Explain this joke Q: Why did the police arrest the turkey? A: They suspected it of foul play!
Explain this joke Q: Should you have your whole family for Thanksgiving dinner? A: No, you should just have the turkey!
Explanation: Another joke that plays with a double meaning. Imagine a conversation like this: “What did you have for dinner?” “I had soup and bread.” “To have _____ for dinner” is to eat whatever you put in that blank space. Yesterday I had turkey for dinner. I did not have my family, that is, I did not eat my family (thank goodness!). To “have your family for dinner” can also mean to invite them over to eat dinner with you. That is why the joke is funny. The listener is expecting advice on whether or not to invite the family over for dinner. The answer shows that the questioner had a different meaning in mind. It reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode, To Serve Man.
Explain this joke Q:Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? A:The outside!
Explanation:At first when you hear this joke, the expectation is that the answer will be the right side or the left side, perhaps the top, bottom, front or back. What the listener does not expect is the outside; that answer is too obvious. That is why the joke is funny! Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Explain this joke Q: What is the musical part of a turkey? A: The drumstick!
Explanation: “Drumstick” has two meanings: a drumstick is the piece of wood that a drummer uses to hit the drum and make music; a turkey leg, one that has been cooked and is ready to eat, is also called a drumstick. This joke plays on the double meaning of the word drumstick.
Explain this joke Q: Why did the bee get married? A: Because he found his honey!
Explanation: Sweetie, dear, my love, honey. These are all words/ phrases that a person might use for his or her significant other, for the love of your life. So, when you “find your honey” you find that person who means a lot to you. Then, you could marry that person.
Explain this joke Q: Why did the poor dog chase his own tail? A: He was trying to make ends meet!
Explanation: “To make ends meet” is an expression used when someone is working hard to earn enough money to pay the bills. The word “poor” in “poor dog” can be an expression of sympathy such as “you poor thing” or it can mean poor as in a person with little or no money.
Explain this joke Q: How did the music teacher get locked in the classroom? A: His keys were inside the piano!
Explanation: Well, the word “keys” in this joke has two meanings: 1) Keys are the white and black parts of the piano that your fingers touch when you play the piano; 2) Keys are the pieces of metal that you use to unlock doors. This joke is funny because piano keys are in the piano, they are part of the piano but if you leave the keys to your room in the piano then you cannot get into you room.
Explain this joke Q: Why are graveyards noisy? A: Because of all the coffin!
Explanation: A coffin is the box that dead people are buried in. Coughing is the body’s natural response when there is a tickle in the throat and you try to clear it- you cough. This joke is funny because it plays on the similar sound of “coffin” and “coughing.” In English, many people drop the final ‘g’ sound on words ending in ‘ing.’ That makes “coffin” and “coughing” sound even more alike.
Explain this joke Q: What do you get from a pampered cow? A: Spoiled milk.
Explanation: To be “pampered” is to be taken care of in a very nice way. Someone might go to the spa to have her nails done and get a massage and we could say, “She is being pampered.” If you are too pampered or if you expect someone to always take care of you we could call you spoiled. “Spoiled brat” is a common phrase is to refer to a child who gets mad because he doesn’t get what he wants.
Explain this joke Q: What do you call newborn bee? A: A ba-bee!
Explanation: Newborn is a word that refers to a baby who has recently come into the world, yes, a baby. A bee is an insect that gives us honey and pollinates plants. This joke plays on the word/ work part “Bee.” A baby or a ba-bee. Get it? A newborn bee is a baby or a ba-bee; both words sound the same. One joke a day from now til New Year’s Eve. That is my goal. Thank you for reading and writing to me!!
Explain this joke Q: What do racers eat? A: Fast food!
Explain this joke Q: What do you get when you cross a bear and a ghost? A: Winnie the boo!
Explain this joke Q: What’s green and sings? A:Elvis Parsley!
Explanation:This joke is a play on words- “parsley”, a leafy green used as food, sounds a lot like “Presley” the last name of the famous singer, Elvis Presley. Parsley, Presley, Parsley, Presley, Parsley, Presley- try saying that 10 times fast.
Explain this joke Q: What do you call a scared cow? A: A milk shake!
Explain this joke Q: When does a teacher carry birdseed? A: When there is a parrot-teacher conference!
Explain this joke Q: What letter is wet? A:The letter C !
Explanation:You see, the letter “c” sounds just like the word “sea” which is another word for the ocean. So, the “C” is wet. See!
Explain this joke Q: Why would a spider be a good baseball player? A: Because it is good at catching flies!
Explanation: Spiders catch flies in their webs; flies (fly- singular) are small insects with wings. When spiders build spiderwebs the flies get stuck in them and the spiders eat them. When a baseball player hits a baseball and it goes up in the air to the outfield we say, “the baseball player has hit a fly ball,” that is, the player hit the ball and it flew through the air. The outfielders, the players standing far away from the batter, are waiting to catch the fly balls that have been hit. An outfielder who is good at this is good at catching flies… just like a spider.
Explain this joke Q: Where do football players go before the big game? A: To the Toilet Bowl!
Explain this joke Q: What do elves learn in school? A: The elf-abet!
Explanation: One elf (singular), two elves (plural). Elves are mythological beings found in stories like The Hobbit or found at the north pole working for Santa Claus. The alphabet is learned by school children in all English speaking schools (and other languages too!). “Elf” sounds like “alf” or “alph,” the first part of the word alphabet. This joke is funny because it plays on the sounds in elf and alph.
Explain this joke Q: What do you call a wet fruit? A: A watermelon!
Explanation: “Wet” is something that is liquid or has liquid on or in it. For example, a towel gets wet when you use it to soak up water; the street gets wet when it rains. Water is wet because it is a liquid. A watermelon isn’t really wet on the outside (unless it has been rained on or washed) but it does have lots of liquid on the inside. So a wet fruit, is a watermelon. Mmmm! Soon it will be summer here in the north and the watermelon will start growing again. I can’t wait!
Explain this joke Q: Why do we put candles on top of a birthday cake? A: Because it’s too hard to put them on the bottom!
Explanation: Well, this is funny because the listener is expecting a real explanation that has to do with adding candles to a cake, perhaps even explaining why we have cake for birthdays. But that is not the answer that the listener hears. The answer is just an obviously funny one! Candles on the bottom of a cake!
Explain this joke Q: Why did John jump up and down before drinking his juice? A: The box said, “Shake well before drinking!”
Explanation: Johnny was sooooooo confused! When the box says, “Shake well before drinking” it is talking about the box, not the boy who is drinking the juice! Shake the box, Johnny!
Explain this joke Q: What kind of balls don’t bounce? A:Eye balls!
Explanation:Bounce is the way a ball goes up and down when thrown to the floor. Tennis balls bounce. Basketballs bounce. Eyeballs… don’t bounce. It would hurt too much if they did! My break is over… more jokes to come.
Explain this joke Q: Who keeps the ocean clean? A:The mermaid!
Explanation:A mermaid is a mythological creature who is part woman, part fish. A “maid” is a person who cleans a house or a hotel. This joke plays on the meaning of the word “maid.” Does a mer-maid do windows?
Explain this joke Q: How did the farmer mend his pants? A: With cabbage patches!
Explain this joke Q: Why was the king only a foot tall? A: Because he was a ruler!
Explain this joke Q: Why did the lettuce win the race? A:He was a head!
Explanation:Lettuce is a green, leafy vegetable like in the picture. When you buy lettuce you buy “a head” of lettuce. The person who wins a race finishes first, that is, the person is ahead of the other. This joke plays on the difference between “ahead” and “a head.”
Explain this joke Q: What did the mommy rope say to the baby rope? A: “Don’t be knotty!”
Explain this joke Q: What is a whale’s favorite game? A: Swallow the leader!
Explain this joke Q: How is a baseball team similar to a pancake? A: They both need a good batter!
Explain this joke Q: What goes up and down but does not move? A: Stairs!
Explanation: You walk up the stairs and down the stairs. We say “the stairs go up to the next floor” or “the stairs go down to the basement.” That is, the stairs “go” but they do not move! Ha!
Explain this joke Q: Why do bicycles fall over? A: Because they are two-tired!
Explanation: Bicycles have two tires, that is, they have two wheels. If a car is four-tired (has 4 tires) then you could say a bike is two-tired (has two tires), although no one would actually say that- except in a joke. This joke plays on the words “too tired.” If you are very tired, too tired, you have no energy. Maybe you would fall over like the two-tired (too tired) bike!
Explain this joke Q: What language does a billboard speak? A: Sign language!
Explanation: A billboard is one of those really big advertisements found along roads and on top of buildings; a billboard is a type of sign. This joke plays on the word “sign” which can mean a public, printed announcement that is usually large (like a street sign, a stop sign, a road sign, the name of a store on its facade, …) or it can be the first part of “sign language.” Sign language is a language used by hearing impaired people to communicate. So a billboard (a sign) speaks sign language because it is a sign!
Explain this joke Q: What would we get if we threw all the books in the ocean? A: A title wave!
Explanation: A tidal wave is produced by the daily tides, which are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun (officially, it is not a tsunami). Books have titles. The words “title wave” sound very much like “tidal wave.” Read all about it!
Explain this joke Q: What do you call a sleeping bull? A: A bull-dozer.
Explain this joke Q: How do you make a hot dog stand? A: Take away its chair!
Explanation:You know what a hot dog is, right? A “hot dog stand” is a small place that sells hot dogs (see picture). This joke plays on the word stand which is also the opposite of sit. If you take away someone’s chair that person has to stand… just like the hot dog in this joke!
Explain this joke Q: What do you call a fish with no eye? A: Fsh!
Explanation:When you hear this joke you are thinking about a fish with no eye, perhaps a blind fish. What makes this joke funny is that the answer is the sound “fsh” because there is no longer an “i” in the word fish. Ha!!
Explain this joke Q: Why did the girl spread peanut butter on the road? A: To go with the traffic jam!
Explain this joke Q: What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? A: Nacho cheese!
Explain this joke Q: Where do generals keep their armies? A: In their sleevies!
Explain this joke Q: Why did the invisible man turn down a job offer? A: He just couldn’t see himself doing it!
Explain this joke Q: Why did the computer keep sneezing? A: It had a virus!
Explain this joke Q: What do you get when you plant kisses? A: Two lips.
Explain this joke A roundhog What’s green, has four legs, and jumps out of its hole on February 2?
The ground frog! What would you get if you crossed February 2 with a puppy? Ground-dog Day! Explanation: All three of these jokes play with sounds: “roundhog” sounds like groundhog; “ground frog” sounds like groundhog; “ground- Dog” sounds like groundhog. And a puppy is a baby dog.
Explain this joke Q: What’s a tornado’s favorite game? A: Twister!
Explain this joke Q: The turtle took two chocolates to Texas to teach Thomas to tie his boots. How many Ts in that? A: There are 2 Ts in “That“!
Explain this joke Q: Why did the music teacher need a ladder? A: To reach the high notes.
Explain this joke Q: What gets wetter the more it dries? A: A towel!
Explain this joke Q: Why did Cinderella get kicked off the soccer team? A: Because she ran away from the ball!
Explain this joke Q: What did the 0 say to the 8? A: Nice belt!
Explanation: The number zero sees an eight and thinks it is just like me, a zero, so it must have a belt. Numbers thinking crazy thoughts! That’s funny! HIlarious my children loved it and they laughed SO HARD!!!! dis is a stupid joke. i still don’t get it. Me parece una absoluta tontería, carece de todo sentido matemático, no veo la relación del cero y el ocho , que el ocho ¿puede ser dos ceros unidos,? si, pero lo del cinturón es puro desvarío mental.
Explain this joke Q: Why was 6 afraid of 7? A: Because 7, 8, 9!
Explanation:If you read the numbers is sounds like seven-eight (ate)-nine. And if I were 6, I, too, would be afraid of seven if it is eating other numbers, such as nine! Seven ate the nine!
Explain this joke Q: Why did the child study in the airplane? A: He wanted a higher education!
Explanation:Higher education: that means studies beyond high school such as going to the university. Higher education does not refer to altitude, like studying while high in the sky; that’s why it’s funny.
Explain this joke Q. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? A. Frostbite.
Explain this joke Q. What did the grape do when it got stepped on? A. It let out a little wine!
Explain this joke Q. Why don’t skeletons fight each other? A. They don’t have the guts.
Explain this joke Q: What did the water say to the boat? A: Nothing, it just waved.
Explain this joke Q. Why do sea-gulls fly over the sea? A. Because if they flew over the bay they would be bagels!
Explanation:This joke plays on the words seagull (a bird) and bagel (a round bread shaped like a donut). There is no such thing as a bay gull but there is a bagel and both sound the same- that’s why it is funny!
Explain this joke Q: What is black and white and red all over? A: A newspaper!
Explain this joke Q: Why was the broom late? A: It over swept!
Explain this joke Q: How does a Snowman get to work? A: By icicle.
Explain this joke Q: Where does a snowman keep his money? A: In a snow bank.
Explanation: This joke plays on the word “bank”. A bank is a place where people keep their money; a snowbank is a pile of snow (which is not a good place to keep money!). Snowbank - - Bank
Explain this joke Cathy from Minnesota offers this joke… Knock, knock
Who’s there? Turnip Turnip, who? Turnip the heat, it’s cold in here!
Explain this joke Q.What runs around a soccer field but doesn’t move? A:A fence
Explanation: This joke plays on the word “runs”: A person runs; a fence runs around, that is, goes around, an area like a soccer field.
Explain this joke Q:Why did the chicken cross the road? A:To get to the other side.
Explanation:The answer to this joke (“To get to the other side”) is so obvious, something everyone knows, that it is funny because it is silly, perhaps even stupid. Why else would you cross a road except to get to the other side?