior/lateral hip muscles and back) is also helpful in relaxing and avoiding stress. The more relaxed you are, the better you'll feel 24/7. 3. **Limit your alcohol intake.** Drinking alcohol is one of the risk factors of developing AVN. Continually drinking alcohol will worsen your case due to the elevated levels of fatty substances in your blood which tend to accumulate and block your blood vessels in the affected areas. Stick to a glass of red wine at night if need be. There are a number of reasons you should limit your alcohol intake, or consider quitting entirely. Sure, one glass of wine a day is okay, but any more of that can wreak havoc on your heart, organs, and, obviously, your bones. Take care of your body and go non-alcoholic. 4. **Maintain low cholesterol levels.** Ensure a healthy, low-fat diet by avoiding hydrogenated oils, fried food, and reducing your intake of whole fat dairy products, which you can replace with low or non fat alternatives. Doing this will keep your cholesterol levels to a minimum, helping your blood and heart. When adding red meat to your diet, make sure to trim any visible fat before cooking. Consume food rich in Omega 3 fatty acids as fish, walnuts, flax seeds, soybeans, tuna and olive oil. Avoid frying the olive oil as it’ll destruct the omega 3s in it and lose all the benefits. 5. **Avoid or minimize the intake of high fat condiments, such as butter and mayonnaise.** Take your needed fats from healthy sources such as raw nuts, vegetable oils like olive oil and cold water fish such as salmon and mackerel. Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains without butter, cheese, and cream sauces. If you’re diabetic, make sure to always control your blood sugar levels within a normal state. Consult your doctor immediately if you’re facing any sudden high or low sugar concentrations, as diabetes is considered one of the risk factors that may lead to AVN. Adjusting your glucose level should be one of your top priorities by paying attention to your food and medicines. 6. **Consider acupressure therapy.** This is another helpful method done by pressing certain areas/points on the body that help in relaxation. Talk to your physical therapist about acupressure. You can do it yourself regularly or you can make an appointment with a professional and turn it into a full-on day of veritable stress-blasting. 7. **Ask your doctor about medication.** Here's the knowledge you should be armed with: Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed for relieving pain and reducing inflammation (redness, swelling, pain). Well-known NSAIDs in the pharmacies are Ibuprofen and Diclofenac salts (“Voltaren or Cataflam”); most are available in variable dosage forms. Tablets should be taken when needed (when having pain) but a usual dose of Voltaren 50 mg twice daily after meals should be enough. Osteoporosis drugs such as Alendronate (“Fosamax”) helps in slowing the progression of AVN. Cholesterol drugs are used to decrease the fat concentration in the blood circulation caused by the intake of corticosteroids; this prevents blood vessel blockage that leads to AVN. Blood thinners such as Warfarin help patients with clotting disorders to prevent clot formation that can block the blood vessels. 8. **Talk to your doctor about electrical stimulation.** This is a process that stimulates the body to grow new bones to replace the damaged area. It’s performed during surgery by being applied around the bones as electromagnetic fields, putting electricity directly to the bones or by attaching electrodes to your skin. It's not surgery per se, but it is generally used in conjunction with surgery. If surgery puts your bones in line, electrical stimulation sets the ball in motion. However, it's not right for everyone, so ask your doctor if it's a feasible option. 9. **Consider surgery.** More than 50% of patients with AVN will need a surgical treatment in about 3 years of diagnosis. Your doctor will determine which type of surgical therapy you may need. Here are the details: Core decompression. The surgeon removes parts of the bone's inner layer. The aim of this is to decrease the pressure inside, increase the blood flow, and let the extra space stimulate new healthy bone tissue production with new blood vessels. Bone transplant (graft). This is a transplantation process of a healthy bone section from another site of your body to support the affected area, usually done after a core decompression. Increasing the blood supply may be done by performing a vascular graft, including both an artery and a vein. Bone reshaping (osteotomy). This is where the surgeon removes a section of the affected bone above or below a weight bearing joint to change its shape in order to decrease the stress on it. This is effective for early stages/small areas and postpones the joint replacement. Joint replacement. In late stages, when totally collapsed or damaged and with medication failure, the damaged joint is replaced with an artificial one, usually made from plastic or metal parts. 10. **Get physical therapy and stick to it.** After surgery, it is absolutely imperative that your bones: A) heal, and B) heal correctly. Physical therapy (done regularly) will ensure that both of these things happen. Here's how it's beneficial: Your physical therapist will hook you up with crutches, a walker, or some device to reduce the weight the joint has to bear. This will greatly speed up the healing process. Your physical therapist will work on exercises with you to prevent joint deformity and improve your joint flexibility and mobility. Very important things! 11. **Know what avascular necrosis really is.** Avascular necrosis (AVN) or osteonecrosis is defined as the death of bone tissue due to lack and loss of blood supply to a particular bone. The affected bone will have tiny breaks which, overall, would lead to bone collapse. If AVN affects bones near a joint, the joint surface may collapse. Usually, the affected bone or joint area in AVN is the hip. AVN occurs in bones with a single terminal blood or end-artery supply (meaning there is a limited blood supply), such as the femoral (hip) and humeral (shoulder) heads, carpals (hand bones), and talus (foot bones). Closure or interruption of this single terminal blood supply will lead to death of bone tissue and, later, bone collapse. Although bone tissue regenerates or grows back again, the rate of bone destruction is faster than bone regeneration. If the bone collapses, the joint structure breaks down and leads to pain. Corticosteriods and radiation applied to the bone may further contribute to progression of AVN. 12. **Know the risk factors and causes.** Some causes can increase your risk of developing AVN. Any of the following can lead to AVN: A bone fracture or joint dislocation can interrupt blood flow Radiation during cancer treatment weakens the bone and affects the blood vessels Elevated pressure inside the bone causes the blood vessels to narrow and make it difficult for fresh blood to enter leading to poor blood supply Alcohol intake in huge amounts (daily for several years) causes fats to accumulate in blood vessels and block them Medications such as corticosteroids (Prednisolone) when taken on a long basis in high doses can increase your risk of AVN. Other medication such as biphosphate (a treatment for osteoporosis), when used over long periods, can lead to a rare condition called osteonecrosis of the jaw. Diseases such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, sickle cell anemia, organ transplantation, and dialysis can lead to AVN 13. **Know what the symptoms are.** Often AVN is missed because, early in the course of this disorder, there are no symptoms. The first symptom present is pain in the affected bone/joint such as groin pain in AVN of the femoral head. Here are the specifics: This groin pain is worsened by weight-bearing, may be mild or worsen progressively across time. Pain may occur at rest or at night. Walking with a limp may be seen in the case of the involvement of the hip joint, and pain on pressure will be felt on or around the particularly affected bone. Joint movements may be limited and painful. The affected joint may be deformed or disfigured through time. If a nerve is compressed in the area of the affected bone or joint, the muscles supplied by that nerve may be paralyzed and deformed through time. Usually, signs and symptoms occur late in the course of the disease and patients consult doctors when the disease is more advanced than it had to be. 14. **Know how AVN gets diagnosed.** During the examination, your doctor will identify your state by pressing around the pain site checking for tenderness. He may need you to perform certain moves or body positions -- that will help in knowing if any certain movement or joint position will increase or decrease the pain, or if your movement is reduced. To determine your state and if surgery is necessary, your doctor may require any of the following: X-rays. It usually appears normal in the early stages, but in later stages it reveals clear bone change Bone scan. Via an intravenous line, a safe radioactive material is slowly injected in your vein. The material flows with your blood circulation till it reaches its destination; a picture on a special device will show the affected sites as clear bright spots. This method is commonly used when the X-ray results are normal. Magnetic Resonance Imaging “MRI”. This is known as the most sensitive method for the early stages of AVN because it reveals any chemical change in the bone marrow and bone rebuilding process. This is done by radio waves and a strong magnetic field. Computerized Tomography “CT scan”. This is more clear than x-rays and bone scans; it determines the extent of bone damage by taking a three dimensional picture of the bone. Bone biopsy. This is a procedure wherein a small amount of bone tissue is taken and examined using the microscope in order to view the microscopic appearance of AVN.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Stop Rectal Bleeding
As scary and surprising as it can be to find blood on your toilet paper or in the toilet bowl, rest assured that this almost always indicates a minor issue, like an anal fissure or hemorrhoids. However, it can also be the sign of a serious underlying condition, so talk to your doctor about this and seek medical care immediately if you have painful stomach cramps or the bleeding lasts for several days. In this article, we’ll cover the various causes of rectal bleeding and teach you how you can treat the issue quickly. 1. **Check for bright red drops on toilet paper, which indicate minor issues.** If you have minor rectal bleeding, you’ll see small drops or smears of blood on your toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. This indicates that you’re bleeding from your lower rectum, which actually isn’t the end of the world and will likely go away on its own. Still get it checked out soon, but you aren’t in danger. Minor rectal bleeding may indicate: . These are swollen veins inside or outside of the anus that can cause itching or pain while passing stool. These are extremely common. . This is a tear in the lower rectum. You’ll likely have a sharp pain while pooping, followed by a low burning sensation. or . If you have genital warts in your anus, or you have anal sex without proper lubrication or preparation, it can cause temporary rectal bleeding. (like warfarin). This is especially likely if you have zero pain associated with the blood. 2. **Look for bright, slimy blood mixed in stool (which is typically a minor problem).** If you see streaks of bright red blood mixed into your stool when you wipe, attached to your stool in the toilet bowl, or coagulating together in the water, it indicates bleeding slightly higher up in your lower colon or rectum. These problems are usually minor, but can occasionally indicate something serious. You could have: . This is a small connection from an infected gland to your skin. You’ll often have yellow slime alongside blood and frequent anal pain. . If you feel sick or feverish, it’s probably just a tummy bug. or . If you feel bloated and have bloody diarrhea, you likely have one of these chronic conditions. . These are small growths in your intestine that occasionally bleed. This could be nothing, or an early warning sign of colon cancer. 3. **Search for dark red or black stool, as this is a sign of upper GI bleeding.** Rectal bleeding isn’t always as apparent as blood-stained toilet paper. If the poop is black or the blood in your stool is a deep, dark maroon, then the bleeding in your upper digestive tract. This is much more serious and you should see a doctor ASAP. This could be: . You may have internal bleeding in your small intestine, stomach, or esophagus if you were in a car crash, fight, or fall. . Other signs include: trouble emptying your bowel, weakness, fatigue, radical changes in your bowel habits, and unexplained weight loss. . You may have an ulcer in your stomach, intestine, or esophagus. If you have localized pain somewhere other than your rectum, this is likely the cause. . These conditions are caused by bulges in your digestive tract. If you have a fever and nausea alongside the bloody stool, it’s probably a diverticular disease. 4. **Reflect on your recent diet—red or black foods can change stool's color.** If your poop just generally looks red or dark, you’re likely not bleeding—especially if you have no other symptoms and you’re not in pain. Eating a lot of black licorice, blueberries, beets, blood sausage, or foods with red food coloring can change the color of your bowel movements. This can also be caused by: Iron supplements or medication. Activated charcoal supplements. Pepto-Bismol. 5. **Schedule an appointment if you experience rectal bleeding.** Any time you experience rectal bleeding, it is important to visit your doctor and have any serious causes ruled out or identified. Contact your primary care provider to make your appointment. Seek emergency medical care if you have black or dark maroon stools and you experience one of the following: You have rectal bleeding that is persistent associated with sharp pain that doesn’t dissipate. Your skin turns pale and sweaty while you are experiencing rectal bleeding. You have trouble breathing, blurred vision, you feel faint, or you’re nauseous. You’re confused, cold, or unable to urinate. 6. **Ask your doctor about taking a rectal or stool exam.** As an initial test, your doctor may perform a digital and/or visual examination. The doctor will use a gloved finger to inspect your anus and lower rectum for trauma, hemorrhoids, or the presence of a foreign body. The doctor may also feel and apply pressure to your abdomen externally. They’ll feel for any odd lumps or potential tumors inside your body. This may sound scary, but it won’t hurt. It may feel a little awkward to you, but remember that this your doctor’s day job. They’ve done this hundreds of times and you have nothing to be embarrassed about. 7. **Agree to provide stool or blood samples for further testing.** If the visual examination proves inconclusive, the doctor may request a sample of blood, stool, or both. A blood test will allow the doctor to determine how much blood you have lost and if your blood is able to clot adequately. The stool sample will be analyzed for bacteria and proteins to see what’s causing the bleeding. Both the blood sample and stool sample will need to be sent to an off-site lab for examination. The results may take up to a week to be returned. 8. **Agree to receive a colonoscopy, if necessary.** In some cases, your doctor may decide that a colonoscopy is needed to determine the cause or location of your rectal bleeding. When performing a colonoscopy, the doctor will insert a flexible plastic tube with a camera attached into your rectum. This allows the doctor to have a clearer image of your rectum and will allow them to determine the cause of your rectal bleeding. Instead of a colonoscopy, the doctor may ask you to complete an endoscopy instead, which will go through your mouth instead of your anus. If you’re 40 or older, your doctor will recommend regular colonoscopies to rule out the possibility of colon cancer. 9. **Work with your doctor on a treatment plan once you have a diagnosis.** If the source of your bleeding is minor, you’ll be able to treat it at home per your doctor’s instructions. However, if your bleeding is the cause of something more serious and/or the bleeding is higher up in your GI tract or stomach, work with your doctor to explore your options. You may need radiation or surgery to remove a tumor, remove your colon (called a colectomy), or stitch an internal wound shut. Your doctor may suggest a specific set of medications and antacids to neutralize an ulcer or soothe a GI bug. You may need to change your diet. The treatment for some diverticular diseases is a short-term liquid diet, for example. Celiac’s disease requires a gluten-free diet. Regardless of whatever your underlying condition is, your doctor will have a ton of resources to help you get back into tiptop shape. 10. **Take any prescribed medications as directed by your doctor.** Your doctor may give you a number of different medications, depending on the specific causes of your rectal bleeding. This might be a stool softener, pain medication, an iron supplement to increase your body’s blood production, or a medication to constrict blood vessels and decrease bleeding. If you have hemorrhoids, the doctor may also provide a hemorrhoid cream or a steroid cream to reduce rectal inflammation. 11. **Include more fiber** A fiber-heavy diet is the absolute best solution for minor rectal bleeding. Anal fissure, hemorrhoids, tears, and general irritation will all be soothed by taking 25-30 grams of fiber a day. This will help your bowel movements pass more easily, which will give your rectum and GI tract time to heal naturally. Fibrous foods include: Legumes like lentils, split peas, and chickpeas. Fruits like pears and apples, with the skin on. Whole-grain muffins, bagels, and pasta. Oatmeal flakes. Granola. You can always take psyllium husk (like Metamucil) if you can’t eat enough fiber in your diet. 12. **Drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.** When your body becomes dehydrated, it will produce firmer stools that are harder to pass. Anal fissures and mild rectal bleeding are a common consequence of painful stools. Avoid this by staying hydrated so that your stools are easy to pass and do not damage your rectum or any hemorrhoids. On average, an adult woman should drink about 11.5 cups (2.7 L) of water and other fluids a day. An adult man should drink about 15.5 cups (3.7 L) of water and other fluids a day. 13. **Wait for minor bleeding from fissures or hemorrhoids to stop on its own.** Most instances of rectal bleeding from anal fissures will stop on their own once your bowel movement is over. If you have seen the doctor and know that your bleeding is the result of a minor issue, such as a fissure or hemorrhoid, wait for the bleeding to stop. In the meantime, avoid foods that you know cause you stomach pain, diarrhea, or constipation. Just eat a healthy, diverse diet with plenty of fiber. 14. **Apply an over-the-counter cream for exterior irritation.** If rectal bleeding from hemorrhoids or anal fissures persists over 2 or 3 days, visit your local drugstore pharmacy for a hydrocortisone or hemorrhoid cream (like Preparation H). The cream will decrease the discomfort or pain and help the sores or fissures heal. Consult your doctor before applying a medicated cream. Although most over-the-counter creams are mild and safe, your doctor will be able to advise you about which brand of cream to use. The doctor can also write you a prescription if a stronger cream is needed. There may be a slight increase in the burning sensation at the time of application, but it will be over in a few minutes. 15. **Stop straining when you use the bathroom.** If you push super hard when you have a bowel movement, stop doing it. Just give yourself longer to use the bathroom, or go back to use the toilet again in a few minutes or hours as needed. Straining and squeezing puts stress on your GI tract, which can make a minor issue worse.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Hold a Drumstick
When it comes to drumming, you've got to crawl before you can walk! To play the drums properly, good form when holding your drumsticks is essential. However, there's more than one type of grip you can choose from, and the grip you choose can affect how much power or control you'll have while playing. Whether you choose to play with typical "American"-style grip or opt for German, French, or Traditional grip instead, proper form and technique can make the difference between perfect playing and a sloppy sound (not to mention wrist pain!) 1. **Point your index finger forward.** For novices, the easiest grip style to begin with is usually American grip. This style is versatile, fairly easy to learn, and offers a good mix of power and control, making it a good choice for almost every drummer and almost every style of music. To begin, raise one hand and turn your wrist so that its palm is facing down and its index finger is pointed out straight ahead, parallel with the floor For this grip (and the styles below), you'll want your hands to be about an inch (2.5cm) or two above the snare drum head (assuming that you're playing at an ordinary drum set). However, if this isn't comfortable for you, feel free to move your hands to a position that is. 2. **Curl your index finger in.** Next, bend your index finger at its second and third knuckles so that its tip is more or less aligned with the edge of your palm. This will form a small "pocket" that will act as a fulcrum for the drumstick as well as its primary point of support. 3. **Place your drumstick under your index finger.** Slide the drumstick into the curled-up pocket formed by your index finger. Your index finger should comfortably wrap around the drumstick as if it's pulling a trigger. 4. **Find the balance point.** When you play the drums, you want your sticks to have a little "spring" or "bounce" when they hit the drum head — they should rebound from the drum head and fall back onto it several times with no effort from you. Experiment by sliding your drumstick up and down in its "pocket" until you find the stick placement that gets the most rebounds off the snare drum. You should get about 6-8 bounces when you find the correct balance point. Though all sticks will be weighted slightly differently, normally, the balance point will be about two-thirds of the way back from the stick tip. 5. **Place your thumb on the side of the drumstick.** When you've found the balance point, turn your wrist so that your palm is facing toward the floor once again. Lay your thumb along the side of the drumstick. Keep it on the side — don't turn your palms towards each other to position it on top of the stick (this is what you would do for French Grip). You don't need to apply much pressure with your thumb, — its job is to simply hold the stick in place and provide a little extra control when playing. 6. **Curl the last three fingers onto the drumstick.** Wrap your middle, ring, and little finger around underneath the drumstick. Don't grip tightly with these fingers— they should provide good support, but shouldn't prevent the stick from bouncing back from the drum head when you hit it. Eventually, if you study advanced finger control techniques, you'll learn to subtly use these fingers to play with delicate finesse. 7. **Repeat the steps above for the other hand.** The grip you use should be more or less the same for both hands. Because your grips for each hand match, this type of grip is called a "matched grip". American grip isn't the only kind of matched grip — below, you'll learn several more which offer their own advantages and disadvantages. 8. **Strike with a wrist and finger motion.** When you're ready to play, hit the drum by flexing your wrist to move the drumstick up and down. Keep your palms facing downward so that they're nearly parallel to the floor. This should ensure that the largest part of your wrist is doing most of the bending. Adjust the tightness of your thumb and supporting fingers to give the stick more or less bounce as needed. Keep your shoulders, forearms and elbows loose, but avoid moving them while you drum unless you need to move to a different drum or cymbal. The drumming motion should come almost entirely from your wrists and fingers. American grip is highly versatile. Because it offers great control and respectable power while playing, it's a viable choice for anything from swing and jazz drumming to rock and roll to funk and even classical music! 9. **Grab at the balance point as with the American Grip.** Today, the American-style grip described above is generally considered the most commonly-used variety matched grip. However, it is far from the only matched grip. For instance, a grip style called German grip is one common variation on the basic American grip that is sometimes used to give the drummer additional power (especially for timpani and bass drums in classical music). To use a German grip, start by finding and gripping the balance point of your sticks exactly as you would above. 10. **Make your palms parallel to the drum surface.** Next, when you have a good grasp on your drumstick, turn your hands so that the flats of your palms are facing the drum surface. Because the vast majority of drums are set up so that the striking surface is roughly level with the floor, this will mean turning your hands so that your palms are facing downward. However, some types of drums, like bass drums, are set up vertically, which means you'll need to turn your palms so that they face sideways. 11. **Use your middle fingers for support.** Curl your middle fingers underneath the stick so that it rests comfortably on them. Your ring and pinky finger are less important in the German grip than they are in other types of grips — you may use them for solid support if you wish by wrapping them around the stick or simply fold them loosely underneath. 12. **Let your elbows bend out.** When you use the German grip, if you're playing on an ordinary drum that's set up horizontally (like most snare drums, tom toms, and so on), your palms will be more or less parallel to the floor. Turning your hand this way has a tendency to make a drummer's elbows bend outward a little — if you notice that this is the case with you, don't feel the need to tuck your elbows in. With the German grip, letting your elbows bend outward can make it easier to get the power and control you'll need to play properly. 13. **Strike with a wrist motion.** When you're ready to play, hit the drum by turning your wrist downward with a striking motion. The sticks should have a good "bounce" when they hit the drum — if they don't, you may need to adjust your grip position up or down the sticks slightly. Keep the striking motion in your wrist. Try to avoid using your arms, shoulders, or fingers. The German grip is all about power — you shouldn't have a hard time producing loud, ringing hits with this grip, making it great for heavy rock drumming, marching band, and lively classical pieces. However, you may find it a little difficult to control your drumming during quick, intricate passages, making German grip less-suited for jazz drumming, technical rock drumming, and so on. 14. **Grab at the balance point as with the American Grip.** Another type of matched grip is the French grip. This style is somewhat unique among matched grips in that it mainly uses the fingers to power each drum hit, rather than the wrists. To hold your drumsticks in a French grip, begin exactly as you would for the American or German grip by finding and gripping your sticks' balance points with your thumb and first finger. 15. **Face the palms of your hands toward each other.** Next, turn your palms inward so that they face each other. The flat parts of your palms should be facing up and down (perpendicular to the floor). Your palms should be facing each other, but they shouldn't necessarily be close to each other. Keep your hands as far apart as feels natural — for most people,this will be about a foot or so. 16. **Use your middle, ring, and pinky fingers for support.** Curl your middle, ring, and pinky fingers underneath each stick. As you play, these fingers will provide support for your sticks, helping you keep them under control. This is extra-important for the French grip because it uses your finger strength more heavily than the other matched grips do. 17. **Tuck your elbows in.** Since you've positioned your hands so that their palms are facing each other, your elbows will probably have naturally dropped near to your sides. If they haven't, tuck your elbows in slightly so that they hang an inch or so from your torso. You don't need to be strict about this — as you play, you should find that your elbows naturally find a comfortable "resting" position somewhere near your sides. You just want to avoid having your arms bend outward at the elbows, which can reduce your playing power. 18. **Strike with your fingers.** When you've found a comfortable stance and you're ready to start drumming, turn your wrists downward slightly and use your fingers to strike the drum with the sticks. Some wrist movement will probably be unavoidable, but most of the power for the drum hits should come from using the fingers to strike with the sticks, not from rotating your wrists or moving your forearms or shoulders. Because you're using your fingers to power your drum hits, French grip typically gives the drummer the ability to play with a little extra control and dexterity than wrist-oriented playing styles. This makes French grip a great choice for drumming that demands finesse, like jazz, technical rock, and certain types of technical "Drumline"-style pieces. However, because the fingers don't have as much strength as the wrist, French grip can be a bad choice for the loud, powerful drumming demanded by hard rock, heavy metal, and so on. 19. **Turn your "off" hand palm side up.** Traditional grip is unique among drum grip styles in that it's not a matched grip — that is, the way you hold the stick isn't the same for both hands. To play with a traditional grip, begin by raising your your non-dominant hand in front of you and turning it so its palm faces upward toward the ceiling. — traditional grip was originally used by military drummers who found it difficult to drum with a matched grip while on the march. To maintain uniformity, the left hand was generally used to hold the stick with an upward-facing grip regardless of which hand was the drummer's dominant one. However, in a modern context, some left-handed drummers reverse the typical traditional grip and use their right hand as the upward-facing one. 20. **Place the stick in the space between the thumb and index finger.** Lay the drumstick in the fleshy "crook" of the hand between the thumb and index finger on your non-dominant hand. Slide the drumstick up and down until you find its rough balance point, then line this up so that your hand is supporting the stick roughly at this point. 21. **Wrap your thumb and index finger around the stick.** Bend your thumb so that it rests comfortably on top of the stick. Then, raise your index finger and lay it over the stick so that the inside portion of the finger is touching the stick. This should feel somewhat less natural than curling your thumb over the stick, but it's important for giving your traditional grip playing solid control. When gripped properly, the pad of your thumb should be resting on the first knuckle of the index finger (or as near to it as possible) while the index finger should be curved over the top of the stick. 22. **Rest the bottom of your middle fingertip on the side of the stick.** Bring your middle finger along the outer edge of the stick so that it touches the stick at the underside of the second or third knuckle. This may feel a little unnatural at first, but it shouldn't feel outright uncomfortable. 23. **Curl the remaining fingers under the stick.** Next, bring your ring and pinky finger underneath the stick. Rest the stick on the cuticle of the ring finger or the knuckle of the middle finger and align the little finger under the ring finger for support. When gripped properly, your ring and little finger should be curved roughly the same way as your index finger. With your index, ring, and pinky fingers curved in somewhat and your middle finger extended, it may look like you're "giving the bird". Don't worry! This is OK — in fact, it's a sign of good form. 24. **Use an overhand grip in your other hand.** Your off hand is ready to play! Now, all you need to do is grip the other stick with your dominant hand in an overhand style just as you would for any of the matched grips above. You can use whichever grip is comfortable for you, but most find the typical American-style grip (or some minor variation on it) to be easiest. 25. **Strike with a wrist motion.** In traditional grip, you'll want to use a primarily wrist-based motion to do your drum hits, turning your wrists downward to hit the drum. The obvious difference from other styles, of course, is that the upward grip you're using in your off hand requires a slightly different wrist motion than you may be used to. However, you're still turning both hands in the same direction as you normally would. Traditional grips are often used in jazz drumming and marching band drumming. Because it can be tricky to get the same level of power in your off hand as you would with an overhand grip, this style isn't always a good choice for the kind of loud, heavy drumming you might find in heavy metal, for instance.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Stop Grinding Teeth at Night
Grinding your teeth at night, also called bruxism, is a common problem. It can lead to all kinds of nasty things like headaches, tooth or jaw pain, damaged teeth, and disrupted sleep. If you’re a tooth-grinder, then naturally you’ll want to stop. Luckily, this is a lot easier than you might think! The main reason for grinding is tension in your jaws, which can have a few different causes. You can get started releasing that tension right now! 1. **Hold a warm, moist compress against your jaw before bed.** Soak a towel or washcloth in warm water, wring it out, and hold it against both sides of your jaw for a few minutes. The warmth helps your muscles loosen and can reduce clenching at night. A dry compress will also work, but moist heat relaxes your muscles better. If you prefer, you can also take a warm bath or shower. This has a similar effect, and it also helps you relax before bed. 2. **Relax your face and jaw during the day when you feel tense.** It’s normal to clench your jaw and neck muscles if you’re stressed during the day. Unfortunately, this tenses your muscles and makes you grind at night. Make an effort to keep your jaw muscles loose and relaxed during the day. If you feel yourself getting stressed, remind yourself to unclench your jaw. It’s helpful to set a regular reminder, like every hour, to relax your jaw. This can help break your clenching habit. 3. **Practice simple mouth exercises to stretch your jaw.** A few exercises can stretch and relax your jaw muscles. This can cut down on your grinding at night. Try these 2 simple exercises each day: Close your lips and keep your teeth apart. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, without touching your teeth, and hold it there for as long as you can. This exercise loosens your jaw muscles and can prevent you from clenching at night. Put your hands on your jaw joint, right in front of your ears. Slowly open your mouth and hold it open for 5-10 seconds before slowly closing it. Practice this for 10 minutes at a time, 3 times a day to stretch out your jaw. 4. **Keep your teeth apart during the day.** Your top and bottom teeth should only touch when you’re chewing or swallowing. Any other time, they should be just barely touching or not touching at all. You may have a habit of keeping your teeth pressed together during the day, so make a conscious effort to keep some space between your teeth all day. Whenever you feel your teeth touch together when you aren’t eating, relax and pull them back apart. If you need a reminder, try resting your tongue between your teeth as a slight cushion. This prevents them from clamping together. 5. **Eat soft foods so your jaw doesn’t tense up.** If you always eat hard or chewy foods, you’ll have to work your jaws hard to chew it all up. This makes your jaw muscles tense up. Try switching to softer foods instead so your jaws can relax. Foods that usually cause problems include tough meat, crunchy or chewy bread, hard fruits like apples, and gum. Switch to yogurt, eggs, soup, stew, or steamed vegetables instead. Eating soft foods also helps if your jaw is sore from grinding at night. 6. **Avoid chewing on non-food items as a habit.** You might chew on the back of your pen or ice cubes as a habit. This keeps your jaw muscles tense and could make you grind more at night. If you do have this habit, do your best to stop so your jaw can relax. Chewing on non-food items can also damage your teeth. You don't want any chips or cracks, so it’s best to break this habit. 7. **Wear a mouth guard at night to cushion your teeth.** This doesn’t actually stop you from grinding your teeth, but it’s important for protecting your teeth and jaw. A mouth guard is made of soft plastic that will cushion your teeth and jaw when you grind at night. Your dentist can make a custom one to fit your mouth, so make an appointment and speak to them about it. You can also get a non-custom mouth guard from a pharmacy or medical supply store. However, this probably won’t fit as well as a custom one. The dentist might even recommend that you wear your guard during the day if you often clench your jaw, although it can be difficult to speak when you're wearing a guard. 8. **Get a head and neck massage to relax your jaw.** A physical therapist or massage therapist can rub around your jaw and loosen up and tense muscles that might be causing your problems. Try booking an appointment with one of these professionals to see if this helps. You could also massage any sore spots around your neck, jaw, and head on your own. This might not work quite as well as a professional massage, but it will definitely be soothing. 9. **Ask your doctor for new antidepressants if yours make you grind.** These medications, particularly SSRIs, could trigger grinding at night. Common culprits include paroxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline. If you take antidepressants and grind your teeth often, talk to your doctor to see if they can switch you to a different medication. Never stop taking any medication without your doctor’s orders. This can have more risks than benefits, so always check with your doctor first. 10. **Take muscle-relaxing medications before bed.** For more serious cases, your doctor might prescribe muscle relaxers to treat your grinding. These medications loosen your muscles and can prevent your jaw from tensing at night. Take this medication exactly the way your doctor tells you to. Your doctor will probably only prescribe medication on a short-term basis, so it’s important to take other steps too, like reducing stress and relaxing your jaw muscles. 11. **Reduce stress so your muscles relax.** Consistent stress is one of the main risk factors for grinding at night. If you regularly feel stressed, then taking some stress-reduction steps can really cut down on your grinding habit. Stress management techniques like exercising, meditating, acupuncture, or attending counseling can all have great benefits for grinding. You could even be stressed without realizing it. It always pays off to take some stress-reduction steps in your daily life, even if you don’t feel stressed. 12. **Get plenty of sleep at night.** Not getting enough sleep can make your grinding worse, so it’s important to get a good-night’s sleep each day. In general, adults need 7-9 hours of sleep for a full-night’s rest, so do your best to stay in that range. If you have a sleep disorder like insomnia or sleep apnea, get treatment for it as soon as you can. Grinding usually comes along with sleep disorders like this. 13. **Follow a calming bedtime routine.** Bringing stress to bed with you can make you grind your teeth at night. Practice good sleep hygiene and do relaxing things before bed. This can help relax your muscles and reduce grinding. Turn off electronics before bed. The light from phones, TVs, and computers can stimulate your brain instead of relax you. Good relaxing activities to do instead include reading, listening to soft music, stretching, meditating, or taking a shower. 14. **Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evening.** Both of these can stimulate your muscles and cause grinding. Avoid any coffee, caffeinated tea, or alcoholic drinks in the afternoon, and definitely after dinner time. Herbal tea, however, is caffeine-free and can help you relax at night. 15. **Get some exercise during the day.** Exercise is a great stress-reducer, and tends to improve grinding at night. If you aren’t very active, then this might be the right change for you. Try to get about 2.5 hours of exercise each week for the best results. You don’t have to exercise hard to enjoy good results. Just a daily walk is great for your health and stress levels. Besides going to the gym, you could also play sports like baseball or basketball for a more fun exercise. 16. **Quit smoking or using recreational drugs.** Nicotine and some drugs are stimulants, and they’ll make grinding at night worse. If you smoke or use any drugs, it’s best to quit as soon as possible. If you don’t smoke or use drugs, then avoid starting in the first place. Smoking has all kinds of other negative health effects too, so quitting is the best choice. Drugs like cocaine or Ecstacy are especially bad for teeth-grinding.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Anchor a Trampoline
Securing a trampoline against strong winds and big bounces is a simple project that can be done in a matter of minutes using a trampoline anchor kit. Tap U-shaped wind stakes into place over the legs of the trampoline for a quick fix, or sink auger-style anchors into the ground directly below the frame. Hook the included straps through the augers and tighten them down on each side to make sure your trampoline stays put, even during the worst weather. 1. **Pick up a set of U-shaped wind stakes.** Like their name suggests, these types of stakes come pre-curved into a tight “U” shape. They’re made of solid steel and are typically sold in sets of 4. Installing wind stakes is a cinch—all you have to do is place them over the legs of the trampoline and hammer them down. A pack of basic U-shaped wind stakes will usually only run you $15-20. Wind stakes are the easiest trampoline stakes to install, but they don’t hold quite as well as auger-style anchor systems with straps. For this reason, it's a good idea to always inspect them before you start jumping. 2. **Position each stake over one leg of the trampoline.** Center the stakes on the trampoline legs as best you can. They’ll offer the most stability when they’re set an equal distance from one another. The prongs of U-shaped wind stakes are spaced about 2–2.5 inches (5.1–6.4 cm) apart, which makes them just wide enough to fit over the legs of most average-sized trampolines. 3. **Tap the stakes into the ground with a hammer.** It should only take a few taps to get them seated firmly. Once the stakes are in place, jiggle them to test how well they hold. If they feel loose, you may need to pull them up and drive them again. All styles of trampoline anchors, including U-shaped wind stakes, are designed to be used on soft surfaces, such as grass, dirt, or clay. If the ground beneath your trampoline is too hard to easily sink the stakes, spray it lightly with a garden hose to soften it up. Consider using 2 or even 3 sets of stakes if you live in an area where storms and strong winds are a frequent occurrence, or if your trampoline is prone to shifting on the patch of ground where it's situated. 4. **Remove U-shaped stakes with a screwdriver or similar tool.** When it comes time to pry up your wind stakes, work the blade of the screwdriver into the space between the stake and the trampoline leg, then lift up on the handle. After moving the stakes 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm), you should be able to finish pulling them out by hand. Try using a hammer to wedge the screwdriver in if you’re having trouble getting your stakes to budge. Replace your wind stakes if they become bent, broken, or rusted, as this could cause them to fail or even make them a safety hazard. 5. **Purchase a trampoline anchor kit.** A standard trampoline anchor kit contains 4 steel augers and 4 adjustable nylon straps. After screwing the augers deep into the ground on each side of the trampoline, you’ll attach and tighten the straps to hold it in place from below. Auger-style anchor kits are by far the most effective way to steady an ordinary backyard trampoline. They’re strong enough to stand up to high-speed winds and rain, as well as shifting caused by repeated jumping. Trampoline anchor kits cost around $40-50 on average. 6. **Measure roughly 1–1.5 feet (0.30–0.46 m) inward from each leg.** This is where you’ll place the augers. Measure each of the legs individually using a tape measure, if possible. To guarantee that your measurements are consistent on each side, make sure the tape measure is centered on the leg. The exact placement and spacing of the augers may vary depending on the design of a particular trampoline anchor kit. Always follow the guidelines laid out in the manufacturer’s instructions to be on the safe side. 7. **Screw the augers into the ground.** Place the pointed tip of the auger against the ground and take a firm grip on the hooked upper end. Twist the auger in a clockwise direction until only the circular hook is left above ground level. Repeat this process on each side of the trampoline, then jostle the augers to confirm that they're secure. If you’re having difficulty sinking the augers, wetting the ground under the trampoline will help minimize the amount of resistance you encounter. Eyeball each auger from ground level to make sure they're as vertical as possible. They'll be able to grip better when they're running straight up and down. 8. **Loop the included straps over the top of the trampoline frame.** Pull the straps up and over the circular bar directly over the site of each auger, making sure both ends hang at the same length. Your kit should include one strap for each auger. Anchoring the trampoline at the top of the frame rather than the base makes for a much more secure hold. Some anchor kits may come with 2-piece straps that feature a separate ratchet strap that makes it easier to cinch the strap down tight. With these systems, the ratchet strap will usually attach directly to the auger. 9. **Guide the free end of the strap through the auger.** Insert the strap into the hook at the top of the auger (the part you gripped while screwing it into the ground). After passing it through, line it up with the buckle dangling at the opposite end. From here, all that’s left to do is to join the 2 ends. Make sure there are no twists or kinks in the strap before you pull it through the auger. 10. **Feed the end of the strap through the buckle.** Thread the strap through the top of the buckle, then out the bottom. Pull down on the free end to take out the remaining slack. Again, do this on each side of the trampoline. If you're using a kit with 2-piece straps, feed the loose end of the frame strap through the buckle on the lower ratchet strap to close the loop. If you miss a buckle, there's a greater chance that your trampoline could be turned over with enough force. 11. **Tighten the straps.** Work your way around the trampoline, checking to make sure there’s no give in any of the straps. Yanking on one strap can sometimes cause another to come loose, so it make take a few trips around to get everything properly secured. If the free ends of the straps are long enough to reach the ground after tightening, wrap the extra length around the legs of the trampoline to get them out of the way. For anchor kits with ratchet straps, work the lever on each buckle up and down repeatedly until there's no slack remaining. Consider fastening each strap with a knot to prevent them from coming undone. 12. **Reverse the process to remove your new trampoline anchors.** Lift up sharply on each buckle to loosen the straps, then finish undoing them by hand. Slide the frame straps clear of the outer edge of the trampoline, making sure they don't get caught on the springs or the frame itself. Finally, twist the augers counterclockwise while pulling up on them gently until they come free of the ground. You'll need to invest in a new set of augers if your current set happens to become damaged or lose their ability to grip properly.
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How to Add New Quail to a Flock
Quails are very territorial birds that often do not get along well with newbies. However, with the right practices in mind, new birds can be integrated seamlessly into an existing flock. This article will explain how to expand your flock while minimizing potential animus between the newer and older birds. 1. **Make sure you have enough space.** Before even considering adding a new batch of quails to your flock, you must ensure that there is enough space to house them together happily. The rule of thumb is 1 square foot per bird; however, it is advised to go bigger especially if you are transitioning new birds to the flock. Quails hold a sense of territory, so giving more space to your birds will help them accept new quails. In the event that an established quail attacks a new quail, that quail should have enough space to run away. 2. **Add hiding spots.** Along with providing plenty of space, the new quails will need a few spots to hide when they get chased or attack by the original flock (which will normally happen). 3. **Count the feeding, drinking and nesting stations available.** Once you exceed a certain number it becomes time to add more items to the pen to meet your quails required needs. If you are housing over 30 birds then you may need to double the amount of feeders, drinkers and nesting boxes you have so that there no fights break out over who can get to the food bowl first. Use large guinea pig igloos/huts for an undercover area. You should add at least two. 4. **Set a divider in the cage.** You can separate a quarter or half of a section of the pen if you feel like you are required to do so. This is an effective setting scene as the quail can all see each other and communicate, but cannot peck or attack each other. 5. **Ask yourself why you want new birds.** Is it for eggs, meat, breeding or a mix of both? Perhaps you simply want more pets? With quail it is important to know what a flock should consist of to avoid complications. 6. **Be aware of the age gap.** If there is too much of an age gap between your newer and older quails, they will start fighting each other and never transition. Younger quails against an adult flock will never stand a chance. If you have an adult flock then you must purchase quails that are over 6 months of age, which by then will be matured birds and laying eggs. If you have a flock of juvenile quail then purchase more juvenile birds rather than adults and vice versa. If you want more eggs then it is advised to buy young hens of 6 months of age. This is when they start laying. If it's meat you want then some breeders say to start with a lot of young chicks and raise them yourself to save money. However, buying adult birds ready for slaughter in a few weeks is always an option. For breeding, you should always start with young matured birds. For every 3-5 hens you should have one roo. 7. **Understand the importance of gender ratios.** Most males are very territorial and dominant. Some will never accept another male into their flock. If you have enough hens in your flock it is possible for you to try and introduce another male, but if it doesn't work out you may need an escape plan. 8. **Consider the breed.** Despite all being the same species, you cannot mix other breeds with a different kind. E.g button quail cannot be mixed with Coturnix quail. 9. **Quarantine the new birds.** Foreign quails from another flock can have the possibility of carrying diseases, and if they bring it into your new flock, all the birds will get sick. To take extra precautions it is advised to quarantine new birds for 6-8 weeks before mixing them with your flock. 10. **Consider introducing the quail in a new space.** There are mixed opinions on if you introduce the flock together in a completely new area then the transitioning will run more smoothly. This is said to work because quails are territorial over their home, and if they are all introduced to new surroundings then there is one less thing to fight over. 11. **Set up a border in the pen.** Use up quarter or half of the space to separate the new quails from the current flock. The border should allow the quails to see each other whilst making sure they don't attack each other. 12. **Remove the border after a week or two.** After the waiting period with the border set in place it should be time to take away the border and transition the quail together. 13. **Supervise the quail.** Immediately after taking away the border it is important to continue supervising the quail. The remainder flock should start gaining curiosity of the new flock. Of course this can always lead to fights breaking out so you need to be there just in case that happens. 14. **Avoid intervening.** If pecking and fighting does occur between the flock, avoid getting involved. This is natural behavior to show dominance and establish a pecking order. If blood draw then that's when you need to get involved and remove the wounded quail immediately. 15. **Separate the birds if blood is drawn.** Just like day-old chicks, the quail will only keep pecking at a bloody wound. It is instinct to kill the weakest bird of the flock, especially if injured. Quarantine the quail until the wound fully heals and try introducing them again.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get Rid of a Long‐Term Nose or Mouth Twitch
Twitching of your mouth, nose, or eyes is usually harmless, but it might seem frustrating or embarrassing if it doesn't go away. Usually, to get your twitch to go away, you'll have to figure out what's causing it. In some cases, this might be as simple as reducing your stress or anxiety or changing your diet. However, there are some circumstances that call for a visit to a specialist. We'll help you narrow down the causes and what to do about your twitch! 1. **Note when the twitches happen.** Write down instances to try to identify patterns. Especially pay attention to the feelings or circumstances that give rise to the twitch. Evaluate any and all environmental and situational factors, and make a list for reference in case you need to discuss the issue with a doctor. 2. **** Think back to when the twitch started. Do you remember where and when you first started noticing the twitch? Involuntary movements that originated in childhood have different causes and solutions than those that began in adulthood. Doctors will evaluate your medical history and perform a physical examination to determine if the twitch is neurologic, medical, or psychiatric in origin. 3. **Do you mainly experience the twitch when you’re nervous?** How do things like public speaking, talking to an authority figure, or similar stressful situations affect it? Is it more likely to happen when you’ve got a lot on your plate at work or in response to other anxiety triggers? What about other emotions, such as being amused, excited, or overjoyed? Keep a journal to track when and where the tic happens. Compare your notes on when it happens in the present to when and where you remember it happening in the past. You may want to see a psychiatrist if the cause of your twitch is from stress and anxiety. He/she maybe able to help you with anti-anxiety medication in order to relieve stress. 4. **Do you drink a lot of coffee, smoke cigarettes, or drink alcohol?** Are you prescribed any medication? Stimulants like caffeine and prescription drugs can cause involuntary movements, as can withdrawal from alcohol and nicotine. 5. **Some deficiencies can lead to twitching.** A well-balanced diet can potentially stop a tic within days. Make sure you're eating enough leafy greens and nuts for magnesium, and bananas for potassium. Consider taking a supplement for these specific minerals, or a general multivitamin. If you suspect that you’ve got some gaps in your diet, you should first see your primary care physician (PCP) or go to a clinic. A doctor can order a complete blood count and other standard tests to confirm any dietary issues. Omitting or limiting your sugar and caffeine intake are additional steps you should take to get rid of a nose or mouth twitch. Drinking the recommended amount of water for your body size is also recommended. A good general rule is to drink eight 8 oz glasses of pure water every day. Drinks with caffeine and alcohol in them do not count as part of your daily water consumption. 6. **Make sure you're getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night.** Sleep deprivation appears to play a part in the occurrence of motor tics. Sleep loss, especially in combination with stress, can also exacerbate the issue's severity. Make sure that you practice good sleep hygiene. 7. **Both situational stress and general anxiety contribute to tics and twitches.** Before seeing a counselor, you can try out techniques at home to relieve stress. Breathing exercises, self-massage, and meditation can also help improve your sleep habits and quality of sleep. Wash your hands before giving face a massage. Use gentle, circular motions with your fingertips. Put on soothing music and use slow, deliberate breathing exercises to relax yourself. Look for other ways of getting into a good state of mind: what makes you most relaxed? 8. **Replace it with a voluntary movement.** It might cause discomfort to suppress a tic, but it can be possible to delay the motion. Work on holding it back if it makes you self-conscious in social situations. Concentrate on refocusing the energy that gives rise to the tic to another part of your body, and release the energy using a different movement. Some therapists try to have you refocus or distract yourself when you are having the tic, such as by diverting your attention onto something else. For example, you might place your feet flat on the ground and pay attention to how this feels, count down from 100, or rub a penny between your fingers. 9. **It may go away on its own, especially in children.** If your child is experiencing a nose or mouth twitch, sometimes the best solution is to ignore it. Calling attention to it might actually trigger it or harm self-esteem. Tics are common in children: up to one in four develop a tic that lasts between one month and one year before puberty. Consider your child’s age and when the tic started occurring. If any vocal tics or complex involuntary movements accompany a facial twitch, you should see your child’s pediatrician rather than ignore these symptoms. In combination, they can indicate neurological disorders such as Tourette syndrome. Having a tic may also lead to a lack of socialization and stress for the child. 10. **Bring along any notes you've taken.** If the facial twitch persists for a year or more, consult your doctor—or your child’s doctor, if they're the one experiencing the twitch. You should contact your PCP or visit a health clinic if home remedies don't work, or if your symptoms don't go away or worsen over time. You should also see your doctor to confirm a potential cause, such as diet or drug use, prescribed or otherwise. Your doctor can also refer you to specialists, such as a neurologist or mental health professional. Any notes you’ve taken on the tic’s causes and patterns will be beneficial. Your doctor can order tests or refer you to a specialist if necessary. 11. **Your tic or twitch could be associated with Tourette syndrome if it persists over time, changes in severity, or is associated with both complex movements and vocal grunts or other utterances.** A facial tic or twitch could indicate Bell's Palsy, a non-specific diagnosis for sudden paralysis, weakness, or other symptoms associated with nerve damage in the face. You should see a doctor if any of these factors apply to rule out more serious issues. A Bell’s Palsy is a medical condition that causes sudden onset unilateral facial paralysis. Facial Palsy can also be caused by a herpes simplex virus infection. Treatment involves either glucocorticoids or antiviral therapy. 12. **Your PCP may refer you if they think it's a physical problem.** This should be an early step if you’ve recently suffered head or neck trauma or any potential nerve damage in the twitch’s region that could be its cause. See your PCP for a referral, visit a local clinic, or consult the internet for help finding one. A neurologist can order an MRI and identify physical problems with your brain and nervous system. 13. **Ask your PCP for a recommendation.** If you suspect anxiety or a related psychological factor is the root of your facial twitch, consult a psychologist, psychiatrist, or licensed therapist. Triggers can either be situational, like a break-up or stress at work, or more global in nature, such as a diagnosed mental health disorder. Note any history of such diagnoses with the mental health professional you consult. Remember, no two people have the same emotional and psychological lives. Do not feel shame in seeking help or seeing a therapist. The twitch might go away as soon as you get your stress off your chest. If your nose or mouth tic is related to drug or alcohol abuse you should talk to a mental health or substance abuse professional. Look online for county or state programs that offer free or income-based counseling programs.
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How to Stop Loving Your Ex
Moving on from your ex might feel impossible now, but there really are ways to find closure and move forward. We know it's not easy, so we put together expert-backed, proven strategies for getting over an ex to help you out. By following these steps, you can move on with your life, rediscover who you are, and start embracing all of the exciting things out there waiting for you. 1. **End all communication with this person--at least for now.** Some couples are lucky enough to be able to stay friends after a breakup. But if you're still in love with your ex, then you are absolutely not ready for a friendship; at least not yet. Though not communicating with or seeing this person may seem impossible, it will be even more painful for you to try to fake a friendship when what you really want is to get back together. Fight the temptation to try to win this person back by continuing to talk and spend time together. If your ex doesn't love you anymore, then nothing you do or say will make him or her love you again. The best thing you can do for yourself is to keep your ex out of sight and out of mind. If you go to the same school, live in the same town, or share the same core group of friends as your ex, it may be difficult to avoid running into him or her on occasion. If you do, be polite and say hello, but try to keep your conversations brief and light-hearted. 2. **Don't ignore your feelings.** It's great that you've decided it's time to get over your ex, but the worst thing you can do for yourself, especially in the early stages of a breakup, is to ignore whatever feelings you're experiencing. It's perfectly normal, and acceptable, to feel angry, scared, confused, hurt, jealous, or insecure after losing the person you love. But instead of trying to suppress these emotions, acknowledge the fact that they're there and that feeling down is a natural part of life. Acknowledging your emotions can help you sort through them more clearly and more quickly than if you keep them bottled up. If you feel like you need to cry, then cry. If you need to scream, then scream. Do whatever it takes to let your emotions out, even if you feel like you're being overly dramatic or emotional. Keeping your feelings locked up will only cause them to come back and haunt you in the future. 3. **Try not to obsess over his or her positive qualities.** When we love people, we tend to idealize them and only focus on their positive qualities. When we reminisce about them, we only remember the good memories and the positive feelings they elicited. There's nothing wrong with remembering your ex fondly, but if you want to stop being in love with him or her, you'll need to dig deep into your memory and try to identify aspects of his or her personality, or of the relationship, that bothered you. Obviously you broke up for a reason, meaning that there was something missing in the relationship. Even if you can't think of one negative quality in this person, the simple fact that you are broken up should be enough. No matter how great this person may be, the fact that they don't want to be with you anymore means that you are not right for each other. 4. **Find an emotional outlet.** Whether it is talking to a close friend or relative, writing in a journal, or expressing yourself through art, find a healthy outlet to express how you feel. Talking to a friend who has gone through a similarly difficult breakup may help put things in perspective and remind you that you are not alone. Having the freedom to vent to your friends is great, but know your limits. Talking about a breakup only helps up to a certain point; after awhile, it will only fuel your obsession and cause you to overanalyze the situation (not to mention the fact that your friends will probably start to get annoyed). 5. **Stop looking for answers.** Lots of people waste hours upon hours trying to figure out what went wrong in the relationship--they often blame themselves for pushing the other person away, leading to feelings of inadequacy and rejection. Sometimes, though, there is no answer for why you broke up other than the fact that you and your ex simply weren't right for each other. 6. **Don't have sex with your ex.** A night of passionate sex with your ex will only make falling out of love with him or her more difficult. Resist the temptation (however strong it may be) to sleep together, keeping in mind that no matter how great it may be, you will feel infinitely worse about the breakup afterwards. 7. **Make some small, positive changes in your life.** Trying to get over somebody feels in some ways counterintuitive, because the more you try not to think about them, the harder it seems to get them off of your mind. Improving the circumstances in your life, on however small of a scale, can do wonders for healing your wounds after a breakup and for getting your mind off of the person that broke your heart. Now that you are single, it's time to focus on yourself and think about the aspects of your life that you would like to improve. Are you happy with your career or your performance in school? Are you happy with your body? What about your living situation? The goal is to improve your lifestyle so that it is better now than it was when you were in a relationship. Though it may seem difficult, it is possible. You will have to do some soul searching to figure out where to focus your efforts, though. You don't have to make large, life-altering changes. Even small efforts like redecorating your room can help boost your mood in the long run. 8. **Try to appreciate the perks of being single.** Everybody wants to find somebody to love and who loves them. Have faith that eventually, you'll find somebody who makes you happy, but until then, appreciate the freedom and excitement that comes with single life. Spend time doing the things that you enjoy doing that perhaps your ex didn't enjoy doing. Make plans to go out with friends and remember to approach every situation with a positive attitude; be open to meeting new people, visiting new places, and creating new memories. 9. **Give yourself plenty of time.** Despite your best efforts, it's going to take some time to get over being in love with your ex. Remember that there is nothing wrong with that, and that sometimes, the best medicine is to just let a little bit of time pass. No matter how horrible you may feel right now, seek comfort in the fact that it will only continue to get easier from this point on. Eventually you'll start to feel normal again, and if you just make the effort, be happier than you ever could have imagined.
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How to Act When You Find Gas Leaking in the Kitchen (USA)
Smell gas in the kitchen? Here is how to respond in the first critical minutes. The information presented in this article refers to US gas supplies and appliances only. 1. **Determine the danger.** The safety of people is always the first thing to consider, so heed the following first of all: If it is difficult to breathe or the smell is very strong or you can hear a loud sound of escaping gas leave the kitchen immediately and get any other people out of the building. Do not turn on light switches in or around the kitchen. Do not turn any electrical switches on or off, including doorbells. Do not use matches or any other naked flames. Do not use the bathroom as this triggers more gas. Do not smoke. Understand the signs of gas leaks, including: Strong "Rotten egg" smell Hissing or whistling noise Spraying dirt, dead or dying vegetation 2. **Call the emergency services.** Use a neighbor's telephone for emergency help. Do not call from within your house and never use a cell phone or portable phone within the house if you suspect a gas leak. If you need to use a cell phone, go to the neighbor's house to use it. 3. **Open doors and windows.** Do this only if you can breathe easily and the smell of gas is not overpowering and you cannot hear a loud sound of escaping gas. 4. **If you know how, turn the gas supply off at the meter or mains box.** Do not turn the gas supply back on until the gas company instructs you to do so. 5. **Check the stove burners.** If you can breathe easily and the smell of gas is not overpowering and you cannot hear a loud sound of escaping gas, check the stove for burners that are on but not burning. The knobs should all be in the same position (off). Turn all knobs to off. 6. **Check the oven.** Look for an oven control knob. It should be in the off position. Turn the control knob to off. On a modern oven the control may be electronic. Pressing the off or cancel button will turn off the gas. 7. **Check the clothes dryer.** Some clothes dryers are gas operated. If this is the case, turn the dryer control knob to off or press the off button. If it is not clear that the dryer is operated by gas, do not operate the controls. 8. **Check to see whether the pilot light on your boiler has gone out.** This can be a common cause of a gas odor. 9. **Contact the gas company.** Most all propane and natural gas supply companies will come to a residence and test for gas leaks. They will not perform the repair but they will identify the source of the gas leak. 10. **Get the leak repaired.** Gas leaks, even very small gas leaks, will not fix themselves. Always contact the gas company for help in locating the leak and use an experienced repair person to repair the leak.
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How to Pick the Color of Your Prom Dress Based on Your Skin Tone
Unlike a wedding dress, prom dresses come in many different colors and styles! One thing to consider when buying a prom dress is picking a color that best suits you. Choosing the right prom gown in a color that's flattering to your skin tone and eye color will help you stand out on prom night. 1. **Analyse your skin's surface tone and undertone.** Your skin tone is the surface color of your skin and is usually the word you use to describe your skin color (ex. Ivory, light, medium, dark). Your skin's undertone is the color underneath the surface. It is possible to have the same surface skin tone as someone, but different colored undertones. When shopping for a dress you should take both the surface tone and undertone into consideration. Undertones are typically broken down into three categories: cool (pink, red, or bluish), warm (yellow, peachy, golden), or neutral (a mix of warm and cool). 2. **Look at the color of your veins.** One way to determine your undertone is to look at the color of your veins. Roll up your sleeve and look at the veins on your wrist. Do they look blue or green? If your veins look blue you likely have cool undertones and if they look green you likely have warm undertones. 3. **Take a closer look at the irises of your eyes.** Your eye color can also help determine your undertones. If you have blue, gray, or green eyes you likely have cool undertones. Alternately, if you have brown, hazel, or amber eyes you likely have warmer undertones. 4. **Try on silver and gold jewelry.** Typically people with cool undertones look better in silver jewelry and people with warm undertones look better in gold jewelry. Which do you prefer on your skin tone? 5. **Determine how your skin reacts in the sun.** Another way to figure out the undertones of your skin is to see how your skin reacts to sun. If you burn easily you likely have cool undertones. If your skin tans in the sun you likely have warm undertones. It is possible to have light skin and warm undertones in the same way that you can have dark skin and cool undertones. People with fair skin color who burn likely have cool undertones. People with medium/dark skin color who burn and then tan likely also have cool undertones. 6. **Choose bold colours if you have a dark skin tone.** Bold and bright colors will really pop and complement your skin tone. Try jewel tones, such as turquoise, and emerald green. Pastels are another good choice and will make you stand out in a crowd. Avoid black and other deep tones. 7. **Pick pastels for a light skin tone.** If you have a light or fair surface tone without freckles it is suggested that you try pastels. For example, pastel blue, mint green, periwinkle, baby pink, and heather gray will all complement your skin tone nicely. Avoid choosing any color that makes your skin look even more pale or dull. 8. **Decide on earth tones and metallics for medium-colored skin.** If your skin tone is often described as olive you likely have a medium surface tone. You will look best wearing earth tones and metallics. For example, try gold, forest green, brown, mustard yellow, and cranberry red. 9. **Choose earthy colors for warm undertones.** If you have decided that you have warm undertones the colors that will look best on you belong to the earth tone family. These include yellows, reds, and browns. Avoid icy shades and jewel tones. 10. **Try blues, purples and greens for cool undertones.** If you discover undertones of blue, pink, rose or purple, you're considered to have a cool skin tone. People with cool undertones look best in blues, purples, or greens. Avoid oranges and yellows. 11. **Determine your dress color based on a combination of surface tone and undertone.** When you are deciding on your dress color it is important to keep in mind that your skin has both a surface tone and undertone. You could have dark warm skin or dark cool skin. Similarly, you may have light warm skin or light cool skin. Typically the surface tone will help you determine the shade of colour and your undertone will help you decide on the color itself. For example, if you have dark skin you will look good in bold colours. If you have dark warm skin you may want to choose a bright yellow or red to compliment the warm undertones. If you have dark cool skin you will look best in a bright blue or silver. 12. **Look through your wardrobe.** If you're still at a loss for which colors will be most flattering for you, think back to the items in your wardrobe that have earned you the most compliments. Do people comment on how flattering a certain shirt or jacket is on you? Or do you get rave reviews every time you wear a particular scarf or accessory? Look for common color trends among your favorite pieces – if all your compliment-worthy articles are red, it's safe to assume that this color will be a good pick for your prom dress. 13. **Try on dresses in different colours.** Now that you have determined your skin's tone and undertone and have discovered which colors look best on you it is a good idea to try on a variety of these colors to see which one you like the most. Typically one dress and color will stand out among the rest and really make you pop. You will only be able to find this look by trying on lots of dresses! Avoid having your mind set on one color. It is a good idea to try on a variety of colors. You never know what you will find. 14. **Shop with a friend or relative.** It is always a good idea to bring someone with you when you are shopping for your prom dress. They can provide their opinion and let you know which dress and color looks best on you. Asking a sales associate their opinion is another great idea. They are very familiar with the products in the store and can help with narrowing down your selections.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Exfoliate Lips
Dry, chapped, scaly lips can be a pain to deal with, especially during cold, dry weather. Exfoliation can help remove the dry, dead skin on the surface of your soft lips. Make flaky lips become moist and plump by gently exfoliating with a scrub or common household items and moisturizing well. You can make excellent exfoliants just from items around the house! 1. **Try a sugar-based scrub.** Mix equal parts olive oil and sugar in a small bowl to get a paste. Stand over your sink so you don't make a mess. Use a clean, soft washcloth to gently massage the mixture onto your lips using a circular motion. Rinse the mixture off with warm, not hot, water – cup your hands and splash water onto your mouth until it’s clean. Pat your lips dry and apply petroleum jelly or hydrating lip balm to moisturize your lips. You can use white or brown sugar, but not powdered. Coconut oil is a tasty alternative to olive oil. The longer (and harder) you rub the mixture on your lips the more intensely it will exfoliate. Do this for about a minute, maximum. Too much exfoliating can make lips sore or chapped. Oil-based scrubs are great for dry skin because they're very hydrating. 2. **Apply a baking soda scrub.** Mix baking soda with water to form a gritty paste; you may have to experiment with the ratio. Use a clean washcloth or old toothbrush with soft, straight bristles to rub the paste onto your lips in a gentle, circular motion. Rinse with warm water, gently pat dry, and apply lip balm or petroleum jelly. Baking soda and water do not moisturize your lips at all, so be sure to apply a moisturizing lip balm when you’re done. This scrub may be a good choice if you have oily skin around your mouth because it's non-greasy. 3. **Use a honey sugar scrub.** Mix 1/3 honey and 2/3 sugar in a small bowl. Apply it to your lips in a circular motion. You can use your finger if you wash your hands first, or a soft toothbrush, clean washcloth, or cotton swab. Leave the paste on for 2-3 minutes. Wash it off with warm water – honey is sticky so it may take a few minutes of washing. Rub your lips gently with a cloth, then moisturize. You can also leave this scrub on overnight if you wish. After you apply the scrub, put a strip of paper towel on your lips and lightly push it down – this will keep the scrub from getting all over your bedding and face. Sleep on your back and keep your head upright. Remove the paper strip in the morning, wash the scrub off, and moisturize your lips well. 4. **Use a toothbrush.** Take an old toothbrush, preferably one with straight bristles that are very soft, and put a bit of petroleum jelly on it. Rub the toothbrush on your lips in a circular motion. Leave the petroleum jelly on to rehydrate your lips, or apply a little more if most of it gets rubbed off. You can skip the petroleum jelly if you prefer. You’ll still get some good exfoliation in if you just use a clean toothbrush. You won’t want to use this toothbrush to brush your teeth again. You can save it in a clean dry place to use for exfoliation, but don’t contaminate it by using it for other purposes. For sensitive lips, try a children’s toothbrush. These are usually extra soft. If you don’t want to use a toothbrush, you can do the same trick with a soft, clean washcloth. 5. **Exfoliate with lemon juice.** Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a tablespoon of castor oil or glycerin. Apply this to your lips and leave it on for an hour or so. Then, gently rub the mixture off with a soft washcloth wet with warm water. Moisturize as usual. Although some studies support the use of lemon, it may cause an allergenic and irritating effect on the skin. This works well for chapped, dry lips and skin. 6. **Nourish and soothe with oatmeal.** Because of its grainy texture, oatmeal exfoliates well and can effectively absorb and remove dirt and impurities from your skin. Mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons (44.4 ml) of warm water or milk, and rub the mixture onto your lips in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes. Afterward, rinse your lips with warm water and then cold water. Although some studies support the use of oatmeal, more research needs to be done to determine whether it is effective. 7. **Use rose petals on your lips.** Not only does it sound romantic, but using rose petals to exfoliate can moisturize your lips and add some red color to them. Soak some clean rose petals in raw milk for about 3 hours. When the petals are completely soaked, mash them up to make a paste. You can use a mortar and pestle or just the back of a large spoon. Once this is mashed to a paste, apply it to your lips in an even layer. This is a gentle exfoliant and moisturizer and may be helpful for sensitive skin. 8. **Purchase a premade lip exfoliant.** There are many lip scrubs on the market, such as LUSH lip scrub and e.l.f. lip exfoliator. Look for products with natural ingredients like aloe or shea butter, and avoid salicylic acid which can be too harsh. Proceed with caution with new products – use gentle pressure to avoid over-exfoliating. If your lips feel irritated after using a product, stop using it.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make an Impossible Bottle
Impossible bottles are, quite literally, the unbelievable result of dedicated focus, patience, a steady hand and a great deal of lateral thinking. This article will show you how to place certain items into an "impossible bottle". 1. **Remove the plastic wrapper and toss.** 2. **Remove the cards.** 3. **Heat the sticker with a blow dryer.** It will come off easily without tearing. 4. **Using a blow dryer again, or using a sharp hobby knife, slice open the bottom seam of the box so that it can be flattened.** 5. **Insert flattened and rolled up box into the bottle and unflatten.** Using a bent piece of wire or other appropriate tool, reseal the bottom seam with glue. Strong glue dries too fast to allow you to get it in the right place, so use some craft glue and be patient. 6. **Insert one card at a time.** 7. **Close the box and heat the sticker to make it sticky so it can reattach.** Use some more glue if it doesn't get sticky enough. 8. **Puncture the ball in the fuzzy area (part the fuzz so that the hole doesn't rip out too much of the fuzz, you will comb it back over the hole later).** 9. **Put the ball in a vice and squeeze all the air out of it.** 10. **Seal the hole with a bike pump needle.** 11. **Fold the ball up (or roll it) and poke it into the bottle.** 12. **Turn the bottle upside down so the needle pokes out the neck.** Screw a flexible hose on the end (for pumping up bike tires) and screw the hose onto a bike pump. 13. **Re-inflate the ball and then pull the needle out.** 14. **Disguise the hole by combing over the fuzz and/or putting a drop or two of paint over the hole.** Note that you can seal the hole in the ball with strong glue if it tends to automatically re-inflate itself, then just re-pierce the hole with a skewer once the ball is in the bottle. 15. **Disassemble the Rubik's Cube into all 27 parts.** 16. **Reassemble the cube inside bottle.** Note that you'll need a 3 and a quarter inch inner diameter in order to fit the Rubik's Cube together. You'll need to prod and poke each cube into place and it will help to have long-handled tweezers and similar long-handled tools to help apply force.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Defeat a Social Networking Addiction
Social media can enhance your life by allowing you to connect with old friends and share important moments in your life. However, if not managed properly it can become an addiction that can consume your time and affect your work and relationships. By stepping away from social media, assessing your addiction, and developing healthy social media habits, you can work through this issue and create a more balanced life. 1. **Review your past posts.** As you begin working on combating your social networking addiction, you should first work to understand your social media usage. Take some time to review your posts from the past week or month. Write down how many things you posted in order to assess their frequency. Consider whether all the things you posted were necessary. For instance, if you posted about a meal you had or about going to get a haircut, consider whether or not posting those things brought you or anyone else any joy or contentment. 2. **Track your time online.** If you are unsure of the extent of your addiction, you can determine how much time you spend by tracking your usage. Make a tick mark in a notebook each time you check a site. A more advanced and accurate way to determine usage, however, is to download an app designed to do so. Apps like QualityTime keep a count of how much time you spend on each social media site. Decide how much social media time seems reasonable; if you are exceeding that, it’s time to cut back. 3. **Acknowledge your addiction.** Consider the times when others have constantly made comments to you about always being on social media. Think also of the times that you find yourself unable to keep up with your responsibilities. If you notice a pattern, then it is time to admit that you have a problem. Make a pact to commit to improving your situation. Remember that overcoming your denial and acknowledging your problem are the first steps. Take a break from your social media for one hour and assess how you feel. If you feel jittery or nervous, you might have an addiction. 4. **Reflect on your need for social media.** Sometimes a social media addiction might arise out of having little to do or out of a need for attention or connection with others. Take some time to write down your thoughts about this to explore the root of the problem. After assessing the roots, develop a plan to address it. If your issues stem from boredom, then find fun things to do offline. 5. **Seek outside help.** For some, the desire to use social media constantly might feel beyond their own control. If you feel that you are unable to escape from the addiction, seek help from a therapist trained in that area. There are also support groups available for people struggling with the same or similar issues. It can be helpful to feel that you are not alone in your addiction and to discuss potential solutions for the problem. Remember that there is no stigma in seeking help. 6. **Deactivate your accounts.** After you have sufficiently assessed the issue, take a break from social media to clear your mind, and begin breaking your bad habit. Deactivate your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and any other social media that you might have. This is a good way to give yourself space from your addiction without having to necessarily delete your accounts. During this time, develop a timeline for when and if you will get your social media back. Find healthy activities to replace your social media addiction. 7. **Remove cellphone apps.** In addition to deactivating the accounts, in order to further deter your temptation, delete the apps from your phone. Not being able to see the apps on your homescreen may help you during this time of self-reflection and habit-breaking. 8. **Change your password.** If you feel that you cannot successfully beat the habit on your own, then hand over the account to someone you trust. Have them change the password so that you cannot access the account even if you want to. Tell them to give you the account after the predetermined period ends. Make sure to only give your password to family or friends that you deeply trust. Giving your password away is highly sensitive and could end disastrously if in the wrong hands. Consider ceasing social media usage for a minimum of three weeks, as it typically takes 21 days to form a habit. 9. **Stick to a time limit.** Only use the social networking site when you know that all your day's work is done or when you have a break. Avoid taking breaks from your work to use social media, as you will likely become unproductive. You may find that two hours have flown by and you are still online while your work is being neglected. Try to login only once you are completely free of all your responsibilities. Set a time limit on how much you use your social media after your day is done. Set a timer on your phone. 10. **Change the notification settings on your phone.** You might have developed an addiction for social media because you are constantly getting notifications on your phone from your friends commenting or posting on your wall. In order to combat this, you can edit the notification settings in your phone or within the app so that you don’t get notifications, but can instead check the app at your leisure when you’re not busy. For instance, you might make it where you don’t get notifications for “likes” but you do for comments. You have many options to help you stay clear of social media. 11. **Delete extra people from your friend list.** The more people you follow or are friends with on social media, the larger your news feed will be, and the more time you spend checking things out while you could be engaging in a more useful activity. Spend some time purging your friends list to only include your friends in real life or people who you know well. 12. **Prioritize.** If you have an important assignment coming up, then temporarily deactivate your account. Another option is to install COLD TURKEY, which is a program that physically blocks you from various addicting sites. Remember that while social media can enhance your life, you should still attend properly to your relationships and responsibilities. Assess whether any of your close friends, partner, or family have complained about your lack of attention due to constantly being on a device. 13. **Limit your memberships.** You might have three social media accounts or you might have ten. In order to limit the time you spend in total checking these sites, you could choose to delete a few of them and only keep the ones you value most. For instance, if you don’t particularly like Instagram but do like Facebook, consider deleting your Instagram. 14. **Avoid posting about your every move.** Enjoy the moments that you’re making while you’re making them and don’t feel the need to photograph or post about every moment in your life. Be present in the moment and enjoy the people and circumstances that surround you. 15. **Write a list of things you could be spending your time on.** Keep in mind that every minute that you spend on social media takes a minute from some other more productive activity that you could put your time towards. Some of these things could include learning a new language, playing an instrument, hanging out with friends, exercising, learning a new recipe, or reading a book. Consider your relationships that have gone lacking because of your social media addiction. Your significant other or children may be feeling neglected because of it. Your social media addiction could be hampering your life and relationships and keeping you from your goals. 16. **Get out of the house.** Perhaps the most constructive and certainly the most fun way to battle your social media addiction is to get out of the house and have some fun. Call up your friends and go out to a movie or have dinner. Go bowling, swimming, running, or shopping. These are healthy and fun ways to combat your addiction while relaxing. 17. **Call instead of checking in on social media.** You might find that your social media addiction developed because you used a site to communicate with someone as opposed to calling them. You might have gotten caught up on the site awaiting their response and developed an addiction from that. However, try to have conversations with friends and family via phone rather than social media apps. 18. **Spend more time with family.** In order to prevent yourself from relapsing or not keeping your commitment to cease social media usage temporarily, spend more time with your family and friends. Go visit your grandparents and do errands for them, and hang out with your mom more. Hang out with siblings and friends more during this time as well and resist using your phone, even if they are. 19. **Develop yourself professionally.** Once you have more free time from social media, you will be better able to invest in other things. Perhaps you have been considering a career change or thinking about going back to school. Take this time to research schools and jobs. A change might be just what you need to create a healthier, happier, and more electronically detached life.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Play the Didgeridoo
The didgeridoo, also known as a “didj,” is a woodwind instrument from Australia that was originally made out of trees hollowed out by termites. Now, you can purchase a variety of styles of didj that can produce a deep, calming tone when played. To learn to play the didgeridoo you will want to find a comfortable spot to practice. Work on improving your lip vibrations while refining your breathing techniques. Record yourself or take a class to elevate your skills even more. 1. **Get access to a didgeridoo.** Many players begin with a plastic didj. They are relatively inexpensive and you can find one online to purchase very easily. Others prefer to go directly to a wood didj. Even then you will want to consider your budget and the type of wood that you would like, such as agave. Wood didgeridoos are less likely to break and create a deeper, richer sound when played. Some music stores rent didgeridoos and, if you take a class, you may be able to borrow one during the sessions. Be aware, however, that most serious didj players recommend purchasing a personal instrument to make regular practicing easier. 2. **Find a peaceful location.** It is best to play and practice in an area where you will not be disturbed. This is especially important if you are practicing breathing techniques. You also need to be able to hear yourself play. This sounds easier than it is. The vibrations from the didj will muffle your hearing making it more difficult to identify particular notes or sounds. Some say that the bathroom is the ideal place to play the didgeridoo due to the amplified acoustics. The tile etc. helps to magnify the sound. 3. **Choose a playing position.** You can stand or sit in a chair or on the ground. Most people prefer the sitting position as it is easier to maintain for long periods of time. If you are sitting on the ground you can rest your didj on the top of your bare foot. Try to avoid resting your didj directly on the ground. This helps to keep the sound clear and undistorted. In all positions, make sure to maintain proper posture. Keep your back straight and your shoulder back. Slumping over can hurt your ability to move air effectively up from your lungs into your instrument. 4. **Establish your hand grip.** No matter which position you choose, your grip remains the same. Cradle the didgeridoo in the upturned palm of your dominant hand. Your index finger should be pointing away from you, leaving your thumb and remaining fingers to curl around the didj. Slide this hand down until it is a relaxed arm’s reach out. The other hand can be used to balance the didj close to the mouthpiece if needed. 5. **Adopt a calm mindset.** Playing the didgeridoo is often compared with meditation or spiritual experiences. Keeping your mind clear and focusing on playing the didj will allow you to reap all of the possible mental benefits. Tell yourself, “Be calm,” before sitting down and playing. And, if other thoughts intrude, put down your didj until you can re-focus. It might help to say, "This is my time to play," aloud if you feel distracted. You can also ask your fellow players to keep you on task by having them alert you if you seem unfocused. You can also lower the lights a bit and maybe light some candles or incense to create a calming environment for playing your didj. 6. **Develop and practice your base drone apart from your didj.** The base drone is the foundation upon which all didj sounds are built. You will keep droning, even as you add other sounds to the mix. Relax your lips and blow through them causing them to vibrate. Some would liken this to “giving a raspberry” or imitating a horse blowing air out of its mouth. This will be similar to, but not exactly, like a brass musician preparing to play. Your lips will need to be a bit looser than a trumpet players. It may be helpful to practice in front of a mirror. 7. **Place your lips on the didj.** When you feel like you can hold your drone for 20 seconds or so, go ahead and put your mouth against the opening of your didgeridoo. Your lips should lay firmly, but not inflexible, against the mouthpiece. They’ll need to move without letting any air out. You don’t have to directly align your lips with the mouthpiece. Some people prefer to play from the side of their mouth. You can add beeswax to your mouthpiece to make it softer and to create a better seal. Warm up the wax until it is malleable, add it to the rim, and adjust to create an opening hole. Keep in mind that the larger the hole, the more air that is required to play. Most people learning using a 3cm diameter center hole. You can continue to adjust the wax as you play. 8. **Tighten or loosen your lips.** Once you begin your drone, you can alter the sound by consciously altering the tension in your lips. The sound will also give you feedback. For example, if your lips are too tight then the didj will emit a higher, trumpeting sound. Drop your jaw and move away from a smile to hear a more soothing tone in a lower register. 9. **Engage your tongue and cheeks.** Tap your tongue on your teeth. Quickly push your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Roll your tongue as if you are trying to say an extended “r” in Spanish. Wave your tongue from side to side in your mouth. Allow your cheeks to puff out a bit with extra air. Alternate cheeks for additional sound changes. Be careful to continue your base drone as you make these adjustments. Make all of these movements quickly and methodically. If you linger too long on any one movement, you could possibly kill off your drone by stopping the air flow. Puffing out your cheeks will result in a more even sound whereas tightening them with sharpen it. 10. **Involve your diaphragm.** The diaphragm is a muscle that helps to push air in and out of your lungs. The diaphragm is powerful and can create short bursts of air that will, in turn, create a pulsing sound in your didj. To do this try making a “ha…ha…ha” or laughing noise without using your actual voice. You can do this softly or forcefully. 11. **Experiment with unique vocalizations.** Keep a steady drone and then get creative with your tones and sounds. Form your mouth as if you were about to say a letter, such as “A,” then keep the drone going and see how that changes the harmonics. Try repeating various vowels combos, like “AOE.” This will require that you carefully monitor your breathing. It is also quite common to make animal sounds on the didj. Try a bark for dingo. Or, maybe a more complex “Kuku” noise for the Kukubarra. 12. **Pay attention to your current breathing patterns.** Sit down and take a handful of deep breaths. Focus in on how the air flows through your body and how you exhale. Do you naturally inhale with your mouth? Do you automatically exhale through your nose? As you head toward a nose-centered breathing technique this will help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. 13. **Understand the mechanics of circular breathing.** The goal is to maintain a continual, uninterrupted air supply while playing the didgeridoo. You will pull air in with your nose while simultaneously pushing air out through your mouth into the didj mouthpiece. You will also continue to drone throughout this process. With circular breathing you consider the air that you breath in and the air in your mouth as two different entities. They should both feel as if they are never empty and consistently in motion. Establishing a rhythm is important here. One of the keys is to resist blowing the air out of your mouth. That will empty your lungs and stop the drone. Instead, slowly push the air out of your mouth mimicking the same motion as you would when spitting out water. 14. **Practice circular breathing with water.** Before you are ready to hit the didj, you need to practice. Get a straw and a glass of water. Place the straw in the water and put your lips the tip of the straw. Inhale through your nose while blowing bubbles in the water. Try to keep the bubbles constant as they represent the constancy of your drone. Repeat this multiple times a day until it becomes easy. Another way to practice is to drink and hold water in your mouth until your cheeks puff out. Then, slowly spit the water out of your mouth. Inhale through your nose as you do this. Your tongue should keep you from gagging or swallowing the water. It is easy to practice this one in the shower. 15. **Practice circular breathing with inflated cheeks.** Without the didj, simulate your breathing movements. Breath in until your cheeks are full. Keep inhaling through your nose as you push the air out of your mouth. Be controlled in these movements. 16. **Find your breathing rhythm with the didj.** Apply your circular breathing techniques when playing the didgeridoo. Keep up the inhale/push out rhythm while maintaining your drone. Avoid incorporating any extra sounds until you have a good handle on the breathing. If your breath is holding steady, the didj will sound steady and full of air as well. You should not expect to master circular breathing right away. It is generally one of the more frustrating parts of learning to play the didgeridoo. Keep working on your breathing but recognize that you can still play the didj without holding long notes. 17. **Enhance your lung capacity.** Inhale in a controlled manner until your lungs feel full. Hold this air in for one second before exhaling slowing until your lungs feel totally drained. Pause for a second and repeat. Do this exercise for 10-15 minutes every day and you will see results. You can also improve your lung capacity by avoiding smoking and regularly exercising. 18. **Keep practicing.** As it is with any instrument, practice is key when learning the didj. Play as often as you can. Challenge yourself with new sounds and holding positions. Gather up an audience and play for them and get feedback. Once you gain the confidence even an open-mic night becomes a possibility. 19. **Record yourself.** If you are not comfortable playing for others face-to-face, you can record your sounds and place them online at a didj forum. Find a forum such as this by entering “didgeridoo forum” into a search engine. If you post a clip you could receive feedback from other players. Or, you could record your playing simply for yourself as a way to self-critique. 20. **Take a class.** To receive more in-depth instruction, enroll in an online class or take a course at your local college, if offered. Some of these classes are offered by musicians for free and others require a fee so investigate before signing up. These classes often incorporate the history of the didj as well, which can add another layer to your experience.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to End Knitting a Scarf
If you are new to knitting, then you may not know what to do to finish knitting your first scarf! There are some simple techniques that you will need to learn to complete your scarf. First, you will need to bind off your stitches. You may also want to weave in any loose ends to make your finished scarf look neat and polished. Then, if you want to add a decorative touch to your scarf, you can also add some fringe. 1. **Finish your last row of stitches.** Complete the last row of knitting for your scarf before you begin binding off. Then, turn your work around to begin a new row. Switch the needle with all of the stitches on it into your left hand and hold the empty needle with your right hand. 2. **Knit** Knit the first 2 stitches of your new row as you normally would. Do not knit more than 2 stitches. 3. **Lift the first loop over the second loop.** Use your left needle to lift the first stitch on your right needle up and over the second stitch on the right hand needle. Allow the first stitch to slip off of the end of the right hand needle. 4. **Knit 1 stitch.** Only knit 1 new stitch. 5. **Lift the first loop over the second loop again.** Take your left hand needle again and use it to lift the first stitch on your needle up and over the second stitch. Then, let the stitch you lifted up and over slide off of the end of the right hand needle. 6. **Repeat the bind off sequence to the end of the row.** Continue to repeat the process of knitting 1 stitch and lifting a stitch up and over the new stitch all the way to the end of the row. You will notice that your finished scarf edge will continue to get longer as you bind off the stitches. It can help to use a larger needle to bind off with to make sure you don't do it too tightly. Otherwise, the the end of your knitting could pucker up. 7. **Tie off the last stitch.** When you get to your last stitch, so you only have one single loop left, cut the yarn with a few inches left. Then, pull the yarn through the loop that anchors it, then sew a few inches of that yarn through the stitches of the scarf to anchor it. Then, cut off the excess. Make sure to leave the strand about 8 inches (20 cm) or longer to ensure that you will be able to weave it into the edges. 8. **Thread a yarn needle with the strand.** After you finish binding off, you will need to weave in any loose ends of yarn. Take the loose strand of yarn that you want to weave into the edge of your scarf, and then thread it through the eye of your yarn needle. Hold the strand near the eye of the needle with your thumb and index finger to ensure that it stays put while you sew. 9. **Insert the needle into a nearby stitch.** Locate a nearby stitch to weave the yarn into and then insert the yarn needle through that stitch. Then, insert the needle into the next stitch from the opposite side of the scarf. Keep weaving the yarn in and out of the stitches along the edge of your scarf until the strand is too short to weave any further. 10. **Tie off and cut the yarn.** When you can no longer weave the yarn in and out of a stitch, pull the end of the strand out of the eye of the yarn needle. Then, tie the end of the yarn strand through the last stitch that you wove it through to secure it. Cut the excess yarn about 0.25 inches (0.64 cm) from the stitch. 11. **Choose the yarn for fringe.** Adding fringe is a decorative way to end knitting a scarf. You can add fringe in the same color you used to knit your project, or you can use different colors of yarn. Opt for a texture that is similar to the texture of your yarn. For example, if your scarf is made from a medium worsted weight wool yarn, then choose the same type of yarn for your fringe. 12. **Cut a piece of cardboard that is the same length as the fringe you want to make.** Wrapping the yarn around cardboard will help to ensure that all of your fringe is the same length. Get a piece of cardboard and cut it so that it is 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) wider than the length you would like your fringe to be. For example, if you want your fringe to be 4 inches (10 cm) long, then the cardboard will need to be 4.5 inches (11 cm) wide. Make sure the cardboard piece is long enough to wrap a significant amount of yarn around it as well. The piece should be at least 10 inches (25 cm) long. 13. **Wrap the yarn around the cardboard.** Take your yarn and begin winding it around the cardboard as if you are wrapping thread around a spool. Keep wrapping the yarn around the cardboard until you have somewhat covered it from one end to the other. Don’t wrap the yarn around just 1 area of the cardboard piece. Make sure to wrap the yarn around the cardboard width-wise, which is the part of the cardboard that you have measured for your fringe. 14. **Cut along the bottom edge of the cardboard.** Use a pair of sharp scissors to cut along the bottom edge of the yarn that is wrapped around the cardboard. Insert the scissors under the yarn at the bottom of the cardboard and then cut across the yarn in a straight line. Do not cut along the top edge of the cardboard as well! Keep in mind that the yarn strands will be twice as long as you want them to be, but this is because you will be doubling them up along the edge of your scarf. 15. **Gather the yarn into bundles of 2, 3, or 4 strands.** Divide the yarn into bundles of 3 to 4 strands, depending how thick you want the tassles to be. Keep the bundles separate from each other so that it will be easy to grab them as you work. 16. **Use a crochet hook to pull the middle of the strands through a stitch.** Grab a bundle and fold it in half. Then, insert your crochet hook through the first stitch on the end of your scarf. Hook the yarn bundle in the center and pull 1/3 of the folded bundle through the stitch. Do not pull the yarn all the way through the stitch. Use a crochet hook that is small enough to easily fit through the stitches on the end of your scarf. 17. **Pull the ends of the strands through the loop.** Keep the hook through the loop that the folded bundle has made and use the end of the hook to grasp the ends of the bundle on the other side of the stitch. Pull these strands through the loop. 18. **Tug the ends to tighten the loop.** To keep the fringe bundle in place, tug on the ends of the stands. This will close the loop around the stitch and secure the fringe in place. Keep repeating this process until you have added a fringe bundle to every stitch on the end of your scarf. 19. **Trim the ends if desired.** If the ends of your fringe look uneven, then lay the end of the scarf on a flat surface and straighten out the fringe. Then, use a pair of scissors to trim the ends of the fringe. Only trim off enough yarn to even out the ends of the fringe.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Clean a Bulldog's Face Folds
Bulldogs are known for their facial wrinkles. Unfortunately, their adorable signature folds are prone to infection. Keep your pooch happy and healthy (plus your vet bills down) by learning when and how you should clean their face. With the proper supplies, techniques, and health checks, your bulldog’s wrinkly mug will be free from skin conditions and ready to admire. 1. **Decide on your cleaning solution.** Use a cleanser for dogs, a saline solution, or a simple mix of water and dog shampoo. The only requirement is that the dog shampoo should be mild and ideally fragrance-free so that it won’t dry out or irritate your bulldog’s skin. If your bulldog is not that dirty or prone to infections, you can simply use water. If you’re mixing your own solution, combine one part water with one part dog shampoo. Mild, hypoallergenic dog shampoos work best. 2. **Find an appropriate cleaning tool.** This applicator can be anything from a clean cloth or rag to a makeup pad to a cotton ball. You just need something clean and absorptive that will hold your cleaning solution. For a convenient tool that mixes the solution with the cloth, use baby wipes with aloe. 3. **Get a clean, thin towel.** You will need a thin towel or cloth to dry out your dog’s folds after you wash them. It should be as clean as possible since you don’t want to rub any dirt or bacteria back into your bulldog’s wrinkles after cleaning them. Make sure to dry your bulldog’s skin folds well to avoid leaving any residual moisture that may lead to bacterial growth. Avoid using any powders on your bulldog’s folds because this may lead to an infection. 4. **Ask your dog to sit and stay.** The process will go much faster if you have a still and obedient pet. Be sure they’re settled down and sitting before you attempt to clean them. Your bulldog is more likely to accept this process and behave while you’re performing it if you start doing it while they’re still a puppy. Once it’s a familiar part of their routine, it won’t seem like a distressing experience. 5. **Add your cleaning solution to your applicator.** You want your cleaning cloth to be damp, not wet, so only add a small amount of solution to it. 6. **Wipe your bulldog’s folds gently.** Glide your cleaning tool through and around the crevices of your bulldog’s face and neck. Gently hold open the creases that are difficult to reach with your fingers so that you can clean inside them. Be sure to avoid their eyes to prevent irritation. Don’t scrub or apply much pressure since that can damage your bulldog’s skin or encourage infections by rubbing debris into it. If your dog also has folds around their tail, you should clean those, too. 7. **Pay special attention to your dog’s nose wrinkle.** The deep fold that surrounds your bulldog’s nose is the most likely place for them to collect dirt, debris, and microbes. Pay special attention to this pronounced groove when cleaning their face. 8. **Dry your dog’s folds.** You don’t want any moisture or soap residue tucked away in your dog’s facial folds since that can lead to discomfort and bacterial infections. Use a clean towel or cloth to wipe away any lingering moisture from your bulldog’s wrinkles. Alternately, you can use a blow dryer on a cool setting to dry out their folds. Hold the folds open, and gently apply the flow of air up and down them until they’re dry. 9. **Moisturize as necessary.** If your bulldog’s folds look dry, red, or flaky from frequent washing, try adding a bit of moisturizer to them after drying to help maintain their skin’s balance. You can rub a bit of Vaseline, mild ointment, or aloe in the folds to protect and refresh their skin. Only use a slight amount since you don’t want them to be moist. 10. **Reward your pet.** Lavish your pet with a treat and affectionate praise for sitting through their cleaning. Doing so will give them positive associations with getting their face cleaned, which will make it a more pleasant experience for both of you in the future. 11. **Clean your bulldog’s folds at least twice a week.** The frequency of cleaning will depend on your pet and the condition of their skin, but it’s best to do it more than once a week. Keep in mind that dogs who are prone to infection or have immune systems compromised by sickness or old age may require more frequent cleanings, such as daily or even twice daily. If your dog tends to be sloppy with their food and/or water, you might also want to clean them on a daily rather than weekly basis. 12. **Keep your bulldog at its ideal weight.** Obese and overweight dogs have a higher risk of skin infections because their folds are deeper. Monitor your dog’s weight, and consult with your vet about necessary dietary changes if you see any significant increases. Your pet's ideal weight will vary according to its age and sex, but the average adult bulldog should weigh between 22-25 kilograms. Consult with your vet about the ideal weight for your particular pet. 13. **Watch for symptoms of infection.** When you’re cleaning your bulldog’s folds, be sure to inspect them for signs of infection like rashes, redness, swelling, inflammation, discharge, and/or unpleasant smells. If you notice any signs of infection while cleaning your bulldog's folds, then you will need to take him to see a veterinarian. Your dog may have an infection and veterinary treatment is required. 14. **Take your dog to the vet.** If you notice any symptoms of infection in your bulldog’s wrinkles, make an appointment with your vet right away. They can prescribe any necessary treatments, such as anti-fungal or antibacterial creams, and advise you about how often you should be cleaning the infected areas. 15. **Adjust your cleaning routine.** If your bulldog has infected folds, you will need to clean them twice a day rather than twice a week. Swap your cleaning solution for a mild cleanser that contains benzoyl peroxide. Dry their folds completely, and then apply any ointments or other topical treatments, such as diaper rash cream, that your vet recommended. You may also want to clip the fur around your dog’s infected folds so that the skin is easier to access and can stay cleaner. Be sure to consult with your vet about this routine first to see if it will be effective at treating your dog’s infection.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Tell if Your Cat Is Blind
Cats have extraordinary eyes that allow them to see clearly indoors and out during different times of day. However, injuries to the eyes and many diseases can significantly impair your cat’s eyesight or even cause blindness. If you can catch incipient blindness early, your cat can receive treatment that can completely or partially save its sight. If your cat does go blind, you’ll want to be able to help it. Look for behavioral or physical changes that can indicate if your cat is losing its sight or is blind so you can best care for it. 1. **Look out for clumsiness.** Watch to see how your cat gets around furniture or if it misjudges jumping onto furniture. Also note if your cat bumps into walls or furniture that it previously knew to walk around. Acting clumsy in spaces where it spends a lot of time can be a sign of failing sight or blindness. Another sign to watch for is if your cat is tripping on stairs or slipping when trying to jump up to its favorite place. Note if your cat is having problems with other familiar objects, like finding its food and water bowls. 2. **Watch your cat’s walk.** Pay attention to your cat’s walk. Note if it is crouching closer to the ground. It may be feeling its way with its nose and whiskers. Other signs to watch are if your cat is walking with its head down or is moving its head up and down to figure out distances. Another sign to look for is if your cat is wandering aimlessly. 3. **Listen to your cat.** Do you hear your cat vocalizing more? When cats do not see well or are blind, they tend to be noisier to vocalize their distress. You may also notice that your cat is generally acting nervous, fearful, or upset as it adjusts to its lack of sight. You may also see that your cat is more easily startled. 4. **Notice if your cat is clingy.** Look for signs that your cat is less confident than usual. For example, note if your cat clings to you more or spends more time by your side. Also pay attention to if your cat sleeps more or generally moves around less often than usual. 5. **Look at your cat’s pupils.** If you suspect your cat is blind or going blind, look at its pupils. Note if the pupils stay the same in both bright and low light. Also check to see if the pupils are different sizes. Both of these are signs of blindness or incipient blindness. Also note if your cat is squinting or if it’s indifferent to changes in lighting. 6. **Check out the color of your cat’s eyes.** One of the changes you may see is a change of eye color. Additionally, look for more redness in your cat’s eyes. Alternatively, you might see that your cat’s eyes look milkier, cloudier, or appear more white. Look for excessive redness in the tissues around the eyes. Don’t worry if this is lighter pink, which is normal. If the lenses of your cat’s eyes are opaque, this might be a sign of cataracts. 7. **Test your cat’s menace reflex.** Move a fingertip quickly towards your cat’s eye without making contact with the cornea. A sighted cat will flinch or blink when you move your fingertip towards them, but a blind cat will remain unaware of your finger. Don’t get too close to your cat’s whiskers or create a breeze on its whiskers so it can't sense your finger approaching its face. 8. **Try dropping a ball of yarn in front of your cat.** Notice if she watches or follows the descent of the ball. Most sighted cats will watch the ball drop. A blind cat will remain oblivious as the ball passes in front of it. Avoid getting too close to your cat's whiskers so it doesn't sense the ball. 9. **Pay attention to the eyes’ size to check for glaucoma.** If one eye seems larger than another, take your cat to the vet. This may be a sign of glaucoma. While this does not necessarily mean that your cat is blind, glaucoma can cause blindness if left untreated. One or both eyes may also appear cloudy. 10. **Take your cat to the vet.** Bring your cat to the vet if you suspect it is blind or may be going blind. Share your concerns with the vet, including a list of the symptoms that you’ve noticed. Take your cat to the vet as soon as you can because early treatment can be critical in preventing overall blindness or catching a dangerous condition that may have led to the symptoms you’ve observed. Blindness can be a symptom of other serious diseases, such as high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause strokes and seizures, so it is important to treat it early. 11. **Keep things consistent at home.** Make as few changes as you can to your cat’s environment. This will help it adjust to its lack of sight. Avoid moving food and water dishes and litter boxes so your cat can easily find them. You can also lower the furniture or provide ramps for it to more easily climb onto furniture. Keep your floors clutter-free to help your cat move around more easily. 12. **Supervise your cat outdoors.** Escort your cat if you take it outdoors and make sure to keep it in an enclosed area. Otherwise, keep your cat inside to protect it. Keep windows and doors closed to keep it indoors. Similarly, board up any pet doors. 13. **Get your cat identification.** Microchip your cat in case it leaves home. Also make sure your cat has a collar and tags. Add a tag that notes your cat is blind or has limited sight. 14. **Avoid startling your cat.** Try not to make loud noises or startle your cat. Do your best to stay calm around it and to keep it calm. Also warn family members, especially children, and visitors not to make loud noises or do anything that can scare your cat. When you walk into a room, say something out loud so your cat knows you're coming.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get Rid of Gypsy Moths
Gypsy moths (now renamed spongy moths) are destructive pests in areas with lots of trees, and they can completely strip your trees of leaves if left untreated. Their most common hosts are oak and aspen trees. Luckily, the solutions to a spongy moth infestation are simple: attract more birds, which are a natural predator of the spongy moth; keep your yard clean, as rotting wood and unclean surfaces are great spots for moths to lay eggs; and spray your trees with organic pesticide to kill off spongy moth caterpillars directly. 1. **Put a bird feeder in your lawn.** Bringing birds into your yard will help you control spongy moths, as birds tend to spot and eat spongy moth larvae while searching for seeds. Hang a bird feeder in your lawn and keep it full of bird feed to naturally control the spongy moths in your area. Birds that typically feed on spongy moths are yellow- and black-billed cuckoos, blue jays, orioles, rufous-side towhees, and black-capped chickadees. Black-oil sunflower seeds are a great feed option as they are popular with many types of birds. Most mid- to high-quality bird seeds will come with a list of types of birds that the type of seed attracts. 2. **Attract birds to your yard with a small fountain.** Birds will stop into your yard if they know you have water available. Purchase a fountain and small water pump from an outdoor or hardware store, and assemble it in your yard according to the instructions. If you don’t have a fountain, a running hose dripping into a small reservoir will make enough noise to draw birds to your yard—just make sure it has a ledge for the birds to rest on while they drink. You could use a gardening pot or a kitchen saucepan with a diameter of at least 4 inches (10 cm). Elevate the makeshift fountain on a stool, chair, or cinder block. If it's left directly on the ground, insects will make their way into the fountain. 3. **Install a birdhouse to make your yard a resting place for birds.** Birds are more likely to return to sites where they can nest. Purchase a birdhouse and place it in your yard by drilling it to a free-standing wood or PVC pole. If you don't have a free-standing pole in your yard, you can attach it to a tree by stringing bungee cords through the birdhouse and around the tree. Chickadees, a primary predator of spongy moths, like to nest in houses that are 4–8 ft (1.2–2.4 m) off the ground and hidden in a stand of small trees or shrubs. 4. **Get rid of dead wood, branches, and stumps.** Throughout the year, burn or throw away any dead wood that's sitting around in your yard. Gypsy moths deposit their eggs into dead wood, so the less of it you have in your yard, the better. Be sure to check for dead wood on your trees as well. Dead branches will be leafless. 5. **Cover woodpiles during summer and fall.** When you’re not using your firewood, don’t let spongy moths have access to it; purchase a tarp to cover your woodpiles. Spongy moths lay egg masses in the crevices between pieces of wood, making them hard to find and destroy. Check for egg masses before covering your wood. If you spot an egg mass, destroy the eggs and then cover the wood. 6. **Identify and kill egg masses when you see them.** Turn up old wood and detritus where spongy moths are a problem to look for their eggs. You’ll spot them by their 1–2 in (2.5–5.1 cm) size, their teardrop shape, and their yellow-brown color (similar to that of a manilla envelope). Scrape the egg masses into a plastic container and microwave them on high for 2 minutes, then throw them in the trash. Alternatively, put the egg masses into a container and cover them with soapy water. Then, throw out the container. Don’t just scrape them onto the ground, as egg masses can burrow into the ground and still hatch. Wear gloves when you’re hunting for egg masses, as the hairs in their lining can irritate your skin. 7. **Buy bacillus thuringiensis from a garden or hardware store.** Bacillus thuringiensis (often called “Bt”) is a soil-dwelling bacterium that can be used as a pesticide. It’s often marketed as “Dipel” or “Thuricide.” You’ll also need to buy a spray bottle or a pump sprayer. Bt is nontoxic to humans and animals. Some varieties are certified organic: look for the Organic Materials Research Institute (OMRI) certification on the label. 8. **Wear gloves and goggles while working with Bt.** While Bt is nontoxic to humans, it can irritate your eyes. Put on some gardening gloves and eye protection while you're working with Bt to avoid the chances of Bt getting in your eyes. To avoid getting Bt on others, make sure that all people and animals stay out of the area while you're applying Bt. In addition, always wash your hands with soap and water after handling Bt. 9. **Mix 4  tsp (20 ml) of Bt with 1 US gal (3.8 l) of water.** The Bt available in stores is typically concentrated, so you’ll need to mix it with water to avoid damage to your plants; even an organic product can be dangerous if it’s too concentrated. Pour the mixture of Bt and water into your spraying canister. Don’t store this diluted mix for more than 12 hours; to dispose of it, pour it into a secure container and put it in the trash. 10. **Spray the Bt onto areas full of caterpillars or egg sacks.** Spray the mixture of Bt and water onto your plants, trees, and any other areas where spongy moths are a problem. You'll find these areas by looking for the small caterpillars or yellow and brown egg sacks on trees and rotted wood. Cover the areas with the Bt mixture, but not so much that the mixture drips. Cover the tops and bottoms of leaves with a few sprays. Apply the treatment in the afternoon or evening. Sun degrades Bt, so by waiting until the sun is going down, you can ensure that the Bt is working at its strongest level. The hottest part of the day is usually around 3 pm, so be sure to wait 2-4 hours before applying the treatment. Bt kills spongy moth caterpillars when it’s ingested, so ideally, you want to get it onto whatever they’re going to eat: in this case, your plants and trees. Bt is not necessarily effective at killing mature spongy moths. 11. **Repeat the treatment after a week.** Bt needs a little bit of time to work. Once a week has passed, apply another treatment. If, after 2 weeks, an infestation appears again, apply a third treatment. Always wait at least a week; you don’t want to help the spongy moths build a resistance to the Bt. Bt will kill all leaf-eating caterpillars, including monarch butterflies. You may need to plant milkweed after the Bt treatment has run its course to attract more monarchs to your yard, if you want them. If you attract monarchs prematurely (before the Bt treatments have finished), you'll end up killing the monarchs too.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Buy a Car Under a Business Name
In the United States, it’s possible to get a car loan under your business name. You can’t buy a car as a sole proprietor, but you can buy one as a limited liability company or as a corporation. To begin, you’ll have to establish your business credit, which can take up to two years. 1. **Obtain a tax ID number.** You’ll need an (EIN) from the IRS to establish your business credit. You can get it at Alternately, you can fill out IRS form SS-4, which is available at the IRS website. 2. **Create a credit profile.** Contact Dun & Bradstreet, which is the major credit bureau for businesses. You can create a profile and upload company information, such as financial statements. Set up your Dun & Bradstreet profile at their website. You’ll need at least three trade lines to get a Dun & Bradstreet credit score (called a Paydex score). You can get trade lines with large retailers, such as FedEx, Home Depot, or Staples. Ask the vendor to report your payment information to Dun & Bradstreet if they aren’t doing it already. 3. **Build your business credit** It can take up to two years to build up enough credit for your business to qualify for a car loan. To get the highest score, you should do the following: Pay your bills early. A history of timely payments will improve your business credit score. It’s also important to pay early, since that’s the only way you can qualify for the highest Paydex score. Avoid using too much credit. Limit your use to 20-30% of available credit. Clean up your public records. Bankruptcies, liens, and court judgments against your business will all lower your credit score. If a client has a lien, try to pay the debt and get the lien released. 4. **Check your business credit score.** Before heading out to a dealership, you should pull your business credit score from each of the three main credit bureaus: Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian. Business credit scores range from 0-100. You’ll need to pay to see your business credit score. Contact each bureau individually. You can get your Experian credit history for around $36.95, your Equifax score for $99.99, and your Dun & Bradstreet for $61.99. A credit score over 80 is generally good and should qualify you for loans. If your business credit is weak, consider leasing a car in your company name instead of buying one. 5. **Find dealerships with commercial sale departments.** These departments specially assist businesses buy and register their vehicles. Stop into a dealership and ask if they have a commercial sales department, which can make buying the car easier. 6. **Choose an appropriate vehicle.** For example, if you have a catering business, then buying a minivan might be appropriate. However, buying a sports car could raise red flags with the IRS. You should never buy a car for personal use through your business. 7. **Provide financial information.** Lenders will want to see a variety of financial information before extending a loan. For example, they might want to see financial records such as your business balance sheet. You can also expect the lender to pull your personal credit history as well. For this reason, you should get a free copy of your personal credit report and check it for errors. Dispute errors with the credit reporting agency that has the wrong information. 8. **Finance in your company name.** You can get a loan from the dealership, or you can shop around for a car loan from local banks and credit unions. Always remember to state that you are seeking a loan in your business name. Compare interest rates and other terms so that you find the most competitive loan. You shouldn’t assume that the dealership is giving you the best deal, though obtaining financing from them might be the most convenient. 9. **Provide a guaranty for the loan.** Your business credit might not be strong enough to get a loan only in your business name. Some lenders will ask you to sign a guaranty. This means you are personally responsible for the loan if your business stops making payments. Think carefully before doing this. The lender can sue you and come after other personal assets to satisfy the loan. 10. **Make regular payments on the loan.** Always remember to use your business bank accounts to make payments on the car. If you make payments using personal accounts, then it looks like your business is a sham. 11. **Obtain insurance.** If you use the car primarily for business, then you should look into commercial auto insurance. However, if you only use the car part-time for business, then personal auto insurance might be better. Consider how many employees will be driving the car as well. You can obtain insurance from large insurers such as Geico, Allstate, and Progressive. Also check for local insurers in your phone book, who might offer better deals. If you don’t know where to look, reach out to the insurance agent who sold you business liability insurance. 12. **Register the car** Car registration differs depending on the state. You’ll probably need to show that your business has been properly organized by providing copies of your Articles of Organization or Articles of Incorporation. Contact the DMV for information about registration in your state. Send a member/manager of the business to register the car and not an employee. The member will need to show their driver’s license. Remember to pay all registration fees using your business bank account. Don’t cut a personal check. 13. **Keep a mileage journal, if necessary.** You might be using the car for both business and personal use. However, you can only get a tax deduction for the business portion. If necessary, keep a mileage journal in which you note how much you drove for business purposes. 14. **Claim a tax deduction.** The tax deduction rules are complicated and depend on whether you own the vehicle as an LLC, one-member LLC, corporation, or partnership. Consult with a tax professional for more information.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Bodyboard
Some say that bodyboarding is the earliest form of surfing. Most people ride their first wave on an exotic holiday, while the more advanced bodyboarders regard it as a serious sport, in which you treat the wave as a ramp for pulling tricks. Want to know how to bodyboard? 1. **Put safety first.** If you want to be able to body board, then you should already be a good swimmer. You'll need to use a lot of the techniques you use for swimming to propel your board, and furthermore, you'll need to be a good swimmer to swim without your board if you wipe out. Additionally, you should only try bodyboarding if you know that the sea conditions are safe and that there's a lifeguard on duty. You should try bodyboarding with a friend or an instructor instead of by yourself. Once you get more comfortable with it, you can go at it alone. 2. **Get a leash.** You'll need to attach the leash to your upper arm. This will prevent you from losing the board when you wipe out. Attach the strap to your upper arm tightly, but loosely enough so that your arm is still comfortable. The leash will keep your arm and the board secured together. 3. **Get a wetsuit or a rash guard.** If you're swimming in colder water, you'll need a wet suit to keep your body warm. A rash guard will also do, keeping your body from getting irritated while you're bodyboarding, and protecting you from the sun. They are made of Lycra and can also be worn under your wetsuit to keep chafing or rubbing to a minimum. 4. **Get fins and fin socks.** Get some fins with tethers and attach the tethers firmly to your ankles. You'll need fins to help you kick with higher speed, making it easier for you to catch a wave. You should also consider getting a pair of fin socks to wear under your fins, to add an extra layer of warmth and comfort for your feet. 5. **Practice the correct position.** Before you try to catch a wave, you should have a strong sense of how you should be positioned on the board. Get in the sand and lie on the board with your hands at the top (nose) of the board, and the back (tail) of the board under your lower belly. Keep your weight centered on the board. Once you're in this position, you can practice paddling. Paddle your hands at the side of the board, like you're scooping water towards you, or as if you're doing the free stroke in swimming. Kick your feet under the water for the best propulsion and faster movement while bodyboarding. 6. **Walk into the water.** Walk into the water with your board until it's about knee deep. Lift your feet high with every step to avoid getting stuck. You should start looking for white water waves that go straight into the beach. 7. **Paddle out.** Once you've gotten past knee-deep into the water, get on the board in the correct position and start paddling out, toward the waves. Use the paddling motion with your hands and kick with both your feet just below the water's surface for the strongest propulsion. The nose of the board should be about 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) above water. 8. **Find your wave.** If you're just starting out, you should avoid any waves that are too high and fast, or generally out of your comfort zone. Pick waves that are headed straight toward the beach and that won't make you travel too high or too fast. Once you've found your wave, you should turn toward the beach and start kicking toward it, waiting to be brought forward by the current of the wave. The wave should be steep enough to move you forward, but it has to not have broken yet. To improve your chances of finding a good wave, look out for the place where most of the waves are breaking. You should wait for the waves about 5-10 feet beyond that location. 9. **Get close to the wave.** Once the wave is just five or so feet behind you, you should start kicking as hard as you can while paddling hard. You can also lean forward to gain some extra speed and to make sure you've really got a hold of the wave. Some people prefer not to paddle with both hands, but to keep one hand on the board and to paddle with the other to maintain more control. If you want to move to the right, you can hold the board's nose with your right hand and paddle with your left hand; if you want to move to the left, then you can hold the board's nose with your left hand and paddle with your right hand. 10. **Travel down the face of the wave.** You should feel yourself traveling faster as the wave approaches you. If you want some extra speed, you can push down the nose of your board slightly to move even faster. If the wave is moving too fast for your comfort, then you can do the opposite, pushing the nose up an inch or two to get some friction and slow yourself down. Continue to kick your feet as you travel down the face of the wave. You can also lean slightly into the wave to improve your speed. You can also choose to go right or left here. To go left, lean your hips toward the left side of the board and place your left elbow on the upper left side deck of the board, while holding onto the upper right edge of your board with your free hand. To go right, do the opposite. 11. **Ride the wave until you reach the shallow part of the ocean.** This is considered anywhere that is below knee-deep. You can step out of the ocean and take a break, or go right in and catch another wave. You're free to keep on riding waves as long as you don't feel cold or tired. Once you've caught your first wave, the fun has just begun! As you ride the wave, remember that your goal should be to achieve "trim," which means the point where your board is riding flat on the surface with as much speed as possible. You'll need to work on leaning forward enough to gather momentum, but not so much that your board doesn't go under. This will reduce your drag and will give you more breathing room. 12. **Learn the wave terminology.** Understanding the different parts of a wave will help you develop skills and learn tricks, because you'll know what to look out for. Here are the parts of a wave that you should know: The lip. The breaking part of a wave that moves from top to bottom. The steepness of the wave determines the shape of the lip. Whitewater. This is the part of the wave that has already broken. The face. The unbroken, walling part of the wave. The shoulder. The part of the wave that is just outside the breaking section of the wave's face. Flats. The flat water you see in front of the breaking wave. Tube. The hollow hole between the throwing lip and the wall of the wave. 13. **Learn the parts of the board.** You'll need to know what the different parts of the board are so you can follow along and learn a number of skills and tricks. Here's what you'll need to know: The deck. The part of the board where you lie down. Slick bottom. The bottom of the board that has a smooth or slick surface. The nose. The front of the board that you hold. The nose bulbs. These are the small bumps on each corner of the board that you will hold with your hands. The bumpers. The extra foam layer that runs through the nose and tail, helping to keep the slick bottom from peeling. The rail. The side of the bodyboard. The tail. The back end of the board. The channels. The areas on the bottom of the board that reduce drag and speed you up. The stringer. The rod that keeps the board stiff. The template. The shape of the board. The rocker. The level of flatness of the bodyboard. 14. **Do the Forward Spin 360°.** This is one of the first tricks you will learn once you've mastered the basics of catching a wave. To do the Forward Spin 360° correctly, you'll have to make a full circle on the wave in one smooth motion. Here's how you do it: Focus on the direction you want to turn. Turn back up the wave face in that direction. As you turn, release your inside rail by sliding your weight forward toward the nose of your board. Keep your board flat on the surface of the wave to reduce the drag. Keep your legs raised and crossed as you turn. Once you've turned a full circle, slide back on your board and center your weight again, continuing to ride. 15. **Do the Cut-Back.** This is another one of the first trick tricks you'll learn. The Cut Back is the easiest way to set up your board closer to the power zone of the wave, which is close to where the lip of the wave is breaking. Here's what you do: Move faster toward the shoulder section (the part just outside the breaking section of the face) of the wave, picking a point where you'll get enough time to start a rounded slow turn. Begin the rounded slow turn while leaning your board and shifting your weight to the inside rail of the board, starting to cut a path with the edge of the board. Keep both hands near the nose of the board, on either rail. Use your arms to pull, creating a smooth arc. Push down with your hips while extending your legs, to help maintain your balance. Once the wave catches up to you, center your weight again and continue riding the wave. 16. **Do the "El Rollo."** This is another trick for relative newcomers to bodyboarding. You can do this trick in any size wave. To do the "El Rollo," you have to travel down the wave and do a full flip with your board, using the strength of the wave to carry you in an arc. Here's how you do it: Drive off the bottom of the wave, focusing on the breaking lip ahead. Move up towards the lip of the wave. Use the wave's power to throw you out with the lip into a perfect arc. Let the wave move you in a roll while you steer the board and work on finding a place to land it. As you drop down, you need to center your weight above your board, bracing your hands, arms, and elbows to absorb the downward fall. This takes some of the pressure off your back. Try to land horizontally in the whitewater, not in the flats. 17. **Learn to duck dive.** This is more of a skill than a trick, which allows you to get your board under a breaking wave that you don't want to catch. It helps you get through all the whitewash towards the waves you do want to catch. Once you get it right, you'll be able to get to the line-up, or the waves, much more quickly. Here's what you have to do: Paddle toward the wave to pick up more speed. When the wave is about 3-6 feet (1-2 meters) away from you, slide forward and grab the rails of the board, about 10 inches (30 cm) down from the nose. Push the nose of the board under the surface by arching your back and pushing down on the nose with your hands. Get as deep under the water as you can. Use your knees on the deck, near the tail, to keep it moving down and forward. Dive underneath the wave, pulling your body closer to your board. As the wave passes over you, move your weight back toward your knees, lifting the nose of your board up and out the back of the wave, until you move toward the surface of the water. 18. **Learn to stall.** Stalling is an important skill for any bodyboarder to have. You can use stalling to brake in a number situations, such as when you need to slow down the tubing section of a wave. Here are the two ways to do it: Drag your legs in the water to slow you down, or move your hips more to the inside rail of the board. Pull up on the nose of the board while applying downward pressure on the tail with your hips. Hold the board at a downward angle of about 30-45° until you reach the speed you want. When you finish stalling, slide up on the board to pick up speed and then set your rail and continue moving forward.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Tie a Rope on a Pole
When you want to tie a rope to a pole, the best way to do so is by using a type of hitch knot. For a quick temporary knot, use a clove hitch. If you want something more secure that won’t slip, go with the rolling hitch. Both of these knots are fast and easy to learn, so add them both to your knot repertoire and you’ll be ready to tie a rope onto a pole in a variety of situations, such as when you’re mooring a boat on a railing or tying a horse to a post. If you don’t have a pole handy, you can also use these hitch knots to fasten a rope to something similar like a sturdy tree branch. 1. **Wrap 1 end of your rope around the pole and under the standing end.** Straighten out your rope and grab 1 end. Loop it around the pole so that it passes under the long end of the rope. The standing end is the remaining long length of rope, or the part that you aren’t using to tie the knot. Only use the clove hitch to temporarily tie something to a pole because it has the potential to slip or bind on itself under strain. For example, a clove hitch can work if you just want to quickly tie a boat up to a railing to hand something off to someone, but don’t need to secure the boat all the way in order to leave it there. 2. **Pass the end of the rope over the standing end and around the pole again.** Cross the end of the rope up and over the standing end where it is resting on the pole. Loop it around the pole a second time, without passing it under the standing end of the rope this time. You should just have a simple loop around the pole at this point with the rope crossed over itself diagonally in the middle. If you’re tying the rope to a vertical pole, the end of the rope will cross over the standing end towards the top. If you’re tying the rope to a horizontal pole, the end of the rope will cross over the standing end to the left side. 3. **Slide the end of the rope under itself parallel to the standing end.** Slip the tip of the rope under the diagonal section of itself that passes over the lead end. Pull it through so that it is parallel to the standing end and the ends of the rope are going in opposite directions. The knot will now look like 2 loops of rope around the pole with a diagonal section of rope crossed over top of them. 4. **Pull the ends of the rope tight to finish tying the clove hitch knot.** Grab the short end of the rope in 1 hand and the long end in the other. Pull the ends in opposite directions to tighten the knot all the way. The clove hitch knot is the same as using 2 half hitches. 5. **Put 1 end of the rope around the pole and cross it over the standing end.** Grab your rope and loop the end of it once around the pole, passing it underneath the long standing end of the rope. Cross the end up and over top of the standing end after you loop it around the pole and underneath. Avoid using the rolling hitch with slippery ropes made out of polyethylene and polypropylene. It can slip and come undone if you tie it with these types of rope. 6. **Wrap the end of the rope around the pole and the standing end again.** Continue passing the end of rope around the pole after you cross it up and over the standing end. Do not pass it underneath the standing end this time. Your knot should look like 1 loop around the pole with 2 diagonal sections of rope crossed over top of it at this point. The end of the rope will cross over the standing end towards the top if you’re tying the rope onto a vertical pole. If you’re tying the rope onto a horizontal pole, the end of the rope will cross over the standing end towards the left. 7. **Loop the end of the rope around the pole a third time above the standing end.** Wrap the end of the rope around the pole parallel to the standing end of the rope. Do not cross the end of the rope over the standing line this time. Now the knot will look like 2 straight loops around the pole and 2 diagonal sections of rope around the pole. The ends of the rope will be facing in opposite directions. The end of the rope will be on top of the standing end towards the top of the pole if you’re attaching the rope to a vertical pole. The end of the rope will be next to the standing end on the left side if you’re putting the rope on a horizontal pole. 8. **Slip the tip of the rope through the second wrap you made and pull it tight.** Slide the end of the rope under the closest diagonal section of rope and pull it through on top of the next diagonal section of rope. Pull both ends of the rope in opposite directions to tighten the knot and secure it in place. As long as you don’t tie a rolling hitch with slippery rope, it won’t slip or bind at all. This means you can both tie and untie it when there is a load on it. You can tie 2 rolling hitches for extra security when there is a load on your rope.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Use a Dremel Tool
If you've been in a woodworking or metal shop, you've probably seen a Dremel. The Dremel multitool is a handheld rotary tool that uses a variety of attachments and accessories. You can use a Dremel tool on wood, metal, glass, electronics, plastic, and many other materials. Dremel tools are very useful for arts and crafts projects and small home repairs, and are excellent for working in small or hard-to-reach spaces. Once you learn the basics and try your Dremel out on a few projects, you'll quickly come to appreciate this versatile tool. 1. **Choose your Dremel.** Dremel was one of the first companies to manufacture rotary tools, and it is still best known for these tools. Dremel also produces a number of other types of tools, including powered screwdrivers and scroll saws. Research which tools they're currently selling to find one that fits your needs. The price range varies so it's especially important to find out if you're getting the right tool. Options on Dremels include: Fixed or cordless models Lightweight and mobile, or sturdier and stronger Longer battery life Fixed speed (usually cheaper and easier to use) or variable speed (better for intricate grinding projects and more expensive) 2. **Read the owner's manual.** Your Dremel will come with a variety of drill bits and other attachments, the tool, and an owner's manual. Be sure to read the manual before using your Dremel for the first time. This will also help you become familiar with the controls. Find out where the speed controls, on/off switch, and button to change the bit are located. Since your model may be different than a previous year's model, it's important to read the manual that came with your tool. 3. **Wear proper safety gear.** Always wear work or rubber gloves when you run the Dremel. Gloves will keep your hands safe from debris and sharp edges. You should also wear safety glasses, especially when cutting, polishing, or grinding with the Dremel. Keep your work space clean. You should also keep children and other people away while you're operating the tool. 4. **Practice inserting and securing bits.** To insert a bit, place the bit into the hole at the end of the Dremel and back it out slightly. Tighten the collet nut so that the bit is secure and doesn't wiggle. To remove the bit, press down on the shaft lock button while turning the collet. This should loosen the bit so you can replace it. Make sure to practice inserting and changing the bit when the Dremel is turned off and unplugged. Some models are equipped with collets designed for quick and easy connection and release. You can also get collets in different sizes for use with different sized accessory shanks. In some cases, you will need to use a mandrel, a type of shank with a threaded head. This is a type of permanent shank for use with polishing, cutting, or sanding bits. 5. **Use the right bit for the job.** You should choose your bit attachment based on the type of material you'll be working with. Dremel makes many bits with a variety of materials for almost any material. For example, for: Carving and engraving jobs: use high speed cutters, engraving cutters, structured tooth carbide cutters, tungsten carbide cutters and diamond wheel points Routing jobs: use router bits (straight, keyhole, corner, or groove). When using a router, take care to only use router bits. Small drilling jobs: use drill bits (purchased individually or as a set) 6. **Make sure your Dremel is switched off before you plug it in.** Once you plug it in, turn it on to the lowest setting and practice switching to different speeds. To get a feel for the Dremel, try using different grips to hold the tool. For intricate jobs, you might want to hold it like a pencil. Or, for a larger job firmly grip the tool so that your fingers wrap around it. Use clamps or a vice to secure the material you are working on. Check your user's manual to determine the correct speed for the job you have in mind. 7. **Clean your Dremel after each use.** Remove the bit and place the bits back in the case. Take the time to wipe down the drill with a cloth after each use. Keeping your Dremel clean will significantly extend the life of the tool. Consult the owner's manual before disassembling the tool for major cleanings. You will need to frequently use compressed air to clean out the Dremel's air vents. This will help prevent electrical failure. 8. **Use your Dremel for small cuts and detailing.** The Dremel is lightweight and easy to maneuver, making it deal for small detailing and little cuts. It can be difficult to give smooth, long curves, because you're mostly working free hand. But, you can make several straight cuts to get the kind of edge you're looking for and then even up the edge with the sanding bit. Avoid using the Dremel for long or large cuts that would be better suited to a larger saw. 9. **Secure the object.** Depending on the object or material you're cutting, secure the object with a vise or clamps. Do not hold the material you're cutting in your hand. 10. **Cut at the appropriate speed for your bit and the material.** A speed that is too high or too low can cause damage to your motor, the bit, or the material you're working on. If you're not sure, check your owner's manual to see what speed is recommended for your particular Dremel and material. If you're cutting thicker or tougher material, make several passes to cut it. If the material is too hard and thick to cut without difficulty, you may need to use an oscillating saw rather than a Dremel. If you see smoke and discoloration, your speed is too high. If you hear the sound of the motor dropping or slowing down, you may be pressing too hard. Lighten the pressure and readjust the speed. 11. **Try cutting plastic.** Fit a flat saw blade onto your Dremel. Remember to put on eye and ear protection before you begin cutting the plastic. Set the speed between 4 and 8 so you have enough power, but don't burn out the motor. Sand any rough edges once you've made the cuts. Avoid pressing down too hard while cutting, which can damage your Dremel and your bits. Depending on your project, it may be helpful to draw an outline of your cuts onto the plastic. This will make it easier to ensure your cuts are where you want them to go. 12. **Practice cutting metal.** Secure a metal cutting wheel onto your Dremel. Put on eye and ear protection before you start cutting. Turn on your Dremel and set the power between 8 and 10. Make sure the metal you're cutting is affixed firmly in place. Gently touch the Dremel to the metal for a few seconds at a time until you see the metal being cut. You'll also see sparks fly. Fiber reinforced disks are more durable than ceramic disks, which can shatter when cutting metal. 13. **Grind using your Dremel.** For grinding, attach grinding stones which can be fixed to the mandrel/shaft. Slide the grinding stone into the front of the tool where it is fully inserted and tighten. Turn your Dremel on and grind on a low setting so you don't overheat the material. Gently hold the grinding stone against the material until it wears down. You can use grinding stones, grinding wheels, chain saw sharpening stones, abrasive wheels and abrasive points to grind a material. Carbide bits tend to work best on metal, porcelain, or ceramic. Use cylindrical or triangular tips for round grinds. To grind a notch into something or grind an inside corner, use a flat disc shape. Or, use cylindrical or triangular tips for round grinds. 14. **Start sharpening or sanding with your Dremel.** Select a sandpaper bit and secure it in your Dremel. Sandpaper bits are available in fine through course grits, and all grades should fit on the same mandrel. Tighten the screw at the end of the sandpaper bit. Turn on your Dremel and set it between 2 and 10. Choose lower settings if you're sanding or polishing plastics or woods. Select a higher setting if you're sanding metal. While holding the material secure, run the bit across the material so that the sandpaper bit completely comes into contact with your material and sharpens or sands it. Make sure that the sanding bits are in good shape so they don't scuff or mark your material. They should fit in the drill snugly and shouldn't be worn. Have several sanding bits on hand so you can quickly replace them. To sand, you can use sanding bands, sanding discs, flap wheels, shaping wheels and finishing and detail abrasive brushes. 15. **Move from coarser bits to softer bits.** If you've got a big job, begin with coarser bits before moving to softer bits. This can help you sand out larger scratches quickly and then you can have more control over working through the material. If you skip the coarse bit and begin with a softer bit, it will take you longer and you'll wear out the softer bit. Check the bit every minute or two to see if the bit is worn or torn. Remember to turn off and unplug the Dremel while you do this. 16. **Polish metal or plastics.** The Dremel is an excellent tool for fine-detail polishing or polishing in tight spots. Rub a polishing compound over the surface of your object and fit your Dremel with a felt polishing tip or wheel. Start your drill at a low speed (2) and run it against the polishing compound. You should work the wheel in circles until the material is polished. Avoid using a much higher speed (don't go over 4). You can polish without using a compound, but you'll get shinier results with it. For cleaning and polishing jobs, use rubber polishing points, cloth or felt polishing wheels, and polishing brushes. Be sure to get the right kind of coarse polishing brush for the job. These bits are good for taking old paint off of metal furniture or cleaning up tools and grills.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Study in One Day
Sometimes you find yourself with only one day before a big test. Maybe you procrastinated or ran out of time. With discipline and focus, you can still succeed on your exam with only one day to prepare. While it is always best to prepare for a test at least a week in advance, sometimes life gets in the way. There are a few ways to guarantee your best performance on your test with only one day to study. 1. **Find somewhere new to study.** Study somewhere away from distractions, such as your bed or your friends. Going to a new physical space will allow you to focus solely on the task at hand. Make sure to find a place where you will not have to move for a while. A quiet room, library, coffee shop, or your study desk are ideal options. 2. **Bring all necessary belongings.** Make a list of your study essentials before you leave so you do not forget anything. This may include your textbook, notes, computer, snacks, post-its, highlighters and anything else you may need. Make sure not to bring anything that may distract you. 3. **Turn off** Unless you need it to study, try turning off your phone for long periods at a time while you study. This will allow you to be focused for longer without stopping, and reduces the chances of you getting distracted. 4. **Decide who to study with.** With such a limited amount of time, it is probably best to study alone. However, it is sometimes helpful to work with a small group in order to compare notes and talk through concepts together. If you decide a study group will help you, make sure to choose classmates who are at least as smart as you so they don't slow you down. Be careful of studying with friends. It is easy to get distracted if you are only studying with good friends. Make sure your study group has some members that you only know from class. 5. **Review your notes.** If you don't have your own, make sure to have a copy of the notes from someone who you trust. Re-reading your notes is important, but it is not enough. Go over and highlight key words and concepts or use post-its to signify important sections. Try writing summaries of your notes for each chapter or major concept. Write them in the simplest terms on a separate piece of paper. These summaries can help guide your study day. Read your notes out of order as you review them. This will allow you to make sure you know each piece of information on its own, rather than part of a series. 6. **Say it out loud.** Make sure you are saying the information out loud as you review it. It will be easier to remember if your brain is hearing and pronouncing and not merely reading the information. Try teaching a chapter or concept to an imaginary student. This will force you to fully articulate the subject. It will be clear whether or not you have a handle on the material if you try to explain it to someone else. You can also do this with a study group or partner. 7. **Use memorization tricks.** As you prepare lots of last-minute memorization, it will be helpful if you use some memorization techniques. Re-writing information over and over again may help it stick in your brain. Make sure to copy the fact or idea at least three times for this method to work. Use mnemonic devices. Mnemonic devices are techniques that help your brain retain information. Creating rhymes, acronyms, and songs that you can associate with the material will help you recall it. 8. **Make flash cards.** Write terms and their full definitions on a set of notecards or cue cards. This will allow you to test yourself throughout the day. They are also useful on the day of the test, as you can review them on the bus, or in line for lunch. 9. **Use your textbook effectively.** Simply re-reading your textbook will not help you retain information, especially when you only have one day to study. Look for chapter summaries and bolded keywords as you review and pay attention to chapter introductions and conclusions, as they usually contain essential summarizing information. Look for review questions at the end of chapters, or in the back of your textbook. It is important to be testing yourself whenever possible to better gauge what you still need to work on. 10. **Create a study guide.** A study guide is an effective way to force you to review all your material. It can also be useful to look over the day of the test for a quick refresher. Type out a list of all the material you need to cover, including key terms, dates, and concepts. Next, go back and fill in each area using your notes, either typed or handwritten. Putting these ideas into your own words and writing them out will really help cement them in your mind. A friend or classmate may have created their own study guide which you might be tempted to borrow when you are short on time. However, the act of creating your own study guide will force you to put the information into your own words and copying out the material will help it stick in your mind. 11. **Study for the test you are taking.** Even with a time crunch, you need to make sure you prepare properly for the test depending on the format that it takes. Refer to the syllabus or your class notes to establish what format the test will take. If you are unsure, be sure to contact a classmate so you are studying for the right thing. For multiple choice tests, questions will usually be geared towards smaller details and facts, as well as vocabulary and definitions. There may also be questions about sequences and steps. Questions that ask about the similarities and differences between things are also common on multiple choice tests. While it may be difficult to memorize all the tiny details with a limited amount of time, focus on specific areas rather than attempting to conquer the entire subject. For essay or short answer tests, you will be asked to have a good understanding of wide themes and ideas. Try preparing a few sample questions based on the textbook and syllabus. Time yourself for 15 minutes and write out a detailed outline for each question, as if you were going to turn it into a full essay. Be sure to memorize some key terms and examples that you can use for support in your essay questions during the actual test. 12. **Know exactly what is being covered.** Make sure you're clear about what you are being tested on. This may include date ranges, specific scientific theories, or mathematic equations. If you are unsure, as a classmate to verify what material you are being tested on. This is essential to your success, especially with such little time to lose. 13. **Make a schedule.** Divide up the hours in the day and decide what you will focus on when. Make sure you allow yourself time to sleep. 14. **Make a list of everything you need to know.** Review the syllabus or any handouts given to you by your teacher. Figure out exactly what is being covered and create your own list of the material you need to review. 15. **Take lots of breaks.** Make sure that you are allowing yourself frequent breaks so that you do not burn out. Consider working for 45 minutes, and then taking a 15-minute break. During your break, feel free to check your email, use your phone, or get up and walk around. One way of creating a break schedule for yourself is the 50/10 method. Study diligently for 50 minutes, without distractions. Hold yourself accountable. If you stop or get distracted, restart the 50 minutes. Once you have had a completely undistracted 50 minutes, go on a 10-minute break. This will force you to be much more productive when you are studying. 16. **Establish major concepts.** Create a list of the major theoretical or categorical concepts, and make sure you understand them. As you are studying last minute, it is most important that you understand the largest concepts first. While you may be tested on small details, it is first important to grasp the large theories in order to give yourself a context for the smaller facts. Organize terms and facts according to these larger groupings. This is a technique called "chunking." It is easier to memorize individual concepts when you are putting them in relationship to a greater whole 17. **Review your syllabus.** Usually, your teacher hands out a syllabus at the beginning of the year or semester detailing all the material that will be covered in the course. Refer back to the syllabus to ensure that you have not missed any areas of study. You can also use the syllabus to guide your study. There is a good chance that your professor organized the material in a specific way to guide your learning. Use the syllabus to help you find ways to look at the course material from a larger perspective, and figure out how to best organize this mass of information.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Experts agree that carpal tunnel syndrome typically causes numbness, tingling, and weakness in your wrist and hand. Your symptoms are caused by a compression of your median nerve, which passes through a narrow passageway in your hand that's called the carpal tunnel. Research suggests that carpal tunnel syndrome is typically caused by factors like injury, repetitive movement, conditions that cause inflammation, or a smaller than average carpal tunnel. Although you may be able to relieve your symptoms at home, it's best to visit your doctor to get treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, as it can worsen over time. 1. **Avoid irritating your median nerves.** The carpal tunnel within your wrist is a narrow passageway made up of small carpal bones and ligaments. The tunnel protects nerves, blood vessels and tendons that go into your hand. The main nerve that innervates your hand is called the median nerve. Avoid activities that compress and irritate the median nerve such as repetitively flexing your wrist, lifting heavy weights with your hands, sleeping with bent wrists and punching solid objects. Wearing tight bracelets and watches may be a risk factor also, so make sure to leave ample space. In many cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, a single cause is difficult to identify. Often it involves a combination of factors, such as arthritis or diabetes combined with repetitive strain in the wrist. The wrist anatomy of people can make a difference — some have naturally smaller passageways in their wrists or have carpal bones that are positioned oddly. 2. **Stretch your wrists.** Stretching your wrists on a regular basis can be effective at reducing or minimizing carpal tunnel symptoms. In particular, wrist extensions can help make more room for the median nerve in the carpal tunnel by stretching the ligaments that attach to the carpal bones. The easiest way to extend and stretch both wrists at the same time is the "prayer pose" with your palms together. Put your palms together in front of your chest and raise your elbows until you feel a nice stretch in your wrists. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3-5x daily. You can also grab the fingers of the affected hand and pull backwards until you feel a stretch at the front of your wrist. You may feel more temporary tingling in your hand with this stretch, but don't stop unless you feel pain. In addition to hand tingling, other symptoms commonly associated with carpal tunnel syndrome are: numbness, throbbing pain, muscle weakness and color changes (too pale or too red). The only part of the wrist/hand typically spared symptoms is the little finger — it's not innervated by the median nerve. 3. **Take over-the-counter (OTC) anti-inflammatories.** The symptoms of carpal tunnel are often related to having inflammation/swelling in the wrist, which either directly irritates the median nerve or crowds (pinches) it. As such, taking OTC non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or naproxen (Aleve), can be very helpful to reduce symptoms short term. Painkillers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, Paracetamol) can be used for carpal tunnel also, but they don't impact swelling, only the pain. Anti-inflammatories and analgesics should be considered short-term strategies for pain control. There isn't any evidence that these drugs improve carpal tunnel syndrome in the long term. Taking too many NSAIDs or taking them for too long significantly increases your risk of stomach irritation, ulcers and kidney failure. Taking too much acetaminophen or taking it for too can cause liver damage. As an alternative, rub an ointment that contains a natural pain reliever into your sore wrist/hand. Menthol, camphor, arnica and capsaicin are all helpful for relieving mild-to-moderate pain. 4. **Use cold therapy.** If your wrist is sore and looks or feels swollen, then apply a small bag of crushed ice (or something cold) to it in order to reduce inflammation and numb the pain. Doing so may also reduce hand symptoms. Cold therapy is most effective for soft-tissue injuries that involve some sort of swelling because it reduces blood flow. Apply the crushed ice to your wrist for about 5-10 minutes 3-5x daily until the symptoms subside. Compressing the ice against your wrist with a stretchy Tensor or Ace bandage is even more effective for fighting inflammation. Always wrap ice in a thin cloth before applying it skin — it prevents skin irritation or frostbite. If crushed ice isn't available, use a large ice cube, frozen gel pack or small bag of frozen veggies instead. In some cases, cold therapy may aggravate the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Avoid ice if that's the case with you. 5. **Wear a wrist splint.** Wearing a rigid brace or splint that holds your wrist in a neutral position during the day may reduce the compression or irritation of the median nerve and help with carpal tunnel symptoms. Splints or wrist braces can also be worn during activities that aggravate symptoms, such as working at the computer, bowling or carrying groceries. Wearing splints while you sleep can help relieve nighttime symptoms of tingling and numbness in your hands, especially if you have a habit of curling your wrists. You may need to wear a splint for several weeks (day and night) to get significant relief from carpal tunnel symptoms. For some sufferers, splints and braces provide negligible benefit. Splinting at night can be a good idea if you're pregnant and have carpal tunnel syndrome because pregnancy tends to increase swelling (edema) in the hands and feet. Wrist splints and braces can be purchased at most pharmacies and medical supply stores. 6. **Change your sleeping position.** Some sleeping postures can aggravate the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Sleeping with your fists clenched and wrists tucked in (flexed) is the worst position, but having your arms extended above your head is not great either. Instead, sleep on your back or side with your arms at your sides, and try to keep your hands open and your wrists in a neutral position. Wearing a wrist splint or brace is very helpful in this regard, although it takes a little getting used to. Don't sleep on your stomach with your hands/wrists compressed under your pillow. People who do this frequently wake up with numb and tingly hands. Most wrist splints and braces are made of nylon and fasten with velcro, which can irritate other parts of your body. Consider covering your splint with a sock or thin cloth to reduce irritating other body parts. 7. **Alter your work station.** Your carpal tunnel problem may be caused or aggravated by a poorly designed work station. If your computer keyboard, mouse, desk and/or chair isn't positioned properly for your height and body proportions, it can put strain on your wrists, shoulders, neck and mid-back. Make sure your keyboard is low enough so that your wrists are not constantly bent upwards while typing. Consider getting an ergonomic keyboard and mouse, designed to take the stress off your wrists and hands. Putting cushioned pads underneath your keyboard and mouse can lessen the impact on your hands and wrists. Have an occupational therapist review your body positions while performing your job. People who work on computers for many hours each day are at higher risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. 8. **Make an appointment with your doctor.** If you are feeling any carpal tunnel symptoms in your wrist and hand that persist for more than a few weeks, then see your doctor for an examination. Your doctor may take x-rays and blood tests to rule out other causes of wrist/hand pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, advanced diabetes, hairline fractures or vascular problems. Electrodiagnostic studies (EMG and nerve conduction) are usually done to confirm the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Your doctor will see if you can perform certain tasks that are difficult with carpal tunnel syndrome, such as: making a tight fist, pinching your thumb and forefinger together and manipulating small objects with precision. Your doctor may ask about your profession, as certain jobs are at high risk: carpenters, cashiers, assembly-line workers, musicians, auto mechanics and people who work on computers for long hours. 9. **Ask about corticosteroid injections.** Your doctor may recommend injecting the carpal tunnel area of your wrist with corticosteroid medication, such as cortisone, to relieve the pain, inflammation and other symptoms. Corticosteroids are strong and fast-acting anti-inflammatories that can quickly decrease swelling in your wrist, which relieves pressure on the median nerve. Taking oral corticosteroids (by mouth) is another option, but these drugs are not considered as effective as injections and they come with significant side effects. Other common corticosteroid medications used for carpal tunnel syndrome are prednisolone, dexamethasone and triamcinolone. Potential complications of corticosteroid injections include local infection, bleeding, tendon weakening, local muscle atrophy and nerve irritation/damage. As such, injections are limited to 2 per year. If corticosteroid injections fail to significantly reduce the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, then surgery should be considered. 10. **Consider surgery as a last resort.** If all other remedies and treatments fail to give you relief, then your doctor will likely recommend carpal tunnel surgery. Surgery should be considered as a last resort, although it can completely relieve your symptoms for good with minimal risk, so it should not be considered as a long shot. The goal of surgery is to relieve pressure on the median nerve by cutting the ligament pressing on it. However, carpal tunnel surgery can be performed in two different ways: endoscopic or open surgery. Endoscopic surgery involves uses a telescope-like device with a tiny camera on the end (endoscope), which is inserted through a small incision in your wrist or hand. The endoscope can see inside the carpal tunnel and cut the problematic ligament. Endoscopic surgery typically results in the least amount of pain and the quickest recovery. Open surgery involves making a larger incision in the palm of your hand and over your wrist in order to cut through the problematic ligament, which frees the nerve. Surgery risks include: nerve damage, infection and scar tissue formation. 11. **Be patient with recovery.** Following the surgery (it's done on an outpatient basis), you'll be asked to often elevate your hand above your heart and move your fingers, which reduces swelling and prevents stiffness. Mild pain, swelling and stiffness in the palm and wrist can be expected post surgery for up to 6 months, and complete recovery may take a year. For the first 2-4 weeks, you may be required to wear a splint or brace, although using your hand is encouraged. Most people's symptoms get much better after surgery, but recovery is often slow and gradual. On average, hand strength returns to normal 2 months after surgery. Carpal tunnel syndrome can occasionally recur (about 10% of the time) and may require additional surgery.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Divide and Transplant Daylilies
Dividing and transplanting daylilies is a great way to spruce up your garden game! You’ll need to divide them at the right time and pick a good spot for the new transplants to grow. Uprooting them requires basic garden tools and a little physical labor, and you’ll need to pay attention to spacing when you replant them. Once they’re in their new soil-home, they’ll thrive with sunlight and proper watering. 1. **Choose early spring or late summer to divide your daylilies.** It is best to divide them in early spring before they begin their yearly growth, or wait until late summer to early fall when they’re done flowering. Whenever you choose to divide the plants, they may not produce flowers the first summer, or may produce fewer flowers than normal. If you live in an area where it snows in the late fall or early winter months, plan to divide them in the late summer because the daylilies will need 6 to 8 weeks to settle before the first freeze. 2. **Trim the leaves down to 8 inches (20 cm) to 12 inches (30 cm) tall.** Use sharp scissors to trim down the leaves anywhere between 8 inches (20 cm) to 12 inches (30 cm) from the top of the soil. Trimming will make it easier for you to see the individual fans and cut down on the amount of materials you’ll be working with. If you’re dividing them in the early spring, you may not need to trim them as they’ll typically be short already. 3. **Insert a garden fork into the soil about 8 inches (20 cm) away from the plant.** Loosen the soil around the plant by inserting a garden fork into the soil about 8 inches (20 cm) away from where the leaves enter the ground. Wiggle the handle of the fork forward and back to loosen the soil. Repeat this action 4 or 5 times on each side of the plant. Each clump below the plant contains multiple leaves, crowns (where the leaves meet the roots), and roots, so it’s important to insert the fork a little ways away from the actual leaves as not to stab the crown or central root center. 4. **Use a garden fork to dig under the roots and lift up the plant.** After the soil has loosened, insert the fork deep into the ground at about a 45-degree angle and use your foot to push it down until the prongs are fully underground. Then, push the handle of the fork at a downward angle to lift the plant out of the soil. The plant will likely topple onto its side (revealing all the roots), which is just how you need it to be. 5. **Comb through the roots to remove as much soil as you can.** Use a garden fork to carefully comb out as many large clumps of soil from the roots as possible. Then, use your hands to tease out any stubborn clumps. It’s okay if you accidentally pull off some of the root strings. Just try to avoid pulling out lots of strands. 6. **Spray the top, bottom, and sides of the plant with a hose to remove dirt.** Use a garden hose to wash the entire plant with water. Spray it from all angles to get rid of small specks of dirt and pests that may be hiding in the leaves. Washing the roots with water will release them from each other, making it easier to separate them. 7. **Grasp 2 or 3 fans that are showing signs of natural separation.** Look at the bottom of the leaves to find a spot where a few fans seem to be sectioning off from the rest of the clump. Untangle their roots as much as possible from the rest of the plant’s roots, grip the crown area (between the leaves and the roots), and pull the fans away. Look around the sides of the plant to find places that show signs of natural separation. Use your free hand to hold the main clump of fans steady while you pull away the smaller fans. Use your fingers to wiggle the stringy roots apart. 8. **Remove sections a few fans at a time until the entire chunk is separated.** Carefully repeat the separating process until the whole chunk has been separated into many parts. Make sure to grip the small sections by the crown as you pull them away to prevent breakage. Daylilies can put up with rough handling, so don’t worry about doing too much damage when you pull them apart. Just try to keep the crowns of the fans intact. If some fans don’t want to separate, use a small knife to vertically cut the crown area between the fans to separate them. 9. **Choose a sunny location with well-draining soil for transplanting.** Daylilies aren’t picky about their soil, but they do prefer friable soil (it can be easily crumbled in your fingers) with some rich compost and a balanced pH. If you’re concerned about overly acidic or alkaline soil, buy a pH tester from any gardening store to check your soil. A pH level of 7 is ideal. Daylilies thrive in rich, moist soil, so feel free to add some compost if you have some. 10. **Dig a hole in the soil about 4 inches (10 cm) deeper and wider than the roots.** Use a shovel to dig a hole deeper and wider than the roots of the transplant you’re replanting. If you want a fuller appearance, you can plant multiple transplants in the same hole about 7 inches (18 cm) to 9 inches (23 cm) apart. To plant each chunk separately, dig as many holes as you need to, leaving about 15 inches (38 cm) to 18 inches (46 cm) between each hole. 11. **Hold the transplant upright in the hole while you refill the area around it with dirt.** Use one hand to hold the transplant upright and your other hand to shovel dirt back into the hole around the roots and crown of the daylily. Lightly press the soil down to steady the plant before you let go. The dirt should come up to the base of the leaves, just covering the top of the crown. Repeat this process for each transplant. 12. **Water the new plants once every 2 or 3 days for the first 3 to 4 weeks.** Keep the area well-watered until they become established, which should take a few weeks. If you notice dry patches of soil, that means it’s time for a watering! Avoid watering the surface of the daylilies during the hottest part of the day because doing so could cause open blooms to spot or wilt. 13. **Water the established daylilies once or twice a week.** After the daylilies are settled into their new soil-home, water them once or twice a week at the roots until the water reaches about 8 inches (20 cm) down into the soil. To test the soil for moisture, use a trowel to dig a small hole in an inconspicuous place near the daylilies. Feel the soil with your hands to check for moisture. Avoid digging a soil-test hole within 18 inches (46 cm) of your plants! Daylilies can handle some droughts because their plump roots can store extra water, so don’t worry if you miss a weekly watering now and then.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Biblically Deal with a Narcissist
How can faith in God help you navigate a relationship with a narcissist? Plenty of ways, as it turns out. Narcissism is a psychological condition that results in the sin of excessive pride. As a Christian, you know that pride is something to be wary of. God has your back when it comes to dealing with the prideful, and we’re here to show you how. Here’s our complete guide on how to biblically deal with a narcissist. 1. **Firm boundaries can keep your relationship manageable.** Empathic confrontation is a strategy that’s useful for managing a narcissist’s behavior and setting up some emotional distance. Try starting a statement with a sign that you know where the narcissist is coming from, before setting up a strict boundary that you’re willing to enforce. The Bible reminds us to set up boundaries to protect our emotional and spiritual health: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23). For example, you might say something like, “I understand that you’re upset. But if you continue to call me names, I’ll be leaving this conversation.” Or, you can say something like, “I know that you care about me. But criticizing me in front of other people is unacceptable, and if you continue to do this, I won’t be inviting you to social events anymore.” 2. **Fast from this relationship and remind yourself of your independence.** Just as Jesus fasted for 40 days and grew from the experience, you can also take a break from your relationship with the narcissist and grow emotionally and spiritually. A narcissist can never give you the love you might want from them, and if that’s important to you, you might realize that it is better to end the relationship altogether. When you’re taking a break from this relationship, it can feel really tough to deal with not having this person in your life, even if they are a narcissist. Remember that God has more to offer you than anyone: “I have food to eat that you know nothing about” (John 4:32). 3. **Virtue gives you strength, so don’t let a narcissist shut you down.** Narcissists can often make it impossible for you to get any words in during a conversation, so try to claim some space for yourself. Remember that as a Christian, being merciful and forgiving does not mean you have to be a push-over. The Bible emphasizes the importance of standing your ground against abusive people: “Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked” (Proverbs 25:26). To claim space in a conversation, say something like, “I’ve heard what you’ve had to say. Do you mind if I speak?” 4. **You can’t win an argument with a narcissist, so reduce the conflict.** While you should not tolerate any kind of abuse, spending your time trying to dispute the narcissist’s version of events will likely prolong any argument. Deescalation can keep you from giving the narcissist more ammunition to rage at you. Silence can be a useful strategy. Remember that Jesus would often not respond when being criticized and attacked by others: “And while He was being accused by the chief priests and elders, He did not answer” (Matthew 27:12). If a narcissist is criticizing you, try saying something like, “I disagree with your assessment of me,” and change the subject. When a narcissist is angry, sometimes the best option is to simply leave the room as quickly and safely as you can. 5. **There are many worthwhile projects, but fixing a narcissist isn’t one.** Narcissists have little to no empathy, and so it’s really difficult for them to change for the better. Instead of beating your head against the wall trying to get a narcissist to treat you better, it’s best to instead focus on doing good and meaningful work that matters. The Bible encourages us to have the wisdom to know what to do and when: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). It’s okay to sometimes walk away when someone resists your attempts to get them to see the error of their ways. You can’t win every battle. If you’re looking for ways to make a meaningful impact, try volunteering for your church or offering help to people in your community who are responsive to it. 6. **Rise above the provocations of a narcissist.** When a narcissist displays bad behavior—whether that’s through name-calling, shouting, or simply showing you their dangerous levels of pride—be sure not to mimic this behavior. Treat them with kindness and mercy, and model Christ-like behavior in all that you do. Keep in mind that in the Bible, of all the things that God hates most, “haughty eyes” are listed first (Proverbs 6:16-17). Pride is a dangerous sin to fall into, so make sure you’re not fighting a narcissist’s fire with fire. 7. **Narcissists try to isolate you, but with prayer you’re never alone.** A key tactic that narcissists use is attempting to cut you off from your friends and family. It’s important to resist this isolation as much as possible, but remember that your relationship with God is always there for you. This relationship can give you mental and emotional strength when dealing with toxic behavior. Remember that when you call on God, He is always listening: “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you” (Jeremiah 29:12). If you’re struggling with prayer, think of it as simply having a conversation with God. Remember that He loves you and wants the best for you. Praying for the narcissist can bring you closer to Christ, even if it doesn’t change their behavior. As the Bible tells us: “Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:28). 8. **Friends, family, and your church community offer meaningful connections.** Invite a friend, family member, or someone from church that you’d like to get to know better out for coffee. Surrounding yourself with these relationships can remind you what healthy, non-draining relationships look like. The Bible tells us that relying on one another for support is more than just a good idea: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). You don’t need to spend your time with your other friends venting about the narcissist. Even a friendly conversation can improve your sense of self-worth. 9. **Self-care keeps you emotionally and mentally strong.** When dealing with a narcissist, it’s easy to forget your own needs in favor of theirs, since you end up spending much of your energy appeasing them. But you matter, and you deserve to prioritize yourself. The Bible tells us: “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Aside from making sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and staying active, be sure to take some time every day doing something that is just for you. Self-care might also look like taking a relaxing bath, heading out into nature for an afternoon, or practicing mindfulness exercises. 10. **Narcissists tend to avoid counseling, but you shouldn’t.** Talking to your pastor or a trained mental health professional about your relationship with the narcissist can help you process your feelings in a safe space. A narcissist can really damage your sense of self-worth, so reach out to others to help you find it again. The Bible encourages us to seek the counsel of others: “Listen to advice and receive discipline, so that you may become wise by the end of your life” (Proverbs 19:20). 11. **Understanding that someone is a narcissist gives you clarity.** Narcissism often comes from compensating for a deep woundedness. In early stages of a relationship with a narcissist, you may feel flattered by their attention and idealize them. If you become sucked into their orbit, this can be a kind of idolatry where you prioritize them over your spiritual and emotional wellbeing. Remember that God is where our greatest happiness comes from, not other people. As the Bible tells us: “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Some signs of narcissism include an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a need to have constant admiration, a preoccupation with fantasies of power, beauty, and brilliance, monopolizing conversations, and an inability to recognize the needs of others. Once you identify someone as a narcissist, you can start being more careful in your relationship with them. Try not to let them suck you into their orbit, and remember that you should rely first on God and yourself.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Clean a Hydration Bladder
Hydration bladders are amazing for outdoor adventures like hiking and biking. It’s nice to know your fluids are close by, and you don’t have to deal with the bulk or weight of water bottles. However, if not properly cleaned, they can quickly become host to a nasty lot of bacterial growth. Fortunately, with the help of some common household items, you can make sure you're quenching your thirst without also ingesting mold or mildew! 1. **Make a sanitizing solution from baking soda, bleach, and water.** You’ll need 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of bleach. The bleach will sanitize the bladder, and the baking soda acts as a deodorizer. Mix the ingredients well, and you’re ready to start cleaning! 2. **Purchase hydration bladder cleaning tabs.** Many manufacturers of hydration bladders sell cleaning kits. These kits include special brushes for scrubbing each part of the bladder and a cleaning tab that will dissolve in water. The tabs contain chlorine dioxide, which functions like bleach. You can find the tabs at specialty outdoor retail stores and online through hydration bladder manufacturers. 3. **Purchase denture cleaning tabs.** You’ll need 1 tab per liter of water. This is a cheaper alternative to hydration bladder cleaning tabs. They are also easy to find since they are sold at grocery stores and mega stores. 4. **Fill the bladder with warm water.** You’ll want to do the cleaning process over a sink to contain any spills. Be careful not to use hot or boiling water. Though hot water can help with sanitation, it can harm the bladder materials, so use warm water only. 5. **Add the cleaning solution ingredients or tab to the warm water.** Once you’ve added the cleaning agent of your choice to the filled bladder, seal the bladder. Then, gently shake it to mix. Shaking will also help distribute the solution, so it covers all surface area. 6. **Let the bladder soak.** It’s time to let the solution do the heavy lifting! If you’re using a bleach and baking soda mixture, plan to let it soak for 30 minutes. If you are using hydration bladder cleaning tabs or denture tabs, consult the packaging to find out how long to let the solution set. Once the bladder is filled with cleaning solution and soaking, you can turn your attention to the tube and bite valve. 7. **Clean the tube and bite valve.** Raise the sealed, filled bladder above your head. You need gravity’s help to get the solution into the tube. Make sure the tube and bite valve are positioned over the sink. 8. **Fill the tube with cleaning solution.** Pinch the bite valve to release the solution from the bladder into the tube. Allow some solution to flow through the tube and bite valve into the sink. Then, release the bite valve to stop the flow and seal the solution in the tube. Now, the solution can work on the tube as well as the bladder. 9. **Let it soak.** If using bleach and baking soda, leave the solution in the tube for about 30 minutes. If you’re using a tab, follow the instructions listed on the package. Whether you're using a hydration cleaning tab or a denture cleaner, the package will let you know how long the solution needs to set to have its effect. Cleaning tabs typically have a shorter soak time of around 5 minutes. 10. **Empty the bladder and tube of all cleaning solution.** Unseal the bladder, and dump the contents down the drain. Hold the bladder overhead, and pinch the bite valve to release any solution in the tube. Once it’s empty, you can move on to the next phase of cleaning! 11. **Fill the empty bladder and tube with soapy water.** Add a small amount of dish soap to the empty bladder. Then, fill the bladder with warm water and seal it. Holding the bladder overhead again, pinch the bite valve and allow some of the soapy water to flow through the tube into the sink. Release the valve to hold the solution in the tube. 12. **Scrub the inside surface of the bladder with a bottle cleaning brush.** First, unseal the bladder. Then, grab a bottle cleaning brush. Use the bottle cleaning brush to thoroughly scrub the interior surfaces. Bottle cleaning brushes are often displayed in the baby section of grocery and mega stores. They work great for cleaning traditional water bottles as well! 13. **Scrub the inside of the tube.** You can purchase hydration bladder tube cleaner brushes to make this step really easy. Insert the cleaner brush and thoroughly scrub the inside of the tube. This step gets rid of any stubborn build up. If you don’t have a tube cleaner brush, you can make your own cleaning tool. Find a long, clean piece of wire and a clean piece of wet cloth or towel. Make a small hook by bending one end of the wire. Cover the hook with your towel or cloth. Push the material through the tube. Repeat with a clean cloth as needed until the cloth comes out clean. 14. **Rinse the hydration bladder with water inside and out.** Empty the soapy water from the bladder and tube. Then, rinse all surfaces of the bladder. Don’t forget to let clean water flow through the tube and bite valve to remove all debris and soap. The last thing you want is a mouthful of soapy water when you’re out hiking, so make sure to take your time on this step! 15. **Take the hydration bladder apart for drying.** Separate the tube from the reservoir. If the bite valve can be released, take that off of the tube as well. If the bite valve can’t be removed, pinch it repeatedly to get rid of any remaining water. 16. **Use a clothes hanger to hang the bladder and tube for drying.** Use clothespins to attach the bottom of the bladder to a clothes hanger. Make sure the bladder is fully open. You want as much air flow as possible. Hang the tube over the hanger so water can drip from both ends. If the bladder wants to collapse, you can crumple a few paper towels and put them inside to hold the bladder open. 17. **Let the bladder and tube dry completely.** If there is moisture in the bladder when you store it, you have a recipe for more of the pesky things you just eliminated by sanitizing, so be patient! Choose a room with low humidity in which to hang the bladder and tube. Do not hang the bladder in your bathroom to dry. Showers and baths make for humidity and moisture.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Be a Lolita
Lolita is a Japanese street fashion inspired primarily by the clothing and style of the Rococo and Victorian periods. This fashion movement started in Japan in the 1980s and has evolved and spread since. Nowadays, lolita fashion can be seen worldwide. You can learn what clothes options are available to help you craft your own Lolita look, and how to pull it off with elegance and style. 1. **Pick clothes carefully.** Lolita styles of clothes can be found all around you, though it may take a little work to find items befitting the style aesthetic. You can purchase brand items second hand online, though you can also find items locally if you are careful. Mainstream stores are unlikely to have dresses or skirts that are full enough to fit a petticoat; while it is possible to find blouses that can work in these stores, it's important that they cover your shoulders, have no cut-outs, and are not cropped nor low-cut. If you wish, you may create and sew your own lolita clothing. Check out second-hand stores for good deals on accessories and shoes. Check for lacy vintage tops, vests, and mary janes. Additionally, you can try to find jewelry to match your existing pieces. Check here for cheaper options. How to Be a Budget Lolita. Beware of online scam sites like or anything that seems fishy. Always verify the trustworthiness of a site before buying from it. When picking out your clothes be aware of the silhouettes that are prevalent in the fashion and the flow of the outfit. Lolita coordinates require careful consideration! 2. **Find matching pieces.** Lolita outfits are called coordinates, or coords, because everything in each outfit is carefully matched to the rest of the outfit. It's about looking elegant with a Victorian, Rococo, and/or Edwardian influence. Based on your preference, the look can be either cute or elegant or a mix of both. The most common type of lolita blouse is a button-down shirt with a peter-pan collar, which is a round type of collar. Remember that lolita is a modest fashion- high collars, sleeves, and layers are necessary to properly pull off the look. Think elegance and modesty. 3. **Achieve the lolita silhouette.** Common lolita skirt or dress shapes are the cupcake, bell, and A-line. Petticoats/panniers are nearly always necessary to achieve the lolita silhouette, while bloomers are also often used to add volume, modesty, and sometimes warmth to the outfit. A lolita skirt should be approximately knee-length, though a bit below or above is acceptable. If a skirt is particularly short (more than 4-5" above the knee) it's often best to consider an underskirt to make it longer. Make sure that your petticoat is the right shape! A square-dancing petticoat will not fit under a bell-shaped skirt correctly; you need a bell-shaped petticoat for a bell-shaped skirt. 4. **Get socks or stockings.** These are required. Knee-length socks, over-the-knee socks, stockings, and opaque tights are often a part of a lolita look as well. Sheer tights are sometimes thought to be too "sexy" for lolita, and ankle socks aren't always fitting for the style (though short socks with lace at the top edge can make a nice accent when worn over tights). 5. **Wear some cute shoes!** Mary janes are perfect for this look. Lolita shoes usually feature a closed, rounded toe. Flat shoes, often called tea-parties, are the most popular kind of shoe. Boots are common too in some gothic or punk lolita styles. Another classic type of shoe is the rocking-horse shoe, which features a simple style top with a large chunk of wood at the bottom to add height. Rocking-horse shoes often feature a curved front and a part cut-out of the back. 6. **Accessorize.** A good lolita look can be even better with the right accessories. Depending on what specific look you want to try to build up, you can augment it with some side-items that will make it really pop. Use any of the following, and learn more about crafting specific looks in the next section: Parasols cute jewelry Frilled and themed handbags Wrist cuffs 7. **Add hair accessories.** This is to balance out the volume created below the waistline. Wigs are often used in the fashion but are certainly not required. Headbands and head bows are very popular, easy, and safe choices to decorate and add volume to a look. Other options are rectangular headdress, top hats, hair clips, bonnets, sunhats, or tricorn hats. 8. **Select the right makeup application for you.** Most lolitas don't use a particularly elaborate make-up routine, but generally a smooth, natural foundation look is paired with subtle color choices (that coordinate with the rest of the outfit) for lipstick and eyeshadow. Make-up isn't always necessary for a lolita look. If you don't want to wear make-up, it's fine to leave it off and let your clothes do the work of the style. In fact, in the style originally, makeup was light, or nonexistent. 9. **Style your hair.** Your hair is important too! There are many options for you to choose, but, most often, a hairstyle to balance the volume from your skirt looks best. Try teasing your hair or opt for wearing a wig. Here are some cool hairstyles from Lolita influencers.If you have one, make your wig match your specific style. More natural styles will suit Classic or Gothic than a sugary Sweet coord. 10. **Try a sweet lolita look.** The most popular style of lolita, it often features light colors and light-hearted motifs. Common motifs are bunnies, kittens, sweets, bears, and clouds. 11. **Experiment with the gothic lolita.** This type of outfit is the longest-lived out of all the lolita styles. It's pretty modest, characterized by a bell-shaped skirt and puffy sleeves, and a darker make-up and hairstyle. Gothic lolita outfits are generally either black or muted, (and sometimes have a vibrant accent); they feature rich fabrics and detailing. 12. **Attempt a classic lolita style.** unlike most other lolita styles, this substyle more often utilizes an A-line skirt than a bell-shaped skirt. The color scheme and styling are generally more mature than sweet and more classical than gothic- more muted colors, florals, and wallpaper patterns are quite common, as are classical art themes. 13. **Try a country-style lolita.** This look displays straw baskets, hats, fruit motifs, and gingham patterns. 14. **Aiming for a shiro lolita look involves all white attire.** Sometimes Shiro and kuro lolitas match black and white twin-style apparel to go out as a team. Light and dark is a common play in the lolita world. 15. **Portray a "broken doll" sort of look for a guro lolita.** It’s gruesome yet doll-like. White clothes with blood splatters are the most common choice. How gory you go is up to you, and can range from subtle hints to bandages, a sling, or blood splatters on your clothing. Just be sure to use materials that will not rub off onto your surroundings. 16. **Wear a nautical style to be a sailor lolita.** Sailor collars, dark blues, and whites are what make this style. Nautical symbols such as ship anchors and wheels make very cute additions. Like most lolita styles the same silhouette is expected, quite often this skirt may be pleated, and the outfit may often include a puffed-short-sleeved blouse with pockets. 17. **Consider a more masculine lolita look.** While lolita is often thought to be pretty whimsical, some looks incorporate traditionally masculine styles. Ouji (prince), is a more masculine related style. It does not involve the iconic petticoats and skirts of lolita. Instead, short capri-style pants that cut off at the knee and usually have details on them such as lace-edged cuffs or ruffles are worn. Kodona, or "boy style," is similar to Ouji, in that pants are exchanged for petticoats, but shorts or pumpkin shorts are worn instead of pants, and mini top hats are more common than top hats in this style. Kodona focuses on cuteness rather than a princely appearance. Other common additions to your look are suspenders, ties, vests, and long socks. The more extravagant styles can include things like spats, canes, top hats, and other Victorian accessories. 18. **Remember anyone can be a lolita.** Lolita fashion is a very accepting subculture, and your looks, race, age, weight, and gender don't matter. Anyone who fits the dressing criteria is welcome. You can't be "too ugly" for the style. The focus is on appreciating the style of your clothing and what makes you happy. Experiment some to see what you like, and build your style off of that. 19. **Learn more about the subculture.** You may enjoy reading the Gothic and Lolita Bible, Fruits Magazine, or following lolita groups on Tumblr or Facebook. There are a variety of magazines and other print publications for lolita and other j-fashion, first published in Japan in the early 2000s, which have more recently been translated into a variety of languages, English included. Featuring photographs, style descriptions, and a variety of lifestyle guides, these books are common and popular among lolitas and those interested in the style. 20. **Head to an anime or j-fashion convention.** Lolita meet-ups are common in some areas, and it's often a good idea to search for a local community of lolitas. Likewise, anime conventions and j-fashion conventions are often places to meet fellow lolitas. Many conventions have lolita panels, meets, or swap-meets where you can meet new lolitas, socialize, and sometimes even buy lolita items in person. 21. **Dress this way for yourself.** The point of fashion, in general, is to have fun with your look. If someone doesn't like your coord, remember that you should listen to their criticism, but you still don't have to apply it. And, of course, if someone doesn't like lolita in general, that's their problem. 22. **Learn some lolita terminology.** It's hard to find clothes when you don't know what any of the words mean! Sometimes the language in this subculture can be difficult to type out or say efficiently so there are a lot of abbreviations. There are also a number of Japanese loanwords and style-specific terms. Here are some of the most common: = One Piece (dress with sleeves) = Jumperskirt (a dress with straps, no sleeves) = Skirt (a heckin' lolita skirt) = a pieced cotton shirt- not as fancy as a blouse, often knit. = Over The Top (referring to how a style is executed in a way that is described as extravagant. The person may be wearing a lot of hair clips or have an especially fancy coordinate.) "Brand" = Refers to popular lolita brands. = This refers to a reoccurring subject of the dress or coordinate. Ex: apples, breakfast, or Alice in Wonderland. = Community (of lolitas or fans of alternate fashion in general) = Constructive criticism (the only type of criticism that is helpful to you) = An outfit (short for coordinate) = This is the Japanese word for cute. Usually, kawaii is used instead of cute when referring to a specific style originating in Japan. Be careful using this word, it can be cringe-inducing. Best to just use it as a search term. For a more extensive list of common terms, visit 23. **Know some popular lolita brands:** = Baby the Stars Shine Bright (first official lolita brand) = Angelic Pretty (most popular lolita brand) = Innocent world (a classic style lolita brand) = Alice and the Pirates (BtSSB's sister brand who focuses more on elegant clothing) (aka ) = Moi-même-Moitié (a gothic lolita brand) = Metamorphose temps de Fille 24. **Know what not to say!** there are some lolita-specific words with pretty bad connotations- while it's nice to know if someone's being insulting, it's better to know not to be unkind. = A name used for someone whose coord is particularly bad or cheap. It comes from the Japanese word "itai" which means "ouch." This term is hurtful, so refrain from using it, even if you see others who do. Provide concrit instead of using this word, please. = Usually a cis male lolita. This term is inaccurate and outdated because a male lolita is simply a lolita. Try not to use this term. = A coordinate with excessive and/or cheap lace. Also not nice to use, so please refrain from using it even if you see others doing so. Here's a link to tell if your lace is cheap.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Alter a Shirt
Shirts that are too large can be unflattering, but there’s no reason to get rid of a shirt just because it is a little baggy. If you have a button-down shirt or t-shirt that is too big for you, then you can alter your shirt to improve the fit. You can either use a shirt that fits you well as a guide, or you can pinch and pin the shirt to get the right fit. Either way, you will need a sewing machine and basic sewing skills to achieve a professional looking alteration. 1. **Lay the well-fitting shirt over the ill-fitting shirt.** Lay your ill-fitting t-shirt out flat and then lay the well-fitting shirt over it. Make sure that both shirts are flat and lined up at the shoulders and neckline. Leave the t-shirt sleeves on both shirts untucked. 2. **Trace along the edges of the well-fitting shirt.** Trace around the outside of the entire shirt including around the underside of the sleeves (around the armpit areas). Make sure that the shoulders and neckline of the t-shirts are lined up. 3. **Cut along the lines you have drawn.** Use your scissors to cut straight, even lines following the chalk lines you have drawn on the ill-fitting shirt. Cut around the undersides of the sleeves as well. 4. **Shorten the sleeves.** For a t-shirt, you will only need to adjust the length of your sleeves. Line up the t-shirt sleeves so that the shoulder seams are lined up. Then, use a piece of chalk to trace ½” (1.3 cm) from the end of the well-fitting sleeve. Cut off the excess, and then fold over the end of your sleeve by ½” (1.3 cm) all the way around the sleeve opening. This will be the new hemline for your t-shirt sleeve. 5. **Sew along the edges of the t-shirt.** Sew along the edges going from the bottom of the t-shirt to the ends of the sleeves. Then, sew around the pinned areas at the end of the t-shirt sleeves to create your new sleeve hem. Remove the pins as you sew. Your seam should be about ½” (1.3 cm) from the raw edge of the fabric. When you are finished, you can turn your t-shirt inside out and try it on! 6. **Place a shirt that fits well over your oversized shirt.** Turn your oversized shirt inside out and then lay out your oversized shirt so that it is completely flat. Tuck the sleeves of the well-fitting shirt into the armholes before you begin. Leave the sleeves of the ill-fitting shirt untucked and spread out. Make sure that both shirts are buttoned up all the way as well. 7. **Trace around the edges with chalk.** Next, take a piece of chalk and trace around the outer edges of the button-down shirt. Start at the bottom of the shirt and trace ½” (1.3 cm) from the edges of the well-fitting shirt on both sides. This will provide some extra fabric for your seam allowance. Tuck in the sleeves on your well-fitting shirt all the way to the sleeve seam. This is where the shoulder and sleeve meet on your shirt. Do not trace around the sleeves. Only trace around the sleeve openings. 8. **Cut along the lines you have drawn.** Use a sharp pair of scissors to cut along the lines you have drawn onto the ill-fitting shirt. Make sure to cut straight, even lines. Do not cut inside or outside of the lines. Cut right along them. Cut the sleeves completely off of the body piece of the shirt. 9. **Trim down the sleeves as needed.** Leave the sleeves turned inside out to do this. Measure the sleeve length on your ill-fitting shirt against the sleeve length of your well-fitting shirt to determine how much you want to trim them down. To do this, lay the ill-fitting sleeve out flat and then line up the well-fitting sleeve over it so that the sleeve cuffs and top edges are lined up. Make sure that the well-fitting sleeve is flat as well. Trace around the bottom edge and arm seam of your well-fitting sleeve with a piece of chalk leaving a ½” (1.3 cm) seam allowance. Do this for both sleeves. 10. **Sew along the edges of the shirt.** When you have finished making your adjustments to the t-shirt or button-down shirt, you can sew along the edges to secure the new fit. Sew a straight seam about ½” (1.3 cm) from the edges of the body of the shirt. Do not sew across the armhole openings. Leave these open so that you can reattach the sleeves. 11. **Turn the sleeves right side out.** Your body piece will need to remain inside out, but your sleeves will need to be right side out to reattach them properly. Turn the sleeves right side out before you begin. 12. **Insert the sleeves through the armhole openings.** To line up the edges of your sleeve openings and sleeves, you will need to completely insert the sleeves into the arm openings cuff first. Insert the cuffs into the arm openings and keep going until the ends of your sleeves are lined up with the openings. 13. **Pin the sleeves in place.** After you have inserted the sleeves through the sleeve openings completely, you can pin around the edges to secure them. Make sure that the edges of the sleeves and sleeves openings are lined up evenly. 14. **Sew the sleeves back onto the shirt.** When you are satisfied with the way the sleeves are pinned, you can sew the sleeves in place. Sew along the pinned edges about ½” (1.3 cm) from the raw edges to secure the sleeves. Remove the pins as you sew. After you finish sewing both sleeves into place, you can turn the shirt inside out and try it on! 15. **Turn the shirt inside out and put it on.** Pinning and pinching is a fairly easy way to improve the fit of a shirt. To get started, all you need to do is turn the shirt inside out and put it on. This way you will be able to sew the areas you have pinned when you remove the shirt. If you are tailoring a button-down shirt, then make sure that you button it up all the way before putting the shirt on. 16. **Pinch the areas where you would like the shirt to fit better.** Locate the areas of the shirt where it is ill-fitting and pinch them so that they will be the size you’d like them to be. Then, place a pin through the fabric in each of these areas to hold the fabric in place. You may also ask a friend to do this for you if you find it difficult to pinch and pin the shirt you are wearing. 17. **Remove the shirt.** When you finish pinning the shirt in all of the areas where the fit is off, carefully take off the shirt. Make sure that you do this carefully and slowly to avoid removing any of the pins in the process. 18. **Sew along the edges of the pinned areas.** To secure the fabric in the areas you have pinned, sew a straight stitch just outside of the areas you have pinned. Remove the pins as you sew. 19. **Cut away the excess fabric.** When you finish sewing along the pinned areas, you will need to cut away the excess fabric that is outside of the seam. Cut about ½” (1.3 cm) from the new seam to remove the excess fabric. After you cut away the excess fabric, your shirt will be ready to wear. Turn it right side out and try it on!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Add Concrete to Existing Concrete
No matter how strong a slab of concrete seems, it will wear out over time. Imperfections form when concrete hardens or sinks into the ground. Adding fresh concrete is a common way to level out old slabs and patch damage. If you plan on pouring a lot of concrete, build a wood and mesh barrier first to ensure your new slab is strong. Finish the work by priming the surface and pouring a mix over it, giving your concrete foundation a fresh, new coat. 1. **Sweep dirt and debris off the concrete.** The old concrete needs to be completely clean or else anything you pour over it won’t bond to it. The first order of business is to remove gravel, leaves, sand, and dirt. Get as much of it off the concrete as you can. Push the debris off the concrete surface or collect it in a bag to throw away. Use a stiff-bristled broom to knock as much debris out of cracks as possible. 2. **Use a pressure washer to clean out the remaining debris.** You won’t get all of the hidden debris at first, so you will need to give the concrete a more thorough cleaning. Use a fan tip on the pressure washer with a PSI of about 3,000 and hold it about 6 in (15 cm) above the concrete. Sweep the nozzle slowly over the concrete, making sure you hit every area. If you don’t own a pressure washer, check home improvement stores in your area. You may be able to rent a washer from them. You can add a liquid detergent or degreaser to the water to ensure you get all stubborn spots, including those from mildew and algae. 3. **Scrub difficult spots with chemical products.** Purchase a commercial cleaner formulated for use on concrete. Pour it onto tough stains you can’t otherwise remove, then work the cleaner in with a stiff-bristled scrub brush. When you’re done, rinse the area with a hose. This can help remove stains from oil and sap, which are very difficult to get rid of once they set in. Most home improvement stores sell these cleaners. Look for ones that are effective against oil. Another option is to use trisodium phosphate (TSP). Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to mix the TSP powder with water into a paste. Try mixing about 1  fl oz (30 mL) per .125  fl oz (3.7 mL) of water. If commercial cleaners and TSP don’t work, you may need to get muriatic acid. The acid is strong, so dilute it first, mixing 1 part acid in 3 parts water. Wear protective gear, including a respirator mask. 4. **Saturate the existing surface with water.** Right before you get to work mixing and pouring new concrete, spray the old surface with a hose. Get the old concrete slab completely wet, making sure any cleaning chemicals you used get rinsed off in the process. Keep spraying it until the moisture runs off the sides instead of being absorbed. Dry up any water pooled over the concrete before continuing. Concrete is porous, so it can absorb liquid. If it absorbs moisture from the new concrete, you will get a dry top slab that didn’t bond well with the old concrete. 5. **Measure out the space you wish to fill with concrete.** Taking measurements is necessary if you plan on filling a large space. Use measuring tape to figure out the length and width your new slab needs to be. Write your measurements down so you know what supplies to get to pour a smooth, consistent slab later. If you are only going to pour a thin slab or patch up existing concrete, make a general estimate of the area’s size and how much concrete you need for it. You can usually mix and pour a small batch without setting up a perimeter. 6. **Mark the height you want the concrete to reach.** Slab thickness is important and depends on your plans for your home. If you want the slab to reach up to your doorstep, for instance, you need to measure from the existing slab to the bottom of the doorstep. Use chalk to mark the height the slab should reach. Take your time measuring. The ground beneath the existing concrete may not be level, so measure on all sides. 7. **Use the measurements to calculate how much concrete you will need.** Measure the length, width, and depth of the area you wish to fill. Multiply these numbers together to get a general estimate of the amount of concrete you need. Add an extra 10% onto your total estimate to account for spillage. The calculation can be an imperfect estimate, especially for areas that aren’t perfect squares or rectangles. Always get more concrete than you need to ensure you have enough. 8. **Install braces around where you will pour the concrete.** Using your measurements, cut some boards to help hold the liquid concrete in place. You can get wood boards that will reach the depth marks you made in chalk earlier. Set the braces up around the perimeter of your old concrete slab. These braces serve as a mold. When you pour the concrete into it, you no longer have to worry about it spilling off the old slab and making a mess. It gives you a better chance at creating a strong, level slab. You can cut the wood yourself with a circular saw. Wear protective gear, including a dust mask and eye protection, if you do this. Alternatively, get the wood cut at a home improvement store. 9. **Prop up the braces with wooden stakes.** Dig out the soil around the braces, then stand the stakes in them. You can use 2 in × 4 in (5.1 cm × 10.2 cm) wood for most projects. Place the stakes approximately every 12 in (30 cm), then drill them to the braces with 3 in (7.6 cm) wood screws. Make sure the stakes are planted firmly in the dirt so the braces don’t fall as you work. If your slab won’t be very high, you may be able to lay the wood braces on the ground and screw them together without using stakes. 10. **Test the evenness of the boards by laying a bubble level on top of them.** The braces should be even before you begin pouring the concrete. Set the level on top of each board 1 at a time. Watch the liquid in the center of the level to make sure the bubble stays in the center. If the bubble moves to 1 side, that side is lower than the other side and needs to be adjusted. Another way to test the boards is to run string behind them. The string should be the same distance from the board at all times. If 1 end is closer to the string than another end, the brace isn’t straight and should be adjusted. 11. **Lay wire mesh between the braces.** Wire mesh provides extra strength to thick concrete slabs. It can also prevent cracking and settling. You can purchase a roll of welded wire mesh at a home improvement store, then simply spread it out in a single layer over the old concrete. Press it down so it is flat and level before you add the new concrete. The new concrete you pour binds to the mesh. Although it makes the concrete stronger, it won’t prevent it from cracking. Another option is to get rebar and lay it out in a grid pattern similar to the mesh. Place rebar chairs underneath the rebar to hold them in place. 12. **Purchase concrete with a fine aggregate for small repairs.** Aggregates are additives that make up most of a concrete mix. Fine aggregates are typically sand or crushed stone. This type of mix is best for pouring a very thin coat of concrete, such as when topping off or leveling out an existing slab. The aggregate in a concrete mix is listed on the label. You can also see it when you open the bag. Fine concrete looks smooth or has very small stones. Concrete is generally a mixture of cement, sand, gravel, and water. 13. **Choose a coarse aggregate concrete when pouring thicker slabs.** Coarse concrete has gravel or larger stones as an additive. This type of concrete is stronger but less dense, so you can safely pour a large slab onto existing concrete. It is a good option if you need to fill a large area with something thick that will last a long time. Larger aggregates cannot be used to make thin coats, so make sure you get the type of concrete mix best suited for your project. 14. **Wear safety equipment to protect yourself while mixing concrete.** Concrete can splash up as you mix and pour it, and that isn’t anything you want in your eyes or on your skin. Wear protective goggles or safety glasses, a safety mask with ventilation, and long jeans. Also consider wearing work gloves to protect your skin from concrete splatter. 15. **Mix up a scratch coat consisting of concrete and water.** The scratch coat is a layer of wet concrete mixed to a liquid consistency similar to paint. You will need a big plastic mixing bucket. Combine the concrete in a ratio of about 1 part water to 7 parts concrete, then mix it with a wooden mixing stick or electric paddle mixer until it reaches a uniform liquid consistency. Use the same concrete you plan on using for the final layer. Have the area estimate available for the space you wish to cover, then follow the manufacturer’s instructions for an estimate on how much to mix. Less is usually more with the scratch coat. Remember that is liquid, so it will spread out over the existing slab. 16. **Spread the liquid mix over the existing concrete.** Dump it all out onto the existing concrete, then begin spreading it around using a hand trowel or paver. Press down hard on the concrete to work the liquid mix into any cracks as you smooth out the scratch coat layer. The layer of wet concrete doesn’t need to be thick. A layer about ⁄8 in (0.32 cm) thick, about the thickness of a credit card, is enough. You can also use a rag or a gloved hand to spread the scratch coat. This can work well when priming small areas. The wet mix is there to help the new concrete bond to the old concrete, so you don’t need a lot of it. 17. **Mix a batch of concrete according to the manufacturer’s instructions.** Read the concrete packaging to find out how to mix it. The ratio is usually about 1 part water to 3 parts concrete. Add the water and concrete to a mixing container, then use a wooden stirrer or electric paddle mixer to combine them into a thick liquid. The mixing ratio may vary depending on what product you own, so check the manufacturer’s recommendations to get the concrete to the proper consistency. 18. **Add a bonding adhesive if you are using regular concrete.** If you got a bag of concrete and mixed it normally, you should use a concrete bonding adhesive to ensure the layers of concrete stick to one another. The adhesive is a liquid that comes in a plastic jug and you pour it directly into the concrete mixture. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to add the product at the recommended ratio. You can get the additive online or at most home improvement stores. If you are using a concrete patching product, you most likely do not need the adhesive. It is often included as part of the patching mix. Check the product’s label to make sure. 19. **Apply the new concrete over the primer.** Pour concrete onto the existing slab until it is around where you want the final level to be. Make sure you have enough concrete to fill the entire area to the depth you desire. Add all of the concrete right away so none of the mixture has a chance to dry out. You do not need to wait for the scratch coat layer to dry completely. It will have dried enough while you mixed this batch of concrete. You can try to fill in a slab with multiple pours of concrete, but this usually isn’t advisable. You won’t get a single, uniform slab, which can lead to bonding issues in the layers. 20. **Use a trowel to smooth out the concrete.** The concrete needs to be leveled out before it solidifies. You can use a trowel to smooth over small areas or a screed board and bull float for large areas. Work back and forth, passing over a little more of the rough concrete each time. Make multiple passes over the entire surface to ensure it is smooth. On hot days, the concrete can dry out very quickly, so don’t waste any time after pouring it. Make sure there are no marks left in the concrete when you are done smoothing it. 21. **Protect your work by spraying the concrete with a curing compound.** A good curing compound is the best way to preserve wet concrete. Mix the curing compound according to the manufacturer’s instructions, add it to a garden sprayer, then spray it directly onto the concrete. This should be done right after you finish pouring the concrete. Concrete takes about 7 days to fully cure. Another way to do this is to spray the concrete thoroughly with water from a garden hose, then lay a polyethylene sheet or concrete curing insulation blanket over it. Make sure the plastic is flat against the concrete or else it will cure unevenly, causing discolorations. Remove the sheet to moisten the concrete again every day for a week. The longer the concrete is allowed to cure, the stronger it will be. Make sure no one is able to step on the concrete until it has finished curing.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Deal With Friends That Hurt You
Sometimes, no matter how close you are with someone, your friend may say or do something hurtful. It's usually unintentional (though it may be deliberate), but it's often made worse by the fact that the person is your friend. Learning how to control your reaction and communicate with your friend can help you repair your friendship and move past whatever may have happened between you. 1. **Remain composed.** You may not be able to control the way you feel, but you can control the way you respond. Managing what you say and do in a tense moment can help minimize the chances of a full-blown argument erupting. Recognize your anger. It's important to acknowledge how you're feeling if you hope to move away from those feelings. When you speak or act out of anger, you're likely to say or do something equally hurtful to your friend. Being aware of your thoughts and feelings can help you avoid a heated exchange. 2. **Walk away from the situation.** If you are able to leave the situation, even temporarily, it may be best to do so. Going for a walk can help clear your head and give you time to calm down. It can also give your friend time to calm down and think about how he may have hurt you. Speaking/acting out of anger can also lead to damaging arguments. Remember that you cannot take back what you say in a moment of anger, but you can choose whether or not to speak in the moment. Let your friend know that you're going for a walk to calm down, but will return. Otherwise your friend may think you're simply leaving abruptly and grow concerned. Only walk if it is safe to do so. Don't try walking near a highway, for example, or any place that does not have a sidewalk or car-free path. 3. **Use calming methods.** Whether you're able to go for a walk or simply need to leave the room for a few minutes, you should use that time to focus on calming strategies. Resist the temptation to ruminate on how your friend hurt you, and instead focus on getting calm as soon as possible. Use deep breathing. Take deep breaths through your diaphragm (under your rib cage) instead of shallow breathing through your chest to establish a slower, more calming breathing pattern. Think about something calming or enjoyable to take your focus away from the feelings of frustration. Repeat calming phrases to yourself, like "Breathing in will calm me down" or "This will not matter in six months," to help you move away from feelings of anger and resentment. 4. **Address the behavior directly.** Once you're calm and can speak without anger, you'll need to sit down with your friend to discuss what happened. Remember that you should not be hostile or confrontational. Simply sit down alone together and speak directly about what happened. Make sure you are completely calm when you sit down with your friend to discuss the incident. Tell your friend that what he said was hurtful. Don't use declarative, absolute statements. Instead use "I" statements, such as "I felt really insulted when you said that about me" or "I felt like you were being very disrespectful by saying that." 5. **Recognize patterns of hurtful behavior.** It's possible that you may not have noticed your friend engaging in his hurtful/damaging behavior in the past. It's also very likely that your friend has never noticed it, or is not aware of it. There are many forms of hurtful behavior, but six main categories cover some of the most common types that you should recognize and be aware of: character assassinations - generalizations used to depict or define someone as always being bad/undesirable threats of abandonment - using hurtful, threatening statements to imply disinterest or abandonment in order to make someone else feel worthless invalidations - generalizations used to invalidate someone else's thoughts, feelings, or beliefs threats of exile - telling someone else directly that you do not want them in your life (similar to threats of abandonment, but even more damaging/insulting) hostile challenges - questioning someone else's ability to think, feel, or behave in a given way (including excessive and frequent sarcasm) preaching - attempting to use an absolute, unquestionable source/hierarchy to prove a point and put someone else down 6. **Confront repeated behavior.** Whether your friend repeatedly hurts you with actions or with mean, hateful words, the result is the same: embarrassment, resentment, and alienation. If you recognize any of the patterns of hurtful behavior in your friend, let him know the first time it happens (or the first time you recognize it as such) that what he did is not okay. Assess your surroundings. If there's a chance your friend might resort to physical acts of violence, or if others may join him against you, do not confront him then and there. Recognize that repeated incidents of hurtful behavior scar your relationship, and the more often it happens the worse you'll feel towards the other person. Ask your friend how he would feel if someone he values (for example, his parents, his spiritual leader, etc.) were to see him engaging in his current behavior. Would he be embarrassed? Point out other times that your friend has engaged in this hurtful behavior, preferably once he's calmed down. Let him know that you see it as a pattern of bad behavior, and that he needs to change if he wants to remain friends. If it happens again, remind your friend that you've talked to him about his behavior. Let him know that you won't passively condone his behavior, and tell him that as his friend you need him to address these issues. 7. **Let your friend respond.** Dialogue is important in conflict resolution. You can't just talk at your friend about how rude he was, just as you wouldn't want him to continue talking at you without any chance to respond. Give your friend a chance to explain himself, and be open to what he has to say. Your friend may have spoken from a place of pain, and probably didn't mean what he said. Or it's possible that it was a complete misunderstanding, and that your friend didn't intend his words to be taken that way to begin with. Let your friend process what you've said, give his own response, and trust that he will change his behavior going forward. 8. **Remain compassionate.** As you address your friend's behavior, it's important to remain compassionate as best you can. After all, the person is still your friend, and you most likely have a long history together. Give your friend the benefit of the doubt, and try not to hold any anger towards him. Don't ignore hurtful comments/actions, but address them calmly and compassionately. Remember that many people who hurt others do so because they themselves are hurting or frightened. When you keep that in perspective, it's easier to feel bad for someone who's hurt you. 9. **Decide if the friendship can stand.** If someone has hurt you, you may be thinking about cutting that person out of your life altogether. But experts warn that that may be an extreme reaction to an incident of hurt feelings. Only you can decide whether you'll be able to move past the hurt, but most people find that with a little time and patience all can be forgiven. Unless your friend did something devastating or life-shattering (like an act of physical violence or real emotional abuse), you may want to consider reconciling with your friend. Recognize symptoms of emotional abuse: if your friend swears/yells at you, bullies you, degrades you, threatens you, or controls you, he is engaging in emotional abuse. You should not stand to be emotionally abused by anyone, especially not a friend or partner. If your friend engages in or threatens you with acts of violence, stay away from him, as he may be dangerous. If you truly believe that your friend will not be able to correct his behavior, and that he will continue to hurt you without regard for your feelings, you may need to think about ending the friendship. Give this decision time. Just as you avoided speaking in the heat of the moment, you should give yourself a few days before saying anything if you're thinking about ending the friendship. Avoiding your friend for a few days may be enough for you to realize that you value his friendship and want to make amends. Give it time, and talk over your plan with a trusted friend or relative before talking to the friend who hurt you. 10. **Reflect on the situation.** After you've had some time to cool down and you've talked to your friend about the way he hurt you, you may want to reflect on everything that's happened. That doesn't mean fixating on your hurt feelings or endlessly replaying the situation in your head. Instead, you should reflect for a moment on everything that's happened between you and your friend to try and understand the situation better. Think about the objective facts of the situation. Don't take your feelings into account, just think about what was actually said or done, and what your friend's intentions might have been. Reflect on how you reacted. Did you handle it well? Did you manage your feelings as well as you could have and avoid escalating the conflict? Think about any ways the conflict may have affected your life. This can include your sense of self esteem and wellbeing. 11. **Choose to let go of hurt feelings.** The first step in letting go of painful feelings is making a conscious decision. You can either hold on to feelings of anger and pain, or you can choose to let it go and move on with your life. That doesn't mean ignoring your pain - it simply means acknowledging that you were hurt and choosing not to live in the past. When you make the decision to stop reliving the past and rehashing the details of your pain, you can begin to heal from the hurtful experience. Making a conscious decision to let go of hurt feelings can give you a feeling of control. It can help you recognize that you have a choice over what controls your life. 12. **Stop seeing yourself as a victim.** This can be incredibly difficult to do, as your hurt feelings will linger even after you've let go of anger or resentment. If your friend hurt you, it may seem reasonable to see yourself as a victim. But that type of mentality only maintains the power that your friend and/or the situation hold over your life. Seeing yourself as a victim can maintain your status as a victim. Your friend (or former friend, as the case may be) will remain a dominating presence in your mind and in your life. Once you stop defining your life by how you were hurt, you'll begin to feel better about your situation and your life in general. This can take time, of course, but it's well worth it. 13. **Forgive and move on.** Forgiveness may not come easy, especially if you were hurt in a significant way. But it's an important part of moving on from painful experiences, and it will ultimately give you greater mental health and happiness. Forgiveness doesn't mean you have to forget. It does, however, mean that you need to stop holding on to feelings of anger and resentment. Forgiveness is the next logical step after choosing to let go of your hurt and your sense of victimhood. Without forgiveness, you may never fully let go of the pain. Forgiving your friend also requires you to forgive yourself. If you had any part in the incident, or if you ended up saying something out of anger, you need to let that go as well. Once you've forgiven everyone involved, you'll be free to truly move on. Whether you continue the friendship or not, with time you will move past the painful experience completely.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Record a Song With Audacity
Audacity is a free recording program capable of a lot of things. You can do anything from recording a song to recording lines for a cartoon. If you've written a song, and need an easy way to record it, this article will tell you how to record your song with Audacity, and give it a professional finish. 1. **Open Audacity.** 2. **Set up the preamp.** In case you didn't already know, a preamp is a device that you can plug a guitar and/or microphone into. The preamp is then plugged into somewhere where you can record, or the sound is amplified (e.g., a guitar amp and speaker). You'll want to get an adapter with two jacks in it. You should be able to plug a wire like the one in the picture into the adapter. The wire should plug into the line-in port on your computer's sound card. Make sure the buttons that say and are on. Connect all wires. 3. **Set the audio source.** In the top-right corner there should be a drop-down menu. Set it from microphone to line in unless you are using a normal computer microphone. In that case you leave it alone. 4. **Optional** Set up some headphones. Putting on headphones for recording can help the quality if you know what you sound like while singing. Since the line-in port on the sound card makes the sound go through the speakers in most cases (it's alright if it doesn't, this step is optional) you will be able to hear yourself after plugging in the headphones to the headphone/subwoofer jack on your speaker 5. **Set up your microphone.** You should be using a microphone that will plug into the microphone slot on the preamp. All you have to do is plug in the microphone and get ready to go. If you are not using one of those, plug the microphone into the microphone jack on the sound card. 6. **Record the singing lines.** Your mouth should be positioned as shown in the picture. If you are using a microphone that you usually see professional music artists using when performing live, or a recording studio mic, keep it in front of your mouth, but keep it still. 7. **Record any acoustic instruments.** Simply record these with wherever the sound comes out of facing the microphone. 8. **Set up the instrument.** Unplug the microphone and plug in the guitar, keyboard, bass or other electric instrument. These will go in the instrument slot. Recording an electric instrument without a preamp is tricky. Your best bet is probably to record next to the speaker or add MIDI 9. **Record the guitar.** Don't play too loudly. Do nice soft strums, even if it's a heavy metal or punk rock song. You may wish to adjust the drive on your preamp for the guitar track. If you are recording acoustic guitar, you should record it with the microphone close to the sound hole. 10. **Record any other electric instrument ** 11. **Now comes the editing.** For a professional finish you may wish to... Amplify will make the highlighted area louder, and vice versa. Just be careful with both. Too much will make the song sound horrible. The GVerb filter will make an effect as if you were in a room. Tinker around with it and see if you like it.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Prove Your Spouse Is Cheating in Court
If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, all courts require you to have a valid reason for getting one. Adultery is generally a valid reason in the eyes of a court. If you are going to claim adultery as the reason for your divorce, you are going to have to prove your claim in court. To do so, you will need to know what the law requires, what evidence to look for and retain, and how to present that evidence in court. 1. **Decide whether having an attorney is the right choice for you.** Hiring an attorney to help you prove adultery in court can be advantageous for a number of reasons, but it can also be a burden. Consider these factors in deciding whether hiring an attorney is the right choice for you: Foregoing the help of an attorney may be advantageous if your spouse has openly admitted to cheating. In this situation, an attorney may only hinder your ability to talk honestly and openly with your spouse about all of the issues needing to be resolved. You should also be aware that if you do not have an attorney, you will be responsible for providing evidence to the court about your spouse's adulterous behavior. If you do not have direct evidence of your spouse's infidelity and if you need help drafting and filing legal papers, then you should consider hiring an attorney. If your spouse is contesting your allegations, there may be a fight during divorce proceedings over children, property, and/or money. If this sounds like the divorce you might be going through, an attorney can help you craft legal arguments to ensure you get the fairest distribution of assets possible. An attorney will also be helpful when you do not have the time or expertise necessary to produce credible evidence. 2. **Research possible attorney candidates.** If you decide you would like to hire a lawyer, start by researching possible candidates. Follow the steps here to choose the right one. First, start by asking friends, family, and coworkers for their referrals. A referral can be a great way to obtain a qualified attorney so long as you trust the opinion of the person giving you that referral. If your peers do not know any family law attorneys, look online by using, nolo, or findlaw. All of these websites are great for searching out qualified lawyer candidates. Second, once you have found a list of candidates, you should contact and set up an initial consultation with them. An initial consultation will help you get a feel for the attorney by meeting him or her in person and being able to ask them questions about themselves and about your case. Be prepared to pay a consultation fee. These often range from as low as $50 to as high as $500. 3. **Choose an attorney that is right for you.** Once you have met with your top candidates, you should follow-up with any of them you have more questions for. Once this process is complete, choose the attorney that you are most comfortable with. Look for an attorney with a fair fee, a good track record of handling family law cases, and a good reputation for honesty and integrity. If you find out through your research and discussions that hiring an attorney will be too expensive for you, you can try finding an attorney that will take your case on a pro bono basis (taking on the work without charge). Try contacting your local or state bar association for help finding an attorney free of charge. In addition, there are many legal aid societies and nonprofits that may be able to assist you. 4. **Know why you would want to prove adultery.** Adultery is generally a valid ground for divorce. Therefore, if you believe your spouse has been cheating on you and you want a divorce, you may need to prove adultery in order to finalize your legal proceedings. Also, in many states, if you are filing a no-fault divorce (meaning neither party is taking responsibility for the divorce), you will need to wait for up to one year before you can file divorce papers. However, if you are filing for a fault-based divorce, which would include a divorce based on adultery, you will be able to file immediately. 5. **Understand the consequences of committing adultery.** If your spouse commits adultery and you can prove it in court during divorce proceedings, some states will use the information when deciding issues of alimony and property division. In some states, proving your spouse was adulterous will bar that spouse from collecting spousal support all together. 6. **Know what you need to prove.** Proof of adultery is often hard to come by considering the act's nature of secrecy (i.e., you do not usually commit it out in the open for everyone to see). Also, adultery does not necessarily mean that your spouse had sexual intercourse, it could also mean you were sexually intimate. Therefore, most courts do not require proof of the adulterous act itself. Instead, most courts require you to prove: First, that your spouse had a disposition to commit adultery. A disposition is a tendency to act in a certain way. In this case, it is a tendency to act in an adulterous manner. Second, that your spouse had the opportunity to commit adultery. An opportunity to commit adultery is showing that your spouse had the time and ability to commit adultery in any specific situation. 7. **Use direct evidence.** If you have direct evidence, which can be eyewitness accounts or photographs of the adulterous act, then you should be able to prove adultery. However, direct evidence is usually hard to come by because the spouse committing adultery is often keeping a low profile and cheating in private. In South Carolina, courts have recognized this difficulty and, like most states, do not require direct evidence in order to establish the charge. 8. **Use circumstantial evidence.** In all likelihood, you will have to prove adultery by using circumstantial evidence, which means you will be using certain pieces of evidence to make implications. Your indirect evidence should prove: Your spouse had the chance to commit adultery, for example being alone with someone else; and Your spouse had the disposition to commit adultery, which means that given the situation, adultery likely took place. 9. **Think about other possible reasonable explanations.** When you get to court, if your spouse has a credible explanation for the acts you are alleging amount to adultery, a court may not side with you. Therefore, before you file a fault-based divorce based on adultery, make sure your spouse does not have another reasonable explanation for the acts you believe amount to adultery. 10. **Be careful not to condone the adulterous activities.** If you take actions that can be perceived as condoning the adulterous activity, courts may not allow you to claim adultery as valid ground for divorce. Also, if you and your spouse reconciled after you became aware of the adulterous activity, you may not be able to claim it as valid grounds for divorce. Condonation and/or reconciliation can be in the form of getting back together with your spouse or writing letters of forgiveness. 11. **Look for letters, texts, or emails.** Letters, texts, and emails can be a great way to prove your spouse had an inclination to commit adultery. These things should have information about the adulterous activities your spouse is taking part in. For example, the text could discuss times your spouse was with someone else and a letter from someone else could say they love your spouse and enjoy the time they spend together. These letters should be romantic in nature. 12. **Try to find evidence of online dating.** If you have proof that your spouse has signed up for online dating sites like Tinder,, or any similar online resource, you should keep that evidence and present it to the court at the appropriate time. 13. **Hire a private investigator.** If you cannot find evidence yourself but you think your spouse may be committing adultery, you could hire a private investigator to collect evidence for you. A private investigator will attempt to obtain photographs and other evidence of the adultery. 14. **Ask friends and family for information.** In a lot of adulterous situations, friends and family will know something is going on before you do. If you think something is going on, ask your friends and family. Be aware that while friends and family may know something is going on, they might not have any evidence to support their claims. While their information may still be helpful, it would be best if they had evidence to corroborate their claims. 15. **Look for spousal admissions.** If your spouse admits to having an affair or being adulterous, you can use that admission to help prove your case. Ideally, this admission would take the form of a text or email, because you will have tangible evidence of the conversation. 16. **Subpoena records.** If you are already taking part in court proceedings, you may be able to request bank records, online records, hotel records and other records that may provide proof of adultery. You cannot subpoena records of a party to the divorce, so you should look to subpoena the records directly from a bank or hotel. 17. **Know the standard of proof.** When you are in court, you will need to prove the adultery by a "preponderance of the evidence." This is the type of evidence that tends to prove the matter you are asserting. In general, this means that you must convince the judge that the adultery more likely than not took place (i.e., 51%). 18. **Understand that your spouse does not need to testify.** In court, your spouse has the right to not incriminate herself, which means she may not have to testify in court. Also, the court will not infer any bad behavior if your spouse chooses not to testify. Therefore, do not rely on your spouse's potential testimony to prove a case of adultery. 19. **Have people testify in court.** If you have received help from friends, family, or private investigators, you will want them to testify in open court. When this happens, they will testify to what they themselves saw that made them believe that adultery was occurring. 20. **Submit records into evidence.** Apart from asking people to testify, you can also submit records into evidence. To do so, you will need to follow the rules of evidence in your state. If a piece of evidence is admissible, you will be able to show it to the judge and use it as proof of adultery.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Write a Soap Note
Healthcare workers use Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan (SOAP) notes to relay helpful and organized information about patients between professionals. SOAP notes get passed along to multiple people, so be clear and concise while you write them. By listing accurate information and informed diagnoses, you can help a patient get the best care! 1. **Ask the patient about their symptoms.** Talk to the patient about how they’re feeling to get an idea of the symptoms that they’re experiencing. See what their Chief Complaint (CC) is and list that at the top of your SOAP note. The CC will help other medical professionals see what the patient’s condition is so they know what to expect from the rest of the note. The Subjective section of your soap note is about what the patient is experiencing and how they are handling their concerns. Some common examples may include chest pain, decreased appetite, and shortness of breath. You can also talk to a family member or spouse to get any necessary information. 2. **Use the acronym OLDCHARTS to get helpful information.** OLDCHARTS is a mnemonic device to help you remember questions to ask the patient. Once you ask the questions for OLDCHARTS, list the patient’s answers in order to keep the SOAP note organized. The points to remember are: Onset: when did the CC start? Location: where is the CC? Duration: how long has the patient been affected by the CC? Characterization: how does the patient describe the CC? Alleviating or Aggravating factors: does anything make the CC feel better or worse? Radiation: is the CC in a single location or does it move? Temporal patterns: Does the CC occur at specific periods of time? Severity: On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst, how does the CC feel? 3. **Include any medical or family history in your report.** Ask the patient if they have any history with medical conditions or surgeries. If they do, try to include the year they were diagnosed and the doctor’s name who performed any surgery. See if any family members have had similar conditions or if a condition runs in the family to see if there are any genetic problems. Only write down the details that are important to your current patient. Don’t include full medical histories for relatives if they aren’t relevant. 4. **Write down any medications the patient is already taking.** Ask if the patient is taking anything, either over-the-counter or prescription, for their chief concerns. Write down the name of the medicine, the exact dosage, how they take it, and how often it’s been used. List each medication individually if there are multiple. For example, you may write: Ibuprofen 200mg orally every 6 hours for 3 days. 5. **Record the patient’s vital signs.** Check the patient’s pulse, breathing, blood pressure, and temperature and write the results down in your SOAP note. Be sure the numbers are accurate by double-checking them if they seem higher or lower than normal. Be sure to label the vitals accordingly so another professional can glance at the numbers and understand them. The Objective section of the SOAP note refers to data that you collect and measure from the patient. 6. **Write down any information you gather from a physical exam.** Assess the area that the patient is concerned about so you can write down detailed observations about it. Avoid writing the symptom that the patient is feeling; instead, look for objective signs while you’re performing the physical. Keep your notes clear and organized so they aren’t confusing to anyone else reading them. For example, instead of writing, “stomach pain,” you would write something like, “abdominal tenderness when pressure applied.” 7. **Include any results from special tests.** Depending on the severity of the patient’s concern, you may need to run additional tests, such as X-rays or CT scans. If your patient has had specialty tests done, be sure to include any results that could affect their treatment. Include printouts of any lab data or photos from the lab tests so other medical professionals can see them first hand. 8. **Record any changes in the patient’s problems if you’ve seen them before.** If you’re not the first medical professional to see the patient, they may already have a SOAP note. Look for any changes in the patient’s concern, and be sure to list if there were positive or negative effects to prior treatment. For example, if you had previously prescribed an antibiotic, you may record how the affected area has less swelling. 9. **List the patient’s problems in order of importance.** If the patient listed multiple concerns, start organizing them with the most severe on top and the least severe at the end. If you have trouble determining which problem is the most severe, ask them what they’re the most concerned with. 10. **Note any diagnoses that you can make.** If there is a clear diagnosis for the problem, list it immediately after the problem on your SOAP note. If there are different causes for the problem, then list them all so the most likely option is the first one. Look at the Subjective and Objective sections of your soap note to speculate what’s causing the patient’s problems. You may not know exactly what’s causing the problems, so make educated guesses based on what you’ve already found. 11. **Write your reasoning for why you chose each diagnosis.** Cite exact reasons from the Subjective and Objective sections of your SOAP note in your diagnoses. If you’re writing descriptions for multiple diagnoses, then be sure to include any that could conflict one another. Always leave a description so other professionals know why you made certain decisions with your treatment. 12. **State any tests that the patient should have done next.** Look at the diagnoses you wrote in the Assessment portion of the SOAP note, and determine if you need more tests to confirm them. Write down any test that fits with each diagnosis in the order of their importance. For example, you may need to perform an X-ray or CT scan to determine if there are more causes for underlying pain. List what should be done after special tests whether they come back positive or negative. 13. **Write down any therapy or medications the patient should try.** If you believe that the patient needs rehabilitation, such as physical or mental therapy, be sure to list any that can apply. If a prescription medication is more appropriate, then write the type of medication, the dosage, and how long they should take it. Sometimes, you may need to perform surgery depending on the severity of the concern. 14. **Include any referrals to specialists if needed.** If the type of care the patient needs is not your specialty, then include references for who to reach out to next. Provide names for all of the diagnoses if you still are narrowing down the cause. Let the patient know what the next steps are so they can stay informed. 15. **Include the patient’s age, sex, and concern at the top of the note.** At the top of your note, write down the patient’s age and sex. Along with age and sex, write the patient’s concern or why they came in for treatment. This can help other medical professionals get an idea of diagnoses or treatments at a glance. For example, you may write, “45-year-old female presenting with abdominal pain,” as the first step in your SOAP note. 16. **Organize the parts of your note in order.** Write down all of the information that you took while working with the patient. Be sure to keep the information in order of Subjective-Objective-Assessment-Plan so other medical professionals looking through the SOAP note don’t get lost. You can choose to either use bullet points or write full sentences for notes as long as they are clear and concise. There is no required format or length for the content in your SOAP note as long as it follows the Subjective-Objective-Assessment-Plan order. 17. **Write or type the SOAP note depending on what your workplace prefers.** Many systems in clinics have secure forms you can fill out on your computer so the information can be passed around quickly. However, your workplace may require you to take SOAP notes by hand. Make sure you follow the format your workplace uses closely so it stays organized.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Convert to Hinduism
Hinduism is a religion followed by people predominantly from the Indian Subcontinent, now found majorly in countries such as India and Nepal, with its teachings reaching as far as Balochistan, Indonesia, Mauritius, Fiji, UAE, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Trinidad, Tobago, and Bangladesh. It is not just one spiritual philosophy, but an aggregation of numerous schools of darshanas and different schools of thoughts and faiths. Otherwise, known as Sanatana, the eternal, Hinduism broadly concerns itself with one's Dharma, or moral uprightness, and Karma, the principle of action, in order to break the cycle of Samsara, the endless repetition of birth, death and reincarnation. Unlike many major religions, Hinduism does not adhere to any strict concept of orthodoxy, and therefore converting to the Hindu faith is as easy as being willing to understand its beliefs and engage in its practices. 1. **Understand that conversion to Hinduism is all about practice.** There is no official conversion process or ceremony for converting to the Hindu faith. To become a follower, one needs only to have the will and the commitment to study the scriptures and abide by the proper practices. While Hinduism is a highly traditional religion founded on ritual, it is not exclusive in the sense that one must be formally recognized in order to be a practitioner. Hinduism preaches the very principle that there is no need for conversion; the wisdom of the universe is available to all, if only they're willing to seek it. 2. **Find a sect that will accept you.** Do some research to see if there are any Hindu temples or organizations in your area and find out what the requirements are to join. Many contemporary Hindu sects are happy to take on Western followers and anyone else who is interested in learning Hindu doctrine. Consider whether the beliefs and practices of the sect you're thinking of joining are in alignment with what you wish to gain from becoming a follower. Most people who practice the Hindu religion are born into it, and consider it something of a birthright. There are those that claim that you cannot “convert” to Hinduism; if you were not born Hindu, you never will be. However, this is a somewhat dated position, as Hinduism has become a major world religion and many people flock to learn its ways. Two prominent examples of Western sects that have embraced the Hindu religion are the Hare Krishnas and the school of Transcendental Meditation. 3. **Involve yourself in ritual worship.** Once you become part of a Hindu temple or organization, you will be expected to participate in puja, or ritual worship. Puja ceremonies are most often composed of many different symbolic actions, such as cleansing idols representing Hindu deities, making offerings and recitation of spiritual scriptures. Taking part in puja will help you understand more about Hindu rituals and their religious significance. In addition to its role as a communal practice, puja is considered a highly individual devotion, and a good deal of prayer and offerings are performed from the privacy of one's home. 4. **Practice yoga and meditation.** Learn the proper asanas, or meditative yoga motions, to supplement prayer and ritual offerings. In the Hindu religion, meditation can be performed either from a resting position, as it is done conventionally, or through the practice of yoga, which is essentially a form of moving meditation. Traditionally, yoga involves transitioning through a series of strenuous postures that serve to purify the body and make the mind and spirit receptive to the blessings of enlightenment. Though it's become a trendy form of exercise in the West, the practice of yoga is considered an integral part of of the spiritual duties of the Hindu follower. Yoga requires you to be supple, which promotes proper breath control and circulation, strengthening your body and enhancing your ability to focus. 5. **Commit to improving your karma.** Seek to live a good live, to be mindful of the suffering of the world, to show kindness to others and to implement the wisdom of the Vedas, or classical scriptures. Karma is a tenant central to Hindu philosophy and lies at the heart of all human interaction. It is effectively an inventory of one's moral character, and through the cultivation of pure karma comes the possibility of freeing oneself from the cycle of reincarnation. Karma can be understood as a sort of meter—if your karma is bad, or low, you will be visited by hardship and injustice, even in your subsequent lives. But if your karma meter is full, if you've always acted with good intentions and devoted yourself to lessening the suffering in the world, you stand a chance of attaining liberation and thus being freed from Samsara. 6. **Become a member of a temple.** See if there are any Hindu temples or community centers where you live that would allow you to join their congregation. The widespread acceptance of the major world religions has made finding places of worship in unlikely locations more common. As a member of a temple, you will be guided through puja and be given advice on yoga meditation and understanding the Vedas (scriptures), which will help you on your spiritual journey. Unfortunately, it is still somewhat common for Westerners and those of other religious foundations to be rejected from practicing Hinduism in a formal capacity. If this happens to you, keep looking until you find a temple that will accept you, or continue your study and worship on your own. 7. **Take part in ritual practices.** Learn about different ritual activities from the leaders of your temple or community and incorporate them into your practice. In addition to puja and yoga, there are many other rituals that encompass important aspects of Hinduism. While most of these are spiritual in nature and center around paying tribute to divinity, others are more personal and practical, and function almost as good-luck rituals or reminders of the need to excel in your station of life. Puja is the most commonplace form of ritual in Hinduism, and is usually performed every day. Other important rituals for the Hindu follower to observe include making offerings and sacrifices (symbolic in meaning) to the various deities of the pantheon, decorating the body with markings that represent spiritual aims and sitting in meditation of the truths of the Vedas. Other more sophisticated rituals, collectively identified as a yajna, require the oversight of qualified holy men and typically entail systematic group offerings and blessings. These rituals are more akin to what you might expect to find in churches where Abrahamic religions are practiced. If you belong to a Hindu temple or spiritual community, a yajna is likely to be conducted by the group's most prominent leaders. 8. **Attend Hindu celebrations and festivals.** Hindu festivals are based around the seasons and usually commemorate or symbolize important events in Hindu theology. Some of these celebrations, such as Makar Sankranti, require visiting cultural landmarks like the Ganges river, but many holy events can be honored anywhere with prayers and offerings particular to the day. In becoming immersed in the Hindu religion, make an effort to learn the significance marking these occasions and take part in observing them. Among the most venerated annual Hindu festivities are Holi, a celebration of springtime and rebirth occurring the day after the full moon in early March; Diwali, the "row of lights" ceremony that commemorates the end of the Vikram calendar; and Mahashivaratri, a birthday celebration for Shiva, one of the three highest deities in the Hindu religion. The majority of Hindu celebrations are scheduled by the Vikram calendar, which follows a lunar progression, and fall on notable days of the moon cycle. 9. **Undertake a spiritual pilgrimage.** If you have fully committed yourself to following the Hindu religion, you might plan a pilgrimage to visit holy sites in India and its outlying regions and pay your respects. Embarking on a pilgrimage will offer you a rare opportunity to see the shrines of deities and saints, refocus your spiritual devotion and purify yourself of sins and impurities. Pilgrimages are time-consuming and expensive undertakings and may not be feasible for all practitioners, but they are venerated tradition in Hinduism nonetheless. Some of the most famous sites for pilgrimages include the “big four” Indian towns Puri, Rameshwaram, Dwarka and Badrinath, as well as Nepalese stops like the Pashupatinath Temple. A small percentage of larger Hindu organizations that are funded by local communities may offer all-expense-paid group pilgrimage opportunities for those who could not otherwise afford them. Check and see if your temple or organization is one of these. 10. **Accept your differences.** If you come from a place with vastly different religious background, not all Hindu beliefs and precepts will make sense to you at first. You may also encounter some opposition to your becoming a follower of the religion if you were not born into it. Be patient with these differences and try to see beyond them. You have a right to pursue your own spiritual path, and nothing should hold you back once you have decided to devote yourself to the Hindu religion. Much of the cultural exclusion of Hinduism stems from the Indian caste system, in which people are born into certain social classes from which they can neither raise or lower themselves. Because non-Indians are outside of the sacred caste, they are also thought to be necessarily outside of Hindu spirituality. If you cannot find a temple or group to join and are forced to continue your practice from home, don't despair. There are many modern gurus who are willing to share their teachings with followers through recorded content like books and audio recordings, and communal interaction can be found through chat rooms and international conventions. 11. **Recognize the dharma.** Dharma is a complex term with several different interpretations, referring to the natural order of the universe, the “right way of living” or the comprehensive teachings of the deities. These notions form the fundamental principles of Hinduism. Even though you may not understand their meaning or application right away, strive to extract as much practical wisdom as you can from the scriptures you study. As you progress in your practice, the connectivity of these concepts will open up to you. All Hindu beliefs have their place. Rather than getting caught up in the more fantastic elements of the scriptures, concentrate on understanding what they offer in terms of truth and knowledge. 12. **Know the significance of karma.** Be mindful of the notion of karma at all times and consider how your actions influence your own morality as well as the well-being of others. Your karma should be at the center of every decision you make. Auditing your actions brings you closer to realizing moksha, or spiritual liberation, but it also ensures that you're making the right choices at any given time. Karma is more complex than simply penalty or reward for your actions. It is a common thread that runs through consecutive rebirths. Introspection of one's karmic state creates a kind of feedback system for evaluating the goodness of one's lives. Bad karma is thought to follow an individual through their different lifetimes, accounting for the seemingly random nature of misfortune in the world. 13. **Strive for spiritual liberation.** Meditate often on salvation and the means to attain it. The ultimate purpose of any religion is to transcend the struggle of human existence and come to actualize the divine aspects of the self. This can be achieved through a focused approach to spiritual learning. Try to apply the wisdom that you gain to your everyday life. You'll find that through enlightened consciousness, the quality of your own life will improve, which will allow you to positively affect the lives of the people around you. Moksha can simultaneously be understood as a literal spiritual “breakthrough” after which the mysteries of existence seem to dissolve, or as a purposefully maintained state that recognizes the need for compassion, selflessness and acceptance.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Country Gravy
Country gravy is a classic comfort condiment, typically served over homemade biscuits, chicken-fried steak, and other hearty country foods. A standard country gravy is made with butter, flour, and milk, but you could make a vegan and gluten-free version by using oil, rice flour, and soy milk. There are also various ways you can personalize country gravy to suit your own tastes. If you're interested in making country gravy of your own, here's what you need to know. 1. **Heat the butter in a small saucepan.** Melt 2 Tbsp (30 mL) of butter in a small to medium saucepan over medium heat. Let the butter melt completely before moving on to the next step, but try to avoid letting it boil or steam. You could also use a large skillet to make country gravy instead of a saucepan. If you were cooking meat in your skillet before you started cooking the gravy, you can use the leftover pan drippings from the cooked meat instead of or alongside the butter. Reduce the amount of butter so that the butter and pan drippings combined equal no more than about 2 Tbsp (30 mL) of fat. Vegetable oil can also be used instead of butter, but it is a little less traditional. 2. **Whisk in the flour and seasonings.** Add the flour, salt, pepper, paprika, and garlic salt to the butter in the pan, quickly whisking the ingredients together into the butter until the mixture forms a smooth paste. The flour, salt, and pepper are necessary. The flour and butter combine to form a thickening agent known as a "roux," which is a vital component of the gravy. The salt and pepper are basic seasonings needed in order to provide the gravy with country-style flavor. The paprika and garlic salt are optional, however, and many basic country gravy recipes do not include them. The spices add a hint of extra flavor to the gravy without being too overpowering. 3. **Cook until lightly browned.** Cook the roux over medium heat for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent burning. If you want the gravy to remain whiter, do not let the roux brown. Only brown the roux if you want something slightly deeper in color and flavor. Do not cover the pan. 4. **Slowly whisk in the milk.** Add the milk a little at a time, whisking thoroughly the entire time so that lumps do not form. Adding too much milk at once will make it almost impossible to break down the lumps and create a smooth gravy. Only add about 1/4 cup (60 mL) at a time. Start with roughly 1 cup (250 mL) of milk. If you do not like how thick the gravy is, add up to an additional 1 cup (250 mL) to thin it out. 5. **Cook until thickened.** Continue cooking the gravy, stirring frequently, until it bubbles and thickens. This should take another minute or two. Again, note that more milk can be added if you prefer a thinner gravy. 6. **Serve warm.** Remove the thickened gravy from the heat and serve immediately. 7. **Heat the oil in a small saucepan.** Pour the oil into a small to medium saucepan and heat over medium heat. Give the oil a few minutes to heat before adding any other ingredients. It needs to be sufficiently warm, yet not quite smoking. Any standard cooking oil will work, including vegetable oil, canola oil, or olive oil. You could also use margarine or butter, if desired. Skipping the butter and using oil makes this recipe vegan as well as gluten-free. 8. **Stir in the rice flour.** Sprinkle the rice flour into the hot oil, stirring it in until smooth. Rice flour and oil will form a roux, much like wheat flour and butter do. You can use either sweet or regular rice flour. Both are gluten-free. 9. **Cook until lightly browned.** Stir the rice flour roux constantly for two minutes or so. You do not have to let the flour brown, but doing so will lend a nutty flavor to the country gravy. Do not let the flour burn. 10. **Whisk in most of the soy milk.** Gradually pour the soy milk into the roux, whisking constantly so that lumps do not form. Add the soy milk a little at a time. Pour 1/4 cup (60 mL) or so into the pan, whisk well, and repeat until 2 cups (500 mL) has been used. Bring the mixture to a light boil or simmer. You may need to increase the heat of the eye in order to do so, but do not increase it past medium-high. 11. **Add the seasonings and remaining soy milk.** Sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and the remaining soy milk. Keep whisking until it reaches your desired thickness. If the country gravy seems a little too thin, continue heating it at a light simmer. The liquid will gradually reduce, making the gravy thicker. If you suspect that the gravy is getting too thin as you add the soy milk, you do not need to add the full remaining 1 cup (250 mL). 12. **Serve warm.** Remove the country grave from the heat and use while still fresh and warm. 13. **Add sausage or bacon.** Pork sausage and bacon are both fairly common to country-style gravy, but they are not necessarily a standard ingredient. Crumble roughly 1/8 lb (60 g) of sausage into the pan for every 2 cups (500 mL) country gravy you plan to prepare. Crumble 4 to 6 slices of bacon into the gravy for every 2 cups (500 mL) of country gravy. Cook the sausage or bacon first and set aside. Use the fat from the meat to help form the roux for your gravy. 14. **Make hamburger-style gravy.** Cook about 1/4 lb (115 g) ground beef for every 2 cups (500 mL) of gravy you plan to prepare. Cook the hamburger first. Make sure that the beef is fully browned and fully cooked before removing it from the pan. Add about 2 Tbsp (30 mL) of the rendered fat back into the pan to serve as the fat base for your roux. Add the flour, seasonings, and milk according to standard recipe instructions. Stir the cooked, crumbled ground beef back into the country gravy just before serving. 15. **Vary the seasonings.** Different seasonings can give your country gravy a slightly different taste. For a kick of heat, try adding 1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) ground cayenne pepper, 1 tsp (5 mL) chili powder, or 1/4 tsp (1.25 mL) ground white pepper per 2 cups (500 mL) of gravy. For a warmer taste, add 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg, ground cloves, or ground allspice to 2 cups (500 mL) of country gravy. For a more savory taste, add 1 Tbsp (15 mL) fresh herbs like cilantro, oregano, or parsley. 16. **Sprinkle in a little cheese.** Stirring in grated or shredded cheese can turn country gravy into something that can satisfy any cheese-lover at your table. Add about 1/2 cup (125 mL) grated or shredded cheese per 1 cup (250 mL) sauce. Stir the cheese in at the end, just before serving. Stir until the cheese melts completely. Try cheddar, mozzarella, or your favorite type of cheese. 17. **Add onions and mushrooms.** Onions and mushrooms can add a gourmet touch to a standard country gravy. Sauté 1 cup (250 mL) sliced mushrooms and 2 Tbsp (60 mL) chopped onion in butter or oil. Prepare 2 cups (500 mL) of country gravy in the same skillet or saucepan without removing the mushrooms and onions. 18. **Enjoy!**
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Be a Good Wide Receiver
To be the best wide receiver on your (American) football team, you have to be fast and be able to catch well. Receiver is what they call a "skill position," and there's some glory that comes with it, but you have to be pretty tough to withstand the physical abuse that accompanies the position, too. That means you really have to want to play wide receiver. It's a tough job -- even a little dangerous! -- and it requires a lot of work. Here are some suggestions for improving your chances of success. 1. **Learn about the different wide-receiver positions.** Split end. A receiver on the line of scrimmage split one or more steps outside the tackle. The receiver has to be fast and strong enough to break through a jamming opponent at the line and quickly get open for a pass. Flanker. A receiver behind the line of scrimmage split one or more steps outside the tackle. He has to break through and past opponents at the line The flanker is on the same side as the tight end, lined up just like a split end but a step or two behind the line. Slot back. He lines up in the backfield between the split end and the tackle. 2. **Watch professional wide receivers.** Learn from the pros. Watch how they move and interact with the ball so you can emulate what works for them. 3. **Create a workout routine.** To be a wide receiver you must be fast and agile. Strength is not usually as important but comes in handy when an opponent tries to tackle you. 4. **Work on speed and agility.** For example, do several 20-yard dashes in succession. Increase your distance to 25 or 30 yards (22.9 or 27.4 m) for several repetitions. You need to be able to run hard many times with only short breaks in between. The faster you move, the more likely it is you'll be able to evade the defense. 5. **Work on stamina.** Take jogs and maintain a breathing pattern to prevent cramps. 6. **Run routes:** the slant, hitch, curl, hook, and post. Your coach or a teammate can demonstrate each to you. 7. **Practice catching on the routes.** As a receiver you'll be catching the ball a lot, so practice catching as much as you can. A simple game of catch is good, but try to hook up with a good passer who can help you run routes and take good passes. A good passer will lead you with the ball (that is, he'll throw to where you will be, not to where you are.) Develop "soft" hands. In other words, provide a "cushion" for the ball as it arrives. You don't want the ball to bounce off your hands. Look at the ball until it's safely in your hands. Looking for an opponent before you have full possession of the ball often results in an incomplete pass. 8. **Keep at it.** Practice every day. If you slack off, it's easy to lose your competitive edge. 9. **Learn trick plays.** Also known as "fakes," these are designed to fool the opponent. Wide receivers are sometimes called on to appear to run a particular play but then suddenly run something else. In other words, you're called upon to be a good "actor."
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Add Your Work Email to Your iPhone
This wikiHow teaches you how to add a work email address to your iPhone's Mail app. 1. **Open your iPhone's Settings.** Tap the Settings app icon, which resembles a grey box with gears on it. 2. **Scroll down and tap Accounts & Passwords.** It's roughly a third of the way down the "Settings" page. You'll find it next to a white key-shaped icon. 3. **Tap Add Account.** It's at the bottom of the "ACCOUNTS" section. 4. **Tap Exchange.** It's near the top of the account options. Exchange is one of the most common enterprise email servers, so chances are your business uses Exchange if you aren't sure. You won't be able to tell if you use Exchange by looking at your email address; if you're not sure whether you use Exchange, ask your business' IT department. 5. **Enter your email address.** Tap the "Email" text box, then type in the email address for the account you want to add to your iPhone. You can also enter a description that will be used to label the account's inbox in Mail by tapping the "Description" text box and entering a description. Take note of the "Exchange Device ID" jumble of characters that's displayed on the screen in the event that your employer's email administrator requires it. 6. **Tap Next.** It's in the upper-right corner of the screen. If prompted, tap before proceeding. 7. **Enter your password.** Tap the "Password" text box, then type in the password associated with your email address. 8. **Tap Next.** It's in the upper-right corner of the screen. 9. **Follow any onscreen prompts.** Depending on your Exchange account type, you may be asked to update security settings or to give the Mail app permission to access your account. If asked to give Mail permission, tap when prompted. 10. **Tap the white "Mail" switch .** It's at the top of the menu. Tapping it will turn the switch green , indicating that your Exchange email address has been added to your iPhone's Mail app. Slide other types of data, like Calendars and Contacts, to the "On" (green) position to merge them onto your iPhone, as well. 11. **Tap Save.** It's in the upper-right corner of the screen. Now you can send emails from your account using your iPhone's Mail app. You can find the inbox for this account on the "Mailboxes" screen. 12. **Know which services you can use.** Your iPhone has preset options for iCloud, Google, Yahoo, AOL, and Microsoft Outlook. If you want to add an account from one of these services to your iPhone's Mail app, proceed. If you want to add a different email service, you'll need to skip to the next method. 13. **Open your iPhone's Settings.** Tap the Settings app icon, which resembles a grey box with gears on it. 14. **Scroll down and tap Accounts & Passwords.** It's roughly a third of the way down the "Settings" page. You'll find it next to a white key-shaped icon. 15. **Tap Add Account.** It's at the bottom of the "ACCOUNTS" section. 16. **Select an account type.** Tap one of the account options (e.g., ) on the "Add Account" page. Doing so opens the sign-in page for your selected service. 17. **Enter your email address and password.** Tap the "Email" text box and type in your email address, then tap the "Password" text box and type in your email account's password. Your selected service may require you to enter your email address, tap , and then enter your password. 18. **Follow any on-screen instructions.** Depending on your selected email service, the setup process will vary slightly. Once you arrive at the page that has a list of features and switches and a option in the top-right corner, you can proceed. 19. **Tap the white "Mail" switch .** It will turn green , signifying that your iPhone's Mail app will now be able to send and receive emails from your selected account. 20. **Tap Save.** It's in the top-right corner of the screen. This will save your changes and take you back to the "Accounts & Passwords" page. You can find the inbox for your account on the "Mailboxes" screen. 21. **Obtain your email service's information.** When setting up a custom email service on your iPhone, you'll need to enter some information that you probably don't know off the top of your head. You can consult your business' IT department to find the following information: Mail server type (IMAP or POP) Incoming mail host name and user name Outgoing mail host name Many IT departments have specific instructions for adding email accounts to an iPhone. 22. **Open your iPhone's Settings.** Tap the Settings app icon, which resembles a grey box with gears on it. 23. **Scroll down and tap Accounts & Passwords.** It's roughly a third of the way down the "Settings" page. You'll find it next to a white key-shaped icon. 24. **Tap Add Account.** It's at the bottom of the "ACCOUNTS" section. 25. **Tap Other.** It's at the bottom of the account options. 26. **Tap Add Mail Account.** It's at the top of the screen, under "MAIL". 27. **Enter your name.** Tap the "Name" text box, then type in your name as you want it displayed on outgoing messages. 28. **Enter your email address.** Tap the "Email" text box, then type in the email address for the account you want to add to your iPhone. 29. **Enter your password.** Tap the "Password" text box, then type in the password associated with your email address. You can also enter a description that will be used to label the account's inbox in Mail. 30. **Tap Next.** It's In the upper-right corner of the screen. 31. **Choose the type of mail server.** Tap either the tab or the tab at the top of the screen. Again, if you don't know the information that is needed to fill in the fields on this screen, you should be able to obtain it from your employer's email administrator. 32. **Enter a Host Name.** Type it in the labeled field in the "INCOMING MAIL SERVER" section. 33. **Enter a User Name.** This is typically the portion of the email address that comes before the "@" symbol. 34. **Enter a Host Name.** Type it in the labeled field in the "OUTGOING MAIL SERVER" section. Enter your User Name and Password in this section as well if your email administrator requires it. 35. **Tap Next.** It's in the top-right corner of the screen. 36. **Enable Mail.** Tap the white "Mail" switch to turn the switch green. This signifies that your custom email address has been added to the Mail app. 37. **Tap Save.** It's in the upper-right corner of the screen. Now you can send emails from your account using your iPhone's Mail app. You can find the inbox for this account on the "Mailboxes" screen.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
Leo Sexual Compatibility: Most & Least Compatible Signs
It's no wonder that Leo, the zodiac's fiery lion, is ruled by the Sun: this sign radiates pride, beauty, confidence, and power. Affectionate Leo needs to be pampered and adored in the bedroom—but which signs are up to the task? We've ranked all the zodiac signs from most to least sexually compatible, so read on to find Leo's perfect match! 1. **Sparks fly instantly between Leo and Aries.** Their sexual preferences line up almost perfectly; they're both energetic, bold, and adventurous in the bedroom. Leo and Aries can have the most fun when they're together because Aries is direct and non-judgemental, so Leo will feel totally free to be themselves. They both want sex to be passionate and fun, and together they'll get what they want. Zodiac signs form different aspects with each other on the zodiac wheel chart, which can predict their compatibility. Leo and Aries form a trine aspect, so they're 4 signs apart on the zodiac—and a naturally strong match. 2. **Intimacy always feels exciting between Aquarius and Leo.** Aquarius is so cerebral that they need a partner who will prioritize getting physical, and Leo—a sign that speaks to the body—can do exactly that. Aquarius's willingness to think outside the box will blend well with Leo's passion and creativity in the bedroom. Aquarius and Leo are opposites on the zodiac wheel, or 6 signs apart. That means there's a powerful attraction between them, although they may also have some tension. Leo tends to love roleplay, and Aquarius is a great partner for Leo to experiment with. Aquarius's liberated attitude will appeal to Leo's fearless nature, so they'll have tons of chemistry. 3. **Gemini and Leo will never run out of fun ideas in the bedroom.** Leo is friendly, generous, and extremely affectionate, which Gemini will love! Gemini is clever and charming, which Leo will find irresistible. Gemini can use their smooth-talking skills to woo Leo in the bedroom, and Leo's creativity will ensure that curious Gemini never gets bored. Leo and Gemini are a sextile aspect, so they're 2 signs apart on the zodiac wheel and can quickly form an easy, comfortable connection. A Gemini partner is uniquely qualified to stroke Leo's ego with their evolved conversation skills. When Leo feels appreciated, they're the most loyal and passionate sexual partners! 4. **Few signs match Leo's passion as well as Sagittarius can.** They both have vibrant, playful energy; Leo makes the sex feel intense and thrilling, while Sagittarius fires up their shared sex life by coming up with new things to try and places to be intimate. Leo may need more romance than Sagittarius is used to in the bedroom, but easygoing Sagittarius is happy to adjust sometimes. Sagittarius and Leo are 4 signs apart on the zodiac and form a trine, so they have red-hot sexual compatibility with one another. If Leo goes all out in the bedroom (which they're usually inclined to do anyway), they can make sure Sagittarius keeps coming back for more. 5. **Libra and Leo both live for romance and drama during intimacy.** This pair will pull out all the stops: wine, flowers, candles, and more. Libra's passive energy may put Leo off at first, but once they start getting close, Leo can discover the true warmth and passion of a Libra native. Underneath their detached exterior, Libra is an energetic lover who will love Leo's naturally affectionate nature. Leo and Libra are also sextile signs, so they'll feel a strong and immediate connection to one another. Libra is also ruled by Venus, the planet of love and pleasure. This sign loves to flirt, and Leo is a natural flirt too. Leo will eagerly match Libra's energy and quickly turn up the heat between them. 6. **Two Leos may appreciate each other but get competitive in the bedroom.** Because two Leos will generally have the same standards and expectations of their sex life, they'll be able to fulfill one another's needs very well. However, Leo can also be a little selfish during intimacy and wants to be the center of attention—so two Leos might get into a power struggle at times. Two Leos form a conjunct, meaning they're the same sign. In astrology, a conjunct can be good for compatibility, as matching signs will create a powerful bond with one another. Leo partners can enjoy a satisfying sex life if they learn to share the spotlight and give one another the royal treatment they deserve. 7. **Leo and Taurus have sexual chemistry despite their different values.** Taurus wants comfort and stability while Leo wants excitement, leading to some clashes in their intimacy. However, Taurus is ruled by Venus, so this sign has a huge soft spot for all the affection that Leo can give them. They also share a love of the finer things that can make intimacy between these signs feel sensual and luxurious. Leo and Taurus are 3 signs apart on the zodiac wheel, forming a square angle. In astrology, this means there may be tension between the two signs. Slow-moving Taurus often matches best with a partner whose drive and passion can keep the relationship moving. Leo is ideally suited to do just that! Leo and Taurus are incredibly stubborn, which can backfire in the bedroom. Leo wants to be in charge, but Taurus refuses to be bossed around. This couple will need to compromise to find stability! 8. **Virgo's primal side blends well with Leo's sexual preferences.** Virgo is usually more cautious and reserved than passionate Leo but can come out of their shell in the bedroom. Virgo is also supportive and loves to be of service, which is appealing to Leo. Though Virgo can nitpick, Leo's impeccable grooming and hygiene will turn Virgo on and appease their inner perfectionist. Leo and Virgo are semisextile, or 1 sign apart on the zodiac wheel. Semisextile signs in astrology tend to have very different qualities, leading to friction between them. Leo may not recognize Virgo's desire for emotional support during intimacy and may have to adjust their style to make Virgo more comfortable. Leo should listen to Virgo's needs and make them feel heard. 9. **Scorpio and Leo can have an explosive sex life—intense but volatile.** While Scorpio has enough sexual passion to match Leo, they have emotional differences that can cause friction. Leo wants to be pampered during intimacy, while Scorpio's wild side makes them a little rough for Leo's taste. At the same time, Leo and Scorpio might be more attracted to one another because of their differences. Leo and Scorpio are 3 signs apart on the zodiac wheel, forming a square aspect. This suggests they may be prone to power struggles during intimacy. Scorpio and Leo are both fixed signs, which works well for them in the bedroom. They're driven and like to finish what they start, so they'll put their best effort into intimacy. 10. **Cancer and Leo don't have much raw chemistry, but they can find harmony.** Cancer is loving and considerate but doesn't have the adventurous spirit in the bedroom that Leo tends to admire. However, Leo can help Cancer try new things and explore their sexual side a little more, while Cancer can use their nurturing and attentive nature to make Leo feel adored during intimacy. Cancer and Leo are next to each other on the zodiac and, therefore, semisextile. They won't have much in common, which leads to tension between them. Though they show emotions differently, both Leo and Cancer want sex to be an emotional experience. Their intimacy will be intensely satisfying if Leo is sensitive to Cancer's feelings and if Cancer lets Leo take the lead and be creative. 11. **Leo and Pisces may struggle to understand each other.** Both signs love romance, but Pisces may have expectations that Leo finds unrealistic, while Leo's directness can cause an elusive Pisces to retreat. However, sex between a Leo and Pisces can also be sensual and passionate; both have strong imaginations and love to indulge in roleplay. Leo and Pisces form a quincunx aspect, meaning they're 5 signs apart on the zodiac. This awkward aspect predicts discord between the two signs, although they can work together if they both make adjustments. To have a fulfilling sex life, Leo and Pisces may actually need to put off intimacy for a while and work on building emotional trust first. Once they're comfortable with one another, they can have the physical closeness that they crave. 12. **Capricorn and Leo must work hard to have a happy sex life.** Leo is warm and enthusiastic, whereas Capricorn is practical, and they'll have trouble overcoming their perceived differences. Even though they're loving at heart, Capricorn may not give Leo the constant attention they crave. Still, Leo can appreciate Capricorn's endurance in bed, and Capricorn will enjoy being on the receiving end of Leo's adoration. Leo and Capricorn are also a quincunx aspect, or 5 signs apart on the zodiac. They may find it difficult to be together, but they can also learn a lot from one another if they persevere. The best thing Leo can do is stick around long enough to see past Capricorn's tight-laced persona. It's easy to assume this sign would be boring in bed, but Capricorn can be adventurous and energetic!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Become a Psychology Professor
Becoming a psychology professor takes a lot of hard work, but it's easier to achieve if you just take it step by step. Start by taking psychology classes in high school and then gaining a bachelor's degree. Next, you can work on a master's degree if your grades aren't quite good enough to get you into a PhD program right away. You'll need a master's to teach as an adjunct or a PhD to teach as a full professor. Then, work on gaining licensing and apply for your first positions. 1. **Take extra psychology classes in high school.** It never hurts to get a head start on your career in high school. Take any classes in psychology your school offers. If your school doesn't offer that many, ask a guidance counselor to take some co-currently at a local community college. 2. **Earn a bachelor's degree in psychology.** While it's not absolutely necessary to get your bachelor's in psychology, you should choose a degree in this field or a related one if you want to go on to be a professor. Related fields include sociology and other social sciences. Some programs offer allow you to complete your bachelor's degree and master's degree in a combine program that is shorter than if you did them separately. 3. **Apply to be a teaching assistant or research assistant.** It's good to get some experience as an undergraduate so you can know what you want to focus on later. These positions will help you decide what kind of teaching position you prefer, either a student-driven teaching position at a smaller university or a research-driven teaching position at a larger university. Often, you can get positions that will help you pay for your school. If not, you may want to volunteer anyway. In your junior year, talk to your professors to see if any of them is willing to take you on as a teaching or research assistant in your senior year. It can be helpful to ask a professor who you've gotten to know over the years. You might say, "I'd like to become more familiar with the actual teaching side of psychology. Would it be possible for me to volunteer as your assistant next year?" You can also work as an assistant if you continue on to a master's degree. 4. **Check the scores you need to enter your preferred psychology graduate programs.** Most graduate school programs require that you take the GRE, a standardized test that helps them weed out candidates. The test is divided into 3 parts: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing. Often, the scores you need to enter a program will be listed on the program's website. For instance, NYU recommends that your scores be in the top 50th percentile. Some tougher psychology programs may put more emphasis on the quantitative reasoning sections than other programs, depending on how research-focused the program is. Some programs won't even require the GRE, so you may be able to avoid it altogether. For instance, Stanford's PhD program doesn't require it. 5. **Sign up at a location near you to take the GRE.** Most major cities in the U.S. have a testing center, and you can take the computer test any time during the year. If you prefer to take a paper test, you must choose one of the paper dates, which only happens a few times a year. Keep in mind that testing slots are on a first come, first served basis. Make sure you allow 3-4 weeks to get your scores back before you need to submit them. You can find test centers near you at The fee to take the test in 2018 is $205 USD. 6. **Study for the GRE by using online resources and guidebooks.** You can take practice tests online to help you prepare for the GRE. You can also find any number of review books that will help you prepare for the test. Review books can help you brush up on less-used skills. For instance, if you haven't taken any math classes in awhile, you might want to spend some time working on your math skills. GRE prep classes or even a tutor can also help you review Make sure to focus on the sections you need to do best on to enter your preferred psychology programs! The GRE website offers free overviews, as well as a few low-cost options to help you prepare at It's a good idea to at least take a practice test ahead of time so you know what you're in for. 7. **Take the exam.** The verbal reasoning section will consist of 2 30-minute sections, each with 20 questions. The quantitative reasoning section is 2 35-minute sections of 20 questions each. In the analytical writing section, you'll have 2 30-minute sections with 1 question each. The verbal reasoning section is composed of reading comprehension, text completion, and sentence equivalence. These are multiple choice for the most part, but some reading comprehension questions may ask you to select an answer from the paragraph provided. The quantitative reasoning section covers algebra, basic math, geometry, and data analysis. These are mainly multiple choice, but some require that you enter your answer. You will be provided with a calculator. The analytical writing section is divided into an issue task and an argument task. In the issue task, you evaluate the issue and take a side. In the argument task, you must decide if a presented argument is logical and sound. At the exam, you can elect to send your scores to 4 schools. You get 4 free score reports. 8. **Wait for the scores.** Your scores will be mailed 10-15 days after you take the test. While verbal and quantitative reasoning are multiple choice and scored by a computer, the analytical writing section needs to be scored by a person. The scores will be given in the range of 130 to 170 for the verbal and quantitative reasoning sections in 1-point increments. For the analytical writing, your score will be from 1 to 6 in half-point increments. If you don't get as high as you would like, you can take the test again once every 21 days. You can only take it up to 5 times in a 1-year period. 9. **Apply for a master's degree program to teach as an adjunct.** To teach as a professor, you need at least a master's degree. That will allow you to teach at community colleges or as an adjunct professor at some larger universities. To decide on schools, find programs through your school or online. Look at programs with specialties that you're interested in to help you narrow down your choices. You can also use a master's degree to improve your chances of getting into a doctorate program. If your undergraduate grades aren't as good as you like, you can prove you're ready for graduate work at the doctoral level by doing a master's degree first and doing well. You do not necessarily need a master's degree to get into a doctoral program. 10. **Complete the required coursework.** Typically, you'll have 2 full years of coursework, including classes in research, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, and other divisions in the field. The school will give you a list of classes that you're required to take either on campus or online. Finish the degree with a thesis or capstone project. With a master's degree, you may be required to write a thesis, which is a lengthy essay on a topic you develop. You may also be asked to do either a capstone project or a capstone test. 11. **Consider an additional teaching certificate.** If you are just getting a master's degree, a teaching certificate in psychology can help prepare you better for the classroom. Typically, these are relatively short programs that can be completed in a year or so. Having a teaching certificate can also help give you an edge when it comes to applying for a job. 12. **Choose a PhD in Psychology in an area your passionate about.** A PhD, rather than a PsyD (Doctor of Psychology), focuses on research rather than the practice of psychology. It's better a better degree if you want to go into teaching. It's important to focus on the area you love, so that you can go on to teach that type of psychology. 13. **Pick a program from an APA-accredited school.** Once you decide what you field you want, use the website from the American Psychology Association (APA) to find an accredited program, if you want a degree in counseling psychology or clinical psychology. This agency is the main accrediting agency for doctoral programs in these 2 fields of psychology, and some places will not hire you without an accredited degree. Visit the website at 14. **Work on your PhD coursework.** You typically need to complete at least 60-80 credit hours of coursework in your field. How many hours and what courses depends on the specialty you're seeking, but the university will provide some guidance as to what you need to take. A PhD takes 5-7 years, depending on where you do it and whether or not you're going full time. 15. **Participate in teaching and research positions.** While you're completing your PhD, you'll likely be asked to work as a teaching assistant or research assistant. Typically, these positions are paid or provide money towards your tuition. Some programs also require that you perform a clinical rotation, where you work under a psychologist to provide services, much like a medical student does before becoming a doctor. 16. **Complete your PhD with a dissertation and oral defense.** Though you'll take some classes while working on your PhD, the main focus of your program will likely be your dissertation, a book-length essay. This dissertation will typically focus on research you've conducted or on a creative argument based on previous scholarship. In addition, you'll also likely need to defend your dissertation at the end of the program. A defense is where you go in front of a group of professors, and they ask you questions about your dissertation. You must get through the defense to pass the program. 17. **Apply to get a license if you want to present yourself as a psychologist.** You do not need a license to teach psychology. However, if you want provide counseling services or do research with people as subjects, you do need to get a license. You also need a license if you supervise students who are providing psychological services. Check your state's laws to see if you need a license for the position you're applying for. Use your state's application process to apply for licensing. Your state board will review your credentials to determine if you can be licensed according to your state's laws. Typically, a license requires a set number of clinical hours with clients, which you usually complete during your PhD. You will also need to complete your PhD from an accredited program, sometimes an APA-accredited program. 18. **Verify your account for the licensing exam, the EPPP.** This exam is used by every state, and it is produced by The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). When your state board sends you the first email approving your application for licensing, you have 90 days to verify your account with the ASPPB and begin the registration process for the exam. You may need to contact your board to let them know you are ready to take the test, as they are the ones who will upload your information and begin the process. Read the Candidate Acknowledgement Statement sent to you by the ASPPB after verification, which tells you important information you need to know about taking the exam. After you read it, you must submit the form saying you've read it. Then you gain access to practice tests. 19. **Complete the EPPP Application Form.** Find this form in your account on the ASPPB website. Once you fill out this form, you'll be sent an email about scheduling your exam. Set up an account with Pearson VUE, where you can schedule your exam and pay for it, as well as schedule and pay for practice exams. As of 2018, the exam costs $687.50 USD. There are testing centers in most cities where you can schedule and take the exam. Once you pay your fees, you must take the exam within 90 days. Use practice tests to prepare for your exam. Taking a practice test will give you an idea of what you need to know to pass the test. 20. **Pass the EPPP exam to obtain your license.** The exam covers 8 areas in 225 multiple-choice questions. Only 175 of these questions count against your final score. The exam takes about 4.5 hours. The 8 areas the exam covers are: Biological bases of behavior. Cognitive affective bases of behavior. Social and cultural bases of behavior. Growth and lifespan development. Assessment and diagnosis. Treatment, intervention, prevention, and supervision. Research methods and statistics. Ethical, legal, and professional issues. 21. **Wait for your official scores.** Once you take the test, you will receive unofficial scores at the test center. This score rarely changes, and your official score will be sent to the licensing board. Typically, you must make 450-500 to be considered "passing." A score of 450 is often for supervised clinical practice only. The score ranges are from 200 to 800. The licensing board will notify you if you are accepted for licensing. If you didn't pass, you can retake the exam, though when and how often is determined by your local licensing board. 22. **Check university websites and academic job search sites.** Most schools list jobs on their websites, so check frequently at universities and colleges you'd like to work at. Job search engines that focus specifically on academic jobs are also useful, as they help narrow the field for you. One commonly used academic job search engine you can try is 23. **Apply for positions that match your specialty.** You'll have a better chance of landing a position if you focus on jobs that match your background in psychology. For example, if you wrote your dissertation on educational psychology, look for positions that specifically ask for experience with this specialty. 24. **Tailor your cover letter for each job.** It's difficult to tailor your curriculum vitae for a position because, unlike a resume, it must list all of your academic and career experience. However, with your cover letter, you should highlight the most relevant experience as it relates to the position. Keep your cover letter under 2 pages for academic positions. Begin by introducing yourself and name the position you're applying for and how you heard about it. In the middle section, connect your experience and academic job with the requirements of the position by going point by point. Show why you're a good candidate for the job. Discuss what you can bring to the position and how it aligns with your career goals. End with a short summary of why you're a good candidate. Make sure to say you would like an interview for the position. 25. **Prepare for your interview by doing your research.** Look up information on the school and department ahead of time. Make sure you know the major players in the psychology department, as well as the main focuses of the department. In addition, be ready to talk about any major studies or research to come out of the department. Research the institution online, but also don't be afraid to reach out to your academic mentors to find out what they know about the school. 26. **Be ready to discuss your research and teaching style.** You'll need to talk about your own research and interests, why you're a good fit for the department, and your teaching philosophy. You will also likely be asked about what kinds of research you see yourself doing in the future. In many cases, you'll be asked to teach a sample class, which you will need to prepare ahead of time. Academic interviews tend to be grueling. You may meet with department professors, the department head, a hiring committee, and/or a dean or other administrators. You may have to give several interviews in addition to the class you teach.
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